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Jan - Jun
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 8,1959 - Page 1 6. L. Creason Of Gooleemee Shot To Death Ofli'cncc Lee Ci'cRson. AO. of Coolccmcc \VR& riiot to dcnUt About 9:55 n.m.. Sunday nl liln rjlllns .stniion In Norilt Cooleentec. D)-. Ralph Onmbi-pl. nctlntt eofoncr, and Sheriff Ben Boyles .xAld Mr. Ci'cnscn died of n mH- Infllcicd .sholKiin wound in Ihc chc.si. They nnid li wns n clcnr case of suicide. ■Mr. Crcnson had been in 111 hcnlth for Mnci: ycnrs. lie wciH Inio (he Shell Service Slatlon. which he uwntd nnd op- crated, while a Ri-oup of friends were H'flicd outside, the caroner Mild. He placed the inuazl': cf the pun Airalnst l;l-- che.st and fired. Mr. Crea.scn wa> born In Dnvlr Conniy March 20, 1002. son of Joseph nnd Ida Vlckcis Creason. He iiMi-rlcd M/s.s Knllc L.tnler. Surviving Arc 4lte widcw; ons Id.tuchter. Mi's. Thonus Shores: j :wo sen?. Rebcrt Lrc nnd CUircnceiLie Crrnron. Jr.. nil of C.io!:e-i inee; seven arondchlldrrn: I; i' in;lhcr. Mrs. J.-scph Cic3S':n cf Cool.'rmce; llnre brothers. Mar vin C.'.'nfcn of the Navy ni Nor folk. Va.. Wllbuvn cf Mocksrllle. R). 4. nr<d Grimes Cicnscn of SpoC-j/wood. V,i,: five .sl-'terr. ^^l•s. Tom A'e.iander of Knni'.,ipolls.' Mrs. Slicrman Gregory. Mrs. Rr.y; mond House. Mr.s. Clnrencc My ers nnd M'"s. J.iiue.s Lewis Pierce., nil cf Cooleeinc'c. •l-uneraj strvlees were conducted Tuesday at Coolccinec Pix'iby-^ tertnn Cliurch by ilic Rev, Jnmes E. Bears.?, the Rev. Jcsejjh W. jCi-oason and the Rev. Clyde Sett" Ics. Nephews were pnllbenrers.Burial wa.s in Pulton Methodist j Church Ccinctcrj*. ' Bio - Obituaries - 1/8/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 15,1959 - Page 6 Mrs, U. T, Faucclte Dies In Tennessee y,rs. L'iurn Sarford F.iucot"', tvlfc of Ihc Into Robert Tliomi* Paucctlc. Hctlve lender tn ihr Pr.*vby.:rl.'n Church, who owned nri cpcrMcd Laura 8. Fauc.Mle, Oifr:- en H?h Sir;?t for aomi* SO ycnrs. died Sundnj- nUht .il Uic h.cntc of her dnujh er. Mis. Hu.,h D. Uitrfakcr. ICflO Jllllcrral Rd.. Riveniw. In Chnbtanoosa. Tcnn. Funeral services were held nt n a.m. Tuesday in the chajicl of the First Presbyterian Church with Dr. James L. Fowllo ofllc* aling. !Horn May 17, 1601. in MockS' vilb, ahe was the daughter of Cnhln Coirs SanfoM and Mary Prawn Sanford. 6hr graduatrd from the North darcllna College for Women In 1001 and taught sohool In Snlw- Uirv uiull h r marringc in 100.7. Mr. and Mrs. Pnucotlc moved to ch.-itmooga from Durham In 1610. Mr. Paucct:c was the prr.H- Idem of Chattanooga wheelbar row Co. at the tlmeof -hts death. Mrs. Ppucci'ts iaughi a Sun day Bchool class In the First Prcs* bylerlnn Church and was the president of the church's auxiliary from 1626-27, She was prcfldcnt of the Knoxvlllc P;-c^ytcriat Aux- lllno' from 1038-92, president of| the Synodlcal Auxiliary from | 109:1-37. and pr.-iiUonl of Un-: ndvlsno" boa-d of the Souliiein Prc.ibyirrlnn Chuixli. Clic was an organiser and char ter niombr.r of the Signal Moun- lain Presbyterian Church wMrh I as founded In 1028. She became [Chairman of the Signal Mountain , Gift Shop, operated by tli: ladles < of the church to raise funds for II he building committee. This bc- jgnn h:r cavrcer In the gift shop 1 business. 7?)C gift shop on High 6trcct was well known and especially poiiular with brides and antique collectors. Mrs. Faucettc taught a wom an's Bible Class nt Uio Ri-alncrd Prc.'sb.vterlan Church for three year.s following Its organisation l]i 1999. The class is slUl know-n as the Fauectle class as l.s the class at tha Firs; Presby- Icrlan Church. She had been on the board of the YWCA. a past president of the Signal Mountain Garden Club and srcretary of the City OorprI Mii-slon. At the time of her lIlncM she was tsaehlng a Sun- I day Sehcol class at Plrs:. Prf.sl)y terhn Church, was on the be,ard ;nf the Bethel Bible School on Signal Mounialn and (he Anno Kcusto Mus:um Fund. Mr.i. Fa-ucette Is survived by h-r daughter: a son, Robert T. Pnirccl-tc, Jr., vcvcn granclshildrcn. Hugh D. Huffakcr. Jr., Brberl 'Paucctc Ku/Taker, Calvin San- foid HufTaker, Robert Thomas Faucettc, m. Leulse Hutson Fau- celle. Mary Kalhcrlnc ffaucette ;and Laura Faucette. and three Igreat grandohJldrm. Another I son. Calvin Sanford Faucettc, w-as .Mllcd In an outomobilc accident lln iO30. j Interment was in Forest Mills I Cemetery. I Mrs. Faucettc Is a sister of iMn. J. J. Larew and B. B, San- ifcrd. MRS. Z. C. CLEARY, 74 Funeral servlc:.s for Mr.s. Irene Blaekwcldcr Clcary. 74, of Y«d- bhi.-nie, Rt. 3. wife of Zollcy C. Clcary, w:re held Tuesday after noon at the Chestnut Grove Mcth- odis; Church. Tl^c Rev. D. D. Broomc afUclatcd. Barlal was in hp ohurch cemetery. Mrs. Clcary died Sunday morn ing at a Morganlon Ho.spUnl. She had been In declining health sev eral months. Mrs, Cleni-y wna boi-n In Davic Ccunty Sept. IB, 2864, daughter of iTapecus and Rebecca OrlfTIn BbclvM'elder. She sprnt most of her life In Davlc County, moving 0 Yadkln County 10 years ago. ?ho w.is married to Mr. Clcnry in 1909. rurvUlng arc two-sons, Osble Slr.clnveldrr of Kannapoll.s and Con L. ClcniT of Yadklnvllle. Rt. :i: two grandchildren: two gixat- grandchlldrcn: and one brolhcr, Hnrry P. Blackwclder of Kan- r4apolls. MRS. R. S. ANDERSON. 79 Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Jane 'Jcnnlei Andriion. 79. of Mocki-^'llle, Rt. 1. widow of R. S. Andc:-9on, were held Wednesday naming at the Crnlcr Methodist Chujxh. Tlic Rev. O. W. Fink and Ihe Rev. E. M. Avcll ofPc- Rlcd. Burial w.is In the church •ifinc'.cry. M)3. Andcrron died at 12:37 p. m., Manday nt (ho C.ivle Ccuuty Hcspltnl after a serlcus Illness of! hrce wer-ka. Mrs. Andai-Ron was bom in Dovle County Mhrcii 1, 1879. dniithler of Na'.lianlcl and Mary Call. She had rci-lded In Calahalni Township for the past 63 years, j She was married to Mr. Anderson In 1950. He died in June. 1959. ) Survh'na arc three sons.'R. S. Anderson. Jr.. of Statcsvillc. Rt. 5. P. J. Anderson of Mocksvlllc. Rt. '. and the Rev. W. C. Anderson :f Carar; one daughter. Miss Frances Anderson of the home: and five grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 1/15/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 22, 1959 - Page 2 Riles HiBld For Mrs. Gav Cherry Anger • Mra. Ofly CheiTy AnBcr, 64, for- resident of Mocks\-nie, died Sunday after a short illness In e haspltal in Charleston, 8. C. Siie wos ihc wife of U. Col. Oharlos L. A^n^ev of The Citadel Funeral services were held Mon day at 4 o'oloctt in the J. M. Con- Icy Memorial Chapel in Charles ton with the Roy. 8. Orayson Clary omelatinir. Oravesldc aervtees were conduct' ed Tuesday at 3 o'clock in City Memorial Pary in SallsbutV with the Rev. Harold Robinson, pastor of the First Methodist Church, ofllclatlngr. Mi-s. Anger wo'.s born Oot. IS. 1004 In Mocksvlllc. daughter of the late Charles ' C. and Clyde Sheek Cherry. She was a mem ber of St. Phillips Episcopal Church in Charleston. In addition to her husband and Mrs. Spencer, she is survived by another daughter, Mrs. E. H, Coon Jr., of Forest City; three grand children; and three sisters. Mrs. Cwen Keycs of Charlotte: Mrs. Sherman Hcndricks of Derlta: and Mrs. Robert MoCanless of Baltimore, Md. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Januar> 22, 1959 - Page 5 ivms. MYRA lium SLO.AN. 81 Funeral services for Mrs. Mym Hulc Sloan, 61, of near Olin were lulrt eaiuiaay afternoon at U« ^ft. Vcrnon Baptist Church. The Rev. O. D. Wht t and the Rtv. H. W. Kutchens olhcinted. BurinI v.xs In the church crmelery. Mrs. Slonn died at 0 a.m. Jan. 10 nt h:r home. She had bacn Hi ahout a week. (Mrs. Sloan was n daughter of Jchn R. and Pauline Campbell Huie. Her Inisband died 12 years nso. Surviving arc three daughters. Mrs. R. B. Madison of Cool Spilfflfs. Mrs. H. W. Hutehens of Mocksville and Mrs. A. E. Znch- ary of the home; and a son, John r. Clean of Olin. Bio - Obituaries — 1/22/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 29,1959 - Page 3 Dr. Greene, 68, Davie Coroner, Dies At Home Dr. OarlAnd Vestal Oreene, Sr.. 68.. Davle Ccunty coroner nnd ft practicing phy^'iclan of the Fork Churoh community, died unex> pectedly at 1:36 p.m, Tuesday at his home. Or. Oreene <hnd been practicing medicine for 42 years. He had been Oovle's coroner for 15-18 years. He graduated from Yadkin Col> lego. Trinity College (now Duke Unlversityi and the Medical Col* kge of Virginia. Dr. Orecire was born Juno 21, 1890. In Davidson County, son of Edward and Lucy Lee Foard Oreene. Ks was a veteran of World War I and a •mentber of the Mockavllte VPW Post. Dr. Greene was manled In 1920 to Miss Lucille Peebles. She sur vives. Other smwivors arc two sons. Garland V. Oreene, Jr.. of High Point and Oenp Harris Greene of Wlnsiuii'Sulem; tiiree duuglitera, Mrs. Thomas Hubbard and Miss Edrie Greene of Wlnston-Salem, and Mrs. John Price of Greens- boio: a ibrotiiei-, Homer Oieene of Yadkin College; a sister. Mrs. Excelle Rozzetle of Winston-Sa- lem; and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be con ducted at 3 p.m.. Thursday at Fork Eplseci]>al Church of the Ascension by the Rev. W. H. Conrad and Dr. L. E. Rotsclle. Burial will be Ui the church cemetery. Pallbrearers will be Charles Banvhardt. Thomas Hcndrix. Johnny Bailey. Hnin-ey Gobble. J. M. Livcngood. and Herman Earnhardt. Honorary pallbearers will be Turner Oroni. Milton Call, John LsOrand. Knox Jchn&tone. Dr. Lester Marl-ln, Dr. Bnm Hol- brook and Dr. W. M. Long. The body Is at Eaton Funeral Home. It will be placed In the church 30 minutes before the service. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Januar> 29,1959 - Page 2 A. C. KOONTZ, 82 Artis Cozart^ Koontz. 82, rctlr- etf"~nfiW8r df.," the ' 'Providence Church con\muulty near States- vilte. died Sund&V morning at the Davlc County M.ospltal. where he had been a pntlont three weeks. Prior to cntcririlg the hospital, Mr. Koontz had roede his home in the Bear Creek community, Mooksvllle. Rt. 1, for six months. Surviving arc one son. Arthur Koontz of Columbus, Ohio: two daughters, Nfia. Minnie Cecil of High Poll and Mrs. Ploy& Parkir of Winston • Salem: a foster son. Hcrvcy Koontz of MocksVlllo; four brothers , Nobe and John Koohlz oi Wlnston-Salem. Oone Koontz of Lexington. Ernest Koontz of Loulsvlllo, Ky.; two ais- tors. Mrs. Lizzie Payno of Wln ston-Salem and Mrs. Everetto Ballcy of Princeton, W. Vb.; and a slopdnuRihter. Mrs. Ben Bishop of Tampa, Florldo. JAMBS EDGAR HOOD Funeral servloes for James Ed gar Hocx] of Charlotte were hold Monday ot the Harry Bryant Funeral Home. Hew ns the bro ther of Mrs. John B. Durham of Mocksvlllc. Mr. Hood died Sundoy at a Charlotte Hospital. He had been.' in declining health for some lime. Survivors: wife, daughter. Mrs. Carl H. Mb-hone, Jr.. of Chor- lotto: sisters, Mrs. Willy Hood White' br Charlotte, Mrs. Baxter Benton of Monroe. Mrs. John E. Durham of Mocksvllls and Mrs., Pars H. Lcmmonfd of Matthews. Bio - Obituaries - I/29/I959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 29,1959 - Page 3 Last Rites Held For M|:s. Ralph Corriher Mrs. R-alph Corriher of Route 1. China drove, died Friday at Baptist Hospital, Wlnc-ion-Salem, after several days illness. •Bom Maroli 29i 1010, In Ro wan County, alie was a daugiilcr of Mrs. Mary Suther Basingor and the^late -Michael Alexander Ba- singeTi ehe was educated In Rowan Couniy schools: A6TC. Boone, and East Carolina College. She had taught In the public schools of Rowan for 16 years. Mrs. Coi-ri- her was a member of Mount Zlon United Church .of Christ where she was superintendent of the Children's Sunday Soliool De partment. She had also taught Sunday School for a number of years. She was a charter mem ber of Five Porks Home Demon- straitlon Club and had scrvsd In all of Its ofnccs. fiuiwlvors include her husband: her mother, Mrs. M. A. Baslnger: five brothers. R. C. Basingcf of MooScr/iile: L>. M. Baslnger of Kanitapodis: J. R. Barlngcr of Rt. 1, China Orove; Olenn Ba slnger of Rt. 6. Salisbury: and Ray Basingor of 'Rt.< 2. SaUsbury. Onq sister survives. Mrs. Ralph E. Deal, of HI. 1. China Orove. Funeral services were oonduot- ed Sunday at 4 p.m. at Mount Zion United Church of Christ by her pastor, ihe Rev. Elden M. Spanglcr. Burial was In Green- lawn Cemetei7. < Bio - Obituaries -1/29/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 5,1959 — Page 4 JACK SKAKORD. 70 Tony Jac;csQn ( Jnckt ScRford. 70. farmer of Advance. Rt. 2. died at 6:3 Oa.m., Sunday at his home. He u-as born ZTcc. 30. 1868, in Davie County, a son of WUUam A. and Rcbccco Hcndrlcks 6ca> ford. Surviving are the widow. Mrs. MJnnlc Hamilton .Seaiford: four ^o(Va.:.Pivlght Seaford of Mocks- vlllc. Rt. 4. and William Lcc and Rcglhal'd Seaford, all of Advance. Rt. 3: six daughters, Mrs.- Junic Livengood. -Mrs. O. W. Uvcngood and Mrs. Bernlcc Myers, all of Advance. Rt. 2. Mrs. Allen Cor- rcll of MocksvlUe, Route 4. Mrs. Ronald Beanc of Mocksvlle, Rt. 3, and Mrs. Calvin Oalthcr of Harmony. Rt. I; iwo brothcra. W. C. Sci^ord of Advance. Rt. 3. and W. D. Seaford of Lexington. Route 8: three sisters. Mrs. Ray Burton of Advance. Rt. 3, Mra. Claude Beck and Mirs. Charlie Beck of Moeksvlllc. Route 4: 13 grandchildren end one great" grandchild. MRS. W. O. BRACKEN. 81 Funeral services for Mra. Llnna Boyd Bracken, si. wife of WllU lam O. Bracken of Mission Road, Winston - Salem. were held Mon day'afternoon at the home and at the IJnmcs Crossroads Baiptlst Churoh. The Rev. Tom SivofTord. the Rev. J. E. Cochron and the Rev. Daniels ofholated. Burial was In (he. church cemetery. Mrs. Bracken died Sunday at a Winston - Salein hospital. Sho had been In dcollnlng health two years and confined for four days, but death was unexpected. Mirs. Bracken was born' Juno IS, 1877. In Davle County, a daughter of John and Sally Beck Boyd. She had lived In Winston* Salom for the ipast 30 ycara. She was of the Baptist faith. Sun lying arc the husband; lour sons, Harvey, Lav, Robert and Carl Bracken, all of Wlnston-Sa- lem; thi-ec dauglUers, Mrs. Hos- sell Bryant of Hones, Mrs. How- T^empleton of Orlffln Road and Mra. feajiford Davis of Robin Hood Rood: a sister, Mrs. Joe White of Davle County: 20 gi-anA' children and 15 great-grandchll- drcn. Bio - Obituaries - 2/5/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 12,1959 - Page 5 W. T. COnNATZEU. 'JO Pimcifll services for .Walter Thurmnn €ornfttzor, 10. i-ctlicrt blncksniUh of Advance, were held Tuesday nftjrnoon at tlic home and nl the Shady Grove McLho- illst Clatj-ch. The Rev. 3. B. Fltrjiernld. the Kcv. CUde Bav- bn- and the Rev, C. E. Cra'afoj'd olhciatpd. Burial was In the church cravjlcry. Mr. Cornnizcr died Sunday at a Winston - SaUm hocpltal. He 1-fAd been In docllning health /or Rcnie lime and scrlcui4y ill since Friday. Mr. Cornatzcr was born S. pi, 7. I8SB. In Davlc Ccunty. sen of Jfl'ccb Htvrrlson and Kathtrinc Swarlnger Cornalzcv. He t-p:nt all l.'ls life ij) Davie Ccunty. A blaokaml >h for many years, he rt tired IS years aso. He was a mtitibcr of Shady Orcve Mc.h- odlst Chni'th. H:w as twice married, first to Ml:-s Bestlc Smith, who dUd In 11032. ond then to Miss Jennie • Myorv. She survives. I Other eurvlvbrs are seven dnughtci-s. MI'S. Evebn White of Kno.xvllle, Tcnn.. Mrs. H-bn .Snipes of SCO Maignolla Street, Mrs. Mllddid Carter of Mocks- Kitle. Kt. 3. Mrs, B-;ty Rose Shore of 2037 Biccmfleld 8.root, Mrs. Ruby Polls of Advance, Mrs. Jtan Llvengood of Advancs, and ML'j Jan: Cornai/cr of the 'home; four sons, Thurmon CornalKcr of jAdvancc, Rt. 1. Joe Cornatzer of 'Winston - Salem. Route 8. Seobon Cornatztr of Adfjncc, Rl. 2, and Connie Gray Cormvtzcr of the horn:: two sisters, M.'S. J, H. I Sheets of Jacksonvl-.l?, Pla., and Mjs. H. D. WhI.kw of Winslon- iSalom: ond nins Brar.^Jl.it'.ircn. MISS IvnNNIE SAIN. 70 1 F./ ?ra7 sirvio^s for Miss Minnie Clnra Sain, 70. cf Route >3. Mocksvlll:, were held Tuesdoy {nflcrnoon nt Bethel Metho dist Ohuivh of which she was n member. The Rev. D. D. Broeme ofnekitcd. BuiKii wos in the church cemetery. Miss Snin dUd Sund-vy at a Mocksvlllo rest hcme. She wos born Maixh 0, 1682. In Davia County, a drauchter of Jim and Nancy IJaines Sain. Survivors include three broth ers. C. P., Frank and W. G. Sain of Mooksville, Rt. 3. MRS. I)UKC IIENDRICKS Mrs. Duke Hcndrlcks died Mon day mornlne Feb. 2. in a hos^tllal In Elbsrlon, Ga.. folbwlDB a three year Illness, the last week bcirs crlUonl. Site was born In Wadedboro. She ond b?r husband had lived I In Mccksvillc a nun/ocr cf yearsI ago. Suiwlvors Include her husband: one daughter by a previous nurr- |!age. Mrs. Turner Smith; three grandrhllctrcn: and three great- grandcMldtcn. Funcrail seivlccs were held last Wednesday nfternocn at a funer al hcme in Elbcrton. Bio - Obituaries — 2/12/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 19,1959 - Page 2 Mrs. Sanford Fosler, 71 Funeral services for Mrs. Bessie BmlliH Foster, 74, of Advance. Rt. 1. Bethlehem Church oommuni^, wife of Banford Foster, were held Sunc^ at the Bethlehem Metho dist Church. The Rev. Wade Rog-1 ers and the Rev. George Bruner ofnclated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Poster died Thursday^ a Winston - Salem hospital ^here she had been a patient for'* two days. Mrs. Foster was horn'Mibf[ '23; 1885, in Davidson County. Bupviving besides her husband are two daughters, Mrs. Clarence Howard of demmons and Mrs. Anderson Potts tit Adrvance. two sons. Albert Foster of Advance. |Rt. 1. and Hege Foster of Mocks- |vlile; 18 grandchildren and 11 gyeat-grandehlldren. Bio — Obituaries - 2/19/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 5,1959 - Page 5 I Mn. B. R. McLean. 88 [ i Funeral servicci for Mre. B. R. McLean. 86. fosmer resident of Icoolocnicc were held Sunday af> lieinooii at the Eaton Funeral ' Heine In Mockavllle. The Rev. ij. P. UjvIs oniciattd- Burial waa ,ln Rose Cemetery. atrs. aioLvan died Friday In a Ratcish Hospital. A nutive of □uillord County, was born March 23, 1873. BiteI was first married to W. C. MayI who died In 1804. Her second bur 'band. B. R. MoLean. died in 1847. Mrs. McLean Is fi uivlved by a rcn. L. C. May of Coolecince; 1 .dauahiers. Mrs. W. G. MoOee Madison. Mn. L. J. OavU. Char* lottc. and Mrs. W. R. Bloxlon, Raleigh, and a number of grand* children and fraat grandohUdivn. Bio - Obituaries — 3/5/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 12,1959 - Page 4 THOMAS TAYLOR. 67 I Punerft! Borvlcca for Thomaa 'Tuylor. 67, of KroeksvlUo. RW 9. were held Sunday morning at the Eaton Funeral Home. The Rev. D. D. Brooine ofBclatcd. Buiiet |Waa In (.he Union Chapel Metho dist Cemotcry. I Mr. Taylor died at 19:10 p.m. Thursday at the Rivera Rest Rest Home in Ircdcll County. He had been in dcollnlne health for three years and seriously III a Week. Mr. Taylor was born Avia. 22. 1901, In Davic County, son of Jesa A. and Mary Baker Taylor. Surviving arc a aon. Roy Odcll Taylor of Moeksvillc. Rl. 3: a bvothrr. Baxter Taylor of Miseka*. ■c'Mc. Rt. I; a .sht.u-. Mr.a. Minnie Taylor of Wordli-af. .1 ' '.i I MU.'<. M. J. HOLTHOUKKn. Sfl Funeral .stvIc^k for Mrs. Addle T'idd mi h.iusT. 89. of fi ll nne 3 rc'4. Mook.'viJIc, vxrc hald Sunday afternoon at U:e Flr.st (P-.ibVtrrlan Cliu:'ch. The Rev. 'William Long and the Rev. Clyde .Barbor offlcialcd. Burial wna U\I Rons Crnutci-y. Mr.s. Holfrhou.ser, widow of Ml* I las J. HoUhouscr, died at 7:46 a. 'm.. Friday morning, at the Davio C.'unly Hos'pllal. He had been a ,patient there on: day., Mrs. ' Holthousar was bom Mu'ch 20. 1069. in Mecklenburg C.-.unty, daughter of James an! Dorothy Todd. She had been a rc.sldcnt of Mockrvlllo for 67 years. Mrs. Holbhousrr waa m'irrl"d In 1868. ' Her hUAb.ind died In 1Q44. Suiwlvlng aro. Ilva diughters, Miss Daisy Holthouscr and Miss Nell HoIUmuser of the home, Mrs. Hugh Laglc of Moeksvlllo, Mrs. Oeorgc Marrhall of WlnslonrSa- Icip. nad Mra. Hoyb Blacknrood of Oullford; three sons. Roy Holthouscr of MpoksvUle, Dolt^ Holbhoiiser of Wlnston-Ralcm and Ernest Holthouscr of Charlotto; two brothers. J, A. Todd of Char lotte. and Connie Todd of Mliit Hill; a sUter. Mrs. Can'lo Me* Bride of Sanford; 16 grandchil dren ani 12 great-graiidchlldrcn. Bio - Obituaries - 3/12/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 19,1959 - Page 3 VORK INFANT The Infant son of KCr. ond Mrs. Pronklln D. York of Advance, RtJ 1. died Sunday at City Memorial; Hospital at Wlnston*Salcm. Sui'vlvlns are the parents: a sister, Debbie York of the home; the paternal grandmother. Mtv. Nellie B. Yoilc of Harmony, Rt. 1; and the maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hockaday of Advance, Rt. 1. Omdeslde serviois >vere con ducted at 2:30 p.m. Monday at the Macedonk Moravian Cemetei? by the Rev. N. c. Byerly. Bio - Obituaries - 3/19/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 26,1959 - Page 4 Airs. J. T. Anecll. C4 IMnera4 seiTlces for Mrs. Juan- Ita Hnnes Anscll, 64, widow of John Tllden Aneell, were held Tuesday at the Smith Grove Methodist Church. The Rev. Wade Bogera and the Rev. J. P. Davis olhciated. Burial was in the Rose Cemetery in MceksvlUe. Mrs. Angell, a resident of the Smith Grove community, died at 0:30 a.m.. Monday at the Davie County Hospital where she had been a patient one week. Mrs. Angell was bom in Davie County Nov. 2, 1804, daughter of W. L. and Aureila Naylon Hancs. She had resided in the Smith Grove conununity nine years and prior to that made her home in MocksvUIe. She WAS married to Mr. Angell In 1012. He died in 1047. Surviving are one son, Dr. J. W. Angell of Winston • Salem: two daughters, Mrs. Grant Smith of Mocksville and Mrs. Thomas Cheek of Cooleemee: and six grandohUdren. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 26,1959 - Page 5 Floyd Swiiilicr, 66 ; Funeral scrvicrs for Floyd! SwlBlur. 66, of Mocksville. Ri.'i 1. were held Saturday morning at the Hickory Grove Msthodi.n Church. The Rev. Gooige Auman and the Rev. J. A. MeDaniel of ficiated. Burial was in the churcli Icmutcry wit military rites*. I Mr. Swhiher died Thursday at; • the Veteran's Hospital in Roa- 'noke. Va. He had been a p.iticnt there for 32 years. j Mr. Swlsher was born Aug. B. 1802. In Davie County, son of Miln.<i and Mary Stroud Swishcr. He was married to the farmer Lsuise Riohardson. who survives. Alsa surviving are three sans. Fhyd Harding Swisiver of Macks- vtllo. Rr-bart Lio Swiehor of U. 8. Air Force. Austin. T.xas. and | Jrhnny Ray SwHher of the homa! and a brother. M. S. Swisher ofi Haimeny. Rcuic 1. Mrs. I'aul Godbey, 4.7 Funern) services for Mrs. Lucy May Gadbey, 43. of M-acksvllle. R.. 4. wife cf P,aul Oadbey, were held S.itui'dny. I Mrs. Gadbey died at 4 a.m.. Thursday at her hams fcliowlng u h:art attack. Mrs. Oadb?y w.ns barn 28. 1016, in Davie County, d.vughlcr *.f Mrs. S.irah Foster Plcwmnn of Advance, Rt. 1, and the late John Plowman. Also suin'iving aro four sons, Arnold Gray. Jerry and Paul Dsffjcy. Jr., of idle boms and CUff- ford Octibey ofthe U. S, Army in Qeimany: fsur sisters, Mrs, Grady Wllhelm of BelmoiU, Mrs. T. L. Gregory of Mooksvills, Rt. 4, Mrs. Luther Trlvette of Mocks- villa and Mrs. Rad Bailey of Ad vance, Rout? 2: three brothers. Bills ond John Plowman of Ad vance, Rt. 1, and Sanford Plow man of WInston-Salcm; and two grandchildren. R. B. Snillh. 66 Funeral services for Richmond iRich) Buokner Smith, eo, of Ad vance, Rt. 1 .were held Friday at Ihc Macedonia Mioravian Church. The Rev. Norman Byerly ofBoiat- ed. Burial was in the church I cemetery. Mr, Smith died at 10 a.m.. March IB, at his home. He had (been In declining health several . monbhs, I Mr. Smith was bom June 14. 1882, in Davie County, son of Jim and Sarah Riddle Sailtit. • He was married in 1023 to Miss Pearl King, who survives. ( Also surviving arc three daugh ters. Mrs. Lcroy Freeman of Lex ington and Misses Cleo and Evelyn Smith of the home: seven sans. Charllo E. 6mlt<h of Oermanton, Felix Smith of Yadkinvillc. Rt. 3. Odell Smith of ■Martinsvlllc. Va.. ■ and Hubert Lee. Jinuny R., Viigii ■ Ray and Richmond Smith. Jr.. ofI the home: two brothers. WalterI Smith of Morehead City and Wiley .Smith of Winston - Salem; and'Ieight grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 3/26/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, 3/28/1959 Turner, 84. MOCKSVILLG — The Rev, Es- car While Turner. M, a retired B.i[>ll.sl minister, died at 8 p.m. yesterday at his home here, lie had bveii in declining health for several years. Tile Rev Mr. Tunicr \v;is active in the ministry for 50 years, and sen-cd pastorntas in Davie and surrounding CDunlics. He attended Soutlicrn Baptist ScminniT at Louisville, Ky. lie was pastor of First Bnptl.sl Church in Mocksville from 1941 to 1945 and was elected pastor emer itus of this congregation when he retired from the ministry a few ycitrs ago. Tlie Rev. Mr. Turner was born in Franklin County. Va., on Aug. 23, 1874, a son of Alex and Mar tha Tompkins Turner. He mar ried Miss Minnie Williams in 1090. Surviving in addition to the wife are two sons. Uba Turner of the home and Dana Turner of Win- ston-Salem: a foster daughter. Mrs. T. F. Miller of llamptnn- ville; two grandchildren and a greal-grandehiUt. The body \viU remain at Eaton Funeral Home here pending fu neral arrangements. Bio - Obituaries - 3/28/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1959 - Page 1 Two Men Killed in Head-On Crash Into Tree At Advance Car Leaves Highway 801 And Hits Tree In Yard Two mtn veers killed around I'l p.m. Friday nleht at Advanee jivhrn thnir car ran off the road I and crashed head-on Into a tree I in th: yard of Mrs. W. A. Leon- ni'd. Danl-.'l Gray Smith. 19. of Clonimons. was killed instonUy In lbs crash. The driver. Jasper Gary Spaugh. 20. of Advance. Rt. 1. died emtiute to the hospital. The 1052 Ford In which the two men were riding ran off N. C. 801 near Alvance. hit a rock wall and then a tree in the yard of Mrs. Leonard. The motor of IJie car was driven under the front seat. Snv'.th apparently was instantly killed. Ills body thrown into the back scat by the impact. Spaugh, pinned by the steering wheel, was finally pried from the oar and taken to the Davie County Hos pital. He died just as Utt ambu lance arrived at the hospital. State Highway Patrolman R. C. Blalock, who investigated the oo- oldent. said that the car was travelling north on Highway 801, come around a slight curve, rgn off the road. Jumped the rock and then hit the tree. A eom- ponion of the two men had been let out of the car just five minutes b:fore the accident occurred. Several thousand persons view- - ed the remains of the oar Sat urday and Sundaiy on the Used Car lot of Oavle Motors. Inc. J. G. Spaugh ^Funeral apices for Jaiper' Gary Spaugh-were held Monday 'afthmoon at the home iMace- donia church section) by the Rev. Homan Byerly and the Rev. Mr. Tucker. Burial was in the Bey ers Chapel Cemetery in Forsyth County. Mr. Spaugh was born July 12. 1938. in Forsyth County, son of Henry H. and Minnie Whlsnant Spaugh. He was a carpenter. Surviving are the mother and father of Advance. Rt. l: eight brothers. Clyde, Harrjson, Troy, and Paul Spaugh of the homo, James Spaugh of Lexington, Rt. 6. and Harvey Lee and Arthur C. Spaugh of Advanee. Rt. 3: and three sisters, Mrs. Cleve Blnkley of Clemmons. Route 1. and Mrs. Marie Campbell and Mrs. Alma Wood, both of Wlnston-^alem. Daniel Gray Smith Funeml services for Daniel Gray Smith wcr^ held Monday afternoon at the. home in Clem mons and at 3 pan. at the Cen tenary Methodist Church In Da vidson County by the Rev. John T. Frazier and the Rev. Paul Reese. Burial was In Woodland Cemetei-y. Mr. Smith was born July 6. 1939. In Forsyth County, son of R. E. and Stella Faircloth Smith. He attended Old Town and Clemmons schools. Ho was asso ciated with his father as a brick mason with Smith Mid Sons Con tractors. Surviving are the father and s'.cpmother, the former Choic Al len; two sisters, Mrs. C. C. Walk er of WInston-Salem and Mrs. B. E. Howai*d of Winstou-Salnn: wo brothers. E. B. Smith of Win- stcn-Sai:m and D. O. Smith of Winston-Salem. Route 3. Bio — Obituaries — 4/2/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 2,1959 - Page 5 Mm. W. T. DnywflU. 88 Funeral services fsr Mrs. Molly Fsfrlst Dayn-nU. 88, of the Salem Cciamunlly in Davis County. \vl- riow of W. T. Dnjm'ftlt. were heW GRturdny afternoon nt (ho St. MattlMwa Lutheran Church. The Rev. Charles McCombs and tlie Rev. W. K. Ltpp.trd ofTlclntcd. Burl.il was In the church cents* tery. Mrs. Dnywnlt died Thursday at the Dail» Csunty Hosultal. Mrs. DaywnU was born July 15. 1870. in Osvie County, d.iughtcr of Daniel and Mary Campbell Safrlrt. She was married to Mr. Dn.v* wait in 1807. He died July 10. 1057. She was a msmbcr of Society Baptist Church. Surviving are four sons. James and A. D. D.iywatt cT Mocksvlllc, Ri. 1, Dcwoy Day wall of High; Point, and Wllburn Daywalt of Mccksvllle, Route 1: eight o:rnnd- chlldrcn and three great-grand children. Mrs. James Burton. 88 •Funeral srrvlces for Mrs. Mollls Sheets Burtoit. 88, of Mosksvlllc. Rcuto 3. Fork Church conNnunlly. widow of James Bu: ton. were held Thursday afternocn ot the Fork Baptist Churoh. The Rev. A. M.! Kissr and the Rav. H. W. Kut- chrns ofllclatcd. Burial was in the churoh cemclcry. Mrs. Eurton dl:d March 2Sth nt the Maple Orovc Rest Home in Winston . Salcni. She had been \ in declining Itcalth for several y;ars. Mrs. Burton was born Oct. 10. 1870. In Davlc County, daughter; of Ocorgo and Su:an Wyntt Shrsls. She WAS twice married. Her first huiband was Sam Ballcy who died many years Ago. Her mar riage to Mr. Burton c.imc later. He died 82vcr.it years ago. Surviving arc a slst,?!'. Ma-s. Sal-' ii? March cf Wlnston-Salcm: aj brcth:i\ Am Sheets of Salisburyti a s.cpscn. Ectar Burton of Mocks-' viife. Route 3. \ David L, Brnckcn. 80 Funeral services for David Le- nnder Brnckrn. 80. of Mocksvlllc. Rt. 5. retired farmer, wore hsld Wednrsdny nl Chcstwit Orove Methodist Churoh. by the Rev. D.i D. Broomc. Burial was in the! church cemetery. I Mr. Bracken died ot 8:23 p.m.I Monday at the Lynn Haven Realj Home. He had been in declining, heolt-h several years. I He was born In Davlc County. | Oct. B. 1872. son cf John W. and Mary Graves Bracken. He had never man-led. Surviving Is ona brother. WtlUe Bracken, cf Hancs. I I.ee Roy Willlnms. 80 i Punrrofl services far Lee Rcy I Williams. 80. retired merchoaU of Advance. Rl. 1. were held Wed nesday afternccn at the Fork B.ip- tlst Church. The Rev. A. M. Kl- srr. the Rev. Wade Rogers and lilt: Rev. E. M. James cfRclated.' Duilal was In the church cemc-' tery. 1 Mr. W!lUam.i died Monday nt :h3 Lynn Havin Nursing Home. He had been In declining health several years. I Mr. Wllllnmi- was bsrn In Davie' County Feb. 22. 1870, sen of Chal mers and Fnnnle Oweru wnUanns. He oprrnti'd a store In the Red- land convnnmlty for m.iny years bcfois he retired. He was a mem- |bcr cf Cornntr.cr Baptist Church. I He wos married twice, first to Miss Nora Llaorn Tos.cr, wV.o nlrd In 1004. His second m.irrlngc was to Mim Corn E. AlUn. who died In 1038. Surviving are three aons. Claude F. Williams of Mocksvlllc. Rt. 3. Carl E. WnUams of Ad-| vnnce. Rt. 1. and Frank Williams' icf W.ilkcricnvn: one daughter,' jMrs. Reba Jones of Mocksvlllc. i IRI. 3: s;von grandchildren: foui-| 'grtftt - grnndchildi'Mv*. and three' ibrslhrrs'. Eddie. Clarence, and ;p. R. Wllllarhs. ell of Winston-j ISnlom. Bio — Obituaries - 4/2/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 4/3/1959 ■4 • HZll.\ C. TATUM.. ..Prom an old photo . .. Tatujii, Da\de ,,Civic Leader, Dies'at 61 IJIOCKSVItXK Eira Carl T.v!; turn. «l, of Mocksvtllt, Itt. t, Jc-Inualcm Commtinjly, Jicd l:ii a.m. Kcilenluy ai his home alter sufferiac a heait aUack. He xit born March il. \m. ioDavi« Oxmiy. son of .tlben E. and lib Miller Tjtu.m. Mr, Taluni »r.\s a 'radtiaie of M. C. Stale Collect . Ifc WM an acricukure "teacher;in WiaMon^ialein.and MocksvtUe for i oumbcr of years..Then"for M yean he was 3 cotton buy.!er for Erwia .MilU t:©.. rcUrinc;eight "jean nzo. Sioee Uiat lime"he had operated a dairy farm.' He bad b«n president of the'Coolccmee L;or.s ash and aroember of ir.a Davie Couniv.School Board ^ Civic t.ead(r '."It. He had been ch.iirniDn of tfir iXiMc Couau Bourd of Coiniru sionera arKT-'dhalrm-m bfl'thecounty ClvU'jfuense unit. ' « .illc was.'* iwtnbcr.br lha WcJ. fare Boanf, presided of Iho Oa- vie Couaiy Farm Bureau ucid chairman of the Dayie Ccmiy Aft- rlcultnral Advisory Committee. In IKJ Mr. Talum was preiH(but of thu Nortb^Carollna Farfn- rri ConvenUoaiyJ'.'.«•■-•— da wIFam'eni^'bf "Ihe bMrtj-of directory of tbo Biblical Ro>;cnnlef.^x'meinbef of Ihe tunrdlbf dlrectors'of the Horth Carolina r Acrlcuitural'F)jucdatloa Md hadibeen presided of the Ncrti Caro-jUna Pp-ultry Ai5n..'j'\ He was a veteran of World War' I. He vras a member-o! the: .\:nerkan l.4g!0!i ttd the Patrio.'tic Order, Sons of'Amttisa. jMarried in ISII'' ' j In 192{ ho marled Miss Jamie' ; .Mnur.ey. She survives... | Surviving besides .the .wife aretwo daughters.'^Irs. Carfyle Yc<jng of Greeesinro and MrK-C. II. Davenport of Vienna, Va.^, I two sons. E. C. Talum of Bant:: .seur and Frank Taium of KorT*Worth. Tesas; two sUieri. Mrs.tHiirry B. Moore of Stony Point", and Miss Anna pearl Talu.-n oi .Mocksvillc. Rt. 1; and five grand- children. ' • Funeral services wit! be con.- ducted at 1 p.m. today at theCoolfcmce First Bd^tist Church I^y fjio Rev. Gerald Naylor. theiflcv. G. U Roystec and the ftev. Elmer W. Sellers. Burial wiB he In Jcnisaiem ceiBetery. The body will be placed in the church 30 minutes before the services. Pa1ll>earers wiD bo David L. Mvincy, J. It. .Mauncy. Ray Jor- (bii. J.vmes Ijanies. Frantv Sod- era, Arnold Garwood. >tL A. Car- Mnter and Robert T. Mautiey. Ifiiiiaraty palHieorers will be vHe was o chairman of the Gooi-sc ,Shuy, Oaude Hern. D. C. •'board ef deacow of Coolermec Rjoijn; Dr.'Ustec Matlin. G. R.Fwit Baplirs Church "and had; Maillmn, C'.II. .Mc.Maha-n. C. H.been aaporfntendent of ih< s.iij-1'Ba'.uiioB. J.''G. Crawford. J. F.day school. He lav;|jt the Men's Jarvu. C. W.-lWell and .M. H.Blhle class. • Ijlo^Io Sr, -. \ Bio - Obituaries - 4/3/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 9,1959 - Page 2 Qporse T. Bnlty. 87 OcsrK T. Belty. 87. retired form- ■ir ct Moeksvills. Rt. 5, died at 10:10 a.m. MsndA.v at Lynn Haven jKureIng Hcme. He was seriously 1)1 four days.j He was bot*n Aug. 1. 1671, In D.avie C.*ui:>ty. son nf the Rev. Gec'.cte W. and Abigail Ccliins : Baity.I He tvint his i:€e in the Court- • ney ecmmunl'.y. He was a member sf the Wood-I m;n of the World. Pear Tree (Camp No. 307. of Courtney. On Sept. 22. 1808. he manled Miss r 'trti.' B J1 'Lsu'.iy, U'ho died July 25, 1044. He was a member cf Courtney Baptist Church. Surviving are two sons. Javan Baity of Harmony and Leon Baity of the beme: five daughters. Mrs. t». 8. Sltttton of Mocksvlllc. Rt. 5.'sisters. Mrs. R. L. Lcwcry and .\t 2:30 p.m. Wtdnrsd.ty at Court-Mrs. Mahus Welborn. Mrs. Avci-ylMrs. Bmin.n Rallcdge. both ofjiiry Bap.lsl Church by the Rev.jRravls. ^hd Mrs. Wnldon Reavis.lMcekavlUc. Rt. 6; 20 grnndchll- M(.lvtn Ciirlce and the Rev. J. P.all of IKlnston - Salem, and Mrs.jdrcn; and 10 great-grAnd;hll.'lrrn. Dnvls. BurKtl was In the ch]|^ Bon May of Norfalli. Va.: twoi Funr.ral scnicc.s were conducted ccm .-uMy. Bio — Obituaries - 4/9/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 16,1959 - Page 4 D. J. Polts. 77 Puncml services for David Jeremiah Potts, 77. of Moclcsvllle, Route 3, were held Saturday ef- teniooii at the Comatacr Metho dist Church. The Rev. D. D. Bi'oome, the Rev. Wade Rogers ofllciatcd. Burial was In <the Ad vance Mlolhodlst Church ccme- tei-y. Mr. Potts, ft retired fomer of the Dulln Church community, died Thursday at 6:10 a.m. He had been In declining health several months. Mr. Potts was bom June 25. 1881. in Davidson County, son of Mason and Maine Uvcngood Pol's. He was a menvbcr of Cornatzer MUhoUlst Cliurch. where he was superintendent of the Sunday School a number of yoftra. and leather of the Mcns' Bible Class. He was a mcmbor of the Patrio tic Order. Sons of America. Hr married Miss Sally Robert son. She aurvives. Also surviving are Avn daugh- 101*5, Mrs. J. K. McCuUough and Mrs. Hubert Stcvs'art of Moclts- • villc, Rt. 3, Mrs. John W. Davis of MIoohsvlilc, Rt. 2. Mrs. M. D. .Tcdrow of Winston - Salcm and Mrs. Richard Hendrlx of Advance, Rt. 2: two sons, Ralph Potta of Mosksville, Rt. 3. and Bill Potts of Winslon-Balom; a sister. Mrs. Q. S. Roblnoon of MoeksvlHe. Rt. 3: and three brothers. W. C. and N. C. Potts of MoeksvUIc, TU. 3, and E. L. Potts of Norfolk, Va.; 15 grandchildren, six great-grand children. Rufus J. Lcdfprd FUnoral dervtcea for^Rufus Jef ferson Lcdford. 82. of Rural Hall were conducted at 2:30 pan.. Fri day at Rural Hall Church of Christ by the Rev. Mesmorc King. Bur ial was In Jefferson Church of Christ cemetery. PnUbcarers were William Mar shall. Walter iMoretz, Rufus Morctzs* Jlimny Stanley. Edwin Stanley, and Adrian Stanley. Deaccns and el ders of the Rural Kail Chur^ of Christ were honorary pallbearers. Mr. Lsdford died Wednesday at his home. He was the father of Mrs. D, J. Mnndo. Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 23,1959 - Page 4 Ray P. Myers. S4 Funeral scrvioes for Ray P. Myera. 54. Rfocery store operator of Advance. Rt. 1. .the Blxby corn- muni.y. were conducted at 3 p.m. Saturday at Blxby Presbj^erlan Churdi by the Rev. Kenneth E. Pcllsck and the Rev. E. M. James. Surial was In the church ceme tery. Mr. Myers died Thursday at Davle Coun^ hospital. He.had been in declinlns hsalth for a number of years. Mombcrs of his Sunday School class at Coma-tscr Baptist Church were pallbearers: Mr. Myera was bom Aus. 26. J904. In Davio County, son of W. I. nnd MAmlc Bagcr Myers. He wos a member of Cornatzcr Baptist Olturch. Ho oporatod a sroecry otoro on the Baltimore Road. He was married Aug. 3. 1933. to Lllllc Mae Barney. Surviving are his wife; two sons, James David Myers of Mocksvllle, Rt. 3. and Joe Henry Myers of Advance, Route 1: two t grandchildren; a brother. Jerry Myers of Ad-/.ince, Route J; and four siscrs, Mrs. Sally Nlvens of Mocksvllle, Route 3. Mrs. James Everhant of Wlnston-Salem, and Mrs. Cecn Hilton of Oxford. Route 1. and Mrs. Mason Martin of Wlnston-Salem. Bio — Obituaries - 4/23/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 30,1959 - Page 5 j T, C. GRAHAM. 66 I Funeral services for T. Corn ier Oi'sham. SS. of Mocksvllle. a florlet, were held Sunday after noon at the Mocksvllle Methodist Church. The Rev. C. B. Newton and the Rev. Russell Young ofllc- latcd. Burial U'as In Rose Ceme tery. Mr. Graham died Saturday mor ning at 4 a.m. at the Davle Coun ty Hospital following n serious 1>1- neis of 11 days. He had been In declining health two years. iMi*. Graliam was born Jan. 21, 1903. in IrcdeU County. He was educated in the Rowan County public schools and was graduated from Rutherford Col lege. He was a member of Mocks vllle M&thodlst Church and a cltarlcr member of the MocksvUlc I Lions Club. He was married to Miss Mabel .Howord. who sui-vlvcs. ' Also surviving are a son, Tom my Orahnnr of the home: iwo I daughters. Miss Ann Orahnm of the home ond Mis. Jack Corrlher of Mocksvllle; four brothers, L. E. ond Orls Graham, both of Salis bury, J. C. Oroham of Cleveland and Herman Graham of High Point: and three sisters, Mrs. Ernest ZImmcnmn. Mrs. Walter Watson and Mrs. J. M. Ervln, all of Salisbury,. Pa'llbsarers were H. R. Hendrlx, Joe Patner*. Phil Johnson, Bleh- fird epry. Johnny Waters and Fred Long. —- I The Men's Bible Class of Mocks- ivllle Methodist Churdi served as .honorary paUbearers. F. A. Cleary. '2 Puneral services for Prank A. Cleory, 72, of Mocksvllle, Rt. 1, were held Tuesday oflemoan at the IJames Cross Roads Baptist Church. The Rev. John Mc- Danlel odlcieied. Burial was In the church cemetery, Mr. Cleary died unexpectedly about 8 a.m.. Sunday of a heart attack cnroutc to a doctor's ofllce. Mr. Cleary became 111 at home and his daughter, Miss Lena .ClcaiT, started with him to a 1 doctor's office when he sufTerrd the fatal attack in the automo bile. He was born in Davle County Aug. 10, 16S0. son of WllUam and Ellz.abi-th Edwards CUaiy. He was a farmer. He was married to Miss Viola Richardson In 1008. Surviving are the wife; one son, Buford Cleary of Denver, Col orado; two daughters, Mrs. Dewcy Veach of Cocleemse and Miss Lena Cleaiy of the horns: four grandchildren: one sister, Mrs. Blanclic Smith of Mocksvllle, Rt. 1. and one brother. J. W. Cleary, of Mocksvllle. Rt. 2. Bio - Obituaries - 4/30/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, May 7, 1959 - Page 5 Kenrtcth DarUn ttron-ti Koiihcth Bnrlon Brown, 1 week old son Of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown, Snrlnv 61.. was burled Thursday nurnlng, April 30, In Mimosa Ccmeteiv in Davidson, nravesldc services were conduct* rd b ylhc ttev. S. M. Avetl. John E. Davis, 80 Funeral sei'Vlces for John Blmo Dnvls. 80,- of Route 8. were con* ducted Friday, May 1. at 2 p.m. A-t Eaton's Baptist Church by the Rev. Alvls Cheshire, the Rev. Wal lace Owenr. and J. 6. Cain. Bur ial was In the church eceneteiy. Mr. Davis, a rctU'ed fanner, died 'at 11:20 o.m. Wednesday morning nt Davlc County Hos- pttaK He was Injured n week be fore when struok by nn automo bile on U. S, 001 near his home. 6tale Highway Patrolman W. O. Wright said Mr. Dnvls walked Into the side of a lOSD Chrysler driven by Mrs. Calherlno McCor- mlck of Myrtle Beach, 8. C. No ehai'gcs were filed. Mr. Dnvls was born Juno 6, 1869, In Yodkin County, a son of Alvls T. and Morgnret Martin Dnvls. He was a montbcr of Bntoita Baptist Church and an'rs a den* , con there for sovernl years. He was married to the farmer Cora Hendrix, who died May 6. 1950. Surviving arc two sons. c. By- num Dnvie of Winston-Salem ond I. Robert Dovis of Mocksvllle, Rt. 6: a daxmhter, Mrs. Oeorge M. Von Kirk of Washlng^ton, D. C.: seven grandchildren, seven great- grnudchildrcn; two brothers, J. W. Dnvls ol Mocksvllle, Rt. 2. nnd A. M. Davis of Winaton-ea* lein; and a sister. Mra. W. M. Ed wards of MocksvlUe, Rt. 8. Pallbearei-G were Roy Edwai'ds. John West Davis.' S. F. Davis. Vcrnon Miller. Oene Miller, Wake Edwards. Ed M. Davis and C. R. Davis. Walter N. Myers. 84 Funeral servlcos were conduct-! ed for Walter N. Myers. 84. of Advance, Rt. 2. Sunday at 3 p.m. At Advance Methodist Chuj-ch by the Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald and tlic Rev. C. E. Crawford. Burial was in the church cemEiery. Mr. Myers, a retired farmer, died ot 1 a.m.. Friday at the home of a son, Lonnle Myers. He had been In declining hc.\ltli sev eral monll-.s and seriously III two weeks. Mr. Myers was born Feb. 0. 1876, I n Dnvic County, son of John nnd Fannle Snydrr Myers. He was married twice. His flr.st wife was the foimer LlUle Mac Brindle, u4io died In 1017. He then married MolUc Potts. She died in 1D58. Surviving besides bhe son. Lon nle Myers, are five other sons. Call C. Myers of MOeksvllle. Kt. 2. Willie Myers of Lexington. Jim Myers of Winston - Saletn, Rt. 2. 'jhnrU'c F. Myers cf Advatvce. Rt. I. ond Walter Lee Myers of Lexington. Rt. 2; five daughters. Mrs-. James Poplin ond Mrs. Cnrl Hudson of Winston - Salcm. Mrs. Leonard Mayhuc of Mooksvllle, Rt. 3, Mrs. Bill DbvIs of Clem- moivs, Route 1. and Mrs. E. T. Hnynes of Lexington. At. 8: 30 grandchildren: 17 great - grand children: three half sisters. Mrs. Minnie Doby of Winatcn-Salem: Mrs. Amanda McDonlela of 6nHt.bury find Mrs. Einhy Gullet ot Coolethvee; olid two half bip- theivs Oscar Myers of Coolecmeo nnd Alex Myers of Moelcsvllle. Rt. 4. Pallbearers were Johnny 8hcel.s. Charlie Cornatzer. George Mawni'd. Clarence Fo.vtcr, Orecn 'B.M-ncs nnd John Forrest. Mrs. D. P. Foard. 82 Funeral services for Mrs. Addlo Wcsinl Poard. 82. widow of D.ivid P. Foarri. were conducted Tues day at 3 p.m. at Eaton Funeral Kcmo. by the Rev. D. D. Broome. Burial was In Chestnut Hill Cemetery in Salisbury. M:-s. Poard died nt 11:15 a.m.. Sunday ot Mmile Grove Rest Home n:iir Wlni^on-Snlcm. She had been In dcollning hcallh scv- i eral months. Mrs. Foard was born In D.ivie County April 27. 1877. daughter of William A. and Josephine Campbell Weant. Her husband died in 1844. She was the last survivor of the Weant family. She has no tm- mediate relatives. Bio - Obituaries - 5/7/1959 DA VIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, May 14,1959 - Page 2 Coni-nd L. Ilimbrouirh. 04 | Funeral services for Conrad' t/eMiia Rlinbroush. (34. of Sall^ury were held Wedi>cs(hy mornlna at St. Foul's Bpiscopal Church. The !lev. HArokl M. RobliUMi. pnstor of the Flrat McMiodlst Oiuivh of Soltsbury and Father H. H. Oo* mer. priest In choive of the St. FMii'B Bplscopnl Ohutch of eotls* bury omclnted. Burial was in the Chestnut Hill Cemetery of Bollsbui-y. Mr. Kimbrouffh died at 4:20 a. m.. Tuesdny mornlns at Rowan Memorloil Hospital Tollwlng sev eral months of declining healUi. He was seriously ill for the last two wc(4cs. Born Deo. 17, 1804. in Miccks- ville. he WAS (Aie son of the late Chalmers L. and Betty Doulhtt KImbi-ough. He u-n.s educated in the 'Dnvlo "County schools. For the Inst 30 years he 'had operated a battery ehop at the Haden Tire Service. Snllsbui^. He WAS a mernber of St. Paul's Bpisoopal Church. He was mar ried July 13, 1624, to the former Zola U^sery of Albemerle, who survives. He also leaves three sons. Ffttiher Conrad L. Kim- brought. Jr.. of Rhinelandsr, Wis.. Fronk M. Kimbrough of Roxboro and Noman B. Klmbrcugh cf Poikvillc; ens daughter, Mrs C. E. Harrleilc of Concord: one half brother, Chalmei\s L. Klmbrough Jr.. of JoncsvlUe: one sister, Mrs. James D. (Laura) Parker of JacksonvlUe. Fla:: two grandohll- dren. Bio - Obituaries — 5/14/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,1959 - Page 5 Mrs. L. O. Ohnpinan, 65 Mrs.' L. 0» Chapman, 66, -of SpnrtanburK. S. C.. mother of C. C. Chflpm-iin of Mockf/lUe. died Enndny morning. May 17. at 6 n. m. Pimcral services were conduct ed Monday afternoon at Floyd Funeral Chapsl In Spartanburg, and burial was In Sunset Memor ial Park. Survivors Include her hi^band, L. O. Chapman: four sons, C. C. Clwipmnn of Mocksvllle, Guy Chapman of Cordcle, Oa.. Everctle and Floyd Chapman of Sportan- burg; one daughter, Mrs. Howard Foster of Spflrtunburg, Mrs. T. W. Sofley. 79 Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon. May Ifi, at 2:30 pjm. for Mi-s. 'Bwbara Ann Allen SoXloy, 79, of Advance. Rt. I. at Bethlahem Methodist Church by tihc Rev, Wade Roficis ui«l El der P. R. Moore. Burial Was In the church ceme tery. Orandeons were pallbearers. 'Mrs, Sofley, widow of T. W. Sofky. and 'mother bf Hajjley Sof ley. died Sunday night at her home. She had been In declining ht-nUh nine years. Mis. Sofley -was born m Davle County April 9. 1880. daughter of Andrew and Julia Miller Alien. She was q, member of No Creek Baptist Church. She was married to Mr. Sofley in 1889. He died March 26. 1954. Surviving arc six daughtcra, Mi'j. Albert Hots'ard and Mrs. OUnn Smith of Advance, Rt. 1, Mrs. Clyde Alien and Mrs. Glenn Allen of Mocksvllle. Rt, 3. Misses Julh and Juanltn Sofley' of the hcnxe: three sons. Harley Sollcy of MoclcsvlMe. Allen Sofley of El* klii and Willie Sofley of Wlnston- 25 grandchildren; 19 gieat • erandchJIdren; (wo brolh- ei'K. W. C, Allen of Advance. Rt. i.ond J, W. Allen of Woodlcal: ond two .sisters. Mrs. Mac Soln Shenlll of Lexington. Rt. 3. and Mrs. D. W. Goodwin of Stniosvllle. W. H. Klger. 09 | Funeral services for W. Hamp-; ton KJger. 09. retired farmer of East Bend. Route 2. were h6td Monday afternoon ot Uic Enon Bapiist Church. The Rev. J. C. Shore ofhclated. Buiial was in the churoh cemetery. iMr. Klger died at 3 a.m. Satur day at the Baptist Hospital In Winston • Salem. He had been In decilnlng healtli for two years and seriously 111 three weeks. Mr. Kiuer waa bom July 10. 1889. In Yadkln County, eon of Tandy T. and Saiwh Head Klger. He was a lifelong resident of Yadkli) County. He was a member of Enon Bap- tut Church. He married Miss Minnie Mc- B'lde on June 13, 1909. She sur vives. Also surviving are seven sons. Baxter Klger of Yadkliwlllc. Rob- -.'i-l Klger of Mocksvllle, Willie ind Asbury Klger of Winston-Sa- leui- Jamas Klger of Walkertown. Clurllc Klger of Rural UalJ and Vrrnon Klger of Lewlsvllle: three 'dinj4hirr.-'. Mrs Oliver hfoCollum n Yadkiiiville and Mrs. James Me- . Dude and Mrs. Thrmnis Adams |■.)f East Bend; three brothata.jLewis Klger of East Bend' Johnle'Klger of Lr)Ungton and BtvantjKlger of Mocksvllle. Rt. 8; buoisisters, ilrs. John Hancock and 1 i : nine]Mrs. Blanche McBxidc of Moclsfi" «f®9HRWMJchUdren, Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, May 21,1959 - Page 2 Billy Nichols, Jr. Billy Nichols, Jr., one day old son of BUly Edward and Oall Lsnsston Nichols of ModcsvUle, Rt. 4, died at 0 a^n.. May 13th, at Rowan Memorial Hospital. Surviving besides the parents are a sister. Cher^ Lynne Nich ols of the home; the grandparents Mrs] A. C. Lea<ch of Salisbury, Rt. 7, and Mr. and Mrs. Biari'y Lang- ston of Salisbury, Rt. 7. Orovosldes services were held. Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, 5/23/1959 [ Kud Ken >y jf ait; .'.|j n • - Funeral services for lUd Kerr WyaU, fi3, of 124 Sunset Drive NW. will be conducted at 2 p.m. Sunday at Augsburg Lutheran Church by the Rev. Ray Fisher and the Rev. L. C. Bumgarner. Burial will be in the Fork Baptist Church cemetery. Itnnorary palibcarcrs will be employes of Frank L Blum Con- slrucUcn Co. of which Mr. WyaU was vice president, and members of Salem Lodge 289. AP and AM. the Scottish Bites group of which he was a member. The body will be taken to the church at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow from Voglers Qiapel. Mr. Wyatt died yesterday at his home. Wyatt, 63, Building Executive B.nd Kerr Wyait, 83. vice pre.*!- iilvtil of Frank L. Blum Cini.>itnic- (ton Co., died at 11:50 a.m. y&s- Icrday at his home, 124 Sunset Drive NW. Mr, Wyatt had been in appar ent good health. His death was unexpected. He was bom In Davie County. April 27. 1096. son of J. N. and Sallie Bailey Wyatt. He spent.hi.s early life in the Fork Church Community of Davic County and was educated at Churcliland High School. Mr. Wyatt was In the army dur ing Woild War 1 and served over seas with Ute 81st Division. After the war. he worked for .<u;veral years in Norfolk, Va., be fore coming to Wiast6n<5alem in 1922. He had been connected with Frank L. Blum Construction Co. here and was a vice president of the company at the lime of his death. Mr. Wyatt was a member of Augsburg Lutheran Church, Sa lem Lodge No. 289. AF and AM. the Scottish Rites group, and the WInston-Salem Chamber of Com merce. He was married Nov. 22, 1924, to MI.*!s Mamie Markland. She survives. Also surviving are a daughter, Mrs. George W. Thompson of Asheboro; three granddiildrcn; two sisters, Mrs. Thomas Griffin of 826 Fenimore Street, and Mr.*;. Ray Williams of 320 Vintage Ave nue, and two brothers, Frank W. Wyatt of Mocksvllle, Rt, .3, and W. A. Wyatt of 328 Vintage Ave* nue. Funeral plans were Incomplete late last night The body is at Voglers Chapel. Bio - Obituaries - 5/23/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, 5/24/1959 Rad Kcrr:WyaU|i Funeral services for Rail Kerr ^Vyall. (3. of 124 Sunsel Drive N'iv. will be conduclcd at 2 p.m. loday at Augsburg Lulheran Church by Uie Rev. Ray Mshcr and Ujc Rev. L. C. Biimgarncr. Burial uill be In Ihe Foiic Bap- list (^uircli ccmclery. Active pall bcarcr.s will l>e: Miarlcs K. Soott Jr.. Mniilii I., liunai.'ilcr, 0. Woodiow Wllson. Clarence K. Connor. .lolin 0. .'^lields and Clifford H. Love. Honorary pallbearers will be employes of Frank L. Blum Con- .stmcUon Co. of wliicli Mr. Wyall Mas vice president, and members of Salcin l.odge m AF and AM. Tlic body will l>e taken to the ihinch ni 1:20 p.m. today from Vo'.;lcr.< llhapcl. Mr. Wyall dicil Friday al his home. T- . y Bio - Obituaries - 5/24/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, May 28, 1959 - Page 5 J. A. McDanlcI. 82 . Funeral servlctQ for John A. UcDaniel. 82, of SaUsbui'y were held Eunctey. I Mr. McDanlel died Friday morn ing nt the Roxnan Memorial Hos pital. He had been In decllhlne health lor one year and seriously 111 for the -past three months. A native of Davie 'County, he was born April 16, 1877, son of Alfrrd and Sally Williams Mc- Oaniel. Hs was educated in the Ccun^y public sahoois and Con:c:d Atodcmy. Mr. McDnnl:) was a retired faiunar «nd merchant. He was a mcvnbsr cf B{l^hel Lutheran Cliureh. the POS of A, and the Rrtlrcd Cllizsns Club. He xyas married three times, first to Mni<y Cix-at'cm <nhd the n to Rosiia' ScllV HU third Wife, the farmer Bnuna Younee, survives. He fl>rD Iriivoi tihr» sons. Wal ter A. MoDanlel of Salisbury. Jchn Lee MoDanlel of Texas and l-tcy MoDanlel of Durham: nine da'Ugh- tcrs, Mrs. J. A. WhltUy, Mrs. Delia Bamhardt and Mrs. C. B. Honj'ecul't ,e?l of enhit'Ury, Ma-s. Eugene Cuilee, Mrs. Carl Whlt- Ipy .and Mrs. J. E. TuUorsw of KinnnapollB, Mi's. O. O. SwRe- good cf Woodlesf. Mrs. W. B. R'st- ledge of Rcuie 4. Mcclc>5vM1e, and Mi\s. W. H. SpliUman of Coolee- mee; ono step-son, Albert Bell of Concord: Wvo slep-daughlcrs. Mrs. Dennis S:eol of Tnylor&vllle and Mra. Wlnjlon SherrlH of Akron, OMlo; one bi'other. Albert Mo Danlel of ClevcliMid: two ajsters, Mrs. Jimmy Oreason of Route 4 Mdoksxllle and Mrs. Minnie May- bery of Route 4, Mocksvlllc: 30 gi<B<nc!ichlldn'n: and 43 great grandchildren. Bio — Obituaries — 5/28/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, June 4,1959 - Page 5 Gwendolyn Lavern Hqnter Gra-vesldc services were held lut the Mainvlhs AMiB Zion C^i^h Sunday, May 31. at 2 p.m. for Gwendolyn Levcrn Hunter. Infant daugihter of Mr .and Mi-s. W. Hunter of MooKsvlUe, Route 2. The baiby died May 3D at the home of <her "parents. iMorri&on * Studcvenit Funeral DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, June 4,1959 - Page 3 Mrs. H. W. Grubb, 72 Mrs. H. W. OriBbb, 72. of Spen cer, wife of H. W. Grubb. died about midnight Tuesday .May 26, at Rwau Memorial Hospital. She had been In declining health several years ond seriously 111 for five days. Funeral services were conduct ed Thursday at 4:30 p.m. at the First Baptist Church at Spencer. Mrs. Grubb v.«9 born in >DAvle County, a daughter of Gate W. and Beulali Oricll. She was educated In the 'Davlc County public schools end for 40 years owned and operated the Grubb Boarding House In Spen cer. She was a member of the First Baptist Church at Spencer. Surviving besides the ihusbnnd are alrrec sons. Robert L. Grubb of Charlotte. Henry C. Grubb of Lynchiburg, V«.. and Foy E. Grubb. of Oreensbora; three daugihters, Mrs. R. E. Vall Jr., of Charlotte and Mrs. J. L. Bhner Sr. and Mi's. Kalhan Wontiham of epenccr; a brother. Cleve Or- rell of Llnwood, Rt. 1; and -two sisters, Mrs. Augusta M. Orrell of LtnwHKid. Rt. 1 ond Mrs. Tillen Potts of Mooksvllle. Bio - Obituaries - 6/4/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, June 11, 1959-Page 4 R. C. SITAW. es Funeral services for R. Clyde Shaw. reUred nvall carrier, were held Monday afternoon at the Hamwny Baptist Church. The Rev. W. H. K'Jmhorhn ofhclaited. Burial was In the Roclcy Springs Church Cemetery with Masonic honors. Mr. Shaw died Sunday at his home In Harmony after an illness of about six years. Mr. Shaw served In the Aj-my during World War I for 16 months. A large part of his service was In France and Oetmany. Pol- lowing his dlsdhairge he worked at the Wlnston-Salcm Poet OlDce as a city oorrler from 1023 to 1628. He was 'than trasrsfei-rcd to Harmony and frnn 1626 to 1042 h« sei-vcd patrans on Rural Route 1. He was a mall olerk at the Danville, Va.. Post omco from 1843 to 1848 when he was trans ferred tack to Harmony and Rural Route 1. Ho held this post until rcttromcnt. IMr: Shaw nIvss & member of Harmony Masonic Lodge and was a past master. He was a rfiembcr of Haimony Baptist Church-and served as Sunday school iBuperintcndent for a num ber of years. He al^ taught the Mw's tTlass for* a long time and was a deacon. Surviving are the widow, Mis. ATinlc Witght Show; two sons, Dr. PredeiiOk CUyde Shaw of Lenoir and Robert W. Shaw of Lumber- ton: three gmndchlldren; two sis ters, Miss Duo Shaw of Hahnony, and Mrs. Spuigcon Anderson of Mocksvillc: and thi-ce brothers, T. T. Shonw of Harmony, Rt. 1. Dewey Shaw of Hagerstown, Md., and Dr. L. R. Shaw of Statcs- vUle. James Smith, 75 Funeroil services foi' James Par ker Smith, 75. a retired farmer of Roiite'i, Mocksvillc, were held sathtila?. *3une*' 6, ht Pleasant View Ba^tlsLchun^ at 11 a.m. by. t^efRe^ir. L. .Martin, C. T. Henderran'^and Johnnie Swisihcr. Biirlal was In the church ccme- tei-y. Ml-. Bmlth died Thursday. June 4, at Baptist Hospital, WJuston- Balcm,' after an illness of one week. He-was a native of Ocorgla aiifd had refolded in Iredoll County tor about 30 years. He h suiwlvcd by hils wife, Mrs. Lottie Mac Dove Smith; five sons, J. W. ond Olcnn B. Smilth. bobli of Statcfivllle, Jolm & Smith of Route 1, Harmony, and Wil liam F. and Lcroy Smith, both of tho home; thi-co daughters. Mi-s. J. B. Oood of Route 1 Haimony, Mrs. Charlie MoOlam- rock of Mocksvllle and Mrs. WU* ma Smith of the home; 15 grend- dhlldren; and one brother, W. B. Smith of Sbalesvillc. Bio — Obituaries - 6/11/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, June 18,1959 - Page 1 THEODORE LLOYD JUNKER Lloyd Junker Is Accident Victim Theodore Lloyd Junker, age 16. was fatally injured last Wednes day In an arutomobllc collision eight miles west of Conway. S. C. He and filends were on their way to a vacation at Myrtle Beach when bhe accident occurred. state Hlgftway Pa>trolman W. B. Wetherington said that Albei-t Ncsbltt, 17, of Charlotte was driv ing the car in which Llo)-d Jun ker was riding. NeSbltt was not sEiiously injured In the head-on coUlaian with another car be ing driven by Mrs. C. H. Mlariln qf^conway. Mrs.,M(Q^in;^as.h{^r, pttalized alohg with two of hCr passengers, Donna Martin, 12, and Harriet Staphens, 11. The head- on collision ocoured on an in cline, ninsnl sendees were held for Lloyd Junker on Friday at the First Presbyterian Chuich in Moeksville. The Rev. Wiliiam Long ofllolated. Burial in t h c Philadelphia Presbyterian Churcii Cemetery in Mecklenburg County. The son of Mr. nnd Mrs. T. L. Junker of Moeksville. Lloyd' at tended the Moeksville school and the Davie County High Sohool. During the past year he attended the Fishburnc MllluiiY School and just recently recivcd his ccrllfl- cfltc of graduation. He Is survived by his parents; a broiiier, BUI Junker of the home; a slater. Mrs. John Long, Jr.. of Hickory; and a nephew, John Long, m. Pallbearers Included .WJlIiam Long. Ranicy Komtp, Qarvln Allen, Joe Brown. Jlnimy Flowers and George Junker. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, June 18,1959 - Page 5 Rny B.^rton, 71 Funsral sean^lpes fqi^ Bur- ten. 71. retired farnu^' oj( Advance. Rt. 1, w?.rc held 9,1 the Elbaville M^iitiodist Chuich. The Rev. J. B. Fitzgciftld and the Rev. Paul MfSHin ogld'ated. Bur ial wus in the churt^ o<>i^.qtery. Mr. DurlqA died had been in declining htalVU sev eral moivtlhs. He vyas born July 26, 1887, in Da\ia County, son of John Dick and li^ry Jono Myers Burton. l^e was married to Hattlc Whls- nant. Site survives. Also suswivlng arc four sons, Johnny W. and Bobby Lee Burton Of Advance, Rl. 2. Henry C. Bur ton of ;«eyinglpn. Rt. 4. and Roy Thomas Bui'ton of Hones; five daughters. Charlie Minor of Advapce. Rt. 2, Mrs. John Hud- ron of Advance, Rt. 1. Mic. Wil lie I^eaton and Mrs. Qeovf^ lloms of B^pflcsYlUe. R(- 3., and ^U'S• Cioj-ence Byrd of Advapce. Rt. 2; two sisters. Mi^. MolUe Hartley of Qreonsboyo and Mrs. 'John Ford of ^/SxJngton; 48 giMnd- [cliildren and 11 great - grandcHtll- dr?n, Bio - Obituaries - 6/18/1959 Perry S .Nerly. 60 Punn-al fcrvlcca wci-o conduct ed Tuesday afternoon, June 16. at 2:30 p.m. at Union CbAPi^l Methodist Chuich by Uio Rev. D. D. Broomc and the Rev. Wade HutclK'ns for Berry Slcclman Neeiy. 60. retired former, who died Bundoy at his home, Motdcs- vllle, Rl. 2. He Iigd been In de clining health Ave years. Mr. Neely was bom in Davie County, May 16. 186D. son of Rob ert and Nlsggle Pope Nvely. He was married to Miss Mottle Bar ney. Surviving are tho widow; one daughter, Mrs. Bjll Daniels of Winsion-Salem; one son. Thomas Hall Nvely of the home; and two grandolUklren. PallbMre^'s ^ere Ruiiey Boger. Clyde HutohjiiB, Blinrt Allen. William Howelt, Duke Poj)e end Clyde Joidan. fiurUt ilw chitf6<h tdry. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA tP.?we; CQyrityy aiid'?wife of -.j .•at-4:^'p;ni.'yester-' ij^^^rfcyerly^^^ I ifM^4;?oa^^^-S^i?liahr^rShe'>-had-: ''^25 -.born.-' Oct-M, ^1 ' 3°'®^f^?-Dayidsorr•■.^ounty,^rdaug -i•ter, of-.W^E;; and'-'Cyntfaia Willianu'' :t.5h?:Iia;d; been' living•ati;the -home )0fi.the.>daughter,:/or;3i4 'years.-.• ;^ • ma^ned_,tp'Mr.^Sheats-'' -•:.Sherliyed,,:ihA the^dr^Church ^commumtj- ..of vDavie County • for .* v'.Surviving .beside^; the^liiislsahd : ?Qy>.-;and..Georg9 • .''A.Winstdn-S^eml''''igenry ..^C:- • Sheete,;bfsPhlladelphia, '•. Mocks- ■ 'Salisbury;' 'a'; step--broUier, : Billy :Xaughlm'':bf 'Lin- ''Vood; seven graridchlldferi;' and : 14 g^eatrgrandchildren..;^i^^- . •V,Funeral services ,wiil be con- 'ductgd,. at 2:30 :p.m.-..Thursday at 'I ForkTBapti^.,Church;;by:'the Rev 'A., M.,;.Ki.ser.. the'. Rev.'XveretteR.: ■ Freeman.'■and'-the' ■Rev'."'J.Mack Brandoii:Br::'BuriaI Vilf be iin, the church cemetery ■• " • L V Kephews,:wiil be;paUheafers;--y,^';The;hody :will .be;,t*ken' tl the T.home .:of; a;-son.':.;Cfay ■'Sheets -ofMocl^ille Rt. 3;:at2 p.m/today.' ■ ■ church 'tbe service. ,•' C- 2 4 V ' f i'f OAVIE CO. PUBL,c L,BRARy °7mtc'(f. PUBLIC LIBRARY WIOCKSVILLE, HC DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, June 25,1959 - Page 7 Mrs. O. A. SlireU, 8D PuncrnI sei-vlce-s for Mrs. Cnn*lo Lou Blln Sheets, BO. ts'lfo of O. A. SheHs. K-lll be held Tliursdny nt llip Pork Baptist Church. The Rpv. A. M. Klsar ,tlie Hcv, Evcr- rMc R. Pifrmnn and the Rev. J. Mnck BrMidon. Sr.. will olRclnle. Burhl will be In the church ceme> tery. Mr.s. Shectii died Tiirsdny nt the home of dnuffhtcr. Mrs. Mote Lycrly of 1921 StAleavlllc Rond. Bnllrbury. Clio hnd been In de* chninft henlth scvcrnl months. Mrs. Sh::'ts was born Oct. 1. IH78. In Davidson County, dnutih- Icr of W. E. nnd Cynthl.i WlUUtms Nnnco. She iMd been living nt the home of the dmtBhtei- for 3!{i ycnrs. She wns married (o Mr. Shcet-s In 1898. She lived In the Fork Church community of Dnvlc County for 80 years. Surviving besides the husband arc four sons, Roy P. and George E. 8ho»ta of Winston - Snlsm. Heniy C. Sheets of Philadelphia, Pa.i and Gray Sheets of MSocks* villc .Rt. 3: 'Ulie daughter. Mrs. Lyerly of Salhbury: a step* brother, Billy Laughlln of Lin* wood: Rcvcn grandchildren: and 14 great-grandchildren. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, June 25, 1959 - Page 4 Mrs. Mnllle Jnne Barnes, 72 Mrs. Miotllc Jane Bamcs, 73, Wife of J. D. Barnes of Advance, Rt. 2. died nt 10:40 a.m.. Bun- day at Oavie County Ho.si>ltal. She had been In declining health several months and critically 11) one week. Funeral services were conducted nt 3 p.m. Tuesday at Bailey's Chapel Mothodlst Chinch by the Rev. Ed FliRgcrald ond the Rev. Elvin Latham. Burial was in the church comotcry. Oi-andsons wore the imllbcarorfi. Mi's. Barnes was born In Dovlc County Jan. 7. 1887. daughter of Orccno W. and Maiy Ann How ard Minor. She was married to Mr. Barnes In 1800. She sirentj all «hcr life In the Bnlloy's Chnipcl| comiminltiy. I Surviving aro the husband; three dauglUcrs, Mis. Alglc Mc- Coutcr of High Point, Mrs. Elbcrt A. Hordlman of Wln.4ton - Salem. and J. H. Plolt of Advance. Route 2; seven sons, Howaid, Orcenc, Jay and Coy Barnes, ell of Advance, Rt. 2, Calviin Barnes dT Advance, Rt. 1,' Homer Barnes of Mocksvllle, Rt. 3 .and Thomas Barnes of LewlsvlHc: 23 grond- chlldi^n: eight gi'eat - grandchil dren; one sistci'. Mrs. Delia Minor Stewart of JetersvUle, Vs.; and two brothers, John Milnov of 110 £. Sprogue Street. Winston- Salcm jind Charles Minor of Ad vance, Rt. 2. Bio - Obituaries - 6/25/1959 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA