Jul - DecDA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,1958 - Page 5 RONE HO<VARD. 04 Rone Hflnison Howard. 04, plan ter contrflotor of MocksvlUe. Rt. S, Smith Orovc communhy, died Of A heart attack June 36tili while At work at Winston . aaiem. Ho was dead on arrival at Baptist Hosplal. Mr. Howard was bom July 16, 1603. In Davie County, son of Ed. ward and Mattle Rotwrlson How. «rd. He hud been In tt\t plaaierlng business for 35 years. He was a member of Clenunoni Baptist Church. iHo was mari'led to the former Lllllo Frances Howard. Surviving art) iho wifi>: n dauglt. ter. Mrs. Clyde Hendrlcks of btocksvlUe; two ions. Clyde Howard of Mocksvllle, Rt- 3. and»rrmlt Howard of Mocksvllle: a ilttr son. Qordan ftoward of MocksvlUe. Rt. 3; a sister. Mrs W. C. Hones of MooksvUle. Rt. 3: three half-brothei-s. Robeil How* ard of Winston - Bslnnt. Joe How- «i'd Of MiOcksvlUc. Rt. 9. and WiU llom A. Howard of SalUbury; a li4lf.sUier, Mrs. Beasle Carteir of, Tyro: and «lx grandchildren. Funeral sstwkces were conduct* rd at 3:30 pm. Filday at Bmltli Orove Methodist Church by the Rev. Wade Rogers. Burial was In the church cemetery. I pjitlbeum-8 weiv Oeorge Hen* drly, Will Spry, Taft Robertson. ' James Howard. Harley Smith, and ,6uck Foster. Bio - Obituaries - 7/3/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,1958 - Page 2 iMRfl. JOHNNY TUTTKROJA', 68 I Funei-fll Mi'Vlees for Mrs, Llzzje Pue<U Tutterow, S8, wife of John> ny Tutterow of the Center Chui'cH community, were held Oeturday nt the Center Methodist Ohureh. BuHal wns in he church oemc* lery. I Mrs* Tutterow died Thui-aday 'night at the Lynn Heven Nursing I Home. She had been a patient there for eight months, j Surviving are the husband and a brclhrr. Wllllcm Pugett of Rich* mond, Va. O. E. DRIVER, 64 . Funeral swvlces tor Oscar Ed- ward Driver, Sr., 64, ClartcBvlIle Township farmer, were held Tues day afternoon at the Be^r Creek B.iptl3t Chuich. The iRev. W. C, Barlcley and the Rev. J. Wallace Owen olhclaied. Burial was In ,the church cemetery. I Mr. Driver died Sunday at his home, ke had been In declining health several months'- Mr. Driver was born in Davie County July 1, 1604, son of James Tliomos and Betty Latham Driv er. ke married Miss Lesa Graves MarOh 24. 1620, . Suiwlvlng arc the widow; three daughters, Mrs. E. T. Nance. Sr.. and Mi-s. Wade Pegg, Jr.. of Winston.Sakim. and Mrs. Wayne Ferebee of Mooksvlliei three sons. O. E. Driver. Jr., of Mocksvllle, Rt. 2. Harry Drlve-r of the Navy at Norfolk, Va.. and John Croee Driver of the home; six grand children; one sister, Mrs. T. C. Reavls of Mocksvllle, Rt. 2, and four brothers, Claude Drlvei' of Middletown, Ind., Fi'ed L. Drlver of New Castle. Ind., Lonnle 8. Driver of Mocksvllle, Rt. 2, and Jesse T. Driver of Mocksvllle. Route 6- .... C. M. CAIN. 86 Funeral services for Charles Manly Cain, 88, of Roanoke, Va-. a former resident of this county, were held Sunday at the Fries Memorial Moravian Church in Winston - Satem. The Rev. E. T. Mickey and the Rev. H. B. John son officiated. Masonic graveside services were conducted ai the Moravian Oraveyajd- 'Mr. Cain died at 11:35 a.m. Thursday at the home of his .daughter, Mi's. Vera Cain Wood of Hamptonville. He was born in DavIe County. Jon. 12; 1866, son of Robert F. and Martha Elohlson Cain. He spent his early life In Davle County, moving to Wlnston-Satem as a boy- He was employed by the Nor folk and Weatern Railway for 47 years and was a railroad engi neer at Uie time of his retirement In 1037. He had lived In Roanoke for tlie past 18 years He wos married twice, to Miss Emma Flser, who died in 1924, opd to Miss Melissa ^men. Hew as a meinbsr of Fries Me. morlal Moravian Church, the Knlyht^ of Pythias and the Elks Lp^c of Roanoke. He was also a Mason. Surviving are the wife; a daugh ter. Mi-8. Wood: a son, Ralph H. Cain of Columbus, Ohio; a step- .slster. Mrs. J. B- Lehman of War wick, Va.; Mven grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. T. P. MAS8KV, 87 —Tltomas-Plnkney-Massey, 67, ra- tjred farrncr of Adfvance, R>t. 2, Blxby cormmimliv, died at 8:20 p. m.. Monday at his home. He had !been in dscllillng health for sev eral months- I Mr. Masfisy waa born Feb. 16. 'l871. In Davle County, aon of Thomas O. and Menerva Howard Maasey. He married Mies MolHsaa Las- sltor, who dlrd In 1928. ' He Is survived by a daughter, ^frs. James Wilson of Advance, Rt. 2: nine grandcOiildren: five great-grandchildren: end a sis- ier, Mrs. Martha Sptv of Ad- vanoe, lU. 2. Funeral services were conduct ed at 2 p.m- Wednesday at Ad vance BsptlA Ohuroh by the Rev. C. E. Crawford. PeUbearers were J. W. Boger, John Sheets, Clyde Cornatzer, Paul Cornatzer. Will Myers end 'JoKnny~R.cb"eHsoiu Bio - Obituaries - 7/10/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,1958 - Page 2 Riles Arc Held For Mrs. Leonora Dndd Mrs. Lconorn Tnylor Dodd. wlrtnw of iho U<v. Woltpr H. Dodd. died Sithdny nlsht nt Me* moHtt) MiMlon Hospital at AshC' vtllo rollowlnit n serious illness of (en days. Mrs. Dodd was born In Dnvlc rniinly. riniitrhter of Or. A. S^adlmry n(\d CTliarlly WoodrufT Tnylor. She was eduentcd nl sohooU In Virginia and taught nt MocksWIIc Academy «M\d In the Mooksvlllc school system. She was active in church and civic affairs. She was baptised In the Mocksvillc Baptist Church In May, 1800, and was a member of Iflio Ph'st 'Baplbil Ohuith.herc. She Vi'AS Davie County historian and WAo a member of the North Carolina Literary and Historical Society. Slic utis a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, Women's Ohrlsllan Tcmpcmncc Union. United Daughters of the Confederacy and was Idstorlon for the South Yndkin Baptist Associa tion. Her husband died Aipiil 36, 1660. He vvns a pastor of ^ptlst Churches In Davic County for many years. surviving arc a bi'orher, Dr. W. W. Taylor of Wnrrenton: a stepdaughter.' Mrs. A- J. Hayncs of StAtcsvlIle and two stepsons, Walter H. Dodd of Waco and J. C. Dodd of Huhlra. Oa. Funei-al services v.*ere conduct ed at U Qjn. Tuesday at Mocks villc Baptist Churdh by the Rev. J' P. Dovis. Buj-ial was In Rose Cemetery. Pollbearers were T. J. Candell. C. R. Horn. J. W. Kill. Leo Co. zart. Leatei' Martin. Jr.. and Bob Hall. Mrs. Roy Bracken, 37, Dies After Illness Mrs. Roy fimckcn, 37. of Har mony Rt. 1. di«d at 4 A.m. Satur day morning at the Baptist Hos pital In WInston-Solcm. She had been ill one day. Mrs. Bracken was born In 2rc- dcll County, daughter of Mr> and Mm. Robert Cook. ahe was a member of Liberty Baptist Oliurch. Surviving arc the husband: the father, four brothers, James Cook of Statcsvillc, Edgar Cook of ChnrlottOi Robert Cook. Jr., of the U. S. Air Force, Sumter. 8. C.. and Francis Cook of the U> 8. Marines, Quaneico, Va.: and nine sisters. Mrs. Efhe Joyncr. Mrs. CIco Stcelman ond Mrs. Maraarct po)bix>ok of etatesvDlc. Mrs. Eve. lyn Grose and Mrs. Coleen Parker of Mocksvillc. Mrs. Mary Lcc Adams and Mrs, Lcola Ostcrhour of Charlotte, Mrs* Rachel Bar nard of Kamptonvlllc ond Mrs. Ruth Sldbury of 7ocksonvUle. Ha. Funeral services were conduct ed at 2 p.m. Monday at Liberty BnplUt Church by the Rev. J. A. Brooken. the Rev. Emrmett Coudte and the Rev. Jimmy Ovocc. Bur ial was In the churdh cemctej'y. Bio — Obituaries - 7/17/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17, 1958 - Page 4 n r. PftATtlER. 87 Bo\Mnan Franklin PraUicr, 67> ycftr-old retired fanner of the County Line community In Dnvle County, died at &:fiO Hiursday afternoon In a HIsli Point hoa> pltal where he had been a patient for Ithe past 13 days. He had made hta home In High Point since 1051. His wife, the fomer Hccly Safrlct. died in 1064. Sun'lvlng arc four sons. Sid ney Pi'Athcr of Route 1. Ham- ony. H. C. Pr.ithcr. J. C. Prather ond J. E. Prather. all of High Point: three daughters. Mrs. L- 0. Cashloii of High Point, Mrs. Pearl Streud and Mrs. Paul Cart- nt.r. both of StatesvlUe; Ahrce jl.'rtcrs. Mra, SAllle Pelker and Miss lilsr.le Prather. bolh of Rt. 1. MoeksvHlc. and Mra. Ofhc Oar- wood of Moorsville: IS grandebll- dren; and six greal-grandchU- di*cn. Funeral sei-vlces were conduct ed at 3 p.m. Saturday at the Society Baptist Church In Iredeli County with the pastor, the Rev. W. H. Llppard. officiating. Burial lollowcd in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 7/17/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,1958 - Page 2 i MRS. CORA tOU MARTIN, RO Mi-s. Com Lou Mm'Ho. 80, of Coolpcmee died Tuesday nlrht nt 10:30 at the home of b dauBOrter. Mrs. Paul Hoffmnn of,48 Duke et„ Cooieotnec. Mrs .Mnrtln had been seriously Lit forseverol waaks. Slic wno born in Wllkea County Sept. 0. 187B. dAUghter of Vhe late Bobby and Sollle Miller Bums^r* ner. Mrs. Maitln was married twice- Her first Inubnnd. Morgan Waudell. died many years ago. Her second married was to Obe- dlah Martin, who died Jan. 8. 1953. Surviving are bw*o sons, Lester Wadcll of North Wllkesboro, |Rute 1. and Ralph Martin of Lex ington: four daugihtei^. Mi-s. Joe |EUenbui-g of Cooleemec. Mrs. I Paul Hon>mon of Coolcemee. Mrs. I William Myers of Sallsbutv, Rl. 6. and Mis. Myrtle Lowder of Cooleemee: 25 grandchildren; 30 great - grandchildren and eight great-great-grandchtldren. Punenrt seiwlccs were conduct ed nt Noith Coolcemee Baptlat Church Fildny aftemoon nt 4 o' clock by (he Rev- Clyde Settle and the Rev. J. H. Qroce. Bural was In Liberty Cemetery. MISS CORA OREOORY. 78 Fun?><a-1 services for Miss Cora M. OregoiY. 73. of Advance, Rt. 1, were held Saturday at the Bel'hlehom MeVliodtst Church. The Rev. Wnde Rogers ofnclatcd. Bur ial was In the churoh ccmolci7. Miss OregoiY died Thursday night at the Lynn Haven Rest Home. •She was born Jan. 18. 1885, In Davle County, dumghiter of Wiley H- and Lydle Ann S.aln Gregory. MRS. H. T. TUCKER. 01 Funeral sei-vlces for Mra. Ellen Riddle Tucker, 01, of Advance, Rt. 1. widow of H. T. Tucker, were held Sunday at the home and at lhe._Bechl©he_m Melho.dJst.^t^^ nie Rev. Wade Rogers and the Rev. J- O. Brunei- ofholatsd. Bur ial was in the chui-dh cemetery. Mrs, Tucker died Friday night nt her'home. Fhe hnd been In d«. dining heallih a year and ci^li- cally 111 two months. She VrVis born Sept. 11, 1090. Jn Davlc County, daughter of Asbury and Jcanle Howard Riddle. She spent all her life In the Bethle hem Church community and w<as a mconber of tha BoUhldhcm MeUhodlst Church. Che married Mr, Tucker Dec. 10. 1017- He died In January.! .JOSlz, I . Surviving are three sons. Client Tucker of the home and Joseph n and Hmrincnd Tucker of Ad vance, Rt. 1: two daugihtera, Mrs. Guy Comalser of Advance, Rt. 1, and Miss Jean Tucker of (hs home; nine gitandchlldrcn: three bi-ol'hers, Oscar, Grady and Rob- ert RIdd'le of Advance, Rt. 1: and four sisters. Mrs. Geoige AJten, Mrs. Frank liord. Miss Alplia Riddle and Miss Elsthcr Rld<Be of Advance, Rt. 1. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,1958 - Page 5 MRS. W. M- JUNKER. 73 Mrs. W. M. Junker. 73. of Rt. a. Oharlctte. died Thursday, July 17, In a Oiiailotte hoslptal after a critical Illness of six weeks. Mrs. Junker was born Aug. 16, 11884, In Mecklenburg Ccunty. daughter of the late H- B. and MAi-y Cnldwcll McLean. 8hc was a member of Philadelphia Pres byterian Ohuroh. where funeral services were held Friday. The Rov. Russ:ll M. Kerr, her pastor, onicla!:d. Burial was In Ever green Burial Park in Mint Hill. Mrs. Junker is survived by a dnughtc-r. Mrs. Zeb Morris of Mint HU1, three sens, H. M- Junker of Charlotte. E. W. Junker of Salis bury. T. L. Junker of Mocksviile: III grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 7/24/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,1958 - Page 3 JOHN N. CLICK John N- Click. 83, of Harmony. Rl. 1. County Line Community, Davle County, died at 6:55 p.m. Monday at the Lynn Haven Nurs* Ing Home at MocksvlUe where he had been a patient for ehree weeks. A retired farmer. Mr. Click had been living with his daughters for the past several years since the death of his wife. Mrs. Sottiite Jones Click. Surviving are two daughters. Mrs. C' W. Orifnih of Harmony i at. 1. anl Mrs. W. B. Cox of Thoinatvllie. MRS. AMELIA OVERCASH. 90 Funeral services for Mrs. Amelia Overcssh. 90. of Banford Street. MookBvllle, were held at the Lib, erty Methodist Church- The Rev. L K. Bwink ofhcialed. Burial was In the church temetery. Mrs. Overcash di^d Saturday at her home on Banford St. Mocks. vUle. after a serious Illness of two weeks. Mrs. Overcash was bom in Ire* dell County, daughter of Ervln and Rebeoca Woolen Oarris- She had resided in Mofiksvllle for 10 years. Surviving are one daughter. Mrs. Lizzie Orinin of MocksvUle; one sister. Mrs. C. B. Parker of Btstesvllle: one half sister, Mrs. T. E- Everhardt of Ktooksvlliei one brother. M. L. Osrrls of Mt. Holly; and two half brothers. Lonjile OgiTls of ihomasvlUs and Evemt Oan'la of euusvUle. Bio - Obituaries - 7/31/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 7, 1958 - Page 2 i'Boss' Tutterow Drowjn Pond June Ervvln TiKierow. jcn, of MocksvUlc. Rt. I. Center, I Community, d retired employee of Ihc Stnle HiffhWAy Commission, drmvned nbout 0 p.m- Soturdny fit Lex SplNmaii Fish Pond. Rt. 4. MockavlHe. oniccrs snld he hnd* nppftiTnt. Tt" li'i Hiifl 'ihiii nnd tnw n loose line nntl toik l.ike. In nn allejnpt to reco'!'!'^^*l^o drowned'. The body was founff About 7 p.m. by locnl rescuers. Dr- L. P. Mni'lln. ncUng Dnvie County cdVoncr, snld dcnlh was caused by drowning. Ho WAS born June 4, 1800. In DavIc County, a son of Henry F. nnd Ellzabelih Aderton Tuttermv. He was mnrrled twice. First to Miss Grace Blnklcy wiho died In 1641. His second innrrlAgc was to Miss Emms'Peoples In 1D52. Surviving are his wife: two sons. Dwighl Tutlcrow of Atlnntn. On. ,nnd J. E- TuUerow. Jr., of Winston • Salcm; four dnughtcrs, Mrs. Clyde Beck of Harmony. Rl. 1. Mrs. Raymond Llrengood of Wlnston-Salcm. Mrs. Johnny Mil. Icr of Mocksvltle, Rt. 4. nnd Mrs. Bill Harris of State.syllle: 11 grnndohildrcn; five sisters. Mrs- W. O. Murphy nnd Mrs.* J. B. Oi-ecn. both of Mocksvllle. Rt. 4. Mrs. Ed Wnlker nnd Mrs. John F. O'Neal And Mrs. Martin Lftth- nm. all of Mooksvlllc, Rt. 1. Funeral services were conduct ed Monday at the Center Meljho. dlst Church. The Rev. E. M. Avette nnd the Rev. George E. Auman ofllclated. Burial was in the church cemetery. KATIIY L. WEBB Funeral servlce.s for Kathy Lo- rrnine Webb. 3, daughter of Ever, rains Webb. 3. daughter of Ever- MocksvlHc. Rt. 4. were held Frl. day At the Liberty Baptist Church. The Rev. R. C. McClamrock nnd the Rev. B. C. Adams ofnclatcd. Burial was In the church ceinc. tery. The child died Wednesday night At her home. She hnd been ill since birth. She WAS bortt Sept. 11. 1954. In Rowan County. Surviving arc the parents: two slslsrs. Bnthara nnd EUznbeih Wobb of the home: twin brothers, Jerry nnd Gerry Webb of the home; and the matcrnnl grand- molhei'i Mrs. J. 8, Lewder of the home. Bio - Obituaries - 8/7/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 14,1958 - Page 7 MARGAIIGT OHANT, 98 Puuml services for Miss Mnr. gnrot Tumur Oiaiit. 93. n regls- tJ'ed ntir.<ic nt Cninp Butner nhd nntirvc of Mncksvlllc, were held Sitndny nftcmoon nt the homo In Mocknvlllc, The Biv. E. M. AvcU nhd the Il.'V. c* B. Newton oIDc- Inted. Curlnl wns in Rcac C«.m« clcry Miss Ornnt died nt 3:30 irm. Prtdny nt Wntts HospUnI In Dui;*. ham. She hnd been lU 34 .h.-)urs.| MIm Qriint was Die dnughler of A- T. Ornnt nnd the lAle Helen Bixwsler Ornnt of Mcckavlllc. Surviving nix the fnlhcr; flve sisters, Mrs. C. M. Littleton of Wilmington. Mrs. O. W- Yoklcy Qf Wlnsion-Snlcm: Mrs. W J Wil son nnd 'Mrs. O. W. Mnson of Mooksville, nnd Mrs- W. M. Allen of Oreenvlllc: two brothers. A. T. GMsnt. Jr.. of Moeksvlllc nnd Whliofn A. Orant ol Cnmdcn, 8. C. Bio - Obituaries - 8/14/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 21,1958 - Page 5 Ronald Hillon. 7C Funeral ssi^vicea for Ronald Alexander HiUon. 76, retired far mer of Advance, Rl- I, will be held Thursday at 3 p.m. at the Blxby Presbyterian Church. The Rev, Tom Bagby and the Rev. John Poster will offlciate. Burial will be In the church cemetery, ' Nepltews will be pallbearers. The body is at Eaton Funeral Home and will be placed In the church 30 minutes before the ser vice. Mr. HiUon died at 6:46 p.m Monday at a Wlnslon-Balem hos- I piial. He had been ill a week. I He was born June 2B. 18B3, In tOovlc County, son of John and Louisa McOanlel Hilton- i He was a charter member and lelder of Bixby Presbyterian I Church of Advance. Rt. 3. Mr. Hilton married Sally Mc- CultouRh Loke. She died two I months ago. I Surviving are four sons, Cecil, '.Frnrst and Everett Hilton of Ox ford and Robon Hilton of Win* ,6ton-Saleni: eight daugliters. Mrs. Porter Stokes. Mrs. Robert Beau- cltamp and Mrs. E F. Colhps of Winston-Salem. Mrs. Austin Ccp- (ilry. Mrs. Oils Cttpploy and Mrs. Jaini'8 Ehrepti of Lexington, Mrs. Chsilie Howard of Advance, Rl- 1. and Mibs Katheriue HUton of ,tlu* home; a brother. George W. Hilton of Halifax. Va.; and a sU- jier. Mrs. Isaac Dunn of Advance, jRt. 1. Blo — Obituaries - 8/21/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 21,1958 - Page 4 Mrs. Cintidr Messlcb,- 0^ runcral sci'vlces for Mi's. Dora Wwlgglns Mesalck. 84. wrfc of Claude Messick of Coolccmco, were held Saturday at the First Baptist Churoh In Coolcemeo. The Rov. Qcrald Na^'lor ofnclatcd- Burial was In Rowan Memorial Park. Mrs. Mc.ssick died at 10 p.m., Wednesday night at the home. She had been In declining health I several months. She was born May 0. 18B4, In Dnvic County, daughter of Henry and Mattlc Dwiggtns. eurvlving arc two son, Albert Mcsftlck of Woodleaf and Claude Messick. Jr.. of. Coolccmce; five daughters. Misses Saddle, Ruby and Mary Messick of the home, Mrs. J. C. Hellnrd of Salisbury nnd Mrs. H. L- ChalTln of Wise, Va.; three brotlicrs. Rufu.s Dwlg> gins of Ha>mptonviUe, T. P. Dwig- gins of Mocksvlllc, and Duniel Dwlgglns of Tampa, Fla.; three sisters. Mrs. Ella Smith of High Pobil, Mrs. B. M. Koontz of Wel come and Mrs. Agnes VIckcrs of Mock&vlllc: a half-sister, Mrs. Mac Dwlgglns of China Qrovc; and flve garudchlldren. Mrs. Luhio Sail, GB Funcarl services for Mrs. Hes ter Cook Ball. 68, wife of Lukle Ball of Coolecmcc were held Wed nesday afternoon at the Dutch man's Creek Baptist Church. The Rev. Bobby Rldgo and the Rov. A. L. Campbell ofUclBtcd. Mrs. Ball died Monday at her home. She had been In declining health a year. She was born June 11. 1880. In Wllkcs County, daughter of Charles and Sina Chamberlain Cook. Slid married Mr. Ball In 1811. He survives- other survivors are six daugh ters, Miss Lucille Ball of the .home, Mrs. J. K. Crcnson of Coolccmce. Mi-s. J. H. Evcrhai-t and Mrs. Leo HHinlllun of Mocks vlllc, Rt. 4, Mrs. C. R. Brackens of KannnipoUs and Mrs. Dallas Langston of Lexington; two sons. Charles Ball of Newark. Del., and Lukic Ball. Jr.. of Concord: a half sister, Mr.s- Annie Wilson of Kan- napolls: 20 grandchndrcn: and two grcat-grnndchlld'rcn. Mrs. Mars' Dost Rcnn, 8S Mis. Mary Host Bonn. 85, of Coolccmce, widow of J. C. Bean, died at 11 p.m* Wednesday, Aug. 13, at her homo. She had been 111 several months. 'She was bom Feb. 5. 1873, In Rowan County, daughter of Henry and Lunda Weaver Bost. She iVAs married to Mr. Bean Nov. 13, IBOO. He died April 5, 1057. Survvlng arc four sons, Albert B;nn of ■Laurlnbui'g. William nnd Charles Benn of Coolccmce. nnd Tom Bean of Woodleaf; four daughters. Mrs. Frank McCul- lo^gh, Mi-s. Cnrl Mays ond Mra. Jim Klnscr of Coolcomce and Mrs. Glenn Eudy of Mooreavillo; two sisters, Mrs. Dnn Cress of ICannopolls and Mrs- Charles 8a* frit of Rockwell; two brothers, George nnd A. E. Bost of Sails- bury; 44 grandchildren, and 50 Bi cul-giuiiUchllUrcn. Punera^ services were coiYduct- cd nt 2 p.m. Friday at Coolccmce Presbyterian Chui-ch by the Rev. Jim Benrss. Burial was In Liberty Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 8/21/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 28,1958 - Page 1 William H. Horton Killed In Wreck Robert F. Shnrpc. 26. of Rout« I. KCacksvlHc, died of head iniur- ics cnroute to Davis Hospital in Statesvllle Sunday <morning foil* owing ft 'Wreck around 6 a.in. on the Jennings Road. IS miles north of SlAtesvllle near U. 8. High way 21. Also killed was his brother in law. William H. Horton, 27. of 8a)tsbui-jr, Rt<' 8i Uib driver of the' car. > Carl Shoemaker. 16. and his brother. Guy Shoemaker. 27. both of Olin. Rt. 1. and Wlllard An derson. ^4. of Union Grove, were hospitalized at Davio Hospital. The sixth man in the car. Link Shoemaker, of Olin. Rt. 1. -was not Injured. Inve.stlgQUng ofTlccrs said that Carl Shoemaker told them that Honton was driving his IDSl Ford nt about 100 miles per hour at the time of the accident. The patrol men said Horton lost control of the vehicle on a curve: it left the right side of the road and travolL ed some 392 feet before overturn ing several Umes. Horton and Sharps had been thrcrwn from the vehicle by the time It came to rest. Sharpcw as born Aug. 15, 1033, In Ircdcll County, son of Rufus and Lillle Sunmiers Sharpc. He was employed by the Southern Screw Company In Statesvllle. Surviving are the mother: the wife, Mrs. Joyce S. Sharps; three sisters. Mrs. Guy Shoemaker of Olin. R-t 1. Miss Elizabeth Sharpe and Mrs. Frances Shoemaker of the home: and four bipthers. Jack, James. John and Joe Sharpe of Olin. Double funeral services for Hor ton and &hBj*pc were held Tues day afternoon at Die Hebron Bap tist Church with the Rev. Orady D. WhHe and Rev. Culdwcll Hen derson omclallng. Burial was In the church ccmctciT. Bio - Obituaries - 8/28/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 28,1958 - Page 5 Mn. t, tl. Ren«enr. OS Funeral sei-vlees toi- Mrs U H> Renegai*. 63. wife of L. M. Rene- Bflr. of Harmony, Rt. 2, were held Friday nriernoon at the Sandy SiM-inga Baptist Church. The Rev. iVnde Hutehlns and the Rev. Paul Moore ofhclated. Burial waa In the church cemetery. I Mrs. Renognc died Thursday at .her home. Bhehad been 111 a few i weeks. I She was bom April 8. 1896. In Iredell County, daughter of T. Q. 'and Rosa Arnold Wallace- Surviving are the father, the husband; seven sons, Raymond Rcncgar of Harmony, >Rt. 2, AU deal and Alvln Renegar of Win> ston-Slftcm, Rudolph Renegar of KaitnOny. Joseph Renegar of HamptonvlUe, Rl. 1. Qeorge Ren- ',<gar of Charlotte and Thoinas Rcnegcr of tlic home; three {daughters. Mrs. Roy Anderson of Mockavlllc, Rt. 1, Miss Oeraldlne {Renegar of the hopfic and Mi's. 'Patty Hanes of Yadkinillc.' Rt. 3; four brothers. Oeqrgc and T. R, Wallace of Harmony. At. 2. S. O. Wallace of Familngton and W. L. Wallace of MocksvJDe. Rt. Srsci'. en sisters, Mh-s- I. 'r.. Vestal of Wlnston-Saleni. Mi-8..D. L. Harbin of Lewtsvllle. Mrs. T. D. Cain and Mrs. W. L. Cook of Harmony. Rt. 2. Mis. Carl Orose of Mocks-. viUe. Rt, 5: Mi's. Tom Pegram of Clemmons and Mrs. C- L. Wllkle of West End; and 14 grandchil dren. James A. !V|cMatli,, 82 James A. McMath died In a nursing home In 'Indianapolis, Ind.. Aug. 17. Funeral services were held In Centenary Christ ian Church. Aug. 21. of which he had served as elder. (Born In 1870, Mr. McMalh was Q city 'm^ll carrier for 35 years. He lived 'WIth his daugh ter. Mrs. Mary L- Esslo of this county for three winters. He was nn active member of Pino Community amnge -while in Da- vie. He was a Mason and a mem ber of -the National Association of Letter Carriers. JOHN HENRY MYERS John Henry Myers. 06, of Mocksvllle died at 9:45 a.m.. Mon day at Davlc County Hospital. He had been In declining health tw.o veai's and seriously 111 10 days. He was bom 'Dec. 30, 1891. In Oavic County, son of Jess and Cora Wilson Myers-. Surviving hrc -'four brothers, W. L.. Tom. Fred and Silas Myers ?f Advance: and three sisters, Mi-s. Tom ' Orccn of Mockavlllc and Mrs. W. L. Carnatzer and Mrs. Edward Chandler of Ad- /ancc. Funeral services were conduct ed at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Elba- ville Methodist Church by the Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald and the Rev. C. E. Crawford. Nephews were pallbearers. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thui-sday, August 28, 1958 - Page 4 MRS. I. G. ROBERTS Mrs. Nannie Lakey Roberts, 61. wife of 1. O. Roberts , of Mocks vllle. Rl. 2, Clarkavllle Township, died at 2:45 p.m. Monday at her hcme. She had been In declining henlth several yearo and seriously 111 a week- She was born Nov. 10. 1896. in. Davie County, daughter of T. G. and Mary Rebecca Wln- fred Lakcy. She was a member of Wesley Chapel Methodist Church. Surviving are the husband; three brothers, R. W. and E. 8. Lakcy of Mocksvllle. Rt. 2. and F. R. Lakcy of Mocksvllle, Route 0; and a Bister, Mrs. Minnie Harkcy of Takoma Park, Md. Funeral services were conduct ed Wednesday at Wesley Chapel Methodist Church by the Rev. Al vln Amlck and the Rev. Wade Hutohlns. Burial was In the :hurch cemetery. Pallbearers wcra J. C. Jones, Joe Patner. Laiwrcncc Reavls. Maoy Langston. Rossie Harris, and D. O. Han-Is. Bio - Obituaries - 8/28/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 4,1958 - Page 3 Alra. J. A. Snider. 68 ^ Funeral services foi* Mrs. Tommyp Lre Snider.- 68, wife of John A.' Snider of Cooleemce. wore held "ruesday afternoon at the' No Creek Baptist Church. The Rev. Oerald Naylor and the Rev. Mr. Moore ofhclated. Burial was in the church cemctery> Mrs. Snider died Sunday at Rowan Memorial Hospital ol burns suffered nine weeks ago. Mrs. Snider was preparing din ner at lier home jvhen her cloth- Inv cdught flrd. She was taken to Rowan Memorial Hospital where ftev c&ndltlon has been critical since. Mrs. Snider was born in David, son County June 4. ISQO. daughter of T. o. and Lou Wagoner Raatz. She was married to Mr. Snider In 1B09. Surviving are the husband: sLs sons, Paul and Norman Snider of Mocksvllle. Ri. 4. John J., Walter. J. W-. and aienn Snldeiv all of Cooleeinse: three daughters. Mrs. T. a. Foster and Mrs. Henry Fos. trr of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4, and Miss Pannle Lee Snider of the home: four sisters. Mrs Ray Snider of Lexington. Mrs. Logan Smith and Miss Moude Roata of Mlockaville< Rt. 4: and Mrs. J. Blaokwelder of Coolcemee; and tme half sister, Mrs. Earve OruWi 'of Salisbury. AIRR. WADE ADAMB. 81 'Funeral servloes for.Mrs- Emmo Ada Adams, 81, of Yadklnvllle. Rt. 3, were held Tuesday at the Shady Drove Baptiat Cliuroh near Jonesville. Tha Rev. Cleia Sim mons, the Rev. Keimer Sprinkle, and the Rev. Mr. Recce ofllclBted. Burial was In the church cenui- lery- Mrs. Adams ditd unexpectedly aTlter lloifie at g:su pJh., SUIl- ' day of a iteari attaok. She had been In declining .health for sev* eral months. She was^ilte widow of Wade Adams. Mrs- Adams was born in Surry County. March 33. 1877. daughter of Daniel and Mary Easley Khn- roer. I Sundvliig 0m one con, M. U Adams of Yadklnvllle. Rt. 3: tme daughter. Miss Odenla Adams of <thc home; bwb stepdaughters, Mrs. C. R. Whlbaker of. Hampton- vllle and Mrs. J. T, Frozler of Spring Lake; one stepson, C. V. Adams of Jonesville: four grand* chlldrenfn seven great-grandchil dren and 10 stepgrandohlldron. . Bio - Obituaries - 9/4/1958 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA I . • \ r Mrs. W. H. Dodd '/ I j firs. Leonora Taylor Dodd, 85, widow of thViate Rev. Walter H. Dodd, died on Sun day night, July 13, 1958, at the Memorial Mission Hospital, Asheville, after a serious < illness of three weeks. Mrs. Dodd, a native of Mocksville, Davie County, was educated at the Mocksville Academy, the Sunny Side Seminary in Mocksville. and later attended the Dew Private School, Wytheville, Virginia, Davidson College, and the University of V Virginia. She taught school in Mocksville and became principal of Mocksville Acad- r*~ emy. ^ Mrs. Dodd united with Mocksville Baptist \ Church In 1890, and was active in church and religious work all her life. In her ^ younger days she served as a state mis- V sionary in Western North Carolina. For ^ a good many years she served as president 0 of the Woman's Missionary Union in her ^ church, and for many years she served in a most efficient way as the superintendent of the Woman's Missionary Union of the —jj South Yadkin Association. Until her recent ^ illness she was teacher of the Woman's Bible Class and president of the Adult 1 Training Union group of the First Church. She attended every course offered by the church and was active in all its organiza- tions to the end of her earthly life. She was also active in civic and cultural organizations, being a member of the North •Carolina Literary and Historical Society, the Order of Eastern Star, the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, aiid the United Daughters of the Confederacy. She V was historian of Davie County and of'the ^ South Yadkin Association. Her husband, Rev. Walter H. Dodd, who had served well as preacher and pastor in many places in the state, died April 26, 1950. Surviving Mrs. Dodd are a brother. Dr. W. W. Taylor, Warrenton; a stepdaughter, Mrs. A. J. Haynes, Statesville; and two stepsons, Walter H. Dodd of Waco and J. C. Dodd of Hahira, Georgia. Mrs. Dodd made her home in Mocksville, but spent each summer at Rldgecrest, where she maintained a cottage, met old friends, and attended the various confer ences. She lived a rich and beautiful life. She served God and her generation long and well. Her gracious personality radiated love, good will and joy. She set a good example in the world and made a lasting impression of good on many hearts. Her friends are many. Those who knew her can say, "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." The funeral service was conducted at the First Baptist Church of Mocksville, July 15, by her pastor. Burial was in the Rose Cemetery. —J. P. Davis, Pastor, Blrst Church, Mocksville. DAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARV MOCKSVILLE, NO DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 11,1958 - Page 3 E. !t. HAIVtMOND, services f oi- Bdaar.s Hammond. Jr., ot OharlotW' held Wednesday at the Hi Bryant Ohapel in the Oalo}] Rev. James E. Fognrtle, po' the Myers Pailt Preeb? Church and the Rev. WlUt Long, pastor of tJie M8( Presbyterian , Church., oRlMj Burial was In the'EvejErew*" ctery. - •Mr. Hammond was the of Mrs. William F. Lbngj MoefcsvlHe. He died in a Charlotte Holj Tuesday morning. Mr. Hammond was bontn 13. 1900, In Chicago, 211.. if Mr. and Mrs. E- H. Har Sr.. of Charlotte. He was aj uate of Brown University. dence. R. I. He was assfl with the E. H. Hammond Charlotte, representing thd' ragansctt Wire Co, Surviving Is his wife, MrS.'; rinna Lnxton Hannnond; hl^ cnts; tihree daughters, Mrd.> ilom F- Long of Mocksvllls; Samuel T. Stough. Jr. .of Bern and Mi-s. Richard F. Mat ley of St. Simons Island. Oa.; grandchildren. -Nancy Erwln L6] end WiUlam F. Long. Jr.. of vllle: a sister. Mrs. Wllloughly.G idy of Pasedcna, Calif., and a b; ther, Rlohard P. Hammond /' Charlotte. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 11,1958- Page 7 MRS. DUKE WALKER. 64 Punoitil services for Mrs. Ruih Oarwood Walker, S4. wife cf Duke W. Walker of Winston • Snicm. were held Friday afternoon. Bur- lol was In Joppa Cemetery. Mrs. Walker died unexpectedly of a heort ailtack Se|)t. 3 enroule to thehosplUl. She had been in daelining hanlth s«voraI waoko. Shs was born Aug. 27, 1904. In Davis County, doughler og Will- lam W. and Aimie Markland Qar- wcod. Shcc omc to Porsyth Coun ty in 101-3 and was n msmtoer of Memorial Reformed Church. She -married Mr. Walker June 30. 1035. Ha survlvti. .,Other survivors aro a daughter, KlrB. kuonna Kllllan cf the home: thrrc sons. Rdbcit E. and James 'C. Walker of the home and David K. Walker of 729 W. Banner Ave- piue: iwo sisters. Mrs. Ramsey J. lOlasgow of Jacksonville. Pla-, ,nnd Mrs. John R. Coe of Win ston - Salcm; and two brothers, .Mlltcn T. and Ccolt K. Oaiwood 'of Wtnston-SfvUm. Mm. Ocorge W. Durham. 71 Mrs. O:orgc W. Durham, age 17 years, died oit her home ot Francisco on 'Sunday afternoon. She was the mother of Mocks- vJIs's Mayor, John E. Durham. Funeral .services were conduct ed Tuesday at the. Big Creek Primitive BaptUl Church, with Elder Flclchcr BcnslCy In charge. Survlvldg. In addition to John Durham, are the husband; two sons, O. W. Durham. Jr.. of Win- ilcn-Snlcm. Ed Dtu-hmn of High Point; six daughters. Mrs. Alice Jefferson. Franch-co; Mrs. Walter Palmer. High Point. Mrs- Dewcy Lawson, Pinnacle, Mrs. W. H. Va- den. Westncld. Mrs. J. H. Vaden. Stonvllle, and Mrs. Rcmero Crow- :r cf King: and one slater, Mrs. Sam Nunn of ESIerbee.- Bio - Obituaries - 9/11/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 18,1958 - Page 1 Alfred Owen Wagner CooleemM Man Kiiy Cleaning His .22 Rifle A 51 year old Cooleemee textile worker was killed atout 12:30 p- m. Monday when an automatic rifle dlsohargcd while ho was cleaning it at his home. Dr. o. V. Orcenc, Davie County coroner, ruled, bhe deabh of Al fred Owens Wagner accidental. <Mr. Wagner was born Dec. 30. 1D06, In Davie County, son of W. Frank and Bell Owens Wag ner. He served in -lihe Navy from 1033 to 1020, He was a member and deacon of Fli'St Baptist Church, Cooleemee, He married M3s8 Lila Hower- ton Feb. 33, 1030* She survives. Other survivors are a son, Harold Wffgner of Roanoke, Va., two daughters, Mrs. Jean Baggott of Danville, Va„ and Mrs. Sue Steele of Cooleemee; five grand children: two brothers. Nell and Ray Wagner of Washington, D. C.: and tm'o sisters. Mrs. Ethel Campocll of Washington and Mrs. Carolyn Wihite of Cooleemee. Funeral services were conduct ed Wednesday at First Baptist Churr<li. Cooleemee. by the Rev. Gerald Naylar. Burial was In I Rowan Memorial Paiic. Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries - 9/18/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 25,1958 - Page 2 Mrs. R. L. Walker . - Dies At Age 81 Mt-d. Mamie Oreen Wnlltei- of WUkesbot'o 811*661. died at the Davie County Kospitol' at 1:40 a.m. Wednesday moi-nlntr foUow* mg a brief lllneu, pged B1 ykiis- She bol-n In wilkes' County* daughter of lyir. and Mrs. Snnford Oreoh, but nvovod to Davie Coun* ty early In her life and resided hei-e ever sinqe. Surviving are three daughters. Mrs. Rowe 'Davis of Norfollt, Va.. Mrs. Anne Rose of Norfolk, Y^- and Mrf Otis McClamrqck of Akron. Ohio. Two sons, V. M. vyalkor, co-ovvncr of Walker 6u> per Morktll of Mocksvllle, and D. K. Walker of Winston • Salem- Thirty thrice grandchildren, sixty* six great grand oliUdreh. pnd one great - great _ husband. R. L. Walker, preceded her in death eight years ago. Funei-ttl services will be ' held ot 4 o/clock Tlmi'sday afternoon at I'he North Main Street Churah of Christ, M'lth W^hdell Tqel of- flclaUng. Interment wlU b^ at Claude R. Burebctt, 45 Funeral ssi-vlecs f.-sr Ci.iude Richard BuiJhett, 45, farmer of Mo;'l:svllle, Ri;." 6. CJnrksvlUc Tiwnshlp, will hp h.sld at 2 p.m. Timiuday at -iCi: Liberty Cliui'cli by the R^v. Al'oert fi:a:k- chs and the Rev. E- K. Woolen. Burial will bi In ICie ehurjh e.cn- Mr. Burcl]ii'<l dl:-d TU8sJ(ty at '.•he Lula Conrad HootJt 'Hbl-pltal In Yadklnvtlls. Ke had been ser- icusly 111 0 week. He was born Aug. 36. 1013, in Yadkln County, son of Henry P. and Saraili Burchttl. Survivh}g are a br:'''.):r. Jl:n Buic<:utt of M'jcksvUte, Rl. 6. and wo sisters, Mrs. Bet-.le Wllklns if Yadklnvllle, Rt. 1. and Mrs. Auau.-la DJ.xon of Wlnston-Sahm. Bio - Obituaries - 9/25/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 2,1958 - Page 5 MRS. FR£D R. LAKEY. 69. Funei'al sei-vlcea for Carrie VliYlnla (Rate) Lakcy, 00, u-lfe of Fi'ed R. Lakey of Mocksvllle, RC. 5. were held 'Monday afternoon at the Eaton's Bs^lst - Church by the Rev. Wallace Owens, the Rev. C. E. CraiWTfcrd and the Rev. Jim my Oroee. BuKal was in the ^lU'cli crmptery. KKrs. Loikey died Saturday at her home. She had been in de clining health several montlu. She was born Sept. 11, 1889. In Davic Country, daughter of W. F. and Leah Lou Howcll Furches. Mrs. Lakey was moirled to Mr. Lakcy April 13, 1913. He survives. OtJior sui-vlvors are four dauirh. tens. Mrs. J. P. Leagans of New DeUil. India. Mrs. J. B. HUton of Rural Hall. Mrs. W. B. Steelman of Baltimore, Md., and Mrs. Johnson MoBrlde of Mocksvllle. Rt. 2; B son. I. Burcn lAkcy of the home: a brother, -C S. Purchea of Butner*: and 11 grand- dliltdj-en. Bio — Obituaries - 10/2/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 9,1958 - Page 5 Riles Held For Jock Allison. 62 Futici'A) 52i-vtcc« were heJd Mon. diiy afternoon nl 4 |).m. for Will* Inm A. <Jnck> AlliBon, 92. of Maple Avenue, Mooksvinc. at his home. The Rev. C. B. Nowlon and tho Rev, E. M. Avctt odlciatcd. Burial WAS In Rose Cemetery. Mr- Allison died at 8 p.m. Sat urday At his home. He WAS born Dee. 24. 1805, In Dnvie County, aon of O. A. and Henrlo MoitIs Allison. Mr. Allison lived at OliAi'lottc for -many years. Ho was a rcprc- aentatlve of -the Phlleo Corp.. In the Atlanta, Oa.. and Charlotte Di-strlots for 36 yenrs. retiring a few yenrs ago. He WAS Q menvber of Mocks- vlllc First Methodist Clvurch. Chnrlotte Lodge 303 of the Elks CiPb and the Mocksvlllc Masonic Lodge. He WAS mnrrkd in 1925 to Miss Oladys Mynvlle VAughnn. Che survives. OWirr Burvivors nrc n brother. M- O. Alilflon of Wilmington; and three si.otcni. Mrs, Fiiil John son. Mrs. Mnrgarcl L;Ornnd nnd Miss OssI: Allison of Mocksvlllo. Pnlib-arrrs were John Lr- Ornnd. Cell Morris. Orndy w.nrd. James Thompson, A. T. C'Utnb- Icy, Frank Bui;crfi:i<i, niul Dr. Paul Wnltci's. Honorary p.ii'bcnrers were H. R. Hendrl.v. J. K. Sheclc. T. C. Orn- Isnm, R. M. Holtiiousrr. Koon J-'hnstcne, Oeorge Martin. Lester Maviln, Jr.. Pierce Poster, A. T. Grant, John Ramsey. John Dur- hrm nnd Frank Hough. Mrs. T A. M. Stevenson Funeral atrvlcca for Mrs. Beu« Inh Allen Sioveiuson. 70. wife of T. A. NT. Stevenson of Wlnston- Snlntn. were held Fi-iday At the Wall Glade Funeral Chapel of lahl cHy. Tl\q Rtv J. C. Auman land Dr. Mark D;pp ofnelatcd.Bui-' ial was In Olte Forsylh Memorial Park. Mrs. Stevenson died Tliuraday in a Winston-Snlcm (hospital- She had been tn declining hoalUt three years and in serious condition alx weeks. She wa.s born In Davie County near Mocksvlllc, Dee. 31. 1678. a dnuBhlcr of Robert M. and Mar- B,irct Nccly AlUit. Mrs. Stevenson itwd lii Davlv County mo.st of itcr early life. She attended private schools there and Woman's Collrgo at Greensboro. She taught school (or a number of years. In 1015 she moved to Winston- Salem from Charlotte. She was a mrmber of Ccn:cnary M:-thodl9t Church. She was married June 12, 1906. to T. A. M- Stevenson. w*ho is cn- g.aged In the real estate business. Surviving arc her husband: a' daughter, Miss Margaret L. Stc>' vcnson of the homo: a son. Rob- ert L. Stevenson of the >home: a brc-ihcr, R. A. Allen of Ocnton: and a sister, Mrs. T, M- Hendr}>: of Mocksvlllc. Hubert A. Ilendrlrks. 63 Funeral services for Hubert A Hendricka. 63. wore held Frida.i 'morning at the Salcm Mcthodlsi Oiurch. f Mr. Htndrlcks. a native of the Calnhain Townrhlp. died Wednes day. ' EurvWlrrg-nrc a son. J. O. (Bus- ten Kcndi'lckB of Rl. 1. Mocks vlllc: a daughter. . Miss Ruth Hcndrtcks of the home: sLsters. Miss Bessie Hendrlcks and Mrs. Elmer Tpltcrowfl both of Greens boro; Mrs. Glenn Shaw of Route 2. Harmony, and Mrs. B. H. White and Miss Mary Catilicrinc Hcn- jdrlck.<t. both of Hickory. Bio - Obituaries - 10/9/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 9,1958 - Page 5 MISS MIM.IR LAN0I.I3Y, Fuiv;i-a1 xrrvlccs for Miss Millie MAude Lonirley. 76. of Mocksvllle, Rt. 5. were held Sunday after, noon at the Mount Olive Mctho. dist Churoh by the Rev. Alvln Amiek. Burial was in the church cemetery. Miss Lanyley dlsd Friday at the City Hospital In Winston-Solein. Site had been III three weeks. She was born March 13, 1883. !n Dnvic County. dtiUKliter o( Alex and Nancy Brucbaker L.nn8< Icy. Surviving arc two daughtei-s. Mrs, H. L. Adams of BasseU, Va>. an! Mrs. Lens Belldcr of Highland Fork. N. J.: 11 grand* children and 14 grcat-grandehil* dtxn. I MRS. SALUB tVALKRR. 08 I l^ncral services for Mrs. Salllc I iTlmmns Walker. 98. of Mocksvlllc.' Rt. I. 8a);m Church community., were held Sunday afternoon at the Sfttem Methodist Chur^. The Rev. Ocorgc Auman oflleiatcd. Burial was in the churoh ccmc. tcry. Mrs. Waiker died Saturday at the Davlc County Hospital. She had been seriously 111 several' weeks- i f°5?' lUil®"® Ballcntlne of Mockavllle. Rt. n ^ ^ i*. a son. WttllamMoKlhloy Walker Mr MocksvlUe. Rt- 1; tmt gmitd* Ir? p rf?niS?J* jLf (Chldrcn and aevwi grett-grand-surviving arc a dau^ter. children Bio - Obituaries -10/9/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 23,1958 - Page 3 DKVlfl L. Mirtow Funeral services for t>AVld Lee five i'oar old son of W. A. and ElVhel Livlmrston Morlow of Hsrmony, Kt. 1, were held Wednceday afternoon at the Lib* crty B.iptiist Church by the Rev. James Bracken, the Rev. James Moore and Vhe Rev. Paul Moore. Burial \ras In the ohui^t oeme* tcry- Tlic ohlHl died Monday morn ing at eitfl home. Surviving are the parenta: four brolhera. Wayne Marlow of Yad> kmvllle, Floyd and Leray Marlow of the home; and four slstera. Mrs. Hazel Whltakcr of Mocks* vllic. Misses Helen, Mickey, and Pauline Marlow of the home. 1. L. POTTS, 74 Punci-al services -for l8aa<; Lott- rel Polta. 74. o retired (armer of Mooksville, RIt. 3. were held Tues* day ivftenioou at Uie Fork Bap* list Ohuixh. The Rev. A. M. Kls- er and the Rov. MBobby Ridge offlclated. Burial was in the church cc-moteiY. Mr. Potts dltd at 9:45 p.m.. Sunday (ut the Davic County Hcu* pitnl. He had hern in d.-cXnIng hsalrh a year and icriously ill tdVS'hays. n He was bom July 3. 1864, in pavic County, a son of J. E. and Emiic Mt^nicI Potta, He siKnt his en.Ire life in Davle County. Surviving ore two brothers. C. O. Pouts and J. D. Pott« of Mockavllle. Rt. 3, and a sister. Mrs. Jt V: Owens of 'Mscksvllie. m. 3. Bio - Obituaries -10/23/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 30,1958 - Page 1 R. S. Williard Found Dead ' HH^h Snnford Wlllard. 51. me chanic of MocksvlIIe. Rt. 6. Farmlngton conHminlty. was found drad early Tuesday In woods near his home. He had been missing several days. Davio County ShcrlfT Ben Y. Boyles and acilng coroner Dr* Paul Wallers said he died of pat- \iral causes. Mr. Wllllard was born March 3. 1007. In Yadkln County, son of Jc'hn Sanfoi'd and Maltle Red man Wllllard. Surviving are a son. John O. Wllllard of Wlnston*Sfriem: the mother of Mockavllle. Rl. S: two brothers. Fletcher Wllllard of Ad vance. Ht. 1, and Katmion Wll llard of MocksvlIIe. Rt. S; a<el8tcr. Mrs. David Jahcnli^ of Wahpc- ton. M. D.; and a grandchild- Itmerat services will be con ducted at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at Wealcy Ohapsl by the Rev. Alvln Amlck. Burial will be In the church ccm^iy. Tlio body will be at Eaton Fu neral Home. Mockavllle. until placed in the church 30 minutes before the service. Bio - Obituaries - 10/30/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 30,1958 - Page 7 W. J. GOODE, S2 Punieml services for Willie J. Ooodo. 62, were held Tuesday lomoon flit the CUturdh of Qod at Noi'Uli CooJeujisee b ylliu Rev. B. 'A. Harper and HWe'R©v; L.'OV'ditt^ floway. Bdrlal was In the North Cooteemce Menrorlal Park. • Mr* Goode died unorpeotedly Sunday at his homc^ln Coolecince following n heart nttnck. Mr. Qoode Wiui born In Csolee* meet Dec. 26, 1905, son of Willltem and Nellie Poster Qoode. He had been employed at Vhe Envln Mills at Cooleionee for a number of .years. He war married io M1:d Flci'A Barn:8 In 1926. Surviving are his wife; one daufiiht^r. Mrs. M.'O'. Lankford of Coolcemec; one tVandch-lld;. one sister, Mrs. Ke^en MaKon of Salis bury; onO ivair sister, f^Vs. Bessie Cnnuhp of Coolc^\iec; six 'half Pink Poster of Lexing ton, Fhil Pdstcr of Mock&vllle. Rl- A, crtiy of CocJeanse. jBoyd FostEi- of SpavtiQiiliui'g, S. C., DUiHc Fc;ite^' of SJllldbuvy, and Luther FcJleV of CobicWee.. R. P. Warren, ss Fuderal seiVlets tot' Robert Pi-niTklln Warran,.82. of •the Col- l.'t8bU)o conrinunlty of Cnldwoll Ccuuty \v:rs held Saturday nt tha Worr;n * Miller Funeral Home In Lcnoir by bits Rev. Hnrvsy Rumroli and the Rev. Herring Crisp., Burlol was In th: Belle-i vlsw Ccm.'lery. Mr. Worrcn woa the fatlier of Mrs. Lcslla Daniel of Mocksvlllc. He died at 8.;40 p.m.. Thursday at his home Hs had be:n In de clining health for 22 monlhs. He wos crUloaUy 111 only one day. He ^Yts born Dec. 24. 1676, in Wllkcfl County, son of the htc Mr. and Mrs. Jnanes Warren of Qflinesville, Qa. Mr. Warreit was a rebtd6At bf Lcnoir and <t)he ColloliesvtUe ootn> inunity for eo years. He was nsaooVated with Uie Sauiihevn Ralhtiy Company ahd Inter wi.h the Carolina and North- wcvtern RAllway. Ho tbilred in 1042 ru ft scotion roioman after 42 years of aen'lce. He wna a member of Liberty Qrove Baptist Church In Wilkes County-and aciwcd iov ft number of years as a member of the Col- Iclsvlllc School Board. Surviving are lAio wife, tho for mer Dnvie Ferguson; n daugliler. Mrs. Ohi^&llhc Daniel of Mocks- vtllc: ()Wo sons, Jamrs Warren of Sumter, 8. C,. and Cather Wnrrcn o( Lcnoir; a xrand child: ond a brother. Joe Warren, of Lcnoir. CONRAD poster. 83 Pimf«;al services for Conrad Poster, 03, of Hatmony. who died at U:30 p.m. Sunday were con ducted at 2 pm. Tuesday at the Cua^'k£bui7 MelbhodisV tihuroh by the Rev. W, L. iTnrkey. Burial was In the ohu'rch cemeteiw- Mr. Poktor. a retired farmer, was-born In Dnvlc Counly, son of Henry and Mary Hendrlcks Pos ter. He had lived ncor Harmony fcr tho past 46 yenrs^ He Is survived by his wife, the former Com Henley: three daugh' tea's, Mrs. Murphy Bailey of 8um- mcrvillo. Mrs. B. D. Springer of Orcensbcro. and Mrs. Julius Han- cack of Ruby. S. C.: one son, Reuben Foster of Macksvllle. Rt. 1; 10 granddhildren and four great-grand'.hHdren- t Bio - Obituaries - 10/30/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 6,1958 - Page 4 ' sm til. VEAcift. .60 • Fiinerai servfoM for 'Ktn. W. M. Veeueh, .80, of. i Kdrioi Cooleomeo wore' heid V^edHesday .•«& ,tbe I^rldi4Coole«meo IBapU^ T^- R^. Ciy^ ;^to ^of \.i V ^odk4^o resjk homo, fl&i^adbeeft ill for Mveral.^M]& . l".'•• ^ Voadh'iboo thd lidildw 6t WilU^*M; Vea'tih, 21. 1857. '•n •,■ • . • •. • '•^0 was bom '^pti 87,Vld^ in WiUcM COtiAty,'i(laU8Siter''Of. Johdand Amanda ^irlu btdhbi.' Bm^jVlnff art .tiH)rOO''d&Uipft»*; Mrs. ..Coy DuiiQiam of fRiMrlngRlyeri^ Mrs. J. Er.\X>ahidisi'e)ndMm. Pdul Bl'Ta^r.'oif ^&vll]^,Bt. soits.*'jbewe^^*:>yMOliot dotAeemit :-diid |3>aimer i..yeaq|h;. of Ifodc^le. . Ri. M 19grandii^dran and 18 grthl-gl^d. OhiWrBh.• ' MRS. wnx' y^fte'ral ^nrio^ Idr Mirs.. RtiurlahiDysOo HoUo^. 06.''wttti €(t 1^11ffolje^ of OOoleeavrt, ■ «4ro htild NOohfuy at.the Uboitty ^olMistTtim Rev. 6. W.jiffiqiMn- and the Rev. 6. Of-net'atod. BiirlflJ*^8 inithedhurthMoieteiy. . ' ''. NbU^y dl^ Satur^rtiven.the Baptlsf Ko^tal'.inWtta^n-SalOm:' She hid' beenoiitlbaUy til. fo;r ehdict da^.*-SUfylng arti- kl^.' •Iniaband:lihr^ .luiK. siaierB. B.lyattcdr' of Ru^ViRap, Mm. R* Wallcer of ^hdtiffs; d. (X'i^WflhOr. d| R&h^nd.Va.': and stx^half broth^. R. F:^ J.. J. H., fi,' it,"C h ud J RJonlctns, all.'oC WlQston^lem Bio - Obituaries -11/6/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 13,1958 - Page 1 Curtis Price, Davie County Scliool Superintendent, Dies Here Monday •V' c/'l CURTIS PRIOE fluneral Services Are Held Tuesday At Methodist Church Cui'tlB Price, 55, Supt. of Davli NCounity Sdliools, died unexpected!] Monday morning around 6:20 a 'm., in tJhe Davie County Hospital Ml'. Price was carried to the hos pital last Thursday after suffer ing a heart attack. He appearec to be gaining Strengtlh wftien th( fatal solaure struck him Monda) ""YiomlnB. ^1 Funeral seivlces were held Tue«. Bcay afternoon at the Fii'St Meth' ^dlst Ohuroh in Mocksvillc. Tin ^ Rev. 0. B. Nowton,' Rev. A. J Cox and the Rov. B. M. Avell omciated Burloil wua in the cemetery In Mbnroc. Mr. Price had served as super intendent of Davie County schoolt since 1645. Under his leadership the county schools were improved and modernized. His leadei-shlp U'as responsible for the consoH> dation of the four hig-h sohooli into a modem plant 3'yeai-s ago Ho was bom In Union County on Feb. 1, 1603. the eon of the late HoniT Dawson and Nora Win chester Price. He received his high sohpol diploma from the Wesley Chapel High School. He spent two yeei's aft Elon College and two yearn al Dulce Universi^, graduating fi'Oin the latter with an AB degree. From 1825 to 1945, he seived as principal of sdhoola in Ruth erford Coutity. and as assistant to superintendent of schools. In 1645 he became superlrvtendent of gchools In Davie County. . Mr. Price was chairman of the ■|x>srd of «ttowards of the Mocks-l^ihc Methodist Chui-oh and teaoh- er of the Mm's Bible Class. He was chairman of the Ddvie Oh-ap- tci-'Of the American Red Cross: pimirm^an of the looal chapter of the TD Association; Ohnlrmian of the local chapter of the Ctlpplcd Children's League; past president of the Mooksvllle Rota)7 Club: past president of the Northwest ern District of tdvt NCEA; scmd as chairnmn of the Davie District of the Boy Scouts of America for three years and was the rceiplonl of the SlWor Beaver award; mem* bor of >thc National Education As sociation: member of tlie Supcr intcndciU's Division of the NEA; mcinbcr of 'Ute N. C. Superintend ents' Association: member of the Mookfiville Masonic Lodge. On July 16, 1027, he was mar ried to Miss Katherine Moore, who survives. He is survived by seven broth ers: J. Hampton Price, 3. lAWBon Price. Irwtn Price and Julian Price, »I1 of Mlonroe, N. C.: Heath Price of White Plains. N. Y.: Heniy L. Price of Kannapolls; and W. M. Price of HcndcrsonvlUe. Three sisters: Mrs. Ward Broomc of Monroe, N. C.: Mrs. W. W.^BlBkcly of New Boston, Texas; Bind Mrs. Otlbcrt Kohti of Khn-^IBlXlllS. N. C. The brothers were active pall bearers. Members of the Dnvle . County Bsnrd of Education and Plivic school principals served as hJiiorary pallbearers. Bio - Obituaries - 11/13/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 13,1958 - Page 2 Mrs. Larry MoCullouffh, 24 Funeral seivlces for Mi's. Betty Jean McCullou^h, 24, of Cooleemce were 'held Friday afternoon at the Jerusalem Baptist Church. Tlie Rev. EUner Sellers and Uhe Rev. R. O. McClanuock offlcki'ted Burial was In the Liberty Metho* dlst Cenieteix Mrs. McCulioush died Wednes day morning at the DaVls Hosplt- al in Stateovllle. She had entered the hosplt-al two days before for observaitlon and trcobmcnt. <She was born In Davlc County Mardh 20. 1034. the daugihtcr of John Henry and Lula Ombb Ham- it on. She .was a graduate of Cooleemee High School with the class of 1953. tShe married Sgt. LAn7 McCul lougrh In 1054 and they had made their home -in Rlctlimond. Va.. where hm- as stationed with the U. 3. Marines. In addition to her husband, alie is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Hamilton of Cooleemee: and two sisters. Miss Sylvn HaimiSton of the home and Mi-s. V. L. Thompson of Llnwood. Bio - Obituaries - 11/13/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 27,1958 - Page 5 Mm. T)plmn Ou-cns Mva. Strilii Owen?. 46. wife of ^linn Owrns of Coohemre. dlfd unexpceicdiy nhnui 3 p.m. Mon- dn.v n( her home. She Jmd been fa dccliaing hcoltih eevrrnl months &he WMs bora Jnn. 27. 1013. in Davlc Ccunt.v, dAUffhtcr of Chnrles imd Mnry Po.'ts House. Mrs. Owens was employed by Erwln Mills for m.-tny yenrs unlll her hcnlth fMlcd. She was mnr- i-led In 1030. .Surviving ni'e bho husbnitd; two diivghters, Mrs. Willie Lec Snyder of Snllsbury nnd Mrs. W. D. Tilicinns of Los Angeles. Cnllf.: three grandchildren; two brcl'hers, Rnymond Hou.se of Coolcemec nnd Roscoe House of Ornnt Allen. Neb; a sister, Mrs. L. M. Miller of Sn]lsbui7: Q half brother. Bud Crcnson. of Snlis* bury: and two hnlf sisters. Mrs. E. R. Wriffhl ' Mrs. Kale Joy Hunter Wright, 67, widoav of E. H. Wright, lied Sunday at the home of n daugh ter. Mj-s. p. -E. Wlllinrd. Jr., Ad-' vnncc. Ht. 1, Macedonia Church community. She had been serious-' ly 111 several weeks. * j Mr.s. Wright was bom in Davle CouAty Feb. 7, 1891, daughter of Samusl an] Robena Hunter. She. was nmrrlcd to Mr. Wright in 1011. He died Oct. 24. 1957. | Surviving are three daughters.' Mrs. T. L. Snsterlcmd of Char lotte, iJrs. Clyde Wlllolns of Win-, ston-Salem nnd Mrs. WilK'\rd with whom she made <her home: three sons, H. A. and T. a. Wright of Advnncd, Rt. 1, and O. J. Wright of Clnclnnttl. Ohio: 12 grandchil dren; two great - grandrhlldrcn^ six brothers. W R.. P. B.. C. E., and E. H. Hunter, all of Win<)ton- j Ea'lrm. C. R. nnd H. H. Hunter of Mocicsvllic. Route 2; and one sistel, Mrs. John Latham of Mocksvlllc. Route 2. Funeral seVvlces were conduct ed Tuesday at Yndicln Valley Bap, tist Chui'oh by the Rsv. Alvb Cheshli-c. Burial was in the church csmotery.v Nephews were pallbear ers. Mrs. John L. Howard, 83 Funeral services for Mrs. John L. Howard. 83. of Mocksville, Rt. 4, were held Wednesday at the Liberty Methodist Ohui-ch. TTie Rev. R. O. McClnmrock, the Rsv. O. W. Fink nnd the Rev. W H Pe-rry officiated Burial was in the Oak Grove Methodic Cttiurch Cemetery,. Mr. Hou'ard died une};p:ctedl)^; Monday at her home. She was born April 20. 1876, In Davle County^ daughter of John and Eliza Koirfees Sumimers. Surviving ore four daughters. Mrs. Dswey Everhart of Moorsa- vlllc, Mrs. Spencer Foster of Winston . Snlem. Mrs. Paul Wag ner of Mocksvltle, Route 4, and Mrs. Ransom Cook of Mocksville. Rt. 3; five sistci\3. Mrs. Julia Bowles and Mrs. Olllc Foster of Mooksvlilc, Route 4. Mrs. Betty Bummers of Mocksville, Route 1, lUil Mrs. Lola Poplin of Mocks ville, Rt. 3: 24 grandchlldj-en-and If great-grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 11/27/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 4,1958 - Page 2 Otorre K. Forrest, 70 | Funeral services for George F. Forrest, 70. of Moekavllle, Rt. 1. were held 8an<urdBy at the No Craek Pilmltilve Baptist Cfhui*ch. Eld:r' Wbslcy •Moora and Elder Wesley Riffg oinelAted. Burial U'ns In the churoh cemetery. Mr. Forrest died Thursday at his ^home. He had been In deelln* ing heali'h two years and seriously 111 A weeke. He was born Hov. 17. 18B6, the xon of Afaiuflnnn end Samr Eliaa* bc'th Snyder Forrest. SurvI'vinB are his wife. Mw. Sarah Ellaabeth Barnes Forrest: two daughters.. Mrs. Elisabeth Ves.al of Winston . Salem, Rt. 6. and Mrs. Ann Evans of Mocks- ville. Rt. 1: Hhree sons. Abraham Forrest of Lexinffton, Jomes For rest of Wlnston-Sajem and Gar land Forrest of Louisville. Ky.; two brothers, J. J. Forrest of Mocksvlllc. Rt. 1, ar.^ Lewis B. Forrest of liffocksviUe, Rt. 4: and two sisters. Mrs. iFannle Filer of Spencer and Mrs. Carrie Williams of KannapoKs. Mrs. George Nail, 80 •Funaral aervJces for Mrs. Leila Belle Nail. so. of Mook&vlMe, Rii. 8, were 'hold Fiiday at the Advance Methodist OhurCh. The Rev. B. A. CaiTOll and the Rev. D. D. Broome ofhelated. Burial was in the cbui'ch cemetery. Mrs. Nail died Wednesday at the home of a son. W. G. Nail, of Wln- Alon-B,Klcm. £he hod been in de clining heal h for 'two years and seriously ill for two weeks. &he was born Oct. 1, 1878. at Advance, daughter of Haley and Alice Bailey Williams. Mrs. Kali had lived in the Cofnateer Community of DAvle Ccunty for -the past 68 years. She was & memberof Comatger Meth odist Ohureh. She was married to Mr. Nail D(t, 12,1000. He died Mhreh 10, IQBO. Surviving are four sons. W. Q. Nail. T. L. Nail of Winston-Snlem, H..V. Nail of Palo Alto. Calif., and a. W. Nail of Mccksvllle. Rt. 3: a slater. Mrs. T. S. Mock of High Point; 14 grandchildren and 21 greotgrAndohtldren Bio - Obituaries -12/4/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 4,1958 - Page 2 C. QUitter Foiter. Ch^ptnah Qilmer Foster, 69, of Wlnetoh . Salem, dlatriot supea*- vlaoi' for the Great AtHintte end Ffloiric Tea Co., died at 2:16 pjn. Thursday at his home. His death was unexpected. He had been in apparent Rood health •Mr. Foster had been wah the A ds P Co. for 36 years. 33 as dts- tfiol supervisor. He was born In Davle County, Feb. 6. 1809. a son of S. T. and Mary Oedman PostGr. His early 11/e was spent near MooksviUe. He went to Wlnston-Salem about 40 years offo. Mr. Fca.er was a member of CeiHenary Me>>hodlst Church and ':he James A Gray Bible Class there. He was nn usher for many years and was a member of the ofllclal board of tihe diurch. He was also a 'member of the Retail Mci'ohants Assn. and the Wlnston-Salem Chamber of Com- merce. He was married Sept. 6. 1016. to Miss Annie M. Huntphreys, wiho survives. Also sunvlvlng are a son, <the Rev. Robert G. Foster of Klnston; a sister, thrae brothers and four Rrandchildren. Robert Foster. Jr.. James Palmer Foster, AnnJe New'bome Foster and Cared Marie Fos'.er. all of Wlnston-Salcjn. Bio - Obituaries -12/4/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Oo u> <r ci Ut CO O Charles Family ^ Charles and wife Children: John A. Charles Others Unknown John A. Charles - bom May 12, 1835; died November 1, 1879; and wife Susannah Bailey - born June 8, 1842; died Juni^ 1.1923. She lived on the adjoining property next to Tucker homeplace. She was known for her fringed two-seated carriage. She was buried in Advance Methodist Cemetery. Children: Fannie Charles (Smithdeal) Notie Charles (Taylor) - no children Maggie Charles (Cornatzer) Unknown Son Mary Elizabeth "Betty" Charles Mary Elizabeth "Betty" Charles - born December 10,1867 in Davie County, North Carolina. She was married on May 24, 1887. Her mother Bailey stayed with them before Kathryn was born. There were ten children in the house at the time. Betty died on December 7. 1958 and is buried in the Elbaville Cementary. She was a housewife and a Baptist, but later joined Elbaville Methodist Church. and husband George Thomas Tucker - born April 17,1865 in Advance, North Carolina; died July 12, 1929 and is buried in the Elbaville Cemetery. He was a farmer and a Methodist. The Elbaville Cemetery was located at the Elbaville Methodist Church. The Elbaville Community name came from the Ellis and Bailey families who were prominent in the community. See George Thomas Tucker Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NO cO DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 11,1958 - Page 4 G. B. BROCK. 68 iTunci'al kciivlces tor Edward Bryant Brock. 83. of Parmhiffton were hc]d Wednesday aftcruoon at Ihc Farmlnglon Methodist C))uroli. The Rev. Aivln Atnlck ofnclntcd. Burial was ,in the Famnliigton Comotery. ( Mr. Brock, a reth'cd hotel clerk .died of a heart attack Mon> day five hours after entering the Da Vic County Hospital. He had, been In 111 henlth three years. Mr. Brock was born in Davie' County Sept. 25. 1605. son of John Enoch and Corn AUinn Brook. He resided at San Francisco. Calif., for several years. He returned to Farmlnglon last July after retlr- big as a hotol clerk. Surviving arc one brother. Jnmcs Hugh Brock of Farming* ton: three sisters. Mrs. R. P. Cllngman of Winter Park. Fla.. Mrs. Emina Long of Onuid Vailcy, Colo., and-Mrs. Thclma Walker of Norfolk. Va. Jesse L. Dwirc. 80 Funeral services for Jesse Lee j Dvvlre, 80. farmer of Mooksvllle, Route 3. wore held Sunday at the Fork BapMst Church. Burial was in Uie church cemetery. Mr. Owlre died unepectodly of a heart attack ^t 3:30 p.m.. Friday in a field near his home. He had been In dcclbilng hcaltlh two years. He was born Oct. 13. 1678. In Davlo County, son of X^anlcl and Hetla Richardson Dwire. Mr. Dwirc had ilvcd in the Pork OJmrch community for the past 30 years and attended Fork Baptist Church. He married Miss Annie Foster on Jan. 4, 1623. She survives. Mrs. J. H. Poster, 77 Funeral seiwlces for Mrs. Sally Miller Poster, 77. of MocksvlUe. Route 3, were held Friday at the Smith Orovc Methodist Ohurch by the Rev. J. W. Vestal and the Rev. Wade Rogers. Burial was In the ohurch ccmeteiT. Mrs. Foster died Wednesday night at her home. She was born Sept. 38, 1670. In Forsylh County, daughter of Wil- ilam and Martha Eanes Miller. Surviving arc Iavo sons, C. M. Poster of Wlnston*Salcm and Joe Poster of MocksvlUe; two daugh- tci^. Mrs Ray Howard of Clem- mons and Mrs. Nina Foster Con* I'Ad of the home; ten grandchil* drcn: five great giandohildren: and tltrce sisters. Mrs. John Fowl er. Mrs. 0. C. Wail and Mrs. John Hiatt of Thomasvillc. G, W. Baity, 57 Funeriol seiwices for Geoi-ge W. Baity, 57. of Mocksvillc, Route 5, were held Sunday at the Court* ncy Cross Roads Baptist Church, The Rev. Mclvln Curlec. the Rev. A. C. Cheshire and the Rev. Jim my C^roce ofllcintcd. Burial was in the church cemetery. (Mr. Baity died early Friday at the Davic County Hospital. He had been a patient there for five days. He was bom Sept. 16. 1601, In Davle Counjy, son of Oeoige Tom and Annie Bell Lowery Baity. He was employed by the Noiih Carolian Highway Commission In the DavIc County Maintenance Department for about 36 years. Ho married Hattic Dlnklns In 1025. She survives. Other survivors arc the father of MOcksvUlc. Rt. 5; five s!sters, Mrs. L. S. Sheltdn of MocksviUe. Rt. 6, Mil's. Avcry Reavis and Mrs. M. W. Wclbom of Wlnston- SaUin, Mrs. Walton Rcavls of Clemenons. Rt. 1, end Mrs. Bon May of Norfolk, Ve.; and two brothers. Leon Baity of Mocks vlUe. Rt. 5, and Javan Baity of Hannpny. Bio - Obituaries - 12/11/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 11,1958 - Page 4 AIRS. O. T. TUCKER. BO Mil's. Bcttle Tucker. SO, widow of Qeci'gc T. Tucker of Advance. Route 2. died Sunday afternoon at the Lynit Haven Rest Home where she had been a patient for four years. Mrs. Tucker a'as a native of Davle County and daughter of John and Susan Charles. She was mariled to Mr. Tucker In 1680. He died several yeai's ago. Surviving are four sons, Charles A. and J. T. Tudker of Chicago. HI.. Alex Tucker of Mocksvllle. ond Frank Tucker of Advance, Rt. 2; six daughtera, Mrs. Addle Mae Carter of Orecnsboro. Mrs. Emma Cook of MocksvIUe. Mrs. A. Crouso Jones of Wlnsion'Salein. Mrs. Turner S. Page of Slates- vllle, and Mrs M. Q. Allmond of ThomasvIUe; p7 grandchildren: and 40 great-grandohUdren. Bio - Obituaries —12/11/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 18,1958 - Page 7 I KEV. W. L. JOHNSON I Rev. Willie L. Johnson. 82. well : known retired Baplivb minister of 'the Shlloh Church community until 10 years ago when he went to Union Orove to live, died last week. He was at the home of n jdr.Uiihlfr. Mrs, Flake Hayes of I M.icksville. when he died. I He was married to Miss Nancy ;Current in iOOl. She died May ;2r*. 1054. He was a member of ' Bhlloh Bapilst church (or 40 years |n!.d served ns a minister in Yad- km and Wllke^f counties. , Burvivlng ore four daughters. Mrs. Oales Walker of Olin. Mrs. jSivm Masifi's of Ashevtlle. Mrs. .Curtis Crraey of Winston • Bslcm and Mrs. Hayes; three sons. Elmer Johnson of High Point. Pouglas Johnson of Oreensboro. and Alec J.'hne.'in: 19 grandciiildren and 13 U re.!! •yr.ir.richildi cJt. Bio - Obituaries - 12/18/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA