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Jan - Jun
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 4,1956 - Page 3 m^Creason; V . r/.'T;' n J.I", '.•-■'.V ' ■' '■H JtmM.Stmuei Creaton, 64,\tt-.tlfcd worlctr.bladtuhith iw^fmtr, ;Peb. f Z4^ : at htohooie oo Rmte .4V • 1^; bmIn dccllniQg health ifln; \ huml^, of yeata and ierlpQiiy'.in for thrM*w^e. • • ^; v--v:» v,'^ . Mr. CrtiMas^'a.oiid^ Vie County* when / hlii cntbralife. ■ Hewiaaton 6f late Mr. and.Mra. J.^Ct*a*bn.- ISurviving ate hie wife; two day*',ahccn* Mrs, jCarl -Blackwood, of Wo<^leaf» Route 1, and; Mrt. G.^ Shoal, of MockevtU^ Route 4;li gtandchlldTcn. and -13 gimndcblldrefl. Funeral tervicei ■ were held at 2dip p. m. Dee. 26tti, at Liberty)M^bdUt Church*, with ' Rev. B« C. Adamt, Rev. E. W. Sellara and i Rev.'G. W. FinkV offictotini and: die body laid to.ifet in diediutch cemetery. .v> ' • ^ ^ • r' Ran^'Lincoln EUla, IS^ondiarold ion of Robert Lee and Ludlle Gterwood Eilic, died at 10 a. tn«Wedneaday at a Winaton-Salemhoepl^ after an Ulneac. Onlya'fewhbura* .. ■ • >• ,.'1 .Surviving are the parenta; oiree idatera, Roberta* Bccnda and JudyEUit, w>of die home; the jwd-garenta, Mr. an4<Mra. Lee ElliaofMo^ville* Rom 3*' and Mra.Mary Smith of MockavUle.;^ ^ J.. Fuueral aervlcea'wete hdd at i\ p. m. Friday at Comatier Baptlat Church. Rev. B. A. Carroll ^dRev. Tommy Flvnn bffidtted. Burial wai In- the church cmetery. Bio - Obituaries -1/4/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 5,1956 - Page 4 lUitdy KIIN I-'iJMPml w'j-»'lc«s for Rniidy RIIIm 1A>iiuiiUh-iitd .Hoii of Mr. nnd Mrxi Hoiii-ri Let' EHis of Advnnct'.."Itt.. w.-rr hild Pridnv ni the Cornnt. wv HuiaiHl Churcli. Tho Rev. D. A. Ciirroll nnd the Rev. Tommy riyini uillciiiivd. Bnrlnl wuh In i>i<! church cemetery. hifaiit died Oce. 38 nt ii WItiKtnn • Butrm hc.sphni nflor nn tllneKs of only ii few Iioui-k. ' Kurvlvlim nix' the iJiirent.s; ihrei* sislern, RnljcrUi. Brendii, nnd Judy l-:ili.s, nil of the home: the (ii-ttnd. piiroitts, Mr. nnd Mm. Lee Ellis of MoclCMVllle. Rome :i. luid Mrs. Wliiry Bmlih uf Mocksvitle. Jiimes .S, CreHHoit, H4 l-'unernl services for Jnines Siiiii- Uel Creuson. 84, retired textile wtfrlter nnd l))iiek.sniith of lU. 4. Moeksvllle. were held on Dec. U(t ut the Ubcrty Metltodkit Church. The Rev. 13. C. Adonis. Rev. E. W. SellniK nnd Rev. Q. ' W. Fink ufflclnted. nurlol was In tho church cemetery. Mr. Crenson died nt his home on December 34. He had been In dt'cllnhut henlih for a number of .veurK and Hci-lausly III for three Wei'k.S. Mr. Civnson was a lifelong na- llvo of Davle County. He was the ton of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Crea> Mill. • fliirvlvltiK niv his wife; two tlani'htc-rs. Mrs. Carl Blnckwood of WfHKllenf. Ht. 1. nnd Mrs. O. A. llhoaf of Mocksville. Rt. 4; 13 iinuirichlldren and U ftrent- trandchlldren. Mrs. E. 31. Keller. 74 Hineral services for Mrs. E. M. Keller. 71. of Mocksville. Route 4. were held Dec. 38 at the South River Methodist Church In Rowan County. Mrs. Keller died unvxi>ectcdly lA-c, 36, at the home of her aun. Jim; Henley Keller. In Qreensboro tvhiire she was vistthm. Khe was born In Rowan County, n daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8nn« ford Henley. Ill addition to her son. she Is cnrvlved by two Krnndchllclren. Mrs. J. F. Grirnth. AB Funeral services for Mrs. J. F. Oiifflih. 61). of Advnnce, Route 1. wori; held at the Yndkin Vnllcy flaiitlHt Church on Dec. 32. The Key. Oeorae Brunei- and the Rev. AlvlK Cheshire oltlclnled. Burial V/II.H In the chuixh cemetery. Mrs. Orlffllh died at her home on Dec. 31. Site had been m.tIou.s- 1.V 111 for some time. Mm. H. A. ll.nllFy. 77 Fiinvrnl services fur Mrs. Mllttle Jane Bnlley. 77. wife of 8. A. Ihtlley of Mocksville. »Route 4. wore held Dec. 30 at the No Cm:k UuMllst CImrch. Elder W. W. Kagii nlllcinted. Burial was In the Oiurch cemetery. Mrs. Bailey died on Dec. 26 nt hi;r home after a brief llliic.ss. Ruvvivlm! are the luasband; four snns. Farrlfl Bailey of MockHville. Route 3: Odell nnd Sam Rniley of Cooleemce. and Jnine.s Dnlley of SiK'ncer: two dnuahtevK. Mrs. Hn'M-'l Crotts of Lexington, and MiH. Sallle McDanlcl of Chai' tattu: 13 krnudchltdrvu; seven nrent . Kmndclilldren; three hi-otherti and one sister. BIrs. J. H. Walker. 77 Funeral services 'for Mrs. J. B. Walker. 77. of Mocksville. Rt. 1. wore held on Dec. 33 at the Center bfethodlst Cliurch. The Rev. Ri>b> (i-t Oakley and the Rev. O. W. Fink olficlntL-d. Rurlnl wan in the church cemetery. Mrs. Walker died nt her home iittai- Center on Dee. 21. Surviving are the husband: one ilatiifhlvr. Miss Mary Ellen Walker of the home; and a half biolhcr. I). R. 8troud of Mocksville. Bio - Obituaries -1/5/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday January' 4,1956 - Page 2 4frs. 5. A, Bailey Mn< MUcle |«n« Ball«Vi 77| wife of S* As BaUeir of Mock^lJe^ Route 4..dled at 9 »* iUm Wadne8« day, at die home after a brief ill* neM. .' ^' Mrs. Bailey wm bom in Davie County* She was married to Mr* Bidlcv In 1900* - SurvlWng ate the huaband; four . eont* Farris Bailey of Mocksvillc* Route d.Odell and Sam Bailey of Cooleeaiee and James Batlev of Boeiiccr; two daughters, Mis. Hszel CiOtte of Lexington and .Mra. , Bailie McDanlcl of Charlotte; 15 grandchildren; seven greatgrand* t^lldren; three brothers, and one . •iiiter.- Puoeral services were held at 3:30'p. m., Fiidav at No. Creek : Church. EtJcr W. W. ^Fagg officiated* Buidal waa In the .til the church cemetery. . .Mra. 1* B* Walker,77»of Mocks- ^11^ Route U dicd Dec. 2l8e, at '.hl^^ho^ near Center. • ^^'^;:.Mre*.WalWr was a native of Co'uiity. a daughter of tlie ;fJaiejMir* »n<j|[^Mrs. Richard.Scroud. the husband; one fMi^ M EHeh Walk- knd a half broth- Mocksville. were, held at " 2 Metho; Rev. Robert phik .of- lest Mrs. E. M.. Keller ' Mrs. E, M. Keller; 74. of Mocks ville, Route 4, died unexpectedly Dec. 26. at the home of her- son, Joe Henley Keller, in Greensboro, where she was ylsltini. Mrs^ Keller was both In Rowan Coimtv, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ssivford Henly. In addition ^to her son, Mrs Keller Is survlv^ by two grand children. Funeral services wererheld ar,2 p, m. Wednesday at South ! River Methodist Church In Rovran. Mrs. Keller had trishy friends la the Kuppa communltyi where - she lived for manv vears. Mrs. J. F. Griftith Mr*. I. K Griffith*. 69. of Ad* vanee. Route.!, died at her home Dec. iisr. She had been lir.for abme tirhe. Funeral aervicea were held at Yaidkin. Vallev ' BapriVt Church church un Dec. 22, with Rev. Geoige Bruner and Rcvl' At* vis Cheshire officiating and the bodv.iaid to r'sc lo the church cemetery* Among die aurvlvlhg childbed ate Mm, Lawrence Smith* ?cf thto.cltr- Bio - Obituaries - 1/4/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 5,1956 - Page 4 JanifK IJantcN, FuUvnil iiL'1'vlct.'H for JutuuM MiU'. vlt> IJninvK. 4S. of Lcxlneton were livid TuvNdny nt the Plvdniont Home of that city. The llev. Doc WUbiinkH olhciuled. Uui-lii) WOK in the U'xinuton City Cemetery. Mr. IJnmeft wnii btirued to rienth nixmt 1! a.m. Monday when fltiincs 4!«iiiNiiinuti the hniixe in whlrh he had lived alone Hinee ilie death of ItiK mother. The hmiMe wn» nbtu/e throtmh- ont Uk Interior before! neifihborH liutlcud the fire nnd ttirned in nn alarm. Firemen made n frnltleax etfurt la nave the atrnctnrc. tihd Mr. linmea was buriu'tl beyond rvcuHnhion. He was born in Davie Caimly Nov. 30, tOtO. n son of the late Oeorire Franklin and Mertie Cnil I.iumc.s. Mr. IJames never nmrricd, and made hb home wiili his nadher until her death. Snrvlvim; ure Uvo brothers. William O. IJame3 of LexinKtun and JU-nty W. ijaines of Lexlnt;. ion. ilontc 2: and two sisters. Mm. Herbert Matthews of Cape Oirnr* dcnii. Mo., nnd Mrs. CInndc Parks of Sallsbmy. Route 3. Mrs. w: II. Pack. Rl Fimernl services for Mrs. Ida Stewart Pack. B7. of tlic Pork Clnnch coiinnunlty were lield Wednesday at the Pork DnnllAt Chnrch. TItc Kev. A. M. Klser oniclated. Unrlnl was In tiie diurcli wmctery. Mrs. Pnck. widow of William II. Puck, died Jnnnnry 3 In n Dnrke Cutmly hospital after n lam: Illness. Mrs. Pack was bom In Diivie Cunniy. Jan. '.'U, 180B. dnugltter of Edward and Betty Potts Slewurl. Her husband died in 1027. , Surviving arc one son. Ouriiey Pack of LexinBton; eiBht Brands chiidi-en and 11 Brent-BrnndchU- I dien.i Bio - Obituaries - 1/5/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 11,1956 - Page 2 Jesse F, Butler IcMe P. 87» well known retired Granite Quarry realdent, died at 2:4S p. m.. Wednesday at hii home after two davr illneji. Hc.wai hom Marcli 6, 18^ In Davle County* ton of the late John Henty and Frances Click Butler. He was the oldest mem> bet of the Staflitin Memorial Bap- . ilet Oiurch In Sailaburv He was married Jan. 21, 1892 to Mist Mary B. Foster. She di d June ~21*1952. She died June 21* 1953. •urvivort Include four tons*' five ' daughter*, twohroihers* one sisitr, 15 grandehildren and 20 great* grandehlldren. Funeral services were held at 4Sm. Friday at SialKngt Memorial apt St Church in SaHsbury, with Rev. R. A. Propst dfiictaiinK. and . the body lain to rest In Rowan Memorial Park. James Jjames James Marvin ljamet,4S, ofLex, ington, was burned to death a* bout 2 fan 2nd, when 0amca co'>8uni^ the house in which he had lived alone since hia mother's death. Firemen mad* a fruitless effort to save the structure, and Mr. IJamre wu burned beyond recog* nIHon. He was bom in Davie County a eon of the late George Franklin and MettleCailtistnee. Mr.Ijames never married end msdehls home with his mother undl her death. Surviving are two bruthert. and two flistera. Funeral services were conducted •t4p. m. Turaday at Piedmont Funeral Home Chapel bv Rey Doc Wiibanks.- Burial was in Lcxing* con dry CcroececY, Wt. W. H. Pad 7. Mr^ Ida Stewart Pack, 87* of the Fo k Church community, wid ow ^WiIHam H. Puck, died at a BuHce County hospital Jan. 2nd, foliowii^ a long Illness, p nek was bom in Da\de CMDty/a'dauahter of Mr, and Mf«* EdwaM Stewart. Her hus*' band ai^ lo 1927. | - ^ SurfMdif are one aon . Gumey P^j ctLei^oguai} eight grand* i^llarmi ahd vUl great-grandchil* GtFijn^;aefy^ 2 rsfinVjVcJ'***^ . Baptist Klser William T. Myers, William T. Myers, infant son of I Mrs. Bemicc 8c«(ord Myers and ' the late. Tom' Myets, Advance, ' Route 2, died In a Salisbury hoa* ' pital at 3 «. m., Wednesday, w The child is survived bv the ; mother, one half brother, three 1 grandparents^j Graveside services were conducr cd at II a. m , Thursday at Fork Baptist Church cemetery by Rev* IA M. Ktser. Bio - Obituaries -1/11/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 11,1956 - Page 3 jmtrs, John Foster Mn. Texle Bailer Potteri 78* of Advance died in a MocksvUle nursing home," Jan. 3rd.- She had been a piuicnC mere for shom five VMrs. Mr*. Foster was '■* member ofBlbaville Methodist Church sli^earlv childhood. .-She'apaiiC mbif of her life In the Advance com- tnuntlV. •• " * She was the widow of John G.Potter who dltd.Jan. 25*.1926. .She is survived bv one dsM^tcr* four tons* -seven grandchlulfefi;eight grcat-grandchUdteh;. one bro'ther: and a sister.Funetj^' services were cooduetedat the home at 2 p. tn., Friday aitd at Obaville Methodist Churai atJ'p, inifbv Rev. W. E. Flirgerald. Burial was In thechurrii cetneterv. Bio - Obituaries - 1/11/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 12,1956 - Page 1 Masonic Rites Held For Col. Jacob Stewart, 96 Dies Early Tuciiclay Following Henri Attack Fuaci;n| ficrvlco.H for Cnl. Jncob fitcwni't, no. of MocksvUlc were l«rJfl Wcdncsdny n/icmoou nt the First BnpUst Church. The Rev. J. P. DftVjs nnd the Rev. Pnul RiciiRrds othclntcd. MtiAOitlc urnvc- r>ldc rltcn were held prior to In* tcrninvnt in llic Rose Cemetery. ^ Mr. Stcwnrt died nt the Lynn Pllnvcn NurninR Home where he hnd been n resident for the pnst ycnr nround 3 n.m. Tucndny morn* hm. He Imd nuffered n henrt nt* Inck cnrtlor (he cvciUns before. Me wns burn on Jnnunry 3. lltOO. In tlie viclnUy of the Fork Chuixh cominuniiy. the non of ArehibflIU nnd Jnnc Pnck Stcwnrt. He attended district nchooln, the Fork Acndcin.v, nnd Inter Yad* kin CollCRr. In 1882 lie entered Wake Forest Ciillrgc nnd Knidunled with the cInsR nf .Itinc. 1R88. While In coll* r»c he WR.s nn editor of the "Wnkc Forcnl Student." nnd in 1686 wns. the first dcbnlcr for the Phi So* clciy nnd won the Phi Society cs* any medal. In the fRll of 1686 he went to Orccnsboro nnd bccnmc n student In the OIck nnd Dlllnrd Law school nnd In September. 1887i received his license to prnetlee law. In February. 1888. he opened Inw oniecs in Mocksvlllc and has idncc been actively engaRcd in the practice of hia profession here. On June 5.1890. he was married to Fannlc Dulin. dauahtcr of P. N. and Harriet E. Dulln of Davle Cbttfity. They became the paronta ^ nine children. Mrs. Stewart Pued June 19. 1083. At the time of hts dratli. Mr. Bicwart wan the second oldest llvlnf nlumnus of Wnkc Forest College. He Is niso believed to hnvc been tlic oldest prnctlclnn nt* torncy In North Cnrolina nnd the oldest practicing town nttorncy in the state. He joined the Mncksvillc Mn* sonic IxxlQc in 1880 nnd since 1017 hnd served ns progrnm chnlr- nnm of the nnnunl Mnsonic Pic* nle. Prior to timt time he served ns osslntnnt to T. B. Bnllcy on the proflram committee. He hnd served ns n trustee of the First Bnptlst Church. Mockf* ville, since 1004. Mr. Stcwnrt served ns chnlrtnnn of the Mocksvlllc school board for over 46 ycnrs nnd Rt nttorncy for the county bcnrd of education. He nIso served ns nttorncy for the Town of Mocksvlitc for around 50 yrnrs. / He wns pnst*prc.sidcnt of the bnr assoclRtion of, the t7th JudlcinI District and linn served ns prc.si* (lent of the Dnvlc County Bnr As* Nwlstion fur over 50 yrars. JACOB STEWART He was pnsl*presldcnt of thci bnr associntlon of, the I7ll) JudlcinI District and tins served ns pre.Hi* fIciU of the pnvlc County Bni' As* suclsllon for over .50 ycnrs. He Is survived by seven chil* dixii. five dnuvhtcrs nnd two ftM>ns. as follows; Mrs. H. W. Coll* Rns. Mrs. J. O. Vuunc. Roger Slew* art. Mrs. A. H. I-'ync, Phillip Stew art. Mnrjoric Stcwnrt nnd Mrs. H. A Pirston; ten grnndchlldrcn nnd nine grcnt-urnndchlldrcn. Active pnllbcnrcrs were George Mnrtln, Milton Cnll. Woudrow Wilson. C. L. Fnrthlng. O. R. Mnd* ihon nnd Leslcr Mnrtln, Jr, ] Hunomr.v pnlliienrcrs w c i c- Ocurite Shutt. Dr. H. 8. Anderson. Curlis Price. Joint Durimm. Tom llcntliis. J. K. Shock. 8. H. Chnf* lin. It. D. Snnfurd. Crnlu Citnp* mnn. 8. B. Ilnll. Dr. Lester P. Mnr- J lln. Gurdun n Tomilneon. Huglt Logic. W. N. Smith. J. B. Coin.! J. P. uarnnd. T. V. Dwlggins. In; ndUltion. incmbcrs of the Dnvlc I County bnr n.>i.>ioclnilun also scrv*l cd OS honorory pnUbenrcrs, I Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 12,1956 - Page 3 Mm. Jnhn n. rMt«r. tl PuncrnI ncrviccN for Mm. Tex* nniui (Tcxlc) Bnilcy Poster, 78, of Advnncc, widow of John O. Foster, were held Prldny ni the Elbnvlilc Mcthodltfl Ch*iicti. Tliv Ruv. W. E. PlUKcriild iidlcinlcd. Buiinl WHS In the clmrch ccmc' tcry. Mrs. Poster dicil In n Mocksvllle numlnR home on Jnn. 8. She hnd bflon b pstlent thurafoi- nbeut flvo >'eftr*. She wns bnrn In Dnvli* Cmintv on A|)ri) 2.V 1877. s dntiuhtcr of John T. »nd Amnndn Lyons Bnll* cy. She WAS n member of the Elbn* viUe Mcihodini Chmcn nnd hnd spent most of life in the Ad« vnncc eommunlty, SurvlvlnB nrc one dnuithter. Miss Blnnelie Poster of Advnncc; four sons. Joe O. Poster of Jnck- sonvlllc. Pin.. Ellis Poster of 1330 Twcnly«tlilrd Street. Knrtlieiisl. Wlnston*SflIcm. nnd Ctnrcncc W. Faster nnd Bnllcy Lee Foster, both of Advnncc! seven RrnndchUdrcn: claht Krcnt • ernndchlldrcn: one brother. 8. A. Bnllcy of Coolecinee nnd n sister. Mr.s. SnIUc Brnmon of Coolecmcc. WHHam T. Mycm Ornvcsldc services for Wllllnm Thomns Myers. Infnnt son of Mm. Bcrnlcc Srnford Myers nnd the |ntc Tom Myers of Advnncc. Rt. 3. were held Thundny nt the Fork Bnptist Church. The Rev. A. M. I Kiscr ofhcinti-d. I The infnnt died in n Sallabuo' hospitnl on Jnn. «. He wns born Jnn. 3.. Mr. Myers wns killed Aun. 37 19S5. in nn automobile ncctdcnt nenr the Pork Cliurch coiiinmn- lly. Mr. Myers' fnther. Jnkc My ers. Brnndfnlhcr of tlic child, died nbuut six weeks tmo. Tltc child la surlvud by tlie niothpi*. one hnlf brother. Clmrlcs A. Wood of Advnncc. Route 3. nnd three Krnndimrcnl.H. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnek Senford nitd Mrs. Jcnhnlv Mym. nil of Advniicc. Route '2. Elder J. A. PnsB. 78 GUlvr J. A. PiiKU. 70. of Winston* ^ Sniein died unc.M)Cctedly nt hl.sl luiinv nrnnnd 8 n.in.. Wcdnesdny inorninu. He wns bunt Mtt.v 0. 1877. In] Stokes County, son of the tntu Imihv iiiiiJ Siitiiii L«>vUiHs PnuK. lie • H|>ent ills early life in Stukcs. nenr j Dnnbury. He muved to Whuttun*; Snlein In 1930. I Served ns puslor tif Primitive Dnptliit Churche.H in 5tokc.s. Oull- ford, Dnvic nnd Fornyih Counties. At llic time uf his dcnlh he wns the pastor of llio No Creek nnd Ptn?.v Ci-(?ek PriiiiltlVQ Bttptlst Church in Dnvlu. Hi' wns ordnihcd ns it Piiinltvu UnptUst Elder 55 yvnm nnu. He sen'cd na modcrntur of the Mn.vo Primitive Bnpllat A.s.<toclntlon for 58 consecutive yciirs. He wii.s the orpnni/.ed nnd itrea- "!»]n of the J. A. FiiKU nnd Sons WItolcsnlu Orocvrs in Wlnslon- Snlein. On Pebiuiiry 3. 1898. he innrr- kd Mnttk Ncnl, Uhc died on Ocpl. 30. 1953. He I.I survived by three sons: Elder Wesley W. P.ikk nnd Cnvak* O Fnuir of Winston . Siilcm. tins* sell A. Fnnu "f Wnlnui Cove; one diniRiner. Mrs. Sidney S. Nnrtnun of Wln.«ton*Sa]ein: ten prnndchli- ilrrii; eluhl Kicnl • Knindchlldron: one bi-other. M. J. Pnui.' of Walnut Cove: three sisters. Mrs. Mannic Jackson of Hiiih Pulut. Mrs. Llx/le Sawyers of Relrisvllle nnd Mr.a. Ed UiilUtts uf Mndlsun. Services will be held Friday at 3 p.m. nt the Saints Dcllnhl Unp* tisl Church. The bodv will lli< In stntc from 1 p.m. to 2 )i.m. Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 12,1956 - Page 3 Mrn. Kaiinip RIdetihour. Ml FunurnI services for Mrs. Fannlc B. nidviihnur. Ml. of Coolemcc. wci-c held Sultirdny nt the Cunl* ccinuc Methodist CImi'ch. 71ic Hcv, Hnrold Ausilh oinclnlcd. Bur- Itil u-ns hi the Liberty Cliiirch cvmcicry, , Mrs. Ridcnhour died nt her home in Cootccmce nflci- n scrlutin IliiiDM of four H'cckK. Slic Itnd bccu In tlcchnlim heiiilh swctitl yvitrs. Nfrs. RIdenhour wa.s born in Mccklcnburc County Jnn. IB. 1874. rintivhtcr of wnilnin nnd Mory Klncnld Dcntiy. Slic hud itTddcd hi Coulccmcc for Ao yciirM nnd wiiK H member of the Coola'ince Methodist Chinch. She ivn.s nctlvc; In cluirch work until her henlihifnlled. I flurvh-tiii: iire one son. M. H.' RIdenhour of Cooleemee; two rinuRlitci-a. Mrs. A. V. Wnlkci of. Snll.shtiry nnd Miss Elsie Rldcn> hour of the home: six Kmndchll-j dren nnd 10 nrcnt-tfrnndchndrcn.j Hletvurt Ulnklcr. 51 runern) services for Sicwnrt Wlnklcr, At. of Bonne were held Snturdny. Mr. Winklcr died un> c.xiH-ctcdly At his home nruuiul 6:30 p.m. Jnn. 5. He wns n brother of Mrs. J. P. Diivls of Mocksvlllu. I>. 11. Bselt. 73 Ouvic ftk-hmuiitl Beck, Sr., 73, of Wnlkertown. Route 1, died nt 3:30 n.m. Wcdnesdny In it Wln- ision^Snluin haspltiil. He hnd tieen in dcclinlnu huntih for nbout n .venr nnd seriously 111 for nbout n uioiUh. lie wns born July 'J5. IBU2. In l^nvlo Count.v, dou of the Inlu Samuel N. Aiid Idn Belle Booc Beck. He spent his enrly life In Dnvle County, then moved to Winston • Sniem nnd then b.-ick to Onvie County vvlterc he wns n I w«-il known fnrmer until inS3 when he returned to Pors.vih County to mnke his home with n dnuuhler. Mrs. H. L. Killlnrd of Wnlkertown. Routu I. He WIIK mnrrird lo the furmfr Siuuli Uphetise Uoyd, tvho died In April. tUA'i. Survivors InchuU' one dmiuh-i ter. Mrs. Hllllnrd; three sons. R.' Connie Deck of Winston • SnIem.; John N. Berk nf Shrlhy .niid D. j R. Bcci:. Jr.. of Norfolk. Vn.: three! nrnnd-ohlldrcn nnd ten mnit- Hrnndchildrcii: two siHtcrn. Mrs. ^ Ed Tnylnr of Rocky Mount. Miss! Horn Beck of Wnshlneton. D. C.: < two brothers. L. W. Dock of Win-! .ston - Sntem nnd Kmnk Beck of Wn.shington. D. C. ] Funern) |>1nns were Incomplete, at |)res.s time. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 12,1956 - Page 2 MhH l.uU Fllai.ilN'lh Nail. 70 I FnnornI services for Miss Luln Eli'/nbcth Nnll. 70. of Wln.ston- Snh'in. were held Tuc.sdny nl Vo«- Ivr'H ChniHil nnd nt the Cornnt/cr Mfthodist Church. The Rev. D. D. Ihooiiie nnd Dr. R. R. Wtill nltlc- Intiid. Iluiinl was in the Shady Grove Methodl.st Chiircli Ceme tery nl Advnnce. ^ Ml.<is KbII died Sundny momini: ni n Winstun-Snlem hospitnl. She hnd lieen III for one yenr nnd erlt- Icnlly 111 f«»r two weeks. I Shew ns born Oct. 1, IBUS. In Dnvie County, the dmiithtrr of Thcmnx nnd Femmlc Jnnn Oir- iini/er Nail. She lived In DnvIe for many yrnr.s hefore movlim to Wlustnn . Snicm In lli2T. She wn.H n im-mber of Corimtzer Meth odist Church In DnvIe Coimly. SnnlvliiK n:v lluee brolhers. .1. V. Nnll of WInston-Snlem. XiX. 3. It. 1.. Nnll of 4371! Iiulinnn Ave.. ami A. C. Nnll of Mocksvllle. HI. 4: mill many nlecrs nnd nriihews. Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 12,1956 - Page 2 MrM. Juiiii Itlildlf. R9 Ftincml services for Mra. Nnncy niddlo. IIS. nf Advance, lit. I, were lirlil Monday at the Uellilrhi'in Mctliodlst Church. The llev. Q. F.. Smith oniclnted. Burial wim in the church cemetery. Mrs. Riddle died Saturday night fl t the home o( a sUter. Mra. S. \V. Dowdrn, of Advance. Rt. I. Dtihtehem Church community. She had been in declining health revcml munilM. bill death wan un- cxpocled. She wna born March 18. 1870. In Davlc County, daughter of John and Elizabeth Plott. She wna married to John Riddle, who died in 1036^ Surviving arc a brother. Thorn* as Plott nf Mockavllle. Rt. 3; a slater. Mra. Dowden of Advance. Rt. 1; four grandchlldicul two Rifnt-itmndchlldrcn. Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 18,1956 — Page 2 James Wagoner Jimet Wasoner, 45,xfGaiitO' nia, died tuddenty from a hrarc at*' tack at Hendcraot^vllle on Jan. 5th. Mr, Wagoner was. a' native o f Da^e County, a son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Price* Wagoner. The body was brouahf to Smith Drove MethodUt Church, where the funeral was held cn Jan. 7th. Surviving are the wife and -one •on. Jacob Stewart Jacob Stewart, 96, of this dry, believed to be theoldestpracticing ' at'omev in this State, died early 1 ist Tuesday morning at Lynn Ha' iw Nurslng Home, following a heart attack. **001000! StewaiH,-* as he had been known for many years, was bom in Davie County, He attend ed Pork Academy, Wake Forest College acid rhe Dick and Dillard Law School in Greensboro* He was.the second oldest alumnus of Wake Forest College. He begun the practice of law in Mocksvilie in 1868. He waa attorney tor the Davie Board of Educatlim and the ;town of Mocksvilie, and chairman of the Mocksvillc School Board. He was very active in behalf Of the Mocksvillc Masonic' Picnic; and had been chairman of the pic* nic since 1917. and had taken an' active part in these annual affairs for the past 65 years. He WAS married to Miss Faiinie Dulin in 1890. She died in 1953. Mr. Stewart was a member of the Mocksvillc Baptist Church. Suryivingare two lons^ Roger andSPhilip Stewart; five daughters, Mrs. H. W. Collins, Mrs. I. O. Young, Mrs. Harry Fvnt, Mrs^ HoyPoston and Miss kfarjorie Stewart. I Fucieral s.rvices were held at 3i p.m. Wednesdav at the Mocksvillc; Baptist Church. Rev. J. P. Davis! and Rev. Paul Richards officiated,' The body was laid to' rest in Rosi Cemetetv with Masonic honors. Mrs. John Riddle ' Mr*. Nancy Ridutr, 85. died Jan. 7ih. as^he home of a sister, Mra. S.-W* lk>^den, of Advanci*, Route 1. She had been In dc ilintng health fo several moii hs, . but death was unexpected . ;She was bom March 18, 1870* ' 111 Davie County, daughter of ^ohn ah4 ' Elisabeth Pioit. She was martiad to. John Riddle who died In 16^ Surviving are a brother, Thorn- •a Plott of Mocksville, Route 3, a •fitter, Mrs. BoWdea, four graud* iel^drcn: two gr^^'ndchlldren. ' ^ Fuueral services were conducted .tf S p. nW Jain. 9th at Betiilehem Idmbdin Church by JRav- G. E. (Smiffh - IfurM,aw In .dMchurch Bio - Obituaries - 1/18/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 18,1956 - Page 3 Edwin Kyles • his with ladneu that.wechcon* iple the death o( ouf friend.-- Ed* win iC kvtes. 46, who died iud*. denlv at hh home In Troutman last Wedneeday Mt. KyUs has Ih.Id a position Prcsby- I lerian Orphanage, ^Barium '.Spvioga fdrthc past ^ years. HeinitaUed ' our . newspaper press about 15 years ago,' and has visited our ..of* fice many rimes since when the press needed attention* Mr. Kyles is survived by his wife, one son and one daughter, his faihv. Rev. Robm R. Kyl^ . th^ brothers and two sisteia.^. He -was t .fine Christian gentleinaD^;n .We thill miss his friendly vUits. to our print shop. •• v.;' D. R, Bedt n David R,3eck, 70, a native of Davie Cotiricv, who liyed near Wulkerfdwn, died in a Winston* Salem hospital Wednesday* ' Suiviving are'.thrto ooiis/one daughter,. two sisters and two brothers. Puoersl services- were hrid at the home at 1:30 p, in., Thursday and at IJumes X Roads Baptist Church at 3-30 p. m, with Rev. W. E. Berkley - and ^Rev. -C. C* Vaughn ofiiciuting, and the body laid to rest in- the churdi cemc* tcrv. ! Mr. Beck had many friends [in pavie who were uddened by-his dwthv . mfual -- Mtn Luta Ellx^^ 70, of Winitoh*Sdem,'died at ^15 m*, |an; 7th at ■!local hospital. She-had l^n ill for one year, critically ill for two weeks. .She was a them-hsv o f - Cornatzcf > Metnodlse' Chtitdt. . Surviving;ate. three ..brothen,f, P. Naif.' and H. U Nail of Wlnst. ton*Sa!em; aitd A.' C. Nail, of \!_odcavilie,.R9utVr4;^« mwneiciM and n^liVws.- v Fuheial services .werer. ocmduct* e6 at 12:45'p. m . Tuesday w Yog* let's Chapel and at 2:30 .p. im, atf^itutzer Methodkit Chuiclu Rev. D: i3« Broora.and Dr.'R. Wall-I officiating. Burial was' in ShadyGroye Methodls. Church ,Ceme*|tervitt Adwnce. ' j Bio - Obituaries —1/18/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 25,1956 - Page 2 Takes Own Life ^ 06ie R. Richardton* 64* of Han monVf Route 1* died Fridev of •elf indicted su<'ihot weunda in checheec. Hie body found in (he livinaroom bvaeletert MUi Oladve Richardion, of the home. Mr.Richnrdioii wai a native of Davle CounCv» a con of (he l«ie Mr. and Mr«. J. M. Richardaon. i Surviving are one aicter and a brother. Clayton Richardcon. of ElfcCn. .. Funeral aervlcei were held at 11 a. m. Sunday at New Union Me* . idiodlu Chufeh*:irid) Rev. Cald Henderatm'piSda log and the bd^r'lald^.i^ the cbureh Bio - Obituaries - 1/25/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 26,1956 - Page 1 Harmony Man Kills Himself With Shotgun ontc Rcid Rlchnrdtton. 64. of Hnvinony. Route 1. dtcd Fildny of uuiutltot wounds In the cheat In flicted by n doublc-borrclt shot- sun. Mnrvln Rnyincr. IrcdcU County coroner, sold itic Injuries wo'c scif-infhcicd About 6:30 a.in.. Frl- dny. RIchAi-dson's body was found In his hvlns room by a sliUcr. Miss Oti>dys RichArdson. who lives in the home. A unroce .upcriitur. Rkhurdsun WAS n nntlvo of DhvIo Couuiy. He; WAS burn there Scjit. 30. 1692. sonl of Lcsslc Mnriin nnd Durn Rot-, ledge Richardson. I Surviving in Addition to his sis-' tor Is one brother, clnyton Rich-' nrdson of £IHln. Puncrnli services were held Sun- dity nt Now Union McttiodlRt Church In Duvie, County. Offtcint- Ing WAS Rev. Caldwoll Hender son. nurlAl WAS In the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 1/26/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 26,1956 - Page 1 Knife Slaying of Former Davie Woman In Salisbury Is Charged To Husband Mrs. Betty Sofley Holder Dies From Cut Throat The body or Mns. Betty Soflcy; Holder, licr thront slashed from ear to car and her Jugular vein !!cvcrcd. was found by her flvc- yeni* old or:ind.<ion on the kitchen floor of her dnughtcr's home at 4lo West Hornli Street, Salisbury. Friday about 2:50 |>.m. Mrs. Holder was a former native of Davle County, dnuidUer of John H. and Mary Prulti Martin. Her Imsbnnd. Arthur Holder, cniiiurcd by Salisbury iioUccinen shortly after the klllinff, has been charged with murder. Holder, about SO, was recently ivleascd from the State Hospital for the Insane at Murpantun. where he had been treated for a physical Ill ness and Us subscauent clTccts upon his bntln. He l.s being held at the Rowan County Jail wliiiout bond. Holder has neither admllled nor denied killing his wife, stating, "I'll do all my talking to the judge." according to police. Dr. John McKcc. superintend- cnl at the State Hospital for the Insane at Moifsnnton. said that "Holder was iriiatcd here from May. 1034. until Oct. II. 1955. alien he wa.s released. He had been treated fur a ihrutnVssIs which had caused dnmiigc to his brain, but he had never shown any violence. He was not a men tal patient." j The k tiling was witnessed by ' iMrs. nouici' s grandson. Accord- I Ing h» police, the child saw his Krandnunhrr and a man flghtU'ig. Ht.s gnindiaoiher fell and 1 the little boy tried to help her U|). When he lifted her he got blood nil over hln hands. He liniiicdlatu- ly called hl.s mother. Mrs. An- ; drew Head, with whom Mr^. Hold- ler had Iktii staying. Mrs. Head I was at work at the time. I Mrs. Head eullcd police, and of- I iieers wn-e luuni'dinicly sent It he Head home. The geandson • KCiil them In thu.:i!2 Sutiih Lung j Street ix'Hidcnce of Mrs. David Smith. Holder's daughtei' by pre vious marriage with whom he had been staying. His arrest was made by Assist- aut Police Chief R. E. tPasst Kcs- Ics, Dutee.ttvu Q. B. Morgan and Lt. Ken Clark, shortly after 3 o'clock. Friday. Holder had returned home. bathed nnd Changed clothes when apprehended by the three plain' clothcsnicn. A pocket knlfi^ with a two and one-half inch blade had been used In the killing. A knife and eloUics all covered with blood, were found by oniccrs nt the Sinltli house, according to olllccra. From Rtfcklngliam Holder Is from Roeklnghnin. He had recently applied for relief from the welfare department there, ac cording to Dr. MeKcc, The following account of Hold er's Illness was given by Dr. Mc Kcc: He said that Holder had sullcred n light stroke In 1953. He was sent to t^ic Baptist Hospital in Wlnston-Salem. Hospital author ities there recommended h I s transfer to the hospital in Mor- gonton. Ho entered the hospital in Mor- (Conllnned on Page 4) Bio - Obituaries -1/26/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 26,1956 - Page 4 MOKE AKOCr Knife Slaying finnton Ui Mny, t964. wl)ca> l>e wns trcntcd for dnmnev to the broln cnviscd by the sii-okc. One'side of his body wns wenk. Holdci- Itnd ncvct- shown nny violence nt the hospital, but he had staled that hU family didn't care niiieh for him. He had help- I'd (Ufluiul the hospUni woi-klns on tlic itround.i. Ehurll.v after nrrlvliitf at the 2 ho.spinl, he had. t<onc AWOL but was apprehended and icturned afior one day by local iwUce. It was a normal case of hnmcsiek* nctks. nccordlUR to Dr. McKec. On Oct. 11. he was if* leased. He wa.s undeF the resi)on> .sibtllty of his daughter, n Mrs. Luitsford hi. RockliiRhnin. and his brother. Junlus Holder, also from Hucklnghnm. His wife, Mrs. Hot* dcr. had approved the rclen.<c. Dr. McHcc staled. I After his release, he and Mr.s. j Holder stayed loyclher for three or four days, according to police ofUccs. but had scpniT.ted. Mrs. Holder remained with her daugh ter. Mrs. Andrew Head, and Mr. Head at 419 West Horah St. Holder stayed with his dauRh* tcr by a previous mArvlaBe. Mrs. Smith. The Holders were married about four years ago after he had come to Salisbury as an employee on a construction Job. Nfrs. Holder was born June 16. 1910. daughter of John H. aiid Moj-y Pmlii Martin. Survivors Include: two sons by a former marrlngc. John Anderson Soflcy and Jerry .Soficy. both of Salisbury: one. daughter by a previous marriage. Mrs. Andrew Head of Sniisbury; two brothers. Joe Martin of Salisbury and Isaac Matin of Orvcnsboro; three sis* Icrs, Mrs. Luther Cress and Mrs. Mary. Bctkcr of Salisbury and' Mrs. Ella McDnnlcl of Texas: and three grandchildren.' Funeral services were conduct* cd Sunday at Haven Lutheran Churcii in Salisbury by Rev. John Yo.sl and Rev. Urban P. Holmes. Burial Was In the Bethlehem Methodist Church Davic County. cemetery in MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, Januar> 26, 1956 - Page 5 >V. MAR<4. I>5 Punerui scrvlecs for Willinm Al* Ijvrt dr>, Were held Tuesday at tiiu Bumn-sett Funeral ChaiK-l in SallHbnry. Dr. E. H. Potts. IKislnr of file FU^t Baptist Church In Spencer oillclntcd. Bur* liil was III the Ro.se Cemetery in Mocksvlllv with the Rev. W. Q. ririjiK uniciniimf, Mr. Mnr.s died early Monday mnriilng at the Oaston Memorial Ilnspltal follmvhii: ii heart, attack. Mr. MiU'h, n native of Baker County. Oa.. was a retired textile worker. He had made IiIh home with a daughter. Mrs. C. tl. Bnl* bird, in Caslonlu for aeveral years. Olhrr siu'VlvnrH include two nher tlaugliters. Mrs. C. O. Tom- lliiKon of Moeksvllle and Mrs. M. W. OlU'ibiint of Siieiicur. MRS. BKinilT. 19 Pniirrtil .sarvlcos for Mrs. Addle Drbihl, in. widow of Sylvester Bright, were held Wednesday In IMi-lsmouth. Vn. Mrs. Bright died Sunday iit the home of a dniighter. Mrs. John M. Ward of Advance. Route 2. She had been 111 for one yrar. A nalive of Balllniore. Md.. she liad lived at Dowers Hill. Vn.; but had made her home for the last 12 yrm.s ill Davic County. Her litis* liaiid died In 1024. Surviving arc tmir daughters. Mrs. 3. S. Holland of Hollywood. Fla,. Mrs. Olive Martin of Ports- tnoulh. Vn.. Mrs. Ward of Ad vance. Route 2. and Mrs. L. T. Hopkins of Dowers Hill. Vn.: n son, Ciiu'don Srltdit of Norfolk. Vn.: n sister. Mr.s. Cndlc Sawyer of Olun lliirnle. Md.; 15 grandchildren, and 14 grent-grnndclilldren. .MNM. J. A. III.NKU:, €2 FniU'rnl sorvlci'R for Mrs. J. A. Illnkle. 02. of Cuoleemee. widow ;»f J. A. filnkle. were iKld Monday at the ConU'Pineu First Baptist Church, The Rev. O. W. Naylor and the Rev. A. T. SlonlcDmIro were In chnrgr. Duilnl was In the Ubrrly Methodist Chmch come* lery. Mrs. Illnkle died Jan. 21 ni a RallHlmry Hospital. She had bi'vn In declining licnlVh for several inaniliK and seriously 111 for two weeks. She was born Oct. 11. 1903. in Stanley County, n daughter of James and Dnshby Whitley liath- cock. She si>eni all her adult life hi Cooleemce. She is survived by one son. James Hlnkle of the iiomc: one \ii|4ter. Mr^..Kosa Marlowe of Mn* rium..^wg(i|||{F.:Mins ;and three stei>r Bio - Obituaries - 1/26/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 26,1956 - Page 5 W. r. M.%RTIN. U Fultpml MirvifcA fnk' WrtUef Pnuiktin Muriln. BO. «f Noi-lh Main SUvct. MiH.'kKvnif. were held at thn Bclhcl MtiUmllst Church. Mundny nriviiiCMin, The Ucv. D. D. Bittom. pnxtoi- of the Doihcl Church, nw. W. Q. Grivu tuul ni!V. O. 0. Fci-rve uf Axhi'bdiii uf- rirlitlvd- Burial \vn» In the family plut of ihu church cemetery. Mr. Martin died at the Ba|>lMi Koapltnl In Wlnxtun . Snlvm on I Jan. 'Jt. Hu had been In III health i for ycnra and Riilfered n Htrokc, ^ nlxmi ten dnyx prior to hl.H death. I Mr. Martin was born Jan. 15. i 11170. In Piwie Cuunty. tlic son of i RUJnh F. and Mliiervn WllUnau ; Martin. Itc spent the prcnter por* tluu of hLi life In the Mucksvllle community. He served at MocksviUe. Sun?' (er. S. C.. and Monlaoiner)'. AIn.. OS snperliuendent of the O. L. ; WlUittins Veneer Cmmmny. vcllr-; Init In July. Ilino. He was n niem-i her of ttic Betlud Mcthodl.st Church and had aerved nn iru-slcc of the church nnd ns Sundny flchool HUiwrlnleiidrnt. i On July 20. 100*1. lie married i MIhh Minnie Wiill of Cameron. a. C. She died April 24. 1051. • I Survlvina nre one son. \VnUer[ E. Mnrllu of the home; three, dnuuhlrrs. Mrs. Paul 'Donnelly of Salisbury. Route 1. Mrs. W. L. Moore. Jr.. ond Miss Janlc,Martin of the home: one brother. T. L. Martin. Sufntcr. S. C.t Iwo «ls- tevs. Mrs. R. A. Coon nnd Mr.s. C. P. Bain of Mack.Hvllc. Route 2: four uiniulchlldreu and n imm* ber of nieces mid ncpbctrs. Bio - Obituaries - 1/26/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 1,1956-Page 2 Mrs/iiirUyi^flev Mr&' Hadev Sofiey*' '51* dlcd^ Thunday moraifift.at 2 •• at her home on Gwyn Street • She' liad been iU for eevcra) mootha« The former Jettie Belle Henry, she was tltedauthterofl^. jeaeie Cope Henry end the late T, R Henry. She was bom In Anton County. ^ Funeral acivlcea were conducted Friday at 4 o'clock at the Mocka* viUe Baptist Church.' Rev, J. P. Oavli and Rev. E. W, Turner of* I fioated, and burial waa In Rote C^etcry. j Mrs, Sofley U aurvlved by her hut.>afu!; two aont, Biir Oodev, |a ttudcnc at AppalaciiUn State iCoIhge, Boone, and Bob Sofley of I Charlotte; her mocheri Pica. T< F. Henry ot Franklin. »ix brotheri, i Fred, Charde, Paul and Reuben, Henry, all of Saliiburv, 6, A, Hen ry ol Greenibo.o, and Woodton Henry ol WiDtrotfSalem; three' aUtera, Mia. Hayden Bailey o f Henderion, Mrs. Grady F. Call of Franklin, and Mrs.- James Tiller of SwalmboFOrCa, I The Record extenda'alocere sym* padiy to the bereaved hunily In this aad hour. I iJames C. PoweU It ia with sadness that we chron icle the death of our friend iaihes Chapman Powell, 63, of Hl^' Point, who paaaed away early Fn* ' day morning In a liosplial in that city, lullowing a stroke which he suffered while visiting hit sister at CaUhaIn on Jan. 20ch, Mr. Powell waa bom In Da^ County, a son of the late Mr and Mrs James R. PowelL Ho moved CO High Point 25 years ago. For more than 30 years, he baa held a responsible poakldn with Duke • Power Co, I Surviving are the w fe, the for-i mcr Miss Mary Allenj two broth ers, William Powell, of Calahaln, and S. Q- Powell, ot Gceenaboroj two sisters, Mrs. J. B. WKIaon and ' Miss Frances Powell, of Route 1, MocksvlHc. Funeral services were held at Center Methodist Church at 2 p. I m. Sunday, with Rev. Robert Oak- I ley and lames Binkley officUting, and the body laid rd rest in the church cemetery. ' . Funeral services for Walter P. Manln, 80, of this dty. who dijM: In a Winston-Salem hospital oa: Jan, 21st, were held at Bethel MethodisrChurch oh Jan. 23rd,- and the body laid to. rest in . the church cemetery^ Revi. D. D. Bf^m and Rev. W. Q. Grigg were the officUting ministers. • Mr. Martin. was a native* of Davie County, and hsd lived in' this .dtv for many ve.rs. He bad been In bid health for several) years and suffered a storke lOd^ys before his death. . Surriving are one son, Walter H« Martin, of the hornet three daugh* tera, Mrs'. PanI Donnelly, of Sidla- bury. R. 1: Mrs. W. C. Moore, Jr; and Mill lanie Martin, o f the home, one brother T. L. Martin, of Sumter, S. C; two aUrers, Mtti R. A. Coon, and Mrs. C, P.. Sain, of Route 3. HU wife died in 1951, . F. J. Bivins n { Frederick |. Blvens , 79,o£Cod- leemee, died Jan. 25th at his home. A- retired employe of Etwin Mills, Mr. Bivma maJe his home in CcMleemee for thepastSl years. He Is survived by three sons, four daughters, 17 grandchildien, fpd five great-grandchildren. i ;VFooenl'ervices were conduct-' 0^ Friday afternoon at the Liberty MdbodUt Church at 2 o'clock. Rev.G. N.'Naylorand Rev. £k C. Adiuna ofictatod and burial'was in ihe ehufch Mactery. Bio - Obituaries — 2/1/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 1,1956-Page 3 A, Myers W. A.-Mar9» of Oaatonla^ died on Jan. 23rd, following a I heart attack* Mr. Mara wai a fotmer retfdeot of this citv* - Among the aurvivora are three daughtera. Among them Mrs. C. O. Tomlinaon* of MocksFille. SFuiieral aervlcea were held laat l^eaJay at Somraeraett Funera) Parlor -Salisbury and the body Jcid to test io R<^ Cemeterv< < Bio - Obituaries - 2/1/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 2,1956 - Page 1 DaVie Prison Guard Takes Own Life A Dnvlc County prtMn camp {{unrd fat- the past II years »-as found shot to death In his sleep- InR quuitcrs at the camp about 12 noon. Tuesday. The death was ruled a suicide. , Dr. Henry 8. Anderson, acting Davlc County coroner, investigat ed the death of Richard ding- man Wood. 60. and found that the prison guard died of a self- inflicted hlstol wound. Mr. Wood was born in Davic County April 17. 1695, a son of Carter and Nancy Hill Wood. He married Miss Kathleen Wood, who died In 1929. Surviving arc one son. Qlcnn Wood of Mijcksvllte. Route 3: a dnuglUer. Mrs. Gordon Hudson of Mocksvlllc. Route 3: a sister. Mrs. J. C. Clark of Mooresvlllc. Route 3; and two brothers. Henry Wood of I Mocksville, Route 3: and Mosc Wood of Advance, Route I. Funeral services will be con ducted at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at Wesley Chapel Methodist Church by the Rev. J. W. Hoylc and the Rev. George Smith. Burial will be In,the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries-2/2/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 2, 1956 - Page 3 f AiiH. iiai:ij:v snri.Kv. r>i l-'uiii'isil M'l-vlroji r«»r Mrs. Jiwli* Pi ll Mijfloy. r»l. of Mo('l:.svl!U' wrrc brill l''rl(lii.v . iii*((M'iiiu)U nl. Ihe MiU'laivlllo hiiiHIsl C'liiiiTb. Thr Ib'V. .1. I'. I.htvl.s uiul Uu! Rrv. K. W. Tuijh'I' olllcliili'tl. HurUtI wh.i In Uiisi* Ct'uu'liM'.v, Mi-s. Rollcy dlud nL her bomc enrl.v 'I'lmrsdsiy tiiornliiir. Jiin. 10. iifli'i' (in tiliu's.'; ol' si'vorul iiinnihs. Hhi> \va» i\ni wire of Hnrle/ Sof- It.v. to wluini she wns nthnlcd In 10:10. I She vvns born In Ansun County.]' Oct. <1, lom. (he diumbtnr of T.i P. (ind J(\ssle Cope lIcniT* I Surviving lire her bn.sbiind: iwuj suns, 1)111 Sorir.v of AiMiidiiehlnnj RInte Tonchers CnllcKe* In Uoone. (ind Uob Bofley of CImrlulte; her, molher. Mrs. Jcs.sle Coiio Henry I of Frnnlclln: sis brothers. Fred C'Imrlic. Pnul nnd nciibun Henry, nil of Snllsbury. I). A. Henry of OreiMisbuvo nnd Woodson Henry of Wlnslon-Snlein: nnd thm' .dslers. Mrs. Hoyden Bulluy of Henderson. Mrs. Orndy P. Cnll of Krnnldln. nnd Mrs. .Inmes Tllltr of Swnlns* boro. Co. j. uivdns. ?i> ! Pnnernl services for Pivderlck .1. Illvens. 711. of Cooleeinec. weiv held Frldoy ofturnoon nt the Liberty Methodist Cluirvh. 'riic Hev. C. \V. Nnylor nnd the Rev. I). C. Adnins unirl^ited. Burin) wns In Hie church cemetery. Mr. Blvcns died nt Ids home on .fnnunry 25 nftor n Utmcrlnc ill- nc.s.s. I He wns born July 10. 1070, In I Dnvle County, the son of Joseph I Newton itnd Mnry Rhymer Blvens. I He vvns cmidoyi'd by Frwin Mills I until retirlnit In lO.'il. His wife, i Mrs. Nannie Redden Dlvens. died In limn. I SurvlvhiK nre three sons. Wal- \ tor Dlvens of Coolecmee. Jnmcs Blvens of Fast Spencer, nnd Glenn nivrns of lllch Fulnt: four dnuph- ters. Mrs. C. C. \Voirord.'»Mr.s. James Thnnnwon. Mr.s. Itay Spry and Miss Ethel Tllvens. nil of Cnoleemee; 17 nrnndchtldrvn and 1 live ureat-crandchlldren. i\ POU'Kl.L. 157 Funeral .services for James Chiip- mim iChnpi Powell. 02. of Vlliih ; Point were held Sunday at the Center Methodist Church. Inlcr- ' inenl wns In the family plot. I Mr. Powell, n native of Davie 'county, u.ed in Ihe Hlpii Point Ho.^ldtal shortly before t a.m... I Jan. 27. He hnd been a patient there fur one week. Mr. Powell wn.s btu'n In Oavle County hi IU02. the son of James R. and Mnry Knlherlne Dwlindns Powell. He came to Hlith Point hi Luy5_Alul—tor ovey '10 years, Imrt bean employed by Uuke Power Co. Survlvin? niu the wife, the for me Mary Ell/nbeih AlK-n: two brothers. Willlnm Powell of Mucks- vllle nnd S. Q. Powell of Greens boro: two sisters, Mrs. J. D. Wil son nnd Miss Frances Powell of Mock.svlUe. Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 2,1956 - Page 3 3. r. Kllltl-'KKS. R!> Fttiiovol Kcrvlcfs for J. F. Kiir- fccs, «!). of I^ulsvlUc. Kentucky, were held Tuesdiiy ttl the Knldc. iiiiin Ave. Church of Chri.>l to Loiitsvlllc, Uurlnl wiik In the ceiiic* lery there, Mr. Kurfcc.s. ii r.nlive of Oiivtu County, (lleii Sunday murnlnu nl his honu) In Louisville. Ky. He .suffered a heart attack ten <)ays prior to his drnth. Mr. Kurfee.s fuuiuled the 3. F. Kurfee.H Paint Cunipnny In 1B!I5 nt LouUvlIic. Prior to ihnt be Imdj worked with u Imidwnrc whole saler and the PeaLslec-Oaulbirl Pnlnt Connnny, before stnrtlnK bin own paint innnufacturlng busi- ne.ss. He Is survived by n son. Jnmc.s Prnncls Kurfee.s. Jr. ,uf Louisville, Ky.: an adopted dnu^htrr, Miss Alene Ctirvenrd of Lutilsvlllc, Ky.. two sister.s In law. Bfr.s. McOni-vey Kurfecs of LotiLsvllle and Mrs. John W. Kurfecs of Wlnston-Sn- 1cm. Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, 2/2/1956 .■ / D. stmrartj ■ lf°52?«JSS ®»0 teW-wheref I; ^ bo to Osbo^Sifflfi. W%! Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 8,1956 - Page 2 Richard Clingman Wood Takes Own Lite A Davie County prison camp guard for the paia .11 years was found shot to death In hit steep' ing quarters about lt:30 a. m.» to. day* Hie death was ruled a eui> ddft Dr. Heorr S, Anderson, acting Dayle County coroner, Invesd^ced^ the death of Rlchara Clingman Wood, 60, and found that the pri son .mard died of a selMnfltcted pistol wound. Mr. Wood was born In DavIe County, a son of Carter and Nancy HUl Wood. He married Miss Kathleen Wood, who died in 1929, Surviving iarc one son, a daugh ter, a sister* and two brothers. Funeral services were conducted at 2:30 p. m., Thursday at Wesley Chaoel Methodist Church by Rev* I. W. Hoyle and Rev. George Smith. Burial was in the churdi cemetery. DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 8,1956 - Page 3 Clay. Foster HetiryCiav Foiter. 57. s^ of the late Mr. and Mrs. Johrt U Foster, of Coun v Une, died Thnrsdav In a SiatesvUle hos|d^» following a stroke o h. Tuefday night. Mr. Foster wjw a native of Davie County and spent m^ost of his life In the county. He h^d" been with a Baltimore Construe- tion company for soine titne. Surdving are his wife, one bro ther* Jack Foster, and a slst^ Miss Mary Foster. • Funeral servlcea were held at Salem Methodist Church at 2 p. m. Sunday, with Rev. Rol>«« Oshley officiating and the bodyjsid to res^jnrtiedujr^cemetctv. P; H. Stewart Feb^ lit at the Veterans Ad^i- •trallon Hospita* at Murfreeaboro, Tcfin., where he had b^n a pati* ent for aeveral yeatf Mr. Stewart was bofn In. Davir County, son of Colonel lacob and Pannle DuUn Stewart. n Surviving arc one brodter, Ro* ser D. Stcwarn and five sUce^ Mrs. H. W. Collins. Mrs. I p. Yoeng.' Mn. A. H. Fyne. Mrs. Hoyt Poston >nd "Miss Marjorle Stewart. Funeral services were held at Eaton Funeral Home at 2:30 p, m., Fndav. Rev. J.P Daqisofficiated. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. -.I'it-.i P. iRirfees ji P K^eci»te, naUveofCkvi® County died at Ita. hi:, Jan. 29ch at his home In Loulsvdl^ Ky» He had been in comparately good health, .and diedunexpMted<> ly after sufierihg a hemcrrhage Mr. Kurfees founded the J. F. Paint Company In 1895 ac Louis- villc. Prior CO that he had work ed with ft hardwtre wholesaler and the Peaalee^ulbert . Point Company, before starring bis own pftiiit manuficturioR bnsincs^ • | He is survived by ft son, jjainra Frances Kiitfeei, IrV of louisvUle* Ky;, ;ftft adopted jlaughm, Mist AUeen Kurfees of Lotiis^^ Ky., two sitterfdn-law* Mrs. McGanw, Kurfeee of Loubville ftnd Mts John W. Rutfces of WinetooiSft* lem. _■Puneral services wen held at 11a. m., Tuesday at the Camel StreetChurch of Chr St, Loulaville* Bu-lal was to ft cemetery there. Bio - Obituaries - 2/8/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 9,1956 - Page 4 Former Davie Co. Mitfi Killed In Baltimore, Md. L. W. l>unn of Bnltlinorc. Md., formerly of Dnvic Countyt. wna killed til A bul1do7.cr accident there, luncrfll sci'vicea \vcrc Inat week. Surviving nre his inothor. for merly of DavIc County, Mrs. Clnra Dunn: n .step son of BnUlmore. Kenneth Iniivnm: nnd « atcp- daughtcr of Dnvle County, Mra. Leonard Mnrklln. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 9,1956 - Page 6 P. H. MTKWART, 5R runeral .services for PhlUii) H. Blcwnrt. RB. of Mocksvltlc. were held Frldny nt the Enton Fnnernl Home. The Rev. J. P. Dnvls of ficiated. BuiinI WAS in Rose Cemetery. Mr. StcwAi't. A vetornn ot World War I. died Feb. 1. nt the Vctcr- nns Administration HospUnl at Murfrccsboro. Temi., where he hnd been n pntlenl for several ycnr.<i, Mr. Stcwnrt was born In Dnvle County March 11. 1807. son of Colonel Jacob nnd Fannle Dulln fltcwnrt. Surviving arc one brother, Rog- rr D.. Stewart; ni/d five sIstcrK. Mr.s. H. W. ColllnM. Mrs. J. O. Young. Mr.H. A. H. Fyne, Mrs. Hoy i Postun nnd Miss Mnrjorle 6tew-| art. W. J, U'lLI'ONCf, 43 Funeral Hcrvlcca for William J. Wllfong, 43, of Richmond, Va„ nnd a native of Cntawbn Coun ty, were held Tuesday at the Ornce Reformed Church near Newton. *. Mr. Wilfong. who built and op erated the DavIc Freezer Locker here (or several years, died while nttcndinu a iintes meeting In Co lumbus. Ohio. He was representa tive far Allls - Clialmcrs Comimny. \ with hendnUnrtcrs in Richmond. Va. Born In Catnvvba County, he was a son of the lute J. Bhuford nnd Roberta Coulter Wllfong- A Const Ouurd veteran, he hnd been with the aIiIs Chalmers Company the last six years, since leaving the trcezcr locker business in Mocks- vUic. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Helen Smith Wllfong of Ashe- boro: three brothers nnd thix*c sis- I tei's. IIENRV CL.%V FOSTER, SB Funeral services for Henry Clay j Ko.Htcr. AO. were held Sunday after, j noun nt the Snlcm Methodist 'church. The Rev, Robert Cakloy oinclatcd. Burial was In the church; cemetery. Mr. Foster, a fnrmci' nnd con- KlrueUon .superintendent, died last Thursday morning In a Statcsvlllc hospital following a critical ill ness of one day. He had been In poor health since October, .and had been a patient nt the hospital a number of limes since then. He WHS a fonncr owner-operat or of BInckwcii Farms with his brother, the late Robert Fo.stcr. More recently he had been nsso- elated with the Lagcnfcldcr Con- Hinictlon Company In Bnlltmorc. Maryland. t M<*. rosier was a native of the; County line community in Da vie | County. He was born Dec. 38. 1B8».] the son of ti)c late Joint L. nnd | Augusta Blackwoll Foster. He grew up on his father's farm, llicn entered the construction nnd mining bii.slness for a numlter of years, working throughout the Northeastern states. After his brother's death In 1018 he re turned to the homepincc nnd with his brother. Robert Foster. o|)cr- iitcd the farm until his brother's death'in 1353. He then returned to the construction business in Bnilimovc. Surviving arc his wlf;\ Mrs. Dorothea Olrts Foster; one broth er. H. Foster of Mocksvllle, Rt. 1. nnd onc.slstcr. MI.h-s Mary Pos- ler of Muck.svlhc. Route 1. Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 9,1956 - Page 6 iOIIN T. Hlbl^ lift Fuii'^ral Mcrviecn foi- John Thom as Hill. 80. Of Mocksvlllc. Route S. were held Wednesday afternoon at the WcNicy Chanel Methodist Church. Tlte Rev. J. W. Hcylc. the Rev. ^Eugene Qoodman and the Rev. Mr. Carlton were In chaiRe Burial was In the church ceme tery. Mr. Hill, a rcthx'd farmer, died Monday at bis home. He had been in dccllnlnv health for 'several montlis and .seriously 111 one day. Mr. Hill was first married lo Miss Snlllc Parker. She died in 1030. He later married Miss Snllle Foster. Bui'vivlmr arc his wife: two sis ters. Mrs. Mary Bet Munday and Miss Emma Hill, both of Ad vance. Route 2: ohd a number'of nlects and ncphcwB. Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 15,1956 - Page 3 '• to^Tlimiias Modci*. at hbmei'tjiepn.infdS^nlfig IimI^ maey^'fi^^iin^ kniAf llljm V'-*' .;\ "• ■•• : Mr. ra vwiiMitf ^^ M ' lA•1990»' ^\litl«inatttodM£nSiii^ :.'irk' V •' ••'V'^V-- •'i*; ''v'' Surviv^ mti^.Mff^'M^.Bet. MundaV' mdMitt Edim^ jHllt of Advan^ Route % «<M i=iiimite 'cf nteon•ad iiii^ibWi.-";' ■. Fluaenl.setvkM'^wcK. ooii<hid*cd.i^Z P..IIL; Wcdo«fd«v at Wb-ley Chapri Maikodlat Cbv^ byRevt'l W.'ilDyie, Rav.n^unie Goddam.and: Rw*- Mr* Ctwott.Borial wMlii the dwrch ceindi^. Bio - Obituaries - 2/15/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 16,1956 - Page 5 MK.4. KIIIKt. WII.MAMH. 47 | FunernI Ktrvlccs for Min. Ethel Mno Wlllliun.s. 47. wife of ttmule. WIIUiiniH of CtJoleiMueo, were held WcditPiidD.v nl thit North Coolee-j nae Bnpll.sl Chtinh. Tl^e nev.l K. L .VVnller.s nnd the Ih'v. II. W. Pfirker olllcliitid. Diirlal was !n Ihe Nurlh Cooleemue ocmcti-vy. I Mrs, WlllhiiUM dl.'d Feburoryj 13 nftcr Mifierlii!; » lu'iirt itttncU tit her home. * tVfdmiiiK wuK oorn .vr.iy ::.i hfOH. In I>nvie Cminly. dinmhlcr of John iind Mory lioket* Dyson. She K|H-nt most of her lift* In C'noire* mec oncl was married t«i Junnle WiUinniB who survives. AIm) surviving: tnv sis nons. Ab bert and Clyde Williams of Hlt'h Point. Ctcl. Elijah nnd Franhlc WUUnmsflf Coolecmev. John Henry Wllllnms of Salisbury: four arand- (chlldfcu; iwo Mstevs. Mrs. 4. R.| « Howard of Snll-sbtirv and Mr.s. J, I''.| \V1 (inm.s of Conleemec: bnd iwo hrothv.s. Jake Dyson of Salisbury! and JviUn Dysun of Cooleeineu. n nVVVH I.. FitVF. 71 Puneral services for itufus L. Frye. 71. t»f Mucksvllle were h«dd| Widnesday afternoon at the First. HresbyUrltin Church. The Rev.i Haul Rlcliurds olllclnted. Burial was In .lopjtn Cemetery. Mr. Frye died nl B:20 p.m.. Mon day at lil.'i humc on the Yndklnvllle j Klehway nftcr snfrerinu n heart; attack. He was born Septembrr 34. IHO.'i. In Dttvle County, son of Jnmus A. and Lnfuir/u Barnuycastle Frye. > For the pniil 43'.vcnr.s lie ivn.s. einptu.vud by ihe Snnford .Motorj Co.. C. C. Snnford and' Sons Cu..| imdlb^JSanturcLtAliuiclDXauumny^ He was a member of the Mocks*! vdle Masonic Lodcc and for many> year.H served us fire chief of the I local fire department.' ' He was married to Miss Mabic Cnrlwrlitht who survives. .Mso. surviving are thu-c sons. Ralph E.I Prye of the U. S. Army. .lainrH V. Prye of Mocksvllk^ Norrls Frye .»f Winston - Sniem: five ^rnnd-! chlldrrn: and one brother. Joel Prye of MocUsvlllc.. 1 15io - Obituaries -2/16/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 22, 1956 - Page 2 P. S. Stroud PhfUlp Stroud) 49, farmer and miller of County Line, died at hit home Thursday. He suffered a heart attack at 11 p. m., Wed> nesday. Mr. Stroud was born in Davie County, Dec. 20,1906, son of J. M. and Daisy H. Stroud. Surviving are the widow, two sons, Wa ne Stroud of Harm.tny. Route i» and Dudley Stroud of the home; one daughter, Shelby lean Stroud of the home; his mother two half sisters, Mrs. \V. F. Keller of Mocksvlile and Mrs. W. W. Ctendenin of Greensboro; one half brother, three brothers, Guy and Sam Stroud of Harmony, Route 1. and Paul Stroud of Motdtsvilie, Route 1,' and one grandchild. Funeral services we.e held at 3 p. m., Saturday at Society Baptist Church. Riv. WadeD Hticchens and Rev. Ervln Wallace ofhciaUNi. Burial woB In the church ceine ery. Rtthts L, Frye Rufus L Frye, 71, died a i 6:30 p. m,. Feb. 13th, at his home here after suffering a heart attack. Mr. Frve was born Sept. 24di. 1885 in Davie County, son of Jam'es A. and Lsfr*nM Bainey casilc FrvC) For tbe past 43 vesrs he was employed by Sanford Motor C. C. Sanford Sons Co., and San* ford Mando Electric Co. He was a member of MocksvHIe Masonic Lodge. He was married to Mlts Mable Cariwrlght who survives. A'lo •urviving arc th ee sons, Ralph I.. Fiyv' of the U S. Army. James V. Frye of MocksviFc, Norris Frye of Win ton Salem, 6ve grandchild ren: and o.te brother, foe Frye of Moc|uviUe. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m., Wcdnesdav «r Mncksqille Pretfairtefial Church, Rev. Paul Richards officiated. Burial was In loppa Cemetery with Masonic rites. Pallbcarerf were C. H. Tomlin* son, Rufus' Sanford. Gaither San ford; Atlse Sflboot tiwreneelrvia andBUlWUBM^ Bio - Obituaries - 2/22/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday* February 22, 1956 - Page 3 ^R^^l..Wookn -Rev. Chirie* 1. Wboten. 89, of Lvfofd, Tex, R iiitivc of Yadkli* Countv. died Wednesday mom* Icig Rt.hts home in Lyford. He had bm ill for sometime. '^ Rev. Mr. Wooten, a Friends minister, spent most of her early life .In Yadkin and'moved to Oklahoma In 1900 as a missionary to Indians. He retired and mov' ed to Texas 20 years ago. • He wtM maaicd Nov. 21, 1686. to Martha I. Hobson. She died In I9H ' • ; . Survlidng are an adopted son, Oiville Wooten of Ganads, a sister Mrs^ T. Lee Normnh of East Bend; a half lister, Mrs, Frank Hendrix of MocksvHIe; and a half brodier, T. A. Van^t of Mocksvllle, Funeral services were conduct ed at 2 p. Sunday at Porbuah Friends Church In Ysdkln Gouci- Cy. ^ Rev. Claude Hcbson. Bu rial was in the church cemetery. ;In the 'death of Mr. Wooten The Record editor has lost one of his oldest and best friends. We •hallimiss hti friendlyvislts to our office where he always came when In from the west visiting his rela tives.' For SO.veacB he has read bur pai^ and has^ told us many timM now tmich he enjoyed it. A high-toned Christian gentleman, he spent many years preaching to the Indians In OkUlwma. He is at peace.'• Mrs. Mel Willienu Mrs. Ethel Mae'Wijltame,'47, wife of Juniile Williams of Coo- leeroee. died Feb. 13th after suf fering a heart attack at her home. Mrs. Williams was botn May 2* 1908, in Davie County, dau;diter of John and Maty Buker. Dyson, She spent most of her life in Coo- lecmcc and was married to lunnie Williams who survives. Also surviving are six sons, four (our arandchildren: two sisters, and two brothers. Funeral services were conducted at 4 p. m.« Wednesday at North COoleemce Baptist Church b v Rev. H. L. Walters and Rev. H. W. Parker. Burial was in North Cooleemee Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/22/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 22, 1956 —Page 3 Mrs. R. 5, Powell Mr*.Luli J;.Powell* 81* died Wediieedev at her home* Modca* vllle* Route 1* afier a toi^ Ulnata. She wiu the widow of Roherteoo Powell. Mrt. Powell wae bom in Davie County; daughter of Thomee and N iney KurfeeePenrjr. Surviving are three font* L. R*. Haywood and Harold Powell* ot Mockiyille* Roiice 1; four dau^dt' tert* Kfre. T. P. Dwlo^ns of MocktviUe* Mr#. Walter r. Ander •on of Rtilelgh. Mr*. W. Buma Eikens of Spencer, and MIm Gco^ gla Powell of the home; 11 grand* ^lldrcn; five grcat-gran fchildren; and two aUters, Mrs. J. L. Clod> felter of Richmond* Va.* and Mrs* W. T. Gowans, of D.tvton* CHtlo. pufieral aervice* were held at 11 a* m • Saturday at the Home. Rev. Rt^erC Oakley ofiSidated.* Burial was in Center- Methodist Church Ci-metery. Afrs. h. LSheltoni ' Mni. lidna Jane Shelton* 85, of I Mocks^e, Route 5* widow of H*| L. Shelton* died last Wednesday' In a Wlnston*Salem hoai>Jtol. She had been ill 35 davi^ . ' ' I Mrs, Shelton was bom In Davie County. She was a lifelong mam«i berofWetlcv Chapd Methodist Church. . . I She w;>« married to Mr. Shelton I Mareh 20* 1888. He died on March 18. 1910. . She is stirvived by .llve aotia* W. A.* L; -S. and Toe Sheltim of Moeksville, Route 2,1. D. Shelton of Moeksville* Route 5, and Dr. La^y R. Shelton of Winstoti'Sa* lem; three daughceia, Mra. A. D lUchle of Moeksville. Mrs. O.^ A. Layman of Mockn^lle, Route 5* and Mrs. R. C. .Wnght of Truro. lowit 22 grandchildred and 24 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct* ed ai 3 p. in., Thursday at Wesley Chapel Methodist Church bv Key. J, WTHoyle. Rev. W. T. Bassett* and Rev. fohnOkley. Buiial was In the chut^ cmietcry. . Bio - Obituaries — 2/22/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 23,1956 - Page 5 CluirloM Odom. 7.1. fntlior of AtrsJ Cemtrt Blackvvcldor. died l-'rlduy ovvnlntt nt his home In Macau. Oa. Mr. Odom had been slr.k (or (ivo years, crltlcnlly 111 the imst year. Survivors are: his wife: two dnuishtcrs. Mrs. Ounild Black'1 wilder and Mrs. Harry Atkin.son' D( Mncon. fimcnil services Aerc Iteld fli Hart Fnnerni Home In Macon. Dui-lal was lii Culnmhiifl. Oa. MHA. II. I.. MIIKI.TON. PMncml servlce.H fm- Mrs. Edna Jaiie Shelton. flit, of Mock.svllie.| nt. 5. widow of H. L. Shelton,] were held la.sc Thursday at. the I Wesley chapel Methodist Church. The Rev. J. W. Hoyle, the Rev. W. T. Bassett. and the Rev. John Oakley, olhelated. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Shelton died Pebmiiry 15 In a 'Wln.ston • Salem. Ho.s)>ltal .She had been 111 for 115 days. .Mrs, Shelton tyas born In Davie County, the dniuthter of William L. and Nancy Cuthrell Dlxon. She was a llfetonu member oT Wesley Cha|)cl Methodist Church. She wa.s married to'Mr. Shelton Maifh 20. IRHO. He died on March in. 1010. She Ik mtrvlved by (Ive son.s, W. A., L. 8. and Joe Shelton of Mock.svllle. Route 2. J. U. Shelton of MockHVlllo. Route 6, and Dr. Lnccy R. Shelton of Winslon'Sn* km: three dnuyhiers. Mr.s. A. D. Richie of Mocksvllle, Mr.n. O. A. La.vnion of Mocksvllle. Route'5, md iMv.s. n. C. Wiiwht of Truro. town: 22 iirnnd children nnd 24 2veat*urniulchildren. I>llll.l.tt* S. ^TROltn. 49 Punernl .services for Phlllln S. Strand. 40. 'farmer and miller of the County Line iwctton of Davle County, were held Saturday af ternoon nt the SocUty Baptist Church. The Rev. Wade D. Hut- .•hlna, and the Rev. £rwln Wall- icc uniclated. Burial was in the hurch cemeter>'. Mr. Strom|_dlt'dji.t hUs home on Harmony, Route T. February 19. iftor Hufferlnu a heart attack. Mr. Slroud was born In. Davle County. U(-c. 20. IhOO, .son of J. M. and Daisy H. Stroud. SurvWIuu are the widow. Mrs. Vluttle Newman Stroud: two u)ns. •Vayne Stroud of Harmony. Rt. 1, and Dudley Stroud of the home: one daughter. Shelby Jean Stroud of the home: his mother, two half sisters. Miti. W. F. Keller of V1«)ckKvlllc and Mr.s. W. W. Clen- lenln of Orcensburo: one half lAoihcr. W. B. Stroud of Cleve land, Route 1: three brothers. Quy md Sam Stroud of Harmony. Ht. I: nnd P-.iul Stroud of Mucks* vine. Route 1: and one urand- child. MRS. RORCRHON FOWKLL. SI Ftmeral sservlces (or Mrs. LulaJ Fenry Powell, of MockNvllle, Rt. 1. were held Saturday morning at the home. The Rev. Robert Oak ley olllclnted. Burial was In the Center Methodist Church Ceme tery. Mrs. Powell, the widow of Rob- i r.son Powen. died nt her home on February !5. after n loni,' lllneiu. Mrs. Powell was born In Davle Coimt.v. daughter of Thomas nnd Nancy Kurfees Pem-y. She wqh luanied to Mr. Powell Sept. 8. 1895. He died Nov. 25. 194B. SurvivluK are Ihive sons. L. R.. Ilaywood nnd Harold Powell, -ill of Mocksvlllc. Rt. I: four daugh ters. Mrs. T. P. pwigghis of Mocksvlllc. Mr.<i. Walter F. Ander- .son of Raleigh. Mr.s. W. Burns El- kens of SjK'ncer. and Mis.H Oeomin Powell of the huiue: 11 ftrnnd- children: five greatgrnndchlldren: nnd two sisters. Mr.s. J. L. Clod- felter of Richmond, Vn.. and Mrs. W. T. Oownns of Dayton. Ohio. Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 29,1956 - Page 2 Mrs.J, 6. Messick |. Mn. FannleMe««lckr76,of^o* leemee died Wednctday In • Sa lisburv hcxpiu). She ha<| lived in Coolecihee for the put 46 vcart. H?r husband J. Oliver Mnsick, died May 30.1941* Mn. Measitk was a meimber of the Firtt ^pclst Church of Coo* leemee. Su vlvlng are four daughters, three sons, 'wo aliters, two broth ers. 16 grandchildren'and 17 great grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct- B^p 1st Church of Cooteeniee^b^ eJ at 3;30p. m.. FitJav in the First j^ev. Gerald Naylor, • Bio — Obituaries — 2/29/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 1,1956 - Page 2 t>. II. VOBK. 13 Fimemt servlcc.s for Mni. Marjr Hetith York. 12. widow of ttavld llcrbcrl York, weiv held TticKdoy at the Clarksbury. Methodist Church In Iredell County. The Rev. P:nii Lowder ond the Rev. W. Q. Orli;» ofllcliited. Rurlul wns ^ In the churth cehietei?. Mr.H. York died Pebruury 37 oi ' lur honu! 6n Avon Street In Mncko- vlUe. She won born In Ircilell County the diiUKliter of Snmuet and Bttruh Ann PoHler Henth, Siirvlvinu are two soiut, R. \\ York of Mocksvlllc and David Rex I York of UiK VemiK. Nev.: two dunulitei-M. Mik. Ben BowIch nnd Mrn. Howard Dunner. both of Mocksvltle: one brother. Henry Heath of Hannoiiy. Hi. I: two sLstem. Mi-s. R. Lee Cnmtdx'U and Mrn. AinoM York, both of Ifui inony. Itt. 1: Kuven grandchildren {ind one Breat-Krandchlld. Bio - Obituaries -3/1/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 7,1956 — Page 2 Mrs, D, H. York Mr». Mary Hrath York# 72i widow of David Herbert York, died at 6:50 a. m., Feb. 27(h at her home on Avon Street ' She wat bom in Iredei County, the daughter of Samuel and Saran Ann Foiter Heath. Surviving are two ion«, R. P» York of Mockavillc andD^vid Roc York (if Lai Vegai# NeV., two daughtera, Mra. Ben Bow es an i Mm. Howard Danner, both of Mockavilte: one brother.' Henrv Heath of Harmony# Route t; two aiitefa# Mra# R. Lee Campbell and Mra. Amoa York, both of Har- fttony.! Route 1, aeven arandchitd. rcn and one grcat-grandchitd. [ Funeral aervicca were conducted mi 2:30 p. oii.# Tucaday at CUrki- h^ry MethcNilac Churai in Iredcll County b? Rev. Paul Lowder and Rev# W# Q# Gfiipi. Burial wat in eemeeery. Bio — Obituaries - 3/7/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 8,1956 - Page 1 I 1 Local Soldier Is Killed In Wisconsin 1st Cl. Sitnon Vuloli'.H DnU ton. 20. son of Chni'trs E. nnd Euln Mho Hudson DaUou of Mocks* villo, Iloutc 4, vvns killed Ht 2 n.m. Miii-ch 2nd In tin nulotnobnc nc*i cidi-nl In Shcboyttiin. Wisennsln. | Il(< '.viis boni In Htuh Point Pcb.l 2.7. 1.027, iind iitnn-iod Mi.s.s Annul Furiner of Wllmlnslnn. Del. | Surviving nrc the wife of Wls*l consin; two son.s. Stinou DnUun,' Je. nnd Chnilcs Dntlon of the. home 111 Wisconsin: four dnuph* tei's. Nnticy. Dcbni. Cnrolyn Ann. Htul on Infnnt dnunlUcr: nine of the home: the pnrcnts. Mr. nnd Mrs. DnUou. of Mocksvlllc. Route 4: futir brolhcis. Paul. Amos nnd Jesse Dnlion. nil of Utah Point, nnd Joseph Daltun. of Orecnsboro; four Kj.stcr.s. Mrs. Knchcl Pcndry, Mrs. Rhodn Tlinrp nnd Mrs. Mary Lnmb. nil of Hich Point, nnd Mrs. Snrnh Bvltt. of Mocksvlllc. Route 4; and scvcml nieces nnd ncph», civ.s. ' 1 Pmtoni^ services were held Wed*' nesday at the Rcdlnnd Pcntecns- tnl HoUuc.hs Church. The Rev. Thomns T. LIn.sey and the Rev. Mr. Terrell oinclntcd. Budnl was In the Nnllnnnl Cemetery Snils* bury with full military rites at the kravesidc. Bio - Obituaries - 3/8/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 8,1956 - Page 5 J. I*. l..\Kr*MTON. 511 PuiU'ntl tici'vlcos (or Jiiine.H Phll- tlp 50. of Niiifolk. Vn.. were held Stitiduy afleiiwon nt the ^iilon'H nnptist Church. 'I'hc Rev. Witde Hutehln.s omcinted. Diirlnl wnfi In the church cvntclvry. Mr. Uin»«ton died nt U p.ni.. Thur.sdny In Norfolk. Vn.. of n 8clf-lnfi(ctid Kunshot wound. Mr. LnuKKton hud lived In Nur- folk for the puHt Mix years. He op> orated a rc.sinurnnt there nnd was n sali'sincn. He was the aon of Mrs. Mauule Lnnitston Lukvy of MocksvlHu. Route ft. Ik' wn.s born in Davle County.' 8ept. 2. 100'i„>(on of M. C. Lani:* Kton and MncKie Clodfelti'i- Lniui-^ Kton. ! Mr. Lnny.Hton was first married to Durina Martin of Hltth Point. { Surv'ivhu; by this union are dnee sons. Jliiunle Lan-p'ston of Port' Latiderdnlc. Fin.. Donald Lnnaston of Cluiiluiic and Kcnnetli Lnna' Kton of Hiah Point. Mr. Lnna.ston's .second mnrrlaKe. In 104:). was to MniTorct Early of Norflok. Sui-vivUr{ by Ihi.n union are two sons, Phillip Jr. ami Pat- lick, nnd one daut,'htcr. Judy, all of the home. Also .stirvlvint; are the mother. . Mr§. Lakey, of Mocksville. Route ft: two brothers. Roy LanRston and W. W. Laimstnn, both of Rt. ft. Moek.svlUc: and ftair arandchll* dren. Bio - Obituaries - 3/8/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 14, 1956 - Page 2 Mrs. C. N. Sprve . Mrs. C. N. Sprye* 55« unex* pectedly March 6th at her home In Cleveland, Rowan County, fol. lowing a heart attack, Mra, Spiye, the former MUs Beulah Mae Ridenhour» waa bom in Cooleemee, a daughter of Mr. and Mra, Sam Ridenhour. Survivora include her husband, the Rev. C, N*. Sprya, a Baptist minister; a son, Arnold Sprye of Dallas. Texas; a daughter Mrs* Fred Boat of Woodleaf; two sisters Mrs. Gladys Messlck of Coolee mee. and Mrs. Pauline Howard of Greensboro and two grandchildren Funeral services were held at 3;30p*m-, Wednesday ^ at Cleve^ land Baptist Church, with Rev.' A. T. Stroudenmire, ofiiciatlng. Burial was in Liberty Church cemetery. Mrs. tula. Beauchamp Mrs. Lula B. Beauchamp, 7S, of Che MockV Church community, died in the Davie County Hospi tal at U20 p. m. Thursday. n She was born in Forsyti) Coun ty July 13,1676. Prattically all her life had been spent in the Mock'iB Methodist Ghurch.' Surviving are six daughter, two tons. 12 grandchildren and- 12 great grand-children. Funertl services wen held at 2:30 p. ra. Saturday at Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church with Rev. Paul A. lones and Rev. L. A, Terrell officiating, and the body laid to rest in Advance Methodise Church cemetery. DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 14, 1956 - Page 3 S^.: Simon Dalton •Funeral services for Sgt. IC Simon ZetoteB%Dalcon, 29, son of Charles B^an'd Eula Mae Hudson Dalton of Mocksvllle, Route 4 were conducted at 4 tn., Mar^ 6th at the Redland Pentecostal Holinesa Church- Rev. Thomas T. lindsey 'and Rev, Mr. Terrell officiated. Burial in the National Cemetery at Salis* bury with full militarv rites at die graveside. ' Sgt' Dalton was killed Mar* 2diI in an automobile accident ht Wls* consin. . Bio - Obituaries — 3/14/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 15,1956-Page 1 Fnmk Sanfonl Dies In llcmlcrsonvillc Minrrnl Kcrvlccs for Frank Son- ford. 81, wore luid WcdncMiny nt the Prr^bytcrinit Church In Hrn- dcrKonvlllr. The nfiV..\V. C. Coop er nrftclatcd. Mr. Sniiford pn.sjicd utwny on Monday, lie was n broth er U. B. Snnford and Mra. John J. Lnrcw of Mockavlhc. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 15, 1956 - Page 4 M"'-' SOT. sniON BALTON l^norat services were held on March Olh for Scrpcant First Class Simon Yeloles Dniton who was killed on March 3 In an luitomobile accident. Full mill- lary services were conducted at the anivu:;l<tc In the National Cemetery at Salisbury. Sat. Dalton was born in Hlah Point on February 37. 1927. He married Ml.s.s Anna Torlner of WilminKton. Delaware. He was In the Army for clirht years and i was stationed at Camp Haven. I WiscoiUiin. He \s' .survived by his wife: two sons, ChaiicN and Simon. Jr.: our dauchters, Carol, Nancy. Dtiiorah and Mac. all of She- bo.vi;an. Wisconsin, and who arc now muklin: their home In Mocksvllle. He l.s the .son of C. Dalton and Fula Mae Hudson Dalton uf Mnckhville. Uoutc 4. .Mra. Lula Beauehamp. 70 Funeral services for Mrs. Luin K. Bcnuchamp, 70, of the Mock Church commtndty were held Sat. urdny afternoon at the Redland Pentecostal HoIlnes.s Church. The flcv. Paul A. .lone.s and the Rev. L. A. Terrell oniclnlcd. Burial was In (he Advance Methodist Church cemetery. Mrs. Bcauchamp. ihe widow of Jerry Bcnuchamp. died Thursday In the Davie County Hospital. She had been In declining health for .some time and ciittcally lU for the pu.st week. She was born In Porsylh County July 13. 1H7U, dauphtcr of John' and Dolly Elizabeth Potts. Prac-, ticnlly all her life had been spent' In the Mocks community. She wn.s a member of Mocks MethodLst Church. Survlvtntj arc sh? dauRhlers, Ml-s-s Sally Biauchnmp of the home: Mr.s. J. L. Shock of Win- .sion-Salem, Mrs. J. L. Behlcr. of the homo. Mrs. J. A. Howard and Mrs. W. V. Keller, both of Mocks- ville. and Mr.s. Wilcy Wininm.s of Advance: two sons. E. B. Dcnu- champ of Mocksvilcl. Route 3 and R. .L. Boauclmmp of Hnnc.s; 12 Bio - Obituaries -3/15/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 22, 1956 — Page 5 .inHKi'ii It. liiinrKN. cs Kunrrnl Hcrvlecs I'oi- J(5si»s>h B.! TlUj;|irn. C5. of CuoU-i'mci*. woruj lulct Tlmi's<luy iifit'iitoon nt ihcj Conlornu'i' Clinch of Oiul by tlicj Rev. L. It. G;i;«.s»\vii.v. Btiiiitl vvti.H] In the Turnniiiic Itaiitlts Church Comelejy. Mr. TUtupi-n (U.'d Miirrli Uih ii the homo of Roy llolhird in Cool- ccnico where hy hiul imidc his liome for thy i»»st two ycm-.-t. He hnd been n Davic Coii:it,v rrsldciu for the i»tisi 20 yenr.s nnd WHS II rolt-e<l loxiUe workor. Ho wn.s born Oct. Kb 1H90 In' WmsHW. Ho WHS n v« tfi'iin of World Wnr I, scrvhij: ovorstM.s wUh the U. S. Army. He Is sm-vlvid by one 5l.ilcr. Mrs. Chnrlo.H SirtcUlnnd of Plorldn. I JOHN W. TAYI.OK. 8:i I Ovnve^lde k m vIooji for John W., Ta.vlor. Hi. of Mocfcivllle. Ft(uu?| 3. were liohl Tlunscln.v nt the Smith Grove Methodist Clutrcli Cemcter.v, Mr. Tnylor died on Miirch U In ■I Mnrttnnton hn.sitlml. He wH.s born Mnrvh 0. 11173. In Unvle Comity, u son of Wnlicr r.nd lane Foole Taylor. Mr. Tiiylor wns n rollred farm- ;r iind was n mrmber of the Smith Grove MelhotilHt Church. SnrvlvlnM Is one .sliter. M!s.s Sol* lie B. Tnylor of Davie County. W. .\. tlVI-lNCOOl). 71 Fimernl .services for wnUam Ale.Mindcr lilvomtood. 71. of Ad vance. Route 2. wore held Suiur- dny nt the Fork napllst Church. The Rev. A. M. Kl.sor. the Hcv. E. W. Turiu-r nnd the Rev. Wnde Hnlchcn.s olllciatod. Ilmial was in Hie church cemetery. Mr. Llvenuood died Mnrch 15 nt his luune. after an lihicsH of, Kcvcrnl weeks. Mr. Livetmood was born In DavIc County Oct. 30. i:h!4. son of Jnme.s and Ann Jarvls Livcnimnd. He wn.s n farmer nnd .sprnt most of hl.s life In the Fork Chureli commun- 11 y. He was mnrrlvd to Miss Jc.sslo Ell74ilKrih run-est In laoo.SnrvlvlAtJ nre the widow: fourj dnukhtcrs. Mis. J. W. Smith of .^dvnllec. Rl. 2. Mrs. J. W. Spt-er of Wlii.iton • Sal-ni. Mrs. Dorothy ICoont/. of U'xhutlon and Mr.s. Bud Vnrborouyh of l.e.shuiton. Rl. 7: I throe .sons. AIon and Jltp Liven- Hood of !.e:;lni:ton. Rome 5. and Odell Livenjtnod of Advnnce. fit. 2: thirty itrnndchlldrcn: 14 'srent- cvandcliltdrcn: three brotlur. A. N.. J. M.. and Erne.si I.lvcmtood. I nil of Advance. Rt. 2: nnd one . .sister. Mrs. Emma Carter of Hlah i Point. 1. Bio - Obituaries — 3/22/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 28,1956 - Page 2 Owen Infant The tw04ay>old son of Chait^c PrankHn arid Peart Grufab Owen* of Mocksville, Route 2, died Mar. 13 In. the Davie Countv HospftaL In addition to the parenta, aur* vivora Include a hotfbrothcr* las. Spufgeon Gosai thr c half-ilateft, Mrm Nathan Stnlthi of Mjcksvillei Route 3i Rebecca Ann and Annie Ruth Ooflt, of the home,' the ma. ternal. grandmothert Nlra. Sallie Grublit Route 3, l.tfxington, and die paternal grandparents, Mr* and Mrs, Joe V. Owen, Route 3 Moctctville. Gravesfdj aerv c.*s were held at II a. m. on March 14th, at Smith Grove Methodist Church with Rev. Georpe Smith oSkiadng and {the body laid to rest in thechurcb Bio - Obituaries - 3/28/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 29,1956 - Page 6 Mt8» BURLIE WEANT. ?0 Funeral ficrvtccA for Mlsn Burlle Miiy Wcnnt of the Knrdlson com> rnunilv. MockitvlHc, Route 1. were held V/ediicsdny nt the PlrAt Mcth* ndlRi Church. The Rev. W. Q. Orlt.'K ofllclnlcd. Burin) wns in the Clic.slmil Hill Cemetery nt SnIlH* bury. Wcnnt died March 20th. She wn.«t 70 ycnrs old. She hnd been In dccllnlns hcnith for nuvcrnl inonthii. She wns born April 27. 1077. in Dnvic County, the dnURhtcr of Willlnm nnd Jobuphlnc Cnmpbcll Wcnnt. MIsh Wennt Is nurvlvcd by two Klnlcrn. Mrn. P. H. Brown of MocknvHlc. Route 4. nnd Mrn. Ad* die Wennt Ford of Mocknvlllc. U'lLEV C. IIOWARB. 01 Ftincrnl twiTlccn for Wiley C. Howard. 01. were held WcdncHdny nt the Smith Gmve Methodist. Church. The Rev. OeorKe Smith, the Rev. H. C. Cllnord. nnd the Rev. Mr. Wilson ofTlclntcd. Burlnl wns In the church ccmctcr.v. Mr. Hflwnrd died March 26tli_ 111 tlic home. 002 Went Cleminonn* vllte Rond. Winston • fialcin. He' hod been In decllnliiff hcnith for several months nnd scrlouNly )11{ the pnflt two weeks. j He wnn born Feb. 21. 1665, In Dnvic County, the non of Willlnm nnd Charlotte Wnlkcr Howard. In 1800 he ninrricd MIm MaBRle Bni-neycnnttc. who nui-vlvcn. Cnlll Hcvcn ycnrs npo. he wn# n Dnvic County farmer. At thnt time he retired nnd moved to Forsyth County. He was o member of Mocks MctUodlat Church. In addition to his wife, other survivors Inuludc two sons. Willie A. Hownrd of ThomAsvlHc nnd Ocoruc Hownrd of Advance. Rt. i: five daughters. Mrn. L. B. Mock. Mrs. B. 8. Orrell, Mrn. E. O. Bcnu* chnmp. nil of Wlnstoii'Snlcin. Mrs. V. C. Krilcs of 002 West Clem* monsvlllc Rond. Winston*8nlcm. and Mrr. J. A. Cnllnhen of Fort Knox. Ky.. 31 urnndclilldrcn nnd 17 Ri'cat-Brandchlldrcn. Bio - Obituaries - 3/29/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 4,1956 — Page 3 James M, Jordan Tames Monre Jordan^ 68» of Mocksville, Roncei.*dled Wednea* dayatDavieJCountv Hoipialhece. He had been in declining healcb several ve^ and in a critical con« didon three weeeks. Mr. Tordan' was bom In Davie County March 30dK ]^7' He was married twics, first to Miss Sarah M. Handlne who died In 1914* He. was married in 1915 to Miss Bettv Bell StonestreeC, -She dl^lnim. Surviving are a son of the first marriage* W. D. Tordan of Mocks* vUle* Rooc6 2; and seven grands children* Funeral aervlces were held at 2:30 p. m. Friday at Union Chap el Methodist Church with Rey« D« D. Broome and Rev. Wade Hutch- eoi officiating and the body laid to rest in the church cemeterv*' Bio - Obituaries - 4/4/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday April 5,1956 - Page 6 MRS. R. N. LEACH. 3? Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Ethel Lcnch. 37. of Mockfivlllc, Rt. .7. were held Ttic.sday iiioinlnK at the Cnrnttt/.cr BnptlHt Cliiirch. The Rev. Euttcnu Ooodinnn. Ihu Rev. Oilincr Dimn. the Rev. Tumiuy riynn and the Rev. Jim my Oi'uce oflicialrd. Gurinl was in the Rose Cemetery. MockHVillc. She had been in ill health for four months and 8crlou.sly 111 for the past two days. She wan the daughter of James Oscar and Sarah Reynolds Tay lor. and was married to Roy Nor man heach. Surviving are her htisband: iwo dauKhters, Carolyn Murray ofj Clarcmont. Rt. 1. and Miss Sarah Loach of the home: two sons. Roy Leach. Jr.. and Louis Leach of vhc hojuc: her fatlicr and mother: two brothpr.H. Roy Taylor of Mockn- vllle. Route 2. and Clyde Taylor ol Mocksvllle. Route 3; two iirand chlkhrn. \ Pallbcnrcr.s were Tom Turvcir- llne. Alton Howard, Charlie Will- lainn. Aaron Carter. Worth Potts and Ray Potts. R. 31. 3IARKI.AMK 62 Pimcml Rorvlcrs for Rufus Mcl- vln Markland. 62. a imilve of Davie County, and assistant to the prcni- drnt of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company, were held Mon day at the Frank A. Bycrly Fun- end Heine In Richmond. Va. A rcnldent of Richmond ."ilnce 1012. Mr. Markland died Satur day at the Medical Colleoe of Vir ginia Hospital in that city. Mr. Mniklaiid was born at Ad vance. Dnvic County, on Oct. 19. 1804, a son of Melvln and Delia Markland. Mr. Markland became associat ed with the Chc8ai>eAke and Ohio In 1012. He served In various clcr- Irnl cai)aclilc8. secretary to the Bcnernl ntnnnRcr. chief clerk to the executive vice president and assistant to the general fnnnagcr before becoming ns.sl8tnnt to the vice )>rcsldent In 1050. In lOlB he was marHed to 3!l33 Violet Shari) of Lady Fork. W. Va. She survlvr.8. Other survivors Include a sun, RufUH Melvln Markland. Jr.. of Fort Wayne, Ind. two grandchil dren: two nephews, Melvln Sheets of IBOO Robin Hood Road. Win ston • Salcin and Markland Carter jOf High Point.. CHARLIE L. CROTTS, 72 Futtcral services for Charlie Lee (Buddy) Crott.s. 72, of Mock.svlllc. iRl. 4. were held Monday ufter- jnnon at the Concord Methodist j Chttrch. The Rev. B. C. Adams and the Rev. Bobby RIdgc oindntcd. Bui'lnl was in the ciniicit ceme tery. Mr. Crults died of a heart at- lack March 31. He had been In dccllnlne licnlth for several month.s. Mr. Crotts was burn Jan. Ifl, 1304. the son of Robert and So- phia Sluiler Crotts. He munied Miss Amanda Hamilton who sur vives. Also surviving are a .sun. Eu- •:ene CrotLs. n grandchild, two brothers, Frank and C. H. Crott.s. and lluoc sisters, Mrs. W. P. Sc- chrcKl, Mrs. Fletcher Beck and Mrs. O, N, Safrlt. nil of Mocks- vlllc, Route 4. I miTi A. osrorm:. ao I Prel A. O.sbornc. 60. of Jnck.snn-i i vIUp. Pin., father of Mrs. Dexter B.vcrly of Mocksvillc. dlrd unrx- j iKctrrtlv In the Ht. Vincent's Has-1 pllnl In JncksonvlUe. Fla.. SaUir-! day nfirrnonn. He np]H!nrcd to bCi I h; good lirnlth unMl stricken a 'short time before his death. , I A nntlvp of High Point, he was formerly associated with his broth. |cr. G. A. Oshnvnc. In the painting n contracllna business. Five years ago he moved to Sanford. A y^arI ago he moved to Jncksanvlllc. Fla. I Smwlvlng arc hts wife. Mrs. Com nu'-nv; osb'-wnc or the home: one son, Snlmnan Osbornc of Jack sonville; three dnu[;hters. Mrs. Ada B.vcrly of Mockr.vllle: Mrs, Alloc Orccn of Otcnotn: and Mrs; Gladys Kupaupolls of Now York jClty: one .stepson. Robert Andor- '.son of Jaclwonvlllr: one biotljcr, E. A. Osbornc of Hlyh Point: one j sUler. Mrs. Nonnie Di.s.scll of ; Chapel Hill; and 14 gnindehlldrcn. ! I'uiwj'al .scrvicra were held Tues day afternoon at the South Main Street Mcthadlat Church lii High Point. Bio - Obituaries - 4/5/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday April 5,1956 - Page 6 MRS. ENOCH HEACCilAMP. 73 Fimcrnl services for Mrs. Lola Hilton Bcituchnmp, 73. of Advance, wei'c lield Wednesday afternoon at the Advance Methodist Ciiurch. The Rev. Hubert Cllnard and the Rev. Bobby Rlriyc ofTiclnted. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Beauchamp died April 2 In I he Daviu County Hospital after an illnc.s.H of several monil^s. ^tr.s. Beauchamp was born In Davic County June 20. lm^2^ the dauplitcr of John and Louise Me- I.'mniel Hilton. She wa.s a member of' Advance Mctiiodlst CImrch. Surviving arc five sons. Charlie P.. Robert J.. Luther H. and Ern est L .Rcnuchnmp. all of High Point .and Lester Beauchamp of Advance: fcnr dangiucr.s, Mr.s, i.lilHc lir.ldtM' of Advance. Mrs. lEmma Hcpc of Salisbury and Mrs. Julia 13r<»wn of Mnck.svUlc: two brolhcr.s. George Hllion of Sarnsotn. Fla.. and Ronald Hilton ol Advance: one .sister. Mr.s. Tin- tjle Dunn of Advance: 20 grand- children and four grcnt-granUchil- drcn. .fAMES 31. JOIUIAN. 83 Funeral .soiviccs fur Jnme.s Mon roe Jordan. Hd. of Mocksvllle. Rl. 2. were lirld Friday at the Union Chape! Mnthndisl CImrch. The Rev. D. D. Bruome and the Rev. Wade llntchvn.s oniciated. Burial was in Ihe church cemetery. n Mr. Jordan died March 2Hlh In the Davle Cotmty Hospital. He I had been in declining hcnlth s:v- h'lrl ycar.s and in a critical con- Idlilon for three weeks. I Ho was horn in Davlc ConsUy on (March 30. 1877. He was married ' twice, first to Miss S uah M. , Hnncilne wiiu died in 1014. II: was married in t!)15 to Miss Betty Bell Stoncstrcet. wlm died in 1048. I Surviving arc a son of the first marriage. W. D. Joidnn of Route 2. Mocksviilc: and seven grnnd- chiidren. Bio - Obituaries — 4/5/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 11,1956 - Page 2 Mrs, R, A. Leach Xira. Sarah Ethe) Leach. 37. died I A]prU lac at her home Mcdcaville, Route 3. She had been In ill health for four montha. \ f She was the daughter of lamea Oscar ani Sarah Reynolds Taylor and^was married to Roy Norman Leach. . , Surviving are her husband; two daaghfers. Caroline Murray -of. Claremont, Route 1 and Miss Sarah Leach of the home; two sons* Roy Leach, |r^ and Louis Leach of the homv; her father and mother; two brothers, Roy Taylor of Mocksville, Route 2 and Clyde Tavlor id Mo:k6*ille, Route 3; two grandchildren. Ptincral services were 'conduct* cd at U a. m., April 3rd at Cor* jnatzer Baptist Church by Rtv, j Eugene Goodman, Rev. Gilmer {Dunn, Rev. Tommy Flynn and - Rev« Jimmy Groce. Burial waa In RoicCcmmry. Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday April 12,1956 - Page 5 M«S. J. \X. ttKAL. 7.S rimoi'ul hi'ivUvs lor Mi-n. Nunn Ji' Let' HpuI. 711. of MnPlwvillc. Rt.' 4. Wi'Ve lu'hl Saiiinlny ni'lurnonn 111 till' OiiU'liniiin (.'reel: Unplist (Miureh with the Hev. Bobby | liidao- in etuiriu>. Durlul wits in tile Wiiltiluill Melhodl.Hi Church' (rrmetery In KniuiolDli County. Mrs, Ueal. widow of J. W. Bonl. (licit Atirll iitli in the Dnvie Coun ty IIo.s|)l(ul, Slie iuid lu'on in de- ciliilin: huittli fur several inonilis ninl in a crllUMl cniidlilon eleven (la.V.s. Mr.s. flejil was born In Surry County. Auiil In. 11177, diumhter of Cuslou and horelta Culler. She inuved liere from itanitolpli Coun ty five months aim lo lunlce liur home wliir a danaltler. Mrs. Ja- col) Myer.K. Hi r luu.bnnd died Jan. Ill, inrui. Survivlny ore two duuidilcr.s. Mrs. Jacob Myeis of Mocl:svi;li!. l:oulc 4. and Mrs. Des.sic S'.utt.s of Cro.':s City. Da.: four son.s. Louio r.eal of Advoiico. noule 1. Lonuie Ilriil of Winston - Sali'fn. WilHnm 1-:. lU'ai and .Taeob E. BrnI of Troy: lid m'aiutcidldren and lilt Lreul-r.randchlldrcn. •Iiiis. .loiiN ,\NiH;nsoN. i;u mieral s*:rvlce.s for Mrs. Minnie l.i'O Anderson. (l». of MoebsvlHe were helil Sainrday nl the Liber ty Baplist Church. The Rev. Al- bei'l ninelCLMi and Die llev. E. K. Woolen oMidiUcd. Burlnl wan in Hie cliurcli cemetery. Mi-s. Anderson, wife of Jo'.ui Anderson, died nt lier home une.s> ])i>cl.ed]y on April 6. She had boon in declining |icnUh for .sometime. Mrs. Anderson was burn in Yad- kilt County Jan. 20, IHOG. dauiih- tcr of Oiltss nnd Ida Woolen Rca- vi.s. She wa.s iimirled lo Mr. An- der.son Nov. 10. 1012. .Stii'vlvltm arc the husband: sev- , en dun^'hlers. Mr.s. O. Shore. Mrs. I'Vances Stauley. Mrs. Dclbert Uarpc and Mrs. Clyde Hendrix. all ol Mocksvillo. Mrs. Franklin Seat.s I of Vadkinvllle. Rt. 2. Mrs. Oer- ald Bnrniiardt of South Bend, Ind.. ' nnd Mr.s. Niekie Porter of Brock ton. Ma.ss.: two sons. John Burllc Ander.son of Mocksvillc. Route 4. *and Qeoi'de CiirlU Andei-son of Mock.svUic. Route 5: 2r> grnndchil- dreii: four creat • irrandchlldrcn: ''two brothers. W. A. RcnvU of I YfldkluvlIIe, Route 3.. nnd An drew Retivls of Mucksvitle. Rt. I; I ih'e .slslcis. Mi's. Floyd Joyner of Yndklnvlllu. Rt. 3. Mrs. Elvn Rcn- vls' of MocksvlUe. Rt. 6. Mr.s. Latin • Whilaker of Mocksvillc. Rt. .0. Mrs. John Wells of Ynd- liinville and Mrs, Edward Wells of Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries - 4/12/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday April 12,1956 - Page 5 i\, A. liOirR^fAV. Ali ! PunenU seivldos for Arlhur !aKui;^o Koncman. Sr.. 56. of Kin- .Mon. former resident of Wlnston- Snlcin. were cuiulucted n.s II a.m. , Wednesday at Pine Grove Meth- odi.st Church by tiie Rev. A. L. Chninhlee. Jr. Burial was In the rhurcii cemetery. The ho(Jy was brniurlU to Wln- .slon-Satcm and wa.s at Vo«lor*.s Chapel unin 10 a.m. Wednc.sriay 'wiicn It was taken to the cluircli to lie in state from to the 'funurai hour. Mr. llolienmn died Sttnday nl(tht nrier sutrering a heart attack at I his home in Kln.ston. lie wa.s burn in Forsyth County July '21. tlioo. a son of Nathan and Snmh Puolc Hollemnn. He had Uvvd In several cities in North and South Carolina, but for the past 14 years he had re.sldcd at Kln- ston witere he was cntptoycd as olhcc manager (or a roofing com pany. I Mr. Hollcman was a member of the Wacliovla Arbor Mornviiin Church. Winston-Snleni. I Mr. Hollemtin lived in ftfocks- I vlllc from 1022-192U during which 'time he organised tiic Davic Real Estate ni\d Loan Co.: was mayor of the town and eiiKhici of the I Southern Bank and Tiiist Co. I Sttrvlvlng arc his wife, the for- ; mcr Ellxnbeth Bnhnson of Farm- j intUon: two sons. A. A. HoUcm.m. I Jr. .of Winston - Snlcm and Lt. llemy Hollenmn of Jacksonville. Pla.; a daughter. Mrs. D. A. Wll- cox of Laytou. Utah; six grand children: two brothers, pr. T. E. HoUcmnn of Lewisville ond N. ShorWood*WIWlnnn of Dayiona Boaci^. Fla.: three slstcr.s. Mrs. A. I' Slgmoii and MiH.s Sadie Holle mnn of Winston . Salein and Mrs. Arthur Brady of Fort Lauderdale. Florida. ' Bio - Obituaries - 4/12/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY IVIOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday April 19,1956 - Page 6 9tRS. U. II. l«.^NItR. Hii runrrnl r.cr\ic.s for Mrs. Mary Lmiisc Lnidcr. 6(i. wife of Karrlsoii II. Lniiirr nf MockM'tllc. wrrc held \Vrfinr.'.dMy nl ihe hninc on Spriim i'MTrt.. The Rev. RolxTt Onkley. Ihe Rev. .1. P. Diivis. and Ihe Rev. W. Q. OrlKC. offh inlcd. Uiirlnl uns ill Rose Criuolcry. Mr.'*. Lfliiicr died nt her hoiiiu Sunday. She had been in declin ing hcfthh fnv one year. Mr«(. l4inicr wnt* born in Dnvie Comity. Oct. t. 1089. daughter of T. H. and Ainiimla Siimmcra Wall. She wa.4 married to Mr. Lanlor in lOfHI. She waa a mcinlMr of First McllHidl.it Cliurch. Rurvivins arc the Inisband: four Bona, Uonntc Lanicr of Jackiion, sUM., Jtilin H, bnnlcr of Pa8.sAic. N. J.. Harry II. Lanicr of Spcnccr and Robert P, Lanicr of Mocks- viUc: flK daughters. Mrs. A. C. Crnvcr and Mra. John D. Cravcr nf Wlnston-Siilcm, Mrs. H. B. Wil- lliiins of Stovnll. Mra. (lonrrt Strclman nf En."*! Bend. Mr.s. Thurmond Dvaugim (*f Mock.svillc and Mrs. Frank Kuontz of Mocks- villc: 29 Krandciilldrcn: scvrn frent srandchlldvcn: and tlirec brothcra. C. L. Wall of Mocksvillc. Route 2. Phillli) Wall of Union Orovc and W. E. Wall of Mocks villc. SANroitl) NAIL. 73 Puncrai services for Snnfifd Nail. 72. were iield Mundny at Oal: Grove Metiiodisl Ciuircli. Tile Rev. Robert Onkley and the Rev. G. W. rink oltlciuled. Durinl wn.s in tile cliurch cenielery. Nepli- ew's .served a.s palUjearer.s. Mr. Null died unexpectedly nl his home, Mocksvliie, Route 2. Siitiit'day. .April 14. He was workli'ig in his chicken Jot wiicn lie .suffered a licart at- lack. He died ju.st a few minutc.s later. Mr.-Nsitl wa.s born in Davle County on April 7, 1K84. a son of Philip and Betty Pcnnlntilon Nail. lie was a member of Oak Orove Methudi.st Churcii. Surviving are iii.s wife. Mrs. Maeglc Wellman Nail: .^ix half sisters. Mrs. Alice Hutcliens of Mocksvilio. Route 2. Mr.s. J. A. NesblL. Mrs. Jame.s Nosblc, Mrs. I.unn Qunry. and Mrs. Jniinle Rtis- .sell, all of Kannapolls. and Mr.s. I'eurl Bradley of Granite Falls: iwo iialf brother.s. Henry McDan- kl of Kunnapolis and Piuyd Mc- Daniel of Lexinaton. Rt. tf. I MRS. ALE.X JONES. 07 I Funeral services for Mrs. Hun- inah Bcrihn Jones. 07. of Advance, Route 2. widow of Alex Jonc.s, were held Tuc.sday at the Fork baptist Churcli. Tiic Rev. A. M. KIser. tiic Rev. W.ide Hutcliens, and tlie Rev. E. W. Turner offic iated. Burial was in tlic church cemetery. Mrs. Jones died Sunday nt the Bnvic> County Hospital after an illness uf two weeks. Mrs. Jones was born in Davie Cnimty. May 8. IttOH. daughter of If. M. and Hniinali Hcndrix Fos ter. Her husband died five years aim. SurvivinK arc sl.x sons. Clyde Junes of Mock.svillc*. Ri. 2, Fred. Douse. Wade. Ray and Mnynnrd Jonc.s. all of Advnncc. Route 2: four dmmliters. Mrs. Mnjor Dniley, Bio — Obituaries — 4/19/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 25,1956 - Page 3 Frank C* Jlifard Frank C^Ward. 78, a native of Farmington, but who haa been living in Iowa for inanv yeara, died April 12th at hii home ^in Marshalleown. ' Mr. Ward ii survived by two brothers, Grady N Ward, of this city and J« L. Wdrd, of Winston* Salcm; three sisters, Mrs. John C. jacnes, of Farmington, Mrs. E. P« Walker, Winstoo'Saleni, and Mrs, Camilla Armbuster, of Ralelj^, ^nd a son Robert Ward, of Den* ver, Colo. Funera] and burial ser^cea were held at Marshall* town, Iowa, April 15th.' Bio — Obituaries - 4/25/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday April 26,1956 - Page 5 MRS. NANNIK STKOItll. fit |«Fuiu>nd Kei vlccK for Mrs. Niinnlu Stvoud, 60, of tl)« So- ^ ly Uuptlsl Church cominuiilty. In «'u»t Iredrll County, were held Mondiiy at the Society IRaptiid Cfitirch. TIk* Rev. Wade HtilchciM. and the Rev. Brvln Wallace offic iated. Uurial was In the church ••.•nietery. I Mrs. Strotid died Saturday nf-' tt liumn at her home after three years of declining health and a month of Kcrlau.s.lllneHK.-- She Is survived by one sun. J. Harvey Stroud of the homo: tlirce brothers. Robert Stroud. Mneks- vlllti. Unulc 1. Diwld Stroud, Newj Havfi). Conn, and CUrtoii Stroud. Marlon. W. Va.: a sister. Mr.s. lUume Cartner of Cooluemoe and one Mrundchtld. Mis. Stroud was n life - Umis metithcr of Society DapllKt Church. IVBST. n:i Puntaal .services for Mr.s. Loul.se Rupurd West. 35. of MncksvUle. liuute were held Sunday,at the Purminuton Daplisi Church. The Itiiv. J, Cl. AUttoud, tliu Rev. J. C. SJiojv, and the Rev. C. E. Craw-j ford unicluted. Burial was In Iho chureli cemetery. Mr.s. We.st died Friday at the City Hospital In Winston - Salem ^Jler a serious Illness of four ^Boks. ^^fihe was born in YadUln County. | Oct. d. 1020. daughter of L. A. and Mary Wealhermun Riumrd. and had .spent most of her life In the l^'aiinlnitlon community. She was employed by the Western Electric Company in Winston-Sa- ** ti m. • In Jane of 1043, she was luar- rietl to Lathee W. We.st. who sur- vlve.s. Also .survlvhm are? a son. L. W.| We.si, Jr.. and n daughter, DeEtln West, both of the home: five brother.s, Shertill Rupnrd of Lewis-1 villa, Turner and Robcit Rupard of Siitte.svillc. Ollmoru Ruiinrd of | Lexlnaioii and Clarence Rupard of Moeksvllle: .six .sIsleiH. Mr.s. Ciemae Pilchur and Mi'S. Marvin (Mine of Mdck.svllie. Mrs. Andrew Mellon and Mrs. Huah Loflin of YudklnvtUe. Route 2. Mrs. Jack nines of Ruleluh and Mrs. Alvin Fulk of Mucksville. Route 5. Bio - Obituaries - 4/26/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 2,1956 - Page 2 C. L, i4llen G. L. Allen,*67,ofSa)Ubutvdied April 23rd,after a aerioua illntii ot eight months* A native af Davie County, Mr* Allen was bom May 18, 1889* son of the l ite Charlie and Leila Mil* ler Allen: He was Hucated In the Davie County Schools* n ' Surviving are the wife* Mrs. Lot« tie Shaver Allenf three brothers, and two sisters* Funeral setvices were held at 4 p. in*. Wednesday at the home, with Hev. Charles A. McGtrt and Rev. Sidney A. Gates officiating* Burial was In Rowan Memorial Park, Franklin. - DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 2,1956 - Page 3 Bhs* Nannie Strong MfsTNannie - EHxtbeth'Stroudr 60. of the Society Baptist Chutch community, dl^ at 2:30 a, imi April 2l8t at herhobie aftet three years of dededining healdi and a mondi's of serious IJlnefs. She is survived by- one son, J* Harvey Stroud«.of the home; three brothers, Robert Stroud, of Mocks- vill^ Routcjl, David. Stroud, .New Haven,Conn*, and Clifton Stroud, Marlon W. Va., and a sister, Mrs* Boone Cshner, Cooleemee and one g^ndchtid. n Mrs, Stroud was a life long mem ber of Sodety, Baptist Church, whete funeral setvices were con ducted at 2 pi m„ April 23 by Rev* Wade Hutdieosand'.Rev*. Brvin Wallace. Burial was In tfaediurch eeinetery,' Bio - Obituaries — 5/2/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday May 3,1956 - Page 1 David Charles Potts Is Killed In Collision Friday First Highway Fatality Occurs In Truck Crash Uavlc County's first tvofnc fa- tnlity of the year occurred here Into Friday when David Charlea Potts. 20. of Coolcemcc died of injuries sustained in a collision of two trucks about three houi-s ear- llcr. The accident happened at 3:30 p.m. on Route 64 east, a short dia- ^tance inside in the city limits, fotts died In Davie County Hos* Pital at 6:tS p.m. He sutTcrcd two broken vertebrae, a crushed chest, broken pelvis and other Internal injuries. Potts was a passenger in a l',i ton truck, owned by the Davie £lcetrlc Membership Corporation and driven by Sam L. Daniel. 3S, of Mocksvllle. Rt. 4. A third oc cupant was Tommy Shclton. of Advance. Rt. 1. The truck driven by Daniel headed cast, collided with a soft drink truck owned by Southeast ern Beverage Company and driv en my Kenneth Odell Hodge, 2t. of 017 Dean Street, Winston-8a- 1cm. going west. Daniel Boonc Hill. 30, of Winston-Balem was a pussengcr In the soft drink ve- liicle. Shelton was thrown clear of the wreck and was not Injured. Highway Patrolman A. W. Cox m'ho investigated, said the soft drink truck was following a car driven by Mrs. Anna Mae Owings. 40, of MockavUle. Route I. Mrs. Owlngt had algnalcd for a left turn to the driveway of her home, and hud drawn to a halt prior to mak ing the turn, the offlee said. When Hodge applied hia brakes the soft ■Ulnk truck skkMed tnto the left Hane and coiUded with the Daniel truck. The two rear wheels wore knocked off the latter vehicle. It left the road, cutting down a util ity pale and overturning on an em bankment. Patrolman Cox said Hodge had been charged with manslaughter and reckless driving. Potts was discharged from the Army at Ft. Bragg two weeks ogo and this week resumed employ ment with the Davie Electric Membership Corporation, with which he had been connected prior to entering military service. He was born Nov. 21, 1935, in Davie County, the son of Charles Franklin and Bessie Brown Potts. In October. 1955. he married Miss Phyllis Foster of Coolecmec. ond they had been making their home at Coolccmee following his discharge from the Army. Surviving, in addition to the wife, arc the parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Potts, of Mocksvllle. Rt. 5: two brothers, Junlc Franklin Putts. Mocksvllle. Route 5. and Roby Austin Potts, Harmony. Route 1: six sisters. Mrs. Travis York. Advance. Rt. l. Mrs. Thom as Johnson. Harmony. Rt. I. Mrs.Iciydc Ireland, yadklnvlUc. Rt. 3. Kirs. Paul Hendrix. Mocksvllle. Rt. 5. Mlsst Annie Belle Potts, Mocks vllle. Rt. 5. and Mrs. David Bogcr of Mocksvllle. Rt. 5. (hincral services were held Bun- day afternoon at the Bear Creek Uapllst Church. The Rev. W. C. Barklcy. the Rev. A. L. Walters, and the Rev. A. F. Blackburn of- riclnted. Burial was in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were fellow employees of the Davie Electric Mcmbcrslilp Corp. Bio - Obituaries - 5/3/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday May 3,1956 - Page 3 i Mra. Calvtsi BarneyoMtle. 7& Funeral sorvtces for Mrs. Aman* ,(io Hunter Barnoycastle. 19. wife of Calvin Barncycaatle of Mocks* ville, Route 5, were held Wednes* day at the chestnut Grove Meth odist Church. Mrs. Barneycastle died Monday at the home after a serious ill ness of five weeks. She had been 111 declining health for several years. Mrs. Barneycastle was born In Davle Coutny Nov. 0. 1881. daugh ter of Cliarlle and Catherine Booe Hunter. She spent her entire life In the Chestnut Orove Methodlts Church community and was a member of the church. Surviving are the husband: one son. Clinton Barneycastle of Rt 9, MockaviUe. Bio - Obituaries - 5/3/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 9,1956 - Page 2 Mrs. C Baraeycastle Mrs; Amsnda Huiicer Barney* icaBile. 75 wife of Citvin Bamcy* castle, died at 4;30 p. m., April 30, at the noms. MocksvUlc, Route, 5. after a ^cfious Ulnest of five weeks She had been in declining braicb several veara. Met, Bamevcasfle was bom in Davfe Countv« She spcoc her en* life life lu the Chennut Metho* dhc Church Commutiitv and was! \k member of the church. ! /' ShftAtdiig ate the hurbands one son;.'.. Qfnion Barnevcasile o f fMoocaviUe, Route 2, : '-Rmiiial services were held at 2sbO pi in-, .Wednesday at Oif«tnitt Rev. funny Gcoce oflMfatcd. Buiitl was in ^cbi AMNbcmetey* Bio - Obituaries - 5/9/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 16,1956 - Page 2 Miss M&e y/alker Miss Mae Walker* 61, died Fri day at the home of a Mrs. Frank Anderson* on Route 2« Miss Walkei had been an inval id since early .childhood* and ser iously ill for some time* Surviving are two siiters* Mrs* Prank Anderson* of Route 2, and Mrs. Lou Whitley* of Greensboro* and a number of neices and ne phews. Funeral services were held at 3 p. m. Sunday at Jericho Church of Christ* with her pastor* J. B Whitaker, officiating, tvieh burial in the church cemetery. B. F. Qttillan 6. F. Quillan, 69. died at his home in Gary, Ind., April 2?th. He Is survived bv his w fe. Mnrv Delia* seven daughters and fivet sons and 36 grandchildren* Burial was in Calument Cemetery* Gary, Ind. His pastor* Rev J. M.John son officiating at the funeral hill at EvangelicMt Reformed church*' frt^Gary, on April 30:h. Mr* Quil lan was the father <»f our towns, man* J. E. Quillan, and Mrs^ Lu ther Edwards, of Gary* Mrs. Marv Mauser Funeral services for Mrs. Maty Hendrix Hauser* 88, of Advance* Route 1,-were conducted at 11 a. : m., Fridav, at Yadkin Valley Ban- ' rUt Church bv Rev. Rev. A. C '.Cheshire and Rev. J. G Bruner, j j: Mrs. Haus r ^ilcd Thu sday pv . her home. She w-w the wid*.ty Bio - Obituaries - 5/I6/I956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday May 17,1956 - Page 2 Ml^8 MAR WARKER. it Funeral Rcrvlcea for Miss Moe Walker were held Sunday at the Jericho Church of Christ near Mockavllle. J. B. Whltaker offic iated. Burial was In the church cemetery. Miss Walker, ta. died Friday at k:3d Bjn. at the home of a sister .^nd hrother-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs.' W. Frank Anderson of Mocksvltle.: Route 5. after a llnaerlns illness of about one year. I A semi - invalid since being stricken with polio ot the ace of 1 •even. Miss Walker was known in, parts of the state and nation for! her needlework. She was a life long member of Jericho Church.! Doughter ot the late F. F Jind Joycic Kooniz Walker. Miss Walk, er was born May 28. 1804 In Davie County For the past eight and one-half years, she hod resided with the Andersons. In addition to Mrs. Anderson, she in survived by one sister. Mrs. Lou Whitlley of Greensboro. {MBS. MOLUB CABTBR I Funeral aervices for Mrs. llolUe 11 Carter Smith. 79. of Mocksville. | Kt. 3. were held Sunday at the smith Orovc Methodist Church, The Rev. George Smith oIllciAtrd. Builnl WAS in the church ceme tery. Mrs. Smith died In a Winston- finlem nursing home on May 11. She ha(| been in dfclinlng health about a year and seriously i'l a month, I A native and lifelong vcaldent of Davie County, she was born March 21. 1877. a daughter of Wlllam F. and Henrietta Hcndrix Carter. She was married to Bert Lee Smith who died In 1949 and was 0 life long member of Smith Grove Methodist Church. Surviving are two sons. Harley Smith and Qrny Smith of Mocks. vlUe. Route 3: one daughter. Mrs. Terry Kltnel of Winston • Salem. Route 3: one brother. Tommy Car. ter of Mocksville. Route 3: and eight grandchildren. Bio — Obituaries -5/17/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 23,1956 - Page 2 John Ratledge, Jr. Horrible Tragedy In *an oU tank explosion on Monday lait week at John W< Raciedge service station at Elkin. John Ratledge, Jr„ 37* son of Mr. and Mrs. Ratledge lost his l ie from burns. Another employee of the service station* also died us a result of burns. Mr. Potledgeand familv> were natives n f Divi;< Coun y* and their son* John* Jr., was also born in thU ciiuniy. He is survived by his wit and two ehildren* his parents* four brother and one sister. Funeral services were held at the Fitat Methodist Church in Eikin lasc, Wednesday. Mr. Ratledge's 'grandiathcr was the late)* P. Ratledge of Davic Coun IV» Bio - Obituaries — 5/23/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday May 24,1956 - Page 3 I J(IK \V. SANDERS, ftB Ftincml scrvUcs for Joscpli v/iiltt'i- Sniulurts. Ri). of MockKVlllu. l:outc 4. n uuat'd ns the utntv M'tson CAitii> in Dnvlv CotiiUy for t|}c i.^nst 20 ycni-s. were held Wed- uo5clny nt tliu Snillh Orovc Mull)- odisl ChurciJ. Tlic Rev. Ocoipc Siullh, thu Rev. ntiKcnc Goodnmii, ond Die Rev. Clyde Scltlc olUclnled. Rurtnl wns In the church ceme tery. Emnloyces^ of the Slnle IdRhwiiy Coinmb.Mon nnd Stotc. Prison Dci)»rlincni nclcd ns imU- benrcrs. I Mr. Snndcrs died unex|)ecledly of'n heiirt nitnck nround 7 p.m.. Mondity. He wn» titlklnc with the superintendent of the cnmi) when he wus stricken. He died before Iw could be ulvcn mcdlcul atten tion. I I He wn.s born In Da vie County.' Autr. 10. 1807. son of Henry nnd; Mnltndn ncnvis Sanders. * Suivlvlnc arc two slHtcrs. Mrs. I Ellen Rniltli of Mock.HVlIte. nndi Mrs. Joe Howard of Moeksvllle.! Route 3: nnd one brother. Marvin' Sunders of Mocksvllle, Rotite 3. MISS CORA AUSTIN. 888 Mrs. Corn Austin of Mocksviilc died Tur-Klny ni(!ht in the Duvic County Ho.spitnl wiicre she imd been orlMcnIly m for the im.st 8cv- erui weeks. Site would imvc been 118 yenrs old in November. Punerni nrrunucmenis were in. complvlc nl pre&s time. MRS. TOM.^IIE VAN/.ANT, 7« Punci-nl services for Mrs. Cora Annie Vnn^unt. 78. of MocksviUc, Route 1. will be iicld Tlmrsdny ul the Ccnier Mctliodl.st Cluivch. 'J'lic Rev. Robert Oakley will of-' llcluto. Uurlnl will W In lltv cinn uh | ctmetcr.v. Mr.s. Vnnsuint died Mny 22 in I tlic Dnvie County tlMpiinl nftcr n ' Kcriou.s llincs.i of five wcol:.s. I ; Mrs. Vniv/nnt. who wns tlic wife •of Tmnndc Van',i.nni. wn.s born In; Uavie County March 27. 1880. Survlvhu; arc the husband: three dnueltters. Mr.s. Vom DwipBlns of ^rock.svHI^^. Ronlo 1. Mr.s. Clnni' |-..nndchildrcn. TutUTOW of SlnifSvlile. nnd Mrs. Mni'.lc Mcrnll of Mock.HVlllc. Rl. I: .srven isrniuichlldrcn: two itreat- MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday May 24, 1956 - Page 6 MISS ASNIK ORRKLL. 73 Funeral services for Miss Annie L. Orixdl. 73, of Advance, were I held Monday afternoon nt the .Advance Methodist Chui'ch. The !rcv. H. C. Cllnord ollleiatcd. Bur ial wns In the church cemetery. • Ml.xs Orrell died Mny 20th nt lite ho.spltnl at Cnmp Bulncr. She l:nd been in dccllnliu.' health for srvernl years. There arc no survlvor.s. She wns born in Dnvlc County, cimiuhtcr of Henry nnd Ida Orr-i ell. She was n memlier of Ad vance Methodi-si Church nnd wns ■ictive in li.s work ns loni: ns her hvnilli permitted. Bio - Obituaries - 5/24/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY fVlOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 30,1956 - Page 2 J, Mf, Sanders Joseph Walter Sander*. 58. of Mockavjile, Route 4. i ciiard ar the. stare prison camp in Dav'e County for the oast 20 vearsj died uneqprctedly of a heart Pttack a* bout 7 p» m. I He was bom in Davic Couniv Aug !<»» iW* «on of Hcntv and Malinda Rcavis Ssundcrs. Survivlna are two si«trr«. Mrs. Ellen Smith»of Mockst'dle, and Mrs, Joe Howard of Mocksvilte, Route 3, and one brother. Marvin Sander* of Mocksvlllc Rotite 3. , Funeral s'»rvlces were held at 2:30 p, m., Wednesday nt Smith Gr.'»ve Methf'dist Chn'oh, Eui»**or Goodman ar»d Re^'. Seitlt* ndiclared. BurUi wm in the church ^nawrf. Mrs,T,A,Wanzant Mrs. Atinie Vanxanr, 76, o f Moclcsville, Route 1, died at ItSO p« m*, Tuesday, at Davie County Hospital after a serious illness of five week*. Mrs. Vanzant the wife of Tom- mie Vanzant, was bom In Davie County March 27,1880. Survivlni; are the husband; three daughters, Mrs. Vera Owlgglns of Mocksvillci Route 1, Mrs. Clara iTuttcrow of Statesville and Mrs. .Mazie Merrelt o f Mocksville. Route 1; seven israndchildrcn: two great*grandchildren; one half' brother, T. K, Vanzant of Wins* ton-Salem and one half sister, Mrs. H. A. Hoors of Wlnston-Sa- lem. Funeral services were held at 2;30 p. m., Thuisday at Center Methodise Church. Rev. Robert Oakley officiated. Burial was In the church cemetery. | Miss Annie Orrell "Miss Annie L Orrell, 12, of Ad' vance Mav 20th at the hospital at Camp Burner. She had been la declining hsalth several years. There are t\o survivors. . She was bom in Davie County, daughter of Henry and Ida Orrell She was a member of Advance Methodist Church and was active in its work as long as her health permitted. , Funeral services were held at Advance Methodist Church at 2:30 p. m., Mav 2tst, Rev. H C. Clin] ard offidated. Burial was in ' the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 5/30/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 30,1956 - Page 3 ^Miss Cora Austin ' Mils Cora Mann Auittn^ 87i of this dty» died last Wednesday at Davie County Hospital. She hajd bieen in declining health for sever al yeati and In a critical condition for a month. Mist Austin was bom in' Davie County Nov« 26,1S68» daughter of Richard and Amanda Jones Aus tin. Only lurvlvoss arc nieces and nephews. Funeral services- vfm held at 4:30 p, m. Ibutsday at Eaton Fu neral'Home, with . ..Rev. W. Q. Grigg ^officiating. Bunal was in Rose Cemetery.. Bio - Obituaries - 5/30/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday May 31,1956 - Page 5 MISS FR.^NCES SPRY. 69 Funeral services for Miss Fran ces Spry, 60. of Advance, were held Monday at the Advance Meth odist Church. Thu Rev. H. C. jciUmrd olUcintcd, Burial tvns In ! tliu church cemetery. I Miss Spry died May S6th nt I the Rivers Rest Home In Iredell Coutny. She had been in declining health for several years. Miss Spry was born August 2, 1086. in Davle coifnly the dnuaii- |ter of PICKS and Mntlldn Spry. I Surviving ai-e two brothers. 0. •Vy. ond James Slny, botli of Ad- , vance. J. 11. CRCASON. 61 Funeral services for J. H. Crea- son. Bl. rcttred textile worker, were held Wednesday at the Cool- ccince Methodist Cinirch. Tlic Rev. flaruld Austin oillclatud. Bur. lal was n\ tlie Liberty Cemetery. Mr. Ci'cason. a retired textile worker, died Monday at his home In Cooleciueu. He had been In dc- clinlnp health for .several years. Mr. Crcason was born Aug. 25, 1674. in Diivic County, a son of John W. and Mnllnda Hud.son Crva.son. He was vinpluycd for inuny years by the Erwln Mills at Coolecinee. Survlviiu: are tlircc duughtcrs. Mrs. O. L. Harris of Norfolk, Va., Mrs. fiush Anderson of Cooleeince. Olid Ms. T. B. Foster of Fort Mill. S. C.: two sons. Carl Creason cf Stfltesviile and CJlnnrd Creason \ Of Coolccmcc: 20 grandchildren, and 37 ett^at-xmndehlldren: three! sisters. Miss Mary Creason of I Coolccinec. Mrs. Elln Martin of, Salisbury and Mrs. John Trulove of Coolecmee: and n brother, Tom Creason of Stolcsville. , 'CHARLIIH TIMOTHY HYCRS, S; Punei*nt sRrvlri'.s for Cl\ni-tcx' Timothy Myers, five-year-old sonj of Mr. and Mrs. John Edward My-1 ers. Advance. Route 1. will be held Thursday at tlic Mocks Metho dist Church. Tlic Rev. H. C. 'Clln- iird will ofnclatc. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The child died Tuesday nt the Unvie Counly Hospitol. He had been seriously ill for the past three weeks. The child was born Oct. 6. trso. Mr. Myers is empioyed by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Mrs. Myers is the former Mary Fran cis Hilton. They arc members of Mocks Mcthodi-st Church. Surviving arc the parents: one brother. Donald Ray Myers of the jhomc: and the maternal grnnd- I father. P. E. Hilton of Advance. M Route 1. MISS LONA ANN BAITY ' Funeral acrvlce.s were conducted ] Friday at 3 p.m. for Miss Lona Ann Bnlty. 70. who died Mnv 33 ut her liome in Tltomasville. I Rev. H. Olcn Lanlvr. pastor of the First Methodist Church In Tiionmsville, officiated. Burial wasi j in Mocks Methodist Cliurch ccmc.itcry. j I Miss Baity was born In Davle' County 41 daughter of William H.^ and Martha Jnnc Jones Bally and' had lived In Thomasvilte for the I past 40 years. She was a member | I o! Mocks Methodist Church. I ' i ; Surviving are one sister. Miss Jennie Baity of the home: one' i brother. Jnkc W. Baity of Thomas- j ! vlUe ond several nieces and ncpa- . cws. Bio - Obituaries — 5/31/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday June 7,1956 - Page 3 P Mrs. Kinnia !)l i^twoml for Mrs. Rmmu f>I. of Uepol SlreeL v.viv enndurlrd nl 'A p.m. Sumluy ^ at TnrrfiiMno Uapdst Clnirch by die Ui V. \V. Q. Gi'Ikk. die Rev. il. P. Pii\i.s, iinti Ihi- Uev. Pleleher Ilowiu'd. dtirlal wm; in lite pimrcb ceinc. tery. Mrs. Iinple died nt lier homo 'Jhtir.ulay nlidit. Rlu» Inid been hi dtTHnhiK lioidlh for some time und crldetilly it) only it few iiours. She was born April 15. 1055. in Davit.' Ctinniy. n danuhter of Mr. niid Mrs. Mortmn Howard. She find lived at her i)i*e.scnt homo for 40 years. Mt'K. Ltpde ndundcd dio Mocha- vlllo Melhudi.sl Church. Her hua- band. A. J. hntde. died Nov. '37. 1055. She Is survived by four dmifth- Icr.H. Mr.s. lSrnt?.st J.'irvls of 0.seana. Va., Mr.s. Annie Thnce of Los An- pelos. Calif.. MI.S.S Blanche Laalo of the home and Mrs. J. B. Hnr-^ rison of Salisbury: four .sons. H.; A. Laglc. Grno.st D. Lnglo nndi Tom J. Lntiic. all of Mock.sville. | and C. J. Lnplc of Baltimore. Md.: i and 20 prandehildrcn. I Bio - Obituaries - 6/7/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 13,1956 - Page 1 Mrs, BelleMfhitlev Mrs. Belle Whldev, 87* of Thom^ asville, died Mav 26, at the home of her stepdaughter, Mrs. H. Hlclc^ at High Point, fo!|owlag m critiw llln^ of two months. Mrs. ^Yhitley wos a native of Davle County, a daughttf of Mr. and Mrs* Harrison J. IVatker. For the p^ .severd . rears she made her home wlih her son, Tom C. Whitlev, at Thonusyllle. She Kas been a member of/tHerChurch of Christ for 54 years; *; V On Dec. 24,1903, she was mar ried to John B* Whldey. He dl^ In 1930i. * Surviving are two sons, Tom C;- Whltlev, of 'ihomaavUle, and Oa- m H. Walker, of WIniton-Salcm; a stepson, Dennis A. Whltley, of Bolivia; a stepdaughter, Mts. J. H. HIcks, of High Point; 12 grand children and six great-grand dhtld- rcn. Brief funeral services were held at the home of Tom Whidey at Thomasvllle at 9:30 a* Mav 28, and at Salem Methodist Church at 11 a. m., with Rev. RobettOak- ev and Rev..J* G. Binkley officia ting and the body laid to rest in the diutcb ^emetery. DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 13,1956 - Page 2 Mrs, Jack Laqle Mts. lack Lagle, 91, died at her . home in this city on May Blst. She had been 111 for some time, ^ She resided In this city for 40 years. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Ernest Jarvis, Mrs, Annie Bruce, Miss Blanche l^gle and Mrs. J. B. Harrison, four sons. Hugh A. Lagle, Ernest Lagle and T. I. Lagle, of Mocksvllle. and 0. J. Lagle, of Baltimore, 20 grand children. Funeral services were held at Turrentine Bbptisf. Church o n Itine 3rd, with Rev. W, Q. Grigg, Rev. J. P. Divis and Rev. Fletcher . Howard officiating, and the bociv . laid to rest in the church cemetery N. B, Bailey Baxter Bsilev, 78, of Ad« vance. Route 2, died Thursditv at Davir County Hospital He had been in declining health forsevet- ;«1 years. '' He was married twice, first to ' Misi Ossie Rebecca Parks who dM In 1927. He was then mor- n ffied to Miss Mury W.iller. Surviving are the widow;' eist't 'daughter^ hve sons, 31 grant* childrei>2 and two brother* Foneral aervlcet were held* at 3 p mV Saturday at F«»r?; Bart'tt Fey,:A! M. Kts W ;de'Ho'c!'«.is at)d Re^ .T' r '©f. bflkl ta V/.,Burl d r, R^«».! . K \ ' w.s In Bio - Obituaries — 6/13/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday June 14,1956 - Page 5 FUNERALS ERNEST W. JOHNSOIf, 55 Fimoral services for Ernest W. Johnson. 65. textile worker of Rt. 1. Mocksvltle. were t)eld Monday at the Yadkln Valley Baptist Church. Burial w^is In the church cemetery. Mr. Johnson died at his home Friday night. He Is survived by his wife, two sons, three brothers and one sis ter. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday June 14,1956 - Page 2 N. i;. IIAII.KY. 18 Nonh BoNtor Bailey. 78, retired furnv.'r of Advance. Route 2. died Friday nC Oavlc County Hospital. 11c had- been in declining health Kcvoral years and In a scrlou.s con- dltlnn two wcehH. Fnninal .services were hold Sat urday P.I Pork Baptist Church. The U'.'V. A. M. Klscr. the Rl*v. Ilutcliens und i-he Rev. E. W. Tur ner uiliciated. Burial was In the chtirclt cemetery. Crand.Hon.s were pnUbenrcrs. Mr. l^allcy was horn in Davle County Nov. 7. 1877. son of Berry and Sarah Brooks Biilley: He was ninrried (wiec, flr.st to Miss Osslc Ucbecea Pack who died In 1927. He was ihiii aiarriod to Miss Mary Waller.^ Sui'vl'.'lni? arc the widow: cicht clnu^hlers. Mrs. Burton' Barbee. Mrs. Robert Blackwcll. Mrs. Rob- tl. Vokely and Mrs. Hcjfgy Gate- wood. all of Wlnston-Snlcm. Mrs. M. C. Wngoner of Grnfton. W,. Va.. Mrs. Norman Vcrnon of Pine Hall. Mr.s. Jesse Jnme.s of Advance. Route 1. ami Mrs. Joe Henry Myers of Advance. Route 1: five sons, Clrti'cnce Dalley of Advance. Route 1. Clyde Bailey of Norfolk. Va.. GoorKo and Lewis BJlley of Advance and Coy Bailey of New York City: 31 unmdchlldrcn: eight great - grandchildren; and two brothers. Devil Bulley of Advance, Route S. and Sam Bnilc.v^of Mocks- vlllc. Route 4. MR3. S. A. ELLIS. 80 Funcinl services fo]* Mrs. Stella Ellis. 00. of 248 Wc.st End Blvd.. Winston • Salcm, wife of 3. A. Ellis of Davle County, was con ducted Frida.v. June 8, at Vog- Icr's Chapel by the Rev. John Jo- hnnscn and the Rev. Paul Raker, B\irlal was In Pleasant Fork Cemetery. Pallbearers wove Jomes Chitty, Lcroy, Gene Chitty. Ray Chitty. Paul Sappcnfleld, and F.. E. Bnp- penndd. Jr. Mrs. Ellis dlod Wednesday in a local host>itnl. Bio - Obituaries - 6/14/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday June 14,1956 - Page 2 J. Z. TVCKER. 68 Funeral cervices for Junie Zeb- ulon Tucker, 58 ,o( 320 Fleet St.. Winston . Salem. were conducted (It 2 p.m., Saturday. June 0, at the home .and at 2:30 at Mount Carmol Methodist Church by the Itcv. Thomas Summey and the Rev. E..C, Ridge. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Tucker died early Thursday at his home. He had been 111 for siK months and in a critical con* dlUnn for .six weeks. ' He was born sept. 12, 1897, in Unvlc County, a son of Vance Zebulon and Molllc Bidden Tuck* er. I Mr. Tucker spent most of his life in Dnvle County near Advance. He had lived near Advance for the past 11 years on Ebcrt Street where he had been a farmer. He had lived at the present home bince February. . I He was a member of Mt. Car- mel Methodist Church. He was lunrricd Oct*. 11, 1923 to Miss Mar tha Myers. ' SuiTlvors are his wife: four daughters. Mrs. Velmo X>nnlel of Hocksvlllc. Mia. Ray Walscr, Miss Pansy Tucker and Miss Linda Tucker, all of the home: four sons. J. Nelson Tucker of 422 West Clemmonsvllle Road, Mavis Tuck er of Belmont and Delano and Gary Tucker, both of the home: five grandchildren: one brother: and two sisters. Mrs. MItlle A. Zimmerman. 78 Mrs. Mittle Ann Zimmerman. 78. of Advance, Route 2. died un expectedly at noon Monday at the home of a sister. Mrs. O. O. Waller. In Woodlraf, where she I'.ad been visiting for two weeks. She sutlered a heart attack. Fun:!rnl services were held Wed* i iicsdny nt 2 p.m. at E'.bavllle I Methodist Church. The Rev. Hu bert Cllnard officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. . Pallbearers were Louie Zlmm- cvman. W. T. Burton. Tommy Zimmerman, M. L. Zimmerman. Thomas Waller and Walter Wall er. I Mrs. Zimmerman was bori) In .Davle County. Jan. 14.1877. daugh-' ter of Qeorge and Jane Johnson Beaton. She spent most of her life In the Elbavllle-Church commun-| ity and was a member of Elba- vlllc Methodist Church. She was married to Cicero c, Zimmerman In 1807. He'^died In 1048. Surviving are one adopted daughter, Mis. Walter CUne of Advance, Rt. 2: two grandchil dren: two staters. Mrs. Waller ond Mrs. Nettle Rummage of Lexing ton. Rt. 3: and one brother. Bert Beaton of Erlanger. Bio - Obituaries - 6/14/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday June 14,1956 - Page 2 Mrs. If. F. BtaHln. Mrs. Maggie Howell Martin. 70. oI MockfivUle. Rt. 5. died at 1:45 p.m. Monday. She had been In declining health three yc«rs. scvloiuly 111 three weeks. she was born In Yadktn Coun ty. Oct. 38. 1886. the daughter of Gideon and Emily Cain Howell. and had lived moat of her life in the Courtney community. She was married to H. Frank Mar tin Oct. 10. 1908. He died Jan. 13. 1965. Surviving are a daughter. Mrs. O. B. Slnrmoni of Wlnston-Salem. Route 2; two sons, Harold Mar- tain of Mocluville, Route 6. and Pi-ancesH. (Pcrcyi Martin of Yad- klnvUle; two sisters. Mi-s. Lena Cranflll of Mocksville. Route 5 and Mrs. Rattle Barren of Hampton- ville: six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct ed at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Court ney Baptist Church by the Rev. F. W. Turner, the Rev. R. B. Adams and the Rev. W. T. Bas- sett. Burial a'os In the church cemetery. Pallbearers were Kal Barron. Ray CranflU. Kerman Miller,' Roy Howell, Ourney Miller and Bur ton Cranflll. Bio - Obituaries — 6/14/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 20,1956 - Page 2 Mrs. C. C. Zimmerman Mrs. MUtie Ann Zittimermao. ' 76, Advance, Route 2, died June • lUh unexpectedly at the home of a fiinter, Mrs O O. Waller, in Woodleaf,' where she had been visiting far two weeht. She uffer ed a heart attack, Mrs. Zimmerman wan horn in Davie County Jan. 14,1677*d'iug)>'t ter of George and Jane Johnson Beaton. She was n nientbcr of ElbavDIe Methodlft Church* She waa married to Cicero 0. Zimmerman in 1897. He died in 1948, Surviving are one adopted daughter* Mrs. Walter Chne of n Advance, R. 2, two grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs, Waiter and Mrs Notie Rummage of Lexington Route-3: and one brnther, Pert . Beaton of Erlanger, : Funeral services were held at 2 i .p; m., Wedneiday at E*havitl» M« tho list Church Rrv. Hnf.irt • Cii i .'i" 1 "i®''3red .Duiia, was Ji >.,(he church, cemct^y*. Bio - Obituaries — 6/20/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday June 21,1956 - Page 1 James McDaniel and Wayne Frank Champion Two Drown In Dayie; One In Rescue Attempt Efforts of a to save Ills flounacrlUR Hwlminina a tinimn- inn Eunrtny ftftcrnooti In a farm .)ond luni* miles wrst of Mocks- vlllc resulted In a double tragedy when both were drowned. Davle County Coroner, O. V. Orccne, termed as accidental the drowning of the man. Jamrs Mc Daniel. 22. and his companion. Wayne Frank Champion, both of Mocksvllle, Route 1 . Ml. McDanlcl's father. Cecil McDaniel. and brother. Orady Me. Daniel, also of Mo^kavllle. Route 1, were watching from the pond bank when the drowning occurred nround 2 p.m. The pood li lo cated off the Oodbey road In the western section of the county. They said James McDaniel and ihe tS-year-otd Champion boy were swimming In -water about 10 feet deep when the boy started linking. Mr. McDaniel also went down trying to save him. The two men watehlng from the bank Jumped In hoptng lo save the drowning pair, It was reported, but were unsuceewfuf. rescue squad also came.from Siatcsvllle, but efforta of the Miuad to revive the pair failed. Surviving Mr. McDaniel are hla, wife, the former Miss Ruth WU« Hams, whom he married In IMS: ills parents, Cecil and Fclnfa Da* vis McDaniel: and two brotlicra, Civady and Herman McDankl, aU rtt MoeksvUle, Route 1. Survivlna Mr. Champion «are his parents. WUllam L. and Bemle Alien Champion of MocksvlUe, Rt. 1; and one alsUr, Mrs. DavM Sprye of Salisbury. . Funeral ssrvtesa for Jaa^ Ms- Pfiikl were hcM Tuesday. al^- hoon at the Center Methodist Church. The Rev. Robert Oakfcy and the Rev. O. W. Fink offlclat* cd. Burial was in the churth cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday June 21,1956 - Page 2 ' lames FraaitM SaiHb^ M James Prafiklln smith. 10, of Advance, Rt. I. Farmlngtoh com munity. at 0 si.m. Idst Friday at.a niece's home In the heigh* borhood where he Uve^. : Mr. smith was a Ktired farm? sr.! lie was tM>rn In bavie County in 187^ the son of John and &lly Potts Smith, tn 1920 he ^aiTi^ ^amie Sweariiigton. . SutYlvlhg are one brother, John tf.'l^lth of Advance. Rt. 1: one sleptlaughter. Mn. VloU Angell of Mbduvllle. Rt.' l: one step son. Charlie Bwearlngton of Salisbury. RL, •: severarnlecfs and neph ew.' • . imnerel abrvlces were hbld at 2:30 p.mt Sunday dt the Yadkin Valley Baptist Church by the Rrv Mvls Chcihlrt.. Burtai was In the chureh cemetery. . Funeral sirviesa for Jgs^ Ms* pfinkl were held Tuesday of#*' noon at the Center Methodist Church. The Rev. Robert OoUcy and the Rev. O. W. Fink olBclat* cd. Burial was In the churbh cemetery. Funeral services for Wayno Frank Champion. 15, were held Wednesday afternoon at the homo In Mocksvllle. The. Rev. J. P. Daw vl6 of the First Baptist Church cfhclatcd. Burial was In the Ro wan Memorial Park near Sails* bury.' Bio - Obituaries - 6/21/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday June 21,1956 - Page 5 Rufus Frank Jones RUiUS Frank Jones, 53. of Rt. •. MecIrsviHo. E.aton' Cliurch coin- inunity, riiid une.spcctedly «l It I'.m.. Tursihiy innrnlm? nt his liom?. I Mr. Joiu'.s. a funntr. uus harn J;ily 10. tQ;i7 in Dnvi'j County, I 'ku son of John Cash and N.\!tcy[. Bnker Jcnes. wm nmnlJd to I'V'tncy Trlvettc who sur vives. j AlsD'survPing are five dniigh- tors. Mrs. P. R. Whltnkcr (md Mrs. Ifnivcy Sndth of Mocks- vlllc; Route 2. Mrs. Ruth HiilT- };h'll,u' lit Qolmont. Route I. Mrs. Chnrllo TllU'y. neldhvlUe Road. W<ns'on - Sulem. and Mrs. Wade Rr.avis of Mccfcsvillc. Route 2:; four sons. Roland Jones. Qcne Jrna.s and Johnny Junes, all of the U. S. Navy. and. Wayne Joik« of the home: a brother^ Thomnn. Jonc.s of East D:nd: a ha^f broth er. Sherman Jones of Mocksvlllc. a sister. Mrs. Burl Reed of Oi'cGnville, S. C.: and four holf sisters. Mrs. Kate CranftU and Mrs. Dallas Cranfin of Mocksvlllc. ^Irs. Annie Thompson of Char lotte. and Mrs. Lester Booe of .MocksvlUe. Rt. 5: thirteen geand- ciilldrch. The body will remain at the Eaton Funeral Home pending completion of funeral arrange ments. Jesse Franklin Ganvood Funcr.al services lor Jesse Franklin Gurwood. 01, of Cbolcc- ineo v.ill be held Thursday after noon at 4 p.m. at the Cooleemce Baptist Cltureii by the Rev. Q. W. Naylor., the Rev. A. T. Stoudcn- inirc and Dr. X. O. Orccr. Burial win. be in the Fork Creek Baptist Cemetery. Mr. Carwood died June lOih In the Dnviet County Hospital. •Mr. Carwood wn.s born Nov. 2.5. 1361. In Davle Ccir.uy. the son of iWrUnni Frank and Amanda Fos ter barwood. He had lived In Coolccmec for ' more than 50 years where ho op- 'crated n grocery store. He was a 'member of the Cooleumcc Baptist Church and was active in church work when his health permitted, j He was married to Miss Ocorgin Bcn.son who died five years ago. Surviving are a number of nieces and nephews. Nephews wii be active pallbear ers and members of the H. E. Barnes Bible Class of Cooleemce Bap^t Chui'ch will .be honorary, pallbearera,- The body will remain nt the Eaton Funeral Home until It is I taken to the church. Bio - Obituaries - 6/21/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday June 28,1956 - Page 1 Mrs. Will Keller Dies Suddenly Mrs. Ocrtrudc Stroud Keller. 60. wife o( William Keller, was found dead in bed her home in Mocks- vlUe at 7 a.m.. Tuc.sdny. She ap* parently died of a heart attack, Mrs. Keller was born in Iixidcl] County Marcli 29, 1836. dauRhtcr (•1 J. M. and OUle Blanche Elam Stroud. She was a member of the Mockavlllc Boptlst Church and lifld lived here 36 years. She was tnarricd to Mr. Keller In 1013. Surviving are the husband: one daughter, Mrs. Judd Bailey of Mocksvillc; six sons. William V. James P., Lester. Raymond and Clay Boyd- all of Mocks- I*on«rd Keller of Har- monxi seven grandchildren: her stepmother. Mrs. J. M. Stroud of Mocksvillc, Route I: one sister. Mrs. W. W. Clendcnin of Greens boro: one brother. Brucc Stroud of Statcsvllle: and three halt brothers. Paul. Sam and Guy Stroud. all of Harmony. Rt. 1. Funeral aervicea wll be held at 4 p.m. Thursday at Center Meth* odist Church. The body will lie in state 30 mlnutea. The Rev. Rob ert Oakley, tlic Rev. J. P. Davis and the Rev. Wade Hutchena will omclatc. Burial will be In the church cemetery. Pallbearers will be John Green Benson. Hugh Poster. Cralg Fos ter. Bob Lantcr. Robert Safley and Ben Boyles. Bio — Obituaries - 6/28/1956 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday June 28,1956 - Page 6 VIRGIL L. ROGER. 66 Virgil L. Bagcr, 66. retired fiumcr of Route 2, Mocksvlle. died Sunriny morning in Dnvle County Hospltn). He hnd boon in declin ing hcHlth tor several years and had been seriously ill for three days. Mr. Bogcr was born Aug. 12, 1880. in DavIc County, son of Robert Lee and Minnie Cheshire Uogcr. Hr had lived for most of Ills life in the Eaton Church coin- nmnlty. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mollic Belle Collettc Bogcr: one brother. Ouy Bogcr, of Winston* Solcm and three sisters. Mrs. Lot- n io Rfttlcdffc of Mocksvillc, Route 1, Mrs, Homer Hunter of Mocks- .111c. Riutc 2. and Mr.s. Grovcr r.aiham of \Vlnston-8a1cm. Funeral ,«»tTVlcc8 were conducted nt 11 a.m. Tuesday at Wesley Chapel Methodist Church by the •rev. Hoylo. the Rev. James Orocc and the B?v. O. 0. Gra- •inm. Burial was In the church incicr.v. • Pnlll)rarcr5 were I/>nuic Drlv- r. Jamrs Onugh, Clyde Howard, '♦rady Flowers, Tjawrcncc Bogcr. ■nd Sam Bogcr. PE.XRL R. WOOTEM Pearl R. Wooten of Harmony. !l. 1. passed away at his honu rnnnd 10;rfl p.ni., Tuesday, He is survived by his widow, •rs. Annie Krller Wontcn: oiu; ion. Fred Wooten of Harmony. Rt. 1: five daughters, Mrs. A. W. Hodgson of Salisbury. Rt. 5: Hi-8. D. R. B;ck of Norfolk. Va.: \Irs. Bhciiuan Rcnegar of Hous- onvillc: Mrs. Ray Poole of Hnr- uony: Mrs. Roy W. Taylor of Hock.n'lllc, Rt. 2: two brothers, J. I. Wooten and R. O. Wooten of larmony: two sistrrs. Mrs. W. C. 'arks of Mocksvillc, Rt. 2. and drs. D. S. Bock of Harmony, Rt.. & grandchildren. Funeral services, will be held 'Friday morning at U a.m. at the Clarksbury Methodist Chureh. The body will He in state for 30 min utes. Burial will be In the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries — 6/28/1956 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA