Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 5,1955 - Page 2
John B, Bailey
John B. Baitev*^f of near Fork,
died suddenly of a heart attack at
his home on Dec. 23rd. He had
been in declining health for svv-
era! vears,
Mr. Bailey spent his entire life
In Davie County. His wife died
Sept, 11. 1953.
Surviving are four sonsi one
daughter, three brothers, 24 grand*
children and 23 great-^ndchlld*
ten and a host of friends. His
death brought sadness to the en
tire communitv. where he spent a
long and useful life.
Funeral services were held at
Fork Baptist Church at 3 p. m
on Saturday, Dec. 25th, with Rev.
A. M. Kiser and Rev. W. Tur
ner officiating, and the body laid
to rest in the church cemetery.
Ben F, Tutterow
Ben F. Tutterow, 61, died at his
home near Center at noon Fri
day, following a stroke which he
•uffiered on Dec. 26th, He had
operated a store and service sta
tion on R. I, for about two vears.
His death has hroU|f;hc sadness to
a hostvof friends throughout Da-
vie Countv.
Surviving are the wife, one i»on,
Fred Tutterow and two daughters,
Mrs. fas. H. Jones and Mrs. Pted
Powell, ell of R. 2; one brother,
J. E. Tutrerow, oi R, 1; Eve sisters,
Mts. Ed G. Walkei. Mrs. Martin
l^tham, Mrs. lohn CNral, Mrs.
W. O. Murphy and Mrs. Burrus
Green of Route 1,
FuiteKil services were held at
Center Me.ho'list Church at 2:30
p. m.-Sunday, with Rev. Robert
Oakley tittJ Rev. E.-Kl. Avett ol-
ficiacing. and the body laid to rest
in the &urch cemetery.
John C. Tatam
n John C.Tatum. 72, a native of
Jerusalem Township, but for many
years a resident of Salisbury, died
suddenly at his home In that city
on Dec. 2Dth.
Mr. Taium was a son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tatum, of
Davie County. His wife was the
former Miss Thirza Graves, daugh
ter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Henry
Graves, of this city. She died on
March 30,1947.
Mr. Tatum is survived by two
brothers and six slaters. He was
a deacon and a member of the
board of trustees of the First Bap
tist Church in Salisburv.
' Funeral services were held -at
the home on Dec. 22nd, with Rev.
R. L. Deneen officiating and the
body laid to rest In City Memorial
Park Cemetery, Salisbury. j
Mrs, £. Smith]
Mrs. Cora B. S., ich, 71. widow!
of W. E. Smith, Harmony, R. 2,
died at a Stacesvilie hospital Wed
nesday night following a serious
Itlness of two weeks. She was a
native of Davie County.
Surviving are one sifter, Mrs
Mrs. tula Campbell, Harmony, R.
i, and one brother, totinie Gaiih*
cr, of near Sheffield,
Funeral services were held i-c*
New Union Methodist Church at .
2 p. m- Sunday, with Rev. W. CJ
Anderson, Rev. Grady O. White |
Rey. Ervin Wallace, and Rev. C«,'
T* Henderson ofiiciaung, and the
body Jaid to rest in the church <
cemetery, j
Bio - Obituaries - 1/5/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 6,1955 - Page 2
tf June '
lOVftl services for Mrs. Mary
lltiHB Dnvis, ftfic 101, were
-■nil. 2 nt the Bethel Church,
wns In the church ccmc-
^Shc W'fts the ri niishlor of Enoch
- nud Luurn nitthu; of Onvle Coun-
U'. She was nuuTlcd to the lute
Diivis wiio died 20 yeni-o
' After her hu.sband's dcuth,
lMr.s, Davis made iicr home wlili'her only grand-daumlUcr. Mas. Al
beit White, nnd Mr. While.
Mr«. O. L. Frye. 74
Funeral services for Mrs. Essie
Snyder Fry, 74. of Mocksville. Rt.
3. were held Tuesday.
Mrs. Fi*y died Jan. 3. In a Ux*
liiBton Hospital after suffering a
heart attack.
A native of Davie County, she
WHS 0 daughter of John and EUen
Hcndrix Bnydcr. nnd had spent
her entire life In the area.
Her husband, Q. L. Fry. died
several years ago.
Survivors include 8i.\ daughters.
Mrs. Steven Feczor of Badln. Mrs.
Raymond Llvcngood of Lexington.
Mrs. Richard Bayer of New Bruns«
wick, N. J., Mrs. Buford Owens of
High FotiU. Mrs. Boone Foster of
Mocksville. Route 3. nnd Mrs.
Cliarlen Wrenn of Lexington; four
•sons, O. I. Fi-y of Mocksville, Bt.
3. H. H. Fry and E. N. Fry of
Mocksville, Rt. 4 and E. D. Fry of
Advance. Rt 1; 20 grandohUdren
and six great-grandchildren.
Mm. H'. E. Smith. 71
Funcml serviccA for Mrs. Cora
B. Smith, 71. widow of W. E.
Smith. Harmony. Rt. 2, wuro hoUli
At New Union Methodist Church
Sunday. Rev. Wllllnin Anderson,
the Rev. O. O. Wliite, the Rev.
Ervln Wnllace, the Uev. C. T,
Henderson offlciiUed. Uiniid was
in tlio nlmreh coinel<M*.v,
Mr.A. Smith died n( a Siute.<;vllle
hospitnl on Dec. 2f» foUowinftla
serious Illness of two weeks.She i.s .survived by one slat^^r,
Mrs. l.uliv Campbell of Unrmptiy.
Uoute 1. nnd one brather. UinnioCiaither of Mocksville. Route ^
Bio - Obituaries - 1/6/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 6,1955 - Page 2
B. F, Tutterow, 61
F\iUoml Mi'vlccs for Benjnniin
(Ben) Fi'nnklin Tuitcrow. 61. of
the Center Church Community
were held Sunrtny «l the Center
Methodist Church. Rev. Robert
Oakley and Rev. B. M. Avett of*
niclntcd. Butinl was In the ehureh
Mr. IHitterow died at hl.i home
nround noon, LX*c. :<1. Ho had bi'eii
HoiiouMly 111 .since sulTortnt: a stroke
live days before.
He was born In Davie County.
Nov. 9, 1803. a son of Heni'V and
UoUy Anderson Tutterow. He was
a merchant and fUUtm siatloii op
Other .survivors Include .a son.
Fred Tnlterow of Mock.svlUe.
Rt. I: two dnnuliters. Mrs. J. II.
Jones and Mrs. Fred Powell of
Mock-Hvllle. Route I: ttnec srand-
j children: a brother. J. E. Tutter-
:ow of MocksvlUe. Rl. I; five sis
ters. Mrs. MarUn Lnthnin and Mrs.
John Frank O'Neal of Mock.Hvnie.
Route I nnd Mrs. Ed Walker. Mr.s.
Buri'ua Orccn nnd Mis. W. O. Mur
phy of Mocksvlllc. Rt. 4.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/6/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 12,1955 - Page 2
Mrs. H'. G. Fosferj
Mra. W. G. Foster, 62, died at
her home near Advance, Thura*
day afternoon, j
Surviving are the husband, one
son, three dflughcers, four brath«
ers, one sister,!and a number of
grand and great grandchildren.
Funeral services were held a*
2i50 p. m. Saturday at Fork Bap-,
tisc Church, with Rev. A. M Kls«
er, Rev. L. M. Tendey and Rev,
E. W. Turner ofiiciatlng and the
body laid to rest in - the church
Mrs, G. L Fry j
Mrs, Essie Snyder Frv, 74, of j
MocksvUlc, Route 3, died about 6*
p. m., in a Lexington hospital after |
suffering a heart attack.
- A native of Davie County, she
was a daughter of John and Ellen
Hendriz Snider. Her husband,
G, L, FrVf died several years ago,
I Survivors include six daughrers,
four sons, 20 grandchildren and
six great<grandchitdren.
Funeral sertdces were held at
Fulton Methodist Church Wed
nesday- afternoon at 3 o'clock,
with Rev, W, .E, Flttgera!^ and
' Rev, Paul Bruton officiating and
the body laid to rest in thechurch
I Vfiley Kttrfees
Wiley Kurfces, 84, well known
retired Rowan County fanner, of
near Cleveland, died atDukeHos>
pical, Durham, Thursdav, where
he had been a patient five days.
His wife died Nov 8. 1954, Sur
viving are five sons, five daughters
and two brothers.
Funeral services wete conduct
ed at 11 a. m. Saturday at the chap
el of Bunch Funeral Home, Scates-
valle, und the body laid to rest in
Grcenlawn Cemctcty. near China
Mr* Kurfees was a native of Da-
vie County and has many relatives
and friends in this community.
Bio — Obituaries - 1/12/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 12,1955 - Page 3
Mrs. L 0. Markknil
M n. SalUe Belle Mar1ctand« 70*
widow: of,L. O. MarkUnd, dM at
12:30 p* m.* -Wedneadav a t a
Mocksvilte nunlng home* She
had bcca In declining health aev-
era! monthi and critical ill four
Mn.' Morkland waa bom 1 d
Davie County July 7^ 1884* She
•petit entire life tn Davle
County and rcatd^ In die Blba-
vllle! Church , community* Her
husband died Ian. 4* 1953*
Surviving are- two daughten,
Mrs. Lllllin Kooniz of Modcsvllle/
Route 2^ smd Mrs; Maybell Orrell
of Adwce^ Route 2; five eons* I
Wi, Steye/Faul and R. J* Mack-
land, all of Advance. Route ^
and liffity Lee ,Maricland o f
Mbdctville, Route 4; 13 grand-
childrm; and one •l^ter. Mn,
Noah Robertson, o f Advance,
Route 2J ) * -
Funeral services were. held at
Friday at 2 p. 'm., at Elbayille
Mcthbdlsc Church, with Rev* W,
E'Fitzgerald and Rev.'Howard
fordan bffi^ting and tiie body
laid to test In the diurch txmo*
tety, ,
Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 13,1955 - Page 4
Everett 8. 8mltli, 33
IPuncral Rcrvtccs for Everett
Shcrriil Smith, 33. of Advance, Rt.
1. were held Monday afternoon at
the Yadkln Valley Baptist Church.
Rev. A. 0. Cheshire offlciatcd. Bur*
Inl was in the church cemetery.
Mr. Smitit was killed iiislanMy
when his car collided licnd-on
with another on Highway N. C.
601. about two miles cast of Far-
inington. Satui'day night.
Lee Roy Rushing. 43, also of
Advance. Route I. the driver of
the othcr« car. suiferd facial lac
erations and internal injuries. He
is a patient at .City Hospital in
Winston-isnlcm. His condition was
described as satisfactory.
Mr, Smith was born in Dnvic
County. June 12, 1017, a son of
Robah and Bessie Cain Smith.
He was a sawmill worker and
had rc.sidcd in the Yalkin Valley
Baptist Church community for a
number of years.
Surviving arc the parents: three
brothers, Leo Smith of Faycttc-
Tcnn.. Kcrmit Smith of Mocks*'
vlllc. Route 2, and Earl Smith of
Lakehurst, N. J.: three sisters.
Mrs. Joe Longston and Mrs. Eu
gene Lee, both of Advance. Routf
2. and Mrs. Hubert Drawdy of
Mrs. L. O, Markland, 70
Funcrci services for Mrs Sailic
Belle Markland, 70. widow of L. O.
Markland, wcrc held Friday at the
Elbavillc Methodist Church. Rev.
W. B. Fitzgerald and the Rev.
Howard Jordan, officiated. Burial
was In the church cemetery.
Mrs. Markland died January
5th at a Mocksvlllc nursing home,
> She had been in declining health
I several months and critically ill
' foor weeks.
I Mrs. Markland was born In
Dnvic County July 7, 1864, daugh-
I tcr of Willinni and Emma Lyon.
^ She B)Knt her entire life in Dnvic
County anl resided in the Elba-
I vlllc Church community. Advance.
Rt. 2. Her husband died January
4. 1053.
Surviving are two daughters.
Mrs, Lillian Koontz of Mocksvlllc.
Rt. 2, and Mrs. Maybcll Orrcll of
Advance. Rt. 2: Five sons. L. W.
Steve. Paul and R. J. Markland,
all of Advance., Rt. 2. and Henry
Lee Markland of Mocksvlllc, Rt.
4: 13 grandchildren: and one
sister. Mrs. Noah Robertson of
Advance. Rt. 2.
Mm W. Giles Pasler.OS
Funeral services for Mrs. Allle
Ann Foster. 62, wife of W. Giles
Foster of Advance Rt. 2. were
held Saturday at the Forli Bap
tist jChurch. Rev. A. M. Ktscr. the
Rev! L. M. Tencry, and Rev. E. W.
Turner,, officiated.
Mrs. Foster died at her home
January 6th.
She was bom In Davle County
July 28. 1802, daughter of James
and Ann Jarvls Llvengood.
Survivors Include her husband
three daughters; Mrs. C. S. Bailey,
Mrs. Jim Shtlllnglaw. and Mrs.
B. L, Jones of Advance. Rt. 2: a
sun,. Buddy Fusler of Advance,
Rt.2; four .brothers, A. N., W. A.,
nna ta. W. Llvengood of Advance.
Rt. 2. and J. M. Llvengood of
Mocksvlllc; a sister. Mrs Emma
Carter of High • Point: eight
grandchildren, three great-grand*
chlldrcn; a foster daughter, Mrs.
Felix Rummage of Lexington,Rt.
3; and a foslcr son. Gray Carter
of Advance, Rt. 2.
Bio - Obituaries — 1/13/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 13,1955-Page 4
Mn. AlteH Ufler, II
Funeral services were held
ThurKday for Mrs. Mary Wagoner:
Lflcr,' 74, of Mocksvltlc. Rt. 4,'
wife of Albert Lefler. I
Mrs. Lefler died Tuesday ot her.
home. She hnd been in declining'
health for several months and
seriously 111 for ten days.
She was born In Davle County.
April 8. 1880. a daughter of Char*
lie A. and Martha Graham Wagon
She lived in Coolcemce for 21
years bcfoi'c moving 25 years ago
to her present home in the Oitiasy
Corner community In Davle Coun*
She was a life-long member of,
' the Liberty Methodist Church. i
She was married to Mr. Lefler.
! Jan. 12. 1808. He survives.
I Other survivors arc two sons.
C. L. Lefler of Tacoma. Wash.,
and W. R. Lefler of Charlotte: a
daughter. Mrs. J. 8. Lowdcr of
I the home: a sister. Mrs. Cora Bar
ton of Norfolk. Va.: four broth
ers. Rcecc Wagoner of Norfolk.
Fred Wagoner and Henry Wagoner
both of Kannapolls and Albert
' Wagoner of Coolccmec.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/13/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 19,1955 - Page 2
E. S. SmiH ;
•. Ftmet&lienrlcesfor EvmttSbeV
rill Smith* 35; of Advance, Route
1. was kilted Ian. 6th In a traffic
acddenc, was conducted at 3 p« m«,
Jan. 10th at Yadkin Valley Baptist
Church by Rev. A» C. Cheshire.
Burial was In, the church ceme*
terv. ^
Mr Smith was killed Ins^tehtly
when his car collided he.ad-on
with another on Hlfthway N* C*
601, about two mites east of Farm*
.1 Lee Rov Rushing, 45, also of
' j Advance, Route 1, the.'driver of
the other car, sufiered facial la*
'.ceratlons and internal injuries. '
I Surviving are the parents; three
brothers, three sisters.
This was the first traffic death in
Davie this year. Let's alt hope
they Will be few and far between
in 1955. There were three traffic
'deaths in DavIe last year.
Mrs. Henry Ba<-ch&tte
' Mrs. Sftfah Burchetto, ?5. of
' Mocksvithv Route 5. died early
Wednesday at a Yadklnvllie Hos.
She had been in ill heaJih sev*
ertil months and seriously ill one
. Survivors include two daughters
'Cwusons, three granddaughte.s;'
tliree great-great* grandchildren,
two brothers.
Funeral services were hehl at
-2p m.. FriJnv at Liberiv Hripcist
Church bv Rev Enoc.i SVooien.
Biirijl w \n in the church cemerery>
'Mrs. Albert Lefler
I Mrs. Mary Wagoner Lefler, 74*
of Mocksville. Route 4, died at 8
'p. in., Jan* 10th at her home. She
had been in dtelining health for
' several cnonchs and scfiously ill for
^ 10 days.
I She was a life long member of
the Liberty Methodist Church.
I She was married to Mr. Lefler
Jan. 12,1896. He survives.
Other survivors are two sons, a
daughter, a sister, four bfothers.-
j Funeral services were held at 2
p. m.. Thursday at Liberty Metho*
Idist^urch with Rev. B« C. Ad
ams and Rev. G. W- Fink officiar*Iing, acid the body laid to rest an!
the church cemcterv. J
Bio - Obituaries -1/19/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 20,1955 - Page 2
Fimernl sci vlees fni- Miss Lanascr
June (Miss Jennie) Pyson. 112. of
the Ci'iitrr coinnmiilty. were luid
Thur.sduy nfteinoon nl the New
Union Methodist Clmvch. Roe.
Robert Oakley. Rev. Wade Hut-
cen.s and the Uee. W. C. Anderson
oUielatt^d. Purlal was In the
ehtjrcli cemeii'jy.
MI.S.S Dyson died Jnntiary lliti
at the home of her brolluM'.N. B.
Dy.son of the Center cmninunlty/
Slio had been In 111 honllh sever
al years and seriously 111 for n
She was born In Davle County
Feb. 11. 1872. the dniluhter of
Alvin and Martha GnlLher Dyson.
She made her home with her
brother and had lived in the Cen
ter Church coininttnlty for :iu
She Is also survived by another
brother. R. O. Dy.son of Snco.
Funeral services for Mr.s. Sarah
Durehetti!. 75. of Moeksvllle Ul. 5.
%j were heUl Friday ariernoon at the
, Libert Buiilt.st Chtireh. Uev.
Enoch Wiioten uri'lclnted. Burial
was In the cluirch crinetery.
Mrs. Uuceheite died January
12th al a Yadklnville hospital. She
had been In ill heallh several
months and seriously 111 one day.
Mr.s. Biu'chette was born in
Sia ry County Autni.M 10,. IU70. the
damditer of Joint and Jane Ve.stnl
Stirvlvors include two duuuhtcrs
Mrs. Auiuisla Dl>:oit of WIn.ston
Snlem and Mrs. De.ssle Wilklns of
Yadklnville lit. I: two soit.s. Jim
and Claude Burchetie of the home
three lu-.iitdehlldren: three iireat-
grandchlldreit: two brotluns. Jack
Harehette of Whislott-Sulem and
Dalla.s Burchetie of Greensboro.
II. V. Marllii. r.l I
Funeral services for Henry Frank
Marthi. 7ll. m^llred merclmitt aitd
fai'iner of the Count ney commun*
ity we»x» held Friday at the Court,
ney Baptist Church. Rev. R. E.
Atlrttus und Rev. E. W. Turner of-
ficlaied. Durlal was lit the cinirch
Mr. Mnrlln died nl his t\omo on
Moeksvllle, Rt. 2. Jan. 12.
J Stirvlvlnp are lite whUnv. the for-
I iiier Miss Mnm^te Ilowell; one'
tlauchter, Mrs. O, B. Shtmions of
I Wlnston-Salein: two sons. H. W.
I Martin of Moeksvllle and Francis
n. I Percy) Martin of Yadkln-
|vllte: six grandchildren and one
Bio - Obituaries - 1/20/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 26,1955 - Page 2
Geor%e F, Bope
George Franklin Bpoe» 85, wcU*
known Yadkin County farmer^
died at hh home near Lone Hick*
ory on Jan. 15th, death reautdng
from a heart attack, Mr. boot
was a long-time frlend of oura and
his visits .to our office will be mist*
ed. We had k^own him nearly a
half century*
Surviving are one son, Frank
Booe, of Hegerstown, Ind.» two
brothers, W. G. and Ma.shall
Booe, o f Ciarksville townships
a sister, Mrs. R. O. Renegar* of
Wins(on;Saiem und a number of
grandchildren and meat-grand*
Funeral services were Held at 2
p.m., Ian. I7, at Sandy Springs
Baptist Church with Rev. Wade
Hucchens and Rev, E* W. Turner
officiating, nnd the body laid to
in the church cemetery. *
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 26,1955 — Page 3
Ray V, Alexander, 62, of Coo*
Icemee, died HtUndaV in a- Sails*
bury hospital, following a long-ill*
tiew.' HcTwai'^borO/dn WlUoS
County imd moved, to' Cooleemee
20 vearl sgo. .He tefsre^ted Da-
vle Cotmtv In die pmieral iV^esh*
bly of 1943* .Hesjcry^^^1
lector for some He; wss "i.
member of the.Ct^lecro^e Baptht
Chuf^. Survlyins are'the wife,
otie son,.three dau^teri,'chree bro-
dicrs and one slitey.'. *•.
Funeral tervi^ wcfe held* at
p. m. Friday at.Cooleem'M Baptist
Church, with Rev, J. W,' Klein of'
fidatihib and the bodv laid to rest
In Ro^n Memorial-Park,
Mr,Atezandrrhad,many friends
InlHidewho wdre saddened by
his death, ^
"Eidia^ F. Caither,- 93. retired
farmer died Jan, I6ch at the home
of:his dautmtet and ion-ln*law,
Mr* and Mn. A. O* Grifitch* near
Society Baptist Church on the
Mockivllie Highway, >
' He had b^ Jn poof health for
several yearn and. leflouty ill for
the past three weeks.^ |
Surviving are three children,
Arthur Gaither'and Mra, -.A*,.O,
Griffith of ;Statcsv)l!e;v.Rpute 44
and Mfs.;Maggle.Tboni<;'.li^^
yllle, Rplice 1. ■, - -V ■ ■ •
Funeral acrylccS'. were: j^dtictted at 3 p..nt., Tuesday* at:' SocietyBaptist Church. Burial waa^ln,
the church, cemetery, - n ..
Bio - Obituaries - 1/26/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, Januar> 27,1955 - Page 6
Ray Von Alexander
Former Representative
From Da vie Coitnty
Dies At Age (»2
Ray Von AluNander. 62. of Cool-
eemue. fomicr DjivIp County IckIs-
iutur. (tied at C:UO n.ni. Thiir.sday
at a Sallshuiy hospital. He had
been In poor hcnitli for two years
and seriously 111 one week.
Mr. AlesaJider wa.s born In
WUkes County Feb. 19. 1892. son
of Jes.se and Sarah Caudelt Ale.^:•
ander. He luid Rslded In Coolee-
itiee for 20 yeur.s and was con-
lU'eted with the Grwiu Cotton
Mills for 15 yeans.
He wn.s a ntciuber of tiie Da vie
County Ucpublicai) Executive
Cuiniulttee. He represented Davits
County in tlie Quneral Assembly
in 1949.
He taupht seliool in Wilkes
Cotinly several years In early life.
After cuiniiu; to Davic County, hcj
wa.s Davle tax collector for sev-j
eral years.
lie was a member of tlie Patrio
tic Order. Sons of America, He
\\;a.s a member of lite First Bap-
list Ciiurcii of Coolccmcc and wasj
.secretary of the clmrch and trcns-l
uvor of the biilldlna fund. He was
a member of tlie choir. ;
Surviving are the widow, the!
former Ml.ss^Lesslo Prevctte: one,
^ son. M. B. Alo.saiidcr of Coolee-
j mee: three duUKhter.s. Mrs. K. M. •
'jncob.s, Mrs, J, C. Sell. Jr.. and I
I Mrs. Clmrles Spake of Coolec-!
mec; one grandson: three broiii-
ur.''. Nelson and Willis Alexander
of Wllke.s County and J. T. Alex-
ajuier of Moclcsville. Route 1: and
one sister, Mrs. Matilda Sparks!
I of Wilkes County. !I I
I FtmvM'nl servise.s were held Prl-|
j dat at Cooleemee Baptist Ciiurch.l
I The Rev. J. W. Klein officiated. |
Uurinl wa.s in Rowan Memorial!
Pallbearers wore Paul Boue, R. [
L. Fo.ster, J. F. Jarvi.s, Ray Jor-1
an. J. W. Turner and W. F. Ow-;
ens. i
Bio - Obituaries - 1/27/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 2,1955 - Page 2
CAas. C Beck {
OiM. C Beck* 79, died ac hie
home near Sbe^eld Hiufsdav#
!fol owing an extended Ifinesd.. He
I spent his endre jtfe In Davie«
I Surviving are the wife, three ^
daughterst Mrst T, R« Richardson, ^I Mrs* Ausc^ Shaw and Miss lla
Beck, all of tlte Sheffild commim*
I Hv; five grandchildren, thr^-e great*
grandchildren) c»ne brother# D. S.
Beck, Harmony, Rl) three sisters,
Mrs. S. L* Reeves, Harmony, Rl
Mrs. R* P* Ijames, near Shefitdd^
and Mrs. T, P. Richardson, Yad.
kinville, R3*
I Funeral services were field ar
2:30 p, m. Sunday at Liberty Holi'
litest Church, with Rev. Carey
Btilla and Rev. Clyde Parker of*
fidatlng, and the body laid to rest
in the church cemetery. A good
t man has gone to his reward.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 3,1955 - Page 1
R. L. Gaither
Dies In Fire
Richard h. Onlthcr. 33. died of
iiNphlxInticn early Sunday In a
flra which totally destroyed tho
home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
A. M. Oalther. near Haimony.
Tile youii» man lived with his
parents and was sleeping in an
U))stairs room about 4 a.m. when
fire nriitlnated in some wiring
upstalls. His pai-ents. sleeping on
the first floor, were aroused and
Firemen from Harmony and
Btutesvillc were unable to save
the building on account of short-
at^e of water Neighbors helped
save much of the house furnish
Coroner Marvin Raymer re
ported that Ooither's death was
attributed to aulTocation from
Kinoko and fire and announced
that no inquest will be held.
Mr. Oalther. a veteran of World
War II. won distinction in the
service and. was awarded the
Purple Heart. He had been en
gaged in farming for several
years and was not married.
Smvivors. in addition to his
parents. Include four brothers, and
three sisters. Rolph 8. Oalther.
John M. Onithcr. Hay A. Oalther.
James C. Onlthcr, Mrs. Sam Jones
and Mrs. Herman Campbell .all
of Harmony. Route 1. and Mrs.
Claude Cartncr of Mocksvillc. Rt.
Funeral services were held at 3
p.m. Monday at Clarksbury Mctho-
diKl Church of which he was a|
member. Burial was In the church i
Palibeurer.s were members of the
Harmony American legion Post.
Bio - Obltiiaiies -2/3/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 3,1955 - Page 1
Funeral Services Held
Sunday For C. C. Beck
* Hei viccs ioY'C.'C. "BccR'.'
79. of Mocksvllle. Rould 1. were
held Sundnv At the Liberty Holi
ness Churcli. Rev Cnroy Bulln niid
Rev. Clyde Parker oincliitcd. Bur
ial was In the church cemetery.
Mr. Beck died around noon Jan.
28 at hi.s home. He had been sick
for severnl months and seriously
ill for the past few weeks.
He s))cnt his entire life In Davle
County. He was a retired farmer.
He was a son of D. L. and Amanda
Smith Beck.
He is survived by ids wife, the
former Fcrabce Cleary: tluee
dau«iitcrs. Mrs. T. R. Rloimrdson.
Mrs. Austin Slmw and Miss Ho
Beck of MocksvlUe. Rl. 1: five
Brundclilldron; three isrcat-Bvand-
childrcn: one brother. D. S. Beck
of Harmony, Route 1. and three
slstcr.s. Mrs. S. L. Reeves of Har
mony, Route 1. Mrs. R. P. Ijames
of Mock-svilie. Route 1 and Mrs
T. P. Richardson of Yadklnvllle
Route 3.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/3/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 9, 1955 - Page 2
Mrs. Haqh Smtth
Mrs. Etia Mae Smlch, 33, daugh*
ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Walker,
of Gascohia, died In a hospital' in
cliar cirv on Feh. Jsf, fa lowing a
heart accaclc. .Funeral services were
held at Main Street Methodist
i Church Gasronia# last Wednesday
at 11 o'clock.
Mrs. Smltt|s sur\ived by her
parents, three sons, three brothers^
and cwu sisters. Mrs. Smith's
mother is a sUier o f Grover
and George Hendricks of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. George Walker and
family lived in Mocksville for a
number of years before moy'n^ito
Gattonia more than 20 yean tgo.
They have manv fdends here who
were saddened fay news , of Mn4
Smith's death.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 10,1955 - Page 4
FUttcml] .services for CeoiRe W. I
Rntlcdue. 71. prominent fanner,
luid flour nil)] operator of Wood-
Iruf. were held Tuesday at the
home. Tlie lites were conducted by
Uev. J. H, Armfleld and Rev. J.
L. Martin. Rurlnl was In the Unity
Pie.shylerlan Church cenietciy.
Mr. Railedtie died Sunday night
at the Rowan Memorial Hospital
following an tllnc.s.s of one week.
Mr. Untlediic wn.s born on Jan.
'JU. in Davie County, the
.son of till? late John Plllmorc Rat-
ledge and Sally Ca.sey Ratlcdge.
He wa.s fjr.st married to Mi.s.s Flor
ence Rice who died in ID28. Hl.s
second inarrinKC was to Mi.ss Evu
Blake who .survives.
Ills other .survivor.s arc a son.
Ward Ratledge of Woadlcnf: four
dnuglUers. Mi.s. J. S. Wonnt of
Sali.sb\n-y. Mrs. Paul II. Stroud.
Mocksvillo. Rt. I. and Miss Hefty
nttd Miss Connie Ratlcdgc. both
of the home; four brothers. D. C.
and W. B. Rateldgc. both of
Mock.svllle. Rt. 4. J. W. Ratlcdgc
of Elkin and E. P. Raieldge of
Woodlcaf: three- .sisters. Mr.s. M.
L. oOdbey. Hnrniony. Rt. 1 Miss
Minnie Rntledgc. Woodlenf, and
Mrs. E. E. Koont/. Mocksvlllc, Rt.
4. and sis grandchildren.
I R R.idRK, 7*t-
' Fuiiei-dl services wcw held Tuc.s-
day for R. B. York. 70. retired
farmer of Harmony. Route I. Mr.
.Yok died at his home Saturday
' foUowing a .brief lUne.ss.I Mr. York wa.s born in Iredell
CoutH.v. son of Fninklin and Re-
hL'L'ca Juimsim York.
Surviving are the wife, the for
mer Miss Etta Heath: four
dauglRers. Mr.s. T. E. Ca.sh and
Mr.s. Eini Stnaid of State.sville'
Mr.s. Wade Stroud of MnckHVllle.'
Rt. 1, and Miss Edna York of the
home; thre«} sons. Roy York of
Statesvllle. Clay York of- Mocks-
villf. Rt. 1. and Frank York of
Anderson. Ind.: three grnndchll-
dren. I
Bio - Obituaries - 2/10/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 16,1955 - Page 2
Georfe W. Ratledge
George W. Racledge, 71» of
Wo^leaft dairy farmer and flour
miU operator, died Feb. 6th at a
Salisbury hospital where he had
been a patient one week.
Mr. Ratledge was bom tn Dav e
County, eon of John Filmore and
Satlie Casey Ratledge. He had
operated the Rice and Ratledge
Flour Mi I Woodleat for many
years und was also engaged In ex
tensive firming.
He was twice married, first to
Miss Florence Rice in 1912. She
died in April, 1926. His second
marriage was to Miss Eva Blake in
Mrs. G. F, Ijames
Mrs. Mertie Call Ijames, 69,
widow of Geo.ge Franklin Ijames.
died Feb. 5th at her borne in Lex*
She was born tn Davie County
a daughter of Henry Wilson and
Alice Hendricks Call. She was a
member of Sheets Memorial Bap
tist Church,
Surviving are three sons, Wil
liam O. Ijames o f Lexington,
James Marvin Ijames of the home
and Hen^ W. Ijames of Lexlng-
'ton. Route 2; two daughters, Mrs
Herbert Matthews of Cape Girar
deau. Mo., and Mas. Claude Parka
of Salisbury, Route 4; two broth
ers, Charles Call of Lexington and
Tavlor Call of Mbcksvllfci and
'one sister Mrs. Baxtet Taylor of
I Mockiville; and five grandchildren.
I Funeral services were conducted
at 5 p. m., Feb. 7(h at Sheets Mem
oriel Baptist Church by Rev. J. T.
Davis and Rev. Wayne Fours.
I'Burial was in the city eemetety*
Survivors are his wife; four
daughters, Mrs. G. S.. Weant of
Salisbury, Mrs. Paul H. Siroud of
MocksvilK, Route t. Misses Betty
and Connie Ratledge of the home:
one son. Ward Ratlcdgepf Wood-
leaf, six grandchildren; four broth
crs, D. C. and W. B. Ratledge of
Mocksville. Route 4, l.'W. Rat
ledge of Elkin and R P. Ratledge
of Wood'eaf; and three sisters,
Mrs. M. L. Godbv of Harmony,
Route ], Miss Minnie Ratledge of
Woodleaf and Mrs. E. E, Koonts
of Mocksville, Route 4.
Funeral services were held at 3
p. m.. Tuesday at the home* Rev.
J. H. Armfield and Rev. J. L. Mar.
tin offidaced. Burial was in Unity
Presbyterian Church cemetery* |
R. B. York
R. 8. York, 79, well know re
tired farmer, died at his home on
Route i. Harmony, on Feb. 6th,
following a short illness.
Survivors are the wife, four
' daughters and three sons, one of
the daughters being Mrs. Wade
Suoud, of Mocksville Route 1.
I Funeral services were held at
Clarksbury Methodist Church last
Tuesday afternoon at 3^ o'clock,
and lite body lahl co rest in the
chujch cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/16/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 17,1955 —Page 1
B. L ShiiI']
Rite» Held
Funcrnl scrvlcca were held Wed
nesday afternoon at tlie Metho-
dtst Church in MocksvlDe for
Bcal IjaincK Sin'ith. 69. Mr. Smith
died at 8:10 p.m. Monday night
ill n Stntmlllc lio.'spita]. He hud
been seriously til for ten days.
Mr. Smith was born in Dnvic
County. March 13. 1885. a son of
Deal I. and Martha Spry Bmftb.
He was married in 1915 to Rose
Mcroncy Shcck of Davic Coun
ty. who survives.
For around 20 years Mr. Smith
was Mocksviile's one-man police
force ui/til he retired about 10
years ago. At tiic time of his
death, he was the manager of the
Duke Power company Bub.station
Other survivors include, one,
daughter. Mr.H. John Waters of
Mocksvlllc: three sons. June, Bcol
and Eugene Smith, all of Mocks-
ville: a brother, John Smith of
MockBville: a half brother, Hugh
Anderson of Coolccmee: and three
half-sisters. Mrs. John Myers of
Wlnston-Salcm. Mrs. Mnry Fca*
tlxrstonc of Ashcviile. and Mrs.
Orace Miller of Hickory.
Rev. W. Q. Orlgg and Rev. B. M.
Avctt ofUcintcd at the sei-vlccs,
Wednesday. Burial was in Rose
Bio - Obituaries - 2/17/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 23,1955 - Page 2
B. /. Smith
Ic is with sadness that we chro*
nidc the death of Seal Ifaines
Smith, 69, well-known citizen of
this citv* who passed away at
Uavia Hospital, Statesville, o n
Monday eveninR. of last week. Mr.
Smith had been i n declinine
health for several years and criti-
callv 111 for 10 days proceeding his
Everybody in Mocksvillc knew
Beat Smith and he knew practical-
Iv all the Mocksville people. He
was chief of police here for about
20 years, and had been manager
of the Duke Power substation here
for many vears. His death has
brought sadness to a host o f I
friends throughout this entire
community. |
Surviving are the wife, three sons
June Baitev, B. 1. Jr.. and Eugene
Smith, all of this city, one daugh
ter, M 8. John N. Waters, also oi
Mocksville; one brother, lohn
Smith, of this cliv and six grand
children, one half-brother and
three half-sisters.
Puneraf services were held at
the First Methodist church in this
city Wednesday at 2;30 p. m., with
his pastor, Rev. W. Q. Grlag of
ficiating, assisted by Rev. & M.
Avctr, ond the body laid to rest
in Rose Cemererv*
The many beautiful floral trib
utes attes ed the high esteem in
which Mr. Smith was held.
To the bereaved family The Re
cord extends deep svmpachv in this
hour of sadness. .
Bio - Obituaries — 2/23/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 2, 1955 - Page 2
John A, Smith
lohn A. (Doug) Smith, 88, died
at his home near Redland 'Thurs
day, following a long illness. He
was a native of Davle County,- a
retired tamier and merchant.
Surviving are the widow, three
sons, McKlnley Smith and John
R. Smith, Advance, Route 1, and
Charlie Smith, Itmann, W. Va.;
three daughters, Mrs. W. D. Smith
and Mrs. Paul McCulLch, of Ad
vance, Route 1; Mrs. Enoch Gray,
Greensboro, Route 4» 15 grand
children; six great-grandchildren;
two stepsons, two stepdaughters.
Funeral services were held at
2:30 p. m. Saturday at Bethlehem
Methodist Church, with Rev, G*
A. Smith and Rev. Geo. Bruner
ofiiclating'and the body laid to
rest In the church cemetery.
J. G, Sheets
John Cray Sheets, 70, a nadve
of FuItotiTownUiip, died at his
home in Roanok^ Va., on Feb.
i9ch. Mr. Sbeeb went from
Davle County >to Walla Walla,
Washington, whfca a voung man;
and become a dairy farmer. He
moved from there to Roanoke,
Va., 3(5 years ago, where he found
ed the f. G, Sheets and Sons teal
estate business. He owned a num
ber of farms neat Roanoke, and
was a breeder of Angus csttfe.
Survivitig are the widow, Mrs,
Leak Foster Sheets, three sons,
seven grstidchildreD, two sister*,
Mrs. Mollie Burton, of Davle
Cotinty; Mrs;rSallie March, of
Winston-Salem. and a brothW, G,
A. Sheets, of Davie County.
Funeral services were held at 2:30
p. m., Feb. 21st, at Oakland Baj^
tisc church and the body laid to
rest tn Sherwood Ccmetei^,: 'v
Mr. Sheets htd many friimds tn
this county who were, sadden^
by news of his death.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/2/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 3,1955 - Page 2
Dr. Luther V(m Shelton. chlr-
0]m<liHt niirt lony time Ve.sideiu of
Tul.sn. OUInhoma. died 3undny nt
hl5 tuiine.
Dr. Sheliuii hnd lived In Tuhn
since 101 it iind Ijerore thiii wn.s n
resident ot WlnHlon-Siilent for
ten .vpnrs.
He wiiH H former president ttf
the Okloliiunit PodUiliT As.si)cln>
lion nnd held .severol odlce.s In
the NnllonnI AysncliiUou ;>! Chir-
0|)ndUis. He vvn.s n member of llio
Methodi.'tt Cinircl).
Surviving nre his wife. Opul F.
SheUon. Hix inulher. Mr.s. E. J.
Shelton of NTocksvllle: five broth
ers. J. D. Shelton. W. A. Shel
ton. L. S. Shelton ond <1. C. Shel
ton. nil of Mock.sville. nnd Dr. L.
R. Shoton of Wln.ston - Solein:
three ststers. Mrs. A. D. Richie.
Mrs. O. A. Uiymon of Mocksvillc
nnd Mr.s. R. C. Wrlnht of Turo.
Jtie Henry lluirhcnx
Fimcmt Korvlccs for Joe Henry
Hiilchens. two yenr old son of
Mnrshull nnd Stelln Hnyes Hut-
chens of Mock.svlllv. were held
Sunday nt the Sundy Springs Dn)>-
is Church. Rev. Wndit llulchen.s
nnd the Rev. Ciildwelt Henderson
<»tlielnted. Otirlnl was In the
church cemetery.
'Hu* chll I died Sutiirdny nt the
home on WUkesboro Street, nfter
u .short riiic.ss.
SurvlviiiH nre the pnrents: two
.Hl.ster.s. Ruby ami Judy Ann Hut-
I Chens of the homo: the pnternal
nrnndmuther. Mrs. Reboccn Hut*
.Chens of Mock.svllle; nnd the ma-
' lernal itntndparent.s. Mr. nnd Mr.s.'
I R. S. Hayes of llarnmny. i
.1. i\. SMITH. X.t
P\mcrnl sevvlces for Jotm A.
iDonpi Smith, itll, of Advance.
Route 1. were held Saturday nt
the Bethlehem MclhodLst Chur:li.
The R^v, Oeornc Smith nnd the
Rev. GeoiRV rnincr olllciatcd.
Burial vva.s In Hie church ceme-
Mr. Smith died Fob. 24 at his
liome In Hie Bcllilchem Chinch
commnnlly. He hnd been In de
clining henlth severnl years nnd
seriously ill 30 days.
Ml'. Smith wns imrn In Davic
County Si'pt. 13. iflOG .son of James
Doiik and Nnncy LIncbnck Smith.
■|r»r* Wns' "n "rcTlrcrt' Yririncr'^fthrt'
inei-chnm. He wn.s twice innri lcd.
nr.st to Miss Nancy James who
died In lOHi. HI s.H':ond mnrriime
wns to Mrs. Maude Hcndrls.
Snrvlvlin: are the widow: three
.sons. McKlnley C. Smith of Ad-
vnnce. Route I. Charlio B. Smith
of Itmaiin. W. Vn.. and John R.
Smith of AdvaiKc. Route I: three
dmmlUers. Mrs. W. D. Smith of
Advance. Route 1. Mrs. Enoch
Orny of Oroen.sboro, Rl. 4. and
Mrs, Paul McCulloh of Advance.
Route 1: 15 prandclilldix'u: six
meat - urnndchildren: two step
sons. Roy nnd Pink Hendrix of
Advance. Route 1: and two .step-
dautditer.s. Mi.ss Elva Hrndrlx^ of
Advance. Route I. and Mrs. Prinl
Sides of Salisbury. Route 4.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/3/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 3,1955 - Page 2
rtmcr.U si'i'vtce.H for llnrteii E.
Jolutson. 67. of OUn weiv held ut
the Ilubroii BrtptiAt Church In
It'odell County. Rev. G. D. While.
Rev. Cnldvvcll Henderson and Rev.
D. T._ Huss olhclutcd. Burint w;in
In the church cemetery.
Mr. Johnson died Feb. 24 nt Unvls
Hospilul In SlutesviUc after nn 111-
nes.s of several weeks.
Surviving arc the widow, the
former Delia Parker: five sons.
James B. Johnson of Cool Sprlnes,
Harlle Johnson of Cleveland.
Vautilm Johnson of SlalesvUle,
Horace and Buster Johnson of
Harmony: five daiuthtors. Mrs.
Dudley Hanes and Mr.s. J. C.
Reavis of Yadklnville. Mrs. Bar
ney Foster of Cooleemee and Mi's.
Ruiisvll Johnson of tho honie:
three brothers. C. A. Johnson of
Harmony. T. A. Jolmson of Har-
• mony and W. G. Johnson of Mo-
I ravin Palls; five slstci-s. Mr.s.
' Carl Moore. Mr.s. N. W. Fox and
i Mrs. Clarence Shoemaker, all of
I Stalcsvlile. Mrs. Will Barncttc of
I Wllkesbnro and Mrs.C. M. Wuoton
' of Oin.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 3,1955 - Page 6
J. G. Sheets Dies
III Roanokc, Virginia
A volfr.an of more than UO ycaiuj
In Ihe real oslntv and micllon husl- •
. ness in Rounoko. .lohn Cra.v:
i Sheii.'i. 70. (lied Saliu-ilay luorn-
ln«. Pi'U. lu. nt I'.i.s home. U7.:aj
' Sunrise Avenue. '
1 Ptmcmk was uonduetcd uL Oak-,
, laud naptlst Cluirph at 2:110 p.i... •
ondny by tho Rev. James W. Llp-
, plucull and liic ftov. A. L. Shu-!
nuUo. PiUombmonl was In Shot-
wood Abbey. Roanoko.
' A nallve of Dnvie County. Mr. |
SliiK?Ls went In Wnshlnulon SUilo:
as a younu man and cnonucd i
dairy farming in the Walla Walla!
area. • ]
Ho wont to Roanokc from I
y/aslilngton and founded tlie firm '
ol J. It. S.hools and Sens and n'aS|
Hie ftcttnc head of 'Jut firm nl ids.
Mr. .'■Mivels owned eoiusldeiiiblii
real cslate in the Uoniinke nren
and iielped drveloji n nari of thn
Wliliiinison Rmul area. lie was
the owner of itcvernl tiivms in the
oiUiMe s-.c/,;»n of D.dford Coun
ty on ahich lie rm.M-d Anaus
H" ivas a mciulnir of llio Nsi-
H''Unl Au-'tlonecri A-4.aM*l5i«lo:i.
tl;p Uounolce Rnvl Kstate Board
and of Oakland n.iplisl Cluirc!i.
s.nvivin;: are hJs widow. Mis.
I.rali Foster Slieols, and three
sous: Foster G. Sheets and Car-
land 6lirct4. n»:tociatod wltli liitii
in til'.' business, and Tiiomns
Sheets of Checnr.bnro: two sis-
tens and a b:othyr: Mr.s. Mtilllc
Hurtoii and O. A. .Sheets. Mocks-
\llle. and Mrs. ftallle Mnruh. Win-
slon-aU-m: and seven aruiidchil-
Bio - Obituaries - 3/3/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 9,1955 - Page 3
Mrs. Frank Sain
' Mn. Mary. Ann Sain, 71« wife
of Frank SaJn, of Route died at
noon Thuradav at the home, af
ter an illneaa of several months*
Mr*. Sain was born in Oavld-
fbn County* daui^ter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Craven# -
SurtdvlnB are the husband, - one
ton* Prank Sain* fr»« of Route. 3;
one daughter* Mta, W, b. Foster*
of Spencen five grandchUdreo*
three great-grahdchitdreo, two bro-
thera* two halfbrothera. ahd one
hdfelstcr. '
Funeral servlcM were held at
2150 p# in. Saturday at Bethel Mc*
dM^ist ^ur^ with Rev. William
Andetaon and Rev. W. M. How
ard officiating, and the Jbody laid
CO rest In the church cemeterv.
Mrs. Siln will be sadly missed
In thecommunltv wfam the spent
a long ahd useful life. She was a
devout Christian lady and was ac
tive in church work.' Hef. - deadi
has brought sadness to a boat of
friendi. To the'bereaved husband
and children The Record extends
deep svmpsthy in) their' great. be
reavmetif. - .
Wi M. Junker
WhaftvM. Junker* 7^ father
of our cosrhsman. T. L.{ JunkM*,
died at his home In Charlotte Fri
day morning^ i.^urHving are. the
wife, ^ree tons and one dau^
Fimaralser^cea were helaat
Fhlla^phia Pkesbvtefian Chui^
near Charlotte at 2i30 p. m. 8atu^
day. Rev. Puul.RidiafOf^'of this
city* aiaisied In the aervice. The
body was laid to rest in Evergreen
Memorial Pack* k Mint
Bio - Obituaries - 3/9/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 10,1955 - Page 6
S. C. Cnrlor. 62
Ftiiienil RTvk't'x f(»r Suniucl C.
Ou'tui*. n loUrctl fanner of
Advance. RmUe 2. were held Sun-
riny nt the CornaiKcr Dn|>tlsl
'Onu'chi Ruv. Ruuenc Gnnriinnn.
Hcv. B. A. Cnnoll niul Rev. Jlniiny
Orncti onivliiU'd. Dnrlul was in
llie church ceinuiery.
Mr. Cartel- died March 4 In a
Miill.sbuy )]<i.siiltul. He iind been In
dcollnlni! heuUh for .«;eve'ral yeor.s
ntid ficrlou.sly ill for the pant four
Ho tvnM born In Duvle County
May hi. lUOll. a hon of Burl L.
nnd Alice Ifoward Carter.
He l.s .survived by his wife. Mrs.
Nci{/,le SticetK Carti'r: one dnuuh-
ter. Mrs. UeorKU L. Jones of
Mouksvllle. Route 3: seven sons.
Clarence and 13lll,v< Cnrler of
Mocksvillo. Route 3: Rrne.st and
Colcnmn Carter pf the home. AN
lie B. Caller of douthmonli Fiank
Carter of LeNlibdon and Anron
Cfnrlcr of Advance, Route 2; II
prandchltdren; hl.s mother of
Mock'SVlllc Route 3: three sisters.
Mrs. L. M. Potts. Mrs. Lcc Ellts
and Mrs. Cecil MeUaiilcl of Mocks-
ville. Rome 3; and four brothers.
1>. L. Carter of Salisbury. Route
1. and Howard. George'and C. B.
Carter 'of Mocksvillo. Route 3.
Ciiurles t. Itrie. 43
KunernI servlcc.s for Chnrlus
Lewis Hege. 42. of Advance. Route
3. were held Monday at the home.
Rev. w. E. Fitzgerald and the
Rev. W. C., Anderson ofllclntcd.
Burial was In the Pultun Mctho-
dl.st cemetery.
Mr. Ilege was Instantly killed
In an automobile accident Satur
day night. .
Mr. Hrgc was bom In Dovlc
County. Feb. 34. 1013. a sou of
Charles Lewis and Ella Smith
Hcko. He wa.s a farmer.
Surviving are, the widow, Mrs.
Colocn Wllliam.s Hcgc. n atcp-
daughter. Mary Gall Robertson of
the home; two brothers. Bobby
Hoge of Advgnco. Rt. U. and Clint
Hcge of Norlina; three slstevs.
Mr.s. Lee Seaford of Advance. Rt.
U. Mrs. Charles Kunn of Mocks-
vllle and Mrs. W. N. Jones of
Mock.svUlu. Route 3.
Mrs. Prank Sniti, Sr.. 71
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary
Ann Sain. 71. wife of Frank Sain.
Sr.. of Mocksvllle, Rt. 3. were held'
Saturday at the Bethel Mctho-j
dist CImi'ch. Rev. W. C. Anderson
and-thc Rev. W. M. Howard olTlc-
lated. Burial was In the church
Mrs. Sain March 3 at the home
after being In .declining health
sevomt inonthH. Her condition was
critical two weeks.
Mru. Satu was burn In Davidson
County March 37. 1683. daughter
of William A. and Ann Collette
Survlvlns arc the hu.sbnnd: one
.son. Frank Sidn. Jr.. of Mocksvillo.
Route 3: one daughter. Mrs. W.
L. Foster of Spencer: five gi-and-
children; three great - gmndchll-
drcn; two brothers. Jake and Jlin
Craven of High Point. Rt. 2: two
talf b»olhcr.s. Clyde and Oeorge
Craven of High Point. Rt. 2: and
one half sister. Mra. Emma
Charles of High Point. Rt. 2.
tVharey M. Junker
Funeral .services for Wharcy M.
Junker, 70. who died Snturdny
inornlim at the home of a dnugh-
ter, Mrs. Zulnilon Morris, nt Rt.
1. Charlotte, werg ladd Sunday at
riiUadelphln Presbyterian Church.
Burial w((.s In Evurgreeii Park at
Mint IllU.
Mr. Junker hiuj been In declin
ing health for two yenra. The
Rev. RUS.SU1I Kcrr. pastor of th6
uhureh, and the Rev. Paul Rlch-
ard.s, of I ho Flr.st Presbyterian
Church of Mocksvillo offlclatod.
Svi'vhig n.s ncllve imllbentcis
■were Clltford McLean. Watson
Morris. Fred Brown. OUn Mullls.
Ira Flowe and DuNter BIgham. cl-
dors of Phladelphla Presbyterian
Chiiri'li. Honorary poUbenreis weiv
thu elders and dea.s'on.>; of the
church imd incmbers of Matthews
Masunc Lodge No. 401. of which
Mr. Junker was a member.
Mr. Junkifr was born In Cabnr-
ruK County June 14. 1874. the son
of the late O. C. L. and Elisabeth
Slni'U't Junker. He wa.s a mem-
[ber and older of Philadelphia
Church for a number of years
and was clerk of the so».slon and
was active In the church building
pi-ogrnin. He was a retired mrul
mail carrier.
Surviving arc his wife. Mrs.
Rcnn McLean Junker; a daugh
ter. Mrs. Morris: three sons. H. M.
Jtmkcr of Charlotte. E. W. Junk
er of Sallsbtiry. and T. L. Junk
er of Mocksvlllc: a bi-olhcr, W. E.
Junker of Mint HIU; 13 grand-!
ehlldi-cn and a grcal-grnndchild.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/10/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
N, Leinhachf
Former Teacher^Dies
Mrs. Elizabeth Eaton Lcin-
bach, 46, (lie wife of Gray N.
Leinbach, secretary of the Por-
syth County Board of Elections,
died at 1:17 p.m. yesterday in
a w inston - Salem hospital. She
had been in declining health for
two years and seriously ill four
She was born in Winston Jan.
1909, daughter of former
Mayor 0. B. Eaton and Mary
Hough Eaton. She graduated
from Reynolds High School, at-
(ended Agnes Scott CoU^e for
two years and graduated from
Woman's College. Greensboro,
tvlih the Class of 1930.
For two years after gradua
tion, she taught in the Forsylh
Coitnty schools system,
Mrs. Leinbach was president
I of (he Woman's Society of Cliris-
taln Service at New Hope Aleth-
odist Church and had laiight
classes in the prhnarj* and youth
. departmeuts of Maple Springs
, Afeibodist Church.
! She was marri^ July I. 1933, •
to Mr. Leinbach. who is a mem-
ber of the advertising depart
ment staff at R. j. Reynolds To
bacco Company!
He survives, with two sons.
Gray Jr., a student at North
Carolina Stale, and Philip, a stu
dent at Duke University; one
daughter, Ann of the borne; two
saters, Mrs. Curtis Smithdeal
of High Point and Mrs. Walter
Franklin of Pensacola. Fla.;
and three brothers, Dr. Clement
Eaton of Lexington, Ky., Ben
Eaton Jr. of Raleigh and Charles
Eaidn of Woodbuiy, Conn.
Funeral services will be con
ducted at 3:30 p.m. today at New
Hope Methodist Church by the
Rev. J. E. Carter aud the Rev.
Cecil Heckard. Burial will be in
the church cemeterj-.
The hotly will remain at Wall
FuntJral Home unlil 2:30. when
it will be taken to the church.
The casket will not be opened
at the church.
Pallbearers will be Edward
Shouse, James Stonemau, Gil
bert Spencer. Ervin Orogao,
.Austin Yarbrough, C. Ira Kiger,
R. L. B1 e v i n s , and Ralph
Bio - Obituaries - 3/10/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 16,1955 — Page 2
Killed Instantly
Charie Hece, 42, of FoUon
township, was killed inatantlv on
the night of March 5th, on the
Lexington Highway, who the
high powered car he was drivirig
left the highway Just ihU side of
the Yadkin River bridge. His
brother Bobby Hege, of nea.- Ad-
vance, and Richard Michael, of
Davidson County were in the car
but escaped serious Injury.
Surviving are the widow, a step-
daughter, two brothers and three
Ehmeral services, were held at
the home on Monday, March 7th,
with Rev, W. C. Anderson and
Rev. W. B* Fitzgerald officiating
and the body laid to rest in FuL
con Methedtst Church cemetery,.
This is the second man to lose
his life in an auto wreck in Davle
county this year.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/I6/I955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 17,1955 - Page 2
Mrs. V. N. i.clubach.
Mrs. Eli/sbrUi Eiiton Li^hibnch.
'til, the Ife or Oi'iiy N. Uinbnch.
srcietnry of Itu* l''or.Hyth County
Bnnrd of r.li'Cllon.s, dh'd lost wcolc
in II Winston • Bolrni tiostiitiil.
Slu* liiut biH'ti In droliniiK hoiiUh
for two years tiiul serloiisl]^ iU four
Site was born in Winslon Jon.
'i'l. 1001) dniiiitUer of O. li KotAn
nnii Moi-y Itoiitdi Raton. Stie iirtul-
uoteii front Wonion's Collrne with
lliu closH of 11)30, She iiiuitht
school In Forsytli Couniy^for two
He sttrvlvi's. with two sons.
Onty, Jr. .n student at North Car*
olliut Sinte, and Phlllii, u student
ill DiiUe University: one dmiiihter.
Ann of the hoitie: two sisters. Mrs.
Curtis Sinlttutenl of Hliiti Point
and Mrs. Waller Fruntclln of Pon-
.snrola Fin.: tnul-lliree brother.*;.
Dr. Cleiueni Eaton of ts*\lni'.ton.
«y.. Pen Kulon. Jr., of niileiiih
nnd Chnrte.s Kiiion of Wooilliury.
Conn. •
Funer.i! .•u-rvlci's were held at
tlie New Hope Metluutlst Churcit
b yihe Rev. J. R. Carter nnd the
Rev. Cecil Ileckiu'd. Ihirlal wns in
Lliu ctnircli i'('inel«'ry.
rnnernl .sei-v!ces fur Maurice
Alley Hnrtnian. 62. of Wlnston-
Salein were lield Wedtu'sdny nt^
Vouler's CliaiM'l in that city. Bnr-^
inl wns in the Moravian Orave-
Mr. Hartinnn died nt 10 n.m.. In
a Wlnston*Salein • hospital. Ho
lind ticen In decllninR health (or
two years, but died unexpectedly
utter at\ illness of a few hours.
On Sept. 4. 1012, he nmrrled
Mi.s.s Lnnn Voulcr. She survives,
willi two dniiuhters. Misses Nell
niul Nun Hnrlnmn of WinHt4m>
Salein: tlircc sons. H. P. Hart*
iutin of Sheriuan. Texas. M. A.
Hnvtinan of Austin. Texas, and A.
'V. Hartiunn of Montgomery. Ala.:
iive prnndctilldren: hh mother
Mrs. oMttic llnrtmnn of Miwlix*
vllle: one sister. Mrs. L. 8. Dow-
den: two bratiiurs, R. D. and Al
fred llnrtmnn. both of Advance.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/17/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 23,1955 - Page 2
M. A. Hartman
Funeral lervkes for Maurice Ac
ley Hartman, 62. of Wlustofr*Sal-
em were held at 2 p. m., at Vog*
ler*a Chapel. Burial will foe In
the Moravian Graveyard.
Mr. Hartman'died Mar. 14th.
He had foeen in declining health
for two years.
He was born May 16, 1892, in
Forsyth County when a child and
was educated in school there.
For a number of years he waiv
owner and ope.amr of a dairy
farm near Advance. He was clerk
of Superior Court in Davle Coun
ty, with offices in Mocktyille, for
10 years.
Ten years ago. he moved to
Winston-Salem and was employed
fov R. 1. Reynolds Tobacco Com
Surviving are the wife, two
daughters, three sons, 6ve graiid*
children; his mother, Mrs: Mattie
•Hartman of Mocksville,one sister,
Mrs. L. S. Bowden; fwo forotheA,
R. D. and Alfred Hartman, both
of Advance,
Saunders Killed
Elbert E. Saunde s, 52, a native
of Oavic.County, but who (ived.
in Richmond. Vs.. died in a High
Point hospiial early last Thursday
nuirning. a few hours after ids
jncw Buick car hit h tractortrailer
at i'H in'crKecilon. Hi'<. w»fe es
caped serious injury. They were
on their wavfoSalisbufv.
Mr, Saunders is a hnuher of
Mr;*. J. C» Sell, of Coolcemec. andShufbrJ Saunders of thh county.
FuneraCsei vice* werefheld at Eat-
on Funer I Home, MocksviUe, onSunday afternooo and.bufiAl w,ia
In il^wan Memotlar'Park*
Bio - Obituaries - 3/23/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 23, 1955 — Page 2
Paul Miller
Ernest Paul Milter, 75, retireii
farmer, wan iDUtiJ dead in his
home near Farmrngt^'ii Friday af
ternoon. His wife, was taken 111
some time ago, ard was at the
home . f her daughter • in Wins-
Sheriff Boyles discovered the
body after neighbors had become
alarmed as to Mr. Miller's welfare
end called the sheriff. Dr. O. V.
Greene, coroner, ni ed chat Mr.
Miller died of natural causes, and
had been dead .10 to 12 haul's.
Surviving are the wife, one dau
ghter and fourgrandchildren.
Funeral services were held at 3
p. m.'Sunday at Yadkin Vallev
Baptist Church with Rev. Alvis
Cheshire and Rev. G. C, Graham
officUting and the body laid cu
rest in the church cemetery.
Wade Stonestreet
Wade F* Stonestreet, co^wner
of the Sampson Medicine Com
pany, died in a Wlnston'Salem
hospital Tuesday evening after 10
day's illness
Bom Feb* 23, in Davfe County,
ha was the son of the late lohn
a.)d iane Penrv Stone tract. *
He moved to Wiitston-Salem in
Mr, Stonestreet was an active
member of the Ccntrol Te raci
Methodist Ciuirch. He was mar:
ricd in 1922 to Miss Lucie Boger
His wife survives with one
daughter, two sons.
Funeral services were held ."tt. 3
p. m,', Thursday at Central Ter
race Methodist Churcli. - -Buiial
was in Forsvth Memorial Park,
Bio - Obituaries - 3/23/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 24,1955 - Page I
E. P. Miner
Found Dead
In His Honie
Emcat Paul MlUer. 75. a retir*
cd (arnicv. was found dead In his
home near Farmlnston In Davlc
County, last Priday afternoon.
Mr. MlUer had lived alone since
his wl^. the former Miss Sophie
Martin, was taken 111 and went to
live rn lth their only daughter, Mrs.
Evelyn Smith of 113 East Ninth
Street. Wlnston-Balcm.
SherllT Ben Boyles discovered
the body after neighbors had be
come alarmed as to Mr. Miller's
welfare and called the coun^ of
ficer. Dr. O. V. Orc«nc, Davle
County coroner, ruled that Mr.
MlUer died of natural causes, and
had been dead for 10 to 12 hours.
Mr. Miller was bom Oct. 30,
1879. a son of John and Magda-
line Miller.
Surviving besides his wife and
daughter are fotur grandchildren
Puneral services were held
Sunday at the Vadkln Valley
Baptist Church by the Rev. Alvls
Cheshire and Rev. O. C. Graham.
Burial was In the church ceme
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 24, 1955 - Page 6
A. Haundersi St
Piincml HcrvlccB for Albert Ell
HiHiiidcrM. 52. of Richmond. Va.. a
Diivic County native who was
killed in a High Point treflic accl-
iK'iit March 17, were held at the
Eaton Funeral Home In Mocks*
vlllc on Sunday. Burial was In the
Kowan Memorial Park.
Mr. Snundcrs, a salesman who
inndc his headquarters at Rich
mond and Onstonia, was killed
when the car he was driving hit a
trnctor-trnllcr at the Intcrcsctlon
of Highway 67 and Pomona Roud
at High Point.
His wife, the former Miss Ethyl
Kluts of Sollsbury. whom he mar
ried last Aug. 4. was a pnssengtir
In the cor. She was taken to n
Hlgt Point hospital and treated
for cuts and bruises and shock.
Mr, SnundA-s was a son of EIl|
and BIIza Davis Saundcrs of Davio'
County. He had lived In Davle un-'
til moving to Richmond several
years ago. I
Surviving besides his wife are
two sons by a former marriage.
Eugene Sounders of Roldsvllle and
Pinnk Saundeis of Klnston: three'
grandchildren: three sisters. Mrs.'
J. C. Sells of Coolecmce. Mrs.
J. B. Weaver of Kcrncroville.
Route 1 and Mrs. C. W Jordan
of Lancaster. 8.. C.. and two
brathci'H. W, 8. Snundcrs of Mocks-
vlllc. Rotuc 4. and J. J. Snundcrs^
of Hlddenltc. I
Bio - Obituaries - 3/24/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 24, 1955 - Page 6
Rxt. II. J.-Crllt. 53
Funeral services for Herman
Johnaon Ci-lU. ft scargeant with
the Wlnston-Salem Police Depart*
mcnt .were held Fiiday at his home
in Wlnaton*SAlcm. Another scl**
vice was held later at the ChrlHt
Moravian Chureh. The Rev. Sam
uel Teah officiated. Burial was nl
the Moravian Oroveyard. Mem
bers of the police force served as
Bat .Ciits died In n Winston-
Balcminospital March 17. He had
been in declining health fbf aever-
a1 months and seriously 111 for the
pant three weeks.
Sfft. Ciita was bom March 14.
1902 in Oavle County, the son of
J. Edgar and Mollle Johnson Crlti.
He spent his early life in Davie.
lived In Iredell County for sever
al years, and went to Winston-
Salem around 3d years ago.
His first Job in Winston-Balem
was as bus driver wlh Duke Power
Company. He later Joined the
Oroyhound Company as driver for
several years and became a po
liceman In 1929.
He was a member of Christ
Movarian Church and the Junior
He Was twiea married, first
to MIm Hawl Scott who died in
1937. On Aug. 7. 1938. he was
married to MIm Ruth taahmitt
who survives.
Also surviving arc one son,
Herman Lindsay Crits of the U.
8. Army In Port Custls Va.: his
mother. Mrs. Mollle CrIts of
Hamptonville; •five sisters. Mrs.
Edith Holcomb and Mrs. Dave
Brannon of Hamptonvlile, Mrs.
Ivcy Biiupe of Winston • Salem.
Mrs. Allen Btoveall of Oastonia
and Mrs. Mary Windsor of Chapel
Hill: three brothers, W. T. Crlts
of Olcn Alpine. E. H. Ciitz and
T. W. Crits of Hamptonvlile.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/24/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 30,1955 - Page 2
. !i
Fred S. Orrell .
Fred »• OrreH, 60. died tinex*
peccedlyat 4 p- m.Thundaywhi«
a work at hti hairy farm. near
A vince. De ch war ' attributed
CO a ht art attack.
Mr. Oft ell WJ8 born . in Da vie.
C luntv. a 8on of Mr. and Mra*
Ojtarg; W. O.'rvll.
, Surviving are the widow* i ne
diUghter, Alien Paucette«^of
Greet'• o^o; one ((on« Mai vih Or*
rfU|i of De* vcr* Colo.; one %\ rer»
Mr» M.irtin Perdue, of Oreons-
bdro, and one broiher# H. S. Or*
relli of Winston Salem.
Funeral aervfcca were held at 3
p/m. Sunday at A vance Metho*
dM Church with Rev. Howard
ClAdwicIc and. Rev, W. K. Hrj-
geralj t ffidacing and the body
liifd 'to rear in the church cethetery.
€, B, McDaniel
George B* McDaniel. 72. a -
tired dairy farmer and merchant
of Mocksville, Route 3, died laaat:'
Tueedav at a Winaion-Salem boa* .
pical. He had been Jo declining
health for aevera! moncha; ' -
Mr. McDaniel waa bom ^ Jtoc .
22, 1882, in Davie County, a ik>n
of George and Susan Wiillam Mc*v
Daniel*' He lived all of hla life in .
the'DuUn community of Davie
County* , *•
He is aurvived by his wile, the
former I v a Cornatxer,. three
daughters, Mrs. H.'L. Gobble' of
Fork, Mrs. Sherrill Smith' o f
Clemmons and Mrs.. Thurinon
Foster of Mocktvllte, Route ;S,
seven sons. Bverette McDaniel of'
Fork, Cecil, p. O., Carl, Bruce and
Trov McDaniel, all of Mocksvllle,
Route .3, and Bob McDaul^Vof
I of the home; a sister Mrs. Tom'
jplottof Mocksvllle, Route 3#;
brother, J. A*. McDaniel of
ington;and 17 grandchildren. . .
Funeral services were; conduict*
ed at 2i30 p. m„ Thursday sit^
Smith Groye Methodist Church
by Rev. George Smith. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 3/30/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 31,1955 - Page 3
I'rra H. Orrt'll. AO
Funeral ko-vIcoh fur Pri-d S. Or-
riOI. t>0, uf Advoncu wcru held
Sunday afternoon til the Advance n
Methodist Church. Ilev. W. G. |
Fil/icornid and the Rev. Howard j
Clitulwlch olllciuted. Duriiil wtiN hi
the church cemetery.
Mr. Orrell died unexiiecU-'dly
ni-uund 4 h.m.. TIniiMdny while
worklni; in n field netir his house.
Death wn.H nttrlbuicd to a heart
Mr. Orrell was born In Davle
County June 6.1804. son of Qcorge
W. and Alice Barnes Orrelll. He
was a well known dairyman In the'
Advance community. He was mar
ried to Mlsfl Elizabeth Rich in
1018. I
Surviving arc the widow: one
daughter. Mrs. Allen Faucctte of
Greensboro: one son, Morvln L.:
Orrell of Denver. Colo.: one sister.'
Mrs. Martin Perdue of Greens-1
boro; and one brother. H. 8. Or
rell of WInston-Balem.
Pallbearers were Rny Sowers.
Bob Potts. Bill Zimmerman, Wil-'
cy E. Peoples. Bon Tucker and
M. L. Mullls. honorary pallbear
ers were Taylor Howard, Alcx^
Tucker. Btdcy ChalTln. Charlie
Vosler. Arch Potts. J. B. Parker.
Dempscy Clinard. X. Voglcr. Taft
Cope and H. F. Porllii!
Mrs. R. t. Baker. 83
Funeral services for Mrs. Nancy
Hendien Baker. 82. the widow of
R. t>. Baker, were held Monday at
the Union Chape! Methodist
Chui-ch. Rev. William Anderson
omclated. Burlol was In the ehurch
Mrs. Baker died March 26 at
the home of a son. Mack, on Ad
vance. Rt. 1. after a long illness.
She was born March 23. 1873.
in Grayson County. Va.. a daugh
ter of Oliver and Peggy Ann Hen-
dren. Her husbahd. a farmer of
the Union Chape) community of
"0«vib;*couttty. Tjied-hviwo.-
Surviving are four dnughters,
Mrs. Olive Gartner and Mrs. O. B.
Rollins, both of Mocksvllle. Rt.
B. Mrs. Hubert MacCiamroek of
Mocksviiie. Route 3.' and Mrs.
N. E. Flint, of Winston - Balem.
Route 1: six sons, in addition to
Mnck Baker. Lee Baker of BUtcs-
vilie. Tally Bolter of Wlmlon-8a-
lom. Robert Baker of Bacramcnto.
Ciillf.i •John and Arthur Baker of
Mockavlllc. Route 8 .and Raleigh
Baker of New York City: 20
grundchlldi-en and eight great-
Rufurd A. Hnlth. M |
Funeral services for Buford A.
<Doc) Smith, eo. of MMkflvtiie.
Rt. 2. were held Monday at the
Bethlehem Methodist Church. Rev.
Ocorfle B. Smith and Rev. A. C.
Cheshire oOlclated. Burial was in
liie church cemetery.
Mr. smith wos found dcod
uruund 6:45 p.m. March 26.
His wife found his body In the
yard, where he had been working.;
He had apparently been in his
usual health and death was un
expected. Dr. O. V. Oieeiie. Davle
coroner, sold death was due to
natural causes—a heart attack.
Mr. Smith ws born in Davle
County. Oct. 7. 1094. a son of
James and Sarah Riddle Smith.
He Is survived by his wife. Mrs.
Mottle Howard Smith: four sons,
James Kelly Smith of Mocksvllle,
Rt. 2. Howard Smith of Yodkln-
ville. Rt. 2. BotiY S. Smith of
Mocksvllle. Rt. 5, and Buford
Smith, Jr., of the home: eight
grandchildren: and three broth
ers. Wiley Smith of Wlnston-Sa-
tem. Route 4, Waiter Smith of
Morehead City and Richmond
Smith of Advance. Route i.
Otorgc U. McPanM, 73
Funeral services for Oeorgc B.
McDanlel. 72. a retired daii?
farmer and merchant of Mocks
viiie. Rt. 3. were held March 24 at
the Smith Orove Methodist
Church. The Rev. George Smith
oRlciated. Burial was in the church
Mr. McDanlel died Morch 32 in
a Winston - Balem hospital. He
had been in declining health for
several months.
He was bom June 23. 1882. in
Davle County, a son of George ond
Susan William McDanicl. He liv
ed all hU life in the Dulln com
munity .of Davte County.
He u survived by his wife, the
former Xva Cornatscr: three
daughters, Mrs. H. L. Oobble of
Fork. Mrs. SberrUl Saiih of
Clemmona and Mrs. Thurman Fos
ter of MocksviUe. Rt. 3. Seven
sous, fivemtte McDanlel of Fork:
Cecil. O. O., Carl, Bruce and Troy
McDnnlel. all of Mocksvllle, Rt.
3. and Bob McDanlel of the home:
u .slstor, Mrs. Tuiu Plotl cif Mocks-
ville. Ut. :i: a brother. J. A. Mc
Danlel of lA'Xlnuion: and n
Bio - Obituaries - 3/31/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 6,1955 — Page 2
Mrs, R, L Baker
Mrs. Nancv Hendren Baker, 82,
che widow of R. L* Baker, died at
the home of a son. Mack, on Ad.
vance. Route 1, March 26thafcera
lonjt iUncu.
She was bom March 22 1873,
in Graysoa Councv» Va., a daugh
ter of Oliver and Pcggv Ann Hen
dren. Her hushand a farmer of
che Union Chapel Community
of Da vie County, died in 1940.
Surviving are four dauglicers,
Mrs. Olive Gartner and Mrs.G. B
Rollins, both of Mocksvtlle, Route
5. Mrs* Hubert McClomroch of
Mockaville, Route 3, and Mrs. M*'
E. Flint of Wlnston-Salcm, Hout^;
1; six sons in addition to Mnck'
Baker, Lee Baker of Statcsvillc,
Tally Baker o f Winscon-Salccn,
Robert Baker o t Sacramento,
Calif, /ohn and Arthur Baker of
MocksviUe, Route 5, and Raleigh
Baker of New York City; 20
grandchildaenand eight great
Bttford A. &nith
Bufurd A (Doc) Smith, 60, of
Mocksville* Route 2, \vas found
dead about 6:45 p. m , March 26th.
His wife found hlx body in the
yard, where he had been working.
He bad apparently been in his
usual health ;tnd death was un
expected. Dr.G. V, Green, Davie
coroner, said death was due to na
tural causes a heart attack. |
He is sur\'ived hv hU w)fe, Mrs*'
Mat'ie Howard Smith; four Hons,*
eight g''.indchil<ir o; and rhree
brothcr». ,
Funeral services were coitducted
8t4p. m, March 28, .it Beililc-
hem Methodist Church hv Rfv.
George E. Smith and Rev. A. C.
Cheshire. Burial was an the
church cemetery*
j Ftmeval services were cbttducc-
ed at 3 p. m., Monday at Union
Chapel Methodist Church by Rev.
William Anderson, Rev. W. E.
Turner, Rev. Wendell Davis and
Rev. F. Al Wright. Burial was in
the Chunm cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 4/6/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 7,1955 - Page 7
Rites Helfil For
Leo F. Brock, 74 i:
fumrni HKi-viccn for held Stm*
duy nt ihc Fnrmlni;ton Metho-
Church for Lrf*o F. Brock, 74.
' a retired fanner of FnrmlnBlon.
Mr. Brock died enrly ^nturday
inornlim. He had bc4-ii In d(H!llninu
hcnltli for. Huvernl inonthn nnd
Hei'loiisly ill for thiec duya.
He WON born Jtily 5, 18(10. In Diu'
vie County, a .hou of Thoinn» Mnx«
, well nnd Ih'ulnh Brunt Brock, lie
HiKirt ino.Ht of hlH life In the Ftinn-
liiidon cminnunlty, where he wnn
It member of the Methmll.Ht cimreh
nnd the UkIko. He wuh
nlMi n inembiT of the Onvie Coun
ty Llbniry Btmrd.
1II.H Wife. Mra, Norinn FlowerA
I Brock. wnH hilled In nn uutomnblle
:nccident. AuKU.st *J8. 1951.
R. O. Fouler. 86
Funeral services for RIchnrd
< Uncle) Ornnt Foster. 66. of the
Midway Methodist Church com*
munlty. were held Tuesday nt the
Fmtemlty Church of the Breth
ren by the Rev. Paul White nnd
the Rev. Paul Duekwnll. Burlnl
was In the church cemetery.
Mr. roster uted Sunday at his
home. He had been III for sevcrnl
months nnd critically 111 fur five
He Is .survived by one son. Billy
Brock of the home, and one sister.
Mrs.-Ora •8«ninon- of- Oranueburs,
South Cnrollnn.
Rev. O. c. Omham nnd Rev. J.
W. Vestal ofilclntcd at the ser
vice, Sunday. Masons were in
chAfue of the flinvcsldc riles In
the church cemetery.
Mr. Foster was a brick mason
and contractor for 60 years.
He wna bom March 0. 1669. In
Dnvie County, a son of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Richard Foster. Me spent his
coily life in the Fork Church com-
munlty of Davie County, lived at
Salisbury nnd Spencer for 10 years
WInston-Snlem for 10 yenra and
nt his present home for thO post
30 yeniii. ' |
He wns a member of the Mid
way Methodist Church, I
On Mov.16. 1P04. hc^ wns mar*
lied to Mitt acorploha S. Hart*';
man. she died Dee. 93. 1943. t
SurvlvinB are n number of nlec
es ond nephews.
Mvm lalMi M. SteanI
I Funeral services for/Mrs. John
M. Blount of Spenccf were held
) Sunday at 3 p.m. at St. Luke's
Epl8c6|)nl Church. Salisbury, and
- at Center Methodist Churchv In-
I tcrment wns In Center cemrtery.
Mrs. Blount. n former ivsldcnt
of MockftvUle. died Friday nieht
In.Rownn Mcmorint Uo.HpUn! fol*
lowlnn a brief Illness.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/7/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 13, 1955 - Page 2
Leo, F, Brock
Leo F, brocki 74* a retired farm
er of Farmington, died April 2nd.
He had. been in declining health
for several months and serioualy
ill for three davs«
His wife. Mrs. Norma Flowers
Brock, was killed in an automo
bile accident Aug. 28, 1951.
He is survived bv one son, Billy
Brock of the.home, and one sister,
Mrs, Ora Seainon ^ f Orangeburg,
Funeral services were conduct*
cd at 3 p. tn.. April 3rd at Farm*
ington Meihodisc Church bv Rev
O.* Graham and Rev. j. W.
Vestal. Masons had charge of the
graveside rices in the cemetery.
ioic Carter'
Henty Toseph (joe) Carter, 78»
formerly of Moeksyitle* died early
Tuesday at a Greensboro hospital.
Mr. Carter was bom in Davie
County^prtl 4,1877» son of Ab*
ram ana Emily Oarwood Carter.
He was employed at Hants Chair
and Noyelty..Company here uutil
last fanua^ When he retired. He
movedyto urmaboro then to
make HUihofne with a daughter*
He waa married to Mlat Elisa
beth Hodges. She died in 1942.
Surviving are two daughtera,
Mrs. S. Q. Powell of Greensboro
and Mrs. Roy Johnson* Charlotte.
• Mr: Carter haa been a consist
cnt member of the Mocksvlile Me
thodise Church for many years.
His death has brought saoneta to
a hoattof frienda in this city.
Funeral servic^ were held at
3:30 p. m.. Thursday at Mocksvlile!
Mechodift Church. Rev. W. Q«.
Grigg? officiated. Burial waa in |
Rose Cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 4/13/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
•;Mr8» JbKnMyera^^ Sr.. of j
MAM ' 1 T^O*5pencer,;-died :Apri:i JLst latvthe ^d-
^ioutit au^t^-" > of ^^.SimecTn^aig^^
tW WomenV -^xiliary o f xb^
^urcb. n .- 'Igfv^-v V" I '-'
ftHe.r busbandy jobrv Myere
^lount, Sr..>whdii^ sbe marriecfdn j
Nov. 4. 18^, died in Jannary, 1915. i
.Sbe is survived ijy one son, ^Jobn
M.,Blount Jro of. Spencer; t^p
daughters, Mrs. Osborne T. Smdw
of" )Spencer and Mrs. C. E. Puianev
of Asbcville; one sister, Mrs. J. S.
Walker of Mocksville; two grand-
cbildren; and three great-grand-
^ children. • ^
Funeral services were held April
3rd at 3 o'clock at St. Luke's Epis
copal Church, Rev. Thorn Blair,
Officiated. Immediately foliowingjthe services, the body was moved
|to Center Methodist Church in
Pavie County where a sRort ser
vice was held Burial was in the
Center Methodist Church ceme-i
» 11 S"4
\h ^
(W I
- <5-
fi3it' CiW! ^
ffi Zj
Ci O
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 14,1955 - Page 8
Ih'V. W. II, Nfrno. 74
PuMoi-nl Mii vlcuH for William H.
74. n rellred Methodist
inlnl.siia* of narinon.v. were held
l:luiitl:iy at the llurniony Mellio-
ilh't Clmi'dt. Kov. Paul Loiidui-.
Hiui the Rev. Ralpii Taylor ofllc-
Anot her .ser.vlcc.s was held nl the
Mt. Plnsani' Methodist Church
near Liberty. Rev. J. B. Tabor and
the Kcv. Paul Louder odlclatcd at
thl.s service.
Mr. Neesc died April Htii in an
Klkln lIos)Jitnl after u serious lil>
IHViS of foui' wcck.i.
Tie is sui'vlved by one dnugh-
Irr. MJ.S3 Sarn Neese of Harm*
nn.v, and one sister. Ms. John
Swim: of LlbLMty.
The Hcv. Mr. Ncc.so moved to
llartnuny In lU'lB and as pastor
«>f,the Harmony Metiiodist Church
until 1050. In that year he re
tired and hacf m.ade his home in
Harmony since then.
He was born in Ouilford County.'
son of Rudy and Martha Ncc.su.
]n inilU he w-a.s ninnicd to Myrtle I
Amlck of GulUord County, who
pn^ccded him in death three years
nan. The Rev. Mr. Nccsc ha.s been
pastor of .several church In N. C;
havhm .srved at St. Paul Metho
dist Church In Yadkln County,
and In Knnnapolis. Ansonvillc.
PIcttsant Hill. SenRiove. Rniidle-
inon, Vance and several other plac
Polly Ann «T
Paneral Bervlcca for Mrs. Polly
Ann We«t. about 67. of Mocka-
wlUa.. .RQUie.4. .H'W, l»P)d Wednes
day at the St. Matthew Lutheran
Church In Davle Cuuiily. Buiiat
was In the church cemetei'y. Rev.
Q. W. Pink and the pastor of the
church conducted the services.
Mrs. West died April U at the
home of a daughter. Mrs. Cordic
Tiivctte. She hud been in dcclin-
liiK health for several months.
Mrs. West was born In SuriY
County, a daughter of Charles^
and Elizabeth Clmmbeiialii. She
married Robert West, who died
several years nao.
. Survivors include two soms.
Dewey and Robert West of Mocks-
villc. Route 4: tluee daughters,
Mrs. Mamie Barnes of CooleemGC.
and Mi-n. Curdle Trivette and Mrs.
Katherine Prye. both of Mocks-
vllle. Route 4: 27 grnhdchlldren:
four great - grandchildren: one
sister. Mrs. Com Health of Pilot
Mountain: and one half brother.
Lee Chamberlain of Cooleemoe.
If. J. Carter, 78
Punenvl services for HcniY Jo-
soph (Joel Carter. 78. formerly
of Mnckavlllo were held Thurs
day at the Moeksvllle MethodlJit
Church. Rev. W. Q. Oiigg oBlc-
latcd. Buiihi wa.s In Rose Ceme
Mr, Caiier died April 6 In a
Orccnsboro ho.ipltnl.
Mr. Carter was born In Davlc
County ApU 4. 1877, son of Abram
and Emily OatAvood Carter. He
was employed at Hnnes Chair and
Novelty .Company, here until last
January when he ruttrcd. He
inuvrd to Ciroensboro then to make
his home with a daughter.
He was nmriied to Miss Ellui-
betli Hodges. She died in 1042.
Surviving are two daughters.
Mrs. 8. Q. Powell of Orecnsboro
and Mrs. Roy Johnson of Char
Bio - Obituaries - 4/14/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 20,1955 - Page 2
W, ti, Foster
Funeral services f.«r W« H. Fos*
tcr, 68, of Wlnston-Salem, were
held at Ij15 p. tn. Sunday at the
home, and at 2:30 p> in*t at Bethel
Meth^lst Church, with Rev. W*
C. Anderson otid Rev. A.chle
)ones oflUciating and the body laid
to rest in the church cemetery.
hfr. Foster died Friday morning
at his home. He was a native of
Davie County, but left here about
30 years ago. Surviving are three
sons, two sisters, one of them be*
ing Mrs. Pearl Cartner, of Mocks'
vl te; two brothers and six grand-
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 20,1955 - Page 4
Mrs, Polly l^est
Mrs. Polly Ann West, 67, of
Mocksvilte, Route 4, died April U,'
at the home of a daughte^, Mrs.
Cordte Trivettc.
She Had been in declining health
for several months.
Survivors, Include two sons,
Dewey and Robert West of Moo s*
ville, Route 4; three daughters,
Mrs. Mamie Barnes of Cooteemee;
and Mrs. Cordie Trivetteand Mrs.
Kathryn'Frve; both of MocksvlUe,
Route 4; 27 grandchildren; four
great-grandchlldrendone sister, Mrs
Cora' Heath of Pilot Mountain;
and one half brother, Lcc Cham
berlain of Coolecmee,
Funeral serxdces were held at
3 p. m., Wednesday at Sr. Mat
thews Lutheran Church. Burial
was in the church cemetery. *
Rev. G. W. Fink and the pastor
of the ehutch condui;trd tite ser
Bio - Obituaries - 4/20/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 21,1955 - Page 5
Funeral servlcca for Henry WU-.
^imn Brow.n. 73. of Mock.HvUIe. Rt.
^1.' will be held Tliuradny nt the
ZIOQ BaiilJat Church hi Iradell
Ominiy. Rev; J. P.' Davis, the Rev.i
R. W. Turner and the Rev. Citidy;
White will officiate. Burial will
be In the church cemetery.
The body, will lie In statu at
the church for 30 inlniites bnfoa*
the Rcrvlce.
Pullbearers will lie meinbrrs of
tlw McnVt Bible Class of the
MockHville Baiiiist Church.
Mr. Brown died Monday morn*
Ing (It the Lynn Haven Nurslna
Home. He had been In dccllulUR
liealth for four ycaiw.
He was born March 20. 1882,
In Wllkes County son of Elbcrt
und Betty Wells Brown.
Ho moved to Davic County 30
years nao and was the owner and
operator of Boxwood Nursery near
Moeksvllle and several other nur*
series In Ihe county.
Mr. Brown was a member of
tlw Moeksvllle Baptist Church and
the Moeksvllle Masonic Lodae.
In 1033 he wos mnii'icd to Miss
Minnie Crater, who survives.
Burvlvlna by that mnrrlnae arcj<
mthive daughters. Mrs. Rod WoodrtL
W. ward.. of... Bon. .FcaqcIikq.. .CollUl
Miss Lynn Brown and Miss Nancy
Brown of tlie liome: and a son.
Ilrnry Wilson Brown. Jr.. of the
home: survlvlna liy a prevlouH
marriage are a son, T. W. (Doo)
Brown of Moeksvllle,' and .two
dnuehters. Mrs. Allen Boxer and
Mnu Ciniule Pe.Mler. both oP Ut. 5.
Moeksvllle: aiid four grondchll-
dren: also suiwlvlna are four half
brotlwrs. Paul Brown of Harmony.
Gitrney Drown and Houston llrown
bath of Wlnston-Salem. ami Tom
Bmwii of Hiimptoiivllle: and two
half sisters. Mrs. Howard Pre.<i.s*
ley of Taylorsvlllu ami Mrs. Piiiil
Murphy of Moeksvllle. Route a.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/21/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 21,1955 - Page 5
W. II* Punier
Piincrul services lor wiuiani
Henry Poster. 68. of Wlnston-Sn-
lein were hold Sunday at the home
and 111- the Bethel Metl)odist
Chiireh near Mocksvlllc . Duiinl
wus In the church cemetery*
The Hev. W. C. Anderson and
Hut Kev. Archie Jones otnclated.
Mr. Po.ster died Friday at hia
home. lie had been In decUnliut
I heollh fur about' one year, but
I dealii WOK unexpected.
He was born r*. 11106. in
Dovie County, a son of Jacob P.
and Solly Willlnjos Po.sM?r. A farm
er. he spent his early life In JJavle
and eaine to Wlnston-Saleni In
1024. He was a member of Bethel
Methodist Chlircli and was mnrr-
Ud lit lOOll h; MIS.H Kate Cope.
Surviving are three sons. S. M.i
Poster of Wlnston-Salcm, Rt. 2.
.Illto; G. Po.Mtei' of Cleminons, Ht.
2. and. Joe P. Poster of Wlnston-
Salem; two sisters. Mrs. L. P.
Carliier of Mocksvlllc and Mrs.
W. A. Wyait of WInston-Salem:
j two brothers. P. K. Poster of Wiii-
' slon-Snlom and Chnrltf.s A. Foster
of Moek.sville: and sbc prnndchll-
n ilren.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/21/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 27, 1955 - Page 2
If'. Brown
Henry Wilspn Brown, 73, of
Mocksvltlc, Route 1, died April 18
at a Mocksville nurstng home*
He had been in deetinlng health
for four years.
He moved to Davie County 38
years ago and was the owner and
operator of Boxwood Nursery near
Mocksville and several other nur*
series hi in the county.
Mr. Brown • was a member of
the Mocksville BaptistChufchand,
the Mocksville Masonic Lodge*
In 1933 he was married to Miss
Minnie Crater, who suivives. |
Surviving by tha<: marriage are
three daughters, Mrs. Rod Wood-|
ward of San FrancUco, Calif.; Miss
Lvnn Brown and Miss Nancy j
Brown of the home and a son,
Henry Wilson Brown, Jr., of ihe!
home} surviving by a previous mar-|
tidgt arrf a 8>n, T. W. (Doc)
Brown ol Mocks\'il!e, an.l two
daughter:, Mrs. -Allen Bogcr and.
Mrs. Claude Easter, both of^
Mocksville. Route 5;Vand four
half brothers; and two half sisters*!
I Funeral services were conduc •'
ed at 3*p. m,. Thursday at Zlon
[ BapiisV Church in Ircdell County
by Rev. J. P. DavU, Rev. E. W.
Turner ar d Rev. Gradv White.
Burial was hi (he Church cemr*
tery. ,
Bio - Obituaries - 4/27/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 4,1955 - Page 3
Mrs. B. P. Seats
Mrs. Amanda Seat0» 74# wife of
PhUlio.Thomai Seati of Moclu*
ville» Route 2, died at her, home
fo lowing an iUncM of one week.
She Is survived bv her husband;
four daughters, four soos. 23
grandchitdrctk and aeven great:
grandchildren; one brother, and
one .sisters-
Funeral services ace imcomptctei
Bio - Obituaries - 5/4/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 5,1955 — Page 1
Rev, H. C Sprinkle Passes
Away Here At Age Of 86
rtmmi SMrvices hcw ai
First Mcthadist Churdil
The Reverend Henry City
eprln^. M. -retired member ofj
tfM Western North Cerolin* Con*;
feretm o( the Methodlet Churth,'
d|fd In MoekBvlUe, North CbriK
tine, eerly Tuesdey momini. We
had been Ln dccllntne health for
•ereral mbntho. '
.4le vu a native of Buneembe
North Caroltiw.. ton of
dtftiN WOifey end C^therlm
aUen aprinklf. ho attended pri*
aihaali la that cowrty iknd
IRAa In^Hled fren WeaverviOe
CMWar, ■WdoverrWc, Noiih Oar*
dtiha. ' In' IMI. ' He', t—idHteiy
jbinM iht.Waaiam North CaroUM
flbnNifhiii aai dtalfit hit uun■iaMrt |or IS yean aarvod thaiNtowliit.avpatotiMAH: Marahan.WflWiwa„'adfl PtaaiOH limNti.i
•Mtln. ' apeaaer,' thelloaht dlilp.-ilNdriet, HoMwiille.
CMieuidwfcdrtha aehavllH DHtvtet.
MMryi iha Mtobdry IMtriet.
; Moarot. * UathaMn.: ond Cotntl*hif.. - WM 'War n;' whm
yjMWfW'■nNMNV'were lavuiea
f*'.ll»;«lNi|liaiey. te waa eaftod
frapi' 'latHiMN to astTa the
Utihtm-'mimm m Moatonm.. wti^j|»M»i»IUihem».'aadlaiir
tho OiMwa MnSbrial Mattiodlit
Chtircmn MHiltNy. waa elwt..cd liMairtio Iha Otwfal Oen-
ferthaa df' thaHethoHit BpHoapu. igfimih,'' NiMtb.- la: is|s. ta|»iaiii.«'illii:- r ': '' • •
Man of tha aofid-af
or NfeiBia caaaai naaiaitlNS-liiiltl ipt«:^
' fMWsiN.: oWtf c-']i«^;-'']Maliliiia.and *0 Nii lii'biMad'aaaNdlt^kr|ypiar'<HMNaat'^(#iM
.: TIN Ndealhad lir.- iMlaltle waa
fot^' a^ yMra'M iiWva Haiar*imn,' a alMW^^alMidar of ' iiaItoeiuyllie aaii; and an baobr*
•ari-MMnlHr la Ma leMiwnettt. He
wu a ttaaih and Krvai for a torn
aa Ivand obaiNatn of the OhUMlLbdfiOf Woftli Caiotliia.
ilN fUveniad Mr. istiiHle waa
Uiat manM flnt ta lil« Bdao. Woaver. of W^vmMa. wlio dNd
. in IIM: the acaoikd auNVtata waa
to MIm Anala Vaa Baitaa .can ofMaekariM. who dM to tMl. He
la MiTTlvod by thioa aoaa. ThemMWaMWr Narlnbla. attonMf at law
^ Wsh Potnt. Hiory Can MnbleOdNor of **WOrM OutlaodC>Naw
. Torli City and WOUaoi Van Eaton
•prttle. arohltael. of DUfWasi. andone aiaiidaon. . {puotral atrvNaa werayiald at|
the UathodM Oivrth In Mocfcfivtua at a pan. Wiiaaidiy afl«-[
noon. lUv. W. Q. Orlfa olBeiatod. I
Bio - Obituaries - 5/5/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 5,1955 — Page 1
.WUtem flap« m—aln. U.
dM ta(« TuMdajr attTrnoea at a
Qalltbuyy hospital. He was Uken
to the hoapllat (ollowlnc a eom*
ulalnt of a eerere headache on
^nday. Cauae of hla death waa
not hnown;
He waa bom Aufuit 1. ItM. In
Davte County a eon of Richard
Jamea and Mll*cd LMik Me-
He !• iurvlved by hla ortother
and father: two brothere. Rich
ard Jamca McBwaln. Jr.. and
Charka Pranklln lIcRwaln and
one lUter. Joyce Faye McRwaln-
of the home: hla maternal frand-
mother. Mra. W. D. Unh of Cool-
-emee: and hla patWnal vrand-
parenta. Mra. Floyd R McRwain of
Coolcemee and Mr. Floyd McRwabi
of BalUbury.
Fuacrbl arraoicmenU were in
complete at pfeaa thae.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 5, 1955 - Page 2
Mrn. P. T. .Xratw. 71
Funeral .servlce.s lor Mr.s. Anmn-
(In SentK. 74. wife of PlillUp S<*rIs
»»f Mosk.svillu. UU '2. wora hold
Tticsdny ut the Macodonlu Mo*
ra virm Church.
Tho Uov. Ooome Diuncr. ll»c
Rev. Ktl llrewor nnd the Rev. Nov.
iunn nyorly onicintcd. Utirial wns
In the chui-ch lirnvcynrd.
Mrs. fleiits dlud Mny 1 ul her
homo (nlowluK nn lHnos.s of one
Rhu had h.en In dt'Clliiini! honllh
f«»r several .vi'nr.s.
Mrs. Renl.s vvna born Aiu;. 1.
IbUI. In Dtivlu CouiUy. duuKhtri
of Ciitf.s and Nuncy llnwdcn West.
She 1.4 Hurvlved by her husband:
four dnimhters. ^fr.H. Ernost Rid-
jllf..ciuL Mva . JiUtb. X. iVt'ilr.pX All-,
vaiiee. itonte I. ami Mrs. Erne.sl
Cope iiml Mrs. Kcmietli Smith of
Moehsvllle. Roule 2: four sons.
Frank Sitils of Mouksvllle. Rnnte
a. Thomas Seals tif San Franelseo.
Calif., nnd Chnrlis Seals of Win-
slon-SaU'in. Rout; 0: 23 eranduhil-
drcu: one brother. Sam We.st of
Mur.slialUown. lowu, nnd one ;.ls-
(i>r. Mr.s. .lulla Henry of Cireens-
wood City. Iiid.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/5/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 11,1955 - Page 3
Noah A. Boqer
Noah'A. Boger» 75, a tetired
farmer of - R* 2, ClarksviUe Town
ship, died Friday evening at 8:30
o^lock In a SalJsbiirv hosplni]. He
had been ill for the past month.
He was-a native of Davie Couu*
Cy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt
Surviving are the wife, two ions,
four daughters, eight grandchild*
ten, one greac<grandchild, three
Funeral services were held at 3
p. m. Sunday at Union Chapel
Methodise Church, with Rev. W.
C. Anderson and Rev. G> B. Fer-
ree officiating, and the body laid to
rest In the church cemetery*
Vf, F* McSwain
William McSwain,* 16».'aon of
Mr; .and Mrs. R. J* McSwain, ot
Jerus^em Township, died last
Tuefdav afternoon In Rowan
Memorial Hospltnt following an
illness of three days*
'Surviving are the parents, two
brothers and one sister. ^ -
'Funeral services were held FrI*
day at Uberty Methodist Church,
with Rev. B. C. Adams offidatlug
and the body iaid to rest in tbs
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 5/11/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 11,1955 - Page 3
Rei.H.C. Sprinkle
The «ndre town wu saddened ^
last Tuesday morning .when It was
learnct) that Rev. Henry C.
Sprinkle, 86, had p^sed awav at
Lynn Haven Kurs'ng Home, fol
lowing an lUneM of several weeks*
He was a nadve of Buncombe
County but had lived In Mocks-
vllle for many yean. He was an
active' minister in the Western
North Carolina Methodist Con.
fenocefor46ve%r8aDdwas pa•^
orofmanv chuKhes, among them
Elkin, Albemarte, Spencer, Mt.
Airy. * Reid bville, Greensboro, Sal is-
bury. Ashevilie and several others.
During World War 11, after he!
had retired from active service, he!
accepted the pastorite o f the'
Mocksville Methodist Church and
I later the Cobum Memorial Metho*
Idlst Church at Salisbury.
R^. Mr. Sorln le was twice j
married. His first -wife died in
1895. His second, wife was Miss
Annie Call, daughter of the late
Mr., and Mrs. 8. M. Call, of this
city, who died four years ago.
Surviving are three sons. Thom
as W. Sprinkle, of High Point;
Henry C.^ Sprinkle, editor of World
Outlook* New York City, and
Wihiam Sprinkle, of Durham, and
one grandson.
Funeral services were conducted
at 3 p. m.. last Wednesday A the
Mocksville Methodist Church,
with Rev. W. Q. Grigg officiating.
For'many years Mrs* Sprinkle
was chairman ot ^the board o f
trustees of Brcvaid College. He
was for many years an active Ro
tarlan. a charter member of the
Mocksville Club. He was a-Ma
son and served at grand chaplain'
of the Grand Lodge of North Ca
rolina. A mighty oak has fallen*
His place will be hard to fill*
Bio - Obituaries - 5/11/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 12,1955 - Page I
Alphus Boyde Shermer
Davie Man
In Fire
A former Dnvlc County rcsP
dent died corly Sunday mornlim
□r KUfTocAtlon i\nd buriui receiv
ed In n roonUnff hbUM fire In
Alplnm Boyde Sli r tcr. 42, n mc-
clmnlc who wns woi-i-.ind In Lex*
Inston. WDM round by Lexington
nrcmcn nftcr thry hnd cxtlnimlsh*
cd the rirc. The owner* of 'he
i-oomlnd houHc xnld they did nut
know he WRH In the hulldlnx nnd
.iMumcd All of the occupnnts had
ricd to mfciy. He wns the only
Dr. Milton Block, county cor*
oner, snld Shermer died of suflo*
cation, and ruled It accidental.
The nrc was dlacovcrcd about 1
a4n.. Sunday.
Mr. Shermer was botn July 2a.
1913. In DavIe County, a
John' hbytf and DeUa' MaritlarMt
Shermer. He was a member of Ihc
Advance Baptist Church.
runeral services were conducted
at the Advance Baptist Church on
Monday, Hcv. C. C. Crawford of-
Related. Burial was In the church
Surviving arc three children,
Brcndn. Karen and Sandra Sher
mer. nil of Union Cross: three
brothers. Paul and Wesley of Win.
Bton-Salcm and Hobson Shermer
of Orlando. Fla.: and five sisters,
Mrs. D. W. BUley and Mrs. C. M.
Holcomb. both of Wlnstoii'Salcm.
Mrs. Orovcr nobcrtson of Ra-
Iclgh, Mrs. Robey Jarvls of Ad.
vance and Miss Lucille Shermer
of Elkln.
Bio - Obituaries — 5/12/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 18,1955 — Page 2
C. C. y/alker '
Chutmei C. Watken 60. of Bix*
bv, died at 10:30 list Tuesday
night at Lvnn Haven Nursing
Home in this city. * Mr. Walker
had been in ^declining health for
some time.
He was a native of Davie Coun<
fv, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
lease Walker* and spent his entire
life in the countv. He was in the
mercantile business at Blxbv for
about 35 years.
Surviving arc the wife, one
da ghrer, Mrs. Gt'Orge R. Hend*
ricks, of this cicv: twaj brothers,
Rov C. Walker, of Winston*Sa1cm
and Charles Pi Walker, of Lexing
ton; one granddaughter* Mrs.
Charl^ Woodruff, cf this dry.
Funeral services were held at 5
p. m., Thursday at Macedonia Mo
ravian Church, with his pastor,
Rev. Norman Byerly ofHciatlng.
assisted by Rev, George Bruner,
and the body laid to rest in the
chorch cemeterv.
In the death of Mr, Walker the
editor of The Record has lost a
long time friend. We have known
him for nearly! half a century.
He will be sadly missed in bis
community, where he spent a long
and useful life. He was a Christ
tian gentleman, one of the noblest
works of God. To the bereaved
family The Record extends deep
Mrs, John Kimmer
Mrs Emma Beck Kimmer, 70,]
widow of lohn Kimmer, died at
11:15 p. m., Tuesday at her home in
Calahaln Township. She had been
In declining health several months
and seriously ill three days.
Survivihg are three daughters*
four sons, nine grandchildren;one.
brother, and one sitter. |
Funeral services were held ar»2
pj m., Thursday at Ijames Cross
Roads Baptist Church. Rev. W.
C. Barklov and Rev. O. E. Ward
ofhcinted. Burial was in the church
Mrs. MaryMesskk
Mrs. Mary Messfck, 71. dlsd at
her home near Countv Line last
Tuesday, |
Survlvng are one son. one
daughter, a number of sttpchild«
ten, among them, Mrs. Jack Bow
lc5, of Mocksvilfe, and one brother.
Funeral services • were held at
Society Baptist Church at 2130 p*
m., with Rev. C. C, HaMard, Rev.
' Lthmd Rovsrer, and Rev. H, W
Hutching ofhctating. and the body
|;«id ro re*iC in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/18/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 18,1955 — Page 2
rniliam Sfm^
WillUm (Bill) Stroudp 71, ^re
tired l^Ttner of Harmony Route I,
I was found dead at the barn near
hiB home at 6:30 p. m., Mav9ch.
Mr. Stroud reportedly had suh
fered from a heart 'ailment and,
death was due to natural causes. •
He had been at home alone at!
dav while Mrs. Shroud was at woHc
in Statesville. A neighbor had
teen him about 11,a. m., arouiid
the houte.
I Surviving are the widow» form-
cHv Miss Hattie White; and two
Ibrottieni. Wheeler Stroud and
Henry Stroud of Harmony. Route
^ Funeral services were held at
Glarksbury Methodist Church,
near Councv' Line, at 4^p. m ,
Wednesday, with Rev. Paul Low#
der, his.pastor, officiating, assisted
by Kev. Jack Coi>k and Rcv/Cald'
well Henderson, and the bodv laid
to rest in the church cemetery.
The sudden death of Mr. Stroud
biou>dir sadness to a host of friends
in Dav'e and Iredcl! county, and
to the community where he spent
a lonff and uaeful life.
J, E. Burton
J. E. Burton, 82, died at the
be me of his tiiin, T. R. Burtonf at
Jerusnlem at noon Friday. He hud
been sick for ihe past 24 years.
. Surviving are one son, three
daughter , two brothers and two
Funeral services were held at 3
p. m Sunday at Corinth Church
of Christ, and-the hodv laid to,
rest in the .Providence Lutheran
Church cemetery..
Bio - Obituaries - 5/18/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 19,1955 - Page 3
I Mm. I. A. Smith. 75
I Eunrml Ncrvlces for Mra. L. A.
Smith. 75. of MockKVllle. Route 3.
win bv huld Thui'ftdny nt Bvthtc-
hcin MethodJHt Oluirch. The R:v.
Ocorse Smith and the Rev. Mr.
Pi-ccmnii NvlU olTlclnte. Duiini will
be In the chmch cimetery.
Mvn. Smith died uncKiKctcdly nt
her home in th Smith Orove com
munity at 7:3U p.m. on May nth.
She had been In declining health
lor. two yearn.
Mrs. Smith was born In Davlo
County Jan. 16, IHO. daughter of
John«R. and Jane Canter James.
Surviving arc the husband; three
daughters. Mrs. Alfred Share of
i Yndklnvlltc. Route 3. Mm. Albert
Sheton and Mrs. J. W. Yates of
Pfafftown. Route 1: one son. Roy
Smith of the home: and two
Mv«. J. C. Buwles. 64 |
Puheral .servicesI for Mrs. Barnh
Burton Bowles. 64'. of the Jericho
Head. Diivle County, widow of J.
C Bowles, were held Wednesday
at th'.' Jericho Church of ChrlHt of
whlclt site was n member. Paul
Bikes omclaled. Burlnl Was In Iho
church ccmetisry.
MiK. Bowles died May 17 lo n
Whwtou-Snlem hospltol wher.^ sh«
Imd been n patient Inr thive-
weeks. . !
A native of, Cnswidl County»
Mrs. Bowles spent most of U.»'
llie in Davle County.
Survivors includo four sons and
six duuBhlem. A. L. uud J. A.
Bowles of Dnvlc County. C. C.
Bowles of Walnut cove. fl.
Bowles of Wllmlnaton. Mrs. B. O.
Wilson. Mrs. D. Q. Tuttjrpw.
Mrs O. U. Enrhnrl of Davlui
Cotiiay. Mrs. II. P. Cnrtpev of
Winston • Sulem. Mrs. nni>y|
Pranki of tong Bcaoh, Culifn
Mrs. Grace Webb of Washington.
D. C.: two brnther.s and n shtor.
J. C. Burton of Hickory. W. H.
Bnvton of Cleveland, and Mrs.
Nora WJilti.y of Woodleaf.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 19,1955 - Page 4
J. e. Banan. tt
Funeral services for J. E. Bur
ton. 62. of Mocksvllle. Rt. 4. were
held Sunday ot tl^e Corinth Christ*
Ion Church In Heedmore. Poul
SIkes and Houston Alcsaiider of-
ftlclfttid.sBurial was In the Prov
idence Church Cemetery.
Mr. Burton died May 13 at the
home of a son, Terry B. Burton In
the Jerusalem Community.
Mr. Burton had been an invalid
for 24 years.
A retired farmer, he was bomi
March 26.1873 in Ciiswell County,
the son of John and Alice Roi)or
He was married to Mlu Almn
Rice, who died In 1020.
Survivors Include one son. Terry
R. Burton; three daughters. Mrs.
Luther Dunn and Mrs. Cecil Car-
aker of Baltimore. Md.. and Mrs.
Ben Wallace of Stone Harbor.
N. J.: 12 grandchildren:- nine
great grandchildren: two slaters.
Mrs. Hoia Whltley of Woodleaf.
and Mrs. J. C. Boles of Mocks
vllle. Rt. 1: two brothers. W. H.
Burton of Cleveland. Rt. 2. and J.
B. Burton of Hickory-
Bio - Obituaries - 5/19/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 25,1955 - Page 2
Mrs, L A, Smith
L A. 75, of Mocksville,
Route i, died unexpectedly at
7:30 p. m., last Tuesday at his
home in the Smith Grove Com-
caunitv. She had been in declin
ing health for two vears, .
Mrs. Smith was bom in Davie
County fan. 18,1880, daughter of
John R. and Jane Canter James,
Surviving are the husband three
daughters, and two grandchhdreti
funeral services were held at
2:30 p. tn., Thursday at Bethle
hem^ Methodist Church. Rev,
George Smith and Rev. Mr. Free
man officiated. . Burial was in the
church cemetery. .
Mrs. J. C Bowles
Sallle Walker Bowles passed a*
way in Citv Memorial Hospital,
Winston-Salcm, on May 17. Mrs.
. Bowles had been . In declining
health for several months and ser
iously ill four weelcsi
Bom in Caswell County# N. C,
March 7,1871, daug^ec of John
and Alice Roper Burton, Mrs.
Boy les spent most of her life In
the Jericho Community of "Davie
County and was married to John
Columbus Bowles on May 29th,
1887. Her husband preceded her
in death on May 23, 1937*
Survivors Include four sons and
six daughters'. A Lee and James
A., Mocksville, Route 4; Charles
C, Walnut Cove; Howard H.
Bowles, Wilmington N. 0.; Mrs.'
Mary Willy Wilson, Route 4, and j
Mrs. Ida B. Tutteiow, Route 1;
Mrs. Edna E* Evvrharr, Route 3,'
Mocksville; Mrs. Pauline M. Car<> {
ten Winston-Salem; Mrs. Rubv ).
Franks, Long Beach, Calif.; and
Mrs. Grace E. Webb, Alexandria,'
Virginia; thirty one grandchildren
and twenty-two great grandchild
ren; also one sister, Mrs. Nora
Whi ley, Woodleaf, and two broth
ers, Will H. Burton, Cleveland,'
and James P. Burton, Hickory. '
Services we.e held on Wediics-
day at ledcho Church of Christ, of
which she was a member. Paul
•Sykes cfficla ed and burial was in
the Church Cemetery. <
Bio - Obituaries - 5/25/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 26, 1955 - Page 2
t* L. (.'arl4*r. Ufl
soi-vlcca for Pearly L
Cni'tor. 60. of Frnnklin, w.re
Wc>4lne.sduy nl the honi?. The ftcv
J. L. DnlUnv oniclntrd. Durinl wa'.
in the Rnwnn Mcmovlnl Cemetery.
Mr. Ciirtcr d)ed Mny 24 at a
WlnHlon-8iiI-ni ho.H)>hnl. He hat
been in (h'Cllnlnit licaUh Rcvcm)
Mr. Cnrtcr wan horn In Davie
County A))rll 17, IQ80. non of B. L
-Al'Pft. - Pji"!*:®/;.... llS
moved from Davie to Rowan
County 15 ycara nno and oiwrated
tlie Cnrlcr Qroccry nl Franklin.
He was twice married, first to
Mis.s Colla Aim Carter. She died
in 1040. Surviving of this mar-
riUKe are three sons. Nicholas
Carter of CowllhR Orcen. Ky..
Clyde Carter of Norfolk. Va.. and
l awn nee Carter of Salisbury.
Route 1: and four dauRlUerK.
Mr.H. J. M. Crews of Advance.
Rmite I. Mr.s. Ruth Ore«o»-y and
Mrs. Richard Hani.H of Lexing
ton and Mrs. tkmi'.las WUllnms of
His .second marriaae was to
Mrs. Sidney Carter. She Kurvlve.H
with one win. pernly Lee Carter,
ami one duuKhter. Jessie Call
Carter. t>oth of tite home: twelve
Rrnndchildren: three ststers. Mrs.
L. M. Putts. Mrs. L?e Ellis and
Mrs. Cecil McDanlel. all of Mock.H.
vlUe, Route 3: three brothers.
Howard. Georac and Z. R. Car
ter. all of MocksvUle, Route 2;
his mother. Mrs. Alice Cmtcr of
Mocksvllle. Rout.' 2: three step-
dauchler.s. Mrs. R. W. Whllnker.
Mls.ses NolUe and Marie Carter,
all of 8ah.sbury, Rotile 1: and two
stepsons. Lee Bert Carter of tlie
Army In Japan and Alley J. Car-
t;r of Lrxlimton, Rente 3.
T. Frank Cleary. 67
I Fuiternl services for Thomas
{Frank Cleary. 67. of Harmony.
I Route 2. were held at the Itome
land at the Pllarlm Holiness
Church. Tu.Rdny. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
I Mr. Cleory was found dead In u
i pasture late Sunday afternoon. He
, iipparenily had riled of a heart at
tack while lookhm over his farm.
Mr. C1 avy li^fi his home about
6 p.in. to tiispect some of his farm,
lie was misw'd by his stepson
when he failed to rettirn durlnp
a heavy storm that swept this
section of Irixtell County about
U:30 p.m.
Mrs. Cleary ami her son bcuan
their search for her husband
shortly after 7 p.m. and found
him In a pasture behind a barn.
He apparently suffered a heart
nltnclc. Members of the family
.said he had suffBied fi-om a heart
condition for sometime.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/26/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 1,1955 - Page 2
Chas i4. Jonas
Chaa. A Jonas, 79, well-known
Lincolnton Attorney and Conner
CongresBman, died in a Mecklen'
burg nursing home Wednes^v
following an extended Illness.
Mr lonas was the father of Chai>
les Ralph jonasy'present Congress
man from the lOth District. He
was Republican National Commit*
teeman from this &tstc for several
Surviving arc the wife, two sons,
three bnuhers and three sisters,
two of them living in Davfe Coun
ty, Mrs. O. R. Allen and Mrs.
Lucy Harding of near Farmington.
Funeral services were held at
the First Methodisr Cl^urch in
Lincolnton Friday at 2 p. m.* and
the body (aid to rest in Hollv-
brook cemetery.
In the death of Mr. Jonas The
Record editor has lost a long-time
friend. We had known bim for
nearly 60 years. He was a high
toned Christian gentleman and
his death baa broughr sadness to
thousands of friends throughout
Western Carolina. His place will
be hard to fill. Peace to bis ashes.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/1/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 2,1955 — Page 4
Mm. Jahn H. Parfcer. S7
Funeral services for Mrs. John
11. Parker, 67. of Cooleemee were
held Monday at the Cootccmce
First Baptist Church. The Rev.
A. T. Btoudenmlre ofAciated. Bur-
lal was in Rowan Memorial Park.
Mrs. Parker died unexpectedly
May 27th shortly after entering a
hospital at Salisbury. She had
been in her usual health until late
Thursday and entered the hospital
Friday for a checkup.
The former Miss ElTlc Mae
Parker, she was born May I.
1888. in Davidson County, a dough,
tcr of Richard and Barbara
Kooitts Miller. She had lived in
Cooleemee for 50 years,
She is survived by three sons,
Boyd and Wallace Parker of Char
lotte and OrlmcB Parker of Cool-
temcc: five dauchtcm. Mrs. Wal
ter Stephens of Salisbun*. Mrs.
Vcrmilc Bashforth and Mrs. John*
ny Huatio of Dctvot. Mich., Mrs.
Sadie Wood of Akron, end Miss
Cody Parker of the home; two
brothers. Baxter Miller of Coolee
mee and R. 8. Miller of Mocks-
vllle. Route 4: one sUtcr, Mrs.
A. R. Stroud of Mocksville. Route
-R-nnd- -W - grandchildren—
I.'harlrs A. Janas, 78
Funeral services for Charlrs A.
Jonas, former congressman and
fnllicr of U. 8, Rep. Charles Rnp-
ci Jonas, were held Friday. A
native of Llncolnton. he died In n
nursing home after several years
of declining hcnlth. He was 78.
He was n brother of Mrs. o. R.
Allen and Mrs. Lucy Harding of
Mack.svlllc. Route 2.
Bio - Obituaries — 6/2/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 8,1955 - Page 2
C. B, Leonard
Charlie B. Leonard, 82, o f
Mocksville Route 2, died Wed-
nciday moriilns a c a Salisbury
Huapltal. He had been iii de>
clining health two years and a^T-
ioualv ill two weeks.
Mr* Leonard was born in Da\id
county* He,was a retired iarmcr
and merchant.
Surviving are the widour, the
former Miss Maggie Ellis, u num'
bcr nieces and nephews,
Funeral services were lietd at 3
|lu ID** Thundav atthehome. RevJ
^bett Oakley and Rev Dew-
CV Temple ofiidtited. Burial waa
Jo Betheida Methodist Church
Cemetery* '
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 8,1955 - Page 3
I DrMMBavis
' ite death", ^James W*
Davit, 68, of
DavU Hospital; State^lle, which
j occurred Tuesday of iMt week, has
brought ludfi^ to hundreds of
Davie County people. Di. Davis,
I during his nearly 40 years of prac-
|tlce In Statesvllle^ had performed
:over 75,000 operations. He was a
fine physician and surgeon, and
his place will be hard to filL Fun*
cral and burial setvlpes took place
at Statesville/Thursday'afterhooii
at 4 o'clock,' Among the surviv
ors are his wife and one brother, -
Miss Milholland
Miss Vemer. Milholland, 70, of
Cooleemee, died Thursday, fotlow-
ing an extended illness. Surviving
ate nie^s and nephews* .
Funeral services were held at
Cooleemee Methodist Church ae3
p. m, Saturday, with Rev. Harold
Austin and Rev. Fred Shlnn of
ficiating and the body hid to rest
in Noith Cooleemee Cemetery*
Bio - Obituaries - 6/8/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 9,1955 - Page 3
MIkr Verner Mllhflllnnd. 70 |
P^mcml services for Miss Verner
L. Mlihoilnnd, 70, of Cooleomce|
wore held Sntuvdny nt the Cool-^
emee hfcthodlst Church by the
Rev. Harold Au.stln and the Rev.
Fred Shinn. Biirlnl was In the
North Coolecmee Cemetery.
Miss MllhoUtind died June ?. nt
the home of n sistei-ln-lnw. Khs.
C. F. Mlllmllnnd. In Coolecmee.
Ml.ss Mlihoilnnd hnd been In
doclinhiB hcftUh for scvcrnt
months but denih wns unex
Born In Iredell County Fob. 22.
1800. Miss Milholland wns the
dnui^htcr of Wllllnm L, nnd Dirr-
cns Rufty Mlihoilnnd. She hnd
been n resident of Cooleemec (or
nbout 55 yenr.s.
I 81>e wn.s n member of the
25 Yenr Club of Erwin Mills, the
Sons nnd Dnunhter.s of Liberty,
nnd the Conlecmce Methodist
Survlvlni? ure nieces nnd
Mrs.Juhn I. Jones, 83
Puncrnl services for Mrs, Betty
Jone.s, 83, of Mocksvllle, Route
I. widow of John J. Jones, were
held Sntuidny nt the Flower Onp
Piiinltlve Bnpilst Church ncnr Mt.
Airy by Elder.s Joe Boyles and
Jim Gentry. Burial wns In the
McGrnw fnmlly cemetery.
Mr.s. Jone.s died June 2 nt the
hniiie of n d.nmihter. Mrs. Georae
Reriwlne. of Mocksvllle. Rouie..!.
* Mrs. Jone.s was born Mni*ch Ifl,
1872. In CniToll CoiiiU.v, Vn.. the
dnughtor of Albert nnd Ll/n Rip]>y
;, Before comini! to live with her
I dnunhtcr two ycnr.s nko Mrs. Jones
hnd been n resident of Mxmnt Airy
for mnny yenvs.
RurvtvlnK nre two other dnuKh-
tcrs, MrA A. T. Simmons of Mt.
' Airy. Route G. nnd Mr.s. Rnlph
Stroiid of Dnvic County: four
sons. Webster nnd Everett Jones'
of Mt. Airy. Rt. 5. Steve Jones of'
Lowgnp. Rt. 1 nnd Gooriie Jones
of Amrnt. Rt. 1: two stcpdnuKh-'
tei'H. Mrs. G. C. Thomas of Mt.
Airy, Rt. 3. nnd Mis. Ooot7?c Dnr-j
rU'r of Ml. Airy. Rt. G: n Htcp.son.!
Tyler Jone.s of Ohio: 48 m*nndchll-
dren: 25 prcnt-,i?rnndchl!dren: two
brothers. Patrick Surrnli of Lnns-
'. buru. Vu.. nnd Johnny Surrnti
I of Mt. Airy: Rt. G; und n sl.ster.I Mrs. Robert Goldlmt of Mt. Airy,
Route 5,
Mrs. C. C. Wtilker. 09
FuncrnI services for Mrs. Minnie
Emma Wnlkor. 89, widow of C ]
C. Walker, were held Wodne.sdny
nt the Mncedonln Mornvlnn
' Church. The Rtv. Noriimii C. By-
crly nnd the Rev. O.E. Brewer of-
' ficlnted. Burial wns in the cluirch
I Mrs. Wnlkcr died June 0 In n
Mocksvllle nursing home. She hnd
ben 111 for the pnst four mniuhs
She wns born July 0. lUQG In Dn
vic County, n dniiRhtcr of Henry
nnd Emmn Miller Riddle. She hnd
lived In the Blxby community fov
35 years.
She wns n member of the Mnc
edonln Mornvlnn Church.
Her husbnnd died Mny I0t1i.
Surviving nre n dniightcr. Mrs.
Qeorgc HendrlckK of Mocksvllle:
two sisters, Mrs. Roy Q. Wnlkcr of
Wlnston-Snlem nnd Mi-s. Nnniilo
Smith of CK'mmons; fQ\ir broth
ers. Chnrlcs H. Wesley. Willis nnd
Ernest Riddle, nil of Advnnce. Rt.
I: nnd one Brnnrichlld.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/9/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 15,1955 — Page 2
Mrs, V/. h. Call
Mrt. W- H. Ci»/74. of Selroa.
N.C.» died in Knwan Memorial
HoBpitat on June 5tti, where she
bad been taking ceatmeni for .a *
week. Funeral services were held
on June 6tk ar 8elma» and the
burial took place in Grccn»borol
Oolv immediate survivor it (he
husband, who is a native of Mocks*'
grille, a brother of S. M. Call, Mrs*
Tarow Thompson arid Mis* Martha -
Cidl,'tU of mia citv, »
. H'. rights
WUiUm Thomas Wrights* 77,
died last Wednesday tnoming at
his home In the Smith Grove com
munity. He had been In defin
ing health for several months. n
Mr, Wrifitt wasbom In Forsyth
County, April ' 21* 1878* son, of
John and Rebecca Wrights. He
was a member o f Moclcsvitle
Camp of the Patriotic Order, Sons
of America.
• Survivlna arc the widow* the
former Miss LUIIe KImmer* two
sons, Sam and Oilmer Wrights of
Advance, Route 1; one daughtCT*
Mrs. R. C* Beauchamp of Ad
vance, Route 1; 14 grandchildren
and 19 great-grandchildren*
^Funeral services were held at- 3
p. m., Friday at Fork ^ptist
Church, Rev; A* M, KIser, Rev.
George Smith and Rev, Ed Fiu-
gerald officiating. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/15/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 16,1955 - Page I
Rites Thursday For
Mrs. W. N. Anderson
Puncrali Bcrvlcca for' Mrs. Ethel
Anderson, fid, will he held at 4 P.
M.'Thursdny at the Center Meth
odist Chuteh of which she was a
Mrs, Anderson died around 3. A.
M. Wednesday morning In the
Rowan Memorial Hoapltal. 8hc
hud been In declining health for
the past year and critically 111
since Friday.
A life-long native of the Cal-
ahaln community, she was bom
Dec. 16. 1686. daughter of the lat?
Henry E. and Sarah Fcnry Andcr-
son. She was married In 1910 to
Wiley N. Anderson, who survives.
Other survivors Include two
daughters; Mrs. J. M. Andemon of
Mochsvllb Rt. 1 and Mrs. E. L.
Koch of KannapolU.-"Two aona
H. L. Anderson of Wlnston^Salam
and Z. N. Anderson of MocksvUle
Rt. 1. Three sisters; Mrs. C. H.
TomUnson of MocksvUle; Mrs. C.
E. Anderson of WInston-Salem:
and Mrs. E. H. Taylor of Oerman-
ton. Pour brothers; T. W. Ander
son. C. L. Andci*son. H. B. Ander
son and O. P. Anderson, all of
Wlnston-Salcm; and eight grand
Rev. Robert Onkley and the Rev.
E. M. Avctt will offlolatc at the
services, Thursday, The body will
lie In state for thirty minutes
prior to the service at 4 P. M.
Burial win be in the CcnUr Cem
Bio — Obituaries — 6/16/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 22, 1955 - Page 2
Mrs. A. C. Sjfmn-
Mn. A. C.' Spainhour* 63, a
dauf^ter of the late Mr. and Mia.
W. H. ScofiMttect. ofDavleCoun*
ty, .who moved to Wlnttoa-Salem
' manT veara agoi was found dead in
' her bed In that city' on Monday
lof latt week.
Surviving are h e r hueband«
three daughter, two spna, two
ilsten and one'biothet.
Funeral lervicea were held Wed*
1 nesday a t Ogbum Memorial
] Methoditc Church, with burial in
Foisyth Memorial Park,
j Mrs. Spainhour had many re*
. latives and Mends in Davie coun*
I cy who were saddened by hews of
I her death. •
Mrs. Frank Hodges
' Mia. Frank Hodges, 39, died at n
a Hickory hospital on Jutie- 13th, |
following an iliness of onlv a few
hours. She had been a resident
of Hickory for 10 years. Mrs.
Hodges was a daughter* of Ross \
Mills and the late Mrs.* Mills, of
Statesvllie, and a neice of Mrs. A.
M. Kimbrough, oif this city. Faii»|
era] and burial sertdces rook place
at Statesville, Wednesday.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/22/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 23,1955 - Page 2
Mr». W. B. BarneycaHlle. 92
FunCfUl services for Mrs. W. B.
BnrncycaBtle, oa. of MockHvUle.
Rt. I. were held Sunday at the
Center Methodi.Ht Church. Rev.
Robert Oakley and the Rev. E. M.
Avclt oinclntcd. Burial was la
the church cemetery.
Mrs. Barneycastle died early
Saturday mornhJK at the home of
a dnuKhter. Mrs. T. W. Dwlsglns.
She was born June 24. 1863, the
dauBhtcr of Rev. Vincent and
Lelphtt Sain Walker. Mr. Barney
castle died In 1933.
Survivors Include two daUBhtcrs.
Mrs. J. C. Dwlggln.s of Mocksvllle
and Mrs. T. W. Dwigglns of the
Center Church conunimlty; eight
grandchildren and 12 great grand,
Guy Buoiif lluhnan. 75
Funeral services for Otiy Boone
Holman. 7S. retired fanner of Rt.
5. Mocksvllle were held Monday
ac the Union Chapel McthodiHt
Church. Burial was In the church
He had been in declining health
for two years but death wa.s un-
BurvlvliiB arc two datigluer.s and
i three sous. Mrs. Cornelia Bhuw of
Mocksvllle, Mrs. Frank Kogeals of
Princeton, W. Vu.. Waller Holinan
of Columbus. Ohio. Clyde E. Hoi-
niah of Mocksvllle and J; 0\iy Hoi.
man of East Betid; two brothers,
one sister, and 10 grandchildren.
Bio — Obituaries - 6/23/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
dicil at 5:30 p. tn„ Tuns Ifiih. He
had bvcn To d^'clinirK lie -lth foi |
two yeur« but death \v:iS uocxp(■'>^
cd. ' ISurvh 'md are (wo daiigt)rcri and |
three aooHi Mr«'. (^\>rneM i dhaw of
Moclc«vil'e/Kir», Ff.»nk KotfeaU vfPrinceton, .W. Va., Walter Hoh
moo of Columbu^ Ohio, Clyde E.Holman of Mockivilie and J. Guv
Holmnii of Ea»c Bend; iwo broth*
era. on^ sifter and 10 grandchild^
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 29, 1955 - Page 2
Norman Ray Poplin
Boy Browns
Norman Ray Pup'in, 6*year'o1d
son of Mr. and Mrs /ames Poplin,
of WinBron-S.iiem, was drowned
on Tune 19th, while wading In a
fishpond, ncnr'^Bixby. Kenneth
Myers 8, a cousin of the Poplin
boy, was rescued after he had
gone under the surlace. He re
ceived artificial respiration admln*.
isccrcd by Hoyt Ballcv and Bob
Sparks. A twin brother of the
drowned boy was afraid -of water
and stayed near the bank of the
pond. The PopHns were visic'ng
near the scene of the tragedy.
Funeral services were held at
the home at 10 a. m., Tuesday
tnoming, and at 11 a. m .at Shalv
Grove Methodist Church, and the
body laid to rest In the church
Miss Minnie Raiiedge
Miss Minnie Ratledgc, 72, a na
tive of Davic County, dauRlrter of
ihc late Mr. and Mrs. ). F. R«it*
ledge, died at 1 a. m. FriJnv at
Davis Ho pltal, Stnieitville, hdlow*
. ing nn extended illness. Slie had
imade her home wi.hher brother,IE P. Ratlcflge, at V/oudleaf, for^ che'past 27 years.
Surviving arc four brothers, D.
0. and W. B. Ratlcdgc, of Mocks-
vllle. Route 4; T. W. Ratledge, of^kin, and E. P. Ratledgc, Wimd-leaf; two sisters, Mrs. M. L. God-
bey, of County Line, and Mrs. E.
E. Koontz, Route 4, Mocksvillc.
Funeral services were held at (he
home of £. P. Ra lcdge at 4:30 ))«
m. Saturday, with the Rev. j. C.
Swt m officiating,. and the bodv
laid to rest in the Center Meiho*
(list Church Cemetery.
Funeral services were held at 3 p.
m., June 20lh at Union ChvpelMethodUt Church., Burial was in,he ^urch cemetery.
it. Mason
W. H. Mason, Sr., 69 died sud
denly at his home in Fork last
> Wednesday nluht. He was watch,
ing television when he app.ircnilv
•uffercd a heart attack.
Survtvinx are the wife, four
daughters and one son, four
fi randcliPdren, three brothers and
one half broihcn ^wo half sistcri;^
five step sons and two step daught*
Mr. Mason was twice married*
His first wife was Miss Mamie
Hege, who died In 1939. His sd*
cbnd wife was Mrs, Ethel Bailey,
Fur.eral services were held at 3
p; rn., Sau-rJav at Fork Baptist
Church, with Rev, A. M. Ki«er
'iindRcv. Ed Fl sgeratd officiatingOlid the body laid to rest iii Ful*|
itba Methodist Church Cemetery, *
Bio — Obituaries — 6/29/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 29,1955 - Page 3
Celiai lUcliardsoii
Mn. CelU ^ of
Mocksville; Route 1, at feer
home earlv.Fridav mortklog... She
had been ill for acme time.. Mn.
RkhardMn wai a native of Davie
CountVa a daughter of. Mr. and
Mra.John Richardsoti.
Surviving ace one abn and two
dauiditeta, Batcomb Richardson,
of Mockavilie; I^ra. Viola trelandt.
of Aieadia, Ind.; Mrs. Herbert
CleatV* of Mocksville,'Route 1(
one sister, Mrs., Frank. Clearv, of
Route 1; 12 grandchildren and 22
Funeral servlcci were held at
New Union Methodist Church at
3 p. m. Sunday, with Rev, William
Anderson and Rev. Carey Butia
offidatliut, and the body laid to
rest in the church cemetcrv.
. Mrs. Mary Ragan, 79, died at
her home in Durham on June
I6th. Sh^was the grandmother
of our townsman, Ed Latta. Mr,
Li|tta attended the funeral and
burial services, which took place
at Durham on June 17th.
Joe H. Henley
Joseph H. Hentev, 79, retired
Davie Countv carpenter, died Fri
day in Lynn Haven Nursing Home.
Mr, Henicy had made his ' home
with his sister, Mrs.^E. M. Keller,
fto Calahalci Townshlp, for many
years. n
Surviving are one sister, -several
nephews and nieces;
>: Funeral services were held at
South River Methodist Oiutch,
of which he ^ a member, at 8
p, m, Sunday, and the body laid
to test in the church ccmctetv.
Mr, Henley was 'a genilemsn of
the old school, a faithful Chris-
dan. . His death Km brought sad
ness to a host of friends in the
community. whcre'^ he spent so
many years. Peace to his ashes.
Bio — Obituaries — 6/29/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 30,1955 - Page 3
Mm. Celia RichnrdNon. US
Funeral services for Mrs. Celln
Richardson, 83, of Mocksvllle, Rt.
1. were held Sunday nl the Now
Union Methodist Church. Ucv.
WIHlnm Anderson and the Kuv.
Camy Bulls otilcintud.
Mrs. I Richardson died nt her
hume on June 24. She had been in
dccllnlnn health for some time.
She was born in Qaviu County,
Aug. 7.''1872, daughter of John and
Ccnith Shaw Rlchard.son.
She is survived by one son and
two daughters, Bnscom Richard*
8i)h of Mock.HVlile, Mrs, Viola Ire*
land of Arcadia, Jnd.; and Mrs.
Herbert Clary of Mocksvllle, Rt.
1; 12 grandchildren; 22 grcnt-
81-andchtldrcn: and one sister, Mrs.
Frank Clary of Mocksvllle, lU. 1.
Joe H. Henley, 7!)
Funeral services for Joseph H.
Henley 79. retired Dnvle County
carpenter, were h<^ld Sunday nt
the South River Mclhodlst Chifrch.
Burial was in the church eomc-
Mr. TIenlcy died nt the Lynn
I Haven-Nursing Home where he
I had been for the past four months,
A native of Rowan County. Mr.
Henley was a son of Mr. and Mrs.
jjBanford Hcnifey. He was never
I married, and made his home with
, his only sister. Mrs. E. N. Keller,
In the Dnvle Academy community.
He Was R' member of. the South
Uivcr ^tcthodlct. Church and a
member of the Masonic order.
Cleveland lodge.
Besides his sister. Mr. Henley
leaves several nephews and
nieces and one nephew, Joe H.
Keller of Orccnsboro.
MInh Minnie Rallcdge. 71
Funeral services fur Miss Minnie
Elizabeth Ratledge, 71, of Wwd-
leaf were held Saturday at the
home of E. P. Ratledge by the Rev.
J. C. SInne and Rev. Robert Oak-
Icy. Burial was In the Center
Methodist Cemetery.
M1S.S Ratledge dl'jd at a States-
vlllC'ho.spltnl on June 24. She hud
been In serious condition for five
days and In declining health for
Bcvcral years. .
She was born Sept. 10. 1883. in
Davle County, daughter of J. P.
and Sarah Casey Ratledge. For
t))c past 27 years .she had made
her home with a brother, E. P.
Ratledge of Woodleaf.
Survivors In nddlliou to E. P.
I Ratledge are three other brothers
D. C. Rateldgo and W. B. Rat
ledge of Mocksvllle. Route 4, and
John W. Ratledge of Elkln:* and
two sisters. Mrs. M. L. Oodbey of
Harmony, Route 1. and Mrs. E. E.
Kooiitzc of Mocksvllle. Route 4.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/30/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 30,1955 — Page 3
W. H. MaHun, 69
Foneml services for Willie Hugh
Mnton. Sr.,. 60. of Advance. Rt.
2, were held Saturday at the Fork
Bnptfflt Church. The Rev. A. M.
Kiser and the Rev. Bd Fitzgerald
clllclntcd. Burial Was in the Ful
ton Cemetery.
1^1*. Mnaon died uiioxpccledly of
n heart nttnck Thursday evening
while watching n television pro
gram nt hiB home in the Fork
community. ' '
Mr. I^aaon was born in Davie
County April 12,'1886. son of Mr.
npd Mrs. William Mason. He wa.H
a fanner.
He was ninrrlcd twice, first to
Miss Mamie Hcge, who died in
1030. His second nmrrtage was to
Mrs. Etiiul Bnlley.
Surviving arc the widow; four
daughters. Mrs. H. L. Rouse of
Concord, Mrs. cariton Beck of
Lexington, Mrs. Roy Oarwood of
Coolcemee and Mrs. Harold Ham
ilton of Wihston-Salcm; one son,
Willie Hugh Mason, Jr. .of Lexing
ton. Routers: four grandchildren;
one Imif brother. Bob Mn.ssey of
Ooldsboro: .three brothers, N. J.
Mnsnn of Greensboro. S. O. Ma
son of Wtnston-Salem and, E. G.
Mason of Miami, Fla: two half
Eisters, Mrs. Lula Doggctt of
) Summevnold and Mrs. Ludie Tesh
of Winston - Sulcm: five stepsons.j
Nelson Bailey of Winston - Salem,
Route 2, Foy, Johnny' and Robert
Bailey, nil of Advance. Route 2.
and Jimmy Bnlloy of Winston*
Salem. Route 1; two stepdaugh
ters. Mrs. Otlm S|)ry and Mrs.
.Aaron Bennett of Wlnslon-Salem.
Route 2.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/30/1955 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY