Jul - DecDA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 6,1967 - Page 4
iFlineral aervlees for Mrs. Lydia i
Maggie Jones, 82. of Oranltc Quar*
ly, widow of Amos Jones, were
held Wednesday at 11 a. m. at
fiaton Chapel. Burial was In Hick*
ory Qrovo Methodist Church cem
Mrs. Jones died Sunday at Rowan
Memorial Hospital.
Sho was bom in Davie County to
Harrison and Emlllne Gamer Cook.
Surviving am two daughters, Mrs.
Hasel Bullou^boy of Lexington and t
Mrs. Sherrill Jones of Mocksvlllc;
and two brothers, Frank Cook of
Wlnston-Salem and Joe Cook of St
Petersburg, Pla.
Graveside services were conduct*
cd at 5:30 P. M. Saturday July 1st
at Turrentlne Baptist Cemetery for
Ricky Clyde Lane, onc-doy-old son
of James and Jnnc Allen Lane of
Route 4, MocksvlIIe. llio Rev. C,
W. Pierce officiated.
The baby died Friday at Rowan
Memorial Hospital where he was
bom the day before. ^
In addition to bis parents, ho
Is survived by one brother, James
Lane Jr., and two slstors.* SboUa
and Karon Lane all of the home.
Funeral services for Pete A. Ilcl-
man of Marahalltown, Iowa, wcro
bold there last week.
Mr. Holman died June 27, in a
Nurring home In Mar^alltown. He
had been confined to his bed since
March 1.
Survivors include two daughters,
■Mrs. Harold Reavis of Marshall-
town, Iowa ond Mrs. Laura Riley oi
Bultcrp. Missouri.
Mr. Holman was a tormer resl*
dont of Davio County and was a
brotbcHn-law of the late Sdtlo
Hauser of lU. 1, Advance.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/6/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
^^^cksvHisi; kiss'Lon
Iwni in Davie Coun- ^ ^0.
was a member of Cedac
Church a®J
is at MorSSiT^.^fl^vant Puueral Home pend>
'Mb « sw«r.f-*®' ^ra Lee Bailey of Win
pel V. Eaton and John R Ea.
An ^ Columbia, S. C • and
)-1, - ^ I L 7
c- i--:
d d
c- c
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 13,1967 - Page 2
Funeral services for Mrs. Maggie
Holder Hester. 59, ot Advance. Rt.
2. wife of J. C. Hester, were held
Wednesday. July 5. ot !> p.m. ot
Baton's Funcrol Chapel.-Burial was
In Union Chapel Methodist Church
Mrs. Hester died Monday of last
^eek at Uovie County Hospital.
She was born in Porsylh County
lo Ham and Haley Myers Holdor.
Surviving are her husband; a dou*
ghter. Mrs. Clint Langston of Golds-
boro: two stepdaughters. Mra. Mary
KIger of East Bend and Mrs. Mottle
Reynolds of •Winston-Saiom: three
stepsons, Joe S. Hester of Winston-
Salcm, J. D. Hester Jr, of Clem-
moas and W. C. Hester of Lincoln-
ton: a brother. Luther Holder of
Advonce; a sister. Mm. J. H. HIcKs
of Winslon-Salem; and five half
sisters, Mrs. Rid)y Jones of Advance.
Mrs. Helen Whltlock. Mrs. Blan^
Vestal, and Mrs. Jonico Brown of
Winston-Salem. and Mrs. Robort Da
vis of Mocksvllle.
Funeral services for Clarence La-
fate Hendrlx. 6S. of Clemmons.
were held Sunday at 2:30 p. m. al
Hayworth-Mlller Fungal Oiapel.
Burial was in Clemmons Baptist
Qraveilde services for Sharon
Tracy Lone, t month old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lane of
lUmte' 4, were held Saturday at
II a. m. In New Jerusalem Kollneu
Church cemetery.
Ttie child was dead on arrival at
Pavie Couoly Hospital eariy 8otn^
day morning.
^rvivors in addition lo the pa^
enis are 4 slstera and « brothera.
Bio - Obituaries — 7/13/1967
Funeral services for. Miss Lou
Prances Eaton, 45. of Mocksvllle,
were held Monday at 4 p. m. at
Cedar Creek Baptist Churdi. Burial
was In the churdi cemdery.
•Miss Eaton died Wednesday night
at Davle County Hospital after a
short Illness.
She was boro In Davle County.
She was a member of Cedar Creek
Baptist Church and p former school
Site Is survived by a sister. Mrs.
Cora Lee Bailey of Wlnston-Salem;
five brothers, Samuel V. Eaton and
John R. Eaton, both of Eccree,
Mich.; Ouy Eaton of Oolumbla,
S. C. and Alta and E. J. Eaton of
the home.
Church cemetery.
Mr. Hendrlx died Friday at Fors-
yth Memorial Hospital.
He was boro in Davle County to
Archio and Maggie Roberson Hen
drlx. He hod lived at Clemmons
since 1S2S. He owned C. L. Hendrlx
and Son Plaster Constructors Co.
Surviving- ore his wife, Mrs.
Myrtle Howard Hendrlx: a son. C.
L. Hendrlx. Jr. of Clemmons; a
daughter. Mrs. Robert Lee of Wins-
ton-Satem; two brothers, E. Clifton
Hendrlx of Mocksvllle and Seabon
Hendrlx of Smith Grove: and a
sister. Miss Leona Hendrlx of Ral
Funeral services for Mrs. Lonle
Kenerly Pope, 70. of Woodleaf. were
held Sunday at 3 p. m. at Woodleaf
Methodist Church by'the Rev. W.
H. Benfleld, pastor. Burial was iq
the church cemetery.
Mrs. Pope .died Friday morning at
Rowan Memorial Hospital She had
been in declining heeltb for IS
years and seriously HI for three
A native of Davidson County, she
was born January 17. 1888, daughter
of the late George and Ella Jane
Walton JCimerly. Slie was educated
in the Rowan County schools.
Mrs. pope was a lifelong mem
ber of Woodleaf Methodist Church,
a charter member of the Woman's
Society of Cbristein Service, active
In the PTA. and o past president of
the Woodleaf Home Demonstration
Surviving Is ber husband. Dell
DJxon Pope, whom she married on
December lOOSi five sons, 0. K.
Pope of Mocksvllle, J. C. Pm>a of
Rt, 1. Salisbury, Ivan H. l^pe of
RL S. Salisbury. D. D. Pope, Jr. of
Atlanta. Qa.. and Mllford A. Pope
of Statesvllle; two daughters. Mrs.
William (Bill) Goodnl^t of Rt. 6,
Salldrury and Miss Helen Joyce
Pope of the home; one brothar, T.
Scott Kenerly of North WHkesboro;
14 grandchildren; and seven great-
Graveside services for Tonya Sea-
mon were held at ll a.m. Tuesday.
July Mth. al SI. Motlhews Lulhe^
an Church cemetery. The child died
at birth.
Survivors Include the parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvln R. Seaman of
Route 4: 1 brother, Donald Rayt
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln
Seaman and Mr. and Mrs. (Jharlie
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 20,1967 - Page 5
Funeral services for Mrs. Emma
Gwallncy Tbomos, 74, of Advance
Rt..i. widow of John W. Thomas,
were held Monday al Eaton's Chap*
el Burial was in Woodland Comct«
eiy in Winslon-Salem.
Mrs. Thomas died Friday In the
Davie County Hospital
' She was bom in Witkes County to
Ed and Victoria Warren Gwaltncy.
She was a retired employe of thai
old P. H. Manes Knitting Mill in
9yinston<SaIcm. She was a member
of Liberty Grove Baptist Church.
Suri\ing arc two sons, Albert |
Thomas of Advance, Rt. 2, and John
Thomas of Wlnsten^alem a brother,
Fid Gwaltncy of Winston^alem:
a«- half brother, Ivie Whddcll of
I<^orth Wilkcsboro; and two half sis*
tj^, Mrs. Ruby Baliard and Mrs.
f^earl Rcniger of Winston-Salem.
WiUlnm B. Smitb. TO
'iThe funeral of William Benjamte
SipQith, 76, of Farmington. a farmer,
was conducted Friday at Farm*
fpgton Methodist (%ureh. by the
ipev. Benny Bearden,. ]^iihl2was,in
the Farmington Comihuniw'v^^t*
Mr. Smith died at 7:40 p.m. Wed*
n'esday at Davie County Hospital
.rife was o member of Farmington
Methodist Church where he had
sprved as choir director. He also
h^d served on the board of stewards
and as chairman of the beard of
trustees of the church. He was a
member of the American Legion.
.-Included in Ihe survivors are four
Funeral sen'iccs for Mrs. Olive
Godby Gartner of MocksviUe Rt. 5
f were held Friday morning al Eat*
en's Funeral Chapel The Rev. Carl
Lain and the Rev. Dewey IJamcs
officiated. Burial was In the Union
Chapel Methodist Cemetery.
Mrs. Gartner died July 11th at
Broughton Hospital In Morganton.
She was 74*ycars*oId.
Bom in Alexander County, she
was the daughter of the late Robert
L. and Nancy Hendren Baker.
She is surWvcd by one daughter.
Mrs. Roymond Nevin of Ml Stori*
Ing, Ohio; one son, Everette Godby
of Salisbury, Rl. 1; four grand*
children; three sisters, .Mrs. L. H.
McClamrock of Mocksvllle, Rl 3,
Mrs. N. E. Flint of Winslon*Sa1cm,
and Mrs. Glenn Rollins of Mocks*
vHte, Rl four brolhvrs. M. R.
Baker of Mocksv'ille, Rt. 4, Robert
Bohcr of Long Bench, Calif., Jcdtn
Baker of Mocksvllle. Rt. S. and R.
W. Baker of Now York City.
■niOMAS S. WHITE, 80
Thomas S, White. 80. died Mon*
day morning at the Davie County
He was bom February IB. iQfl7.
In Davlo County to the late Winfield
and Betty DIxon While. He was a
member of Coolecmee First Method
ist diurch and Ihe Redman I^ge.
Ha was a retired Erwin Mills em
ployee. Me was married to the form
er Maiy Ctmffin, who died March
2. ISSI,
He is fiurvh-cd by two sons. Jam
es of Ctiolcemoe. and ITioinos Jr. of
Panama Ciiy. Pla:; four grandchil
dren. iwu great grandchildren; and
two bruilicrs. (*nflon and Fillmore
White. Iiolh of Rt. S. Mocksvllle.
Funeral serviros were conducted
Wetinesifay ui 4 p. m. al Ihe Cool-
cemee First Methodist Church. Bu^
lal was in .Ml. Olive cemetery.
MRS. J. I.. KIRK, 81
Mrs. iVrnnie I'Mwards Kirk. 84. of
Raleigii. a fomwr resl^nt of
Mocksvilk*. died at 12:13 p.m. Sal-
Urday at a nuiYing Imme in Rutelgh.
bad beeo ia declining bealtb for
several years.
She was bom May 1. 1683, in
Stanly County, ihe daughter of the
late Joseph T. and Ida Broadway
Edwards. Sho was a member of Ute
Staltlngs Memorial Bapllsl Oturch,
In Salisbury, where her late hus
band, the Rev. Jacob L. Klilt, was
pastor. She taught in ihe ^mday
School until falling health forced her
retiremcnl and the Connie Edwards
Circle of the Woman's Missionary
Society was named in her honor.
Educated at GNCG, sho (aught in
the Rowan and Davie County
She is survived by two sons. J.
Sidney Kirk of Raleigh, and Dr.
Phillip M. Kirk of New York; two
daughters. Mrs. J. L. Ward. Jr. of
ThomasvJKe, and Mrs. James A.
Graham pf Rglei^; nine grand
children. and-four great-granddiiU
The Rev. Hayden M. Gartner con-
dueled the fhneral service at Stal*
lings Memorial Baptist Church at
3 pjn. Sunday. Burial was in the
Ctiestnul Hill Cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/20/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, July 20,1967
Brem Rites ^
HeMSiiday 'Wmn
runenl services fsr Bing- H
ham R- Brovkn, 79, o( Wood*
leaf, were conducted Sundey COQUSB0
afternoon July 9 at 3 o'clock at While, 8D, di
Unity Presbyterian Church by Mmilay room
the Rev. Alan B. Welis. pastur Coui^y
Burial was in the cVurch ce- He was boi
meterj'. la Davie Cou
Graveside rites were con-
ducted with masonic honors *
by Scotch-Ireland M.son.c
otf Cooleemee
Mr. Brown, depot agent at tired Erwin
the Woodleaf Railway Depot He was marri
for many years, died Thurs* Itory Chaffin,
day morning July Cth at 7:15
. el the Bland Haven Rest Home H* « survh
, in China Gro\>e. Cool
COQUBCEB — Itemac S.
While. 80, died at 8 A. M.
Monday moming in the Oanie
Coui^y Bo^atal.
He wv bom 18, 1887.
in Davie Coiuity, to the late
Winfield and Betty Dixon
W^te. He was a member of
the Cooleemee Methodist
Church and the Redman Lodge
of Cooleemee. He was a re
tired £rwin Mills employee.
He was marred to the lomier
Mary Chaffin, who died March
SO, 1950.
He is survived by two sons,
Jamee of Cooleemee. and 1^-
mas Jr. of Panama City. Ka.; I
(our grandchildien. two great. |
grandchildren; and two bro-
thers, Chiton and FUlmore,
bitlh of Kv\jie 5. Mocksviile.
F'.inernl vices were he4d
Wednesday at the Methodiat
Churrh the Rrv. Claude
Hartsell and ^e Rev. Joe
Melton. Burial was in the
Mt. Olive Methodist Church
Cemetery. I
Mis. Ml
Gwaitney Thorny 74, of Ad
vance, PU- 1, widow of John
W. Thomas, died July 14th in
Davie County Hospital ^
She was bom in Wilkes
Coun^ to Ed and Victoria
Warrent Gwaitney She was a
reUred employe of the ^ p.
El Banes fitting l|iu fn
Winston - Salem. She was a
member of Liberty Grove Bap.
tist Church.
SuTTlvlng are two sons, Al
bert Thomas of Advance, Rt.
2. and John Thomas of Wins
ton - Salem; a brother, Ed
Gwaitney of Winston - Salem;
a half brother, Ivie WaddelJ of
North Wiikesboro; and two '
half slaters, Btrs. Ruby Ballard
and Mrs. Peerl Rralger of '
Winston • Salem.
The funeral was et 2 P. M.
Monday at Baton's Chapel
Burial was in Woodland Ceme
Mrs. Lonie K«JerIy Pope,
79, of Woodleaf died July l?th
at 4 0*010^ at the Rowan Me
morial Hoi^tal. She had been
in declining health tor 10 years
and aerioucly ill for Utree days.
A natii^ of Davidson County
•be WM bom January IT,
1888. daughter of the late
Oaorge mhA Rla Jane Walton :
Kenerly. S>^ was educated in
the Rowan County schools.
Mrs. Pope was a lifelong
menMwr of WootBeef Methodist.
Church, a charier member of
the Woman's Society of Chris
tian Service, active in the P-
TA and a past praidett of I
the Woodleaf Home Demon- j
stration Club. I
She leaves her hu^nd. Dell
Dixon Pope, whom she mar
ried on Deceizd>er 24, 1908; 5
sons, O. K. P(9e of Mocksviile,
Route 1. J. G. of Salisbury.
Ivan H. Pope of Route 1. Salis
bury, D. O. Pope Jr. of Atlan
ta, Ga. and MUford A. Pope of
Sutesville; two daughters, htm
WUliam (BiU) Goodnight of Rt
8, Salisbury, and Joyce
Helen Pope of the farune; one
brotiwf, T. SeoU Kenerly of
North Wiikesboro; 14 grand*
children and seven great-grand-
Fiineral services were con
ducted Sunday afternoon at 3
o'clock at Wo^leaf Metbodut
Church by the Rev. W. H.
Benfield, pastor. Burial was in
Woodleaf Methodist Church
Bio - Obituaries - 7/20/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, July 20,1967
Mr. Cuipbell,
51, Of Ibite S
Mrs. Olftdys Piwee Crnnp^
bell, 51, of Route 6, Woodleof
Roed, died Sundey ereoinc
July 9tb at the Rowan Memo
rial Ho^ital. She had been in
declining health for one and
a hall years and was seriously
ill for several months.
She wsa born June 27, 191®,
in Davie County, the daugh.
ter of the late J. F. and An
nie Eliza GuUett PiercO. She
was educated in the lb>wan
County schools and was em
ployed at the Salisbury Cone
Mills for some time. She was
a member of the WoodlMf
Methodist Church.
She is survived by her hus
band, Morris K. Campbell, to
whom she was married S^t.
2, 1964; one brother, Ernest
C. Pierce of Route 1, Salis
bury; three sisters, Mrs. Les
ter Bringle of Salisbury and
Mrs. Flossie Ward 'Jind Mrs.
Lester McClamrock of Route
1, Woodleaf.
Funeral services were con
ducted Tuesday afternoon at
S at the Woodleaf Methodist
Church by the Rev. W. H.
Benfield and the Revereno
Bryce Parker. Burial was in
the Woodleaf Methodist
Church Cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/20/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 27,1967 - Page 1
Is Fatal
An Advance man was killed and
four others were injured In an auto*
mobile accident at 11:10 p. m. Sat'
urday on U. S. IS8 about two miles
cast of Mocksvillc. This was the
fourth highway fatality of the year
In Davie County.
Connie Molvin Markland, 20, of
Advance, Rt. l, died after the
1987 Ford be was driving hit a 1964
Chevrolel pickup truck driven by
Gllnder Harold Graham of AsheviUc;
Graham wos In satisfactory con*
dllion yesterday at Baptist Hospital
whore ho was treated for a fractur*
cd leg and multiple cuts.
Roy Thomas Foster, Jr. 20, of
MocksviUc, Rt a, a passenger In
tho car driven by Markland. was
also In oatlsfactoiy condition at
Baptist. He was treated for a fraclp
urod arm and leg.
Multiple Fractures
Donald Landis, 43, of Marlon. Rt
1. a passenger' In the truck, was
admitted to Davio County Hospital
in Mocksvillo where he was In sab
Isfactory condition yesterday. He
was treated for multiple fractures.
A second passenger in the truck,
Leo Roy Briggs, 33, of Mars HIH
was treated and released at Davie
County Hospital.
Trooper R. L. Bcane of the High*
way Patrol sold yesterday that
Markland was driving east on U. 8.
158 at high speed. Ho lost control
of the car on a curve. The car
crossed the road twice before it
Blrudt the tru^ head-on.
Beanc said the impact of tho
crash knocked tho truck backwards
about 60 fed. Tho car continued for
a short distance and hit three mall*
boxes before it came to rest in a
$2J1S0 Damage
Bcane estimated the damage io
(he car, owned by Foster's father,
at 5130Q and (he damage to the
truck at 11,000.
The funeral for Markland was
held Tuesday at Advance Methodist
Church Burial was in the church
He u-as bom In Howan County
Io Stephen 0. and Mary Hendriit
Surviving arc his mother and a
sister, Miss J'amcia Markland of
the home.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 27, 1967 - Page 4
Funeral services for Charlie Hart*
man White, S4. of Rt 2, MccksviUe,
were held Monday^ at 2 p. m. el
Mount OUve Methodist Church.
Burial was in the church cemetery,
Mr. White died Friday night at
the Baptist Hospital In Winston*
He was bora in Davie County to
John Neely and Lillle Ann Culhrell
White. He was a member of Mount
Olive Methodist Church and was a
retired fanner.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs., Ellxa*
belb PooUs White; four sons, Oscar
Neely While of Seattle, Wad).,
Charlie Hartman White, Jr. of Wins*
ton-Salem, Ike White of Clemmons,
Rt 1. and James C. White of
MocksidUc, Rt. 3; two daughters,
Mrs. Fabian Shore of Cooleenoeo
and Mrs. Alma Dawson of Golds*
boro; a dster. Mrs. Harmon Will*
ard of Mocksvllle, Rt. 5; and two
brothers, Albert White of Yadkln-
ville and Wos White of North WUk*
Funeral services for Mrs. Emma
Gwaliney Hiomas, ?4i of Advance,
Rt. 1, were held Monday at 2 p. m.
at Baton's chapel. Burial was (o
Woodland Cemetery In Winston-Sal*
She was tho widow of John W.
She was horn In Wilkcs County U>
Ed and Victoria Wanen Gwaltney.
She was a retired oityloyce of the
old P, H. Hanes KnltUng Mill In
Wlnston*Salem. She was a men)*
her of Uberty Grove Baptist Church.
Surviving are two sons, Albert
Thomas of Advance, Rt. 2, and John
Thomas of WInslon*SaIcm: a broth*
er, Ed Gwaltney of Wln8ton*SaIem:
a half brother, Ivte Waddell of
North Wllkesboro: and two half
sisters, Mrs. Ruby Bollard and
Mrs. Pearl Renlger of Winston*
SFUnoral services for Orrell Alex
ander Galon, 49, of CDoIeemee, were
held Wednesday at (North Cocleemec
Baptist Church. Buriol was In Cool*
ocmoc Legion Park.
Mr. Caton was-dead on arrival
Monday- at Davie County Hospital
after suffering a heart attack.
He was bom In Rowan County to
Wtf'T. and Ellen Caton.
"Surviving are his wife, Airs. Cloy-
tle (Rldenhour Caton; a son, William
T. Caton of the hmrfe; a daughter.
Miss Hekm Caton of tte home; and
a sister, Mrs. H. B. Rumple of
Bio — Obituaries — 7/27/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 27,1967 - Page 6
Two Teenagers
Hit And Killed On
Railroad Trestle
Two Icctvagcd cousins wcix: killcri
Thursday nighl when they were hit
by a Southern Raitrond train, on
Iho bridge crossing the Yndkin Kiv>
cr Sclwccn Davic and Forsyth
Ricky Sheriill Mundoy. in, ol
Bryn Mawr Lane, Wlnston-Salcm Rt.
2, and his cousin Mary Sylvia Davis,
16, of 4711 Southern Porkway,
lioulsvillc, Ky.. ran to try to escape
tho train on a trestle over the Yad*
kin River at Idols Dam.
According to residents who live
on Dock Davis Road near the scene
of the accident across from Iho
Ouko Power Idols Dam Plant, in
their run lo escape the train, Iho
girl end boy might have been sav
ed, had they stepped out onto any
one of the five u^en platforms at
the side of the bridge.
SU'nesl and Robert Payscur. who
Js chief operaior of the plant said
that the two could have sought
safety on the Iwo-fool lodge below
the tracks on both sides of tho
£nglncor W. W. Webb, who was
Bt the conlrots of the Southern
Railway system's train No. 53, des
cribed the accident as follows:
iKc blow tho whistle as the 103.
car freight approached tho inter-
section of the track and Idols Road,
about a qualer of a mile from tho
trestle. Tho track airvcs just-bo-
fbre the approach to Uic bridge.
WeU> said as soon as he saw
people on the track, ho applied the
brokes for the train's five engines
and the emergency brakes for all
cars on tho train.
He said that tho boy and girl
were both running toward the Davlo
County ddc of the bridge. Munday
was holding Miss Davis' hand and
she tumbled several times as she
ran along the lies.
As the train came closer, Miss
Dairls fell again, and was hit. Her
body fell from the bridge and was
found by Ycscue workers near the
bank of the river on the Oavic
Coi&ly side of the bridge, in about
six indies of water.
lAfter Miss Davis foil, Munday
kept running, Wd>b said. The boy
was bit at a point a lilllo moro
than Ihive-quniiors of tho way
hcms.<i the 1,3(10 font bridge.
Wohii said that Miss Davis did
not jump frpm the bridge, as scvc^
al rescue workers had reported
aboul I a. m. Friday morning.
MLsa Davis and Munday were at
the idols Dam site wilh another
couple Hlfxuhcth Ann Davis, 15, tho
dead girl's sister, and Kenneth
llnwcll IB, of WInslnivSalcm. Rl, 2.
Ilowcll, <1 close friend of Munday,
.said lhal Munday nnd Ihc girl had
been on the bridge for 10 or 15
The cousins had started to walk
back across Ihc bridge from (ho
Davic County side when the train
approached, llowell said. He and
GllMbcth Ann Davis wore sitting in
u parked cor near the river bank
and willncsscd tho fronlic run.
The two Davis girls had arrived
Thursday to visit jdatlvos in the
Cicmmons area. Ilowelt, said. Mun
day and Miss Davis IcR Ihc car
and were planning to walk across
the railroad bridge and rcluro.
The area around the Idols Hydro
Plant is a favorite meeting place
for tccn-agcrs. according to a nca^
Iw resident.
The funeral wos Sunday a! 3
p. m. at Bcthesda Moravian Church.
Burial wns in tho New Philadelphia
Moraviun Church graveyard.
lie was l)orn in Forsyth County
to Henry Shcrrill and Rulh Davis
Munday. He attended Bclhcsda Mo^
avion Church and West Forayth
High School where he would havo
been n Junior this foil.
Surviving arc his mother; a broth
er, Danny Joe Munday. of tho home;
and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs,
Shcrrill W. Munday of Mocksvillo
and Mrs. H. B. Davis of PfafRown.
Ilic funeral for Miss Davis was
at 0 a. m. Monday al St. John
Vionnoy Catholic Church at Louis
ville. Kentucky.
She was born at l/iuisvlllc, to
Herbert J. and Annalicl White Dav
is. She was a junior at Holy Rosary
Academy there.
Surviving ore threo sislers. Misses
Mcllnda Sue. Cheryl Lynn, and
Elixabclh Ann Davis of the Irome;
and hor grondmoUicrs. Mrs. Henry
White of Jefferson, Indiana, and
\|5rs. II. B. Davis of PfafRown.
Bio — Obituaries - 7/27/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, July 27,1967
Rites Held
Snnday For
Funeral services were held
Sunday at 3 P. M. tor BIricy
ShorriU Munday at Bethesda
Sforavian Church, Route ^
Winston - Salenu Burial was
in the new Pbilaxto|dua Mo
ravian Church graveyard.
He was bom in Porsyth
County to Henry Shrill and
Ruth Davis Munday. He at
tended Bethesda Moravian
Church and West Fbrsyth High
School. He would have heen
a Junior tids falL
Surviving are his niotiier, a
brother, Danny Joe tMunday
the home and his grand-
parei^ ISr. and Mis. SherriB
W. Munday of Route 4, Mo^s-
ville, and Mrs. H. B. Davis
of Pfafftown.
Ricky, age 16, of Bryn
Mawr Lane, Winston > Salem,
and bis cousin, Mary Sylvia
Qtovis, of Loidsiolle, Ky.
were kiBed oh a Southern
Railway bridge crossiiig the
Yadkin Uva between Da vie
and Forsjfth counties at Idols
Dam on Thursday night on
a trestle by an qsMroaddng
Orrell A. Calon
MOCKSVILLE-^rrell Alex,
ender Caton, 49, of Cooleemee
was dead on arrival Monday
at Davie County Bojg>ital after
suffering a heart attack.
He was bom in Rowan
County to W. T. and EUm
Fink Caton.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
Claytie Rui^our CaUm; a
kon, l^iam T. Caton of the
hc^e; a daughter, Miss Helen
Caton of the home: sod a sister
Mis. H. B. Rumple of States*
The funeral was at 4 PJd.
Wedn^day at Nmrth Coolee
mee Baptist Church. Burial
was in Cotgeemee Legton Park.
MOCXSVHXB — o^erlto
Htflman White, H <of Mscks^
vBl^ Bt died at t»J9 PM
9Md^ at ihe Nrntb fhwdlna
Baptist HoQiitaL
Bon BSarch 10, 1908, to Da-
vie County, he was tbe soo
of John Ne^ and LiOto Aan
Cuthr^ Whhe. He was a re
tired laitoer and a awmber of
Bit Olive Methodist ChoRh
Be was imnied to the for^
mer KHmhefh Po^ who sur.
vivBS* Other survleujrs ere toir
sons, Osear Mei^y WMte of
Seaitle, Wash., ftoaitie Hart-
man White Jr, of WtohmHSa-
ton. Dee White ^ Cgpffumwa,
Route I. and Jamas C. WhRe
of Moctovilto Bt* 8; two dau-
ghtas, Ihns. fbbtoi Store (rt
Coolpemee and Mrs. Atom
Oawson of Golibitoio; nhto
gramtoiildieo; one idster, Mto*
Haitium WiUaid BtoeksviBe^
Route 6; two brothmSk Albert
White of YeAhiville and Wes
Wbite of Vorth Wilfcesbom*
Funosl services wme cm-
ducted Mftoday at 8 PAL at
Mt (Rive Methodht Ctomrtt.
&fiM was in toe ctHiteb ee-
metery. The Rev, Benny^Bear*
den and the Bev. Joe FhRUps
Bio - Obituaries - 7/27/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 3,1967 - Page 5
Nude Body Recovered
From Lake Near Pino
The nude body of Lloyd Eugene
Kowcll, age 24, Rt. 5 Mocksvillc
was pulled frum about seven feel
of water of a niral farm Sunday
The Davie County Coroner. Dr.
Francis W. Slate ruled the death
of the 24 year old. as occldcnlal.
Howell had gone fishing Sunday
on the While Farm Lake near Pino
Communlly, about 13 miles north of
Utcr his clothes and fishing tack>
]c were found on a rock at the one
acre lake. A tine on his rod and
reel was broken, and It was Bssum>
ed the man hod gone into the water
to retrieve the line.
The Davie County Rescue Squad
was notified about 9 p. m. and the
man's body was discovered about
an hour later.
Funeral services were conducted
Qt 3:30 t>. m. Wednesday at Chin-
quapin Bapist Church. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
He was employed at R. J. Rey
nolds Tobacco Company In Winston.
Survivors arc his mother. Mrs.
Ethel Foote Howell of (he home;
three sisters. Misses Maize and
Ruth Howoll of Wlnston-Salcm and
Mrs. Annie Hoirston of Mocksville;
six brothers, Turner, Louie, Lonnie,
Cliarile and Gilbert of Mocksville
and Otis Lee Howell of Winston*
Salcm: two half sisters, Mrs. Sarah
Cain of Mocksville and Mrs. Emma
Barker of Wlnston-Sajam; and two
halt brothers, the Rev. L. R. How
ell of Mocksv'iile and Noah iHowell
of Pfafftown. '
■Baxter T. Gtpson
Funeral services for Baxter
Thomas Glpson, 50, of Mocksville.
Rt. 4. were held at 3 p.m. Saturday
at Eaton's Funeral Home, by tho
Rev. L. Creason and Rev. Clyde
Tomlin. Burial was in Annie Ark
Baptist Church Cemetery In Surry
Mr. Glpson died Thursday at Davis
Hospital in Statesvllle.
He was bom In Davie County to
John O'Neal and Lulo Creed Glpson.
An employe of -Burlington Mills at
Cooleemee, he was a member of
Calvary Baptist Church.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
Ethel Sain Glpson: two daughters.
Mrs. 'Eugene (Boger of Mocksville.
Rl. 4 and Mrs. Cecil Spcer of
Mocksville, Rt. 2, his father. John
O^eal Gipson of Mocksville. Rt. 4:
one brother, James H. Gipson of
Jamacla. N. Y. and four grandchil
Mrs, Bessie Summers McDaolel
Funeral services for Mrs. Bessie
Summers McDanlel. 84, of High
Point, widow of N. P. MoDanlol,
were hold Monday at 4 p. m. at
was in Smith Grava Methodist
Church cemetery.
Mrs. McDanlel died Saturday In
the Garwood Nursing Home. She was
bom in Davie County to W. F. and
Emma Nail Summers. She was s
member of Dulins Methodist
Surviving aro four daughters, Mrs.
H. S. French. Mrs. A. L. Stats.
Mrs. W. W. Kennedy and Mrs. F. L.
I Willard of High Point; three sons,
Lloyd McDanlel, the Rev. Frank
McDenlsi and Robert McDanlel of
High Point; a brother, P. D. Sum
mers of Black Mountain end nieoes,
Mrs, Millard Harmon and Mrs. W.
Paul Hendricks of Mocksville.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/3/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, August 3,1967
IBOasmUJMJbofd Bofetae
Hovel], 9i OonxStr
dnvned Suitd^ In n pond
ty in Dovie Oounlh^
Hb bo^y wm found nt 9:80
P. M. fitodoy by tho Dnide
Cktunty Beam Sqtttd.
Be was emfdoyed at B. 1.
Reyncdds .TObtoeo Co.
Surviving are his mother,
Mrs. Bthei Ctootn BoveO ot
the home; fhtne dfttm^ Mfmet
tflsSe and Both Bovtil tf
lOtnttoa - fltfon and Uro.
Annie HoiatBA «f MoeMUB:
6 bMttters. ftascr, Lotdfc Loo-
nlo, Cherilo !«, isd wterc
Hhvell 4rf HodttvHIe ottfl Otis
Use Bovdl ofWlaMoiiifiilah:
two liilf fitrah
Cain of MocfcsviHe gad Mrs.
Bowns Boitar of Wifislon4a>
ls&;.aad hoo half tedhers,
the Bev. L. & Bov^ of
ModEBViHe and llhab Bov^ of
was at 8:80 pjn.
jSirdnriHloy at
Bayllslxaitttcli. Botfal was fn
the chttrdi tcmeteiy.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/3/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 10,1967 - Page 1
Boy Drowns
In Fish Pond
John David Sheets, 14. of Ad>
vanco, 2, drowned Monday In a
farm pond off Bailey's Oiapol Boad
while In swimming vdllh a com*
Dr. fil-ancls Stale, Davie County
coroner, ruled the death accl-
dcntial drowning.
The l)oy drowned between 2 and
2:30 p. m. The DavIe Rescue Squad*
ron recovered his body from 9 feet
of water, within five minutes of
arrival at scene.
The Sheets boy swam across take,
tried to make It back and went un
der. His companian tried unsuccess
fully to rescue him.
r fHe.waSj^m jq^DavIe .County. Jp,
John and -liucllic Sieeis.
His father is his only immediato
The funeral was hold Wednesday
in Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Buri^
was held in the . Advance Methodist
Church cemetery.
Man Lying In Road
la Run Over By Car
The SInic IlighwA)- Patrol is con*
linuing the investigation Into the
death of a 27*ycar*o1d man. run ovci
and mangied by an automobile late
Saturday night.
State Highway Palrotmun K. N.
Bolick said that Hubert Jackson
Bailey of Advance. HI. 2. was slnick
by an aulumubile on the Ccdai
Grove Churdi Road in the Pork
Community around it p. m.. Sat*
urday. The patrolman said ihero
are varknis questions to Iw deter*
mined regarding the victim's cir*
cumstanccs prior lo ibc accident.
Driver of the car was Idenlilied by
the patrolman as Gerald Ue Mes*
sick, 18. of Advance. Rl. 1- A pass*
enger in the car, llunald Harold
Byrd. 17. of Advance Rl. l. was
reported to have been injured. The
car was owned by WlUlard Harold
Byrd of Advance Rl. t.
Patrolman BoUck said that Bailey
circumstances as lu why Bailoy was
In the road.
Bailey was bora July 31, IIMO, in
Davie County, to Clarence and Clet»
la Waller Bailey. He was a const^
ruction worker, and was married lo
Edna Youniz Bailey, of Lexington,
who survives.
Also surviving him is one son.
Randy Bailey of Lexinglun his par;*
cnis of Route 2, Advance: seven sis*
icrs, Judy and Sandra Bailey of
Route 2. Advance, Mrs. Katberyo
Burneltc of Virginia Bead), Va.,
.Mrs. Edith Alien of Mocksviiie, Mff.
Diana Smiley. Mrs. Anita Kay My*
ers. Mrs. Lillfe Mae Polls, aU of
Advance; and five brothers, Glenn
David Bailey ol Route 3. Advance.
Clarence Bailey of Virginia Beach,
Va... Cecil and Robert Bailey of
Lexington, and Charles Bail^ of
funeral services were held 1\iefr
was lying in the road when he was ^ day at Fork Baptist Church. Burial
hit by 0 cor. He said he was con* was in Iho church cemetery. Tho
Mag b» ipvetAigutioD loto iligl ftov. Boy YBuag otOaM.
Bio — Obituaries - 8/10/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 10,1967 - Page 5
Funeral services (or Walter Ray
Rule, 08. of RU 1. Unwood. were
held Thursday at 5 p. m. at Oturcfa*
land Missionary Baptist Church by
the Rev. Ray Billings and the Rev.
0. C. Loy. Interment was In the
churdi cemetery.
Mr. Bule was dead on arrival at
, Lexington Memorial Hospital at
6:30 p. m. Tuesday.
Ho was born in Davidson County
to Robert L. and Anna Barnes Bule.
He was a retired employe of Lex*
Inglon Oialr Co. and a mend>er of
Chui'chlBnd Baptist Church.
He I; survived by his wife. Mrs.
Ether Mae Fleming Bule of the
home; three doughters, Mrs. Floyd
J^oney of Llnwood, Mrs. D. W. Van-
hoy of\vteii:Sa1em;Tm5~»afP
nle Bule of the home; four sons,
H. T. (Bill) Bule, Rt. 3, Lexington,
Henry Lee Bule, Severn, Md., Don
ald W. Bule. Homestead. Flo.,
Terry Dale Bule, RL I, Llnwood;
cia grandchildren; three brothers,
Clarcnco Bule, Spencer, Gene Bule,
Rt 5, Lexington, Worth Bule. Arco-
dia. and 2 sisters, Mrs. Taylor Nan
ce, Tampa, Flo., Mrs. Vertia Wall
er, Cumberland, Va.
Roy Sanford Cranllll, 89. of North
Main Street died Sundoy at Davle
County Hoi^tal ofler a heart et^
lack. He was bom In Davle County
to Joseph Paul and ^Golden ; Jones^
Surviving are his wife, ChiysUne
iBamcycastle Crandll; a son. Paul
Harvey Cranflll of the home; a
half-sister, Mrs. Brenda Nonce of
Funeral services for Mrs. Esther
Stroud Cartner, 80. widow of Boone
W. Cortner of Cooleemee; were held
Tuesday at 4 p. m. at Cooleemee
First Baptist Oiurch. Burial was
in Rowan Memorial Park.
Mrs. Cartner died Saturday night
at Ute Spencer Rest Home. She was
bom in Davie County to Henry and
'Emily Horn Stroud.
Surviving are three daughters.
Mrs. Ransom Dudley of Cooleemee,
Mrs. Hillord of SallAury and Mrs.
Frank Segraves of Woodleaf; a son,
Robert Carlncr of Oklahoma CHty,
Okla.; and three brothers, C. C.
Stroud of Newport News, Va.. David
Stroud of New Haven. Conn., and
Robert Stroud of Mocksvllle, Rt. 1.
{ Mocksvliie, Rt. 8; and his parents of
I Mocksvllle, Rt. 6.
I Funeral services were conducted
I at 2 p. m. Monday at (Aestnut
I Grove Methodist Churdi. Burial waS{
I In the dturdh cemetery. |
Funeral servicps for William H.
Boyd. 63, of Mocksvllle, Rt. 1. were
held Sui^ay at 4 p. m. at Batons
Chapel. Burial was in llamas Bap
tist (3iurch cemetery.
Mr. Boyd was dead on arrival
at Baptist Hospital In Wlnston-Sal-
em. Thursday. Death was from
natural causes.
He was bom In Davle County to
W. S. and Mary Ella Graves Boyd.
He was a member of the Dames
"Bapll^"Cfiuf«» 'anBnwBi" a' retired"
employe of Herltoge Fumllure
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ora
Tutierow Hodgeson Boyd; a stepson.
Major John Henry Hodgeson with
the U. S. Air Force In Texas; a
daughter; Mrs. Ann Johnson of
Georgia; and two dsters, Mrs. Ina
Tutierow ond Mrs. Nora Richardson
of Mocksvllle.
The funeral of Preston Bailey, 90,
of Harmony, Rt. I, will be held at
2 n p.m. Thursday at Slloam AME
ZIon Church In Iredell County. Bur
ial will be in the church cemetery.
The body will be at Morrlson-
Sludevent Funeral Home in Mocks
vllle unit the service. Mr. Bailey
died Sunday at Iredell Memorial
Hospital In Slatesvitle.
A procession ^11 assemble and
leave from the home of John H.
Redmon In the Harmony commun
ity at 1:30 p. m. Thursday,
Funeral services for Mrs. Esther
Mae Howard, 75, were held at 4 p.m.
Wednesday. August 9, at St. Jotm'a
A&fiB Zktn Church In Modtsvlle.
Burial vms In the diurch cemetery.
. Mrs. Howard died Sunday at Davle
County Hospital.
She was a native of Davie County
and a retired teacher.
^rvi\^ are a daughter, . Mrs.
Ella Dalton.of Mocksvllle; ^two'step-
Jam^ and Charlea' Haward
two ste%ng)^ra.
Mrs. Margretta Whlsonant-of ^s-
ton-Salem and Mrs. Inez Portee of
Salisbury; and a sister, Mrs. Rosa
M. Galther of Modufvllle. i
Bio — Obituaries - 8/10/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, August 10,1967
John David Sheets
Boy Dfowds
In Farm Pond
Sheets, 14. of Advance, Route
2, droM'ned Monday in a farm
pond off Bailey's Chapel Road
while swimming with a com
Dr. Francis Slate, Davie
County coroner, ruled the
death accidental drowning.
He was bom in Davie Coun
ty to John and Lucile Sheets.
His father is his only imme.
diate survivor.
The funeral was at 2 P.M.
Wednesday in Eaton's Funeral
Chapel. Burial was In the Ad
vance Methodist Church Cem
Baxter Gibson
Bavie County
Thomas Gibson, SO, of Mocks-
ville, Rt. 4, died at 11:10
P. M. Thursday July 27 at Da.
vie Hospital, Statesville.
He was bora in Davie Coun.
ly to John O'Neal and Lula
Creed Gibson. An employee of
Burlington Mills at Coolee.Tiee.
he was a member of Calvary
Baptist Church.
Surviving are his wife, Mr>.
Ethel Sain Gipson; two dauch-
lets, Mrs. Eugene Boger
Mocksville, Route 4 and Mr^.
Cecil Speer of MockFvi'ie,
Rt. 2; his father, John O Neal
Gibson of Mocksville, Houie
2: his father John O'N'caJ
Gipson of Mocksville; Route
4; one brother James H. Gip
son of Jamaica New York and
four grandchildren.
The funeral conducted by
Rev. L. Creason and Reverend
Clyde Tomlin, was at 3 P M.
Saturday July 29 at Eaton's
Funeral Home Chapel. Burial
was in Annie Ark Baptist
Church cemetery in Surry
(This article was omitted
last week through error)
Ray Granfiii,
Of Moeksville
MfX^KSVlLLE --Ray San-
ford Cranfill, 39, of North
•Main Street, died of a heatt
attack Saturday night at the
Davie County Hospital.
He was bom July 22, 1028,
in Davie County, to Joseph
I^ul and Gkrlden Jones Cran
He is survived by his wife,
Christine Barneycastie Cran-
fiii; one son, Paul Harvey
Cranfiil, of the home; one half-
sister, Mrs. Brenda Nance of
Route 5 Mocksville, and hb
parents of Route 5, Mocks
Funeral services were held
Monday at 2 P. M. at Chest
nut Grove Methodist Church.
Burial was in the church ce.
metery. Ministers officiating
were the Rev. Fred Shoaf and
the Rev. Melvin Beeker.
Hubert Jaeksen
Bailey RHas
Ihe funeral lur Hubert Jack
son Bailey, ago 27. of Advance
Route 2, was held at 2 P. M.
Tuesday at Fork Baptist
Church. Burial was in the
church cemetery. He was kill-
eG when sli^ li^
Q ea iBle itotiinhy alghl in
the Fork Commuflity.
Mr. Bailey was bom in Da
vie County to Clarence and
Cleta Waller Bailey. He was
a construction worker.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
Edna Younts Bailey of Lex
ington, a son. Randy Bailey of
L«xington, his parents, of Ad
vance, Route 2, seven sisters,
Mtssea ind Sandm Bbk
ley of AdvBitas» Botito Ite
Katiirya l^inott of Virginia
Beach. Vo., Mrs. Edith Allen
of Mocksville, Mrs. Diane Smi
ley, Mrs. Anita Kay Myers
and Mrs. ZJlUe Mae Potts ^
Advance, ClareiKe BaUey of
"Virginia Beach, Va., Cecil Bai
ley of Lexington, Charles Bai
ley of California, and David
Bailey of Advance, Route 2.
Bio - Obituaries — 8/10/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, August 10,1967
Mrs. Gartner,
Of Cooleemee
Stioud Gartner, 80, of Cool-
eemcf. died Saturday night in
the Spencer Rest Home.
She was bom June 5, 1867,
to the late Henry G .and
Emily Horn Stroud. She was
the widow of Boone W'. Gart
She is survived by three
dauj:hte:s, Mrs. Ranson Dud.
ley of Cooleemee, Mrs. Ray
HiiiJid of Salisbury, and Mrs.
Prank Scagraves of Woodleaf;
one >'on. Robert Gartner of
Ohlahoma City. Oklahoma; 22
grandchildren; three brothers,
G. C. Stroud of Newport News.
Va, David Stroud of New
Haven. Gonn. and Robert
Stroud of Route 1, Mocksville.
Funeral services were held
Tue.-iday at 4 P. M. at the Gool-
eemce Baptist Church. Burial
was in the Rowan Memorial
Park. The Rev. 'Bill Greason
Bio - Obituaries - 8/10/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
fday in'Davie y^ster-lff':'^She-was I^rn " ^^ospital. Jl^ to Tiaki^ tf I'f.Yie Coui^j|Turner,,M Srowu
S ur
P ^O o
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 17,1967 - Page 1
One Killed; 3Injii red, When
Pickup Hits Old Building
«A pickup (ruck. loattod wKh 4 (con*
ago boys, cateoncd oul of control on.
6 jMlllIng (Road Sunday nlghl andF jerashcd into an old wooden building.
' r Wayne Alvin Howard, 17. was pin-
rned in Ibo wreckage for an hour
a and 45 minutes as members of the
f' Davlc County Rescue Squad worked
feverishly cuUing and prying away
metal to extricate him.
. I (Howard, the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Obie dlobert Howard of Mocksviile.
lU. a died at 12:0! a.m. 'Pucsday at
the Davio County Hospital from in
ternal injuries.
The three other boys: Alvin San-
ford d>olls. 17. of Advance, RL 2;
David Alvin Junes. 17, of Mocks-
^Vlllc, Rt. 3; and William Richard
dmith. if), of Mocksviile, Rt. 5, wore
roiwrted In satisfoclory condition at
the Davlc Hospital.
State Highway Patrolman K. N.
Bolick said Ihat his investigation
disctosed that the IS80 Chevrolet
pickup came Into the curve at a
high.rate of speed, ran off tbo IcR
dxmlder, careened back across the
roadway, went into a broadside ^td
off the roadway and started turning
over about six or eight-feet from the
Smith, riding in the bed of the
pickup, was thrown out before the
truck hit the building. He suffered
a broken pelvis and other Injuries.
. The truck, In Ihe process of ove^
turning, bomiccd into the end of the
old wooden building formerly used
as 0 warohouso by the Tar Heel
Feed ami Seed Company, landing on
Us lop, completely inside the build
ing. Jones was thrown oul Inside
(he building. Potts and Howard ru-
malncd in the cab of the truck with
Howard being pinned on the driveria
side by the cruritcd cab in such a
manner that* he could not be ex
The end of the old building had to
bo propped up as ft threatened to
collapse around the truck. Members
of, the rescue stpiad used hydraulU;
Jacks, jQcksmvs, etc. as they work
ed an hour and 43 minutes to free
During this time Dr. Francis Slate
and Dr. B. i,. Richards were oo
hand to render all possible medical
The truck was perched In such a
precarious position that caused con
stant fear that U might sliiR, caus
ing further injury to the trapped
Spilled gasoline from Ihe wreck
age also created a Rro hazard and
the Mocksviile fire truck was
brought to the sccno.
The Occident hastened around
losio p.m. Sunday night. Howard
was finally freed at 11:55 and rush
ed by walling ambulance to the
Funrrol Ssrvlcrii
FUiterul services fur Wayne Alvin
Howard were held Wednesday uflciv
noun at llic Dulln Methodist Church.
The Hcv. Stanley James and Ihe
Rev. Elmer Day ofDcialed. Burial
was in Ihe church ccmclcry.
He was an liih grade student at
Davie County High School.
He was born Sept. 13. i!M9 in
DavJe County, the son ul Hotiart
and Opal Robertson Howard.
He is survived by his parents,
two liiulhcrs. Larry and Donald, of
the home, three -sisters, Dorothy
and Gay. of the home, Mrs. Allen
Blakley of 111. 3, Mocksviile: the
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Louie
Howard of Rt. 2. Mocksviile; the
granpaivula, Mi». LUziv Robcitstm
ul Ut. 3.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/17/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 17, 1967 - Page 4
William Columbus Polls, 92, of
Rl. 3. Mocksvillc. died Sunday nlghl
at his home. He was retired farmer.
Surviving are his wite, Mrs. Liliie
Hendrix Polls; a slepson, Graham
Hendrix of Mocksville, HI. 3; Iwo
brothers, Nathan Polls of Mocks
ville, Rt. 3, and Early PqUs of Nor
folk. Va.: and a sister, Mrs. Lizzie
Robertson of Mocksvillc, Rt. 3.
Funeral services were conducied
at 2 p. m. Tuesday at Eaton's Fun
eral Chapel. Burial was In fiLxby
Presbyterian Church cemeteiy.
Funeral services for Kent Douglas
Boger, three month old son of Ray
Gwyn and Ota Cook Boger were
held Saturday at 2 p. m. at Union
Chapel Methodist Church. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
The baby was dead on arrival
Ihursday at Davie County Hospital.
Surviving arc his parents; a bro
ther. JclTrey Ray Boger of liu;
home; a sister. Miss Gwendolyn
Roger of the home; and his grand
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Burly Roger
of Mocksville. Rt, 2.
Funeral services for Miss Kettle
Daisy Turner, 91, of Rl. 4, Mocks
ville, were hold Friday at H a. m.
at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial
was in a family plot near the home.
She died Wednesday at DavIe
County Hospital.
She was bom In DavIe County lo
Pinkney and Sallie Brown Turner
and was a member of the Jericho
Church of Christ
Mrs. Mary Alice Wilson. 34. of
Coolccmee was found dead early
Saturday morning at her home.
Death was from natural causes.
Surviving are her mother. Mrs.
Betty Neoly of the home; a son,
James Neely of Cooleemcc; three
sisters. Mrs^ Eleanor Faulkner of
Cooleemec, and Misses Addle Mae
and Janle Neely of the home, and
three brothers. William Foul. Carl
Lee and Hiomas Neely of the
Funeral services were conducicd
at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at Morrison-
Sludevent funeral chaiici. Burial
was in Fiendship Baptist Church
Bio - Obituaries - 8/17/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 17,1967 - Page 5
Larry Phillip Long
Killed In Accident *
' An Advance youth was killed
Wednesday nl^t when the lnolo^
cycle that he was riding was struck
by an automobile.
Lany Phillip Long, 19, of Rt. S
Advance, was riding on highway 39
in Cabamis County In front of the
Charlotte Motor Sp^way when the
accident occurred.
According to Investigating Pat
rolman. B. J. Clonlnger. Long and
a Chiysler. driven by Robert
Schuett of Winsto^Salem, were both
traveling In the north lane. Schuett
tried to pass the motorcycle Just as
Long Qttenvted to cross over to the
left'lane, fliie two vriildes collided [
and Long was killed Instantly.
Long was bom May 16, 1918 to
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Long who
survive him. He Is also sutyivcd by
three brothers; Charles L. Long, of
Advance; Max D. Long, of Advance;
and Steven A. Long, of Lodngton;
one sister, Mrs. Donald Lanler of
Long was employed by Erianger
Cotton Mills.
There were no charges ogalost
Schuett. *
The fnueral was held Friday, at 4
p. m. at Piedmont Funeral Konno
Chapel In Lexington.
Iredeil Negro
Shot To Death
Saturday Night
An argument Saturday night In
Gralutnltown over a girl friend left
one Negro dead and another In Jail
on the riiarge of murder.
James liobeil Adams. Jr., 22. of
trodoU County was killed Instantly
xriten he was ajiol through Jho heart
by a 22-caIiber pistol.
Albert Leach. 23. of Slalcsvllle has
l;een charged with murder.
Deputy Sheriff Joe Smith said the
ahoollng ocurrcd between 9 p. m.
and 9:30 p.m. Saturdoy night at *ho
Cliff Cockerham home In Graham-
■Deputy Smith sold that his Investi
gation Indicated thai Adams was
visiting one of the giris when liooch
drove up. The two men allegedly
cngoged In a brief argument and
Leach altegedly readied Into his
car ond pulled out a pistol and diot
Leach carried Adams to the Davto
County Hospllal whore he was pro
nounced dead en arrival.
Sheriff George Smifh and Deputy.loc S-mlth wxmt to the hospital wliero
they arresled Leach.
Statesvllle police found Adath*s
falher, John W. Adams of Sates-vtlle, dead of a heart cotidlUon 1^-
day when they went to Inform 1^
of the dealh of his son.
A double funeral lor the father
and the son wtll be hold at 4 p.m.Thursday ol the First Baptist
Church In StalesvlUe. Burial wHIIib
In Belmont Cemetery. '
Bio - Obituaries - 8/17/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 17,1967 - Page 3
is Ix!c, .11. of Gaincs*
vllle. rio., son of Toy Ijcc of
OooIccnKH! and Mrs. Mary Neill
Pierce Leo of Gnfncsvllic. Ga. win
dead on arrival a( Rovi'an Me
morial flosiiitiil Sunday nflor he'
was kilted in a single ear aecidcni
on eounty road 25119.
State Jligliway Patrolman G.
Shomaker said l.ce was traveling
on the road .tlioul two miles south
of Salisbury in iRowun County when
his car ran off the right side of the
rooil, bnci? In Hip left side where he
struck an cmljankmcnl and over
A passcngor. Franklin Hough. 30.
of Salidiuiy was roporled in salts-
factory condition at -Rowan %fe-
morial HospUal with head lacera
tions and btxly contusions,
Sliomaker said the 10(11 atovrolcl
convertible was a total toss. He-
added (hat the accident was caused
by excessive speed.
Surx'lving one his parents, two
daughters. Portia Lee am! Sandra
luie of Cutlman. Aiobama; o broth
er. Brticc Lee of Salisbury: and a
sister. Mrs. Evelyn Edwards of
Bio - Obituaries - 8/17/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, August 17,1967
aaOCKSVnJLE a Sl-year-
old Georgia man was dead on
arrival at Bowan Mmnimal
Ho9itaI at 1:35 A. H. Sunday
after he was killed in a sin
gle car accident on county
toad 2539.
State Patrolman
E. G. Shotinaker said Odis
Howell Lee. 31, (d Gainesville.
Ga.. was traveling on the road
about twi- miles south of SaL
i^buxy in Rowaa Cocndy
when his car ran off the right
side of the road, bade to the
left si£e where he struck
an embankment and overturn
A passenger. Franklin Hough,
30. of 524 Fisher Street,
Salisbury, was reported in sat
isfactory condition at Rowan
Memorial Boqiital with h^
lacerations and body contus
Shoemaker said the 1981
Chevrolet convertible was a
total loss.
Lee was bom in Gainesville
to Tby L. Lee and Mary Nell
Pierce Lee.
Surviving are his father of
Cooleemee and his mother of
Gainesville. Ga.. two daugh
ters. Portia Lee and Sandra
Lee of Cullman. Ala., a bro
ther. Bpjce Lee of Salisbury;
and a sister. Mrs. Evelyn Ed
wards of Gainesville.
The body was taken to Lit
tle and Davenport Fkineral
Home in Gaines^e.
Wayne Alvin Howard
hjaries Id Wreck
M0CSSVIL1£ — Wayne Al
vin Howard. 17. of Mocksville,
Bt 3. died Tuesday at Davie
County Hospital from iniur-
ies reeved in an automohOe
accident Sunday night on Mill
ing Boad.
He was bora in Davie Coun
ty to Hobart and C^l Rob-
erson Howard.
Surviving are his parents;
two brothers, Larry and Don
ald Howard of the home: S
sisters, Mrs. Allen Blakley of
Moeks^e, Misses Dorothy and
Gay Howard of the home
ne funeral was at 3 PM.
Wednesday at Dulin Method
ist Church. Burial was in the
diurch cemetery.
William G.
Columbuii Potts. 02. of Mocks
ville. Route 3, died at his home
Sunday night. He was a re-
ired farmer.
Survlvinp ore his wife, Mrs.
Lillic Hendrix Potts; a stepson,
Graham Hendrix of Mocks-
villc, Ht. 3; two brothers, Na
than Potts of Mocksville. Rt.
3, and Early Potts of Nor-
fol, Va.; and a sister. Mrs.
Lizzie Robertson of Mocks
ville Rt. 3.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral
Chapel. Burial was in Bixby
Presbyterian Cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/17/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 24, 1967 - Page 7
Funeral services for Luke Vestal
Smith. G7, of Advance. Rt. 1. were
held Friday at 2 p. m. at Bcthle*
hen) .McLh^isl Church. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
I Mr. Smith died Wednesday at his'
I home, lie was born in Davie County
! to George W. and Mary James
i Smith. lie was a retired employee
: of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Conv
Sun'ivins arc his wife, Mrs. Rose
Smith: two sons, Carl Lcc Smith
of Advance and Wayne Vestal
Smith of WinsU)n>Sak2m; three
, daughters, Mrs. Fay Myers, Mrs.
Carolyn Smith and Mrs. Barbara
Smith of Advance; two brothers,
JtusscU Smith of Mocksvillc and
Bryant Smith of Advance: and
two sisters, Mrs. Bon Boylcs of
Mocksvillc and Mrs. Tom S. Gre^
gory of Advance.
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, August 24,1967
Ricky Wasik
Niece Of Loul
Wenan Killed
Mn. Ricky Wasik, 22. dau.
ghter of Roy A. and Ruth
Honeycutt Glover of Satellite
Beach, Florida, died Sunday
at a Florida hospital of in
juries received in a parachute
jump. She plunged 1200 feet to
her ^ath at Rockledge, Flo
rida, when the shrouds of her
main chute became snarled,
causing the canopy to reoaain
closed, ibis was her second
paradiutc jump. She was a
niece of Mrs. Paul Booe of
She was bom in Rowan
County, July IS. 1045 and was
employ^ at the LTV range
tyvtmaa at Cape Kennedy.
Survivors include her hut-
band, John Wasik, her par-
ents, a brother, Roy (Hover
UI. all of Satellite Beach, her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
I R C. Honeycutt of Salisbury.
Fuxkecal servioee weft held
at I P. M TUMday in Flori
\ Mr. and Mra. Paul Bsw
lattMM the tamtH mmom]
Bio - Obituaries - 8/24/1967
Floyd A. Smith,
Retired Farmer
Dies AtNospHal
1 MOC:KSVlUiE — noyd Au
gustus Smith, 87, a retired
, fanner of Advance, Route 1,
. died at Davie County Hospi-
, iaL
I Surviving are a son, Gur-
' ney Smith of Virginia Beach,
I Va.; four dau^ters, BAra. B. it
i Arnsworthy, Mrs. £. C. Mh-
1 Knight and Mrs. K. L. Hodsmi
of Advance, Route 1, and Mrs.
I C. T. Robertson of Advance,
' Route 2; and a sister, Mrs.
n Harmon Smith of Advance Rt
• I.
The funeni was at 11 AM.
[ Thursday at Baton's ChapM.
J Burial was in Bethlehem Me-
I thodist Church cemetery. j
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 31,1967 - Page 5
I James Harris Steels, 69, Rt.
4. Wlnston-Salem, waa dead on a^
rival Friday at Farayth Idemortal
I file b/m bom Id ISsvte (kunty kt
'Jacob and Tobithia James Sbeets.
I He was a retired emid<ve- of P. H.
Hancs Corp. <He was a member or
Hanes Baptist Ctnireb.
Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Dora
Holder Sieets, a son, James L.
Sheets of Wtnston-Salero 4 daugUlecs,
Mrs. Virginia S. Smitbermaa of
Greensboro, ftfrs, Kaliierlloe S.
Whitman of HafRown, Mrs.
5. Bowen of the home ^d fiifrs.
Betty S. Holleman of iWInstim*
Salem: three sisters, Mrs. Amile Sat*
tenflcid of Wlnsttm^Sblem. MTs.
T#aura Phillips df iljewtsvllle and
Mrs. Sallle Holleman of Leidsville':
and three brothers, Charie Sheets of
Waynesboro, Va.. and Jack and
Farland Sheets of Lewisvllle.
•FUnerol services were conducted
at 3 pjn. Sunday at (Hanes Baptist
Church. BurtM.was In Me
morial Parif.'
Funeral services for Mrs. Bertha
Lee Wilson Word, 7S, of Thomas*
vllle, N. C. were conducted at 4
p.m. Saturday at J. C. Green and
Sons Qiapel. Burial was in Emanuel
Vnlted Ctorch of Christ Cemetery
Mrs. Ward died Thursday in Gtty
Memorial Hospital, Tbomasvllle.
She was bom In Davie Oounfy to
George- M. and lAuro Stroud Wil
son. She was a mendrar of Tlinity
Methodist Church.
f&irvlvlng are her husband. W. D.
Ward; a daughter. Mrs. Norman
Holder of the home; a son. WDUam
9%:.yfiai<iltQ(4Mr|jia;*>a' alstef.^^rs.
£. D. .Poole of Harmony; and a
Jbrotber. J. C. Wilson of MoeksvlUe.
P. A. SMITH. 87
Floyd Augustus Smith. 67, of Rl.
1. Advance, died at 12 noon Aug.
23rd at the DavIe County Ho^ltal.
He bad been a paUmt In the boqd*
lal for 18 days. '
He was a retired farmer.
Survivors Include one son. Gumey
Smith oT Virginia Beach, Va.; four
dau^iters, Mrs. 8. R. Aimswoithy,
Mrs. E. C. McXnIght, Mrs, K. L.
Hodson of RL 1. Advance and Mrs.
C. T. Robertson of Rt. 2, Advance;
one dster. Mrs. Haraxm Smith of
RL 1, Advance.
Funeral services were conducted
I Thursday Aug. 241h at Eaton'a FUn*
I eral Chapel by the Rev. Paul Hart.
Burial was In Bethleban Methodlri
Funeral services for Bill E. Mpr*
ph. 39. of Raleigh, son Mrs. Era
Murph of Oak Streot, MoeksvlUe.
wore held Tuesday. August 29. at
2:30 p. m. at MitcheU Funeral Rome
In Raleigh. Burial was In Biontlnwn
Cemetery In Raleigh.
-Mr. Murph died Sunday, August
27. at 1:38 p. m.
He was boro in MocfcsvHle, aon cl
Mrs. Murph and the Into W. C.
Murph. He graduated from Mocks*
vfllo fUgk SdHol irlih lh& if
1917, He worked for Uw State (mpltel
LUe Iniuranoe Company In RalelSb.
Survivors Include bis irife; 1 son.
•Billy &IISB1IB UiiTidB, Jr.; his
w; oad, SI sitier, Mrs. PbB Edu^
em sf ModovSle.
Mm. Bessie Oodfelter Sommws
Funeral services for Mrs. Beirie
Clodfelter Summers. 73. of States*
vlUc. were faeM Wednesday. Aug
ust 23. el 3 p. m. at DovldMui
FUncral Chapel In Lejdngton. Burial
was In the Lexington Ctty Oemct-
Mrs. Paul Hendricks and Mrs.
MiUard Harmon are both nleoet of
the late Mis. Summers.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, August 31,1967
Hairt Jittisk
Lm Ko7 Cun^«&» Ut Imt
mam tot tha B. B. Coa^
7a, wu dead on airhral •(
the iWwan Uemoci.J Hoipltal
at 9:S0 P. H Au<u«t a4th. Ha
nittarad a heart attack wldla
vlaitint hit mother, Mrs. Mattla
Lyerly of Salija>ury.
Mr. Campbell was a native
of the Woodleaf area and was
bom Kovmeber 25, IMS to
Mrs. Mattle Campbell Lyerly
and the late AJok Cam^ll.
was married to the tMmar
BaUy Waller of Cooleemee.
who also survived, on FMx
U. 1997.
In addition, he la survived
by two dau^tera, Jane and
Jean Canvhell, both of the
home; two brothers John
Campbeil of Steward, Fla., and
Qeorce CamirfMll, of King;
three listara, Mrs. John Kln^
of Salisbury, Mrs. larry KarrL
ker of linwDod and Mrs, Jt^than of Wlhnlnfton: S
half-brothers, Ira CamptaeU
and Paul Campbell, both of
Boute 1, Woodl^ and I»cke
Can^dMU of Duba: two btff'
sisters, Mrs. Reed Ibwell. end
Mrs. Bta Williams, both of
Rmite 1, WoodMaf. '
Mr. Campbell wu a mem
ber of.lhe S(Hith River Metb-
odiat Churcb, w)iai% funeral
services were condueted at 2>
M Saturday, with the Rever-
tfid W. 6. BenbMd' ami the
Rev. J. C. Swete etflelet^.
Burial, was in the ftpaily pm
in ^ City Uemorial Park in
Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 7, 1967 - Page 1
Dog Strangles Child With Chain
The tC-month-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Rilcy Thics of Jack
sonville. N. C.. was strangled to
death August 29lh as he played with
the family dog in the yard of his
Robert Rhine ThIcs was pronoun
ced dead at the Onslovv Memorial
'ifospilal oi 7:45 p.m. after doctors
and Hospllol personnel had worked
with resuscitating equipment for
more than an hour trying to revive
Onsiow County Coroner Tolbcrl
' Jones said the tragedy occurred at
about 6:40 p. m. when the chain of
the Thies' dog wrapped around the
child's neck, and the dog, described
as "small and ployful" broke away.
Mrs. ThIcs, seeing what had hap
pened, went next door for help end
a neighbor called the ambulance.
The ambulance had the child al Ihc
... rr^'
hnSpilal ill 7:30 (>■ £flil IIM aI-
Icndanls attcmplcd to revive the
child during he trip,
The child's father, a native of
Mocksvilic, was recently discharged
from (he Marine Corps. He was out
on his Job of selling Insurance when
ihc accident took place. The coron
er ruled the cause of death as ac
cidental slronguialion.
'Funeral services were held Aug
ust 3lsl al Jones Funeral Chapel,
oonduclcd by the Rev. Ira Rawis.
Burial was in the Jacksonvliic Ce
Survivors include Ihc pHlcrnal
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
F. Thics of Mocksvilic and mulern-
el grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geor
ge H. Waller of Woodlcaf.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 7,1967 - Page 2
MRS. hflNNiE T. Mtmpinr
Mrs. MinnlcTuUerow Murphy, 79,
of Salisbury, died Monday morning
at the Baptist Hospital in Knoxvillc.
Tcnn. SlM had become ill while
visiting her son, Carl Murphy. In
Knoxvilic. Dmlh wos unexpected.
She wos born Feb. 18, 168S In
Dovie County, and was the daught
er of the late Henry and Betty Eli
zabeth Arrlngion Tullerow. She was
a member of Center Melhodlst
Church In Davic Cdunly. She was
married lo the laic William Oscar
Survivors arc three sons, Carl
Murphy of Knoxvllle, Tenn., Ernest
Murphy of Mocksvilic and Sam
Murphy of Salisbury; three daught
ers. Mrs. W. H. Wooiey and Mrs.
Henry Hill of Salisbury, and Mrs.
John A. Pheips of Coolcemec; three
i sisters, Mrs. Martin Latham, Mrs.
Lula Walker and Mrs. Burris Green,
ail of Mocksvilic; 13 grandchildren;
and 18 grcat-grandchlldrcn.I Funeral aiTongcmcnls are incom-
1 picte.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/7/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 14,1967 - Page 4
•Funeral aervlees for Claronca
Franklin Alien, 60. of Advance, Rl.
1, were conducted Thursday, S^l>
ember 7th, at 2 p. m. at Redland
Holiness Pentecostal Holiness
Church. Burial was In the church
cemetery. The Rev. a C. Carpenter
and the Rev. Paul Martin officiated.
Mr. Allen died Tuesday morning,
Beptember 5th, at Davlo County
Hospital. Re hod been In declining
health for several years.
Som OcL 29, 1910. he was the
son of the late Wesley C. and Lola
Riddle Allen.
Survivors Includes his wife, the
former Ruth Dope; one aon, Frank*
lo C. Allen of the home; his step*
mother, Mrs. Flora Allen of Mocks*
vllle, Rt. 8; one dster, Mrs. Frank
Long of Wlnston-Salem: two half
sisters, Mrs. George E. Smith of
Mocksville, Rt. 5, and Mrs. Howard
Sain of Mocksville, Rt. 3; one step*
sister, Mrs. Elisabeth Teague of Ad*
Vance, Rt. 1.
Funeral services for Miss Rosa
Mae Tatum. 61, were conducted
Friday, September 6th, at 3 p. m. at
Summersett Memorial Chapel In
SaUd)ury by the Rev. Ralph Jack*
son of Rutherford College. Burial
was In City Memorial Park In Sal*
Miss Tatum died Thursday. S^t*
ember 7, at 2:30 a. m. at the Marion
Sims Memorial Hospital In ^ncast*
er. S. C. She had been in deelintng
health for three years and serious*
ly 111 for one week.
She was bom January 10. 1886, In
Davle County, daughter of the late
Samuel J. and Ida Hinkle Tatum.
site was educated In the Davle
County Schools and at Meredith
College. She taught sriiool In Davlo
County for SO years
Survivors Include one brofther, R.
L. Tatisn of Tsylorsvllle; Rve sis*
tens. Miss Pink EUzabc^ Tatum
and Mrs. Lee V. Moose, both of
Washln^n, D.^ C.; Mrs. C. H.
Durham of Lumber^; Mrs. A. G.
Click of EUdn: and Mrs. L. P. Zach-
ary of Taylor^lle.
Charles A. Burrls, 78. of 812 East
Marion Street, Shelby, N. C., died
Sunday morning at 2:06 in Cleveland
Memorial (Hospital. .
Mr. (Burris was a.bratheMn-law
of Miss Flosrie Martin.
P^ineral services wore conducted
Tuesday at U ajn. at Central Math*
odlst diurrii, SheBiy. Burial was' In
Cleveland Memorial Park. The Rev.
Dwlght MidUs elBelated.
(He was a retired chief V. S. Pro*
bation Officer of the Western Dls*
trict of North Carolina.
Surviving are his wife, fite form
er Vebna Martin Surris, one son.
Dr. Charles A. Burrls, Jr. of IFalr-
haven, New Jersey; one daughter.
Mrs. John Felts of llWn8ton«Salem;
one brother, John W. Burris of
Washington, D. C.; 3 sisters. Miss
•Blanche Burrls, Miss Ruth Burris
and Ahrs. IRadncy Stover of Ruthe^
ford College, N. C. and five grand
Funeral services for Mrs. Maggie
Dulln Scott, 90, of RL 2, ModcsviUe,
were held at 4 p. m. Wednesday
at the Malnville AME Zkm Oiurch.
Burial was In the church cemeteiy.
(Mrs. Scott died Sunday afiemoon
at her home after a long illness.
She was the widow of William ScoiL
9)e was bom in Davle County to
Abraham and Elhsa DuUn, and was
a noember of Malnville AMB Zlon
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs.
Vallie Scott Davidson of the home;
a son. Abraham Scott Jr. of Detroit,
Mlrii.; four sisters, Mrs. Etta Lan-
ler and Mrs, Eva Walden of Advan
ce, Mrs. Viola Frailer, of Akron,
Ohio, and Mrs. Annie Peoples of
New York City; and a brother.
McKenley Dulln of Advance.
Bio - Obituaries — 9/14/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 14,1967 - Page 6
Former Resident
Killed In Auto Wreck
(Many local residents recall State
Highway Patrolman Frederick Bty*
ant Trivette, 44. who was killed In
en automobile accident last Friday
nighl near Hickory.
Fred was the son of Mr. and Mrs.
F. B. Trivette who lived in Mocks-
vliio in the 1030*8. Mr. Trivette was
a bbokkcopcr for a local automobile
agency and the family lived in the
residence now occupied by the W. L.
Moore's on Horth Main Street, in
addition to Fred, there was a young
brother. Bean, and sister, Ethel.
f^incral services were held at 4
p.m. Sunday at Voglcr's Chopel. Bur*
ial <^8 in Forsyth Memorial Park.
•Trivette was off-duty and taking
his 12>year*oId son. three other
youngsters and a friend to a football
game when the Occident happened.
He lived In Lcnolr. where he had
been stationed for Iwo years.
Two ethers died in the accident.
They wore Dr. Thaycr J, Chrislcn-1
sen. 2S. of Lcnoir, a chiropractor
riding with Trivette, and George
Thomas Grecr, 1.7. of Todd. Six per*
sons were injured. Including Triv*
Clio's son. Andy.
Greer was a passenger in a cor
driven by John Quincy Phillips, 20,
of Whilncl.
Lost contra]
. Stale tUghway Polrolman Wayne
Annas said Fhilll|)s iosl control of
his cur OS it crossed some railroad
trades on U. S. 331, north of Hick*
ory. The ear crossed the highway
median, struck two other aulomobil*
cs and hit the side of the Trivette
automobile, be said,
Trivetle was bom May 28, liiQ3,
in Winston-Salom, a son of F. B.
Trivette and Daisy Foster Trivette.
He was the first child bom at Bap-
tlsl iltospUal. He graduated from
neynotds High Scltool with the Class
of <1013.
He liad been a patrolman for ID
years. He was stationed in Smilli>
field for four years and in .Madison
for 13 years before twing assigned
lo Lcnoir.
Jle served in the •.Marine Curiis in
World War 11.
He was a member ol College
Street Baptist rinirelt in Uuioir.
Ik* was married in l(tl.i lo .Miss
Frances Sprinkle. SIk* survives with
one daughter. Annette, and the son;
his parents, of 1510 Jarvts Street.
WliiBton*SaIem: one brother. Dean
Trivcllc of I5IR Jarvis Street: oik*
sister, Mrs. Miehail LedlK'llcr of
1510 Jarvis St.. Wlnston-Saiem.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/14/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Bio — Obituaries - 9/14/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 14,1967
Stella Criswell
Mn. CfliAnflii -
Is Burisd in
. Otssmfcpsis
Mn. StaUii CUawdl
M aiftfd tl 11m
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 14,1967
Is BurM Fridoy^
Bio - Obituaries - 9/14/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 21,1967
Mn. Stawort, 81,
Of Cl^nimoni
Ditd Mondoy
Mn. Ron EOo Stowort, n,
ol CWHmnm, Rooto 8, wldov
of Choriio Jethro Stevait, tfled
Mflodoy at the lioiiia of a
daagfattr. Un. VMo Wa ^
Clamnion, Roola 1
8ba wu boni ta Davla Oomty
to Calvin and Mary Qravn Spry
and was a ratlraa Rmploye of
ftgvlvtof art ftnir dangilm
Mn. Kllia. Mn. J. C. Vaiir
and Min Radia Stnrait flf Ctah
mmt and Mn. Paul Radaay af
fn teartl waa bald at I p.m.
Wadnnwy at KaWi Chapal
Burial waa to Oaalaemee Laiton
Bio — Obituaries — 9/21/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 28,1967 - Page 2
■*s«g«runv9r9yi«ieiif9Mrs. Mory Cartel McDanlel
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary
Gartner McDanlol. 89, of Concord,
were held Thursday at 4 p. m. at
t^rlnlb Church of Christ in Need*
'more, N. C. Burial' was In the
church cemetery.
Survivors Include live daughters,
Mr9, J. E. Malner, Mrs. J. R. -Liv-
engood. Mrs. M. D. Foster and
Mrs. J. L. Paige all of Concord,
Mrs. S. D. Snider of Cleveland; four
sons. John H. MoDanlel. Gastonia,
W. F. McDanlel of Cleveland, J. C.
McDaniel of Statesville and Q. G.
McDaniel of Phoenix, Arizona; two
half*sisters. Mrs. Annie Davie of
Konnapolis, Mrs. Leo Humphrey of
Salisbury, 3d grandchildren, 74 groat
grandchildren and l great, great
Gerald Wade McDaniel, 20, of^^al*
Isbury. was dead on arrival at
Rowan Memorial Hospital, Wednes*
day of last week. The coroner ruled
the death due to a selMnfllcted
gunshot wound.
He was bom In Davle Otunty to
Wade and Essie Bowers Md)aniel
and was an employee of Weavers
Electric Company.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Will*
ie Russell Jones McDaniel.
parents of Cooleemec; eight sisters,Mrs. Lottie ^in and Mrs. Roger
Howard of Mocksville, Mrs. Grover
Wrcnn, Mrs. W. C. Dotson, Miss
Barbara McDaniel, and Mrs. Caud
le of Salisbury. Mrs. David B. Polls
of Wlnston*Sa1om and Miss Maiy
McDaniel of Cooleemec; and two
brothers, Bobby and Bill McDonic]
of Oooleemee.
■Funeral services were held Friday
at 4 p. m. at North Cboleemeo Bap
tist Oiurch. Burial was In Cool
eemec Legion Park.
Mrs. Beralce Rosboro Chombcrs
Funeral services for Mrs. Beralce
Rosboro Chambers, 78, of States
ville, Rt. 4, were held ft ,8. p. ro.
today at Chestnut Grove Baptist
Church in -Iredell County. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Surviving are four daughters.
Mrs. Marie White, Mrs. Sarah Mc-|
Corkle, Mrs. Virginia Bailey and,
Mrs. Ossle Bailpy of Statesville:'
four sons, Willie, John, George and
David Chambers ot Statesville;
three Mslers, Mrs. Mary Ellis and
Mrs. Lula Croom of Durham and aud a brother, Louis Rosboro of
Mrs. Lillie Chsmters of Statesville; j C'ddsboro.
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary
Sain While. 68, of Mocks\'iUe, Rt. 2,
were held Tuesday at 2 p. m. at
Wesl^ Chapel Methodist Church.
f Btlrial was In the church cemetery.
Mrs. White died Sunday morning
at Do^ County Hospital. She was
born In Davle County to J. S. Sain
and Mamie Allen White.
Surviving are her husband. Will A.
White; a daughter, Mrs. R. 0. Sapp
of Wlnslon-Salem; a son, Joe White
of Moeksviile, Rt 2; four brothers.
W. A. and T. B. Sain of Lowlsvllle,Dowey Sain of Mocksville, Rt. 3 and
Alien Sain of Florida; and her
mother, Mrs. J. S. Sain of Rt. 2,
Bio - Obituaries - 9/28/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 28,1967 - Page 2
Funeral services for Nymon Ed
ward t^crly. 67. of Woodleaf, were
conducted at 2 p. m. Monday at
Woodleaf Methodist Church by the
Rev. W. H, Benneld and*the Rev.
Frank Stough. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
-Mr.- Lyerly died at his home Sat
urday evening. He was a native of
Dflvle.Osunty ond was the son of
the late William Edward and .Julia
Jones Lyerly. Ho was a retired ca^
penter. Mr. torierly was a member
of Woodleaf MeU^lel Ghureh.
Survivors Include his wife. Marie
floyd Lyerly: a dau^iter. Mrs.
Julia Whilmore of Rt. 1, Woodleaf;
a son. William B. Lyerly of Forest
Park. Go.: a sister, Mrs. Margaref
Thornton of Wake Forest.
Snow Infant
TUmmy 'Louise Snow,infant
daughter of Kenneth Lee
Jorie Bowes Snow of M<
^ died at birth at 7 p.
at Davie County Hospital
Surviving In eddiion to the bd
dntb' IfM h diStbh, niamfd^ iyi
Snow (ff the home; the grandpa
ents, the Rev. and Mrs. Hcftert
Snow -of 8704 Southdale n Aveni
Winslon-Salem and Mr. and Mi
J. W. Rhodes of Richmond. Va.
The body is at Hayworth-MIUl
Funeral Homo in Wnston-Sahe
pending arrangements.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/28/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 28,1967
John Wasik
Grieying Sky^Dher
Follows Wife To Death
Mi jwiCTIl *«• Ml Mi ft M Mi lit
MSAr%tsrs rusTtoiiyiS
bift flM M Mi MM
Mdii M jMHta Mm Mir Mi fM MM Mr VMM
•-r=l?ra ;
Hi ftM jiMM iftM
t M Mi
IfM GMM (MM iflnr
Ml M
Mm Mijft M MM
tay l&k MmmM Mr
Bio - Obituaries - 9/28/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
n, mt, ihe
n&m. Vfe.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/28/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DiMT (
i( m. & d«M
I Mi if Gtapci
Bio - Obituaries - 9/28/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 5,1967 — Page 4
anw, RAin;
«Vrs. [Oadb -AleidEintlBi^ P^rtsr. SJ^,
tt Ooolcemee <Ked Tuesday, iggh.
tembcr 2f!ih a id fl.hj. hi iha w. c,
Cn-WX"- Lumhrton. ,
'■•M bi: .1 Jh EkiT^ flcr^fdST^Januaiy 2?. JDOr, the deughlcr of,U« ratn CHrtw Ajcxnnifcr and)Wrt. AnnJfl iJsk Alexanrtcr. ii
SunlvIiiR Is her molhcr of Owl-
eemee: one son. Boyd Parker, of.
<Ashcvjl!c: five brothers, Charles E.,
and Jcmes Alexander, all of Cool-
oohiec. Itoy Alexander of Greens
boro and Sinclnir Alexander of New- <
.port N<n78. Vo,: one sister. Mrs.
E, Sh'j?i5ng jp. of Quirlaiic- att>3
fiiW JJrandchliy.
fPiineral tervfccs wore held TTiurs-
day III a pm. a\ a!'>lrtmre Me'bo-
Oiiirvh hv lF>fr rioii'. (isvile i'Har^'e'I. Bnrbl v.l!l rollnw pi pow- ,
nn Plcniorial ParJc.
FET^ATSTEn P^ANT• Jlodney ■Fi-imsiw. in&nt mnlof ^-ul AfoPoa Dyjon Po!m«tnr, 'of 11. arreyM-Jiic- clieii Moatay,Sent. Ti'h at npv« C:un!}/ I^IW.
F>ii:rrr»t ».7i'3 hold at M n.m"^"lay ai Nrw Vakm Mplhodlal
Oti'rrh ill rtnrlo Caunty.
fn .TMiilon to the jwronts. ha lasi'n'lved hy t\ .sl'ier. Tpwia of (ha
iKimci {ip.it»flnnnBnia, AJr,' and -Mrs.
T. iM. nj'wii nf Ar«t{wj|!c end Mr.pni! Mrs, (nob Pol.'nikr af Mbck^' .
' JRites Held For-
" Elbert Harpe
'• -Funeral services for Elbcrt H.' Harpe, 62, of Awn Street, Mocks-)^'!vllle, were held Tuesday ol Eaton's
Chapel at 4 p. m. Burial was in;.-i Liberty Baptist Church Cemetery.\ ■ Mr. Horpe died Saturday at 7:»
p. m. of a heart attack while at a
country store.
He was bom October 16. 1915 :eod\ , was tbe son of the laic John and
Dora Colletlc Harpe.
' Survivors Include his wife. Hazel
\' Anderson Harpe; one son. William
1 A. Harpe of Mocksville; one doughl-;■ cr, Judy Harpe of the homo; four
, brotb^s; Clifton and John E. Ha^hj pe, both of m. 2. Mocksville; and
¥ one sister, Mrs. Nannie Burgess of
r, ilt. 6, Mocksville.
Elbert H. Harpe loved to play the Autoharp ,. . as
Is shown in the above picture. Almost every Saturday
afternoon he would get together with several others
and play "Country Music". He was awaiting others toarrive for one such session at Elmorc's Grocery last)
Saturday aftcnioon when a heart attack proved fatal.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/5/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 5,1967
Of ModtsviUe
MQ «f te late
vnffim A. BninfaffX--.
loo odStoR BiiSfir.
oc ^m tspa
Kninie Bansees or Bt IL liod»
a JttaVWt.
Fteerd azmaBEmenIs ure
tnfomfilfftft It t&ae. Hie
body to at BitSB RmoMl Borne.
Catherine Goodman Lyons
1MB8 — Mrs. Rnmk M. I4W>
74, motiier of Bfra. Gr^
PaifRf GoMenode, ood
Wedo^radoy at tef^Qiome at SOS
North YadMn A^reiBte in
Sp&jser. Funnal services were
condocttd Ftidyraltite Oafedale
Bapti^ Qmrdi in Bpancer. Mrs.
I^yosts was theloniiff Oattisiiie
Bio - Obituaries —10/5/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 12,1967 - Page 4
Funeral services for Mrs. Laura
Emma Lane Hides. 91, of Plnnade,
RU 3. wife of Richard Hampton
Hicks, were held Monday at II ajn.
at Gox Funeral Home Chapel
She died Saturday night at Maple
Qrovo Rest Hoftie In Winslon^alem.
She was bom in Surty County to
Martin and Hal^ Qolf Lane and
was a member of Shoals Baptist
Surviving are her husband: two
sons, Marvin Hicks of Plniiade, Rt
3 and Claude Hicks of MocksvlUe.
News has been received here of
the death of R. G. Dyson, of Saco,
Montana,'-September- 4il.-igS7. -.
Mr. Dyson known as '*fiob" was
bom In the ^fHeld section of
Davte County October 19, 1877 and
lived there until 1912.
He visited relatives and friends
hero In 1944 and relumed several
times In later years. He Is "a brdth>'
or of N. B. Dyson of Rl. 1, .Mucks*
xUls :
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs.
Hans Martin and Mrs. Emma Erie*
kson; and one son. Jim Dyson, all
of Saco, Montana.
(Funeral services for John Henry
O'Neal 80l of ModtsvlRe, Rl 5,
xvere held Sunday at 2 p. m. at
Eaton's Chapel
•He was bom In Davie County to
James and Mary Evans O^cal Ho
was a retired farmer.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mat-
tie Jordan O'Neal; four sons, John
Frank O'Neal of Mocksvllle, Rl 1.
Ray and James WJtbort ONeal of
MocksvSlo, Rt. 4, and Robert O'Neal
of Wappfng, Conn.; and a daughter,
iMrs. Gleim Wlliams of Mockmdlle,
Rl 1.
Funeral services for Mrs. Jobnab
Harwood. 85. of Rl 2, Albemarle,
N. C. were held Friday, Scpl 29, at
2 p. m. at Stony Hill Methodist
Survivors Include:
dau^rs, Mrs. Haltio TuUcrow
of Mocksvillc, Mrs. Robert Russell
of New London, Mrs. Wayno Smith
of Albemarle, Mrs. Elmer Kingman
of Lake Wortb, Flo., Mrs. Hu^
Mabry of Albemarle; sons, Ray
Stoker of Philadelphia, Pa., Yalmed*
ge Stoker of Albemarle: brothers,
Henry Fespermen, John Frank Fes*
pcmtpn, both of Atbcmarlo, Lcniz
Fesperman of Philadelphia, Fa.,
Zcb Fesperman of StanOdd; sisters.
Mrs. Estjjicr WhKloy of New Lon*
don, Mrs. Amanda tVaircn of Bur*
lington, Mrs. Milton IHsoy of Oran*|
geburg, S. C.; step-sons, Gilbert,
Harw^ Hurley Harwood, Wiibertj
Harwood, all of New London: step* I
daughters, Mrs. Howard Whttley of
New Lon^n, Mrs. Floyd Needham
of Norfolk, Va.
(Funeral services for Mrs. Eva
Cash Jackson, 90, wife of R. Alton
Jackson of Lake FOreat Drive,
Wlnston-Salem were held Sunday In
V<^ler*B. Chapel by the Rev. J.
Parks TOdd and the Rev. Emmett
Ulatl Burial was in ForayUi Me
morial Park.
Sho died al'bomo Saturday monK
ing. Sho bad been In 111 health for
14 months and crtUcally 111 four
days. i
' Whadlxien a leader in dturch;
and community work. She was the
only woman member of the Foraylb
County RaUon Board In World War
n and served as Its community
sorvIcQ chairman. She wrolo and
h. rudio series aimed at
proventing hoarding.
Sie also wrote a weekly column
«n.«alUnal.ouettts JEoc seseCfil^naQL
for the Journal and Sentinel Her
husband at one time was city editor
of the Sentinel Re is now head of
the puWc relations department of
Western 'Electric Company's North
Carolina Works.
IMrs. Jackson was bom In Da-
vie County to F. Paul and Luna
CIouso Cash but qpcnl most of her
Ifib here. She groduated from
Rc^lds High School and attended
Salem College. She was married
June 29, 1929.
lAt one time she was employed
by Wachovta Bank & Trust Co.
She also operated a hat shop horo,
known as Boo Bonnets.
Surviving are her hu^and: a
foster* son—B." Douglas -Archer Jr.
of Pbunlain Valley. Calif., a sister,
Mrs. Mary Hudglns of* Winston*
Salem, Rt. 1; and two brothers,.'
(Frank B. Carii of Davle County I
and Henry L. Cash of Winston*!
Bio - Obituaries - 10/12/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, October 18,1967
Joecltt Kles Dteili Oaii^
ItfRl* fUSlF.
tSte; .
jDC HiMnillf^
COM^ luff#
Boxier Stewart,
Of Pine Hai L Collins,
Sonte li fli Bom
"Ik tar fivp
liftr ow
BamJtawatef M, m ii
Mft to w tai iOD
fli tt» toBttemw ael Hitiey
inBBIi BIWP1> fl0 VH
' IPed tt • «to dttor ir
Till Or nm
ttug A m '
Ftawal sttilDttaeie ec
Oftioeai flmtfly ceaietoiy
ite'lWtaB ■nbisirl
il, ii^ wOSm
y^ed Itoitar it Bttoani^;^
Ok. Md toft
JOPtl tit wtQ^^Bftftwi—Miiii tiioto tQbvtoi
flttrftferoiEB tftfttBOft tb ftflk* tiBOOftfift Itoniiitfl; coe
W. B. of
mS wTnitl Wl HHy M
Hp to » Betocd
fiitoUflf HUfrtMPBBP
tto tnp ft aftDtor-i
IbeoBH^ WaPh.; am step-dn^iir, Bin. a Q* Hntoi «f
wpwj^ft ywet wy mpHiWft isi**
Biift Iteift itoftpj* Bta&fflp;Bftft fttp^pftBtopftftOi CDd CDft
Stti^Bftft biclBift ftttr
Urs.miBnitaib«t~J6ft llBVift
mnw WH Knk fi^,^Ovmii!i d IfoonenStofS
otttaAer» Onid
Bio - Obituaries —10/18/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 19,1967 - Page 2
Funeral services for Willinm Iaic
Collins. 7D. of X?ople Avenue, were
held Tuesday al 2 i>. m. al Eaton's
Chopc). Burial was In Clcmenl vo-
lie was born In Ircdell euuiily In
John and Mary Mills Collins and
was a member of Masonic Lodge
1.14. He w.os 0 retired Southern
Railway employee.
Surviving are four sisters. Mrs.
William Ervln of Durham, Mrs. H.
E. McLean and Mrs. Frank Over-
cash of Mocrcsvllle and Mrs. Mar
vin Ovcrcash of Rutherford; and a
brother, David Collins of Zebulon. I
Funeral services for Mrs. Nannie
Smith Foster, 7S. of Advance, Rt.
1, were hold Monday at 3;30 p. m. nl
Yudkln Valley Bopllsl Church. Bur-
Jol was In the church cemetery.
Mrs. Foster died Saturday at
Forsylh Memorial Hospital in Wins-
tnn-Salem. Slic was born in Davie
County to John Henry and Nob
Ward Smith and w*o$ a member of
Yadkin Valley Baptist Church.
Surviving arc three daughters,
Mrs. Blanche Smith of Homestead,
Fla., Mrs. Wllmer Doger of Lex
ington and Mrs. Nolo Payne of
Winslon-Salem. N. C.; six sons, R.
W. Foster of Winston-Salcm. John
P. Foster of Ocala. Fla., Waller G.
Foster of New Mexico. Jai^s
Foster of Lexington, Rt. 5. BlfHc
G. Foster ol Alabama and Atvin
0. Poster of Advance, Rt. 1; five
sisters, Mrs. I. B. Allen of Mocks-
ville, Rt. 6, Mrs. J. K. Shcek, Mrs.
Lillian Smlih, Mrs. Joel Beauchamp
and Mrs. Elmer C. Hendrlcks of
Advance, Ri. 1; and two brothers,
John Frank Smith of Mocksvlllc,
Rl.'^S, and Sim Smith of Marshall-
town. Iowa.
Charlie W. Jacobs died Saturday
at Rowan Memorial Hospital after
a abort Illness. He was bom In Ro
wan County to George and Lizzte
Dunn Jacobs and was a retired em
ployee of Erwin Milts.
Funeral services were conducte<l
Tuesday at 4 p. m. at Coolcemce
Presbyterian Church. Burial was In
LIberly Mclhodisl Church cemetery.
Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Sadie
Head Jacobs; four daughters. Miss
Margaret Jacobs of the home, Mrs.
James E. Lee of Salisbury, Mrs.
John Daniels of Mocksville and
Mrs, James .Murphy of Durham:
four sons, the Rov. bavid Jacobs
of Hamilton. Ohio. Charles Wesley
and Harry Jacobs of Coolcemce and
Carl Jacobs of Mocksville, Rt. 3;
and 0 brother Will Jacobs of Salis
Funeral services for Duran Ret!-'
man. &4, of Mocksvlllc, were held
Tuesday al 2 p. m. at New Jerusal
em Ifolincss Church. Burial wus In
the church cemetery. .
Mr. Redman died Saturday night
of a heart attack shortly after ar
rival at Davie County Hospital.
n Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Haz
el Coins Redman; a son, Fred Red
man of the home; two sisters, Mrs.
Ina Fair of Mocksville, Mrs. Lctha
Caldwcll of Wlnston-Solem; two
brothers, Hol>crt and Boycc Rc{l-
man of Stulesvlllc; ond a half-broth
er. L. D. Dniton of Harmony.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/19/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, October 25,1967
W.F.Bowles, 70,
Povie Noti¥e
w&m iMta rnAbl n.
Iff fffF fivt., i'ffi'TrniBiiTT'
• BiHiio bTIDbbI^
m. 0m ML li Cm
WbrnteMlM •
orsmfc. -
Ho m Im Mv (MBPt; Ifae
2m fflOB 4f MML
Bttpteo winI ffif IiIb bimIbb
!F JB^BSbb • mSvlPBi §of Qm fffl
m miftcr of
fiPiflm inMo III vtfB^ to
iMfe Imerf; *
rriCBi Am
i te bOBiB: Ills mflttKr.
4^ mcnif MMFBiae;
tbm Mimf TtiBrmBB
Binm Umb# iMeo^ bbB
taiiii^ «C of 1Mb
gp»4,tor CBi
ICB. JbrnmBolii^ m of
||gelBi@i^ MH
Mis. Weiker,
Rt. 1, Advonce
..IBCTWroe - Mrs,
5?¥*» Mw SttR •«» «
-Wit .6«0 e it Mart
<hf -m^mm «f •ml
"^T^KSer «■■ ta» toPwto epito,.#pgMy rfjtotoeAe* ttol liiir,illm» Ml
JM to avtM Iv too MBbrew W*er mS 4: MPpcr, toto «r Mmm ndint bjjllMiit; Mm Stoik mI
.limb flhwl^ bill of AifBBWw
Benson Funeral
. fttwd .UntfOtohiwMBRpf WPBB
.w, m wrnr
mmpvBP.. fmiSly' IBPHIRHi fKBOB ^r#
fll fibBdiL*fitei& Sbkkml it
®t lfcf6*||W frtMii. 9nm M MAqr ilM iMBt il JiB taN^ IMbi
Bio - Obituaries -10/25/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 26,1967 - Page 5
Funeral services for Witliam Plct*
Cher Bowles, 70. of Greensboro,
were held Tuesday at 4 p. m. at
HaneS'LInebory West Market Street
Chapel. Buriol was In F^orcsl Lawn
Mr. Bowles died Sunday at Moses
Cone Menwrlal Kospilal after o
weeks Illness. He was a mcnaber
of Bessemer Methodist Church, of
Buena Vlsla Lodge of the Indcpcnd*
enl Order of Odd Fellows. memlM^r
and past master of Revolution Mas-
onto IxKlge 532. Ho was a SMttlsh
RIto Mason and received his Mrd do
greo In 1609. He was n mpm)>cr
of Rose Chapter. Order of Gastem
Star, and was with Cone Mills for
25 years as employment supervisor.
Survivors are his widow, the form*'
er Myrtle Leonard: dau^tcr. MIssj
Elisabeth Ann Bowels of the home;
brothers, Thurman, Thomas and
Benjamin Bowles of Davic Ccunty,
sisters. Mrs. Carl Eaton. Mrs. Lulh*
er Evens and Mrs. Lowrence Link
of Moehsville. Mrs. Charles Sum>
mers of Statesvitle; mother. Mrs.
Julia Bowles of ^Mccksvllle.
John Thomas Harding 80. of
Mocksvllle, RU 2. died Monday In
Davio county Hospital.
He was bom In Davie County to
G. B. and Elisabeth Steelman
Harding. He was a retired school
fiurvivors are his wife. Mrs. Lucy
Jonas Harding: two daughlers. Mrs.
Thehna Crulchflcid of Greensboro
and Mrs. Martha McNalr of Rich*
mond. Va.; three sons. John CharL
OS and H. Ray Harding, both of
Mocksvlllc. Rt. 2, and Harvey A.
Harding of Winston-Salem and three
sisters. Mrs. R. B. Deese of Wins-
lon^Iero. Mrs. E. D. HUts end
Mr& John Springs, both of Hickory.
Funeral services were conducted
Wednesday at N a. m. at Wesley
Chapel Methodist Church. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Mineral services for Mrs. Augusta
Mae Walker. 81. of Rt. 1, Advance,
were hold Saturday at 2 p. m. at
Macedonia Moravian Church. Bu^
iai was In the church cemetery.
Mrs. Walker died Wednesday
ni^ at her home In Advance, She
was bom in Davie county, daughter
of the late'Jacob and Mary Jane
Hall Sheek.
She Is survived by two sons. Till*
et Walker and J. Hall Walker boih
of Advance: and two brothers. John
Sheek and Jacob Sheek both of Ad*
: vance.
.Mrs. J. Blaine Stiore
Funeral services for Mrs. Ella Jo
&aiTe, 78. of Mocksvtlle. Rt. S. were
held Thursday. October 18. at s p.m.
fit Deep Creek Baptist Church.
Burial was in the church cemetery.
The sons and 8on*In*]ow served as
IMrs. Shore died Tuesdoy mormng
at Davie Counly HospliaL She was
bom in Yadkln County to H. Frank
and Qenelle Allgocd Heals and was
a tnember of Deep Creek Baptist
Surviving are her husband. J.
Blaine Shore; two daughters. BUss
Jeanette ^ore of the home and
(Mrs. Gredy Tutterow of Mocksvilte.
itt. 5; five sons, the Rev. J. C.
Shore and Clyde Shore of Yadkin-
vine: Francis. Thomas I. and Henry
L. Shore of Modcsvllle: two sisters.
Mrs. C. E. Wallace of Yodklnvllle
and Mrs, S. W. Gamer of Winston*
SMem; and nine brothers. Ben F..
Delma and Hubert Hoots of Yadkln*
vHle, Rl. 3. Carl C. Ho<ds of Yad*
kInvtUe. Ezra and Herman Hoots of
Wlnslon^lem. Wade A. Hoots of
Gleaflon. Wls.. MUo Hoots of Falls
Onind). Va. and Silas A. Hoots of
Hbw Port fUchey. Fla.. 14 grand-
children and 2 great granddtildron.
Bio - Obituaries -10/26/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, November 1,1967
UoM WdB George W. BeyiFuneral smices for Georg
Mis. Le<Hia Wall Myeis, 66 of
Codeemee died tetThnisday at
Davie Ccmnty Hoiq^talliiMocia-
• Fimeial seivioes were hdd on
Satuf^y at North Cooleemee
Baptist Chuiefa with tbs Rev.
Hirold'Faiker and the Rev. Bill
Cieason ofHciating. Burial was
at the Cooleemee Legion Mem
orial Bark.
am. abm was a wUiad
enqdeye of Erwhi BfiOa She was
bom in YadidB Oooly Oet 2S,
1901, dhoghter of the late Mn
and Mary WIDiaiiis WaO.
She & survived fay her !»»>
hand, OaoaaS. Miyeia: tnDsenB*
Hamn C. Mim of IfOdDSviBe
and Oaienee Mm of
Oooteemee: one deopGer, IBa.
Leroy Shoof of ModtsidBe: ffanr
hiolfaen. BiB and Boy WaD of
Oodemee ^mea and
Grimes Wall of StetesviB^ and
four dslers, Bba. Hose Qsisqd
of Si^stey, am Maiy
NidMbOB of Cfaina Grave and
am. Vkda wmiams and Mrs.
CSaow Bfdeflboar, both of
Wadiington Bensoo, GO, id S29
Maupin Ave. wete conducted
Tfauiaday at 4 p jn. at Maupin
Avenue Predqlmian Gfaurefa fay
the Rev. Robiart B. BraAiain,
pasfav. Bmial was at Rowan
Memorial PariL
Pallbearas were W. L.
Blnme, Fred S Jtowanan jr.,
Sidnay Blame, Qiailes L.
Blame, James E. lyer|y. Bob
Bmisim, and S. A. Mume.
air. Benson died Tuesday
night at 9:15.
A native ^ Woodleaf, be was
born Get 20, 1907, son of the
late Andrew Jackson and Oora
Holt Benson. Hie was eduwted
in the Bowan Oranfy sdiooM.
He was a mmnber Id Woodleaf
Mriiiodist Chnich and Moose'
Lodge No. 900.
His wife, Mrs. Vhgiiiia Young
Benson, died on An^ 3, 1960.
Be leaves two sims, Oianes J.
Beosmi of (Biarlotte and Geiage
W. Boison Jr. of the bonm; two
daughters, Mrs. Oiarles K.
Bonds of Oiarlotte and Mrs.
William Fisber of SaSsfaiiiy; two
brothm, C. S. Beasoi of
Salisbury and W. Floyd Bmm
of Bteksvfltoe ttowe
MrsL B. H. of Ctevdaat
Mrs. Om COif d Kt VDmM
Hn. mane Wttutt Hnl O-
togm G. Ifllfaai
Gahber Latbam, Sfa, of Bt S;
IfocksvOle^ died at m home at
5 lun. NMqr. Deatt was afa>
tisb^ to a beait attadc.
A native of Bavie Comiyt he
was a son of tte bte B. G.■ti^ iwiia iggQ ijames r-«*wiam
He was a IsniMr.
SandvoBS ineinde hb wife,Strib B^ Lsliiam: fonrfaraihei&^Hiqfi of Rt Si
MoritsraQe^ Gnri|y of Bt S,MbdBvflle^ Bkbird dfod William Lflttiam of
dem; five
Bin. Blanriie Ward of Rt SLliodbsvlBe, Mrs. (Siailb Mmof Bt S, BlodsriDe, Bits.
HoDoww Boger id Bt 1,Blocks^ Bfirs. Vestal Freezeof KazuKnoBs md Mm. BanbonBfym of IHnstmtBalfwn.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/1/1967
Oda ImM fv«B
8eeEvaiiSi78,itfRti, died at fileDavb Omnty Ho^ifafi bfi Ibei.
day. She hod bemi IB fmr some
ttme..She was ^ widow of Geoips
Bora hi SflfivOe, Vs20, 1889, shewao fim .
oftte bde WlMm F. and
ChipDao Bbesoo.^Sundvon fofinde Ifaraa aana,Gmg^^Bo^aiMYDmBwaiof anoBv&b: bra dmipiam,Mm. Wi^ .Pgg^ iKT^Infliam, both d ImlBilOo; OBs■ W. F. Hseaae of
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, November 1,1967
ktkm I.
snvioes for Aodrew
Baxter Hall, 44, of Cooleemee
WHS oQodocted Sottdiy at the
Ni4de and Kalaqf F^uii^llbiiie
Cla]ielliy ilieRev. Vefoxmaiaih
mm. Boiumain tlieNitioiiil
Mr. Ul dM WSadnefday af
Bm Vetnana jq Sali»>
Bio - Obituaries - 11/1/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 2,1967 - Page 2
Funerdl services for Durgcis
tham. ffi), of Mockm'llle, Rl. 2, were
held at 2 p. m. Wednesday al Wes*
toy Chapel Methodist Charch. Bu^
lot wos In the church cemetery.
Mr. Latham died al his home
Monday evening of a heart attack,
lie was a farmer.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Sloi-
i.i Bully Latiiom: four brothers.
Hugh t.atham of Mocksvtitc. RL 2.
Cirady Lotham of MocksWIIo, Rl. B,
Richard Latham of Konnapoiis and
William Latham of Winston^alem;
and rh« sisters. Mrs. Charlie Angeli
of Mccksvtlie. Rt. S, Mrs. Hoito*
way Boger of Mocksviiie. RL 1, Mrs.
Vestal Freeze of Kannopolls. Mrs.
Harrison Myers of Wtn8ton*SaIcm.
ond Mrs. Blancho Word of Mocks'
vUie. Rt. 2.
John WeslQr Sihith. Jr., 33, of Rl.
3, Mocksviiie. died Sunday monting
of a heart attack which be offered
at his home. Death was unexpected.
A veteran of World War II, he wa.<i
a phimbing and healing conlractor.
Me was bom in Davic Oounly June
0, 1932, son of John W. Smith and
the late Mable Livengood Smith.
Funeral services were conducted
Monday at 2 p. m. at Fork Baptist
Church by the Rev. Hey Young. Bu^ j
lal was In the clnireh cemetery. |
Survivors tneludo his wife, the,
former Nora Wllilams SmiUi; one
daughter, Evenda Sue Smith the
home: bis father, John W. Smith of.
RL 2, Advance; three brothers. Will-1
Jam, Cecil and Dallas Smith, ail of,
Rl. 2. Advance; three sisters. Mrs.
Robert Evcrbardl and Mrs. -Bud
Bametto of Rt. 2,'Advance and Mrs.
York Perril of Rt. 9, Lexington.
Funeral services for Mrk Cuba
Keeseo Evans, 78, of Rt. 1 Mocks
viiie, were held at 4 p. m. Thursday
I at Center Methodist Cburdi by the
! Rev. lEtenny Beorden and the Rev.
Wliiiam Anderson. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Mrs. Evans died THiesday nl^l of
last week.
Survivors include three sons, Geo
rge, Robert and Thomas Ehrans ail
of MocksvHIe; two daughters; Mrs.
I Wade Dyson and Mrs. Albert loth
am, both of Mocksviiie; a brother.
I William Keesee of Chllhowie, Va.
I and four sisters, Mrs. Charlie Mc*
AiUstor of Mocksviiie, Mrs. Vervie
Cafes of Bri^ol. Va., Mfs. Clarence
Jones and Mrs. Joe Potrick of Sall-
vilie, Vo. I
Funeral services for Mrs. Lcono
WoH Myers, 68, Duke Street, Cool-
ocmoe, N. C., were held Saturday al
4 p. m. at North Coclecmco Baptist
CSiurch. Burial was in the Legion
Memorial Park.
Mrs. Myers died last Thursday at
■Davie County Ho^Ilal. She was
l)om in Yadkin County to John and
Mary Williams Wall She was a re
tired mBI employee and Wos a mem
ber of North Cooieemee Baptist
Surviving are her husband; two
sons, Hayen C. Myers of Mockavllte
and Claivnco Myers of Oocteemee;
a dau^ter, Mrs. Leroy Bhoaf of
Mocksviiie: four brothers, BUI and
Roy WaQ of Oooteemee, Jamos and
Grimes Watl of Stalesvflle; and four
sisters, Mrs. Viola Williams and
Mrs. Clara RideidMiur of Cooieemee,
Mrs. Mary Nicholson of China Gro
ve and Mrs. Rose Dyson; of Salts-
Bio - Obituaries -11/2/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
i ' Dr, Kufus Clement
i „ ATLANTA—The body of Dr. i
i A?i 4 67. president ,I of Atlanta University for 30
years, will be returned to At-
' j'. 9®' ^'^'^sral services. •He died in a New York City
hotel yesterday of an apparent
, heart attack.
The Negro educator had left
Atlanta early Tuesday for New
York to prepare for the fall
meeting of the college's board
of trustees.
^ Clement, a naUvo of Sails-
, . bury, N. C., had served as
; president of Atlanta University
' Associates said hej • had planned to retire later this
j year.
i '« We was elected to the AtlantaI Board of Education in 1954, be-,
i coming the first Negro to hold!
, ; the post since post-Civil War
, Beconstruction.
j He was educated at Living-
; stone College in Salisbury and
Garrett Biblical Institute at
Northwestern University. He
held several honorary degrees.
; He served as pastor of AME
. Zion churches in Landis and
Kannapolls, N. C. from 1924 to
: ! 1931.
Il-— .v. f- ( ■J-« -
■ // -
Bio - Obituaries - 11/8/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Dr. Rufus E. Clement,
Long-Time College Head
Dr. Rufus E. Clement, a
native of Salisbury, and presi
dent of Atlanta University for
the past 30 years, died In New
York Tuesday at the age of 67.
Clement was attending a four-
day conference of the United
Nations Association of the Unit
ed States of America.
Clement served as president
of the predominantly-Negro col
lege since 1937. He was elected
to the Atlanta Board of Educa-
tion in 1954, the first Negro to
hold the post since Reconstruc
Clement was educated at llv-
Ingstone College, G a r r e 11
Biblical Institute and
Northwestern University, and
held several honorary degrees.
Dr. Clement was the son of
the late Bishop and Mrs. George
C. Clement. His father was a
pastor in Salisbury at the time
he was bom. His mother, Mrs.
Clariss Clement, was named
American Mother of the year
in 1950.
Clement was a graduate of
Livingstone College and taught
and was dean of the college here
from 1922 to 1929. While at Liv
ingstone he was given a
fellowship to the College of
Liberal Arts at Northwestern
Before he entered the world
of education he served as pastor
of AME Zion churches in Kan-
napolis and Landis, N.C.
He Is survived by his widow,
the former Pearl Ann Johnson
of Sumner, Miss. , and a
daugliter, Mrs. Robert Foster of
Ix)s Angeles, Calif.
(I - y- -
IY (. •)
Bio - Obituaries -11/8/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, November 8,1967
Many At Fmrerd
Of Mrs. Moore
Mrs. Harry R. Hoot*, 67^ Ar
former Mary ElhabfUi TatmB
Of the JemsakB CMnmiiBity,
died in SUtesvffle.
Among those attending the
fimeraJ at New Sterling A.R.P.
Chnrcb were Miss Muae Pearfe
Tatum, Iker only sister; Mrs. ET.
C. Tatom Sr.. her sister-in-law;
ber nephew and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Tatom Jr., and Mrs.
Hanry Shoal, the Rev. and Mrs.
James E. MtA and Mrs. Hattie
Other survivors indode two
daughters. Mrs. David W. Sides
of Sony Point, Hi. 2, and Mrs.
Fred D. Summers Jr. oC Chapel
Mrs. Moore was educated at
Cooleeroee High School, • Mars
HiU College and Meredith. She
majored in home econonucs,
taufidit for several years m the
Iredell County Sdioois and was
a leader in Ire^ Home
DemonstratioD work.
Alter her marriage to the late
Mr. Moore, die Joined New
Sterling A.R.P. Clinreh and for
over 2S years was a fatthful
and active leader. The new
educatioQ boUdiag of the dnvcfa
is named in her hoaor.
James Moxweil
Of Cooleemee
Hsrbwt MuwMl, 90. of U
Rtdnry St. Ominni. Aad
Sutdny at S am. il Mi home.
Dmtli was unnnmMdL lulling
from a heartsBdL^
Ha was bom Oetober 9, im.
in Davis Cauaty. A tUbtt, Mrs.
Clao CWmont ^ Cookwaaa.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/8/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 9,1967 - Page 4
Funeiral servtces for Jamos Ha^
belt Maxwell. 70, of IS Hickory
Street, Oooleemee, N. C., were held
at 3 p. m. at the Ul)«|rty AME
Zkm Church. Interment was in the
dnneh cemetery.
Mr. MaxweU died Sunday at 6
p. m. at his home. Death was un*
expected, resulting from a heart at*
'Hb'was'berii October 29'1897, In
Davie Oounty. A sister, Mts. Cleo
tSement ef Oooleemee, N. C. su^
Mrs. H. 6. Moore
Atrs. Mary Taium Moore. 87,
Strmey Point, At. 3, wtdo^ of the
late Harry B. -Moore, died Sunday
at a Statesville hospllaL The fun
eral was hold Monday at 11 a.ro.
In New Sterling AAJP. Churdi in
Statesville. Bt^al was in the
chureh cemetery.
A Davie County native, Mrs.
Moore is the oldest daughter of the
late Albeit (B. Talum and Ida Miller
Tatum of Jerusalem communily.
Surviving are two daughters. Mrs.
iDavId W. Sides of Stoney Point,
dU. 2 and Mrs. Fred D. Summers
Jr. of Chapel filll: and a sister,
fiflss Annie Fcarle Tatum of Route
4, MocksvlUe.
Mrs. Moore was educated in Coo*
leomee High Sdiod, Mars Hiil and
Meredith OoQoges. She was a home
economic major and taught for
years in 'Iredell Oounty schools. Af
ter her inaiT;jlage to the late Mr.
Moore, she Joined New Sterling
ABJP. Church and was a falthlUl
and active leader for over twenty-
live years. A recently built Educa
tion building was named in her hon
or. 6ho was also active in Homo
Demonstratlra work in IredelL
Attending the fUneral from Joiu-
salem Baptist Ghimch were: her
only sister, IMlss Annie Tatum,
her siSler-in-law, Mrs. E. Carl Tat
um. nephew. E. C. Tatum Jr. and
wife, Mrs. Kcniy Sboaf, Mrs. Hattlo
Tutterow, end the Rev. Mr. Mull
and wife.
•Funeral services for Mrs. Turiy
HiUard Plorco, 85. of MocksviUo,
Rt. 4, were hold at 2 p. m. Sunday
at Rose Chapel* Meth^ist Churdi.
Burial was In Ihc'church ccmeteiy.
Mrs. Pierce died Friday at her
Surviving are three sons. Lee M.
and-'Foy M. Pierce of Statesville,
Rt. and Psiil M. Pierco of Mockst
vllle, Rt. 5, and Mrs. Clyde R.
ten of Norfolk, Va.
FUneral services for Webster Leo
Whlsonbunl, 67. of MocksvJile. RL
day at Bethel Qjurch of the Uving
God 1^ the Rev. Ed Roberts and
the Rev. B. C. McMurray. Btiriai
was in Woodland cemetery.
Mr. Whlsenhunl died unexpectedly
al his home Thursday.
Sunriving are tbroo brothers, Os
car/ John and Ransom Wlilsaihimt
of WInston-Salcm.
Mrs. Eta Mae Godby Walker, 83.
Mocksville. RL I. wIdW of George
Luther Walker, died Tuesday, Nbv.
7(b at home. Funeral li a. m.
Thursday. Saimn Methodist Church.
Davic County. Buriol In church ce
Site was bom in Davje Counly to
Calvin and Gailher QoAqt.
Surviving arc a daughicr, Mrs.
Molhqicnc Smoot of .Moriosvllle, Hi.
I; II son, Lester Walker of Itic
home: a riricr. Mrs. Mallic Camp-
bcil of Ctovdand. lU. 1: and a
brother, Frank Godby rtf MocksvJlic
.'"-v .
Luko T. Ball, 60. MocksvJile, Rt
4, died Tuesday. November Tdi. at
his home. Funeral arrangements in
complete at press time.
Ho was bora In DavIe County to
VHlIiam end Mary CNeol Bali and
was a retirad lexlllo worfcor.
SurvlWng are rix daughters, Mrs.
Leo Hamilton and Mrs. J. W. Eve^
hardl of MocksvHIe, Rt. 4. Mrs. Bill
Creason of Coolecmec, Mrs. C. R.
Bradutn of KannapoUs, Mrs. F. T.
carpenter of Landls and Mrs. D.
8. Lengston of Lexlngtont two sons,
Luko T. Ball, Jr. of Marietta, Ga.,
anaCharite-'W. Bali'ofKewh'rK.* Del.'
Bio - Obituaries - 11/9/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Kichard T.
toiL Funeral it T ^®xing-
Eafon's Chapel Burial
wood Cemetery
County^vay and wos^'mm J''"'®'' I
•- L>-^L
' n V
fN ••■• ■ J
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, November 15,1967
lwk% Ifll
Luke Tilkt Ball. 80. of Rt
4, Mocksnlle. died on Mond^.
Nov. 6. at the home of a dau^
ter. Mrs. Leon Hamilton of
He was a retired textile
employ. He was bora Aug. SI.
18S7, m Devie County, the aon
M the late WQliam and Mary
O'Neal Ball. He was mawiad
to the former Hester Cook, who
died in 1S38.
Sumvora include abi
daughters. Mrs. Leo HamiHoa
and Mrs. J. W. Everfaardt, both
9t Route 4, Mncksville. Mrs. BUI
OreaaoD of Cootecmoc. Mrs. C.
R. Bracken of Katmapolis. Mrs.
F. T. Carpenter of Laodis, and
Mrs. D. S. Langston of Lex
ington; two sons. Lake T. Ball
of Marietta. Ga. and CSttiita W.
Ban of Newark. Dd.
RidMrd Lowerr
Richard Tennyson Loweiy,
83. of Mocksville Route 4. bro
ther of Dr. J.R. Lowery of Salis
bury. died last Thurs^y night
at Haven Rest Home in Lexing
Mr. Lowery was bom in Davie
' County November 14, 18SS, son
of the late D. L. and Mary
Blackwell Lowery. He was a
retired farmer and himbe'
dealer, and was a mmiber of
Clarksbury Methodist Church.
In addition to his brother,
survivors inclode his wife, Mrs.
Bessie Massey Lowery; one son,
Herman T. Lowery of Winston-
^em; and two grandchSdrea.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/15/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 16,1967 - Page 5
Funeral services for Richard fPen*
nlson liowety, B3, RU 4, Moeksvtlte,
were held Saturday at II a. tn. at
ClBton'a diapel. Burial was In Oal^
wood C(»nctory.
hlr. Lowery died Thursday at Ha>
ven Rest Kome at Lexington.
lie was horn in Davie County to
D. L. and Mary BleekwoU Unvery
and was a retired farmer and lum*
her dealer. Ho was a member of
Clarfcsberry Methodist Church.
Surviving aro his vdfo, Mrs. Res*
slo Massey Loweiy; a son, Herman
T. Lowery of Wlnston^lom; and
a brother. Dr. J. R. Lowery of Sal*
Miss Agnes Lawlng Hemdon
(Funeral services for Miss Agnes
Lawlng ffemdon. m, of SM South
Cedar Street, LIncolton, N. CL. were
hdd Sunday at S p.m. at the Drum |
FUneral Chapel. Burial was in Hdl* |
lybrook cemetery.
ftUss Hcrndon died early Saturday,
She Is survived by a brother, John
ffemdon of MocksvOie.
. fMrs. Oennte J. WBUams
Mrs. Julia Hunt WHIiams. wife of
Bonnie J. AVilllams died Sunday,
dfovember >12, at 10 a.m. at her home
In Falrhope, Ale.
She was the daughter of the late
and Mce (Rose Hunt of Mocks-
vWe. .
Mrs. TnHlsms was a teacher In the
^orth Carolina schools for several
years and a registered nurse In
Washlngtm, D.C. Twenty five years
of'lfer life was spent In the Canal
Zone, whore her husband was an
aceounlant with the U.S. Navy.
Surviving besides her husband are
Cwo brothers, Ernest Hunt of Mocks*
wnie, C. H. Hunt of Colundius, Ohio;
fotir Mrs. C. N. Chrlstaln,
Qi^. Hai^ Craves and Miss Kopella
Hunt of (Mccksvnie, and Mrs. Cba^
2ef'Lesley of LewlsvUle. H.O. •
^neral services were held In Fal^
lio^. Alabama. Burial wsa in Fair-
^neral service for Mrs. E. P.C^wford, gl, was held at li a. m.
hfondoy at GrecrMdPhaul Funeral
Hpme In Lenolr. Burial was in Mue
Ridge Memorial Park. She died Sa(i
She was bom In Qultford CoufUy
to John and S. KRdier, and
was a member of First MethedUd
Surviving ore two daughters, Mrs.
J. Ben Elter of Lenolr and Mr^
John Backer of Washlngtoo, D. C.;and ,two sons, Frank and Jameij
Craviriord of High Point.
Mrs. Crawford and her late hulk
band lived here from IBM until the
late SO's when the late John P,
LeOrand purchased Crawford's
Drug Company. The family inovd{l
to Lenolr from here and have lived,
there since.
Henry Clarence Plolt, 67, of Route
1. Advance, died Monday, Hoveto*
ber 13th at StSO p.m. at his home.
He was a • retired enplpye
Heritage PumKure Ce. 'He was bom
Aug. tl, leio, In Davie County, sop
of the late Edward and Elisabeth
'Omllh Wotii •'
Survlvom Indude his wife, Mr;:
Emma Smith PloU; two daughtersMrs. Howard d%dp3 of WInstoiw
Salem and Miss Marsha Plolt of
the home, three sons, Mld»y Flott
of fildtory, and Maurice and RandjiPlott, both of the home; two stej^sons, Tony SmKh of Route t, Ad*
vance, and Ronnie Smith, stationed
with the U5. Army in Germany;
two brothers, Milton PloU and Sher^
man PloU, te th of Route 8. Mocks-'
vllle; and hvo sisters. Mrs. Guy-
Miller of Route 1, Advance, and
Mrs. Dudley Young of Draper.
Funeral Services will be held to
day (Thursday) at 2 fi. m. at Betttle^
hem Methodist C%urcb. Burial win
be la the' church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries -11/16/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 16,1967 - Page 5
Funeral servleee for Edward Jesao
Pods, 31, of'Timnbisvllle, & C„
formerly of Davie County, were he!
at 3 p. m. Tuesday at Unkm
Methodist Church. Burial was In t
dturch oemeteiy.
Mr. PoHs drowned Sunday near
Tlmmonvllle. He was bom in Davla
County to Jesse M. and Laura Mae
Anderson PoUa.
Sqiivlvind are his parents; a SM,
Edward Potts of the lumte; two
dauShters. Misses Maiy Ann and
Kelhey Mae Potts of Mocksvilte, Rt.
5; th^ sisters, Mrs, Pauline Ad
ams of Yadldnvilte, Rt. 2, Mrs. Ru
by Overcadi of Statesvllle, Rt. 3.
and Mrs. Dorothy Cothren of Modt»>
•ville, Rt. S; and three brothers,
Clarence, Aathur and James Potts
of Modcsville. Rt. 5.
Dr. Rafiut^ement,
Ldag^Tlme Cotlege Head,
Dies In New York
'iDr. RqAis Oenieitt. a native of
fialtabwy and preddent of AUanto
iDnlvenlty for the past SO years,
died In Hew Yoiic, November Rh
ht the age ot 07.
He la the son of Btibop Qeorga
Oteinent, a native of Moelmville.
His gramirather was Turner Steele,
an ex-slave of Davic County who ro
se to eminence in the A.M.H. Zkm
Church. l\irner Ctement Is burled
In the cemetery on Mining Road.
- (When he died. Dr. Clement wos
attending a four-day conference of
the United Nations Association of
the United Stales of Amerfco.
Dr. Clement served as president
of 4ho predominantly Negro ctdlego
since 1037. die was elected to the
Atlanta Board of Education In 1084.
the first Negro to bold the post
Unce Reconstruetlon.
Dr. CSement was educated at Liv-
'Ingstone College, ^rrett Btblleal
OnstUute and Nteihwestem Univer
sity, and held several honorary de
His mother, Mrs. Clariss Clement,
was named American Mother of the
Year In 1950.
Ho la m^rvlved bv hla widow.
the former IPearl Ann Johnson of
Sumner, IMlsdsslppl; and a daugh
ter. fttrs. Rdbeit Foster of Los An
geles, Cellf.
Bio - Obituaries -11/16/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, November 22,1967
Mrs. M^llidms
Of Advonce
•— miL 9MBI
88; <f AAwb
;lMi» 18 S8fl8 tenly, te
Met aod Lon
«r AdMBfiei
Ml 81 Mmm, 888 Ifra.
hatbm, W. T. BHmgr and
W. J. McDonald
Of Mocksviile
—" wkttun
8B IBjtoaAiklIBWBMft W»JOI 110188
S; MMlMMu tfM lIUMaiy
oMMiBoi ^fiiMoUb DimBA
BTm bm JkobWm^
h AlmMMr Co^. m wm
a nIM faMTnMOB. 08 888
manM to to» tonaer MM
Bio — Obituaries —11/22/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 23,1967 - Page 2
Atf. J. McDonald
(Funeral services for William
Jonah (MoDonald, 79, of HL S.
■Mocksvllle. were held Friday at Q
p. m. in the iBalcn Funeral Home
Ohapol hy the Rev. &. C. MoMurrfiF
and iho Rev, Carl Lain. Burled
was In Oakwood Ortnelery in SialcR*
kMp. McDonald died Wednesday in
a Raleigh hosptiol.
(He was bom June 30. 1888. in
Alexander ptunly. He was a re*
tired brick mason and was maniedto the former Mabel Uulcblna, who
sA son, James iDuffee MCDotiald
of Burlington, also survives.
Mrs. Brady WllUains
(Funeral services for Mrs. Stella
Ann iWilllams. 60. of Advance, widow
of Brady twniiams, were held Friday
at 2 p. m. at Advance Melhodltt
Church by the (Rev. Phillip Vaughn
and the Rev. Carl Hair. Burial* was
In the church cemetery.
Mrs. Williams died Wednesday
night at Davie Coun^ Ro^Ital.
She was bom August 2, 0881, In
DavIe County, the daughter of Gilesand Lou 6he^ Barney, She was
n mmmbftt. nt MetHodlSt
Survivors Include one son, Wiley
Williams of Advance; three sisters.
Mrs, Malttiew Finger, Mrs. Delia
Cornahcer both of Advance and Mrs.
Charles Bean of Oooleemee; two
brothers. W. T. Barney and^ Wiley<Barne]^ both of Advance.
Waller C. &nltb, 79, of Alexand*
ria, Indiana snd a former resident
of Davie County, died at his home
last Friday after a long illness.
Funeral services were hrid Men*
day In the Church of God the
Rev. Dwlght R. MoCUrdy. Burial
was In Parkview Cemetery at Alex*
Mr. Smith was bom November 9,
1888, in Advance, N. C.. a son of
Suilie R. and Emma Widker Smith.
He was iiiarrHid to tvg Myrtlegunn VA. 6,1016, in Andsrsoii, He
hBdTeUfCfl in 1988 from D6te-Rsmy.
Mr. Smith was a member of the
Atexandria Churob of Ged.
Gurviving are the wife, Myrde:
two ttfttighters, Mrs. Luelue Wyatt
end Mrs. Waunita Burgess, both' of
AtexaadtiQ! two Hilor^ Mrs. Lcbna
Smith end Mm Hflnts Dtum, Ad*'
waRfio, N. c.t four bMlhen, B&H el
Aiivfinee, Robert of MoeksvIUe, end
George and •Overeti of Romestead.
Pla.i six grandAlldrens three great
grandefalldten end several nleees
end nephews.
Bio - Obituaries —11/23/1967 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, November 29,1967
D. C. Stihfi Mm
•f • Ntarf AIImI
Dwijht Clifford Seaford,
51, of Modovflle, Rt 4, mf-
feied ft hmt ctta^ and died'
Friday morpiag at hit booie.
Mr. Seaford aitiitcd Mr.
and Mn. John Henry HamS-
ton in operating the Red Pig
Bm Mmtt XHft, M Dftvli
OooK^, hi wm the ftfti «f T.
He wmmmx
(Mhv iifipwi flftft ft ft ft
MUir Ifei. amy Usb ef
SSEiOe, BL 4: M sa.
JMi CMM fif Ihft Bm;
Bt 4; ab Mafetn, W%,
liiiMial Itoft J. W;
a«f AdVM^Bt
ttvift fanttMs alHMHB SmBvR
Uft SeeM iad l3Hi
awlted, difti KB
Bio — Obituaries — 11/29/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 30,1967 - Page 5
(Funeral services for Dwlgbt 0>
Seaford, Si of(Mocksvilie, lit. 4i were
held Sunday at 2 p.in. at Fork Bapt
ist Church. Burial was In the elmivh
Sfr. Seaford died of a heart attack
Friday at hit home. Be was hofs
In 9>avle OnuHy to 7. J. and hfinnle
•HamU'cn .^^oford. and was a mam*
ber of Furk Baptist Church.
Surviving ore his wife, Mrs. Oladlys
James Seaford; a dau^iter, Mn.
Shirley Seaford Umb of hfocksvllto.
Rt. 4. a son. James Seaford of ^
home: bis mother of Advance. Rt. 9;
six siitors. Mrs. Junle Uveagood.
Mrs. J.4V. Uvengeod end Mm. Cliir*
les KlaUe of Advanoe. Sit. S. Mm.
Ronald Bean ti Mocksidllo. Rt. A
Mrs. Calvin Oallher of Harmony, B2.
}. and Mrs. AUen Oon^ of Ifodbk
yille. Ht. 4: and three IwoUm
WUitom. I4R and fteglaau fisofoid
of Advance, fit. l
Bio - Obituaries —11/30/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, December 6,1967
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Pegram
Former Superintendent
Dies In Wreck In Ya
T. O.74, im
Bio - Obituaries — 12/6/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, December 6,1967
W. G. Brown
' Of Woodleof
tVoodfin Grady Brown, 78, a
former resident of Woodleaf, died
Monday mornign at 5; 15 a.m.
at Smith's Rest Home on the
Old Concord Road, Salisbury.
He had been in declining health
for several months, but death was
He was born Sept. 26, 1889,
in Rowan County, the son ol
the late Stanhope .1 and Mary
Eliaaheth Hart Brown. He was
educated in Rowan County
schools snd was a memh^ oif
Unity Presbyterian Church.
Su^viiig are orte brother.
Samuel William Brown of
philaddpiaa. Pa ; and one
sister, Mrs. W. B. HarrUon ol
Bio-Obituaries — 12/6/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 7,1967 - Page 2
j O. A. AllNm
Funeral services for Gcflrse AHI*
son. 69, of. Me^IuylUp. \veie held
iTkicwIay at 3:60 at St. John AMIS
IZhm Oiurch. Burial was in the
dmrch cemetaty.
Atr, AtUsaa died Saturday night
ot his home after a brtef JItnesa.
die was a lifelong resident of
Mocksvnio and was employed at
H. R. Itend^ Construction Com
Surviving are the wife. Mrs. Dora
t^ons Allison: two slkers. Mrs.
fblife Oithiell of t&founl CHIeod and
hftss Utzlb AlUson* of Mocksvine;
and four brothers, 'lalher Allison
of Mount Gil<md and Fink. Edward
end I^n Allison of MoeksvUle.
MRS. JOB V. OtVfef
Funeral services for Mrs. Candaco
Potts Owen. 75. of Mocksvllte, Rt.
•1. wife of Joe V. Owen were held
at 2 p. m. Sunday at Edton's Chapel.
Burial was In Smith Grove Meftod'
tst Church cemetery.
■hfrs. Owen di^ Friday at her
home. She was bom'ln Davte Connty
to Mr. and Mrs. 4^hn Emmsey
Surviving are'her hudband: three
daughters, Mrs;. Shcmian Jones,
Mrs. Richard ^re and Mrs. Clyde
Leonard of MocksvIIIo; a son, Cha^
lie Owen of Mocksvllle; and a broth*
cr, 'J..D. ■Pulls of Moclksvllle. .
Bio - Obituaries -12/7/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, December 13,1967
Teriy Young, 17, Killed In Wreck Here
Tuiy M A Ite- Wit Mm tMh tfa0
j vnt kQMI A^nir iplSl 5P '
iQB fupxeod upo iQCiiM
„,...«(*. YMgmm -■- --^j«*IWigu ^
tiiSt wX^S^BOll Ij "g*
nHL MdKmipi
>.r''ok* ,j .'■ '■- : ■■■ W '.i„: .-t^^'. ■ ' u-.
A. c. 5 Wmi mOA Mir IQm Ue m m liBv
m m
^ n 3 pjp, it Bttoi*!
Bio - Obituaries - 12/13/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 14,1967 - Page 1
I Car Hits Railing;
Teenager Kiiied
Terry PjiiI Vou»s, 17. of MockJi. tho cor'ii froiil wol When Ums c&»
vlJlc l!«. I. wjf. killed fViday nislil struck Ujc wodcn bridge raiUng.
when ilic car in which lie woi rid- one rail was driven thrwifih Uw
ing hit a bridge on the Gladsiunv right frunl of Uie vchlcic, slrikins
Road iiiMi r.,j|ccnKv. Voiins In llic leg and penclnillns
Stnic Ilighxv.iy Patrolnwii Andrew upwards llirungh his body. AnoUwr
Sluki'b said l!ial V'timg was ilcad railing was slannncd Uirough iUo
on arrival ai liu- Houan Memorial far» windshield and tdrock Voung
Hu'pitat. 'rii}» was Davic's eighllr In iHo l»eaU.
higiiway fiialiiy .d Ihf year. Vomig was Iwni In Rowan County
The aecid;'i'.i bapiwiteJ al d:20 lo Wayne and Ketlicryn Kerk'y
p. in. ^ ouns-
Surviving arc Ills parents; (our
T.'ic diiM'r of I'lv v.ir. Itandail iirothers. Kcrlry Young of Winston'
Wayne .IrjiiO'. 17. ol Movksvillo lit. Salem, ftlevrn Young will) tltc U. H.
4. and .Msit'.ier |iasrenu**r. Mavk Army, bi Vietnam, and Jan and
\Mni,ti.< r IV. Mir>-|.>xiil<< III t, Kmi YoUitg oi liM* itoine; (wo sis*
ueie iicatiti hi iln liaxic llu.ipiiai. icrs. Mrs. KaUiy Simmons and Miss
... L .1 It. . i„.,ow Voung 0/ the home; and iheFa.r,.|„,.n wi.l "'-I •<»"" ,„.nd|«rento. Mr. an) Mre. lum
W.l.uter « l»in thry Kcrley «1 CW«in«i!.
anoiiicr car coming touUi \u:r to.
u:4rd.s ihcmi They told hini tlicy add Terry Young wreck
iii.i> r.| lo lih- I ?hi te axo.il roiiisi'ui funeral eprvicies were held Tries'
nM-i iK.t eeiiiro] (>I ilio car and li day aftiTnaon at liMoo's -Cfeiflpel.
cra>hcd lulo Uie bridge. tbe Rev. Sidgky
Y'oufig w'ii. nt9s & >4 6uil4l was 1ft jy»> OlWigih' '
Bio - Obituaries - 12/14/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
(J6biz C. James 02
! i.iftpCKSVlLIiE — John Clink-
.man James, 88, of" Mocksj^^-
Rt 2, died yesterday at
County hospital. The funeral',
will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at
_ Eaton's Chapelt Burial will he
in . Farmington Methodist
Church cemetery.
He was born in Davie County
to Cornell and Chestina Lakey
James and was a retired car
penter, Ho'was a member ofj
Farmington .Methodist Church, i
Surviving^ are',two daughters,!
Mrs. Willie Howard- and Mrs.i
H. • C. Gregory of Advance,
Rt^ 1; and four sons, Aaron,
C. B., and Odeh James of
Mocksville and M. F. James of
Advance, Et 1.
"-'i-'i- (P7<}
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, December 20, 1967
Fred Padgett
Of Mocksville
Fred Padgett, 61, of Rt 2,
MocluviUe, died Saturday at
4:45 a.m. at the Davie County
Hospital. He had been serious
ly ill for two weeks and in
declining health for two yean.
He was bom Feb. 7, 1907, in
Rowan County, the aon of Mrs.
Bemice Steele Padgett and the
late CbarHe D. Padgett. He was
educated in Rowan County
schools and was employed in
the lumber business until bis
retirement five years ago.
He wae twiee anrried. FM
to liinifr UvaofBOd Pedgrtt,
.-bo died in October ef 1999.
and liter to Ifinnfe Ta^dor
Padgett, who survives.
Sorvivon in additkn to bis
wife iodule one son. R. J.
Padgett of Concord Road, Route
7, Sali^toiry; one daugbtar, Mrs.
Hubert Agner of Nicosia.
Cyprus; his nPCber, Mrs.
Padgett d Route 1, Woodleaf;
six bratters, Ed Padgitt, Hardd
Padgett, and Jack Padgett, all
of Roide 1, Woodleef, Mott
Padgett of MoeksviBe, Ivey
Padgett of Beach Haven, N. J..
and Ralph Padgett of
Cooleemee; t wo sisters. Mrs.
Worth Beam of Route l.
Woodleaf, and Mrs. Maude
Baby; and five grandchildren.
George Tucker
Of Mocksville
George Alex Tudcer, 68,
died Thursday at 4 p.m. in the
Davie County Hospital.
Hp was bom April 30. 1899.
In Davie County, son of the late
George T. and Betty Charles
Tucker. He was a retired farmer
and /Winer sheriff of I>avie
County. He was also a membtf
of ElbaviUe Methodist Church.
Survivors include his vifc, the
former Sarah Irene Beauchamp;
one daughter, Mrs. Fred Smith
of Route 3. Mocksville; three
grandchildren; two brothe:s,
CIuu'Im a. Tuckci* of Chicago.
lU.. John P. Tuclur of San Jose,
Calif.; and five nsters. Mre.
Emma Cook of Mocksville. Mrs.
A. C. Jones of Wmston Salem,
Mrs. D. C. Foster of Lexington,
Mrs. Turner Page of Cool
Springs, and Mrs. M. G. AU-
mood of ThomasrUle.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/20/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 21,1967 - Page 2
John Cltngman Jsmes, 88. of
Modravhle. Rt .2, died Tuesday dt
Oavie .County. Ho^tol The flmefal
udll be at 2 s. m, Thursday af Ea
ton's C9iapol. Borial will bo In Faiv
mlngton Methodist Churph oemet;
He was Iwro in Davie County to
Coimil and Oiestina Lekey James
and vm a .retired carpenter. He
was a member of Fam^ton Me
thodic Church.
Surviving are bvo dau^ders, Mrs;
Wllle Howard and Mrs. H. C. Gre
gory-of Advance. Rt. 1; and four
sons. Anron, C B., and Odell Janros
of Moctevine and M. F. James of
Advance, Rt 1.
Bio - Obituaries -12/21/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 21, 1967 - Page I
G. Alex Tucker
By the age Of BO, George _
Afiex Tuoker -had become a
auoceasful dairy farmer In
the Advance section of Da*
vie County. A man of ambi>
tion, he had a desli'e for pub>
lie service.
In he was elected
Sheiiff of Davle County.
From 1950 to 1064 he served
7 the people of Davle County RSjra
in this office, always insist-
ing and giving fair and im*
partial law enforcement. In
fact", he was a much .better {J A
sheriff than the people of
Davie County, wanted,
Retiring from farming,
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker moved
to Mocksvllle. Mr. Tucker
continued to be active in the
Republican Party, serving It whenever and wherever
upon. He was named and semd for many years as
man of the Davle County Welfoi'e Bcai-d.
Last Thursday, Mr. Tucker suffered a coronary failure &
died at age 68.' Funei-al seivices were held Saturday af
ternoon at Eaton's Chapel and burlad was In the Elbaville
Methodist . Ohiii-ch Cemetery. Mr. Tucker was a member
of this church;'
He was bom in Davle County to George T. and Betty
Charles Tuck^ and spent his entire life here.
Surviving are his wife, Mre. Sarah Irene Beauchamp
Tucker; a daughter, Mrs. Fred Smith of Mocksvllle, Rt. 3;
five Sisters, Mrs. Emma Cook of MocksvHle, Mrs. A. C.
Jones of WinBton-Salem, Mrs. D. Z. Foster of Lexington,
Mi*s. Turner Page of Cool Springs and Mi's. M. G. AUmpnd
of ThomasviUe; and two brothers, Charles A. Tucker of
Chicago, 111., and John T. Tucker of San Juan, Calif.
Alex Tucker served Davle County well . . . both as a
private citizen and a public officer. In this service he earn
ed the respect and admiration of all those that knew him.ri 5, .<! I
Bio - Obituaries - 12/21/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
SALISBURY POST, 12/21/1967
!Mrs. McDaniel
Sjiccumbi Here -
Mrs E«hBr"Niat "Mil)aniei,
14, 01 sm Notlii Mtin Sl«e«;
fflfld night in Rowsh
Mental Hotrttal nbere Mie
had been a patient since Satur-
day.* • .
Funeral ,^vices will be coii-
JSf " tte First Bai.^..Church. The body will be placed
•in the church at 2:30 af^ock
Burial will follow in Chestnut
Hill cemetery.
The family will be ai the Sum.'
merseu Funeral Home toS
frTwdJ.'"'" '
31, 1893 in Davie County,
jdaughier of (he Ja(e J .H. Youii
K?i S? Lugenia (Nallljaii. She was educated in the
Davie Oounty schools. For a
number of years she was
employed at PuwIPs WchaniDobkin In early Ule she lived
m C^feemee and was oroanisl.
m the Ooelcemee Methodist
( flirrch.
Sie was a momlicr of the
■SS". ""P*"* inl^hslmr)-. the Kranres Gogghiaclaaa ^theil»r i!?i """*•' Citiwns Club•.4 1. J'woph Conrad• Mrllanel. <lu>d July 20. lOH.Mrs MrOiiniel n anrnved In-
"»"• Kvirrtl N,,,)M.liun,. l .U .SaMiury. It„.|..,„|» MrlUinu-l „| 111,1 |..„rt ami..laiiin. »• Mrltoiiiri n(
"•fc . I till ilnunblfi-.N. MitiijMVn/d, SttU^inin ntul
.Mmiliii,,!. Ml, ; 10 arimtli'liihinnmel iltrrc Kicai KiiawlriiiUhett.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/21/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Tuesday, December 26,1967
Mrs. Swi
Of Mocksville
UOCKSVaxe - Hit. vie-
toria Dottoa Smesood, A of
Roote 4, Meefcsvtte, died Itee-
day at 8:15 p.m. at a Immgm
Dttrsing home.
She was bora May M, 1«7,
ia Patrick Cooaty, Va.. the
daogtder at the late Jamea aad
Sarah Martia Doltoa. She was
a mMnber of Jcfasalen Baptlel
Cboreb aad-the widow of ieme
Lee Swicegoed who died ia 18S3.
Siavivora iaciade oae
daughter, Mrs. Grady Nail of
Route 4, Mocksville; faar aoos,
Edaioad C. Swksegood of Rich-
mood. Vs., Charfia B. Swicegued
of Oearwater, Fla, David R
Swioegood of Roate f. Lei-
iogtea, aad Eracet F. Swieegood
of LexiagtOB; aad oae Mer,
Mrs. W. W. Cook of Reote 2,
J. C. Jomes
Of Mocksville
MOCKSVILLE — Joba Cling-
num James, 18, ef Beats 2,
ModuviUe, dlMl TDSiday at 4:80
p.m. in Devie Couaty HaipitaL
Ha waa bora Nov. V. ivn,
Iba am o( Cendl F. aad
ChasliM Lakejr Janes. He was
a retired carpenter and a mcn-
ber of Famii^ Hatbedist
Bio — Obituaries - 12/26/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY