Jan - JunB Dwto OMHity CmvpHa nmar^ Jmuvv 11M0 Woman Dies A Coolccmee woman was killed and two persons injured in a two*car accident in Coolecnice on December 20th. This was Davic's 9th highway fatality of the year. Miss Carrie Elizabeth Orrender, 79, of Main Street, .Xoojc«ncc..dicd.ffiUo.win£j.|}c„. crash at 4:50 p.m. at the intersection of Walt and Cross streets. Miss Orrender was a passenger in a car driven by Mrs. Jamie Maur}ey Tutum, 70. of Rt. 4, Mocksville. Investigating patrolman A. C. Stokes said that Mrs. Talum's car failed to slop for a stop sign and pulled into the pth of a vehicle driven by Ralph Moody of Cooleemee. The Moody car struck the Tfttiim hiHq in the side, Injured were'Mrs. Titum and a passenger in the Moody car. Fred Peacock. Charges are pending the complet ion of the InveslipUon. Miss Orrender was bom in Davie County on July 26.1892 to William and Sue Hobs Orrender. She was a retired employe of Burlington Mills and was a member of First Baptist Church at Cooleemee. Surviving is a brother. T. J. Orrender of Birmingiiani, Ala. The funeral was conducted Sunday at Eaton's Chapel at Mocksville by Uie Rev. Charles Burchelt. Burial will be at Fork Baptist Churcli Cemetery. » DaeH County EntaeprtM fleeord, JaiHiary 2,196B Funeral services for Clyde E. Peebles of ChicagOi Illinois were held Sunday, December 22, at 4 p. m. at the New Bethel Baptist Church. The Rev. W. M, Adams and Rev. A. H. McDaniel of Wjnston-Salcm cfnciatcd. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mr. Peebles was a brother of Mrs. Prudence L Johnson. He died In Chicago on December I8ih. 9.—Dwto County EffMrprtM Ateord. J«u«y t IWI MELVIN P. FOSTER A former resident of Spencer, Melvin Price Foster, 44, died ot 7 a. m. Monday in Chicago, lU. Mr. Foster Nvas born in Rowan County November 20, 1924, son of Fred and Sue~€upB"Forter-of-MocksvQ}o-.-lle—■ was a World War II vetemn, and was staff representative of Ground Service for the Great Lake region of United Air Lines. In addition to his parents, he is survived by his wife, Mn. Margaret Payni Foster; one son, Gary Foster of the home; one sister, Mrs. Sue Carol Deter of Charlottesville, Va., and one brother, Kelly Foster of Alexandria, Va. Funeral serives will be held at 1 p. m. Thursday in Chicago,and at Eaton's Funeral Chapel at 2 p. m. Saturday. Rites here will be conducted by the Rev. GUbert Miller and the Rev. Robert Frost. Burial will be in Concord United Methodist Church cemetery in Davie County. The family will receive friends at the funeral home Friday from 7 to 9 p. m. Bio - Obituaries - 1/2/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Ooynty BniHprtoi Raewtf, Jamnry 1089 MRS.W.P.DWIGOINS,63 The Rmetal for Mrs. S&dte Lee McDsitfsl Owlggttis, 63» of Moeksvtlle, Rt. ir^fe ofW. Prank Owlgoim, was held Monday at iiton*s Chapel. Burial was In Center Methodist Church Cemetery. Mrs. Dwlg^ died Priday at the Davie county Hosmtal. Mrs. Owigglns was bom December 6. 1905 In Davie County the dau^ter of the late James Sanfmd and Leila Alice Koontz McDaidd. She was the wife of W. Prank Dwiggins. Surviving Is the husband, one brother, Cecfl McDaniel or ModcsvUle, Rt. 1. W. GILES POSTER. 84 Puneral lerviees for W. Odes Poster, 84, of Advance, Rt. 2, were held December 26 at the Poik Baptist Church. Burial was In the church cemetery. Re died December 24th at the Davle County Hospital. He was born in Davie County to William and Martha Stewart Poster. He was a retired farmer and a member ot Pork Baptist Churdi. Surviving are three daughters, Mn. Cicero Bailey, Mrs. Ruth ShlQIn^w and MnL Bonce Jones of Advance, Rt. 2; a foster dau^ter, Mrs. Pellx Rumm^ of Lexinmon, Rt. 3; end a foster son. Gray -Carter Advance, Rt. 2. BR]CBP.GARRETT,84 Puneral services for Brice Phillips Garrett, 84, of MoeksvUla, Rt. 1, were held Saturday afternoon at the Center United Methodist Church. Burial was In the dturdi cemetery. Mr. Garrett died December 26th at Davie County Honital. He was bom in Davfastm County to the Rev. John N. and Mary Ellen Phillips Garrett. He owned and operated Garrett*s General Repair Shop. He was a membn of Center Ihdted Meth^iit Church and was a member of its official board. Surviving are his wife, Minnie Catherine Barnes Gaiietf, two daughteis, Mrs. Hasten Carter or Modttvilte and Mil. Honce Deaton of Thomasville; and a brother, Vance 8. Oanett of Mebane. MRS.ALBXKOSMA.49 Puneral services for Mrs. Maty Ward Stonestteet Kottni, 49, of Concord were hew December 2Sth at the Hartsell Puneral Ifome to Ihet oiW. Offidatittgat the rites were Mr. Adrian Maynaxd, minister of the Plymouth Street Chuoh of Christ at Kannipolis, assisted by the Rew.T. W. Duben^eck. Burial was in Carolina Memorial hrk. Mrs. Kosma died at 1 p. m. December 24th at the Cdutrrus Memorial Homital foDowlng IS'months of oecUning health. She was bom in Davie Coun^ July 5,1919, daughter of Mrs. Clara Swaringen Stonestteet of Mocksvflie, and,, the late Wiftum F. StoneiMMl She hid made her home ii( Concofd for 2S years, and a member of Pl^uth Street) CtiufehofOiriiL . V In addition to her iitofm, Mtt. Kosma B lUivlTed tw MS hudrand, Ategander Kenta Jr. of Atlanta, Ga. and 0^.8; Kosma of Coneoidt a Miss Prances Stooettieet # Mookaville; and thfed grandchildren. JOELW.DAVWALT,69 /] Joel Washingtmi DaywatLJ 89, of Mocksvffiis, Rt. I, diMi Monday at his home. -jjl Ptmeral services were hdai Wednesday at St. MattheWal Lutheran Churdi. Bu^ wtelH] the church cemetery. Surviving are ha wife. Mil.; Edna Walker Daywalt; and a daughter. Miss Margiretj Daywalt or the home; aftdt^l son. Jay Daywalt of Statesvdle.'! Bio - Obituaries - 1/2/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, January 8,1969 Lucille Beck PIttman Former Resident Dies In Georgia Mta. tjiwffu Beck Ptttmia. • fonttf reeUcot cf OootoemM and with miw icietivet in .<fied, nwffmhiir S7. in On. Ptanevil eervleee were em- ducted Dee. 29, at tbe Fint Btttbt Ckuidi tn the Dev. JUmn A. Cave, A oatfm ct Davie Oednlv, ^ ia survived bjr Iwr IndMid, Ma B. nttaias; (faree sons. Soett, Maik aud IHafce, aOiS the mbm; tor molter, Mii. Dcftiia Seek of Attana. On.; lad two listen, lln. Haaene " ' of Athms and Mrs. Rah , ffiuelidl W. V& Jtit were Baddy Aim-T. W. ftffiriSB, Jack Spmnr, Herdd Fred Obok, and M Foster. vaa in Bvergrem KemrlBl Faik, Athens. Bio - Obituaries - 1/8/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA &• - • Diviu County Lntnrpriw Hiicord. JsnUMry 9. 1969 M|IS. LIZZtti TURNER The funcrul Tor Mrs. Lizzie (iaithcr Turner of Ibrmony will be u( 2 p.m. ncxi Monday jl ^incy Grove A. M. B. Zion Cfiurcfi. "BurTaT wirr"bc'7rt' lIiP church cemclcry. Mrs. Turner. 79, of llurmony, Hi. I. widow of Orric Turner, died Saturday at her home. Slic was born in Ircdeii County and was a member of Pincy Grove AMB Ziun Ciiurch. Surviving arc five daughter, Mrs. Rosa Lee Hudand of SlJicsvitic. Mrs. Laura Rosby and Mrs. Mory Taylor of Pliiiadclphia. Pa., and Mrs. Beatrice Adniottsun anu Miss Roberta Turner of New York City: three sons. Hurvcy Lee Turner of Hnrinony and Shirley and William Turner of New York Ci ty: a slepdaughicr, Mrs. Dora Wilson of Moekfvilte; and a brother. David Gai t It er of Wiiisinn'Salcin. J.T. SINK l-uneral servievs for Joe Thomas Sink. 86. of Rt. 2. were iield Wednesday, January B. at II a.m. at Baton's Chapel by the Rev. Waiter Mowell. Burial was in Baton's Daplisi Churcii cemetery. Mr. Sink died Monday at 1 a.m. at Davie County Hospital. Born in Davie County Dee. 8. 1882, he was the ton of John and Bmily Voglcr Sink. He was a member of Baton's Bspiitt Chureii. Survivors include one daughter. Miss Bvclyn Sink of the home: two brothert. Robert Sink of Marshailtown. Iowa, and Avery Sink of MocktviJIe. Ri. 4. MRS. ALBBRTA MYERS Funeral services for Mrs. Albcria Spry Myers, 58, of Advance. R l. I , were conducted Wednesday. January■6;'Bl-2-p:m:-at-Baton^-C-hapol- by the Rev. Phillip Vaugiin. Burial was in Advance United Methodist Church ccnictery. Mrs. Myers was dead on arrival at Davie County Hospital Sunday niglit at 7:30 p.nt. She was born January 7.1910, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Neclcy Spry of DavieCounty. She belonged to Advance Methodist Cimrch. Survivors Include her husband, Bonnie Myers; threedatighTers; "Mrrr-DOT-oTlry* Reeves of Clcmmons. Rl. I. Mrs. Mary Belle Cope of Mocksvilic, Rt. 5. and Mrs. Lillie Mac Burton of Advance, Rl. 2; one sister, Mrs. Faille Potts of Advance, Rl. 2; fi vegrandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 1/9/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4B Dftvte County EntflrpriM Rteord, Jsnuary 9. 1969 I M. P. WOOD Funeral services for Mosc Price Wood, 84. of Advance, Rt. I, were held Tliursday, January 2, at Haywortli-Millcr ChapcJ in Winston-Salcni. Burial was in Wesley Chapel cemetery in Davic County. He died Monday night at a Raleigli huspilul. Mc hud been in declining health for (wo years. lie was born in Davie County on July 30, 1884, to Carter and Nancy Hill Wood. Mc was a retired farmer and a member of Farmington Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lizzie Gregory Wood of the home; One dauglrtcr. Mrs. Otis Mauser of Advance, Rt. I; four sons, Russell B. Wood of Lexington, Guy H. Wood of Wiiiston-Salcni, Alvia L. Wood of Clemmons and Roland W. Wood of Kcrnersvillc; six grandchildren and two step-grandchildren. MR.S ITHIU.nVANS Funeral services for Mrs. Fthcl Margrave Bvaris. 74, of Mocksvillc, Ri. 3. were January 2. at Ervin Temple CME Church at Cooleemce. Burial was in (he church cemetery. She died Saturday at her home. Mrs. Evans was born Nov. 2^K 1915. in Commerce. Ga., the djuglitcr of the late Albert and Carrie Hargravc. Also surviving arc her husband, Joe Hvans: a sister, Mrs. Sallie Byrd of Salisbury: and two brotlicrs. Co It y c r 8 Margrave of Commerce, Ga.. and Albert Hargravc of Mocksvillc. MRS. IDA SINK Funeral services for Mrs. Ida Ualon Sink, 82. of Rt. 2, Mocksvillc were condtictcd Saturday, Jan. 4. at 11 a.m. at Eaton's Chapel by the Rev. H. W. Hulchlns and the Rev. Walter Howell. Burial was in Eaton's Baptist CIturch ccntctcry. Mrs. Sink died Thursday ut 3:30 p.m. at her home. She was born July 1. 1886. in Davic Count). the daughter of the late A. W. and Evelyn Collcitc Eaton. She was a member of Eaton's Baptist Churcli. Surviving arc her husband. Joe T. Sink: a daugiitcr. Miss Evelyn Sink of the hone: a brother. James M. Eaton of Rt. 2, Mocksvillc: and a sister. Mrs. Elizabeth Blackwcldcr of Rt. 2. Mocksvillc. MRS. LUCILLE PITTMAN Funeral services for Mrs. Lucille Beck Pitlman, wife of John E. Pittman, were held Sunday, December 29. at 2 p.m. at Bernstein Chapel in Athens, Georgia. Burial was in Evergreen McnK>rial Park in Athens. Rev. Julian A. Cave, Jr. conducted llie services. She died at the Medical Center in Columbus, Georgia, Friday, December 27, after a month's illness. Mrs. Pittman was born in Davic County. She has lived in Athens and Columbus, Ga. for several years. She was a member of First Baptist Church in Columbus. . . Survivors Include: her husband; 3 sons, Scult Pilinmn, Mark Pittman and Blake Pittman of Columbus: her mother. Mrs. Bertha Beck of Ailicns: 2 sisters. Mrs. Hailciic Hurt of Athens and Mrs. Rtilli Muyhcrry of Blucflcld. West Virginia. Bio - Obituaries - 1/9/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, January 15,1969 Lenmef While Herbert Clarice Of MfNricsville OfMocksville locroraie - ua^ IM ittitiL , iL fl( Bt i; H» Wv tan in. tt, t9M« Id 1Mb OdM, m dT the UBe D. F, vdf NiDcy Boyd Wte. a^wDB D_ letfaed twjInyB eff Bpritege Fteritae Cd. SMTviviM eve hit trife, lbs "vRBBT MBHi wMOwvW CHSBb mSBe BOUBI KeM hi Bt flu KedMilB, Ita. Bfltljf fin SBiltti ef Bt t Mcdivuk^ tad Hie. Jane Gflrter el Bt^ ildvaoee; floor taoL Lbqd fmtte of Bt S, IMBfflle, <Mbr WhttB ef Bt B mostaNdem, John nank wUte, ililhiwi to Gennaxnr wttTibe UB. AiBW, aod Cart White ef the hooie; n aister, Mh*. Artsooa Hm ef Bt i. Ifladnnifltej aadww biettiBia. BrMfWhtte If WlDSteoBaM,Boyi^ cTModMJiiiM Pad WUto ef Kunapoiia. Herbert Oailce Sr.^ flS. cf Rt. 41, BfsdMDe. deed ^hniday at 4 pan. d home after an lUiiBsa of ene axK4c. % was born July 3. i.^V. in'Aiiakui Oooifly, t'uc sen d liars. Geneva Clarko cf fliodtsviUe and (Itc L.o fSarwuse Clarice, lie was educated in IJovwoe-} fxbuuls and was a textile lie waa a meniitcr of fkixwc^xl Bantist Churdt. Sorviving. in additiO't h e mother, era hh wUc. ^.)rs Oaena Ciartce; M.' so•;.^ Htabert Clarke- Jr. nru'.fffivi v SootI Cterke. both o! Uk* bi;r.;.-:. two daughters, Cynthia DcrJsc Qarke and Ccrtlv'r ria«1co. hoih of (he luMiic: five hioitters, Blbcrt C^aiiu\ iYest»n ClaiV. Cfajrcftoe Clarke, t-nd Kraa'<v Cterite, all of BudcsvUie. nr«1 Chartie Claike of III Verram. N. Y.; and tM-o-sisters. Mro. Retber Parker of Nvh- V'url; N. v., and Misp tkttha (!lart n ef UdoMvUle. Jos^Gutef, Rt. 1, Advwiee I Gi&Ai "V* Mr A adhpn el Dndi H iff ten CtefWM trt Btedi 1L HOQivVMW VmS 01 wWh vB* Mtk &B ami Bay cf Bflda L BOMBBn. iBd teflMi ^ it Bnm W. Vn.; wp i Ito. Ufa ef^ayn. BhiBB «d llin.lUba WhBMifiliiiii fl; WiniteMint Bio — Obituaries — 1/15/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA lO—o•-Otvlt OMtfily Entirttftai Record, Jemicrv 10. 1960 J08mU5.rAKTI-R.4H runcrol seivtces lor Joseph llrmly t'orlcr, 48. or Advance Rt. 1. were held Monday at the Macedonia Moravian fhurch. Rurlil was in Ihc church graveyard. Mr. Curler died Saturday ttfter a long lllneis at the Veittioni Hospital at Salisbury. He was burn In Davic County to Julin h'. and .Sallie Smith Carter. He was a retired carpenter. Surviving arc iili wife. Mrs. Maudle Howard Carter: a daughter. Miss Patti Carter or the home: rour suns, Bony. I^vid. Timmy and Jonothun Carter or the home: live brothers, Clarence Carter or Mocksviile, Rt. 2, Hrank Cbrter, or West Virginia, Cralg A. Qirlcr and Ray Carter or Advance, Rt. i, end James I:. Osrtor or Bruno, W. Va.; and two sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Riggs oT Sandy Ridge and Mrs. Alma Woo^ord 01 Wlnston*Saicm. Rt. 2. LEMUEL L WHITE, 64 Lemuel Leon White, 64, or Mocksviile, Rt. 2, died Saturday at his homo. He was born in Oavie County to B. F. ond Nancy toyd White. Ho was a retired rumiturc worker. Surviving are his wire, Mrs. Alberta Latham White; three duaghters, Mis. Edith Keaton and Mrs. Betty Sue Smith of Mocksviile and Mrs. Jane White Oirtcr or Advance; rour sons, Leon White of Mo^sville, Rt. 2, Grady White or WinstoO'Salom Rt. 8, John Frank White, with the Army in Germany, and Carl White or the hone; a sister, Mrs. Arizona White Hays or Mocksviile. Rt. I; and three brothers, Bracy White or Winston-Salem, Roy Widte oT Mocks^lle and Pbul White or Kannapolis. J.R.GOGGINS,Si Funeral services ror John Robert Goggins, Si, or Mocksviile, Rt. 3 were held Saturday at the Smith Grove AME Zion Church. Burial was in the church oemeteiy. Mr. Goggins died January 8tli or natural causes bororc arriving at the Davie Counly Hospital. He had been ill Surviving are his mother. Mrs. Erne Goggins, and a bnrther. Lee Goggins, both or lhetlU)mOM.iiL..n u. v.^ ..• .i a. Bio - Obituaries - 1/16/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA sr I r- v «cr- c- s:> I ®?€#?"i)avfe Co Pii^r-llOeKSVILLE. Nr^'h B^n ru ocksvill i^.^^^SVILLE n ^ :N(^1i Dysofi, 87, of Mocks^e .^yest^rdqy ,at L' 'HaJ?en?5 JNursing' .'Home. The Tuneral-'wBl/ be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Center United Mettodist. Church. Burial will .he in the-^urch cemetery. He was bom in Davie County l-to^^yin and Martha Gaither D^on. He was a retired farmer, and a^member of Center United Methodist Uhurch. I Surviving are three sons,' Wade and Qyde Dyson of Mocksville,. Rt. 1, and Alvin Dyson of Mocksville, Rt. 4j and four daughters, Mrs. Dale Chaffin, Mrs. Paul Harpe, Mrs. Clay Boger and Mrs. Dewey Kimmer of Mocksville, Rt. 1. The body is at Eaton's Funeral Home. I,;-,. i 7 - hi I 1 j Cortef, Mocksville V MOCKSVILLE — Mrs, Joann Allen Carter, 35, of 531 Church I S^eet Extension, Mocksville, died at 2:25 a.m. today at the . Baptist Hospital after a serious ' 31-day illness. Bom in Davie County Feb. 18, 1933, she was the daughter of the late Ollie G. and Vida Carter Allen. She was an employe of Branch Bank and Trust Company in Mocksville and was a member of Center i.. United Methodist Church. She was married to Lawrence Ray Carter, who survives. Also surviving are one son, Allen n Wade Carter of the home; one daughter, Vicki Ann Carter of Um home; her mother, Mrs. Vida Allen of Mocks^^e, Rt. 3; one sister, Mrs. Elaine Kent of Lenoir; one brother, Donald G. Allen of Mocksville, Rt. 3. Funeral services will be con ducted at Center United Methodist Church at 2 p.nK\fflin4_ : vm. ^ day by the Rev. Benny B^irSSlC UU. ru;^ii«w' Burial will be in the church ,, ^ t will r JOCKSVlile, N. C. friends tonight from 7 untii g^ / o'clock at Eaton Funeral Home. ci_L| t, P-3t 'M 'ST-' »OAVIE CO. PUBLfC I rsRADv ^ - ^ MOCKSVILLE, NO \A » COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, January 22, 1969 Mrs. Anderson, Dovie County IKMXSVILUE - im. Ctara ABdcma. n,- ol Utekfvffle. Rt. 5. diid «t 4 PA Sttftwy III lbs Davie uNiBtjr Hoqdal aftar n II2aoM of • nw dnt. Born lamvio Oooatjr OcL n. tm. Aft WM te dai^Mar of te lats Jomab aad fiotty Duoar Bania. IBm was the «Ubw of the late Oooffa Walter Aadoraoa. lira. Aadenoo waa a oMBfaer of Bear Greek Basttrt ChoreiL Sttvivan tnrtwto three tfaughtoa, IOCS AbbIb Aadenoo aad mn Joale AateHO. betfa of the hoaaa. aad Urt. Mary Gkew M MoefeavIIla: t«o ffandehOdreo; aad five aeal- BKodAfldrea. L. H. Grouse, 86, Advonce MOCi&BVlLLG — IJitha* Iter. 1^ OraoM, 86. of Advanee nOeiBd k beift and wts dead on orrtval at Che Davie Honittal It a p.m. . IS. 1682, la Davto be wu the aon of the lite.Loab E, ml Etiitbcth Hege Crouie. He wu • nUnd fafmer and wiiool teacher. Be belooged to Advaaoe Mhthodiit Ctnindi. Mr. Croiite married the * former Delia Vogier, vlio died to 1948. Survivors inelode two daoMiters. Mrs. Howard Jordm of Oastonla aad Mrs. Oattbo' Marsh of Adviaee: three sistera, Mrs. Bfary Ai^. Mrs. Erma Crouch, both of Wiastos. Salem, and Mrs. Rosa Haime of Houston, Tax; bad two ffanddiUdran, Dr. Rldiard Jordan of SlUMiory. Mrs. Miller Of Mocksville MOOaVOLB-lta. LMk. HuUOfm* .HBltr. c( Bt s. ModnvlDe, ^ Da^ Hospital, StateaviBo. Aug. flk iieo m YadMa OooBty, d Uie late PTlr'aS^Sya Reeae Waguer. tenrMag eie a dairtittr, Ma Rtto Jaiaet of Rt t. Lo^ WMtaker, both of Rt. 8. Modgvllle; tbne Mepeoaa.Back Umer, Bob MmBTa^ fbeckl^, an of Moobavfite: IneAen, Joba Wagoor 01 Wtaotoftgidem aad Annie Wagaer et MA PdlBl; aad twoaistcre. MnTlioh OrttRa aad Ma Leona Maney, both of WbotofrSakai. bra Mrs. McDooiei^ Dovie County MOOBVIIUI - Ibl OonnlMr MdfeiBiiL itModmdIK m!7«A, 2 QaoEbi Beani dStumSw atsBSa^p ML m 1*!^ BdeanliMH Hme. 8bNBbeen miar tba paauei^ n Bmi to PWrnCIBBfity ti, tm At tsaa to 0„ CM K., BnMi L B. iMDaBW. dial o* L-." ■* S" ^ -Rt, St Bewetis Ih of ABViaB8L RLB.UdSmda _one iMar, Mn. B, R. BLfldsr. offlltaatanSalaiL ndrti Mrs. Corter, Mocksville MOCKSVOLB - Mrs. JosfinAllflo Ciitcr, 68, of Ml Church Sireft IBrtenrioo, MocksvUIe,died el a:S5 •,!&, Sat Rt the Baptist Hospttel after a serious 8l*aay inDmr>^Bom in Davie County Feb.18, 1983, she was the daoditerof the iite Ottie 0, fmdVMa Carter ADen. She was anemploye of Branch Bank andTrust Compaoy in MMiviQe and was a meniber of Center United ttordL She was married to LawrenceRay Carter, wbe sieves. Alsosurviving are one son, AUm Wade Carter of the bnaie; onedau^dtf , VteU Ana Gaiter ofthe bm; her mellH^ Mn,Vida iSm of Bfocktvilie. Rt3; one sister, Mn, EWne Keutof Lenoir; eM hreUisr, Donald0. ABm of MoekivUle, Rt, 8, E, F. Dwiggins, Dovie County MOCXBVniiB - BSUahFmfli DuAiglBa, 81, ofMoekivllle, IST1,' died it theDavie Osualy Hogpttal IbeedayIt 1:80 jkm. He bad beenserioudly tU for 10 diya*Botn Jamiaiy 4. iBSr, fasDavie Oounty, he was the son of*ttie late John Weiley andMary Wimwatinn RMIedse DwlggtBi, wss A retired tiK-Ule enteloye and fanner, • Survivora indiide Mi wile, the Joneii twoformerd ». both Rt i: two aoQi» JSBe*w the bffo* PwiOdtt ofWittsteoMttn; tm •ktcra. Mn. A, Z. Stooestrect of mntoD4alesi and Mn. N. C.Smoot of IMwvine, Rt. t augMer Oonard Bio - Obituaries - 1/22/1969 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, January 22,1969 E. C. Corter Of Advance MOCKSVILLE - Erneit Charle# Carter, 48, of Rl. t, ^anra. died Wedneiday at Cohimbl^ S. C. He was born June 30, loao, in Davie Cbunty, son of the lale Samuel and Nenie Sheets Carter. Sorrtving* are a daaghter, Mrs. Brenda Sue Thomoion of Sadh Carolina; a sister, Mrs. Oeow Jones of Rt. 3. Mocksviile; and six brothers. Clarence Carter of Rt S. Advance, AQle Carter of Soutb- moftt. Frank Carter of ten. iBgtm, Aaron Carter of Rt. 4, bfocksviUe, and Coleman Carter Carter, both of MocksviUe. Nooh Dyson, At 87 Yeors MOCKSVIUB - Noih Sdk OyM n, RL 1. Hoekntpe, Thniiday at loFia Hioen Nurrtiit Homa. . bom Sept is, leiA in DavIe OooDly. the ao^ ^ Marthagrtthy. ^yaott. Be was a retindfarm. ftirvlvlng are three aona,- ^ Dm and Chide IW^of ^1. Mocfciollle, 3 AMa Ds^n of 1 Ri. I. IbStrlO,. R. F, Sheak, Dovie County MOCKSVntB ItatitibShoefc of Adteee. Rtl.«iid1M»^ at 10 aja. at Iba Dasla Bom Oct a, iSIf^ in Darte (bBnly, he TO tha ton # tho- late AOTO ahd Maillt Waid "W9» a nUfad liaSe _W»THHU aUUU Gray STOk dl 1: OM ITOf CSoo Bdm of aevitt sfiud Bio - Obituaries - 1/22/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA fi Divit OMRty Enttrprltt Raeord, JMutry 23, 1M3 MRS. UWRENCE CARTER Funcra) services for Mrs. Jo Ann Caricr, 35, were conducted Sunday at 2 p. m at Center Unllea Methodist Church. Burial was in the churdi cemetery. Mrs. Carter, wife of Lawrence Ray Carter of 531 Church Street Extension, died ^turday after a month's Illness at Baptist Hospital in Wlnston*Satem. She was born In Davlc County to OUie G. and Vida Carter Allen. She was employed at Branch Banking and Trust Co. Surviving are her husband; a son. Alien Wade Carter of the home; a dau^ter. VIcki Ann Carter of the home; her mother of Mocksvllle, Rt. 3; a sister, Mrs. Elaine Kent of Lcnolr; and a brother. Donald 0. AUen ofMocksvUle.Rt.S. MRS. IVA MCDANIEL Funeral services for Mrs. (va Comatzer McDaniel, 84, were conducted Tuesday, January 20, at Eaton's Chapel at 3:30 p. m. by the Rev. Powell wilkins and the Rev. Ardts Payne. Burial followed In Smith Grove United Methodist Church cemetery. She died Saturday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home after being ill for the past 10 months. She was the widow of George Bonus McDaniel of Rt. 3. Bom In Davie County on May 31, 1884. she was the daughter of the late Daniel end Minnie Tomllnson Cornatzer. She was a member of Smith Grove Methodist Church. Survivors include three dau^tcrs, Mrs. Harvey Gobble and Mrs. Thunruin Foster, both of Modcsviile, Rt. 3, and Mrs. Shenlll Smith of Cicmmons, seven sons, George, Cecil, Guy, Carl, Bruce and froy McDaniel all of Mocksvllle, Rt. 3, Everettc McDaniel of Advance, Rt. 2, and Bob B. McDaniel of Salisbury; and one sister. Mrs. H. R. Hendtix, Sr. of V^ston-Salcm. RAY S. WARD Funeral services for Ray Shelton Ward, 65, of Salisbury, Rt. 4, were conducted at 2 p. m. Sunday, January 19, at Eaton's Chapel. Burial was In Macedonia Moravian Church graveyard in Davie County. Mr. Shelton, a disabled World War veteran, died Saturday night at the VA hospital at Salisbury. "He was born in Davie County to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ward. SurviWng arc a brother, Jake Ward of Woodleaf; three sisters, Mrs. Bynum Murray and Mrs. Cecil Varboroi^ of Burlinaton and Mrs. E. D. Howard of Mocksvillc; a half sister, Mrs. W. M. Markland of Mocksvillc and two half brothers. M. S. Ward and C. S. Sheets of Salisbury. E. F. DWIGGINS Funeral services for Elijah Frank Dwlggins, 82. of Route I. were conducted Thursday, January 16, at 2 p.m. at Eaton's Chapel by me Rev. Benny Bearden. Burial was In Center United Methodist Church cemetery. Mr. Dwig^ns died Tuesday, January 14, at Davie County HosplUi at 2:30 p.m. He had been seriously ill for 10 days. Born January 4, 1887, In Davie County, he was the son of the late John Wesley and Mary Emmaline Rstledge Dwigfdns. He was a retirra textile employee and farmer. Survivors include his wife, the former Maggie Jones; two daughters, Mrs.. Mary Preateli and Mrs. Louise Moore, both of Mocksvilie, Rt. 1; two sons, Conard Dwig^ns of the home and Ginard F. Dwlggins of Winston-Saiem; two sisters, Mrs. A. Z. Stonestrcet of Wlnston-Salem and Mrs. N. C. Smoot of Mocksvilie, Rt. I. MICKEY W. DURHAM A graveside service was conducted at 2 p.m. Thursday, January 16lh, at Midway Baptist Church in Davidson County by the Rev. Cecil Worley ""or Mickey Wayne Durham, 3-year-old son of Manuel W. Durham and Irene Gaither Durham of Advance, Rl.2. The child died Tuesday it Forsyth Memorial Hospital. He was Injured when a tree which was being cut down fell on him L. H. CROUSE Luther Harrison Grouse, 86, of Advance sufTered a heart attack and was dead on arrival at the Davlc County Hospital at 2 p.m. Tuesday, January 14th. Born Sept. 13, 1882, in Davie County, he was the son of the late Louis E. and Elizabeth Hege Grouse. He was a retired farmer and school teacher. He belonged to Advance Methodist Church. Mr. Grouse married the former Delia Vogler, who died in 1949. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Howard Jordan of Gastonia and Mrs. Gaither Marsh of Advance; three sisters, Mrs. M&Yfy Angeli, Mrs. Erma Crouch, both of Winston-Saiem, and Mrs. Rosa Haime of Houston, Tex; and two grandchildren, including Dr. Richard Jordan of Salisbury. Funeral services were conducted Thursday at 4 p.m. at Advance United Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. The Rev. Philip Vaughn and the Rev. Brvce Smith officiated. Bio - Obituaries - 1/23/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA e~Davl« Oounty EnttrpriM Rwofd» Jtnutry 23, IMS MRS. CORA ANDERSON Funeral services for Mrs. Cora Harris Anderson, 79, of Mockivllle, Rt. 5, were conducted Tuesday, January 21, at 2 p. m. at Bear Creek Baptist Church. The Rev. Paul Moore and the Rev. Albert Bracken ofnciated. Burial was In the church cemetery. She died at 4 p. m. Sunday at the Davie County Honltal aher an illness of a few days. Mrs. Anderson was the widow of George Walter Anderson. She was born in Davie County October 17, 18B9, and was the dau^ter of the late Joseph and Betty Danner Harris. Mrs. Anderson was a member of Bear Creek Baptist Church. Survivors include three daughters, Miss Annie Anderson and Miss Jo^e AjKierson, both of the home, and Mrs. Mary Crews of Mocksville; two grandchildren; and Hve great-grandchildren. NOAH DYSON Funeral services for Noah Bell Dyson, 87, of Rt. I, were conducted Saturday, January 18, at 2 p.m. at Center United Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. The Rev. Wade Hulchens and Rev. Bcnnle Beordcn conducted the service. Pallbearers were; R. C. and Eugene Dyson, Benny Dyson, David Kimmcf, Lar^ Harpe and Mike Chaffln. He died Thursday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home. He was born in Davie County to Alvin and Martha Gaither Dyson. He was a retired farrrrer and a member of Center United Methodist Church. Surviving are three sons, Wade and Clyde Dyson of Mocksville. Rt. 1, and Alvin D^on of Mocks\dlle, Rt. 4; and four dau^ters, Mrs. Dale Chaffin, Mrs. «ul Harpc, Mrs. Clay Boger and Mre. Dewey | Klmmer of Mocksville. Rt. 1. i MRS.C. V. MILLER Funeral services for Mrs. Louie Marie (Mom) Miller of Rt. 2, widow of C. V. (Pop) Miller, were held Saturday. January 18, at 3 p.m. Mrs. Miller died Thursday at Davis Hospital In Stalosvllle. I She was bom In Vadkin County to F. A. and Victoria Reece Waener. She was a I member of the Church of , Civlst of Mocksvlile. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Ruby James of Mocksville, Rt. 2; two stepdauahtesr, Mrs. Ozell Boger of MocksvUlo, Rt. 2 and Mrs. Louise Whitaker of Mocksville Rt. 2: three stepsons. Buck, Bob and SheeK Miller of Mocksvitle; two brothers, John Wagner of Wiruton-Salem and Aussie Wagner of High Point; and two sisters, Mrs. Lala Griffin and Mrs. Leona Masscy of Winston-Salcm. ERNEST C. CARTER Funeral services for Ernest Charles Carter, 48, of Advance, Rt. 2, were conducted Saturday, January 18, at 4 p.m. at Eaton^s Chapel. Burial was In Cornatzer Baptist Church cemetery. He died Wednesday in Columbia, S. C. He was born in Davie County to Samuel and Nezzle Sheets Carter. Surviving arc a daughter, Mrs. Brenda Sue Thompson of South Caroline; a sister, Mrs. George Jones of Mo^svUle, Rt. 3; and six brothers, Clarence Carter of Advance, Rt. 2, Allle Carter of Southmont, Frank Carter of Lexington and Aaron Coleman and Billy Carter of Mocksville. RICHMOND F. SHEEK Funeral services for Richmond Franklin Shcck, 89, of Advance. Rt. !, were held Fri^y, January 17, at 2 p.m. at Macedonia Moravian Church. Burial was In the church graveyard. Mr. Sheek, a retired employe of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Col, died Wednesday at Davie County Hospital. He was the foster father of Mrs. Cico Hahn of Winston-Salcm. Bio - Obituaries - 1/23/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, January 29, 1969 W^AjwBSwi w Mocb»W« Ki. 2 Mn. Gipir, DaritCMNriy Wita Bio - Obituaries - 1/29/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 0 Dav4o County Enterpritt Record. Jenuery 30. 1969 MRS. OLA BROWN Funeral services for Mrs. Ola Bostic Brown, 64, of Route 2, were held Sunday. January 26, al 3 p.m. at Eaton's Chapel. Burial was In Turrentinc Baptist Church cemetery. Ljdrs. Bro.wn, wife.of John C.. BmWn^ ^i.Uead to" Dflvlc County'"Hbspi'tal Friday night, January 24. She was born in Ashe County to John and Alice Gregory Tuylorl She was a member of Turentino Baptist Church. Surviving are her husband; two daughters, Mrs. C. J. Angcll Jr. of Mocksville, Rt. S. and Mrs. Hansford Nichols of Mocksville, Rt. I; two brothers, George and Creek Taylor of Vilas; and three sisters. Mrs: Ellis Coffee of Boonc, Mrs. Wilburn Kitig^rec of Salisbury and Mrs. T. D. Adkin of Jacksonville. Hia. MRS.ODliSSA FOSTER Funeral services for Mrs. Odessa Kennedy Foster. 70, wioow 01 jonn nehry Fusiei, Sr.. of Rl. 2. were held Wednesday, January 20th. at 2 p. m. at Mainvillc AME Zion ChuTcli. Burial was in the churcli cemetery. She died Sunday al Davic ' County Hospital. She was born in Sianty County but hud resided in Davie County 65 years. She was a member of Mainvillc AME Zion Cluirch in Davie County. Surviving arc a b>n. John Henry Foster Jr. of WintloioSalcm; and two sisters. Mrs. Rebecca Monigonwry of Salisbury and Mrs. Lizzie Mourc of Mocksville. HENRY ADAM NAIL Funeral services for Henry Adam Niil. 90. of Coolccinee. were held Tuesday. January 28. 3l 4 p.m. It Eaton a Chapel. Burial was In Wesley Chapel Meihodiit Church cemetery. Mr. Nail, i retired Erwin Mill Employee, died Sunday at Pavie County Hospital. He was born in Rowan County to Horace E. and Naomi Dobbins Nail. Surviving are a daughter Mrs. Marvin Dull of Cooleemce; a son. John Henry Niil of Cooleemee; Hve sisters. Mrs. Guy Foster. Mrs. Walter Shoaf and Mrs. Uicy Riddle of Cooleemee. Mrs. Bert Vkk of Mocksville and Mrs. L- A. Fo» of Salisbury; and a brother. Sidney Nail of Cooleemee- Bio - Obituaries - 1/30/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA pi>T r-Tj.' j-T'- .rr' i V rt"* ance;- ;S?"n^::Hospital,;-y e s t e r d a y moriMgXofkathe^ attacfc The -;Coniat2er'^Pt^t .;, J?feurch : 2 p iphh';. ' fflesdayj'^BUrlalvwill Ibe mlthe church'cemetery/'.;. \ . - v.-- -.j'Pejwas' bprn in Davie County w Edgar and Cora Ijames Wall!He >was >emplpyed,.'at ;Hanes Corp. .-.and ;was;var member, of ^ornatzer Baptist. Church. |;Survxving3are;;his .wife,'^Mrs."J;eaaPotts WaU; four sirfers. v o g e r ,..ofrfpcksviUe; Mri-.Ro's^ Baker of '?;Decatur,^Ga.fx Mrs.-^Lila MaeI'B^auchamp of. Advance, Rt 2 'lapd ^Mrs. r/Jhelm'a -"Sheek of f^Wmston-Salemr and a brother.U-Jp^ny/Raj^.Wall of Clemmons. The ' vbody j is • at Eaton's Funeral Home. n cJo t-3 - /Ul Davie Co. Public Library Wocksville, N. C. OA VIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARV MOCKSVlU-^, NO COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, February 5,1969 Mrs. Leoch, 61, Of Mocksville HOCKSVIUJ: - lln. Mamls Wtlkt UMh, ei, oi Rt 4, MocfciviUe, ^ P^y •t the Davie County HospUja. ^ wab born Jooe 16, tW7, in Davic County, the ilatwhter of the liUe 0. 0. and Enma Beaton Waller. She waa a roM emph^ of BurUi«too Zndoitriaa, Cooleeinet. ^viM are her husband. John L. Leach; a son. John W. Leach of Rt. 1. Woodleaf; ■u grandchildren; threehrojthers. Clarence WaOer ofSalisbury, and Tom Waller andWalter Walkr. both of Rt. l.Woodleaf; a footer daughter.Mil. Doris Myers MMocksville; a footer aoo, RonaldNkholi of Rt. 4, Mocksville; and four sillers, Miss AnnieWaller of Rt. 1, Woodloaf, Mrs.Kelly Waller of Rt, 4,ModisvUle, Mrs. Minnie SutCrotU of Marks. Mlas., a3Mrs. Bessie ConneU' o f Woodleaf. Lossiler Rites Set Wednesday MOCKSVILLE - Funeral services for Mrs. Claudia B.UssUer, 61, of Davis County, a former residwl of iioMeadow St., SpMCur, . Wifol conducted WodMsday at ita.m. at Smith Grova Baptist Church, Chufchiand.%i jma {Mm tot i. ub7,In Davie Oeito« ISi ditoUrof tba lateMatlou and toliana Dsdmon WOUama. ioiitoo. Md., and Mm. Jaous c. 8. XwfM, hMh ufS»^*'JPSg! George Hones Of Mocksville M0CK6V1LLB -Funeralaervkee fa* George Clifford (Bwl) Hanea were conductadMonday at i p.m. at Eaton's Funeral ChaneLHo was bom Jan. 16, IM?,in David County, the son «the late Harriaoa and NancyBeiiirhimp Haaas. Ba was aratirad farmar.Survivors Include his wife, theformer Miss Kate Howard: throe am. Howard Hanea ofMocksville, Ray BiMi MWiuitof^Salem, and CralgHanes of Rt 3. Mocksvttlo; fov danihtere. Mm. OUieBeaudiamp and Mm. RobertHenditc. both of Rt. sMocked, Mrt. Alvia Cboaira of MoeksviDa, and Mm. BUIDwtons of Ashoboro; ISgratohildm; and tight groat-grsndchUdran. D. B. Clinard Of Advance kiOCKSVILLE —' Dampsey Brown Clinard. frl, of Rt. 2. Advance, died Saturday.Born in Davie County, June 2. 1904, he was the sou of the fate Gwge W. and Sarah Bell Sink Clinard. He was a memberof Advance Baptist Church and was a Master Mason of Afl- vance Masonic Lodge. Survivors Include his wife.Stella Cook Clinard; thr^ sons, Dempsey Clinard Jr. of the AirForce stationed In Goldsboro, George and Charlie CUnard,both of the home; two ek^s. Mrt. Charles Redwlne Sefner <dFlorida, and Mm. Gray S^ers of WinstOQ-Salmn. Foster Services Sloted Wed. MOCUVILU! - roMnl■arvkas kf Mm. Odaasa Kao-^ FoeUr, widow of tha lateJohn L. FoMar, were lOon.UoM WidiMay at I p.m. inkUinvUMAIIBltoCbitnA. wMtot ofito si^.^ body wtq ba plaoad in tbichurch ona hour prior to the funeral hour.The family wtU be at Mor- risen^tudevent towral Hrm t. "a of Mbenrille. Mrs. Danielsi Of Raleigh mocksville - Mm. SMly to toUi. M. of BWtoh andByOy M Roto 4. toMOo,jiBd.al «sji. FfNdyM Davio A Ritbu M llivlo County, to wui a dHtoW. of the lalac ^gm to ollM- sen Bs-n Bio - Obituaries - 2/5/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURjNAL, Wednesday, February' 5, 1969 C. W. Woll Of Advance i "JL!?* S*® ®. itt*.^ Divk Couaty, tW m il ilM late Bdgar Md Cora QaiM« Mrs. Sherrili, At 82 Yean .Mogarom - ifci. mi» ^^tAiSSK. farvlvUi ara Bio - Obituaries - 2/5/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA is Dead at 92 Miss Victoria Byerly, 92, of Rt. 4, Lexington, N. C., Ruddy Creek community, died Monday morning at the Haven Convelescent Nursing Home in Lexington. She had been in declining health for 6 months. She was bom February 2, 1877 to Wesley and Eliza Swicegood Byerly. Miss Byerly was a member of Friend^p United Methodist Church, Eastern Star of Mocksville, Alumni of Woman's College, Greensboro, now the University of North Carolina. Survivors include one sister, Mrs. Ida Byerly Holt of Rt. 4, Lexington, and a number of neices and nephews. Funeral services wiD be conducted at 2 p. m. Friday at Friendship United Methodist Church by the Rev. David E. Hubbard. Internment will be in the church cemetery. ..j. .i sA V . >* The family request in lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the building fund of the Friendship United Methodist Church. ^ n A CO. PUBLIC l>'iOCKSV/iLL£j NC 8 Davio County EnterpHse Record. Robruary 6, 1969 MRS. R.U.DANIEL Mrs. Sally Eva Daniels. 76. of Ralclgl) and formerly of Roulc 4, Mocksviltc, died Friday at Davic County Hospital. A native of Davic County, slic was a daughter of the late Thomas and Jennie Stanley Graves. She was the widow of Robert Edward Daniels. She was a member of Necdmorc Church of Christ. Survivors include three sons. Ralph Daniels of Raleigh, Lee and tommy Daniels of Cootccmcc; a daughter, Mrs. William Rodden of Route I, Woodlcaf. Funeral services were conducted Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by H. E. Tuttlc. Burial was in the Liberty Methodist Church cemetery. MRS. JOHN L. LEACH Mrs. Mamie Waller Leach. .61. .of Rl. 4, MocksviUfii, dig^ Friday at Davic County Hospital. She was born June 15. 1907, in Davie County, the ^ughtcr of the late 0. 0. and Emma Beaton Waller. She was a retired employee of Burlington Industries, Cootccmcc. Surviving ore her husband, Jolui L. Leach; a son. John W. Leach of Rt. I, Woodlcaf; six grandchildren; tlirec brothers. Oarcrtcc Waller of Salisbuiy, and Tom Waller and Walter BUD HANES George Cliford (Bud) Hanes, 82, of Rt. 3, Mocksviilc, died Saturday at his home. He was born Jan. 19, 1887, in Davic County, the son of the talc Harrison and Nancy Bcauchamp Hanes. He was a retired farmer. Survivors include his wife, the former Miss Kate Howard; three sons. Howard Hanes of Mocksviilc, Ray Hanes of Winston-Salcm and Craig Hanes of Rl. 3, Mocksviilc; four daughters, Mrs. OIlic Bcauchamp and Mrs. Robert Hcndrix both of Rl. 3 Moclcsville, Mrs. Alvis Cheshire of Mocksviilc, and Mrs. Bill Dwtggins of Ashcboro; 13 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren Waller, both of Rl. 1. Woodlcaf; a foster daugJttcr, Mrs. Doris Myers of Mocksviilc, a foster son, Ronald Nichols of Rt. 4, Mocksviilc; and four sisters. Miss Annie Waller of Rt. I, Woodlcaf, Mrs. Kelly Waller of Rt. 4. Mocksviilc. Mrs. Minnie Sue Crotis of Marks. Miss., and Mrs. Bessie Connell of Woodlcaf. Funeral services wore conducted Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by Kcnnctli Hydcr. Burial was at Rowan Memorial Park. CLARENCE W.WALL Clarence William Wall. 56, of Advance, Rt. 2, died en route to Davle County Hospital Sunday morning of a heart attack. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday at Cornatzer Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. He was born in Davic County to Edgar and Cora Ijamcs Wall. He was employed at Hanes Corp. and was a member of Cornatzer Baptist Church. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Lena Potts Wall; four sisters. Mrs. Laura Bogcr of Mocksviilc, Mrs. Rosa Baker of Decatur, Ga.. Mrs. Lila Mae Bcauchamp of Advance. Rt. 2, and Mrs. Thelma Sheek of Winston^aicm; and a brolhcr, Johnny Ray Wall of CIcmmons. Bio - Obituaries - 2/6/1969 DEMPSEY B. CLINARD The funeral for Dcmpscy Brown CUnard, 64, of Advance. Rl. 2, was held Monday at Advance Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery with Masonic MRS. MAE SAIN SHERRILL Mrs. Mac Sain Shcrrill, 82. of Erlangcr died Friday nigtit at Lexington Memorial Hospital. She was born April 5,1882. in Davic County, the daughter of the laic Andrew and Julia Miller Allen. Surviving are three daughters. Mrs. Clyde Carter of Chesapeake. Va,, Mrs. Bill McCuliough of Mocksviilc, and Mrs. Calvin Ferryman of Lexington: four sons, A. L. Sain and Elmer Sain, both of Kannapolis, Roy Sain of Lexington; and Lester Sain of Lexington; and two brothers, Clcvc Allen of Advance and Jake Allen of Woodlcaf. Funeral services were conducted Sunday at Mocksviilc Methodist Church by the Rev. Phillip Vaughn and . (he Rev. Clarence Jenkins. ^ MRS. MOZELLA GRANT Funeral services for Mrs. MozcMa Nccly Grant were held Wednesday January 29th at the Shilo Baptist Church at 3:30 p.m. Rev. G. W. Campbell presided. Burial was in the Second Presbyterian Church Cemetery. Shf;.;4I.eirfiut&c Davic County Ho^taLSaturday January 25th. Surviving arc her husband; five children, Robert and Gcorgiannc of the home, £arr)cst of Baltimore, Md., and Fred and Henry of Mocksviilc; and two adopted sons. Darrcll and Lcc. riles llv died .Saliirtluy. 11c was burn in l-i>rsy1h Coiiiily h> (icorgc W. ttnil Surah licit Cliiiard. A i'anK.*r, he was a inciuhcr nf Advance Baptist Cliurvli. Surviving arc Ids wife. Mr.s. .Stella Conk Clinurd; three sons. Dcmpscy Cliitard. Jr., of (he Air Force at .Seymour Johnson Field, Goldshuro, George and Churlie of (he home; and two sisters, Mrs. Charles Rcdwine of Seffncr, Flo., and Mrs. Gray Sowers of Winston-Salcm. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8 Davio County Enterprise Reeord. Eofarusry 6. 1969 MKS.CI AltDIA LASSnhK ClauUiii Williuiii\ I^SKilcr. HI, (il niO Meadow St. Spmicvr. dtcd Sunday al 1:4.% a.m. ul lliu Davie ('iiiiiily lloimilal. Slie wu% iMtrii Sepl. 2. )HN7. in lluvic Coiinly, lite daiighler of the iulc Marion and li»u Irciia Dcdiiton Williutin. Survlvng arc two daughters, Mrs. Patrick S. Carncr of Kcitiiingslon, Md., and Mrs. Jaiitus I.. Pace of (ilcii Dale. Mil: :i hroilici. 1/iriiiic Willtaiiis III .S,-ilisti(iry, and lour Mstcrs. Mis K. A. .Swiccgood and Mrs. ('. S. Kurlevs, both ol (!(evctand, Mrs. I.. A. ficitdrix III Kl. .1, Mocksvillv. and Mrs. Pliitlip l-orrcsl of Ijcxington. iMiiicral services were coiuliiutcd WediivsUuy ul the Smitii (irovc Baptist (Miurcli, (.'liurchlund by the Kcv. Uoy Hooper. Burial was al the Churchland (Vinelery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/6/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 'age ' "TiloNDAY MoMnNcf^^SSHiY 10,^ 1969" ^^T)enlhs and Funpralsj I > Mof* and States ^ pfanTr^iKEarly |^Tiaiik :T . Early, 84, of Sanj ^ateo, _Ca^,V former' grocer Merer and^^rai .brother of two EWiflston-Salem xesidents, died Saturday night at a .nursing ji^ome in San Jose, Calif.; after S^.ilong illness. The funeral and f%urial will be in San Mateo. p - •' He was born in the Enon Isection of Yadkin County to ["^Pcter S. and Mary Jr-Eariy..,He ^^eame to Winston-Salem in 1906 iiand operated a grocery store wor,-. .several years. He then ^became' a salesman for R. J. vHeynolds Tobacco Co. and was .-reported to have been one _ of ^their first salesmen to go west •'of .the Mississippi River. He libecame a salesman for Armour yand Co. in Chattnooga, Term., ^?and ^retired there in 1943. He -then moved to San Mateo to be ;^th a daughter. He had resided fcthere since, although "he had made numerous trips back to." this city and Yadkin County., • Surviving .are his wife, Mrs. Edith Early; a daughter, Mrs. "Viola Hayes, of San Mateo, Calif.; a sister, Miss Grace £arly of 446 Brent Street and a brother, T./A. Early of 713 S. Sunset Drive."--. . i-'W DAViE CO. PL'SLiC L^SP-'^RY ^ViOCKSViLLE, NC COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, February 12,1969 Miss Nonce, 71, Of Mocksvllle M0<^SV1LLE — Miss Msiy LoneOa Naaee. 71, of Rt S, Hocksville, dtod Uoadav it to tone. She was bnm 1897, in Davidson Coaly, the dau^Mer ct the late Jolm Bony and Easabeth Gnd>b Nanoe. Surviving are three sisters, Mitt Bfimue Nance, of the home and Mrs. G. K. Carter and Mrs. W. Barney Castle, both of Rt. 3, MocfcsviOe; and two brothers. Thomas Nance of the home and Noah Nance of Rt 3, Mocfcsville. Funeral services will be on* dscted Wednesday at 3 p.m. at No Creek Primitive Bmtist cnarcb by Elder R. F. Htbbre and IQdtf Eugene Bonett. Biffial will be at the cfaordi cemetery. Mrs. Lulo Beck, At 95 Years MOCEBvuUB — Mrs. Lola Bowles Beck, 96, of Bt 4, MecknvOlB, died Sondiiy at 10 at the Davie Coaly She was bom Jan. 13, 1874, in Davie Cbmty, the ititoder of the late Bnoiam radwilh 1\itterow Boadas. Swivfam are loa aona, Alfred Be* of LeainMoiL Rttfa Bock of Rt 3, todEndUe, WaRo' Beck of Lewisvflle, tad Earl Beck of Rt 5. Mocknville; two daghtms, Hra. FM MttcfaeQ of Rt 4. MockoiDe. and Mra. Jamea PenninaiaB of LewiavSle; ad a alMer, Mrs. Mlimie Fter of CoaoonL Mrs. Winters 6f Mocksvllle MOCSSVniB ~ MH. Mbmie at ber boBM. Apjm ben Maieli M, 1807, in Dande Goaty, tbs of the IMe Gbaij^ and Btftie Doby BamoT* tevivins an to gopsa/Wlnten; two none. ^ llMBVvfiieffd Bq^ WlQtea of Bt S, n doghter, Mn. of Bt 2, Advaaoe; twobnibm Jaoieo A, BooeyRt t Oevdaad, and Bndy od two airien. MIn. Bsmle Jte of Bt 3, MoOki^, and |to. Afto Doby of IbowMivBle. Ftmcral nrvtao wiB tw eon* ducted Wedneodv at 4 wa. wiB be it tbo cbmreb eemeteiy. A. T. Beck, Devie County IhcmaiBcA, $7, of Bfodavffie, Rt 4, died at tto Vetenns h. So&faiiiy at 10 ijn. Saturday. •M was a suponnarfcet en* M mi* Augoal11911. be WM the ara of David tad Etta BiitlS^BS!^ tovlvto tedude his wife, the Floule Besflold: one dgtfto. Mn. DoUie Sheep ofBfanhigham. Alt.; Us toiler. St®5®BgkURt4.Moeko.m: two listen. Mn Rthd gg^fMito and Mn Ehnaof ImttBgion; two Mrs. Hoots Of Advonce Mrs. Bertie Hoots, 71, of Advance, sum of Bill Lynch and Jaito both ofLo- dis, and Mrs. B. A. Sbobcid of QUna Grove, died Ihttrsday d 10 o.m. at the Davie Coanty H^UI. Mocksvllle. . tovfces were con- Atc^Satord^ 8 p.m. at n Ptmeroi in Bttrial was ti her roUnmeot In 1910. Qm bgmd^ by to habaad, 0. K. Hoots. C. p. Dull, Cooleemee _npCBSVIUO-Chme» Ite to wn23iayed as n ctom. tcrDuE bb taotto, J&'taSnssrSi Bio - Obituaries - 2/12/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, February 12,1969 Lassiter Rites BI0CK8VILLE •— Fuoeral Ibices for Mrs. aiudJa B. 81. of Dovfe C^my. f fitter retldott of eio Wivtw St.. Sseocer, were' eqpdMed Wedn^ay at n al Smith Grove Baptiit Chttntlh, QwrehJiuid. Burial «dU M Bt Ctmrehtaad Baptisi ^0RDtb eeffletery. Kimboll Funeral Funeral aovlces fer Mn. bi^ Pnfflmtrefi wm^op, J. B. Fitf»r, S* SHi.GvereasI), J. B, Jadoon. Mrs. B^haQ (Bed Satuday at 8:40p4n.alherl»mT^ Bio - Obituaries - 2/12/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COLINTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1969-Page 1 Pfc. Roger Dale Howard Killed In Vietnam Action Marine Pfc. Roger Dale Howard. 20, of MockiviDe, Rt. 4. was killed in action Saturday in Vietnam. Funeral anangemenls are incomplete. He was bom in Forsyth County to Dove TUlet and Lola Rice Howard. -He joined the Mariner in December, 1967. Surviving are his parents of Mockcville, Rt. 4; ei^t sUten. Mrs. Harold Oakley of Greensboro. Mn. Peggy McNeil of Kernersville, Mrs. ^isy Hardy of Mocktville, Rt. 4, Mrs. Ralph Gerald and Mias Bonnie Sue Howard of Asheboro, Mrs. Hope Leonard II 'd !? Guard, stationed in Baltimore.^ ^ Md., and Burley Ue Howardand Ho>«rd of the of Harmony, Rt. 2. home: and two brothers. Odell xhe body will be sent to Wayne Howard of the Coast Eaton Funeral Home. a.^Otvla County EntarpriN Raeord, Fabmary 13. IBEB MRS. SAMPSON WINTERS Funeral services for Mrs. Minnie Odell Winters. 61. were conducted Wednesday, February 12, at 4 p.m. at Cornatzer Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. She died Monday at her home. She was born in Davie County to Charlie end Bashie Doby Barney. She was a memoer of Comatzer Baptist Church. Surviving are her husband: a daughter, Mrs. Gray Potts of Advance, Rt. 2; two tons, WUey Winters of Thomas>dl)e and Bobby Winters of Mocksville, Rt. 3: two brothers, James A. Barney of Cleveland, Rt. 1, and Brady W. Barney of Mocksville, Rt. 3; and two listeri. Mrs. Bciiiy Jones of Mocksville. Rt. 3, and Mrs. Avery Doby of ThomaiviUc. Bio - Obituai ies - 2/13/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ft Om> Oounty Entirpfm nwre, Fihruifv 13. iftn MRS. W. A. BECK Funera] services for Mrs. Lula Bowles Beck, 9S, wrcrc conducted Tuesday, February ll, at 2:30 p.m. at Baton s Funeral Chapel by Rev. Paul Moore and Rev. W. R. Frost. Burial was In Bear Creek Baptist Church cemetery. Mrs. Beck, or Rt. 4, widow of Witiiam A. Beck, died Sunday at Davic County Hospital. She was born in Davic County, Jan. 12, 1874, to William M. and Ruth Tulterow Bowles. She and Mr. Beck were married February 1st, 1897. She was a member of Bear &eck Baptist Church. Surviving are two daughters. Mrs. Floyd Mitchell of Mocksvilie, Rt. 4, and Mrs. James Pcnnington of Lewisville; four sons, Walter Beck of Lewisville, Alfred Beck of Lexington, Rufus Bedc of Mocksvilie, Rt. 2, and Earl Beck of Mocksvilie, Rt. 5; and a sister, Mrs. Minnie Fun of Concord. Also surviving are: 25 grandchildren, 43 great-grandchildren and 5 great great-grandchildren. MISS MARY NANCE Funeral services for Miss Mary Louella Nance, 71, of Rt. 3, were oxiductcd Wednesday, Februao' 12, at 2 p.m. at No Creek-- ^/Imitive .Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. She died Monday at her home. She was bom in Davidson County to John Henry and Elizabeth Grubb Nance. Surviving ere three sisters. Miss Minnie Nance of the home and Mrs. G. K. Carter and Mrs. W. Bameycastle of Mocksvilie, Rt. 3, and two brothers, Thomas Nance of the home and Noah Nance of Mocksvilie. Rt. 3. 3B......Dbv1s County Entarprlse Rocord, February 13, 1969 CURENCEPOEDULL Clarence Roc Dull, 45, of Coolccmcc died Saturday at his home after a heart attack. The funeral was held Monday at Eaton's Chapel. Burial was in Wesley Chapel United Mctliodisi Cliurch ccinclcry. He was born in Davic County to Walter and Haltic Dixon Dull. Surviving are his mother of Kannapolis; three brothers, George and Lawrence Dul! of Advance, Rt. I, and Tillrmn Dull of Modcsvillc. Rt. 5; and three sisters, Mrs. Calvin Rcavis and Mrs. Clarence Rcavis of Kannapolis and Mrs. Barney Gough of Lexington. JONATHAN WAGNER Jonathan Aussie Wagner, 81 . of 812 Astor Dowdy Towers, High Point, died Saturday at his apartment. The funeral was held Monday at Scchresi Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Floral Garden Park. ' He was born in Yadkin County to Fletcher A. and Victoria Rccce Wagner. He was a retired furniture worker and a member of First Congregational Christian Church. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Jessie Call Wagner; a dauglilcr, Mrs. D. L. Lanicr of High Point; a son. Major James E. Wagner of Lockbournc Air Force -Base, Oliio; two sisters, Mrs. Lcona Masscy of East Cicmmonsviilc Road, Winston- Salcm, and Mrs. Lcla Grifnn of Winston-Salcm; and a brother, John Wagner of Winston- Salcm. ALVIN THOMAS BECK Alvin Thomas Beck, 57, of Mocksvilie, Rt. 4, died Saturday In the Veterans Administration hospital at Salisbury. The funeral was held Monday in Jerusalem Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. He was born in Davic County to David and Ella Hartley Beck. He was employed at a supermarket. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Flossie Ocnricid Beck; a daughter, Mrs. Dollic Sloop of Birmingham, Ala.; his mohter of Mocksvilie, Rt. 4; and two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Hail of Salisbury and Mrs. Bl no Swicogood of Lexington. Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8——-Davle County Entotprlso RccortI, Febtuary 20,1960 J. M. BOWDEN.SR. John Martin Bowden, Sr., 88, a retired dairy fanner of Route I, Advance, died Monday, February ID, at For^lh Memorial Hospital. Funeral services wore held at Vugicr*s Funeral Cliapcl Wednesday, February 12. Burial was in Forsyth Memorial hirk. He was born in Davie County to Cilob Alexander and Maria Hartman Bowden. He spent must of liis'lifc in Davie County and tai^t in' public scftuola for IS years. Survivors include: I daughter, Mrs. 0. B. Poindexter of Ctcmmons; two sons, J. M. Bowden, Jr. of Rt. I, Advance and Marsliali Bowden of Henderson: 2 sisters. Miss Lettie Bowden of Rl. I. Advance and Mrs. Charles U. Hartman of Yadkinville, Rt. 2; 2 brothers. G. C. Bowden of Rt. I, Advance and R. O. Bowden of Winsti)n*SaIcni. MRS. JOHN MCKNIGHT Mrs. Rirse Miller McKniglit, (i2, of MiKwcsville, Rt. Jl, wife of John M. McKniglit. died I'rldav at her (iouk. TIic funeral was held Monday at Pnispcci Presbyterian Cliurch of Mourcsvillc. Burial was in Roy Cemetery at Mocksvilic. She was mun in iravic County to William M. and Utitel Nail I toward. Surviving are her husband: a daughter, Mrs. Tlmmas C. Overeasli of Mooresvitic: ftnir sons, John 0., W. K., F. Bran lion and J. Merrill McKniglit of MtHircsville: her iiiotlier of Mocksvilic: a shier, Mrs. J. 1^ rank Sain of Miwksvillc: and three hroihcrs, the Rev. W. M. Iloward. Jr. of Durliani and J. A. and Ahc M. Iloward Sr. of MiKksvillc. James R. McCraiy Jaiiws Riclurd McCrary,?!, of Mocksvilic, Rt. 4. died Monday at his home. The funeral was held Wednesday at lialon's I'uneral Chapid. Burial was in Legion Memorial Park at Cooleeinee. He was biun in Wilkcs (Vuiity to William Asa and Mary Ann McCraiy. He was a retired fanner. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Verlie Brown Md'iaiy: two sons, BUI and Bruce McCrais of Mocksville, Rt. 4; a sistei, Mrs. Nora Mill Cniiell of Coideeniee: and two hroiheis. C. C. McCraiy of Mocksvilic. Rt. 4. and Stanley McCiary irf North rooleeinee Bio - Obituaries - 2/20/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, February 26,1969 Floyd Grison McSwain Former Sfiedff Dies jNttMOTUE — PUyd SSiwKr fcH* f&IlM MM 4H*tl St Iw Mind *S*®fcrK^i«e gjss'srS^lieSm. B» «pt • iitM iQpl and 4FF dmtor vitb Lp^ Baid Ooiponittra Id Attufta, Oa. fiOPtiite aia Ut tta essrftoiws i^QOS BHOWnHB flOO tetti af bv- ^ jjd Ifcflvato Maeicimlle; alfht III I I lifctllMBM I ~ MS pi^j*sSiriSi HOO0R IB8EHVIID jH UODOOVO« Jomes McCrary Of Mocksville MOflwyillJB — JamM Bkbai^lieCraiy. 71, a ralM faimar «l Rt 4, HNkavUla, died MMdiy id 5:80 ajo. d Ida b was bora April 8, 1187, io Wltkea Ooinly» aaa of tfie lato Aaa and Uuf Adb IfOCbary. SurvlvtBg are Ids wtte, Mrs. Voile Bnwb IbBOfanfi twa soas, Bia McCrtiy and Bnioe IfeClSraiy. boUi of Rl. 4, Modnvfiiei a aliter. Mn. Nora Rirtlft Ottdirtd of CwaOTWftj and two brolliBia, cToriBimy of Rt 1 IficMRii diSmi& eiflcrafy ;■ itpna bm Mrs. Pruitf Of Cooleemee lira. Lonoa Pivltt, 87, ofCooleemee died TtauMy at9:18 pja. at the Davie CouBly fRa had haea lade®S haahh for severalyean and eerloosly HI for two vneki. She waa horn la Davie Cnm- the dattabtar of the lateaad^Sa^e Uaiaea. d la Divie Cooaly, aha waa a member ofAMB Rko Ghmob. ftarvlvfatt un two brathen,FTedBelkwi aod Jotai L.Unmi, Mmof Cooieereae; six Rmile wBle, elm Coelmmfae, Bio - Obituaries - 2/26/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 2~-0gy|i OquMv EAtMprlM Rteord, Ptbiutry 87, 1M0 MRS. BROADWAY The funeral for Mrs. Broadway, widow of Clyde Bioadway was Hold Sunday at MocksviUe Pentecostal Holmess Church. Burial was in Legion Memorial Park at Cooleemee. She was born In WQkes County to John and rtaney Cardwill JenMns. She was a member of Moeksvllle Penteeostal Holiness diurch. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Fred Mullins of Qtarleston, W. Va., and Mrs. Bdlth carter of Winston<58lem. Rl. I, three sons, J. C. Broadway of Elkin, Fred Broadway of Modcsvilte and Odell Broadway of Wlnston«Sa]em, Rt. 8; her fathtf of Moravian FaQs: her steoHitother, Mrs. Essie Jenkins of Moravian Falls; seven sisters, Mrs. John WUIiams and Mrs. Vera Person of North WBkesboro, Mrs. Unda Mailow of Moravian Falls, Mrs. Brenda Willbna of Lmoir, Mrs. Rose Etta Johnson of Green Cove Springs, Fla., Mrs. Bertha Dotty of Durham and Mrs. UdB Lowe of High Point; and flve brothers. Bin Jenkins of High Point, John H. Jenkins of Thomasville, B(d)lw Jenkins of Lenoir, Tom Jenkins of Moravian Falls and Charlie Jenkins of Los Angeles, Callfomia. MARK FOSTER The funeral for Mark Anthony Foster was hdd Sunday at Moeksvllle Pentecostal Holiness Churdi. Burial was In Legion Memorla] park at Cooleemee. He was born in Davie County to Donald Grey and Joyce Fletcher Foster. Surviving are his mrents; a sister. Miss Shirley Foster of the home; the ^dparents, Mr. and Mis. Cad Fletcher of Moeksvllle, Rl. 1, and Dewcy Foster of Cooleemee. Bio - Obituaries - 2/27/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA County Enttrprit* Record, Ptbrviry 27, 1M0 MRS. LORENEPRUITT Mrs. Lorene Pruitt, 37, of Cooleemee died Thursday at 9:15 p.m. at the Davie County Hospital. She had been in declining health for several years and seriously ill for two weeks. She was born in Davie County, the daughter of the late James and Bessie liames. Educated in Davie County schools, she was a member of Liberty AME Zion Church. Surviving are two brothers, Freddie Ijames and John L. Ijames, both of Cooleemee;six sisters. Mrs. Estella Patterson. Mrs. Vcrnell Maxsvtll, Mrs. Annie Mae Shanks, and Mrs. Burlic White, all of Cooleemee, and Mrs. Estelle Hill and Mrs. FLOYD G.MCSWAIN Royd Orison McSwain, 79, of Mocksville, Rt. 4, a former Davie County sherifT, died Sunday at Bbnd Rest Home at China Grove. Tlic funeral will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Clupel. Burial will be in Cherry Hill Lutheran Church cemetery In Davie County. He was born in Davie County to Richard and Lucy Howell McSwain. He was a retired tool and diemaker for Lockheed Aircraft Corp. at Atlanta, Ga. He served as Davie County sheriff for two years in the 1930's. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Gertrude Granger McSwain; four sons. Richard McSwain of Cooleemee. John and WUliam McSwain of Irving. Tex., anj Floyd McSwain, Jr. of Salisbury; an adc^ied son. Thomas A. McSwain of Mocksville: and two brothers, W. W. McSwain of Salisbury and Robert McSwain of Concord. Funeral services were conducted Tuesdiay at 2 p m. al Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Clyde Settle and the Rev. Bobby HeUiard. Burial was at Cherry Hill Lutheran Church cemeier)-. ROGER DALE HOWARD Marine Ffc. Roger Dale Howard, 20, of Mocksville. Rt. 4, was killed in action in Vietnam on Feb. 8. Funeral services were held Friday morning at 11 o'clock at Eaton's Chapel Funeral Home. Burial was in the Jerusalem Baptist Church cemetery with full military rites. He was born in Forsyth County to Dove Tillel and l^la graduate of Mocksville High School and was formerly employed by Drexel Enterprises. Surviving ace his parents of Mocksville. Rt. 4; ei^t sisters, Mrs. Daisy Hardy, Mrs. Eva Lou Potts and Mill Lola Howard of Rt. 4, Mocksville. Mrs. Hope Leonard of Advance, Ri. 2, Mrs. Peggy McNeill of Kernersville, Mrs. Howard Oaklev of Greensboro and Mrs. Ralph Gerald and Miss Bonnie sue Howard of Asheboro; and two brothers. Odell Wayne Howard of the U. 5. Coast Guard at Baltimore, Md., and Burley E. Howard of Harmony, Rt. 2. MRS. ALMA FOWLER Funeral tervicn for Mrs. Alma Flint Fowler, 57. of bUsburyi were held at 3 pan. Tuesday. February 35. it Fairfleld Bapiat Church in Davie County. Burial was in the church cemetery. She died al.l a.m. Saturday "at Rov^n Memorial Hospital. Survivors include a son, William Noble of Raleigh; three daughters, Mrs. Hazel Troutman, Mrs. Virginia Hairston and Miss Mary Ann' Fowler of Salisbury: and a brother, Lindscy Flint of Mocksville. Bio - Obituiifics - 2/27/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 3/5/1969 ^'TOfiKSVILLB'liitfa gweg.^ ;;o£;,piiiic MlsoaJ Hpaday at her liome» The: OTiar^ will he ^ 3:3a p.m.i gn^ay. at. 'fi^ SocoBd J^hTterian Quu^ Builal' wwhe in the dnit^ieemetery.' . Shelwas ham-In Savie Ootnibr to Vlctotli Gcenshaw f ntt^.^8 was a member of SMjma Presbyterian-Churclu Su^vtog are her husband:, a fuughter. Miss Pecola AlUsan of me home; a son, Pink AHisan tGreensboro; and two «st^, Mrs. Duska Baliston and Mrs. Seresa Mason of MocksvUte. The: body Is at "NcMe and Bio - Obituaries - 3/5/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, March 5,1969 Davie Marine Killed In Vietnam KIvil' »kll .If '21, III lU 4 Box Mocksvilk'. (; ci>r}xirul with the IIS Marine (,'»rii\, wa.s killfO KriiJay while .MrrvinK nn a lour of duly m Vietnam He was horn '>cl 21. IW5 in Davio OHinly, mip oI Mr and Mrs Klvic IWIl .Sr of Mccksville Kducalud at Davi<- County High .Schfxil, Livingstone Collegr, and Hnwun Technical Insiiluie, hi' <.-nli.slcd m the Mr rmii (.'orps in Jure of IWi/i and wrn" to Virinam on Fch .1, IS";!! Also surviving are ihrre brothers. James W Bell sla Honed in Korea with (he I'S Army, and Bnbhy a Bell and Ivarry Allan Roll. l>cth of the home, atyl ih? maternal grandJalher. Undwy Flint of HI 4 MccVsville Funeral arrangement-s are in- crmp.ele The hcdy wilt he brought to the Nohte and Kelsey Funeral Home /i RLVIE BELL JR. Mrs. Summers Of Mocksville M0CK5VILLE - Mrs. Lundie L. Lowder Summers, 76, of Rt. 4, Mocksville, died Thur^ay at 6 a.m. at the Davie County Hospital. Sk was bom In Davidson County, the dau^ter of the late John and Nancy Leonard Lowder. Her husband. Cappte Summer, died in 1965. She was a member of Oak Grove United Methodist Church. Surviving are a dau^ter, Mrs. Otis Hoplin of Rl. 4, Mocksville; a son, Adam Sum mers of Cooleemee; and three sisters, Mrs. Bruce Plnkston, Mrs. AUice Agner, and Mrs. Sophie Bringle, all of Salisbury. J. W. Jones, Mocksville MOCKSVILLE — John Walker Jones, 82, of Mocksville died Monday at his home. Bom in Davie County, On Feb. 14, 1887, he was the aon ol the late William Henry and Celia Howard Jones. He was a retired merchant. Survivors iwlude his wife; two daughters, Mrs. Helen Butner of Rt. 1, Advance, and Mrs. Louis Hendrix o f Mocksville; two tons, W. C. Jones of Azele, Texas, and J. W. Jones Jr. of Rt. 3, Mocksville; one sisto', Mrs. Cora JoUey of Rt. 3, ModtsvUla. Bio - Obituaries - 3/5/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1969, Page - 1 BLVIE BELL JR. Dflvie Marine Is Killed lit Vietnam Elvu B«ll Jr.. 23, ol Rt. 4. Box Oi, MooksviUe, t eonoral witb Uw U.S. Mwine Cerpf, wu klUed Friday wbU« aervuig on a (our of duty In Vlcium. K« wu bom Oct. 31, IMS. In DavJo County, aon of Mr. and Uira. Elvle Bell Sr. of MockivUle. Educated at Davie County Hifh S^ool, UvingftOM CeUega^ end Rowan Tecnaical bttUtute, be enlUted in tbe Urrlne Corpa In June of IMS and weal to Vietnam on Feb. 9, ISU. AUo iurvlvinf are three brother!, Jamee W. Bell, ata* tk^ in Korea with the U.S. Army, and Bobby G. Bell and Allan Bell, teth of the home: and the maternal fraodfather, Undiey FUnt or m. 4. UoduvUle. Funeral arrangcmeou are in- comp4te. Tbe bcdy will be broi^ to tbe Noble and KoImv Funeral Home Bio - Obituaries - 3/6/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA I)avic f'iMiHiy K«rMmI. Maicli 'i. IWi MRS.CAPPmSUMMURS Mrs. Lundie Lowdcr Summers. 76. of ^ueksvllle, Rt. 4. widow of Cappie Summers, died Thursday at Davie County Hospital. The funeral was held Saturday at Oak Grove United Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. . She was bom in Davidson County to John and Nancy Leonard Lowder. and was a member of Oak Grove United Methodist Church. Surviving are a daughter. Mrs. Otis I^plin of Mod^lle. Rt. 4; a son, Adam Summers of Cooleemee; and three Asters. Mrs. Bruce Pinkston, Mrs. Alice Amer and Mrs. ^nphie Brlngle of Salisbury. MRS. SUSAN TRUESDALE, 103 Mrs. Susan Foote Truesdale, 103, of the Chinquapin community in Davie 6)unty, died Eeoniary 24th.at«ithe . Stbvall Rest Home in Statesville. She had been seriously 01 for one week. She was a member of Chinquapin Grove Baptist Church. Her Rrst Husband, the Rev. Robot J. Foote, died some time ago, and her second hu^and, Wul Truesdale, died two years ago. • Surviving are many nieces and nephews in Davie, Rowan, and Fmsyth counties. The funeral for Mrs. Truesdale was held at 3 p. m. Sunday, March 2, at ^loh Baptist Church. Burial was in Chinquapin Grove Baptist Church cemetery. MRS. CRAVEN, 45 Mrs. Nellie Mae Condi Craven, 45, of 943 Fiarmont Ave. died Monday at 11:03ft.m. at Rowan Memorial ospital. Death was unexf^ted. She was bom May 29,1923, in Rowan County, daughter of the late Thomas and Vennie Seamon Correll. She was employed with Sy Hart BERNARD KELLY, JR. Bernard Kelly, Jr., dweek'Old son of Bernard and Delores Fisher Kelly, died Thuralay morning of nattiral causes in Davie County. Graveside services were held at Rock Hill Church cemetery. Burial was in the dturdr cemetery. He was bom in ModcsvQIe. Surviving are his parents of Mocksviile, Rt. 1. MRS.T.D.D1X0N Mrs. Lela E. Dixon, 72, of Mocksviile, Rt. 5, wife of Thomas D^ey Dixon, died February 25, at Forsyth Memorial Hospital at ' Wiiistuu^lem. The funeral— was at 11 ajn. Thursday at Courtney Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. She was born in Yadkin County to IXivid and Ellen Sprinkle Esdc. She was a member of Courtney Baptist Church. Surviving are her husband; a sister. Mrs. Opal Walker of Winston«Salem; and a brother, W. F. Essie of Winstom&lem. Sportswear in Salisbury, hlw served with the WAVliS during WortdWarll. ^ , Surviving arc her husband, Floyd Craven; a son, Darrdl Craven of the home; four brothers, William Correll of Salisbury, Woodrow CorrdI of Mo^svillc, and Paul CorrdI and Howard Correll, both of Coiieemee; and three sister, Mrs. Williams Ijames of Cooleemee, Mrs. Henry Breedlive of Salisbury, and Mrs. Herbert Fried of Richmond, Va. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday at 2 p3n. at l^ton*s Funeral Home Chapel, Mocksviile, by tlie Rev. Gilbert Miller. Burial was at Rovran Memorial Park. JOHN W JONES, SR. John Walker Jones, Sr., 82, of Mo^sdDe died Monday at his home. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. He was born In Davie CounW to William Henry and Cdia Howard Jones. He was a retired merchant and a member of Dulin United Methodist Oiurch. SuivMng are his wife, Mrs. Mattie Smith Jones; two dau^ters, Mrs. Helen Butner of Advance, Rt. 1, and Mrs. Lois Hendrix of Mocksviile; two sons, W. D. Jones of Azle, Texas, and J. W. Jones, Jr. of Mockndlle, Rt. 3; and a sister, Mrs. Cora Jolly of Mocksviile, Rt.3. MRS. ALLISON Mrs. Linda Britten Allison, 69, of Mill St., Mocksviile, died Monday at 4 p jn. at her home following an illness of several years. She was born Oct. 14,1900, in Davie County, the daughter of the late MUar and Victoria Britten. Educated in Davie County schools, die was a member of the Second Presbyterian Church, where die served as a deaconess and as vice president of the missionary society. Surviving are her husband. Pink Allison; a son, James Piidc Allison, Jr. of Greensboro; a dau^ter. Miss Pcctda Allison of the home; and two sisters, Mrs. Duska Harrison and Mrs. Seresa Mason, both of Mocksviile. Funeral arranRements arc incomplete at press time. Bio - Obituaries -3/6/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 3/11/1969 pp^iilulin ^gWCXSVILLE — Tbe imM'&E'Mrs. Easd Britton of Moeksville, wifeof Leroy Ihilln, will be at 3:50 P^JZharsday at BUIoh BapBsr tJur^jiBorial wlU be in the : chnreb:' comoteiy. She died of )Baptist..-J9taspital< in V^ton. Salem«"' n . Slaving are her husband: a .dadglto, Urs. Masol^e ^Mocksvffle; and Feanngton of Chapel Bm, Mrs. Clarenee ftndersra <d. Bal- wore, Md^ and Mrs. Lloyd Kins of HocksvOle.Ihe is at Noble and! i Kelsey Ftd;^ Bbm& >. | Ur>-^. Oo ^ 3-/ 76 7 Bio - Obituaries - 3/11/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, March 12,1969 Mrs. Craven, 45, Fairmont Ave. Mrs Neirp Mae Correll Craven. 45. of Pi.j Kairmonl Ave died Monday al 11:03 p m £' h'/vvan Memorial Hospilsl. Death was unexpected. She was bom May 29. 1923. in Rowan County, daughter of the late Thomas and Vennie Seamon Correll, She was employed with Sy Hart Sportswear in Salisbury. She served with the WAVES durina World War I! Surviving are her husband. Floyd Craven; a son. Darreli Craven of the home; four brothers. William Correll of Salisbury. Woodrow Correll of M:cksville. and Paul Correll and Howard Correll. both of Cooleemee; and three sisters. Mrs. Williams ijrmes of Cooleemee. Mrs. Henry Breedlove of Salisbury, and Mra Herbert Fried of Rich mond. Va. John Butero Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE - John Butero, 65. of Maple Ave. died Tuesday in Forsyth Memorial Hospital. He was bom Aug. 3. 1903. in Italy, the son ^ the late Joseph and Jennie Butero. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ann Hotzck Butero; a son. John Robert Butero of Mocksville; six sisters, Mrs. Louise Christie of Brighton. Mass.. Mrs Rachel Ambrose and Mrs. Mary Degorgia, both of Watertown, Mass. Mrs Rose Pinaggo of Newton. Mass., Mrs. Angela Deluca and Mrs. Margaret Tortolana both of Wuatham. Mass.; a brother. James Butero of Bellinghtm, Mass.; and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be con ducted Thursday at 2 p.m. al Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by Father Thomas A. Williams. Burial will b? at Rose Cemetery. The b^y will remain al the funeral home Mrs. Dulin, 56, Of Mocksvilje Mrs. Hazel Britton Dtilm, 56 oi 521 Waiitm St.. Mocksville. died today at 4:45 a m. at the ^ R9p»ist Hospital in Winston-Salem. She had been <.« Msveral months. She was born April 12. 1912. in Oavie County and was educated in sciwoU there. Employed with the Central Telephone Co. ot Moduvltk. she wu a member ot bniion Baptist Church, %rbere il» atrv- ad M prestdat of the mJisionary aociaty, adviaor oi Um waibiMi boi^ aod ammhtraribiclok. Bio - Obituaries - 3/12/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA g Davie County EnterprUe Record, March 13. 1889 SAMUEL C. JAMES Samuel C. James, 70,of Rt. 1, Advance, died at 12:45 p.m. Salurdoy at Davie County Hospital. TOrn In Davie County July 18, 1898, he was the son of Nathan and Mary Elizabeth Hodcaday James. He was a retired farmer and was a member of Macedonia Mora^dan Church. Funeral services were held Monday at Macedonia Moravian Qiurch. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The Rev. Taylor Loflin will ofHciate. Surviving are flve daughters, Mrs. Margie Hucktebee of Winston<SaIero: Mrs. Arthur Clayton, of Lexington; Mrs. Jesse Keen and Mrs. James Durham, Advance; Mrs. Thomas Smith of Winston-Salam; four sons, Floyd E. James of Columbus, Ga., Jessie N. James of Lexington, Rt. I, Richard S. Smith of the home, and Clay James of Rt. 1, Advance; one shitcr, Mrs. Cecil Parrlsh of Winston-Salem: one brother, James of Yadkinville; 21 grandchildren. MRSJOHNF.LONG.SR. Mrs. Deneale McKenzle Long, 65, of Salisbury Road, wife of John Fletcher Long, Sr.. died March 3rd at Lynn Haven Nursing Home In Modcsville. The funeral was held March 5th at Trinity Episcopal Church. Burial was in the Odcwood Cemetery. She was born in Salisbury to William White and Alice Lorraine Caldwell McKenzie. She was a member of Trinity Episcopal Churdi. Surviving are her husband; two daughters. Mn. Ted P. Hughes or Nacogdoches, Texas and Mrs. Paul L.Gilbert.Jr.,of Statesville: a son. John F. Long. Jr. of Augusta, Ga.; three sisters. Mrs. William Trent Raglond. Sr. of Raleigh, Mrs. P, A. Wflllenborn of Chariottesville. Va.. and Miss Ellen McKenzie of Raleigh: and a half brother. WQIiam While McKenzie of ^ingReld. 111. LEVANDER L. RUTUND Levaitder Lopez Rutland. 59. of Mu^sville. Rt. 1, died March 4th at Baptist Hospital after a week's illness. Graveside services were held March 6th at Mount view Memorial Park. He was born in Oranuburg County. S. C. to George W. and litla ^len Rutland. He was a member of Bethany Baptist Church at Orangeburg. Surviving arehis wife. Mrs. Frankye Merritt Rutland of 2350 Westover Drive; a daughter. Mrs. Julia Richardson of 2500 Eastway Drive. Charlotte: a sister. Mrs. Margaret Harris of Charleston. S. C.; and a brother. E. C. Rutland of Cordova. S. C. John Uiitcro John llntcro. 65. of Forest Unc. died Tuesday In F'orsylh Mciiuiriitl Hospital. lie was burn Aug. 3. 1903. in Italy, the son of the laic Joseph and Jennie Butcro. Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. Ann llulzak Dutcro; a son, John Robert Bptcro of Mocksvillc; six sisters. Mrs. Louise Christie of Brighton, Mass.. Mrs. Rachel Ambrose and Mrs. Mary Degorgia. both of Waterlog. Mass. Mrs. Rose Pii\aggu of Newton, Mass., Mrs. Angela Dcluca aud Mrs. Margaret Tortolana both of Wuatham, Mass.; a brother, James Butcro of Bclllneham, Mass.; and two ^andchudren. Funeral services will be conducted Thursday at 2 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by Father Thomas A. Williams. Burial will be at Rose Cemetery. Mrs. Leroy Dulin Mrs. Hazel Brit ton DuUn, 56, of 521 William St.. Mocksvillc, died Monday at 4:45 a.m. at the N. C. Baptist Hoq;>ital in Winston*Salcm. She had been In for several months. She was born April 12, 1912, in Davie County and was educated in schools there. Employed with the Central Telephone Co. of Mocksvillc, she was a member of Shiloh Baptist Churdi, where die served as president of the mi^onary society, advisor of the Junior sunbeam board, and a member of the choir. She was a member of the N. C. Barbers Auxiliary, the Disabled Veterans Auxiliary, and the Rowan Baptist convention board. Surviving are her husband, Leroy Dulin; a daughter, Mrs. Magolene D. Hudson; three sisters, Mrs. Edward Faiirington of Chapel Hill, Mrs. Clarence Anderson of Baltimore, Md., and Mrs. Lloyd King of Mocksville; and two grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 3/13/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, March 19,1969 Joseph Howord, At 87 Yeors MOCKSVILLE ~ Jose|:'i Henry Howard. 87, ol Rt. 2. Moeksville. died Sunday at 3:10 a.m. at the home a diuighter, Mrs. GreenlKiTy Barnes of Rt. 2. Advance. He was bom June 10. 1881, in Davie Cocmty. the am of the late Benjamin mul Nancy James Howard. Also surviving are a daughter. Mrs. Edna Allen of Rt. 3. Moeksville: six sons. Taylor Howard. Allen Howard, omI Leonard Howard, all of Rl. I. Advance, and Sam Howard. William Howard, and Jofamiy Howard, ail of Clemmons. B. R. Phillips, Davie Motive WDiSrON-SAUU - B. Ray Phillira. SS, of 306 Harvey s. died Wednesday M 7:80 p.m. at the Davie County Hospital. He was bom Julv s. 1916. in Davie Cooaty. the son of the late Harvey and Maggie Bar^ Philhps. ife had in Wlnston-Salem since 1984 where ^ was emph^ed 1^ Hanes Inc. He was a roemher of Smitb Grove Methodist Church in Davie County and the Smith Grove Ruritan Club. Surviving are 1^ wife. Mrs. Helen Mka nUUips; o daughter. His. Bill Amiswofthy df Rt. 1, Advance; two grandchUdren; a aistm*. Mrs. Ola Hodflbs of Rlchmoad, Va.; three brothers. Odell PlilUlps of demnums, CMe ndllips of LewisviUe, and Wade pffiips of'Wiiistim-Saiem. John Butero Of Moeksville HOCXSVIUB - John Butero. 65. of Ave. died Mooday.in Foroytti Memorial Hospital. He was bora Aug. 3. 1903. in Itaiy, the son the late Joseph and Jennie Butero. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Aim Hotsci Butm; a son, John Robeft Btfero of Moeksville; six aistera, Mrs. Louise Chriatie of Brignea Masa., Mrs. Racbd Andmne and Mn. Maiy Degoighi, both of Walntown. Mass. Mrs. Rose PhiaggD of Newton, Mass., Mrs. Angela Ddnea and Mrs. Marauet Ibftobma both of WdatEaiii, Mass.; a brother, James Butero M BeBfnghfm, Mass.; and two ^LiBDDCflUOIFBS* Bio - Obituaries - 3/19/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 20,1969 - Page 4 CPL ELVIEBELLJR. The funeral for Cpl. Elvie Bell Jr., 23, of the U. S. Marine Corps, formerly of MocksvUle, Rt. 4, were held at 3 p. m. Tuesday at New Bethel Baptist Church on ModcsWUc, Rt. 4. Burial was with full mOiiary rites was In the church cemetery. Cpl. Bell was killed in action in Vietnam Feb. 28. HENRYP.TRIVETTE Henry Plyler Trlvette, 50, of Union Grove, Rt. 1, died of natural causes at his home Saturday. The funeral was held Monday at Beulah Free Trinity Church. Burial was in the Trivet le family cemetery near Harmony. He was bom in Iredell County to LevI and Martha Haniett Cass Trlvette. He was a sawmill employee. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Beatrice Johnson Trlvette; seven daughters, Mrs. Nellie Fayc Money of Stalesville, Mrs. Mary Wall and Mrs. Martira Tolbert of Union Grove and Miros Wanda, Almctta Ann, Ruth Coleno and Geneva Trhrelte of the home; four sons, James R. Trivette of Statesville, Recce K. Trivette of Hamptonvitle and John H. and Timothy F. Trlvette of tlte home; four sisters. Miss Rene Trivette of Harmony, Mrs. Tobithia York of MocksvUle, Rt. 5, Mrs. Ruby Gaitlter of Hamptonville and Mrs. Naomi Plyler of Kannapolis; and four brothers, W. C. Trivette of Olin, Rt. 1, L. E. and J. G. Trivette of Hamptonville and Lconldas Trivette of DaUas. . JOSEPH H.HOWARD Funeral services for Joseph Henry Howard, 87, of Advance, Rt. 2, were held Tuesday. March 18, at Macedonia Moravian Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Howard died Sunday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Greenberry Barnes. He was born in Davic County to Benjamin and Nancy James Howard. He was a retired sawmill operator and a member of Macedonia Mora^an Church. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Edna Allen of ModuvUlc. Rt. 2, and Mrs. Barnes of Advance, Rt. 2; and six sons. Leonard, Taylor and Allen Howard of Advance, Rt. I, and Sam, William and Johnny Howard of Qemmons. B, RAY PHILLIPS B. Ray PhiUtps, 52, of Winston-Salem, died Wednesday at 7:20 p. m. at the Davie County Hospital. He was born July 5, 1916, in Davie County, the son of the late Harvey and Maggie Barney Phillips. He had lived in Winston-Salem since 1934 where he was employed by Hanes Inc. He was a member of Smith Grove Methodist Church in Davie Count jr and the Smith Grove Kuritan Club. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Helen Allen Phillips: a daughter, Mrs. Bill Armsworihy of Rt. I, Advance; two mndchUdren; a sister, Mrs. Ob Hodges of l^hmond, Va.; three brothers. Odell PiiiUips of CIcmmons. Gyde PhiUhis of Lewisville and Wade Phi l lips of Winston-Salcm. Funeral services were conducted Friday at Smith Grove Methodist Church by ihc Rev. Powell Wilkins and the Rev. J. B. Parker. Burbl was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/20/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA I I "^THOMAS KEELY | •Thbinas >iccly, Dies at Age 89 i. Thomas- Ifeely, J®' i'worked for the:I?enue YMCA for 32 years andwas "he braach-s top roomJiWshin ' campaigner, •yesterday at the home of a.S'ew.^aement M Neely of 1100 Rich Avenue. The bwy 1s at aark S. Brown and Sons^Funeral ' Home pending "S-^wTrhorn at Mooksville __ tn Cicero and Alice Neely, and, moved'phild ' He worked m several Xr cities before returmng to■Winston-Salem to join a brother •in thp grocery business.He oSanized the "Y; DnimCmps and the majorettes,"trained them and led them m'community parades. ^ '.(^lerHe was a member of;M?tUoUtan AMB Zioh Ctarch^r His closest survivor IS his'nephew, with whom he made •his home;-,' Vi ' -J 0 O.- LI.- \ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 27, 1969 - Pages 1 and 5 Killing Is Self Defense A Negro man who died of a gunshot wound Saturday afternoon was killed in selfHlefenie. a corner*! Jury ruled Saturday night. Davie County Sheriff Georn Smith lald Sunday that no <marMH would be made against Mrs. Madilene Eaton of Mocksvillo, the dead man's sister. Rosoce Cuthreli, 47, of MocksvOle, Rt. S, Mrs. Eaton's brother, was killed by a diot from a .22 caliber rifle while at the homo of another sister. Smith said. He quoted Mrs. Eaton as saying uithrell was shot after he had fired at her with a shotgun. According to Smith, Cutmnll came to the home of Mis. Hssrle. JUcham, on the Pineville- Rukd north of Parmington. According to Smith, Mrs. Eaton said she was standing on the porch when CuthreU flred at her from close range. He said she told the Jury she did not remember shooting CuthreD. Smith said CuthreU was shot in the heart. He was taken to Davie COun^ Hoqdtal. He was born in Davie County to the iate Vance and Lu^ Brock CuthreU, and was a member of Bethany AME Zkin Church at Paiminglon. Surviving are six sisters. Mrs. CONTINUED P-6 more about SHOOTING Juanifa GJehn and Mrs. MQdred Lyons of Winslon^Saiem, Mrs. Harriet Richman, Mrs. Madilene Eaton, Mrs. Lela Lawrence, and KUs. Hortense Bobo, all of MocfcsviUe; and a brother. Daniel Cuthreli of Danlna, Pla. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 27,1969 - Page 5 James G.Owens James Carneld Owens, 86, of Advance, Rt. 1, died Sunday at a nuitdng home in Salisbury. The funeral was hold Tuesday at Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. He was born in Surry County to John P. and Patsy Davis Owens. He was a retired farmer and a member of White Rock United Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Annie Wilson Owens; three daughters. Mrs. Rosie Bodenheimer of Wln8ton*Salem. Mrs. Marie Riddle and Mrs. Jane Smith of Advance, Rt. 1; five sons, Hennan Owens of Washington. D. C., Walter Owens or Danvilie, Va., Robert Owens of Thurmon, James Owens of Advance, Rt. 1. and David Owens of the homo; a sister, Mrs. Rachel Marshell of Mount Airy; and a brother, Vestal Owens, of Elkin. Duke Hendricks Duke K. Hendricks, 67, of ElbertBon, Ga., formerly of Mocksviite, died Saturday in Elbertson. Graveside services were held Monday at Rose Comotory in Mocks^lle. He was born In Davie County to Mr. and Mrs. W. Steve Hendricks, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Helen S. Hendricks: a sister, Mis. Troy Vanzant of Winston^Salem; and four brothers, W. Paul Hendricks of Mocksvillo, R. Glenn Hendricks of Lexington, Sherman T. Hendricks of Charlotte and Dr. Prank P. Hendricks of Wayncsville. Bio - Obituaries - 3/27/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 2,1969 Willis Gobble, AtC Yeais mcnvuB — vtiiu ^ „ lit i H. C. Bolley, Dovie County . n. ft Rt R, MS fa Ifaffa Onfaf Ml 19^ VII._fa Ifavitt mdmi fht fomtr Gmood: Qoe dip^Ser. Ibi. Ifafa Bimm hiei, IBM Oilfa GoMfa. fD M of MBdoMiBe. BL «; farae mm. Rtl.!iodBMiIlB;W.lLGM|fe Kmdl M. BAr M Gi bom, JoKi CM Bfahy C. BaBqr, balk at Ad- BL S: liio litfTiB ibi. Mfa IfiehafI of Mrl Jtafc BMe of G« CL Lvmww wm ca mm • faiOKr. a r Gobbler of t w Bio - Obituaries - 4/2/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 3,1969 - Page 4 P. C. Bailey, 57 Paul Clyde Bailey. 57. of Advance, Rt. 2, died at 3 a.in. Satur^y at Ids home, lie had been in declining health for several years. Bom in Davie County April 19, 1911, to Dewitt and May Livengood Bailey, he was a carpenter .by trade. He vfas a mcmher of Pork Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, the former Tlielma Garwood; one dau^ter, Mrs. Dale Brown of MocKsville, Rt. 4; three sons. Kermit M. Bailey of Greensboro, James Carl OaQey and Samuel G. Bailey, both of Advance, Rt. 2: two sbters, Mrs. Archie Michael of Welcome, Mrs. Jack Deese of Thomasville; six brothers, Ruben, Rad, D. M., Nelson, Witbum, Bill B. Bailey, all of Advance, Rt. Funeral services were conducted Sunday at baton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Fork Baptist Church Cemetery. The Rev. Roy Young and the Rev. Down Spittlcr officiated. WillnV. Gobble Willis Vestal Gobble. 82, of Mocksville, Rt. 1. died March 2Sth at Davie County Hospital. Tlie funeral was held March 27th at the liames Crossroad Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. He was born In Davidson County to John H. and Frances Foster Gobble. He was a retired farmer and a member of Hamcs Crossroads Baptist uiurch. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Flossie Lanicr Gobble: three dauditers. Mrs. J. S. Peoples of Winston*Salem. Rl. II. Mrs. B. L. Meadows of Greensboro and Mrs. J. L. Rice of Winston*Salcm, Rt. 2; eiglit sons, Ervin Gobble of Lexington, Rt. 8, G. B., Felix and Ottis Gobble of Mocksville, Rt. 1, W. M. and Virgil Gobble of Winston-Salcm, Rt. II, Howard Gobble of Winston-Salem. Rt. 2, and C. L. Gobble of Winston«Salem, Rt. 4; a sister, Mrs. G. C. Nance of Lmtington, Rt. 2: and a brother, O. S. Gobble of Winston'&Iem; and two half brothers, Robert Gobble of- Lexington and John A. Gobble of Raleigh. Rev. Tliomas H. Weeks Rev. Thomas H. Weeks, pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Garden City, Georgia, died Wednesday, He had been ill several days. Born ill Eliorcc, S. C., he received his education at Clemson and Newberry Colleges. Upon graduation, he entered the ministry of the Lutheran Church and served as pastor of churches in Virginia, South aruliiia and Georgia. He married tlie former Miss Pauline Martin who once lived in Mocksville and for many years visited in Mocksville and Davie County. He was a son-in-law of the late Thomas L. Martin. Survivors include his wife; one sun. Chaplain Robert Weeks: one granddaughter, Kristi Weeks and several brothers and other relatives. Funeral service was held Friday in the Lutheran Cliurch of the Good Shepherd in Garden City, Ga. Burial was in Columbia. South Carolina. Bio - Obituaries - 4/3/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA fr —-litivie OiMHty Knti^prim* ttiMiinl, April I0» 1969 James L. Talbert James Luther Talbert, 71, of Southgate, Mich., died Thursday at a Wyandolte. Mich., hospital. The funeral will be at 11 ajn. Monday at Advance United Methodist Chur^. Burial will be In the church cemetery- He was born in Davie County to Gannon and Rcbekah Minor Talbert. He was a retired postmaster. Surviving ore his wife, Mrs. Atlee Watkins Talbert; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Jane Smith of Southgate; four sons, James Talbert, Jr., of Garland, Tex., Robert Talbert of Dallas. -Xejtu. Wilberl Talbert of Wyandolte andTlf.^oeTuIbert- of Ann Arbm, Mich.; two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Bryson and Miss Rebekah Talbert of Advance; six brothers, Joe, Sam, and Tom Talbert of Advance. John Talbert of Winston-Salem. Dennis Talbert of Lexington and Gannon Talbert of Morehead City. Walter R. Smoot, 68 Walter Raleigh Smoot, 68, of 628 Neely Street, Mocksvflte, died Sunday at his honte. The funeral was held Wednesday at the Second Presbyterian Church here. Burial was in the church cemetery. He was born in Dayie County to R^ert and Alice Anderson Smoot. He was a retired employe of the Hanes Chair Co. here and a member of Second Presbyterian Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bertha Smoot; a dau^ter, Mrs. Clara Crawford of MocksvQIe; two sons, Waller Smoot, Jr. and Conard Smoot of Mocksville; two sisters, Mrs. Maty Galther of Salisbury and Mrs. Adiaidc Ellis of Mocksville;and a brother, John A. Smoot of Modisville. Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 4/11/1969 [ W. D.' HICH^^JOWT' - irVmisiS «SS£^:itrAgriy e»,Wd W' Henme « b.-Howard^ T b-' VimOinam 1^""HgrPlSt. MUs- MWrrfl Mrs. C. •• V. ^ Jj Stroud A SlJoiid^MB.D.6APferMrf®^4''S ^Cbidy U .at . S«b«sl Funeral Home. ,..;—. — Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 17, 1969-Page 1 Rites Held For Claude Hicks Funeral services for Claude Thomas Hicks, S3, MocksviHe Attorney,' were held Wednesday afternoon at the Eaton Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. Mr. Hicks died Monday tnoining around 5:445 a.m. at the Davie County Hospital after being admitted last Friday. He had been seriously {[] for the past several months. He Was born May 4,1915 in Surry County, the son of the late Richard ,and Laura Line Hicks. He was a graduate of Wingaie College, Wake Forest University, and the Duke University Law School. He didBost graduate work at the niversity of Minnesota. A veteran of World War II, he lerved Hve years with the United States Air Force, January 1941 to December 1945. Mr. Hicks had practiced law in Davic County since May, 1949. He was a member of the Davic County Board of Education, the MocksviHe Moose Lodge, the American Legion, the MocksviHe Lions Qub, the Hickory Hill Golf and Country Club, tiie Davie County Bar Association and the North Carolina Bar Association. He is survived by his wife, June Marion Hicks and one daughter, Lynn, of the home; one brother, Marvin Hicks of Pinnacle, Ri. 2. The family requested that memorial be made to the Davie County Hospital fund. ATTY. CLAUDE T. HICKS 6- Diivto Umiiity KtihTpriiu* Htsoril. \piil IT, I9(»9 MRS. ADAMS U-ONARD Mrs. FI o r V jt c c S h u 11 Leonard. 8.t. of Advance, widow of W. Adams Leonard, died Saturday al iuirsylh M e m o(ial Hospital io Wioslon-S;ilcin. The fnocral was held Monday Jl Advance lk>pl>.sl Cintivh. Burial was in Advance United Methodist Church cemetery. She was horn in Davie County to G. U. C. and Mary Alice Uycrly Sliuii. She was a metnher of Advance Baptist Church. Smviving are two sisters. Mrs , C. C. March of Winston-Salent and Mrs. Mailic Poindexter of Advance; and two brolliers. Arthur Slum of Advaticc and George H. C.(■eorge Slum Jt.of MiKksvilcksvil le. W. D.STROl'DSR. Wilhani David Sitoud Sr.. 9.S. of S. Hamilton StrtVl died Thursday at Grcgsoii Hotue at Trinity. He was horn in Davie County to Andy Meredith and Sarah Jane Gatiher Siroud. He was ownct i>f Slioint Grocery Store, owner of Siroiid Novelty Co., atid was foriiieilyemployed by Kearns Fiiruiinre Civ lie was a member of Gtcen Sireel Baptist Church.Snrvivmji are his wite. Mrs Heniiie Gaithei Siroud; sindaugliieis. Mrs. C- H. Howard and Mrs J B S'onCjnnon ofHigh Point. Miss Mildred .Siroud of the Iiome. Mrs. W. b. Rich of Tlionusville. Mrs. N. J. Wliiie of Grcensboio and Mrs. C. C. Cox of Wiosion-Saleni; two soils. W. I). Stioud Jr. olHigh Po ml and lirnry A. Siroud of Ciijtlotic. a sivier. Mrs. Dill a Pierce of l-'dcii . and two brothers. Jolm Stioud olTexas and MomI) B. Sitond of Maxioo. Bio - Obituaiies - 4/17/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 23,1969 Mitaheil Soofs Of Mocksville Iffidbdl ftHrtt. 77, iBk, AL <53,St ' HotpltM & of cBQ linCgr . yWt BiMUl UwyoBI MM Ji JPtt* tma fWHip iBpuHpn di no in vfior7ifOB;Dy iOBr wofli* 41m ' Ali^ BMI *"*nM* ovot rai ranv mocb* K 4; Mn. fioMrt. JId- nf^ md iHn Minr 800I1 of liMlMwlo, St 4, aai I60. CSmleo OofOBt of Ohho9eibb» two iOBs, Flog^ mi imiis ffftnla *- ^jT - — 0^iwOQvB| ■NBl OK JbOCHRPBIO| ^IC»4: oad m itater, Mki. Cooper PowToff of Sfmtf Chories Koontz Of Mocksville MocKsmiB-OMta mt- BL woo Ukid eoffy BilniwdMr .moRiiQg if sup 1^^CnoBfaig in SoTie Oon^.Bom in Bnvio Cbiiily April.7, iMt in WM Sie on of lEi.Loam OniiMa Bboita end thehto ItaohB EnptL Ho ir» «UBBed UdHoffiM Chntik Bo WM a ipndarto of BmndOoiepo end Cn IMovoite of Nbrtti CoRdfaia wllli m eeoomt-log teree. He wm do&ig poetmdniio wo* n WiSoroeM law SdnM to. WimmMm.to torn tine, of his deoitii endwort^ paMneior Brntt ead ABooanUedB in ' teolrani fnrtnde his wtfowtin finim Behiiie Mseril: one his antimvjK Lna Hoetilsof Bfooksvile^ Bt 1; Owo al^ tnra» Ite Geoqfo WMmad to Ifcn; fim hfooen» Gieaa, Jn* and Aitimr BooqIs, si of Ifocka efile. Mn, Owmi,^. OfWoodkof WOODLBAIt — Mta. ta aM..OoM Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 23,1969 Willie Wolker Of Mocksville MOOWlUdC - PmI FWh1lwM*i@a. Hft wn hm9tiL%mL ia Dnk CMrtr/M late WOtei VhnnlB aod Wm- ma SaMh Wdker. awyiHae are hii w^tba fooMr Him LmU Walnr; a dn^. Mn. OttMrt anift «f liocknflte; aw^ MWdl* aiiLaB«iinMtM*dOT; t«» tSSS' Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 24, 1969 - Page 1 Charles Koontz Killed In Train-Car Collision At Bixby Chiirlcs Alexander Koontz, 25, of Mocksvillc. Rl. 3, was killed Saturday rTx;rning when his car was struck by u train at the railroad crossing in Bixby. The accident happcnd shortly after 8:30 a. m. He was traveling on the Fork Church Road, heading west, crossing over the Southcrri Railway tracks, The train was traveling towards Ashcvillc. State Higltway Patrolman A. C. Stokes said that Koontz's small foreign car (Opel Kadctic) was knocked about 90 feet from the crossing and bndcd on its top 24-rcel from the tracks. Koontz was thrown from the car and was killed Instantly. PairoliTtan Stokes quoted the engineer of the train, Glenn Tweed of Ashcville, as saying Koontz drove onto the tracks without looking cither way. Tweed said, and other witnesses verified, that the train's horn had been sounding while it approached (he crossing. Stokes related. Tweed said the train was traveling between 45 and SO miles an hour. The train continued for about onc> third mile after it struck Kountz's 1967 Opel Kadcttc. Koontz, a law student at Wake Forest University, was on his way to a class at the University in Winston-Salcm. F^trolimn Stokes said that Tweed told him tite accident litTK was within a minute of 8:37 a. m. The clock in Koontz's car had stopped at exactly 8:37, Stokes said. Koontz was bom in Daine Academy community to Marshall and Laura Campbell Koontz. He was a graduate oC Cool -^prings Hi^ School, Brevard College and the University nf North Carolina at Chapei Hill. He was a lirst^ycar student at the Wake Forest law school and he worked part time at the Ernst and Ernst account ing frim in Winston'Salcm. He was a member of the Salcm United Methodist Church in Davie County. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Betty Mcrrcll Koontz, a tiaugh icr Angela Dawn Koontz; his mother, Mrs. Marshall Koontz ofMocksville, Rt. I; two sisters, Mrs. George Woodward of Mocksville, Rl. 3 and Mrs. William J. Mansy of South Carolina; and five brothers, Glenn, Jack and Arthur of Mocksville, Kt. I; John Koontz of Mocksville, Rt. 3, and Joe Koontz of Mocksville. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Eaton Funeral Chapel. Burial was in the Salem United Methodist Church cemetery. The Rev. Benny Bearden and the Rev. Steve Harrison officiated. Bio - Obituaries - 4/24/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 9^Davte County Enteiprisa Reeowl^ AprtI 24» 1969 Wiltic IHiUl Walker. 77 Willie Paul Walker. 77. «r Rl. 2, Muck&vltic, UicO April 15th at Forsytli Memitrial Hospital. He was born Sept. 2K. I HQ I, in Davie County, sun or the late William Franklin and Emma Smith Walker. He was a retired bird dog trainer, having trained several dogs of international Tame. Surviving are his wife, the former Miss Lesta Shore Walker; a daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Smith of Rt. 5, Mocksville; a son. Paul Walker of Rt. 2, Mocksville; three sisters, Mrs. W. A. Taylor, Mrs. Mildred Cocke, and Mrs. Evola Sink, all of WtnstomSalem; two brothers, Ernest Walker and Harley Walker, both of Winslon<Salem; seven grandchildren; and four great*grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Thursday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Joe Phillips. Burial was at Farmington Cemetery. Mitchell Soots, 77 Mitchell Soots, 77, of Mocksville, Rt. 4, died at Rowan Memorial Hospital Friday morning. He was born in WQkes County to the late James and Nancy Billings Soots. He was a member of Cooleemee First Baptist Church and a retired employee of the Cooleemee plant. He is survivM by four daughters, Mrs. Phil Foster, Mocksville, Rt. 4; Mrs. Robert Mcl^niel and Miss Mary Soots of Mocksville, Rt. 4, and Mrs. Charles Owens of Cooleemee; two sons, Floyd and Jackie Soots, ^th of MocksvQIe, Rt. 4; and one sister, Mrs. Cooper Fsrdue of Ronda. Bio - Obituaries - 4/24/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 30, 1969 Mis. lUdenhour Of Cooteemee SLdM — m. ▼Mi i:the B. lalMt Mte Unit • a ^ - , a 1,1 - MMKmOnOt nTM OffHit. DrmtM FUtk cff Bt ib Ibe bo4f iriB icauia M PI0*08« Uis. RUenbcnr CeB a^bfxiteber hb ea Aafil 1^ «iiDe A>and ber duller. Uate. ««wvUUag bur ■«»». Seige^Harakf Bnm Hklwiwiiii nlftmity at the AbenkenPraviBg, GnKtads.Mrs. Rktecfaour uiMkiwuiillsutary oo taite, loOMtathe lecMpnt, HCThaiMadher! Mstm wm ivlth her it thall time. John Atwell OfWoodleof SnOBBVHUB - Ml M Atiidl. ^ it • M. jt.tbiDMb Be bed beentadN^StMddi te eeMMl yean, bat Mb wai mm- bora Dee. 10, JIW, la Bomb OmM eoB Wifae late ftafc aad Buy BcMy Atw^>ayiehlgl aia bbjM, ttebfwr A BHMMte «NMO, damee aabert .BL a, CUaa aaakjndAite •iiMNffl •( Bt 1. B^rf; flw: and Mm. CObmt riMi^ Mer Rt t, Odna Ch^ead IteBujwie Stoeto lid ^cffiii heftthiee diten» •9"S® WflHanw SheemehftTaClevciMd, iidMrt,Peti!doD «( ml iniaa itgnadehUdhiMi; tad I' BreiV KeiieyCope, Ex-Sheriff Of Dovie County OOMBEMBB - HAy Ue Oaae. 78. off OoolenaBe. dtad Saadior M Rflrai MieaNrial A aadve of Dmde CBoaly, he was a m of the late Emefa and Laara Gamood Oope.^He w mwthBrig M ItevieOoualy, haviaB acrvad ftem and epcrator ef OMieeBteeMiilBet for aeeeral yean. He was a meodlKr of Patiiottc Sam of Amefkuit Rf#np"Lote. and aemed as recordei' of Ooeleemee comt. He was a member of Good SbegimidEpbeenal Clmieh of Oeoleeinee. Sarvivms Inebide a stepaoo, Bfuoe Tbomaaoa of GatosviDe, Fla.: two flfatera, Mn. JoePkUer of Speaeer end Mrs. Mamie Garwood of Wbotan-Salon; a broHier, Geofpe Cope of WimtoiiGalem; severalriltfiBf bimi nephews. Joiio Miiiond Junius foeiery Oovb Noihe. G. C. Steele Of Clevolond CUEVELAND — Poiwrtl servloea for GeoiEe C. Steels,OS, of Rt. 1, CtevMaiid, ware held at Sp.BL Satmday atSoatfaRiver ftfdhftdiif Chnrdi. Mr.Steele died Tfaurediy at an AflfaevUle hw^dtiliOfficiating at the rites were the Rev. ffiu Lee and the Rev.Fraok J. Stoagh. Burial wasin the dmrch cemetery. Pallbeareis were Ohmiei Steele, Jim Sterie, Steele, Harry Johnm, Robeit muse, uumuk vnmpiieu,Ralph Mmrril and Geaiie 8. Bio - Obituaries - 4/30/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 30,1969 Luico Conneli . Of Woodleof MOCBBVIliUt - bvlce MttctaU flwimll, M, «f Woodlttf dhd8*mN#l ^ He Wit ban AftU 9, un. Id Otwie OonljTcbe eo^ Umm A. end UMgr HeDaed vae « mM Co. «% Mn, Ue V. Uodi OgB^jWbiHn. , iS^RfiwdtSSSfc cm 9. omhb Bio - Obituaries - 4/30/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA y—Divl> Cottfttv Enteiptltt fttwrd. April 30.1JI68 JbSSEM.DEDMUNI) Jesse H. Dedmuml, 86, of Urecn^ro, a Davie County native, died Sunday at 1 p. m. at a Grcensboto hoipltal. He was born May 8, 1882, tlte son of the btc James R. and Martha Click Dedntond. Surviving arc a ion, Jamei Dedmond of Greendioro; two daughters, Mrs. Jack Ozment and Mn. Thomas Yow, both of Greensboro; a sister. Mrs. Sallie Holshouser of Saltooury; seven grandchildren; and two great'grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday at 2 p. m. at the Uffibert*Troxler Funeral Home Chapel In Greensboro. MRS. RUSSELL RIDENHOUR Mrs. Viola Jenkins Ridenhour, 64, of Grove Street, Cooleemee, died Tuesday morning at Havre de Grace, Maryland. She was born In Davie County, the daughter of the late D. E. and Mande Mattie Plowman Jenkins. Survlviin are her hudnnd, Russell Ridenhour; a daughter. Miss Linda Ridenhour of the home; three sisters, Mrs. Beatrix Frye of Mocksville, Mrs. Donald Frank of Rt. 5, Lexington, and Mrs. Arthur Reynolds of Winston*Sa1em and two brothers, the Rev. Clarence Jenkins of Salisbury and Irvin Jenkins of Kansas City, Mo.- JUNIUS PRESTON FOSTER Juttius Preston Foster, 30, of &nta Qrt^ Cetifornia, a native of Mocksville, drowned recently in the ocean near Santa Cruz. A California sheriff ssid Foster had drowned approximately a week ago. He said no details of the death were known. Surviving are his parents, Raymond and Louise Davis Foster of Modcsville. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. The body will be brou^t to Eaton*s Funeral Home. Ki-.I.I.V Uili mWi Kelly Lee Cope, 78. ii! Cooleemee, a former IJavic County Slieriff died Sunday at the Rowan Memorisl lluspttal In Salisbury. Funeral services were held Ttmsday at the Good Shepherd Eptscopal Church. Burial was in Le^n Memorial Psrk. He was born In Davie County to Enoc and Laura Gmwo^ Cope. He was sheriff from 1924 until 1930 and Judge of Cooleemee recorder's court for several terms. He operated the Cooleemee Market for many years. He was a mendrer of Good Shepherd ^tiscopal Church, Surviving are a stepson, Bruce Thomason of Gainesville, Fla., two sisters. Mrs. Joe Rckler of Spenrer and Mrs. Mamie Garwood of Winston-Salem; and a brother, George Cope of WinstoO'Sa* lem. Bio - Obituaries - 4/30/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 5/2/1969 BuriSre^n;'T)fr--^jri5jPorert Hifl"Cemet^.'^ij JUor^anton.. /He died n .TVcdnesday.'. at Baptist j Hospital on-Winslon-SaJeih. [ : He was born in Davi^Cbiiirty< to BVank P. and Lura Clouse Cash. Ho •. was: formerly "secretary - and -treasurer of the B. F. Huhtley Furniture Co. in ,Winston-Salem;'He was president of-, the Jrahlr B. Cash land Sons l^iumber Col'^ Havie (County.^**''' n i ' i % i '•Sun-iving are his wife, Mrs.' Pauline McDaniel Cash; a dpghter, Mrs. Fred Lawrenec of WinstoD-Salem; three sons, S'.* Cash of Morganton wuham. C. Cash of Salisbury and James -M. -Cash ofiHi^ory; a sister, Mrs, A. Hudgins of Winston-Salcm; and a brother Henry L. * Cash of'i^inston^ Salem. -.:i. n ¥i ;j / « '• n *■The body will be taken from Voglers ■ Funeral Home inWinston-Salem '> to K i r k s e yFuneral Home in Morganton this, morning.* The family requests that anymemorials be m^c to the FirstUnited Methodist Church 'of Morganton. or the American Cancer Society.' w' cJt> u. (».■»> n, L. r - T-. Bio — Obituaries - 5/2/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, May 7,1969 Hiigl^l&llNdn - Umgh 1L «l BL Mib. aNeill, mwiML- AtM Ymis ^Otj II H. UM. Frank Cosh Of Mocksville Miss Hudson Dovie Native Bio - Obituaries - 51711969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 11 IKuu* <UhiuI\ MiMiml, Mn\ U« l%<) Derrick Gene Sommers Vestal Derrick Gene Sommers Vestal, fDUr'fnonth'Old son or Donald Ray and Doris Peoples Vestal of Rt. 5 Lexington was dead on arrival at Lncington Memorial Hospital Sunday morning. He was born Dec. 16,1968, in Davje County. Survivors include one brother, Donald Bryant Vestal, and (wo sisters, Lisa Rae and Tracy Michelle; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ray Vestal of Jonesville, and Mrs. CecH Peoples of Rt S, Mocksvllle; and his great nandroothn, Mri WUma Collins Vestal m Sanford. Burial was at 4 p.m. Tuesday at Immanuel Wesley an Methodist Church. The W. R. Medlin and the Rev. L. J. Culler ofHcbted. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs.Le3sieO*Neill The funeral for Mrs. Lessie Edwards 0*Neill, 84, of MocfcsviUe, Rt. S, was held at 2ejn. Thur^ay at Urdon Chapel Inited Methodist Church. Burial was In the church cemetery. She died Wednesday. She was bom in Wilkes County to Augusta and Zeola Coon Edwards. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Clay Allen of Mocl^ille, Rt. 5, a son, Edmon O'NeUl of Salisbury, and four pandchildren. Mrs-. Ella Burton Mrs. Ella Seaford Burton, age 74, resident of Route 2, Advance, died at 1:30 a.nL Monday In the Davie County Hospital, Mocksvllle after beire in dedining health fm* the past seyml ^ears. She was bom in Davie County, November IS, 1894 to William A. and Susan Hendrix Seaford. Mrs. Burton was a member of the Advance Baptist Church. n Surviving are: her husband, Ray H. Burton of the home; son, W. T. (Buck) Burton of Route 2, Advance; two daughters, Mrs. Betty Jean Hendrix of Route 1, Advance and Mrs. Deette Markland of Route 2, Advance; 4 grandchildren and 2 peat pandchUdren; dster, Mrs. C. W. Beck of Route 4, Mocksville. Funeral service was at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday at the Advance Baptist Church conducted by the Rev. Reginald Stroupe and the Rev. Oscar Hartman. Burial was in the diurch cemetery. 2B-Davls County Emerprite, May B. 1989 MRS. WILL GRAHAM The funeral fur Mrs. Ollic Carlner Graham. 84. of 1408 N. Ridge Avenue, Kannapolis. widow uf Will C. Graham, was conducled Wednesday, April 30, at the North Kannapolis United Methodist Church. Burial was in Carolina Memorial Park. She died Monday, April 28 at her home. She was bom in Davie County to John Wesley and Mary uaither Gartner. She was a member of North Kannapolis United Methodist Church. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. W. R. McCorkle; and, a brother, L. P. Gartner, both of Moclwille. HUGH G. LATHAM The funeral for Hugh Burgess Latham, 72, of Mocksville, Rt. 2, was conducted Wednesday, April 30, at 4 pjn. at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. He died Tuesday, April 29 at Davie County Hospital. He was born in Davie County to B. G. and Delia James Latham. He was a retired farmer. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary Lee AllMod Latham; five sisters, Mrs. Blanche Ward of Mocksville, Rt. 2, Mrs. Charlie Angell of Mocksville, Rt. 5, Mrs. Holloway Boter of Mocksville, Rt. 1, Mrs. Vestal Freeze of Kannapolis and Mrs. Harrison Myers of Winston'Salem; and three brothers, Grady Latham of Mocksville, Rt. S, Richard Latham of Kannapolis and William Latham of Winston-Salem. FRANK BOGGAN CASH The funeral for Frank Boggon Cash, 73, of Mocksville, Rt. 3. was conducted at 3 p.m. Friday, May 2nd,at the First Unitra Methodist Church of Morganton. Burial was in Forest Hill Cemetery in Morganton. He died Wednesday April 30 at Baptbt Hospital in Winston'Salem. He was born In Davie County to Frank P. end Lura Clouie Gash. He was formerly secretary and treasurer of the B. F. Huntl^ Fimiituie Co. in Winston*Salem. He was preddent of the Frank B. Cath and Sons Lumber Co. in Davie County. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Pauline McDanlel Clash; a dau^ter, Mrs. Fred Lawrence of Winston'Salem: three sons, Carl S. Cash of Morganton William C. Cash of &^ury and James M. Cash of Hickory: a sister, Mrs. A. Hudgins of Winston'Salem; and a brother, Henry L. Cash of Winston'Salem. MISS SELMA HUDSON Miss Selma Hudson, S4, of St. Nicholas Ave., New york, N. €., a native of Davie County, died Tuesday April 29 at 3 p.m. at St. Luke*s Ho^ltal in New Yoric. She was born May 9, 1914, the daughter of the late Albert and Delia Neely Hudson. She was educated In Davie County schools. Surviving are two brothers, Thomas Hudson and William Hudson, both of Mocksville; and four sisters, Mrs. Alice Britten, Mrs. Viola C^nnady, Mrs. Sblly Brown, and M^ Emma Lyons, all of Mocksville. Funeral services were conducted Sunday May 4th at 4 p.m. at Shiloh Baptist Church by the Rev. F. D. Johnson. BuriaJ was at the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries — 5/8/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 'J o ■n \A I I \ ^ Mocksvfflr^RtT?^ :^^^^^ Ojaf th^ Wme -ori S K^tl The fimerar&n}t ctpVfuria?^^ ^'^1 ChurS'^*®^ United. MethodistCoZt ®®®®terjr > She was bora in. Davie County of . the. .Church of, Survi^ are- five daughterWilson Mrs. Sadie MayForrest and Mrs. Mary H.Forrest of Moc&sville, Rf i BMrf n?? Matthews of East son Ross Harvey Baraeycastle vlfi A Anderson and Mrs.!Fafie Owens of MocksviUe, Rt ! M E r^®« andRt. 1.* of MocksviUe, j ^•3- cJo^ r>,cL z .^fdry I MocksviUe, N. C. mSksmK? Nc'^ -a O » O V' WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 5/9/1969 R.B.Sanford, Mocksville ' MOCKSVnXE — R 0 f 0 s Brown Sanferd Jr.. SC. o(< MocktvEle died o( natural causM yeitrrdir 't Bavie , County IlotpilaL I Mr. Sanford was iroeral manacrr of the C C Sanlord Sons Co. and alldrsfy for tbe Davle Rural EleeuUlcation Association. lie was bom to Bavie Connty 00 Jan. 9, 19U to R. B. Sanford and Adelaide Caither Sanford. He was a cradnate of Davidson CiRIece and the Univcrslly of North Carolina Law School.!■ He was a past master of the Mocksville Masonic Lodce and ' was a nemt>er of the Scottish Rite. 33nd degree. Oasis Temple of Charlotte, lie also was a former member of the Morksvilie town coaaeil. klr. Sanford was a veteran of World War 11. Surviving are his wile. Mrs. Sydna Cash Sanford; a daughter. Frances Caroline Sanlord, and two sons, Rufus Brown Sanford III and DavidThomas Sanford. ill of the home; a sister. Mrs. llansfordSams Jr. of Dccatnr, Gs.; and two brothers. Dr. JlsrshaUSanlord of Pempano Beach. Fla. and GaiUier Siofcrd of .Mocksvilie. The funeral will be conducted iat 2 p.m. Sooday at Eaton's •Funeral Home Chapel by the ■ Rev. Janes Ritchford. Burial ■with klasonle rites will be in iJoppa Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 5/9/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, May 14,1969 Robert Avery Griffin Son Of Woodleaf Sanford, ' Dovie Attorney Couple Killed On Highway A son of a Rowan cou|de was killed in a 3 a.m. Monlay accident when his car collided head-on with a tractor- trailer truck on Highway 16, B mile south of Denw in Lincoln County. Killed was Robert Avery Grif fin. 27, of Hickory, son of Mr. and Mrs. Avery GriHin of Woo(U^. Griffin was driver of a Volkswagen. Driver of the trac tor-trailer truck was B. R. Rhoney of Route l, Connally Springs. Rhoo^ was taken to a nearby hospital with head, chest and back injuries. The Lincoln County Life Sav ing crew wmfced for almost an hour removing Griffin's body from the wreckage. MOCKSVnXJS — Rnius Brown Sanford Jr., S6, general manager of C. C. Sanfioni mat Sons Co., died Thnrsdpy at the Davie Coiudy He was bom Jan. -9. 1913. in Davie County, the son of the late R. B. and Adellde Gaither Sanford. A gradoale of Davidson Collage and -the University of North Candhia Sdiooi of Law, he was attorney for the REA and a former member of the Mocksville cfty council. A veteran of World War H. Ife was «dso a m^idi^ of the Scottish Rite 32nd Degree and the Oasis Temide in Charlotte. &rviving are his wife, Mrs. fynda Cash Sanford; a Janghter. Miss Frances CaroUne Sanford of the home;- two sons. Rufus B. Sanford m and David Thomas Sanford, both of the hoane; a sister. Mrs. Hansford Sama Jr. of Decatnr. Ga.; two brothers, Dr. Man^ Saoford of Pompaao Beach, Fla.. and Gaither San ford of MoctsvOIe. . . Mrs. Fox Bfrs. Ebner LocQle Fox. 61, of Rt. 8, Salhbaiy diedThenlay at 12:20 p.m. at Rowod Memorial Hoopttal, foHowIng a Aoit iHneoo. Survivors ineiude her tana- band, FM Fta; <»e aon, Josepta Pox of Che faooie; one damste, Mrai Amanla Mffler of faMt Sbdkser; ***<» hrottaer, Doyle Intacr of Brool^yD. N. y.: flos olstets. Mis. SOvanaah Widiams aod Mss. Tbmmie Payps, both of Oootecniee, Mrs. Jeniie (Mbome, add Mrs. Zoide Kaigrave, both of East SIpeDOBr, Mis. Bedfaa Letoer of Salifibary; snl nine M(K>re Funeral BDOCXSVILUS Ftenl avviees for Daw Ray Moom, 28, cMtt I, ttwdflpy, who drad Ttmi aily Iran reoelved hi ib ■trtdhifltallB ae-ddeot, wm I cwlBPtwl 8bii- day at 4 lun. at SMotfa Flmertf Boma Ctiimd tavRor. flioay Besdn. Baal ' waa '.r db Ceober IMtodM^aStanndiOeniitey.Mr. Moora was bom Jnia17, 1M6, id rautaeca. Gm aodof Dedlas and Viola McMs Moon of Rt 1, Bmioay. Also idTvivliM are two tewthm. DidOttRfoQia Jr. MRt I, Mbckavflle, and KawiRh Moora staHoMd wttli fba U.S. Air Foroo in Baa Antonio, ; thtae siatef8« Mra. J.Wktter of Rt. 4, Mockavflie. and Mrs. Rail Whtfafcar mMrs. Kenneth TdQey, both ofRt. 1, Harmow. and thepaternal grandtoothe, Mis. S.E. Moore of Rt. 1, Moctovflio. Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA <3^ I I Vr ::>^:MacKsyiiai^^jra 'HudOTtt§Sr1l^70j?S^6(&8i^ - die^a&maa:^iitliJaTOd Coa^ to :>^ui£eri^>-ia]id -"DelfUiai.'iIiredjr -■ of :;tfe*i^^dr^Fii^aniifn cturinfr ' memJa^;of'^Mbunt "lO 11?^ '. % v;;*tu:e his wife, .,MifK" dau^tei^: Mcii..^i"§adiei "HhflM and''MrjfeiWilile',MRockaway^ . Mrsw: M*F. JohnsoxL- and Mrs.' ^nie* .M^Britten (diMpcksviUe. and -M;^^Alice F, Cradbus' of Bridgeport^Conn.; twor.%'^ife,.. T h p ih "laiSHudson. - df-'.'MbcKsville.-' _a n^Donald Hudson, ;x>f:, Sridge'porl^ four sisters, " Mrs. "Viora'Cannady,. Mrs!, S,ally Brown; Mrs. Alice .Britten and Mrs. Emmer LyonsJ-of- Mbtfisvillfe; and a brother, 'WUliam Hudson of Mocksville. The body is at Noble and Helsey Funeral Home In Salisbury. so rs h -ja> e> ■5. v. <3 V m oZJ z o D m Z3 Q. d 0 UJ 1 LU —I > </3 O o O CiCs, llnvH* fJimiily Miiy l"», PiWi Mi>, Maliic liuiiicycjNlIc Mrs. MjIMc MariaIi B u I n tf y c ii ^ I U*. X 4, u I Mocksvillc. Ki. I.dtcil May 7|li al the hntitv nr a Uaualucr. Mrs. Clini Wilnm of Mik-ksviIIc. Ri. 4. The functal was held Friday at Fatoii's Cliapcl. Burial was in Center United Methodist Church cemetery In Davic County. She was born in Davjc County to James L. and Nannie Kurfecs Glasscuck. She was a member of the Church of Christ. Surviving are Cive daughters. Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Sadie May Forrest and Mrs. Mary H. Forrest of Mocksvilte. Ri. I. Mrs. Irene Matthews of East Bend, Rt. I, and Mrs. Christine Wyat! of Lexington, Rt. 3; a son. Ross Harvey Barneycastle of Pemberton, N. J., two sisters, Mrs. J. G. Anderson and Mrs. Fatic Owens of Mocksville, Rt. I; and .two brothers. J. G. and M. E. Glasscock of Mocksville, Rt. 1. Cltarlie W. Minor Charlie Walker Minor. 73, of Advance, Rt. 2, died May 7ih or Davic County Hospital. The funeral was held Friday at Elbaville United Methodist Church in Davie County. Burial was in the church cemetery. He was born in Davie County to Washington Green and Mary Ann Howard Minor. He was a member of the Elbaville churcli and was a retired farmer. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Daisy Viola Minor; three daughters. Mrs. John Waller of Advance, Rt. 2, Mrs. Raeford Seamon of Mocksville, Rt. 4, and Mrs. Thomas Farmer of Sylva;. six sons, Charlie J. Minor of Okacho, Fb., John Franklin Minor of Advance, Rt. 2, William Thomas Minor of Lexington, Rt. 9, Grady Ue -Minor of MdcksviUe, Rt. 4, and George Henry and (blvin Munroe Minor of the home: and a sister, Mrs: Delia Stewart of Jeffersonvilte, Va. T. A. Hudson Tbomss A. Kudsan Jr., 70, of ModuvUle died Monday at the Davie County Hospital after an iliness of two days. He was bom May 23, 1899, In Davie Caunty, the son of the ists Albert and Delflnla Nelly Hudson. Bdacstcd In Davb County schools, hs was employed with B. F. Msnofac- turlog Co. 'Surviving are Ids wife, Mrs. Mary H. Httdian; Cwo sons, Thomas Hudsan of MocksvQb and Donald Hudson o f Bridgepart, Conn.; five dau^lers, Mrs. Stdie Hudson ot Parparkway, Bba. Mary F. Hudson, Mrs. Maiy F. Johnson, end Mis. Anns M. BrfUon. all of ModisviUe, Mrs. V^Ue Mahme of New York, end Mrs. Alice F. Crsdoce of Bridgmort, Conn.; a brother, WlUam Hudson of MocksviRe: faur sbters, Mrs. Viola Canxdy, Mrs. SstUe Brown, Mrs. Alice Britron, and Mrs. Etntner Lyons, all of Mocksville: 16 grandchildren; and four grecS fir&ndchildren. The body uill remain at the NoMe arm KeUey Funei si Home tmtU arrangements ere completed. MRS. 1. W. IKKll-K Mrs. Alliiic CiMik llogcr. 44. of Mocksville, Rt. 2. wife of James W. Bogcr, died of natural causes Sunday at Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salcm. The funeral was held Monday at Eaton's Baptist Church. Burbl was in the church cemetery. • She was born in Davic County to Clyde and Rosa Walker Cook. She was a member of Eatoirs Baptist Churdi. Surviving arc her husband: three daughters, Mrs. Linda Jones of Winston-Salcm and Misses Martha Ann and Betty Boger of the home: a son, Jimmy Boger of the home; four sisters, Mrs. Caroline Cornelius and Miss Doris Cook •of Advance, Rt. I, Mrs. Peggie Carter of Advance. Rt. 2. and Mrs. Ola Mae Boger of Mocksvillc, Rl. 2: and five brothers, J. C., Norman and Qbert Cook of Advance, Rt. I, Lester Cook of Mocksville, Rt. 3, and Darrell Cook of Modcsville, Rt. I. Bio - Obituaries - 5/15/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA llHVil' OilltHv Imi|<T}iM.hc Mhv 15, Rufus B. Sanford, Jr, r-»t- r IS pciion wito iu> wkIc ac- quamuncrs but fe»> duic ' iissociatiDin. Yuu arr ^ aftakj urbeing hull." I This K unJ lu be une ul" (he characierisiics of a i p(i>uii lioMi under Capiiccrn iu:h as Rufus TBH I Diown Sanfo'td. Ji. iCS^^I A well educaied person Davidson College and ihe Universiiy of North . Carulma l.aw Schuuj, he was prcpaiing to emhark 1 areei as a liwyxr came along V^liile in service, his rtioihei Following the his nwlher, Rufus became a V of his n father canying out his father's wishes as he administered the bige numner of business cnieiprises of the family. But not only did Rufus devote his efftiiis to Ihe family's business inlerests. he was alio hu faihei's close pcrsanal companion.,., giving up much pcijonal freedom and desires to look after and lake cart of his father both at home and at WTjrk, This close relationship between father and st>ii renumsd in effect until the death of his father a few years ago, Dui Rufus Sanford also found time to serve his community. He served as judge of the County Court. Acih* in the Mocksville M.isonic L>dpe. he served for many years as General Chairrrun of the annual Masonic ricrijc. He svas a member of (he Scottish Kite 32sid Degree and the Oasis Temple in Charlotte. In the words of Shakespeare "(he world is but a stage where evny man imijt pby a part". Many create their own parts their own role in life. Olhcis luve such parts and roles araleJ for them and. unless they rebel, have little choice but to play out their part to the end. The ixir rtrateil for Riiliij Svnforil was that of seisirtp.' Others instead of himself. That of putting the interest of others fust even at a personal cost to himself and this Rufus did to llie end. Hiose thai amid gel close to Riifuj found him to be a man of compassion one that had genuine concern and interest in oliieis. But with the role in life ui which he was ast, he w-ilhdtew and lived much within himself. The pliilosphet Bulwn obsenrd m.any__yca(s ago: 'There are two lives to eacli of u5. the -life of our acliotu, and the life of our minds and hearts.- Hisinry reveals men's deeds and ther outward characters, but nut lhen«c|ves.-ThCTe is the icaet self that has its own life, unpeneltaied and unpieised". Thus we believe to have been Rufus Sanlotd. fMTFRPRlSE-RECQRP / 7 R. D. SANFORD, JR. Rufus Bruwn Sanford Jr., S6, general manager of C. C. Sanford and Sons Co., died Thursday night ai ihe Davic County Hospital. He was born Jan. 9, I9l3, in Davie County, the son of the bte R. B. and Addidc Gaiihcr Sanford. A graduate of Davidson College and ihc University of Nutih Cuiulitia School of Law, lie was attorney for (he REA and a former member of the Mocksville ciiy council. He also served several times asJudgcofCriminal Court. A veteran of World War 11. He was also o member of the Scottish Rite 32nd Degree and (he Oasis Temple in Charlotte. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Sydna Cash Sanford; a daughter, Miss Frances Caroline Sanford of the home; two sons, Rufus B. Sanford III and David Thomas Sanford, both of Ihe home; a sislcr, Mrs. Hansford Sams Jr. of Decatur, GA.; (wo brothers, Dr. Marshall Sanford of Pompano Beach, Fla., and Gaithcr Sanford of Mocksville. Funeral services were conducted Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel by llie Rev, James Raichford. Burial was in Joppa Cemetery with Masonic rites by (he Mocksville Lodge of which he was a member. II ihuic Coittils M»\ 15. 22-Yeor-Old Killed When Car Hits Tree A 22-ycar-old man became Davic County's fourth traffic fulaliiy of the year Thursday evening when tiic car he was driving at u higli rate of speed )efi the road and slammed head-on into a tree. Slate Highway Patrolmen A. C. Stokes and J. L. Payne idcnlificd the victim as Danny Ray Moore of Rl. I. Harmony in Ircdcll County. According to ihc patrol's report, Mooic was traveling north on the Davic Academy Road at a high raic of speed. 1 lis car left the right side of the road and hit a IS-inch poplar tree head-on. The car hit the tree with such a traffic impact (hat Moore was pinned in the wreckage for about 20 minutes. The 1967 Chcvrolci was cslinutcd at a total toss. Funeral crvices were held Sunday afternoon at Baton Funeral Chapel. Tlic Rev. Benny Bcarden officbted. Burial was in (he Center United Mcilindlst Cemetery. Mr. Moore was born June 17, 1946, in Hillsboro, ihc son of Dallas and Viola Nichols Mooic of Rt. I, Harmony. Also surviving arc two brothers, Dallas Moore Jr. of Rl. I, Mocksville and Kcnnctli Mnorc slalioncd with the U. S. Air Force in San Antonio, Tcxa.s; ihrcc sisters, Mrs. J. Whiiakct of Ri. 4. Mocksville, and Mrs. Earl Wlihaker and Mrs. Kenneth Tallcy, both of Rl. I , Harmony, and the paicrnol gtandtnntlicr, Mrs. S. B. Mnorc of Rl. 1, Mocksville, Bio - Obituaries — 5/15/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Divfe County Bnterpriie RrconI, May 22, 1969 C. E. Pitcheit, Sr. Funeral services for Carl Evander Fitchett. Sr., 73, of Duiui. and the father of Mrs. Bob Hall of Mocksvllle, were held Wednesday, May 14, at the First Baptist Church in Dunn. He died Tuesday. May 13 at his home in Dunn. He was a last member of the Dun School Board and the Harnett County Board of Welfare, He also was a director of the North Carolina Railroad Cto. He came to Dunn In 1921 and operated Fitchett*s Drug Store until 1948, when he retired as pharmacist. He established Fitchett Home Oil Co. in 1931. Survivors are widow, Mrs. >^i^ia Ti^ey Fitdiett; sons, Carl B. Jr. and Jon Preston Flt^ett of Dunn; daugMers, Mrs. Keith Finch of Erwin, Mrs. John H. Armfleld or Dover, De.. and Mrs. Robert B. Hall of Mocksvllle; brothers, Hubert F. Fitchett of Fort Lauderdale Fb., and R. E. Fhchett Jr. of Sanford; sisters, Mrs. Paul Holt and Mrs. Leroy Yarboroughof Greensboro, and Mrs. Claude lUdd of Haw River. Mrs. Fred White Mrs. Eva Burton White, 73. of Advance, Rt. l,udfc of Fred White, died Thiusday at her home. She was born in Yadkin County to William and Sarah Chamberlain Burton. She was a member of Yadkhi Vall^ Baptist Churdt. Surviving are her husband; six dau^ters, Mrs. Charlie Yates of Statesville, Mrs. Gray Matthews and Mn. Delmer Howard of Advance, Rt. l,and Mrs. Johnny Harpe, Mrs. Garland Shuler and Mrs. Charles Davis of Winston'Salem; a sister, Mrs. Mabel Galloway of Rhonda; three halfsisters. Mrs. Sol Cook of Modcsvaie, Rt. 4, Mrs. Omie HiUard of Salhbury and Mrs. Ullie Vestal of Wlnston«SaIem; and a tiMf brother, Raymond Burton of WlnstoU'^em. Funeral services were conducted Saturday, May 17, at Baton's Chap^ by the Rev. Ahris Cheshire and the Rev. C. C Cau^ penter. Buiial was Ih &een Meadows Baptist Church cemetery. Ezra Lee Cain The fuiwral of Exra Lee Cain, 60, of Mocksvllle, Rt. 1 was held Friday, May 16, at 26.m. at Shiloh BantUt Church, uriai was in the Mainvdle Church Cemetery. Rev. G. W. Canmbell officiated. He died Tuesday, May 13, at his home. Survivors include: hb wife, Beatrice Cain of the home; 3 sisters, Mrs. Bertha Smoot of Neely Street, and Mrs. Florence Glenn and BItb. Juanita Puryea Cain, both of Winston*Salem; and, 2 brothers, Lloyd Cain and Fred Cain of Module. Mrs. R. D. Poole Funeral services for Mrs. Bertha Foster Poole, 79, were held Monday, May 12, at 2 p. no. at Eaton*s Chapel. Rev. W. R. Frost offidated. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. She died Saturday, May lOth. She was bom January 11, ' 1890 In Davie County, and was the daughter of the late Thomas and Margaret Foster. She was the widow Of R. D. Poole. Survivors Include one sister, Mrs. H. S. Foster of the home; two step daughters, Mrs. Minnie Sfoop of Mt. Uua and Mrs. Florence Hollingsworth of Norfolk, Va.; three step4ons. Rev. Henry Poofe of Winston'Salem; Howard and Davis Poole, both of Charlotte. Mrs. Bumgamer Funeral services for Mrs. Florence Sweet Bumgamer, 77, of MocksvUIe, Rt. 1, ShefTteld community, widow of J. L Bumgamer, were held Wedn^y, May 21, at Rock Spring Baptist Church, Harmony, Rt. 2. Burial was in the diurch cemetery. She died Monday at Davie County Hospital. She was bom in Alexander County to Leander and Charlotte Bumgamer Sweet. She was a member of Rock Spring Baptist Church. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Wllburn McDaniel of Modcwflle, Rt. 1, Mrs. Alfred Shaw of Harmony, Rt. 2, and Mrs. George Shlim of Ch^totte; and a son, J. Earl Bumgamer of Hamwny, Rt. 1. Ellas I). IJames Bias Demon IJimes, 73, of Mocksvllle, Rt. l,died Friday. May 16 at tredell Memorial Hospital in Statesville. The funeral was held at 4 p.m. Sunday, May 18, at IJsmes Baptist Church in Davtc County. Burial was In the church cemetery. He was born In Davie CounW to M. C. and Nannie Powell IJames. He was a retired fanner. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nan^ Dennis Vames; three daughters, Mrs. Conrad M. George of Ararat, Va., Mrs. Paul Hinshaw of Mount Airy and Mrs. H. C. Myers Jr. of Union Grove; a son, Dennis Qames of MocksvUIe, Rt. 1: two Asters, Mrs. Duke Tharpe of Harmony and Mrs. S. H. ChalTln of MocksvUIe, Rt. 1; and three brothers, R. C. (lames of Hope, Ark., M. D. Qames of Sallmury and W. L IJames Sr. of Harmony. Rt. 1. Bio - Obituaries - 5/22/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, May 28,1969 Lorry Nichols Larry Thomas Nichols, 59, died at 10:90 a.m. Saturday at his home on the Junction Road, Route 4, Moeksville. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday at First Bap tist Church. Cooleemee, where Mr. Nichols held his mem bership. Officiating at the rites was the Rev. Charles Burchette. Burial was in Cooleemee Legion Memorial Park. Mr. Nichols was bom in Wilkes County Amil 1, 1910, son of the late Wllbum and Rosa Nichols. He is survived by four daughters. Mrs. Bill Bivins of Clemmona, Mrs. Jack Lagle of Pine Ridge Road, Mrs. Sherman Boger 01 Rt. 3, Moeksville and Mrs. Spencer McDaniel of Sum- merfield; two sons, Dean Nichols of the home and Larry Nichols Jr. of Rt. 2, Advance; one sister, Mrs. Hayes Powell of Rock Hill, S. C.; and four brothers. Howard Nichols of Kannapolis, Dallas Nichols of Eua Gallie, Fla., Jones Nichols of Baltimore, Md. and Laoey Nichols of the U.S. Army ui Vietnam. , Mrs. House — Mrs. Mary EUubeth Potts House, 89, of Cooleemee died at 2:20 a.m. today at Davie County Hospital. She was bom in Davidson County May 18, 1880, daughter (rf the late John A. and Louise Brooks Potts. She was married twice. Her first husband was the late John Creason, and her second husband was the late Charlie House. Survivors include two daughters and one son of the first marriage, Mrs, Roy Athm of Cooleemee and Mrs. W. b. Prevette of Danville, Va.. and John L. Creaeon of SalisiNtry; one daughter and two sons of the aeami marriage, Mrs, Ellen Miller of Salisbuiy, R. C. Itottse of Neteasfca, m Ray mond House of Cooteemee; one .atfapted dauMdm*, Mrs. Nanmr of MScavUie, Rt. 4; one hrellief, W. A. rati of Mockovllle. Bio - Obituaries - 5/28/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 10" Divf« County Entsfpriit Rficord. May 29. 1989 Miss Siiphiu Blown I'lmcral services for Miss Soplilu Viripniu Drown, K2. of Route 2. were Itcid Monday, May 2ft. at 4:20 at lialon's Chapel. Burial was in Union Chspel United Mcihodisi Churcli Cemetery. She died Saturday at Oavie County Hospital. She was born in Duvic County to the late Jim H. and bmma Eliza Giassock Brown. She was a member of the Union Chapel United Methodisl Church. Surviving arc two brothers, John H. Brown of the home and Charlie S. Brown of Mocksvllle, Ri. 2. Larry T. Nichols Funeral services fur Larry Thuirras Nichols, 59, of Route 4, were held Monday, May 26, at 2 p.m. at First Baptist Church, Coulccmcc. Burial was in Coulccmcc Lculun Memorial Park. He died Saturday at his homo. He was burn in Walkcs County to the late Wilburn and Rosa Nichols Nichols and was a member of Fiist Baptist Church of Coulccmcc. Surviving arc four daughters, Mrs. Bill Bivins of Clemmons, Mrs. Jack Laglc of Mucksvillc, Rt. 4, Mrs. Sherman Bogcr of Mucksvillc, Rt. 3. and Mrs. Spcnccr McDanicI of Summcrficld; two suns, Dean Nichols of the Immc and Larry Nichols. Jr. of Advance. Rt2.; u sister, Mrs. Mays Powell of Rock Hill, S. C.; and four brothers, Howard Nichols of Kannapulis, Dallas Nichols of Kannapulis, Dallas Nichols of Ocala, Fla.. Jones Nichols of Balltnuirc. Md.,and Laccy Nichols with the Army in Vietnam. Mrs. Alice Davis Funeral services fur Mrs. Alice Burton Davis, 72, of Wuudlcaf, Rt. I, were held Sunday at 4 p.m. at Eaton's Chapel. Burial was in the Jcriclio Church of Christ cemetery. Mrs. Davis, wife of George W. Davis, died at Duvic Cuunly Hospital Friday of injuries received lust Tuesday in an accident near her lionK. A Highway Patrol spokesman said Mrs. Davis hud driven out of her driveway when her cur collided hcadHjn willi another vcliiclc. She WHS horn in Duvic Counly to W. M. and Annie Wyull Uurluii. Slic was a member of Coritilli Church of (liriKt. Surviving arc licr liusband; two daughlcrs, Mrs. Luis Davis Lazunby uf Slalcsvillc. Rt. 2, and Mrs. Alice Davis Hhlcr.s of Woodicaf, Rt. I : a son. Kenneth B. Davis of Birminglium, Ala; two sisters. .Mrs. Hddlc Click and Mrs. S. M. Young of Cleveland. Rt. I; and l^uur brothers. A. D. and W. H. Burton of Albcmaric, Glenn Burton of Ft. I.uudcrdo1c, Fla., and Paul Burton of Accokcek. Md. J. A. Humphreys James Anderson Humphreys, age 64, of Santa Monica, California, died Tuesday, May 20,1969. Mr. Humphreys owned and operated Humphreys' Interior Decorating, 2513 Wilshire Blvd.,Santa Monica. He was veteran of World War II. Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Mac A. Humphreys, his mother-Mrs. Mary Ann Humphreys of Raleigh; four brothers, Jo W., of Santa Monica; Paul N., of Raleigh; Ojrl J. of Winslon^lcm; Leo H. of Salisbury; Two sisters, Mrs. Russell T. Newman of Kinston. Mrs. Harvey Roscman of Arlington, Va, Prior to World War II, Mr. Humphreys lived In Winsion-Salcm. Burial will take place in the Liberty Cemetery, Davic Counly, near Mocksville, at a t ime and date to be announced. Jessie Lee Hcgc Jessie Lcc Hcgc, 62, of 710 Glenn Avenue died Monday May 19 at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. He was born in David Counly. He lived in Cleveland, Ohio, 15 years before coming to Winslon-Salcm nine years ago. He was formerly chief cook at Fuirvjcw Hospital In Cleveland, lie was a member of Cedar Grove Baptist Church In Davic County. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Mary Wilma Hcgc; four dauglitcrs, Mrs. Helen Winfrey of Newark, N. C.. Mrs. llcanc Campbell of Washington, D. C., Mrs. Francos Strickland of Winston-Sutcm and Mrs. Christine Payne of New York City; three sons. Robert Dobson of Winston-Salcm, Frank Dobson of Hollis, N. Y., and Charlie L. Hcgc of Chicago, III.; his mother, Mrs. Sullic .Bell Hcgc of Mocksville; and a brotlier, Walter Spann of Brt)oklyn. N. Y. Bio - Obituaries - 5/29/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CT- e> 3 , C u. I €" w cr o (.^ A .Sv. V, , ~ ' ' |>1 r .i? . ... • ..• .Wi^ain T» Fost^ . MbcKSVILLE iThomas Poster 62 5 Moqksville/ Rt h At |4f''Me&c1.'S?f■« '»«*■« :<=•■% to^ilHflmHS™ ^ Countyi Pftcti? Martha LairdDuli!lf5-^f member ofCh& « Methodistfamer ® „r ■!■» W««. Mrs.i?a,?fif* Foster; three;J®"8^ters, Miss Flossie FStet Carte? i?Tri Annie M®JMrs 2, and• Lexin^Jl * "® Owens <3A^"ald"=RrT'V?,S"™f L"and"% ",'• '•Md^' a^°fee?.^. L. Fost^ of Mocksville, Rt. 'th?jf„„?°^y wm be taken toE?w P 2 p.m. today fromEaton's Funeral Home. ^ ^;c-">^y«^^xaiwmnKfsv>^TTTOT -| / .-T, ' lAr\-s^4>6'>, L. V./- tM- lU? Public LibraryMocksville, W. c OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARYMOCKSVlLLEt NC C5 COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, June 4,1969 W. S. McClornion 72, Cooteeinee CodtofWfi 4WI 9i t}%9 SpJigr ■ftenm at Oowly Bora AagttBt 17, iWu l» Mtbe m «f Hie late ISk^m^BCeitba fnfiiwft McCUto* nflo. He was a idM textOettnpleye of Ceoleemee Mflis. He a meiriber ef Caolcemae Mflttwdiat OuNh. Snrvivon ladiide his wHe» Hmhma Alva Nkliolii lavdai^btm, Mrs. ChrlitiBtHfadie k Mockssille. Hi 4. Mn, Geneva Gits ef Yeifc, 8.C., Mrs. BCary liim tmef atlaftagton, Mis. Vlvlaa rwMimum |if CofliaeBiae: tfane 8008, MeQaraoD ef KanoaiM^* J. W. McGkmnwiof BibcksviDe. Bt. 8, Rov MeClannofi of Edwards Afr Force Base, Calif.; two i&tm,Mrs. Emma Fuir of Kansapolls and Mn. M»<fn Hdbra of Cooteemee. Jlouse FuneralSet Hiursdoy COOUSEBdEB Fimerelservloes lor Mn. Maryraisahefh Potts House, 88, were coadtocled TIatndiy at 2PM. at Baton's FitnanS Home Oiuid, BloohsvUle, Iw the Rev. R. MODiiiisI and the Rev. Robert Frost Ritrial wttl be at Center United Methodist Gfaitrch eemMetv. Mn. House died Iteiday at 2:20 am. at the Davle County Hooidtal. W. T. Foster,Dovie Coun^ MOCKSVILLE - William Thomas Poster. 92. of Rt. 3.Mocksville. died Saturday mornine in Davie CountyHospital following a lon^ illness A native of Davie County, hewas bom Sept. 4,1886, the son of the late William H. and Martha Laird Foster. He was a retireddairy farmer and a member of Dulin's United Methodist Church. Survivors include the widow. Mrs. Bessie Chaplain Foster;three dau^ten, Miss Flossie Foster of the home, Mrs. Annie Mae Carter of Rt. 2. Advance, and Mrs. Edith Katherine Owens of Lexington; four sons, Thurmond A., Rw T., Robert L., and Paul E. Foster, all of Mockaville; one hrother, G. L. Foster of Rt. 3, Mocksville;ei^t grandchildm and threegreat-grandchildren. Mrs. Sherrill, Of Mocksville mocksville — Mrs. Idinnle Lee HouHoo SherrUl. 80, ofModssville. widow of R. M.SherrUl, died Thursday at Bap-tlMJBQ»ilal in Wlnstmi-Salem.^Mrs. ^Sheirill was bom inIredell County, daughter of thelate WUUam C. anoMary AnnFrye Houston. Hie was a member of Chestnut Grove Methodist Cfautdi. are five daughters,Miss Da HierrlU of the borne.Mrs. Bicfcet Hradrix and^;James P. Reavis of MocfcsvUle,Mrs. Floyd Lipe of lyoutmanand Mrs. Leo Essie of Wini^^tem; Dve sons. Albert C., SieiiUl, aU_ " B. and Bhetfffl ofMpdsndDo; imd a biothe^lAmos Praey Houstmi of Staiteavllle. Bio - Obituaries - 6/4/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA t<4Mk CNMy iiMpilN Rmnl, Juw I, INt Mn. Sidio Godbee Mn. Sadie Foeter Godbee. 66, of MHand, Florida, passed away at her home on May 21. She was bom In Davie County to J. R. and Carrie Zimmerman Poster. She moved toMiamiddyeaiiago. She Is survived by 2 sons, T. A. and M. S. Benfleld. Ir. and daughter, Mrs. Vernell SpiUone, all of Miami, Florida; 9 gtandchUdten and 4 |^t grondiildren; 2 ristert, Mrs. Prank Vl^tt of ModttviUe, Route 3 and Mis. Sue Robbins of Lexington; and 4 brothen, A. V. Foster of Norfolk, Va., D. C. Poster of Lexington, Route 3, OdeH and GOmer Foster of Moeksvgle, Route 3. The Aineial was held in Miami, Florida Saturday afternoon, May 24, at 1:30. Burial was in Southern Memorial Park, Miami, Florida. Mrs. Mary Potts House Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Potts House, 89, of Cooleemee, died at 2:20 a. m. Tuesday at DavIe County Ho^ltal. She was bom in Davidson County May 18, 1860, dau^ter of the late John A. and Louise Broola Potts. She wasmarried twice. Her first huriwnd was the late John Creason, and her second husband was the late Chariie House. Survivors Include two dauiditers and one son of the first marriage, Mrs. Roy Athey of Codeemee and Kfrs. W. B. Prevette of Danville, Vs., and Jdm L. Creason of Salisbury; one daughter and two sons of the second marriage, Mrs. Ellen Miller of Salisbury, R. C. House of Nebraska, and Raymond House of Cooleemee; one adopted daughter, Mrs. Nancy Chllders of MocksviOe, Rt. 4; one brother, W. A. Potts of Mocksville. 4»*Divli Cottiity EMMpriw Rtefifd, 6> 1B89 NAYLOR INFANT Graveside services were conducted by the Reverend Charles Bullock at Rose Cemetery at 11 a^n. May 29 for the infant daughter of John K. and Maty Lois Gaither Naylor. Surviving in addition to the parents are three brothers, Kim, Dean, and Sttmhen Naylor of the home, end the paumal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Naylor of Modcsville. MRS. MINNIE SHERRILL Funeral services for Mrs. Mirmte Lee Houston Sherrill, 80, of Mocksville, were held at 4 pjn. Saturday, May 31, at Eaton's Chapd. Burial wu in St. Michael Cemetery, IredeU County. Mrs. Sherrill, widow of R. M. Sherrill, died Thursday, May 29. at Baptist Hospital, Winstoo'Salem. Mrs. Sherrill was bom in IredeU County, dau^ter of the late WUUam C. and Mary Ann Frye Houston. She was a member of Chestnut Grove Methodist Church. Surviving are five daughtesr, Mis Ila Sherrfll of the hmne, Mrs. Bicket Hendrix and Mn. James P. Reavis of Mocksville, Mrs. Floyd Lipe of Trouunan and Mrs. Leo Essie of Winston-Salem; five sons, Albert C., Roland B. and Asa SherrOI, aU of KannanoUs, Paul E. and Howard K. SherriO of Mocksville; and a brother. Amos Presley Houston of StatesriUe. LEWIS ALTON HOLT Lewis Alton Hrrit, 42, of Cooleemee died Thursday, May 29, at Forsyth Memorial Hospital at Wfoston'Salem of iUjuries received three weeks ago in an automobile accident. The funeral was held at 3 p.m. Saturday at the Fust Baptist Churcn of Cordeemee. Burial was in Legion Memorial Pari: at Cooleeniee. He was bom in Stanley County to Reuben and Elizabeth Howard Holt. He • worked for Holt Construction Co. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Reba Sunders Holt; two dau^ters. Misses Glenna and Mary Qizabeth Holt of the 'home; his parents of Mount UUa; four brothers, James and Wade Holt of MooresvOIe. Eivin Holt of Mount Ulla, Rt. 1, and Richard Holt of Salisbury, Rt. 6; and a rister, Mrs. Bill Goodman of Cleveland, Rt. 2. Bio - Obituaries - 6/5/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4«*Divli Cttinty Efrtupita Rkor), ilttM 6, 16N W. S. McCLANNON WlUiatn Smith MeCtannon. 72, of Cooleemee, retired textile wotfcer, died Sunday, June 1, at Davie County Hospital. Tire ftinerai was at 4 p.m. Tuesday. June 3 at £8ton*s Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Liberty United Methodist Church cemeteiy. Mr. McClannon was bom In Davie County to John Wesley and Martha Jackson McClannon. He was a mender of Cooleemee Methodist Church. Surviving are hb wife, ,Mn. Alva Nichols McClannon; four daughters, Mrs. Christioe Hinkle of MocksviOe, Rt. 4, Mrs. Mary Lynn Tussi^ of Lexington, Mrs. Vivien Downum of Cooleemee and Mrs. Grace Gates of York, S. C.; three sons, Sinclair McClannon of Kaitnapolis, J. W. McClannon of Mocksvllle. Rt. 3, and Roy McClannon of Edwards Air Force Base, Calif; and two sisters, Mrs. Emma Fun of Kannapolis and Mrs. Lillian Heliard of Cooleemee. WILUAM T. FOSTER William Thomas Foster, 92, of MocksvQle, Rt. 3, died Saturday. May 31, at Davie County Hoqrital. The fUneral was held at 4 pjn. Monday at Dulins United Methodist Church. Burial was in the diurdt cemetery. He was born in Davie County to VnUiam H. and Martha Laird Foster and was a member of Dutins United Methodist Church. He was a retired dairy farmer. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bessie Chaplin Poster; three dauAten, Miss Flossie Foster of the home, Mn. Annie Mae Carter of Adrance, Rt. 2, and Mrs. Edith Kathrine Owens of Lexington; four sons, Thurmond A. and Roy T. Foster of Mocksviile, Rt. 3, and Robert L. and Paul E. Foster of ModcsvQle: and a** brother, G. L. Foster of Mock* sville, Rt. 3. C.R. ANDERSON Carlyte R. Anderson, 47, of Mocksviile, Rt. 3, an employe of the Smith Reynolds Airport, died unexpectemy at 7:20 am. Friday, l^y 30, at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. He suffered a heart attack about 1 am. at his home and was taken to the hospital. Mr. Anderson had been employed at the airport for 21 years and at the time of his death he was maintenance supervisor. He was bom In AUeghany County on July 14.1921, to Lonnle and Victona CaudiU Anderson. He spent his early life and was educated there. He came to Wlnston<88leffl in 1934 and lived here until about four yean ago when he moved to Davie County. Mr. Anderson was of the Primitive Baptist faith. He served In the U. S. Army overseas in World War 11. He was married to Miss Rosie Owens on Feb. IB, 19S0. Surviving are his wife of the home; a daughter, Gayle Ander^, and a son, Lany Cariyle Anderson, also of the home; and three sme^ Mrs. E D. Pruitt of 3S0 umwood Drive, Mrs. Tommy Gardner of Winston*8a!em, Rt. 10; and Mrs. L. T. noulthouser of Elizabeth City. The funem was held at 4 pm. Sunday, June 1 at Vogiers Chapd. Burid was In Oaklawn Memorial Gardens. MRS. W.C. ALLEN Mrs. Daisey Phdps Allen. 76, of Advance, Rt. 2, wife of W. Qeve Allen, died Monday, June 2 at Baptist Hospital In Winston-Salein. The funeral was held at 4 pm. Wednesday d Mode's United Metho^t Church. Burial was in the dtuTch cemetery. She was bom in Davie County to J. Thomas and Jane Davis Phelps. She was a member of^ Mock's United Methodist Church. Surviving are her husband; two dau^ters, Mrs. John J. Gobble of Modcsvflle, Rt. 3, and Mrs. S. B. Sidden of Advance, Rt. 2; five sons, H. Odd] ABen of Lexington, Rt. S, Waiie Alien of MooresviOe, Henry Allen of Advance, Rt. 2, Walter C. Allen Jr. of ModovQIe, Rt. 3, and James A. Allen of Mocksvilie Rt. 3; and four sisters, Mrs. Sailie Beauchan:; of LewisviUe and Mrs. Bryant Jones, Mrs. Earl Myers and Mis. Joe Jones of Advance, Rt. 1. Bio - Obituaries - 6/5/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, June 11,1969 Tobe F. Hellord MOCKSVILLE - Tobc PraakHft Hdlard. 60, Itt. I, Mocksville died Tharaday at the VeCerao*s Roadta! in CiitXL Mr. tteUaid was liom Peh. II, 1909 la Davte OouBly and was the son of the late ieiae and Anna Hamntoa lleQaid. He was a veteran of Woiid War II and was emeleyed by Heritage F^tmittiiw Obmpahy in BfoeksviUe. Sorvivars faielnde Ida wife, Miss Myrtle OrUIIth Hdlaid; one son, James Aaron RcOard, Norfolk. Va.; one daaghter, Mrs. Richard Carter, VMnia Beach; four brothers. Cart. AUen, and Theo. all of Rt. 6. Salisbury: Baiter of Corteemee; one sister, Mrs, Cedl Davis of Sallrtraiy: two grandchildren and four step- grandchildren. Rolph Frye M0CKSVIL1.E - Ralph Uf- fete Fi^, 96. (A 610 Ave., .Salisbury, died Wedkiesday afternoon. Ho was bom March 19,1919, in Davit County, the eon of Mrs. Mablo CartwetM Fm « Cooloeinec and the late Rufdi Lafftite Fryc. He was a retired Amiy veteran. A brother. James Vem Frye of Cooloomoe. also survives. Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVir COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 12, 1969 - Page 1 Car Crash Kills 7-Year-Old Ani Injures Two Seven>year-old Michact Houston Crubb was killed and his mother and brother injured Monday when the u' pUi «ecd over an cmbankhicnt at 'th'e intersection of Deadmon Roodd and NC 801. The mother, Mrs. Ronnie Grubb of Coolecmee, underwent surgery Monday night at the Forsyth Memoria] Hospital in Winslon-SaJem, and was listed in serious condition. Ronald Grubb, age 12, was also hospitalized. State Higltway Patrolman J. L. Payne said the accident occurred at 12:45 p.m. Monday. Mrs. Grubb was driving south on the hi^way when she approachedd another car that vras makinga left turn. Pairulman Payne said the woman "apparently panicked." He said her car went over the left side of the road and struck t lic bottom of the embankment. The patrolman said the seven-vcar-old boyyY head I ^ 1 MICHAEL HOUSTON GRUPF apparently struck the windsl^eld. The boy was pronouhbed 4cad on arrival at the Davie County Hospital. Mrs. Grubb and other son, Ronald, were taken to the Ehvie Hospital for emergency treatment) then transrerrcd to Forsyth Memorial. Tliis was the 5th highway fatality in Davic County this year. Funeral services for Michael Houston Grubb will be held Tlrursday at 2 p.m. in Ealori's Chapel. The Rev. Tommie Tuitic will ornclotc. Burial vitjll be in the Legion Memorial Park in Coolecmcc, Survivors include his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Grubb, and brother, Ronald of Coolecmcc; and a paternal grandmother, Mrs. Rosa C. Grubb of Coolecmcc. S'-DivU County Entafprlse RtcPfd, Juni RALPH FRYE Funerals services for Ralph LalTcic Frye, 56. of 610 Park Avenue. Salisbury were held Monday, June 9, at Eaton's Chapel in Mocksvillc by the Rev. Joe Richards. Burial was in the U: S.'Naiional Cemetery in Salisbury. He died Wednesday afietnoon June 4. He was born March 15. 1913, in Davic County, the son of Mrs. Mabic Cariwcghl Frye of Cuolccmcc and the late Rufus LalTetic Frye. He was a retired Army veteran. A brother. James Vern Frye of Coolecmcc. also survives. TOBEF.HELLARD Funeral services for Tobe Franklin Hellard, 60, of Mocksvillc, Rt. I. were held Saturday, June 7, at Eaton's Chapel. Burial was in Liberty Methodist Cliurch Cemetery. Mr. Hellard died Thursday, June 5. at the Vctlcran's Administration Hospital at Otccn. He was born in Davie County to Jesse and Anna Hamilton Hellard. He worked for Heritage Furniture Co. Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. Myrtle Griffith Hellard; a dauglucr, Mrs. Richard Carter of Virginia Dcjcit, Va.; a son. James Aaron Hellard of Norfolk. Va,; four brothers. Carl. Allen and Tiico Hellard of Salisbury. R(. 6. and Baxter Hellard of Ct>oteenicc; and a sister. Mrs. Cecil Davis of -JsqlUhyiX, LOTTIE CAMPBELL Lottie Campbell. 24. of Mocksvillc. the Uooiown contmtiniiy. died Thursday, June 5 of natural causes at her home. Tiie funeral was held at 2 p.tn. Sunday at the New Jerusalem Holiness CIturch. Burial was in the church ceiiK'tef). She was horn in Mivcksvillc to Willie N. and Mary K. Campbell. S!»e was a member of the New Jerusalem Holiness Church. Surviving ate two suns. Steven and Michael Campbell of the liottie: and her parents tif the home. Bio - Obituaries - 6/12/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, June 18,1969 Mrs. Creoson Of Cooleemee Mrs. Honeline Of Mocksville - Mn. Hi Vickm Cmuob, M, of Cooleemee died Saturday mMming at Davia Ceaaty Hoaaittf. She «M bam bi Dnie Omdy aad «aa the dntfder ef Jtasie aad Maiserrt Mmeck Vidnn. Survivors iuelitde five daughters. Mrs. Oarmee Myers. Mrs. Rayiaoad Heaw, Mrs. Shennaa ««gery, aB of Cooleeaiee, Mrs. TWa Alesaader of Kaaaapslis. aad Mrs. Floyd Rich of Urdagloa; three sons, WittMBa Oeasoo, Rt. 4. Mocksville, Marvia Ckeasoa, NorCoik, Va.. CMiacs Graasoa. Swaaaoah, N. C.; SO gramichildrea: 1 grandddM. Mrs. Hill, Of New York MOCKSVnXB—Mrs. BraoB HID of The Btm. N. Y.7m Saturday. H«> mirvivors iaclude her husband, James; tve daughters, Naaey (bvol dad Mrs. Eva Taylor, both of Nest York; five sisters, Mrs. Bsl^ PUttenoa, Mrs. Loreata Itts-; weU, Mrs. Annie MSe and lbs. Buriie While, aD.oC Cooleemee; Mrs. Arfcae Bsm ofNevr York City; twobrolhm^ Freddie and John L. fjames,; both of Codeomee. — Mrs. JooegUae Armserertby HtaMHnSe Asd inM966lodll|3f at t:l8 lUB. Wkdaealoy at her tarns stt MtIt AvsibiSb B!it.o Modiavilie. Mm. HaneHne was hem Nov. u, liU, hi Davie Oooaty, •'-I#**' of the late WiDiam aadWatHoKiagAmmaoctlv. RA^ Hawdfaie; one dander, Mrs. Mmgaret Fotts of fi. S, Mocksville; two aoas, Norman T. Sadth of Rt. S, MocksviBe, aad Moifc Ahrta fewiUh ni sds sister, Mrs. Doyt Bahhopaer of inaslaaSeiem; 10 grand chBd- rm aad 2 greM graadddldrea. Mrs. Foster, Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE ~ MOSS Linie Evdena Poster, 7a. of 706 Depot Mocksvitte. dMltasdqrat Davie County Ko^ilal tare. Miss Foster was bora In Davie County, daiittliler of tiie late Frank ArdabaM ani Martha Ann Foster. Survivors inchifle throe brothers, Claude Foster of Winston-Satan, and Mayo H. and Hugh SaMtwd Foster of Mocksville. Bio — Obituaries - 6/18/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, June 18,1969 Grubb Funeral Set Thursdoy COOLEEMEE - FUnmd services for Michael Honttan Grubb, eiaht-year-old son of Ronnie and Mary Jane Vktey Grubb, who was killed In an automobile accideid near MocksvUleMwiday, ^raieioon- ihicted Thursday at 2 pjn. at Eaton's PiB^raf Hme Chanel. Bfbcksville. by the Rev. Ton- my Ttittle. Burial will be at L^on Manorial Park.. He w^ born March 22, im, in Davie County, and was a student at Comemee demcn- tary School. Also surviving are a brother. RonaM Grubb of the home a gmt-panteother, Mrs. Rosa GrvSo of Cooleeiuue. Bio - Obituaries - 6/18/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 6~Davjc County Rnlerprite Reconl, June 19, 1969 MISS LILLIE FOSTER Miss LiUie Evelena Foster, 78, Depot Street, Mocksvitle, dM at 2:30 a. m. Tuesday, June 17, at Davio County Hospital. She was bom In Da vie County A^ust 4, 1890, dauf^ter of and Martha Ann Foster. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursd ay, June 19, at Eaton*8 Chapel. Burial will be in Fork Church cemetery. Rev. Charles Bullock will officiate. She is survived b y 3 brothers: Claude Poster of Winston*Sa1em: Mayo H. Foster and Hu^ ^nford Foster of Route 3. ROBIN RENE MYERS e.sefVic^..wero at .2. "fT'iiD^Friday at Pilot View riends Meeting for Robin Rene Myers, infant daughter of Jerry and Unda Vestal Myers ofYadkinville. She died at birth June 12th at Davie County Hospital. MRS. CLARA F. GARNER Mrs. Clara Fuller Gamer, k 75, of Qxon H0I, Md., mother of Mrs. Violet R. Harkey of Mocksvitle, Rt. 5, died Monday, June 9th at Davie County Hospital. Burial was in Arlinfl^on National Cemetery in Arlington, Va. The body was sent from Baton's Funeral Home to Simmons Brothers Funeral Home In Wa^lngton, D. C. MRS. IDA VICKERS CREASON Mrs. Ida VIckers Creason, 85, of Cooleemee died Saturday, June 14th at Davie County Hoqiital. She was bom in Davie County and was the daughter of Jestie and Margaret MurdodcVickers. Survivors include five daughters, Mrs. Clarence Myers, Mrs. Rffvroond House, Mrs. Sherman Gregory, all of Cooleemee, Mrs. Tom Alecander of Kannapolis, and Mrs. Floyd Rich of Lexington; three sons, WQbum Creason, Rt. 4, Mocksvitle, Marvin Creason, Norfolk. Va., Grimes Creason, Swannoah, N. C.; 30 grandchildren; 1 step gronddiild. Funeral services were hdd ^ond ay, June 16 at 2 p. m. at Baton's Chapel with the Rev. n Harold Parker and Rev. R. L. McDaniel ofnclating. Burial was in Liberty United Method ist Cemetery. MRS. JOSEPHINE HANELINB Mrs. Josephine Armsworthy H a n e I ine, 67, died unexpectedly at 8:15 pjn. Wednesday, June 11th at her home on Maple Avenue, Ext., Mocksville. Funeral services were held at 4 pjn. Friday June 13th at Cornatzer Baptist Church wliero Mrs. Haneline held her membership. Rites were conducted by the Rev. Eln»r Day and the Rev. E. M. James. Burial was in Bethlehem United Church of Christ cemetery. Mrs. Haneline was born Nov. 13, 1901, in Davie County, daugliter of tire late William and Mattie King Armsworthy. She is surved by her second husband, Roland Haneline; one dai^ter, Mrs. Margaret Potts of Rt. 3, Mocksvitle; two sons, Norman T. Smith of Rt. 3, Mocksville, and Mark Alvin Smith of Massachusetts; one sister, Mrs. Doyt Holshouser of Winston'Solem; 10 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 6/19/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA _--^-'- •. - •• •- yi, tFofMWifi^ I MOCKS^E . ^3pTOSam,^;6f,IU.i3,'Mc>c yVille^; died.yesterday in ThomM- .^ucted.^Monday-at 2:30 o'clock i ?in\Eaton<Chapel bydie Rev. • .' iDbhrSid^Vand the'Rev. J B f ^F^gerald^^Burial.'^ioUowml - t rpakj-Grove'yMetho^tChurch ' ' ^ • ';;C^etei^'.Tfae^^ . .-. .^:- ra? «ie;funeral'h6ine'wh^e the » <fainiIy:>raR./receiv^;-£riends tJ; • " to;9 " • n .i.^Mra.iSain was Da^ :'Cbuhty:'?;bn''^^rj£':ab;;^ • daught^^-of^(rfui-and Emma !, Summers -> ^-^5:-Sbej;is^fl^^ , /, . Or, : :r.band^->,W"^iAr?,§&^ {/^riCl^A' M-4>(/vv\- OtA-VM- i,ters;'.Mra.;^Hazel,-Boger/Qf Et^ , r\ i- o9^:Xhga^df .mj S<A^^ uo^ oao-v x f2,^MpckiwUe;.;tw ^ ' j ' ^tSato/^,5Rt/-3/<Moc . Cs Ji » Q * ^iOscar Lee/Sain'of Rt; 9/SaIls- ' O Oayw-t •fbury;l:ontfsister,,Mrs. Frances ^H^Young of Carolina Beach; ai^' v Ldne-.brother^'-W;;!). Hom^' i:3yiostoE^em:^>y;y/^/^ f k-oxic^ ^ j^^ryvK f I)r )^fzOri / DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY ' iVIOCKSVlLLE, N.C •i'u .-■-■-■■ .. u' L . •• r; -. DAV1£ CO. PUBUC DBRART MOCKSVILLE. NO COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, June 25,1969 Jack D. Reavis Junior RiQvis' Brother Dios ! HABHOmr — Hdc Oi Beatb. Ml <( SL Mantaft Fla.. tammy of amsapKi fwUaf Patoittiifir heart attack, the fiWM «ffl be at 9 PJa. .MMay M HCedmaee wgrtrt ChBVctt. Bvid «ffl be is the cbttMh waa boor ia^Te^ Oemly to OaeU toil IMV ISZiStiAl" lika BefTlt it. Nattie Ctnttto,TeHer.aalJi^ lOBl o( Ihc^ai;S5lWMmira.^ly^ of H0ti»SV9lBy mn Eliiabdh Baiw d P^cMOei Bt 3: iBiir hnm^k w d UteedBtoa, Wf 9aA Jmtat Reavis d CecteeaBB 9^ JdiF Beavis d Hdaim. Bio - Obituaries - 6/25/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA e»*Dtvle County Enttrpriio Rflcoid, Juno 28, 1069 MRS. 1-LUSAlN Mrs. Ella Horn Sain, 75, of Rl. 3, Mocksvillc, died Saturday, June 20 in Thomasvillc Convalescent Home. Funeral services were conducted Monday at 2:30 o'clock in Eaton Chapel by the Rev. Don Sides and the Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald. Burial followed In Oak Grove Methodist Church cemetery. - Mrs. Sain was bom in Davic County on March 10, 1894, daughter of John and Erruna Summers Horn. She is survived by her husband, W. A. Sain; tv/o daughters, Mrs. Hazel Bogcr of Rt. 3' and Mrs. Clara Angel of Rt. 2, Mocksville; two sons, Edgar Sain of Rt 3, Mocksville ana Oscar Lee Sain of Rt 9, Salisbury; one sister, Mrs. Frances Young of Carolina Beach; and one brother, W. D. Horn of Winston«Salem; and four grandchildren. S/SG Evcrette G. Sin of Honolulu, Hawaii, Annette Boger and Alton and Marshall Angell of Rt.3,Mocksvaie. Bio - Obituaries - 6/26/1969 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA