Jul - DecTWIN CITY SENTINEL, 7/1/1956
Mi's. Baity, „
Dies at 84
I - Mn.
Sedatta fi. Baltf. M. vidow ol Join
TtMfliaf Baltr. of 8SS North Mela
Street, died at IO:tS o.ni. today at
her home. She bad been In dcdta-
Jae beoUb for the pait three yoara
and ferloosly til ist most of that
. time.
I She was tioni Feb. 33. 1872. ta
• Pavte Cninty. the daosbter of
rbtiip aad Sarah nfUrForcheii
I Eatas. She attended tJnian Acad-|
cmy and TbontasvUIc Female Col-l
! . '> Mrs. Batty was married In US8j
and moved to Meetv^'tUe tn 1900.1
lirr Imsband. a-prominent bastRess-j
man here, died In I93S. j
She u'81 a member of the First
Itapifact Chnreh and aetire in the
ehureh missionary soetet.v.
Sar\-tvors iarlude three dsoflv
fers. Mrs. James P. Newman of
]r.t4 ti'csi First Street, THnsloa*
Salcm. Miss Hazel Baity, librarian
fit MeredBh CoIIese in Rtteiph, sad
bin. Wade Bron-n of Boose: live
praRdchildren and three great-
Fnneral servfccs will be contlocl'
ed at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Hie borne
fay the Rev. J. P. Davis. Batfal n-UI
be In the Rose Cemeicr}- In Mocks'
vlUc. I
Bio - Obituaries - 7/1/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
BIrs. J* T» Daily * \
MCCKSVILLE. Jcly 2-FoneraI|
lervicct for Mn. Sedolto B.
at. ui^ cf John Tliomat Bsll.v of 1
S9 North Main Street, who died
(Sunday win he condoctcd at 10.
a.m. Tuesday at the home by the
Rev. J. P. Davis. '
Burial win be la the Rote Ceme
tery. Mocfcsvlile.
Pallbearers will he Lester Mania
if..' GeorKO. Martin. JelTrey Co^
Iraae. Sam Zaeban*. Bob Streupe
land Henry Hadli^.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 4,1956 - Page 2
Mrs, G, Lesions
Mri« Marv Cunilla LeaKaoi, 77*
widow of Graovide Lcagans, died
at 7 a. m. Thursday »t the home
of a son, Cecil E. Leagans, near
Cana,.foUowinB a long itinesi.
Mrs. Leagans was bom in Davie
CountV, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.!
B, E* Colletce. She was a member;
of Eaton's Baptist Church. Sbe|
was married to Mr. Leagans In
1696, and he died in 1942.
SutWving ' are Eve daughters,
'Mrs. H. M. lohes.of Thomwvilht
Mrs. L. C. Codler: of Rockwell.
R. 1; Mrs. E. C. jarvis, of Mocks
vtile, K, 2; Mrs. E, A. Newton, of
Fofevt Ala., R. 2, and Mrs,. Rich
ard Marx, of Philadelphia; three
•ont, Dr. J. P. Leagans of Ithica*
N. Y,; C* S. Leagans, of Hillsville^
Val, and Cecil E. Leagans, Mocks*
vitley'R;?; 30 grandchildren, 33
Funeral services were held at
2J0 p. m. Saturday at Eaton's Bap-
Church, vith Rev. WaJe H,
HuTchens and Rev. Jimmv lire r
and the bo jy I uj ij
church ceiiKtetv.
Vr«. Wm, Kelh
Mrs., Gertrude Stroud Keller,
60, wife o< William Keller, waa
found dead in bed at her home on
j Depot street at 7 a, m.^ June 26,
I Her death waa a severe shock to
her friends throughout this ckv.
Mrs. Keller was born In Iredell
County, a daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Snoud, She
was a member of the MocksvUle
Bap ist Church and had been a
resident of this city for 36 years;
Surviving are the husband, one
daughter, Mrs. Judd Bailey, of
Mocksville; six sons, William V.
James F., Lester, Raymond and
Clav Keller, all of this city* and
Leonard Keller, of Harmony, sev
en grandchildren; her stepmother,
Mn. J. M* Stroud, of Route l;one
sister, Mrs. W, W. Clendenin, of
Greensboro; one brother, Bruce
Stroud, of Siatesville, and three
half-brothers, Paul, Sam and Guv
Stroud, of County Line.
JFunera! ser\'tces were held at
'4 p. m. Thursday at Center Me
thodist Church, with Rev. Ri bett
Oakley, Rev. /. P. Davis, and Rev.
Wade Hutchens officiitlng- Bur
ial was in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries — 7/4/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 4,1956 - Page 2
Vilgfl )LB4^,66 ntMitfm-
cr» RouDe ^; di«d
Itme'ZMiS 10. Davie Co^t^ Hob*
pitiL 'Hebtd betn lb il^nlog
health fMBcveial vcara 'aiul had
been feilouBlv m tot tbiee dm.
* Mr. Boger' was- boib in Davie
County, eon of Roben Lee and
Mamie Cheehlte Boger
Sufvlvofa injdiide hie wile, one
biodier, Guy Boger of Wlmion*
Sal^and difce thierB, Mil. Lai*
tie Railedieol Mockai^me, Route
I, Eioni^
vllb{RiNiie' ^ifitdlMti. Gvi^m
id Tneiday iiu iLiL mi. at lyeti^
Chanel MethodlmChuitb bv-Rev.
Kfr. Hoyle^ RWjaittta/Ot^
Rev. G. .C.r(^ahim.;;:Bbri was
^thediu^ ceineteiy. •.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/4/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday July 5,1956 - Page 5
MItS. G. E. LEiiGAN'.*;. 77
Mrs. Mary Catullln Lcugnns. 77.
widow of Grnnvlllc C. Leneftn.s.
died at 7:30 a.m. last Thui'sday at
tlic homo of a son. Cecil E. tica-
gaiis. Rt. 5. with whom she had
made her homo for (lie im.Ht M
Mr.s. LcnRnns wii.s horn In Davic
County May 28. 1870, daughter of
ncnjamin P .and Sntlie Hunier
Cotlctle. She was a member of
Eaton's Baptist Church. She was
inarricd to Mr. Lcagans In 181)0
and he died In 1042.
Surviving are five daughters.
Mrs. E. M. Jones of Thomnsvllle,
Mrs. L. C. Cooley of Rockwell.
RoiUo 1. Mrs. E. C. Jarvis of
Mucksvlllo. Route 2. Mrs. E. A.
Newton of Foley. Ala.. Route 2.
and Mr.s. Richard Mar.N of Phil-
adclphla Fa.: three sons. Dr. J.
P. lA«ngans of Ithaca. N. Y.. C. S.
Leagans of Hlllsvine, Va.. and
Cecil E. Leagans of MocUsvllle. Rt.
5: 80 grandchildren: 38 great-
Fimcrnl services were held nl
2:80 Saturday at Eaton's, Baptist
Church. The Rev. Wado Hutchens
and the Rev. Jimmy Orocc onic-
letated at the service.
Pallbearers were Norman K.
Jones. Clarence Campbell. James
E. Jarvis. David Jarvis. Lester Bo-
gcr and David Bogcr. s
8IBS. J. \\\ AU.F.N
Funeral services for Mr.H. Dovie
Florence Allen, wife of J. W. All
en of Salisbury. Route l. were
held last Tluir.sda.v morning at 11
o'clock at South River Church of
Tlte Rev. J. C. Tucker ofllclatcd
at the stMWlce. Burial was In the
church cemetery.
Mrs. Allen died of a he.nrt at
tack nl Rowan Memorial llos-
pitnl in Sallsbuiw last Tuesday.
MRS. J. B. OAITV, 84
Funeral services for Mrs. Scdalla
S. Baity. 84. widow of John Tliom-
as Baity of 822 North Main St..
were held Tuesday morning at the!
home. The Rev. J. P. Davis offic
iated. Burial was In Ross Ceme
Mrs. Baity died at her home at
10:45 a.m. Sunday morning. She
had been In declining health for
the past three years and seriously
111 for most of that time.
She was born Feb. 22. 1872. hi
Davle County, the dnuglitcr of
Phltlir^dnil'* Saitih Hill Purchcs
Eotonf-Bhb* attended Union Aced-
cpiy nnd Thonmsvilie Female Col-
Mrs. Baity was married in 1898
nnd moved to Mocksvlllc in 1900.
Her husband, n prominent business
man here, died In 1935.
She was a member of tiie First
Baptist Cliurch nnd active in the
church missionniv society.
Survivors Include three dnugh-
tcra. Mrs. Jnmc.s P. Newnmn of
1614 West First Street. Winstan-
Salem. Miss Hazel Baity, libitiiian
at Meredith College In Raleigh,
and Mrs. Wade Brawn of Boane;
five orandchlldreii and three
Bio - Obituaries - 7/5/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LiBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday July 5,1956 - Page 5
MRS. r. R. MeMAIIAK, 91
Mrs. Tobltha Andcrnon McMa>
han. 91, of Pino, widow of Flutcli-
! rr R. McMnhon. died Mt ¨! ii.ni.
I Monthly lU her lioinc. •
Slio \vn.s born in Da vie Counry,
ihnuthtcr of Chnrk's and l::'lxa
Turner Anderson.
Mr.s. McMnhnn \v«.s a member
lif llie Pino Moihoilist Church and I
v.'u.s nclive In church afl.'ilr.<i.
Survlvovfi Include four drniGh-
Ifi'.s. Mrs. Wade U. HowUin of
WesL Ilavcn, Conn.: Hl:ui Mary
McMnhnn nnd Miss Mnrgarel .Mc
Mnhnn of Iho home iiiu) Mrs. II.
W. DIxon of Plnsunt Garden, oiv;
hon. C. Hurmun McMnhnn. of
MociT.svtUc. Route 2: one bvolhcr,
Turn Anderson of 3nliHln!v.v nine
ttinndchUdron and 15 great artmth
Punernl Hervicc.s were cunduclcd
at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday nt Wesley
Chnpcl Mcthodl.st Church by the
Rev. William Hoyle nnd the Rev.
J. W. Vestnl. Burial was In the
church cemetery.
Pollhcarcr.s were Charles Tom-
llnson. Harry Anderson. John An-
cter.'ion. .Tunlor Andcr.sm^. Bruce
'I iirner and Hoy Peeler.
Bio — Obituaries - 7/5/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 11,1956 - Page 2
Joe Ray Cecil
Boy Killed
' loe Ray Cedli 19, of W-lcome,
wat killed at 2 o'clock Thundav
mominB when he wai thrown off
a moiorcyde on Highway 801. a-
bout 10 milea eaat of Mocluvltlc*
He was a passenger on the cycle
which was being operated by Wit
11am J. Ellis, dO, of near Advance.
Mr. Ellis told Patrolman A, W.
Cox that die cycle skidded from
-under them when he swerved to
avoid striking a dog in the road.
Both men were thrown off but
Mr« Ellis was not Injured enough
to require hospitallration, the pa
trolman said.
Young Cecil was Instantly killed.
His death came two hours after
the end of the Fourth of July ho
liday period and hence does not
count as a holiday caused fatality.
No charge was made against Mr.
Ellis, Patrolman Cox said.
K. A, Kaufman
Karl Albert Kaufman. 68, retir
ed contmetor;-dlod unexpectedly
, of a heart attack at ^0 p m. Wed
nesday at his home. Advance, R. l
Hcwiuborn at Columbus, Ohio,
April 18.1683. He was a contract^
or in Florida for 30 years. . He
came to Davie County two years
ago after bis retlrv'ment and had
resided since in rhe Bethelehem
section. He Was married to Miss
^Ciara Williams of Davie Countv.
Surviving are the widow} one
brother, pnd one sister.
Funeral services were held at 3
p. m.. Friday at Bethlehem Metho,
diit Church. Rev. George Smith
officiated. Burial was 1 n . the
church cemetery with nephews at
Young Cecil was the son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Cecil, of Welcome,
If we are not mistaken diis Is
Davie's second traffic death this
year! We have been lucky.
Mrs. Merlin Howard
Funeral service foe Mrs. Elsie
Mock Howard, 35, Wlnston-Salem,
were conducted at 4 p. m. Wed-
nesdsv at Union Ridge Methodist
Church by Rev. Bennett Wilson,
Rev. Roger Tucker. Burial was in
the churdi cemetery.
Mrs. Howard, a native of Davie
County, died at lt45, July 3rd,
She had been in ill health for ten
years but death was unexpected.
Survivors, in addition to her
her husband, are a son, Larry
Howard, and a daughter, Linda
Howard of tbe !home$ her par-
enu. Mr. and Mrs. - L. B. Mock,
Sr., and three brothecs.
Bio - Obituaries — 7/11/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 11,1956 —Page 2
Mrs. F. R. McMahan
Mrs. Tobitha Aodetson Mc
Mahan, 91, of Pino, widow of
Heuh«r R. McMatian, dt«d at 4
flu m., fuly 2nd at her home.
She was born in Davic Countvi
dauflhter of Charles and Eliza
Tamer Anderson.
Mrs. McMahan was a member
of the Pino Methodise Church and
was active in church affaira.
Survivora Include four daugh*
. ters.Mcs. W^e R. Bow'dco, of
West Haven, Conn*; Miss Marv
McMahan and Miss Miroaret Mc-
; Mahan of the home and Mrs. H.
W* Dixon. of Pleasant Garden;
one son. C. Hartcu>n McMahan of
; the home and Mrr. H. W. Pixort,
of Pleasant Gardah: one son, C.
\ Hannan' McMahan of.Mocktville,
\ Rohte Zs one brother. Ti>m And'
; denon of Sallibury, nihe- grand
: children- and 15 great*grandchild«
'.-■fen.. ■
Funeral aetvices were conduc edit* 2'.30 p. m., Tuesday at WethyChapel Methodise.Church by Rev.i • WllUam Hovle end Rev. 1. W,Burial was in .th« ceme*
Bio — Obituaries - 7/11/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July II, 1956 —Page 3
Mrs, J, T>
Mn* Se&lli E. 84i ^dow
of John Thomas BaltVi of 622
North Main Scitcc^ . died at 10:45
L July Ist, at her home,. She
had b^n.ln declining health r for
the past thm'yeata and sertoiuly
ill for moat of that time. •
''She waa bom Feb. 22> 1872^ tn
Da^c CountVi the daughter of
Philip and Sarah- Hill Furches
Eaton. She attended Union Acad
emy Mid Thon^villc Female Cob
Mra. Baity was married In .1698
and moved to Mbclcaville In 1900:.
Met husband, a prominent bual
neabm n here, dM in 1935*
She was a member of die Rnt
Baptist Church and. active In die
church missionai^ aocietv*
• Survivors include three daugh-
lera, MnJ James P. Newm«n of
Winacon-Satemi MIm Hazel Baity»
librarian at Meredidi' Cotlege In
Rafei^, and Mrs. Wade Brown of
Boonc;^ five grandchildren and
three greatrgrandcblidrcn.
Funeral servicea,were conducted
at 10 a* ro., Tuesdav at die home
by the Rev,. J. P; Davis. - Burial
was in Rose Cemetery,'
' :Newa ha bem rcceii^ hm of
the death of Andrew M.'McGlam>
ery, which oiecui^ Juim 14lh at
Cone Memorial Hosj^tal i o
Oreenibofd, . ;
. Mr«McGlamery,. S2{ was^a re
tired life insurance agent He Is
inirvived by hlS-wife« one aoft<. A«
M. McGlamery^ Jr^ 'a nd. one
daughter, Susan Brock McGlamery
One brother of Roanoke, Vav also
survives. ' < '
Mr. McGlamery was a' native of
Davie County but moved away a
number of yean ago. He was the
son of the late Jessie Chaffin Mct
Glamery and A. M. McGlamerv,
He has a number of friends hm
who will be' tortyio learn of hii
death. ' ^
Bio — Obituaries — 7/11/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday July 12, 1956 - Page 1
Weltoiiie Youth Killed In
Motoreyele Mishap In Davie
Bill Ellis Of Advance swerved ~ the machine to avoid
striking a dog ond the machine
Is Seriously Injured.
Joe nny Cecil, 10. o( Welcome
was Instnnlly killed about 3 a.m.
Thursday morning when he was
Uh'own from n motorcycle on V.
f). fiOI. about ten miles cast of
Cecil was riding on ii motor
cycle ojieratcd by Wllllnin E. Gil
ls. 40. of Advance. -Route 3. Mr.
Glllfi sulTci^d n basal skull frac-
hire and was carried to the Davle
County Hospital. ^
State Highway ratrolmon A. W.
Cox »uid L'lUii. reported that he
skidded. Both men were thrown
from the motorcycle. No charge
was made against Bills.
The two men were ro turnlng
from the July 4th races at Dar
lington, South Carolina.
Cecil was born In Davidson
County on Oct. 11. 1031. son of
John Robert and Ruth Thomason
Cecil of Welcome, He attended
schools until the end of tlic
eighth grade. He was employed
by P. H. Hancs XnlUlng Company
In Winston-Balem.
Funeral services were held Sat
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday July 12,1956 - Page 4
Lonnle Washington Blackwel-
der, 74, died in the Oakhurst Rest
home, Qrecnaboi'o, July 4, at 8:37
in the evening. He had been In de
clining health for nine years and
eriticnlly ill for one week.
Mr. Blackweldcr was born In
Davlc County Aug. 21. 1881. son
of Hector and Molllc Booc Black
weldcr. and was married In 1902 to
Miss Martha Elizabeth Hauser.
Mrs. Blackweldcr died Dec. 18.
Mr. Blackweldcr had been a rcsl.
dent of High Point since 190S and
was associated with the Police De
partment there for about 14 years.
Surviving arc two brothers.
Harvey and Tcm Blackweldcr, and
a aistcr, Mrs. Daisy Tutterow; two{daughters, Mrs. Clyde Hoover of
High Point and Mrs. Grace Plum-
. ind- of Big Bear Lake."., Calif; two
sons, Jack and Dewey C. Black-
welder. both of High Point; 11
I grandchildren and 13 grcat-grnnd-
' children.
1 Funeral services were held In
' tlic Scchrcst Clinpcl Friday after-{noon. July 6, at 2 o'clock by theI Rev. E.' M. Avctt of Mocksvillc.
'Interment was in the family plot
. In Oakwood Memorial Park Cem
News lias been received here of
the death of Andrew M. McOlain-
cry, wlhch occured June Uth at
Cone McinorlHl Hospital. Greens
Mr. McOlamcry, 52. was a re
tired life Insurance agent. He l.s
survived by his wife, one son. A.
M. McOlamcry. Jr., and one
daughter. Susan Brock McOlam-|ciy. One brother of Roanokc. Va..
also survives.
Mr. McOlamcry was a native of
Davlc County but moved away a
number of years ago. He was the
son of the late Jessie Chaffin Mc
Olamcry ond A. M. McOlnmery.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/12/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday July 12,1956 - Page 4
I A. A. WAGNER. 73
i Atonzo* <Lon> Asbury Wncncr,
73, retired feed snlcsmnn of Route
3. died at 1 p.m. Monday in the
Davle County Hospital following
a brief Illness.
He was born In Yadkln County
Dec. 9, 1803, sou of Fletcher and
Victoria Recss Wagner.
I Ho was for a number of years
ft salesmftn for the Mocksville
Feed Mills, having retired in 1040.
His wife, Mrs. Maude Sain Wag
ner. died in 1960.
Surviving are two daughters.
Miss Ruth Wagner of the home,
'and Mrs. J. E. Hollond of Pitts-
1 burgh, Pa.: one son, Oraut Wag-
'ner, of Mocksville: three brothers
J A. Wagner of Mocksville and
J. R. and Carl Wagner of Win-
ston-Salem: three sisters, Mr.s.
C. V. Miller of Mocksville, Mrs.
C. S. Massey of Advance, Rt. 2.
. and BIrt. E. L. Oiiflln of Wlnston-
Balem, and one grandchild. 1
Funeral services were conducted
at 5 p.m. Tuesday at the Mocks
ville Baptist Church by the Rev.
J. P. Davis. Burial was In Rose
Pallbearers were Alex Tucker,
R. P. Martin, Roy Collette, Char
lie Tomlinson. Pierce Foster and
J. Frank Hcndrix.
Frniik Stonestrect, 70, died
Tuesday, morning. July 10th, at sj
a.m. In the Davle County Hospital.
He had a heart attack and had
been ill for 11 days.
Mr. Stonestrect was born April
10, 1B86, son of Benjamin and
Kathryn ECurfccs Sioncstrcct. He
was married in 1918 to Miss Maude'
Mr. Stoncstrcet was associated
with the Kurfees and.Ward Store
for approximately 20 years. In
later years he was a painter.
Surviving the deceased In ad
dition to the widow arc: two sons.
James Stonestreeb of San Anton
io. Texas, and Philip Stoncstreet
of the home: two brothers. Will,
of Lnndis, and Peter, of Chatta
nooga. Tcnn: one sister Mis, J,
B. Price of Kannapolls.
I Funeral sei'vlccs were held Wed
nesday afternoon at 4 p.m. in
Jerlchp Church of Christ. Burial
was in the church cemetery. J. B.
Whitakcr ofhclatcd.
PaliDcaicra were Emc.st Scamon,
Everette Seamen, Tom Rice, Carl
Jones. Paul Hcndrix and J. 8.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/12/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday July 12,1956 - Page 3
Funeiiil services for Knrl Al«
bcrt KAUfnmn. 68, retired contract,
or of Advance, Route 1. were lield
Friday at tiio Bcililchcm Metho*
dist Church. The Rev. Ocorec
Brunei' omciatcd. Burmi was in
tlic cluircli cemetery.
Mr. Kaufman died uncx])Gctediy
of n heart attock nt 9:30 p.in.,
July 4th nt his home on Advance,
Route 1. Bcthleiicm Church coni-
Mr. Kaufman had returned from
a trip to Fioridn n short titno be*
fore he was stricken.
He was born nt Columbus. Ohio.
April 18. 1888, son of Jo.scph and
Louise Doll Kaufman. He was n
contractor in Fioridn for 30 years.
He came to Dnvic County two
years ogo after his retirement and
had resided since in the Bethle
hem section. He was married to
Miss Clara WilUums of Dnvie
Surviving are the widow; one
brother. Arnold Kaufman of Long
Beach, CnlU.; and one sister, Mrs.
Rouise WiUioins of Daytonn Bench,
Wlillnm Fletcher Home, 79, uncle
of Wott Thomas of this city, died
nt 3:48 last Thtirndny nftcrnonn
at Myers Clinic in Harmony. He
Imd been n patient there for three
weeks. Mr. Home was a yctlrcd
merchant and farmer of Olin,
Route 1.
Mr. Home was born in Dnvic
County Aug. 10, 1876, son of Wll-
ford and Betty Orifnn Home. He
woB married to Miss Minnie Holl
and and they spent their entire
married life in the Olin commun
Surviving arc the widow and
several nieces and neiihews, in ad
dition to Mr. Thomas.
The funeral was held Saturday
momlnR in Mount Vevnon Bnp-
ll.st Church in Ircdcll County.
Burial was in the clmrch ceme
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday July 12,1956 - Page 4
Claude E. Deal. 63. died Thurs
day night nt his liomc in Ons-
'.onin after an illness of tiirec
Mr. Deal was the brother-in-
law of Mrs. Claude Tiioinpson ol
his city. His Wife l.s tiic former
.liss May Swiccgood of Dnvic
;ounty and slic taught school
n Dnvic and Ircdcjl Counties bc-
ovc her marriage to Mr. Ocnl.
Mr. Deal wos born in Newton on
\pril 30, 1804. and lie spent his
boyhood in Hickory. He had lived
.n Onstonia for 36 ycors, working
•A'ith the postal tclcBvapU service
dicrc for IS years. He was form-
.•rly manager of the Western Union
jnicc in Hickory. livcuntly lie had
jcen connected with Tiiomson and
VicKlnnon stockbrokers of Shelby.
Tliti funeral was held Saturday
iltcrnoon at 3 nt Main Street
Methodist Church, of which Mr.
Pcnl was a member, oinciating
wire Dr. Wilson O. Wcldon and
• he Rev. Clyde E. Murray. Burial
nas in Cnston Memorial Park.
Surviving Mr. Deal In addition
10 ills wire: two Uiiughterfl, Mrs.
.lolm Deal O.Knne of Yonkers. N.
v.. and Mls.s Beverly Deal of the
home; a broiltcr. Clmrle.s M. Deal
t.-r Hickory: two sisters, Mrs.
Lentil and Mrs. Lucille Dauuhtery;
niul his mother, Mrs, William M.
Oeul. uJl of Hickory.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/12/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
:■ V."
Mrs, J. Di Frost, 102
Dies in Davie County
M0C3SVILE, July 12 — Mrs.
Robena Stikeleather Frost, who
last March 8 observed her 102d
birthday, died at 2:35'a.zn. today
in Davie County Hospital.- )
Mrs. Forst suffered a stroke'just
(10 days before her 102d birthday
and was moved to the hospital
just one week after it had opened
last February. She never returned
to her home, the 500-acre Frost
estate north of Mocksville where
she lived so actively for 79 years.
On her 100th birthday celebra
tion at home Mrs. Forst enter
tained friends and neighbors by
playing several hymns on the or
gan—one of her favorite pastimes.
Actually she didn't become bed
ridden after entering the hospital
in March of this year. She occasionally took wheel-chair trips
through the corridors. She liked *o
get out of bed to greet old friends]
and relatives.and relatives.
. at her centennial . . .
bom March 8, 1854 in
Mrs. Frost's health began to de- iredell County, daughter of John
teriorate recently and she became Rhoda Gunn Stikeleather. She
seriously ill three weeks ago. j^et J. D. Frost during a campWhen she reached her 100th meeting at Harmony Hill in" 1877birthday, Mrs. Frost was still {jjgy ^gre married when sheworking around the house and she ^gg 23. Mr. Frost died in 1927.
maintained the same philosophy gj^g resided "in the Unionwhich she said had brought her chapel community of Davie Coun-.so far: ty for the past 80 years and was
Work hard—but know; when to g member of Union Chapel Mrth-
rest. odist Church.She liked to get out and visit Surviving are four sons, E. H.
sick friends and occasionally went Frost, both oC Mocks-shopping in Mocksville up until Route 5, F. H. Frost of Win-
this year. One of her proudest pos- ston-Sdem and Dr. J„ S. Frost ofsessions was a modem cook stove Burlington; 13 grandchildren, 241she won at a community picnic great-grandchfldren and one great-in 1949. At the age of 96 she great-grandchild,
learned all over again how to bake Funeral services will be conduct-biscuits. ed at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Un
ion Chapel Methodist Church by
the Rev. D. U. Broome, and the!Rev. S. M. Stikeleather, Burial'^l!
be in the church cemetery.I The body will remain here at
nA\/iF ro PUBLI'^ Funeral Home untilUA\ it • j taken to the church to lie in state
MQCKSyiLU. N/"- ifor half an hour *prior to. theJ
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 18,1956 - Page 2
Mrs. Robena Frosl
Mrs. Hobena.SUkeleathcr Ffoit,
who la«t March 8, observed her
102d birth da y. died at 205 a. m,
July 12, in a Davle County Hos
She was born March 8,1854 In
Iredell County, daughter of lohn
and Hhoda Gunn Siikeleathcr.
She met J. D. Frost during a camp
meeCins at Harmony in 1877
and they were married when she
was 23. Mr. Frost died in 1927.
She had resided in the Union
Chapel community of Davic
County for the past 80 years and.
was a member of Union Chapel
Methodist Church.
Surviving are four sons, E. H.
and W. M. Frost, both of Mocks-
vlllc, Route 5, F. H. Frpsi of
Winston-Salem and Dr. ). S. Frost
of Burlingcon; '13 grandchildren,
24 great-grandchildren and oqc
Funeral services were conducts
ed •t2i30 p. ui. Saturday at Union
Chapel Methodist Church by the
Rev. D. D* Broom and the Rev*
S. M*' Stikeleather. burial was
in the church cemetery.
A A H^ayner
Alonzo (Lon) Asbury Wagner.
73* retired feed salesman of Mocks*
vilic. Route 3, died at I * p. m.,
July 7i in the Davie County Hos-
uital following a brief illnes«.
He was born in Yadkin County
Dec* 9, 1882, son of Fletcher and
Victoria Reese Wagner.
He was for a number of years a
salesman for the Mocksville Feed
Mills, having retired in 1949.
His wife, Mrs. Maude Sain Wag-
ner, died in 1950.
Surviving are two daughters,
Miss Ruth Wagner ol the home
and Mrs J. E. Holland of Pitts
burgh, Pa**, one son,* Grant Wag
ner of Mocksville and J. C. and
Carl 'Wagner of Winston-Saletn;
three sisters, Mrs* C. V. Miller of
Mocksville. Mrs. C. S. Masscy of
Advance, Route 2, and Mrs. ^ L.
Griffin of Win ron-Safem, and one
grandchild. |
Funeral services were conducted■t 5 p. m.. Tuesday at the Mocks-jville Baptist Church by Rcvi J. pj
Davis. Burial will be in Rose
Bio - Obituaries - 7/18/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 18,1956 - Page 2
Lonnie Horrie
Lonnle T. Home, 82, prominent
retired merthant of Farmlngion,
died Thursday afternoon at his
home. He u*as bom- in Davie
County, and spent his* entire life
in the Fannington community.
He was a member of Fntminp
ton Methodist Church, a trusceo
and member of the church board
of Stewarts. On Jan. 5, 1898, he
was married to Miis Mentara Jar^
via, who died in 1942
Surviving arc a sun, Dr. Frank
Home, of Rocky Mount, and six
Funeral services were held at 2
p m. Saturday at Farmington Me*j
chodist Church, with Rev. C. M,|
McKinney and Rev. lohn Hoyle!
oiHclating and the body laid to'
rest in the church cemetery. ' {
J, F. Stonestreet
' James Frank Stonestreet, 70, a
wellknown citizen of Mocksville
for many years, died at 5 a. m,,
luly lOtn at Davie County Hospic-
a1 after a serious illness of 11 days.
He was bom in Davie Countv,
a son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stone*
street, and was assoaated wrth he
firm of Kurfees & Ward for 20
years until his retirement some
years ago;- He was married to
Miss Maude Petrec, of Stokes
Coun^ In 1918.
Surviving are the widows two
sons, lames Stonestreet, of San
Antonio, Texas, and Philip Slone*
street, of tue home; three grand
children; two brothers, William,
of Landis, and P. W. Stonestreet,
of Chattanooga, Tcnn.; one sisters
Mrs. I. B. Price, Kannapolis.'
Funeral services were held at 4
p. m. last Wcdnesdav at lerlcho
Church of Ch' ist, of which h.
wasam.mber. J. B. Whitaker,,
his pastor, was the oificianng min
ister. Burial wm in the ^utdi>
cemc'c^.' .1
Mr. Stonestreet had a host of
friends ihroughout.chis entire sec*
cicfi who were saddened by news'
4,1 hU death., ,
Bio — Obituaries - 7/18/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 18,1956 - Page 2
Oscar Roy Allen
Funeral tervicts for Oscar Rov
Allen* 79* dairy farmer of Mocks
ville Route 5. was held at 2 p. tn.,
Sundavi at Farmingtan Methodist
Church* Buiial was held in Bethe.
lehem Methodist Church Ceme«
terv in Davie County. * *
Mr. Allen died at 1:10 a. m.* in
a Winston Salem hospital July 12.
He had been declining health tor
the past two weeks.
He was born Oct. 13, 1876« in
Davie County a son of Benjamin
Rcece Allen and Dorcas Odelia
Kimball Allen, He spent all of
bis life in Davie County where he
was a widely known dairy farmer.
He established the first dairy in
1901. She died in 1941. His se^
cood marriage was Dm. 5,1942. to
Mr*. Efiie Jonas Satne. She sur
vives. Also surviving are two
daugnters, Mrs. Burton Beotly
of Grimbsy, Ontario, Canada, and
Mrs. W. R» Sharp of Stuttgart.
Oermanv; and five grandchildren,
Duvle County, He was also en
gaged in the wholesale milk busi*
He was a member of the Farm-
Ington Methodist Church and a
'former member of his church's
board of stewards. '
Mr. Allen was twice married,
first to Miss Minnie Bowden in
Bio - Obituaries - 7/18/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 18,1956 - Page 2
Mrs. C. F. Allen
MT».^Dovie Kurfees Atlen* 78,
of Mocksvllle, Routi 5, died at
9t30 p, m., July lOth, at the Davie
County Hospital, following an III*
neat of several months.
. Mrs. AUen was born In Davie
^unty* a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs* James R. Kurfecs. She was
married to Charlie F, Allen, who
.died In 1949. She was a member
of the Union Chapel Methodist
Surviving are one son, Clay Al
len, of Mocksqilie, Route 5; cne
daughter, Mrs. Halnes Yates, of
'the home, an4 two gra dchUdren.
. Funeral services were held at 2
p m. Thursday at the home, with
(Uv D. D. Br^iome officia.-irg «nd
the laid to rest In the Union
Cba,>cl Church.cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/18/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 18,1956 - Page 3
r. 71» ef Route. 5*
died Su^by Iidy 15* st
the Room Mcmorlfd Hoepj^
Hewst/che ftdier oUenice D*
Bo8er;ofifilt'etcv« '
< Mr/Bo^ wes o nieiiito of Sit
Lidce'e Eviiiodicel and Rdoin^
Obmch.eiid eeryed oo tW conj#
Sufvlvlas m ^
OT MagRlo I^IOkr of Roum Goipi-
dftefi*'- '• n
Bdnuil;. seevtoct -.wm hM
Tueid^* moiftliig «i LillM. B
tnd R CliiitiA. 1^* Mdvti: T»
Rt^ ; Biiclal wae Bi
die'dtofcii eeuMiiBr?*. •
'I4ff.lva PfiBccs Ti|dot»,SS,. of
Mddnvllleb Rouio 4t d[lcd 'R3D
Ji^ 14. ta^-dio
pi^ Coti^ after a
fflhatfiy, ilfafft' ■'Sho«M;mafii^^^^ to R.
M; TaylwC^er tmp•ot^' Robcct/Mid iHaIi6fl&e;.ife kotlienb ^dM.ffile&
ftcpnptimi'^PuiRmli^^at4|ki^\M!oii^ at
diettuiidii'W ^ li Walieeta*Gerild /dnd Vdi^
RW;ICIaMiiee T«^ina» Buiftt wan
In thie cemetei7«-'
Bio - Obituaries - 7/18/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 18,1956 - Page 3
JiM H, Ssm% ,
fofm HeiiilenoA .SWfiig; 9^
oif .4iiDd,*ar ido •.
Ob, Sttii&Pf;Roim
l4mo^ Hbq^ to
; He to Comtv^
1^9, i969^' : Tftipmm,
jMmii ' * TV
^bfer- Svdbc. He * iim! meiiieil
Dec^ 4l!i* 109.1*to MM* IPifMito^
Sedmead^- iiiriiotof^vea.
Alto tttf^^ m t 4tU8lii^»
|4ii. Lm^O. Ttifonr of^
li. M .d Wiq^B^
Seleto^ IvKtod 8«tog ^ 8i^
bw# jb/ufomdiAMnn io^.ibfit
t -; He'ma ii iiiomiMt tonncr ^la
UMtikmPf/mA was fiitm^sd
ill cfvle» ciuMcii hmI cim^ iAifa^
liifiiiffiidis Iwsid seiwid ffp^ ifttdi
wm iSm a toeitoMr of toe Confix
Rei^atttonlkiaid*' '
'.' Pim^ siMess. wm'
ed tl4 p. nw Mobdiii! it, Weifcf
Cl^iM Ij^Mhodlst Giin^
Reel ).,W»H(»rie Ul« loiltlie A^.
j;^. V^d;. uBiiiid'
Bio - Obituaries - 7/18/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday July 19,1956 - Page 4
John Henderson Swing, M,
formerly a county commluloner
In Davle County, died at 3:30 p.m.
iunday. July 16, at Rowan Me-
.norUl Hospital In Salisbury.
He waa born In Davle County,
Dec. 8. 1809. the son of Thomas
Jefferson and Sara Elisabeth Ty«
dnger Swing. He was married Dec.
4. 1601, to Miss Josephine Red-
acnd, who survives.
Also surviving are a daughter, |
.Vfrs. Lonnle O. Turner of States
ille: three aons, Thomas J. and
Fletcher If. Swing of Winston-
3«lcm and J. Fred Swing of 8al-
Icbui-y; four grandchildren and
three great-grandchildren.
He was a prominent farmer In
Oavie County, and wai interested
In civic, church and county af
fairs. He served on the county
commissioners board several years,
and was also a member of the
I county revaluation board.
Mr. Swing was a lifelong mem
ber of Wesley Chapel MethodUi
Church where. he served as a
.steward for many years and sang
in the choir. He waa made as hon
orary member of the board of
tevmrds'several years ago.' ^
He had lived at the old home
stead. Maplethadgs. ^ In Davle
County until fte moved 'to Spencer
ten months ago.
Funeral services were conducted
at 4 p.m. Monday at Wesley Chap
el Methodist Church by the Rev.
J. W. Hoyle, III, and the Rev. J.
W. Vestal. Burial was In the
church cemetery. , .
Pallbearers were Roy Dlxon,
Ployd Dull. Hugh and Orady La
tham, Vernon Miller and Harmon
Mrs. IVB Frances Taylor. 35, of
Moclcsvllle, Route 4, died 8:30
o.m., Saturday, July 14. In the
Davle County Hospital. She had
bgen In declining health for sev-
tcral months, ^riously ill four
Born in Davle County Aug. 21,
1920, she was the daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. W.^ 8. NlchoU.
She waa educated In Cooleen^
schools. In 1939, she was married
to R. M. Taylor who sui'vlVes.
Other survivors Include two
BonSi RobciA and Gerald of the
home: six brothers, Howard Nich
ols of Kaniiapolls. Larry Nichols
of Coolecmce, Dallas - Nichols of
Palnrsvllle, Ohio. R. C. NlchoU of
Spcnccr, James NlchoU of Balti
more. Md.. and Lacy NichoU of
the U. S. Army In Germany: one
bUter. Mrs. Hayes Powell of
PolncsvlDc, Ohio: her stepmother.
Mrs. Betty NichoU of Coolecmcc.
Funeral services were conducted
at 4 p.m. Monday at the North
Cpoleemce Baptist Church by the
Rev. L. H. Walters, the Rev. Ger
ald Navlbr and the Rev. Clarence
Jenkins. Burial was In the church
Bio - Obituaries - 7/19/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday July 19,1956 - Page 4
' Funeral aervices for Lonnie J.
Home. 82. were conducted Satur
day. July U, at Farmtngton Meth-'
odlat Church by the Rev. C. M.^
McKenncy and the Rev. John{
Hoyle. Burial was in the church
cemetery. |
Mr. Home, R widely known mer-'
chant and farmer of Farmington,'
died unexpectedly Inte Thursday;
July 12. at hlrj home. He operated
< • leneral store for more than 40
years In Farmington.
The pallbearers for the funer
al were Burton Seats. John Hnrt-
min, R. D. Bennett, Kenneth Tay
lor, Richard Brock, Charles Lash-
ley, Odell James and E. C. James.
MRS. C. P. ALLEN. 98
* Mrs. Dovle Kurfecs Allen, 78, of
Mocksvllle, Route ft. Union Chapel
Methodist Church Community,
died at 9:30 p.m. Tuesday at the
Davie County Hospital. She had
been In declining health several
Mrs. Allen was born In DavIe
County Aug. 12. 1877, daughter of
James R. and Sarah Hayes Kur-
fees. She was marr^ to Charlie
r, Allen who died in 1949. She
was a member of Union Chapel
Methodist Church.
Surviving arc one son. Clay Al
len Of Mocksville. Route ft: one
daughter, Mrs. Kanes Yatcs of the
home; and two grandchlldi-cn. i
Funeral services were held
Thursday. July 12. at the home.
The Rev. D. D. Broomc ofilcintcd.
Burial was in Union Chapel
Methodist Church cemetery.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday July 19,1956 - Page 4
Al. L. BOGER. 71
M. L. Boffcr. 71, of Route ft.
Salisbuiy. died Sunday. July 1ft,
cX the Rowan Memorial Hospital,
^c was the father of James D.
Bogcr, Sinlcttvillc Rand, g
Mr. Bogcr was a member of St.
Luke's Evangelical and Reformed
Church and served on the ccnslat-
Survivors, in addition ,to James. |
include his wife, the former Magg-'
ic Miller of Rowan County; four
sons. Paul. W. R., and J. H. of
Route 5, Salisbury, and Luther C. |
of Hampton, Va.; two daughters,,
Mrs. Grant Hoffman and Mrs. Ir-
v'tng, V. Shaver of Route l.'Oold
I^IU; three -sUters, Mn. Benny
Cline, Route 8, Coneord, Mrs. Dora I
MiUeri High l^t, and Mrg. Jake'
Brpwp, of Rt. ft. SoUibury.
n ^lipea/ wtrt beld<
ail'SR. Luke's B
'0 -
Rev. Melvin T. Hamm omciatlng.j
Burial was In the church cemc-'
Bio - Obituaries - 7/19/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday July 19,1956 - Page 4
0 >CAR ROY AU.EN.' 79
Funeral Bcrvlccs for Oscar Roy
Allen. 79. dali*y farmer of Route
6, were held Sunday, July 15, at
Farmlngton Methodist Church.
Burial was in Bethlehem Metho
dist Church cemetery.
Mr. Allm died Thursday mom-;
ins. July la, In a Wlnston-Salem!
hospital. He had been In dMllnlng I
health for «lx months and critic-.
ally 111 for the past two weeks. |
He Was bom Oct. 13. 1&7S, In
Davle County, a son of Benjamin'
Recce Allen and Dorcas Odella'
Klmball Allen. He spent all of his!
life In Davle County .where he
was a widely known dairy farm-,
er. He cstabllsed 'the first dairy.
In Davle County. He waa also en
gaged In the wholesale milk bus
iness. I
He was a member of the Farm- ^
Ington Methodist Church and a|
former member of his chruch's'
I board of stewards.
Mr. Allen was twice married,
first to Miss Minnie Bowdcn In
1901. 8he died In 1941. His sec
ond marriage was Dec. 5, 1942. toj
Mre. Erne Jonas Balnc. She sur
Also surviving arc two daugh-,
tcrs, Mrs. Burton Bcntly of
Orimsby, Ontario, Canada, and
Mrs. W. R. Sharp of Stuttgart.'
Germany: and five grandchildren, {
Bio - Obituaries - 7/19/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday July 19,1956-Page 4
MRS. J. D. FROST. 103
Mrs. Robcna Stlkclcathci' Frost,
who iRKt Moivh n observed her 103
birthday, died at 2:3S a.m. Thui-fi*
day, July 12. In Davic Coutny Hob*
Mrs. Frost sufTcrcd n stroke Just
10 days before her 102d birthday
and was moved to thb liaspltal
Juflt one week after it had opened
last February. She never returned
to her home, the 300 • acre Frost
estate north of MocksviUe where
she lived M actively for 70 years.
On her 100th birthday celebra
tion at home Mrs. Frost enter
tained friends and nclehburu by
playing several hymns on the or*
psh-rono of her favorite pasttlinc.s.
Actually, sho didn't become bed
ridden after entering the hoepital
111 March of this ycar.^ She oc-
caikwially took wheel cliulr trips
IbruUBh; tt^. corridors, lilhu liked
I to get out of bed to greet old
friends and relatives.
Mrs. Frost's health began to de
teriorate recently and she bceame
seriously ill three weeks ago.
When she reached her 100th
birthday, 'Mrs. Frost was still
t \^'ot'klng ai'ound tho house and
l-ahc maintained the same philo
sophy which she suld had brought
her 80 far:
I Work hard—but know when to
' rest.
I She liked to act out and visit
sick friends and occnslcnnlly went j
shopping In MocksvUle up until!
this year. One of hor proudest pos-
sessions was o modern cook stove'
she won nt o community picnic
In 1949. At the age of 06 she'
iearned all over again how to bake
Slift was born March 8. 1854. In
Iicdell County, daughter of John
and Rhoda Qunn stikelcatlicr. She
met J. D. Frost during a camp
meeting at Harmony HlH In 1877
and they were married when she
was 23. Mr. Frost died In 1D27.
She had resided in the Union
Chapel community of Davle coun
ty for the past 80 years and was
a member of Union Chapel Mcth-
'odlst Church.
I Surviving are four sons, E. H.
and W. M. Frost, both of Mocks-
IvUlc. Rl." 5. F.-H. Frost of..Wln-
I bton-Salcm and Pr. J. 3. Frost of
Burlington:. 13 ernndchildron. 3S'
ircat-grnndchlldven and one grcat-
Bi'cat-grondchlld. |
Funeral services were conducted
at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. July 14,1
lit Union Chapel Methodist Church'
by the Rev. D. D. Brooinc and the,
I Key. S. M. StlUclcnthcr. Burial
was In the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/19/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 25,1956 - Page 1
faUon^ng an acute five tilnet^
WM -Mrti r IfuiMl
2fi,- 1698 to O. L. Ci^« wno
i&Xtiim pM usi; tSi
•Tftoauhitfy^^ It^^et'T^
i>« ttUtThwaiay at ^
the.oiniictefy n t Center Mmo^
Bio - Obituaries - 7/25/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday July 26,1956 - Page 5
Mrs. 0. I.. Casuy. 81
Mrs. O. L. CnScy. 81. tiled In
Ihe Diwle Counly Hospltiil ctirly
Wvdiusduy inomlnu, July 18. She
had been in decllnliig henlth for
Severn) monlli.s nnd seriously \\\
for five dnys.
The foimcr Miss Pnunle SlcUa
t.cckiu. she wns born In Iredell
County, Feb. 25. 1875. the dftuuh-
Icr of Mr. nnd Mv«. Chnrlos W.
Lccklc. She wns innnicd Mnrch
20. 1808. to O. L. Cnsey, who died
In Mni'cli. 1040.
SiirvWInB nro two sons. Dewcy
W. Cnsey of JncUsonvllle, Pin.;
nnd O. L. Cnsey, Jr.. of Albcinnilc:
two dnxightcrs, Mrs. A. n. flolloit
ol MocksvllK> nnd Miss Mnrle'
Cnsey of Onk Park. Mich.; cue
brother. C. P. Leckle of States- .
ville. rtoulc 5.
Funcrnl services were hold nt 2
p.m.. Thur.srtny, nt Entbn Funcr
nl Home by the Rev. w. 9. arlRg.
Uurlnl wns In^ the Center Metho
dist Churcli cemetery.
Active pnHbcnrcr.s were Chnrlcs
L. Lcckle, C. W. Lcckle, Whltflcld
Lcckle, Duke Pope, Rondinnn
Pope nnd Bcii Vlok.
Honorary pnllbcnrers wore Otis
Hcndrlcka, Fred Murphy, John N,
Wnters, Ernie Fo.stpr nnd Roy
Mrs. Ida McDniilel. 83
Mrs. Ida Jnne McDnnlel, 83,
died nt noon Mondny, July 23, In
a Wlnslon - Snlem hospital fol
lowing (in Illness of two weeks.
She wns born In Iredell County
Oct. 10. 1873^ dnuehter of Jimmy
nnd Rebecca Hnrp Summers.
She Is survived by four sons.
Isnnc McDnnlel of Wnshlngton,
p. C., Johnny McDnnlel of Dnvld-
son County, FrnncU McDnnlel of
Advance, Route 1. Sclh McDni)ibi
of Wnshinglon, D. C.; one dnugh-
ter, Mrs. Prnnk Cnsh of Colum
bia, S. C.: 22 grandchildren nnd
32 grent-grandchlldren.
Funeral services were conducted
nt 5 p.m. Wednesday nt Smith
Grove Methodist Church by the
Rev." Smith 'nnd-the--Rcv»
Marcus Myers.
Ornndsons wore pnUbcnvcr&.
BurinI was in the church ceme
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday July 26,1956
Mrs. Ida McDaiiiel
M,. /..ii" \'. i I
ih-.l ii i.iii'M M •ii''i'v •• ••
.!<in S.!!*-!!! Ii" i'l' 1 ••
iKfir.-. >•! -v. ' .
l"Hn ill l'»il il ''. -Ki
1V Ii.t If'. I.'?'::!, 'i.ii;
tiiv an-.! Ki-li.-n'a M-M' ■'••nii'H" '
Sii<- i I'
M.-H-ir;.-: .-r
|i I", il'ifiiiiiv Mi l laiiii'i ill i>as -
ia>i.ii r'-.iir.:v. ri.iini -
<il AiK'i.'ii i'. !• -■•"•i' ^3''-
|)r.tui>l i-l \Vu;liiii>:t"Ji. I) 5.*: .'in-
ilwi^V/i'l, Mi-' h'laul: <'.i .h •.'!
(tolmv.lHii. S. C : :!;! Iiiii-ni'l..-'-
nii j.nil :H'.' ijn'iil-r.uif-iUl'il'lr*'!!.
Kiiii«'::il Win ronii"'"
U-il at fi p. til. Wi'i.liwviluv III
Sinilli (ivuvi- CJsiin.-.'-' by 11ni Ufv, Siiviili -iikI
' tl:: Hi.v. Marnif iM.vns,
. tlium'.-i'ii.-' wi-K' iialll'i ii'i:I Burial V Its lii Ilit rhnwli n tn'."-
Bio - Obituaries - 7/26/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 1,1956 - Page 1
M ibllo«^ ill
Oitt In Dt^ 0iNw*
Kdpiflililer. tbe;' 1^' • .MirU tnii
Miif;8eQtjr',;SiiiO!o^ i
• '■*/ y; :'■■
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Bio - Obituaries - 8/1/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday August 2, 1956 - Page 2
C. r. CAUDELL, 75
Chnrlcs F. Caudcll.^ Sr.. 75. died
July 25. nt hl.s home In St. Pauls.
He was a brother of T. I. and W.
H. Caudcll and Mrs. W. M. Crotts
of this city.
Funeral services were held
Thursday, July 2ti. at St, Pauls
Presbyterian Churciu Burial was
in the cluirch cemetery.
Mr. Caudcll was a member of
61. Pauls Prcsbytcvinn Clnirch and
St. Pauls Masonic Lodtfc.
Also survivine are tiie widow:
one son. Clinrlcs C. Caudcll. Jr.. of
Sea Level: one daushtcr. Mrs,
Bobcrl R. Collins of Barium
Springs: and three grandchildren.
Thoinns Luther HowjU'd. 97. of
Rt. 3. died Wednesday. July 35,
at 11:15 a.m. nt the home of a
son. J. B. Howard, of Cicmmons,
Route I. Ho had been In declining
health for two years and serious
ly Hi only a few days.
He was born in Dnvic County,
Feb. 20, 1850. a son of Bryant and
Polly Mnssey Howard.
Mr. Howard was a former farm
er and grocery store operator in
Davlc County.
He was married to Anne Bailey.
She died in 1030.
Survivors arc six sons. J. B.
Howard, C. J. Howard, and A. B.
Howard, all of Cicmmons, Route
I, L. P. Howard of Mocksville,
Route 3, T. V. Howard of Cicm
mons and P. H. Howard of Salis
bury: two dauglitcrs. Mi-s. Mnttic
Wltllnkcr of Washington. D. C.,
and Mrs. Lllllc Howard of Mocks-
viltc. Route 3: 45 grandcltiidreii.
62 great • grandchildren and 13
Funeral services wore conducted
Friday. Juiy 27. at Smith Grove
h^ethodlst Ctmrch by the Rev.
George Smltli, the Rev. E. T.
Sims ninl llie Rev. W. Elvln Jones.
Burial was In the church ceme
tery. Grandsons were the pall
Miss Lizzie Fm-chcs, 70. of Rur
al Hall, Route I, died at G:30 )>.
m. Wednesday, July 26, in a Wln-
ston-Snlem hospital. She had been
seriously ill for eight days.
Site was born in Davlc County.
Aug. 25, 1885, a daughter of Will
and Lou Furchcs. She lived in
Dnvic County until moving to
Rural Hnli 11 years ago.
Slie had made her homo on Rur-
rnl Hall .Rt. I. with a niccc. Mi's.
RuUi Hilton.
Surviving arc one sister, Mrs.
Fred Lnkcy of Mocksville, Route
5: one brother, Chnrlcs Furchcs
of Camp Burner: and several nlcecs
and nephews,
Funeral services were conducted
at 4:30 p.m. Friday, July 27. at
Farmlngton Baptist Church by
the Rev. C. E, Crawford' and tiic
Rev. Jimmy Oroce. Burial was In
the Eaton Bai)tist Church ceme
Lee West. 71, of Routo 1, died
uncxpcct<ld|y. At ,8. a.m.,. Thursdoy
July 20. of a heart attack while
plowing in a field near his home.
A native of Davic County, ho
wn.s born Sept. 12. 1881, son of
John and Rebecca Dnyvatill West.
He ti.id spent his entire life In
Davle County.
He was a member of Society Bap
tist Cluirch.
Surviving arc the wife, Mrs.
Bc.ssle S.nfrict West: one son, Roy
L, West of Mock.svllle, Rt. 1: one
fiUster, Mrs. P. R. Williams of
Mocksvlllu, Rt. 1: and one grand
son. tilily West: and one brother,
C. M. We.st, of Cleveland, Rt. I.
Funeral services 'were held Sat
urday. July 28, nt Sniem Mcllio-
dlst Cliurch, conducted by the
Rev. Wade Hulchcns, Rev. Ervin
Wallace, and the Rev. Robert
''l? cburdi
Mls.s J. Emily Smool, 7G
Miss J. Emily Smoot. 70, who
made her home with n nephew,
W. S. Turner. Salisbury, died at
10 a.m. Fridtty. July 27. at Rowan
Memorial Mospitnl. She had been
In declining 'health for sl.x and n
half years and was seriously ill
four weeks.
She was born Sept. 2. 1879, In
Davle County, the daughter of the
late Scott and Sninh> Anderson
Smoot. Site was educated in Davle
County schools and was a mem
ber of the First Methodist Church
of Salisbury. She never married.
Survivors Includp two sisters.
Mrs. Lillian Koont/. and Mrs.
.M. M. Turner, both of Mocksville.
Route 4.
Funeral services were conducted
at 3 p.m. Saturday nt New Salcm
Methodist Church by Uie Rev.
James Oakley. Burial was In the
church cometei'y.'
Bio - Obituaries - 8/2/1956 DA VIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday August 2,1956 - Page 2
Mr*. Wyoleiic Greene Smllli, 55
Mrs. Wyolenc Qt^nc Smith, 55.
wife of J. H. Smith of 613 North-
west Bouluvnrd. Winston - Snlcm.
died (It 3:45 a.m. Thursday morn-
Ine. July 26. in n Wlnston-Salcm
hosi)ltnl. She had been in falling
health for some time but critic
ally ill for only one day.
. She was born July 27, lOQQ, at
Yndlcln College In Davidson coun
ty. a daughter of Edward L. and
Lucy Ford Greene.
She was married In June, 1020,
to J, H. Smith and had lived in
Wlnston-Salcm most of the time
since tlion. Mr. Smitlt. a retired
omployce of Chatimm Manufactur
ing Company, survives. She was
a member of Yadkln College Meth
odist Church.
Other survivors include two
sons. Doughs Smith of tiic home
and Pvt. Jackie Smith of the U. S.
Army, Prance; one sister, Mrs.
C. E. Roz-^ehc of High Point; and
two brothel's, Dr. G. V. Greene of
Mocksvllle and Homer Greene of
Yudkin College,
Funeral services were conducted
Sunday at 2 p.m. at Vogler's Chap
el by Dr. Ralph Herring and Dr.
C. ENcello Rozzcltc. Burial was in
I Forsytli Mbmorial Park.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/2/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday August 9,1956 - Page 2
MItS. O. C/COUN-ATJCEII. 42''- |
Funeral 5ci-viccs for Mrs. MoDls
Coninizcr. 42. wife, of O. C. Coi:-'
natzcr of Albany, On., were hcW
nt a p.m.- last Frldoy, Avig. 3. at
Gospel Light BaiJtist'Church, ncav
Wftlkcrtown. • * I
Mrs. Conmczcr died In nn Af-
Innta hospital Wednesday.- |
The Rev. Bobby Robcrson, the
Key. GeovBc Smith iind the Rev.'
Ilcnry E. Cook omdntcd. - Burial
was In the church cemetery, j
Bio - Obituaries - 8/9/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 15,1956 - Page 1
Mrs. Btauhamp
Mft. C. K BMuchamp^ 90, of
AdvsM Roob'l* Attg. llch»
■t'^liomoof a dabsliter* Mn,Gn^tm Soiitii, Wtnfimi«^lcaw
Rome 2. filic hail been ii^ decllii<
togbe^th fericvctalinontfte.
ShewmliofoNov. 1665blnDev!e
CbuntVt ihe^aughtcrol Jametand
Mbrtha Spry Oncll*She itsuivlved hy ^ husband,
■lid to addittoa to Mn. Smith*
four other daodhtm, Mn. Tom
McDeidel, Advance, Route I.
Mft. Spencer SpAikle and Mrs.
Aim Divb of Wiiisi)On*Salem, tod
Mfs*■ Fred. Mvne of Advance^Roi^ 2t dnee aoas, 6, O. Beau*dismp ^ «Wtostoa«Salen, R. C.
Beaudiatiib of Advenoek Route Hand Wkflte Beattdiaiiip^Peytons;
West Va*, and one biotfacf^ janies
Orrell of Advance Roitie I't 34
ggambchlMien and 37 ereatsmnd*
The bod? was returned. to the
home of McDanM Smniday
I twn ~
Rutwial corvkes werecoadttcted
at Mmki Methodist Church ofadikb'fhe waa a eMmbere At4p.
m., Suttday ecmducled bv the Rev.
ILC CitoimiL the Rev. Don 8.
Whiifield and the Rev. U A. Piee>
tiS. Nepluew. w«e pdlbeareta.
Bitiial waa to djednwds ctoytety.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/15/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday August 16,1956 - Page 4
two ycnw npo.
He wns. a member of Unlou
Chnpcl Methodist Churdi lit Davje
County, the Trnvders* Protective
Association, and the Junior Order.
He was married Feb. 3, 191S. to
Margaret DwiggLns who survives.
I Also surviving arc' five' daughr
tei-s. Mrs. Frank Klmboll of West
CIcmmonsvlllc Road, Mrs. Ward
I is. Pox of Cherry Creek, N. TC.',
< Mrs. H. B. Gabriel, Jr.. of Raleigh,
Mrs. L. L. Lucas, Jr. .of Greens*
,boro and Mrs. Marshall F. Shoaf
uf 28S9 Patrla Street; four son's,
A. C. Stoncstrect, Jr. ,of Baltimore,
Md., A. D. (Cotton) Stoncstrect,
of 1315 West Clcmmonsvlllc Road,
David R. Stoncstrect of 3826 East
I Spraguc Street, and J. Van Stone*
street of 4005 Dalton Street: ten
grandchildren, and four sisters,
Mrs. R. W. Collctte of 8i4 Miller
Street, Mrs. N. E. Pcndclton of
{Caltimorc, Md.,' Mrs. C. F. Rdbb
of Woodleaf, and Mrs. J. Will Horn
'of 1211 South Hawthorne Road.
Arthur Cleveland Stoncstrect,
Jr., 69, retired wholesale drugg*
tst of Winston * Salcm died
Tuesday at 5:20 p.m. I
He had been 111 for two years
and In serious condition for two
months. |
I Mr. Stoncstrect was born July
's, 1887, Ji) Dnvlc County, son of
John A. and Jane Per (7 Stone*
I street. He moved to Wtnslon*SB*
ilcm at the age of'21 and was co*
fAvncr of Sampson Medicine Co..
having retired from the business
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday August 16,1956 - Page 3
'mUS. EVA MAE TimKI?rT, 521
j Mrs. Eva Mac Prayllck Tiu'k-
lett. 52. al.slor of Prod N. Prayllck
'r.r this cll.v. died at the hnmv uf
jhcr slslor, Mr.s. Prnnklo ICcnn-
cd.v on ni-ooUdalc brlvo In 'ihom-'
Prlday. Aug. 10 at 1:30. p.
m. Doalh wn» unoxpcclcd. She
had been visiting there for the
pa.st two weeks.
C. K. BEAL'CIIAMl*, 00
Mrs. C. K. Boauchamp. 00. o
Sljc Is tlic wife of Jolm E. Tur-
lu'Ll of Cohunbla. S. C.. who sur
vives. In addition to her hu-sUand.
sister and ,brother arc three
daughlcv.s. Mrs. Jack Gray mul
Mrs. Roland Todd, both of Co*
Juinbia. anci ^^rN. Dqnnlc ,Rcsk of.
Pennsylvania: one son. Marlon
Tnrkett of Maryland: two sisters,
Mrs, H. K. McPndden. of Thoin-
asville, and Mrs. Ruby Mollclto
of Chapel IIIU: two other broth-
' eiR. A. N. Prayllck of Detroit, and
• H. P. Prayllck of Vance, 8. C.,
and ten grandohildrvn.
Mrs. Tiirkett wn.s born In South
Carohnn. Aug. 2. 1904. daughter
ol the late W. Frank Prayllck and
Jnnle llogau Prayllck.
Puneral services were held Sun
day nfteviioon at 2 o'clock in Co
lumbia at Pascal-Regal Funeral
Monic, Interment was In Brown's
Chapel cemetery near Columbia.
Advance, Roulu 1. died early Sat
urday inornlng at the home of a
daughter, Mrs. Graham Sinlth,
Winston - Snicin. Route 2. She
hud been In dcullning health for
several months.
She was born Nov.. 1805. in
Davic County, the daughter of
J|nine.s and Martha Spry Ori'cll.\.
She is survived by her husband,
and In addition to Mrs. Smith,
fotir flUicr dauRhtors. Mrs. Tom
McDanlcl. Advance, Route t,.Mrs.
Spencer Sprinkle and Mv.^. Alex
Davis of WInslon-Salcm. and Mrs.
Fred Mycr.s of Advance, Route
three sons. E, Q. Bcnuchnmp of
Wlnston-Snlcin. R. C. Bcauchainp
of Advance Route 1. and Wllllo
Beauchnmp of Pcytona, We.st Vn.:
one brother, James Orrell of Ad
vance. Route l:'b4 grandchildren
and 37 gront-urandchlldren.
Funeral services were conducted
at Mock.H Methodist Church Sun
day by the Rev. H. C. Cllnard,
the Rev. Don S. Whltfield and
the Rev. L. A. Pcrrlll. Nephews
were pallbearers. Burial ^as In
the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/16/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
[11^liS-r <1 - ^ ^i"{ iT e T^ 0^ ^Yf o/' C^/cVe/io i' cYC"s-^SP'"f^Ifi's^fe.Cw.' .S W wS ST —'a E.g_-D.'<-a.:'^-:v£SOAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCK.'SVILLE, no-- "k ' --2? ^ilpiss#aiPSfs«^g?».t .
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday August 23,1956 - Page 4
Mrs. Cctia Ellznbctn Wulliiinn.
71, of East Henderson Street, Sal
isbury, died Sundny night nt Ro
wan Mcmorinl Hospitnl following
nn Illness of two weeks.
She wns bom Sept. 5, 1B84, In
Dnvlc. County, the daughter of C.
Thomas nnd Nancy Shnvv Smith
of £>nvlc County. She wns educntcd
In the D.ivic County Schools.
She had been n member of
StnUlngs McmoiinI Baptist Church
since 1921. She was n member of
the Snilsbuty Chapter of tho East-
cm Star.
She is survived by her iiusbnnd.
W. p. Wcllnmn to whom she wns
married Mnrcli 4, 1006. Survivors
also IncUidc one son. Sidney D.
Wcllmnn of rortsmouih. Vn.: two
daugmrr.". Mrs. O. Tructt Rhync
of Stalcsviiic, nnd Mrs. T. Wayne
Curlcc of Portsmouth, Vn.: one
broiiicr, Raymond L. Smith, of
Chnrlottc: o])c sister, Mrs. 0. T,
McDnnicl of Woodlcnf: one lialf
plslcr. Mrs. Lbc Crowdcr of Si)cn-
ccr: nnd two grandchildren.
Funeral srrvlccs were hold nt
4 p.m., Tuesday at Stallings Mc
morinl Baptist Churcii. Burial wns
in Clicslmil Hill Cemetery. The
Rev. R. Albert Propsl olBclnlud
at tlic service.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/23/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday August 23,1956 - Page 2
SVIIsH Amy Jai\e TulbRrt, 5-1
Miss An)y Jnnc Tnlbcrl, 54.
Davle County Su|)ci-intcndcnt of
Public Wclfnve. died at 5:35 p.m..
Wednesday. Aug. 15. at licr home
! ii.t Advance after a serious Illness
of ten months.
Funeral services wore held Fri
day afternoon. Aug*. 17. at Advance
Methodist Church by the Hev. H.
jC. Cllnard and the Rev. Charles
. E. Crawford. Burial was In the
Advance Baptist Church cemetery.
Miss Tnlbert was* born In Dn-
vie County, Oct. 14. 1001, daughter
of Gannon and Rebecca Mlnor
Talbert. She was graduated from
Appalachian State Tcachera Col-
Itgc nt Boonc with a BS degree
innd from the University of North
Carolina with an AB degree.
I She taught school In North Car
olina for 25 years, nto.slly In Gra
ham County. She became Davic
wclfavc supcrlnlundent in 104Ban(l
held that po.sl since tiien. She had
been on ienvc of absence since |
she became III.
Surviving arc two sisters, Mrs.
Minnie Bryson and Miss Rebecca
Tnlbert of the home: and seven
brothers, J. L. Tnlbert of Detroit.
Mich.. J. A. Tnlbert of Winslon-
Snlcm. DeiinU Tnlbert of Lexlnu-I
ton. Gannon Tnlbert of Morehcnd
City, Sum L.. Thomas W. and
Charles H. Tnlbcrl, nil of Ad
Bio - Obituaries — 8/23/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 29,1956 - Page 1
Jeremy Rsiv Milleap. 18;. 6( •
Mockivilte, Route 3. was IrfktaAtly.'
ikiUed and two othett serioualy In-
jured about 1 a. m.; Aug. 3, when
the car in which they were ^Ing
craahed Into a bridge abutment
'near Saliibury.
• • ' . , •
John Richard ^Taylor, 16, of;
bey/20, 'ol Mo^^Me*-w in*
Juced in the acddcht..
Tavlor, Idcntlfii^d by State High'
,wav Pa^lman J* jHk Naiice as
driver bi^ the ear, was in- a criridt^
condition . at - Rdwah.- Mefnotlal
Hospital. He suffered a fractumd
akull, lacerarions and a sight leg so
i '
beidly crushed it had to be amputat:*
ed Ood^ey suffered minor in-
Juriea it was reported - V
The wreck, was des^bed by
Nance as ''one of die wdcat I have
c^.seM.** He said die car waa
demolished to auch an extent It
was itmoyed fitom the fccne in e
a dump trudc.
'*!. The impact ripf^ three whtela
from thc 1956 model car, pushed
the duhboard and foot pedals in
to. the front eeat eod aeoc the
ste^flg wh^ through the driver's
Patrolman Nance aald Tavlor
loM cohtrol.of the car. The trio
wa^ rriurnlhg-dr ^Mdc^la
Salisbury; No chaigea have been
Mtllsapt was bom Ui Alexander
piuntv Feb. 5, 1938, son ef Mack
and ^l^gie WvMt MDIaapa. The
family moved to tfa.. borne near
here about Mven vears ago. Young
Miltsaps.was a buUdoier operator
for the L* A Reynotds Company
of Wlimoft*8alan»
Surviviof are the parenia: '. frnir
•Isaen. Mra. Jimea Cactner of
Statesville, Route 4; .Sandra, Pa.
mdft and Ptancet Ann Millatps of
the home; two brothera,Terry ati^
Gary Mttlsapc of iKe home,
the ifrandparents, Mf..'andlh^
W. G« MUlsapi of Middimire: apd
Mrs, Ice Wvatt of Nordi ~ Wtlk^
Funeral aervlcea. -wctb-betd'-air
2:30 p. m.. Friday at; Fll^tia. iBi^^
tiat riiufch ib Alazander Coufi^i
Th» RcT.|byP. Btoome.^^^a^^ im
Rdv;Tbt^v-lUdfiw "rilfclak
Butlal'waa In d»a'cb.ifrdk camataty.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/29/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 29,1956 - Page 1
Mn.. iGite Jenktnt • Avett, 67^
wlUe the Rev. k. *iL Avett'
Methodlfc minUcer, died at 5 p
nu Thursday, A^. 23, at her
home on Church' Street after a
fcriout Khicfi of 30 dayi She
had been In U1 h«ald) for the past
year. •
Mn. Avetc waa bom at Gold
Hill, S^t* 2A 1888; daughter, of
Tdhn W, and Grace 'hamhardt
jenkina. She was married to Mr.
Surviving are the husband: one
daughter, Mn. Cole Tomllnson of
Mocki^e; one ttepdaughter. Mtsa
Helen Avett of New York Cltv;
two stepsons, B. F. and Frank
Avett of Virginie Beach ' Vai^ohe
grandchild^ h e t modier,. Mrs;
Grace Tenldsss of Gold HUh end
two sisters, Mn, C. R.' Montgoro
eryand Mrs. M; H. Hedrldc of
Gold Hill,
Funeral services w<m hdd at 11
Bu mn Staturday at Modetville
Methodist. j'^Tlie Rev, W. Q.
Grigg officiated. Burial waa In
Bio - Obituaries - 8/29/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday August 30,1956 - Page 5
SIRS. !•: .SI. AVRTT, «? I
Mis. Kate JrnUins AvoU. 07.
wife or Rev. E. M. Avelt, retired
SIciiincUKt iiilnl.Hii.'r, died Wcditcs* ,
liny nflirnnon. Auk. 22. nt 5 u.in.
at iu-r lioinr i>ii Church SlrecL
n:hi- n mtUiuh ninc.'-us of 30 clays. ^
ii!hu iKul been in 111 hontth for the
))(ist year. I
Mrs. Avell was born nt Quid
nil S:|)t. 'JU. tUtiU, dnuuhtor of |
John W, and Qrncc Bnrnhnrdt
jonkSn.*:. She innrricd Mr. Avctt in
1022. .
Surviving nro the husband: one
dnuRhler. Mrs. Cole Toinllnsou:
(.no sU'pdnuKhtcr. Miss Helen
Avelt of New York City; twosicp-
sons, E. P. nnd Prank Avetl ol
Viralnln Bench. Vn.: one ernnd-
child; her inotlur. Mrs. Ornce
J. ukln.s of Gold Hlli; nnd two sis*
lers. Mrs. C. R. Muntoomcry nnd
Mrs. N. N. Hedrick of Gold Hill.
Funcml services-u'cir held Sut-[
urday morninit nl 11 a.m. nt the
First Mothoiiist Church. The Rev.
V/. Q. Grluu olllctnted. Burinl wns
in tiic Rose Cemetery.
Funeral services for Jeremy Ray
Mlllsnps. 16. wlio wns killed In nn
uutoinobllc nccidcnt Thur s d ny
tnornlnR, Aug. 2.7. were held Frl-^
<i.y nflernoon. Aug. 24, nt Pllgrltn
HjiiRl.vt Clnirch Jn Alexander
Cimuty. The Rev. D. D. Bioome'
ihd the Rev. Tommy LulTman or
iented. Burlni wns In the church
He wns born In Alcsnndcr County
Feb. 5. 1038. son of Mnck nnd
Mnmtle Wyntl MDlanps. jriie fnm-
ily moved to the home ncnr Mocks,
'vllle nboul seven yenrs ngo. Young
MiUHflps wns A bulhtoxcr oporntor
or tlw.L. A. Reynolds Compnny of
Wlnston-Snlom, |
SurvivlnB nro the pnrcnls, four,
.sisters. Mrs. Jnmcs Cnrlncr of I
rt nlC!)Vlllc, Route 4, Snndrn, Pn-
ncln nnd Prnnccs Ann Mlllsnps of
the home: two brothers, Jerry ni>l
jiu-y Mllljinps of tire home: nnd
he erniidpnrcnts. Mr. nnd Mrs.
0. MlU.snp.s of Hlddcnllc nnd
Mrs. Joe Wyntt of North Wllkcs-
Bio - Obituaries - 8/30/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 6,1956 - Page 5
Funci'Ml set-vlccs for Rnlph Mnr>
liu Hcndrlcks. 47. of Wnshlneton.
1). C.. were iH'ld nt the Enton
Puncrnl Kotnc. Sundny. The Rev.
Robert Onklcy olllclntcd. Burinl
was In the Center Methodist
Mr. Hcndvlcks'wns born Jtdy 12,
1000, the son of the Inte George
M. and Llln Emerson Kcndrlcks
of Dnvle County.-He had lived in
\^nsKrri8toh"f6r"ri Aiimber of ycm-s,
n'nd died In n hospital there Thtirs.
day night following several months
of declining health.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/6/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 13,1956 - Page 5
nirs. ;Mury l.imtsG SitiUli. OL
Punml scj'VlccR for Mj-s.-Mavy
LouIrc Smith, 01. of Mocksvlllo
wj-ro held THC.«lny.flUthe_JeL*leho
Chm-ch of ChrlHl. J. B. Whilnkor
ulUcluti'd. Dui'Inl u'ii.s in the church
I Mva. Sinfth died curly Momlny
I nmrnhut nl Iho home of u d'nush
1 let*. Mi'a. Dd!n Poslci\ of Snlix-
Imry St^ idler im lilucax of aovcral
I She wns born In Davie County
Dec. ISO, 1804. Show nft innrrtcc! to
W. P. Smith, who died In 1038.
'Shu Uv9d In the Jericho ccmmun-
lly for acvcru) ycnrs nnvi Inter In
' Surviving nre four sons, B. B.
Smith of MocUsvnic, John Smith
jdf MuclcHvnic. Route 4, nncl Albert
und NenI Smith, both of Coolce-
mee; niul one dnughter, Mr.s; D:lln
Udwnril Alien' FCucouk, 40
Fmierul seh'lccs foi- Edward
Allen 'Pcncocl:^ 40, of Coolccmcc
were held Wcdncsduy nt the Con
cord Methodist Church. The Rev.
KnroUl Pnrkcr nnd the Rev. B. C.
Ailnms olhcintcrl. Burlnl vv.ns In the
church cemetery.
Mr. Pcncock died nround 4:45',
p.m. Monday In the Dnvie County |
IIORultftl. Ho wns stricken nt hi?
home Mohdny morning.
He. wii.s, born Feb. 10. 1010, In
bnvie County, son of Albert nnd
DeUn Hnrrls Pcneock. He was
murrled to Mlas Mnry Trnnscu In
October. 1047. «
He wns employed by Erwin Mills
and wns n member of North
Coolccmcc Bnpllst Church. He
served flvo yenrc in the U. S.
Army during World War 11.
Surviving nre his wife: one
dnughtcr, Mnry Onlc Pcncock of
the home: one son, Stephen Pcn
cock of the home: three brothers,
Lnthur Fcncoek of WInston-Snlcm,
Roy Pcncock of Greensboro nnd
Homer Pcncock of TlfRn, Ohio:
nnd four sisters, Mrs. Rosa Reich
of Kinston. nnd Mrs. W. D. Lock-
leiir, )'R. Jack Pencock nnd Mrs.
Tom Scnmon, nil of Winston-Sn-
1cm. '
Funcrnl services for Chnrllc
Cfopor Bnvncy. 78. were held PrU
tlUy ,ut the Cornntzcr Baptist
Cliui*ch. The Rev. Eugene Good
man, the Rev. Jimmy orocc nnd
he Rev. Tommy Flynn oinclnted.
tAivlnl...)vnftiA"t;tbe chui'ch corns*
tiryiM •t:»nii7UA
Mr. Bnrncy died Sept. 5 nt his
home, Mocksvlllc, Rt. 3, Cornntzcr
community, nftcr u serious Illness
jf two weeks. He hnd been In
fnlllng hcnlth for one year.
Mr. Bnrncy wns born In Dnvlc
County March 17. 1887, son of Jo-
ici)h nnd Mnry Clousc Bnrncy. He
.vas a retired fanner nnd spent
Us entire life In Dnvlc County,
'ie wns mnnled to Miss* Bnshlc
Elizabeth Doby In 1803.
Surviving nre the widow: three
tons, A. A. Bnrncy of Indlr.nnpolts,
t'nd., Jniitea Bnrncy of CIcvclnnd,
Route 1. nnd Willlnm B. Bnmey
)f Macksvllle, Route 3: three
daughters, Mrs. S. W. Winters and
Mrs. Joe Jones of Mocksvlllc, Rt.
1. nnd MI'S. Avery Doby of Thom-
nsvlllc. Rt. 2; 10 grnndchUdrcn
.and two evcat-grandchUdrcn.
Ray Allison Thompson. 50. of
the Fork Church community, died
unexpectedly Tuesdny nround 4:45
He hnd been nn employee of
Erwin Mills nt Coolocmce for 23
Mr. Thompson wns born In
Dnvlc County June 2B, 1000. n
son of John nnd Minnie Wngucr
' In 1010 he wns married to Miss
Snmh Ethel Lnngstou, who sur
vives. Other survivors arc n son,
Rny Thompson, Jr., of Winston-
Snlem; . four dnughtci's, Mrs.
Kathleen Knight of Rock Hill.
S. 0., Mrs. Margnrcl Worley, Mrs.
Lorenc Brooks, nnd Mrs. Bessie
Oliver, all of Lc.xlngton, Routo 3:
two sisters^ Mrs. Dcvvey Hornl) of
Elkton. Md., nncl Mrs. Dornh Bcr-1
rier of Mocksvlllc. Route 4: n
brother. CInude Thomp.son of Elk-l
ton. 5rd.. nnd 11 grnndchUdrcn. I
Funcrnl nrrnngcments were In
complete nt press time. I
Bio - Obituaries - 9/13/1956 DA VIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 13,1956 - Page 5
Pwnoml services for Jnmcs Wnl-
tcr wniinms, 81, of North Coolcc-
incc were held Snturdny inornhiB
nt the Turrentlnc Bnptlst Church.
The Rev. J. VV. Pnvkci*. the Rev.
Hnrold Austin oinclfltcd. Burlni
wns In Iho clutvch cemetery.
Mr. WllHnins died unexpectedly
Sept. G nt his home foUowlng n
icnrt nltnck. He hnd been In ill
icnllh several luontlis,
Mr. Wlllinms wns workine in
hr ynt-d nt his homo wlicn ho wns
itrlckcn. He wns n .retired fnrmcr.
He wns born in Iredell County
P'cb. 10. 1875, son of George \V.
nnd Cnroiinn Wcnthcrmnn ^11-
iums. Ho hnd resided In Dnvlo
J^oimly 15 yenrs.
Surviving nrc the widow: four
ions, Held Wlitlnms of York, S. C.,
Icssc VtMIIInma of Coolcemce, Dent
.Vlllnms of the Air Force in Tc.x-
ts nnd Dvvlght Wlllinms of Snl-
Isbury: one daughter, Mrs. Scott
Parks of Richmond, Vn.; twelve
Trnndehildrcn: three t;rcnt<crnnd>
jhlldren: one brother, Coyettc WiU
linnis of Unl6l\ Grave: nnd two
sisters, Mrs. Wln.ston Rupert of
Union Grove nnd Mrs. Elmer Mny*
berry of Spoknne.'Wnsh.
D. A. LOWERY, 71
Punoml scrvicc.s for Mrs. Dnb»
ney A. Lowory, 71. of Mocksvllle,
Route 2. will bo held nt the Eaton
Bnptlst Church on Thursdny nt
2 p.m. The Rev. Wndc Hulchens
nnd the Rev. John Iloyle will of
ficiate. The body will be tnkch'lo'
the church 30 minutes prior to thfr'
sn-vlcc. Burlnl will be In the
church cemetery.
.Mrs. Xowcry died nt the home
of n daughter, hfrs. Floyd Dull,
Mocksvillc, Route 5, nround 5 a.m.'
Tuesday morning. |
Mrs. Lowery nmdc her homo in
the Enton Church co'mmunll>,-
Mocksvillc, Route 2, but hnd been;
visiting Mrs. Dull (or the past lwo|
weeks. j
SIic wns born In Dnvie County n
Nov. 30. 1884, dnughtcr of SnmucI
nnd Mary Dyson Smith. {
Mr. Lowcry died Mny 10, 1043, <
- Mrs. Lowcry wns n mombcr of
Eaton Bnt>tist Church.
Surviving nrc two other dnugh-
ters, Mrs. Snm Rnndnll of Mocks
vllle. Route 2, Mrs. Jesse Driver of
Mocksvllle, Route 5: 13 grandchil
dren nnd five grcat-grnndchlldrcn:
a brother, Luther Smltl^ of Mocks
vllle.. Route 2. and n sister, Mrs.
Bertha Stnnlcy, niso of Mocks-villo. Route 2.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/13/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 20,1956 - Page 2
* Funci'nl services for John C.
Charles. 85; of MocksvlUe. Route
•i. were held Sunday afternoon at
(he home. Rev. E. F. Eagle bdlc-
! inled. Burial was In the family
tilot' of the Jcrusolcm Cemetery!
. Mr. Charles died Friday night
I at the Rowan Memorial Hospital
following declining health of two
I years ond serious Illness of four
Mr. Charles was born March 27.
1871, In Davie County, a son of the
late John N. and Snllie'Bc.ssent'
Charles. He received his cducn-
Ulon In the Davle County Schools.
For a number of years ho op-l
(mted o cotton gin and general!
store at Qrcnsy Corner in Dnvlcj
County. He was also n pi-omlncnt
farmer and for n number of years
Jwns In the fcrllli/.ed business. He
vvas n member of the Dnpllst
Church of Jerusalem. . n •
• Ills wife, SulUe Crump Chdrle.s.
preceding him In death [\\ 10Q4.
Survivors Include one .son. James
W. Charles of the home: six,
diiughlci-s. ^^rH. Mary Fon of the I
home. Mr.s. E. C. Snnford of Mocks-'
viile, Mrs. J. U. Campbell. Mrs.
T. D. Woodruff and Mrs. J. Hu
bert Carter of Davle County and
Mrs. Virgil C. M. Dnrrlnyer of
Oiunlle Quurry:. one brpthei;, H.
F ChnrloR of Davle County: seven
ghmd clilldR'n nnd four great-
grandchildren. '
Bio - Obituaries - 9/20/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 27, 1956 - Page 1
Davie Boy, 4, Is Killed
When Hit By Aiitoinobile
Larry Allen Dies
When Hit In Forsyth
A four • ycnr . oM Dnvlc Cou'ii'
•ty boy wns killed Friday when he
was atruck by n cm* seconds nftci*
'iccttint' out of his father's parked
• Lttrry Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs.
-Puul Allen of Mocksvlllc, Route
3, was pronounced dead on ar
rival at Baptist Hospital. The nc-
^cidriit occurcd in Forsyth County j
'on FllRhwny ins. about five miles
ivest of Winston - Snlcm around'
4 p.m. j
niBhwny Patrolman W. D. De-|
Mnreas said tlic boy walked Into
the path of n car driven by Mrs.
Eiithcr Rose of Clcnuhons, Route
1. She was cnroutc to Winston-
Dr. V. M. LonR, Forsyth Coun
ty coroner, said the boy had three
or four broken ribs, n lung Injury,
ti broken leg and n head Injury.
PHlrolmnn Dc Marcus said the
/boy got out his father's car
v.-hlch wa.s parked brside the high-
way. walked iiround the front of
the car and Into the path of Mi-s.
Rose's nutoniobllc.
The boy apparently die/ not sec
the err approaching before step
ping Into the highway.
Patrolman Do Mnrous indicated
that no charges would be filed
ngninsl Mrs. Rose.
I The boy was born Dec. 17, lOSl.
In Charlotte, n son of Paul ond
Mnrga Lcnncnmnn Allen.
Surviving besides the parents
arc two sisters, Margo VIoln Allen
and Linda Kay Allen of the home,
and the grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Allen of Mdeksvlllc, Rt.
^3, and Mr. and Mrs.'Richard Len-
^icmann of SalJelltcr, Qcrmany.
Funeral services were held Sun
day morning atthe Cornatxcr Bap.
list Church. The Rov. D. D. Broomc
and the Rev. Eugene Goodman
oinclntcd. Burial was In . the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/27/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 27, 1956 — Pages 1 & 2
Young Mother Killed In
Two-Car Collision, Sunday
Tcen-Agcr Charged" With
Manslaughter^ Speeding
And Rcekti^s Driving
A younR mother wns killed.In-
stanlly nud three other i}crson.<i
were injured Sunday in n two-
car eoUUtlon which nn ofTlccr snld
wns cnuscd by n speeding tccn-
Dcnd on nrrivnl nt Dnvic County
llospilnl wns Mrs. Lnrry Willnrd,
20, of Mocksvillc. Route 5, driver
of one cnr.
The driver of the other, 10-
ycnr-oid Gdwnrd Brewer Orcgory
of Aclvnncc, Rt. 1. suffered multi-
pic |)clvic fmcturcs but jnlrne-
ulously escaped 'dcnth by being
thrown fi'um his car ns it split
into two pieces.
Also injured were Mrs. Will-
nrd's thrcc-ycnr-old dnughtcr, De
borah Lynn, who wns treated for
bvuis:s nud sinnll cuts and then
rcicnscd from the hospital: and'
Nnncy Plott, 15, of Mocksvillc. Rt.
5. uiio is being treated at the Dn
vic Count}' Hospital (or severe
fnelnl injuries. Both were In the
Willnrd car.
The accident occurcd nl 1:45
p.m. on tlic Fnrmington Road,
which branches off from highway
158 at Buck Milter's Barbecue.
Grcgor}' wns chnrged with man-
.sliitightcr, speeding nnd reckless
Slate Highway Patrolman A. W.
Cox. who InvcstigRtud the acci
dent, quoted Gregory as saying ho
wns driving 85-00 miles'an hour
ns he rounded n sharp curve. The
ear skidded broadside for 27 yards
nnd rammed into Urn approaching
Wiitsrd car. the patrolman ^ati).
. Patrolman Cox saWthafihc ifcnV"
cud of the Gregory'cnr traveled
cast for 20 yards, while the front
end continued 56 yards on down
the rond.
Gregory nnd he cnr scats were
thrown out of the car by the im
pact, tile officer snld.
Tlic ofllecr said that parts of
the Gregory cnr scnttevcd over n
mdiun of 100 feet, some tnnding
in' the ynrd of the Q. C. Pitcher
The Willnrd cnr was also dcmol. •
Gregory is employed by Hnncs
Hosiery Mills Company in Win-
ston-Salcm, the ofllccr said he
wns told.
Assisting Pntrolmnn Cox in the
investigation is Patrolman T. J.
Hospital attaches snld Mrs. Wil.
lard died instantly of head injur
ies. .
Mrs. Willnrd was the former
Miss Johnsic May Miller..She was
born Jan. 17, 1036, the daughter
of Lewis nnd Mngdnlcne Smith
Miller. The father operates n store
and service station nt the Inter
section of Highways 801 nnd 158.
She wns mnrrlcd in June, 1052 to
Lnrry Willnrd.
Surviving arc the husband; two
dnughtoi-s, Deborah Lynn. 3: and
(Cnntinurii on Page 21
Young Mother Killed
Clu'lstinc Diane, five months: Iier
|)arenls, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mill
er of tile Mucedonla Church com
munity: one sister. Mrs. Rutii
Brown of Advance, Rt. 1: one
broti^er. L. J. Miller, Jr., of Ad
vance. Rt. 1: nnd lier grandinoth-
ers, Mrs. Mary Winfrey of Wln-
slon-Satem and Mr{i. hfnttie Smitli
uf Advance. Route. 1.
Punvrol aurvlcca were conduct
ed Tuesday nfteriioon nt the
Mncedonln Moravian Church. The
Rev. O. B. Bruncr and the Rev.
Joim Hoylo oillclnted. Burial was
in tlic cliurch cemetery.
Fnllbenrcrs were Jimmie Slicek,
Bill Hendrlcks, Bobby Plott, Bobby
Lnsh, Howell Mnckle and Stier-
:innn Wood.
Bio — Obituaries — 9/27/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 27,1956 - Page 2
Funcml aervlccs for Wtlllnm
Hnmpton Wright. SO. of Coluiu-
bua. Ohio, will be held Thursdny,
11 n.m., nt the New Union Metho
dist Church. The Rev. D. D.
Brooinc and the Rev. W. C. BuUa
will oincinle. Burial will be In
the church cemetery.
Mr. Wright died Sept. 24 In n
Columbus. Ohio, hospital whore
he had been n iintlcnt for five
Mr. Wright was a native of
Dnvle County, ii son of Thomas
and Julie Boyd Wright. He had
resided In Columbus for the post
20 years.
Surviviiur ^re onc>;.son, William
H. Wright of: Columbus. Ohio: |
four brothers, John Wright of
Mocksvllle. Route 1, L. C. Wright
of Pfafftown, L. J. Wright of
Wlnston-Salem and Floyd Wright
of Columbus, Ohio: and two sis
ters. Mrs. Ruth Spears of Win-
ston-Snlem and Miss Flossie
Wright of Richmond, Ind.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September27, 1956-Page3
MUS. J. n. CUlFI'tN, 72 '■
Funeral services for Mrs. Jnnie
Craven Crinin. 72, of Dunn, forip-
eily of Dnvle County, were held
Sunday afternoon at the Moelts-
ville Meihodl.st Church. The Rliv.
W. Q. Grigg and the Uev. E.' M.
Avetl oUtclaled. Ourlnl was In the
Rosi Cemetery. * ^\
Mrs, Grinin died ScpL 21 nt n
Dunn ho.spltni. She had been ser-:loU.sly 111 for one week. j
She was born In Davlc County.
June 8, 1884. n daughter of C. C.
and Victoria Hilton Craven. She
lived In Porlsmouih. Vn.i for n
number of years before moving to
Dunn two years ago.
Her husband. Jcasc Baxter Orlf-
iln, died in 10.14.
Surviving arc n daughter. Miss
Jessie Orilhn of Dunn: n son,
Harold Craven Grimn of Dunn: n
sialcd. Mrs. Tc.slc Horn of Mocks-
vllle: a brother. Leo Craven of
Muck.svlllc: and one grnndchlld.
Funcrol services for Jnmes Will
iam PInkney ShllUnglnw, 57,-of
.'^dvnnce. Rl. 2, were held Sunday
nt the Blxby Presbyterian Church.
The Rev. Pa\d Rlohards, the Rev.
A. M. Klscr and Dr. J. Harry
Whitmore oincl.atcd. Burial wna*
In the church cemetery.
Mr. Shilllnglnw. n foreman at
Heritage Furniture Co., died
around 0:30 a.m.. Friday morning
at the Davlc County Hpspital.
Mr. Shllltniitnw became III short,
ly nflcr reporting for work in the
rubbing and shipping department
of Heritage Furniture Company.
He drove his automobile to the
hospllnl and died there In the
emergency room. Death was caused
by n heart attack.
Mr. Shllllnglaw. a resident of
Advance; Rt. 2. In the Fork Church
community of Dnvle County, was
born on May 30,' 1800, nt York.
8. r, n sou of Monroe and,Nora
GlUInn ShlHlnglaw. He lived nt
Thomnsvllle for 22 years before
moving to MncknvUle several years
. ngu.
I ' He was nn elder and Sunday
' .ichool superintendent at Blxby
rre.sbytcrlnn Church.
I Following the death of his fir<;t
] wife, Mr.s. Cullle Mac Chtldi'es.s
Shllllnglaw of ThumnsvlUe. he
was nmrrted In 1050 tojtnnlc Ruth
Foster. She survives.
Other survivors arc his mother.
Mrs. Norn ShllUnglnw o.f Sharon,
S. C.; five 31310*5. Mrs. Snm La
tham. Mrs. W. B. Hope and Mrs/
Brlcc Mnlcney of Sharon. Mrs.
Howard Williams of Rock HIH. 8.
C., and MI.OH Ruth ShlUlnglnw of
Laurel HIU: and two brothcra,
Fred and AL A. Shllllnglaw, Jr.,
of Sharon.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/27/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 27,1956 - Page 3
Puncrnl services Tor Mrs. Mnr
tlin Ijnmcs Whltley, IQ, of Cool-
tduec were held Pridny nt the
Cootccmcc Prcabyicrinn Church. |
The Rev. Jnmcs Bcnr.ss mid Uio
Rev. J. W. Poster, omclatcd. Bur-;
inl wns In tlic Nortli Coolecinec
' , Mis. WlUtley died Sept. 19 ot
her liomc on Duke Street In Cool-'
ccmce. Her husbmid, Rufus Bmdy
I Whlilpy, died in 1041,
I Survlvhitf nrc slk sons, W. L.
Whillcy nnd Joiin Whttlcy of.
Winston . Snlcm: Arthur. Clyde
^ nnd R. B. Whltley, Jr.. of Cool'
ccmec: three dnughtcrs. Mrs.
Frank Drury of Morgnnton: Mrs.
O. L. Cnscy of Albcmnrlc, and
Mrs. Mnry Evnns of MocksvUle:
' 18 grnndclilldrcn nnd five grcnl-
Bio - Obituaries - 9/27/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October4,1956-Page3
I TiioarAK b. Fosrim. 87
Punci'nl sci'vlcus for Thoinns Leo
Poster, 87, of MocksvJlle, Route
3. were held Tucsdny inornliui ul
Iht! nolltel Melhodlsl Church. The
Rev. D. D. Droome and the Rev.
Po.ster liOflln oHiclnted. Dminl was
in the church cemetery.
Mr. Po.stcr died Scpiombur 30
at his home after helnft in (Iccllu*
ina licnltli for two years.
Mr. Po.Htcr wn.s n farmer and
had resided In the TBctliel Moth-
odist Clnirch oomnuinlty for 50
ycai-s. He was born In Dnvlc
County Aui{. 20, lOOD, son of Capt.
GeorBO and Rtith Ann Booo Pos
ter. Ho was married to Miss Alice
Whitman In 1000.
SurvlvUm arc the widow: one
sun. William Kco Poster of Spen
cer and three grandcldldrcn.
Funern) services for Mrs. Mary
Louise Horn of North Main St..
wife of Claude R. Horn,. WL»ie held
Sunday nfiernoon at the Mocks-
vlllc Baptist Churcli. The Rev. J.
I\ Davi.s and the Rev. Paul'Rich
ards odlclatcd, Burial was in Rose
Pallbearers were John LcOrand,
Jolin Durham, Cecil Morris, KnoN
Johnstone, Jell Cnudell and Dr.
Lester Martin.
Mrs. Horn died at 0:30 ]).m. Fri.
day of n heart ntthck. She was
stricken while Bivlne a report at
n book club meeting.
Mis. Horn was n civic leaclcr In
Mcoksvillc, and was an active
member of MocksvlDu Bap
tist Church wlicrc she served as
organist for several years.
She was born In Wake County,
daughter of Thomas and Ellen
Strupe Cooper. She married Mr.
Horn In 1025.
Surviving are the husband of the
home; one son, Claude Horn, Jr.,
of Bninbrldgc, Md.: one daughter,
MVR. E. P. Ellis. Jr.. of Chevy
Chase, Md,: one brother, C. T.
Cooper of Clcmmons; two grnnd-
Funeral sei-vlcos for Mrs. Lu-
crctla Bell Tuttcrow, 84, widow
of Prank Tuttcrow, were held Mon
day at the Dames Crossvoad.s Bap
tist Church. The Rev. W. C. Bark-^
ley and the Rev. D. D. Broomc,
oiriclnlod. Burial was In the
churcii cemetery. {
Mr. Tuttcrow died Saturday
night at iier home on Mocksvllle.
Route 2, after a serious illness of
I three montiis.
Mrs. Tuttcrow was born In Dnvie
County. May 12, 1872, daughter i
of James and Elizabeth Moore I
White. She was a member of'
Chestnut Grove Methodist Churcli
' She had resided In the IJnmns
Crossroads community for .thirty
\ years. Her husband died in 1030.
Surviving is one son, Llnnic R.
Tuitevow of the home.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/4/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 11,1956 - Page 3
I O. C. UAMBEiVU. 64^
services for Orls Cants
Kimibcau. (14, operntor of riltlni;j
station nnd urocci-y store on Rt. i
I the No Creek Primitive BnptLsl
I Cluircii. liurlnl wns In the cluirch
Mr. Rnmbcaii died nt his home
near Cooiuvmee nn'Oct. 3 after nn
lllnes.s of 19 month.s, ' •
Mr. RnmbCiUi was n nntive of
j Hnrnett County nhd n son of R. H.
lU'td Chnlib Unnc Rnmbenu. Re
Una n veteran of World Wad 1. Ho
was a mcinber of tlie Pri'mlLlve
Baptist Church and a charter
member niid ortrniilited of the Jer
usalem Volunteer Fire Dept.
Surviving arc the wlciovv, Mrs.
Rosa Monsces Rambcnu: his moth
er. four brothers. IL L.i Rambcnu
of Shelby. V. O.. C. M.. and W. P.
Rnmbeu, nil of Durhnm: • three
slstcr.s, ?4lsscs Ruthiand Mauplc
Rnmcau nnd Mrs. Eucgnc" Cheek
nil of Durlmin. ■• • •
iMtS.S M. M. IILACKWKLDEU, 81 LFunernl services for Miss Mur- |
Ihn Margaret Blnckwcldcr. 81. ofi
Vadkinvlllc. Route 3, were lield!
Saturday nt tiie Ciiestnut Grove iMethodist Churcli. Tlie Rev. 0.\
l>. Broomc and tlic Rev. Wndr I
j Hutchlns oinclntod. Burial was In(he churclt cemetery. j
Blnckweldcr died Thur.s-!day night nt iier liomc on Yndkln- {vllic, Route 3. She lind been in j
ciecIlnlnK hcnlth for several |
MI.sh Blnckwclder «was born!
March (}, 1815, in Dovie County.*
the daughter of Cnpua Monroe;
tnd nebccca Orldin Uinckwelder. i
Site lived mpst of her life In llic
Chc.stnut Grove Ciuirch commun-
'ty of Dnvlc. moving to 'Yndkln
County seven years ngo. Site wns
1 member of the Chc.stnut Grove
•Sufvitflhg nrc'onc brother. Henry
7 Blncl^tiridcr of Knnnapolls: one;
dslrr. Mrs. Irene Clenry of Ynd-
'tlnviiie, Route 3.
Bio — Obituaries - 10/11/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 18,1956 - Page 1
Advance Ytoth Is Killed
When Auto Overturns
An ia-ycnr«olci Advance youth
was fotaUy Injured last Wcdncs-Kdy morning when his 1055 Pen*
inc failed to make n cun'c and
overturned on the Bnltlmorc-
nixby Road.
Wayne Clifton Wlllinnis o( Ad-,
vnncc, Rt. 1, a former co^captnih'
of the Shady Groyc Hjgh ^p[iool
bnskctbnli tcnin, was dead on ar
rival at the Davic County Hospl-
lol. n
Wlillams was diivlng ..tpwnrds
Bixby wl\cn tho nutoinobtic over-
. turned. The accident look place
about and one onc-hnlf' i\:Jlcs oiV
Highway 158. |
Death was attributed to chcsb'
and Internal . injuries. WilUams'
wns driving nlonc. Stntc Higluvay
I'ntrolnmn A. W. Cox Investigat
ed tbc accident.
Ho wA.<i the son of Wiley and
Ciuu'luttc Bcauclmmi) Williams
and wa.s born In Davic County In
Aug., 1038. Ho graduated from
tl)o Slincly Orove High Scliool last
!l«'unornl services were held Fri
day afternoon nt tiic Advance
Methodist Church. Tho Rev. Hu
bert Clinard and tlic Rev. Ciiffovd
H. Peace olhcintcd.. Burial wns in
tho church ccinotory. Pnllbearors
were members of the 1030 grndu-
ntlng chitis of thu SImdy Clrovc
Hiigh Schuo).
The f«ll«wliig. article, wrU-
(en U.v Miss. Murilia llusscr,
is ruprlnieit licru as u iiiemor'
lal tu Wayne Cltftun Williams
of till) griidmiting. clu.s^ of
1050 of the Shady Grove High
-School. This article appeared
hi I'^ehruary. 1050 issue of tiic
Advance Adage.
Wayne Clifton Wllllnms, better
known-to most of us as "Peter,"
is tills week's feature senior. ''
The mnjoiity of the county
knows "Peter" ns tho "big tall, un
controllable center of the Advance
Pantiicrs!" This is quite true.
"Peter" is a wonderful ball play
er: in rnct, his ability to score, his
cnpnbiilty to. rebound, and his
quick clear thinking have made
him tho star pinycr of Advance'.
1 'Peter's" cicvcru'.'ss, ingenuity, |
n and know-how arc not confined to
the bnskctbal court. He's magnani
mous with n shy infectious grin:
lie's nohscnslcnl and yet is serious
cnougli to meet the npprovn) of
any ciilical eye. His sociability,
kindliness, and Jolly companion
ship arc something to be marveled
at. His continual lumiorous re
marks and his ability to smile al
ways have won him many friends.
Besides . "lector's" wonderful
pursoimiiiy and basketball play
ing, he plays ba.scball and is a
member of the Monogram Club.
He al.so Is tlte co-cnptnin of the
bn.sketbal) learn, in his Junior
year, he wns selected as nn nttcnd-
imt for the annual "Hallowcun
Court" festival.
Since making friends with "Pet.
ei!" Is quite easy: walk up to iiim.
pat iiim on tho back, and hand
him a "nanncr ibanonn) peanut-
butter" sandwich, luid you'll bo
buddy-buddies rlgiit awnyi
Bio - Obituaries — 10/18/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 25,1956 - Page 1
Final Rites For Mrs. Foster
Await Son's Arrival Here
CJruvcsidc services for Mrs.j
V'Hunl" Foster, SU. wife of Rny-'
immd C. Foster,of llnrmouy. Itt. 2,
lire rNpccled to be licld Inter tbis
week nftcr the nriivnl pf her son.
• I'irst Ll. Zero Fostor, who Is fl.v-
Ihtf In from OI<lnn\vn.
F^oPAl services were held Sun.
(lay lit the Hclhlehcin Methodist
CMiureh. Tlie Rev. Pnii) Moore, the
Krv. Ocoriie Driincr nnd tlic Rev.
(bwao Snillh olUehited. During
tlic service n cnblcBruni w«« re
ceived from sun nnd the de-
(islon wn.s nmllo to po.stpune bur
ial ut)tU his arrivnl.
™ Mrs. Foster died at ft a.m. Fri
day, Oct. IDth. in the Unvlu Coun
ty Huspllal where she was admitt
ed ns n patient last Thursday
after being stricken with a heart
liru, I'oatcr. was active in civic
ntfairs and .served Irr cummun-
hy ns correspondent for tlic
Mocksvihe Gntcrprise.
Mis, Foster was born in Dnvlc
Count.v. and was tlic dnuiid^tor of
Jnmrs nnd Mary Hnno Laird of
Wnshingion. D. C. She hnd lived
in the Rocky Sminus comimtnily
for many yriirs.
Resides Itur husband, siie Is .sur
vived by two sons. Vlrall Foster,
MocksvUle, Route 1. and 1st Lt.
Zaro FosLci* of ttie Air Force,
presently over.seas; two daugh
ters. Miss Oorothy Fo.vter of Jack
sonville, Flu. and Mrs. J. It. Smitli
of Mock.svhic, Route I; four
l)rulliers. Ahis. Frank, Arthur nnd
Jessie,^ all of Advance. Route 1:
two sisters, Mrs. L. A. McClearcn.
Jncksonvlllc, Pla and Mre. Hugii
Brouk of Fariningion; four gruml-
Bio - Obituaries - 10/25/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 25, 1956 - Page 4
MRS, W. 1). nnAVIS,'77
Funeral services for Mrs. Lulu
May Rcavis, 77, wife of W. Dud-
Icy Rcnvls of Mocksvlilc, Route 5,
were held Wednesday nt Uic Lib
erty Baptist Chureli. The Rev.
Noah Hayes, the Rev. B. P. Caudle
and the Rev. J; A. Bracken oillc-
ialcd; Burial was In the clturch
ccinclcry. Grandsons served us
Mrs. Rcnvls died Oct. 22 at her
home after n serious Illness of 10
days. She had been In decUnlne
health for two years.
Mrs. Renvis was born In Duvic
county. May 14. 1870. daughter of
Julius and Betty Ann Hurkcy. She
spent her entire life in the Liberty
was married to Mr. Rcavis Dec.
1, 18D5. ^
Surviving arc the husband: five
daughter.s, Mrs. McApln Thornton
of Gnatonln. Mrs. Eugene Reuvis
of New Castle, Ind.. Mrs. Bessie
Rcnonnr and Mrs. Herman Giyer
of Elkin and Mrs. Duke Whltnker
of Mocksvlilc: three .sons. Cain
Rcnvls. the Rev. Donald Runvls,
and Dunrd Rcnvls, all of Mocks-
vlllo, "Routes 5;* 24 grandohlltlrL'n:
14 Bicnt-grnndchlldrcn; and , two
j brothers, d. L. Haiiccy of Moek.s-
I vlllc and L. R. Hnrkcy of Drndcn-
, ton, Flu.
Mrs, Mabel Holmnn, wife of P.
A. Holinnn. passed away on Oct.
18, nt her home In Mnrshnlltown.
Iowa. She was 75 years old.
She Is survived by two dnuglir
tors, both of town: one sister,
Mrs. Emma Mitchell of Marshall-One half brother. Turner Hauser. ^
-tm\mLionr-J)eatbcu.s,-Qm3 >Jnu6ciulrt£_ij:aj;i_J3iJud^Ci«»-lmlf-5lti4?i^f-!
lof Idaha: J. L. Hauser and Jim
I Hauser of Mnrshnlltown, Iowa:
.and Settle Hauser of Adnvncc.
Mrs. Holtnan wn.s born and rear,
ed In Davle County.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/25/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 25,1956 - Page 4
JudKC John Henry Clcmcnl of
Wnlkcrtown, 75. n SuDcrtor Court
•Judpc for 20 ycnrs, was btirlcd
Sunday nflcrnoon In the Love's
Methodist Oiurch Cemetery.
The retired, greatly - esteemed
.iudffc died shortly after 2 a.m..
Saturday at a Winston • Snlem
hospital. He had been taken there
following a heart attack at his
During his life. Ineludlns 26
years on the bench and 14 years In
private law practice, he establish
ed a reputation as a prodigious
worker with a profound sense of
_ilfibkJllJd-.wjC2MIL .!
He waa born at Mocksvllle on
Sept. 26. IflOl, t1ic son of John
itcnry and Bmlly Foster Clement.
Fred Hutchlns. who practiced
law with Judge Clement, said It
was a' family "that put Integrity
and honor above everything else."
Judge Clement was educated In
the' Mocksvllle public schools, at
that time scant buckBround for
college. But eritilpped witli more
determination than preparation,
he enrolled In Trinity College.
He was graduated In 1000.* Then,
as during the rest of his life, he
"aecompllshcd whot he did by
hard work," according to B. S.
Womblc, a college clnssinato.
Hb studied law at the Univer
sity of North Carollnn and was
admitted to the bar Jn 1010. He
practiced law at Mocksvllle and
moved to Winston-Salem. «
He taugiit at the old Wc.st End
school where he was known as a
man of great character, a good
tenchcr and a strict disciplinar
In 1014 he' became as.soclnted
with Judge E. B. Jones In the
practice of law. He joined the
firm of Swlnk, Clement and Hut
chlns In 1022.
In 1020 lie A'as api>olnted Su
perior Court judge after the res
ignation of dudgc R. L. Deal. He
was elected in the next election
and KUb.scciucntly rc-clcctcd' for
right-year terms in 1034,1042. and
While on the bench he was
accorded a rorc honor. Mr. Hut-
chins said. "He was one of the
few men that could hold court
In his own district and be'asked
back. He handled a case on the
basis,'of the pure facts and the
law. Porsonnlitlcs didn't enter
the case.
"His mind was always open to
the truth." Mr. Hulchcns said. "If
he made a decision and some new
facts were brought up he would
not licslttatc to change liis decis
Judge Deal suld "jio iiad good
practical common sense. He was
alwn.vs courteous and he didn't
have to use the threat, of coii-
tcmpt to keep order In ills court.
"He was a prodigious worker,"
Judge Deal said. "When he went
to hold court he held court. Yoit
didn't go home In the middle of
the week."
Judge Clomchl endeared him
self to Forsylh attorneys by hold
ing Saturday serious at the court
house after finishing his regular
week long stint on the bench of
another court.,
W. Bryan Buic. , another of
Judge Clement's associates, .said
"ho was one of the finest judges
we've ever had. Nobody ever nucs^
1 tlonod that he did what he thought
I he ought to do."
Mr. Womblc said "ho was an
able lawyer, but more Important
bo was a man of Iho highest
character. As a judge In making
his decisions I'm .sure ho was al
ways guided by his determination
to bo absolute justice as he sawi
It." I
He was married June 11. 1524.
to Miss Eliy4ibcib Booc. In munag-,
Ing their farm near Walkcriown.'
as with everything else in*hlB life,
hu was dolcrinlned to do the best
Bio - Obituaries —10/25/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 25,1956 - Page 4
John Henry Clement (continued)
Job possible.
Jucl^c Clement was n member
of Love's Methodist Church. He
.served with the Ainoticnn Ex))cdl-
llnnnry Forces duiluB World War
He 15 survived by his wife; two
sisters, Mis.s Snrnh Clement ntid
Mrs. Fred Dlnylock of O.xford; nnd
ft brother. A. Foster Clement, of
PMnera] .scrvlcc.H were held 8un-
n dny nt Love's Methodist Church
by the Rev. J. T. Shnckford.
Pftllbenrei-a were Natlmn Botoc,
Frnnk Hftnes, Jr.. Will Hnncs. Fred
Hutchlns. n JK. Fred Pftrrlsh, Jr..
and Ajmow Bahnson, Jr.
Members of the Forsyth County
Bar As.<>oelation were honorary'
|)ftllbcarcr.s.. . ^.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/25/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 25,1956 - Page 3
I iVIVKIlS, 71)
I^Fuium'aI Bcrvlccs tor Augustus
P'tusi Myei's. 79. ot Wlnslon-Sn-
li'iii wore hold Tuosdny.
Mr. Myors died Sundny nl. a
Winston . Snloin hospltul rollow-
ln>* two yoiits of docllntmt honllh.
IIo iuul boon In n .sorlnu.s eomlll-
lott lor llifi |)usl wook.
Ho wn.s born In Dnvio County,
July HI, 1B77. Itio son uf John
tind ]3olly Snyder Myeia, nnd
.spent Ills curly life In D.'wie nnd
Clonnnons, where Itcw ns n fnrin-
or. He canic lo Wlnston-Snlcin in
mill nnd wnn employed by the
Unique rurniturc Company until
his retirement in 1!)40. He wns n
lueinber of Antloeh Bnptl.st Church
whtu'c he wn.H native until lil.s
honllh fnllod.
.—M i^^\[yca'>u-wA.s^wlcu-.JUoridod,
fir.st lo Mnvy Bolt Stewnrt, who
died In t!)llt, nnd lohn to Almn
Itunnlns In 1921. She survives.
Also snrvivlnu nrc these chlU
dren of the f(r.st mnrrlngu ,n son,
Prod A. Myenf nnd four dnughtcrs
Mrs. iSdnn Lnndrcth. Mrs. Flodn
Hudghvs. Mr.s. Pauline Ro.sc, nil of
Winston - Sniom, nnd Mrs. Thchnn
llyrd of North Wllkeaboro; two
stepson.s. Jnmos R. Hudglns nnd
Alvis M. nud);lns...bnlh .of Wln-
.slon-Snlom: n brother. Walter My-P-.S of Advance: two hnlf brothers,
lex Myrrs nnd O.scnr Myers of
conleeinom three hnlf slaters. Mrs,
Kmlly Oullut of Cooleemcc, Mrs.
Mnndy McDnnlol of Snllsbnry niul
Mr.s. Minnte Doby of Hnncs; 13
Hrnndchlldren: two stci> smndchlU
drcn nnd six Rrcat-Krnndchildroi.
Punernl services for Knrol Jcnu
Spry.- 4 • yenr- old dnuuhtcr of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Spry, Jr., of
Norfolk, Vn., nnd former residents
of Mocksvlllc. Route 4, were held
nt the Liberty Methodist. Clmrch
in Dnvic County Friday nftcrnoon.
The Rev. O. W. Fink nnd the Rev.
G. W. McClniurock oniclntcd. Bur
ial wns in the church cemetery.
rhe child died on October nth
In Norfolk, Vlrginln.
riinri'nl services for Buford
Henry West, 07, merchant of Ad
vance, Route I, were hold Satur
day nt the Wesley Chnpol Motho-
clbit Churcli. The Rev. Prnnk JclV-
rey nnd the Rev. Alvls Chc.shlm
odlulntcd. Burial wns In tiie church
Ml'. West died Oct. 18 In the
Dnvle County Ilospiinl nflcr n scr-
loits lilnc.ss of one week. He Imd
been In declining hcnlth six
Mr. We.st wns born In Dnvle
County, April 8. 1889. son of An-
dcr.snn nnd Amnncin Miller West.
He lind been n merchnnt In tlie
Mncedonln community for the
.past 22 ycnrs. Hu wns mnrrlcd to
Miss Bcrnlcc Dixon In 1010.
Surviving nre the widow: two
daughters, Mi^. Bill Wnll of Clcm-
mon.s nnd Mrs. Hobcrt Lee of the
huiiie: two .sons, Wilbur nnd Lnw-
reuce West of Advance. Route 1:1
Muht urnndchildrcn: one brother,!
^nal West of Marshaltown, Iowa: |
and three Eietcrs. Mrs. J. W. Dou-
ihit of Advance, Rt. 1. Mrs. H. F.
Hnu.ser of Winston - Salem nnd
Mr.s. H. H. Hnuscr .of Marshal!-
town, Iowa. .
Bio - Obituaries -10/25/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 25,1956 - Page 3
Piincrnl sorvtces ror Isaac San-
ford Reavis. 09, of YndklnvlUo,
Roulu 3. were t>cld Sunday after
noon at the Liberty Baptist
Cluirch In bavlc County. The
Uuv. J. A. Bracken and tiie Rev.
J. N. Binkley ofllcinled. Burial
wn.s in the Reavl.s faiuily ceinclery
r.enr liic Itomc.
Mr. Uenvis died October 18th
at the liome of a dauKlttcr, Mrs.
^vrt Tiioinpson, of Yndkinvllie,
koule 3.
^ Mr. Reavls was born in Davle
County March 20, 1857, n .short
dl.stnnca front the place he died.
Ili.s imrcnts were Willimn and
Martha Uenvis.
lie was a retired farmer,
kfr. Uenvis was n member of
Liberty Bnptl.st Church.
Stirvivlnit: are five daughters.
Mrs. 'J'ltompson. Mrs. J, T. Comer,
of f^crncravillc, Route a, Mrs. J.
if:. Doainon «f Wiitstou-Salcm. Mrs.
J. F,. Kenuerly of Snlisbtiry, and
Mrs, R. M. Boon of Yndkinvllie,
lloule 3: rlnlit suns, L. D. Renvis
of Los AttKcles. R, C. Renvis of
lligit Point. E. C. Renvis of Murn-
viun Fnll.s, Jo.scplt Uenvis of Lew-
isvllie. Route 1, nnd O. B., Ccoil.
Ih^Ilnitd nnd Snm Renvis of Win-
idon-Snlem; n brotlier. W. D. Ufa-
vl.s of Yndkinvillc, Route 3; 01
nmndchildrcn, 95 greai-grnndchlU
('Tit. and 10 erent-ercat-grnnd-
Bio — Obituaries - 10/25/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 31,1956 - Page 1
'eik'OStdbtgVm'iik tfK
0 K toiiiwit- to
*v*^*"•9*'?f»l|*2F"^r y ;¨ '••/ •: .!■• a !»:.■•I'iAlli *»*- f'i'-Vl ♦••-'»•'■■' j - ■♦ yBtolb
CdMitty'iM..ijidwil^S$ fiM': StiiB' v«M' •.' mMbrn't^i
toe 'IRiit Mitoodlit 'ChdpA tof
'.*'■ ^'v*>' Sanrvnlitd'aM five dMWmi
life, Siintofi Itoi Itof^
YotoCifv MffbliiifQKittir
■ittXI§ luid Snlto.' «f
BeltlcRMSiv^'.iif^ tM im- If/. M*
of' Mul • iIm' .1^.';'A« D*:-
Fpstcr bt CMitttoomr.MSg^<tiifidcltilto«to t
O. • fohntoo ofOfooMboco e^ Mil* W. K» l.^obgof KniMOcilWa^ COO tootoecibA.:;M%,tocGMmto o^AilU\ei^ 'CVUtfeOoKio^
Mnto vtoe*> - ■
'foMfd •micM'wMohild'ft 11
•.ito-I^Modirto Rot/IMtodtoOfai^Di^. BttfMOakCtovo ktol^toit Ckokto c»
Bio - Obituaries - 10/31/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 31,1956 - Page 2
I^EiMiiwM iMfB in Davle
CaiiuiCr* BibilO lM21iiQCioflMMt
h^-liMo- n mtBabcc - of - BtLton'i
wM^a^Nhoct.coooUtcteum .la
Pid*: dmiacr.^**3 i mn*'• Kc w«f
miftkd » MIm Svili Oda
to IWk ght dfod In 1952.
.OttivMnnInt liifit wotuit R» Ml*
f 3Li'aai4. fitM MD|''«|yfoci»*
dm* . Jidttis 2, .ditjM' dMtbnnb
floMOt of Modoville,
Rdttftt It •ndl'Mni'.'ZA Bttakk?
of Modtivilk^ Rduito^' tod 'Miib
Wt Ct toMi of Medctvl!lt*''4tinHt
It It ytndtltdd»»i '«^.. t4, cmn
giyiiJAltdtta. /
.fWHafecrirkc*Wtf4li|ddM II
•.'niH SiCtttdiy tl EitmV .Bi^tiif
Chttfdi, The Rse.-W^ HiImIi*
R«ftlt PJ.liivii tad. ^
Revt WtCRnMfV! ofSelitid. Bn.
fid irtt In 'the/dittidh ccmt-
.Iilf»; Luhl M«f Ricovlib 7R •
of W« l>odl^ llMvit of Modu-
dtleii Rdii^'dlcd-it-her hpiM
•IIm i eed^ tlb^ of 10 dtft*
She hedheHiln..dc<thiliiJl^hiahh
"Mm. Rceeli M hois In
C^ntft M«T li4lh.TSjjt deoiAtM
bffttlhteand.Bm>nn Ileri»f.
SjieMM-miiiUd'^fo'^W lUivli
Eiee.>leti tS9S^
! 8nti{lvlfif juo Om hisd>i|^ fiid
dnidttifh MfVt hfeRs?®
con of Oitteolt* Biiiboo
RcofitofNtiir OMde. fadt Mt^
BtiHolUMPf cod Mtki Hefmtn
Gcftf of radn Mid Mift Duke
S/hltdKMf^Moditidtlet^ MM
Ciiio llhiivlei/Ae RMV*Oofti!d
lUd^ •ttd Ddwd Rcwb* «fl;-of|
Uocbvdie n«ite S"/*?'S?"^
AtMiew to' g««*g''y'''g^'
be trito iBliiiJ to
tvfiae ihe •P«nl a loM aAUMM"
hfor '
Paneitt iwvlce* were held
Sfednadivi .Oct 24tH < J
Ubecty tottot,Owich. he
Kev. Ndih Haves, die Rey. E.
p. Caudte.and die.Rev. 1. ^
Bf^dteft'odSdaiede Bnrfdwaa m
he dittie^ esotatetv.
Bio - Obituaries -10/31/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBUC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 1,1956-Page 2
inCIlAUl) EATON. 04
Funoral services for Dnnlel Rich-
nrd Enton, 04. rolircd farmer of
Mocksvlllc, Route 2. were li ld
Snlurdtiy morning nl the Entun's
Dnptl.si Clmrcli. The Rev. Wade
l-iuicliliiH, the Rev. J. P. Davis,
and Llie Rev. W. C. Berkley offic
iated. Burlni was in the churci)
cemet.r.v. ^
Mr. Enton died October 25tli nl
his iiome.
Mr. Enton wns born in Dnvlc
County Feb. 10. 1802. son of Jnincs
and Ehrabelh Ferobee Enton. He
imd been n memb:r of Enton's
Bnpti.st Church for 77 yenr.s nnd
was a .schnu) cnminltteemnn inl
n.Tvle County for 34 years. He \vns|
mnrrled to Miss Snrnh Jane Gor-'
don in 1887. Site died In 1053.
Survivlnti nre tliree sons, R. M.,
J. L.. nnd W. D. Eaton of Mocks-
viHc. Route 2: tlirec dnuffhlers.
Mr.H. Mnltic Sinout of Mocksvlllc,
Uoula 1, Mrs. Znl) Drinkley of
Mocksvlllc. Route 5. nnd Mrs. W.
C. Eaton of MocksvllU!. Route 2:
11 Rrnndchlldrcu nnd 14 grcnt-
Bio - Obituaries -11/1/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 8,1956 - Page 2
ntRS. T. W. CARTER, 74
EUElRrnl soi'vlccs for Mrs. Adctln
Carter, 74. wife of TJiomns W.
Carter of Mocksvillc. Route 3, will
be held Thur.sday at 2:30 p.m. at
the Smlllt OrovG Methodist
Cluirch. The Ucv. OcorKc Sinltli
and the Rev. Fo.stcr Lotlln will
oinclalc. Burial will be In the
church c'lnetcry. I
Mrs. Carter died October 30 at
the Davlc County Hospital after
an Illness of several weeks.
Mrs. Carter was born In Davlo
County. Jan. 3, 1682. dnuBhtor of
Ocortfc W. and Mary Myers Hanc-
line. She was a member of Dulln
Methodist Cliurch.
SurvlvtuK arc the husband: four
daughters, Mrs. Thomas Marshall
of MocksvlUe. Route 3, Mrs. Virgll
James and Mrs. Percy James of
LfNlngton. Routj 4, and Mrs. Arn>
old Roberlson of Mocksvillc; 19
grnndchlldren; one sister. Mrs.
Prc.s.s Rouse of Kannapolls: and
three brothers. George. Sidney,
and Edward Hanellne. all of Wln-
Bio - Obituaries - 11/8/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 8,1956 -Page 4
Punernl service for Eddie Green
Wniker, 62. farmer of MocksvlHc,!
Route 1, were held Tuesday at the
Center Methodist Church. The
I Rev. Robert Onkky and the Rev.
E, M. Avett omdated. Burial wa.t
I in the church cemetery.
I Mr. Walker died Nov. 6 at his
home In the Center community
after an Illness of two weeks,
Mr. Walker was bom In Dnvlc
County, son of R. L. and Mamie
Giccn Walker. He was married to
Miss Lula Tuttcrow In 1014.
' Surviving are the widow; seven
daughters. Mrs. Mlllnrd, Latham
of Mocksvlllo. Rt. 2, Mrs. Henry
Gartner of Mocksville, Route 4.
' Mrs. Everett Koontr, and Mrs.
J. B, Tutterow of Mocksville.
Route l. Mrs. Donald PolndcKtcr
of Mocksville, Route 5, and Miss
Gall Walker of Wln.ston • Salem;
five sons, Ray Johnson Walker of
the home, Ed S. Walker of Mocks,
vlllc, Route 2, James K. Walker
of Mocksville, Route 1. Jack E.
Walker of Advance, Route 1, and
San} N. Walker of the homu: 18
grandchlldi-cn; his motlrr. Mrs.
R. L. Walker of Mocksville; two
brothers, Prank Walker of Mocks-
! vlllc and Duke Walker of Wln-
.ston-Salcm: and three sisters. Mrs.
Nathan Rose and Mrs. Rowc Da
vis of Norfolk, Va., and Mrs. O.
B. McClamrock of Akron. Ohio.
William Ray Poplin, 51
Funeral srrvlces for William Ray
Poplin. 51, of Mocksville, Route
3. were held Sunday at the Beth
el Methodist Church. The Rev. D.
D. Broome and the Rev. William
Andei'son olllclated. Burial was in
the church ceincter5'.
Mr. Poplln, a construction
worker of Mocksville, Route 3,
died at the Davlc County Hospital
on Nov. 2. He had been in de
clining health for several months
and seriously ill for two days.
He was born In Davle County.
July 24, 1005. a'son of W. E. and
Emma Jones Pojdln.
Mr. Poplln had b^cn employed
by the F. D. Cllnc Construction
Company of Raleigh.
Surviving are the mother and
father and one brother, j. p. Pop
lln of Cnmden, S. C.
Bio - Obituaries — 11/8/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 15,1956 - Page 5
DR. 11. F. BAITY, 80
Funovnl services for Dr. Henry
Plclchcr Bnlty. BO. rcUrcd dentist i
of Ih: Courtney community, were
held Friday altejnooii at the
Courtney Hnplisi Church. The"
Uev. Mr. Curlee olllcinted. Buriul
wn.s In the clnirch cemetery.
Dr. Bnlty died Tluusdny morn-
llnc lit the hdmv of n nephew,
iFInUo Bally, of MocksvlUo, Rt.
0. nfter nn lllne.s of one year.
I Dr. Bnlty wns horn In Dnvlc
•County Nov. 21, 1875, son of
,Frnncls and Gll'/nr Crnnnil Bnlty.
He wn.s n Brndimtc of Bnlthuore
iMd., CollcKc of Dentistry nnd did
pcstorndunte work nt the Chtcnoo
Co'l ce of Dentistry.
I He prnctlccd 'nt .North Wllkcs-
hnro nnd In Davlc, County: He re-
'llri'd two ycnrs mm nnd retui-neri
here iirier prnctlclny In Knok-
ville, IXMin., for 30 years. He was
n member of the Kno.wlllc Clks
Slirvlvlnp are five nlcccs nnd
UiiTo nephcvvH.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 15,1956 - Page 4
Funeral services for Howard
Tnft Martin, 47, of Coclccmec,
were held Monday nt the North
Coolemce Baptist Church.
Mr. Martin died Saturday even
ing nt n Winston - Snlcm hospl-
tnl. He hnd been In declining
health for several months nnd wns
seriously 111 for two days.
Mr. Martin wns born Sept. 24.
1000, In Wllkcs County tiic son of
Obc nnd Corn Bumgnrncr Martin.
He wns employed by the Envin
Mills in Coolccmcc for 26 years.*
Surviving nro the wife, the for
mer Miss Mamie Martin; one son,
Baxter T. Martin of the United
Stales Army, stationed in Oer-
mnny: the mothcivMvs. Obc Mar
tin of Coolcomcc; three sisters.
Mrs, Paul HutTinan and Mrs.
Myrtle Lowdcr, both of Coolconiec,
ond Mrs. W. M. Myers of Salis
bury. Route 6: one half sister, Mrs.
Joe Ellcnburg of Coolucmcc: one
brother. Ralph Mhrtln of LcxUig-
ton; one half brother, Lester Wnu-
dell of North WUkesboro.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/15/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 22,1956 - Page 1
George Leiuuel Wliitaker
Dies As Car Overturns
Wicck Occurs Last
Week Near Coolcomcc
aeorpc L. WhilRkcr. as. of Rt.
1. Mocksvlllc. was killed nrouiid
10 p.m. Thuisdrt.v iilphL when his
ear overturned on the Davlc Acad
emy Road, three miles .out of
Cool cmec Junction.' Thl.s was
Davlc'fi fifth hiBhway fatality of
Mr. Whitftkcr was thrown from
tl'iC auto and was found by pass
ers-by .shortly after the accident.
He wa.s pronounced dead- on ar
rival at the Davlc Coutny Ho.s-
Slate HiKlnvny Patrolman T. J.
liadROtt said the IfllO Ford went
out of control at a point about
three miles from Coolccmce on
the road, which run.s from
Coolccmcc to Davlc Academy via
a Southern Railway Junction. He
said the vehicle traveled 300 feet
bclorn stopping, and that Mr.
Whitakcr was found about 60 feet
from the car.
Tlic victim of the accident had
been .stationed In Germany with
the U. S. Army until October, when
he was dlseliargcd. Since that time
he had rejoined his wife and par
ents at their home In the Davlc
Academy communUy, and was
planninp to cnpape in farmlnp.
Survlvlnp arc the wife, the for
mer Jcttc Ann Shoemaker. Mock.s.
vlllc, Route 1: the parents, same
addrc.ss: two brothers, Jolniny
NVhltnkcr of the liome and Robert
WlUtakcr of Bcrwyn, lU.j one sis
ter, Miss Nonna .Whitakcr of
Mocksvlllc, Route 1. '
Funcinl, .services were held Sun
day at Salcm Mcthodl.st Church.
The Rev. Robert Oakley and the
Rev. J. D. Whitakcr ofllciatcd.
Burial was In the church ceme
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 22, 1956 - Page 2
I Funeral sorvlce.s for General Lee
Moore, 80. were iKdd Saturday
mornlnp at the Thompson Creek
, Baptist Churcli In Chesterfield,
South CnrolUiu.
Mr. Moore dlvd Friday at his
! home on RFD 2, Chesterfield, S.
|c., after a short lllnc.ss. He was
j the father of Mrs. Pioroncc Hcp-
I ler of MocksvUle.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/22/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 22,1956 - Page 5
Russell Korncgay Is
Killed. In Accident. A-
".Russell KomcBny, 34, former
superintendent of the Neusc Stntc
Pnrk, was killed Nov. 13 wheni
hts cnr plunued Into n cannl nt
Miami, Florida. Mr. Kornecay Is
a brother of Dr. R. D. Korncgay
of Mocksville.
Fu*l details of the accident were
not avallnble. Nia wife reported
that he nil ndcd a medical meet
ing in Miami Tuesday night to
.show some films and wlten he was
' late returnlim home she notified
I police.
I Hlr, cnr was found In the cannl
I about 3:30 a.m. Wedne.sdny and
his body was recovered later in
the day.
Korncgay was representative
' for n pimrnmceutlcal firm and
' moved to Miami after resigning
* as part supcrintcdent in Sept.,
I B fore becoming pnrk superin
tendent, in 1031. lie worked with
' the State Employment Security
I Coninilssion.
I He was graduated from Seven
Springs Higli School and Wake
»Forest College and s rved four
' years In the Army.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
Elizabeth Carnor Kornegny: one
, daughter. Betsy: his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Royal Kornegny of Rt.
2, Sev n Springs: one brother, Dr.
j Dewltt Kornegny of Mocksville:
. two sisters. Mrs. Norman Graham
I of Hallsboro and Mrs. 0. W. Cham.
I ber.s of Woodbuvy Forest, " Vn.
Funornl services were held Satur
day at Seymour Funeral Home
in Goldsboro. with tin Rev. N. P.
|Arnnt. former pastor of the Seven
Sjirings Baptist Church ofllciatlng.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/22/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 29,1956 - Page 6
Funeral scrvlcs for Snmucl A
Dtillcy, 77, of Mocksvlllc. Route
4, were licld Monday nt the No
Creek Baptist Church by. Elders
F. R. Moore and P. A. Pngg. Bur-
lid was in the churcli ecmctrry.
Mr. Bailey, a native of the Pine
Rtdrcc Road coiiiinunlty. wns{
foutid dead In his home about 5 j
p.m. Saturday, lie had been in'
declining health for scv:ral
months but death was unexpected.
Mr. Bnlley was a retired farm
er. ' I
He was born April 15, 1070, the.
son of Berry and Carolina Brooks
; Bailey.
He ninrri d Miss Mittlc Jane
Surviving arc four sons. Farris
Bnilcy of Mocksvlllc, Route 3,
Odcll Bailey of Coolccmcc. James
Balhy of Spencer, Sam Will Bail
ey of Coulccmce: two daughters,
Mrs. Hazel Crotts of Lexington,
Mrs. Sally McUiinlel of Charlotte:
111 grandchildren: seven great
grandchildren: one broth* r, De-
vltt bailey of Advance, Route 2.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/29/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 6,1956 - Page 3
Funernl sevvlcos for Mrs. Cora'
Miison Myers. UO. of Actvnncc, III. |
1. were held Salurdny uftenioon
111 the Elbavllle Mcthodtsl Ciniruh.l
The R.v. Ed Pltzornld n»d the
Rev. II. C. Clinnrd oITlcltUccl. Dur-
' i:tl was In the church cemetery.
' Mrs. Myers died early Friday
'lit tliu D.ivie County no}:|)llnl. She
I had been seriously 111 for t,:n dnys.
Mrs. Mycr.s was born March 11
11^07. In Duvldsbn County, the
daughter of tienry and.Jane An
derson Wilson. She married Jesse
M.vers who died April •!. 1014.
I Surviving arc five son. John
jTom. W. L.. Slla.s and Fred Mycr.s.
jail of Advance; three daughters.
iMr.s. \v. L. Cornatzcr and Mrs.
, Edward Chandler, both of Ad
vance, and Mrs, Tom Green of
MucksvIIle; two sisters. Mrs. i
Charlie Nail and MLss Nannie Wll.
son, both of Winsion-Sal m; one
brother. Ed Wilson, of Wlinston-
Isnlcm: 33 grandchildren: 42
Funeral services for Mls.s Annie
Bell Prathcr, 81. of the County
Line commimlty, were held Mon*
day at iiis Salcm Methodist
Church in Davio County. The Rev.
It. L. Oakley and the Rev. G,
W, Fink ofllclatcd. Bmial was In
the chvu'ch ccinctcry.
Miss Prathcr died at the DavIo
County Mosplptnl on Dec. 2. The
had been a patient there sihcc
breaking her hip eight days ago
at her home.
. She was born In Dnvlc County,
the daughter of Sidney and Mary
Cartncr Prathcr, and had lived in
the County Line coinmunlly all
her life.
Surviving arc one brother, B. F.
Prathcr of High Point: and three
sisters, Mrs. Mary Allcs Qarwood
of Moovesvlllc, Route 2, Mrs. Sally
A. PelUor of Mocksvlllc, Route 1.
and Mls.s Elizabeth Prather of
the home.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/6/1956 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 13,1956 - Page 6
Gutlorftl aorviccs for Mrs. Molly i
Almcdin Cnmpbcll. 68, of Route |
4, Mocksvltlc, were held Friday nt
the North Coolceince ^ Baptist i
Church. The Rev. Lloyd Wnlters
and the Rev. Harold Parker offic-1
intcd. Burial was In the church
Mrs. Campbell died December 5
In the Davtc County Hospital after
a s:rlous illnes of one week.
Mrs. Campbell waq born Aug. 24,
ir>36, In Yndkin County, daughter'
of William and Rosennna Henson
.Shores. She had been an employee
of Erwin Mills for 35 years and
had lived In or near Coolcemce for
00 years. She was married in 1007,
, to Oscar Campbell, who survives.!
Also surviving arc four daugh-j
icrs, Mrs. Ralph Owens of Coolue.|
mec, Mrs. Bobby Corbitt of Ra-
Iclpht, Mrs. Price Fipcs of Cleve
land and Mrs. Floyd Stlnson of!nsv)lle, Woodson Shores of Cool-*
BllzabetlUon, Ohio: two sons, Pres
ton Campbell of Coolccmcc and
Lc.itcr Campbell of the home: four
brothers, Oordon Shores of Thorn-
ccmce, Jim Shores of Mocksvlllc.
Route 3, and Chester Shores of Brlgmon of Knnnapolls and Mrs.
Leiiolr; three sisters, Mrs. Matilda f. V. Jcrrcll of Mocksvlllc, Route
Cuok of Coolecmce. Mrs. R. H.' 4; nnd 13 grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/13/1956 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 19,1956 - Page 1
# • '
Mn. Mttf EvftMcCttnioclu 6il»
wUife c/i 1km lUir. Ri!|^ GL Me*
QamtipdK of ModttvUlt* Bom 4$
ISHu at Dtfte Gouatf Hospital
lim aftar a ci^ lllbcia of out
Msit ^MSIamiock liiid jbttn la
dsdlnlag heaMi for acvafilytaii.
8ba was bom la Davia 'Cotiatf
Jiiaa 30» dtupbtar of (Mthtr
•ad Hamti Latham. Her
hutbaad b pastor of UfaattyMcth*
odCst Chtttchfa Oavia County.
Stttvivini aia tha hiithand; one
daudhtar» Mits EnOtat McCbaK
rock of Whllevlllciivo iOBi» foha
Oaltharaad Calvto McDaauodt
of tha hoim.fiva slstaiSt Mti*. Lu^
iharWatd iiad lln. Chatlb B,
ibsfdl of MocktvUbr Rome t,
Mca*RT« Bofsc of Modttvttk.
Roote P. 8* Flmamof Kao'
aiaMdb Btid Mil* R A. Ilftcs of
WIniton Sdcm: fiya htothcta.
Hmih and jCfshhar Latham of
Mocksvfllc» Rioiitia RMiitd lac*
ham of Kaaaapo^ O^y^ La*
tham of Mocbvllla Room . and
WIIUamR. Latham of Wteatdm
Foaatalswiesa mete held at
p,nw8aovdaf atlibtiiy llaiho-
The Rta. M. T
Hip^ elm Rav; J« V. Vestal mid
the Rc?» Robatt Oaklay mill o^
6data» Butial wlU be In Oak
Gfoao Madiodbt ehiitchoimatcty»
MmBftdy Woocen Pwka.
el ModcsfiUe* Bottle 1« diedlbao
day» Dee. IL at die hone of her
dmohmrt Mn» T. M Dyaom alMr
an ttlnma erf aevecal months*
Shewaii the wldoir of W. C,
Pufcs who died Ifst Bapt 8
She was die damliiaf of lohn
Rachad Oaidwr Wooteiu. She
apaat hec codfe Ills la die New
Uhloii aomnumiif of DavteCQim<
- Sheb'SOtviyed bp two diugh
tef«,Mia.6dfia Oyion end Mis.
hte RkhaidiOfwboth of Moclm
y|lte» Roum 1| ooe som Clyda
Pitfica of Chadotiet aeteh giaiid*
chUftm one gmt<giaaddilld
one abler and two brodism. Mis.
D. 8. Beck. I* I. and R. O. Wool
enaQof Hacmony*
Funacil aatvloai wcie at Km
Uolan Madmdbt Cbnc^ m B30
D. idh Tbttiadav. Tbe acifkaa
wfte condttetad by die Riy* R D*
Ibooaau dm Rev. Boitct Loflin end
iheiRey. W*C*'Bulls. Byclal
fa the chtifch ca*i*etcfy.
Bio - Obituaries -12/19/1956 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 20,1956 - Page 4
:\IUS. IV. C. PARKS, 70
Ptmcrnl services for Mrs. Brndy
Woolen Parks, 70, of Mocksvllle,
Uoui'i I. were held lusl Thursday
at t))c New Union McLliocllst
Church. The Rev. D. D. Drooinc,
,lhe Rev. Po.slcr Loflln and the
Rev. W. C. BuUa ofllclntcd. Burial
was In ihc church cemetery.
Mrs. Parks died Dec. U at the
home of lier dauglucr. Mrs. T. M.
Dyson, nflcr an illness of several
She was the wUlow of W. C.
Purk.5 who died last Sept. 3.
She was the daughter of John
Rachel Gallhcr Woolen. She spent
her entire life In iho New Union
•gpimnuHlty of D.avit; Oounti*;
■^no IS survived by two daugh
ters, Mrs. Edna Dyson and Mrs.
Mac Richardson, both of Mocks
vllle, Route 1: one son. Clyde
Parks of Chnrlotiu: seven grnnd-
chllrircn: one greal-gvandchlld:
one slRicr and two brothers, Mrs.
D. S. Beck. J. J. and R. G. Wool
en, fill of Harmony,
Fun ral services for Sidney A.
Ellis, 73, retired sawmill employee
of Advance. Route d, were hold
Friday afternoon at the Wall
Glade Kill Chapel In Winslon-
Snlcm. The Rev. Simon Hulfnmn
oniclnled. Burial was In the Mud
dy Creek Church of Christ c;inc-
tvry. .
Mr. Ellis, who had been living
at the home of a son, Floyd T.
Elll.s, In the liellilchem Mclho-!l
di.st Church community, dlcd.i
there Dec. HI following a period h
of declining health of two years
and .serious lllnr.ss of three days.
He was born Jan. 1, 1380. In'i
Clcnnnons, u son of Mr. and "Mrs.!'John Bills. He .spent his entire'';HCc In c\ommons and In tlic coih-jfu.nliy wlicre lie died.I He was married In 1800 to Miss
'Mary Luu McDanlels. She died In11920. He was married In 1028 to
Miss St lln P. Cash, who died
June G, 1056.
Surviving arc three sons, Floyd
T. EKls of Advance. Route 1. and
Roy and G. W. Elll.s of Wlnstoil-
Salem: three daughters. Mrs. Wil.
Ham Blakcly and Mrs. Paul Law-
son, boih of ReldsvlUc .and Mrs.
.guppppi- Thnmns nf rirmHinnvi
•i.s. L.ittt.,
of Wlnsion-Salcm and Mrs. Sally
rhclps of Clemmons: a brolhtr,
Milton Ellis of Cleminons: two
st'.'prinughlcrs, Mrs. Neil Hulfmnn
uf Old Mill Road and Mrs. W. A.
Gates of 723 Plum Street:* two
'siepsons. John Sappenfleld of West
Twenty-seventh Street and Carl
N. Chilly of West Band Sti'cel;
and'23 grandchlldr n.
Ktmoral services for Mrs. Mary
Hvn McClnmrock, 03, wife of the
Rev. Rn'ph 0. McCiamrock ol
Mr.ckRVlllc, Route •!. wcvc held
Saturday afternoon at the Liberty
M:thocllst Cl'.urch. The Rev. M
T. Hlpps. the Rev. G. W. Fink.
l!ic Rev. J. W. Vestal and the
Rev Robert Oakley oniclnled. Bur-
Inl was In the Oak Orove Mclho-
tills Church cemetery.
Mrs. McClnmrock died Dec. 13
at thb Dnvic County Hospital af
ter a critical Illness of one day.
Mrs. McClnmrock had been in
declining hcnltli for several years,
Mrs. McCiamrock was born In
D.ivic County June 30.1803, daugh.
ter of Onlther und Delia Ijnmes
{Latham. Her husband l.s pastor of
. Liberty and Concord MethodistI Churches.I Surviving arc the husband: oneI daughter, MLss Eva Orny McClnm-
'rock of Whltcvllle; two sons. John
Gallhcr and Calvin McClnmrock
of the homo: five sisters, Mrs.
IiUlhcr Ward and Mrs. Charlie B.
Angoll of Mocksvllle, Route 2.
Mrs. H. T. (Bogcr of Mocksvllle.
Route 1, Mrs. P. S. Freeze of
Knnnnpoli.s and Mrs. H. A. Myers
of Winston - Salcm: five brothers,
Hugh and Gnithcr Ltuhnm of
Mocksvllle, Route 2. Richard La
tham of Kannnpolls. Orndy La
tham of Mocksvllle, Route 5: and
William R. Latham of Wlnston-
JOHN w. DURHAM, noFuneral .services for John Wes-jley Durham, 00, of Mocksvllle, Rk.i4. were held Friday afternoon at'
the North Coolccmco Baptist
Church. The Rev, Lloyd Walters
and the Rev. Harold Parker oITlc-jlnt d. Burial was In the Jerusalem
Surviving are his wife: eight
sons. Sidney Durham of Fort
Bragg. Otis Durham of Mocksvllle,
Route 3, Edward Durham, Dwight
'Manuel. Floyd. Graham and Har
old Durham, all of Mocksvllle,
Route 4: three daughters, Mrs.
Dewcy Foster of Coolccmcc, Mrs.
O. A. Spry of Advance and Mis.s
Linda Durham of the home; 24
I grandchildren*
Bio - Obituaries - 12/20/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, December 20,1956 — Page I
Mary Eva McClamrock
Davie County
Minister's Wife
Susie Peoples Chaffin
M Mr* Matr Lv* MH'Untfuck.
i'kV uf th« R«« IUIl>h (*.
•iMcI'ltsnck -jf Uofk«vill€. Rt
jl. died u 7:15 {■ m. TkuTeday
f'lt 1>«W Ciiunft after
I'a rrittcai Ulnri* u1 nne d«f.tj Mr* McriarRrcfk kail been
iJrt iterlinior krallh fui *r>rral.|y«ar>.
.! Mr*. HcrUmriirk ■■* btirn
- in na*i« Cou&()r June 10. IMA
tjdawrktrr *f Gaitkrr and
I in liames Latham. Her hat*
* .band (• paator of Libcrtj Met*
f hfidin rhafcb and CarKord
Methodiit ebiifehe* in Dario
SureieirMr tbe bu*b«^d.
and diarbter, Mie* Eva Grajt
McCinnirork of Wb^terllle:
l»o aiHu. John Gaitber and
* Calvin UcCUranxk of the ho(o»
fir* ^itan. Mr*, (..uther Ward
** and Mri. CharHe 6. AnireU of*
* Maekarfnc. RotiU 2. Mr*, R.
'T/Bofcr et Hocfcarfn*. Soet*
t Mr*. P. S. Freeze ef Kanna-
pnlU sn*l Mr*. K. A of
Wbutcn . Sa{«o; five bruthcTa
Hufh and Caliber |.n*bam of
Uoekarille. Route 1. Riebanl
' l^lhaat of Kannapolti, CrailjrI Latham of Mock.«vifle. Ronte S.
and WillLam R. Latham of
Wltuton • SaUm
Fuaeral **vvi<e* were htdd
at 3 p. m. Saturday at Liberty!
MethodUt Chwrrh The Rev M.
T. Hipp*. Ihe Rev (J W. Fink,
the Rev. J. W. Vtntal and the
Rer. Robert Oakley officiated.
Rurial na* in Oak Crore Met-
hndUt rburrh cemcter* j
' M. D. People's I
r Sister Dies
: Mrs Marshall A. ChaffUi. *ithe burner Sus» Peoples, died |^ Tuesday tilsbl at 9:36 at the ^. hcne of a aori. Moody Chaffin |
, of Moekivilte. |^ Tka dauabttf of tV JMi^
Monroe ud Catheria^ Uusdyv
. People*, she was born May 29.Her bttrband. Maiihall |jjCbafflr-, died Mveral yean j
iri Surv-jvors lttrl«d« one JonjlwjMoOdy ChafTin ot Uuckivillr 'fithree brother*. Huke peopiuijof CrKileeme*. John People* ofjlI MorksvUle. Route 5, and Linnie |
r'Ptrapiet of Moctuvnic. Route s|
.' ami ij*»r vistrr. Mrs. Wadr Eat<-
iia of M.<k*vli!e. Route ZJ Funeral aevim were too-,/dufted Wednpsday at 2:30 It ^
.'Iiame* CttHsroBd* Raptlat ,
jChurvh RfV. W C B-vrkt-r «'•••
(J P. Dflvi*. tpd Re»- Wade
flwle-hins nfrieisted .
PallWAfvr* were Flnrd Nay-'ii; FeiMrlt Coiart. V F Waf- ,
1 y'me. Roi Rftrsn Jr J M. Ab-
Id-ew Uuriat *'•» iti lb»'{•burtb rcTpeterr.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/20/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY