Jan - JunMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 3,1952 - Page 1 John F. Hendon, 38, Dies In Sleep John Franklin Hendon, 36, passed away in his sleep early Tuesday morning at his home on Wilkesboro St. Death was attrib uted to n heart attack. A native of Gadsden. Ala., he was the-aon of Mrs. Eugene E. Ewing and the late Walter L. Hendon of Gadsden. In June 1940 he married Miss Sadie Hall Wood ruff of Mocksville, who survives. He. was educated at the Ala bama Polytechnic Institute of AUbtffh.'Hc'o'wricd'ond opcraVcd the Purina Feed Store in Sclma, Alabama, until four years ago when he sulVcred a stroke of par alysis which brought about his retirement from the business field. Last June he moved his fam ily to Mocksville. Survivors include his wife, a daughter, Sndlc Woodruff, and a son, John Franklin, Jr., all of the home; his mother, Mrs. Ew ing of Gadsden, Ala.; two sisters, ^frs. H. B. -XVoodward of Hisca- loose, Ala., and Mrs. Jim Battles of Gasdcn, Ala.; and grandmother, Mrs. C. C. Dunn of Gadsden, Ala. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, Mocksville. Funorol services were held at the First Presbyterian Church here at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday. The Rev. Paul Richards officiated. In terment was in Joppa Cemetery. Pallbearers were: J. Lee Dwtgg- ings, R. D. Cherryholm, SazAord Woodruff, Tom Bailey Woodruff, Charles Dunn, Paul Blaekwolder. The Business Woman's Circle of the First Presbyterian Church served aa flower girls. Bio - Obituaries - 1/3/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 3,1952 - Page 1 Mrs. Lee Craven, 62, Dies At Home Monday Mrs. Darcus O'DclIa Allen Cra* ven, 62. died at her home on SaU isfaury Street here at 0:39 Monday. A native of Davie County, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. A'icn. She was married Feb. 14, 1960, to George Lee Cra ven. Sho was .1 maaabw First Methodist Church. ^ -SurviviNg are ' 10 ' children, Leary, C. C., and Floyd Craven, all of Mocksville, George C. Cra ven of Comdcn, S. C., W. G. Cra ven ot Newton, Iowa, and M/Sgt. Clurcnco E. Craven of the U. S. Air Force, Athens, Greene; three doughters, Mrs. Frank Short of Mocksville, Mrs. W. H. Epper son of Dallas, N. C. and Mrs. C. R. Thompson of Washington, D. C.; two brothers, M. K. Allen of Mocksville, Route 3, and Floyd Allen of MarshatUown, Iowa; three sisters, Mrs, Will Allen of Mocksville, Route 3, Mrs. Henry Sofley of Cana, Route 1, and Mrs. Frunk E. BTRlic of Marsholliown, Iowa; and 13 grandchildren. Funerati services will be held Thursday ot the First Methodist Church. The body will lie in state from 1:30 until the funeral at 2 p.m. Rev. A. J. Cox, Rev. E. W, Turner and Rev. J. S. Hiatt will officiate. Interment will be in Rose Cemetery. Pallbearers will be: S. S. Short, P. J. Johnson, S. M. Call, Marvin Waters, J. W. Rodwell and Ed McClamrock. Bio — Obituaries — 1/3/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 3,1952 - Page 9 MRS. SMITH DIES AT 80 Mrs. Ninncr Ann Smith, 00, died at 1:45 p.m. Dec. 19 <<1 her home in Smith Grove commun* Ity, Mocksville, Route 3 She had been in declining health for a year and seriously ill for two months. Her husband, Bat Andctsoii Smith, died Sept. 26 of this year. A native and lifc-tong resident of the Smith Grove Community, Mrs Smith was the daughter ot Shndrlck and Noney Doaiiehamp Foster. ?^nera| services were held at 2 p.m. Friday at Beihiolicm Moth- edisl Church, with the Rev. Ceo. J. Bruner and the Ucv. Bruce Roberts officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Polibenrcrs were Hugh Allen, W. n. Foster, C J. Foatcr, Crolg Hanes. Howard Hnncs nml Ray Hnnes. Surviving are a brolhet, Charlie Foster, a hnri-brothci*. G. C. Hancs of Mocksville, Konic 3; and several nieces and nephews. C. L. Kimmcr, 75, Passes December 21 diaries Luther Kimmcr, It*, retired fanner of thu Liberty Methodist Church community, died after a short illness about 5 a.m. Friday, Dec. 21, nt nis home. Mr. Kimmcr was born in Wilkcs County Jan. 9, 1376, and was a son of David and Ellen Sporks Kimmcr. He moved to Davic County during his early childr'iKud. He married Miss Susan Ever- hart on Christmas 1901. Sl'.e sue- vlvcs. Other survivors include three daug):ters, Mrs. G. H. Tuttcrow, Mrs. Veatol Myers and Mrs. Carl Jarvis, all of Mocksville. Routt 4: three sens, Luthvr, Robert acd Jamsi K'nimcr, all of Mocksville, Route 1, a brother, Ed Kinimer, Spencer; a sister, Mrs. Will Wrights. Advance. Route I; nine and nephews. | Funeral services were held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Liberty Methodist Church. The Rev. G. W. Fink nnd the Rev. Clarence Jenkins werb in charge. I Nephews served at pallbearers, and burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 1/3/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 9,1952 - Page 4 j I F Henim I Funeral aervices for John Frank* lln Hendon, 36, wore held ot the Rrst Prcabvwrlan Church In this citv at 400 p. m. lost Wednesday, wkh Rev. Paul Richards ofHciao Inff, and the body laid to rest in Joppa cemetery.. Mr. Hendon died in his sleep on Monday night nt his home on Wilkcsboro street. He had been an invalid since sutfering a stroke five years ago. Bom In Iron City, Ala., Ala., he spent his early childhood in Gads, den, Ala., and for 14 years operac* ed a.feed store In'Selmni Ala. On June 14,1940, Mr. Hendon married, the form'cr Sadie Hall Woodruff, of Mocksvllle, and they moved to Davie. County last June. Surviving a c his wife, two chlb drcn, Sadie Hendon, and John Franklin Hendon, Jr.; hl§ mother, Mw'. E C.EwIn8ttwo slaters, Mrs. H. B. Woodwardi of Tuscatoosa, Ala., and Mrs. Jim Battle, of Gads* den, Ala. i H'. K. Long W. K. Long, 64, was found dead near his barn in Kannapolis, on Dec. ISch. Mr. Long was a no' tive of Davie County, a son of the lace Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Long, of Oak Grove. The body was* laid CO rest in Carolina Memorial Park, Kannapolis, on. Dec. 17ch. His wife Is the former Miss Dora Mc- Clamrock, sister of C. L. McClam* ruck, of Route 3. Three sons survive. Mrs. Wm. Cartner Mrs. William M. Cnrcner, 55, died at her home near Davie A* ' cadcmy; Friday evening, following a tons illness. Surviving are the husband, two sons, William, of Route 4, and Samuel Cartn r, cf Niwland; o/o daughter, Mrs. Ceurg- Hill, ot Hickorv; her inotlicr, Mrs. W. C. Willson, Route 4: fi ve brothers, RIkc Wlllson, Route 4} W. B. . Wiileon, Cooleeineej lumes and Clini; Wills >n, Rourc 4; Wood. n row WilUun, of Mocksvllle; five sisters, Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. Buck Scaford and Mrs. Hvcrctte Brown, and Miss Edrle Willson; all of Route 4; Mrs. Flake Thom* as. Harmony, R. 1, and a number of grandchildren. .punerai services were held at 2 p^iinh Sunday at the home, with Therus-Pritchard officiating, and fhe.bodv-jaid to rest In Jtricho Church'of Christ cemetery. n The'Record cntcnds hoartfelc sympathy'co the bereaved familylo.Ali.hour.ofsad Clyde P. Shaw Clyde P. Shaw, 38, textile work er of Mocksvillc, Route 4. dk^ Pridav morning In Rowan Memo rial Hospital; of injuries received when he was struck by a car in I Coolecmee two weeks ago. | Mr* Shaw's wife, the formerj 'Miss'Mabc! Bullabaugh, died nine years ago. Surviving are five cltild* ^ ten, his'mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes, of Mocksville. Route 4, and six half sisters. ^ 'I Funeral services were held at 3 p. m. Saturday at the North Coo- leemee Church of God, and the . body laid to. test,* in the church ^ cemetcfy.. , Bio - Obituaries - 1/9/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 9,1952 — Page 4 Mrs. Lee Craven Mrs. Lec Craven. 62, died at her home on Salisbury Street at 9:30* Du nt.,'Dec. 31. She had been an' invalid since she suifcred a stroke about six years ofjo. | A native of Davie County, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.] W« G. Allen. She was tnarried | Feb. 14,1909, to George Lee Crav-I .en. She was a member of the' First Methodist Church here. | Surviving arc 10 children, Lcary,' C. C and Royd Craven, all «^f Mocksville, George C. Craven of Camden, S. C., W. 0, Craven cf Salisbury, Lester H. Craven of Newton, Iowa, and M-Sgt, Clar* ence E. Craven of the U. S. A)r Force, Athens, Greece:, th rce daughters Mrs. Frank Short of Mocksville. Mrs. W. H. Epperson of Dallas N. C , and Mrs. C R. Thompson of Washington, D. C., two brothers, M. K. Allen of Mocksville, Route 3, and Floyd Allen of Marsballtown, Iowa; three sisters, Mrs. Will Allen of Mocksville, Route 3, Mrs. Henry Sofley of Cana, Route 1, and Mrs, Prank E. Bodle of Manthalltown; and 13 gra.idchlldren. ^ Funeral services were held ar 2 p. m., Hiursday at the First Methodist church; with Rev. A. I. Cox, Rev. J. S. Hiatt, and Rev. E W. Turner officiating, and the body laid to rest in Rose Ceme* tery. Bio - Obituaries - 1/9/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 10, 1952 - Page 1 DEATH CLAIMS MRS. GARTNER Mrs. Jnmcs Wilson Gartner of the Calahaln Township, Rt. 4, Mocksville, died at 5:55 Friday altcmoon at her home after an illness of three months duration. She wns 55 years old. Born April 12, 1896, in Davic County, she was the daughter of Mrs. Josephine Ijamcs Wilson of Mocksville, Rt. 4, and the late W. C. Wilson. She was a member of the Jericho Church of Christ. She tKcame the bride of W. M. Gartner, who survives, on Dcccm« ber 26, 1917. Other survlvora in* elude two sons, William Wilson of Rt. 4| Mocksville and Sam Wilson of Newtand; one dauRhlcr, Mrs. George W. Hall, Jr., of Hickory; five brothers, R O., J. B., D. C., and W. J. Wilson of Rt. 4. Mocks- vllc, and W. B. Wilson di Cool- cemec; five sisters, Miss Eddrie Wilson, Mrs. J. W. Smith. Mrs, Funeral services wore hold at... « nvt v«\.wa wu4V <iuiu u,C. H. Scaford and Mrs. E. H.i„ « , . , . n < n. . 1 iM jfl2 p.m. Sunday ot the home, andBrown of Rt. 4, Mocksville, andj «> c , n.1. » ' i burial followed in the JerichoMrs. Flake Thom.is of Harmony, Rt. 1; and four grandchildren. Church of Christ Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 1/10/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 10,1952 - Page 1 L. S. KURFEES, 69, DIES AT HOME, Lonnie S. KuiVees, 69, retired merchant, died at his home, 217 South Main Street, at 1:40 pjn. TXaeoday. He hod been seriously ill since suffering a stroke in De cember. Mr. Kurfccs was bom in Da- vie County Jan. 19, 1881. a son of Thomas and Elizabeth Stone- street Kurfees. He was married March 1. J60S, to Attic Grainger who survives. They moved to MocksvUle in 1810 where Mr. Kur fccs was a merchant for many years. He was an active member of Mocksvillc Methodist Church. Surviving besides the widow era two daughters, Mrs. .R. T. Click and Mrs. C. F. Meroney, Jr., both of Mocksville, and two grondchlldren. Funeral services were held at 4 p.m. Wednesday'at the home with the Rev. A. X Cox and the Rev. E. W. Turner officiating. Burial was in Roae Cemetery. FaHbetren weia Cralg Foitar, Grady Ward, WiUUm MUlar, Cur- tla Price, FhU Johnmn god Chtrlaa TomUnaoa. Bio - Obituaries — 1/10/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 10,1952 - Page 4 Clyde Paul Shaw COOLEEMEE MAN DIES OF INJURIES Clyde Paul Shaw, 38, of Rt. 4, Mocksvillc, who was seriously injured about two weeks ago when he was struck by a car. died at 2:20 a.m. Friday, at Rowan Memorial Ko$pltat. An employee of the Erwtn Cot ton MitU (or the last five years, he wosi a native of Davie County, the son of Mrs. Llllio Mclntlre Shaw, now Mrs. John A. Barnes, and the Into George Shaw. He and his family lived with hk moth er and stepfather, John A. Barnes at Route 4, Mocksville. In oddltion to his mother and stepfather, he is survived by five children, Clyde, Jr., Jettic and Judy, David and Kay Francis, all of the home, six half-sisters, Mrs. Glenn Trcxlcr of Rockwell, Mrs. Sam Cranford of Mocksvillc, Mrs. Fluyd MuDuniul of Mucks' vllle, Mrs. Sam Canter of Balti more, Irene and Louise Barnes of the home. Funerat services were held .ot 3 p.m. Saturday at the Coolec- mce Church of God with burial following in the North Coolcc- racc Cemetery. Braide G. Foster Passes In Tenneesee Funeral services were held pn Jan. 2. for Braide G. Foster, son of the lolc Frank A. Foster and Martha Foster. Davie County res idents, who died at Mountain Home, Tcnn. Mr. Foster was a brother of Miss Lillio and Hugh Foster of Mocksville and Claude O. Foster of Winston-Salem. Bio - Obituaries -1/10/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 16,1952 — Page 5 Lonnie S. Karfees Connie S. Kurfeet, 69. retired merchant, died a( his nome iti this city last Tuesday afternoon at 1:40 o'clock. He suffered a stroke of paralysis on Dec. 27th. and had been critically HI since. Mr, Kurfccs spent his entire life in Davie Countv. He was son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. JCurfcea.... Hc_rnoyed ..to. ..Mocks- ville in 1910, where ho was en* gaged in the mercantile business for many ^ara. He was a mem* ber of the riratMetliodist Church. Surviving are the wife, the for* mer Miss Attic Crainger, two dau ghtcrs, Mrs. Fletcher GHck and Mrs. C. F. Mcroncy, Jr., both of chb city, and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 4 p. m. last Wednesday at the home with Rev. A. 1. Cox and Rev. E. V/. Turner officiating, and the body laid to rest in Rose cemetery Pallbearers were' Cralg Foster, Grady Ward, William Miller. Cur* ci^ Price, P. J. Johnson and Chas Tomllnsoru Mr. Kucffrcs hod monv friends throughout the town and countv who were saddened by his death. To the bereaved wife and child ren lihc Record extends sympathy in diis great bereavement. Pamela Jean Carter CHILD KILLED Pamela lean 3.monibs old dau gbter of Mr, aod Mrs. Harold L. Carter, of tbls city, was killed aod four adults Injured Saturday after* noon about dark at tbe lotersectloo of Salisbury and Hardlsoo streets in Sotilh Mockfivllle. Tbe baby died shortly after reaching Rowan Memorial Hospital. In tlve two.cor bead.0D collision tbe cbtld's motbcr, Mrs. Msrgarei Roberts Carter. 93. suiXered a frac. tured pelvis and head injuries and Mrs. Corter'a fotherdnJaw. Paul Carter, of Rooic 3, driver of. ibe car, suffered face and head Injur ies. Renorts from the hospital Sun* day said tbey were thought not to be critically injured. J. Di Dobev.of West Davie, i8, driver of tbe other car, and Her vev L. Scott, Negro, of Route • 3. snffered bead Injuries and cuts. Pairotmsn Bodgett said t Bio - Obituaries - 1/16/1952 be Dohv car was apoarentiy golog too fast and rounded a curve on tbe wrong side_o( the road, hitting tb^Carter car. Mony had wrecks have oc cnrred at this spot during tbe d«m few years. HaroM Carter, father of the dead child, ii with (be U S. Army and has tieen stationed In Germany for the past .five months Ills dough, ter was bom since be was sent overseas. Mrs. Carter aod babe made their home with ber husband's parents since he went overseas, and they were 00 their wav home when the accident occurred. Mrs. Carter holds a position In the Davie County Accouutnnt of fice. Her mother. Mrs Ethel Rob erts. lives on Sanford avenue. Her father died tnany yearts ago. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 17,1952 - Page 1 J^rraeir-Davie-Resident Hangs Self On Door The body of Mrs. Essie Bogcr Peoples, 62, of 444 East Devon* shire Street, Winston-Salcm, was found hnneing from the door of her bedroom at 8 p.m. Sunday, and Coroner W. N. Dolton said she was a victim of suicide. A rope had been looped around her neck and offixed to the door of her bedroom, Hor body, the coroner said, was in a sitting po sition on the floor, and her shoes were lying nearby. H. C. Peoples of 967 West Clem moDsviilc Road, Winston-Salcm, a son, said his mother hod been in'declining health for some 15 years and had suffered two strokes during the past 12 months.^ Mrs. Peoples, the widow of Claude Peoples who died in 1016, had worked for R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company for some 20 years before she retired because of ill health 10 years ago. She was living with her daughter, Mrs J. A Waters, and a gronddaugh* ter, Koy Waters, 12. The 12*year-old granddaughter discovered the body when she turned on the bedroom lights. Death was determined as having occured at approximately 6:30 Mrs. Peoples wos bom in Da- vie County June 16, 1891, and spent her eorly life here. Survivors include two sons, Howard C. Peoples of Winston- Salem and Cecil Peoples of Mocksvillc; one daughter, Mrs. J. R. Waters of the home;, and six grandchildren. Ifinerol services were held Tuesday at Voglcr's Chapel in Winston-Salem and at 2 p.m. at Chestnut Grove Methodist church in Davic County. Thb Rev. O. E. Stimson and the Rev. William Anderson officiated. Pallbearers were E. T. Ervin, A. E. Brewer, W. O. Hale, V. B. Stroder, C. X*. Cough and Lt. C. V. HoweU. Burial waa in the Chestnut Grove cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 1/17/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 17,1952 - Pages 1&8 Pamela Jean Carter Dies of Wreck Injuries Saturday afternoon was draw ing to a close. At the home of her mother on Sanford Avenue, Mrs. Harold ACarter (nee Margaret Roberts) was getting herscff and her little daugiiter, Pamela Jean, age three months, ready to spend the week end with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Car ter, Moeksville. Route 4. Mrs. Harold Carter had been living with her mother, Mrs. Ethel Roberts, on Sanford Aven ue. She was employed in the Oavie County tax department. Her husband, Harold Carter was in the Armed Forces and hod been overseas in Clermany for tho past four or five montlu. Pfc. Har old Carter had never seen his little daughter. But he was liv ing for the day he eould rejoin his family. Paul Carter picked up his little granddaughter and her mother around 5:30 p.m. last Saturday afternoon. The three of them started for his. home on Moeks ville, Route 4. As the ear, a 1951 Ford, pulled onto Salisbury Street, a tnicli, yielding courtesy of the road, allowed Mr. Carter to pass and get In front. Continuing south on SaUsbmy Street, tho three people In the '51 Ford were planning for a happy week end. They had noth ing to tyam .them of an approadi- ing danger. They hod no way to prevent what was about to happ en. Just as they approoched the curve on Salisbury Street, Just this side of the residence of D« R. Stroud, a glare di headlights appeared to be on top of themr on their side of tho road. Almost immediately there was a sicken ing crash, followed by the (teath- ly still that usually follows such a crash. Residents of the neighborhood rushed to the scene. Someono lifted the quiet little body of Pam ela Jean from the lap of her mother. The baby did not make a sound, although at this time it fContlnu^ <» Page •) MORE ABOUT BABY KILLED was still ullvc. < Mrs. Margaret Corter and Paul Carter were removed from the wreckage and placed in one of the two ambulances that were called. Mrs. Robert Davis, of the local Nursing Home, held little Pamela Jean in her orms during the ambulance trip to Rowan Me morial Hospital. A Negro man, Harvey L. Scott of Moeksville was found' lying on the right side of the road badly cut and bleeding. He wos thrown from the 104G Ford in which he wos a passenger. The driver oY the 1046 Ford In volved in the crash was James D. Doby, 18, of Homony, Route I. Doby qtd Scott were placed tn onother amtmlancc ond rushed to the hospital. The departure of the ambu lances left 0 tanslcd moss of wreckage to bo cleared. It re quired a great deal of effort by two wreckers to pull the two cars apart. And when they were finally separated, the bumper of the 1040 Ford remained entongl cd on the lOSl Ford. Tire Starlcs Tire morks on the highway In dlcotcd plainly what had happen ed. These marks, which were ploinly visible even the next day, showed how thu 1046 Ford round ed tho curve slipping to tho left side cff the road. The crash occur- cd on the left side of tho road, to thu left o'f the center line that divides the rood for safe driving. Harloy Graves, living Just be low the curve, heard o cor go flying by. Mr. Graves stated timt Uic thought struck him at the time: "that fellow will be lucky to make the curve." Then he heard ttie crash. D. R Stroud, whose residence wos near the crash, reported that he heard sound of tires crying just prior to tho crash. Highway Patroliiuin T. J. Bad- gett, Investigating the accident, said apparently the 1046 Ford wns just travelling too fast to make the curve. At 0:4S pan. Pamela Jean Car ter, ago three months, was pro nounced dead. Her skull had been crushed in the vrrcck. Injuries to the others involved were as follows: Mrs. Carter, • fractured pelvis and multiple lac erations. Paul L. Carter, 45, lac erations of tho face and chest In juries; Jamcq Doby, 18, face and scalp Injuries; Harvey Leo Scott, lacerations of tlio face. Scott un derwent surgery for about two hours.. Doby was released from tlio hcspilal Sunday. He posted a 52,- 000 bond for oppenrnncc at tho March term of Superior Court. He is charged with manslaughter and reckless driving. Bio - Obituaries -1/17/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 23,1952 - Page 1 Mrs. Lula Parks Mrs. Lula Stewart Parks, 85, died on Jnnuarv 12th at her home on Mocksvillo. Route 1, following ftlsix weeks lUness. Mrs. Porks was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stewart, of Davlc Coun* ry. Hci husband died 24 yean ogo. Surviving are three SOiUi, L. E. Parks, of Salisburv, Route 4; Wil* Kam C. Parks, of near Sheffield, and Ray E. Parks; one sister, Mrs. Ida Peck, Morganton; five grand' children and seven greatgrand' children. Funeral services were conduct* ed ac 11 a. m., Monday, fanuary 14th, at Fork Baptist Church by Rev. L. M. Tcnnery, and the body laid CO rest in the church ceme* tery. DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 23, 1952 - Page 4 Pamela Carter Funeral services for Pamela fcjn, 3 m.mchs-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carter, who lost her life In an auto wreck in South Mocksviile on Jan. Uth, were held at the Silur Funeral Home Friday afternoon a c 3 o'clock, With Rev. G. W. Fink, Rav. I. P. Dnvis and Rev. E. W, Turner officiating, and the little body laid to rest in Liberty Mccho disc Churcli Cemetery. Pfc. Harold Carter, the father, who was stationed In Germany, did not arriv.c here in time for the funeral. He left Germany by plane, but bad weather grounded the plane in Iceland last Wcdncs day. Mrs. Essie Peoples '■ The funeral of Mrs. Essie Boger Peoples, 62, who was fo.ind dead a. her home In WinstomSalcm on Inn. I3ih. was held at Vogler's ChaDcl, Winscon*SaIem, lastTucs day ac 12:30 o'clock and ac Chest nut Grove Mothudlst Church ac 2 o'clock. Rev. O. E. Sdmpsoit and Rev. William Anderson were the officiating ministers. Thebody, was laid to rest In the church cc' mctery. ^ Mrs. Peoples was born In Davlc ; County, and was the widow of rhc late Claude Pet^ples. She had lived in Winston Sitlcm for manvyears. She had been in declining hva'th Atr 15 v*-'ars and hud bulTer. e . two srrokes'in the past year, S.irviv.irs Inwiudu two sons, H. C Peopicit. uf Wiitsiun Sa em and Ci ci) Pcopics, oi Mockfivillc, R. 2; one daughter, Mrs. J. R. ..Waters, of Wintion'Salem, nnd.slx-emnd.' Cooleemee. Bio - Obituaries - 1/23/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 24,1952 - Page 6 Landon C. Shell, 87, Of Jonas Ridge Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, Januory 8, for London C. Shell, 87. who died Sunday night, Jan. 5. at the home of a son, Carl E. Shell, of Mocks- ville. The services were conduct ed at Jonas Ridge Baptist Church. Burial was in the church ceme tery. Mr. Shell was born Dec. 6, 1884 In Caldwell County. He moycd to Jonas Ridge in 1801 where he resided until his death. Surviving arc three daughters; eight sons: 48 grandchildren; 70 great - grandchildren and eight great-great-grandchildren. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 24,1952 - Page 8 Funeral Services Held For Pamela Jean Carter Funeral services for Pamela Jean Carter, 3-monlh-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carter, wns held in Silcr Funeral Home on Friday. Jan. 18. Pamela Jean lost her life In nn automobile ac cident'on Salisbury St, on Jan. 12. Rev. G. W. Fink, Rev. J. P. Davis, and Rev. E. W. Turner officiated. Interment was In the Liberty Methodist Church ceme tery. Pfc. Harold Carter, who was stationed in Europe, orrivcd hero- Snturdoy, the day after the fun eral. His plane was grounded duo to bad weather in Iceland last Wednesday. Pfc. Carter has o 30 day leave. His wife, the former Margaret Roberts Is showing some improvement from injuries sustained in ll\c wreck. Paul Carter returned to his n home Saturday from the hospital and is recovering Yrom the In juries received in the wreck. Bio - Obituaries -1/24/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 30,1952 - Page 4 Jack Spillman T Mrs. B. F. Harmon ' Mrs. B. F. Harmon, 73, died at a 'Stntcsvlllc hospital on Jan. 20th, following a stroke of paralysis. Mrs. Harmon vvas a native of Stat' cdvllle. She is the mother of M- Si^t. Mlll.nrd Harmon, of this city, who is now in Korea. Funeral services were held at Rfth Creek Presbyterian Church* m Ircdcll County, on Tuesday Iflftcmuon oflast week. Surviving Inrc six sons and th ce dauuhterg. Coming Home • 'flic body of Pvt. Jnck Spillman, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Spill* man, of Mocksvilte, Route 4. who was killed In action in Korea on July 25, 1950, Is hcing shipped home, according to a tclcRram re* *ccivcd by Mr. Spillman from the War Dcpurtmcnt. Jack was the first Davic bov wlio has lost his life in this faroif land. When the body arrives funcnil and bu* rial services will take place at Deep 'Creek Baptise Church, In Vadkin 'Cbuh^."" DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 30,1952 - Page 5 Miss Ruby Godhey Hisi Kubr KatbJeen Godbov. 24. dsusb* ter nf Mr. and Mrs. 0, Frank Godbey. ot near Couniy Una. died Ftidoylo a Stalea- vltio boepilfil. foMowinS a month's eerioua illneas. Mlu Gadbey wos o grnduoie of Cool Sprints Hitfh School and Mitchell Cullegr and had almost completed special work nt AppabcMan State Teeehers Col lege. ot Doone, when her health failed. Survlvliic nre the porenit. three btetb* era and three slfttort. Funeral orranSemenis had not be«i completed Monday, owattlng the arrival of a brother In the Armv. wIm Is statloti* ed la CotUomla. I Bio - Obituaries -1/30/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 31,1952 - Page 1 Rites Held Wednesday For Miss Ruby Godbey Funeral services were held on Jan. 29 at 2:30 p.m. in the Salcm Church for Miss Ruth Godbey Of County Line. Miss Godbey. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Godbey, graduated at Cool Springs High School and Mitchell College. She was do* Ing post graduate work at A.S.T. C. in Boonc at the time of her death. Surviving Miss Gudbcy ure her parents, three brothers and three sisters: Marshall Godbey and and Mrs. Lewis Alexander of Moorcs* vilic; Ray Godbey of the U. S. Navy, stationed in California; Mrs. Arthur Phclps of Hancstown; Leonard Godbey of Stotcsville and Miss Louise Godbey of the home. E. C. STATON, 56, DIES IN ROWAN E. C. Staton, S6, former princi* pal of the Mocksville schools, and for 17 years head of the Granite Quarry Schools, died at Rowan Memorial Hospital in Salisbury on January 23. Mr. Staton, a graduate of Woke Forest Cotlogc, received his M.A. Degree at Duke University. FlurtbTOtl services wore hold at' Sliiloii Methodist Ciiurch, Oran* He Quarry. Surviving are two sons, Jamea U Staton and Oanklin Moore Staton of Granite Quarry; two brothers, T. V. Staton of New London and Dewey Staton of Groton, Conn.; and one sitter, Miss Cora Staton of New Lcn* don. Funeral Services For Mrs. B. F. Harmon, 73 Mrs. B. F. Harmon, 73, died in Statesvillc on Jonuary 20. Funeral services were held at the Fifth Creek Presbyterian Church, Rowan County. Mrs. Herman is the mother of Sgt Millard Harman, stationed now in Korea. Bio - Obituaries — 1/31/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 6,1952 - Page 4 ' Miss Ruby Godhey ' Funeral sc vices for MEss Ruby Kathleen Oodbcv. 24, of near ' Councv Line, who died In a Stat* icBvIilc hospital on Enn. 25th, were I held Wcdncfldav afternoon at 12:30 o*clock from Salcm Metho* 'jdlac Church, t#ich Jlcv. G. W. * Fink and Rev. Hugh Icuup ofli- elating, and thn body laid to mt. in thcdiurch cemetery. The fun eral acrvke was postponed u.itll % brother, Ray Godbey, who Is in 'the Navy and stationed at San Diego, Calif,, could get home. ' Miss Godbey Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Godbey, and her dcathy brought sadness to a host of relatives and friends In her community. Bio - Obituaries - 2/6/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 7,1952 - Page 1 Mrs. M, F. Nichols, 76, Passes Away at Home Mrs. Lula Bogcr Nichols, 76, widow of M. F. Nichols, died Sat urday night nt her home, Mocks- villc, Route 3. She was a native of Davie County. Surviving ore four children, Roy Nichols, Mrs. W. B. Bailey, Mrs. W. L. McClamrock, all of Mocksville. Route 3, and Mrs. M. R. Baker of Advance, Route 1. Her husband died March 22, 1951. FunetUt services were held at 3 p.m. Monday at Union Chapel Methodist Church. Rev. W. C. Anderson and J. T. Sisk officiated. Burial was in tha church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/7/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 7,1952 - Page 3 DEATH CLAIMS MRS. JORDAN Mrs. Hattic Goodman Jordan. SO, o( 50 Main Street, Coolccmcc, died at her homo Saturday (ollovv* ing an illness of eight months. Funeral services for Mi's. Jor dan were conducted Monday af ternoon at 4 o'clock in the Cool- ecrnee Baptist Church vviili the Ruv. Mr. Stoudcmire officiating. Burial followed in Rowan Me morial Park Cemetery at Frank lin. Pallbearers were Thomas Smith, Fred Scott, Wayne Beck, Grndy •Spry. Jr., James Hinkle and Her bert Jacobs. Mrs. Jordan was born in Ircdcll County on December 11, 1893, daughter of the lato Q. M. and Lilly Murdoch Goudmon. She hod been on employee of the Erwin Mills for the past 10 years and a member of the Coolccmcc Baptist Church for 35 years. Survivors Include her husband. Ben Jordan of the home; three sons, Robert Scott Jordan. Ray Jordan and Jimmy Jordan, all of Coolccmcc; her step-mother, Mrs. Q. M. Goodman o^ Coolccmcc; two daughters, Mrs. E. L. Athey of Salisbury and Mrs. Paul Hodg es of Coolccmcc; five sisters, Mrs. P. T. Horris of Greensboro; Mrs. Will Roscmon of Kannapolis, Mrs. Fifank Lyons of Biloxi, Miss., Mrs. Clara Voglor of Route 4, Mocksvillc, ond Mrs. Cordic Campbell of Coolccmcc; one half- sisters, Mrs. Felix Deadmon of Alexandria, Vn.; and five grand- cldldrcn. William H. Carter, 83 Williom Henry Carter, 83, re tired farmer of the Cornotzer I community passed away ot 0:20 I a.m. Saturday at the home of a I step-son, George Barney of Mocks- I villc, Route 3. 1 Mr. Carter had been ill for a . .1.' year, critically ill for two weeks, A imtive of Davie County, he was son of the late Harrison ond Amanda Laird Carter. Ho marr ied Mrs. Sally Borncy, who died in 1042. Surviving arc a stepson, Mr. Barney; a stepdaughter, Mrs. G. L. Foster of Mocksvillc, Route 3; two brothers. Lee Curler of Tyro! end J. H. Carter of High Point;! and a sister, Mrs. A. L. Ellis of Mocksvillc, Route 3. Funoml services were conduct ed at 3 p.m. Sunday at Cornutzcr Baptist Church by the Rev. A. B. Corroil and tlic Rev. Jimmy Grocc. Burial was in the church ceme tery. Pallbearers were Tildcn Carter. Floyd Frye, Clarence Jones, Ralph Jones, Albert Bowens and W. N. Jones. Bio - Obituaries — 2/7/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 13,1952 - Page 4 Mrs. Ben Jordan Funeral services for Mrs. Ben Jordan, 56, who died at het home in Coolccmcc on Feb. 2nd, were held on Monday of last week nC Cooicomcc Baptist Church, with Rev. Mr. Stoudcmlrc oflidatins. Burial followed In Rowan Park Memorial Cemetery, near Satis* bury. Mr. Jordan had been ill for eight months. Survlvinfrarc the husband, three sons, two daughters, five sisters, and half-sister, and live grands children. I Mrs. Jordan had been a rcsid* ' enc of Coo.cemcc for many years^ She will be sadly missed in her community. DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 13,1952 - Page 5 T. L. Glenn News was received here last week celling ol the death of Dr.T. L. Glenn, 53, a former citizen of Mocksviftc. He died Feb. 2nd at Athens, Ga, Funeral anU burial services were held at York, S, C, on Feb. 3rd. Dr, Glenn Is sur vived by his wife, one son and one daughter. Dr. Glenn was a vctinarian and built a home In West Mocksviltc, where he and his family resided for some time. He made many friends while here, who will be saddened by news of his death. iMrs. M. P. Mchols Mrs. Lula Bogar Nichols, 76* widow of M. F, Nichols, died Feb. 2nd a t her home, Mocksviltc, Route 2. She was a native of Davlc County. Surviving arc four children. Rov Nichols, Mrs. W. B. Baitcy, Mrs. W. L. McClamrock. all of Mocksviltc Route 3, and Mrs. M. P.f.1* Her husband died March 22,1951. Funeral services will be conduct ed at 3 p. m., Feb. 4th, at Union Chapel Methodist Church. Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 13, 1952 - Page 5 David T. Campbell "David T.- Campbell, - 94. -died Thursday morning at his home near County Line. He was a na* tiveofDavic County and spent his entire life in Calahain Town ship. He was one of the oldest members of Society Baptise church His wife, the former Miss Doro thy Amelia Gibson, died in 1697, and for the past 16 years he had made his home with his daughter, Mrs. A. D. Koontz and husband. Mr. Campbell is survived by his(daughter, Mrs. Koontz, II grand children and 12 great-grandchild, ten, tb CO ureat-greac grandchild- run rn.I a number of nieces and 'nephews. W. H. Carter William Henry Carter, 83, re tired farmer of thcComatzercom* ' munity near here, died Feb. 2nd, at the home of a step son. George Barney of Mocksvillc, Route 3. Mr. Carter had been ill for a year, crlti'cafly ill for two weeks. A native of Davic County, he >vas a son of die late Harrison and Amanda Laird Carter. He . married Mrs. Sallv Bnrncv, who I Funeral services M rs. W were held Frl* {day afternoon at 3 o'clock at So ciccv Baptist Church, with Rev. Ervin VVnllacc and Rev. George W. Fink oilioiuting. and tl\u body laid to rest in the church cemetery. I Mr. Campbell was a sincere. Christian gende.iian and will be sadly missed in the community wlierc ho spent a long and ineftil life of nearly one hundred vv.ini« , died in 1942. j Surviving arc a stepson. Mr* Barney; a stepdaughter Mrs. G. L. ; Foster, of Mocksvtllc, Route 3; two brothers, Lee Carter of Tyro and J. H. Carter of High Point; and a sister, Mrs. A. L. Ellis of Mocksville, Route 3. Funeral services were conducted at 3 p. m., Feb. 3rd, at Comatzcr Baptist Church bv Rev, B. A. Carroll and Rev. Jimmy Grocc. Burial w.as In the church ccmr. tcry. Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1952 . A. Reiiegar Mrs. W. A. Renegar. 71, of Har mony, R. 1, died last Tuesday in a Sratesville hospital. Mrs. Rene- gar was n native of D.ivle County, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, W, G. Richardson. Surviv ing are the husband, two sons, a daughter and three sisters. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p. m., Tlrursdny ar Rcavis Funeral Home, Harmony, and bu rial was in OaUwood ccmcter\*, Srntesviilc* She will be missed in her commuuiiv. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 14,1952 - Page 1 BODY OF JACK SPILLMAN, KOREAN. WAR VETERAN, TO ARRIVE THURSDAY Funerrf Services Set For Saturday The body of Private First Class Jack L. Spillman, killed while serving with the Army in Korea, will be returned here Thursday, It has been learned. So far as is known, Pfc. Spill- man is the only Davie County man killed in thc.Korean War. He was the son of Thomas L. Spillman, Mocksville, Route 4. and Mrs. Enda Spillman Boggs o'l Rowan County. Pfc. Spillman was born June 9, 1932, and was 18 years old when reported missing July 26, 19S0. On June 33, 1951, the Defense De partment notified his parents that he had been officially reported killed in action. He entered the service in 1948 and took his early training at Ft. Jackson, S. C. He was in Japan serving with the occupation forces at the outbreak of the Korean War He later served in Korea with the Fifth Regimeot of the First Cavalry. His body will arrive here about noon Thursday and will be taken to Siter Funeral Home where it will remain until Saturday, when it will be transferred to his fath er's home. Survivors include the father and mother; one brother, Pvt. Robert Spillmon, Camp Brccken- ridge, Ky.; two half-brothers, Ray and Tomihy of the home; two sis ters, Mrs. James Green, Salisbury, Route 7, and Mrs. W. A. Myers, Advance, Route 2; one half sister, Betty Jean of the home; paternal grandfother, R. A. Spillman, Rt. 4; matcrnial grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Charley Barney of Hanes, N. C. Bio - Obituaries - 2/14/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 14, 1952 - Page 3 Mrs. W. A. Renegar, 71, Of Harmony, Route 1 Mrs. Sarah Delilah Rcncgar 71, wife o'i W. A. Rcnegar of Har mony, Route 1, died Tuesday night at a StatcsviUe hospital. She had been ill two years and In a critical condition since Sunday | I Mrs. Renegar was born in Davlel County, daughter of William G. and Sornh Delilah Powell Rich- ordson. She had resided In thc^ same community for 25 years. Surviving are the husband; two sons. Roy Rcncgar of Mount Airy and Howard Renegar of Ashcboro: one daughter, Miss Alva Rcncgor of the homo; two grandchildren; ond three si8tcr.s.' Mrs. Frank Alexander and Mrs. J. S. Barnes of Winston-Snlcin and Mrs. Elmer Anderson of To ledo, Ohio. I Funeral services were held at 2:.10 p.m. Thursday nt the chapel of the Renvls Funeral Home in Ilormony. The Rev. Jack Cooke, and the Rev. W. H, Nccsc DCnciut-' ud. Burial was in Oakwood Ccmc-' tcry at Stntesvlltc. D. T. CAMPBELL TAKEN BY DEATH David Thomos Campbell, 95, died Thursday morning at the home of his daughter. Mrs. A. D. Ctontz on Route 4. after an ill ness of three months. I He was the son of the late Mr. I and-Mrs. William Campbell of I this county. I Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Clontz; 11 grand children; 121 great-grand children and three great-great grand children. funeral services were held Frl- , day afternoon at. Society Baptist Church and burial followed in the ' church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/I4/I952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 14,1952 - Page 6 Miss Cornelia Bowles Ser;';ces Held Tuesday Mi;is CornoHn Lee Bowles, 03, of the Jericho community, died nt (!:1j |i.in. Sunday ul a local nurs- InK home where she had been a patient for the last two months. Miss Bowles had been in declin* iitc health the past year and had been seriously ill for two day.s. Miss Bowles was born in Davio County. April 18, 1808. n daugh ter of James and Jcrusl\u Jacobs Bowles. She iiad resided in the Jcrichu coimnunity iicr entire life nnd had lived witii her nephew. Lee Bowles, there for the last six years. Funeral! 5ervlcc.>t were held at 3 p.m. Tuesday nt Center Motho- <li.st Churcii by the Rev. G. W. Fink and tlic Rev. H. O. Jcssup. Burial was in tlic clmrcli ceme tery. Survivors are 11 nioeos and sev eral nephews. Pallbearers were Lcc Bowles, Marshall Owlggins, James Bowles, Phil Codbcy, Will Brown and J. C. Bowles. Bio - Obituaries -2/14/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 20, 1952 - Page 4 'J. E. Greenhalgh Cajituin Joseph Edward Gr cn- halgh, 67, of Orlando, Fla., died Feb. 7. at a hospital in that citv after an illness of 10 days. He I .was a retired sea captain with ! many years of experience. He al- 'so saw service In the merchant ma- j rine dnrine World War 1. He was born In Fall River, Mass., the I only son of Alfred and Tcressa' Grcenhaleh. Survivini; is his wife, the former Mrs. Kate Fi re bec Newton, formerly of Oavic County and Dcnncttsvtlle, S. C. j jpuncral services were conducted * by his pastor. Dr. Tucker, of the First Baptist Church of Orlando, and Dr. J. N. Gamer, Presbyterian minister of Orlando and formerly of Bennettsville. Pallbearers were' Charles Lewis, Paul H. Lyics, Sr.,' and B. B. Sanders, alt of Bennerts- ville attd cousins of Mrs. Green- Imlgh, and Wavnc Fercbee, a ne» ' phew, of Mocksvillc. Othenifro.n ' out of town attending the funeral were Mrs. Greenhalgh*s brother, Joe G. Fercbee and Mrs. Ferebec, ' of Mocksvilie, and Tom Lewis, a cousin, of Bennetravillc. Miss Cornelia Bowles Miss Cornelia Lee Bowles, 83, of the lericho community, died Feb. 10th at a local nursing home where she had been a patient for the last two months. Miss Bow les had been In declining health during the past year | Miss Bowles was bom in Davic County, April 18, 1868, a daugh ter of James and ierusha Jacobs Bowles. She had resided in the Jericho C9mmunicv her entire life and had lived with her nephew. Lee Bowles, there for the last six years. Funeral services were held at 3 p.m., Feb. lithatCcnter Metho dist Church bv Rev. G. W. Fink and Rev, H. D, lessup. Burial was * In the church ccmcterv. i Survivors arc II nieces and sev en nephews. | Bio - Obituaries - 2/20/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 20, 1952 - Page 5 Pvt. JackSpillman The body of Pvt. lack Spillman, son, of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Spill* man, of Ronte 4, who was killed In action in Korea July 25, 1950, arrived In rhU citv Thursday and was carried to Slier Funeral Home, where it remained until Saturday morning when the body was car ried to the home of the parents. Funeral services, with full mili tary honors, were held at Deep Creek Baptist Church In Yadkin County, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Rev. M.'F. Reavis, pastor of the church, and Rev. J. H. Groce ofBciating, and the body laid CO rest In the church ccme-^ tery. ' n Pvt. Splllman was the hrst Davie. boy to lose his life in die Korean war. Bio - Obituaries - 2/20/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY WIOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 21, 1952 - Page 1 V.F.W. Furnishes Military Honors For Pvi. Spillman Funcrnt services were held Sunday at the Deep Creek Baptist Church, Yndkin County, for Pfc. Jack L. SpiUman, who was kilt ed white serving with the army in Korea. The local post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars furnished full military honors for the service. Members of the VFW taking part In the service wore: John Anderson, Commander; Robert Evans, Oificer of the Day; Rev. Paul Richards, Chaplain; Paul Ma.son and Ben Bowles. Color Bearers; Carl Richie and Wood- row Wilson. VFW members serving as pall bearers were: Walter H. Warren, Hancs Vatcs, John Woodord, Clay Allen, Charles Woodruff, Jewel D. Purvis. The firing squad consisted of: Ben Elils, James Comer, Frank Koontz, Robert Beck, Clay Bogcr, J. T. Foster and L. Carter. Taps were sounded by Roy Howard. Peggy Wyrick sounded the echo. Private Spillman was reported killed in Korea on June 23, 1951. He was the son of Thomas L. Spillman, Mocksvillc, Route A, and Edna Spillmon Hoggs of Sal isbury. Officiating at the service was Rev. M. F. Reavis, pastor of the church, and Rev. J. H. Groce. A..E: Rockwell, Route 2 Arthur Eiy Dwiggliis, 71, of Rockwell, Route 2, died early Tuo.sday as a result of severe burns he suffered an accident Fob. 9 at his homo. Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Peeler Fun eral Chapel, Salisbury. Mr. Dwlggins* wife, the former Dollin Ritchio, died !n 1033. Surviving are his stepmother, Mrs. J. Henry Dwlggius ofMocks- vlllc; three brothers, T. P. Dwlgg- ings of Mocksvillc, Daniel Dwlgg- ings of Jacksonville, Fla., and Ru- fus Dwlgglns of Rowan County; four sisters, Mrs. Ella Smith of High Point, Mrs. W. J, Bickers of Mocksville, Mrs. Claude Messick of Coolecmcc, and Mrs. S. C. Wal ter of Mili Bridge; and one step sister, Mrs. Charles Mabe of Mocksville. Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 21,1952 - Page 1 A. L. LOWDER DIES TUESDAY Abncr Loc Lowdcr, 69. who for 31 years was employed at Er* win Milts, died at his home in the North Coolcomoe community at l:SS a.m. Tuesday. He had been in declining health for the past (our years and death resulted Yrom a heart attack. The funeral service was held Wednesday at 4 p.m. by the Rev. A. T. Stoudmire and the Rev. J. Wendall Klein. Burial was In the North Cooleemee Cemetery. Mr. Lowder wos born in Rowan County, Aug. 28, 1882, a son of Jnhn.and Nancy Leonard Lowdcr. He moved to Coolcemcc in early manhood and was an active mem ber of the Cooleemee Baptist Church for 30 years. He also was n member of the Washington Camp No. 56 of the Patriotic Or der Sons of America and the Cooleemee Junior Order. He re tired in 1047 from his position with tlic Erwin Mills and moved to the North Caolcemce commu nity at that time. In lOOS he married Lucy Ann Robertson, who survives olong with two duughtvs, Mr.<i. Dale Bryc of Sarasota, Fla., and Mrs. Leo Bcavl.<: of Salisbury: one son. Robert Lowdcr of the home; two brothers, R. G. Lowdcr of Sails- bury and H. A. Lowdcr of Wuod- leaf; and five sisters, Mrs. Ross Dunn, Mrs. Tom Brlnglc and Mrs. Bruce Pinkston, all of Salisbury, Route 6; Mrs. C. P. Summers o¥ Mocksvillc, Route 4, and Mrs. Mosc Agncrs of Salisbury. Funeral Services Monday For Mrs. Addie Osborne Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m. Monday at Vow's Fun eral Home in High Point for Mrs. Addie Stnniey Osborne, who died Friday in Gullford County. A second service was held at I p.m. at Union Cross Baptist Church in Surry County. Burial wos In the church cemtcry. Rev. Scales Draughon, former pastor of Mrs. Osborne, officiated. Mrs. Osborne is the mother of Mrs. Dexter Bycrly of this city. Bio - Obituaries — 2/21/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 21,1952 - Page 3 Services Held For Captain Gteenbaigh . Captain Joseph Edward Green- Ingh, 07, o( 523 Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, Florida, died Feb. 7, at a hospital in Orlando after an illness of ten days. He was a re tired sea captain with many years of experience. He also saw service in the merchant marine during World War I. He was born in Fall River, Mass,, the only son of Al fred and Tcrosso Grcentagh., Sur viving him Is his widow, the former Mrs. Kate Fcrcbcc New ton, Vormerly of Davlo County and Bennncttsville, S. C. services were conduct ed by his pastor, Dr. Tucker, of the First Baptist Church of Or lando, and by Dr. J. N. Garrcr, Presbyterian minister of Orlando and formerly of Benncttsvillo. Pallbearers were Chorlcs Lewis, Paul H. Lyles, Sr., and B. B. Sanders, all of Bennettsvtllc and cousins of Mrs. Greenlagh, ond Wayne Fcrcbec, a nephew, of Mocksvillc. Others from out of town attending the funeral were Mrs. Grccnlagh's brother, Joe 0. Fercbcc and Mrs. Fcrebee of Mocksvillc, and Tom Lewis, a cou sin, of Benncttsvillc. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 21,1952 - Page 4 Jerry Norman Canupp Jerry Norman Canupp, 10- month-old son of Norman O. and Gcraldlne Kincald Canupp of Coolccmcc died at 9:15 p.m. Sun day at a Salisbury hospital. He had been a patient for one day. Survivors arc tlic parents; the maternal grandparents, Mr. and^ Mrs. A. L. Kincald of Salisbury; and the paternal grandmother, Mrs. John A. Canupp of Coolcc- mec. Funeral, services were conduct-1 cd at 3 p.m. Wednesday ot the Leonard Pri J Qurlal North Coolccmcc Baptist Church ) (oHowed in the Rowan ^oria! by the Rev. Harold Parker nnd/ pgrk Cemetery near pfcun- Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 27, 1952 - Page 4 i4. L. Lowder A. L Lowdcr» 69, weD-knou-n Cuolccmcc man, died at hit; home last Tuesday morning. Funeral services were held at the Coolcc* mec Baptist Church at 4 o'clock Wednesday artemoon with Rev. A. T. Stoudcmire and Rev. T. W. Klein officiating, and the body laid to rest In Coolccmec ceme* rcry. Surviving are the wife, cwui daughters, one son, two brothers | und five sisters. Mr. Lowder wns!a sincere Christian gentlem.an, and | will be missed in the community where he spent a long and usclul life. He was a friena of man. F. Harper William L. Harper, 70, retired .farmer of Cool Spring, died at his home early Friday morning Ril* lowing a stroke of paralysis Mr. Harper is survived by his wife; the former Miss Mamie Starrette, of Davie County, four sons, two dau« sheers and two brothers. Funeral serviie^ were held at'3 p. m* Sun* day at the Cool Spring Methodist Church, with Rev. C. M. Carver officiating, and the body laid to rest in South River Methodist CJiurch cemetery. A, E» Dwiq^ins Arthur E. Dwlgglns, 71, n native of D.wic County, died at his home near Rockwell, N. C., last Tucs- dav as a result of bums he rccciv* ed on Feb. 9th, at his home. Funeral services were held at 3 p. m., Wednesday at Peeler Fun eral Chapel, SnlisbiirVt with Rev. Mr. Brown officiating, and the body laid to rest in Unity Presby terian Church ccmcierv, at Wood, leaf. SurWving are his step-mothec, Mrs. H« Dvviggtns, of near Mocksvllle; three brothers, T.. P. Dwlgglns, of Mocksvllle; Dante! D\vigginB, Tacksonviiic, Fla., and Rufus Dwiggina, of Rowan Coun* ty; four sisters, Mrs. Ella Smith, High Point; Mrs. W. J. Vtckcrs, Mocksville; Mrs Claude Messlck, CooK'cmec! Mrs. S. C. Waltc, Mill Bridge, and one step-sister, ! Mrs. Chiib* Mabe, Mocksvllle. Bio — Obituaries - 2/27/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 28,1952 - Page 2 J. U. Myers, 80, | Of Cooleemee > John Ulysses Myers, 80, ol Cool> ccmce died at 4;15 a.m. Sundoy at a Statesvillc hospital. He had been in declining health for six months and seriously ill for five days. Born in Davic County, Feb. 8, 13(2, he xvns n son of Henry Jack son and Minerva Mnssey Myers. Ho moved to Cooleemoo in 1817 and worked for Erwin Mills from then until his retirement in 1947. He was a member of Coolcc- incc Methodist Church, the Rcd- incn of Cooleemee and the Men'.s Bible Class of the Church. He married the former Miss Caroline Summers In 1B99. Survivors include the wife; three daughters, Misses Sarah and. Alma Myers of the home and Mrs.| Lloyd McClamrock of Cooleemee;» tlnco sons, John Henry Myers of the home, Spencer Myers of Wash ington. D. C., and Thomas Myers of Wclcontc; three sisters, Mrs John Cope. Advance, Route 1, Mrs. M. F. Simpson of Charlotte and Mrs. Jrihn Squnllis of Bur lington; two brothers, Will Mycr.s of Advance, Route 1, and George Myers uf Winston - Salcni; sixj Brnndchildicn nnd four great-' grandchildren. Fttnoral .•services wore held nl' Cooleemee Methodist Church at 3 p.m. Tuesday. The Rev. Fred Shlnn and the Rev. H. D. Jcssup officiated. Pallbearers wore members of the Men's Biblo Closs of Cool- comce Methodist Church. Burial was In Oak Grove Methodist Church Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/28/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 28,1952 - Page 4 David Burton Essie, 53, Of Cana, Route 1, Passes David Burton Essie, S3, retired farmer of Cana, Route 1, died at 6:30 a.m. Tucsdoy at his home. He had been In declining health for the post 10 years but death came unexpectedly. Mr. Essie was born In Yadkin County, Oct. 14. 1898, the son of David G. and Ellen Sprinkle Es* sic. He spent his entire life in Davie and Yadkin Counties and was a member of the Crass Roads Baptist Church. In 1920 he was married to the former Phosa Baity, who sur vives olong with two daughters, Mrs. J. C. Miller (ft Winston-Sa* 1cm and Mrs. I. R. Peoples of Mocksville; ono son, David L. Essie of Winston-Solem; four brothers, John F. Essie of Cana, Darwin Essie of Yndkinvillc, and William and Clyde Essie both of Winston-Snlcm; two sisters, Mrs. Dcwey Dixon of Cona ond Mrs. Ipal Walker of Winston-Salem, and two grandchildren. The funcrol service will be held at 2:30 p.m. Thursday nt Iho Cross Road Baptist Church by Dr. Ray mond Connull ond the Rev. R. E. Adams. The body will lie in state at the ehurch tor holf nn hour prior to the service, and burial will bo in the church cemetery. Pnllbcnrcrs will be John Morlin, William Crobtrco, Ed McClam- rock. Bill Mcrrcll, Ed Burgess and Lloyd Cravcr. Bio - Obituaries - 2/28/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 5,1952 - Page 4 Mrs. B. F. Rrllins Putii£nij| services fi»r Mrs. D. F. Ridlins, 79, were li tJ »i Bear Creeli Baptise Church at 2:10 p. m.. Friilav* coiuiMCtetl hv Rev. 1. L Powers and i<ev. A. J. Ct>x, the hiklvlaid to rest iit thechtirctt cemctert. » Mi^.' Kottihs died Wcdrt«!s«;|jiV"hl jthc home oi" a -ion, Ri»hcrc Utill- I hi.s, at Salisburv, folUnvinu a ser* ious illness 10 days. • ' She WMt HMrried 60 years ago »o Rev. li. V\ Rollins, who died ir. Ociober. 1949. • Survivors include two sons, Ah (on 13. Rollins, Ulisabethcown and Robert Rollins* of Salisbury; four daughters, Mrs. Albert Stone, ol Mount Pucono, Pn., Mrs. Milton Cull, Mucksville; Mrs. E, E Cain, EliSitbeliicown. and Mrs. \V, iRegister, Favccceville;one brother,, Willinin VVoodiuff, of Elkin; 19! gntndchtldrcn and 14 great-grand children. Rev. and Mrs. Rollins lived inj ' this city for several years and had, invtny friends here. Mrs. Rollins! w.is a noble. C hrlstinn lady and her death has brought sadncHs- to a iiosr of frie.ids. Bio - Obituaries -3/5/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 5,1952 - Page 4 David B. Essie David Burum Usalc, 53, of near Cana, died l«sc Tiit'Kd.iv at his home. He had hecn In decliuinvi health for suvund vgars. I'or rhc past two or thrj^e vea:s hv had been a salesman uiih I .CX. Furm and Home Siirph*. Wilhrshorn street. He wortcd Monday preceding tih death. Mr. Essie \v*\-i horn in Yadkln county, and spjnr hts en I *.! Ffe in Diivle and 3',iilktri ratti\tles. in 1920 he was married tn the former Mi.HR Phosn Baity, \vh<»* aurvlvcsi together wttl; twudangh* tcrs, one son, fotir hrothcis, iwu, sisters and two grandcIdKlren, Funeral services were lieKl ac 2:30 p. m. Thursday at Ctmrtney Baptist Church by Dr. Kuvmoncl Connell nud Rev. R. E. Adams, and the body laid to rest in the church ccmeter\*. Bio - Obituaries — 3/5/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 6, 1952 - Page 1 DOVE SMITH ,70, DIES OF INJURIES AFTER BEING STRUCK BY AUTOMOBILE Lights Of Parked Car Blind Driver D. T. (Dove) Smith, 70, oper ator Of a sawmill in the Mace donia Moravian Church section of Davie County, was fatally in jured Friday night when struck by on automobile. Mr. Smith died in the City Hospital In Win ston-Solcm at 10:06 p.ia, some three hours o^ter his injury. Hospital authorities said thot Mr. Smith received severe shock, a fractured leg and dislocated shoulder. Mr. Smith wot struck by a 1949 model Ford, driven by Ausbon Ellis, 23, of Advance, Route 1. Mr. Ellis told investigating ofti ccrs that he was blinded by lights of a car on the aide of the road and failed to sec Mr. Smith. As far as officers could determine, Mr. Smith wos walking on the left hand side of the road into the opprooching traffic. • The accident occured almost oposite the perk ed car, on the opposite side of the road. The right headlight ot the car struck Smith, The accident occured around 0:45 p.m.. on highway fiOl, about 200 yards East of Lawrence Riddle's Store. Highway Patrol men T. J. Badgett investigated the accident. No charges have been preferred. l^neral | services for Mr. Smith were held Sunday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. W. C. Hcndrix. Macedonia Church with the Rev. Mocedonia Church wtih the Rev. J. G. Bruncr and the Rev. A. C. Cheshire officiating. Burial was In the church groveyord. Mr. Smith was born in Davic County, Dec. 11, IBOl, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith. He spent oil of his life in Davio County where he wos a farmer and an operator of a sawmill. His wife, the former Miss Betty Smith, died March 19, 1942. I Survivors Include one daugh ter, Mrs. W. C. Hcndrix of Ad vance, Route 1; two sons, Paul Smith of the home and Ollle Smith of Wlnston-Salem; four grand children: two sisters, Mrs. Nannie Howard of Winston-Sa- lem and Mrs. Lillle Wood of Clemmons. Pallbearera were Paul Smith. E. C. Hendrlx, Carl Hendrix, Er nest Butner, John Cope, J. J. Wood, and Jim Zimmerman. Bio - Obituaries - 3/6/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 6,1952 - Page 7 Mrs. George N. Cook, 67, Clemmons Road Funcraliscrvices for Mrs. George Napoleon Cook, 67, Clemmons Road, Winston*Sn)om, Route 4,' were conducted nt 2:30 p.m. Mon*' day at the home nnd ot 3:30 p.m.' at Hope Moravian Church. | Bishop J. Kenneth Ptohl ond the Rev. C. M. Hcdrick officiated.' Burial was in the Mount Carmel cemetery. | Pallbearers were C. E. Jorvis,' W. F, Brown, W. F. Griffith. W." M. Jorvis, C. C. Swolm ond Clcw- cll Porncll. Mrs. Cook died in a Winston- Salom hospital at 4:45 p.m. Sotur- doy after a lengthy illness She was born Aug. 22, 1884, ond was a daughter of A. H. and Solly. Jarvis Patterson. Prior to mar riage she was Miss Viola Patter son. Mrs. Cook was a member of Hope Moravian Church. She Is lUrvl^Mid by several nieces and I nephews. GEORGE GRAVES i PASSES FRIDAY George Graves, 8d, retired farm er of Route 4, died at his home at 10:30 p.m. Friday foliowing a serious illness of one week. He hud been In declining hcoith for , the post year. Mr. Graves was born In DaviC| County April 23, 1862, o son of the late George and Amondo Fcczor Graves, ond had lived In the Turrcntlne community ull of his life. He was first married to Miss Ocia Foster who died 22 years ago. He was later married Nov. II, 1931, to the former Mrs. Nura Shackelford, who survives. lie was a member of Fork Bap tist Church for many years. Surviving In addition to the wFic arc two stepdaughters, Mrs. Rowland Honclinc of Mocksvllle,' ond Mrs. Doit Holthouser of, Winslon-Saiem. Funeral scrvkos were held ot Turrcntino Baptist Church at 3 p.m. Saturday with the Rev. E.| F. Englc nnd the Rev. L. M.! Tcnncry officiotlng. Burial was' in Fork Baptist Church ceme tery. Pollbcorcrs were Hubert Car ter, Adam Summers, Frank Short, Kcrr Bailey Graves, Hugh Graves, and Ray Groves. Bio - Obituaries -3/6/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 6,1952 - Page 8 Mrs. Sam C. Stonestreet Passes In Hospital Mrs. Sam C. Stonestreet, 67, Mocksville, died in a Statcsviilo hospital obout 2:15 p.m. Monday. She was born in the Fork Church community Feb. 27, 1885. Prior to her marriage .she was Miss Mary Jane Foster, a dnugh- ter of H. M. and Hannah Hen- drix Foster. She was morrlcd on her birth« day in 1007 to Mr. Stonestreet. They moved here from the Cana community in 1920. Mrs. Stonestreet is survived by her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Gcraldine Miller Spry, and a alster, Mrs. Alex Jones, Fork community: and a number eft niec* Cfl and nephews. E^cnil services were held at the First Baptist Church Wcdncs< day at 3 p.m., conducted by the Rev. J. P. Davis and the Rev. E. W. Turner. Burial was in Rose Comotory. , Piillbcurcrs wore: G. R. Madi son, R. P. Mortin, Jeff Caudcll. Charles Farthing, C. R. Horn. C. S. Anderson. Honorary pallbear ers were members of the Bible Class. Mrs. Slonestrecl was nn active member of the First Baptist Church. Slie was an officer In the WMU, G. A. leader, chairman of circle and nn officer In the Wa- men's Work of the Church. W. F. DWIGGINS DIES AT HOME William. Franklin Dwiggins, 86, a former salesman for Bowen Music Company in Winston-Sa- lem, died at his home on Church Street here Tuesday after a short illness. Mr. Dwiggins was born in Da- vie County, 0 son of James P. and Sara Lcach Dwiggins. He was married in 1897 to Miss Love ly Bell Bowles, who died in 1943, the year of his retirement. Mr. Dwiggins moved to Mocksville in 1919 when he became associ ated with C. C. Sanford and Sons. Survivors include one daugh ter, Mrs, W. N. Smith of Mocks- villc; two sons, M. 1,. Dwiggins and W. T. Dwiggins, both of Mocksville; 11 grandchildren end 12 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Thursday at Center Meth odist Church. The Rev. J. P. Da vis, the Rev. Wade Hutchens and rvthe Rev. H. D. Jessup officiated, burial was in the church ceme- Bio - Obituaries - 3/6/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 12,1952 - Page 4 W, F, Dwiq^ins y William Franklin Dwiggins, 86. a former salesman for Bowcn Mu sic Company in Winston'Salcm, died at his home on Churc^ Street here Tuesdtiy afc.T a short illness. Mr, Dwiggins was bom in Davic Counrv» a son of James P. nnd Sarah Lcach Dwiggins. He was married in 1897 to Miss Lc.velv Bell Bowles who died In 1943 Mr. Dwiggins moved to Mocks* villein 1919 when he became as* sociatcd with C. C. Stinfonl Sons Company* ] Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Will N Smith, of Mocks* ville; two sonsi M. L« Dwiggins and W. T. Dwiggins. both o f Mocksvillc; one sister, Mrs. |. R. Powell, Mocksville, Route 1; II grandchildren and 12 greac*gmnd' children. Funeral services were held at 11 a m., Thurt>dav at Center M tho* dist Churcl). Rev. J. P. Davis, Rev, Wade Hiitchins and Rev. H D. Jessup officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. MrsTTCobblel Mm. Maggie Benson Gobble, 74.1wife of A. B. Gobble, of Coatee-j mee. died Wednesday morning ntl ft StatesvilleZhospital. j She was a member of ihc Coo- leemce Baptist Church and haii lived in that community 46 years. Surviving are her husbottd, two daughters, three sons, four sisters and one brother. Funeral services were held ut 3)30 p. m« Friday at the Coolee- tnec Baptist Church, with Rev* J. W. Klein and Rev. James Potter ofBciating, and the body laid to test in the Fork Baptist Church cemetery. G D. eorve Fry OtOt H« Frv« 63. a native of Farmington township, died in a Winston-Salem huspltat Wednes day afternoon. Mr. Fry had been with the Rev- nolds-Lybrook for 35 years and for the past 19 years he had been superintendent o f Tnnglctvood Farm in Forsvth County. Surviving arc the wife, two dftughtcrSi seven sons, one sister flnd a brother, Claude Fry, of thU clcvt Mr. Fry was u member o f tnecnber of Macedonia Moravian Church* Funeral services were held at 2 • p. m., Friday at Macedonia Mo'j ravian Church, with Rev. George. Bfuner and Rev. Ed Brewer ot- j fiditing, and the body laid to rest in the church cemercry. , » T. Smith \ . Funeral services for D. T. (Dove) ! Smith, 70. saw mill operator of Farmington township, were held on March 2nd, at 2 p. m., at the home of a daughter. Mrs. W. C. Hendricks, and a second service at 2:30 at Macedonia Moravian Church, with Rev. J. G, Bruncr land Rev. A. C. Cheshire ofTtciat- 'ing and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. I Mr. Smith was killed on the I night of Feb. 29th, when he was | struck bv an automobile near hi.s t home, driven by Osbome Ellis, of that community. Bio - Obituaries - 3/12/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 12,1952 — Page 5 Mrs. S. C. Stone- street Mrs. Sam C. Stoncstrcer* 67' well'known and beloved Mocks* villc lady* died in aScan^vlllehos* pitat on Monday afternoon of last weckf following an illness of sev* eral weeks. Mrs. Stonestreet was bom near Fork, and spent her endrc life in Davie County. She was a daugh* ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Foster, of Fulton township. She wasmar- I tied to S. C. Stonestreet, of near Cana» in 1907- They moved to Mocksvillc 32 years ago. 1 Mrs. Stonestreet is survived byIhcr husband; a daughter, Mrs. Toe Spry, and one sister, Mrs. Alex Jones, of Fulton township. , George Graves I George Graves, 89, well-known retired farmer, died at his home jinvTerusalem Township on Feb. 29th. He had been in bad health for a year. Mr Graves was born in Davic County, a son of Mr. aud Mrs. George Graves, and spent his en tire life in this .county. His first wife was Miss Ccia Foster, who died 22 years ago. He later mar-. tied the former Mrs. Nora Shack- clford, who survives. He was a■'member of Fork Baptist Church for many years. i < Surviving are the wife and twostepdaughters, Mrs. Doit Holt* houser, of Winston-Salcm, and Mrs. Rowland Hancline, Mocks- villc. Funeral servicos were held atTurrencine Baptist Church at 3 p. ' m., March 2na, with Rev, E. F.Eagle and Rev. L. M. Tennery of*fi ciating. Burial was in the ForkBaptist Church cemetery. , Funeral services were held at MocksvUle Baptist Church at 3 p. m., Wednesday afternoon, with ' her pastor. Rev. J. P. Davis, oflt- ' dating, assisted by Rev, E. M- Turner, and the body laid to rest an Rose ccmcicry. I The death of Mrs Stonestreet has brought sadness to a host of friends throughout the town and 'county. She was a consecrated Christian lady, and will be missed in the home, the church and com- muniiy, where spent a long and ussful life. f^uth-TurrentineH •p Miss Ruth Turrendnc, 47, jdied at her home at Hanes Wednesday., She was a daughter of the late A. H. Turrentine and Mrs. Turrontine, of Mocksvillc. Sur* viving arc her mother, two aUcers and one brothers. Miss Turren tine moved to Hanes about 10years ago and had been in dcclln'ing health for several ycaw. Thefiineral services were held atthe home at 11 a. m. Friday, with Rev. G. L, Wilkerson officiatingand the body laid to rest In Oak Grove M» E. Church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -3/12/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 13,1952 - Page 2 Miss Ruth Tiurentine Passes At Hanes Miss Ruth Mae Turrentinc, 47,. a native of MocksviUc, died at her- huinc In Hones on March 5. She had been In declining health for several yeors. Miss Turrentinc moved to Hanes- in 1042. She was a daughter of the late A. B. Turrentinc and Mrs. Minnie Baker Turrentinc, who survives. Other survivors include two sisters, Mrs. W. K. Dyson of I Hanes and Mrs. O. W. Bowers of { Cooleemee; one brother, Clarence- I E. Turrentinc of Hones, The fQRci^&t was held at* the t home on 5th Street, Hanes, and I! burial 'was at the Ook Grove •| Cemetery, with the Rev. R L. I Wilkinson conducting the service. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 13,1952 - Page 9 Dona|d L. Lanier^ 54, of Lexington Donald L. Lanicr, 54, of Lex ington, Route 3, died at his home^ ot 10:30 a.m. March 4, after an' Illness of one year. I He was born in Davic County; Dee. 1, 1897, a son of. Burl Mon-j roc and Nottic Harvey Lanicr. Hcj wos a member of the Fulton Meth odist Church. Lanicr of Lcx{ngtoiTl> Route 3,' J Survivors Include his wife, the former Ella Lloyd of the home; five daughters, Mrs. Hasscll Wil liams and Mrs. Bruce Foster, both of Lexington, Route 3, Mrs. Alex Hayes of CIcmmons, Route 2, Joyce and Jean Lanicr, both! of the home; six sons, Mclvin, Gar-| land and Chorlcs Lanicr, oil of^ Lexington, Route 3, and Burl- Tommy and Billy Lnnier, all of the home; two brothers, Robuckl ohn Lanicr of Advance, Route 2,; 7our sisters, Mrs. C. 0. Livcngood of North Wllkcsboro, Mrs. Clar ence Creason of Cooleemee; Mrs. Mary Hcndrix of High Point, Mrs.' Bessie Carter of Winston-Salcm, Route 2. ! Funerol services were hold at 3 p.m. Tuesday at Fulton Metho dist Church by the Rev. Mr. Fitz gerald, the pastor. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio — Obituaries — 3/13/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 19, 1952 — Page 5 Mrs. B. C. Sharpe Mt8. B. C. Sharpe, 74, oflrcdell County, died on March 6th, fol* io><ln6 n long illness. Funeral so vices were held March 10th, nr Bunch Funeral Home, Siatcsvilte» and the body laid to rest in Oak* wood Cemetery, Mrs. Sharpe w; s a sister of Mrs, John A. Bowles, of Ephesus. Bio - Obituaries - 3/19/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thui-sday, March 20, 1952 - Page 4 T. F. Trivette, 82, Rites Held Tuesday Thomas Franklin Trivette, 82, retired farmer of VadkinvlUe, died early Monday at a Winston- Salcm hospital following a serious illness of one week. ' Born in Davio County, May 18, 1078, ho was the son of Mr. and, Mrs. P. K. Trivette. 1 Surviving are six: daughters/ Mrs. Charles Rcncgar and Mrs.' Honvy Rcnvis, both of Yadkln-' villc, Route 2, Mrs. R. F. Jones and Miss Edna Trivette, both of Mocksvillc, Route 2, Mrs. Reuben Lapish of Mncksville and Mrs. Bryant Turner of Mocksvillc, Rt. 4: five sons, Terry and John Frank Trivette, both of Boonvlllc, Bur ton Trivette of Mocksvillc, Rt. 2, LInncy Carr Trivette o'l Moeks- vilte. Rt. 4; two brothers, D. W. Trivette of Mucksvllc, Rt. 3, and John C. Trivette of Harmony; 40 grandchildren and 40 grent-grand- childrcn. | Fnnoral services word held at 3 p.mi Tuesday at the Union Chapel Methodist Church. The Rev. J. P. Davis und the Rev. W. C. Anderson officiated. Grandsons ^vcrc pallbenrors. Burlul was in tlic church cemetery. C. \V. HALL, 56, RITES WEDNESDAY Funeral services for Charles • Walter Hall, 50, of Advance, Rt 2. were held at the hon)c at 2 p.m. Wednesday and at Elbavlilc Methodist Church at 3 p.m., by (he Rev. William Fitzgerald. Mr. Hall, a field engineer, was born In Thomnsvillc July 8, 180S, a son of Samuel W. and Mattlc Johnson Hall. He lived in Win- aton-Salcm for a number of years and had lived at his Advance home for 24 years. He was married Dec. U, 1919, to Miss Annie Faircloth, who sur vives. Other survivors include two sons, Samuel E Hall of Kcrners- vlllc, Route 2. Thomas K. Hail of Southmont; three grandchildren; sine sister. Miss Mottle Sue Hall •of Wlnston-Salem; one brother, A. E, Hall of Yadkinvlltc. Burial was in (he Eibavillo Methodist Church Cemetery. Pallbearers were Clinton Hart-, m&n. Bill Hartman, Virgil Hart- man, Avcry Hartman, Charles Gray llartinnn and Guorg? Hart man. ' Bio — Obituaries - 3/20/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 20,1952 - Page 8 Funeral 'Held Saturday For James M. Norman FUAOrfil services for James M. Norman, 74, of Cana, N. C., were hold at the Cross Roads Boptist Church Saturday oCtcrnoon. Dr. Raymond C. Connell and Rev. A. C. Cheshire officiated. Mr. Norman died in a Win- ston-Salem hospital March 12. | He was born in Yodkin County on May 17, 18767, and spent his entire life forming in the Yod kin community. He was the sofl of the late John and Elvira Dan* ner Normon. He was married on August, 19, ' 1600, to Miss Mary C. Azmon, who survives. Other survivors include / one daughter, Mrs. Avcry Mun- ' day, Yadkinvillc, Route 2; three sons, W. H. Normon, Mocksville, Route 2, ond J. A. and B. L. Nor mon of Wlnston-Salcm; one sis* tcr, Mrs. Jomcs Wilkins, Har mony. Bio - Obituaries -3/20/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 26, 1952 - Page 5 Vfilliam Harbin William W. Harbin, 81, died at his home on South Main street earlv Thursday morninc, follow* Ing a long Illness. Surviving are the wife, three daughters, Mrs. Macic Foster, of SalisburVi Mrs. j. C. Warren and Mrs. Fred Jones, of this city; two sisters, Misses Sallie and Delia Harbin, of Kannapolis. Inincral services were held at the home at 4 p. m. Friday, with Rev. J. P« Davis and Rev. A. J. Cox officiating, and the bodv laid to rest In the Clement cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/26/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 27,1952 - Page 4 R. L. LYERLY LOSES FATHER W. H. C. Lyerly, 80, died sud denly at 6 o'clock at his home Sunday night on Rt 5, Salisbury, after suffering a heart attack. Funeral services were conduct ed Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Christiana Lutheran church In Granite Quarry with Rev. Gil- mcr Boggs in charge. Burial was In the church cemetery. He is survived by his widow, the former Miss Lottie M. Hols- tiousur; five oons, L, M. Lyerly of Chicago, HI.. R. L. Lyerly of Mocksvilc. F. \V. Lyerly of Wil mington, Howord M. Lyerly of Newport News, Vo., and Harry C. Lyerly of Rt. 5j three daugh ters. Mrs. John Adam Holshouscr of nt. 5. Mrs. Eugene Harris of Ciucago, lU.. and Mrs. John Tay lor of Mocksvjlle; one brother, A. A. Lyerly of Stanly County: two sistois, Mrs. Adolphus Miller of Rockwell and Miss Maggie Ly erly of Rt. 4; 16 gmndchidron and one great grunUchilJ. W. W. Harbin, 81, Passes At Home w. w. (Will) Harbin. 31, re tired brick mason,' died at his home on South Main Street at 4;15 a.m. Thursday. Born in Davic County, Dec. 5. 1870, he was the son of Cashwelll and Jane Clement Harbin. He, was married Feb. 19, 1911, to the former Sallie Booc Clement. Surviving arc the wife; titrcc dauchlcrs. Mrs. Mack Foster of Salisbury, Mrs. John C. Warren and Mrs. Frbd Jones, both of Mocksvillc; two sisters, Miss SalUc Harbin and Miss Delia Harbin, both of Knnnapolis: nine grand children: and eight great-grand children. Funeral services were held at 4 p.m. Friday nt the homo. Tiie Rev. A. J. Co.N, tiie Rev, J. P. Davis and the Rev. Bruce Rob erts officiated. Burial was in titc Clemonl ccmolory soulli of Mocks villc. Mrs. Ida S. Walker Passes in Gibsonville Funeral services were'held'lout" Thursday afternoon for Mrs. Ida S. Walker at Frldcn's Lutheran Church in Gibsonville. Burial was in the church cemetery. Survivors include two daugh ters, Mrs. D.' C. Rankin of Mocksvilte ond Miss Mory Walk er of Woodbridge, England; two sons. J. El Walker of Gibsonville and R. A. Wolkcr of Sheffield, Ala. Bio - Obituaries - 3/27/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 2,1952 - Page 4 John C. Drauqhn Johh C. Draughn, 77, retired farmer of die hefiield communi' cv, died March 24ch at a Scates' ville hospital where he had been a patient for a week. Survivors include hve children, Jesse and Monroe Drauplin, Mrs. Myrtle Beck and Mrs. Paul Jones all of Davle County, Brady Dfaughn of Yadkinville, Route 2, one shtcr, Mrs. WvUe Rltgpi, of Mount Airy. Mis wife died three years ago. " Funeral services were held at 3 p. m., Wednesday at Pilgrim Holh ness Church of which he was a member, with Rev. C. A. E^rker officiating. Bio - Obituaries - 4/2/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 3,1952 - Page 2 Mrs. W. Brady Angell Is Taken By Death Mrs. W, Brady AngcU, 64, died at the home of a son, T. G. An gell, Qt 2:40 p.m. Saturday after a serious illness of two weeks. She hod been in declining health (or several years. A resident of this community for the post 50 years, Mrs. AngoU was born in Allcghany County. Sept. 28, 1808, a duughter of Is- ooc ond Betty Long Landreth. Survivors include two sons, B. L. Angell of WInston-Salem, T. 0. Angell of Mocksville; four step sons, C. J. Angell of Mocskville, A. H. AngcU of Mocksville, Rt. 4, C. B. Angell of Mocksville, Rt. 2, W. D. Angell of Kannapolls; one stepdaughter, Mrs. George Mcssick of Mocksville; two sisters, Mrs. May Woodruff of Glade Vol ley, N. C., Mrs. S. C. Hoopers of Miles City, Mont,; three brothers, 1. E. Landreth of Clarcmont, Cal., R. T. Lendreth of Sparta. S. S. Londrcth of Laurel Springs. Funeral services were held at the Mocksville Baptist Church at 11 a.m. Mondoy by the Rev. J. P. Davis. Burial was in Joppa Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 4/3/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 9,1952 - Pages 1&5 Mrs. B. Anqell Mrs. W. Brady Angelt, 84. died at the home of a aon on Route 2, Marih 29th, after an lllhe&s of two weeku. She had heen in de« dining health for several years. Mrs. Angell was a native of Al leghany County, but have lived In Davic County for the pjutt flftv years. Survivors Include two suns, B. L Angell, of /Wln8ton*Salem; T. (J. Ancdl, Mocksvilte; four step sons, C. j. Angell, Mocksvillet A. H. Angell, Route 4; C. B. Angell, Route 2}'W. D. Angell,' of Kan« napolis; one stepdaughter, Mra. George, Messick, of Mocksville; two sisters,. Mrs. May Woodruff', Glade Valley; Mrs^ 8. C. Hoppen. Miles City. Mont; three btochers, I. E. Landreth, Claremonr,^ Calif., R. T. Landreth, Sparta. S. S. Lan* drith, Laurel Springs.' . FMnertI services were held at the Mocksville Baptist Church at K a. m., March 31, with her pas tor, Rev. J. P. Davis officia^g, and the body laid to rest in Joppa cemetery.' A good woman has hccp called to her.rcyvai^. | Mrs. V/. B. Angell Mrs. W. Bmdv Angell, 84, died at the home of a son on Route 2. Mar£h 29ch, after an illness of two weeks. Shehadhecnin dc* dining health for several years. Mrs. Angdl was a native of At leghany County, but have lived In Davie County for the pfist fifty years. Survivors fndudu two sons, B. L Actgell, of Winstcn-SaUtnj T. G. Angell, Mocksvilie; four step- sons, C. ]. Angdl, Mocksvilte; A. H. Angetl. Route 4; C. B. Angell, Route 2; W. D. Angell, of Kan- napolis; one stepdaugluer. Mrs. George. Messick, of Mocksvilie two sisters,. Mrs. May Woodruff, Glade Valley; MrsT S. C. Hoppers. Miles City, Mont.; three biothcrs. f. E. Landreth, Claremont;^ Calif., R. T. Landreth, Sparta, S. S. Lan* drlth. Laurel Springs.' Funeral services were held at the Mockavllie Baptist Church at it a, m., March 31, with her pas tor, Rev. J. P. Davis ofSciatlng, and. the body laid to rest in Joppa cemetery. A good woman has heen cdled to her.,revcflr.d, DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 9,1952 - Page 4 W'. H. Stanley W. H Stanley, 76. a native of DavIc County, but who has been living in Yadkin countv for some time, died In nn Elkin hospital Thursday. Surviving are four daughters and four sons. Furteral services wore held at 3 p. m. Saturday »t Libc.ty Baptist Church with Rev. J. M. Grocc of- ficlating, and the body laid to rest in the church cemcicry i Mrs. Polly Spafhs Mrs. H.irrison Sparks, 88, died Pddav at her ln'me near Macedo nia Church, following ait n xtcnd cd illnc-ss Shv w\i tvlcv married, nr>!t to W. A. RtdJie who d vd tn 1908, and Inter to Hncr'son Sparks who die I in ■947- Suf iving are one s >t» and onednughccr, ei«ht grandchildren, 9great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2p. m Sunday at the home and ;.t 7:30 at the Macedonia Moravian Church, with Rev. George Brunc.* . nd Rev. Alvis Cheshire officiating, and the body laid \b rest ill the church cemetery. H' A. Cleary William A. Cleary, 67, retired farmer of the Houstonvllle com munity In- Iredell Countv, died unc.xpcctcdiy Tuesday following a heart attack. Mrs. Cleary, a former rcsidcnl of Davic Countv. is survived by his wife, four sons, Herman and Hoover Cierry both of the home, Wade Cleary of Mocksvilie and Harvev Cl«»ary of Harmony; threedaughters, Miss Edna Cleary of Elkin, Miss Ruth Clean- of Knn-nnpoiis, and Mrs Alva Mariig of loucsvtllc; and two half brotlicrs. Duke Whitakcr of Welch, W. V», Funeral services were held at 3p. m.. Tharsdav at Rocky Springs Baptist Church. Burial was in die church cemeter^•. Rev.Glenn■AllBood and Rev. Carev Balla iOfficiaretJ- Bio - Obituaries - 4/9/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA o ,. .c5fflnBk)ri^*i#vs: CaptaM Greenhalgh i- Joseph Edward Green- jlagh, 67, of 523 Magnolia Avenue, l^landa, Florida, died Feb. 7, at ja. hospital in Orlanda after an iHness of ten days. He was a re- ^'tired sea captain with many years . of experience. He also saw service merchant marine during n World War I. He was bom in Fall . River, Mass., the only son of Al- . fred and Teresso Greenlagh. Sur viving him is his widow, the former Mrs. Hate Ferebee New ton, formerly of Dayie County and Bennnettsvilie, S. C. Fimeral services were conduct ed by his pastor, Dr. Tucker, of the First Baptist Church of Or lando, and by Dr. J. N. Garner, Presb^erian minister of Orlando Pallbearers were Chirles .Le^,: Paul H. Lyles, Sr„ snd B." B. Sanders, all of Bennettsville and coiuins of Mrs. Grebnlagh, «nd Wayne Ferebee,.. ^ a nephew, of Mocl^ille. 'others' from out of town attending tiie fuheral were Mrs. Greenla^'s bro1|her,;joe, G. Ferebee and Mrs. F^ebee^of MocksviUe, and Tom Lewis, a cou sin, of BennettsviUe, \r rK p 3> r f -o -o Crt )0 ^ ^ - i 9 U 1 \7 e- <3 DA VIE CO. PUBLIC LIB'^ARY mockswlle,/^c ' n o— . o MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April io, 1952 - Pages 1 & 10 RITES THURSDAY FOR DR. WILKINS Funeral: services for Dr. Will iam Rubert Wllkins, 71, will he held nt 3 p.m. Thursday at the Flr.st Presbyterian Church. Rev, Paul Richards will officiate. Mil* sonic graveside rites will be held at Rose Cemetery. Dr. Wllkins paused awuy around 4 a.m. April 9, at the Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salcm. He had been in declining health since suVferInc a broken hip In o full in Feb., 1951. He had been criti* cally ill for the past two weeks. He wos born In Rutherford County on Sept. 19, 1800. He attended the scho.'^ls of Ruth* crford County and the University of North Carolina, graduating in 1904 from the Pharmacy School. He was the last active druggist of that 1904 class. In 1004 he married the former Carrie Noisier of Rutherford (Conilnuctl on Page 10) MO'BE ABOUT DR..WILKINS County, who survives. Dr. Wllkins worked for 25 ycora as a druggist in North Wllkcs* boro. He moved to Mocksvillc in 1036 and become associated with the LcGrand Pharmacy, later pur* chasing this business which he operated as Wilklns Drug Co. He was n member of the Pres byterian Church, the Mocksvillo Rotory Club and the Elks Club of Salisbury. In addition to hl.s wife, surviv ors include one doughtcr, Mrs J. H. Somcrs of Wilkcsboro; ano son, W. N. Wilklns of Churlotto; three slslur.s, Mrs. L. W. Garden er ot Shelby; Mrs. Tom Scrcven of Spnrtanburg, S. C.; Mrs. W. R. Phillips, Toronto, Conndo; four grandchildren and two great* grandchildren. Active pallbearers will bo Roy Coltcttc, Hntncs Yntcs, Charlie Woodruff, .T. H. Thompson, J. K. Shock, John N. Waters. Honorary pallbcnrcrs will be Knox Johnstono, R. B. Snnford, E. C. Morris, Dr. L. P. Martin, J. H. Eldaon, John Durham, Dr. W. M. Long, W. J. Wilson. R. S. Me- Nelll, B. C. Clement and J. C- Sanford. Bio — Obituaries — 4/10/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 10, 1952 - Page 4 Final Rites Saturday For W. H. Stanley, Age 76 Funcvol services for William Henry Stanley 70, of YadUin County were held at llic Liberty Baptist Church Saturday. Rev. J. M. Groce officiated Mr. Stanley died In a Elkln hc«- pliat folluwiiitf un llliiuss of three weeks. He was born in-DaviirCoui:ty, Sept. 0, 167S. son of J. J. ant^ Jane Stanley. Ho was a retired savv« mil) worker and had lived in Yudkln County for the past 14 years. He Is .survived by four ilauoh- tors, Mrs. Doyle Groce of Cnna, Rt. 1; Miss Betty Stanley of Win- ston-Snlctn; Miss Eva Stanley and Miss Daisy Mac Stanley of W)1 minston; and four sons, Claude Stanley of Clcminons; Lonnlc Stanley of New Castle, Ind., John Henry and Felix Stanley of Rt. 1, Yadkinvillc. Mrs. Frank H. Allen Native of Davic County Mrs. Lydia West Allen, native of Davic County, died Monday afternoon at her homo at Craw- ford.svillc, Ind., after an illness of scvcrol weeks. Mrs. Allen was born in Davle County near Farmlnyton, daugh ter of Giles nnd Nnncy Bowden West. She was married to Frank H. Allen In young womanhood and moved to Indiana. Survlvinft arc the husband; three sisters, Mrs. Mamie Henry nnd Mrs. Julia llcnry, both of Greenwood, Ind., and Mrs. Am anda Scats of Mocksville, Route 2; ond one brother, Sim West of Mnr.'^halltovvn, towo. FuncrnI nrrangomonts wore not known hero Wednesday morning. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 10,1952 - Page 6 Rites Held Thursday For William A. Cleary jFuneraj services were held for Williuin A. Clcory, well-known retired farmer of the Houstonvlllc section of Iredcll County, ond a native of Dovic County, ot the Rocky Springs Baptist Church at 3 p.m. last Thursday. Burial was In the church cemetery. | He Is survived by the widow, Mrs. Purina Rcavls Cleary; four sons, Wade Cleary of Mocksville, Harvey Cleary of Rt. I, HonnOny, and Hoover and Herman Cleary of the home; three daughters, Miss Ruth Cleary of Kannapolis, Miss Edno Cleary of Elkln; and Mrs. Alva Martin of Joncsvitlc; one sister, Mrs. C. -C. Beck pf Rt. 1, Mocksville; nnd two half broth ers, Duke Whitakcr <fi Mocksville and Robert Whitakcr of Winston- Salcm. Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 16,1952 - Page 5 A. S, Gailher N. Sankv Gal.hcr, 66. well- known business man of Harmony, died at Davis Hospital. Staiesviilc, on April 7th. following a major operation a few days earlier. . Survivinc arc his wife, two sons, one daughter, one > brother and three sisrcrs. Funeral scrviccs\^CX. held atHarmony Methodist^hiirch at 3 p. m., Wednesday anJ^.thc body laid to rest in the church'ccmctcrv. Mrs, Frank Allen Mra. Lydla West Allen, native ol Uavie County, died April 7 at her home at Crawfordsville, tnd., after an Illness of several weeks. Mrs. Alien was born in Davic County near Farmlngton, daugh* ter of Giles and Nency Bowden West. * She was married to Frank H. Allen In young womanhood and moved .to Indiana. Surviving arc the husband; three' bisters, Mrs. Mamie Henry andi Mrs. iulia Henry, both of Greens-' wood, tnd., and Mrs. Amanda Scats of Mocksville, Route 2, and one brother, Sim West of Mar- shalltown, Iowa. Sam Booe Sam Booc, 65, well known N spent moi In Mocksville, died I va., last Wcdncsdi'. Funeral at Bo:>aow"thodlst Cln^rch S.iukH.v .t 2 , T-n s a «1oV A Tlu-Um-ru • ' e • •• If , ^Hwasa .1 Wr V u-r \^ «cre sorry to Icon, Bio - Obituaries — 4/16/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 17,1952 - Page 4 W. L. COPE. 62, OF ADVANCE Walter Leon Cope. 62, Advance, Rt. 1, died at a Winston-Salem hospital Saturday after an Illness of two wcchs. Born Nov. 27. 1891, in Davie County, he was the son of W. M. and Mary Hodge Cope. His entire life was spent in Davic County in the Macedonia Moravian Church community where he was 0 well known Yarmer. He was a member of the Macedonia Mora vian Church. In 1013 he was married to Miss Hattiu Smith who survives. Other survtvurs arc six dough- ti;rs. Mrs. Arlliic Douthilt, Mrs. Elisabeth Hcndrix, Mrs. Mary Belle Ilciidilx, Mis. Ourutiiy Ellis, Miss Betty Lou Cope, all of Ad vance. Mrs. Hazel Smith of 1 Mocksvillc; four sons. Willie, Eu gene, Aldion and W. L. Cope, Jr., all of Advance: 18 grnndchiidren; (wo sisters, Mrs. Pnttic Hocka- i jdny of Advance and Mrs. Annie « Smith of Greensboro: two broth- crs. John and Andrew Cope, both of Advance. I Funoral services wore held at I the Macedonia Moravian Church I Monday afternoon. Bio - Obituaries - 4/17/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 17,1952 - Page 7 Sara Jane McDaniel, Age 90, of Cooleemee Sarah Jane McDanlcl, 90, died ot 7:40 p.m. Friday at her home In the North Cootccmcc commun< ity. She had been in bad health for several years and seriously III for five weeks, i She was boi-n in Davlc County ; May 12, 18C2, daughter ot Billy ' ond Nancy McDanlcl. She had lived In the North Coolccinec com< munity for 40 years. ^ services were conduct- I cd Monday ot North Cooleemee I Baptist church by Hev. Jimmy ' Groce, the Rev. Harold Porker 1 ond the Rev. L. W. Price. Burial . was In the Cornatzer Methodist Church cemetery. Surviving arc a daughter, Mrs. J. W. Dyson of Salisbury, Rt 2; a son, John A. McDaniel of La Mesa, Calif.; a grandchild and three gi-cat*grunUchlldren. Bio - Obituaries - 4/17/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 23,1952 - Page 1 W'. L. Cope Walter Leon Cope, 62, Advance, Route !, died oc a local hospital Aoril 12th. His entire life was spent In Dnvic County in the Macedonia Moravian Church community where he was a wclhknown farm* cr. He was a member of the Mace donia Moravian Church. In 1913 he \vas married to Miss Hottic Smith who survives. Other survivors are six dauch* ters, Mrs. Arllnc Douthit, Mrs. Elizabeth. Hcndrix. Mrs. Marv Belle Hendrix. Mrs. dcrothy Ellis. Miss Betty Lou Cope, all of Ad vance. Mrs. Hazel Smith of Mocks- vilic; four sons. Willie Eugene, Aldinn and W. L Cope, Jr., all of Advance; (8 grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Pattic Hockaday of Advance, and Mrs. Annie Smith of Greensboro; two brothers, John and Andrew Cope, both of Ad« vancc Funeral services were held at 2:30 p. m., April \A, at the home' arid at the Macedonia Moravian | Churrh at 3 p. m. Rev. George | Bruner and Rev. Ransom Mc- Alphine oRiciatcd. Burial was In the church graveyard. Jane McDaniel . Sarah Jane McDanicI, 90, died at 7-40 p. m., April II, at her home.in North Coolcemee. She had been In bod health for several years and seriously III five weeks. She was bom in DavJc County on Mav 12, 1862, daughter of Billy and Nancy McDanlel. She had lived In the North Coolce mee community for 40 years. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p. m. Monday at North Coo lcemee Baptist Church, by Rev. Jimmy Groce, Rev. Harold Park er and Rev. L. W. Price. Burial was In the Comatzcr Methodist Church ccmcterv. Surviving arc a daughter, Mrs. J. W. Dyson of Salisbury, Route 2i a son, John A.' McDaniel of La- Mesa, C^lif., a e^ndchlld and three great grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 23,1952 - Page 4 Dewey Joyner Takes Own Life Dtfwcv Jovncr, 53. well known lumber dealer ol Clurksvillc town* ship, died Saturday mornini* short* Iv after being taken to Duvls Hos* pitnK Statesvillc. Mr. loyner got up at 6 o'clock Friday morning, to^ a 12 guagci shotgun and wc'iit behind u 'stcarh 1 cructorinhis yard and fired a| charge which entered his chest. Mr. loyner had u severe attack I of flu In R*bruary. from which he had not fully recovered. Mr. Joyner was born in Iredell county, but lived In Oavie most of his li c. He is survived bv his wife, two sons. Graham, of the home, and Rev. Norman joyner. of Lavonli. Ind ; two daughters. Mrs. Clinton Smith, Mocksville, Route I, and Mrs. Alfred Reavis. Mill Sprinus. S. C.; four brothers ,ind fi ve sisteis. Funeral services were held at 3 o. m. Sunnav .it Dear Creek Bap. list Church, with his p.nstor, Uev. i VV. C. Barkley officiutinu. and the (>odv laid CO rest in the church ecmctcry. Mr. loyner will be sadly missed in lite community where Ite spent u long and useful life. He was a good man. To the bereaved fam ily Tltc Record extends heartfelt sympathy in this dark hour. One by one our friends arc crowing ove the river to rest under the shade of the trees. . Lonnie J. Brown Mrs. Lee Lowder , toftnlR J. Brown. B8. i.f MocktvUlr. R. 2, n leil ni h|. fxitoe Fridny. fatlowingaa rjc rnded lllorM. j He nwned nnd openited n nursery for • he (aiBt 20 tenre ,nod was a vnteren nf Wo'id War I He wee a member of Fh Khch Bhptist Ctierch; 1 Surviving are Ihn widow, one doaflhter four snne. four hrnthers end thrf>A olitere. Punerol nervier^ were held al SJO p. ro Sunday nt Zlnn Baptlflt Church wUh Rev. Witram Anderson ond Rev. E. W, Tumor afflelniloc. and the body laid to rest In (he church ceme(erv. | Mrs. Lee Lowder.fiS.died Wed nesdav lit a local nursing huote af ter a critical illness of three davs She had lived in Couleemee for 30 years. Her husband died two months ago. • | Surviving are two daughrers, one soit, one brother nod a sister. Punernt. services were held at 3 p. m. Saturday at Coolecfnec Bap tist Church with Rev. A T. Sto". dcmire and Rev. J. W. Klein of fici»t*nu and the body laid to reft in the Citolecntec cvmcterv. jsally-Sherlene-GravesI] Graves Infant Sally Sherlcnc. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs H. D. Graves, rd Rou'c 4« died Wcdncsdnv at a Winsron-Salem hospital after un Itliu'SH of two days. Surviving are the parents and the maternal grandpaicnts, Mr. an.^ Mrs. T. D. Richie, of Canu. Funeral services were held at 3 p. m. Friday .at the home, with Rev. Aivis Cheshire- officiating. < and the little body laid to rest in ; the Fork Baptist Ciiurch cemetery A.F.'PraterU Father Dies A. F- ntrer, 88, of near Hnnip' tonviile, Yutlkin Cotm v, fnilier of Mrs. Wilson Brown, of this citv, died in a ScnteNvillc hosplcul last Tuesday. Surviving arc the wife uitd'cig't children, togciher \\\*U many re latives and friends. Funeral services were held iit Zion PapMst Church Th r il y afternoon at 3 o'cioci. with R . C. C. Holland. Rev M. F Reiivi. and R-v, GruJy White offici ti g and the budv laid, to rest in t! c church cemetery. . Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 24,1952 - Page 2 a: F. Crater, 88, Father Of Mocksvi]Ie Woman Funeral services for Augustus Franklin Crater, 88, of Hampton, ville, Rt. 2, were held April 16 at the Zion Baptist Church. Rev. Orady D. WhJto, Rev. C. C. Holl and and Rev. M. F. Rcavls, offi ciated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Crater, prominent Yadkin County farmer, died on April 15 ut a Statcsvltlc hospital. He suf fered a stroke of paralysis on April II. He was born in Ircdcll County and has spent most of his life in Hamptonvillc, Ht, 2, commun ity. He was a largo land-owner and c.xtcnslvG tobacco farmer. He was Q member of Ihc Zion Baptist Church and had been a deacon since 1026. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge. He was married to Miss Roxic Whllnkcr in 1888. She died in 1924. He was married the second time to Miss Millie Sturgilt of Ashe Cdunty. ~ " Surviving arc the widow and eight children, all of the first marriage. They arc. Mrs. Lizzie Madison of Hamptonvillc, Mrs. Blanche Robblns of Honda, A. J. and G. P. Crater of Hampionville, the Rev. E. R, Crater of Hamp tonvillc, Mrs. Minnie Brown of Mccksvine, Mrs. Dell Sofley of Thomasvillc and L. Press Crater of the home. < Bio - Obituaries - 4/24/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 24,1952 - Page 3 Mrs. Ada Hudson, 74, of Coolccmcc Mrs. Ada Lclia Hudson, 74, died at her home in (he North Coolcc- mco community April 16. She had been in declining health for three years and seriously ill tor the past six months. Born in Yadkin County Jan. 4, 1878, she was the daughter uf James ond Saroh Denny Ever- Idgc and had lived in this com< munity for the past 20 years. She was married to Witl V. Hud son who died in 1938. Survivors arc one daughtpr, Mrs. Munroc Cope of Coolccmcc; one foster daughter, Mrs. Bculah Munday of Mocksvlllc*, one foster son, Bill Mcssick of Mocksvlllc; and two grandchildren. Funorat services were conduct- cd at 4 p.m. Friday at Llbcily Methodist Church by the Rev. G. W. Fink and the Rox. Kenneth Mrs. A. L. Lowder, 68, Of Cooleetnec, Passes Mrs. Lucy Ann Lowder, 68, died at a locat nursing home after a critical illness of three days. Born in Stokes County, she was a daughter of John A. and Sorah Robertson ond had lived In the Coolccmcc community for the past 30 years. She WQ3 the wife of the late Abncr Lcc Lowder, who died in Feb., 1052. Surviving arc two daughters, Mrs. Leo Reavis of Salisbury and Mrs. Dale Bryc of Sarasota, Fla.; one son, Robert Lowder of the home.,., one brother, J. T. Robert son of Moorcsvillc; one sister, Mrs. R. E. Lowder of Salisbury; and five grandchildren. Funcru! services were conduct ed Saturday at Coolccmcc Bup-! tisl Church by the Rev. A. T.i Stoudcnmirc and the Rev. J. W.j Klein. ' Nephews served as pallbear ers. I Pollack. Burial was in the church' cemetery. S. Dewey Joyner Dies Of Self-inflicted Wounds S. Dewey Joyner, 42. sawmill owner whose homo was six miles cast of Harmony Just over the Davlo County line, died about 6 a. m. Friday of shotgun wounds the coroner said were self-inflicted. Mr. Joyner had been In declin ing health for some time. He shot himself in the yard while his wife was preparing breakfast within the house. He was rushed to a hospital but was dead on ar rival. A son of Walter and Liln Rich ardson Joyner, Mr. Joyner Is sur vived by his wife, the former Bio - Obituaries - 4/24/1952 Miss Mattic Hcplcr; two sons, Graham Joyner of the home and the Rev. Herman Joyner of La- vonio, Ind.; two daughters, Mrs. Clinton Smith of Mocksvillo, Rt. 1, and Mrs Hazel Reavis of Mill Springs; four bruthcrs, Glenn Joyner of Lexington. Clinton Joy ner of Statcsvillc, Wilson and Fronklin Joyner of Ronda; five sisters, Mrs. Henry Morrison and Mrs. Robert Tucker of Statcsvillc. Mrs. Fred Ratledgo of Guitford College, Mrs. Dallas Grocc of Harmony, Rt. 2, and Mrs. Will Barhcad of Hamptonvillc; and 10 grondchildrcn. Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Sunday at Bear Creek Baptist Church Burial was in the church cemetery. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 24,1952 - Page 7 Iservices Held Sunday For Lonnie J. Brown Lonnie Jomea Brown, 58, of Route 2, Mocksvlllc, died at his' homo at 7:55 a.m. Friday follow-| ing a serious Illness of six months. The owner and operator o7 the L. J. Brown nursery for the past 20 years, Mr. Brown had suffered a stroke approximately two years* ago. He WD3*born Feb. 29, 1094, in Yadkin County, a son of Elbert and Adeline Whitlock Brown, but had lived at the present itomc- place for the past 20 years. lie was a vctcrnn of World War 1 and a member of Flat Rock Baptist Church. Surviving are the widow, for-t mcrly Miss Bertha Jones whom, he inarricd in 1025; one daughter, Mrs. B. E. Grocc of Mocksvilte, Route 2; four son.s, Lester Brown of Salisbury, Dorman Brown of the Army in Japan, Doyle Brown und Lurry Wayne Brown of the home; (our brothers, Houston Brown of Wlnston*Salcm; G. G. Brown of Winston • Salem, Tom Brown o*i Hamptonville and Paul Bruwn of Harmon; three sisters, Mrs. Howard Prossoly of Taylors« viVlc, Mrs. W. D. Booic of Mocks- vlUc. Route 2, and Mrs. Paul Murphy of Mocksville, Route 2, and one grandcliild. FunQraij services were held Sunday at Zion Baptist Church in Ircdell County. Services wore' conduelcd by the Rev. WiHIomj Anderson and the Rev. E. W. Tur-[ ncr. Nephews were pallbearers. | Burial was in the church ccmc*| tcry. Solly Sherlene Graves, Infant, Dies In Hospital Sally Sherlene Gifavea, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Graves, Mocksville. Rt. 4, died April 16 at a Winston-Salem hos- pltol after an illness of two days. Surviving are the parents and the motcmal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Ritchie of Cana. Funeral services were conduct- I ed at 3 p.m. at the home by the Rev. Alvis Cheshire. Burial was in the Fork Baptist Church cemetery. Bio — Obituaries - 4/24/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 30, 1952 - Page 2 Mrs B. M. Sheets Mrti. Bessie Sheets, 71, of Ad vance, Route 2, died W.dncsdav in a Tiiomasvillc hospital follow ing an extended Illness. She ^vas the widow of Sansuel S. Sheets, who died two years ago, and had lived In the Advance community for 33 years. I Surviving arc h daughter, n son, three brothers, two gmndchlldren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Fri day at 3 p. m. at Advance Metho dist Church by Rev. j. B. Fltzgcr- aid, and the body laid to rest in the ciiurch cemetery. Mrs. W'. A. Byerly Mrs. William A. Byerly, who would have been 99 yean old had she lived until May 13th, died at her home near Davic Aci^cmy Infic Tuesday morning. Mrs. By crly had been an Invalid for sever al years. She had the misfortune to fall a break her hip a few days before her death. S jrviving are the husband, one daughter, Mrs. D. C. Rotleduc, of Mocksvtllc, Route 4; one brother, Thos. L. Koontz, of Route 4; three grand children and four great-grand children. Funcmt services were held at Bverty's Chapel Methodist Church Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, with Rev. H. D. Jessup ond ''Rev. G. W. Fink officiniing and tl>e body laid cd rest in the church ccmcterv. Mrs. Byerly was a native of Davidson County' but moved to Davic county more than 60 years ago. She spent a long and useful life in the Kappa'community, a d she will be sadly missed by a host of friends. Bio - Obituaries - 4/30/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 1,1952 - Page 6 Mrs. D. R. Beck, 70, Formerly Of Dtfvie Mrs. Sort Uphescnc Bock, 70, of Mocksvillc, died Saturday in a Winston'Sotcm hospital. Born Sept. 0. lQ3i, in Davic County, sho was the daughter of the late John and Sally Boyd. On Aug. 29, 1901, she was mar ried to David Richmond Beck. He survives. Other survivors are one daugh ter, Mis. Paul Hillard of Winston- Salcm; three sons, R. Connie Beck, Sr., of Winston-Salcm, John N. Beck of Shelby. D. R. Beck of Norfolk, Va.; 12 grandchildren; seven great- grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. W. H. Rcniger ond Mfrs. J, C, White, both of Davic County, Mrs. W. H. Bracken of Hnncstown; two oruihcrs, Sammy ! Boyd of Davic County and John- ' ny Boyd of Lexington. Luther Funeral I Held In Charlotte Funeral services were held for 1 Horris Scarborough Luther, 65, on I Sunday afternoon, April 21, at I Harry and Bryant Chapel in the OoUs, Charlotte. Burial followed in Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. Luther's widow Is the for mer Miss Julia Bctts o7 this city, a sister of Mrs. T. N. Chaffin. Bio - Obituaries - 5/1/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 1,1952 - Page 7 Mrs. Bessie Sheets, Age 71, of Advance Funoraj I services for Mrs. Bessie Mortin Sheets, 71, who died in a Winston-Solcm hospUol at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, April 23, were' held at 3 p.m. last Friday In Ad-' vnnco Methodist Church. The Rev.! J. B. Fitzgerald ofriciatcd. Burial! was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Sheets had been seriously ill for one day and in declining hcolth for the past six months. She was born in Yadkin Coun ty. Sept. 8, 1880, a daughcr of ' John ond Mincrvn Poindextcr i Martin and had lived in Advance | community for the past 33 years.' ] I i She was married to Samuel S. ! Sheets woh died July 4, 1050. | Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. S. N. Myers of the home; one son, John Henry Sheets of Advonco, Rt. 2; three brothers, Howard ond Will Martin oV East Bend and Charlie Martin of Kin- ston; two grandchildren ond three great-grandchildren. Bio — Obituaries - 5/1/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 7,1952 - Page 2 John F. fHaylor Tohn Franklin Naylor. 87i well- known rcdred farmer of Mocks' villci died aC a Scatcsvlllc hospital early TThursdav mornine, where ho speni three davfi. Mr. Navlor had b< en in failinff health for 10 years and seriouslv ill for three weeks. Surviving arc three sons, Floyd Naylor, uf thiscltvt W C Naylor, Mock ville, R. 2; M. M. Navlor, Cans, R. 1; three daughters; Mrs. E. M. Valentine, Durhnm; Mrs. R. H. Weaver, Spruce Pine, and Mrs. T. M. Bowles, of Cana, R. 1; two brothers, Watson ar.d Thomas Na\Ior, Winston-Salem; one sis tcr, Mrs. T. W,HunfItc, Winston- Snicm; 14 Rrandchiidrcn and four crcac'gnmachildrcn. Funeral services were held at chc home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Naylor at 2:30 p. m. Friday, and at Eaton's Baptist Church, of which he was a member, ar 3*30 p. m., with Rev. H. W. Hutchins, Rev, lames Grocc, Rev. E. W. Turner and Rev. h P. Davis ofFciatlnni and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery; Mr. Naylor was a native of Da- vic and spent moat of his life in •ihc-county.—For-chc-past-ll-ycars he had made his home with his son. Flovd Navior. in this citv. , Mr. Navior tvas our friend for near V 50 years. He was a Chris tian gentleman of the old school. Wc shall miss him. To the loved ones he left behind, we extend our heartfelt sympacKV In this sad hour of burcavement. Mrs. D. R. Beck Mrs. Sara Upheaenc Beck, 70, of Mocksville, Route 2, died Apr. 26, in a WInstob-Salcm howltaf. She was a daughter of the late lohn and Sally Boyd. On Aug. 29,1901, she was married to David Richmond Beck. He survives. Other survivors arc one daugh ter, three sons, i2 grandchildren; seven grandchlidrcnj three slaters, two brothers, Sammv Boyd. of Davic Coonty and Johnny Boyd of Lexington. Funeral services were held at Ijames Crossroads Church at 3 p, nu April 26. bv thcpaston Kcv. Mr.BrawIey, and Rcv.'jolio Eynon Bio - Obituaries - 5/7/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 8,1952 - Page 1 iLast Rites Held For J. F. Naylor John Franklin Naylor, 87, re- tired carpenter and farmer, died Thursday, May 1, at a StatesviUo hospital. Born Sept. 22, 1864, in Davie County, he was the son of John ny Osborn and Sarah Amanda Booe Noylor. He was a member of Baton's Baptist Church and made his home In the Cana com munity until 11 years ago when he moved here to live with a son, Floyd Nnylor. His wh'c, Mrs. Sustm M. Hayior, iiioA in Nnv^ Surviving arc three sons, W. C. and Floyd Naylor, both of Mocks- villc, and M. M. Naylor of Cnno; three daughters, Mrs. E. M. VaJ- cntinc of Durham, Mrs. T. M. Dowles of Cana and Mrs. R. H. Weaver of Spruce Pine; 14 grand children; four great - grandchil dren; txvo brothers Tom and Wat son Naylor of Winston-Salcm; one sister, Mrs. T. W. Huffins of Win ston-Salcm. I^llicrall .services were conduct ed at 2:30 p.m. Friday at the home of his son, Floyd Noylor, on Wilkcsboro Street and at 3:30 p. m. at Eaton's Baptist Church by the Hcv. Wade Hutchens. the Rev. E. W. Turner, the Rev. J. P. Davis, and the Rev. J. H. Grocc. Burial was in the church ceme tery. Pallbearers were: Lester Nay lor, Benny Naylor, Johnny Nay lor and Jack Naylor, Leo Cozart ond Ned Bogcr. Bio - Obituaries - 5/8/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 14,1952 - Page 2 Guy O. Bumgarner Killed at Sawmill , Guv O. Bumsnmer, 32, sawmill i operator of Cool Springs, Ircdcll I County, was killed instantlv Wed- ? ncsdav morning while operating a sawmill near Goldsboro. theWe understand that this is _ sawmill which was owned by the lace Dcwcy lovncr, of Dnvic, who took his own life a few weeks ago* Mr. Bumgarner is said to have fallen into the saw while it was in operation. Mr. Bumgnmcr, a veteran of World War II, scr\*cd in the Pn- ^ clAc area. ^ Surviving arc his wife and two J children, of Cool Springs, his par ^^cnts. Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Bumgnr* ncr, of Mocksville. Route 2; one brother. Earl Bumgarner, Mocks- vllle, Route I, and three sisters; Mrs. George Shinn. of Chnrlotce: Mrs. Hnywood Powell, of Mocks- vilic, Route I, and Mrs. Alfred Shaw, of Harmony. Mr. Bumgarner, father of the .v.iung man whu.Jo$t.-his....life,-.{s It reported to be serbusly ill. Mrs. Lanqston Mrs. W. A. Lnngston, 76, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Willani Foster, In Jerusalem on Thursday morning, following an extended illness. Funeral services were held at the home at 1:30 p. in., Saturday, and at 2 p. m., at Jcrusalen Bap. tist Church, with Rev. C. N. S,.>rv and Rev. E W. Turner ofEclai* log, and the body laid to rest In the church cemetery. Surviving are several children and a number of grandchildren. Bio — Obituaries - 5/14/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 15,1952 - Page 2 W. D. Farthing Dies At BcNine William Dudley Farthing, for< mcr stole legislator, Boone post* master and Wotauga County clerk xti court, died Sunday at his home otter a long illness. He was 76 years of age. Mr. Farthing served In the Leg* Islature in 1907, later serving as Boone postmnster for five years and OS Clerk of Court in Watou- ga for 12 years. For 20 years, he was cashier of the Northwestern Bonk. Funeral services were conduct ed Monday at Boone Boptist Church by the Rev. J. C. Canipe of Hendcrsonviiic. Burial was in the llount Lavyn Ccmctary. Surviving arc his wife, the for mer Bculah Edmlnstcn; three sons, Charles Farthing of Mocksvllle Ralph Farthing, of Tyron; and James Farthings of Boone; four daughters, Mrs. Elsie Morgan of Colonial Beach, Va., Mrs. Frelda Sasses o¥ Goldsboro, Mrs. Rcna Mac Graybeal of Warrensville and Mrs. Dorothy Parker of High Point. Bio — Obituaries - 5/15/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 21,1952 - Page 2 y\r. D. Farthinq funeral services for W. D. Fa^ chine» 76. who died at his home in Boone on May lOih, was held At the Boone Baptist Church on Monday afcemoon of last week atj 3 o'clock. Mr. Farthing had been ill for some time. He was one of Boone's bes' known citizens. He represented his county In the Le* glslaturc In 1907, was postmaster for five years, clerk of court for 12 vcara and for 20 years cashier of n Boone bank*. Among the survivors are the^ wife, three sons, one of them bo* ins our townsman, Prof. Chas ] L Farthing, pnncipal of Mocks* vilie schools, and four daughters.' DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 21,1952 - Page 3 Mrs. Dwiqqins Mrs. Joel Dwiggins, 70, died nt the home of her brother, Boone Walker, near Center, Friday. Surviving are a son, WHiam Dwiggins, Kannapolis; one broth* er, J, B. Walker, of Route U three grandchildren' Funeral services were held at 3i30 p. m. Sunday at Center Methodist Church, with Rev. William Andcr-' son and Rev. G. W. Fink officiat*. ing; and the body laid to rest In ^e church cemetery. Bio ~ Obituaries - 5/21/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 22,1952 - Page 1 Mrs. Anne T. Domm Passes at Home Here Funeral services (or Mrs. Mnry Ane Talbert Domm, 45, of North MocksviUc, who died Sunday at her home, was held nt 3 p.m , Tuesday at the Mocksvillc Meth odist^ Church. The Rev. A. J. Cox and the Rev, W. E. Fitzficrnld officiated. Bur ial was in the Advance cemtery. Mrs. Domm was born April 18, 1907, in Advance, the daughter of Gonnon and Rebecca Minor Talbert. She spent her early life in Advance and moved to Mocks* ville about eight years ago. She was married on June 19 1940, to Capt. Charles F. Domm, retired army officer. She had been a member of the Advance Methodist Church since early childhood. Surviving are the husband; eight brothers, J. L. Talbert of Detroit, J. A. Talbert and G. F. Talbert, both of Winston-Salem, Gannon Talbert of Morchcod City, Dennis Talbert of Lexing ton, and Sam Talbert, Joe Tal bert and Tom Talbert, all of Ad- dance; and three sisters, Mrs. Minnie Bryson and Miss Amy Talbert, both of Advance, and Miss Rcbckah Talbert of Zcbulon. Pallbearers were Grady Ward, George Hcndricks, Dr. P. H. Mo- son. Roy Collcuc, P. J. Johnson, Robert Hendricks, Gray Hcn dricks and E. G. Hendricks. The Woman's Society of Christ ian Service of the Mocksville MethodUl Church served as the flower girls. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 22, 1952 - Page 4 Funeral Sunday For Mrs. Dwiggins Fhincral services were held for "Mrs. Dclphia Ann Dwiggins. 70, 'Of Rt. 1, Mocksvillc, at the Center Methodist Church at 3:30 p.m. Sunday with burial following in Ihe church cemetery. She (lied Friday morning at the home of her brother, John Boonc Walker, after a two weeks illness. Her husband, Joel Dwiggins died in March, 1951. She la survived by one son, Wil liam Dwiggins of Kannapolis; one Iwothcr, John Boone Walker of Rt. 1, Mocksville, three grand children and one great grand child. Bio - Obituaries -5/22/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 28,1952 - Page 2 Mrs, Chas. Domm\ Mrs. Anne Talbert Domm, 45, died at her home. fust noith of Moclcsvillc* on the Wlnston^Salem Highway ac 9:50 p« nu, May 18(b, following an estrended illness. She was bom April 18,1907, in Advance, a dauahter o' Gannon and Rebecca Minor Talbert. She spent her early life In Advance and had resid^ in this city for about eight years. She had many •! friends throughout the town and I county who her death. were saddened by I She was married to Charles F.j : Domrn, retired Army captain, who | ' survives. Other survivors arc . ei^t brothers, J» L. Talbert, of! . Detroit, Mich., J. A. and G. F. Talbert. both of Winston*Snlom, Gannon Talbert of Morchead City, . Dennis Talbert of Lexington, Sam; ! Joe and Tom Talbert. ail of Ad.> r vance; three sisters, Mrs. Minnie i t Dryaon and Miss Amy Tafhcrt,'' . both of Advance, and Miss Rcbc* . kahTalb.rtof Zwulon. Funeral services were held at 3 j p. m., last Tuesday at the V.ocks' * ville Methodist church, with Rev. A. J. Cbx and Rev. S« W. Fitzgcr. aid officiating, and the body laid to rest In the Shadv Grove Metho dist church cemetery at Advance. I To the bereaved husband broth* [era and sisters, The Record ex* [ tends sympathy in the death of this good womaxi^ Henry Spry Funeral services for Menrv Spencer Spry, 79, retired former of the Jericho community, were con ducted at II a. m., Thursday at Turrentlne Baptist Church by the Rev. E. W. Turner. Buiiat was in the church cemetery.- Mr. Spry, who died Taesday at the County Home, was bom Sept. IS* 1673 In Davie County,-the son of lake and Ann Butler Sp'ry* . Surviving are one son, Grover Spry of High Point, Route 6; one daughter, Mrs. Arthur Spry ofi Advance, one brodier. Will Spry) of Mock^le, Route 4; and nine grandchildren, DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 28,1952 - Page 3 Clyde 'fl, B'esf Clyde N. West 44, died Thurs day at his hofhe on Modtsville. Route 3, after a serious Illness of onewc^ He was employed by the Heritage Furniture Company of this city. Surviving are die widow, Mrs* Hazel Jones West two sons and three dautditers, die mother, two brothers md three sisters. Funeral services were held at 11 a* m. Saturday at St Matthew^s Ludierah C^urdi, widi Rev. F. ^ Lodtn and Rev. Bruce Roberts of- dchitinib and the body laid to rest In the diurch cemeteiHr* Bio - Obituaries - 5/28/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 29, 1952 - Page 4 Mrs. Amanda Davis Passes Sunday Mrs. Amanda Florence Davis, 72, died in her sleep Sunday night at the hon^c oi a son, Ocic Roy Davis, Salisbury, Route G. She had been in declining health for the past two years. Born in Davic County, Aug. 22, 1879, she was the daughter of Ben and Victoria James Allen. She was married to C. E. Davis who died in 1022. Surviving arc two daughters, Mrs. Cecil McDaniel of Mocks- villc. Route 1; and Mrs. H. E. Julian of Mocksviilo, Route 4; * four suns. Olin C. Davis of Salis bury, Route 5, and Ernie G. Da vis of Salisbury, Route 1. Wiley V. Call and Ocio Roy Davis, both of Salisbury, Route 6; one sister, Mrs. W. L. Champion of Mocks viilo, Route 1; two brothers, C. M. Allen of Kannapolls and E. W. Allen of Kannapolls; and 15 grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the home ' where she died. The Rev. G. W. Fink officiated and burial was in the Grccnlawn Cemetery at China Grove. Bio - Obituaries - 5/29/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 29,1952 - Page 6 Clyde N. West, 44, Of West Shady Grove Clyde N. West, 44, died at 6 a.m. Thursday at his home in the West Shady Grove community, Route 3, Mock.svlIlc, after a serious Ill ness of one week. Mr. West was born in IrcdcU County, son of Bob and Polly Chamberlain West. He was em ployed at Hcrltogc Furniture Co., In Mocksvlllc onU had resided at the present home for nine years. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Hazel Jones West; two sons, Joe Henry and Samuel Lutger West of the home; three daughters, Cly- dcnn, Bobble Jenn and Linda Lou West, all of the home; his mother, Mrs. Polly West of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4; two brothers, Dewey and Robert West of Mocksvlllc. Rt. 4; and three sisters, Mrs. Mitt Barnes Mrs. Arthur Trivette and Mrs. Lester Fry, all of Mocksvllle, Rt. I^nngvt services were held at 11 a.m. Saturday at St. Matthew Lutheran Church. The Rev. Bruce! Roberts and the Rev. F. R. Lofllni officiated. Burial was in the! church cemetery. Henry Spencer Spry, 79, Jericho Farmer Funeral services for Henry Spencer Spry, 79, retired farm er of the Jericho community, were held Thursday ot Turrentlnc Bap tist Church by the Rev. E. W. Turner. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Spry, who died Moy 20, at his home, was born Sept. IS, 1073, in Davie County, the son of Jake and Ann Butler Spry. Surviving are one son, Grover Spry of High Point, Rt. 6; one daughter, Mrs. Arthur Spry of Ad vance; one brother, Will Spry of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4; and nine grand children. Bio — Obituaries — 5/29/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 5,1952 - Pages I & 10 Rites Thursday For Mrs. J. F. Ward, 87 Mrs. Sarah {..ouise Miller Ward, 87, died Monday around 10:35 p. m., at her home in the Wesley Chapel Community, Mocksville, Route 2. She had been in de« dining health for the past few months and critically ill for the past week. Mrs. Miller was 67 years, 5 months, and 13 days old at the time of her death. A daughter of Luther L. and Mary Ann Miller, she was born Dec. 20, 1866, near Farmington. She was a lifcdong resident of the Wesley Chopel community. She was married io John Frank WmU. Out. gi. 1885. whu prewii* cd her in death, April 12, 1612 Mrs. Miller was a life - long member of the Wesley Chapel Methodist Church and active in all church affairs. iFuncral services will be held at iCoatlattcd OS Fage 10) MORE ABOUT Rites for Mrs, Ward 2 p.m., Thursday, at the Wesley' Chapel Methodist Church. Rev.' G. C. Graham, John Oakley and' J. W. Vestal will officiate. Burial will be in the church cemetery.' The body will lie in state from 1 p.m., until time of services, 2 p. m. Palllwarcrs will be grandsons. Surviving arc Your sons: Lonnie B. Ward of Badin, Marvin Stacy Ward of Charlotte, Luther Ward of Route 2, and Claudius Ward of the home. Three daughters; Mrs. W. F. Ferebec of Route 1, Mrs. T. B. Cortcr of Richmond, Va., and Miss Eloise Ward of the home; 24 grand children and 20 great-grand children. Bio - Obituaries - 6/5/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 11,1952 - Page 2 Mrs, Sally Wfa^ner Mrs. Sally Wnsncr, 73, died at Rowan Memorial Hospital Wcd> I ncsdny following a stroke at her home In North Coolccmcc, where she had lived for 45 years. She was the wife of XVilliam F. Wagner who died 24 years ago. Surviving arc two daughters, three sons, one sister, two broth* ers, 10 grandchildren and 5 great' grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 4 p. m. Friday at Coolccmcc Baptist .Chutch.AvicK Rav«.JL3\C.KlclrL.and. Rev, A. D. Stoudcmlrc officiating, a*nd the body laid to rest in Cher ry Hill Church cemetery. Joe Hellafd Joe W. Hcllnrd, 70, died at 2t45 p. m., Wedne.«;day at his home, Mocksville, Route 4, after an ilh ness of six months. A farmer, he had made his home in the Turrcntlnu Church community for the past 20 vcars^ He married Miss Emma Smith in 1903. Surviving are his wife, fouraons E. F. Hollarci of Hnne«. C. S, W. p. and Reuben Heltard, all of Mocksville, Route 4, 10 grand* children and seven great-grand children; . Funeral services were held a 2 p. m., Friday at Turrentlne Bap tist Church with Rev. E, F. Eagle. Rev. E. W. Turner and Rev. C. G- Jenkins officiating and the body laid CO rest in', the church ceme tery Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 11,1952 - Page 2 Mrs John F, Ward Mrs. Sarah Louise Miller Ward, 87i died at her home near Pino, on Sunday evening. June 2| fol* ' lowing a week's critical illness. Mrs. Ward was born near Farm- ingtonf a daughter of Luther L. and Mary Ann Miller, where she spent her entire life. She was united in marriage with John F. Wardr who died In 1912. She was a member o Wesley's Chapel M. E. ' hurch. Surviving arc lour sons, Lonnle Ward, of Badin; Stacy Ward, of Charlotte; Luther Ward, ol near Farmincton, and Claudius Ward, of the home; three daughters, Mrs. W. F. Fcrebcc, Mocksvillc, R. 1; Mrs. T. B. Carter, of Richmond, Va.; Miss Eloisc Ward, of the home; tvto brothers, L L. Miller,' of Pino, and Wm. T. .Miller, of Winston-Salcm; 24 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren < Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Thursday at Wesley's Chap el Methodist Church, with Rev. G. C. Graham, Rev, John Oakley and Rev. J. W. Vestal officiaiing, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. in the death of Mrs. Ward the Pino community has lost one of its best beloved women, a noble Christian lady who went about doing good. Her death has cast sadness over the entire commun> Itv, where she spent a long and scful life. To the bereaved child* rcn and brother, The Record ex> ' tends heartfelt sympathy in this 'great bereavement. Our deepest sympathy goes out to the blind son, Claudius, who made his home with his mother. > Bio — Obituaries — 6/11/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June II, 1952 - Page 2 Harrison Carter ' Harrison Lee Carter, 70, retired farmer, died junc 2, at his home in the Tyro community of David- son County. | j Born in Davie County, July 7, ' 1881, he was the son of Harrison and Amanda Laird Carter. He lived in the Tyro community for the past eight years. Survivors Include hts wife, MrsJ Bessie Howard Carier, three daughters, one brother, Harmon Carter of High Point; one sister, Mrs. LlnculU Bills of MocksvUle; 17 grandchildren and two great*grandchildren. I Funeral services were held uc 3 p. m. Tuesday at the Advance Methodist Church. Rev, J. D. Fitzgerald and Rev. E. R. Barber. officiated. Burial was In the church ' cemetery. I DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 11,1952-Page 3 David L Dyson David L. Dyson, 85, of Route 2, died at 3 o'clock Friday mom* tng at Rowan Memorial Hospital, following a two days illness. Surviving are three sons, Lintiy, of Route 2; Leslie and Leon, both of Route 1; one daughter, Mrs. Lola Combs, of Wake Countv, Funeral services were held at .2 p. m. Sunday at New Union Me thodist Church, with Rev. Wil liam Anderson and Rev, George W. Fink officiating, and the body* laid to rest in the churcli ccme-j terv with Masonic honors. One by one our old friends -are cross*, ing over the Great Divide. I Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 12,1952 - Page 2 David L. Dyson, 85, Retired Davie Farmer David Lindsay Dyson, 85, re tired farmer, died at 2a,m. June 6, at R.owon Memorial Hospital after an illness of three doys. He was born Nov. 29, 1866 ,a son of Perry and Emily Beck Dy son. He was a member of the Hick ory Grove Methodist Church. He was twice married, first to Nancy Cash who died in 1616. The sec ond marriage to Ivlc E. Richard son, who died In 1650. Survivors Include three sons, Linny and Leon Dyson, both'of Mocksville, Route 2, Leslie Dy son of Harmony, Route 1; one daughter, Mrs. Bruce Combs of Roughmont, Route 2. I^ineral services were held at 2 p.m. Sunday at New Union Methodist Church by the Rev. W. C. Anderson and the Rev. G. W. Fink. Masorvlc rites were conduct ed at the graveside. JoeW. Hellord,70, Of Mocksville, Route 4 Joe W. Hellard, 70, died at 2:45 p.m. June 4 at his home uftcr an illness of six months. A Yarmer, he had made his home in the Turrentine Church com munity for the past 20 years. He married Miss Emma Smith In 1603. Surviving are his wife; four sons, F. F. Hclalrd of Hones, C. S., W. D. and Reuben Hellard, all of Mocksville,. Rt. f; 10 grand children and seven grcat'grand- childrcn. Funeral services were held Fri day at Turrentine Baptist Church. Rev. E. F. Eagle. Rev. E. W. Tur ner. Rev. Clarence JenklM and Rev. Harold Loman officiated. Burial was in the church ceme tery. Grandosns served as pall bearers. Viclu Susan Foster, ^ Mocksville, Route 3 Vickie Suson Foster, two-year- Old daui^lGr of Mr. and Mrs. Thupman A. Foster of Route 3, djed ot 5:20 p.m. Sunday at a hospital in "Wlnston-Solcm. She had been ill since birth. The child was born Oct. 24, 1949. Her mother was the former Miss Ruth McDanlcl. ...Surviving..are her parents; a sister, Connie Ruth Foster of the home; her maternal grantparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. McDannel of Mocksville, Route 3; and her pa- tcrnol grandporenle, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Foster of Mocksville, Rt. 3. Funeral services were conduct ed at 1 1a.m. Tuesday at Dulln Methodist Church by the Rev. 'Bruce Roberts. Burial was in the Smith Grova Cematcry. C. F. Milholen Of Cooleemee Charles Flake Milholen, 72, re tired textile employee, died un expectedly at his honw in Coolee- mee at 1:55 p.m. Jime 5. He had been in declining health for 7 years. He was born in Xrcdell County, Oct. 2, 1879, a son of William L. and Darcus Russty Milholen. He had been a resident oY Coolee- mee for the past 50 years, Mr. Milholen was a member of Cooleemee Methodist Church, a member of the Twenty-Five Year club and had been employed by the Erwin Cotton Mills for the past 40 years. He was married to the former Miss Betty S. Llgon In 1012, who survives. Other survivors include two sons, David Milholen of the U. S. Army end Charles L. Milholen of Richmond, Va.; three daughters, Mrs. Robert Lewder of Coolee mee, Mrs. Lynn Smith of the home, Mrs. David Brown Klutz, Jr., of. Salisbury; one. sister, Miss Verna Milholen of Cooleemee; and three graVdchildrcn. Funeral services were held at Cooleemee Methodist Church at 3:30 p.m. Sunday. The Rev. Fred Shinn and the Rev. Frank Stough officiated. Burial was in the North Cooleemee Cemetery. Nephews acvvcd oa pallboui'ma. " Bio — Obituaries - 6/12/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 12,1952 - Page 6 |g. T. Sprinkle, 75,otYadkiii I George Thomfts Sprinkle. 75, of Yadklnville, Route 3. died in the State Hospital at Morganton late Friday night He had been in declining health (or five years and seriously ill for a week. Born Nov. 11, 1676, in Davie County, Mr. Sprinkle was a son ot the late George and Mary Sprinkle. He was married in Jan. 1000, to the former Miss Mattlc Howell, who died April 3, 1051, A retired merchant, Mr. Sprinkle had spent 23 years in the Courtney community of Yad- kin County. He was a member of Courtney Baptist Church. Surviving are a son, John Thomas Sprinkle of Salisbury; three daughters, Mrs* Dewey Mar* tin, Mocksville, Mrs. Nathan Hoh der di Winston-Salcm and Mrs. Clyde Shore of Yadkiavilel, Rt, 3; 12 grandchildren and five great- grondcliildren. Fuiwral services were held at the Courtney Church at 3 p.m. Sunday, with the Rev. J. P. Da vis and Dr. Raymond E. Connelt officiating. Nephews served as pallbearers and burial was in the church cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 12, 1952 - Page 7 Services Held Thursday For Mrs. Sarah Ward ^neral services for Mrs. Sarah Louise Miller Ward, 87, of Route 2, were conducted Thursday af ternoon at Wesley Chapel Metho dist Church by the Rev. G. C. Graham, the Rev. John Oakley, the Rev. George Bruner and the Rev. Ralph MeClamrock. Burial was In the church cemetery, j Grandsons served as pallbear ers They were J. F., J. B. and Billy Fcrebee, Frank Holder and John ^ G. and Billy Ward. I Survivors include four sons, ! Lonnle B. Ward of Badin, Marvin > Stacy Ward of Charlotte and Lu- j ther and Claudus Ward of Route 2, Mocksville; three daughters, Mrs. W. F. Ferebee of Mocksville, Rt. 1, Mra. T. B. Carter of Rich mond. Va., and Miss Eloise Ward of MocksvlUe, Rt 2; 24 grand children and 20 fteat-grandchll- dren; and two brothers, L. L. Miller of MockavUle, Route 2, and W. T. Miller of Winiton-Sa I lent Mn, Sally Wagoner Of North Cooleemee Mrs. SaUy Belle Owens Wag ner, 79, died June 4 at Rowan Me^ morial Hospital alter auHeriag a stroke. Bom Nov. 12, 1619, in Davle County, she wu the daughter of Frank and Carolina WiUon Ow ens. She had been a resident of North CooIccmce for the past 45 years. She wat mbrtied to William Frank Wagner, who died in 1926. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs, R. F. Campbell of Wash ington, D. C., and Mrs. Bill White of Cooleemee: three sons, Owen Wagner dt oColeemee, Ray and Nell Wagner, both of Washing ton, D. C.; one slpters, Mrs. A. T Owens of Salisbury, Rt 6; two brothers, John Owens of Lex ington, Ht. 5, and Abraham Owens of Salisbury; 10 grandchildren, and live great-grandchlldrw. Funeral services wcro conduct ed at 4 pjn. Friday at Cooleemee Baptist Church by the Rev. J. Wendall Klein and the Rev, A. D. toudcnmire. Burial was in the Cherry Hill Cemetery. Grondsons served as' pallbeor- ers. Bio — Obituaries - 6/12/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 18,1952 - Page 1 Q. T. Sprinkle .Ocprgc Tliomas Sprinkle, 75, of Yadkinville, Route 3, died tn a State Hospital at Moruanton lunc 6tU. He had been in declining he; Ith for five vcars and seriously ill for a week. Bom, Nov. 11, 1876, in Davle CouncVt Mr. Sprinkle was a son of the late George and Mary Sprinkle. He was married in januarv, I9CX), to the former Miss Mactic Howcll, who died April 3, 1951. A retired merchant, Mr, Sprinkle had spent 25 years in the Courtncv Community of Yadkin County He was a member of Courtney Baptist Church. Surviving arc a son, John Thomas Sprinkle o f Snlisburv; three daufihtc-s, Mrs. Dewcv Mar tin of Mocksvlilc, Mrs. Nathan Holder of Winston-Salcm and Mrs.Clvdc.Sh reel Yadkmvillo. Route 3f 'l2 grandchildren and : five greaigmnd-chlldren. Puneini; services were held' at the Courtney Baptist church at 3 p. m, June 8|h, wUh Rev, J, P. Davis and Dr. Raymond E Con- ncll officiating. Burial was In the church cemetery. DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 18,1952 - Page 2 Mrs, Joe Pickler Funeral services for Mrs. LcHii Cope Pickler, 74, were held at ! I a. m. Friday at the Summcrsctt Funeral Chapel, Salisbury, Bur ial was In Chestnut Hill Ceme tery, with Dr. E H. Poets officiat ing. Mrs. Pickler died Wednes day. She w'ati a member of Spen cer Baptist Church for 50 years. Mrs. Pickler was a nadvo of Da- ""vie County. •• •■ Surviving are the husband; one son and two daughters; one broth er, f<5ur sisters, nmone them Mrs. Clint Berricr, of Route 4, Mocks- fi ve grandchildren and two . greac-crandchUdren. . ^ Bio — Obituaries - 6/18/1952 Scarr Morrison Scarr Morrison, 56, died at his home in Statesvllle last Tuesday ; following an extended illness. Surviving arc the wife, the form er Miss Paulinc'Hom, of this city, two sons and fi ve daughters. I Funeral services were held at 2 p. m., Thursday at First Presby terian church, Statesvllle, and the bodv laid to rest in Uakwood cemetery. Mr. Morr'son had many friends' in Mocksvllle who were saddened by news of his death. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 19,1952 — Page 8 F. Scarr Morrison Dies In Statesville F. Scarr Morrison, 56. pros{> dent of the Marrison-Locl Fixture Co., died June 10 at his home on I Green Street in Stntcsvillc. Kis health hod been failing more than a year prior to his death. I Mr. Morrison was married to the former Miss Pauline Home oY Mocksville, who survives, along with the following children: F. S. Morrison. Jr., or Statesville, Mrs. Howard Thulbcrry of Ta- vorcs. Fin., Miss Mary Adelaide Ann, Gloria Jan, Elsie Ruth and Frances Carol Morrison and Will iam G. Morrison, all of the home. E^erall services were held Thursday afternoon at the First Presbyterian Church. Interment {was in Oakwood Cemetery. Bio — Obituaries - 6/19/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 25, 1952 - Page 3 Robert C. Willson Robert C Wiltson, 76, well- known retired farmer of Route 4, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Willson Saturday morning, following an extended illness. Mr. Willson was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Clint Willsbn. Several nclces and nephews sur vive. , • Funeral services were held at 3 p. m., Monday at the home of .Ir. and Mrs. James B. Willson, with Rev. Rev. E. M. Avetl offici ating. and the body I ild to rest In Byerly^s Chapel Methodist Church cemetery. ^, Mi. WilUon had manv frlcndB throughout the county who were saddened bv news o his death. Bob was a long-time friend of the editor. We shall miss him. Bio - Obituaries - 6/25/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 26, 1952 - Pages 1 & 8 MUitary Rites Sunday for Pfc. Henry B. Osborne Remains Of Davie Soldier Discovered On Pacific Island l^nerat services for Pfc. Henry B. Osborne wiil be held at the Rccds Methodist Church, David> son County, on Sunday at 3 p. m. YVill military honors will be presented by the Davie County and the Reeds Veterans of For eign Wars Post. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The casketed remains arrived In Mocksville under military es cort Wednesday morning and will remain at Walker Funeral Home until the latter part of the week, t Pfc. Oibome was reported to have been killed In action In the South Pacific on April 11 1M5, and buried In the 27th Division Cemetary on Tsugen (Tauken) Jima. In March of this year his mother, Mrs. R. 8. OBbome of Lexington, Rt. 3 (formerly of Mocksville, Rt. 4) received word that the remains of her ion were discovered by natives on the Ry- ukyu Island oV Isuken Jima. A letter from Col. James B. ClearwQter, QM Corps, repotted that in Aug., 1951. a search team was sent to Tsuken Island to in vestigate the reported discovery by natives of the remains of three American deceased. Identification togs bearing the name sand serial numbers of two members of Os> borne's rceiment were found with the remains. A description ot the third remains warranted an asso ciation with Pfc. Osborne; there to the:bTe7~lKey were Identification lofaorotory for ex amination by on accredited nn- thropologlst and identification technicians. Col. Clearwotor reported that .durine the Investigation which followed, the individual IdentKi- cation of two of the remains were verified. The physical and dental characteristics of the third re mains compared with the infor mation shown in Pfc. Osborne's (Costlaucd ott Page t) mon ABOUT Military Rites Army records, thereby establish ing his identity. Pfc. Osborne was bom at Crea- ton in Ashe County on May 27, 1918 and was 36 years of age at the time of his death. He entered the Army in Sept., 1941, and served 36 months In overseas duty. He participated In throe landing operations with the 'apple knocker" regiment of the famed 27th Dlvlsionl lie partici pated in the establishment of beach head at the Makm in the Gilbert Islands ,thc conquest of Saipan in the Marianos; and the initial assault on Tsugen Shlma an island of the Ryukyuc group, 369 miles from Japan. n Pfc. Osborne was entitled to wear the Combat Infantryman's Asiatic - P««4ll€—Ribbon with three campaign stars; Amcri- can Defense ribbon and the Ar rowhead Award for troops mok- Hev. E. A. Lambc of the Rccds Methodist Church and Rev. Paul Richards of the First Presbyterian Church Mocksville will officiate at the services Sunday. Survivors include the mother, Mrs. R. S. Osborne, Lexington, Rt. 3; five sisters, Mrs. James Eller, Mocksville, Rt. 4, Mrs. T. L. Spillman, Mocksville, Rt. 4, Mrs. Dossie O. Wood of the hemc, Mrs. Robert Gobble of Lexington, Rt. 3, and a half-sist er, Mrs. John R. Houscr, Abing- don, Va. Bio — Obituaries - 6/26/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 26,1952 - Page 2 Robert C. Wilson, 76, Of Mocksville, Route 4 Robert Carson A^'ilson, 76, died Saturday at the home of n ncph* cw. J. B. Wilson, Mocksville, Rt. 4, of the Jericho community, af ter an illness of two months. Born Jon 6, 1076, in Davlo County, he was the son of O. C. and Inis Butler Wilson, A retired farmer, Mr. Wilson lived nt Route 4, Mocksville, until 1050. He is survived by nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conduct ed Monday at the home of J. B. Wilson by the Rev. E. M. Avett. Burial wos in the Byerly's Chapel Cemetery. Pallbearers were Marvin Kel ler, Bruce Turner, Fred Gart ner, D. C .Ratledse, Bll IRatledge, and Lee Bowles. J. C. Dwiggins, 67, Of Davie Academy J. C. (Dobe) Dwlgglns, 67. Yarmer of the Davle Academy community, Route 4, died at his home Sunday after an illness of 10 days. Mr. Dwiggins was a son of the late J. W. and Emmaline Rat- ledge Dwiggins of Davie County. He was marrlcd Fcb. 26, 1912 to Miss Bessie Cortner of Davie County, who survives along with one daughter, Mrs. W. S. Turner of Salisbury; two sons, Paul F. and Ed W. Dwiggins of Route 4; two brothers, Thomas M. and Frank Dwiggins of Route 1; four sisters, Mrs. Jesse Hendren of Charlotte, Mrs. Arthur Stone- street of Winston-Salem, Mrs. J. N. Smoot and Miss Bertie Lee Dwiggins of Route 1. Mr. Dwiggins was a member of the Salcm Methodist Church in Davie County. Funeral servic es were conducted at the Salem Methodist Church Tuesday by the Rev. Hugh Jessup. Burial was In the .church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 6/26/1952 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA