Jul - DecDA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,1965 - Page 2 Sam S. Short Dies Lost Week Sam S. Short, 73. of Mocksvitle, dt«d coriy Wednesday momtng. June 23, foUowlne nn Illness of sev eral Aveokj. Mr. Short fotrnded the karri Corri- aso Company of Icard -in IS32. and romotncd with the firm unlit ran, when ho moved tn MocksviHc and liccamo assoeialcd in (he hosiery tjiislncss here. At (ho time of his death, he was o yam broker. He was horn In 1892 at Wo-shtng* ton, N. €.. to the late Eugene Mur ray Short ond Betty Short. Surviving Mr. Short are his wife, the former Miss Mabel Davis: three sons, Sam Short. Jr.. and Frank Short, of MocksA'llle, and Henry Short of Atlanta, Ga.: (wo (hingfaters. Mrs. Royal Jones of High Point and Mrs. Thomas P. Whitley of Atlanta. Go.: one sister, Mrs. Betty Wringer of Winstoo-Salem: and o numtjcr of granddtildren. Funeral services were held at 4 p. m. Thursday June 34, at Eaton's Funeral Home, by the Rev. J. B. Ratchford. Burial was in Rose Ce metery. Mr. Short was a Mason, a shriner and a member of First Presbyterian Church In MocksvHIe. JAMES 0. TAYLOR Funeral services for James Oscar Ihylor, 8S, were held Friday. June 23. Qt 2 pmi. at Hnion Chopcl Meth* mtlst Church. Burial was in (he church cemetery. Mr. Taylor, a retired farmer of MccksvlIIc. R(. 2, died at r>:.10 p. m. Wcdncjday. June 23. at the home of a son. Roy Taylor, alter on illness of several weeks. He was horn In Davic County to Wcslcj' nnd Martha Eaton Taylor. Suniving are two sons. Roy Tay lor of MocksvHIe, Rl. 2. and Clyde Taylor of Mocksx'IIIo. Rt. .1, nnd two brothers. Morion T.iylar of WotKileof Rt. 1. and Jesse Taylor of Clevclnnd. Rt. I. Bio - Obituaries - 7/1/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE.JOURNAL, Thursday, July 1,1965 E. W. Hoed Of Woodleif Erneit Wren Hood, Sr., 76, retired Southern Railway em- , ploye of Route 1, Wo<^leaf, died at 7:30 A. M. Sunday at Davis Hospital, StatesviUe, where he had been a patient for two weeks. A native of Rowan Coun. ty, he was a spn of the late James and Mary Freezeland Hood. He was married to the former Beulah Davis of the Woodleaf community. Survivors include his wife; three sons, E. W. Hood Jr. of Route i, Woodleaf, E. L. Hood of Chulotte and Robert I 8. Hood of Orlando, Fla.* a' brother, Richard Hood of Sal isbury; four sisters, Mrs. Qeo. Allbrifht and Mrs. Mae Cor- rell of Salisbury, Mrs. Alonzo McDanlels of Route 1, Wood- • leaf and Mrs. Emma McDa- niels of Morganton; fivs' grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Funeral services were con ducted at 8 P. M. Tuesday at Corii^th Church of Christ near Woodleaf by Ronnie Ul- rey. Burial was in Chestnut p Hill Cemetery in Salisbury. MBS. J. B. WEAVBB Mrs. Weaver Dies At 77 Funeral services were held Monday at 2;30 p.m. at the First Church of Ood in High Point for Mrs. Eva Sanders Weaver, 77, of KamenviUe, Rt. 3. Burial waa in Oaklawn Memorial Gardens. The body was taken to the home on Sunday at 8 p.m. and placed in the ^urcb Monday H hour before the funeral. Mrs. Weaver died at her home Saturday morning at 8:30 p.m. after a lenghty ill- nesi. She was the wife^of J. B,i Weaver of Rt 3, Kemera- vllle who survives. She was bom in Randolph County to CU and Elisa Mvis Sanders. She spent most of her life in the Kemersville area. For a number of years ahe and her hi|ibtnd operated the Wine- top-Aalem Beauty and Bar- b^Biipply Con^sny* Bbe was a mmnbir of the First Church of God of Point Surviving besides her htie* band are three daughleiSi Bin. IhiUi Reece of Fhmaelt^ Urt, SM BeUard of Xaniyevina, ifrt Msurie Beamon of Xor- BiiBfllle, Rt 3; two iiMori, Ifra. Ada M Beeh of CoMao- mee^ Mrs, Maude & JorddB, Lanouter, 8. C. Mrs. fltummage MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Al pha Frances Eaton Rummage, 70, of Mocksville, Rt 5, wife: of Norman Rummage, died at 4:26 P. M. Wednesday in Da- vie County Hospitat She was bora in Davie County to Thomas L. and 3x>uie Stone- street Eaton. She wgs a member of Mocksville Baptist Church. Surviving are her hus band; a sister, Mrs. A. W. Fereabee of Mocksville, Rt 2; two brothers, H. R. end Carl W. Eaton of Mocksville; and eight foster sons, J. C. and Ray Huffman of Dela ware, Michael and James Voss of Florida, Jim Zack and Timothy Hodge of the home and Henry Behealer of the home. The funeral will be at 2 P.M. Friday at Eaton's Cha- fpel. Burial will be in Eaton's Baptist Church cemetery. j Bio - Obituaries - 7/1/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 8,1965 - Page 4 MRS. ALMtA RltMMAQB Dincml senieta for Alpho ProQCQs Soton fhonmase. TO, were condttclcd at s pm fYRby. July 2. ol ColoB'fl Chapel, by Die Rev. Bernee OMt Rot'. J, P, Davli. ^uriel vnii in Eaton's Baptist Oturdi Gcmelcry. ! Mm. Rumtnaec dknl Wednesdoy, June 2i>. at Ctavlo County Otospltol. ishe bad been ill aboitt two wcelo. 9ie was bom tn Ihivie County the daufihter of the late Thomas L. and Lou Jone Stonestrecl Eoton. 6Ste tms msrHod to Tformaa Rummafe wtto suTvlvos. She was a mombcr of the Ptrst BopUst Church In Mocks* ville. Other survivors include one sister, Mrs. A. W. -Fcrebee of Route t, Mocim*iUe: two brothers. H. R. Eotoo and Qiri W. Eaton of Mocks* ville; cieM fooler children. J. C. ond Rafy Huffman of Oelnworo: Michad and James Voisa of Florida; Jbn. Zock end Timothy Rodffe and Hotv* ry BduHcr of the home. hfRS, MYRTLE GREEN Ftmeral services for Mrs. Hyrtio Long Croon. 00. were conducted at 2 pjn. Monday. July S fai Baton's PunernI Chapel- Burial was in Oak Crovo Methodist Church cemetery. Mrs. Green, of iRoute 4. Mocks* ville, died at her homo Saturday idlemooo. Death was unehpected. A native o( Dovte Coutdy. riw was bom Mardi 27. 1892. the douflh* tor of Joss end Cora wnion 'ityort. Survivors inehide one daui^r, Mrs, Gladys Sanford Rt. 4, Mocks* ville: one son, Cocnde Lona. Rt. 4. MocksvQIe: four brothers. Win ers of RL I, Advoaco; Fred, SItea. and Tom Myers, oil of Rt. t Ad* vonco: two sisters Mrs. Claudo Chandler of RL 2. Advance, and Mrs. Jenny Cocnotiier of Ad*"once: and six erandchOdren. BttTII KNIOttT Cravoitdcs services for Both Knlsht. infant, were bold at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 4. ol Union Chapel Mctbodht Church cemetery. Tho chlW, danghlor of Bill and WIBn Mae Peoples Knifihl of Rl. 8, MocksvlHo, dlod early Solurdoy. July 3. at Forsyth Meinoriol Hus- plul at WimloaSolinn. Siirvlvins ore her porents: and her crandmoihcrs. Mrs. Codl Peo ples of Moeksidlk. Rt. 9. and Mrs. Jessie Knl^l of Cotumbvs, Go. Bio — Obituaries — 7/8/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 15,1965 - Page 4 R. G. SMtni l\incral services tor Robah Qrajf Smith. 71, viere conducted at 2 p.m. TUeatay, July 13. at Yodksn Valley Baptist Obuixh. Burial was in the church comolcry. Mr. Smith, a retired faivner of (Modcsvile. Rt. 2. died at 7:56 p.ni. Sunday at o (Morganton hospital. Qfo M'os bom in 'Davle County to John Honry and Mola Ward Smith and was a mombcr and Inisteo of Vadkin Valley Baptist Church. Surviving aro his wife, Mrs. Besslo IQng Smith: tiirco daughters. Mrs. Hubert J>rawdy of Winston^SoIem. Mrs. Joe Longston and Mrs. (R. <B. L«e of Advance, lU. 1: throe sons, Leo G. Smith of Lafayotte. Tcna, Earl J. Sndth of iakchurst, J.. and Kermlt F. Smith of Mocksvillc, Stt. 2: six asters, Mrs. Branch Allen of Yadkinville, Mrs. Nanny Foster, Mrs. Jacob Shedi, Mrs. UUiarn Smith, Mrs. Jod (Beauchomp ond Mrs. Gimer Jfondrix of AdvanCeo. dU. d; ond two brothors, John Frank Sndth of Mbcksvillo, RL 3. ond R. S. Smith of Mar^alltonvn, Iowa. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 15,1965 - Page 1 R. B. Sanford Rites Held Funeral services for Rufus Brown Saitford. 88. of Church Street, a business and civic leader of Mocks- ville, were held at 11 a. m. Saturday morning at the First Presbyterian Church. The Rev. J. B. Ratchford officiated. Burial was in Jcppa Cemetery with Masonic Rites. Mr. Sanford died at il:55 p. m.. August 7th. at the Liynn Haven Nursing Home. . He.wps blRFO Jn-MocksvUle on ruary 26, 1377 to Calvin Coudos and Mary Srown Sanford. He attended sdMXtIs in Mod(SvilIe and then Davidson College, graduating with an AB degree In IB98. Following graduation from David son. he went to work as a derk for the Southern Chemical Company* in Winston-Salem. woridng in the office as a shipping derk. In 1600. he relumed to Mooksvillo to Join his father in the operation of tho store. From the operation of tho store. C. C. Sanford Sons, Co., Mr. San ford went tn with others to develop such businesses as: Sanford Motor Company <1916>: Bankin-Sanford Implement Company tlOMi; San- ford-Mando Company <19481. He ser- md as president of all these organ- ixations. Ho served as member of the Mocksx'ille School Board from 1911 to 1947; director and later vice- president of the Bonk of Davie; a charter member and pasl-presidont of the Mocksvllle Rotary Ctub: ond a member of the Mocksvilto Masonic Lodge of which he served as trea»> urcr for 36 years. An active member of the Mocks- viJIc Presbyterian Cliurcfa, Mr. San ford scrx'cd OS deacon, cider, derk of ses:ions. He also served as trust ee of the Winston-Salcm Presbytery and as a trustee of the Glade Valley School. On April 27, 1010. he was married to the tale Adelaide Gailhcr. &1rs. Sanford died in November, 1943. Ho is survived by four children: A doiigliicr, Mrs. Hansford Sams. Jr. of Dccaiur, Go.: three sons, Gnilhcr Sanford of MocksviUc; Ro- fus B. Sanford, Jr. of Ihe home: and Ur. M.ir holl Sanford of Forl Lnudmlale. Fin.; and n sister, Mrs. John L. Lnrcw of Mocksvillc. Bio - Obituaries - 7/15/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, July 15,1965 I. B. Snfori, lim CNity Cnric Uliler UOCKSVILLE RuAii E^ofwn SaalbH, Sr., 88. of Ctrarcii Street, llodBviUe, e teoding Devie C<Minty busi- MSBnan. died et 11:85 P- •*- Wednesday July 7th at a Mocksville noniiif home A oati^ oi Davie County, he was a aoo of the late C C. and ICary Dennie Brown Sanfcrd. Re was preeklent of C C Sanfbrd and Sons Co., Sanford Imptement Co^ vice- president and director of the Bank of Davie. Ur. Sanfbrd was an elder of the Presbyterian Churdi in , Meckrrille. Survivors include a daugh ter. His. HauHatd Sams Jr. of Decatur. Go.; three amu, Gaither and Rufas Sanfdcd Jr. ' of HocfcsvOle nd Dr. Mar- d»0 Sanfcwd ef fbct Laud- adale, lla.. a riettr. Mrs. John J. Lame of Mocfcsviue. I Funeral aervieei sme cbn- duetcd at U ,A. WL Saturifay -'at Fir^ Piesbyterian Church the Rev. Jamee Ratdifbrd. iBurfa] was In Joppa Ceme- » tenr. Bio - Obituaries - 7/15/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22, 1965 - Page 8 Mn. W. B. AUen FHncniI seiMcca for Mrs. Mory lAtcrctio Allen. 79. were conduclcd ol 2 p.m. 'Friday. Juuy lOlh, ol BtShlchcm Mclliodist Church. BurloJ was in Ihc church comclcry. Mrs. -Allen, of noutu 3, Mockfiv'llie, (lied ol Ihc home of a son, Bichord Alien, at A a.m. Wcdncsdoy, July 14. Jier husband Is W. B. Allen. She was a native of Davic Counly. dauuhlvr of the laie WlUioni <i. and June Bo^-dcn Alien. Slic Is survived by her htiBlwnd; a ilaiijihler. Mrs. Jlerman Brwer ol Iluulo 2, Mucksvilitf; 0 son, .Hichard. Allen uf Ruulo 3, Mocksvlllo; lwo| sisters, .Mrs. <leni7 Sosloy of Roulo 6. -Mocksvlllo. and Mrs. John McLo- land of Uscoml), Iowa: two brothers, Floyd Allen of Morshailtown. Jowo. and M. K. Allen of Route 5. Mocks- ville; four itrandchlldrcn. Waller RuMoek Fnnerut services for Walter Uicat Pollock. 76, wore held in Molino, 111. TiK'sduy. July 20. Burial was In Huhe l,Jwn ceiwlery. Mr. PiilluL-k. of Advance. Rt. 1. died at 6 p. in. Thursdoy, July 19, at Uila i'onnid Hoots Memorial llusinlal in YadklnvlUe. Ho was l)ot n in Oklnhuma to John and Jen* Die Cjuudliurt Polioek. He lived ntosi of his life In Mullne. III. He was a retireil tailor. He had lived In Advance five years. Surviviuii are his wife. Mrs. May* i niu Cattell pollock; a son, the Rev. iKenueih Pollock of Baltimore. Md.: ' and two daufilUcrs, hlrs. Beatrice < .Asnuu and Mrs K'vHyn Minin-r of , Moline. III. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, July 22, 1965 Larry Gene Peacock Davie Maa Killed In Kb Aceideat Larry G«n« Peacock, 25, of Mocksville, Rt i was killed at 2:30 Wednesday while log ging near Mount Holly when &e tractor he was driving ' overturned crushing him a- gainst a stump. He was bom in Davie Coun ty to Ivey Lee Peacock and < Lizzie Padgett Peacock. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ruth Seamcnd Peacock^ a ' son, Larry Gene Peacock, Jr. ' of the home; his mother. Mis ' Lizzie Turner of Mocksville. < Rt 4; five brothers. Kenneth Lee Peacock of Mocksville, Route 4, Herman PeacoCk of Mociuville, Rt 5, Harold Pea cock of the U S. Army and - Garry and Ronald Peacock of Mocloville, Rt 4; and three <' sisters, Mrs. Kathleen Frye, Mrs. Julia Sizemore and Miss Barbara Sue Peacock of Mocksville, Rt 4 The body is at Eaton's Fu neral Home pending arrange ments. , Walter Lucas Pollock let. NM's Father Kes Funeral aervioes for Walt^ Lucas Pollock, TO, were held in MoUne. 111. Tuesday, July 20. Burial was in Bose Lawn cemetery. Mr. Pollock, cf Advance. Rt. 1, died at 6 P. M. Thurs day. July 15. at Lula Conrad Hoots Memorial Hospital in Yadkinville. He was bom in Oklahcma to John and Jen nie Goodhart Pollock. He lived most of his life in Mo Une, 111. He was a retired tailor. He had lived in Advance I five years. j Surx'iving are his wife, Mrs Mamie Cattell Pollock a son. the Rev. Kenneth Pollock, of Baltimore. Md.: and two dau ghters. Mrs. Beatrice Asmus I and Mrs. Evelyn Minteer cf MoUne, III. Early Bwrette Koontz, 64. a retired fanner of Modo- vUle. Rt 1. died at 6:10 P. M. Tuesday at hmne. He was a mmber of Salem Mdtiodist Church. Surviving are hb wife, Bfrs. Rebecca Ratledge Roontz; 2 daughters, Mrs. M. F. Thome Sr. cf BtatesviUe and His. Hubert Sboaf of Cooleemee,; • son, Everette Koonlz of the | home: and a sister. Mrs. E. C I Click of Spencer. The funeral was at 4 P.M. Thursday at Salem Method ist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 7/22/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 29, 1965 - Page 3 Mrs. T. A. liutchens Funeral services for Mrs. Alice Nail Hutdicns, 89, .wore held at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, July 24 at Ook Grove vMcUiodist XXiurch. Burial was in Uic church cemci«y. Mrs. iHiitchcns, of Boirie 2, Mocks- vilic, widow of Thomas A. 'Hutchens, died at 11:SS a. m. Thursday at Davic County Hospital She was bom in Dovic County on Oct. 11, iisni, lo Phillip and Mary fiosQ Nail. Mrs. Hulchens was a member of Oak Grove Methodist Chiirdi. Surviving are several nieces and a nophow. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, July 29, 1965 Mrs. Hitsheis Uts. Alice Ne0 Hutdwu, m, of Ifocksvme. Rt 2. vi. dow of TSiomes A. Hutchem, died at 11:55 A. M. Thurs day July 22 at Davie Coun ty HospitaL She was born in iwvie County to Phillip and ilary Base Nail. She was a member of Oak Grove Me- QkOdist Church. The funeral was at 2:- m PJL Fnday. Burial Wfu ill the church cemetery. iGMrteltflir HARMONY - - Georse So- kKnon Bqder, W. a retired fanner of Hartoony, Bk 2, died at a A M. Sunday at Davie County Hospital at Mocksville. He was bom in Davie County to John A and Dovie Sain He^er. He spent most of his life in tbe Rock Creek Baptist Church com munity in Iredell County. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Hannah Smith Kepler; two daughters. Mrs. Iris Mecham of Winston-Salem and Mrs. Wilma Harris of Harmony; a son, John A Hepler of Harmcmy, Route 2; and a sister. Mrs. Mattie Joyner of Mo^viUe, Rt 1. The funeral was at Rock Springs Baptist Church at 2- SO P. M. Tuesday. Burial was in the chui^ eemete- I5io - Obituaries - 7/29/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 5,1965 - Page 1 C. C. Smoot Dies Sunday Charles Clinton Smool. 7S, of RC 1, Moeksvile, chairman of the board of directors of Davle Oectric 3lenv' bcr^Ip Corp., for the past 23 years, died at 10:20 ami. Sunday, Aug. 1. at Oavlc Countiy Ho^ital. Air. Smool was sheriff of Davle County from 19X1 to 1939 and n'ss a momber of the Junior Ordinr and Satcm (MeUiodlst Church. His first ^tifo. Mrs. Alary Lizzie Daniels Smoot. died In lOSS. His second wife, (Mrs. Lcona Graham Smoot. survives. <Also survK'ins are a daughter. Afrs. At C. iDcadmon of Afocksville: a brother, J. N. Smoot of MocksvlUe. Rt 1, and a sister. Airs. William Pouvll of Afoehsvlllc. Rt. 1. The funeral was conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Satem Afethodist Church. Buriai was in the duirch cemetery. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 5, 1965 - Page 4 nBNRY 111. BAtmSBB Fhiwral services for Homy Sfarvta Satmden, 91, were hdd at 4 pm. Sunday M CbnntMr Saptial Chuiidi- Borhd ^ In the chuMb Mmeboy. Air. Saunkn. q reUied ttlgtt watchmen for A. J. Aaynddslbbaoco Co.. died at 8:80 a.tn. Friday at his homo. He was bom in Davie County to Kotry and Honey iReavts Saucdecs. He waa u mendMr df Oomatser Bap* tist Church end a veteran of Worid War I. Surviving are his wire. Mrs. Leuna Massey Saunders; and a ^er, Mrs. BUen QteUnda Smith. Bio - Obituaries - 8/5/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, August 5,1965 C. C. Smoot; Director of Co^p Charles Clinton Smoot, 70, I of Mocksvillc. Route 1, 'chairman of the board of di- : rectcirv nf Dnvif> Rural Elec- I trie Membership Corp. for I the past 25 years, died at 10:- 120 A. M. Sunday at Davie ! County Hospital. Mr. Smoot was sheriff of Davie County from 1932 to 1938 and was a member of the Junior Order and Salem .Methodist Church. His fir.il wife. Mrs. Mary Lizzie Daniels Smoot, died in > 1955 His .second wife, Mrs. j Leona Graham Smcot, sur vives. Al.so surviving are a dau ghter, Mrs. M. C. Dedmon of Mocksville; a brother, J. N. Smoot tf Mocksville, Rt 1, and a sister, Mrs. William , Powell of Mocksvile, Rt. 1. The funeral was at 2 P.M..^ Tuesday at Salem Methodist j Church. Burial was in thei churrh cemetpry. ( Bio - Obituaries - 8/5/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, August 5, 1965 m y fmmmimn fMsii Amy Khut Mtrvte fltiiTwItft, Tl, ot ModtsviUtb St a. ft Mtirftd nUttt whhwftft fw E- Scy- n3it Vobftcoo Oa^ 6JS ftjn. Friday •! Iwiftft. Hft waa boaa 1» jNivk OftttBty to fiftMY a»4 liMey tiftftVia Sftiftidftn. Bt ma ft oi Ganfttair Bft^kl OlujKli and ft vataup ol Worid Wtf t Sianriviag ftr« Ida «dls Mm. UoM Mftiiiy Sftundm: and a aMftr. Mn. VSa M e n n d ft Smith, Ihft funeral waa at 4 pjiL Sus^ «t Comatftftr SWpt Ghul^. Buiiftl waa hi tha church oftmetery. ilri.lPi|iti Of Kimyflii KANNAPOUS - Mn, Jank Vkhara Bn^dofi. Td, of Rl. 1. Xftamapaiia. died a* 2;M P. M. aaturday in Cah- •rrua Hemoiial Koapitftl lif Coocofd. 4 arwmhar of Lane Straat Baptiat Cbwoh ia KftoaftP^ iis, she wfti the widow of the late T. L. Brogdon who died In llftrch 1944 Survivors Include om sis ter, Mrs. Ida Craftaoa of Ooo- Iceiiiftft. Funeral servlcef were eoo- dueted Hmday at 4 P.tf- in Bfttnn Funeral Home Chapel in Mochaville. The Rev. Eu- pene Goodman otticiated and Oiirftil waa in Uherty Me- buiiftl was in Uberty Me- Bio - Obituaries - 8/5/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 12,1965 - Page 1 Collision Occurs In Lexington— Mother And Son Killed In Wreck Fun son; UTCCk noon Count cidcnl loJurc{i The cr Ba a d -al for Cwo DovkJ County pcr- yvho died Qflcr n car-truck in Lexington Sottirdoy after* ;xis held Monday- A Davidson youth also died in this oc- and three other persons uvre ead were Mrs. Myrtlce Mill- •nes. 39, and her son. I-iarvey WUUain (Bint Bantei, 14. of Mocks irillc nt. 3; Mkhoel Carl Hunt, IS of ^ Ahliot Avenue. Lexington. Tito ^ured. all In the Baptist Hos pital "Roger h20, bo in Winston-Salcm. included Loeklear, 17, and Paul Coins, h of Lexington: and Harvey ' Lee B irnes, 43, of Mocksville Rt. 3. husbai d of Mrs. Barnes. Mr. Barnes sulfcn d diest injuries. ifuni died of chest injuries enroute to Lotington Memorial Hospital af ter ti 0 accident on Nor^ Main Street inside the city limits of Lex ington; about 4:45 p. m. Saturday. BUI |Darne8 was dcod on arrival at tho Baptist Hospital about 0 p. m. and his mother died at the Baptist Hospital ot 10:20 p. m. Saturday of head injuries. According to investigating officers. Coins was driving a 1B60 Chevrolet pickup north on North Main Street in Lexington with Locktcor and Hunt as passengers. The Barnes family uvre gidng sotith Jii a JS82 Ramiilcr station wagon. Policeman Bobby Winston, who In vestigated the accident, said that Coins told him the truck "got to slid ing" and went across the median strip and into the souUiliound lane. The Bnrncs automobile hit the inick near the right door, Winston said. Both vehicles were demoli^ed. Funerol? A double funeral for Mrs. Barnes and her ;on was held Monday after- neon at Eaton's Chapel. Burial was in Lil)crty Methodist Church ceme tery. Mrs. Barnes was Iwro in Green ville. S. C. to W. J. and C(W Law rence MlUer. 1^~ was emj^oycd hy Burlington Mills in Cooleemee. Surviving are her husband: three iisters, Mrs. Cecil AngeU, Mrs. Haz el Combs and Mrs. J. W. Tucker of Mocksville Rt. 4; and two brolhers. Dayle and Cletus Mlllor of Mocks- vUlc Rt 4; ond her nuithcr of Mocksville Rt. 4. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 12,1965 - Page 5 MRS. BURN BRINEOAR | iF\ineml somdces for Mrs. Ellon Dohy Brtneiinr, 70. of Cnolccmec, were conducted Simday. Aug. fl. at Cooleemee PrcStiylerlon Church at 3 p.m. Burlol was In Ixfinn Park Oomcteiy. (Mm. Brlnogar died at mm Friday In Rowan Mcm.vial Hos pital. She was liom In Ncwlxirry, S. C.. to WUIiam T. oitd Alice Felkor Dohy. She was employed by Erwln Mills of Ceoteomee until she retired 10 years ago. She a member of Ooclccmce Preubyterlan Churdi. Surviving ore a half brother, Tho- don Darby of Newbeiry: and a half (Slater. Mrs. A. B. Burke of Washing- ,lon, D. C. mLIAM WILUAMS (Funeral services for William Jun ior Williams, 30. of Route t, Mocks ville, were conducted at 3 p.m. Sunday at Society Baptist Church l:y the Rev. Sidney Crimes and the Rev. Roby Evans. Burial was In the church cemetery. | Mr. Williams died Friday, Aug. 0. at Davle Chunty Hospital ; A native of Davie County, he was a son of Clyde Houy WiUams and Veoln MoDanlels -Williams of Roote 1. MOcfcsvHte. He was employed by. Arlington MHls, Cootcomcc. | do addition to his parents, ho Is survived by his wife, Lovemo Wol-j lace iWillloms; a son. Perry WtlHama of the home: a tnrighef. Raymond Gdgnr WUibms of Salisbury: ma- termri grandmother, Mis. Minnie West. lU. 1. Mooksvtlle. G. W. (WA'VT) BROWN Funeral .services for George Wash- logton (-WaU) firmvn, 70, cd Route 2. Mocksville, were conducted Mon day, Aug. P. at 2 p/n, at Baton's Funeral Home. Burial was in Oak Grove Methodist cemetery. Ahr. Brown died at 12:55 a.m. Sat urday at (he homo. life nuos born In Yadbin County to Henry and EUxobeth Evans Brown. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Mae Sufttmors Brown; a doubter, Mrs. Joe R. Hoover of ModcsviUe, RL S: tluee sixers, Mrs. Ock FInney of JonesvUle, Ri. 1, Mrs. Robert Mos- teUer BoonvlUe, Rt. 2, and Mrs. UeOUe fiowies of Wlnstan-Satem, RL I: a half slst^*. Mrs. A(^t Siores of Clyde; and n half brother, Isom Brown of Clyde. Bio - Obituaries - 8/12/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, August 12,1965 Myrtice Miller Barnes and Harvey William (Bill) Barnes > toibte FimtiI le!i Moiiay fKi Ivtry San rur»#rtil Mnrim wittv h«id UcKxIay alttmooD for iftRi. Udlrr B*mr^ M, tna her >»i, H«rv«y WtUtan (Bill) Bemrs. U of Mridli- 'tile, I, at C*toa*« FtflMTal iomr and burial to LtbOlty tiethodtst CtHirrh tcfntfiery. iDih ««fe kitted to • ear* .rurk wrwit in Lraiii^ait Sto* rrday One oih«' p«r«oo wm tdkd ind three e^ber* to* ;uro<l. Mrt Bari^ war born is IreenvUte. S C u> W. I. ng Lawrence Mdtof. She wai •Rjqpkrjred by BurUngtan MSb n Cteotoeeee, S«rvtvtof mm ler huaband. three rtvton. Mm. Cteeit AngetL Un. Raaal ':^4iinhi end Un. J. W. TMh» ^ lifiekcvOk, Rnuto A «aA wo totrfhm. Ihvle Md CMm umcf of Mockeeille, &MlaA tnd her inothar, ^ MecteHKl Aottt* A ^lu I William Junior Williams. K, of Mocksville. Rt. 1. an Kmploye of Burlington Mills it Cooleemee. was dead on irrival at Davie County Hos- litai at Mocksville at 6 P H. Yiday. His death resulted rom complications in a leg le broke in a fall a month l|0> He was bom in Davie Coun* y to* Clyde Henry and Zeo* a MtDaniels tATiUiams. Surviving are his wife, in. Lavcme Wallace Willi- ims; his parents of Mocks- ille, Rt. I, a daughter. Kaih- een WUJiams of the home; a Qd, Perr>- Williams of the lome; a brother, Raymorvd Edgar Williams of Salisbury- uid his grandmother, Mrs. i hfinnie West of Mocksville, loute 1. ! Bio - Obituaries - 8/12/1965 Hiss Ivory Annie Sain, of Wcodleaf, Rt 1. the No«i- Q>QC« community, died at 2:15 A M Sunday st Rowan Me- HKl Hospital at Salisbury Sbtoe she had boon a pati* lit two weektw She was bom I Rowan County to Henry . and Rosa Bell Spr>- Sam. be was a member cf Need- loie Baptist Church. Survrving are her mother f the home, a brother. Carl fcto-'of Woodleaf. Rt- I; and icW sisters. Mrs. Jo*' Hall f Kynnapolis" and Mrs. J. W". IdtanieLs and Mrs, G. A. Sni- er of Wotidleaf. Rt t The funeral was at 3:30 M: Tuesday at Needmore Church- Burial was m k>r|ith Church of Chri,«t cndHcry. Brtwi Biriei Igriei Tiesday George Washington (Watt) Brown, 70, of Mocksville. Rt. 2. died at 12:35 A. M. Sunday at home. He was b^u-n in Yadkin Cfuint>' to Henry and CiLzabelh Evans Brown. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Mae Summers Brown; a daughter. Mrs. Joe R. Hoover of M(wksviUe. Rt. 5; three sisters. Mrs. Ock Finney of lonesville, Rt- 1. Mta. Rcbert Mostellcr of Boonvillc. Rt 2, and Mrs. Hettie Bowles of Winslon-Salem. Rt. I; a half- sister. Mrs. Wynt ^ores of Clyde: and a half brother. Isom Bn>wn of Clyde. The funeral was at 2 P.M Monday at Eaton's Funeral Home. Burial was in Oak Grove Metb<Kli>t cemetery. Finl lites For Mrs. Dlei Doby Briiegar Mrs. Ellen Dcby Brinegar. age 77. died Friday Morning at 5:55 A M at the Rowan Hospital. Salisbury*. She had been in declining health 6 months and seriously ill 2 weeks. She lived alone at 15 Da vie St. Cooleemee. She was a retired employee of Envin Mills and had been retired 10 years. She was born in Newbury, South Carolina August 7, 188ft. Her pamts were Mr. Wil liam T. and Mrs. Alice Doby. She was a member of Coo leemee Presbyterian Church. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 19,1965 - Page 4 Mdvin Ritchie, 62. of China Grove. Rt 3, (Bed recently at Rowan Me* morlfij (Khspttol. He was born in Davle Counly to Thomas D. and Abble COllette Ritchie. He was a guard at the Nordi Carolina prison unit In Salisbnty. Ho was o member of ttra First Baptist Church there. Survivors Include his <wtfe, Mrs. Moiy Orubb WWWej tw llKimas C. Ritdde rf WilUm V. RMdhio eC WiMliiaBidem: four datt^M^i Mfa. Trnmsi. Fla., Mrs DofeW Khifiht and Mils. Ralph mitea oMCaimap- olts and Mm. Bob CottUltfiam of RftMtthtiiy; bWD ludf bTOtheiS. HOlUy and Charllo Rittehle; end three hOR sisters, Mrs. Oger, Mrs. lAura Grouee and Mrs. Bessie GWos. The fUnwal utos hdd at Xdnn* Honcyoitt Funeral K«m Otepel In China Grove. A saoond aervlee was hOId M Ealon^s Baptist GhoTOh near ModhsvlUc. Burial was In the church cemdteiiy. MILS. aiARLIK nOORR Fmwml son-ices for Mrs. Rhndle Bogcr. Ill, of Route 4, Mncksvllle, were hchi Friday, Aug. 13, at 2 pm ol Lllicrly ■Pilgrim tloltness Clinrch ly the Rev. W. C. Bulla. llus Rev. fl l.nriitd P.arkcr am! the Rev. C. C. .Sprinkle. Burial was In the (dntrch ccmdcry. 'Mm. Boger died ol 0.30 p.m. Wed* ncsday. Aug. II. ot her home. She was the widow of Clnirlcs W. Bogcr who (lied In nwi, lA native (if Wilkes Cnuniy. riio was Q dutighlcr of the laic Moses and ftlnry Casw PrevcUc. SiirvlvorH include two daiighlers. Mrs. Carrlo llanicis nnd Mrs. IHyde Itolirrls. hath of Itl. 4. Mocksvlltc: three .sons. C. 'P. (SanH 'Bogcr of Uoiilc 4, Mocksville. Baxter Bogcr of .Mncksvllle and C. B. Bogcr of Route 3. Mocksvillc; 10 grandchildren: and 10 grcal-grandchlldren; ll\-o broth ers. Benjamin and f4o.ih Prcvellc. both of Lexington, Lander Prc\>clto of oRutc 3, Mocksvillc. Gphram Pre- \-c41c ofiRoiHc I. Harmony, and Sam uel B. Proi-oUo of Rinse, Va.: a sister, Mrs. RalUe Dturham of Rcnitc 4. Mocksvillc: one sicp-daughicr. Mrs. Biyrtle Miller of Ceolcemcc; o step-son, Ctoudic Bogcr of Cootcc- mec. Miss Lucy Hording Funeral services for -Miss Lucy Ann Harding, 27. of Mocksvillc. Rt. 2. were held at 11 o. m. Saturday. August 14. at Parmlngton McthodLt Church. Burial was In the Farming- Ion cemetery. Miss Harding died Thursday. Aug ust 12. after a brief IHness at Bap tist Ho.r-ital at I2:S0 a. m. She was born in Forsyth County to Ray and Lucy Strum Harding and was an employe of the Forsyth Wel fare Departmcmt. She was a member of Farmington Methodist Church. Survlviog arc her father of Mocks- vllle RL 2; her stepmother ol Mock.iville. RL 2; four sisters. Mrs Held Grydcr of Prcdsiick, Md., and Misses Catherine. Helen and Cons tance Haixling of the home; two stepbrothers, Michael and Joseph Mason of the home; and her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Harding of Mocksvllle, Rt. 2. WALTER n. DOBY Fkincral 'services for Waller HenryD^, 60, of Rente 1. Hanwmy. were iHdd Friday, Aug. 113. ot 2:30 pjn. at New (Home Onindi of Christ In Surny County. Burial was In 4he chureb cemdcry. Mr. Doby. a dolry fotmcr. died at <10 ajm.. Wednesday, Aug. n at ReddU (MentOrlal iHosplbal, Stotcs- vllle. Siuviitrs: wife. Mrs. Frances Par ker Ooby; live dottghftm. Mrs. Chris- ithio 'Unville of 'Winslon-Salem, Mrs. Listen Qmoiy of Madison. Wis., MIrs. Wllliom R. Cranvson of Folrfield. Calif., (Mrs. Fred Chapman of Char- lotto, and (Mrs. Jimrny Taylor of B<K)nrvHlo; four sons, Ralph and J. O. Doby, txrth of Winston-Sotcm, Pcnry Lohy of Mooksviltc and Gar net (Doby of Ctovolond: one brotiher. Charllo £. Doby of Surry County: and 14 grondchlldron. Bio - Obituaries - 8/19/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 19,1965 - Page 4 THOMAS V. HAYNRS T\ineral services for Thomos Vance noyncs, 79. a retired farmer ot llormony, At. •!, were cimthidod Sundoy. Aug. 10. at 3 4).in. at \Vin> Itirop iliVlonik MceHng House. Burial was In the church cemetety. Mr. Ilayties died Priday. (Aug. 13. al ilralcll Afomorlal Hoapllol at Gtolesvitle. He was bom In Vodkln County io Thomas and Rdiccca £vans Hayncs. He wos a mondnn* of WInthrop Friends Meeting House. Sitnvhdne arc .three doutfdors, Mrs. Annobollc Creason of SloteBVllle. Mrs. Scttlah Tomploton of Harmony and Airs. Artenste Joyce of Stokes* <loIe: and five sons, Harding. John* nie and Odis Hayes of Hannony. George Haynes of ■Homphmvine. and Lenis Haynes of Statesvllle. L. L. IVhItaker Funeral services for Lonnle L. Whttokcr, of 1214 Bingham, Street, Mocksvllle, were conducted at 3 p. m. Sundoy, August IS, at Oak Grove Mcdtcdist Onirch. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Whitakcr died In the Oavie County HojpUal at 8:20 Friday night. August 13. Ho had been ser iously ill for several weeks. Bum In Davic County May 27, litas, he was Ihc son of the lale Will* lam and Mary Gmmn Nail Whit akcr. He was a member of Oak Grove Methodist Church. He was employed by the CoudelJ Ldimber Plant. Mr. Whltaker was married twice. His first wife, the former Edna McClamrock, died several years ago. His second wife, the former Flcela Slroud, survives. Other survivors ai-e four daughters, Mrs. Kenneth Ratledge of Rt. 1, Mocksvllle, Mrs. William Summers and Mrs. Alton Teague, both of Rt. 2. Mo^svUIe, and Mrs. R. L. Johnson of Chariotto: two sons. Lonnle Ray Whltaker rf Rt. 2. Mocksvllle, and C. L. Whltaker of Ft. Laudcrdale, Fla.; 16 grand* children: one stop-son. Harry K. Siroud of AfocksvlHo; one-stcp- daughlcr, Mrs. Howard Colbert of Advance; two brothers, R. U Whlt aker Sr. and W. K. Whltaker, both of Rt. 2. Mocksvllle: one sister, Mrs. Harper Roger of Winslon-Salem. J. L. MILLS Ftineitil services lor J. L. "Sam" Mills, at, of Albemartc, were con* ducted Sunday, UVi^. IS. et 2:30 p.m. at (Andcrswi Grove' Baptist CSMird) In lAtbemorlc. ^risd was in the chuiti) ccmotery. Rev. H, L. Reg* islcr, (Rev. R. C. James and Rev. Claude DIdc oHIclated. Mr. Mills, a retired farmer and textile (Worker, died FVIday, Aug. 13, at LIS p.m. at Stanly County Has* pllal. He had licen In declining henUh for 2^ years. He (was bora July 17. 1804, In Stanly Cmmly lo Ihe late Thomas MHIs and Frances Eagle Mills. Re was morried to 4he former Addle Aforton who died Aug. 18. 1602. Ho was a mondior of Falrvtew Bopttst Church In Albomarle. Survivors Incliilc: one daugblcr. Mrs. iFronk HartscH of Route 4, ABKannrie: one fostcrKtautghler, Mrs.Emma Russell of Moric^lte; four sons. Cicero 8. Mills of Rt. 1, New London, Paid J. Mills of High (Point. Daniel R. MIBs of Chariouo. and John 'A. Mills cd Spencer: one bro ther, Jack (Mills of Albcmarte: two sisters, (Mrsi. Will iHarwood of Nor* wood and Mrs. Homer HuncyciiU of Fidkton. Bio - Obituaries - 8/19/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, August 19, 1965 Wiitpy Nariiir Missf Miss Lun |ot Mocksv| oatursl C4K Ulntss at I ia:ftQ A. U was horn I to Ray an4 Mm. r. tlied cf fon f an^ Sipm Har- ind WAS w wlmy^ of tMf Forsy^Vwto^paH-rmt Sho WM a cf armiaatoo twhytiit Church. SurvWlM w ter o^ MocksvUlia rT «kepmo- ther of Moc^iwlUarSL 2. four iistars Mrs. Ha^ 0yder of Fredri(^ MtryUod. apd Miss •f.Catho^, Con- Manda H^r^ia| m home: Kt^ sCspbro^ert, Mfch^l and Joseph Ik^on of ue home: and her irindparen^. Mr. and Mrs. John Rardinif of ModcsvUla, RL 1 The funfffl was II A M. Saturday Farmi^^^n Me« thodist C^i^h. Buri^ was in iiw Vmtetoo Ce^^ry. lytb County dinf and wu ap ^ a brief M B^ital at itgpisi' 12. She |tMf ForsyttTVaMart L L Wkitaker Lonnie L. Whitaker, M, of Mocksville, an employe of Caudell Lumber Co., died at 8:20 P. M. Friday in the Davie County Hospital.' He was bcm in Davie County to WiiUam and Mary Emma Nail Whitaker. He was a member of Osk Grove Meth odist Church. He was married twice, first to Miss Edna McClamrock, then to Mrs. Fleta Stroud. Surviving are his wife; 4 daughters. Mrs. Kenneth Rat- ledge of Mocksville, Route 1, Mrs. William Summers and Mrs. Alton Teague of Mocks ville, Rt. 2, and Mrs. R. JL Johnson of Charlotte; two sons, Lonnie Ray Whitaker of Mocksville, Rt. 2, and C. L, Whitaker of Fort hand- erdale, Fla.; a stepson Har- |ry K Stroud of Mocksville; !a stepdaughter, Mrs. Howard Colvert of Advance' two brcthers, R. L. Whitaker Sr. and W. K. Whitaker of Mocks- iville, Rt. 2; and a sister, Mrs. Harper Boger of Winston-Sa- lem. The funeral was at 8 P. M. Sunday at Oak Grove Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio ~ Obituaries - 8/19/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 26,1965 - Page 3 CHARLIE M. .GRUBB F^eral services tat Charlie Mar shall Grubb. 87, of RL 4, were con- ductfl^ Monday. August 23. at Eat on's .Chapel. Burial was in Sandy Creelj cemetery in Davidson County. 'Mr. Gnibb. a retired farmer, died d: 9 p. ni. Saturday at home. He ^vas i lom In Davidbon County to Al- and Mary Barnes Gnibb. i^ivlng are nine sons, C. 0.. Cliflo I, uoytf and Roy Grubb of Mock {viiie, Rt. 4, James and Hen- ry Gi a],b af Salisbury. Glenn Grubb Ml )cksville, Rt, 2, Van Grubb, of ifidd, Va., and Gray Grubb of Colle< mec; two doughters, Mrs. John Henry Hamilton of Cooleemeo vfrs. Homy T. Bamhardt of Churc bland; and two brothers, W. A. and 1 ^ Grubb of Lexington, Rt. 5. wc 6A 4 L. L. MICHAEL .futWal services for Lawrence Leo (d. 42. of Rt 3, Lexington, Donductod Saturday, August 2t. >. m. at Frlcnd^lp Methodist in Davidson County. Burial was i, the church cemetery. OfHida- "(tore 'Rev. \V. C. Clark, Rev. "fBin and Rev. C. E. Ridge. MyMlchoel died in his sleep early Thursday morning. His family found him (le^ In bed about 5:30 a.m. Bom Dec. 17. 1922, in Davidson County, he was the son of the late William L. and Martha Lee Haley Michael. He was an anplt^ee at Dixie Furniture Co. and a veteran of Worid War If. He belonged to the American Le gion. Survivors include his wife, the former Louise Cartner; one son, Ralph Edward hUchad of the home; two sisters, Mrs. J. E. Lannlng and Mrs. Terry Koontz of Rt. 3, lAatkig" ton: three brothers, Holland Michad of Rt. 3, Lexington, and tester Michael of Rt. 4, Lexhigton. MRS. MARY FOX Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Charles FOx. 65. of Rt. 4, wra con ducted at 1:30 p. m. Sunday. August 22, at Eaton's Chapel. A second ser vice was held at 4 p. m. in Rocky River Baptist Church In Chatham County, lite Rev. Fred Barnes of- Beated. Burial was in Rocky River Church cemetery. Mrs. Fox died Friday afternoon at her home. A native of Davie County, she was bom March 9, 1900. the daughter die late J. C. and Sallie Crump Charles. She was married to Leslie Fox who died in 1930. Avvlvors Indude. five, sisters, Mrs. Margurlet Sanfmxl and Mrs. Helen Carter, both of Rt. 4, Mocka- viiie, Mrs. Louise Campbell, RL 3, Mocksvflle. Mrs. Sarah Woodruff of Rt. 2. MocksviUe, and Mrs. Laura Jane Bairinger of Granite Quony; one brother. J. W. CSiarles of Rt. 4, Moeksville. WEST INFANT Granveside service were conduct ed at 2 p. m. Friday, August 20, at the Mac^nia Moravian graveyard by the *Rev. Taylor Ldtin for Sdlie West, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. West of Rt. 1. Ad vance. The chSd died Thursday mming at 9:06 at Davie Cotmty HoMiM. The baby was bom there about 12 hours earlier. Survivors. In addition (o the par ents. are the maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.. Richard G. Mdton of Rt. 1. Advance: the patoual grand mother. Mis. Luther West of Rt. 1, Advance, MRS. NOAH ROBERTSON (Funoul services for Mrs. Genevl- eve Gentmde Robertson, ra, of Rt. 2. Advance, were cmducted Sunday, August 22 at 2 pjn. at ElbasviUe Methodist Qirdi by the Rev. Billy Clinard. Burial was in the church cemeteity. 'Mrs. Robertson died Thursday at 6:60 pan. at her home. Born Ju^ J9, 1888, In (DavIe Coun ty, die was the daughter of the late WiUlam and Emma EUis Lyons. She was married to ftoah Robert son. who siusvives. Other survivors are four sons, Cecil, Edward, and Virgil Robertam. all of RL 2. Ad vance, and IWiniam Robertson of High Roint: and six grandohiUlrcn. Bio - Obituaries - 8/26/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, August 26, 1965 Heiry Sunn IHnWille nil Friday Hefiry C. Swftim, 51, of CUrrboro, fcmus'ly of Coolee' mee, an omploye of the Book Exchange of Univenitjr of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, died cf a heart attack Wed- neaday moming at hia home. He was bom in Fonyth Coun ty to Sidney A. and Mary D. Swaim. Surviving are his wife, Mrc. OoUy Spry Swaim; three daughlera. Miss Mary Btea- beth Swaim of the he me and Mrs. GayoeU Harris and Mra. Joyce WUIard of Winston- Salem: and a sister. Mrs. R, D. Cooksey of Lewisville. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Friday at Eaton's Cha pel. Anoth^ funeral will be at 4 P.M. Friday al Carrb:ro Baptist Churd^ Burial will be in Westwood Cemetery at Carrboro. vine, te. 4. died «t M P. M Satwdar «t hoM. Be vats bora bh Daradm Coum tf to At&vd ead May Dims Gfaddh. Surviviac wn nine mm; C, Ol, Cttfloa, lioyd amd Roy &vUb of ModorvlUe, WL 4L laditaT, deno Ondib of jliDcksville Rl 2 Vsn Gndib ef SMvi&eUI Vau, and Gtmy jGnAb of Ooleme; two 'dmsNeex, Mtsl John Henry I Mrs. Henty T. Baralwtdl of IChuNhlnd; and two hndt* CIS W. A. wd tee Gndib ^ Bt Sl Ibe iMneral wa« hM M 3> M P. M. Monday at Mnn*!! (ChipeL Boria] ves sa Sondy iCreek Ocnetcty m Devidhwn Mr. May 4. Fk Xn. Bkarr Oiartes; Pn. Ck of BMe 4. MoHcniUe died FHdxr ofl^ttcnr. el her hfiie i A natrre of Outvie County was brvn March 9. the daogbter of the late J. C and Sallie Crump Charts. She was married to Ledie Pox who died in l^<t Survivors include five sia- anff of m. A MfAaigte, and MtA tasoBOk lane Bnrnaper «f Granite Qauty: one hMOKr, J. W. Charts of BL A MuUin^ Two funeral aeaimis wsc heML the ffm was s l-JM, PJL SsMhty in BMaa^s Vhn-j «rai Chapel, the armnd «s at 4 R IL M Hachr Bivsl Baptist Chaich in ChatiiasI Oounty. the Beuercnd F^edIBaros othfiated and ImiiM was in Bochj Biver Church oemetCffT- liio - Obituaries - 8/26/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, August 26,1965 JLTHH Mrs. %rrll^78,l Of Moc|%(pe; n M0CKSVI£LilrJ''te7SaUy'Hendrix Merreli, 78, Rt, 3, MocksvilIe,.clied Wednesday at 4:15 p.in. at her fibjne.v^'^. i Bom Octritl8,,>a889 iir?Davie | County, she wias., thb daughter of t^ewis and Eliza Young Hen drix. •• She was a member of Fork Baptist Church where she had been a teacher for 45 years for the Women's Bible Class. Survivors include the hus band, George E. Merreli; two 1 sons, Aubrey - Merreli^ Rt. 3, Mocksville and Bill Merreli; Rt. 2, Mocksville; two daughters, Mrs... K. 0. Minor of Winston- Salem, and Mrs. P. M. Johnson of Rt. 3, Mocksville; one sist'ec; Mrs. George Barnhardt, Rt. 2, Advance; • 17 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be con ducted Friday at Eaton's Chapel at 2 p.m. by thc^Bev; Roy B. Young. Burial in Fork Baptist Church Cemetery. jl The family will receive friends at the fpneral hbme^ j tonight from 7 until. Bv - .9 vx. Co. )Ck3 o 7/^ 'sL Tv r & - j-^ - I i v-a V"V ^ t O °AVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY mocksville. N9 o m DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 2, 1965 - Page 4 HENRY C. SWAIN Funeral services for Henry C. Swain. S3, of Carrboro, wera C(HI' duiBtcd at n am. Friday. Aug. 97, at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. A second service iwas held at 4 p.!n. at CaiT> boro Bai^lst Chundi and burial was in Wesfovood Cemeleiy at Carrboro. (Mr. Swain died at his b<une Wed nesday momins. Aug. 2S. Dead) was unexpected, resultlns fiDni a heart Fonmeriy of Cootcemcc, he was an employee of the Book Excbanse of the Univendly of North Carolina at Chapd HiiL Bom in Forsyth Coitnly, he was the son of Sidney A. end Mary D. Swalm. Survivors include his wife. Mrs. Dolly Spry Swsim; three daugh ters. Miss Maiy fiiizsftielh Swalm of the home, Mrs. Caynell Harris end Mrs. Joyce <Wiliard, both of Winston- Salem: one sister, fifrs. H. D. Codc- sey of LowtsviUe. MRS. J. W, DOUTHIT Funeral services for Mrs. Virginia WcsTDWORit; VOniMttnrAdvancc; were conducted at 2:30 p. m. Stin- doy, August 39, in Yadkin Valley Baptist Church. The Rev. Alvls Cheshiro officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Doulhil died at 4:15 p. m. Friday In Davie County Hospital. A native of Davie County, she was born April 4, 1S73, the daughter of Anderson and Amanda Miller West. She was the widow of Jocob W. Doulhil, and a member of Yadkin Valley Baptist Church. Survivors include one adopted son, Henry S. Dcuthit of Rt. 1, Advance,; two sisters, Mrs. Nancy Haoser of Winston-Salem, and Mrs. EUa Haus- er of Marshaillown. Iowa; seven grandchildren; and 12 greatgrand children. Bio - Obituaries - 9/2/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 2, 1965 JAMBS U F1.EM1NG Funeral wrvices for James Lenzy Fleming of Woodleaf. Route 1 were held Wednes- [day at Mi. Vemon Prcsby- Itcrian Church in Rowan Coun ty. liurial was in the church rcmelery. He died Sant^ at his home. A native i f Rowan Coun ty, Mr. Fleming was a mem- I bcr of Mt. Vcmun Presby terian Church. Survivors include his wife. iMr.s. Connie Knox Fleming; !five daughters. Mi.ss Eulalia 'Fleming of New York City, ,Mrs. Alma Cowan and Mrs. Connie Neely tf Salisbury, Mrs. Elizabeth Blake of Bal timore, Md. and Mi-s. Ruth Phifer of Greenst^oro; five sons. James B. Flwning of |Mocksvil!e. J. L. Fleming. Jr. :f Fayettevillc, Ralph Flem ing of the home, Bru<^ Flem ing of Washington, D. C. and Everett Fleming of Salisbu ry- Mrs.JiMbW. Douthit Mrs. Virginia West Douthit, 90. of Advance. Rt. 1, widow of Jacob W. Douthit, died at 4:15 p.m. Friday in Davie County Hospital. She was born in Davie County to Anderson and Amanda Miller West. She was a member of Yadkin Valley Baptist Church. Surviving are an adopted son. Henry S. Douthit of Ad vance, Rt. 1. and two sisters, Mrs. Nancy Hauser of Mar- sbaU-town, Iowa. The funeral was at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Yadkin Valley Bap tist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 9/2/1965 Spomrl. Wdker Spencer Adam Walker, 60, of llocksville, Rt S, suffered a heart attack at his home and died at 2:30 R M. Monday. He was bom in Iredell Coun ty to Robert and Maggie Campbell Walker He was a lieutenant in the North Carolina State Priaen Depart ment, Davie County unit. Surviving are his wife, Mrs Parl Lee Walker, fike daugh ters, .Mrs. Shirley Henderson Mrs. James Pharr, Mrs. Jerry Church end Mrs. Larry Sou ther of StatesviUe. and Mrs. David Green of Mocksville; four sons, John Thomas, Ray mond. James and David Wal ker of the home; and six sis ters. .Mrs. Walter Fischer of Hiuleah, Fla., Mrs. Mark L Bush of Charleston, West Va., Mrs. Wayne Weaver of Olln, Mrs. George Grant of Tur- nersburg, Miss Lula Walker of Union Grove and Mrs. Imn Holbrook of North Wilk- I esboro. A. G.;Etheriige Of Woodleaf Augustus Guy Etbcridge, 68 of Woodleaf died Thursday at 4:30 p.m. at the Rowan Memo rial Hospital. He h'^d been in failing health for three and a hall years. Born Sept 7, 1896 in Dore M^ty, he was the son of Mrs. nfiy Johnson Etheridge and tlie late Adam D. Etheridge. He wa.s employed as a boilor- moker with the Southrn Rail way in the Spencer aho{» from 1916 until his reirement in The funeral was held at 3 P. M. Wednesday at Mount Vernun Baptist Church and buriol was in Moss Method ist Church cemetery in Ire- idell County. 1961. He was a memb^ of St. George's Episcopal ^urch, a, charter member of the Wood- leaf Civitan Club, past master of the Scotch-Ireiaild Masonic lodge and a Corm^ member of the Salisbury York Rite Ma sonic bodies. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Janie Wetmore Sthertdge: two sons. Guy W. Etheridge of Woodleaf and Harold E. Ether idge of Rt. 6; hit mother, a brother. Adam, of Manteo; sister. Mrs. John Wilson of Manteo; five grandchildren. Funeral servlcea were Satur day at 3 p.m. at the Summer- sett Funeral Chapel with the Key. Donald Ffaaier and the' Rev. J. L. Martin in charge.' Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 9, 1965 - Page 2 Mrs. Lucille Cope Dies From Injuries ■Mrs. Mary Cojk». M. of Avnn Park. Florid.a. wife of .!. K. Ccpe. (lied al a. m, Friday [ morning at a Monmo Hi>.sp]lal of )n> j Juries received In nu uiUomobile ac<j cidcnl on Align .t 2Plh on U. S. 74' I east roar Monroe. ! She WBS iiorn in D.nvic Coimly lo Cli.nriic and F.nnnic Smith Fryc, Siie was Q' gradiuilo of (ho City Memorial School of Niirsinn in Wi!i.<ion-Siilom. She had lived in Mocksvillc and ser ved as Director ol Niirfc; al Ihc Da\le County Hospital. For Ihe past year she had boon head nnnso at Avon Park Hospital In Florida. Surviving arc hor husband: a son .tnhn Kenneth Cope: a danghtor, Kay i Eli;o Cope of the home: tier par ents of Mocksville Rt. 4: a lirother. Jame.s Fr>'e of Advance Rt. l; and -3 <tglpr...\tir^ Xnylnr Vogtor of All-_ vancc Rt. 2. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon al Eaton's Chnticl. Burial W3.I in Ihe Macodnnia Moravian Church Graveyard. MISS CLARA KNOX Miss Clara Knox. !12, of West Bank Street. Sall iuiry. died at 8:40 a. m. Wedncsdny at hoi* home. Miss KnoN was horn in Davic Cniinly. .She ntleiided private .schools In .Sjli.vbury and was gi'adnated from Peace College in Raleigh. She was a nicmlier of Fir.it Pre.sijytorian Church. Sali.sliiiry. There were no immediate sun'ivors. Funeral services far Mls-s Knox were conducted at .1 p. m. Thursday at the homo. The Rev. Herbert L. Undcnvood and the Rev. Norman MucDnwcll arficlolcd. Burial was In Chednut Hill Cemetery, Salisbury. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 9, 1965 Mary Lucille Cope Divie County Native Dies After Wreck Mrs. Hary Lucille Cope, 33, of Avon Park, Fla., wife of J. K. Cope, died at 8:30 a.ro. Sept 2, at a Monroe hospital of injuries rceived in an auto-mob^ aixident Aug. 29 on -U. a 74 east near Monroe. irfnijpib She was born in Davie Coun-ty to Charlie and Fannie Smith ^ Frye. She was a graduate of oUte City Memorial Hospital Rt. 4, aSchool of Nursing in Winston- m.Salem. She had lived in Mocks- f """u, *ville and been nursing super- 'er^f Ad^nM, R^^^ - visor of Davie County Hospital, 'For the past year she had been head nurse at Avon Park Hos-pilal in Florida. Church graveyi Bio - Obituaries -9/9/1965 DAVIE COUN Surviving are her husband; a son, John Kenneth Cope; aI daughter, Kay Elise Cope of the bcune; her parents of Mocksville, Rt. 4; a brother,James Wtft of Advance. Rt 1; and a iliter, Mrs. Naylor Vog- ler of Advanoe, Rt. 2. The funeral was at 2 p.m.Sundgy at Eaton's Chapel.Burial vna in Macedonia Mora vian Church graveyard. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 16, 1965 - Page 3 MISS DERTIIA ttOlAtKS FiincrnI services for Miss Borlhci Holiiiofl. 7!», of Olln. \vere held Tucs- «loy. {jcpl, 14, nl Tabor tPresbylcrion OnH'ch, Ircdell Coimiy. ■Buvlnl vns in Ihe church comotery. Rev. Ihiiotd Pliarr and Rev. \V. C. Bwificld coniluctctl Ihc service. She (lied Siindny Qt Ihe home of I her sl.ilcr'In-l.'nv, Mrs. Sue Ifolmcs of Mcck9\'lHc oflcr o lot« illness. I She was l)orn In Ircdell County ' April 13. liiBC the dauBhlcr of the Into Jnmos A. and EHzabdh Hnyes Holmes. Siirvlvin;! is n sislcr. Miss Nova Hrrlmes of MochsvMIe. MRS. JENNIE MAXWELl. | iFiincrnl services for Mrs. Jennie'PoMs Wawtfll. 91. of Chicago. wcrC| hold at 2 <>.m. Friday. Sept. 10. nl Cliampaign. III. Sho dlod Wctlnos- day in Chlcogo. Sho was tho slslcr: of -Mrs. John Duncan of iMocksvllle. noulo 3- WnXTAM VAN EATON SPRINKLE Wcmonol services loi' wiiiiwu vmi Eaton Sprinkle. 59. of Ditrhom. were hold Sunday at Lakowood Methodist Clnn-ch In Durham. He was an or- chllcct in the Durham-Chapel Hill area. Sprinkle, was Utc son of the lale iRcv. -Henry Cloy Sprinkle, who was once n ■Mcthodisl minister In Mocka^'lllc. Among the stirvlvors are two -brothers, Dr. <Hcnry C. Crinkle of Now York City, former e<litor of the Christian 'Advocate, published In Greensboro: and T. W. Sprinkle of High tPoinl. Sprinkle igradualod from high school in Greensboro and was a graduate of iDtikc ond Yale -Univer sities. Ml*. Sprinkle was a nej^mv of Mrs. J. St. Thoir^n, IMiss Martha Call, ond "MHlon Call of Salisbury Street. His romains will be brougjil hero this week for burial. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 16, 1965 Mri.W.l.feffifey Mrs. Shaver Wa Died Toesday Biried Meaday ' M rs. Maiy Ella K ichoLs Bailey, j i;7. of Moc-Usviile. Route 3. wile of W. B. Baj.tey. died at 4:lf* P, M Tuesday after Ruf- feiinu 0 bt;ii1 attack ut her btmu'. S'f wus b. m it* D»- \'n' Coiuiiy to M. 1".' jind I.ul.n Nirholr. Slie niontU I of Oak Grove Me-, I'hurrh. Survivlnr ber husband, four daur. lets, Mrs. H. H. y ster id Slate Koud, Route J. Mrs. D L. Roger of Kun-. ii.ipidis. IH 3. Mrs. C. F. Kits- tor of ille, Rt. 3. and Mrs. Matgaivl Kerly of C>o- ;ind two sisters, Mrs. M. R Baker of Mocksville. llouli- 4. and Mrs. W. U Mi- i-ainiiKk id MoeksvUle. Rt. 2 TIm* funeral was at 4 p.m. Tbui-sday at Oak Grove Metlio- dist Cliurrb,Burial %va.s in tlte ehUfx Ji iviueler)'. Mrs. Callie Catherine Shaver. 91. of Kannapulis died at Jo- Lene's Nursing Home Satur day. She was bom April 23. 1674. the daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Elizabeth Myer.<. She was the cldesl member of Woodieaf Methodist Church. Her hu.sband. Alvin P. Shaver, died in 1925. She leaves three sons, Arn old of Kannapulis. Dempsey. of Coolemee, and N. C. of New- berry S. C.; three daughters, Mrs. Lois Davis and Mrs. Ruth Pitts. Ixjth of Kannaixilis, and Mrs. Ruth White of C<X)lee- mee; 10 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were cxm- ducted Monday at 11 o'clock ' in the Woodieaf Metiiodist Church and burial was in Unity Church cemefery. Bio - Obituaries - 9/16/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 23,1965 - Page 2 MBS. W. B. BARNEY femoral soviccs for Mrs. W. B. Bailoy. 07, of Rculo 3. were hold 8t 4 pjuL. Thursday, S^t. 16, ol Oak Grova Molhodist CBur^, Bur^ ial tras in the chundi vom^cry. She died at her home Tuesday. Survivors indude. husband of Uic homo; doushtors, hlrs. R. L. Loslcr of State >Road, hfrs. D. L, Boger of Rt 3, Kannapolis, Mrs. Charlie Foster of Rt. 3, Mocfcs\'ttlc and -Mrs. Ilorgaret Kcrley of Cooloemee: sis* -ml—5? -5:r.:rr tt iTJ-..Toro7T!rs."fflriHi. Baker of Route 4, MbckevUle ond Mrs. W. L. McClom* rdck of Rt. 2. Bfocksviile. Mrs. S. I. AJnander Fhnerai services for Mrs. S. I. Alexander, 7S, of Chnrlotte, were held last Friday, Seplemlwr 17, at 3 p. m. ol 1st ARP Church. Inter ment was in the ccmelery at Hunt- crsvlilc. She died September 14. She was born In Duvle County to the lute James C. and Emma ijames Booo, Her hitsijand died in IPIS. Surviving are three daughters: Mrs. E. P. Pearee of Giwisboro, Mrs. E. P. Pitt man of Charlotte and Mrs. J. D. Mtirrny of Forest City: two brothers. M. P. Booe of Louis* vllle, Ky. and B. C. Booe of Winston* Salem; one sister, Mrs. T. E. Woos- ley uf Ctemmons. MRU, W. n. NICHOLS ITtinernl services for Mrs. W. B. Nichols, ftt, of Route 3, were held nl 4 iJ.m. Thursd.ny. Sept. in. nl Onk Grove iMellmdlst Cfmrch. Rnrinl \v.n.s in lite clnirdt ccmelery. She died at her home Titesdny daughlers, Mr«. R. L. I.nster of .Sinte Sunivors: husltnnd of the home: diinghtors. Mrs. ft. 1^ l.'isler nf Stulc Road. Airs. O. >L. Roger of Rmttc 3. Kannapolis, Mrs. C. F. Foster cd Rmilc 3. Mocltsvilto. and Mrs. Mnr* gnrct Kerloy of Conlcemce: sisters Mrs. M. R, Baker nf Route 4. Moeksville. ond Mrs^ W. L. McClam* rock of Route 2. •Moc!<s\'illc. MISS nP.RTIIA SOCKWELL iFimcrol sendees for Mis-s Bertha Lcc Sdcimx!]|. 71, were hold Monday. Sept. 20, at Fricdens Uitheran Owreh near Gihsonvillc. Biirint was In the etnirch ccmelery. She died unexpectedly Sunday mar* liing jiLIjmn tllavcn Nursing Home ndiero slie had been o patient for ■more then-two ycoro. She iwos a native of Guilfnrd County ond had ^vnrked In Greens boro (OS a registered nurso for 33 years before retiring to licr home in North Wtlkcsbom. Survivors: three Mstcrs, 'Mis.s Mn* mie and (Miss Ella Sockwcll, liolh ot North Wilk^mro. and Mrs. Hugh C. Bwing of Newport Now.s. Vo.j her fitcpmoihor, Mrs. Rnsa Wagoner Stfckwoll of Gi cen.sboro. ENDS HARPR Funeral scrvlcc.s for Enos W. Iian>e. H7. of Rt. 2, were held at 4 p. m. Tuesday. Sepicmiicr 21, nl Eaton's Baptist Church. Burial w.ns in tito church cemetery. Mr. llarpc. a lifelong resident of the Eaton's Rapt! it Oliiirch com* munity, died at 3 a. m. Monday. He had liecn in declining liealth tiio post few years and seriously III since May when he suffered a stroke. He was born In Yadkin County, Oct. 9. 1B77, to Monj'oc and Louise Hoots Harpo. Ho retired from active farming in 1918. He was a mcmlscr of Eaton Bap tist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bcttic Coltetle Harpe of the home: five daugltlers, Mrs. W. O. Ilamploii. Mrs. Roy 0. Keigcr and Mrs. R. B. "Uickj oil tif Wlnsfon-Suiem. Mrs. P. E. Milsier. liutciwndcnco. Mo. and Mrs. C. L. Wcrtz of Fon l.au* derdale, Fla.; five sons. E. Burton llarpc, M. W Jliar|)e. Wilson C. liar- pc, of Wlnslon-Snlem, Paul F. llarpc of Farmington; a sister, Mrs. W. Astor Shctlon of Mocks\'ille. Rt. 2; 16 grandddidrot and eight great grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 9/23/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 23, 1965 Enos W. Harpe MOCKSVILLE -- Enos W. Harpe. HT, a retired farmer ff MockaviUe. Rl. 2. Eaton's Baptist Churrh c^^mmunity, died at 3 A M. Monday at ''ii home. He was iiorn in Yad- kin County and was a mem ber of Eaton Baptist Church. Survivinfi arc his wife. Mrs. BeMic ColMte Harpe; five daughters, Mrs. W. O. Hamp- l: n, Mrs. Roy O. Keiger and Mrs. R. B. Hicks of Winston- Salem, Mrs. P. E. MiJsler of Independence. Mo., and Mra. C. L. Wert7« of Fort Lauder- dale. Flo.; five sons. E. Bur ton, M. W. and WiUon Harpe of Mocksville, Route 1 and Joe C. Harpe cf Farm- ington; and a sister. Mn. W. Astor Sbelton cf MocksviUe, Route 1. The funeral was at 4 P. M. Tuesday at Baton's Bap tist Chun^. Burial ww in the cbiirch oameiary. MOCKSvnXB ~ Ttis 3 Ao'- uld daughter of Donald, iie and Judy Ball Tueker IfccksviUe, Bt. S, died IgL 4 A. M. Wedncaday at Hospital in Winstcn-Sitaii where she was taken shoi^jS;' rtfter birth at Dav.e Coun^'l Hospital. ,1 Surviving heikle? her par- entr arc her graf^dparents, I Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ernest Hall of Mocksville and Mr. and J::tph Tuckei cf AdvanoCt Route 1. A graveside service wUl bei at 11 A. M. Thursday at Ad vance Baptist Church lery. Bio - Obituaries - 9/23/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 30,1965 - Page 5 n. p. JOttDAM ■Pimcnil iTrvIces for Benjamin Fmnklln Jnrilnn. 73, of Coolcrmcc. were held at 4 p. m. Stindoy. Sept* cntlicr 2d. at First Baptist Cltiirch. Coolccmoe The Bev, Cliariea P Biirchellc. Jr, and the Bev. W. B. Frost officloied. Burlol was in Bo- wnn Memorial Park. Ifo died laic Friday afternoon in Bmvnn Memorial Hospltol. A member of First Boptist Chntch be 0 Bcdmon ond n member of the POS of A. He woj relTroci from Envin Mills where he wwdted 50 years. A notlvc of Davidson Connty. April fl. 1802. the son of the lote Qoorse W. and Alice Spry Jordan. He was. twice married. His first wife, the former MiJiS Haltie Good* man, pre edcd him in death. Stin'lvo s Inelitdp his second wife, Mrs. Mai ;orct SllUwell Jordan: two dniifihler!. Mrs. Paul Hodgo of Hi. 4. Mocks' lite, and Mrs. Henry Bain* ey of Bi 8. Sollsbury; three sons. Scott. BsF. and Jimmle Jordon, oil of Coolcance: eight gramlchlldron; ond threa great grandchildren: throebrothers.'Dewoy on^ Adam Jordan, both of Coolcomee, and Boxter Jor dan of Salisbury; one sister hira, Ernest Tiller of Leoksvllle. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 30,1965 - Page 6 fhike Pope Funeral .«cn1ccs for Marshall Dul:e Pope, 74. of Bt. 2, were con ducted at 3 p. m. \Vc.-tnc8d.iy. Sept- , ember 20. at Baton's Baptist Church,j Durhil was in the church cemetery.I Mr. I*cpc. n dairy farmer, died at 10:40 a. m. Monday at his home. • He was prcaiilent of the Davic Cmin* ' ly Farm Bureau ond n member oflinlon's Baptist Church. Surviving nrc hb wife. .Mrs, Min nie While Pope: two_so^nj, lloudmun Pepc of Mocksvillc, Bl. i. vRTJolili Henry Pope of Minneapolis. Minn.: and twu daughters. Mrs. Loyd H. i Brown of Norfolk. Va. and Mrs. Bol>* cri Shaw of Stanford. Conn. Charlie B. Angcil Funeral services for Charlie Brantlcy Angcil. 65. cf Rl. a. were ccnditcled nt 4 p. m. Wednesday. September 29. at Blaise Baptist Church. Burial was In Joppa ccmc- Mr. Angcil, 0 dairy faimeri dtod< at .3; 13 p. m. Monday at t to &pUsl Hospital in Wlnslon*Bal<iill, He was born in Davto Ooiuily to Wdlinm B. ond Margorii Galthcf Angcil and was a membet of Blelin Ba|)tl.t Church. Surviv;ng arc his wife, itrs. Min-i nie Latham Angcil; IhVeo sons. Charlie Gaiiher and Vorloius BarnesI Angcil of Mocksvillc, Bt. 8, ond Brvln Jones Angcil of Mocksvllto,'Bt. I: three brothen. W.jD. Angell , of K.mnapall}:, Hiwalhn 'AngeU of Mocksvillc. Rl. 4. and C.' J. Angcil of Mocksvillc. Bt. 5; n sister. Mrs.Trcsao Mesrick of Orlajido. Flo.:and two iiolf brothers. Tilpcn Angellof Mocksvillc. Bt. 3. aid BradcyAngcil of Winston-SalemI Bio - Obituaries - 9/30/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 30, 1965 il^ act U, afed in Dor* OMroUaa UCi apMIt UBteCBlnc ty. taiMl ttrv^ fid mi h/M QD JCncm onpUii liteicli» wiw* ht n in Moort Coun* rhroci inelude his laufhtcra, three n tad • number i nefihews. Ha ti me sister, Mrs. irlock of Coolee* waft a, dM it IMO A. M. Ilbaiiy at u home He wtt pfftiidMit of ttio Dtvic CouQ-, ty Vtim Buroon and a mem- of Eaton's lindiit Church. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Minnie White Poye; two aeiii^ Roadman Pope of Mecfcsvffle, Route 1, and John Henry Pope of Minneapolis, Minn.; and two dau<htex^^ Mrs. Lloyd R Brown of Norfolk, Va. uid Mrs. Robert Shaw of Stan ford, Conn. The funeral war at S PJf. Wednesday at Baton*! Miptist Church. Burial was M the church cemetery. Mm. He was bom in Datda County to Nathaniel and Mary Garwood Hcndria. SurvhriiM an htowMh llNS Lriia Fry Handrix; two daii* JarvM «l a mn. Paul HOndrM siDe, Rt S. a brother, B. N. Hcndrix of Advance Rt 3; and a sister Mrs. Mtdia Wflr llama of Leadnclan. / The fwiltral wiD be at it P.'il. Pri^ at Shaa^^Bi^ mlal Baptirt Chuich <at .xK ington. Burial wfll be tai EfW BM^t Church eeneteey In Da vie County. tShtifie B. Jli|iy Charlie Brantley AnfeU, BB, a dairy fanner of Mocksvila. Route 5. died at 3:15 P.M. Momliy at Baptist Hospital in WiaMon-Salein. He waa born in Davis County to William B. and Margaret Gaither An-| gel! and was a member M Blaise Baptist Church. Sill iilnlng are his wife, Mrs. Minnis LaHiam AngeU; three i sons, ChJOUe Angell of Mocks- vile. Rt 8» and Ervin Jones AngeU of MocksviUe, Rt 1; t hrothan, W. a AapM ^ KimiMWlB. YHwiAa of MoekfviUe, Route 4, Mt C. J. Angell of MoektviBa, Route 6. a sister. Mrs. Ttm- ta Mcaaiek of Onndo, ila.; and two half brothers, TQte Angril of' MocksviUe, Boutn 3, aad Brtidr AngeU otWn* The funml was at 4 PJL Wednesday at Blaise Biptiit duirch. Burial wss In Joppa Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 9/30/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 1 •A Sunday «l OiVlS til. IfacktrilH iUncai. A nitiva ol nmyth It- SiU^Miry. J. iMrcn Boute 1* ClavibliA AOm of MmwIlRt tmp ib. tpi Ite -idn Kialqr and i|nt.Tiin Daaton of Bovla 1, Kodleaf a gienddiUd. in tha dMPah PallNmre !b»3F. died at 4dD Am if. BMiaidiiy «t Rowan |f»- m»m IHMRtSai. She wm Mn Ip Aowan County tP Stomps A. #od ifartha Tonnf Maa^ tiw wai a aofaool liidtir i|n Itowan County b •arljr iiii. She was a mem-' Aer of Mount Tabor Metho-' dbt Chimdt in Rowan Coun ty- Surtdviog ftpe two brothers, field A Mmnm of Salisbury and illMml Y. Monroe of Chddtbofo. aiM two sisters. C. S. S^ttay and Mrs. Scolt 'Weant of Salisbury, fit iSie funeral was at 8M P. M. MioskIw at Mount Tabor Methodist Churdi. fiuriai was In the ohuroh oamMery. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 7,1965 - Page 4 Lotilfl A* Hendrfae The lUneral of Louis Anderson Hendrlx. 60, of Lexington was held at 2 p .m. Friday. October 1, at Sheets Memorial Baptist Church at Lexington. Burial was In Fork Bap* tist Church cemeloiy In Davle Coun ty. Mr. Hendrlx, former Davle County, resident, died Wednesday. Septcm-| her 29. In the Baptist Hostel at Wbiston-Salem. I Survivors: wife, the former Leila Fry; daughters. Mrs. Lawrence Oraver, Route 2. Advance Mrs. Foy Jonds of Lexington; son. Paul Hen drlx of Moduvlilo. Route 9: broth-, er, E. H. Hendrlx of Route 3, Ad*; jrancc; .shtec, Jdcg. Mollf^ Wtlliares of I^ngton. Bio - Obituaries -10/7/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 14,1965 - Page 4 THOMSON INFANT GravcsMo servfoes (to Natfjdh Ronald llMmsoa, oite^ajHwd tan of Rev, end (Nbv. Ron Thmnflini. woro hold Sunday, Octfaer 10, at 9 p. sn. in Liberty Raptlrl Churdi cemetery with the Rov. Albert Bracken ofneiallng. (The child died Saturday In Rowan Memorial HospHol. Ofe is survived by his parents, who Uvo el Rt 2, MockaviUo: one brother, John David Thomson of the home: bis Rrandparents. Mr. and Mra. James York of Rt 2, Modes- vilto and lUaden J. Thomson of Man* roe, Midi. JOHN TAYLOR Fimeral sonlces for John Marbm Taylor, 78. wvre conducted Monday. October II. at 2 p. m. in Nccdmorc Baptist Church with Rev. H. L. CB^ roll and Rov. Ronnio Ulroy ofRciat* Ing. Burial was In the church ceme* tcry. . Mr. Taylor-dicd-Saturday-at-htc- home. Rt 1. Woodleaf. He was a retired farmer and mem> ber of Needmorc Baptist Churdi. *Hc was tfom March 3, 1877, in Dado County .son of (Mr. end Mrs. Jdhn Wi»Ie>- Taylor. He Is sunivcd his widow, the (brmcr M](fis C|ossle Boger; tsvo daughters, ^Vlrs. Alomo Seamen of lU. 2, Clei'clond and Mrs. James F. Seamon of Rt i, Woodleaf: one son. Paid Taylor Of Rt I. Woodleaf; three grandchildren and four great grandchildren: one brother: Jesse Taylor of Rt 1. Geveland. WILLIAM R. BENNETT Funeral services for William Roy Bennett 60, were conducted Sunday at 2:30 p. m. at Hebron Baptist Churdi. Burial was In the church cemetery. He died at 0:30 p. m. Friday at ircdell Memorial Hospital. Ho was a retired farmer end a member of Hebron Baptist Church. He was born to Harvey Burette and Cynthia Bur ton fienndt Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Pearl- ie Mae MulUs Bennett; a son, Wiilic A, Bennett of Boone; two daughters, Mrs. Ed Speaks of Unim Grovo and Mrs. Franklin Warren of Kembridge, Va.; a brother, Ray Bennett of Stat- csviUe; and a sister, Mrs. Houstmi Hendcrson'of'StatesviQe. ROSCOE C. FLETCHER Funeral services for Roscoe C. Fletcher, 6S, ^re held Monday, October U, at 2:30 p. m. at Grassy Knob Baptist Church. Burial was in tho church cemetery. Mr. Fletcher, of the Union Grove Community, a farmer, died at G a. m. Saturday at home. He was bom to T. A. end Mary Shoemaker Fletcher. Surviving arc two brothers, Eli Fletcher and Baxter Fletcher of Union Grove: a sister. Miss Ino Fletcher of Union Grove; and his slepmotbcr. Mrs. Leila Fletcher ol Union Grove. A, W. BUNCH Austin Whltfietd Bunch 89, of 139 Park Statesvllie, Street, retired sec retary-treasurer and general mana ge' of Bunch Furniture Co.. died Sunday at Lynn Haven Nusing Homo at Mocksvfllo. Atr. Bunch moved to Stateiville in 1912 and bought on Interest In Craw^ ford-Kennedy Furniture Co. The name of the firm was changed to Crawford-Bundi Furniture Co.. and later Mr. Bunch bought out the Crawford Interest. Ho retired about 24 years ago. Ho was 0 former president of the N. C. Merchonls Association and the Southern Retail Furniture Dealers Assodalim and was an organiser and former president of the Stalcs- viile Merchants Association. Mr. Bunch was bom in Murray County, Tcitn., und was formerly Sunday school superintoidenl end u meitdier of the offlelal hoard oC Boaixl Street Methodist Churdi. Surviving are his wife, Mra. Min nie Rowo Davis Buaeh; (our ions, Thomas B. Bunch of the home, Hen ry R. and David A. Bunch of States- viilc and Charles L. Bundi of Moeks- villo; two brothers, F. B. Buiuh Sr. of Lakeland, Fla., and H. Ross Bunch of Statesvllie; and a slste*. Mrs. George D. Caldwen of Amor- illo, Tex. The funeral was held at 8 p. m. Tuesday at Broad Street Methodist Church. Burial was In Oakwood Cemetery. Bio — Obituaries — 10/14/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 14, 1965 WMiiiif Am Martin Luttivr Boot, 6S. of Rcuta 1. Woodtoaf. died at 7:. 20 A. U. Monday at hia home. He bad been In decUninc health for wvcnl yean and aeriouily ill for two weeks. A son of the late Jacob A. and Marfarat & Pouta Boat, he was a native of the Concor- dia community of Rowan County. He had been a fann er for moat of hii life He was a membed of Unity Pres byterian Church. His wife, Mrs. Mary Lee Powlas Bost, died Hay 23» I960. A Km, James P. Bost, was killed in World War 11. Survivors include six sons, Richard C. and Hobert L. Boat of the home, Robert F. and Fred L. Bost of Woodleaf. Jason A. Bost of Salisbury, an John B. .Bost of Cherry Hill, N. J.; three daufhters. Mrs. MsTgaret B. Edison of the home. Mrs. Ruth B. Edson of Salisbury and Mrs. Helen IB. Tysinger cf Charlotte: two I brothers, Arthur A Boat of Kannapolls and Kmanuel 8. Boat of Route 3, Moo.csvUle; a aister, Mrs. Lillie Ritchie of Route 3. China Grove; 14 grandchildren. Funeral services were con ducted St at 8 P. M. Wednes day at Unity Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Alan B. Wells. Bu.'lal was in the church cemetery. JOiK John Karitft ef Woodleat Route L died at 12:45 P. M. Saturday at hia home. Be was bom M Daviel County to J(din Wealay and Martha Baton fhylor. Ha waa 1 letlrcd fannar and a aaem- bar of Needmora Baptist Cburcb. Surviving are his wife, Mra Toasie Boger Taylcri two daughters, Mrs. iMito SaafeKm of Cleveland, Rt 2, and Mrs. James F. Seamen of Wood- leaf. Rt 1. a aon, Paul lor of Woodleaf, Rt 1^ and a brother, Jesse Tayku- of Cleveland, Rt 1. The funeral was hekl at 2 P. M. Monday at Needmore Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. MkaiThoBpiN I MOCKSVILLE—Nathan Ro nald Thompson, day-old son of the Rev. Rcnold Eugene and Evona York Thompeon, died at 1 P. M. Saturday at Rowan Memorial Hwpit^. Surviving are his parents of Mocksville, Rt 2; a bro^-' er, James David Thompsmi of; the home: and his grandpar- enta. M . and Mra. James R.; York of Mocksville, Rt. 2, and i n Hayden J. Thompson of Mon roe, Mich. A graveside service was held at 2 P. M. Sunday at Ll- barty Baptist Church ceme tery. Bio - Obituaries - 10/14/1965 Johl H. Sure MOCKSVILLE - John Hen ry Shore. 93, a retired far mer cf Mocksvile, Rt S. died •t 4:10 P. M. Wednes^y at Forsyth MemoriaJ Hospttatl in Winston-Salem. Ha was bom in Vadkin County and was a IftiOB and iiMdibi I' of Encn Baptkrt ChuftM His wife. Mrs. RosaHn StMbuH Shore, died in 1964. ' Sttrvlvillfl are six daughters, Ita W. P. WMkw and Mrs. W. T. Dwiggins of Mocksville, Route 2, Mrs. Ballard Warn er and Mrs. C. W. Marshall Of A|oclWriB« Route 9, Mr$, tL It Oodb^ of Sal- islNury. Rt. t, and Miss Helen Shore of t e honw, a sister, Mm idn Sitom May of Win- sthn Bblwh; and a half bro- thei^' itonlmir Miore of Win- The funercl will be at II A M. 8atu*di% at Eaton*a Fimerial Homd. Burial wiU be •in Rncn Baptist Church ce^ inftaiy. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 14, 1965 G. Leslie Efird ijfceC- biM ALHEfliilRLB — O. Leslie £firtf. 79. M Aoute S. Albe- ittar)^,'4IM Sunday morning in Chti4Mte Memorisl Hot- piUl^M .1 FuiKCnl - services wer« con- duct^ ^lUesday at 11 A.lf. in ,CnQt:9. &ptist Church wlti^ biria! in the church cem^ery^ The Rev. O. H. Bolehtii'officiated. Mr/Eft:d. a native of Stan- ly Ooiidtty, was a retired ru ral <irigll carrier. He was the 6on.>*ofUli^ late Mr. and Mrs. His ftrat wife, Mary Ann HerloeVer. is deceased. His second wife, Mrs. Myrtle Hoo ver Hflrd,- survives. Other sur- vivorsi include cne son. Cullen Efird of Albemarle; 3 step sons, Bfai^ford Hoover of Coo- lesroea^JOyle Hoover cf Or lando, Fla...A^ Kenneth Hoo ver of SMumry* one step- dai4ghtes^ lifts. Wayne Flow ers. of Rosedale, Ind.; lour brL.thers,^ Noah. Glenn, and Lee Efird of Route 4. Albe marle, ' wild Toley Efifd of Charlotte: two sisters, Mrs. Homer''BuJeson of Route-4. Albemarle. and ^rs. RIam Whitley of Oakboro; twc grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 10/14/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 21, 1965 - Page 2 RonRRT ri/>ANINOER nntwrt Wilson ClnaninRor. 30, ol I9HI Rmnltcy SIitpI, Winslnn^lcm. on cmplo>vc jif llie Dahnsnn Co.. ivns (tcoil on arrival .it llapllsl tins* pllol at 12:30 p. m. Sund.iy nllrr niffvrln); a heart attack at hi.< homo lie was Itom In D.ivlc County to .lamos P .and llcnriclla Wilson C1o.nnlnitcr and spent most of his life In Win 4on«Snlcm. lie had been cm- pti^'eil by the Rnhnsun Co. nine years. Surviving Is n brother. Jnmcs P. Cloanlnger of llic home. The funeral was oC 2:30 p. m. Tuesday nt Ilaywori!i'>Miller Chapel. Bitrial was In Far.;>'th Memori.nt Park. John II. Shore Funeral services for .Tohn Henry Shore, 03, a retired former of Mflcksviile, Rt. s, were hetd Sat.. October 10, at tl a. m. at Baton's Funeral Homo, nitrlal was in Enon Baptist Church centctery. Mr. Shore died at 4:10 Wednesday at Forsylh Memorial Hospital In Wlnston>SaIcm. He was born In Yadkin County and was a Mason and nieml)cr of Enon Baptist Church. His wife, Mrs. Rosalie Steetman Shore, died In 1904. Surx'lving arc six daughters. Mrs. W. P. Walker and Mrs. W. T. Dwlg- gins of Mochsvillc. Rt. 2. Mrs. Bait- ard Warner and Mrs. C. W. Marshall of Mocksvilie, Rt. S, Mrs. E. U God- bey of SaliJniry. Rt. 1. and Miss Helen Shore of Ihc home; a sister, Mrs. Ida Shore May of Winston- Salcm: and a half brother, BcnlMW Shore of Winston-Snlem. MATT LEE WEBB Ftineral sendees for Matt Leo Webb, of Coolcemce, were held 'Hiei^y. October 19, at 3:30 p. m. at the Good Shepherd auireh with the Rev. Grafton Cockrcll in charge Burial was in the Unity Prcsliyterlan cemetery in Woodteaf. Mr. Webb, a mail carrier in Cool> eemee for 45 years prior to his re* ticment In 10(&, died Sunday night at Davie COun^ Hospital. He was 83 yeas old and a resident of S3 Dav ie Street in Cootcemee. Mr. Webb had been in declining health for several years. He was born In Rowan Cotinty, May 2, 1882 and was educated In the Rowan Cotmty schools, lie was a n«nd)cr of Good aicpherd Episcopal Churdi. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Mary Lycrly Weiib to whom he was married in 1806; four sons, Thomas, of Mocksvilie, Isaac, of Alexandria. Va.. William W.. of Cocleemcc, and Robert P. of Renslnglcn, Md.; four daiighlors. Mrs. A. J. Kirby of Washington, D. C., Mrs. M. G. Band- Ik of Wa^ington, Mrs. Joe Becalos of Glenn Miiis, Pcnna., and Mrs. John Moore of Winston-Salem: a brother, D. C. Webl> of Cleveland; 10 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 10/21/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 21, 1965 MATT LCC WKBB Mitt Lee Webb, CeoleeHee Mail Carrier COOLEEMEE - Matt Lee Webb, a mail carrier here fzr 45 years prior to his re tirement in 1962, dted Sun day nigM at the Da vie Coun ty Hospital. He was 63 years old and a resident of 53 Davie Street here. Mr. Webb had been in de clining health for several years. He was born in Rowan County, May 2. 1862, and was educated in the Rowan Coun ty SchocU. He was a nnember I of Good Shepherd Episcopal ' Church. He s survived by his widow I Mrs. Mary Lycrly Webb, to whom he was married in 19(M four sons. Thomas, of Mocics- ville, Isaac, cf Alexandria. Va. William W.. of Cooleemee. and Robert F. of Kensington. Md., four daughters, Mrs. A. J. Kerby of Washington. D. C. Mrs. M. O. Bandik of Wash-; infton. Mra. Joe Becaies of Glenn Mills. Pa., and Mrs. John Moore of Winslon-Sa- lem; a brothtr. D. C. Webb of Cleveland, 10 grandchild ren and eight great-grandchil dren. Rite.s were Tuesday at 3:- 30 P. M. at the Good Shep herd Church with the Rev. Grafton Cockrell in charge. Burial was in the Unity Pres byterian cemetery at Wood- leaf iKX!KSVILUMfs. TW- va StaffOTd MM, O, of HocksvUle, Route 6, wife of Nathan C. Potta» Aied at t JO a. m. Tuesday at Tetvih Ife* moral KcapHai in Wfaiston- Salem. She was bom in For* sjrth County to Andrew and Carrie Hedgecodt ^affvd and w» a member of Biaby Presbyterian ChundL &irvivmg are her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Moris Dillon of Mocksvilie. Rt. a sen* Cletus Potu of Omnseburg S. C.; a brother, Curtis U Stafford of Roustoo, Texas; and five sisters, Mia. Erma Potts cd Colfax, Mia. Grace Coltrane of KernenrriUe. Mrs. Mary Williams of RMb Polfit,: Mrs. NeUie Futnay of, Charlestcn, W. Va.. and Mrs. Oline McRoy of New York City. The fuiwra] was at 9 p. tn. Wednesday at Btxby Prealw terian Church. Btartol was in the churrii cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 10/21/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 21, 1965 Mn.Md(diy OflMleaf Mrs. £Uie Bail^ IfeAulay, 76. cf Woodiest died at 7:40 a. m. Saturday at a Salifbury nursing borne She had been ill for about three moeitha. Dau^ter of the late Jcdm Anderson and Annie Weftinore Bailey, she was a native of Rowan County. She Uught Woodleaf. Previouily a retid- school fcr a number of years at Mt Gileari, she was m- before her marriage, and dur- the Presbyterian ing World War I she worked Church there. for the gownuTTOt ta Her hioband, John A. Mc- mgton After her ht^d ^ died, she was a librarian at Woodleaf School She was a member of St. Survivors in^ude a number Gecrge's Episcopal Oiurch, of first cousins. BwUft A. ComiinB, SS, d « Mli Mib Way Arvado^ Col- ' nndktf wnsm tcaUett itf Sal- \ iteyt dlad at IM PM, Tn- ' day at a hnapital in Oesver, { Cblo. f Son of Mrs. J. S. Cocn^ \ Mm of Sa&iAtiy and the fade > itr. CcfneUaon, he was a na- ' tive of BalMnuy. He was as sociated with the PurcdU Drug | ' Store in Albemarle and with ' the Southern Railway for ma ny ycafS- In ItSS Iw became avocialed with the Dow Q)e- mical Co. He was a member of nrst PreAyterian Church i of Salisbury and the Moose i Tifilgfi In addition to his mother, ] other survivors incline his' wife, the fonner Helen Za^- aty of C<^eemee; two sons. Tim Comelison cf the honve aiul Harold A. Com^iaon Jr. of Cheyet\ne. Wyoming two daugtden, Mrs. Charles Hay- nes and Mrs. Robert G. Hug hes of Westminster, Colo; four brothers, J. C. Cortttlison. of Bio - Obituaries - 10/21/1965 Salisbury, James Comelison of Spencer. Stephen Comelison of Clinton, Md., and William Comelison of West Ridge, Co lorado. and 6 grandcfaUdr«i. Funeral services were con ducted Tuesday at Ctopel of the Ansals. Denver, Colo., with burial m Golden, CoUx DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 28,1965 - Page 2 A State And Community Leader Rlrs. George Hi. Apperson OfClTgiT— ought to be. Mrs. Beulah Vernon Apperson proved herself to toe a leader In many ways. ^ Most of her life slie spent as a teacher and the leader- ship she exijrosscd in this profession is to be found in the achievements of many of her former pupils. She was a leader in Home Demonstration Club work and here her talents were recognized far outeide the bounds of Davie County. She was president of the State Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs in 1048-49 and then wm named president of the Countiy Women's Council of the ITnttcd States in 1950. ^ , ..i. a t i a In 1953 she was elected vice-president of the Associated Country Women of the World and rqiresented the United States at a meeting held in Europe. In 1952 Mrs. Apperson received the Woman of the Year plaque from the Progressive Fanner magazine. Active also in affairs of her county, Mis. Apperson organized the Junior Red Cross in Davie and later served as its county chairman. She was a director of the Davie County Red Cross Chapter from 1953 to 1959. She was a memi^r of the original board of trustees of the Davie Coun ty Hospital, a position she still held at the time of her death. iSrs. Apperson was bom in Davie County to Buford B. and Mary Henderson Vernon. She graduated from Asheville Teachers CoUege, Woman's College in Oreeni^ro and cat- awba College in SalisbuiY. She was a member of the Coolcemee Presbyterian Chur<A.. .... ....... A&s. Apperson died at 2:30 p. m. Monday at the Lynn i Haven Ntu^ng Home in MocksviUe. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Cooleemee Presbyterian Church. Burial was in Cherry Hill Cemetery. Surviving In addition to her huM^and, George M. Ap-Jerson of MocksviUe Rt. 4, are a son, George M. Apperson. r. of Memphis, Tenn.; and two daughters, Mrs. David Davis of Cleveland, N. C., and Mrs. Bayly Turlington of Sewanee, Tenn. Bio — Obituaries - 10/28/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 28,1965 - Page 5 lto>'Acn acmcnl Fmuci'oI servicps for llayifrn Cle* mcnl. W. wore comhictpd nl a p. ni. Tnrstlny ol t-wko*' Kplscopal Chnrch In Salislniry. Burial was In Clicslinil Ilin C»'meler>'. Mr. Clement, former assistant at torney Bencrol of North Carolina and meml>cr of lite state Senate, died Simdiiy at his home. He hail Iteen In dccUnlns hcallh for several j'cnrs, Clement was a former solicitor of the IWh .liullelal District and while in th.1t capacity prosecuted Gasion B. Mcanss ctwrged with the murder of Maude Kins ne.ir Concord In 1917. HE was a native of Mocksvllle and attended the schools of Salte- twiry. lie w.is sroduated from the "DhlVLfSliyTjf" Nnnit- Carolina—law- school. ^ He was a mcmlicr of St. Uilce's Episcopal Church. In 1007, he was named a.ssistant attorno' general of North Cnrollna, a pojillon he held for two years ulten he resigned to return to Salis bury to practice law. He became solicitor of the tSth District in 1914 and served In that capacity for niJie years. He served tivn terms in the slate Senate from Ilowan County and was chairman of ttie powerful Senate Appropriations Committee. AS A MEMBER of the senate Oe- ment opiiosed the sales tax and was defeated in his proposal to suIj- titiitc a one-half of one per cent pro- ducticm tax. He was co>.sponsor of a tiill which led to the formation of the Slate Dcp.iriment of Lalior, Clement, who was also a former trustee of the University of North Caralln.i. was a past president of the l3Ui Judicai District Bar Assoc iation and the Rowan County Bar Aiisociatlon. He was also a former district councilor for the North Carolina Bar Association. lie WO} married to the former Miss Ciny Womaii Croxton of Win chester, Ky.. who survives. Other survivors include a son. ilayden Croxton Ctemenl of Los Angeles. Calif.: 0 brother, Donald Clement of Sallsluiry; and three grandchildren. C. ROBERT COBLE Funeral services for G. Robert Coble, 01, of Statcsvillc, Rt. 1, who wos the fatlier of Mrs. Gilbert Miller of Mocksvllle, were conducted Ivi- day„ Octolier 22. at 10:30 a. m. at B<mlah Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. He died Wednesday morning at his farm in the Oak Forest com munity. Surviving are his wife; three sons, Euel Coble of Statesvllle, Rt. 0, and Joe Otho Coble amt Harry Coble of Newton; two daughters, Mrs. J. D. Propst of Nmvton and Mrs. Gilbert Miller of Mocksviile; four brothers. C. W., Z. D. and James M. Coble of Statesvllle, Rt. 6, and Baxter Coble of Geveland, N. C.; and two sisters, Mrs. aiartie Isenhour of Elmwood and Mrs. C. A. Troulman of States vllle. C. C. MeCULLOUGII Funeral services for Crec Gcero McCultough, 69, of Mochsville, Rt. 4, were conducted at 4 p. m. Tues day. Octobur 26, at 4 p. m. at Liberty Methodist Church. Burial was In the church cemetery. He died at 5 a. m. Sunday at Dav- ie County Hospital. He was a carpenter and was a member of Liberty Methodist Churdi. He was bom in Davie Coun ty to Cicero and Alice Lowder McCuUough. Surviving are two sons. Clinard F. and BoMiy McCuItcugb of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4; and five daughters, Mrs. Elmer &in of Kon- napolis, Mrs. John Lee Bowies of Mocksviile. Rt. 2. Mrs. Albert Rod- gers of Jonesville. Mrs. Otis Myers of Mocksviile, Rt. 4. ond Mrs. Bud Roberts of Burlington. Bio - Obituaries - 10/28/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 28, 1965 CLCilMfilMich MOCKSVnXE -■ Cree Ci cero McCullough. 69. of Mocksville. Route 4, died at 5 p.m. Sunday at Da\'ie County Hospital. He was a carpenter and was 8 membtr of Liberty Method ist Church. He was bom in Davie County to Cicero and Alice Lewder McCuUough. Surviving are two sons, Clin- ard F. and Bobby McCullough of Mocksville. Rl 4; and five daughters. Mrs. Elmer Sain of Kannapolis. Mrs. John Lee Bowles of Mocksville, Rt. 2, Mrs. Albert Rodgers of Jonesville. Mtfi. Otis Myers of Jonesville. Mrs. Otis Myers of Mocksville. Rt. 4 and Mrs. Bud Roberts of Burling ton. The funeral was at 4 p.m. Tuesday at Liberty Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. ILLSmmi MOCKSVILL Gcoric Ld* Seamen. 60. of MockselUe, rt*, Ured feed mill Mnploye. wia foimd dead fai hit car about 5 P. M. Sunday In the ytfd tt Byerly't Chapel Church about four mUaa aouthwoat of here. Davto Countf Sheriff Oook S. Smith Mdi Mr. DeiiiMS had apparealljr taken hit own UTe hf madleino or gat. He aaid it had not bean defl- aitely estohUabod lafi night t>r. B. L. BMtards, acting eotoner, is ptaimisit an autop sy. The sheriff aaid Mr. _Sea- mon had been missing fmni his home since P. M. Sat urday. The sherilf said hebad conducted a sO^rch Sat urday night which proved un- suoeeaaful When found yesferdltf, Mr. Seamon was seated under tlie wheel of his car. He had been dead devera! hours. Smith sale Mr. Seamen had been in lit health 'or some time and had threatened to take his life previoualy. He was born in Davie Coun ty to Mr. and Mr«. Henry Seamen. Surviving are his wife; two sons, George Seamon Jr. of Mocksville, Rt 2. and Roger Seamon of Mocksville, Route 1; three daughters, Mr^. Loisl^ger of Mocksville. Rt. 4; Mrs, Mary Lee Whicker of Tobaccoville and Mrs. Elsie Jones of Mocksville; two sis ters. Mrs. Viola Honeycutt of High Point and Mrs. Ethel Seamon of Mocksville. and five brothers, J. C. Seamon of Mocksville, Rt. 4, John Sea men of Mocksville, Route 3, Louis Seamon of Denton, Lon- 1I ao Seamon of Woodtaaf and Jlobert Seamon of Salisbury. 1^ Punera! strvkcs were held ,at. 2 P. M. Tuesday at St.Mkthews Lutheran Church.I Burial wai in church ctmote* ify. ■ Bio - Obituaries - 10/28/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 28,1965 n er in fIdiM . I>einonsln(tk>n ^ Club Work.In'North Carolina, fend the .luiU0D, diad at 2:^ P. M. liokSky^at Lynn Hav* en NiiriMV Bdme here, Mrs. Aci>araon» wire of Qeorae |t..Awtwn>on of Mock* Bviltc: I|t ^. was a retired School te*bef.; She Iw' p^cMMent oT the Country .-WoiMip'B Council of the UnSad mtea in MO! ■EttJiB: APlWillN and luid bai» inealdcAt or^telV. Stat^ Eeiil|efl|tion of Hc^t De- . > monatritlah Cliibi in'lk^9.m JUBBlSBI Was elactad v^ee prasMent• ' of the.Asspcia^d Cbuntry Wo-:■ ii -S—'IIM men o£ the Woiidin iraand' ■JNMIM'H IIV tepresiented the United States.,She recelvtd the Woman of, IM liS Year plaque from the|1vOFK| vNS t^tresslve Farmer magazine Mrs. Apperaon organisad the Junior Red Cross in iDavie County and later was its County chairman. She was a director of the Davie County Red Crgas Chapter from '53 to '59. Bha was a member of the \Board of directors of the Dav^ County Hospital. She was born in Davie County to &aford B. and Mary Hendricks Vemon. She was a member of Cooleemee Pres byterian Church. She grad uated from Asheville Teach ers College, Woman's College in Greenslwro and Catawba College in Salisbury. Surviving besides her bus- baiH are a son.^Apperson, Jr. of '^^I4lt|phia' Tenn.; and two daiightez*. Mrs David Davis of Cleveland, N. C., and Mrs. Bailey Turlington of Sewanee, Tenn- The funeral was at i P.M. Wednesday at the Cooleemee Presbyterian Church. Burialwas in Cherry Hill Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 10/28/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA vj- Mrs. Vaughaii-Lloyd Dies at 80; Former Teacher, Then Nurse Here r.N Mrs. Elizabeth Clin gm an Vaughan-Lloyd, 80, of 2420 Rosewood Avenue, whose life was spent as a teacher, nurse and friend of young people, died at 7:10 p.m. yesterday at the Veterans Hospital at Salis bury. She was the wife of W. E. Vaughan-Lloyd. . She had suffered a diabetic and heart condition for several years and was admitted to For- syth Memorial Hospital Sept. 28 after an acute attack of pul monary edema. She remained there imtil being moved to the Veterans Hospital at Salisbury Oct. 21. Surviving are her husband; a son, W. E. Vaughan-Lloyd Jr. of 1023 Keams Avenue; three sisters. Miss Nell Clingman and Mrs. C. R. S. Willson of 2705 Country Club Road and Mrs. W. N. Vogler of 840 Roslyn Road; and three brothers, W. F. Clingman of 641 Oaklawn Ave nue, A. C. Clingman of Rich mond, Va. and S. T. Clingman of Macon, Ga. The body is at Voglers Chap el. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Monday at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Burial will be in Salem Cemetery. Mrs. Vaughan-Lloyd was born at Farmington to Tnomas La, nier and Belle Naylqr Clingman and attended the old Clemmons School under J. Kenneth Pfohl. In 1905 she graduated from Texas Teachers College at Den- ton, Texas, and taught school for several years in Texas be fore returning to North Carolina to teach at the Centerville School in Waughtown. Mrs. Vaughan - Lloyd grad uated with highest honors in 1913 from the University of Pennsylvania Nursing School. Her first nursing job was at Oswego, N. Y., where she served as superintendent of nurses before returning to Win- ston-Salem as a private duty nurse. In World War I she vol unteered for nursing service with Base Hospital 20 and served overseas. After the armistice she re mained in Army service with the evacuation hospital at Treve, Germany, and other hos pital centers in Europe. Upon separation from the Army Nurse Corps in 1919 she returned to Winston-Salem to resume private duty nursing. She later became superintend ent of nurses at City Hospital, and for a short time was hos pital superintendent. She was visiting nurse for the Associated Charities here when she was married in 1920 to Mr. Vaughan-Lloyd, who was then city director of parks and play grounds. Mrs. Vaughan - Lloyd was member of St. Paul's Episcopa Church and a charter member: of the Clyde Boiling Post No.^ 55, American Legion, and wasj ^for many years chairman of the post's child welfare committee. Mrs. Vaughan - Lloyd was dean of women and first aid in structor at the national Red Cross First Aid iand Life Sav ing Institute at Brevard and taught home nursing and first aid courses for the Forsyth Chapter of the American Red Cross. She and her husband lived at Rocky Mount for a year when he left the city recreation post to become a Boy Scout execu tive. He became scout execu tive in Winston^alem in 1924 and continued in that post until his retirement in 1952. During the years he was scout executive Mrs. Vaughan- Lloyd worked with him, touch ing the lives of thousands of young people. She was volun teer nurse and dietitian at Camp Lasater, the Boy Scout camp near Walkertown. c 1 i vJ >-' • __Q o . ^ OAVIE C0» PUBUC LIBRARY MOCKSVILIEi NC DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 4,1965 - Page 5 JOHN FRANK SMITH John Frank Smith, 80, of Advonco, Rl. II, died at 4 a.m. Nov. t at Wnn Haven Nursing Honie at Mocksvllle. He had been In declining health for four yoors and seriously HI for a month. (He was bora In Davie County on Sept. 3. 1885 to J. B. and UlUo Clotisc Smith. Jdr. SmlHi spent his early life in Davle County .then lived In Wlnsten-Salem for about three years. He moved to South Pasadena Calif., I where he served as fire chief for I a nuiriber of years before retiring In 1915. He then moved back to Oavio County, ]{is wife, Margaret Lockhart Smith, died in Uie lole I830s. Mr. Smith wos a member ot Belh< lehcm Mclliodlst Church in Davie County, Survivors Surilving are a son. Itiohard Smith of San Diego, Calif.; a step daughter, (Mrs. Ruth Harper of San ta Ana. Calif.; a stof^, Harry Ulckhart of (Denver, Colo.; itvo sis ters, ^trs. (Nan Roberts of 1219 S. Hawthorne Road .Winston-Salem and Mrs. Roba SbuU of VJotorvJUo, Cnlif. Tho (funeral was conducted Tues day at Bothlrtiem (&lotho<Ust Church 1^ the Rev. Brown MdCnney. Bu^ iai was In the church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 11/4/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, November 4,1965 Bio - Obituaries - 11/4/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 11, 1965- Page 2 —A Dedicated Public Servant— Mrs. Leona Graham Smcot j MRS. L^^^^MOOT North Carollrw In Ihls work. In inS5 she married C. C. Smoot of Mocksvillc and began assisling In the Davie County Welfare wnark while the lole Miss Amy Talbcrt. then director, was 111. Following the death of Mis.s Talbcrt, she was named as Director of the Davic Coiinly Welfare Dcparimcmt in November of 1350. She WJn'cd in this capacity until May of 1905. A nalive of Oovie Cotinty. she was born January 31, 1902 the daughter of the late G. H. and Jcllic James Graham. Her hushand, Charles C. Smool. died in August of this year. Mrs. Smool died Tuesday morning In the Bopll.«t Hospital, Winston- Salcm. Slic v\*as a momlxsr of the Mockvvillc Baptist Church and the Ea.sl. cm Star, Fhnersl services will be held Thursday morning at II a. m, at the Eaton Funeral Chapel, Burial will be In the Farmlngton Cemetery. Survlvorj include one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Grjdiam Willard of Farm lngton; two brothers, Gilmer K. Graham of AshovHle and James Ray Graham of Farmlngton: one stepdaughter, Mrs. M. C. Dcndmon of Mocks- ville. In the passing of Mrs. Smoot DavIe Co\inty loses another dedicated dllien , . . one that has served ... and served well. •'•r-r: 1. • MRS. LEONA G. SMOOT Bio - Obituaries - 11/11/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 11, 1965 - Page 2 Mn. V!. 11. Mteemore The fiincrnl for Mrs. Lclo Cooh Macemnre. 78. of 307 Se. non Strcol. Wlnston.Salcm. Wirfott' _ W. 11. M.iconwc. was condiidwl at 2 p. m. Tii(» liiiy nl lbno.< 'BopHst Thnrclt Diirbl was !i) Bplhd Methodist riiurch cemetery. Mrs. M.acemorc (lied at l:2U a. m.i Monday at her home. j ?lio w.is horn In bavic County to Willt.nm It. nnri Emnva Garner Cook .and w;is .a rcUrert c nployc of P. It. Itancs Kniiiiog Co. f ho was n mcm- iH-r of S:in:ly Spring i B.apli.il Ch((rch in Davle Connly. Surviving arc two Bertha Maccmorc McGrady of the h Leonard Maccmorc and Watscn Macemt two brother.', .losep Pcterstnirg. Fla., ; Cook ot Winston-Sal Mrs. Maggie Jo Qii.arrj'. T daughters, Mi.ss and Mrs. Lola ;imo; two sons, of High Point re of Uxlnpton: t S. Cook of St. nd Francis M. m; and a sister, s of Granite e, — Principal Here For Nine Years — Charles Linley Farthing, |58 It was around 18-years ago that Charles Linley Farthing came into this community as principal of the Mocksville High School. This was prior to school con solidation and being prin cipal of the MocksvlHe High School also included that of the elementary grades as well. For nine years Mr. Farth ing served in this capacity at the MocksviHe schools and upon consolidation in 1056, he gave up school work to accept a position with the National School Supply Com pany. Mr. Farthing always dis played a keen interest in community and civic affairs, and was active in the First Baptist Church of which he was deacon. He was bora in Watauga County in 1909 to William D. and Beulah Edlnesten Farthing. Hie was married to the former Miss Dessie Edwards. He died around 4 p. m. Sat urday afternoon at his homie on Wilkesboro Street in Mocksville. Surviving In addition to his wife are two sons: James Quy Farthing of Buffalo, New York; Lloyd Dudley Farth ing of Roanoke, Va.; and his mother of Boone, N. C.; four sisters, Mrs. Herbert Orabeal of West Jefferson; Mrs. An drew Morgan of King George, Va.; Mrs. Roy Sasser of Goldsboro; and Mrs. Albert Pavker of High Point; two brothers, James Farthing of Taylorsville and Ralph Farth ing of Lenolr. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Eaton Funeral Chapel. The Rev. Fred Barnes officiated. Bu^ was In Rose Cemetery. As a quiet and intellectual man, Charles L. Farthing contributed nvuch to so many during his eighteen yeara in our community. His abrupt departure from our midst comes as a shock, but the remembrance of him and his life will make us always thankful that he came our way C. L. FARTHING Bio - Obituaries - 11/11/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 11, 1965-Page 2 Alvin AnRcIl Fitncrol services for Alvln HIawa* iba Angcll. R9, were bold Sunday, November 7. at 2 p. m. In Dutch man's Cheek Bnpllsl Church. Burlat wa-s in the church rcmelory. Mr, Angell. a retired tevllle work er or ni. 4. died Friday in a Raleigh hospital. Sitrvlvors include the widow. Mrs. Nnnnic Nichols Angcll: four snn.«. Piiiil, Cecil, and Wiley Angell, till of Rt. 4, Mock.svllle, and Hal Angcll of Washington D. C.; five daughters. Mrs. Irene .Jordan of Concord. Mrj. Gilmcr Mnorc. Mrs. Mal)cl Hollard Mrs. Be.s.sic Scchrcst, Mrs. Lavada Crnils. all of Rl. 4. Mock.rt'lllc: one sister. Mrs. Trossji. Messick of Ft. l./Ojidortlulc. Fla.; two brothers. C. .1. Aiigoll of Moclcsvillc ami W. D. An gcll of Knnnatmlis; (wo half broth ers. B. L. Angcll of Winslon-Salcm, and P. G. Angdi of Rl. 3. Mocks- villc. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, November 11, 1965 Mrs. Smoot Dies MOCKSVILLG - Mrs. Leo- na Graham Smoot, 63, retired Davie County welfare super intendent and widow of Char- tie Smoot. former sheriff, died at 6 A- M- Tuesday at Bap tist Ho^ital in Winston-Sa- lem. Mrs. Smoct taught school for 30 years before becoming welfare superintendent in Caldwell County. After 12 years in that positkin, she came to Davie County and was welfare superintendent uQtU U1 health forced her re- timnent. IBhe was a member ofrfsviilc Beptift Church, husband, sheriff from *83 to *38, died August 1. Surviving are a airier, Mrs. Bizabeth Graham Willard of ^irmington; two brothers, Oilmer H. Graham of Ashe- vlUe and James i^y Graham of Farmington; aM a step* daughter, Mrs. M. C Dednum pf MocksviUe The ftiaeral was at 11 a4n. Thursdi^. |iui^ was liiTarm* ingtoa Cemateiy. Bio - Obituaries - 11/11/1965 DAVIE COUN'DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, November II, 1965 Roite4 Mccksville MOCKSVILLE -Alvin Hia watha Angeil, 69. a retired textile worker of Route 4, Mtx'k.>vtlle. died Friday in a Raleii^i hospital. A niilive of Davie County, he was lA)in Noveml>er 10, 1895. ; Suiivors iaclude the widow, i Mrs. Nannie Nichols Angell; four s 11'. Paul. Cecil, and Wiley Arccll. all of Route 4, Mock.<\ilio and Hal Angell of Washington. D.C.: five daugh ters, Mis. Irene Jordan of Concord. Mrs. Gilmer Moore, Mrs. Mabel Hellard, Mrs. Bes sie Sechrest. Mrs. Lavada Crolts. of Route 4. Mccks ville; one sister. Mrs. Tressa Me.<isick of Ft. Lauderdale. Fla. two brothers. C. J. Angell of Mocksville and W. D. Angell cf Kannapolis: two half bro thers, B. L. Angell of Wins- ton-^lcin, and P. G. Angell of Rt 3. Mocksville Funeral services were con ducted Sunday at 2 P.M. in Dutchmans Creek Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemeter>*. IC. L Farthing Ot Mocksville MOCKSVILLE -- Charles Linley Farthing. 56. of Wilkes- boro Street, former principal of the Mocksville High School and teacher, died suddenly Sa- i turday at his home. Death was attributed to a heart attack. ' Mr. Farthing served as prin- ' cipal of the high school here for nine years and taught in ' the school system for a num- ' bev of years. He was a sales man for a school supply com- ' pany at the lime of his death. He was born March 18. 1909. son of Mrs. Eula Farth- > ing of West Jefferson and the ' late Willing Farthing. I He is survived by his widow the former Mi^s Dassie Ed wards; two sons. James Guy t Farthing cf Buffalo, New • York and Lloyd Dudley Far- 1 thing of Rcanoke. Va.= four I sisters. .Mrs. Hebcrt Graybeal • of West Jefferson, Mrs. An- • drew Morgan of King George, Va., Mrs. Roy Sasser of Golds- I boro and Mrs. Alvo Parker of I High Point: two brothers. James Farthing cf Taylors- ville and Ralph Farthing of | Lenoir. Mr. Farthing was a mem- ler of the Mocksville Mas onic Lodge and an officer I In the First Methodist Church. I yunerol services were held [iMonday at Eaton's Funer<)l Home. Burial followed in Rose , cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/11/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 18,1965 - Page 2 Mm. Chortle McBrltlc The fimcrol for Mrs. Momto Ciith- fell MdBridc, 74, of Cootccmee, was held Monday, ^vember 15, al 3 p. m. at Galon's Oiapcl. Burial was in Wyo Methodist Church cemetery Mrs. McBride died Saturday night Jn the BaptP^t Ho.'^tlal In -Winston- Satom. She hod been seriously ill one M«ek. She wos bom May C. 1851, in Davic Cotinly to the late M. F. and Lou Foster Cufhndl. She is survived by her husband Chadio McBride; four sotfj. Otis, Nod, Ray and Clyde McBride, all of Cooleemee; one daughter, Mrs. C. W. Whltley of Coolecmoc: four grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Annie Booe and Mrs. Baxter Sain, both of Concord. IHrs. Jock Anderson The funeral for Mrj. Maggie Har- ils Anderson, 72, xvidow of Jack Anderson, wos condirclcd at 2 p. m. Tuesday, November 16, at Bear Creek Baptist Church, Burial was In the church cemetery. She died Sunday at 11:20 a. m. at ■Oavie County Hospital. She was bom in Davic County to Calvin and Betty Brogdon Harrh (and was a member of Bear Creek Baptist Church. Surviving nre a sister. Mrs. Mace Longston of Mocksvlllc, Rt. S; and two brothers, Moseti Harris of MocksvlHe, Rt. 2, and Heniy Harris of Midland, Va. Mrs. Edna Kay Funeral services for Mrs. Edna Ward Kay, 04, were conducted Sun* day. November 14, at 2 p. m. at Eaton's Chapel. Burial wsts in the Mficedonio Morovlon Cemetery. Mrs. Kay, who formeriy lived at 101 Rolling Road, Burlington, died at 11:80 a. m. Friday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home in Mocksville. She was bora in Da vie County to John W. and Nancy Jane Sheets Ward. She was a retired bookkeeper and was a former schoolteacher. Surviving ore a son, John RobertsKay of Ci^omia; three ri slers, Mrs. ^num Murray and Mrs. Oeoil Yar- i)orough of 'Burlington and Mrs. Ed Howard of Mocksville; three brothers, R. S. and J. A. Ward of Salisbury. Rt. 4. and J. W. Word of Woodleaf; a half sister. Mrs. W. M. Morklin of Mocksville; and two half brothers, M. S. Ward of Sal isbury and C. S. 9ieets of Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries - 11/18/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, November 18, 1965 I ' 'Mn. MMiiie CuthreU Mc- 74, of Cooleem9«^ Murday night in ih« ^p- Hospital in Wiiiston*&l* etn. She had been seriously 01 one week. She was born May 6, liOl, in Dsvie County, to the late M, T. and Lou Fcbter Cuth reU. S|ie is survived by her hus band; four'sons, Otis, Ned. Hay and Clyde HcBride, bH of Cooleemee; one daiiihler, Mrs. C. W. Whitley of Coolee mee; four grandchildren; two dsters, Mrs. Annie Boot and Mrs. Baxter Sain, both of Con; 2ord. Funeral services were held Monday at S p. m. by Rev. Qraft:h CoefcreU at Baton'& Chapel. Burial was in Wyo Methodist Church cemetery Bio - Obituaries - 11/18/1965 -W- . If ><1^1 and tefp Wahl of Sheets of r The fuiml Sunday M Burial W|s In ian DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA I DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 25, 1965 - Page 4 Mm. (ieump K. Fvvzor Fiinerj) rurtkv lur .Mr>. Flct;" FcL'7j)r, Til. witlaw or llic kiiu Ufoi'{;c' K. Fcezm* of Winjiton.Salcin. loroi- crly (if Hiiv;.' cvaii')'. was lu'td Muii« cl.ny. Niivt'mlwr Si, ni II a. in. ni Wall (ilailc Funeral lloine in Wins* Mrs. Ftv/ar, who fonnerly liwd on Slrulfurd l(i*atl, \Vin.<tun*i«alcni. •lird Saturday j:i Mai-lc Ciuvc Nnr sin;* llitini'. Sill* wa> liiirii O.'tuliiT II. liS!!!. the daniililiT uf .Mr. and Mr... .lames C. Wonim.'ifli 111 \Viii>liin'.S::letn- Her I'irfl husltand wa.<; .\iilnir Kirk Sin* w.i.<^ maiiii'd III Mr l-Viv.*i' in insT S:ir>iiiiis a-.- .i mii. (k'tnee K. Fiv/:t .Pr and :.»ii ..ii |i«iliil.|.vn. '..Mr, W'• MI IVry nj ll.;!iiii>i|i.1. I Vtr;;ini.i. I. 11. F«i'i.';* ol .Marks \i:ie. ' D.niai va* la .*>'ti,-r> nanty. Jainrs (t. Urri'tl. 9i ; damos <i'* rii y •l»u,-in' ilnvll. I iri. a ret.red Ijijiier ol .VdvaiiLv, tt. 2. died Monday ul Lynn llavcn Xumlng Home. He was born in Uae- c Comity to dames and Martlia Spr)- hreli .md was a member of .-Vd* mice .Melhodisl Chtirvii. Suniviiig arc two dangltlcn. Mrs. O.'ila Ksuex cf Advance. Rt. i. and Miss Annie Onell of Washington, f). c.t and a Mm. John F. Orrell of Ailvnnce Rt. 2. Ttic funci'ol wilt lie ol 2 p. m. Thnrtday at Advance Methodist Church. Burial will be In the chun^ •rmetciy-. The body h at Kalon's Fimernl Home and will be placed n tlie church at 1:30 p. m. Thursday. Mrs, Claude ReneKar HAHMON'V ~ .Mrs. (irau* Juyner llene^ar. 73. wf Hamiiin>'. III. 3. widinv wf Claude Ucitcgur. died tin. •yprfti'.lly ai .t:4ii p. ni. .'ii Iicr lirmc ol a heart atiMck Mutulay. Site was li.>ni ill Vailkiti County lu James H. and Haeliel E. Jwyner. ' Snrvhing are one duudhier. Mrs. I l.ydia It. Walktns of Noi*folk. Va: I ami three sons, James William ami jjclui Eugene lienegar el Wiiutea* Solem ond Howard Rcncgar of the I home. I The funeral was at 2:30 p. m. i Wednesday at Sandy Springs Baptist i Church n In Iredcll County. Burial j was in the citurcli cemetery. The] body will be at Reavls Funeral Home here until jilaccd In the churcli I It 2 p. m. Wedncsdoy. Bio - Obituaries - 11/25/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, November 25, 1965 KiMliMi MOCKSVILLe - :^liooQe HendOTon talK, of UcdcsviBe. Bt i wijllllfrt «i 7:30 P. M. K. C. 801 anr He wu ftncB hf Mvtr. Jomes Kofi RL 4. n State ilMOttthntr K. K. BSk ild^KL U was ihliiiM e IMl-Cheae».j let ovM^& hie ifiilbir. Pan' < I StifoeJ WeB Be BW tnvei- j ; iQ( wcae and elfwfc Foster I Mr. Facter ne -bom in' Devie CmiiBf to Jtadmel Mary Lob rublj * In Bd HuS. Be mmda ifiilber. Pan' ^ linie travel- elfvih Foster mat- 'bom in to Jbwel eoc* di^ Foster. SuTTivhaf ere iBL'wife. Mrs. Bc^e rnifajv Itin i daa- , ^cn, lin. W.^1^ Meown ot I Mocksvitle, BeB|ej|.ilirs. Jack I Eudy of CootaBj^e.. and Mrs James Charlotte: two ooM, Clawii Ehfter cf MocksWU^ Bt % :«nd Paul Foster of AdWi^ Route 1: I two farothen, JGRcna and I John Foster of iltadkMrni^ Rt 4, and a sislce; Mia. David '^Nulcz at M iUpthii . Route I. . l!he body H I^BBap's Fu neral Bome pdMNf vnuide- nenta. | IdiiiglM LKaONGTON - Mra. Beo-j lib Frye Livencoocl, 43, of 100 West 8th Avenue, Lexing-: loa, died suddenly at 10 A.M. Sunday at her home after 8uf« lefing a heart attack. A native of Davie County, idte was a daughter of the lite George L. and Essie &ii- Fnre. She was a mem ber of Trinity Methodist Church of Lexington, i Survivors include her bus- (band, Raymond Livengood of |the.hoznie, three brothers, Ed gar of Route 3, MocksvUle, Earold and Emery Frye of - MocksvilJe; five sisters, Mrs. Ciuo-Ue Wrexin of Lexington, Mrs. Steve Feezor of Badin, Mrs. Beuford Owen of High Point, Mrs. Boone Foster cf Route 4, Mocksville and Mrs. Richard Baier of New Bruns wick, N. J. Funeral services were con ducted at 3:30 P. M, Tues day at Trinity Methodist Oiurch by the Rev. W. H, Benfield. Burial was in For est HLU Memorial Park. JaHesG.Orrtll MOCKSVILLE - James Gregory (Duggin) Orrell. 92, a retir^ farmer of Advance, Route 2, died Monday at Lyrm Haven Nursing Home. He was bom in Davie County to James and Martha Spry Or rell and was a member of Advance Methodist Church. Surviving are ta-o daugh ters, Mrs. Delia Essex of Ad vance, Rt. 2, and Miss An nie Orrell of Washington. D C.; and a son. John F. Orrell of Advance, Rt. 2. The funeral will be at 2 I p.m. Thursday at Advance Methodist Church. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/25/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 2, 1965 - Page 2 W. M. MARKLIN Funeral services for William Mar! ion Marklm. 76, of Saiishiii'y Slrcct. were condiictod Friday at 2 p. m. at FatoM'; Chnpcl. Burial was In Rose Cemetery. Mr. Mnrlilui died at 0 0. m. Wed nesday. Noveml>cr 24. at his home. Tie was o retired furniture worker ami a inoml>cr of Mocksvillc Baptist Cliurdi. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs, Rciia Ward Marklin; three son;. Johnson and Leonard Marklin of Mocksvillc and r^ul Marklin of Rocklngham; and three daughters. Mrs. Curl Jen nings of Haven nil!. Mass.. Mrs. Wayno Cnlon of Mockiville and Mrs. Satn Latham of Diiriiam. Also, three sislcrs Mrs. Salllc Smith of WlnstOJvSoIem: Mrs. Annie Martin of Rt. 5. MocksvHle; and. Mrs. Esth- I er Styers Of Aberdeen. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, December 2, 1965 (KMocktrille Mocksville -- William Mi- rton Marklin, 1% ot Salis bury Street, died at 9 A.M. November 24 at hie home. He was a retired emidoye of He- rita^ Furniture Company plant. A member of the Mocks ville Baptist Church, he was a native of Davie County, son of the late John Marftpn and Elizabeth Cook Markyn. Survivors include his* wife, Rena Mm Ward MiMclin; three sons, William Johnson Marklin and Leonard B^k- lin of Mocksville and Iraul Marklin of Rockin«ham; daughters, Mrs. Carl Jennings of Haven Hill, Mass., Wayne Eaton of Mocksville i and' Mrs. Sam Latham of Dur ham; 18 grandchldlrcn am} one great-grandchild; three sisters, Mrs. Sally Smith of Winston-Salem. Mrs. Annie Martin of Route 5, Mccksvilie, and Mrs. Esther Styers of Aberdeen. Funeral services were con ducted at 2 P. M. Friday at Eaton Funeral Home Chapel with burial In Rose Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 12/2/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 9,1965 - Page 4 Cltbert & Bloctnrooa Gilbert Sherrill Bloekwood, 44, of GreenAoro died of a iieart attack Saturday at tfie Ifationa) 'Hotca in Denver, Colo. Sttriving are his parents, Mr. and Mia. Sayt Blodcwood of Gr^Aoro: lib vdfe, Mrs. Virginia Crawford Bhookwood; two brothers, Harold Bladcwood of Gullford College and Bverelte Bteekwood of ModcsvlUe; and four sisters, Mrs. Rkbard Dixon of Gtiilford College, Miss Ruby Btolcwood of fbe h(»ne and Mrs. D. H. Layton and Mrs. B. F. But ter Jr. of Greensboro. Hie funerd was at 2 p. m. Wed- nesdby at Hancs-Lineberiy Chapel. Burial was In Gidlford Memorial Park. Mrs. WlUlam Hanea Funeral scrvloos for Mrs. Ccllle Fdrcloth Hones, 78, were held at a:A p. m. Monday, Decotriber 6. at .Mop^onb "Moravian ChurctL Bu^ lal was In the churdi cemetery. <Mrs. Hones, wklov of WlRlam Harrison Hanes, died at 6:38 p. m. Saturday at the home of her daught er, Mrs. Alvls York al Clemmons. Mrs. Hanes was bora to John D. and Rebeoeu Unebeck Faircloih. She was a member of Macedonia Morav ian Oiitrdi. Survivlag ore her daughter; and two sons, GliorUe F. and WlIHe H. Hanes of Farmington. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 9,1965 - Page 7 If. 8. MDNDAY. 40 Funeral .•services for Itcnr)' .Shcrrill Mundoy. 40. oi Winxton-Sulm Ru 4. Bi^ti Mawr Ismo. were held Wed nesday oftcrncon al the Bcllicsdfl Moravian Church. The Rev. Gcorfsc Chlddlc. ihc Rev. H. B. May and the Rev. Clyde Bariier orTNnlrd Burin) was in itie Hen* Philndclphin Moravian graveyard. Mr. Mtinday died uncNpcctcdIy at 1:45 a. m. T'.tc.<day. lie ftirrcred n heart attack at his hcmc nnd was taken to liic Porsj'lh Memorial llos- pilal where he died Aorlly fl^e^ wards. 11c W.I.: l.nrn on Moy 28. Itiss. In Dnvie Coiinl.v. the son of Shcrrill W. nnd Bc.O:bi Mcssick Mundoy. He was educated in the Davic County Schools. He served in the Asiatic and Pacific nrcai in the U. S. Xa\Y in World War 11. —HcUTciTin Forsyfircernny lbrihff past 18 years. He a«s with H.incs Dye nnd Finishing Co. for several years. For the post year he was wi.h the r. II. Hanes Knitting Div- isicn of Hanss Corp. He was a former Sunday school teacher at 'Rethcsda Moravian ChiuTli, where be was a member. He wa; married in 1848 lo Hulh Davis, who survives. Other survivors tncindc two sons, Danny ,Ioc nnd Ricky .S. Munday. both of the home: hij mother and father of Mocksville. Rt. 4; tiirec staters. Mrs. Kathleen Bunsh of Washington. D. C.. Mrs. H. C. Sleole of Mocksvlllo. Rl. 4 nnd Mri>. Edward Wagoner of Advance: three brothers. Robert Monday of Mncksrilie, Rt. 4. James Mundoy of Cooleemec; nnd Sanford Munday of Old Tofwfl. Bio — Obituaries -12/9/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, December 9,1965 JietatAiiM m m for nuy fiber- m. civiHioD- itatMrn l^raiidn the Hues Gm^ me held at 4 pJSL Wednesittgr at Betfaesda Mmvian cfataek. Bai^ was 1 New PkUadelphis Ifwavian Qmrcfa graveyied. Mc. Mun- oay died at 1:4$ am. Tueada) at For^th itomeisi Hospital after a heart attaclal his faoDW He was born in 0avie Coun ty to Sherrili W. and Beu* lab Messidc Munday and had 'ived in Fbnyih County IS years. & was farmeriy cm- pioyed by Hanys Dye and Finishing Co. He was a mctn- ber and fonner Sunday school teadm- of Betbesda Moravian Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ruth Davis Miinday; two sons, Danny Joe and Rkky S. Mun- day ^ Use bome; his parents of MocksviUe, Rt 4' three sisters. Mrs. Kathleen Ttunrh of Washuifton, D.C.. Mrs. H. C. Steek of Mocfcsvilk. Rt i and Mrs. Edaard Wagoner cf Advance; and three bro thers, Robert Uunday of UocksviUe, Rt 4, James Hun> day ot Cookemee and Sanford Monday of Old Town. KHsijiiath MIa ToMday id RiMm Hospital in Winstpn-Si^eii^ . S^tir^ying: hniiiki' bar par^; ents are her grudim^U, Mia. 6. A. Potts ,Qt Aovtoire and,' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoots ol- Advance. A gravaidde service was held at 1 P.M. Wednesday at Ad vance Mathodist Chur^ ce metery. Bio - Obituaries - 12/9/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, December 9,1965 John Wands Imillii KiM li ftr Rear Chireb ' Salisbury - A Speocer man was struck by a car and fMally injured Sunday at Ha stood in front of a church where he had just atleodbd a funeral. The car. out of control af« ter a collision with aooCber car, hit John Wandt. 63, ol 802 Fifth Street, Spencer. He died at Bowan Memcrial Hoa- pital at 8 P. M. Suaday, an hour aflar the accident oc> curred in hrmi of East Spen^j cer Mtehnditt Church. Wan^ was bom in Glas gow Scntlatid, and was a ma* chiniit for Soitthem Railway I Co. for 42 yaora. He was a member <d Cvitral Method ist Churdi at Ripencer. Surviving are His vito, Mrs. Janet Haipar Wdndi, a dau ghter, lira. & Laaaont ilyan or Spauun; and vm MCA- ers, W. R. Wanda of Oaotai!^ mee and T. L. Wands nf| Kansas City, Kan. tba funwal was at I Tuet^ M SuamimM Mwr- ai Hwitfe BuMal aw la Bow- Bio - Obituaries - 12/9/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 16, 1965 - Page 6 C. B. Rartaura Fvtncrol services for Charles B. Hartman. 89, a roUrod dairy former of Vadkinvflle. Rt. 3, were hdd nmrsday December 9 at HuntsviUe MelhodUt Onird). Burial traa In Persyth Memorial Park in Wlnston- Salem. He died at 4 a. m. Wednesday. December 8, at Lula Conrad Koola Memorial RoR)lla1. Mr. Hartman once laught school in Oa^o Cwnty and was a former director of the Productive Credit As* sodaUon. Ho was also o former school commlttoeman and member of the Democratic executive com* milleo of Yadkin County. Ho was born in Davie County to Oeorgo L. and Ddloli Comatzor Hartman and was a member of HunlsvHte Methodist Church. Surdvlng are his u'lfo, Mrs. Cam* nia Bowden Hartman; two daught ers. Mrs. J. Bruco Jorralt of East Bend, lU. 2, and Mrs. Thomas W. Holden of the homo: a brother. Lewis B. Hartman of Advance; and I a dster, Miss Onv Hartman of Ad vance. Bio - Obituaries - 12/16/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, December 16, 1%5 Duiliir S. In ilil Sotpital. 9km had been a felt ftir It daya. In fertdmfen to her mother, it aurvived hj her hut> hfefed, Thomas Tfflliam Tor- reoee; a aon, Baper Dale Tor- flanee at SalMnwy; a daufh- ter« Mrs. Barhara DIanne Banies of Groanaboro; two brothers, Thomas Anderson Barnes Jr. and Otis Lee Barnes of Denton; a half^hrcH ther. John Turner at States* ville: five sisters, Mrs. Charles Leonard of Salisbucy; Mrs. Floyd Leonard of IhoamviUe. Mrs. Joe McQurry. Mrs. Rob ert Head and Mrs. C. L. Hcpler at Sutnmersett Funeral n of Cooleemee, and 3 grand- children. Funeral services were con ducted at 4 P. M. Friilay: of Mn. Daisy st Summersett Funeral Chapal: bBames of Ceoke the late Thomas y the Rev. H. B. Bargtf. Burial was in Chestnut Hill Cemetery. Mrs. N. Allen Travis Mrs. M. ▲Hen Itavk died Friday, Beoendier JOth at tbe age of dS jROBirs at Catawba Coimty Itefepital, Hewton, X. C. The funexal was held on Sunday afterooon at Mount Olive Lutheran Chundi and burial in the churt^ oemete* ry. She was the mother of X9 children, 46 of which aurvive: sons; Gotdon Travis and Glen Travis of Cooleemee, Roby Travis, Gail Travis, Carlton Travis, John Travis, all ofConover, Joe Travis 4^ Val-I de.^. Mernie Travis cd Hick ory , Bmmett Travis of New-: ton, the Rev. Martin Luther i Travis of St. Peter, 111.' dau ghters: Mrs. Ijester Pariier, Mrs. Warren Lester, both of Conover, Mrs. Leonard Har bin cf Statesville, Mrs- Le- roy London of KannapoUs. Mrs. Ralph Cranford of New- ion. and lour brothers and two sisters, also 55 grand children and 65 ^eat grand children Mr. Gordon Travis was un able Ui attend the funeral r* hi.'^ m?ther due to auffer- ixtg a heart attack on Nov- rnnber 15. Bio - Obituaries - 12/16/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 23,1965 - Page 4 Mrs. Aimee Ham Killed In Wre^ ; Mr& Atmee Wr^l ilam, 83. wh^ was the moUier of- Mm-^PrancIs Stole of Mocksvl^ In an automobile accldenl. In. I^rrviltoi Toxos. Frid^ nishl. Dbc^mber 17^ Her daughter. Mrs, Qifdcb'.Humailj was critically injured and Ig In ttijB hospital In Texas. ' . U was reported that Mrs. (lam and Mrs. Human «nd other rela^ lives were return^ to J^cksvilte from California whm they had vlst^; ed relotlves. 'j (Mrs. Ham was fabm in Harris smith. Republic of South. Afrlcd^ to William and Ann Raaf WrighU She was the widow of 'Hepry H^ who die din 1949. •. Survivors of 'Mrs. .Horn. In addlt^ Ion to Mrs. Slate and'Mrs. Human ore: Mrs. Louro Lategan of Bloemfoii teln and Mrs. Estello Bums ^ Pletermarltsburg. . all ln' :the Re* iMetermorltzburg, all In . the ' labile of South Africa: a son, 6ir; Kenneth Ham of Downey.' Califbr* nia; and two sisters, hfis. Dal^ Palmer of Pietmaritxhurg'and'Mra. boitdhy du Plessis of Durban, ^th Africa. ' ;'The funeral will be held at <l.pi«m. ^rsday at Eaton's Chapel. Biirlal to Rose Cemetery. ' " . Bio - Obituaries - 12/23/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, December 23, 1965 Mrs-AneeHn iHes Yesteriay j. « _ _ MCX:KSVlLLS_Mrs. Amice nn Mil Wright Ham, 83, of Rlocnfon- m ® n Uinc, Republic of South Africa. S[n^ wa5 killed in an automobile ac- *aew# Rl w cidcnt in Kcirv^illc. Tex., Fri day evening SAUSBURY — 4obii Roberta She waii born m Hatris> Halt 5C a conrtnicttai wwter Smith. Republic oi South Selkbuiy. Rl. «. died u 10 Afric, dau«hter of the late PIt «ii»d.y «route to Row- WiUi.tn and Ann Raaff Wright. " .Meino™i Hosprtal. He w» , She was the widow of Henry 5?™ "< PrttWl""" Co^fJ Ham. who died in 1949 •» ^ Surviving ara four daugh- ^ ! tcm. Mra. Daphne Slate, wifeof Dr. F. W. aSto of Mocks- ,®*4:^ ville; Mta. Grxe Human Dur- we«« Ueaw t-o— «-,ai Bobby Hall of Ibc home; two I!1h Mk? lJuHlII daughters- Mr*. Steve Pierce;of ^Ih Afrir.' Coueemee and Miss Satlenethe Republic of Africa molher a aon, Dr K«nn^ Ham of Chatham. V»l; and a half tera, Mr*, Daiaey Palmer, and v. Mr*. Dorothy duPlevte. both of „ .1 e puIhe^Republic o^th Americ.. H Sr^rT!!!. •> Chapcl Burti^ in OMt-du^ .1 Eaton a O^l and Cemeto- burial wa* In Roae Cemetery ^ on t^twaday. IIr.EIcImm IwialFrMe MOCKSVILLE--Mn. Beu- lah Smith Fichinson of Ad vance died at 4:30 P. M. Moii-j day at her h«>mc. 1 Survjvi?!^^ are her parent*,! Mr. and .\ir.<. Nat Smith ofj Mwk^xniie. Route 2; her hus band, William Eichinson of Advance and two daughters, Mn«. WiUa Dean Mayhrw of Advance and Mrs. Katie Leo Shuti of Maryland. Funeral aervices will be conducted Friday at 3 P. M. at Advance Methodist Church by the Rev. Carl Hairr. Buri al will be in the church co* metery. James Mason MMFaiMr T J—■M IMHIf MOCKSVaXX » JMitt Ml aoo. n, M Mockaviae, BL X diod at 7 A, M. TkiuiiiM at M Maple Gtwe Bat Hooae I Wiftilna Sab in He vae retired farmer and ipent mo of his life m Davie Cam IT. Ibe funeral was at II i M. Wednewhy at BMon Foi Cuoa- II A, Bio - Obituaries - 12/23/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA t A. U. WeedNy m Gwrtlra whw» vm nMK n ltt« SKW, Mr. R V« OIk« «K She )ns « fnenber «f |i» W<e^ dkl^ McMfMH iChurrW P»h CMMMBil^ :Grti*f!e Md muM tdNoei tar 4S tem ht ilae l^hiiwMj Sr^vt) Greeedbertt. <di>e w» bt>rB m Dwie C^«tf4y to Otrlwr Read mA Andemo Mdiifeiii^ S^rrivimt ve ihtw saMM% Mr^ Wadle R Of IN* Mrs. Dism cd Pbfsjk^nt G«7*en and MN 1Ut> McM«h»n of Uit hmmi » brc^^er. C- H^rmm Ittn ModSKviDc; Route S. TV fuaerM wos at 11 AJL. nHu-iday m\ ll»e Werfey Oio pel )letM?dUsl CttuRR BudM «a» tV dkurdi cemMeiy* m ii«M n M. mM hMviK His^ INqr^Ki^ mym fMtMM «r MMN* tti Mhv MnM R Mrs. MNs OHul NtuM »ud Mrs. MNiiiN RmtMs. boRi of MsdmBA*: tsro sons. Jsbm M. ttNm of WMMr-SMmi mA BrtK* SiessR Tumr of tN bofeoe: tsro far^lm. WHHsm S. Tor- arr of SMiitary Mid Joha r. TOnwr of JMNuaitNw FM^ sod Ikte meUkir of MeAsvOle, Rt I. The fuaenl vas st ) P. M. Thuraday M the Nton Fuaer- si fTfctiT*' Rurisl vss m the TillsI iMtodst Church ce- Bio - Obituaries - 12/23/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, December 30, 1965 ^ J"' * IBMMiMU I batu pP mm M A 4rf SwSe ibf wae*W jlilvTAj m Aie Im M WliMna. .INai ia^ooloh Mill 4 flf Aqpiiii €ai«ilr m lUfe an« pw # mUm mr M •ncaJLTmkr AilMM FncnllhM IMlMr Oi SiMiif ' COOLEEMEE _ Funeral IHWWiWp jie *1 services for Bruce AUra TrtX' i batu w ler were conducted at 3 p. m. A «iia^99P jRlwS® flWII Sunday at North Cooleemee ssaailHPBn llilv ^ wM» m Baptist Church bgr the Rev. MMi 4f mt IM M<lm fN Harold Parker. Burial was in WliMna. ffe ^ Salisbury City Cemetery. Mr. Trexler. 58. of Coolee- MM mee, died Friday night, De- ar. cetnber 34 when he was hit ~ by a car oQ Ol^iwij Mt y M about two miles north of mum^ 8d B m Woodleaf. 1 I—. ^ 1.4. ChMssiL MM was ^ #Survivors tnrluqe his par- ohuEOb MlWlsqr* anU. Adam T. aiy MMe BMl rji1l|]|m V mm im m Trexler; five hsotfileiL imm, ^iMPsTlMiW Ray and Clay ThHdar oCl Tmm CoolaasMe, asid Mkdnw and mad Wmmi fMpiiiS. Olenn Trexler oi BaUsbury; and three sisters. Mix. Jamas Mrs. Maahle AsW wIMm Soott and Mn. E. B. Melton of two sans, Mmr $m Cooleemee and Mn. J. W. ibam Baam of Qraeiivma, 8. C. viUe. six 4MlfaMiks.fha 4M. mm QpMiii dS85 0mvivm Iinnln4il Mrs. Mmmrn Awwff two sans, Msmr M viUe. six dimili>MR Fwacxl aond duqind mrnmrn to BM XlM GhuspiL IRM ohureb momm 8, <d Montr ^ fiw J. M MEqM Af iMowigi M m i KTr Ml Mi #. A AiHllwr. Ip mtfa^ihaAD. nB a? Meekawiaie; two oMw ADdaiw itouia A Mas. CSilMa MtMiliiF sihiWhit wd Rl sdhldBBT' Bio - Obituaries - 12/30/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA