Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 6,1954 - Page 2
Mrs.LilUan Strider
Mh. Lillian Belle Strider, 43,
of Advanee, Route 1, died Dec,
27th at her home, followinfii an
extended Illness. She was 'born
in Guilford Countv, a dauehccr
of Mr. and Mrs. Hentv Chamber
lain. In 1935 she was married to
Fletcher S. Strider. They had liv
ed in the Redland community for
six years.
Surviving arc the husband, two
daughters, ^iss Survuda Strider
of Winston Salem, and Miss Eva
Lee Strider, of the home; her
mother, Mrs. Henry Chamberlain,
of Gibsonvillc; three brothers and
one sister. I
Funeral services we're conducted
at 3 p. m. last Tuesday at Bethf^
hem Methodist Church by Ruv.l
George Smith and Rev. George!
Bruner and the body laid to rest
in the church cemetery.
The bereaved family have the
sv.i.pathv of a host of friends In
this hour of sadness.
Bio — Obituaries - 1/6/1954 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LiBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 7,1954 - Page 9
I Mrs. Lcona Nloho*8
Funeral rcrvlces for Mrs.
Plossio Lcona Nichols, 41, of Rt*
4, Mocksvlllc, were conducted
Saturday ot the Woodlcof Metho
dist Church. Rev. B. C. Adams,
Rev. Robert Williams and Rev.
, J. C. Swaim officiated. Burial
I was in the church cemetery. J
Mrs. Nichols died Dec. 31 at a
' Salisbury hospital after an illness
of several weeks. I
Bio - Obituaries - 1/7/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
; ;zetas;hoijian\ho.warv;.' .
' Cba^ lOowai^Trdied.j
at ^Davie;'C9unt7 -1 ^
bi^':*ia .at ^
ifiinisoarStndeve^ j 5
E^baiap.- J j
' rangeiamts;.'; Hr8,.,vPowarq ] o
was bom in'- Davie. County. ] ^
and^ji^a.'jheiiib^gof St I
john'VAME' 2on\'Chnrch»"' f
SurvlvmgVara.!iiec!'loi8band; 'j Cr
fiva'''sistexs. .lb8V"*;]Strolla |
linebnrger bf. Boston, Uassi^ • ^
Mis. .Alice-. BaxlEer,' Mrs. ;
Pinky'Barker of Mof^vlDe.. \ d.
Jlrs. LIzora WiBiams of- ;
"^rgaw. Mrs.' Kathryn \ <
Jeffeis of Nev York
two brotbers, ^Alvis Hblman
of Wln^n-Salem, .the Rev..
T. S. Hblman of Mocksville.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/11/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 13,1954 - Page 2
J. Baxter Grifhn
1. Baxter Criinn 67t died sttd-
denlv of a heart attack nc his hon)o
In Portsmouth, Vti. eiirtv last
luc»dav morning. Mr. CrlfHn
was a native of Davie Comitv. hut
leic the county about (0 years ug».
Surviving are the wUe, the fornv
er Miss janie Craven, daughter of
the lace Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Crnv.
en* of near Mocksvilie; one son,
CraVen Oriffin, of PortKmo.nh, one
daughter, Miss Jessie Griffin, of
BuieN Creek, two brothers, EdJic
Gflffin. of WooJIed, and Hiiie,
Griffin of Portsmouth: one slstvr.
Mrs. Duisv Black, of Yadkin
Funeral service? n w ere ccnc'uct-
edac .aton Funerd Home herciit;
3 p. m., Thursday bv Rev. E? M. j
Av:C^ Burial was in Rose Ceme-i
Bio - Obituaries - 1/13/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 14,1954 - Page 5
Jessie n. Griffin, G7
Funeral services for Jessie Bax
ter Griffin,, 67, a former native
of Davio County, were hold last
Thursday at Eaton Funeral Homo
with Rev. E. M. Avelt in charge.
Burial followed In Rose Ceme
Mr. Griffin died suddenly at
his home in Portsmouth, Vo., on
5. He had been In declining health
for several weeks. I
IIu wns born Feb. 24, 1800, the
son of Moscs and Mary Jackson'
Griffin. Ho was married.to Mlssl
Jnnio Craven of Davlc County'
Oct. 29, iDOe. 1
He moved to Portsmouth in
1041 from Salisbury, where he
livud u number of years. He wos
employed by the U. S. govern-'
ment in the naval shipyard. !
He is survived by his wife, Mrs.
Janic Craven Griffin; one daugh
ter, Miss Jessie Griffin of Blues
Crock; one sister, Mrs. Daisy,
Block of Yodkln County; twoj
brothers, W. E. Griffin of Wood-
leaf and H. M. Griffin of Ports
mouth, Va., and one grandson.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/14/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, Januar> 20,1954 - Page 2
Mrs, Minnie Shores
Mrs; Minnie Plowman Shores,
the widow of Isaac Shores, died
Tuesdav mornlnf; ac the home of
a son, Richard Shores of Mocks-
ville. Route 3. She had been In
declinina health for the past v^sr*'
She was born in Yadkin County
Sept. 12. 1681, a daughter of Pete
and Jane Ploxvman. Shu and her
husband moved to Dnvfe County
some 40 vcnrs aco. Mr. Shores
died on Dec. 7» 1951.
Survivor.1 include three sons, R»
W, Shores, of Macon, Ga., Char
les Shores of Truman, Ark, and
Richard Shores, with whom the
made her home; two sisters. Mrs.
Nettle Creed of Chapel Hill and
Mrs. Susie Shores of Summitville,
Ind., and 10 grandchildren.
Funeral services were conduct.
ed.at2p. m.; Thursday at Deep
Creek Baptist Church in Yadkin
County by the pastor of the
church and the Rev. Jimmle
jOroce. Burial was t.i the church
Mrs. Ollie J. Davis
Mrs. OIlic J. Davis, 72, of Salis
bury, died at a nursing home in
Mooresville on jan.9ch. She was
a daughter of the -Inte Mr. and;
Mrs. Cicero Davis, of Jerusalem
Township, and was a half-sister of
Mrs, L. M, Graves of this city*
Funeral services were held Jan.
10th at Summersetc Funeral Cha
pel, Salisbury, iind burial followed
in Chestnut Hill Cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/20/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 21,1954 - Page 5
Mrs. Minnie Shores, 73
yitnerali services for Mrs. Minnie
Shoves, 72, of MocUr.ville, Route
3, wore conducted Thursday at
the Deep Creek Baptist Church;
in Yodkin County by the paslor|
of the church and Rev. Jimmic
Groce. Burial was In the clmrch
comolory. |
Mrs. Shores died Jan. 12 at the
home of her son, Richard Shores,!
of Mocksvillo, Rt. 3. She had been
mnkins her iiome with her son.
Mrs. Ruby Grcnson, 38
Funurul services for Mrs. Ruby
• Croason, 3B, were lield Tuesday
-nt the North Coolcomco BapUsl
•Church. Rev. Harold W. Parker
and Rev. Charles Young officiat
ed Burial was in Rowan Memorial
• PArk.
Mrs. Croason died early Sunday
morning at hor home, 07 Watt
St., Coolccmcc. She had been in
declining health for years and
'Critically III flvo woclcs.
Mrs. Croason was born In Da-
vie County April 18, 1010, daugh
ter of William M. and Mary Crabb
Vouch. Slio spent her entire life
in Dnvic County and was educat
ed in the Coolecmcc Schools. She
was a member of North Coolce-
moo Baptist church. Sho was
married to Clinard Croason in'
1030. I
Surviving are the husbnndj her
parqnts, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliiam
M. Vcach • of North Coolccmee;
_ three brolhorn, Lester and Del-
mar Vcach of MocUovllle, Rt. 4,
{and Dcwcy Vcach of North Cool-
' cemce; 2 sisters. Mrs. Paul Taylor
I and Mrs. J. B. Daniels of Mocks
villo Rt. 4; one halt sister, Mrs.
1 Coy Durham of Lomax.
Miss M.iry Ifarpc
MIrs Mnry Hnvpo, 43, died at
the Winslon-Salom Baptist Hos-
. pital Saturday morning after an
[illness 6r several months.
Sho is survived by four broth
ers, Morshcll, Roy and Clingman
' H«irpe of Elkln, and John Harpc
of Hnmplonville; and hor father,
Ernest A. Hnrpe of HamptonvlHc.
She had spend her cntre life In
, Yndkln County.
Funeral services wci'e hold nt
' Swan Crock Baptist Church in
lYadkln County at 11 d.m. Mon
Bio - Obituaries - 1/21/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, January 21,1954
' .M'.I' K--'\ If.I,- Ml'
;!r<, ihi
til hiT iit'tiii*. ' WjiU- 4S1
Sh'' ".1 IH'-.'Ii ill ct'- '
l lillillff |:.M|-.!iri r yi'til:: Ul>l ''
(.tilicitlly ill fi' V.C'Cl;;:.
Mr.t. Ci'OiirK' •vtis i.mrii ir.|
iJiivil' f.iiiiily li'ril 1>".
•Iii'i>r;itt-i" I'f ^illiiiin -M. tirtil-'
.Miif.v rriiVt Hlii; npi.ta
htr clittii: Jil'r i IliiVji- (\iiinl.v|-
iiluJ '.Viih wiKiir ! i" till- Ciiiih '
i'.'vriV.-c .■•i-iiiiiil.-' Siu- o '• trioinliiT Nilli iV:i'loi:-i;ii;i-j'
<"iiiiri h-•Ia- iiitii'-
!•; < lili:ilil<'i"Cii:i<'n ill It'-
I Hurviviiij; n:- Uli- I'l tiniiilj ';ii-v |i.i2«i.l.-, M;. W'.it -Mr.-.. ii-ji]i:ii£i M. "f N'mi'I.Ii finl-j
ii-i-mw: ilirtv I.i
i-.IK! I K'liv.ill' 'ifi-.'.-il Ol"
vill'\ lliii.i'.- I, It III I IK-Wfv
I'f .Nii-l:i <'ii"li rij-.ii-:
.Vf". I'tiiil "i'tivl'ir
.mi<3 Miv. .1. K. Danicl-i
IMih Ili'-l-! -1: I'lio iliill'i
Mr-:, tnv E>tlv'a:UH nf
• I.CllKlX. I
KlIMinil ::i ! •il l H'tl l' ll'-'il"',:i;l j.. III. Tiunl ly' 111 N'lfllij
('oiili'«*iiiii' F!ii|>i:i'. Cl'im'i.'li. 'I In;
(iSc'V. lliinilii Vi I'ili'liOi' itS'-il '
the lii!V. ("linn'-. Yn'Mi}: nfJi-'
i.iali-ii. Il'.iriiil 'iVint in [{"VM'n
' Meitii.iiiil I'iirU. nt-ar Snli:-.-'j'liifyi wr-vi! 5>!ill-
Bio - Obituaries —1/21/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 27,1954 - Page 2
Mrs. Sarah Potls
Mr». Sarah Comllln Potts, 51.'
died unexpec.'cdly ar 4 a. m.i hm.l
19, at her home in the M iceJonia
Church commiM-iicy. Slu* had
been in failing health for some
time.. I
She was the daughtrr rt Ras-f
mus Howard Carter. She spent
herearly life in the MccVs Church |
communicy and had lived In M.i'.
cedonia. Church commitnity lorj
die past 52.ycars. !
She was a member of Mocks
Methodist Chti cj) tind wan roar
ti^ len. 27, 19DI, to jnhn U.
Potts, who died Dec. 6, 1947.
Surviv'ng are two sons, six
daughters, two brothers and 1 3
Funeral services were conduce*
edat:2 p. m, Wednesday nc the
home and at 2:30 p. m-, at Mocl^s
Methodist Church bvRev. W E
Plt7|2r^d and the Rev. I. G.
B -uoer. Burial was .in.the church
Mrs. RubyCreason
Mrs. Ruby Creaion, 38, died
Jan. 17, at her home in Coolee*
met. She had been in declining
health for years and critically, ill
five weeks.
Mrs Creaion was the daughter
of William M. and Mary Crabb
Veach. She spent her entire life
In D^vie County. She was a mem*
ber of North Cooleemee Baptist
Church. She was married to
Clinard Creasoti in 1936.
I Surviving are the husband; her
parents, two sisters; one halt sister.
' Funeral services were held at
13 p. ro., Tuesday at North Coo*
jleemee Baptst Church. Rev,'■Harold W. Parker and Rev. Cha^
les Young ofhciated. Burial was, in Howard Memorial Park near
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, Januan 27, 1954 - Page 3
Baxter Dyson
'Mfs. Geo. Russell
I Mrs. Isnbcllc Russell, 93, died
Tliursdav morning at her homo
on Advance, Route 2.
Mrs. Russell was bom Jo Davlo
County the year before the Civil
War broke out, and spent tier en*
tire life in the county. Her hus*
band, George Russell, died 17
years ago.
Surviving are two granddaugh*
tcrs, 12 greac-grahdchildren and
U grcangreat-grandchildren.
Funeral services were conduct*
ed at 2 p. in.' Saturday at Elbaville
Methodist Church.by Rev. W. E«
Ficzgerald, and the body laid to
rest in the church cemetery.
find Dead Man '
Baxter Dyson, 35, wlio llv'cd
near Ephesus, was found dead
Saturday afternoon. His . body
.was covered with snow. Johnnv
Bogvr was • dragging snow olF n
ro.id near the Bogcr farm. He!
saw a jacket and (ound. Dvson's'
body in a side ditch. * '
Sheriff Aicx* Tucker investigat
ed the death and said he found!
no evidence of foul piny. Dyson
W.I.S a bachelor and lived ^with
Fred Peacock in a house near
where his body was foiiml. ''
Dyson had i.o relatives In this
section and his body was carried
Co Salisbury and earned over to
relatives in that city.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/27/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 28,1954 - Page 1
Baxter Dyson
Found Frozen
Baxter Dyson, 40, of the Ro
wan Mill Community of Salis
bury, was found dead under a
blanket of snow Saturday after
noon on a country road near Paul
Hodges Service Station, Route
4, Ntocksvlllc.!
His frozen body was uncovered
by Johnny Bogcr, who was dragg
ing the road which leads by the-
Bogcr farm. Bogcr noticed u
iackcl in the snow and found Dy
son's body in a ditch along the
road leading off the Salisbury
Sheriff G. Alex Tuclccr Inves
tigated the death and said he
found no 'evidence of foul ploy.
Coroner G. V. Greene oslimatod
that Dyson had been dead around
eight or nine hours when he was
found around 3 p.m. Saturday
Mr. Dyson, a batchclor, lived
pnrt of the time in the area where
his body was found. It Is undcr-
slo'od that he and Fred Peacock'
occupied a cubiu hi (his area.
A native of Davlo County, ho
was born Morch 8, 1013, the son
of (he late Mury Baker and John
Dyson of Rowan County. He was
educated in Davic County schools.
A veteran of World War 11, he
was of the Baptist faith.
He is survived by two broth
ers, John Dyson of Coolccmcc,
and Jake Dyson of Rowan Mills;
and three sisters, Mrs. J .P. Will-
lams of the Scotch - Irish Town
ship, Mrs. Ethel Williams of Sal-
l.sbury and Mrs. Roxic Howard of
Funeral services were held
Monday afternoon at the Peeler
Funeral Chapel in Salisbury. Bur-'
ial was in- the Rowan Memorial
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 28,1954 — Page 4
Mrs, Ellen Cornatzer, 70, died
late Tuesday nt her home, Ad-
voncc, Rl. 2. She had been In de
clining health several months and
seriously 111 three weeks. '
Mrs. Cornatzer was born In
Davic County April 2D, 1874,
daughter of Alfred and Sarah
Carter Bcn-yman. She was the
stepdaughter of C. D. Spry. She
was married to J. S. Cornatzer
Aug. 24. 1894.
Surviving arc the husband; 5
daughters, Mrs. Wnller Barney
of Advance, Mrs. W. P. Long o(
Wlnston-Snlcm, Mrs. Brown Gil
bert of Winston-Salom, Rl. 7, Mrs.
L. B. Sheets of Advance and Mrs.
Charles Groco of PCofftowii; five
sons, L. L. Cornatzer of Louls-
vHo, Ky., C. A. Chnrlio and Paul
Cornatzer of Advance, and Brad
ley CornDlzor of DclroU, Mch.;
25 grandchildren nnd II great
Funeral arrangements were in
complete at press time.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/28/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 28,1954 - Page 3
I), h. Ilcndrix, 1Z
D. I*. Hcndrix, 72, of Salisbury,
Houtc 0, died Soturday morning
nl his home on the Statcsvlllc
road after an illness of two weeks.
He was a retired farmer.
He was born Oct. SO. 1881, a
"on of Lewis and Eliza Young
Hcndrix of Davio County, and
wnR educated in Davie County
Schools. Ho was a member of
Enon Baptist Church, served as
Sunday School Superintendent,
and was on the board of deacons.
Surviving arc his wife, Mrs.
Fonnio Myers Hcndrix; three son«!,
N. L, Hcndrix of Rockingham,
Hoylo A. Hcndrix of Groonvllle,
and Robert L. Hcndrix of Tar-
boro: three daughters, Mrs. Ralph
C. Lippard of Cleveland, O., Mrs.
Raymond W. Potcal of Salisbury,
Rl. 0, and Mrs. R. Wood Poteat
of Salisbury, Rt. 0; a brother, L.
T. Hcndrix of Salisbury. Rt. 6:
llirec sisters, Mrs. W. B. Cope,
Mrs. G. E. Mcrrell and Mi's. G,
E. Bnrnhardt, oil of Mocksvillc;
17 grandchildren and two great
Funeral services were conduct-;
ed Sunday at Enon Baptist church
by Rev. J. W. Allen, pastor, and^
the Rev. J. Ji. Binklcy. Burial was
in the cluirch cemetery.
Mrs. Isnbcllc Russcfl, 03
Funeral services for Mrs. Isa-
hollc Russell, 03. of Advance. Rt.
2. were held Saturday at the
Elbaville Methodist Church. Rev.
W. E. Fitzgerald oCiiciatcd. Burlol
was in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Russell died early Thurs
day morning at her home on Ad
vance Rt. 2.
She was born in Davle County,
Oct. 11, 1000, and spent her entire
life in her home community. Her
hur.band, George Russell, died in
She is survived by two grand
daughters, 12 great-grandchildren
and 11 great - great - grondchU-
Bio - Obituaries - 1/28/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 3,1954 - Page 2
Mrs. Ellen Cornatzer
Mrs, Ellen Cornat=cr, 79. dioJ
Tuesday nt her home. Advance,
2. She had been in de
clining healO* several month and
seriously ill three weeks.
Mrs. Cornaiaer was horn In
Davic County April 29, IS74,
ilaughter of Alfred and Sarah
Carter Eeravmnn. She was mar
ried I. S. Cornatzer. Aug. 24-
! Surviving arc the husband; five
daughters, fi ve sons. 25 grand.
I children and It great grandchUd-
I A short funeral scrvlce.waa held
. at the hi>me ar 2:30 p. m.» Thurs:
day and at Advance Methodist
j church at 3 o'clock, with Key.
, Edw.trd Fticgcrald officlattngi and
the body laid to rest Inithc church
* ccinefcry.
! Robert A, Coon
[ Robert A. Coon, 80, of Route 3,
died at Baptist Hospital, Winston*
Salem, Thursday oftcrnonn at 5
o'clock, following an operation
which he underwent Monday.
I Mr, Coon is suvvivcd by his
wife, the former Miss Notic Mar
tin; two daughters, Mrs. A. L
Becker and Mrs. David Owen, of
Ei Paso, Texas, three grand'chlld-
ren, four ereat-grandchildreo, one
brother, six sisters, all of Texas
except one sister, who lives at
Funeral services "were held at
Bethel Methodist Church Sunday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with
Rev. W. C. Anderson officiating,!
and the body laid to rest in the
church cemetery.
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 3, 1954 - Page 3
Foncrat services for F. M. Keet-
on, of near Clemens, who died in
Winscon-Salem hospital, on Jan.
. 24th, were held at 2 p. m., last
Tu^av at the home, and at 3 p.
m., at Union HUl Baptist Church.
n Mr. Keeton was a native of Yad-
:,;ldn County but lived In Davic
; County many years before mov
vltifCto Forsyth County. Amo^
V die survivors are one son, K.
.-..Kceton, and two brothers, Tom
'I'ind Tohn Keeton, all of near
^.Advance. Other survivors are
the wife, six sons a brother most
of them living,in Forsyth County.
Mrs. Clettts Foster
Mrs. Cletus Foster. 42, died at
a Salisbury hospital on Ian*. ,2Sth.
Mr. Foster was a native of Mocks-
ville, a daughter of Mrs. William
Foster'^and the late Mr. Foster,
but had lived in Sal sbucy several
Mrs. Foster is survived by her
husband, one son, three brothers
and two sisters, and her mother. I
Funeral services were held a C
Liberty Methodist Church at 3 p.
m., Wednesday with Rev. B. K.
McLaritv Jr., and Rev, 6, C»i
Adams officiating and the body
laid to rest in the church ceme-
. tcry, »
Bio - Obituaries — 2/3/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, February 4,1954 - Page 1
'Mayor Will' Heiidrix
w n
Of Advance Dies at 83
"Mayor Will" Hendrix, whose
lifetime hobby of passing diit
candy to children \von many a
youngster's heart, died Monday.
Death came at 9 p.m. to the
man everyone knew simply a.s
"Mayor Will." Ho-died at his
home ip Advance after a serious
illness of two weeks.
His age was officially listed as
83. But members of his family
s^nid he was actually over 85.
A favorite with young.stors, the
old mon often told his family:
"When I die, no flower.-!—just
a plenty of candy for the kids
and 0 party for all."
Will Hendrix (few know him
by the name of William Ander
son Hendrix; began ids lifetime
hobby of passing out candy while
he was still a teen-ager.
Whenever ho saw a child, his
hand would steal toward his big
shirt pocket and out would come
a brlgijl-CQlored sucker.
While perbapT best known for
his candy handouts, Mayor. Will
made -a name for himself in
other' ficld^, loo.
He was the first man 1^ Davic
County to own a cor.'ovay back
in 1004. And after 500.000 miles
of driving, he still had never had
an accident or legal citation for
a traffic violation.
^ He'became moyor of Advance
early in the cenluiy. Since he
was still mayor when the last
aklormnn died and the town
ccoscd being a munlcipolily, he
held the title of "the last mayor
of Advance."
Will Hendrix was born on a
farm in the Fork Church com
munity, the son James Mon
roe and Jane Gnrwood Hendrix.
He attended the" one-room Fork
School and Turrcnllne Summer
School near Mocksvlllc and be
came valedictorian bis class.,
While still in his early teens,
ho rigged out a covered ^wagon
and began a career as a tobacco
peddler, selling to stores and
camping out at nigHts. Every
child who came to his wagon got
a piece of candy trom'the "trav
eling man." Later, he operated a
hotel in Salisbury for several
' He was married in 1800 to
Miss Hosa Jane Cornatzcr and
they moved to Advance several
years later. They had 13 children,
eight of whom ore still living.
In the early HMO's. "Mayor Will"
became moll carrier between the
depot and the post office, a job
that required him to meet the
two daily trains, the 11:30 a.m.
and the 4:31 p.m.
Surviving arc».hls wife; two
sons, W. A. Hendrix of the iiomc
and Bernio H. 1-Iondrlx of the
Navy, stntibncd in Honolulu; six
daughters, Mrs. Dove Red wine
and Mrs. Glenn Hcndrlcks, both
of Lcxrnglon, Mrs. C. D. Peeler
of Solisbury, Mrs. Ellis Foster of
Winston - Snicm. and Mrs. Joe
Foster, and Mrs. Curtis Alexan
der, bolh of Jacksonville, Flo.;
reven grandchildren and one
great-grandchild. *
^Itera! services were conduct
ed at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Ad-
vonco Methodist Cliui*ch, of which
ho was a member. The Rev. W. E.
Fitzgerald officiated. »
Bio - Obituaries - 2/4/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, February 4,1954 - Page 4
Kobnrl A. £o6ii
"Fungal services for Robert
/Anderson Coon, flO, of Route 3,
Mocksville were conduclcct Sun-
•irtay from n the Bethel Methodist
'Ourch, with the Rev. \V. C. An-
'Scrson officiating.
Duriol followed in the family
pluL 111 the church ocmulury.
Ml'. Coon was born in Davle
County on/JuIy 18 1673, son of
the hitc Poley nnd Dolly Snln
Coon. Ho moved to El Pnsb, Tcx-
ns, in his early you\h nnd was a
retired contractor. He returned to
Davlo County in Oct., 1054, and
was married to the former Miss
Notio Murlln, who survives. He
was a member of Bethel Molho-
dist Church.
Survivors include two daugli-
tcrs, by n farmer marriage, Mrs.
A. L. Becker and Mrs. David 0\v-
on, both of El Paso, Tex.,. one
brother, six sisters, throe grund.-
children and four great grand-
Mrs. Glclus Foster
Funcrul services were held liial
■\Vndncsdny for Mrs. C. H. Clctus
Fo.slcr, 43, who died In tlic Rowan
T.:'»M--hl Hospital. Rev. E. K. Ml-
l.nrty, Jr.. pnolor of Iho Snll'ibury
First Mcliiodlsl Church and Rev.
B. C. Adams, pastor of the Liber
ty Methodist .Church, officiated
and burial was In the Liberty
church comctci*y.
The lormor Myrtle Ethel Fos-
lor, she was the daughter of Mrs.
Lillic McCullough and the late
William A. Foster of Davle coun
Survivors include her liusband;
one son, Gary Steven Foster of
the home; her mother, Mrs. Llilic
McCuliough Fostci- of Mocksville:
throQ brothors, and two sistors.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/4/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
"if iiiffc";
t T-J ·¨ »- J APtul Ci fidliAui.'M, of 34 kym
MlUk died Ttnifodoy it 1:04 p. fen.'In
* hoidilUl.- Hi had bceii In
and terknisiy m for otii Mi
Mr. Rolmih iTia in- acttTikoiii^*
ber of Uiitip^ Wcatcyan Mctim-
trt Chdreli. wheti ho ieririd in the
board of atiirardt and.took^iart In
other churth trork for>ntahir yean.
Puner^ aerrlcai arlll bi hdd Sat
urday a44l>. m. at piiat wealeyan
UethodM t^orch. with the paator,
the Her. tyidan P: La^ offldaU
Uii. Huilft! - allMii-^ln''BoOyiibod
The body irai to be jbikin to thi
home Friday at 3 p. m.. and arlll
Ue In atata at- the ehoteh (orapoi
hoar prior to thi aeirkea. n 9 n
Mr. Bolman la itirVlred t>y. hia
artfe, Mn. ftancy Prady Hohnan:
three aoni, Olinn Htdnian of Oih^
tonla, dotumy tx Hildian of' thi
V. 8., Air Poroe.. atattoned^ln -Aiy^
and Alrtn Joa Robnan 01 the. home;
three danthtita. Mn» Edna Styria,
" bit ICnqckliy. and lifaa.
three brotbera, Prid lloUnan
Oaatorrii.-.W. C. Bolman of Knox-
▼Ule, Tenn.; and Hdth Robnan of
QtiapM RlU; and four grandchU-
Carother* Punertt Rome haa
eliarte oi arxancementa. ^
Co itdCM'ArO
ti* j
fc ■
N> ■
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 10,1954 - Page 2
V(fm, Aj^ Hendrix
William Anderson Hcndnx. 64»
one of Davie Countf'e oldett and
best knoivn dtiieni^ died «t liie
home in Advance on Mondtf
afternoon of last week, fbnowing
a seriouaillneae of two week*.
Mr. Hendrix waa bora naar
Fork, thie aon of Mr. and Mia*
fames M. Hcnd^ He epcnc hia
early life on tht farm and later
traveled throughout thlaacctkHi in
a wagon selling tobacco.
For a number of yeara he oper
ated a hotel in Satlsburr* For
niore than half a centut? he and
his wife, the former Mlaa Roaa
Cornatzer. lived in Advance.
When, that town waa Incorporat*
ed about 50 years ago* he waa
elected mayor and aerved for tnany
years until the town gave up Ita
Incorporation papers. Mr, Hend*
rix is said to have owned the first
automobile in Davie County,
which he bought 50 ycarv ago.
Surviving Mr. Hendrix arc hla
wife, two sons, W. A. Hendrix of
the home and Bernie H« Hend
rix of the Navy, stationed In
Honolulu; six daughters. Mrs.
Dave Redwine and Mra. Olcnn
Hendricks, both of Lexington,'
Mrs. 0. D. Feeler of Saliiburf,.
Mrs. Ellis Foster of Winston-Sa*
Bio — Obituaries — 2/10/1954
tcm, and Mrs. Joe Foster and Mrs.'
Curtis Alexander, both of Jack'
aonville, Fla., •^vcn grandchild'
ren and one igreat-ffrandchlld.
Funeral services were conducted
at } p. m.. Wednesday at Ad*
vance Methodist Church, of which
he mu a metnbcr, by Rev. W. E,
Fltagcrald. Burial waa In the
diurcK cemetery.
The editor has known "Mayor"
Will Hendrix for half a century.
He waa one of the leading Repub
licans in Davic County. We shall
mUa his cherry greeting of "How
la ve editor todavJ" Wdl Hend
rix was a friend of mankind and
all the children In his commun.
Ity. Hla death has cast a shadow
of] gloom over the entlie com.
munltv where he sprat most of
his life. Peace to his ashes.
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 10,1954 - Page 3
Mrs. B, F.Praiher
MntaF. fta(h«r. tl. ^ Uridtf tt
th* bouwaf AdMgiitet. Miw. FMftSttood
•t StatMVlll«, (flttotrini a Mnltt of pa**-
Ijraea. Mn. ^sibar waa a natlva of "Oa*
«te Coratr. tlw CatoMr'NiM IImIv Li(^q-
.daSafriai- Suivlvlnd iia tha teaoband,
^foar Mioi. twFea dottilitaM aod oaa rialor
(faiieral owWefts wofoMd at 9 (kOk'Saa*
Idar atSodMV'Boptlat OmwoIi. and ,tba
Ibikhr laU 10 fCM In tte 4ftineb;otaiMiRr*
ftfrs. Gay Seaibrm^
IftoOttSay SeaMiitf.S9.aaat|va of Da
vie Cotti^V* died at l|er biMba'in\.Ot»ciA.
U. YNTbmdoy. Ttebody woo bmMlK
totbiacityaodfaAMal aefvioat b^ at
Eaton Fooeiai Uooia at M9 a ai> ° Saa*
day,«itbRev. Wada Katcbona ofBctat*
tad.and ibabodvlaldta feot to ^Cedior
Metbodiit Otoidt GMMfOiy- Mto Sss
iMtot*'aBaNnito^ t«Hea>. Mo.ibto boO'
baadtSanfotdStooeHioet* of Caoa. dM
tt vaaiaaik Sorvietadotobarbatoaad,
««Mibmbcn.ll^lb n9ai Caaa* wd
p. ft. Papa» «f Moaiaa. Va.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/10/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 10,1954 - Page 3
JSofrert Smoof !
iCtobMt Lee Smoet. <0. of doffcevilio-
TowmMpii^lMl Thondoy motiiinil ot R«
wm Hemwiol Hoopftal. followM ^o ill
oeM'of one week.
SmvlvlRii oio tkfa wtte; «bno, Mtia. mo
dootfhtev ood II draod^iidMn.
S'FwtMoi Mnrleee wcte'held .1^ oi-.
Sotiifdov <rt Creek 8op|i^y.'0lim>|dv
wlib'Rev. W. C Barkley. RevJ dT P,
and Rov. J. O. Alliood olBelotini and (ho
b^ilald totMt ioitieoMfelkoaaiataiVi"
• a
Bio - Obituaries - 2/10/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 17, 1954- Page 3
Linda, the 2-vear'old daushter
of Mr. and Mr*. Luther Ashfev.
who !lvc near Hardlfion** Chapel,
died eartv Fridav mominc foltnw-
inc an illness of pneumonia. The
ehifd was brooeht to MocksvlIJe
Hospital, but was dead on her ar
rival. The bodv was carried' to
West TeflFerson Friday, the former
home of her parents, Funeml and
burial services took place Sunday
at Lawfionville BaotlstChurch. Mr.
Anhlev and family moved from
Ashe County to their preynt
home last summer. He held a
position with MocksviHe Flour
Mills, The family hat the sym
pathy of the entire community In
this creat bereavement. Nearly
two thousand years aco T^ut said:
"Suffer the little children to come
unto Me, and forhid them not.
for of such i* the kingdom of
Bio - Obituaries - 2/17/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 24,1954 - Page 3
Baiky Clement
Ballty Glfiraeot, S9« eoa oC ttie Isle Mr.
and llllra. W. K« ClecDent oltblieity. died
ac Uttlavtlte. Ky.. W«<ff7«9day. The body
wBsbtDaghl to Moektvllto and laid to
fast Sttaday. at 2 p. tn* wllbgfayaslde icf
vleasatOeiiiaatCem^eftr.aoiidiietad by
Rev. G. W, Tomar.
Iff. CletiMnt Is tufvlved by tbiae brolb*
eis. K M. CteBMoi. of Moektvlile: Cecil
Ctefnem.of Laneostef, Pa«« and Pftfifp
Clemeiit. of Kaleigb: two •Itieca. Mm.
F. Dochett, of Oufbsnit and Mite Pateey
Ceipeott of ffew Crieaof.
Mrs. R. A. TomlinsoD
Mm. Lfazfo Andetaop Tdotictioo, $S
died at bar bonio on Wilbaeboio eifest
Tbtinday nigbt foUowlnd an atendcd
Surviving are one son, ۥ H. Tomlioson.
of ibti city: a tister. Mis. fletchet Mdfa
ban, of Pino: two btocbera. R* 8. Ander.
eon, MbcksvUla. R« I; T» X Andenoii, SoK
Iflhury and Mveral grstidcbUdrao,
Fonml eetvleea wete bold at lfacbs%
vilie ftfeiluKliet CbUfob At I fx in, Selof*
dny.wlibRev* W* Q. Cfigg otBdoilni.
and the body laid to Mat iBKoii CMMtaty*
Bio - Obituaries - 2/24/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, February 25,1954 - Page 8
1virs. A. R. Tomlinson
^npral sei'vlcos for Mrs, Ellz-
abolh Jane Tomlinson, 04, were
licld Snlurdny nCtcrnoon at the
First Methodist Church, Mocks-
villc. Rev. W. Q. Grigj;, Rev. E. M.
Avotl and Rev. W. C. Anderson
officiatod. Burial was In Rose
Kts. Toml'nscn died at her-
home on Wllke'^horo Street at
11:55 Feb. 18. She had been In de
clining hcnllh for eight monlius
and seriously III for the past three
She was born in Davic County
March 0, 1868, a daughter of
Charles and Mary Eliza Turner
Anderson. She mnrrlod A. R. Tom-
lin.Son on Sept. 20, 18BQ. lie died
Sept. 12, 1040. She was a member
of the MocUsvllle Methodist
Church. I
Surviving arc one srn. C. 11.1
Tomllnscn of Mocksville; two
brothers, R. S .Anderson of Mocks-!
viile, Route 1, and T. J. Anderson
of nSlisburys one sister, Mrs. F. R.
McMahan of the Pino commun
ity: two grnndcldldron and three
Pallbearers were nephews, W.
N. Ander.son, Spencer Johnson,
Roy Peeler, Harry Anderson,
John Nel'On Anderson and Har
mon McMahan.
Mrs. SalHc Wood j
Funeral services for Mr"> SalUc.
Wood, 03, lifelong "resident of
Davie County, wore held Tuos-j
dny at the Formlnglon Baptist
Church. Rev. Jimmy. Groce and
Rov. J. G. Brunei* officiated. Bur
ial was in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Wood died at the home of
n dnughtor, Mr.s. Davis Pilchor'
of the Farminglon community.
She had been in declining hcnilh
foj* several ycors.
Slic was born in Davie County,.
Doc. 27, 1070, n daughter of J. P.
and Hester Young llanos. She
wa-. married in IROO to Leo Wood.
He dllcd July 15, 1050.
Survivors Include thj'oo sons,
Charlie and Robert Wood of Rt.
Mocksvilic, and George Wood
'jf Portsmouth, Va.; one dnugli-
ior, Mrs. Piicher; 20 grandchll-
*.h'cn; four great - grandchildren;
two sisters, Miss Betty Hnncs of
Advance, Rt. 1, and Mrs. Lucy
Hclsabcck of MarsholUown, Iowa;
two brothers,, Charles P. Hones
of Advance, Rt. 1, and George
Hones of Porlis, Neb.
Mnilcy Clement
Graveside rites for James
Bailey Clement, 50-yonr-old Da
vie County native, wore conduct
ed Sunday ol the Clement fam
ily cemetery near Mocksville by
the Rev. E. W. Turner.
Pallbearers were'Jack Howard,
K. M. Clement, Jr. Ernie Minor,
John Waters, Carl Jones and Ab-
rnrn Howard.
Mr. Clement died Wednesday
night at his home in Louisville,
Ky. Ho was a traveling salesman
for Goodycar Rubber Company.
He was born Juno 15, 1094, tiie
ron of W. K. and Mary Miller
Clement. Ho was a bachelor and
a veteran of World War I.
Surviving ore throe brothers,
K. M. Cicmonl of Mocksvilic, Rt.
3, C. P. Clement of Loncoclcr,
Pa., and P. A. Clement of Rnl-
olgh, and two sisters, Mrs. A. P.
Duckott of Durham and MJss Pat
sy Clement of Now Orleans.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/25/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 3,1954 - Page 2
Mrs, Sallie l^ood
Mrs. Salllc Wood. 83, a lifelonc
resident of Davte County, died at
1 p. m., vescerdav at (he home ol
daughter, Mrs. Davis Pitcher of
the Farmington Community on
Mocksville Route 2.
She had been i n declining
health for several years.
She was born in Dayie Countv,
Dec. 27, 1970, a daughter of ). P.
and Hester Younjt Hanes. She
was married iu 16% to Uec Wood.
He died July 15, 1950.
Survivors include three sons,
one daughter 20 grandchildren:
four ercat'grandchilaren two sis*
(ers, two brothers.
Funeral services were conducted
at 2:30 p. m., Tuesday at the Farm
ington Baptist Church by Rev.
Jimmy Groce and Rev, J.G. Brun-
er. Burial was in the church
Robt, 5. Mcl^eill
Robert SirsDge McNoill. 66. well.bnswa
Mochevllle attomer and tocmer aaaisiaat
U. S. Dlatfict Attortiay. diad at bit home
on Silliburr sireot at 9 o'clock Salurdar
evaning follovlng an eztaadcd llloesa,
Mr. McNeill moved to Mocksville from
Fayaitevllle aboat 29 years a o.
Mr. McNeill was a cbaritr member of
the Morksvllte Roianr CInb and a mem
ber of the Cpleeopol Church.
Surviving ore his tklfe. the former MIsa
Mergarct Meroney, of this city; a ton, R«
S McNeill. Jr.. In lha Air force, now eo
route home frvm Korts; ons brotbet and
two sisters.
Fuoetal services were conducted at tha
borne at 2:30 p. ro. yesterday by Rev.
Paul Richards, pastor of the nm Ptesby
ferisB Church, and the body laid to raat
Ib Joppa Omeienr.
Carl Myers
Cart, the 4 y«ar>old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Reory Myers. Advsnce, Route I. died Frl*
day at bis home, destb resulting from
meiilesand pneumonia. Surviving are
the psrentt. two hroibers and one sister
Funeral services were held at 2 p. m.
Sunder! at Advance Metbudlst Church
with Rev. W. C Fitsgsrald olHeletIng and
Iba lliils body laid to rssi |n the church
Noah Mack Boger
Killed Instantly
Noah Msch Bogtf, 30. son of Mr. and
Mrs. N. A. Boger, of Route 2. met Inttant
death shortly before ddoo Friday neat hla
home. He and a brother ware stripping
trees when a tree feU.' blttlog (he back of
his bead
Surviving are the parents, two brotbaro
and four ilaieis.
Funeral servlcas ware bald at Union
Chopel Mothodist Church Suoday ai 2:96
p. m, with Rev. W. C. Anderson ofllclai*
ing and the body laid lorest In iha church
Bio - Obituaries - 3/3/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, March 4,1954 - Pages 1 & 12
Services Held Tuesday
For Robert S.
1 Robert S. McNeill
' cd at Conitnnndor o£ the 13t}i Dis-
Iti-ict, 103G-38.
He served as District Chairman
1038-1044 of the Boy Scouts of
America and was a member of the
executive board of the Uwharrie
Council Boy Scouts of America,
tor 12 years. In 1051 the National
Council of Boy Scouts of Amer
ica gave him the coveted Silver
Beaver Award in recognition of
his service.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/4/1954
Local Attorney Passes
Away at Home Saturday
I^lheral services lor Robert
Strange McNeil, 07, were held at
the hoit)o on Salisbury Street,
Mochsvillo, Tuesday afternoon.
Rev. Paul Richard officiated.
Burial was in the family plot at
Joppn cemetery.
Mr. McNeill died at his home
around 9 p.m. Saturday night. Ho
had been In declining health for
several years.
Ho was born in Fayetloville,
K C., on April's, IBBQ, son of
the late James Dobbin and Eliz
abeth Slrnngo McNeill. Ho was
educated In the Fayottcvnie pub
lic schools and rgraduntcd b'om
the University 'of North Caro
lina In 1909. He received his
law degree from UNC In 1910.
A veteran of World War I, ho
Borvcd with the military Intelli
gence division doing counlcr-es-
"pionage work. Following his dis
charge from the Army, ho practic
ed law at Fayclteville from 1010
to 1922.
In 1022, he accepted a position
as field representative, credit de
partment, of the Armour Fer
tilizer Works, Greensboro, N. C.,
serving ntil 1025.
In 1925, Mr. McNeill moved to
Mocksville and re-entered the
practice of law.
A life-long Domocral, Mr. Mc
Neill served as acting solicitor of
Cumberland County's Recorder
Court, 1017. Ho also sorvdd. as
n£si.stDnt poslmnstor and acting
postmaster in Fnyctleville, 1012-
1014. He served as chairman of
the Davic County Democratic)
E.xeculivo Comnilttoe, 1928-1932,|
resigning to "manage the Primary.
Senatorial campaign for Josiali;
W. Bailey. ,
In Juno, 1034, ho was npppolnt-
ed Assistant U. S. Attorney -for
the Middle District of North Car
olina with l)cadquQrtcrs at
Greensboro and Winston - Salcm.
He served in this capacity until
August of 1048, when he .resign
ed to re-enter private practice
> of law in Mbcksvlllc.
He was a Epsccpalian, and a
member of liic Kiwanis Club in
n Fayetevillo,' 1920-21. He was n
member of the Mocksville Lions
Club, 1927-26, and a charter
member oftho Mocksville Rotary
•An active member, of the Ameri
can Legion for 35 years, he scrv-
(Continued on Page 12)
He was married to Mai'garel
Downum Mcroncy on June 24,
1920, who survives.
Other survivors include one
son, Robert S. McNeill, Jr., who
has been serving with the U. S.
Army hi Korea. One brother,
James Strange McNeill of Payeltc-
ville; two sisters Mrs. Paul C.
Collins of Hillsboro and Mrs.
Philip W. Haigh of Fayltevlllo.
Pallbearers were Wbodrow
Wilson, P H. Mason, John P. Le-
Grandj E. C. Morris, John Dur
ham and Fletcher Click.
Offices of the Dnvlo County
court hovise closed at 2:15 Tues
day for the remainder of the day
in honor of Mr. McNeill.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, March 4,1954 — Page 12
. Noah Mack Boger, 20, o£ Mocks-
vUlo Rt. 2, was accidentally kill
ed v^^liilc culling trees with his
brother, D. L. Bogcr, and his
brothor-ln-law, John Sloop.
The men had just felled one
tree and while Mr. Bogcr was
working in Its limbs, they cut an
other, Tlio wind was blowing and
the second tree fell across Mr.
The accident occured on hisj
father's farm Friday.
Born March 10, ^024, he was
the son of.Noah /Mcxander and
Oiattic Mac Blankoiship Bogcr.
lie was engaged in farming with
hh father.
In addition to hi.s parents, Mr.
Bogcr Is survived by two broth-
'irs', Milnrd Bogcr of Moclcsvillo,
ni. 3 and D. L Bogcr of Knnna-
polls, Rt. 5; four sisters, Mrs. J.
L. Blackwcldcr of Mocksvliic, Rt.
2, Mrs. Sam Boger of Kannap-
olis, Mrs. A. D. Chaffn of Kan-
napjolis and Mrs. Jolm Sloop of
Salisbury, Rt'. 3.
Funcrai services were conduct
ed Sunday at 3:30 at the Union
Chapel Methodist Church. Rev.
W. C. Anderson officiated and
burial was in the church ceme
Bio - Obituaries — 3/4/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, March 11,1954 - Page 6
Ilcnnctt Williams, 56
Bennett Williams, 56, of Mocks
villo. Route 4, died in a Salisbury'
hospital ot 5 p.m. Monday some!
two hours after suffering a heart'
Mr. Williams was a former and
lived near Coolccmee,
He was born May 30,1807, a son
of George and Alice Hellard WIU
liams. .
He was twice married. His first
wife, Mrs, Bessie ITepler Will
iams, died in August, 1031. Sur
vivors of tliis union include a
son, eBnjamln F. Williams, of
Dnvio Coiinly; and four daugh
ters, Mrs. T, D. Cassidy, Mrs.
SlGvo Williams and Mrs. Eugene
Owens, all of Lexington and Mrs.
Robert W4illor of Advance, Rt. 2.
He was married in 1032 to Miss
Anna Jones. She survives along
with the following children of this
union: two daughters, Ma*s. Roy
O. fl'aylor of Mocksvllle, Rt. 3,
and Miss Dorothy Ann Wiliams
of the home; eight sons, Jimmy,
Danjol, Thpmus, Claude, Billy Bay,
Marvin, Donald Gray and George
Edward Williams, all ofthe home.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/11/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 17,1954 — Page 2
Bennett l^illiams
Bennett William®, 56, of Mocks-
ville. Route 4 died in a Salisbury
hospital at 5 p. m., Mar. 6th after
auflfering a heart attack.
Mr. Williams was a farmer and
lived near Cooleemce.
He was twice married. His first
wife, Mrs. Bessie Hepler Williams,
dicnin August; 193t. Survivors
of this union Include a son, and
four daughters.
He was married in 1932 to Miss
Anna Jones. She survives along
with two daughters, and eight
Funeral services were held at- 3
p. m. Wednesday at North Coo-
Icemee Baptist Church, with Rev.
T. W. Klein, Rev. H. W. Parker,
and Rev. Mrs. C. M. Jordan of«
delating and the body laid to rest
In Jerusalem Cemetery.
J. F, Williams
John Frank Williams, 64, of the
Fork Church community of Davie
County, died at 5 p. m.. Tuesday
at a Statesville hospital where he
had been apaiient for three weeks.
Mr. Williams was a son of Mari"
on and Rena Deadmon Williams.
He had been employed at 'the
Spencer Shops of the Southern
Railway for 29 years. He was mar
ried to Miss Beatrice Ellis.
Surviving are the widow, two
Bo.ts, Edward Williams of Ad-
vance. Route 2, and Odell Wil
liams of Mocksvilie, Route 1; two
daughters, Mrs Eva McAllister of
Mocksville, Route l,and Miss Lu.
cille Williams of the home; two
brothers, Lonnse Williams of Sal
isbury and Lester Williams of
Rowan Mills; and 6ve sisters, Mrs,
Claudie Lasiter and Mrs. Lellie
Hendrix of Mocksville. Route 3,
Mrs. Model! Forrest of Advance,
Route 2, Mrs. Edna Kurfees of
Cleveland, Route Land Mrs.
Stella Swicegood o f Cleveland,
Route 2;
Funeral services' were held at
2:30 p. m., Thursday at No Creek
primitive Ba Aist Church, Elders
F. R. Moore and J« A. Fagg offi
ciated, I
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 17,1954 - Page 3
S. W, Harbin, 75, well-known
Iredetl County farmer, died at his
home near Coiintv Line. Wednes
day morning at 8 o'clock, follow
ing several heart attacks: Mr.
Harbiikis survived by his wife and
12 thildren, among them two sons
Clav and Clyde Harbin of this
city*' Funeral services were held
at the home at 4 p« tn. Thursday,
and the body laid to rest th Oak-
wood Cemetery, Statesville.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/17/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, March 18,1954 - Page 1
Jolm Cm-tner of Mocksvillc, Ut.
4, died Wednesday morning at
tho iiome of a daugiitcr in Kann«
apoHs. Details and funeral or-
rangcmcnts were incomplete el
press time.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, March 18,1954-Page 10
J. F. Williams, 04
FunWDlisorviccs for John Frank
Williams, 04. of the Fork Church
community, wors hold Thursday
at the No Crock Primitive^ Bap
tist Church. Etdors F. R. Mooro
and J. 'A. Fagg officiated. Pall
bearers wore J. W. P. Shilling-
low, W. G. Foster, L. J. Looper,
C. S. Bailey, Jim Bamoy and
Clyde Cornalzer.
Mr. Williams died March 9 ot
Q Stalcsville hospital where he
had been o patient for three
Mr. Williams was a son of Mar
lon and Rena Dcadmon Williams.
Ho hod beon employed at the
Spencer Shops* of the Southern
Railway for 20 years. He was
married lo Miss Beatrice Ellis.
Surviving ore tho widow; l\vo
sons, Edward Williams of Ad
vance, Route 2, and Odcll Will
iams of Mocksvillc, Route I; two
ciniighlers, Mrs. Eva Mao M^c-
Cnllistcr of Mocksvillc, Route 1,
and Miss LuclUc Williams of the
homo; two brothers, Lonnio Will
iams of Salisbury and Lester
Williams of Rowan Mills and five
sisters, Mrs. Clauclic LasUcr and
Mrs. Llllic Hcndrix of Mocks-
vllle. Route 3, Mrs, Modcll For
est of Advance, Rt. 2, Mrs. Edna
Kurfecs of Cleveland, Rt. 1, and
Mrs. Slclln Swiccgood of Cleve
land, Rt. 2; five grandchildren.
Noah F. Voung, 7G |
Funeral sorvlcos for Noah
(Note) Franklin Young, 76, of
Advance, Rt. 2, were held Tucs-'
day at the Fulton Methodist
Church by Rev. Ed Fitzgerald.
Burial was in the church ceme
tery. j
Mr. Young died Sunday at the
home oC.a son, Lester Young, of
Advance, Rt. 2. Ho had been in
por health for the pn.sl two years.
Born Marcli 10, 1077, he was
tho son of Frank and Ann Hen-
drlx Young of Dnvic County. He
had lived in the county all his
life and was a retired carpenter.
Surviving ore one daughter,
Mrs. Ada Miller of WInslon-Sa-
1cm; two sons, Lester Young of
Advance, Rt. 2, and George Young
of Honor.; five brothers, Junlc,
L. P. anl Eddie Young, oil of
Moorcsvlllc; Ulysccs Young, of
Clinton, S. C., and George Young
of Danville, Va.; three sisters,
Mj'S. George Fry and Mrs. Nathan
Ballard, both of Moorosvilie, and
Mrs. Vestal Howard of Clcrrun-
ons; eight grandchildren and
three great - grandchildren.
W. S. linrbin, 75
Funeral services for William
Savnnnnah (Banner) Harbin, 75,
Ircdoll County farmer, were held
Thursday at the home. Burial was
in the Oakwood Cemetery. |
Mr. Horbin died at his lioniC]
near County Line on March 10.
Ho liad been ill for llu'co weeks.'
Surviving ore his wife, the
former Dcrlho F. Anderson and
12 children: J. L. anl Wade Har
bin of Slolcsvillc; Mr.s. Sndic
Trnlvs, Cloy and Clyde Harbin'
of Mocksvillc; Bill Harbin of Har-j
j mony; David Harbin of Moorcs-
I ville; Hrs. Beatrice Synder of
Winston - Salcm; Mrs. Margaret
' Borryinnn of Tallahassee, Fla.;;
Claude Harbin of Swannonoa;
Mayc and Annie Harbin of the-
Bio - Obituaries - 3/18/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
e r a I 8
J. F. "Williams, 64
[ Funeral services for John Frank
' W:nilams, 64,. of the Fork Church
conmiunity. wers held Thursday)
at tile N"o Creek Primitive Bap-'
tist Church. Elders F. R. Moore
and J. A. Fagg officiated. Pall
bearers were J. W. P. Shilling-
low, IV. G. Foster, L. J. Looper,
; C. S. Bailey, Jim Barney and
, Clyde Cornatzer.
Mr. Williams .died March 9 at
; a Statesvilie hospital where he
'■ liad been a patient for three
weeks.j Mr. Wiliianis was a son of Marion and Rena Deadmon Williams.'
He had been employed at the
Spencer Shops of the Southern •Railway for "29 years. He was '
married to Miss Beatrice Ellis.
Surviving are the widow; twoson.^i Edward Williams of Ad
vance, Route 2, and Odeli Wjli-Jams of Mocksville, Route 1; two
daughters, Mrs. Eva Mae Mc-Caliister of Mocksville, Route 1,and Miss Lucille Williams of the i
home;, two brothers, Lonnie Williams of Salisbury. and LesterWillies of Rowan Mills and five'
sisters, Mrs. Claudie Lasiter andMrs.. Lillie Hendrix of Mocksville Route 3, Mrs. ModelL For
est of Advance, Rt. 2, Mrs. Edna
.Kurfees.of Cleveland, Rt. 1, andMrs. Stella Swicegood of Cleve-
land, Rt. 2; five grandchildren. '
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, March 25,1954 - Page 4
Uuiijnniin F. Fryc, 50 ^
Funoroi] services Tor Benjamin
Floyd Frye, 50, of Mocksvllle,
Rt. 3, were held at the home
ind the Cornal;:cr Baptist church,
Wednesday. Rev. Tommy Flynn
3nd the Rev. B. A. Carroll offi
ciated. Burial was In the church
Mr. Fryc died u nc.spoctedly
Monday while at work at the
Di.xtc FurnUurc Company In Lex
Mr. Fryc had apparently been
in good health and had been work
ing regularly at Dixie Furniture
Company where ho hud been em
ployed for a number of years.
Ho was born in Davlo County
Jan. 1, 1004, son of Houston and
Emma Dnfnoy Fryc. He was mar
ried to Miss Pearl Hoots.
Surviving arc the widow; tlirco
sons, Carl Fryo of Mocksvillo,
Route 3, Lindsay and Houston
Fryo of the homo; three daugh
ters, Mrs, Wcdon Allen and Mrs.
Jnincs Shoaf of Moeksviltci, Rl. 3,
and Emma Lou Fryo of the homo;
four grandchildren; and two half
brothers, R. C.. and W. A. Corn-
' nlzcr, both of Mocksvillo, Rt. 3.
Mrs. Carrie S, York, 87
Funeral services for Mrs. Carrie
Sale York, 87, the widow of Will
iam B. York of Harmony were
hold Tuesday by the Rev. W. R.
Caudle. Burial was In llic Har-
, mony cemclcty.
I Mrs. York died Monday at her
I home. She iind been 111 for sov-
! crnl months.
She was born in Ircdcll Coun
ty, a daughter of William and
I Mary Myers Sale. She had lived
in the Harmony community for
34 years. Mr. York died some 12
years ago. j
Survivors include two sons,
Fred W. York of Albuquerque,
N. M., and W. C. York of States-
villc; three daughters, Mrs. W.
R. Mills of Harmony, Mrs. B. C.
Robertson of Stalcsvillc and Miss
Myrtle York of the. home; 11
grandchildren; nine great-grand
.Tnhn C. Plowman, 80
Fuueral services for John C.
(Sol) PIowmQn, 80, o retired car
penter of Advance, Route 1, were
hold Tuesday at the BothloUom
Methodist Church. Rev. George
Smith and Rev. J. G. Brunei* of
ficiated. Burial was in the church
Mr. Plowman died Sunday at
his home after, a serious illness
of throe weeks. Ho had been in
declining health several years.
Mj*. Plowman woS born In Ynd-
kin County March 10 1074, son
of John and Mary Jenkins Plow
man. He had resided in Dnvie
County 47 years and made his
home in the Bellilohcm Mdtho-
dlsl Church., comn^unlty.
Surviving'arc the widow, the
former Miss Sarnm Foster, five
daughters, Mrs. Bertha Gregory
of MncksvUo, Rt. 4, ^.s. Frn Hnr-
dison and MrsI Luther Trlvelte
of Mocksvlilc, Mrs. Lucy oGdbey
of Mocksvillo,, RL 3, .Mrs. Ester
Wllhelm of Snllsblry; three sons,
William, John and Sanford Plow-
nwn. all of Advance, Rt. l;-20
grandchildren and five grcal-
Bio - Obituaries — 3/25/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, March 25,1954 - Page 11
John \V. Gartner, 77
^geral services for John Wes
ley Curt nor, 77, u retired former
of the Belijcl Metbodisl Cluirch
community, wore held Friday
morning »l the Bethel Methodist
Church. Rev. W. C. Anderson,
Rev. John L. Fain and Rev.
Charles Shannon officiated. Bur
ial was in the church cetnclcry.
Mr. Cnrlnor died Mnrcli 17 in
the Cabnrrus Ilospllnl, Concord,
where he had 1|^cn u pnlient five
Ho was born Jan. 20, 107G, in
Dovic County, and spent the
most of his life near Mocksville.
He imd made ids home with his
daughter, Mrs. W. L. Davis, in
Knnnapoiis, for several years.
Ho was a member of the Bolh-
cl Methodist Churcli and o mcm-
br of the Junior and Masonic or
ders a(. MocksvlIIc. His wife, the
former Mary Blizabclh Martin,
died in 104(3.
Ho is survived by three chil
dren, Mrs. Davis of Knnnapoiis,
Hubert W .Corlncr of Winston-
Salem ,and Glenn H. Cartnor of
Concord; one daughter in-lnw,
whose husband is dead, Mrs. S.
E. Gartner of near Mocksville;
three brothers and four sisters,
L. P. Gartner, Mrs. Frank Saflcy,
Mrfs. Emmctt Koonlz, Ms. W.
R. McCorklo, all of Mocksvile,
R. H. Cartnor of Konnapolls, Mrs.
W.' C. Graham of Knnnapoiis and
L. R. Gartner of Winston-Salem;
?nd ten grondcldltlrcn,
Bio - Obituaries - 3/25/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 31,1954 - Page 2
B.f. Frye
• Benjamin Flovd Frye, 50. of
Moek«ville, Rouie 3, unex
pectedly at 8j30 a. m-, March 22,
while at work at the Daxie Furni
ture Company at Leidngton.
Mr. Frye had apparently been
in good health and had been
working regularly at Dixie Furni
ture Company where he had been
employed for a number of yeara.
Surviving arc the wldowt three
three daughtera, four grandchild
ren, and two half brothera.
Funeral service* were held at
the home at 2:30 p. nu, Wednes
day and at Cornatrer Baptist
Church at 3 p. m» by Rev. Tom
my Flynn and Rev. B. A. Carroll.
Burial was in the church ceme
John Plowman
John C. (Sol) Plowman. 80. re
tired carpenter, died March 2t, at
his home, Advance, Route 1, after
a serious illness of three weeks.
He had been in declining health
several years. He had resided in
Davie County 47 years and mndc
his home in the Bethlehem Metho
dist Chuich community.
Surviving are the widow, five
daughters, three sons, 20 grand
children and five' great grand-
Funeral services were held at
2:30 p. m., Tuesday at Bethlehem
Methodist Church. Rev. George
Smith and Rev. J. G. Bruner of-
fliciated. Burial was in the church
Bio - Obituaries - 3/31/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, April 1,1954 - Page 8
Miss Gdnn Mnc McCnnn, 18
Funernl services for MiSs Ednn
Mac McCann, 18, of Union Gvovc,
\v*ero held at the Grassy Knob
Baptist Church, Saturday. Rev.
G. D. While and tlic* Rev. Ervin
Wallace oCficiatcd. Burial was In
the church cemetery.
Miss McCann died at her home
March 24. Sh9 had been in de
clining health for several months.
Miss McCann was the daughter
of R. D. and Essie McCann of
Union Grove and spent most of
her life in that community.
Surviving arc the parents; ono
sister, Mrs. Marie Wilson of Vin-
son, N. J.; nndsoven brothers, F.
W. McCann of Jacksonville, Flo.,
I. W;. McCann of Victoria Air
Force Base,'Texas, Sergeant R. B.
McCnnn of the Johnson Islands
In the South Pacific, Reuben Mc
Cann of Union Grove, Hubert Mc
Cann of Statcsvillc, Benny Loo
and Jimmy McCann of the homo.
Tlionins Wiley Scflcy, 80
Funeral services for Thomas
Wiley Soflcy, SO, of Advance, Rl.
I, were held Sunday at the Beth
lehem Methodist Church. Rev. G.
E. Smith, Rev. George Brunor,
and Eider J. A. Fngg oftlclntod.
Burial was in the church cem-
Mr. Soflcy, a native of the
Bethlehem community, died at his
homo March 26. He had been in
declining health for three years
and seriously ill for three weeks.
Ho was born in Slnnly Countj*,
Aug. 24, 1873, a son of Jessie and
Mnry Pcnnington Soflcy. He
moved to Dovie County about GOj
years ago. He was a retired form
Surviving arc his wife, the far
mer Mi^s Barbara Allen; six
daughters, Mrs. Albert Howard
and. Mrs. Glenn Smith of Ad
vance, Rt 1, Mjs. Glenn Allen and
Mrs. Clayde Allen of Mocksvjlle,
Rt. 3. and Miss Julia Soflcy and
Miss Jaunita Suflcy of the home;
four sons, Hurley Soflcy of Mocks-
vllle, Willie Sofloy of Winslon-
Snlum and Cecil and Allen Solloy
of Elkln; 23 grandchildren and
five grcat-grandcljildrcn.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/1/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, April 1,1954 - Page 12
Deaths Ruled
And Suicide
Dr. '11 A. Brnndon, YndUin
'1 County coroner, nilcd Snlurdny
\ thnl the deaths oC W. Howard
Norman, 45, and his wife, Alzn,
41, were n muvdor and a svilclde.
No Inquest was necessary.
Dr. Brandon reached his decis
ion after YndUin County Sheriff
A. F. (Dill) Boxlcy dosed his In
vestigation with the questioning
of Clyde Cleary, about 45, of Yad-
klnvillc, Rt. 1. Mr. CIcary Is be
lieved to be the lost person to sec
the Normans alive.
The bodies of the Yadkin Coun
ty farmer and his wife wore
found dmt to death about 1 p.m.
Friday in the living room of their
home about six miles south of
Yodklnvillo on U. S. Highway 001,
near the Dnvic County lino. The
bodies were found by Calvin Wiil-
ard and Luther Chandler, both of
Yadkinville, Rt. 1.
A singlc-Sliot .410 gauge shot
gun lay on the floor about a yard
away from the couch on which the
bodies lay. The gun contained an
expended shell. Nearby was an
other spent shell.
The lights on the porch of the
iiouse and in the room were burn
ing. A quart jar partly filled with
■whiskey was found near the
coueh. There wore no signs of
struggle. Sheriff Moxloy said.
Dr. Brandon estimated that the
couple had been dead from 6 to
10 hours when they wore found.
Both died of a single shot in the
breast, he snid.
Sheriff Moxlcy quoted Mr.
Cleary of saying he left the Nor
man homo about 10:05 p.m. Thurs
day and that the couple appeared
to be normal. Nothing happened
during his visit that would have
provoked the shooting. Mr. Cleary
sold Mr.. Clcary's visit reported
ly concerned arrangements with
Mr. Norman to saw some wood for
him this week.
Officers theorized that Mr. Nor
man knocked his wife unconscious
with a heavy weapon and then
shot her as she slumped on the
couch. They speculated that the
husband then reloaded the gun,
sold own on the couch beside his
wife's body, put the gun to his
chest and tripped the trigger with
his bare Iocs.
EmQraJ, services for the couple
wore conducted Sunday afternoon
at the Courtney Baptist Church
Rev. A. C. Cheshire offlcinled.
Burial was in the church ceme
Mrs. Norman was Uic daughter
of Jock V. and Effio Key Moscr.
She is survived by lier father
who lives in Wllko.sboro.
Other survivors Include four
sisters, Mrs. Joe Booe, Mrs. Wade
Dull and Mrs. Hubert Crnnfill of
Mocksvillc, and Mrs. Henry Gen
try of Lelnnd; and two brolhcr.s,
Hugh A. ond Jock Moscr, Jr., of
Mr. Norman was the son of
Joincs arid Mary Azmon Norman,
ITis motiier, who lives in Winston-
Salom, survives.
Ho is also survived by two
brothers, James A. and B. L. Nor
man of Winslon-Salem ,Qncl a
sislcr, Mra. Avery Munday of
The couple wore married in
1931 arid had no children. Thuy
lived alone on Mocksvillc Rt. 2.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/1/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 7,1954 - Page 3
HHlUam Ellis
Funeral vices for William Al-
berc Ellis, 63, of Advance, Route
1, were conducted at the home at
2:30 p. m., Saturday and at Mace
donia Moravian Church at 3 p. m*.
by Rev. G* E. Brewer, Rev. Ray
Billincs and Rev. A. C« Cheshire.
Burial was in the church nrave
Mr. Ellis died in a Winscon-Sa-
lem hospital at 5:50 a. m., Wed
nesday following; a critical illness
that began Saturday.
Surviving are the wife, seven
[sons, five daughters, eight grand
children. four brothers, and four
' sisters.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/7/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, April 8,1954 - Page 6
IVilllam A. Eilis, 63
funeral iicrvlccis Tor WllUuin
Albert Ellis, 03, of Advance, Rl.
I. were held the home and the
Macedonia Moravian Chih-ch,
church, Saturday afternoon. Rev.
G. E. Brewer, Rev. Rny Billings,
and Rev. A. C. Cheshire, officiat
ed. Burial was in the church
Mr. .Ellis died in a Winslon-
Snlem hospital on March 31st)
following a critical lllncs of four
He was Q former and was morr
led Nov. 2*1 1017, to Miss Mnrgar-
cl McBride.
Surviving ore the wife; seven'
sons, Ben C., Avjsbond, Luther}
and Francis R. Ellis, nil of Ad
vance, Route 1, Gllmcr H. Ellis of
Porminglon, W. A. Ellis. Jr., ancll
Eugene Ellis, both of Mocksvillc,
Route 2; five daughters Mj's..D.
R. Bennett of Fnrmlngton, Mrs.
aJson Shock and Mrs. G. T. Fryo,-
both of Advance, Rl. 1, Mrs. Ncl-,
son Dinklns of Courtney and MJss
Palsy Ellis of the homo; eight'
grandchildren; four brothers, J.I
D. Ellis of Advance, Rt. 1, Fred
Ellis of Walnut Cove, Rt. 1, Snm'.
and Steve'Ellis, both of'Parks, j
Neb.; four sisters, Mrs. J. F. Cope,'
Mrs. Andrew Cope, Miss Maggie'
Ellis and Miss Ida Ellis, all of .
Advance, Route 1. I
Bio - Obituaries - 4/8/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 14,1954 - Page 2
Mrs, Glasscock
Mm. Jamea 0. GlneHcnck. R2« died at 6
r». n> Tliursdny nt her liume on Route I,
Moclisville, following an illneea of three
Surviving are the husbatxl. one snn.
RolelgU Qlinisroulti nf Route 1; one dnugh
ffr, Mrs. John D»k«r. of Route 2; S broih
era. Sam A'len, Mochsville; fom Allen,
Lodi. N. J.; Cliircnco Allen. Cooleemep;
James AIIhii; VnldeHe. nnd Walter Allen.
New YtirV: live sUtere. Mrs. DiiUas Lenoh
ond Mrs Hugh Dinwii. Mocksvllle; Mr*.
Osnnr Roger. Knuie 2; Vlrrt. J C Powell
nml Mrs. Giltner niilltns, High Point, and
four grandehildrori.
Funeral services weru held iit the li< m
at 2:30 p. m. Friday, with Rev Wade
Hufchens ond Rev W. C. Barklfty offlcim
lng,nii(l the liodv Inid to rest in
Baptist Church Cemstery.
Mrs. Etta Hepler
Mra. Eitn Hepler, 73, of MockBville. R.3,
died enrly Thursdny morning in a Wins
ton Satem hosoitol. following an illiieaa
of four wttolis.
Surviving atq three enna. Charfea and
Samtjel Hepler, of Route 3. rUomus Hep*
ler. Advance. Houia 1; one diiughter. Mrr.
W* L Micefi, Advaiiop, Huu/o 2: (wo hraih
eri, J* W. and H. W, Sanders, of Mncks*
villa, and two ^i6Cers. Mrs. Joe Howard.
Route 3. and Mrs, Kilen Smith, Mncksvllle
Funeral aervioes were held nt 2 p. m.
Saturday at Oak Grove Methodise Chixrch.
with Rev. Hugh lessup, Rev. foster Loflio,
Rav. Tummy Flynn and Rev. Gnn. Smith
olficiAtintf. and (he body laid to rest in
the cbotcb cemetery.
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 14,1954 - Page 3
l^uneral setvicea for Clement S.
Price. 43* who died from a heart
attack at Baltimoret Md.# on April
4tK, were held at Jericho Church
of Chrl&c last Tueaday akemoon
at 3:30 o'clock, with Paul Svkcs
and lack McAmos officiating, and
the body laid to rest inthcchurcb
cemetery^ Mr. Price was a son of
Mrs. I. B. Price and the late Mr.
Price, of Kannapolis- Mr. and
Mrs* Price were former residents
of dtis city, Mrs. Price being a
daughter of the late Mr* and Mrs.
B. F* Stonestrcet« of near Jeririio*
Bio - Obituaries - 4/14/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 15,1954 - Page 4
I Mrs. J. G. Gtnsscocki C2
Funorol services for Mrs. Annie
Belle Glos^cock, C2, ,\vere held
Friday nl her homo on Mocksvllle,
Boule 1. Bev. Wndo Hulehens and'
Bov. W. C. Dnrkley oniclolod. I
Burial was in the IJanies Cross
roads Baptist Church cemetery.
Ncphcw.s served as pallbearers.
Mr.a Glasscock died April 0 ol
her home. She hod been In de-j
dining health for three months]
•and seriously 111 for several dnyt
She was born May 18, 1891, In
Davie County, the doughtdr of T.
J. and Lou Ella Star Alien.
She Is sui'vivcd by her hus-I
band, James Gi Glasscock; one son'
Raleigh Glasscock of Mocksvllle, |
Bt. 1; one daughter, Mrs. John |
Baker of Mocksvllle, Bt. 2; five,
brothers, Sam Allen of MocksviUc,
Tom Allen of LodI N. J., Clarence
Allen of Coolecmce, James Allen'
of Voldcso and W.ilter Allen of
New York; five sisters, Mrs.
Dallie Loach, Mrs. Hugh Brown
of Mocksvillc, Mrs. Oscar Bogor
of Mgclvsville, Rl. 2, and Mrs. J. C.
Powell and Mrs. Gilmer Bullins
of High Point and four grandchil
Mrs. Etta Ilcplcr, 73
Funeral services for Mrs. Etln
Kepler ,73, of M_ocksvillc„ Rt. 3.
j were held Saturday at the Oak
Grove Methodist Church. Rev.
Hugh Jcssup, Rev. Foster Loflin,
Rev Tommy Flynn; and Rev.
I George Smith officiated. Burial
I was in the" church cemetery.
I Mrs. Hcplcr died April 8 In ,o
' Winston' - Salcm Hospital. She
I had been seriously 111 for foiu*
She wos born June 14, 1061,
in Davie County and was a resi
dent of the Dulin community. She
was the dauglUcr of Henry and
Linda Sanders. She was the wi
dow of D. T. Hepler. ^
Surviving are three sons,
Charles an Samuel Hepler of
Mocksvillc, Route 3, and Thomas
Hepler of Advance, Route 1; one
daughter, Mrs. W. L. Myers of
Advance, Route 2; two brothers,
J. W. Sanders of Mocksvillc, Rt.
J and II. M. Sanders of Mocks
vllle, Rt. 3; and two sistei's, Mrs.
Joe Howard of Mocksvillc, Route
3, and Mjs. Ellen .Smitli of
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, April 15, 1954
Mrs. i. L Taylor
Passes At 67
;v|I)<-KSV1I-1.K Ml ''-
•I'iivl.. r. <'T. " f
UciiK' I. M'.'Ar.i-sils'y
;U a I'-i-'-il-ir
f -i- M'Vi'i'al "MUlli-:.
Mr... Tayl-i'
•-llMVV HI l-V'r'V'-iHV, l»*
;ianrl -.n- ..f Miuut. iMul
.^auih VmiI: riv-.i, S!.' iisul u-
Mii-.l H. lliv ilTiMNV i<irn.-v
.H-'inn i.f "avii- i-i'HH-.y r-'
.la nr. I. Mi'.i.
M- '
i,.r i.f M.'cVi rv'-U., Ui'iil'- 1. I
iiv.l Si.iff Wil'.l.im A
-A-.i' !i: Ih'M I
a'. :i I'. M- i'' '• 'i"'."''! i
.MflliMili-: I i"' l:-'-.'-
Ml'. Ml'- ll'-'v.
•["uvliii' i.i .Aiii^rv-'.- l-'ii'l'l. Mil.; .1 Til,. l!..v. W. Kl•li^|
I'.iiri.ii i!'. I ' ■">■; ai'-l-fii'M" Ii ; • av.-'.- .-li-
M-.. U"i'.i II.''/- ||„, ^rn,|^•ll II fii''-'ty.
l).,|.-r I. .Mr.-/, .?"nM ■if , J':iV.!"'at'.Tr- '.v'il'. I"'M. ..-Ii'.villi-. {. I'li.i M-'-- p.ii!,;,!,,. Alfr^-a rnMf. I. V.'. I
I'l-I'l v-f Kwrliavi. Mi'i'i-y K'"
. III liri'tiH '-. Xi.l]y ( i;-..:>lr I'"
Bio - Obituaries - 4/15/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 21,1954 - Page 2
Mrs. M. L. Tayhr.
I Mrs.M. L. Tavlor 67*of Mocks-^j
vlllej Route 4i died Wednesday at
a Mocksville nursing home. She
had heen In declining health for
several months.
Surviving are the husband; one
daughter, three sons, four grand**
children: three sisters, and one
brother. ^
Funeral services were held at
3 p. m., Friday at Liberty Metho.
dist Church. Rev. B. C. Adams,
Rev. J. W. Turner and Rev. G. W.
Fink officiated. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/21/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, April 22, 1954 - Page 3
Mrs. Robcna G. SaHcy, 74
Funeral services for Mrs. Ro-
bena Carlner Saflcy, 74, of Route
*3, Mocksville, were held Tuesday
at the Salcm Methodist Church.
•Rev. E. M-. Avett, Rev. W. C. An
derson and Rev. H., D. Jcssup
officiated. Burial was In the
•church cemctei-y.
Mrs. Snflcy.' died Monday at
her home after o serious Illness
• of two weeks.;
She was born Jun6 20, 1879,
daughter of Wesley and Mary
•Gnither Cortcr of Iredell County.
.'She married Frank Safley Dec.
14, 1900. ' •
Surviving ore her husband;
two sons, Robert Lee Safley of
Mocksville Qnd.Walllam W. Saf
ley of Mocksville, Route 4; six
grnndchlldven and four great
grandchildren; three sisters, Mirs.
'E. C. Koontz of Mocksville, Rt. 1,
Mrs. W. C. Graham of Kannap-
olis and Mrs. W. R. McCorklc of
Mocksville, Rt. 4; and three
'brothers, L, P. Cartnor of'Mocks-
vlllo, Rt. 3, R. H. Gartner of
'Kannapolis and L. R. Gartner of
n Winston-Salem.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/22/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 28,1954 - Page 2
Mrs. Frank SafUy
Mrs. Robena Gartner Saflev, 74,
of Mockfiville, Route 3. died at
her home April 19, after n serious
illness of two weeUs.
She was born June 20. 1879,
daufihter of Wesley and Mary
Gaithcr Gartner of Ircdcll Coun
ty. She married D. Frank Saflev
Dec. 14. 1900.
Survivii^H arc her husband; two
sons, Robert Lee Saflcy of Mocks-
villc, Route 4; six grandchildren
and fourgreat grandchildren;threc
sisters, Mrs. li. C. Koontz ol
Mocksville, Route, I, Mrs. W. C.
Graham of Knnna,jolls and Mrs.
W, R. McGorklo of Mocksville,
Route 3, R. H. Gartner of Wins-
funeral services were conduct
ed at 3:30 p. m.. Tuesday at Salcm
Methodist Churt.h Iw Rev. E. M.
Aveit; Rev, W. C. Anderson and
Rev. H. 13. Jessup. Burial was in
the chnrch cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/28/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
5M?v' The "enttre town was shockedlast Wednesday morning whennews came that Miss Ruth Booe,one of Mocksvilie's best knpwnladies, had died of a heart attackat the Methddist.Home in." Charlotte at 5:30 a;*mii that morning. IShe had been/a resident of. theHome for the past four years.'Miss Booe was a native of thiscity, a., daughter of the lateMr. and Mrs. Alexander' Booe,and spent itiost of her life here.She was a member of the FirstMethodist Church and was a sincere Christian lady and active inchurch work;"n Miss Booe is survivsd by a number of neices and nephews, andhad many friend? throughout thiscommunity who were saddenedby news of her death.Funeral Services were held inthe First Methodist Church at 2:30p. m.. Thursday, wieh her pastor.Rev. W. Q. Gregg, officiating," andthe body laid to rest in Rose cemetery. .DAYIE R15C0BD. MOCKSVlLtE, N. C.. MAY B. 19B4Miss Bertha Lee GeQr^e McDanielMiss Bertha Marvin Lee, foini-ly of Mocksville, died- Wednesday at Charlotte Memorial Hospi;tal. ^Miss Lee was born in DavieCountv, daughter of Dr. WilliamD. and Sarah Bailey Lee. Herfather was a Methodist minister-She spent most of her life inDavie Countv and had rcside'd atthe Methodist Home at Charlottefor the past six years.Surviving aretwo.sis^rs, MissesMary and Alice Lee of the Methodist Home at Charlotte.Grai^eside services were held at, 4 p. m., Thursday at Rose Cemetery. Rev. W. Q. Gfiggs officiated..Pallbearers were Knox lohnstone,;Milton Call, Charles Tomlinson,'Ben Boylcs, Or Lester Martin.andjR. B. Sanford. Jr.J?3fhan IMcDaniel, diedat 5 p. m.,; April 26 at his home inthe Cornatzer ^ community. Hehad been in declining health several months and seriously ill twoweeks.'Mr. McDaniel was born in DavieCountv May 22,1883, son of JacolaE. and Luviha Gullet McDaniel.He was ai retired railroad man andfarmer. He was married to MissSallie Cornatzer, who died May26,'1948. nSurviving are two daughters,Mrs. Lawrence Williams of Mocksville, Route 3, and Miss BerthaMcDaniel of the home; one brother, J. E. McDaniel, and one sister,Mrs. W. E. Melton of Mocksville.Route 3.Funeral services were held at2:30 p. m., Wednesday at Carnat-zer Methodist Church, Rev. W. C.Anderson !officiating. Burial wasin the church cemetery."Mrs. R. S,cflerjf, Mrs. Ada MaudeRichard S. Miller,Roiite 4, died Apribury hospital. Shtiously ill for severaSurviving are thesons, Lawrence Mimee, Charles MilletArk., James MillerRoute 4, and Daviehome; two daughici sCrotts and "Mrs; . ,Mocksville, Routechildren; two brotl\esisters. 'Funeral servicesp. . m., • WednesdaMethodist .Church.Adams arid Rev. K( Iofficiated. Burial wscemetery.WaMillerv4iller 60, wifc^Mocksville, ii 6th at a Salis-iiad been ser-jveeks. . ;lusband four'>f Coolec-^f Littje ^bck,Mocksville,'kiiller of theMrs. Danicide Beck oi'eight grand's, and threey^re heid at 4a t LibertyRev. B. C.ij)neth Pollockin the church
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, May 6,1954 - Page 2
Dnicc F. Taylor, 73
Funwal services for Duke
Foolo Taylor, 73, rcUred farmer
of the Sijilth Grove community,
wore held Wednesday at *tho
Smith Grove Methodist Church.
Rev. George E. Smith officiated.
Burial was n the church ceme
Mr. Taylor was found dead
Monday afternoon near his Immc.
Death ,wn.s ntli'lbutod to a liear^
attack. He had been in declining
health for several months' and
had visited a neighbor about
11;15 a.m. He was apparcnlly re
turning home when lie was strick
He was born in Davle County
July 2, 1880, son of Walter and!
Jane Foolc Taylor. He was aj
member of Smith Grovo MJetlio-]
dist Church and superintendent
of the Sunday School tor a num
ber of years. He had never marr
Surviving arc one brother,
John Taylor; and one sister, Miss
Sallic Taylor.
Miss Ucrlhn Lee I
Ciravesidc services for Miss'
Berlhn Marvin LcC, formerly oC
Mocksvilie, were hold at 4 p.m.^
Thursday at Rase Cemelnvy. Rev..
W. Q. Giipg officiated. Pnllbeor.|
Brs were Knox Johnstono, Milton
Call, H- Toinlinson, Den Boylos, -
Dr. D. P. Martin and R. B. San-,
ford, Jr. Honorary pallbearers
Included J. II. Thompson, Nathan
Foster and ShccU Bowdcn. ,
Mih'S Doc was- born In Davle.
County, dnughlcr of Dr. William'
D. and Smnh Bailey Loo. .Her
father was a M.ethodist minister, I
She spent most of her life in
Duvlo County and had rasldcd at
the Mctiiodist Home at Charlottefor the past sii< years.
Surviving arc two sistci-s, Miss-1
OB Mary and Alice Lee of the'
Methodist Home at Charlotte. |
Bio - Obituaries - 5/6/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 12,1954 - Page 2
Duke F. Taylor
Duke F. TayFor, 73, retired farm
er, was found dead about 4 p* iDm
Monday near his home In the
Smith Grove community. Death
was attributed to a heart attack.
He tvas born in Dnvie County
July 2, 1880. He was a member of
Smith Grove Methodist Church
and superintendent of the Sunday
School for a number of years. He
had never married.
Surviving ore one brother, lohn
Tavtor, and one sistcri Miss Sallic
Funeral services were held at
2:30 p. m.» Wednesday at Smith
! Grove Methodist Church. Rev.
I George E. Smith officiated. Burial
was In the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/12/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 12,1954 - Page 2
Mrs. Aqnes Cain
Mrs. Pricchurd Cain, 87, a na
tive of Calahain Township, and a
fornner resident of Mocksyille,
died at her home at Kingston, N,
Y., Wcdnesdrtv, followini; a^croke,
of paralysis/
Mrs. Cain was the widow of
Pritchard B. Cain, who died Jan.
15, 1951. She was a daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert A.
Anderson, of Calahain. While
living In Mocksvillc Mrs. Cain
operated thcDrummor's Home on
the corner of North Main and
Gaichcr streets, and also operated
a millinery shop. Mr. and Mrs.
Cain and family moved to New
York more than 30 years ago.
Surviving arc two sons, Louis body was brought to Eaton
Cain, of Lexvcs. Del., and Albert Funeral Home in this c«v Friday,
Cain, of Ellcnville, N. Y; three Funeral services were held at Eat-
grandchildren, and two brothers, on s Baptist Church at 3iOO p. rn.
Dr. R. P. Anderson, of this city, Saturday, with Rev. Wade Hutch-
and Wiley N. Anderson, of Cala- ens officiating, and the body laid
to rest in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/12/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, May 13,1954 - Page 7
ClKiflic Ci. Call. C!)
^n.eml acji'vlci's for Chnrllo
Gooryo Call, (>9. relirod cnrj)Cn-
ler ol' Pallersnn Avenue, Winston-
Salons, were hold Tuoscliiy al the
SmlUi Grove Mcthocllsl Cluu'ch.
llov. GuorKe K. SmHIi orricliilctl.
Burial was in thc-clmreii ceme-
Mr. Call dietl ^Tay 10 \n a Win-
stun-Solem liospital. Vie had been
In dGcliiiinR health for several
Mr. Call was born in Dnvic
Cuunly, March 29. lG85,':?on of
G. M. and Sarah Sanders Call. ITc
sponi most of hi.s life In Davte
C'nunly, moving hi Winshm-Sa-
h'lu several years njio.
ftfr."!. I». It. Cain, sr
'Piineral serviees for Mrs. Ag
nes Cain. B7, widow of rrllchnrd
R Cain, were held Sulurday at
the Katon naplisl Cluueh. The
tiov. Wado Ilulchcns offlcinled.
Burial was lu tlie church ccjuc-
Mr.'i. Cain was 'onrn in Uavic
Cuunly Nov. •!. tUOG, dauglilcr of
Albert A. and Mary PohulcNler
Anderson. She had resided in
New York for a number of years.
VIcr lui.sband died Jan. 10, 1901'.
Survlvinii are two Sfm.s, Lniils
Cain of Lewes, Bel., .'ioii Albert
Cain of Kllenvillo, N. Y.; three
grandchildren; and two brothers.
Dr. 11. P. Andcr.son of Mocksvillc
and W. N. Andcison of Moek.s-
vilie. Route 1.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/13/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 19,1954 - Page 2
It is with sadness that \v c
chronicle the death of Senator
Clyde R. Hoev, of Shelbvi who
died suddciily in VX'nshinjftoo, D,
C., Wednesday afternoon, at the
age of 76. The eihtor of the Re
cord has known Clyde Hoev for
more than half a century. He
and The Record editor were prti^c-
cr's '*devils," in the ear y nineties.
He was one of the fi nest orators
that Ni rch Carolina has ever pro
duced, He was n statesman of
which wc have too few. For the
past 10 years l^e has hold a scat in
the United States Senate, His
place will be hard to fill. While
wc differed with Senator Hoev
politicallv, wc admired his fearless
manner. He fought for what he
tliouglic.to be right, regardless of
.consequences. Wc shall miss Ids
vb'ts to our town, and his svarin
handclasp and his hearty greeting.
A mighty oak has fallen. Peace to
his ashes.
Charles G, Call
Charlie George Call, 69, retired
carpenter of WinstoivSalem, died
at 8:30 a. m., May 10 in n hospital
In the Twin City! He had been
in declining health for several
Mr. Call was born in Davic
County Mardi 29, 1885. son of G.
M* and Snnth Sanders Call. Ho
spent most of his life in Davic
County, moving to Winsron-Salcm
several years ago-
Surviving arc one daughter.
Miss Sarah Dot Call, of Davie
County, two sisters, Mrs. John
Minor of Greensboro and Mrs. J*
M.. Horn of Mocksvllle.
Funeral services were held at 3
p. m., Tuesday at Smith Grove
Methodise Church. Rev. George
E. Smith. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/19/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 19,1954 - Page 2
Mrs. Martha Jordan
Mrs. Martha Louise Jordan, 85,
of Davie Countv died utthehotnc
ot a dau.htcri Mrs. Zcb O^Neill
of China Grove, Route 3, at 2 a.
in., May 8. after a long illness.
She was born July 27. 1868, in
Davie Countv. She married
Henry V, Jordan, who died sever
al years nuo, Survlvinj? are four
daughters, Mrs. fohn 0*Neill and
Mrs* lack Booe, boih of Mocks*
villc. Route 2, Mrs. Zeb O'Neill
of China Grove, Route 3, and
Mrs. Stanley Cranfil! of Mocks-
villc, one son, W. R. Jordon of
Mocksvillc; 29 grandchildren, 41
great-giandchildren and two great'
great ti'atidchifdren; one brother,^ Funeral services were conduct-[
T* P- Beck of Mocksvilk*; and two: c i at 2 p- ni., May 9th at Haion's
sisters, Mrs, Marv Hutchens and Bapil-it Church by Rev. Wade
Mrs* Betty Jones, both of Mocks-1 Hutchens. Burial was in tl;c
ville. Route 2. church cetnetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/19/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, May 20,1954 - Page 2
n. p. I'oslcr, 73
PunornI rcj-vIccs for Benjnmln
FrnnUlii) Foster, 73, of Moclca-
vlllc,' ni. 3, Wore hcJd Moiulny Ht
the Sndth Grove Mcdtodisl
Church. ..nev. Gcoj;i»c Smith nnd
Rev. Georitc Druitcr orficinled:
BurinI wns in the church ceme
Mr. Foster died Wtoy 15j in n
Winston - Solcm hospltni wiicrc
he'h'Qd been n pnllcnl for two
months. Itc hnd been in declining
hcnith (ar sevcvni ycnrs.
Ilo wan n rolh'cd fnrmcr of tlte
Smilii Grove Contmunlly.. '
Me wns born Mnl>' 7, I08I, in
Dnvie County. Me wns tiio son
of Monry nnd Mnry Allen Foster.
SurvivtnR nrc ids wife, the for
mer Alice Qnity, nnd one dnugh-
lor, M.rs, Mnry Wlimn Spcnks of
Mocksvillc, Route 3.
Mrs. W\ W. Dwlggitis
Funeral services for Mrs. Ednn
Tutlorow DwiRRins. 40. wife of
W. W, DwIrrIur of KunnupoUs
wore hoid nl 4:30 Sundny nfter-|
noon nl North Knnnnpoiis Metho
dist Church. BurinI wns In Cnro-
linn Memorinl PnrU Cemetery.
Mrs. DwiRpins, n former n:i-
livo of Dnvio County, died May
7, 10.74, ns tiic rc.sult of burns site
suslnlncd ot her home In Knnnn
poiis on April 3. 1054.
Mj-s. Dwiggins Is survived by
her husbnnd of Konnupolls; licr
porcnls, Cimrlos W. nnd Viclorln
McCinnu'ock Tullcrow: two sons,
Don Dwigglns of Knnnnpoiis nnd
Thouviougii Dwlgglns of Now
Jersey: one daiigl)tor, Miss Mnry
Lou Dvvigglns of tiic Itomc; three
brotlicrR, Artiiur Tullorow of
Cnhfornin, Travis Tullcrow pf!
Greensboro nnd Curtis Tutlcrow
of Ashcboro; three sisters.
RIchnrd Durham of A.sljoboru aw
Mlssc.s Lunn nnd Creol.t'Tultorow
of Knnnnpoiis. and one grand
Bio - Obituaries — 5/20/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 26,1954 - Page 2
B. F. Foster
Benjamin Franklin Fo8ter« 73»
Mocksvilfe, Route 3, died May
15 In a Winston-Salem hospital
where he had been a padent for
two months. He had been in de
clining health for several yeart.
He was a retired farmer of the
Smith Grove community*
He was born May 7« 188h In
Davie County* He was die son of
Henry and Mary Allen Foster*
Surviving are his wife, the form
er Alice Baity, and one daughter,
^Mrs. Mary Witma Speaks o f
Mocksville, Route 3.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at 3 p. tn., May 17 at Smith
Grove Methodist Church by Rev*
George Bruner. Burial was in the
church cemetery*1
Miss Lila Charles
MIm Ula Rebec shCbartes, 81, of Je*
rasalem. died el Lynn Haven NurMoSj
Home, Moclisville, Wednesday moftilns,
following e seriouB ilineaa of three moaihs.
Funeral eervlces were held Friday el 31
p. m. at Ibe Summersett Funeral Cbepel,
Salisbury, with Rev. Tbom Bletr of!lcisi<;
Inii. and (he body laid lo rest In Jeruse*
lem Cemetery. ^
Mtte Charles was n native of Dsvle
County. She waa vary active In Home
Demonstrntlon Club work, and aloe active
in rehabllitatlnn work afier World War I,
and made several trips overseaa, bringlnd
boys back to the Stntea
Survlvinit are (wo brothers, Robert P.
Charles and John G. Cbarlea, of Jerusalem.
Mise Charles spent a lonS and useM
life In Jeruialem* nnd her death brought
I sadness lo a host 'of friends tbrougbout
' this section.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/26/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, May 27, 1954 - Page 4
Miss Ufa Clnivlc:;. 8.1'
Fgncrol services foi- Miss Liia
Ilcbcckjili Charles, UI, of^Jcru*-
salcjii, Houlc •], were licl<l Kri-
chiy ariernoun in the Suniinci'sull
Kunerul Chapel in Salisbury |)y
Ihu hcv./rhoinas Ulair, rcclor of
SI. Luke's ISpIscopul Church, Bur
ial was in Ihc Jorusulcin ccino-
lur.v In Davic Ctiunly.
Mis.s Charles cliccf May 1» In
the Lynn llavcn Nursing llonvc
in Muck.sville. She' had been in
rlcellnin^,' licallh fur five inonllis
anrl reri'uu.sly III since February.
Miss Charles was born in Da-
vie i^Miniy nn Jttly 13. III72, a
d.'unjhtcr of the late John New
ton and Sfilllc Ann Ucssenl
CJiurlcs. She received her educa-
(|on in I'hu Daviu Cotinly bcIiooIs
and MIoredilh Coliei^c hi naleigh.
She was very aclive in Hoinc
Dcinonsiralion Club work and
h.-id attended the state (caehei>
hotnc ilonionstration class In Hal-
•Hiilt for Ihc past 32 consccuUve
vcars. Shu was nl.so active in rc-
hablliUiHon work 'afler Worhl
W.iii' 1 and niadc several trips
overseas bringing iioys back to
liie slates for rohabililaliun.
Miss Charles l.'i .survived by two
brothers. Boh P. Charles of'the
lionie and John C. Charles of
Diivic County. Several niccca and
nephews, great nioec.s and neph
ews survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/27/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 2,1954 - Page 2
John M. Horn
John Marshall Horn, 64, well.
ktiDwn MocUftville cUir.en, died at
BaptUt Hospital. Wltisiou'Seleni at
9:15 Saturday eveiiint;, follnwinK a
heart attack which he sufTered at
his home Saturday alierunoii.
Siirx'ivioK arc the wife, one dau.
Rhter, Mrs. Cl)dc W. Younp, one
granddiitiuhtcr, of Mocksvllle; one
broilicr. Walter Horn, Wlostoo.
Salem; four sisteis, Mrs. WftUer
Campbell and Mrs. \V, A. Sain,
Route 3: Mrs. W. II niackwood,
of Wtiiston.Salem, niid Mrs Htoyd
YounKi CuTollna Beach, and bis
father, J. H. Horn, Smith Grove.
Pmieral services were held at the
Mocksville Baptist Church at 3:30
p. m. Muudny, with his pastor,
Rev. 1. P. Davis oiliclaiiuK. aod
the body laid to rest lit Roae Co
Mr. Hont had been lufoadbealth
for several years, but his death was
a severe shock to bis tuany frieuds
tbrouKhout this entire coraoiunlty.
We will nil n»iss "Marsh."
Mrs. Yf.L Johnson
Mrs. Nancv Current Johnson,
72, of Union Grove, died May 25.
in a Statesvi Ic hospital after be.
coinliiR ill while she was vlsliinga
daughter, Mra. Flake Haves o f
Mocksville. Death was attributed
CO a heart attack.
Stirvivinsarc her husband; four
daughters, Mrs. Sam Masten of
Ashcville, Mrs. Curtis Crcary of
Winston-Salcm, Mrs. Gale Walker
of Olin aitd Mrs. Hayes; three
sons, Elmer lohnsoo o f High
Point, Doua'as Johnion of Greens
boro, and Alec fohnfion of Union
Funeral services were conduct'
ed at 3 p. m., Wednesday at Shi-
Job Baptist Church in Yadkirj
Couuty by Rev. M. F. Rcavis and
Rev. Rov Crater. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/2/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, June 3,1954 - Page 1
J. Mc Horn
Dies Of
Heart Atlaek
Funcrnl services for John NTur-
shall Horn, O'l, of Modisvillc,
were lieUl MondJiy aflcrnoon al
the First Bnplisi Churcli. Eev. J.
P. Davis officialctU Burial was in
the Rose CGnK'lcry.
RTr. Horn, fnrnior supervisor of
prisons fo the Eighth Distlel, cin-
bncing some 10 counties and Da-
vie DcmOcalie-leader, (lied unex-
pccLoclly Salurday nifjlit al
ill the Baptist HosplltiJ. Mr. Horn
\va.s .stricken with a heart attack
at his \iome around G p.m. Sat
lie was horn in Davic County,
July 10, IHIll). son of John H. and
Bm'ina Summers Horn. He was nl
one lime la.s collector for the
Town of Mocksvillc. He served as
superintendent of the Davic
County prl.son cainp and served
.fcr IS yenrs-ns-sviperykor of pris
ons fur the Eighth Disiricl, relh-
I ihg m'ouiul ll).aO.,lTe had reeenliy,
been engaged in hirming,and live-
I slock ralsliig.
I He was a member of the MocUs-
I viile Masonic Lodge and the
j iMbcksviilc Baptist Churcii.
Surviving arc the widow. Mi's.
Sallic Ada'Call Horn; one dnugii-
tcr. Mir.s. C. W. Young of Mocks-
villC; his falhcr. John M.-Horn of
Mocksvillc, 111. 3; one brolher, W.
D, Horn of WJnslon-Salcin; four
.•islcrs, H. W. Bliiekwoo.d of
Wfnslon -• Salcm, Mrs. W. W.
Cainpbefl and Mrs. W. A. Sain of
Ytockavilie, IvL 3; and Mrs. Floyd
Young of Carolina Ueaeh; und one-
' graiuldauglUer. '
Pallbearers were Shock Uow-
den, Curtis Price, MiHon 'Call,
Jim Thompson, Len Williams and
Chnrie Bahnson. i
Bio - Obituaries - 6/3/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 9,1954 - Page 2
R. S. Anderson
Rtchnrd Samuel Anderson, 86,
retired Davie Countv farmer, died
Wednesday mornlnK at his home
in Calahaln township.
Surviving include his wife, the
former Miss lennle Call, a daugh*
tcr, Miss Frances Anderson of the
home; three sons. Richard S. And>
erson, Jr., of Statesvllle, Felix J.
Anderson and Rev. William C.
Anderson of MocUsville. a brother
T. J. Anderson of Salisburvi a
sUtcr, Mrs. Fletcher R. McMahan
of Farmington- (
Funeral services were held at
li a. m.. Friday at Ceutor Metho-^
disc Church, with Rev. H D. Ics-'
sup and Rev. E. M. Avctt officlat*
ing and the body laid to rest In
the church cemetery. >
Mr. Anderson spent hii entire,
life in Davlo Counlv, and his
death has brought sadn^s to
a iiosr of friends chroughour (his
entire community.
Mr . J. Vf. Turner
Mrs. Lula Martin Turner, 45,
died at her home in Cooleemee
Wednesday evenine* following an'
extended illness. t
Mrs. Turner was a native of |
Wiikes County. She was married
CO Mr. Turner in 1925, and thev
were residents of Mccksville for
several years before moving to Coo-
' Surviving are the husband, two
daughters, Mrs. Conrad Chappell,
of CooIeemce,and Mrs. Joe Alder*
man, of Charlotte; four sisters,
Mrs. Ella^Currin, Dallas, Texas
Mrs. Arthur Holder and Mrs. Lu*
cher Cress, Salisbury, and Mrs.
Mary Brady, Raleigh; two broth- I
crs. Ice Martin, Salisburv, and ;
Isaac Martin, High Point, gnd two j
- Funeral services were held at'
3:30 |>. m. Friday at Cooleemee
Baptist Church, with Rev. J. W.
Klein, Rev. Kenneth'Pollock and
Rev. H. W. Parker officiating, and
the body laid to rest in Liberty
Methodist Church Cemetery.
The bereaved family have (he
Bvmpaihvof a host of friends in
this sad hour.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/9/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, June 10,1954 - Page 2
Misn Mnndc Urnttchnmp .
Funci'ol/services, for Miss Mn-
nile Susan Bcnuchnmp, 01, were
hold Wcdncfidny of Ihe Mncodon-
In Mornvinn Church. Rev. Georgo
Bninor, Rcy. Jnclc. A. Diowcr
nnd Rev. Goorgo SmllW olfielnt-
cd. Burlnl wns In'the church
Miss Bcnuchnmp died June 7
at, the hon\o oY n'brothcr, F. R.
Bcnuchnmp of Aclvtmcc Rnutc 1.
She hnd been In declining heallli
for sovernl yonis ,nnd seriously
ill for two inonlhs. •
Miss Bcnuchnmp wns. horn in
Dnvie County on April 12, 1092.
n dnitclUcr of Joel nnd Mnry
Shock Bcnuchnmii.
She is survived by four broth,
ers, F. n., Snm, M. K. nnd J. C.
Bcnuchnmp ol Advance. Rl. 1;
nnd two sisters, Mrs. J. R. Spnln>
hour oV Wlnslon-Solcm and NTrs,
C. P. Walker of-Lexlnnlon.'
Mr.s. liiila .Turner, 45
Puncrol sevvlccs.Yor Mrs. Lulo
Morlln Turner, 45pwifc of J. W.
Turner of Coolccince, were -held
Frtdny ni the Coolcemcc Bnptist
Church. The Rev. .1. W. Kloii^
Bev. Kennnih PollneU nnd Rev.
H. W. Pnrkor officintcd. Burial
wns in Ihe Llbevly Ocmetcry.
Mrs. Turner died June 2 .after
n lone illness.
Mr.H. Turner was born In Wilkos
County, Nov. 15, llOOfl, daughter
of John nnd Oclavin Prullf Mar
tin. Site hnd resided in Coolcemcc
for 30 ycnrs. She was mar-ricd id
Mr. .Turner in 1925,,
Surviving arc the husband;
two daughters, Mrs. Conrad
Chnppcl oY Coolccmee, nnd Mrs.
Joe Alderman of Oharlollo; four
si.stors, Mrs. Kiln Ctivrin of Dallna,'
Ts>:n?, Mrs. Arthur Holder nnd
Mr.s. Lulljcr Crc.ss of Salisbury
nnd Mrs. Mnry Brndy of Rnloigh;
two brothers, Joe Martin of Snlls-
bury nnd Isnnc Mnrlin of High
Point; nnd two grnndchildren. I
R. S. Anderson, 80
Funcrnl services for' Rlchnrd
Samuel Anderson, 00, retired Da-
vlc County Tnrmor, were held
Frldny morning ni the Center
Methodist Churcl\. Burlnl was in
li\c Center Cemetery.
Mr. Anderson ;dlcd Juno 2 nt
his home in .tho Cnlnhnln com*
m unity.
Survivors include his wife, the
former Miss Jennie Cnll; n dnugl\-
tcr, Miss Mary Frnnccs Ander
son of the home: three sons, Rl^A
nrd S. Anderson, Jr., of Slnt^
\Mlle, Felix J. Anderson of Mocks-
villc; n brother, T. J. Andcr.-Jon of
Snllsbur>*; a sister,^ Mrs. Fletch
er R. McMohnn of Fni*mlnglon.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/10/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 16,1954 - Page 2
Miss Beaachamp |
Miss Mamie Suoan Beauchamp.i
died June 7th ac the home of a'
brother, F. R. Bcauchamp of Ad
vance, Route 1. She had be n in
dccliniiiR health for several yenrs.
She ifl survived In* fuiir brothers,
F. R., Sam, M. K an«J I CI Re
champ of Advance, R^niu- 1, and
two sisters, Mr«. 1. \K. Sn-«Mth«'ur
o( Wirtston-Salem and Mrs. C. I*.
Walker of LexioKton. ^
Pttneral scrviccM were conduct
ed, at the Beauchamp home at
2:30 p< m. Wednesday and a' 3
p. m., at the'Macedonia Mor.tvinn |
Church by Rev. GcotBC Bruncr. ]
Rev. Jsck A. Brewer and Rev.)
CcorRc Smith. Burial tvw in the"
chtirch uravcvard. i
Joe Monsees \
joe Monsees, 79, of Statesville.'
died June 7ih. at the home of liis
jdauehivr, Mr^.O. C. Rambc»n,on
iMocksviMc, Route 4. foliowInK a
I stroke 4tf pnraWisis. lie was a tta-
!tive of Mi»souii, but had lived in
Statesville for the past idne yaars.
I Survivinu are four children and
I two brothers. Funeral and burial
services took place at No Creek
Baptist church Friday afternoon at
4 o'clock.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/16/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
M06kSVILLE enterprise, Wednesday, June 17,1954 - Page 2
Mrs. N. C. DriiIcI
Pitnovnl services for Mrs. Myrn
Mosslck Grccory McDnnlcl, 74.
widow of N. C. McDanlcl of Cool-
■eomco, were held Monday nl the
Coolccmcc Baptist Church. Rev.
J. W. Klein and Rev. B. C. Arfnins
orriclnied. Burial wn.s In the Lib
erty Cemetery.
Mr.s. McDnnlel died Saturday
at the home.o'f a daunhlrr. Mrs.
Ous Dodmpn of MncUsvllle, Rl.
4. Shp had l>ccn In declltilnft
health for several ycar.s and sor-
ioujjly ill for two.months.
Mrs. MoDahiol,. was born In
WUhcs County, ^^nreh 4, lOflO, n
dauBhtor of John and Mary Kvcr-
Idco Mosslck. She spent ino.st of
her adult life in or around Cool,
ocmco, but -had lived with her
douchlor for Hto past 13 yoar.s.
'She wn.s twice married: first In
inni to Ororgo Orogory. He died
in inOI). Slic later married Mr.
McDaniel. Ho -died in 1030.
Beside sMr s.DmiVocdd n
Besides Mr.s. Dcdmon>.Rurvivors
include * a .spn. R. C. Gregory oV
.Gvecn.sboro; two stepsons;^ five
.stopdaughtcrs: .three grnndchll.
dron; three grenl - grnndchUdrcn:
a sister, Mrs. hoe'Tomplolon of
Harmony, and n brother, Claude
MesrlCk of Coolecmoo."
Joe n. ,Mnnscvs. 79
runtiVal .services for Joe E.
Monseos, 79. retired c.abinot mulc-
or. of Moeksville, Rt. 4, wore held
Friday nl the No Crook Primitive
Baptist Church. Burial was in the
family plot.
Mr. Monsccs died June Q nl
the home of his daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. O, C.
Rnmbonu, of Moeksville, Rl. 4. He
hod been in Vailing honllli lor sev
eral montlir. hut sufrcrod a stroke
of parnly.sis on Monday morning
and was In critical condition un
til 'his death Tuesday.
The son of the late Henry and
Since Lassltcr Monsccs, he wos
a native of Scdalia. Mo., born Jan.
13. 1075.
Mr. Mon":ees cstabH.shcd rcsl-
drncc in Norll) Carolina !>i cnrl.v
maiThood and lived here poriod-
ically .sbicc thot llitic.
His wife, the former Eliza
beth Tlllnion, died August 0,
1053. Ho is survived by four son.s,
Harry A. Monsees of Moeksville.
M. E. Monseus of Durham, and
J. IT. Monsoo.s of North Holly
wood. Cnllf.,' one daughter, Mr.s.
O. C. Rmnhonu oV Rt. 4, Mneks-
vlllcj two brotliors, J. A. Mon-
.sees of Atlnnln, Gn. and Luther
Monsees of Soulhinnnt; and one
Richard Ammnns
Funeral services for Richard
Ru.sscil Ammons, 2 0-month-old
son of Mr. and" Mrs. Turner Am
mons of Moeksville, wore held at
the grnve.sido in Rose Cemetery
Tup.sday nflernoon. Rev. Paul
Rlchard.s officiated. • •
The Infrint died nl the home
In MoclcKvnic'Mo'nday oTternonn.
It 'had been ill for soyernl wcclcs.
He was born Oct. 1, 1952. His
ir.ollicr was the former Edith
Gray Shock.
Survivors besides his parents
Include a brqlhor, Steven Amm-
onc of the homo: the grandpar
ents. Mr. and Mr.s. Gray Shook
of Advance. Route 1. and Mrs. L.
F. Smith of Salisbury,.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/17/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 23,1954 - Page 3
Mrs. N. C. McDaoid
Mrs. N. C. McDanld, 74* of
Cooleemce, died June 12 at the
home ol a daughter, Mrs. Ous
Dedmon of MocksvlUe, Route 4.
She had been i n declining
healdi for several years and aeri'
ously ill for* two months.
Mrs. McDanlel was born in
WUkes County* She spent most
of her adult life in or around O>o*
lecmec, but had lived with her
daughter for the past 13 vears.
She was twice married; Arat in
1901 to George Gregory. He died
In 1909. She later married Mr.
McDanlol. He died in 1936.
Besides Mrs. Dedmon* survivors
include a son* R. C. Gregory of
Greensboro; two stepsons; five
stepdaughters: three great-grand
children; a sister, Mrs. Lee Tern
picton of Harmony and a brother,
Claude Messick of Coeleemee.
Funeral services were conduct
cd at 4 p. m. at Cooleemee Bap
tist Church by Rev. J. W. Klein
and the Rev. B. C. Adams. Burial
was In liberty Cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/23/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, June 24,1954 - Page 3
Mrs. J. F. Dudley, 76
services for Mrs. Mary
Colhciinc Dudley, 70, widow ol
James FranUlln Dudley of Cool-
comce, were held Tuesday pi the
Coolecmcu Baptist Church. Rev.
J. W. Klein nnd Rev. Lester Jen
kins bfficinled. Burial was in the
Amity" Hill Lulhornn Church
Cemetery in Ircdcll County. |
. Mre. Dudley died Sunday in a
Statc.sviJ-' lio,sj>ilal she
had been critically ill for ten
days. n ' • I
She' wa." born In Ircdcll Coun-i
ty, n dauglitcr of Aino.s and Mary
Calhcrlno;- Chrlsllc Dean: tier
husband'dicd in. 11)23. n 1
, Mrs; Dudley, a fmaiicr tc.stjlc
worhcr, retired in 1945. |
Survivors include o' dauglltci',
'Mrs. E. W. Privcllo of llarinony.
Im. li a.son. Ransomc Dudley oV
Coolccmcc; a brother; Robert.L.;
1 Dean of i-lans.s; a sister, Mrs. R.'
•L. Broolis of East Spencer; 14
and 20 grcut-
Mrs. M. L. Huffman
M'.-s. Nancy. Porker . Hoffman,
7^ oi' Mocksville, Rl. 4. the wid
ow of M. L. Hoffman, died early
Tuesday while visiting a daugh.^
ter, Mrs. Mary M'cmplclon oY
Cuolcmco. She hud been in de
clining hcailh for scvbrnl nionths:
She wa.s borii Nov. U, 1080, In
Lincoln County, n daughter of
David and Mary f^agan Parker.
Her husband died' in* 191!). Mrs.
Hoffman bad lived In Coolccihce
ff«r ahoi'l 40 years before mov
ing to Mdeksville,-TH. 4. iiboiil
Uignt years, ago. " %
Survivors bc.sldcs Mrs. Tempc-
ton Include four sons, Roy Ifoff-
innn of Charlotte, Frank Ho'if-
man of'Duiulalk. Md., Paul Hoff
man of Coolccmco, M. L. Hoffman
Jr.. of MocUsvlllc. Rl. 4; 10 grand-
children; one grent-gvandchild;
0 bvolhcr, WIJ Parker and two
Kislers, Mrs. R. E. Wynll ond Mrs.
M. A. ay, all nl Lowell, N. C.
Funeral .'ierviecs wit be eon-
ducted at 2 p.m. Thursday at
Cooloemcc Baptist Church by-the
Rev. J. W. Klci"
I!. \V. Porker. Burial will be in
Edgcwood Cemetery, Lowell.
Bio — Obituaries - 6/24/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
vi' 1^54 m
June 25^ tr^l
I merchant- ofdied dt K bS^I
t'^ille nursinff h«.C. efca jVfo^^
fdecHn^?^ ^ume. Se-bM ^K^M
-—o Mcaii-- seriously 01. -^'^'"=' f^ears
Gwee kSSn a»J
'^1'^. & w yt'^"''^«"rUnJSurviviiig ai fand Dewey Srt?n"^ ^°s. Hobyfl^nd JEltoa mSS^^,°^:^ocksvme®o«te 3; two da^h?^- ^^nviS.
Via Wiiiens a«^Mrs. CalJof yadktoSlf bS"- S'- •<■• Bi^/sons, C ^ 'l,?®"/® 3; two ste^//Reavis of Yatovrfc ^Jl^tepdaughfer Mm '3; a|fYadkinville, Koute a?"* Rauser off/John Martia of rnL ^ brother,/F"^'Aea „%■jgrandchildrea anrf f ® great-'r pj^-jrnndchiidren./ed at ?p.m^^sumf conduct-/ Ridge Baptist S?iJ^i.®u Oak
Reavis. Burial wnj i, f M. p.
in state froaf^a-^^o ehurch lo ae. Rallbearer? wfn%® 1 P ™- i
rL. Reavis Jr lSh WilliamMph E^SprimiS"'
mocksviue. NB
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 30,1954 - Page 2
I/. A. Martin
V, A, Martlo, 82, wed.koown
mcrcbiDt of the Courlney »>mmuQ.
Ity, died at Lyon Haven Nuralog
Home In this ciiy, Friday njo/nfug.
He hnd been in had health for aev.
era! years. Among the snrvivors
ore two sons. R. P. and Dewey
Martin, of ibia city. Hia wife died
19 years ago. Ptmeral aeivlces
were held at 3 r> Sunday at
South Oak Ridge Bnodat CUiuch,
with Rev. Alvia ChcBblrc ond Rev
M. F; Rcavla offtclatiog.
Mrs. M. K. Allen
Mrs Gtto AUvn. 49 wlfe-of
R. Alien, of Redlaod. wa« found
dead In a chicken house on FrMay
morolng. The body was banging
by tb: neck from a rope which was
tied to a rafter. Dr. W. M. Long,
ncdog coroner, prononnccrl it sui.
cide. Mrs. Allen had been in trad
health for some tlnie'
Survivors are rbe hoshand, four
flBUghteia, the mother, Mrs. Nan*
cy Riddle, and two grondchildrru.
Fiinerat oud burial aeryi«.> took
place at p. m. Sutidav at Oe*
tblehfin Methodist Church, wi b
Rev. O.-R Smith and Rev. Oeo. i
Bittuer officiatiug, I
H^illiam A. Daniel
William A. DaiUel, 57, of Salts-
bury, died June 22nd. . '
He was born in Davle County*
Nov. 25, 1897, a son of Rubert M.
and Martha Ella Daniel and wad
educated in the Dave County
SchooU. He was a member of
Seventh Day Adventlst Church
here. 1
Survivors inwlude his wife. Mrs.'
Carrie Hooks Daniel; two daui^«
Survivors include his wife, Mrs.
Carrie Hooks Daniel; two daugh*
tcrs, three brothers, two sisters,
Mrs. Marvin Havis of Salisbury
and Mrs. Jack Bowles of Mocks*
villc. two srandchtidren. |
Funeral services were conducted
at 3 p, m., Thursday at Wright's
funeral Home Chapel. Burial was'
in Kowan Memorial Park Cemc*'
tery. I
Mrs. T. E. James
Mrs. Candace Elizabeth James,
76, of Wintron*Sa1em. died lune
25 at A local hospital. She had
been in declining health for some
time and seriously ill for three
She was born In Davle County,
Feb. 9,1678. a daughter of facob
and Elizabeth Cope. She had liv
ed iti WinstomSalem for the past
13 years.
Survivors Include two daughters
Mri^ E. W. Phclps and Mrs. Hal
Transou of Winston-Salrm; six
sons. E. K.; D. T. and Thomas E.
James, all of WinBCon>Sa1em, J. P.
James of Orlando. Fla., A. C
lames of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla^ and
E. M. James of Mooresvllle, 21
grandchildren; nine grcat-grand*
children: two sisters, Mrs. C. C.
Young of Cooleemee and Mrs.
Young of Cooleemee and Mrs*
Jesse Henry of Salisbury, two
brothers. Rev. 0. N. Cope of
Wilkesboro, and C. J. Cope of
Spencer. j
Funeral services were conduct*
ed at 2:30 p. m.. Friday at Fork
Baptist Church by Rev. Paul M.
Reese, Rev. Oscar Hartman and
Rev. E, W. Turner. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/30/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY