Jan - JunDA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 7,1965, Page -3
Mn. Ellnbelh Wood,
Mib. Slizebeth Rodwell Wood. 62.
wffe -d 0«nlge D. Wood, who lived
Qt 2M4 Loorel lload in fiouthside,
JsGfcnmvflte. Fla., died (Dec. 2G at a
Jadcsonvlile ho^tal following an
extoided iUness.
Mrs. (Wood was bom In Modovflie
and had lived in Jadcsonvlile for
maiqr srears.
She (Was a iR8iid)er of the South
JadcsoDvitle Prediylerlan Churdi.
fiorvivorB Includo her husband of
Jacksonville! her mother, Mrs. Quilla
Rodwdl of (Mochsvllle; four dsters,
Mrs. tDowey W. Casey of Jackson*
vfile Beach. Mrs. J. W. Dicfcerson
of Southern Pines. Mrs. Thomas Me-
roiiey and Mrs. O. C. Cortmed. both
of Mocfcavillo: three brothers. J. D.
Rodwcll of Holyoko. Mass.. J. W.
Rodcvell of Mocksvillo and J. H.
Rodwell of Glen Btimle, Md.; and a
number of nieces and nephews.
Funeral services wore conducted
Monday, I>cc. 28. in the cfaapd <rf
Hardoge ond Sons Soulhside nioeral
homo with Dr, Stephen T. (Harvln.
minister of the South Jaeksonvlge
Pred)y(crian Church. oCflciating.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/7/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 14,1965, Page - 4
Mdver T. Oooeli
'Funeral services far Melver The-
mas Gottch, 58, of MocbsvOle. Aoute
I, were conducted at 3:80 p.fn. Wed*
nosday at Eaton Fimonal Home lor
the dtev. Robert Frost and the Rev.
CSyde Settle. Burial was fai the Lib>
crly Methodist Church cemetery.
(He died at Broughton Ho^ltal et
Morganton alter en Illness of several
(He was bom In Davie County to
Thomas and Jessie Deadmon Coudi.
Surviving are two sisters. Mrs.
S. F .Cook of Plalnfleld, Ind.. and
Mrs. Bruce I^ry of MocksvUle. Rt.
4; six brothers, James Couch of
tirbana, Ohio. Otis Coudi of Vir*
glnla Beech, Va., Dewcy Coudi of
MocfcsviHe. Rt. 4, Robert Coudi of
Long Island, N. Y., BSersiiall Coudi
of (Hendate. Cidlf., and Glenn Couch
of Springlldd, Ohio; and a half
brother 6. W. Coudi of HodcsviUe,
Route 4.
Mrs. Cralg Harrison
Ruieral stwlcea for Mrs. Mary
Evelyn (Tray) Harristm, 48, of Cod*
eemee, widow of Cralg Harrison,
were held Ttiesday at 3 pjn. at
Eaton Funeral Home by the Rev.
Gharies Burchdte. Burial was in
Rose cemetery.
Sie died at 6:38 asn. Monday at
her home after a short Illness.
She was bom In Davie County to
C. C. and Mary Cope Young and
was employed by the Veterans Ad>
ministration Hospital at Saliditiry.
Her husband died In 1948.
Surviving are her mother of Coot
eemee; two sisters, Mrs. Leidy
Peeler of Charlotto and Mrs. Fred
C. 'Ihan^sQa of Lincdnton; and two
brothers, Floyd N. Young of Care*
Una Be^ and Baxter Young of
Funeral servlcea for WUUam F.
Wonacfc, 72, were hold Ttiesday,
January 12, at lO a. m. in Piedmrat,
Alabrana. Burial was in Piedmont.
Mr. Womadc, a former resident of
Davie County, died Sunday a. m.
frilowlng a seriotn illness of 1 month.
SurviviRg are: his wife, the fomi'
er Sarah CTaig of Piedmont, Ala*
bama: a daughter, Mrs. Sarah Self,
a son. WilUam F. Womadc Jr., a
brother, Kemp Womack, and five
grandchildren, aU of Birmloidiam,
Alaliama; and rae sister, Bfrs. Carl
Keslor of Route 8, MocksviUe.
Cash GrW Pefia
Funeral servfees for Captain Grief
PoUs. 38, ft roUred tsmse of SaUa*
bury Street, were held Wednesday
at 2 p. m. at Eaton's F\uieral Homo
fay the Rev. Bobby Ridge and the
Rev. Floyd Strain, Burial was In
BeUddiem Methodist Ghurdt come*
Ho died at 8 p. m. Monday at
Davie Cotmty Hospital after an 1U<
ttoss of sovcrd years.
He was bom In Davie County to
Amos and Emmattra McD^d
Surviving are Us wife. Mrs. SalUe
Milter PoUs; a son, Lester Potts of
ModcsvQle; a daughter, Mrs. J. L.
Ham of Mb^vlUe; thrK granddiQ-
dren; a stigtson, Uattes QiUdress of
iSaUsbmy; a stepdaughter. Mrs.
John L. Davis of Gdd HHl RL l;
and nine stqigrasdchOdren.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/14/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 21,1965, Page - 5
Willie Frai^ Savo:, SZ, a retired
farmer of Sollsbuiy. RL 6, died at
I {). m. Mondoy at his home after a
long illness.
■He was bora to Rowan Cous^ and
spent most of his Ufa in Woodleaf.
Ho went to Rowan County six years
ago to live with a daughter. Mrs.
HaUie HalL
His wife. Mrs. hfary Belle Holt
Shaver, dhMi in 19K.
Surviving besides Mrs. Hall are
another daughter, Mrs. Lottie Allen
of Salisbury: six siui}, Frank Mtaver
of Woodleaf, Rt. 1, Walter Shaver of
Cleveland. Arllne and EvereUe Shav*
cr of Woodleaf. Roy Shaver of Sah
Isbury, Rt. 6. and Oirlis Shaver of
Salisbury, Rt i: 23 grandchildren:
22 grcat'graodddldren; a great-
great'grandchlld; and a dstor, Mrs.
Fannie Thomas of Greon^ro.
The fimo^ was conducted at 2
p. m. Wednesday at Unity Presby*
tcrlan Church by the Rev. Alan Wells
and the Rev. Finley Grissett. Burial
was to the church cemetery.
WiU VanEaton
iWitl 'VanEaton died Sunday at
Allen's Free Will Host Home in,
Davidson County following a longj
illness. He was a native and life-;
long resident of Mocksvhle.
Survivors are: his wife, Mrs.
Annie VanEaton (rf the home: one
daughter, Thelma VanEaton of the
homo: but) step-daughters. Miss Ola
•Mae Dulin and Miss Barbara Anne
Dulln of the home: two step-sons.
John Dulln and Nathaniel Dulin of
Mocksville; two toothers. Jake Van-
• Pnt?ti —Blchacd.Voi^ton of Greensboro: and two
sisters, Mrs. Lula Foster and Mrs.
Cody oi Mocksville.
Funeral service was hdd Wednes
day cl 2 p.m. at St. John's A.M.E.
Zion Churd) in Mocksville. con
ducted by the Rev. 8. J. Burke.
Burial was In the diurch cemetery.
Mrs. MatUa JeoWas
■Mrs. MaUle Plowman Jonhins, 77,
of 5 Grove Street. Oodeemee. died
about 4:80 a. m. Monday in Davie
County Hospital after a serious ill
ness d three weeks.
She was bora June S, 1887. in
YadUn County to Jdm and Rena
Cranfleld Plowman. She was mar
ried to tbo late P. B. JenMns.
Mrs. Jcnhtos ts survived by four
daughters. Bfrs. Russell Ridenhour
of Cooleemee, Mrs. George I. Frye
of •Mocksville. Rt 2. Mrs. Donald
Frank of Lexington. Rt. S. and Mrs.
D. C. Reynolds of Stanleyville: two
sons, Irvtn Jenkins of St Louis,
Mo., and the Rev. Clarence Jenkins
of Seogrove Rt. 1; 22 grandchildren.
ZS great-granddifldren and two
greatpgreatgrandchildren. Also sur
viving ore a sister. Mrs. Jottio Melt
on of Yadkinvllle, Rt 2, and a
brother. Gus Plowman of Winston-
The funeral was conducted at 3
p. m. Wednesday at Turaetine Bap
tist Church by the Rev. W. H. Perry
and tlte Rev. Ray BlUiogs. Burial In
Fork church centetery.
Bio - Obituaries -1/21/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 28,1965, Page - 5
Mrs< Elitho Rcovis
Mpji Cow Erw nw^'toi i w, of
Harmony, Rt. 2. widcw of Elisha
Reavls, tiled Pridny ol her home.
She has 1)ecn In declining health
for some time.
Mrs. Reavls was bom in Irodell
County to John B. end Martho
Hon-ard Riddle.
fiurvUIng arc three daughters.
Mrs. James Dowden of Gcrmnnlon,
Mrs. Roy SherrlH of Harmony and
Mrs. Al\is Lee of Advance: two
son3. Lee 0 and Hubert Reavls of
Harmony: a sister. Mrs. Mamie
Allen of Wlnslnn-Salcm; two broth*
crs. Frank Riddle of Winslon*Snlcm
and George RldtUo of Advance: 13
grandchildren: ond a greal-granil*
'Hto funeral was conducted at S
p. m. Monday ot Rodcy Springs
Oaplist caiifi'ch by tlte Rev. Clay
Macemore, the Re*'. Paul Moore, the
Rev. S. H. Rcnegar and the Rev.
Graham Woolen. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Mrs. John Helper
Mrs. John llepler. 87, R(. I, Mocks*
vllto, died at 8:30 a. m. Soturady
ot her home, foltovring a long INncss.
A nallx'e of Dario County, she was
btmi April 27, 1877, the daughter of
the late E. B. Sain and Harriet Dan
iel Sain.
Survivors Include o dou^iter. Mrs. I
S. D. Jpyner, Rt. 1, Mocksville: a'
son, George Heplcr, Rt. 2, Harmony;
seven grandchSdrcn, 28 great grand*
children and flvo great great grand
Funeral services was conducted
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at
Oak Grove Methodist Church In
David County. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. Jack Yarbrough,
Rev. W. C. Barkley. Rev. Tommy
Tuggle ond Rev. Paul Moore. Burial
fidlowcd in the church comoleiy.
Mrs. H. F. Long
Mrs. Carrie Allison long. 91, of 335
Norih Center Street, StatesvUle. died
at 1 P. M. last Thursday at Lynn
Haven Nursing Home at Mccksx'illc.
She had been critically ill for ten
Mrs. Long, widow of tho late Dr.
Henry FloU^cr Long, was bom in
the Tumer^irg community on Jan.
I, 1874. She was a daughter of the
late Thomas Johnstcm and Elizabeth
Chunn MHson.
She allonded Mitchell Coltogc,
Stalesvilte, and was a member of
First Presbylerian Churcti. She was
a homemokcr. devoting her life to
her hcme and family. Mrs. Long
n cttvwHm roatticr ml the yew Jn
Her husband died on July 28.1D89.
Dr. Long, one of the first surgeona
In the Sialesvillo area, established
Long's Sanatorium Ihore, Iho fore*
rtomer of J. F. Long Hospital on
North Center Street. The hospital
closed when iFcdoll Memorial Hos
pital was creeled.
Surviving arc three daughlcrs,
Mbs Marlnniia Long of Duriiam,
Mrs. Virginia Long Howcll of Atlan
ta, Ga., ond Mrs. Caroline Lcng
Sanfcrd of Mocksx'ilic; five sens,
.lohn F. Long of Statcsvillc. Dr.
William M. Long of Mocksvillo.
Tltnrlon Long of Asheboro, Locke C
Lcng cf Salisbury, and Dr. Robert
Long of Stalesville; 18 grandchildren
and 14 grcnt-gmndchildrcn: a broth
er. M.ijor William T. Allison, and n
siller, Mra. Pcgram Bryant, both
cf Statcsxitle.
Fttneral services for Mrs. Long
woe hold at 3 p. m. Friday at the
residence on Noitti Center Street,
wiUi the Rev. Ndll R. McGcochy
ornclaling. Burial was In Ookwood
Bio - Obituaries - 1/28/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 11,1965, Page - 4
Wttilam Eaton >
Fiuteral services for William Henry
Eaton of ModtsvUIe, iRl. 5. were hold
at S:30 Tuesday at Cedar Ocek
Baptist Church. Rev. W. C. Hay of-
He died Friday evoninc at his
He was a lifdong resldent'of Davie
County. He was a fanner and a
membe ntf Corinthian Lodge No. 17,
Prlnoe Hall Mhsons. of Moeksvilte.
He was a deacon at Cedar Creek
Baptist Church.
Cucvlvors indude his wife. Mrs.
Nora Eaton; five daughters. Miss
Jean Eaton of the home, Mrs. Ann
Canwbell and Mrs. Que<mo MCKnight
of <Winston-Salom, Mrs. Willie Mae
Wiseman of Newarh, N. J., and Bliss
Bessie Lee Eaton of far Rocfcaway,
N. Y.; three sons, Odell Eaton c( the
Redland commnnily, H. P. Eaton.
Q'aiwfordvllle. Ga., and Thomas G.
Eaton of Wlnston^em; a sister.
Miss VaUie Eaton of Winston'Saletn;
eo grandchildren and nine great*
Bio - Obituaries - 2/11/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 18,1965, Page - 3
Turner Harding Vtagncr, 44. of
iol ObIcwopiI In Rwinayete
died about 9:30 a. m. Saturday ar<
ler suffering a heort attack while
driving, pcUce sold.
When the fatal heart attack
occurred. Wagner's car traveled 200
feet l>efore crashing through a plate
glass window end Into a Atmllure
store, polico said. No one was In*
His wife. Edith Bamhardt Wagner,
was killed in a one*car aeddenl In
May 1001.
Mr. Wagner was ham In Davle
County to Price Jones Wagner end
Ethel Sndlh Wagner. Ho had lived
in Kannapolts since 1^.
He WOTtod ior Stgierior Stone Co.
in Charlotte.
Surviving are a stepdaitghter, Mrs.
Marione Obreman of THiuitm Calif.:
three sisters, hfrs. Leo (Pouneey of
Kanaapdiis, Mrs. Bryan Home of
Concord end Mrs. John Stafford of
RddsvOIo; end a lirothor, wmiam
Wagner of Pine KaS.
The funeral was conducted at 3:80
p. m. Sunday at Mount MthdieU
Methoihst Churdi by the Bev. D. P.
Smolherman and the Rev. Bryon
WhlUey. ettrial was In the church
flfie (Uneral for DaWd LuUter
Aidwards, 65. of Gary. Ind.. formerly
of Bavie County, was conducted at
8:30 ^ m. Sunday «t New Union
Methodist Church iv the (Rev. Bruce
Hobscm and 4he Bev. Chster Lollln.
BurM was in ilie duirch cemetery.
Mr. Edwards tded WOdnesdoy.
Feb. la
Barmy Hay WlBians, d^day-old son
of Mir. land James IP. WiUlams
of Boute a. Mhcksvine. died Friday,
Feb. 08 in Bavie County HcRdtal.
Graveside services were brid at 2
p. m. Sunday. Scdem Methodist
Cborcfa Cemetery in Bovle County,
the IRov. Boby Evans. In additfon to
<tiia parents, he is survived by the
grandmother, Mrs. Glenn WQUoms
of dtoite I. MiDcksvaBo, sreat*pttnd*
pareiUs. Kr. and Sirs. John O'Neal
of Boute 5, Mbcksuilte: grandpar^
•enis, Mr and Mrs. JOho.L. Swlnk
of Route 9. Salisbury end a great*
grarnhnothei^ Mrs. (RCheoca Hut*
thens of Statesvfflo. • • •
Mm. Samuel Basra
ibneral amtulees for Mrs. LflUe
BandHl Benson, 7f, of Oooleomec,■wprehold at8:aoiun. Wednesday atC^BflRtsp Churdi
fay thb Rev. Jw% MdUdn. Burial
was In Cboleeniee Legion Park.
Mhs. Betisoa, «ddow -of Samud.
Benson, died at 9:90 pjm .Mooday
at Hoivea Nursing HUme at Lexing
ton. She had been in decOlidng health
several months.
Mm. (Benson was bom In Arfcan*
sas to Mr. and Mrs, William Baa*
dfifll^rvivtag are four dasidttefa. Mrs.
Neil Smith of Mocksvflle, Bt. 4, and
Mrs. Rldiard •Bverttart, Mrs. (Mike
(Walker and Mrs. WUUm Ckries of
Oooleemse; three sons, Eugene Ben*
son of Cooleomee end William and
James Benson of CharloUe; 18
granddiUdrra; and a sister, Mrs.
Many J. fieadmm of (E^tur, Ga.
B. H. Hunter
YUneral services for Edgar Haidc
Hunter, 79. of 0223 Ebert Street, Win*
sbm*fi£dem, were conducted at 3 p.m.
(Wednesday at Mount Canmel Mei^
dist CSuroh by the iRov. Paul Castle,-
the (Rev. O. W. Charltcn and the
Rav. George deminer. Burial was
In Oak Summit Methodist Cbundi
(Mr. Shmlmr was a retired supm^
<vlsor for (R. J. Boyrndds Tobmwo
Co., and ho died at 3:20 pjn. Mon
day at his home In WtnstonCalem.
He had been In decUnlng health
since last May.
Mr. Hunter was bom In Datrie
County to Samuel C. and SIdbena
Etchlm Hunter and moved to Win*
stonG^em in 1907.
He was an employee of B^nolds
Tobaooo 98 years and retlrod 19 years
ago as a supervisor la the blending
Mr. Sfunter was a momber <tf ML
Caimel Methodist Church.
Guiwivine are his wtfs. Sbns. k&m*tha Scott Hunter; four daugl^.
Mrs. LucQle Williams of Cocoa. Fla.,
Mrs. Betty Buckingham of Baltimore, Md., Miss Sai^ F. Hunter of
the homo and Mrs. Helen Hilton of
1906 Princeton Wlnsto»6alemt
four sons, Joe C. and A. Fraidc Hun*
ter of Midway. B. L. Hunter of Lewis*
vUle and •WUUam C. Hunlw of Win*
slonHBlaro; 18 grandritUdreQ: ftvo
greabgrandridldrent a sister, lltn.
Flora Latham of MoeksvlUei and
four mcihers. C .Beld and Romer
Hunter of MioriiwUle. W. R. ifuntercf
2919 Stodrton Street and C. B. Run*
ter of 6070 New Qermanlaa Bead,
Bio - Obituaries - 2/18/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 18,1965, Page -3
Loiter F. Fvwsi Of
FHmeral lervtoes for liHter Fraok*
te f9v8W. AT. a famw* of BtodbvSle^
nt. s. will bo held Thunday at S:90
pm at the Cteftmit Crave MetbO'
diet Cbuivfa. Tbi Sev. fiiuoe
coo ttU) flfCdaie. Burial will to la
Ito douch ceoefoiy.
Mr. ISvane died at 1:10 p-m*
Ttoadfly la tto Bowaa Uamarlal Uof'
pftal alter as lUaeaa 9i a week.
Mr. Evans was born In Davie
County to Franklin and EUza Graves
Busvivlns are bis wife, Mrs. Sadie
Bowles Evans; two daughters, MVs.
fN. C. Smith of Salisbury and Mrs.
lAraold E^dtey of Gadonla; two
sisters, Mrs. Levl Braokwi of Modes-
vlUe, Rt. S, and Miss Matoka Evans
of the home: and five granddtlldrcn.
dfampfon Colhoun Jones, 86. of 733
Bailey Street, MocksvOle, died at
11:30 p. m. Tuesday nldit at the
Davie Ootmty {Hoqdtal. Mr. Jones,
a retired farmer, was a mttifoer d
foe caiurdi of Ghrtsl.
Me was bom In Davie .Qounty onF
Ootdier 20.1B78 to J. M. end Virgin
ia Anderson Jones. He was married
lo Miss Ida Jane Shives on Aprfl
18, 1901.
Me is survived by his wife; two
sons, J. C. Joncts and Carl Jmes,
both of ModcvUIe; five daughters,
Mrs. Ernest Lagle of Mooksvflte;
Hfrs. Held TowaQ of MocksvSle' Kt.
1; B&s. Ernest Koontz^ Mrs. Bruce
"Dimer and Mrs. Karr Graves, all of
ModovQIe Bt 4. Twenty-four grand-
ddldren and 18 greut-gnmdohildren
2 lirothers: Austhi Jtmes of WHkes-
boro & Sam Jones of ModcsviUe Rt.
1; two sisters, Mrs. John Ratledge of
Elkin and Mrs. John Grcra of
MocksvUIe XU. 1.
At press time funeral eTrangments
were incomplete.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/18/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 25,1965, Page - 5
Kemp B. Womack. 09. of Blrmlns*
ham, AlobamiL Jgrmcr resident of
Davte Counly. died at G a. m. Tues*
day. Fcbruaiy 23, after a brief
He was a brother of the late Fife
VVomadc of Birmingham.
Other survivors tndude: his wife:
4 children; 1 sister, Mrs. Carl Kes*
Icr of nt. 5.
Funeral nrrangemcnts were In*
ccmpeta at press time.
Lonate Caratm
The body of Lonnic Carson of
iMocksvllle. Rt. 3, is at Morrison*
Shtdovoiu Funeral Home In Mocks*
viHe pending arrangements. He died
Sunday at Davie County Hospital
after a brief illness.
A native of IrcdcH County. Mr.
Carson lived In Davie County 13
yenrs. Ho svas o momber of Pleasant
Hill Baptist Churdi.
Supvivors include his mother. Mrs.
liilllo Dalton: six brothers, HiUrey,
Human, Nat. OdeHe, Matthew and
Nathantial iDalton, and two sisters.
Mrs. iLtUIan DouUn and Mrs. Ruby
Howoll, all of Mocksviile.
Mrs. Carrie Orrcll Kurfees, 83, of
Mocksville, Rt. 4, widow of D. C.
Kurfees Sr., died early 'Diesdoy at
her homo after on illness of four
days. '
Mrs. Kurfeei was bom in Davie
County to U. A. and Mary Williams
She was a member of Hardison
Methodist Church in Da^4e County.
Her husband died in 1045.
Surviving are three sons, D. C.
Kurfees Jr. and Robert O. Kurfees
of MccksxHIIo. Rt. 4. and Ralph C.
Kurfees of Harmony: two dou^tm,
Mrs. c. P. Johnson of Havdock and
Mrs. Durwood Lenwnt of Levittown,
Po.; and 10 grandchildren.
The funeral will be conducted at
2:30 p, m. Thursday at Hardison
•Methodist Church by the Rev. Roby
Evoas, the Rev. Robert Oakley and
the Rev. Sidney Norton. Burial wiU
be in Center Methodist Church ce
Survivors include six brdhcrs.
J^ Ifbward of Noshvlitc, Tcnn..
Qinard P. Howard of Mocksville,
Glenn Z. Howard of Baltimore. Md..
CarrdI P. Howard of Skaocateleis.
N. Y., Marshall S. Howard of West
Palm Beach, Fla., imd Gilmor B.
Howard of Baltfrooe, Md., four
Sisters, Mrs. Mildred Hddtouser of
NOrfdk, Va., Mrs. Thebna Franek
of Baltimore. Md.. Mrs. Thirca Ust.
of WhtJton-Saicm, Mrs. Dorothy
McOomb of Baltimore, Md.
Mrs. George Williams, 74
Funeral services for Mrs. Abble
Lofler Williams, 74, wife of George
GMhlams of Mocksville, Route 4. were
held Sunday at 4 p.m. at Uberty
Methodist Church by the He\'. W. R.
Frost, the Rev. J. B. FItsgcrald and
the Rev. G. W. Fink. Burial was In
the duirch cemetery.
She died early Friday at Davie
County Hospital. She had been In de*
dining health several months.
(Mrs. AWIliams was bom In Davio
Cminty to H. Frank and Clara Gray
She was a member of Ubcrly
Methodist Churdi.
Surviving besides her hiuband are
a son, Kermlt LeHer of Detroit,
Mich.; a sister, Mrs. Ully Unk of
Wlnston^mi; and a grandson.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 25,1965, Page - 2
Funeral services for Mini Audrey
Dean Howard of Miami Bench, Flo.
were &tnday ancraaon, Fd). M, at
3:30 at Summersell Funeral Cliapol
in Salisbury by the Rev. F. E. How*
ard of Charlotte. Burial wos In Ro*
wan Memorial Park.
Miss Howard died Friday at her
home in idiami Beach. Death wos
A native of Davte County, Mis;
Howard was Uie doubter d the late
I>ewltt and Cora Bdl Rouce Howard.
She attended Davie Counly schools.
John Henry Cook, 78
(F\uieral services for Jdm Henry
Cook. 78, of Modcsville. Route 4.
wore held "Dieaday at 2 p.m. at
Macedonia Moravian Cbundi by the
Rev. Taylor Loflin and the Rev.
Nmnan (Byerly. Burial was In the
dmrch cornet^.
He was dead on arrival at 7:30
pjn. (Sunday ot Davie County Hos*
idlal. iHe had been In n health.
He was bom in Davie County to
ID. J. and Sarah paries Cook.
Afr. Cook was a member of Mace-
"donM IMaravlan Qmrdi and the Ma*
soalc Lodge.
He wos married twice, first to
Victoria Foster who died In 1939. His
second wife was Kale HMmes Lewis.
Survivineare blswife; three daugh*
ters, Mrs. (D. P. Younts of €9em*
(tnons, Mrs. jr. L. Cariner of Route
0, Mocfcovllle and Mrs. Jcdin Byeriy
of GHemmons; a son, J<dinny Cook of
Newport News, Vs.; seven grand*
diltdrmi; two brothers, C. F .OhA
of WInston-Salem and R. B. Cook of
Homestead, Fla.; and fiiree sisters,
iSto. G. A. Holder, 0^. (N. B. Rags*
date and (Mrs. J. 1.. Csrii of Wlnstoo*
Bio - Obituaries - 2/25/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 4,1965, Page - 1
Fletcher L. Ferebee
Killed In Accident
Fletcher lice Ferd)ee, 19, of Route
1, Advance, was killed Salu^ay night
in an auiomoblio acddenl in Forayth
County. Hie accident occurred when
a car in which three boys were rid*
ins went out of control in a curve
during a hi^^qiced chase by police.
Injured in the accident were John
Robert Riddle. 19, of Advance, Rt.
1, and Qerald Ste^lien Smith, 19, of
Cdooksvitle, RL 2.
Mr. fVircbee >1708 bom in Davio
County to John and Evelyn Safley
Ferebee and was employed as a tile*
seUer by C. M. Tesh of Ctemmons.
Surviving are his parents of the
home; a brother John Frank Fere
bee of the home: his grandparents,
Mrs. John F. Fereboo of the home
and Mr. and ftlrs. Robert Safloy of
tModcsvilie; and his great*grandnu>*
ther, Mrs. A. F. CampboU of Gads*
den, AlMiama.
F\uterai services were held Blon*
day afternoon at the Eaton Funeral
dfome. The Rev. Brown McKlnney,
the (Rev. Dwigbt Madibuin and the
Rev. Alvis Cheshire cfRcialed. Bur
ial was in Eatons Baptist Cfaurdi
Bio - Obituaries - 3/4/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 4,1965, Page - 2
Andrew J. Cope
Funeral services for Andrew Jack«
sen 'Cope. 9li, bcvq canditsdcd Sucdajr
ea 9 ftjrL ai Aiaesdanla SUararian
Cfuirch bf Ltia Bov. TayCnr tenin.
Ihe Rev. Ed Braver and tiie Rev.
Alvls Cheshire. Burial was in the
churdi grov^onL
Mr. Cope, a fanner, at Advance,
Route 1. died at 7:49 a.'ni Fridojr at'
Davis Rosidtal In StatesvlUe oRer on
Illness of 15 doys.
lie (was horn In Davle County lo
Wlllloni and Alary Hodge Cope and
was a member of Macedonia Morav<
Ion .Church,
His Nvife. Mrs. Mary Frances ESlIs
Cope, died in 1964.
surviving ore a daughter. Mrs.
John C. Foster of Advance. Rt f:
four grandchildro); two great-
grandddldrcn; a brother, John Cope
of Advance. Rt. 1: and bwo sisters,
Mrs. Henry Hoekaday and Mrs. An
nie Smith of Advance, At. L
Floyd A. Nail
ffXmeral services for Floyd Alex
ander Nail, 72. of Wcodleof. Route 1.
were conducted Monday at 4 pm. at
Cooleerace Alethodlst Church by tho
Rev. Joe Melton, the Rev. ^onk
Stough ond the Rev. Allen Wells.
Burial was in Liberty Methodist
Ohundi cemetery.
Mr. Noil wos dead on arrival at
4:30 p.m., Saturday at Rowan Me-
morl^ iHospltal in Salisbury. He had
been 111 IS years.
He was bora In Rowan County to
Horace and Augusta Eller Nail. He
was a retired employe of Erwln
AQlIs and was a munber of Cooleo*
inee Methodist Church. He also was
director of the Cooleemee Bond for
several years.
His wife, Mrs. Eva Allon Nail,
died last March.
Survhdng are a daughter. Mrs.
Jane 'Fleming of Woodieaf, Route 1;
three grandchildren; five sisters,
Mrs. Guy Foster, Mrs. Waiter Shoaf,
and SRss Lacy Riddle of Cooleemee,
'Mrs. fBuri Vlck of Mocksvllle and
Mrs. L>. A. Fox of Salisbury; and
Iwo brothers, Sidney and Heniy Nnll
of Oooteomce.
^ ' Mn. S. W. Radford
S^ineral services for Mrs. Bfary
Bello Radford, 81, of MocksvUle. JU.
7. were hdd Sunday at 4 p.m. at
MoorefCHpatrlcfc Funeral Chapel in
Bravard. Burial was In Gillasple
Evergreen Cemetery. i
Mrs. Radford, widow of S. W. Rad
ford, died at 6 p.m. Friday at Davle
Oounly Hospital after suHerlng a sud
den iUness at her home.
She was bora at Brovord to Pierce
and SalUe Duekworlh McCorrcU ond
was a member of Hrst Baptist
Churcli (here.
Mrs. Radford had lived several
years with a nephow, WlUiam How
Surviving is a sister, (Mrs, Thomas
Hunt of Greendioro.
Mrs. Paul Jehosoo
Rtneral services for Mrs. Rcbedea
Griffin Johnson, 62, of Winston-Sa*
Ian, were conducted Sunday at 4
pjn. at Eaton's Chapel by tte Rev.
iBnice Hobson. Burial was In Joppa
(Mrs. Johnson, wMow cd Paul John
son, died at 12:49 pjn.. Saturday in
a WinstooBalem HoqHtai after on
illness of (wo weeks.
She wos horn in Davle County to
Daniel and Lou Lola Lloyd Griffin.
She was married first to R. L. Bean,
Ihen to Mr. Johnson.
Surviving are three sons. James
FTankUn Bean and Clyde M. Bean
of Wlnston^ialem and Clarence R.
Bean of KeraersvlUe; a daughter,
Mrs. Jdm Hasketl of WlnstonSalem;
40 grenddiltdren; a great-grandriilld;
and two sisters, Mn. Minnie BeH
■Hutdieos of ModtsvlUe and Mn.
West Call of Danville. Va.
Clarence E. Aaderson. 59
Funeral services for Clareitoe El-
bert Anderson. 59. of 216 Paricwood
Drive. •Wlnslon-Salem, were held
Wednesday afternoon at Vogler's
Chapel in Wlnston-Salem. Burial was
in Oaklawn Memorial Gardens.
A native of Davle County. Mr.
Anderson died Monday artntiom at
the Forsyth Memorial HospHal. fie
had been in declining health a year.
Mr. Anderstm was bora in Davle
County in May (g 1905 to Garfleld and
the late Tobiiha Tutlerow Anderioo.
He went lo work for Uanes Hoileiy
in 1925 and hod been foreman In tlw
knitting dopoitment for the last
26 years.
Surviving In addlUon to his father
of Mockavlllo. Rt. 1. Is his wifo.
Mrs. Annie E. Anderson of the home;
otic daughler, Mrs. Gray Allen of
Sdena Drive, Wlnston-Satem: Owo
grandchildren. Two tnxUhers. Walter
P. Aodcrsoo of Ralei^ and J. M.
Aiiderson of htodwviUe, lU. 1; three
sisters. Mrs. Herman Maness of High
Point, Mrs. Uo Jones of Whtstoo-
fialem. and Mrs. Jim Owlngs of
Bio - Obituaries - 3/4/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March II, 1965, Page - 5
T. A. Blnckwelder, Sr.
Funeral services fer Thomas A.
Blockfwddor, Sr., 79. of Mocksvlllo,
wore conducted at 2 p.m. Salurdoy.
March 0, at IJamcs Crossroads Bap*
list Church by the Hcv. A. E. Ocn«
try and tho Itev. Wade llutchlns.
Mr. Biachwcldcr died at 10:30 a.m.
Thursday at his home afler a heart
He was a retired farmer and a
former member of the Iraard of
directors of d)avle Electric Member
ship Corp.
Mr. BlaOkweldcr was born In Davio
County to H. H. and Mollte Hairing*
ton BlackM'Clder.
Sun'lving ore his wife, the former
Eliza Eaton: two sons, Charlie
Biackweldcr of MocksvlUe. Ht. 2,
and James <L. Blackwelder of Modes*
vltle, Rt. S; a daughter, Mrs. Bun*
yan Choffln of Alocksvlilc, Rt 2:
19 grandchildren; 17 great*grandchil*
dren; and a sister, Mrs. Daisy Tut*
terow of (Modcsviile^ Rt. 1.
nerman L. Clcory
Funeral services for Herman Lu
ther Cleary. SO, were condueted
Tuesday at 2 p.m., at Eaton's Fun
eral Home Chsi>cl by the Rev. Taylor
Loflin and Iho Rev. Alvis Cheshire.
Burial Avas in the (Macedonia Morav*
Ian Church graveyard.
Mr. Cleaiy, a sawmill contractor
oT (Advance, Rt. '1, died at his home
at 8:2S p.m. Sahirdoy, March 6. He
had been In declintog hcailh several
(Mr. Cleaiy was born In Davie
County to AV. L. and Purina Reavis
Cleary. He was a member of Rocky
Springs Baptist Church.
Surviving are his wife, the former
■Miss Clara Walker; one daughter.
■Miss Deborah Cleary of the home;
his mother, of Harmony; three sis
ters, (Miss Edna Cleary of Elkin,
Mrs. Aiva Martin of Jonesvllle, and
(Mrs. M. S. COloninger of 'XannapoUs;
and three brothers. Wade Cleary of
Mocksvilte, Rt 2, Hoover Cleaiy of
Harmony, Rt 2, and Harvey Cleary
of StatesviUe.
Miss Faith Dcftdmon
Funeral services for Miss Faith
Lovlna Deadmon were conducted at
2:30 p.m. fViday at TUrrenllne Bap
tist <%urdi by the Rev. W. H. Peny
and the Rev. E. M. James. Burlid
was In the church cemetery.
Miss iDeadmon, who lived on the
Yadklnvlile Road, end was an em
ployee of Uie Davie County Agri
cultural StabUizatlon and Consc^vailon fiej^e, $ed at 8:10 pm.Wcdne9(Iay,*'^r& 3. at her homo
after an ifLaSs"^ several mondts.
Miss IDeadmon was born In Da:^e
County lo 8i. (M .and IhtiseUa Berrler
She .was a member of Turrcntlne
Baptist Oiurch.
Surviving ore live sisters, Mrs.
Bob Poster of Mocksvine, Ar
thur Baker df (Mocksvillc, Rt 5, Mrs.
May Slauser of •Pfafftown, Rt 2, Mrs.
Eva Graves of Moeksyillc, Rt. 4, and
Mrs. Kate Thompson of Sallsbuiy:
and ttwo brothers, Pelbe Deadmon of
Alexandria, Va., and M. C. Deadmon
of Modcsvllle.
Mrs. Noah Pendtelon
Ftuicral services for Mrs. Stella
Stonestrect Pendeiton of 1121 South
Hawthorne Road, Winston - Balem,
were conducted at 1 pm. Friday at
Voglcrs Chapel by the Rev. Gene
Little. (Burial was in Forsylb Me
morial Park.
blrs. Pendtelon, widow of Noah
Edward Penlieton, died at 4.45 p.m.
Wednesday, March 0, at Baptist Hos-
pUai. She had been in declining
health several years.
Mrs. Pendleion was born in Davie
County lo John 'A. and Jane Peniy
She graduated as a registered
nurse from a (Richmond, Va., hospital
and was employed 35 years by the
Health •Department of Ballimore,
Md., before she moved to Winston*
Saiem en retiring.
(Mrs. Pmdleton was a mendier of
Centenary (Methodist Church.
Her husband died fn 1961.
Surviving are three sisters. Mrs.
R. <W. Coliette of 814 MlUer Street,
Mrs. Charles Robb of Woodleaf and
Mrs. J. IW. 'Horn, with .whom she
Bio - Obituaries - 3/11/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 18,1965, Page - 4
Mn. J. w. 4om», a*.
FUtmn^ aewleea for Mn. Sadie
Watlor Jones, Ot, of ModnvlQe. RL
8, iwore coaducied Monday al 4 pjn.
at ElbandOe SteUiodist Ghurdi by
' the Rev. Billy CUnard and the Rev.
Calrl Ualre. fimial was In the churdi
Mrs. JMies, widow of J. W. Jones,
Sr.. died of a heart attack early
Saturday at her iKune.
She iwas born In Davlc County to
John and Jane vnillshunt Walter and
was a tneniber of Elbai^ Methodisl
Surviving are flve daughters, Mrs.
dlfton Barnes. Mrs. Oyde Taylor,
and Mrs. Robert Lee Robertson of
MooksvUIe. Rt. 3, Mrs. Wmiam Ni^
fong of Lexington and Miss Barbara
Jones of the home: a son. John
Wesley Jones, Jr., of Modcsvllle,
Rt 3: nine grandchitdrra; a greal*
grandchild: three dsters, Mrs. Jako
Jones of Modcsville, Rt 3, and
Mrs. Clyde SIdden and Mrs. Sam
Frye of Advance. Rt 2. and three
brothers, Nat and George Wafier of
Salisbury. Rt 2. and Kelly Waller
of ModcsvIUo, 3U. 4.
Jack J. Andmoo
Funeral serdees for Jade J. An*
derson, 76. were conducted al 2 pjn.
Monday at Bear Creek Baptist
Ontrdi by the Rev. Albert Bracken,
the Rev. W. C. Barkicy and the
Rev. Paul Mono. Burial was In the
churdi oomelmy.
Mr. Anderson, a retired farmer
of MoeksvlUe. Rt l, died at 4:30
a.m. Saturday at Davie County Bos*
pital. He had been in deeUnlng health
several months.
He was bom In Bavle County to
W. F. and Camilla Reavis Anderson.
Siuvivlng are his wife, Mrs. Mar*
tha Reavis lAnderson; three sons. C.
M. Anderson of MocksvUle. Odell
Anderson of Cookemee and Albert
Anderson d Mockavitle, Rt I; three
daughters. Miss Nina Anderson of
MocksvUle. Rt 1. Mrs. Elvin Joyner
of MocksvUle, Rl. S, and Mrs. H. D.
Banner of MocksvUle: 16 grandchU*
dren; and two sisters, Mrs. Dalton
Roger and Mrs. FUmcre Ireland of
MocksvUle, Rt. l.
Funeral services for Mrs. Sula
Jones, 82, of 311 Hattoi Streot. Jock*
son. Tenn.. who was the mother of
Paul W. Jones id Rt 2. Advance,
were held Monday. March 8. at 2
p. m. at Calvary Baptist Church in
Jackson with Rev. John Gitti^ and
Dr. David Byrd officiating. Burial
was In the Parkburg Cemetery.
Mrs. Jones died Satundiiy, Mflfdl 1
0. at 6:30 p. m. In Iho jodBiea*
Madison County CtaitfOl HospItM
where she had been a patient since
She was bom and reared in Mhdls*
on County, dettghlor ol the lale And*
row and Victoria Hopper Lennon Bfid
had resided In the vlcintty her entire
Ufe. She was married Dee. 83, 1012
to James P. Jones, who preceded her
In death sovftral years ago.
Mm. Jones was a dtarler mendier
of iho Calvary B^tlst Church and
was a member of Mrs. Edgar Rob
erts Sunday Schod Class.
&nvJors in addition to Mr. Jones
include include another son, Jamra
L. Jones of Jackson; two hnXhsta,
Franklin Lennon of Paiihuaha,
Franklin Lennon of Paullnuha,'
Okla.: a sist^*, Mrs. Dora Edson of
Moyflold. Ky.: four grandchildren -
and two greet grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/18/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 25,1965, Page - 1
First *6S Highway Fatality Occurs Monday
Davie Man Killed in Wreck
Oavie's first liishway fatality ofj
1885 occurred arcund 6:25 a.in. Mon*
day in a collision between a 1639
Mercuiy and a Iractor-trailcr on U^.
M, two tnilcs cast of 31ock8viUc.
flcnnie Joseph Morris, 42, of Rt.
4, Bloeksvllle, was kitted when he
was thrown from the cor and be*
Ilovcd run-owr by the tractoptraiter
as it went down the embankment.
Morris' body ^ns mutilated olmost
licyond recognition.
State Highway Patrolman K. N.
Bolick said tltat his investigation
disclosed the following:
Morris was operating lite 1035
Mercury ond w-os heading West on
U.S. (H to his work at Heriiuge Fur>
niture Company in Mocksviilc. The
tractor-trailer (a 1603 Wiiite owned
by the N(n\ion IVansportution Com
pany of Lenolri was beading cost
being operated t^* Wilton Iconltour,
37, of Lenoir, Rt. i.
Patrolman (Bulick said that Morris
was traveling behind another car.'
Tliis var sluwed down to n\-oid
pteces of wtKid in the roadway and'
Murrls. apparently in the effuri to
stew down his vehlete, slid side
ways into the left lane into the lulli
uf ihi* ira;ior-tr.iiIer which hit the
Mercury broadside oji the right sick'.
Tite cullision oceured in the east-
biNtiKl iraific lane. The car was
knocked backward some 30 feel
across llic road to tite west side and
down an ombunkiiuMtt. Ilw tractor-
trailer eoiitiaiied off the right shmit-
der and luriieit (net* down an em
'tHad Morris Iteen wearing a seat
belt, this might have not been a
fotality." said Patrolman Bolick.
lcenl»ur avas treated for minor
injuries at the Davie County Hos-
puital and released.
The Mercuiy was completely de
molished, The motor and transmiss
ion from this car were thrown 35 feet
from where the car came to rest.
! Patrolman Bolick said no charges
\vouId be made,
I Funeral Services
I Funeral scAlces for Mr. Morris
Avcre held Tuesday ut Futon's Chap
el. The nev. Thomas Tuggto olficiut-
ed. Burial w:ts in the Dutchman's
Creek Baptist Church cemcleiy.
Mr. .Morris was born in Florence,
i.s. c.. to C. I^wrence and Kllcn
! Kvatis Morris. He was employed by
Heritage Furniture Co. of Mocksville.
He was a 4nember of Dutchman's
Creek Baptist Cluireh.
i Surviving are his wife. klrs. Huby
.Myers Morris; one daughter. Mrs.
■Jcr.y Brooks of MocksvlUc. lU. 4:
fcur sons. I.nrr>'. .foe, Hunnle and
Michael Mu.'ris. all of ilic home;
lite g.'aiidchild: four sisters. Mrs.
.1. 0. l.amb and Mrs. W. .1. Rogers
of Flurcniv. S. C.. and Mrs. !•:. .1. i
Fods and Mrs. George Tcmplclon of |
Witbion-Salem: two lirolhers. Krnest
Morris of Winsiun-Satom and Jumcs
klorris of Cliadbourn: and four half
, sisters. Mrs. Paul Tisdale. Mis. Clif
ton Elliot I. Mrs. Hurry Taylor and
Mrs. KImer Mun'is. all of Klugstree.
S. C.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/25/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 25, 1965, Page - 5
Funcrnl scn'lces for Kenneth Mar-
vih Choffln, 74. a reUrcd nwrcliont
and former of Woadlenf, Rl. 1. ww
conducted ot a p.nt. Satnrday, March
20. Ql Efllon'a Chaiiel hy the Rev.
Bllty ClJnord and the Rev. ].!iwn«te:
Corroll. Burial wn* in FUlIcn Mplh-
odlsl Chuix>h cemetery.
Mr. Charnn died of a heart oltnck
at 6:1.1 p. m. Thitrsdoy at his homo.
Ho ww Iwm in Dnx-ic County to
Abnor k and Claudia Ciousc Choftln
qnd was n mcndter of the Patriotic
Order of Sons of America.
''Burvlvlnjt ore his wife, Mrs. Maude
i^liler Chaffln; 10 sons. John. Eu-
gene, Roy. Hugh. Melvin ond Ken
neth Chaf-fin. all of Wowlleaf, Rl.
1. Robert and Junior Chaffin of Lex
ington and Charile and I«itcr Chaf
fin of Wise. Vo.3 a daughter. Mrs,
hCae Barber of Tltom.isx'nie: 9Z
grandchildren: 19 grcat-grondchild.
two brothers. Stacey H. and Joe
f%atrin of Mockaviile, Rl.l. ornd four
slkcrs, Mrs. James Fltigcrnld of
Nibdtsvlllet Mi;s Mobel Ciioffin ol
hfoeksvlllc. Rt. 1. Mrs. Andrew
Vance of Trouhnan and Mrs. Darr
Cronford of Dcnlcn.
Funeral services for Mrs. Annie
Sheets Harp Mitchell, 78, of Danville,
fa., a former residcnl of Advance,
were conducted at 10 a. m. Sunday
nomlng. March 21. at the Wcem-
ifcatts Flinerail Home M Donvillc.
Sijaveide rites and burial wno held
tt Advance Methodist Church,
ftlrs. Mitchell died Thursday night
It Danville. She had been in dcclin-
Ag health for some time, but death
vas unexpected due to a hcort al
ack. •
A 4iative of Advoace, she was liom
Ian. 16, 1886, doughter of the late
Com and Sarah Sheets. Sho was a
ncmber of (ho Presbyterian Church.
Survivors Include two sons. Leo
Sheets of Ringgcld. Va.. and Bonce
Sheets of Advance: and a nunibcr ot
ileces and nephews.
wmie Dean. 68
Funeral services for Willie Jodc-
vp Bean, 68. of COoleemce, were
leld Thursday, March <18. at 4 p.m.
It iCooIeomeo Prod)ytorlan Church by
hp Rev. Chailes Murray, the Rev.
Carles Surcfaett and the Rev. Paul
i^ore. Burial was in Liberty Ccme-
•Mr. Bean died at 8 p.m. Tuesday
kt the Black Mountain santtorium.
A native of Rowan County, he was
I son of the tote Julius and MoUy
Spst Bean. iHe was married to (he
formor Bertlia Messick. (He was a
(mamber of the COoleemce American
i^ion, having been a veteran of
World War 1.
I In addition to his iwUe, he is sur-
I ^ived by two doughtcrs. Mrs. Edkcr
iendrix of Route. 2. Mocksville, and
drs. Earley 'Adonis .of Hamptonvllle;
I son, James Bcaii of Cooleemee:
Ive grandchildren: a great-grand-
shild; throe brothers. Albert Bean ot
^urlnburg, Oiartes Bean ot Cool-
emee and Tom Bean of Woodleaf;
our sisters, Mrs. Carl Mdzc of
llooleemec. Mrs. Matlie McCallough
Coolcemec. Mrs. Haltlo Eudy of
dooresvillc and Mrs. May Kinscr
I • » » w
n Mrs. James W. Frye
„'^nneral sendees for Mrs. Ethel
ml Ftye, 75, wife of James W. FryetSanford Avenue, were conducted
S pjm. Friday at Eaton's Funeral
by the Rev. Citbot MiQcr^ the Rev. Mr. Stanley. Burial
w|s In Belhldtom Methodist Church
t!^Mrs. Frye died at 10 p.m. Wednes
day at Davie County HospltaL She
^d been in declining health a yearfilrs. Fo'o was born In Union
unly. III., to John and Louise
^upvlvtng besides her husband is
6':. sister, Mrs. Gertrude Davis of
Foils. Idaho.
/.■ Mrs. Maude Pitts^^;Mrs. Maude England Pitts, 87.
wmerly of Lenotr, widow of Dr.
W; I. Pitts, died early Wednesday,
mrch 17, at the Methodist Home
Cliarlottc. where she had Ih'cd
Uto past tu-o years.
.-•Mrs. 'Pills had lauglit school at
Svnnyside Scminaiy at Alocksville./^iSlie was the oldest living alumna
Grccnsltoro College. She grndu-
dted In ih99.
; She M-as a tiuudc teacher In
^oir's first 'graded school, which
9^ed in 1005 and taught piano fcr
many years aftcnvard.
' Mrs. Pills was bom to the Rev.
Josi^ Fowler Engbnd and Emily
l|eaten England. Her father was alietitodlst circuit rider and she spont
mncii of her childhood In Lenoir
with Iter grandparents, the Rov.
James L. und MnliMu Deal Itcalan
Besides the school at Mocksville
and Lenoir, Mrs. Pitts hod taught
oi Yndkinvllte Normal School.
Her huiliond died In -1939.
',Bhe Is survived by a daughter.
Mrs. Jimmy Davis of Texas, and
Lwo grandsons.
Mrs. Joe Porter, 75
Mrs. Finer Idcll Parker. 75, wife
cf Joe Parker of Cooleemee, died at5 p.m. Tuesday ol her honw after
a short Illness. FUneral arrangements
were Incomplete at press time.Mrs. Parker iwos bora in Montr
gcmcry County to iRcnry and Martha
■ Louise Hern Dennis,j She was a ■member of Good Shep
herd Episcopal Church at Coolce
Mrs. Porter was a retired cm-ptoyee of Erwin Mills at Cootcemee.
Surviving besides her husband nrc
a daughter, (Mrs. Roosevelt Henslq^
of Houston. .Tcxaf ; two sons. Henry
C. ParlfbrN# RWunond. Va., andJohn Avcry Parker of Beaumont.
Texas: eight grandrtlldren; ninegreat-grandchUdrcn; a sister, Mrs.
Corrle Mcsimer of Karaiapolis; ond
three brothers. Joe Dennis ot Dela
ware. iWitl Dennis of Albrnnorle andCllngman Dennis of Old Fort.
The iKKly Is at Eaton FuneralI Home pending arrangements.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/25/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 25,1965, Page - 5
)>1ivd W. Ilfoa
Funeral A^rvices for Fred William
Head. 6 2. of Cooloomce, were ooo'
dueled at 4 p.ni. Wednesday of
Goton's Cita|ioI by the Hov. Charles
Burelietle and (ho hov. C^de Settle.
Itorial was in Itowaii Meinoriul Fark,
Mr. Head died ol 9 o m. Monday.
March 32 .at Ihe «IU Top Nursing
Home in Davidson Ccunly. He had
l)een In declining heallh several
Sunvlving are Iavo dnughlers, Mrs.
BUI •Bcauchainp and Mrr. Harding
Bogor. both of Fl. Laudcrdate. Fla.;
(M'o s«is. C, W .Head of Cooleemee
and James Wesley Head of Gastonia:
two brolhers, Robert ond Uilher
Head of Cooleemee; one sislcr. Mrs.
James D.'sywall of Mocksville; and
seven grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/25/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 1,1965 - Page 7
J. A. WhtUook* 73
Funorat sorvfces for John Andcr*
son WhltloCk, 73, of Mocksvillp. nt.
3. were held Wednesday artcmoon
at the Smith Grove fttethodlst Church.
The iRev. Bnm'n McKlnncy and tlie
Rev. Dvright Mashburn officiated.
Burial was in the church ccmclcry.
Mr. Whillodt diod at 12:30 a.m.
Tuesday at the Oavie County Hos<
pital aRer a serious iilncss of two
He was a member of Smith Grove
Methodist Church. >tfe was a retired
farmer and tcstilc worker.
He Avas married first to ^liss
Ilaitcy Myers, liis second marriage
iras to Miss Mobic Mouncc. Both
are doccascd.
He was iast morried to Clara Mar*
tin, who sun'h'cs.
Other survhinrs arc five daugh*
ters. Mrs. Ruby Jones of Advance.
Rt. 2; Miss Hetcn Whitloch. Mrs.
Blanche Vestal. Mrs. Janice Brown,
all of Winston*Satom: and Mrs. Rob
ert Davis of iMocksviUe: throe sons,
Stacy Lea AVhilloek of the U. S.
Army. Molvln Ray and Thomas Lec
Whitlock, both of the home; two
stepdaughters, Mrs. J. A. Sheds of
Wlnston-Salem, Rt. 4ju)d Mrs. J. C.
Sester of Winston-Stocm: one step*
son, Luther Roldor of Ath'ancc. 14
grandchildron: eight great-grandchil
dren: four sisters, Mrs. Alee Gul-
ietto of fMocksvillc. Rt. 4. Mrs. Lec
WUson of Hunlcrsviilo: Rdd
Bogcr of Knnnnpolis nnd Mrs. Jnkc
Bowens of Winston-Salcm.
Funeral services for Willinm Shcr-
riti Cranfio!,!. 37. wero held at 3
p. m. Tuerdoy at Eaton's Chapd Ity
the Rev. Mivih Ilolhrnok omt the
Rev, Harold Perry. BUirol was in
Rose Cemden^.
Mr. Cranfteid died Sund.ny at his
home after suffering a heart attack.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs.
Connie On:1cy Cranflcld; two daught
Mrs. Jinindc Hampton of Route
4, Mocks\'iltc. and Miss Sharon
CrnnJicid of the home: two sons.
Billie cud Cocil Cranfiold of the
h.imc: three .i&tcrs, Mrs. Naomic
Smith of Moeksvilie, Mrs. Burton
Trivdt of nciilc 5, MoeksvlHc. Mrs.
Gurncy Ln-di of Bassdi. Va.: four
brother.*. Dan Cranfteid of Pocalicn-
tas. Vn., Bcrtio and Dickie Cranfioid
of Rctitc s. Mocksvillc. Sam Cran-
ndd of Route 4, Mocksviiie.
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 1,1965 - Page 2
George Rowland
Is Btiricd Monday
FVneral services for George W.
Rowiand, Kt, of &tath Main Sired,
were conducted at 11 a. m. Monday,
March 29, at Eaton's Qiapd by Iho
Rev. Fred Barnes mid the Rev, Ed
Avdtc. Burial udth Moronic rites
waj held in Rose Ccmetcty.
Ho had been seriously ill eight
Mr. Rowland was mayor of Mocks-
Wile In 1M7-48.
He was born in Clarendon County.
S. C., to P. P. and Hester Kennedy
Rswiaod. He ou-ncd and operated the
Mocksvilie Western Auto Store for
24 years. He was a chatier member
onJ post president of Uio Mocksvilie
Rctary Chib, a past master of Mas-
cmic Udgo sot 4n Ware Shoats, S. C.,
and a member of Mocksvilie Masonic
Lodge 134. Re wss a past tniilee oi^
Sunday school suporlnlendent at
First Baptist Church here ond wos
district commissioner of the Boy
SurviWng arc his wife, Mro. Vlr-
gtnio liogan Rowland: three sons.
Goor^ E. Rowiand of Ralolgh,
Philljp Rowtond of Gondirais, Md.,
and Robert H. Rowland of North
Wlikeabora: a daughter, Mrs. Biafr
Stratford of StatcsWItc; a brother.
R. H. Rcu*bnd of GreensWIio. 8. C.:
and Ihrco stslcrs. Mrs. Kirton L.
l^'wly of Conway, S. a, Mi;8 Mae
Rowland of Ware Shoals, nnd Mrs.
W. P. Baker of Bombimg, 8. C.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/1/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 1,1965 - Page 4
Mn. J. B. Htitdiess
Funeral servloes (ot Mrs. Mary
Julia Hulcbens. 94. of MoeksvUle,
Rt. 8, wore conducted at 3 pjin.
Sunday, March 88. at Bear Oeetk
Baptist Church fay the Rev. Paul
Moore and the Rov. W. C. Bark-
ley. Burial was in the cfaurdi cemo'
Mrs. Kutchena, widow of John
Boono Hutchens, died Friday at
Bavio Counly Hospital. She had been
in declining health three weeks.
Mrs. Hutchens was bom in Ircdell
County to Thomas and Mary Smith
She was a member of Bear Creek
Baptist Church.
Surviving are four sons. Jesse.
Wade, and Alfred Hutchens of Rt
2. Mocksviile, and Burton Hutchens
of Yadkinville; four daughters, Mrs.
Mac Wallace and Mrs. Annie Baity
of Mocksvile. Rt. 5. and Mrs. Emma
Tutterow and Mrs. Mattie Hutchens
of ModcsvlUe; a stepson, John
Hutdicns M New Castle. Ind; and
a step daui^ler, Mrs. J. E. Stone of
Cayccc, S. C.
Other survives Include 33 grand-
grandchildren; 33 st^ groat-grand-
great-great-granddiBdren; 10 st^
vrandchlldra; 33 step greet^and-
diUdren; tmd, II step greal-greal-
Bio - Obituaries - 4/1/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 8,1965 - Page 2
Itlcliardson Infant
April CturllRO RlduirdMn. Iliroo*
hour^okl daughter of Thomas and
Aiuiicc Binklcy iUchardian of Route
t. Mnriuville, died TtKssday niDming
at the Uuvie County ftospllal.
isur\ Ivors Inditdo the parents; one
shtvr, ALna Itlcbard^ of the
maternal graatlmothcr, and
paternal graiulmother.
Funeral scnices were conducted
Wednesday at Saw Union SfetJto*
(list Ouirdi comelcry, The Rev,
Bruce Ilubson officiated.
LawTence Driver, owner and op*
erator of Itic l'*Stop*NN Grill tn
Coolc-ettiee died early Wednesday
luorolag firom a heart attodt.
Funeral deinits mire livouipleto
at press lime.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/8/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 8,1965 - Page 7
Fiincrol wnioos Tor Corl llnmp*
ton. 73, of Sparta, who wns the
folhcr of Mrs, W. C. Plilpps of
Harmony (who' operates the Tex-
tllc Slop In Mncks\'lllc>, wrc held
Saturday. April 3. at 2 p. m. at
Shitoh MotHodl<4 Oiurdi hy the
Rev. W. P. KIdcr. Burial w.ns In
(he church cemcler)'. ,
•Mr, Hampton, a fanner and live*
slock* dealer, died at Ailoithany
Metncrial tfospllnl at 3:30 a. m.
Prida>'. He had hccn iSI IR months.
He was born In Alleghany County
to Lee A. and Ella Smith Hampton.
Surviving are hi.; wife. Mrs. Ilala
Kchi'ord.s Hanson: Iwo daughters
Mrs. M. S. .Tones of Grcensbmn
and Mrs. W. C. Phipps of Harmony:
three sons, Rold Hampton of Gray.
Ga.. Lewis TTampton of Plncy Creek
and Chap Hampton of Mount Ulla:
/our broth(ms, Ray. Eugene and
Bertie Lee Hampton, all of Sparta,
and Blake Hampton of Plncy Occk;
and four sljters. Mrs, Preston
Phipps of Independence. *Va.. Mrs.
Kaltic Truitt of Gaknc, Va. and Mrs.
M(dlle Hampton and Mrs. Mac Ed*
wards, both of Sparta.
C. D. Jones. S2
Clyde Delracr Jones, 52, of Route
4, Mocksvlllc. died al his home at
6 p/m., Thursday. Heath was un
Bom In Davic County Feb. 20.
1913, he was an omploi'co of Erwin
Mills In Cootccmcc. He (vns a vet
eran of iWorid War U.
Qlr. Jones was married to the
former Miss (Bcmlcc Wagoner in
4907. Sho survives as do four sons,
Larry iDcan Jones of fhe U. S.
Marines. Gary Jones of the U. S.
Aimy. Randy and MIchaol Jones,
both of the home; one daughter,
Mrs. Roger Chatlln of the home: one
sister. Mrs. Emory Fiye of Route 4.
George Rcdwine, 70
Funeral services for George Stnc-
cy Rcdwine. 70, were conducted at
e p.m. Sunday at New >Unlon Metho
dist Church by the Rev. Bruce Hdt-
son. Burial was In McCrnw Ceme
tery in CarroU County. Va.
Mr. Rcdwine, a retired farmer of
Mocksville. Rl. 1. died at 3 pm. Fri
day at the homo of a sistcr-in-iaiw in
•Mmnl Airy. 41e had bcoi in declin
ing health three months.
Mr. Rcdwine was bora In Rowan
County to Hoywood and Flonmcc
.Ci'SSlns Rcdwine.
Ho was a Methodist.
Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. EUIen
dooes Redwino; a brotticr, Jim Rcd
wine of Salisbury; and two haE sis
ters. RdxKca Skilts and Mrs.
Charlie Wiles of G<dd HIU.
James Lester CIcory
Fkuierai sorWoes for James Lester
Clcaiy, 23 month old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Jaancs Clyde CSeaiy (d Rt
0, IMocksvUle. nvero hold Tltursday.
April 1. at 8 p^m. at Chestnut Grove
Methodist Churdi by the Rev. Bruoc
iHobson. Burial was in the church
lihe infant died .Wednesday at Holy
Angels Nursery in (Bclmom. He had
been a patient there for the past
10 months.
Survivors Include: the parents;
one sister: grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Rooe and Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde CIcaiy. oil of RL 5, Mocks
Funmtd services for Oscor E.
Wall, formerly of Bfocksville. wore
held Wednesday. March 31. at Pork-
inson-Currin Fmieral Homo. Oxford,
N. C, Burial was hi SlovaU Ceme
tery. • iLOlpSf
Mr. Wall died Saturday. Mardi 27,
at hte home (a Baltimore, Md.
Son of the late Jidin and Bertha
W. Wail, he Is survived fay his wife,
the former Evdyn O'Brien of Sto-
vall, N. C.; two children, Barbara
Jeanno and Douglas O'Brien; broth
er. John W. Wail of Greensboro:
(wo siiters, Mrs. Liouisc Frenetic
of Springfield. Mass, and Mrs. Kath-
erino Waters of Mocksrillo.
Mr. Woll. a mason and member
of Uic Oak Gfovc Methodist Church,
Mocksville, was cin]>ioyod l»y Iho
Assochiled Tranawrt Jncc. for Uic
l>asl 22 years
W. C. Taylor
Fiinerai son ices fur William aaude
Taylor, liS, uf Grilfin, Ga., were held
Monday afternoon al 3 at Coburu
Memorial Meliiodist Cltttivh in Sul-
iabur>- by the Rov. Wattor It. Kelly,
and the Rev. C. C. Murray. Burial
foiiuwvd in IJlMNly Methodist Church
oomotciy In Davie County.
Mr. Taylor died Saturday. April
9, at MilleUeseville Stale Hospital
In Mlllcdgi'viUe. Ga. He had been In
deeliiiing he:ilth for several years.
He furmeriy rojideJ in Salisbury.
;Mr. Taylor was Inini In Da\ie
Cfiuniy on J.tn. lit, ftiOO. sun of the
late Will Jackson and Uiurn Muiloy
Ta>1or. lie was educated in (he Davie
County Fchoots and was engaged In
titc textile work most of bis life, j
Ho was a nwntbor of the LUtortyj
Methodist Ciiurvh in Dnvio Cuun-I
Bio - Obituaries - 4/8/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 15,1965 - Page 5
^neral services for John Dorsett
Wright. 54. of Route 2. Harmony,
who died Thursday morning. April
8. were held at 8 p.in. Saturday at
Rodcy Springs BapUst Church by the
Rev. Paul IMoore. (Burial was In the
dttupch cemctciy.
iMr. Wright was tiom In Iredril
County to Gumey and Carrie Wood
He was a retired hosiery ndll
SunvJvIng are his vrife, Mrs, Betty
Gardner, (wo daughters, Airs. Tom
Wilman of Wcstfleld. N. J.. and Miss
Clclly Wright of the home: three
brothers. Arltmr Wright of Lincoln*
Ion. Ralph Wright of Ilonmony. <Rt.
e. and iDuemont Wright of Grand
Rapids .Mfcli.; and four slaters, Mrs.
R. C. Sliaw of Harmony. Mrs. Wade
SMth of Mocksvllle. Mrs. Ciirtiss
Richardson of Concord and Mrs. Wil*
Ham Price of (%ariotte.
Pimcrol services for Lawrence By*
erly Driver were held nl 4 p. m.
Friday. 8. at Cootoemcc First Gap*
list Church. Burial wos In GMkemee
Legion Cemetery.
Mr. DrU-er. 4?, of Moeksvllle. Rt.
4, owner of U*S(op*N Grill In North
Coblcemee. died early Wednesday at
his home ofter o heart ottack.
' Mr. Driver wos horn In Davie
County lo Loron D. and Josephine
Bills Driver.
He wos Q veteran of World War II
Mrs. Driver was a member or
Cooleemce First Baptist Church, the
Lions Club and the American Legion
of Cooleemec on dihe Mooje Lodge
of UtoksviUe.
Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Polly
Mildiell Driver: two sons, Larry and
TOny Driver of the home; six sisters.
Mrs. WIIHe Bro\m of Mc^svHIe. Rl.
4, Mrs. Taylor Owens, Mrs. John
Pierce, Mrs. Frederick Hellord. all
of Cootcomec. Mrs. J. B. Htiddlcr
of West Jefferson and hR-s. Douglas
Gregory of Grccnsl)Oro. a brother.
Ralph L. Driver of Greenville. C.
James Goidon Wootton. Sr.. of
Mocksx'HIe. Rt. 4. died Saturday,
April 10. at 12:2S at Lynn Haven
Nursing Home. He was the son of
the lole Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ad*
ams Wootton of Rddsrille.
Funeral services were held at 4
p.m. Mcnday at Baton's ChapcU Tho
Rev. Robert Frost ond the Rev.
Charles Burchctte ofnctocd. Burial
was In Liberty Methodist Cluirch
Surx'ivors include: his wife, Grace
Phclps Wootton: one son. James
Gordon WooUon. Jr., of Chapel Hill:
two grandchildren; one hroUwr. Paul
Wootton of Hopcwdl. Va.; one
niece. .Mrs. Frances Whittemare Dtl*
lord of Clkin. N. C; four cousins,
Annie Wootton. Robert Miller, Henry
•MlUer. Frances Mill, all of ReldsvUle,
N. C. (One son. Charles Adams
Wootton was kHlcd In 1848 In the
Mr. AVootton started teaching school
at Smithdeal (Business College in
lUclunond. Va., at the age of 19. Fbr
16 years he was principal and teach*
cr at Short HlUs High SchobI In
Mass., and Melbourne, N. J. He hdd
a B.S. degree in Busliiess Bducalton
and a low at Lebanon Unl*
i'orsity. He taught school at Finland
Junlw CoUege, Greensboro and
Guilford CoUege. Mr. Wootton organ*
bed the first commercial depart*
ment In Cumberiand University,
with (he as^stance of former Gov*
ernor Luther H. Hodges. He also m*-
ganbed the Business School at Bowl*
Itig Gtem University. He taught In
high sdiod in Nortt Carolina ond
once owned and operated Ihe Caro*
Una Conunerclal College of Norih
(During the depression doys it was
his poUcy to nover turn down a stu*
dent because they did not have men*
Some paid him in meat and
other produce.
Mr. WooUon was a meinber of
Main Street Methodist Church In
ReidsvIHe and was a Mason In good
standing in Melbourne, N. J.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/15/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 15,1965 - Page 5
F\tner6l services (or James New*
ton Harris, 79, of the Bethany com
munity. Stalcsville, Rt. 5, who was
the father of James Roy Harris of
MocksvlIIe. were held at 11 a. m.
Saturday, April 10, al Rose Oiapcl
Methodist Ciiureh, Buriol was in the
church cemele^. ,
He died at 6:30 a. m. Thursday. |
at Iredeil Memorial Hospital. He had
been in declining health a number
of years and seriously ill three days.
Mr. Harris was iwm in Iredcli
county to Wiiiiam and Moilie Sum
mers Harris. He was a retired farm
He was married to the former
Amelia Hcndren, who survive}. Also
surviving are four sons, John Ed
ward Harris of Hickory Highwoy.
WHilam and Charles Orady Harris
of Statesville, Rt^ 5. and James Roy
•Karris of Mocks^lte; three daught
ers, Mrs. Gordon Hayes of Stales-
vDle, Rt. 4. Mrs. Alvin Sink of High
Point and Mrs. Fred Grant of Geor
gia; four brothers. R. U. Harris Sr.,
Lct^ Harris, W. B. Harris and
Archie P. Hoiris, Mi of Statesville;
and one sister, hRs. William John
son of Moravian FaHs.
Ftincral services of Miss Parrie
Artelia Wyrick, 84, of Coolccmcc.
were held Sunday. April 11. nl 4
p. m^ at Cooicemcc Methodist
ChtirclT by the Rev. Joe Melton.
BnriM in Chcsinul Hill Cemet
ery in Salisbury.
She died Friday at 2:20 at Jo
Lene's Nursing Home In Sa1i.dHtry.
She had been In iH health for some
Bom July 9, 1880, In Guilford
County, she was the d.iushlcr of
the late M. \V. ami Victoria Good
man Wirick. She <wo3 a rolircd em
ploye of Envht Mills and o member
of C^cemee Methodist Church.
Sitrvivors include Iwo alsiers, Mrs
.T. F. Grimes Sr. of Cooleomec nnd
Mn.«, L. E. Motley of Greenrirom;
ami Wcral nieces and nephews.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/15/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 22,1965 - Page 2
Funeral services for Addlsoa CtAh
le. 74. McLeansville, were held at
2 p. Fridoy IB, at Lambeth*
Tn^er Funeral Home in Greens*
boro. Burial was In Mountview Me
morial Park In Rural Hall.
Mr. CoUe died Wednesday at 1:15
p. m. at Moses Cone Memorial
Hospital at Gieensboro.
Surviving are his wife the former
Miss MyrGe Boyles; four doubters,
Mrs. J. C. Gartner of Haonony,
Mrs. Ervln MoDanld of Worthing*
ton, Mrs, Ralph Driver of
Greenville, S. C., a^ Mrs. John
Ftank Gaiwood of Mocksvflle: three
sms, Alfred Coble of Mbdcsvillc,
John Q. C<d)le of Norfolk. Va., ond
M. Sgt. Walter G. Coble of Siaw
Air Force Base, Sumter, S. C.; two
sisters, Mri. Ceola Klrkman of
Peasant Garden and Mrs. Temple
Hurst of Durham.
Mrs. Lydia Claibome PeeUes wife
of CUnon Peebles of Advance, Rt.
2, died Monday at Davie County
HoqUtM. A native of Advance, dte
was a ntendier of ML Zion Method*
lat Omrch.
The funeral wlU be h^ at 2 p. m.
Ihursday at hfi. Zlon Methodist
Owrch by the Rev. G. L. Moore.
In to her huitand, Mrs.
Peebles is survived by three dau^*
em. Miss Charlotte Peebles M
Brooklyn, N. Y. and Miss Patricia
PeoUos and Mrs. Ruth Dulin of
Advance: threo sons, Cklis Peebles
of Brooidyn, Clifton Peebles Jr. of
Wariiington. D. C., and J. V. Peebles
of Advance: eigbl grandchildren and
five great*granddiildren.
Mm. W. K. McDanlel
FXtncrai services for Mrs. WIlll*
pcflri Rumple McDanlel. 60. of lit.
1, Mcc!<8vntc, wore conducted at 3:30
p.m. Sunday at Salcm AtethodJsl
Ciiurdi. Burial <v\'a.s in the church
&frs. tMcDonicl. wife of W. K. Me*
Danid. died Friday at Baptist Hos
pital in Winslon-Salem. She had been
ill Utrcc weeks.
Mrs. Mddaniel was born In Rowan
County to Amos Clarotce and Levado
Lttwson Rumple.
She was employed nl Erwin Mills
In Coolcomcc and was a member of
Salcm Methodist Ouirch.
Surviviitg ore her husband; two
daughtors. Mrs. Henry 51. Dyson of
WinstCfl^alm and Mrs. David L.
Arrington of Stolcsvllle. RL 4: four
brothers, Wallace Rumple of Saiis-
Uuy, Erskino Rumpki of China
Grorc. Clarence Rumpto of Clove-
land. (RL 2, and Lalhan Rumple of
Modtsvillo. fit. B: and two sisters.
Mrs. Sherrll F. MCDaniel of Aia-
chua. Fin. .and Mrs. Ralph S.
Tliompson of Gainen'lllc. F!o,
Bio - Obituaries - 4/22/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 29,1965 - Page I
Windalueld Pops Otd In Wreck—
Child KUled In Accident
A 8{x>yearK>ld child was killed
Salurdd>* about 4:tS o'clock when an ^
automobile overturned and sho was
struck by the wmt) hleld which pop-.
pcd out of its frame. '
The ii'etitn was Karen Laird..
daughter of Mrs. ICula Martin Laird
of HI. 3. Mocks\'lllo. according tO|
State Highway Patrolman R. L.
Mr. Bean reported Mrs. Laird sus
tained lacerations about the he<*d
and another daughter. Patsuy Laird,
age nine, suffered minor licratches. i
The Investigating officer said &1rs.
Laird and her two daughters hodi
been to a private fishing lake to
sec her son and tho brother of the
two girls.
Ho said Mrs. Lafrd had left the
lake and wpi on the private drive
way. about 200 feel off US Highway
601 and one mile north of Mocksvillc. i
III a tfiS3 m'idel automchitc headed
back to the highway.
He said his iavcstigaiiuu ahowed
Mrs. Laird apparently lost control
A tho whlclc and it wont Into a
lilch. struck an ctmbankment and
ovcriumcd oncc.
Mr. Bean said the windibield pop
ped out of iii> frame and stru^
tite child, who was on tho front seat
:*ttins near the door.
The nlitc-year-old girl was scaled
bctwicn her mother and sister at
the lime of the accident.
Mr. Bean said the child was ap
parently killed Instantly when btruck
by the windshield.
Funeral services were held Mon
day afternoon at the Comatzcr Bnp-
tifit Church. Burial was In the church
cemetery .
Survivors include her mother;
her sister, Potsy Belie l.aird of tho
I homo: and tier brother, Lloyd Wayna
Laird of ilte home.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/29/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 6,1965 - Page 5
(Funeral services for Qileb Ashley
OKvij^Ini, 40. of llyaltavllle, Mi).,
formerly of MoelmvlHCt were held
Qfonday nt Chambers Chapel In Rlv>
crstdc. Ml). InlermciH was In Arlins*
4on Notional Cemetery in Woshlnglon,
O. C.
Mr. (Dwieglns died Thursday In o
Wa.shingh>n. 0. C., hospllal. flo had
been ill three mcnUts.
Mr. Uwisgina m'os born In Davie
County to John and Mamie Barney*
costio Dwiggina.
Sunivtng are his iwifc, Mrs. Mil*
drcd Bernard Dwigglns; four dough*
ters. Misses Ramona. Mamie, Beth
and Vivian •Dniggins of the home; a
son, Ashley Dwiggins of the home;
his {»ronls. four sisters, Mrs. L. A.
Koonis or AshevHIc. Mrs. H. O. Pitt*
man of Miami, Flo., Mrs. Roymmd
Martin of 'Winston-Salem and Mrs.
C. A. dlughes of Wlmlnglon; and
two brothers. Walton Dwiggins of
0a\«nport. Iowa ond Bob Dwiggins
of Modovillc.
iFhneral services tor William Stan
ley Norton, n. of Route l, Stony
Point, were held at a p.m. Saturday
at New Salem Presbyterian Church
by the Rev. James Riggers. Burial
svas in Iho church cemetery.
iMr. Norton, a retired farmer, died
Friday. AprO 30, at Ms home in T^*
iorsville after an Illness of two years.
He was born In Alexander Coun
Survivors: eight daughters. Miss
Annie Norton of the liomc, Mrs. R.
O. Belk of Stony Point, Mrs. J. P.
(Morlin of Slalesville, Mrs. E. A.
Eckcrd of MocksviUe, Mrs. C. W.
Brandim M Concord, Mrs. J. R.
Uoka, Jr., of Yoric, S. C. Mrs. H. D.
Pogley of (Washington and Mrs. E. L.
Murphy of RannapoHs; o son, Hu*
IMte Norton of SUuiy Point; a sis
ter. Mrs. W. iR. Noover of Slotes-
villo; 18 grandchfldren.
(FVneral services for Williom As-
bury Alien. 88. of (Route 8, were held
at 2 p.m. Monday at Wesley Chapel
Methodist Church. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Mr. AJten, a retired farmer, died
Saturday nl^t at Baptist Ho^iltQl In
He was iiom In <Davio County to
(WiiUdm ond Mary White Allen.
Surviving are three daughters,
(Mrs. (R, L. Cfaudle of Winston-Salcm,
Mrs. \1ola Potts of Konn^wUs and
Mrs. J. R. Soles of BodoweU; a son.
IWiU Allen of MbchsvUle, RL 2; two
sisters, Mrs. Bert White and Mrs.
Mamie Sain of MocfcsvlUe, Rt. 2; a
brother, Joe Allen of Modtsvfile, Rt.
6; two haU brothers. Jhn Allen of
MocksviUe. IRL S ond Brandi Allen
of Yadklnville. Rt. 2: ond two half
sisters Mrs. Hattie White M Yadkln
ville. (RL 2 and Mrs. GhorUe Mil*
holn of Cooloomoo.
Funeral services for Maxie Ray
mond Swicegood. 73, were hdd at
4 p. m. Tuesday at Eaton's Chopel.
Burial was in Jericho Churdt of
Christ cemetery.
Mr. S«dccgood. a merchant of
MocksviUe, Rt 4. HonUsoa Church
community, died early Monday in
■Davie County Hospital.
He was bom in Davie County to
Charlie and Mattie C. Young Swico-
Sarviving ore his wife. Mrs. Ella
Foster Swio^ood: a soa, Jotx
Swicegood of MoeksvUIe. Rt. 4; two
daughters, Mrs. Clyde Stroud of
ktocksville. Rt. 1. and Mrs. Howard
Russell of High Pdnt, Rt. 4: a sister
Mrs. Sam Bamhardi of Unwood, Rt
I: and two half brolberi. Sam and
Charlie SvAcegood of Oevoland, Rt
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 6,1965 - Page 7
Airs. Laura SplIIman
The funeral for Mrs. Laura Stocl-
man SplIIman, 89, of Olcmmcns,
widow of Alphonjo SpUbnan. was
held at 11 a. m. Monday at Vogtcrs
Chapel In Winslon-Salem. Burial was
in Formington Methodist Church
cemetery in Davie County.•Mrs. ^tflmon died early Saturday
at the hwne of a daughter. Mrs. Cori
Hcndrix &r Cicmmons. She was bom
in Yatlkin Cuunty to George ond
SnIIte Joyncr Stedman and spent S6
years in Farminglon before site mov
ed to Geminonj four moirihs ago.
She was a member of Baltimore
Methodist Ciiurdi.
Sur\-{ving besides Mrs. Hcndrix
are two clhcr daughters, Mrs. Prank
Poindoxtcr of ATodcsviUc, lit 5. and
Mrs. W. M. Taylor of 42G Irving
Street; a sun, Sledmon Spillmon of
MocksviUe, Rt 2; and a sltstcr, Mrs.
S. L. Shore of E!k City, Ohio.
Bio - Obituaries — 5/6/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 13, 1965- Page 6
«ihUKOICi tUTTIiicaiV
Ccr.rgo lAithcf Tiiilcioiv, 11 yciirs
<}i?il Sun;Iny. Mny f), lO®i, at Ihe
nj;ilisl He p tnl. Winslr.n-Snlcm. nf-
icr an iUne«s of 10 months.
lie was the son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
James Oay Ttittcrow, Route 1,
MochsvJle. who survive. Also sur
viving arc one lirothcr, James C..
.H-., r.1.1 his maternal grandmother,
.Mrs. Ida 0. Tuttcrcw of the homo.
Gearge was the grandson of the late
Mr .and .Mrs. Luther M. Tutlcrow
and (if Mrs. D. George Tiilterow and
.he Jate Mr. Tuttcrow, all of Davic
He was an e\ccHciU sliulenl in the
si.xlh grade and was chosen for
addiiionai .sliidios in science. Ho was
a member of Buy Scout Troop 506
and a member of Center Methodist
IChuuh. He had recoivcd medical
c;iie at the I'losbylcrian Eye Insli-
lute and Columbia Univenity Hos
pital. New York City, and the Biip-
|li<l Hospilni. Winslon-Salcm. His
'right eye was remo\'od IB months
, ago in an effort to arrest a malign-
aiil lumDr. He was completely blind
fur ihe |>ast month.
Services wore held at 4:00 p, m.,
Mny 11. at Center Chiireh liy Rev,
Kchic Evans and Hev, Oliver Mid-
yell with burial in (ho church
Palll>carors were: Kenneth Bogor.
I David Kimmer, Larry Harp, Roljcrt
|Tultorow. diaries Mcrrcll and Mich-1
I ncl Chaffin. I
Mrs. Maude Davis
F^lncru! services for Mre. Maude
'Williams Davis. 79. wore hoW Sun-
tlay At Euton's Chapel by the Rev.
n&fljcjit Frost Burial was in the Fork
BaMist (Thiirch Cemetery.
Mrs. Davis died nt 7;25 a.m. Fri
day. M.'jy 7. at Lynn Haven Nursing
tilume. She had been ill for two years.
She was bom Sept. 0. 188S, In'
'Dane County, a daughter of Daniel ,
and Amanda >Haneline Williams, She
was a memlica- of Fork Baptist
Cimrch. ,
Surviving arc one sister. Mrs.
.Maggie Martin of Mocksville, Rt. 4.
and a number of nieces and ncph-
Mnt. J. P. Sunimcn
^^|^Cl•al .services for Mrs. Eliz
abeth Laigenia iBcttio Summers. 87,
were held Sunday at 3 p. ni. nt
Eaton's Chapel. Burial was in Oak
Grove Molliodisi Church cemetery.
Mrs. Summers, widow of I. P.
Suinnicrs, died at 0:30 a. ni. Sat
urday 111 Lynn Haven Nurjliig
She WHS born in Davie Counly to
.lohn W. and Eiuabeth Kurfccs Sum
mers and v.fis a member of Oak
Grove Milhodisl Qiiirch.
Surviving arc a daughter. Mrs.
Jchn Uwgcr of Mocksville, Rt. 1; i
two .sU-pilaiightcrs. Mrs. Lizzie Tom-
' L.a of Sialcsvillc and Mrs. Willnrd
.Murri on of Mocksville, fU. 1; nnd
I fiur sislors. Mrs. Julie Bowles .md
n OJlie Foster of Mocksville. Mrs.
John Poplin of Mocksville, Rt. 3. and
•Mrs. John Myers of Mockjvillc. Rt.
' It. Dwiagins, Jr.
Lalla llaliih Dwigsiii;, Jr. 28 of
lNviv,(,:i I'.i'J M;iy 10. lit Charlotte
|.Vli'mLiial Ihispit.i] after a serious
I j!lnc.»s «:} three uceUs, He had been
^deilarng in health fur the past lour
' ill Jl'h'i.
j lie wa> hum in Winslon-Salcm
I.. It. a'1.1 Alline Kwihnrdt Dwig-
i-Mi.-;. lb' w.M a gnidiiale of Gray
• I i:"i S.h.ui!. and Utikc I'niversjly.
Ill' iuni i^-vn in the iiiod car huaiiiL'ss
in fur the pa.sL seven ycar.v
M Ill lie wa.-s a parlner In
(Viiua .Muiur, ol WhIou. He iv.is a
iiii'inlivr lit Alii riiatliey Memorial
.Mr.Ill) list Chui'cli III Xewtun.
Ill' i-- .survived by Jil.s paivnis of
M',;ksv.llv, Itoine I. his wile, Mrs.
Fr..uivb Parker H.vigglns, a sun,
M .'iail Dwiggin... and u daughter.
.Julie Dwingins. all ol Nevvtun. a
Ij'.illu'i' C.iil Dvvrg.eiiis of .vilales-
vdlr. ami Iwu sisters, Mr.--. Genrgc
I"!i.1!;1!S cI \ViM?»e»-Salvi)i and Mrs.
I<]'l K'kut 1.1 Hbi.' ll|ji)r»is,
, I'liiieral ei'. ii\-s were Iwld Wed-
t.c.' iv .iiiern, .11} May IJ at Alter-
na-'.y Meiivi'ia' Mlhu.h^t Church
in Nvvvli:;). will) ■iite iiu"U in Cat-
,.ii Ji.i Mi:ii'.-,ai pj:'k at Hickory. |
Bio - Obituarie.s - 5/13/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 20,1965 - Page 6
Mn. Jo«le Kcntnn
runcrol £crvicc.s Tor Mn. Josle
Barney Kcalon. 80. u-erc held al 3
pan. Friday. M.-iy 14, al Mount OUvo
Mctiwdlsl Church by the Rev. Corl
•lairc and the Rev. Benny Dcarden.
Burial was in the church ccmclcry.
8iirvl\-ors: Miss iRulh Kcnton nf the' UtZio AVlahon of Route 8, MocksvHIo:
home. Mrs. l^ola Whlsenhunl of five sons, Thonuis Keaton, Jr., Ot
the hcmc, WHey. Willie cMid NoahWlnston-Bokan, ^frs. Atldic Mae Rob*
bins of ModnxiUe. Mrs. Mary Whls*
cnhunt cf Rcule 2. Clemmons. Mrs.
Kcnicn of Route 3, MocksvlUc, and
Som Keaton of Route 4. Lexington.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/20/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 27,1965 - Page 6
The funeral for >080101 Hugh
Brovm, B2, Mocksvino, Rl. 4. was
held Friday, May 21, at 3 p. m. at
Eaton's Chapd. Burial was In Joppa
Mr. Brown died Wednesday, May
10, at his hontc. He was a nalK'c of
OavJc County.
Survivors: wife Mrs. Pantha Allen
Brown: three sons, E. II. and Wfily
Brown, both of Route 4, ftfocksvdlle,
Thomas S. Brown of Danville, Va.;
two daughters, Miss Grey Brown of
the homo, Mrs. Marvin Hcliard of
Route 4, Mocksville; two brothers.
Prank H. Brown of Route 4. Mocks-
villo, M. G. Brown of Winston*
Solem: a sister, Mrs. R. L. ScoU of
Rural Rail.
Mrs. James Harris
<F\uumal services for Mrs. Amelia
Hcndrcn Harris. 78. of StatesviUc,
fit. S. avcre hold Monday. May 24, at
2 p.m. at Rose Chai^ Methodist
Chiirch in Stalesville. Burial was in
Uic church cem<doi7.
(Mrs. Harris, nvidow of James N.
Honis, died at'2 p.m. Saturday at
> Lynn lleven Nursing Home at
Surviving are four sons. James
Roy (Harris of Mocksville. John Ed
ward Harris of Slatesvltle. Rl. 6. and
William B. nnd Charles Grady Har
ris of Statcsvillo. Rl. 3; three daugh
ters. Mrs. Gordon Hayes of Statcs-
vlllc, IRt. 4. Mrs. Alvin Sink of High
Point, ond Mrs. Fred Grant of
Geon^; hvo sisters. Mrs. W. N.
Hayes of North Wiikesboro and Mrs.
Alvin Moore of Taylorsvillc; and a
brother, Jones Hcndrcn of Moravian
Bio - Obituaries - 5/27/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 3,1965 - Page 5
Mrs. Nona Everhart Hall. 65.
mother of 'Ralph Rail of Mocksvllle.
diod in a Lcxlnston Resl Home at 8
QM. Monday. May 31.
Funeral services (were held TUcs*
day at J. C. Green and Sons Funeral
Hcme in Thomasvllle by the Rev.
M. E. Raibln. Burial was in 'Pleasant
HUI Methodist Churdi C^neteiy.
She was a member of the First
Bcmtist Chucdi in Thomasville.
Survivors: four sons, Rahih H^l of
Mocksvllle, Bobby and Wilson Hail
df rrhomasvUIe, Edward Hall of
Lexington; two sisters, Mrs. Bessie
tHenegar and Mrs. Ruby Boas of
Thomasville: eight grandchildren; a
Ftincral sor^-lees fnr Mrs. RH.t
Owiggins Smith. TD. whn died in
Wesley Lon.!* Hospital In Greenslmro
Sunday, wcic licid al 2 p.m. Tnc.«il.ny
at Cunihy Funeral lldmc In High
Point by the Kpv. G. K. Lyndon. Jr..
iHirlal in Flornl Gnrdrn Park Cenus
Slie -was horn in Da\ie Coimly to
Jchn Henry a>wiEeins and Mattle
Smoot Dwlggins and li^ed in High
•Polnl from aB82 until nine montlts
ago when she •moved to Greendboro.
Mrs. Smith was a member of Cen
ter Methcdist <}hureh In Hnvle Coun
ty and was employed nl Amos Hos
iery Mil! in iHlsh Point unUI 1864
when she rclhcd.
Surviving are four sons.. Ralph.
•Itarnld nn:t Glenn .Smith, all of High
Point, and Gcargc .^'mltli nl Grecnsi-
baro: a daughter. Mrs. W, S. Otx
cf Bandridgc. Tcnn.: n brother. Ruru.H
Cwiggins of Harmony: and three
'.Istcrs, Mrs. Agites Vickcrs of Rt.
1. Moaksvlllc. Mrs. Grace Koonts of
Lexington end Mrs. Mac Ukvigglns
af MochsvUlo.
Funeral services for Mrs. Fanidc
Reynolds iManeline. 80. of Winston-
Snicm. fonmerly of Mocksvllle. were
held at 01 a.in. Wednesday at Union
Chapd Methodist Churdv by the
Rev. Corl Laine. Burial was in the
chtmch cetneter)'.
Mrs. 'llonellne died Monday at For-
syth Memorial Hospital In Winston-
She was a native of Davic Counly.
Siipvivors: husband, G. W. tfancline:
Ihrce daughters. Miss Geneva Hane-
line of the home, Mrs. Frances Bea-
men of tWinston-Salem and Mrs.
Annie May Page of Stalesville; Cour
sons, George P. Honellno of Winslon-
Sslem, BoUey Hanllne of Harmony
and C^dc and Johnnie HoneUne of
Stetesvillo: 19 granddiltdrcn; a bor-
ther, Joe Remolds of Mo^svlUo:
and a sister. Mrs. J. J .Woolen of Rt.
1, Hanmcny.
Funeral services for Phillip Jef
ferson Johnson. were held Tues-
doy, Juno 1. al 4 p.m. at Eaton's
Funcrnl Home by the Rev. Gilbert
SRIler. Buriol was In Rose Come-
Mr. Johnson, o retired mcrchani of
Mocksvllle. died at 7:30 p.m. Sunday
Al Lynn Raven Nursing Home.
He was born In Caldvvell Counly
tn Phillip J. and Jenny Corpcnlng
.tolinson. Re had IH*od In MocfcavHte
44 ycara. He was n graduaic of Duke
Unlvcre^ty and a momlwr of Modes-
viUc Melhodist Church. He was a
dutrlor meiidmr of Uic Mocksvllle
Stoiary caub and o momber of the
MocksvUIe Pebiidlc Order. Sons of
Surviving ore his wife, (he former
Marie Allison, and two daughters,
Mrs. Robert S. McNeil of Bowtc,
Md.; and Mrs. Walter L. Hargell of
Bio - Obituaries - 6/3/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 3,1965 - Page 5
•The Infant ibuehtcr of Mr. onA
Mrn. James If. Pryp of Ailvanco.
nt 1. died slinrtly after Itliih Salur*
day morninf!, May 29. at Davic Conn*
ly dfosplial.
Services wore hold at Marcilnnla
Moravian Ouirch al f* p.m. Saluvtlay.
condttclcd 4iy f^wrpnce Boles.
Survivors include; Ihc parents; 1
alster, Jennifer, age 3. of the home;
falemal grandparcnis. Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie fVyc of Mocksvflle. 311. 4:
and imatomol grandparents. Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Potts of Ad^'oncc. Rt. 1.
Funeral services for Emcj*l Grov-
er Ifendrictcs, 73. of 050 S. Main
Street, Mocksvillo were held Friday
afternoon at Eaton's Chapel. Burial
was in Rose Cemetery.
He was tiom 4n Forsyth County
to D. H. and Cora Fullc Hondrlctcs.
Mr. Hcndridts was a Baptist and a
former Mocltsvlllc Town Board
8urvl«dng are his vdfe. Mrs. Beau-
lah Merrill llendrlcks; two daiight*
ers, Mrs. Grahoro Madison and Mrs.
iRoy Obllotte of Mochiv^le; two
sons, E. Gray Hendrtcks of Mccks-
villc and Or. Paul Hcndricks of
Kings Mountain; his stepmother,
Mrs. Mollic licn^dcs of lite home;
a brother, George Hondricks of
Mod(8vilIc; and a sister, Mrs.
George Waker of Gastonia.
Ftincml services for Bonson Bail*
ey, 07, of Advance, Rt. 2, were held
Tuesday, June 1, al U a. m. at
Fodc Baptist Church. Burial ^vos in
tiie churcit ccmeteiy.
Mr. Bailey died at 5:30 p. m.
Sunday after a heart attack.
He was born In Dovle County lo
John and Mittie Hendricks Bailey
Mr. Bailey was a former and an
employe of Dixie Fumllure Co. He
was D member of Fork Baptist
Surviving arc his wife, the former
Jessie Tucker; two sons, Glcim A.
Balky of CharloUc and Bonson Loon
fiaUcy of Mocksvlite. Rt. 3; two
daughters. Mrs. Robert Hartmon
of Advance and Mrs. W. B. Jones
of Advoncc, Rt. 2; three brothers.
C. 0. 'Bailey of Mocksvitle, Bt. 3.
Swaid Bailey of Hidcory and Floyd
BoBey of •Huntcrsvlllc; and a slsler,
Mrs. Vcrtic Sigmon of Advance, Rt.
Funeral services for David Eugene
Bcdc, 89, of MocksviBc, Rt. 4, were
held Tuesday. June 1, al 2 p .m.
at Jerusalem Baptist Churdi. Bin^
iai was In the churah cemetery.
Mr. Beck died at 12:45 Sunday at
Ms home.
He was born in Davie Counly to
Heniy and Mandy Beck. Mr. Beck
was a retired former and a member
of Jerusalem Baptist Church.
Surviving are his wife, (he form-
er Eilo Hartley; a son, Alvin Beck
of Mocksvlllc, Rt. 4; two doughlcre.
Mrs. Ethol HoU of Salisbury, Rt,
J, and Mrs. Elmo Swiccgcod of Cool,
eemce; and a brother, James B. I
Seek of Salisbury.
Bio - Obituaries — 6/3/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 10,1965 - Page 6
Puncr.ll services were held .Tune 2
for Clyde C. Foster. Ti. of Sioirs-1
\iUc. He had been in dccUnin^ j
health far sontoUinu. hut death was
Mr. (Poitcr was born in Advance.
Da\ie Cotinly. on August 0. ie92. to
Silroui L;nds.iy iTumpi Foster nnd
Sollic .Xfarktand Foster. As a young
man he wcrkcd in his roUicr'a under'
teking business.
He sentid with the U. S. Army in
France during World War I and with
occupation forces in Germany.
Alter the war he became asso*
cinted unlh the NntionnI Outdoor Ad*
vc.-'tising Bureau. In 1924. he began
his own business, Foster Poster Ad-
\'er({sing Cofn|*.an.v. and was active in
it at the time of his death.
tllc ww a member of Ihc Baptist
Church, in Advance.
Surviving are his wife. .Mrs. Daisy
Jolly roller, n daughter, Mrs. Vir.
ginb Meredith, nnd two grandchil'
drcn. John ScoU and Lyn Meredith.
I of the home: one brother, N. C. Fos*
tor of Itcndorronville; four sisters.
Misses Aiitic nnd Jakie Foster, of
Stntcstiile. >frs. F. P. Milter, of
High (Point, and Mrs. D. D. Phcips
c! AVinrlcn'Saicm.
Attending tiic funeral from -Mocks-
vsllc were Mr. and ^tfs. Roy Call.
cotuins. and from Advance, Mr. nt
Ntrs. Aarm Bcwles, (Mrs. M^e Pol
(ksctcr. Mrs. Urcitc Greene, and Mf
Charles Garwoud.
Funeral services for Mrs. Johnsio
Tunguc Elmorc. S7, of Mocksvillc,
ni. a. wcro conducled at 2 p. m.
Wednesday at Rocky Springs Baptist
Citiirch. Burial wa.s In the church
.She died Stmdny at 3:15 p. m. In
a statcsx'illc hospital.
Slic was Iwm in Cnldwcli County
to Lcroy and Margaret Lnfcvcrs Tea-
giic. Slic wns a member of Rocky
Si)Hng.s Baptist Church. Surviving
arc her husband; a daughter, Mrs.
H. L. Harris of Mocksvillc. RL 2;
a iKon. Grovcr N. Elmorc Of Mocks*
viltc, Rl. 2; two sisters, Mrs. Bessie
Cox of Johnson Oly, Tcnn.. and
Mrs. Prank Bratl of Pontlac, Hi.;
and a brolltcr. William Ktihn of
Elisobclhon, Tcnn.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/10/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 17,1965 - Page 1
Man Struck
And KiUed
By Truck
A pickup Iruck ran over and killed
its necktg owner Wedtiesilay. Juno
9, aher the truck was struck from
behind by a larger truck on a bridge.
The accident occurred about 4:50
p. m. en the Yadkin Rivor bridge
on I-SS. connecting Davidlion and
Rowan counties.
The pickup, driven by the victim.
Mark Harding Chunn, 44. of Mocks<
ville. Rt. 4. ran out of gas and 8l(q>-
pcd as It was headed north on the
Slate Highway Patrolman J. R.
Blackwdder said a van truck looded
with small trailers and driven by
Tracy Court. 49, of Virginia Beach,
Va.. aporoachcd the bridge and
struck thcamaJIcr truck in (he rear.
Blackwctder said Chunn saw his
danger and ran norlh on the bridge,
but the pickup tntck was knocked
160 feet by the Impact and Chunn
was impaled through the chest by a
spring fnmi his tnidc.
I Court told Blackwdder he did not
SCO the truck until he wdt almost
upon It because (!) in approdiing
the bridge from Rowan County there
is a curve Just before the bridge:
and (2) the pickup was painted green
and it blended with the foliage on
the other side of the bridge.
Blackwdder said the van skidded
96 feet before striking 4he pickup.
A WInslon«SaIem man, A. N.
Chamberlabi, said he slipped his car
at the stalled truck shortly before
the accident and was ghren a gas
con Chunn.
Chamberiaiii filled the gas can at
a service station north of the bridge
and then returned with 41. He said
Chunn was standing in front of hb
truck as bo passed In Ihe southbound
iano. Intersiato 85 Is a divided four>
lane highway at the point
By the lime be had Iravded far
enou^ south to turn around and re
turn with the gas. Chamberlain baid.
the accident had happened.
Blackwdder said no chapgcs had
been ftiled pending further investiga
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 17,1965 - Page 5
C. 8. ANDEBS(»4
Punerd.services for CSurUe Spots-
nodi Anderson, 92, of High Point.
ten hdd Thursday, June 10, at 2
m. in Center Methodist Chi^ in
bksvfllo 1^ the Rev. Worth Pugh.
brld was In the church cemetery,
hfr. Andetuoo died Wednesday in
Greendioro Kursing finno. He has
^ la declining liedtb tor sev&rei
^ was a native of Davie County
" had been a resident of High
^ 41 years. Prior to retirement
I was emplived by Highlands Got-
^vora: a daughter, Mrs. Paige
inda of High Point; three sons,
ifltoa and William of High Point
iil Oiaries R. of KaonapoHs; a
iter, Mrs. Ada Evatli of Statos-
fef a brother, Garfidd Asdersoa
Phnool aerdccs for h&s. Eleanor
^ayberry Hdlatd, 81, of Route 4,
ko bdd Ihursday. June 10, at 4
m. at Eaton's Chapel by the Rev.
M. Murray. Burial was in
braiy Methodist Church cemetery.
iwas a iiaUve of WSfces County.
Sbrvivors: one daughter, Mrs.
G. Pope of BalUbury: a son.,
amas HeUard of Mooksvllle; two
ofiRWBi P. L. Mlaybcny of Al-
maale, R. S. Maybeny of Cool-
rmt (wo ulsters, hfrs. j. C. Scott
Mount Holiy a^ Mrs. Zda M.
(Vis of MartinsvlB^ Vs.; ball
ter, Mrs. Ralph Call.
ral services for WlUlam Bing>|
May, 87, of Cooieemee, were!
at 2 p. m. Thursday, June 10 at [
Methodist Church. After'
Ihe funcroi, the body wao taken to
Richand Thompson FXincrol In Bur
lington. A gmvedde service was
conducted at 4 p. m. Friday at Pino
;HI1I Conctery in Burlington.
Surviving are Ms wife. Mtu. Ada
'shepard May; a son, Austin ayde
May of Burlington; two daughters,
Mrs. Ldand Perry and Mrs. Clyde
V. Allen of BurJln^n; a half sister,
Mrs. Herbert Thongison of Burling
ton: and two half Motheiti. James
and Ammy May of High PoinL
Bio - Obituaries - 6/17/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 24,1965 - Page ?
WllUam W. Dayton
Tho fiineral for Wiltinni Walter
Dayton, 72, of Mocksviltc, a former
ciuutoycc of Ashcvillc Steel and Sat*
\'ngo Co.. vras hold at It a.m. Fri
day at Eaton's Chapel. A grave*
side service was held at Green JtiUs
Cemeteiy at West Aiihevillo Sauir-
day. Mr. d^lon died at 5:45 a^n.
Friday at Davle County Mosi)ilnl. Ife
was born In Yancoy County to Tho
mas J. and ElizalxHh Wilson Day*
Serv'iving ore his wife. Mrs. Haltle
Brown Dayton: a daughter Mrs. >Ruth
Hill of West A^\411e: a son, Gary
Vance Dayton of Ashcvillc, Rt. 6;
fotir dtsers. Mrs. Mnudo Davis of
Clinton, Afd., Mrs. Flora Carter of
Asoln'illc. Mi% Roland Moydonze of
Rlctunond, Mich, .and Miss Lucille
Dayton of Adtcvillc; ond a brother. I
James E. Dayton of West Ashevlllc. I
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 24,1965 - Page 5
0. F. WARD
Funeral services for Owen Frank-
n Waixl. SO. of Mocksi'lUc, Rt. 9.
tore hold Tuesday. June 22, at 3
m. at Smith Grove Methodic
Buirch by the Rev. Brown McKinney
nd the Rev. J. W. Vestal. Burial
nis in the diurch cemetery.
Mr. Ward died at his home at 9:30
iv ni. Stmdny of a heart attack.
Ho was horn in Duvie County on
tpril 21. lUis, a son of the late
ntnriic and Jasle Wltliums Ward,
le was a self-employed tractor me-
He was married to Miss Opal Fost-
r in 1910. She survives.
Other survirars are two sons,
^aaklin I'ktgene Word and Kelley
i. Ward, and two d.nugliter8, Unda
jouise Ward and Martha Jo Ward.
11 of the home: two brolhers. James
l^ard and C. Ward, iioth of Mucks-
'llle. Rt. 3: ihrco sisters. Mrs. Lou-
mi .McClamroek of Mucksviilc. Rt.
Mrs. Klizolieth Roger and Mrs.
fatliercn Richardson, both of Mocks-
llle. Rt. 3.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/24/1965 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY