Jan - JunDA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 5,1967 - Page 4
Henry Alexander Jacobs, 82. 115
Wcsl Hendrcson St. Salisbury, died
Monday nl 8:45 p.m. at Rowon Me
morial Hospital oRcr being In de
clining heoIUi for several months &
seriously ill for two days.
Born Januory 0. 1884, in Rowan
County, he was the son of the lute
John L. and Bllcn Shaw Jacdis. He
was educated in the Rowan County
schools and for 45 years was em
ployed in the car department ol the
Southern Railway Spencer Shops.
He retired in 11^.
Mr. Jacobs vwis a life long mem
ber of North Main Methodist Clturch
where he had acn'cd on the Board
of Stewards and various other of
fices in the church. Ho was also
a member of the BroUicrltood of
Railway Carmen of America.
Sun-iring is ids wife, Mrs. Mag
gie Itoffncr Jacobs to whom he
was married hi 1802; three sons.
John Henry and iwxxirow W.
Jacobs, both of Snli^ury. Herbert
M. Jacobs of Coolecmcc: three
daughters. Mrs. Hoath Wenis of
Chnriolle, Mrs. R. F. Gardner of
Saliriniry. Mrs. Jock E. Mullinax
of Gcnnony: one brother, Martin L.
•facobs of Salidntry; Rvc sisters,
Mrs. T. D. Barber, Mrs. C. C. Bcn-
vcr. Miss Grace Jacobs, Mrs. F.
.1. Stough. all of Salirimry, Mrs.
Arthur Wilhclm of Rowan of Row
an County: twelve grandchildren
and eleven greatgrandchildren.
Funeral sendees were held Wed-
nesdoy at 3 p. m. at aunmerscll
Memorial Chapol with the Rev.
John R. Oowldns. pastor of Nbrtii
Muin Methodist Ciiurch, offldating.
George Howard of Stockton, Calif.,
died Dec. 28 In Stoddon. He was
a former rcsldenl of Davie County
and moved to Stockton five years
He was born in Davic County
to Jimmy and Mattte Burton
Surviving are Uiree sons. Bill
Howard. Jim Howard and Bob
Howard, all of White Salmon.
Worii.: —two doughlcrs, Mrs. Ruby
Shopard and Miss Doris Howard,
both of Stockton- two dslcrs, Mrs.
J. W. Gulietl 'of Salisbury Und
Mrs. Ossie McCatl of Birmingham.
Ala.; a half sister. Mrs. William
Kcnnc<(y of Franklin. N. €.: and a
brother. Boncc Howard of Mexico
City, Mexico.
Ibc body was expected here
Tuesday nlghl and will be at the
Eaton Funeral Home In Mocksvillc
pending funeral arrangements.
Mrs. Esther Richie Colicttc. 73.
of Rt. 2. Mocksi'ilic, widow of J. D.
Coiictlc. died Friday, December 30.
ot l^nn Ifovcn Uurslng Home.
She was iiorn In Davie County to
W. M. and l.aura Booc Richie and
was n member of Eaton's Dnplisl
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs.
J. E. LAlham of Mocksvillc. tU. 3;
and a brother, A. O. Richie of
The funeral was held at 2 p. m.
Sunday, .fanuaiy Isl, at Eaion's
Baptist Church. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Funeral services for John O.
Smth. 82, wore held Monday. Dec
ember 28. at 3:30 p. m. ol Eaion's
FUncrol Chapel. Burial was in Beth
el Methodist Qturch Cemetery.
He died Friday. December 22, of
'a heart attack In C. J. Angcll's
rioro while he was watching tele
He was bora in Davic County to
B. I. and Martha Dane Smidi. He
was a retired State Prison Depart
ment omploye.
SurWving are a half brother.
Hugh Anderson (d Coolecmcc; and
two half sisters, Mrs. Mary Mills
FUaihorstonc of AshevlIIo and Mrs.
Esther Parncll Jones of Winston-
Funeral services for Mrs. LilPan
Oiambcrioin, 74, were held at 2:30
p. m. Sunday, December 23, at
Sandy brings Baptist Church. Bu^
lal was in the chuich ccmelcry.
Mrs. Chamberlain, widow of Lon-
nie E. Chandicrlain of Mocksviilo,
died Friday, December 23, at Ire-
dell Memorial Hospital at Stales-
She was born in Ircdcll County
to Thomas and Nanpy Jones Bag-
garly. She was a mcnlber of Sandy
Springs BapUA Church.
Surviving oro two sons. ^Julian
Oianiberlain of- Mo^swlle, Rt. 1,
and 'Roger diamberlain of Mocks
villc: two brothers. Clyde Boggariy
bf Hollywood. Calif, and Frank
Baggoriy of Danville, Va.; and a
^er, Mrs. S. H. Cartncr of Wins-
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary
(Emma Nicholson Eaton, 82. Route
i 1, FUrminglon, were conducted at
2 p. m. Friday December SOlh at
Cedar CrtMdc Baptist Church In Far-
Mrs. Elaton died Saturday at a
n 'Wlnston-Salcm hce^la] after a ten-
.^fithy Illness.
- She is survived by ono daughter,
bSss Pearl Elaton of Winston-Sal-
<»n; two sons. William and Arlhur
Eatiu). both of Now York Cily: a
I stepdaughter, Mrs. Lulo West of
I Farmlngton; one brother, J. Cal-
« Vin Nicholson of Stalcsville; mic
^ sister. Mrs. Willie McFadden of
StalesvUle; 11 grandchildren, and
,' ono grcot grandchild.
Bio - Obituaries -1/5/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 5,1967 - Page 4
i* The funeral for W. Howard Mc-
^ Lamb, 57, of Dunn. R(. S. \('hosQ
I wife. Mrs. Kathcriiic Benson Mc>
i Lamb, is a former Mocksvillc rcsi'
dent, was held al 2:30 p. m. Krl>
day, December 23 at Mount Elam
Baptist Church. Burial was In the
Clinton Comclcry.
Ho died Wednesday night. Dec-
ember 2lBt. al Betsy Johnson Mc*
morial Hospital where he had been
a puliciil for 10 duys fulluwing a
fiiroke. He was a farmer and op-
crated a truck tine.
Surviving nrc his wife: a son.
Bubl)y McLamb of Dunn. Rl. 5;
Itiree daugliters, Mrs. Earl Cure
timl Mrs. Bobby Jackson of Dunn
and Miss Kay McLamb of the
home: his mother. .Mrs. Belly Mc
Lamb of Hoscboru, Rt. 2: four sis
ters, Mrs. Otis West, Mrs. Thomas
Powell and Miss Loreila McLamb
of Rosdwro. Rt. 2. and Mrs. Elwood
Mintz uf PcnHsyivantu; and a
bnithcr, lluywuod McLamb of CUn-
Mi>. Nulie .Martin Cuun. sn. of
Mockstillc. widow of llubcrt Aiidei*'
stni Coon, dirnl at 0:40 u. m. on
PrrcniluT iOth at Ouvic -County
Flic was born in Datie Ciiunty to
ElUnh and Minervu Williams Mu^
Surviving are tuu-stoi) daughlers.
Mrs. Allrert Becker and Mrs. David
Owen, inilh of El l'a»u, Texas. Also
snrvi\ii:g .irc several nieces and
luiilicws. including Miss .laiiic Mar
tin and Mrs. W. I.. Moore. Jr^^ih
whom she iiad in.ide her
Ilk' MX
was Judd
I'ull bearers were: Waller E.
.Mrttlln ami W.vlicr'P.. Murlin. .Ir..,
of flcnmarir. S. C.: (Jlenn H. Cart-
ncr of Chnrtullc; Wilbur L. Davis,
Jr. of Knnnairalis; W. L. Monrc, Jr.
U. W. L. Moore. UK and .1. K.
Fhcck. IK of Moksvillc; nnd Lt.
John L. Thompson of Greenville.
S. C.
Duria] was in the church lemct-
Mi's. Pcnrl Psif ctolh Ltiicbnck, TU.
of Advance. Rt. 2. died ul 7:aa
p. m. Tbursdoy. DccwtiIkt 22. al
Davie Coimly liosjiltal.
She wos born in Davic County to
Erwtn and l^auise McBride Fair-
cloth and w.'is a mcmlier of htacc-
donln Moravian Church.
Surviving are a sun, Oliic Benuch-
nmp of Advance. Rt. i; and a sis
ter, Mrs. Bessie Lcc of Advance Rt.
The funeral was held at 3 p.m.
Sunday, December 25, al Macron-
ia Morovion Church. Burial was In
the church graveyard.
Wrs. Pearl Fowler Daniel. 77, of
Salisbury Slrccl, wife of Grant Don-
ici died Saturday. December 24th,
' at Fran Ray Rest Home.
She was bora in Irodcll Cbunty to
James ond Delia Uarmun Fowler.
Suiwivlng ore her husband; a
daughter, Mrs. V. G. Prim of Cool-
eemce; a sister, Miss Bess Fowlcr
of SlatesvlUc; and n brother. E. C.
Fowler of Stuart. Fla.
The funeral wns held at 2 p. m.
(Monday, December 2G, al Eaton's
'I^ncral Chapel. Burial was In Rose
Amos Lcc Bowles, 78. of Rl. 4.
iMoi^csvlilc, a DavIc County sur
veyor and retired farmer, died Dec
ember 23 at home,
He was born in Dnvlc Cbunty to
J<^n C. and Sally Burton Bowles,
and was o member of Jericho
Church of Cttidsl.
Surviving arc four daughlers,
Mrs. Alice Dolmon and Mrs. Vcra
Scobcy of Washinglon, D. C.. Mrs.
Elnora Loopcr of Mockaville. Rt. 4,
ond Miss Roberta BowHcs of Jack
sonville, <Fla.; three sons. Alvin
'Bowles of Wa^lnglon, D. C., John
Bowles of Jacksonville, Da., and
Worth Bowles of Seattle, Wash.; six
sisters, Mro. Mary Wilson of Mocks-
Mllc, Rt. 4. Mrs. Ida Tutlerow of
Mocksvillc, Rt. 1. Mrs. Edna Ever-
heart of Mocksvillc. Rt. 3, Mrs.
Pauline Carter of Winston-Salcm,
Mrs, Ruby Franks of Los Angeles.
Calif., and Mrs. Grace Webb of
Washington. D. C.: and three broth
ers. James A. Bowles of Mocksvillc,
Rt. 4. Charlie C. Bowles of Walnut
Cove and H. Howord Bowles of
The funeral was held at II a. m.
(Monday, December 20, al Ealon's
Funeral Oliapci. Burial was in (he
Jericho Ctiurch of Christ Comclcry.
Bio - Obituaries — 1/5/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 5, 1967 - Page 4
IMrs. Hallic Dctis Mdluirc, sn.
widow of James McGuirc, died
Thui-sday, December 2ath at her
home oil Jericho Road.
She was burn In Hancioiph Counfy
to J. J. and Ann Hill Bells. Shu was
a member or Ihc First Methodist
Sundi'ing are two dausldcrs.
Misses Mary and Jane McGuirc ul
the home.
The runernl was held u( U a. m,
Saturday. Duucnilicr 31, ul Eatim's
Chapel. Burial was in Joppu Cem*
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, January 5,1967
Mrs. Daniel
Is Buried
Mrs. Pearl Fowler Daniel,
T7, of Salisbury St., MocksviUe,
wife of Grant Daniel died Sat
urday. December 24th, at Fran
Ray Rest Hocne.
She was bom in Iredell
County to Jamea and Delia
Harmon Fowler.
Surviving are her husband;
a daughter, Mrs. V. G. Prim
of Cooleemee; a sister. Miss
Bess Fowler of StatesvUle: and
a brother, E. C. Fowler of,
Stuart. Fla. !
The funeral was held at 2
P. If. Monday, December 26,
at Eaton's FVneral ChapeL
Burial wu in Rose Cemete-
Henry Alexander Jacobs
Father Of Local
Man Dies
Henry Alexander Jacobs, 82
US West Henderson Street,
Salisbury, died Monday at 5:45
P. M. at Rowan Memorial
Hospital after being in de
clining health for several
mont^ and seriously ill for
two days.
Bom January 9, 1884, in
Rowan County, he was the
son of the late John L. and
Ellen Shaw Jacobs. He was
educated in the Rowan Coun
ty Spools and for 45 years
was employed in the car de
partment of the Southern
Railway Spencer Shops. He
retired in 1964.
Mr. Jacobs was a life long
member of North Main Metho
dist Church where he had ser
ved on the Board of Stew
ards and various other offices
in the church. He was also
a member of the Brotherhood
of Railway Caimen of Ameri
Surviving are his wife, Mrt;
Maggie Hoffner Jacobs to
whom he was married in 1902;
three sons. John Henry and
Woodrow W. Jacobs, both of
Salisbury, Herbert M. Jacobs
of Cooleemee: three daugh>
ters, Mrs. Heath WenU of
Charlotte, Mrs. R F. Gard
ner of ^lisbury, Mrs. Jack
E. Mullinax of Germany; one
brother, Martin L. Jacob of
Salisbury; five sisters, Mrs.
T, D. Barber, Mrs. C. C. Beav
er, Miss Grace Jacobs. Mrs
r. J. Stough, all of Salisbu
ry, Mrs. Arthur Wilhelm of
Rowan County; twelve grand
children and eleven great
Funeral services were held
Wednesday at 3 P. M. at Sum
merset! Memorial Chapel with
the Rev. John R Dawkins,
pastor of North Main Metho
dist Church, officiating.
Burial was in Rowan Mem
orial Park.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/5/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, January 5,1967
George Howard
local Woman
Dies In Calif.
services for George Howard,
77, of Stockton, Calit, who
died December 28, was held
Thursday at 2 P. fil at Dut
chman's Creek Baptist Church
The Rev. Bobby Ridge and toe
Rev. Thomas Tuggle ofBci-
ated. Burial was in Fork Bap
tist Church Cemetery.
Mr. Howard was a native
of Davie County, bom Aug
ust 27, 1889, to the late Jim-
mie and Mattie Burton How
Surviving are his wife, the
former Bertha McDaniel three
sons. Bill, Jim, and Bob How
ard. all of White Salmon,
Washington; two daughters,
Mrs. Ruby Shepherd and Bdiss
Doris Howard, both of Stock
ton, Calif; two sisters. Mrs. J.
W. Gullett of Salitouxy, Blrs.
Ossie fiScCall of Birmingham,
Ala; one half sister, Blis.
William Kennedy of lYanklin;
and one brother. Bonce How
ard of Mexico City, Blexico,
He was the uncle of Blrs.
Odell Bailey of Joyner Street,
Betts McGuire, 88. widow of
James McGuire, died Thurs
day at her home on Jericho
She was bom in Randolph
County to J. J. and Ann Hill
Belts. She was a member of
the First Methodist Cbiuch.
Surviving are two daugh
ters, Misses Mary and Jane
McGuire of the home.
The funeral was at 11 ABL
Saturday at Baton's Chapel.
Burial was in Joppa Cemete
Bio - Obituaries - 1/5/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
|p,!?2P^2™=-«»l«rtEarl!lIHirches, 60, of Mocksville, Rt. I
IX* ® and car salesman 1
U® jotoJames Parches.
«re his wife. Mrs
J-arl Porches of Mocks.
2, and John Porches of
i 'i ^wight Roger ofIMoclKviJIe and Mrs. John Hill
i win^'i. ^ brothers• Win ^ches of Mocksville. S:
MocksvilleSf 9?^®'^.,^cbes of MocksvilleRt. 2; and five sisters, Mrs JRav
Parker and Mrs. Leonard Sugg
tL Kelly1 li.® Predericksburg Va
of Ander-
Tmoc^^ ^ Grant
The fonerai wiD be af 2 « »«
ClmpeL Burial will be in
Eaton's- Baptist Church cem"
L ^Tr>iTy»p«^T_■
lc>\fJo^ Pur^tke* - X>c?( .
"ToWrcLS FwvcUej-
\.eu3ti ^'U.^'ckcy
ILO»\Uowr»n. P•^rc^Jr^W\:r^ ^ixvcVn
_ I
I'RoWirV £. Fu.-«-ck«
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 12,1967 - Page 2
Tbe ftttteral'Of Arch Wllbert Tsy*
ex, 84. or Mofi(S\>IIle, Rt, 3. was
held Mooday. datniaty e. at 2 p. m.
at Baton's Buneral Ch^l. Bttrial
was in Center hiethodlsl Church
•lie died Soiunlny n! the home of
a daughter. Mrs. Charlie PoHs of
Modcsi'lllc, Rt. 3.
lie was a retired farmer.
Surtdving are p son, Wesley TQys
of Beach Haveii, N. J.: end two
fiaugbters. Mrs. Pranlc Potts of
Moekinrltle. Rt. l, and Mrs. Oiariie
The funeral of Mrs. Laura Hairs
Ion Peoples, cu. of 914 Watkln
Street, Wlnston-.Salem, a iiallw o
Uavle County, was held nt 2 p. m
Saturday, January 7. nf United McA
ropolilan Baptist Church by ihr
Rev. J. D. Bollard. Burial was ii
Evergreen Cemetery.
She ditnl Tuesday. January 3. a
Forpylh Memorial Hospital.
She was a native of Davlc County
and had lived In Wlnston'Solom GO
years. At United Metropolitan Bap
tist Church she was a mmrher of
the Missionary Sodety, the Senior
Choir and a Sunday school teacher
in the Young People's Ocpariment.
Surviving ore Iavo daughters, Mrs.
(Helen P. Banks of Detroit, Mich.,
and Miss Biysfto Peoples of (he
home ond a son, Aaron Peoples of
Funeral services for Mrs. Jcanie
FTye Feezor, 70, of Atoemarle, a
sister of Mrs. Boone C. Foster of
Mhcksvllfe, RL 4, were held Frf>
day, January 0, at 3:30 p. m. at
-^Badln Baptist Church Burial was
in the Falrvlow Cemetery.
She was born In Rowan County
and was a mombcr of Badin Bap*
tist Church.
Surviving are four sisters, Mrs.
Rfdiard Baler of Now Brunswick,
W. J., Mrs. Buford Owen of High
Point, Mrs. Foster of Mocksville,
and Mrs. Charlie Wreen of Lexing
ton; and three brothers, H. H. and
Emory Frye of Mocksville, Rt 4.
and Edgar Frye of Mocksville, Rt.
Robert Bradley IVittorow, 78, qf
Modcsvliie, Route 2, died JUnuarjr
6 in Davte Couirty Ho^tol. ' '
He wos born In avie County- (o
Jesse Bradley and Mary Elisabeth
Godbey TURerow. He .was a retired
farmer and a -member Center
Mel^iSt Church.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nina
'Ellzabelh Richardson TUllerow .of
the home; three. doughtcrs, Mrs.
Flora Malonia Cteoiy of Mocksville,
Rmile S. Mrs. Horle I^wlse Gmiter
of Yadkladlle. Route 2, and Mrs.
Elsie Rtflh Stanley of Mocksville,
Route 5: two sons, Alfred Harding
Tutterow of Harmony, Route 1,^ and
Robert Clarence TulU^ of Mocks
ville. Route 4; 17 grondohlldren.
9 great grandtdiildren; 2 niecra and
I ncidiew.
Funeral services were held at
II a. m.. January 9, at Eatons
Cbajtol with burial (n Cbnter Meth*
odlsl Church Cemetery. The follow
ing ministers officiated. Rev. Gen
try. and Rev. Melvin Bedter and
W. C. Bulla.
Rmeral services for Robert Earl
Furdiea, 60, of ModtsvUIe, Rt. 5.
were held at 2 p. m. Sunday at
Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel. Bur
ial (Was fn the (Eaton's Baptist
Churdi cemetoiy.
Mr. Furches, a medianlc and car
SQlesman, died Friday, January e,
at Dovle County Ho^ital.
Ho was born In Dcwte County to
John David and Judson James
Surviving ere his wife, Mrs- Nao
mi Rolllna Furches; (wo sons. Earl
Furches of ModtsvUIe, Rt. 8, and
John Ftircbes of Moeksvllte, TU. 4:
two daughters, Mrs. Dv^t Boger
ot Mocksville and Mrs. John HUl
Jr. of Charlotte: three broUiers,
Will PUrehes of Mocksvltlc. Rt. 5,
J. D. F^irches of Mocksville and
Fred Furches of ModwvUId, Rt. 8:
and five iiitori, Mrs. Ray Parker
and MrS( Leonard Sugg ef Greens
boro. Mrs. Kelly James of Preder*
idtdmrg, Va., Mrs. Charles Molln-
arl of Anderson, fi. C., and Mrs. A.
T. Grant 'of Mookiville.
Charles P. Sain, 90. died Wednes
day .morning, January il. at 4 o.m.
at BapUst llospUal where ite had
been o palJenl since Movondier Rh.
Mr. Sain was liom January 14,
1877, In Davie (tounty to James F.
dnd JJames Sain. He bad been
0 member of Bethel Methodist
(Bnireh since JB9B.
Ho was married iAuguRt o. 1900
to Sarah Franoes Martlq who died
in 1882. They had-no ehltdrm. A
(ostef son, Hernian (Nkhelaon, died
In 1081.
Far Uie past 8!k years he had
mbde his honrewllh his nieces, MIsa
fanle Martin and Mrs. W. L. Moore,
Jr. of 734 North Main Street. He
had been an Invalid for over 4
Survivors are one bralher, James
?. fialn, Lynn Haven Nursing
Home of Mocksville. There'are sev-
rral nieces nephews In addUlon
to Mto Martin and (Mrs. (Motnre.
The body Is at Slier Funeral KUmo
In Thomasvllle where It will remain
unlH Thursday aRernoon when It
win be brougU to the home.
Funeral services vdll he Friday
at 8:30 p. m. at Bethd Methodist
Ghurdi conducted by Rev. Forrest
Church. Burial will lollow In the
family plot in the church cemetery-
Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 12,1967 - Page 2
funeral lervloef for Mn. Flora
Ofivtf Edwardik 8S. of MockivlUe.
Bt. 5. were bold Wadnaiday at S
p.ni. at Baton's Cbspel. Burial was
to Baton's Baptist Cbuivh cemo'
Mrs. WttUams died Monday at
t4rm Haven Nunfnc Homo.
fiiiB was born to Davto County to
i/UvIs and Marcaiet Martin Davis
and was a menher of Baton's Bap>
ir buiband. WH*
stms, Ray and
Mrs. Locy CM*lette and •birs. Xlrglnto Dull of
MoclisvlBoi Rt. &
Bio - Obituaries —1/12/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, January 12,1967
Funeral services for Mrs.
Jeanie Frye Feezor, 70, of Al-
bemarle, a sister of Mrs.
Boone C. Foster of Mocksville,
Route 4, were lield Etlday,
January 6, at 3:30 P. M. at
Badin BaiUist Church. Burial
was in the Fairview Cemete
She was bom in Bowan
County and was a member of
Badin Baptist Church.
Surviving axe four sisters,
Mrs. Richi^ Baler of New
Brunswick, N. J., Bira. Buford
Owen of High Point, Mrs. Fos-
ter of Mocksville, and Mrs.
Charlie Wreen of Lexington;
and three brothers, H. H. and
Emory Frye of Mocksville, Rt
4, and E^ar Fkye of Mocks-
viUe, RL 8.
MOOKSVmfi — Bbbert
Earl Fuzdies, 60, of Modss-
ville, Rt. 5, a mechai^ and
car salesman, died Friday at
Davie County Hospital
He was bom in Davie Coun
ty to Jdm David and Jud-
son James Furches.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
Naomi Rollins Furdies; two
sons, Earl Furdies of Mocks
ville, Rt 2 and John FUr-
ches of Mocksville, Ht 4; two
dau^tera, Mrs. Dwigbt Boser
of Mocksville and Mrs. Jdm
ffill Jr. of Charlotte; three
brothers. Will FUrches of
Mocksville Route 5, and Fted
Ftirehes of Mocksville, Route
2, J. D. Furches of Mocksville
and five sisters, Mrs. Ray
Parker and Mis. Leonard
Sugg of Greensboro, Mrs. Kel
ly James of Frederickd>urg,
Virginia, Mrs. Charles Moll-
nari of Anderson, South Car
olina and Mrs. A. T. Grant
of Mocksville.
The funeral was at 2 PJd.
Sunday at Eaton's Funeral
Home ChapeL Burial was in
Eaton's Baptist Church ceme
Bio — Obituaries -1/12/1967
MCX::KSV1LLE — Robert
Bradley Tutterow, 78, of
Mocksville, Rt 2, died Satur
day In Davie County ho^i-
He was a retired farmer
end a member of Center Me
thodist Church.
Surviving are bis wife, Mrs.
Nina Elizabeth Richardson
Tutterow; three daughters,
Bfrs. Louise Gunter of Yad-
kinviUe, Rt. 2, Mrs. Elsie Stan-
ley of Mocksville, Rt. 2, and
Clyde Cleary of Mocks
ville, Rt 5, two sons, Clar
ence Tutterow of Mocksville,
Rt 4, and Atfrod Tutterow
of Harmony, Rt. 1.
The funeral was at 11 AM.
Monday at Eaton's Funeral
Chapel. Burial was in Center
Methodist Church Cmnetery.
Mrs. Daisy
Mrs. J. Walter
Stonestreet Boger, 94, of
Mocksville, Rt 4, the widow
of J. Walter Boger, died Wed
nesday in a nursing home
She was born in Davie
County to Noah and Martha
Coon Stonestreet and was a
member of Union Chapel Me
thodist Church.
She is survived by a daugh
ter Mrs. T. C McClamrock,
and a son. Hurley Boger, both
of Mocksville, Rt 2.
The funeral will be at 2
P. M. Friday at Union Chapel
Methodist Church, and burial
will be in the church cemete
Barnes, 79, of Cooleesnee, tho
wi^w of Thomas A. BsitteG^
^ed Wednesday in Dsvid
County HbspitaL
She was bom in Dawin
County to Alls and BSary Wil*
Survivors include two
Otis and Tommy
Dmmn; and Ihm
Mrs. GerUe BlcCreary and 2^
Belle Head of Cooleemee, Xte
Grade Leonard of TtwyntrtH
ville, Mrs. Mamie «
Atlanta, Qa., and Mrs. Bitlla
Leonard of Sdisbury.
The funeral will be 4
P.M. Friday at the Coolb^
mee Church of God. Revm^*
end J. E. Rogers wIR cdBeL
ate, assisted by Reverenit
L. S. Cooper. Burial wiR fd|x
low in the cooleemee Legioa
Memorial Park.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 19,1967 - Page 2
fttRS. T. A. fiAhNKS
Piift^ral aervkefl for Mrs. Dalay
Wilttamit Barnrs, 70. of WoHs
Street, COnlecmee. were tteld FrI*
day. doMiaty 13, ot 4 p.in. nt tho
Cootccmc Churcti of Qod by the
Bcv. J. E. Bogota and the Bev.
James CMpcr. Burial was In Die
Legion Memorial Park In Cootce-
Mrs. Bomcs, widow ol Thomas A.
Barnes, died Wednesday. .Tanunry
Jl, at 'Davie County llospllal after
a lingering Illness.
Bom In Oavie County, duly 12,
1887, (dtc was the doubter of Alls
and Maty Williams.
Survivors are two sons, Otis
Barnes and Tommy Barnes, both of
Qenton. flve daughters. Mrs. Ger*
tie MeCreary and Mrs. Belle Bead,
both ot Ooolcemee, Mrs. Grade Leo
nard of Thomasvlllo, Mrs. Momlc
neplor jot Atlanta. Go., and Mrs.
Buth >Lecnord of Sallsbuiy: 23
^andchlldmn; and 44 grcot-grand*
iFimcrol services for Mrs. Janes
Stonestreel Roger, 04, of Mccksvlllc,
Rou|s 2. wore held Friday, Jon*
uory 13. ni 2:p. m. at Union Chapel
Methodist Church by the Rev. COrl
Lain and the Rev. Ralph Eanes.
I^rlal was in the church ccmctciy.
She died Wedncslay morning at
liynn Haven Nursing Home. She
bod been In 111 heolib for a long
The widow of J. WoltcF Soger,
she was bom In Davic County Aug>
usl dO, 1872, doughler of the late
Noah and Martha COon Stonestrect.
Survivors 'Include one daughter,
Mrs. T. C. McCtomrodc of At. 2,
Mocksville; and one son, Burley
Boger of Rt. 2, Mocksville.
Mrs,. Resde Eaton Ferabee
Funeral senvlccs tar Mrs. Bcsde
Eaton (Ferdbeo, 74, a retired DavIc
County teodier. widow of A. W.
Ferabtt, wera held Tuesday at 11
a:m. at Eaton's BopUst Church. Bu^
lal was In the church ccmetciy.
Mrs. Ferabee died Sunday night
at Oayle Gounly Hospital.
She was bom'In Dovlc County
to Thomas tuM Lou Jane Stone*
slrael Eaton.
She taught sduwl for 47 years un*
Ifl die jEOthcad ahaul dx«yoar8>ago.
Uips a mentbcr of Eaton's Bap.
° Surviving am two daughlors,
^frs. WiUiam borers of Cleveland
and If^ George'E. Mcrrell. Jr. of
^Q^csvllto, HI, 2. and two brothors,
Rubcct ai^'Carl W. Eaton of
Mrs. W. C. Mottey
I^eral services for Mrs. fVon.
COS Kcnncriy Motley of Bunlsville,
tMebamo. foimetiy of Sollslniiy.
\yere held (Wednesday at 2 p.m. al
No Creek iPrlmlUvc Baptist Church
in (Doyle poualy. Burial was In (he
4hup^ aemet^.
JMrs. Motley ^ed Thursday at
Sro^ General HospUpl al FL Sam
||ouston, iFexaa, wtere die was re*
caporallng ITian surgery.
Surviving are her husband. Wfl*
Vpm Casey Motley; a son. Bill
Motley of the a daughter.
Mrs. Ranliter Resell of £1 Poso.
TjBxas; and two sisters, Mrs. Pete
Rerr of ^lencer and Mrs. Roy Rob
erts of Blloxl. Mis.
. iFUnend services for Homer W.
94, of Tbomasvllle were held
Thursday afternoon at the Ffrstj
RopUsl Church of that city.
Mr. Beck, one of the coKiwners of
folk's of MocksvlUe, died early
January Mlb al the aiy Memorlol
Hcsidbal where he had been a pat*
lent flye unraks. He had been In de-
dining healtti for three months.
At the time of his dooib ho was
secretary and iroosurer of Hudson*
8eU( Co. and Eflrd'o Department;
Slore, ond a director of Stale Cum*
merclxd Bank.
Mr. Beck has been a member of,
(bo city school board, and president I
of the Thomasvlllo FbundoUon. (hoi
United Fund and the Chamber of
Commerce, lie was a member of!
First Baptist Oturdi.
Ha Jol^ Bolk D^itartment Store
In 1991 and organhed the Hudson*
Bdk Co. the foUowlog year.
Surviving are hJ.<i udfe. Mrs. Imo*
gene Lewis Beck; two dougMers,
Mm. Jackson Sluori White of Alilng*
don, Vo., ond Miss Sandra Jean
Beck, a student al Agnes Scott Col
lege ot Dccotur, Go.; and three
sisters. Mrs. L. A. Hughes and Mrs
M. L. Uncbcny of Apopko. Flo.,
and Mrs. Al Boxtcr of Butler. Pa.
Bio - Obituaries -1/19/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 19,1967 - Page 2
diavtd Nealy
iF\inero1 services for David Mealy,
89, of Moeksvllle, a native of Davie
County, were coi^ucled al 2:30 p.m.
Suml^ at COdar OroiHj Baptist
Church by Ihe Bci'. Baxton Moson.
Burial was In the church cemetery.
Mr. Nealy u'as found dead llnirS'
day eixailns noar tlie edge d No
Creek In the Fulton community.
Dr. Francis Slate. Coroner, ruled
that Nealy died of natural causes.
Mrs. Claude R. Deal
tFuneml services for Mrs. May
Swlccgood Deal, a sister of Mrs.
Claude Thompson of jMocksville,
were held Sunday. •Januoiy ds, al
2:30 p.m. at First Methodist Qiurch
In Gastonki. Burial was In Goston
Memorial Park.
Mrs. 'Deal, .72, died at 0 p.m.
Thursday, January 12, In a local
hospital III Gaslonla.
•Mrs. iDeal Joined the Schlele
Mu^m of Natural lllstoiy staff
four ycnrs ago in Gastonia and hod
served as receptionist. Before Join*
Ing the staff there, she was manag*
er of the regional office for Boy
Scouls of America In Gaslonla for
IS years.
lA graduate of Woman's College
In Greend)oro, Mrs. Deal went lo
Gastonia In jm Before her mor
rloge In 4921, rite taught school In
both iDovle and IredeB counties.
(The widow of Claude & Deal, she
Is sarlvWed 1^ two daughters, Mrs.
Jean Deal O'Kane of Falr^ld,
Conn., and Miss Bovcrly Ann Deal
of High point; a sister, Mrs. Thomp*
sqp of Moeksvllle: a brother, Ros
Swlcoi^od of Tyro. N. C.
<P. L. WAGONRR, 70
Fred (Pop) LInstcr Wagoner, 70,
of 701 Briarvvood Avenue. Kanno*
polls, died Monday at 0:15 p. m.
shortly after being admitted to the
Cobamis iMemoriol fjfoiq>lla1.
Funeral services were held Wed*
nesdoy al 4 p. m. at Whlttey's Fun*
oral Home Chopel conducted by Dr.
Charles C:' Ck>IIiey and assist^ by
P. SUllmon.
• Burial •was In Carolina Memorial
A native of Davio county, he was
the son of the lole Jolin and Martha
Goodin Wogoiier.
Mr. Wagoner has made his homo
In Konnopoils for the past hOmc in
Kannapolls for the past 48 years.
Formerly a Kannapolls burindss
man, he loler was ena^^oycd as a
foreman In Plant 4 of Caonon Mills
until his rcllremeifl soverol years
(His wife, Momie Smith Wagoner,
preceded biro In doalh in 0034.
Surviving ore three daughters,
Mrs. Gladys W^lugton, with
whom he lived. Mrs. Mack B. Curl*
'ee and (Mrs. James A. Argo, oU of
Kannapolls: two sons. M. T. Wogon*
er of Kannapolls and Jeiry D. Wag*
oner of AHMmarie; three brothers,
Reece and Heniy Wagoner, both of
Kannapolls, lAJtiert Wagoner of
Cooleemee: nine grandchildren and
nine greot*grandchlIdren..
Bio — Obituaries -1/19/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, January 19,1967
Mr. Fenbee,
Retired Teieher
sie Eaton Perabee. 74, of Rt
2, Mocksville, died in the De-
vie County Hospital at 7:46
PA!. Sunday.
She was a retired ecbool
teacher and a member «< Eat
on's Baptist Church Bom in
December 27, 1892, she was
'the daughter of the late Tho
mas and Loo Jane Stonestreet
, fiurviving are two daugh
ters, Urs. William Myers of
Route 2, Cleveland, Mrs. Geo.
E Merrill. Jr. of Route 2,
Mocksviile; and two broth-
ers, Hubert R. and Carl W.
Eaton, both of Mocksviile.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday at 11 A. M. at Ea
ton's Baptist Church by the
Rev. B. C. BdcMurray. the
Rev. Dewey Ijames, and the
Key. Dallas Renegar.
Burial was in the church
T.L Williams
MOCKflVILLE - Thomas
Early Williams, 76, a retired
farmer, of Mocksviile, Rt 4.
died Tuesday at the Veterans
Hospital it ^lisbury.
He was born In Davie Coun.
ty to A. R. and Mary Jane
Call WUliams.
9ur\iving are two sisters,
Mrs. Battle Nichols of Cool-
ee«ne« and Mrs. Cly^ Rid-
enhour of ICocfcsvlUe, Route
4; and a brottter, William A
WUliaou of MoclavUle, Route
The hinenU wag at 2 RBI-
Thursday at the TWrentine
Beptls'v Church. Ikirial was in
the cbtiFch ces^exy.
MOCKSVnXX - Mrs. Pran-
H KaiTMlly HoUey. 47, wife
c, w. C. MoUey of Hunta.
;|^e. Al^>iana, died last
TWaday at San Antonio. Tex.
hmital aNer a short Ulnesa.
ae was bom in Rowan
Co^ty to C. E and Mai^ar-
et rown Kemelly.
^Mving are (he hud>aod;
on. BUI Motley of the
hwntoe dau^tar, Mrs. Ran-
ier i|)^ of n Pm, Ihxas;
Penta of SaUabury; two
tMorlMra Pale Kerr of
%«ooiaBd Mrs. Roy Bob-
«rta o^iioxi, Miss.
*nM baral wu at 2 PM.
Wodno^ at No Creek Pri-
Qiurcb. Burial
w in \ ohiwob oeroalery.
Bio — Obituaries - 1/19/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 26,1967 - Page 2
Funeral services for Thomas
Early Williams, 76, a retired form
er, of Mocksvilte, Rl. 4. were helil
at 2 p. m. Huirsday, Januoiy is,
at Ttirrcntinc Baptist Church. Bur<-
ial was in the dmrcb ccmclcry.
•He died Tuesday at the Veter
ans Hospital at Salisbury.
11c was bom in Davle CoiuUy to
A. R. and Mary Jane Call Williams.
.Survivins arc iwo sisters, Mrs.
BeUlo Nidiols of COolccmcc and
Mrs;. Clyde Ridenhour of Mocks-
vilic, Roule 4: and a brother, WilV
lam A. Williams of Moeksvlllc,
Route 4.
OHss Emily Bell McClamrock. 88,
of Kannapolls died at 8 a. m. Tues
day at Jo Lene Nursing Home in
Funeral services were hold at
Lady's Funeral Chapel Wednesday
conducted by the Rev. C. Marion
Starr, assisted by Dr. Charles C.
Rurial was in Carolina Mvmorbl
She was a native of Davle County
and daughter of the iato Thomas
Chalmers and Mary Scaford
MeClomrodt of Davle County.
Sunviving arc two sisters, Mrs.
S. K. Allen of Kannapolls and Mrs.
W. E. Balmer of Jocksonvillo, Fla.
Bio - Obituaries -1/26/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 2,1967 - Page 5
WUInm AtoJumder Blake
A^ineral scrvtceii fnr Wlillam Alex
ander Binkc. 70. uf tNfockavlIle. R.
2. wre.Md Tktesday al 2 pjn. at
SkHon's Chnpel. Burinl was In Ad-
vnnce Daptlsi Onircli cemetery.
(Mr. Bloke died Sunday ol Davio
Ccuniy •llospflnl.
Olo w:is l)om in Davic Ominly to
Slenry and Linda At<^ntel Blokc.
,«lle married EIlealMdh Prye.
Surviving In addition to his wife
. «ro throe doughlers, Mrs. Thelma
Myers nnd Mrs. l.ouiso Teague, Ixdh
of 'Wlnston^Icm, Rt. 2. and Mrs.
Mary Lone of Wlnston-Satem: three
sons. I^^cr Blake of Mocks^dlte.
Oil. 3. liiritert Siokc of Advance, Rt.
2. and John (Bbkc of CIcntmona.
Oil. 1; three sisters. Mrs. Annie
€osh and Mrs. Eva Railed^, both
of 'Winston'Saicm, and Mrs. Laura
(Panes of Washington, D. C.; and
five brothers, Ohoiiic. James and
Frank Bloke, oil of Greensboro, C.
2.. Bioko of Mocksville. Rt. 2, and
Joe Bloke of Soll^ry*
Rex Claude Bamett
Funeral services for Rex Qoude
Burnett, 51,023 Gwyn St. were con-
ddoled at 3 p. m. Sunday at lEaton'a
Chapel wllh the (Rev. Pred Barnes
ofQeloting. Burial was in Rose ceme
Mr. Burnett suffered o heart at-
tadt ond died at his home at 10 p.m.
9le was born September 20, 1018,
In Walker County, Co., to Claude
and Emma Smith BnurnclL tie was
a veteran of World War 11, having
served four years overseas with the
rank of Staff Sgt Mr. Burn^ was
a member of the Mocksville Moose
Kliodgc. He wos employed by the
N.- C. Stale Foretd Service.
dfo morrlcd Miss Myrile Shore In
In oddiUon to his wife, be Is sur
vived by one son. Larry Burnelt of
h^cksvltle and his father, (Saudc
Burnett of Lofeyctte, Go.
Funeral sendees for Zebulon V.
Jidmston. SO, of Advance, R(. 2, who
died Salurdoy at Davie County Hos
pital, were held Monday at 3 p. m.
at Now Salom Methodist Church,
He wos born in Ircdcli County to
Henry Tolly and Mary Jane Honey-
cull Johnston. He was a retired
fanner and furniture worticr.
His first marriage was to the
former Katie Hoover, who died in
1033, His second marriage was to
the former Beatrice Smith, who
Other survivors Include five
daughters, Mrs. W. L. Lazehby of
Statesvllte, Rt. 4. Mrs. Pat Hager
of Cleveland, Rt. 2. Mrs. C. E.
Hager of WlnstonBalon, Mrs. Kath-
ryn Kinder of Barium Springs ond
Mrs. W. C. Alien, Jr. of Mocks-
vilie, RL 3; four sons, James H.
Johnston of Hickory, Corl Johnston
of Statesvllte, Z. V. Johnston, Jr.
of La Mesa, Calif., and William
Johnston of Orlondo, Flo., ond two
stepdaughters, Mrs. W. C. Davis
of Mocksville and Mrs. Ruth Wyati
of Greendboro.
^ MRS. R. 0). SHORE
^f\inerol sorvtcos for Mrs. Janet' anda BOhnson Shore. 50, of RL
^ Mocltsville. who died Afonday
morning ai Davic County Hospital
were conducted oi H o.tn. Tuesday
at tBolon Funeral Chapel by lbs
Rev. Jo.seph PMIlips ond the Rev.
l^ts Savage. Rnrtet was in Wesley
Chapel ccmclcry.
Mits. Shoro Ixtd been ill for Ihrce
years. Prior to thot she was a
teacher in the Dovie County Schools.
She was a life-long, ocllve mem
ber of Farmlngten Mdhodist Church.
(Born in Davle County March 19.
OOlHl, die was the dauber of Mrs.
Mo:tiIe Rich Bidmson and the tele
Frank H. Bahnson.
fiurWvors, In odditlon to her
mother, ore her husband, R. D.
Shore: one son, Robic Frank Shore
of Nashville.* TCnn.: one slslor,
Mrs. L. P. Martin of Moclavlllo:
two brothers, C3iarlcs F. Bahnson of
Oocleemcc and Frank H. Bahnson
of Duihom.
.The family roquosla that me
morials be sent to the North OOro-
Una 'Paraplegic Assodation te care
of Miss Jo COoley, Mocksville.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, February 2,1967
Jane Amanda Bahnson Shore
John Daaiel
iel Hodge, 24, of Hoekiville,
Houta 4, was killed about 10
PJl Sunday when the car he
waa driving collided with a
truck on U. S Highway 601
about five miles north of S^-
State Highway Patrolmaa
S. O.. Dosier said the 1067 Cor
vette Hodge was driving
swerved into the path of a
truck grated by Johi\ Ptnil
Craft, 21, of Alderson, Weet
1i (N. HoneyeuUt pUman
County ooroner, sakl Hodge
died fitun head Iniurks and
a fractured spine.
<^aft and a passeqrer in
the truck. George K live
ly, received minor inioriaa.
Xloaio' said the Hodge car
waa, damaged about .HAM aqd
the tnu4 about 11,000,
Hodge wu bom In Davia
County to Paul and Sadla
Jordan Hodge. They are hit
oo^ survivors.
Tbe funeral waa at 4 PJC
1\iaaday at ZatocA Funenl
Burial was In Oob-
cord Methodist Church ceme-
Load Man's
SmSw Dios
Funeral servioes for Mca.
Jane Amanda Bahnsoo Shore,
60, of Route &. IfaxdcaviUe, who
died Monday morning at Da-
vie County Hospital were
! conducted at 11 A. M. Tues-
Iday at Saton Funeral Chi4>e]
by the Rev. Joseph J^iUips
a^ the Rev. Lewis Savage.
Burial was in Wesley Chapel
Mrs. Shore had been ill for
three years. Prior to that abe
was a teacher in the 33avie
County Schools. She was a
life-long, active member of
Fannington Methodist Church.
Born In Davie County Mardt
10, 1006. abe was the daugh
ter erf Mrs. Mattie Rich fiatm-
ton and the late Frank H.
Survivors, in addition to her
mother, are her husband, R. D.
Shore, otm son, Robie Frank
Store of Na^viUe. Tom.;
one sister. Mrs. L. P. Martin
of MocksviUe; two brothers,
Charles F. Bahnaon of Cool-
oemee and Frank H. Rahnaoo
of Durham.
The family requeats that
tnssnariale be aeot <lo the
North Carolina Paraplaglr Aa-
■oeiatioa in oar* of Mia* Jo
Cooley, MocksviUe.
IfocksviUe WUliam Alex-,andtt Blake, 70, erf MocksviUeJj
Boide 2, died at 1 P. M. Sun-cbty at Davie County Ho^i-I
He was bom in Davie Coun
ty to Henry and Linda Mc-
Daniel Blake. He married £11*
zabeth F^e.Surviving in addition to bis
wife are three dauiditars. MmThelma Mjrers. and Mrs^
Louise Teague, both of Win»-t
ton • Salem, Route 2, amiMrs. Mary Lane of ^0^ns-ton - Salem; three sons, Lee^
ter Blake of MocksviUe, ALville S. Hubert Blake of Ad-|
vance, Rt. 2, and John Blaka
of Clenrnions, Route 1. three
sisters. Mrs. Annie Cash and,
Mrs. £vb Ratledge. both ofWinston-Salem, and Mm. Lau.-;
ra Fones of Wa^ington, D.C.;
and five brottiers, Charlia,-
James and Frank Blake, aUof Greeiubor^ C. L. Blake ofMocksviUe, m. 2, and Joe
Blake of SallMNiry.
The funeral was at 2 PM.Tuesday in Baton's ChagMl
Burial was in Advance Bap
tist Cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, February 2,1967
Clttude Burnetl, 51, suffered
e heart attack and died at
Jiifl home at 10 P. M. FViday
Mr. Burnett was bom Seg»-
tember 30, 1915, in Walker
County, Ga., to Claude and
iEmma Smith Burnett. He was
a veteran of World War H
and employed by the N. C.
State ^rest SerWce.
Be married Miss Myrtle
Shore in 1944.
In addititm to his wife,
he is survived by one son,
Ijarry Burnett of Mockstdlle
and his father, Claude Bur
nett, of Lafayette. Ga.
Funeral services wm held
Suztdai' at 3 P. M. at Eattm's
Chi4>el with the Rev. Red
Barnes ofiiciatinc
Burial was in Roae Ceme-
Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 9,1967 - Page 5
Funerals services for Tomro
Leigh King, infonl dau^ler of Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Kelly King, Rt. 3,
Lexington, were conducted ot 2
p. m. Tuesday ot Reeds Methodist
Oiureh by the Rev. Dovid Ifubbard.
Interment was In the church cemel*
She was bom in Davidson County
August 17. IS8B.
4n addition to her parents, she
b survived by one sister, TonI King
of the homo and her grandparents.
Mr. ond Mrs. Fronhlin A. King, Rt.
I, Advance ond Mrs. Ruth Stoon of
Funeral services /or Harrison
Wesley PrcsnelL 73, of Mocksvllle,
Rl. 1, were held at 11 a. m. Wednes*
day ot Eoton's Funeral Chapel. Bur
ial was (n T\irrenl(ne Baptist
Church Cemetery.
Mr. PresncU died Monday at his
Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. Nola
'Ann Tiivctte Prc8nc|l; seven sons.
Forrest'Prcsncll of Mountain Pork,
Earl Prcsnell of Ashdboro, Edword
Presnell of Lexington, Dan, J. D.,
Clifford and Roy Presnell of Mocks
vllle; three daughters. Mrs. Norroa
Reese of Cove Creek, Mrs. James
Head and Mrs. James LongonI of
Cbotccmce: and a sislcr, Mrs.
(!hnrles Gllliom of Banner Elk.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 9,1967 - Page 3
Gumic Brown Dies
Of House Fire Burns
A retired man, living clone in on
old log cabin, died lest Friday ol
Imms suffered In a houw fire Ihe
previous night.
Qumle Brown. (». of Rt. 1 Mocks*
vUle. Cooleemee Junrtlon Road,
died at Sal5 a.m. Pridny In the
Bavic County Hospital.
Cooleemee Fire Doparlmcnt mem
bers onswercd the 10 pjn. nlarm
and found Broivn In the ll^ng room.
A fireman oilemplcd tn gel bim out
of the boure but dense smoke forc
ed the Rrcman bock outside. A sec
ond attempt was successful.
dlmvcver. Brown bad suffered such
burns that he died Friday.
d>av!e county dtertfl's deputies
at the scene said the ftre was be
lieved to ha\'e started in a sofa,
posribly from n clgarellc. Brown
'lived alone In the cah:n, which con-
tolned four or five rooms. The in
terior was extensively damaged by
fire and snxdce.
iBorn A|n41 8, iBtn. In Wllkes
County, he was the son of Clint ond
Dossle Hollar Brown. He wos o re
tired texUle employe.
He Is survived by one sisler, Mrs.
Vertie AlcChaiy of Rt. 4. Mocks
vllle; two brothers, Lonnic Brown of
China Grove. Luther Brown of Sal-
fsbuiy; four half-sisters. Mrs. Salltc
SpIUnran of Rt. 4, Moehsvllle, Mrs.
Evie Hoyes of Sollsbury- Mrs. Alice
Brown of NonTolk, Va., Mrs. Jessie
Votes of Danvllte, Vo.; two-half-
bnghere, Zennle Brown of Mocks
vllle and James Brown of Toledo.
Ohio: and one stepson, WllUam King
of Cooleemee.
Funeral services were held Sun
day at lEIoton's P'tincral Chapel
with the (Rev. Bobby Russell offl-
eurial .was fn Uberiy Methodist
Chunch Oemeleiy.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 9,1967 - Page 4
nmeral services for Mrs. Queen*
to Collins, 71, wore held Thursday,
binary 8, at 9 p. ni. at Ilew
Betlxd Baptist Chur^
She died at tho lioiwan Momorial
Koqiltal Monday nl^ following a
short illness.
She was the widow of the late
Ford Collins.
Surviving are two sons. Marvin
Collins of Modcsville, George Coll*
Ins of Florhia: and one daughter,
Mrs. Florie Qregoty of Mocksvillo.
Funeral services for Charles Ed*
ward MtiBride 83, a retired textile
employe, of Cooleemec, were
Tues^ at 8 p. m. at Eaton's FUn*
cral Oiepol. Burial was in Mt. Olive
Methodist Church cemetery.
Mr. McBride died Saturday at the
home of bis daughter, Mrs. Joseph
Whltley of Oooleemee.
He was bom in Davie County to
James and Moggie WIshon McBride.
Surviving are his dau^ter; four
sons, Ray. Clyde,. .Otis
McBride of Cooleemee; a brother,
WllUe Miflridc of Mocksville; and
a sister. Mrs. Daisy Plowman' of
Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, February 9,1967
Cdwvd tt, • rattred
lAJctile cfiiploye, of Cool—
died Sunday at the lume of
his daughter, Mrs. Jbe^
^%itiey of Oookemee.
He was bom in Da vie Coun
ty to James and Maggie Wb-
han McBride.
Surviving are his daughter;
four aoQi, Ray, Clyde, Otis
and Ned McBride of Coolee*
mce; a brother, WUlie Mc
Bride of Mocksville; and a
sister. Mrs. Daisy Plowman
Of Mocksville.
The funeral was at 2 Pdl
IXieeday at Eaton's Funeral
Ch^ieL Burial was in Mt
Olive Ifetfaodist Church Came*
Harrisos W.
Weiley Presneli, 76, of Mocks-
Wlle. Route 1, s retired fur
niture worker, died Monday
at home.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
Nola Ann Trivitte Presneli;
seven sons, Forrest Paesnell
of Mountain Park, Earl Prea-
nel of Asheboro, Edward Pres
neli of Lexington, Dan. J, D..
CUlford and Ray Presneli of
.Mocksvilie; three daughters.
Creek, Mrs. Reese of Cove
Co>e Creek, Mrs. James Head
and Mrs- Jatum Ijankford of
Cooleemee; and a sister, Mrs.
Charles GilUam of Banner
The funeral was at 11 AJd.
Wednesday at Baton's Fune
ral Qiapel. Burial was in Tur-
renUne Baptist Church Ceme
67, Is Dsvie
Fire Victim
Funeral services were held
Sunday lor Gumie Brown, age
67, of Route 4, Mocksville,
who died Friday of —verei
bums which he received on
Thursday night when his
home caught fire.
Rev. Bobby RusseU officia
ted and burial was in Uberty
Methodist Church cemetery.
Bom A(»'U 8, 1889 in Wilkes
County, be was the acm of
Clint and Dosaie Hollar
Brown. He was a retired tex
tile employee.
He is survived by one sis
ter, Mrs. Vertie McCrary of
Iteute 4, MocksvUle, two bro
thers, Lonnie Brown of China
Grove, Luther Brown d Sal
isbury, four half-sisters, Mrs.
Sallie SplUman of Route 4,
Mocksvilie, Mrs. Evie Hayes
of Salisbury, Mrs. Alice Brown
of Norfolk, Vs.. Mrs. Bessie
Yates of Danville, Va., two
half-brothers, Bennie Brown
of Mocksville and James
Brown of Toledo, (Hiio, snd
one stepson. William King of
npttmiUB ~ Mn. E»e
HMk SwiihK-, 7^ of Bsp>
HH|^ Bouts 1, widow ol
Bnbsn B. Swliher. died
iPdliby at HUl Hsven Nun>pl^ Boms at StaitesviUs.
waa bom in Davis
B^tj to John snd Saiate
.^WWhrlng are three boii%
Clesry, Johnie Swt-
mtf of MockaviUe and Win-
md Swiaiier of Harmony; m
Mghter, Mrs. Isabelle Cleary
el State—iUe; a sister, Mrs,
Mf K HiU of Harmony; and
A bnther, Dtdph Cle.\r7 of
^Vhe ftineral was at 2 pm.
flplBsday at the Liberty Pil-
(Pib HnJinfas Oiurch. &irial
in the church oemete-
Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 16,1967 - Page 4
Fkmcral services for Mrs. Mamie
Holthouser Bladniraod, 7S. of 312
Oollese Road. Grcouboro. and a
former resident of Mocksvllle, wero
held Fitiay, FAroary 10, at 2 p. m.
at HanesljiJtebeny Oiape! on Mark
et Street In Greendboro. Burial was
In Gullford Memorial Park.
'Mrs. Blackwood, wife of Hoyt^
Blackwood, died at 10:46 p. m.
Wednesday at Wesley Long Hospital
•In Greensboro. She had been 111
about Iwo wcdts.
She was bom in Mccfclenberg
Coui^ to Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Molt-
She had Uvod most of her life at
MocksvlDo and Gullford.
Mrs. Blackwood was a charter
member of Faith Presbyterian
Surviving are her husband of the
home; four daughters, Miss Ruby
Bladnvood also of the home, Mrs.
■Richard Dbcon, Mrs. D. H. Layton
Sr., and Mrs. B. F. Butter Jr., an
of Greendboro; two sons, Harold
Sladcwood of Greensboro and Ever
ett Bladswood of Biiocksvine; two
brothers, Dolt Holthousor of Wins*
ton^Salem and Ernest Holthouser Sr.
ot Charlotto! four sisters, Miss Nell
Holthouser, Miss Dai^ Holthouser,
end Mrs. Hugh Lagle, all of Mocks*
villo and Mrs. George Marshall of
Wlnston^Salem, and seven grand
Mrs. Essie Swisher, 74, of Har
mony, Route I, widow of Marriiall
E. Swisher, died Tuesday, Fcb-
niaty 7, at Hill Haven* Nursing
Home at StatesviUo,
She was bora In Davie County to
John & Sarah Cunningham Cleary.
Surviving are three sons, Aulman
deary, Johntc Swisher of Modes-
villo and Wlnfrcd Swisher of Har
mony: a dau^ter, Mrs, IsabeHeCleary of StalesvUle: a sister, Mrs,
IB. B. Hill of Haimony; and a
brother, Dolph Cieaiy of Yadktn*
The fUneral was at 2 pm. Thurs*
day, February 0, at Uie Liberty
Pllgrbn Holiness Oiurdi. Burial
was In the church cemetery.
Mrs. Salllc Foster HIII. 78. of Rt.
6, Mocksville, died Friday at a
Raleigh Hospital after a brief lU-
Bora In DavIe County November
17, 1S38, she was the daughter of
the lato William A. and Jennie
Randolph Foster. She was the wid
ow of J. T. HIU.
Survivors Include one sister, Mrs.
J. B. Hellard of Cooleemee; one
brother, J. L. Poster of Ooolcomee.
Funeral services were condoctd at
2 p. m. fitnday at Eaton's Funeral
CMid by the Rev. Carl Lain and
the Rev. Eugene Goodman. Burial
was in the Bethel Methodist Church
Funeral services for Scarlet Ray
Chlldress, 17 months-old son of Allle
H and Margaret Campbell dilld-
rcss of Saiiriiury, was held Monday
at 3:30 p. m. at the Lyerly FuneralH(»ne diapel. The Rov. J. A. Hicks
condudcd the services. Scarlet Ray
was the grenddiild of Mrs. Sallie
PoUs of Modtsvllle.
Tho child was taken ill about
three hours prior to bis doath. He
died Sunday enroute to Rofwan Me
morial Hospital.
Surviving are the parents; the
grandnxither; four brothers. Ronald.
Curtis. Kenneth and Arthur Chlld
ress, all of the home; a half broth
er, Jack Cecil of Ft Lauderdale,
Pla.; and the mato'nat grandmotb-
or, Mrs. BUI Biyson of Salisbury.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/16/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, February 16,1967
Off Mfcktvilt
gift TflfrirMnn lakes', ftl, ^
Route 5, died Toeadey in tite
Surry County Howpttal,
She was been August '28,
1876, ia Davie the
dwlighter of Jbha Lewie and
BBaafcrth Stmaaen Ciodiriter.
She iwd been m&aied twice.
Her fint huAand wee Max
C. T-entoton, and her eeoood
husband was Tfaomes G.
Surrindng aze two eons, Boy
end W. M. Tankebm, botti otC
BL 5, bfocksyflte; and two
stapeoiw, Hotead eiui Bean
lekey, both o< Boute 2,
Funeral services were held
Thursday at 3 PJC. at Men's
Vhnenl Cbepel by M Bev.
B. Z. liaclCurray aid ttie
Bev. Wade Hutcfain.
Bivial was in Eatec's Ba|^
tin Oburch Canctery*
Bio — Obituaries - 2/16/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 23,1967 - Page 2
WtLtlAM tte^mV CO&LK. SR.
Funeral ecpvlces for William
Henry Coble, Sr., 7fi, of Albemarle.
me held Saturday at 3 p. m. et
Lefler Funeral Home Chopel, coil
ducted by the. Rev. W. T. Medllh
Jr., wUh burial in Palm-Jew Cam-
Mt. Coble died Thuraday in hlon-
t^omery Nursing Home, Troy, A
native of Slaaly County ond a re
tired farmer, he wos a member of
Centrol Mothodlst Church.
Surviving arc one daughter. Miss
Sue Ct^le of the home;* one son,
William Henry Coble. Jr. of the
home: one brother. D. D. Coble of
Albemorle; ond five sisters, Mrs.
John James and ftlrs. If. M.
i Donlel of Mocksvllle. Mrs. W. 0.
' Edwards of Ansonvllle, and hfrs.
j Ben H. Wallace and Mrs. Fred 0.
I Haru-ood of Albemarie.
Funeral services for Mrs. Maggie
Langston Lakcy, 91, of Route S,
were held Thursday, February ifi.
at 3 p. m. at Eolon*s Funeral Home
Qiopcl by tJie Rev. B. C. MoMurray
ond the Rev. Wade Hutchins. Burial
was in Baton's Bapllst Church
iMrs. Lakey. widow of Thomos G.
Lckey, died ot 8:I0 p. m. Tues-
doy, February 14, at Surry County
She was born In Itavie County
on Aug. 28, IS76 to John Lewis
ond Elizabeth Summers Clodfelter.
Ilcr first marriage was to Mack
C. Lankslon.
Surviving are two sons, Roy ond
W. M. Lankslon of Mocksvllle, Rl.
5; and two stepsons, Rolond and
Evan I^key of Mocksvllle, Rt. 2. .
Funero] services for Kenneth
Mork Poster, 7. of Rl. i, Clevelond,
were held Wednesday ol 2 p. m, at
'Baton's Chopel. Burial was (n South
River Methodist Cemetery.
Kenneth died Monday afternoon ot
Oavle County Hospital.
He was bom In Fairfax County.
Va., February 17. 19C0, the son of
Kenneth and Joyce Green Foster,
who sunvive.
Other survivors are one sister,
Ann Marie, of the home; grand'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Green of Rt. i, Cleveland: and his
great grand-parents, Mrs. j. W.
Green and Mr. ond Mrs. J. N.
Smoot, all of Mocksvllle.
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, February 23,1967
Mrs. Robert Head
Urg. Bamcs Head, age
S9 died Wednesday at Aswan
Memorial Hospital
She was bom in Devie
County to Thomas A and Dai*
sy WUliams Barnes.
She Is survived by tier hus
band, three aons, Jamea Head,
John A Head and Bo^by I*.
Head, all of Codeemee; one
daughter, Mrs. Sadie ^ipes
of. Cooleemee, four sisters, Mrs
Gertie MleCrery of Cooleemee,
Mrs. Grace Leonard of Thoin-
, BsvtUe, Mrs. Mamie Hepler of |f U
CRiestnut Mountain, Oa. and •AWRUi Ma
Mrs. Loonard of Salis
bury, ona halffarothar, John CaaIam
Turner ot ^teevUla. 1 vStvl
fUneraU aervices will be
^Id IVWay at 8 P. 11 by MOC3KSV1LLE - KemMth
B. ^ 7.year-oW son
Revarend Jamee Cooper of the ^ xr rv_ j j *
Churdj of God. ^ Keooeth Dav*d and Joyce
Suriai wUl be in the Legion <3Teeo FbMer. CWeeland, El.
Memorial Park at Worth Coo- ^ ^ County
leemee. The body wIU Ue in Hoapftal Monday foUowow a
state from 8 HO ttt 8 P. Ml at "5®!*
tha chw^ Sunrivmg a>« im pHrents;
a litMr, tfiae Anae Mane
Fbirter xf the borne; gnuodparr
ents. Mr. and Mrs. fliiTiinl
Foeter of Cleveland; great*
gram^isffenis, Mrs. J. W«
Green of Mocksvilie and Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Smoot of
The funaral vas at t PJI.
Wednesday in Bstcm's CfaapeL
Burial ems in South River
iMcthodist Oatroh Cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, February 23,1967
William Henry Coble, Sr.
^ "
^vnnsQiQf sA
A Httve 8f Bln^
a TCtfawd '
aaariber «f
ist Cburah.
IQT te Bm
bmial In
t6r» Stesi Ehia CIdyn.
imna ana 9n$ Wffilini
CidUe Ir, of ttn ' ^ ,
bnOba, D. ». 6olll» ^ m
bemiitei and liaa alsMig IM
W. CL Btenids ait Aiioisfll^
Mn. Ba B. Wdim 184 Mnb
Fnd a BaiWMA of Alhih
maite, and JUdb. Bemy OnB|>
el and BSo. Mn Uttsea Id
Modcsvillfi, Santa A
Bio - Obituaries — 2/23/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 2,1967 - Page 2
"Funeral services for John Frank
C8, of Seattle, Mteablng-
.He died TUesdj^. fti^niaiy 21. ol
4;80 pjg. at • Pffovldencfl Hosrttal
In Seattle.
. • :31s tim-i)oni Mar^ 4, idOl In
Davle Caunty to dbamqs Monroe
0^ Fran^ l^nUloms.
i^rvlwre Jnelude: 2 sisters, Mrs.
Spdle W.- WllUard '^ Mrs. Ooimle
n .Punnr'botti of ORoote 1, Advance;
d hoU'sister, Mlu Mlniile Buan
of WlnstqiW^alem.
.FUiuirol servl^ tor Mrs. Maiy
Ml Hjutd, of Oooleehiee, wife of
iUibett ff^ad, were^ held' Friday,
Fsbraaiy 21, at S at North
Cooleemeo -Churoh Burial
was la Legion Memorial Park.
Mte was bprh In Davle Ooonly to
Thomas and Daisy Williams Bam*
es. SIm' was an einptoyee of Erwir
Mills In Oooteemee.
Surviving hre her husband; tbrae
sons, James,- J<din and Bobby Head
of Gooleemeo; a daughter. Mrs
Sitdle Snl^' "oT Coofeemee; "Jive
broilua, Otis and ^nupy Barnes of
pmion; four sisters, Mrs. Gertie
McCreaiy of Cooleemee, Mrs. Graeie
l^nard of ThomasvlUe, Mrs, Ma
mie Hepter of Oiestnut Mountain.
Oa., and Mrs. Ruth Leonard of
Salisburyr and a^'half broiHer,' Johif
Turner of StaiesvUle.
Funeral seavlees fofr Mrs. Esteli
Foster, M. Mdov of EmeA Ftster,
were held Wednesday at 2:S0 p. m.
at PIney Grove MMhodlst Church.
.She died eoriy Sunday at hei
home, Mockeville, RL 1, of a heart
She was a member of Pbi^ Gro
ve AME ZIon Churoh,
Surviving are four daudtfers.
Mrs. Emma Ltoney M GrSouboro.
Mrs. Ernest Hoke of Htd* Polnl.
Mrs. Mlldied Sannon of SalUbuiy
and MlBS.Faye Foster of the home;
one sister, Mrs, Geneva Soott of
ModavIUe; and two tmothers, SblrV
ay Studovent of Advonce odd Clyde
Studevent of MocksvIOe.
Jdm Adam WiniaiBS. M. of Sails*
buTy,_ Rt. I. died Mendoy at his
lie was bom In Davle County to
John and Bella Burton wnUams.
toirviviog are his wife, Mrs. Ratte
Trader WllUsnu; a con, Jdm L.
Williams of Cheraw, S. C.; two
daughters. Mrs. J. C. Tale of Salts*
twiy and Mrs. Jim Hodge of Gulf-
{Mtt. (Miss.; two stepdaughters,
Mrs. Irving ^ry of Salldmry and
.Mrs. Tfierman SmlUii of Spmcer;
three sisters, Mrs. Lula RoidieViy of
■Salisbury, Mw. Delfo Muadny'iaiti-
Mrs. Claiy Adams of Ooolcemee;
dad a broihor, Ed WilUams of
Tftb funeral will be nt 11 a. m.
Thursday at Eaton Fimerol Oiapeh
Burial will be in Rowan Memorial
Bio - Obituaries - 3/2/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, March 2,1967
Johl khm
I am Williams, 98. of Salisbury,'
Ri. 1, died Monday art his
'home. j
He was born in Davie Coun
ty to John and Belle Burton
Surviving arc hb wife. Mrs.
Roaie Trexler Williams; a son,
John L Williams ai Chemw,
S. C.; two daughters, Mn.
J. C Tate of Salisbury and
Mrs Jim Hodge of GuUksort,
Ifiaa.; two stepdaui^era, Mrs.
IrWng Spry of Salisbury and
Mrs. Therman Smith <d Spen
cer; three sisters, Mrs. LuU
Honberry of Salisbuty, Mrs.
Delia Monday and Mrs. Cia-
tie Adams of Coolemsee; and
a brother, Ed WiUoma of
Ihe funeral was at 11 A.M.
tbufsday at Eaton Funtml
I Chapel. Burial was in Rowaa
Memorial Park.
Jesse L Taylor
MOCXSVUXe — jMae Urn
l^ylor, 72, of Route 1, Cleve
land, died at his home at;
5:20 A M. Wednesday after
a long illness.
A retired farmer, he was
born in Davie County Aug
ust 25, 1884, the son of Wes
ley and Martlia Jane
Survivors are his wife. Ber
tha Mae Taylor; dive sons.
Ciareoce of Sali^ury, Chartae
of DeLand, Fla.. Johnny and
Wayne, both of Statesville, J.
Howard of MocksviUe, four
daughters, Mrs. Roscoe Barn-
bardt of Statesville, ttfrs. Jun
ior Sipes of Salisbury, Mrs.
Jim ^ith and Mrs. J. W.
BCcCuHoh. both of Mocks.ille;
30 grandchildren, four gre^
graoddsldr^, and two
I grandchildren.
LEKINGTON — James Clif-'
ford RatU, 40. of 8104 DoUy
Drive, Jacksonville, Fla.. died
Thursday at Duvmll Medical
Center in JaduooviUe. |
He was born in Davie Coun
ty io W. G. and 1 Hart-
man SMtz. ^
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.'
Gertrude Kimbr^ Raltr, two
Mm. RaymobdfMor
ris of Greenville, N. C. and
Mrs. Billy Morris (Xf Jvk-'
sooville, Fla.; a son, James
C. Rattz of the home; tarn
brothers, WilHasn of
JackEonvilJe, Fla., and Grady
Ratir of Sanford; and taro
aistefs, Mn. O. C. Leonard
and Mra J. F. Gurdy of Lex-'
ington }
SAUBBCinr — Mrs Urn-
tfaa <FNea] Beain, 51. of Qiina:
Oiove, Boote 2, wife of Joe
Beam, died Tuesday at CaL-,
lunw kliiiiiiii ill Ho^Mhad al
ter an illaesi ol aevant
mntha. |
She was bora la Davie
County to Mr. and Mrs. Zeh
(TSeaL j
Surviving are her httrfiand;
a aiatcr, Mrs. Mary AUey ol
KaMMpotis; ai^ bcr pvcnU.
of Leadk. |
The bodbr k at Liim-Hbo-I
eymu Fkneel Bocnc in Len-
& pending arrangements. 1
Bio - Obituaries — 3/2/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
David R. Stroud
MOCksvillE - David
to CoootirStrS. Jooo Rice^^faville Mea,odiS"Sj;j/
eSS^'ifave? todaughters Mrs Rn^ ia^' °
D S'to® c-?rs'Va ?' aTd"'?®"" Annandale;
Coru^wrs ?%a^dSU.""" "• «•''»«'»' Sooky !
The funeral will be 2 »>«, n
DtC!Ef\S€0 n<Mlcv\ \ <^4^7
SoixaCE Of 0ECEi\5tO Df^Tt
>V-. CO PUE^,C■"■'OuKsViLLE^ NC
DAViE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 9,1967 - Page 1
Cpl. Spurgeon Goss Is
.Killed In Vietnam Action
4^ncc Corpopai Jannes SpurgGon
Goss, 20, of MocksvUIc was killed
111 action In VJclnam on February
His body was shipped home and
oiTivcd here Wednesday morning.
IFuncra! services vvlll be held al 11
e.m. Thui-sday al Eaton's Chapel.
'-^Offtclaling-wni-be Iho -Rev. Brown
McKlnncy and Ihc Rev. Paul llarl. I
Burial will be in (he Smith Grove
Mclhodist Cemetery,
<^1. Goss, u member of Ihe U.S.
Marine Corps, was killed in the
viclnily of Quang Tri, Republic of
Vietnam, by a gunshot around In the
left side from hostile forces while
engaged in action.
i^ctalls were reccivod here last
wc(d( from General Waliaco M.
Green, Jr.. commandant ol tha Ma
rine Cotps.
Ho is a lOOG gradualo of the
Davic County High School where he ,
was an outstanding member of the
football (cam. He entered the MariiM
Corps In Fc^i-uary of lOCG. He went
to Viclnam In Augtist of 196H and
was serving with the Third Marine'
tile was born in Lexington to Mr.
and Mrs. James T:-Goss. His tunv-
ily moved to Mocksvillo in 1053.
Survivors include: Mr. on(i Mrs.
Charilc, F. Owen of Route 2. Mocks',
vilic, slcp'falhcr and mother; iv^n)
sisters, Mrs. James Myers and Mrs.'
Nathan Smith, both of Route 3,
MocksvHIc; a brother, Perry Owen I
of (he home. His father, James T.
Goss, resides In Salisbury,
The family has requested that
memorlais be made to Ihc Smith
Grove Methodist Church Building
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 9,1967 - Page 5
Funeral service.<s for George Smy-
re. W, of Brooklyn. N. V. were
conducted Friday at 2:30 p, m. at
Slloam A'ME Zion Church. Burial
was in llic church eametery.
Mr. Smyrc died at his home In
Brooklyn. Suntlo)',
lie wus born in Culawba County
and had lived In New York for 35
- Surviving ore his wife. Mrs. Chrla-
line Smyrc; his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Smyrc of Mocksvlllc:
five sisters. Mrs. Mildred Dobbins
and Mrs. Daisy Leach of Staiesville,
Mrs. Rena Dallon of Vnilkim-nie.
Mrs. Annie Lee Wilson of Ncwion
and Mrs. Grace Bolder of Mocks-1
vlllc: nir.c brothers. Jnmes and Rob
ert Smyre uf Slolesvlllo, Fred and
Robbie Smyre of Vadklnvillo ami
Funeral seiA'lres for Mrs. Rosa
"BeR'Spry salnTwl. RTT1. Wuodlcaf.
were held Saltinlay afternoon at
Nccdmorc Bopll^ Church. Burial
was In Corinth Church of Christ
Mrs. Sain died Wednesday night
in lite Fran Ray Rest Home.
She was born In Davle County,
July 2S, 1S74, the daughter of the
late Chevin ontT Amy Banks Spry.
She was o member of Ncedmore
Baptist Church.
Sur\-lving arc three daughters.
Mrs. W. J. McDanlcI, Mrs. Mcrtic
Snider, both of Woodleof, Mrs. Esth
er Hall of Kannapolis: one son,
Car] Sain of Woodleaf: SI grand-
children: and one brother lUrom
Spry of Salisbury.
Funeral service.^ for Jesse Leo
Taylor, 72, of Cleveland, Rf. 1^
were conduclcd at Union Chapol
Methodl&l Church, Friday at 2 p. m.
Burial was in the chureh ccmelcry.
Mr. Taylor died Wcdncs^Ioy at his
iHc wos born In Davle County to
Wesley and Maritia Jqnc Eaton
Taylor. He was a telired .farmer.
Surviving ore his wife,.Mrs. Ber
tha Mac Taylor; five sons. Clarcnoe
Taylor of Salisbury. Charlie Taylor
of DcLand, Flo., Johnny and Wayne
Taylor of Statcsvllle and Howard
Taylor of (MocksviUc; and four
daughters, Mrs. Roscoe Bamhardl
ol Slatcsvinc, Mrs. Junior Sipes of
Salisbury and Mm. Jim Smith and
Mrs. J. W. McCultough of Mocks
Bio - Obituaries —3/9/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, March 9,1967
Cpl. Spurgeon
Goss Rites
Lance Corporal James
geon Goss, 20. of Mocks^Ue
was killed in action in Viet-^
nam on February 28th. „ .He was a 1069 graduate of
His body was shipped home ths Davie County High School
and arrived here Wednesday where he was an outstanding
morning. Funeral services member of the football team.
wtsre held at II A. M. Thurs- He entenid the Marine Corps
day at Eaton's Chapel. Offi- in February of 166. He went
dating was the Rev. Brown to Vietnam in August of 1066
WcKlnney and the Rev. Paul and was serving with the
Hart. Burial was in the Smith Third Marine Division.
Grove Methodist Cenaatery. „ u i t »' H,* was born in Lexington
CpL Goss, a member of the to Mr. and Mrs. James T.
U.S. Marine Corps, was killed G<»s. His family moved to
in the vicinity of Quanp Tri, Mocksville in 1053.
Fd-ublic of Viatnam, by a Survivors include: Mr. and
gunshot wound in the left side Mrs. Charlie F, Owen of Rt.
from hostile forces while en- 2, Mocksville, sta^Malher and
gaged In action. mother; two sisters Mrs. James
Myers and Mrs. Nathan Smith,
Details wsre received here both of Route 3, Mocksville;
last we:k from General Wal- g brother, Perry Owen of
lace M. Green, Jr., command- ths home. His father, James
ant of the Marine Corps. T. Goss, zcsides in Salisbury.
■ti. Im
Spry Sail
VuiMrnl Mffvides Ibr Mrs.\Bom BHfi Syty Siifi. Si, Bt
1. Woodleftf, were held Sat-, urday aftensoon at Neethno^, BagsUst OiurctL Burial was
in Corintii ChsRh of Ctuiit
Mrs. Sain died iFerliwWey
ni^t in tbe Fran Ray neal
She was born in iPiTie
County. July 25, 1874, the
daughter of the late Chevin
and Amy Banks Spry. She was
a member of Needmore
tist Churdi.
Sm fifing are tiuee dauA-
ters, Mrs. W. J. MeDaiiM, Ifri. r —M^e Skiider. both of Wood- « Woodteaf; 21 gmitflciy-leal. Jfrt. mher HaU of Kan- <» brother BteimSpry of Salisbury.
1. tUT
' .-r-r
^ogksviLLE .. Jota^^ki
86, of Mocksvaie diS
f6^1h!S+ *!? M ^ County
;5«Sr/ Dwiggins.
^ ^e. Mrs.iJIaimo Baraycastle Dwigeins-IS?"^Mghters, Mrs T "a!
I«S? Asheville, Jlto w rIPittman of Miami,' Mrt
Hughes of
jM^JsvS ®°''
L^f at Eaton FuneralHome pending arrangements.
® o
o o
iy ^
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 16,1967-Page 5
Pttnefal servteea for Mrs. Voider
Miller Peacoci;. 71. of Moeksvllle,
Rt. 3, were held Wednesday at a
p. m. at Tuirentlne Baptist Chofch.
Barinl-was-In the chuttb cemetery.
Mrs. Peacock died Monday at
Da\1e County Rospital.
She was bom In Davie COunty to
Robert and Eueenle- Forest Miller.
Mie was the widow of EIUs Peacock.
Sorvhinp arc one brother, Frank
Afiller of Mttckavillc, RL 3, and one
sister, Mrs. Uole Brown of Lcxing*
ton. '
Funeral services for David Roscoe
Stroud. eo. of Salisbury Street.
Mocksvllle. were conducted Friday
-at 2 p. m. at the First Methodist
Church by the Rev. Oilben hfiller.
the Rev. J. B. Fltxgerald and the
Rev. Ed Avelt. Burial was In Salem
Methodist Church eemeieiy.
Mr, Stroud died Wednesday at
Baptist HosQjtal Iq Wlnston^tem.
He Was bom in Davle County to
Richard and Maty Jane Rice Stroud.
He was a member of Mocka\<Io
Methodist Oiurch and was associa>
led tvtih Satlsbury Granite Com
Survliing ore his wife. Mrs.
Grace Shaver Slrihid; two daught
ers. Mrs. Bob HoneycttU of Green
ville. S. C.. and Mrs. D. H. Wln-j
Chester of Annandate, Va.; and hvo
sons. Joe 'P. Stroud of Oolunbla,
8. C., and Dr. David R. Stroud of
Roelw Mount. I
t^in^ral setvkfs for John Cflteb
DwtftHni, 86. of MoOksvlRti, wefO
Held Sun^ at 8 p. hi. at Batons
ifiiipel. by tbe Hev. Odbm Mtller
aad hw Itbv. AVett. BuHal was In
Rose cemetery.
Ho was bom in Davie County to
Albon Ashley and Barbara MIriab
Kurfees Dwiggins.
&tFviving are bis wife, Mrs. Ma
mie Bam^astle Dwiggins: four
daughters, Mrs. U. A. Koonts of
A^vRIe, Mrs. H.: Q. PIttnmn of
Miami, Fla., Mrs. Raymond Martla
of Wlftstm^Salem and Mfl C. a|
RdgKei of Wilmington; and two
sons, WMton Dwiggins of -Im^en-
port, Iowa and fidi Dwig^tis
Funeral services for .Mrs. Alary
Ellen Lbng, 80, of c6dl»(^, wld^
ow of Pabner Long. Wet« held At 4
p. m. Friday at Eaton*s *FVineral
Chapel. Burial was In BL 'Pelefs-
burg, Florida.
She was bom In ^Vle Comity^
to Obediah and BUzabelh Snider.
Surviving are several bMces and
nephews, including Mrs. 6scdr Lj
Iwyrlek wflh whom she mode her
Bio - Obituaries - 3/16/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, March 16,1967
Divji R. Stroid
MOOKBVXLtf - David RO0-
coe Stroud, 80, of Mockavilie
died Wednesday March 8th at
Baptist in Winstoo-
He was bom in Da vie Q)un-
ty io Richard and Mary Jane
Rice Stroud. He was a meni'
ber of Mocksviile Methodist
Church, and was asaociated
with Salisbury Granite Co.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs
Once Shaver Stroud; two
daughter, Mrs. Bob Honey*
cutt of Greenville, South Car
olina. and Mrs. D. H. Win-
cheater of Annandale, Virginia
and two eons, Joe F. Stroud of
Columbia. South Carolina arid
Dr. David R. ^roud of Rocky
rthe funeral was at 2 PJL
Friday at First Methodist
Chur<^. Burial was in
Methodic Church cemetery.
JM M ' '■MclWy
OfilMlsyile j
UOCKSVILLE - John CalebDwiggins, 86. of Mocksviile,'
died Thursday at 8:15 at LynnHaven Nursing Home. 1
He was bom May 3. 1881.1
in Daxie County to AlbertAdiley and Barbara Myriah'Kuifees Dviggina. jSurviving are his wifie, the!
former Mamie Baraeyceatle
Dwiggins; four dau^lers, Mrs
L. A Koontz of AshevBle.
Mrs. H. G. Pittman of Miami,
Fla-, Mrs. Raym<»d Martin
of Winston-Sakm, Mrs. C. A,
Hughes Jr. of WdmingKm; and
two sons. WaUcr Dwiggins of
Davenport. Iowa. Dwiggins ^ Mocksviile-
Ihrneral aerrict» were Sun
day at 2 P. M. ^ 8btoc*s
Chapri conducted by the Bev.
GUbert Miller.
Burial was in Rose Geane-
MOCKSVnXE - Mrs. Val-!
der Miller Peacock, 71. oftMocksviile. Route 8, died mt{
1 P. M. Monday at Devie;County Hospital. |
Sie was bom in DaviejCouzity to Robert and Eugeniel
Forest Miller. She was the'
widow of Ellis Peacock.
Surviving are one tHOtber,
Frank Miller of Mocksviile, |
Route 3. and one sister, Mns.
Lozzie Brown of Lexington.
The funeral was at 2 PJ8.
Wednesday at Turrentine Bap
tist Chur^. Btuial was in the
church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/16/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 23,1967 - Page 4
Fuiranil services for Mrs. Maggie
CraUs Safriel, 88. of Rt. 4. Mocks*
vitle. were hold Wednesday at 2
p. m. at Concord Methodist Church
with the Rev. Robert Frost offlclat*
Ing. Burial was In the church ccni*
Mrs. Safrtet ^cd Mhnday night in
the Oavie County Hospital.
&irvlving are her hudxand. Ncel
Safriel and two sistors. Mrs. W. T.
Sechrcsl and Mrs. Fletchor Bock,
both of RL 4. MocksvlUc.
James Mark Dyson, infant son of
Thomas Lcroy and Nannie Gaithcr
Dyson, died Friday at Davio County
A graveside service was held at
U a. m. Saturday at New Union
Methodist Church cemetery.
Surviving are Ms parents of
MocksviUe. RL l; bwb sisters. Glo^
ia Jean and Maty Ann Dyson of
tho home; a brolha*, Thomas Leroy
Dyson. Jr. of the home; and the
grandparents. Monsy l^son of
Mocksvilte and Mr. and Mrs.
Gaiiber of Hr^ony. -"n!
Funeral scrvicos for Fred Lico
Jones, S3, of Modcsvllle, were held
at 4 p. m. Sunday at DuUn Method*
ist Church. Burial was in the
churdi cemetery.
(Mr. Jones died Friday at his
home. He hod been In declnlng
health fbr several months.
He was born In Davie County to
J.'W. and Mattle &nith Jones.
Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Solmo
Haibin Jones; a son, Fred Leo
Jones Jr. of MocksviUe; a daughter,
Mrs. Louie Bcal, Jr. of Mocksvltio;
two brothers, William C. Jones of
<Axie, Texas and J. W. Jones, Jr. of
MocksviUe: and two sistors, Mrs.
Kenneth Butncr of Advanco and
Mrs. Otis Hcndrix of MocksvUie.
Guy Alexander Kolman. 59, of
Booctovvn, died Monday ot 5:30
4. MocksvIIIe. died Monday at 5:30
p. m. at Oavie County Hospital.
Death was unexpected.
He was bora July 10. 1807, in
Davie Counly. the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Uolmao, and was educated in
the Davie County Schools. He was
employod at Heritage Furniture
Factory and was a member of S.
John's AME Zion Qiurch.
Surviving are his widow, Hcnriet*
ta Jones Holman: two sons, Guy
Holman, Jr. and Charlie Holman,
both of MocksviUe; one daughter,
Mrs. Rebecca Barkn* of MocksviUe:
two brothers, Alvls Holman of
Whu(ton*Saleni. the Rev. Thomas
L. Holman of Mocksvillo; five sis*
tors,. Mrs. EtroUa UndHirgor of
Boston. Mass., Mrs. Catherine Jcf*
fore of Bronx. N. Y.. Mrs. Zcia
Howard. Mrs. Alice Barker. Mrs.
Pinkie Barker, all MocksviUe and
10 grandchildren.
Ttie body will be In slate Thurs*
day fnnn 12 to a at St. John's AME
Zion elturch. Services wlU be con*
ducted at 3 p. m.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/23/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, March 23, 1967
'TliMiasL Walls
SAIilSBURy - *njom«s U
Wands od KansK City,
died Friday i& &aii Fimncisco,
California, af4er undereoing
He was born in Scotland
^ Mr. and Itdrs. WiUiam
Wands. He was a special as*
aistant to the presidrat of the
International Brotherhood of
HoUennakers, Iron Bhip Bull*
dea^ Fosigers and Hewers,
He had held a number of
other union poaittons atnee
moving to Kansas City in'
Surviving are his wile, Mrs.
Ruth Bwicegood Wands, form*
erly of Spenoer; a aon, T. JL
Wands Jr. of Kanaas City;
a brother. Boas Wands of Coo*
leemee; and his parenta of
Jones, 53, died at his homel
Mday ht A. to. after
being serldttslV 111 for eaver-
al weeta.
HeVmibdrh ih Davit Odun-
ty. Jube 14, 1118, to J. W.
and KUitie Sndth >i>nes.
Surviving are his widow,
the former Thelma Harbin,
one son, Fred Lee Jones, Jr.
of Modcsville; one daughter,
Kirs. Louie Beal Jr. of Mbcks*
ville; his mother and father
of Mooksville; two brothers,
William C. Jones of Axle,
Texas, J. W. Jones Jr. of IfU.
8, BfocfcsviUe; and two ais*
ters, MH. Keniieth Bulner of
Route 2, Mocksville; Mrs. O.
M. dt MbcksViUe.
Funeral services were held
Sunday at 4 P. M. at Dulin
Methodist ^urch with the
Rev. Paul Hart and the Rev.
Jack Rhjme officiating.
Burial was In the church
Mn. afritt
a MMfciville
bKXfcSVHU - Mia. Mag
gie Crotta Safriet, 88^ of
4, died Sunday night in Davie
County Hospital
She was bom in Davidson
County, May 15, 1883.
Surviving are her hudMnd,
Heel Safriet and two sisters,
MVs, W. T. Sechrest and Bfra.
Fletcher Beck, both of Route
4, Mocksville.
Funeral sexwioes were held
at 2 P. M. Wednesday at Con
cord Methodist Cfain^ with
the Rev. Robert fVost offi
ciating. *
Burial was In the chitfbQ]
cemetery. I
Dy§on Infant
Sarvkas Today
MOCKSmLX - James
Mark Dyson, infiant son of
T^komas Leroy, and Nannie
Oaither Dyson, died Friday
morning at the Daivie Coun*:
ty HospttaJ.
In addition to Ms paiaolaj
of Robte 1. Mocksville, he Is'
survived by two sisters, do-'
rin Jean and Mary Am
son. both of the ho<ui|t;. am
brother, tlwraas Leroy
son Jr. of the home; e^
grandparents, Monzy Dyam
of Mocksville, Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Gaither of Harmony.
Graveside servi«s were btia
Saturday at 11 A M. .at New
Union Methodist Church Ce
metery with the Rev. Meivin
II. Beeker offloiating. a
Bio — Obituaries — 3/23/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
we Co. Pub::
0 I i
N. (
WMams Streeti^ MbcksvillefSSha-
had'^een in dediningl heQpjUji
.seven mid, .seriousb^;;^
aljoiitia-iweek:';' ^ ^
Mrsr3ritton ■was'Dora itt^- ;vie County where she atten^lthe ptblic^l schools,/Shej wae^a^;member!- of .SMofi p tSSt !Church thiEire. - - j ;T Survivors are four, daughters. :Mrs. Vera Fefringtcm of Cli^l^::Mrs. Begina Anders6n;^pf .;
Baltimore, Mdr and' Mrs: Brm';and Mrs. liillianf Cain,blM)t£:j;pf
Mocksville; three sisteys, mm. -Duskie Huston,'. Mrs. liind»4Q* .
lison and Mrs. Seresa' Masi^,
all of Mocksville; 11 grandchil- "i dren and 16 ^eat-grandcbil<* .' dreh. ' • , •i The body is at Noble :.ana.^: Eelsey fHmeral Home on 'bury pending arrangeipents^'
"IXo-yv! Cbi-u -5a'>rLv«%^.^
3 ■ xh- If
@5 o
i "
9 lJ
m _j
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 30,1967 - Page 2
di\inera1 servtcea for Mra. Floasie
..JXKbeii .Hnton.JS._fir. Advance. Rt.
1. wife of Henty H. Illllon. were
cosdireted at 2 p. m. Sktndai' at
Bethlehem MethodM Church by the
Rev. Paul Hart. Burial was In the
dmrch cemetery.
Mra. Hilton died Saturday mom>
Ing at Davte County Hospital.
She was bom In Hovlc County on
June 13. tsa? to Dan and Rboda
James '^ker.
nrr ^ n...
hmne: two sons. Dan and Walter
Hilton, both of Advance. RL 1; two
daughters. Mrs. Carl AtcCulkA of
Winston^lon, Rt. l; a sister, Mrs.
Fletcher Wltllard of Advance. Rt. l;
a brother. Larry Tucker of Lewis-
'Funeral services for Mrs. Rosa
Comatxer Hendrix, 87. of Advance,
widow of W. A. Hendkx, Sr., were
held Monday at 4 p. m. nl Advanre
Methodist Ctuirch. Burial was In the
diureh cemetery.
Mrs. Hendrix died Friday night at
iTohn Utmleatl Ilospilul at Butner.
She was born to A. C. and Ida
Phelps Comatzcr. She was a mem
ber of Advance Methodist Cliurch.
Surviving ore she daughters. Mrs.
Dove Redwine and Mrs. R. Glenn
Hendrlcks of Lexington, Mrs. C. D.
Peeler of Salisbury, Mrs. Hills Fost
er of Wlnston>Salcm, Mrs. C. D.
Alexander of Jacksonville, Fla., and
Mrs. Joe Foster of Keystone Heights,
Fla.; Iwo sons, Beraie Hendrix of
Tarrytown, N. Y. ond W. A. Hen
drix of Advance; three brothers,
Phelps Comatser of Winston^lem.
deero Comatser of Clemmons and
Undsay Comalier of Advance; and
two alstera, Mi^ Ira Hartley of
Advance and Mrs. Grace Simpson of
Funeral services for Mrs. Cona
Lou Stroud Stephens, 02, of Ha^
mony, RL 1, were lield at 2:30ji. m.
Saturday, March 25, at Liberty Pll*
grim Holiness diurch. Burial was
In the church cemetery.
Mrs. Steidtens, wife M John Ed
ward Stephens, died Wednesday.
March 22. at Davio County Hospital.
She was bom in Iredeli County to
Nelson and Amanda Smith Stroud.
She was a rotired employe of Plod-
mont Garment Co,
Surviving are bar huOband; Biree
daughters. (Mrs. Jeity Keller
Harmony, Mrs. Carl Dyson of
Mocksville and Mrs. Charlie Hicks
of Harmony;, a son, John Cain
Stofdiens of the home; and two sis-
tersi Mrs. Arieoflla Woolen nod Mrs.
Eschul Smith of Iformonv.
Mrs. Utiio Dritton, 78. of Mocks-
vUte, died Friday at the home of a
daughter, Mrs. Hasd DuUn of S2i
WttUams Street, Modtsville, She had
been tn.dccUnlng health seven years
and sorkKisIy ill for a wedc.
Mrs. BriUon was bom In Davie
County where she attended the pub
lic schools. She was a member of
Shllloh Baptist diurch.
Survivors are four daughters.
Mrs. Vera Perrlngton of Chopol Hill.
Mrs. Reglno Anderson of Baltimore.
Md. and Mrs. UlUon Cain and
Mrs. Hazel Dulln. both of Merits*
vilto; three sisters, Mrs. Duskte
Halrston, Mrs. Undo Allison and
Mrs. Seresa Mason, oil of Mocks-
vllle; 11 grand-children ond 10
The body Is at Noble and Kelsey
FUnerol Ifome In Soliabury. pending
Funeral services for Mrs. Z. N.
.■<iglinleL_Aaj.etafln, .W.^TdttoV-fif.
ZotlicoHer Nelson Anderson, were
held Wednesday at II a. m. al Eat-
on'.s Chapel. Burial was in Rose
Mrs. itoderson died Soltiitiay in a!
Washington. D. C. hosqillal. She had
made her homo with n dmighler.
Mrs. Freeman Sb'c, of Tacoma
Poric, Md.
She was bom in Davie Couniy to
Dtv^Jchnrr^od-^mila DlBwltwall And'
erson. She was one of the oldest
bring alumnae of Salem College.
She enrolled at Mitchell College at
the age of 13 attending for Uirce and
a half years and then rereived a
B A degree in 1804 from Salem Coll
She was mtirrlcd Febmary m,
1807 tu Zuiiicorrcr Nelson Anderson.
Mrs. Anderson was a dmrtcr
member and post woriby matron of
Moricsvillc's Eastern Star Order.
Sie tauglU school In MuctcsviUc
from 1012 uniil i!M3. She was n
member of First Motlradist Churoh.
She is survived by tier daughter,
three grandchildren and one groat
llie family n-dis that memorials
be sent to Salem College.
Graveside services were conduct
ed at 4:30 p. nru Wednesday, Morch
sa, at Smith Grove Methodist Cem
etery for Steve liege. Infant son of
John R. and Mary Nell IlendrLx
Surviving in addition to his par
ents are his maternal grondparenls,
Mr. ond Mrs. Noah N. Hendrix of
Rt. 4.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/30/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 30,1967 - Page 2
runcral soi-vtccs Tor Mrs. UUic
EHzobclh Dallon, 47. or Mocksx'ille.
Rt. a, were hc!d Siimlay, March 2fi.
Ql Sandy Creek BoiMlst Church.
Burial was in Uic church cvmclcry.
Mrs. Daituii, wife of Hillcry Dal<
Ion, died Wednesday, March 22. nl
a hospital in Elkln. Death was from
natural cooses.
Slie was bom in Wllkca Coiiniy (o
Cleveland add Maggie McMillan
Surviving ore her hunbnnd; o
! daughter, Mrs. Amelia Spiccr Cain
of Traphlll; two slcpdaughlcrs. Miss
'Annio Ellicl Dallon and Mrs. Hilda
G. Scott of Mucksvitic; two step
sons, David Loc and Jerry Lcc Dal
lon of Mocksvillu; her mother of
TrophlU; n brother, Sam Splcer of
Traphlll: a halfJtrutlKir, llcdiert
Simpson of Traphlll; and llirve sis
ters, Misses iMoblo and Blanche
Splcer of Tntphill, and Mrs. Vcma
Harris of North Wilkestjiiro.
Funeral services for Anthony Eaii
Smith, 20. of Moeksvillc, Rotdu 4,
were held Friday, Martrli M, nl 2
p. m. nt Concord MetlKxIlsl Church.
Burial was In Rowan Memorial
at Davic County Hospital, lie was
iujured In an outomobilc accident in
Nov. and had been In the lios|iit.il
ile was born in Davie County,
September 20, 1040, (lie son of Cicero
W. ami Frances Call Smilh. A grad
uate of Davie County High School
ond Rim-un Technical Schuol, lie
was cmplnycd by Fiber Induslrtos.
He was a member of Concord Melh-
odlsl Church.
Surviving, In uddltion to his par
ents, arc one brother, Itunald Smith
of RL 6, Salisbury: one slsler. Miss
Marsha Ann Smllh of Itio home:
and hU grandfullier, J. L. Smith of
R1, 4. Mocksvitle, t
Funeral services for William Duke
Smilh, 70, of Advance, Rl, i, were
held at 4 p. m. Sunday at Bethlehem
Melhodist Church. Burial was In Uie
church comctery.
Mr. Smilh died Friday at Davie
County Hospital,
•He w.sa born In Davie County to
Fmnk and I'huina Smitli.
Surviving ure his wife, Mrs. Allfc
Bet Smilh: four sons. Roy Smith of
Winslon-Salom, William and Oscar
Smith of Advance and Odeil Smith
of Advance; three <laughlers, Mrs.
Irene Hartmon of Advance. Miss
Mae Smith of lite home, and Mrs.
Eva Livengood of Mocksvitle; a sls
ler, Mrs. Stacy Smith of Goldsboro;
and u brother, Sherrcll Smith of
Funeral 8er%-lcca for Arthur Clin
ton Baker. 67. of Moelcs\']|Ie. Rt. S,
were coudncicd a! 2 p. m. Sunday at
Union Chapel Melhodi.M Church by
(he Rev. Carl l^ln and the Rev.
l'\innQn Wright. Burial was in Hie
churHi ccmelerj*.
Mr. tinker, a dairy f.irmcr, died
nt 1 a. m. Friday at his home.
Death was une.\pee!cd.
He was born In DavIc County on
February IH. iiilO to Robert and
Nancy Hcmlren Baker.
He was a n>einbor ol LMiion Ctmp-
cl Methodist Church, He was
certified lay .speaker Sunday School
superintendent and on the board of
He is juin-jved by his wife, Mrs.
Ruth De.admon Baker of the home;
four brothers, .lohn Raker uf Mocks-
vllle, Rt. S. M. R. Dokcr of Mocks-
vlllo, Rl. 4, Bob Baker of Long
Beach, California, and Raleigh
•Baker of New Vork City; four sist
ers, Mrs. Olive Carlimr and Mrs.
G. B. Rollings, both of Mocksvillu,
Rt. 5. Mi-s. N. K. Flint of Winsloii-
Salem and Mrs. Ilidiert McClam-
rock of Mueksville, Rt. 2.
Thomas L. Wands of Kansas Citi%
Kansas, died Frtday, March 17, iA
Sen Frahclsn), CaUfbtnia, ahef
' undergoing surgeO'.
He was bom in .Scotland to Mr,
and Mrs. William Wahds. He wfts a
special assistant to the president of
the Inlemational Brotherhood of.
Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders.
Forgers and Helpers. He had held a
ce mnWng to Kansas City in IKIO.
ce moving to Kansas CUyln 1930,
Surx'iving arc his wife, Mrs. Ruth
Swiccgood Wands, formerly of Spen
cer; a son. T. L. Wands Jr. of Kan
sas City: a brother, Ross Wands of
Cootoemcc; and his parents of
Bio - Obituaries - 3/30/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 30,1967 - Page 2
servic«9 Tor Harold Leslie
Steckwxiod, 40, of liion^ison Road.
Grecnstooro. were conducted at 2
p.m. Tue.4^y ot Hanes-Llneberry
runerel Qiopel. Burial u«s In Gull*
ford Memorial IPark.
Afr. Bioclnvood died Sunday at
Wesley bong Uospllal. lie had been
in declining heallh a )-oar.
■He was born in Iredell County to
Mr. and Mrs. Iloyt Blacku'ood. He
had lived In Greensboro 30 years
and wns In the addressograph andmultigraph business for cl^teen
8ur\'lvlng ore his wife. Mrs.
Maxine MlghFlll Btaclro'ood: three
suns. Larry. Johnny and Tommy
Blacku'uod of the home; his father
nl Giiilford Cnllege. a brother
Evcrell Blacln\-ood of Moeksville:
and four sinters, Mrs. Geraldine
Di.von, '.Vks. D. H. Layton Sr. and
Mrs, B. P. Duller Jr. of Greensboro
and Miss Ruby Blackuxwd of Culh
ford College.
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, March 30,1967
CaSaio* BkiDer, 57. of lloei»
idlK S, died Ftidagr at
hwne. I>eath vas from aa-
tml pro Ok
He ww bora in Dsvie Ooon*
Ir to Bnhwrt and Nancj Hen-dnsk Bdfeer.
SurelviDc are lus wife. Bba.
Buth Deadmno Baker; four
brotfaen, John and M. R.
Baker <tf MotAanOe, Bob Bak-
» ot Long Beach. CaUfornia,
and BaWch Bafcv ot New
Vork G^; and four sisters,
ilra. (Xiste Gartner and Mrs.
G. R. Roninci of MocksviUe;
Mrs. N. K. Flint of Wiu-
ton-Salem and Itn. Hubert
MfClamrock of MocksviUe.
The foneral was at 2 PJC.
6«UMiay at Uoioo Ghsfxl Me-
Ibodiit Church.
WinaaSSBilk I Mr.FImim
Duke Smith, 70, of Advance,
Route 1. dM nrkiaj at Da-
vie County Hoipital
Be was bom in Dsvae Coun
ty to Prank and ftmna Smith.
Sunriving are his wife, Mrs.
AUie Bet Smith four sorts.
Bay Smith of Winston-Salecn,
William and Oacar Smith of
Advance and Odell Smith of
Advance; three dai^lbters.
Mrs. Irme Hartonm of Ad
vance, Miss Mae Smith of
the home, and Mta. Eva Liv-
engood of MoekaviUc, a sis
ter. Mrs. Stacy Smith of
Ooldhboro; and a brother,
Sberreil Smith of Ckmmons.
The funerM was at 4 PM.Sunday at Bethlahmn Method-;
ist Churdh. Burial was in the
churdi cemetery.
Be Tucker Hilton, 69. of Advance. RL 1. died fkiiay
at Davie County Hospital
She was brnn in Davie
County to Don and fifaoda
isLznes Tucker.
Surviving are her htwhanrt;
^ro sons, Dan and Walter
Hilton of Advance; two daugh
ters, Mrs. Cari MeTnlloh
and Mrs. Howdl McColloh
of Winston - Salcm; a sister,
Mrs. Fletcher WUlard of Ad
vance; and a brother, Znrry
Tucker of LewisviUe.
The hmeral will be at S
P M. Sunday at Bethkbtm
Methodist Church. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/30/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, March 30,1967
MOCKSVXU^ -lin. Z. N.
(Jennie) Andenon, II, widow
at ZoUicotfer Nelaoo Awter-
son, died Saturday in • Hindi
infton, D. C. hcwpitaL She hed
m^e her home wtth e dae-
ghter, Mrs. IVeeman Sljre, of
Tacome Md.
T^e funeral was at 11 A M.
Monday at Baton FtoMnd
Hotne. Burial was in Bok
Cemetecy. i
a^e was bom in Davie
County to Dr. Jcdm and Julia
jBlackweU Anderson. Ite was
one of the oldest lisinc ahan-
nae of Sakcn OnHipi She
tau^t achooH in MoAaville
from 1912 until 1941. She was
a member of First
Mrs. Anderson is autaived
by her dau^kter.
Mn. HeiliiK,
Advance— Mrs. Boea Cor-
naticf Uendriz, 87, of Ad-
A^ance, died at 10:40 PM.
Friday at John Umetood Hoa*
intal at Butner.
A native of Dwie County,
she was a daughter of toe
late A. C and Ida Phelps
Comatser. Her hushand was
toe late W. A. Hendrix Sr.
She was a mfiidwr of Ad
vance MethodiM Church.
Survivors inriude siz dau-
^ters, Mra. Dave Redwine
and Mrs. K Glenn Hendridc,
boto of Lexington, Airs. C
D. Peeler of Salisbury, Mis.
ffllis Foster of Winstcin-Sa-
ieBL Mrs. C O. Alraandw of
Ja<^sonville, Fla. «ad Mn.
Joe I\»ter of Key Stone
Heists, Fla.; two sons, Ber-
nie Hendrix of North Tarry*
ton, N. T., and W. A. Hen
drix of Advance; three faro- Grace of Spencer.
at 4 P. IC. MoodvClmmoM ^ ^ Advance Methodist Ctiucoh.
Idndser Conwtxer of Ad- «^ Bunal was in the church ca-vance; two aistos, Mn. in
Hutley of Advance and Mn 11
Bio - Obituaries - 3/30/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Jamed SL Groce
Jamte Hamby Groce,*. 8fi, ol
Uoeksvaie, Rt 5, .died yester-
day-at Davie-County QosiutaL
jK •. He was bom In Yadkln County
it to Newton and Saraii Warren
Ciroee. He was a Baptist minis-
ter in Northwest North Candlna
tor fiO years.- . >
- Surviviog is a son, Clayton
Groce of Moeksville; a daugh
ter, Mrs. Bobby Bheek of Ad-
P vanee; three sisters, Blrs. Sarah
Bllis, of Benhelman, Neb., and
„ Mrs. Harriet James and Mrs.
^ John Allen of Mocksvine; and
I two lirothers,' John Groce of
^MocksviDe and Frank Groce of
» The ftmeral will be at 2 p.m.
^Satuiday at Eaton's Funeral
^Chapel Burial will be in Court-
syney Church cemetery*
Bio - Obituaries - 3/31/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Dr. William P. Speas^ Sr.^ 83,All Oplitlialmologist, Dies Here- Dr. William JBaul Speat Sr.,tS, ol CrosveQon Place, who retired from bit fracUce is ophthalmology lut September, diedat 6 a.m. yesteraay at Forayth.Uemorial HoiplUl.Dr. Speat closed hit otflce inthe Reynolds Building, where.be bad practlcu for 3S years,and bis office as Mocktville.- At that time, the family announced that, "after more thanSO years of actwe practice. Dr.l^peUjfeels Iwjcamiot give the^amei^aervicerTo bis patientsand chooses to[ disconUnue hispractice altogether."His medical'lUe was dividedInto several seenients.He was bom In Yadkio County to Louis Au lustine and Dorothy EUiabelh PoindexterSpeas. He Bttei|ded Vadkin Valley Academy t Boonville andthen graduated from Wake Forest College. I■miVlnston-Salem inI ' ', • ■ ■ ■ - T| Then be decided to study a^ medicine and entered tbe Med-'8 leal College of Virginia at Rich- ,,. mond, graduating in 1911. ^■' |3 He practiced in Davie County nIWiwikF^'y''VS for five years and then did."m postgraduate work at. the Ctii- ^eago Eye, Ear and Throat CoL II..« Dr. Speas gave up his gener.« al practice in 1917 and went to3 Hickory to specialize in eye, I.'S ear, nose and throat diseases.- fl 1" i®27 he went to Philadelphiaii entered the. University, ofi'S Pennsylvania School of Medi-|- ^ cine to do postgraduate work in!ophthalmology. He came to Wln-islon-Salem in 1931 and practiced' member of theForsyth County Medical Socie-ty, was a fellow of the Ameri-IW9IUH3hb^^**M jjn College of Surgeons andR W P SPEAS SR. was certified by the AmericanR. w. f. tst-cjio on. Ophthalmological Ex-, , . . , aminations.and clerked for severalin a hardware store. He served as head of the Department of Ophthalmology atBowman Gray School ol Medicine for several years.During his long career. Dr.Speas also did research in hischosen field. He devised instru-.ments used in ophthalmology.I Probably one of the best.known of these instruments isitbe Speas Muscular Tucker,.which is used to correct crossedeyes. He also was active in thework among the blind.He was a life member of theBoard of Deacons of First Baptist Church. He was a memberof the Klwanis Club and theForsyth Country, Club.He was married in'1912 toMiss Nora Estelle Dixon ofjMount Vemon Springs.MS, Dr W, p. Jr. of2915 Country Club ^ad, DixonSpeaa of New. Yock City,Cbirlet Speaa of Baltimore.Md., and Tbomaa P. Speas olNew Jersey; and three sisters,Mrs. E. G. Shugart of Owens-boro, Ky.. Mrs. D. C. Phillipsof Chapel Hill and Mrs. JohnArmfield of ChantiUy Hills, .Md.The funeral will be at 3.p.m.today at First Baptist Church.Burial will be in Forsyth Memorial Park. 'First Baptist Church deaconswill be honorary pallbearers.\/trDR. W. P. SPEAS SR.1906 and clerked for sevI years in a hardware store.mmOAVIE CO. PUBLmocksvoe^ m6%l:-LHl
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, April 6,1967
• m
^ *Btoe's Wwmai
peL Burtel wm k
Baptist CStureh Cc
Burviwiis inchii
Ctaijfoa Qrase «f
MOCSSmu ~ Tbe B«t. Jidvanet; ;
James Bamiyy Gnjce, 86. of
BotHe S. MMteviBe. <Ued <m
IbmadBT, Hnth 88ih at Da- J" t n
vie CdmtT »eo., and two otmvie vdumr ei^W. John Gfoce <rf Modnwate
Funef^ aervioei wm con- fbaak Groea «f WMoi
ductid at 2 P. M. Catiadaj lem.
Bio - Obituaries — 4/6/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 13,1967 - Page 2
Mm. Ndiie J, Dandy
Funeral services for Mrs. Nellie
Jdtnson Duiuly, 83. of Ute 0. Jiuniy
dlaksl, Greensboro, N. C. wero hclil
dfonday at 2 p.m. ul Jantcslourn
dlclitodisl dttirch. Burial In
llecp llivcr tficmls &U<eiin2 ivnic*
Afrs. Gundy died Salunlay at Wes
ley Long (Hospital where she had
been o poti^ since suffering a
stroke nine days ago.
She was a native of Jamestown
and lived there mo<d of tier life. She
lived in diocksvllle for several
years and had been rusldine at Ihe
O'llcniy lllolel for two and nne-hnlf
years. Site was n memltor of James
town Mcthodisl Ctiureli.
Surviving ore suns, Ilcutien O.
Gundy of Greensboro and Sletihen
lA. Gundy of Gurllntfton: daughicrs,
ftlrn. htorton M.. Murray of Grecns-
b<m>. Mrs. II. W. Stewart of At-
lanla, Ga., Mrs, Slterrod Salisbury
of Morsanlon & Mrs. A. M. Upstiaw,
Jr. of Nortli WIlfcoslMro: brothers,
Vkior M. Johnson of Washington.
•Hoboh Johnson of Jamestown, mul
dlarotd Jdmson of Grcen^oro;
slslors. Mrs. Huih Clarfc ond Mrs.
Goy Join;, both of Grcensliura.
h'uiiern] serviivs for John Pnut
Weatherman. 71. a retired fanner,
wi*re lietii TluirMlay at 3:30 p. m.
at LHicrty Uaitiiiii t'hureh. Itnriat
teas in the cliureii renicler}'.
Mr. Wcullieiinaii died Tuesday.
April 4. at the home of a stm.
Paul Wcalheniuin of Moeks^ille.
nt. S.
lie was bent in Iredcll County to
David aiul 1^'die Ptiair Weather-
.Surviving are t wo suns. (1>'de
Weulheiiti:tii of Advaiu'e. Ill, i. and
Paul Wealhennuit; and four dougltl-
ers. Mrs. Jaiiu'S Vitrk uf Muekstille.
III. 3. Mrs. i>uunl Heat is of Mocks-
title. Hi. S, Mrs. Albert Ilruetccn
o( Moekstille. HI. 1, und Mrs. K.
r. J.'imes. Jr. uf Ladgerest Lane.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/13/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Winston-ISalem ' JoURNAl^kJ
ff ij^ain.: He' Was »-retired!
a member.of Betb-|erMethodist Church.^, u ' •
^ The funerai will be at 9 n m
MethodistChurch., Burial wiU be in- the
®®®etery.. The body isI at Eaton Funeral Home ^ <
aamtv\. . ~.
|jamea:F. gaia Sr.'S
^'MOOSSVILLE • — , :
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 20,1967 - Page 2
J. F. 8AIN SR.
Funeral Services for James Frank
Sain Sr., 87. of Rl. 3, Mocksvllle,
were held at 2 p. m. Saturday ot
Bethel Metliodisl Church by the Ret*.
Carl Lain and (tw Rev. Forrest
Church. Burial was In the church
■htr. Sain died Thursday at 1:20
p. m. at Lynn Ifaven Kursing Home.
iHe was a retired farmer ond bora
in Davie County, June 1. IB79, son
of the taie James Afardtall and
Mary Ijamos Bain.
Surviving are one son, Frank Sain
Jr. of MochsviUc. and one daughter.
Mrs. W. L. Foster of fencer.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/20/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 27,1967 - Page 5
Funeral ai>r\-ices for Mrse. Rdu'ard
Sbitc, 4*1. n( \Vii)slon>Sal<'m. witu
lu'dt Tmiraday ui 2::iU |>. nu nl FRED G. Wflfii
PInvy Grove AME Zitin (.'hiirch In
Ircdell Counly, Burial was In llic Funeral services foi
vhurcl) ceniciciy, (ion Wilson. 09. of M(
Wrs. Slaile tiled Sunday al Fnrs- 3 will be heW at 4 p.
ylh Mimorlal Iiu.t]>llul aPer a lunit a( Eolon's Chaiwl. Bi
Illnt'Sii. MRS. J. T. MORRISON I" Row Cemetoiy.
She wan bnrr In Davlc Connly Ftmwal sorx-iees for Mrs^ Hena a wilson died Tin
oral had llvctl In Wtn.Uun-.Salpm lor Morrison. IW, wife of Julni T. Mor7 nj,yjy County ilosnltBl
several years. rl.<nn of .Slole.wllle. Rt. 4. were held ..j,
SmMng a,. h.r hudmml W- W«lm«by nl p m. .Utoa™ C„„
ward Slade of Washinglon. D. L.; Grove Baptlsl llujrch. Burial was H .. r«Urc
ihrtc daughters. Mrs. Maiie Davis In Ihe chiiicli comdeiy. ^mnlovfl ito also
and Mrs. 'Marcella Knuckles of Mrs. MnrrLwn dtetl Sunday nfler- tvii«in Drue Stora on
Wliuluii'Saleni and Mrs. Piisrllla noon of a heai1 allack. . \vinrion.&9l«n for &
Mosclcy of Washington. D. C.; a Surviving are her liusbantl; one
son. Lonnle M. Slade of Win.don- daughlcr, Mrs, Martha I'urncr of Surviving are his wll
Satcm: and five brolhei-s, Abraham Stalesvlllo; Iwo .sons, Siamic Mor* Ciodfclter Wilson; a s
Fiust of Nashville. Tenn.. Atilnir rl-son of Now Vurk C'lly ami ,1. K. Ctodfeher d Winslon
Frost of East S|)cnccr. Rtifus and Morrison of Slalesvlile and one sisters. Mrs. Ralph I
Malhawyer t*>cst of Mocksvlllc and brollier, Lemuel Stevenson of WiK Mrs. James Mdver of
Ituscue FrutX of Wlnston^lem. son. em.
Dr. William Paul S|>ons, .Sr. of
Winslon'Satcm, an Ophihalmologisi.
who .had offices In Mocksvllle up
until about a year ago. dicti at 0
a. m. Sunday al Fors>-lh Memorial
Dr. Spcas closed his office In Ihe
Reynolds Building, xvlica' he hud
practiced for 5 yuars and Ids office
at Mocksvllle.
At that lime, Iho f.nmiiy annotnic>
cd Uiat, "after more than 50 yeors
of active practice. Dr. Speas feels
he cannot give Ihe .same »>rvice io
his pallcnis'and choose.s In dlscon'
llnuc his practice ullogcilicr."
tils medical life was divided into
several segments.
lie was horn in Yadkin Counly
Io Louis Atiguslinc and Dorothy Eli-
zahcth Poindexler Sjrcas. He attend,
cd Yadkin Vulloy Academy at Oomv
xvlte .and (hen grjdnalcd from W.*!!!!*
Forest College.
lie came Io WinslomSaiem in ISOC
anti clerkcil for suveral years in a
harthvare store. Then he decided Io
sludy medicine and entered the Me
dical College of VIrgliria at Rich
mond. graduating in lUll.
He practiced In Dovic Counly fur
five years and then did poslgraduale
xvork at the Qilcago Eye, Kar and
Tliroat College.
Dr. Spcas gave up his general
practice in i»l7 and went to Hickory
to specialize In eye. ear. nose and
throat diseases. In 1927 he went to
Philadelphia and entered the Unl.
versity of Pcnnsylvoola School of
Medicine to do paslgr.ndualc work In
ophthalmology. 4le came to Wlnston-
Salem In 1931 and practiced here
N. &
Funeral services for Fred Glen-
don Wilson. 09. of Mocksvilie. Rt.
3 will be held at 4 p. m. Ihursday
at Eaton's Chaiwl. Burial will U-
hi Rose Cemetoiy.
- Mr. Wilson died 'Hiosday al the
Davlu County llospjtBl.
' He was Iwra In Davio Counly to
[ Robcif Lee and Cora ilorkey Wil-
' son. He was a rollrod Burlington
Mills empbya. Ro also operated the
Wilson Drug Store on Fifth Street
In Winston-Salem for several years.
r Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Vila
Ciodfelter Wilson; a stepson. Gene
Ctodfeher d Winslon<£a]ero: two
sisters. Mrs. Ralph Edwards and
Mrs. James Mdver of Winston-Sal
He was a member of llic Fnrsylh
County Medical .Society, w.a.s n fell-
ow of the American College of Sur
geons and was certified by tiie Am
erican Board of Ophthaimologlcal
He scnHKl as bond of Ihe Depart
ment of Ophthaktmolgy at Bowman
I Gray School of Medicine for several
During his long career. Dr. Spisis
also did research in Ids cho.<u>n field.
He devised Instruments used In oph
Prdnibly one of the be.rt known
of these instruments Is the Spcas
Wusclar Ihickcr. which Is used Io
corroci croiwed eyes. He also was
octivc In Ihe work among the blind.
He was a life member of the
Board of Deacons of First Baptist
Cluii-ch. lie was a member of the
Klwanis Club and the Fors>^th Couiv
try Club.
He was married In I9t2 (o Miss
Vfora Elslcllc Dlxon of Mount Vemon
Surviving are his wife; four sons.
Dr, W. P. Spcas Jr. of Wlnslon-Sul
em. DIxon Speas of Now York City.
Charles Speas of Baltimore, Md..
ond Thomas P. Speas of New Jer
sey; and three sisters. Mrs. E. G.
1 Shugari of Owensboro, Ky.. Mrs.
! D. C. PUilllps of Chajtcl Hill and
'•Mrs. John Annfickl of Chaiililly
1 HilU., Md.
Funeral scrxdres were conducted
at l^rsl Boptlst Cluirch. Mondiiy at
.1 p. in. TIte church ileacons scrxed
OS hunorur>- palttK-arcrs. Duriul was
In Furiylh Memorial Park.
Bio — Obituaries - 4/27/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, April 27,1967
Glendon Wilson, 69, of Mocks>
ville. Route S, died Tuesday
tnoming et the Davie County
Hospital. He was a retired
employe of Burlington Mills
and operated Wilson Drug
Store in winston>Salem for a
number of years.
He was bom m Davie
County to Robert Lee and
Cora Hirkey Wilson.
Surviving are his wife, the
former Vila Clodfeller, one
step-son. Gene Clodfeller of
Winston - Salem; two slstera,
Mrs Ralph Edwards and
Mrs. James Uclver, both of
Winston • Salem.
The funeral was held at
4 P. M. at Eaton's Funeral
Home. The rites were con
ducted by Rev. I^ut Hart and
burial «ras in Rose Cemete
Clyde H. Brooks
Ftineral services were held
last Wednesday for Clyde H.
Brooks, age 59. at McEwen
Funeral Chapel in Charlotte.
Me. Brooks died Tuesday. Ap
ril 16. at 4 A. M. in Cbu^
lotte Memorial Hospital after
an illness of several months.
Survivors include the widow,
four sons, Robert Brooks of
Cooleemee, Bill Brooks of Rt.
4. Mocksvllle, and Johnny and
Clyde of the home, and one
brother and two sisters.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/27/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, April 27,1967
Dr. William Paul Speas.
STh 83, of Grosvenor Place,
WiBsUm - Salem. who retired
firoan his practice in ophthal-
Skology last September, died
« A. M. Sunday at Forsyth
Memorial HospitaL
Dr. Speas closed his of
fice in the Reynolds Build
ing, where he had practiced
for 35 years, and his office
at MocksviUe.
At that time, the family
auinotinced that, "after more
itKfln 50 years of active serv
ice. I>r. Spcos feels he can
not give the same service to
his patients and chooses to
discontinue his practice alto
His medical life was di-
I vided into several segments.
He was bom in Yadkin
j to Louis Augustine and Dor
othy Elizabeth Poindexter
Speas. He attended Yadkin
Valley Academy at BooneviUe
and then graduated from
Wake Forest College.
He went to Winslon-Salem
in 1908 and dez^ed for sev
eral yesu* in a hardware
Then he decided to study
niedicine and entered the Me-
ioal College of Va. at Rich
mond, graduating in 1911.
He practiced in Davie Coun
ty for fi\*e years and then did
postgraduate work at the Chi
cago Eye, Ear and Throat
T>r. Speas gave up his gen
eral practice in 1917 and went
to Hickory to ^lecialize in eye,
ear, nose and throat diseases.
In 1927 he went to Phila
delphia and entered the Uni
versity of School of Medi
cine to do postgraduate work
in of^thalmology. He came to
Winston-Salem in 1931 and
practiced here since.
He was a member of the
Forsyth County Mt^cal So
ciety, was a fellow of the
American College of Surgeons
i and was certified by the Ame
rican Board of Ophthabnolo-
gioal Examinatilons.
He served as head of the
Department of Ophthalmolo
gy at Bowman Gray School of
Medicine for several years.
Pr6bi£3y one of the best'
known of these instruments is
the Speas Muscular Tucker,
which is used to correct cross
ed eyes. He also was active
in the work among the blind.
He was a life member of
the Board of Deacons of First
Baptist Church. He was a
During his long career, Dr. **>1 Kiwanis Cli^
^a. flso did research in and the Forsyth Country Club.
his chosen field. He devised married in 1912 to
instruments used in ophthal- j^m-a Estelle Dixon of
mology.Mount Vemon Springs.
Surviving are his wife, four
sons. Dr. W. P. ^>eas Jr. of
2915 County Club Road, Dizon
Speas of New York City,
Charles Speas of Baltimore,
Md., and Thomas P. Speas
of New Jersey; and three sis
ters, Mrs. £. G. Shugart of
Dwensboro, Ky., Mrs. D. C.
Phillips of Chapel Hill and
Mrs. John Armfield of C^an-
lilly HUU. Md.
The funeral was at 3 PJL
Monday at First Baptist
Church Biulal was in F^-
syth Memorial Park.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/27/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 4,1967 - Page 2
Funeral services for Paul F.
MaiUn, 49. of Hamptonvllle. Rt i,
were held ot 3 p. m. Monday at
Haa» Grove MethoiHst Church.
Burial was In the chw^ cemetery.
Mr. ftlarlln died Saturday in Lre-
den Momorlal Ro^Uol at States*
ville. He had a heart condition.
Ho had lived In Yodkln County
an his life. He was a mendier of
Hones Grove Methodist Church, and
was a house pointer.
Sunrlvtng are his wife. Mrs. Mai*
zle B. Martin; a sofl, Paul Gray
of Hoinptonvilie. Rt. 1; a daughter.
Mrs. North Masten of Jonesviile:
Ms mother, Mrs. Daisy Bell Lind*
ley Heavis of Yedkin C/^nty; five*
halthrolhos, Jim Rdavls of Un-
colnton, DatM -ReavIs Jr. of Cool*
eemeo. Jack Reavis of St. Peters*
hurg, Fla., and Billy and Jerry
Reovls of Hamuiny; sU holf-slsters,
Mrs. Boy Gunter. Mrs. Clanton
Crawford. Mrs. Iven Thels and
Mrs. Floyd Taylor of Wocdleaf. Rl.
1. Mrs. Hardy Sleehnan and Mrs.
C. N. Bailey of Mocksvillc.
Mrs. union Edmlstcn Laffoon, 65
of ESkIn, wife of Harvey F. LaflToon,
publisher of the Elkin Tribune, died
at 12:50 a. m. Monday at the Hu^
Chatham Memorial HospUiBl. She
suffered a cerebral liemorriiage
about 1:30 p. m. Sunday.
Mrs. Loffoon had taught sduol in
'Davte ond Wilkes counties.
•Mrs. LbfToon was vice president
of the Elk Printing Co. at the lime
of her death. She was a member of
First Melhodjfl Oiureh at EOdn.
She was a member of the Elkin
Womans Ctub. the Hugh caioWwm
Memoriol Hospilol AuxMary and a
charter member of American Leg*
Ion auxiliary.
Surviving In addition to the
husband of the home are two
daubers. Miss Grace Lolfoon, also
of the home, and Mrs. Frank Walk*
er of Yadkinvitle; two brothers.
Ellsha Edmlstoi of Boomer and
John Eihnlslen of WlnstmvSalem;
and three slriers. Mrs. T. D. Fin*
ger of Maiden. Mrs. Effle Jones &
Mrs. Alice Shumate. bcSh of Fergus*
on. >
The funeral was conducted at 3
p. m. Tuesday at the First fileUMxl*
1st Qiuroh by the Rev. A. L. Max*
well. Burial was In Hollywood Ce*
Funeral services for Dallas E.
Reavis. 73. of Ifamptonvllle, Rt. I.,
were held at 2:30 p. m. Monday ot I
Sandy tunings Bai:^ Ohurdi. Bur* |
Ml was In the dnircfa cemetery.
Mr. Reovls died Saturday morn
ing after sMferlng a heart attack
while mowing the lawn.
He was bom In Iredell Oounly to
Patrick and Amanda Hanes Reavis.
and was a meirber of Sondy
brings Baptist Church.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Sadie
Reavis: a brotlter. M. W.
Reavis of filocksvUlu, 111. I: a
sister. Mrs. J. J. Anderson of
MocksviUe. Rt. 1; and two half*
sisters. Mrs. B. R.' Spllhiiiid and I
Miss Sadie Woolen of MocksrillO.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/4/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 11,1967 - Page 5
^eral services for Afeert
l^ctps Oonmtzer. 81, of nos New^
port Street, Mnnston^tem. were
held Friday aft 3 p. m. at Advance
MefhodisI Oiarch. Burfal was in the
diureh cemetery.
Mr. Gomatzer died Wednesday at
Maple Grove Nursing Home.
^ He was bom in Davie CPunly to
A. C. and Ida Phelps Comalzer.
' Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bess<
ie H. Gomatzer; three daughters,
Mrs. Bai W^rd of Advance, Mrs.
Paul Kemey of Thomasvllte and
Mrs. Margaret David of Miami.
Ftorida; two stepsons. GurlQr Nicks
and Lerier G. Nicks of WInstoivSaK
em; a brother, Cicero Gomatzer of
Clemmons; a half brother, LIndsey
Gomatzer of Advance; two half
sisters, Mrs. Georgia Hartley of
Advance and Mrs. Grace Simpson
of Sallriniry. * '
^neral services Ibr j. Howe
Montgomery, 75, of Formington,
were held Thtuvtay at u a. m. at
Farmlngton Methodist Church ce
Mr, Montgomery died Wednesday
at iula Conrad Hoois Memorial
He was bora In Bristol. Tcnn. to
d*. C. and Jamie DuDard Montgo*
meiy. HI whs a member of Form
ington Methodist Churclh.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
Vasbtl King Montgomery; five
daagfatere, Mrs. Louise Walker of
Farmlngton. Mrs. EmHy Graham
of Greenvilic. S. C., Mrs. Eleanor
lEddleman of Clemmons. Mrs. Peg
Freeze of Huntlngton. N. Y.. Mrs.
Bet Gibson of Oxon HHi. Md.; a
son. Robert <L. Montgomery of
Clemmons; two brothers, C. O.
Montgomery of WinstonSalem and
L. C. Montgomery of Boones Mill,
Va.; and two sisters. Mrs. Henry
Nading and Mrs. W. A. Hines of
■Funeral services for Claude Nathan Logon. 75, HI, I. itelisbury, wereheld Monday at u a. m. at Lyeriy
Funeral Home with (he Rev. Rob-^ h, Tidutman and the Rev. W.Helton ofnctetlng. Full military
gnaveside ri tes eon^ted by the
Rowan County Veteran OOuncli were
held at ROwan Mentorlol Park.
Mr. Logan died Friday at 4
p. la at the V. A. KOsplfial. He hod
been In declining health several
years and seriously 111 one week.
He was bom Ai«U8t 14. 1681 In
Davle County and was the son of
the late Thomas George and Rachel
Reed Logan. He was educated in
the Davie County Schbolf. Prior tohis retirement he was employed at
Kannapolls Bakery.He wBs a inei^r of CMvaiy
Baptist Churoh. Burlington, vete^
an of World War i. served In the
U. S, Army and was a memlter
of the Samud C. Hart Post.
He Is survived by his wife, the
former Fay Reberteon; a eon.
Thomas George Logan of the homo:
one daughter, Mrs. A. J. Ilillow,
Washington, D. c.,- (wo step broth
ers, Crawford -Parson and Tom
Parson, both of BurHngton: sis
grandchildren and iwo great-grand'
Bio - Obituaries - 5/11/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Thursday Morning/May U," 1967 •
R, p, Martin Sr.
_ MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. LauraS^rmer M^, 69, of Mocks-
jSf' Martin Sr.aied yesterday at Forsyth-MefSoi/frt n ntern" at Winstok-sJ^^^^^ CO. Pi[\
She-was bom in Yadkin CoiM.^ MnrlcQwtl!
lemX* I-uellen My^-^..
husband; a
Ir BowdenAdvance; a son, R. p
SiS? m' « Mocksville; two*
* • Shermer of East Bend-
S2dlt^° Dallas
iV. ^
' N6kxh CisaaxtX:-
'^-T ■ V ■• ;^' ;.;.v/^"
1 Casper I^ Sowsttid'. ; •
I T[liei-.-(ui$iscd;''SiP^-tisap6C:.-^$6:
iHawanl, ' 8^. ot €aemmoBii.. RC;i
12; wiU: J[ at Hayvi[oc%Wi^* ' *" J'-IXt.iG»^,3fi8thpabt';|3iw^IvetrM
c^ r
i He f|l«ta TIiaiBUSt-i^;iis^^AiiB BaiEes^
ijnOOg 'faC' 7®^?'
tad' an*;
■■ . Sttr*i^^ajr?«^atr«ice;A^'B»#^"W>d-J»
f taont Rpirtrt^ rf CtemM1 twtt d«ugbtBO^l;lto.? dnx lod Hck; Etank Farfa;Ofenimons;; ; r '^psotti
B. Heodrir odjCI«aiB<a»;,.OTbtodier*,. Arthur. ^ T. V.;Bbw-xnL o£ GlentmoaSi Louie Hbw-
trd of MocawnlSfc eud PeriieHbwtrf ot JShlifhury: and two
artecvJIocfcRflle ■ and ) Mrs; Mattxe.ITbzttker.of Ctemmodil
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 18,1967 - Page 7
Hiif.V Pr>v. SI, of
McrLsTiltf. lU. :i. ditul !v:iiiinhy nl
lw»r I Jr. KiJiiu'ls Slate, liavie
County i-.uiMirr. lite lienfh
sulciilf l»y li;uuj:iii'.. f'Himl
nttou! niMui l:3ii/Jn)*. ill a >IuhI Ik^
lilnti her h-inc*.
Airs. Krve hrni In Dnvio
County III 'llutiiuui niul tilvther Mc*
•>i:innict Fliitl.
Pinwral tervkcs wei-e cfMiduc4et1
nl iDuliii MellHHiM iliureh. Klotuby
at 4 |t.m. Buiial was in Uie cluireh
&nvivin2 are tier husband, and a
dsugiiter. Mis, RuIjciI nialtely of
ASockinlllc. Rl. X
Pui!viiil .setA'ieua Tor Mrs. lioura
Sliemjur .Martin. BH. of Wilkvslioni
Sired, niirc held Kriil:iy al 2 p.m.
nl ICntaa's Chapel cotuloelcd liy tfie
Rev. I'^ed flames, tliirial vros in
Rose Cemetery.
iMrs. Afaiiin died Wednesday
morning e.l Knrsyth Aicmorial Ifos-
. • filial.
Flic was bom August 5, 1R9T, in
Ycidkin Cuunty, Htc daugltler of the
liile M. W. ami Ixn RKcn Myers
Slienner. Sic maiicd 11. P. MarUn,
Sr who survi\*c5.
Survivlns In addllion lo her hus-
liaiKi arc one daiighier. Mrs. 4. M.
Bnwden, .Ir. of Advance: one son.
R. P. hfartin. 4r. of MMksville;
four gnandchildrcn: two sisters,
Mrs. Riistc Ceblc of Win&Ion<Satom.
Mrs. C. P. Mackey of YadklnvUle:
one brother, A. W. Shermcr of East
Rend;*and two half bnotlicrs. Dal
las and clajion Caudle, liolh nf
David AUrn Kdwarda, SI
Funeral 8or\'Iccs for Davhl Allen
Cdwards, 21, of Gary, Indiana will
be held in that oily on Friday.
•itir. Edwards, the son of Mrs.
Rcbeil Troililer and iho lale Uilh.
er Edward.!, died Monday night.
Oiher snrvimrs Include two sisters:
Bariiara l^lwnrds and Maiy Ann
Edvrards of Gary, Indiana.
Me was o ncphow of Mr. end
Mrs. James Hush Edwards of Knr«
mtmy 111. t and &lr. and Airs.
4. E. Quiliin of Mnckstdiic,
Muii^urs of the Quiltln family
and the Edwards family left Wcd<
nc.Kday to oMend the funeral.
ICali SuEitcn Stanley, Xycapold
dnushlcr of Am'tlc Lw and Retty
Reath Stanley of Adrance, lU. 1.
died Insl week at Forsyth Alcmorini
llospikil. ,Shc hod been ill a day.
She was bora in Wlnstbn^tem
on Get 12, 1£63.
The father is employed at Bell
Telephone t^dboratorles and the
moflier is a teacher at the Goodwill
RebaliitnalioQ Center.
Surlving in additien to the par.
c^s arc a sister. Ginger Ann Stan-
Icy. and a brother, Lany Leo Stan*
ey. i'.itli rf the home; llie paternal
granpjitnil.!. Mr. and Mrs. 4. E.
SlatiiVy i4 MeoUiiws of Dan, V.a.,
and lite iiuiieiiial grandparents. Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Reatli of itcniierson-
The funeral was conducted Huirs-
d.iy at Mock's Mcihodisi Church in
Ikiviv County by the Rev. C. A.
Ilaire. Burial wa.s in the church
JAMBS «. FtntaiRS
The funeral of 3amc8 Garfiehl
Fiirches, CQ. of 93 Tabor Street,
WinstonJlalem o retired employe of
R. 4. Reynolda Tobacco Co.. was
held at 4 p.m. Sunday, kfay 14 at
Voglem Chapel. Buriol was in Fo^
syth Memorial Park,
Mr. Furchcs died Friday at
Forsyth MemoHal Hospital. He had
been in declining hcatlh two months
and seriously ill since last Tuesday.
He vcM bnrii in DJ\ie Coui>ly on
Aug. 20. ItXJ. He sfieni his early life
in S.aic.<iviliv*.
He hod lived in Fiin:)!!i r>nmty
since 1912.
Mr. Furches wa.s emnhiycd at
Reynolds more Ihaii .10 years, roiir*
ing in December, |!H0.
He was a member of Reynolda
Prcvliylcrlan Church where he was
a deacon emeritus. He liad served
as sexlon of the church lor n nimv
ber of years following bis reltre-
His wife. Mrs. Matiic Riggs Fur
chcs, died on March 22. IS63.
Surx'iving arc two daughters. Mrs.
Owens Talbort of 100 Tator SHeci
and Mrs. Ihirrisnn Wbiteheail of
1707 Drookwund Drive;' two sons. J.
Marvin Furclw.s cf l.^Si Flalrackl
Stieel and Fied Fntrlirs of XHOj
0£i*aii n Avenue; ir> graiidciiiklren
and It sreaigisuiilfiiildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/18/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 18,1967 - Page 7
Mrx. Ilaiies llciitmi Kcndi-irk '
'Mr.'?. Iliiius CJonwri Kcnilrlck of
UadrltHi Way. CrarloHo. widow
iif Dr. Jit'ju!fin Vancf Knidrirk. Jr.
il.cd Monday nl a Ckarl.itic hnspilal,
afier a illro.w.
iMrf. Kriiilrirk was boni Ai^fiisl
27. IJMJ In Mi«ck.svl}te. N. C. ilaiiaW-
IT d Ihe laic Jc.vc' Frank rU-mo"l ,
and Biancln' llancs Clement. She
ollemlcd Oonvcrw College and re
ceived 0 Masters Degree In Metllcal
Social work at Simmons College In
Sire worked with the Family and
Children's Service Bureau tn family
ccim.seliRS. and then Joined the
Cliarlotte«Meckipf\bnig rchnol sys-
Irm as a social wniker. She W8s on
the board of the Menial Health As-
soeii/Inn «»1 Mccltlcnburs roimly
and headed a special oommlliee ol
120 persons (u study Iho needs of
I emotionally disturbed children and
to publicize the need for special
classes in the schou! system. Mrs.
Kcndrick had contributed nrllclef
to the Silmutus, a monthly biilleltn.'
and helped to nrgonize a panel I
for o.TV program "You and 1he|
emotionally diatuiiied Child." She I
was a member of the Junior !..eague
and the Myers Park MelliodlNt
Snnsving Is a daughter. Han^a
Clement Kemlriek. and a son, ?e-
Lulon Vance Kendiick. HI. both of
Funeral servieps were held Wed
nesday at II a. m. ai Myers Park
Methodist Church, conducted by Dr.
,1. Cloy Madiron. tire nilnlslcr. nnd
the ncv. William B. ndLbiU. Jr..
associate minister. Iiilennunl in
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, May 18,1967
I Evergreen Cemetery,
j The familj* lios retinested Iha!
I momaiials be sent to the American
Concer Knclely end the Menial
Health A'rociallon's hind for emn-
ilor.'olly dislut^MHi cltlldren in the
, local schools.
liii. trye
Olifif (^iBty
MOCBBVnXfi . Mrs-Susieg^va Frye, 51. of Route S.
lw>cksviHe, died Eieturdup at
? P. M.
.A iitative of Devie County,
^ w«s bom Blbrch SO, 1916.
Siovivon include the hus- i
Cd4|ar Try, one cUugh-'
Usrt, Robert Blekeley of
^tne 3, Mot^viUe, end two
I^tneral wee held Mcmdey
et t>uli{i Methodist Church.
Burlel wee In the chur^ cem
ITilkstboro SL
BhenMT Mbrtin, 68. of Wilkee-
IRR) St. died et 8:50 A M.
Wedneedey May 10th •( For>
Qfldi Ckwtiidy Memoiiel Hos-
She wtM born Atifuet 6.
tMff, In Yedkin County, tine
deui^ite- of the lete M. W.
end Lou Ellen Myers Shenn*
er. She merried R. P. Mertin
Sr., who iurvivea.
Survlvinf tn edditlMi to hw
huabend ere one deu^iter.
Sire. J. Bowden, Jr. of Ad-!
vinoe; one ton, A P. Martin
«fe-. ot MocksviUt; four grend-
chUdren; two eietvre, Mn.
ait C^ile of Winaton-Man,
Kra. C. P. Uad^ of Yed-
Uovttle: one brother, A W.
Shei'wer of Eeit Bead; end two
half -brotben. Oelki end
CUytoci Caudle, both of Wme-
ton • Belem.
IHinwei aervteee were held
fWdey et 3 P. IL at Eaton's
CSteiNd coftducbad by the Rev.
Ftred BeroM.
Burial was in Rose Ceme-
Bio — Obituaries - 5/18/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 25, 1967 - Page 4
ARatm N. m^TSNQoon
Punertl Ketvtccfi for Arrhle N.
Uwngood. 84. frf Mvbrw, RI. 3.
were held ar 4 p.m, Friday a( Ful'
ton ftfediodist Church. Burial \ra9
in the church cemeter)'.
Mr IJwngood was d^d on arrivol
Tuesday at Davlc County llosplial.
Death was from natural causes.
Qle was born In Dovle County to
James and Ann .Torvis Livengood.
He wds a r^red furniture employe.
Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Deb
bie Uvangood; two daughters Mrs.
Morris Wllllflma, of Los Angeles,
f^llf., and Mrs. B. S. Qroce of Forl
Smith, (Ark. two brothers, J. M.
Uvengood of Mocksville and Ernest
tivdngood of Advance: and a sister.
Mrs. Emma Wllllatns of Trinity.
F^ineral services for Pleasant
toither Thornton. 87. of Mocksvllle.
Rt. 8, were held at itl a.tn. Satur
day at OorrAtter Methodist Church.
Bt^l was in Hie diurch c^netery.
Mr. Thornton died early Tltursday
morning at his home.
(He was o retired HarmGr. ffc was
bom In Davlc county to George and
(Uni Hege Thornton.
Surviving are his wife. Delia
Seeding Thornton; tut) Italf brothers.
John P. Thornton and Will Utoraloii
of Greendraro.
Funeral services for Mrs. Floren*
ce McDanlel Nichols. SI. of Mocks
vllle. Rf. 4, Wife of t.any Nichols
Sr.. were Iield Wednesday at 4 p. m.
at Cooleemee's Flrjl Baptist
Church. Btuial was In Legion Park.
Mrs. Nichols died Tuesday after
noon at Rowan Memorial llospiial
In Salisbury.
She was born in trcdell County
lo Samuel and Amile Bell Dean
McDaniel She was a retired em
ploye of Enrin Mills. She was a
member of the First Baptbd Church.
Surviving are the husband: two
sons. Dean Nichols of MocteviUe.
Ri. 4. and Larry Nichols. Jr. of Ad
vance, Rt. 8: four dad^tert. Mrs.
W. F. Bivens of Wlnston-Salem,
Mrs. Jack -Lagle of Cooleemce.
Mrs. Sherman Boger of Mocksvllle.
Rt. 2. and Mrs. Spencer McDanlel
of Siimmerfleld, RI. 1: two sisters,
Mrs. Howard Nichols of KannapoUs
and Mrs. ratmer Lraris of Trout-
man; and a brother. Glenn McDan
iel of Cooleemee.
Thomas Wesley Dwigglns. 78, of
Mocksvilte. At 1, died Satui^
morning at the Baptist Ifo^ital In
iHe was bom In 'Davle County to
Jack and Emmaline Ralledge
Owlgglns and was a member of
Center Methodist Church, lie was a
retired N. C. State Highway De
partment enqiloyec.
Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Lucy
Bameycastle Dwigglns; a son. Spen
cer iDiWggkis of WInslon-Salein; a
brother, Frank Dwlg^ns of Mocks-
ville, R. I; and two sisters, Mrs.
J. N. Scool of Mocksville, RI. 1. and
Mrs. Arlliur .monestrcet of Winston-
Funeral sen'lre.s were conducted
Monday at e p.m. at Cealer Metho
dist Churvli. Burial was In Ute church
Funeral services for Mrs. Martha
Turner James. 72. of RI. 4. Slaies-
villc. will be held Siinda.v at 2 p. m.
at PIney Grove A. M. E. ZIon
church in fredcU County. Burial will
be In the church cemetery.
Mrs. James died Tuesday morn
ing at the Stovall Rest Home m
Stotesviile aRer a lengthy Illness.
She is surtlved by her husband,
Orrie Janres of the home; two
daughters. Mrs. Ivan Ijames of Rt.
1, Mocksviile. and Mrs. Mabel
ITcupc of RI. 4. SlatesxTIte; live
sons. John Archie ami Mitchell
Turner of Stalcsville; Joe Turner el
RI. 4. Stotesviile. Stokes Turner of
InwQod, New York nnd William N.
Turner of l-evlllown. Pa.; one step-
daughlcr. Mrs. catlle M. Campbell
of RI. I. Harmony; nine step-sons,
Sonforri. Wiibrd. Rufus,
and OiSfie. Jr. James all of Ri. i.
Olln; Ray, Walker and Mock James
of Rt. 1, Harmony; Otha James of
New York Clly.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/25/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, May 25,1967
Mrs. Larry
M07KSVILLE — Mrr F:or-
?nce McDaniel Nichols. 51, of
Mocksville. Rt. 4, wife of Lar
ry Nichols, Sr., died Monday
'flernrwn at Rowan Memorial
at Salisbury.
She was born in XredeU
?ounty to Samuel and Annie
Bell Dean McDaniel. She was
1 member of the First Bap
tist Church at Cooleemee.
Surviving are the husband;
*wo sons, Dean Nichols of
Mocksville, Rt. 4. and Larry
Nichols Jr. of Advance, Route
1: four daughters. Mrs. W. F.
Bivens of Winston-Salem, Mrs
lack Lagte of Cooleemee, Mrs.
Sherman BoRer of Mocksville,
Route 2. and Mrs. Spencer
McDanlei of Summerfield. Rt.
1; two sisters, Mrs. Howard
Nichols of Kanapolis and Mrs.
Palmer Lewis of Troutman;
and a brother, Glenn Mc
Daniel of Cooleemee.
The funeral was at 4 P.M.
Wednesday at Cooleemee's
First Baptist Chuich. Burial
was in Legion Park.
Luther Thornton, B7, of
Mocksville, Rt 3, a retired
farmer, died early Friday
morning at his home.
He was torn in Davie Coun
ty to George and Lou Hege
Surviving are his wife, De
lia Beeding, Tbomton; two
half brothers. Jchr P. Thron-
ton and Will Thornton of
The funeral was at II A.M.
Saturday at Cornatzer Meth
odist Church. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/25/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 1,1967 - Page 1
Mrs. Bahnson Di^
Wednesday Morning
Funeral services for Mrs. F. II.
Bahnson. 00. will be held Thursday.
June l8t nt 4 p. m. al Parmington
Methodist Church. Mrs. Bahnson
died Wednesday momlos at 8 a. m.
al Oavie County Hospital.
Mrs. Bahnson was born near
Farmlnsion community September
21, 1870. the daughter of Samuel
Chase Bich and Beltie Carolyn
.McMohan Rich. Sho married Fran.
cIs Henry Bahnson Juno 3. ISOS. He
died September 32. ltiS2.
She lived in the Parminglon com*
munity all her life, was a member
of the Karmington Methodist Church,
and was active in church and civic
Mrs. Oahnsiin was chosen "Wo*
man of the Year 1065" by the Fa^
mingtoii'Pino Community Oe\'etop.
meni Aswcietion.
Survivors include: a daughter.
Mrs. tUsler P. Martin. Sr.. of
Mocksvllte: 2 sons. Cbarlos F. Bahn*
son of Caoleemee: and, Francis H.
Bahnson. Jr. of Ouihani: 1 brolher.
S. 0. Rich of Wake Forest: lO
grandciiildren; IS great grandchil.
dren; and 6 great, great grand*
Mamorials may be made lo the
Parmington Cemetery Fund and/
or the Parmington Masonic todge
BtillHInd Puad.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/1/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 1,1967 - Page 5
Brncst DuUn, 6!>. o{ IGOR Gray
Ai'cnui!. Wliistoivfialem, (tied Wctl'
nosday msming. May 24, at Kaio
Bitting Reynolds Mentorial liospllal
after an eight week Illness.
Ue was a native of Davle County
and liati lived in WinstoH'Solcm for
22 years, lie was a rctlrcfi rallw.iy
employee and a member of Alpha
and Omega Melaphysles Church.
'Funeral services tvcre coitducled
by BIdtop C. W. Thomas, ol Alpha
and Om^a Metaphysics Church,
Saturday al 12 a. m. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Eli*
zabdh Bulln: two stepdaughters,
Mrs. Minnie J. Davis of Gory. Ind.
and Mrs. Dorthea Fowler of Mocks*
viile; a stepson, Eugene Roddy of
Winston-Salcm: three sisters. Mrs.
Emma Hudson end Mrs. Cullio At*
exander, both of Mocksville nnd
Mrs. Janic Rinelmrdt of L^anark,
W. Va.: a brother. Pinkney Dulin
of Morkst'tlle; nnd cighl grand*
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary
(Mollict Collellc Roger. 8S. ol
■Mucksville. Rt. 3, were held Men*
day at 4 p. m. at Eaton's Funeral
Cliopel. Burial was in Wesley Chap
el McUtodlsl Church cemetery.
She died Saturday at Lynn Ilav*
en Nursing Home.
She wos born in Davie County
to John oitd Amanda -lilll Collctle
nnd was a ntcmbcr of We.<dey Chap*
el .Metliodist Chnrch.
Hiurc ore ik> immediate survivors.
R. n. (Rob) Sheets
Funeral services for R. B. IBob)
Slicets. 7S. of fU. 0. liCxiiigton. were
held Friday at 4 p. m. at Center
IHII Baptist Church 1^ the Rev.
Charles Young and the Rev, D. W.
Digh. Interment wos in the church
Mr. Sheets died Wednesday morn
ing at Lexington Memorial IlospHai
after a serious Illness of five mon*
He wos born In Davle County
August 3. 1891 to Tlwmas M and
Eliza M. Foster Slieels. He was a
dairy farmer, member of ASC Conv
mlliecman for his area, a mentbor
of Masonic Lodge No. 473 A. F. &
A. M. and o mcmlter of Center llili
Baptist Church.
He Is Bur\ived by his wife Mrs.
Bessie Crouch Sheets of the home
and three sons. W. T. (Dili) Sheets.
Rt. 6. Lexington. Charles M. Sheet,
North Hinikeidiora, Rdbcrt R. Sheets,
Jr.. Willow Springs; a daughler,
Mrs. Brice Leonard. Rt. Q. lexing-
ton. and 13 grandchildren.
Thomas I.. Lung. 4t. of Yndkin-
viile. Rt. 2. (lied Mimday :il I,ula
Conrad Hoots Memorial lloxidlal .if*
fcr ntfTerIng a he.irl idlat'k.
Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Ruse
I/. I.nng; two daughters. Mrs. Cyn
thia Cowcns of Hunts\illo and Miss
Tina Long of the home; six sons.
Thomas, CtiarU«s. t^arry. Dennt.*;,
Daniel ami TinmUiy l ong of the
home; a brnlher. Charlie Lung, ad
dress imavnil.nble; nnd a si.tli*r,
Mrs. O.odc Dnulhii of WinslQn*.Sal-
Funeral services will be condticl-
cd ol 4 p. m. Saturday In Hunts*
viile at the ToSiernacle United
Ctuirch of dtrisl. Burial will be
In the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/1/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, June 1,1967
Moektvine Dies
tie Rich Behnson, 00, of Ri.
2, MbcksviUe, ^nain^ton
C(Hnmunity. died et 7:45 A. U.
Wednesday in Davie County
Hocpitai after bein« aeriously
Ul for eifbt
She was bCHT) September
21, 1876, in Davie County, the
daughter of the late Samuel
Chase and Betty Carolyn Mc>
Mahan Ridi. She was a mem
ber of Farmington Methodist
Church and was active in both
church and eivk affairs. Last
year the was honored by the
Pino Orange as Woman Of
the Year. Bhe had made her
home with bar daughter in
Mocksville, Mrs. l^ter Mar
tin Sr., for the past five years.
Surviving in addition to her
daughter are two sona, Charles
T. of Cooleemee, Ftucis H.
of Durham; one brother, S
IO. Bicb of "V^ke Forest, and
10 grandchUdrea and 13 great-
Bhe waa married to Francis
Henry Bahnaon who died in
IVneral larvioes were con-
lucted Thuraday at 4 P. 16*
at Faimi^rton Methodist^hUTCfa by tiw Rev. Joe PhU-
BuHal waa In the church
Bio - Obituaries - 6/1/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Winston '
K-, ^
4 "*>••.". - • • .o
Mrs. Balmsou
Of Davie Dies;
MOCKSVILLE - The funeral,
for Jfrs. Mattie Rich Bahnson,
90, of MocksviUe, Rt. 2, the
Farmington community, widow
t of Francis Henry Bahnson. will
j be at 4 p.m. today at Farming-
n n j ton Methodist Church. Burial
'' will be in the church cemetery.
• Mrs. Bahnson died yesterday at
Davie County Hospital.
She was Iwrn in Davie Coun
ty to Samuel Chase Rich and
Bettie Caroline McMahan Rich,
i She was a member of the
Farmington Methodist Church.
In 1966 she was honored by the
Pino Grange as its "Woman of
the Year."
Surviving are a daughter,
Mrs. Lester Martin Sr. of
Mocksvillc; two sons, Charles
F. Bahnson of Cooleemce and
Francis H. Bahnson of Durham;
and a brother, S. 0. Rich of
Wake Forest.
The body is at Eaton's Fu
neral Home.
. The family requests that me
morials be made to the Farm-
• ington Memorial Cemetery and
to the Farmington Masonic
Lodge Building Fund.
Bio — Obituaries — 6/1/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 8,1967 - Page 4
fMIss Jennlo B. Moore
Funeral services for Miss Jennie
6. Moore.'M. oT lisncastcr. S. C.
were held Wednesday, May 31, el
Oieslmil Grove Melhodlsl Church.
Burial was in the church cemciciy.
'Miss Moore died Monday al Lan>
caster. She was io former resident
of Davie County.
Survivors arc sisters. Mrs. Char>
lie M. Btackwclder of Mochsvillc,
Mrs. John M. Mndra of LAncnstor:
a brother. Bay T. Moore of Yad-
kinville* and two first cousins. Miss
Lclia (Moore and Mrs. Mono Eaton,
both of Mocksvillo.
■Funeral sci*vicos for James C.
Bowles. Sr. 73, of Stony Point. N. C.
were held Wednesday at 4 p. m. at
Yfldkin Valley Baptist diurcb con
ducted by the Rev, A. C. Cheshire.
Burial was in the church cemetery.
iMr. Bowles died Mondoy at Dav
is-Hospital in Slatcsvillc.
He was a former residcnl of Dav
ie county and was (he son of tbo
late Liza ISancs Bowies and Hcnty
Survivors arc a daughter. Mrs.
J. M. Uanolino of Mebane. N. C.:
one son, Jamos C. Bowles, Jr. of
v\dvance; a sister, Mrs. Dowcy Sain
of Mocksvillo, six grandchildren and
2 great grandchlldron.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/8/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 8,1967 - Page 1
Three Children Drown
in Dutchman Creek
ir'-H V'-r,
She was a mother ... in many
ways still stunned by the shock
that sudden tragedy brings. Sho
was Mrs. John Champ of the Fork
Communily. Her daughters . . .
Patricia Koy. age 12. and Cynthia,
age 7. and their close friend, Linda
Durham, B, daughlcr of Mr. and
Mrs. .lames 'Durham, neighbors,
had drowned Saturday aflcnraon in
Hie lurbuient and muddy waters of
Dutchman Creek,
Although this was Monday after*
nuon, one knew that Mrs. Champ
was reliving each minute of the past
three or four days over ond over
again, it seemed to help relieve
the tension as she delved Into the
scries of events of Iho past two
Saturday . . . Kay, Cindy and
Linda were all playing very happ
ily with the other children in the
ncigtdxirhood. No one will ever
know Just what prompted these
three to go off by themselves. They
moy have wanted to celebrate their
summer vacation with a hike and
a picnic ... for they carried along
some peanut butler crackers and
olhcr foo<1. Leaving the area, no one
kncvv Jus! where the lUlic girls
had gone cxcctd fur one of their lit
tle brothers. This Champ boy think-
Isg the tittle girls would be back In
a couple of hours, did not tell.
When the children failed to reluni
later that afternoon, parents and
neighbors began searching along
some of the horse trails on the near
by farm of Cecil Angcll. As dusk
ncarcd, (ho Davic County Rescue
Squad was requested to help and
they in turn requested and received
the assistance of the Rowan Rescue
By 10 p. m. Saturday nlghl a iar-
gc scale coordinated search by
boats began at the bridge over
liighway 801. Croups of marchers
worked over field after field, Horse
men also Joined in the search. Ilic
liilensivc search wcnl on until about
4 a. m., when the decision was
made to await daylight.
With the first rays of light Sun
day morning Ihc search resumed.
Alroul 7 a. ni., a liny body . . .
Cindy Champ . . , was found float
ing face down in the muddy waters
of Dutchman Creek. Shu was dress
ed in shurls and a blouse.
'Die searchers, muving on up-
stream soon spuUcd two puir u|
faded blue canvas shoi>s on a small
flat ruck near the water. Closer
cxaininutliin uf the mca revealed
two link' loolprinls, impressed only
an ineh or two from the edge of the
swift flowing creek.
A rescue squad boat was hrbughi
id the site and within a short time,
grappling hooks brought to the sur
face lite liudies of Kny and Lindn,
still tightly clutching one another.
Kay was dix'ssed in a blouse and
skirl and Linda in n blouse and
Nuih.> uf the three could swim.
Mrs. Champ and others can only
surmise what really happened. Nu
one will c\er know for et«rlain.
Did llnle Cindy sli]) or fall into
(ho erccK and the other two girls >
lock arms and alleinpled to pull her;
uui? Or was it Linda or Kay (hat
fell in. and ilie other going to Hie
resciie got hold of her, unly lu
druwn tugclher?
All of lltf girls were lamtlur
with the urea, having rlden horses
Iheie on many occasions. However,
((iogUuuM) Da I'M* Ilvt)
Bio — Obituaries — 6/8/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 8,1967 - Page 5
Three Chidren Drown
lt:vy wun* not ever sutijMise to f;o
near the vrcek itself.
I Mr. oml MI'S. John Chomp lust
Ihfir two daughters. thcLV have two
Mr. and Mrs. Jitmos Durliom
one daughter. They hove two
tlaughters and four sons still at
The funeral for Undo Duriinm
was held TUestlay at 'Maccitonia
Moravian Churcli. Burial was In the
church graveyard.
Shu is 5tir\'ived by her parents:
four brothers. Roger Lee. James.
Donnic ami Clinton Durham of the
home: two sisters. Sue Carol ami
Detsy Unrlene Durham of tlio home:
and her grandparents, Sam C.
James of Advonco, Rt. 1. and Mrs.
Mitfic Bowles of Moeksvillc. Ri. 2.
Patricia and O'ltlhia Champ are
survived by their parents: two
brothers. John Henry Jr. and James
Coivin Champ of the home; andf
their grandparents. Mr. and Mis.
Tom Webb of MocksvUie and Mrs.
IJIlio Champ of Mocksvllle. Rt. 4. I
A double funeral was held at 4
p. m. I'uesday at Baton's Funeral
Chapel. Burial was in the Dutch*
man's Creek Baptist Church cem
Bio - Obituaries - 6/8/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, June 8,1967
Mrs. Blanche Allen Hendrix.
82, of North Blain Street, wl-
dow of Thomas M. Hendrix,
died Wednesday at L^yno Ua«
ven Nursing Home.
She was bom in Da vie
County to Robert and lAu^
garet Neely- AUea. 9ae WM
a member of MockrviUe Bap
tist Church.
Surviving Is a daughter,
Mrs. Cbaries C. Voger of
Tht funeral will be at 11
a: M. Friday at Batoo*a Cba-
peL Burial wiU be la thti
.'Xertuiakm Ccmet»y. {
Gordon Roscoe Prevette
Gordon Roscoe Prevette. 78, toB
MocktviUe. Route 4, di^ Frl^
day at bis home. ^
He was bom In WlUcea
County to Abram and Saratfj
Jarvis I^vette. He was A
retired farmer and a mombaifc
of Lewis Baptist Chuixh. r
Survhring sjre hi« wife, aCtvT
Pearl Johiuon Prevette; 6 aooir
Oewey Prevette of Nortja
Wilkesboro. Arvil Prevette flw
Cooleemee, K. D. Loyd, Barlj
and James Provette of Mockey
vUJe; three daughters, Mxsl
Charlie Souther and Mrs. Mar-I
garet Brown of MocksvUlep
a brother, tftmsfield Prevrtt^
of North WUkesboro; and IwqT
sisters, Miia Laura PrevetUfe>
of North WUkesboro and MiaC
Elizabeth FTevette of Wilkerk
boro. C
The funeral was at 8 P-Bic
Sunday at Liewis Daptiir
Church. Burial sms in
church cemetery. '
Bio — Obituaries — 6/8/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, June 8,1967
Vor Drownd Vietins
Three glrli, mUsIng ovtf-*
lufht after they left faoihe
to go hUdng, were found
drowtoed Sun^ in turbulent
Dutchman^a Creek in Davie
Funeral aeoviQai lor Unde
Puriiein, tfe A, daagbter of
Mr. end lire. Jemeelliti^am o<
Hhfhway iSI, wme faM Tim-
day at 3 P. SI. at ttt SCaoe-
donia Moravian Cbtiveb. Bu
rial wu In the dun^ crave-
Survtvun Include the par-
anta, tour brother*, Rogar
Sm, Jaenee, Doonlt - and CQd«
joo DuHtam of the hoana^ twe
gatfja, Sue Carol end Bet^f
jMtriMlt Ihnham of the honae;
find .had .jae&daara&tiL ICcik
Wttia Bomlm of Route 3,
MockiViU^ and Bam C. Immi
of Route 1, AdvatKO.
A double funeral was held
for Patricia Key dmBB, age
13. and her aiated. Cyndita.
age 7. deuMiteiB of Mr. Attf
Mr*. John Can^^ alio of Btjj^
way 8A1. on TtuBdiy'm i
P. ht at Ponearal Ctm-»
paL Burial waa In the ]>Ulsb%
man Creek Bkptiit Owreh
I cemetery.
! Snrvivera toahade 6ie jgr*
cntg, two UotheiK Jidmi aiR-
rfi Jr., and Janei €fMi
Ohamp of the Imo^ iomi ^
ler, ftigy Jean.- ef w hflM
«rvi mendDefeoia. Sfr.
Mil. !Kritobffsi«*OTiIl*
and Ate, UUla. caudm m
Bio - Obituaries - 6/8/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Mrs. Thomas Hendm" ^
Church. . ^ . _ iiauehter, Mrs.
"^'c Vog« 0« Charlotte.®''&«al at U a^m.
(^- S>- n /? (o7
k c
Mrs. Click, n
fcooleemee --'
Ijames CUck, Davie County
native, died Monday night at
Newton Memorud Ho^ital,
Newton, N.J,
She had been in iii
for nine moi^ and seriously
iU fOT three weeks.
Daughter of the late Gaither
and Alice Brown Ijames, she
was bom Aug. 3, 1882. She had
lived in Cooleemee since the
town's origin and was the eldest
diart^ member of Coole«nee
Methodist Church.
H«r husband, William Michael
Oick, (bed in 1948.
Survivors include three
daughters, Mrs. Jack 0. Moody
of Cooleemee, Mrs. E. F.
Vanauken of Newton, N.J., and
Mrs. W. E. Royar of Silver
Slangs, Md.; and two sons, C.
V. cai<& of GreenviUe, S.C., and
W. I. Cliti of Gainsville, Ga.
Funeral arr^ements are in
complete pending arrival of the
fam% at the home of Mrs.
Moody, ^rvices will be con
ducted at Cooleemee Mf^odist
Olnuch with burial in'^Oakd^e
Cemetery, Statesville.
The family reque^s that in
lieu of flowers, memorials be
sent to ^e memorial fu^ of
tte (hurdi.
, o
Sa.L'3 (o
3 ~ I ■?
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 15,1967 - Page 5
fMrs. EtU) JJ^mics Click, wife of
Ihc laio Willliim MIcitael Qlck of
CoolcunKHi, tiled Mondoy night In
Ntmltm Momoiini HospUol, Newton,
N. J. Site had lieen in iil heaith for
nine months and seriousiy - ill for
three weeks. She was the daughter
of liic iute Gnither and Alice Bro^vn
Ijaines, bum August 3, iBa2 in Oavie
County. She was educated in the
County Sehuois, but had lived In
Cuoletinct^ since the iewn's origin,
Iter husimmi preecthMl her In death
In ItHfl.
Tiic oldest living, ond charter
member of lite Mvthotlist Church,
she wax active in btith Ctturvh and
civic nffnirs. Kur several years she
has iliviiieJ licr lime bctwmi two
d.iugii1t>n(, but bus lived in Ne\\1<m
for the pa.sl two yitirs.
Site is survived by five children:
C. V. of (Ireenviile, South Carullna,
W. I. of Cainesviile, Georgia, Mrs.
W. K. ituyer of Silver Spring, Mury-
iuinl. Mrs. k,'. F. VunAukcn of
NfWtun, N. J. uiui Mrs. Jack 0.
Miauiy of (>)ulcomee, one brother.
\V. K. Ijunu>s of Itocku'oli; three
I'Rnidi'liiidivn and nine grout
Fuite'rai st>r\'i('cs will bo lield
Huii'Mlay. Julio iSih, ut tl a.m.
in ilti* Cuuk't'imv .Methedisl Churvb
wilii inlennent in Oakwiiod Comet*
ciy in Stulosvillc. Tho foinily lias
rniucsteil liuit in lieu of fkmws
niomorials be sent to ilto Memorial
Fund of llio Church.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/15/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, June 15,1967
KANNAPOUS 0«i>rg« |
Edward Smith, 68, of Enoch-
ville Avenue, rtUred school
principal, died at 7 o'clock
IViday rooming, Juno 9, at
Aowan Memorial Ha^>ltal in
Salisbury. He suffered a be;art
attack Thursday rooming at
his home but his canditioa
became worse dtis rooming.
He died shortly after being
admitted to the hospital.
A lifeiinie mident of Ro
wan County, he was the aon
of the late Bias Leroy Smith
and Delilah Bostian Smith-
He was a graduate of Lenoir
Bhyne College and had served
as principal of schools in Clay
ton, Cooleemee, Cornelius, and
Harrisburg. He was princifwl
in the WUii^sboro schools for
H years before his retirement
three years ago.
Mrs. lua IJam Click of
coolwmee. d^ Monday night
In HewM Manmrial Hospi
tal, Navton, N. J. Eha had
b^ 111 for nine months
serloualy HI three weihg
6h« w Uw daughter of tha
Utf Oaithar and Alice trown
fiainat, AuW >. 1««,
In Hko wafedg.
catod Is thg Osmty BsMg
but had lived to rnolnnm
>ifice Ifat tswa'a orlfto. Qet
huahand, WOlkto
atok PfBBSdid her to death
in IMA
The olgeat Hvlng and char
ts' member of the Cooleemee
Methodist Church, she wu
active in both ^urch and ci
vic affairs. Por several yean,
she hw divided her time be
tween two dnightem, but hu
lived to Newtoa far the past
two years.
She is survteed hj ftve
cbildfwn, C. V. tf Greenelllt.
S.. C. W. I. .gf OmiMflviOt.
Ga, Mn W E Boytr of Silver
Bio - Obituaries — 6/15/1967
He was a member of St
Enoch Lutheran Chur<^ and
was a veteran of service to
the U. S. Marine C<»ps during
World War L
He is survived by his wife,
the former Rachel Hickmm;
two sons, George Edward
Smith Jr. of Charlotte and
Jerry Leroy Smith of Dur
ham; three sisters, Mrs. Paul-
toe (Polly) Smith HoweU and
Miss Bella Smith of Enoch-
ville Ave., and Mrs. H. C.
(Rose) Petrea ot Salisbury;
one brother, Floyd B. Smith
of Mooresville and four grand
Funeral services were held
Sunday at St Enodi's Luther-
tn Churdt, Ksnnapolis and
itoennent was in tite churchy
Sprtogi, Md., Ifn. E. f. Ym
Aukm of NewtoQ, K. 9^ and
Mrs. Jack O. Moody of Coot-
eemee, one brother, W. 'Ik
IjBines of Rockwell, thpfg
grandchildren and toqa
Funeral services |iM
Dtiiraday, June ISth, «t |} fL
M. to the Cooleemee MetlMd'
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 22, 1967 - Page 5
Ants. J. II. ANORU.
i FimcrnI ncrvlctfs for Mr*. M.iry
! Mi*Cl.mmu*k Angoll, TP, of Morks.
! villc. HI. 2. wUUiw of J. II. Angetl,
were hvM .nl It n. ro. at
I'laiun'* (luipol. Hurial was in Cat*
on*H C.iiiitIi coniflory.
Mrs. A»|!<*1I <1ii>il Sunday al Dovlo
CKtiiily lht<pit.nl.
S(ir\-iviug nro .n daiifihlcr. Airs,
liislor McCidloti of MockMille. Rl.
2; and sons. Woodrow, Rufus
and .Iidm llonry Angell of Mocks*
villp. ni. 2.
Ains. jmiN C. JAMES
Fiini'r.-il spfxicc.s for Mr.>i. Lola
Ward Jantos. PI, of Mocksvllle, Rt.
2. Ilio P.arminglcn pommunity, wife
of .Tolin C. Janwi:. were held Sun*
d.ay al !« p. m. .at Eaton's Oiapel.
Hnrial w.as in the Farmingion Co*
Mrs. .lames died Friday at Lynn
llavi-n Nursing Home.
She w.*!* Ixirn in Havic County (o
Millon C. niid fdllinii Cidhrell Ward.
Surviving arc her huidiand: four
son*. A. II. JaiiK'S of Mocksville,
HI. 2. M. F. James of Adv.mce. Rl.
I. Ii. 0. .lames of Moeks>'iiIe, Rt. S,
and C. B. .I.nne.-i of Mncksville; two
d.-uiuhlers, Mr*. Willie lloword and
Mr*. II. C. Gregory of Advance.
III. I: two limltu*rs. Grady Ward
of MiM^ksville and J. L. Ward of
Moi'kKville. III. 2; and two sisters,
Mr*, E. P. Watkiw and Mrs. Eugene
Amd«ni*ler of Wlnslon-Salem.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/22/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 29,1967 - Page 6
Funeral services for Albert £11
Sowens. S4, of Mccksvllle, RL 3,
were held Monday at Comatzer
Mettiodisl Gturch. Burial was In the
church cemetery.
Mr. Bowens died Sunday at Davie
County Hospital.
He was bom In Davie County to
Richard A. and Maiy McDanlel
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Leo*
na Potts Bowens; a son. Garland
Bowens of Mocksvllle. Rt. 3: {Our
daughters. Mrs. Haphan Allen and
Mrs. Margaret Dwiggins of Mocks*
ville. RL 3, Mrs. Madison Angell
of Mocksvllle, RL 1. and Miss Bet*
ly Jean Bowens of the home; two
sisters, Mrs. Ixiuis Howard of
Mocksvllle. Rt. 3. and Mrs. BIck
Howard of Winstan*Salcm. Rt. 2.
•Funerarserviccs for Charlie Mon*
roc Foster, 89. of klocksvillc. Rt.
3. were held Saturday at 11 a. m.
at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial
was In Smith Grove Methodist
Church cemetery.
•Mr. Foster died Thursday at Dav*
io County Hospital.
He was bora in Davie County
to Shade & Nancy Bccchum Foster.
Ho was a retired farmer and a
member of Smith Groi*c Methodist
Surviving are four daughters.
Mrs. W. D. Spry. Mrs. Willie Arms*
worlhy* Mrs. Thant Dunn and Mrs.
S. R. Comatzer of Mocksvitic; two i
sons, W. R. Foster and C. J. Fo8*{
tcr of Mocksvllle; and a half broth
cr, G, C. Hanes of Mocksvllle.
Funeral services for Mrs. Ozlo
MoDaniol Fleming, 83. of Mocks*
vllle. Rt. 3. widow of D. J. Flem
ing. were held Sunday at 5 p. m. at
Fork Baptist Church. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Mrs. Fleming died Friday night
at the Baptist Hospital In Winston-
6bc was born in Rowan County
to Tom and Margie Byorly MoDan*
Surviving arc Ihrce daudilcrs.
Mrs. Walter Bule of Linwood, Rt. l,
Mrs. Richard Moorefield of Salis
bury and Mrs. J. W. Jones. Jr. of
MocksviUe. Rl. 3; four sons. M. S.
and Eugene Fleming of Salisbury,
Mitchell Fleming of Mocksvllle. RL
3. and James Fleming of Holly
wood, Florida; three brothers, T. J..
A. L. and William McDaniel of
Woodlcaf and a sister, Mrs. Arthur
Bafril cf Woodlcaf.
John Downle, 74. of Anderson. S.
C. and father of Mrs. Margaret
McCoy of Mocksvllle, died Monday
in Anderson Memorial Hospital, af
ter a seven month illness.
Burial will be lluirsday In Phil
adelphia. Pa.
The family rcHUCsts that memor
ials be made to the Cancer Fund.
Victor Wallace cj{irk> Carter, 71.
of Mocksvllle. HI. 4. was dead
on arrival at Davie Counly lluipital
He was a lutired canieoler. He
wse bws io Itovig Osuoty to Jubn
and Marty Carter.
Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. Viola
Wagner Corlor; a son, John W. Ca^
tcr of ^Ibcksvillc, Rt. 4; three
brothers, W. D. and R. W. Carter
of WInslon-Salcm and Hasten Cart
er of Mocksvllle; three sisters.
Mrs. Junio Cope and Mrs. Buster
Carter of Mocksvllle. Rt. 3. and
Mrs. Henry Dixon of Salisbury.
Funeral services were conducted
at 2 p. m. Wednesday at Eaton's
Chapel. Burial was in Fork Baptist
Church cemetery
Mrs. Pearl Wagner Eills, 77. of
Cooleomcc. died Monday at 4 p. m.
at Lynn Haven Nursing Home after
an exendcd illness. She was a re
tired employo of £nvin Mills.
fiom in Davie Couly. ^ wos tho
daughter of the late Frank. and
Sarah Jane McCuUough Wagner.
Survivors include her husband.
Lmvis B. Ellis: Imx) sons. Lester B.
Ellis and Paul Ettis, both of RL 4.
Funeral services were conducted
Wednesday at 4 p. m. at North Cool*
ecmco Church of God by tho Rov.
James Rogers, the Rev. I. C. Mor
ris and the Rev. Bobby Russcil.
Burial was in Legion Memorial
Park In Oooiccmcc.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/29/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, June 29,1967
Albert LBowhs
I Boweru, 04, of Mocksville, Rt
13, died Saturday in £>fivie
County Hospital.
He was bom in Davie
County to Richard A. and
Mbry Mcltanlel Bowena.
I Surviving are his wife, Mri.
Leona Potta Dowens, a son,
Garland Bowcns of Mockaviile,
Route 3; four daughters, Mrs.
Haphan Allen and Mrs. Mar^
garet Dwiggins of MocksvUle,
Route 3, Mrs. Madison Angell
of Mbcksville, Route 1 and
Miss Betty Jean Bowens of
the home; two sisters, ftira.
Louis Howard of Mocksville,
Route 3, and Mrs. Bick How
ard of Winston - Salem Route
The funeral was at 3 P.M.
Monday at Cornataer Method-
ift Church Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Laee liftit
MOCKSVILLE — Graveside
services were conducted at 5r-
30 P. M. Saturday at Turren-
, tine Baptist Cemetery for Ri-
chy Clyde Lane, one-dsy-old
son of James and Jane Allen
Lane of Route 4, Mocksville.
The Rev. C, W. Pierce offi
The baby died Friday at
Rowan Memorial Ho^itat
where he was bom the day
In addition to his parents,
he is survived by one broth
er, James Lane Jr., and two
sisters. Sheila and I^en i-»"f
all of the home.
McDaniel Fleming, 83, of
Mocksville, Rt. 3, widow of
D. J. Fleming, died Thurs
day night at Baptist Hospi
tal in Winston - Salem.
She was bom in Rowan
County to Margie Byerly Mc
Surviving are three daugh
ters, Mrs. Walter Buie of Lin-
wood. Route 1, Mrs. Richard
Mootefield of Salisbury ai^
Mrs. J, W. Jones Jr. of Mocks
ville. Route 3: four sons. M. S.
and Eugene Fleming of Salis
bury Mitchell Fleming of
Mocksville, Route 3. and James
Fleming of Hollywood, Florida;
three brothers, T. J., A. L and
William McDaniel of Wood-
leaf; and a sister, Mrs. Ar
thur Safril of Woodleaf.
The funeral was at 5 P.M.
Sunday at Fbrk Baptist
Church. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Mrs. Lewis B.
Wagner ElHa. 77, of Coolee-
mee died Monday at Lynn
Haven Nursing Home. She
was a retired employe of Kr-
win Mills.
She was born in Davie Coun
ty to Prank and Sarah Mc-
Collough Wagner.
Surviving are her husband.
Lewis B. Ellis; two sons, Les-
'er B. and Paul Ellis of Mocks
ville, Route 4; two daughters.
Mrs. George Haithcock of Sal-
.sbury and Mrs. Edward Kib-
linger of Cooleemee; and a
"^rother. Louie Wagner of
Mocksville, Rt. 4.
The funeral was at 4 P. M.
Wednesday at the North Cool-
eemee Church of God. Burial
was In Legion kfiunonal Park
to OooliMBMk
Gbarlle M.
Monroe Foster, 89. of Modis-
vilte, Rt. 3, died June 22 at
, Davie County Hospital.
He was bom in Davie Cotin-
ty to Shade and Nancy Beech-
um Foster. He was a retired
farmer and a member of Smith
Grove Methodist Church.
Surviving are four dau^-
lers, Mrs. W. D. Spry, Mrs.
Willie Armsworthy, Mn.
Thant Dunn and Mra S. R
Comatier of Mocksville; tern
sons, W. R. Foster and C. J.
Foster of MocksvUle; and a
half brother, G. C. Hsn^ of
The funeral was at 11 un.
Saturdsy at Eaton's Funeral
Chapel. Burial was In Smith
Grove Methodist Church ceme
Jaek Barter,
RL4,Moeksvllt ,
Wallace (Jack) Carter, 71, df i
Route 4, MocksvUle, died llta* ,
day at 3 P. M. aftei suffeHoC i
a sudden heart atta^ j
A native of Davie County, |
he was a son of the late Jaiui 2
and Mary Carter. He eras g 1
retired carpenter. J
Survivors include his wUkNT,
Viola Wagner Carter, a atm, u
John W. Carter of Houta 4^^
Mocksville; three brotnen, W.3
D. Carter and R W. Caftar 1
of Winston - Salem, and Hai»9
ten Carter of MocksvUle; tluiNB
slaters Mrs. Junie Cope WaAl
Mrs. ouster Carter of BflWtol
3, MocksviUe, and Mrs. HlpgSid
Dixon of SaU^ry,
Funeral aervlces were <0^4
ducted at 2 P. M. WediMirfra
at Eaton Funeral Home Ckjpifl
and burial ws et Fork |B|^|
tilt Church Csunetcry.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/29/1967 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY