Jan - JunDA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 16,1958 - Page 1 Mrs. John C. Bowman Dies In Pcniisyivania John C. Bowinnn. 62. of Lebanon. t*n.. mother of llUBcnc S. Doumnn. imbllMicr of the Dn-. vie County GntciprlsC'Rccord, died Sunday morning nt 2:45 n. m. D:ntU was attributed to tton* cral dselinc of advanced years. Ptitternl scrMcrs were held Wcd> ncsdny at 1:30 p.m. nt the Mid way Church of the Brethren of which she was n member, inter ment was In Lonii'H Churelrynrd. orriclatlnR clergymen Included Ihc Rev. &.imuel Wenger. the Rev. Pan! Forney, and the Rev. CInrcnco Snngcr. I Prior to her mnrrlnRO to the' tats John C. Bowman, she w.ns Iho! former Alice P. Kline. Mr. Bow-] man preceded his wife In death by twcnt)' years. She Is survived by four chil dren- Knrold I. Bowman of the home; Mi-s. Ajnmon B. Qlbblc of Hershey. ^[lddlutown. Pa., at whose home she died: Clarence J. Bow man of Phltadclpldn, P.i.. and Eugene S. Bowman of Mocksvlllc; five sisters and brothers. Bio - Obituaries - 1/16/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 23,1958 - Page 2 MUS. T. W.*IIUmNES. 70.. Funeral sarvlccs for Mrs. Noin Jane Kudlncs. 78, of WUiston- Sftlcm wcru held Sunday at the Oabum McmorJal Mclhodiai Church of that city. Tlic Rev. Robert Duncli, the Rev. R. E. Ad- nins. and the Rev, J. P. Davis of. llclnlcd. Burial u'na In the Snicm Ccinclcr>-. Mrs. Hufllncs died around 3:20 n.in. In pnvic County HaspUnl. fiho had been sorloiinly ill for two weeks. Prior (0 ciuering Iho nursing home Mra. Huir-liiM inndo her home with her nephew, Floyd Nnylor of Mocksvllle. einec loul August. She was born hi Davle County Sept. lU. 1876. daughter of John and Amanda Uooe Naylor. She was the widow of T. W. HuJIlnes, who died In 1040. She was a mem ber of .Ogburn Mumorl.il Mclho. dlst Church at Wlnston-Snlcm. Survivors include IS nieces and lupiiews. I DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 23,1958 - Page 6 11. \V. GIlEGOltV. 80 Funeral services for Henry Wal. ton GrcHory. 80. a retired farmer, were held Friday at the Yndkin Valley B.-iplL<(t Church. Tlie Rev. A. C. Cheshire ofliclAlcd. Biu-lal was In the church cemetery*. Mr. Gregory died Jan. 15 at the I home of » (laughter. Mr.s. C. S. i Carter of Mocksvlllc. Rl. 2. Ho had been 111 a year, i Ho was Imrn Nov. 0. 1671. a son Ur John and Dorinda Stcelman ICrogury. Suiwlvlnu arc two dnughtcn, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. S. B. Smith ofI'Advah'ee', Route i: a ^snn. BuS l^n Grcij^jiV of■"Advance. Route l:'n brother, Frank C. Gregory ^of Kings Creek. S. C.; 10 grand- 'children and 10 great - grand children. Bio - Obituaries - 1/23/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 30,1958 - Page 1 Clarence Bost, 75, or Coolccnicc Dies Clnrcncc E. Bo.st. 7S. of Cool< eeuKc died 10:43 n.m.. Tuc«dny nt the Dnvic County KoetUtn). lie lind been In clccUnhiK hcnlth acv* eral monllis nnd seriously 111 three weeks. Ho WAS A retired employee of Er\eln MIIU. Mr. Do.tt uits bom Jnn. 10. I8B3. In Rownn County, n son of Henry C. nnd Dflrcn.n Frntcy Bost. He mnrricd MIm Annie Qrove In 1012. She nnd scvcrnl nieces nnd nephews survive hlin. ruiiom) ncrvlcc.i will be con* ducted nt U p.iu. Thursdny nt the Church of the Good Shepherd nt Coolccmco by the Rev. John A. Zune.s. The body will rcmnin nt Enton Funcml Home until pincod In the church to lie In stnte 30 min utes prior to the service. Burlnl will be in Rownn Memorial Pnrk nt Salisbury. Nephews will be prillbcniVi*aV DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 30,1958 - Page 3 iMItS.S U^:S^«IK CUI'I.INS MLss Bessie '.Vfny Collins. 77. ot i Msorcsvlllc. Route 2. died nt her home Thursdny nfternoon. A noltve itnd llfeloitn rostdont •of Iredcll County, she wns n dnutfhter of John nnd Minnie Mills CoIUns. Surylvinx ni'e four sisters. Mr.<i. W. M. Ervhi of Durhnm, Mrs. Lutellu Ovei'cnstt of MoorcHVlUo, nnd Mrs. M. E. McLcnn nnd Mrs. Prnnk Overcnsh of Moorc.svlllc, Route 2: nnd four brolheivs. Espy nnd Frank Collins of MooresvlHc. Routs 3. WlUlnin Collins of Mocks- vlllu, nnd Dnvld Collliie of Zebii- on. •Piineral'ficrvlccs were conducted nt 4 p.m. Sfltui-dny nt Cnvin Pun- erul Ch.ipci. Burlnl wns in the Vnnderbprg CJinclcry nt Shep herd. E. C, 1«VGI.K Edd Clcv:.lnnd Lnide. 60, of Route 3. MocksviUc. died nt 2:10 n.m. Prldny nt Davlc County Has. pitnl. , lie wns born Nov. 7. 1801. In Diivie County, son of Rlclinrd Pmnklln nnd Leniior.t McCul- louith Lntfle. Survlvlntf nrc two sons. John nnd Tommy Lnitle of Mockavllle, Route 3: n dnuuhler. Mrs. Thorn- ns Nnncc of Mocksville. Route 3; iind four Krnndcmidrcn. Funeral services wciv conducted nt 3 p.m.. Sundny nt Liberty Methodist Church by the Rev. R. T. McClnmrock. the Rev. O. W. Fink nnd the Rev. E. kf. Jnmes. Buridl wno In Tiirrcntlnu Dnptlil Chu«*ch Cemetery. Pnllbcnitrs were Arthur Smoot, A. C. Mnlt. C. D. Kepler. J.'O. Mc- CuHouuh. \V. B. Wilson nnd Joe Spiy. SIHS. I). F. JACKSON. 53 Funeral services for Mrs. Lein Bulln JnckHon, S3, of Ashcboro, Rl. 2. widow of Dan J. Jnck.son. were held Simdny afternoon nt the First Bnptlsi Church. Dr. E. W, Price. Jr.. the Rev. Chnrles Ncnl nnd the Rov. Loroy Sponeer offle- l.Mfd. Burlnl wns In the Chnrlotte Methodist Cemetery. Mr.s. Jftckson died Jnn. 34 nt nn Asheboro Hos|Utnl. She hnd been ill ssvurnl months. She wns tiie mother of Mrs. Thomns Collins of Mncksvllle. Surviving nrc two dnughters. Mrs. Chnrles Kcsler of Ashebnrrt nnd Mrs. Thomns Collins of Mocksville: n sister. Mrs. C. D. Tcddnr of GiilUord CoHcbc: .six hrothcr.s. B. B.. J. B.. Dnn. Frank, nnd Chnrles Bulln of Ashcboro nnd Dr. A. C. Bulln of'Rnleigh: nnd (our grnndchndrcn. Bio - Obituaries - 1/30/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 30,1958 - Page 3 MRS. CLVUKNCE OIIANT I Clnreiicc Ornnt. 55, of Mocksvlllc. wife of Clni'cncc S. Grnnt. died iit 2 ]).in. Pi'Idn)' nl the BapUsI Hospltnl. \Vinston-Sn« lent. She hnd been In dcellnlni; hcnlth scverni months nnd set** lously ill two weeks. Site wns born Aut;. 24, 1003. nt Coolcentee. n dnuuhter of Mr. nnd^ Mrs. Christopher C. Tiller. She w.As cducntcd Itt the Coo), ccmse .sciiools and ntlcndod Dnv. enporl CoUepe. 'Mrs. Ovnnt lived nt Mocksvllle the past 30 ycnrs. She wns n member of the Mocksvlllc Wo. iitnn's Club nnd nn nctlve member of the Mock.svlUc ' Methodist Church. Survlvlim nro her husbnnd: two dnuKhtcrs, Mr.s. Richard C. Mc. Ointsey of Richmond. Vn.. nnd Mrs. John O. Wllllnrd of 630 Drent St.. Wln.stoii-Snlcm; n tirnnd.son. Ornitt WiUlnrd; four slitens. Mrs. E. E. Gibson nnd Mrs. Kurvcy Mullmniii Iwlh of Knnnnpolls. Mrs. Rntph Hlllinrd of Snn Junn. Puerto Rico, nnd Mr.s. Gcorec R. Shnver of Sails* bury; llnvr biolhei's. Ernc.st C. TtlUr of Lcnksvlllc: Jnmes \V. Tiller of Swnlnsboro. On., nnd Tlionms Tiller of Lyjichburg. Vn. Puncrnl avrvlcca wltu cuuductcd nl 2 p.m. RiinHny nt Ihn Moek«. viile Methodist Church. The Rev. C. B. Newton. i>.istor, nnd the Rev. E. M. Avctt oniclntcd. Burlnl was In Rose Ccmt'lcry. PIT.JIW S. KOSTEIt. 71 Puncm) services for PDinnn Samuel Fo.ster. 71. retired fnniter formerly of Advance. Rt. 3, were Iheld Titursdivy nfternoon nt the i-'ork Unititst churclt. The Tlev. !a. M. KLscr olllcluied. Bminl wns in the church ccinclcry. Mr. Foster died nround 6:30 n. m. Jnn. 32. nt the Dnvlc County fkupitn). lEe hnd been In declln* liio hcnlth several months. Re wns born Oct. 14. 1680, In Dnvie County, son of William nnd Mnrthn Ann Stuwnrl Foster. Survlvlnx nrc n brother. W. G. Foster of Advance. Route 3. Bio — Obituaries - 1/30/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 6,1958 - Page 2 •Mtrsi R Bailey Of /VdVatTce EMes Atf Home Mtrs. B: R. Bnllcy of Advance poised Qwny Wednesday momlnp at her home after nn illness of scvcrar weeks. >Mrs. Bniloy. the fhrmcr Edith- Mnshlium. daughter of NO'S. A. Jl XfnshUurn and the late Mr. Nfnsh' burn> of Cuilford College, was a Ri-ndu.-U« of Oullford! Cdllege. She had been n meiubcr of the Ad vance school faculty for oppiusl- tnnlciy 32 yenr.s. where she was active in her duties until Dec. 11. 1067. She was n muubcr of Die Ad vance Methodist CImrcli and served as organist for niony years. She was a member of the Wo man's Society of Christian Ser- vice and other religious and civic oi'iranizatlons. She is survived by her Imsbnnd. B. R. Bnltcy. and two sons, Brax- ton R.. m. a sophomore at Pfclf- fer College, and Allen M. Bailey, a senior nt Die Davic County HIgli Scliool: her mother, and four sislci-s. Mrs. Robert Bray and Mrs. W. K. Ferrell of Greensboro. Ruth and Lena Mashbum and one brother. Allen, Jr.. all of Gull, ford College. The body will be nt Eaton's Pimeml home in Mocksville until 10 a.m. Tliursdoy when It will be taken <to the home in Advance. runci-Al services will be con ducted from the Advance ^(etho- dlst Church on Friday at 2:30 p. m. The Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald will othclntc. Tlie body will He In state fitmi 3 pjn. until 2:30. the hour of Die sei-vlcc. MRS. DAVE SllULER. OS Funeral services for Mrs. Flor ence Hnnlctt Slmlcr, 06, of Rt. 3. Mocksville, the Fork Church Community, were held Monday nt the Fork Baptist Clim-ch. The Rev. A. M. Kiscr oinclnled. Burial WAS in the church cemetery. Mrs. Slmler, the widow of Dave Shulcr. died Feb. 1 nt Die Oavlo County Hospital. Siic had been seriously ill throe days. She was bom March 20. 1801. In Yndkln County. dnugiUer of Jo- sc]>h and Nancy Allgood Alwood. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Grace Plynt of Wlnston-Sa- Icm. Mrs. T. V. Trent of Coolcc- mee. Mi-s. Alvin Hnrtman of Ad vance and Mrs. Kenneth Rents of ! Die home; Dircc. son^ Lester Sliuler^ of Winston-Snleni, David Siiuicr of MocksvUle, Rt. I. and Dwlght Shulcr of Mocksville, Rt. 3: n sister. Mrs. Flora Wil son of High Point, a brother. Ar- > tUur Atwood of Tliomnsvlllc: seven stepchildren: 17 groiidcliU- drcn and three great-grandchil dren. THOMAS J. ELMS. 55 tPuneral sor\1ces for Thomas Jelfcrson Ellis, 55. of Advance, Route 2, were held Sunday after noon at the ElbavlUe Methodist Ohurch. Tile Rev. J. B. Pitz- gerald ofllclnted. Burial was in the church cemetery. iMr. Ellis was fpund dead In bed Feb. 1 at his home. He was born- Jan. 30. 1003, in Davic County, son of T. J. and Mamie Polndexler Ellis. He spent all his life in Davle Counly, wlierc he was a farmer. Buiviiing' arc a* sister. Mrs. Sam Krge of Advance. Route .2; a brother. BUI Eilis of Advance, Route 2: and two haU'slsters, Mrs. T. L. Jones of Rochester, N. Y., and Mrs. J. O. Shoaf of Lexing ton. .MItS. II. L. SPENCER Mrs. Laura E. Spencer. 81, wife of H. L. Silencer, died at 5:45 pjn., Jan. 29 at Die home of a son. W. T. Spencer, of Onk St. She was horn July:6, 1876, at Livingston. Tenn., a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Quails. She spent most of her Hfo at CrossvUle, Tenn.. coming .to Mocksville sU months ago. She married Mr. Spencer in 1002. He suiwlves. Other suiTivors-arc n son. W. T. Spencer: n daughter, Mrs. Alice Slraub of Ciossville: two broth, crs; three slsteis: and five grand children. The body was taken to Cross vUle Tliursday, where funeral service were conducted Saturday nt Cro&svlUe Methodist Church. Burial was in Pomona Cemetciv at Crossvllle. Bio - Obituaries - 2/6/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 6,1958 - Page 2 JOHN E. RATTZ, 54 Funeral acrvlcea for John Ed- u'aixl RotU. 54. of- ^foc)csvUle. Rc. 4. were held Wednesday afu>r- noon at the Cooleemoe Me(hodist Church. The Rev. E. M. Janies, the Rev. Uoyd W-alters ond teh i Rev. Eugene Ooodman omclatcd. Burlnl was In the TuiTcnllne Cem etery. Mr. RoUz died at- 3 pju. Mon day aitcc sulferlug. a. heart atuck al Moclcsvlile. He had- been Inj declining. hc&lUi two years. . Ho was born June t, 1003, In, Davidson County, son of Tltontas 0. and Lula Waggoner Rnttz. ] He was employed by Erwin ^ Mills Rt Coolcemcc. He was n incinbcr of Coolcemcc Methodist Church. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Clydic Forrest Rnttz: three sons. Garland Rattz of Salisbury and Denny .and Scottlo RnitZ'-o! the home; t-wo dnughtei-s..Mis. .Bar bara Smith of Salisbury and Miss KcUic M.nc Rnttz of the home; five sisters. Mi-s. John Snydcr and • Mrs. H. J. BInckweldcr of Cool, ecmec. Mi-s. Ray Snydcr nnd Miss Mnudu FtiUtz of UeKliiKlon. and Mrs. Lognn Smith of MocksvlUe. Route 4: 0 half sister. Mis. Er- ne.it Orubb of Salisbury: nnd n grandchild. Bio - Obituaries — 2/6/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 13,1958 - Page 2 .ERNEST McCLURE. 82 Fuiiei-al services foi- Enrnest Mc- Chirc were conducted ns the Shi- loh BniHUt Church Frldny, Feb. 7. nt I j>.n».. with .the Rev. O. W. C.inipb;ll omciailne. Burlnl fol- owcd in tihe church ceinciory. Mr. McClurc luid been a pHient nt the Allen's Rest Hsnie of Dii- videon County for the imsl five ycniii. ' Ke took 'seriously 111 on Feb. 3, nnd W.1S moved to Kate Bitting , Reynolds HospUol lit Wliutpn-So. jlcm. where he died on Feb. S. at the flcc of 82 years. { Morrison • Studeveni Funerul Home was In elmrgc of funeral aen-lcjMii. ^ . Mltk. (UlAllt.ES WOOD ; Funeral .servkea for Mrs. Z.tn* | nle llnnuond Wood of Mock.svillo. ij Route 2. wife of Chnrles Wood. I were held Monday nt tl«c Pnnn.] Inaton DnplK Church by (he ty. dnuuhter of Robert and Net- Rtv. C. U. Cniwfoid. Burlnl wn.s iiv Brewer linrinuiul. tn the C.ilvmy lleformctl Church „ , . . . Cemetery In D.ivUl..on County. n tmvlvliur nre the mother: the >hu>bund, u dnuuhtor. Mrs. D.tn Mrs. Wood died Feb. 8 at the lUhon of Advance. Rt. 1: three Dnvic CcuiUy Hc.spUnl. She hnd;.<'on.H. Edward Ilurmund Wood of been In decUntiut Iu'iil;b several Thcm.isvnie. Wayne Wood of inont'Iis nnd .serlcm.My III '30 days. :Mnck.svlUc. Rt. 2. nnd Karmond She wn.s born tn Unvtdson Cotm-;Lce Wood of the home: two ttrs. Mrs. Henry York of Yadkin .uul Mrs. Mnu'.n Bycrly of Win- ,<on-SnUm, Rl. (I. nnd three bro thers. Pixel. Ralph nnd ■Arthur Hiirmond of Tliom.isville. Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 13,1958 - Page 4 Herman G. Hinkle Found Dead In Home Hcrnmn Ccoi'rc Hlnklc, 55. of MockMillc. Rt. 4, WAS found dend in bed nt 7 nan. Tuesday at his home. He had been In dccllnlne hcnUli several montlvs. •He was born July 10. 1002, In Dnvic County, son of J. A. and Doha Potts Hliiklc. Ho owned mid oi>cmtcd Rc.Nu Diy Cleaners. He a member of Liberty Methodist Church. > He married Miss Viola.Monday. Nov. IS. 1022. She survives. Other sun-Ivors arc a daujh. tcr. Mrs. Homer Potts of Mocks* villc. Route 4: three sons. Bruce HInkjc of Mocksylllc. Route 4, O.atlfts Hinkic of Alexandria. Va.. and Donald Hlnklc of the home: a brother, Rny Hlnklc of Way- cross, Oa.: a half brother. James Hlnklc of Coolccmcc; > and three sUtcrs. Afrs. J. K. Piltman of Salisbury. Mrs. C. C. Bronm of Salisbury, Route 4, and .Mrs. Lc- rny Caudill of Cycle. Funeral services will be con ducted *at 3:20 )).ni; Thursday at 'Liberty Methodist Church by the I Rev. R, G. McOlanu-oek, the Rev. O. W. Pink, the Rev. J. H. Grocc and the Rev. E. M. James. Members of titc Men's Sunday Scholo Class will be pallbearers. .MRS. .tons UlvEVHS. US Funeral .«icrv'!ces for Mrs. Cclla LouL«ic Reeves. B5. of Harmony. iRoutc 1, were held Friday morn- ihiff at the New Union Methodist [Church. TItc Rev. D. D. Bi-ooinc,' the Rev, Bill Walker, and Uic Rev.' Foster Loflln oniciotcd. Burial was In the church cemclcrj-. Mrs. Rccvc.s, the widow of John RCCVC.S. died at 12:40 |).m.. Feb. 5. at the L>-nn Kuvcn Rc.st Heine. Slic had been In declining hcaUlt scvcr.il jnonihs and seriously 111 • three wccIm. -She wn.s born Dec. 21. 1B72. In jDnvIc County, a daughter of Lin- scy and Amanda Smith Beck. She was man-led In 1000. Her Imsband died In 1041. She was n member of New Un ion Mothodlst Church In the Shot- Held community. SurvlvlUB arc two sons. Willie and Charles Reeves, both of Har- .mony. Route I: two dauehlcrs. Mrs. T. M. Rlchard.son of Har- jmony. Route l; and Mrs. Charlie jBroydon of Greensboro. Route R; a brother, D. S. Beck of Har mony, Route I: two slsici-a, Mrs. R. P. Jones of Mocksvllle. Route I. and Mrs. T. P. Richardson ofI'Mocksvllle, Route 5: 20 ^-nnd. children and 10 ^-cat - ernnd- chUdrcu. Bio — Obituaries — 2/13/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 20, 1958 - Page 3 n. W. KUItrKES. B3 Puncml aejvlccs for Rufus Wnl- kcr Kui-fccs. 83. were held Wcd- ncsd.ny nfU'i'iioan nt 3 p.in. T])e Uc'V. O. \V. Fink, tile Rev. Roy Dell nnd the Rev. R. O. McClnm- i-ock ofnclntcd. Burlnl wns In the cluiixli cemctcfy. Ml'. KurfeoA died Mondny night nr. tlic home or n dnviglucr, NL-s. \V. E. Jones, of Noith Wilkc."'hoi'o. Mr. Kin'fcc.s was born hi Davle Connly Mni-ch 33. 1874. the son of Z. C. nnd ^tnrin Keller Kurfce.s.i Hew ns married to Lou Mn.xwell' III 1802. nnd slic died in 1030. Mr.; ICurfcc.s owned nnd operated the R. \V. Kurfcc.s rann near Coolec- inee. Itc rcllred In 1040. sold hh fnriii mid moved to Pnim Mnrbor. PiB. I Re Is Miiwlvcd by two dnugh- tei'.s. Mrs. Jonc.s nnd Mr.s. W. E. cirinui of Klng.s Mountnhu one foster-son. J. Wc.slcy Cook, of Orcenvinc, S C.: six grnndchll- drcn niid II grent-grnndchndi-cn. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 20,1958 - Page 5 MRS. J. J. IIELL.ARD, S5 Funeral serylces Or Mrs. Anna HnmlHoii ilclhrd. 8S. widow .of J. J. Helinrd. were held "Prldny. Mrs. Kelinrd died Feb. 12 nt a Suliibury nursing home where she had been n iMtlent one week. Slic had been scrlaually itl five nionUw. Mrs. Hcllnrd was born in David son county Nov. 0, 1872, d.iiigh- icr of WiUlani mid Cmn Thomp son HmulUon. Her huibmid died hi 1049. Ill rccfiit years she had made hrr home wlliriier chli- diicn. Survlvliiff nrc one dnughler, Mi». Cecil Davis of SalijJniry: live soivs. Carl. Thee nnd Allen Jlcllnrd. nil of Snllsbm-y, Route .0. Baxter Ilsilnrd of Coolccmcc nnd Tnbe Kcllard of Mockivlllc Rontti 1; 22 grandchildren and 24 Krcntgr.-indchlldrcit. T. P. KpONTZ. 81 PnncrttI .iMTiccs for Tnyloi Fredrick Koant's, 81. of Mocks. vlUe. Route 3, were held Sunday at the FarU DtHitist Church. The Ucv. A. M. KIscr mid the Rev. Wnde lluiclKn.s olllulatcd. Burial wuR in the church ccmelcr.v. Mr. Kooiitz died lost Prldny nt hU liomc lifter n long llliu'ss. -ilc was born June 2a, tB'fo. In Dnvldton County, con of Uh-nm mid Jmic Lnnisr Kcontii. A retired furmrr. he li.id lived hi the Fork Church coiumunhy for 48 years. Surviving arc three sans. Henry B.'''Koouiz"C>f MfljOrook. N. y» H.'■LJ'''K5ontz of Sallfikury, and Tnylor P. Koontz of Lexlncton, Route 4: two dnughtoi's, Mrs. C. P. Williams mid Mrs. Wadeli?oii.ird of Mocksvlllo. Rl. 3: and two brothers. Berllc Koontz of, Lfxlngion. Route 3, nnd John" Kooiilz of Tyro. ' MISS M.\TTIK JAUVI.". C! Funcr.ll seriices fnr MUr MrV tic Jnrvis, 61. of Adv.ince, Rt. 2. were held S.aturd.iy of'tcrnean ni the Fork B.iptlat Church. Tiic Rev. A. M. Klser oHlalMt.'d. Bur ial W.1.S In the church cemetery. 'Miss J.u'vls died of n heart at- luck Thursd.iy' night cnrauie to (he hospilnl. , She was born April 14. 1836. In Dnvie County, daughter of New ton H. mid Cninllla Wood Jorvi.^. Surviving nrc two brothers, W. n. Jni'vis of Adviiuc.:. Ruulr 2. mitl C. H. Jnrvis of High Point Bio - Obituaries - 2/20/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, 2/25/1958 MaCKS ithe^L^n^ i A<lyahM; pa&'-iis- yjye A 9 9 »M«ti I «^*'«m.. £ • j w f P«>v.Xw:J7?:, ppMoi^tsMe; dmcj^ed 'a.t)4%.nitSwedMgday; k I j?:vA£' nnt«pftH ■''otia'»i.™'.t»i... '9 ■ ounji V.ft r^AkiDA dftafiit dfttioLiMt C«\aTta [e>cr<.M 5ui.n l.i'J? Tnad^OAV Oami^ (1« OilO FtG Ti-M 1 ^5'i ^ O^CKJOAW^ Oft\j:E (Loumtv) PAAaftlEO LtKiC^iLNi LllvS SATUIXOA"?^ (Icut-KiTV Bio - Obituaries - 2/25/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 27, 1958 - Page 2 .1, t.. KKATON. 76 Puncrul S'. I vices for Jnim LauLs K:s>-l3». 75. of Artvflncc. Pnutc 1. I Baltlmarc ccmmunlty. were held .S.-:urdny nf-tcrnoon aL the home ,and I lie DiNby Prcsbytcrlun Cl-.urcli. The Rev, E. D. VUor nnd the Rev. J. B. FHzttcrald of- Mchled. Burlnl In the chttrch cemelery. Mr. Keivton died Friday ftl the Davlc CotiiUy. Hosiillnl. He hnd liccn III nine dnys. Tie WAH born Nov. 24. I0H2. In Yndkln County, son of Rulney nnd Mnry SpiUinnn Kealon. He wn.s iniu'ried In 1019 to Mfss Mnry Barney. She sui'vlvcs. Oihcr MU'vlvoi'.s nre four sons. ChnI Keatnn of t4ic home. J. W. Kcnton of LcwUvlIle. Route I. r.UKcne Kciitnn of \Vln.slon-Snl- cm. Rt. 2. find Prank M. Kenlon of MneksviUc. Rl. 3: two diiUKh. tcr.i. MMk Mary Ruth KeiUon cf the home nnd Mrs. LIz/le Jonss of Advance, Route t: two brothei-s. Thcnin.H Keivlon of Mocksvllle. Route 3. nnd Owyn Kenlon of Wlneton.S.ak-in: 20 !;rnndehlU drcn nnd n iircnl-mnndchild. Mrs. Lniiru llunrycutl Mrs. Lnurn Parks Looknbllt Hoiu.\cutt. 77. of Lexington, died Feb. 10 lit Lcxinttton Meniorlnl Hosiil;.tl nflcr nu I'.lneH^ of nine wetks. Survlvlnii nr.' Iihree xnus. John LoaK.ibin of Lexhuklon. Rutitc O.i Ch.irU'.s Lcok.iblU of Chnrlcite nnd> N.%1 LsokablU of ^^aekKvme: five' 1 brclher.H, R. R. Pnrk.s of Lexing ton. Route 0. W. J, nnd J. M. P.u'ks. both cf L^'Xlnuton, F. J. Parks of GixrnvlUe. S. C., Convy Pnrks of Moore, S. C.: .seven sU- ler.s, Mv.s. Annie 'ly.slnger. Mrs. Joe Orynnl. Mrs. Herbeit Lohr, Mrs. Chnrlle 0.u-ner nnd Mls.s 'idell Pmks nil of Leximcton. Mi?i. Joe Nnnce of Uxlni'lan. Route 0. nnd Mr.s. Ed Curr of Thonv.isvlUe. 13 grnndrhlldrfcii nnd 13 great- gi\indchlldren. I Ftinei'jl .sirvleos wore ronriucl- led Tiun-sdny nt Trinity Motho- ,'dlst Chinch by the Rev. R. M. .jVarmr. Burial was In the Le-x- Inglcn City Ctiiuiery. Mrs. Llncnlii Ellis Finiirnl xervlct.s for Mrs. Cnr- rle EIlLs, 7G. of MockKvllle. Route ;{. widow nf A. tilncoln EUks. were tuld Wtdne.sdny nfternoon nt the Cornnlncr Baptist Church. The Rev. E. M. James, the Rev. B. A. Carroll and •the Rev. Jimmy Oroce oindnted. Burlnl vvns In the cl'.urch c.melery. Mi.s. EUi.s died nl the Lynn Hnvcn Rest Home Monday night failou'liig sevciMi yonis of dcctln- tug licnUh. ■She wn.s born In D.ivie County. July 7. 1081, n d.nightcr of Harri son nnd Amanda Laird Carter. She ni.irrled Mi'. Ellis In 1020. He died In 1034. Surviving nre two .itvixsons. W. A. Ellis. Sr.. of kfocksvllle, Rt. 4, nnd W. L/.'e Ellis of MoeksvlUe. Rl. 3: five step . dnuuhters. Mrs. I, C. Dnvls of SnllKbury. Mrs. J. F. WnilRnis of Advnnc?. Rt. I. Mi's. Roy Williams of Mocksvllle. Rt. 3. Afr.s. Lsnnlc Hendrix of Mocksvllle nnd Mrs. E. C. Heiulrlx. both of Mock.Mlllc. Rt. 3. Mrs. R. C. Wvighl Dies In lowR Mj-s. Lena Shelion Wright died Sntuiday. Feb. 15 nt her home In Trtu'o. If-wn. Funessil services were held nl K.ile Fun.-ral Home in lOWft. Mrs Shclton was born Nfny 24. 1800. in Onvie County, the daugh ter of the Inle H. L. nnd Edno Dix- .son Shelton of near Farmington. She wns the widow of Die late Rlclinrd Clnytcn WrlHhl of Iredcll County who died April. 1048. Surviving nre two sons. Howard nnd Everi'Me Wright of the home: two urnndchlldt'cn: five brothers, W. A. Shclton, J. D. Shelton. L. 6. SlieUon. nnd J. C. Shelton of Rl. 5. nnd Dr. L R. Shelton of Win- .'.lon-Snlem; two sisters. Mrs. A. D, Rlchlc of M.-icksvlllc und Mrs. Ocorxe Lnjman of Rt. 3, nnd sev- iinl nieces nnd nephews. Bio - Obituaries - 2/27/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 6,1958 - Page 4 MrH, SuHIc lltindhte. 3fl T^inerfll services for Mrs. Snlllc Sue Hnnellnc. SO. of Winston- Snteni, were held Tucsdny after noon at the Mocksvlilc Pentecos tal Holiness Cimrch by Mrs. Tlict- inn CoUon nnd tlic Rev. Mr. Fin er and blic Rev. H. W. Hutchcns. Durlnl was In the Union Chapel Cemetery. Mrs. Hnnellnc died March 2nd nt n Wlnslon-Snlcm Hospital fol- lou'lmt lluec weeks of serious Ill ness. She was born May 13. 1021. In DavIc CountsV. dnushier of Jnnics Henry nnd Mni-y McCInmrock An- gell. She was married to Robert Hnnellnc, who survives. Also surviving arc her motlicr of -Mocksvlilc. Route 2; a sister, Mi's, ester McCullough of Mocks- vllle. Route 2; three brothers. William W. Anpell, John Hcniy Angcll nnd Rufus L. AngcU of Mocksvlilc, Route 3. Bio - Obituaries - 3/6/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 13,1958 - Page 2 V. !. AiVnUKWS. SR. ! Pimcnl .scrvJcp.s for tho Rev. Victor L. Andi'c'W.s. Sr.. BApilstj M'lnltlcr of Nlw-Iuu were lu'ld i Tuesdny nl the North Neivtui) B;iptl£t Cluirch. The Rev. Jninca Heh-ey mid the Rev. A. A. Walk er of Ncwtou olUclntcd. Inter- j inent was In Ruse Crinclcry lii Maoksvlllc wU'h the Rev. J. P. I U.wis omclat-hn; nl the m'avcslde services. Nt|;luw.s were iJalllHsir- ' cv». n ^^r. Andrcvv.s died Sunday nl the :Lynn Ilavcn Re.«L Home In I Mocksvlllc where he liad been n jhitlcnt for several weck.s. Ho w-is born In CImthnin Coun ty. n son of Jamc.s Hdvvin nnd Eininn Emerson Andrcw.s. I SuivlvliiK tire hH wife. Mr.s. Clnrn Webb Andrews of the home: three rolls. Chaplnln Edwin R. Andrew.s of the U. S. Aimy in •Orrmnny. Dr. Vlc-tor L. Andrew.s 'of NSock-svllle nnd Jainr.s E. An- jdrew.s of Wlnslon - Snlciii: three | grandchildren: three sisters. Mr.s. Terry Bennor of nntnscur, Mrs. 'John H. D.Awkins of Snnfoi'd nnd Mrs. J. If. Phillips of CreciusboiT). He nttended Cnmpbtll Calleito nnd was a Kraduale cf W.iko For est Colkce. He ok-..iiiied his in.iH- lev's di'urcc from the Southern Bnplht Scm'.u.ary nt LouhivlUe. Ky. He held pn.stornlcs nt Louis ville. Ky-. Naiwood. Jockfonvllle. N. c.. Ranwciir. Pranklln, Mocks vlllc. chuichland nnd Nc.wion. In lUu of no flower.s the fam ily reriuet'ted that uli rontrlbu- lions be nr.ide lo the SoiillieaKtcrn Seminary nl Wnke Forest. Mis- Oscar Ihme, 71 Pnncrnl services for Mrs. Nan nie Bell Bone. 7-1. wife of Oscar Booe of Caolecmce. were held Prl- d.iy nftcrnoun nl the Caaleimee Mclhcd:.si Church. The Rev. Phil- Ip Olbbs olliclnl.'d. Burial was III. the Liberty Crmclery. Mrs. Booe dUd Mareli fiih at tliu Lynn Haven Re.st Homo. She had hcon hi declining hc.alih .sev- :rnl months. 8hc was born Ju'y 21. IUI13, In Oavic County. ct.iibH.ur of John nut El.y..\b;'.li T.i>:or WVilker. She had lived nl Coolcciiice for hc pn'i .10 ye.ir.i. Slie m.irrhd Mr. Booe In loili. He flurvlvi.i. Oiher .siin'lvors nrc four dnuitli- •.crs, Mrs. Charles Ifoneycutt of Spencer, ^frs. Jason Host of S.rlls. bury. Mis- Sinclair Ale.vMiuler of tlie home nnd Mrs. Jnnus Oo.is >f Mock.svlIIe. Rt. 4: two iitcpsons. Wade nnd Paul Dooc of Coolco- :noi»: a brsihor. Cliarlo* Wnlkor }f IndlnnapoUs, Ind-: n sister. Mrs. L!i;»]c Ploil of Fresno. Calif.: (hrec half sbiers. Mrs. Will Saf- ley of Coolccnive. Mr.s. Darn Walker of WJnsloii . Salcm nnd Mrs. Clyde Cook of Advance. Ri. 1: three half brothers. Sidiio.v Walker of Tenncs.-iec. Rlclwrd Wn'.'ker of Baltimore. Md.. nnd 3iin-'n W'.ilkcr of Adv.rnce. Rl. 1: and sl.\ Ki-andchlldren. Bio — Obituaries — 3/13/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 27, 1958 - Page 2 ttlohnrdi R • Mlllaf. 72 funprnl aei'vlcca for Rlohnrd Swndlc Milllcr, 72, of Mocksvlllo. Roi»t6 4^ Llbeirtiy fShuroh oom> inunlty, w<i-e' held Monday nftor- noon nt the- Liberdy Mebhodlst Ohuroh. Hhe Rev. R Q. M)cCtam> reck and the Rev. B. W. Scllsi-s oc'nted. Bui^al was in Iho ohurcli cemHcry. 'Mr. MJllcr dlad< Sdturday at Iho Roman Mciifoi'la) Hospital In Sal* Isbury. Ho had been In docllnlnii litnllh several monlhs. H3 mas born April 17, 180S. In Davle County, son of Richard O. and Baa'ham Koontx Miller. He owned and operated Miller Shoe and Grocery Store. Ho mMTled Mlos Ada Gabai^. She died April SB, 105-1. Suswlving arc two daughter.^ Mrs- Wade Beck and Mrs. Daniel Crctts of Mocksvire, lit. 4: four Fons. Lawrence Miller of Cool- emec, Janies and DavMd Miller of MocksvHIe. Rt. 4. and Charles Miller of Little Rack. Ark.: a s!s. tcr. Mi's. A. R. Stvcud of Mock-i- vllle, Rt. 4: a brother, Baxter Milln- of Grsensboro, and eleven grandchildren. Mrs. Daniel Broadway. 76. Funeral services for Mrs. Sar.sh Ellen Broathvny, 76, of Mlecksvlllc. Route 4. widow of Daniel Bi^oad- way. were held Tuesday after noon ' at the Liberty Methodist Chui-ch. The Rev. R, O. McClom- rock and Che Rev. G. W- Pink of ficiated. Burial was In tlv; No Crettk BnpMdt Church Cemetery. Mrs. Broadway died Saturd'.iy around 10 p.m.. at the home of a dnughtsr, Mrs. Ervln Fersu.son of Rocky Mount. Va. She was born Dot. 0. 18BI, In D.avle County. Mr. BrCitdw.'.y died in 1044. Surviving are three d.^ushters. "Sirs. Peiguson, Mr.t. ' Virginia 0.\udle of MIocksvtlls. Rt. 4. and Mrs- Cello Qoines of Kannapolls; n son. Lcfller B:-:ndway of Salls- bui«y: two bj-others, C. W. Tuttcr- ow of Konno.pol-'.s and D. F. Tut- t:iow of Cb.irlMte: three slsteri, Mrs. R. O. Smith of Rock HIH. S. C.. Mrs. O. W. Mllsenhclmsr of. Chester, S. C.. and Mrs. P. L- Su'lnk of Epencor; seven grand children and two great grand children. June B. Rnfrlet. 72 Funeral servleea for June BiHl- cy Safrlel, 72. retired farmcB of Mooksi'ille, Route I. County Line eonitnunlty. wero held Saturday afternoon at the Soalety Baptlat CItUroh by the Rev. W. H. Llppard and' bhe Rev, trvin Wallace. Bur ial \Mas In the church, cemetery. Mr. Safrlet died Thursday, at hie homei Ho Itad been ill a wee4c. He was. bom Mhy 0, 1886t son of Wiley and Lucy GoinpbeH SafHot. Ho was a membsr of Society Baptist Ghwdh- He nruTled Miss Minnie Smoot In 1006. She Burvlvea. Other survivors are a daughter, Mrs. C; B. Bvans of Sbatesvllle, Rt. 4. and a grandchild. Bio - Obituaries - 3/27/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 3,1958 - Page 6 j Mm. ivnilflm RKHile. 76 Puncml sen'icGs for Mrs. Jen- r.ie H. R!U'!Uc. 76. of Mocksvlllc. wSdovv of WiUtom Fslr HItchlo. tu-crc held Sn'.urdny At 3 p.m. ol lite Eftton Funeral Chapel. Tlic iZUv. J. p. Davis and the Rev. William Long oniciat4Md. Oravc- ■dde senHccs m-cio conducted at Ricl«ric.id ill llic rHiiiily cciiiutcry .U 4 pin. Mr.i. Ritchie dtrd March 30 Ai he Ljnn Haven Rest Home, aiie n'na bora J.in. 3. 1RS3, in lun* oaK. ind. siic had bade hcr nnnc with a dniightcr, Mr.i. Jo> •cph C. Jones, of M.icksvillc. for ictTral ycar.i. Mr. Rllchio died n 1940. Surviving arc the daughter, Mrs. foe Jones of Church Et.. M.ock.'^* .'Hie; three sons. Robert D. R(t. ^Itlc of Orccuvtiic, 3. C.. Dr. Don> (id D. Ritchie of CrcsiswIU. N. J.. md Paul -Ritchie oJ Hcndccrson- JJlL'-tnd-soven-gnmdchlldr'eh'."' PaUbcrai-crs were Jim Andrews, fawn Brancli. Paul BlackwrcJdor. ■lugh Larcw. Jack Ritchie end Job Pryc. Bio - Obituaries - 4/3/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 10,1958 - Page 6 MRS. GURKIE BROW. 60 Funeral aervices for Mrs. Mary Keal Brovvn, 60. of Cooloemee. fe of Qunile Brown, wore held lesdey «rtemoon at the North; ibleesnee Baptdst Church. The jv. Gerald Naylor, Wie Rev- ydo Settle and the Rev. E. W. Hero officiated. Burial was In e. Liberty Ohurdli Cemetery. ' Mrs. Brown died at 12:15 a.m. inday at a Salt^ury Hospital, le had been ill several weeks. Qio was bom March 8. 1808, in ) ivie County, a daughter of ^ ^as and Mattle Dyson O'Neal. She was twice married. Her njarrlage was to L«\vls King. iC. was later married to Mr. Blown. He survives* ler survivors are her par- a son, William King of Ble^mee: two sisters, Mrs. Oer- ide Tarlton of Randleman and i..JUuLjfflllacdL..o(..JCoo1e$mee.:. brothers, Lonnle O'Neal and O'Neal of Durhajn: two |U sisters, M^s. Will Myerick of ^^qlk. Va., and Mi's. Peggy ^ ire^th of Salisbury; a half ier, Eugene O'Neal of Sails- and tlircc grandchlldrdn. II WILUAM H. WOOD, 47 iFunml services for William ^ tniy (Bud) Wood, 47, of Mocks- vl le, Rt. 2, Ckuicsvlllc Oomanun. T, were held Wednesday at the ji^lhiry Metholdst Church In ^ kes County. - The Rev. Lloyd liters and the Rev. Jlnuny oce offiolaied.* Wood died Sunday in the ,nle'(Gounty Hospital. He had ^ '■ been 111 for four days. He was born Sept. 14, 1010, in Davte County, <a son of James and Nancy Bawlcs Wood. Ho WAS a sawmill operator. He WAS twice married. His first'marriage was to Doasie Osbome. !He was nmnied to Nellie Mcsslck iln 1051. Site survives. Abo survlvmg are his mother'of MocksvUlo, Rt. 2: two daugh- iters, Mrs. John Foster of Mocks- vllle, Rt. 4, and Mis. Sarah SpllU j»an of Lexington; a stepson, jRincs Durham of Fort Jackson. 8. C.: four sisters, Mis. Chester Motslnger of Salisbury, Mrs. W. H< Braoken of Mocksvllle, Rt. 2, Mrs. Carl Peoples of Orcen{4>oro and Mrs. H. A. Tuttcraw of Kan- napolls and six grandchildren. MISS ELLA JONES. 63 Funeral services for Miss Ella Jones. 62. of Mocksvllle, Rt. 3. will bo held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. at the home and at 3 p.m.. a t-ithe. .Cornntscr. .Mothodtat Church. The Rev. D. D. fi roome and the Rev* E. M. James will officiate. Burial will be In the Jdhcs family cemetery. Mrs. Jones died unexpectedly at 0 a.m. Tuesday at her homo after suffering a heart attack. She was bom in Davle County, daughter of John and Elisabeth Foster Beck. She spent her entire life in the Cornatzer Church community. She was employed by Etwln MUls at Cooleemcc for the past 45 years.Surviving arc a sister. Miss { Anna Jones of the home; and a, brother, W. N. Jones of Mocks vllle. Rt. 3. I JOHN OITENS. 86 Punoml 8ai*vittea for John James Owens. 85, of Cooleemee. retired textile worker, were held Wednesday At the Smith Grm^ Methodist Church. The Rev. Wade Rogers and the Rev. Phil lip Olbba officiated. Burial was In the church ocmotcry. Mr. Owens died early Monday at hi.i home. He had, been in de clining heaKh several months. Mr. Owens was born In Davle County Oct. 31. 1873, son of Rich ard and Mary KoXherinc Granger Owens. He had resided at Coolee. mee for 50 years. 'He was em ployed at Eaa'ln Cotton Mills for 35 years, rotiting In 1848. Surviving are one son, M. G. Owens of Salisbury. Rt. 3; three dauglAors, Mrs. W. 8. Bell of StatesvUlc. Rt. 5. Mrs. John Stall- Ings of Washington, D. C.. and Mrs- William Theodore Alexander of Ccolcnncc; six grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 17,1958 - Page 3 Mrs. I|enrlfltla Clqanlnrer F\>nerat aervlces for Mrs; Hen* rlefita WUson 'Cloaningor. 70. of 1001 Brantley €t.. Winaton-Salom widow of James P. Cioanlnger, Sr.. were conducted at 2:30 p-m. Friday at Vovim Cliapcl by th« Rev. John R. Lackey and the Rev. R. E. Adams. BprJsl was in Roso. cemetery at Mocksyllle. ; FaU)^afcrs were C. E. Clyde Shields, Fred F. Church, W J. Lakey. R. Olenn Key, and H. V. Overeash. Mrs. Cloanlnger died Wednet. day at her home> Bio - Obituaries - 4/17/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 24,1958 - Page 4 p: prank ttANEd. 07 I Piuibrnl ftervlces ior P. Prank tdnes, Br., 67, of Walkertown. "riUred vice preaident and gen-1 rat eounBol of the R. J. Reynolds | rotacoo Co. viAere held Sunday at '.iove'8 Methodist Chureh by the' lev. O. B* Clemmer ond Dr. QlU! )ert R, Combs. Burial was In the church ceme tery. Mr . Kanes died at 4 am. Sat-, urday at his home. Ke had been n falling health since Januaiy. but death was unexpected. He. had worked for Reynolds for about 38 years before retiring in April, 186*3. I He was born Aug. 13. 1680. in Dwvie County, a son of PhlUp and Sallle Booe Hones. Re was nam ed Philip Franklin Han^ He was educated at Warrenton Prep School and Trimty College (Duke Unlversltyi. Durham, where <he re ceived his B. A. degree 4n 1811 and low degree In 1813* He came to Wlnston-Salem in 1913. . He was a member of Love's^ Methodist Church and had served on oil the offlclal boards of the church and as Sunday' School Superintendent and as teacher of the W. N. Polndexter Bible Class -for *a number of years. He was married Sept. 27, 1017, to Miss Betty Polndexter. Survivbig ore his wife: two sons. P. Frank Hones. Jr., of Winston - Salem and WUUam P. Hanes of Winston - Salem: four granddaughters; two sisters, Mrs. Frank Clement and Mrs. Edward Crow, both of Moeksvllle; and & brother, Spencer B. Hanes of Wlnston-Salem. After his retirement from Rey nolds. Mr. Hanes remained active I as president of the Hospital Sav- .Ings Assochbtlon of Chapel Hill and vice president of the Duke University Board of Trustees. -Hs was employed by R. J* Rey nolds Tobacco Co. iln 1815 and became general counsel In 1831. He Was named a meudter of the board of directors in 1837 and vice president in 1846. He served one term (1815-17) in the State Legislature as For- syth County representative and wos a member of the Forsyth County Board of Education for 12 j years, serving* as chairman for six years. ^ Hb . was also general counsel,! vl^e presldeht and director of the Olen Tobacco Co., director of the First National Bonk,, iireaMent of i ithe buke 'Unlvecsity 'General M^nl" Asspelafiton In 1938-39. vice presld^ <to the Duke Uni versity Board of Trusses since 1954, and was a member of Uie county, state and national bar assoclaldons. n Mr. Hanes was a Mamn and held all degrees of Masonary, York and Scottish Rites, and was a mtmber of the Shrink. He was a ensmbcr of thg Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity and the Order of the Coif. Bio - Obituaries - 4/24/1958 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 24,1958 - Page 4 Lee Wyriek Ifuneral servtees for Jimmy Lee Wyrlck, 'three month old son of Sspt. and Mrs. Harvw A. Wyrlck of Coolemee. who died Sunday at the Army post hoapttal, El Paso, Texas, will be conduced at 3 pjn. Thumday at Oodleemee Metb- odlst Church toy the Rev. Phillip Olbtos, Burial will follow in the Byerly'e Chapel Methodist Church Ccmstery In Davle County. (Surviving In addition to the parsnte are one torother, Lonnle Wyiiek and the maternal grand* parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Wy rlck of Cooleemee and the pater nal grandparents and great^rand parrnts of Mount Vemon. ill. William 8. Collette, 82 Funeral services for WiUlam 6. CoUette, 82, fctlred farmer of Rt. 2, MocksvlUe.- BatCn Church com munity, will be held Thursday at 3 P'm. at Eaton's Baptist Ouireh. The Rev. Wallace Owens wU) of. delate. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Pallbearers will be J. O. Btchl- ion, Jr.,. Oray Btohlson. Clarence Driver. Bill CoUette, Stacey Beck and L. O. Wallace. Mr. Collotta died at 8 a.m. Tuesday at his home. He had been in declining health several months- Re was bom Dec. 13, 1878, In Davle County, son of John B. and Amanda HUl CoUetite. He was a member of Batons Baptist Ohureh and a trustee for ioveral years. He married Miss Hellle Stone- street In 1868. She survives. Other survivors are live daugh ters, Mrs. diomer Latham and Mrs. Lonnle Driver of MkwksviUe, Rt. 8, Mrs. J. 0, Btohlson of Clemmons. Bt. 1. Mrs* Clait Kel ler of Wlntt6n*Balem, fU. 3. and Mm. Bey Edwards of Winston* fialem: two sons. Ouy OoUette of llockfvitte. Bt. 8. tad OUmer col- lette of Wlnaton-fialsm: a slstor. Mn. mu Soger of MoeiavlUe. Bt. 8: IS gmndehlldren: and 18 dreot-imidchUdmv Bio - Obituaries - 4/24/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 24,1958 - Page 6 Q. A. Cornelison KilM By Auto Ocorge And(r8on Corncltoon. 81. retired former of'MoeksvDlc.' Route 2, Parmltiffton community.' ivvM killed nbout 7:30 p.m.. Gntur- jday when struek by a car on N., C. Highway 801 at Parmlngton. He was walking along the I'oad at the time. Stetc Highway Potrolman A. W. Cox said Cornelison was struck by an castbound car driven by James Allen Dlnklns, 33. of Yad. klnvUte, Route 8. The officer said Dinklns was charged with manslaughter and speeding. His bond was set at $2,000 for appearance In Davle County Criminal Court at Mocks- vllle Aptdl 30. Patrolman Cox eald Comellson's death marked the first hlihway fatality in Davle County In 19SB. Mr. Comellaon latis born Feb. 13. 1877. tn Davle County, son of Bur. gess and Mary Ritchie Cornelison. Surviving are the wife, Hrs* Geneva Davis Cornelison: a son Ralph Cornelison of $fiode8vllle. Ht. 2: three daufhters. Mn. Uo Rrnner of AlexMidrit, Vi., M**. Marvin Lewis of Charlotte, and Mrs. Lawrence Waller of Oreons- boro: a .itepdauBhtert Vtn. RJley • Culeleasure of Qreenrboro; a , stepson. B. D. Sale of Bnon; a . sister. Mrs. taora Maynard of Yed- klnvllle. Rt I: and a brother, P. B. Camellson of Ransas. I Funeral services were conduei. cd at 11 am btonday at Yadkln 'Valley Baptist Church by the Rev. Alvltt Cheshire, the Rev. Clarance Stmre and the Rev. C. B. Crawford. Burial was in the church eemc. ccry. Bio - Obituaries - 4/24/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 1,1958 - Page 5 Thomns Wnde Andrrsoti, 63 Punsral aEtTices for TUicinas Wade Anderson. 63. of Winston- Salcm, trere held Saturday after noon n( Che Burlshead Methodist Church in that city- ncv. J. E. Yountz Qhd the Rev. Ehvood Cfli-- roll ofhoiated. Burial was In the Woodland Cconctery. ACr. Anderson ,a former native Of DA.vle County, died unexpectedly araund 11:4S a.m.. Thursday en- roucc to thc'Elkln' Mcmorlnl -Hoa-- pltal. Death mpparently resulted from a hen)<t attack. Anderson, an employee of the N. C. Department of Agrlcluture. WAS found ttnconclous In Ins car (tbcut a mile north of Elkin on U' O. Highway 21 by o . pasalni; motorist. He had been makins roiitlnc^liupcctlona of gas and oil service station tanks. ' Hp went to Winslon-Salcm In 1020 and was with the Wlnston- Satrm PoHc» Departinient for 17 years. Ke had been employed by the N. C. Department of Agii- culturc singe Ilss. He was « veteran of World War Z and a member of Veterans of Foreign Warn Post 1134. He was past commander of the post. He was & member of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics. Burdhend MeChorlst Church and the Hamilton Bar- aca Bible Class. He was a mem ber of the ohurch board of stew ards and trustees for several yeara. Ke married Miss Sadye Rene- ger of Davie July 3. 1017* ShA survives. Other survlvoi's are ihree daugh ters, Mrs. Will H. Laslstcr of Smlthflcld. Mrs. Robert E. Shcl- ton of 2353 Walker Ave and Mrs. . Bouglos—C.,..Clark—Jif Raiclghl three sisters, Mis. C. E, Anderson of 33rd Bt-, Mrs. E. II. Taylor of Ocrmanton and Mi-s. Charles H. Tomllnson of Mocksvllle; three bi-otihcrs, G. P. Anderson of Oold- floss St.,«H. B. Anderson of Rcids- villo Rd. and C. L. Anderson of Clcmmons\'ille Rd>, and seven grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 5/1/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 8,1958 - Pages 1 & 2 Charges Against 12-Year-Olii In Question In Matricide MORK ABOUT Charges May Be £nl« m. but soon txunnFd. Jiiiuity Cllnc iotd ontccra thai lie S3VV tihnt Chnrllc Moson was dj'unk. omcoi-s Indlcntcd thnl they believed Hut Mis boy And Mason hod proviousiy had some dimculUcs when the l.xttei- was di-inlcing. Ii was tt^ioKcd Ihnt hU mol'het- hnd hldd.-ii n -33 cahbrc rcvulvtr from he boy jnioi- to this day. Jhmny Cllnc tiled to gel Simugh to <bi-lng h!in ,io Mocksvllle to see About some money he had in a aav- Ings Account. Hits money omoun cd to niound 130 nnd lud been In savings nlncc 1048, SpAUgh claims -he told Jimmy that he couldn't bring him brcnuse Uu trnnsmUslon In his car. a 1048 Chevrolet, was bad. ond that Jimmy apiioarcd to got mod. Spaugh said tlut Jimmy went Into vhe adjoining brdroom nnd that Inter uthen hu looked up he saw Jimmy holding the 12 gauge shobgun. Spaugh said he ducked out the kitchen door and then' hoard the gun fire. Thinking that the boy might be shoo 'Ing at him, he ran to his car and left the scene without knowing whether or not anyone was shot. He solid he JUnmy i-un out the front door end down across the field. SpAugih was later picked up for ques.icnmg oit c.-is home in Advance. , Mrs. Walter Cline Killed In Home With Shotgun James WfUtam Cline, ago ia{ was charged with murder Tues day for Uhe fatiol sboot^' of his mother. Mrs. Wotter Chne. The- ahootlng took plan In the rear portion of the Cline home, byeat. ed Just off the Peebles Creek Road in the Advance commu^ty. Jimmy «-iU bo 13 on Oet- 19. Sheriff Ben Boylea and 6BI Agents M. O. CrftU'ford and Ouy Scott nude ;1he ' announcement Tuesday afternoon after an In. vestlgaUon and talking to the boy and witnesses involved. iSherlff Boyles soJd Uiat the boy would be held In the down- {•toirs portion of the local Jail until oiter hla mother's funeral. The sheriff said that the 'boy would be ahowcd to attend the funeral of his mother scheduled for Wednesday morning, Ofncers said that Arthur Bpaugh' 25, of Advance, "aiho was present Bii the ttone the shooting took placgi changed _hls._slpi?!LTugg^ay,.. and ad^ ted he and Charlie Mason. Ncbto around 60 years of. age. were drinking non-taxpal^ liquor thsft morning at the.Gllso: home. Spaugh, vihen qUcst/ioned. Monday, denied that any drinking was going on. onicers said that the Infoima-- tlon obtained from Jimmy Cline, Arthur Spaugh and Charlie Ma son roconstructed the day somd- thlng as foUowa: •Mason came Uiere carlV Monday morning bo weed a tobacco plwt bed. Around 8 a.m.-BRAbSlh ot^ ^crc looking forMoson, who Was to get hJm a part for'the trans mission of his automobile. Just « short Umc later Spough and the 12 year old Cline boy went to get a pint of non-taxpaid 11- quor^ Laiter, the two or them went again for anobher pint and .his time purchased some Itcnja at the store for luncb. , Spaugh and Mason admlb to drinking abnost two pints of liquor that morning. Around noon Spaugh left and went to Winston. (Continued On Page 2> Jimmy Cline told ofnccrs that he wanted to score Moscn away from (hs house btcaui: he was getting di-unk, and Hut often when he (Mason) was d.-unk, he became unruly. He said he got the shotgun and that It acciden tally discharged when he stopped down a slight inclins. The alut hit hJs 90 year old mother who apimrenlly had come to tlie doorway between the kit chen and bedroom. She was slj-uck -tn-ilre-lePt breost-ond-wfts- killed- instantly. Dr. O. V. Orcene, cor oner, cxoimlncd the body. Jimmy thin dropped the stiot- Kun and fled. A posse with one bloodhound searched the neigh borhood during the afiernoon, fin- ' oily calling off the hunt when the dog lost the scent near a wheat Acid. Bio — Obituaries — 5/8/1958 Jimmy cUnc wos arrested around 8 p.m. that night" by Grimes Hancock at the home of ciir-ton Peebles, a Negro rcsKhmt o'f that community. , 'Spaugh and Mnson wcro mqdpn. tallied In custody as material ncsscfl]' runeral acrvilcsa for Mrs. Cline were ccndueted at 11 o.m. Wed nesday at Elbavlllc M>etlhodIst Church, not for from the Cllnc home by the Rev. J. B. Fitzger ald and the Rev. Ed ritegerold- Burial wos In the church ceme tery. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 15,1958 - Page 2 Davie Native Killed In Va. Cviarlio 8hee<a, BB. a native of Davle County, was killed Sundai niffht In an automobile aeeldent In OalaK. Va. Mr. Sheeta la lurvived by a son. Garland, of Albany, oa.; a aUter. Mi«. C. a Hlllard of 111 SteelB Sts Ballabury: two broth* era. Grady. of Kannapolia, anc Dewey. of nt. 3 one ffrandchlld. Bio - Obituaries - 5/15/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 22,1958 - Page 4 Joseph II. nitfenhoiir, 88 Punc-rsl orrvibes for Joseph Henry ttldenhour, 81, ot Mocks- vlUe, tU. 3. were iield Wednesday oflcrnoon ot the Eston Funeral Chspel. The Rev. Phillip OIMib omciated. Burial wes In Liberty Church cemetery. • . Mr. Rldsnhour died Tuesday at the Aowan Memorial Hospital in Salisbury. Ho hod been in de- eltnlng health several years. Htf was born April 14. 1B75. in Davie County, son of Monroe and Clam Cmasuu Aldciiiiour. Surviving arc a son, M. H. Rid- enhour of Cooleemee: two daugh ters, Mrs. A. B. Walker of Salis bury. Rt. 1, and Miss Elsie Rlden- hour of Cooleemee; a sister, Mrs. J. M. Bivens, of Cooleemee; six grandchildren and 11 great-grand children. JACOB GRUBB, 03 Funeral services for Jacob Ontbb. 03. of Mocksvliie. Rt. 3. were held Tuesday afternoon at the chapcl of the Piedmont Fun eral Homo in Lexington. Graveside services were con ducted at the No Creek Primitive Church cmetory in Dayle County my Elders F. R. Mooi-c and Wes ley Fogg. Mr. Orubb died Saturday night at the Veterans Administration Hospital In Swannanoa. He was born in Davie County, Nov. 34.1804. son of Jesse and Sara Call Orubb' Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Cora Anna Morrell Qrubb: one half brother, Spencer Orubb of West Virginia:'and one half sis ter, Miss Lula Burnette Grubb of the home. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 22,1958 - Page 2 C. P. WARD, yt Funeral sdruiees for Charlie Franklin Ward. 73. of Mocks vliie, Route 3, a former member of the Davie County Bcai-d of Cdmmlsloners, were held Wed- onaday Afternoon ot* the home and at the'Maoedonta Moravian Ohuroh. Tlie Rev. Norman Byerly, the Rev. J. O. Brunei*, and the Rev Wade Rogers ofnoiated. Bur ial \ras in the Smith Grove Mclhodlal Chui-oh Cemetery. Mr. Ward died at 8:10 am. Monday at Davie County Hospit al. He had been in declining JiealUt three years and seriously 111 three weeks. He tras bom Feb. 3. 1886, in Davie County, e son of John and VIrainIa Owens Ward. He spent his lite in <i))e Smith Orovc com munity of Davie County. Ho was a dairy farmer and mamber of the Norlih Carolina Dairyman's Association. He was a member of Macedonia Moravian Churah. Mr. Ward mairied Miss Josle Elteabr.lih Dec. 30. 1900. Surviving are his wife; three daughters. Mrs< Gllmer McClam- rock of Mocksvliie, Rt. 3, Mrs. J. N. RIchordson. Jr. .and Mr.s. Howard Boger. both of Mocks vliie: three sons, Fletcher, James and Oweat Ward, all of Mocksvliie, Rt. 3; 13 grandchildren: a brotlier,. Morgan Woi-d of SdUsbury; a sis-' ter. Mrs. Win Marklln of Mocks vliie; three half brothers, Jake. Ray, and Jim Ward, ell of Rowan County .and four ihalf sisters. Mrs. Seen Varbraugh, Mrs. Synum Murry and Mrs. Edna Hay, all of Burlington and Mrs- Ed Howard of Mocksvliie. Bio - Obituaries - 5/22/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 29,1958 - Page 4 Woman Killed In Wreck A S3 year old Coolccmee woman was kilted Saturday nisht about D o'clock wlien tflio 1040 model automobile she was opcraUiiB left U. 8. Htffhway 70 and ploushed thi-ousrh a wire fence, uprooted two tres and ovcvturncd. State Hloliway Pairatman J. K. Cllnard identified tlic vlalm os Mrs. Dolores Cote Brottdon of 48 Duke Street. Cooleemee. Mrs. Brodgon. mother of thrco youiiB children, was alone In the automsblle. Afhieh was completely destroyed' Tltc state ofnccr. who Invcstl- catcd said Mrfs. Brogdon was drlv* Inn cast on old US Highway 70. As she rounded the curve In front of the C. J. Roseman home, she apparently lost control of the vc« hide. Mr. Cllnard said the car w«nl a distance of approximately 300 feet in the ngrht side of the liigli. uay. The vducle then swerved aorors the roadway to the left and went another 100 feet. Tlic oflleer said the 1020 mode) Chevrolet then crashed through a barbed wire fence around a pas ture of M4> Roseman. The vehicle uprooted two trees and overturned several times. When the automobile slopped moving, tiho front was facing west. Mrs. Brodgon, sald.to bo em ployed In Winston • Salcm. was found on the back scat of the wrecked automobile. Mr. Cllnard lanld her feet were extended j through the left rear window of the car- I Afi'. Cllnard, w^ho reached the J scene about three nilnutca after ! receiving the call at S^OO-o^lock ;said Mrs. Brogdon was dead when he found her. I He reported he had been Mi's. Brogdon In her automobile siopp- j cd at a service station near Barber ;Junotlo naboul five minutes bc» fore receiving tlie message of the eraali. Mr. Cllnard said the crash was about one mile from Bai'ber June-' ,11011 where he liad uullccd Mi's/ Brogdon. Dr. R. B. Wright. Jr, Rowan County Coroner, after an examin ation said Mrs. Brogdon's lung was punctured, her back fractur ed and that she might possibly have received a concussion. She was also badly bruhhcd about the face. Patrolman D. L. Bradley and C* H. Broadwcll assisted Mr. Cllnard In (he Invcs'.lgatlon. The body of Mrs. Brogdon was shipped to Chicago. 111., on Mon day for funeral services. Phe was a native of this city. Burial will be In Skyland Memorial Parii In Mhonee, Ul. Surviving are her husband. Lawrence D. Brogdon: two sons, t.,awrence~Rn'd'Robert K.'Broadon of Uie home; a daughter. Patricia Brogdon of Uie home: the parents and four sisters, who reside in Illinois. Bio - Obituaries - 5/29/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 5,1958 - Page 4 CHARLES W. O'NEAL, 67 , Puncr&l seiMcos for Chttrlcs Wfl'Ucr O'Neal, 07, of Mocksv^Hc,- Rt- 5. were held Tuesday after noon at the Union Chapel Metho dist Churoh. The Rev. D. D. Broome and the Rev, Dewcy IJantcs ofnclatcd. Burial was In clic church ccmotoiv. Mr. O'Ncrd died Sunday after noon at (Ihc Davic County Hospi tal after a Serious Illness of three weeks. Mir. O'Neal \s'ns born at Bristol. Vu.. Mt^roh 20, IflOl. son of Georoe and Allea CninpliGll O'Neal. Hc won a rollrcd moclUntst. Hc was a member of Union Chupcl Mctho- dlst Churdlt. Surviving ore the wife, the former Miss Lcsslc Edwards; one son. Edmond O'Neal of Salisbury. Rt. 3, one daughter, Mrs. Cluy Allen of Moeksvllle, Rt- 5. and four grandchildren. —rmuiouh ouuuLv, tin Funeral services for Philmorc Ix'e Gutlbcy. 61). of Moeksvllle were held Monday ufici-noon at the Moeksvllle Ohurch of Cltrlst. The Rev. B. J. Prince, the Rev. J. B. WhHaker and the Rev. Wade llulchlns olllolalcd. Burial was in rtie Center Cemetery. Mr. Godbcy died Sulurdny morning at 10:49 a.m. at the Duvic County Ifospltal. He had bean 111 jfcur d.iys- j Ho Was born March 4. 1600. In iDavlc County, son of John Edwin and CninJla Bowles Oodby. I He uMs a vc;cran of World War ; I and W.1S a retired furniture 'Worker. ' Surviving arc the wire. Mrs. iJU'ni'Kaa Kuantz Oudby; two ' diiuglutrs. Mrs. duanlin Suln of .MocktvlIlL' mid Mrs. Fnuiees Red- fern of Charlouc; thnc sons. Lee and John J. Oodby of Churlotto and Ann;t Oodby of ^fJcKsv;llc; •md 14 grundchlliirtn. Bio - Obituaries — 6/5/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 12,1958 - Page 2 MRS. B. F. FOSTER. 74 Funeral services for Mrs. Alice Baity Fodter, 74, widow of B. P. Foster of the Smith Grove com munity, Advance. Route I, were held Monday afternoon at tlie SmiDh Grove Methodist Church, The Rev. Wade Rogers and tihe Rev. J. G- Brunei- omclatcd. Bur ial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Foster died Saturday morn ing at the Davle County Hosnital. She had been seriously 111 three weeks. Mrs. Foster was born Nov. 26. 1883, 0 daughter of O, E. P. and Julhk Frances Baity. Mr. Foster died In 1054. —Survivors include a daughter. Mrs< Mary Speaks of the home; three sisters. Mrs. L. I. Bolty of Yadklnvlllc, Rt. 3, Miss Ollic V-.| Baity ond Mrs. A. A. Bartel. both of Dallas. Teras: twob rothers. J. P. Baity of 8allsbui7 and A. G. Bally of Wlnstbn-Salem. MRS. R A. MILTON, 69 Funpral sei-vices for ^-s. Sally Ellzabo'.ih HlUon, 09. wife of Ro land A. Hilton of MockavUle. Rt. 3. Blxby Community were held Saturday afternoon at the Blxby Presbyterian Chui*ch. The Rev. J. W. Poster, the Rev. Harry W. Sims and the Rev. Paul Richards omcinted. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mrs. H-llton died Thursday af ternoon at the Davle County Hos pital. She had been seriously III for three weeks. She wos bom In Davle County, daughter of D. F. and Mni7 Fran ces Spry McCullough. She was married to Mr. Hilton In 1908. He survives. Other survivors. • besides her husband, are eight daughters. Mrs. Porter O. Stokes, Mi-s. Rob ert L. Beauchamp and Mrs. E- P. Collins of Winston >. Salem. Mi's. James Shceks, Mrs. Austin Cop. pley and Mrs. Ottis Coppley of Lexington. Mrs. Charles Howard of Advance. Route 2, i^nd Miss Kotherlnc Hilton of the home; four sons, Ernest, Cecil ond Ever- 'ette Hilton of Oxford an'd Robert L. HUton of Wlnaton - Salcm: a brother. W. F. MoCullough of Clif ton: B sister. Mrs. Jessie Comat- set- of Lewlsvlllcm 20 grandchil dren and four great-erandchll- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 12,1958 - Page 3 MRS. LULA DAVIS. 80 Funeral services for Mrs. Lula Millie Dayia, 80. of Advance were held Tuesday afternoon at the Advance Methodist Church. The Rev. J. B. Pltzgri'Ald and Ifhs Rev. B- B. Cr.vwford oniolatGd. Burial WAS In Ihe church cemetery. Mrs. Dnvls died Sunday. She had been confined to her bed and chair for the post 13 years follow ing a stroke. She had been crit ically 411 for two days,. Mrs. Davis wsxn born July 15. 1877. In D.avlc County and w.-ts Advance Methodist Church. She one of the oldest members of bhe was married Fob. 11, IBOO, lo Wil- llnm H. Davis who d'.cd on July 29. 1038. Survivors include three sons, W,furencc Davis of Adv.-incc and Pi and Tom Davis, both of Win- on - Salem: two doughtcrs. Mrs. J. H. Jord.m of Rt. I. Woodlcof and Mrs. Clarence Foster of the home; one half - brother. Webb 8pi7 of Washington, D. C.; three hnlf-lsters. Mis. Zcb Russell Mrs. Gcr.lc Colrman and Mrs. Albert Long, nl lof Greensboro: ID grand children find 15 great grandchlU drcn. Bio - Obituaries - 6/12/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 19,1958 - Page 2 JRItRy TRIVKTTE . 1 Omvealde su'vices were held I Tueadny for Jeny«Wft.vne Trlv-' «Ue. onc>day>o1d aon of Billy W.' And Normn Jcnn Be:k Tifvcltc of. MockAvlllc. The Infant died at 6 a.m> Monday nt the Dnvlc County' Hospital. The srnvcBtdp services were conducted at the Ccncord Mctho- dlRt Cemetery by the Rev. R. O. McClivmi*ock. J. II. CORNATZEIl. 30 Funeral services for James Henry Corontzcr, 30. of BOO Oak Summit Rond. Winston ' SnlOm. nn employee of WfllUTufner * Heating and Air Conditioning Co.. were conducted Wednesday nt Lee Momorinl PresbyCerLin Churoft by the Rev. Thomas C. Bryan. Burial was in Woodland Ccm> ctery. Mr. Corna'zcr died at 10:45 a.m. Tuesday at his home. He had been In declining health 10 montlis and seriously lU four months. He was born April 14, 1028. In Davle CouiTt<y. a son of Clyde A. and Mlylimt Hcndvlx Corhatzcr. He was a member of Lee Me. morlnl Presbyterian Ohui-ch. He served la the U. 8. Navy frcm 1945 to 1SS7. He was em ployed by Hnnes Knitting Co. 10 years and by Wall-Turneij the post three years. He married Miss Marilyn Ay- coth of "Wokertown. April 17. 1B49. Surviving are his wife: his par- rnts of Advance, Rt. 2: tlircc sons. Lowell Keith Comatzer. Timothy James Cornntzcr and Van Dcon Cornatzer. all ^f the home, and a brother, Thomas Manuel Cornat- zcr of Advance. Rb 3. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 19,1958 - Page 5 C. If. CROTTS, 74 Funeral services for Cicero Hen* derson Crotts. 74. of Mocksville, Route 4 were held last Thursday lit the Concord Methodist Ohuroli. The Rev. R. O. MlcClamrook and he Rev. Bobby Ridge ofllclated. Burial VimJa tlie church cema. tery. Mr. Crotts died June 10th at hU home- He was bom April 8, 1804. bha son of Robert and Sophia Bliuler Crotts. He was a retlied farmer.' He is survived by a brother. Frank, of Rt. 4. ModtsvlUe: tfiree sUters, Mrs. O. N- Ssfrlt Mrs. W. T. Sechrest and Mrs. Fletoher Beck, all of At. 4, MocksviUe. I Bio - Obituaries - 6/19/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 26,1958 - Page 2 MRS. T. W. mLLlAMS, Funeral services for Mrs. Plor« ence WllUiuns, 78. of Mockavllle. Rou:o 3. widow of T* W. Williams, were held Sunday at the Farm- Ington Methodist Chuii^h. Tlte Rev. D. D. Brooms and the iRcv. Alvln Amlck ofllointed. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Williams died Friday at the Maple Orove Rest Home. She had been seriously 1)1 two weeks. She was born July 20. 1680. In Dflvle County, son of Daniel and Edna James Bassett. Ml'. Williams died In Septem ber. 1642. Surviving arc four sons. R> J. Williams of Everglades, Fla., Frank Williams of Oary. Ind., Lawrence Williams of Mocks- vinc, Rjb. 3. and W. W. WlUlams of Mocksvllle; two brolihers, Blalr and Bud Bassett of WInston-Sa- l«m: two sisters. Mrs. T. W. Tut- terow of Mocksyllle. Rt. 1. and Mrs. Fr^nk Foster of Greensboro: and four grandchildren. Bio — Obituaries - 6/26/1958 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA