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Jul - Dec
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 2,1964 - Page 2 I fi. P. Aaltedse. 70 FMKAral asrvlees to Sphrism Plitktwy iPlnk) RaUedge, 70. of Woodleaf AU 1 Md Salttitlay I aftemooti at the Woodteaf MeSiodlBt Chnrdi. Hie Aev. Vtexk Stoiigh end the Aev. J. C 8«alin ofUeteted. Burial was In the Aowon Itonorid Park. Mr. Ralteuge «iiea at a p.Tn. Thttrsdajr at his home after an Ill ness of several months. He vras a farmer, a methbor of Woodleaf Mediodlst Church and a veteran of World War I. He was a iiianlier of the Soll^try Post of the Amatoin legion. He was bom In fiavle County to John P. and Sarah Casey Aatledge. He maiTled Ketlle Proposl, who nandves. Abo surviving aro two daughters, Miss Aim Aatledge of the home end Mrs. C. H. Notto Jr. of Chariotte: two sons, J<din P. RatlcC^ of MooreavlUe end Heray A. Aatlodge of Woodleaf; a brother. D. C. Aot- ledge of Mocksvllle. At. 4; a sister. Bhw. E. B. Roonls of Mocksvilte. At 1; five grandohfldren; and two step* graddchikben. G. B. Myers, Sr., 6S Fimoml scrvloQs for Grady Ben> noli (G. B.1 Myors, Sr., 65, of Ad* ^Ihisee, At. 2, woo h^ Monday oftomoon. Mr. -Myers mas dood on arrival alxmt 3 p.nt Saturdcw at the Ire* dell Memorial Hospital of Statesvlllo. He was slri^m while attotding o stock sale at Slat^tlle. He was bom In Davie County to David and VIelorIa Crotls Myraa. He Spent his early youdi in Davie County and lived hi Wnston*Sa1em a num* ber of years. He had owned and Iterated G. B. Myens Whdesale Meat Co. In WInston-Salem. He ra* turned to his Davie County form sb yoors ogo end had been a fOTmer and dahyman there since then. Sundvlng ere his wife, the former Lena Aalley: two daufihtcrs. Mrs. Prank Hedgecock of 4000 Audrey Street, Wtnston-Salom, and Mrs. Maiy Frances Robenson of Winter Paric, Fla.; two sons, G. B. Myers, Jr„ of CencOTd, N. H., and David Myers of WlBshinginn. D. C.; and liive grandchildren. Bio — Obituaries - 7/2/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,1964 - Page 4 ThomsK A* Plott, 87 Funeral scrvlcca for Thomas At-> cxoiuter Plott. 87« of Mockavllle Rt 'a, were Moml^ aflemcon at the I Smith Orovo Methodist Church. Tha *Rov. Brown McKiim^ officiated. Burial was In the dnuth ccmetety. „.Mc,-$aott-dtod-at Jti38 4L.iiu.SBt». urdoy at his home. He had txwn In decllnng hoattfa soveral months. He was liom In Davio County to J(din and Ellzatidh dames Plott and was a retired fanner PIoU was a member of Smith Grove M^hodlst Churdt. His wife, Mrs. Ester McOanlel Plott, died In 1881. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Edgar Frye of MocksvUte, Rt. 3; a granddaughter; and two great* grandddldrcBi. Mrs. G. K. Jnscs, 81 FUneral semdcos lor Mrs. Agnes May Jones, 81, of MocksvUie, Rl. 1, tWfo of G. K. Jones, were held Tuesday afternoon at the Bear Orcdc Baptist Church. The Rev. Paul Moore, the Rev. W. C. Barklcy and the Rev. Albert Bracken offic* iated. Burial was fn the church ccmeleiy. Mrs. Jones died at 4 am. Men* day at the Lynn Haven NurMng Home after an illness of three months. She was bom In Davic County to Zacomlh and Evalino Hood O'Noal. Surviving are her husband: three sons, Charlie Jones of MocksviUe, •Rl. 1, and Paul and Wade Jones, both of Mocksvliic, Rt. 5; 13 grand* diildren; M great*grandchildrcn; and two brothers, T(nn O'Neal of Salis bury and Zeb O'Neal of China Grove. Bio - Obituaries - 7/9/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 16,1964 - Page 4 Aln. F. IV. fintlUt. sa Kunerul M'rvit'Ch fur Mrs. Kinnui Frauds W. Sntlih, 90. uf Advunce. ilL 1, widiiw of Fronds W, Sniilh. Mvro bctd Sunday afluriiiion at I ho Bdhlchem Mdlt^M Oiurdi. Tin* Hev. Bnwn McKcntwy and Ito Rev. J. W. Vestal olfldated. Burial was Jn the church cunwteiy. Afrs. Smith died at l:4S a.m. Friday ul the Lynn Haven Kursiiifi Home. She hod been In devlinind health lovvrai monllw. She u-as liom in Davie County to William David and Eiirabeth Jones Bmilh. Surviving are two suns. Duke Kmitli of Advumv and Slwrill Smith uf CIctmnoiis. lU. I; u doughler. Mrs. Slavey SniiUi d Gtiidsboro; £1 jproaefaildren: 28 great^gruiidchil' dma: nod a sister, Mrs. lilssie Sm^ ul Advanue. lU* L Bio - Obituaries - 7/16/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 23,1964 - Page 3 llcse MorRttii Stntth, OS Fiincral wrvlcca for IlQgo Mnrgnn Smtlh, ot Kcoktik, Imva were hcM Salurdoy iil Vojtlcra Omprt by the Rev. IScnn Grace. BurtiU was In the For^ii Memorial Park. Mr. fimiUt died July IB ot on towa 41031)1101. Re had 1)ccn in occlmino ItUUUIl Rii die pjsl ~ab(- weeks. He was horn in Davfe County to Samuel end Bessie Rotjcrta I logo Smith. He apent his coriy tifo in Itevic County hut hod lived In lowo S3 years. Surviving ore two hrothers, F. G. Sndth of \Vinston«So1em. Rt. 7, ond & D. Smith of Higit Point; o sister. Mrs. Jconelite Leaoh of Mocksyitlc: his stepmother. Mrs. S. D. Smith Sr. of McGregor Hood; two step* sisteis. Mrs. Arvcsta Jones of Mc> Qregor Rood and Mrs. Ruth Leaser of Ciemmons: and two half brothers, Kermtt Smith of Ridge Rood and Johnny Smith of Florida. i Mrs. Reso C. ChapVo, 7B FUncral sendees tor Mrs. Rosa Comatzer Chaplin, 7S, of 8S0 Lin* eolnton Road, Saliboiy, wore held Thursdoy dfternoon «t the Summer* sett Ftineral Ghapd in Salisbury. The Rev. Horhm Creedi, Jlr., Pastor of the First Mcttioidst Citurch ot SdislMtry ond the Rev. Don L. Jen* kins, Assoefote Pastor, officiotcd. Burial was in the Manorial PoHc. Mrs. Comatzer. a native of Davio County, died July 14 at 10 p.m. at the Routan Memorial Hospital. Sho hod been in declining health for sev* erol ycors nnd seriously III for the post five days. She wos bom on July 5, 1609, in the Comatzer connmunity of Davlc County, daughter of the late Thomas M: ond Carolina Thornton Comatzer. She WQS educated In the schools of Davic County. She was •ntarrlcd to Thomos B. Chaplin, who was a merchant In North Cooleemcc prior to his death on ,Ton. 27. tM7. S1)P 4s jnir\'ived hy two doughlcrs: Mrs Poul R. Dnniels of Salisbury wllh whom she mode her homo: and Mrs. Cecil E. Brown of WM Maple Avenue, Solisbiiry; .ind sev* era! nieces and nephews. tl. C. VarbroURh, 73 Funeral services for Uw Rev. Uwn> Ciilumbus Varltfotiflhi 78, of Advance Rl. 1, a retired Rtrailurc worker and oidolned Bopllst minlst* cr, were hold Monday onernonn at the Yadkin Volley BatUlst Church. Tho Rev. A. C. Cheshire ond the Rev. Zeno Oroco officiated, niiriol wns In the churcit cemetery. Mr. Varbrough died at 2:40 p. m. Saturday at the Davle County Hos pital aRer a week's illness. Ho wos liom In Yodkin County to Sam ond Soroh Lane Vorbrmigh nnd had iivcd in tho Advance orca 15 years. Yorbrough was employed l>y Unl* <pie Furailitre Co. here a niunbcr of years, retiring in 1B54. He wos a member ot Yadkin Valley Baptist Church. Surviving ore his wife, Mrs. Cellle Spalnhour Yarbrough; three sons. FVed Varbrough of 130 Brcvord Street. Ford Yarbrough of 027 Oak Summit Road ond Lloyd Yarbrough of 3231 Arlington Drive; three daughters, Mrs. Margaret Wlklns of 2735 piedmont Circle, Mrs. Betty Bennett of Advance, Rl. l, and Mrs*. Mildred Pierce of 4723 Southwin Drive; 20 grancltlldren; and a broth er. D. W. Yarbrough ot Pilot View Street. Kim Mcroney, 73 Graveside sendees for Jtdin Kim- brough Mcroney were held Wed. at Iho Joppa .Cemetery. Mr. Mcr oney died ot the Boy Pines Veterans Hospital in St. Peterdwrg, Florida. Mr. Meroncy was Imm August 19. I8B9 in Mocksville, the son of the late Oiarlcs Flynn and Emma Kim* brough Meroncy. He was cheated at the Oak Ridge Military Academy and Gidlford Oolicgc. He entered World War I In 1917 and served in the Ordnance Corps in Oregon and 4hc State of Washii^n. Survivors taclude one dau^tcr,, Mrs. Mary Byle of Jacksonville, Florida; one son, John K. Mernney of Memphis, Tenn; one brother, CSuwIes R Mcron^, Jr. of Mocks* vdlo: four sisters. Mrs. Robert S. Mic^oiil of Mocksville: Mrs. R. L. htiorrow of Atlanta. Ga.; Rfrs. Silas jhticBco of High Point; and Mrs. ICocqior Edwards of Columbia, S. C. Bio - Obituaries - 7/23/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 30,1964 - Page 4 I Riilirrt Let* WilhrniRn. 6S retinal Minivi's for Rnlicrt j \V l'-{crM:n. •21. of Knntiniiolis. were ' held Tui'sihi.v nl 12 irdork al Lady's Kiiii!' .il Chapel. KaniiopolLs. by Ihe Iti-v. H:i>ineit(l M. WhUc. Burial wos III Oa.kiiiH>.i Ceitidcry al Com-onl. ' Ml WilKfi'Mii) tlit'd .Inly 2.> al Ca'eanus Mrnmrial llnspilnl. Mr. WiiUiTsitn was bom in Davic (!<:iinly lo llie late Tlvnmis .luffer- MUi \Vllkc'r.^on and Sarah Moarc \Vii< kcrsuii. He llx-cd in Kanim|iulis for 3H \cai's. He Ls a former taxi opera tor. Ills hiie wife was Ihe former Ursey Swain. Mrs. Blanche Swink of Grcciu- Iwru. a Italf lister, is the only siir- M'vor. Bio - Obituaries - 7/30/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 6,1964 - Page 3 Mrs. E. H. Morris Rites Are Thursday Funeral services for Mrs. Julb Doiitliit Morris, 87, of SOI Maplo Avouie, Modcsi^Hc, will be held Tfnirsday afternoon at 4 p.m. at Eaton Chapel. The Rev. Oillicrt Mih ter will ofVlciate. Burial will be in the Llbcrly IMlKMlist Cemetery. Mrs. Moiris died at 9:40 p4n. Tttcsdav at tlic Lvnn Haven Nur^g iromc nfler an illness of several montiis. She was bom SepL 23, JOTO, in Forsylh County, the datighter of John Alfred and MoHn Fonv DouUtit. She wins the widow of E. If. Morris and a member of the First Methodist Church M MochsvlBe. She Is supvh'ed by one daushfcr, Mrs. Ilbrooe Haworth, High Point; one son. E. C. Morris of Modtsx'illc; one hfrs. 0^ Piriccns of OiartoUe; three erandchlldrcn and seven groat grandchildren. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 6,1964 - Page 4 Stiore Infoal Gravcsidu ser\4ccs for Regina Louise Share, infant daughter of Mr. and htrs. Sam Shore of Route 4. ware held at 2 p.in. Friday. July 31. at Rose Cemetery. The child was bom on Wodnciutxiy and died on "nrnrsdoy night Survivors Include her parents: and. grandjiarents, Mr. and Mrs. Iloyle Harris of Route 1. Woodlcaf. and. Mr. ami Mrs. Roy Store of ItL 4. Mocksvillc. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 6,1964 - Page 6 .S. t. HOPKINS. 72 : Funcrat srnices fur Sanford Lcc Itoplsins. ri of Knutc 3. who died ! Saturday mnrtiing in Western N. C. iSanitorium following an Illness ot |lUH> months, were held Monday at II a.m. in Bcthd Methodist Church. Rev. Carl Lain ofnciated and burial was in (he clitirch ccmclciy. A veteran of World War I. he was a meinbor of Bcllicl Mclho* disi Church and the Mocksvillc Moose Lodge. Survivors Include one brother, 'L. P. Hopkins of Martiiisville. Va.; 'three sisters. Mrs. A. C. Penry of 'Knwin. Tcnn.. Mrs. S. J. Foster of j Route 3. Mooksville. and .Miss Mary illcpklns of Winston-Salem. Bio - Obituaries - 8/6/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 13,1964 - Page 5 MRS. A. L. BOUSS FtaRcrsI services for Mrs. Jessie Lee Johnson Boles, 75, who died •Mondflor, Aug. 10. were held Wednes day at 2 pm at Jericho Church of Christ. Bev. Orvllle MIdyett offlcfaitp ed. Burial was in the church ceme tery. l^s. Boles, wife of A. L. Boles of Rt 4, died unexpectedly of a heart iWicfc Qt 1 pjn. St die hesae in the Jericho oomimmi^. She vm bom in Rowan Cteady to C. J. and Alice Lesor Joliasan. 4Sbe Itafl aeslded In the Jericho common- ■)iy for 18 years. Sie was a monfoer of Jeririio Church of Christ. Surviving uro the husband: three sons, Alvin L. Boles of Wuddi^iton, B. C., J. C. Boles of JockaonriUe, Fla., end W. M. Bries of Seattte. Wash.; four daughters, Mrs. L, S. Ootmson and Mrs. J. B. Scobey of Washington. O. C, Miss RriMria Boles of Jadcsom'lUe. Fla., and Mrs. Sfolvln Looper of Mocksvllle. Rt 4: eight sroBdchlldren: one slstor, Mrs. ; J. D. Bills of Wadilngton. 0. C.. and one broUiar, H. C, Johnson of Rt. , 0. Slalcsville. ftlRS. J. C. LARKIN Piinoral services for Mrs. J. C. Lar!:in of Route I. Whites Creek, Tenn., were held Saturday at t p.m. at Joelloii Ftuiera! Home, Joolton. Tciu). Rurlal was In Mount Olivet Ccntelor)'. S'oshvlllo. Tenn. Mrs. Laridn died at 1:30 a.m. Friday at St. Thomas Hospiial at Nashville.She is sunived 1^ eight daugh ters, Mrs. C. C. Chapman of &U»cI(s- ville; Mrs. Earl Sausier, Mrs. W. J. Binkloy ,&lrs. Paul Teasley, hlrs. Claude Burton. Mrs. Bill Kriz, Mrs. Charles Friu and Mrs. Ikm Coutben. all of Tennessee: and one son, James W. Lorkin, also of Tcanessee: and 14 grundclUldroa. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 13,1964 - Page 4 Miss Mory Byerly Funeral services for IWss Mory Pamelo Byerly, 59, were held lltiirsday, August 6, at 3 p. m. atCoolecmee Methodist Ohur^ by the pastor, the Rev. Joe T. Meltmt. Bur- lot was In the Byerly's Qiapel Modi- odist Church Cemetery. She died at 11 o'clock Tuesday night at her home following a four- month illness. A notive of Rowan Cmuity, she was bom Feb. 2, 1903. daughter of the lale Cicero Harvey and Stella Mae Kcontz Byerly. She ^vas ed ucated at die Davie Academy and for a number of years bad been em ployed at 4he Ek^vin Mills as a wea ver. Miss Byerly was on active ntem- ber of Coclecmeo Methodist Church and served as a primary class Stm-doy Sdiool tcad^ for more than 32 years. She also belonged to the Women's Society of Christian Se^ vice and last year was awarded a lifetime membership pin. Survivors include five brothers, J. H. Byerly and Clyde Byerly. both of Cooleemce, J. B. Bycriy of KannopoUs. Ray Byerly of Eliza beth, N. J.. Jack Byerly of Indep- cndotce, Mo.: throe sisters. Mrs. A. L. Smith of Rt 1, Mocksvllle. Mrs. 0. L. Wyrick and Mrs. Wilbum Daywall of Coolecmee. Bio - Obituaries - 8/13/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 20,1964 - Page 4 •ToIib Arlbrar lUmtes. 88 Ftincral scrvtcea for «Tahn Arthiv Bowtca, 88. of ModoivHtc RL. 4. were held Friday al EaUm'fl Chapo). The Rev. Orviilo Myded offtclalcd. Burlid yras in tlie Jeticho Church of Christ ccmctory, Mr. Bowtca died ol 0:30 p. m. Aitgnal 12(di nfler aufrcrhtg a heart attack at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Cluirtle Soamon. of Mock^llle m. 4. lie was iMim in Ircdcll CMmly to R. C. ond Virigina Adams Bowlua. Ills wife. Mrs. Augusta J. Rowlcs, died in I9S9. Surviving are two son.s, Clay Bowles of Burilngton and Arthur Rowlcs of Butncr; six daughters, Mrs. Soamon, htrs. C. A. Scaford, Mrs. Robei't Allen and Mr. Everett Davis, all of Modcsvflte, Rt 4, and Mrs. Reed Tliomiison and Mrs. Rpy Orawford, both of Hflisboro; 10 grandchtidren; 84 greal-grandchU« drcn; and a sister, Mrs. Walter Bcctdiom of StatesvlUe. Jesse Lee Wofford, 7S ' Funeral services for Jesse Leo Woffard, 75, of 41 Davlo Street In Coolcomce were held Saturday oL (omoon ol Eaton's Chapel in Mocks* villo. The Rev. Charles BurchoUe officiated. Burlid wos In the Row an Memorial Park. Mr. Woffard died at 4:15 a.m. Thursday hi the Rowan Memorial Hospital at Salisbury aRcr on HI- ness.of throe weeks. He was a retired (oxUto worker, a member of the Patriotic Order of the Sons of America and of First Baptist Church. He was l)om in Davle Oounly to Ufldsay and Sarah Loglo Woffard. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Frances Beck Woffard: two dau^t* ers, Mrs. Margaret Brinogor and Mira Mamie Woffard, both of Cool* eemce; two sons, Jomes Woffasd of Coolcemco and Lawrence Woffard of Raleigh; two brothon, Charles Woffard of Oooloemec ond George Woffard of MohHe, Ato.; and two grandchildren. MRS. W. A. AtUEM. 81 Funaol scrvfces for Sirs. LcSa Jane Allen, 83, of Moehsvltte, Bl. 8, wife of W. A. Alleo, wore held Bun- day aflemoon al the Wesdcy Cbapd MalhodHst Churdt. The Rev. Bennle Bearden officiated. Burial was In the chundi econeteiy. Mrs. AMctt died ol 11:80 ojn. Fri- doy at the Davlo Counly Hospital. She Jttd been in decUnlag health for several months. She was bom in Davle Counly to W. 41. and Ludndo Cuthrcll Lokcy. Survivkig besides her iuuhand ore a son. WIU AUen of ModnvlUe. lU. 2; three daughters, Mrs. R. L. Cau- d^ of Wlnslon-Salem, Mrs. Vkdo Cos of KnnnapoUs and Mrs. J. B. Bowles of Rockwell: S3 grandchil dren and 31 groat-grondehtldren. ELIJAH WILLIAMS REAV18, 75 Funcro) services for Eltlah Will iams Reovis, 73, of Uorauny, Rt 8, were hdd Sunday afternoon ol the Rock Springs Boptlst Church. The Rev. Clay Maccmoro, the Rev. Gra ham Woolen, the Rev. Paul Moore, and the 'Rev. F. H. Rcncgar cffldat- ed. Burial was in the churcb come- tony. Mr. Beavis, a retired farmer, died at his hoiflc after an illness of two years. He was born in IredoU CMtnly to James Monroe and LilUe McDanld Reavis and spent his fife in the Rocky brings community. Surviving ore his wife, Mrs. Cora, Riddle Reavis: two sons, Hubert and Lea Reavis, both of Harmony; two daughters, Mrs. James Bowdtm of Germanton ond Mrs. Roy Sberriil of Hornumy: a stepdaughter, Mrs. Ahds Lee of Advance: 13 grand- cihidren :a ffreot-graoddiild and a sister, Mrs. W. R. Snydcr of Wln- slon-Salem. Mrs. W. M. NoR Funeral sendee for Mrs. Beuloh Wofford Nail were conduoted Thurs day, August 13, at 8 p. tn. at Duon and Mrailams Fuoerd Citapcl in Ashovillo. Burial was in fVaxcst Lawn Cemetery. Mrs. Nan dM saddedy Tuesday dght at her home in Black Moun tain. Mre* Nail is 8urvl\'ad by her husband, W. M. Nail; o son, W. M. Ndl, Jr. of Ashovillo; two daughtA ers, Mrs. Hubert SoinroDn of Bl Pasa, Texas and Mrs. James Court- n^ of CharioUo; four grandchil dren: two brolhors. Cborles WoffonI of Cooteenieo and George Wofford of Mobile, Ato. Bio - Obituaries - 8/20/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 27,1964 - Page 5 MRS. G. W. BARKAM {f^inerol servfaxs for Mrs. Margaret EUxabeih CoH Barham. who Is the daughter of Mrs. htargaret Nhll Call of Mocksvllle, were held Tuesday Aug. 25. at 9 pm at the Nmr Lebanon Churdi In ReMsviOo by the Rev. John Permar and the Rev. John Q. Williams. Burial was In the church cometeiy. Mrs. Barham. 43, of Rddsvllle, Rt. 4. wife of Gecsge Wesh^ Barham. died at 8:35 pjn. Sunday In Annie Pcnn Memorial Hospital after an ill- noss <4 13 weeks. She was employed by Gem Dandy Menufacturlng Co. In Madison for the past five years. She was bora In Sumler. S. C.. to Grady P. and BSorgaret Nail CaH. ^e lived In the Bethany commun ity for more than 20 years. She Avas a member of the New Lebanon Otristlan Church. Surviving In addition to her mo ther are her husband; three sons. James Wesley Borlumi of Reids* vllle, Rt B. Mkhocl Clay Barham of Rddsvllle. Rt. 4, and Frank No lan Barham of the home; two dau^os. Bcily Jane and Breoda Kay Barham. both of the homo: hor father of Salisbury. Rt. t; a diter. Mrs. Robert II. Hofword of Mooresvlfle. Rt. 2; and two grand children. JOHN D. MeCUNNON Funeral services for John David McC^annon. 72, were boM on Wed* n<»day .Aug. 20, at 8 p.m. at Wesley Chavel Melhadlsl Ctuu^ by the Rev. Benny Bowden- Burial was in the church oemetefy. Mr. McCIannen, a retired farmer, of MocksvlUe, Rt 8. died at 8:05 p.m. Monday at Davie County Hue* pitel after an Illness of two weeks. He was bom In Davle County to Jfdm W. and Martha Jackson Mo* Ctannon. Surving are a son. John Harding MoClannon of Mociwi'ille, Rt. 8; two daugfalers. Miss Pbosa kfcCIannon of Wlnstoo-SBlom and Mrs. Frank Bar< bee of Columbus. Ohio: nine grand* children: five great-grandchildrea: a brotlicr, Will McClamum of Cool- oemee: and two sisters. Mr*. Lillian Hellard of Cuoloemee and Mrs. Km* ma Fm of KsnnaiKdls. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 27,1964 - Page 3 JeiM L. CorlKcr. Sr., 78 ^Pmoral services for Jesse I^o Cnrtner, Sr.. 79. a former of Mocks- vHIe Rt. 1 wore held Saturday morn ing at the Selcm Methodist church. The Rev. Robey Evans, Ihe Rev. James 8. White and the Rev. J. K. Lesley officiated. Burial was In tho church cemeteo*. Mr. Cartncr died at 2:30 p. m. August 20th at his home. He had been In declinitg health several months. He wos bom In Dovie County to Thomas W. and Virginia Brown Cortner. He wos a member ot Salem Meth odist Church. Surviving are two sons, Claude end Jesse Lee Cortner Jr., Iioth of Mocksvlllc, RL I; three daught ers, Mrs. Mary B. Morrison of the home, Mra. Molvin Troutroan of Statesvllte nitd Mrs. Gtcn Campbell of Harmony, Rt- H « grandchil dren; four great-grondchildren; and a brother, T. Olcn Cortner of Mocks- vlRe, Rt. .1. Mrs. James N. Ktng, flS Funeral services for Mrs. Maiy Ellen (Granny) King, 85, of Advance Rt. 1 were held Sahndoy onemoon at the YodkJn Volley Baptist Church. The Rev. Alvis Cheshire, tho Rev. B|^ Billings and the Rev. George iWar ofticieted. 1^. King died at 11:50 p. m. August I91h at her home in tho Yodkin Vottoy community. Ste was bom in Davic County to Harding D. and Phodie James Sndth. Surviving ore three daughters, Mrs. Bessie Smlfh of Mocksvlllc, Rt. 2. Mrs. Maudle Hausor of Advance, Rt. 1 mtd Bfrs. Addle Martin of Miuifmnfanm, Iowa: six sons, Roosevelt, Frank, Jesse, and Ro bert ICing, oil of Advance. Rt. 1. Alvls King of Homestead. Flo., and Harrison King; a brother. Lonnio Smith of YadklnvUte: a half brother, Douglas Smitlr WInston-SaImn; two sisters, Ernest Ktgpr of Durham oi^ Mrs. COra SplUmon of Wlnston^em; SO grandcMldren; 6S great - gronddilldren; end 13 groat-great-gr^ddldrcn. J. M. SEAHON, 82 Funeral sorvices for Jamos Mon roe Seamen, 08, of MooksvUte, Rt. 4, ■wore ccmducted Sunday afternoon at Eaton's Funeral Chapri. Orvltle Midyett and Lewis Savage officiated. Burial followed in the Jericho Church of Christ Cemetery. Mr. Seomon died Saturday morning fi t 4 ajn. in fitc Davle Ooun^ Hos- p|taL He had been seriously ill forfilArve^ ^Pretlred farmer, he was bom In Qavie County Aug. 25, 1871, son of U^e late Franklin and Sarah Day- <vauU Seamon. He was a retired formw. 'He was married to the former Tftbatha Driver, who died In 1013. Survivors include throe daughters. Mrs. James Boles of ModuvHIe. Rt 4. Mrs. Frank Garwood of Oooleemee. htrs. Paul llendihc of Mocksvlllc Rt. 3; three sons, Charite Seamm of Wktslon-Salem, Everett Seamon of Modtsvlllc; 16 erondchtldrcn; and 21 great-grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 8/27/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 3,1964 - Page 6 JAMES W. BEAN. Jr.. 47 F^incral services tor James W. Scan, 47, of Beddey. West Virginia, were cmiducted at 2:S) i>.nL Sunday, Aufi. 30, at Advance McthodJk Obupeh. Burial xtfus in Ihe church cemdery. Bean died in a Becklcy tlostUlal after an illness of three days. Ho was bom In Sptmcer to James W. and Annie Jane Stutls Bean and had lived in High Point for seven years. MILES P. BRITTON Funeral scrvticcs for Miles P. Brit* ton were held Monday, Aug. 31. at 2:30 pjn. at Shiloh BqiUst Church by the Aev Ue moved to Beckley six months ago. where he was manager of Groenbricr Dairy. Sle was a member of Shady Grove Methodist ChOiPch dt Advance. Surviving are his wifo, Mrs. Jennie Lowe Peoj^os Bead; two sons; Bili and CUflon Bean, both of tho home: his parents el ftalclgli; a brother, C. T. Bean of Greensboro; and a sister, Mrs. Frances Grubbs of GreeiKboro. . G. W. Chanibcrs. Burial was lji tho church comotcry. BfiUon died Saturday at his homo. Surviving are Ms wife, Mrs. Ailcc Brithm; two daughters, Mrs. Ethel Wilson and Mrs. Christine Johnson, both of Modtsville; seven grandchfl- dren; (wo ^epsois, John end Charles Anderson, botti of MoctoviUe; and four sisters. Miss Lilly Biilton, Mrs. Dushcr Halrstoa, Mrs. Linda AlUnor ond - Mrs. Scr^ Mason, all of Mocksvilie. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 3,1964 - Page 4 Former Teacher At Farmingtoti Takes Life A former teacher at the Farming* ton High School was found dead of a gunshot wound shortly ofler mid* nigltl Tltursday in an office behind his home ol Walnut Cove. Charles Thomas Barixmr, Jr., 4.1. principal of the now South Sluices, High School, dicil of n bullet wound hi his chest nnd n P m m I^igcr :pislul was found near his Itody. ! Though lie had needed cniichcs jlo mow niMiul eiw since he wns^ Mricken with polio :tt the ago of D.' lie hull Iteen active in Itaskcliiull ctNiching and teaching. | lie son'cd for several years nsl princliial of Nancy Reynolds High SeitiNil and hud liecn appointed principal of llio new cunsolidatod Saiilh Slukes Higli School ot Walnut Coxe. opening for tlic first time this fall. He had moved lo Walnut Cove two Weeks ago. He had served in Stokes Ckiunly for the past 17 years. Before becoming Nnncy Rcynold-s principal he had inughl and been basketball coach at Gci'monton and Uien Pinnacle. He came lo Stokes County from Dax'le County where he bat) taguht et Fai-mingtun High School. T\vo years ago Burbour was hon* ored by the Winston-S.ilcm Journal and Sentinel for his contributions lo baskctiuilt in Northwest North Carol* ina. On this occasion he was a special guest at Ihe annual Journal and Scnlinct linncpict in Winston* Saicm. Ho received the honor for his services as a couch ami for directing the anmial Stokes County basketball tournament for more than 10 years. Associotes and close friends de- ecribed iiim as a dedicated sciiool man and a sincere and camesl man of "no foolishness." Harbour was bom in Greensboro to Charles T. and Vila SmiUi Bar* bour. Ho was a grodunte of Wake Forest High School and Wake Forest College and received a nuisicr's degree from the Universiiy of North Carolina. Ho was "a mcml)©' ""Of "Browir Mountain Baptist Chureh. a Mason and a member of tho Alpha Kappa Phi fralcmily. Surviving are his wife, the form* or Miss Hazel Shoi'pe; a brother. Wavcrly Barbotir of Miami. Fia.; and two sisters. Mrs. Emonuol Mc* mllion of 2203 Kerry Drive, Greens* boro, and Mrs. Inez McCoy of TOO Westovcr Torraco, Greensboro. Funeral services xvere conducted Sunday afternoon at Winthrop Friends Meeting House near Union Grove In Iredell County by the Rev. Mellon Jordan, Ihe Rev. Jack Joyce and (he Rev. Victor Murchison. Bur* lol was in Utc meeting house grave* yard with Masonic Rites. Bio - Obituaries - 9/3/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 10,1964 - Page 2 JAMRS DAVID BAnNCS. 74 Funeral services for James David Barnes. 74, of Advoncc, Rt. 2, wefe hdd F^'ldoy otioKnonn ol Bailoy's dtopcl Mothodlsl Ghiiroh. The Rev. Billy Cllnord nnd Ihc Rev. J. B. Pnrkor ofnolalcd. Burial was In the clnirch cemetery. Air. Barnes died Sept. 2 at thOi home of a son, Coy Barnes of Ad. %'ancc RL 2, where he mode his home. Surviving In addition to C(^ Barnes arc six other sons. Homer Barnes of Advance, RU 1, Howard, Green. James ond Thomas Bsrncs, all of Advattee. Rt 2; three daughters, Mrs. J. H. HioU of Advance, Rt. 1, Mrs. Afglo McCarlcr of Triidty, Rt. 1, and Mrs. .Rlbert Hardhnon of Wlnstm-Sa^cm: 25 grondchildren, IS great grandchildren end his stop« mother, Mrs. Nettle Barnes of ThomosvUle. D. R. McCLAMROCK, C9 FunerM services ifor Duhe Kim* brwtgh McClamrock, 69, of 183 23rd Street NW,'Hickory, were held Friday afternoon ol the Hidfoiv Funeral Home Cbapd with the Rev. J. B. Golden oNlcialtng. Burial was In the Farrview Cemetery. Masonic grave side riles \v«rc conducted. Mr. MhClamrock, a native of Davio County ond former operator of the McClammrock Seed Company in Mocksvillc, died Sopl. 2 at his homo in Hickory after an illness of a month. He was bom In Dq\4o Coiinty to David DeWilt McOiamrock and Louise Etchlson McClamrock, He was a member of Farmlnglon Masonic Lodge 203. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mory Darnell McCMnmrock; a son, Bill Mcdanwock of Hickoiv: a brotiter, Edward McClamrock of Mocksvillc: and four sisters, Mrs. R. W. Lakey of Farmington. Mrs. Volma Wood ward of Oano aitd Mrs. Joe Foster and Mrs. Auburn Gentry, both of Mocksx'ille. 7VilIlom D. Foster, 74 Funeral services for WiHIam Booe FoaerrTCof 222i'Westfl6rd-A vehucfr Winston-Salem ^vere held Tuesday aCicrnoon at Voglors Cliapet. Dr. J. C. Hughes officiated. Burial was in the Moravian Grav^ord. Mr. Foster died Sunday nflemoon at the VcLerans Hospital at Oteen. He had been seriously IH for four days. He was born Dec. 8, 1689, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Foster In Davic County and spent his early life there. He served in World Wor I nnd moved to WifnstoivSntcm 45 years ago. He was employed by Frank Blum Construction Co. as superin tendent. He was a member of the VFW and Home Moravian Church. He married Ethel McAlpinc on Nov. 14, 1925. Survivdng are his wife: three brothers, Edgar Foster of Winston- Salcm, Sam Foster and Craig Foster both of Modcsvitic; two sisters, Mrs. Grady Sain of Mocksvillc and A&s. Ola Poolc of Lexington. Bio — Obituaries — 9/10/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 17,1964 - Page 8 ANN 8U& MOCK Qraveslde services tor Anna Sue Mock. 1-day old doughter of Isaac Nelson Mo^ and Ponnle MCBrlde Mock of Advance, Rt. 1. were held Saturday at 11 a. m. at Mocks Melhodlsl Church cementery by the Rev. Oarl Halre. She died at 6:SS a. m. Friday at Porsylh Mcmorjal Hospital in Wins* ton-Satem. Surviving in addition to her par ents are a halt sister, Kethy Dean infield of the home; and her grandmother, Mrs. OIc^ McBride of Winston-Salem. MRS. MAMIE COPE Funeral services for Mrs. Mamie Velra Cope. 75. of Cooleemee, were conducted Friday at 4 p. m. at Cool eemee Episcopal Church by tho Rev. Downs Spitier. Burial was in the Cooleemee Legion Memorial Park. Sio died at 5:30 p. m. Wednesday at Baptist Hoapltol, Winston-Salem, Her husband. K. L. Cope, was a former sheriff of Davie County. A 'native of Davie County, she was a daughter of the late Samuel and Martha Groves Brogdon. Mrs. Cope was ilwice morried, first to Bruch Thompson, who died many years ago. She married Cope In 1918. He was Davie County sheriff from 1939 to 1932. In addition to her husband, other survivors include a son, Bruce Thompson of Gainesville. Fla.; two grandchildren, two great - grand children, and a brother, Cain Brog don of Cooleemee. Bio - Obituaries - 9/17/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 24, 1964 - Page 5 Ak tVlU.IAM P. rORNATZKR Plnkslcn Cumalwr. 73. ol Mocluville. HI. 2. lite l-'armliwloii camiiiimtiy. dlctl n! 4:30 |>. in. Moiv d.iy ol Bs|>!Lsi IliuniUil. \ViiT!(ton> Salcm. He hod Iutii n pnlicnl Ihrco Wcckn. He WQ.S iMirn in D.ivic Cotiidy In Henry PInkslon and Ajitics Tikvlni Curnotzcr. lie was a rellrcd farmer His rir."5t wife was Iho former Augii.da Vojjlcr. Ills second was Ihc former Lain Hidh Spillmnn Rich and his Udr4l, Ihc former AUti Bcimell Survvlni! are his wife: two sons, Dr. W. I^iiicne Corniilau»r of Grand Pork, N. D., and CHiitnn C. Comai* zcr of Advance. Rt. 2; o daughter, Mrs. Ann Trulil of San Francisco Collf.; a stepson. Paul l^co Bcnnoit of Apnpkn, Fin,; ihrcc slepdought' ers, Mrs. CIco Cromcr and Mrs. Polly Ann McGco, iniih of Kings Mminiain, and Mrs. Saliiu Rnih Jomcs of WInston*S:dcm: a brother, Glenn G. Comaizcr of Advance. Rt. 2: three sisters, Mrs. Flossie .Tones of Advance. Ht. 2, Mrs. Clara Ratty of Lcwls\'ilic and Mrs. Gladys Hoi* mcs of New Jersey. Iktor)' llodgRon. SB Funeral rorvlccs for Mary Mollle jtodgson. 85. af Rottie 1. Harmony, (Were held Tuesday at II a.m. ol the chapel of Bunch Funorol Homo In Slntes^llc ■by Hic Rev. W. 0. Bon* field and Ihc iRov. J. A. Rogers. Burial was In the Clarksbcrry Methodist Church cemclery. She died Sunday morning ot 3:45 ol her home, ^e had heon In bad heatlh for four jnontlis ond seriously ill for one A native of Davle County, she was bom Nov. 12. 1878, daufihter of the late Unfits and Betty Hodgson. Survivors include two sons. VenderR. Hanson of Coolccmcc, Ted G. Hodgson of SoHsbuiy: three dougb* lers, Mrs. Hazel Jdinson of Urbana, 111.. Mrs. Oesslc Whllaker of RL 1, Macksvllle. ond Miss Avis Hodgsonof ^0 home: one sister, Mrs. Daisy Stroud of RU I. MocksvIHe. She was 0 member of Clarksbcny Methodist Ghui^ch near Harmony. Bnrgcss P. Cart«<, M Tkmorol sorvlces for Burgess Pe* (gram Corter, 83, who died Saturday at t^n Haven Nursing Home were held Monday ol VadMn Valley Bap* rtst Cknrch by the Rev. Alvis Chcsh* Ire and lite Rev. Cari HMre. Burlol wos In the ohirrch cemetery. He (vras a retired fanner of Route t. Advance. He was bom In Davle Coim^y to Hosmas and Sally Howard Carter. Uo («uo9 0 charter member of Mocfcnltle Methodist Church. Surviving are throe daughters, Mrs. James Zimmerman and Mrs. Clyde Weathetsnan, toth of Advance. Rt. 1. and Mrs. James Bracken of Rt 5. Mocksvlllo; o son, Lawrence Car* ter df Advance, Rt. 1: cli^t grand* diHdrmi: two grcat*grondch]Idren: and a brother, P. R. Carter of Route 1, Aih^ee. Garland Moodoy. S3 Rineral sorvlces for Garland Van- ataiy Munday. S3, of MooksvfUe, Rt. a, were held Monday aftcmoon at' Eton's Chapel. The Rev. Brown Mc> Klnnoy otflcioted. Burial was in the Smith Grove Methodist Clnirdi Oeme- Iciy. Mr. Mumloy, a retired salesmon. diod S.iturday night ot the Veterans AdnxHislrotlM Hospital at Durham. He had been In dcdlnlng health. Ife (WQs bcm In Irodeli County to deal P. and Dcllo Tmi^etim Mun* day. He was o veteran of Worid War n. Survlring arc his wife, the former Nina Foster; two son.<i. Kmnoth D. Mimdoy of Slatesvlllo and J. Leon Munday of Wlnston*Salcm: two dsughlers, Mrs. Randall Henderson of StatesvIHe ond Mrs. Dowoy H. Sherrlli of Wtnston*Sol(m): 12 grand* drildren; 4wo brothers, S. L. and Lamar Munday of SlolosWUo; and flee ^ers. iMrs. Ooloman Dagen* hardi and Mrs. Leona firad^aw of Slatesvlhe. Mrs. dUY Campbell of Clommons. Mrs. WoUcr Morrism of Jamestofn and Mrs. Otto Kulo of Knnnnpolls. Bio - Obituaries - 9/24/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 1,1964 - Page 5 Oiarllo 8. Ftye, 79 Funeral services (or Charlie San* ford Fryo. 79. of Wtnston'SQlem. RU 4, were held Tuesday morning at (he Mount Ctntnd Methodist Church. Ihe Rev. Paul M. CassctI end the Rev. FVenk ChrJseo otfldaled. Burial was in the EXboviilo Methodist Church Cemetery. Mr. Fryo. a native of Davlo Coun* ty end 0 rdJrcd former, died at -Huw~&<ni-*fiimdny ot FenaBi-MB* mortal Nospitad. >He had been in de clining health a year. He wds iMim In Oavlc County to Praid: and Many Jane Copo ^e. He spoit his early Itfe in Davte County in the Elbavillo dturoh com* munlly. He had lived In the Mount Carmd Methodist Churdi communiiy for SO years. Surytvto.arQ four sons. Frank Fryo tf Winstm^icm, Rt 4, Dar* wick iRoad, Lawrence Fiye of 4173 Bbert Street, David and Oils Frye of 528 Hemingway Drive; two doughlers, Mrs. Ann Sbninons of Swing Drive and Mrs. Waller James of Fort laudordflde, Flo.; 20 grand* diltdrcn: 11 groat • grandchildren; a brother. Gcwge Fiye of Mooresville; and live sisiers, Mrs. Jane Weaver of Davidson County and Mrs. Nancy Bailey. Mrs. Linle Blake, Mi'S. Mary Mocum and Mrs. Rosie Jorvis. oil of Adrance. Bio - Obituaries - 10/1/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 8,1964 - Page 5 It. D. BAITY. OS F^nenol scrvtcos for Hehnan vld Oaity. 68. of tl8 W. BsATier Avenue. Wtnslon^tomi wore ttch) Wedneodoy, Oct. 9. at 3 p.tn, at OouiOney Church In Vadklit Counly. Burial wta in the church cemetery. Ole died Monday at the Veterans Adminiatrallon KospBal at Sallsi bury. He had been In dccllnli^ health B7 yoorg. Be w€A bom tn YatHtIn Oounly to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Baity and bad ^nnt his early life In that county. He served 1.1 months oversc.ns with Uie U. S. Army (hiring World War t. He had lived In WlnalnmSalem for the t>ast 40 years. Ho was emplfxyed at Duke Power Co. as o streotoar conductor and OS Q bus driver for n mmdicr of years. He was employed at filuo Bird Cab Co. a yonr. Mo retired 37 years ago due to HI health. He wos a mondjer of the Wood men of the World No. 307. the FVank Perryman Post of Iho VFW and Cross Ronds Baptist Church at Qmriney. He married (Miss SalUe Wooten on D(x. 0. 1B92. Summing Dire his witel a son. John DQViri Bahy of l8S W. Acadia Aveftuet m gfdhdclilhlreit threo ^ers. Mrs. Lola SplUman of 731 Dcvon^lro Street, Cletus But* ledge of Modcs\4lie. Bt. 6 and Mm. Pen BsMc e( Moeltsvine. Ht i Bio - Obituaries - 10/8/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 15,1964 - Page 4 Mti. Mbrvtii Uftdi, 4S Funeral services for Mrs. Gdlth Jesnette 43, of North Cen tennial Avenue, Ittfh Pdnt. will be held 8t (he SMen Puneittl Home at S p.m. 'nmrsda^. The 8Uiv. fi. M. Avett and (he Rev. HAtert Pemy win offlelate. Burial be in Hose uccncrarya Mn. LeMh. wife et Manvtai Leach, died oi 4:40 p.in. MCadaor at tho Baptist HOflpltel in Wbrttoo^aldln foltowiftg itfiart sufyety. She was bom In Randottih County to John and Carrie &iflth Tuttcnw. Surviving are her (nother of Modcsvtllc, Route 4: her husband: bwo dou^dcrs, Mrs. Peggy Jean Ed monds of Randleman end Uta. Patricia Aim Zeraten of (he PbillppiRe Islands: three sons, Ctary N. Leadi of the U. 8. Afr Force in Gennany, Robert Aden Leech and Lorry Maiv \4n Leach, bofh of the home; four grandcWtdroi; five sisters, Bfrs. Odessa SpQfis of Wlnstoft-Solem, Mrs. Bell Rbdgen of Codoemee, bfrs. Alva dRMdrd of Medcsvlte, RL 3, Mrs. Eva Deadmon of Elizabeth. N. J.. and Mlrs. Botis Barrier of MocksvSe, Rt. 4; and three brottiere. O. B., Paul and Jidlus TUtterow, idl of MoeksrtOe. Rt 4. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 15,1964 - Page 2 Samuel A. Dsltey, 70 Samuel Alexander Batloy. 70. of 13 Ervin Street, Conlccmce, died at 10:20 Friday morning at Rcnvan Memorial Korpllal in Salisbury wiicre ho had ben a patient since Sund^. A native of l>avle County, ho was bom Feb. 20, 188S. and had lived hi Cooleemco most of his life. A re tired textile wortcer, ho Itad been cn^Iryed et Erwln Mills for many years. Survivors Include his wife, (he former LIIUo Jarvls; two sons, CSa^ <mce C. BaOoy of 1322 Parfcvlew Cirdo. Sallabuiy. and David K. Bailey (S Advance, Rt. 2; one daugh ter. Mrs. \V. A Cox. who Is with her Ittiiband who b stattoned In Eng land with the aimed forces. Mr. Bailey was a momber of Codtcomeo Methodist Church, the Indcpoidcnt Order of Oddfcltows, and the Redman Lodge of Cooteo- mee. The funeral wns conducted ot 8 pan. Sunday at Cootccmce Metho dist Churdi by the Rev, Joe Mellon. Burial was In RowonI Memorial Park In Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries - 10/15/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 15,1964 - Page 2 MRS. O. Z. COOK. 99 Funcnd sorvlces for Sallle Belt HowcH Ooot(, 70. of Mocksvilo RU 2, were held Sunday artcmoon at the Yadkln Valley BopUat Church. The Rev. Atvis Cheshire offtclated. Bur* lot was In the diurdi cemetery. Mrs. Cook was found dead In bed PrldAy morning. Dr. Fronds Slate, Dovle County coroner ruled that death resulted from natural causes during the night. She vvos bora In Vodktn County to J. T. nnd Amnndo Qolty Kowoll. Sho was married to G. Z. Cook In IBtS. Her husband died In 1999. Surviving ore n stepson, Willie Cook of Advance, Rl. 1; a step* daughter, Mrs. Hcrmon Smith of Bassott, Va.; two dslors, Mrs. W. 11. Bowles of Mocksvlllo, Rt. 2. ond Mrs. H. R. Baity of Whiston-Salem: Hve tirothcrs, W. O. ond R. L. Howoil, both of Advonco, lit. 1. B. D. Howell of Modtsvllle, Rt. 2, J. M. Howen of MocksvIUe. Rt. 8. ond C. V. Howell of WIn8lon*Solem: and several slcpgrandchlldrcn. 8. C. Eaton. 68 Sm'nnnah Gorndlus (Neap) Enfon, (t9ycar*oId roUrcd omptoyco with (ha City of Soliebuny. was prottoune* jod dead on arrivnl at Rowan Me* mnrial Haqpltal Saltirday morning. He wos a resident of 200tk East Ooundt Street, Salisbury. A native of Ddvta County, ho was born Sept 3. KtDO. the son ol Savannah ond Em* ma Moktin Baton. inOTQivejL t8:ff Survivora include two brothen. Clarence Baton of Satlsliury and I Baton of IRodv Mount. Funeral services were held si: p.m. Simdoy In Galon's Funeral Ch^l In Moeksvllie. Rev. D. C. McMurray ofincloted ehd burial was In Baton's Baptist Church Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 10/15/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 22,1964 - Page 4 MRS. CBARUB LEONARD Mn. SUs Leonard, 92, of Modtavflje. RL 8. wMow of (lla^ Uo Lomard, died at 1 p. m. Friday at Umstead Koapltal at Butner. She liad been In declMng hcalQi a num* ber of yeare. She was ban In Davle County to Nelson aid ISeary McCtamrock Ellis. Ber hufhand died In iSSS. Surviving are a fostor son. OccH Leonard d MocksvQIe, Rt 1, and aoveral nieces and nei^vs, indud- ing Mrs. M. H. Sebartlan d V^na* several years. Tto ftmeral was coiducted at 2 p. m. Sunday at Eaton's Chapd by (he Rev. Jack Yarfaroufih. Burld vras In Oak Grove Methodist Churdi henry orubb Henry Givbb, 62, of Old Mocks* vfilo Road, SaUabory, RL 1. died Saturday at Rowan Memoritd Uos* pltsl after an flinoss of a week. He was bom in Davle County to J(^ Adam and Nota Pack Grubb. }fo was empliyed hi the clerical de> partineot of Southon RaOway at the transfer sheds for 45 years. He was a member of the Brotherhood of RellWay Cletks and ML Tabor Moth* odisi Onntai where he vras a stew* erd. trustee and Sunday schod teadier. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Sarah Cddwdl Gtubb: two daughters, Mrs. Walter A. Graham Jr. of Sal* idNuy, RL L and Bdra. L. J. Weant of Charlotte: seven grandchildren; three brothers, Wayne Joe and Ralph C. Gnibb of Rowan County and R. N. GniM) d Dd Rio, Tex.; and a ddor, Mrs. W. C. Shoaf of Odando, fla. The funerd was cmducied ot 3 p. sn. Monday at ML Tabor Meth* odst Oiurch by the Rev. MItchel] Murrow and the Rev. Terry Ham* ltd. Burial was in the diurdi cemeteiy. MRS. J. A. LAPISH The fiinera! for Mrs. Cora Mc* anlds.Lapisb, 84, o! ModtsviUe, Rt iT uSdow of J(to A. Laplsh. was| conducted at 11 a. m. Saturday atj Sdcm Mothodit Church the Rev.| Roble Bvana. Burial was in the churdi cemeteiy. Mrs. Laplsh died Thursday. Mrs. R. B. Bunch, Sr., 74 Mire. Ahna lUdge Bunch, 74, oi Montledlo Crive, StatesvfUe, widow of Robert B. Bunch, Sr., died at 10 pjm. TXiesday at Iredell Menmual Krapital where she had been a paUent for two weda. Her death was attn&Mited to a coronoiy oodusfam. She was bora in Naslndlle, Tenn.. to Isaac Mfitim Ridge and Floredoo RIdga. aie was married in 1918 in Nadi* vile. SIo: husband died last SepL 24. Mrs. Bimcfa (attended the Caldwoll Sehod in NashWile mtd was active In. .the United. Daughters of do Cot^ federeoy at StatesriBe. She was a* member d the American War Moth* em, serving as dudrman of the Guest House Committee. She was a mendier of Broad Street Onudi of ChctsL Surviving are a son. R. B. Bunch. Jr., of Charlotte; end two granddiU* dren. The funerd was conducted at 10:80 ojn. Friday at Broad Street Qiurch of Christ by the Rev. Waltw Lee Lanter and the Rev. Hardd Scott Burial was in Oakwood Cemeteiy. Bio - Obituaries - 10/22/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 29,1964 - Page 7 W. T. Cnrlcr, W F^incral services for William Th<v ntxi cTfxrmy' Carter, pa, of Poiile 3. Mct(r!ts\lllv. will Ijo held Thiirsdivy ot 2:30 p.m. at tlic Kmllh Grm-o McShndlcl Church. The Rov. Dwisht Mfltiilmrn ond the Rev. Drowti Kliinoy wit! orilclalc. Burial will iw in the church ccmolcry. Mr. Carter died at 5 p.m. Tuesday 8< his homo. Carter was ham In D.nvic Cmmly to Willbm Thomas and Henrietta llcndrix Cortcr. He was n retired farmer and was a mcmtjcr of Pulin Molhodisl Church. fiinh'tng are four daughters. Mrs. TItonws Mnrshait and (Mrs. ArnnUl Rniierson, both of Mocks\-i)lc. Rt. 3. and Mrs. Audrey .fames and Mrs. Vitigil James, ixith of Lexington, ill. 4: 21 grandchiidrcn: and tlirue srcat srnndthlldrcn. Noah Albert Dowles. 93 Funeral serviees for Noah Albert Bonios. 03, of rJi Citerty Street. Mortvsville. nvcre held Wednesday ortcmoon at Eaton's Chnpel. Hie Rev. Ql'bcrt (.M-iler and the Rev. Jack Yoibrough officiated. Burial was in the Smith Grove Methodist Cluirch ccmoicry. Mr. Bowies died at 5 a.m. Tuesday ot his homo. Mr. Bowles w.ts bom In Dat*ic Gounly to John and Man^aroi Slcnc- street Bowles. He uxis a rctircnl guard d (he Davic County prison camp and 0 retired farmer. He was a •momber of SntUh Grove Methodist Church. Bowies is sutA'ivcd l)y a son. Jim Bm^cs. vd'.h whom he made his .hcmc. Bio - Obituaries - 10/29/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 29,1964 - Page 5 ^ Mm. Cora RIchnrdMn. S3 Pimorol services for Mrs. Cora TuUerow nicimnlsnn, 62. of Rl. I. Iformnny, were held Snlnwby nl 2:30 al Nctv Union Mclhodlsl IThurch by Ihe Rev, Bruce U. Ilobson tmd Uto Rev. Carey Dnila. Bui'lal was in Ihc church ccmdciY* She died Thurselny, Octolwr 22. fit 4:45 p. in. fit IrcdcR Mentorlol Hospilol following on illness of two weeks. A native of Dovie Cfcunly. she was born duly 2, 1912. daughlcr of Mrs. Saliio cicary Tuilcrow and tlic late Leo Tuilcrow. In oddition lo her molhcr, Mrs. Leo Tiitlerow of Haync.slown, she, leaves her husband, Bascom R.. Richardson: four sons, Eugene M.| Richardson of Coolcemce, Rol)cri' Richardson of 111. 2. Ilarmcny, Wadol Richardson of YadWnvilie, nnd J<du*-| ny Richardson of Ihc home: tlircc .brothers, Eiakc Tuilcrow of Rt. 5 Stalcsviiio, Clyde and Gilbert Titlle^ .ow of Winsloit-Salonl; two sisters. Mrs. Emma Laplsh of Taynoslownj and Mrs. Catlierlnc Sugart of Yad-' binviiio; and 10 grandchildren. ,/ John Sliecls, 74 JL Funcrol services for John Andcr- Am Sheets, 74. of W. Melbourne, were conducted Snturday ot 11 o'dock fit Dovls-Eau — Qollle Ftincral Chap^ in Melbourne. The Rev. Roscoe C. Kent will officiate, f and burial iwltl lake place there. • Mr. Sicols. a native of Davie ' County, died hlonday at a Mdboume "'hospital. Bmsi July 10, IflOO, he was a tnadihilst and a veteran of World War 1. He Is survived by his wife, Mrs. . Margaret E. Sheets; ate son, WQ* {am Sheets of Kannapdis: one daughter, Mrs. Mary Roseman of Taramont. Calif.; one broUter, Charles ^eets of Salisbury; Uiroo * hatf-tbrdhers, Ray, Jim and Joko Ward, all of Rowan Cotmiy; four sistors, Mrs. LuelRo Yorbrough and .Mrs. EUiel MurAty, both of Bu^ Hngton. Mrs. Nan Howord of Mocks* vlllo, and Mrs. Edna Kay of Sails* bury; 10 grandcfaildrea: and three great*d)ildren. Mrs. W. L. Champion, 67 Faneral services for Mrs. Bessie Cordino Champion, 67, of Mocks* yflle, woro held Monday at 2:30 p. in. at (he homo on Sanlbrd Avc* sue. Burial was in Memorial Park at SalldKiiy. ' She died at I p. m. Snturday at ^cr home attor. a hcort attack. Shejjjbas the wife of William L. Champ* Sho was bom in Davie County to Ben and Victoria James Allen. Survlvfatc are her husband; a daughlcr, Mrs. Lena Mae Spryc of Mocksvlllo: and five gronddtikhron. Mrs. L. M. TitUerow, 7S Funeral services for Mrs. Nannie Anderson Tbtterow of Rt. 1, Cksiler Church ccmmunily, were hdd Mon* day ot 3 p. m. at Center Methodst Cthurch by the Rev. Roby Evm and Uto Rev. M. G. Ervln. Buiial was In the diurch cemetery. Site was Uto widow of I4ikc M. Ibtterow. Site died ot 2 p. m Sal* urday at DavJc County Hospital af* icr a short illness. She was bom in Dodo Ccanty to EU and Nellie McGuirc Anderson, '^cr husband died several years ago. Surviving are sbc sons. W. Floyd tutlerow ot Slatesvllle, d .0. Tul- tcrow of Winston'Salem and II. W.. R. Duke, J. Clay and Lonnle M. TUiierow, oil of Modtsvillc, Rt. 1: o daughlcr. Miss Sadie Tutterow of Uto home; a sister, Mrs. George Evans ot Stetcsvlilc. Rt 4: two brothers. Spclswood Anderson of High Point and Tarfield Anderson of ^Mocksvillc, Rt. 1; 17 granddtlldreu; ^^d el^t great-granddtiidren. Bio - Obituaries - 10/29/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA I Mrs. Downiiwi iKes at Age 98 _ LENOIR — Mrs, Margaret Kimbrough Downmn, 98, widow of the Rev. James Monroe Downmn, died yesterday in Wesley Nursing Center at the : Methodist Home in Charlotte.' I Mrs. Downum was bom at Mocksville to Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson Kimbrough. She attended Mocksville Acad- emy and Mitchell College and taught piano at Mocksville. Her husband taught school at Mocksville before he became'a Methodist minister. They moved to Lenoir 57 years ago and Downum became registrar and j chaplain at Appalachian State Teachers College at Boone. He ' died in 1940. Surviving are five grandchil dren; and several great-grand-, children. Funeral arrangements were incomplete yesterday. f & - l r "NT DAVIE CO. PUBUC LIBRARY fv.OCKSViLLE, NC -6 4. CQ C" • V OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY mocksville, NC DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 5,1964 - Page 4 Mm. Loiuile M^lains Mrs. Bertha Ann Williams of Rl. 5. Modtsvflfe. died Sunday at her iKune oiler on extended Illness. She •was 0 naUvo of Dmie County ond a jnomtMsr of Cedar Creek Baptist Oiurch. Sun'hars ore; llic huslKmd. Lonnio Williams of Roulo 6; one daughter. Mrs. Mlnnlo Morrison: two brothers, tho Rev. Joo Tatum and Chorllo Ta^ tunt. all of WinsloO'Salem. Funeral sendees wero held Wed> ncsday at 2 p.m. at Shikdi Baptist Church. Mocksi'iUe, with the Rev. W. C. Hayes of Wioston-Saleim. as sisted by Uio Rev. 0. W. OanniboU officiating. Burial was lo Cedar Qtidi Baidist Church Cemeteiy. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 5,1964 - Page 2 Roy P. Slirets. its Rry Phillip Rhocts. ill. of Wtnstnn-1 Rnlom. Rt. 2. owner nnd operator of. .Sheets B.irbec:ic near Ctemnums,' die.-! nl 3 a.m. Sunday tn a hnw. piial at Mytllc Beach. S. C., after suftcrtng a heart attack ot bis col- logo there. He was trann In Dnxiio County to Gcot^ge A. onil Dlln I^nco Sltcels ond spent his early life thcro. He 1hx)d In Sallsltnry o number of years be fore coming to Forsyth County more than 30 years ago. Sheets iwas a member ot Clemmcns Baptist Church. Sur^'irlng are his wife. Mrs. Lib •Hartley Sheets; two daughters. Mrs. Ralrh B. Dunn of Orlando. Flo., and Mrs. Joy Dpggins of W9nston-SaIam. •Rt. 2; a son. Loroy Shoots of Wln- s!on-Satcm. Rt. 2: six grandchildren; two g.'-cnt-granddiildren: a sister. Mrs. Mote J. Lyvrly of Salisbury; and three brcthcrs. Henry CarUe Sltccls of Philadelphia. Pa.. George Eimdcy Sheets of GrBftth Road and (hny Stiocts of Mocttsvitlo. Funm'al smiccs wrore conducted at 2 pm. Tucsdoy at Ctcmmons Bap- Hit Church l>y the Rev. Cloxton ftall. Burial wos in the diurch come- lery. ALBERT KIMDROUGH SIIEBK Albert Kimtireu^i (SLnny> Shoek. CO. of 47C7 Brighten St.. Portsmouth. Virginia retired dcric for the Amer ican Railway Exprors Agency, died Wednesday at his honw. Ho was Hie husband of Hie laic Mrs. Blount Blow Shock and a son of the laic George and Mrs. Camilla Kim- brcugh Shock of Mocksvillo. The Modcs\'|l!c native lived in Portsmouth for SS years and was a member of West End McUiodlst CBuirdi. Surviving Is a son. George Albert ^cck of Portsmo'.ilh and four sisters. Mrs. Oscar McClamrock, Mrs. ClaroncQ James. Mrs. Frances James, and Miss Duke Shcck. oil of Modcsvillc. Funeral was at Snelltngs Funeral Homo at 12:30 p. m. Friday, with burial in OHra Brandi Comctcry. Bio - Obituaries - 11/5/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 12,1964 - Page 4 Cooleemee Native Killed In Crash o« BtcCoUoucb, n fXtneral services for James Gran« viSe MtOiBoufih. 73, e retired ca^ pcfitcr of Mo^viUe, lloute 4. will be bcSd at S p.m. Thursday at tho IdbeHy Jdethodlst Church by tho Rev. Robert Frost, tho Rev. Ralph McCtemrock and the Rev. M. G. Ervln. Surial will be la the church cemetery. Mr. McGtdtoulih died at 4:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Rowan Memorial Hospital after an illness of a day. iHe was bom In Davle County to Cicero and Alice Lowdor McCulIough and was a mevrher and honorary steward trf Liberty Methodist Church. QllcCuUough was a member of the Patriotic Order of the Sons of Ameri* CO and the Senior Otizens Club of Codccmec. Survivlns ore his wife. Mrs. Ada Creason McQiIlough: a foster daugh* tar, S&s. Pctggy MIdiael of Modes- vHle, RL 4; a brother. C. C. Mc> CuHough of ModoviUe, Rt 4: three granddiUdren; end eight groit-gnittd- dipdren. A Oodeemee aaUvo. First Lieutea* ant Larry C. Dehala. was hilled (n a flaming plane crash Thursday. Nov. 8 at PortsmouQ), N. H., whHe his horror^lrlohai parosts watched. Ltoul. Dennis was one of Qve crew members aboard an bSt Ibroe Arato- Jet utich was taking part in a ro> fueling exercise over the Poase Air Force Base near Portsmouth. The lieutenant's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Dennis of Riehmimd, Va., had arrived at Portsmouth to visit their son. an only child. Ihey had gone to the air basa to u^tdi the maneuver, knowing that I^ny was a member of tho Stratojet. Accm-dlng to wire reports, tho plane, which was loaded with gaso line, craahod and burned duittg the takeoff. The crash took ptece only mom^ aftor the plane lifted off the ground. U was the fourth of five pianos that were to take part in the operation. The air force fire ftghtera ruShed to the scene aid covered die wreck age with foam. But only three of the five bodies could be immedlatdy re covered. Lt Dennis, who was 25 or 26 yearn old, ^nt much of his earii^ life to Cooleomeo. His parents were both natives of the Davie area. His mother was tho former Gladys Oope, a dstm* of Radford Cope of Salisbury. The fondly moved to Noifdk where LL Dennis was graduated from the Gran- beiy (High School and attended Wil liam and Mary OoBego. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 12,1964 - Page 5 R, P. Foster, ST (, 7\incrd aervlcos for Richard Paul ■Foster. Sr., S7, were conducted Sat-Prdoy, Nov. 7, at It am. at Macc- : dcnlo Moraiinn Church by the Rev.^Voylor Loflin and tho Rev. Norman'plftycrly. fioiial was in tho church Agraveyard. He died Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. at .Ids home. Ash'once. Rt. I. 4ic had^bccn til several months, i (Ho was bom In Davio County on iSctpt. 6, 1807. to Mikon ond Jidlc i'^chtscn Foster. i; He was mvner and (gicrator of, '■Foster's Grocery, lie was sheriff of^avie County from 1MB to 1030. L- Foster was n member M Mace- i^onia Moravian Ctmrch. He married Miss Vosta May Wilson i'in 1927. i". Surviving ore the wife; three sons, luUdiard Paid Fteter. Jr., of MocDiU?)Air Force 6:ec. Fla., Larry Faster•W Advance, Rt 1, ond Wilson Foster •I6f Long Beach, Calif.: five grand- rtidldrcn; three brothers, Glenn Fos- of Athens, Ohio. Garland Fosteryt Itoaaoke, Va., and J. A. Foster of BSuffolk, Va.: three sisters, Mrs. W.'E. Dai^ of Oonccrd, Mrs. Ethel Ma- j'son Of AdvaifCe, Rt 2 and Mrs. Lctdi iRicelB of Roanoke, Va. Edward 0. Davis Edward 0. Davis, a native of Davie ity, died Thursdoy. Nov. 5, in ichmtmd, Va., where he hos made home for about SO years.13 The son (d Mr. and Mrs. H. R. ^^vis, he was l>ora Sept 12, IS91, Davlc. .?A Gunvhrors include six brothers, J. v,C. Davis of Salisbury, D. W. Davis Rockwell. H. A. Daids of Mocres-^Mlle, A. C and Arlle Davis of ««Gaml, Fla., ond Fred M. Davis |%ot Front Ro^l Va.; three Asters.'jMrs. Bculah LofUn, Mrs. Sadie Oa^^'fdt, and Mrs. B. 0. WHson. all of^ock IffH, S. C. Funcrat services were conducted^^akirday at 10 a.m. In Richmond andiiburiai took place there, w 0 Mra. Janfo Iflil1 Funeral services for Mrs. Jonie iSUmmcrs UItt 43, of Cooleomec,^re conducted Sunday at 4 p.m.^ Cooleomce First Bm>tist Ctoirah iby the Rov. Chorlos BurchcUe. Bur- Sal was In the Oodeomcc American ALogicn Park.I She died Friday at 10 p.m. at the mome of her father, J. M. Summers. had be&n In decUntog health several months.I She was bora in Davie County. Her^thcr was Mrs. Myrtie hfoe Robertson Summers.^ SunvK^ besides, her father are a Sununtire Vf'^is- ■ury: and three sisters, Mra. OraS<ce Cope of Salbdiuiy and Mra, Mor-§pret Buirlgaraer and Miss Ridiccca^ammera, both of the hnno. Bio - Obituaries - 11/12/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 12,1964 - Page 5 e Mrs. ^tford Brown funeral for Mrs. Rqberla PloU pown, 19. A^onee. itt. 1. wife |o Saniford Leo Brown, was con* jjucted at 2 p.m. Sunday at Betiiie* |iom Methodist Church by the Itev. pt)wn ASdOnney. Burial was in ibc duirdi ccmolery. I She died of a toK attack at 2:4S ^.m. Friday at her home. ^ She was bom in iDavlc County to Ifeniy and Emma Smith PloU and fi'as etiqsioyed by P. B. Hones Knit* |(ng Co. In WIn8ton*Satcm. ? Suiwlvinis itesides her husband are s& son. Lee Dean Brawn of the hisne: |ier parents, df Advance. At. 1; five brothers. Tony Stodth of Afocksville. !|lonnie SmlUi of Advance, lit l, and '^Uokoy. Martee and Randy Fiott of Aditinco, Rt 1; and two sis* iers. Sfisses Connie and Morslta iPIott, both of Athwnoe, Rt ]. g- ^Dr. John Poster 7 The funeral for Dr. John W. Fester ('9f Win5ton*SaIem, who was a brother of Mrs. C. Prank Stroud. Jr.. and D. J. Foster. Jr.. both of Modes* ^tllc. \ras condtictcd Monday at Augs* berg Ltilhcron Church In Winston* Sninn by Dr. Roy Fisher and the fllcv. L. C. Btntigarner. Burial was In Forsyth Memorial Pork. Dr. Foster died unejqxtdcdly at e o.m. Saturday at his home. Death uus aUrttnilcd to o heart attack. (He was chief medical officer of the Veterans Administration Regional cfficc In Win9lon*SBtem. He had been associated with the VA offlcc since 1047 and hod served as out-patient oflnic dlroelor since 1963. He was a graduate of the Untver* slly of Norli) Carolina and the UNC School of Low and was a licotsed lawyer. He received hia MD. degree In 1030 from Rush Medteal Colloge of the Unlveratly of Oilcago, He Intern* cd for hra years at Presbyterian* St. Ltike's Hospital. Chteogo. He spent o year in residency ot the Municipal Contaeious Disease Ho&pHal In Chicago. th,en was In pri* rate medical practice In Chicago (Com 1933 to 1043. when he was com missioned in the Army Medical Corps. He specialised In bttorna) me^bio and gastrocntcrotogy. ; (During Wortd War 11, Foster spent =6ome 30 months overseas Nvlih the Caribbean Defense Command. Ho loft the service In 1040 as a keuicn* onl colond. Ho then JMncd the VA. In June. IB62. Foster racclved an awaid frcm the N. C. (Dopartmeol cl l.hc Veterans of Foreign Wars for his service in veterans. In Novcm* her. 1982, he received on Award of .\tent fram the North Corolina Do* paitment of the American l/tglon. •He was a member of the Forqyth County and American Medical Asao* doHens, the North Carolina Modlcal Society and Norih CarORna Bar As* sodaUons. (Re was a 32nd degree Mason, o member of the Charlotte (tasis Shrine and was a member and for^ mer coundbnan of AugSbei^ LuRi* cran Church. Foster was bora in Davle County (0 Bcny J. and Noia Gibson Foster. He is survived by bis wife. Mrs. Marie Poster: two daughters. Nda Pester, a student ot St. Andrews Col lege, and Elisabeth Foster of the home: a son. John Beriy Poster of the home; a sister, Mrs. C. F. Strand, Jr. of MocksvHIe; and a brother. D. J. Foster. Jr., of MoeksvUIe. Bio - Obituaries - 11/12/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, November 12,1964 David Coleman Perrell imi) I I I ,.: ; i: • ii.' 1. ' MimI .,I < ■! I ', ni l! I .;, , 1 !. Mr v.. 1' y !'. ; J ■I..'. ,,y :: JMcluUfl I'olll S: 57. lil' A<lvjinf.r, K'lUtf 1 owiif'i' !iji<i ifjici'ifIir (.if I-'ii - tcr'.s (Jiod.Ty, (lied Nir.ctn- bi r nil !i'. liis Itiirr.i' Jlc li.itl l.iC'M ill r."11 v.-jci btiin ill I)i- vlc f.'fiiinly U> Mi|i'>n ini I .Jiiliji Kli.vii^un Fk-.Ii'J. ftc JihtTiff o: I>:!Vi(: t.Viiinly 'li; lo '5fi ;iM'l wjt.' :i incmbtr of Miii'iivi:)!) Cliiirt'ii, KiJi'viviny .'tic lii-; v.ij'iy iMn;. V<isUi RUty WiFoti Kos- Icr; IIhxm' iaiiis. Uichard I'ml Foster. Jr.. of Aii Force Mitse. Fla.; [.arry r'lo Icr of Aiti'iiiirc, Jtixite 1.' ond Wilso.'i Foster 'jf Lmiiy Ik'iicli. Citliforiiia: five] ^'I'.'iiulriilldicn; .'1 onilhci r. CJIunji Foster of Mnanoke. Vu tmil J. A. FosHt III isv.'llMlk V.'i.; fiiul three sis'ci.':. .Mr - W. E. Uavi.s of CoiicokI. Mr: Ethel Miisoti o-i' -Adv iiirc, Kt 2, .'itid Mis. l.ciili Slu'ct.- <i; Koanohe. Va. ■Ml .hilil'. rt, i' M ■Ji li -I l it tp iiii -: I.: I Ik r-ii ji ' li I I I : lie Sir V. I : IK. I iiilllil f ; ■ ■ 'i Mr.- "Mv r .- M I f-Iilii l ii .i : Sill •. r. ri'.i: . ■• I-!' l/.er air .1 :.| hI - . j V, .Slliilllli-i ■; ol S ui .;.'. Ml -. Man:.:.! j !,; ami Mr - Mrir.,.. y h"t.ll :l.r h. 'rhr IliliM. I ','.,1 t d a! 1 I' i Fiml MarX; i I i. si : : ih'ca. (.'tiai;''. lii iir;., 'liril i.vii a. .Aiir.r I riioli J 'ai k. MUt:KSVIIJ.,P; " Mrs. ilo-l lierln t'loti Mrown, 1!^ oi lAclvniitc, lit. I, (lii.irJ at j 2:-ir) Fri<l:iy riftciiioi.'ii at liei Ji'Hiie. Dfiilli le.mltcrl fron .1 Ireart attneh. Ikoi: in l):t\ ie C'lrarty : lie V.'.'H lilf- tlallithli'l' of lleiil'y :ukI EtiiiJui Stiiith J'lotl. Siirvivor.s. In athlllion to her piitvnt.s. iiitliKle Ini hasliantl, Stanford Lee ItriAvn, an infutU son, l.cv Dfiin J3ro".vn; five hrotlKi 'roiiy Smith of ,Moik:(viiJe. Itriniiic Smith of K<-.iitc 1. Advanre, Mickey IMiilt, ::ll .M l{t. 1. Atlvarice; anti I'.ro Kis'ler.s. Cunnie itiKi Mar- .siui J'iotI, lioUi of Hiiiiie I.Arivione. j Mt.s. Flsov.'it v.'as einjiki.vi.'iJ at llniK-s Knittin;' Mill m! V»'in.s1on-Salem. j Fiiiieni] .service.s were crm- lUa.'teil S'.in'.tay til Iwo o'-; flock at licttilehriii .Mrlic' 'ii;li.-(t t!3uiifl'. I>y li.e Kcv.' Brown MtKininy. IJioiaj wa; ]ii tiie ehnirii ('r-iiieti'-' .Jiiiii'-- < (I .ii;'. . I I- .M t', ■ 1 1 . Irl ol .Mw. i. 1. ll).-, i.-| i, ,1.,-.! al M-M.! .A M Ti.r-,.i , . ;.1 Ih'V.:-;. Mrm..!. I )[., S:ih Jiilia, | i|i. .1 ila.'., i I • .1 i -at II I, I J,) I i f.'t .-lU.rv t.i t I .. : Ij.. , L'tv lii.-r \! ( "li : , Ta; i v. ; • i :n« = n 1 i .• i»j ,' i! i •; 'sl.:-v, .ti :! ttf hill. , ai,-:i...:l-1 i ! (.■iiiiit ji. 1 .All Ft. liir,IL,;-i licl III t/ic I'.il I |. a ir I ll I,.. I ! rij l;:c .Son:-: ol .'Ai iu- ji ..mi ' I lie Srllinr t'i"i.o-| • ("ia li 'a' < '(ti ilri.'T ;'.(•(•, .S'.o-e.'.iiif. a;-<.- Iw ■ ..iff. Mr. Alia ('lea-iiii .M'-t ■irU i.r'r i; ., lii. tt r if.iiiehtt.ti. iMi .-. I'l-i.y. Mirh-i.-I ..! sfci S-Vilk. j:i !: a hlotiirl. .Mt-<..'n|i..iii:li i.il cl'n !•: r'.'il!• . liouir -l; 2, III-.iikI on-; ;(|i:i ri-^!llt ri, .,!-, .itmi'lchiiil ifii, i Til'.' fiiiieial v. :i:. I • tr.ii'.a '-[e<l at ft P. M. Thm.-rl y a; il.iiicrly ,\'i-.'hiiC(i It I'inireci till' ]tr\- li-at.|.l l I'l as! t i'ev. Ital|>li .M.-< Jai.ii ia'I; iti'til tiii.r llev. .M Cl. Ei '.iii.iB-.irsal t...-;,.. ,,, (I,,, cliinrhj ec)in.i<.| i... I I.ce y\riith IS.mltrhi. (M'ii'l-;s','ille (lieti at I irfh:.:'ki IWi.(f;K,.ili.y air.Mi;inia at Ihcj'.'.viii Mritairl'il iin.oiial iif-. lit:'!' a ;.e|'it)lr: iillli.-r; .,t .'tjilt Hi:.:. j 11(011 i;i iiit%-!c DecerrJier 7. )!JJ}. he v. a:- • the h'on lit iJif liite Andiewi mnd Molhe I-SimvIs t.a anijckl, jjlle inanied lo the tor. liner Helen Mi Daniel in ',54. Survivor.'! in uiitiilioir to hi'! wile, are three .'li.-.ter.s, Mi.s. Duke Smith, of Moek;!- ville. Mr.'^. V. li. 'I'rivett<'. of MuekKvillr... Kt. 5, aiKl Mr.x (Juniey [Hi.sh of Ha.S' sell. five brothers, Dan Cranfiekl of I'uelionla.s. Va., Hntiiiy aiisi Dickie f.'j .'tnlielil, boHi of Miick.svElle. Hi. 2. Sain Cranfieltl of Moi kiiviile Hotile ■! ami SIteri ill irntn. fielsl of MocU.sville.j Funeral r;er\'i.;'e,--: will Irejcoriiluetcil at o'cloek Fii-|<lay at Courtney HafKist Cliufih liy Hie Ifev. WilfiO'd Miiiiley ami the iiev. ZeJia Slanley. Btriiai wilt l-e in lite ehiirch lemeleiv. Bio - Obituaries - 11/12/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 19,1964 - Page 5 I IMtlle Qlenn lIotrcH Fitncrnl aorvlces for WHUe Glenn 73. 00 Adrance. Rl. 1. were conducted nt 3:30 {un. Tuesday. ?tov. 17. at VodSdn Va^ Bsptlst Church hy tile Rev. Alvis Chediire. Ritrial was In the church cemetery. Air. tlenvell died Sunday at 8:43 pjn. at Davte County Hospital. He had been In dcdintng health six monlhs. He Wtis born In Yadkln County to J. T. «nd Aman.'ia Baity Howell. Jtfir. HoweB was a member ot YotSdn VoBey B^Ust Churdi ond a rotoTter in (he Yodkin Valley com- inunit>'. Siim'lvinp nre his wife, the former Jennie Mauser: two sisters, Mrs. Itelpfa Baity of WInsion-Solem and Mrs. Walter Bowles of Moeksvllle. Rt. 2: ami four brothers. R. h. Howell of Advance. Rt. I. B. D. Howell of TtdodovHIe. Rt 2. J. M. Howell of MoehsvlDe. lU. 5 and C. V. Hcn-ell of VIQnshm^leni, Lee A. Cranflold. Funeral service fur Lee ArlRh Cranfleld. 32, were conducted Frl> (toy. November 13. at 2 p. ro. at Ccurtn:^ Baptist Church ity (he Rev. WUfmd Maidcy and the Rev. Zdia Stanley. Burial was In the church Gonctcry. ■He died Wednesday maminR at Rowan Memorial Hospital oRcr a serious illness of three hours.Born in Davic ^unly December 7, toil, he was Uie son of the Into Andrew and Mollie Renvis Cronflcid. He was married to the former Helen McDonisI in 1854. Sun'ivors, in addition to his wife, aro throe sisters. Mrs. Duke Smith «f MccksvHIe. Mrs. V. L. TrivcKo of Mocksvilic. Rt. 5. and Mrs. Gpr* ney Ladi of Bassett, Va.; five brolh> era, Dan Cranfleld of Pochantus, Va.. Buddy and Dickie Cranfidd. both- of Mocksvtile, Rt. 2, Sam Cranfleld of BfocksvlBe. Rt 4 and ShecriU CranReld of MocksvUle. Mrs. Hanoah Moatsomery, 73 Funeral services for Mrs. HannahJisnblns Mii|it8oint|iy. sistcr-lt^lnw of Rev. B. M. Avett and aunt of Mrs. Cole Tbndlnson. were held on Saturday at 3 p. m. at Gold Hill Methodist C^jrch by the Rev. E, M. Scabcm. the Rov. J. W. Creech and the Rev. Mr. Avett ■Mrs. Montfiomory. a retired schooHcacfaer of Gold Hill, wife of Ouirles filotiard Montgomery, died Thursday at Preshyterbn HospRal in Charlotte. She has been indedbi* ing heaifh bwe years and seriously ill a week. Mrs. Monlgomery was a mcnrdibr and former Sunday school teacher and superintendent cf G(dd Klil Methodist Church. Surviving l)es!do8 her husband is a daughter. Miss Charlotte Men* (gtanery of Charlotte, iBsHbwers were John R. Hedrick, Bobbie Hedrick, Wayne Harrison. Ralph Peeler. Dave Lee and Dwlghl Small. Mrs. G. T. Reynolds, 58 FUnorcI services for Mrs. Delia FaircIoU) Reynolds, 58, cf 304 Rido Dnh-o. widcnv of Geevge TbanxEB Reynolds were held Monday afiar* noon at the Qienos Baptist Ctnirch. The Rev. J. B. Paidcer offtdated. Burial was In the Woodland Ccmo> iciy. Mrs, Reynolds died at 8:50 ajm. Saturday at the For9*th Memorial HospML She had been b dcdiDhts hoakh for some Ibne. She was bom in Dovie County to Eugene and MolUe Slicefc Fairclofli and spent most of her lifo In Forsyth County. She was employed ot P. H. Ranes Ifnitlilng Co. 40 years and was a monber of Hones Baptist Church. Sundvinlg aro a son, Rnlph T. Rey* adds of PfafRown, Rt. I: three sis- tors. klrs. Joe Ball ot YadklnvHle. Rt 2, Mrs. John Slycrs of 304 Rldss Drive and Mrs. 0. S. Ktmel of 1732 S. Hawthorne Road; a brother, J. B. PalroloUi. Sr.. of LewisN'llic; and three grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 11/19/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 26,1964 - Page 1 Car*Tractor Rig Collide Early Sunday— Two Killed In Wreck On U. S. 158 ^<u Two more persons died in "DeoUi Alley" early Sunday mcmiing os their careening car skidded tnead* side into the path of an oncoming tractor rig. The accident occurred about 1:45 B.m. Sunday on US 158 Just on tho outaidrts of MocMrviiio near Uie Hili> (op Milling Company and Hilltop eke. ttled insiantly in the crash were Annio Itulh Goss Bales, 17. of MocksWIIo Rl. 2. driver of the car, and Coyt Woi'tto Gentle. 21, ^ Mocksville Rl. 5, owner of Iho car, a 1004 Gtcvruiel. State Highway Fatrolmnn Randall Bean Paid Mrs. Bates wns thrown from tho car, Gciillc was crushed in (ho wrcchagu uf (ho car. Wreckers hod to work over 30-miimtes to free his iKMly from the wreckage. The tractor-rig was dritcn l>y Thomas Leo Fox, 47. of lliddenito. Ko suffered abrasions but wa$ not hatOy hurt. Pntrolmnn Beane said that his in* vcsUgation showed that Mrs. Bates was driving llio car etit when it ran off tho rigtit shoulder smd skidd ed. Sho lost control, imd the car wont broad)]td« across tlio rood and crashed into (lie tractor, which was going west. Fox had gone to IIk* aid of a fellow tractor driver who had nin out of gas. lie was hauling gasoline to his companion when itie accident occurred. The Iwn dealhs early Sunday brought the total trafric (uiaitties in Pavie Ccunty this year to 22. Kif. tocii of these have htx'ii tm l/,S i.vi . . . uiut u lulal of 17 in Peuth«ay . . . Ihut plrctch of highwny . US 158 and US 54 West . .. tluit 1 1)0 roplacod by interstate 40. This accident occurred within sight uf iho ^ where u Rowan County woman was killed in a wreck last spring. The Chemlcl was ccmpictcly de> moiishcd in tho wreck . . . The Iractor-lroilor almost |sent through and over the ear. Damages to the tractor were estimated at $600. Mrs. Bates was bom in Davie County to James and Pearl Goss. Surviving are her mother and st^ father, Mr. and Mrs. Char!^* F. Owen of Modtsville Rl. 2; two broth ers James Spergeon Goss of Modes- ville Rt. 2 and Perry Franklin Owen of the home; and two sisters, kfrs. Nathan F. Smith and Mip. James O. Myers of Mocksville, Rt. 3. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday morning at tho Smith Grove Sfethodist Church. Tho Rev. Brown McKlnncy officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Gimtle was bom in Davie County to John H. and Lcssie Myers Genitc and was employed by a furni ture company in Lhxington. Surviving arc hb wife. Mrs. Brcn- da Lanier Gentle of Mocksville. Rt. 1; a daughter, Darlcnc Gentle of Mocksviifc, IK. i; his parents of Mocksvilie Rt. 5: four brothers. Wal ler and Fred Gentle of Yadkinviiio. Talbcii Ceniic of Lexington and Jdin Henry Gentle of Salisbury; and four sisters, Mitt. L. H. Stool- man of Asheboro. Mrs. Roy Carter of Yadkinville, Mrs. James Ireland of Lexington and Mrs. Gene Hail df Mocksville. Funeral services were held Man- doy afternoon ul the Liberty Baptist Church, 'the Rev. J. A. Brackens, (lie Rev. P. Z. Stanley, the Rev. Oddl Broiulwny and tlie Rev. N. W. Hoibronk olliciatcd. Burial was in [the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/26/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 26,1964 - Page 4 Jolin Ftank MarUn, 6S FHincrnl services for John Fronh Mnrlln. R3. o retired former ot Mocksville, ftoiite fi, «vero heltl Sitn« day oflcmoon nl the Courtney Bop* Uflt Church. The Rev. Wtillom Mon* toy offlclQled. Bttrloi was In the churdi cometety. <Mr. (MorUn died nt 12:30 p.m. Fri* doy fit the Foraylh Memorial Hos* pltol after on Illness of tM*o months. (Ho wia liom in Vodkin County (o WlUiom end Bctllc Baity Mortin end was a momI)cr of fhe Woodmen of iho World. Mr. Alartin was n memtxir of Courtney BopUsl Chtirch. IHo was tnorrlcd twtce. first to Mrs. Gcrlrudo lAll^ood Martin, wito died In 1950. His second wife, Mrs. Helen Reavis Atartln, survives. (He was married twice, first to Mrs. Gertrudo lAUfiood Martin, wlto died In 1950. His second wife, Mrs. Helen Reavis Ofartln, survives, Also surviving are three sons. Roger end PVed Martin of Kannap* oils and Paul Martin of Greonaboro; five doughlers. Mrs. Clyde Stcelman of Kannapolis, (Mrs. ¥niliam C. HU* (on of Hl^ Point, Mrs. Jack Barnes of King and Mrs. R. P. Martin, Jr.. and Mrs. J(din Brock, both of Mocks* villo: 10 grandchildren; o greatp Brondchild; a step*doughter. Mrs. Donold (Reavis of Yadklnvillo: a stdpson. Edgar Reavis of YadkJn* •vlite; four brothers, Floyd Maribi of Yadklnvllle, Rt. 3, Windsor Martin of Alexondrto. Va., Tom Martin of Roonoke, Va., and (Wflon Martin of Winston*Saiem: and a dstor, Mrs. CUfUm WhUo of Mocksvlilc, Rt. 2. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 26,1964 - Page 6 Mrs. Waller C. James fFVneral sopvlces for Mrs. Anne Buigin James, 70, were held Thurs day, Nov. 49. at Johnson Funeral Home chapel In StalesvUlc by (ho Rev. Fred Barnes. Burial was In Stony Point Baptist Church ceme tery. Mrs. Capp Gullett Funeral services were held Sunday (or (Mrs. Emily My^ Gullett at 2 pm. at North Oocdeemee Baptist CInirdt by (he Rev. Clyde Settle or^ (he Rev. Harold Partor. Burial was In the Uborty Methodist Come* (ery. (Mrs. Gullett, 70. of Route 4, Mocks* villo, died Friday at 5:15 p.m. at JoJicne Nursbig Home In Salirimry. She was born In Davie County March 22, 1888, the daufdtter of John and Martha Walls Myers. Sho was ntarrled to Copp GuUelt who died In 1961. She Is survived by a foster* daughter. (Mrs. Robert Davis of Mooksvllle, and a foster*son. Sam Baton, of Buffalo, N. Y.; a brother, Oscar, pf Cooleennee. ftfirs. James, of Mocksville, widow of "Waller C. Jantes. died at 11 pm., Ibesday at the Davle County Hos pital fiRer a short illness. Mrs. James was born In Burfco County to Robert M. ond Pltuna Setso' Btti^. Her husband died in 1980. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Paul Bladtwelder of Mocksville, with whom she made her home; a bro ther, Robert Lee Burgtn of Taylors- vUle; three sisters, Mrs. C. R. Ross and Mrs. S. M. Walker. boUi of Hickory, and Mrs. L. H. Johnson of (Suuieslon, S. C.; cMldren. and three grand* Mr8.Pcrcy Mortensen Funeral services were held Mon* dey, Nov. 23, in Criaado, Fla.. for Mra. Percy Joyce Mortensen. 80. d Orlando, who died Friday there In the hospital. She was bom in Davie County In 1884 and moved to Orlando in 1941 from New York. She was a member of (he Methodist Ohudi. Sho Is 8U^ dvod by a daughter, Blrs. StaMey Mitzon, Orlando. Mrs. Ardena t, Ooleo > Funeral services were hdd for Mm. I Ardena I. Oolns, of 6M Ifody Street, | MocksvUlo. on Tuesday. Nov. 17 at 4 pjn. at Ihd Second Preslwterlan Church in Mioekavillo. Burial was In (he MalnvlUe A M. E. Zfon Ghureb Conetleiy. (Mrs. Goins is survived by four daughters. Mm. Sari Barker and ;KQ88 AdiiUne Goins of Mocfcsvnte, Durham, and Miss Sylvia Wflltams (Durimm, and Miss Silvia Williams of Winston-Saton; two soas James £. lyons of Baltimore. Md.. and Thomas C. Lyons of Columbus, Ohio; and one aunt, iMIse flanide IJamos d I Mocksvflle. Bio - Obituaries - 11/26/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 3,1964 - Page 6 O. w. Ottppeu fVmeraJ tervfce for OocrBc WIUm CbappeU. 74. or WaU St. CWJccmec. VMdre held Soturday oi 4 p. m. ot nm MetbodUt Churdt In Cooloemoe fay the ttev. Joe Mellon, the Rev Oyde SelUe and iho Ro\'. Charles Bttrcfaetle. Borfd vrai in the Lo^on Uhmorial Parit In OoeScomee. lie died at his home Wedneeday fit &:» a. m. after a llaseriBg ill- In Yadkln Couniy. I* was jfasen of the tale Shorritl and Sally, Hhynea OhappeU. He was married (e the former 2na Cenuiip. who sup surviving are fh« aom. Con- ffld, Uarvfn, and James Chai^dl df Oooteemee: Carl Chappoli o( l^Rira'Dd Hofieft CKeppoU d OBSmimd, Chltr.: throe daughters, Mb. Viola Vichere of SoHshury. M7e. Lorano Tilley and Mrs. Mlldrod Tuner c( Durham: 18 grand* dhlldren: and is great'grand* dhDdren; fh^ sisters. Mrs. Mallie Ddotd). Mrs. JeanneUe Head. Mrs. Oboe Harper ,e»d Mrs. Cheney Bclwaxds, an of WlnslosvSakm. and Mb LllUe Taylu of Tampa. Fta.: ^ broUion. Chris ChufwU ^ Wtastmsfictom and Charlie Oiappril df'CSemmona. Vlr. Chappoll had been ompteyed hy;Erwfai MQb for 68 years before h|8 rallremeiU. He was a member of' Goeteemoo Mettiodhl Church. J. R. Wemn .fUnoral dbrvloes dor Etder J. Haiben Worreli, 78. were held at 8 p^n. Friday at Montvlew Priml* «l#e SepUst Church by Elder W. L. Gfinhtor and Elder W. F. WornelL ^mal was la the Boyies Chapol P^lUve Baptist Church eemetecy. ' BUer Worr^. of Advance, Rt. I. bj fbrt Pleytce. Fla.. died at 2:S8 few.- at Hie Baptist U^lal hi Win* atop^lon. Be had boon in dedin* ^ health five yeus and seriously Hl'lO^ya. /Mr. WoreH was bom In Carroll Vs.. on AtH-li 28. 1886. to Igpw and Bonnah Hoitoa Worrel]. moved to Winston'Satcm ft atto and had woriced for the pa office 85 years, retiring in Peb* Q^, IMS. eras a mendier of Menivlew Itive ..Baptist Church. He hodrl as a Primitive Baptist ndn for several years and served 'ir of Bqylea Primitive Baptist and Pilot ftlounlain Priml I BopUst Chotth. was married Uuco Umea.' His wSfo. Mrs. Ernie Vass Worrell, la January, IMS. His second wife, Mra. 2ora King WotTdl, died in December. 1844. Surviving ore his wife. htrs. Ho* tens Stolen Worrell; she sons, Arlto L. Worrell of 771 Kapp SUeet. P. Rajimood Worrell of itB? Wsughtown Street. S. D. Worrell of Pfatftown. Rt. 1. the Rev. Paul fif. Wurdi ef 7.tl Kopp Street and BUon A. Wor* rell df 817 Motor Rood: four dough* tera. Mrs. J. P. Ctoanlngor of Ad* vaneo. IRL 1. Mra. D. F. Speagle of 1101 Don Avenue, Mra. Harry Rice of Cbarlotlo and Mrs. Grady Dunn of High Point: 16 grandehUdrofl: five great^granS^tdrcn and a brother. WUey WbnreD of Gold Hin. Mrs. C. L. Kbnhreuih The funeral for Mrs. Pearl Kim* brougb. 73. of Walhorlowa, widow of Chambers L. KImbreugh. was oondocted at 3:30 p. m. Sunday at Uhton Tabernacle Churdi at Walker town by the Rev. Etworth Dogglna and the Rev. D. L. Temple. Burial was In Swan Creeh Baptist Churdi cemetery near JoneivQte. She was a native of Atlegbany County. Mrs. Klmbrough (hod last Monday night. Surviving aro two daughters. Mrs. Mamie Bell, with whom she made her home, and Mra. Lucy Hoi* brook of Germany: two sons. Worth Bluings end C. L. Klmbrough of Jonesviile; four grandchildren; a greatgrandchild: a stepdaughter, Mra. Laura Parker of JacksonvUie: and two alstera. Mrs. Lovada Snow of Pleasant Garden and Mra. Maude Ibomas of WiBstofhSalem. Mra. Robert Graves Funeral sorvices for Mrs. Addio Ctoaiy Graves. 79. of BrookUne St. WlmtonGalem. were conducted at 3:38 pm Monday at Vogter'a Chaipal In WlnstooGalcm by the Rev. Nor. wood Green. Burial was in OaMawn Memociri Gardens. She was the widow cd Robert M. Graves and she died at John Urn* stead Hmpltal at Butner at 5:30 pm. Soturday. She had been In declioiiQ hcoltti three years. She was (he stepmother of J. L. Graves of Pine ftreet. MoeksvlQo. She was bom in Iredell Oounty to iDavId Ivan and Mhiy lharpe Cteary and Qml (bore unUi rite moved to WinstonSalem in 1844 to make her home udth a daulbtcr. Sio was a member of (he Win* throp (hiaker Church in IredelL iMrs. Graves woa twice married, ftrsl to Wiley Roger, who died, and then to Graves. Suiriviug are four doughtera, Msa. Martha Gasper end Mra. Rose Frri- (asi both of the home, Mrs. W. T. Howard of 19T4 Hinshaw Avenue and Miss Geneva Boger of Rateigh; three eons. Emeat Beger of High Print Sherrlli BoGcr of 1Q9 Qordcn Diivd and Jatnos F. Graves of Atexandiia. Va.: a stepson. J. L. Graves of MdcksvtHo; throe stopdaughtora. Mrs. Maiy Shackelford of 330 B. Sprogue Street and K)ra. WQina Stow* art and Mrs. FhmMteo Burge. both of 638 Gronville Drive; seven grand* chadren; (wo greoit grendddUrolt a trolher. Ruben Oeary cf 118. .S. SUfmae Street; and a risior, Mfs. Gafty TuUermv of WlnstonBakm. . Bio - Obituaries - 12/3/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 10,1964 - Page 4 Phil II. Baker. 81 Phil H. Baker. 81 of Elklns Wrrl VIrshiiQ. rolircd cmpleyeo of Wcsl- em Maryland Bottroad. died Siincby. Novembor 29 ol Memorial Gcncrni Hospital. Elkins. He hod i)ecn in doclialng health for five ycors ond seriously 111 for two monthi. fXr. Baker was bom Febromy 9. 3983 in Oavlc Counly. He was mar ried on July 4, 1906 to the former liBura Booth of Montroso. West Vir ile. who survives. OUicr survivors are: one daughlcr, Mrs. Brisco O. SCeliy of Elklas with whom tlic de ceased resided in Elkins; two grand sons. Dale R Kelly, and Silas Phil- more Keity, both of Elkins, and Iwo great-grandchUdreo. Mr. Baker was a member of Randolph Lodge No. 118 lOOF of Elkins, and the Brotherhood of Roll- way Carmen. He had resided in Elk ins for forty yeors and Is the last member of his imnuKliale fomily of pht dilldren. F^tncrol sendee was held Decem ber 1 at the John W. Lohr Funeral Home with the Rev. Wendell A. Robols. pastor of the First Church Christ, officiating Burial was In SSklns ICQ F. Cemriery. * MRS. CRBE AIcCULLOUGII Funeral services for Mrs. Moggie Ann McCultouid). 70. were conducted Sahmlay at 4 p. m. ol Liberty Methodist Churdi by tho Rev. Robert Frost and the Rev. G. W. Fbtlc. Btir- iol w£{i In tile churdi cmolcry. Mrs. McCuIIou^. wife of Croc McCUIIough of MbdcsvUle, Rt 4, died late Wednesday, December 2, ot her homo of a heart oUock. She was o member of Liberty Mtalhodist Church. Surviving besides her husband ore (wo sons, Ginard ond Bobby McCUil- ough of MiocksviUc, Rt. 4; flvo daughtegi. Mrs. Elmer Sain of Kan- iiapolis. Mrs. John I^ee Bowles of Modovillc. Rt. 8, Mrs. Albert Rog< era of Jonosvitle. Mrs. Otis Myers of MoeksdUe, Rt 4, and Mrs. Bud Roberts of Burlington; 16 grand- ddldrcn; 10 great • granddilldren; and a sister, Mrs. Sldla Wagner of MoeksvUlo, Rt 3. J. P, l.eGrand. 09 .TOItN P. l^cGRAND Funeral scrvlcc.<» for .Idin P. Lc- Grnnd. former Mccksvllle postmaster ond 0 former mcmticr of the Slate I louse of tlrprcscntnlivcs. were held S.-iturd.ny morning nt Rolon'a Cliop- el. Tlic Rev. ClUiert Miller, tho Rev. Dnmcs and the 4lev. .lack Yarlirough officiatcil Burial was in tlosc Ceme tery. (Mr. 4.PGrnn(i dic<l nt 4;30 o,m. Friday at the Daric County Itos- pilot. -Mr. lAitGrnnd, who w.ns 69, wos suffering with cancer and hod been ili for six monltis and seriously 111 fen weeks. Mr. I.eGr.'md, a Democrat, scored Iwo major political accompliriimcnts br IradHIonally -Rcpnlilican Davio Counly. In 1031, he was elected as Davio County's rcprxsentatlve In the •North Cnrolina General Assemlily, •becoming the first tTcmocrat to hold llio scat In some SO years. And In 1936. be was appointed postmaster ot Mocksi'lllc liy Prcsi- donl Fronklin D. Roosevelt. He hold (he Job until 1917 whvo he transferred to rural carrier. lie coiuittucd In the postal seix^Ico until September of this year, when he rotir^ after o total of 26 years. At the time of his retirement, he was drhdiig 80 miles each day, scn'ing about SOO families. iHe was i)orn In Davio Connly on Nov. 7.1093, a son of Wade Hampton LcGrnnd and Willie Ann Brown l«. Grand. He iwas educated in the Moeks\'IIIc sdiools and served over seas in World War I with the 81st Division. After ttic war and before becoming paslmastcr. be operated a drug store in -Mocksvllle. He son'od n term as vice presi dent of the N. C. Association of Postmasters. die was a mom1)cr of the Mocks vllle (Methodist Church, the Mocks- vllte Cdasonic Ii0:lge, the ScoUish Rhc Masons, the ^locks^'ilte Moose Lodge and the Aancricon Legion. He was a charter member ol the iModi9>-U{c Rotary Club. In 193S he married Miss Ellzalreth Johnson of Allcndale, S. C. She sutnK'cs with iwo children, Mrs. Romulus T. Weatherman of KMS Von Hoy Avenue. Winston-Salem. .md Jotm P. (Jack) LcGrnnd. Jr.. of Wostiinglon, ID. C.; four grandchil dren: ond two Inroihcrs. William B. Logrand of SL Petersburg Beach. Fla., and £. Clinard LeGrand of .Amcricus, Ga. Bio - Obituaries - 12/10/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 10,1964 - Page 4 CEORGE W. SPRY SR. George Washington Spry Sr., 78, of Advance. Rt 2, retired farmer. died At 4:40 A. m. Sunday nt Davie Coiinly Hospital nRcr a serimis ia> nc.« nf two weeks. Ifo wns bom in Cminly io Ple.<s nnd Malitdo Spry. He was married to Miss Ravi Jane Pott. Surviving are his wife: two sons, Gnrlond and George W. Sprj' .Tr. of Advance, Rl. 2; nine grandcltlidron; and a gn'ntgrundcltild. The funeral was conducted ni 2 p. m. Tiiavlay at Advance Methodist Cliurch by the Rev. Carl lliilre and the Rev. Billy Clinard. Burial was churcli comclcry. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 10,1964 - Page 6 0. A. Canfer, Sr. Funeral services for George Al* bcii <R.idi Canter. Sr.. 70. were held ?alurday at 2 p.m. at Eaton's Chap<d by the Rev. AMs Cheshire and the <Rov. Brown Mdflnnoy. Bur* lal was In Bethlehem Methodist Churcli cemetery. Mr. Canter, a retired farmer of Adavnce, Rt. I, died Thursday, Dec. 2, In the Veterans AdmlnlstraUm Hospital at Salisbury after an fllness of four days. Mr. Canter was bom In DavIe County end was a veteran of Worid War f. Surviving are his «4fe. Mrs. Naney Rcnegar Canter: two daughters. Miss Nancy Jane Canter of the home and Mrs. D. C Shiidoy of Winston^- tern: n smi. George Albert Canter, Jr. of the home: a stepson, 0. R. Rcnegar of Komcrsville: a grand* dilld: a brother, W. F. Canter, of Advance, Rt. 1: and a sister, Mrs. Sar^ Jane &nlth of LewlsvUle. Bio - Obituaries - 12/10/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 17,1964 - Page 4 Cherllo Coe Fimcrnl services for Charlie Solo mon Ooe. 64. of SalistMiry Street, was conducted &mday at 2 p. m. at Dobson Baptist Ohtirdi by the Rev. Larry William}, the Rev. Paul Ang- di and the Rev. Carl Marten. Burial was In the church cemetery. lie died Friday at Baptist Iloqiltal in Winslon-Salcm. HO had been in declining health a year and serious ly ill three days. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Lora Vcrnon Coe; two sons. Vernon and Den Coe of Mocksville; four sisters. Mrs Lub hlatthows of Wlnston- Salcm. Mrs. Wesley Johnson of Mocksville. Mrs. Cora wood oi uoo* son and Mrs. Lucy Whittbgton of Mount Airy: and a brother. Walter |Coe of Mmmt Airy, Rt. B. Bio - Obituaries - 12/17/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 24,1964 - Page 4 nm. j. H. SMre. 88 8^mcrnl scrvtcos for Afrs. niHioKo Stiltman Shore, Si, of Mocksvitle, (RL s, Ihe Parmlngton eommitntty, were held Sunday anemoon at the Eaton Ompel, The Rev. J. G. Alh good, the Rev. Clarence Omuv, the Rev. Oenny (Beanhm cCnctalcd. Bu^ la) Avas In the Bnoii Baptist Chundi cometoiy In Yadkln Cbunty. Mrs, Shore died at 10 a.in. Sat urday at her luHne. She had iKien In declining health several months. Surviving are hor husband; six daughters. Airs. W. P. Welter end Mrs. Stokes Dwlgghia, both of Mocks* vine, Rl, 9, Mrs. Baliord Warner, Miss Otelcn Shore and Mrs. C. W. Marshall, all of the homo ond Mrs. E. C. Oodby of Salisbury, fU. B: three grandchildren; seven great grandchildren; three great-great- grandchildren; and two sisters, Mrs. A. StlHmair- of-BducksvUle,—Rt;-"8;' Mrs, S. Ll Miore of £ik caiy, Okie. T, 0. Myers, 61 Funeral services for Theo OdoH Myers, ot, of Gallery. Rt. 6. Myers Crossroads, were held Sunday at the EiuAi (Baptist Churdi. The Rev. Charles AUard ofncialed. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Faric. Mr. Myers died at 11:13 p.m. Fri day at the Rowan Memorial Hospital He had been in declining h^ltb throe months. M^rs owned and operated the T. 0. Myers CoUan Gin at MoctovHIe ond was part owner of Myers Bro thers Cotton Gtn at Salldniry. (He was also a fanner. Mr. Aiyers was bom in Rowoan County to 1)00101 W. and Lllllc Barnes Myers. (He was a member of Enon Baptist Church. ItB wiis warrlcd tulucrftlrtlrsr wife, Mrs. LSJle Belle Korr ifyers, died in 1683. (His second wife, Mrs. Ruby WHIord Myers, survives. \Alte surviving ere a son, Iheo CoolUdge Myers of Mocksvllle; a stepson, Shennan 9). Six of Baitl- more, Md.; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Irene Smith of Jacksonville^ Flo.; (wo brothers. WHIls M. and W. Ken neth Myers of Salisbury, 'Ht. l; two slslcrs, (Mrs. J. F. Broadway of Rowan County and Mrs. SDudloy Hall of Salisbury Rt. 6; and two grand children. Mrs. J. n. Cain, BO (Flmeral sorvicos for Mrs. Ina Naylor Cain.,80. of Modcsville, Rt. S, Cana eommunlty, wife of J. B. Cain, Sr., were held Sundoy afto^ norm at Eaton's Baptist Church. The Rev. B. C. MdMurray and 'Dr. Jack NoHslnger cdflcloted. Burial was In tho church cmnclory. Mrs. Coin died at 2:30 p.m. Fri day at the Mary Stuaii Nursing Home ot Oemmons. She bod been in declining health 18 months. Mrs. Cain taught school in Dowle County for several years before hor marriage. She^^s jnpstana^r of Cona from ^6'until hw 'rei(fcmeht'Ih'"l65ir"' She was bom In Gavlc County to Winiam Bryant Naytor and Susan Hidddns Naylor and igrent her life In the county. Mrs. Cain was a member of Eaton's Baptist Church at Cana. Surviving besides hor husband are five daughters. Mrs. J. M. Horitnan of 384 Buckingham Road, Mrs. W. F. Biackmore of 800 N. Stratford Road, Mrs. G. R. Putllom, Jr. of 1023 Wot- tington Road, Mrs. A. X>. Benton of 523 Roslyn Road and Mrs. Fred RIdi of Gren^ro; a son. John B. Cain, Jr. of Blmdngham, Ala; 16 grandchildren; ond a greot-groad- child. Ernest H. aonlz. 66 Funeral services for Ernest Hay- wood Ctonlx. 66, a retired cons- tructlnn wortec. .ot-jftdYimcfl, Rt.. ,1. were hdd Sunday afternoon at the (Bethldimn Methodist Oturch. The Rev. Brown McKInney and the Rev. Jack Yerbroogh officiated, ^rldi Mth Masonic riles was In the diureh cemeteiy. Mr. dents died of a heart attack early Friday at his home. He was bom in Alexander County to Henry and Sarah Spencer Ctontz end was formerty employed by W. E. Graham CcmstrueUon Co. Mr. CloRtz was a member of toe Modtville Masonic Lodge and Beth- lehem Methodist Church. Surviving are bis wife, Mrs. LBlle Mae Coiiahan Ctontz; two doughty, Afis. Ray B. Moriarlty of Canfq> Le- Jeune and Mrs. J. C. W^IIams of Hickory; four sons, E. H. dontz of X.awreflertnirg, Ky., James C. don* Iz of GoioXt Va., J. C. dontz of Mocksvmo. Rt 2, and WItUam B. Ctontz of Advance, Rt. 1; 18 grand- diitdrmi; three Asters, Mrs. Ralidi Beard, Mrs. Troy White end Mrs. darence Lail, all of HJcfcory; and sbc brmhers, Ed dontz of Hillsvllle, Va., and Earl. Henry Hub. Oscar end Dailas dontz, all of Hickory. Bio - Obituaries -12/24/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 31,1964 - Page 6 NatiMB Btiris, AtDeral services for Nathan Curtis Iforrls, 64, of Coofooinee. were heSd Monday at Eaton's Obapel by foe Rofv, I. C. Morris. Burial was In foe. LegtoB Fork at Oorieosnee. Mr. (Harris died at 4:55 a.m. Sat^ urday at BroaShtid Meinori^ Hos pital at Mbrgaidon. He had been in lor some time. (He was bora to Davie County to Mr. end Mrs. •Abe Harris. Surviving ere four daughters, Mrb. George Sales of Salifoury, Mrs. Grimes Stavls of MBeksviUeilloute 4, Mrs. J. W. Snider of Cboleetnee and hSrs. R. L. James <g St^eavUie: aeven sons, HIB and (Htorle Iforris td MOcksviUe, Bt 4, Qiaries Harris of Eau GalUe, Fla., Nonnan Harris of ^fouiy, Bt 3. Sskn Harris of Sal-' ^ry, IFteA Harris of Bridgeport, Conn., and Johnny Harris of Savan nah,' Ga.; SO graRdehUdren; three great • grandfoUdren; two alstera. Mrs. Minnie Walher of High Point end Idrs. Ida Sedc of MoCkavlUe, Route L Mn. Edwin Boger, Si The funeral for fifrs. MKUe Sue Sheets Boger, 8S, wife of Edwin Boger of tDewitt. Ark., was oon- ducted at 2 p.m. Monday at Haaes Baptist Churdi In Winston-Salem by the (Rev. J. 6. FBrJcer, Jr.. and tfio Rev. Herbert iwiison. Burial was in Forsyfo Memorial Pork. Mrs. Boger died Friday* Don. 25 In Denritt. She was horn In Davio County to Jatmes H. and Dora Holder Sheets. She spent her eariy life In Davie County and WinstonSalom and niov- ed to Arkansas three months ago. Mrs. Boger was of the B^st falfo. Surviving are her hufoand; her parents of Winslon-Salem. Rt. 4 Dar- wick Hoad; three daughters, Tonle. Roxle and Teny Bo^ of the home; four slaters, Mrs. W. A. Smlther- man of Greensboro. Mrs. Biiiy Whitman of Tcbaecoville, Mrs. Doris Bowman of WinatonBalem and Mrs. Geongo Hoilaman of Stoticton, Cel.; and a brother, James L. fiieets of 8619 Cafo Drive. Bio - Obituaries - 12/31/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA