Jul - DecMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 7,1955 - Page 4
Hfimr MIm Omll. M
FuiKral acrvlcet for Henry Silas
Orrcll, SB. of Old Miller Road.
Wlnstoii-Salrm. were held Tues
day at the Qrecn Street Metho
dist Church. Rev. H. E. Bollch and
ihe Rev. Thad L. McDonald. Jr..
oClelatcd. Burial was In the Mt.
Tabor Methodist Church cemetery.
\ Mr. Orrrll died at hla liom-:
Monday morning following ii heart
: He wan born in Davlc County,
fdarch 14. 1807. a son of Ocorce
and Alice Barnca Orrcll. lie spent
moat of his life In Wlnston-SalciUc
movlns licrc wlicn lie w'as kIx
yean old.- He had lived on Old
Miller Road, oil West Polo Road
for the post five years.
He was employed by ilic Boulh-
cm Railway Company as a clerk
for U5 years and was a member
and cliairnian of the BrothrlK>od
|bf Railway €lc[ks. He was n
inenibrr of tlic Orecn Sircet
fMcthodist Church and was marr-
|M Jan. 34. 1018. to Miss Mabel
j- 81k: sur^'lvs with a daushler
^r». Hchr>' P. Casey of Wliislon-
Balcin: a son. Rlchavcl E. Orrcll
pf Mucksvillc: a sister. Mrs. Mar-
kin Parduc of Orceiisbora and fourjirrandchlldreii.
Bio - Obituaries — 7/7/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 13,1955 - Page 2
henry S, Orrell
Iptineral :service} for Henry Sllas:
Orretl, 58," of Winsto -Sa^em, was
conducted at 3 p. m.« July 5th at
Qreen Street Methodin ChuKh
by Rev.-H. £. Bolich and Rev.
ThadL* McDonald* Jr*'
Mr. Orrell died at liia home a-
bout 8:30 a. th.* ]utv 4« following a
heart attack.
He was boni in Davie. County*
March Uth* 1897» a .son of Gfeprge
ind Alice Barries' Orrell.' He
Ipenc most of his life in Winston.
He was employed by the South
ern Railway ^mpanv as a clerk
for 35 years and was a member
end chslrman of the Brotherhood
of Railway Clerks. He was a
member of the Oreen Street Meth*
The wife suivives with a datigh*
ter* Mrs. Hemy P. Casevtot Wlns-
epn-Salem; a son. Richard E. Or-
rclli of Mbcksvitle; a sister, Mrs.
Martin Pardue of Greensboro, and
four grandchildren.
Bio — Obituaries — 7/13/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 14,1955 - Page 1
John R. Zaring Succumbs
To Injuries Received In
Collision In Dsvie, July^
John Ron*8ald Spring, 33. of
8'ymour. Indinna. Route 2. died
nt 4:30 a.m. Uiat Thursday In a
StatcavHIc hospital from Injuries
suffered in an automobitc accl*
dent on July a on Highivay €4
west of Mocksvlllo.
This WRB the third highway fa*
tallty for Dnvlc County this year.
Mr. Zaring was bom In Cooke
County, Illinois, a son o/. Rowsald
H. and Alice B. Zaring. He Is sur*
vly d by his parents, a brother.
Rkhard Lee Zaring of the home:
n grandfather, John J. Bryant of
Ute home.
Mr. Zaring and a friend. Max
Wayne Nnblltt. 31. also of Sey*
mour. Indiana, were cnroute to
visit friends In Wlnston*8al m and
Rort Bragg when the accident oe*
eured on Hunting Creek HIU. The
English spoiiscar which he was
dHvlni went out of control on the
curve and crashed hcad*oo Into
another car. NobllU.was also ser
iously Injured In t^ crash. -
Mr. Zarlnc's body was returned
to hia home for funeral aenicca.
Mn. Brace Ward* IS
l>incral services for Mrs; Mar*
Bsret Stoneatrect Ward, 7S. d,
Kannapolls were held Tuesday at
the Church of Christ In Kannap*
oils by Jerry Flatten, J. E. Blnli*
ley and J. O. Walters. Burial was
In the Jerleho Cemetery.
Mrs. Ward died Sunday at Iho
Cabamis Memorial KMplial 'In
She was tlic wIdoV of tlK late
Bruce Ward and lived for many
years in Mocksvtllc.
Mrs, Ward wns bom In Davie
County, a daughter of Benjamin
P. and Mary Kurfecs Stonestrcet.
She had been Ifvlng with a daugh*
tcr. Mrs. H. R. Butler, in Kan
napolls since 1941.
She ts survived by two daugh
ters, Mrs. Butler and Mrs. R. D.
Barnes of Hashvlllc. Tcnn.: a sls-
ler, Mrs. J. B. Price of Kannap
olls: three broihurs, P. W. Stone-
street of Chatttuioga, Tcnn.; W. Kf
Stonestrcet of Landls. J. P. Stone-
street of Mockuvlllc; two grand
Bio - Obituaries - 7/14/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 20,1955 - Page 2
>■; ' m'*' • • ■* ' 'James 76* died at his
'home near ;C«tlv Thucs-
'dav morning* He waa a* retired
tnerchant and farmer.
' Surviving are three aona. 'Wil
liam and Spurgeon Potter* of E.3t
and Charlet Potter, of R. 2; three I
daughtert, Mrt. Chat* Hepler* of
R. 3; Miss -Sallle Potier, of the
home, and Mrs. Sam Hepler, of R.
3; two brothers, W. T. Foster and
G. L. Foster; of EC 3, and'r twelve
grandchildren. .
I^uneral tei^cet were held at
12i30 p. m. Saturdav, at Dultn'a Me»>
thodist Church* with Rev. George'
Smith and Rev. Poatef Loflin' of-
Sctatlng, and the bodv laid to rest
in Advance Methodist Church
CemetetV. A good. man' hat been
called to hit reward.
^ - '
Mrs, L L Miller
Mary Elizabeth Davis Miller, 78,
wife of L. L. Miller, died at 5t05
p. m., Wednetdav at her home in
Farmingt*.n Township.
Mrt. Miller was bom In Farm-
ington Township Oct.' 14, 1877,
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvlt
T. Davis. She was a member of
Eaton's Baptist Church.
. Survivors include - her hu-^bnnd;
three sons, lohn E. Miller, of
Winston-Salem; Vemon Miller of
Mocksville, Route 2; Gene Miller,
of Mocksville,, Route! 2; three
daughters, Mrs* Harmon Mc-
Mahan* of Mocksville, Route 2;
Mrs* R. Max Conrad of Pfatfcown;
Mrs. Lawrence Shore, of Y.adkin*
ville; three brothers, J. E- Davis and
J. W. Davis of Mocksville, Route
2; A. M. Davis of Wlntton-Sakm:
a sister, Mrs. W« M. Edwards, of
Mocksville, Route 5; 11 grand
children, seven great-grandchUdr
ten -
Funeral services were conducted
a.t Wesley Chapel Methodist
Church at 11 a.m.,Friday by Rev.
G. C. Graham, Rev. Wade HuCi.h*
ens and Rev. J, W. Vestal. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 7/20/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 20,1955 - Page 3
M« Wirgaret Ward j
- Mr*, Mat*aretStone»tT«ei .
73. died ml Cabarrue Memcniit
Hospital in Concord at 4:30 p* in* [
Julv lOtb. • ^ t
- Mrs. Ward WM bom Ici Davie.
Coucicv* a daogbter of Benjamin F*|
and Marv Kurfm Stonettreet
She had been living with a datigh*
ter. Mrs. H, In.Kanna*
polls since 1941* , .1
, She is Burvivied by two daughterSf
Mr*. H, and Mrs, R« D.
Dame* of NaahvUletTennn a sister
B. .Price; of KanoapolU)
three brothers, P. W* StonesCteeti
of Chattanooga; Tenn., • W; K,
StdnestrMt, of Landls, J,' F, Stone- ^
street, of .Mocksvltlr. two grand*!
children* .
Funeral services were conducted:
at 2 fi, m., Tuesday at the Oiun^^
of Christ in KannapoUs,- by Je^;
Flattoh, J.& Blnklev and ). O.
W^cert. Burial was in the^JerkfaoCemetery at Mocksvllle. ' ' I
Bio - Obituaries - 7/20/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 21,1955 - Pages 1 & 2
Bimuel ' Avery Anderson. 00,
died at 0:30 a.m. Tuetday after
•ufferlng a heart Ittack at the
Davie County Prtaon Camp, of
whJeh he was auUtant auporin*
Mr. Andareon had been In de«
elinla* health for several .years
hut death was imexpeeted. •
ifo anU.hom AprU 0. 1030, hi
iredtU County, the son of Oeorge
and Laura Reavls Anderson. He
lived on Avon Btreet, MoeluvUle.
He was a veteran of World War I.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
hoherts Anderson: one son. Jesse
Anderson of Walkertown. Route
1: three daughters, Mr^i Ernest
Harris of Oreenshoro, Mts, Uttney
Anderson of Lexington, nnd Miss
Donna Anderson of the home:
three brothers, Walter Anderson
of Kocksvllle, Route .5, John
Anderson of MocksvUle. Rome 2.
and Luther Anderson of Creston
and eight grandchildren.
Funeral services wUl be'con
ducted at a p.m. Thursday at Bear
Creek Baptist Church by the Rev.
Sv. c. Barklcy, the Rev. Jlmmla
Qroce and the Rev. James Camp
bell. The body wUI lie In state for
SO minutes before the., service.
Burial,will be lii the churcn cem
Fallbcarers will bo ailbcri I'ut-
taraw! Lounlc Bain, Burton Beats.
Biid Wallace, E. E. Murphy ond
B. C. Safrtot, Jr.
(Coatlaaei aa Pare 2)
S. A. Anderson
The following reaolutlon was
written on behalf of Mr. Anderson
by a Negro prisoner at the camp,
serving 30 years for second de*
gree murder In the killing of a
girl friend. He wiu aent up from
Beaufort County and arrived at
the lotti camp on Deeamber St.
1941. He had known Mr. Anderson
for the past seven years.
"It was a sltock to aU the be
loved ones and admlrert of Cap-
Cain B. A. Ai)dcraon. Aoslataat
Buperlntendent and Btevard of
the Davle County Prison Camp.
MockavUle. N. C.. for hla many
years of servlee. when Capt. D.
C. Bafrlet. Jr.. Buperlntendent. an*
nouneed the pa mint of Capt. Anr
deraon passed away as steward in
"May ;it be further rcaolved
within the minds of the many
readers of this resolution that
Captain 8. A. Anderson. Bteward
of Davle County Prison Camp at
the time of hla death:
"Captain Anderson was among
the finest. outstandlBi oOclais of
the N. C. Prison Byitem, that
meant more than words can ex
press. To know Capt. Anderson
was to love and admire him. for
his manner and ittitude he man
ifested towards prleooera. his fel
low associates .that worked with
him and under him. It was always
his to give every man the benefit
of all doubts, regardless of race or
color. We wiU mlsa him. yet. as
well at the prison deportment.
Capt. Anderson always handled
prisoners as he wUh to be handled
If he was In their stead.
"We do bow our heads in awe
to the Almighty Ood who always
knows best, and never does any
I wrong. .
Bio - Obituaries - 7/21/1955
"To the beloved family, your
husband and father is not dead
-rhe's only asleep to await the
general resurrection.
"The writer of this resolution
has known the deceased since
Dec. 31. IMS. We as prisoners do
pray Ckxl's bleuings .continue to
overshadow hU'family and rela-
I tives.
It was signed Nelson Chrlsp.
writer and fellow prison inmates,
Wednesday, July 20. 1950. .
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 21,1955 - Page 1
Helen Marie Williams
Miu Helen Merle wiiilama. at.
of Lexlnoton, a former native of
Davte Oounty. waa UIM in a
wreck between Lexington antl
Tyro early Sunday morning that
claimed a total of three lirce and
left another critically injured.
WUlIc Gray Crdnnill, 33. of
Lexington. Rt. 1. and J. C. ilonea.
Jr., 3t. of Lexington, were alao
killed. Injured waa Norman Clark
Bailey, alao of Lexington, whoee
condition waa termed aa critical.
' The accident oecuied at 13:15.a.
m. Sunday morning. CranflU waa
beUered to hare been driving the
car which waa owned by Miae WUU
The automobUe waa aald by the
State Highway Batrol to have been
traveline weet towaide Tyro at a
high rate of ipeed. It went into a
curire each of the bridge and ran
oS on the left tide. The car went
Bldewaye for 300 feet down a 50-
foot high embankment. It landed
on Ita left front and Jumped aome
20 feet through the air to the
other tide of the creek. There It
hit another embankment and
bounced backward about 30 feel,
landing on ita top.
Bailey and Jodea were thrown
cut. kdiaa WiUlama and CranfUl
were pinned underneath.
MUa WiUlama waa bom Aug.
35.1027. in Davie County, a daugh
ter of Rufua C. and Lemik Cor-
rcll WUllama. She had been em
ployed in Lexington for eight
yeara aa a textile worker.
Striving aih ^her father of
MockavUle. Route 0. and four aia-
ten. Mra. Bcaaie Alien of Salii-
bury. Mra. Paul Snider of Mocka*
viUe. Route i, Mra. Edwin Cor*
rell of Laxingtoo. Route 0, and
Mra. Leonard Beck of Lexington*
Route 3.
Funeral aervioea were eonduci*
ed Monday at Uberty Methodiat
Church in Uavle County by the
Rev. B. C. Adama and the Rev.
O. W. Pink. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 21, 1955 - Page 2
PuneraLeertlets for Mrs. W. U
ColUna were held Wedneaday of*^'
temoon at the bgoekavlUe Metho*
diet Chuith. Rev. .W. Q. OrUk
onelattd. Biirial waa in Clemmt
Mra. Cotilna died Tuesday mom«
inr at a Sanabury hoapital.. She
had been Ih dMUnlng health for
MveraVyears and aerloualy 111 for
thrsc days.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/21/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 21,1955 - Page 4
I. P. PMler, 99
Funeral services for James
Franklin Poater, 79,' a retired mer
chant and farmer of'the Dulln
Church community on Moekavllle.
Rout« 3. were held Saturday at
the Dulln Methodist Citurch. Rev.
O. B. Smith and the Rev. Poster
Loflln offlelated. Burial was In
the Advance Methodist Cemetery.
Mr, Foster died July H at his
He Is survived by three sons,
William and Spurgeon Poster of
Mocksvllle. Route 3, and Charlie
Foster of Mocksvllle, Route 2;
three daufhtera, Mrs. Charlie Hep-
Icrand Mrs, Bam Kepler of Mocks
vllle. Route 3, and Miss Sallle Fos
ter of the home; two brothers,
\V. T. and O. L. Poster of Mocks
vllle. Route 3: ahd 13 tiandchll-
Mrs. L. I. Miller
Funeral services for Mhry Ellz-
nbcth Dnvis MIU:r, 78, wife ol
L. L. Miller of the Formlngton
Township, were held Friday morn-
Ins at the Wesley Chapel Metho
dist Church. Rev. O. C. Graham,
the Rev. Wade Hutchlns, and the
Rev. J. W. Vestal ofllciated. Bur
ial WAS In the church cemetery.
Mrs. Miller died July. 13th
Mrs. Miller was bom m Farm-
inston Towwnship Oct. 14. 1877. a
daughter of Alvis T. and Morsnret
Elizabeth Davis. Bhc was a mem
ber of Eaton's Baptist Church.
Buvvlvors Include her husband:
three sons, John E. Miller of Win
ston • Balem, Vemon Miller of
Mocksvllle, Route 3, Oene Miller
of Mockavillc, Route 3; ^three
daughters.' Mrs. Harmon Me-
Mahan of Mocksyllle. Route 3,
Mrs. R. Max Conrad of Pfatftown.
Mrs, Laveme Shore of Yadkln-
vllle; three brothers. J. E. Davis
of Mocksvllle, Route 2. A. M.
Davis of Wlnston-Salcm and J.
W. Davis of Moeksville, Route 2:
a sister, Mrs. W. M. Edwards, of
Mocksvllle, Route 5; 11 grandchll.
drcn: seven great-grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/21/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 27,1955 - Page 2
Ao&ty Anderson
Avery Anderson» 60, a»sUtftnt
superintendent of iheD iyie.CoUn<
" tv Prison Canipi who was otf duty
on a-vacation* suffered a heart, at
tack at his home on. Avon .street
about 9i36 o'clock, last Tuesday
morning. A taxi was summoned
to carry Mr.'Anderson to Dr., W»
M« Long's officr, but he died be-
fote arriving nt the office. He |iad j
been'in b^d health lor'Si^mc (ime.t
He was a veteran of World War 1.
■Surviving are his wife, one son.
three daUghteri'. three, brothers,
and eight grandchildren.
Funeral services wc^c conducted
at 3 s>. m., Thurisdavjil BcarCfeek
Baptist Church by Rev. W. C,
Barktcy, Rey. Ilmmie Grocc and
Rev, lames Campbell, Burial was
in the church cemetery.
Rev. dande Creasoii!
Rev. Claude Creason, 33.' native
of Davie County and pastor of theGullford Baptist Church at Gull-
fo rd College, died in the Klines,
ville lake July. 19, while swimming
Witttei-SM "said he had .taken hislife preserver oifF.to lie on it, and
fl oat In the water. His body was
recovered fiom the lake by fellow
He is survived by his wife, Mrs-
Juaniia Cox Creason of Gullford
College, and two daughters;. Dian-
ne and -Oaynetle Creason of iKe
home{ his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
H. F. Creason of Siler City; two
brothers, Duell Gieason and Don-.aid. both of Siler City, Route ^,]and a slater, MrsJ. C Cavinessof jBearCierk.,' 'J
1 Funeral services were held at
' Lambeth Funeral Chapel, Green*-
boto, Thursdsy at Z p. m., and the
body laid to rest in Oakley Bap
tist Cemetery in Chatham County.
Mrs. L Collins .i
Mrs..W..L. CoJ/lns of Wiis ciry
died July 19 at a Sallsburv Hospi
tal. She had been -In declining
health for several years, soriou:dy
' ill for thiec days.Surviving are her husband; two
sisters, Mrs. Emma Taylor o f
Mocksville and Mrs. Minnie Tay
lor of Mocksvllte, Route 4; one
• brother John Wiison of Thorn, s-
Funeral services were conducted
at 3 p* m-t Wedno^dav at NfitcUs-
vide Methodtsc<-huri.hbv Rev. W.BG'tggs. Burial was i t Clement
Bio - Obituaries - 7/27/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 27,1955 - Page 3
JIfrs. W. L Harper
s • . * • ' .
n Tilw. W. L; Hirper. 75» a daugh
ter of the late Mr. and Mn. J. J.
Starrccte» of Davle CquhcVf died
lac her home near Cool Spfinga
Surviving are four sona and two
daughters, a sister and one broth
er, James Starrette, of MocVsvllle,
Route 2.
Funeral servicra ^ere held at
Coot Spritigs Methodist Church
at 10:30 a* tn. Saturdav* and the
body laid to rest in South River
Methodist Church Ccmetervi in
Rowan County.
; Witllamt 29. who ujif kllW in anan automobile wreck In David^
County at 1 a. m., on July im,
wete held at Liberfy Methodist5' Chufch on Monda>i Julv I8lh at
4 p. m.. wlA Rev._D. C. Adams
and Rev. G. W. Fink offldaHn&and the bod? laid*, to rest ; in die
ehurah ^eterv- Two men were,^|ledj^i^e 'wreck and ano.tier |
''•eriouslT injured..' •
Bio - Obituaries - 7/27/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 28,1955 - Page 2
nir»(. M. \V. Roavls. fiO
Puncml sci'vlcoK for Mrs. Sa*
I Uii U»ona Ronvls. 00. wife of
Melvoi* W. Renvls <if MocUsvlUe,
RouU' I. wore lu'UI Saturdiiy «l
Uic Snndy Dnptlat Cluitch.
The Rov. S. M. Renc^ar. the Ih'V.
All), rt nmt'lten .and the Ruv. W.
C. llni'UlP.v oincliitfd. Ihii'hd was
in tlu' cImrcU ceinoiery.
Mis. Th'iU'ls died at hrr home
on July 21. She had bi*en hi 1)1
health one ymr and In :!enoie<
condition thriv weeks.
Mr.s. Rcavl.s was born In D.ivle
Cminly Dec. 0. 1H94. dauiThter of
Coluinbu.H L. nnd Nnncy Groce
Cook. Sho .sjK'nt her entire h*e In
the Liberty Church comiiuuiity of
Dnvlc County. She wn.s n mcni*
bcr of Snndy Springs Baptist
Church. She war mnrrlcd to Mr.
nenvlR Sept. 1. 1013.
Surviving nre the huAbnnd:
three .son.s. WlUnrd W, Ueovl.4 of
Hamplonvlllo, nnd Jnmea P. nnd
Mownrd Renvla of MockRvDlc, Rt.
li five daufihler. Mrs. Ray Cul
ler nud Mrs. Paul Sherrilt of
MocU.svUle. Route 1. Mr.s. Sam
Shore of YndUlnvnie. Mvr. Recce
Culler of Thnmnaville and Mra.
J. C. Windsor of Wlnslon-Sulem:
13 crandchlUU'4'ii: one ^rent-
nrundchlld: ami four .slstcr.s. Mrs.
Avery Reni'gfU' nnd Mm. Cluy
Oaiiu>)>ell of finnnony .Mrs. Mur-
ilui Wonivii of lloniptonvlUe nnd
Mm. Arthur CUndon of Kerner.i-
Bio — Obituaries - 7/28/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 3,1955 - Page 2
James P. Burton
James P* Burton, 86, died at his
home near Hickory Thursday. <o|,-
towincan illness of four years.
Mr. Burton had many friends In
Davle County who were saddened
by his death. Surviving are three
daughters, two sons, one sister,
and one brother. His wife was
the former Miss Salfie Click
of Davie County, died a number
of years ago. Funeral and burial
services took place at Hickory on
Sunday. Mr. Burton was a mem
ber of the Seventh Day Adventist
Church, and was active in mission
work for many years.
Miss {.aura Corhslzer
n Miss Laura Comatzer, 50,/ died ' ;
at her home nciar Advance at-7*30^;
p. m. Thursday, following aV long v.
iltnesfi. She was bom In Da^e;,.
County and spent her entire Ufe^.
in the Blxby community. She Wasv
a 'membet of the Blxby'Preabvtw-
ian Church. n . '
! Surviving ate her mother, three .
brothers and three sisters; n .
Fuacral services were hc1d;at 2
p. m.' ^turdav at the home/. >nd;
at 2:30. p. m. at Advance > Mritho-^
disc Church • with Rev, Ed Fitz- '
gerald and Rev. Paul Richards* of*..'
hdating. and the body uud to rest';
in the church ^cemetery. *
Bio - Obituaries - 8/3/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 4,1955 - Page 6
MIns Laura Cnrnatzcr, 50
mcral scrvlcca for Mies Lnura
latzcr, 60, of Advance, were
Snturdny ut the home and
\c Advance Methodist Church.
Rev. Ed Filzguruid mid the
r. Paul HJcliavds. ofnclatcd, Bur
ma in* the church cemetery.
[iRB Cornnt7.ci' died at her home
irsday following a long' lllnqaa.
||he wna bom'In Dtivie County
ana spent her entire life In the
dkby Community. She was a
t^mboi'.or the Blxby Presbyterian
A. IL Beanc. 05
Funeral scrvlcua for A. D. Beane.
6 k. of MocksviUe, Rt. 3. were h:id
1 ucaday at the Fork Baptist
liurch by the Rev. A.'M. Klscr
fi|id the Rev. Wade Hutchcns,
jrlul was In the church ccmc-
Mr. Bcnne died Monday morning
ut his home. Ha had been In de
clining health for several months
and seriously ill for two montha.
He was born Sept. 9, lflS9. in
Davidson County, a son of t^wls
and Mnrlroh Davla Boane. On
Oct. 12. 1012. he was married to
Miss Lilllth Smith. They lived In
Forsyth County fur a number of
years, moving to Davle In 1034.
Mr. Bcnne was a carpenter and
a member of Fork Baptist Church.
Surviving are his wife: four sons.
Moz lie Beane of Churchland.
Mitchell Beane of Wlnston-Balem.
Route 2. Ronald Beane and Heal
Beane of the home; three datigh-
lers. Mrs. Glln Yonta of Yadkln
ColPgc, Mrs. Thomas Hcndrlx of
Fork, and Mrs. Bob Leonard of
the home; three brothers. 8. C.
Beane of Holtoways. W. M. Beane
of Lexington. Route 7. and Roy
Bcnne of Blalrc. Va.: four slsfrs.
Miss Mattle Beane, Mies Elva
Bcnne and Mrs. Roy Copley .all
of Lexington and Iss Nova Beane
of Rocky Mount, Va.i and 18
Eiica Monroe James, 64
Funeral siervlcca for Eaca Mon
roe James. 64. watchmaker, were
held Tuesday nt the Turrcnllnc
BapUsi Church. Burial was In the.
church cemetery.
Mr. JnmcB died unexpectedly
Suttirdny night of a heart attack
at his home In MoorcavlUe.
Mr. James was born In Davlc
County, a son of Thomas and
Sandas Cope Jam's. He had lived
m McJbttisvlUc for the. past twelve
years and was employed at . the
W. H. Leonard Jewcvlv Store for
n number of y'ars. At the time of
his dentil He was associated with
Mackh'a Jewelry Store at Tad-
Surviving arc the widow, Mrs.
Edna Mae Campbell James: four
sons, five broth'rs. two sisters,
and one' grandchild.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 10,1955 - Page 2
A, D. Beane
A. D. Bcanc of MoclcsviUe*
, Route 3. d'cJ Aug. let nr 'Ms
He had hcen in viecllning
heafth for several mon<lis«e(ii»UA-
Iv III for two mon hito
He was a member of. I*oi k Bap*
tist Church, j
Surviving are hi* wlf*; f««*ir sous,
three dauRhitrp, 13 gr.»nt!cu|I.Jren»
three bro her», and four aistera
Fuueral services iwrf lield af
3 r, ni.» .Tu' sdav ui Fork
Church. Burial Wris in the church
cemetery. i
Minister* <»fhei.'«ing were Rev«
A. M. Ktter ml R*' Wade
Hutchins ,
Esca M, James
Funeral iervicfs for llsca M*
lam* s. f4. who died of a heiut at
tack ar his home in M<».>rej.viUc
on Iuiv30rti« weie held -ai Tur-
rcutinc Ba.Klst Church last Tticii»
day at li a. m » nnA chebodv l.tid
to rest M>he church cemetery. ,
k^r. James wat a ctati cofOavIc
countv, a eon of the Jate Mr. and
Mijt. Thomas James, Me hud livl
ed in Moutesvllle ft>r 12 veart. At
the'Ime of his d«*nth he was as-
socla»ei with Jvwelrv
Store at Yaukmville.
Sursdvlrgare the svidow, four
«nt e brothers and two %«srers.
M , Jamve hid* many friends i »
D.ivie tounty w'.m were saddcn^uj
by his Jeaih. ' ' ' _
3frs: Mary Howard
Mr-*. Ma*v Hvward, 62, died
Wc liu'-idas* ih'-.hoineof .1 sou,
Rov A Whh k«r, MocksvlUei
Rovtti* 2 She had h.-c'n In dvcliu-
ing health for icvitd mouihi. .
Survving In addition to her
hu-b*nd are three sons, two
danghtess, one brother, nnd one
slat T. '
Fancfil nvrvic.is were held, at 2:50
p, la., Fildav'at Smith Grove
Methoikic Church by Rev, George
Bio - Obituaries - 8/10/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 17,1955 - Page 2
Mrs. J. Hi Broadway.
' Mis. I. H. Broadivav, 71» died
at her home, Mocksville, Route 3.
^he liad been in decllninjt* hcafch
several mouthii.
Mr« B.'oadway was born i n
Davie Couniv, She waj married
twice, first lo D F. McCuUough,
who died in 1946. She was then
married to J. H. Broadway, who
was killed In an automobsle acci
dent In 1950
Sur^'lving arc one brother, Ar
thur Smoot of Mocksvillc, Route
3j two stepsons, WiHijin McCul
(ough of Ashc County and J. W.
Broadway of Moeksvillc, Route 4t
tour stepdaughters.
Futieral services were held at 3
p. m,, Friday at Turtetitlne Bap'
tut Church. Rev. E, W. Turner
and E. M. James ofitctated. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/17/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 18 1955 - Page 4
^IrN. J. II. Broadway. 71
Piincrnl .services for Mrs. J. H.
BroAdway. 71. of MocksvUlc, Hi.
3. were hold Friday at the Turren-
tinc Baptist Church. The Rev. E.
W. Turner and E. M. James of*
fllcnted. Burial was in the church
Mrs. Broadway died Aug. 10, at
her home. 8hc had been in declin
ing health several months.
Mr.s, Broadway wan born in Da*
vie County Aug. 0. 1884, daughter
of Frank and Mary Holman Bmoot.
She was B mcm^r of Turrcntinc
Baptist Church. She was married
twice, first to D. F. McCuIlough.l
who died In 1046. She was then'
married to J. H. Broadway, who
was killed in an automobile acci*!dent in 1950, j
Surviving are one brother, Ar*'
tUur Smoot of MMksvlllc. Route 3: \
two stepsons. William McCullough!
of Ashc County and J. W. Broad
way of MocksvUlc. Route 4: four,
stepdaughters. Mrs. Bob Cornatzcr •
of Lewlsvllle, Mrs. R. A. Helton of I
Moeksvllle, Route 3, Mrs. Jcssj
Coble and Mrs. Davis Obornc of.
Salisbury. I
Bio - Obituaries - 8/18/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 25 1955 - Page 6
Mwta K Ptirc, 93
Funeral wrvftces for Lewis F.
Fi'yc. 93. of Advance. Rt. 2. were
held Monday at the Pulton Meth
odist Church. Rev. Ed PltCKcrnld
ulUciatcd. Burial was In the chuieh
Mr. Fi-ye died Saturday in a
Salisbury Hospital. He had liecn
seriously 111 for a week.
He was born Ui 1612. a son of
OcorKc and Roxanna Frye.
Survivors include a brother,
brothir, Samuel p. Frye of Ad*
vancc. Rt. 2: and a daughter. Mrs.
Lola Hendrtx of Lexington.
Bio - Obituaries — 8/25/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 31,1955 - Page 2
William Thomas Myers and Orvil E. Clark
Tm men loit dwb ttvce ln .n
colH^on wtikb occnmd
ei^tt mlike east of McekiyUle^ on
HiRbwav at 6;50 m. Sat^
davmornins, .• ,
William Thoinaa MvefSt 34» Ad*
vaiice» Route 2»'was driving a *51
Fofd» and Orvd E Qarit* 42,^ N.>
gro, of Lesdngtoi^ Route 1« wti
dffMng a '50 Rord. The can met
hcad^ and were practiqitly •de*
motblicd* fioth meti wete lcllleih
Fatfobnan A« W. C^x Invtit'ga*
ted the .w;reek« HV iepor«a that
this makea a totd of five peffona
who have lost their fives In traffic
acddents in Davie Couotv this
vw. .
Mr. Mv^ ia aurvtved bv hia
wife> a stepftooi hit parents* two
brothen and six atal^,
. Funeral aervkea Wife hdd at 3
p* m* Monday at the Fotk Baptlat
Chufch* with Rev. A. M. Kiaet
officiatlnib and the body, laid' to
test In the church cemhterv. '
The bereaved family have, the
sympathy of a.hoat of frlendi In
this tad hour.
Floyd Beck
Floyd Beck. 55* of Rockwell, died
: Id '• Salhbury hoapitel on Atig;
22iid. He was a brother of Mrs*
MidfBp^ea. of Smith Grove,
Ftthoral and burial services was infait To^ay.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 1,1955-Page 1
Two Men KHIed In Headoii
Collision On Hy. 64 Sat.
William Thomas Myers and Orville Eugene (John) Clark
"William Thomas Myers
Dies in Rowan Hospital
'f'wu men were killed Saturday
luorulm: In n Iiendon imtoinobllc
cnlliKsInn on Hlijluvny 64. about
rlulit tulles east of M«ck.sv|llc.
Wlllliiin Tlioinns Mycra. 34. of
Aclvanee. Route 2. died In Rowan
Memorial Ho.si)ltnl of Int'irnal In-
uiie.s and other cxteivslve ln.lurlea.
Orvll Eugene (Johnt Clark. 42.
Negm. of Lexington. Route 8, was
pronounced dead on arrival at
Lexington Memorial Hospital.
Stale Highway Patrolman A. W.
Cox of Mocksvlllc said the accident
oceured about 6:50 a.in. when a
car driven by Clark attempted to
patei another and crashed Into
M.vcr5* car.
The cars locked together near
the center line. Both were de
The victims were alone. Myers
was traveling east toward Lcxliig-
lon, and Clark was going west to
ward Mocksvllle.
The patrolman said the wreck
liccitrcd on a straight stretch of
road. Myers was wedged into the
sent by the motor which was
rainnicd through the dashboard.
He died about an hour after being
Myers was born Dec. 20.1021. in
tlic Fork Baptist Church com
munity of tlavie County, a son of
Jake and Jennie Myers.
He is survived by his wife, the
former Mrs. Bemice Wood; a step,
son. Charles Wood: his parents of
Advance. Route 2: two brothers.
Oarland Myers of Moeksville.
Rouio 4. and Wayne Myem of Ad-
'^vnncc. Route 2: and six sisters.
Mrs. Hctu-y Wood. Mrs. Bomice
Marsh. Mrs. William Head and
Miss Pansy Myers of Advance.
Route 2. Mrs. Ovitt Hcndrix of
Salisbury, and Mrs. J. B. Barber
of Eton college.
Funeral services were conduct-
cd at 3 p.in. Monday at Fork Bap
tist Church by the Rev. A. M. Klscr
and the Rev. Lonnie Fleming. Bur
lul wos in the church cemetery.
Clark, an orderly at Lexington
Meinoriol Hospital for eight years,
is survived by his wife, the former
Tcsrtic Oarils, and a daughter.
Willie Mac Clark of the home.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/1/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thui-sday, September 1,1955 - Page 3
Mtn* cKarlM timiie"'
Mi'k. Chni) s drecne of Lake
^ City, a. C.. died Tiipjwlay of n
' cpi ebral hemmorhaBe. . ^ ,
I aho was the former Limn Brbwii.
' duuitiucr of Mrs. M. d, u^wh
and ihe Into Mr. Brdxvn of Mocks-
Loenl mirvlvor.s Include her
inoth r, MKs Cntherinc Drown.
Oiiytoh Brown, P. O. Brown,
i ail of Mocksvllto; Mr.s. ii. K Mc«
MtHan of Lumbortbn and Mni.
ivvry A.'itio of Liimberton.
John M. Mock. t5
John Mark Mock. 25. of Clem-
I moii.s, Flouto 2. died at 12:15 p.m.
I Tue.sday »t his home. He hod been
I In declintnfc htnlth for nine
I months nnd cvltlcully 111 for nine
He was born Sept. 24. 1929. In
Uftvli! County, the son of OeorRe
W. nnd E11741 Essex Mock. He
n spent his curly life In the Ad-
I vunce commnnlty. nnd for the past
' three yenrs had lived In the Clem-
inons community, where he farm
ed. He was n veteran of the Ko
rean War and a member of Mock
Methodist Church.
He was man ied July 3. 1952 to
Miss MuvkIo Smith.
Svu'vlvInK are his wife, one son.
John Mark Mock. Jr. of the home;
his father. Oeorae. Mock of Ad
vance; filx brothers. O. Prank and
Roser B. Mock, both of Advance.
Nelson Mock of the U, 8. Air Force
In Lotilsann. Lawixmce
Wnlkoi town. Charles J. Mock_ of
Wlnsion-Salem. and J.' W. Mock
of Qrornsboio: nnd fiva slstert}.
Mr.s. Catherine Bafley. Mrs. Mary
Rubertson. Mrs. Rachel Cook and
Miss Emily Mock, all of Advance.
Route 1 .and Mrs. Edythe Rum
mage of Lexlncton. Route 3.
James I Jim) Rurrus
' Jame.n Uim> Burru.s died Tues
day In a Vuldese Ho.spital after nn
iltne.sK of .several weeks. His home
was at Rutherford College.
Funeral services will be held
Thunxlay at 4 p.m. at Rutherford
Methodist Church.
He uns the son of Mli'S. A. J.
Burnis and the late Mr. Burrtis.
The late Rov. A. J. Burrtis was the
Davie Methodist Clrctilt Pastor
here In IPU-1912.
8urvlvor.s Inclttde the mother:
Miss Ulanchc Burrus of Greens-
I bnru CoUeg.*; Chnrlos Burrus of
' 9helby: Joltn W. Burrus of Wash-
. lititton. U. C.: Mrs. Koilney Stov-
ler ami Ml.ss^ Ruth Burrus of the
I home.
Funeral services will be conduct
ed at 2 p.m. Thursday at the homo
and at 3 p.m. at Mock't Methodist
Church niy the Rev. W. E. Ptta-
Kcntld nnd the Rev. E. Elvin
Jone.s. The body will lie In ptnta
In the church for 30 minutes be
fore the service. Burial will be In
the church cemetery.
Bio — Obituaries — 9/1/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 7, 1955 - Page 2
Mrs. Chat. Ore«n, of Lake CUv,
S.iC., died at a Florence*
hotpital la&t Tueadav. Mrs. Green j
tvat a native of Mocktville a
daughter ot Mrt. M. D. Browti and
the laie Mr Dtown. Aihe, of Lumbertom iMI.SJJ
n F""""' »ncl buri^tttvicestoofc ciavion and Kathrvn Srown. : ofplace at Lake Cltv Thursday. thi. citvi and one brother. P.'G,
^ Mr.. Green u aurvlved by her ^oik.Wlle. ?
husband, one .on and one daugh.| Mr. Green had many friendr in
ten her mother, four elttera. Met. i Mocksviile who were taddcncd i?y
Mr>*. B. P. McMillan and Mta, pf death. < |
J. ih. Mock 1
luhn Murk Mo^k* 25i ot Clem*
ndont. Route 2, died Aug. 20 at
hit home. He had been in dectin
Ing health for nine months and
criticallv ill for nine days. j
He was bom Sept. 24, 1929. in
Davie Counw, the son of George
W. and Eliza Essex Mock.
Surviving are his wife, one son,
his father, six brolhtrb, and five
' Funeral services were conducted
at 2 p. m., Thursday at >he home
and at 3 p. m , at Mock*> Mcilio-
dist Church by Rev. W. E. buz
gefald and Rev. W: Elvin Jo«ies
Burial was in the church ceuietetv.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/7/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 8,1955 - Page 2
Miss Edith Hoots
Dies In Hospital
Miss Edith Foaier HooIm. 37. of
Snnfor Avenue, died at i p.m
'tueaday at Bapllat Hoapltal, Win-
ston-8alcm. She hod been eer*
ttiualy 111 for the paat four months,
but hev death was unexpected.
She was born In Davle County.
March 30. 10l», daughter of WIU
ham Hobavt and Grace Foster
She Is survived by her parents
of MocksvlUe: three slatem. Mrs.
Kathlyn Reovls of MocksvUle,
Mrs. Uuth Wright of Wlnaton-Sa-
lem and Mrs. Romona Hill of
Blatcsvlhe; two brothers. William
H Hoots. Jr., of Wlnston-Salem
and Vernon O. Hoots of MocksvlUe.
Fuhcrol services will be held Prl.
day at 2 p.m. at the Baptist
Church. Rev. J. P. DavU will of
ficiate. Burial wlU be in Joppa
Cemetary. Cousins will serve as
Bio — Obituaries - 9/8/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 15,1955 - Page 7
Pmr fllfnn Brawn
Percy Olrnn Brown. 6D. of. N.
Main St.. n member of the Mocks*
ville Masonic Lodfjo for 46 yrnrs.
died Thur.';dQy. StMU. a. nt Lynn
Haven Nurlnc Home nfltcr n scr*
Inus lllnefis of eltrht months.
He wort born Oct. 17. 100.^ Ini
Dnvle Cotinty. the aon of Mrs. M.!
D. Brown nnd the title Mr. Brown.'
Mr. Brown was phint superin*
tendem for Esso Siondord Oil
Company In Orecnsboro before re.
tirln':,' In 1040 after 30 yenrs of,
aervlce. lie wns active In the Mu*'
Mtnic Lodr;e and was a ntctabcr of
the.Klrsi Baptist Church. He wuh
married to Miss Mary Bailey M>
roney D«X'. .70. 1022.
Survlvlmt are his wife: one
daughter. Miss Stic Drown, of U**
noir: his mother and four sisters,
Misses Claylon and Kalhryne
Crown of MockKvill? nnd Mrs.
Perry Ashe and Mrs. B. P. Mc
Millan of Lnnibertnn.
Ftmei-al services were held FrNj
day nt 5 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral
Home,.wlih tlw Rev. A. J. Cox of
Monroe, and the Rev. W. Q. Orlui;i
ohlclatlnK- Btirlal was In Rose
Cemetery, with full Masonic liies.
Hnllbonrcr.s were: JiUin N. Wat
ers. James D Bocer, Rufus Ban*
ford. B. V. Foster. Milton Call and
II. M. Arnold.
Mm. Llilhrr t. PmIIm'. 01 ^
Funeral services for Mrs. Sullle
Ann Potts. 61. wife of Luther Lee
Pothi of Advance. Route I. were
held Moiulny at the Advnnc} Mcth*'
odl.Ht Church. The Rev. Ed Plta-
pernld nud the Rev. C. E. Cmw-
ford otflclnted. Burial wns In the
church cemetery.
Mrs, Potts died early 8:|it. II
nfter an Illness of one week. She
had been In dccliiitnk health sev
eral years. |
Mrs. Potts was Ijorn In Duvle'
County. July 7, 1894. daui;hter of
Thoma.s and Betty Miller CUne.l
She was a member of the Advance
Methodist Church.
Burvlvlna are the hustmnd: three
dnutthters. Mrs. Elmer T. Smith of
Advance. Route 1. Mrs. John F.
Fender of Wlnston-Solem and Mrs.
A. R. Ledford of the Itome: three
sons. lAittuT and Julius Potts of
Yadklnville and Wesley Cllite uf
Charlotte; nine grandchildren;
and two sisters, Mrs, Robert Cope
of Advance. Route I .and Mrs. J.
P. Etchlfton of McLeansvllle.
Bio — Obituaries - 9/15/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 15,1955 - Page 7
l.ltidiuw t$
Ftmeral servires for Undsey Lee \
Frye. 2». of MoekKvlllo. Route 3,1
wore hold Sunday nt the Carnal-1
/• r WapUft Churcli. The Rev. |
Clarence Jcnkin.*<. ttie nev. fitiKCiiet
Goodman and the Rev. 1). A. Cnr-
roU otUclut:d. Burial was In the
church cemelcix
Mr. Prve died nt his home nt
It a.m.. Sept. 0. For the past 18
.venrs he had been sulTcrJiig from
rheutuntold arthritis and for the
past sivernl years Imd been an
invnild. lie w»t4 lu serious vondittou
for two weeks.
He uats born In D-.tvle Cotmty
April 30. 1027. n son of Benjamin
Floyd nnd Pearl Potts Fryt.
fiurvlvinu tire his mother: two
brothers. Luther Carl and Huston
Gray Fvye of Mocksvllle. Route
3; three sisters. Mrs. Weldon AU
len nnd Mrs. Jnmes Shonl of
Mocksvillc. Route 3. and Miss
Fmma Lnu Frye of the home:
nnd n urnndiuother, Mrs. Teltu
Potts of Mocksvllb, Route 3.
Bio — Obituaries - 9/15/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 22, 1955 - Page 1
Funeral services for Charles
Roberts Crenshsw. 4t Mocksvllle
merchant and former school
tenchcr. wcie held Monday at the
Mocksvllle Hcthodlftt Church, The
Rev. W. Q, QrlRg omciated. Burial
was in Rose Cemetery.
Mr. Cronshnw died at hU home
on Salisbury Street Saturday at
1:15 p.m. He had been In decltn-
InR health for one year and scr*
lously 111 for three weeks.
He was owner and operator of
the B .F. Ooodrlch store here.
Frior to Roinr Into the retail busi
ness he taught school at Smith
Orove and at Mocksville High
School for a number of years.
A native of Smith County. Va..
tfnr as bom MarJ^ ». ItOg. a sen
ot Oray AU:n and Oeorite Wam-
pfer Crenshaw, He graduated from
itmbry and Henry* OoUete and
came to Davie Comity to live in
1931. He was a member of the
Mocksvllle Methodist Church and
a charter member of the Lions
Survivors Include his wife. Mrs.
Helen Page Crcnshaw; a son.
Charles Roberta Crenshaw, Jr.. of
the home; and a brother. H. W.
Crenshaw of Roanoke. Va.
Pallbearers were Clyde Hendrlx.
Leslie Daniel, Henry Markland.
James Howard. Jlmmle James and
C. H. Tomllnson.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/22/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 21,1955 - Page 2
Herbert Crawford
Herbert Crawford, 63. 9 well*
known Mockftville Negro, died, at
hU home on South flain street
Thursday afternoon at 1 o*dbck,
TollowinR an" extended illness. He'
if survived bv his wife and one
son. ^ Funeral services were held
« the PKshvterian Chureh on J
Pine street Ssturday afternoon. ^
Bio - Obituaries - 9/21/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 28, 1955 - Page 2
\Chas. R, Crenshaw\
j Cliarica Rohens Cn-fi'liaw, 47.
1 Mncksville merchant miit tormer
' tchuu) Icachei, tlirJ nt his home onI •
[Salisburv Street at 1:13 p. m., Sept.
17th, He had been lii declining
health for one vear and scrtouslv
ill for three weelta.
He was nu ner and operator of
the B. F. Goodflch. sft-re here
Pripr to |(cinu into ihc retail bus!
' ncss he lauyht at Smith Grove
School and «l Mock^ville High
School for a number of vcars.
A native of Smith County, Va.,
he was bom March 9, 190H. He
graduated from Eniorv and Heiuy
. College and came CO Davto Coun-
tv to live In I92S. He was a mem'
ber of the Mwclcsvllle Meihodiat
Church and a charter member of
the Lions Club here.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs.
Helen Page Crenshnw, a son» Char
les Robert Crcnshaw. Ir., of the
home; and a broihe.-, H. W.Cr.-n-
'^aw of Roanokc, Va. I
I Funeral services were conducted
at 4 p.m., Sept 19th at the Mocks-
vilte Methodist Church bv Rev*
W. Q. Grigg. Burial was in Rose
Cemetery. |
All Mocktville stores closed dur*
ing rhc funeral hour us a tribute of
.respect to this good man. His
deii'h brought sadness to a host
ol frien.!# throughout the town
aoii e«n<ntv.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/28/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 29,1955 - Page 1
(/Iiilcl h Killed When
Diid's (iir Hits Hei*
Hiirhifva Ann Prevctte
Itan Over In Driveway
A 11 monUi old Phi wns klHed
IwM" Sniurdny tnornlnK the fiwU
yurd of iirr home when n chr driv
en by htn* fnlhcr run over her.
The tniiilly Injured child wns
Iinrhnni Ann Prcvcltc. dnuplUcr of
dnnrs M. and LcshIc MUc Ander
son Prevetio of the Davlc Acad
emy romnmnlty.
She was pronounced dead on ar
rival h( n Muckftvlllc doctor's of-
llec at 11:30 a.m.. Saturday, min
utes after her fattier nish.d her
thet'u In his car.
Mr, Prevetio said he was un
aware Hint the child was pinylnjr
In the drive when hs drove there
Saturday mornliiK.
The eiiild Is survived by licr
inirrnU: two brothers. Randy Clay
and James Davis Prcvcttc. both
ol the home; the mnt:rnal grand-
l>aronls. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde An
derson of StateavlUc. Route 4, the
paternal Krandparcnts. Mr. and
Mrs. Gnstcn' Prcvctt^. North
'Wilkcsboru. Route 3.
Funeral services were held Mon
day at the Lewis Baptist Church
In Wllkes County. The Rev. Mr.,
Hayes, pnslor of the church ofh-
ciated. Burial was In (he church
cemetery. «
Bio — Obituaries — 9/29/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 29,1955 - Page 3
G, lYank Talbert, 50
Funeral services for O. Frank
Tnlb2rt. 50. (it Winstpnj-Salem
.were dicW .'Mondky "at'
Chnppl .nnd at the Adysnce Meth*
ociist Church. Rev, J. E. Yontz and
the Rev. W. E. Fltzixorald ofilc-
In led. Burial was In the church
Mr. Talbert flUfTci'ed a h?art at*
tack Saturday while fishlnir near
Mocksvillc. Ho died at 3:45 p.in.
He was the son of the late
Oannon Talbert ond Rcb:cca MIn*
or Talbert of Advance. He was ns*
soclntcd with his brother, Jphn
Talbert.,at the Twin City Elec
trical Repair Company In Win-
Survivors Includue his wife, the
fnrnier Am Corntzer: two sons.
First t\, W. H. Talbert of Shaw
Field. Sumtcr, S. C.: and p. R.
Talbert of Stntcsvlllo; tWo grand"
children:, seven brothers. Sam,
Joe and Tom Talbert of Advance,
John Talbert of Winsion-Salem;
Dennis Talbert of Lexington:
Oannon Talbert of Morehead City
and James Talbert of Wyandottc.
Michigan. Three sisters. Miss Amy
Talbert of Mocksvillc: Mrs. Minn
ie Bryson of Advance and Miss Re
becca Talbert of Zebulon.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/29/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 5,1955 — Page 2
iu m«d
James McDaaiel
JameiS. McDaniel, 79, fetbed
farmer* died at his home ncnr
. Center Wednesday night, follow
•Ing an extended illness.
Surviviou arc one son, Cecil Mc-
Daniel and one .daughler, Mrs.
Fr.itik Dwigglns of Cent:n one
|>rt»cher* i> M. McDanicl. and one
ai ter. Mrs. Cora Lapish, both of
near Uavie Academv>
\ Funeral services were held at
C^nret Methodist Chnrch at 3 p.
m.* Friday, with Rev. Robert Oalc-
lev. Re*', E. M. Avett and Rev. G.
W. Fink ofHciatiog, and he body
Uidto rest to (bgt^urch cemetery.
; .Barbara* Ann Pr^^e, 14-
months old dau^ttcr of. Mr* and
Mrs. James Prevctte, ofncarDavle
'Academy, was kilt^ on Sept. 24th
*when run'over by a'car driven by
her father to the yard at tocir
home. The father rush^ die child
to Dr. Lbng'a oiEce to this city
Ibut she was pronounced dead.
, Hi.r hither did not tee the child
when he drove into the yard.
Surviving ate the parents and
two brothers.
Funeral services were held at
Lewis Baptist Church to Wllkes
Countv on Sept. 24th.
This is Davie County's eighth'
d^th from automobile accidmts
this year.
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 5,1955 - Page 3
C. Frank Talkert
''Fonetid setvices for G*' Frank
Talbeit 50. of Wtoston>Salem.
wem held at Vogler's Chapel at 2
p. m., Sept. 26, and at Advahce
Methodist Church at 3:30 p. m;,
with Rev. j. E, Youuiz and Rev.
W. E. Fitzgerald officiating and the
body laid to test to the church
Mr. Talbect was a son of the
late Mr* and Mrs. Gannon TalBcrt
of Advance. ' f
Mr. Talbert was 'fishing to a
; Davie Creek on Sept. 24th • when
; he sufi'ercd a heart attack. He only
lived a few minutes and died in
his car. His brother Sam was
with him when he- passed away.
Mr. Talbert is survived by his
wife and two sons, seven brothers
and three sisters,, one of them bet
ing Miss Amy T^bert, of Mocks*
ville. County Welfare Superintend*
The Record extends sympathy
to the^bcreaved ones in this sad
Bio - Obituaries - 10/5/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 6,1955 - Page 1
Rites Arc Held
For Foster Infant
The infant son of Mr. and Mis.
JaincH A. Foster of Mocksvillc.
Route 4. died Sunday morning at
the Rowan Memorial Hospital
shortly after birth.
Tlic infant is survived by the
parents .and three sisters. Caro
lyn. Bi-enda Kay and Margaret
Funeral s:rviccs were held Sun
day afternoon at 5 p.m. at the
graveside in the St. Luke's Luth
eran Chnrcli at Bear Poplar. The
Rev. Cydc Miscnheimcr was in
Final Rites Held Frr {
Mrs, Fliirenec Statlord 1
Funeral services for Mrs. Plor- i
cnee Atkinnon StafTord. 63. of Ad
vance. Route 1. were held Tticsday
at the Manuel Funeral Home in
Winston - SnPrn. Dr. Ralph Herr
ing. pastor of the First Baptist
Cliurcli, ofllclated. Burial was in
the Snlem Cemetery,
Pallbearers weer Eugene Benn
ett. B, T. Browdcr. E. T. Atkin
son. Jr,. Haven Crews, Scabon
'! Cariiatscr. and Jack Simmons.
I Mrs. Stafford was found dead
in bed at tier home at 0:30 a.m.
Monday morning. Bite was ap
parently in good hcnlti) when she
retired Sunday night and she ap-
parcntlv died in her sleep.
She was born Dec. 13, 1891. in
Davic County, daughter of Tiiom-
as P. and Sarah Stcclnmn Atkin
son. Site was im'irricd Jan. 5, 1921. j
to Joseph F. StafTord who died!
Feb. 27. 1950.
She lived in Winston-Salcin for
a number of years and was a
member of the First Baptist
Church. For the past several years
she had lived at tlic old Itomc-
For a nifhiUcr of years she was
rcgisivnr in the East Precinct of
Shady Orovc Township.
She is survived by one daugh
ter, Mrs. Florcnve StafTord Mock
of Advance. Rt. 1: three grand
children: three sisters. Mrs. Efiic
Boring of Joncsboro. Tenn.. Mrs.
Hannah Brown and Mrs. D. C.
Locklarc. both of WlnRlon-Saicm
and two brothers. Earl T. Atkin
son. Sr.. of Wlnston-Snlcm and
Pat Atkinson of Ashcvillc.
Bio ~ Obituaries -10/6/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 6,1955 - Page 5
Jaiues S. Mi'lhiiilel, 7tf
Ftlll.rnI siu'vicf.s fur .lames S.
McDanlel. 7a. rollrecl farmer of
Mock.Hvillo. Riiiite 1. weix* htdtl ErU
day ut the CtrnUa* Mellmdlst
Ohiireli, Uov. RoImtI Oiikl y. the
Rev. R. M. A veil and the Rev. Ct.
W. Pink ullU'laled. lliiriiil was in
I he elitireh Lvmel«>ry.
Mr. Menanlel died Siiii. 2Ulli in
the C. liter Ciiiireh eomiiuiniiy af-
tiT II .serlniiK iihie.s.s of Lwo wiH'ks.
He had lii-en in deetiniiu; lieidlh
.^everai mi>ntl).s.
Mr. MeDaniei was horn in n.ivie
County Nov. ao. Ia7i)..s4m of Ihih*
I II. atiii Emiiui Cariner MeDaniei.
He wa;; a ineiiilMM' of Center Meth-
Oili.st Chiircii and had .serveii on llie
Imadr of .stewards, and Iritslees
for inuny yenr.s. He wa.s married
to Mis.s L'lia Alieo Koont/. in MMit.
Sill* died in 1922.
Kiirvivina are one .son. Cecil Me
Daniei: one daimhter. Mr.s. W. E.
n\vititsin.s: liiree Krandcliildren:
one hrother, J. M. McDaniel and
one .si.m- r. Mrs. Cora l^ipi.sti. all
of Miiek:;viittt. flniite 1.
Bio - Obituaries -10/6/1955 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 12,1955 - Page 2
Marvin Bates
Commits Saidde
^arvin Bates. 42, of Rcdiand,
was found dead Saturday when
his body was found dansUns from
a rope in a bam near his home.
Davie Coroner Dr. Garland Greene
said he died from hanging. The
family had reported him missing
Saturday mornlnR.
He is survived by bis wile. Mrs.
Mildred Allen Bates, of the borne;
his mother, of Jonesvitle, two dau
ghtets, two sons, of the home; two
sisters, two half-sisters and a half-
Funeral services were conducted
at 4 p. m« Monday at Bethlehem
Methodist Church by Rev. O. E.
Smith, and the body laid to rest
in the church cemetery.
Louis C. Wyatt
Louis C. Wyatt, 57, o( Mocks-
ville, Route 3i died in a Winston'j
Salcm hospital Friday afremoon,
following a serious Illness of three
months. He was a member of
Asccitsions Episcopal Church a;id
Fork Civic Club. He was a 8<»n
of Mrs. |ohn Wyatt and the l> re
Mr, Wyatt. Survivors include I,is
wife, his mother, one son. thiee
daughters, two siscers, live brojh«
ers and six grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at
3:30 p. m. Sunday at*Fork Baptist
Church, with Rev.. John Zumes
and Rev. A. M. Kiser officiating,
and the bodv laid to rest in tlie
church cemcterv.
Mrs,J,F, Stafford]
Funeral services for Mrs. Plot |
ence Stafford, 63, who was found
dead in bed on Oct 3rd. at her
home near Bixby, were held on i
Oct. 4tb, at Manuel Funer.d Home,
Winston-Salem, and the body laid
to rest in Salcm cemetery.
Mrs. Stafford was a native of
Davie Couniy; a daughter, of the
late Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Atkin*
Surviving are one daughter
three sisters and two brothers.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/12/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 12,1955 - Page 3
Na^inie DUnnc, 7-<l»v oM dau-
gLeer of Mr. and Mrt. GJeno Rea-
vii, of Routa Z. «M Friday In »
SilUbuiv Hotpiiai. Funeral' acr-
vi^ wan held at. Bear Craeic
; BaptoCfautdialZ nj Satur-
' day, and die body laid lo rear in
tht churdi cemeiety.
Mrs. John S^mon
' Mts.Johh Ta Scamon* 83i of
Mocicsvilley Route 1,. Wed*
nesday afternoon following a five
weekf eerioua iUneat.
In addition to. her hutband. ahe
Is survived by elifiiht childreny Mrs.
Arthur FhelpSy Cleveland* Route
1; Mrs. Hubert Hendricks, Mrs.
Robert Felker, Mr*. Arthur Day-
wait, Mrs. Marvin Williams, Lew
is SiMnion and William Seamon*
alt of ^ute 1. and Atvin Seamon*
of Slatesvilje, Route 4; 40 grand'
children, ^ great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Seamon was a native of
Davie Cbuntv, the former Mia i
Emma Camilla Davis. She was a
member of the Jerk^ho Church of
Funeral services were held Fri^
'dayatll&ni. at St. Matthews
lAitheran Church with N. H. Alex
ander officiating, and the body
aid to rest In the church cemetery*
Bio - Obituaries — 10/12/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 13,1955 - Page 7
ft'Iiirvin \V. Kates, 42,
Hanjrs Self In Barn i
weiv hehl Mon
day ta the nclhleliMn MrlluuHsl
riau'cli Jn Davi,. (.'ouniy.rnr Mar
vin VVoodrow PntcH. 42. of Advaniv.
tlniilf I. Ri'V. O. E. SiiiUh omc-
lalcd.' lUirhil was In tli(> ohtnvh
ernioLM'y. '•
Mr. Uali'R was found lute SaU
iirday. Diivlo Coroni'r Dr. G V.
Oreono. .said lie died from hanidnn.
The body was found danidliMi
from u ro|K» In ti barn on Du-
P.idoa' i)ro|U'iiy.
Tho fiunlly liad reporlcd hitn
tnlsslni: nuUrr in Iho day.
lie WOK born Mareli 22. 1012. In
Yndkln ronidy. and had brrn em-
pln.vul by the P. II. llano.H Knii-
llnw Co... of Winston-Salein.
Ho Is .stnvlvi'd by bl.s vvlfi'. Mrs,
Mihirrd Allen Untes of the homi>:
his mother. Mrs. Kiwa Plynn
Uale.s of Jonesvill>; two dtiiiahters.
PaUy and Nancy DaleH of llie
homo: two son.s. Ronald iind Wood,
row llnU's of the home: two .sls-
hr.s. Mrs. Ll/'/ie Ueshears and
Mrs. Ni'tlii* Rrynnt of Ilunes; iwo
Imlf-Klst r.H. Mi-s. N<ir« Rail tif
Yadklnvllle ami Mr.s. l<ols MeCann
of .lonesvlllu. a Imir-broDu'r. Paul
l-'lynn of Jonesvilte.
Bio - Obituaries — 10/13/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 13,1955 - Page 3
Naiinli* llctvis
Puncrnl Nervices for Nannie Dl-
nnne Urnvls. seven-dtiy-old clnugh.
ler of Mr. and Mr.s. Glenn Keavls
of Mncksvllle. Roule '2. weiv held
Snlurduy nl tlio Rear Creek Bnj)-
Ual Cluireh. The Rev. W. C. Bnrk-
ley onielnlcd. Burliil w\\n In ihe
eluireh coinelery.
The infant died Friday iil a Sal-
i.'iluiry. hospital.
She Is .survived by her parehhs.
a Lt.sier.. Linda and n brother. FiU
ward, of the home: the praudpar-
enls. Mr. and Mr.s. Jack Hooe Jind
Mr. and Mr.s. Grady Rcavl.s. all
of Maelc.sviUe. Route '2.
I.. (?. W.valt. Til
FnnemI .s;rvlccn for Lewis Cae
sar Wyntl. 57. of 5roek.svllh\ Rl.
:i. were held Siinday at the Fork
liapit.st Church. Uev. John Zunis
and the Rev. A. M. Kl.scr ofTlPlaled.
Hnrlnl wa.s in tlu» church ceme-
Mr. Wyalt dl.d Friday In the
City Hospital In Winslon'Salein,
lie had been In It) liealH) four
months and critically 111 two
Mr, W.vutt was born March Jil.
lllDil. In Dnvie County, the .sou of
John Noah and Bally Bailey \Vy-
lie was employed at the Dixie
Fttrnlturo Cknnjiany nl Leshtpton.
IL» wa.s a member t)f Ascen.sion
Church nl Fork.
Stit vivinp arc hi.s mother, uf
Mocksvlllc, Route 3: hl.s wife. Mvs.
Valerie Gnrwood Wynii: three
dauttUtcrs. Miss Pauline Wynti of
Charlotte. Mr.s. Phil Edwnrd.s of
Denver. Colo.; nnd Mr.s. Worth
Lll.ile of Alb:m:irle: a .son. Gene
W.valt of Mocksvlllc. Rt. 3: four
brothers, Rad K. and Wllllnin A.
Wyalt of WIn.ston • Salem. nnd
Wade H. and .!. Prank Wyalt <if
Mficksvillc, Uiaile 3: two sisters,
Mis. E. R. Williams and Mr.s,
Thonm.s P. Oiiflln of Wlnsnn-Sn-
Bio - Obituaries — 10/13/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 13,1955 - Page 3
It. 11. OrrRciry. 711
Eimeml service's for Richard
Mriiry Creyory, one of live plonrer
lobnccn men In Ihl.s cunntry and
China, were hold Sunday nl the
Clmrc!) of the Good Shepherd In
Uocky Mounl. N. C. The rector, the
Ucv. Thomas J. Smyth, oniclntcri.
The Rev. Edward M. Oreimry. of
Rlehmond, Va. .a nephew of the
di cea.sed. u.ssl.s1i?d.
Mr. Orenory died Del. U In a
Rocky Mmmi lIo.si)t;vl after a tnuu
period of docllnlnK hcalih. Tie vvus
VP years of ape.
He was born In Ornnville Covm>
l.v, April in. 11170, n son of Cop-
tain Archibald Hatchcit Oreipiry
and Lucy June llrodio Oreisory.
He vveni lo Rocky Mount *tis ;i
yminu man and went Into the to
bacco bviBtnctfs with his brnlhcr,
the late L. B. Oroeory.
Mo went to China In 1005 with
the Hi lilsh ClRarcltu Company, an
nlllilnte of the Btiti.sh - American.
Tobacco Company, He was ninn-|
noliiR director of tha Biiti.sh Clu-|
arette Company for n number of I Mr. Oreyory la aurvlved by hla
years with ofllce.H In Shanghai, I wife, the former Harriett Burl
He i-etiirncd to Rocky Movml InlAninelon of Rocky Mount. Va.:
1035 and retired. jn daughter. Mrs. J. C. Morrow of
TT . •Tnrboro: o. brother. .Oco^' U
Oicfforj' of Rlchmonil. Vfl.J
sister. Mrs. E, R Bradlfjkj
Bio — Obituaries - 10/13/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 19,1955 - Page 3
H h, La^le
Rav Heodaiioo Lagte^ 65*
died.at 6 !»• mH Thuniday at bit
hornet Modct^^ Route 4. He
had been Hi dt»cUiiitig heellliayear
and s/fiovsly W dx weiekt.
I Mr^L^ewas a fafom. He was
'a member ^'Tucienitoe B^pilet
'Chuich.- Par mi^tiy bo bad
Ibeen actjve in'ihe work of the Rer
ipablicaii party and waa a former
ooroiter of Davie. County* n
I SurvlvimK ata hls*wife»the form'
er By(e fl« Daniels* hyo ioiM» H*
Rav IL LarfOf Jr., two grand*,
dilldren, tmSl a aiater* ^Mia. W,
T* Spry* all of ModisviU^ Route 4*
' Fungal services were conducted
at Tcirientine Baptist Chiucb at
3 p, m.* Sunday bv Rev* H. W.
HutdiinBi Rev<iB» C* iUlams, Rev.
Robert Ridge and Rev* las* Ococe*
Burial waa to die church cme*
James Jones
James Richard Jones* iix*weelc*
old ton of Mn and Mrs* Alton
Jones of MocksvUle, Route 4* died
Thursday at his home*
Graveside services were conduct*
edacll a. m.* Pciday at Union
Chapel Methodist Churdi Mme-
tery by Rev. H* W. Hutcbehs^
Stttvlvots iiidude the parents, a
sister* .a brother* all-of the homes
J, Pf Roberts
• ••* ^ I • •
. .Fuii^ 'bittvk^ .for Janes P*
Robefts*.78i who died suddenly at
his l^e near County Ltoc^ .on
0^-9t^: .Kdd at Bundi Fun*
ral Home Cha^ Stafesviile.at 11
sL - m.,' hist Tuesday, and the be^
laldto rest '^ Oakwood Ceinctetv*
Survlviiig are.flie the form*
er Miss EflUeSSttoud. and four
aistersl Mrs. Rohectfa death re
sulted from a heart attack:
Bio - Obituaries - 10/19/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
SALISBURY POST, 10/22/1955
^iliam McDamVl
fiitHrtw HoS! dirtj
sMj"" •feS'fiikS;
•[«• bier married lo air«^\- flel'
SS^M »•» wrvivei: BenytaJ'
at j-aS*^' •«'*ice> iHIl' be bsu *• i« 2.» p.(n. a, SaaihiJde fliSl
wm pS°S.'S'«gj
/c-LI' j
Bio - Obituaries - 10/22/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
SALISBURY POST, 10/23/1955
2m» Sni®W Uaeabioa. »l
£f •»• ftrTihBiffl
.•SJSff!"""""' 5!
: ^
Bio - Obituaries - 10/23/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 26,1955 - Page 3
J, T, Carter
Tohn -^Oavl* Carter* 49, farmer
of Mdckuvillei Route 3, died Oct-
t8. at hU fiotnev He had been in
declining health three vean' and
ieriouiiy III four weeks.
'Surviving are .the widow^ die
fohner Miss Ruth Mae Poets: two
daughtertf, Mrs. Undv I^nids of
Hickorv jind Miss TnCvltenc Car*
ter of the home* two eon » Jimmv
Ray Carter of Lexington and lit*
, rv Dean Carter of thehome; seven
sisteis* Mrs. John Minor WinS'
ton-Salcm. Mfs. Orcch Howard
-,an'(l Mrs. WairSowm of Lexing
ton,; Route 4. Mrii.; fim Rkhafd-
•dn of Mocksvilte^ Route 3. Mrs.
]01in Bamhatdtof Advance, Route
' 2. 'Mrsl Bryant Lewis of hiinnca*
pois, N. C, and Misa. Annie Carter
of Advance, Roiite 2; and three
btbth'crsl Albert Caitcrof Advuice
Route 2, MitchcU Car^ of High
Point and B^ter Ckiter of Mocka*
^viUe. Routa3.
' Futicial smloea wete held at
2dO p.in.v Wedcieiday at Comah
icr Chufich; Riev. Eugnig
Goodman. Rev. Jimmv Gioc^ and
Rev. A. M. \ICiser. offidated;. Bu-
. rial ww In the chufch eemtiery.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/26/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 27,1955 - Page 5
W, Al. Studi'Vi 111. !)4
Funernl services were hold
Wediio.sdsiy nriornnnn :U p.m. at
Pinoy Orovc A.M E. Church. Hiir-
iiiony. for WUlliim Martin Shido-
vrut. 04. who died ai Ids homo on
Route I. Mocksville. Sunda.v ntphl,
Oct. HI. Rev. O. W. Campbell w:i^
III charac of the .servico.K, Hurial
wn.s 111 the church c iiietery.
do had lived hi Davie Coiinly
lor over f»n yeais ami wn.s Uiuuvn
to iiiaiiy as Mr. Asbury. In early
life he wa.s employed as n con*
stiiicilnn worker and in lai v life
OS n farmer. He xvii* a meinlH'r of
the Ma.sonic Lmlite of Mocksvilic.
Members of the Masonic Eodpe
STved as pallbtMivovs.
Survivors Include five .sons.
Joltii Stedevent. Alesandrht. Va.,
Shtrley Stiidcvciu. Advance. Make
Sludev'.nt. Wusliiniilon, D. C..
Ulehui'd Stud'.'vetit. Hnckaway, N
Y.. and Clyde Studeveiil of Mocks
ville: three diumhter.s. Ml.ss Oe-
nevn Stud.vent, Mis. Columbia
IJnmeA and Mis. Estcl) Foster, all
of Route I. Mork.sville: !hl miind-
chlldren and 39 meai-ttnindrhll-
Perry Eu«eiie Chuppell
Oravcslde services were held
V/ednesduy at the Liberty Meilio-
dlst Churdh for Pirry Ei^ieiiu
Chappell. Infiuil .son of Marvin
Eupeiio and Btatlo Brown Clmpp-
eU of MocksvlUe. Route 4.
I'ho Infant died October 25 in ^
a Salisbury hospital. |
SurvlvUiB are the pavent.s, ono
.slstcy, Linda, of the homo: the pa
ternal Brnndpareni.s. Mr. and Mv.s.
Wll.sou Chuppell of Cooleemeo; and
llir maternal itvandfulher, Orohiuu
Urown of CornellUK.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/27/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 27,1955 - Page 5
.1. T.
Fiiiieral scrvlres for John Trav-
's CJarti***. 4!). farnuT of Mncks-
'lllf, lt"ule , wrn* held Wediif.s-
ilai', Oct. 10. at thf Cornaty.cr
Unpti.'St OliiUTh. The Rev. Euiiciw*
Oiiodmaii. ilif Ih'v. .finuay Gropo
iiltil t)i(* Ri'V, A. M, KIsor nlliulal-
et). Duiinl was in the chnvci) ceiua*
Nf.r. Carlrr died Oct. Ill at his
honu\ llo lind been In decllnin'4
heaU-h lhre»» yt'nr« and f.crlottslv
111 four weeks.
Mr. Ctnicr wn.H born In Duvic
Counly March 7. 1000. son of
Oconio nnfT Notlle Po.ster Carter.
He wa.s a member of Corimtr.cr
naptiHt Cluirch.
Snrvlvlnu are the widow. tl)C
former MIkk Ruth Mac Potts; two
daimhters. Mis. Liiidy Daniehs uf
Hickory and Miss Truvisone Car
ter of the lioine: two sons. Jlininy
Ray Carter of texinnton and Lar
ry Dean Carter of the hoioc: two
unindchlldrcn: seven .sl.sters. Mrs.
John Minor of Wtn.ston-Salcm,
Mrs. Chcen Hownrd and Mrs. Wnlt
Sowens of Lexinntnn. Rt. 4.. Mrs.
Jim Klchnrdson of Mocksvllle. Ut.
Mrs. Olln Barnhardt of Ad
vance. Rt. 2. Mrs. Bryant Lewis of
Minneapolis. N. C,. and Mi.ss Annie
Carter of Advance. Rt. 2; and
ihreo brothers. Albert Carter of
Advance, Rt. 2, MUChell carter
of Hhdi Point and nn.iter Carter uf
Mocksvllle, Rt. 3.
Mrs. W. L. lUtieiu HH
Funeral .services for Mrs. Anrelia
Koylor tGranny» Hones. 88. wid
ow of William L. Hancs. will be
held Thursday at Hie Bmtth Ovove
MetliodlKt Church by the Rrv. O.
F. Sinith and tlie Rev, A. C. Che.sli-
iri'. Tile body will He In state 30
inlutc.s before the servlc?. Burial
win be In the ctmrch cemetery.
Mr.s. Haiu's died October 25 at
liL-r heni'* In the Smltli drove
eniuinunlty. Mocksvllle. Roiile 3.
Slic liud been In declining health
for several years and seriousiy ill
for seveml weeks.
She was born April 13. 1887. In
Davie County, the dairjlUer of
Thomas and Mary Travilllon Nay-
lor. She was a lifelong member
of Smith Qrove Methodist Church.
Her husband died July 38. 1930.
'Surviving are a daughter, Mrs.
J. T. AUftcll of Mncksville; three
grandchildren, .six gveat-grandchll-
dren and u number of nieces ond
Bio - Obituaries - 10/27/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 2,1955 - Page 2
Mrs. Frank Smith\
.MnvMamle F. Smith, 76* diet),
Thursday .vening ac the home oi I
her «on, Charlie G. Swaringe'** 1^'*
SiHiburv* fnlMwIng a KH)e iltncHS,
Mr«> Smiih wa5 a native of Da
vie couniv* i daughter of Mr. and
Mr*. Suniets Cornelison.
Surviving are the husband, Frunk
Smith# one daughter^ Mrs. Viula
Angell. of R2, Mock^viHc; one son,
Charlie Swaringcn. Falisbuiy# RU
' five grandchildren; two brothers,
George CorneHson, B2, Mocks'
. ville, Frank Cornetison, Kan^is
one lister, three atcpdaugiiiera and
one stepson.
Funeral lervlcea were held ac 3
-! p. tn. Sunday at Yadkhi Valley
Baptist Church with Rev, Alvis
Cheshire, Rev. J. H. Cu^te mid
. Rev* E. W, Turner ofTiciming, and
(he bodv laid to* rest in ihccluioh
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 2,1955 - Page 3
Mn, AurcHa Naylor 'Hinei.' 68.
wldowof William L;-Hanei, dli^
•t 9 0. m.,'Oct 25th at her home
(n Smith Grove, . She had been in
decliiiing health for several vefica
and lerioufly. Ill fbrmeral weeks.
She was Wh ApriP 13.18b7, in
Davie Count?, ; the daughter olf
Thtimaa-ohd Mar? Travil ati Nay*
lou -' She waa a ''llfeloiig methber
of SmJcfa Grove Methodist Churcb«
Her husband died J u(v 1930. n
Surviving are a daughter, Mn.
J. T. Angell of Mo^sWlle:. ^ree
grandchildren, six gteat-grandchll-
ren-and number of nieces and ne<
Fttheral services werecoodueted
at 2t30 p. m., Thutsoa? at Smith
Grove Methotlist Church b? Rev.
G. E Smith and Rev. A.' Ci Chic-
shire, .Burial waf in ^e church
cemetery. . " > ' < •
Bio — Obituaries - 11/2/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 3,1955 - Page 2
j Mi-5. Nmli? SIu'clK CiuiTi*. 57. (ifj
I MncksvUli', Route II. itlrd Mnndiiy ^
] Mii!. Carter wnx n ditimlitor id
I Ituuh and Sullle l-'osler Corlcr. iiitil
tlic widiivv id Suinurl C. Carii-r
j wlm dliMl lust Murvh.
SurvivluK ore oiu* ilaur.hti'i',
Mr.s. Oiori'c Joiiok of Moirksvillo,
notilo U: seven sotis, Erniwi and
0. R .Carter or MockKvillc, Riniie|
U. Allle ninl FiiUik Carter of Le.<c>j
timlon. Aaron Carter of Advance.
oUiilc 2. Din.v Carter of Mi«PkH-]
vll|;<. and Coleman Carter td llie
home: and 11 nnindctdldren. j
Funeral nri-nnaemenis were tn>'
Funeral .'servlce.s were held Weil-'
ne.>:du.v nl the Cornal/.er Maidlst
;ClunelK The Rev. F.uaem' Oimd-j
; man. Jtuuuy Oroiv and (Muiule!
' Wtlklns i>inel;iteil. j
Bio - Obituaries - 11/3/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 3,1955 - Page 4
Mm. i;,'rniik Smith. 7A
flmcwtl KtrrvJcos for Mrs. Mnmlc
riuroncc Siullli. 7(5, wlfu of Fnink
, Smith, wcru held Sttndny nt the
i Vmlkln Volley Bnpllst Church.
I The Rev, Alvis Cheshire, the Rev.
Jimmy Croce nnd the Rev, B. W.
, Turner nlllclnlcd. Buiiol wos In
the church cemetery.
j Mrs. Smith died October 27 nt
the home of n son. C. O. Sworln*
pen ^of Stillsbury. Route 1. She
hud bcv'u In dccllnlni; health for
.severnl montlus.
I Mr.s. Smith wns born In Dnvie
County AUK. 21. 1871). dnuKhtcr of
1Juryc.s.s Olid dMnry Ritchie Cor-1
m Usou. She wns mnrrlcd twice,'
flr-st to Chnrlcs O. Swarlimcn. who
dhd In l!>22. She then mnrrlcd
Frnuk Smith.
Sun'hiuK na> the husbnud: one
duuKhter, Kfrs. VIoln Antiell of
Mcicksvllle. Rt. 2: one son, C. O.
1 Swnrlnp.en of Snllsbury, Route 1:
I rivi; Krnmlchitdreu: two brothers.
Oi'orue Corn' Uson of Mocksvlllc,
Roule 2. niul Prank CorncUson of
Kunsns: one sister. Mrs. Dorn
Mnynurd of Yndklnville: three
.Hiepdnufihlers. Mrs. W. P. Stone-
Rtrret of Mocksvlllc. Mrs. Loin
Douthli of Advnticc, Route 1. and
Mi'.s. Jo.sle Smith of Clemmons:
nnd one .sicpson. Jim Swnrlngen
of Mlnntl. Florida.
MIsm Llllle MeDonutil. &!>
( Fnnrrnl .serivces for Miss LItlic
Mae McUojiald. .I-I. of Advance,
were held Suiuluy nt llie Blxby
Pirtbytcrlun Chnreh. The Rev.
Paul Rtuhnrd.s olllclnted. Burini
Vfl.s In the chnrch cemetery.
Miss McDonald died Friday tU n
Morksvlll'> Nurslna Home. She
had been In dectinlnK health for
KtvMiil yonrs aitd seriously 111 two
du.vs. She had made her home
wllh nu uncle. W. M. UoKcr, of
Advnitc-^. Uoul<* 2.
She .wins burst In liuvlc County
Jan. :iO. IlKlO. datiKhlcr of Lee and
B.<telle t.euch McDonald. Ml.ss Mc-
Dniuild had spent mo.st of her life
in Davie Cotinty at nt llanes.
She wii.s a m'.mher of Blxby Frcs-
bylerlnn Chtiroh.
Stuvlvor.s arc her mother: n
brother. John L. McDonald.
A. Ui K'MiIi. *2
Funeral servlcc.s for Adren Dor-
scy Kuuni/, 72. of Mocksvlllc. Rt.
1. were held Monday afternoon nt
iho Saleiii Methodist Church. The
Kev. R. L. Oakley odlciated. Btir-
iul was ht the church cemetery.
I Mr. Koottl/ died Snturdny inorit-
Ina at his home foUowlna a three
week lUitcss.
He wns the son of the late Wll-
snn nnd Thursn Gentry Koontz of
Surry County, bom April 15. 1863.
He Is survived by his widow, the
former Sudic Campbell, whom he
mnrrled on April 25, 1915: one
son, 0.scnr L. Koontz of Mocks*
vllle: two dnuKhtcrs, Mrs, Hoot
Daniels of Snllsbury, Route I. and
Mrs. Rny McOnrlty of Salisbury:
two brothers, Snm and Evcrcttc
Koontz of Mocksvlllc. Route 1:
one sister. Mrs. EuRcnc Click of Spencer: nnd three itrnndchlldi-cn.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/3/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
H. H. Bennett
SALISBURY, Nov. 5 — Uerman
Hprtiing Bennett, 49, c(W)wner of
the Bennett BroUiers Grocery here
for the past 22 years, died at 10:15
a.m. today at Rowan Memorial
Hospital. , „ ,
He was born In Davle County,
Aug. 25, 1906, son of Drew D. andt Carrie FllncUum Bennett.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
Elizabeth (Betty) Stripling Ben-
net; his mother, Mrs. Bennett of
Curiialzcr; two daughters. Miss
Nellie Jones Bennett of Appalachi
an Slate Teachers College, Rulh
Flo Bennett of Salisbury; two son.s,
Herman Harding Bennett Jr.. of
Mecksville and Drew Lee -Bennett
of Salisbury; three sisters, Mrs.
j. H. Foster of Winston-Salem,
Mrit. Ralph Potts and Mrs. John
nie PotUs. both of Mocksviile,
Route 3; five brothers, Aaron Ben
nett of Winslon-Salem, D. Held
(Dyke) Bennett of Farmlngton,
Eugene and Raymond Bennett of
Cornatzer and Flinchura Bennett
of Salisbury*.
Funeral services will be conduct
ed at 4 p.m. Sunday at the Sails-
bury Primitive Baptist Church by
Elders D. P. Broadway and O. D.
„ Moore. Burial will be In the Rose
ll^Cemelery at Mock.sviiie. The body
will lie in state, at the church one
hour before the service.
Bio - Obituaries -11/5/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 9,1955 - Page 3
Mrs. Samoel Carter
Mn. Nezzie Sheett'Carter. 57* of
Mocksvllle. Route 3, died noon
Oct. 31, in a Salisbury hospltaL
Mrs. Carter was ^ a daughter of
Hugh'and Sallle Foster Carter, and
the widow of Samud C. Carter,
who died last March.
Surviving are onedau(d>t^r,Mrt.
George Tones, Mockeville* Route
3: seven sons. Ernest and C. R.
Carter of Mocksville, Route 3, Al-
lie and Frank Carter of Lcaingtoh,
Aaron Carter of Advance, Route 2,
Bitty Carter of Mocksvitle, and
Coleman Carter of the home; and
U grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at 3
p.-m., Wednesday at .Comatzer.
Baptist Church, with Rev. I, M.
Groce,Rev. Euj^ne Goodman and
Rev. Howard Wilklns officiating,
and the body laid to rest In the
hurch cemetery:
Bio - Obituaries - 11/9/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 10,1955 - Page 7
II. II. flrniirtt, 4a i
Piuufwli .scrvU'i'K fur HeriHtiiv
Henni'tt. 4!J. of SiiUjibtuy.!
ttTiC! hold Siiiidny. Dinlnl wh.h lal
Ihi.so tVmci ry in Miu*k.svlik'. j
Mr. Uonnoil died Suturdiiy-
iitiirnlii!? ni the Uo»-nn Moniurlnii
He had been sorhniHy',
111 since AuauM a. I
An acllve i«u-tn r In llio Uoim-:
ell Btdthers Stiire on Sluuor St.. j
Sallshniy. Mr. Bi iineti m'o.s a nu-j
live of iJiu'le Cminty. burn .Aiuf.
ari. laOO. He wuH ihe stjn of Mfa.|
Currle Flnrhuin Hennell nnd tli.>
lole Drew I). Hennell. He wo.s
e<UieoU'd In Ihe Davie Ctninly
Sl'h(M>l.S. I
Mr. Uenneil'.s rir.'sl wlf.'. Ihe
former l.i»L< Daniel of MoeUsvlUe.l
danidder of Mr .and Mrs. j. a.
tiiiiilel, (lied a ,vettr.s ut-'iv He l.<
survived by hl.s aeeoud nife. Ihe
former Ell/jibelh inctiy) Striplin!:
of Oi-oridii: liLs luulhrr: one son
and two daughters by his fli-M. mar*
MocksvlIIe. NVllle Joan Bennett of
Aiipalachlon Slalo Teachers CoIU
tee and Uulh Mo Dennett of thej
home; ii son*, from his second
inaniuwi'. Drew l.ee nennelt of
the homi': five lirolhers. Aaron of
WInstim-Salem. D. Ueld iDyl:e»
ot rannlmdon. Gtmene and Hnv-
immd of CotiuitK r and Kiinehnnt
of SalLsbury; three sisters. M-s, J.
H. l-'osi r of Whtsion-Salem. Mrs.
nalph Polls nnd Mrs. Johnnie
Polls, both of Cornul/er
Bio - Obituaries - 11/10/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 16,1955 - Page 2
H. H* Bennett
. Herman H* Bennett, 49. of Sq|.
{•burv* died Nov. 5t,h at (he Ro*
wan Memorial HoBpicat. He hnd
been serlousiv ill eince Au&uac 3.
An active oartner in the Bennett
Brothers Store in Saiiibury. Mr.
^nnett was a native of Davie
County, the* son' of Mrs. Carrie
Finchum Bennett and the l ite
Drew D* Bennett. He was edu«
cated in the Davie County Schools.
Mr. Bennett*! first wife, the for*
mer Loii Daniel of Mocksvitic,
died nine vcars ago. He Is sur
vived by his second wife, the form
er Elizabeth Stripling of Georgia;
bia mother; one son and three
daugh^rs bv tiis first marriage,
Hermdn Bennett. Ir. of Mocks-
viUe, Nellie Tom Behnwct of Ap-
pilich:«n Sia e Teachers College
and Ruth Flo Bennett of tH« home;
a son, from hit second marriage,
Drew Lee Bennett of che^homt-;
five brothers, Aaron of Winston
Salem; O. Reid of Farmtngton,
Eugene and Raymond of Advance,
and Flinchu u of SHlisburv three
•iawrs^ Mrs. J H. Foster of Wins-
roib'S^ent, Mrs. Ralph Ports and,
Mr«» Johnnie Poets, both of Ad-
Funeral services were conducted
at 4 p.'iin., Nov. 6th at the Salii*
buxy PrimlHve Baptist Church bv
Elder D^ P* end O. D.'
Mobie* Burial was in Roseceme*lerv ifocfceyillt.
Bio — Obituaries -11/16/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 16,1955 - Page 2
Z. R. Taylor
' Car Kills Man
Z. R. Taylor, 67> retired farmer,
of Advance, Route I, recei^^ .fa«.
tai injuries Friday at 12:30 p,
when he was hit by a car on the
Winston-Salem Highway near K,
Paul Foster's store. He walked
into the hifthu'ay in front of a car
driven kv Chailie Beauchamp. 26,
of Advance. Route 1. Mr. Taylor
was pronounced dead upon airi.
val at Baptist Hospital. He had
impaired vision and apparently
didn't see the car.
Patrolman Padgett said no char*
ges would be brouRht pending a
further check.
Mr. Taylor was a member of
Redland Holiness Church.
Surviving are the wife, two dau*
ghters. one son, four brothers and
six grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at 2
p. m. Sunday at the Redland Pen*
cecosral Holiness Chu'ch with Rev*
A* L Terrell and Rev. Paul Jones
offieisting. and the body laid to
rest in the church cemetery.
George Evans i
George Evan>, 71. died tmvxpect-
edly at 6:30 a m., Thursd y of a
hearr attack at his home, Khicks' j
villc. Route I.
Mr Evans was born In Shrbp'
shire, Gngl»nd, Feb. 21,1883.
He came to Davie County in
1923 as the councyS first far.ii
agent. He remained in this post
unt 11927 and then managed the
S. Cl.iy Williams kirm tm ihe Yad*
kin R(v*-r fur a number of years.
For tlu' past 2Bveais Mr. Evans
had opernicd his own d.ni^* farm.
He was .M mcml^ r ol. Center
V4elliodi4( Church.
Mrs. Anna Chafdn
Mrs. Anna Shaw Ch'tfiin, 75,
died at 3:40 p. m.. Wednesday at
her residence on Rr. il. Charlotte,'
She fl.iffered a stroke of paralysis
Wednesday morning. j
M 1. Chaffin was born Doc. 21.
1879. She was married to the late
Rev. A. C. Chaifin and she and
her husbaiid resided for 20 vears
in the Ijames Crossroads section
ofDavie county until his death
luly 11. 1949
Mrs Chaffin mov< d lo^Mcclclen*
burg 0 Utitv In 1949 where she
lived until her death.
Surviving are three, d.iiit^hiers,
Mrs. J. S. Hollai?d and Mri. W. B
Cotiln«, both of Rt. II, Civolinie.
•nd Mrs. F. C. Sh.'rnuT ol. Wins-
ron S'dem: a sister, >Mrs. |. W,
Oavls. . Rt. 2. Mocksvlilc: vlghc
'.■randchlldrc-n lutd oiivurc.*! grand*
Funeral services were ht Id at II
•t. m . Friday hi IjumrN Cio^nri^ads
Baptist Otuich. Burial fiiilowcd
«n the chuich cein«'*erv.\
Sur'« o-iny arc the wi.low; three
• m*. Geo'ge, Thom:i« and Robeit
Kv-ns »l of .Vlocksvil <•; two
ii,iii/htyit Klr<. Wa c n>»on and
vlt.. Allien L'lth.nu of Mi^lcsvilltf
Ruure 1, 10 gnuid^'hlldren; three
hrkAlik,- and tno sisiers ' '
FiMter.ll viifcs were hvlJ^ at 3
p. m , r'iJ«v Hf Cent r Me Kodist
Church i*"ev. Robert Oakfc\'. ReV,
G. W. hi.tic. and Rev E. M. A ett
T'tcd. Btiri >1 waa in the
church li
Bio - Obituaries - 11/16/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 17,1955 - Page 1
George Evans
Dies at Home
Ocontc Gvans. 70i one of North
Cnrollnn'fi monl prominent sheep
and livestock men, died uncx.
pcctcdiy at his home on Mocks>
vitlc, Route 1. nrouhd Bi30 a.m..
Mr. Evans was born In Shrop*
shlrc. Ensland. Feb. 21, 1B85. son
of William and Ifhtma Bunch Ev
ans. He attended the White Cross
School In England. He came to
the United Slates with a load of
sheep In 1809 and two years later
returned to this country to make
his home.
He came to Davic County In
1023 as the County Farm Agent.
He remained In this post until
1021 and then managed the B. Clay
Williams farm on the Yadkln Riv
er fomraaker of years.
For the paat 28 years Mr. Evans
had operated his own dairy farm
near here and was recognized aa
one of Davlc County's best dairy
He was a member of Center
Methodist Church and was a past
superintendent of Sunday School
and former chairman of the Board
of Stewards.
He was married to MIm Cuba
Koesco In lOIO.
Surviving arc the widow: three
sons, Qcorgc. Thomas and Robert
Evans, all of Moeksvllk: two
daughters. Mrs. Wade D)'son and
Mrs. Albert Latham of Mocksvlllc.
Route I; 10 grandchildren: three
brothers. Wlllism Evans of Shan
non City lows: John and James
Evans of..BhlfnBl. England: and
two sisters. Mrs. Amos Warrcnder
and Mrs. Herbert Warrcnder, both
of Shlfnali England.
' Funeral 'services were iKld at
Center Methodist Church Friday.
The Rev. Robert Osklcy. the Rev.
O. W, Pink and the Rev. E. M.
Avctt offlciated. Burial was In the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/17/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 17,1955 - Page 1
Z. R. Taylor
Car Kills Man
On Hwy 158
Z. K. Tnylor. 67. retired farmer |
III Arfnvncc. Route 1. was fatally
injured ntx)ut 12:30 p.m.. Friday,
when lie waa hit by a car on V.
8. lilshway 156 about II niUca
iiortlicaat of Mocluvillc,
Iliehuay Patrolman T. J. Bad*
pelt t^nld Mr. Taylor apparently
tiiilked out from a service suilon
Inlu ilic lilpliwny In fiont of a car
ilrlvcn by Charlie Bcnuchanu). 36,
itlco of Advance. Route I. who was
uoliiR toward Wltuiton*8alcm.
Mr. Taylor was struck by the
left front fender and thrown up
aualiiAl the windshield. He was
prunounc'jd dead upon arrival at
Baptist Hospital In Wlnston*Ba*
Mv rciwrlcdly had Impaired vis
ion and appaivntiy did not w the
cnr niiprunciunit.
Patrulinaii Dadgctt said no
chn lues would be brought pcnd*
inp u fiirlhcr check on details of
the accident.
Itc wii.s liorn March 14. 18BB. In
Friinklin Coiinty. Va.. son of Jo*
lifph anil Dolllir Young Taylor, lie
MK'iil hia early life in RoHnuke,
Vu., mill later lived 30 years lit
Wlnston-tiaiem and Forsyth Coun.
ty. Ho had operated a Rroccry
store In Winston • Snlcm prior to
retiring about sly years ago. .
He was a incinber of the Red*
land Pentecostal Holiness Church
In Davia County.
tie was married May 3. 1016. lo
Ml.'is Pearl hluht-. who survives.
AIm) lairvtvhig are two daugh
ters Mrs. ttctma llanner of Win*
Mon-l.'alrm. Mrs. llhineho Pluck*
oil of Advanee, Route I: a son,
James !•;. Taylor of tx'Wlsvlllc, lU.
t (>iN animlchlldren: four broth
ers, Joe u. and k). k;d Taylor of
WliiKton-Saiem. Quy Taylor of
Norfolk, Vn.. and Frank Taylor of
Los Angeles, Callfurnln.
h*nnern| Korvlces were, conducted
Sunday at the Rcdland Pctitccos*
lal Holiness Church by the Rev.
A. L, Terrell and the Rev. Paul A.
Joncii. Burial wu:> In the ehurcli
Bio - Obituaries - 11/17/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 17,1955 - Page 3
MfN. Nulhan .lanrli. 03
Puiwral Bvrvlccs for Mra. Alice
Gnrwood JnrvlR. 03. of Coolcemee
v.'cre held Tuesday at the Foi-i
Baptist Church. Rev. A. M. Klser
otllcliUed. Burial wos in the church
cemetirv. '
Mrs. Jarvis died Nov. 14. ut
Ihe home of n duuKhter In Cool-
eeinee. She hud been 111 for the
past several inoiuhx.
Mrs. Jurvls was born In Davle
County July I. IHO'J ,n divui;hter
of Frank and Ainundu Foster Oar-
wood. She married Nntlmn Jurvls
wlio died In 1043.
Siirvivlnu ore one dautilUrr.
Mr.s. 9nm Boiley: one son. J. V.
Jui vln; one brother. J. P. Ciurwooil.
nil of Coolc:mee: seven urand-,
children and 10 ijieat-Kmndclill-1
dren. I
Rtuiuld Aartln. 0 |
. Ronald Alexnndi'r Martin, six-•
ywm-old .xon of M»*. nltd Mrs. O. |
A. Martin. Jr.. died Nov. 0 In u,
Winston . Salem hospital. He
had been 111 fur about a week uiid
serlou.sly ill for 12 hours. I
He lived most of hU life In ihe
Mnc:dunla Momvlon Church com
munity of Dtwie County.
Burvlvlnw are hU father of Lex*
Inuton Route 6. and his mother,
the former Evu Lee Butner of Ad.
vance. Rl. 1: the paternal urond-
parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Mar*
lim. Sr.. Of Wliiston.Saleni and
j the mnternol innndparenur. Mr.
I and Mrs. E. C. Butner of Advance.
Route 1.
Mrs. A. C. Chaflln. T5
Funenil services for Mrs. Anno
Shaw Chnmn. 7S. widow of the
Rev. A. C. Cluillln. formerly of the
IJaihex Ci-oss Rends community.'
near Mocksvllle. were held nl the;
IJiuncs Cross Roods Baptist
Cluirch Friday. The Rev. Clyde,
Yate.s of Charlotte onioiatcd. Bur
ial was in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Clmttln died at her home
iwnr Charlotte tm Nov. 9. Shu hod
Millered a stroke earlier In the
day and hud been In 111 health
since another stroke that occurred
about six months nito.
She was born Dec. 21. Ifl19. In
Oiillford County. She and the Rev.
Mr. CImllln served Boptlsl church-
VK at Mivornl places in Eastern
North Carolina before movinv to
the MockAvllIu ureu 20 years ago.
They lived ut IjQmes'Cro6.s Roads
until Mr. Chnmn died July It.
1U49 .after which Mrs. Chatlln
moved to Charlotte, Rt. 11.
SuivivliiB are three dauBhters.
Mrs. P. C. Shcrmer of Wlivston-
Sutem. Mr.s. J .6. Holland and
Mr.s. W. D. Collins of Charlotte.
Route 11; one sister. Mrs. J. W.
Davis. Mocksville, Rt. 2; eight
liiandehildren uiid one greot-
Bio - Obituaries - 11/17/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Mrs. J. R. Powell ^
MOCKSVILLEj,JJJojrj^31^~ MrsMary Catherine PoweU. 92. widovv
i R. PoweU, died at 5:2fe p.m.
v I? home, MocksviUe,Aoute 1. She had been in declining
S? months and criticaflyiU 10 days. ,
Mrs. PoweU was bom in Davie
County Feb. datrnhfar of
*i3mes u. ana barah Leach Dwig-
gins. Hot .husband died in 1943
Survivmg- are three sons. WU-'liam PoweU of MocksvUIe, Route 1;'
J. C. PoweU of High Point and!
S. Q, PoweU of Greensboro; two'
daughters, Mrs. J. B. WUson of^
MocksviUe, Route 4, and Miss
Frances PoweU of the home; five
• grandchfldren and two great-
The body wUl be taken to the^
home at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday. Fu
neral arrangements were, in
complete tonight. .
"S. ,
Davie Go. Public Libr;
MocksvHie, H. C.
^ • • • ' ^ c,. fsjc
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 23,1955 - Page 2
J, L Collins
JeaseL. Coltinsi 44% of Farming*
ton died Wexfnesday at Fletclier.
He had been ill for several vears.
He was a farmer and o. member
of the SeveiUK Day Adveneisi
Church of Winston'Salcm.
Surviving are his wife, three
daughter^ his step moiluT, two
brothers, three half brothers, two
sisters, and three half staters.
Funeral services were conducted
at 2 p. m., Friday at the Pnrm
ington Methodist Church b v
Elders C. H. L4iuda i nd R. C. Kist-
ler. Burial will be in Mitchell
Chape] Mcihodist Church Ceme«
If. C. Jones
William C. lones, 80, retired
farmer, of Mocksvil e, Route 4,
idled Wednesday in a StaiCSViUe
boipital, after three davs illnets.
A native ot Davic County, Mr.
Jones was a son of Mr. and Mrs.
. Jacncs. M. ?unet. His wife, the
. former Mlu Aheda Wilhtlm. died
. five years ago.
, ' Survivors Include a ion, W. G,
fjjncs of Mockfivtllc, Route 4; five
daughfcr, Mrs. Paul Pocris, Mrs
Mrt. AdrPu Van Dyke; Mrs. The *
ma l^nee, all of Orand Rapids,
Micht Mra« Bobb> Meuich of
Cairo. Oi** aqd Mrs. Marv Cather
ine O.vnn of Mocks»iil«, Koucu 4i
thice brothers and two sisters.
Funeial servicea Were held at 3
p, m- Friday at Salcm Methodist
churdi with Rev, J. 0. WhitcinKer*
ofSduMu Burial was la the
chufcb ctflucarrt
Mrs. Nathan Jairris
/Ma. Alice Oarwood Jarvii^ 93,
native of Davie County, died at
1:30 p. m.,Novl4th at the home of
a dauKhiet in Cooleca.^ She had
' been ill for. the past several months*.
I Mrs. jsrvis was bom In Davie
I County Inly 1.1852. a daughter of
Frank and Amanda Garwood Post-
ter. Stie married Natham Jarvis*
who died in 1943.
Surviving ate one daughter,
Mrs Sam Baileyt one soo. ' J. P,
Jarvis; one brother,' T. F* Gacwpdd,
all of Uoblcemee; seven-rRrsnd
children and 10 great grandchild-
Funeral services were conduct'
cd at 3i30 p. m., TuesJav n at Fork
Baptist Church by Rev, A, M.'
Klser, Burial was In' the ehurch
csmecery, V '
Bio - Obituaries - 11/23/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 24,1955 ~ Page 7
T)M»m»s J>. tWrk, Hi
Piini'rul roM'vicos for Thnnmsl
ri»laii'.v lii'cU, It2. rcMrert fariiuM*'
ul Html.- 4. wcvt- heldj
Tuoiula.v «f ihe Cirek
ll.HL Chuirlt. The \U'V. H. W. lliil-
clionn. tin- Ui'v, \V. C. Bni-UU-y.
itml llii> Ki'v. Paul Mnoiv nlYlelnl* |
iHl, Iltirlnl vva.s In (he cluirch ceni.
Mr. Ui'd: dird Stntdny lU his
luinn* In the Hnrdlson Church
Mr. Ilrck wn.s born In DavlJ
CViiml.v Au.'u 11. linil. son of Thnin-
:i.n .1. and M:iry Bmllh HocU. Hu
Kiioiii his ^nlirr lilV lir Dovlu Coun«
ly and n'ns married lo MUss Lclinj
llnrris. {
Suvrlvhi'i nru Uu» widow: five.
w»n.s. Jiilin Urelv «>f MocUsvIl!.'. lU. j
1 Turnrr th-cU of Hnrmony. Ut.i
1. Uc, Rolnnd nnd Anbury Beck,
(ill of the home; three daui;hter.s.
Mrs, J. D. Gobble und Mr.s, Av>
ot.v LnnJrr of MocksvlUe. R(. 1: nnd
Mrs. Kspy Mn.vbeir>* of Hnrmony,
! ru. I: 12 t'lnndchildren: four
I i;rr;il*i.iriiiuk'lindrc'n: nnd two sis.
I icrs, Mrs. Mnry lIutchriiH und
j Mrs. lii'lly Jonc.s of Mocksvil)i>,
. Iloute 2.
.Vidiii Mrruney. (12
Puni-ml scrvlct's for John Me-
roney. n3. of Wln.sion-Snloiu. were
hidd Sunday nt the Ardmoi\>
Methodist Church. The Rov. A. C.
Wnnitoncr and Dr. C. E. Ro/zellB.|
olllclnlcd. Burinl wn.s at the Con-j
cord Methodl.Ht Church crnu'tery!i luar LewlsvUle. j
I Mr. Meroncy dlud mu'XiMcledly |
I Friday nliiht uUer suherin^' n
I I'.cnrt attack while rcturnlm; home
I from work.
A former native of Davie Coun
ty. he uiieraled the Enule Cleaners
In Wmstun • Salom und was prcs-
IdiUJl of * ihe Wlnsfoh -'SiTlcm
Shrill.' Club. WlivMon . Sslemj
Mn.sons nnd Shrlm-rs aUmded theservice in a body. j
Survivors Includo his wile; ouej
dnuiihler. Miss Mary Nell Mcrou-j
ey. student at WCUNC, Oiveiw-1
boro; and one sisler. Mrs. B. t.!
Smilh. Sr.. of MocksvilW. 1
Mrs. J. R. Viiwell. 1)2 '
Puncml servlct'.s were held Wed- (
nesdny for Mrs. Mary Catherine
Powell. 02. widow of J. R. Powell.'
Mrs. Powell died Monday nt her.
home. Moeksvltlu. Route I. Shei
hnd been lu decllnluu health four
months and critically 111 10 days.
Mrs. Powell was born In Dnvlel
County Feb. 14. 1002. dnmihttr of
James B. nnd Sarah Lcach Dwlg-!
^ins. Her husband died In 1043. |
Survlvhm are thive son.s. WU-:
tinm Powell of Mncksvllle. Kt. 1.
J. C. Powell of High Point, and
5. Q. Puwelt of Greensboro: two
daughters. Mr.s. J. B. Wilson of
Mocksvllle. Bouie 4. and Miss
Fvnnee.s Powell of the home: five
uvnndehlldren nnd two . urenl-
urniidchlldren. i
Bio - Obituaries -11/24/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 24,1955 - Page 7
J. I.. CvlliiH. 44 I
PuiU'inI wrvlccs Inf .1. L. Cull-|
liM. 44. or riirnilni4ti)ti. wi'i-i* lu:M|
Frldny lU thL> Fntiiilnulon Mrili*
odlst Church. Scrvlc.s wciv run-1
I ducted by Elders C. M, Lnu>*>i. h.|
C. Klstli-r. uud the Rev. Mr. Hujle.
liurlnl vviiK in the Mllchcll Cl.ujvl
Ceiueioiy t)!' Vndkin Couut.v.
Mr. Collins died Nov. t'J lU the
Motinltiiu Wos|)Unl lit Fleiolu-i*.
He hnd been III (or Ktivernl .veuiM.
He wixi born July 20, 1011, In
\ndkiti Comuy. u «nn of 4. v/. nnd
! L.ufrnhoy fflxenion.' -Collln>.. Me
Mt nt most ut his life In Yndhlu
v.i«h the I'.NreiUlon of nine ytMis
in le Couniy.
lie Wl•^ a farmer uitd a inuinber
of the Sevonth Day AdventlM
Church of Wliuitou-SuLin.
Surviving are hl.s ivtre. the for-
lULT Ruth Spoer: three dausthln-.i.
Nancy Collln.*^ iir Washln-jtouj
IMLty Collins t)f Plelcher. aitd
Tieleii Cultlns ol (he honu>: his
sieptuolher. Mr.s. Florn Cnll'ns of
Vliisdou-Satem: two btclhers.
Colbert Collht.s of P'.Msnsylvanin.
and Nfi:-(ni Colliivs of Yadl*. iivtlle;
three hrlf brnihers. Ournry Cml-
iits of i>.)onvin.». Roy Collins of
Yadkhv.illo nun J. W. Colhns. Jr..
tji" the A-iny In Korea: two st.-ucr.s.
Mr.s. rcnia Siwmon? and Mrs.
HIssIa .S'xcinorc. both of Cj-nnvllle:
and thM>>> half sisters. Mrs. Miunte
Re;ce and Mrs. Ethel PtiUcr. liorli
of YadUlnvllle. und Mrs, Ann
linbblnti ot Wlnsion-^alcin.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/24/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 30,1955 - Page 2
Thomas P, Beck
Thomas Pinkney. Beck. 82, 'rc-
Hred (armor of Mocksvitle, • Route
4» di^ at hii home in the Hardh
100*0 Church Community.
Mfv Beck was bom in Oavie
County Au0. 3* 1673, aon of
Thomas h bod Mary Smith Beck*
rfe spent his entire life in • Davie
County and was married to Mlta!
Leila Harris* . |
Surviving are the widow; five i
sons* John Beck of Mocksville*J
Route I, Turner Beck of Har'"
mony, Route 1« Lee, Roland, and i
Asbury Beck, all of the home;
three daughters, Mrs. f. B. Gobble
and Mrs. Averv Lanier of Mocks*
ville, Route I, 12 grandchildren;
I four grcat-^andchildren; and two
i deters* Mrs. Mary Hutchens and
Mrs. Beccv Jones of Mocksvllte* 2*
^ Funeral aeivlces were held at
11 a. m., Tuesday at Bear Creek
Bapiist Church. Rev. W* C*
Barkley and Rev. Paul Moore offi-*
elated.. Burial was In the church'
cemetery. • ; |
A, J. Lagle
A. j. Lagfe, 67, died at' his home
in this city Friday morning at 3:30
o*c!( ck, following a three months
illness. ' ' {
Surviving aie ihewife^ four sons,
Hugh, of this city; Erpesr, of Rl;
Ore •, of Baltimore; Tom, of R4.;
four daughters, Mrs. Cora iaivis.
Oceans, Va.; Mrs* Hatel Bruce,
Los Ange.es, Calif; Miss Blanche
Lagle, of the home, and Mrs. ioile
Harrison, of Salisbury; one broth
er, Chas*- Lagle* of Mocksviltc. ^
Funeral sesvlces were held at 3
p. m. Sunday at Turrencine Bap-,
tlst Church with Rev. W. Q.Grigg,
Rev! 1. P. Davis and Rev. rletch..'r
Howard officiating* and the bi>dy!
laid to teat in thechurch cemetery*'
Bio - Obituaries - 11/30/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 1,1955 - Page 5
A. .1. I.aitlr. HH
Punurnl ni'i-vIc.m for Aiulrvw
JitCkMM) Ltldlu, li(l. of MOCkHVlUc
were licUl Stindiiy nt Llie Turren*!
tine nn)>tl.sl Clutrch. The Rev. W.
O. OrliJK. U«» U V. J. P. OiuiH and
the Ucv. Fli'leher llow:u-<l nfflc-
Intfd. ttiirlul wns In the ehnreli
Mr. Lnitle died Prldny til his
iMHiie ill Mnck.svlil
Mr. l/ntile wns llie son of tiiv
Inle Wllliniu nnd Mutildn Mlchnei
1.111,'Ie, lie wn» n lellied ftuincr
nnd had lived in liii.s cnininunhy
iiiosl of ills ilfe.
Survlvlim uro tlic wife, Mrs.
Rminn Innde: four dinmtUers. Mr.s.
Ernest .Inrvis of Oeennnn. Vu..
Mrs. Iln/cl lirnce of Lo.s Aimdv.s.
Culif.. Miss Binnclio Lnkie of tim
liiune. nnd Mrs. J. II. Hnrrlson of
ilnli.sbiiry: four sons. II. A. Lnnle
of MockKvlil.*: Ernc.^l Uiide of
Mfiek.svllle. Route I, Crvn Lnule of
nniiimnre. Md. and Tuin Lncle of
Mock.svllle. Uiuile 4: one brolher.
Oiurilv LuRie of Mock.svllle: 20
nrnndcltildr.ii and 10 Ri-enlHtraiul-
Bio - Obituaries - 12/1/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 7,1955 - Page 2
. Miw. ^Clsra Shutt Garwood
of Lexington, RS, died Thursday
at Baptiar Hofplta], Winflton-Sal-
cm, foltowlng an extended illness.
Her busbandt W; B. Garwooil,
died in 1948, Mrs- Garwi>od was
a native pt.DavIe Countv, udaugh*
icr €>f Mr- and Met, J. E. B Shutr,
Survivissg are two ions, one
daugHter/!;thrcf grandchltidrcn.one
brother.^ Walter Shucc, Advance;
thtcciUter^ Mr#. T. L Byerlv and
Mies Laura Shuc^ Advance, and
Mr*. Wade Naib Thomasville.
iFuncral aervlce* were held at 2
pi m, Sfaturdav at Rcctla Methodist
Churchi with Rev. Russell Young
and'Rev. Geoive Fiddler oifioUt-
idg, and^the body laid to rear In
flic chutllh ccmetcrv.
Bio — Obituaries — 12/7/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 8,1955 - Page 2
Daniel Vance Freeman
Former Davie Native
Is Critshed By Truck
A fonncr Davic Coiuuy native
wnn killed Inul Friday niahl about
on O. S. Hinhvvoy *J!).
when he wiik thrnwn from an [
ouluinoblle and was crushed be-
neulh the wheels of n trnciur-
Dunlvl Vance Prcrinnn of Salis
bury wna kilted instantly when
lie wd>i thmwn fioin the cur Inhi
the hluhway and the wheels of
the truck imssed over his body.
Dllly Qcne Lake, 20. also of
Bidlsbury. and a iNts.seiu:er In the
cur driven by Mi*. Preeinan. kuh-
talned minor hurls.
Mr, Fivemairs yehlclu was rc-
IHii'tvUty struck by a Iraclur-lrnll-
ev driven by W. F. Hilton of Char
lotte. It was ivtiorted that the car.
, wllhoui any aimarenl reason,
swerved Into the lane of the tvac-
tur-traller. The tnivk siruck the
} car on the riitht rear stdnnlim it
I around In the road. The latch on
tlie froi\t door upiMU'cnlly releas
ed and the two oicuimnts were
thrown out.
I Mr. Prccaam was thrown into
the highway and it is believed that
the back wheels of the tnick
pa.HHed over IiI.h body. Mr. Lake
was thrown clear of the high
Mr. Freeman was born In Davle
County on Pali. I. 1024. son of
the late Fdward L. and Luln Dan
iel Freeman. He was educated In
the Cooleeniec schools.
He had been employed for four
years in lite car department at
Spencer and was recently trans-
fened to Columbia. 8. C.
Ho was a veteran of World War
XI and a member of the Bnmucl
0. Hart Post of the American
laittlon. the Moo.se Lodttc, Brother
hood of Railway Carmen and of
eiio Liberty Metbodlst Cimch in
Dnvic County.
Mr. Frcemivt Is survived by his
widow. Mrs. Evelyn Rudlaill Free,
man to whom he was mAvrlcd on
Feb. 28. 1053: two brothers, Ed
ward L. Freeman ol the U. S. Air
Fui-cu In Eiuiland and Madison C.
Fi-ecman of MocksvlUc: four sis
ters, Mrs. Carlisle A. Rushlna of
Spencer, Mrs. O. W. Harris and
Mrs. R. A. Keller, both of Mocks-
villo. and Miss Mnrle Freeman of
WllminRton, Del.
PuDoroliBorvlccs wore hold Sun
day at 4 p.m. at the Rowan Mills
Baptist Clmrch with the Rev. W.
P. Llppard ofnclattmi. Burial was
In iliu Solisbuiy City cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 12/8/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Zeb Vuiice Buiion
MOCKSVILLE. Dec. 13 — Zeb
Vance Burton, 64. died
edW early today of a heart atiacU
homo in 11.0 Forh Chnroh
community. Advance, Houle z.
Mr. Burton, a farmer, was born
ill Davle County. Aug. W. lOOl,
son of Jomos P. and Ulla Pee^Burton. Me was morrlcd to ^Uss
'Rinnche Pack in 1915.
Surviving are
foster sons, Richard
Bailey of the home. Berry Lm
Bailey of Lexington, Route 4. and
FrankUn Bailey of the Navy in
Illinois; and one broUier. L. E.Burton of MocksvlUe, Route^3.
Funeral services will be held at
1 nm Thursday at Pork Baptist
30 minutes. The lie v. A. Kis«
wUI ornciale. Burial \frlll be in the
ciiurch ccmclory. Nephews will be
Bio - Obituaries - 12/13/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 14,1955 - Page 3
, p. H. Blackwdder; wtfe' of
Blitckwd^ff a. native of-^ Da'
yi^'CouDtVi dIH at her -hbthe in
^ Ufaihlngton, D earlv liurt Tuea^"
•day morhtng, ifollowthg' M;illncs$
|6f moie than fouriyeera/: ' '
Surviving are the huab^d and
:tiw broihmv>v'-.i.'
Funeral aervkef were he'd, ar
10 a. m., Thui^ay at Arllngcdn*
Va.» and the bodv laid to rcat 'ln
Arlington National Cemetery*
Col*'and Mrs. BU^welder were
recent gueate of Ck>1.Blik]cvreldec^a
mother. Mrs. Choi. Macicwclder*
on -Wltkcaboro atreet. , They, .re*
turned to Woahlngton two WMlca
axo,'accoropaiiled bv CoL Black-
wcldcr't mocher* who tpwda the
winters with her son* i
Cot. Blackwelder hoa a hoat. of
friccida and rdaUvea in Davie
Councv who join The Record 2a
extending aympathv . to . him
this sad hour. Gerald BL^Weld
er, of thia city. A brother, attend^
ed the. funeral and burial. -
I henry hJ Sells
Hmry. H. Sella, 86, of near Salia*
bury^ died Dec, 6, at Lynn Haven
Nuiaing Home In thie dcy.
1 Mr. Sells, was a native of Davie
.County and WdS a retired farmer
and textile worker.
.Surviving arc thice aona, one
daughter, two brothcra and one
• ...^ Funeral aervlcea were conduced
at p. ro. Thuradav at Wright*a
Funetal Home Chapel, Saliebury,
Burial was. In Chestnut Hill Cem*
etery in that city. . •
Mrs. Cleo S. Perry
•. Mrs. Cteo SafrlM Perry, 65, died
Dec. 4th In a Hlgh'PoJn« Memori
al Koapiul where she had been a
patient tor three weeks.*.
A native of Davie County, Mrs.
, Perry was a dauihter.of Mrs. Alice
Stroud Safriet and the late Rob^-rt
, B. Safriet of Route 1
In addition t o her mother.
'Mrs, Perry. le-vea her huibapd.
• 'one son by a former mafriaRe,and
i .fivc aiiterf* ^
► . Mra. Perry -WM a m^ber ofI Society Baptist Church in IredellI County, where funeral aerviccat were .conducted at 3 p» Tues*
day, -
Bio - Obituaries -12/14/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 15,1955 - Page 6
.V' . C.rt. Clcary, 8S •
♦' Kuilcrid (wrvlccs for chntiCK Lcc?'C!cary;. 83;. n foi-mcr JiV>ticc of
. pracc of biivlc Connt.v, wcro held
III ihc litiiiic^ Cr(t.N» flflodK
. B'nntitil Church, t'hc (lev. Jtiilic.H
• Orouc. I he Rev. H. W. Hulchlii.s.
the Rev. Albert BruckeiiK. itud the
Rev. John Ra.sberry offlcliitcd.
Burlnl wii.s In the church ceinco
Mr. CIcury <llc<i Dccoiubvr II ttl
hl.H home In Rnndlenmn. He hud
boon In dccllnhm hcuUh (or Kcvcr*
nl monlhs. I
He WOK born Mny 10. 1872. liij
Uavlc County, th? .son of VVllllani;
tind Mnry EdwiirdK Cleiiry. Hc-
wn.s n (iirincr nnd wn.s imstlcc ofj
the peiiijc In CliirkMVllle Township
for innny ycnra. He moved to
nundlcmnn 1(1 ycnrs uko.
Ilc-wus twice iniirrlcd, first to
Mr.s. isnbcl Bclk Dcc.sc. who died
In 1337', and thru 1.6 Ml.ss Jewel
Kurvlvlnu iin* his wife: Uuec
diumhlri-s. Mi-N. thiiiel Z. Wriuht
of Ahlii'boru niul Llberly. Mrs.
Lennli> Orrncr of Asheboro. Route
.1 and Mr.s. Leo nuthuwiiy of
.Richmond. Viruinin: two Kle))>
suns, Jmnes Dec.sc of Sui>hln nnd
Willlnin li. Dcestc of Winston-
SHletn: one sister. Mr.s. T. M.
Smilli of Mncksville, RL. 1: two
brollu'j'K. J. W. nnd P. A. Clcnry.
jboth of MocksvlUc. Ri. I: three
Umndchlldren tuul uIn st-.p Kinrnd-
j clUldrcn..
V MIb.s l>t61llc Stewart. 80
F^ncrnl .«rrvlcc5 (or Miss MoiUc
SteWivt. 60. o( MocksvlU?. Route
3. were .chid Wcdncsdn.v nt the
CoriiHt'^cr Baptist Church. The
Rev. B. A. Curroll .and the Rev.
EUKcne Quodinan olllciutcd. Bur
ial was In the church crtnclcM-y.l
MiJOi Stcwiirl died Tuesday at IheJ
Lynn Haven Rest Home. Sliu had
been In dcclinliiEt health for two
I Mls.<t Stewart was born in Dnvicij County Mny Ud. 1875. dnufdUcr of
^ Wllltnin nnd Mnry Stewart. HerI only 'aui-vivoi'K ore nlccta andjI nephews.
/.. V. Burlan. 84
Puncral services for Zcb VauccBurton. 64. of Advance^ Rt. 2.
will be held nt 3 p.m. Thursday nt
the Pork Baptist. Church. The
Rev. A. M. Klscr will ofnclntc. Bur
lnl will be in the church ccmc*
lory. • ■ . , •
Mr. Burton died imcxpeclcdly
Tur.sday of a licnrl attack nt his
home In ilic Fork Church com
Mr. Oiirion. u farmer, was bom
In Duvlc County. Aug. 10. IBOt.
.son of JnmcK P. nnd Lclin Peoples
Burton. He wns married to Miss
Blanche Pnck in 1915. ^Surviving nrc the widow; four[foster anns, Richard nnd Lnrry |
Ballny of the houic. Berry Lcc'
Bnil-y of Lexington, Route 4, nnd!
{Franklin Bnlle.v of the Navy in]ininoin':; nnd one brother. L. E.
Burton of MocksvUlc. Route 3.
Bio — Obituaries - 12/15/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 15, 1955 - Page 6
Jnhn 11. Horn, un
F'uncnil services fur Jdltn Ilcn-
dcrson Horn. on. of Mucksvlllc.
Rt. 3. were held Sunday nt the
Oak Qrovc Methodist Chmch. The
Rev. Robcrl Oakley and the Rev.
J. P. Davi.5 olhciati'd. Burial was
In tlic church ccinctery.
Mr, Ilnrn di'd Sntnrday iiftrr-
nnnn at the :.o>nr uf ii diutuhler.
Mrs. \V. W. Lampbi'll. of Mocks-
vllle, Umite 3.
A retired fanner. Mr. Horn had
been In dccllnhm hcnlth for acv-
crnt inonlhs and seriously III for
10 days,
i He wa.s born Aut:. 0. 1005. Inj
DnvIc County, sun of Lvnuicl and
Mary Ell'/abuth Horn. He niarrlcd
MIkk Eannu Suinnr*.!)! In 1800. Sho
died In I!150. |
Mr. Horn Is survived by four'
daimhters. Mr.<!. Campbell. Mrs.
W, H. Dlackwond uf Wlnslon-Sii-
leiii, Mrs. F. N. Youns of Caro*
Una Beach and Mrs. W. A. SaIn
of MocksvlDc. Route 3: one son.
W; C. Horn of WInslon-Salcni; 12
Rrnndchltdrcn: 22 ercal-mnndchlU
drnn and 2 Kr:at-urcat->iirnndchtl>
Bio - Obituaries - 12/15/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 21,1955 - Page 2
John h, Horn
. Joftn Hencf«raon Horn* 90; of
Smitb Grove* died Dec. tOtK at
the.home of his dauRhtcr, Mrs.
Walcer Campbell* near Mocktvllle.
-Mr. Horn was a native of Davie
CountV' 'He married Miss Emma
Summen in 1886. She died five
Veara ago. :
Surviving are foiir daughters,
Mta. Campbell, Mrs. W. H. Blick-
wood, of Winiiton<Salem; Mrs. F.
N. Young, of Carolina Beach, and
Mrs. W. A. Sain, of Mocksville,
Route 3; one son, W. B. Horn, of
Wintcon-Salcm; 12 grandchildren.
22 great'grandcnildren and i great
Funeral servfcet were held at 3
p. m. Di^ II, at Oak Grove Meth
odist Church,' with Rev. Robert
Oaklev, and Rev. J. P. Davia offid-
ating and the body laid .to rest In
the church cem'eterv.-
Milt Mollie Stewarl
Miss Mollle Stewart, of lU,
Mocksdlle. died Dec. 13. at Lynn
Haven.Nursing-Home here, fbl*
lowing an ektended illness
; Miss Stewart was a native of Da*
ide Cottinty^' Her: only ' suryivorr
ate nlececk and nephews.
' Funeral serdcea were held at. 3
p. m. Wednesday at the Coma*rer
Baptist Cbotch.'. Rev. B. A Car
roll and Rev. Eugene Goodman
officUced-,Burial followed In thi
churcbccmetery. .
Bio — Obituaries —12/21/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 21,1955 - Page 2
Zeh Vance Burton
Zcb Vance Bunon, 64* died un*
expecity Dec* 13(h of a heart at*
tack at hij home in the Fork
Church communltv*
Mr. Burton, a farmer, was born
in Davic County*-Aug. lO. 1891,
•on James P* and. Leiia Peo*
plcs Burton. He wai married to
MUs BiMce Pack in 1915.
• Survitdng are -the widow; four
foster aonst and one brother,. L.
E. Burton of Mockavitfe* Route I.
Funeral aervicca were hcid at 3
p, m. Thuadav at Fork BaptUt
Church. Rev. A. M. Kiaer offi*
dated. Burial w« in the church
(Ids* L
I' Chas. Lee Clearv, 83, died'at h1a:
hoihe at Hangman on Dee: llBi,
following an llincaa of abme, time.-
Mr. Clearv was a naHve of Da*'
vie County. He waa a farmer and-
waa Juatice of the peace In Clarke
vilieTownahlp' for many, veara.
He had lived in Raudlemaci for 16
veara n •
He waa married cwioe* firat to
Mrs. Isabel Belk Deeae, who didl
in 1937, and then to Mias Jewel
HiinneV, who ^urvivea. Other 8ur»
vivora are three dauflhtera, Mre.
Hazel Wriflht,. of Aahcboro aiid
Liberty; Mrs. Lennle (Jarner, of
Aaheboro: Mra. Lee Huihaway*. of
Richmond, Va^ two atepaon^ one
aiseer, Mra T. M.- Smith, Mocks*
vide. Route-1; two brothers, J. W.
and F. A. Cleary, alao of Route t;
three grandchitoren and alx step*
Funeral aervlccf were^nductcd
at 2:30p. m. Dec' 12(h, at Ijamea,
X Roada Baptist Church, with Rev, >
James Groce, Rev. H. W. Hutch*
ens, Rev. Al^tt Brackens and Rev,
John Raaberry o6iciating..and the.
b^v laid to rest in the church ee*
metery, ' |
Bio - Obituaries - 12/21/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 22,1955 - Page 7
I), c. Wutton. m \
Puneml Hei'vlce.s (ur D. C. Wiil-I
(on. tilt, rcilrod fnriner of Uotiiu'
4. MonkHVllli!. were held PrUlny nt-
the Woodlritf Metlii)di.st Cluitxii.'
The P. L. Snider oniclnlcd
Burial wa.H in lite church ceuie-
Mv. Wnlion dictl Pccomher U at
the Rowan Meinorliil Hositltal. He
hnd iK'cn lit 111 health for .scute
time. i
Ml*. Walton wn.s born In Rownn!
County Nov. 13. ItiKl). Kon of Thoni- {
nH Albert and Mnry lllltlard Wul*|
(on. lie was educated In the Row
nn Couuly Schools.
Survlvlin; are one .son. Thomas
Walton of Wlu.Hton - S.tleni: one
hrolher. W. 8. Wnlton of. Salls-
bury. Route 1. nnd one .sister, Mrs.
Annie Llvcnnood of Woodleaf.
3. A. Myen. 03 |
Funeral services fur .liiroh A.;
Myers. 03, of the Fork Churuhi
cointuunlty. Advance, Rt. 2. were'
held Monday nt the Fork Banilst;
Church. The Rev. A. M. Klser nnd
the Rev. Bobble RUltte oniclnted.
Burial was in the ehureh ceme
Ml'. Myer.s died Saturday lit a
Salisbury Hospital. He hnd been
Ecrloitdy 111 for ai.N days.
Mr. Myer.s wa.s born In Duvie
County July 10. lOO'J. the son of
WllUiim 8. nnd Delia Heue My
ei'H. He was a fanner and an elec
I He was married to Jennie Benl.
' who survives with the mother.
Mr.s. Delia Myers of Winston-
jSalein: two .suns, Oavlnnd M.vers
of Mock.svllle. Route 4. and
Wayne Myers of the hniiie: six
dauRhtors. Mrs. Henry Wood of
Advance. Roule 1. Mrs. Ovid
Hendilx of Salisbury. Route 0.
Mrs. William Head of Advance.
Route 2. Mrs, J. D. Barber of
Flon Collcitc. Rt. 1, Mt's. Oonnlc
Morris of Winston'Snlem. and
M1X.H Pansy Myer.s of the home:
\h in-nndchlldren: three urolhers.
! John. Lennle and Samuel Myers
of Wlnston-Salem: (our sisters,
Mr.s. OU tin Shiilcr oT Oreon.sboro.
! Mrs. Fred Jame.s of Wlnston-Sa-
I Inn. Route 2. Mrs. Tom Minor of
;.-\dvnnee. Route I. nnd Mrs. Cur-
' II.S Padeette Win.ston-Salcm.
Bio - Obituaries — 12/22/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY