Jan - JunWINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 1/2/1966 l^hyaci^,;^, Dira'St TS"! • TATLORSVnXC — Tb« foi^ mer dua ol (lie medical «ia>f cod osa of tbe foaaden of Alex- jBder CoaBty Hosptlaf died ben jresutday. Dr. Roy C. THural n. died It 9 i.m. at Us onke! Ke 901 born la Davis (Siiuaiy (e Samtiel'JesH and Me. biiAm Elton Titum. " "** ' oCtitUm BTsdnated from Jfara HIU College,. Wake Foresl Oeljege.Bcd Jeffenon Hedleil College He pracUced In Slateaivffle #ia_lifer"lo TayIo»viJ]«.'i jTe wiV 1 membei^''Qf Taylmsl ViUo First Bapllst CbutebI'Dia Ired^ and Alexsnder Goaded Medical Sodety and iba ititt! medical lOdely.'He wsi ' pisl , pmldeni of ib» sui DIsMei Medleal Society - sad of. tba Iftden • Alexander Medical SnrwivlBi.are Ua wldo9, Mrs] Helen Adaiaa Tabm; arbret^J Cobset Renben TMum of-Tayl lorarlOaj'iDd' afr'siitess;,* Mrs) aaries R. Durham of Lumbm SH: V.'.Moon andMiu Pink. Taltira of Washbgi fam; D: C.,.MIla Rosa Telom ^ i«*w^;S. C., Mn. A. c! Ctld.^EUcla and Ura.X IVZaeba^^o'f Tayloqiville.. ^ n IheJ/mierarwni ha at-2:W P>m- Friday at tha borne. Bi^al will bo In Oakweod Cemeteii In SUtesvt!le..Tha body will Mtak^ hosiq at S p.m,. today,, | tv"?- -Ooi^ O'Ve.L t- ^ Bio - Obituaries - 1/2/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 6,1966 - Page 2 Bntce Allen Trrxicr Funeral serrlces for Bruce Allen Trcxtcr, 38. of Cootccmce, were held ol 3 p. m. Stindoy, Dcccntltcr 28. at Norlh Coolcomcc BaplLsl Chiirth. Bttrlol was In Stilislniry Cily ceme* lory. ■Mr. Trexter was struck and killed by on aulcmol}itc about 8:20 p. m. Friday. Dcccndwr 24. on N. C. flOl, about two miles norlh of Wondleaf. State Highway Patrolman K. C.iCoNvan said Trcxlcr was walking on I the right side of llie highway when, he was stnick by a car driven by Charlie Hutchinson of Winston'Satem. Trcxlcr was dead on arrival at Ro- won 'Memorial Hospital at Salisbury.i^rvliing are his parents. Adam T.'and Maggie Sell Trcxlcr: five brothciv. James, Roy and Clay Trcxlcr of Coolccmcc and Andrew T. and Glenn Trcxier of Salisbury; and three sisters. Mrs. James Scott and Mrs. E. B. Melton of Coolccmec ond Mrs. J. W. Beam of Greenville. S,.Cr— NORhfAN BUCHANAN Funeral services for Norman Estcs Buchanan. 49, of At. 2, were held at 2:30 Sunday. January 2. In Vog> lers Chopcl in WinstomSalcm. Bur> ial was in Woodland cemetery. ■He died at l:>ia a. m. Saturday at Fbrsyth Memorial Hospital In Win* 8ton<Salcm. He had been In declining health above five years and seriously ill about three werits. Mr. Buchanan was bom in Jack son County to Tolvin and Lydia •jHutchins Estes Buchanan and spent his eariy life there and at Anderson. 6. C. • Mr. Buchanan lived In Winston- Satcm from 1033 until he moved to his last address in lOGO. He had been employed by Ilanes Ho^ry since 8946. Afr. Buchanan was married March ■23. 4933 to Miss Ruby Davis. He served In the U.S. Army from IMI (o 1945. and was overseas three years of that time. - Surviving, In addition to his wife, arc t\ra daughters, Mrs. Doris Mc- (^amrock of Wlnslon^SoIom. Rt. 2. and Mrs. Joyce Hull of 38?3 Tecb ' Blvd.; three sisters, Airs. Dora Shu- bcr of New Holland, Go.. IVfrs. Buenia Chombers and Mrs. Essie Scarborough, both of Anderson; two brothers. R. L. Buchanan and (F. G. Buchanan, also of Anderson; and four grandchildren. Mrs. Beulah Elcbtson Ftineral services for Mrs. Beulah Smith Elchlson, 48, of Route I. Ad- voncc. were held Fridoy. Deconber 24. at 2 p. m. at Advance Methodist Oiurch by the Rev. Carl Haire. Burial was in the cSiurch cemetery. %e died at her hiune at 4:30 p. m. Monday, December 20. A native of Stokes Counly, she wos a daughter of Nat ond Nannie Stewart Smith. Her husband Is William Etchison. Other survivors Include two daught ers. Mrs. WiHa Dean Moyhew of Advance and Mrs. Katie Lee Shutt of Stddand. Md. Bio - Obituaries - 1/6/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 6,1966 - Page 2 ftlRS. MARY ALEXANDER Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Jane Alexander, 83. of RL 4. were conducted at 3:30 p. m. Tuesday. January 4. at Liberty Mctbodlst Church. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Alexander, widow of Joe Alexander, died at her home ot 8:45 a.m. Snmln.v. She was bom In Dnvlc COunly to Daniel nnd Mary llcllnrd fimadway. She wos 0 memlx>r of Ulnuly Mclh- odlsl Church. Surviving are four slc|>(1anghlcr.t. ;Mrs. •nn.vmund (■tliaon. Miss 'Elsie Alcxonder ond Miss Sadie AlcxoU' der (if Mochsviltc. 'Rt. 4, and Mrs. .Clyde .HaUloy of Snllsbuiy, Rl. 1; nI stepson. Clarence Alexander of Mocksviltc. lU. 4: two sisters, Mrs. iBerlhn Ihdchcns of Orlondo, Fla,. • and Mrs. Frank Crotts of Mocks*|vlUe, Rt 4. J. F. WILUAMS Funeral services for John Frank lin 'Williams, 78. of <RL 1. Woodleof. were held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dccem* bcr 28. at South River Melhodisl Church. Biiriol was In the dturch comcteiy. ■He died ot his home Saturday morning. He had 1)660 iH three years. A native of Davie County, he was bom July 14. 1887, the son of the latc-J(d)n and Mary Call Williaids. He had lived in Scotch Irish town ship of Rowan County most of his life and was a retired farmer. Pallbearers wcr Leo Williams, Jimmy Gaithcr, Eugene Myrs, Lar ry Allen .Jimmy and Thomas Wool en. Survivors include the widow. Mrs. Nannie Dyson WilUams; two sons, Heniy and Leo Williams, both of Rt 4, Mocksville: six daughters, Mrs. Fred Myers, of Rt 2, Ctemmons, Mrs. J. B. Woolen of Rt 4. Stalcs- ri ilc, Mrs. R. M. Alien, Mrs. F. Al. Mtirph, Mrs. J. H. Gaither, and Mrs. Kenneth Stedc, oil of Rt .1, Wood- leaf; one doughter-in-law. Mrs. Etta Williams of Ri. 1, Woodleaf: two brothers, T. E. 'Williams of Salis bury, and W. A. AViltiams of Rl. 4, Mccksvitle; two sisters, Mrs. Betty Nichols of Mocksvllle, ond Airs. |Clyde Ridcnhour of Rt. 4, Alocks-! villc; 22 grandchildren and 26 greatgrai^children. Bruce W. Turner Funeral services for Brace Wilson Turner, 51, of Route 4, were hold at 2 p. m. Thursday, December 23, ol Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by O. L. Midyelt and L<ewis Savage. Burial was in Salem Melhodisl Church ccmclcry. Mr. Turner died ot 8:15 p. m. Tuesday, Dcccmuer 21. ot Davie Ccunly Hs(^ital. A nnllve of Ircdcll COnnty, he wa) 0 son of Ruth Smoot Turner and Ihc iote Marshall Turner. Ho was a farmer. Surtdvors Inchidc his wife. Fran cos Jones Turner: three daughters, Mrs. Mary Kolhcrinc Forrest of Route 2. WlnUon-Sotem. Mrs. Edno rorni Forrest and Mrs. 'Eliuibclh Bowles, bolh of Mocksvllle: (wo sons. Jomcs M. Titraer of Winston- Solcm ond Brace Sloven Turner of the home: two brothers, William S. Turner of Sall.lutry ond John F. Turner of Jacksonville, Flo.: his mother of Rotue 1, Mocksvllle: two grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 1/6/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MISS MARGARET McMAIIAN Funeral scn'iccs for Miss Mor- Carcl Mitchell McMahnn> 70. ol Route 2. Mocksvillc, wore hold Thursd.ny. December 2!1, al 11 a. m al Wesley Chapel Mclliotllsl Church by Die Rev. Bcnnlc Bcarden, the Rev. j; \V. Vc.lal and the' Hov. l-: H. Lomnn. Btirinl was in Uie church cemcicry. She died at 8 a. m. Titesday. DccemlKr 2], at the hnmc of 8 I nsler. Mrs. H. W. Dixon of Plea* sant Garden. Miss MeMfllian was the daughter of Fletcher Rcld McMnlian and Tab- ilha A. McMflhan. Slic wa; educated in the public schools of Dovie Coun ty, at Guilford College and al Wo man's College. She taught school for 3 years In Davie Ccunly. and then she movetl lo Greensboro and l>cgan leaching al ProxiTnily School where she laughl for 43 years. She retired In 1961. She waj an acllve memljor of Wesley Chapel C3)iirch, an active mcml>cr of Pino Grange. ' Survivors include three sisters, ' hJrs. Wade R. Bowden, of West Haven, Conn.. Mrs. H. W. Dixon of Pleasant Garden and Mi.>s Mary McMahan of the home; a brother. C. Harmon McMahan of JIoulc 2. Mocksvillc; 3 nephews; 6 nieces. JAMES B. GREEN Funeral sorvlcc.s for James Bur- nis.s Green, Bfi. of Rl. 4, wore held al 4 p. m. Friday. Docomlier 24. ot Center Melhodl.st Church. Burial was in (he diurch cemetery. Mr. Green, a retired former, died at 11 p. m. Wednesday ol his homo He was bom in Davic Coiinly to John W. and Fasmie Jones Green Jems Christ of Lallcr Day Saints, He was a merahcr of the Church ol Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nellie Tutterow Green: five sons, James C.. Henry C., Bobby G. .Kenneth R. and John W. Green of Mocksvllle, ni. 4: four daughters. Mrs. W. E. Gre gory of WinstoivSalcm, Mrs. C. C. Hancs of -Mocksvillc. Rt. 3. Mrs. Bernice McCullough of Mo(d:svllle. Rt. 4. and Mrs. A. M. SIroud of. I Slatcsvillc, Rl. 1; his mother of i Mocksvllle, Rt. 1; four brolhers, Thomas C. Green of Wrnston-Salem. Rl. 9. and William. P. R. and Wall ace Green of Mocksville, Rl. I; and ; 0 sislor, Mrs. Kate Diiggard of Lex ington. I Bio - Obituaries - 1/6/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 13,1966 - Page 2 GROROE BAtLEY Fitncral sci'Vlccs for Georgo ris Bail?y. 03. of Rl. 2. Advance, uicre held Suiulay. Jomiaty 9. ol 2 p. m. in Pork Baptist Church. Burial was in lite church ccmctciy. lie died Tliursday oflcmoon oRcr suffering a hcnrt attack. A native of Dnvie County, he wos horn April 2-t. IW2 ami wa.s the son of the Inie Samuel ami Millie .lane Sniilcr Bullc}'. He was a retired farmer. Survivors include the widow. Mrs. Mamie Bowles Bailey: five sons. Mitciiell. Wiley, and Mark Bailey, ail of the home. J. W. Bailey ol Cooleemce. and Farris Junior Bailc>' of nt. G. Salisbury: four daughters, Teresa. Terry Ljmn of the home, Mrs. 'Ruby Ifarris and Mn^. Jeanetlc Green of Jacksonville. Fia.: two sisters. Mrs. Brownie McDanicI ol Chorlotle. and Mrs. Boone Crotls of l.oxington: three brothers. Odell and Sam Bailey of Coidcemee, and Jamos Bailey of Spencer, WALTER MILLER Funeral services for Walter JuU Ian Miller, 75. of 7 Canter Street, Coolecmec. were conducted at 4 p. m. Sunday, January 9. at CooIeO' Imee Methodist Ghurch by the Rev. aoudc Rorlscll, Burial was In City Memorial Park, Salisbury. Mr. Miller, a retired textile work er, died at t p. m. Friday at Rowan Memorial RospHnl. Survivors include his wife. Ade laide Voglcr hfiller; a son. Waller J. MiUor Jr., of Konnapolis; a daugh ter, Mrs. Jimmy Jordan of Coolee mce; 0 sister, Mrs. Fronk Pcnning- er of Route i, Woodlcaf; a brother, George Miller of Cooleemce; six grandchildren. S. S. HAUSER ^neral services for Ttiomas Settle llauscr. 75. of Rt. 1. Advance, were conducted Wednesday, January 5, at 2 p. m. at Yadkin Valley Baptist Church by the Rev. Alvis Chc4tIro and the Rev. Ray Billings. Burial was in the dturch ccmeleiy. He died at 5:15 Monday. January 3. at Forsyth Memorial Haspital in Winston-Salem. Bom in Davio County Sept. 4. 1890, he wos (he son of John Wesley and Maiy Alice Athen Jlouser. lie was a retired farmer and a member of Farmingion Methodist Church. Survivors Include his wife, Mrs. Maudie Mae King Hnuscr; 4 daugh ters, Mrs. Herman Allen of Yodkbtt vlllc, Mrs. Bvercltc Riddle and Mrs. Henry McBride of Rl. i. Advance, and Mrs. Franklin Smith of Lexing ton; one son, Thomas Eugene Hnus- er of Advance; his stepmother. Mrs, Neil Martin of Yadkinville; one ris- tcr, Mrs. Emma Milchcll of Marsh- alttown, Iowa: one brolhcr, James P. iHouser of Slate Center. Iowa: one hoir-brolhor. Tumor (Hanscr of East Bend; ami one holf-sirier, Mrs. Nell Augusta Hauser . I Charles Cleveland Wofford and Luna Frances Wofford DOUBLE FUNERAL Double funeral services were con ducted Friday. January 7. at 3:30 p. m. in Eaton's Funeral Chapel for (wo Cooleemce relatives who died within an hour of eadi other Wed nesday, January 5. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park at Salisbury. Charles Cleveland Wofford. 72. of^ 2 Joyncr Street, Cooleemce wos dead | on orrival at 9 p. m. yesterday at Davio County Ho^itnl at Mocksrillo. The sistcr-ln-law. Mrs. Luna Francis Wofford, 74. of 42 Davie Street, widow, of Jeff Wofford. died at 8 p. m. at Ron-on Memorial Hospital at Salisbury. Mr. Wofford was bt>ra in Pavle County on March to. I'fU to Rcut)cn and Etixobcth Logic Wofford, (Ho was married to Miss Maude Blvlns in 1928. iHe wos 0 member of the (First Methodist Church hero. Surviving are his wife; four daughters, Mrs. Earl Braxton of Kinston. Mrs. Eugene •Hcliei'-d Misses Betty Sue and Gayle Wof ford, all of Cooleemce; a son, Char les Wofford of the U. S. Air Foreo at Ft. Walter Beach, Fla.; ond o| i brother. George Wofford of Mobile. lAlo. Mrs. Wofford was born in Pavle County to Jrim Wiiliam & Maryctlo] Baity Beck, | She was a mendier of (he First Baptist Church hare. Her busbond died In August. J9G4. &irvivlng ore tuv daughters. Miss Monde Wofford and Mrs. Margaret Breiegar, both of Cooleemee; two' scms. James V/dtfard of Cooleemee ami Lawrence Wofford of Raleigh: three sisters. Mrs. Sam Latham of kfocksviUe. Mrs. Grsdy Lewis of Welmit Cove end Mrs. Elton Martin, of VadklnvUIe. Rt- 3: four brothers, • I John. Win ond Robert Beck, all of! &Iod(svnie. Rt. 5 and Pine Beck cf VadkinvUie. | Bio - Obituaries - 1/13/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 13,1966 - Page 2 cmaiiB uimeB I F^ral servles for Charlie Held jHunter, 70. of Rl. 7, were conducled tat s p. m. Sunday, January 0. at .Eaton's Baptist Church by tlie Rev. IB. C. McBIurray. Burial was n the 'cfaurrii cemeteiy. I Mr. fhuder .a dairy farmer, died let his home ai 7:tt p. m. friday af- • lar fiB Survivors include Ills wife. Nehl lie fiogcr -Hunter: two sons. C!ay| and Francis Rcld ilfuntcr. both of Route 2. Mocksvitlc: a sister. Mrs. Flora l.ntham of Route 2. iMocks- vilte: three brothers, H. 'H. Hunter of Route 2, Mocksville, W. R. and C. E. Hunter of WInston-.Salem: 3 grandchildren. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 13,1966 - Page 3 MISS LOU FOSTER •Funeral services for Miss Lou EUa Fbstcr, 82. of Rl. 2, Advance, were held Wednesday, January B, at Eat« I on's Funerat Oiapci hy Uto Rev. Roy Young. Burial was In Fork Baptist Church cemetery. She died at 2:45 Monday aflomoon, January 3. at Davie Cbunty Hos*! pital where she bad been a patient' a short while. Bom in Davie County Sept. 12, 1883, she was the daughter of the late Pleasant and Sarah Stewart Fbstcr. Sur\'lvor8 Include one brother, J. P. Foster of Lynchburg, Va.; two sisters, Miss Besde Foster of the home and Mrs. Fred >3. Trlveltc of Winston^Solem. Bio - Obituaries - 1/13/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, January 13,1966 Luna Frances Wofford and Charles Cleveland Wofford BoiUc Fiieril Services HeM Friday Cooleemec—Double funerai cervices were held Friday at 3:30 P. M. in Eaton's Funeral chape) in Mocksvilie for two Cooleemee relatives who died within an hour of each other Wednesday January 5. Mrs. Luna Frances Wof ford. 74. Davie Street, died at 8 P. M. in Rowan Memorial Ho^ital. Charles Cleveland Wofford, 72, of Joyner Street- died at 9 P. M. at his home. Mrs. Wofford was the sis- ter-in-iaw of Mr. Wofford. A native of Davie County, Mrs, Wofford was the daugh ter of the late William and Marry Etta Beck and was born January 2. 1892. She was married to the late Jess Wof ford who died in August 1964. She was a member of the First Baptbt Church of Coo leemee. Survivors include two daughters. Miss Mamie E. Wofford and Mrs. Margaret Brinegar, both of Cooleemee; two sons, James Wofford of ' Cooleemee, and Lawrence Wofford of Raleigh; three sis. ' ters, Mrs. Sam Latham of Mocksvilie. Mrs. Grady Lewis of Winston-^em. and Mrs. Elton Martin uf Route 3. Yad- kinvUie; four brothers, John. Will and Robert Beck, all of Bo6te 6, Mocksvilie, and Pink Beck of Yadkinville; two grandchildren. A native of Davie Coun ty, Mr. Wofford was the son of the late Rul>en and Eli- zabcth L. Wofford and was born March 10, 1893. Ho was married to the former Maude Bivins who survive.s. He was a member of Cool- cemee Methodist Church. Survivors in addition to the widow, include fou.- daugh ters, Mrs. Earl Braxton of Kiii&toii. Mis. Eugene HeUdid, Miss Betty Sue Woffcrd. and Miss Gai! Wofford. all of Cooleemee; one son, Charles i Wofford of the U. S. Air Force; one brother, George Wofford of Mobile. Ala.; and two grandchildren. Mist Lm Ella FostarDM MOCKSVILLE-The funeral for Miss Lou EJla F\)ster, 82, of Advance, Rt 2, was held at U A. M. January 5 at Ea ton FNineral Chapel. Burial was at Fork Baptist Church cemetery. Miss Foster died at 2:45 P.M. Monday at Davie County Hospital. She was born in Davie County to Plea sant and Sarah E. Stewart Foster. Surviving are a brother, J. P. Foster of Lynchburg, Va.; and two sisters, Miss Bessie Foster of the home, and Mrs. , Fred B. Trivette of Wins- I ton-Salem. Amv MOCKSVILLE The tuoer- al for Ihomas Settle Hauaer, 7S. of Advance, Rt 1, a re* tired farmer, waa held at 2 PJi. January 5 at the Tad> fcin Valley Baptirt Church. Burial was in fjit church ce metery. Mr. Hauaer died at 5:15 A, M. HoDday at For- syth Memorial Hoq;>ital He was bom in Davie County to John Wesley and Mary Alice Athen Hauser and was a member of the Farmington Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Maudie Mae King Hauser; 4 daughters, Mrs. Herman Allen cf Yadkinville, Mrs. Everette Riddle and Mrs. Henry Mc. Bride of Advance and Mrs. Franklin Smith of Lexington; a son, Thomas Eugene Hauser of Advance; his stepmother, Mrs. Nell Martin of Yadkin ville; a brother, James P. Hau ser of State Center, Iowa; a sister. Mrs. Emma Mitchell of Marshalltown, Iowa; a half brother. Turner l&user of, East Bend; and a half sister,' Mitec Nell Augusta Hauser. ( Bio - Obituaries - 1/13/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, January 13,1966 Full Rites For Walter J. Miller Charlie Hunter Of Cooleenee I pgjiy Farmer COOLEBMEE - Waller Ju lian Miller, 75, of 7 Center Street, died at 1 P. M. Friday January 7 at Rowan Memo rial Hospital. He was a retired textile worker. Survivors include his wife. Adelaide Vogler Miller; a son, Waller J. Miller, Jr., of Kan. napoli.v; a daughter. Mrs. Jim my Jordan of Ccoleemee; a sister, Mrs. Frank Penningcr of Route 1, Woodleaf; a bro ther. George Miller of Cool- eeniee. six grandchildren. Funeral services were con- dueled at 4 P. M. Sunday at Ccoleemee Methodist Church by the Rev. Claude Hartsell. Burial was in City Memorial Park, Salisbury. MOCKSVILLE -- Charlie Hcid Hunter. 70. a duii v farm er of Route 2, Mocksville. died at his home at 7:50 P. M. Fri day January 7th after an ex tended illness. Survivors include hi.s wife. Nellie Boger Hunter; two sons Clay and Francis Reid Hunter both of Route 2. Mocksville; a .•iistci, Mrs. Flora Latham of Route 2, Mocksville; throe brothers. H. H. Hunter of Rt. 2. Mocksville. W. R. and C. E. Hunter of Winslon-Salem; three grandchildren. Funeral services were con-1 ducted at 3 P. M. Sunday' at Eaton's Baptist Church byj the Rev. B. C. McMurray. 1 Burial was in the church cc-j nietciy. George Bailey, Rt. 2, Advaeee ( MOCKSVILL - George Far- ris Bailey, 63, of Route 2, Advance died at his home Thursday January 6 after suf fering a heart attack. A native of Davie County he was born April 24, 1902 and was the son of the late Samuel and Mittie Jane Sni. der Bailey. He was » retired farmer. Survivors include the widow, Mrs, Mamie Bowies Bailey; I five sons, Milchcll, Wiley, and Mark Bailey, ail of the home. J. W. Bailey of Coolccmce. and' Farris Junior Bailey of Hi. 6. Sali.cbury; four daughters, Teresa, Terry Lynn of the home, M(^. Ruby Harris and Mrs. Jeannolle Green of Jack sonville, Fta.; two sisters, Mrs. Brownie McDaniel of Char lotte, and Mrs. Boonc Crotls of Lexington; throe brothers, Odell and Sam Bailey of Coo-j leemcc. and James Bailey ufj Spencer. Jhincral services were con ducted Sunday at 2 P. M. in Fork Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 1/13/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, Januar> 13,1966 Mrs. Alexander Roite 4 Mocksville MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Mary Jane Alexander, &5, of Route 4. Mocksville. died at 8:45 A. M. Sunday January 2 at her home. A native of Davie County, she was a daughter of the late Daniel and Mary Hellard Broadway. Her husband, Joe Alexander, died in 1952, Survivors include four step daughters, Mrs. Clyde Hattley of Route 1, Salisbury, Mrs. Raymond Gibson. Miss Elsie Alexander and Miss Sadie Al exander of Route 4, Mocks ville, a stepson. Clarence Alex ander of Route 4, Mocksville; four grandchildren; two sis ters. Mrs. Frank Crolts of Rt. 4, Mocksville and Mrs. Ber tha Hutchens of Orlando. Flo rid. Funeral services were con ducted at 3:30 P. M. Tuc.sday January 4th at Liberty Metho dist Church by the Reverend ^ Robert Frost. Burial was in, the church cemetery. , Bio - Obituaries - 1/13/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA \ n Dr, Alfrprnon Odoll Staalc Obituary as printnd in leaflst : Funeral Services held at The University Church Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, N.C. ift'ednesday January 19, 1966 at 2;00 P.M. Algernon Odell Steele was born in Mocksville, North Carblina and received his early education in the schools of that J}® ®"^«red High ochool at Johnson Smith University (then University) and continued there until ho had completed work R 4 degree. He earned his B.D. degree at Gnrrett Theological Seminary and his M.A. degree at Northwestern University, The awarded hiip the Ph.D degree in 19)|.2 andJohnson C. Smith University honored him with the D.D. dgree in 19l|.3. T 4 r. iFr* began his career as n teacher at Mary Allen ^932 h. joined the focuXty of r-Jol^Mn C. S ith University in the field of religioua education and o continuted in the service of the University until his demise. At the time of his death he was serving as Professor and Head of the Depart- ment of Religiousj^-ducation. Chairman of the Division of Humanities, F" Dean of the Chapel and Advisor in the ^tudent Christian Association, , . ^ addition to his academic duties ho mantained an activecommunity affairs. For fifteen years he voluntarily con- <r3 ducted a weekly Leadership ^raining Class for adults interested in the service of the church. membership in the American Association of UniversityProfessors, The American Academy of Religion, The Religious Education Association, The Association for the Scientific Ltndy of^eligion. Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and the Uniqure Masonic Lodge No. r>, 4. ^ author of two books; The Bible and the HumanQuest and The Questing Christ, contributed articles to a number ? 1 committee to nrepnre curriculum materials for the United Iresbyterian Church in the U.S.A. An ordained minister of the United Fresbyterian Church, he was a frequent speaker before youth and adult groups. o 3 ; ^ o L i • o 1 n ^ n n nn -M' j f i DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 20,1966 - Page 4 Kra. T. E. McDBttfeb nmend sorvlces for Mrs. Moude VitiB Beauchamp McDanido. 73, ot Advaseo. B(. 1. wero ccndocled SaUtrday, Jaouary is, at 3:30 p. m. at ttodts Methodist Churdi. Burial was In Iho idturch cemetery. Mra. Md^lds, wife of Thomas E. McDanlds, died of 10:S5 a. m. Thursday at Forsylh Memorial Hos- pHol. Sbo was twm In Davie County to Ohnile X. and Cennle Orrdl Beau- champ and was a dtarter anomber of Modes M^odlst Onirdi. Surviving are her husband: sbc daughters, Mrs. Hubert Parks Of ' WlnsUnt'Saiem. Bt. 4, Mrs. John FVank Jarvls of Advance, Bt 1, Mrs. Prank SIdden of Mocksvllle. Mrs. Kenneth Umg of vnnsttm-Salem, Rt. 4, and Mrs. James Summers and Mrs. Roy WaQ of ModcsvUle; four sisters, Mrs. G. W. Smith of Clem- mons, Mrs. Martha Davis and Mrs. Spencer ^rlntde of Wlnston^Saiem, end hfrs. Fred Myers of Advance; and two brothers, E. G. Beaudiamp of Rosemonl Avenue and Roy Beau diamp ci Advance. Mrs. J. W. Plleher Funeral services for Mrs. Alice Cornelius Plleher, 88. xtere bdd Fri day. Januaiy 14. at 2 p. m. at Yad* kin Valley fieptlst Qiurch by the Rev. Altis Cheshire and the Rev. Brown and McKlnney. Burial was lii the church cemetery. Mrj. Plleher, wife of J. W. POdior, . died Wednesday n|ght at.her, hpim on Rt. 2. t%e was bom in Vadkln County on Get, &, 1679 to Alvis £. and Racbd -StQe^n Conidius, Giindvlng Jo. addition .to the hus- •b^ ura three aons. W. D. POcAer 004 V* PUdier Jr. of Modts- vi^ Rt. 2; and A. B. PUcher of LeWisviUe, Rt. 1; six daughters, htet. W. H. Seats of MocksviUe, RL 8, fjlrp. H. 1 Douthit end Mrs. W, V. 'SRiHfi o/ (Advance, Rt. 1, Mrs. G. W. Rt^le of Statable, Mrs. J. W. W^,' el Windon-Salem and Mrs. H. , J.'plater WInston-Salem, Rt. 6: 31 fprgtl^diUdrm and 38 great-grand- chgi^^ Mrs. W. N. Owens Fpperal sendees for Mrs. Faille Cdttw Owens, Bl, of 1720 longvlew Wlnston-Salem, ^vero con- <^c|^ at 2 p. m. Saturday. January Advance Methodist Churdi by t^;itev.CBrt A. Haire and the Rev. J. ,R. Parker. Burial was In the eemetay. 5. Owens, wife of W H. Owens, at 8:30 a. m. Thursday at Baptist Hospital. She had been ser- iH since Dec. 24. was bom in Oavlo County on Nov. 13, 1884 to 0. C. and Nancy Carter. She ipent her early In the county and had Uved In County 40 years. Mrs. Owens was a member of Ad vance Methodist Churdi, Survlvlttg In eddlUon to her hus band. arc a son, W. G. Owens of LewisvHJo, RL 1; a daughter. Miss Irene Lee Owens of the homo; two gnmdditldren and three great- granddiildren. w * ir Mis. R. C. Phillips, Sr. 'Funeral sendees for Mrs. Luna Mary I%iIIlps, 64. of Advance, were conducted TXicsday. January 18. at Advance Methodist Church. Burial was in the churdi cemetery. ■Mrs. RiUllps, wife of Ralph C. PhQllps, Sr.. died at 12:30 a. m. Sunday at her home. She was bom In Davte COunly to'Uriah and MltUo Garwood Orr^ and was a member of Advance Methodist Churdi.Survh^g besides her husband are a daughter. Miss Deiora Phltllps of WhutonRdem; a son. Ralph C. Phillips Jr. of the home; a broUifflr, Lufiicr OrreU of Wlnston-Salem: and three sisters, Mrs. Ralph and Miss Leila Orrdl of Winston- Salom and Mrs. Enolc Narlman of Advance. Alfred D. SmIUi F^mcrd services for Alfred Den nis Smith, 43. of Rt. 2, were held Sunday. January 16. at 2 p. m. at"YBOian Vdll^ Baplfst Church by tlie Rov. Alvis Cl}0.-hlre. Burial was In tbo church cemetery. Ho died Friday in Rowan Mo- morla} Hospital. He was a retired North CaroUna Sloto Highway Com- mission emjdoye. A noUm of Dai4o County, he was 8 sen of .Annie Cope Smith of Rt. 2, Vadklnvlllc, and the late Clarcnoe M. Smith. In addition to his moUier, he Is surviiied by hU wife. Mrs. Jean Plleher Smith; a son, David Clar ence &nlth of the homo: five broth- ors. Veroon and C. M. Smith of YadldnvIHo, Virgil Smith of Advanue. Wado Smith of Panama City, Fla., and Kenneth Smith of Wilndnglon; n sister, Mrs. Norman liutdilns of Yadblnvilto. Carl Lec Poopirs Crai'CBide services for Carl Lee PiX)|}Ies. 47. uvxo conducted ui 3:30 p. m. Ttiesdoy. January 18, at Tbmer's Creek RaptUi aiurch ce metery. Sir. Peoples, a lulnicr of Norfolk Vo., died of bums suffered In a fire^turday night In Norfolk. Ho was bora in Davla County to Jdtn end Annie Wells Peoples. Surviving aro his parenlis of Moeksvflle, RL 5; three brothers, John Peoples of Calumet dty. Rt.,Le^r P^Ies of Highland, Ind., end Ciarenco Peoples of Rockwrfl. RL 1. Bio - Obituaries -1/20/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE -JOURNAL, Thursday, January 20,1966 David Martin Reavis llHlf HEMi^ at his ho[n«. Be Was a yedkiii Cminty to HHp HHH HPmb w. abd JJanettie lAajr Lrnim f^urviving ftre His wife, Mrs. Bot ittocUey Reavis, slx^ WdBtera, Mrs. Roy Gunier,; lloyd fiurlor, Jr.. Mrs.1 bib Thto and Mrs. Clinton' IpOfetford of Woidleaf and i C M- Bailey and Mrs. pll|i'W^ Steelraan of Mocks- 6|6et five tons. Jim Reavis nr ianaolnton, David Reavis, fe. and BiUy Reavis of Cool- MMM. iovk Reavis of Lex- and Jerry Reavis of P^ksmooy, a atepaon. Paul of Han^tonvUle. a sis- Mrs. N. F. Ccpley of Mluknn-Balein. and a brother C. B. Reavis of Harmony. ,it!he funeral wiU be at 2:30. IP. M Friday at Needmore JBiBiiti Cburch in Rowan Cennty. Biu-ial will be in the •church'mnetery. mmjmi'PRHUbaWBa flNksnB HHMKSVIXjLB — Alfred■Mbfr frntih. M. oi Rouie VBpfrniDe, died at TdW PJC.HP(Mf January IMfa in Row-*HS MfinMM Is] HosoitaL He viMKmUtmI Moitfa Cuoiina StateBcbaray CommissioD en^ftoye. W A native of Davie Oounty,|m was a 8QO (tf Annie Oo^Hjdtb of Route 2, Yadldxv.ypjL, and the late ClarenceBE teutiL ^ In addition to his mother. [M is survived by his wife.Xiiu. Jean Pitcher Smith: a Mm David Clarence Smith of mm home; five brothers. Ver- Ism and C M. Smith of Yad- frdavBle. Vingil Smith ol Ad- iMwm Wade Smith of Pana-•Sft C^. Fla. and Kennethpfriuith of WUminglon. a sis- Ih; Mrs. Norman Hutchins M YadkMville. I Fumrtl services were con- Attded at 2 P. M. Sunda>- at Yadkin Valley Baptist CMurcfa by the Rev. AlvisjCfaeabife. Burial was in the ibbizeh oemetesy. Bio - Obituaries - 1/20/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, Janiiar> 20, 1966 C.l.lwwttSr. tmmikmi l«M FiMay A Dm Funerml services for C. S. Sr^ age 78, of 3020 OtvoDshire Diive. Raleigh. held FViday afternoon at P |un. at Mitchell Fui>eral IbMe. Mr. DeWeese entered PMx Bo^Mtal January 1, ind bad been teidtfa for some time. Survivors include his wife, lin> Lala Ferebee DeWeeae, 0m aoo. C. S. DeWeese. Jr.. 9i Virginia Beach. Va., and OM daughter, BCrs. Jean Frax* iar of Raleigh, and two grand- cftiildren. Mr. DeWeese was employed Pgr Brwm Mills Company here ha the Supply Room fu* a JMimher of years before mov- Ing to Raleigh. I OT. iMqi Mnd iML 1. Wood. dM Tdadhy at 2a.*45 M hfi hone. He had MfOBdjr ill for Be vaa bom June 1. 1868 in Biceran County, the son of I Levi and Matilda Beaver Deai Sduoated an the Rowan County tbools. Mr. Deal farmed in Unity township. He was a member of the Unity Presby terian Churda. He is survived by his widow, the lomwr Maggie Hileman, to whom he was married on No\-ember 25, 1807. four sons Carl Leonard^ of Rt, 1. Wood- leaf, Charlie' Thumas, of Rt 1 8, Salisbury, Levi Crawford. | of Greensboro, James Gilbert' of Route 3, Salisbury, six daughters. Mrs. Jesse Tallcy | and Mrs. Geozge Andrews, i I both of Concord, Mr. G iMcDaniel of Rt. 1. Salisb Mr^ Paul Carter of Route j MocksviUe. Mrs. Clay Wu t helm of Rt 7. Salisbury. Mi« Rthel Deal of the home: one | brother. John P. Deal of Rt 2, Otiins Grove. 35 grandchild, ren and 57 great-grandchild ren. Funeral services were Thurs day at 3 P. M. at the Unity Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Alan B. Weils, pastor, and the Rev. J. H. Armfield. Jr., a formo' pastor, in charge Burial was in the church ce metery. Roy C. Tatum PittnUhof n ii|iN«ni TAYUHtSVOJUS - The for mer dean of the medical staff and one of the fundm of AL exander County Hospital here Wednesday. Dr. Roy c. lytum, 75, died at 9 AM. at his office. He was born hi Davie County to Samuel Jmse and Ida Hinkle Eaton Tatum. | Dr. Tatum graduated from' Mars HUl CoUege. Wake for est College and Jefferson Me dical CoUege. He practiced in Statesville and later m Tay- lorsviUe, Bio - Obituaries - 1/20/1966 , He was a member of Tay- j I lorsviUe First Baptist Chureh, ' the Iredell and Aiexandm* Counties Medical Society a«yi the stale medical society. Hei was past luesid&it of the 9th I District Medical Society and of the Iredell - Alexander Medical Society. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Helen Adams Tatum; a brother. Col. Reuben Tatum I of Taylorsville; and six sis-» icrs, Mrs. Charle H. Durham | ol Lumberton, Mrs Lee V. i Moore and Miss Pink Tatum ! of Washington. D C.. Miss Rosa I Tatum of Lancaster. South' Carolina. Mrs. A. G. Click of Elkin and Mrs. L P. Zaduuy J of TaylorsvUle, The funeral will be at 2:30; P. M. Friday at the home.' Burial will be in OakwoodCemetery in Statesville. j DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 1/21/1966 I ' ^ Dr. Anderson Dies; Ex-Dentist in Davle I MOCKSVlI.l.F. — nr. nobcrl Tcindcxlcr Arvicrinn, 97. of Mnrksvillf and Fnri Myfrs, Fla., v.ho had pracliccd dcnti*- r>- here unlil hr wax 90 died ycalerday ir.ominj al hix win Icr home in FmI ^tytrJ. f Dr. Andrfjon craduilcd from iVanderbilt LInivcrJity at tl»5h- ' ville. Tcnn.. and passed Ihe I Nnrih Catnlina Dental lioard in ! JEW. He rclurned 1o his home , ai Caiahan in Davie Counly and I willi the liclp of n c.irpcnlcr, he fRshioiicd a dental chair un an nld linme dr.mn linCfiy. With I this conlraplion, he vlxitcd I farmlriRlon. Fork, .Sinilh Grnvc, ' Jerififllem and Conlprmre cr>m- , miJiiiUrj In Davip fnimiy, ftsy- I Inc alioin a vrek in each I'lare ' aod servin? p.iiienls. One of hit stDps in 1P93 wax In East licnd. \Vhilc there, he allpnde<i a family in the Old Richmond secljon of F o r S y t h County. (Inc of his patients ua.s Miss Finn Heed V'llhin a short lime, he made her hi.s wife, She Is hi.s oiil/ jur.i.iii, Hk li-i;.,!! Ids JTICllce in Mn-.ks'.illc in 1S9:, luK in lf?9S ' a depression srl in. ami he and hi' wife moved to BrownsviHe, Tax. The cllmalc did nil agree, ts-llh him and he feturncJ to Norlh Carnlina In 190!, settlfne in Ashevllle. The neat year lie - I eaine bach 1o Mocksville. i ' Dr. Andrr.sor maintained his nifiro ciii the tauar# in Mflek* ville. lip kept sbrcisl of all ' modern e<i'iipnirnt in the prac tice nf drntislry sillh one ea- i DR. It, ANDERSON i ...from a 1S57 photo.,. lir Anderson was horn in the i CaiaU.an .scflion lo A. A. and Fannie roinilc.xler Andcrion.; Ifis f.ilhrr nprralrrt a store al Calahan, and nne room was rented (o a Dr. Howard, a cetdi'^n lie roiild never operate dentist. Howard's anylhini; but n drill powered by interested yminK Antler- hi« font ' ser. and this led to his pfpfes- For the past tim years he has i tem3iri;il in Florida. Inn hedy will be retiirncrt v.nrlt interested yoiinK Antler- -3 j sen. and Ihis ItvJ to his Pfofes-1 sion. The hedy will be retiirncil I Htc, and (h? funefa] v.j|[ he 3(1 2 i-.iH. r-u-. ncrai Home, llunal with Mason-' ic rites will he in Hose Cemc-i iPfV- I Bio - Obituaries - 1/21/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 27,1966 - Page 2 J. 0. mmERMAN Fiincral scrHrcs for .Iosm Gar- nw !5'.mineniiwn. 83, of Atlvancc, Rl. 2. were hekl Tiie«1ny, Joniinry al 4 p, m. al ElliaxWe Mdhoilisl Clnirrh. BiiHal was in the diitrch oemotciy. Mr. Zimmerman, a retired farm er. (Ned al 11:50 p. m. Snlitrday at Davie Ceimly llospllal. <Hc wn.1 bom in Da\'ic County to dackson and Snrnh Sollcrfidd SSim- merman. He was a mcmtier of El- batillc Metiiodist Church. Siirvi\inj( are lib \Hie, Mrs. Min nie done Wolker Zimmerman: four daughters, Mrs. James Roekc, Mrs. Beatrice Brown and Mrs. James B. \Vlidon of Washington, D. C., ond Mrs. Samuel Cope of Admncc: and Utrce son I, Ptoyd Zimmerman of SL Peter.4)iirg, Fla.. Tom Zimmerman of Greensboro ond Louts Zimmer-* mon of Advance. FLAKE 8TUDEVENT Flake Sttide\'cnt. of 2600 Menroo Street, N. E., Waahlnglon, D. C., died in that city on Sunday, January 22, where he had resicM for the past 31 yean. He was a natiwa of Oavie County, and the son of the late Mr. atWi Mrs. A8buiy Studevent He is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Pearl Weils and Mr^. Dorothy Brooks of Woddngton, D. C.; Mrs. Catherine Brent and Mrs, Naiuni Da^ of Balthnore, Md.; three sons. Robert Studevent of Wadiington, D. C.; Calvin Studevent of (he U. S. Army In California ond Donald Studevent of the U. S. Navy: two sisters, Mrs. EsloNc Foster and Mrs. Geneva Siwtt of Mocksvilte: two brothers, Shiricy Studevent of Ad vance, and Clyde Studevent of Mockn'iilc. Fimeral service wiH be held in Washington, D C.. on Friday, 12; noon, at Turner's Memorial A. M. E. 2on Church. Burial wU! fotiow vdth Masonic rites by Warren's Prince Holi Mosons of Washington. D. C. Condcdaices may be sent to Jar- vis Fun«td Home In Wasbtngton. D. a Bio - Obituaries - 1/27/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 27, 1966 - Page 1 Bob*' Dies At The Age of BT Rites Held For Dr. R. P. Anderson V Dr. •Robert Poindexler Anderson. 07, or Mccksville and Fort Myers, Florida, died last Thursday at his winter home in Fort .Myers. Funeral services were held Twsday afleF* no(m at the Eaton Funeral Chapel. Burial was In Rose Cemclery with •Masonic Rites. ile is survU'ed by his wife, the foiTncr Miss Flora Reed and many nieces and nephews. Dr. Anderson procliccd dentistry lor almost 70 years, retiring In J038 at the age of 90. At that time he was the oldest practicing dentist In North Carolina. Ho was born in the Citlahaln sec* lion of Davic County on April 27, JSiUi. tiic son of A. A. mid Fannie Poindexler Anderson, lie nllcnded scltools of tile county at Noah's Ark and Calahaln. i lUs futlier operated a store ut Culuhaln. One room of the store was rented to a Dr. Howard, a dentist of Mocksviilc. ulKi used it on ragu> lur visit to treat iKitiimts in that community. Thus us a little Iwy. Dr. Anderson become inlca'sted in this profession. At tbo oges of 17 and ts he taught school In Yodkin County ami in 1888 be ontcred the School of Dentistry 01 Vondcrbllt University. Jn 1889 he passed the North Caivlina Dental Board and In teso graduated from llio school ol dentistry. , One of his stops wos at East Bend' in Vadkln County. One day while n iltere he was culted to attend a family across tlic river in Uw Old Hlclunond section of Forsyth Coun,; ty. 'I'hcm he met, us one of his* patients, a young lady by the nomei ,uf Flora Rccd and tlio two were .murricd in 1893. In i:=t)i Dr. Anderson came to 'Mocksville and setup dental cilices |l Making his honw ut C;d;tbaln lie furtiloncd. with lite help of a car penter. a traveling dentist chair on an old horsedraun buggy. With this oullit, he iravcllcd to the various seclious of Ilk* county, going to homes tiiat calk-il. visiting Itie vari* PUS siH'Uuns of Hie county, lie would Slay about a wwk in cm'Ii pUtcv. in the i'rcsbylcrian Manse. When lie and .Mi>5 Flora Reed were mar-' lied the next year ihoy moved into' a three room house that slaiuls on the s|n)i where Itielr pivsciit home Js: located on North Main St. lloweier. itic ensuing years were' ilepressiun jears and there was not much business to Ik* found in Mocks- vilte. Ill itiiNi. Dr. aiut Mrs. Anderson piilk'd up stakes and moved to Ctfuitaurti OB Pftgc i Bio - Obituaries - 1/27/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MCCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Januar> 27, 1966 - Page 4 .-^ni DR. n. p. ANDERSON MORE ABOrr Dt. R. P. Anderaon Brownsville. Texas. For around fiva years he was one of the loading dcnllsts of lhat clly. However, the humid climate did not agree with his health and upon the advtac ol a physician to scok a higher latitude they moved to Ashovillc in ifiOl. He practiced dentistry there for one year, roluraing to MocteviUc Jn 1902. Dr. Anderson had a dental office in buildings oU around the Modes- ville Square ... in the Kale Hoi' man house, the old Meroney Build ing and the old Masonic Building, etc. 'During World War I. ho and Dr. W. C. Martin purchased a large building on tho square from J. T. Bally. The building lator burned and Dr. 'Anderson bought out Dr. Martin's part and became sole owner, rebuilding and locating his offices on the second floor. He proc- ticed dentistry In this office (which was over the present Davie Fumi- lure Ckimpany) until his ttllremcnl In 19S3. Prior to his retirement, he sold the building to ^V. J. SeU. An avid gardener, he and Mrs. Anderson grew ail types of shrub- ibcry and flowers In back of their home on North Main Street Bio - Obituaries - 1/27/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, Januarj 27,1966 Br. Mmm ForaerBivie Beitist Bied Mocksville — Dr. Robert .*„indexter Anderson, 97, d Mocksville end Fort Msrers, Fla^ who hed practiced den« tistry here dntil he was 90 disd Jan. 20 at his winter hofxte in Fort Myers. Dr. Andersm graduated from Vanderbilt University at Nashville, Tenn.. and pass- ed the North Carolina Dental Board in 1890. He relumed to his home at Calahan in Davk County and with the of a carpenter, be shioned a dental chair on an| old horse>drawn Iniggy. Withj this contraption, he visited] Farmington, Fork, Smith Grove, Jerusalem and Coolee- roee communities in Davie County, staying about a week in each place and serving patients. One of his stops in 1693 was tn East Bend. While there, he attended a family in the Old Richmond .^eilion cf Forsyih County. One of his patients was Mis.s Flora Rrpd. Within a short lime, he made her hi.s wife. She is his only survivor. He began his practice in, Mocksville in 1892. but in 1896 a depression set in, and hv and his wife moved to : Brownsville, Tex. The climate did not agree with him and I he relumed to North Caro* lina in 1901, settling in Ashe- ! ville. The next year he came back to Mocksville. Dr. Anderson maintained hi.<; offi<% on the square in Mi>ck.sville. He kept abreast of all modem cqulpmeni in the practice of dentistry with one exception. H? cotdd nev er operate anything but a drill power^ by his Coot. For the past two years he has rvmain^ in Flodda. Dr. ATidemn was' bom in ttie Calahia section to A. A. and Fannk FkdndeKtar An derson, father dpemted a <tore at-Calahan, and one room was rented , to a pr. Howard,: a IfockSvUle Howard^ * work young ^nd^fwofi, and to hb Bio - Obituaries - 1/27/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA mm f^;-Funeral services for Dr. Wil- M' ''*'^11 con-'duct^; ffqm.vEmmanuel Epis- icop^- Church here today (Fri- f^y) 'at 11 a. m. by the.Rev. jr.,' rector. _ln- termWt?:wUl be in Falrvlew .cemetery.,;':;.; c ^Dr.'-^r-Taylor r died Tuesday^ afterfioonin MayviewConvales-' c^t Home in Raleigh; , , f' Dr.VTayldr was born iiibavle County on ' July -28, 1877, and moved with his parents toWar- rehton in 1892, He wasagradu- ' ate of the University of Mary land Dental School and practic ed dentistry in Warrenton for many years. . . .. V- Dr. Taylor read law at home and passed the North Carolina bar examination in 1915. During his lateryears he activelyprac- ticed law in Warrenton. He was Judge . of Warren County Re corders Court from 1930 to 1.936. During World War II he w^ Government Appeal Agent. for the Warren County Selec tive Service Board. "He ::Is ^. survived -^by three daughters, Misses Katherine Md Leonora.Taylor of Warren- ton,and.MIss:Ellzabeih Gordon W^^Taylor; Jr.i'ofRai- ®J.fffi_^diwo^gr • I- IS" ' iUL OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NO UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, 1/30/1966 'sird'Jand tnisxee oi „,'«ar>■a.'JIethddist ChurchSffient of the Sundw s^ooljitf.'Mmer vias a"ber'idf •'the.' Pmo commmuwand his farm th^-tfrange w.i rrimserva isiiWiving'" ^re'j#ohh E. ^Mrner^or^mslon^^^KlA and Vernon''and Gene'iflr of MocksviDe, Et. 2, an^-three daughUrs, Mrs* •town and Mrs. H. Lavem ShorelI of -YadkinvUle. ? ' i: -' :. ^ t ?The funeral wffl be at 11 a.m.,;i Monday at Wesley Chapel JMjt^I odist Church.^ Burialthe church cemetery. The h<»WS at Eaton's Funeral HomeI and will be placed in the church • at 10:30 p.m. Bio - Obituaries - 1/30/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Februar> 3, 1966 - Page 2 LONNIE L. MTLLER | Fimeral SciTiccs Tor Lonnle | MIHci*. J'3, were held Monday. .Ian-1 I uary 31, ol 11 a. m. at Wesley Chapel Melhortisi Church. Burial was In the chiirdi cemetery. He died at 7:30 a. m. Saturday at Lynn ilaven Nursing Home. Ne was horn in DaWe Ctxinty la ] Luther nnd Mary Taylor Miller. He was a steward .nnd Injstec of WeMoy Chapel Melltodist Church and super-1 inlendonl of the Sunday scho(rf. Mr. Milter was a rharlcr mcml>cr of the Pino community Grange and his farm w.ns the fir.d projected in soil conservation In Davic County. Tie was a memtjor of the Davic Cotmly Surviving arc three sons. John E. Milter of Winston-Satem and Vernon and Gene Miller of MocksvHlc. Rt. 2; and Ihroe daughler.s, Mrs. Har mon MoMahan of Mock-vile. Ri. 2. Mrs. Mack Conrad of Pfafflown and Mrs. H. Lavern Shore of Yadklnvillc. nURL H. LANIER Funeral .seiMces for Btiri noo.«c* I volt Utohiicki Lanicr, S'J. of A<1- I vancc. nt. 2. were hold at 2 p. m. Monday. January 31, at Eaton's IlDino. Burial was in Fidlon Meth odist Churcli cemetery. Mr. Lanicr died at 1:30 p. m. Saturday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home. He W.1S born In Davic County to Burl and Note Harvey Lanicr. Surviving are four sisters, Mrs. Kate Crcason of Coc/1eon>ce, Mrs. Mary Ellen Hcndrix of Roavos. Mrs. ^ Bessie Carter of Elkin and Mrs, C. j G. Livengood of North WilkesI)!)!©: and n brother, John Uinier of Ad vance, lU. 2. MRS. JAMES WARD Funeral sorviccj for Mrs. Nancy Smith Ward, 77, wife of James U Ward of MocksvHIe. Rt. 2, Farndng- ton Community, were hcM at 2 p. m. Friday. January 28, at Eaton's Chapel. Biwial was in Fanninglon j cemetery. I Mrs. Ward Died Wednesday at ' Baptist Hospital in WinJon-SoIem. I Sun-ivors arc her husband, Janws L. Ward; a daughter, Mrs. W. W. Gabard of Rt. 2, Clemm.'n.s: scn.s, J. Ivoonard W.ard of Tlioma -vlilc and W. Chnlo:i Ward of Myrtle BeaclJ. S. C.: iirotljcrs, Ben Smith and Grady Smith of Rt. 2. Mocksvnie.' and Earl Smith of New Hill; a, sister, Mrs. C. C. Williams of Rl. | 2, Mocksvillo. i Bio - Obituaries - 2/3/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, February 3, 1966 UnieLMHIer i DksAtSS MOCKSVHJLE — Lonnie Lee Miller, 95. died a: 7:50 ajTj. a5 Haven Nursi.n^ Home. He m^as bom in Da\->e County lo Lulherj arwi Man Tajlw Miller. He a 5*,em-mrd and trustee! of Wc«ley Chapel Melhodist Church and superintendent of the Sunday school. Mr. MiUer was a charter member of the Pino communitx Gran^ and his farm was the first pro jected in soil conser\*ation in Davie County. He was a mem ber of the Davie C<Hintv draft board during World ^'ar IL Surviving are three sons. John £. Miller of Wtnston-Sa- 1cm and Vernon and Gene Miller of MocksviUe. R<»ite 2: Mrs. Mack Ct^rad of Phaff- town and Mrs. H. Lavem Shore of Yadkinvtlle. Thef uneral was at 11 A. M. Monday at Wcsle> Chapel Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Charles Wepler Dies Of lijiries Fren Wreek Charlie Lee Heplor, 60. of North Cooleemec. died Tues day night in Davic County Hospital. He had Ix^^n 11! 3 weeks lollowing injunc.'i suf- fcnnl in an auto accident Januan 15. A native of Davio County, he was born Oct. 3. 1905. the s*»r. of the late Willie and Kathb^en Campbell Heplor. He w.iN a retired painter. Sinvi^*ors include the w i<U»w. the former Mantic Barne-^, (»ne .*^ii. Paul Becne Hepler .»f Coolceinee. one daughter. Mrs. Frankio Wil liams of Cooleemee; one bro- lh.( r. C B. Hepler of Rt. 4, MiH'kv\il,e; and .>i.\ grand children. Funeral .services were con ducted Tnursday at 3 P. M. in tur.ons Funeral Chaixd in Mocks\ill:' Burial was m Le gion Memorial Park in Cool eemee. The Rev. I. C. Morris officiated MLlJiiv PkmlAiny IfOCKSVnXE — Burl Roos- rv«H <Koburk> La&iea-. M. of Advance, Rv A daed ot l:Si P. U. Sativ^ ia • Modcnille rea hono. He wos bora in Dwvw OouBty to Burl ond Note Harver Lonier. Snmving »re four ssstarsi. Mfv Kale Creoson of Coolee mee, Mrs. Mary Kllen Hend- rix of Rci\*s. Mrs- Bessie iGancr ERun aad Mis. C G. Livengood of 94onli Wilk- jCslMrD; and a brother, JohnI of Advance, Rr 2. FMneml jervices were ' on Uondaiy at Katco's PUner- | al Home. Burial was in the ! Fultosi M^thodiM CbuTxdk ce-j laetefT- 1 Bio - Obituaries - 2/3/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, February 3,1966 JttSt ft-tttlf M WeiMidiy I WOODLEAP — JesM Cvl Shoai. 71. of Woodle«t Rt- L di«d at 9:30 A. M. Wed nesday in the Veterans Ad- jreinistration Hospital in Sal- Itsbury. He was born in Dav- Jdson County to John H. and Mary Craver Shoal Surviving are his wife, Mnt. Etta Taylor Shoaf, a daugh ter, Mrs. Rach^ Wallace of Woodleaf, Rt 1, three broth ers, Dan Shoaf of Cooleemee, Raymond Shoaf of Salisbur>- and Rome Shoaf of Mocks- i-viUe, Rt. 4. and two sisters, Mrs. Cora Foster of Lex- ington and Mrs. Easie Crea- son of Mocksville, Route 4. The funeral will be at 2 P. M. Friday at Corinth 'Church of ChriM at Need- I more community in Rowan I County. Burial will be in the I church cemetery. Bio — Obituaries - 2/3/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA D\to a.)^| £" o -3 O O- r~ CTli -Sb O Former Society Editor ,0f The Observer Dies Mrs. Margaret Kelly Aber« netby — bnowh to thousands id Charlotteans as "AGss Mar>. garet" during, h^- 41 years as 'sodety editw of The Charlotte Obsorvft: — died in a local nursing home Tuesday at the age' of 89. Mrs. Abemethy, born "ffi' MocksvOle in 1876, was a member of Myers Park Baptist Church and for many years an active participant in several book clubs and the Daughters of the American Revolution. She came to The Observer in 1910, after working ten years for Charlotte's Western Union offices, and stayed at the until her retirement in 1951 at age 75. Her husband, James Aber- nethy, died 18 months after their marriage, and she subse- quently moved into a fashion- . Davi able East Boulevard home ^tL hep two younger sisters anm became "Miss Margaret'* ro ■generations of Charlotte fami lies — all (rf whom she addressed as "cousin." Miss Margaret was known for her piercing blue eyes ~she never wore glasses —• and her dignified bearing. Friends say she never forgot a name. Others remember her beautiful smile and lovely voice. Southern but not quite a drawl. After her sisters died, she moved to a Sharon Road apartment. But until she was hospitalizedlast year. Miss Margaretstayed active — shopping Sone downtown and going to visit"older" friends in the hospital. The funeral service will be at2:30 p.m. Thursday at Harry and Bryant Chapel in the Oaks. p.rv\v, 7 74C. DAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARY MOCKSVILLE. MS \ <?- ,0 CO DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 10,1966 - Page 3 MHS. N. B. BATLEY The hinerot for Mrs. Mary Walkr Bailey, 54. widow of N. B. Bailey, was held at 8:30 p. m. Sunday at Eaton's Funond Chapd. Burial was in Fork Chtirdi cemetory. She died Monday at Bin^hampton, N. Y. MRS. FRANK A. NAYLOR Mrs. Mary Cosh Noylor, 02, of MocksvlUc, Rt. S, n4dow at Frank Ati^n Nayin', died at 0:30 p. m. yesterday at Davto Oouniy Hartal, fite was born In Davie Oounty to Dr. Uon ond Sarah Hdlaman Ca^ and was tte oldest member of SmHh's Gibve Methodist Ohurdu Surviving are two dauj^rs, Mrs. A. M. Grooe of Modc^e, Rt. 3, end Mrs. Earil OaudSl of Mbrth Wlkesboro; ond a son, F. A. Noylor Jr. of Kcrnersvilfe. Hie funeral was hefld 3:30 p. m. Monday at Baien's Chapd. Burial was In Smith Grave's Church cemetery. CHARUB LEE HBPLBR Charlie Lee Hepler, 60, of North Cooteemee died Tuesday night at DavIe county {Ro^ltal of infurtes r^vcd in an automobile accident Jan. IS on U. S. Highway 601 about one mile stmtti of Mock^le. State Highway Polralman R. L. Beano said dfepler'a car struck a dick spot on the highway and swerved across the highway. The Hepler car was struck by on on* coming vdilcle. Patrolman Beane said the in* vesllgatlon Is continuing. Mr. Hepler was bora In Itovie County to Willie and Kalheiyn Campbell Hepler. Survhdng are his wife, Bfts. Mande Barnes Hepler; a son, Paul B. Hepler of Cbdeemee; a daugh ter, Mrs. FranMe iWOllams of Cool*, eemee ond a brother, C. B. Hepler of MocksvlIIe, Rt 4. O. W. FINK The (Rev. Cieorge iffllUam flidr, 01, of MocksviUe, Rt 4, died at 3 a nay yestmdcor at lymhaven Nurs ing Sfome. He was bora in Caba^ rus Onmty to Aaron and Mary Carriicer Fink and was a member of Liberty Methodist Churdi. Mr, Fink was a retired Methodist min ister, Gorvlving are his wife, Mrs. 9Cath* erine Deal fink; four sons, Grady W. and David W. IFIitk of Mocks vlIIe, St. 4, and WnUam B. and James P. fink of Cdtuidda, 6. C.; a daughter, Miss Virginia Mae Fink of MbcksvlUe, 3U. 4; and a sister, Mrs. Wilton Oreene of Newport, Va. The funeral was bdd at 3 p. m, Tuesday at Liberty MetHodist Church. Burial will be in the churdi cemetery. The body Is at Eaton Funeral Home and be placed in the church at 2.'S0 p. m. JEFFE DAVm WARLICK Jeffe David Warlidr, 87 of Mer- ganton, died We^iesday In a loeal hogplttd. Funeral sendee Was held at 11 a. m. Friday at Clover HDl Methodisk Qturch in Oevdand Oounty. Survivors sons, Roy Warllck. Woodrow WaiHcl^ Warllck, Boyd Wottick, oU of Morganton; dauf^ers, Mrs. Gnaoe Hbke of •Mbrgontim. Mrs. Verna Branch of MoeksWSe, Mrs. B. Suddreth of ■the home; Mrs. Edrta Fatter of Ofarlottc; brother. Guy Wlarilck of Lowndalo. Bio - Obituaries - 2/10/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, Febriiar\" 10, 1966 BSV. CaOBGB W. FINK RetindPnttr Pmtd Amy ■MOCKSVILl£-- The Rev. George William Flnk» H of MocksviUe, Rt. 4, died at 3 A.M. Sunday at Liynnhaven Nursing Home. He was bom in Cabarrus County to Aaron and Mary Carriker Fink and was a member of Liberty Methodist Church. Mr. Fink was a retired Methodist min ister. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Katherine Deal Fink; four sons Grady W. and David W. Fink of Mocksville, Route 4, and William £. and James P. Fink of Columbia, South Carolina; a daughter. Miss Virginia Mae Fink of Mocks ville, Route 4; and a sister. Mrs. Wilton Greene of New port, Va. The funeral was at 3 PAf. Tuesday at Liberty Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. W Dr. Bio - Obituaries -2/10/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMRF JOURNAL, Thursday, February 10, 1%6 . K Ad- IM* ObHj> ikft Mi bm ift Oftvi* CiSBlar AiMi A IttU Sht Mi tlM fit lin> Lon 9^m Wfilitt of Advaaet iad IM Lit P. Winer. Ibmiwyii in nMHiwi to tot Mtocr. InchMie fift dm- idtor^ Mn. Annit Bath Tiim, «t WtlrMt. Mn. IXh mtor Tnfetoy tad Mn. l^gp qtMitot both oC barton- flilML Boti Lit Vcnioa fit Manl Bill iZkd Mn. Ntn- cy Mywi ot Advtace; thnt MiM» Gmci J, ot Uttlt Boch, Ark, Jick of Bin^iiBton, N. tad Lewis o( Ftoridi; sut | farothorst Mm W. tad Bobect H. Wilter, both of Adveace. Charilt U of Ledactoo, Lu ther of Rirhmond. Vi^ Ltw- ronet of Gtctntooro, end Let P. WiUir Jr«. of Wiastoa-Si'^ ThMi Btft of TitTlncton. tad Mn Kvelya Breach of Advtact; 22 gnndrhiktren. fbatrtl streets were con- ducted it 2:20 P. M. Sunday ui Bitaa's Fuaenl Borne. Bu rial wii tn Fbrk Baptist Church Ctmettry. Bio - Obituaries - 2/10/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, Febniarv 10,1966 WbyViclir CdIM SALISBtTRT — Wilaj Vk- tar Can, U, of SaUsboiy, Rt diad at i AM. Utn^ at Davit Koapital in SUtaavfUt. Ha was bora in Davit Ooun* ty to Wat and Amanda Allen Davit Can. Ha ratirad witti tba Cone Milli beiw last month. Ha araa a Jehovah's Witnma. Survhrtnf are his willi^ Mrs. tfargaiat f^aham GA a dan^tcr, lArt. Candyn Bark* alt of Saliabiiiy, Route t; two brothers, ftnia and Da vit of SalidMir7; and two tit- ten. Mrs. Ca^ MrDaniri of ModnvUle, Route A and Mrs. Hubert Julian of Bmi Span- car. The funeral was at S P. IL Wednesday at Liyarly Funer al ChapeL Burial was in Ro wan Memorial Park STATRSmU - Clarence Webb Griffith, 74. of Hisrmo- ny Rt 1, a retired merchant, died at 8 A. M. Wednesday I at the Veterans Ahninistra- tion Ho^tal in Salisburys He was bom in Davia Coun ty. He owned and operated Griffth's Grocery in the County Line community. Surviving are three sons, J. W. Griffith of West Palm Beach. Fla, & P. Griffith of Greensboro and Fred Griffith of Concord; two daughters, Mrm. Eddie Younti of Stat»- ville aad BCrs. James Fraxier of Shelby; two brothers, J. J. Griffith of Mocksville, Route 1. and A. O. Griffith of Statesville. Route 4; and two sisters, ULrz. E. L Hayes of HoustonvUIe and Mrs. £. Green of High Point. The funeral will be at 3:30 P. M. Friday at Society Bap tist Church. Burial will be in the church cemetery. jHiNlilH Hochsffil^ Rt 1 dM Ik 4m A. M. Sktardiy M Okvia Ooaaty IkMplHI She was het»ja Dgah Omrtar ta Al- Surrhrii^ we two AwiAh- tm, Mr. j. U Bcaa of Mbcknaie, Bl. A ood Mrl Lnb Dyaon of Hbrmoj* Rt I; two brothati, Joe Jotdan af MocfcsviDe^ Roitta X and Hetuy Jordan of PmhHtM; Vtrgtal^ and two ststaiR Mn Ltta Gregory <tf 18uckaslUi> Route 1, and Mn. Dorm Glon* fleU of Mocksville, Boilta X the fuawal was at I PJi. Monday at Baton's Bsgtist Church. Burial was in dho church cametary. Bio - Obituaries - 2/10/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 17, 1966 - Page 3 WILLIAM G. PLOWMAN Wir.iam KIIU Piovmnn. 62. of Ari\%ince. PI. I. died nl 4:30 a, m. Mmtday ai IlapliM llo<>|iiinl in Win lnn>.S,;|; m, Ito u-ns Itnrn in l):ivic Cciinly to .1. S. .nnd Gninin KosUt PitAvm.m. Snr\*iviitji nrc his wife. Mr.*. An- ■lie Fox Piovvnuin: fitx; danshlcm. Mi:tscs Annie niillt Kolle Lee. Ju^*pl;i.ne. Morilyn Gli/niieth. nml Cnilw Oinnno Plowm.m cf l!ie hnm?: n suns. Biliic Cir.ny, Willinm. Uiivltl. Ltirry. and Dunny Plovv- man of Ihe home: his mother of MncUsvitlc. Rl. 4; two brothers. Snrlord Lee Plcu-mnn of dcm* motifi end .tr.hn S. Plou'mnn of A<L vunce. Rl. i: fntir si.dcrs. Mrs. Dorlh.-! Gr2f.ary of Mftck..vnie, Rl. 4. Mrs. Lnther Ti'lvcile cf Mocks> \i"e. Mrs. R.id Rnih^ of Mocks* vUle. Rl. 3. nml Mr*. Groily Wil- helm of Re'niunl. Tiio funerni uns held nt 8 )>. m. Wednesd.'iy nl Bclhlehcm MelhodiR rhurch. Rtirinl cxwclery. was in Ihe church IRIF. N0RRI8 PRVE Irle Norris Kiyo. 40, rf Mock.*- ville died nl R:2I n. m. Fiin.l:i,v :)l Ihe Velermn Adminli<lrnlIon llo<* in S.ili.d.ury nllor n live- miRlh !l>iess. lie w:m Ii tn in llnvie I'cnnly lo Riifiis L. nnd .Mnl'o C.irlwrlphl Krye. f'mvJviKB nre his w'fo. Mr.». k'lur.i i;"l Dtnies Krye: a d:iivhl- .'r. Mjm Rosrnury Krjo of ilic home; n son, David rr>'e of tti home: Ids mother of Saliabutyl end I wo brotherj Ralph Prye^■,.:*»l.ury nnd .Lome.* Kr>'e of Oqol| The funerni was held at 2 p. Tiwr.l'i.v nl K.ilcn*8 tlwpel, wa.< in Jr,',ui Cemelery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/17/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, Febriiar> 17,1966 14t,PmesJl«ay Irie Norm fYye, ol Mocks> Ulc dM M <:23 Sunday at Um Vdmm Ad- ministratkin Hespitil in SnV kbury nftor n fivo-nonth ill- lOess. He wns bora in Davie Counly to Rafus 1* and Mtble Cnrtwmht Wye. Sur>*ivinc are bis wife. Mrs Laura HtU Davies Fkye; a daughter. Mias Rooetnarr Wye of the home; his mother of Salisbury; and two brotheie» Ralph Frye of Salisbury and James Frye oX Cooleemae. The furteral was at 3 PJM Tuesday at Eattm's Chapel, Burial was tn Joppa Came-}tery. j iLljAlNM ADVANCE - WniHon £1- boM Plowman. 82, cd Route 1, Advance, died mrij Mon day in Baptisi Hoaaital, Win- slQO-Salem. Be had been ae- rtayaly £U for 14 days. A native of Davie County, he eras a son of Un, Wnina ibaier Plowman of Route 4. MockaviUe, and the late J. & Ptowskan. la ndditioo to his mother, he k survived by bk wife. Annie Fox Plowman; five dau^ters. Miss Annie Ruth Plosnnan, Mks Katie Lee Flosrman, Mks Josephine Plowman Mas Mary KUia- ! beth Plowman and Miss K»- I thie Plowman, all of the j borne; five aims. Bi^Sy. Wil- 'liam, David, Larry and Dmn> lay Plowman, all of the home. I two brothers., Sanford Lee Plowman of Clemimms and ' John S Plowman of Route 11, Advance, four sisters. Mrs. 'SaAiqr of BDMa A MDeksvine; and Mrs. Graoy Wkibeim ol Behooat. Fhnml awkes were con ducted at 2 P. M. Woteasday at Bethkfasm Mrthndkl Chttr^ by the Rev. Brosmt McKenny. Burial was tn Bie church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/17/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdav, Febriian 24, 1966 - Page 2 NOAH ALDERT ROGER. (U Noah All>ct'l Bogcr, M, of .Mocks- fillc. owner ond or>cro(or of Bo- Ccr's Pure Service Siniion, died al 0:30 0. m. Tuesday at his plocc of biiBlncsB. Dr. Froncia Slaie, Dnvie Coiinly Comncr, sold denlh was due (o o heart attack. He was t>om in Davlc County to iWahcr and Jannie Slonealrecl Dngcr omi was a mcntbcr of Union Chapel iMcllMxIUt Church here. Surviving arc his wife. Airs. Nellie Dtill Bogerj a daughter.: Mrs. \S'nyne Sconion of Morksvinc. Rt. 2; four sons, Dcnton and Lester' Bogcr of Mocksvlllc, Jack Bogcr of ! Mocksvlilc. ni. .1, and Jomcs Bogcr | of the home; his motbor of .Mocks-n vlllc, Bl. 2; 0 sister, Mrs. T. C. Mc- j Clomrock of Mocksvlllc. Rl. 2; and a brother, Buricy Bogcr of Mocks vlllc. ni. 2. The funeral will be nt 2 p. m. Thursjiny at Raton's Cbapcl, Buriol will >>0 In Union Chapel MclbiKtist Church Ccmclcry. 1 MRS. LAURA DAKER Mrs. Loura Jnnc Booth Baker. roJdent of Elklns, Wc&t Virginia died Fcbniary 12 in the General Memorial Ho'-pitol lltcrc. Slic had been 0 pailcnl there since Dec. 1.1 when blic Buffcre<l n broken blp al her home at 10.1 Knapp Street. ^0 was B2 years old. Elic wui born in B.nrtionr County, near Bciington, (he daughter of the late William ond Lona Koontz Booth. Sl«! was married (0 Pitll H. B.ikcr m ISOG. Jlc died Nov. 20, 19G4. Surviving is one d.iugliicr. Mild red wife of Briscoc Kclley of Elk- ins. Also sur\4vhig are one broth er and Iwo sisters: Jessie Booth of Pen Springs, W. Vo., Mrs. Efflc j Kolloy <rf Elkin ond Mrs. Vemle I Ice of Bclinglcn, W. Va. There are ! also two grond-chUdrcn and two grcal-grandchlidrcn. j Final riles were conduclod Mon- uday .ot the .Inhn W tj<hr Ptipp^t : Qiapcl. Interment followed in the Elklns I. 0. 0. F. Ccnwnlery. MRS. S/VNFORn NAIL •Mri. 'Maggie F. Nail. 63. of MocksviUo, Rl. 2, widow of San- ford Nail, died al 7 p. m. Mond.ny at Fran Ray Rest Home here. She was t)orn |n Davlc County to John ond Jane Foster and was a mem ber of Oak Grove Methodist Church. There ore no immediate sur vivors. The funeral w.as held ol 3:30 p. m. Wednesday at Eaton's Cha pel. Burial was in Oak Grove Me- Uiodisl Cluirdi cemetery. MRS. MAC McRANIEL ■Mrs. Roxio Peacock MeDorld, 75, of Mocksnllc, widow of Mac McDanlel. died Sunday night ot Dane County Hospital. She was born in Davie County to William Henry and Josephine Sutton Pea cock and was married twee. Survb'ing ore two son;, ClajKie Slontcy of 'Mocksville and Lon Stonley of Kokomo, Ind.: ihreo daughters, Mrs. Eva Conno)] of Puyetleville, Mrs. Daisy Goenj of Raleiglt and Miss Belly Stanley of Winston-Salwni and two siJerK, Mrs. R, W. Daniels of Mocksville, Rt. ■(. and Mrs. Fabro Colile of Fayettcxiilc, The funeral woj at 2 p. m. Wed nesday at Eaton's Chapel. Burial was in lilK'rty Baptist Cliurdi cemcteiy. Bio - Obituaries - 2/24/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, February 24, 1966 r'>7*,r |iirlliR.iM ItoepDsmxs - lira. m«<- a F. KftH 83, ^ llockft- Vilk, Boute 2. wMonr of Swi- ford Nail, died at 7 P. U. AHonday at Fran Ray Reat Bome here. She wat bom In ^vle County to John and 'Jane Fheter and was a mem ber of Oak Grove Methodiit Church. There are no immediate tur- vlvore. The funeral was at 3:80 P. M. Wednesday at Eaton's ChapeL Burial was in Oak Grove Methodist Church ce metery. N. Alleil Btger Rhes Are HeM MOCkSVU-LE - Noah Al bert Boger, 63. of Mocksville, owner and operator of Boger's Pure Service Station, died at 8:30 A. M. Tuesdsy at his place of business. Dr. Francis Slate. Davie County Coron er said death was due to a heart attack. He was born in Davie Coun ty to 'Walter and Jannie Stonestreet Boger and was a member of Union Chapel Methodist Church here. Surviving are his wife. Mnr. Nellie Dull Boger; a daugh ter. Mrs. Wayne Seamon of Mocksville, Route 2; four sons Benton and Lester Boger o Mocksville; Jack Boger of Mocksville, Route 3, and James Boger of the home; hi; mother of Mocksville, Route 2; a sister, Mrs. T. C. Mc- Claonrock of Mocksville. Route 2; and a brother. Hurley Bog er of Mocksville. Route 2. The funeral was held at 2 P. M. Thursday at Eaton's Chapel. Burial was in Union Chapel Methodist Church Ce metery. Mn-Mtlnid TiSMiiiiiny Bbi. Roal* Peaeock Mdlaa- M :78> td MocksviUft, widovl of like MfcDaniel, died Sunday! night at Davie County Hospi tal She was bom in Davie County to William Peacock Hflbry' and Jos^ihine Sutton Peacock and was married twice. Surviving are two aons CSaude Si^ey of Mocksville and Lon Stanley of Kokomo^ Ind.; three daughters, Mrs. Eva Connell of FayettevUle, Mrs. Daisy Goens of Raleigh and MiM Betty Stanley of Winston- Saleni; and two sisters, Mrs. R .W. Daniels of Mocksville, Rt. 4, and Mrs. Coble of Fay ettevUle. The funeral was at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Eaton's Chapel. . Buriaf followed in Lib^y i Baptist Church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/24/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 3,1966 - Page 5 MRS. CLARENCE UVENGOOD Mrs. PanUia E. Livelihood. S8 of Clarence Livengood of S09 lOlh Street, North Wilkesboro. died at 4 p. m. yesterday at Baptist Hos^ pital, Winston-Satem. She suffered a heart attack about 11 p. m. Sat urday while visiting her brother. John Lanier, Advance, Rt. 2. She was bom in Davte County to ISural M. and Notle Harvey Lanier. Surviving are her husband; three ^lers, Mrs. Bessie Carter of Elldn, Ms. Clarence (Treason of (Tooleemeo and Mrs. Mary Hendrix of Leidng- ton, Rt. 6; and a brother, John Lan ier of Advance. Rt. 2. The funeral was held ot 2 p. m. 1\tcsday ot Fulton Methodist ^urdi in the Fork comnuuilty of DaWo county. Burtal was in (he f (dntrdi eemeteiy. BIBS. JAMES M. 8TR0UD Mrs. Daisy Hodgson Sroud, 89. of Modisvine. Rt. 1. \rtdow of James M. Stnud. died at the home of her son. Guy Slroud, of Harmony, RL 1, at 10 p. m. Sunday. She was bom In Davie CTounly to Rufus L. and Betty Tomlinson Hodgson. &irvivlng arc two sons, Paul H. Stroud of Mocksvitte and Guy Stroud of Harmony; a stepson. Bruce Stroud of Statesvlilc, R(. 4. and a stepdaughter, Mrs. Maude Clendcnin of Greensboro. Funeral was held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at Society Baptist Church. Burial was in the (^rch (Tcmc- tery. JOHN W. PILCIIER. 88 John •Waiter Pflchcr. 88. of Mocks- ^dllc, Rt. 2, died at 5:45 a. m. Tues day at the home of a dau^tcr, Mrs. W. H. Scats. He was bom fn Yad- kin County to Amos C. and Mary Davis 'Pilchor. He spent his early life In the Enon community, moving to Davio County 48 years ago. Ho was a retired fanner of the Farm- ington community. He was a mem ber of Forbush BapUst Church. Surviving arc six daughters. Mrs. Seals. Mrs. Heniy I. Douthit and Mrs. W. Virgil Smith of Advance, Rt. I, 'Mrs. G. H. Rumple of Slates- vllle and Mrs. J. Roy Wall and Mrs. Hubert J. Slatin .of Wlnston-Salcm; three sons. W. Davis Pilcher and John W. Pileher Jr. of Mocksvitte^ R. 2, and A. B. Pilcher of Lewis* vine; a sister. Mrs. Ruth Ntekleson of Winslon-Solcm: and two hrothors. Calvin Pilcher of Enon and Sanl- ford Pilcher of Leaksvilte. Tim funeral will bo at 2 p. m. Thursday al Vadkin Valley Baptist Church. The body will bo placed in Ibe church at 1:30. Burial will bo in the church cemetery. Tfm body Is el Eaton Funeral Home at Mocks* vllle. Bio - Obituaries - 3/3/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA •lR.iiHa{N|, IniilWiH • , ' • i Un. Puitha E. Uvengood Sn? ?**• Street, NorthWHioMboro, died et 4 p.m. Sunday at Baptist Hoapital, Winrt^-Salem. A vohtive of Davk County. ^ whi a duichtero<4he late Barl H had Hotle Harray La. •Jyr. had li^ in North wUkcaboro Cor the pyai 15 iatiodp^■Md, OhnM Xivac^ood; thl«fr kttar^ Ite. Bank Car- aUK la .BUdo. Ufa. Oannce OwtmrfCSbfl^oeeaod Mti.Mary Rtedris at Lexing ton; a broihar. John Lanier ol Rt Advance. Funeral aeryices were con ducted at 2 p jn. TMaday at Fulton Methodist Church by the ftoV. BiUy CUaanL Burial followed in the chur^ came- tery. MbektvUle - John WMtar Plldier; tS, of MpdnHdaa. Rt.Z, died at 9:45 A. ht^iaadiy at the hocne .of a daughtar, lln. W. H. Beats. He was bgni in Yadkln Cowty to Amos C. and liary Davis PUcber. He spent hit early life In the bion eoamunity, moving to Davte County 48 years ago. He was a retired farmef of tha Faitnlngton eominiiiiltiy. Be was a mem ber of Fbrbush Baptist Church. Sttrviving are six dsugb- ters. Mrs. Beats^ ilftL HstinrVi^ Birdth Of 'Advnee.' n toftms and IMtCJ. BoyBkjl Md lira* IBM J. Ator Mts.J.aS|trHi PHMlAiny j Mrs. Daisy Bodgaon Stroud. gg, ol liodcavill% Rt 1, widow of JgiMs it Stroud diad at tiM.hfllBt of her son. Gtty mnHad, U Harmony. Rt 1, atto pjn. fiiiaday. -SiM was bom in Davie County to Rufus L. and Betty tbmUnaon Hodgson, Suorvtvlng are two sons, Paul H. Btrottd of Modcsville imd Guy Btroud of HSMbOay; a stepaoo. Bruce Moud of BtotovrlUe. Rt 4. wid a stok>-dai^tar; Mrs. hlhtiik den- dendn of Groeasbora.TBa lunaral was M % pun. I^imday at n<wilsli Bantist Church. Burial followed la thechur^ cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -3/3/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 10,1966 - Page 4 MRS. NORBIAN SNIDER Airs. Oorattty James Snider, 46. or MocksvUle. nt 4. wife of Nor> man Snider, died Saturday at For- sylh Memorial Hospital In Winston' Salcm after an illness of three days. She ivas bom in Davie County to C. B. and Gertrude Butler James and was a member of Turreiitine Baptist Church. She was cO'Owner of the Charmettc Beauty Shop in Cootcemce. Surviving are her husband: a daughter. Miss Beverly Snider of the home; a son. Monty Snider of MocksvUle. Rl. 3; her parents of .Mocksviile. At. 4: and two sisters. Mrs. J. p. Gregory of MocfcsviUe, Rl. 4. and Mrs. Troy McDanlcl of Mocksviile Rl. 3. The funcmt was held Monday at Turrcntinc Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. JAMES C. CAI.L Jumcs Gary Call, 30, of .Mayweed. Calif., died Wednesday at his home. A native of Oavic County, he was bora March 22. 1936. the son of Taylor and Cora Phelps Call of Itt. 4. .MocksvUle. He was edU' catcd In Davic County schools and was office manager for a plastic firm In Moywood. Calif. Survivors. In addlliun to the par> cuts. Include Itic wife. Mrs. Jane lluniphrry Call: two sons, luiny and .Icffcr)'. both of titc home; two sisters. .Mrs. Sclb .McDaiiicl of lit. 4, .MocksvUle. ami .Mrs. Joseph 4. Mocksviile. A Mrs, JoTph Jan» cwtIjI of Ft. Hood, Tc.\.; S brothers. Ralph and Oscar Call, both of Ut. 4. .MocksvUle. Charles of 111. 3. MocksvUle. Clarance of Salisbury, and Gruhuin Call of Graham. Funeral services were conducted .Sunday In !.ibei1.v .Methodist Church in Davie County. Burial was In the chmvh txnuelery. ilie Rev. Roberl Frost and the Rev. llariy Thomas officiated. clad-XX CURKNCK JACOB COPE Clarence Jacdi Cuix*. 53. of 133) .S. I!awihi«rne Road died at Baptist lle^iulal Susklay after a heart at- i.icl:. He u:is turn In Davk; Ccuniy iii I'd and Mar}' Nulite I'oiK'. 11^ was a car salesman wiih Odell Matthews Motors and was a mem- twr of Wesley Meiitorial Meibodisi I'ltureii. Svjrviving are his wife. Mrs. Kvie it'e.CoMi l'u|X'; two suns. Larrj' \\'u.'ne uiul cluiies Leouard Cope of the home; his mother of 521 Washington Avenue; two brothers, NoUlc Cope of 3821 Avera Avenue and Edward Cope of Konnoak Drive: and a sister. Mrs. Rebecca Martin of WaUtcrtovvn. The funeral was Tuesday at WcS' Icy Memorial Methodist Church. Burial was In Turrcntinc Baptist Church ccmolciy in Davic County. Bio - Obituaries - 3/10/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, March 10,1966 Ida Langley Peddycord I i . Mnu Urn wMow W. dM «t llA u. m ffWsyth MMiarlH lliiiMil Sht WM bom la OMItOtiMir to nouuit L. ind SriafcB iUonnder Ltapty aai trdi o charter OMHUbar of Ciw MMhodM Ctarck Survivinf are'tlmt dM^pl- ten, Mn. ICary df 4419 Old Belm Cnak tel Mn Boiwle Smith of tlw home and lira. Zy^ tiMltr of Orcttsboro; four aem, John W. Peddycord Jr. (d Winston-Salem, Rt. 7, Hairey O. Peddycord of 9420 Groom- boro Road Clarence Peddy cord of 3SS7 Grcenaboro Rood and Chester A. Peddycord of Oranatburg. 8. C.; and a sis ter, Mrs. Elizabeth Yow of Winaton-Salem, Rt. 4. The funeral was at 3:90 pjn. Tuesday at Crews Uethodlol Churctu Burial followed in the church cemetery- Mn. Ml, M OriMtiS, 1 1 and attended scaiaBia IBRAR ROLIN COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, March 10,1966 t WOaamiM —waiter mmt JMca. m, Ci Uoeks- B1 X died at 8:4S P.. l^eadaj at the home of a daufhter, Mrs. ratmriia Btm of ttM Reidn'ille Boad, Wtetoa - Salem. He was boro in Oavie CouoXy to Heniy ead iahe Bines Bowlea Surviving are bis wife, Mrs.; liSla Howefl Bowles; three aoua. Charlie Bowles of MucksvUie. Route 2. Lindon! Bowles of Winston-SaloD ai^ I WilMD BowIk of Yadkin-i viUe; three drtghters, Mrs.| Riddle «f''Advance, Rt 1. Mrs. Mozell Milton of Yadkinville. Rt. 2. and Mrs.| Camellia Elam of Winston-1 Salem: a sister. Mrs. Deweyj Sain of Mbcksville. Route 3. | a brother. Churth Bowlnl of Stoney Point. ! The funeral f-'iil be at 2P. M. Friday at HCtnlsviile Bap tist Church. Burial will be in the riiurch cemetery. Mrs. J. F. Wood MOCKSVILLE — Mrs. Nan nie Bowles Wood, 90, of Mocksville. Route 2, widow of J- F. Wood died at 9:30 p.m. Saturday at Lynn Ha ven Nursing Home. She was born in Oavie County to Mit chell and Ruth Tutterow Bowles. Sur.iving are four daugh ters. Mrs. Harvey Tutterow of Kannapolis. Mrs. Charles Cornelison of Salisbury. Mrs. W. H. Bracken of Mocksville. Route 2. and Mrs. M. F. Baughn of Greensboro: and two sisters. Mrs. Lula Beck of Mocksville. Rt. 4. and Mrs, Minnie Furr of Concord. The funeral was at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Eaton's Chapel. I Burial was in Eaton's Bap- I list Church cwnetery. OfMMi MOCXSVILU -^ame* Gary Call, SB. Maywood, CaU- toroia, diad March 2 at his home. A native of Davie Coun^, he was bom March 22. 1S35, the son of Taylor and Cora Pb^ CaU of Route i. Mocksville. He was educated in l>Bvie County schools and was office manager for a plastics firm in Maywood, Calif. Survivors, in addition to I the parents, include the wife, I Mrs. Jane Humphrey. Call; i two sons. Larry and Je£f«T, I both of the home: two sisters, I Mrs. Seth McDaniel of Route 4. Mocksville, and Mrs. Jo seph Janowrbi of Fort Hood. Texas: five brothers. Ralph and Oscar Call, both of Rt. 4. Mocks\'iIle. Charles of Rt 3. Mocksville, Clarence of I Salisbury, and Graham Call j of Graham. Funeral services were con ducted Sunday at 3 p- m- in Liberty Methodist Church in Davie County. Burial was in the church cemetery. The j Rev. Robert Frost and the I Reverend Harry Thomas of ficiate. Mrs.DM«tliy JiBet Uaitr Mrs. Dorothy James Snid er 46. of Route A. Mocksville. died at Forsylh Memorial Hospital Saturday morning after an illness of three days. She- was n bom in Davie County, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. James- She was co-owner of a beauty shop in Cooicemee. She was a, men^r of tke Turrenime Baptist Church. She is survived by h&r hus band, Norman Snider; one daughter. Beverly Snider of the home: one son. Monty Snider of Rt 3. Mocksville;; her parents; two sisters. Mrs. J. P. Gregory of Route 4. Mocksville and Mrs. Troy McDaniel of Rt, 3. Mocks ville. Funeral services were held, McMiday at 3:30 o'clock in the Turrentine Baptist Church' with the Rev. C. W. Pierce;, the Rev. W. H. Perry in charge. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/10/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 17, 1966 - Page 4 ROV OROCE Roy CProcc, 60. ol Mocksvlllc. died Saturday moinlng ol 2:30 oL his, homo on 641 Ptnc Street. He {.uirer* i ed a heart aUack. I Mr. Grocc was an cmjdoycc of Dwko Power Company. He was bom In IroricU Cotmly. June 10. 1903. son of the Into M. M. Groee and Carrie Ireland Grocc. 'Hia wife, the former Delia Mc- Dutty. survives. Other survivors include three sons, M. H. Grocc o) MocCcjviUc, Bobl^ E. Grocc of tlie U. S. Army, slaUoncd In Gcrmnny, end Dallas E. Grocc of VadkinWJlc; his mother, Mrs, M. H. Grocc ol Mocksvlllc, one brother, Alfred Grocc of Jncksonvilo. Fla.: two Blslora. Mrs. Virginia D.ss of Modcs\'Ulc and Mrs. Charlie Jones of Route 1, Mocks\'llIc; and nine grandchildren. The funeral wns held Monday ot Eaton's Chnpcl. Buriol wa; In Son- dy Springs Baplist Church ccmcl* e»y. MRS. ISAAC DUNN Mrs. Tiney Rachel Durni. 81. of Advance, Rt. 1, wife of Isaac Dunn, died last Huirsday at her home. She was born in Davic County. Surviving arc her husband; five sons. W. J. Wonlson ond Robert Dunn of Advance, Rl. i. Charlie Dunn of Wlnston-Salcm and Sam Dunn of South Bend Ind.; a daught er, Mrs. James Moyhcw of Ad vance, Rt. 2; end a brother. George Helton of South Boston, Vn. The funcrnl was held Saturday at Eaton's CIiopoJ. Burlo] svas In the Bethlehem Methodist Obm^i ccmt etery. WALTER H. BOWLES Walter Henry Bowles. 80. ol Mocksvlllc, Rt. 2. died at 8:45 p. m. Tuesday at (he ]>omc of n dau^ilcr, Mrs. Camclia Elam of 42io Reids- villc Road, Winrton-Salcm. He was bom In Da\'ic County to Henry and Eliza Jane Ernes Bowles. 5^l^viv^rJg arc his wife, Mrs. I^cla Howell Bowles; three sons, Charilc Bowies of Mocksvillc Rl. 2. Llndon Bowles of Wmslon-Solem and Wli- Gon Bowles of Yudkinvilic; three daughters. Mrs. Sallic Riddle of Ad vance. Rl. 1, Mrs. Mozcll Milton of yodkinviHc, Rl. 2, and Mrs. Day ton and Kathcdnc Shermcr Will iams. SuiwiMng nre (wo brotlicrs. Cloy ahd Slokcy R. Williams of Yadkln- vlHe. Rt. 2; and a sister, Mrs. Sar- a)i Yow of High Point. The funeral was hcHd Friday at Mecfcle-Hlnshow-Gcntry Funeral Home. Burial Avns In Shncktown Church of Christ Cemclcry. RUBEN BERRIER JR. Ruben Clinton Bctricr Jr.. iiifani son of Ruben C. and Doris l\utero\v Bcrrier Sr., died at 5:45 p. m. Sun- doy in DavIc County Hospitol. Surviving besides his parents arc a sJslcr, Karen Bcrrler of Uie home: and Ms grandp.ircnts. Mt. and Mrs. Herman Bcrrler and Mr;. Carrie Tutlcrow of Mocksville, Rt. 4. 'A gra\'csldc service was hold at Concord Methodist Church cemet ery. MRS, TELIA POTTS. M Mrs. Telia Orrcll Potts. 84, Rl. 3. Mockjvlllc. died ol her homo at 2:30 D. m. Wednesday. A n.ntive of Da\ie County, she wos born July 10. iBfll, (ho widow of Lulher S. Potts who died in 1924. Mrs. Potts was n member of Corn- alzer Baptist Cfiurch. Survivors Include five daugljtcrs. Mrj. Albert Bouxns, Mrs. Pcnrl Fiyc. Mrs. Mae C.iricr and Miss Eva Polls, al of Rt. 3. Moclisviilc. and Mrs. Lena Wall of lit. 2, Ad vance; four sons, Har\*cy. Homer. Worth and Roy Potts, all of Rl. 3. Mock5\illc, a brother, Cicvc Orrcll of Rl. j. Unwood: a sister, Mis-s Augusta Orrcll of III. I. Liiiwwd; two foster sisters. Mrs. Delia Me- Daniel and Mrs. Stella Ellis of Rl. 3i Mocks%'ilIo. (hiee fo.tor brothers. George, Howard and Zakcy Carter of Hi. 3. MocUbville. und 29 grond- ehlldren. 32 great-grandchildren.. Funeral services wore hold at 3:30 p. m. Friday al Coi iialzor Bap tist Clniixh by Uie Hev. Kilmer Day. the Rev. E. M. Janws. the Rev. B. A. Carroll and Uic Rev. Cod Laine. Diirfal was in the church ccuwiery. -MH.s*. WAt.TEIl J'OUAICK Fiiner.d .'crvices for Mr;. Pollock I were hvlit I:j-i U'cibicsday after- j iiDun in tliv Wmdl BroiluTs Kuiicr-1 ill Hume. .Muliiie, I!ljui»i.s-, with ilie Rev. Ci-Tswi.-II. jw-lor of Firs! United pre l.yivri.'m Cnu.-th. offiv- liitlng. f^itr'iil was in Hu.-e Uiwn Memoi'ial Fii.'ile. | Surviving an- a son. Kennoih F. Dnilimaii-. Mil.; two (laui.^iti'rs .Mrs. Il.-i:ris Asmus and Mr,. Mjy- jiani ^tlnlcel■. t^olh of Molliie; 14 graiid.'!""l<!iv»: one yieal giaiut- cl;'Kl; l.va jl-ti:''-;, Mr*. George Meordink. Duenp-tii, and Mrs. Ciaretice Kii!:ikt. .M i caiiiie. Mrs. Po'laik died al Lutheran Hoi'p'tal In Moline. ill., afio" .« (jiief illitess. .^''le had been making her home with her duiighirr. Mrs. ifiirns Asmus, ai ihe ibDu «4 her , deadi. Bio - Obituaries -3/17/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA -TIN" llMiiMy «i Ml «k kk M. Gno* «M SB «BG «f XMb l^mr Co. Bm »Aw» ew*«r aM <rf B TtMmvm Mi IMO. Oauntflr f r. Jr^ iBlMt e «d4 Mi K. Br. BM all M i» Storki ■twlifpf ImsIM liii par* aote. «>« f |Mb« KiMB B«r-riaraf iM Ij*: JJ'jtaf 1. ftM V. e I two M artjr atf Uaa 'Ot'DWi^at; Caifk tMlMv ^ Ifcwfca ▼iU*. Bt 4 A pMMliaBBnrke anat4 P. STai^wwiiH Maitaodist rhiwrti mMut*ii 4 P. littd GiBeo Bit iHI^ tbi fonewr IMIt MrtMfy. miikt. OBmt mr* vtvon iaslttdt Btfw aaDt» M. B. Graca ot MocinriiW. Bab. by B Oner of the U. & Ar my* rtaaiiawii in Gcfmaay. and OaUat B. Groc« of Yadh ktotlQa: bis mother. Mrt. M. H. Orm of MocksvUla, om hnitthar* Alfred Grocc ot 4adksnBeille. FU.; two sistm, Vlrsloia Doss of Mo^s- xiUe aad niae (rtodcbildioa. Tbe ftnwnl wos bald MoaAay at Baton's CapaL &>• rial was in Sandy Spring Baptist Cburcb cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/17/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, March 17, 1966 John Daniel Woodward ■IvBHi wttt XANMAPOUB M WttudiwK. tV «t I NMIM . taMl mtrwkm for Mn. MImIk wtn Md •daraoon llattk tlh i» Um W«»dft Ihglfciw taam Bon*. fttoUMb llttenh wtth Bm Bav. Mb OrinrtiL pta> tor ^ Ftal QMtod tortoa Gknarck. oftktotlM. Bortol wm to Ron toe to • BanaMto haqBtaL B» bid bMB to Mtotof bmltb tor n^fcral yoais^ A tot nor mitoal of Koch aapolto. be nootd to BilU-nore aeien j«*n oe*. He wee a mm of toe Uto Sanud oad UUto fitocA Woodwmrd. Itonioui* iadude tbioe n»' Iwa. Mn. J. L. CbUdm of Mrs. Lour* BoaU wrt^ and Mr*. B. J. Alhnan of Ouicord: three bnilbars, IbotBos Woodward of Sat- Uwiy. A. J. Woodward ^ Cttobaiwn a&d Witaoo Wood ward of Kannapolis. Sonrivtof art a aon. Koo- Mto Batttoma, Md.; two itoi^itoii Mra Racrb Aa- nm aad Mn. Ma/nard Mto- toar, teto of MoT tor. 14 crattd- cbiMiao; one roat irocidU obM; two dbtera, Mia Goo.Macfdiak. Davenport, and Mtw Claroaee Futmer. Mua- Mra Potloek died at Lulh- Man Hoqdtal in Molina. IIL.after a brief illness. She bad bom —'*^^1 bcr hone withbar dausrtv, Mrs. Harris Amua. at toe time of her Bio - Obituaries - 3/17/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 3/23/1966 jMrs. H. I*. Aiulrrson j MOCKSVIIXB - Mrs. Flora ^ I Reed Anderson. 97. of Fl. i : Myers, Fli.. formerly of Mocks- j title, widott- of Dr. Robert r. Anderson, died Monday nij!lit at a Ft. Myers hospital. She was I horn in Forsrth County and wa.s I a member of the Mocksvllle I First Methodist Church. I The funeral ulll he.at 2 p.m.' j Sunday at Eainn's Chapel. Bur-' lal win he in Rose Cemetery. jThr body will arrive Thursday ; nifihl. Bio - Obituaries - 3/23/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 24, 1966-Page 4 1 R. M. nOLTllOUSRU Fvincral flcn-lccs for Roy Moore Jlolthoiiscr. 7fi, were held Weil- nes<lay. March 2.1, al 3 p. m. ol Eolon's Funeral Home Chapel by Ihc Rev. J. £. Ratchrorcl and Ihci Rev. W. C. Cooper. Burial wos In i Rose Cemetery where Masonic | graveside riles were conducted. | Mr. tlollhouscr, of Meple Avenue, I died Sunday al 8:1S p. m. In j Baptist Hospital. Wlnslon-Salcm | He had been in declining health for Ecvcrol years and seriously 111 ; for two weeks. A son of lire late Mllas Jay and Addle Todd llouthouser, he was a native of Ircdoll County. He was monagcr of Sanford's Department Store for K years and was an eld. cr and Ircasureror of First Pres byterian Church for 27 years. He was past master of the Moeksvlllc Masonic lodge and past patron of the MocksvUle chapter of Order of Eastern Star. Mr. HoKhouser was a member of the board of tnistees of Flromcn's Re lief Fund. Survivors include his wife, Ella Louise Mcroney tHollhouscr; o daughler, tMrs. Joe Palner oi Moeksvlllc; a granddaughter, Miss Marslia Ann Palner, Iwo brollicrs, Dolt Jlollhouser of Wlnslon-Salcm and Ernest Holthouscr of Charlot te; five sisters. Mrs. Hoyt Black- wood of Gullford College, Mrs. George Marshall of Wlnstcn-Salom, Mrs. Hugh Logic, Miss Dolsy Holt houscr and Miss Nell Holthouscr ol Moeksvlllc. JOHN D. OREGORY I ' ;Funeral spr\-lroa for John Oawson | |ni'cgor>'. HI, of Moeksvlllc. HI. I. I were hold Monday afternoon ol Eat on's Chn{iel. Burial was In Wesley Cliapel Church cemetery. 'Mr. Gicgory died Saturday morn ing In Ihc ipnvic County Hospital, He WQ3 bom In Dovie County to John and Sarah Woolen Gregory. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Leia Joi-don Gregotn-; o daughter, Mrs. Wilson Owens of Mocksviilc. Rt. 1, 5 grandehlldi-pn and 1 great grand* child, a hrcmcr. Rclniui Gregory of Mc-cksvillc. III. I; a brother. Rolonil Gregory of Mocksviilc. Rt. ft throe sisters, Mrs. 'Flora llendrlcks of Wlnslon-Solom. Rl. 2. Mrs. Lizzie W(K)d of Advnncc, Rt. 1, and Mrs. llaUle Ull of Winslon-Snlem. JOHN M. WARD SR. IFbncral services for John Madison Ward Sr., 06 of Advance, (Rt. 2, were held Tucsdoy oRomoon at Eat on's Chapel. Burial was In FUlton (Methodist Church cemetery. iMr. Ward died Sunday, March 20, in Davlc County Hospital, lie wos born in Davic County to Charlie and !Dora Harris Ward and was a member of (Fulton t^fcltlOdl5t Church. Surviving ore his wife, Mrs. Mar garet Bright (Ward; a son, John Madison Ward Jr. of Advance, Rl.! g; t\m brothers. Levin Wan! of Ad vance, HL 1. and Charlie Ward ot Laurel Mont; six sisters, Mrs. John Raker and Mrs. Alice Hunt of Lex- riiai'lntlc .nntl Mrs. Conic Hazel of Occ.nn View. Vn.; niul two half sis-! Inglon, Miss -Lucy Ward of Wash- j iers, Mrs. D.nlsy Grudgcr of Win- Ington. D. C.. Mrs. B. C. Mock of Advance, HI. 2, Miss Inez Word of slnn-Snlcm and Mrs. Lizzie Hcndreii; of Charlotlc. , WALTER It, BOWLES "Funeral services for 'Walter ^Icnry Bowies, 80, of Mocksvlllo, Rt. 2. were held iFTldoy, March 11, at Huntsville Baptist Church. Mr. Bowles died on Tuesday, March 8, at the home of a daugh ter. Mrs. Camelia Elam of 42l0 Rcidsvlllc Road, WInston-Salem. Ho wos born in Dovlo County to Henry and Eliza Jane Ernes Bowles. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Leio Howell Bowies: three sons. Char lie Bowles of Moeksvlllc, Rt. 2, Llndon Bowles of Wlnston-Salcm and Wilson Bowles of Yodkinvllle; Ihreo daughters. Mrs. Sollic -Riddle of Advance. Mrs. Mozolle Milton of Yadklnvlllo, Rt. 2, and Mrs. Ca melia Elnm of Winston-Solcm; a sister, Mrs. Dcwcy Sain of Moeks vlllc. Rt. 3; and a brother, Church Bowles of Stony Point. Bio - Obituaries -3/24/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 24,1966 - Page 4 JAMES E. EVERIDCE, 03 Ftinerat sen-Ices Tor James Edgar Evcrldgc, Sr., 63, of MamptonvlQe, wHi be held at 2:30 p. m. Thursday at the Fall Crc^ Baptist Oiurch. Mr. Everit^e, the father of Join- es E. £i'«rldg^ Superintendent of Davde County Schools, died ot 7:30 p. m, Tticsdw at Ms home. Re uras a retired eimiioye of Catham Monu* (acturing Company. SupvlWng are Ms wife; eight sons, JiRdc Everidgo of Waijton^Iem, Sam Evertdge of Smyrna, Ga., Charles Evm^dge of Greenwood, S, C.. James Ewrldge Jr. of Mocksville. Joe end John Everldgo of JonesviHe, Ahieit Everidge M BoonvUle and Ovfd Everidge of Hompilonv&Ie; three daughters, ftfrs. John Hok of JonesvSIo, Mrs. James Ireland and Mrs. Ernest Maiddlng of HamptonvOile; a brolh« or, MeNeer Eh^eridgc of JionosviUe; and four sisters, Mrs. Cart Hastings of KemersvlHe, Mm. T. B. Ctmi' mings of EUdn, Mrs. \V. S. IGvetto of SlatcsvWe ond Mrs. W. A. Church of North WiBccsboro. CALVIN LEE PEACOCK 'Funeral services for Calvin Lee Pencock were held "nicsdny at Eat* on's Funeral Chapel, fiurtal was In Beor Creek Baptist Church ccme* lory. Calvin Lee, C month old son of tlarold and J3onnn Amicrson Pen* 'cock, died Siindoy ol Rowan tlos* pitoi in Rollsbuiy. Surviving ore the porents; one brother, Kovin Dean Pcocortt; one heH brother. <Davtd Lee Anderson, oil of the home; ond the grand* mothers, Mr^. 8. A. Anderson onit Mrs. Uislo Tdmcr, lioth of Mnrtts* vllto. Mrs. R. Anderson Dies At Port Myers, Florida h'HinernI .■cr\*lcc9 for Mrs. FJoro Reed Anderson. 99. will he held Sundoy oflcmoon at Rolon Chopcl at 2 p. m. Tiic Rev. nnbert Miller will offictale. Interment will be in Rose Cemetery. Mrs. Anderson dOcd Monday nl Fort Myers. Flo: Ufa. She had been In declln;.:^ he.n!.:i for sometime. Stw was ti3-ycars-c:d. Tl:c fcrmcr Flora Reed, she woa ir.ar.Ced to Dr. Robert P. Anderson In 1893. Dr. Anderson died In Jan* tiBiy of this year ot the age of 97. Mrs. Arderson is survh-cd by muncrcn:: nieces and nophe^vs. Bio - Obituaries - 3/24/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, March 24, 1966 Casper Mti la Diiville Funeral services for A. Cal vin Casper, 62, of Providence, a former resident of Rowan County, were conducted Fri- doy efternoon ut Townu Memorial Chapel in DanvUle, Va. Burial was in Highland Burial Park. Mr. Casper was found dead at his home late Wednesday afternoon. A native of Faith, he was born March 19. 1903, son of tiie lute Andy Casper and iMrs, Nannie Caublc Casper. Mr. Cusper was manatier of Pet Dairy Co. plant in Dnnvillc. Widely known throughout Danville and Cas* well County. Survisors include hi.s wife. Mrs. Thelma Johnson Casper of the home; one daughter, Mrs. Clifford Vogler of t'ool- eemcc; one .son. Claude Cas per of Danville: four sLster.';, Mrs. Wiola lEddlemwn and' Mr.s. Mue Fe.spermun, both of Cinna Grove, Mrs. Bertie | Kcpley of Salisbury and Mr.s i Pearl Binru; of Onsled. Mich ; three grandchildren; and two prear > prandciuldrcn. ff MNksiBi Ho^sville — Ifas. Flora Bead Antem, W, a aadia* ct MdbMIB, dM MiwAj ^ $:]s P. M. at rtat florida. She was the wkknr of I>. Bobeft IHkindexter Aaderaoct o( MocksviUe. FuMral services wiB be OCB- ductcd Sunday at 2 P- M. at tbe Baton Funeral Chapel the Rev. Gilbert interment will foUoar in Rose Ceme<er3'. Ml M. WaN Of Mwaice Mo^sville — John Madi son Ward Sr., 66, of Route 2, Advance, died at S:30 P. M. Sunday in Oavie County Ho^itaL A nati\'e of Davie County, be was a son of the late Chaiiie and Dora Harris Ward. I Survi\*ors include his wife, Marfaret Bright Ward, a son. John Madison Ward Jr of Rt. Z. Advance; two brothtrs. Levin Ward of Route 1. Ad- ' vance, and Charlie Ward of LaureL Mont-, six sisters. Mrs John Raker and Mrs. Alice Hunt of Lexington. Miss Luc>- Ward of Washington. D. C- Mrs B. C. Mock of Route 2, Advance, Miss Inez Ward of Charlottt and Mrs, Carne Hazel of Ocean View. Vir ginia and two half-sisters. Mrs. Daisy Grudger of Win. ston - Salem and Mrs. Liirie Hendren of Charlotte Funeral ser\-ices were con- ducted at 2 P. M. Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Home Cha pel Burial was in Fulton Methodist Church Cemetery. Cihrii Lee PliMckDied 1 Mocksville -- Calvin Lee I Peacock. 6 - month - old son : of Harold and Donna Ander son Peacock of Mocksville,, I died Sunday at Rowan Mem- ! orial Hosphal at Salisburv*. | 1 Surviving are the parents: i ; one brother. Kavin Dean I Peacock: one half brother, I David Lee Anderson, all of the home: and the grandmo thers. Mrs- S A Anderson and Mrs. Lizzie Turner, both | of Mocksville. I The fimeral was at 4 P.M. ! Tuesday at Eattxt's Funeral Home Chapel Burial was in Bear Creek Baptist Church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -3/24/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, March 24, !966 Jihi P. Gregory Of Oavie Coiity John DaJton Gregory, 81. of Route 1, Mockstnlle, died Saturday morning at Davie County Hospital- , A native ^ Davie County, he was the son of the late John and Sarah Wooten Gre-j gory. He was married to Le> j la Jordan who sur\ivesv i Other survivors include a! daughter. Mrs. Wilson Owens; Route I. Mocksville: five, grandchildrtn, a great-grand- child, a brother. Roland Gre- gry of Route I. Mocksville, 3 sisters. Mrs. Flora Hcndrix of Winston - Salem. Mrs. Lizzie Wood of Route 1. Advance, and Mn. Hattie Utt of Wins- ton-Salem. Funeral scr\'ices were con ducted at S P. M. Monday at Eatcm's Funeral Home Cha pel by the Rev. Pat Kelly and the Rev. Dewey Ijames. Buri al was in Wesley Chapel j Church Cemetery'. PKSii Amy Bkin — James Ed0v Idte. »>.. 83, of Hamntonvaie, • laiUad cmftlqya of Chatham llamillactunng Co., died at 7:38 «jtL Tuesday at his home. He was bom in Yad- Ud coimty to James Z. and Sarah Fveridge. He was a member of Flat Rock B^it^ Oturcfa. He was mar. ried twice, first to Miss Haxd Wilkins who died in 193$ and later to Miss Retha Thoccnp. son who survives. Surviving are his wife. 8 sons. Jack Evcridge of Win ston - Salem. Sam Everidge M Smyrna, G»., Charles Ev- eridge of Greenwood. South Cartdina, James Evcridge Jr., 3f Mocksville. Joe and John £veridge of Jonesviile. Albert Sveridge of Boonville and Dvid Everidge of Hampton- ville; three daughters. Mr.«i. James Ireland and Mrs. Ers- est Maulding of Hamptonville a brother. McNoor Evcridge of Jonesviile: and four sis ters. Mrs. Carl Hastings of Kemerville. Mrs T. B. Cum-The funeral was at 2:30,■ning-s of E'kin. Mrs W. S. p. "niursday at the Fad Kivette of Statesville and Mrs Creek Baptist Church. Burial W. A Church of Ni»rth Wil- was in tlte church ccmetc kc^bore. ry. .. : OfHicluwfc Mocksville ^ Roy Moore HoUhouser, 76, of Maple Ave- nue, died Stinday at 8:15 P. M. in Baptist Ho^ital, Wins ton - Salem. He had been in declining he^tta for several years and seriously ill for two we^s. A acm of the late Miias Jay and Addie Todd Holt- houaer, be was a native of Iredell County. He was man ager of Saoford's Depart- DMnt Store for 55 years and Was an elder and treasurer of First Prwbyterian Church lor 27 years. Bio - Obituai ies - 3/24/1966 He was past master of the Mocksville Masonic lodge and: past patron the Mocksville chapter of Order of Eastern Star. Mr. Holthouser was a member of the board of trus. tees of Fironen's Relief Fund. Survivors include his wife. Ella Louise Meroney Holt- hot^r: a daughter, Mrs. Joe Patner of Mocksx-ille; a grandchild; two brothers. Doit:Holt houaer of Winston - Sa-1 ken and Ernest Holthouser ofi Charlotte; five sisters, Mrs.:Hoyt Blackwood of Guilford | CoUege, Mrs. George Mar shall of Winston-Salem. Mrs. Hugh Lagle, Miss Daisy Holthouso' and Miss Nell Holth«is«' ctf Mocksville. Funeral services were con ducted at 3 P. M. Wednes. day at Batoii*s Funeral Home Chape! by the Rev. J. E. Ralriiford and the Rev. W. C. Cooper. Burial was in Rose Cemetery where Masonic gnveside rites was conducts id. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 31, 1966 - Page 5 Mn. W. 11. Blackweod Fitnerai services for Mrs. Minnie Horn BlockwiXHl, ei. of 344{) Coun try Club Road, Wlnston^Salcm, will be held lodny, Morch 31. at 11 a. m. at Vogters Chapel in Winston- Salem. Burial will be In rors>-lh MiTmoriol Pork cameleiy. Mrs. BlodMvood tiled at lOiM a. m. Tuesday at Forsylh Memorial Hospital. She was bom In Davle County j ;to John ond Qmma fiummers Horn, j She was o member of Burkhead i Methodist Church and (he North Winston-Salom Civic Club Au!tlllary. | Surviving ore her husband. W. It.! Blockwood Sr.; a daughter. Mrs. Alvin M. Bitmn of lOOO Watson Avenue: a son, W. H. (Bllb Black* iwood Jr. of the home; two sisters. Mrs. Will Sain of Mooksvllte. Rt. 2 and Mrs. Floyd N. Young of Carol ina Beach; and a brother, W. B. Koro of Winslon-Solem. MRS. JSNNm BYERLV I Funeral sendees for Mrs. Jennie Lee Byerly, 74, wife of W. 0. By- eriy, 57 North Main Street, Cool- eemee, will be held today, March 31, at 2 p. tn. at (he chapel of Bunch Funerol Home In Slatesvilie by the Rev. J. T. Melton and the Rev. C. F. Womble. Burial will be In Oalcwood Cemetery. Mrs. Byerly died at 7:21 Tuesday Qt iDnvis Hospital in Statcsvillc, where she had been a patient for | the post three weeks. A native of Carroll County, Tenn., Mrs. Byerly v.-a8 bom Nov. lo, 1091,, daughter of the late W. P. and Moll-1 Ic McKinney Gvans. She was mar* | ried June 15, 1926 to W. O. Byeriy ; of Davic County. Following Ihctr | morrlage, they cstobllshcd a resl- ^ dence in Cooleemee and have lived , there since that time, where Mr. Byerly was In the mercantile bus iness. Mrs. Byeriy was educated In the Carroll County schools, olso the Macla Mooresville Collegiate Insti tute, and the University of T^ess- ee. After completing her education, she taught school In Tennessee ond was alto mgagcd in the mercantile tmsiness in Milan. Tom., before her marriage. In addition to her husband, she is survived by three brothers, B. F. Evons, of Huntlnglon, Tenn., Dr. W. S. Evons and Dr. H. B. Evans both of Memphis. Tenn. She was a life-long Methodist. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, March 31, 1966 Mr.II.1. IhckwHi Mrs. Minnie Horn Blick- wood, 68, of 1148 - Country Club Road, Winston - Salem. died at 10:50 A. M. Tuesdty at forsyth Memorial Ho^- tel. She was bom in Davia County to John and Emma Summers Horn. She was a mMnb^r of Surklmad Ketha. dist Church and the North Winston Civic Club auxiliary. Surviving are her husband, W. H. Black wood Sr.; a di4:hter, Mrs. Alvin M. Brown of 1000 Watson Ave* ! nue: Winston'Sslem, a son, jW. H. (Bill) Blackwood, Jr. ; of the home; two sisters, Mrs. I Will Sain oT MocksvUle, Route II and Mrs. Floyd N. Young of Carolina Beach; and a bro ther. W. B. Horn of Win ston . Salem. l^e funeral was at Voglers Chapel at 11 a.m. Thursday. Burial was in Forsyth Me morial Park cemetery. Fuaaral aarvtott wart ooa- duolad at QoiMiaHF Funaral Itaia Chapal, Hahlmora, Md 00 March IS, for Ham Terry Thomaaon who dM Mar^ 18. auddanly of a heart at- tadL His age was 4A Burial was in CUft Ridge Cemete ry. Survivors include the wi- dw, Mrs. Ruby Byerly Tho- mason, and one aon, Larry l^omason, both of Baltlm<a<e, Md. MOCKSVUIA _ Jamea Wesley Claary. 81, a retired farmer of MocksvUle, Route 1 died at I P. M, Monday*, at the Devie County Hoi^tal. He was born in Davie Coun ty to William and Kiiaabath Cleary. Thtre are no immediate aur- vivore. The funeral was at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Eaton's ChapaL Burial was in Uames Cross roads Baptist Church ceme tery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/31/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, March 31, 1966 MfLByerly, Of MeeMe CooImbmc — Mrs. Jsnnie Lm Byerly, T4. vil« of W. O, Bytrly, B7 North Main St., C^eomoa. (U«d at 7:S1 Tuei^ day momiAf at the Davis Hospital in StateiviUe, where she had heen a patient for the past three weehs. A native of Cairoll Coun* ty, Tenn.. Mrs. Byerly was born November 18, 1891. dau> ghler of the late W. P. and Mollie McKinney Bvans. She was married June 15, 1926 to W. O. Byerly of Davle Coun ty. Pollowini their marriafie, they established a residence in Cooleemee and have lived there since that time, where Mr. Byerly was in the mer cantile business. Mrs. Byerly was educated in the Carroll County schools, also the Macia Mooresville Collegiate Institute, and the University of Tenn. After completing her education, ahe tauyht school in Tennessee and was also engaged in the mercantile business in Milan. Term., before her marriage. tlBftQii. IWL, fir. W. 8, Bfu ana and Sr. R. B StMi holh of Mawiphia. fiasA aba WM a UfaOoiM Mattw dkt Fuaaral aarvioaa ««• ooiw dueled at S P. M. at the chapel of fhmoh Pud* oral Home in SUtoavfllo by the Rev. J. T. MiHott attd the Rev. C. F, Wombte. Bu» rial wai in Oohwood Game- liwy StatesvUle. Bio - Obituaries - 3/31/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 7,1966 - Page 2 MRS. WILLIE E. SPEAKS Fkmcral services for Mrs. WllUo E. Speaks were comluctod Sunday ervening at 2:00 p.in. at Denny Grove A M E ZIon Cfaurch in Wilkesboro. North Carolina. Mrs. Speaks died at her home Thursday nlgltL She was the daugh ter of tho late William and Rox* anna Barber of Wllkes County. Surviving are her husband, W. A. Speaks; two daughters, Mrs. Cly^ Studev^ Jr. of Mocksvllle and Mrs. Joe Thomas of Fairplalns; one son, John A. Speaks of the lunne: three grandchildren and one broth er, John H. Barber of Wilkesboro. Attending tho funeral sorvl^ from ModcsvlUo were: Mr. and Mrs. Clydo Studevent Jr. and daughter, Qtaa. Mr. and Mrs. dyde Stude vent, Sr.. Mr. and hire. Shirley Studevent, Mr. ond Mrs. Alexander Bcclos, Mrs. Esfello Ftsler, Miss Payo Foster, Bcv. ond Mrs. Vernon Shannon, Elder and Mrs. Ivan Jjames, Mrs. James flucker, Mrs. Morgarot Studevent. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Jdmson, Mr. and Mrs. Nel son Graham, Mrs. Edno Ma»n. Mrs. Ruby Lyons, hflss Alma Malti- son ond Mrs. EveHa Foote. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 7,1966 - Page 6 Ctiorles Ephream Oanirood. Sr. Funeral services for Charles Bph- ream Garwnod Sr.. 87, of Advance were held Monday at four o'clock at ISUalcn Mctlu^ist Church. Bur ial was In the church conctcry. I Mr. Gorwood. a retired Forsyth county deputy shcrltr, died Satur- idoy morning at Davio County Hos- pitol. He was born In Dovic County to Samuel E. and Elizabeth Barn* hardl Garwood. He was a member of Elbaton Mctbodist Church. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Nan nie Sue llcgc Garwood; a son, Charles E. Garwood Jr. of Hampton. Va.; a brother Sanmcl A. Garwood of Winston-Solcm: and three sisters. Mrs. T. J. Foster of WInston-Salcm, Mrs. Thclma Baiicy and Mrs. L. C. Wyalt of Mocksvillc Rt. 3. HARRISON II. LANIER. 77 Funeral services for Harrison Haiicy Lunier. 77. of Mocksvilto Rl. 2. were held Fridoy oflcrnoon at Ealon Chapel. Burial wos in Rose Ocntetciy. Mr. Lanier wos dead on arrival Thursday at the Davic County Hos- idtal after suffering a heart allodc at home. He was bom In DavIc County to D. G. ond Sarah Crolts Lanior. He was a retired building contractor. Surviving are sLx daughters, Mrs. Addlson Graver and Mrs. John Gra ver of Winslon-Solem, Mrs. Harvey Williams of Sophia. Mrs. Thurman Draughan of Mocksvillc, Rt. 4. Mrs. Robert Slcclmon of East Bend and Mrs. Frank Koonlz of Modtsvlllo. Rt. 2; four sons, Lonnic H. Lanier of Hickory. John H. Lanier of Hampton. Va.. Rrdrcrt P. Lanier of Mocksvillo and Harry H. Lanier of Winslon-Salcm; two sirtcrs. Mrs. C. L. Wall of Mocksvillc. RU 2. and Mrs. Emma Honellnc of Wlns- ton-Salem; and two brothers, Fred Lanier of Damascus. Va.; and J. E. Lanier of Mocksvillo. JOHN BURTON LANIER Funeral services for J(din Burton Lanier, 53. of Advance, Rl. 2, wore held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at FiiU ton Mclhodirt Church. Burial was In the church cmnctciy. Mr. Lanier died Monday ol the Davie County Hospital of o heart ottocfc after an Illness M one day. He was a mechanic at the Davic County Sdutol Oarage. Sur\4ving are his wife. Mrs. Lula Moo BoUcy Lanier; two sons. J. B. Lanier of Advance. Rt. 2. and Joe Dean Lanier of Wilmington; three sisters, Mrs. Bessie Cotter of Winstcn-Solem, Mrs. Mary Ellen Hcndrix of Reeds ond Mrs. Kale Creason of Cootecmcc. Bio - Obituaries - 4/7/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 7,1966 - Page 6 WaLIAM S. MYERS Funeral services for William Spencer Myers. 56, of Mocksville. Rt 4, were held Tuesday nfler- noon at Eaton*s Oiapel. Burial was in Oak Grove Methodist Church cemeleo'' Mr. Myers died of a heart ottock Sunday at Davie Oounty HospltoL He was born In Davie County to John U. and Hannah Carolino Myers. Sur\'iving are his wife, Mrs. Cora Ixse Seamen Myers; a daughter. Mrs. Bill Hoover of Greensboro; his mother of Mocksville, Rt. 4: three sisters, Mrs. Uoyd McGamrock and Misses Sarah and Alma Myers of Mochs\ilIe, Rt. 4; and two brothers. John Henry Myers of Mocksville. Rt. 4. and Thomas J. Myers of Welcome. CARL HOLT BARNBVCASTLE Funeral services for Carl Holt Borneycastle. 71. of Rt. 1. Mocks* vllle were held ^nday eftomoon at Center Methodist Church by the Rev. Roby Evans. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. BarncycasUe died Friday at a local nursing home. He was a native of Davio County and wns a son of the late Elijah and Betty IJames Bameycastle. He was a vet* eran of World War I, a member of Center Methodist Church and was a former Davie County tax eol* lector. Survivors Include a daughter. Mrs. Bill Fcrebee of Moeksville Rt. I; four grandchildren and a sister. Mrs. T. G. Gartner of Rt. I, Mocks ville. WALTER COLUMBUS FEIhlSTER Funeral services for Walter Co lumbus Fcimster, 8S, were held Friday morning at Bethel Methodist Chur^ near Harmony. Mr. Fcimster. a retired farmer, died last Wednesday morning at Davis Hospital in Statcsville. Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. Birdie Ward Felmster of Rt. 1. Harmony: two daughters. Mrs. Charlie Jenkins and Mrs. Rcill Sloan, both of Harmony; four sons. Honis FOimstcr of Harmony; Rob** ert Felmster of Mocksville, Frank Feimstcr of Statcsville and Durrani Felmster of the home; a brother Paul Feim^r of Olln; three sis ters. Mrs. Andrew Boggs of Olin, Mrs. E. L. Harris of Pageland. S. C.. and Mrs. Dave Cowan of Statcs ville. Bio - Obituaries - 4/7/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, April 7, 1966 Carl Holt Barneycastle Ex-lwiiTu (^llNtor Mes MOCKSVXLUE - Carl Holt Baraeycutle, Tl, of Route 1, UockaviOe dkd at liM PU. Friday at a local nuning home. A native of Davie C<iUBt]r. he was a ton of the let* Uiiah and Betty Xjames Bv- neyeaatle. Be was a veteenn of Wtmid War I. a mnad— of tfaa Cwtar Matlmdist Church and was a tomar Davie County tax collector. Survhrao Include a ter. Mm Bill yvrtbee ot Mi. |1. MeekiviUe; four giniid cnfldien; a aUter, Mrs. T. G, CfeitMT at Boute L Mefcn-, via*. ' Timerel aervices were eee* dueted at 4 P, M. Suaday at CenWr Metliodirt Chtn^ te tha Fmw, Mv 9mm. BuHd aarietfiinvM^ OfMviMe ADVANCZ - Oiaitei K. Garwood, 47, of Advance, died Saturday in Davie County Hospital He was bora Jtme 2, 1896 in Davie County to the late Samuel E. and Elisabeth Earnhardt Garwood. Survivors include his wife, the (onner Nannie Sue Hege one son, Chasies £. Garwood Jr. of Hampton, Va.; cme bro- ther, Samuel A. Garwood of Winston - Salem, Mrs. Thel- ma Bailey and Mrs. L. C. Wyatt, ix^ of Route 8, of Mocksviile. Funeral services were con ducted Monday at 4 P.M. at ElbaviUe Methodist {Church by the Rev. BiUie Clinard and the Rev. Carl Haire. Buri al was in the church crmete. WilliaMS.IIIIy8rs Pissed Awsy UOCKSmU: - wmiam Spencer Myers, 56, of Mocks viile, Route 4, a p^ter in Winston • SalCT, died of a heart attack at 44 P. M. Sun day at Davie County Hospi tal. He was bom in Davie County to U. and Han nah Caroline Myers. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Cora Lee Seamon Myers; a daughter, Mrs. Bill Hoover of Mocksviile; Route 4; three sisters, Mrs. Loyd McClam. rock ^d Misses Sarah and Alma Myers of Mcoksville, Rt 4; and two brothers, John Henry Myers of Mocksviile, Route 4, and Thomas J. Myers of Welcome. The funeral was at 4 P.M. Tuesday at Eaton's Chapel-1 1 Burial was In Oak Grove Me-i I thodiat Church cemetery. Fiisl Ktis For H.II.LsiierJ7 Harrison Henry Lanier, 77, of Route 2, MocksvOle. was pronounced dead on arrival Thursday morning Mar^ Si at Davie County Hospital af ter suffering an sttack at his home. A native of Davie Coimty, he was bom March Si, US8. the son of the late D. G. and Sarah Crotts Lanier. He waa a Mason and a retired build, ing contractor. Survivors include six dau ghters, Mrs, Addiaoa Graver and Mrs. John Cravcr, both of Winston - Sakm, Mn. Har vey \imtUms of Sophia, Mrs. Iburman Draughn of Route A MocksviUe, Mra,:^Bdaert Steclman of Bast BaSii, and Mrs. Frank Kooata of Rmite S, Mocksviile; lour soM, Lon- aie H. of Kkkocy, geha U. of Hampum. Va,, WA&rt P. ot Mocksviile, and ■tery K,Lanier of Wliwlnn wjkm: I •IMara, Mrs. C U WdU of Bmta 2 MoeMMaftd Mrs. Emma HsiwHna of VftnMon- Saleni; two bNthn fTedof PofnHTMl, iiii d. B- pwMrhllilin; $$ imA pwirt-iMMrsn; and mm mmt grsnt- snyoddiild. Famnl ■seeluii von con- Blo - Obituaries - 4/7/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, April 7, 1966 Jihi IvIm UiiirPiitit liOCnflLLC JdiA Bur ton L^alif, fit, of Advunce, Rt 3. dM at f P. U. Hon. day at Divia County Hoapi- tal ^ a hoait attack after aa Ulnc« of oaa day. He ws a mechanic at the Davie County School Garafo. Survivinf are hii irkk. lira. Lula Mae Bailey Laaier; two fofts, J. B. Laniff of AtfihMi.i RouU 1. and ioe Dean Limier of Wilmizmtoo; tinea wlata. Mra. Baaiii Carter ef Wlpa> ttm Sikfi, Ua. Uarf S|ae Beedria of Baeda and Kn. Kale Craaaon of OealniMA P. If, r^h ■irtmrn lECOUN UBLIC LIB .E, NORTH C DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 14,1966 - Page 4 MRS. WILLIAM L. SMITH, n Mrs Nannie ftlddle Smith. 73, of Clemmons, widow of William L. Smilh, diod at 9:20 a. m. Tuesday at the Baptist Hospital. She had been criUcatiy Hi for several days. She was bom in Davie County on Mardi 14. 1891 to William H. and Emma Miller Riddle. She ^nt her early life in the cotmfy and had lived in Clemmons for 54 years. She was a member of Clemmons Baptist Church. Her husband died in 1932. Surviving am two daughters. Mrs. George H. Williams and Mrs. C. E. Boner, both of Clemmons: a son. W. H. Smith of 1031 Whitaker Road; a sister. Mrs. Hoy G. Walker of West SLMh Street; three brotlters, We^cy, Willis and Ernest Riddle, all of Advance. RL 1; five grand- chitdren and one great^tindchiid. MRS. PETER W. HENDRIX Mrs. Louise Norman Hcndrix. 43. wdfe of Peter W. Hendrix of Mocks- vliie. died ot the Oavio County Hos pital Tuesday following on illness since Sunday. Funeral will be 2:30 p. m. Thursday at Fork Baptist Church. Survivors arc her husband; sons, Michael Norman Hcndrix of the home and Paul Stmvart Jr. of Rt. 1, Rural Hall; sisters. Mrs. W. S. Pln- nbc of Winston-Salcm, Mrs. Fred Cook and Mrs. Pauline Wail, both of Rt. 1. Rural Hail, and Mrs. Ves ta Inman of Rt. 1, Walnut Cove; a brother. Douglas Norman of Rt. 2. Rural Hall; her mother. Mrs. Daisy Wilkes Norman of Rt. i. Rural Hall. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 14,1966 - Page 2 I MR.S. J. IL UKCK FuncMl set vires lor Mrs. Ada fstiiiiilers Sell IU*rk, 74, of Soils* bttr>-. i:i. 1. were heUI MkimIji.v of* lermKtM al iIk» (5o<»:I Shvphviil Churrli nl fonlermw. Ihirhil ivaji in U*a:ttn Meiniirial Park. Mrs. RiH'k tliwi S:ilurday morn ing nl Howon Memori.tl IIiiS|tilnl. Snlisluir>'. Site w.ts horn in Mnn- Igomeiy Cminly In Eli anti Klizn ^vis Snumtcrs and wan n memlicr of P«e fiotMl .Shrphcrd Clnnrh in Cwilcemee. She was I he widow of t. C. Sell, former publisher at Cool- eemee. .Surviving nro hor hiisltaml. .T. B. Berk; two sons. J. C. Roll. .Tr. of Cnnlocmro and Clwrlos Sell of Washington. D. C.: two stepsons and four .sfo|Kl.'ni,'!Mers by .S<>I1: six stepdatinhlers and Ihrcc sleppons by Book; niul n .slsler. Mrs. Mattdie Weai'cr of KernrrsvHIe. Bio - Obituaries - 4/14/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, April 14,1966 Frances Isabelle Nichols Parsons local Man's Sitter NORTH WOiCISBORO — Mrs. Frances Isabelle Nichols Parsons, 9L of Wiikesboro, Rt 1, widow ai G, O. Parsons, ^ed at 6:80 p. m. Tliursday April 1 at WUkes General Roq)ital. fiha was bom in Wilkei County to Bynuin and Bethanla MJaton Nl^ols and was a TiWHnher of Pleasant Grove B^tlst Church. Survivliif are a son. U. O. Panona of WOkesboro. four daughteri, Mrs. tnwrenea Foater and Mrs. Grave Walker of Wllkaeboro, Mn. ftarl •ms of Iftirth WUkedtoro and Mrs. Harriett Curtis of MooreevlQe; throe bcothera, WDbon and Roby Niehola of Cooi«teM; tod a sistar, Mrs. Ow wiifiinnirr of Wilkaa- bwd. Tho fkuMsal was at t PJl doariar ai Ptoasant Orovo BipliM Chnreh. Burial w«s M flat eiuirdh eenalavy. Mr. Maek Davi« Nitive YADKJNVILiJt — Mrs. i Daisy G. Black. 77, of But Bend, Rt, 2, a native of De> vie County died 1:15 P. M Monday at the Cardinal Rest Home. Mrs. Ada Swadan Beck. of BoBte K i bury, diad ad 8 A. M. day at Bavva Mipgrtal pita], flto M kOM il six weeks. A nathre of liiaCgMl Couniy. she oros a daad of the laic MM and Bi» vis Saiindaifc Bfcc wot a « ber of du flood nafl KniBPn**^^ CooImh Mil Beefc wOa tirieo riad. first to tbo Mia « SMI. iriw^i ewa*podii T^lnsmaa/'MM two stopaaaT'i^'fbiir aS datightoffB by flaD. ff ffi Haiijhlm a^ thaae MMliM iby Back, and a MSar.lH Mauda Waovor of EeiSB vflle. Y-;^ V. -73 The fbaanl wsa htidj^ of the Good the Rcveroid Offsftoo 0Bip iraB. Burial Mas la loSMjMsraorial Phrfc at The daughter of Moses and Mary Jane Jackson Griffin, she was the widow of John W. Black. She leaves one brother. W. E. Griffin of Woodleaf and several nieces and nephews Funeral services were con ducted Wednesday at 2:30 at I Mt. Carmel Friends Church tu which she belonged and burial wns in Concord Metho dist Church cemetery at Lewisville. Heiry Marvin Harris. 66, , of 118 Hendnlilo Btzoet. Sal- , iabury, died Wodnoaiday morn- ; fng at Dsvie County Hospi- ; toL A native of Oavla County, he was bom 8fdmary tA IMO. ' son of the lato Jdlm W. and ' Annie WafoOor fturia. Be in Niiafinhu, 1808. Mr. Barris oms a reUrod roeehanl. He kod qporoted a aervko and tanerol aton at Greasy Contora tor many yoan. Survivors inclwle three daufbtera, Mrs. Aubrey Grey of Salirimry, Mrs. Bobah Smith of Mockfville, Route 2, and Mrs. George CFNeal of Newport. R. I.; one Inxtther. Toby Harris of Route 4. ducted at t o'riock Friday gt Baton*! Faaaral ChapMd in ModwiUe by the fter. Lesris Savage and the Rev. Millard Brewer. Burial will be in Rowan Memorial Park. Bio - Obituaries - 4/14/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, April 14, 1966 «t OMI ttr Uni of of LrrtKtOB; and S ituprtrtMrgi- ; ^ Itie fmifyrt w3i totgK 4 RM. Mdigr ■! ill* VSmof God «t KdKk jMfliwith the Befewd CSMris officiatiB^ JMid BdSin TurrenthM Bi9l^LttlilBcemeteiy. . . c bw IIR.P.R IMrii I Mrs. Louise Norman Hen- drix. 43. of MocksviUe, wifeof Peter W. Hendrix. died at! '3 P. M, Monday at DavioiCounty Hospital after an iil-j' ness of two days She was: born in Mount Airy to Calebi F. and Daisy Wilkes Norman.Surviving arc two sons, Mi-j chael Norman Hendrix of the home and Paul Stewart Jr. of| Rural Hal). Rt. 1; (our sisters, Mrs. W. S. Pinnix of Winston - Salem. Mrs. Fred Cook| and Mrs. Pauline Wall of Rural Hall. Rt. 1. and Mrs, Vester Inman of Wanut Cove, Rt. 1. a brother. Douglas Nor man of Rural Hall. Rt. 2, and her mother, of Rural Hall, Rt. 1. The funeral was at 2:30 P. M. Thursday at Fork Bap tist Church in Davie County. Burial was in the church ce metery. Mrs. Harpe, Divie Coanty MOCKSVILLE—Mrs. Bollie i Collctle Harpe. 83. of Mocks- i villc, Rt. 2. died at 12:13 Wed- rtesday morning at Forsyth iMemorial Hospital. She suf-j (crcd a heart attack Tuesday morning. Born in Davie County May 22. 1882. she was the daughter of the late Joseph W. and Rlirabcth Ijames Collctte. She was married to Enu.s W. Harpc, who died in Sept., 1963. Survi\'or.s include five daugh ters, Mrs, W. O. Hampton, Mrs, Roy O. Kiger, and Mrs. R. B.. Hicks, all of Winston-Salem. I Mrs. P. E. Miller of Independ-i ence. Mo., and Mrs. C. L. Wertz of Ft Lauderdale, Fla.; five' sons, Burton Harpe, M. W. Harpe and Wihson Harpe, all of Winston-Salem, Paul Harpe of Rt. 1. Mocksville, and Joe C.j Harpo of Rt. 2. Mocksivlle: one sister. Mrs. Cleo Davis of Ra leigh Funeral services will be con ducted Friday at 2 o'clock at Eaton's Baptist Church by the Rev. B. C. McMurray and the Rev. H. W. Hutchins. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -4/14/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 21,1966 - Page 7 M1I.S. K. W. IIAIIPK Funeral si'rx'iccs for ;»h-s. BcllU roUetto II:ii-]v. iul. of MncksvilL 1(1. 2. wi-rv hold Fihlay nlionumii al Kniun';; Iksplisi Ciiurch l»y Iht. Hov. H. C. Mc.\luna.v mul Iho Hi-v. if. W. Ilulchitus. nurial In flu rhurch ifnulery. Mrs. Ilarpe illwl Tiuirsilny morn ing at Fon«>1ii Mcinninl ilo5]»iini. She suHered a iie:irt allack Wetlnos- day momins. Bom In Ua»io County May 22. IR'S. aho was ilw liaiis'nlor id thi iatc .ioaqth W. and Kllzalndii ijam cs Coilctte. She w.is married In Knua. \V iiarpo. who d'od in Sfptindu'r itim. Sun Ivors iiv.-hnle five daiMjhlcrs, Mrs. \V. O. ilamidon, Mrs. Hoy ft Kiger. and Mrs. 11. K. ii''ck.«. a> of Wlnjdon Sahw: Mrs. P. !•:. .Mill or of IiiilojU'ndiwo. Mo., ami Mr« C. L. Weriz of R. i.auilonl;i1p. Ha.; live son.«8. Burton ilanv. M. \V iinrtie ami Wi'sun Ihtiir;' at| ««' NMnston-.^alom. Paul il.nnv of ill i. Mncksville ami .foe C. iiarro o* HI. 2. Mncks^dlle: one sister. Mrs Cleo Davis of Balelgh. li. M. ii;\lti{l.S Futtcral senlci-s for Henry Mar vin liarH.s, sn. i»f ||3 livitdcrliti ^liwt. !»niisl)ur>'. were iwhi Frjda> it Ka'.cn's Fiin<*(al Chaivi. by liu P.ev. iu'wis S:iva!ie and the Rev. Millard Brewer. Burial was in ihv •v.iJi Memorial Park, Mr. iiarris die<l Thuratlny morn ing n( Da\ic County llnspitul. native of na\le County, he was hom i.muar>' in, iCfO. son of the late lohn \V. and .-Xnni:' Wagoner IlaiTfs, lie was marrioil lo the former K\a i Belle Bi inegar. who dietl in Nuvcm- tier. IU5J. Mr. Harris was a rciirwi mercb- ont. He IkmI o|ior:ili'd a serviee and a geneiid sio-.c al Oreasy Comer# .or many ye.it.s. .V'uivi\ors invlude three d.iugbtcrs. .Mrs. Atibrey c;n»y of Sidislmry. Mrs. Ilohah ymiih of Moeksvllle, Bl. !, and Mrs. (ienrpe O'Moal of New- Hirt, il. i.: i*:ie brother. Toby liar- As of lit. A. Mcek.sville, MUS. K. W. Tl'RNER Funeral «enirc,< fur Mrs. Minnie Villinms, i t. were ronducted Sun- lay ;;{ 4 p. m. al First Baptist '■lunrh hy the Ri'v. Rx-d Barnes, hirhd wa?: in l-'ork cemeler>*. Mrs. Tiinier illcl Friday n1 Fran- May Home. .^"le w:«s bora In D.ivlo Connty ^:in. It. flirt, lo the Kile J. R. and •iarnh Wdllnms. Her iiurdvnul. the llev. E. W. Turner, diwl h: iiiai, J:'nr\jvors inelm'e i«ne son. l"i: I'nrner of Mncksville. a fostci iaiighlor. Mrs. Tiin Miller of Ham- .itimville: two grandchiltlren: tw< jrcal-Rinndchildren: Iwo sisters Airs. Krily Jones of <Vtlanla. Ga. nut Mis:! Floy Williams of Winston- ■aUm: I W.I brothers. Ray and Car} .Villiains of Winston-Salem. M. A. BAKNBS Funeral serxlees fur Milton A. nurne.s. T:t, of Mocksvillc, ill. A. wcie held Friday aflcniuon al tlu- N'orth Coulecmee Church of God. by •Ite Uuv. I. C. .Morris. Dnriai was iu rurrcnliiic Bfiplisi Church cemet ery. Mr. Barnes died early Tliurstliy .noriihig at Daviu Cnunly Itastdlal He had been in declining hoallh for •several years. Horn in Daxie Counly, he was the son of lite laic David and Sarah Uerm-.s. He was a retired fanner. Sni'vivors Include his wife, the for mer Mamc WesI: Ivra daughters. Mis. Flora Good tif Cooleemce. Mrs. Maggie Adams of Ballimorc. Md.: one son, Clwille Banies of Cotd- eornee; Ihree hrothcr.«i. .lohn Borno.s of Moeksvllle. Goorge ai'.d Jim Bar nes of Kannnpolis. NATHANIEL E. SMITH Funeral services for NalhanicI E. Smith. 74, of MccksvlUe were held Sumlny nflcntonn ol Chestnut Grove MethotUst Church in Slokcs County. Biarial nas lit> Hic elucreli Mr. Smith died o( Davie Count! Ilnspllal Fatunhiy morning ofhil suffering a henil nltnek at hlflhome. He was iHira In Surry Coun^ to John Henry ami i:iir.nbelh Wniiu m Smith. Ho was a rellrcil fnrnlliJ ure worker. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Naty nic Stwarl Smith: and n sislcr Mrs. Litlic Mac .Inmos of CtcitF mons. Rl. I. Bio - Obituaries - 4/21/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, April 21, 1966 J. H. Blackville Step Fither Loeal People Pissed Awiy Funeral services for J. H. Blackville. age 72. were held on Wednesday afternoon at 2 pjn. at Radcliff, Kentucky. , MM ■. Mr. Blackville died uoex-^ESllWF pectedly at his borne at 374 S. Wilson Road on Sunday at A aaa ■ P "-Survivors indude his wife, Mrs. Lessie Alexander Black ville, three daughters, Mrs.Hn. Annke Alsobrooks and Clyde Hall of Bnglewood, ' Mrs. Lois Wilson received Colorado, Idrs. Ruby Stodghill word on Friday of the death of IxHiisvUle, Kentucl^, and of thMr pistcrJo-lBw; pb* Mrs. Christine Davis of Florida. W^Ber Sjaye in One stepaon, Brady Alexander ' Va. Mn. Sprye was *He fnr- oi Cooleemee, three step- mer Flossie Clement, daughters, Mrs. J. C. Sell and daughter of the late Mr. and Herbert Jacoha of Coolee'Mrs. Charlie Clement, who Mrt. Chartaa Spakewere residents of Coolemee Decatur, Qa. ^many years ago. Funeral serv- was also an uiwla of Mrs.ices were held in Richmond ^rMrd Fostar of Route 4,on Saturday afternoon. Mocksvule. m TM pJBL id laitf m.haj iqper «r n innp^imi , jsjnduljulflini ; two 4grsBd-4iuldraL; Two ^Meci,; Mrs. KeOly JoDea «< and ifiei Floy WWadss «d Vspslop-^alrsw, twers.. 1^ and Gary I^Mama off I F^neoiai sea s ices were oew-'''dkaded So^ay ad 4 pjn. ad{First Digital C^mrdh. Mocka- irSe by «» Rer. Fmd aarMa.^ISwiiid wws ia Ford Bigtiai; : Oeeetey. H Bio - Obituaries -4/21/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, April 21, 1966 MfCtrlwr, OfhiiWh KAXKAFOUS — Rafai (Rsff) CartMT, TX. off OooNuk Avcfuae. Hkinrl>> t-Sle OoBHBiMdj'. died M 7:8 pjB. tH&v as Vccten X. C *iaiiHtiilwiii ai B3»c^ He had faacB io durliBhtg hwaJUi Ux m%m»3 ytws aad ■eraou^ iH Iv tki«e voika., riiiMi iiil juuaxA vcre oaa- itiirtwi Moador aStareooa at 4 o'clock at Narth Ksimapeti» Ide^lfaodbt CfauaA faj the Rre. Keiwatk Move, paster. a»- fax tfae Bar. 3. D. Harris, ini BiM^i poofeor. m*ii vas an Carofcaa Mcaaorial PoiIl A Bath>e off Datic CooBty. Mr Caftner aaa the son of the Ule Jfdtt Wfiihj aad Mary G&ilber Cartacr. Ss wife Mrt. MitJT Caitaer. died in Apnl, IKt. A lUMdaa td Hortfa Kaara- poilis Mrthoifiil ChnrA. Mr. Cartacr bad tired is the Kan- rf am ■~w1 cd his life usiil sax yean aao pbeu he moved to tire with fait daa^*ice. Mrs. ioe WilfarixB inj ChftrioUe ! He was enqdoyed hy Cannoa IGIU CD the daeet depaitsKst until his retireneat erven yeuTf sya Sun-Tws include trro daggers. Mrs. Joe Wilbehn aad Mrs. Julian R Underwood of Caiaiiocte: one son. Harold CaiinpT of Wilmington. Dd.; two sbacn. Mrs. W. C. Graham of Kannapoiis. Mrs W. R. Mc* I CorUe Morks\'i!lc; two hrolhers. L. P- Cartner of Uocfcrvilie and U R. CarMer of Win^an-Salecs; and etfht Cranddiildxm. ■.LSwIli Mocktwile I MOCKSVnXB — Nath^lj S. $mith. 7i, off MocksriUa died al 1 pjB. VH4ay. He was a retirod furniture worker and was bom in Surry County. March Ml Xi^ to the late John Boniy nod Sinbeth Warden Smith. I Survivors fatchide his wife,Imiipie atewwd Mth; oneliij^Mrs, LOOf May James I off fOscunent; Hro SrandcfaU- Funeral doeieff el Oro^ Bio - Obituaries - 4/21/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 28,1966 - Page 7 nUPP CARTNRR Funeral ncn'icos fnr Rurus (nurf) Sloltr.wny Cart nor. 72, nf Ovcrcoi«h Avrmic. Knnch\1llc I'ammunlly, srcn* romludml at North Kannapolis Mdltodirt ctniivli Momlny aniT> noon. April ir. Iiy iho Kpv. Kenneth Moon*. paiUor. a»th;ic({ hy the Ret*. J. D. Ilarrhi. former pastor. Infer* men! was in Carolina Memorial Pailc. Mr. Cortner died at T:SS i>. m. Friday, April, in nl Western N. C. Sanitarium at Black Mountain. Itc had been In dcclinlntt health for several years and seriously ill for three weeks. { A native of Davie County, Mr. Cortner was the son of the late John Wesley and Maiy Oailher Cartncr, His wife, Mrs. Mary Ben son Gartner, died in April. 1954. A member of Nortti Kannapolis Methodist Church. Mr. Cortner had lived in tho Kannapolis area most of his lifo unlit si.s years ago when he moved to live with his daughter, Mrs. Joe Wilhelm In Charlotte. Ho was employed by Cannon Mills in the sheet department until his re* tiremcnt seven years ago. Survivors Include two daughters, Mrs. Joe Withelm and Mrs. Julian It. Underwood of Charlotte; one son Uaroki Cartner of Wilmington. Oct.: two sisters, Mrs. W. C. Graham of Kannapolis, Mrs. W. R. McCorklo of m Mocksvillo; two brothers. L. P. Cor* " tner of MochsWIIc and L. R. Cart* ner of Wlnston^Salom: and eight grandchildren. ; MRS. S. W. HARBIN iFUncral services for Mrs. Beiiha Anderson Harbin, 82, of Old Mocks* vtlio Road, Stotesvilio, were held Wednesday at 2:S0 p. m. at Bunch Ikineral Homo ChapcL Burial was ill Oakwood Cemetery. tMrs. Harbin died Monday morn* Idg at her homo. She was born in davie County and was the widow of S. W. Harbin. ;Sur\'iving arc seven sons. Jomcs U ond Wade T. Harbin of States* v)iie 3ill. Clyde and Clay Harbin of Mocksvillo. Oowey D. Harbin of Snbcksvillo and Claude Harbin of tile home; four daughters, Mrs. Fhink Snydcr of WinstoO'Salom, C. F. Berryman of Montgom- Cfy, Alo., and Misses Swanna and Ahnio Harbin of the home. ! HENRY 60YD BARNEY Funeral services for Henry Boyd fiarncy. OS. of 6 Joynor Street, Cool* eemee, were hold Monday evening at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial kwas In Advance'Methodist Church Pcumetety. .Mt". Borncw died Saturday night after a brief illness. He was a re tired farmer. A native of Davie County, he was a son of the lute Giles and Mary Lou Sheds Barney. Survivors Include two brothers. Willie Barney of Rt. 2, Advance and WRoy Barney of Rt. l. Advance foOT sisters, Mrs. Matthew Finger of- RL 3, Mocksville, Mrs. Stella Williams of Rt. i. Advance. Mrs. Stella Comatzer of Rt 2. Advance and Mrs. Charlie H. Beanc of Cool- eemee. laiARLES E. GAITIIER, JR. siSravcsido services for Cimrlcs Gaither. Jr., infant son of C, B. Oaltlier and Jerlond Snider GpUhcr of Rt. i. Harmony, were condudcd Sunday evening at New Union Mclitodist Church Ccmdcry In Oavlc County by tho Rev. B. G. Hobson. Tito Infant died shortly after birth Saturday at Davic County Hospllal. •In addition to lite parents, the In fant is sun-ived by ttie palernal grandparents, Mr.- and Mrs. W. G. ^Salther of Rt. l. liormony, and lite Bnatcrnal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Snider of lU. t, Wood- leof. MRS. STELLA 8BAF0RD GREBN Funeral services for Mrs, Stollo S. Green. SO. of Rt. i, were con ducted Saturday afternoon at Eat on's atapcl by the Rev. Lewis Sav* oge ond Foul SIkes. Burial wos In Jericho Church of Christ Cemetery. ■Mrs. Green died at Brmighlon Hospital after on extended illness. She was born in Dnvie Counly. Sept. S, 1883. daughter nf Charles W. and Maggie Dwiggins Seaford. She wos tlie ivitlow of Sanfuiti Green who died In liMP. Surviving are three sons. Marsh all. J. S. and Carl S.. all of III. 1. Mocksville; (our daughters. Mrs. Pauline Stuoot. Mrs. llarrell Powell. Mrs. Glenn Hammer. Mrs. ktcOdis Kvcretl. all of Hi. 1. Mwksville: Iwo r.'M'.'pc. Mr*. Sam Dwigiilns. Rt. 4. Mocks\iIle. Mrs. Frank Wulker of Mocksville; Iwu lirotlwrs. C. If a>til C. A. Seufurd. both of Rl. 4. Mucks, villv: six gratidehildreii and three great grandrhlklren. Bio - Obituaries - 4/28/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 28,1966 - Page 8 MRS. CARRIE GROCR Ftmcral scrx'iccs for Mrs. Curric Ireland Grucc. H5. of Mucksvillo. Kt. I. were held Solunlay at 2 p. m. nt Sandy Springs Rnpiid Church. Bur* inl was in chuirh cemeter>'. Mrs. Gnwe died Tliursdiiy at L>'nnha\'en Nursing Home. She was the widow of M. II. Gruce. Surx'iving ore n son, Alfred Gntee of .lacksunvillu, Fin., and two daughters, Mrs. \nrgmio Do.ss of Moeksvillu nml Mrs. Charlie .tones of Mocksvillc, Rl. 1. QUENTIN A. STEELE Funeral services for Quentin And* ersun Stccle. 38. of Cooleeine were held Ql 4 p. m. Saturday at Cool- eemee Baptist Church. Burial was in the church ccmctciy. hir. Sicele died Thursday at Dnv- ic CcMutly Hns})iial aflcr a long ill ness. Sur\'i\-ors arc his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cnvin Slcele; tvife. llic form er Sue Wagoner: daughlers. Quent- ina and Saynn Stccle of th? home: suns, Leslie and Cnrol Steslc of Coolcemcc: a sister, Mrs. Spenecr Foster of Cooleraiee; a half brother. Mautdin Sleeic of Akron. Ohio. Bio - Obituaries - 4/28/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMFE JOURNAL, Thursday, April 28, 1966 Margaret Barnes Zachary Mfe«f Foraer LNalMu PM Mrs. Margaret Barnes Zach ary, wife of Otis A. Zadiary dM at her home <m Afsil 15th, at Sanford-Jonesboro N. C. at the uge of 65. She is survived by her huri*nd and one son, Otis A. Zachary, Jr. of Galax, Va. Her funeral was held in Sahford. N. C. Mrs. Zachary suffered a heart at tack. FiiallHesFtr Heiry B. Baiiey i 1 Henry Boyd Bamey, 65, a retired farmer of Cooleemee died at 8:45 p.m. Saturday at I home. He was bom in Davie • County to Giles and Mary Lou i Sheets Bamey. | Surviving are two brothers,' Willie Barney of Advance, Rt. 2, and Wiley Bamey of Ad-j vance, Rt. 1; four sisters, Mrs. < Mathew Finger of MocksvUle. ' Rt. 3, Mrs. Stella Williams of Advance, Rt. 1. Mrs Stella Cor-:' natzer of Advance, Rt. 2, and i I Mrs. Charlie U. Bean of the ' home. ' I Funeral services were held | at 2 p.m. Monday at Eaton's i Funeral Home, burial was in| Advance Methodist ChurchI Cemetery. I' fiiHktrhfnt Pfued Amy Charles Edward Gaither Jr., infant son of Charla E. and Jerland Snider QaUhcr of Har- nvmy, Rt. 1, died at 4 ejn. Fri- dv in Dayte County Hoapital surviving are hk parents; and his grandperhela, Ifr. and lirs. W. G. Qekliv of Har mony, Rt 1, and Ifr. and Mrs. O. A. Snider af- Woodlaal, Rt. 1. I Graveside aervlcas were held at 3 pjn. Oatuiwiiy at^dw Viilioa MeUvxW ObwA Mrs-finceDM At 17 yam QU MOCKSVILLE — Mrs. Car rie Ireland Groce, 87. of Rt. 1 Mocksville, died at 8 P. M. TTiursday at: a local nuiw&g luune. Survivors indude a wm. Al fred Groce of ^ JadmonviUe, Fla.; two daughters, Mra. Vir- ginia Does of Mocksville and Un. CRkarlie Josmw yrf Bt 1. IfocksvtUe; two brothers, Charlie ii^and od Rt A Yad- kinville, and frrtand of Rt 5, HocksviUe; a aMkr. Mpl Ethel Brown of Rt 4 IMw*- vllle. Tunml aervleae wgpi eeia- dndad at I pjsu SntUBiV 4R tody brings PapHR GMgh by the to. RiM Uto. Btniai wan In the toddi ton* Bio - Obituaries - 4/28/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, April 28,1966 Q.JLStMh,tt' IHit Sitnliy ^ COOUaEMn ^ Qaei#i| Aadenon fttnA. 36, qt Street, Cooleemee, died «l Mr pJXL Thxenda^t AprQ U, Devie County Ho^ial ftftiir; a lingering illness. A native od Rowan CountK^ be was a aon of Xnrin gw , Mary Whttky 8teA ana ^ a memher of Cooleaiwlia VHk Baptkt QuBcb. Sie letifiX from ISrwifi WOh bacanewe ill tnniav : 1^3 ndWon M wmpwI^Sk igiMlwaiwW Mrs. Sssford Grees MOCKSVILLE --Mrs. Stella Seaford Green, 80, of Route i, Mocksville. died at Brough- ton Hospital at 7:15 A M. Thursday April 21 after an extended illness. She was born in Davie County, September 5th. 1885, daughter of Charles W. and Maggie I>\^'iggins Seaford. She was the widow of Sanford Green who died in 1949. Surviving are three sons, j Marshall. J. S.. and Carl S.. all of Route 1. Mocksvi'le: four j daughters, Mrs. Pauline Smool ! Mrs. Harrell Pow:'ll. Mrs. Glenn Hammer. Mrs. McOdis Everett, all of Rt. 1. Mocks ville; two si.slers, Mrs. Sam Dwigguus, Rt. 4. Mocksville. Mrs. Frank Walker of Mocks- villc; two brothers. C. H. and C. A Seaford. both of Route 4. Mocksville: six grandchild- len; and three greaigiandchil- I lii en 1 Funeral services were con ducted Saturday at 2 P. M. at Eatuii.s Chapel by Lewjs Sav age and Paul Sikes. Burial ; was in Jericho Church of, Chri.st Cemetery. Bio - Obiluaries - 4/28/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 5, 1966 - Page 1 Collision On Hunting Creek Hill Paul Grubbs Killed In Wreck Paul Cashwcil Gnibbs, 5S. of Mocksvilic was killed in a hcadoit collision Qboul sunset Saturday on US C1. ciubl miles west of Mocks- vilic on Hunting Creek Iltll. Ml. Griibbs. o representallvo ol Pilot hire Insurance Com|»any, ap parently v>-as killed instantly when ' Ills automobile collided with one [ driven by James Cleu Baugcss. 31 of Elkin. Baugess and a passenger in iii.s I car, Jock Iligglns, 32. of State Rood, were taken to Baptist Hospil- I a! at Winston-Salem in serious con* dltion. Mr. Grubb was driving a ISICO Chevrolet and Bnugess u liiGO Pon* Uoc. Stale ilighwoy Patrolman ftandall Ocaiic said (hat the car driven by Baugess icercd over the ecnter line and struck Grubbs' cai' in llic lefi front. .Mr. Grubbs was killed instant ly. Both car were a total loss Patrolman Bcanc said charges arc pending llic recovery of the driver ami owner of the IfirK) Pim- tiac. i Fiinoral .Scnice Punei-al service for Mr. Gublis vv.as held Moiui.ny oriernoon at tlte Kirsl Presb.vlcrian Church. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. Mr. Grubbs. who had been ogcnl for ihe riiijl Life Jiisurnnco Com pany in Moi-ksi ille for 30-ycars, was bunt in Da\ie County on .September L'l. itKt7. son ol .Mrs. D. G. Grubbs and the lale Mr. Grubbs. He wiis a member of Ihe Mucks- villo Prcsbytciian Cluiivh. lie is surviwd by his wklow. the former Miss .limtny l.oij Adams of .Mucksville: one sun. Paul C. Grubbs* Jr ol Wiienloii. Md.: one daughter. i .Vanvy Grubbs of the home; his! Muuther. who lives in .Mock.svi!lc; j two Inolhers. Uwighi Gnihhs off , Charlntle tiiul Bill Grulihs of Atl.iii* la. tia.. five sisters. Mrs. W. .M. Ritchie of China Grov<'. .Mrs. Paul ' Rowles of Concord. Mrs Paul Hen-j dris of .Mne'.svillc, Mrs. Klnu r; Benluii of Newport .N'rws. \'a. and. Ml&s Clara Gnibbi ol Mucksillle. i r«tf3'C.>iTS PAUL C. GRUBlkS DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 5, 1966 - Page 2 ' R. U MIHTAKKR. .SR. I Funeral services for nobcrl Loc Wliitaker .Sr.. 72, of MocksvIIIo. HI. 2. were conducted Wedncsilay after noon at Otik Grove Methmlist Cfuirch. Burial w.ns In the church ecmetfry. Mr. Whilakcr. a retired fiirnitnre worker, died Monday morning at Davic County Hospital. He was horn in Davic County to Will and ICm.ma N'ail Wiiltaker. .Surviving aic liis wife. Mrs. Mag pie Smith Whilakcr; a daughter, Mrs. C. B. Bogcr of Mocksvillc. Rl. 2.; two sons. R. L. Whilakcr. .Ir. of Moeksiille. Rl. 2. and Kno^ Whil akcr of Mocksvillc. Rt. 2; and a sister. Mrs. Harper Bogcr of Wins- ton-Salem. MRS. MARV CRATER FINT-EV Puncral services for Mr,:. Mary Cralcr 'Flnley, flfi. of Marion were held Monday In (he First Methodist . Church at Marion. j Mrs. Finloy was bom at Olln.' tredell county, to Sylvanus and Em ily Dimpbcll Crater. .'?hc was nsnr- rieil In 0. Bynnm Finlcy in 1920. a dniggisl at MarUm. wtw survives. .Mrs. Finloy was a rolireil jthool leaeher ami was an aunt of Mr.s. R. C. Foster of .NTueksville. MRS. C. C. SPRV Funeral son ices for .Mi s. Mar garet Spry, tij, of Advance, Rl. i. willow of C. C. .Spry, wore held Tucsiljy at 3 p. m. at Eaton's Ciiapel. Burial was in the Advance, .Methodist Cliurch cemelvry. j Mrs. .Spry dieil Saturday at Lynn Haven Nunsing Home. .She \vn.s horn in Davic Coiinly to Giles .and Man* crva Howard Masscy. She was a' member of .Advance Melhoclist Church. Sui"viving are two-stepdau?hlers. Mrs. Tom Potts and Mrs. Lonnie Mjcrs of Advance. Bio - Obituaries - 5/5/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 5,1966 - Page 8 Mha. MAQOtR BGLL MARTIN Funoral scniccs for Mrs. Moggie Bell Mnrtln. 80, of Rl. 4. Mocks- vtlle wore conducted Mottdoy al 4 o'clock in the Eoton Funeral Home chapel with the Rev. Robert Frosi oHIdoting. BurinI was In Concont Methodist cburdi cemetery, Mrs. Monin diett onturdoy In Lynn Hnx'cn Nursing Home. She wns one of Davic County's best known rcsiftcnts and had operated n country stone on Rt. 4 for ovei sixty years. She was a memoer of tlic Fort: Haptlst Church nnd was l{nown through out the community as "Aunt Mag". Mrs. Martin is sun'ivctt by two daughters, Mrs. Harry R. Meodor ol Richmond, Va. ond Mrs. Felix Ber- rler of Rt. 4. MocksvIHe; one son. Gusiace Oeadmon of EUtabelh. N. J.: one stepson. Bonner Martin of Snlidniiy*: three steiHlAUghters, Mrs. Annie Daniels of Rl. 4, Mocks- villc ond Mrs. Sollle Kimmer and Mrs. Nattic Thompson both of Spcnu'f? COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, May 5,1966 Paul Cashwell Grubbs Dwiellails IBBed, HeadHiB GsHsioi MOCKSVILLE — A Dav^ Cotmty itfy sales man Paul CadnreU Grubte, dted in a tead*<m collisicm about sunset <m U. S. 68 eight miles west of here. Gnri>bs, 58, of 4^ Salis- btixy Street apparoitly was MIIH instantly when his au tomobile collided with one driven by James Cleo Baug- 31, of RHrin. Baugness and a passenger in his car. Jack ffiggim, 32, of State Boad. were taken to Ba^itist Ho^utal at Wins- Um-Stdmn. State Patrolman Handle Beam said the car drivei by Bauguess veered over the cen ter line and struck Grubb's car. He was bom in Da\'ie Coun- ty to D. G. and Annie Heath Grubbs and was a member of First PreM>yterian Church. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Jimmie Lou Abrams Grubbs: a son. P. C. Grubbs. Jr. of Wheaton, Md.; a daughter. Miss Nancy Grubbs of the home; his mother; two broth ers, Dwight Grubbs of Char lotte and Bill Grubbs of At lanta, Ga; and five sisters, Mrs. W. M. Hitcfaie of China Grove, Mrs. Paul Bowles of Concord, Bfrs. Hlmer Benton of Newport News, Va., and Miffl Clara Gnabbe and Mrs. Paul Hendrix of Mocksville. Funeral services were held at 2 P. M. Blmuiay at First Presbyterian Church. Burial was is Rrae Cemetery. R-LllfhitakerSr. MOCKSyiLLB-Robert Lee Whitaker Sr., 72., of Mocks ville, Rt 2, a retired furniture worker, died at 8:15 pjn. Mon day at Davie County HoqpHaL He was bom in Davie O^ty to Will and Emma NaU Whit aker. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. BSaggie Smith Whitakar; a daughter, Bfrs. C. Bb Bo^ of Bfocksville, Rt 2; two sons, R. L. Whitaker Jr. Bfodm- viUo, Rt 2. and Knoor Whitaker of Advance, Rt 1; o brother, W. K. Whitaker d! Bfio^svUle, Rt 2; and a sistn*, Mrs. Harp er Boger of Wtau^-SaBon. The funeral was at 2 pan. Wednesday at Oak Grove Methodigt Churdu Burial was in tiltoCdl pTBMUWk Bio - Obituaries - 5/5/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, May 5,1966 Mrs. Nellie Taylor Kerley Mrs. Nellie Taylor Kerley, 32, of Riverside Drive, Cool- eemee, died at 11 P. M. Thurs day, April 28 at her home. She bad been seriously ill for two days. A native of Davie County, she was bom February 12, 1934, daughter of Lloyd H. and Lena Shoaf Taylor. She was educated in the Davie County schools. She had done derical work at various places and had served as a Cooleemee cor respondent for The Salisbuty Post for a short time. She was a member of the Jericho Church of Christ Survivors include two sons Barry Leroy Kerley and David Houston K^ley, tmth of Sal isbury; one daiiighter, Sandra Joan Kerley of Salisbury; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Taylor of Cooleemee; thm brothers, Donald H. Taylor of Cooleemee, BUly E. Taylor of Lexington, end Charles D. Taylor of MqcksvUle; three Funeral services were con. si^rs, Mrs. C^l Corriher of ducted Sunday at 2:50 P.M. Cooleemee. Bfm. Diane Beaver at Lyerly FUneral Chapel by of Salisbury, and Miss Oeral- the ^v. William Edward Har> dine Taytor of Cooleemee. per. Mirtiiiites MOCKS VILE - Mrs. Mag gie (Aunt Mag) Belle Martin, Route 4, di^ Saturday at Lynn Havm Nursing Home. She was bom in Davie Cotm- ty to Dan and Amanda Hane- line Williams, and was a member of Fork Baptist Church. She operated a gen- era] merchandise store in the Concord Church |community for 60 years. Surviving are two daugh ters. Bira. Bany H. Meador of Richmond, Va., and Mrs. Felix Berrier of Mocksville. Rt 4; a son, Eustace Dead- mon of Elizabeth, N. J.; three stepdcuigfatero, Mrs. Annte Daniels of Mocksville. Route 4, Mrs. Sallie Kimmer of Spencer and Mrs. Mattie Thompson of Spencer; and a stepson, Sonner Martin of Sal isbury. Tlie funeral was at 4 P. M. Monday at Eaton's ChapeL Burial was in Concord Meth odist Church cemetery. llis.C.6.S|iry MOCKSVQXE - Mm. Mar- that Massey Spry. 82. of Ad vance, Route 2, widow of C C. -£h*ry, died at 11 PM. Sat urday at Lynn Haven Nurs ing Rome. She was bom in Davie County to Giles and Bfanerva Howard Massey. She was a ipmnber o£ Advance Methodist Church. Surviving are two step daughters, Mrs. Tom Potts and Mrs. Lonnie Myers of Ad vance. Thb funeral was at 3 PJd. Tuesday at Eaton's jChapel. Burial was in the Advance Methodist Church Cmneteiy. Bio - Obituaries - 5/5/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 12,1966 - Page 5 Rites Held For ^la Emon Hendrix Kiinoj-al Rtfn'iCL's for Atla Emon lU'ndilx. "j. of Advance Hi. 2 was hold Wi-dm-sdoy Jificrnoon nl Ihe Silcr Funeral Home In Thoma8\-llle. Burial wilh Masonic riles look place al llic Fork Baplisl Church cenv etor. Mr. Hendrix. a rcprcsontoUve of Socurily Life and Trust Company, died al S:20 a. nv Monday at the Baplisl llospltal. ilc was boi-n In Davlc County to Plnkslon and Sallic Beck Hendrix. He mariio<l Miss Nannie Fcolc on May 9, 1W». Sunivlng are his wife: seven dauKlUers. Mrs. Murray Pennlnger of Hockwell. Mrs. Virgil L. Dilworlh .Ir.. and Mrs. Richard Myers of Winston-Salcm. Mrs. Rankin Lecpcr of Cramerton, Miss Gladys HendrLx of Greensboro and Mrs. C. A. Nasli and Mrs, Wade Wyall of Mocksville. Rt. 3; four sons, Bickctl Hendrix of Mocksvilie. Rl. 3. Peter W. Hen drix of Mocks\*ilIc, A. E. Hendrix Jr. of Miami. Fla,, and Hcniy A. Hendrix of Winslon-Salom; and two brolhei-s. Dr. Olin C. Hendrix of Nccdham. Mass., and Lillinjilon Hendrix of Advance. Rt. 2. LORI ANN SEAM ON Graveside services for LnrI Ann Seamen, infant daughter of Roeford and Nettie Minor Seamnn. were held al 2 p. m. Monday al St. Matthews Lutheran Church cemetery. Surviving ore the parents of Mocksville. Rl.; 4 a brother. Donald Seamen of tlic home; and grand- parent.s. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mln- or of Advanec and Mr. and Mrs. Al- , vin Scamon of Mocksvine, Rl. 4. Bio - Obituaries - 5/12/1966 Atta Emon Hendrix lived his en tire life in Dnvio County on his farm on the banks of the Vadkin River In Fulton Township. Dur ing his scvenly-five years, he was active In many fields of service. He was apiwinlcd by Govonror T. \V. Bickeit as ichairman of Ihc Counsel of Def ense during World War i. After the war lie scrvori as a g-omo wartlcn with the Stale Depart ment of Conservation and Deve lopment. Active in the rural elec trification program, he was one of the original Incorpnrafors and served as president of the Davie Electric Mcmbci-ship Corpora- lion fmm iflSn lo ifHi. A mcnv her of the Mocksville Masonic Lodge No. 1.14. he served each ye.ar on Hie G.aie rommlllee fur the nniuiai Masonic Picnic. He was gcnerai agent wilii Nation wide Insurance Company until he retired in ifK>3. Since llial Hime lie sorvcil as a roprosenta- tivc of Senirily Life and Trust Company. llay^vood Robertson Hendrix I Funeral scn-Icos for Haywood 1 Robertson Hcndri.x, 70. of 33S4 j lOmoiy Drive, Wlnslon-Salem. were held Monday afternoon at Hay- ^vorth-Millcr Funeral Chapel. Burial I was in Forsylh Memorial Park. •Mr. Hendrix. vice president of Tutllc Liunbcr Company died Sat urday afternoon at Forsylh Memor ial Hospital. He was born in Davie County lo I Archie and Margaret Robertson 'Hendrix. He was a member of Didin Methodist Church in Dovic County. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Mad- aleno Cornntzcr Hendrix of the homo; three doughlers, Mrs. Mild red Foster of C^olcemee. Mrs. Mar garet Whilokcr of 3328 Emory Drive. Wlnslon-Salem and Mrs. Eu- la Potreo of the home; two sons., H. R. Hendrix. Jr. of Mocksville j and Charles E. Hendrix of Winston-! Salem: three brothers, aorcnco j Hendrix of Clemmons and Cliflon' and Seaborn Hendrix of Mocksville, ' Rl. 3; and a sister. Miss Lena Hendrix of Raleigh. r DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, May 12,1966 Haywood Robertson Hendrix Lmler Fin OffMalMttJU Hnywood Robftrtaoa Hendrix, YO, o! S454 Kmoey Driven Ynn> •ton-Selem. vice preridaot ot TutUe Lumber Oa. died at 1:90 lun. Saturday at FtMnytfa Me* inorial HocplUL He waa bom in Davle County to Archie and Mar* caret Robertaon Hendrix. He waa a member of DuUn Itothodiat Church fa Davfa County. Survivfaf are his wtfa Mra. Madaleae OwnatarT Andrix of the boroei three daufhtera, km UQdred Mtr of Ceofae- mee, Mr*. Mvcaitt Whitator of san Kmoty Mm and Mra. Hula Frtree ii tlw haeM; two aona, K R. Hendrix Jr. of MockaviUe and Owifai K. Hen* drix of 951 M^oanr fltooel; three brother^ Ctittnaa Hw- fatx of aeifiroona and QIHun and Seaboni BnaMt of liodnvilfa Rt 9 oad a aMIr, ualjeaaBsndrtx cdRala^ : llMfttMval Ifonday at Haywofftkmv ^ ffaayth ATIA RHOK Hll&ilX VfdlKitiiriJIlai PassMi Amy j BlocluvJle Atta Emon Hendrix, 75, of Advance, Rt 2, representative of Security lUfe and Trust Co., died at 8:20 A.M. Monday at Bap tist Hospital, Winston-Salem. He was a general agent with Nationwide Insurance Co. un til he retired in '93. Since then be had worked for Se* curity Ufe. , He was appointed by form* er Oov. T. W. Bkkett as chairman of the Counsel of Defense during World War L After the war he served as a game wardeo with the State Department of Conservation and Developtnant He was ac* tlve in the rural electrifica* tion program and served as president of the Davie Elec tric Mutual Corp. He was btum in Davie Coun ty to Pfakaton and Sallie Beck Heodrix. Mr. Hndrix, who was known as **A.E.", lived his mtire life in Davie County in his farm on the banks of the Yadkta Ri^'cr. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge 134 in Mocksville and was active for many years in the Maaooie picnic here each August He married Miss Nan- Die Foote May 9. 1909. ^irviviag are his wife; 7 daughters, Mra. Murray Pen- ninger of Rockwell, Mrs. Vir- gU L. DUworth Jr., and Mrs. Richard Myers of Winston* Salem, Mrs. Rankin Leeper of Cramerton, Miss Gladys Hendrix of Greensboro and Mrs. C. A. Nash and Mrs. Wade Wyatt of Mocksville, Rt 3; four ams, Bickett Hendrix of Mockaville, Rt 3, Peter W. Handrix of Mocksville, A. E. Hendrix, Jr. of Miainl, a^ Heniy A. Hendrix of Ruastoa • Salem; and two brothers, Dr. Olin C. Hen*, drix of Needham. Mass., aiu& LUItagtos H»dzix of AXL vance. Rt 9. Tlw faneral waa at ;9:30 P. M. Iffafaesday at Slier neral Skme in Thomhsville. Burial erilh Masonic rHcs was fa the Baptist' Cbw^ cexnelagy. Bio — Obituaries — 5/12/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, May 12,1966 Henry L league Passed Away MOOl^SVl i J iK—funeral for Henry Eicon Teague, 69, of Advance, Rt. 2, was at 4 pjn. Saturday at Eaton's Chapel. Burial followed in the Bixby Presbyterian Church Ceme tery. He died Thursday at Rowan Memorial Hospital at Salisbury. He was bora- to Nicholas and Mary Griffin Teague. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Eila Underwood T^igue; a daughter, Mrs. Tommie Caudle of Winston-Salem; two sisters, Mrs. C. G. EUer ^ Clemmons and Mrs. Nannie Beck of Winston-Salem; and four bro thers, G. B. Teague cf Clem mons, H. B. Teague of Salis bury and F. L. and M. L. T^- gue of Winston-Salem. Bio - Obituaries - 5/12/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 19,1966 - Page 7 JOHN A. SNIDER Funeral services for John Ahram Snider. 77. ol Da vie Street Coolec^ rnee. were held Salunlay nl 4 p. 'm. at North Crook Primitive Baptist Church by Eiders F. R. Mocrc and Eugene Bennett . Buriol was in the church conetery. Afr. Snider died Thursday night at Do vie County Hospital. A retired Icxtilc worker, he was born on May 6. 1881), in Davie Coun ty to John Henry and Eitcn Hcndrix Snider, I Surviving arc six sons. Kali and Norman Snider, both of Mocksviile, Rt, 4, John Walter, J. W. and Glenn Snider all of Coolcemce; three daughters, Mrs. T. G. Foster and Mrs. Henry Foster, both of Mocks* ville, Rt. 4, and Miss Fairtcy Lee Snider' of the home; two brothers, George Snider. Woodleaf. Rt. l, and Phil Snider of Mocksviile; a sister, Mrs. Grover flolshouser of Mt. Mourne; 10 grandchltdrcn and 4 grcat*grandchildrcn. n MRS. D, B, SMITH Funeral services for Mrs. OIlic Thcodosia Smith, 82, of Mocksviile. Rt. 1, wife of D. B. Smith, were held Sunday afternoon at Eaton's Chiq»i. Burial was in the Jericho Church of Christ cemetery. Mrs. Smith died Saturday morn ing at Davio County Hospital. She was born in Davie County to Frank and Jeannette Graves Foster. Surviving are her hudiand; two daughters. Miss Dorothy Smith of the home and Mrs. Evelyn Grafe of Tucson, Ariz., and a son. Evcrel- te Smith of ■Mocksviile. R. G. MELTON, 71 Funeral services for Richard Green Melton Sr., 71. of Mocksviile Rt. 3 \riil be held lliursday at 4 p. m. at Eaton's Q)apel. Burial will bo In the Cornatzcr Methodist Church Cemeteiy. Mr. Melton died at 10:30 a. m. Tuesdoy at the Veterans Hospital at Salisbuiy* He was born in Yod- kin County to Isom and Mary Alice Fryc Mellon. He was a retired car penter. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. J. C. Barney of Advance, Rt. l, Mrs. Nancy Gallman of Spartanburg. S. C., Mrs. Charles West of Ad vance, Rt. 1, and Mrs. Wayne Cran- Reld of Mocksviile; three sons, Troy W. Melton of Advance, Rt. 2, R. G. Melton Jr. of Nicholson Rood, Wins- ton-Salcm, and Harold H. Metton of Advance, Rt. l; a brother. W. E. •Melton of Mocksviile. Rt. 3; and two sisters, Mrs. Mollle Stout of Granville Drive, WInsfon-Salem, and Mrs. Nettie Stout of Daytona Beach, Flo. MRS. LBLU SCIIULER FOSTER Funeral services for Mrs. Lclia Schulor Foster, 79, of Welcome, were held at 3 p. m. Tuesday at Woloome Baptist Church. Burial was in Forest Hill Memorial Park. Mrs. Foster died Sunday morn ing at Lynn Haven Nursing Himte. She was a native of Davie County and the doubter of the lole David W. and Sara Miller Schuler. Her husband was the late J. Phillip Foster. Sun'ivors include three sons, Ros- coc Foster of Lexington, and John and lr\'ing Foster of Rt. 4. Lexing ton: four daughters, Mrs. Guy Ba^ nes of Welcome, Mrs. Vernie Sow ers and Mrs. Bill Fulrcli of L«.s- ington and Mrs. Fletcher Harris ol High Point: five brothers, D. 0. and Dwight Schuler of Rt. 3, Mocksviile.David Schuler of Rl. 1, Mocksviile., Lester Schuler of WinstoO'Salem and Glenn Schuler of Greensboro:and four sisters. Mrs. ^nee Fiynt of Winston-Salcro. Mrs. Thetma Trent and Mrs. Hazel Hartmann of Advance, and.Mrs, Frances Rcntz of Rt. S. Mocksviile. aiARLIE R. HOWARD Funeral services for Charlie Ross Howard. 94. of Mocksvlllo Rl. 8 will be held Thursday at 2 p. m. TO Eaton's Oiapcl. Burial vrill be in the Smith Grove Methodist Oturch Cemetery. Mr. Howard died Tuesday at the Davie Counly Bo^ltaL-He-was tiom in Davie County to Somuci and Mary Call Howard. ! .Surviving arc three stepsons, Roy Whilaker of Mocks\ille, Rt. 3. J. F. Whilaker of Wlnston-Salem W'd Tom Whltakcr of the home: ond two stepdaughters,. Miss Ethel Whkaker and Mrs. Z. R. Carter of Mocksviile. Rt. 3. Bio - Obituaries - 5/19/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, May 19, 1966 I.CLIUImi,71 lid Tieiiay li VAHtspHai MOCKSVILLE - Richtrd Green Melton. 71, of Route S, Mocksvilie. died at 10:58 A.M. V*|||*|M Tuesdaj' at the Veterans Ad* V ministration Hospital, Sails. bur>'. after an iltness of 18 months. HlMmhMMH A native of Vadkin Coun- tj". he was a son of the late WINSTON- SALEM * 1 Kom and Mar>- Alice Frye **es5 Henrj- Howard, 57 Melton. Ke wa.-j a retired car- Robin Hood Circle, W penter. | Sakn. died at ForayU Sur-.ivor.< include four diU-l here at 10 P. M. 1 ghlers. Mrs J C. Barney of He had been in de Route 1, Ad\ an.-e. Mrs. Nan- health lor a year and cy Gallman uf Spartanbsrg.' ousiy 111 for two days S C.. Mrs Charles West of I ^ C Rt. I, Advance. and Mr*. ' he was a son of Ik Wayne Cranfield of 1 Henry A. and Molly villc. three sim.s. T^v W. Me.-. Howard. He was a rel'r« ton of Route 2. Advance. R. penter G. Melton Jr. of Winston-Sa-1 I Icni and Harold Melton of { Survivon include his t Route 1, Advance, a brother. Mary Myers Howard: W. E. Melton of Route 3. sisters, Mr*. Elixabetl Mock<;ville: two sLstet*. Mrs. < wards and Mrs. Louisa MoJy Stout of Winstun-Sa. ry and Mrs. Eva Tolb lem and Mrs. Neppie Stout I^jungton; two brothers of Da>'tDna Beach, ihonda. 12 thman Howard of Sal grandchildren. ! and Everett Howard < Funeral services were con- 12, BooneviUe. ducted at 4 P. M. Thursday ! Ftineral senices wen at Eaton's Funeral Home ducted at 2:30 P. M. S Chapel a-ith burial in Corn- at Vogler'a Funeral atier Methodist Church Ce- Chapci with burial in niclery. The Rev. Glenn Ttio- ty Melhodist Church C mason officiated. < ry. WINSTON. SALEM - Mag- I nes5 Henrj- Howard, 57, of SO Robin Ho^ Circle, Winston- Salm. died at Fbnyth Hm- pital here at 10 P. M. Friday. He had been in declining bealth lor a year ai^ am- ousb' ill lor two day*. I A native of Oavie County, he was a son of the late Hen.'y A. and Molly Rouse Howard. He was a rcl'red car penter. Survivors include his widow, Mary Myers Howard: three sisters, Mr*. Elisabeth KU wards and Mrs. Louise Era-' ry tnd Mrs. Eva Tolbert I^idngton; two brothers, Hea- thman Howard of Salisbury and Everett Howard ot Rt 2, Boon^Ue. Funeral sen-ices were con ducted at 2:30 P. M. Sunday al Vogler's Funeral Home Chapel with burial in Liber- ty Methodist Church ceraete- rj'. Mrs. Saifli, 12 Of DivicCNity MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. OUie ' Theodosia Smith. 82, of Rt. 1, Mocksville. died at 6:20 AJC. Sattirday at Davae County HospiiaL She bad been ill lor three days. A native of Davie County, she was a daughter of the ' late Frank and Jeanette Graves Foster. Survirors iiKlude her hus band, B. B. Smith: two dau^- ters. Mrs- Evelyn Grafe of Tuscon, Aril., and Mias Dor othy Smith of the hofne: a ton. Everelte &nith of Mocks ville; 10 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral ser\'lces were con ducted at 3 P. M. Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Home Cha pel by the Rev. Lewis Sav age. ^rial was in Jericho Church of Christ Cemetery. MiSnier, Of CioleeHee John Abram Snider, 77, of Davie Street, O>oleemee, dM at 7 P. M. Thursday May 12 in the Davie County Hospital klocksville. A retired textile worker, he was born on May 6, 1866, In Davie County to John Henry and EUen Hendrix Snider. Surviving are 6 Kms, Paul r«Bd 'Hennan flhtaer, beHr -8^ MDCiBviUe, Rt. % Mhn Wa)- ttr, J. W.. and GHemt an of Cooleemee; thtae daugh ter*, Mrs. T. G. Foeter and Mr*. Henry fbato-. both of Mocksville, Rt. 4, and Miss Fairy Lee Snid^ of tha teme; two brother*. GaQTse 8ldd«'. Woodleaf. Rt 1, and JPRU Sni der of MocksvUM; a slatar Mrs j Grover RoUbouun- of Mt j Mourne; 16 grmdchildran and |four great grandchUdrut | The funeral, conducted by | Elders F. R. Moore, and Eu gene Bennett was at 4 P.M. Saturday at No Creak Priml- ive Baptist Chutcfa Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 5/19/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, May 19, 1966 A n M ^ r Bnielilive BMTiMiiy MOCKSVXLLE - Charlie Ross Howard, 94. (tf Route i, MoefcsviUe. died in Davie County Hoipita] at 1:90 PJC. Tuesday. He had be«i seri- .ouay ill for one week. A native of Davie County, be was a son of the late Samuel and Mary Call How ard He was a retired farm er. Survivcrs include three step •ORi, Roy Whitaker of Route .3, MocksviUe, J. F. Whitaker ' of Winston • Salem and Tom Whitaker of the home :two stepdufhtera. Miss Ethel Whi taker and Mrs. Z. R. Carter of Route 3. MocksviUe. Funeral services were eon- ducted at 2 P. M. Thuraday j at Eaton's Funeral Home Cha pel with burial in Smith Grove Methodist Church Ce metery. The Rev. Browns Mc- Kinney officiated. Bio - Obituaries -5/19/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 26, 1966 - Page 6 MONROE DRAt'QIlN Fiincral services for Monroe Draughn. 52. of Mocksvillc. Rl. A. U'cru conduclcd Wednesday at 4 p. m. »1 Hear Creek DapliM Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Draughn died Monday mom- htg al his home after suffciing a heart attack. He was born lit Surry County to John and Martha Drau* ghn. Suivtvlng ore his wife, -Mrs. Esth er Peoples Drauslin; a son. Dllly Roc Druughn ol the home; and a daughter, Miss M'anda Lou Drau ght! of liic home: two brothers. Jes se Draughn of Mocksvillc. III. 4. and Brady Draughn of Vudkinvillc, Rl. 2; and two sisters, Mrs. Paul Jones of iMoeksvllIc, Rl. 5. and Mrs. My- j1lc Bock of Mocksvillc, Rl. 2. MRS. ADDIE CUN'E CORRniKR Kuncral services for Mrs. Addic Clinc Corrihcr, «i. of Ht. I. Mt. Ulla. were conducted Saluntuy at 3 p. m. at Back Crock Presoyierian Church by Ukj Rev. James Moss, Intcrtttcnl was In the church ccnie- terj-. Mrs, Coniher died uitcspcclcdly, Pridoy at Rowan Memorial Hospit-' al. She was born Oct. 5. tRJifl In | Rowan County to the late Mr. aiul ; .Mrs, Robert Clinc. She was a member of Back Ci cck Presbyterian amrch. Her hiisitand. II. Y. Corrilicr died in lftS3, iSurvivors Include three step daughters. Mrs. Jacob Barnhardl of Kannapolls, Mrs. James Holt of Moorcsvlllc and Wilson Bcally of Shcrrill's Ford; two stepsons. Jack Corrihcr of Mocksvillc and Ales Corrilicr of Rt. I. Mt. Ulla: three brothers. Kd Clinc of Granite (juariy. Pal Clino of Salisbury fi nd Carl Clinc of Mt. Ulla; five sisters. Mrs. Luther Hoffncr of Ml. Ulla, Mrs. Georgio Couble and Mrs, Jess llorton both of Cleveland. Mrs. Tom Waller of Mt, Ulla and Mrs, J. A. Harris of Salisbury:iiinc grandhil- dt'cn and one great grandchild. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, May 26, 1966 Monroe Draughn : MOCKSVILLB—M o n r o e . Draughn, S2, of MocluviUc, Rt. , S. died at 9 a.m. Monday at his home after a heart attack. ' He was born in Surry County ' to John and Martha Draughn. , Surviving are hia wife, Mrs. Esther Peoples Draughn; a son. Billy Rm Draughn of the home; and a daughter, Miss Wanda Lou Draughn of the home; two brothers. Jesse Draughn of MocksviUe, Rt. 4, and Brady Drau^n of Yad- kinville, Ht. 2; and two sisters, Mrs. Paul Jones of Mockiville, Rt. 5. and Mrs. Myrtle Beck of MocksvUlc, Rt. 2. The funeral was at 4 pjn. Wednesday at Bear Creek Baptist Church. Burial was in the dnirch cemetery. I Bio - Obituaries - 5/26/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 2, 1966 - Page 7 KTRS. OLLTE foster Fiincrfll services for Mrs. Josic Summers Foster, 80. wife of Ollle Foster of 1009 North Main Street, wrc held Wednesday, June 1. at 4 p. m. at Eaton's Chopcl. Burial was In Ook Grow cemelciy. ^trs. Foster died Monday at Da< vie County Hospital. She was l^orn In Davic County (o John and Sarah Eliza Kurfccs Summci-s. She was a merrtfjcr of Oak Grove Methodist Church. She married in 1911. Surviving arc her husband; one son, Ernie Foster of the home; three .sisters, Mrs. Julia Bowles of Mocks* villc. Mrs. John Myers of .Mocks* i vlllc, Rl. 4, and Mrs. John Poplin , I of Mocksvillc. ni. 3. COOLEEMEE .JOURNAL, Thursday, June 2, 1966 Mk«.OUiiFMtw HoclwvlDe — Mrt. Jotle Sttmmen Foster 80, wite of (Hlte FMter of 1108 North Main died et 2:50 P* M. UoMy at I>avie County Hoipitai 8ha was born in Davte County to aod Saittb flUia Xurfaaa SobBf* mera Sba wm a mamhar of Oak Qrovn Mdtfaodlit Church. She mcirted in 1811. Surrlvbif an bar butband; one Boa. frnte Vatter af tba home; thraa atai, lb JaUa Bowka of Moolraiik lb Jobn Myan of Ibkalb Bt 4, and lb John Poiwi of Moeksfb Bouta li f ... l b tOBtral wai at 4 P, IlLlTadnnday M IMob fb- Ink Bottl wm to Bio - Obituaries - 6/2/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 9,1966 - Page 4 MhS. OfiOKQIA ». TAYLOR Fiinoral scniccs for Mrs. Gcotnia Byerly Taylor. 87, of Advance, wid ow of Charles J. Taylor, wore hold Wednesday, Juno 8, ot 3 p. m. ol Advance Methodist Church by the Rev. Thomas P. Presley. Mrs. Toylor died at Mary Stuart iNursing Home In CIcmmons Mon day night. She had been In declining health some lime and critically ill for three weeks. She was bom In Davidson County on August 29, 1878 to John T. and Elizabeth Hartley TOylor. She spent .her .-oarly-Jifo. Jn- Friendship Methodist Church community. She moved to Advance in 1910, Mrs. Taylor was a member of Advance Methodist Church and was ncllve in church work as long as her health permitted, Survivting are a son. John C. Tay lor of 2034 Old Salisbury Road: three daughters, Mrs. Aubrey L. King of 2319 Oaklina Avenue. Mrs. Elton Outland of Woodland and •Mrs. Jack Voglcr of Advance; and a sister, Mrs. Mae Fleming of 22S West Banner Avenue. EURRBLL M. SliERRILL F^ncra} services were held for Eurrcll Monroe Shcrrill, 55, of 406 Mulberry Street, Kannapolis, a Cannon Mills employee, Friday at 4 p. m. at Victory Baptist Church. Burial was in Carolina Memorial Park. Mr. ShcriitI died Wednesday eve ning of Inst week at Cabarrus Me morial Hospital. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Clean Cogglns Shcrrill; his mother, Mrs. Minnie Shcrrill of Mocksvlllc; five brothers, Albert, Asa and Roland Sherrill of Kannapolis and Howard and Paul Shcrrill of Mocksviltc; live sisters. Miss Ha Shcrrill, Mrs. Beatrice ReavJs ond Mrs. Rachel Hcndrix of Mocksvlllc. Mrs. Edith •Esric of Winston-Salem and Mrs. Eulalla Llpe of Troulman. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 9,1966 - Page 2 DR. Z. VANCE KENDRKK. JR. Ftinernl sci vUvs fur Dr. Z. Vance Kendrick. .Ir.. .vt. of 4il1t If.'idniti Wjiy, Chiirkrite, wvm held Monday uftemoon at 3:.'*0 p. in. at th,' Myers Park naplistT t'hmvh with Dr. Carlyle Mamey. the niihlslur. onicKiling. Inlemient w.-is in Ever green CemcJery. •Dr. Kendrick die<l Satunkiy. .Jtmc 4. at ills home. A donlisi. he wn: iuim .Kiniuiy 13. tSKKI In Cluirlolte. Ills pan nts, the late Z. V. ami Ed ra Dlankens!ii|) Kendrirk. lie w.» a giadiinte of the UniVi'irity ui Nuilli Cai'iillna Ulld n itratiuaie 01 Marylanil Seliuul of D.'nlislry. Hi was member of tlic Myers Part: Bapilst Cluirch. lie is survivcil by his wife. Itanes Clement Kcndriek: daughter. Miss Clemeltl Kendrick of tlie Itome: son. Zcb V. Kendrick III. uf llw Itomi-: sister. Mrs. .T. G. Hnrrlsun of Ml. Airy: Iwn brothers. Dr. Valdcii 0 Kondrirk of Clinrlotic and Richard n. Kenili-iek of Alburtis. Po. Dr. Kemkick \va.s also llu> soii-lii-law nf Mrs. ,1. Eiank Oleinent of Mort(.sviltc. ^ Blo - Obituaries - 6/9/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thiirsdav, June 9, 1966 Janet C. RideiliMr Died MOCKSVILLE -- James; <Doc) Ridenhour. 69. of Riv erside Drive. Cooleetnee, died Friday at Davie County Hos pital. He was born in Davie County. He was a member of North Cooleemee Baptist Church. He was a retired Erwin Textile Mills employe. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bertha Reeves Ridenhour; two sons, James Edward and Robert Ridenhour of Mary land, six daughters, Mrs. Ru by Hedrick of Lexington, Mrs. Evilinc Gunter of Maryland, Mrs. Ciady Clatoo of Coolee. mee. Miss Katie Sue Riden hour and Miss Marland Bid- ehour of the home and Mrs. Carolyn Pierce of Cooleeo^; two brothers, C. R Ridenhour of Cooleemee and W. R. Rid enhour of Cooleemee; and a fi^ter^ Mrs. J. fL Bowles of MocksviUe. The funeral was at 4 P.M. Sunday at North Cooleemee Baptist Church. Burial was in Legion Memorial Park at Cooleemee. James C. '^Doc^ Ridenhour iutkna C. KidcflJMNtr. who for ttUMiy ywn. WM» called "Dor*' by hM frieodt died week s*d his fuDcml was brtd Sunday. Mr. BIdeahour Hill be mia&fd in ai^ around Cooleetnee where he has spent the bi)g;v«t part of his life wMhlni; and raising a targe family. He not only worked in the mill, but always had other jobs while he was off at hb regular work, either farming, rarpenter work, and about aaythiiig thai needed to be done. "Uw" mm% xa exoeUeat gardener and raised a lot of com xod v^etaUea. Not only waa he a hard worker for hk own Ixuieflt, be Iwas constantly doing things for oth er people. He rarely ever turned down anyone who needed help e^eii after his health began to faiL He would still belp bb frieoda and neigh bors, m'en though be did fed good, he wmM not turn anyone down that needed bb help, that b why we think of him as a fine unaelfbh per* son. "Doc" liked to come to the Shopping Genter, when be wna nMe, and talk abonC hfa gnidea and have a Uttie ftm with hb friends arenad the local hardware atofw. Everytmdy knew and Uked **Doe''. He wtt be mbsed aronnd thb comimudly for n iomg, lapg thne hfffa—t od hb unaejfbhneaa mad a wDHng heart to help ather peaplc. Joyce Ciapben MOCKSVILLE -- Joyce An- gell Campbell, day-old daugh ter of Harvey £. and Joyce Barney Campbell d^ at 7.. MAM. Sunday at Oavb Coxmty Hosphal Surviving are her parents; and grandparents, Mrs. Es-; ther W. Campbell of Harmony, Route 2, and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Barney of MocksviUe, Rt 3. Graveside service was held at 10 A M. Monday at Dulin Methodist Church Cemetery. I Bio - Obituaries - 6/9/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 16,1966 - Page 4 FLAKE W, THOMAS Flake W. Thomos, Sfl,. a farmer of Harmony, Rttulc 1, Mount Bethel Cliureh community, (Hcd at his home coply Wednestlny momins. June 1st, of a heart attack. He had not been in ynotl health for sometime but his tleath wiis unc.spectcd. lie was born in Trcdeli County on May 6, tnOH. to Wiliiam Van and Aiirc Steeiman Thomas. —BurvivHig-"«pe— hta—wifer-^Mpo, Margaret Wilson; two duughlcrs. Mrs. Rudy J. Partner of Hamtony. Route 1 and Mrs. Joe T. Lingic of Lingic; one son. Ciydc Thomos of Harmony; a sister. Mrs. K. C. Sharpc of Statcsviile, Route 4: aiul a brother, Robert Tttomas of Har< many. Also sui^iring arc five grandciiiidrcn and fotir step-grand* children. IPuncral services were held at 3 p. m. Tliursday, June 2. at Mount Bctlicl Methodist Church. Rurinl was in the church cemetery. WILLIAM W. ('liAPI.AIN, 79 Funeral services for Wliiinm Wallccr Chaplin. 7!), retircti South* cm Railway empIo.vc of Mocks\'iitc Rt. 3. will be held Tliursday at 4 p. m. at the Comotzcr Baptist Church. Burial will be in the chtircit cemetery, Mr. Comatzer died at 2:10 p. m. Tltcsdoy at tlic Baptist llasttilal. Wins(on*SaIcm. He was born in Davic County to A. B. and Rebecca Howard Chaplin. He was a mombcr of Comatzer Baptist Oturch. Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. Ado Phclps Chaplin; three daughters. Rl. 3. Mrs. Mnxine Long of the itomo and Mrs. Iva Swain of Mocks* ville. Rt. 4; tlirec sons, Arnold. Prank and Samuel Chaplin, oil of Mocksi'ille. Rl. 3; and one sister, Mrs. Tom Poster of MocksvHlc. Rt. 3. CLAY IIARAIM Funcrol services for Cloy Horbln. SO. of GSl Sotistmry Street, were held Wednesday evening at 4 p. in. nt Eaton's Chopcl. Burlol was In Center cemetery. Mr. Haibin was dead on arrlvol at Davic Cbunly Hospllal after a hcari ottack at home Monday eve* ning at 7:30. He was a salesman for Beck and Qrcgg Hardwore Co. of Atlanta, Ga. He was bora In Ire* dell County to S. W. ond Bertha Anderson Horbln. Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. Tin* ccy Mnrlow Harbin; two sons. 1.any Wayne Harbin of Ft. Qorodn. Ga.. and Titomas Clay Horbin of tlie Itome; sis bralhers, Clyde I!a^ bin of Mocks\iIle, Bill Ilatbln of Mooresx'UIe. ami Clatnle Ilaridn of Statcsx-ilte. Rl. 4: and four sisters, Mi.<i8es Annie and ftvanna Mae Harbin of Stofes\'illc. Rt. 4. Mrs. Prank Snyder of Winston*Snlcm and Mrs. C. F. Bcrryman of Montgom* er)'. Ainbama. Bio - Obituaries — 6/16/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, June 16,1966 Cliy Hirkii % w. chavlh UOCKSViLLE •• Clay Har bin, SO, of 651 Salisbury St., wai dead on arrival at Davie County Hospital after a heart attack It home at 7:)0 P. M. Monday. He was a ules- man for Beck and Gregg Hardware Co. of Atlanta, Ga. He was bom in Ir.'deli Coun ty to S. W. and Borihk An derson Harbin. Surviving are his wife Mrs. Tincey Marlow Harbin; iv^o sons, Larry Wayne Harbin of Ft Gordon, Ga., and Thomas Clay Harbin of the .nome; six brothers. Clyde Harbin of MocksvUle. Bill Harbin of Mocksville, Rt. 1, J. L and Wade Harbin of StaleivilU, D. D. Harbin of Mooresville and Claude Harbin of States- ville, Rt. 4, and four sisters, Misses Annie and Swanna Mae Harbin of Statesvilie, Rt. 4, Un FVank Snyder of Winston-Salem and Mrs. C. F. Berryman of Montgomery, Ala. Funeral services were held Wednesday at Eaton's Funer al Chapel. Burial was in Cen ter Blethodist Church Ceme tery. Mocksville- William Walk er Chaplin, 79, of Route 3. Mocksville, died Tuesday af- lemoon at 2:10 at the Bap-, list Hospital in Winston-Salem I He HmI been ill for a lon^ i time. Mr. Chaplin was a retired Southern Railway employe and a member of ComaLzer Baptist Church. in Davie County Oct 22, 1887, he was the son of I the late A. B. and Rebecca I Howard Chaplin. He leaves his wife. Ada Phelps Chaplin; three daugh ters. Mrs. Irene Howard of Route 3. Mocksville, Mrs. Max- . ine Long of the home, and . Mrs. Ian Swain of Route 4. . Mccksville; three sons, Ar nold, Frank, and Samuel Chaplin all of Route 3. Mocks ville: one sister, Mrs. Tom Foster of Rt. 3. Mocksville. Funeral services were con ducted Thursday at 4 o'clock at Comatzer Baptist Church by the Rev. Elmer Day, the Rev. B. A. Carroll and the Rev. Bill Shoaf. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 6/16/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 23, 1966 - Page 6 puss MAhORETTlS ANN EATON * Funeral sci-viccs for Miss Mar- grellc Ann Eaton were held at Cc-!dar Creek Baptist Ohm-clt, Wednes day evening at 3 p. m. by the pas- |(or. (he ncv. Qiarlcs Hay. Burial . was in Iho church cemetery. Surviving arc her molhcr, Mrs, Mary Eaton; two sisters, Mrs. Lu- Ja .C, West of Mocksvillc. ni. t] and Miss Pearl Eaton of Winslon-Salem, llwo brothers, Clarence and Arthurjlwo brothers, Claren< fEaton o( New Vork. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Tluirsdav, June 23, 1966 Mrs. McKaigtit Dies,DavieCo. lltDCKSVlLLE - Mrs. Ten- nle Foster McKnight, 81, of Route 1, Advance, died Fri. day morning at her hi>me. A native of Davie County, ibe was a daughter of the late Brainard and Diza Frye Fbeter. Her husband was the Ute J W. McKnight Survivors include a daugh ter, Mrs. SUs Howard of Route 1. Advance; five grand children; and a sister, Mrs. Pastha Howard of-Greensbttro. Funeral services were con ducted at 3 P. If. Sunday at Yadkin Valley Baptist Ciiurd) by the Rev. Alt^ Cheshire tnd the Rev. Ray Billings. Burial was in the diurch ce. SMlary. Deloast Payie Rites Satir^ay Deloast Payne, 62. of Cool- ee.-r.e? died at 4:45 A. IL Wednesday at Rowan Uemor- iat HosprtaL He has been in declining health for several i years. Bom December 2. 1903 in Dav>e County, be was the i son of the late WiiUam and | : Lula Malone Pa>ne. He was educated in Darie I ' Coun'y Schools and was a; mcnber of Friendship Baptist Church in Cooleemee. For 40 years. Mr. Pa^ was employ^ by Er\*in Mills. : He retired December 1985. Survi\nrs include the wi dow, Mrs. Savannah Payne, I four scms. Glmn E. Pa%ne, ! George K. Payne, both of ' Ceeleenvee. Harvey Lee Payne of Raleigh. William H. Payne of Woodleaf; three daugb. ters, Mrs- Stella White, and Mrs. Helen J. Watkins. both of Cooleemee. and Mrs. Jua- nita Richardson of Salisbury; ; three brothers. Pearl Payne and Robert Payne, both of ! High Point and Kelh' Payne of Cooleemee; two sisters. Mrs. Nota Harris of Washington. D.C. and Mrs. Eliabeth Neely of Cooleemee; and 22 grand children. The funeral will be bdd Saturday. Bio - Obituaries - 6/23/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 30,1966 - Page 5 nKttT.Y 0. nATt.r.nnR Fimcrnl sm-lcps for Dt-wey G. naltpilgc Wore hcltl Wwlnnaby, .Itinc 22, al (*hc.^nul Grm'o Molh- otti!!l Cliurch in llavlf Coiinly. Mr. Kallrtigo iHfil Monday al Cidnnrrua llo.«{dlai after an CKlcml- chI lllnosa. He wan a toxlllo ivorket- and a nintiln'r iif CliesUiul Grove Mclhmlisi Chiircli. .Surrfvinc are Ihe wife. Hnj form er li.izcl rosinn: a dnunlUer. Mm. Hichard llaynes of Lciutir: bitilli- era. Fred Hat ledge of Grceiulwru. iiiike _ _nnd Cttarlic, Hat Mine of .\toek.sville: sixtorit. Mrs. Uda Gra> ves of WiaHton-Salem, Mis. Turner iiitdd and Mrs. Hoy Dixon of .Mocksvillc. .lAMFi! BIRD GATfllRR Fiitteral sen-lees for .lome.s Hlril Galtlier, 71, a retired farmer of Harmony. HI. I. were held Sun day at 3 |>. m. at Heavls Funeral Home. Burial was in Society Bap tist Clmrrh cemctciy-. 'Mr. Gail her was born in Iredell County to Sptirgcon and Virginia Day^vnuK Gaitiicr. Sur\-lving arc his wife, Mrs. Euia Nichols Galihcr; three daughters. Mrs. Pauline Lutye of Ciilcago. HI.. Mrs. I.iieine KiUitll of Tilus\'llle. Florida and Mrs. Virginia Doiiy of Winston-fblem; and five sons. Claude Galihcr of Hnrmon.v, Jack Gaithcr of Mocksvlile, Ht. 4. Bob and Dill Gaithcr of Wlnston-.Salem and Hay Gaithcr of the home. MRS. LVDIA IE. WOOD FUncrai services for Mrs. Lydia Rlizabeth Wood, 70. of Mochn-inc. Rt. 3. were iiold .Sumloy at 2 p. m. ot Rcdiand Penlacostal Holiness Cliurch. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Wood died Saturday evening at Davic County Hospital. She was born in Davic County (o Francis and Lydia Foster Smith. She was twice mnricd. first to Ed Plott and Inter to Wiley Wood. Surviving are two daughter. Mrs. Dudley Young of Draper and Mrs. Guy Miller of Advance. Rt. l; three sons, Milton Plott of Milton, Rt. 2, Sherman PloU of Mocksville, Rt, 3. and Henry Plott of Advance. Rt. 1; 0 brother, Claude Smith of Tho- masvlitc: a tuilf-brolhcr. Slterrill Smith of CIcmmons; and a half- sislcr. Mrs. Stacy K. Smith of GoMdioro. ft^SSMDBWBV J. HORAII Funeral sen-Ices for Mrs. Dc\v6y John Ilorah, 67. of Eikton. Mary land, were held Monday at 2 p. m. at Eaton Funeral Cliapel. Burial was In Concont comclcry. Mrs. Ilorah died Friday morning at her home. She was born In Da vic County to John and Minnie Wag ner Utompson. Surviving arc t^vo sons. Harold and Jim Moralt of Etktcn; Claude Thompson of Eikton; and a sister. Mrs. Dorah Burricr of Mocks\'iilc. Rt. 4. WII.UAM LAIVSON Fiincrnl services for William Heni->' Clay l.awson. 54, of Advance. Rt. 2. were conducted Wednesday at 2 p. m. at Fultcn Methodist Ouirch. Burial was in the church cemetery. tMr. Lawson died early Sunday morning at Forsyih Memorial Hos- pitol in WiiiElon-Salcm. He had been in declinlng-heatll! six weeks. He was born in Tennessee to Davhi C. and Mar>' Jane Graham Lawson and was a member of Fulton Meth odist Churcli. Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. Nel lie Gray Lawson; two daughters. Mrs. Carl Smith of Cleveland and Mrs. Tommie Leonard of Lexing ton; three sons. Daniel P. Lawson of Wlnston-Satcm, Clay Lawson Jr. and Kirk D. Lawson of Uto luimc; two brothers, M. L. and C. A. Law- son of Greensboro; ami his step mother. Mrs. Jennie Lawson of Greensboro. Bio - Obituaries - 6/30/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, June 30,1966 Mrs. Lydia Wood Uocksville — Mrs. Lydia Elizabeth Wood, 79, of Mocks- viUe, Route 3, died Friday evening at Davie County bos* pitaL She was born in Davie County to Francis and Lydia Foster Smith. She was 4wice married, first to Ed Plott and later to Wiley Wood. Surviving are two daugh ters, Mrs. Dudley Young of Draper and Mrs. Guy Miller of Advance, Rt. 1; three sons, Milton Flott of Milton, Rt 3. Slierman 'Plott of MocksUle, Route 3, and Henry Plott of Advance, Rt 1; a brother, Claude Smith of Thomasvllle; a half-brother, Sherrill Smith of Clemmons; and a half-sister Mrs. Stacy K. Smith of Golds, boro. The funeral was at 2 P.M. Sunday at Red!and Pentacostal Holiness Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. •Dckfirillt - Mrs. Dswair fe r. of eue^ dka flrid^ momlnf. She bora in Dsvio County to a and Minnie Wagner an^scin. rviviai era two aooa, Ha- me-T—Si— ' of ion; « brother, Claude Thomp son fif .Clkton: and « aister, Mrs Derah Setrier of Mocks- Vili. »t i Qm funeral eras M S P.M. Monday at Eaton Funeral Ko^. Burial was in Concord CemeMiy. t ^ 1mm; two If,^ and C. A. iMtonof fi nwingtinm; ond hit itepno* tbor, Mn. JemiM iowioa at Oi_—inlMMn. ^ fimml wna at 1 PaU. adaj si Pultcm MeMiod- IrM -Churcb. Burial wag in tbe cliaicb cenketery. Bio — Obituaries — 6/30/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA