Jul - DecDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 4,1968 - Page 2 fi. r. WtlitilAMS Speneer Pronklln WKnama, 73, of ni. ii Advaticd, died Friday morb* ing al his home. He was hern Sept. 24. 1RM, In Davio County, son of the lOio JoHti F. ond Roslo james Witliams. Ho wos a retired former. Survh'lng arc his wife, (ho form* or Martha Lou Lcland: five daughters, Mrs. Clousel Wood and iMrs. Curtis Beachom. both of Ad- <vatTco. Mrs. CoDcon Vestal and Mrs. Alice James, tMth of Lexing* Ion, and Mrs. Mary HHlon of Williams, Gumey Williams, ond {fohntty Wiilicims, all of Advance, Wlhgton4alefh: seven 0>ns, Elgin nhd George Williams, Waller Will- laftis, Onhas Williams, and Nathan Williams, all of Lexington: a bmther, George Williams of Rl. a, bhicksvlKe; four sisters, Mrs. Wil ey Ellis of Rt. 4. Mocksvlllo, Mrs. Brack Alien and Mrs. E. T. Rob ertson, both of Rt. 3, Mocks\'iIle, ond Mrs. Glenn Comotzcr of Rt. 2. Advance. Funeral servloes were conducted Sunday at 2 p. m. at Bethlehem Methndlst Church by (he Rev. Paul Hort and (he Rev. Parl Mar tin. Burial was be ot the church cemetciy. MRS. BUSTER PHILLIPS Mrs. Lois Osbome Phillips, 5G. of Rt. 5, MocksvUle, died Friday at 1:10 p. m. at Ihe Western North Carolina Sanotoilum, Black Moun tain. i She wos born Feb. 27. 1912, in Ashe County, the daughter of LJIN ard Osbome of Creston and the late Mrs. Lillord Osborno. Surviving in addition lo the fath er are her husband. Buster Phill ips; a daughter, Mrs. Grace Lay men of Rl. S. (Mockflvllte; two grandchildren: four sisters, Mrs. Hugh McCoy of Gracen, Mrs. King Rohrk* of Cresion, Mrs. Kenneth Crumbly ot Johnson City, Tenn., and Mrs. Lonzo Berry of Cocoa, Pla.: four brothers, Cecil O^me of Lenoir, Harold Osbome ot Rl. 0. MocksvHle, Ray Osborne of A^rtle Creek, Ore^n. and Fred Osbome of Creston. Funeral services were conducted Sundoy at 4:30 p.nl at Uhlon Chapel Methodist Omrch by the -Rev. Carl Lain and the Rev. Al bert Bracken. Burial was in (he church cemetery. W. JACK PAOGBiT William Jackson (Jack) Padgett, 59, of Rt. I, Woodleaf, died Friday at 2:30 p.m. al Rowan Memorial Hospital where he had been a patient for one day. He was bom March 15, 1009, in Iredell County, the son of Bernico Steele Padgett and the late Char* Ics Adophus Padgett, He was an employe of the Superior Stone Co., Woodleaf, ond. a member of NOedmoro Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mario Carlner Padgett, whom be married May 29, 1037; hifl Mrs. Padgett of Rt. I; fh'C brothers, Moll H.'Padgett of Ri. 2, Mocksvflle, Ralph Padgett of Mocksvllle, Iva Padgett of Beach Haven, N. J.. and E. D. Padgett and Harold Padgett, both of Rt. 1, Woodleaf; and (wo sis^ ters, Mrs. W. W. Beam of Rt. l. Woodleaf, and Mrs. Harold Ra!^ of HtfooresvlUe. Funeral services were conducted Sunday at 3 p. m. al Needmore Baptist Church by the Rev. Wade iH. James. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 7/4/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, July 10,1968 Carl Lee Doby KnM lfi Vietnam M. Ht * M Md M nr iM «IBM MMir m n mmtB ftMi Spi* CM hf th* tar. IUmb ft. Ay m ta tar. E.^ OtfMi. Ifr. My VM bifti Airft 8, IM, ii ta MB <ft Mib. iIiBb iMr iMi Bt 2, IflMfli* M4 ta liM LM Mr. Otar m^imt MM hb wife, ta ferMT MMb Mm QffM: twB BfertataMn. Mm I^tbb OMt iitf IfeM CuliM Gm. bilh M tbt Mm; M Mdatar. J. U Mm «f BL 2. MMkrriftt: ttWH mim,M Mil Deby «4 Earl iM My. tab M Rt 2. MwbMftfe. M OtaU any My •! at 8. MacbwMe: aai feM aiMB. Mm. My Y«M «r WfeM Stai, Hit. Gtm Mym «f at 2. Mtctarfit. Mm Etar Cbtaw. Bf iltani. tad Mit. Loittti PimrMWta Btab. Vft. Bio - Obituaries — 7/10/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 11,1968 - Page 1 Pfc. Carl Lee Do Killed In Vietnam pfc. Carl Leo Ooby, 20, of RL 2, .Mockrvillc, was killed wliile ser* vJng n with the U. S. Amy near Quang Tri, Vietnam, JUnc 24. He entered the Army last October and had been stationed in Vielnam for about two months. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday, Jun 9. at Eaton's FW ral Home Chapel by the Rov. Nop man S. Fry and Iho Rev. E. M. Janws. Burial was at the - Bethel Mcthoi'i'st' Church • oemct^n' with full military honors. - ' Doby was born ApiHl 3, 194S, In For^th County,' the son oCXira. ^lie ol ni. *2. Mocks* vBie, add ttio' laic i|iu^ poby. s •' im J V ' oiir-prior Ip 'enMdB.«9nv^.,jrM emptoycd at Tahflovraod Park.- ' A mcmbtf of Co. D,- Isl Bi4ftd^, 5th-Calvary, he was ropoctod kill* ed In the northern part-of Vtelnain when hit by fragments from a bo^ tllebocby Irop. . . Other survivors Include his wife, the former Prclda Myers Crooc; two stepdaughters. Trina Lynn Groce and Melisa Cartenc Groco both of the homo; his stopfaUier, J. .L Myers of R4. 2, Mocksvilio: three brothers. BHi Louie Dohy and Earl Leo Ooby, both of lU. 2. Mocksvilk. and Donald Gray Doby of.Rl. S,. Mocksviile; -and four sis* ters, Mrs. Judy Yountz of Wins* lon-tSalcm, Mrs. Grace Myers -of ni. 2. Mocksvillc, Mrs. Ruby Crab* bs, of Lexington, and Mrs. Lorctta Porter of Virginia Beuch. Va. . Bio — Obituaries - 7/11/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 11, 1968 - Page 2 MARVIN fiTACV WARD iFunerol 8epvic«8 for Marvin Slocy Ward. 79. of Chorlotte, were hold Ual wcok al tho Hankins and WhIlUngton Furwrai Chopol. by the Rav. Robert Lasaler, asaoclalc paalor of St. John's Baptist Church. Burial was In Sharon Momorial Park. Mr. Ward was bom Sept. 1, 1994. in Davie County, son of John F. and Louise Milter Ward. For 34 years he was on agent of Chariot' te Liberty Mutual Tnsurance Co. He was a member of St. John's Dap* tist Church and the Fink Sunday School Class. He was a Navy vet- eran of World Wor I. Sun'tving arc bis wife, Mrs. Pauline Ward; a son. Marvin S. Ward, Jr. of Charlotte; four daughters, Mrs. Earl E. Williams of Rt. 1, Matthews, Mrs. Robert Earlo Fisher of Roonokc, Va., Mrs. James Marahatl of ShalloUe and Mrs. John E. White of Clndnnali. Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Tom Car* ler of Richmond. Va., and Mrs. Flave Ferebce of Mooksvillo; two brothers. Lonnlc Ward of Badin and Claudius Ward of Wlnston^t- cm: 16 grandchildren ond a sister, AU.U Eioise Word of Mocksvlllc. I MRS. EMMA If, MtraiELL Mrs. Emma Hausor MltcheB, M, ded Tuesday. July 2, at o hospUOl in Marshalllown. Iowa. Mrs. Mitchell had made her home In Iowa for a number of years. • • • • Sur\'lvors Include: three aons, one daughter, a brother, Jim Hau* ser of State Center, Iowa; a half- brother. Turner Hausor of East Bend: and o hotf sister, Mrs. Nell Augusta of Washington. JOHN KERR CRAVES Funeral services for John Kcrr Gra\-cs. 72. were hdd Monday at the Hanes-Linobcrry Funeral Home in Greensboro. Burial was in the Forest Lane Cemetpry. Mr. Graves was bom In Dovle County to the late Ruth Uonard of SalislHHy. Surviving are four brothers, G. O. Graves, R. F. Graves. Hugh Graves of Rl. 4, Mockaviiie and Ray Graves of Kemersvlile. He was also a brother to the late L. M. Graves of Mocksvllle. MRS. JSNOGH HARTMAN -FVnersI services for Mrs. Clara Orrt'll Hartman, 77, of Advance, Rt. 2, widow of Enoch Hartman weru held at 3:30 p. m. Saturday, July 6, at the Advance Methodist Oiurch. Burial was In the chui^ cemetery. She died Thursday night June 4 at the home of her son, Harvey Hartman of Advance, Rt. 2. She was born In Advance to Uriah and Minnie Gardwood OrrcU and was a memhor of Elbaton Methodist Church. Surviving arc scv-on sons, Clifton E. Hartman of 789 Motor Road. Winston-Salem. Enoch M. Hart man of Rurol Hall, Rt. l. Vlrgi} Hartman of 413 Woko Drlw, Wins- ton-Salem, Avery H. Hartman of 2455 Greenwich Road. Winston-Sal- em, and Han'cy, George G. and Charles Gray Hartman of Advan ce. Rt. 1: two sisters, Mrs. Vlcella Ziglar and Miss Lelia B. Orrell of Indiana Avenue. Winslon-Salem: and a brother, Luther L. Orrell of WaUcortown Road, WinslonBalem. Bio - Obituaries - 7/11/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, July 17,1968 T. A. Oonielr Dsvie County B» b iwind tar feta alk, «M mmr taOta V. Cmm. tm'mrnm hm:m toWf. bob «t Bt 4. NMtanBK ngrDMjiltatfJKjaT- «( Vb. Mb lita> «■!» b « fJL ' Cb«rcb. i» b bo tabn- 'b bt iteltev.Bi Rnr. BOMqr b 9».,wmrnumiiMMtaD Wtt *i Bio - Obituaries - 7/17/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, July 17,1968 Mrs. Clodfeller Of Lexington lEXDiOnm - Mrs. IVufOtfc 41, of Bt 9, Owcnt IMI, Ltt- iqglon^ died «l 7:19 ml Soadiur tl Fongtb ttaaorid tiSd, WiasteofiataB, after 14 yam IB Boni ia He» Cwtte, Angmt 99, 1991, ibe wat the li^uflhtfr af liiiitifi ftalam. bi iddttifla to ber perealiL sbe b ayrgivfid §9 bar boftMOd. GQmer (Gil) of the booM: too iliiuddau, Ifra. Gflda Lee ByiictSmiasgiOe and Iba. Waaia Jeaa Datb of l^iingbm; ooo foi, Toay Oeaa CtottAer of Ibe hoBWii ooagraaddm; aodooebraliNr 0. (Pete) PeaowA of Amelia Bruce Tise R.T. rise's Moflier Dies if Of BkbirdT. fba of died at a bail bo^piM MM Ml. M MM Sbe M acst hir «s4f Ut, to BUb sSr M Iw4 Ib! » - - _ m - m ^ .— ». - la awaiaw oo oar aoa ai OgotoeBMO, MBft fin ii avflo' edhr lao am led In adQidnan Bio - Obituaries - 7/17/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 18,1968 - Page 6 W. C. ADAMS WiUinm Charles Ailnnts. 76. of Clcninntns. Rt. 1, died Munilay a1 Ftirsflh Mrmorln) Itaspilnl. He had hcen in declining henith for U\'o ycnm and scriousl>* ill a week. He was bom in Yadkin County, May 4, 1092 to Samuol nnd Sara Michael Adams. He spent hs early life there. He had limi most ol his Ife in the Clcmnwns commun ity. lie was married to Miss I^no Caudle In IS18. He was a member of Ctemmons Moravian Church. Surviving are his wife of the Itonie: a son. Jomes Paul Adorns of Lexington: three daugltlers. Mm. a. 0. Kiger of Mocksvillc, Mrs. C. V. McBrlde of Ctemmons' anil Mrs. L. E. Hcge, Jr. of Wel come: a brother. Green Adoms o(| Yadklnvilte: a half-brother. Ha^ i wy Adams of Winslon-Salcm: a half-sister. Mrs. Martin Hutchlns i of Kost Bend; six grandchildren & four grcnt-grandcblldrcn. Puneml services were held Tues day bI 2 p. m. at Ctemmons Mor avian CIturch. Burial was in tho church vcmclcry. T. A. 0ANIRLS Tltomas Alexander Daniels. 74. of Route 4. died Tuesday morning. July 16. ol 2 a.m. Death was un expected. .Funeral services will be conducted today at 4 p.m. at Uberly Methodist Church. Burial will be in the diurch cemetery. The Rev. Robert Frost and the Rev. Benny Bearden will officiate. (He was born in Davic County June 7, iSPt. to Toliver CasUne and Nancy Alice SuUoa Daniels. He was a member of Liberty Melhodlst Church and was a retired employe of I^rtvln , Milts, * . <He Is survlv^ by his wife, (he former WUlte V. Correll. whom he married in 1919; two daughters, Mrs. Noah PloU. and Mrs. Lester Anderson, both of Rl. 4. MoehsvlUe. one son. Benny Daniels of Rt. 4, Mocksvillc: two sisters, Mrs. M. C. •Windsor of Arlington, Va. and Mrs. George Corell, Rt. 4. Mocksvillc; six grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 18,1968 - Page 4 MRS. PKRCV BROWN Kunvral services for Mrs. Mary Bnilcy Mcroney Brown. 70, of R64 Ntirlh Main Street, were canduclcd at 4:30 p. m. Mcndny at Eaton's Chaiwl. Burial was in Rose Ce- nrcleiy. Mrs. Rrown di«l Saluwlay at Ihc Boptlst Hospital in Winslon-Sotem. Site was born in Davio Counly to Hilary C. and Marciu Bowles Mcroucy. She was a member of Mocksvillc First .Methodist Church and the order of the Eastern Star, and was a rcllrcd ctnpl®yc® oi C* C. Sanford and Co. Surviving arc a tiaugbtor. Miss Sue Brown of the home: o sistor. Mrs. Ella Hollhouscr of Mncks- xillc; her mother of Mocksvillc; and two brothers, Juno and Jake Mcroncy of Mocksvillc. CKABLIB EDGAR GALIMORE Funeral services for Charlie Ed gar Galtimoro of l/ncington. woro held Thursday at 2 p. m. at Pie dmont Funeral Motno Chapel In Lexington City Cemolcry. Survivors include his wife, Gl.'t- dys Fowler Gallimorc; three doughtcrs. Mrs. Roy Byorly and Mrs. Bonnie Hanes of Lcxingtoit. Mrs. Clyde Brewer of Mocksvillc; ono son. William A. Gallimarc of Oaylnn, Ohio; I sleit-duugliter. Ka- thy Fcwier of the home and 7 grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 7/18/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA W, H. Gheshire Shumiaker' <Oheshire,' '86, of Mocksville, widow of "William H. j Cheshire, died yesterday at I Davie County Hospital. The funeral" will be at 11- a.m. Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral ChapeL Burial w^ be in Union 1 Chapel Methodist Church I cemetery. She was born in Davie to George W. and E^ Eaton Shumaker.. She w^ J member of First Bantisf Church. Her husband in 1946. Surviving are two sons, the Rev. .^vis Cheshire of j MocksviUe and Ray Cheshire of Eureka, Calif.; and three ' daughters, Mrs. C. B. Lagle of Tucson, Ariz., Mrs. Howard Heffiner and Mrs. J. Spencer Landerth of Windsor, Pa. 51* Co. Public Librai locksviile,im ) rsi r n&viH CO PUBLIC UBRAR^ kwcksvilue. nc <3>- V fx uO c/ I c> COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, July 24,1968 Edgar Bowers Dies Of Wounds In War Sparialirt Edgar Bowers, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Overt W. * Bowers of l Church Street, died Wednesday at 7 a.m. of wounds suffered oo Sunday, July 14, in Vietnam. He was the first Cooleemee soldier to give his life for hia country in the war in Vietnam. He was married to the former Nancy Lee Owen of Mt. UUa. Funeral service for Specialist Bowers arc incomplclc. The body is to arrive from Vietnam at tiaton*5 i'uncral Home today. SHOT IN IIKAD The family of Specialist Bowers was notified hy teJef^am on July Ifi. that the soldier had been wounded hy Continued on Page 4.Edfw Bowers Rites Incomi^te For E. L Bowers Continued from 1. a metal Sraaawat la tte rigM' ten^ frein a boettte awrtar rouuQ wane ne was ooaRmia a military veldde en a cenbat eperatkm. Spaeiaifat Doaefft had beta senSoi vitb the Sth DhrWan er the Amy eat ef 8iti« atoce Deeenber U. 1SS7. He entered the ewice Jnly 17, ie87. He was a im ^wMa of Devit Ooonty Higb School. Prkr to eaterins the Army, he sru employed by Ffber Imhalrtei in Seibbury. 1^ wife ii as e aeerelary by a Stftebory iB> enreoce firm. Mre. Bowm lives with her pnroote. Mr. and Mrs. Eufeae Owen on Rt. 1. Mt. UUe. He was bom Mmeli IS. IS«7, Rowan Oonsty, the «n «f Overt W. and Alice IWimdiHi Bowers of the borne. aim iiavimre imiade wife. NaiCT Ue Owane le^cf SB-^meMhrn bngiw, Satm, fkOm BMNn ef Rt S. MoehavBlt. ami Nerw Rpirars ef Rt S, SeUebi^: ^ itelMe. Mm. tai BwdiU •« IRi. Nstea OiBftmiwt be* M OMtoamee. Mm. Beb Rt. 1, Caevetend, Mrs. Henrfh Weaver «f Rt i. SsdtelMT. end litei ViKmia Bowers of Uw bonM: and tha aaatermd mrsedmother. Mrs. A. E. 7^ reoMte ef Htoee. Bio - Obituaries - 7/24/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, July 24,1968 Jock Moody, 77, Dies; Retired Office Manager Jack Owen Moody, 77, retired office manager of l-.rwin Mills, died Tuesday at 1:25 a.m. at the Davie Hospital. He was stricken with a heart attack Monday after noon at his home at 27 lirwinSt. Ht wu bom Feb. 25, 18»1, in Marion County, S. C., tho ton o( tho toU Richard Md Sarah Jackson Moody. A veteran of World War I. he vu a member of the Cooieemee Methodist Church and the MockaviUt Maaooac U)dge. Surviving are hia wife, Mnrie Click Moody; feur nMa, Dr. Patar R. Moody of Charteon, m . Cot. Reubea Moody ol Patrick Air Force Baat, Md., John W. Moody of OohimbiH, OUe,eAd JM Owes Moody Jr. of Deytoe, Ohio: aad • brottiar, R. C. Moody M Sbrai- ton, Va, FtMM orramoMU aie ha* rwMfeli. f\m body will roMli iuKi^elSBew. Ml 0. ihM IbMMriab mi9 Im (to «fM M tt il6toIBtClw*. Mrs. Cheshire, Of Mocksviile MOCKSVILLE - Mn. Ddte Smmaker Cheshire. 6S, af Poplar Street, died at 5:40 p.m. in the Davie Hospital. She was bom Jan. U, 18SS in Davie County, the daughter of George W. and Elisabeth Eaton Shuroaker. She was mar ried to William H. Cheshire who died in 1940. She was a member of the First Baptist Cburdi. She leaves two stms, the Rev. Alvis Cheshire of tfod^Ue and Ray B. Cheshire of Eureka, Calif.; three daughters, Mrs. C. V. Lagle of Toaeoo, Arix., ICra. Howard Heffiaer and lira. J. Spencer Laaderth, both ef Windsor, Penna.; It eraadchikifeo. The funeral wUI be at 11 a.m Wednesday at Eaton's Chapel with huiw la Union Chani Methodist Omrcb ceaietety. The Rev. WilUam Angel wm ef- ficiate. Bio - Obituaries — 7/24/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 25, 1968 - Page 2 ' £DCAK L. DOH'ERS Specialist Kilgnr L. Bc%v«rs, 20- yunroM ten cf Mr. and Mrs. Ovcrl W. Bowers of 1 Church St., Cool* ecmce nnil husband of Mrs. Nancy Lee Owen Bowers of Ml. Ulla, died Wi'.J.ierday, July 17, of wounds sustained in Vietnam on Sunday. July M. The dny he was wounded marked his first anniversary In ml* lilary seiwioe. No other details were released, .. .. The family was notified by Icle- erarn on July Id, that Sj^. Bow* ors had been woundod by a metal fragmcpt which hit him in the right Icmple. The metal fragment was part of hostile mortar round which landed near the military vehicle he was boarding. Sixrclalisl Bowers had been ser* ving with the 9lh Division of the Army out of Saigon since Decem ber IS, 1S67. He entered the ser vice July 17. 19C7. He was a 1966 graduate oC Davio County High School. Prior to enteriirg the Army, be was employed by Fiber "ndustrles in Salisbury. His wife is employed as a secretary by a Salisbury in* surancc firm. Mrs. Bowers lives with her parents. Mr, and'Mrs Eugene Owen on Rl. I, ML Ulla. •• ••• srve i»^ V»ia« In addition to his wife and par ents, Specialist Bowers is survived by three brolters, ffayden Bowers of htbcksvillc, Vemon Bowers of Wlnston-Salem Noitnan Bowers of Rt. a. SallsbuTy; and five sjs- tera, Mrs. Bob SriytJw of land, Mrs. Kenneth Weaver o£ Rl. ft, SalistMjry. Mrs. Nelson Sam- mons, Mrs. Tommy Daniels and Miss Virginia Ann Bowers, all of Cooleemoe. I^Jnoral Services will b© bold at /First Bapltisl Chimch Cbotottnep Friday. July 26fih, at 4 p. m. Bur* lal in Rowan Memorial Park. JACK O. MOODY Jack Owen Moody, 77. of 27 Ei^ win Streel, Coolccmee, died Tues day afternoon at Dbvlo County 'Horpital. He was a retired office manager of Erwin Mills In Coolcemee. He was bom 'Feb. 25. 1691, In Marion County. S. C., the son of (he late Richard and Sarah Jackson Moody. A veteran of World War I. ho was a member of the Cooleemce Meth odist Church and the Mocksville Masonic Lodge. Surviving are his wife. Mario Click Moody; four sons, Dr. Peter Moody of Charleston, 111., Co). Reu ben Moody of Patrick Air Force Base. Md.. John W. Moody of Co- litn^us. Ohio and Jack Owen Moody, Jr. of Dayton, Ohio; and a brother, R. E. ftfoody of Staiirtton, Va. Funeral Services will t>e Iteld at Eaton's Chapel Thursdiw. July 2S, at 2 p. m. Burial in Rom (Fernet- ary. REV. C. B. FBRREE ' Tbe fimerd for Rev. Gumey 'ftoyd Feriw, 80, <rf Asheboro was bcW at 2 p. m. Monday at Birow- er's Chapel Mclhodist Church. Bur. lal was in the church cemetery. Rbv. Fcrree was T>nstor of severe M^hodist diurcbes In Davie Coun. ly during the iflQO's. He was a retired Methodist minister, and a member (rf Wes- leni North Carolina MeOiodlst Conference. Surviving are hla wife, Mrs. MeWla Sellars Ferree; three sons, the Rev. Sulon G. Fcrree of Nash- vllte. Tcnn.. U. CoL.Jlalph Perec of Asttbofaoro and Ogtwrn W. For- CO of Charlotte; two daughters, Mrs. Agnes Smith of Virginia Beach. Va.. and Mrs. LyneKe Al bright of Ramseur, Rl. I; two sis ters, Mrs. Hugh T. Brown Sr. of Ashdraro. Rl. 1. and Mrs. Mabel , Hinshaw of Randlemon, Rl. 3; and; a brother, Ernest L. Ferree of I Randleman. Rt. 2. | MRS. W. H. CHESHIRE Mrs. E!la Shumakor Cheshire, ffl, of Mocksvllk!. widow of WHIlam H, Cheshire, died Sunday at Da- vie County Hospital. She was bom in Dav-lc County to George W. and Elisabeth Eat on Shumaker. Slie was a member cf First Baptist Church. Her hus- t)and died in 1M6. Funeral services were conducted .it 11 a. m. Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Un ion Chapd Mothodiet Cburrti ceme tery. Survivors Include two sons, the Rev. Alvls Clieshire of Mocksville and Ray Cheshire of Eurdco, Cal- Ifornia; and throe daughters, Mrs. C. B. Ij)gle of Tucson, Ariz., Mrs. Howard Hoffner and Mrs. J. Spen cer I^drcih of Windsor,. Pa. Bio - Obituaries - 7/25/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 25,1968 - Page 2 MRS. ROBERT IJAMES F\ineral aetivices for Mm. Min-' nle Beck rjomos. 88, of Rt. 8,^ Modosvttle, wore heM at ii a. tn. "Riesday at New Unkm MdlSiodist Church In iredell County. Burial was tn the church cemeteiy. Mrs. Ijames died Simday at* Da> vie County Kbspital. Sie was bom In Dande Ooonly to Mr. and Mrs. David U heck and was a member of New Unkm tfolt* ed Methodist Church. Surviving are her husfoan; and a brother, D. S. Beck of Hhrcmmy, Rt. 1. Bio - Obituaries - 7/25/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA (William G,' ^ston,. H Johnson, i,j5-4t ^■Ko^pne,. Rt 2,: '5ti0dyesterday at home . i'H^i^caused Fimeral an-Sog^^fe are incomplete.. • • . -, was horn in Davfe Countyto George Wesley " and Marian .Hauser Johnson. He'j employjBd.in the cbntracti■construction business.—^l^ocksviliriCo.t Jane Crotts Johnson, i.^am and Ceorge JohiSgn- of Harold pa^ .and Mrs. Grey .3Sf Winston^alem; two2^ Francis Johnsonof Winston-Salem and Edwin TJo^on of Tarmington; and his*mother <rf Parmington. The body is at Eaton FuneralHome at Mocksville. 'y-:■ J.^ /i. N I o- i DAVIE CO. PUBUC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE NC VN >L. \ c> COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, July 31,1968 Mrs. Everhort, At 84 Ymk fmmti mwim Iv Mn. rratti eww, fwwitr.if ftiliiwii, mn M S •'dMk it VM Si«IW CirtiiHii Ha Biv. CM« P. Sedwit Jr. ilBelBii. larM was ii Bom MMMrtal P«fc. drti. Dm DMit. Dtvld BvvkMt. Wddr Babvt W. G. Johmkm * Of Mocksviile PAnoNmif Mii9itT:li MMkijrilU Bio - Obituaries - 7/31/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 1,1968 - Page 2 MQS FLOSSIB BBAHBICE SMlM JTOiwral terVIoes for Miss tAd B^rlce. £mlth^ Ti, of 9^ were conducted at n a. m. nwrsdsgr tbo Rmr. Fred SKoaf and Rev. &le)m' BoeKor at Hfew Uoldb»Sld6|lBf Divle Obtfoly.- Builahwat to tiia ohukvfa doiiKteiy. •t>8he was bora la Dande Cbuntyto Bobett and Ebaaa Ooianr Rndtb. Stie was a laetober of New Union Methodist Claaxh. Ull VffiilS STO VwO lUUUIBlSi JU 0.' smith of StateavtHe and C^aw* ford Sknitb of Leila^j and a sister, Mrs. Noah Qames of Rt. 1, MocicsviDe. MRS. ABLENAB B. dOBNSON. fifre. Arleaar Balfy JUmson, to foraierly <d Kaonapotls, died at (be lyim Hama IteilBi^ Home oa Jidy Hfli. She bad beea la deeUn* (ng heafth serenl yeari. RmerM seivfeb wera held in KafinepoUs widi iataiaeal la the VbHc ^ptist CSiiudi Oemeteqr. Mrs. JOhann was a native of Darvie Obuatp, dautftor of the late James Dennis Baitir and Mrs. 8a^ ah Ckroeatlne Soaoman. Bi^. She made her boihe In Kannepoils Mo* oo isa?.. where alie was emidoped by the Gmnto MKs imtll her retirement In 1B60. i She was a membor <d the Trinity I Mhthodlil Church. She Is mrvlvedj 'iy several nieees and nephews. WnilAM O. JUSNSON WIIIHfm Gotten JohAson, M, M Modcsville, Rt. a. died Friday at /|»ne of natnrall causes. Onrre side services were held at 4 p. m. Sunday In Farmlngton. 'Ne was born In Davie Cbunty to George Wesley and Marian Itauser Jicbnson. HO was saU^em* pioyed in the contracting and cons* tpifetlon business. ■'Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jane Crotts Johnson: two sons. William and George john^ of the homo; two sisters. Mrs. Harold Davis and Mrs. Grey WaPs of Winston; two brothers, John Prancio Johnson of Wbutomsafem and Edwin T. John- ton of Farmlngton; end his mother cf Farmlngton. , MRS. J. F. EVBRUART Funeral services for Mrs. Sadie Brown Dverhart, 84, of SaHshuty, fdrmerty of Oooleemee and Wlddw tit John fMnklin llveitam,' Ireit^held at Sy. itr.SlRMay at theJ^ Bbttm CMb to (Mbfltiee. Dor* tsA waii to fUmtx Mwawlay Faito She irto-jbiMW tit Ifevia 4!bfMy to Jtose K. and Mary jb% ftmlba Brown aRd wM a cfMitoter ef First Shpftist dtonto. . . Surviving ore two daughters. Mrs. David Graham, 'jr. ol Salis bury, and Mrs. James H. F^ulken- berry. Jir. cf Aibemarle; and two sisters. Miss toanche fi rown of MocksviUe and Mrs. John L. Ha^ per of Wlnaton-Salem. Bio - Obituaries - 8/1/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA nS> •0 /.4§Oeenvffl fo^ She Seven "■- "•MdSliifft ♦ ■ life was, Waduatel&S^iSl"?® aShe taught^m^ir-^^-y ®ffe.•iaPaMfe'di^j^^aaJn 1923. in.■ Newman Xdvpr«^ '^eSttS'SfejIrf «i| P^st Baptist: aJSSj?' <* ttaj <b«ghters,SSS^W^'"iffii' aSl4 a: 4. 'f'l- 'iday.>atrSale^"^4t^^^i®d ifiev^Dale 'the Krstthe-Hs^;^§^:- . T. -^^ vaurcn, :: k-:<V iSS£|%^?^ fiie PubKb lS^ and Isatin ^Sm an/jjfol^f^. <tf snowj Stisf ejf theWomen's. Jiiission^^U^a ^e : I I, 5 <On / i 7^., L v'9k n V --£> \ t v.. QAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY mock«ville, m ■.wm» , "Vf' -Ht. I .X hatie. 'i^*A T* "T Bio - Obituaries - 8/7/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 8,1968 - Page 4 GtARRNCB W. FOSTER Funeral servtoea for Clarenoo Woodrow Poster. S6, of itl. 2. Ad vance, were held Wcdnesda.v at 2:30 p, m. In (he Advance United Mclhodlsl Church. BOiial was In (be church cemetery. Mr. Foster died Monday nisht in the Davie County Uoapltal. Ve was bom May 23. 1012. to DavIe County, the son of John and Texana Bailey Poster. He was a member of Advance Methodist Churdi. .. •• Surviving. arc his wife. Georgia Davis F(»tcr; a son, C. W. Poster, ,lr. of Advance, a daughter. Miss Tcxte Mario Foster of the homo; three brothers. Bills Foster of Wins* ton^Icm. and Joe Foster and Bailey Leo Foster, both of Ailvan* ce: and a ststcr. Miss Blandte Foster of Advance. OR. CIAUDG T. PEOFtJS Or. ClBUdo Theodore Peoples, 48. a Davte County native was found dead in his oIRco In MarshvIUc. He apparently died of suffocation due to a fire in his office. A coroner's Inquest will be held in MarshvIUe Wednesday night to de* tenalne the cause of death. Or. Peoples was found Sunday afternoon In a small room ad|ae« ent (o his office by his is-ycar-oid son. Bill Peoples, and a former partner. Or. Joe Green. ■thtion County Coroner Roy Fund- erburfc said Peoples apparently had been sleeping on a mattress on the fl oor in the closed room. The mat tress was bumed and the room filled with smohe. The doctor's former partner and the son began searching for the victim Sunday when ho did not return home Sat urday night. Or. Peoples was the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Lam Peoples of Mocks* vUte, who survive. Also surviving are three sons. Bill. Ronald Peo*pies' of the U.S. Army at Fort Bragg and Teddy Peoples, student at East Carolina College; and three sisters. Mrs. Myrtle Loudcrmilk of Greensboro, and Mrs. Violet Sbarpc and Mrs. Ed Walker Modes* vUte. MRS. PERRY ASilB Mrs. Bonnie Brown Ashc, widow of the late Pei^y Ashe of Lumber-ton, died Saturday at the homo of her daughter. Mrs. Jetm Randeo In Unnberton after a short Illness. Funeral service was held Monday at 4 p. m. at the First Presbyte^ Ian Church at Lumberton. Survivors ■ are: a daughter, Mrs. Jdu Randte of Lumberton; moth* or, Mrs. M. D. Brown of Mocks* vUle; sisters. Miss Kalhryn Brown. Miss Clayton Brown, both of Mocks- villck, and B4rs. Frank McMillan of Lui^rton. Mrs. Ashc is also sur vived three granddilldren. John Rancke. Jr.. and Misses Margaret Heal and Nancy Rancke of Dim* berton. CPL. JACK BURTON Fiineral services for JadeBurton, n^iew of Mrs. C. C. Ch^nnan.' were conducted at 10 a. Ri. Saturday at Anderson Oarrctt Boyd Funeral Home in Jodton, Tenn. •Mu! -Rev. Robert Ives, pa^r of Oenton Methodist Church officiated. Burial was In Mt. Olivet Cemetery-^1. Burton. was knted July. 17 la Vietnam where he.was stationed with the U. S. Marine .Corps. .Ho .is surylyod by his' parents,Mrl and Mrs.' Claute Burton, ^ a brother, Frank Burton, all of White's Creek, Tenn. WALTER B. DULL | Fuiicral Mrviues for Waller |Blaln Diill, W, of Moeksville. Rt. | 2. were held at 4p . m. Sunday atWcrtcy <^apcl United Methodist Church. Burial was In the church oemetciy. * •••* Mr. Dull died Saturday at the Mcdiccntcr in Winston-Solcm. He had been seriously III (or a week. He was a retired farmer. He was bora in ForsyHi County on Septom- licr 30. 18(17 to Mr. aud Mrs. Geo^ go T. Dull. He was a member of Wesley Chapd United Methodist Churcb In Davlc County. ' Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. Hat- tic Dixon Dull of the humc; four suns. George T. Dull and Lawrcn* oc Dull of Advonco. Rl. t, Tillman Dull of Mucksviile. Rt. 5 and Clar- cnoe Pee Dull of Woodlcaf. Rt.' 1; throe daudtters, Mrs. Caivln Roa- vte and Mrs. Clarence Rcavis of tCunnapoIis and Mrs. Barney Gough of Lexington. .... Bio - Obituaries - 8/8/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 8,1968 - Page 4 MRS. J. P. NEWMAN •Mrs. Aiiiiic Hall Baity Newman. 68. (if 1014 W. First Slroet, Wlu&< lttn>Sateni, widow of J. P. New* man* died at 8 p. m. Monday at Forsylh Memorial Hospital. She had been ji) for the past seven weeks. She was Iwm in Mockax'iUe to John Thomas and Sedolia Eaton Baity. Her early life was spent in Mocksviiie. She was a graduate of Mureditb CoUefie. Stw taugbt moib and Latin In the publiO schools of Show Hill and Mocksviiie. She had resided in Winslon^Sa]* em since her marriage in 1923. Her hustiand operated the Newman Advertising Sales Co. until Ms death in 1950. She continued the fiusincss oh a limited basis until h^r death. She wos a member of the First Baptist Church. Stirviving are two daughters, Mrs. Hcnty A. Nading. Jr. of 621 Yorkshire Rosd- and Mrs. Robert E. Slroupc of lii^ Point; and two s^crs. Miss Hazel Bally of Rat* digh and Mrs. Wade E. Brown of Boone. Funeral arrangements were In* comptclc at press lime. Bio - Obituaries — 8/8/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 15,1968 - Page 2 THOMAS CARTER GOFORTB Funeral services I&r Thomas Jailer GoforUi. 79. ot MocksvlRe. Rt. 1. were held Saturday ot 11 3. m. at Now Union Methodist Churdi, conducted by the Rev. Samuel Myers, Rev. Fred Shoaf and Rov. J. A. Bracken. Burial vas In the church cemetery. Mr. Goforth died Wednesday wenin^ at Davie County Hospital . liter a kingl'Vy Illness. He was a nath-o of Drddell county and was .he son of the late Thomas and »lna Goforth. He was married to ho late Eulala Sales Goforth. Surviving are ftreo sons, Buford Sofcrth of Mancheslor, Tetm., Scorge and Clyde Goforth of MockavUIe, Rt. 3: four daughtors, Urs. R. C. Salmons and Mrs. W. 3. Penfiloger of Rt. 1. Mocksfvlllo, >!rs. J. P. Swarlngen of Concord iRd Mrs. RIdiord Caster of Hed* rick. Iowa: 33 grandcbidren and light great grandchildren. Mr. Cofcfrth had lived In Davle "bounty since 13® and was a re* Jred farmer and textile worker. Ho was a membei of the IJames Cross Roads Baptist Church. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 15,1968 - Page 3 MRS. R. S. J. ANDERSON f^ineral services for Mra. SBSmlra Anderson. 39. of Advanoe. wife of R. S. junior Anderson wore hdd at 2 p. m. Sunday at Mt. Zion- A&IB Son Church In Advance. Burial was In the diurch cometery. Mrs. Anderson dlod of natural causes at her home Wednesday. DANIEL B. WILSON 'Daniel R. Wilson of Far Rock- away, N. v. formerly of Dovlc Omnty, ^ed Thursday of natural causes at his home there. fVneral eanvlcea were conducted at 1 p. m. Monday ot Ctnnont Grove Church of God In Davle Omnty. Burial was In the v^urch , cemeteiy. -••• He was bom In Oavio n County' and moved to New York swen years ago. Ho was o member of dement Grovh Church of God. Surviving aro fite sons. Alien, Raymond and Jessie Lee Wllsen of Long Island. N. V., Glenh Wilson of Wcodleaf and Wlkner Wilson of DetroU.^fich.: and two dauglbters, Mrs. Kqlen Turner of JamaIcQ, N. Y. and MUa Hasel Wilson el Boston, Mass. HALL WOODRUFF FUneral servlcos for Eldwln HaH Woodruff. 81. a native of Davto County, wer© Aield Thurs day, August 8. at 3:30 ^ A. In Gadsdcn. Ala. Burial #es In Pod- rest Coroafery. ''' Mir. Woodruff died at 10:3(1 p.jn. IVesday. August. 6, in Gadsden. ifo was the son of the late Mr. .and Mrs. Sooford A. Woodndt. •(Bom In Davie County, ho later moved to Gadsdcn and hod lived Uiere for over SO years. He was jsi member ef Gadsden First Pres byterian Ghorch. Qedsden Masonic Lodge and waa a Striner end KU .waids meni»r. .He was a brother of the late OiarUe WoodraH. He Is survived hy 0 nicecs and 3 nephews. Tlieso Include Tom Balley Woodruff and Charles WoothxliV of MocksvlUe, ond Mrs. Jim Frye of Cooleemce. Bio - Obituaries - 8/15/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, August 21,1968 Bob Ijomes Dittwns Trying To Sove Mother At Junction Bflb Mew,«, dmmd ^ ) if ■j-.'k 1 _ ^ Mte Ihe dirt road leodtag to beoi iMoali toIMtm mm M tht IhtIm have pttm aqtopaMd pMt toe 5* natfrniaiito pathad can aa paifcai eahktoa aaar toa Aa.too aaartmd craft to pto toe toMrtar-wc laaf dbt read Tbeae pnaau who arrivedlln. Oaaaaa tm wmkm toi ieadta« to the aeeaaa tola and toaad by iialebiM toebaaL haiapffffl rcacoe aqaad Davie mmuibmn eporb MharAa the tera Geatoanaa ma natobert from aettiM aqtoa- hanpered the ftoto waib af toepM toto totor bato toe m^totoetotoT^^ a^lv toaitob« oa the em-mmm to the vator. Qomb the Rom Coaaty Raaeat liitoiaial ripd to the watanbMaito tot optoMT. Sqaad «ae atoitad to aaaito bat ete. peveatiM tor eevartoMeaRy. a Ut pmanm the mdt waa atoitiad baton ar- a£to«t the laAf of the beatflaatod away daMtoaaai Bm* rival thai the body had baaa eddch raaltoaed the Cooleeareeto| the reoom epMitom recaveratL nimi*i body. Bio - Obituaries - 8/21/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 22,1968 - Page 4 TOMMY LBB fllltOUB • FUnml nrvloes hr Tommy Leo Slrodb, 14, of Advance were field at i p. m. Wedneiday at Fork Bopdot Ohatdb. Bttrid was in the diuvoh eeweteiy. Tonnp dM flUMfay In Oufce lloipKal at dluitiani of naturM cMMes. Me wet faotn in Desle COimty to toman Lee and Magdatene Jqmi StroUb. OuRvldng are bla parents and a stiter, Padloe Stiwtb of the himte. MRS. jum POTTS Qfre. Jean Watera Potts, 4S, of Point wife of James D. (Bill) Potta, died Monday of natural ceu* aea at High Point Mnnoriol Hoapl* tal. The ftmertd was at 4 p.tn. Wed* neaday at Sodhresl Ohapel. Burial was In FtorM Garden Paik Ce* meleiy. 6lte was txHn In MbehsvlUe to Marvin and Geneva Nail Waters. 6to was a reember of the First VnUed Mettedlst Gbureb. fiurvMiv are her husband; a son, Jiames O. Potts of the fatane; her mother; two sisters, Mrs. Uaiy Hochett of Ne«herr>*, 8. C. and Mrs. Kate hfOGraw of Moefcsviile; and two bretoer8,Jtom Waters of HocfcsviUe and Robert 0. Waters of La Crosae, Va. MRS, KATE BBCKBL MIZE Funeral aervloes for Mrs. Kate fieefcel Mfase, n. mother of Mrs. W. H. OUUer of RL 2. Advance, were held at dl a. m. Ihuraday at Frtedberg Moravian Church by the Rev. Henry Lewis and Rev. Nor* wood Green. Burial was In Ibe chuirii graveyard. Mrs. Mlxe died Itieaday mom* log at (be home of Mrs. Culler whoe She had made her borne for the past two years. She bod been la detdtolng health tor some* ttoie. - She was bom on Mardi 2S. IBSS, to OoIuniMS and Clara Sink Beck* el. In Forayth County. SurvhdUg In addlttoa to Mrs. Culler mo another daughter, Mrs. Gray Craws of lioiclngton, lU. 4; four ams. S. F, Mlse and T. E. hSse of Ootorabtts, Oa.. & C. Mlso of the Thomaaville Road and J.' H. Mice of WlnstooSalemi nine' grendfbildreo and niaa great. pood dduren. • .... | Bio - Obituaries - 8/22/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, August 28,1968 Tobie Horns, 77, Of Ephesus S. Harris, 77. of BL 4, StocksvHle. dted Ttnvsdaiy at ii:S auaa. al tte Bavia Oo^ Hos^aL Ha has been to deSBdog tealih for two years a^ serteBsiy iQ for 9S hoars. Bord Sept. 14. i8». ia Rowtt Cously. na was the soo of the laleJ. W. and Anaie Watsooir Harris. Ha was educated iaRowan Coi^ schools aadwy a rctiicd enpiayt of Brwa Mills. Ooolacnire. Mr. Rartis was a manhar of the Korth MaiB Street Chordi of ChrisI in MocksviBe. tlia POS of A and the Redmaa^s Uidge. SurtriviM are fab wHa. tha former lias <Bhe Can^beO. whom ha maified Jan. tSiA five soos. Oe^ W. Hi^ sod Harvey H. Hanfe. both of HI. 4. BfocfasviBe. H. T. Har ris of 1907 Sttfesvab Avery 0. Harris of WBariogfon. Del and RaroU E. AotTfo of Imperial, Beodi, 0^.: five grandddldrfn; m two peal- OraodefaQdren. Mrs. Doniels, 80, Of MKksville Mis. Edith Ann (Annk) Ifamiris, 90. ^ Rente 4, Modcsvfile, died Thnnday at 9:0S ajn. at the Lynn Haven Nuising Ifoiiia. She was boni Nov. 21 1887, b Davie Oonnty, the datightar of the late John Wesley and Margaret Stvr Martin. She was a moBber of Ooneord Unhed MeUm&t Chnrch. Surviviiig are three aoni Raymond Dnkfe and Saimmi ift and E. E (Hoot) Baaieb of Rt 1. Salisbory: five dan^ttera, Mrs. Marwuret Sinnnn. Mm. Dot Waber, Mm. Joe N. M- terow, and Mrs. James B. .Boger. aO of BloclBSviDe and Mrs. Henry tBiid) Fbsbr of Coolemnee, two sisters. Mm. Bladdb Thunpson and Mm, SaQy Kimmer. both of Slpcoeer^ ooe hatfdsier,. Mm. Ilasy Franoes Benrier, of Rt < MocfcsviDe; a hrafiier, B, & Marfin of Safohoiy: it grandchildreQ: and seven great nmend services wSl he oob- ^wled Satnrd^ at II ton. at Baton's Foneral Bsne Chapel by the Rev. Robert mi. Bofial will be at Ooneord Ufaited Hetbodbt Ctanch ceneteiy. E. B. Wilb, Of Mocksvilie EUbn Bmson Wilks. 56. M ^^Uemloek St.. Mocksrille. diedpridayat 7:29 am. it hb home. He had been iU to three Bore Aug. 11911 b Chester, SC., be was the son d to late George and Orb Wibs. He was educated b Gaslon CottBty sclioob and mnploj^ for 14 years at to Uottmto Feed BliHs. He was a memlief ti Mt. Zira totbess Cbnreb b Mocksrille. Surriring are lib wife. Mrs. Janie Mam Wilks: a son. ElBott Benard Wiflo of tfaw home; three dangfalers. Miss Ehraob WlUn of BomtmriUe. and Misi Shirley Wilfas and Bibs Fiom Wilks. bolb of to ksme: and two sisters. Mrs. Rosa Onley and Mrs. Clbter Ma^ both of Safisbary. Bio - Obituaries - 8/28/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 29,1968 - Page 2 1^ B. WBMt, M eUod Baaua Wbg, SB, ot B77 Hcmloolt a.. ltocMa». died Fri day at 7M a. m. at Ida home. He had been SI for three mootlu. Bom Aag. 6, 1010. in Chester. BjC., be wee the eon 'oI the late (keiBe and (Ma Wfte. Me was oducflied In (toahm Oxinly schools apd anoplayed hw' M years at the Mocfcavlbe fOnd MBIs. lie was a nwaBar oT Ut. Son Holiness camrob in aiMlBiville. Aintifving am bis «dfe, tfrs. jan- le Mack WUbi; a son, Elliott Beaani Wllks at the home; thme datMitem. Bflee filvania WHbs ef BeoMaviSe, and Mtsa Shirley Wllks arid Mlas Ftora Wttca. both of the honn: and Mo sbtem. Mrs. Rosa Cdky arid hfrs. (^ster Mack, both of SeSkdxiiy. mm 0. SARB98. 77 OUrie 6. Hanis. 77. of Rt 4, (IMaidile. M Jtvniay at kl.-M a. nr. at the Bavie Oounty Mospl* Id He has baen to declining heshb lor two yaam and seriously ID for M toom. Bon> Sept. 14. UO0. In RoiMsn COualF, be w« the son of the 4ato i. W. and AiuHe Wagoner Hsnfs. He was -educated in Rowan County achotris and was a roUred emidoyo at Enwln Mins. Ooollee* mee. Mr. Harris was a membor of the North Main Street Church of Christ In Mockevilte, the PCS of A. and the Radman's Lodge. Surviving ore Us wife, the form er Miss OlUe Campbell, whom ho marrted Jan. ifl. laid; five aoos, Geonee W. Harris and Harvey H. fiarrfa. both of Rt 4. MockariUe. H. T. Karris of 1007 StatoavHte Kvd.. Aivery 0. Hante of Wll- mlngton, (Del. and Harold E. Harris of bnperiat. Beach. CaM.: &ffo grandchildren: and Mo gmat- grandchildren. fXmerafl services were oondueted Salutliay at the Lywly FUnemI Chapd by the Bav. Lewis Savage. Burial was at ftowia Memorial Paric MRS. 6. D. OANIEIB Mrs. Edith Ann lAiurie) Beofcds. 80. of MackaviUe. Rt 4. widow of S. D. Dariiels, died Thursday at the Lynn Haven Nuraing Home. The ftineral was held at 11 a. m. Baturdoy at Eaton's Chapel. Bm- iai was to the Oooeord United Metheidist Ctamdi oemeteiy. She was bom in Dafvie County to the late Joho Wesley and Mar- gfllnet Starr Martin wes a irfentMar of (he Coaoord Uiftod Sfothodist Chuith. Surviving are five daughters. Mrs. Maigarat SeHnood. Mrs. James D. Boger. Mrs. Dott Waft- er and Mrs. Joe N. I^Uenw. dl of MochsviWe, .end Mrs. Henry (Bud) Foster of Cooteemee: three sons. Raymond and Samuel Dan iels of MocksvSIe and B. E. (Hoot) Daniels of Salfsbuiy. Rt. I; two sisters. Mrs. Maltle Ihompson and Mrs. Sally Klrnmer ot Spencer; a half sister. Mrs. Maiy FVcficcs Bivlcr of MdoksvUle: and one brother, B. E. Martin of SaStabuiy. i JOHN T. DOULDV. 71 John Thomas Doulln, 71, of Ad vance. Rt. 2. died Saturday night at Davie C^nly Hospital). ITie fun eral was at 3 p. m. Wednesday at Cedar Grove Baptist Church near Advance. Burial was in the church cemetery. ffo was born in Davie County and had lived here ali his life. He was a member of Cedar Grove Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Es ther Doulin; (Ivo sons, (kiifldld and Bill Dot^n of BroMdyn. N. Y., Jdmny DotfUn. Jr. of Laurel, Md.. and Adam and CathoH Doulin of Lexington; two daughters. (Miss Marian Dean Doulin of Wlnston- Salem and Mrs. Queen Jordan of the home; and a sister. Mrs. Mbi- eSe Grant of MocksviUe. Bio - Obituaries - 8/29/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 29,1968 - Page 2 ■RAYMOND WALKER, JR. tRoymond Eugone Walker. St., infant son of Mr. and Mra. Ray* knond E. Walker of Rt. 3. Mock^ viRe. died shorHy aRer birth Pri> day at Tredell Memoriol Hospital. A graveside service was hold at 3 p. m. Saturday at Moss Ohapel (Methodist Church. Surviving arc the parents; the oratemal grandmother. Mrs. Bes> sle Sparks of Rt. 3, Mockavilte and the paternal granAnother, Mrs. Spencer Walker also of Rt. 3, Bio - Obituaries - 8/29/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, September 4,1968 Buddy Vogler Dies CiifTord Emory (Buddy) Vogler, 48, of No. 5 Center Street, died unexpecterly Tuesday afternoon , at Davie Hoq>ital. He went to the hospital Friday a week ago with a heart attack. Funeral services are incomplete. Mr. Vogler was an employee of Erwiii Milis. J. P. Corttr, Of Mocksville Oirtw.S.<IBtV fikvM i« itaKkmn k S«I7 qm^, iw ft Ik* Hmut mi MpU* Cm—■Id Ciitk. B* Ml ■Urid War n ikip* Mdnlw»it fear OhM omuw- tiM Os.Swriflag are Ui vlia* tha taMT Mm Maiy Jmms twoiliiglain. Mrs. Deris SMo oad WroJwiy Broadway, M «r MedbrdOi; two seas, JibmFwM Gartor Jr. et Oeweofd eadrtoddie E, Cartir^ ofHociwfllo; five graMdMrta;t broiMr, Aidrow Cwtar of Pate Beacfc, CMt; sM twodMva, Mrs. tomla Barber of Peinvrne. Qbie, ead Mrs. SUOa Maereato of Alenader, Ta. OIlie Allen, Of Mocksville MOCKSVIU^ — OIlie Gastoa ADea, SS. of Rt S. HodBriDe, iSed Saturday ai^ at II at Ok Davie Coootj Itapital. He was bore April 30, lOII, in Davie OooDhr, the see of Mrs. Fande Sattb AUea of Rti Mocksville, and the late Cbarbe Attea. He was a World War n vctcraa aad a member of BethlMtem Metfaodlat Cborch.For SS years, be was employ by R. J. ReyimUs Tobaeeo Go. Sorvivora bi addifioB to Ms Bntber iariwde Ms wife, lbs hnaer Mm Viola Carter; t' •M, DooaU ADea of Ri. 3, Mocksville; two daughters, Mrs. Floreoee Rey Carter of Mocksville and Mrs. Bob Keat of Unoir; aevea graadchiklrco: tbree ststera, Mrs. Carl Williams aad Mrs. TomsBy Blelock, both of Advance, aad Mrs. Ray PtdlUps of Winstoa*; Salem; two brothers, GleaB ! Allea and Geoo AUeo, both of MocksviOe. Mrs. Merrell, 78, Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Sally Headrix MerreU. 78, Rt. 3.Mocksville. died Wednesday at 4:15 p.m. at ber home. Boiw Oct. IS. lies In Davie Cdunty, she was the daughter of Lewis and EUxa Young Hen*, d^. She was a member of Fork Baptist Quirch where she had been a teacher for 45 years for the Women's Bible Class. Survivors Include the husband. George £. Merrell: two SMS, Aubrey Menelf, Rt. 3. Mocksville and Bill Merrell, Rt.3. Mocksville; two daughters. Mrs. K. 0. Minor Winston- Salem. and Mrs. P. M. Johnson of Rt. 3. Mocksville; one sister. Mrs. George Barnhardt, Rt. 2, Advance; 17 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries — 9/4/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 5,1968 - Page 3 ttUJtk OASnrON AU£N Pun^ sepvkMs for CHHe Oas* (oh MKh. », or Moekstfltlo, Rt. 3. KStd Monday at 3 p.fn. at MtOhem Vnlted Methodbt Oitiich. burial wao In (he rfnirdi <emetety. Mr. Aden died Saturday tf nat- urall cahhea (lOibre arrivinff at Da- Me OMinty Hospltai Ha was \nm in Dat^ Oounly to (%arUe and Pannie SmKb Alien and was an etmAoye of R. J. Reynotds To- liaoco Oo. at WInstOivfialoro, N, C. Surviving ar^ Us wife, Mrs. Viola Cotter Alien; a son, Donald Gastdn Aden of ModosviUe; (wo dau^rs, Mrs. Lawrenm Ray Carter of Mbdkavilie and Mrs. Bob Kent of Leodlr: his modter of Bfioeksvi))}. RL 3; three slaters. MM. Carl Wnibms and Mrs. nnmas Blayldcic of Advance and Mis. Ray BhUllin Of Wlnsfaon-Sal- em: end two bnrihers. Glenn and Gene ABen of MoctovUfe. ilAMBS TkVL /CARlRR Jianfes FaM Carter, M, of MoOks- Vffio, died Saturday from natural causes bedOre anriviag at Davte County HospltaS. Hie (Uneicd was held at 4 p. xn. Monday at Eaton's Cbnpel. BuriaO was In Uberiy Uhdt- ed Medftdlst Ghundi nroetety. He was bom In Surry cOUt% in Hbnry end Myrtle Greenwood Cartor and was an onploya of Dani^ Ooastroetioh Co. SunvMng Md hb wife, Mrs. Mary Jonss Carter; two daughters, Mrs. Doris Sal)^ and Mrs. Judy Broadway of MboksidUe; two sonh, Paul Carter, Jr. of Concord and James Erei^ Carter of Mocks- vOie; a brottnr, Andrew Carter of^ Fahn Beach. Calif.; and two sis ters, Mrs. liomia Bariwr of Pain* esville, (Milo and Mrs. Stelta Ma« ctonla of Ahxandria, Vs. • MRS. rally MEIWRU< FHineral sendees tat Mrs. saQy dtiendrix Merrdd, 78, of Route 3, wore held F^ay. August 30, at S p. m. at Eaton's Ghapel by die Rev. Roy B. Young. Burial was In Fhilc Baptist Chunfe OSnteteiy. Mrs. Bfenrdl died last Wednes- d^ at her hOBnei, Bbm Get &. 'uesiiln Davfe, (y, die wbs the aoA HUffl Young Hhndrix. Sn was fl menfeer of Baptist Ohuncfa ddere die had been a teacher for 4S years for (be Women's Bibla Class. Bifoidvoni inokids the husband. George E. MerreB; two sons, Au* :f;ey McrreH, Rt. 3. hgociesvllb and BUI MeridU. Rt. 2. Mlodts- (vlUe, two dau^ters. Mrs. K. 0. Minor of WihstdnGatnrt end Mrs. P.M. Jdtnston of lU. 3, MocksvUie; one sister. Mrs, Geonge Bandwrdt, Bt a. Advance; 17 grandchUdron: tbtoe great-grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 9/5/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, September 11,1968 C. E. Vogleiv | Cooteemee JEmMRV wtfBHf Vv 9 iW. M. St«eie, v |Row(#» Native' |j €OouaaiK - iniaa Scde, 41, «r iMrai, Whit. fMwriy of CoolMflMt, aw AeiV * Ids Iwe. tiiw 1 OHai/& Mrt. Gtare fit 4, MMfeivillt, aid IfailM OilfoN fiMvy V40Br. He ww a niam of Warid £L°iSSSf ^ <ir iddtiii to kto wHiffFirat JieiMaft dnrcft, awi w w Fwral aarvkca were fidd one asa, Barry 8bM( al 4 a.«. IHoreday at fim frnfft af liHiiiiM chafdi Of- htaftara. Hairy G. Vo^ at flehttlE at the rites waa WtoalaihStlwB TliaBiaa K. ialSv. Oaiida BartwB awl , Vaid«' ^ Bm mv. Pkfll^ GAta, attd aiitar, Mrs. U r. ^ a< arite.Hn. Dorcoa Ca^ar aoe m. Harry 8m h <>aaiaaiBea: '^aoa at Ervte Staele at ^nnltewite and tite late Mn. Kara Steele. He. vaa a veteraa at Warld War Hy ; SwTivteg ia aOHtim ta hit .father ate hte wUe. Jfrt. f#r MeeoKe. Mra. Thay flaritb HocfcariOe. aad Ifiaa Saidn I'flteele at Akraa OUa; Um ^aow, Billy Steeie. Tammr : #aele. AniiBnr fteele. andl^ iSaSiede. as af tha kama: am m iteMMtMr. lite. Wibty j rmdHay flteeia af CMaMaa; Siwifh,^ Of Moclo^iHiK:;, She am ban QaL to Daiiidaia Owafi/^fta daatfdcr af tlte tote Ha« Mi Eva Hartte BwvMm are Bar iBliM mkd the haate: a aaa. KMvteJltoth # the tome; aad tare Wri, IfrB' Georie r o f Wheataa. Md.. aad Mrs. AiAij' Grayafia. S.8alidto*y. w Fhaeral lervtoee wara f eote dactad Satnrday at 4 a ;4MM'a fWral Kaate WNffw, 0. ^att. £aa|i SBtow Bio - Obituaries -9/11/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 12,1968 - Page 2 BRYAN OeBART (F^meral services for Biyan tio* I Hart, 03, of VnostoaBatem wort .conducted Wednesday, S^einter 4, !at Uleco Baptist Qiurili In Frahk* lin, K. C. Burial was In the church cemetery. (Mr. DeHart died Monday at Po^ oSytb Memorial Ho^llal He had imn seriously ill for two weriti. Survlring are his wife of the home; two daughters, Miss Oma Lra DeHart of the home and Mrs. Wetf dell McCall of Storidbridge, Ga.; live sons, William Fred DeHart of Rt. % Mochsville, R(d»rt DvHari of htette, John and Jake D^art Al Wlnstoi^Salem and Troy D^ri Wisconsin; and eleven dron. JtOBBBT 12E COOK Rotort Lee Ooofc, M, of MOckf* vIHe, Rt 1, died Sunday at Davte County Ho^tat ffe was bom In Davle County .to iQeoiRs B. and (Martha IJemes Oclbk. He was a letlred school teacher and fanrnr. iSjiiivlvIng are eight deu^rs, Clinton JOymr and Mrs. Cteo Stedman of Statesville. Mrs. Mary Les Adams and Mrs. Bert 08tt^ of CharioUe, Mrs. dsmest oibce and Mrs. Max Parfcer of Modtevllb, Mrs. Nonnan MoCas* l(|j of FalrfleM, Conn., and Mrs. Bfjmy Barnard of HamptonvRIe; ■ftauv—aonsr Jhmos- M. Cook—of- Sfatesvllb, William ESdgar Cook of CBartotto. Rdbert Junior Cook of Air Poros in Charlestbn. S. CL, aiid Charies Francis Cbrit of the Mhrine COips. .. .. MRS. ROBAH (W. WTB Mrs. Bessb Louise Harris Smith, 44, of KfiiKdtSviHe, Rt 8, wife of Bobah W. Smith, died Friday at Otfvie County Ho^piM after a year's lUness. .. .. (Fkmeral senrioss wom conducted at « p. m. Saturday at Eaton's Funeral Ohapel. Burial was In the Jbricho ChuTvh of Christ oemeteiy. Qie was bom in Davidson Obum ty to Hemy M. and Eva Banrls. She was a foriner empioyu of the Davie county HoypUal and a menv tm of Nbtlh Main StreA Churdi of Christ Surviving are her husband; two Misses- Sarah and- Una of tho boms; a son, MaKdn of the home; and two slaters. Mrs. Geoige Mv OTtelQ of Wheatbn Md., and Mrs. .AUbrey Gray of Sallsbuxy. Rt 0. . .. CLlFFf^ VOOLBR, OR. Funeral servtees for Qifford Ekn* eiy V08>sr Jr. 48, of Coot eemee, were told at 4 p. tn.Thursday at Ooobemee First Me*thodlst Chui^ Burial was la Ro wan Manorial Path.Mr. VOgter died of a hoert at tack Wednesday at Davh County He was bom In Davle County to. aKford B. and Clara GoodmanFo^r. Re was a member of Cooteemee Mothbdist Church and an emtdoye of Buriington Mllis. Surririttg ara his wtta, Mrs. Da^ tos Carter Vogier; a son, Rany Scott Vo^ of Oooleemee; two brethers, Hany G. Venter of Wins ton Satem and Thomas B. Vbgler of ODoleeime; and a sister, Mrs. U F. M^Hs of Cboteemee; and his mottor of MocksvUle,' PAUL M. DAYVAULT Funeral services for Paul M. DayvBult, 89, of Stateavffle, Rt i, ttie Cori Springs oomnnmily, who dbd of a heart attack Friday at Ctarksvllle, Va., were held Satur day at Fifth Creek Presbyterian Church at Obdl goings. BuriM was In the ohurdi ceoneteiy. SUtwIvlng are his wife, Mrs. Eth el HermioB Dayvautt; a daughter, Mrs. Bin Brofwder of Lsxingbm; a brotbor, Bverette Dayvault of Bal timore. Md.; and a sister, Mrs. R. H. Crouch of StatesriHe. WILLIAM At STBBLBI WHliain Maulten Bteele, 49. M iUtron. Otdo. formerly of Ooolee- mee, died Sunday, ^Soptember i. at' AtoM. Death was from natural causes. .. Fbneral asivlces wdre conducted at 2 p. m, Friday at Eaton's Fun- I'a! Cbcqrel. Burial was In the SouOi. (River Metbodlst ChurCh oemeteiy. He was bora In Rowan County to Brvin and Nora MUifdi Sterie. Surriving are his wita, Mrs.^iflnrinla Saundos Ste^e; Giree daughters. Mrs. Bobby Spiibnan M Oooterora, Mrs. Tony Gmllh of Mtoksvffle and Miss Sandra Steedeof Akron, Ohio; four'sons, BBty, Tommy* Bradley and Eddie Steele of (hef home; his father and step- htoRnr ef Oooleemeo: and a sister, Mrs. Spencer-Foster of Cooteenncn. ( J. COItoAD PBEUPS ^ Funeral servtoes for J. Conrad 91/ of Advance. Rt. s. r-toM.Sim^ at 8:60 p.m. at dHe'BA^hodlst Ctwroh in Do- '^ County. Burid was in the irimrch cemetery. . ';Mr. Ftoips died Saturday. Bio - Obituaries - 9/12/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, September 18,1968 Hiim Spqr, At 17 Yam at % at tiMitt ■Mia BmI Sunimcrs Infonf, MocksviHe aft; Bio - Obituaries - 9/18/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, September 18,1968 Mrs. Jorvis, At 88 Years moarnmiM -Un. Uma Fry Ivrti. at. if Bt t. iM- amet. Sat IMw at 1:11 ^ at Om Dim Omitf aa> waa ham ra. 1, IM^ la Dawb OMBijr, tta dmrdmr if Ika taMa flaan aid ftnh Bniatt fna. fln vaa a aMBtar at AOramn MttkaOM DmtrtaiM aaa Iht ImfeiBdli' ■tear JiMnw: a aan, Jain fMkfinte af It 1, /rtmm « imiMr. Oawp rkfa af eaoaaoi ■■■ ives imp Bio - Obituaries - 9/18/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 19,1968 - Page 7 ntouftb a* mcAs lei^teeii* for' BfoKM .Stumptfln Hleks; 02. of Ptmtaelo, ! m. 8, were heM st 8 pr m. tHies* 'day Qt Oox S^rat Home Chepd. Surldit was In fihioels ' Bdi^st dmrdv Oenietieiy. ' Mr. Hloks died Sititday morning ot Daf^ Osuttty Hospital. He was bord In Suitii'County/ He was a I retired fattner and o'member cf ,8iioal8 Baptist Ohurofa. I Supvlving afo two aoas, Oatido • ^ck8 eft Mie^jkavQIa ohd fiforvfp ; HtbSci tS PlnM^, Rt 8t and'a . n h^d}mther,' Cttenn Bold o( Pin* vmielsr J. iQLENN MARTIN , ^ Qtanrt Martin, 68. of Mocks, vnie. pt. 1. died Saturday at Wps* tern North canoUnd Santearldm. at Black MCuntaln after a tons tU> ' ndss. Fu&eral seivlct^' were eon* ducted at 8:30 p. m. Monday ot Society Baptist Chilli. Burial was pi' the church ceideteiy. He was bom in^uayte; Oounty to Mom L. and Ahnle M. UarUn. He was a retired , textile wether end a mendxsr rt Sdrtety Baptist Gbttich. SiiFvivtng 'are his wifd, (Mrs. Blanohe .West'Martin, bto mother <tf Mochsvttlo, Rt. 8i a frofoer, Clyde Martin of Wlnston.8atomi and two'si^rs, Mrs. J. W. Seals of' MockdvHIe, Rt: 3, end MM. hest JOhnson of MoohsvlIIe; Rt 1. MRS. mJCESL JARVIS liinersd aervicen'for'Mrs. Rhsa Fiye jorvls. 3d. of AthMUHO. Ht S. wKe of • Steer Jiaiwts; were'1^ at 8:30 p. in. Thuieddy; Spted^ j 'at "Ai3v«tn^ linlied (SreftMW Church. Biirlal was in the cl^di cemetery. ' (Mrs. Jaryls died Wedttesday ef week' at' Darte' Osunty Ifos* pHaflr , She WBs'thd dliter of'hfos^ Mdfy' ^Mfohum (d^ Bio - Obituaries - 9/19/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 26,1968 - Page 8 j R, %i, Cornatzer t Takes-Own Life ! Ku,v Lcc Cornnlzcr, 70 or Ad* i \-anfO. Kt. 2. wos prnnmrnccd dead I Saturday iiioming at 2:30 fa|,v Dr. I Krnncia Skilc. Uavte County com* I ner. of sctl'lnllicled guRidtol 1 w-ctind. Ifc hftd taken Ids life at bis iMnw). lie had been In dcclinlns[ licaltii fnr llio past livo years. Rom in Dnvle County P'elt. 10. I2!«. lu (tcuiite It. and Magpie Muc Charles Curnataor, he w:is a nniidwr uf -Muck's Methodist diureh. lie was a tetlrod mployc of Dnkv Putter Co. Sun'lvors include his wife, Main* le Ren Renuchanij) Cornutxor: two daughters. Mrs. Allen llulchins CIctninons and Mrs. II. 'P. Starr el Mcit:phis. Tenn.; three sons, 'Ohes* tor McKintey Cernata*r and Roy Lcc Cornatzcr, .Ir., both uf Wins* ntiii .tori-v Wnvno Corn* atzcr of Clenunons; three sisters, .Mrs. W. T. Barnoy nml Mrs. A. Voglcr. both of Aih'nncc. and Mrs. C. T, Markland of Winston* Snicm: five lirolhors, J, C. Corn* atzcr. all of Winston'Salcm. II. W. Cornatzcr of Jacksonville. Fla.. and H. B. Cumatzcr of Ad\'ancc. Funeral services were hold Sun* day III t'le Mocks Methodist Church by the Rev. Pidllip Vaughn, Burled was In the church ccmclcity. Bio - Obituaries - 9/26/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 48-0t»ti Ooufity etitHpHM'Rioonf, OetoiNf 9,1088 W.H.HOCKADAY.73.. ' WHUam Heniy Hodcaday, 73, of Rt. I, Advance, dira Wednesday, September 25 at 1:00 pjn. at Ponyth Memorial Hmital. Funeral services were conducted Friday, September 27 at 2:00 pmi. at Macedonia Moravian Churdi by the Rev. Taylor Loflin. Burial was at the church cemetery. Mr. Hodcaday was bom Aufiusi 18, 1895, in Davie County, the son of the late John.and Sarah Plott Hockaday. A member of Macedonia Moravian Church and a World War I veteran, he was a retired farmer. Surviving are his wife, the fomter Mm Fittie Cope; three sons, Houston Hockaday, Thurman Hockaday. and Lmter Hockaday, all of Rt. 1, Advance; a dauber, Mrs. Frank York of Rt. 1, Advance; two sisters, Mrs. Nsn McBride of Rt. 2i ModuviOe, and Mrs. Tommy Smith of Harmony; and a brother, Clarence Hockaday of Rt. I, Advance. Bio - Obituaries -10/3/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, October 9,1968 i. C. Davis, ii • 15 Davie County imn Clarence Divis, 41, of Mockfvile, Rt 4, died at 4:40 HospttiJ after a serious flhiess of three diQrs. Bm ia Davie Cmatf My 10. m. he te anitf te lite Ma end Gtora DM l^vU, He was a miiMiii ^ Saleoi; five feiuthers. Evcfvtte •ad Joe Davk, faech of Matoiile. Rt. 4. Jala DaHi U Moekiv^. Rt a. Marvin l^avis of GUaa Grofe. Jttkmt Davht of Meekaviie. ' Bio - Obituaries - 10/9/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, October 9,1968 Mifc Siwil^ oektvilie; I U greal Aoron Jomes Of Mocksville >*ocKsvnxe - aww u taKt. if m. 2, IMivae, ne «as ba a Davie Gv tbe late Join JOM*. He « 1 vcteM. a My M. IM, ■ty. the aott el and Lola Ward K a World War Mi>i»iag are hit vifio. theioraaer Mtn Ra>y M. Janbea;^ daa^tara, Mn. Roger Cbarabcrlaia of Modtorige and Mrs. Lawroaee Sailh of Addl ( of Mocksrlile; fiveEhttdrca; two great* ehtt^ca; two adero. htn. Howard aad Mrs. Claad ry. both of BL 1. aaesofRl. LAdvaaee, iaaMo of Rt a. gUMteviBo. Bio - Obituaries — 10/9/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, October 9,1968 E. R. Beauchomp Of ModttviUe IreM Cbmfy. He wm boni Aug. 4, mi, im Dawh Comiy, tte m of Ibe late Jmy and Uda Ptotts ... u- -i >-\f- n '£t;: Bio - Obituaries - 10/9/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4-DBVie County Entetprite*Record. October 10» 1968 MRS.C.L.AN0BR80N Punenl iMvieei for Mit. Henrietta Beatrice Anderson, 72. of Wlntton^em, Rt. 4, wlR d Chariei Lee AMenoii, were held Tuesday at the Center United Methodist Church In Davle County. The Rev. Beiuile Beaidett and the Rev. Charles W. ShJc ofllclated. Burial was In the chuidi 'cemetery. Mis. Anderson died Sunday at Porsyth Memorial HO^tal. She was bom In Calahaln community of Davie County In 1896, the daughter of the late Thomas N. Andeiton and BUzabeth A. Anderson. Survivors Include the husband of the home; one son, Glenn Anderson of Wlnston*StI^ Rt. S; one daughter, hhi. Louis Lovm of Wlnston^Salem, Rt 5; one half-sister, Mrs. Martha BameycasUe of MocksvUle, Rt. 1; nine granddilldten and d^t great grandChild^n. MRS. LUXE P. SMITH Mrs. BUen Sanders Smith, 76, of ModcsvOle, widow of Luke Franklin Smith, died Sunday at Davie County Homitu. * Funeral Kivices were held Tuesday at Eaton Funeral Chapel. Burial was In Smith Grove Methodist Church -cemetery. She was bom In Davie County to Hemy and Nancy Reavh Sanders. She was a member of Smith Grove Melodist Churdi. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Jettie Stine of Moclon^e, Mrs. Loimie Jordan of Cooleemee and Mrs. Catherine limdlle of Advance, Rt. 1; and three sons, Henry. Marion and Frank Smith of Modcs^le. I bvin C. Davis, 41 Irvin Clarence Davis, 41, of Mocksville, Rt. 4, died Thunday at Baptist Hospital at Winston'Salem. He had been serfously JO three days. Funeral services were held Friday at Liberty United Methodist Church. Burial was In the -cliurcli cemetery. = '* He wai born In Davie County to John and Cora Daniels Davis end was a member of liberty United Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mit. BUtabeth Sj^ Davis; two aoni, Tenv Deui and Daniel Bugeae Davtt of the home; two sirieft, Mrs. LMt Brown of MoCksvflle. Rt. 4,andMrt.RuthSpeikiof Wlntton-Salem; and five brothers, Bverette and loe ttavis of Modcirille, Rt. 4, John Davis x,T MockivIUe, Rt. 2, Robert Davis of ModuvUle, and Marvin Davis of China Grove. Bio — Obituaries - 10/10/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Dtvle County Bnterplm-Record. October !0,1968-13 Aaron U. Jemea, 69 Punoral aervloes tor Aflton Urzeli Jemei, 69, of MocktviUe, Rt. 2, were held Wednesday afternoon at Eaton's Chapel. BurUI was In Rose Cemetery. Mr. Junes died Monday at the Davit Hospital In StatesvlUe. He was born in Davie County to John and Lola Ward James and was employed at Buck's Barbecue. He was a veteran of World War I. Surviving arc his wife, Mn. Ruby M. James; (wo dau^ucn, Mrs. Roger ^amberlaln of MocksvUle and Mrs. Lawrence Smith of Cootcemee; a son, Robert James of MocksvUle; three brothers; Cluence James of MocksvUle; OdeU James, Milton James of the Parmington section; two sisters: Mrs. Clauzelle Gregory and Mrs. Willie Howard of Advance,Rt. 1. Eugene R. Beauchamp, 64 Funeral services for Eugene Roosevelt Beauchamp, 64, of MocksvUle, Rt. 3, were held Wednesday afternoon at the Bixby Presbyterian Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Beauchamp died Monday at the Baptist Hospital from injuries received in an "auTDnroblle accMcmr He was born In DavIe County to the late Jerry and Lula Potts Beauchamp. He was a member of Bixby Presbyterian Church and an employee of Heritage Furniture Company of MocksvUle. Surviving are ids wife, Mrs. RuUi Robertson; a son, Earile R. Beauchamp of Gemmons; two daughters, Mrs. Tommie Cornatzer of Advance, Rt. 2 and Mrs. Tony Benge of CrccnviUe; a brother, Robert Beaucohamp of Winston-Salem; and four sisters, Mrs. Sallio Bcauclump and Mrs. Wiley WUllams of Advance and Mrs. W. V. KeUer and Mrs. Tony Howard of MocksvUle. Bio - Obituaries - 10/10/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA \ ^ fcS^'"' ~™ Sl®' S^®%° - 3ome ^inGbarlotfe, foiinerly of WinstA"* ^enij-^ -died - yesterday, at rPresftytei^-.fioa'pital, inI Charlotte..' A graveadh ''service "Will he at 10 a.m. today at Bose Cemetery.. . _ She was ..bom in Davie Coimty to Robert; and Cora Harkey |. Wilson. * * , } Surviving Is a \^ry Mrs. i I 5)E^®»M^ver «£^ miston-i • tiaiem. r-.-.u.i.,.. • ? The body is at- Eaton's ; Puneral Home./ fc «. .... , /& -(<s - / >Uf o. iU DAVIE CO. PUBUC QBRARY "iL MOCKSVttie. NC \ rs. c:t- wA ' * > O vr COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, October 16,1968 r Former Resident b Deoid IMS: * M. LTihmini•■Itefcery; tV* Bio - Obituaries - 10/16/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, October 16,1968 G. C. Swi T7f~: V Mrs. WHson, DoWe Notlve llOCBVntf - Mrs . Of Mocksville MOCBVEiLk - Gnrn Wf^HH VMQIHHSi m IK«». MMfcwar^^wijgwi^ It te Davto OMBtr Bi^SrH H* wm tan Nmt. 1^ ML to Dnpto Ctotoljr, Itol to^ tto tato Ctowo E «tal flka bgr Mm Bff. Gttat Bio - Obitiiaiies - 10/16/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 31,1968 - Page 1 lai KIM IfSkfitiin Claude Calvin IJamcSi 26, of the Bcoelownconununity,W8i shot and killed Friday night after an argument at the homo of another nun. Clement Howell, 64, also of the Booetown community, was dtarged with murder. The Davie County sherlfTs department said the ihooting occurred while IJames and Howell were fitting at Howeirs home. They said liamos ran from the house Into the yard and was diot udth al6«^uge shotgun. IJames was born in Davie County to Mr. and Mri Roosevelt IJames. He worked for the Hancs Corporation and was a number of the MolnsvUle AME Zion Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ola Mae Dulin IJames: a son, Michael T. IJames, and step* daughter. Debbie Dulin of the homo: five brothers, Billy IJames of Baltimore, Md., Thomas IJames of Winston*Salem and Donald, John A., and Frank N. IJames of Mocksville: two sisters. Mrs. Fay K. Sales and Mrs. Betty Naylor of Mocksville, Rt. 2. The body is at Morrison Studevent Funeral Home in Mocksville. sDivlt.tuMm ai. ROGER DALE COOK Funeral services for Ronr Dale Cook, 16, of Mocksville, Rt. 3. were held at 3 p.m. Saturday, October 26, at 'Turrentine Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. He died Thursday. October 24, at Baptist Hospital, Wlnston*Sal6m. after a long Qlness. He was born in Davie County to John A. and Mamie Louise Cook end was a member of Turrentine Baptist Churdt. He was a student at Cooloemee School. Surviving are his parents of the home: two sisters. Mrs. Bill E. Galther of Modtsville, Rt. 4, ai^ Miss Unda Cook of High Point: two brothers. Eugene and Robert Wayne Cook of the home; and hte gran^arents. Mr. and Mrs. &>l a>ok of Mocksville, Rt. 3, and Mrs. Minnie Masly of Willlomsport, Pa. MRS. DEXTER BYERLY Funeral services for Mrs. Ada Osborne Byerly. 49. of SIS Lindsay Street, High Point, were held at 2 p.m. Saturday, October 26. at Sedirost Chapel In High Point. Burial was In Floral Garden Park there. Mrs. Byerly. wife of M. 'Dexter Byerly, died Thursday morning after a brief illness. The Byeriys were former residents of Davie County. Mr. Byerly is employed by Heritage Pnmltitm fnmpnny. She was born in Guilford County to Fred A. and Addle Stanley Osborne and was a member of Crestwood Presbyterian Church. Surviving are her husband; a daughter. Miss Rita Jean Byerly of the home; a son, Larry Dexter Byerly of the homo; a brother, Stanley Osborne of Jacksonville, Fia; and two sisters. Mrs. Hubert Green of Higli Point and Mrs. Calvin KaupiTia of Florida. MRS. ERWIN ALLEN Mrs. Helen McDaniel Alien, 52, of 508 Meadowbrook Road, Salisbury, wife of Brvln Allen, Sr., and mother of Mrs. J. B. Spw, Jr. of Cooleemee, died Wednesday, October 23. at Rowan Memorial Hospital after a five month Illness. The funeral was held Friday, October 25, at 4 p. m. at Pflrfc Awnnim Mathndtet Church. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. She was born in Rowan County to Wflliom Thomas ond Nannie Plummer McDaniel and was a member of Park Avenue Methodist Church. SutviviM ore her huri)and: two sons, Brvln W. Allen, Jr. of Churchland, ond U. Norman^n Allen of Ft. Rucker, Ala.; three daughters,' Mifs. Spry of Cooleemee, Mrs. James E. Burton of L^gton and Mrs. William Raney of Faith; two brothers, Thomas J. McDaniel of Salisbury and Bill J. McDaniel of Minneapolis, Minn.; and a sister, Mrs. C. C. Jacobs of Orlando, Florida. Bio - Obituaries —10/31/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MRS. C. J.THOMPSON Funeial services for Mrs. Nancy Davit Thompson, 80, of JWjgw^Jt^JJarttasj^jj^ Vo., widow of Charlie J. Thompson, were held at 3 p.m. Friday, October 35, at Summersett Funeral Chapel, Saltsbury. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park at Salisbury. She died Tuesday, October 23, at Martlniville General Howltal. • she was born in Davidson County, N. C. to Phillip R. and Margaret Sowers Davis and was ll member of Wesley Memorial (Methodist Church. ^ Surviving are two daughters, 2rs. Mary Ruth Brandt of Wgeway, Rt. 3, and Mrs. Lois ^tes of Greensboro, N. C.; a John D. Thompson of . bury, N. C; four stepsons, jliam T. Thompson of tigh, N. C. James R. ..^pson of Winday Hill, S. CmBOd Charles F. and Paul J. ThQBipson of Salisbury: Two idsttfi, Mrs. Eunice Everhardt of iloeicsvdie, N. C., Rt. 4, MrfapMaggie Aaron of LexUrgton. N. C.; and a brotl^, William R. Davis of MooMle,N.C. MRS. CARL ADAMS Funeral services for Mrs. Annie May Swisher Adams, 63, of HamptonvQle, Rt. 1, were held Monday, October 28, at Kanes Grove Methodist Church near HamptonvtUe. Burial was in the dturch cemetery. She died Saturday at B aHospital tn Winston*Salem. She was born In Ysdkin County to Francis and Nellie Mathls Swisher. She was a member of Hanes Grove Methodist Church. Surviving are her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Sherrill Peele of Hamptonvdle; a son, Johnny Adains of HainptonvlUe; four sisters, Mrs. Ray Hayes of Winston-Satem, Mn. Clyde Hobson and Mrs. Glenn Brandon of Mocksvilte; and four brothers, ArvU and Claude Swisher of Winston«Salem. John Swisher of Cycle and Jesse Swisher of HamptonvQle. B.L. WALLACE Beasley Lucas Wallace of China Grove, father of Mrs. R. L Lyerly and Mrs. J. L Foster of MocksviUe, died at his residence Saturday, October 26 after an extended iQness. Funeral services were conducted Monday at 4 o*clock in the First Methodist Church with the Rev. 0. L. Hancock officiating. Burial was in Gteenlawn cemetery. Mr. Wallace was bom in Rowan Lditniy 6H July Ir 1884, son of the late John Robertson and Mary Overcash Wallace. He was educated in the county sdiools and was employed In the carpenter shrv of (hmnon MQls Plant No. 8 until his rettrermnt. He was a member of the First Methodist Church and the POSofA. .He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ada Nance Wallaee of the home; two sons, Melvin L. and ^ph Wallace, both of China Grove; four dau^ters, Mrs. C. A. Youngand Mrs. G. E. Cress, both of China Grove and Mrs. Lyerly and Mrs. Foster, both ^ MocfcsvQle; one brother. hloyd Wallace ol China Grove; one sister, Mrs. Bertha Sechlcr of auna Orovevono h8ir*stster, Mrs. Rose Freeman of BUoxi, Miss.; one step-ststcr, Mrs. Hannah Earnhardt of Rt. 7, Salisbury; seven grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries -10/31/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 0--DMit OcKinty Bntwpfln Rfeorct Ootobir 81* 1M8 >1ISS SUSAN HILL MI« Suian Emma HIU, 94. of Rt. 2, Advance, died Saturday in the Pran*Ray Rest Home. Funeral services were conducfed" Monday' October 28th, at 2 o'clock In the Eaton Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Roy Young. Burial was in Wesley Chapel Methodist Church cemetery. Miss'Hill was born September 2d, 1874, In Davie County, daughter of the late William and NeUie HEl. She U survived by one sister, Mrs. Mary HiU Munday of Rt. 2, Advance and she had made her home for the past 20 years' with a nephew, Plr^d Munday. Bio - Obituaries - 10/31/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, November 6,1968 Miss G>inbs, 31 Of Mocksvfile Koawiixe - Miw IrcM GmbIm. 31. of Rt. 3. ModUvflle. M IfaDday at •:« pjR. at the BaptM Hoapttal m Wiaaten-Ralem. She hadnoni •eri«M^ in far tbrae wcaki. Bora ASi. 7. Itr. io IredeO County. Ae waa the dangMer of Ueyd R. and Gertha Smilh Combe of Rt. 5. MocAsviUe She waa a mnabcr of Need- mere Baptiat Cfaurcli Also MBvivrng arc thfci* brothers. Lloyd Cttotoa ConiiM of Wtndoa Ralem. Walter Ray- nand of dwietle Ho^ W. (Mm of UodweiUc; and two sistm. Mrs. Venioo onnhaat of KaoftaMh and Mrs. Fhneral aervket will be eoo- docted Wfldaaato at s p.m. at Nfedmera PaAt OmmA by tha Rav. Widt H. Jam. BMNar, and Rna. Bnseae Oaadnan. Bnrial nIBba at the Bio — Obituaries —11/6/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 2 Davis OQunty Entirprite Rsoofd, Novtmbsr 7. 1968 Miss Combs, 31, Of Mocksvilie HOCKSVIUS - Utat RUk Ireno CDmte, 3i. of Ri. s. MoekivUieidlM Moadiv ai b:ss p.m. at tbo Bqnist Honiltai in Wliutoii'Satein. 6ho bad bean lerlouily 111 for (brao nveki. Bom Aug. 7. {«37. la iredeU OooRly. ihe woo tbe daojbitr of R. and Ceriba Smlih Combi of Rl. S.. Modtaville. Sbe waa a member of Need* more Baptlit Chttrob. Alie eiirvi\ing are ibree brotben. Ueyd CUntoa Combe of WlatfofbSalem. Waber Ray* nood Comba of Charlotte. Keyle W. Combs of Moeki\'Ilte: ni two ileteri. Urs. Veritoo Sbseral servteea Hill be coa- daelM We^etday at 3 p m at Bara ChurcQ by the Rev. WtteH. Jareee.■paatori and the Rev. Rugeae Roodman. will be at the cmtieh cemetery. 4-Mi-OMii Oounty 6ntafprlii Raeord, Novambw 7, im MRS. F.L. MUCK Mrs. P. L. Mode, 85, ofRoute 3, Lexington, Reeds community, died at 12:25 am Monday in Lexington Memorial Hospital after an iHncsi of six weeks. She was Iram in Davidson county April S, 1883 to Alexander and Jane Pink Zimmerman. Iter hudrand died January 25,1963. Mrs. Moot was a mendier of Reeds Methodist Church andan honorary member of theR^CS, Smfor Citizen*s Club, Fir and PoUage Garden Club and a former school teacher. Survivors are: onedau[^ler, Mrs. Homer Craver of Rmite 3, Lexington; three sons, Frank L. Mock, Jr. of Kinston, Harry Z. Mode of Route 3. Lexington, Dr. Carlton Mode of Lexkigton;twelve grandchildren and twelve gteatograndchildren. Funeral servlee was hddTucsd^ at Ree^ Methodist Church with the Rev. David E.Hubbard oRldating. Burial was in the Church Cemetery. MRS. GEORGE CLOVER Funeral services for Mrs. George H. Clover, 73, of 154 Flnl^ Park, Lenoir, a Davie County native, were hdd at 4Bm. Thursday, October 31, at udson Methodist Chutdi, Caldwen County, by the Rev. F. A. Wf^t. Buifal was in the Hicfcman Cemetery, Hudson. She died Tuesday, October 29, at her home. She was bom Feb. 8,1895, the dau^ter of tbe late Charles Jefferson and Ellen Lode Click. She was an active member of Hudson Methodist Church andpresident of a Sunday School class at the church. Her hudrand, George H. Ciover,diedin 1957. Surviving are a son, George S. Glover of Lenoir: two sisters, Miu Sadie Qidc and Miss Ellen Clide, both of Woodleaf; three brothers, Eddie Click of Gevdsnd,Dudl^ Clidc of Norman Park, Ga., and Orion Click of Woodleaf; and one grandddld. Bio - Obituaries -11/7/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA 5—Davtc Gouitly liitlcftirim Itomit NwvemlNHr 14, l9fiU T. 1. Poindcxtcr. 74 Funeral services for Thomas (Hy) Iram Polndexter, 74, of MocksvUIe, Rt. 5. were held Sunday afternoon at the HuntsvUle Baptlsi Church with Masonic rites. Burial was in the ^urdi cemetery. Mr. Poindcxter died Friday of natural causes on his way to the Lula Conrad Hoots Memorial Hospital. He was bom in Yadkin County to Thomas and Bettie Long Poindextcr and was a member of Huntsville Baptist Church. He was a farmer. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Plumer Norman Poindexter: a son, Thomas H. Poindexter Jr. of MocksvUIe, Rt. 5; two daughters, Miss Cathleen . P.aindexter ,pT Boca Raton, IHa., and Mrs. Peggy Steelman of MocksvUIe, Rt 5; two brothers, John S. Poindexter of East Bend. Rt. 2, and Prank D. Poindexter of Mocksvltle, Rt. S; and two sisters, Mrs. Edna Martin of East Bend, Rt. 2 and Mrs. Ruth Townsend of Society Hill, S. C. Harold G. James, 40 Funeral services for Harold Gray James of MocksvUIe Rt. 3 were held Tuesday at the Turrentine Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. James died Sunday of natural causes. He was born in Davie County to Carl and Emily Spry James. He was a brickmason. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Dorcas Alexander James; two sons. Steven Gray and Michael Keith James of the home; three daughters. Janice, Ann, and Gay James of the home; his father and mother of ModcsviUe, Rt. 4; five brotiiers, E. M., Jesse, Charles, and Carol James of ModisvUle, Rt. 4, Gene James of MocksvUIe, Rt. 3; and two sisters, Mrs. Tommy F. Lagle of Moclcsville, Rt. 3. and Miss Shirley James of ModcsvUIe, Rt. 4. Gary L Freedle Funeral services for Gary Leroy Freedle, 13, of Advance. Rt. I, were held Saturday. November 9, at Yadkin Valley Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. He died Frida> at Burner Hospital after a long iUness. He was born in Davidson County to Leroy and Sarah Smith Freedle. Surviviiig are the parents of Advance, Rt. I; two sisters. Misses Tamra and Debra Freedle of the home; and his grandmothr,. .it's. Pearl Smith Adv^ .^c. Rt. I; Bio - Obituaries — 11/14/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, November 20,1968 Bill Willloms, Mocksville MOCKSvaU - WXaam W«nai (mO) wmuDMj of Itodttvffle dtod imttpectedly il 1:SB p.m. Ffito lb WBS bora in Divto Coui^ Oet 9, 1989. to Uie late T. Weiky and raenee Battrtte wnUaflBB. Be WM a aaleaman for Ftoebes MMor Co. and a meitfMr of the FM ViSM MOIboM ChBic^ Moekavflb Haioale Lodae fio. IM. and ai veteraa of Woild War n. BDndvoio fotfode ^ the toraer Wgam MiMni ta; J. M.Li Of Mocksrille wtaamx - i ilMrviaea wofo ca» »» iOB of the «wj wvi a nmeu g#Wi. BMOWV VVllMMI BpHIB ' ^ -- ^ wi I \ nt Stoqr Hall Of MocksHlle MOOBVIUUB - Staey Barinfr M, A of OS WlMBBiOtDIK.,jaiHHHl 01MB leSJ^JSiS^iSiHwuwy BtfpB at ini' pana Be «f teHle B. inSi UiM BtiDo* HMBL Hi W* - a " " ~«iMialer'ot One midittliMR * " bralheq.^ 1. Bdl aru- IMS Afeta no. nd BMi mB HM. iQiif CtaMsillijUbMM -md Ms.' IMcy -MMhIS^ Newton Groves Bio - Obituaries - 11/20/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 'fl55ffBav!^Wunl^Tnter5fli^fiee5rS^ovelRb6r2i7T555' STACY B. HALL Funeral services Tor Star^ Buckner Hell, 68, or 515 Witkesbc-o Street, Mocksvllte, were conducted at 2 o. m. Wednesday, November 20, at Eaton*s Chapd. Rev. Fred Barnes of tenoir, formerBaster of First Baptist Church, locksvllle, ofnclated at the serdccs. Burial was In Rose Cemeteiy. He died Monday night at Davic County Ho^ltal. He was bom In Cumberland County to R. L and Rachel Bullard Hall and was a member of First Baptist Church. He was a pharmacist and president of Hall Drug Co. In MocksvOle, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Vera Godwin Hall; a son, Robert B. 1^11 of MocksvUle; two brothers, R. L Hall of Stedman and Jack 0. Hall of Norfolk, Va.; and four sisters, Misses Mae and Alpha Hall and Mrs. Alice Hair of Cumberland County and Mrs. Percy Maxwell of Newton Grove; arm 3 mndchUdren, Hople, Budc and StaQT Hall of Modcsville. (ktuhty Hwtcrttrlxe Hcctird, Nuv«tnlicf2l, I96B J.M. UVENGOOD.73 Funeral services for James Milton Livengood, 73, of Fork were held Monday afternoon at Eaton^s Chapel. Burial was In the Fork Baptist Church Cemetery. Mr. Livengood was bom In Davie County to the late James and Ann Jarvis Livengood. He operated a general store at Fork and was active in all phases of civic life of that conununlty. A Democrat, he was active in the political life of that party. Surviving are his wife, Annie Foster Livengood; two dau^tors, Mrs. Treva Spillman of Mocksvillo, R(. 3 and Miss Nell Livengood of Atlanta, Ga^ a brother, Ernest Livengood of Advance, Rt. 2: and a sister, Mrs. Emma Williams of Trinity. BILL WILLIAMS, 48 William Warren (Bill) Williams, 48, of Mocksville died unexpectedly at 1:30 p. m. Friday. He was born in DavIe County, October 5, 1920, to the late T. Wesley and Florence Bassette Williams. He was a salesman for Furches Motor Co. and a member of the First United Methodist Church, Mocksville Masonic Lodm No. 134, and a veteran of Worid War II. Survivors Include his wife, the former Boaulah Andrews; two brothers, Lawrence Williams of Rt. 3, Mocksville and Roy Williams of Miami, Fla. Funeral services were conducted Sunday at Eatmi's Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Gilbert Miller. Burial was In Rose Cemetery with masonic rites. Bio - Obituaries -11/21/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA att^riavtc (Muhty Kiilcrt>rlnD licwrd, Nuvcmhcf 21, I96tt E. J.HOWARD. 55 Evorette J. Howard, 55, or Rnonville, Rl. 2, budding code administrator Tor Yadkin County, died at home at 10 p. m. Friday. Death was attributed to a heart attack. He had been III recently but death was unexpected. Mr. Howard had been building code administrator Tor Tour years. Before that he had been a building contractor and a farmer. He was born In Davie County to Henry A. and Mollie Rouse Howard. He was a member of Mitchell Chapel Methodist Church, The American Legion and the Sortoma Club. He was president of the Yadkin County Countiy Club. Mr. Howaro was a veteran of World War II. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Linnjc Cosstevcns Howard: one brother, H. Z. Howard of Salisbury; three sisters, Mrs. Tliurman Edwards and Mrs. Louise Henry of Winston*Satcm and Mrs. Eva Talbcrt of Lexington. The funeral was conducted Sun^y at the Mitchell Chapel Church by the Rev. Darrell Parrls and the Rev. H. D. Garmon. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -11/21/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Tuesday, November 26,1968 Jerry Hu$ser Dies; Ex-Athletic Star, Football Official MOCKSVILLE - Gerard Kenneth (Jerry) Husser, 61, vt Advance, Rt. 2, alUime athlete of Catawfoa College, died at 5:30 p.m. Sunda)^* ^ home. Death was unexpected, resulting from a heart attack. Bom Sept. 26, 1907, be was the son of Amok! and Ridde Uoger Husser of RockviUe (Center, N. Y. He entmd CatawtM Ck>Uege in 1930 and after being named to the All- New England football team and AH-Long Island basketball team in hi^ school. \ After enrcdling at Catawba, be bad a brahani athletie career. He was one of the few Catawba athletes who has iver won letters in major sports. After kaving Catawba, be began farming near Advaaoe in Davle County. However, be did not lose his hdereit in sports. He served as a basket ball trwrfhall fOT V yean lor bstti high sehaol md Atlantk OMSt CaetoMMe Banwaa of ttti tad aids work, ha pnbaUy waa familiar with more eoilMi campaasa than anyoBs in thm ana. A few yean ago be retuiueo to coUe^ and received his degree in 1965. Since ttiat time be has taught acbool in Maryland. Simvm include his wife, tbe former FH«*h**h Hendrix; two sons, Gerard Hnsser Jr. of Pa., and Arnold Husser of Fensacbia, Fla.; cos dangbter, Mn. Martha KMe Koolos of Copiague, N. Y.; bis mother, Mn. RuMe Husser of Flainfield, N. Y.; one sister, Mn. Gladys Voodron of New York; three brothers, Leny noser of Fraokbi Sqnan, N. Y., Sheldon Haner of Ooeanshls, N. Y., and Dr. Horaee Honor of SsHnas, CsBf. the body is M EMoa Fansnl Home pending ftmml ar- raagements. Henry 0. Cople, 80, Of Rt. 7 Hennr OIUs Csple. 80, of SaMmy. Bt 7, &d M 10:10 pA Sunday at Rowan Msmwpla! Heaphat He had been In ilifllBing be^ for several Bs was bum in firfrfland CoMty ta the late Daniel and Ogile. ^ ghrmomg an one brother, Bnsif Cimnaf Coslsetnss; one iMmr. iSbT Haa Mdnhrra. of Bio - Obituaries -11/26/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Tuesday, November 26,1968 Sloon Shoemaker, 43, Mocksville u/xassnus - awBMter, a. flf Sdttniyaiw» TO ^ «i ft u pjB. SMtariw at Da«ia CTOy Bui<td. TO a» jSroily^wd ly « bmt A- tttdc. Bom ia beddl Cnm^ Ana 11. IW. be vas tbe soo oi 11^ Bi^ Shoiinilriffrof tandis wTSd lite W. B. Sioemaker. ^ Survlvore fadade his wif^ the imosr Catbotoe Bfoaovay Barn^; tm 8ta»>ddlteen, Iffs, Drfesa Lefler el ViD^ Satan, Bt 9, and B^bad Barnette of Bio^svflle, Bt* 5; four grandtehildrai; thro abnitaen. Geoge awmute of Masbnm. Pa.. Hnbert Ffoerai anviees aro of uiidis, Bictaid at s PA nnwap at Siosiistey oE Qiliia CbroVB, two' ifaiop CPttpd ittdted ItotfiDdMit Bin. Eva Stevnt of OaoaltMlil Was in tbe f.ofidfa and Hbs Bottia ^mch eabdeiy# Tbe Bev. Carl of GdUbbao; end offlftte Ite b^ fate irniHwy, Hib. Bade miBi ia te home Sat. Sbmatar of Landbv. mondbg at 10 ondock. Bio - Obituaries -11/26/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA e*—Divi* County EnttrpHn (tHord, Nevembw 28, 1968 ^ j GERARD K. (JERRY) HUSSER Gerard Kenneth (Jerry) Husser, 61, of Advance, Rt. 2, alMime great athlete of Catawba College, died at 5:30 p. m. Sunday at his home. Death was unexpected, resulting from a heart attack. Bom September 26, 1907, he was the son of Arnold and Ruble Ungor Husser of RockviJJe Center, N. Y. He entered Catawba College in 1930 and after being named to the All'Ncw England football team and AlI'Long Island basketball team in hiur school. After enrolling at Catawba, he had a brilliant athletic career. He was one of the few Catawba athletes who has ever won letters in major sports. Ahcr leaving Catawba, he began farming near Advance in Davic County. However, he did not lose interest in sports. He served as a basketball and football ofTtcial for 30 years for both hi^ school and Atlantic Coast Conference pmes. Because of this outdde work, he probably wss familiar with more coH^c campuses than anyone In this area. A few years ago he returned to college and received his degree in 1965. Since that time he has taught school in Maryland. Survivors Included his wife, the former Elizabeth Hendrix: two sons, Gerard Huiscr Jr. of Lttltz, Pa., and Arnold Husser of Pensacola, Fla.; one daughter, Mrs. Martha Kate Kontos of Copiame, N. V.;his mother, Mrs. Ruoio Husser of nainfield, N. Y.; one sister, Mn. Gladys Vondron of New York; three brothers, Lerov Husser of Franklin Square, N. Y., Sheldon Husser of Occansldc, N. Y., and Dr. Horace Husser of Salinas, California. SLOAN SHUMAKBR Sloan Shumaker, 43, of Salisbury Street, Mocks^Ue, died enroute to Davie County Homital, Sunday. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Union Chapel United Methodist Church. Burial was in the ^urch cemetery. He was bom in Iredell County to the late W. B. and Essie Rufty Shumaker. He was an employee of Ingersoll Rand in Mo^sviOe. Surviving are his wife, Catherine Broadway Shumaker; and a stepdau^ter, Mrs. Drcisa Lcflcr of Wlnston<Salem; a stepson, Mi^ael Bamett of MocksvUlc, Rt. 5; three brothers, Geor^ Shum^er of Johnstcsvn, Pa., Hubert Shumaker of L^db and Richard Shumaker of China Grove; and two sisters, Mrs. Eva Stewart of Landis and Miss Bertha Shumaker of Goldsboio. Bio - Obituaries - 11/28/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA SALISBURY POST, November 29,1968 • s mestreem i. MOCKSVILEiE ■'•^iSainuerStoriestreet,'?, 83; i. idf.died-; Thuiisday. at ZJjy^/Haven; f He was bom iny!Davi6 Codiify.: i March. 10,' 1885 b:> Hie 'Brazton 'i aiid Martha yWhife Stonestreet.i :He is Survive;by,'a'fost^'I daughter,'Mrs.eraldine;I Sheek; ;^?:two r brothers/^ M.*/ B., 'P of Mocksvillei r.and, G. * W., of I Winston-Salm.! funeral, w^ be Satui^y! at 2 b.m. ':at *Ea^Q'e; diapd. with the Rev. J. W. ^el in': i ;char:ge. Burial iwiU be in Rose. I cemetenr.,^.- :i; The' family will be Vat Hie *; ! funeral home .'tonight' from 7 ^ ■' to ■ '^ L - _■ . _ WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, November 29,1968 "to theVlateVBraxton/apd Mar^aj TJahe "^te Stonestr ette V H^.was 'Surv|ymg>^are f4^ ;• f p st, e r] brothersi^'^Mi^Bv^^ Stohestr ette'' of,M t" Stonesfr alem- Vr. Bio - Obituaries -11/29/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM Journal, November 30,1968 -funeral "^y for^* SiamuiBT^ 6 o e - Stones treet^ 3^£-i /MbcksviHe . >31 be.:at 2>.m^tba^Vrt 'ton's ciiap^l.:,BiW iu d Thursday Bio - Obituaries - 11/30/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA n Pub^'r" I 'I- Cc JM^s^lKopelia Hunt :Sn - ■^^■•^- ^,.-: <..r.\-.:5';^-iarOteVILLE-c ~ WStiss^Kopelia Theresa, Hunt;"?75,of'Mocksville ,^,ie^, ySsterday-v at' •D^yie j "County . Hospital..-, v Thefui^rart^will! he. -at 2* .p.m.Monday;" at^ Eaton's 1 Chapel.' Burial be ^in •■Rose Cemetery. . She was born in Davie County' to Ernest .and; Ida Rose-Hunt and was a member'.of First United Methodist Church. She was a retired registered nurse. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Alberta' ; Lasley' of Lewisville,'.: and Mrs. " I d:a Christian and Mrs. M a r y Graves of Mocksville; and two brothers, Ernest E. Hunt, .ofMocksville and C. H. Hu^^of Columbus, Ohio. !( - '3^ Miss Hunt, Mocksvillel "^-MOCKSV-ILLEr^^ MissKppelia T^eresa-^Hunt, 75, of .^MbcksviUe '-died'^yesterday at'; 'Davie/.Coun^ ' Ho^taL ' The ;funeral will be at 2 p.m. Monday at'Eaton's Chapel. Burial .will be=in Rose Cemetery; '; The;'Rev: .Gilbert Millflr and •j the Rev. Carl Lain wilI..offidate • at the service. ' " '"'.. The family will be' at' theEaton Funeral Home Sunday night from 7 until 9 o'clock.She was born in Da'vie County to Ernest and* Ida Rose Hunt i "and was a member of First' United, Methodist Church; She' was a re tired- registered nurse..Surviving are three sisters,Mrs: ,. Alberta . Lasley of Lewisville, and Mrs. Ida Chris- itian and Mrs.,Mary Graves of]Mocksville;. and two' brothers,1Ernest E. Hunt of.'MocksviJIeiand C, H. Hunt of Columbus;' Ohio. >5; vS i-i' ^ A u- IT- y c \( -^ '3 o - / ? G N DAVIc• LIcftAFvY MOCKSVILLE, NC m c WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL AND SENTINEL, 12/1/1968 Miss Mary E. Lee SIOCKSVILLE — MUi Marr' EIi£ab«tb Lee. IM. of (he: hielhodist llonie tn CharloU:, i died yesterdiy at W e a I e y' Ccfller (here. The funeral will I . . # ^ United Methodiit Church here. I Burial will be la Rose! Cetneierj-. j She waf bom la Columbia. ;s..c. to the Rev. Wllliara D, and Elmira Oxaer Lee. She war a retired fchpoltearher. I SurvirinK U a lijter, Mrj. • Alice Lee McDoa^ald of the|blc(hodisl llofiie.it' <• f<)LC | h"a . >. i \ '7 SALISBURY POST, 12/1/1968 Services Sel For Miss Lee MOCKSVILLE — Miss Mary^ubefh Lec died yesterday In • ttesSey Cwter in the Methodist Ifeme in CharloUe on her KKHh hblnday. PtinerM tvrvices will be con- Ol 10 oVlnck in Melhodlsthere with (he Rw. Gil- Miller and the Rev. T. SiWfm^ officiating. Buriai it t cemetery and daugMer ©f (he late Rev. Wil- ^ D. and Ebnlfa Oxner L«. Bio - Obituaries - 12/1/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA mmmmrnii,,, i msmm «%%s5v>»S !SS*S,S'.£-S4 • Jimmie and of .^aptist Oiiirch^^ /Meadows one brother and' ' ' -'■■'■ -.i pcsr '^-i - nc.<f DlWit 0, PUBLIC UB?v(\RY. MOCKSWUe. JVC ^DRNAt AND SeNTO^^ ' ^■MOCKSyrLLE,—^ |Mrs.^HazeiGr9ce,:- Sheek, ^48/of tAdyance;5was - dead .of naturaicauses yesterday wheD taken to"Davie County HospitaL The fu-^ill be at 3 p.m. Monday! " 'Green ,-Meadows--^Baptist;£^""h. : Bunal wm be in Yad-i>lan^Vaney?Bdptist CBiirch ceme-|.tery m the YadlyiriVaney .com^ imumty, : y--.! - She, was born in Davie'Cbunty' to Jimmie and Emmaiine Cran-field Groce. She was a^member-Of • Green -Meadows - Baptist Church. • /Surviving are her husbandp n? Groceof Mocksville, Rt. 5. >;■ iThe body. U at Eaton FunW: liome.. 6^ crwvv^ - i ■ 1 - I ? COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, December 4,1968 forawr Iknrie Grnimiiiiotter EdPiiblicaii 4 Mr tmn «t a OB- BnHlQMr # ftWI IMFb ttHL t» tlVD Mm flram litt to toMl'Hi wm a iaim affto OntoCtaBto Bond #Bd tta toouljf Itond. Bd to tor iwl totote aod ivfltol i cf Itento ItoM nOfllH toStoBittto fflto SBrvMiB ai6 Idi irtto Mn* Idta iftolpr Qnobi a aiKBr.llBi.MkW. . ofaBBiDto at S; a toeflhr, Mak lib pBto at WUatoiv sbm; ajIMjaB. Ma J. AM eltoitosauk at 4; aaltwo hxFlSn m Jeaes fli ItoalflgleB anf I liinMMBi* Healli Cloims Mrs. Sheek laxsaaQUto ^ law. sod Ml Bio - Obituaries -12/4/1968 at«. -Miss Hunt, Mockifillu ~ ~ i MOCKSvi^IiB ~ wib Iftprili Ihmtt Bapt 18b ol MNknlllo Md ' at aaito Oonflil^ BoiffSP',' to Brant aad Ut Bon Hoot ad «n a note ot fM PMled Mol»git qtedt a> engi*ied Hghlned aBraa "^Ot; and Ind >*"^7 _ B. BkHt «l IbdS^ ora a ant <t OnhnBa^ oXds* Mrs.< Of Duvie Moatwnia - Mw. dder Ctoafler itogr. M offMMgfflaJto jt A to 5 OA IMiqr to KM MMto Bm oBtr CMna Qravw. Stm was bom to anktahOooBtotoJtotort aaTSSny AmBonew Mad. 8a was a ' n IM ""Ss?AS*"* _^j:fssa.\/s UnLcSmlhS^ DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, December 4,1968 Killed In Wreck At N. Gwleemee Mn. Sheiiiiig, Mllfoni Hiib mt M* H HMd vllb nkiB ted atdt teM telM tec sMniidi* Bio — Obituaries —12/4/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 5,1968 - Page IB Apoitto or liic lnillans,'wiifou^nd in Indian B; ^ not real Trom your labori U; now?' asked a friend, "Bcciure", replied the venerable man. "1 have B^nT prayed lo God to render me useful In my sphere, and ho <:^H9 lins heord my prayers; for eflH now thai I can no longer preach, ho leaves me strength enougli lo leech this poor the alphabet" "^hut appeared lo me theghilosophy or John Millet roco, 73. who spent his life serving (ho needs of others. For more than 50 years In the real estate and rental business in Winston-Salem he served the needs of others Irr the field of housing and shelter. For el^ti years iie served the people of Davle County es a member of the board of counimlssoncrs 1948 • 1956; and then he svas appointed to serve two years of an unexplrcd term as commissioner from 1962 lo 1964. For Q number of years after being commissioner, he continued to serve the county as an oppcaisor of property for taxes, a vital role although not always the most popular role. Always a faithful Republican, he worked for hia party in most every capacity and was o candidate for the State House of Representatives in I960, Me was o member of the Davle County Library Hoard during ihejMricd that saw this InstilutJon ^ow and acquire the magnificent facOltles thoy now enjoy on North Main Street. He was a leader in the Smith Grove Methodist Church, serving as clulrman of the building commlltee and Sunday School superintendent. He was a member of the Formingion Masonic Lodge. Mr. uroce died last Friday at the Daptlsl Hospital in WinstomSalem following several montns of deciiitlng Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Smith Grove Methodist Church. Burial was in tho church cemetery. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Gladys Naylor Grocc; a daughter, Mrs. Jack Paige of Mocksvillo Rt. 3; o brother, Frank L. Groce of Winston-Salem; o sister, Mrs, John J. Allen of MocksvUle Rl. 4; end two half-sislcri, Mrs. Hal James of Pirmlngton and Mrs, Sarah Ellis of Nebraska. To the very end, and as much as his phy^cal condition would idinll, John M. Groce remained true lo llie philosophy of Elllol lo be useful In every manner and mode tiut he could. And even In death this usefulness was perpetuated by his family requesting that any memotislt bo made lo the Smith Grove Methodist Church. Gooleemee Man Killed In Accident A Coolecmee man was killed when his convertible, skidding sideways, alammed broaddde into the front of an oncoming car Thursday night. November 28, on N. C. Hi^vvay 801. rlighway Patrolman R. L. Beone identified him as James Gordon HelJatd, 36, of Watts Street, Cooieemee, who died about I a.m. Friday In Baptist Hospital, Winsion-Salero. Patrolman Deane uid that Hellaid was driving a 1966 Oldsmobile convertible west on N. C. 801 when he tost control of tlte vehicle In i curve. The convertible began akidding sideways and ran broadside into an oncoming 1964 Buick driven by Garlano Herman Knox of Winston-Salem. Patrolman Beane said that Knox apparently observed the oncoming vehicle skidding toward him, attd had almost slopped his car when (he collision occurred about 8 pjn. Knox was rtol Injured. Point of Irhpact on (he convertible was right at (he driver's door. The convertible was demolished. Damage Incurred to the Knox car was estimated at S800 lo the front and laft tide. Funeral services were conducted Sundiy at 2 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Chapel uy the Rev. E. M. James. Burial was In Rowan Memorial Park. Born In Davle County August 9,1932, he was the ion of Glenn and Stella Tiulovc Hellard. He was a veteran. Survivors. In addition to his parents, Include two daudttets, Stella Ann and Nadlne Hellard of the home; one son, Jomei Hellard of Caliromia; one brother, Doneld Heliard of Cooieemee; two sisters, Mrs. Arnold Anderson of MocksvUle and Miss Mickey HcUerd of the hone. Bio - Obituaries - 12/5/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4B ---l)avIc Coirnly liiUcrpHic Record, l>ccenibct S. I96H SAM STONUSTRl-liT Funeral Services for Sumcul Coc Stuncstrcct, 83, of Mocksvillc, were hold Saturday, Nnvcmbcr 30, at 2 p.m. a( Eaton's Cliapcl wilb th6 Rev. J. W. Angcli in charge. Burial rullowetl in Rose Cemetery. lie died Thursday at Lynn Hoven Nursing Home. He was born in Davlc County March 10, 1885 to the Braxton and Martha White Stoncstfcci. Me is survived by a foster daughter, Mrs. Gcraldine Sheck; two brothers, M. B., of Mocksvillc, and G. W., of W{nstun*Satcm. MISS KOI'ELIAHUNT Funeral services for Miss Kopclia Theresa Hunt, 75, of Mocksvillc, were-held Monday, December 2, at 2 p.m. at Eaton's Chapel. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. Miss Hunt died Saturday at Davic County Hospital. She was born In Davic County lu Ernest and Ida Rose Hunt and was a member of First United Methodist Church. She was a retired registered nurse. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Alberta Laslcy of Lcwsivillc, and Mrs. Ida Christian and Mrs. Mary Graves of Mocksvillc; and two brothers, Ernest B. Hunt of Mocksvillc and C. H. Hunt of Columbus, Ohio. MRS. HAZEL SliEBK Funeral services for Mrs. Hay.cl Crocc Sheck, 48, of Advance, Rt. I, were held Monday at 3 p.m. at Green Meadows Baptist Church; Burial was in Yadkin Valley Church Cemetery. She died Saturday. She was born In Davic County to Jimmlc and Emmaline Cranficld Grocc. She .was a member of Green Meadows Baptist Church. Surviving arc her husband; and a brntlier, Clayton Grocc of Mocksvillc, Rt. 5. MISS MARY LEE, 100 Miss Mary Blizabclh Lcc, ogc 100, died at the Wesley Center in Charlotte last Saturday morning. Funcrol services were held Monday morning at the First United Methodist Churcli of Mocksvillc. Burial was in the family plot In Rose Cemetery. Miss Lcc was the daughter of the Rev, Wiillum D. Lcc, M. D. and Elmira Oxncr and was born in Columbia, S. C., Nov. 30. 1868. She graduated at Columbia College, and vras valedictorian and poet of her class. Her father later moved to North Carolina where she spent the greater part of her life teaching English, French and Spanish in high schools. She also tauglit music and was active in Methodist church work. She lived in Mocksvillc with her sisters, Miss Alice Lcc und the laic Miss Bcrttha Lee until entering the Methodist Hume in Charlotte in the fall of 1947. She was one of the first persons to come into the mcmhcrsliip of the home. During her twenty years there she has been a friend and help to many others as Ihcy joined the Home family. Surviving Is her sister, Mrs. Alice Lcc McDougIc, of (he Methodist Home in Chartollc. Bio - Obituaries - 12/5/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4B—DjivIc Cuunly UiHorprlsc Record, Deccmbcf 5. 1968 HARRY LEE BRYANT I'uncral services for Harry Lcc Bryant, native of Mocksville were conducted Sunday, November 24, at I p.m. at Saint Mark A. M. E. Zion Cliurch In Durham. Rev. L. A. Miller ofriclated. Interment followed in Beechwood cemetery. He died Wednesday, November 21, at Lincoln Hospital after an extended period of illness. Mr. Bryant, principal of Highland Junior High Scnool in Durham, was bom March 24, 1919 at Mocksville, son of Mrs. Mary Bryant and the late George A. Bryant'of Mocksville. He attended public schools here and later received his B. S. degree in Elementary Education ot FayettevUle State Teachers Collet; his A. B. degree in Engllidi and Social Studies and the M. A. degree in Education at North Carolina College In Durham. Prior to his tenure of duty with the Durham County School system in 1962, he worked in Moore County Sdiools, serving as principal of Berkley Hi^ School in Aberdeen for 14 years. He served as principal of Lokeview Elementary School in Durham, assistant principal of Merrlck>Moore High and later assumed duties at Hi^Iand. Prior to his residence in Durham, ho was a past¥ resident of the Moore County eachers Association, the Moore County School Masters Club, and was a Sunday School teacher and Elder in me Faith Presbyterian Church of Aberdeen. In Durham, Mr. Bryant was a member of the Covenant Presbyterian Church, also active in the reli^ous activities of the School rasters Club, president of the Durham County Teachers Association until his illness, the National Education Association and the North Carolina Teachers Association. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Waia Coward Bryant; one daughter, Mona Maria of the hone; hte mother, Mrs. Mary Bryant of Mocksville; 3 brothers, George C. Bryant and James W. Bryant of Brooklyn, New York, and John C. Bryant of Mocksville; 2 sisters, Mrs. Helen Francis of Brooklyn and Mrs. Bessie V. Newsome of Mocksville; 2 nieces, Odessa. Newsome of Mocks^tle and Ylonda Bryant of Brooklyn; 2 nephews, Stedman Newsome of Mocksville and Marcus Bryant of Oakland, CaliforrUa, and a number of other relatives. Bio - Obituaries -12/5/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA SALISBURY POST, 12/6/1968 BfOCb8Vill& Cbira.->rFirst United '"Sdrvlvmtf-ni uttcs cnid 4 "{SEdhliiiid)'' L— - Bfoc&svQIe:. twbV^M^'t. -.Mfs. I'Afana- Sdesr feed >Mtsl:"Bena'' wardloEBaafe'Ewai^'ir r-'' "r iFosfflnd snrjdces ^HI-do coa^ dictaf- SatnM^'ar 2>;p;in; I Baton's Chapelr'te* ' Gilbert BQtterrBinial will be In-Rose CamebSiVi-TteJtonify m be at -tte Etowal toe ftnm 7 nntil'S o'clodc toj^ht., - • J 11- •<• P(Ht WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 12/6/1968 VD U <D Mrs, Lonrn^ Knrlees MOCiCSVlLLB ^ iblrs. Attie Granger Kurfees; 86, -01 South ICaiavStreeC widov of. Loanie Xuif^, died.iesterday at Lynn HaVld^NursliigcBoma.'C-The £u* nerai wijU^evat-g, p^nu' Surday at Eat^'s C^PieiL'Batial wQl be In RoseCenietiry.-^^ . Sie*^as been in Davie Cbunty to itiylatB "John. P»-.and Mary WeDniin^Grasger. She was a, the'--Kc^i United Uts: C. .F. Merott^ of Mocksvi^; andJ^wOj^sisters;^^^ f Bio - Obituaries -12/6/1968 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, December 11, 1968 Burr Coiey Brock,Sr., Davie County Leader MOCKSVILLE - Burr Cofey Brock, Sr., aJfomey at law of Rt. 2, Farmmgton Community died Saturday in the Linn Haven Nursing Home. Born Nov. 26, 1891 in Davie County, he was the son of Moses and Henretla Coley Brock. Surviving is his wife, the for- ny>r Laura Tabor; eons, Richard J., William I,., and Burr C. Junior of Farmington. John Tabor and Rufus L. of MocksvUle and James M. of Kinston; one daughter, Mrs. Basil M. Tucker of Eden; one sister. Miss Margrrt Brock, Farminston; and one brother. John Moses Brock of S. C. A graduate of the University of N. C. Law School in 191C, he practiced law in Winston-Salem until 192S when ho moved to Mocksville. He continued his practice here unU 1961. Brock was a representative to the state Legislature in 1917, 1933-1937. 1951, 1957-59. He was minority loader'in the House of Representatives in 1933 and 1957. Brock served as senator for Davie County in 1937, 1943, 1949, 1955, and 1961. He was a trustee at Appalachian State Teachers CoBege until 1961. He was a Mason, Add Frilow, Granger, and Wodman of the World. From 1937-1959 he was a Re publican member of the State Executive Committee. He was a member of Farmlngton Mellh odisl Church, a Sunday &hool loacher. superintendent, Chair- man of the Board of Stewards, and charge lay leader. Mrs. Hancock, Of Mocksville MOCKSVIU.E~Mar>' MeWnde (MoUy) Tiger llmicock, 78, of Rt. 4, Mocksville, diid Satur day at the Davie County Hos- pit^. She was the daughter of the# late Tandy Thoma.s Tiger and Sarah Hden Head, wae married to the late John B. Hancock. Surviving are four sons, Ralph Oayton Hancock of Dtn^m, William Ernest Hancock of home, David Hancock, U. S. Air Force in Jnpun, Grimes Hancock, Rt. 4, Mocksville; four daughters. Mis. Maurice Keanc, of Memphw, Tcnn., Mrs. Walter C. Brown, Gladys Mae Hancock and Ruby Cathfjen? Hancock, aH of Rt. 4, Mocks- viBe; one brothiv, Bryant nger, of Rt. 5, MocksviBe; tMvtn mndchildrcn. Mrs. Hancock was a m«n* her of the First Baptbt Church 9t ODolMsnee where funeral Mndoee will be held Monday ■t 9:)0 p.m. with the Rev. Chartee Burchette and Che Rev. Bdmi Praet. offiditkif. Burialvill MkMr ki the Uberty llelh- OMTch Onintery. Bio - Obituaries -12/11/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, December 11,1968 W. S. Seoition, |_ £ Mocksville Cooleemee STATESVILLE — William Samuel Saamoo, 74-year-old COOLERMKR --- Isom Erwin i^tired farmer, of Rt i Kerley, 68, cf Cooleemee Mocksville, died today at' 3 30 * P-m* it Wa home. a.m. at his home after beii&ff January 1, 1900, in Alex- seriously ill for one day he was the boo He WM bora Sept. 5. ISM. ^ ^ late Isan and Jane Davis in Davie Ooonty, tte aon of the late Jamm H. and Laura Fdker Seaimm. He was a mem- ^ " Dmntoley; three her of Saka lUted "tIfmMil ^onng wbcte be served on the board. Thomas Vogler of Cooleemee, Snrviviiw are his wife the ^ Winst^ for met Mas Oladvi flinM. Salem; two sons, Jerry W. vbZhal^rMDS mm- Winstoo-Salem, Leioya brather, Walter Seamoa of ' Sallsbory; 17 Rt. 2, 6es^anl; mA two great- sMers, Mrs. BiaMid Hood of grandchildren; one brother, Rt. S, SaHtoy, nd Mrs. Car- Kerl^ sf Statesville; tme ris kst Hveiiisrdt of sister, Mrs. Virgle Campb^ of mmIs. SeviersviUe, Teim. COO^EMEE — Isom Erwin Kerley,' 68, of Cooleemee clM Moodsy at 4 pjn. at his home. Born January 1, 1900, in Alex ander County, be was the son ol the late Isom and Jane Davis Keriey. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Essie Dunn Keriey; three dat^ters. Mrs. Wayne Young of Hodc^ille, Rt. 4, Mrs. Thomas Vogler of Cooleemee, and Mrs. J. W. HiU of Winston- James Daywalt, Mocksville MOCKSVILLE — James McGuire Daywalt. 70, of ModuviUe died Mondtra nlgfat at the Lynn Haven Nurnig Home. Bom in Davie County August 28, 1898, he was the son of the late William and MoUle Safrit Daywalt. He is survived by his wife, the former Carrie Bell Head; one daughter. Miss Irene Daywalt of Moc^Ule; one son, R. D. Daywalt of Mocksville, Rt. 3; three brothers, Wilbum Daywalt of Cooleemee, Arthur Daywalt of Mocksville, Rt. 1, and Dewey Daywalt of High Roloi; and two yandchildren. Mrs. Kurfees, Mocksville MOCKSVILLE — Mrs. Attle Granger fbtrfees, 86. of Mocksville died Inursday at Lyn Haven Nursing Honm Bore in Davie Ooonty 23, 1^ she was the datMbtsrof ^ late John and Mi^ Wtihnan Oraq^. She was tha wttBw of Lemde ibafsst. _aie was a mamhsr of tha FfrMtteaed Metbodkt Cbuidi. te vlvui Ineliida tws djgMManJfn. nelelwr (Mas) W^aM Mrs. C. r. Bio - Obituaries —12/11/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ? Dtvie County Enterprise Record, December 12, 1968 MRS. L S. KURFf£S Mrs. Attie Granger Kurfces or South Main Street passed away on Thursday, December Sth, at Lynn Haven Nursing Home after a lingering illness. She was born on February 23, 1882 in Davie County, the daughter of the late P. P. and Mary Wellman Granger. On March 1, 1905, she was married to Lonnie S. Kurfees, who died January 8.1952. Surviving arc two daughters, Mrs. Fletcher Click and Mrs. C. F. Meroney, Jr. of MocksvUle; two grandchildren, Bill Click of Concord and Miss Jane Click of Winston*Salem; one great'grandchild, Marc Click; and two sister, Mrs. Alma Blackburn of Winston-Salem and Mrs. Rcna Ward of Baxter, Iowa. Funeral services were conducted Saturday, December 7th, at Eaton's Chapel by the Rev. Gilbert Miller, pastor of ,.Jhc ^st^ United Methodist she was a member. Burial was in the family plot at Rose Cemetery. ISOM E KERLEY Isom Erwin Kerley, 68, of Coolcemee, died Monday at his home. The funeral was Wednesday at Eaton's Chapel. Burial was In Rose Cemetery In Mocks^ille. He was born in Alexander County^td'lsom and JaneDdvis; Kerley; ' • Surviving are his wife, Mn. Essie Dunn Kerley; three dau^ters, Mrs. Wayne Young of Mocksvillc, Rt. 4, Mrs. Thomas Vogler of Cooleemee, and Mrs. J. W. Hill of Winston-SaJem; two sons, Jerry W. Kerley of Winston*Salcm and Leroy Kerley of Salisbury; a brother, J. C. Kerley of Slatesvillc; aijd a sister, Mrs. Virgic Campbell of SevJersville, Tenn. JAMES D. DAYWALT James McGuirc Daywall, 70, of Mocksvillc died Monday night at the Lynn Haven Nursing Home. Born in Davie County August 28. 1898, he was the son of the laic Wflllam and MoUie Safrit Daywalt. He is surviv^ by his wife, the former Carrie Bell Head; one daughter, Miss Irene Daywalt of Mocksville; one son, R. D. Daywalt of Mocksvillc, Rt. 3; three brothers, Wilburn Daywall of Cooleemee, Arthur Daywalt of Mocksvilie, Rt. 1, and Dcwey Daywalt of High Point; and two grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Eaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Olin G. Swicesood, (he Rev. Carl Lane, and the Rev. Ardls Payne. Burial followed in St. Matthew's Cemeleiy. Bio - Obituaries - 12/12/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 12, 1968 - Page IB Burr Coley Brock, Sr. mmi '% He W8I •Iwayt tntemted fn othm. H« wst alMfarf V9ry h»lpful and very ganorous with hN vegetables, fruits, his money, and most Important of all with himself. A very neighborly man, alvwyi ready to help no matter what the lob. He was a man to whom many doors wore always open. A man of great influence, who was probably honored more across the state than at homo. This was Burr Coley Brock 77. of Fermlngton, a former Republican state legislator and House minority le^er, who died Saturday at the Lynn Haven Nursing Home after an Hiness of more than seven years. B. C. Brock was born in Fermlngton on November 26, 1891, the son of Moses and Henrietta Alverta (Coley) Brock. He graduated from Clemmons High School In 1913 and from the University of North Carolina and its law school In 1916. On December 23. 1919 ho morried the former Laura MePherson Tabor of Morganton. They had eight children. Mr. Brock began the practice of law in WinstoH'Salem In 1916, having his office there until 1925 when he moved It to Mocksvitle. He was just out of college when he first ran for the State House of Representatives from Davie County and won. In 1932 he won anther term in the House and was again elected two years later. He represented DavIe County In the House of Representatives In 1917, 1933, 1935,1951, 1957 and 1959. Ha was minority leader in 1933 and 1937. He served as State Senator from the 24th Senatorial District (Davie, Yadkin and Wllkes) In 1937, 1943, 1949, 1955, and 1981. In 1952 ho asked friends to abandon a movement they had started to draft him to the presidency of Brevord College. He ran for Congress in 1944. He was defeated by W. O. Burgln but amassed a larger number of votes than had aver been received by a Republican in the Eighth District He was a member of the Farmington United Methodist Church, where ho was a former superintendent and chairman of the board of stewards. He was an ordained lay speaker of the Methodist Church and was lay leader of the Elkin District from 1940 to 1941, end associate lay leader of the Thomasvllle District from 194310 1959... ■" He served on the Farmington School Board for many years and was a trustee of Appalachian State Teachers College. He was first vice-president of the "Better School and Road Program" which was successfully promoted by Governor W. Kerr Scott. In addition to professlonol membership, he belonged to the Farmington Masonic Lodge, the Pino Grange, Woodmen of the World, and the Patriotic Order Sons of America. 'Surviving are his wife; six sons: B. C. Brock, Jr., Richard J. Brock, William Laurie Brock of Farmington; John Tabor Brock and Rufus L. Brock of Mocksvllle; James Brock of Kinston. A daughter, Mrs. Basil M. Tucker of Eden: a sister, Miss Margaret Brock of Farmington: and a brother, John Moses Brock of &uth Carolina. B. C. Brock was a man of great influence who was redacted and honored by leaders all over the state. As one of them observed: "Only the recording Angel and the people Involved know how many acts of kindness end compassion and helpftilness he did. *He suffered a stroke in 1961 while listening to a radio anrMuncem^t concerning the death of Lt. Governor H. Cloyd Philpott. Following several months in dro hospital, he was transferred to Lynn Haven where he remained in a coma until his daath Friday. Funeral services were held Monday at the Farmington United f^thodist Chureh. Burial was in the drurch cemetaiy. Bio - Obituaries — 12/12/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, December 18,1968 J. C Hoftftm Jr. KilMhiVietMn urn - Mm■ghf a. «Hia a at X 1. WlMi, < a* M a Bio - Obituaries -12/18/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA OMRty CAtttpHM RMom. 0«cemls«f 19* 1969 •t ♦«^r«<r wy*- **- MRS. MARGARET L. YORK* €0 Mri. Margdrei Lee York* 60,of Roberttvllte. New ietsey died lu't week at the St. PetersGeneral Hospital (n New Bntniwlck. Mrs. York was onher way to visit her dauahtcr when we was stricken with a bevt attaek. She died soon after she was token to thehospital. She was' the mother ofAaron '•Shorty** York, Jr. of * MocksvQIe.* Rom In Wlnston'Salem, Mrs.Yotk was the ^ughter of thelate. Mr. and Mn. ThomasMdnlny. She was the widow ofAaron yolk who died la 1944.She was e licensed pracfimlnurse and employed by theBrunswick fitk Nursing Home.8h%was a communicant of the .Assembly of Cod Church,: RMt . She is survived by four 'daughters, Mis. John Rravaia of Old Bridge: Mrs. Eddie •Montoya of Old Bridge; MrsPrederi^ Stahl of C|ltton, N. J.; and Mrs. Rose Marie Slolarowk of South River, N.J.; two sons, Aaron; Jr. of Mooksville, and (Hilton of Newark, N. J,; one atepson;Herman D. York of Ses^n,N. J.; 13 mndchildren and 6great'graniKhUdren; a brother, .George T..Milralny of HighPoint, N.C. »• I Funeral services were held: Shturday at 10 a., m. In.'the I Bronsqn and Son Funeral J Hbme with the Rev. DanielI Dugan, pastor of the Assemblyof God Church, officiating. I Interment was In Rcstland Memorial Park. JOHN MEYERS BLOUNT, JR. Funeral services with Maaonlc rites were-heldTuesday afternoon at the Center Methodist Church forJohn Myers Bkmnt, Jr. ofSpencey. Burial was in theCenter Cemetery.Mr. Blount died Saturday at - the Rowan'Memorial Homital. He was born 'In Davie.CkMinty 'to John Myers and Affaw cowan Blount. He was anwmber of St. James Bpiscopal Church and was a retiredemployee.of Duke Power Co. *Survivhig are a son, Dr. John M# Blount III ofKannapoiis; and. .'two • bisters, Mrs., Osboroo T. Show ofSpencer and Mrs. C. B.' . DuUney of Asheville. MRS.BTTA KEM^iS? Mrt Bila Baitey'Kemp, 87,of the Piedmdnt ChristianHome died at.;Hi^ PointMemorial Hospital, Saturday,The Ainerit waa at 2 p.' m.)Monday: at Sechrest Chapel.-fivrlal was in norat Giroenp5k. ..•Mri, jCemp, widow of thelati W: T, Kehtp, v^lroin In; Ceswell County, aw was amember of Mam StrMt UnitedMe^p^ Church, iSaivivtngare flyb.Uiughteta,Mf8.^nam Homcuilrs. E. V.McUp^^Mrs. MyH.'Fordbnand Mra.W.W.8^f:-of HighPolnnind Miss WBnta Kemp of Phoenix. Ariaona: four sons,lack D. Kemp oflna^lahd. W.Thunnth and iRd Kem*p ofHitih Pkint ahdt)r. R. PMemptjfModR^elaiidA^er, bto.Pate Sanity of Reldd^. i^WARDCWBA^ Funeflj iBivIces fcl.HowatdCiueP W^yd, 73fVM SouthMaif^'.-Street, were. held ilon^ aftmigofi .at the Friemittd 'Motam' Church..B.urlal Ufai lo; Jhe ^ehurdi'graveyard. . ■ /, • He died Saturday at hisHorn v. i ; J' J' He was bom in FonythCounty, to .;John. A.. andLd'oeiito^ Ann WeavR He was atite./contractor ai^^'was a' meiaber of Frfedland-MoravlanChurch. • 4!Surviving Is a brotl^, CurtisS. Weevil ofWinstorfj^Iem. J>(MESK.CRbiTS;90 .. Funeral services' for James K. Orotts, 90. of Rpcklnfflam..fdfinerhr of Day^ pounw andWinstoq'-SalenI, were' held; •TtMsday: Burla! was ln>. the.Calvary United Ci#ch ofCRrUI Cemejt.e'ry ,at,ThORiasvUle..Mr. GmmSu'ilday- at :Roclfingham. NuMngHome. • He Was boro.-.m DaneCouody Uji Jacob'pod SophiaMlle«( Crti^ He .wb B retiredowner* and.ope^ot of the Mphd C Beauty Mrdp and hadowned 'and operafeo a chain ofshops In' NortRvend • SouthCarolina^ .He '^s u member of..the Dkvle jCousity J^endsMMtln^ .• :» tSurmg ate aMb.' Fpm Lut^s of Biaojd five sons.Gedcge and Chartei WiplloniiSalcm, 'Crolte ^iulL^"N Y f *"'• " Bio - Obituaries -12/19/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 19,1968 es Harding ^'JpKp Charles Harding, Jr., 21/a t former resident of the . aL?.' Earmington community, has I been killed in the Quang Nan | Province, Soutli Vietnam. j lie is the son of Mr. and I Mrs. John diaries Harding of Mocksvillc, Rt. 2. He was a volunteer member of the U. S. Marines. His body is expected to arrive sometime this week and will be .buried in the Wesley Chapel Cemetery. The family i requests that memorials be 1 made to the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church. Surviving in addition to his parents is one brother, Joseph Henry Harding of the U. S. Navy; and his grandmothers, Mrs. John T. Harding of Rl. 2, Mocksville, and Mrs. Ruth H. Jones of Pcarnian, Maryland. Bio - Obituaries - 12/19/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA J Q If, J. A. Bolicli Jr. Diesj Made, Lost Million John Alonzo (Lon) Bolich Jr., 70, of 2883 Robin Hood Road, real estate speculator, promoter and a man who made and lost a million dollars during the depression of the 1930s, died last night at Baptist Hospital. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at Centenary United Methodist • Church, .and burial will be in-- Forsytit, Jdemorial Park. - ' . Bolich, a Ijarge man with a voice to match and the ability to make and keep friends easily, left his name among many buildings, developments and projects in Winston-Salem during the years since he came i-here in 1919. The Bolich Arcade on West Second Street at Trade Street bears his name and was his headquarters after it was erected in 1953. He bought the property from Southern Dairies. Bolich was born in ITarion to' J. A. and Sallie B. McMahan Bolich. His^ lather . was a Southern Railway employe and the family moved here in 1913. Early Experience Bolich was graduated from Trini^v College, now • Duke University, in 1917 and then spent'two years in the Navy as an ensign. He n displayed his business ability in college when he and a fellow ^student persuaded the colleger authorities to permit them to establish the first student store on the campus. '."We specialized in food and (brinks," Bolich recalled in later years, "for stu4ents are always [hungry." i After he came here in 1919, Bolich sold lots for the Mora- ;Vian church in-Wesf Salem. He' got a $40 commissi(jn on an $800 ilofc He later , joined Pilot Real ; Estate Co. • governor in 1940. He also was an, aide in Clyde R. HOey's sue-- cessful campaign for governor! in 1936. ! He left paid political work to work for August Heckscher of New York in the liquidation of various properties. During this time he sold property at Lake Mattamuskeet. This sale gave him his first "comeback" money and Bolich put it to good use. He figured in the reorganization and final lease of the "Mullet Line," (AUantic and East Carolina Railroad) to Southern Railway. Out of this Bolich got/'about $175,000, but this came after World War H. • Bolich was one of the prime movers in the widening of West Fourth Street from Marshall Street to Glade Street. Several He formed his own company in 1923 and participated in the development of several sections of Buena Vista in the 1920s. Keeping his office here, I Bolich reaped a golden harvest n from real estate promotions in the Sarasota,-^Fla., area in 1925- and, 1926.' j. Depression Losses He recalled in later years that some of his equities were ap praised at $900,000 in 1928. In the decade of the Roaring Twenties many people made fortunes in real estate. Bolich was one of them. In the debacle following the stock market crash in October 1929, many people lost fortunes. Bolich was one of them. "By 1932,11 did not have a I dime and I'could-mot pay my' telephone..biU," Bolich saicTinj 1961^He saia he was placed inj bankruptcy in 1932 and released' from'bankruptcy■"in December! ; 1934. He said he still owedi •[unsecured creditors $50,000,-buti paid/uff in full in 1935. . I Bolich's political care'e'r,;j which rose to heights in the 1930s, carried him to be organizer for the Young Democrats Clubs of America and finance chairman for Young Democrats. He also was director (x£ organization of ..Young Democrats. He spent eight years during the Roosevelt years as a behind-the-scenes worker forthe Democratic party. H e worked at every Democratic convention from 1932 through 1948. In his later years he was content to watch the conven tions. on television. He was active as an aide in Wilkins P. Horton's unsuccessful campaign, for the Democratic:> nomination for buildings resulted from tWs jimprovement. f [ Tho Carolina Hotel and Theater was- erected at Fomihand MarsSall by a company known as Carolina Building; Inc. Bolich was joined in this by Owen Moon, who owned toe property valued at $200,000. W. N. Reynolds, W. F. Shaffner i and Bolich each put up $25,000, Bolich recalled in an interview. The company refinance(i the .building several times before it was sold to the K1 n c e y - Willoughby Theaters, which owned the Carolina Theater. Owned College VOlage j Bolich built the B olio hi Building on the south side of .;West Fourth Street between j Poplar Street and what is now' -the Greystone Inn. He put his ■ Florida money in this and lost it in 1934. [ He also invested in the Win- Sal Corp. and Columbia Ter-. race which owned 176 two- bedroom apartments off DiggsBlvd. He and Clint Lee jointly owned College Village con structed in 1948 off Robin' Hood i Road.j- '< He also was part owner in -B. and L. Ready-Mix Concrete !Co. He combined this wit^^the Veteran Building Block Co. and sold it to Dixie Concrete 'Block).Go..in 1959, [ Of his many real I estateprojects and deals, Bolidh once,,said his part in the devebpment of West Fourth ' Street, in' the 1920s was "the most significantfrom a community standpqint." In his later years, BolicS' wasstill active in real estate pro- motion, but not to the extent that he was from the 1920s to ' the 1940s. , I Married lowan Bolich was interested 1 n community activities in-Winstoa-Salem over the years !and participated in many. Although he was a leader in the Democratic party, Bolich never sought either elective or ap- •pointive office..,,- .He was married to Miss • Rosalie F. Palmer of Des Moines, Iowa, in 1923. They were members of Centenary United Methodist Church, Forsyth Country Club and theTwin City Club. They had no children.-'Surviving are his wife of the Maryfield Nursing Home at High Point; 'and four brothers, W. Bryan Bolich of St. Petersburg, Fto., retired law professor at Duke University; Eugene S. Bolich of Lumberton, Phjiip M. Bolich of Durham, and J. Marion Bolich o f;V^shington. ^ 1 ' 'J. A.'BOLICH JR.^'v'- ■jL 'L ' iity-