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Jul - Dec
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, July 2,1969 MJMacics«31e jpnanmam — a m ^ mm'It m m MmmSSkm ^WBWHQr dtelBt 40 «lBBi el to fintio iNtt n Lob, a raMntt <01 toi, (Bt % HodmfflB. SLh'o.^&.'S svMBB VaQQ^^ VB <m <flf ShuflMit Sma 4« tniiiOt— taL, «oa m. a«rti iLeoo'Of Hilt Benfl. ..*to tureMj «E0 Ids mOb, Job jam itaDB: 1m Aim iLno. Ml Urn Iabb; and tKD soa, Jibms W, laae Jr. >0! iSio bone and Aomb lane Bead. Mom GooAn Of CprietiBMj 'OOOIfiHSHSB Olola «Mln, «s, «ieO WBdmsdHT iMgtit at the Batie ttoimtBr Mgipliol. was hom Jnae i«, nm. In iraddl Gmimie. itbe oonir ^ ilote Mr. aiM iSn. iMds ffotdlte. Be «E« « wUrefl wnUtmveoa^uoimnfkm, . wOt, mm. Ids B. BoBdm: « iMer, mm Nnrle OcMidtB Si3hta«; cBdl a Inetlier, Qoi QoA « Harmony- Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3, 1969 - Pages 1 and 4 Funeral Thursday At 11 a.m. Rev. Ed Avett Dies:Age 90 Tlie Rev. Edmund M. Avett, one of the pioneer ministers of (he Western North Carollu Methodist Conference, died around 11:30 p.m. Tuesday night He had been in declining health for several months. He was 90 years old., Funeral services will be held al 11 a.m. Thursday at the First Methodist Church of Mocksville. Interment will be In Rose Ceme tery. The family requests (hat memorials be made to the Metho dist Church or the American Cancer Society. Born on a farm in Anson County In 1879, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. Avett, he moved at the age of five with his mother to Stanley County. The early death of his father circumvented a college career as he was left with s widowed mother, three younger sisters, and a large farm to maintain. U was while he was farming and teaching school at Big Lick in Stanley County this man be- (Conlinued On Page Four) more about Rev. Ed Avett gan to sewk out ^hls education through corrcspon'dence courses which Included among all others, a course In Creek. The final year he (aught school he also served as principal of the school and also as minister of (he Dig L tck Melhodlst Church. This year was 1906, and he was 27 years old. But he had begun to teach at the age of 20. And it was with his ever present wit In his latter years he observed: •There were no grades. Tlien the teachers were graded not pupils!" As his sisters grew older and assumed some of the responsi bility of operating the farm, Mr. Avett married 11a Smith of Al- l>ermarle in 1906. To this union was Iwrn two children... Finch Avett now of Virginia Beach, and a daughter, Elvada, who dle<l al age II. Mrs, Avett died In 1913. In 1906 Mr. Aveltwas accept ed as a minister tn (lie Western Norlh Carolina Molliodlst Con ference—on irail. However, he soon l)ecame a permanent fixture and during the next 90 years served churches in the moun tains....on theplalns....ln the val leys....and In large cities. From 1906 to 1908 he served tlie Big Lick Methodist Church; 1903 to 1911, Jackson Hill in Davidson County; 1911 to 1912 at Dobson; 1912 to 1914 at Gra nite Quarry; 1914 to 1917 at Fines Creek Church In Avery County. It was while he was pastor here In 1915 that he mar ried Annie Tucker of Gold HIH. To (his union was born Helen (now Mrs. Arlen DeVito of New York City) Frank Avett of Vir ginia Beach and Harold A. Tuc ker of Clemmons. Thts Mrs. Avett died In 1921. Mr. Avett became pastor al Cold Hill in 1917 and served there until 1922. From 1922 lo 1924 he was at Polkvllle In Cleveland County. It was here (hat he married Kate Jenkins in August of 1922. To this union was born a daughter, Elva Grace (now Mrs. Henry Cole Tomllnson of Mocks ville). Mrs. Avett died InMocks- vllle in 1956. From 1924 to 1925 he served at East Spencer and in 1925 came to Mocksvilie to serve the Davie Circuit for four years. From 1929 to 1033 he was al the First Street Methodist Church of Albemarle; 1933 lo 1937 at Cornelius; and then re turned to Mocksville to pastor the Flrsl Methodist Church here from 1937 to 1941. In 1941 lie went to Greens boro wliere he served the Gien- wood Methodist Church until 1943. From 1943 to 1947 he was pastor of the Main Street Meth odist Church of Kernersvllle. In 1947. and at the age of 68, he retired as an active min ister with the conference but went to High Point where he served for seven years as as sociate pastor of (tie Wesley Memorial Methodist Church. In 1953 lie moved back to Mocksville but was recalled lo active service on (wooccasions., filling a vacancy at Dolison for a seven-montli period...and in 1956 filled a vacancy al Brooks Crossroads for several months. During the year 1953-54 he served as the Grand Ctiaplaln of (he Grand Lodge of North Carolina, AF & AM. w»en following retirement, Mr. Avett was in constant de mand as a speaker, to officiate at weddings and funerals In volving families he had served throughout fifty years as minister in Western Norlh Carolina. He attended 61 consecutive Western North Carolina Metho dist Conferences from 1906 through 1967....thus selling a record. Loved .... admired and respected by all who ever knew him Ihe Bev. Edmund M. Avett was the epitome of a per son who solved the "sweet my stery of lifet* His life was his epltaptil Bio - Obituaries - 7/3/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 7/3/1969 E. M. Aveii, Minister, Dies at 89 MOCKSVIU.E - The Rev. EilmunJ Hifihal Aveti, 83. of 44] Church Street, t retired Methodist miAisier ivho at tended hu &3d Western North Carolina Methodist Coofcrencc us 1348, died Tuesday night at tsis bome. The funeral wfll be at it a.m. today at the First Methodist Church here. Burial will be in Rose Cemetery. Avctt attended bis first Methodist Conference in 19Cd tolien be was occupyinj his first pastorale at Big Liclc in Stanly C.Minty. Tite conference was held at Mount Airy. - lie held pasturalei at Dobson. 9ranite Quarry. Gold llili, Polk- V;tle, Mocksville. Albemarle, Cornelius, Greensboro and Kcrnersvitle, where he retired ^ 1947. > Associate Paster i After retirement, be served far seven years as associate gaslor at Wesley . Memorial Mcthodul Church at High Point, lie continued to speak and to officiate at wcddinga and funerals at the churches be bad served for more than 50 years. lie was born on a farm in Anson County to Edmund Franklin and Elva Tomlinson Avett. liis father died when he was It years old. So, as soon as be eraduaied from WighlS' roan High School in Stanly County, he went to work to help support his mother and family. lie was unable to go to college, but received bis professional training through correfpondeoce courses and pastors* summer schools. I'e became a local preacher sn°l was admitted to the coo-' feyencc at the request of local o^ioislers i^o buded his work. Still Worked When be retired he moved t Mocksville, where he bad bei a pastorate. He built bis preset home to his specifications. He told an interviewer in 1S& when be wi] 89 years dd, th: he had not stopped work. lie said he had lived alor since the death of his third wif- Mrs. Kate./i'Jeokioi Avett. : August 195K But,,,he said. ' still marrr) them *. aed: bur them." Avett wnjle occasional vet: and repaired antique clocks. > also designed and built lu niture. ^ % "One Voice" Speaking of the present, Avt once said. "I think eve^bo< ought to have a television radio in their house: the ought to be one voice {o ! bouse yo-a.'ean stop when y waot to." Avett was a member of t Mocksville - Methodist Churc Rotary Club and Mocksvi; Masonic Lodge. He was Democrat and was named the State Education Commilt during the administration Gov. Te^ Sanford. 1981-85. Surviving are two daugble Mrs. Henry Cote Tomlinson Mocksville and Mrs. Arlen DeVlto of New York City; Ibr tons. Frmk and Finch Av of Virginia Beach. Va.. a Harold n Avett Tucker ClemmoDs; and a sister. M F. C Hathcock of ^bemai Bt-l. ... I Ur-v^*^ wC' Bio - Obituaries - 7/3/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4-DMlt County Enttrprin Ricord, Juty 3. IBftB MALCHUS BOGER George Mskhus Bcger, 77. of 17 Sanford Ave. died Thursday night at hiitiome. He wet bom Aug. 2| 1891, in Davie County, the son of the late Paul and Elvlera Taylor Boger. He was a retired enwloye of Erwin Mills. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Amanda JanyDunn Boger«r: two sons, Claude Boger of Rt. 4, Mocksville, and Paul Boger of Hanes; seven daughters, Mrs. Mabel Howard of Rt. 2, Advance, Mrs. Irene Anderson of Mocksville, Mrs. Eslelle Allen of Rt. 3, Mocksville, Mrs. Sarah Jones of Rt. S, Mocksville, Mrs. Helen Williams and Mrs. Evelyn Seamon. both of Rt. 1, Mocksville, Mrs. Mary Alice Fulp of Walkertown; a sister, Mrs. Floyd Eaton of Rt. 2, Mocksville; and 28 grandchildren. BLAINGOODIN Bloin Goodin, 66, died June 24th at the Davie County Hospital. He was bom June 14,1903, in Iredell County, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Goodin. He was a retired furniture company employe. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ida H. Goodin; a sister, Miss Novie Goodin of Salisbury; and a brother, Gus Goodin of Harmony. Funeral services were conducted Saturd^ at 4fjn. at the Church of uod of rophecy by the Rev. Archie Smith. Burial was at Cooleemee Legion Park. JAMES W. LANE A 49*ye8r«old Mocksville car salesman, James Wallace Lane Sr., was found dead in hb station wann on 601 South, one>half mile south of the 801 intersection June 24th about 6:30 p.m. There were no signs of wounds, according to Davie County Sheriff George Smith. An autopsy was perlormed at Forsyth Memorial Hospital, Winston-Salem. Mr. Lane, a resident of Holiday Acres, Rt. 4, Mocksville, was bom April 6. 1920, in Yadkin County, the son of Reuben Lane of Chattanooga, Tenn., and Mrs. Learh Ftye Lane of East Bend. Also surviving are hb wife, Mrs. Jane Allen Lane; two dau^iers, Karen and Shelia Ann Lane, both of the home; and two sons, James W. Lane Jr. of the home and James Lane of East Bend. MRS. A. F. POTTS Mrs. Nancy Jane Forrest Potts, 91, of Advance died Sunday at U;4S p.in. at the Fran Ray Rest Home in Mocksville. She Is survived by her husband. Alee F. Potts; a sbter, Mrs. Annie Bailey Rt. 2, Mocksville; two brothers, niilips, of Ree^, and William, of Mocksville. The funeral was at 4 p.m. at the Eaton Chapel. DONALD A. MCCLAMROCK MOCKSVILLE — Donald Albert McClamrock, 38, (4 SBO. AVbii Street died yesterday eti-f natural causes at' Brooghton Hospital at Horgantoa. Funeral arraogemonts ire incomplete. He was bom in Davie County to Oscar and Eliza Sheck McOamrock. Surviving are bb mother of Mocksville; a sbter, Mrs. Everett Smith of Mocksville; and four brothers. Walter, Oscar, BUUe and Charlie IfcClainrack of Mocksville. The body b at Eaton Funeral Home. PRANK ANDERSON SIODBN MOCKSVILLE — Frank An derson Sidden, M. of Mocks ville. Rt. 1. died yesterday at Davie County HosiUtal of a <cart attack. Funeral arrange- meob are Incomplete. The tiody b at Eaton's Funeral Home. He was bom in Davie Coun ty to Oyde and Emma Waller Sidden. He worked for Heritage Furniture Co. Surviving are hb wife. Mrs. Sallia McDanlel Sidden; three sons. Randy. Andy rnd Eddie Sidden of the home: bis father of Advance: a sister, Mrs. Cliff Hoffman of Lexington, Rt. 8: and a brother. Gray Sidden of Advance. Rt. 2. Bio - Obituaries - 7/3/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 7/4/1969 isiXiN B YADKINVILLE Mk. AUg, Elizabeth waH 68. cf YadkiiP vflle; n widow'^AB^oa X Ball., di^ yesterda^at Davie'Coaiity Ho6pi|bteat^IocksviBer> amby atiYadkiiii^ -BA pti sii XhttrduaBigialf ^gfll be in Bai>v nony Grove Friends cemetery* She was bom in Sunw. County to Andrew W. and Vema Cook the Yadkm^le •Baptist^ ChusdL i| Survioiiig are^^oor dau^lit^; P "Mrs. Baddi^oiL.W. Frostoa. ''of Chapd HU, Jerry Green of Charlotte, pUrs. Eugene Garl land of Uount Any'' and.' MrsJ Boy-Bold) of'-East Bend; two sons. WiUiam Han of HocksvlUe i; and David A. HaH of .Okinawa; three sisters, Hiss Erma Jessujp of Asheboro. Mrs. E. H. Bar nard YadkinviUe and Mrs. . 0. L. Wflliard Jr. of LewisviOe; and a brother, J. R. Jessup of :'Westfield. The famfly 'iyhQttests that : memorials be madeto-Yadkin- j viUe Baptist CSmrrii.' > ! The body is at Madie-Hin-l^aw-Genl^ Funeral Home. ~ lUf Bio - Obituaries - 7/4/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 7-0iv?e County Entorprljo Record, July 10,1960 IRA VANCE HARTLEY Ira Vance Hartley, 75, of Advance, R(. 2, died Monday at Davic County Hospital. He was born in Davidson County to J. H. and Nannie Evans Hartley. He wusa retired employe of Duke Power Co. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. George LipMrd Hartley; three daughters, Xlrs. "nubcrfDavls of Jamestown, Mrs. Lillian Simpson of Wlnston-Salcm and Mrs. Frank Markland of Advance; n son, Vance Hartley of Charlotte; three sisters, Mrs. Clarence Welborn of StatesviUe, Mrs Homer Greene and Mrs. Bradley of Lexington, Rt. 4; and (wo brotliers, Sam Hartley of Charlotte and Woodrow Hartley of Winston-Salcm. MRS. AVALON E. HALL ;lXNlhci>flip'heal n El iiubc't • H^lf"W-or Yadkinville. widow of Avaloti E. Hall, was conducted at 5 p. m. Saturday, July 6th at Yadkinville Baptist Church by the Rev. Roger R. Jackson. Burial was in the Harmony Grove Friends cemetery. Mrs. Hall died Thursday at Oavic County Hospital at Mocksvillc. included in the survivors arc 13 grandchildren. Mrs. Hall had taught school in (he Yudkin County public schools for five years prior to her ntarriagc. She also was a Sunday School teacher for a number of yeais. She was past worthy matron of the Order of the Eastern Star Chapter No. 233 of Yadkinville; and past president of the Woman's Club of Yadkinville. Mrs. Hall also was active in the Parent Teacher Association for 35 years, which she hud served as president. She was chairman of the first committee insirtimcnlal in founding the Yadkin County Library. Surviving arc four daughters, Mrs. Paddison W. Preston of Chapel Hill, Mrs. Jerry Green of Charlotte, Mrs. Eugene Garland of Mount Airy and Mrs. Roy Doub of East Bend; two sons. William Hall of Mocksvillc and David A. Hall of Okinawa; three sisters. Miss Emta Jessup of Asheboro, Mrs. P.. 11. Barnard of Yadkinville and Mrs. 0. L. Williard Jr. of Lewisvilic: and a brother. J. R. Jessup of Westfield. Mis. Ora Miller Smith Mrs. Orj Millei Smith. S4. of Advance. Rt, I. widow of Sunuiel li. .Siniili. died Tuesday niglii at Davic County Hospital. She was lioin in Davie Coitniy lo Tlionus C. aiu) Doicas Ann Milter. She was a fiieinlvi \)t' Beihlehein United Methodist Cliurcii. S 11 1 V i \ mg .lie l In ec duiigliters. Mi^ Puck l-ivsici. and Mis I', f , j-'ostoi \>t MvK.-ks\illc. Ki .L and Mis. (iilmci Rieliio i>l Advance. Ri. 1. a m'm. W \'. Sniiih lU Ad\.nkC. Rt I: .ind a sisici . Mr> .S.itlic pints of MivksvilJc rimcul v'iMCCs vvi'ic licUl TlunsJjs .11 (he llcililv'licin t iiitvil Mclliodisi C'hnicli Ituiial was in llic cliuuli icmciciv , I i.ink .\nilciM>i> .SidJv'ii I niK-i.il scivuo 101 I'l.ink ViulciM'ii Siililcn. .^4. .il Mocksvillc, Rt. 1, were held last Thursday at 5 p. m. at Eaton Funeral Home Chapel. Burial wns in the Elbavitic Methodist Cemetery. Mr. Sidden died July 1st at the Davic County Hospital of a heart attack. He was born in Davic County to Clyde and l-mma Waller Sidden. Ho worked for Heritage Furnituie Company. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Vallic Sidden; three sons. Randy, Andy and Eddie Sidden of the home; his father of Advance; a sister, Mrs. Cliff Hoffman of Lexington. Rt. 8; and a brother, Gary Sidden of Advance, Rt. 2. Bio - Obituaries - 7/10/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 7-OBvfB County Enterprise Record. July 10.1089 Donald A. McCIamrock Funeral services Tor Donald A. McCIamrock. 38, of Mocksville wore held at 2 p. m. Thursday at Eaton*s Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was in the O'a k\ ;;'M e t Cemetery. Mr. Mcaamrock died July 1st of natural causes at Droughton Hospital at Morganton. He was the son of Eliza Sheek McGamrock and the bte Oscar McCIamrock. Surviving are his mother of Mocksville; a sister, Mrs. Everett Smith of Mocksville; and four brothers, Walter, Oscar, Billic and Charlie McCIamrock, of Mocksville. J. H. ROBERTSON, 76 Joseph Henry Robertson, 76, of Rt. 2, Advance, died in Forsyth Memorial Hospital Saturday morning following a few hours illness. A native of Davie County, he was born Oct. IS, 1892, the son of the late Haimon and Delia Tucker Robertson. He was operator and owner of Robertson's Grocery Store in Bixby atid was un elder in Bixby Presbyterian Church. Survivors include the widow. Mrs. Mary Terrell Robertson: four sons. Bill of Kurc Beach. C. T. of Rt. 2, Advance. -Pete of lligit Point and Bob Robertson of CIcmmons; two daughters, Mrs. J. E. Maddox of Johnson City, Tenii.. and Mrs. James Malone of Las Vegas, Nov.. one sister, Mrs. Salllc Potts of Mocksville; two brothers. Hugh of Winston-Salcm, and F. M. Robertson of Advance. Funeral services were conducted Sunday at 5 p. m. in Bixby Presbyterian Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 7/10/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 7/13/1959 , •foger -. KatJedge •MapIe:.Av€nu&- :.•'of, 4411'?.";-RaUedge^"jf^^«- ttf-LatU #fiS75Ci?i jci^ ceie!„7°' Mfthodiji to S'imraor. Bojer V/ retired school ¨; a /member of a/ ^fethodi..rt ChurcL Chapel I ^3thinj' of Wiw » ®repee |jroafcs^iS?°''R( Hunter of Bio - Obituaries - 7/13/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, July 16, 1969 L. F. Williams Of Cooleemee COOLEEMEE - Lewis Franklin Williams, 74. of Cooleemee, died Saturday morning in Davie County Hospital. A native of £>avie County, he was a son of the late Wesley and Julia Baker Williams. He was a retired textile employe and a veteran of World War One. Survivors include an adopted son, Billy Clifton Williams of Kansas City, Mo.; five sisters, Mrs. Prances Massengale of Winston-Salem, Mrs. Elva Smith of Concord, Mrs. Joe Miller (A Salsibury, Mrs. Glad^ Williams and Mrs. Lonnie O'Neal of Cooleemee; two brothers, Joe Williams of Salisbury and Robert Williams of Kannapolis. Mrs. Rottledge Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE — Mrs. Dora Boger Ratiledge. 72, of 441 Maple Ave. dlM today at 9 a.m. at her She was bom Oct. 4, 1896, in Davie County, the daughter of Robert L. and Minnie Sum mers Boger She was a retired scho(d teacher and a member of Union Chapel United Methodist Oiurdi. She is survived by her hus band, Laita B. Rattledge; two sisters, Mrs. Florence Latham of Winston-Salem and Mrs. Agnus Hunter of Rt. 2, Mocksville; and a brother. Guy Boger of Wlnston-Salem. Wllliom E. Coll, 77, Mocksville MOCKSVILLE ~ WiUiam Edgar CaU. 77. of Avon Street, Mocksville, died at his home Sunday morning. A retired employe of the Hoover Chair Comuny, be was a son of the late lltornai and Alice Call. Survives include bis wife, Mrs. Annie Jarvii Call; two daughters, Mrs. Don Fluckhouser of Council Bluff, Iowa, and Mrs. MatMs Miller of Henderson; a son, Harry Lee Call of Mot^ville; a broth«', Grady Call of Route 1, Salisbury; two sisters. Mrs. W. F. Nail ot MocfcavilU and Mrs Jessie Waffiwr of High Point; 12 grandraOdren and five great-grandchildren. Mrs. Broodwoy, 81, Of Advance MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Annie Orrell Broadway^, 81, of Rl. 2, Advance, died Friday at 3:20 p.m. at the Davie County Hospital. She was bom May 6, 1888, in Davie County, the daugbtei of the late B. C. and Angle Williams Orrell. Her husbaiM, Charlie B. Broadway, dM in 1935. She was a member of Elbarton Methodist Chm^. A sister, Mrs. B. L. Koonts of Rl. 4, Lexington, survives. Miss Glileon Of Woodleof Miss Theloia Lorena Giliean of Woodlcaf, died at 1:15 p.m. Saturday at Davie County Hospital m Mocfcsville. She had been in dicliniiig health for asveral months and seriously ill for two munlhs. A native of Rowan County. Mm was bom Aug- IRH to Am. Tray Wacmaee Oiueaii and tbe late Chalfliere Herlan fHtlewi. She worked for a number U years at Rowan Memorial Hospital as nursing supervisor in the operation room, and was then employed at Erwin Mills in Cooleemee. Before her illness, she was associated with Davie County Hospital. She was a member of Unity Presbyterian Church, the Nurses Association and the Woodleaf Garden Club. She is survived by her mother, of the home, two brothers. Kenneth H. GItlean of Woodleaf and Hayden W. Giliean of StatesviJIe Road. Salisbury: a sister, Mrs. Helen Troy Brown of Route 4, Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries - 7/16/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 2*~Divi8 County Entttptto Rteetd, Atly 17,1S68 •MAMMMMMMMMMMMflinflMVMmnWiMflHMHWM LEWIS F.WILUAMS,74 Lewis Franklin Wiltiams, 74, or Coolcemee died Saturd^at Davie County Hospital. The fUncral was held at 4 pjn. Monday at Eaton's Funeral Oiapel. Burial was in Smith Grove Methodist Church cemetery. He was born In Davie County to Wesley and Julia Baker Williams. Surviving arc a son, Billy Clirton Williams of Kansas City, Mo.; five sisters, Mrs. Frances Massengale of Winston*Salem, Mrs. Elva Smith of Concord, Mrs. Joe Miller of Salisbury and Mrs. Gladys Williams and Mrs. Lonnio O'Neal of Cooleemee; and two brothers, Joe Williams of Salisbury and Robert Williams of Kannapolls. WILLIAM EDGAR CALL, 77 William Edgar Call. 77; of Avon Street died Saturday night at home. The funeral was held TUes^y at the First Methodist ^urch. Burial was In Rose Cemetery. He was born In Davie County to Thomas and Alice Reily Coil. He was a retired employe of Hoover Chair Co. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Annie Jarvls Call; two daughters, Mrs. Don Funknauser of Council Bluffs, iowa, and Mrs. Mathlas Miller of Henderson;a son, Harry Lee Call of Mocksville; two sisters, Mrs. W. F. Nail of Mocksville and Mrs. Jessie Wagner of Hi^ Point; and a brother, Grady CallofSali^ury,Rt. 1. MRS. LATTA B. RATLEDGE Mn. Dora Boger Ratledge, 72, of 441 Maple Avenue, wife of Latta B. Ratledge, died Saturday at home. The fUnerd was held Monday moming at Eaton's Funeral Chapd. Burial was in Union Chapel Methodist Oiurch cemetery. She was bom In Davie County to Robert L. and Minnie Summers Boger. She was a retired sdiool teacher and a member of Union Chapel Methodbt Church. Surviving are her husband; two sisters, Mrs, Rorence Latham of WinstomSSlem arid Mrs. Agnes Hunter of Mocksville, Rt. 2; and a brother, Guy Boger of Winaton*Salem. MISS THELMA GILLEAN, 64 Funeral services for Miss Thelma Lomea Gillean, 64, of Woodleaf were held Monday at the Unity Presbyterian Church there. Burial was in the church cemetery. Miss Gillean died Saturday at the Davie County Hospital. She had been in declining health for several months and seriously 10 two months. She was bom August 20, 1904 in Rowan County, daughter, of Mrs. Troy Wetmore POlean and the late Chalmers Harlan Gillean. She was educated in the Rowan County schools and (psduAted Bom the SalUbury School of Nursing in 1931. She worked for a number of years at the Rowan Memorial Hospital as nursing supervisor In the qmrating room, then for some time was employed at Erwin Mills in Cooleemee, and before lut Illness was associated vdth the Davie County Hospital. She was a meniber of the Unity Presbyterian Church, the Nurses Association, and the Woodleaf Garden Qub. She Is survived by her mother, Mrs. TToy Wetmore Gillean of the home; two brothers, Kenneth H. Gillean of Woomeaf and Hayden W. Gillean of StatesvUle Road, Salisbury: onsister, Mrs. Helen Troy Brown of Sdlsbuiy, Rt. A MRS.C. R. BROADWAY Mrs. Annie Orrell Broadway, 81, of Advance, Rt. 2, widow of Charlie R. Broadway, died Friday at Davie County Hospital. The funeral was held Sunder afternoon at Elberton Methodist Church near here. Burial was in the churdi cemetery. She was born in Davie Coun^ to B. C. and An^e Williams Onell. 9ie was a member of Elberton Methodist Church. Surviving is a sister, Mrs. B. L. Koontz of Lexington, Rt. 4. JAMES F.BARNEY James Franklin Barney, 76, of Lexington, Rt. 3, died Monday at toptlst Hospital in Winston-Sal^' The funeral was held Wednesday at Reeds Methodist Church near Lexington. Burial was in Forest 1^ Memorial Fade. He was born In Davie County to John M. and Beuiah Foster Bamey. He was a retired furniture worker. Surviving are his wife, Mn. Grace Allen Bamey; four daughters, Mrs. John Godbey of Lexington, Rt. 8, Mrs. Willie Boone of Lexington, Rt. S, Mrs. aifford Beck and Mrs. Ellis Myers of Lexington, Rt. 3; two sons, Mdvln Bam^ and George Frank Barney of Lexington, Rt. 3; a brother, Sam Bam^ of ModcsvQIe, Rt. 4: and a sister, Mn. Ula Deal ofTaylorsville. Bio — Obituaries - 7/17/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA l-iirtitptiM ftoMttf, Ttuindty, My M, 19N ROBBRTLBAKBR Robert L Bi^er, 69. of Bikenville, Calif., fonneriy of Davie County, died Tuesday July ISth it Bakenvflle. The fbneral aiul burial were hdd PTlday. July 18th at Bakenvule. He was born in Davie County to Robert and Nancy Kendren Baker. Surviving are two wnt, HeH> and Bmest ^er of Mitbuiy: three sitten, Mn. N. B. Flint of Wlnaton*Salem,Mrs. 0. B. Roltinn of MoektvOle, Ri. S, and Mn. Hubert McCuttttoek of MocksvOle, Rt. 2; and three brothers, John Baker of MocksvOte, Rt. S, M. R. Baker of Union Mills and Rale^ B^erofNewYork. Bio - Obituaries - 7/24/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA HOY ADAMS P06T0N Hoy Adams Poston, S7, of 545 Davie Avenue, StateiVlIle, died of natural causes Friday at Baptist Hospital at Winston-Salem. The funeral was held Sunday at Broad Street United Methodist Church. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery. He was born at Statesvllle to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alexander Poston. He was a member of Broad Street United Methodist Church was was chief dectrician at J. C. Steele and Sons. The Poston family made their home in Modcsvhle for many years. Suivivbg are his wife, Mrs. Helen Stewart Poston; two dau^ters, Mrs. John H. Clontz of States^e and Mrs. John C. James of Maiden; his parent of the Shepherds community near Statesvme; a sister Mrs. Paul B. Harwell of Mooresville Rt. 4; and four brothers, Henry H. and W. Tom Poston of Statesville. Howard R. Poston of Van hntys, California, and Kenneth R. Poston of Charlotte. ALVINL BOWLES. 52 Alvin L. Bowles of Washington, D. C. and formerly of Mocksvilie died suddenly In Washington, D. C. Bom July 19,1917. he was the son of the late Amos Lee and Jessie Johnston Bowies. He was a graduate of MocksvlUa High School, class of 1934 and Draughon's Business College, Winston«Salero. A member of D. C. National Guard, 1938*1941, he served In^ the U. S. AriiQf Infantry in European Theatre of War, 1941*1945 and was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received as a result of enemy action on January 17, 1945 inPrance. He was honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the U. S. by reason of dissablliw* Mr. Bowies was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Washl^on, D. C. and the Fraternal Order of Ea^es. Mr. BoWies was not mar^. Survivors include: two brothers, John C. Bovries, Jacksonville, Florida and Worth M. Bowles, Seattle, Washington and four sisters, Alice B. Dolman, Suitland, Maryland, Vera B. Scobey, Glenn Dale, Maryland, Elnora B. LuMr, MocksviUe, N. C., and W. Roberta Bowles, Jacksonvilie, Pla. Memorial services were held at Eaton*s Funeral Chapel, Saturday, July 26 at 2:00 p.m. Interment was In the Jericho Church of Christ cemetery. MRS. BERRY S. NEELY Mrs. Mattie Bameycastle Nedy, 69, of Mocksvilie, Rt. 2, widow of Berry S. Neely, died Sunday at Davie County Homitm. The funeral was held Tuesday at Union Chapel United Methodist Church near MocksvQle. Burial was in the diurch cemetery. She was bom in Davie County to John Wl. and Emma Caudle Bameycastle. She was a retired employe of B and F Manufacturing Co. She was a member of Union Chapel Methodist Church. Surviving are a dau^ter, Mrs. David Daniels of Collinsviile, Va.; a son, Thomas Neely with the U. S. Army at Fort Grodon, Ga.; a sister, Mrs. Lizzie Whiten of Mock^c, Rt. 2; and two brothers, Calvin and William Bameycarile of Mocksvilie, Rt. 2. Bio - Obituaries - 7/31/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILIE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, August 6,1969 Alex Nail Of Rt. 4 Alex t' Niul. 84, ul houie 1. M(K-ksville, died hist Thurs- d.i> al the Dorothea Dix liMspiial in Raleigh lie had been M-nousIs ill fiir six months. Ml- u.is horn in l)a\ le County, the hoii (it the late Thomas and I'eminie Cornal/er Nail He v^as a memlH-r of Kethel Melliixiist Chiirel) Surviving are Ins wife. Mrs Ressie Spry Nail, three sons. Wade K Nail. (Irady P. Nail, and Paul S Nail, of Route 4. M(K-ksville, three ste[>-sons, 0 J Benson of Charlotte. Hayden Reiison of CiM)ieemtH» and J C. McCullough of Mwksville; a brother. Henry L Nail of W i n sIo n•S a 1 c m ; eight grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. Funeral services were con- duel^ Saturday at 4 p.m at Eaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Robert Frost. Burial was on Turrentine Baptist Church Cemetery. Mrs. Fleming Of Woodleaf MOTKSVILLE - Mre. Connie Knox Fleming of R(. i, Woodleaf. died early to^y at the Rowan Memorial Hosfntal She is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Euialia Flem ing of New York, N, Y.. Mrs, R^rl Cowan and Mrs William Neely, both of Salistmry, Mrs. William Haike of Baftimore. Md . and Mrs, Delbert Phifer of Greensl>oro; and five sons. James Fleming of Mocksville, Everett Fleming and Ralph Fleming, both of Salisbury, Bruce Heniing of Washington, D. C., and James Fleming Jr. of Fayeltevllle. Mrs. Ncely, 58, Of Dovie County MOCKSVILLE - Mra. Betty Bell Neely. 58, of Davle County died Wedrieaday at the Davie County HoapiUl foUowing a long illness. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Janie Fortune and Mrs. Addie Neely. both of CooleemM, and Mrs Eleaf>or Faulkner of Advance, three sons. William Paul Neely, Carlee Neely. and Thomas Nee ly, all of Cooleemee; two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Carter of Cooleemee and Mrs. Katie Fleming of Mt. Ulla; and one brother. Will White of Cioleemee. Bio - Obituaries - 8/6/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA I - ENTERPRtSE-RECORD. THURSDAY. AUGUST 7.19BS ALEX C. NAIL, 84 Alex C. Nail, 84, of Mocksville, R(. 4, died Thursday at Dorothea Hospital at Raleigh. The funeral was held Saturday at Baton^s Fuiteral Chapel. Burial was in Turentine Baptist Church cemetery near Mr^sWlle. He was born in Davie County to Thomas and Pemmfe Comapter Nail, ne was a member or Bethel Methodist Church. - Surviving are his wife, Mn. Bessie Spry Nail; three sons, Wade P., tirady P. and Paul S. Nad of Moeksville, Rt. 4; a stepson, J. C. McCullough of Moeksville; and a brother, Henry L. Nail of Wlnston.SaIem. MRS. BETTY BELL NEELY Mrs. Betty Bell Neely, 58, of Davie County died July 30th at the Davie County Hospital following a long illness. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. lanie Fortune and Mrs. Addie Neely, both of Cooleemee, and Mrs. Beanor Faulkner of Advance; three sons, William Paul Neely, Carlee Neely, and Thomas Neely, all of Cooleemee; two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Carter of Cooleemee and Mrs. Katie Romine of Mt. Ulla; and one brother. Will White of Cooleemee. Funeral services were conducted Saturday at 3 pjn. at Falrfleld Baptist Church by the Rev. F. D. Beck. Burial was in the churdi cemetery. MRS. EDGAR L. EVANS Mrs. Amanda Pettyfoid Evans, 93, of 320 Lexington Street, Moeksville, widow of Dr. Edgar L. Evans, died Saturday at her home. The funeral was held Monday at Moeksville Second Presbyterian Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. She was bom at Moeksville. She was a member of Moeksville Second Presbyterian Chur^. JAMES A. SHORT James Arthur Short, 58, father of James R. Short of Crestview Drive, Mocks>dlle, died Monday at Wesley Long Ho^itai in Greensboro. He had been ill one year. Short was a Surry County native and resident of Rt. I, Randleman. He was a stone mason. Funeral services were held at 4 p. m. Wednesday at First Baptist Church. Burial was in Marlboro Friends Cemetery near Randleman. - Survivors are widow. Mrs. Katlileen Reynolds Short; sons, James R. Snort of Moeksville end Bobby Joe Short of Rt. 2;Srents, Mr. and Mrs. James L. ort of Rt. 1; brother, Fred Short of Greensboro; sisters. Mrs. Earl Abston of Rt. I and Mrs. James Howell of Asheboro. Bio - Obituaries - 8/7/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 6>Davie County Enterprise Reeon), Wednesilay, Aupuit 13, IfiEC WALTIiR ROWAN CRAVKR Waller Rowan Cravcr, 85, of Advance, Rl. 2, died Friday at home. The funeral was nctd Sunday at Mocks United Methodist Church. Burial was In Fulton Methodist Church cemetery. He was hnm in Davidson County to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cravcr. He was a retired farmer. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Annie Phelps Cravcr; two daughters, Mrs. O. A. Powers of Louisville, Ky., and Mrs. W. H. Wyatt of Moeksville, Rl. 3; a son, Lawrence Cravcr of Advance. Rt. 2; two sisters, Mrs. Manuel Zimmerman and Mrs. Fred Leonard of Welcome; a half-sister, Mrs. Ed Wagoner of Welcome: and a brother, Curtis Cravcr of Winston-Salem. CALEB JACKSON ALDRIDGE. Caleb Jackson Aldridgp, 68, of Lexington, Rt. 3 died suddenly August Sth at his home. Funeral services were held Friday at the Tyro Baptist Church with the Rev. Jack Sharpe and tlie Rev. Tommy Walls offlciathig. Interment was in the Churchland Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery. Mr. Aldridgc was born in Stanley County on August 27, 1900 to Henry and Lillie Kiser Aldridgc. He was a retired farmer and furniture worker. He is survived by his wife. Mrs. Blanch Spry Aldridge of the home; seven daughters, Mrs. Lillie Mac Owens and Mrs. Paulcilc Hutchins of Lcxingtun, Rt. 3; Mrs. Ruby Cravcr of Lexington, Rt. 9; Mrs. Nancy Robbins of Moeksville; Mrs. Phyllis Tysinger and Mrs. Alice Wood of Lexington Rt. 10: and Mrs. Dailec Rumfclt of Lexington. Four suns; C. B. Aldridge and Caleb J. Aldridgc, Jr. of Thomasville; Lawrence Cecil Aldridgc of Lexington Rt. 3; and Martin J. Aldridge of Salisbury; one sister, Mrs. Leia lltnson of Salisbury; 28 grandchildrcn and 3 grcai-^ndchildrcn. MRS.AMENDA EVANS Mrs. Aincnda Pc(iyfc,rd Evans, 93, of 320 Lcxing'ton Street, widow of Dr. Edge .r L. Evans, died Saturday Aug* jst 2 at Iter home. Tlic funcra was . held Monday Au^st 4 at the Second Presbyterian fjhurch. Reverend F. D. Johny jnoflich atcd. Burial with Cirtler of Eastern Star Rites w us In the Church Ccmctcr> •. She is survived by four n Icccs, Mis. Mary Woodruff and Miss Margaret Wuo,druff of Moeksville, Mrs. H latic Frost of New London, Co nn., and Mrs. William Kyrudr l of Boston, Mass.; and II nee nephews, Arg;iHus Frost of Cleveland, Ohio, Amircw' Woodruff, Sr. of Moeksville, and Andrew W o o d r u r f , Jr. of Winstou-Salcr n. MRS. EVA ' FARR GRAHAM Funeral rites for Mis. Eva Parr Ci aham were held Sunday. Aucmi 10 at 2:30 Sm. at the Ml. Zion Bapti st lurch at Boydcn Quarter;s. Reverend David Houst on offlciatcd. Burial was in 'the church cemetery. Mtrs. Grahamdied on Friday, Au gust 8 at the Davic County Hospital. She Is survivetj by tlircc sons, Newton Fan of New York City, Allen F un of Concord, N. C. and 14athan Purr of Moeksville; one dau^lcr, Mis. Sophia F. Ellis of Barbers, N. C.; two Firothers, Russell Jceter of Saliriiury and Phillip Jceter of Dunn Mountain, N. C.; fo'ur sisters, Mrs. Essie Crosby and Mrs. Lola Jceter of Dunn Mountain, Mrs. Liazie Horn and Mhrs Daisy Jeetcr of Ncv/ York Cify; and twenty-four ffrandchfldnm and forty great g'randchOdre^n. Bio - Obituaries - 8/13/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, August 13,1969 Foster Funeral Funeral services for James Harold Foster, 46. of Holly Park. Route 9. Salisbun'. were conducted Thursday aftemoon at 3 p.m. at the Blilford Hills United Methodist Church by the Rev. Harold Wri^t. pastor. Burial was at Snitb River United Meth(Kii8t Church cemetery. Pallb^rers were J. P. Tiex- ler, N. M. Jordan. B. L. Safrit, K. L. Honeycutt. R. J. Leonard, and K. B. Keen Jr. Mr. Foster died Tuesday at 11:90 a.m. at the Rowan Memorial Hoqiital. He was bom May 28, 1923, in Washington, D. C.. the sim of Samuel L. and Lucille Campbell Foster or Rt. 1. Geveland. A graduate of Woodieaf High School, he had been associated with the Southern Bell Telphcme Co. in the plant department for 27 years. He was a member ctf the Milford Hills United Methodist Church and the Telephone Pioneers of Amorica. During World War II, he served with the U.S. Army Air Force. Mrs. Groham. 87. Of Mocksviiie Mrs. Eva Graham. 87. of Rt. 4, Moxdisville. died ^iday* 4:20 a.m. at the Davie County Hoiq>ltal in MocksviUe. Sie had bera in declining health fm* several numiis and seriously ill for three days. She was bom May 3. 1882, in Unhrn. S. C*. the danghter of late Bfike and BCary Jet- UT. Educated hi Unkm. 8. €., schools, rile was a member of tte MocksviUe Church of Christ. Also surviving are his wife, Mrs. Margaret McKinney Foster, whom he married Apru 2, 1943; a son. Sammy Foster of the home; two daughtm, Mrs. Lanny Bost of Rt. 9. Salisbury, and Mrs. Claude M. Peeler Jr. ol Granite Quarry; two brothers, Samuel Spencer Foster of Cooleemee and Ken neth D. Foster of Rt. 1. Cleveland; and one grandchild. Mrs. David Potts. Rt. 3. Mocksviiie MOCKSVIUJE - Mrs. Sallie Robertson Potts, 77, ri Mocksviiie, Rt. 3, widow of David J. Potts, died Thursday' at Davie County Hosidtal. She was bom in Davie County to Harmon and Adelia Tuck^ Robmison. She was a memb^ of Comatzer Methodist Church. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Magdaline McCullough and Mrs. Evelyn Stewart Mocksviiie, Rt. 3. Mrs. Annie Davis of Advance. Rl. 1, Mrs. MiUicent Pedrow ol Winston- Salem and Mrs. £lva Hmidrix of Advance, Rt. 2; two sons, Ralph Potts of Mocksviiie, Rt. 3 ami C. C. (Bill) Potts of Winston-Salem; and two brothers, Hugh Robertson ci Winston8alem and Ftlmore Robmlson of Advance. Bio - Obituaries - 8/13/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, August 20,1969 Roy Mfhitoker Of Mocksville -Smt Adun Whtttfnr, n. fif Itt. A Modeilliek dtodSehedigrat the Mr. Whitihcr was bon In Devie CoDBlar» the eon ef the late Marvin end Mtty Howard Whttafcer. He waa a Birwdiri of Donas United MelhodisI Ghnrefa and was an Sandviad are Ma wHa Mia. Wfanlnr; three dant^tm. Mrs. PMIs WOBaflM M Mia. David Raheo cf & % Mechsville, and Mra. Linda rave wwiaawr oi me nowie; Orae aoaiLBflW Aivin Whttakw, Rdbaft&wSUnr. mdtahv Jt Moehsvffie; and UWUBl^ «. r. of Wloaten-Salom and Tom WhttakcrofRL8»Mecl0ViDe. ' Williom FMwr Of Moekttrjlle MOCKSVILLE - William Fisto, M. of Rt I, Mocksville, died Thesday at the VA Honitai in Salisbiiry. He waa boni Sept 19, iflB, in Oavie County the son Of Mr. and * Mrs. Ftank Fisher of Rt i, Woodteaf. Surviviim are Us wife, Mrs. Bes^ Fisher; three daiwhters, Bfrs. Callie Leach of StatesviDe, Mrs. Dolores KeiW of Rt I, Advance, and Miss Phyllis Fisher of the home; three sons,Calvin Fisher, Pl^ Fisher, and Jerry Flshwr, all of the home; four dstera, Mrs. Rdna Scott and Miss Naomi Fisher, both of Rt 1, Woodtoaf, Mrs. Josephine Hamilton of WasMiigton: D. C., and Mrs. Blaagie Bailey of StatesviDe; andr three brothers, James Fisliar and Samuel Fliw, both statiooed in the U.S. Army, and Jonas Fishor of Rt l, Mocksville. Bio - Obituaries - 8/20/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 6-0iv(8 County EntstiiHia Rseord. August 21,1669 FATHER T. A.WILUAMS Father Thomas A. Williams, 62, or 124 South Uoyd Street. Salisbury, pastor of St. Francis Catholic duirch In Mocksvilte, died Saturday momiag, August 16, at his residence. Death was due to an apparent heart attack. A native of Boston. Mass.. Ite was graduated from Mount Saint Mary*s Seminary in Emniitsbury. Md. and had been a priest in tlie Raleigli diocese '* since his ordination in 1933. He came to Salisbury in 1966 from a pastorate in Clinton. He also was cliaplain Tor Catholics at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Salisbury and served as pastor of Our Lady of Victories church there. He is survived by Tour nieces and a nephew. Ret|uicin Mass was celebrated at 3 p. m. Tuesday at Sacred Heart of Catholic Church. The Most Rev. Vincent S. Waters, bishop of tlic Ralci^t diocese presided. ' Burial was In Bclmont Abbey Cemetery. Belnurnt. The body remained at Summcrscit Funeral Home until taken to Sacred Heart Caihi4ic Church at 7 p. m. Monday where the OrTtce of the Dead was prayed at 7:30 p. m. ROY ADAM WHITAKBR Roy Adam Wliilaker. .19. of Mocksville. Ri. 3. died of natural causes Sunday at Rowan Menwrial Hospital at &lisbury. Tlie funeral was held Tuesday at Eaton's Chapel. .Burial was in Dulins United Methodist Church Cemetery. He was born in Davie County to Marvin and Maty Howard Wliitaker. He was a member of Puitns United Methodist Church. He was an employe of Heritage Furniture Co. Surviving ate his wife. Mrs. Magalene farter Wliitaker; three dau^diieis. Mis. Felix Williams of MiKksvUie. Mrs. David Rabon of Miwksville. Ri. 3. and Miss Linda Faye miitaker of the home; three sous. Roy Alvin. Robei t S. and Steven C. Wliitaker of Mocksville, Rt. two sisters. Mis. Z. R. Cartel of Mocksvilte. Rt. 3. and Miss Ethel Wliitaker of Mocksville; and two hrotlieis. J. F. Wliitaker of Winsioii'Salem and Tom Wliitaker of MiK*ksville, Rt . 3. LEWIS DALTON Lewis Dalton, 90, of Harmony, Rt. 1. was dead August 12th whan he arrived at Ircddl Memorial Hospital. The funeral was held Tliursday Aunast 14th at New Jerusalem Holing Oiurch here.. Burial was in the church cemetery. He was bom in Iredcll County to Amos and Liza Dalton and was a member of New Jcrusolem Holiness Church. Ho was a retired farmer. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lydis Dalton; two daugjiters. Misses Mae Lizzie and Thelma Dalton of Winiton*Salem: two sons, Lewis C. Dalton of Baltimore, Md., and L. D. Dalton of Mocksville; two stcpdauglttcrs, Mrs. Ida Wilson and Mrs. Keath Caldwell of WInston-Salcm; two stepsons. Boyce and Hobert Redmond of Statcsville; two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Carruili of Columbus. Ohio, and Mrs. Zephcr Crawford of Baltimore. Md.; and two hrotliers. Issac Summers of Baltimore. Md.. and Agusius Dalton of Siatcsville. WILLIAM L. FISHER William L. Fisher. 45. of Mocksville. Rt. I. died of natural causes August I3tli at the Vetcran\ Administration homital in Salisbury. lie was born in Davje County to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fislier and was a member of Rock Hilt Chuicli of Christ. Surviving arc lits wife. Mrs. Bessie Rccds Fislier; three dauglitcrs, Mrs. CalHe Leach of StaiesviJIe. Mrs. Oelorcs Kelly of Advance. Rt. I. and Miss Pliyllis Fidier of the home; three sons. Calvin William. Fliiliip Allen, and Jerry Wayne Fisher of the home: tour sisters. Mrs. Eda Scott and Miu Naomi Fisher of Woodteaf, Mrs. Jotephiiie liiiiiilion of Waslittigion. D. C.. and Mrs. Ma^e Bailey of Siatesvllle; ana ^hree hioihers. James and Samuel Fislier of the V. S. Anil), and JiHia* Fislier of Mivksville. Bio - Obituaries - 8/21/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ■'EBSBISB l4-*^Qf fHA^T^n«'»;#« i_ .H [)ckswlle, >>GpuntK4'oi: anurhberof yeara/* ;?£j 'y Survivuig, are ,thjrw;daugV-1!.^j€rS};Mi;s/iyera:;Dwig^ns'vand ii , y-^ .A *^v».v* V** J•: seven grandchildren;,-and five': L; grea t-grahd children 'yiV?;-.'': {v'.jff-t Funer^'services"-will be^;c6n-'!-? I member,--by^. the-Rev.rBenny • k Beprden-^ahrf^tHe TRey.t Mi G 'vpEryirii^ Burial .Vill-^be' at* the|, church'cemetery.'j. : The body will remain at the ;• ;.,Eaton-F^uneraI Home^until;.place^.m the church 30 riiinutes ;i;|)efore.lheaei:yices.;ThefamUy Ij.willrecPive friends at the funer-if^js^>9^.ilomg^?^.fromrto>. ; 9- i-y- 'i?C^ DAVIE CO, PUBLIC MOCKSVILlE WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 8/27/1969 ta A^BPdSRUBSMaM^JjyUllllAlflO^K S^'L9 -y .'at' Davie•JdledT^S i7.-iiii! LBqHal .wDl[i-gemetety." '• • .".-jg I. A Va UMif ltAn%was. bom ^ ' .$> Mr. and aiK. -Jbt , ;.He was a reteedl-iam^aM :• a. member .o£'"JBi(Jlw>rA^ • ;to Char^ '1 Salving' are ' 8^":f&u^ter, Mrs. Louise,-Wright .ot WasUagtoa, D.C.;.:.andl-8r.sou WaUfaen'ihithreU of 'tTew^orir Eelsey ^evJtody jisj;a^WobIe»^aa4 elsey '^Fudferal*'. Home''.* at .Salisbury. Ur^S. <c)«t^*:n4L %■ -11- IHf Bio - Obituaries - 8/27/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, August 27,1969 Tony Fleming Funeral services for Tony Eugene Fleming 19. of 409 Gold Hill Dr.. who was killed last lliursduy in a 12; 15 p.m. air* plane crash, were conducted Saturday at 4 p.m. at. Emma nuel Baptist Churdi. of which he was a member, by the Rev. Joe Richards, pastor, and the Rev. Gary Chapman, a fwrner pastor. Burial was at Rowan Memorial Park. Mr. Fleming was born July 8, 1950. in Rowan County, the son ol Matthew Eugene Fleming, rormer resident of Cooleemee. and Ruth Linebarger Fleming ol 409 Gold Hill Dr. A 1968 graduate of East Rowan High School, he was a so|;:^omore at Pfeiffer College in Mis- enheimer. Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. Cliff Mize of 134 Dunham Ave.; the maternal grand mother. Mrs. W. J. Eller of Salisbury, and the maternal great-grandfather. I. J. Line barger of Salisbury. Mr. Fleming is also the neph ew of Mrs. Raymond House of Cooleemee. Mrs. Loird, 73, MOCKSVILLE - Mrs Effie Bameycastle Laird. 73. of Hi. 3. Mocksville. died Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. at the Davie County Hospital She was born April 4.1896. in Davie County, the daughter of the late Thomas and Isabell Foster Bameycastle Hw hus- t)and. Oscar Lee Laird, died in 1942 She was a meml)er of Dulin s Cnited Methodist Church. Surviving are a daughter. Mrs. Lois Trivette of Rt. 3, M<Kksville; three sons. George Laird of Hanes and Raymond Laird and Elage Laird, b^ of Ri 3. Mocksville: a sister, Mrs Ada Howard of Rt. 3, Modt svillc: and three brothers, Phil lip Bameycastle. Willis Bam eycastle, and Herbert Barn eycastle, all of Rt. 3, Mock sville. Henry Doniel ' MOCKSVILLE - Henry MU- •".Damel. 83. of Rt. 4. Mock- sville, ffied Sunday night at his home. He v«s bom Nov. 12. 1885. in Davie Cointty, the son late Bryant and Sallie BfoGuUough Daniel. A retired carpenterrEe was a member oi Liberty United Metbocfist Church. Surviving are Iub wile. Mrs. Jesuie Eaixabeth Cable Daniel; two daughters. BIrs. Henry El ler ol Spencer and Mrs. FVancesClark of Rt. 4, Mocksville; a son. Robert Daniel at Mock sville; Rve grandcblldm; a sister. Miss Emma Daniel of Rt.4, Mocksville: and a tvoCfaer, Jess Daniel of itt. 4, Mocksville. Ernest Moore COOLEEMEE - Ernest Clayton Moore, 59, of 45 Watts St. died Sunday at the VA Hospital in Salisbury. He was bom May 27.1910, in Henry County, Va., the son of Bertha McBiw Motnre of An ton. Va.. and the late Eli John Mocwe. Also surviving are his wife, Mrs. Thelma Mdf<Hrd Moore; a son. Teddy Moore of Salisbury; a sister. Mrs. Irene Squires of Edenton; a brother, Lewis H. Moore of New York; and two grandchildren. Roy Spry, 69, MOCKSVILLE ~ Roy Vestal Sprv &■., 69, of Rt. 4, Mock sville, died Thursday at the Rowan Memorial Homtal. He was bom July 28, 1900, in Davie County, the son dt the lateLuther and Liila Hendrix Spry.He was a member of tte tur- renline Baptist Church. Surviving are a wife, Bfrs.Lena R. Spry; three daughters,Mrs. Jobi^ W. Heilard, Mrs. James Swicegood, and BIrs. Evalina Cope, all of Rt. 4.Mocksville; a son, R. V. .tey Jr. of RL 4, Blocksville; a Sim*, BIrs. Glemi MrPaniete of Cool eemee; three brothers, Ray tey Cooleemee, Jack of^ 5, Win8loo-8Blem,aiidSher- inanSpryof Raleigb: tSgrand-children; and two great-grand children. Bio - Obituaries - 8/27/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, August 27,1969 W. H. Cuthrell — William H. E. Son Churdi, Fannington. SurviVors include one son. A Walthen CutltreU of New York ® daughter, filrs. Louise f®; ^ WasWngtoo. D.C.; 16 hmn^ii?2?ae »f? FiS' grandchildren and 17-greai-lyell. He was a member of M. grandchUdren. Bio - Obituaries - 8/27/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 28, 1969 - Page 1 Pfc. Richard McCulston Is Killed In Vietnam An»y Pfc Hjrvcy Richard McCuision, P), of Advance. Rl. 1 was killed in action in Vietnam on August t9(li. He is the ion of Jackson H. and Usllier Glascoc McCuiston of Winn Mock Farms. Pfc. McCuiston was stationed at Chu Lai and was a member of the Aniericat Division, |96th Inlanlr)'. At (Jte time lie was killed, he had been in Vietnam only 8-weeki and } days. He attended Davie County Higl) School, enlisting in the Army lail January, He received Ills basic training at Fort Bragg and his advanced training at Fort McClellan. SuTvivinj arc his parents of Advance Rl. I: two sisters, Mrs. S. M. Fuller of Advance Rt. I , and Miss Laura Jacqueline McCuiston of the home; a brother, Ronald Herman McCuiston of the home; and his grandfather. R. H. McCuiston of Murganton. Funeral services will be con ducted at 2 p.m. Thursday at CIcmmani Moravian Church by the Rev. Burton Ri^ls and Dr. Samuel J. Tesch. Buri al with military rites will be In the church graveyard. Pfc. McCuIKOA B ~ Otvit County Eirttrpriso-nKonI, Au|utt 28,1868 Henry Daniel Henry Milton Daniel, 83, of Rl. 4, Mucksvillc. died Sunday night, August 24 at his home. He was born Nov. 12,188S, in Davie County, the son of the ialc Bryant and Sallic McCullougli Daniel. A retired carpenter, he was a member of Liberty Unilcd Methodist CliurcJ}. Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. Jennie Elizabeth Coble Daniel; two daugiitcrs, Mrs. Henry Ullcr of Spencer and Mrs. Frances Clark of Rt. 4. Mucksvllle; a son, Robert Daniel of Mocksville; Hve grandchildren; a sister, Miss Umma Daniel of Rl. 4, Mocksville; and a brother, Jess Daniel of Rl. 4, Mocksville. Funeral services were condiielcd Tuesday at p.m. at Liberty United Methodist Churcli by the Rev. Robert Frost. Burial was at the church cemetery. W.II.Cuilirclt Funeral services lor William H. Cmluell. 98. of Rt. 5, Mocksville. were conducted Wednesday, August 27 at 2 p.m. at Bethany AME Zion Clturelt in Fanningion by the Rev. Raymond Halrstoii. Burial was at the church cemetery. He died Saturday. August 23 in Mocksville. A retired farmer. Mr. Cuihrell was bom Dec. 25. 1870. in Farniingion. son of Joe Cuihrell. He was a member of M. E. Zion Church. Famungjon. Survivors include one son. Walthcn Cuihrell of New York City; a daueliier. Mrs. Louise Wriglil of Wasliington. D. C.; 16 grandchildren adn 17-|reaigrandcliiJJren. Bio - Obituaiics - 8/28/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Ifl-^-Davie County Ewtefprise Record, Attgurt 28, tW Thomas Aaron Vinzant TItomas Aaron Vanzant, 84, of MockavQIe, Rt. t, died Sunday, August 24, at Davis Hospital at Statesi^le. The ftinetal was hdd at 2 pjn. Tuesday at Center United Methodist Church near Mocksville. Burial was In the dturch cemetery. He was born in Davle County to Thomas W. and Emily Hanes Vanzant. He was a member of Center United Methodist Church and was a retired deputy deik of DavJe County Court. Surviving are three dauAters, Mrs. Veia Dwtegins and Mrs. Mazle MerriQ of Mocksidle, Rt. I, and Mrs. W. Floyd Tutterow of StatesviUe. Ernest Clayton Moore Ernest Clayton Moore, 59, of 45 Watts Street, Cooleemee died Sunday at the Veteran*s Administration hospital at Salisbury. The funeral was held Tuesday at Eaton*s Chapel at Mocksville. Burial was in Cooleemee LcMon Memorial FUrk. He was bom in Henry County, Vs. to Elijhon and Berta McBride Moore. He was employed by "C" Barbecue at Mock^Dle. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Setma Medford Moore; a son, Teddle R. Moore of 528 N. Shaver Street, Salisbury; his mother of Axton, Va.; a sister, Mrs. Irene Squires of Edenton; and a brother, Louis H. Moore of New York, N.C. Roy Vestal Spry, Sr. Roy Vestal Spry, Sr., 69, of Mocksville, Rt. 4, died Thursday at Rowan Memorial Hospital at Salisbury. The Aineral was held Saturaay at Eaton's Chapel. Burial was in Turrentine Baptist Church cemetery near Mocksville. He was in Davle County to Luther and Lula Hendrix Spiy. He was a member of Turrentine Baptist Church and was a retired employee of the Southern RaQway. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lena R. Spry; three dau^ters, Mrs. Johnny W. Hellard, Mrs. James Swice^d and Mrs. Evallna Cope of Mocksville, Rt. 4; a son, R. V. Spry Jr. of Mocksville, Rt. 4; a lister, Mrs. Glenn McDaniel ofCooteeniee; and three brothers, Ray Spry of Cooleemee, Jai^ Spry of Winston«SaIem, Rt. S, and Sherman Spiy of Ralei^. Thomas R. Cope Funeral services for Thomas Ray Cope, 79, of Rt. 3, Mocksville, were conducted Thursday, August 21, at 5 pjn. at Eaton's Funei^ Home Chapel by the Rev. Roy Young and the Rev. Dale Suggs. Burial was at Rose Cemetery. He died Wednesday. August 20th at Dmothea Dix Hospital in Raleigh. He was born in Davle County to Godfrey and Qlza Myers Cope and was a retired employee of the Heritage Furniture Co. here. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Etlwl Langston Cope; three daughters, Mrs. Gladys Dennis of Virginia Beach, Va., Mrs. Mary Swain of Burlington and Mrs. Carolyn Hdweck of Wilmington; two sons, Radford Cope of Greensboro and Wiuiam Crqte of Baltimore, Md.; four stepdau^lers. Mrs. CaAerine Knl^t of Rock HDl, S. C., and Mrs. Margaret Worley, Mrs. Lorlne Brooks and Mrs. Bessie (River of Lexington; a stepson, Ray Thompson of Georgia; three dsters, Mrs. Betsy Brc^don of Burlington, Mrs. Loula Helen of ter^gton and Mrs. Sadie McMaster of Lexington; and a brother, John Cope of Lexington. Mrs. Effic Laird Mrs. Effle Barneycastle Laird, 73, of Rt. 3,Mocktvi0e, died Wednesday. August 20 at 4:30 pan. at the Ca^'County ~ Hrwital. Sme was bom April 4,1896, in Davie County, the dav^ter of the late Thomas and Isabell Foster Barnevcastle, Her husband, Oscar Lee Laird, dkd in 1942. She was a member of Dulin's United Methodbt Church. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Lois Trivette of Rt. 3, Module; three sons, George Laird of Hanes and Raymond Laird and Elage Laird, both of Rt. 3, Modcsville; a sister, Mrs. Ada Howard of Rt. 3, MocksvBle; and three brothers, Phillip Barneycastle, Willis Barneycastle, and Herbert Barn^castle, aU of Rt. 3, Mocks^e. Funeral services were conducted Friday at 2 pjn. at Cornatzer United Methodist Church by the Rev. Artis Payne and Eugene Bennett. Burial was at the churdi cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 8/28/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, September 3,1969 W. H. Wetmore, At90Yeors WiUiam Hall W^more. 90, of Rt. 1, Woocfleaf.diedTtiesdayat 2:10 p.m. at the Rowan Me- marial Rental, where he had beoi a patient fm* two weeks. He was bom Aug. IL 1879. in Rowan County, the son of the late Samuel and Molly Hart Wetmore. Educated in Rowan County schools, he was a farm er ai^ a member of United Presbyterian Church. His wife, the former Miss Elizabeth Baile>'. died in 1947. and his second wife, the former Miss Katherine Fleming, sur vives. Also surviving are three sons. William S Wetmore of Rt. I. Woodleaf. Thomas Hugh Wet more of Raleigh, and Edwin Hall Welmore of Rt. I. Cleve land. two step-sons. J. W Thompson Jr. of Greensboro and Paul S. Thompson of Cin cinnati. Ohio; two daughters. Mrs Walter Kluttz of Rt. ]. Cleveland, and Mrs. Keith Kluttz of Rt 1. Woodleaf; two stepdaughters. Mrs. N. I^Cos- tanzo of Chapel Hill and Mrs William Baxton of Bronx. N. Y.; a brother. C Hetier Wetmore of Rt 1. WiKidleaf: five sisters. D. R. Biockwood, Of Cooleemee Mrs. C H Gillean and Mrs. J. E. Dickens, both of Rt. I. Wood- leaf. Mrs O. T. Nesbit and Mrs. A G. Etheridge. txith of Wood- leaf. and Mrs. W. P. Moore of Salisbury; 24 grandchildren; ar l ' great-grandchildren. 'Red' Dovis William Jones "Red"' Davis, 68, died in Wilmington, N. C. Hospital of a heart attack. Davis was born in Coolccniec, the son 4>f Billy and Clistia Angell Davis. Survivors include his widow. Mrs. Willie Davis: four brothers, Jeff and Dallas Davis of Cliarlotle; Sanford Davis of Albemaric; Vance Davis of Sali^ury: two sisters, Mrs. Etta Falvcy of Cliarlotte and Mrs. Olta Coble also of Charlotte, Mrs. Grant Smith and Mr. C. J. Angell of Mocksville were first cousns. S — Dtavkl Ray BlaciEwood, 57, of Oootoemee, tfied FlrMav at Davie Ctmnty Ho^la! at MocfcsviOe. A native of Uavie Cousty, ne was a member of the Cooleeniee United Melhofisl Cfaurch. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ruby Sedtierry Black- wood; a Sim, Bobby Ray Black- wood of Ccxdeemee; and two sisters. Mrs. Ora Boger of Cod- eemeeand Mrs. L. M. Daltond libby.Mont. Bio - Obituaries - 9/3/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 ~ OAVIE ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. 8EPTCI(|y^^^ Willie J(^n Smoot. 78. or Mockfville. Rt. S, died Sunday Aums(3i athJshome. He wai born in Davie» County. He was a member of' Cedar Creek Baptist Church. ; Surviving are three daughters. Miss Maiv K. Smoot i of the home. Mrs. Luna * VanEaion of Manhattan. N. Y. and Mrs. Delphue L. Jackson of New York. N. Y.: two sons. Kimber Smoot of New York. N. Y. and Howard Coltrain of Randleman: three sisters. Mrs. Doushka Blackwell of Statesville. Mrs. Luna Campbell of Bridgrport. Conn., and Mrs. Clara B. Phillips of Winston*Salem; and three brothers. Wade Smoot of Lexington, and A. C. and Paul Smoot of WinstomSalem. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 4 p.m. at Cedar Creek Baptist Cliurch. Burial was in the church cemetary. e - DAVIE EN7EHPHISE "'.'i n, 1969 WILLIAM JONLS DAVIS William Jones "Red" l>avij. 68, died in Wilinini'.it>ii. N. V. Hospital of a hcaii aiiaek. Davit was born in Cooiccincv. the ton of Billy and Clisitj Angcll Davis. Siiivivius iiuliidc hit widow. Mis. Willie Davis; four brothers. JciT and Dallas Davit of Chariottc. Saniord Davis of Albenwrlc. Vaiuv Davit of Salisbury; ixvv\ visiers. Mrs. Etta Falvcy of Ctiailoiic and Mrs. Olla Coble aho oi Cfiarlotle, Mis. Gruni Kniitli and Mr. C. J. Aniiell oi Mocksville were in si cousins. Funeral services will In- liel.l at Summertcit Funefjl lionk* in Salltbuiy Wednesday. September 3. at 2 00 p.m Burial will be ni Rove (Vniei at Mocktviilc. Bio - Obituaries - 9/4/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 4,1969 - Page 3B MRS. SANFORD O. EVANS Mrs. Opal Flinchum Evans. 49, of Adrance, Rt. I, wife of San ford Odcll Evans, died Saturday of natural causes at Iredell Memorial Hospital In Statesvitle. The funeral was held at 2 p. m. Monday at mrs Grove Baptist Church in ^rry County. Burial was In the church cemetery. She was bom In Surry County to Floyd H. and Cora Boyd Boles Flinchum and was a member of HilFs Grove Baptist Churdi. Surviving are her husband; a dauj^ter, Mrs. Phyllis Souther of Cooleemee; a son, Donald R. Evans of Arlington, Va.; four sisters, Mrs. Mack Campbell, Mrs. Mitchell Hooper and Mrs. J. W. Pulp of Statesville and Mrs. Leonard Mario of Harmony; and a brother, Bert Flinchum of Statesville. DAVID RAY BLACKWOOD David Ray Blockwood, 57, of Cooleemee, died of natural causes Friday at Davie County Hospital at Mocksville. The flineral was held at 3 p. m. Sunday at Cooleemee United Methodist Church. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. He was born in Davie County to David Oliver and Mary Malone Blackwood. He was a member of Cooleemee United Methodist Church and was a merchant. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ruby Sedbcrry Blackwood; a son, Bobby Ray Blackwood of Cooleemee; and two sisters, Mrs. Oia Boger of Cooleemee and Mrs. L. M. Dalton of Ubby, Mont. HENRY ROWAN BOGER The funeral of Henry Rowan Boger, S4, of3885 Leo Street, retired owner and operator of Boger*s Garage on Indiana Avenue, was conducted at 4 p. m., Thursday. August 28th at Hayworth Miller Cliapel by the Rev. James H. Roim. Burial was in Woodland Cemetery, Forwth County. Mr. Bowr died Tuesday night at Forsyth Memorial Hospital, Winslon«Saiem. He was born in Davie County to D. Jacob and Nancy Blackwood Boger. He had operated his sarage on Indiana Avenue for 30 years. He retired in 1968. Surviving are a brother. Jerry S. Boger of Winston<SaIem, Rt. 8, and several nieces and nephews. U C. 600E Luther Geveland Booe Sr., 75, of 257 Stickney Avenue, a retired electrician for Brown and Williamson Tobacco Co. died at 7 a. m. Wednesday, August 27th, at Fortwth Memorial Homltol. He had been in declining health but death was unexpected. He was born in Davie County on M^ 22, 1894, to Charles and Emma Ratledge Booe. He spent his early life there. He had lived In Fonyth County more than SO years. He was employed at the tobacco company more than 30 years, retiring in 19S9. He was business manager for tire electrical union here for 12 years. Mr. Booe was a member of the Church of Christ on Tucker Street. He was married to Miss VassieW0Kamsinl916. Surviving are his wife of the home; six daughters, Mrs. Pearl Mickey, Mrs. Louise East, Mrs. Emalee Gentle, and Mrs. Nancy Worrell all of Winston-Salem, Mrs. Margaret Johnson of Waco, Texas, and Mrs. Martha Ann Carton of Murphy; seven sons, trvln, L. C. Jr., Joe, Alton, Joity and Gary Booe, all of Winston«Salem and Qifton Booe of Roanoke. Va., 49 grandchildren; three*greatgrandchildren; and a sister, irs. Lollie Settle of Winston<SaIem. Bio - Obituaries - 9/4/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, September 10, 1969 Vander Hodgson Of Cooleemee Vendor Kulus flodgson. iW. duyl \SixliH^da>. Sepioinber .1, «il 4 p m ;i( his hinno lie lAas Iwin April 4. 1910. in l>,ivie Unimiv and was ownei- and i*p*M alor ol Hodjistm s Bar Ivr Shop Siir\'ivinj« are Ins wiU\ Mrs Klsic Cook Hod^json. a son. Keiih Hodgson oi ihe homo, three sister>, Mrs Dessie Whilaker o! Ht 1. Moeksville. Miss Avis Hodgson of Hi I. Harimniy. and Mrs Hazel John son of I'rhana. Ill . and a bi olhei-. T G Hixlgson ot Rt 5. Salisbun The funeral services were conducted Knday. September 5. at 4 p in. at the First Baplisl Church in Cooleemee by the Rev. Charles Burchette with the assistance of Rev. Clay Cook. Burial was at Cooleemee Legion Park. Pallbearers were Terry Pen- [linger. Bill Webb. Deal Ca- ra upp, George Jordan, W. A. Be^ and Jim Stroud. Bio - Obituaries - 9/10/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, September 10,1969 C. L Hawdl, Of Cooleemee COOLEEMK—Chiriielec Uowell, of Cross Strt^, Cooleenioe, died Bloiidiw at a Tlwmaisvilte nosing Im A native or Rovan In was a son of ibe late Josh rad Sarah HoweU. He was a mem ber of Cooleemee Baptist Church and was a retired textile worheratBrwinBIQIs. Survivors Incliide his wifh, the former Annie Itanason; three daughters. BIrs. tendon May of Codennee, Mrs. C. A. Emim^ son of Charlotte and Mrs. John nie 1^1^ of Qailolle; two sons, Itowcil of WinstOB- Salem and Vir^l HowMl of Oooleemoe; nine Brandchildren Mrs. Cooieemee COOLEEMEE - Mrs. Myrtle Stoiith Hoover Bfird, 70, of 12 Ervin St.. was found dead in bed Friday roondsg. Mrs. Hoovn- was bom in Iredell Coonty April 2S, 1899 to the late Lemhiel and'SaUy Lee Siimith. She was a member of Cool eemee First Baptist Church. Siwivors indude three sons Bttford Hoover, Cooleemee Doyle Hoover, Oriando, Fla. Kmnelh Hoovor, Salisbury one daughter, Mrs. Claytie Flowers, Rosedale, bid.; two sffiters, Mrs. D. L. Rosman, Statesville; and Mrs. Walter Mills, WQliamshurg, Va.; two brothers, Eugene Smith, SUitesvQIe; Guy Smith, New port News, Va.; and II grand- diildren. Mrs. Steele, Of Cooleemee COOLEEMEE - Mrs. Mary Whitley Steele, 59. of SO Main Street, Cooleemee, died at 7:30 a.mSatun&yat Davis Hospital Statesville. A native of Rowan County, she was bom August 3,1910, the daughter of T. B. and Nora Burton Whitley. She was a retired employe of the Erwin Mills. In addition to her hust>and, Ervin Steele, she leaves a dau^ter, Mrs. Foster; three brottters. William B., of Rt. S. StatesviUe, Paul, of Salisbury, and Olive, of Orlando, Fla. ; one sister. Mrs. Mittie Shaver of Rt. 3. Modtsville; seven grand children induifing Mrs. Drema Spillman of Cooleemee and Mrs. Tony Smith of Mocfcsvllle who were reared in the Ste^ home; three great-grand children. She was a member of South River Church where she was formerly a member of the official hoard and a Sioiday SehooHeacher. Bio - Obituaries - 9/10/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 10>DAVIE ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. SEPTEMPF.R II, 1969 GEORGE SMITH George Smiili, 67, of Harmony, Rt. 2, died Sunday. Sept. 7th. at Davis Hospital in Statesvillc. TIte funeral was held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at Sandy Springs Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Smith was born in Davie County to Thomas Asbury and Louise Riddle Smith. He was a retired farmer. Surviving are his wife, Esma Renegar Smitli; two daughters, Mrs. Bennic Laws ana Mrs. Clay Joyner of Harmony, Rt. 2; a son, Robert Lee Smith of Harmony, Rt. 2; four sisters, Mrs. Eleanor Carver of Gemmons, Rl. I, and Mrs. Mary Catherine Fry and Misses Lula and Lona Smith of Harmony, Rt. 2; and three brothers, Charles A., Tliomas L. and John D. Smith of Harmony, Rt. 2. GEORGE L. POTTS The funeral of George Linnet Potts, 6S, of CIcmmons, was held at 11 a. m. Tuesday at Haywoith*Mtller Chapel .Burial was in Poisyth Memorial Park. He was dead when he arrived at For^th Memorial Hospital Sunday. He tauglit in the Winston>^em> Foisyth County school system from 1931 until his retirement in 1967. He has several rebtives in Davie County. MRS. W. ERVIN STEELE Mrs. Mary Whitley Steele, 59, of Coolccmee, wife of W. Ervin Stccle, died of natural causes Saturday, Sept. 6tli. at Davis Hospital in Statesvillc. The funeral was held at 3 p.m. Monday at South River Methodist Church in Rowan County. Burial was in the cliurch cemetery. She was bom in Rowan County T. R. B. and Norma Burton Wliitley. Surviving are her husband; a dauglrter, Mrs. Penny Foster of Cooleemee; three brothers, Wllllom B. Whitley of StatcsvUle; Ibul WMtley of Salisbury and Olive Whltlev of Orlando, Ha; and a sister, Mrs. Mittie Shaver of Mocksvllle, Rt.3. MRS. G. 1. EFIRD The Ibneral for Mrs. Myrtle Smith Hoover EHrd, 70, of Cooleemee, widow of G. I. Efird,was held at 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 6th, at Cooleemee First Baptist Church. Burial was In Gty Memorial Cemetery at Salisbury. Mrs. Eflrd, of 12 Ervin St., wa." found dead in bed at 6:30 Friday morning. Mrs. Hoover was bom in Iredell County April 25, 1899 to the late Lemuel end Sally Lee Smith. Survivors include three sons, Buford Hoover, Cooleemee; Doyle Hoover, Orlando, Pla; Kenneth Hoover, Salisbury; one dauduer, Mrs. Clayiie Flowers, Rwedale, Ind.; two ssters, Mrs. D. L Roseman, Statcsville; and Mrs. Walter Mills, Willbmsburg, Va.; two brothers, Eugene Smith, Statesville; Guy Smith, Newjrart News. Va.; and 11 granddrildren. VANDER RUFUS HUDSON I Vander Rufus Hudson, 59, of Cooleemee died of natural causes Wednesday at his home. TIte funeral was held Friday at the First Baptist Church of Cooleemee. Burial was in Cooleemee Le^on Park. He was born in Davie County and was owner and operator of the Hudson Barber Siiop. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Elsie Cook Hudson; a son, Keith Hudson of the home; three sisters, Mrs. Dessie Whilaker of MocluvUIe, Rt. 1, Miss Avis Hudson of Harmony, Rt. 1, and Mrs. Hazel Johnson I of Urbana, 111.; and a brother, T. G. Hudson of Salisbury, Rt. 5. Bio - Obituaries - 9/11/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA i'- n CD O □ z: O of 5r I <3* C3- 3 CL. 6 0 Ui 1 a c: C rs j ji. >0 V o -x iimXiAM 4SAITHER—™^ijdSaSii-wnii.ii•Gaither, $0, of 521 Pine Streetjdied of natural causes yesterday at Kowan. M e m 0 r i_a 1Hospital at Salisbury. Tfiefimeral will be at 3 p.m. Sundayat Saint John's AME Zion Church. Burial will be in Shil<ABaptist Cemetery.He was bom in Davie Countyto Kimble and# Daisy GaitherGaither. He operated Bill's Taxi , Co.j Surviving are his wife, Mrs.• Louise Howell Gaither; and - Gaither 0 f and a t son, Predie Mocksville.The body is at NobleKelsey Funeral Home ; Salisbury. (a S- cj Ci, L - i 3 - n t"f Willidm Goitijier OfMocksvilfe ■ William Gaither, 60, of 521Pine Street, Mocksville, diedFriday morning at 3:20 at Rowan Memorial Hospital. He'had been ill for one week.■ • A native of Davie County, hewas bora April 12, 1909, son of-Kimble and Daisey Gaither. Hewas educated in the Davie County Public schools.Mr. Gaither operated the BillTaxie Company in Mocksville.He. was a member of Shiloh '-Baptist Church.i' Siir^ving are his wiife, Mrs. -Louise Howell Gaither of Mocksville; a son, Freddie Gainer ofpMocksville; and nine grand- 4children.. .■ ' Funeral services will be con-;ducted Sunday at 3 p.m. at St.•John's AME- Zion Church in Mocksville by the Rev. Free-^■niM Germany. Burial will be at.Shiloh Baptist Church ceme-V tery;'""' •• ' - ■ • ■ ■ ' '"Ihe hody will remain at' the"^ 'gNoble and Kelsey Funeral•me until ^aced in the church0; hours before :the services,e family will receive friends ^oni^t at the home.. (3 - COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, September 17,1969 WilliQin Gaither OfMocksville WaUtn Gtyter^ 60. of SU Fioe Strcd. Modnville, died Mdtq moraiiH at 3:2D at Bo- arao lldiMriir HoifilaL He A native ef Davie Comity, lie mas bora AmQ tt, laos. son of Hmblemid Daisey Gattfaer. He was editcaled in tbe Davie County Pidiic sdiools. Mr. Gattber operated the BID Taxie Compaqy in MocksviOe. He was a monber of Shikh Bulist Qtnnli. sEdving are his wifie. Mrs. Louise Howefl Gaither of Modt- sville; a8oo,FVedffieGdtlKrd Mocksville; and nine grand- chtldreo. Bio - Obituaries - 9/17/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 10 - Uavie Cnimiy Kiilcrprw Kccord, lliitrfiday. Srplpmlwr I ft. I%9 MULVbftW. RKAVIS Mctvtfr W. ReavU. K2. of Mocksvillc. Ri. I. ditfd Suiidav ai llic VtMcfan's Adntinisiraiian liospiial a I Siitbbiir>'- tlic funeral was held Tuesday at &iidy Springs Baoiiii Church in Ireddl Couniy. Burial was in ihe church ccnteicry. lie was bont in Yadkin Couniy to Patrick and Amanda Hanes Rcavis. He was a member of Sandy Springs Baplltl Cliurch and a retired farmer. He served with the U. S. Navy from I AOS • l*)|2. Surviving are live daugliiers. Mrs. Robert R. Culler and Mrs. P^ul Sherreil of Mocksville. Rt. 5. Mrs. Sam Shore of Yadkinville, Mrs. Melva Robbiiii of Keriieisvilie and Mrs. J. C. Windsor of Wiiiston«Salem; three suns. Willard W. and Thomas H. Reavis of Haniptonville and James P. Reavis of Mrvksville; a sister. Mrs. Martha Anderson of Mocksville; and two half sisters. Miss Sadie Wiunen and Mrs. hdttlt Steelniati of Mocks\ille; r' grandchildren. 14 great granddtildien; I uncle, Tlronus Sanford llanes of V^dtkiiivtlle. WILLIAM ti.GAITHIlR William H. Gaiiher. t>0. of Mocksville. died I'riday. September 12. at Rowan Menunial Hospital in Salisbury. Tlie funeral was held at f p.m. Sunday. September 14. in St. John A. M. ft. Zion Church. Tlie Rev. ftreenun CH'inon). pastor of the church, oftlciated. Burial was in Shiloh Baptist Chutcli Cemeter>'. Mr. Caiiher was born April 12. lOtb) in Davie County, the srrii of the late Kinible Gaiiher aird Daisy Caither. He attended Davie County public schools Olid was j meinbei of Shiloh Baptist Church. Sunivin^ are his wife. Mrs. Louise H. (lailhei.a foster son. Freddie Gaiihei. and nine giandchildren. T. t.GORRftLL Thomas ftugene Goriell. 70. of Defiot Stmct. Mocksville. died Sunday at Rowan Memorial Hirpsital at Salisbury. He had been ill for some time. He was tmrn in Greensboro, but had lived in Mocksville for the past 50 years. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Nora Gorrcll of the home: a rister. Mrs. Willie Castle, and a brotlier. Turner Coriell. both of Greensboro. The timerai was conducted at 4 p.m. Wednesday at Shiloh Obpiisl Cliutch at Mix'ksville by fttder I. W. IjaiiKS. Burial was in Ihe church cenkMcry. Bio — Obituaries - 9/18/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLKEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, September 24, 1969 * Job* A. Iiriis lidin A. Hjimo. «5. ul (\h4lvhkv JkU jI 2 p. ni. liK'Mjjy j| ilic Ojvd.' ('(Hinly jlicr hooip wntHisly ill lor scverjj wvvki. lie wjs b(»rn in l>jvic Uonniv ll»c MHi III ilic Ijlc Ii(<, lormei Idly Mclnlyre.vtx k||B djtiglMciN. Mis HIjsAwmKj jiid Mis. Mjrjir Ms'lEtnicI IhiII) «•! <'imi|oi.iik*c; Mrs. I'loroiuc TioxK*r of KivkN^oil , Mis. Ann ('rjiigield oI Kaniu|Hdis. Mai^ie Mii«.'k Kvillc; (isMHtN* Barnes Kunnapolts and iiiii Barnes ol Icxingion. John Turner, Rites Saturday MtX^KSVILLK - Jolm Au- A*y Turner, S5, ot Long Islaitd. N Y . brother of Mrs Lois Nedy of Woodleaf. died Tues day at Queens General Mospiial A i „in New York following a^ort n^fS, NiCnOlS illness He was born May H. 1914. in Of OaaIaamaa IredellCounlylhesinorthelale ^0016611166 Ossie and k\rby Turner Alao surviving are his wife t'><>I.EKMKE - Mrs Hetrie Mrs Helen Turner; four dai^- »^dliannt Niehols. 72. died Sun lets. LotUe Ann, Betty JcAn. *•♦■*> morning at Linn Haven Klisabeth.andLoiaTUrner.au NwsingHonieof the home, three sons, John 4*" 5- IW7. luLewis. Charles, and Daniel Havio Cowiiy, the daughter of Turner, all of the home, four ^ " ^t^d Mary Janeslaters. Mrs Eliiabeth James * Williamsof Harmony. Mrs. Requal Bait a daughlcr.ey and Mrs Gladys Ramaeur. ot Ri I.both of Statesville. and Mrs »<>udlear. a sister. Mrs ClydeMary Latenby of Brw*. N. Y.; of Hi a. Mnchsvifle; and a brother. Calvin Turner of ""** ■ mother. Wilhe A WilCalifomia. b«ni4 of Hi 4. Mocksviile J. F. Eaton Mrs. Ferebee Of Advance MOCKSVILLE - Mrs Malinda Maxtin Ferebee. O, of RlI A^anee. M Mondaythe home of a son. jonn M. FerebeeofRt l.A^ance. *ShewasbomMardil.iMS, inYadkin County, the daughter ofthe late Henry, and Mary Davis Martin. Mrs* Dick6ns, 23, After illness RHK3CSVILLE - Mn SueQNn Oidnnt, a.Yadklovllle. died lliui^ayrmn^ M tredell MOTMrldHoapiud after an UhMi.SBe waa bora Oct. tr. IMS, laDnvie Ootniv, the dMiNw of Surviving in addition to thepar^e are her hiMheml, Rah-art Lae Dkkna; a MMer, I6». a 4?7> ^ "•* ivi^; a brother. Chdia DeanModern el Ri. i. Maehavtik; ite maternal tnaAnather.tkiholaa BiyiiMre of Rl.S, China Chovt. MOCKSVILLE - John FV«1.ytek Baton, Tl. of Rocky Mount6ad at l a..n. Wedneaday atParkview Hospital in Rocky Mount.Ha was bom in Devte Cowty,Nov. 9. 1117, aon of the late Sevaiau# aed Barae MarUand Ht Is iurvl^'od by one brot her.Qarenea Eaton of Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries - 9/24/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8 - Dtvte CountV Enlcrpriap Record^ Thurndayt September 25, 1969 MRS. ELTON P. HAYNES Mrs. Girlie Mac Myers Haynes, 42, of Lexington, Rt. 9, v^fe of Elton P. Haynes, died of natural causes Monday at Baptist Hospital in Winston^lem. The funeral was at 2 p. m. Wednesday at Piedmont Funeral Chapel. Burial was in tlie Lcxin^^on city cemetery. She was bom in Davic County to Walter and Mollic Potts Myers. She was a member of tlie First Baptist Church of Ijexington. Surviving are her hud»nd;a son, Walter Elton Haynes of the home; two sisters, Mn. Emily Hudson of Winston*Salem and Mrs. Doredale Davis of Gemmons; two brothers, Walter Lee Myers of Ijexlngton, Rt. S and Jack Myers of Advance; two half-sisters, Mrs. Maijorie Maheu of Advance and Mrs. Betty Popplin of Winston-Salem; and three half-brothers, Lonnte Myers of Advance, llm Myers of Mocksvilte and Willie Myers of Lexington. Bio - Obituaries - 9/25/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Davic Cnnttly F.iilcr|triM* Rrrord. TiiiirMlay* Scptcmhcr 25, 1969 ^ M.G. SUMMERS M. G. (Mill) Summers, 71, or 801 Tesh Street, Tliomasvtllc, a retired Tarnier, died early Wednesday. September 17, at (lis home. He had been in declining health five years but death was unexpected. He was born in Davte County on Oct. 2. (897 to Martin and Coar Sain Summers. He had lived in Tltomasville for 42 years. Mr. Summers was a member of Faith Baptist Oiurch and of tite Men's Bible Class of the diurch Sunday School. He was married to Miss Blanch Craven on Jna. 1,1921. Surviving arc his wife of the home; four sons, Alfred Summers of Aslteboro, Thomas and Clifford Summers of Tltomasville, Ri. 3, and Ralph Summers of Hi^i Point, Rt. 5: two sisters, Mrs. Rosa Potts and Mrs. Mac Brown of Mocksville; three brothers, J. M. Summers of Coolcemce, William Lawrence Suntmers of Mocksville and Milton Sumntcrs of Tltomasville; six grandchildren and a greai-grandcltild. TItc funeral vras cottduclcd at 2 pjtt. Friday at Faith Baptist Clturch by the Rev. Joftn E. Rascy and the Rev. &immy Sltoaf. Burial was in Holly Hill Cemetery. JOHN F. EATON John F. Eaton, 72, of Rocky Mount died Wednesday, September 17, at l>arkview Hospital there. TItc funeral was held at 4 p.m. Thursday, September IK, at Eaton Funeral CItapel. Burial was in Eaton Baptist Church cemetery. He was born in Davie County to Savaiiah and Emma Markland Eaton. Surviving is a brother, Clarence Eaton of Salisbury. - 3K MRS. WILBURN NICHOLS Mrs. Bettie Williams Nichols, 72, of Cooleemec, widow of Wilbum Nichols, died Sunday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home at Mocksville. TItc funeral was held Tuesday at Eaton's Chapel at Mocksville. Burial was in Fork Baptist Qiurclt cemetery in Davie County. She was bom in Davie County to A. R. and Mary Jane Call Williams. She was a ntcmber of North Cooleemec Baptist Church. Surviving are a daugltter, Mrs. Carl Sain of Woodleaf, Rt. I: a sister, Mrs. Clyde Ridenliour of Mocksville, Rt. 4; and a brother, Willte A. Williants of Mocksville, Rt. 4. JOHN A.TURNER John A. Turner, 55, of New York, formerly of Iredell County, died of natural causes September 22 in Queens General Hospital in New York. The funeral was held Saturday at Pincy Grove AME Zion Church in Harmony. Burial was in the church cemetery. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Helen Turitcr of New York: four daugltters. Misses Lottie, Ann. Betty Jean Elizabeth and Lois Turner of the honte: tliree sons.Jolin Lewis, Charles and Daniel Turner of New York; Tive sisters. Mrs. Lois Neely of Woodleaf. Mrs. Elizabeth James of Harmony. Mrs. Requal Bailey and Mrs. Gladys Raimeur of Statesville and Mrs. Mary H. Lazenby of tlic Bronx, N. Y.: a brother, Calvin E. Turner of California: and his grandmother. Mrs. Josephine Summers of Statesville. MRS. ROBERT LEE DICKENS Mrs. Sue Ellen Anderson Dickens. 2.t, of Yadkinville. Rt, 3. wife of Robert Lee Dickens, died of natural causes Tltursda> at Iredell Memorial Hospital at Statesville. The funeral was held Saturday at RiH'k Springs Baptist Church in Iredell County. Burial wis in the churdt cemetery. She was born rn Davie County to George Curtiss and Bardee Seymour Anderson. She was a member of R«vk Springs llapitst Chuteh. Surviving are (ler husbattd: MRS. MALINDA FEREBEE Mrs. Malinda Martin Ferebce. 83, of Rt. 1, Advance, died early Monday. Sept. 22 at tlie honk* of a son. John M. Ferebee of Rt. I, Adranee. She wis bom March I, IKKb, in Yadkin County, the daugliiei of the late Henry and Mar^ Da\U Manin. Euneral services were conducted Wednesday at 2S.m. at Eaton's Funeral Chapel y the Rev. Waller Howell. Burial was at Eaton's Baptist Church cemetery. her parents of Mocksville, Rt. 5; a sister, Mrs. Larry Renegar of Mocksville, Rt. I ;a brother, Curtiss Dean Anderson of Mocksville, Rt. I; and her grandmother. Bio - Obituaries - 9/25/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, October 1,1969 PmH a. 6ri» W.j-Wfc* •fCwbMM tad AdoDB Gdn, 74. Aed Ttadqr imnmlngi Srt*''"**' 30. It In tmoe inCoabmBe Bom in Dnb Coofity. son of IGtes and Alioe Mr. Gta UK a miiad c^doye Eiwta IfiBs and a iiwiiwa of Cooleciocc Presbyterian Oiwcb, Smrivoxs jftdttdf his Mrs. Pearl S. Gales; 2 daa^ters, Mrs. Sfadhr L. YadwBOS^ of LndliMMn y*d Mrs. Ernest L. Rainof of of AiMcnon, S. C; md a asl», IBs. tayCtoB^oflfoGksi^ Ffot^ sendees adD be hdd St 4 pA. Tfaaisdqf at taxm^s Funeral Home Chapel. Mocks^le. oondacted by die Rev. Bmibeuc. Bund be in PBdt.SiBEbaiy. Orteber ILMM, W. B. nd PM M dK tfanecd tfas. K^Qmtt foia G Smith. Mrs. Mrs. Robbins Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE ~ Mis. Dora Hall Bofablns. of Rt. 4. Modcsville. Spliirday the DavieCoiii^ Hospilal. She was bora Joy 16,19M, in Wilka Couniy, the diiiidilw of the late Mr. and Bbs. Joe HaD. Survwinfl are her hushand, Oitttg Robtons; four dauitoers. Mis. J. C. Siliiiond oflRL i, ModBville. Mrs. WScy Keatoo of RL 3, MocftsviBe, and Mis. Rayimnd Kinsey and Mrs. Jer ry Alien, both of Ht $. Mock sville; thieesao^Cul Robbins of Rl. S. IfodBvflle. Slas ROb- blns of Rt 3, YaAdnvllle, and Dw^bl of ibicksville; a Coster son, Kfftftftb Lee Rob- bins of the home; anda brother, Bverbeart HaO of Vhj^nia. Jocob Allen, At92 Yeofs WO(H>I£AP-JteobWeta Alton, MyearoM retired torn* er of Rt. 1. ttadleaf.taiearly toto at ftonidiea iXa Hoqiitalin Ral^ after atongHtocss. A native M Ronan OHBBy, be was bora Mm«h tf, UH. H. Alton, boifa fd'Sabsliary, J. BraAtaofRt. tCtovctond, fflid Vadm Alton of MoehsvQIe; ffiASasst"*-' rtoyrriananpniiqitsareln-compta. The bo^^remato s the Ranch taeralHome fa SiaScsvnIe. Bio - Obituaries - 10/1/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, October 1,1969 C. E. Dalltni, Dovie County MOCKSVILLE - Charies Emtnett Oatton, 75. of i. HocksviDe. tSed Wedneudayat the Davie OooBte liospila!. He was bora m StevarL Va^ November M, 1895, to the late Wiffiam and Alioe CUAon Dad- Ion. He was a meraber of Bedtond Penteoostal Clrardi and a wtar- anoflMdWarL Survivors iRcfaidefais wBe. the former Eola Hadsra; foiir daqghtcrs, Mrs. Rachel Fmhr and Mrs. RfaodaHiaipof Point, Mrs, ftfaryLanm off Ran- (Bemmi. and Mrs. Saiab Measer of ModBviUe: foir sons, Pnd Dollon off the home, Amos and Jesse Dalian of Pomt. and Joseph Dattoa off Greensboro: one sister, fiirs, fiCnflie Haley off Slanly Ibwn, Va.': one brother. Arthur Daltoo off StewiM. Va,; three half-brotlKrs. R. T. Dal- ton (tfBuriin^OQ, Ernest Daiton td Roanohe. Va„ mtd John Dal ian of Greensboro. Mis. Jshmon OfWoodleof Mrs, LOlie toffinf ». of RL 1, Vbodlaaff. Iteday al 4 pjD. at her bone foBovum an IHnem off eight ■Booths. She bad been snionshrfflCorftepaannanwdtn. She «ia bon Mov. Ml m. Id Bdgcatfid m Rewn a penbg hi Ok Sondsy j ore tno ana, Fkyd Muumi of Cooleemee andJames Heory JflhBHD off Wood- leaf; four danghlers. Mrs.Nmoia Fleming of DctnUt, off BomeMeidL Pa. Mrs. Bebeeco Uicaqr of Woodlcaf,and Mirs. fieywamn off Albe- marle; a ower, Mn. Annie Rivcro of Hunletafilie; fi ve gtaiwrtnwrffi; ro Rreas^aiu- cfailfteo; and 29 great-great- Bio - Obituaries - 10/1/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 48 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERERISE RECORD. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2.1869 H. L. RICKBNBACKBR The Aineril of Harry Lever Rlekenbacker. 58, of aemmoni, Rl. 3, was held at 1:30 p.m. Monday, September 2Z at Andrews Mortuary at Wilmington, Burial was there in the National Cemetery. Mr. Riokenbaeker died Friday, September 19, at his home. Ks wife is employed at Moeksvllle ChtysIer>Plymouth. JOHN E. UV1NGST0N John E. UvingBton, 49, of Mocksviile, Rl. 3, died Saturday after a long illness in the Veterans Administration Hospital at Salisbury. He was bom in Forsyth County to John E. and Venice long Livingston. Surviving are his mother of Mocksviile, Rl. 3; and four sisters, Mrs. Henry Poplin of Mocksviile, Mrs. Lois Coraatzer of Winston<SBlem, Mrs. Lucille VnUiams of Mocksviile, Rt. 3, and Mrs. Katherine Vo^er of Advance. JOHN A. BARNES The funeral for John A. Bames, 85, of Mocksviile, Rt. 4, was held Thursday, &ptember 25, at 4 p. m. at North Cooleemee Baptist Church. Burial was in CMleemee Le^on Park. Mr. Bames died Tuesday. September 23, at Davio County ItooitaL He was born in Davic County to David and Sarah Bames and was a retired textile worker. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Llllie McEntyre Bames; six daughters, Mrs. Florence Trexler of Rockwell, Mrs. Ann C^fill of MocksWlle. Rt. 3, Mrs. Maggie Canter oi Mocksviile, Mrs. margie McDanlel ana Mrs. Louise Biackwood of Cooleemee and Mrs. Irene Eubanx of KaruiapoUs; ana two brothers, George Bames of KannapoUs and Jim Bames of Lexlnn^on. MRS. SILAS BOBBINS Mrs. Dora Hall Robbins, 65, of MocksvBle, Rt. 4, wife of Silas Robbins, died Saturday at .Pavie County Hospital. The n fiiirfral/was held MOttdiay> at,■Jerusalem Baptist Churcnrin.Davie County. Burial was in the church cemetery. She was born in WOkes Hall. She was a member ofJerusalem Baptist Church.Surviving are her huiband;four dau^ters, Mrs. J. C.Seamond, Mrs. RaymondKImrey. and Mrs. Jerry Allen of Mocksviile, Rt. 4, and Mrs.Wiley Keaton of Mocksviile.Rt. 3; three sons, Carl andDwight Robbins of MoeksvUte,Rt. 4, and Silas McKentey ofYadkinvUle, Rt. 2; a foster son. Kenneth Lee Robbins of Mocksviile, Rt. 4; and a brother, Everette Hall ofVir{^ia. CHARLES E.DALTON Charles Emmett Dalton, 75, of Rt. 1, Mocksviile, diedWednesday, September 24, atthe Davie County Hospital. He was bom in Stewart, Va., November 26, 1893, to the late l^llam and Alice Clifton Dalton. He was a member of Rediand Pentecostal Church and a veteran of World War 1. Survivors include his wife,the fomffir Eula Hudson; fourdau^ters. Mrs. Rachd Pendry and Mrs. Rhonda Tharp oflEidt Point, Mrs. Maiy Larnb ofRandleman, and Mrs. SarahMesser of Mocksviile: four sons, Paul Dalton of the home, Amos and Jesse Dalton of HighPoint, and Joseph Dalton of Greensboro; one sister, Mrs. Minnie Haley of Stanly Town, Va.; one brother, Arthur Dalton of Stewart, Va.; three half4)rothets, R. T. Dalton of Burlington, Ernest Dalton of Roanoke, Va., and John Dalton of Greensboro. Funeral services wereconducted Friday at RediandPentecostal Churdi by the Rev. C. C. Carpenter and the Rev.Franklin Myers. Burial was in the diurch cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 10/2/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVIILE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, October 8,1969 Lester Troutmon, Rt. 1, Mocksville MOCKSVILLE - Lester Har din Troutman, 41. of Route 1. Mocksville. di^ at Sajn. Tues- in Davie County Hospital. He had been in declining health for about a year. A native of Davie County, he was a member of Houstonville Bamist Church. Survivors include his wife, Inez Gunner Troutman; four daughto's, Mrs. Lucille Mack- mon. Miss Faye Troutman. Miss Peggy Troutman, and Miss Kaye Troutman. all of Route 1, Mocksville; his mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Smith of Rotde i, Mocks ville; andonegranddiild. Funeral semces will be con ducted at 2 pjn. Thursday at Houstonville Baptist Church. Burial will be in Bear Creek '^^fitTbody win rem^7at Ea ton's Funeral Home until taken to the church a half hour prior to the final rites. The famiily wiU be at the funeral home from 7 •mtil 9pjn. Wednesday. Chorlie Sedberry, N. Boundory St. Charlie H. Sedberry, M, of 531 North Boundary St. died Monday at 10:30 a.m. at his home, beath was unomected. He was bom June 22.1006, in Davie County, the son of the late George R. and SalUe Elizabeth Hinson Sedberry. Educated in Davie County schools, he was employed with Cannon MiHs for m past 32 years. He was a member of Park Avoiue United M^todist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Vallie Hutcbins Sedt>erry; d* son. Charles H. SetBierry oC Raleigh; a dau^ter, BSrs. J. P. Helms of SalSbunf: a half- brother. Komieth Sedberry of Cooleeme^ three sisters, Mrs. William Gales. Mrs. Lomas Carta*. and Mrs. Baxter Bol lard, all of Cot^emee; a half- sCster, Mrs. Wlnde Foster of Mocksville and six gran^ diUdren. Ke0i9 Shockley Keene Dewitt Shockley, 70, of Elkin, formerly of Cooleemee, died Monday at Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem. He was bom in Stuart, Virginia, to Charles and Da^ Bishop Shockley. Ife was an agent for Southern Railway. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ruth Poin&xter Shodcley; and a daughter, Mrs. B. R. Woens of Reidsville. Bio - Obituaries - 10/8/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSOAV, OCTOBER 0. 1669 ROBERT L. HAIRSTON Robert Lewis Hairston. 26, of Mocksville, was accidentally shot to death Saturday, October 4, in Columbus, Ohio. The Tuncral will be held at 4 p. m. Thursday at New Jerusalem Holiness Churdi here. Burial will be in the church cemetery. He was born in Davie County to Calvin and Hazel Barker and was a member of New Jerusalem Holiness Churdi. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Doris McCullogh Hairston; three sons, Robert L. Jr., Don and Timmy Hairston of the home; his mother, Mrs. Lonnie Howell of Mocksville; his father of Columbus, Ohio; two sisters, Mn. Debbie Powder of Mocksville and Miss Tammy Howell of the home; six brothers, Ernie, Kenny, Steve, Roger, Wayne and Gilbert Howell of the home; his grandparents, the Rev. and Mrs. Haywood Hairston of Mocksville and Mr. and Mrs. Tobe Barker of Mocksville. LESTER TROUTMAN •Lester Kardin .Trouiman,- 41, of Route I, Mockndile, ^ died at S.aan.Tuesday, Octl 7, in Davie County Hospital. He had b^n in declining health for about a year. A native of Davie County, he was a member of Houstonville Baptist Churdi. Survivors include his wife, Inez Gunner Trouttnan; four daughters, Mrs. Lucille Blackmon, Miss Faye Troutman, Miss Peggy Troutman, and Miss Kaye Troutman, all of Route I, Mocksville; his mother and step-father Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Smith of Route 1, Mocksville; and one gsandehtld. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Ttiursday at Houstonville Baptist Church. Burial will be in Bear Creek Baptist Church Cemetery. L.V.CHILDRESS L. V. Chlldress, 80, of Chase City, Va., died last Thursday afternoon at his home. Funeral service was Sunday p.m. In a local funeral home. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Henry T^lor of Maple Avenue and Mrs. Roy Shook of Portsmouth, Vir^ia; and four sons, Hugh Chlldress of Richmond, Vir^nla, Harry and Howard Childress of Colonial Hd^ts, Virginia, and Stanlw (^ildress of Rock Hill, South. ^rolina. CHARLIE SEDBERRY Charlie H. Sedberry, 64, of 531 North Boundary St. died Monday, Oct. 6th at 10:30 a.m. at his home in Salisbury. Death was unexpected. He was bom June 22,1905, in Davie County, the son of the late George R. and Sallie Elizabeth Hlnson Sedberry. Educated in Davie County schools, he was employed with Cannon Mills for tlic past 32 years. He was a member of .Park Avenue United Methodist Church. Surving are his wife, Mrs. Vallie Hutchins Sedberry; a son, Charles H. Sedberry of Ralei^; a daughter, Mrs. J. P. Helms of Salisbury; a half-brother, Kenneth Sedberry of Cooleemee; three sisters, Mrs. William Gales, Mrs. Lomas Carter, and Mrs. Baxter Hellard, all of Codeemee; a half^ister, Mrs. Winde Foster of Mocksville and six ^ndchOdten. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday at II a.m. at the Park Avenue United Methodiit Churcli by. the R^, Larry Bumgarner. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. Bio - Obituaries - 10/9/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMCE JOURNAL, Wednesday, October 15, 1969 w \\^ Roy Howard, Cooleemee CX)OUi:EMEE - Roy How ard. 52. of Cooleemee died at the Oavie County Hospital Sat urday niuming. Hn had been in declining health for several years. Born in Davie County, he was the son of the late W. H. »*\nd Daisy Parker Howard He was a retired insurance salesman. Survivors include his wife, the former Edna Blalock; two daughters. Mrs. Kenneth Tay lor of Tampa. Fla , Mrs. Bobby Kdlerof Mocksville; one sister. Mrs C W. Shepherd of ciol- eemee; four brothers, Calvin Howard of Cooleemee, Ed. Bill, and Sam Howard, all of Mock- sviile. Mrs. Williams Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Liuie Smith Williams, 84, of Rt. 2, Mocksville, died early today at the E>av}e County Hospital. Mrs. Williams was bom Feb. 9. 189S. in Davie County, the daughter of the late Enos and Tfaursa Smith. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Elva Cash of Rt 2, Mocksville; two sobs,. Joe Williams of Rt. 2, Mocksville. and Hugh Williams of Miami, FU.; and two brothers, Elariy Smi^ of New HiU and Grady Smith of Rt. 2, Mocksville. Bud Foster Of Cooleemee — Bennett Henry (Bud) Foster, S3, of 44 Dovie Si., Coolfetnee. died un- exp^edly Mondtyat 7:30p.m athishome. He waa bora Sept. 22. 1016, in Divie County, the aon of the late Noah and Iv^ Baraey Foster. Surviving are his wife, the former Miss BGnnie Danids; a daughter. Miss Ann Foster of the home; s sister. Mrs. Ruth Williams of Rt. 4, Mocksville;■id a brother, Barney Fosta* of St. 4, Mocksville. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 4 p m. atCbolecmee Baptist Church by the Rev. Chartes Burcbett and the Rev. Robert Frost. Burial will be at Concord United Meth- otteCemeta7. Bio - Obituaries - 10/15/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, October 15, 1969 Mrs. Brpadway, Former Resident ** s . it a m i e Spry Chwnberfaiiie Broadwio'* of V«, a former reai- <fent of Salisbury, died Wed- Mday at 12:05 p.m. at the Manor Nursing Home. Manassas. Vs., followii« an U> Ineas of several years. was born Sept. 7, U84, in Davie County, the danAter of the laie Mr. and Mra. Cfieive gwy. She waa a member erf the Baptist Cfaurcfa in Goocord husband, Walter Ctaamberliine, and htr aeoood »»i«bMd, EUjah Broadway, both preceded her in death. Surviving are two sons. Carl of Tampa. Fh., ^ R«y Broadway of CUnton, twodaugfatm, Mrs. St^a Sfaue of Gainaville. Va.. and Mrs. Pauline Ingram of Tampa. FU ; 14 graadSbdrea; and 18 greM-graodchOdren. Bio - Obituaries - 10/15/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA \ ^Ppleeme^."^, *■" f «m,L ,^' *®"^fierd of (Jboil..,four hrnfkxX-. V^ ■ (Svijie. . at■Ss^iSsis's■sa'mI®s"S"remain at iHome until* St f^'® ^""eralpie famay ^ri&'J""?- ^ ■^^Ltsl /O «*./«;P f^OY HOWARD :l [Howard 52 oSr ® ^ Hoilof natural caL^®®® ^^erfjfavie CoiSv®®Kocksville. Tie ^ ^4 p.a, 3vrnL ^®'®^.wilI.beiYuneral Chapel at WnBunal - will ho " "• ^ocJcsvilJe. Ij^ethodist Church liberty'■Havie County ®emetery inj to i» Davie CoiiniyjHoward; He was^"®^ ParkerCtoleemee ]El„®, ®®"ber of,and waTa re toad"'- I salesman. uisurance ; EaM'^''^Slylo5^ HoflT^J* •I daughters Mr<j v J • two' ^ Tampa,' Fla ' BaylorHeller of flfocksv?no -®'c. w ih' ® ®^terji|Cooleemee* am» .^apard'^-^'o £1Calvin Ho'wardand Ed, Bill tld eemeeof Mocksville Howard |'■— ■ ' _ j f ^ "f {^ " 0^ >Sk \A \ a>w DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NC ■ A 6 - DAVtE COUNTY ENTERHUSC RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1969 BUD FOSTER Bennett Henry (Bud) Foster, S3, or 44 Davie Street, Cooleemee, died unexpectedly Monday at 7:30 p. m. at his home. He was bom September 22, 1916, in Davie County the son of the late Noah and Ivey Barney Foster. Surviving are his wife, the former Miss Minnie Daniels; a daughter. Miss Ann Foster of the home; a sister, Mrs. Ruth ^iams of Rt. 4, Mocksville; and a brother, Barney Foster of Rt. 4, Mocksville. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday at 4 p. m. at Cooleemee Baptist Church by the Rev. Chwes Burchett and the Rev. Robert Frost. Burial was in Concord United Methodist Church cemeterv. ROY HOWARD Roy Howard, 52, of Cross Street, Cooleemee died Saturday, Oct. 11th of natural causes at Davie County Hospital at MocksvUle. The fUneral was held at 4 pjn. Monday at Eaton's Funeral diapel 'at ModoviUei' Burn! w&it ift' Llbbrty Methbdist Church cemetery in Davie County. He was born in Davte County to W. H. and Dai^ Parker Howard. He was a member of Cooleemee Methodist Church and was a retired insurance salesman. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Edna Blaylodc Howard; two daughters, Mrs. Kenneth Taylor of Tan^, Fla., and Mrs. Bobby Keller of Mocksville; a sister, Mrs. C. W. Shepard of Cooleemee; and four brothers, Calvin Howard of Cooleenrae and Ed, Bill and Sam Howard of Mocks^le. Bio - Obituaries - 10/16/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TWIN CITY SENTINEL, 10/18/1969 MVsr John C. Sanford : of ^ funeral "• S tS* Sl?*»e held •at the Fork Episcopal Church 2 ? «"• Suwlay. Butiial willbe to Rose Cemetery, ^ z 1,3® ^2^? returned to ihe^home today from- Voglers A Wfaston:Salem. ^She died yesterday,' • ' '■ — • rvMi. * " ~(9 ■ I fii Bio - Obituaries - 10/18/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 10/19/1969 ; MRS. JOHN ^ SAI^orD^ * i JTOCK^E ^ The funeral' W if & A® 4 5* will be at 3 Si?' EpiscopalChurch. Burial wfll be in Bose. Cemetery. She died Friday.iC!'* 4 9 Lv,- >r t- Bio - Obituaries - 10/19/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ."x ^ Dir;f HenryBarneSi' Davie NatiYe V^VG Co. Pubi'C i ,r, n r n ■''''■^r ■ [mi, , , LlUi Dr;|IerirFEugene Barnes. 6^ W P nrflrtimne" bhvsician in Hick-. ' • V,:: a practicing: physician in Hick-^ ory since 1935 and a former . I resident of Cooleemee, died un- -expectedly Sunday at 11:40 p.m.,r at ^chard Baker Hospital in. Hickory. , He was bom Nov. 4, 1908, in Davie County, the son of Mrs.; Geneva Blalo<^ Barnes and the^ late Henry E. Barnes. Educated in Cooleemee schools and at -Wake Forest.University, he re-^ , ceived his m^cal d^ee from < . the University of Maryland Me-K ^ dical School in Baltiniore,Md. 5 Q He served in the Medical^ ■ Corps of the 2rid Chemical Bat-O ,-v talion during World War II andIj ~j ' receive the Purple Heart. HisQQ 3 first wife, Mrs. Edythe Baugess^ Barnes, preceded him in death,V §2 tiis second wife, Mrs. Jesse ^ Q* O Alexander Barnes, survives.^ O Also surviving are a son, Da-, S vid Barnes of the home; a step-I y . son, Robert. Felts of. Visalia,—• 5 Calif.; a brother, Raymond D.^ Barnes of Santa Monica, Calif.;, four sisters, Mrs. Lacy T. Yar-' bro of Davenport, Fla., Mrs..^ J. R. Overcash of Woodleaf, and Mrs. Clarence G. Wise and . Mrs. Albert B. Myers, both ofj Rt. 9^ Salisbury; and three step-grandchildren. Funeral services will be con ducted Wednesday at 3 p.m. at; the First Baptist Church in Hickory, of which he was a . member. Burial will, be at the^ ^ Catawba Memorial P^k.^ The body will remaiin at the' i ■ Shuford Funeral Home;-and the(s, r faniily will receive friends at' the honie, 528 First Ave., SW, Hickory, tonight from 7 to 9. !'>- ii- ■O ^ •3 |*?koCKSyiLI^l^lWngfit Murphy7^72, of\Rt. -5/':; j^'Mocksville, died Monday^toorn-,4 'iing. iat Jhc.Davie_Couhty Hospi- .1 i^.She'was boVii Feb/16,' 1897, In i' Davie Coupty, the daughter of ^ S the lat^Gabriel L. and Florence J i/Jackson Murphy. ^ ^ . S Ishe was' a member, of the • ^First United Methodist Church I and a retired registered nurse. ' A sister, Mrs. Charlie Bailey of \ Rb'fi Mocksville, survives. -".'H i ' 'Funeral services will be con-' ! .: ducted Wednesday at ira.m."'at -', ^ the'Eatoh Funeral Home'Chap- • ^ el by the Rev-:' James AUen'and - i ® die Rev. Gilbert Miller. Buriab^, ^ will be "at Qakgrove Methodist [\ Church cemetery. • y- ^ \ n ''The. body will remain at'toe"-] * funeral homeiwhecC'the family^ n wiUYeceive friends tdirfght froni-^ .Tt69.: .-..-yr .:'3 - If - (^(.7 DAVIE CO. FUOC'C LiEOAT/ fVisj ILL iXC OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE^ N© COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, October 22,1969 W. D. Allen MOCKSVILLE - Wiliiam Datsoo AUeo. 89, of Rt 3. Mock- svalfe. died Saturday at tfaehomeof a son, RidiBraAIlen of Rt 3, Mocksvttle. He was born Sept 30.1880, in Dovie County, the son of the Mte John and Minerva Hauser Alien. He was a retired scbool teacher. Also surviving are a daugh ter. Mrs. Thellis Brewer of Rt 2. Mocksvflle; and a aster, Mim Carrie Allen of Fran Ray Rest Home. E. W. Livengood MOCKSVILLE - Ernest Webster Uvengood Sr.. 80, of Rt. 2, Advance, died Wednesday in Lynn Haven Nursing Home. MbcksvUle. He was bmn Mardi 17. 1889. in Davie County, son of the late James A. and Ann Jarvis liv elihood. Surviving are seven daugh ters. Mrs. Hu0 Walser. Blrs. Hoyle Gnibbs.Mrs. Jack Smith and Mrs. Woodrow Edwards, all of Lexington, Mrs. Marvin Long of BoooeviHe. Mrs. Homer Hinwicfcs of Rt. 3. MocksvOle. and Bfra. Harvey J. Snyder of Rt. 1, Liowood: seven sons, Henry livengooa of the home. James. GUnier and Maynard livengood of Rt. 1, Unwood. Hobart livengood of Lexington. BmcM LivcB^iod Jr. of Rt. 2. Advance, amlmnk Livengood of Rl. 3, Mocfcivllle; one sister, Mrs. Paid WBHama td lyinlty; 81 grandchildren and nine Mrs. Eoton, 64 MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Emma Latham Eaton, 61, of Rt 2, Mocksville. died Sunday morning at the Davie County Ho^itai. She was bom Feb. 20.1906, in Davie County, the daughter of the late T. r. and Margaret Roger Latham. She was a mem ber of Eaton's Baptist Church. Surviving are her husband, Jomes M. &ilon two st^soos. Paul Eaton and Lester ^ion. both of Rt 2. Mocksville; three sisters, Miss Bessie Latham of Winston-Salem. Mrs. L. L. White of Rt 2. Mocksville, and Mrs. Oarenoe Gaither of Cool- eemee; seven brothers. Blartin Latham and Albert Latham, both of Rt 1. Mocksville, Ever- ette Latham, Wilson Latham, Oscar Latham, and MiUard Latham, all of Rt 2. Blocfcsville, Tommy Latham of Lexhmton; a half-sister, Mrs. wTwTPatter- son of Wioston-Salem; and two half-brothers, Troy Latham and RodweU Latham, both of Wtn- ston-Satem. Dr. Henry Bornes, Dovie Native Dr. Henry Eugene Barnes, 60. a practicing physician in Hick ory since 1935 and a forma* resident of Cooleemee. died un expectedly Sunday at II :40 p.m. at Richard Baker Hospital in Hickory. He was bom Nov. 4. 1908. in Davie County, the son of Mrs. Geneva Blaloek Bames and the late Henry E. Bames. Echicated in Cooleemee schools and at Wake Forest University, he re ceived his medical degree from the University of Marylaml Me dical School in Baltimore Md. He served in the Medical Corps of the 2nd Chemical Bat- talim during World War II aiM received the Purple Heart His first wife. Mrs. Eoythe Baugess Bames. preceded him in dmth, and his second wife. Bits. Jesse Alexander Bama, survives. Miss Murphy MOCKSVILLE - Miss Mary Wright Mu^y, 72, of Rt 5. ModtsvUle. oied Monday morn ing at the Davie County Honii- taT. She was bom Feb. 16.1897, in Davie County, the dai^ter of the late Gabrid L. and Florenoe Jackson Murphy. She was a member of the First United Metbodist Church and a retired registered nurse. A sister. Mrs. Charlie Bailey of Rl. I, MocksvUte, survives. Also surviving are a son, Da vid Bames of the hmne; a step son, Robert Felts of Visalia. Calif.; a brother, Raymond D. Bames of Santa Monica, Calif.; four sistos, Mrs. Lacy T. Yar- laro of Ddvenport, Fla., Mrs. J. R. Overcash of Woodleaf, and Mrs. Clarence G. Wise ana Mrs. Albert B. Myers, both of Rt 9, SaUsbury; and three step- grandchildren. Funeral services will be coo- ducted Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the First Baptist Church In Hickory, of which he was a member. Burial will be at the Catawba Bfemorial Park. Bio - Obituaries - 10/22/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA t - OAVIE COUNTV ENTERnnSE REMRO, TNURSOAV, OCTOBER 11. IttB MRS.J.C.SANPORD The runera) oT Mn. Agnes Spei^t Sanfotd, 80, was held Sunay, Oetobor 19, at Fork Ephcopal Church. BuritI was in Rose Cemetery. Mrs.Sanrofd, widow of John C. Sanford, died Friday, October 17,ather home. She was bom at Hertford to John W. and Mary Gianbeiy Speight. She was a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Green^mro and was a former school teacher. She was a member of Pork Episcopal Church. SurWving are a daughter, Mrs. Agnes Leary of Mocksville; and two sons. Dr. William G. Sanford of Blsworth Air Force Base, S. and John 5. Sanford of Mocksville, 5 gnnddtSdren, and 3 gieat-gran^Qdren. MISS MARY W. MURPHY Miss Mary Wri^t Murphy. 72, of Mocksville, Rt. 5, died Monday, Oct. 20, at Davte County Hospital. The funeral was at 11 B.m. Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Oak Grove United Methodist Churdi Cemetery. She was t>ora in Davie County to Gabriel L. and Rorenoe Jadcson Murphy. She was a member of the First Methodist Church. She was a itglslered nurse at the old City Memorial Hospital in Winston-Salem. Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Charlie Bailey of Mocksville. Rt.l. Bio - Obituaries - 10/23/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA cr M \ o X, V '::o n a (O -r~^,__.— T. BLicCpraiLIHBR SK?^ MOCKVILLE — Mrs. Elizabeth • Eaton ^Blackwelder, 72, of .Moc^sviUe, "Ti A?-Blackwelder;!^^ died yesterday at Bavlel^oinity HospitaL. The funeral- will be Mtnday* at ;ljames Cross • ^oads, . Bapti^^ Church nea^^ MbCksviqe^, Burial ^Tvili be4h tn^ip^urcdi: cemetery.. •' j;*. :She'was born in Baivie County; to ;A, Ws and?;Evdyh C(fflett^^ S^le-iwas A Ammte. of .Ijamest Cross Roads • Baptist i^Chufch: =;-..SuWiving are a daughter.^ Sfoe. Hazel '' C h a f f1 n of' MpOksvillev^Rt. two sons, Chai^e^ B1 ac k w e 1 d e r, of Mocksville, Rt. 2, and J. L. of Mocksville, Rt. 5; and a brother,-;?; M. Eaton of Mocks ville, Rt. 21 The body will be taken fr^om- Eaton Funeral Home to the home at 11 'a.m. today. e> u-fi-).» i I c n tC- ift-f £ m o LU CO r) 0- o o > g r* v/^ o V <r COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, October 29, 1969 ■rs. Nmi KMt Un. Hon Nail Riddk, 83, died Wednesday evening at Rowan Mono rial Hospital. Funeral services were oooducted Saturday at 2 pm at the Church of the Good Shcfdicrd by the Rev. Dan liotSdtfll and the Rev. Waham Price. Burial was in City Memoria] Park. Salisfoury. Mrs. Riddle was bom Jan. 13, 1887, in Rowan County, the daughter of the late Horace and Naomi Dobbins NaQ. She was a ictkcd Idnarian. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Tom Webb of ModtsvUe, Miss Annie Riddle of Cooleeniee. and Mrs. George Milholen of Salisbury; a brother, Sidney Nail of Cookemee; four asters. Mis.Wdter Sb^ and Mrs. Guy Focter, both of Conlecmee, Mrs. W. D. Vick of Mocfcsvile. and Mrs. L. A. Fox of Salisbwy- Clyde Stout Brother Of Local Mon Clyde Staut, fi6, of Bynum, N.C. med Moony at 12 noon at Chapel Hill Memorial Hospital, where he had been a patient for the past seven weeks. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. OIlie Stout; two daughters, Mrs. Warren Smith and Mrs. Ken Cooper both of Bynum; one brother, Allen (Mac) Stout of Da vie Street, Cooleeniee. Bio - Obituaries - 10/29/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, October 29, 1969 Clyde McBride Of Cooleemee CXXlLEEIfEE - Oydf Za- tal McBride, M, died Suoday fircnind the VA HospiUl in Setaboo'- He was bom April IS. 191S. in Oavie Comty. the sonirf the late Charlie E. and Mamie Lee Cut- farell McBride. He was a textile emfdojre. ^irviving are a sister, Mrs Joae Wliitk> cd Rt 4. Mock STiDe; and owee brothers, Ray McBride. Otis McBride, and Ned McBride, allef Cooleemee. Fhncral meiua viO be een- dncted Tbeaday at 2 p.m. at Eaton's Faoeral Chapel in MocksriDe liy the Rev. E. M Jaaaes. Btvial wBi be at Mt Ofive United MHtiodist Chnrcfa cemetery. Bio - Obiluaries - 10/29/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA e - OAVIE COUNTY ENTEREOISE ftCCDND. THUREOAV. OCTOKR 811 lEtt CLYDE Z.McBRIDE Cl)^ Zettal McBride, 54, died Sunday evening at the VA Hospital in Sallsbuty. Hewasborn Aprd 15,1915, In Davie County, the son of the hte Chailie E and Mamie Lee Cuthnll MoBride. Re was a textile en^loyee. Surdving are a sister, Mrs. lose Whltley of Rt. 4, Moeksvflle; and three brothers, Ray McBride, Otis MoBride, and Ned McBride, aO of Cooleemee. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Chnel in MocksvUle by the Rev. B. M. James. BurM was at Mt. Olive United Methodist Church cemetery.. MRS. W. L RIDDLE Mrs. Nora Nail Riddle. 82, of Cooleemee, widow of W.L. Riddle, diedWed. Oct. 22at Rowan Memorial Hospital at Salisbury. The funeral was held Saturday at the Church of the Good Shepherd of Cooleemee. Burial was in City Memorial Paric at Salisbury. She was bom in Rowan County to ILB. and Naomi Dobbins Nail. She was a member of the Church of the Good Shepherd of Cooleemee and was a retired librarian. Surviving are three daughten, Mrs. Tom Webb of Mocksville, Mrs. George MQhoIen of Salisbury and Miss Annie Riddle of Cooleemee; four sisters, Mrs. Walter Shoaf and Mrs. Guy Foster of Cooleemee, Mrs. W.B. Vick of Mocksville and Mrs. L.A. Fox of Sali^ury; and a brother, Sidney NaQ of Cooleemee. MISS ANNA FRANCIS JONES Miss Anna Frances Jones, 69, of Mocksville. Rt. 3, died Monday at Davie County Hospital. The-funeral was held Wednesday at Cornatzer United Methodist Church. Burial was in the Foster family cemetery. She was born In Davie County to John and Elizabeth Foster Jones. She was a retired textile employe of Brwin Textile Mills at Cordeemee. Surviving is a brother, W. N. Jones of Mocksville, Rt. 3. MRS. JOHN J.WOOTEN Mrs. Bertha Reynolds Wooten 69, of Harmony, Rt. 1, wife of John J. Wooten died Saturday at her home. The funeral was held Monday at Darketbury United Methodist Chutdi. Burial was in the church cemeteiy. She was bom in Vadkln County to John and Sarah Reavis Re/nolds and was a member of Clarkesbury United Methodist Church. Surviving are her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Clyde Jordan of Modwille, Rt. 2. and Mrs. Fred Evans of StatesvUIe, Rt. 4; two sons, James L. Wooten of Salisbury and John C. Wooten of Statesville, Rt. 8; and a brother, Joe Reyiiolds of Mocksville, Rt. 5. MRS. T BLACKWELDER SR. Mrs. Elizabeth Eaton Bladcwelder, 79, of Mocksrille, Rt. 5, widow of T. A. Blaekwelder, Sr. died Saturday St Davie County Hospital. The funeral was held Monday at IJantes Cross Roads Baptist Church near ModcsvUIe. Burial was in the diurch cemetery. She was bom in Davie County to A. W. and Evelyn Collette Eaton. She was a member of Ijames Cross Roads Baptist Church. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Hazel Chaffln of Mocksville, Rt. 2,and J. L. and Charlie Blaekwelder of Mocksville, Rt. 5; and a brother, J. M. Eaton of Mod^lle, Rt. 2. Bio - Obituaries - 10/30/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, 11/2/1969 - ,j. y.\ •! «i MRS/THOMA^ H. BRICE PASSES Spqsjed'^v^ayt four, niopths 3g(^'at lihcjp summer honic ai Myrtle fe Beachji^.S 7^Mrs,'.Brice, theiXorniejiM^rlha^.Wmiams, was the Q^.lhe' lai?: 0. L. V/illiamSiancl Mrs.^ Mallic Bahnson X'WiiliaVi^^wJiy lived in* Mocksville unti[ji048.jyiien. they,nioyed ,lp Bio - Obituaries - 11/2/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUHTY ENTERPAISE RECORD. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER B. ISBB - 7 G.K. Carter, 79 George '.cnncth Carter. 79, of MocKsvllle, Route 3, dted at 2:30 a.in. Thursday at hli home afler a linnring Slness. He wa- boni In Davie County July 23, i890, son of ^0 late Surges L. and Alice Howard Carter. He was a retired merchant. Suvlvors Include hh wife Mrs. Dora Nonce Carter; one daughter, Mrs. Raymond Lermey of Rt. 9, Lexington: two sons, Jji. Carter of 243 West Sixth St., Lexington, ond Kenneth Carter of the home; two sisters, Mrs. Lee Ellis of Moo! sville, Rt.3 and Mrs. GjC. McDaniel of Rt. 3, Moc xvUlc: two brothers, Howard Carter a.*d Zac ie Carter, both of Mocksville, Rt. 3; two grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at Dulin's United Methodist Church Saturday at 4 pjm. by the Rev. Powell Wil iits and the Rev. Paul Horu Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Maggie Virginia Pierce Mrs. Moggie Virginia Pierce, 83, of Riverside Drive, Cooleemee, died at I i :2S ajn. October 29th, at Davie County Hospital. She had been a patient at the hospital for severolwee s. Born in Rowan County October 24, .886, site was the dau^ter of tlie tote David D. and Margaret R. .Msbrookes. Site wa.* married twice. Her first husband wa^ the late Tate SIgmon. Her second hudsand, diaries Pierce, died in 1950. Survivors include two daugliters, Mr:.. Buster KOIiam of Winsion'Salem and Mrs. Melton Rice of Attonia, Ga.; five S'ins, Dovtd Simon of Raleigli, Charier H. Pierce of Colorado Springs, Colo., Doiy, William S., and James L Pierce, all of Cooleemee; 16 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were c nducted at 1 ajn. Friday morning ot Eaton Funeru Chapel by the Rev. UWiom Dingus. Burial was in Lilterly United Methodist Church Cemeicry. Bio - Obituaries —11/6/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 11/10/1969 HB8. ' MOCKSVILLE — MrStAMaryl EUzalietti (MoUie) Hendrlehs,' 86k M Salisttttry Street, :'«Idow of B. E. Besdricks,' died yesterday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home. The funeral will be' at' 2:90 p.m. Tuesday at EaUm*B Funeral Home diapeL Burial will be in Fork Baptist Church cemetery in Davie County. She wasibom in Davie County to Wilso&V F. and Sara.h £Uxabe& ^an Eaton Merrill. She was a member of tiie First Baptist Qiurch. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. E. (r. Hendricks o f Mceksville and Mrs. Jacob Grubb of Mocksville, Bt 3; and a brother, George E. MerrOlljof Mocksville^ Bt 3. | r-n v)o c L- f/ - Bio - Obituaries - 11/10/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 11/10/1969 \ WILSON F. V\i;(;iL\ Mrs. Sophia Taian Vaushn. o( the N'. C. Baptist Home cn Reynolrit ('ark Road. nrldoMr of 'A'llson fraiKis Vjtjthn, died Yesterday at the Baptist Itoine The funeral *ill be at 2 p m. today at First Baptist Church Burial trdl be in S a 1 e in Cemetery. She was born 'In Rowan County to Pleasant Owen and Marjail'l lAium. was a member of First Baptist Church S u r V t V j a ; are three daushlers. .Mrs. J. .V Sum- ntereii of Ga.s!onia. Mrs. T ! Curlee of 121 Pennsylvania Avenue and .Mrs. James A Rctierlson of panviljc. Va.; a: son. Wilson (> Vaughn if,' Oconomowoc. Wise.; and three" sisters. Miss Jessie Tatum of! Winsion-Salem and Mrs. W, A.i Hannah and Mrs. P 0. Rose-- man of Salffaury, n The body Is at Vojlers, I'uncral Home. i Lt-" n ■> "j it - I '■ Bio - Obituaries -11/10/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA cs- ^ nn .■2P^??^<' widoW' ofi-.' '6mi>^' -ro fei«l% '•'^' 'bornyjiiCi^ajaid^was «.t^berS3\ P r e s b y t e T i a a jj^^j^ming is a datighte^,'" Ws = of MbckBvflla<^fa jsony Charles fi ooev^of fi al- Jet^ Holman and. Mrs. Susie' ^ MocksviBe; and four.broth^s, Willis CampbeV SMocksviiu, Joh£ HemS =l^mpbbU ^ Brooklyn, N ^ YIfiezelJas . CampbeU o f Cor'.aopoH. Pa.. and -Xas co^?Pri^gs^: ^ ' ■^" rj ^ j ' ^ 1' - /^ L f J -t I sT^ >o ! ^ij- 1^[> m\l CO. PUBLIC UBBRRY^ ViOCKSVlLLE, NC, COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, November 12,1969 Mrs. Daniel Of Mocksviile liOCBSVllJLB—Ifrs. Bmy of BL 4. Mwfciiente, dted Wedbcnd^y it at tbe IMvieGoody She was ban S9. SB, 1901, ia WSkm Owmy. die doubter of A n mm— ^ illclSiB HfSe ^BOQK lNBHr« IH6 on e Bawieii^ deetermliiivie Obanly. Snrnvliig are her hoalmd, DmSd;iluee daartiera, Mrs. liiigatt Vkyd ain Mrs. Bntoa fbater, botti of BL 4, MocksviQe, and Mis. Bodee Strood of Rt 1, Mocksvffle; a son. Jack Dudd of RL 4, Mocksviile; a sisin, Mrs. Florence Roberts of Cooleemee; three brolhm, Baxter Boi^ of Modksvflle. Sam Boofr of RL 4, MOcksviDe, and .C. B. Boger of RL 1. Mocksviile; and six grand- rtdMr—* Mis. Hendricks Of Mocksviile * **MOGKSVILLE - Mrs. Mary ICiitabefh (Molly) Hendricks. n, of Salisbeiy SlreeL fifock- sinle, Aedali0:40ajn. Sunday at Iaiui Haven Nursiag Home. ModksvSle. Mis. Hendrkk was born Jan. SI. IMS, daud^ of tbe late WBsen F. ana Sarah KBrnbrth Van Eaton. She vpas the widow of the late D. H. HendAcks, omd was a member of First Bi|dist Gburdi, MocksviDe. SunSvors include two sisters. Mrs. E. G. Hendrkks and Mrs. laedb Gndbb, and a brother. Seorge B. BtordI, Mi of Mock- iviOe. Charlie J. Com Of Mocksviile MOQC8VILLE - CbarUe Judwn OoRL M, of RL 4, MockavMa. mod at ll:a p.in. Sunday In Davie County Hmjlltl Bor) April M, iMo. in Madi- ■OB Oouoty. he waoamtnbcr ofBear CroMi Baptist ^urcb where fOacrM aervlesB wia bebddallpA. WeMuiday. tbe Rev. Ilid Moore and the Rev. W.C. Bifkley. Burial wm be in Cbootrad umve Unitedllelliodisi Churd) eonetery.Mr. Ctam Is survived by & wife. Mrs. Julie Cbm: onedaughter. Mrs. RoyHeCmioek Sr., and one eon. W.O. tlbd) Com. both of RL 1.MockaviUe; 10 grandchildrenaiM ITgiealgrandchBdren. Mrs. C. H. Corr Bfis. Clyde Hotman Our. 7S, of sa Pine SL. Mocksviile. Oedat 8 pm. Sunday a: oavie County RosMtaL MocksviDe. a as. ajpeBaa Been powiining Beam lor seveiM years and acfiondyfflfor fioe days. Bfrs. Gnrr was bora ScpL IS.ISM in Davie Oounly, daughter of the late Charlie and LenaNsMor Hotanaa. She was edn- cafed in Uie Oavie Coun^schools, and was a meniber of SL John AME Bon Church. Suvivois tadude one son, Ev erett H. Hofwdl. aiM a dragbter. Mis. Lodse H. Gailhcr. both of ft TifiT Bio - Obituaries -11/12/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA OAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSOAV. NOIIEMBER 13. ISSS - 8 C.J.CORN,89 Ctiarlie Judson Com, 89, of Rt. 4, MocksvOle, died at 11:55 p.m. Sunday in Davie County Hospital. Bom April 20, 1880, in Madison County, he was a member or Bear Creek Baptist Church where funeral ser^ces were held Wednesday. Omciating at the riles were the Rev. Paul More and the Rev. W. C. Berkley. Burial was in Cheslnul Grove United Methodist Church cemetery. Mr. Corn is suivived by his wife, Mrs. Julie Corn; one daughter, Mrs. Roy McClamrodc, Sr., and one son, W. 0. (Ted) Com, both of Rt. 2, MocksvOle; 10 grandchQdten MRS. CLYDE H.CARR.7S Mrs. Clyde Holman Carr, 75, of 521 Pino St., Mocksville, di^ at 8 pjn. Sunday at Davie County Hospital, Mocksville. She had bwn in declining Itealth for several years and seriously ill for five days. Mrs. Carr was born Sept. 15, 1894 in Davie County, daughter of the late Charlie and Lxna Naylor Holman. She was educated in the Davie County schools, and was a member of St. John AME Zion Church. Survivors include one son, Everett H. Howell, and a daughter, Mrs. Louise H. Galtner, both of Mocksville. Funeral services will be held at 4 pjn. Thursday at St. John AME Zion Church, with the Rev. Freeman Germany oiTiciating. Burial will be in the cliurch cemetery. The body will remain at Noble and Kelsey Funeral Home, Salisbury, until taken to tlie church two hours prior to lite services. PINK S. SPRY, 89 Pink S. Spry. 89. of Rt. 2. Advance, died last niglit at his itume. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday at Fulton United Methodist Church by tiie Rev. Bryce Smith. Burial was in the church cemetery. I le was bom April 28. 1881. in Davie County, son of the late Berry and Bet tie Spry. He was a retired farmer and member of Fulton United Methodist Cliurch. He is survived by his widow: five daughters. Mrs. Edna Brown and Mrs. Ceraldine Blevins of Rt. 8, Salisbur)*; Mrs. Madclaiiie Deal and Mrs. Arlene Freedle of Lexmstun and Mrs. Betty WiUiams of Rt. 3. Mocksville; four sons. Avans and Culan Spry of Rt. 2, Advance, Melvin Spry of Rt. I. Liiiwood, and Bruce Spry of Rt. 8, Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries - 11/13/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA OAVIE COUNTY ENTENPRISE RECORO. THURSDAY. NOVEimBER 13. 1869 - 3B •• MRS.D.H.HENDRICKS Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Mollle) Hendilcks, 86, of S^bttiy Street, widow of D. H. Hendrleks, died Sundw at lynn Haven Nunlog HOme. Trie Amend was held Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was In Fork Baptist Church cemetery In uavle County. She W4S bom in Davle County to l^on P. and Sarah EHzabeih Van Eaton Merrell. She was a member of the First Baptist Church. Surviving are two sisters. Mrs. E. G. Hendrleks of MocksviUe and Mrs. Jacob Gfubb of MocksvUIe, Rt. 3; and a brother, George E. Merrell of MocksvUIe. Rt. 3. LEWIS CLAY HOLMES Lewis Clay Holmes, SI, of MocksviUe died Sunday of natural causes at For^th Memorial Hospital In Win8ton<SaIem. The Aineral was held "Rie^ay at Macedonia United Methodist Church. Burial was in Uie church cemetery. Mr. Holmes was bom in Iredell County to William Robert and Bessie Fraley Hdmes. He was a produce merchant. Surviving are two dau^ters. Mrs. Clay Pope and Miss Dartene Holmes of Roanoke, Va.; a son. William Lewb Holmes of Ft. Campbell. Ky.; two sisters, Mrs. Clarice Anders and Mrs. Floyd Walker of Olin, Rt. U flve brothers, Frank, Flake, Doak and GilT Holmes of Olln, Rt. 1. and Paul Holmes ofWlnston-Salein. MRS. JEFF DANIEL Mrs. Canie Prevette Daniel, 68, of MocksvQIo, Rt. 4, wife of Jeff Daniel, died Nov. 4th at Davle County Hospital. The funeral was held Friday at Eaton's Chapel. Burial was in Liberty United Methodist Chur^ cemetery. She was bom in Wilkcs County to Mrs. Rhody Boger. She was a dealer for Rawlei^ medicines in Davle County. Surviving are her husband: three daumters, Mrs. Margaret Floyd anoMrs. Barba Foster of MocksviUe, Rt. 4, and Mrs. Eunice Stroud of ModcsviUe, Rt. 1; a son. Jack Daniel of Mocks^e, Rt. 4; a sister, Mrs. Florence Roberts of Cooleemee; and three brothers, Baxter Boger of Mocks^dtte, Sam Boger of MocksviUe, Rt. 4, and C. B. Boger of MocksvUIe, Rt. 1. LAGLE INFANT Graveside services for the infant son of Jerry and Barbara Ann Plott Lagie of Rt. 3, MocksviUe, wore held Nov. Sth at Turrentine Baptist Church cemetery. The infant died at birth Nov. 4th at Davie Coun^ Hospital. Rites were conducted by the Rev. BiU Creason. In addition to the parents, survivors include a sister. Angel Dawn La^e of the home; and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Plott and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Lagie, all of MocksvUIe. Bio - Obituaries - 11/13/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD* THURSDAY* NOVEMBER 20* IW PAUL ELMER TAYLOR Paul Bmer Taylor, 58, of Mocksvilla, Route 4, died of natural cauies Friday at Davie County HmpUal. He was bom August 6, 1911, In Davle County, the ion of the late William J. and Laura Motley Taylor. He was of the Baptist faiui. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Elsie Veach Taylor; two daughters, Mrs. Jim Osbome of Cooleemee, and Mrs. Joe Gobble ofMocksville, Route 1; two sons, David Taylor of Mocksvllle, Route 5, and Dennis Taylor of MoclwUle; eight grandchildren, three sisters, Mrs. E. L. Wyrick and Mrs. William Morgan of Salisbury, and Mrs. S. 1. Eudy of Chula Vista, Califomla; and a brother, Frank Taylor of Salisbury. Funeral services were conducted Sunday at Eaton*s Funeral Homo Chapel by the Rev. Archie Jones and the Rev. Franklin Myers. Pallbearers were nephews: Eddie Wyrick, Freddie Crot^, Alton Edwards, Larry Taylor, Cone and Johnny Veach. Burial was In the Liberty United Methodist Church Cemetery. MRS. CLYDE HOLMAN CARR Mrs. Clyde Holman Carr died November 9, at Davie County Hospital. Funeral services were held Thursday, November 13, at 4:00 p. m. at the St. John A. M. E. Zion Church with the Rev. Freeman Germany ofltciating. Interment was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Carr was bom In Davie County, September 12, 1898, to the late Charlie and Lena Naylor Holman. Survivors are: one dau^ter, Mrs. Louise Howell Gaither of ModcsvUle; one son, Everett Hanes Howell of Sto^, N. C. and a number of nieces and nephews. MRS. ADA SUE CAMPBELL HAIRSTON Mrs. Ada Sue CampbeU Halrston died November 10, at the Davie County Hospital. Funeral services were held Sunday, November 15, at 3:00 p. m. at the Second Pres^erian Church. The Rev. F. D. Johnson ofOclated. Internment was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Halrston was born July 12,1915 to the late Mrs. Essie Van Eaton in Davie Counw. Surviving are; two foster diildren, Mnk Annie Sue Dulln of Mocksville. Charles Booe of Baltimore, Md.; two sisters, Mrs. Jettie Holman and Mn. Susie Hudson of Mocksville; one half'Sister, Mrs. Ossie Wilson of Cooleemee; four brothers, WOlis Campbell of Mocksville. Maso Cantpbell of Los Angeles, Calif., Reaellas Campbell of Coroopolis, Pa., John Henry Campbell of Brooklyn, N. Y.; two half brothers; Rayfleld Holman of Coroopolis. Pa., and Fred Holman ofMocksville. Bio - Obituaries —11/20/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4B - DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20« 1969 PAUL KLMER TAYLOR, 58 Paul Elmer Taylor, 58, of Rl. 4, Mocksvillc, died Friday at 7:45 p. m. at the Davic County Hospital. He was boni Aug. 6, 1911, in Davie County, the son of the bte William and Laura Motley Taylor. He was a retired textile employe. Survlvinu arc his wife, the former Miss Elsie Voach Taylor; two dauglitcrs, Mn. Jim Osbotne of Coolecmec and Mrs. Joe Gobble of Rt. I, Mocksvllte; two sons, David Taylor of Rt. 5, Mocksvillc, and Dennis Taylor of Mocksvi l lc; eight grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. E. L. Wyrick and Mrs. William Morgon, botli of Salisbury, and Mrs. S. E. Goody of Chula Visio, Calif.; and a brother, Frank Taylor of Salisbury. Funeral services were conducted Sunday at Eaton's Chapel by the Rev. Archie Smith and the Rev. Franklin Myers. Burial was in the Liberty United Methodist Church Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/20/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA C/'p- > N v^- o pK-Bssr"''- A ol lOCKS ^;«u^ay^4)ay2 ^liursday at 'StAME Zion Churchi" Bunai wni. •we. jn the churi^ rfon^p^fef- n are no i m d i a f osarvivors. It ^A ®i 4-^® body is at the NSi}0ln^Funeral Houf ?| m ' , : W M i\r n 1?^? >- or cr nr z 29 o o ui" m n Q- w . ic "itil ^ > COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Tuesday, November 25,1969 Mrs. West, 77, Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Miller West, 77. of Rt. 2. Bfock- sville, died lliursday night at the Da vie County Mortal. She was bom Dec. 23.1891, in Yadkin County, the daughter of the late Isaac and Virginia Howeil Miller. Her husband, W. W. West, died in 1953. Surviving are four daughtd^, Mrs. George Steeleman m Yad- kinville, Mrs. Harold Guemtert of San Andono, Tex., Mrs. J. L. Fortney of Maryville, Tenn. and Mrs. Lois Deese off Winston- Salon; three stms, Luther West. Lonnie West.-and Rowland West, all of Rt. 2. Modisville; a sister, Mrs. Roy Fish of Dundee, fificfa.; and two brothers, Grady Ifilio' off Yadkinville and Ko*- man Miller of Rt. 5. Mocksville. Mrs. Emmo Smith Of Farmlngton FARMINGTON - Mrs. Emma Johnson Smith, W, of Farmlngton died at 7:25 p.m. Saturday at Lynn Havoi Nurs ing Home. She was bom in Da vie County Nov. 18,1881, to William Gaston and Emma Miller Johnson. She was a member of Farmington Methodist Church and was graduated from UNC at Green sboro. Survivors include four nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be am- ducted Monday at 2 p.m. at Eaton*s Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Joe Phillips offici ating. Burial will be in Farm- ingUmcen^ery. ITie family will be at the funeral home tonight from 7 until 9. G. H. Scott, Advance, Rt. 1 George Harvey Boott, d3. M HI. LXdvaooe, was fefisd dead Saturday in Davie Gbmily in a lidd near his home. Deam was attribided to natural eauses. Survivors iodude his molhar, Mrs. Zannie Scott off the home; eight sisters, Mrs. Ethel Ij- ames, Mrs. Pearl Wellman. and Mrs. Masine Chambers of Statesville, BIrs. Lucy Holman off Woodleaff, Mrs. Catherine Dave, Mrs. Elizabeth McCleuand, and Mrs. Annie Hanrntm of New Ymfc City, and Mrs. Maiv Pettiford of^ the iKHne; twobrdfaers,HalSoottoff Blacfc Moimtain and Edward Soottoftfaehome. Funeral services will be con ducted Tttesdav at 3 p.ra. at RetUand Church d Christ. Bur ial win be in the church cone- tery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/25/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8 - DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, WEDNESDAY, NOVKMRER 26, 1969 MRS. W. W. WEST. 77 Funeral services tur Mrs. Agnes Miller West, 77. of Mocksville. Rl. 2. widow of W. W. West, were held Saturday aflcmoon at the Farniliigion Dapllsi Church. Burial was in the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church cemetery. Mrs. West died Tliursday at the Oavic County Hospital. She was bom Dec. 23,18d1 in Vadkin County, the daughter of the lute Isaac and Virginia Howetl Miller. Her liu^and. W. W. West, died in 1053. Surviving are four daughtcis. Mrs. George Stceleman of Yadkinville. Mrs. Harold Giiernteri of San Aniiono, Texas. Mrs. J. L. Forincy of Maiyville. Teitii. and Mts. Lois Deese of Winsion«Sa!env. three sons. Luther West, Lonnie West, and Rowland West, all of Rt. 2. Mocksville: a sister, Mrs. Roy Fish of Dundee. Mich.: and two brothers, Grady Miller of Yadkinville and Kcriiun Miller ofRi.S.MiH'ksville. MRS. JESSE M. SMITH Mrs. Emma Johnson Smith. 88, of Farmington. widow of Jesse M. Smith died Saturday night at Lynn Haven Nursing Home at Mocksville. The funeral was held Monday at Eaton's Funeral Cliapel at Mocksville. Burial was in Farmington Cemetery. She was born in Farntiiigtoii to William Gaston and Eniiiu Miller Johnson. She was a meittber of Faiiniiigion United MethiHlist Church. There are no immedute sur\'ivors. W. B.HORN. 82 Funeral services forWalter Branson Horn. 82. of Wiiistoii'Salem. a native of Davie County, were held Sunday aftcnioun at the Oak Grove Methodist Church. Burial was in the church ceineteo'. Mr. Horn died Friday morning at the Forsyth Memorial HiHpital. He had been in declining health for several years and seriously ill for nine weeks. He was born In Davie County on Nov. 15, 1687 to John and HmniaUnc Summers Horn. He had lived in Winston-Salcin for 35 years. He was a member of Oak Grove United Methodist Church in Davie County. Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. Ethel Hunt Horn of the home, and a sister. Mrs. Frances N. Young of Carolina Beach. Bio - Obituaries - 11/26/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MISS IILLIE B. MERONEY i MOCKSVILLE — Miss LillieBrown Meroney, 85. of Lexing. ton died Tuesday in Lexington , Memorial Hospital. The funeral wiU be at 2 p.m. today at Eaton i r uneral Home here. Burial will f be m the Joppa Cemetery here.; She was born in Davie Coun-i f and Margnrof reorea scnooiteacher and librarian. Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Sophia Hodges of Lexington. tv- $ Jc u,n»z. L '' ' t-(. - Davie Co. Put;:: n i'-i. CNi I {N < ■0 CO. pURi in •\ c -»» . ^ 4 - OAVIE COUNTY ENTEREAISE RECORD. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1SSS CURTIS S. HAIRE Graveside services for Curtis S. (Johnnie) Haire, 46, of 6716 Windwan Drive, Columbia, S. C., were held at 4 o*clock Friday, November 28th in Greenlawn Memorial Park, conducted by the Rev. W. L. Faircloth. Dunbar Funeral Home on Devinc Street had charge. He died Tuesday, November 24th of injuries received in an automobile accident near Ridneland, S. C. He was entployed at Fort Jackson in Government communications. Mr. Haire was bom in Boonville, N. C., the son of John S. Haire, now of Mocksvllte and the btc Cora Reece Haire: he was a member of Rosewood Baptist Church, Columbia, and a veteran of World War 3. Suiviving are his widow, Mrs. Mary Lucille Copebn Haire: his father and siep'tnoilter, Mary C. Haire: two daughters. Janice and Marv Lynn Haire: a son. Stephen Haire. and a stepson, James Brenihrop Jr. all of the home, a sister. Mrs. Ira G. Reece of Clenunons: Herbert H. Haire of Greensboro, two halfbrothers, Charles E. Haire of East Puini, Ga.. and George Haire of Mocksville. THOMAS ASBURY STEELMAN Thomas Asbury Steelman. 82, of Mod^ille, Rt. 1, died Tliursday, November 27, at his home. The fhneral was held at 2:30 p. m. Saturday at Sandy Spring Baptist Church. Burbl with Masonic rites was in the cliurcli cemetery. He was bom in Vadkin County to Thomas A. and Dora Harding Steelman. He was a retired larmer. Surviving are a sister. Miss Jennie Steelman of Yadkinville, Rt. 3: and four brothers, Jim W., Sid C., and ^ul Steelman of Yadkinville, Rt. 3, and Samuel H. Steelman of Lincolnton. MRS. CHARLIE PADGETT Mrs. Bernicc Steele Padgett. 87. of Woodleaf. died Friday at the Lynn Haven Nursing Honte in Mocksville. Tlie funeral was held Sunday at Corinth Church of Christ. Burial was in Holly Springs Baptist Church cemeter>- in Ireoell County. She was bom in Iredell County to Joseph Lee and Roxie Felts Steele. She was a member of Corinth Church of Oirisi. Surviving are two daugltters. Mrs. Adie warn of Woodleaf. Rt. 1. and Mrs. Maude Reby of Mooresville; five sons. Ed and Ibrold Padgett of Woodleaf, Rt. I. Mott and Ralph Padgett of Mocksville and Iva Padgett of Beach Haven, N. J.;; and a sister, Mrs. Mildred Wetmore of Statesville. Bio - Obituaries - 12/4/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 2B > DAVie COUNTY ENTERPRISe RECORD. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4. 166B MRS. CHARLES LEONARD Mrs. Ruih Barnes Leonard, 39. or East Spcnccr, wife of ^ ^ISS LILUE B. MERONEY , Cliarles Barnes Leonard, died n n ' " of natural ciiases Wednesday at Miss Lillie Brown Meroney, her lionte.Tltc funeral was held 85, of Lexington died Friday at Eaton*s Funeral Saturday, Nov. 24th in Chapel. Burial was in Lexington Memorial Hospital. Cooicentee Legion I^irk. Tlicfuncral was held Nov. 26th She was born in Davic at Eaton Funeral Home. Burial County to Thontus and Daisy was in the Joppa Cemetery William Barnes, here. &irviving are her husband. She was born in Davie Cliarles Leonard of Salisbury: County to Phillip Lee and three sisters. Mrs. Floyd Margaret Elinibclh Meroney. Leonard of Lexington. Mrs. She was a retired schoolteacher Joe McCreary and Mrs. Mamie and librarian. Ilepler of CiHileentec; and two Surviving is a sister, Mrs. brothers. Otis and Tonimle Sophia Hodges of Lexington. Barnes ot^ Demon. Bio - Obituaries -12/4/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, December 10, 1969 Mrs. Jamie Totum Dies At Age 71 Mrs. Jamie Mauney TaUun, 71, of Route 4, Mocksville, died Wednesday at the N.C. Baptist Ho^ital in Winston-Salem. She was bom Jan. 7. 1896. in Stanly County, the dai^ter of the late James and N<£e Burt Mauney. She was graduated fr<Hn New London High S(^o(ri, attended Mars Hill C^ege, and received her B.S. degree from Meredith College, Raleigh in 1921. A school teacher for five years, she was the first Home Economics teacher at Mock sville High School. She was married to the late E. Carl Tatum, who was also Mock- sville's first agriculture teach- in 1924. ; She served as Home Demon- stratiMi agent in Davie county, a case worker for the Welfare Department and was club lead er in Cooleemee for two years each. She was a member of the First Baptist Church in Cool eemee since moving here in 1932, and continually served as an adult Sunday School teacher. She was very active in the missionary program of the church and auring this time, served as counsels for most mi^ion^ organizations. She also served as Associ- ational Superintendent of the Woman's Missionary Union of South Yadkin Association. In recent years devoted a great deal of her time to the sick a.id elderly of the community. A member of the local Soiior Citizens Club, she served as secretary and club reporter for a numbtf of years. She is survived by two daugh ters, Mrs. Janet Davenport of Bryan's Road, Md., and Mrs. EUen Young cd Falls Church, Va.; two sons, E. C. Tatum, Jr. of Route 4, Mocksville, and Frank Tatum of Anniston, Ala.; a brother, T. Burt Mauney of New London; and a sister, Mrs. A very Moss of Wilson. Bio - Obituaries - 12/10/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, December 10, 1969 Mrs. Davio County ^ th Ddi*■^^RHBHrtson, 80, of Rt. 2,AiMncf. died Sunday at her home. Mrs. Robertson was born in Davie County December 23. 1688, daug^er of the late Noahand Milofjod M^ers Hendrix.Survivorstl^cJt^ five daughters, Mrs. jiarvey Lee Shoafof Rt 5, Lei^gton, Mrs. Kathe- fine Cariv ol Rt. 2, Advance, Mrs. Mabel Laird of Rt. 3, Mocksviile. Mrs. Lorene God- dard of Lenoir City Tenn., and Miss Mary Robertson of Rt. 2,Advance; four sons, Spencer W. Robertson of Rt. 5, Salisbury, Paul W., Johnnie, and Robert W. Robertson, all of Rt. 2, Ad vance;'one brother, Cap Hen drix of Winston-Salem; two half-brothers. Roy and Vestal Williams of Winston-Salem; two half-sisters. Miss Esther Rob ertson and Miss Ella Williams, both of Winston -Salem Swicegood Rites Funeral services for GarlandGray Swicegood Jr., 38. of Rt.l,Woodleaf, owner of Swicegood Limestone and Fertilize Service. were conducted Smday at 4 p.m. at Bethel Lutheran ChtBxh by the Rev. William Rhyne. pastor. Burial was, at Rowan Memorial Park. Pallbearers were Hall Steele.Arthur Ratledge. Dale Hokh way, Tommy Hendrix. J.B. Collins. and Fk^d Coates.Mr. Swicegood died Friday at6 p.m. from injuries received while loading equipment in woodleaf.' Mr. Swicegood was bora Aug. 3, 1931. la Rowan Oounty, the » of Garland G. and Ron Mae M<>nyniH Swioogood of Rt. 1, Woo^eaf. Educated in RowanOoiBty acfaooto, be was owner ofSwicegood limestnoe and Ferti lize Service and was also engaged in real estate and cattlepurchasing. He was a membo* of Betbd Lutheran Church and the Farm Bureau and CattleoMn's Aaaoc. Also KB-viving are his wife, the former Miss Ptdly MarieSpillman. whom he married March 10. 1950; a son, JefireyGray Swicegood of the home;two dau^ters, C^dy Ann andCathy Diane Swicegt^, bodi of the home; a sister. Bfrs. JamesF. Sain Jr. of Rt • 8. Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries — 12/10/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA OAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-^ReCORD, THURSDAY. DECEMBER II. 1669 - 3B MRS. EZRA CARLTATUM Mrs. Jamie Mauney Tatum. 71, or Modcsvllle. Rt. 4, widow of Ezra Carl Tatum, died Dec. 3rd at Baptist Hospital in Wiruton'Salem. The funeral was held Friday at First Baptist Church in Cooleemec. Burial was in Jerusalem Baptist Church Cemetery. She was bom in Stanly County to James and Nolle Burt Mauney and was a member of First Baptist Church. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Janet Davenport of Bryan's Road, Md. and Mrs. Etfen Young of Falls Church, Va.; two sons, E. C. Tatum Jr. of Mocksvitle, Rt. 4, and Frank Tatum of Anniston, Ala; a sister. Mrs. Auray Moss of Wilson; and a brother. T. Burt Mauney of New London. Bio - Obituaries - 12/11/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 2C - DA VIE COUNTY UNTE.RPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. DECEMBI-R II. 1069 GEORGE BRUNER George Brunei' Dies at Age 81; Was Minister The Rev. George Bruncr, 81, of the Kcrners^'illc Rest Honic, formerly of 716 Laurel Street, Winston-Salcm, a Moravian minister for 50 years, died Saturday in Forsyth Memorial Hospital. He was horn at Hope, Ind., to Martin and Luulsa Rominger Bnincr. He spent his early life in Hope and was ordained in the Moravian Cliurch in Indianapolis. He cainc io WinsinivSalein front Daggctt, Michigan. He served the Advent Moravian Church in Winsioit-Salccii for 20 years. Macedonia Moravian Church in Davic County for 10 years, and also was minister of Wachovia Atboi Moravian Church. He had lived at the Kcrncrsvillc Rest Home for three years. Suiviving is a sister. Mrs. l-lTic Collins of Greenville, Indiana. WILUAMJ.MCDANIEL William Joe McDanicl, 73, of Woodlcaf, Rt. 1, died Thursday, at Lynn Haven Nursing Home. The funeral was held Sunday at Nccdmore Baptist Church. Burial was in Corinth Church of Christ Cemetery. He was born in Rowan County 10 Tltomas and Margie Bycrly McDanicl and was a (ttembcr of Nccdmore Baptist Oturch. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. LIi7.ubcih Sain McDanicl; a daughter, Mrs. Bonnie Sue McGec of Arlincton. Va.: seven suns, Otis, Wilbur and Bruce McDanicl of Wtrodlcaf, Rt. I. James McDanicl of China Grove, Rt. 3, Pamcll McDanicl of Salisbury, Cecil McDanicl of Kissimmce, Fla., and Edward McDanicl of Durham. MRS.G. L ROBERTSON Mis. Delia Hendrix Robcnsiin. 80. of Advance. Rt. 2. tvidow of (i. L Robcrisoo, died Sundav at her homo. The luncrul was held Tuesday at Advance United Melliadist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. She was born in Davic County to Nnah and Mildred Myers Hendrix and was a member of Advance United Methodist Churcli. Surviving arc five duu^ters, Mrs. Harvey Lee Shoaf of Lexington, Rt. 5. Mrs. Kathcrlne Carter and Miss Mary Oncll Robertson of Advance, Rt. 2, Mrs. Mabel Laird of Mocksville, Ri. 3, and Mrs. Lorcnc Goddard of Lcnoir City. Tcnn.; four sons, Spencer W. Robertson of Salisbury, Rt. 5, and Paul W.. Johnnie H. and Robert W. Robertson of r dvancc, Rt. 2; two half sisters, Mrs. Ester Robertson and Miss Ella Williams of Winston-Salem: a brother. Cap Hendrix of Winsion-Satem; and three half brothers, Roy, Vestal and Glenn Williams of Winston-Salcm. Bio - Obituaries - 12/11/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, December 17,1969 Williams Rites COOLEEMEE — Luna Mae Williams. 8S, of Cooleenieedied at 2 p.m. Saturday alher home. Sbe had Iteen an invalid for 16 years. Bom November 3. IBM, she was a nahve of Oavie Cottoty. She was a member of Gonoord Ihdted Methodist Church. Survivors include one daugb- ter, Mrs. Bonnie W. Everetteof Cooleemee; one son. Robert W. Williams of Bay Aore, N.Y.; four arandchiktren; two great grandchildren. O. L. Harkey, Former Dqvie G>mmissioner MOCKSVILLE — OUie Ue HarliQf, 66, of Harmony. Rt 2, died at 10:20 a.m. Monday at Davie Comity Hospitai foDow- ing a lingering illness. Bom May 8. 1883. in Oavie County, he was the son of Julius and BettieCain Haih^. Hewas a member of liberty Baptist Church. Mr. Harkey was a county commissioner of Oavie Cou^ for several years and a retired farmer. Survivors indude two dar ters. Mrs. Lucille Boose of wm- sloii*Salcm and Mrs. Isal>dle Crater of Harmooy. Rt 2; one son, Stokes A. Kaney of East Bend; one brother. Lappie Har key of Mocksvihe. RtS; five grandchildren; 13 great-grand- cliUdren: and four great-great - grandchildren Mrs. Cook, 79, Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Emma lacker Cook, 79, died Tuesday morning at the Oavie County Hospital. Mrs. Cook was bora Feb. 4, 1890, in Oavie County, the daughter of the late Geoige and Bettie Charles Kicker. Survivihg are four sisters, Mrs. M. G. ABmottdofThomas- ville, Mrs. Turner Paige of Stotesvllle, Mrs. Oew^ Foster of Lexington, and Mrs. Orouse Jones V Winston-Salero; and two hrothm, Charles Kidker of Chicago, III., and J. T. Kicker of San Jose, Calif. Bio - Obituaries - 12/17/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIK COUNTY r.NTt-RPRISl- RECORD. THURSDAY. DIXTMBER 18. 1969 CHARLES W. TUTTEROW 81 Charles Wesley Tudcrow, 81 , of Oakwood Avc Extension, Kannapolis. died Sunday at 10:30 ajn. at Cabarrus Memorial Hospital. He had been ill for one week. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday at 3:30 at Ihc North Kannapolis Methodist Church by the Rev. Bar) C. Black, assisted by the Rev. Robert McChiskcy of Greensboro. Burial was in Carolina Memorial Park. A native of Davic County. Mr. Tutterow was lite son of the late William David and Elisa Jane Stewart Tutterow. He had lived in Kannapolis for the past 37 years. He was employed by Cannon Mills in the No. 7 card room until his retirement in 1951. He was a member of North Kannapolis Methodist Church, where he was superintendent of the Sunday School for 25 years. He had taught Sunday School for 18 years. His wife died in 1962. Surviving are three sons, W. Travis Tutterow of Greensboro, Arthur H. Tutterow of Antioch, Calif., and Curtis C. Tutterow of Ashcboro; two dnugliters. Mrs. Oscar F. Ramsoucr of Kannapolis, with whom he made his home, and Mrs. Richar<l Durham of Ashcboro; one brother, DeWilt Tutterow of Charlotte; one sister, Mrs. R. G. Smith ofRock Hill. S. C.; and 10 grandchildren land nine grcat>grandchi!dren. JASPER J. HOOTS Jasper J. (Jap) Hoots, 84, of Advance died Sunday at Davie County Hospital in MocksvUle. The funeral was held at 3 p.m. Tuesday at the Deep Creek Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. He wos born in Yadkin County to Isaac W. and Sarah Wishon Hoots and was a member of Deep Creek Baptist Church. He was a retired farmer. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Maude W. Hoots; four soon, Edward L., Kenneth F. and Oscar J. Hoots of Advance and Allen F. Hoots of Cicmmons; two sisters, Mrs. Delia Shidler of Cicmmons and Mrs. Maude Shore of Haggerstown, Md.; and a brother, 0. R. Hoots of Advance. OLLIE LEE HARKEY OIlie Lee Harkey, 86. of Harmony, R(. 2, a former Davie County corrunissioner, died Monday at Davje County Hospital in MocksvUle. The funeral was held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Liberty Baptist Church. Burial was In the church cemetery. He was born in Davie County to Julius and Betty Cain Harkey and w^s a member of Liberty Baptist Church. He was a retired farmer. Surviving are two daughters. Mrs. Lucille Boose of Winiton'Salem and Mrs. Isabelic Crater of Harmony, Rt. 2; a son, Stokes A. Harkey of East Bend; and a brother. Lattie Harkey of Mocktvilie, Ri.S. MRS. LUNA WILLIAMS Mrs. Luna Mae Williams, 85. of Cookemcc died at 2 p. m. Saturday. December 13th at her home. She had been an invalid for 16 years- Born November J. 1884. she was a native of Davie County. She was a member of Concord United Mcihodisi Church. Survivors include one daugliier. Mrs. Bonnie W. tveretie of Cooleemee; one son. Robert W. WilJianu of Bay Shore. N. Y-; four grandchildren: two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at Eaton's Funeral Chapel Monday at 2 p. m. Burial was in Memorial Park. Coolccmcc. LONNIEH. SMITH. SR. Lonnic H. Smith of Charleston. S. C.. formerly of Dunn, died December 11 In Rorencc, S. C. at the age of sixty-seven, following a lingering illness. He was the son of Ihc late William P. and Hallie Bell Smith. Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 p.m. at Cromartic Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Billy Herring ofTiciallng. Burial was in Erwin Memorial Park. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs- Mary Smith of Mocksvillc;four sons. W. L. Smith of the U. S. Air Force, Pliilippincs Islands, Lonnic Smith. Jr. of Lubbock. Texas. R. B. Smitii of Atlanta. Ca. and Gene Smith of Mocksvillc; four brothers, Dcwcy of Charleston. S. C.. Willard of Hope Milts. Walter of Anycr and Jerry Smith of Faycttcvlllc, Arkansas; and one sister, Mrs. Myrtle Lucas Route 4, Dunn. Bio - Obituaries - 12/18/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Monday, December 22,1969 R. D. Bennett, Mocksville MOCXSVILLE - Raymond Oud]e>' Bennett. 54, of Mock- .•iville, Rt. 3. died of a heart atta^ He was in Darie Coim^ to Dr^ D. and Carie Flin- chum Bennett and was a roem> ber of No Creek Priiaitive Bap tist Qmrdi. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary Ellen Snyder Bennett: two daughters. Misses Sue Ellen and Hilda ^nnetl of the home; two suns, Joseph P. Bennett of the home and Stephen D. Bennett of Mocksville: his* mother of Mocksville, Rt. 3: three sisters. Mrs. J. H. Foster and Mrs. Drtizell Potts of Winston-Salem and Mrs. Ralph Potts of Mocksville, Rt. 3; and four brothers, Aaron Bennett of Winston-Salem, Flinchura Bennett of Salisbury, D. R. Bennett of Farmington and Eugene Bennett of Mocksville. Rt. 3. ROSSIE LEE HARRIS Funeral services for Rossie Lee Harris, SO, of Rt. 2, Mocksville, were conducted Monday at Fair Creek Baptist Church by the Rev. R. C. Redwood and the Rev. Albert Bracken. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Harris died early Saturday at his home of a self-inflicted gun-shot wound. He was bom Dec. 18,1919, in Davie County, the son of M. M. and Delia tanner Harris of Rt. 2, Mocksville. He was a veteran of World War II and a farmer. Also surviving are his wife. Mrs. Virginia Elmore Harris; a son, Donald Harris of Rt. 2, Mocksville; a sister, Mrs. Faye Hedgecodc of Kemersville; two brothers, W. D. Harris and D. A. Harris, both of Rt. 2, Mocksvflle; and one ^andchild. Bio - Obituaries —12/22/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 6*0«v(e Caunty EnterpHto Record, December 23,1B80 MRS. T.J.ZIMMERMAN RAYMOND D. BENNETT Raymond Dudley Bennett. Mrs. Minnie Jane 54, of MocksvUle, Rt. 3, died Zimmerman, 89, of Advance, of a lieart attack Wedcsdoy, Rl. 2, died at 5:30 December December 17, at his homo. 16. at Clemmons Nunlng He was born In Davlc Home. She was bom In Davie County to Drew D. and Carrie County May 4,1880, daughter RInchum Bennett and was a of the late Thomas J. ndMary member of No. Creek Primitive Ellis Waller. Baptist Church. She was a member of Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Elbaville United Methodist Mary Ellen Snyder Bennett; Churdi. iwo daushters. Misses Sue Survivors Include four ' Rlen and Hilda Bennett of the dau^ters, Mrs. Jane Roach, home; two. sons, Joseph P. Mrs. Beauice Brown, all of Bennett of the home and Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Stephen D. Bennett of &mud Cope of Advance; three Mocksville; his mother of sons, Floyd Zimmerman of St. Mocksville, Rl. 3; three sisters, Petersburg, Ra., Thomas J. Mrs. J. H. Foster and Mrs. Zimmerman of Greensboro, Druaclla Louie Zimmerman of Advance; Wlnston«Salem and Mrs, Ralph one sister, Mrs. Bessie Burton Potts of Mocksville, Rt. 3; and ofWinston-Salem. four brothers, Aaron Bennett Mrs. Zimmerman was the of Winston*Sialem, RInchum widowofJeiseG.Zimmerman. Bennett of Salisbury, D. R. Funeral services were Bennett of Farndnmon and conducted Thursday at Eugene Bennett of Mocksville, Elbaville United MethodUt Rt.3. Church. Burial was in the The funeral was held at 2 p. church cemetery. m. Friday at No. Creek Primitive Baptist Churdi. Burial was in the church cemetery. 6*0ivtc Couttty Etittrprte Rieord, Deettnbtr 23.19N ROSSI HARRIS DIRS OF SELF-INFLICTED WOUNDS AT HOME Funeral services for Rosste Lee Harris. SO, of Rt. 2. Mocksville. were conducted Monday at Fair Creek Baptist Church by the Rev. R. C. Redwood and the Rev. Albert Bracken. Burial was in the diurch cemetery. Mr. Harris died early Saturday at his home of a lelfdnflicied suo'shot wound. He was born Dee. IB, 1919, in Davie Counjy. the son of M. M. and Delia Dsnner Hanis of Rt. 3. Mocksville. He was a veteran of World War II and a farmer. Also surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Virginia Elmore Harris; a son. Donald Harris of Rt. 3. Mocksville; a sister, Mrs. Faye Hedaecock ofKemenvi]le;two brothers. W. D. Harris and D. A. Harris, both of Rt. 3. Mocksville: and one grandchild. Bio - Obituaries - 12/23/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, 12/24/1969 MRS* EDWIN C, iSANFORD " MOCKSVILLE — Mrs. Margu^te Charies Sanford, m, 4, widow ofC. Sanford, died llhiesday at Dayie County Hospital. The funeral wiU l>o at U a.in." Wday at .Eaton's Funeral Chapel Burial will be in Rowan MemorlM Park. Bte;<was bom in Davie County to John 0. and Sallle Crump! Charles and was a member ofi the Pirn Presbyterian Church, iSurviymg^are two sons,-Calvin C. Sanford c£ San Diego* Calif., and Edwin C. Sanford « Cimleemee; four sisters, Mrs. John Camel and Mrs. Tom Bailey Woodruff of Mocksville. S'* Mrs. Hubert Carter ofMocfavine, Rt. 4^ and-Mrs. Virgll Barringer of Granite. Quarry; and a brother, J, W, I Charles of Mocksville, Rt. 4. I Bio - Obituaries — 12/24/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1969 - 7 MRS. LEONARD K. HOWARD Mrs. Lillic Howard Howard, 62, of Advance, Rt. 1, wife of Leonard K. Howard, died Friday at Davie County Hospital. The funeral was held Sunday at Macedonia Moravian Church in DavIe County. Burial was in the church graveyard. She was bom In Davie County to Thomas and Lcla Smith Howard and was a member of Macedonia Moravian Church. Surviving are her husband;a dau^ter, Mrs. Ellen Talbert of Advance; a son, Robert K. Howard of Advance, Rt. 1 ;a sister, Mrs. Reba Myers of Advance, Rt. I; and three brothers, Tom and Sam Howard of Advance, Rt. l,and Dove Howard off Mocksvllle, Rt.4. WALTER CARSON HEAD Waller Carson Head, S2, of Advance, Rt. 2, died of natural causes Friday at his home. The funeral was held Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel in Mocksviltc. Burial was in Fork Baptist Church '• Cemetery. He was born in Forsyth County to Waller D. and Carrie Lee Bowles Head and was a yoteron of World War M. Surviving are his father of Advance, Rt. 2; his stepmother, Mrs. Annie Rooney Head of Advance, Rt. 2; a sister, Mrs. Ruth Bargcr of Wlnston'Salem; two half sisters, Mrs. Delia Mae Privettc of Wilkcsboro, Rt. 3, and Mrs. Margaret Swiccgood of Lexington, Rt. 3; and a half brother, William Head of MocksvUle, Rt.4. AUNT MAC BARNEY. 90 Mrs. Matthew Barney Finger, 90, of Advance, Rt. 1, who was known in the community as Aunt Mac, died at' 1:45 a.m. Saturday in the Davic County Hospital. She was born in Davie County June 25, 1879, to the late Giles and Lou Sheets Barney. Mrs. Finger was the widow of Dorys Finger. Survivors includfi two sisfirs, Mrs. Nina "B^nio^ ^bUTc^lhcet did^nT t;! Ella CofflatzW df Adv^ncf, Rt. ' 2; two brothers, Willie and Wiley Barney, both of Ri. 1, Advance. Funeral services were conducted Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Philip Vauglin. Burial was. in Advance Methodist Church Cemetery. LLOYD MCCLAMROCK Lioyd McClamrock, 64. qf Mocksviiie, Rt. 4, died at 11:30 Friday nidrt at the Baptist Hospital. He had been in ill health since last summer but was seriously ill for just one day. Born in Davic County, January 12, 1905, he was the son of the iate John and Ociavia Hcndron McClamrock. He was a member of Liberty Methodist Church and a retired employee of the Coolccmce Mill of Burllnglon Industries. Survivors include his wife, the former Jeannine Myers; two daugliters, Mrs. Evelyn Cope of Rt. 1, Patrick Springs, Vs., and Mrs. Doris Pulliam of Mocksviiie, Route 2; a sister. Miss Hazel McClamruck of Rt. 4, Mocksviiie; four brothers, the Rev. Ralph McClamrock of Faith, and Ray. Lawrence and John Tiileti McClamrock. all of Mocksviiie, Route 2; nine grandchildren; and five great grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Monday at Liberty United Methodist Church. Burial was in Oak Grove Metliodist Cemetery. The Rev. Robert Frost ofnciaicd. « MRS. MARGUERITE SANFORD Mrs. Marguerite Sanford, 66, of Rt. 4. Mocksviiie. died December 33rd at 10 o. m. at the Davie County Hospital following an illneu of one day. She was born Jan. 35,1903, in Davie County, the daughter of the late John C. and Sallie Crump Cliailes. Her husband. Edwin C. Sanford, preceded her in death. Ste was a member of the First Presbyterian Church. Surviving are two sons, Calvin C. Sanford of San Diego, Calif., and Edwin C. Sanford of Cooleemee; four listen, Mrs. John Campbell of Rt. 2, MocksvUle, Mn. Tom B^ey Woodruff of MocksvUle. Mrs. Hubert Carter of Rt. 4. Mocki^le, and Mrs. VirgU Barriiiger of Granite Qiurry; and a brother, James W. Charles of Rt. 4, Mocksvllle. Funeral services were conducted Friday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was In Rowan Memorial Park. Bio - Obituaries - 12/31/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA OAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1969 - 7 MRS. SARAH PLOWMAN Mrs. Sarah Foster Plowman. 88, of Rt. 1, Advance, died December 24th at the Haven Rest Home in Lexington. She was born Oct. 17,1881, in Davie County, the daughter of the late Weldon E. and Minnie Brock Foster. She was a member of Bethlehem United Methodist Church. Surviving arc four daughters, Mrs. Bertha Gregory of Rl. 4, Mocksville, Mrs. Era Bailey of Rt. 2, Advance, Mrs. Luther Grivetl of Mocksville, and Mrs. Grady Wilhelm of Beimont; two sons, John Plowman of Rl. I, Advance, and Sanford Lcc Plowman of Cicmmons; two brothers, Sanford Foster and Ed Foster, both of Rt. I, Advance; and three sisters, Mrs. Lillie Anderson and Mrs. Betty Everhart both of WInston-Saiem, and Mrs. Sam Dunn of Rt. 1, Advance. Funeral services were conducted Friday at Bethlehem United Methodist Church by the Rev. Paul Hart. Burial was at the church cemetery. MRS. HARLEN E. JOHNSON Mrs. Dcilie Parker Johnson, 75, of Olin, Rt. I, widow of Haricn E. Johnson, died Friday at Manor Care in Winston-Saiem. The funeral was held Sunday at Hebron Baptist Church in Iredcll County. Burial was in the church cemetery. She was born in Alexander County to James and Clementine Anderson Parker and was a member of Hebron Baptist Church. Surviving arc five daugliiers, Mrs. Dudley Haynes and Mrs. J. C. Rcavis of Yadkinville, Rt. 3, Mrs. Henry Galllher of Statcsville. Mrs. Russell Johnson of Winston-Saiem and Mrs. Barnay Foster of Mocksville,' Rt. 4; three sons, "BurlfJ.idohns^h df Statcsyille,':^ Rt. 1, Harlcy 'P. Johnsori of ' Cleveland, Rl. 2, and Horace E. (Busier) Johnson of Harmony, Rl. I. BENNIE CONAWAY LONG Bcnnic Conaway Long, 67, of Mocksville, Rt. 2, died yesterday at Davic County Hospital. The funeral was held Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Smith Grove Unilcd Methodist Church Cemetery. He was born in Davie County to William and Betty Long. He was a retired farmer. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Esther H. Long; a daugliter, Mrs. Bellic Jane Mullican of Nashville, Tenn; a son Bennic Gray LongofTliomasvillc; two stepdaughters, Mrs. Jacob Baker and Mrs. James W. Summers of Mocksville, Rt. 2; and two stepsons. R. W. Hodge of Washington, D. C., and George G. Hodge of Mocksville, Rt. 2. ROBERT MARTIN. 69 Funeral services lor Robert Martin, 69, of North Coolecmec, who died Friday at Davic County Hospital were conducted Tuesday at 3 o'clock at New Bethel Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. The Rev. Glenn Wilton ofllctaied. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Alice Critc Martin of the home; three dauglitcrs. Mrs. Bertha Mae Stewart of Charlotte, Mrs. Mayncll Robertson of New Jersey and Mrs. Lena Redland of Statcsville; two sons, Ralph Martin of North Wilkcsboro and Vcrn Martin of Harmony; four itcp-daughters. Mrs. Vir^nia William of Oakland, Calif., Mis. Lucille Jones and Mrs. Azilee Jones, both of Pliiladelplia, Pa., and Mrs. Inez Young of Winsion-Salem; five step-suns, Jasper Fowler of Long Island, N. V., Edgar and Samuel Fowler of Coulecmce, Horace Fowler of Riiladelphu, Pa., and Alphonzo Fowler of OaUend, Calif. Mr. Martin was a retired employee of Burlington Mills. GEORGE F. LUATHERMAN Funeral services for George F. Lcatherman of Route !, Newton, who was the brother of Warren Lcalhcrman of Mocksville were hold Wednesday, December 24, at I [ a.m. at Corinlii Baptist Church in Hickory. Rev. B. R. Holbrook officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery, with American Legion Post 48 in charge of the Military graveside rites. Mr. Lcathcrimn died at the V. A. Hospital in Otecn after an illness oi one year. He was born in Catawba Counly the son of Minnie Stallings Lcalhcrmar. and lite late George Franklin Leathcrman. He was a former and a Navy Veteran of World War II. Survivors in addition to his brother here include: his mother, of the home; sisters, Mrs. Homer Jarrclt of Rt. 7, Hickory, Mrs. Kenneth Bell of Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Tlion.is Shuford of Rt. 1, Newton, Mrs. Larry Kammcrcr of Hollywood, Florida, Mrs. Donald league of Rt. I, Newton, Mrs. Howard Keener of Rl. I, Newton, and, Mrs. Henry Queen of Hickory; brothers, Eugene Lcatherman of Hickory, Howard Lcatherman of Hickory, and, Bobby Lcatherman of Conovcr. Bio - Obituaries - 12/31/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA