Jan - JunP«t« Eight Thurtday. January 4,1968 JBTtmO W. MOCK Pboerel services for JeUiro W. Mock, 81, of SWi Partawcd DHve, Qreetuboio. C. were conducted Saturday at f^tfais and DIdc Mo* moilal Oia^l. Burial was tn For- eA Lawn CUmeteiy. • Be was born In Bavte County. Ho was owner and ofierBtor of Oomat* ter^dock Ootliiers In Grecn^ro. Ita was a monber of Oirist Mctb* (^Ust Qmrcb. He • bad lived in Greenrixm for die past 18 years. Sw^ng arc his wlfo. Mrs. Maorlne Godboy; two sons, Woody and Bandy Mock of tho borne: a daughter, Siaron Modi of tiie home; ^ broSiefs Oiarles Mock of linnatothSBtem, Fradi, Nelson. Rog* er and Lee Mock of Advance: five sisters, Mrs. WlUlam Rotierlson of High Polst. Mrs. WlUlam Ruimnage 0^ iadsgton .and Mrs. Martin SsHey. Mrs. Wlttie Cock ond Mrs. Don Gahm of Advance . CHARLES HOBBINS . Charies Stobbins, 38. of Lexington. N. C. was riiol and klUed Monday. Dceorniber 3S. at Ibc 0. T. Nldidson Grocery Store on West FIflh Ave* nbo. where be was ennplQ^* 'iRobbtns was bcm in Yadkfai Conn ie to Silas and Dora HaU Robbins. & was a mendier of Mount Cainiel Free WIU fiapUst Church. ■Gurvlving are his parents of Modes*^Ue. Rt. 4; his wife Mrs. Clydeno West StObblns: two daughlors. lEfhoes Sarah and Darlene Robbins<)f the l»me; two sons, Larry and Randy Stobbins of the homo; threenotfa^ Carl Robbins of Mocks* ^iUe. 8. K. Robbins of Yadktnvltlc. I nd four sistors, Mrs. J. C. Seamon^ Mocksvfllo. Rt 4. Mrs. Wtley ton of Mocksvillc Rt. 3, Mrs. Kimroy and Mrs. Jerry of Mocksvilo. • MRS. MAE BOGER •M^ EiBlello Mac Bogcr, 75. of MocksvUIo. Rt 8. widow of Oscar T. Bo^. died Wednesday. Dccom* ter 27. at the homo of a daughter. Mrs. Ezra Store of Circle Drive,t Sie was bom In Davic County to Thomas Jetforson and Martha Lou- cUen Star Alton, ami was a menv ber of Vnton Qiapcl Methodistdiorch.^ Surviving arc two daughters,ftiss (Ruby fioger of Modcsvlllc. Rt. 8, and Mi^ Store; a son. Cralg Roger of Mochsvltlo, Rt 2; fourAsters. Mrs. Mary PowoM and Mrs.tols Bulins of High Point Mrs.kugh Brown of Mocksvllo. -Rt 4. and Mrs. Dallie Lcaoh of Jackson: and four brothers. Tbm Allen ofriiaw Jersey. Walter Allen of Mew York. J. M. Alien of Valdese and Ctarenoe Alton of Ooolccmeo. ^Btnoral services were conductedit 2 p.m. Friday at the Unionc^pel Methodist Qiurch with the Rev. Oarl Lane in charge. Burial was In the diurdi cemetery. ^ MRS. W. C. BAILEYJ Mrs. Katie P. Bailey. 72. of Mbduville. Rt 5. wife of WlUlam BaUey died Friday, December at Shigh Chatham Memorial H^fa] at Etkin.' sie was ban In Davie Cmmty and was treasurer of Bethany AME Son Oturdi in Oavie County. .. Surviving are her hodiaBd; twoSr dau^ders. Mrs. Annie K. ler (d WasbingloD. D. C and Hotdsa Ctawass Baltimore. Md.: two siriers. Mrs. Baehd Bo*lian^ and Mrs. bfiUle Claybrooks^ WhtstonBalmn: and a brother, Bobannon of Wlnstoo* .y iFtroeral servkos were conducted^%rCstntas Day at Belhsny AME^Etott Churdi. Burial was In the 'bhtirch oeroetoy. f JACKSON ALLISON Funeral services far JacksonfAlUson, 79, of StatesviUo, N. C. were conducted at 2 p.m. Somlay at'bavidsonvUle Baptist Church in Ire- 'deU County. Burial was In thelehurcfa cemcleiy. There arc no immediate survivors. CHARUE J. UPWARD Funeral services for CharUe voseph ifoward. 78, of Mocksvillc, m 9. uere held Wednesday at 11Vm. at Islalon's ChapoL Burial wasp Smitli Grove Methodist Cbureli cemetery. (Mr. Ifoward died Tuesday. Dec.jgs. at iyno Haven NUrstng Home. He was bom In Davie County to E. D. and Sarab Ifemlrix Howard 'and was a mcmbar of Smith Grove MeUwdist Clturvh. Surviving are Ihrra daushlcrs. Mrs. Hermit Smith cf Mocksiillc. Mrs. J. C. Comer and Mrs. Rotiah Nail of .MocksvlUe 111. 3: two ids* ters. Mrs. Kate Hanes of Mocks\'iUc. RL a and Mrs. Bessie Carter of Durham; and a brother Robert jHouwd of l^xmgion. Rt. a. Bio - Obituaries - 1/4/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA P«t» Eifllil Bntmrtudfeml - Ja«w»>nr 4.1»68 , >fBe>. PINK BECK Mrb. Leila Bell Beck. 88. of Mockv viQe. Rt. 1. uidow Pink Beck, died Sund^. Oeeemfaer M. at Lynn Ha\ien Nuniiitf Home. Ftmeral eer* «icee uere ctwducted ai 3:30 p. m. Vmday at Bear Oreek Bapliat Ctofrdi- Swid] w«> is die ccmoloiy. She vvas bom In Dovlo County to Abrom and Sylvlsa Dennte Bock and was a member of Bear Creek Baptist Church. Surviving are three daughters. Mrs. J. B. Gobble and Mrs. Avery Lanire of Mocksvltle, Rt. 1. and Mrs. Espy Mayberry of Harmony. RL 1; five sons, John and Roland Beck of MocksviUo. RL 1. Turner Beck of Harmony. Rt. 3, Lee Beck of MocksviUo. Rt. 4. and Asbury Bock of MocksviUo: and a sister, Mrs. Minnie Wafford of High Poin: WILUAM H. POTTS Funeral services for WUllam Hen ry Potts. 74, of Harmony. KL 8, were held Wednesday. December 27, at 2 p. m. at Eatons Chapd. Burial was in the Advance Methodist Quirch cemetery. •Ho was bom In Oavie County to P. J. and Eliza Ann Sheets Pobts. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Dovlo Parridi Potts: six sons, W. H. Potts. Jr. of Harmony, Rt. 2, Melvin Potts of Trinity and WiUie, Joe V.. Bobby and Marvin Potts of Thomasvllte: three daughters, Mrs. Ethel White of High Point, Mrs. Essie Church of Thomasville and Mrs. Maiy Ruth Bryant of Lexington: four brothers, J. V. and Charlie Potts of Mocks viUo. RL 1, Jess Potts of Mocks- viilo, Rl. 5. and Tom Potts of Ad vance and a sister, Mrs. Pauline Lakoy of Statcsvillc. ALBERT W. WAGNER Albert W. Wagner, 89, of 3 Cross ^reet, Coolcemce, N. C. died Sun day In Rowan Memorial Hospital. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p. m. Monday at Eaton's ChapcL Burial was In Rowan Memorial Park. He was bom In Davic County to Charlie A. and Martha Graham Wagner. He was a retired employee of Eh^vtn Mills and a member of Coolecmec Methodist Churcti. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Net tle Dedmon Wagner; a daughter. Mrs. Belly Head of Cootecmco; a son, John Wagnm* of Bremen. Ga.; and two brotlicrs. Homy and Reecc Wagner of Kannapolis. THOMAS E. IIAUSBII Funeral services for Thomns Eu gene Hauscr, S3, of Advance, Rt. 1, were held Tbur^ay, December 27, at 2 p. m. at Yadkin Valley Bap tist Churdi. Burial was in tito church cemetery. Mr. Hauser. an employee of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, died Tuesday at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. Ho was Injured December 20. in an accident In Iho leaf sto^ age area of R. J. Roynolds* Whltak- er Park plant, wben ho was hit on the head by a falling crane pan. Survivors include his wlfB, Lupita Holm Hauser: a daughter. Letida Ann; a son. Thomas Wedey; his mother. Mrs. Maude Hauser: four sisters, Mrs. Herman Allen of Vad- klnviUc, Rt. 2, Mrs. Everottc Rid dle,. RL 1. Advance, Mrs. Honty McBridc. Rt. 1, Advoace and Mrs. Franklin Smith of Lexington. N. C. Bio - Obituaries —1/4/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, January 4,1968 ABMTt W. Wiuaitr, «. of No. v» CroM Slrort fflS 8rt«nl» •{ 3!M p m. at Rowan UiBioriai Hoopltal in SaUsinnj foBowtag a soitoni OfaMM of • montt Fnoral iprrteoo wow c«- dnettd HSiqr at lUt^o FUDinl Bono b Modwoflj^. Burial wu b Rmtob Minnriol Park b SnliibBT. Ho wai bn b Do«b OoMb to CharlbA. ad Mortka Oro- IfodcsviDt; and a rister* Mm. Mbmia Wafiord o( High Poiii.afUditfi Bio - Obituaries - 1/4/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, January 4, 1968 Mn. Otcor T. Bogsr Viclofia Iwlctgoa^ lire. Obmt T. BBgWi W. «« Mre. VI c 10 r I • Mhf m • Mocksvfll^ W«4- flwkiippnd, • ofSaUriMvy. Home. Tmm biLwBglttiee )ii4 niiqr rriattvti itt tit He ««■ dirktag to »vfaoi i naa cam to ml jooBi Ut ton oo toa ' ini SewgLs:£iSs.rs.ss *TSWby ». MW. toCcmty ,'I* WM_Mtol— •! ifc»•ad Dart Bdl .. Bt. Cul IMiliMof Itakwilla. 8-_f "aSPlS- ■MM. Mn. X C. 8«unai M sss^Si^jniSSeMN, Ito. Sy®e •* HWkmilto. ■ Bio - Obituaries - 1/4/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, January 4,1968(Mrs. Paul Hillord Mrs. Paul L. IfiUard, 65, sister d Floyd Garwood and Mrs. ffidfiey Carto of Cooleoaee, snday at S a.m. at Rowan Hcnorial Hospital. She was the lonner Frances Joaey andjivrt at 116 South CaklweU in Uisbitry. Funeral services were cco- doeted Monday at Cooleam Pfesbyterian Cbnr^ by Rev. Sam McKay, pastor, und the Rev. Charies Uam9» Uterty MMtadtab Charek^^^,^ Bm A«B. if. iw ia DMla Omts, Iks tnt tta dwjrtto of Um Ute CkfUMdHs Pwry sMI Mitjr Ms Any- Jis wsi sdussiwl ta Dsvis QMigr leksriL Mv is kv &■kMl dM «ss iiil^isi St aits^ sfMni Bio - Obituaries - 1/4/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA nli] In Mobile Home Fire Bio - Obituaries - 1/4/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TWIN CITY SENTINEL, 1/6/1968 Smith,-79,, of ,:church - ^^^^J^^seryice 'Station:ory^rnfAr Htn^ 'v > .• "tii arc ;his;.wtfe,arrs;i; Blanche Dwiggins . Smith; "fourl f, sons,' Kerrait, - Lawrence, Quon-i Smith, yaU bf'Mocksjj^e; --three. ^daughters, ^ ; Mrs. GUmcr-Hartley , imd-,Mrs ." • James .Poolc bf Mocksville and""^ Mrs: Charles .-Wrenn of'Fayette- • ■;.ville.., i.. .The funeral .will be conducted ■'at 3:30 p.m. Sunday at'EatoVs Center,• Methodist Church cemetery,, ■ The family wiU be''at i-the -'funeral home from 7 "to 9 om"today. • ; t..*'.' C(V 1 n\ cI ->> <_ L - l?is- Bio - Obituaries - 1/6/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 7*^ Bio ~ Obituaries - 1/10/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, January 10,1968 E. L Heod, Codeemee tat Lmds^r Head, 70, of Duke Street, died Sunday mom- log at hk home. He had been in mtePttbiPr pome time. A retired eai|doye ci Erwin MOli, he wae a veteran d Werid War t Bora in Davie OoiraH, ikb. 90, 1007, be was the son if the late SaidDt'd and KoOey Head. He Is snndred by hk whie; two MOO, Eageae Head of Sattsbary, Ra$h Head of Winston Mmi; one daiudder, Mka. C. w. Jaeoba el Ooeleenee; two step-aora. Nod Glaas of Wtetan Satan wd Bshta Glam of Oeetanee; siz if • COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, January T. J. Kerley Of Cooleemee Thunnan Javier (Jack) Kaiky, 47, of 16 Duke St died Friday at3:lSajn. He wai bora Apia 37, USD, in Mfiflriaaburi Oaa^, Va.» Hm aoD of the iaon aad Eaale Hal- 'Urd Kari«;. SwvMig ara bla wife, the lanuer K. V. Bare; Ua pareats of Ooolee«w; two aoaa, Jadde and Bod^ IMey, both of Lei- ingtoB; eoe daaiMcr, Mks Soa- Ja Berl^r of Uxiiiileo: two ate^aooa, Edgar aad Wade Oa- bema, both of Coalwaiia; two biottwrs, Leny Kerley of Salia- bar aad Jany Kerl^ of Wta- atOfrSalan; three aialM, Mra. Wayne Tevig of Mocfcevffle, Mra. Thoaaa Vogler of Oeoiee mee, aod Mra. lUaoa mi of WhiitoB-Silcm. 10,1968 Maude Saunders Weaver Bud Sell's Aunt Dies In Winston P^nHral aeraicee for Mm IMode BiMadflfi Waaeera imb Tl, of KwiwMlo, teaaHf «f OoeioMMiL mtMU OB IMdagr at Fiom nifind Bom. BaM iB OkUiMni GbboIor. Mm. Hoam tM BodaoaAv at VpngA Maaoriai Boau 8ho fead toM a Cw hmSm 3. B.Vaaoor aad Ihna ■aoflHMmffla. WoBoor Boad 1bBOO te Boaagr yoanB m Ba Mf fK«tha aaa of J. cTmI Bio - Obituaries - 1/10/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Thuwday.Janaaiy 11,1968 ttOwpriaaJiBem^ . PaK«TS(« MRS. MA0N0I.1A TABOR. 60 Mrs, Magnolia Grimes Tabor. 60. of Mbcksvillc. died Tocsday al 5 o'clock in Darie County Hospital. Sbe has been 111 for two years. Bom May 28, ISOT in Greensboro. Ga.. she was the daugliter of the late Joseph and Elizabeth Davis. She was a member of St. John's A. M. E. SUon Church. Survivors include three Jp>. roes C. Tabor of New York* City# Page Two EnlemriaeJIteeora Thursday, January 11,1968 fiU49 LINDSAY ItBAD (Fimoral services for GlUs Lindsay Hbad, 70. of Duke Street. Ooolee- mee, N. C. wore held Tuesday at 2 p. m. at Cooteomee lylOthodlfA OuiFch. fiurtal was Jn Fork Bap* list Oturch Cemetery. (Mr. Head died Sunday al his home, lie was bom in Davle Coun ty (o Sanford and Emma Nolley Head ond was a retired Erwin Mills employe. Gurvlving are his wife. Mrs. Alice Gloss dfeod; two sons, Ralph Read of •VVinston'Salom and Eugene Head of Salidmry: a dau^ter, Mrs. C. W. Jec(d)s of Cooieemee; sLx at^ daughter. Mrs. Mae -Fink of Lex- ington, Mrs. Zelma IFVisler and Mrs. Hazel Ratciff of Salisbury. Mrs. Willie Smith and Mrs. Dorothy smith of MocksvlUe and Mrs, (Peg gy Seamon of Alexandria. Va., two stepsons. (Noel Glass of VHnaton* Salem and (Bobby Glass of Cooiee mee: a brother, Clifford Head of Cooieemee: two sisters. Mrs. Sadie Jae^ of Cooieemee and Mrs. Cora Poster of Lexington; a halfJirother. wni Nolley of tModcavlOe. Rt. 4: ond a half-Mster, Mrs. Mary Cope of Wlnston-Salem. T. J. (JACK) KERLBY Funeral services for Thurmon Jasper (Jack) Kerlcy, 47, of 16 Duke Strcd. Cooieemee. were held Sunday at 2 p. ro. at Eaton's Chapel Ruiial was in Rose Cemel^, Mr. Korley died fVtday at his lunne. Death was attributed to nat ural causes.' (He was bom In Meddeidnirg County. Va., to Isam and 33ssle Dunn Kcriey, and was a welder. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. R. V. Bate Kcriey: a daughter, hfl.^ son- Ja Kerloy of Lexington, two sons. jQckio and Ruddy Kerfey of Lex ington; two stepsons, ^ar and Wade Oabomo of Cooieemee: his parents of Cooieemee: three Asters. Mrs. iWayne Young of (MocksvlUe, Mrs. Thomas Vogler of Cooieemee and Mrs. Wilson RIU of Wlnston- Salem. Bio - Obituaries - 1/11/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 11,1968 Bio - Obituaries -1/11/1968 n s&bol :iii: i . "^frnirig Va^t" wlnt'^infc 5-^tion-business• ^li-" at a'bixildT V-Mor.tCT.-iiin .?P3y: ocoumed 1w: ~tiM: WMSMIM-SS&ISS^ rtaimyh- ffcenia^!?1^irTA^'f?^^^ rP^tftC-lMaaicas-t: DAVIE'COUNTY'PUBLIC'LIBRARY^ MOCKSViLLE,-NORTH-CAROLINA' l-li-/9(-tr I rttiauss P. SA^.. . CtaHes P. SO, » day mortuftfe. January U. At_4 a m. af B^tUt llospitat »-h«e ^ hadbee^^Mieh^srnce^h.v»^^6lh Mr. sain was ho™ a rSer ot Bethel Methodist Church since 1«96. i He was married August . . loco Thev had no children. A; Tsr sr^2"»=l to Miss IMtaatin and 'Mrs. • -rjrs."™*will be Drougis Friday JlTl r aat 2:30 p. "'• Forrest XS till ioilow in theSt PinVchureh cemetery. Dwh Coatoyy En.Tafi«»'^ •' -^r^. PVjIliC LIBRARY • ■•■ •-v:LI£. ^iC oo <r CO uV 5 <i: - ^- ce O PageSfat ^ Thwidayt January 18) 1968 J. D. JONES .lohn l>nvte (.lark) Jomns. nf Mocksvillc, Kl. 3, a rctimi farmer, died Tuesday mornins ul his honK>. Funeral services n-erc iH>n(tucted at 2 p. m. Thursday ul Comabusr Melhodlst Church by Uto Rev. Dvvitihl Ludwig. Suriul wus in the church cemetery. •Mr. .luncs \vu.<t born in Duviu Cennly to Rhiliip nnil l^uura Ellis Jones. • Surviving are two (iuughters. Miss Hannah Jonc.s of llic home and Mrs. .lim Kimmer nf Mucksvlllc, RI. 4: l\vu sons. Ralph .lunes of Mocksviile. IH. 3. and Clarence Jones of lite liume: hvu brothers, Cltarlie and Siwitcer Junes, both of Mocksviile, RI. 3. uiui two sisters, •Misses Rosa and Charity Jones, al* sv of (Mucksvillv, RI. 3. Mrs. J. II. M. DKIIMON humeral ser\'(ccs for Mrs. Salty Kuslor Ucdinon of Salisliury. RI. I. wiihiw {if John 11. M. Ucdtnon. u'cn^ ItoM ut^2:30 p. ni. Sunday at i/ycrly lAtncral Ciiaitel. Burial was in (tie Riiwan Memoiiul t'urk. Mrs. Dodmou died Friday at Ro> wan Memorial HospUul. Slic was liuni in Duvic CiAUtly to LVnny and Margaret Vcach Foster, and was a nivnihcr of No Ureek I'rimitivu Ba|>ti.<)t Oiurdi. Sni'viving arc three sons. Roddy IXilRHin (d ChartuRc, Red F. Dcd- man witti lite 11 S Anhy in Germany and CiiHu-go Hrdmon of Riiiggold. Gn.: three d,-nighlcrs, Mrs. Ed Mo Loud of Waves, Mrs. Harold Hcndco son ot Salisliury, lit R, and Mrs. L. A. Millis of Cliostcr, S. C.; and Moeksville. Rt 4. RIKS. .lOltV E. GREGORV i Mrs. Virginia Campbell Gregory,: 83. nf Morksvilie. R(. 4, died Tup.':-' day in the. Uavie Cotmly Iln.<i]iita1 Hic runcrai will be ul 3:3U |).m. Tliursday at Eaton's Chapel. Oiirial tt lJJ Ik* ill t"colee.nire ix'gioii Park, j .She uji.% born in Ircdcll Cminly; to rresion and .Martha S])an Cani|>-' beil. Site was lite widow of John E. Gregory. Snrvi\iiis are llire<> daiighlcrs. .Mr.<. R. t.. lleJIard and .Mi's. SiKsic h'tcld.^, iMilli ol Couleoimv and Mrs. Mildred Renr'Ui (•! Moeksville. Rl. 4; three sl»n^. Itayinond Gregory of Moeksville. Ri I. I\c M. Gregory cf Key West. Fla., and Graham Gregory of Cmdeemce; and one Hi.<r ler, Mrs. George .Miller of Coolcc- nice, PAUL R. OWENS •Paul Reginald Owens. :>'.). el .\d- vaoce. 1S(. 3. a e.-utie larnwr. died Monda.\ at the D.'ivtc i'unnty llospi* lal alter an i!lnc>s ut fite da.\s. Funeral >ei vices were eonditclcd at 4 i>. in. Wctliiesilay at iltc Fork Bap* tist Chuivii Riiiial was in the church cemetery. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Gold* en L. Sigmon Owens: and two daughters, Mrs. Rcta Goyc Voglcr :0f AdiTincc. Rt 2 and Miss Carole I Lynn Owens of the home. RICIIARU C. BARNES Funeral services for Richard Cctumbus Banics, 87, a retired farmer of Mocksviile. Rt. 3, were conducted at 2 p. lu. Wednesday at Eaton's Chattel. Burial was in Notlh Creek Baptist Church ccmet* cry. 'Mr. Barnes died Monday at El* ma's Nuraing Home at Sponccr. He was horn In Oaviditon County (u Alexander and Dclphcniu Young Barnes. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Flor ence WyaRc; two sons, Clifton and Harvey Dames of Mocksviile, Rt. 3: and three daiighltmi, Mrs. Grady Walscr and Mrs. Harold Ycuniz of Lexington and Mrs. Chester licm* Icy of Ashcvillc. Bio - Obituaries - 1/18/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PtigeSfal —Thttftday, January 18,1968 AllUi. FItCU MYKUS Airs. KfTIc Incx Myers. tHt. ol Ad* vancc. RU 2, wife uf Prcd Myers, died Monday ul Utu Davic County Hospllul. Funeral services were Iftid at 11 a. m. Wednesday ul Eaton's Chapel. Burial was in Chestnut Grave Citurch eontcteiy. Situ \vu.s burn in Davio County to Frank and Ossic 'i'utlcrow White. Survlvlnfi arc her husband: her mother of Moeksvillc, Rl. 2; four sisters. Mrs. Clyde Nay lor of Mocks< vilic, nt. 5. .Mrs. Martin Naylor of Mocksdile. Rt. 2. Mrs. Walt Daltey of Clcmmor.<{ and Mrs. Ben Mudd> nom of Cmcinnatl. Ohio: two broth* ers. .fames White of Mocksvillo, Rt. 2. and Josh White of Mocksvillo. Rt. I; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Tar\'ls How ard of Clemnions: and a stepson. Bruce E. Myers of Lexington, Rt. 3. ThuradaV) January 18> 1988 Page Pour MRS. tl. Q. SAHTIt Funeral services for Mrs. Maiy Loplsh Smith. 32. of Mttcksvllle. ni. 3, widow of fi. Q. Smith, wore held ^turday at Eaton's Clmficl. Burial was In Bear Creek BapUst Church eatery. Sirs. Smith died Thursday night at Ctavlo County IHoq)ilat. She was born in Ikivfc County to. Goorgo and Mary Williams l.a|ilsli. i Surviving arc six daughters. Mrs. IJlp Eaton or..Rt. 2. Mocksviltc. Mrs. Ola Vaughn of High Point. Mrs. Mary Nell Reynolds of Thorn- QsVillo, Mrs. Betty Swtshcr and Mrs. Jennie Mao (lanes of Rt. i. Moeksvillc, and Miss Sylvia Smith of the home: four sons. Broadus Smith of High Point. Robert Smith ^ of'jRt. 2. Mocksvillo. Asbuiy Smith j of- iRI. 3. Mocksvillo ond Pcorlie SiMh of iMocksvilto. Rt. 1: and hnlPslslcrs. Mrs. Ada Peeler em (Mrs. i^iln Ldplsh of Salisbury. | \ MRS. PAUL A. FOSTER .Mr^ Mary 'Lou Fo^er. M. uf Mockwille, Rl.' 4. wife of Paul A. Fdstor dl^l Thursday at Uavic County Hospttal eflcr a long illness. ^neral services wore conducted at* illl a.m. Saturday at Eaton's Bdptlsl Church cemetery. ^ %vas bom In Davic Cuunly to lA.- E. and Dora Jordan Cranfield. j^rvivlng aro,ttcr husband: 1^*0 daughters by a' former marriage. Misses Frcdo and Anila lludspclh on the honu* her father of Mocks- viite, Rl. 2: two sisters. Mrs. Lin- ney iDyson of .Moeksvillc, Rl. 1. and Miss ^11 Crannctd of Moeksvillc. (RL- 2; and a brottwr. Slaecy Cran field of Moeksvillc. II. C. LANE illunry C. i^ne. promlnciil Marsh all eunlniclur. and husband of Gel- one IJames. a Davic County native, dicti January C. at Winehcsler Mc- mari.'d HnspiLil after a brief iiiness. Fuitei'ui seniccs were conducted .lunuaiy '•> a! Hu* Marshall MelhiKlisl Church. Burial was in tltc Warren- ton ccmclory. Mr. i.;ine was in the eunslructiun liu.sincs.s lor .'lO years and fur llie IKrsi .seven years iiLs sun. Henry] l.aiie, .Ir. has l>een a |Kirin(.*r. i He wa-. ;i nu mber uf the Marsluill! .Mriluhii*.! I'loircii and served un Its I nrricitil liuiird; I Bio — Obituaries -1/18/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Thursday, January 18,1968 Page Pent ; MRS. R. j. LKDPimn •Mrs. BelUc Jaiic Sprinkle lx>il- rard. 83. of •Rural Hull, widinv <il Alt ]J. Lcdronl. died SaUirdoj' at llic Hdvle Counly flfospilal. She wnli viS' itiii;: n dniiphter, Mrs. 'D. .1. Montlo. when .sliv hecnpH' ill. She was a meiiiltpr nf the Rural 4loll Church of C'lirlsl. I V|-f:vin(« n"s Ihrec daughters, I Mrs. \V. J. IMoHl/. of Qlickoiy. Mrs. J. V. Stanley of Rural Hall and, Mrs. Mondo; tuv sons, George lied- ford of Homoslcod. Fla., and B. F. l/idrord of Greensboro: and a sta ler. Mrs. Will Spoas of Tobaccovllle. I'liijcral sorvlles wero held Mon day nl 2 p.m. al Rural Hall Church (if Christ. Burial was In tho Joffer- son Church of Qirist cemetery. GKADV C. MILLER 'Funeral services for Grady C i I'MiUer, ei of Ctiarlollo, wore held I Saturday at 3:30 p.m. at McBwan i Chapel. Burial was In Forest Lawn I Cemetery. I Mr, Miller died Thursday at a |cliarloUc Hospital. Surviving arc his wife; four (laughters: three sons: four sisters. -Mrs. Rub)' .lames, Mrs. Ozcllo Bog- cr. Mrs. Gcraldinc Shcek and Mrs. Louise Wliilnker of MocksvlUe: aud three lirothcrs. Bob, Shcek and Bu(Jc stiller uf Moeksviltc. Bio - Obituaries - 1/18/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA \ f.,.} - fooleein ee Wio/i m , ^tired farmer WoT was a re^ l^srtvter aSS"''pva .#ottf^^t;J^ J^e, Mrs; ^rs; Tiirs. HenrvMocksviUe and Mrs LU°?7 Billiard andfc'aayl,®"-knSsik^y^Mocksville- S s 0^ HomI,'"'"'"''Eaton., P^eral ' - ' V n / y l.^ '«ocKswue^;;®''^''v n 0. nfiV' en p''S!!':! !k-^ ev \ ii/iOUi\C5ViLLL; r-ii rs WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 1/23/1968 UT' S'tzJcy Mi's. !► Rodwell ■< MOCKSVILLE. —.'Mrs!^WmaQuilla^ Cain '^Rodwell.'^i 92,' of North Main. Street, widow of Dr.Ji. ly.. Roilwell, died yesterday , at'.LynniHaveh Nursing'Home,j The ''funeral 'will be'i at 2 p.ni.I Wednesday at. Eaton's ChapeLBurial ; .: *he r in R o s eCemetery. Vf *• - '">• • i«'>She was bom in Davie CounwI to James H. j^ ahd >. Elizabeth. .Frost -and was;*-a •member of; First Bapfet Church.'' — SurvivingT-arVfour -daughters, r Mrsl-iv J. ^W, Bickerson 7? 6 f(Southern *^P.ines;;.5-Mrs,i^D. ^iW.1,Casey iT;of.rtJacksonviIle..^each," TiMrs/v^T.^y.'^-'Merdneyij:of Rddwe'sohsi MocksVille^ I-2J- Bio - Obituaries - 1/23/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, January 24,1968 Mn. Mesadi, O. H. Hartley, Cooteemee imsa.ttiaer.t3.atn CataK Sbee^ tied it 10 It DM CoBtf^ Wnnlttd. mOhM.Dm: aimallte. In Ms; KnL m9 lbs.rakr BL X mm Mel BofSMsO Mrbl DBS Unb MieMD ^BL*, M BL C DmBsM Mrs. Gregory, Dovie County Mb. Vfagbiii Cmpbdl GfCf- oiy, 83^ iT Mocktvflk^ Rl 4, dfed at DM County Bo^itil M jM bmit 9. llie Itle PkcstBi nd Miitfai Stall CifiHilirH Sta wn tbe wUmt of Jsba & Gic^iy, iriio dtod ID ISBL Survivcta tnffatn . Itirii tantftare. Uns. B^ L. BeOaid. lbs. Stab Nds, botfa of Ctatemm, nd Mra. MadM Beosn of ModBvOlB, BL' 4; tluta sons, SityBKKid Gngpsf of MbdsviDe. BL 4, Iva M. Gnfoiy of KQf Fli^ Ctauin Cbmy of OBcdBCniBe; 16 grudddHTO; lod (p^^A-^FOoddhildreo* Mrs. Myers, Rt. L Advonce IbKBSVIUM - BBie tas Mm 81, M BL 2. M toe DMOoodty Wnffitil . ^ Sorotsiag no ler Mrfcw^ Ftad; foor sistefs, Mb. Ctyde liig^ of BL Sb IMom Mel SlMtia HMr of JX XMoctefGBe, ib& MB^^ Clemmooi, Mb. B« two bwOws, JiflMS wBo M BL X Mtdtaa^ f?L!Kf of BL L IMsfiBe: tarnota ibn -ML It Mbl Tktab goBimt of Cfciiiiijisg; on Bnvo Mn MBL a, itaiaMn- Bio - Obituaries - 1/24/1968 John H. Hall Of MoHcksnlie died nBeoiyB Sdvmay nMM at the VSeliDraiis Hosmtil in SalisliOTy. Be tad ben la dodiiiiDg heatth for two yeaiu Sorvivofs fncfarfe his wife. Mis. Snronib RaD; three som. Jtn»s Han of Gennasy, anl Jofai MUBias and wrniam Han, botli of ^ home; di dandblers. Mis. BWiahrth Saaimm and Mb. MOdBd WUns, holh M New Yorti, Mm. DnoUor QiMiain of WinsioiiBalem. Mrs. FeafHn HMuns of fbaherth. S. C., and lb& ioseftiae Ufwyitt and Mrs, bntma BobeBOB, bom of MocksviQe. R. C. Barnes, Retired Farmer • MOCSBVnUUB — Bicbaxd Ddiimbya Bms. 87, «f BL R, KhnsSi Minita Hnnw. in A naHee of Dividaon OoiBdy, be M Mm m of AlwmiiflBr iifti DcbltBdii Toqm Baiuta. ^ ^ jMsod jyy tatov,^Mdl WdiouBB MyaU Bama; too mm, CMtn tad ttMVtad BL Iv MMbsMne; Ibroe lUsMdm, Mis. Giadr • * I 1 * —*JiRL Hopaiu yotiQii, boiii of MfL ChaMm IcRdqr DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, January 24,1968 P. R. Owens, Rt. 2, Advonce MOCKSVILLE — Paul Ovam, 9, eaUle farmer H Atfvaoee. RL 2. died tf. Dnte OMRy Bo^dU) Itai- day evesiiig. Bora ii Davia CooHty be was tbe aoa af Binary and LeUa Gil waul Owaai. tevivan iadode tbe widow. larMar GoMa L. Skaoe; two daiblcra, Mrs, Reu Goye VSfte M RL 2, Advuea and ICss Corel Lyawe Owew ef tbe iMae; two brothers, Charks F. Owctti and EUe H. Owofw, boUi of San Praaeteco, Caltf.; two fraadtbihhaa. Jack Jones, Rt 3, Mocksville HOCKSVaXE - Ma Dins {Jack) JoBos, M, fOtirod farwMr of Rt I. HocMlo died at his hoBM Tmadaj BMrataf. Bora ia Davie CMRy, he was the SOB o( FhBip Md LMra EUlsMas. Am films iselvda two SBd Mis. Aa Kbb< 4, MaeUvMa: twB . JaBcs a( Rt S, of the .lMBe ChartiadSniKRtt.lii5 Bio - Obituaries -1/24/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PageTwd' Bw?wyrf«e.»ecor3 Th«r«aay, January 25, 1968 Mis. J. L. Edtrards iFtmerD] services for Mrs. J. L. Edwards. 72. the former Geriha Parke, of Sollsbury, were held Sat urday at 2 p. m. at the l^rly Funeral (Siapel by the Rev. Ralph C. Haimnett, pastor of North Mala Street Bapt^ Church. Burial was at Oty Memorial Pailc. DIrs. Edwards died Thursday morning at (Rowan Memorial Hos pital. ate had been In decliidng health for several years, but death was unexpected. She was bom August 14, tdSS, In Da\de County. She was educated In Davie County- schools and was a member of Fork Baptist Church. Her husband, J. I/. Edward died In im Surviving are one son, Gilbert Edwards of Sall^ry, two daugh ters, Mrs. Wallace <RuTm>lc of Rt 5. SaUstotry. and hfos. Gaude Curtee of Sall^ry, nine grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. Mip. -&ee Messlck (Funeral services for Mrs. Lee ■A!e6Sloltr-88r-Of-0~WatfS..SfTPPt, CrWr. leemee, were'conducted Monday at 3 o'clock in the Cooleemee Giurdi of God l^'the Rev. James Rodgers. Burial was In Liberty Methodist Church cemetciy. Mrs. Messlck died Saturday at her home. ^ had been In de clining health for two years and seriously 111 for two weeks. A native of DavIe County, 'she was boro April 8,- 1879, to the late Calvin and Nancy Wooten Dyson. Bh'e was educated in the Davio County schools. Before her retinmtent she was employed at Erwfn Milts. She was a- member of Corinth Gnirch of Christ. Her hustiand. Lee Mesrick, died In 1939. She la survived by two sons, Lonnte O'Neel of Cooleomee and Jamos OiNeal of Dutham: two daughters, Mrs. J. M. Tarlton of RaiMcman and Mrs. Roy Hritard of Cooleemee; two stop-sons, Gur* ney Messlck and Tommy Messlck, both of Cooleemeo; one step^u{(h- icr. Mrs. Annie Garwood of Coolm- mce: one half-brother. P. P. Dyson of Greenriwro: two half-sisters, Mrs. Esther Oockrot! of Baltimore. Md., ond Mrs. Gyde Thomas of Ramscur: I3 grandchildren. 23 great-grandchildren; ond st-x great- great grandchildren. MRS. J. W. RODWELL Funeral services for Mrs, QuIIla Emlty Coin Rodwell, 92. of North Main Street, widow of Dr. j. W. Rodwell. were held Wednesday at 2 p. m. at Ec- jn's Chapel. Burial was In Rose cemetery. Mrs. RodwcU died Monday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home. ^ was bora In DavIe County to James H and Elisabeth Frost Cain and was a tn^nber of First Baptist Church. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. J. W. Dickerson of Southern Pines,- Mrs. D. W. Casey of Jacksonville Beach, Fla.. Mrs. Emily Cartmell and Mrs. T. F. Meroney of Mocks- vUle; three sons, J. W. Rodwelt, Jr. of^ocksville. Jack D. Rodwell of Ifotyrice, Mass., and John H. Rodwell of Baltimore, Md; end a brother, John B. Cain of Mocksvilte. Bio - Obituaries -1/25/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, January 31,1968 Mrs. Etfwords, Done Nolhre Kit. JL U Ik m. JL L t«ji m,. Mis. Redwdll, Of Modoville Bio - Obituaries - 1/31/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Page Eight Eiierprbe4l«e»B Thursday, February 1, 1968 0 II. HARTLEY Funeral services lor OlKe H. Ilnrt- toy. 82. of 21 Cenlcr Slrect. Cool- comoe. were held Thursday. Jan- uaty 18. at Eaton's Chapct. Mr. Hartley died Tncsday night nt Oavic County Hosplta). He was bom in Davidson Coutily. December 28. 1883. and was the son of the late Thomas and KUsa Young Hartley. He was an .*iclh-o member of Jerusalem Bapiisi Church. . Survimrs Include his wife, iltc fbrmcr Ina Putts; two sons, Gilnwr Hartley of Moehsvillc and llarolil Hartley of Salisbury; inti daughters. Mrs. Henry M. Sh^ of Moc^iile. Rt 4. and Mrs. Buddy Alexander of Oooleemce; one brother, Roy Hart ley of Lexington. Rt. six sister.*:. Mm. WilHom Ifcllard and Kirs. Billy Orubb of Lexington. Mrs. F\i1lcr Hamnion of Advonco. Rt. 2. Mrs. Roy Sheets of Ctcmmons. Mrs. Leo Lam of Rt. 4, Moeksvlllc. and Mrs. Dait! Reck of HI. 4. Moeksville. MRS. MARY LOGAM Mrs. Mary Urooks Logan. 03. of Uiwndule. Rl. 1. died Friday at Bnnigliton Hosftital at Morganton. She was Ixini in Cleveland County. Funeral services were conducted ni 3 p. m. .Suiubiy at Brooks t^apel Mcihcdlsl C^rch .nt Cleveland. Bur ial W.1S In the church cemetery. yurvi'.-ing are two sans. Thompson RiOiiks el .Moeksvlllc and Charles Brc;iks iif Cluit.svv<irth. Calif.: and a sister. Mrs. M.nttlc Phcljts of Greens- bttro. MRS. tV. 1*. ARNOLD ■Mrs. Klin Maggie Arnold, 63. of Moeksville. Rt. 4, wife of William P. Aniold. was tlcnd on arrival at Davie County llusidtal. Monday, af ter an apparent Itearl attack. Surviving arc her husband; four daughlcrs. Mrs. Julie Dolin. Miss Bealricc and Miss Incx Arnold of Moeksville and Miss Catherine Aro- cld of Winston-Salcm; five sons. Jeremiah and Gaylon Arnold ol Mi)ck.<ivllle nnil Andrew, Almtzo and Roy Lcc A rnutd of Middtctown, Conn.: three sisters. Mrs. Rosie Smith and Mrs. Oh^ Smith of Commerce, Ga., and Mrs. WiUte Hill cf Winston-Salcm; and a broth er. George Roon of WinsloivSalcm. Funeral arrangements are incoro- plcle. WARREN CAIUiON Fuiicnil services fur Warren Cai^- .sill. 33. of liaiiiplunville. N. C. wero held Wettiimhiy at II a. m. at |'Icas*in( Hiil Baptist Church. Burial was in tiio church ccmeleiy, ■He was liom in Ircdoil County and wa.s a member of Pleasant HOI Baptist Citureii. Sun'iving arc his father, Charlio Carson of llumptonvilie; four sis ters. Mrs. Bessie Wilson and Mrs. Neoly Levy of New Yoiit City. Mrs. Jessie Hoycs of Elkin and Mrs. Shirley Smith cf Slolesvlllc: Xivo brothers. Clayton Carson of htocks* vilic. Robert and Clay Carson of New York City, Thad Carson Of llaniptonvillc and Dilbort Carson of Statusviiic. niANK W1LUAMS Frank- B. WiiUnms died al his homo in Gory, Indiana Tuesday, .Tanunry 30. afier an illness of a year. Survivors include: Dili Wiillams of Park Avenue. MucksviUe; Law rence K. Williams of COmalzcr; and, Buy J. Williams of Miami. Flo. Tlie funeral will be Iteld al Eat^ on's t-'uncral Hume. Plans were inr complete at press time. Bio - Obituaries - 2/1/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Z- I-C.4fi /V<? f 1 • « 7^/ p /' V I c /c i( /n. s .n <■ <Ii. rfi 04.)\'v.Mrs. Eaton;111 3 Days<1-ij.^ A'. Mrs. Jettie Hendricks Eaton,about 96, of 401 W. 23rd Streetdied- Wednesday at Kate Bitting 1Reynolds Memorial Hospital :after a three-day illness. j> She was a native of Da\|aJ •<:ounty and had lived in WfclaVPeton-S^em 10 years. She was a^ember of the missionary society "of Cedar Creek BaptistChurch in Davie County, andwas mother of' the. church.. Shewas ,"a" member of &e 23rd .Street'Flower Club. - - j.'Surviving- are three daugh- »ters, Mrs. Mary West withwhom she lived, Mrs. Phebbe 'Fpote of White Plains, ' N.Y.,"'and Mrs,' Katherline- Wharton ofPortsmouth, Va;; -three sons, •Fred Eaton of Philadelphia, ,Pa., Clifton Eaton of Farmingston, and Clinton Eaton of New iYork City; 15 grandchildren; 27 jgreat-grandchildren;' and five •great-great-grandchildren. ■. 'r: Funeral arrangements are incomplete. The body is at Gil-dnore Funeral Home.t- lfL9-Co.Mocks> J»i J ;...DaWeCoasfyp^ijIicLtoMocks./i)/e, ^Jordan and Harry ilaton, twin brothers.They owned farms on Cedar Creek.Jordan*s dwelling was knovm as "The Brock House."F. Saton had lived in it, after sellinghtime heired from estate of his father—penQamin Eaton.The house still stands on Cedar Greek Road.Not far away is the old Brock graveyard.Harry Eaton had a son named Jordan.This Jordan married Jettie Hendricks.Jettie had a brother, John Hendricks whobought up produce in the neighborhood andhauled it to V.'inston, where he peddled it out.The mother of Jettie and John was named Amanda.The above information was given by Miss PhoebeEaton, granddaughter of Philip Eaton.Flossie Martin, February 1, 1968.For description of above house, seeBiography, Brock, Nathaniel.davie CO. pu3l::: -MCC'<c-v::U.C - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 8,1968 - Page 1 Woman Charged In Slaying Is Committed To Institution Mrs. Mdry Gomb Dillard. rl.targcd xwth (he second degree murdee in Uie Uiolgun sleyiiis o( Iier husband on January 3lst, lias been commit ted lo a menul instituiion in Bal- ei6h Knox 0il!aro 40. died oI a 410 slMigun bUsl at his home around 4 M n m . Jjn'nrv Mr:- DtH' ard. 37. buid blie fired boUi barrdb of Ikir hubbund'b bboiguo t( lum mIkii lie charged her with a table Vg. a-vwding to Oa'ie Coiuity therrff p Defyt;e4. drinlnng at the itme of Uie bhooUiis. Mrs DtUard was confined to (he local Jail. A 97.600 bond was posted for her by George \\\ Martjn and t' C Morris. Howeier. the chose 'o remain in jail Thursday after» noon ihe became du^aught and had In be restrajned in )>er cell. Papers Mere draun to commit her to the Doi'liea Di:. Hospital m FiUigh. Oillard'b funeral M-as held Satur* day afieruoon at the Morrlton-blud- e^*aAt funeral Home Puriat wat> in yj6 St. jchas. .Vii S'ios Church Ow&wry. , it ^ ^ u-ilci fnc daughters, ^lisaes Bar bara Jeau Shirley, Cynthia. Conoio aihl C^lhy OillaM of (lie home: three soiih. Knox Ehllard, Jr. of Batiimore. Md, and CTtarlea and Ubter Dillard of the borne, lus par-i entb. Mr. and Mrs. W H DUlard of' Mocks<-ille. seven sisters. Mrs .Alee Patterson. Mrs. IxMUse Lewis. Mrs. Marcire* l<w:i, Mrs. Jctephiw Jo- nee. Misses Harel and Caroly n Dill ard of Mocksvillo and Mrs Mary Hulmai of Hunnoii). Imo hroUieni. Bol-sri and tfjllium Dillsrd ej Mechst-'.lle- and a foster X'Tifiis. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Februar> 8,1968 - Page 2 hlRS. G. C. BRACKENS (Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Jane Corretl Brackens, 60, of flfocksvflle. Rt. 4. were hold at 3 p. m. Sundny ot Eotcn's Chapel. Burial was in Chestnut Grove Mc* IhDdlsl Church cemetery. Mrs. Brackens died SaUtrday at the home of o daughter. Mrs. Vio la Joscy. She was (he widow of Grocer Cleveland Brockcns. She was born In Dovlc County to Jacob D. and Koilc Hellard Correll. i Surviving arc three daughters, Mrs. iPcorl Jones of Kannapolls, Mrs. Viola Joscy and Mrs. Johnny Lowcry of iMocksvllle; and two sons, Walter E. Brockens of Mocks- villc and Clyde B. Brackens of j Kannapolls. ' FRANK B.. WILLIAMS Funeral services for Fraidc B. Wniiams, 52, of .Kast Erie. Indiana, formerly of Davic County, vvere held k.at m. Frldoy F«b.*2nd at Eot-ipri'g'C»o^l:L-Burik .wos Ih Cornalzer •jChurch cemietery. ' lie' was bora in Davle County to T. W. end Florence Bessette Wil liams and was a steel ^rker. Surviving arc his wife, Mt^ Ella Adorns WllllamB: a daughter. Mr.f. nuth HozcUon of East Erie,: Ind.: and three brothers, W. W. Williams of MocksvlHc. Lowroncc WllUnms of Rt. 3. Mocksvlllo and -Roy J. Williams of Miami, Florida. Bio — Obituaries - 2/8/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, February 21,1968 Annie Janice Bailey Lanier, Kathy Lanier, and Ada Belle Lanier lbs. lQ|k's Sbltr Di«i li Acddeit Mn. Ted Ui^'t dner wit k3ed Moo^ when a fraj|ht train hit their car It an unpiottcl- edcroanng in Lexington lloodiy tfteroooQ. She wat Mn. Amua JaoiDe Baflay Laniex. Abo UM in the acddent wneMn. Laiiiefadau|h- ter, Kati^, 10, and her daufhter- inMw, Mn. Ada Bflie Lanier, 19. AB lived in LeximloiL beared wen Mn. lanier's ton Tony, 7, and her aon and dni|h" ter-ODtar*! dai^ter, Lynn, 3. Tony'i conditioa n cciticM. Lyim*s confition b tatbfactocy. ekdtar eimii. a wUnr, drrtiM « Mg^CajBac 7s:;f.st: »r.ss:.l3E' Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 22,1968 - Page 4 MRS. EVBREIT BROWN - PUneral services for Mrs. Lessic Osopcr Brown, 59, wore held at 2 p. m. Friday at Eaton's Chapel. Burial will be (n Jericho Cemelery. Mrs. Brown died Wednesday ol Davte County Hospital. She was bom in Randteroan to Sherman and Jano Hunt Cooper. Surviving are her husband, Bvc^ ctt Brown; two sons, Qiaries Brown of Randteman and Eugene Brown of High Point; two brothere,, James Cooper of Lexington and Ben Coop* or cS Uenolulu, Hawaii; and two ^stcrs. Miss Mamie Cooper of Randteman ami Mrs. Bessie Ham* iiioo of AAcboro. Bio - Obituaries - 2/22/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Clai^, 86,'| fonnerly <rf Route 3, Advance, j di^ ^at Autumn Care on; Tlunsday, February 19 at 1:45 a.^ Sbe had been a resident, at Autumn G^fotfflw pwtie jeais. , She was born ih Au^t^ , sl894 in Enfieitf,r!HaWd*l * County , N.G: tdtfaelale. James rHarris and Lucille NichdsQiiM i'Cladc. She was a mamber' tf"j ! 'the Advance United Methodist | Church. 1 Surviving are one. sister,' Mrs. Lucille C.'Comhtzer of Advance, one nephew,,Jimmy Clark of Stony Point, Va.; two nieces, Mrs. Mary PlununCT., Dickens Clinton, N.C. and Mrs. Kathleen Hayt.rf Nor wich Vermont - Funeral services were held Saturday, February 21 at the Advance United Methodist-,^ ; Church at 2 p.m. by Rev. Al« \ K Akrnvvi niiHal wss ui thc church cemetery. Pallbearers were Allen , Bailey, George Judd, Vestm K Potts, Larry Vogler, Bu<i ENTERPRlSEiBECpRD Davie Co.i u- A 4 ftiiocksviISs, -3; ^ ^ DAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARY ^ mocksville;. nc <s— "5 ; COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, February 28, 1968 Mrs. Phelps, Cooleemee Motive Gosnell Infont Grtveside services were held on Sunday at 2 pjn. for the stillborn infant of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Gosnell of 9 Grove Street. Hie services were held el the Gays Chapel Methodist Church cemeteiy with the Rev. Bryce Parker in charge. The baby was bom dead Friday ni^t at Rowan Mem' orial hospital. In addition to the parents, the baby is «ir* vived by the grandparents, Mrs. L.E. Gosnell of Conway, S.C., and Nelson Osbome oC Concord. Mis. Sandra Myers Phelps, 21, of Deico, a native of Cool eemee. died Monday at 3:30 ton. at Duke Hoapital Sfa w«s bora Nov. 7, 1M«, in Ravan CaoMy. the daaghUr M Mr. aid. Mrs. Claicnee Myera. Bha was a maaabar aC Xofth CeelaiBaee Baptiat Othar awvivara ash bar bm band* Jiny Pbava; twa daitfblafs, AMitta aiM Omuk Pfcdte; both af Iba bama; llvt sisters, Mrs. dam NaidSBa ef New dcraay, Ita. Teny WUliams of Gaeifia, Mra. MicM iDabon af LoMMaaa, Mrs. ie An ne HMwaa el FMda, aad Miss Rtaae Mytrt ef OeolaMas; two broibars, Jwry Myers ef New Yeit and Refer Myers M Saolb Carattna; tbe pateraal madfbtbar, Oacar Myers ef Csoiini; «d tte asaterael grendpmMi, Mr. sad Mrs. ^afe ef IfdUvy. _ Fteeral asrvleee wM be cew dusted WedieMtey at 4 pje. at North OoeleemaeBoftietCbHKb by tbe Bev. Bebra Mdhudel, tbe Rev. BenU Pesber, aid Ibe Rev. Gary fNttmm Bmia] wBI beetUfieeMiwirtHPeriL Bio — Obituaries - 2/28/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 29,1968 - Page 2 MRS. GROVRR S. ROBmtTSON .Funeral services for Mrs. Kethryn (Kat) Sbermer Robertson, 47. of 609 Eleanor Drive. Lexington. N. C. \^6rc held Saturday at 2 p. m. at the St. Andrews United Church of Oufist Burial was In the Forest Hill Memoriol Pa^ Mrs. Robertson died Thursday mornlifg cnraute to Lexington Mo* morlal Ho^Ital after suffering a heart aMack. She was born in Da* vie County, October 1, 1920 to John Boyd and Delia Matkland Sienner. She was-a member the And* rews United-Churd) of Qnist. Surviving ate her husband, Orcrver S: Robertson Ot the hcrnie: one son, Miko Rofaertsots.of the home; three daughters. Mrs; Ronald Kennedy, Mrs. John B. Kennedy, both of Rt. 2,'-Trinity, Mrs. Gerald Earnhardt of Birmingham, Alab^; three broth* era, Hobson Sretmer Orlando, Fla., Paul and Wesky Shenner. bodi of WInston*Salem; four sisters, Mrs. Claude Kolcothb of Winston* Salem, Miss Lucille Shermer of Elkin. Mrs. Rol^ Jarvis of Rt. 2, Advance, and Mrs. Dewey Staley of J^dway: 6 grandchildren. MRS. JIMMY PlIELPS Funeral services for Mrs. Sandra I Myers Phelpa. bi, of Belco.. fotmerly of Cooleemee, wife of Jimmy Phelps, were Inia WbdnesdiQt, at 4 p. m. at North Coolemee tepttst Church. Btirlnf' utts- In !ieg(on Me* oiial Park Mrs. Phclps dtbd Monday at.fiuko llospftal in Dtttham. Otatb was tmm natural causes. , She.was betlkJn Mf. and 'Ifnlblard^ ^ was o.htemher of NoHh Meemee Dap(ts{ Church. Surviving ore her hudmtidt two daughters, blisses Annette and.Don* no PhOtps of .the home; flvc sisters. Mrs. Jane Ndrdgtraof NCw. Jcney. Airs. Terrle' Williams ai Qeorgla; Mrs. 'Mickl 'DoUon.of LOulsIt^, Mrs. Joan Malane of Ptprlda- and Miss Rcena Myers <rf Odokcmeei and two brotiters, Jei^ Myers of New York and; Rodger Mydrs of South Carollba. M)6S. J.*B. StBElMAN. . Fun^l for 'Mr&'Ruth Cfficart.Steelmah^ 03, of Winter'l^k, Fla., wife of' J. Brodts Stcelman, were hold Tkiesday at Flat .'Rock .Baptist <%ureh' at HamptonvlUc. Burial was in Flat Rock cemctety. Mrs. Sleelman died Friday at her home. She was born In YadMn County to-Charles and Anna Cosart. Surviving are her hodKUid; a dao^Her, Miss Undo Gale Seelman of the home; three stms, j;- B.- Steel* man, Jr. of WInster Path. Pla.,*Don G. Steelman of WtnstiUKSalein and Earl Stedmon of Daytona Beach. Fla., two sisters, Mra Evella Sab molts of WfaistonSGilem and Mrs. Clio Rengear of Karmony: aiid three brothers, Fassltte Gbrart of Mocks* vJUe, Aveiy Cozart' of Mb^svQle end C. Dawson Gozeit of Winston Salem. MRS. PHILLIP SWINK Mrs. Mary TUtt^ow Swink, 81. of Sallsbuty, Rt. 4, widow of. PhlUip L. Swink, died Thursday at Rowan Memodol Ko^ltal.^ Funeral services were held Men* day at 4 p. m. at Lfyerly Immoral Chapel. Burial wds In Rowan Me* mortal PaH& She was born In Davle County to WIHlaln David > and Jane Tutterow and was a formet cntplcyce of fhv win Mills at Oodiectncc. Sufvivlfig ore iwo sons, Thomas C; dwUik of Soitebuiy and Paul P.; Swlak cf Rt 4, Sallsbuty, a stepson,! Jbhn Baxter Swink of KannapoUS)! five daughter, Mrs. CaH Mdorci MM. tfbaihman Spiy, Mrsi WUbcit Laimlftg and. Mrs. Thnmaa Lofan, •MbSwalfi of 'trvitul,- TexasV iwa. M«them,'D. P. tufterow of Cho^ laUc and C. W. TUtterow of Kaiina* potts: and n sister, Mrs. R. G. Sthlilii of Rock 11111; S. C. Bio — Obituaries - 2/29/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 29,1968 - Page 2 RAtpn It. PAQR f^tnerol services for 'Ralph H. Page, T3. of Clovoland, Rl. 2. were hold Ql e p.m. Friday at Fiflh Creek Presbyterian Church. Burial was In dui church cemetery. Qir. Pago died Thursday at Iredell Sifenori^ Hospital. Ho was hern In the Cool Slprings ocmmunlly and was a lumber and catUo dealer, ate was also a direc tor of the North Carolina National Bank. Surviving are two doubters, Mrs. C. R. Crcn^aw of MocksvUIe and Mrs, (R. D. Russell of Glen College; a son, J. W. Page of Cleveland, lit 2; and a brother. Turner Poge of Cleveland, Rt, 2, " XRJIIU If. STBELG Funeral services for Elihu II. Steele, of Washington, D. C. were held Salurdoy, Feb. 21, at 2 p. m. at the Jarvis Chapel, R12 You Stiect. N. W. Survivors btcludo his wife, Mrs. B. H. Sleelo, a dau^ter, Mrs. WII* helmlna Greene of Pomona. Califor nia; four sons, EUlai Steele, Jr. of NOW York, James D. Steele of Los Ang^. Calif., Toussiant M Steele of- San Francisco, Calif., and Forrest Steele of Bethesdo. Md. and two grandcUtdren. tthe Steoles were former residents of Mbckavllte. Bio - Obituaries - 2/29/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 7,1968 - Page 2 Carlos P. Jolinsott Carlos Phohl Johnson, 60. of Uave> lock, N. C, died Saturday at Craven County Hospital at Now Bern. The funeral was held Monday at 2 p. m. •at First Methodist Church. Burial was'in .Rose Cemetery. He was bom In High Point (o John W. and Alice Tysinsor Johnson. Surviving ore his wife, Mrs. Mary Kurfees Johnson: a daughter. Miss Jeonnie Johnson of the home; a son, C. P. Johnson, Jr. of Wddon; a sister, Mrs. Charles Monship of 'WilkeslMro; and four brothers, John and Crilz Jdinson of Albemarle. Roy Johnson of High Point and Raymond Johnson of Mocksvilie. Chal Morgan Keaton Puneral services for Chal Morgan Keaton. 44, of Advance, Rt. 2. were held Monday at 4 p. m. at Blxby Presbyterian Churcb. Burial was In (he churdt cemeteiy. Mr. Keaton died Saturday at Dd^e Hos^tal at Durliam. Death was from naturd causes. He was bom In Davlo County to John and Mary Bamoy Keaton. and was a member of a Mocksvilie MoUi* (%urdi. He ws a sawmill env ployee. Surviving are two sistors, Mrs. Crady Smith and Mrs. Paul Jones of Advance, Rt. 2; and ihree broth ers. Monroe and Eugene Keaton of Advance. Rt. 2. and J. W. Keaton of Mocksvilie, Rt. 2. Miss Betlba McDonlel Miss Bertha McDanicl. 55, died Saturday at Ute home of a sister, Mrs. Lawrence WilUams of Mocfca- vUlc. Death was from natural cau ses. The funeral was held Tuesday at 2 p. m. at Oomatzer Methodist Church. Buriol was In the church cemetery. She was bom In Davle County to George end Solly ComaUer McDan* tel. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Will- iams; end a brother, Ernest Joyner of Rt. 2. Advance. Mit. W. P. Canter Funeral services for Mrs. Jennie McDanlol Canter, 72, Rt. L Advance, wero held Wednesday* Feb. », at 3 p. m. at Eaton's Chapei by the Rev. Bill Tato and the Rev. Glenn Thompson. Burial was in Bethlehem Methodist Church oemotety. Mrs. Mdlaniel died at Darie Chunty H^ltal. She was bora In Pavie C^iy April 5, 1895 to the laio Jim and Rebecca Stewart Mc- PanM. Surviving ere bar hudrand: five dsugi^rB. Mrs. Robert Hampton of Cdoteemee. Mrs. Buck Hendrix. Rt. 4. MocksvlUe, Mrs. EUa Smith, Rl. L Advance, Mrs. Garland Hendrlx of Wlnston^lem and Mrs. Ponald Hduneyer of Rt J. Advance; ^ •on, Sara Canter of Rl. 4, Mocks vilie; and a brother, Walter MdJaa- iei of Mocksvilie. Bio - Obituaries - 3/7/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, March 13,1968 Daniel Rumple, Auto Victim MOCKSVILLE - Daniel Udhen Ruqiple, 17. of Route •iiocksville. was dead on arrival af Davie County Hospiltl Sun day at 10:43 from i^uries received in an automobije te- cjilent. - Jle was born Dec. 16, 1950. 'In Davie County, the aon of Laphan ahd Ada Bracken Rumple of Route 5. Mocksville. Other survivors include two sisters. Miss Jane Rumple of the home and Miss Noncy Diane Rumple of Charlotte: a brother. Dwight Rulnplc of the home: and his grandparents, Mr. and Mr- i.,evi Bracken of Route 3. Mocksvillc. Clarence Clarke, Retired Farmer Clarence Clark Sr. of Rt. 4, Mocksville,died Monday morning at the Davie County Ho^ital in MocksviDe. He had been ill for two weeks. A native of Anson County, he was horn January li. 1890, son oi the l&le Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke He was educated in the public >ch«>ols of Anson County. Mr. Clarke was a retired Davie County farmer. He belonged to ^.xwood Baptist Church where he served as chairman of the deacon hoard He is su:'MVcd by his wife, Mrs. Geneva Wall Clarke; seven sons. ...I «n(; Joseph Clark, both of .Mocksviile. Rl. 4, Elberi. Preston Clarence Jr., and Frank Clarke of the home: two daughters. Miss Bertha Clarke of the home and Mrs. Rcther Parker of New York City; three brothers. Buddy Clark of Albemarie, John and Jim Clark of Ansonvllle; three sisters, .Mrs. Mary Ingram of Salisbury, Miss WUlle G. Clark of Freeport, L I . N Y., and Mrs. Minnie Lee Bush of Cbi^Wtte; and nirte graadcWIdtw. ^he body is at the hkpble and Kelsey ruw«j a*#* Mrs. Ridenhour, Of Mocksville 'Mrs. Louise Foster Ridenhour, 93, of Rt. 4, Mocksville, widow of John F. Ridenhour, died Wed,^ pt Dav^ County Hospital. Mrs. Ridenhour was bom In Davie County May 24, 1874. daughter of the late William and Susan Shoaf Foster. She was a lifelong member of Cooleemee Methodist Church. Funeral services were held at 3:30 p.m. Friday at Cooleemee Methodist Church, conducted by the Rev. Claude Hansel! and the Rev. Robert Frost. Burial will be in Liberty Methodist Church cemetery. Grandsons will serve as' pallbearers. : Survivors include five, daughters, Mrs. Ellen Hellard: of Salisbury, Rt. 6, Mrs. Sadie Steele and Mrs. Earl Deadmon, both of Mocksville, Rt. 4, Mrs. Ethel Tiller of Lynchburg, Va. and Mrs. Thelma Richey of Charlotte; two sons. Baxter Ridenhour of Durham and Lester Ridenhour of Burlington. There are 26 grandchildren, 57 great-grandchildren and IS great- great-grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 3/13/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, March 13,1968 Mrs. Sullivan, Dovie Native GIBSONVUJ.E -Mrs. Tcllie Zimmermao Sullivan 72, a ftaiive of Davic County, died Thursday at 4 p.m. at a Burl- ingtoir hospital. Surviving arc her husband. James E. Sullivan, and a < daughter, Mrs. A. B. Thomas of Burlington. Funeral seivices will be coo- ducted Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Rich and Thompsos Funeral Home Chapel by Dr. Tom B. Anderson, pastor of First Preahyteriaii Church, Buri- mgtoii. Burial wUl be at Chestnut HUJ Cemetery,- 8afiibiiry. vtth graveiide aervicee. ^ ^ -n-u*. Mrs. Melton, In Accident MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Helen Garneite Mellon. 48, of 506 S. Rowan Ave., Spencer, was dead on arrival at Davie County Hospital Sunday at IU;45 a.m. Death result^ from a n automobile accident aouth Mocksville. She was born Nov. ii. 1919, in Davie County, the daughter of the late Willie And Nellie Foster Goodc. She was a member of Trinity Baptist Church and employ^ at Reel and Reel Inc. Surviving are four sons, Billy E. Melon, stationed with the U.S. Army in Germany, Buddy Melton, and Bobby Melton, both of the home, and Donald Myers of Woodleaf; and two daughters, Mrs. limell Harris of Route l, Salubur>, and Mrs. William Brighlman of Sanford, FU. Bio - Obituaries -3/13/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 14,1968 - Page 5 MR& J. r. RthBNltOUR Mrs. toulsc Poster tUdenhour, M. Morfotvlllo. Ri. 4, widow of John P. Bldcntiour. died Wedneitdoy el vie Coanty (foq>Ital. Punertrt seN.] vicc.s were Md Priday ot Ooolce*. mec. I She was born ln.Oavlo,,^Qty lOj. ' WliltW 'arid flidi' was Q member of Cooleomee Meth-, odfst Church. j Surviving are fh'o dau^lers. Mrs.' eilen HellartI of Salisbury. Rl. fl.' Mrs. Sabtc Sleele and' Mrs, Earl ■Desdmond of MocksvlUe. Rl. 4, Mrs.* Ethai Pilier of lomchburg, Va.. and Mrs. Thelma RIchey of CharlotT^;- and two sons, Baxter Rldenhour of >Dttiham and Lester Rldenhour of!Burlington. | MRS. T. .1. fiVRRLY iF\incfal services for Mrs. Lbxle Shutt Byorty. 81, of Advance, RU. a, widow of Thomas J. Bsyeriy,.wBrd conducted Sunday at 2;30'|i. m. at Advaitco'Melhodlst Ohureh. Burial was In EtbavUle Methodist OMtreh comet^y at SIbavlIie. ShO'dtCd PFl* day at her home. She was bom in 0a\de'.0(loniy to J. E. B. and Fiorina Slide Shutt. and was a member of Advance MeOiodlBt Church. Surviving ora two slepdhughters. Mi9. B. L. Bouiett of lUgh Point and Mrs. Harry Bbndy of James* (own: a stepson. Bemlce Byerly of High Point; two sisters. Bdrs. LeifaNail of Deitton and hOss •Laura SiidU of the home; ami a brother, WMlet M. aiutt of Advance, Rt, 2; Bio - Obituaries - 3/14/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ^jss ciahe of r^ "nr^ajne^--w' ^ome; i ^ :M r a2;VaDd'a brothel ^^^viUe.irKt*/ '"^ernpSaJs^o ":-': '^'^ueVtsV^fha'f I -Bapifs?! t'V-J ^SuK.c.1 ' /?^§ DAV1E CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE* NO ' ..VC.y-yvJ Hmcrycf' V'aJS" yesterdayl«at .paper.;Burial S h,;c%£i,--?f„''® ™EatotS^pfcisJ ;CiiiircIi-?rom Eaton-..Eavi© .Ctfunty.<:>-.^'f 'in ■£!S2: wi.T^SS?^';Bagbyi She ^®e°<iri.cW; lys-i^- . .1^t two snne '. ./^t...» . >.i CloverdaJe ' f'f" 151#SaJem. •?® ; Win•ston^ B^£?rn Pre^A t\fi.<r.A7, caviE CO, PUBUC USPA^ IWOCKSVILLE. NC E31 COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, March 20,1968 Mrs. Wall, 73, jOf Mocksville MOCXSVUJLE - filra. Mamie Hutehins Wall, 73, of Camreh •Street died at Oavie Oonnty 'Hdepltal at 3.-30 aon. after a lurief ilmesa. BIrs. Wan was the wMow d J. W. Wan. who tSed Is I960. She was a mmnbor of the First Bapt^ Ciimdi here. Sie was bom in Bavie Coanty and was the daagbter of Andrew and Ada Can Hatchimt. • Survivors inchide tme daugh ter, Bfiss CMhw Wan oflEa iioine: mie son, James W. Wdl ^ MoeksviUe; one brother, Troy Hntrhfiw, Rt 2, BfadB-i viUe; (me BSra. BuftoB Seats. Rt. 2, ModrnvMe. Zimmermon Boy Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE - Thcunas ZuunaniaB Jr.. nine- year-dd son of Wmer Thcaiias and Sarah Everfaaidt SSm- merman of Rt 3, MocksvMe,, died Monday at 8 pjn. at the Baidist Hflipital In Winston Sal^ after a Ixief iitwayB Surviving in addttion to the parents are two sistos, Mrs. Lanry NiclHds of Rt. 2, Advaoee, and Bitss Vasta Zimmennan of the home; and the matmnal grand^Humits, Mr. and Mis. Bob Evmtardt of Rt 8, MochsvOle. Funeral services wiU be oon- dtfcted Wednesdinr at 4 pjn. at £aton*s Chapq 1^ the Rev. Elmer Day and the Rev. Pal Kdiy. Burial wOl lie at Gomattmr Bqdist Church Ijom^ Riles OOOLEEMHE— Funeral servta for Bte. Ma Uuks wfll be oondoeked Wsdnesdiw M 3 pja. M the libeity AMBSni Chtsrcfa. The liody wfll lemain at tte Moifison - StmdeuBBt Ftemd fltoie unlfl planed In ttm chonB one faaiajr&r «o IhHl litaB. Mrs. Jjames And in Davte Oomdy WoqiHtal on Satmdny Is survived hgr her ii»> Imnd, WflHam Jdhnsop Ijimes of the home: one oml fjamei of Wishing D.C; four listan, Mrs. AdcSe and MraJfamito Whtte of Coolemee, Mrs. WIlUe of Rfldk Oi aa and Noble of Wasfalai^ DjC; and one tarotber. Aw Noble of Uncc gand4Bi|htci3tMMilh Ua IMe and loliiBio Qnoei and one gnadwo, taqr wient. Bio — Obituaries - 3/20/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, March 20,1968 Mrs. Austin, 39, Mocksvllle Notive Mrs. Haiy Brown Au^ 39, k 816 St WiosURh SateD. a native of Modssvilte, died Mmday at lo pjo. at Fof^Coii^ Medical Center. She suffered a heart attack. She was bdrn s, 1929, tte dangbto* of BIrs. Daisey Hill Brown nnd the late Robert Brown. Sie was educated in Rowan County schools and was a menaber of Beulah Tahmiacle Holiness Church in Winston- Salem. Survivors ii^tule her fau^nd. Willie Austin Sr.; five sons, WilJie Austin Jr., Samufd Attstio, Walter Austin, and Joaeidi Au^in, all <d the hune, and Johm ^ Att^ of LnHngton; a Miss IQisabdh ^istia tf the lunie: hor ntothv, 1^. IfeisQf ira RtewQ o{ Bjdto St., East Itoeer; two onmieis, James Brown and Samuel Brown, both of Kart Spencer; two Msteis Mrs. Jom^ VerdeO and Bfrs. Msey both of £, fijpeaeer; end three grandetildien. Bio - Obituaries - 3/20/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Famue Qeinent I [ '-SALISBURY — hittssi • Fanfil^ ' Cleinent, 72, of 318- SI Lloyd -dfed Monday at Da^e Hospital.: funeral I niE-be held at 3 p.m. Thursday I'dt Second Presb^erian Church I iiiw^Ji^cksville. Burial wUl- be iirrae ^church cemetery. She was born in Davie County to Tro^ and Rachel Clement Surviving are. a foster daughter, / tos. Frances Wflliamsr ot 'Mocksville, Rt 4; and'^. a brother) Tioy Clement of Winston-Salem. The body is at Noble and Kelsey Funeral Home. 3av/e Cc Mock n __ O N I j 21 Q. uJ -1 Cil =i 82 I I fN o VN \ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 21,1968 - Page 2 ElAtER ZIMMnSRAIAN. JR. Ebner Thomas Zimmeraian, Jr., 9, 41ed Momlay at the Uos> pital at Wlaslon^lem, after a brlel Illness. ' The ftineral was held at Eaton's Chapel at 4 p. m. Wednesday. Bur* lot will bo In Comatser Baptist Church cemetery. He was bom in Davle County'to Elmer Thomas and Sarah Eveihart Zimmerman. Surviving are his parenls; and two sisters, Mrs. Larry Nichols of Ad vance, Rt. 2, and Miss Vasta Zim merman of the home. PAUL BOWl^ Paul Bowles, 61, of Wtnston&dem, and a foimer resUent of Miockaville, died Thursday night at the Veter ans Hoqiltal at Sallsbuiy. Funeral services were conducted Sunday at 2:30 p. m. at Oak Grove Methodist Church with MiUtaiy honors! The Rev. Don Sides end the Rev. James conducted the service. Mr. Bowles was bom In Davie County, the son of the late Witbdm and SalUe Boger Bowles. He was a member of Oak Grm^e Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Rebecca RuA Bowles; two sisters, Mrs. Vkda TUrrentlne of rl S. Mocksville, and Mrs. Effle Alien ot MocksvUle. Albeit Bowles of Rt. 2, Mocksville and Clarence Bowles oi Wlnilon^lem. N. C. MRS. J. W. WALL. SR. i Funeral services for Mrs. Mamie Ifutchlns WaU. 73. were held Sunday at 4 p. m. at the First Baptist Church with the Rev. Fred Banwi. the Rev. James Ratchford, and the Rev. E. M. Avefl offlelaUng. Burial was In Rose Oemateiy. Mrs. Wall was the t^ow ef J, W. WaU. Sr. who died la 19S0. She was a member of the F(mt Bapttst Chumh. She wos Iwro in Oavie County, and was the doaSbler ef Andrew and Ada CaU KotoiUnf. Survivors included me dau^ier. Ulsa Claire Wall ef the home; ope son, Jamea W. WaU of BfocfcivUle: one brother. TToy Hotchiitf. Rl. I. BfOckivlUe: one slater, Mif. Boiton Seats. Rt. 2. ModnvtSe. and three grandcMdrea. PaU bearore were: J. A- Craven. Tarn Shore. GUmar fMay, Ue Ooaait. janaa M. Andravt aiMS. W. Brawn* ft. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 21,1968 - Page 6 hmW.fUAMES Mra. Ida Mao hfoble,. bf Cpoleemee', wife of WiUi am Jo^ ^ fionus. ^icd Salurday al' Da^ OoUhty I&^UaL ^ : I- Funeral sqiwI^; ynac ,C9nj1uctM Wednesday ol -3* j)!: m.. al -Ubm^; AME Chbrclh'ih Cour^V .hbdid' wUl be in^tiiB .diar^^cenio-' toiy. . " .... • She wos born In Davio County to WUllam and Margaml N^le .and was a member of Llbciisr Z^ Church. . . • ! •. Surviving arojicr hudiand: a.son,■Billy IJan^ of Woshington. D. C.: four sistci^ Mrs. Addto Myers and Mrsi. Franlde White of Coolccmec. ■Mrs. Millie Nichols of Rock HUl. S. C.. and l/Oss Jolinsio Kdbte of Washington. D. C.; and a brother. Alex Noble of. Cooleomeo. Bio - Obituaries - 3/21/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 28,1968 - Page 1 Rolling Car Crushes Woman Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Siiore, 32, of Mocltsvillc, ni. 3. wife of Robert L. Shore, died Friday March 22 ol Davio County Hospllai from injur* ic8 received Thur^ay wlicn a car rolled down the driveway of her home, pbmlns her against a car* port. fOr. Francis Slafo Davio County coroner, said sho suffered internal injuries and (dMck. The Cumtl was hold at 2 p. m. Monday March 26 ol Eaton Fun* cral Chapel. Burial was in Aoso Cemelety. She was bum in Palnesdaio, Mich., to Jafcl and Edith Gull lioinonen. Surviving are lior husband: Iwu sons, Phillip L. and Graham S. Shore of the home; her muther, Mrs. Edith Makl of Ramsey. Mich.: five half'brothers. Wayne Maki of Daytena Beach. Fla., and Willie, John. Jimmy and Eddie Maki of .Micitlgnii. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 28,1968 - Page 2 Mrs. Bowman's Sister Dies Mrs. C. V. Slm-ens of SallSMuy. sister of Mrs. Eugene S. Bowman of Mocksvltle, died Thursday, March 21, at 8:30 a. m. at the N. C. Baptist ffospital. Winston* Salom. Funeral services were held at 2 p. ftt. at First Presbyterian Church in Salisbury by the Rev. itcibcrt L. Underwood, pastor, and tho Rev. Norman M. MacDowell, associate pastor. Burial was In Ro wan Memorial Park. Mrs. Slovens, 64. of 414 Moupin Avenue. Salisbury, was the former Sarah Virginia Hellig. She was born Sept. 23. Ut03, in Salisbury, daughter of the late Ed\vard Lee and Sallie Sossamon Heiiig. She was educated in Salisbury city schools and nt the Woman's Collego of the University of North Carolina In Greensboro. She taught school In Satlsbury anil was later principal of A. T. •Allen School. She was also a mem ber of the Sali^ry school board. A member of the First Prc^ytcr- ian Church, ^e was fomierh^ a toachor of the Rumple Bible class, aiid served as church historian fl^ ISSOklMl. In ICtiS. she was awarded a life membership by the Woman of Church for her devotion and ser vice. From 1664 to 1687, sho was a member of the Communion Coun cil. and at the time of her death, she was chairman of the pcrsonol faith .and family life commlltce of the Women of the Church. In lieu of flowers, mcmorlnl gifts may bo sent to the building fund of the First Presbyterian Church. Survivors include her husband. 0. V. Stevens, whom sho married July 14. 1934: a son, Charles V, Slovens Jr. of La Habra, Calif.: two sisters. Mrs. Dodd Brown of S. Main St. Ext.. Sallsbuiy. and Mrs. Bowman and five grandchil dren. Bio - Obituaries - 3/28/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 28,1968 - Page 4 J. p. (DICKIE) CRANFILL Jowpb Paul CUdde) CraoliU. 87. of Mackavlllo, Kt. 5, dlod Bfonday at Davlo County Ko^tol from oa* tural causoo. Hie fonoral was bold Wednesday at U a. in. at Bear Creek Bf^lst Omrdi. Burial was to the dmreh cemeteiy. ' He was t{om In Darie County to Andrew and MdUe Beavls Oranflll. He was a retired Aimlture em* pleyoo. Gtorvivlng are Us wife. Mrs. Hel* en HUtcbens omnfUl; a dau^Mer, MTt. Brenda Nonce of MockevlUe. W. 5; duee sisters. Mrs. Naomi Sknltk of Woodleaf, Mrs. Burton Trivctto of ModnvlUo, Rt. 5. Mrs. Cumey lAtb of Bosiett. Va.} and three brothers. Ban CmnBl) of PO' eahontas. Va.. Buddy CronBll of Uocfcivttle. Bt di and Ban Qrao' BB (d IfMhirittib St 4 DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 28,1968 - Page 5 MRS. J. C; niAFFIN Mrs. Dora Rkhardson Chaffln, 82. of Moetcsvhle, Rt. i. wife of Joe a Oiemn. Sr.. died Saturday at borne. The t^rai wlU be at U a. m. Monday at New Union Mo< ihodisl OmrdL Burial was In the church cemetery. She was bonr in Davie (Tounty to William M. and Sarah Bech Ridiardstm. .u • Surviving ere her huriia^: .a daughter Mrs. Gordon Giiniore c! S!]er City; three sons, Bunyan and J. C. QiaRin. Jr. of MOcfcvUIe: and Adoffdtus Ctiaffln of China Grove; and a ^er. Mrs. Lonnic Richardson of MocfcsviUe. Rt. i. Mrs. Bertha Headrtckt Joaes Funeral services for Mrs. Berths Hendrirt(s Jones. 70. of 20M East Sprague Street, widow of CSeorge L. Jones, wore held FHday at 3 p. m. at the First UUted Church of Christ. Wlnsfon^m. N. C. Burial was in Wau^town ConM}* lery. Mrs. Jones died Wednesday at Forsyth Memorial HoqiitaL Survivors inchide a daughter. Mrs. Hercbel Angell; a son. Jack Hendrlchs, both of KemersvlUe, N. C.; one sister, blrs. Troy Vniv xant of IVInsUm^lem; five broth ers, W. P. Hendricks of Mocksviilo, Glenn Hendridu of Lexington, Sherman Kendridts of <1)61110, Ga Frank Hendricks of WaynesviUe, and Duke Hendricks of Elberton. Georgia; six graodchfldren and eight great grandchildren. Mrs. Jones was a former resi dent of MocksvIUe. Bio - Obituaries - 3/28/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 28,1968 - Page 7 Johnny Foster Dies Of Wound Jchnn)' Kranklin FVtsfer. 34, o{ Mocksv]llc. Rl. 3, died &inday nighl at Forsylh MemdHat Hospital at Wins(oii*Sa{cm from a gutishot wound received Sunday oROfnoan. Acting Davic COunty Coroner Dr. D. U Richards rul^ that death was caused by accidental shooting. •Davle county Sherllf Joe Smith said that Fbstcr and his three>yoar •old daughter tcR the-Itome of his sister In the Oak Grove community about 6:43 p, m. Sunday. He said there was a pistol In the car. Smith said that the car had traveled about 60 yards from his sister's house when It swerved oft the road and went into a pasture. Smith said Foster's daughter, was not hurt when the car left the road, and that sl% walked back to the bouse. Foster was found in the car, shot. He was taken to Forsyth ROs* pitai In tVlnstoThSalemi where he died several hours later. The funeral was held Tuesday at Boihtehem Methodist Church. Burial was In the church cemetery. He wos operator of Foster's Gro cery Service on Highway sOL He was born in Davle County to Robert and Mozell Tucker Foster. Survivng ore bis wife, Mrs. Car ol Robertson Foster; a daughter. Miss Sandra Foster of the home; his parents of MoeksvOIe, Rt. 3; fira sisters, Mrs. Opal Ward, Mrs. Gray Smith and Mrs. St^rman Wood of Mccksville. iRt. 3, Mrs. Ralph Lawson of WInston-Salem and Mrs. Paul Johnson of Mocks> vlilo; and a brother, Robert Foster of Greenstwro. Bio - Obituaries - 3/28/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MCCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, Gf^Cook BlfCSSVEU; — Gforge Ntppii tf. ^ m. 4. WiiMMHi. M Moodajr at Davit Cfty Ho^HtaL He was ten Jan. IS, im, in Davit County, son ol the late George L. and Ellen Ward Cook. He was a retired farmer. He was naniad to Viola Pat- tersoa Caok, who died in l9o2. and later to Mrs. Rote Kimbie (wr airfims laelnde a sister, Mrs. George Smith of Homestead, Ra.; three half* sistera. Mis. Eva A. Griffith of Wiaetoii.^alem, Mrs. Matiio F. SheltOD of m. 4, Winston- Saiem, and Bfrs. Ada Hociuday of Rt. 1, Advthee; and a half* brotter. Curtlss F. Cook of RL i. Advnoe. FuaarM amo^SMnts are ii>- comMt. lite body will remain at Qilii*s Faneral Home. MsiaiHtb may be sent lo the Cancer Fund. April 3,1968 Bill Ridenhour, Boseboll Umpire Fmeral aerrices for Mn Jamos (BM) Ridaatear Sr., vr, of SaUsfaory, Rt 1, wMo eon- dnetad at t p.m. Satndaiy at Eaton's Funeral Chapel in MocfctvUle ^ the Rov. George P. Robiosoa. Burial was k Rowan Memorial Park. Pillbaarers were IfiOard Harmon, ifonty Rideateur, James Rideoboir, Walter 5lwiiik, T. R. Boften, and Hnatfiwnm Howard. Mr. Ridnbov died at 3:4S p.m. UMiadiy at Rowan Memorial Hospital after suf fering a heart attack. In ad dition to survivors listod in an eaHler account of his death, he is survived by three grandchihhm He was bora May 3, ISOO, in Davie County, toe aim of the late Owens ml Mdllie Wof- ford Ridsoboe'. He was k the lestaorant business for 30 years k Davk County before bis retiremenl and was known as a hetaball unqure in several kagoe. Survivkg are his wife, Eida Jordan RMtoliBur; a aon, Johi .1. RbkniwBr Jr. ofRt I, Sahstey: a ristv, Uxb. MmM Gray of KerDsrsriDe; thm broUiara, Oyde Ridwhoar and Jack Ritatoar, both of Rt 4, Maeksyille, and Ervk Rkeoteui of levkghw, Bio — Obituaries — 4/3/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 3,1968 John Athey Of Cooleemee MOCKSVILLE - John Leroy Athey. 71^ of 48 Walls St... Cooleemee, died Monday el Rowan Memorial Hospital. He was bore S^. 9. 1889. in Rowan County, the son of the late Thomas and Frances Goodman Athey. He was a retired employe of Erwin Mills. Sorvivini are his wife, the former Mollie Creason; five sons, Tom Athey. Bill Atbey. Robert Atbey. and Jack Athey. all of Cooteemee, and James H. Athe>. ol Rt. 4. Lexinsion: four daughters. Mrs. Haiel Stiller of Cooleemee. Mrs. JmRod. Page of Rt. 4.. Moac8v01e. Mrs. Richmond Batf^pf Rt. 9. UxIngtOD, Mrs. ErQ^m' Plelps of Sablbury; a> bro^, 5am Athey o f Salisbury; a balf*bro(her, Hubert Graham of Salisbtiry: ani* a half sister. Mrs. Eddie SMiibttry Mrs. Jocobs, At 83 Years Foenl services for Mrs. Maggie Lena Hottner Jaeate, e. «f sons Rd. were coniiMlil Friday at 2 p.m. at SoBBBiensIt ktcBBKWial Cnapel by the Rev. Fraak B. T^trner, pastor of N. Mate St. Methodist Cbareb, and the Rev. Cbtrlee Bwcfaett, pastor of First Baptist Gbiireh, . Cooleemee. Burial waa at Rowan Mofnorial Park. Pallbearers were EvtieU lioflin, Herman Beaver, Jerry Whitaker, John Barber, John Peeler, Eugene Lane, and H. M. Jacobs Jr. Mrs. Jacobs died Wednesday at 8 a.ra. at the Rowan Memorial Hoapital She had been in declining health for lix months. She was born June 14, 18M, in Concord, the daugblsr of the late Henry M. and Maftim Wood Hoflner. She was educated in Rowan County achools, and was a lile hmg Beasber ef N. Mala ^ Methodist Ohur^ Her hnahaad, Heary Ateis- ander Jacobs, died Jan. 2, 1967. Surviving are three soim, Jefaa Henry Jacofaa and Wemhow W. Jacobs, both of SaWbury, ami Herbert H. Jneobe o f Cooleemee; tlwee danghtora, Mrs Heath Weals of Chsriette, Mrs. R. F. Gtrnder ef SeOs Rd., Salisbury, with wham Mm lived, and Mrs. Jack K. MaWti of Germany; a brathv, Grever W. HoHner M tilhlfy; a sister, Mrs. Fletehir C. Lsttte of Salishvy; 12 iiaiMuiimnn; and 11 greet-gnaMBdrca. Bio - Obituaries - 4/3/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 4,1968 - Page 5 joirn JattNM (Bill) RldMboar Fuocifal ittrviees for John JomeR (BlUi RMenhour 8r., (ft, of Rt I, SaliBlwiy. Mvrc held at 2 p. in. Saturday ot Eaton's Chapel. Burial uma In Rowan Memorial Park at Sattsliury. Mr. RIdenhcur dlod Thursday at Rowan htcmnrlnl tfoipUal. lie was i)crn In Davio Oounty to Dwens and MolUc Wofford RldeiH hour. He operate a restaurant hero for altoul twenty years ond .implrcd In a numt)cr of baseball ieogues In the area. SurvivlnR are his wife, Mrs. Eula Jardon Rldcnhoar; a son, John Rb denhour, Jr. of SnIIshury. Ri. 1: a sister. Mrs. Johnsie Cray of Kc^ ncrsvlllc: three biethors. Jack ahd Clyde Rktonhour of Rt. 4, Moclc» vine and Et^ln Rldenhoiu' of Lno liUiton. nRRRGR K. COOK Georso Napolonn Cook. «l, o' Wlnston-Sfllcm, RI. 4. died Mnoda.v It DavIo Count>' tta<qiltat. Kimsro' -erv^ees were conducted ot Ralon'r 'Rwipel. Wedixuiby, .nt elever o'clock. ffe was bcm In Davie C%iunly In George l<. and Elton Word Coal: and was o retired farmer. Surviving ore his wife, Mrs Rose Rimble Cnok> a stater. Mrs Cfeorge Smith of Homestead. Fla.. t6tee Holf-alstni. Mrs. Ev.t Gril nth of Wlnston^Solem. Mrs. MatUr f. Sbellbn of WJnslon^alem. Rt. 4 trod Mrs. Ado Itockadoy of Ad* Vance. Rt. I: and a haRJiro'.her. CurUss P. Cook of Advance. Rt. l. JOHN LEROY AtllEh* fhnicral services for John Ijeroy Athey. 77. of 48 Wall Street Coo* 'cemcc. were held ol 4 p.m. 'A'ed- •*e8dav nl Coolcemoo Prcsbylorlnn Cburck. Burial was In Rowan Me* moriol Park. Qfr. Athey died Monday at Rowan ^femorial Hospital. Ho wos bom In Rowan (Munly to "niomas ami Pronces Goodman.Athey./ Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mol* lie Creaaon Atboy; five sons, Tom. Bin. Robert and Jack Athey of Coo* Iccmce and James Alhey df Usx* digton. Rt. 4: four daughters. Mrs. riazel Sliiier of Cooteemec, Mn tJudson Pago of MccksvUle. Rt. 4. ^37 Riehmand Dallty of Lextng ten, Rt. 0. nnd Mrs. Emost Phclpr it Salisbury: a orothor. .Sam Athey d Salfadtuty: ond a half sister, Mrs. Bddte Walker of SalLdmry. Bio - Obituaries - 4/4/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 10,1968 OfCeeBew B. D. Tvraer Of Mocksville Mi tmnuM - mm Mir ikiNB-SMtesnaM. Mrs. Beck, 91, Of Mocksville MnJWIit BnAMilBMfc il liihiPi. M day nwitwfcn ^ M Ma '^SS Couaty HcapM iftw « ft. ^;Em natt of two Hiiki. - UVtiU: aa; KMamr.M Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 10,1968 G. C. Brown Of Mocksville CHINA GROVE — Grwar CloTwItnd Brova, IT. i| BL 4« UedBvUk, 4M Wiiiiiilij m 11:» a n. al InM Miirial HoapiUl, WiRiiriBi. Ha M biM m'rtiflMi kailtli fv ttaaa yean aad MriaMlgr S fv 10 dayf. Ha Via ban Nor. 11, UN. io IradaO Oonlr, Iba an of tha lala iiba fi Aaana tef Brova. Ha wm aoqlafad al tba MocMOa raad Mffl «RU Ma ratinmm. * Ua wM a miwhnr of flE U*a'a LodMm Gtavcb, Baar terivte an Mi vHt, Mn. Ran Hartay Havn; aaraii aoaa, WBHam Bana Bwm at UayigaB, Gfovar WUfrad Bmm M MtfM Me^ Gaana IWM^Rira if SaUfiiy, Pad i. Bmva M1, IfachsTiBa: aSby Ui Bmn of Bma, mm m& Bmmi M CaalaMMa. nd GMa J. Broam af tba baaia: ton daaBMn, Mil. iMnna BaaHak _ 5157 I, mebiiBK Mra. ' iCMhiriM PUtaR af OiniaMa. ! tllVB. lidia IWMwv af Rt 4, I MNtwIDa, and Mra. DaroOp IbiMBakar af BhdaavfBa; aaa hfbte. fia ptvtm Of Ri I, KaanapoUa; . and S fvuMpbiftimb Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 11,1968 - Page 6 -' .Miis. JiAv^ioKp eujs.- q ' • ; V*»inorai 'sorrlc®? (<)r"Mr8.' Muiy Carter. Cllb of Modtsvhlc Tit. 9. vvlfc of naymund. Kills, um* licid SuiKlity nflcrnoun ul the Curnaiztfr Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. • Mrs. Kills tllcil Friday at the DavIc County Ifosiiital. She was born In Davie County to onto and Ida Whllalccr Carter. Stirvhiflfl are her husboml; two sisters. Mrs. Haxel. Spain of Crew. Va., and Mrs. Aims Hampton of • Richmond. \*a.; and three broth ers, Thomas and WiiUam Carter of Crew and Tilbnan Carter of Mocksviile. Rt. 3. BKYA!^ D. TVIINER. 70 Fimeral services for Bryant David Turner, 70. of Mocksviile were hold Saturday at Eaton's Chapel. Burial was in Union Chap- !cl Methodist Church Cemetery. , Mr. Turner died TItursdny at thci DavIc Coiiniy llo;())i(aI .ifter a heart altitvk. lio was bom in Rochinsham County to David and Ciomcnlinc Turner and was a retired pointer. Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. Kl- ma Trivettc "Dimor; a son. Ben jamin Tumor of Wtlkcsboro; (wo daughters, Mrs. Brcndn Milter of Winston-Salcm and Mrs. Frances Hoover of Sollsbuiy: n stepson. Robert L. Tri\elto of Salisbury; a hrotiior. H. S. l^urnor of Winston- Salcm: iind three sslcrs. Mrs. U. M. Wiliiams of Wlnslon-Satcni. Mrs. Cora Hcgc of rhiiadeiphia. Pa., and Mrs. Ardciia Ttirnor of Southern Pines. MRS. T. J. BECK. 87 Funeral sendees for Mrs. Saltic Evcrhardl Beck. 07. of Mocksviile, widow of T. J. Bock, wore held FiHday ol Eaton's Chapel. Burial was in the Jcrlcho Cluirch' of ChHst Cemetery. Mrs. Beck died Thursday at the (Davdc County Hufpilal. Surviving are thi'cc d.-tuglilcrs, Mrs. Rebecca Foster of Coolce- mcc, Mrs. Frances Freeman efi Mocksviile and Mrs. Jackie Burton | of Aibemaric: a son, John H. Bock, of Lewisvilie; and a sister, Mrs. | E. M. Deadmon of hfoeksvilto, Rt 4. ROBERT W. YOKELY Funeral services for Robert Will iam Yokely, 60,-'of R(. 3 Mocks viile wore held "Riosday at Eaton's Chapel. Burial was in Utc BeUtcl McUtodlisl Church cometcky. Mr. Yokely died Sunday at 5:30 p. m. ol the VA Uospllal in Salis bury. Be was born July 0. 1911, in Forsyth Coonly, (he eon of the Inte Charlie and Mamie Hmiscr j Voklcy. he was- a vxtcran of World I War U and a retired employe of I Wealern Elcclric in Wlnstoh-S,v lem. Dale, and Denny Vohley, all Ilia home: two daughlcw, Pamela gtid Cunnic Yoklcy, both of tho holWsj" Surviving ore his wife, the f«rm-' and n sister, Mrs. Robert, Perry- or Helen Sparks; three sons. Earl man of Wlnstoh^alem. Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA I ) k ' > !Leon. 1 Sj? • po*»ar<l r^^She was iom ia Dai^ Coun^ ber of ^^iv^c^Bai^ Churchd »;>« of-\Mwi^ale^ ^£5[. ^ '^o brothersArthur ^hutf of Advance and vaT^®^ C. Shutt Jr. of JTocks- p The -Sbdy'^ H^e 'j at Batbn'sAjR^; Moclcsvaie^ tS ^ ■2^ •"—^ • — Li-S- <J o ^ (_ f'- IH ~ ifLt a fO. ?UBUC Vfsm DAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBIMRy MOCKSVILLE. N# i Cv rs WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 4/16/1968 y^J^8g^Bi$aat' |H.aMa^Bii^rniU '^a^emrial Park? in Foj^ J- Hi and'aiarles^^jEanof:'of Chicago, B-J a brotfaeri.^. WaiiA h^.' .j. w. ,-. . • . V.".* Slicks cf StatesviUe: anS twot sisters, Mrsr-S. F. Kasandy. of >Atlanta, 6a., and mssuSi vaijne Etodik^ of Raleigh, i •. ®al>ody Is at Smith Funeral* .' i^ome;'at Maid^ j ^ if W~ c^-l. v.i L i9 Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 17,1968 B. Y. Boyies, Former Sheriff Of Dovie County UOCKSVau - BcnJuDiB Ymui who acrv^ Ai iheriff of Coooty lor two lormt ia Ifat tmtg aad wu • incmtar of tfcc W A Ct Moekfvllfe DtfL, diad uiwipwtaifly Ptiday at 7 p.ai. ^ < wUa OS a MiM trip at Davk Of MOC W. A. Co Ha vai bora March U, 1102, M MecfclMlm Oaadj, aoa of rnatzer Of Mocksviile UOCKBVniJ! - Wil«7 Atet- mdm Ontar, n, el ttt. t. T. G. Foster Sr. Of Mocksviile 17. im Bio — Obituaries — 4/17/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 17,1968 J. E» McDaniel Of Mocksville MOCKSVIIX£ - Jacob M (Matthew) McDaniel, 73, M Rt 3, MocfcaviDe. died Meoday at 4:30 pjD. at the Davia Cws^ He waa bora Afirtt Si, tSH, _ . _ ssa JssrwtT; co""** Bayailds Tebeeoo Co., a dorch, aad a veteran e£ WarU War L Somviai are Ida wife, IHe fonur Ethel Cope, Ihrae daMhtera. Mra. Sarah Baflw of Sal* ^ 8. C.. Un, HuSd rmk of St a, MoefesvOe, aad Mrs. Ommk Sae BanriMidt of St 1, Advance; a aoa, Bib £. MdMaiel of BL S, MocftaviUe; a aliter, Mra. W. E. liattea of Bt i, Mecfcaville; eight graageUMrea: aad a mil if iviuea will be cod- dMiHl WidMtf at 3 pja. at Batoa'f PhainaaonM Chapel by the Bffr. uSSS and the Bav. rwrraet ChiacM Barial vffl he at Orataw iW at Davto OMp ITiwdiil Saadny at IS pja. aBer eid- faring ohMTtMUdL W, Mli waa born ia Davle OQWBp Aprfl i, ifis, aea of AlbSt WMey Mta end BoMa Smm Fiito. hk addlHen to Ua pwenta, he ia aanriaad by hM wIM, Mra. Ada gahnhitii Myra Mta; one dMridar, Mia. Oivid M Lee oTBSntiaa, N. J.; two eeaa, liariM U* MM of Port GaOrBa, Md. «d WSDau Aafii^MliofthihMBa; two slates, airs.a&|ta aad Mra. Vmmm wlltafcerntafcer Watey B. Mia iW «dtennBdahili Bio - Obituaries - 4/17/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 17,1968 Beatrice Beck Shoaf Bud Serf yKpSUm Murdered : In D. C. «l OMfe Qm^, wm li Mh ii a nbfevi nmnnSSm tSfSi, 'a tmm wm m ^ CoftttaBBd firott aif« 1. Ii IbB CoolewxB Bebooii and wu a rtdnd riMarad mna. 6be wu i Baptttt, a mambtr a( tha Oite «r iba EMlm Star ti Waalrii^ Sbe It wrvM to bar hot* band; tvo aom, ttwatao Jr.. flf Palmdala, CaUe., Md SM 8^ Joa^ B. Shoaf of Waaby. bratton, VaaUl Bad Gtear. of fliMihiay. Orioai. of Rklnaod» Va.; fiva tMara, Ifra. Ada Wariaabkr, Ufa. ludlla RMaahaar aad Ifra. WbmidiI of UelMMMl, Va., nd toT KiHwUM Birahuilt of 'Meeka villa ; (boa ■* «-.. «_ — --§iaaiWBiariy. hittoD£.lli nm-rnmi, & and Uli ML4, liKlw .ipxi^'c^rjEak'K' -.Mmts.- CoaliBMd 9fl raa* IB iMHad rivad it fHBBMmtt IfuiiilI aihBlNr, HoMt la BaBibonr llflBdiy.ma mS jAm iS«^ eSSdhid OHM la Jiafdii at BoMnaraatt Miparid (SmmI by tha Rav.^ % am. WBkmJL Tifaina, piriBr ofnijiil aiorta M Udbana Chwch. mMJmat RwSd waa hi Raarae Mwrtal I BM «f ■a 14. ^ Bio - Obituaries - 4/17/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 18,1968 - Page 6 W. -M. iDoc) POTTS •William Martin «Doci PoUs. S3, of Mocksvllle. Rl. I, died Sunday j night 00 his vva>< to Oavie County, Hospital. Death was from naturol' causes. , ■Funeral services were conducted: at 4 p. m. Tuesday at EatoVs Pun* oral GhapoL Burial was In Oak Otrove >Gothodia Church cemeteiy. I Me was born In Davte County to Atbcii Wesley and Rosic Summers •Potts. He was a mendier of Oak Grove Methodist Otureb. Sutvlvlnjt are his wife, Mrs. Ada Elitobeth Myers Potts, his parents of MocksviUe: a daughter, Mrs. David II. Lcc of Eatontown, N. J.: t\\i> sons. Martin KoUh Potts of Fort Mendc, Fla.. and Willtum Anthony Potts of the home; two sisters. Mrs. -H, C. Myers of Mocksvinc. Rl. 2: and a brother. Wesley R. Polls of Mocksvlllo. J. E. McHANIEL Jncob Ell (Motthow* McDonlcl. : 73. of MocksviHe. Rt. 3. died Mon day' ol Davle County Ho^llal. Fun eral services nero hold al 2 p. m. Wednesday at Eatnns Funcrol Home Chapel. Burlnl wits in Cornntzcr Methodist Church cemetery. ife was bom In Dnvlc County to Jncob Ell ami Elueno Gullet Mc> Daniel. Ho was o member of Coma> tzcr Methodist CIntrdi. He was nI retired employe of R, J. Reynolds .Tobacco Co. Survh'ing ore his wife. Mrs. Eth el Cope l^lbDantcl: throe daughters. Mrs. Sarah Baltcy of Rock.Hill. S. C.. Mrs. Hoix>ld Frank of Mocks- villc. Rt. 3. and Mrs. Ommlo Sue! Bnrtihnrdt of Advance. Rt. 1: a son.iBtlitc E. McDanlcl 'of Mocksviile. i Rt. 3: and a sister. Mrs. W. E. |I Melton of MocksvllIc, Rt*. 3. ! MRS. J. -11. OIU<EV Mrs. Joseph H. Oilloy of Maiden. widow of Joseph Hudson GUkiy,. died Suitday at the homo of hor son. J. If. Otllcy, <1r. of MooresvlHo. the ftineml nut at 2 p. m. Wednesday ol the First Baptist Church of Mold* en. Burial was In Cntowtxi Mcmor*- Inl Park. She was born In Yndkln CUnnly to Mclvor Jackson and Emma Ea ton Hcndrtcks. She had toutdft school In Porsyth (kmnty. Surviving ore two sons. J. 11. Gil- ley. Jr. of MeoresvlHe and Charles J. Glllex* of Chicago, III; a brother, J. WVtdo Hcndrieka of SiatesvHlci and two sisters. Mrs. S. F. Korandy. of Atlonto. Ga.. and Miss Molvarlnd Itcndrlcks of Itatelith. Mrs. Gilloy is a niccc of Utc lohh Mrs. W. C. Martin and Mrs. John T. Bnity. The Hcndricks family formerly tWcd on Route 2. MockSr vtlie. W. A. COIlNATZKIt V, Funcrnt wrvh-es for WIloy Alex*^ ondcr Coniatzcr. 73, of Rt. Mecksvlllc. nero held at 2 p. .Saturday at l^lon's Chapel by th6Rev. D\^ght bidudg, the Rev. FO^ tor Loft in ond the Rov. Forrest' Cluirch. Burial was in Oomatier Methodist Church cemetery. Mr. Cornatsor died Thursday oiDorothy DIx Hospital In Ratcl^ ow tcr an Illness of IS months. '}) Qtc was bom In Davle County Novy 9. less, the son of the Into UlUng^to nand Emnvtr Barney Cornatxciy Surxdvors Include his wife. EHsa)!ttcth Hcndrlx Comalicr; two dau^hiers. Mrs. Uicllto Ellis of Rt. ^Mocksvlllo, and Mrs. Helen Hcgo c]( Chnrlotto: six grandchildren: twdgroat grandchildren; and a broth^ cr, R. C. Oomatzcr of Rl. 3. MookiP vlllc. i) Bio - Obituaries - 4/18/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 18,1968 - Page 3 hnkwil^ liHilliiiiil ftfre. Beatrice Sheaf. .6if (erlwHlf of R(. 4. Moelttvitte, N. CL iUrd Thtirfdoy, 13 hours after m was beatea on Bte hSad hy hiVMttf housebfeakers. who taftftsehld^^hsr home hi soatheas -WaShiftHeh. (Rdgor Bixiim, iff, a nelgfi^ 'wh6 tHed to hoTp her, was h^tolittd wiUi head infories ond^- a wetmd in the s^. Two;^tt^ IB odd 17, were ehardM ydtbr €M». ^ fttr& Shoaf was a retlred ie^s^ (ered muse. . . * Sler husband,'Houdoa, a metal worker, said' he re(i from a Shepplnd^ trip 1o wife lying on the'dlMtig ro and Brown wnhpa^ arottnd fhe lie* log room dated-and irihitdaj^*- Awof said beea pulled oiit and loM He said the housebreahdn h^d thl eii a sewing maehloer-^ftVb I reels, a radio, a nasblw ^ a penny bank, bu^ overtdn^ ^ In ai^ Sioaf's purse and .eOsB- lt)fa, basentent bureau. - * *• •*.; FXueral serviera for,..bfrSe"Sh!^ were held at S pitn. Sunday at me ifiO-llPymeiat Jtome di^iel in Wash* Ifigdil. AhaBier leMee win he held •t iSufnmerseu fMnero) Bteme nl SalUhttfy later. Burial wItt be fn Rodman-MeffioHal Raric at SaltSbury. • wt was born In Davie Oetthly to ^Mse B. and Lola Onibb Bcek. vBufyivUig are her hueband; two iohs, Ketiiloii flhi]ttf,.dr.. ef Palm* .<0^ Oallf. add Josi^ B. Shoaf of MUfatt .'three tiradiets, 1^al and diimer Beck e( Sails* buri' aiid Grimes Beck ef Blehfitead, Vff.* ahd 'nee Slaiers. Atrs. Ada Blackwelder. Mrs. Lucille Riden* hour and Mrs. Timnle Rldenhour of Salisbury. Mrs. Thotma Salrego^ of Richmond, Va. and Mre. Kathiji tiae Bandiardt of hfioeksvUlr. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 18,1968 - Page 4 ScrvicG.s Arc Held For Ben Y. Boyles Funeral services fm* Pcnjnmin Yoman Boylos. fW. of Mocksvlllc were held Mendnj' nriemnun ot 2 p.m. nl Kalon's Chniicl. The Rev. .tontes K. nnlehfortl amdnlcd. nttrial wtin In lite Belhlehom Mcth< edlsl Churrh cemetery. | ^Ir. Doylcs dletl Frfilny uvcniiis I nl Davis iNtamI after stiffcring a 'heart nllack. j lie tva.* Imiii in .Mccklenhnrn j Cdtinlv. Ihv Hitn nf llitlicrl ami Mar}-1 Mc(?atitt^ (.'annnti and rnmc In I MockstiUc nrmind .io >'cur!t aim. i For a number of x-cnrs he ami i Cralg Fbstcr oiteralcd the Pavic • Qriek and Coal C(im|ian.v and later j IVOR asmriaicil Hith C. (*. Sanfiird | Sons Company. In PKM Itc was cleclcd as SticrlU •if Davic (kmiil.v awl sen-cd for ltw» terms, until laia. since thai lime he has tivcn a member of the Mofksvillo Palleu Dcpmlmen*. die was a ntuinber of Ihc Mwks- villo Town Bonrd of Cnmmlssiuncrs from mm in i!»a. "He was a mismlmr of the Klr.d -rrcshylerlan CtuircU of klorksville. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Fay *«mith Boyle.<i: three sisters. .Mrs. John Bhcfficd ot Pelcrsburn. Va.. Miss RbcImI Cannon of Hunters* vllle. and Mrs. Dec MtKiitc)' uf llliUi Point. Bio - Obituaries - 4/18/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 24,1968 Mrs. Taylor, Of Mocksviile MOCKSVTLLE - Mrs. Minnie Florence Taylor. 78. d Rt. 4, Mocksviile, died Sunday at 12: OS a.m. at the Davie County Hospital. She was bom June 10, 1889, the daughter of Charlie and Nancy Barneycastte Wilson. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Ella Mae Wall of Rt. 2, Advance, and Mrs. Velraa West of Rt. 4, Mocksviile; a son, Glenn Taylor of Lexington; seven grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be con- ducted Tuesday at .1 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Tommy Tugii^ and Rev. Stewart Conard. Burial will be at Union Chapel Methodist Church cemetery. The family will receive friends at the funeral home toolglit from 7 to 9. L J. Nichols Of Cooleemee Linnie J. Nidiols, 89, of Cool- eeinee, died at the home of his dni^ter at S:30 a.in. Friday. He was bom in Wilkes County April 21, 1878, the son of Bynum Fannie Betheney Mint<m Nichols. He was married to Min nie Lou Nichols, and his secoi^ marriage was to Oordia Campt>eU. He is survived by his widow; four sons, A v e r y , of TbomasviUe, Howard, of Lynchburg, Va., Carl, of SalislMry, Hanford, of Mocksviile: six daughters, Mrs. Lslier Smith of Laui^ Hill. Mrs. Hester, Currin of Corsicana, Texas. Mrs. EUa Lewis and Mi's. Ada McPberson, both of Randleman, Mrs. Viole Moore of Harmony, Mrs. Eva ^avis of Cooleemee; 49 grandchildren, 76 great grandchildren and six great-great grandchildren. C. E. Vogler, Clifford Emory Vojjer, Sr., 70, of the Pine Ridge Road, died Saturday at 12:40 am. at the Davie County Ho^ital. He was born Feb. 23, 1890. in Davie County, the son of the late William A. and Jenny McBride Vogler. He was a retired textile employe end a member of Cooleemee kfetbocttat Church. Survivors locliide his wife, the former Mia# Om Coottaian; three eons, Rany G. Vogler of Wlnston-Saiem, iad HioinAs E. Vogler end C. E. Vo^, both of Cooleemee; « danghter, Mrs. U F. MilU of Codeemee; six grandchildren; five great- grandchflch'eo; three brothers, i Aodeieoii Vogler of SalMboiy, Oeorie Vogler of Oooooc^ and OiMr Vo^ of GnMoro; sod four dMUrtj Ifrt, Walter Mmer of Coeiewee, Mrs. wmiain Orltfida, FIs., Un, Saffie fOtt eff SpirtiO- tm, 8.C., cod Hn. J. U amrj d We* IttMhr. Jany liamee of dted at noon Toa It, a NWong leddi me mnsmai. mn ndian Tha Jonmal Bio - Obituaries - 4/24/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 25,1968 - Page 3 •;^MRS. CHARLIE MAjBON, JR. rs. Clonee Lends Mason, 66, oT ivQle, vttfe «f .Charlie Me. Jr., ^ed' Thursday night' at Cbnrod/Hoots Memorial Hos* afler a heart attack at her ^-aeral services were conducted e^ay at 2 f>. m. at iUnlted cfiur^ of Chrik at RuntersviUo.■^rlal woa.In the dtunrir cemetery; was . bom in .l^an County^ was T^an^ed twice. ■.ir^rvivlng are her. husband; and a'Tdon, James A. liiR£R1cIde of Pol. W Va. ^PFORD EMORY TOGLBR, Sr.;'^iUford Emory, Vo^ Sr,,^ 70/i^^kocksvllte, Rh'd,'-died'Saturday4^jDaivIe Oot^ Hs^Ual^.ihneral sendees conductedS^bhday at 4* p.'m at Oor^emee •Meiho^t <%ureb. Burial • was In Cetneleiy at Salisbury. (dB» was bom in-Davla County^iWlIllam A. and Jennie. MicBride and was. a memb^ of oteemea A&thodlst Churdi, He a retired textile woiW.'- ^^^urvtvinf are his ■ wife, MTs. Qoodman Vo^r; thrM sons, By O. Voglfir'rt WlnststrSalr Slid Tthomas E. and C. £. 3er, Jr. of CooSeonee; agftghter, Mi^ L, .F. MlHs ot-CooV Utree brothers, Anderson ler of Salisbuiy, George VoglerConcord and' G^ar Vogl^ ei Oreenshoro; arid fiotit' sisters, Mrs. Welter Mitior of CdoleeniM, Mrs; wiuiatn MUIer of Orlando, Rla.i Mrs. Sallie dhmer of Spartan, hurg, S. C., and Mrs. d. U of Wesfaminster, Calif. LQHNI^ J. mCROtE , Mineral serviced for Jos^ Rtchols. 88, of Coolesmeeiwere held Sunday at 8 pL m. af Eaton's Chapel. Burial was M Fteasant Qrofve Baptist Church at Wllkeeboro. ' Mr. NIchds died Friday nwrni ! ipg at the home of a daughter;. %a. Eva Travis of OooteanefiC was born' in Wllkes County to^um, and Betheiney NRnlonold and was a re tired textile eity ployM. He mi a member of Oooleenwb Church of Cktd. ' Sunvtilng' are hts wtfe, Mbs.Gordle Oompbell . Nichols; ^daughters, .Mrs. BUa liwis andMrs. Ada Mr^oraofl of RMtdlfe man, .Mrs. Letter Smith of Laurel Hill, Mrs. Rdster Currin of OoTslji^ana, Tex.. Mrs. yioln Moore cSHanriony and Mra. Travis of Coq^ eoimee; four soils, Avery NIdtols olTliomasvlHe, HowaM Nichols^ 6Lyndibui^, Va., ObH Ntchols ol Sallshury and Honsftord NfaMs of Mocksville: a ri^r. Ifrs. OnerBumgamcr of Wllhesboro, Rl. l( and two brothers, Roby and WllbarNlofaois of wiikesboiv; ' ' ' Bio - Obituaries - 4/25/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, May 1,1968 bini uto ilopnic mA IteQf tee'Vifilor ciCoiil> copie Twiiiy oMiqgii ^*n<t lOdUoAMoedqr tdi^ Vie bey idM ft S ml and lliei|ddkat9ajB.Ibei. aOTTIISBiSe HI mClliKIII lO «V liriiidp lae Gitibb. betbfftebM; theKud yrfiidiwliicf. Mm. Cntt flf CoMmier. Gmvt^de smrvkm mpie » eoateied Itesday «t 4 pjm. at UjriDB Memoiial Paik. Bio - Obituaries - 5/1/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 2,1968 - Page 2 iRRRY U fJAMGS (Funeral scpvlees for *leny Lulco Bilamcs. 84. of SO Moln Street, Ooaleoniee. vteve held Uniradoy at 8:30 p. jn. at the diurch of the Gcod Shepherd. Cooleomee, by the ■Rev. Dosvna Splllier. Airiol was In Center Methodist Church contd* teiy. Mr. Uames dted Tuesday at Dav* Ic. County Hos^iltQl, He bad been In deellntng health for sonwUme. He was a retired otxirsccr of Rrwin Mills at Oootcemce. He was born In Davto County January 22. IKH. and was the son of Joseph ond Margorot Wcllmaij Hames, He was a member of the Good Sbep> ; herd Church and the Masonic Lodge No. 134.I He married twice. His first wife,j the former Fearl Annie Kdents 'died In 1833. Sutvivma inehide Ids second wife, the former Margaret J. Vehvrton: one son. Glenn Ha« mes of Cootcemoo; two daughters. Mrs. Ed McDanfel of WUmlngten ond Mrs. -Roy Alexonder of I Qreensboro: one brother, John IJa* tnos of Mochsvllle. RL 4: one sis* ter, Mrs. Howeil -Martin of States* \-tlIe: four stci^u^ters ond one. 8tep>8on: six granddhlldron and two great grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 5/2/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, May 8,1968 J. L Ijames, Cooleemee COOLEEMEE ~ J«nry IJames. M, o( 59 Maii\ Street, Oooleemee, died Toeedey at DaWe County Hospital. He bad been in dt^ning health for some time. He was a retired o\*ersear . . . Erwin Mills at Coolemee. MfS. Af Bom io Davie Coonty Janoary « 2}, 1884, he was the soil of K|« I Joeepb and Margaret Wdlman IJames He was a member of MOCKSVIU tim Good Shepheid Chnrdi of Foster Armsi Cooleemee aod the Masonic 1, Adrance, di Lodge No. 184. a.m. at tht He married twke. His first Ho^Ual. wife, the former Peari Aaaie She was bo Kowitz, died in IISS. Siwvivaco in Divie Cou ificloM his second wife, the of the lite Oh former Margsret J. Yelverton; Mae Smith F out aon, Glenn liamei of' member of Cooleemee; two deocder, Mrs. Methodist Chi Ed McDeniel of WUrngtoca and Surviving i Mrs. Roy Aleramlw of WUlia Armi Greendnro; one brother, John daughter IJamM of Modcsville, Rt 4; Armsworthy i one sister, Mrs. How^ MsHin Mrs. Jim (L of StatesviUe: four step- Rt. i, AdvsiM dsugfaters sad one step-eon; sn Armsworthy grsndhcildren; tsd two great- Armsworthy, ^andchitdres. Adveact; Hn FuMrat services wiH he con- WUl fttfy, M ducted Thm^y at 2:80 at the aad Bars. Ni church the Good Si^iherd, Of Modttrilk Cuoleeni^hs^ the Bey, Downs Boss Foster SpUUer. Kwwin Ut in Cmter both of Rt. 1 Methodist Clntrch Ometery. grandcblMhren Mrs. Armsworthy Of Rt. 1, Advance MOCKSVILLE - Hn, St^ Foster Armsworthy, M, of BL 1, Advance, died Sunday at 9:11 a.m. at the Davia OsuMr Hospital. She was bom Aug. 28, IIOI, in Davie County, the daogfaiar of the late Charlia M. and La&a Mae Smith Foster. She wee a member of Smith Grove Methodist Church. ^irviving are her huW>and> WUlia Armaworthy;'two daughters, Miss Kay Armsworthy of the home and' Mrs. Jim (Louise) WQson of Rt. 1. Advsact; two aoni, Bfll Armsworthy and Jerry Armsworthy, both of Rt. Advanct; Ihroo sisters, Mia, WUl SA, Mrs. Vaaee Doim and Mrs. Nat Oocwatier. m of MocfctrilM; two broUiere, Boss Foatsr and Bock Fooiaf, both of Rt. 8, MocksvUle; ate grandcblUlron. R. C.Boiley, Rt. 1, Advonce M0CICS\'ILLE - Raymeod Criig Baile>', 48. of A^ance, Rt. L died earoote to a dador^s office In Moekt^ after sol* feting an attack at his boma at 7:90 p.m. Thursday. Mr. BallM' was operator of Bailey's Barber $bcp in WinMon-Salem. He was boni Sepf. 3,1018, in Forsyth County, son of Mri. Nannie B. Frye Bailey of Advanct, Rt. 1, m the late H. B. Bailey. He was i member of Elbavilit MeU^tt Church. In addltlM to his mother, Mr. Bailey is survived his wilft, Mrs. Kathleen Wenbla Bailey; ooe brother, JasMi B. Bofley Of Advance. Rt. 1; nnd one aider. Mrs. Hanwy HKt wl ^ .Mockssitic. Rt. 1 Bio — Obituaries - 5/8/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 9,1968 - Page 6 IIAVJIIONI) V. IIAtUCV 'Ktiik'nil livri'iivs Ibr Jlayuiuifl Cniiy n.-iili'}', 4*1, „f AilvaiMv, IM. I, .wt'rt' lii'M ;ii I pill. Saliirtliiy at i:ib:ivil)i> Mi<i|i(ttli>i diiirHi. wjili llu* Iti'v. Ilryiv .SniMli iifficialini-. Hiiriai was iti iIk* Hiiinii iiMiK'ltry. •.Mr. Uailuy ilinl cimniU* fo a (hie- lor'il ofrice in .Miicljuvlllf. Thura- tlay iiliilil. afiei* titiffuriiiii a Ijearl Hlluck ui liiti iHinu!. ' 'Ik' Ma* u|K'nilur ul llaikv* U-ii' Iht Sltciii In Wlnsiaii-Sak'in. Ili< »;•* iKirn KeiMenilvr 3. Ifltt. in KnrjivUi (*inin'y. tiim iif Mr*. N'annk* R. llalli'y III Ailvaiuv. ill. |. ;ii.| (lie latu II. B. Bulky, lie ua* :i invnMN.«r uf KUmvilk: Mvttiwli*'. Chua'h. , 'In addiUun lu hi* niulher, Mr. Bailey U survived by his wire. Mr* Kalt^cn Wundile Bailey: one .brother. James II. BaiieN- of Ad- .vanee. K(. t; and cne sister. Mr* Harvey PolUi uf MocltkViUc. Ri. u t Bio - Obituaries — 5/9/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, May 15,1968 Clinard Phillip Howard In Moi uocam iU HMta iiiiKU i« ■ta U SctMandair Andlew liiovis Of Mocksnlle II. an. Mi lE COUNTY PUBLIC COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, May 15,1968 lAAfnler ; J4m tliiiii Pias SMdJealy i Bio - Obituaries - 5/15/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 16,1968 - Page 6 ANDltfiW W. ItBAVlS Anttrew Warduii Itcavis, tsi. ul Kl. I. Mocksvillc, died 'Iluirsday idliltl at Ifae BaiUM HuiiitUal In Winslun-Snlcm. Kiincrul scpvlmi nvre held San* day a( 3 p. m. nl Liiicily Btipllsl Cluirdi 1^ Ihu Itcv, Albert Bnickeii and itu! Kcv. I>aul Mnore. Burial was In Uie churdi ccniclcry. Mr. Ituavlif was born SepI, 21. IliOI.'lii Yadkhi County. Uic son ol lite lute Giles and Ida VVooten Res' vis, nnd wos o])erator or (he Rea* vis GrQoei*y and •Service, lie was •i inoiitlier of Ubcrly Baptist Cliuivb. Surviving «a* his wife. Iliu ronn* or Allic l4.*e Witkins; Utime sons, Tluiiiuis Roland Reavis of 111. 2. j Yndkiiivilte, O. . Reavis of lite; iuitne and Andnnv Warden Reavis, i •ir. id, IM. 2. YtKikirhilfe: two \ dwi^Iilfni. .Mrs. Leslcr Naylor of! ill. it, .Mocksville, and .Mrs. .lames I'arritv^ton of HI. i. Pfufnown; .1 itrullier, Arviti Reavis of Rl. 3,' >'a:ihinvilie: nnd four .sislers, .Mrs. l Kl.a Re.nvi8 nnd Mrs. I.alla Whib i a'ii.'r teth of Mocksville, Mrs. Jdinj W.ils iOT hi- VdilklnVille. .nnd iMr.<. KdwnnI WeHjs'of Stdislniry; - j I Ct'ltTLS tVIMdAAl IJ'iK : fuueral id Ciirfis Wiiliaiii 'lldli ri2. of Advaiuv, 111. I, a Mipmiisur in slijppins .il R. M. j llcynidds Toiiariti V«., was ixin- j dovicd a! 2:30 p. m. \Vcdiw.^(ay I at .Maevduiila Murai'ian Clturvh fiy j IIk! IIvv. Taylor Lefliu aial Ifiv II le v, .Itdoi Krank I 'rye. Iltiriul was in tin* eluuvh pnneyard. j • Mr. l4i> dlq^l Monday al llaiilist ' llu.{dtal. He Ivul Iteeti in ikTlininc : healih .-i ittnnlli ami soritnihiy ill • s'o.v S;iiuril;iy. He s|jeiil ids early n't*. In I'liiua Giuve. He liad lived al Ilk* pn*))Cin ikfiiaiilaee simv lUIO. lie'k.iji a teleran of Workl War II .'Old IkhI >ei \e»f in IIk* Kuni|H*an l!u*,i|er. , Mr. |ji*«' ua.N a iin*odM*r ol .M.-iee- jl'tala Mor.'i^kiii iliurch wltt*n* he ita.l M*rt(*il .-(s rlHii'eli liva.iuri'r aoti as a leariier in Ilk: Kuiidny >'.*!ii*ii|. Ik* w:is aiiio a iikiiiiter ol I iiu* Wiiwiun-Sideni Mineral Club, ^ wbieli lie had ser^vd as prcsideal. • <, Sun'ivurs ineltule bis wife, m/s. Marjurie Creun Bee; a daudltldr, . Mrs, Ronald H, Hctidrlx of Cleai. ' inuns, and one tfrandsoti. 01^ QQON ''*Kum»ral'fien*u*es lor Miss OlUe ! (.^wii- of GrernvlKe, Ttsnsr were \ i I field'Wduy. Jday 10,. al lira.' m.' ' ul • Central* Otcisllaii Clturch' >lUi' ntc Rev, Rnciner Iludlcr and Or, ;1 :d.-inirs li. {iandlln officiating. Bur*!' j lal was ill Kored Park Cemelery, j ' Miss Ciinn died Wednesday at (.'ti'eo\ll!e ,Stu;'leal llo-Mdial. .She ' wax a vhiliii of e.'iiurr, I ,Misa I' tiiii w:iH iHirn Man'ti ?().' 1 Iran in M :;*ksvnie, N. C.. d.ausldcr ^ . oi lite kile William Pate*)* ami { I ; Castuntdra Sain Cxion. in RSKI. the, ,, fhmily mined lo IVsas, seitliiig In j ihe Uellicl contmunily seulli of I Crectiville. I I Miss CiHin was a staff mcmher ) of The (irceiivilk* 'Texasi Herald' . j Banner for .sixty yi*ars, j • j .Site was a isiii,sin of Mi,ss .Iniiie i Marl in nod .Mrs. Hill Moore and ; has other n*htiiivs in Hk* coutily, Stirviviirs inrlutle iw-n sisters, .Mrs. L. K. C'tx♦a^y of Greenville i nnti Mrs. M. A. Wallace ef Mid land: and eleven nieces. Bio - Obituaries - 5/16/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 16,1968 - Page 1 Roeky Howard Dies In Wreck Oinard Philip (nockyt 'Jlovurd. nac 23. of BOS 'Hordison Slrccl. Mocksvillc. was killed cariy Salur*(day morning when his cul'oNcon' trol car careened into a telephone post. ■MocksviUo I^niceman Jim RoU> crtson said that Howard was drlv* ing a <1883 Chevrolet Corvette north on South 'Main Street and come in to a right hand curve, ran off Icfl ! side of road, Ihen back across road*!|wuy. into a hroodalde skid and hit [ telephone pole. The impact ait the <! pole In two and flung Howard from j ihe vehicle. The cor stayed on Its: ; wheels and traveled about andUicr! ; 100 feel and stoppd in a woodeii iI area. Howard was taken to • the'j -Davle County Hospiiat and died |I around Q:30 ojn. The accident occurred ahuul 4:32.a.m. bctwseii Bogcr and Harding! ; Ftrcet. ' The* car was demolished. Ap proximately $50 damage wns done I to <he polo.i This wns the third Irafflc fulnliiy ' within Ihc town timils since i030. Services Kunerui services for Clinord Phli* Ip Howard were held Alondiiy oflcr- , lumn at Kalon's -Punerol Chapel. The flcv. J. K. Holchford officl-juted. I Rom August in, ISKI!). in fl owxin Counly, he was Ihv son of Cilnard ' I*, and Nnn Novbit Honnrd of Mocksville. Ho was onipto)'ed by Aire Toaich iklanufacturing Co-. Ixis ungeics. Calif. Other survivors include three sis* licrs. Mrs. Clara Walker of Mocks* > viiie. kirs. 5laiUia Jones of Hi. 3. Mocksvitie, and Miss Uiula Howard of lite Itome: two hrolhcrs, J<din T. Howard of Arlington. Va.. & Jock Howard of lite homo: and his grand* parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Ncsbli , el Woodleaf. Bio — Obituaries - 5/16/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, May 22,1968 T. V. MoHey, Dovie Native V. a, AOm- 5* A "2^ • Itafcfcuof OeoBly. M SitaRbkjr •t te hgme UMag nmal IBBOQB fliDCSSb A Miive.flf Dtvie Gooity, he Ai«. li« ite aoD the kte Aqgogh^ nd Bi- sieBb MoUey. SUrvivunt iadode the widow; ooe saa, G. H. Mote of Been- fixt, S. C*: tiDroehmers, J. E. He^ Sr.. of Cbvttand, Ohio; W. W. Moilw of Orihnnhli, S. C. tsdlTS Mottey of Hmdfr AhL: three daoidftea, Un. ThBhMMeoto eSlMto. WQbia Sngbtoa, both of itt. 4, Bloehsvfll& eod Un. AbB« An-denoiolBtlJiQehsville; and Ihre grtndcldwreB. Mrs. Allen, 41 Of Mocksvilie , MMSSnUB - Mm Ifani ^ ^ K S, IMbrOE Wji ssioitfttfJB lor aefwal "S waa bom B^pl. 6^ fai GmaBf. are ber borfaad. Pad ABbb; twodaaiUdaiiLlin. YfolaDwIclBater^ UMa^.q|tha_ warn dQnv iSkOt ud Jewaua Afr. aD 9t m ham; an mSSkMi a Imfber. Bio - Obituaries - 5/22/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 23,1968 - Page 5 MKS. W. G. GAiniER Funeral services for Mrs. Elalc Richardson Goither, TO, of Ha^ mony, Rt. l, widow of William Guy Gailhcr. wore held Friday momins at it o'clock at New Un ion Methodist Onirch. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Gaither died Thursday at -Davie County Hospital. She was horn in Davie County to David and Mollie Beck Richardson. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. John K. Naylor of Mocbsvlllc, Rt. S; three sons, William Guy Gaith er. Jr. of Waynesboro, Ga.. David iLawrence Galthcr df Statesvilte and Charles Edward. Geither of Hormony: tu«'sisters, Mrs. Ebna Benge of Black Mountain and Mrs. Charlie Reeves of Harmony: and a brother, David Gilmer Richardson of Lenoir. MRS. PAUL ALLEN Funeral services for Mrs. Marga Lenncmm Alien, 41, wife of Paul Alien of Mocksville, Rt. 3, were held at 2:S0 p.m. Monday at Cor- na^ier Methodist Chur^, Burial was In the churdi cemetery. Mrs. Alien died Saturday at For- syth Memorial Hospital In Win- slon-Satem. She had been in deoiin tng health several months ond seri ously 111 sbout a week. A native of Germany, she was married to Mr. Allen In Germany In 1843 while he was slalloncd there in military service. Surviving, In addition to her husband, are two daughters, Mrs. Vioia Degl of Raleigh and Miss Linda Allen of the home; three sons. Michael, Patrick and Jerome, oil of the home: one brother, Aotto Lennemm and two sisters of Ger many. NOAH P. KEATON (Noah Franklin Keaton, Gl. of •Mocksville. RL 3, died Sunday at l,ytui Haven Nursing Home of nat ural causes. Funeral services were con^eted at 4:80 p.m. Monday at Ml. OUve Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. (He was bom in Davlc County to Thomas and Josle Barney Keaton and was a retired farntcr. Surviving are five sisters, Mrs. Mary tVhlsonhunt of Clemmons, Rt. % Mrs. Ltate Wlahon of Mocks ville, Rt. 5, Mrs. Addle Mac Rob- bins of MocksvlUe, Mrs. Viola Whlsenhunl of WInston-Satcm nml Miss Annie Ruth Keaton of Mocks- vlllc, Rt. 3: and four brothers, Wil lie, Wlhv and Thomas Keaton, Jr. cf Mocksville. Rt. 3, and Sam Ken- ton of Lexington, R(. 4. T. V. MOTLEY • Funeral scnvlces for Thomas Vonco Motley. 57, of AUlanIo, Go., n former resWcnl of Davie County, were conducted Monday, May 20, ot II a. m. at the Sunwnersclt Me morial Chopel In Salisbury by El der F. R. Moore ond Elder Eugene •Bennett. Burial was ot No Creek primlUve Baptist CSiureh cemetery Palj^arers were Mauricb • G. MauHin. John N. Anderson. Jesse L. Sini^eton, James Motley, Gil- bert Jacobs, ond SherrlU L. Moul- dln. He died Solurday at his home fOUovring sewerM months illness, A native of Davie Ooanty, ho was Wn Aug. 8, loio, the son of the late Augustus H. and Essie B. MoUey. ' Survh'ors include the widow; one I son, G. H. 'Motley ot Bcaiiforl, IS. C.I three brothers. J. E. Mot- ' ley. Sr.. of Cleveland, Ohio: W W. Motley of Columbia, S. C., and W. C. Motley of Hunstn'llle, Ala.: < three sisters. Mrs. Thelma Mauldin and Mrs. Wllma Sintilelon. both of Rt. 4. Mocksvlllo, ond Mrs. Alma Anderson of Rt. 1. Mocks- ' vllte: and five grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 5/23/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, May 29,1968 AibeitlMiM Rt. 2. MikXmM MneUdtt,??, Of MaQiEsnlhr Of Advmc* ' »tunsjl Mi i«Ml Bio - Obituaries - 5/29/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 30,1968 - Page 2 MRS. JOHN PLOTT Mrs, Luta Wood Plott. 7B, of MocksvUte. Rt 4, died Sunday at the home of a daushler, Mrs. Cly de C. Beck. Funeral services were conducted at 4 p. m. Tuesday at Eaton's Chapel. Burial was In Be< Ihlehom Methodist Church cemetp cry. She was (he daughter of Carter and Nancy Hill Wood. Surviving are three dau^ters. Mrs. Clyde C. Beck of Mocfcsville. Rt. 4, hfiss Virginia Plott of Mockavlile. Rt 3 and Mrs. ^fa^ garot Bowies of Wintson^iem: a son. Wiimer Plott of Mocksvllte. Rt. 3; and a brother, Mose P. Wood of Advance. Rt. MRS. ALMA HAIRSTON Funeral services for Mrs, Alma G. Frost Halrston, 75. of Mocks* vllle. Rt. 3, wore comkicte;} let 3 p. m. Monday at Cedar Grove Baptist Church. Burial wagvM the church cemeteiy. She was bom In Davle County and was a member of Oadar Grove Baptist Church. Surviving are five daughters, I M'rs Gertrude nairstm and Mrs.! Geneva Moron of New Yoik t'lty. Mrs. Bertha Mao Moson of Lexlng- j ton, Miss Virg'nla Halrsfm of (>.o \ home and Mrs. Colons r^menl of ' Yonkers, N. Y.: five sons, RufUs Halrston of PlhtadoI|dilB. Pa., jolm ! F. and Troy Halr«,vn of vlllo and James and Thomas Halrston of Loxinsion; and four brol'ers. Felix Frost of Winston- Salom. Prank and Bud Frost of* Mockf*« Hie and Floyd Frost of | CoKOiYir. «•' ROWAN PLETaiBR HJCK The funeral for Rowon Flelchor Click. 07. of Mockax'Uio. was hold at 3 p. m. Friday al Balcn's Chap ol. Ti*.e Rev. Gilbert Miller coh* du-.^cd Ihe rarvilccs. Buriul was in Rote Comolory. Mr. Click dhsd Wednesday nljhl at Davlc Ccunly HoipMal. He was bom in Davio Cbuniy to \VllItam and AlUe IJames Gldt. He was a retired oil salosman. SurvivlniS Ore his uHfc. Mrs. Mao Kurfees Click: a daughlcr. Miss Jane Ckck of WlnrtofrSoIem; a son. William Click of Concord; a hrc'>or. B. C. Click of Spencer; and a sister. Mrs. A. B. Romsey of lalhtury. Bio - Obituaries — 5/30/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, June 5,1968 W. M. Edwonb Of Dovie HbcpByEui - nota Muuli<iui#ry Hiifft, iO^- « IWUim ; •HUMIIB H in* Qi BlodBroHfc flfw it iQani ttvtti ■MnlqfLnQiftt ' IfiiiilrijfTiy W kotB ilCray 1^ 11117. IQQ Leelfi W*i i Siihdm Incln^i tio m. 9» hm1^* widi M mr m Bio - Obituaries - 6/5/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 6,1968 - Page 2 WILLIAM M. EDWARDS I •William Montgomery Edwards, oa. of Mockavine, Rt. 5. died Thurs* doy ot Lynn Havon Nursing Home. Ttie fanei^ was held Salurdoy at Eaton's Funeral Home Qiapel. I Burial was in Eaton Baptist Clturch cemetery. He was bom In Wllkcs County to 'David and Lucy Lccktc Edu'ante. I He was a retired farmer and a member of Eoton Baptist Ctiurch. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Lucy CUtlelte and Mrs. Virginia thill of Mocksvllle. Rt. 8; and two sons. Wake and Roy Edwards of WInston-Satem. Bio - Obituaries — 6/6/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, June 12,1968 Mrs. Gonett Of Woodleof Ifn NtlhMiel OtRdt tto UmsKt ofRt 1, wSoS^ M WiM9 at.9:QS tja. at liie Bmm Bteooiisl Sbo liid bGCQ to tof di jfflds5Bi8|y iD tog 19 days. Sbo was bom M. 13, 1809, in IrscbO OouDlyt tlio of tbo lilo p—"ff and Medmom ICnslar. Sbe was cdoflited io Rowao Oboaty md § itiTfin*MT w Eteoo Bfiptfd (Smidu Her huflbaad, Wrthairfrt Gar* rd^ diftd May 6^ law. Smfviving ait) tfareo oomi Oseof W, Qarnlt of Ht t, Woodtea^ vitb wbOBi dw nudo binr iwTTMji ffiftffti P, Oatwtt of RL t^SaUdmiy* asd JftWftE Garretl of E 9b 8dd^; tbioo dang>ilBf8b Mro. moBt ,0. Brown of 909 Benderson ^ iSDOBOer. fttwL IVwHta G. iRowiaQd of IE BedbOKib too iUn. Bobot U fSadt ii, of 901 Baurih SL. BooKOBOtt Ina bwObOHk .iiOwyiy MtKOBOf Of Sad flwntiip aod E ai fiMflobrs ttaaO db^ liiB» wilSeaE of Bio - Obituaries - 6/12/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 13,1968 — Page 6 LONNIE nONCe SIIERTS Ftinenil sendees for Lonnic Donee Sliocts, 72, of ^(hunco, Rt. I. were hold Thursday, May 23. ol 2 pj». ol Advance iMelhodisl Church. The Rev. Philip Sau^R and the Rov. Carl liniro conducted tho Gcrviccs. .Burial woa in the dmrch ccm^tepr.* (Mr. a)ecla died Tuesday. May ai.^ at (be Baptist llospllal in Winston* Salem. die was a retired barbct* and a veleran of World War I. illo was a member of Advance Melliodist Church. Jie was bom September 7, 1893, in Davic Oounty. the son of the laic Thomas C. & Sarah (Raneline Shoots. Survivors indude: his wifo, Rncie CornaUcr Sheets, a daughter, Mrs. Elia Sheets Dodger, Rt. 2. (Mocks- vlllc: tn'o sons. Raymond Sheets of Okuttogan, Wadiln^on, and Robert Shocls of Drowsier. Washingtoiij a brolher. Ixc Sheds of Hcingukl, Vn. and ten groralchlldrcn. Mrs. Mildred Bohcr Krllry FUnqral services for Mrs. 31iM- rcd Elirjibclh Dnkcr Kciloy, So. of Elkins, W, Va., were coiiiluclcd ul 3 p. m. Tuesday, al the l.ohr Fun- end Chapel. Mrs. Kcllcy died Sunday in Utc AlciitarJal General Itosplial fellmv- ing a brief illness. She was t>orn .luly in. to(« near Giacly. a diiushtcr al lite lalo t^hii II. tuid Laura June Ruuth Baker. |i)ii Nw\*. 2G. 1027, she maiTlcd Brhrflc Kclicy who survives. in iiddillon to her iiuiii:iiul site is survived by two sons: Philnuire S. Kclicy ami Oaio E. KeDey. IhjIIi of Elkins; two sIrpsonK, Dur- wm»d Kvlicy of Ddroil, Michigan ami Eugene Kritcy of Durlingion, and one stepdaughter, Pnuiinc. ; wife of .lohii Lcnnry of St. Clnlr I Sltiircs. Atich. Titcrc arc two I grundctiiidrcn. ; •AUrnding the fimcrui from Afocksvilie were: ,Mr. and .Mrs. : Willis Whiiaker 'and Dnrlcnc, Lau ra Wbitakcr ami Jake Baker, j Bio - Obituaries - 6/13/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA V I I w I®''* Jofiii G» fiooe ^^'' ..Lr. John Grady Booe, 75, EklViS C{ . and native ofJana, Davie County, died at 5:30 hfinrb2.m. yesterdajr at Jiis home at " • ^ Dr Booe was the brother of S; ^ 608 Arbor ^ ®o®e of^ng. He was bom in Davie £SSi^ ®°°^^® graduatedfrom Bmes Creek InsUtute. now CampbeU College, Wake Forest College and toe Richmond Medi- cal School of University of Vir- gmia. He also was graduated in surgery from New York Univer sity Medical School. I „ ^ad practiced surgery inBndgeport since 1925. He re tired from acUve practice last Tha^sgivmg. He was a member Of . to® American Medical Asso ciation and toe American Col lege of Surgeons. Survmng are his wife, the form®r Miss Myrtle Heinzerling of StatesviUe; two sons, John C Booe Jr. of Bridgeport and Bill ®°®® of West Palm Beach, Fla.:and the two brothers. Th® funeral will be at 2 p.m. Wedne^ay at First Presby terian Church. Burial will be at Bridgeport. tr- V u- , k- <j' (7- Ji I ^ '<c i I r- I Ua.vO. -UBLiC LfBRARY vC-rCVILLE, NC { ^ i /-i •' •> l'Vw-Oblh 1U7-P<^G' 18' l'i(£iSFUNERAL SERVICEEOF:MF.S. r\OS.E'.TA V/00!S»UFF MLOKETUESDAY JUKS 13,1960 3;00 P.ST.JOHH A.M.E.ZION CHURCH FvSV.FFJ®l>iN GiiSJIANYProcessionalHymn Combined Choirs of MOcksville,P.C.Scripture Lst. Cor. l5th-20-44Scripture 90th. PsalraPrayer03ITUARY?frs. Rosetta ft-'oodruff Nalone was bom September 10th.1898 to Henry and Clcmetine V.'oodruff in Mocksville,N.C.She^ deputed this life Thursday June 13.1968 at tgeQueens General Hospital, Jamaica, Hew York,She was married to Odell Halone, to this union twosons and one daughter were bom,Krs, ?*alone joined the St.John's A.M.E.Zion Church,, i v' 1'tLxuKiv juxrivu Lfiu ou*jonii'9 xxQn unurcn^DSVIG UO. i i ""*Hocksvilie,M.C. ,shc was a member of several organizat-O'^l'SVil'S ions, among wliich was the Senior Choir, Pas tor's Aide,Missionary Society and a Class Lader. She was a faithful and loyal member.Solo "Thy U'ill 3e Done" Mrs. Mairie O.HarchAcknowledgements of CondolecnesRemarks""Sic ChoirEulogy Hev, Freeman GermanyfjecessionalInterment Presbyterian CemeteryShe went to New York in 1937, there she joined theBethel A.H.E.Zion Church,she was also a faithful member there as she was at St.John's Church.She was aClass Leader,a member of the Official Board, and theFirst Stewardncss Board. For many years she was a 'Member of the Eastern Star Lodge.Mrs.Halone is survived by one dauj^hter,Krs.Blanche M.• Harris,cne son V/illiam H.Kalone,two sisters,Mrs.IreneBitting and MrsiJessie Carter of ^'ocksvilie, N.C.,one/daughter in law,Krs.Edell Halone,one son in Law Mr.J.B.Harris,two grandchildren,and a host of relativesand friends,V/e loved her add we will miss her,but God givethand God taketh away,blessed be the name of the Lord.Sorrowfully submitted.The FamilyrW/IH CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVttiE;, wc DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 20,1968 - Page 5 frank PHILLIPS. 89 Funeral services for Prank PWV* lips, 89. of Mocksvllte Rt 8, were held Monday aflemoon at tbe VoU- oy Home BaitUst Cliurch In Asho Coon(y^ Burial .was In the Wood- ,fBrd;®inflloofAtt«5ir©t,. - - . Mr. PWUIps died Saturday at flio Davio County Koq;iitaL ffe^was bom In Ariie County to Henderson and Jane Clwirdi PWl- llps. Ho was a rellrsd farmer, and a member of Valley Home Baptist Churdi. Surviving are three sons. Buster and Francis Phillips of MocksvUle and Ray Phillips of. Todd; throe daughters. Mrs. Spencer IHdlUps of High Point. Mrs. Clarence Palmer of Boone. Rt. 2. and Mrs. Harold Od)omo of Mocksvlllo, W. 8; and a sister. Mrs. Dick BIcdsoe of TOdd. MBS. 0. C. CALL Funeral services for Mrs. Bcu- lah RMcnhour Call, ffl, of Spencer, wife of O. Charlie Call, were held Tuesday at 4 p. m. at Lyorly Fun* oral Chapel. Burial was In the Oakdalc Baptist Church cemetery. hire. Call died Monday at Cabar* rus Memorial Hospital In Concord. She was bom In Davie County to John Charles and Barbara Will* lams Ridcnhour. She was a mom* ber of Oohdolo Bap^t Church. . J^rviyii^ are the'husband; four 'sons, Charles Mv^aQ Call of Ker* nosvilie, Rt. 1, Rldiard Wltliam Cell of Charlotte, J. Jackson Call of East ^ncer and Curtis Ray Can of the home; and two dought* ors, Mrs. R(d)ert L, Snydor of Chat tanooga. Tonn.. and Mrs. Lacy Lee Jarrett of Lexington. SUSAN WOOTEN Cravesde services were held , Monday at 4 p. m. at Rose Cem etery for Susdn Dolores Wooten. Iwo-day-old daughter of James W. and Mrs. Jessie Rath Stcclman Wooten of Mocksvlllo. lU. l. The infant died Sunday at Davio Coun ty Hospital. Surviving are the parents; three brothers. Eric Wesley, Bruce Steel* man and Gregg Scott Woolen and the grandparents, Mrs. B. R. Steel- man and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Woolen of MocksvUle. WILLIAM L. GOBBLE Ftincral sen'ccs for William lee Gobble. 83, of Advaitoo, Rt. 2. wero held Wednesday at FUlton Methodist Church. Durlal was in tho^urcb comclcry. HB •t&SB'Mbnday at his home. ^ He was born In Davidson County to William Lee and Elizabeth He^ rick Gobble of MocksvUle, George W. Gobble of Unwood, and Lonnio C. and Boyd Gobble of Lexington; ond a daughter, Mrs. Edna Seou*| chump of Advance. Bio - Obituaries - 6/20/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, June 26,1968 Dmrie County Woman Killed In Iraddl . A IMi ^ few.cw 9»!m i iiiiiiLii *0 l> Onk Bio - Obituaries - 6/26/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 27,1968 - Page 5 MRSR. J. I*. BEIIRLBR Funorol services for Mrs. NcUlo GL'auchamp 'Bohotcr, of Ad« vonco, Rt. 2, x^-cre held Tuesday at 2 p. m. at Eaton Funeral Chapel. Gurlol was In Advance Molhodipt Church comeloiy. Mrs. Bcheloh died Sunday at Dnvie County llospliol Site was born In Davio County to the late Jerry S. ond LaiIq Potts Deauch* amp. Surx'lving are the husband, John L. Behelor; (our sisters. Miss Salty Deauchamp ot the homo, Mrs. Ellie Howard and Mrs. Nan Keller of Mucksvllle. and Mrs. Chorlottc Williams of Advance, Ut. 2; and two brothers, Eugene Beau* chomp of Mocksvlllc, Ut. 3 and RolMi'l U Geauchomp of Winston* Satem. •• J. C. HESTER, JR. Funeral services for Joe Cop* bus Hester, Jr., 4fl, of Clommons, Rt. 2, uero hold at 9:30 p. m. Monday at Muddy Crock Church of IStrlsi. Durial was In the church conrotery. Mr. Hosier died after a boating accldont In Durgow Saturdoy. &rvlv<in8 ore Iho wifo, Mrs. Hd^Stewart''Hester of* the' hornet '^"daughters, Mrs. Kenneth Jam* 05 of Winston.Satom. HI. 2 and Miss Beckio Hester of tho Itomc; thruo suns, Jerry ond Ulcklo of tliQ home, and Kcnnolh Hester of Ciomnums, Rt. 1; his fathor. J. C. Hester, Sr. of Advance, Rt. l; two brothers, Joe F. Hester of Wins* ton-^ntom. Rt. 11 and Willis Hes* lor of Moldcn; two sisters, Mrs. .Mattio Reynolds of Winston*Salom 6 Mrs. Mary Kigor of Eosi Dotid, Rt, 1: and ihreo iiolf'slstors, Mrs. Oulino Dinklcy of Winston*Salem, Mrs. William Smith of Uloh and .Mrs. Clinton Longston of Golds* Ijoro. MISS GBRALOINB WILLARD Agnos Qorotdino Willord, 28, was silled Friday when sho drove lior car off a rural paved road in rru* dell County while trying to pass another car. Sho was dood on { arrival at Davio County Hospital. Hic accident hoi>pencd about 4:49 p. m. on tho Sheffield Road. Iligltway Patrolman D. W. Spraii sakl t!io Wlilard car was attomid* Ing (0 pa8.s 0 car driven by Miss Edrls Snow of Harmony. Ht. 1. when It ran off tho loft side of :he road, skidded across tho road .jnrj overliimod several times Miss Willard wos born in Davie county to Paul and Pauline God* boy Wlilard. Sho was emplo'cd by VllJIing Road Furniture Co Surviving arc hor parents of .Mockavllto, Rt, 2; a ran, Kenneth Willard of tho home; a daughter, Karen Willard of the home; twv brothers. Doltns Willard and Paul Willard Jr. of Mocksvillo, Rt. 2; two half brothers, james and Billy Vanzanl of Mocksvillo, Rt. 4; four sislors, Mrs. Shelby Neely of Clarksvlllo, Tenn., Miss Koy Pron* efs Willard of Mocksvillo, Rt. 2, Mrs. Doris Barnhordl and Mrs. Judy Shore of Mocksvllle, Rl. 2; and a half sister, Mrs. Betty Wes* tmaretand of Alocksvllle. Funeral sen'loes wero held Sat* urdoy. .... JOHN JAMES AfORRISON Funerol services for John James Morrison. 4. of Pensacola, Fla.. wore twid lost u^eek at Faith iwral Chapel. The Rev. CsrI Jack* sen. pastor of St. Andrews &!etbod* 111 CSiurch conducted the services. Burlol was In Barrancas National Cemetery In Pensacola. Mr. and Mrs. L. tlbrrlson and Mr. and Mrs. John 0. klorrison of lit. 4. IfQcksvllle, were called to Pensacola. Sunday, June Id. when Joha was hit by a car io bent of his home ot 4413 Guerlaln Way. He j (tied three do)'8 later at the Novel I Air Stollon ItoBpllol. This occUlent uccurrcil on Falhor's Doy. .Survivors jncludo the poronls. Mr. unci Mrs. George Guy Morrison: a slstor, Dobro K. Morrison* a brother. David Wa>'ne Morrison of Pensacola, Flo.; matornol graiiJ* mother, Mrs. Nannie A. Spain of Dolloa. Texas: paternal grondpnr* cats, Mr. ond Mrs. John 0. Mor* I'son. Itt. 4. Mocksvillo: ond pa* tornol 8rcat*grandmotlior, Mrs. M. J. Carroll of Beovorton. Oregon, i lActivo pollbeorors were Lamoslcr ;l«e Morrison. Jomes Jay Morrison. I Wade MIms Mbnroe end SIdnoy Craven. (Honorary pollboarors xvere John 0. Morrison. E. T. Jolloy, Johnny !W. Jolloy and William Davis. Bio - Obituaries - 6/27/1968 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA