Jul - DecDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 2, 1959 - Page 5
WIMInm A. Snin. 91
Punera) services for William A.
Sain, 91. ft retired fnrmcr and
mill gniulflvpg of MnduatUle—Ht
3. were held Wednesday nAcr-
noon ftl the Pork Bfti)iist Church.
The Rev. A. H. KIser nnd the Rev.
Wade Hutohcns ofnolalcd. Burial
iftl WAS In the church cemetery.
NTr. Sftln died Monday nt his
home. He had been In dccllnlne
health two yeara ond seriously
III eight weeks.
Mr. SoJn wns born May 23. 1686.
In Davlc County, a son of John
A. nnd Mnrcrarct Ann Davis &iin.
Mr. Sain was employed by Br-
wln Mills of Coolecince for sev
eral years.
He wns ft member of Pork Bnp-
list Oliurch.
He wns niarHed to Miss Sallio
Moson, who died July 25. 1945.
Surviving are three dauglviers,
Mrs. C. A. Hcndrix of Advance.
Rt. 2, Mrs. L. £. Burton of Mosks-
vlllo, Rt. 3. and Mrs. P. O. Byefly
lem; nine grondchlldion aiT^3'i
8. R. GLASS, 72
Funeral services for Sftinuel
Robert Glass. 73, of MocksvIIIe.
Rt. 4, were htSld Saturday after
noon at the Smnmeisett Funeral
Home in 8allsbui-y- Brother C.
C. Cruse oITlclalcd. Burial was
In the Rowan Memorial Park.
Mr. Glass died Friday morning
at his home. He had been In de
clining health for four years and
seriously 111 for ilwo months.
A native of Birmingham, Ala.,
he was bom March 3, 18B7. son of
the la-te James F. and Martha
Ann Canti'ell Glass. He was ed
ucated In the Birmingham City
Schools. For 36 years he was
employed by the Envln Mills In
Cooleemee before his roUrement
about three years ago.
He was a member of Jehovah's
WVtness Church of SallAury and
the Poa of A of Cooleemee.
Su>-vlvors Include his wife, Mrs.
Alice Gamer Glass, whom he mar
ricd Dec. 24. 1908: liWo sons,
Bobby Gene Glass of Cooleemee
and Nod Douglas Glass of Win-
ston-Salcm: six daughters. Mrs.
Gene BmAth of Route 4, Mocks-
vlllc. Mrs. Bill Ratollff of Faith.
Mrs. J. L. Smith of Route 4.
Mockaville. Mrs. Calvin Gcatiton
of Alexandria. Va., Mrs. Eld Fink
iof Lexington, and Mrs. George
Poster of Route 1. saUsbtiry; 16
jgrandohtldren: and edght great*
I grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Rad Rrecman. 6f
k Funeral seivloes for Railford
Vreemnn. 67. Neednure merchnnt.
V'ere held Tuesday ftflernoon nt
tba Cortivth Church of Christ
with WAllcr Nccl In chai-ge. Bur
Jftl wan In Lite chuivh cemetery.
Mr. Frccmnu died nt 7160 pxn..
Simday nl the Dnvlc County Hoe*
pltnl In Mocksvllle. He hnd ftUfTcr*
ed A Alroke. SAluiday.
He WAA fl nntlve of Davle Coun>
ty. born Nov. 26. 1661. the son of
Calvin nnd Laura Seamon Free*
man. He was married on Jan.
1, 1910. to the icivner Oraoe
Young, who survives.
He Is also survived by n so)).
Bruce, of Rt. 8. Salisbury: two
dnughtera. Mrs. Henry Q. Reop
of Mocksvlllc and Mrs. John R.
Smith of Needmbrc; one broth
er. L. M. Frecmnn of StAteavlllc:
one sister, Miss Josle F^'ecmnn
of Rt. 1, Woodlcpf: four grand
He WAS ft meinber of Corlnitl)
Church of Christ oit Ncedthorc.
He was one of the organleers of
the Needmore Fire Department
and had served as an ofholal of
the department. He had opera-ted
a general store for a nmnber of
^ Sam D. Cornatzer, 08
P Funeral services for Samuel Da
vid Cornatzer, 08, of Advance were
held Wednesday aiitcrnoon at the
Advance Xbthodlsl Church. The
Rev. Fletcher Andrews ofndaled.
Burial was .In the church ceme
Mr. Cornatzer died at 8:10 p.
m., Sunday In Burke County. He
had been In dcllnlng health three
and 0 hk)f yeoj's and seriously 1)1
about two months'.
Mr. Corpatzcr ^as 'born Oct.
6. 1800, In bavlc County, a son of
A. C. nnd Ida Phelps CoruMzer.
He was mnrrlcd rirst to Miss
Maggie Williams. His second mm-
I'lage was to Miss Essie Hcndrlx.
Both are dead.
Surviving arc four brothers,
J. 8. and A. A. Cornalzer of Ad
vance, C. W* Coriysitzer of Clem-
mons an.d A. P. Cornatzer of Win-
aton-Salem; two sisters. Mrs.
W. A. Hendrix of Advance and
Mrs. Ernest Smith of Lexington:
Mnrvin S. Cline. Sfi
Puncrad services for Mnrvin
Sanford Cllnc. OB. dntiv farmer
of MooksvlUe, Rt. 1. were held
Ttieadny at Hie Bcnr Creek (Bap
tist Oliurch. The Rev. Jimmy
Orcce, the Rev. Albeit Bracken
nnd the -Rev. Paul Moore ofhc-
lated. 'Burial wns In ihe churah
Mr. Cllne died nt 11:10 p.m.
Sunday at his home In the Bcnr
Creek Church comnnmlty of o
heart attack.
Mr. Cllnc uus born July 31.
IRQO. in Foraylh County, o son
of Rufus and VictoHn Clodfellcr
He was a member of Bcnr
Ci-cok Baptist Church.
He was married in. 1023 to Mlos
Do-ttlc Rupart, who survives.
.Also surviving arc three daugh
ters. Mrs. Harmon Lathom of
Mocdcsvitle, 2, Mrs. Ervin An-
gpll of Mocksvlllc. Rt. 6. and
Mrs. Melvin Hnrrell of the home:
two sons, Flake nnd Maivln S.
Cline, Jr., of the home: seven
grandchildren; four sisters. Mrs.
Paul Lnrrimorc of - Wftlkertown,!
Mrs. Viola Caudle end Mrs. Mln-'
nle Barr of Wtlnston - Salem. and
Miss Mattle Cllnc of YadkJn
County; and three brothers, Clar
ence CUne of Pfafltovyn. and Paul
and Jasper Cllne cf Yadkln
Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1959
Curl Messlck, 62
Cai'l Messlck, 62, of Coolcemec.
was found dead glbout 6 pm., Sot-
urday in the backyard of bis
Sheriff Ben Y. Boyles end Dr.
W. iM. Long, acting coroner, ruled
that the d.catli was from a heart
attack early Friday Mr. Messlck
apparently had been in good
Funeral services were held Mon
day ai Ihe Oooleomee 'Bapltlst
Church. The Rev. Oera-ld Naylor
and the Rev. PhHllp Gibbs ofhc-
iated. Burial was In the Liberty
He was born in OotOber, 1006,
a half brother. Undsay Oornatzer
of Advance; a half alstcr. Mlas
araco Carnatzer of Salisbury: and
two rtep slaters, Mrs. Ira Hartley
of CleinJtions and Mrs. Mattle
Crews of Advance.
Miss Mnrjnric Slcwnrl
Kimci-nl services for Miss Mnr*
Jorlo Stswnrt. 51. of Mocksvlllc
were lield Snturdny nftei-noon at
the Ejjton 'Funeral Home, llic
Rlv. J. p. Dnvls' oniclntcrt. Burial
Was In Ro.se Cemolcry.
Kfiss StD»'nia died July Isl nt
a Morgnninn Honintni. Sire had
been In ttcclinlnR health for sev
eral years.
Miss Slcninrt was born Fob,
28. 1908, in DavIc County, o
daiiglUar of Jacob and Fannle
Dulln Stewart.
She Is survived 4>y & brother,
nobcrl E. Stowant of Halelgh;
four siFtci'S, Mrs. H. W. Collins
of Portsmouth, Vn.. Mra. J. O.
Young of Wlnsiton - Snlem. Mrs.
Hoy PoBion of Statesvillc. and
Mrs. A. H. Pine of Sumter, 6. C.
Mrs. D. C. Campbell, 85
Funeral services for Mrs. loila
Oalthsr a-impbcll. 66. of Clnrks-
bury community of Hnimony. Rt.
1, wore hold Sunday atithe Clarks-
bury Metihodli't Chui*ch. The Rev.
W. L. Karkoy onHclatcd. Burial
was in Uie church cemetery.
Mi^. Campbell died Bit Oavls
HoMMtAl July 1.
6ho WAS born Aindl 3, 1604, In
Ircdcll County, dnushitcr of Zach-
nrlnli and Martha Richardson
Herdiusband died about 14 ycera
She is survived by a brother,
Lonnic Oalther of Mocksviilc, Rt.
1. and several nieces and neph
Michael Glenn Allen
Funeral services for Michael
Ulenn~Allen, b. soK~ol Olenn c.
rmd Mary Ellaabuth Smith Allen
of Ch'ariottc, were held Sunday
at the Bcthh'hem Methodist
Cirurch. The Rev, Wiade Rogers,
the Rev. Ocoivc J. Bruncr anl
Paul SykM ofllelated. Burial was
In the church cemetery.
The boy died at 3:15 p.m., Fri
day at the Prcsbytcitan Hospital
In Charlcltte. He had been sor*
lously ill three weeks-.
He was born June 28, 1954. In
Rowan County.
Surviving besides the parents
ore the grojidparenits Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Allen of MooksvUle. Route
5, and Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
of MocksvlHc, Rt. 4.
Wayne B. Morrell, 43
Punerail services for' Wayne
B:nJamin Merrell, 43. of Mtooks-
vllle. Route 1. were held Monday
afternoon at the Center Msftho;
cUst Church. The Rev. Oeoi^ge
Auman. the Rov. E. M. Avett, and
the Rev. J. Wallace Owens ofTlc-
ia>ted. Buriol was In the chm-ch
Mr. Meri'ell died nt 1:20 p.m..
Saturday at the Baptist Hospital
In Wllnvton - Salem. He had been
In dsclilning health Im-o years and
seriously 111 three weeks.
Mr. Mcrrell was born Aug. 33.
1915. In Davle County, eon of
Oeoi-ge E. and Sallle Hcndiix
He was married to Mazle Van-
xont. She survives.
Also soirvivlng are two sons,
Bennlc L. and Charles Von Mer-
rrlil of the home; a daughter.
Karen Lucille Merrcll of the
home: <t<hc parents of Mockisvllle.
Rt. 3; two brothers. Aubry Mcr
rell of Moeksvllle. Rt. 3. and Bill
MerreM of Mooksvlllc. Rt. 2: and
two sisters, Mrs. K. O. Minor of
Winston - Salem and Mrs. P. M.
Johnson of MooksvlUc, RA. 3.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/9/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
3. T. Alexander, 70
Funeral sei-vlccs for Jesse Thom
as (CAp) Alexander, 70. retired
rurnlturc employee of Heritage
Furnhuvc Co.. of Moeksvllle. Rt.
3, Tun-cnMne Church community,
wcro held Tutipday afternoon ot
Che Turrcntlnc Baptist Chuieh.
The Rev. W, H. PeiTy offlclated.
Burial was In the chui-ch ceme
Mr. Alexander died at 0:20 p.
m.. Bunday at the Davle County
Hospflal. He had been In de
clining health two years and ser
iously 111 one week.
Mr. Alexander was bom Nov. 1.
1888, in Wlikcs County, a son of
Jesse Franklin and Lodlne Mc-
Caudle Alexander.
He was a momlbcr of Turrcn
tlnc Baptist Church, —
Surviving are his wife: two
sons. Clyde Alexander of Wtlkes-
boro. Rt. 2, a.nd Fred Alexander
of Moeksvllle. Rt. 4; seven daugh
ters. Mrs. Gladys Waggoner, Mrs.
Thclma Phclps, Mrs. Blsle Kim-
mer, Mrs. Ruby Alexander .and
Mrs. Dorcus James of Moeksvllle,
Rt. 4, and Mrs. Lexle Baley and
Mis. Blllle Foster of Advance,
Rt. 2; a sister, Mrs. Matilda
Sparks of WUkeSboro; and 20
Mrs. G. H. Myers, 65
Funeral services for Mra. Geor
gia Howard Myers, 65, of Advance.
Rt. 1. wife of Charlie Myers, wci'C
held Monday at Vogler's Chapel
and at the Modes MetthodJst
Church. The Rev. Fletcher An
drews and the Rev. Norman By-
criy oITlclated. Burial was In Che
church cemetery.
Mrs. Myers died at 2:30 a.m.,
Sunday at the City Hospital in
Wlnslon • Baleni. She had been
In dcclindng health sevetal years
and seriously 111 tiwo weeks.
Mrs. Myers was bom Sept. 23,
1003. In Davlc County, a daughter
of Thomas end Leila Smlbh How-
Mrs. Myeis lived In Dsvle
County moat of her Hfc. but was
employed by Brown and William
son Tobacco Co. at Wlnston-8a-
She was also employed by the
Csrollna Insulating and Yam Co.
for several yeeis.
She was a member of Mocks
Methodlat Ohuroh.
She was married Dec. 20. iOlO,
Mr. Myers Is associated with Tay
lor Brobliers Tobacco Co.
Surviving besides the husband
are three sMbers, Mrs. Carl
Myers of 1160 Peach Ave.. Win-
ston-Salem, Mi-s. Leonard Howard
of Advdhcc, Rt. 1. and Mrs. W. L.
Shields of Stadium Drive, Win
ston • Salem: four brothers, Sam
and H. Tom Howard of Advance,
Rt. 1, J. C. Howard of Roaring
River, Rt. 1, and D. T. Howard of
Norfolk. Va.: and a number of
nleocs ond nephews.
Bio — Obituaries - 7/16/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
8. H. SIvnTR. S4
Fiinerftl services for Samuel
Henry Sjnllh, M, of Advance. Rl.
I. were held Monday afternoon at
the Bothlehcna Methodist Church.
The Rev. Wade Rogers and the
Rev. J. W. Vestal ofllclftted. Bur
ial was In tho church cemetery.
Mr. Smitih. a retired farmer,
died Es'turday evening at his
home. He had been In declining
heahh several months.
Mr. Smith u'as bom April B.
1675, in Oavle County, a son of
W-ltNam David and Elltabeth
Jones Smith. He -was n member
Of B&thlehcm Met-hodlst Church.
He was married In 1807 to Annie
Miller, who aurvlves.
Other survivors Include three
dsughters, Mrs. W. R. Foster and
Mrs. C. J. Poster of MocksvlIU;,
Rt. 3, and Mrs. Gllmer Wright
of Advanee. Rt. 1. ft son W. y.
Bmlth of Advance. Rt. I. three
Binndohlldrcn: and three sisters.
Mrs. Julie Howard Mrs. Brm«
&nt>'<h and Mrs. Essie Riddle of
Advance. Rt. 1.
John William Pleree
John Wllllim Pleroo. 61, -of
Coolcrm:e. died at 13:16 ft.ih.,
emurdny while bttng tranafcrred
ircin Davlc County Hospital to
BapUst HcFpiiRl. Winsion-Gftlem.
Punsral homo ottondanls said
Mr. Pierce suITered a hoinorrhage
a fi(v days nxo. Urcy mid he
»]'pcAi-(d to have Improved enough
for the trip to WInaton-Salem.
but died n few minuter afur he
was placed in the ambulance.
Mr. Pierce, an employee of Er
win Mills for 40 years, was bom
May 20, 1098. In D.rvle County,
sen cf Aec C. and Luolllc Man-
arrm ricroc.
tuirhing ai-e hU wife, Mrs.
Orneic Driver Picixc: a aon.
n.nmsnd Pierce of Cooleemee:
and n d.AUzhier. Miss Jo Ann
Pierce of the -hcme.
The funeral was conducted at
4 pjn. Sunday at Cooliemce Bap
tist Church by the Rev. Gerald
Njylor and the Rev. Clyde Sellars.
Buplal was in Ltglon Memorial
Park. Cooleemee.
J. T. McDaniel, 53,
Suicide Victim
Jatmcs Theodore MdDnnlel. 53.
of Cooleemee. died at 10 p.m. Fri
day at hla home of ft self-lnflloted
gunshot wound.
Davio eherlff B. Y. Boylcs said
the death was a suicide.
The ofnccr snid McDanhd shot
himself in the forehead with o
J2 caliber rifle In the bedcooin
at his home.
ShorVX Boylca said McDaniel
had been In docllnlng health for
sometime but that no motive had
been dMcrmlned.
Mr. MoDaniel. r textll? am-
ployeo. was born Stpt. 22, 1906, In
Dfls'ie County, son of James Allen
end Llllle Casper MoDaniel.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Re
becca Beck MIoDanlcI; three sons,
James T. McDaniel, Jr.. of the
Army, stationed «>t Ft. Bsimlng,
Oa., Thomas A. McDftlHel of the
Navy, itatloned tin Japan, and
Douglas McDanlal of the home: ai
half brother. M. G. Dedmon of
I.amUs: n half slater. Mrs. 0. S.
B.-»y.on c * Ralolffh: and fdur slst
tnrs. Mr.s. C. P. Rldenhour of
Ccoleimcc. Mrs. Grace Harring
ton of Kannopollr, Mrs. A. O.
FInncy of Landls and Mrs. M. L.
Peeler cf China Grove.
The funeral was conductrd at
4 n.ni. Monday at Eaton Funeral
Home by the Rev. Graham Oant.
Burial was In Jerlclio, Church of
Christ cemetery.
Bio — Obituaries - 7/23/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
John P. Peetor
John P. Feotor died laat Wed*
neodoy oX the home of hla daugh*
ter. Mrs. Paul Dlxon, In Oastonla.
Funeral and burial servlecs were
held Thursday at Ecrca Baptist
Church near Block Mountain.
Burial was In the ohui-oh ceme
Mr. Feezor was a former resi
dent of Oavie Countv. His daugh
ter Is the former Miss Sarah
Feczor. He was on uncle of Harlcy
Craves and Roy Feczor.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/30/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Jaents Rooscvell Dulin
[7ainc3 Roosevelt Dulln of Ad-
nce, Rt. 2, was killed recently
[''■the result of an automobile^dent. Mil'. Dulin Is sui'vived by
LPaii'cnts. Mr. and Mrs. Jolin
of the horns, two sislci's,
rs. Marlon Dean Rucker. Miss
leen Dultn, MoeksvUlc; six
khers, Olll and Oar^icld, New
irk City, John. Jr.. WashinBlon,
(Edwai'd A., Lexington, and
then Dulin, Mocksvllle.
Daniel ISrowo
Daniol Brown of Mocksvllle,
L-. 3, was killed as ths result of
1' automobile accident. Mr.
iovn Is sui'vlved by Uie fatlior,
te ll Brown, three slaters. Miss
loltu Brown, New Yoi<(c CUy,
nnle Brown, home, ond Oncnl
own; five brothers. Clarence
d Robo t, Lexington: Jessie A.,
icksvlllc, Frank, City, and Wayne
own of ihc home.
Double funeral services for
iown nnd Dulln were h:ld nt 2[a. Saturday at the Cedar Grove[rptist Church, by the Rev. R.
Plrts. Burial followed in the
^ch cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/6/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Mn. Alice Kent
Tlie funeral for Mrs. Alice
Braokens Kent, 30. foiwcrly of Rt.
1, Mocksville, woe conducted at
2:30 p.m.. Wednesday. Au«. 12, at
Liberty BackUit Church by the
Rev. JUnmle Qrcoe and the Rev.
B. P. Caudle.
Burial was in the church c«me>
Mrs. Kent wu IdJied Saturday
In an automobile accident near
Richmond. Va.
She spmt most of Iter life at
Mocksvllle but had been Itvlnc In
Richmond lor about two years.
She waa a datwhier of J. O. and
ClizB O'Neal Brackens.
Burvivtnc are her parents: five
brothers. Maivln Braekciu of
Mooksville. Roy Bracketis of Har
mony, Ri. 2. the Rev. J. A- Brac
kens df Mooksville. Ri. 1, Junes
Brackens of Mocksvllle. Route 6.
and Charles Braoken* of Winston-
Salem: and four aiatcre. Mrs.
alary Footer of Mocksvlhe. Mrs.
Leonard Tooley of W<lniton-6aktm.
Mrc. Bmte Crook of YadklovUla
and Mrs. Wade deary of Mooka-|vi4fi. Route 1.
wnila C. Retmc. 37
Willie C. Rourc. 73. who had
i-eaidcd in Win«'tcn • 8ale«n for
tt)e pact asveml years, dlrd at
2:30 p.-m.. Prttfay.
Mr. Rouae. n retlftd mnchittist,
was born July 26. IS83. in Davte
CcUH'ty, sen of Joe and Sally
Harris Roue?. He lived in Davle
County for several yt-ara.
Survkinr are invo brcl-here.
Prrr sn Reuse of Kannapclls and
A. K. Rouse of Richflcld. Rt. I:
and n rl«t?r. Mrs. D. C. Howard,
of MockM-illc.
Funeral services wci-e conducted
nt 4 p.iw., Sunday nt Llb.-riy
M?lh9cUat Ol-.uvcli by 'tlic Rev. R.
O, ^dC!Clamrock and Ih: Rev.
Fletcher E. Hownid. niphrw of
the decraeed.
Nephe^vs were pallbcartrs.
J. G. STROUn. 55
J. O. (-S&ml Stroud, dairy far
mer of Haumony, Route 1, was
found dead in his bed Friday
momina M his home in the Coun
ty Line Community.
He was bom Oct. 3, 1003. a son
of Joimes M .and Daisy Hodson
He spent his enUra life In the
County Line conmunlty.
He was a dairy farmer and
owner of Stroud MHllns Co.
He la survived by bis mother:
his wife, Blanche York Stroud:
thi-cc sons, James Glenn Btroud
of Philadelphia. Pn.. A. M. (Bud)
Stroud of Statesvlllc, Rt. 1, and
Dewllft Stroud of the home; three
daue'htcrs, Mrs. Olenn Seaford of
Mocksvllle. Rt. 4. Mias Jcanettc
Stroud of Chen*y Point, Md. .and
Miss Cora Stroud of Harmony,
Route 1: three brothers, Bruce
Stroud of Stalesyflle, Rt. 1. Guy
Stroud of Hormony. Rt. 1. and
Paul H. Slroud of Mock-ivllle.
Rt. 1. a sifller. Mm, Maydo Qlen-
donin of Orcenaboro: mtd six
Punerol eei-vloes were held Sun
day at Society Baptist Church.
Interment was in the ohurdh
Bio - Obituaries - 8/13/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
.lohn D. Tuchcr
Punoral services ara being held
todny. Thui-sdfty. Aug. 20. In In-
dlnnnpolis. Ind.. for John D.
Tuckor. lormer rMldent. who had
been living there Tnr severAl yearfl.
Mr. 1\loker died Monday. Aug. 17
at his home aTter being in declin
ing health for three monbhs.
Survivors Include his wtte; three
children. Nfrs. Ray Wernke, Miss
Thelma Tucker, and Steven Tuck-
'er. of Indianapolis: Invo alstei's,
Mrs. Pkitcher Wlllard and Mrs. H.
H. KlUon of Rt. 1. AdvNtncc. and
one brcCher, Lari-y l*uckcr of Rt.
I, Clenvnions.
Mrs. J. A. Blackwelder. 82
Punei-al sej-vices for Mts. Lula
RftlUdgc Bl.ickwelder. 62, of Rt.
I. MceSuvlllc. widow of John A.
Blaokwelder. were held Saturday
nftcinosn mi the MnTncs Ct.i.'s
Reads Baptist Church. The Rev.
John McDanlel and live Rev.
Jchnnle SwUiu-r afllcJaled. Bur
ial was In .th: church camotery.
%lrs. Bleckiwcldrr died at 11:46
p.m. Htursday at her home. She
had been III ^^vcral mcnths.
Mi's. Blaclcwelder was born Oct.
II. 1876, In Do-vte Courtty, daugh
ter cf Willifrm and Mabtle ClMlTln
Her husband thsd Jan. 3. 1945.
Surviving nte a son. W. H.
Blackavclder of the home, and
three grandchildren.
Reld NadlUff Smith
Qraveclde services were con-
duotcd Tuc.sdiay at the Bethlehem
Methodist Church Ccmeioi-y for
Rstd Nading SmKh. -!wo duy old
son of Hebert Nadlng and Doro
thy Retd Smith of Advance. Rt. 1.
The Infant died at 1:10 p.m.
Monday at a Wlncton-Salom hos
Surviving arc the parents: one
sUter. Brcnda Kay Smbth of the
home and the gmndparants, Mr.
and Mrs. V. O. Reld of Tobacco-
ville, Rt. i. and Mr. and Mrs. O.
H. SnvtPh 0/ Advance, Rt. 1.
The Rev. Wade Rogers ofllclated
at the graveside services.
II. E. WARD, 66
Funeral services for Hanvn^
Edward \\VLrd, 66. of Thcmasvllle
will be held at 2 p. m., Thursday
at the J. C. Orecn and Sons Fun
eral Chapel In Thontatvilie. The
Rev. F. Stanley Hardse. the Rev.
Jack £. snyder and the Rev. j.
Frank Snyder will oflldate.
"Mr. Ward, ^v7lo died suddenly
Tus'sday morning following a heart
attack. Is the father of Jack Waid
of Mocksvinc. athlotlc director
and head football coach at the
Davie County High School.
Ml-. Ward, n building oontraot-
or. was con.dructlng n home in
the Pair Orovc Forest oonummRy
when ho was athcken and died
onroute to flic hcnpltal.
Mr. Wiird wa.« bom Juno .30,
1C93. In D.\vKl.son Count.v. ami,
had spent most of hia life In'
Thcnvi-svlllc. '
He was married fo Miss Maggie
Workman Dec. 24. 1D13. She .sur
vives. ,
Also auiwiivlng ara three daugh
ters, Mrs. S. O. Mitchell oX High
Point and Mrs. DoUn C.alhoun
.and Mi-.a. Charlie Mturplay of
ThoniasvlUe: four sons. J. R.
Ward of Thtmaswllle. Jack Wai-d
of MeeicsyiU.s {tcbert Ward of
Churciiland and C. M. Ward oi
Hlckoiy: two sisters, Mrs. Clydt
Beok and Mrs. Ed Weaver of Lex-
jington: two brother.-^. John n>^d
Jim Ward of Lexington: 14 grand
children.- and eight grrat-grand-
Bio - Obituaries - 8/20/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
i'S. S» B. Ganvooil
h^uncrni or Mrs. fiiliic Wil'
.. ..j^i^j-aJarwowt, iit, »r fc;7 simhiT
I SOriiet; widotv ot S. B. Garwood,
» wijl( bo conducted al 11 a.m. to^
• mderow at Voglora Cbupol by Uie
Revf Titurlow Spurr. ^irial will
be in'Fork Baptist Church Ceme
tery in Davie Couttfy.
Pallbearers be Fred Wil-
' ]iams« Ifponard White, Leon
> JoneA, D^a Turner, T. J. Poster
' and Hal T^ison. '
Mrs. Gai^ood died yesterday.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs.
Peggy Bennett of ^ Shobor
.Street; two gmiidcluldren. .Judy
iuul Dunlin Dennett of Kt7 Shofier
.Street; three sisters, Mrs. E. W.
Turner of MoctcsvUIe. Mrs. K. L.
Jones of Atlanta, Ga., and Miss
Ploy Williams of 455 S. Haw
thorne Road; and three.brothers,
P. E. Williams of Winfi^d Drive,
E. It. Williams of 320Q.Vintp^
Avenue and C. V. Williams of m.Gales Avenue. glliO'
iVfr.g, .S, IL Gitf'wotxl
Mrs. I.Dlip William^ Cnrwood,
fit. iif irr? Sliulici' SlrrH. widow ul
.S. II.'CarwfKid. dint nl |i.ht.
vi'.slmlay ai'lier huinc. She had
been. in decllnin.i: liunUh .^inee
l-'ebriiary and .stTioiwIy ill Uvu
Mrs.'(inrwuud wsw Ininj (h*;.
10. 1877, -ill Davie Cuini'.y, iu
.ltdiii It. ttiid .Siiruli Clarh' Wil-
Mrjs. Garwftod' .speid her early
life ill llir PurU (.liiiruii (uiiiiiuiu-
iiy uf Davic CiH|iily. .Slip had
In'pii a re.sidpiti uf Wiii.«i«iii'Sah!fii *
fwiMtt yrai"?.,
•Slie w:ij. .1 mphilrfr of .S;dpiii
Ihijfiuil. I'liinth.
Slin was niarrird .Sopl. In. ijio?.
An Pi)i)doyp cf |». i|. ii;iii,,.s Kiii|. j
liri."? t.'<ihi|ianv. Mr. iJiii \V.K,il tlipd |
in IIM.".
.Sni-vivhig arp .i danslilcr, Mrs
Pnjtgy Bpiinelt iif MV .S b « b r r
.Slii'H; I wo hrniidi'iiildi'Pii. .Jinly
ancl fJnniin neiuiplt uf SX! SliitliPr
.Sli'fPl; (lii'pr jjfeiMi'. \v^
Turner of Miieksville, Mr.s. K. I,.'
.lone.s uf Ailanlu, Go., aiid Wlfw
Ploy Willlmii.s of 4r,.i H. jjaw.
tlioriie Hoiid: and jjirne brolliers.
P. K. WilliaiiUf oPWinfleld'Drive.
K. 11. Wifiiji»i.v of'320<,Viiifage
.^V veiiiie and C. B. Williams 4rf COS
(ijilcs .Avemie. '■'!'Ilie funeral will Jte.eoiulucleilai II a.m. *rue.sil,-iy' at' Vofjlm .illiaiwl by lliu Dev. *niiirlmrSjKirr. Diin.'il will he in PwrU Jbiii-list I'liiirHi (ViiiPlpi'v ill Diivic
rJ '"rtinly.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/24/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Dr. S. A. Kwiiig
Diea At ftge 74
Funevnl mrvicra for Dr. Samue]
Asbury 74, of MioolcavJlIc.
who prflotilccd medicine in Yadkln
and Davic CouivUes for 42 yecu-s,
w:>:e held 'Nfonday afternoon at the
Firt'l BapMst Church in Mocks-
vlilc. Or. Jack Noffalnger ofliolaU-
ed. Burki'l was with Mawnlc
Rites, conducted by the Mbcks-
vllie Masonic Lodge, in 4^c Oroav
roQds Baptist Church Cemetery
at Courtney.
Dr. Harding died at 6:46 p.m.,
Saiturday at the Maple Orovc
Nursing Home in Winston-SaJem.
He had been Hi for some time.
He was born Oct. 6. 1684, In
Yndldn County, neai- Huntsvllie,
son of Oreenboiry and Bib&abebh
Steehnan Harding.
Dr. Harding received his early
edueation in the iniral free
scirools of Yadkln County. In 190D
bia pnrenbs moved to Davdo and
he continued his education at
Faimington High School. His high
.<ichool education was coinpioted i
in 1905 at Ciemmons Academy.
He graduated from the Medical'
School of Chapel HJi) in 1600 (now
ths University of Norttl) Carolina
Medical school). He then Attend
ed the MIedical Colicgc of Chnr-
loDte, graduating there in 1910.
Returned to Tadkln
Dr. Harding roburned to hb
native Yadktin and practiced mea-
Icine there, particularly oiround
Cuuulndy, until 1928. in Yaditm
he was active in various com
munity activities.
He come to Davle in 1826 and
opened on ofhce in Mocksviile.
tiuiiilg poirb of his 31 years in
Davle, Dr. Harding was physician
for the state's prison camp here.
Dr. Hflidlng was a member of
Flint Baptist Chui-ch at Mocks*
vllie. and was a deacon for a
number of years.
He was a, member of the
Mooksvllle Mhsonic Lodge and
fci' a number of years was a di-
r:otor of the Bank of Davle.
Dr. Hardlng's hobby was col
lecting antiques. He and his wife
had what was considered one of
the largest collecMons in North
west Nortii Coj-oliina. '
Dr. Harding man-ied Miss Jose
phine Wilklns of Coui'tney In 1811.
She survives.
Other survivors 81*0 a son.
Felix Hording of Wlnston-SaJem;
a brother. John Harding of Fnrm-
ington: and four sisters, Mrs. Ed
Hilts and Mrs. Johnny Spring of
Hickory and Mrs. Ray Deese and
MlAs Julia Hording of Winston-
Bio - Obituaries - 8/27/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 10,1959 - Page 7
Mrs. L. E. Burton
(Mrs. BerOha Sain Burton, 66. of
Mocksvttle. Rt. 3. wife of L. E.
Burton, died at fl:40 ajn. Tues
day at Idle Davle Countor Hospital.
She Imd been In declining health
several months and sertoudy U1
three days.
Mrs, Burton was born Jan. 5,
1893, In Daivlo County, a dau^-|
ter of WlBlam A .and Bally Ma-
son Sain.
Mrs. Burton spent ntosi of her
liU<o In the Fork Churah ctHimw
nlty of bavle County.
She was a montber of Fork
Baptist Church.
(She was married Sept. .14, 1013.
eniployed In Wln-
SurvlvTng besides husband
are two sons, James WllUem
Bullion and Bobbie li. Burton of
Mooksvllle. Route 3: a daugliter,
Mrs. PIverotto Oraiughn of Mbeka-
vllle. Route 1; six grandchildren;
two sisters. Mrs. C. A. Hendrlx of
Advatttc, Rt. 2: and Mrs. P. o.
Byarly of Wlnston>BaIom.
Tlie funeral wtll be conducted
at 2:30 pan., Thursdtay at Pork
Baptist Chui*eh by the Rov. A. M.
Kiser and the Rev. H W Kuish-
Ins Burial wlU be in the church
Pallbearera wUl be Thomas
Hendrlx. Tommy Lee Hendrlx.
OdsU Hendrlx, Jlmtmy Hendrix.
Rlcliaid Hendrix and Paul Hen
• J. W. Johnson, 83
J. W. Johnson. 83, of High
Point and a veteran real estate
broker, died ut 4:45 a.m. Tues
day In Veterans Hospital. Dur
ham. He hod been In decUnlna
health about three months.
He oame to High Point 60 yeam
age from Winston - Salero. He
was a member of .the Main Strea
Msthodlat Church and the WUlls-
Kliby Bible class. He vms also a
member of Numa P. Reid Lodge
Na. 334 A.P. and A.M.. York Rite
body, a Shrlner, and the High
Point Chapter No. 106, Order of
Eastern 8t*ar. He was a veteran
of Wie Spanish American ^r,
serving in one u. 8. Army in
Surviving his wife. Mm. Clyde
Padgett'. Johnson; five sons. Roy
Johnson of Naples. Fla., Jolm
Johnson and Koonta Johnson of
Afbcdnarle. Pfohl and Raymond
Johnson of MocksvlUe; four daugh
ters, Mrs. Joy Manshlp of Noi'th
Wilkesboro. Mrs. Rtdioeoa Ann
KlsUer of Philadelphia. Pa.. Mrs.
Sarah WUllaims of Oullowhee and
Miss Ellsabeilh Johnson of the
home: a ItaU • brother. Robert
Johnson of High Point: 17 grand-
Funeral services were held at
2:30 p.m. Wednesday In Main 5t,
MeUhodlst Churoh. High Point,
by ithe Revs. Robert H. Stamey
and Richard Crowder. Burial was
in Che Lebamion Mbihodtii]^
Church Cemetery-
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 10,1959 - Page 6
C. M. Rcnegar, 70
Funeral servlees t'or G. M. Ren-
egar, 70. of Yadkilnvile. Rt. 3. were
held Saturday a>t the Sandy
Springs Baptist Churoh. The Rev.
Qeorgc Bumis and 4910 Rev. Wade
Hu'.chens and the Rev. Paul Moore
oinclatod. Burial vvas In ihc
church cemetery.
Mr. Rcneg.-u* died Thursday at
the Lula Conrad Hoots Hospital.
Ho had been in declining hooltn
16 months. I
Mr. Renegar had been seriously
ill one week. |
Ho was born Oct. 3. 1886. In
Irodell County, a son of AUlson'
and Lula Stoclman Rcncgar. I
He wos a merchant and fanner.'
Ho had taugirt school (or seven
teen ycors.
He was a member of Sandy
Springs Baptist Church. |
He WHS married to Clco Cozaitt
July 13, 1911. Site survives.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/10/1959
Surviving also arc four daugh
ters. Mrs. Ruben Dlckc-ison of
Ham:itonvlll9. Mrs. Wade Orocc
of MocksvlUc. Rt. 5: Mrs. James
S. Reavia of yndkinvllle, Rt. 3.
and Mrs. Wlllkun D. Moon of WU-
mlngton; two sons, the Rev Low
ell O. Renegar of Norfc'dc. Va.,
ai>d Jannle C. Renegar of Yad*
klnvliic, Rit. 3, and P. L. Renegar
of JoncaviUe; I4 grandshUdrcn.
one great-grandshlld.
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 24 1959 - Page 5
C. I. aft I
Pimcrul .•«! f jr Cl.u i'nrf
tiTll' h MA. nf M irkrii-illc* .
Houlf 1!. VViM-.' l;.1d }ruv.il:».v tu tin '
0;fk Or;>vi' l Cilutdl. i
'rJu* H.v Aiini .)'. cIlU'i.j".; il.
Jiuil.U w .iA isi 111. cljii.vli c.itv. •
Mr. «!i' iln- Oik Oiavr
Ckiiiiiiuu'!.'.'. lit d S.tiuid. i tit :i
Jijihtftli li
II.' d'lii Ol. 7, inUM. Ill
Diivir *,!i i t K, T. ,-nnl
.siiniii h \i'r!i!..iji Ma'iii-
Ill' i". 1:,- tiuii' br..!li»
i'i>. I, Mi l ;ii:.i I n;:;\ M.-fnll-ih
i)Ul3i of Miii'I vv.!! hV Il.u.ila
T. Mt'CilUoh iif C*!. mm'11.1. ;it;d
C;trl I.. .if \V-.n-;..ii.S.i.
Tin- rpi Miiiil « !'.•• oJ In-., niid
•».< tr.iMd ;iii--iii .. ... ol ;i
IjI's.-:. 1. > lil>
.-.jmiiitf Miij liiln-r Kddy
Bio - Obituaries - 9/24/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 1,1959 - Page 2
Mn. Thomas KcUy llownrd
Punersi services for Mrs. Julia
EllzabcUi Hou-ard, 00. of Advance.
Rt. 1. were held Tuesday. Sept.
22 ai 3 o'clock at (he Bethlehem
Methodist Churcm. The Rev.
Wade G. Rogers and the Rev. Al-
vis Che.shlre ofFlcloted. Burial was
In the church cemetery.
Mrs. Howard, of the Bcihlehem
conwmn^ty. died Sunday. Sept.
20, at the home of a daughter.
Mrs. R. H. King. She had been
In declining health several years.
Shew as born May 14. 1803. in
Dovie County, daughter of Will-'
lam Dovld and Elizabeth Jones
Smith. Se was married to Thom
as Kelly Howard, who died sev
eral -ycM-s ago. She was a mem
ber of Bethlehem Methodist'
Church. I
She Is survived by two sons. Al
bert s. and William T. Howard of>
Advance. Rt. 1: six daughters.,
Mrs. A. D. Stewart. Sr. and Mrs.'
P. 0. Suber of Wlnston-Salem.
Mis. Bu!*ord Smith, Sr.. of Rt.
2. Mocksville. and Mrs. Alvls M.'
Laird. Mrs. O. H. Smith and Mrs.
R. H. King, ell Of Advance, Rt. 1:
39 grandchlldi'cn; 07 great-grand,
children: three great . great
grandchildren; and two sisters,
Mis. Emma Smith and Mrs. -Essie
Riddle of Advance. Rt. 1.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 1,1959 - Page 6
John T. srnmon. 85
Punernl sci*vlccs for John Tlicm-
as Scamon. 8S, reilrcd fainncr
of "the Davic Acaduny csnsmun-
Ity, wtfo h:ld Saturday morning
ftt the Gt. Matthew Luthsrnn
Chupoh. The Rev. W. H. Llppard
and the Rev. Mr. Oantt ofllelat-
ed. Burial was In' the church
!Mr. Seasnon died at 8:15 B.m..
Thursday at the to'nn Haven'
Rest Homo In Mocksvlllc where
ho had been a patient ifor two
Mr. Scamon was born In Davle
County Aug. 0, 1874, son of Prank
and SaraJi Dayvauit Scsmon. He
was married to Emma Davis, who
died four years ago. He was o
member of JerhJho Chui-eh of
Gurvlvlng arc three sons. Lewis
Scamon of Mocksvlllc, Rt. 3, Al-
Vln S&amon of Mocksvlllc, Rt. 6.
William Scamon of Mocksvlllc.
Rt. 1; five daughters. Mrs. Rob-
• cut C. Pclkcr, Mrs. MllUe Hen-
drlclos. Mha. Arthur Dayivatt and
Mrs. Marvin Wllliama, all of
, MoCkflvUle, m. I, Mrs. A. W.
. Phelps of Cleveland, Route 4; 40
grandchildren: 4B great-grandchll-
' drcn; one brother, James M. Sea-
mon of MccksvlUe and one sister,
' Mrs. Rebecca Mclntyre of Statcs-
i vtllc.
Mrs. Brenoh MoBrlde, 07
Puncrai services for Mrs. Ora
Kj[|cr McBrlde. 67. of Mooksvlllc,
lit'; 6, were held Tuesday altw-
npon at the Mount OHvc Metho
dist Clmrch. The Rev. Alvin
Ajnick ((nd the Rev. J. Q. Allgood
oflloiated. -Burial was In the
ohui^i cemetery.
Mrs. McBrldo, the widow of
£|ranch MoBrldo, died at the home
of a son, Lo.tin McBildc. in the
Mount Olive Church community,
at H:30 a.m., Sunday. She had
been In declining health several
months and seriously ill one week.
^8. McBrldo was bom Jan. 6.
1862 in Yadkln Oounby, a daugh
ter of Tandy and Eerah Head Kl-
Ghe went her early life In TTad-
k(jd Counity, tfnbving to the Mt.
Olive Church ccmmunlty In Davle
County several y:ars ago.
.'Her husband dird'Aug. 20, 1059.
•He was a rotlied fanner.
. Surviving (U'C -two sons, Floyd
and Loftln MoBrldo of Mocksvllle,
Rt. 5; six giandchlldrcn: three
brothei*s. John Klgcr of Lexing
ton. Lewis Klger of East Bend.
Rt. 2, and Bryant Klger of Mlocks-
ville. Rt. 5; and one sister. Mrs.
John Hancock of Cooleemce.
Bio — Obituaries - 10/1/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 1,1959 - Page 6
Jamea K. Walker. 32
Funeral services for James
Kelly Walker, 33, of the Center
Chureh community. iMocksvlllc.
Route 1. were held Saturday at
the Center McthodUt Church.
The Rev. Ocorgc Aunien, the Rev.
Melvyn Kerely and the Rev. Hugh
Jcssup ofhctatcd. Burial was In
the church cemctci7-
htr. Walker died around 0 p.m.
Thursday at his homo after su.''-
fcrlirg a heart atciack.
He was boi-n Dec. 20. 1026. In
Davle County, a son of £. O. and
Lula Tutitcrow Walker. He was an
cnvploycc of Erwln Mills at Cool-
In 1050 he marrjed Miss Fay-
crlne Parker.
Surviving are his wife: a daugh*.
ter. Fhlllls Carol Walker of the
home: a son. James Mdchael
Walker of the. home: his mother,
Mrs. Imla Walker of Mocksvllle.
Rt. 1: four brothers, Ed S. Walk-
Icr. of Mocksvlllc. lU. 3, Jack
Walker of "Mackst'llle. Rt." 4. John
Walker of Advance, Rt. 2. end
Johnson Walker of Mocksvlllc, Rt.
1: seven sisters. Mrs. C. M-
Latham of MocksvlIIe, Rt. 2. Mrs.
W. W. Gartner of MocksvlIIe. Et.
4, Mrs. H. C. Sink of Lexington.
Rt. 8. Mrs. E. R. Koontz and
Mrs. J B. Tultcrow, both of
MocksvlIIe, Route 1. Mrs. Donald
Polndexler of MocksvlIIe, Route 0,
and Miss Oall Walker of Mocks
vlIIe, Rl. I,
Mrs. Oscar Riddle, S3
The funeral for Mrs. Mattic
Frances Bcauchamp Riddle, 63.
of Advance. Rt. 1, wife of Oscar
Riddle, was conducted at 2 p.m..
Friday at the hems and at 2:30
pjn. at Macedonia Moravian
Builal was In the church grave
oniclatlna ministers were the
Rev. Noi-man'Byerly, Urc Rev.
J. George Bj-uncr. Ilis Rev. O. E.
BrcwCr and the Rsv. Mr. Pnrduc.
Pallbtqrors were Alvls Laird.
Pink Hchdrlx. Olcnn Smith. Alvls
Lee, Charlie Frye and Roy Smith.
Mrs.. Riddle died Wednesday at
the Davle County Hospital at
Ohc was bom in Ditvle County,
a daughter of J. O. and Lula
OrrcU Bcauchantp. She was mar
ried to Mr. Riddle Aug. 28, 1828.
Mrs. Riddle was a member of
Mac^onla Moravian Church at
Advance, Rt. 1.
Surviving are her hunb.and: two
sons, Donald Riddle of Micks-
vllle, Rt. 2, and Nomvan Riddle
!ol Advance, Rt. 1: two daushtsrs,
iMra." B. O. Lakey cf MocksvlIIe.
jRt. 2. and Mrs. B2rnard Vlck of
Washington, D. C.: six grandchil
dren: her father of Advance. Rt.
1: two brothers, Joel and Curtis
Beauchomp of Advance, Route 1:
and three sisters. Mrs. A. M.
Laird and 'Mrs. J. W. Laird of
Advance, Rt. 1. and Mrs. H. O.
Billings of Old Vineyard Road,
Wlnston-Sslcm. .
Bio - Obituaries - 10/1/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 1,1959
John Seamon
.f'lli.-i 'I Si intviri.
■, n lii-'d f;iiin« r uf'.h"'
l-in-' r-tiiiiViiinily (f
JliiviL- Ctiiitiiy. tlln3 .n !i:iri
A.?i1. <'il r.yiiii
Hitvvii Jj'imi., Mm ksviSl.',
wItiTi! Iio liiul hofii |):i-
tiiiit iov IIh! pit.'ii Iwo yiiHS.
Mr. Sfamr"" v.':i.s ham Aui;-
Ksl .'I, JiVT'k «i Cmunly.
■ ixi <if iJic l.-ile Friuil; .iiul
SiiiiiJi DiiywjtJI .'-tisiriKiii.
Kc H"is- lij l}ii- fii-
iMi.r Khijiici l.i'i'.'j.s vvhu
fiiiir y^vir;; iu'.'i.
iiiH vivitu; a;-.' 'liri-- ■ ■•ii ;
1,1 '.vi; in i''. M, Mml;
vill.'; .'i. ....
; ;aiil Vvfjli.ii,-. .'<1 :1-
IU..M1, 1. .%[• •.■kr-'-'i!.-; Ii"..-
.1;.;;;;}!^ n.; Mi -. A INn l|w
I. fiov- lMwl; Mr: Mil-
I- lli-iirh ji k<. .Mr-:. K.it.. t" r.
I'l'T-ii-r, Mim. Anlii.::
iiritl Mr.-.. VVi;|i:iiiv: ; 1
tif I'nUU" 1. ; "ir
hrnllicr. JaiiK-:; .M .'m i;n. i '
Moaksvilli. nii- ..i ii .
A ,.M
Bio — Obituaries - 10/1/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 8,1959 - Page 3
Mt^. W. T. Rlghla. 80
Funsrni ssrvlccit Tor Mrs. Lllllo
Rhnmor Rt«<ht3. BO, cf Advance,
Rente 1, \vet*e held Tuesday trfter-
noon fl.l Ihc Fork Bapllat Church.
Tlie ftcv. A. M, Kiscr. tho Rev.
Wade Tlegera. tho Rei'. ChorJiw
J, FardUe, and the Rev. Flelchor
Andrews ofnclated. Burial was
In tho church crmcter>'.
Mrs. Rights dird Btinday at the
Maple Orove Res'. Home near
Winston . Snlem after a serious
inne.s.* of several werks. She had.
bcir In declining health several
Mrs. Rights was born In Qrayo
son Ccunty, Va.. July 0. 1879.
datishitit cf DaVld and Ellen
Sparks Kiinmer. She wrs a m:ni-
bet or Fork Baptist Church. She
war inarrUd *.o iMr. Rights Dec.
20. 1800. He died June 8. 1066.
Surviving aro one daughter.
Mrs. Roy Beauchs-nvp of Adv.nnce.
Rt. 1: I'wa sens Sam and Oilmer
Rights of Advance. Route 1: 14
grahdCllndren: 26 great - grand
children: and one brother, Ed
Khmner of Spencer.
ijtrs. Essie OallHer Byerly
Fiinerdl services fbr Mra. Essie
Oalther Byerhr of Raleigh were
held Friday afternoon at the First
Presbyterian Ohuioh. The Rev.
William F. Long officiated. Burial
uus in Rose Cemetei<y.
'Mrs. Byerly died Thursday in
Bdl&itfh. flhe was bom iA Mccks-
vllle. a daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Lem Oalther.
She spent her early IHe here.
moving to Raleigh 12 years ago
with her daughter. Mrs. Arm^
strong T. Slockard. and Mr.
Survivors ore; one daughter.
Mrs. A. T. Stookard of Roleigh:
one granddaughter, Miss Olivia
Tate Stockni-d. also of Roteigh;
one slater, Mrs. Charles A. Jen
kins of Winston • Solem: two
iitphzavs. Charles and Qaltlter
Jenkins of Winston • Salem: and
two nlcccs, Mrs. James F. Sten
gel cf Northrldgc. Cahf.. and Mrs,
John Hopkins of Atlanta, Oa.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/8/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 15,1959 - Page 2
Woir tnfftnt
'FVneral se>-vlee3 for tha Infant
son of Mr. and-Mrs. Eldon WbK of
Advance. Route 1. were held at
the graveside Saturday morning
at the Old Fraternity Ohut^. Joel
K. Bowman oRlciated.
The Infant died at the City
Hospital in Winston . Salem at
10:30 a.m.. two hours after birth.
Mr. Wotf. a dairy farmer, and
his wife, the former "Matr Beeic-
ner. are members of Old Frater
nity Church.*
Surviving arc the parents: three
.sisters. Carolyn Kay. Lois Ann
and Janice Maiw Wolf, ail of the
home; tho grandparents. Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Beckner of Clemmons.
Rt. 1. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wolf
of Winter, Kan.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/15/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 22, 1959 - Page 4
B. Grant Cuthrtit, 90
Punera] aervlcea for B. Grant
Cuthrell, 00, of MbekavUle, Bt.
S, were held Tuesday morning at
the Mount Olive Methodist Church,
The Rev. Alvln Amick ofllolated.
Burial was In the church ceme
Mr. Cubhrell dcd Sunday mom-
ng at the Lynn Haven Best Home
In (MlocksvUlo.
He had been In doclinlng health
a year, but death was unexpect
ed. '
Mr, Cuthrell wos born Dec. 16,
1800. In Davlc County, a son of
James and Jcanetto McBrldo
Cuthrell Ho spent his life In the
Wyo conununity. His wife, tho
former Minnie Clarlnda Langley,
died March 6, 1067.
TVTr. Outhiell was a member of
Mount Olive Methodist Church tn
Yadkin County.
Several nieces and nephews sur.
J. B. Walker, 81
John Boone Walker, 81, of Bt.
1, MocksvlUe, died at 0 o'clock
WjCdnesday, Oct. 14, at his home.
He had been in declining health
for several months.
He was boan in. Davle County
Oot. 17, 1877, the son of> the late
L. B. and Ellen Hcndren 'Walker.
He WHS a retired farmor.
Mr. WlaHtor married the former
Fannle Lee Stroud In 1000. She
dUd Dec. 21. 1056.
The only survlvoi' is one daugh
ter, Mary Ellen Walker of the-
PUnoral services were held Fri
day B't 3:30 ot Center Methodist
Church. The Rev. Ocorge Au-
man, the Rev. Robert Oakley of-
flclntcd. Burial followed In the
church comolery.
Palibcoj-crs ware Frank Potts,
Allen Mabe, David MIo/bc, Qeoi^e
Mabe. WHbert Potts, and John
Mrs. J. H. Howard, 73
P\ineral services for Mi:s. Mar
tha Rebecca Allen Howard, 73, of
Advance, Route 1. wife of John
Homy Howard, were hold Sunday
Bitemoon et the home and at the
Macedonia -Moravian Chuich by
tho Rev. Norman Byeily, the Rev.
Ocoi^e Bmner and the Rev. O. E.
Brewer. Bmi^ was In the chui-ch
Mrs. Howard died at 9'30 am.,
Sotuntoy at her home. She had
be^n .ln,<^ollnlng health for some
111 since Mon-
fS iHO'ni'ird woo bom Jan. 7,
1880, In Davlc County, &• daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Allen.
She spent her entire life In the
Macedonia Moravian Church com.
On Dec. f>, 1903, she marrlfd
Mr. Howoa-d, now a retired- farm
er. She was a member of Mace
donia Moravian Church,
Surviving arc her husband; two
daughtei-s, Tdlrs. Leo Allen of
MocksvlUe. Rt. 5, end Mrs. Green
Barnes of Advance, Rt. 2. six
sons, Leonard, Allen and Taylor
Howard. aU of Advdnoe, Rt. 1.
William and Sam L. HowaM, both
of Clemmons, and John Prank
Howard of Wlnston-Salcm, Rt. 2:
32 grandchildren and ten great-
gixindchlldien; a slater, Mrs.
Thoodoi'e Howard of MocksvlUe;
and two brothers, Wesley and
George Allen, both of Advance,
Route 1.
Bio — Obituaries - 10/22/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
ter. 72, formerly . of' Wioston-Sa-
lem, died at 9 a.m; yeet^day at
the home of a sister, Mrs. Annie
Dwire of Mocksvilie. Rt. 3. She
had been in declining" health for
two years and seriously f iU. a
She was employed at Belk-
Stevens at Winston-Salem for 30
years before retiring in 1932.' .
She had made her home with
her sister here since her retire
roent. "• =
hllss Foster was born April 20,
1887, in Davie. County, a daughter
of Obidah and Sarah Davis Fos
Sho was a member of Fork
{ Baptist Church in Davie County.
n n Survivors, besides the sister, in
elude a brother. Spencer J. Foster
of Mocksvilie, Rt. 3; and a num-
n ber of nieces and nephews.
The funeral will be conducted
* at 2:30 p.m. today at Fork Baptist
Church by the Rev. A. M. Kiser.
, Burial will be in thO'church ceme^
The body will be at. Eaton
I Funeral Home until 9 a.ml, when
n it will be taken to Mrs. Dwire's
home where it will remain until
30 minutes before the service.
• Pallbearers wlU be Robert Sea-
ford, p. ,M. Johnson, Thomas
Hendrhc, Willie Burton, Wade
Wyatt and Aubrey Merrill.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/25/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 29,1959 - Page 2
^ M|S8 Ruth Fost^ft IZ f
.fr(Ll Mi^vtees tor Afiss Ruth
72. foivnerly of Winoton-
were hold Sunday at the
bi£ Baptist Church. "Bhe Rev.
Kisea* oiholated. Burial was
ijaa. church coinotery.
.1^ Fostor died eit 0 ajn.. Sat-
rdjijix at thq homo of a sister,
Apnle Pwlre of Mot^lUe,
3. She had been In declln-
4 health for 'two yeoro and
lumialy 111 a month.
was employed at Belk-
^yens at Wllnston-Salem for 30
iaf^ befoi'o rotlrlna in 1052.
ls}ie.had mode her home with;
hi .sister stece her retirement.
^ Fq&ter was bonv April 20.
7i In Dovle Countv, a daughter
I. iQbldah and Saanh Davis Fos-
ha was a member of Fork
ibiitl^ Church.
^irvivors. bealdes the sister, In-
[t^^e a brother, Spencer J. Foster
f .I|o(^lle, Bt. 3; and a num-
bf ndeoes Sind nephews.
WIlUe R. Orabtree, 57
I'Fanaivil services for Willie
|U4^d Crahbree, 67. of Mhcks-'
Rt. 2, were held Wednesday
{f|«mow at tlw Sear Creek Baip-^ fSuiceh. The Rev. W. 0. Baih-
oxidated. Burial was In the
i^itih cemetery.
Craibtree, a-esldent odt the
a^ksvUle coimnunHor. died un-
aj^ctedly of a heart attajck at
y ,^jn.. (Monday wthUa pouring
tenbrets' for a walkway at Baton
l^tist Church.
Crabtree was a caopenter
in^ ooncaiete walkway conbiucter
apvprol years. «e was bom in
Orange County. March 12, 1802.
'son, of the Rav. Adolphus and
Arim ^^rpachal Grohto'ee, He was
a i^nfber of Courtney Bapttst
fbuwivlnff oire the widow, the
fHlMer Miss Grace Bally; bno
daughtpr, Mrs. ^trover Blmora of
Moolssvlilo. Rt. 2: three grand-
ChU4reti: thi^e brothero. Bdgor
Crabttreo of Greensbom. Jack
Orajiti^ of RalBlgh and Joe d-afa-
treet, of Virginia: and three sls-
tera, Mm. CterrJe Crsbfaree pf
Vei^k City, Mrs. Minnie Jef-
ferl^ of Durham and Mra. lydla
8ip|);h of pteenaboro.
Bio — Obituaries - 10/29/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 5, 1959 - Page 2
TtJrt, B. J. Mayijeir, 71
Funeral services for Mi's. Pcerl
Ca.'lilon Maj'bew. 7J. wife of iRay
J. Mayhew. Sr., of Cleveland. u*ere
held Sft'u^-day afternoon at the
N'redmors Baptist Church In RC'
wan Ccunty. llhe Roy. Kennrth
Fox, the Rev. L. D. Scruggs end
the Rev. Odell Funderburk ot-
ficaied. But'lal was In the church
Mrs. Mftyhow died at 3:58 p.m.,
Thursday In a SiAtosvllle hos-
pKa]. Sho had been aerlousty lU
10 days.
B;ie was born May 27. 1888. In
Iredell County, a daughter of
Henry Pressley and Mary Bllen
Smith Coahlon.
Bhe flurried Mr. Maylxnv June
16, 1807. He auivlves.
Other survivors are thiee wns.
A. J. Meyh&w of WootUeei. J. L.
Mayhew of Loganvllle. Oa.. and
R. J. kfayhew, Jr.. of Cleveland:
4 djughiers. Mrs. C. B. Upe of
SsX^ury. Mrs. C. P. Dean
of Cleveland. Mrs. W. O. Ollphant
of Kannepoha. and Mrs. A. B.
Stewart of BtAtesvllle; 34 grand*
children: 15 great • grendohlldren:
three sisters. Mrs. Will White of
Salisbury. Mrs. Robett Stroud of
Bteteavllle, Mrs. John Sastiee of
Plney Orove; three brothers.
C. p. Caahlon of Cleveland. Loy
Cashdon of High Point, and Lee
Cbahicoi of BtMeerUle.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 5,1959 - Page 5
Mrs. Viola Cieary, 7S~
Funeral services u'ere held In
Denver. Colo.. Xor Mrs. Viola
Richardson Clcaiy. 73. who died,
there Monday, Nor. 2. at the
hems of h«r son. Bufoa-d Cieary.
Mrs. Cieary was bom In Davie
County Sept. 22. 1888. and resid*
ed on Route 1 for a number of
years before moving to Denvea*.
Bhe was the wife of Prank A.
Cieary who died April 28. 1958.
Burvivora In addltdon to the
son. Include two daughters, Mi's.
Dewey Veach, Cooleesnee; and
Mlsa Lena Cieary. MockavUIe, Rt.
1; and. four grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/5/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 12, 1959 - Page 2
Mrs. O. 0. Walter. 80-
Pune4'nJ services for Mrs. Emma
Beaton Waller. 80,. of Woodlcof,
Route I. widow of O. O. Waller,
were held Sunday nt the Wood-
leaf Methodist Church. The Rev.
J. C. Swalm and Iho Rcv. Mr.
Davis ofnclatod. Burial wao. In
Ihe church ecmeloi-y.
Mrs. Waller died' Friday at the
Rowan Memorial Hospital. She
had been In deollning hcaltlt.aev*
oi'Al monbhi and setiously IH a
Mi-s. Waller was bom Nov. 3.
1870, In Dnvlc County, ft dauah*
ter. of coorge and done Johnson
She maiTlcd Mr. Waller In 1003.
Ho^dled'ln 1960<
Surviving are five doughlera,
Mii-a. Kelly Wntlor nnd Mirs.
J. L. Leach, bo'.h of Moclcsviile.
Rt. A. Mrs. Olln Gonnell of Wood*
leaf, Rt. 1. Mrs. Wftde Crotgs of
Konnnpolls, and Mies Annie Wah
.ier 01 .thie home: 4nreo sons.
Clarence. Tom and Walter \Vla'lltr.
all of Woodlcaf, Rt. 1,; a brother,
Burt Beaton of Lexington: ft. sla
ter, Mrs. Notle Rumage of Lex-
infitcn. Rt. 3; 28 grandchildren
end' ID greAt-grandOhlldren.
Mrs. John A. Bowles, 74
Funeral services for Mi-o. Au*
gusta Jewera) Bowles, 74. of Rt.
4. Mocksvlllc, wife of John A.
Bowles, were held Snturdoiy af
ternoon at the Jci'lcho CIniroh of-
Christ, lihe Rev. Oeoi^e Auman
and PatU Sykes cmciatod. Bur
ial \vas in the church cemetoryi
Mrs. Bowles died Thursday at
hoi' home.
Bm'vlvlng are her husband: six
dS'Ughtprs, Mi-s. C. F. Semond,
Mrs. C. A. Smford: and Mlis. Rob
ert Allen, nil of Mocksvllle, Rt.
4. Mrs. Roy Crawford and Mrs.
Held Thomas, both of HUlsboro,
and Mis. Everett Dnvls of Cool-
cemee; two sons. Arthur Bowles
of iButner. and Clay Bowlcf of
Hillsboro: 20 gi*ai>dohlldi-cni and
18 great-grandohlldron.
Mrs. W. C. Cook. 74
Funeral services for Mi-s. Ma
tilda €hore Cook, 74, of Cocleemee.
widow of WJlllBjn C. Cook, wera
held Friday afternon at the PJrst
Baptist Church In Cooleemcc. The
Kjcv. Gerald Naylor and tbe Rcv.
Clydo Settle officiated. Gm-lal was
in the Cooleemee Legion Metnor-
Iftl Park.
Mra. Cook died Wednesday af
ternoon at the home of a daugh-
tn-, Mrs. Vnnder Hodgson, of'
Cooleemee. She had been in de
clining heftith for several years
nnd sovlously lU for thiec days.
Mrs. Cook woe born Dec. 1,
1885. In Yadkin County, daughter
of WUUam and Jtoaanna Hender
son Shojs.
She leaves three sons, the Rev.
S. F. Cook, of Plfldnfleld, Xnd.,
Robert V. Cook and Hemy Cook,
both of Cooleemee: five daugh
ters, Mrs. Robert Cheek of Mocks
vllle, Route 4, Mts. Jess rail of
Salldbui-y, Mrs. Vender Hodgson
of Cooleemee, Mrs. Sadie Sides of
Conoord, and Mra. Prank Pen-
nlnger of Woodleaf: a step . son.
Mfiowln Cook of Blkin; three
step - daughters. Mi's. -Mook Tran-
sou of Blkin, Mrs. C. B. Manuel
of Winston n Salem, and Mirs. Don-
nte Shoaf of Tennesese: four
brothers. Ooidon Shore of Thom-
ftsvllle, Woodson Shore of cool
eemee. Chestor Shore of Lenolr.
and Jim Shore of Advance. Route
1. lavo slaters. Mra. Robert Brig-
man of Kflnnapolis and Mrs. Bud
Ocrnld of Mocksvllle, Route 4:
21 grandohUdrcn: ond 30 great* j
grandohUdten. |
Bio — Obituaries - 11/12/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 12, 1959 - Page 2
Rk J. Bowen, Sr., 90
Funen'fil services for R. J. Bow-
en. Sr., father of R. J. Bowen.
teacher la Mocksvllle EloruenUiry
School, wci-e held Sundiiy after<
noon at 3 p.m. nl Vogler's Chwp-
e) In Wln-fton . Salem by tJie Rev.
Kermlt Tnylor. Burlnl wtis tn
tho Poraytih MwnoHnl Pftrk.
Mr. Bowen. a fcitncr resident
of Winston • SAlcm. died THuii-s*
day at Lymn Havon Kuralng Homo
where he had been a patient for
some bltne. He eatabllshed n piano
company, on Trade Street In. WUt*
ston-Sfllnn in 1884 and operated
It for 40 years before hb reUi*e*
Bio - Obituaries - 11/12/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 19, 1959 - Page 5
Sidney S. Marion, 75
Funeral services for Sidney
Sherman NCarlon, 75. of Pinnacle,
Route 2, fa'her of Mrs. Claude
Htc'lcs of MccksvlUo, was»hidd
Monday at 2 pto. at Palrvlew
Methodist Church In Pilot Moun*
tain. iBurinl was In the ohuroh
A relli-fti fftvmpp, he had lived
In the Shoflils community most of
his Hfe. He was a veteran of
World War I.
He was born Jan. 16. 1664. in
Si'rry Caim'y. son of L. Sldnry
Sim CliTJiriVc BuTier MBlTOir"
Surviving In oddltion -to Mrs.
Hicks arc his wife. Mrs. Nm« Hunt
MA-rlon: four other dauamters.
Mrs. Cl.ircnco AilJn of Wlnston-
Sa'tni. Mrs. Ralph Shaffer of
Oi-centboro. Mrs, AIck Simmons
of Rural Hall and Mrs. BUiy Ray
Cjuk uf Pilot M'OuuUln; flvo sons.
Charlie Marlon of Wlnston-Sal-
cm, Sgt, Nathaniel Marlon of (he
Ainty At Port Campbell, Ky.. Sgt.
Sidney Mack Marlon of the Ma*
rlncs Ql 'Pearl Harbor, Pvt. Don
ald MBAlon of the Army at De
troit, Mich., and Dean Marion of
the home: three slstera, Mrs.
Maggie Pate of BuiTlngton, Mrs.
O'is BroKm of Greensboro, and
Mrs. Sally Scott of Pinnacle. Rt.
2: n brother. C. D. Marlon of Sea-
grave ond seven grandchildren.
Fletcher Oeraid, 67
Funeral services for FleUJhoi*
QCrAld, 67. of MoOksvllIe. Rt 4,
were 'held Saturday aiternoon at
the North Cooleoinee Baptist
Chuich. The Rov, Cb'de Settle
and the Rov. Bill Harper oiholated.
Burial was in the Legion Menror-
ial Park at North Cooleemee.
Mr. Gerald dhd Thursday at
ills homo. He had been In de
clining healtil) sevejal montQis and
(uicusly 111 two days.
Mr. Gcrs'lcl was bom June 80.
1803. In Lorii. 8. C., a son of
H^ni-y und Sarah OeriUd. H» was
fl re'.Jrcd tixtlle worker, and a
veteran of World War* I.
Ku was a mtmber of North
CooUcmer Baptist Church.
Surviving are tho wife. Mm.
Dora Shore Gerald: a son. Mackle
Qtrald of Jamestofn, Rt. I; and
a half brother, Cliarhe Oertld of
Lojils, B. C.
Bio — Obituaries - 11/19/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 26,1959 - Page 5
D. M. BBllcy. 88
Funfral servlMs (or DoWltte
ManrtYAll BnUoy. Sr.. B3, o( Ad
vance. Ri. a, were held Monday
afternoon al tho Fork Bnptlst
Cl^urch. The Rev. A. M, KLier
and the Rev. K. W. Hutchetw of*
ftclotcd. Burial 'Wnn in the church
Mr. Bailey died al 8:05 p.m.
Saturday at the Lynn Haven Rest
Home in Mccksville. He had been
in declning heallh for eevernl
montlu and seriously 111 for four:
He WAS barn in Davic County
on Feb. 4. 18T6. the son of Berry
and Sarah Brocks Bailey. He was
a inetober of the For'k Ba>ptUt
Cliurcli and of tilie beard of deu*
He married Miss Mae Liven-
good. She died in 1941. Mr. Bailey
was a rftUred farmer.
He is survived by seven sons,
OrobMn Bailey. Paul Bailey, Had
Bailey, D. M. Bailey, Jr.. H. W.
Bftlley, and BQlte Bailey, all of
Advnitcc, Rl. 2: and Ncl-^on Bai
ley of Mooksvllle, Route 3: two
daughtets, Mrs. J. A. Dccsc of
Tliomaaville, and Mrs. Archie
Mlohsels of Lexlngloti; 14 grand
chllden and one great-gnndchlfd.
Mrs. C.' F. nof>anie1, 60
Funeral scs'Vlces for Mrs. Jettie
May Hodgson MoCantd, 60, wife
of Ourlcc Forest MCDiuniel of Rl.
6, BaliiAury, were heM Saturday
afternoon at the <Stlem Lutheran
Church. The Rev. Paul Moose of
ficiated. Bui-lol Fas in tlic saint
Juda Bptsoopal Churtih Cometery.
Mrs. MoOaidel died Thursday
Aioi'nJhg ni het home. She had
been in decltfdng health five
She was boiti May 16. f886,. tn
Daate Covntiy, a daoghter of Ixnda
and Cora ContpbeU Hodgson. She
attended DaeX County |ft)b1l6
Slie was A ntembor df Ctarka-
berry •Melliorilst €hurc4i m Bavie
Phr nwrird Mr. MoDdfiiel lA
Sfxrvlving are her hudband:
three softs. Arnold Wwne Mc-
Daniel of the home, Bobby Mc-
Donlcl of Haitr.apolis. and R. D.
Hodgson of Chflirlotte; 3 daugh-
lert, Mrsr. Hariy ^HtHl of Kan-
nofpolla, Mrs. J- B. Ofbhdtn oAa
Mrs. JaiYtn H. Bcavcf, botli U
sailsbvn-y, Rt. 6; live iroihw
Paul. David, Herman, lAd Fl^f^
Hodgson, all of StatweUie,
Bob Hodgson of Atlanta, Oi.: tys«6
Sistors, Mrs. B. J, FostA* et MooJa*
ville. ana <Mrs. B. H. SMdlngtob
of HJckoty, tnd etght grandchU
Bio - Obituaries - 11/26/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 3,1959 - Page 5
Mrs. 1i. 6. hrdmond. Ot
Mrs. M, B. Dedmond (if e«ll«r
bui^' difd SaUii'day nltiht a UtiR
alter 9 Pini. at the Davie County*
Hosptal. loUcwinK a atrokc whloli
'occurred ikl 'Uic home of her
(Uu/jhler. Mr«. Jnmca O- Lnlh-
nin of ModcsviUe. uhom she wm
vlallln« M the time.
A member of Sballlnga &forao>ri«
a1 BaptUl Ohim:h. she U surviv
ed by h£r huibAnd; two eons.
Francis B. Dedmond. Oardner-
Webb Junior CoUege. and H.
De6moni Jr.. Sallsbun'r a daus
ter, Mi'S- James O. Latham
MocksvlUe: a brothrr. Lawrei
Fogleman. Elon CoUeaei a
brother. Rev. Walter Fcgloman ^
MontKomory County: and Ihr'
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 3,1959 - Page 7
Willie Ue Laird. 46
Punarsl services for WtlJle Lap
Laird, 46, of MocKsvllie, Route 3.
were hold Monday nftemoon at
the DuHn Methodist Church. The
Rev. "Wwde Rogers and the Rev- B.
Mr'JamtB'Ofltclated. Burlail was
In the Xoi-natser Methodist Gem*
Mr. Lslrd died of a heart eJ,'
tack at 1'1:30 -n-tn. Saturday near
his home, while looking for some
muikrat -traps in a slieam.
He was born In Davlc County
Jan. 38. 1914, a son of Oscar and
Effle -Barnry liftird. He was a
mtimber of the Dulin Methodist
Cl^urch. He was an employee of
Erwlu 'Mills In Cooleemee-
He -was married io Bula Mar
tin In 1948-
Surviving are tlie wife; his
incthrr: a son. Woyne Laird of
the hem?: two daughters. Patsy
ard Karen Laird, both of the
hcme: .three brothers. George
Laird of Hanes, Raymond, and
Archie Lahd. bolh of Mocks-
vllle, Rt. 2: a sister. Mrs. David
Trlvetts of Mooksvine. HI- 3.
.1. C. Livingston. 68
iFimeral services for John E.
Livingston. 05, of Mocksvlllc. Rt.
3, were held Sunday at the Smith
Grove %te:hcdt€t Church. The
Rev. Wade Rcgera and the Rev.
Tommy Stccle ofllclaled. Burial
WM in the church cemetery.
Mr. Llvlng.slon, n resident of
the Smith Grove community, died
Saturday afternoon at his hcmc
afur nn Illness of one year-
He wn.s born May 9. 1694, in
Wllkes Ccunty. a son of John R-
and Bt'ca B. Moore Livingston.
Brforc his retirement, he was a
foreman nt Hanes Ohntr and Pur.
nlturc Co. In Mocksvllle-
Hc w.vs inarrlcd to Venice Long
In 1916. She survives.
Also suivlvlng arc four daugh
ters. Mrs. Henry Popiln of Mocks
vlllc. Mrs, Albert Kornotzcr of,Wlnston-^Sak-m. Mrs. Robert Wll- j
Hams of Mocksvlllc. Rt. 3, and
Mrs. Hernun Vcgler of Advance:
a son, John E. Livingston, of
MocksvUls, Rt. 3: two brothers.
L. J- Lmngston of Wln®ton-8a-,
lem and Jess Llvingetonr of Ceco, |
Ky-: five -sisters. Mrs. S. C- Prultt
Flint, Milch.. Mis. Archie Mar
lowe of Harmony. Mrs. Charlie
Franklin of Roanoke. Va.. and
Mrs. John Brooks of WilkeBboro: |
and six grandchildren.
Bio — Obituaries - 12/3/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 10, 1959 — Page 3
R. D. Jenkins. 80
Roy Dennis Jenkins. 80. long
time No,i<1h CRt'Ollnn cdncntcr.
died (H 8:40 Dec. l.,H< 4tnd been nl
deolining he.-iVih for 10 ynu-s nnd
sei lciuly 111 Jor tlw i>nst six weeks-
Born ifov. 18. 1870. lit Efttonton,
On., he wns the son of the Intc
Hudson AuRUSLus nnrt Tululu Den*
nis Jenkins. He nttcndcd the UnU
vcr.sVty of Ocorgla nnd wns n
grndunbc of lite University of
Mnrylnnd Dentnl School. Bnltl-
more. He did grnduntc work nt
the University of North CnroUnn
nnd Western Carolina College nt
iMr. Jenkins served as superin
tendent of schools m Mocksvlllc.
Wllkesboro, Chlnn Grove, Scot
land Neck, nnd wns superintend
ent of public svolfnrc In Knltfnx
County for a number of yenrs.
When he retired 15 yenrs ago.
he catAblUhcd his residence In
Miocksvlllc. Ho wns a member of
the Mocksvllle Methodist OIniroh,!
tlic Knights of Phythins. and Vi-as
a Mafoiu |
In IDOa he mnrrlcd the former]
Clyde Thomas of Old Port- She
died In June. 1050. whUc living In
He leaves one daughter. Miss
Helen P. Jenkins of 318 West
Hoinh Street. Snll.^bury: two son.s.
H. A. Jenkins of Amelia, Vn..
nnd W. T. Jenkins of Shartcr Cot-
Ugc. Rcme. On.: oite brciher.
Ccl- Wilbur O. Jenkins of Snn
Antonio Tcx.is. retired from the
U. 8. Army: one sister. Mrs. Cnr-
<olyn Jenkins Wlhon of Snn An-
Itonlo. Tcnas; three grnndchlldron
! Punernl servlcc.i were conduct-
jed Tltursdny.nl 3 p.m. nt Wright's
jPunernl Chnircl by thr Rev. Hnrold
Roblhson of live First Methodist
Chm-eh. fiurlnl wns in ihc Jen
kins fnmltly plot In Rose Cemc-
tei7 In Mocksvllle-
Mm. r. C- Flowers
Funcisil services for Mrs. C. C.
Flowers, mother of Orady Flow-1 Mrs. Flowers died Sunday nil
ers. were held Wedncsd.ty nl theint ho.spltal In New Bern afte^'
CoiTcord Chrutinn Church. serimiA iilntss of two weeks.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/10/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 17,1959- Page 3
Mm. M. II. OrcRory, 7fl
^Funeral services for Mi-s. Haltlo
Vnc Oreitoiy. 7(1. of Mooksvtllc.
4. were held Wednesday of-
tcrnoon nt U»e Norlh Cooleemev
BftpllsL Chni'cli by the Rev- Clyde
Critic and the Uev. Uarold rark-
cr. Bui'lnl wns in Uu* Llbrriy
Cliurch cemetery.
Mrs. Oi-cgory died nt her home
Sunday^ niRhl. She was In d«o1tn-
Jnff heal h several months and
scrloualy lU two weeks.
die WftA boiu Dec- 1. 16Sa, In
WIlkM County, n dainrhlcr of
Thomas and Mary Pinnl.x Cojiley.
SuryJvinB are four dauRluers*
Mrs. Ray Bvcrhearl of Winston-[
Salimi,' Mrs. Tom Thompson of
Illlleboro, Mivi. Claude Thomiison
of Coolcemee, and Mis. L. C.
Dcadmon of Mocksvllle, Hi. 4: six
sons, Sherman and James Oreg-
017. both of Ccolccmce. Baxler
J. P- nhd T. L. Orcgory. all of
Mocksvlllc, Rt. 4; and Donald
Oreg6i7 of the Air Force In
Texas; 21 frrandchlldren; twenpy-
flve great . grandchildren: a sis*
ter, Mrs. L. P. Sales of Cooleemee:
end tiwo brothers, Webb Copley of
KftnnapolU and O- A. Conlcv of
ELUah M. Dcadmon, 7.7
Funarel vervlces for Elijah Mil
n'Deadmon. 75. of MooksviUe.
Rt* 4, wore held Tuesday after
noon at the Mocksvltlc Church of
Clu'lst by W. O. Oant and Paul
Sykes. ""Burial was In the Jericho
Mr. Dcadmon died at I a.m.,
Sunday at his home. He had been
sorlausly Ul sinoe mifTcrUig a
heart dt'Ucic a week ago.
IM!r,; Dcadmon was bom Aug.
4, 1884, In Davlc County, a son
of John H. and (Elizabeth Orubb
A rollrad omployoo of Hnnoe
Furniture Co.. Mr. Dcadmon was
ft member of Mocksvlllc Churah
of ci^ist.
Ke was mAnicd to Miss M^mlo
Everh'ardt, who survives*
-Also sui-vlvlng arc <thrcc sons,
Ben Deaxlmon of the U- S. Navy
stationed at 'Norfolk, Va.. James
Dcadmon of Mocksvllic and Bax
ter Dcadmon of ChiirluUe; u
daughter, Mrs. Adam Logic, of
Mocksyllle. Rt. 4; seven grand
children: one great-grandchUd; o
biethtt*. Herbert Dcadmon of
Salisbury; and a sister, Mrs. Jes
sie Mfmsces of Atlanta, Oa.
Bio — Obituaries — 12/17/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tuesday, December 22,1959 - Page 1
B7-Year-Old Negro Woman
Burns To Death In Home
Annie Malone
An 67 year old Negro woman!
lied in flames in hei- home on t
Veely Street In Nfocksvillc. Thrus.
lay afternoon.
Annie Xfalone was found in
lames by an open fire in the
'oom of her home by two small
trandsans, ascs 4 and 6' These I
children van to a neighboj' aaylits |
hat. their giandmotha- waa on<
'ire. Tho neighbor and workjnen
iea>*by rushed into the room atid
.'ound the clothing of the woman
eomple ely aflame, wmcn tiu-y
iuccecded in exlintiuNilng by the
4&e of btdnXeu. &iiv »4S ruflad
'>y ambulance to Uw Pavie Coun*
y HosiHtal.
The clothing of the 87 year'
3ld wonun is b&Iieved to l»ve be-J
:ome ignited when the was et>
ientt>itn8 to rekindle an open'
hoiril) (irv wi ii some paijeis. |
PttueraJ plans aic uicotupletci
j pending Uie airlval of grandchil
dren from New Yorit'. The funeral
I will be held In the Second Pjxm*
[byterlan Cliurch end burial will
ibc in the church ccmetory.
Sumvora include flyc grond-
children; Willie Malonc and Sa
die Hudson of New Voile: Thomus
Hudson or Mocxsviile; and Henry
&Ulone and Blanciie Modone of
Brooklyn. N<iw Yorl'. oltUdren of
Mrs. RoM:i:a Mulone who lives
Annie ^{alo^c had two olill*
divn. both of wliom aire now de-
ccasod. Tltey were the Ute Odcll
"Bub' Malonc. and Mrs LUIto
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tuesday, December 22,1959 - Page 5
Mrs- Sollle File. 61 I
Kunei'fll sorvfocs for Mrs. Sallle
8. rUc. 81. widow of O. W, Pile I
of High Pclnt were held'Wodnes-|
day a' the Kooncc Funeral Chap-
tl. Burial was In the Woodleaf
PrcfbyltiTan Ohurclt Cemetery. I
Mrs- File, a sister of C. Prahk
Stroud of Mocksvllle, died Mon
day evening at a Durham hos
pital. She had been in dMllning
liealt'h three years and in a ser
ious ocndl'.lon six weeics.
Mrs. File was bom In Davie |
Ccunty, Sept. 37. 1676, the daugh.
ter of Henry Vann and Jane Wal-i
I ker Btroud. She went to High
• Point 30 years ago from Indian
Head. Md. Mrs. Pile was a mem
ber of the First Oapilst Church.
On Dee. 34. 1903. she was mar
ried to Mr- Flic, who died April
13. 1034.
<Survlvlng are one daughter.
Mlw Rose File of the home in
High Pol^t: two sons. Charles
Weldon File of High Point and
James H. Pile of Lynchburg. Va-: jaialcsville: and one brothiA', ^
one sister. Miss Matile Stroud of!Prank Krcud of MocksviMe. j
Bio — Obituaries — 12/22/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY