Jan - JunDA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday January 2,1964 - Page 1 Mrs. Margaret Andrews Fatally Injured In Wreck MI'S. MAnmiTl M. Andi-cws. 2$. wife of MocksvUle ctcnilst. Dr. James Aiidmvs. died at 12:15 p. m. on December 20tii of Injuries received In a one car accident on US 431. oiic-lialf mile west of Greensboro, hfrs. Andren's w a s Injured when the sports ear she was driv- ina crashed into a tree. Tlic ac> cldent occurred on a sharp curve In the highway. Mrs, Andrews was emi^oyed as a systems engineer by a buslness- machtne company of Greensboro and made hei x'csUlencc there during the n*cck. She and her husband had attended a company parly. After leading her husband to Interstate 40 for his return to Mocksvillc. Mi-s. Andrews was on her way back to Greensboro when the ocddent occurred. She was bom at Wake Forest to Hal B. and Annie Moses and U'os a'graduate of Wake Forest College. Surviving in addition to her husband arc hci< parents ol Wake Forest and a sister. Mrs. Peter M. Knise of Buckroe Beach. Va. Funeral services were conduct* cd on December 22nd at the First Presbyterian Church of Mocks vUle by the Rev. James Ratch- ford. Burial was In Rose Ceme tery. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday January 2,1964 - Page 3 Mrs. Emma L. Brown iDles At Age Of 101 Mik. Emma LnuUip Binwn. 101. ' of I'luinini.ion. widuW of Rlrh.trd C. Drown, died Div. 22nd at her homi* uf iT ti long illiic.<.s. She wiiK born in n.ivii* County to .Innte.*. N. niut Mary Ciithrcll Brock and wtn; n memlxer of Uh* Kartniiigton Methodist Church. Kurvtvinn tire two claiwlitei-, MKse.i Knlc and Margana £. Brown. b'..lh of lite home. I-Hinenil S4'r\-ice.s \vvn> held Doc. 24 nl the Eaton Funeral Cliflpcl. I he Ret. DeJill.v Bi-.irdeil offiriat- ed. Burial was In the Fannlng'on ! Ceniolory. I Bio - Obituaries - I/2/I964 John Robert DoRcr, 79 Funeral .<frvjcc.i for John Rob ert Bogor. 79. of llarraony. Rt. 2, wore hold Dec. 27 at the Center Mctltodist Church. Hie Rev. E. M. Jamfs. ihf Ri»v. Herbert Ja- iiilvN..:! uitU Ihv Rc-v. Gi'ahan*. Wbulen offleiuied. Burial w.!.*! In the church cemetery. Mr. BoRcr was dead on nnival at ?he City Hospilnl In Wlnston- Solem at 13;SO a.m.. Dec. 2.1. He became 111 white visiting a daugh ter. Mrs. Wesley Shcrmer. in Winston-Salcm. He wa.s bom In Davic County to N.)lhan and I^ura Jane Powell Boger and wc-s a relirt>d farmer, lie tt'ns n uii'ttiher Advance MethodM Chuivh and the Mocks- will Camp of the Patriotic Order. Sons of Americ.i. HLs wife, the foiiner yi\ss Alllc Fric.s1and, died in IBCl. Surviving in addition to Mrs. Shcrmer arc three other daugh ters, Mrs. Jim Barney of Ad- vonce. Mrs. Fred Crawford of Slatcsville. Rt. 3. and Mrs. Arnold laf tTlar** 14 grandclilldren: 10 great erandchll- dren: two brotlicvs Carl Boger of MocksvUle. Rt. 2, and Turner Boger of CaUfomla; and two sis ters. Mrs. OlUe Myers of Advance and Mis. Elizabeth Cunningham of New Castle Pa. George T. Foster. 49 Funeral services for George Taylor Foster. 49, of Advance. Rt. 1, Bethlehem Church Community, were held Dec. 20th at the Betli- tchcm MethodHl Church. Tiic Rev. Dwlght Moshburn and the Rev. George Bmner officiated. Burial was In the church ccme- teiT. Mr. Foster died of a heart at tack on Dec; 18 at his home. He was born In Davie County to E. W. and Odclla Shackteford Foster. He was employed by Unique Furniture CO. In Win- ston-Salem and was a veteran of World War II. .Surviving are his wife the wniw • Mls» Lutabellc- Clorcr o son, Timothy Lane Poster of the iome; his father and a broUter. ii mrllc Foster, both of Ad- I v» ve. Rt. 1. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday January 9, 1964 - Page 2 John Booe. 50 Funeral sarvlces lor John L^c Dooe. 58 of Loxhittion. ill. 3. wore held Sunday n'. the South Oak Rldjc Bapthit Church, 'flic Rev. Frank Wilson and the Rev. Mr. Morclteld oaiclatcd. Burial was In tlic church cemclrry. Mr. B(?..c died nt 7:20 oan. Fri day ul )iLh -liaine. Hv had been hi dcclhiin? hcnlUi several nionllu. He WHS born in Y.idkin County to W. C. and Rachel Comer Booc ond was a inrmcr. He was a mem- ber of Boar Creek B.ipU£>t Ciiurch. Ills wife, iho roriiier MUs Lola Jordan, survives. Aisj aurvlvins are Mircc sens. Eebby Booc of Lcxlnoton Rt. 0. Lniry and Owatinc Booc. both of the iicme; three daURhters. Mrs. Mando Thompson and Mrs. Judy younts. b.,th of Lexington, and Ml&s Rilta Booe of the homo: 801*011 grandchildren: four broth ers. Howard Booe of Himpton- ville. Wude BOwP of Sta'csville. Marvin Boac of Kannspoiis and Rny Booo of High Point: and two sisters. Mrs. O.ii Whltaker of Mockavllle. Rt. 5 and Mis. Fran ces Wanthtrd of KinRnrlilo. Tex. Bio — Obituaries -1/9/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday January 16,1964 - Page 2 Mm. Minnip Fiinrrnl wmjrcs lor Mm. M'.n- nlo Lrikpy Ifurkry wrm hrld .Ion :irti in Aclrlplnn. M.mloiid Ruri.it vrts til Uir Of.-ri;'' VW.Klitiv.tr.n |Ci'iuct« »y of llin". city. Mrs. I-!.nki>y diod «mi Jim 1. aiir wa.i bom t^ov. 2.1. lltRi). Ini |Da\tc CuUtiiy. In AuniL<.i. lons wiih iu.iiTl<*d lo l^ottiv Roy Ifiirkpy. and to itib luiton f.'.o childrrn uoro born. i Mm. Hnrkcy lived tlio mojnr portion of her llfr Ui MwCk.svil; *' and Woiililnkton. D. C. II otily ill rerpnl years Unit slic Uiov-1 rd to Takomo Park. M.irylnn{l.! Duraiu Ike pa.si yrai sliy tins made lirr liomo ivllli her son. Stney. and lil.s wife in North Be.irh, Maryland. i Mr.s, Iiarkry was a former inrin i ber of the DnpiLsl Cluircli but duritin hrr slay In Takonia Park blie U.i.«nii a Gpvenlh-Day -Ad- vcnMst. Sun'tvina are two brothers. Ro- lond Lnkcy and Evan Lakey of the Fnrmlnaton commnunity: 2 sons. Sucy Sain Hnrkey of North Beach, Md. and William Theodore Harkey of Silver Sprimis. Md.: 2 dau^jhtci's. Era Harkcy Skinner of Melbourne Bcuch, Fla.. and N.in> carle MnddoN of Sa!l Uike City. Utah: tell ::raudchlldreu and 12! arent grandchildren. Jnlm E. Gregory, 18 Funeral services for John Evan Crerjory. 78. of M,rksvHle. Rt. 4. were held Sunday oftornoon at Uie CooleemiT Bsptls* Church. Tlic Uov. Charles P. Bnrcheitc. Jr.. officiated. Burial was in the Cnolecmco LcRion Memorial Park. Ml*. Grritory died Friday at his home. He had been In declining iHuUh several m^n.ii.i. Ho was bom in Iredcll County to John Wylte Grceory and L,ydi.i Jarvis Grcisory. He was a retired employee of Envtn Mills at Cool- ccmee. He was a member of First Bnp- Us*. Church of Co.teomee. He married Miss Geneva Camp bell in 1005. She survives. Alsa survivinii arc *hrrc sons. Raymond OrcKory of the home, and Graham and Iv.i GreKor>', both of Greensboro: tha<e dantih- tors. Mm. Mildred Bcns.n ol Greensboro and Mrs. Lcssic Ilel- Ini'd and Mrs. Sualc Fields, both 0/ COoIeeniee: 11 nnrndchildirn; and four vrcnt grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 1/16/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday January 23,1964 - Page 4 Mrs. Avis V. Stroad. 70 Funeral services for Mrs. Avis Victoria Dayvnult Sti'oud. 70. of Hlsli Point were held Friday at the Cumby Funeral Home In High Point. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Sti'oud tiled Thursday in tliu Hiish Point Memoiial Hospit al. Sl)c was a native of Davlc County and lived in High Point since 194B. She was a member of the Society Baptist Church. Surviving arc four sons, Her man Aliurd of Higli Point, J. C. and Olha Lee of Route 1. Mocks- vUIc, and Robert E. Stroud of Route 1, Jamestown; tlirce daimhters, Mrs. C. D, McNeill. Mrs. R. R. Cromcr and Mrs. Cromer and Mrs. Charles Wall of High Point: three brothers. Clar ence Dayx'aull of Petersburg. Va.. James Everett Dayvault ol Balti more and Paul Dayvault of Route 1, Statesviilc; one sister, Mrs. El la Crouch Of Route 1. Slalcsville; 13 grandcliildren; and three great-sru ndchild ren. Mrs. Herman G. Ifinkle, C2 Fuiieriil services lor Mrs. Viola Munday Ulnklc. 63. of Mocksvllic Rt. 4 wen held Monday after noon at the Liberty Methodist Church. Tlic Rev. W. R. Frost, tlic Rev. E. M. Jones and the Rev. ElQcr Day officiated. Mrs. Hinkid died at 7:30 am. futuLdiLy- at the huane ol ctauftli- tcr, Mrs. Homer Potts of Mocks- VlUe. RFL 3. She was born Oct. 13, 1901 In Da vie County, the daughter of Williom ond Mary Owens Mun day. She was a member of Lib erty Mctliodlst Ciuirch and was employed at tiie Erwln Mills. Her iiusband, Herman, died in 1036. She Is survived by tlirec sons. Brucu unu uuiuiiU, ui iii. i.—Mut Dallas, of Alexandria. Vu.: a dauuhicr. Mrs. Potts: a brother. Bhcrriil. of Rt. 4: seven sisters. Mrs. Belle Sanders and Mrs. Lola -Link7~bcttr-of—Ccolccnies.—Aft'S; n Maude Powies and Mis. Nora Gentle, both of Salisbury, Mrs. Ruth Purr of Kaimupolls and Mrs. Hubert Brown and Mrs. Beu- laii Cope, both of Wuiston-Sa- Icm: 13 grandcliildren. Claude Swiccgood, 63 ~ 'Punenn ~^'rviccs—loir" cinudir Swice'.'.ootl. 63. of Route 3. Lcx- Jitgion. wciv held Tuesday at 4 p. m. at Saint Luke's Lutiiemn Church. Lv.singiun. Tlie Rev. Joini Fless oflieiaivd. Burial was ill Sundy Creek Cemetery. Mr. Swiccutxxl dieil Sunday at 7:30 pan. at Ills iiuuic. He liad been In deelinlni; heallii one year and sciiuusly ill fur two coiiuiiunity, anil a member of Saint Luke's Lutheran Church. He was born in Davidson coun-, ty on August 27. 1600. He was married In 1020 to Miss Etta Da-1 vis who survives. i Also surviving arc his mother. Mrs. Cnii Z. Bwlccgood of Route 3. Lexington: a son. Garland Siviccoood of the home: four daughters. Mrs. Harvey Trcxlcr and Miss Catherine Swlccgocd of Salisbury, and Mrs. Grimes Potts and Mrs. Carlisle Baxley of Route 3: tlirce half broUicrs. Ralph Swiccgood of Tliomasville. and John A. Gobble ond Robert Gob ble of Roul; 3. and six grandchil dren. Bio - Obituaries - 1/23/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday January 23,1964 - Page 4 John E. Grubb. 77 Puitcral services for John Ephcr Orubb. 77. of Route 5 JLcxInston. Tyro community, were held at 4 P-m. Wednesday In Churchland Missionary Baptist Church. Tlic Rev. Anthony Qurganus and the Rev. J. O. Dowdte. Jr.. officiated. Bttiiol was in tlic churcli ceme tery. Mr. Orubb died at S:30 pjn. Tuesday in l.cxtnsion Memorial Hospital. He had been In declin ing health for six months. He was a retired farmer and a mem ber of Chui'chland Missionary Baptist Church. Mr. Orubb was born May IS. 1886. to tlic late Alfred and Mary Barnes Orubb. His wife, the former Eva Florence Rowe. survives. Also surviving arc two sons. Joy Alvia Orubb of Rt. 4. Mocks- vUle. and Irvin P. Orubb of Rt. S. Lexington: two daughters. Mrs. P. H. Evcrhart of Salisbury, and Mi's. B. M. Snider of New Bern: three brothers, Marshall Grubb of Mocksvllle, W. A. and Leo Orubb of Rt. 5. Lexington; two sisters. Mys. A. T. Freeman of Norfolk. Va.. Mrs. c. B. Long of Advance; five grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Frank Rintz Sister Dies Mrs Bam A Shopp of Harris- burg. Pa., n sister of Frank Rints. passed away in tliat city lust Wed nesday. Burial was in the Rolltng Qrccn Crmclcr yat Camp Hill. Pa. Be sides Mr. RlntB. two sisters sur- Hve. both from Anderson, Ind. ^tr. Rlntz was unable to reaeh Harrlsburg fro the funeral due to severe snow and weather coO' dlllons In that state. Bio - Obituaries - 1/23/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday January 30,1964 - Page 5 Mrs. Clyde Battey. 44 Funeral services for Mrs. Rhods Pnultne Carter Rnllcy. 44. of Vlr- plnln Beach. Va.. foi-nicrl,v of Mncksvllle. wife of Cb'de Bailey, wore held Tut^doy afloinoon at Entan's CItapel. Tito Rev. Oeu'cy rjiimes officiated. Burial was In Rose Cemetery. Mrs. Bailey died at inldnlaht Saturday at a Suffolk. Vn.. has* pilnl of ]nhirje.s received four houis earlier. Mrs. Bailey was struck by oni nui.:mobi1e in SiiBolk about 8 pm' Sitiurday. No details of the ncci* dcni have been received here. She was bom In Yadkin County to T. Woltcr and Ada Cvanflll Carter. She foi-merly resided in MocksvUIc. Survlvlnjj are the husband; two sons. George Ah on Carter of j MocksvUIc and Paul Carter of' Vlnilnla Beach. V.i.: two nrand-l children: four stepsons. Richard Bailey of High Point. Berry l«e Bailey of Lexlnuton. Franklin Bolley of Advance and Larry O. Bailey of Uie Army at Fott Brags: her father. T. Walter Carter of AtocksvUle; one sister. Mrs. Otis N. Couch of Vlr?:inlfl Bench: one brother. Monroe Carter of Vir* ulnia Beach; and a grandmother, Mrs. Lucy Craitflll of Yadklnvlllc. Reuben W. Ounter. 20 Funeral services far R. W. 1 Reuben 1 Ounter were held Tues day afternoon at the Turners Creek Baptist Church. The Rev, W. S. Luck, the Rev. Bobby Rus sell and the Rev, 3. J. Brawley offlclatod. Burial was in the church cemetcr)'. Mr. Gunter died of self*lnfllctcd wounds around 8 pan. Saturday. Or. Francis W. Slate, Da vie Coun* ty Coroner reported. Slate niled the death was sui cide. Ounter shot himself In the head at his home wlih a 410 gause shotgun. Memben. of Ids family found hlin dead fn bod after hearing the shot. He was born In Davic County to Paul and Odessle Baity Gunter. Suniving arc his parents of the home: two sisters. Mrs. Nellie Spccr and Mrs. Inez Troutman, both of Mocksvllle. Rt. S: and three brothers. Samuel. Charles, and Llndsey Gunter, all of Route S. Mocksvllle. S. A. Tuirentine, 75 Funeral services for Samuel A. Turrcntlne. 75. of Wood Road. Oreer. S. C.. were held Friday afternoon in that city. Mr. Tur rcntlne. a native of Mocksvllle. 'died at 3:30 p.m. Jan. 32 at thej ' Oreer HaspUal after 12 years of declining health and three days of Illness. He was the son of the late Cal vin L. and Bertha Foster Tuiren tine. He had lived In the Oreer secU.n of South Carolina 40 years. He was a member of the Greenville Seventh Day Advenilst Church and wos n veteran of World War I. 8ui*vlvlng are his wife. Mrs. Nell Miller Turrentlne: a sister. Mrs. Alice Show of Winston-Salem: and five grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 1/30/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday February 6,1964 - Page 5 RtrlinnI F. llaniiKoii. Piiumil sfrvkTs un- H.r^i-md F. ttamilton. 7a. of Ad.an.')*. n;. 3. Wore lio'il fc'utiirifcty i m-on a! Eaton's Clwjiol. 'iho Hcv. Ik»b Itolhird. I he l<<-b. liftman Abethrr and Iho Rf\. Thorn-»s Tttitlo offi- fiuUHl. BmUl \i.'> in I In- Unv\an MvmoiTul Mr. Hamlllan tlirct at l;l.i |i ni. Thursday at hi.s hcmo aitn- nii l)Inrs.s of itta yonrs. He w.s.'i b'»rn in Da^ie County Co John 1.00 and Stirn!) FltTUibelh Beck HamtUon. lie wa.s a rothrd fanner. Siirvivin n jiie h;s wife. Mrs. Ziila Ifnitlry Ifaiiiihon: .si wn dnii}>.hlfi-K, Mis. Ilrnry Grtibb of SnlLsbury Riuile l. Mm. Thnmis (Mn.s.se.v at Advance. Rl. 2. Mrs. J. W. Turner of IllHh Point. Mrs. Ocoritc Coriril. Jr. .of LcwIhvUIp.i and Miti. John Correli. Mrs. Krn-j upth Corell and Mrs. Brnnie Dnn> lei, all of Moeksville. Rt. 4: four' sons Harold nnd T. W. HntniU.;ii.; both of cnllsbuiT. lU. 1. Leu Ham-' lUon of Morksvlllc, Rou'e 4 nnd Zj. B. Hamilton of Advance. Rt. 2:j 31 grandchildren: eight great-1 granddiildrcn: t w o brothers. Sam Hanilllon of Onuilte Quor- and John Henrv Hnmlltun of olecmcc: and two sisters. Mrs. Bud Croil.s of MocksvJlIe. R*.. 4 and Mi-s. Jack S»'nroi*d of Ri. 2. Advance. K James L. lUrliardxoii. 8a Funcrn) services for James Lonnie Richardson. 85. of Route 1. MocksvlUc. were cwnductcd Fri day, Jon. 31. nt 11 a.m. at New Vtdon Methodi.it Church by the Rev. Walter Cockmnn and the Rev. Bruce Hobson. Burial was In the church cemctciTV. He died Thursday at 7 o.in. nt hla home after a short Illness. He was born in Dnvie County to J. W. nnd Mary Oolthcr Richard son nnd was a retired farmer. Survivlna arc his wife, the for mer Miss Cornelia Richardson: three sons. Theodore Richardson I of MfifUsvlllf. Rt. I. Curtis Rlch- uidMin Ml Comard and CtanTivi* ttlriuii-d-Miii of Morksvllle; six uramli hildifii: nnd cl-hi jiir.it-; '!iMndrhlldtTii. ' lti>rr>'t*. While R'l Kuiinul M'tA'ii f.< fur Brn-y ' CMiif.iUnn W hiif. D2. of Mocks- vilV. noire a. Wyo Community, were held tstiiiday afiertucn nt lite Mount OIhe Methodist Chiirc-li. The Rev. Benny Bt»nr- den. the Rev. a. J. Bniwlcy. nnd the Rev. Kemmn Snrlnkle offl- cinlrd. Burial was in the church comeU'vy. I Mr. Wlilte dU-d Friday nt hLs Mmne. He had Ijren in derbnintt hea'.th a year. He Win born In Vndkin Coiin'y to a. \V. and Betty Dlxon Whhc, life wn.s n retii-ed fHmicr. His 'wife. Xh-Ji Mlr.nle L. Smith While, idled In 1941. I SiinTvlnj: arc two sens, W. A. |Wh.tP of Mocksville. Rt. 2 and |L. L. White of MocksvlIIr. Route 5; iw.; iimudchlldren: three bro- Iwni. Tom White of Coolocmee ,and Fhilmorc and Clifton White, 'bnih of Mocksvlllc. Rt. 5: ond : two slsten^ Mrs. BUI Smith of MockwU'e. Rt. 5. and Mrs. J. E. ' H.irpc of Wlnston-Salcm. Bio - Obituaries - 2/6/1964 Mrs. It. V. Spry. Sr. Sfl Funeral sertTces for Mrs. Dcl'o McDanlel Spix 59. of Mocksville Rt. 4. were held Simday afternoon at the T'uti'eiitlne Boptlsi Chitrrli. The Rev. W. H. Perry, nnd the Rev. Harold Porker ofttcloled. Biit-lal was hi the church ceme tery. Mrs. Spry died at 6 pjn. Fri day at the Davie County Hospital after n short Illness. She was bom In Iredcll Coun ty to J. A- and Martha Blvlns McDanlel. She was n member of Turrentlne Baptist Church. Surviving are her husbands: three daughters, Mrs. J. W. Hel- lard ond Mrs. James Swicegood. both of Mocksville. Rt. 4. and Mrs. Evallna Cope of MocksvlUv, Rt. 3: a son. R. V. Spiy Jr. of MocksvUle. Rt. 4: 14 grandchU- dren: a broUier. Wade McDanlel of Coolecmcc: and four sisters. Mrs. E. A. Summeroll of Jackson ville. Flo.. Mrs. R. L. Chandler of LnncoBlcr. 8. C.. Mrs. A. W Bumgamcr of Omnlte Falls nnd Mrs. Floyd Taylor of Woodlcof, Rt. 1. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Christian Lady and Gentleman Everyday!**—Mr. and Mrs. T. Holt HaywoodTragedy strikes all ages and in allwalks of life And it was under most tragic circumustances that Mr. and Mrs. T.Holt Haywood were killed last Thursday asthey were enroute to Florida for a vacation.He was killed instantly and Mrs. Haywood,critically injured, died Sunday evening.The accomplishments and service ofMr. Haywood are great and are recountedelsewhere in this newspaper. The esteem inwhich he was held was indictative by themen and women from all walks of life thatattended his funeral Saturday and bythe messages of sympathy that poured infrom all sections of the state and nation.These were representative of the financial,manufacturing, civic and governmental organizations with which he had been affi-liated during his long and active career asa businessman, a civic leader and a farmer.Mr. and Mrs. Haywood resided on Ar-den Farm, located on the banks of the Yad-kin River in Davie County. Here Mr. Haywood had both his home and his office. Healways listed himself and considered himself a resident of Clemmons and greatlyaided in all of the civic activities of thatcommunity as well as operating the ArdenPacking Company there. Mr. Haywood alsohad great interest in Davie County andduring the last few years purchased anddeveloped the West Arden Fann on US 64West. It was here that the North CarolinaHereford Association met last fall.Mrs. Haywood, the former Mary LouiseBahnson, was active in cultural andchurch activities in and around Winston-Saiem. In recent years she composed andpublished several church anthems.As an editoral in the Winston-SalemJournal pointed out:"Mr. Haywood, of course, had made hisinfluence felt in business, civic and churchcircles long before he became absorbed infarming and farm folk. But it is not surprising that he is being recalled today primarily as a 'gentleman farmer' in the puresense of the ternn. For Mr. Haywood wasboth a gentleman to the core and a farmerwho truly loved all growing and livingthings."And in the words of their minister:"How very full they had filled theirlives with service. Tliey were in truth aChristian lady and gentleman every day...."This area....and even the world needmore citizens such as Mr. and Mrs. T. HoltHaywood. ..^tCE.|\StOu;C)60 - ^C, - - -LoixiSt BftHKJSoM W*\\UAOC>0 Fe^^SOIXRCE Of DfceaSeO Dates KwcestilN,Cor-,Haywood was a member of theVVInston-Salem Board and Inter-naUonaJ CdmmiUee of the YMCA.a trustee of Salem College andAcademy and was vice presidentfor the Association of the Blindin Porsyih County. .Boys Club WorkHe was a member of the boardof the Salvation Army. RedShields Boys Club and ServiceCommittee. In 1956 he was appointed National Associate of theBoys Clubs of America by formerPresident Herbert Hoover whowas chairman of the board. jHe was married on Oct. 22.11914. \.Surviving are a son. ThomasHolt Haywood. Jr.. of New iYork City: two daughters, Mrs. |.Archie K. Davis f the former Miss nMary Louise Haywood I of Win- iston-Salcm and Mrs. John Fran- tcis Pender Clark 1 the former Miss jEmma Pauline Hayaood i of New jYork City: and a brother, Alfred]Williams Haywood of Chapel Hill. IMrs. Ilaywoud-Mrs. Haywood was born in ,Sa-Irm To Dr. Heniy T. and Emmal'::i!.s Bahn-son. One grandfatherwas .Moravian B i , ii o ;> GeorgeBahnson and the otlier was Pred-iTii'k Fries, lead;'!' in tiie early lifeof Salem. Siie spent her early lifein Salem. ','raduatinB from Salem•Vvatleiny and Colleec..She '.vas married Get. 22. 1914..Siie livea in New York City and.Montclair. N. J. until 1930 at.vhich tune she returned to Win-iton-.Salem.She has been most active intile work of tile Moravian churchand wa.s for many years a Sunday school teacher and organist.u U:me Moravian, served as presideiu of tiie Women of the HomeChurcn and pre.sident of Provini-al Women s Board of MoravianChurch.• She succeeded her mother, whov.'as founder, as pre.iident of executive board of Salem Home and• sei'.ed in tliat capaeity tor many:-oais.J In recent years she composedi and publislied several church anthems. She has over the years hadI a great interest in communityi music and the Brevard MusicCenter. She has served on theboard of trustees of Salem Academy and College.--Survtviiiii are a son. T. HoltHaywood of New York City: twodaughters, Mrs. Archie K. Davisof Wlnston-Salem and Mrs. JohnFrancis Pender Clark of NewYork City; a brother, Agnew Bahnson Sr. of Winston-Salem: andfour grandchildren.Funeral ServicesMr. Haywood was buried Saturday in Che Salem Cemetery.Wlnston-Salem, following servicesat the Home Moravian Churcii■•vhich was filled to capacity.The service was a simple one.rnd flowers in the church included only .1 large wTcath of redI'OSES containing a cross of wnitcroses, and on each side anotlierv reatli of red roses.A short service was held at tliehome on Arden Farm prior to tliecliurch service.Services for Mrs. Haywood wereheld Tuesday morning at thehome Moravian Church. Burialwas in the Sulem Cemetery beside her husband. A short service was held at Arden PKi-m priorto the church service.Dr. J. c. Hughes and the Rev.Burton Rights officiated at bothservices.rV'.Vi!" CO. PUBLIC HORARY DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday Februar> 13, 1964 - Pages 1 and 4 T, Holt Haywoods Killed In Wreck T, Holt Haywood. Sr.. 76. it-] tired clialrnian of Ihe executive conimlUcc of Wnchovla Bank and Trubi Company, was killed around >;JS pm. Tlnirsdny in a truck- atiiomobllc accident on US 1S8. about 4'j miles cast of Mocks- ville. His wife. Mrs. Mary Loul.sc Bolinsou Haywood. 76, died Sun day cvculnn ul 7:50 pm of JnJur- lc.s susndncd ni ihU wreck. Mrs. H.iywood underwent cmcr«eiu'.v Ireniment at the Davic County Hospital and was lulcr trulUfei- ifd to ihe Baptist Hos|>]ia] where she underwent suvpeiy and re mained until her death. She iii- eelved severe facial and head In juries. The Hnywoods were on their way to Florida for a vacation. They had left their home at Ar- I den tVrms at Cleminons and I were ulwut cliihl miles from ihelr ihoiue when the accident occurred. Blale Hiehwoy Patrolman K IN. Bollck ot Moeksvllle said that the HB>'wood car. r 19611 Pontiac drnon by Haywood. collided head-on with a traclor-lrallev truck drlvcti by Huy Bill Shaver. 40. of North Wlikcsboro, Rt. 4 Bliavet* was not injured. The truck, owned by Hewitt iRooiini; and Trucking Co of Hid- 'dcnite was loaded with 87.000 T. iioi/r ii.^vwaoD —■Killed In Wreck— jMuiids of dressed chickens and wu» en route tu Winsion-Salc-m. Bollck said that the Haywood car veered into the path of the tiuclor-tiuiler. There wu-s no ap- liarnu reason tor the uecideii'.. he said. Tiie car was dctnuhsiicd. and u Vkiccker had to piy the \Mccko»e iRwuy Ulorc Ha j .rood's bodyI could be remoiTd. The tructor of ithe liu was heavily damam-d. i Boltck said that no chaiges .HRij. T. iiOLT JUrWOOB —Dies Of lajurles— would IH' brought Haywood came to Winston-fin- tern in Jonuaiy lOJO. Since living there lie served. In addition to his posnions with Wachovla, as prr- Lsidcut and dircelur of SelLWlod iDanics. Inc.. vice president anri dirrctnr of Southciu Steel Staniji-i lugs, director of WashingtonjNills. diifcior of Piedmont Pub-| hshing Co., director of American Enka Corp.. direciui Li-ward Cot- CuuHoucd 00 Paao ft More Aboot T. Holt Haywoods |n^^n Mills niitl jlinlnnr>n Ih.n WInslon-Rnlcin l-Vimfi:!' uni KnuchI ranii Bui woilrailiiv fi '.Ml !n:U;.'« ; tli.l not fill lil.i life Ih- I'fii;-ill Hi:- farm he and hi \m(>' ii;uui J A:-jden ill 19.7) I A sofi-.s}uii:cn man. llavwoot'. onre sniti lh:U nm- nf thr lunu ])nlnfiil I'Npcrinircr. of iii" hfc " .seeing the ".'•inp'riupr of I'l-'-" mi II tr.ift of the Upper Avrten Farm, whkli he .sold after the denth of Jo.sh Qiilnii. ills aucriiM-y tin;) Tflinwi.iLli .sulne hci<l-«-niiin. "1 love Ures n-s well its all erow- ln« find livliuf thUi'is,' h«' sui'l. 'I hnti- to .see tlio.si- fnu' biirt- wood trees dl.Minpenr e v e n Ihoukh the iract wns boiiv. tim bered for oilier iKi ful .Tuti iiei-ili-tl puiTJOsc.s ■■ I'ore.stry Manacmienl Good foicsiry mniiai'eini-ni nho fipurcil hiKh ui Jus nedri timt n good f.Trmer must b- worthy n' Ills land — .md all ii.s rfsoiivees ' Hnywood wns born In Raleigh to Alfred Williams and Louise Mooio Holt Haywood. His kitin*!- pnrcnts on his inoilier's side were N. C. Gdv. Thoina.s Holt and Mrs. Louise Moore HoU. He Riodualcd fioin Raleigh Male Academy in I0f>3 and reeeivcd n bachelor of philosophy (lenree from the Univci.sily of Nnrtli Carolina In 1907. While lU UNC ho WB.S a memtjer of Zetn I'si Fra ternity. HIrIicsI AvcniBC | Haywood «rnduoicd from Ihe, Philadelphia Tcxilc School in 1909. Wliilc Ihc'i-c he won n FOld medal for having the hlkhcst av- leiage In the c)a.s.s. In June 1958 ho was made pre- siderji of the Old S'.udeiilR Club nt UNC. He wn.s als'j Life Pi c-sl- j dent of the Cla.ss of 1907. He entered the firm of Pied- erlck Victor Acheli.s of New York City In 1909 ns n desijnier of cotton goods ond bseamc man ager of Uie department known as the T. Holt Haywood Depavlinent In April iniS. He remained In thi.s capacity until Dec. 31, 1029. when Llie firm of- HHywood -Mf,ckn>-nnd Valtn - • tine wa.s formed. Haywood be came chairman of llie board ami moved to Winston-Snlrm to live, While In New York Haywood was n director of Frederick Vic tor & AchelU. Westciiesler Fire Insurance Co., Delaware Fire In- sumnce Co.. the People National Bank and the Montclolr Trust Co. of Monlclalr, N. J. Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA He was bnptixcd In Cliri.sl Church (Episcopal 1 at RnlclRli as an infant and later confirmed. He Joined the Home Morovlan Church In Winston-Snlem. He was chairman of the inis- tees of Ute church Aid and Exten sion Board, a member of the Archives Committee. Pronvlnclal Synod and was a trtislrc of Old Salem, Inc. Haywood was a member of the Wlnston-Snlem Board and Inter national Committee of the YMCA, A tntslee of Salcm Collece and Academy and \\*as vice president for the Association of the Blind In Porsyllt County. Surviving arc a son. T. Holt Haywood of New York City: two daughters. Mrs. Archie K. Davis of Winslon-Salcm and Mrs. John Francis Petider Clark of New York City; a brother, Apncw Ba- hnson Sr. of Wlnston-Salem; and four gmmtchildren. Funeral Services Mr. Haywood was buried Sat urday in tiie Salcm Cemoteiy. Winston-Salcm. following services at the Hcmte Moravian Church which was filled to rapacity. TItc scrv'ice was a simple one. rnd flowers in the church in cluded only a large wrcntli of red ro.M.s contalnin-t a crosH of white roses, and on each side another vreath of red roses. A short service was held at the home on Ardcn Farm prior to the church service. Services for Mrs. Haywood wera held Tuesday morning nt Ihe home Moravian Church. Burial was in the Salcm Cemetery be side her husband. A short serv ice was held at Ardcn Farm prior to the church service. Dr. J. C. Hughes and the Rov. Burton Rights officiated at both services. Boys riiib tVurfc He was a member of tite board of the Salvotlon Army, Ri>d Shields Boys Club oiid Service Committee. In 1950 he was np- polmcd National Associate of tlie Boys Clubs of America by fumier President Herbert Hoover u h o was chairman of the board. He was married on Oct. 22. 1914. eurvivlnu ore a son. Tliomas Holt liuywood. Jr.. of New Yoi-k City: two dauuhters. Mrs. Arehii» K nuvl^ I the fnnuer M»s« Maiy heuise Haywood i of Win- Mon-Suiun and Mrs. John Fi*on- rU Pcndcr Cliirk I the former Mi's Emma Pauline Hoywoodl of New York City: and a brother, Alfred Williams Haywood of Chapel Hill. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday February 13,1964 - Page 4 On Advisory Board He was also on the advisory board of the textile office of Chose National Bank and the Chemical Bank & Trust Co. ond was a director of Commercial Fac tors. He was a member of the Union League Club and a member and governor of the Merchants Club. In Wliuton-Salem, Hoywood was chairman of Utc Agriculture ond Area Development Commit tee of the Chombcr of Commerce and a member of the North Coro- llna Board of Agriculture. He was a Granger and was a charter member of tlie Cotmtry Squires, on agrlculture-btislness group dex'oted to better farmhiy and rural life. Haywood was a trtistcc of the Hospltol Savings Association and a member of Utc Forsyth Country Club, Old Town Club, Twin City Club ond Rotary Club. He WAS a member of the Society of Colonial Wars and the Society of the CinchtnaU and was a for mer director and president of the North Carolina Oueiiisey Breed er's Association. He also wos a dl- ector of Utc NorUi Carolhta Sym phony Society, Inc. Mrs. Haywood Mrs. Haywood wsts born in So lent To Dr. Henry T. and Eminn V'ricH Bnltnsutt. Otie urnmlfnthrr WHS Murnviun B i s It u p Geor-.e n:i}>n.H(m iukI the othrr wii.s Fred- iTiek Fries. lencU r in lite early llfi? of Salcm. She spent Itcr early life in Salem. grotluaUna from Sniem Ai-adeiny and CoIIpkc. Site wn.s mon'lvd Oct. 22. 1914. She livetl in New York Cily and Montcialr. N. J. until 1930 at which time .she relumed to Wlit- slon-Snlein. She has been most acUvc in the work of tlic Momvtait ehnrch and was for many ycnrs n Siiit- duy sciioot icnclter and organist at H^mc Moravian, sen'cd na pre sident of the Women of the Home Church and president of Provlni- nl Women's Board of Momvlnn Church. She succcerled her mother, who w.a.s fo.iitdcr, as president of exe cutive board of Salem Home and «»rved. in-Utat-capuvlt-y 'for m.'uiy- years. In recent years she comitosod and published sexTral churrh an thems. She ha.s o\-cr Utc yctirs had a great inteix'st In community music and the Brcvard Music Center. She has scr\'cd on the board of trustees of Salcm Aca demy and CollCRc. Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday February 13,1964 - Page 5 MrN. C. r\ Ikiriicy. i« rtlilrr.il MfVi.•'.> iMi Mrs. n:i- ^Ulilo u.ii:uv. 7». Hi HI. n. Mrt'k.st itU'. v^tdvv C Hnr* ^iiry. Wfi.- IvIII iMhI.'.y iifsnitiitMi ii! Iln' Ci»iiuilA'r Ikil'lls! (.'htlirli The 1HM-, Mlnir:' |».,> ami lh«' IH'v n. A .<'iiiT"]! ;*l'i I:ilu1. Hnriiil \VM* III lhi< rltt:ii-lt 11 tMi'loiy. Mr* Iliirnr.v rtJvjl KrSi. .1 Hi lirr linim-. hMif ImcI brnj In <!«'- clliiini.' liiiiMti inonth.t. Stir wji.H IjHin III Hintdoliih Coiiniy III Culi'iniMis ntni Mr.r.v IfuithoA Dob.v. Ili-r tui.«>b.uid (hril U\ lOAO. fiiiivlvln;; r»r.' I':nv iliiu'jliln*. Mrs. P.nni?.-* r. Win »'i»: nnil Mi-s. Jot Joii!'s bil l; -if M-wkiVilli». III. 3. nnd Mrs, Avor.v iJoby of 'llUMit- n/tvlllc; ihtM' .^.*^11* A|i>.v Ibirnry I of ln(iiiiii:i|uilis. ind.. •! n in i'* | IJnrkl Hiirmy of C'cvi*l.;nd ;«nil J Wllllain Hr.idv nu; nry of Mni'U.s> > vllli*. HI. III rntiidrhlldrrn: .ind ' nine iiri'.it—I'lindrhlldiTii. , Air*. T. W. Clrnliam. aS PnnrrnI .wvlrrs for Mr*. T. W Ornhnni v.rro held 8'«tnrdny nf- •tcrnucn iil ;ihr E.iton Fiuu'nil ChniM^I. The Ri-v. CnrI Lone i;f- flclnicd. Biirhl wnn In Ihr Hnr- mony Orsvc Methodl!>'. Clnirch Cemetery. Xfrii. Orflh.nn dli'd iit :i n in. Thurndny In Ihe Diivle Cunntv ^ospllnl. She hnd been in derlln* ^im he.irii for the nnsl nevernl Weeks. She wns born in A.she Cniin'y to Jules niid Mn'.lle Dlackbiirn ainlioin. She w.in mnirled in 1024, ond her Inisbnnd died in 1051. Siinivin'^ .ire n d.in;thter, MIns Ixiuisc Grnhnin of the honie; three brothers. Joke Gmhnin of Todd. Worth anihiiin of Bojne. ond Reese Grshnm of West Polls. Idaho; two sisters. Mrs, C- M. Connor of Cleinmons ond Mrs. B, R. Jones of Todd; nnd five ffrnndchildreii. l4^e Otis Edwards. 46 Ftincml services for Leo Otis Edwords. 40. of Cooleeinee. were held Thursday nt the Bnton Fun* crni Chnpcl. The Rev, W. R. Frost ond the Rev. Melvin Waller of ficiated. Burlnl wns In the Lib erty Methodls*, Church Cemetery. Mr. Edwards died nt 1:50 a.m. Feb. 5. He had been in declininit health 14 months. Ho was born in Davic County to John W. nnd Minnie Vcach Edwards. Ho was employed by Erwin Mills of Cooleemce. Surviving nro his mother of Cooleemeo: two atstora. Mrs.tK. Pcnnlngcr of Woodlcaf, Rt. nnd Mrs. Elvio Hcge of Cool- moe: 0 brother. J. o. Edwards of MockfivlIIe. Rl. 4. two half brothcra. Stamcy Edwards ofi MocksvHIe. Rl. 1. and J. E. Ed wards of Greensboro; and two half sisters. Mrs. Charlie Tom- llnsoft of Salisbury, Rt. 8, and Mrs. Delia Nnncc of Knnnapolis. Mm. L. P. Myers, 83 Ftincrol services for Mrs. Min nie Morris Myers. 83. wife of Lu ther P. Myera of Lc.xln8ton Rl. 3. wore held Friday afternoon nt the Reeds Baptist Church. The Rev. Benny Crowfoixl and the Rev. Fiiuik Sanders, Jr. offioloted. fn- tcrmcnt was in the chureli rcmo- tery. Mrs. Myers died nt 3:30 p.m. February sih nt the Loxiiislon Memorial Hasplinl. She had been in declining hcnlth for sevoivl years and seriously 111 for ten doys. She Ik sunlvcd by her husbnud. of the home; one son. l<. Rrid Myers of Lexinrton Rt. 3; D doiiithtcrs. Mrs. DnvUI Snyder of Lcxlnaton: Mrs. J. L. Cox of Lex ington; Mrs. Henry J. Slionf of Le.siiUjton Rt, 4 niKi .Mrs. C. o j Strontt of GrccnsvUIo. S. c.: 201«ndrhiUlr(n and 25 Rreat ifrnnti- j |dren; o;ie brut her. Roseoei rrb of Lcxlnnioti nnd ti sister.' Mrs. Jack Loann o( El Pnso. Tex- < OS. Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday February 20, 1964 - Page 5 Former Presbyterian Minister Here Dies A Pre^ytorlan minister thai served as pastor of the Coolecmec Presbyterian Church for 11 years and vas minister at Blxby when the Presbytelulan Church was built there, died last Saturday at his home near Statesvlllo. The Rev. John W. Foster. 77. of Statcsvlllc Rt. 1 died at 11:15 ojn. Saturday. He was the,sup- ply pastor of Ute Prlvldence Pres byterian Church. Death was at tributed to a heart attack. He was bom In Rou'an Coun ty to Felix Aplen and Francis Phlfer Foster. He was a 1913 graduate of Davidson Colleec. He formerly taught school in Cheney. Wash., and operated a ranch in Brewster. Wash. He graduated from Union Pres- byteiion Theogoly Seminary at Richmond .Va., in 1930. He served as iiastor of Coolce- mco Presbytcrlon Church for 11 years. Flat Rock church for three years, Bethel and Sprlngwood churches for seven years and Cal- vaiy church for seven years. He retired in 1958. Hp come to Statesville Ui 1938 and had been a supply pastor in this area since then. He was a member of the Odd I Fellows and was formerly a Ro- tarlan. { Surviving arc his wife, tlio for-| mer Miss Annabel! Eagle: two. brothers. Paul P. Foster of Wash-, ington. D. C.. and the Rev. Hughi O. Poster of Boulder City. Nov.:. and two, sisters. Mrs. John P. Goodmon of Cool Springs and Mrs. Isabcll Manus of Statesville. Funeral se r v i c c s were held Monday morning ai the Fifth Creek Presbyterian Church. Ttie Rev. Jack C. Wllhelm and the Rev. J. C. Phlpps officiated. Bur ial was In Dakwood Cemetery. Arthur WalTord. 02 Arthur Raymond Watford. 02. of 1'15 Medota Avenue, Lexington, died at 6:36 pjn. Saturday at the Lexington MSemorlal Hospital af ter two hours thnv. He was bom in Cabarrus Coun ty. He was married to the former Liia HeUard. He was a retired textile em ployee and a member of Coolee- mee Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife: a son. Raymond Watford of Lexington; three brothers, Jess and Charlie Watford, both of Cooleemee: and George WafTord of Mobile. Ala., a sister Mrs. WWiam Noil, of Black Mountain; and four grand children. Bio - Obituaries - 2/20/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday February 27,1964 - Page 4 Davie Native Dies In Wreck A native of Davto County war Mlled Sunday nlsht in an oulb- mobile accident at Bramlton. Oeoivln. Carl Edward Anderson. 35. now Wring In Wtnston-Salom at 840 Cloister Drive, was killed wiicn the automobile in wMch lie was riding collided head-on with another car around 8 pm.. Sun day. He Is the son of Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Anderson of Mocks- vUle. Route 1. Mr. Anderson was a sorvfeei representative for the Marchant division of the SCM Corp. He was returning wlUi another ser vice representative to Atlanta where they had been attending a school to Icam how to service a new printing calculator. The company selta and servibes busi ness machines. Mr. Anderson had ridden will) the other man to arecnvlile. S.! ~OtrWday,-eaUBbt.B..hua„tn Wins. ston-Salcm. then returned to Oreonvillo on the bus Sunday adtemoon to rejoin him for the ride back to -Atlanta. Mr. Anderson was a passenger in the automobile when the accf^ dent, described as a head-on col lision between two cars, occurred about 8 pjn. The identity of the other BOM representative was not known at the Winston-Salem of fice. 'He was injured. Mr. Anderson had lived In Win- ston'^Iem since last fall, when he moved finm Greensboro when S&S opened an office in that city. He had been employed by the company since April of 1883. Ho was an ordained minister of the {Baptist Church and was a member of the South Park Bap tist Church m Wlnston-Salem. Be WEm a member of the board of directors of the Youth of Christ organization and a director of the for Juvenile DcUmtuencyJ orpmlzaUon. | Funeral Service Funeral services were held Wiednesday afternon at the ZJamee Cross Roads Baptist Church. The Rev. Eugene Gentry, the Rev. Frank Chrisco and the Rev. Clyde Settle oflidated. Bur? lal was in the chureii cemetery. Surviving are his parents. J. C. atid Sarah Lanler Anderson of MOcksvUle, Rt. l; his wife, the fbiiner Vomell Cheeks; four soiu: Eddie. Edwin. Rickey and Michael Anderson, all of the home; a brother. T. p. Anderson of Route 1, Mbcksville; two sistei's. Mrs. Mbry Wheeler of Advance. Rt. 1. and Mrs. Dorothy Cheek of cool- eemee. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday February 27,1964 - Page 5 |>. II, Pliitilittfpr, Co Fi:i:?iinl ik'n-iiTs for Dnvid Hen derson Pcnnlnitci*. 80. of Route 1, \Voodlc.ir. were held Wednesday nftcmoon at the Noriii Coolcrmco Br.iitlRt Church. The Rev. Cli'de Settle find the Rev. J. C. Swaim ollirintod. Burial was In the churth cemetery. Mr. Penniimor died at 2 njn. ki'.ncay nt his iiomc. Draih was QllT'.buted to n hcnn .track. He wtis bom in Rowan County to Henry and Alice Moycr Pen- n.nycr. He was a retired carpen ter. His wife, the ronncr Miss Annie Edwards, survives. Also .survlv- ii.j are a d.iualiter. Mrs. W. A. Aneel. Jr.. of Salisbury: a crand- son: '.\vo brothers, Frank Fenn- lugcr of Wocdleaf. Rt. 1. and W. B. Pchr.:n3cr of Mocksvllle, Rt. I; a half br«lher Mclvin Mcln- tyre-ef- EfHidmry-.--and-a- rJsteiv Mrs. Frank Miller of Mocksvllle, Route 3. J. P. Edwards. 81 J. P. Edwards. 81. of Whltsett, died Friday In the Baptist Hos pital. Winston-Salcm. A native of Davie County, he was the son of the late Mr. and and Mrs. J. W. Edwards of Cool- eemce. He had been engaged in the grocery business In Oibs^m- vllie for 40 years until his re- '.irement. Mr. Edwards was a member of the Otbsonvlllc Baptist Chtu'Ch: a member of Tabasco Masonic Lodge No. 271; Order of the Red- men; a member of OlbsonvUle Board of Aldprmen for thi'ee years, and a member of Glbson- vfllo Soluol Board for several years. He is survived-by his wife. Mrs.. Sallie Edwards of- Whltsett; two sons. Paul and Morton Edwards of OibsonvUte; four daughters, Mrs. WlUlam G. Knight of Ho mer. Alaska. Mrs. Gilbert Fedcr- buah of Long Island. N. V.; Mrs. Sblriey Williams of Buriington: and Mrs. Chorlcs K Farthing of Mocksvllle; his stcp-moUter. Mrs. Minnie Edwards of Cooleemee; a brother. Stamey Edwards of Rt. 1, Mocksvllle; a half brother. Cdell Edwards of Cooleemee; two sisters. Mrs. Bertha Bracken Thomason of Rt^ 8. Sallsbtuy. and Mrs. i>clla Nance of Kannapol- is; and two half sisters. Mrs. D. H. Pcnnlnger of Woodleaf and. Mrs. Elvis Hegc of Cooleemee. Funeral services were conduct ed at 4 pjn. Monday in Qlbson- vllie Baptits Chinch by the Rev. James Haewood. Burial was in Alamance Memorial Park. Bio - Obituaries - 2/27/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday March 5,1964 - Page 1 Three Killed In Wreck On U.S. 158 A truck-auto collision about 11:15 p.m. Friday night kilted three men and injured another. The accident happened about 10 miles east of MocksvlUe on U. 5. 198. within yards of the spot whero five were killed In a Vcdkswagon on February 2nd. —Dead-on-arrlval-at Davlo Coun* ty Hospital were Lawrence Kelly, about 45. of Gray Street. High Point; George L. Bhlnn Jr.. 18. of 608 Ircdell Street. Spencer, In the Navy stationed at Charleston, S. C.: and Charles David Pres- nell. of Marlon, Rt. 1, who the state Highway Patrol said was driving the auto. The other dead were his passengers. The liijured man was Bobby Joe Qent^, 27. of Chattanooga. Tenn.. who was driving the trac- tor-trailcr, Patrolman R. L. Bcone reported. Gentry suffered scalp lacerations and spent the night In the hospital, being re-' leased Saturday morning. Collision Described —gstrolman.BeBne sald.the. auta had passed another car. hit some Ice In the road.»aklddlng out of control sideways across the road Into .the path bf the tractor- trailer wliich was heading west. The car, a 1050 Cadillac, was heading cast. The Impact sent the truck Into a ditch. Shlnn, hltelihlklng. had been given a ride by the other men. His father lives In Salisbury and his m o t h e r. Mrs. Kathcrlne Shlnn, In Mocksvlllc. The accident brought to 10 the number of people killed In February In three occldenlo on tho same highway, all within a few miles of eadh other. Shlnn was born In Rowan County. Surviving besides his parcnii arc his wife, the former Miss Barbara Spears: a son. Timo thy L. Shlnn of the home; a sis ter. Evelyn Shlnn of the home; and a brother, Oscar Shlnn of Butnei*. Funeral services were conduct ed Monday evening at Eaton's Chapel. The Rev. M. P. Boggs of ficiated. Burial was In tire Holly Hill Cemetery. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday March 5,1964 - Page 6 Wade H. Cnton, Sr.. 07 Funeral services for Wade Hampltm Enton.'Sr.. 57. of Rt. 2. MiBeksvllIc. wore held Sunday oftemcon at Eaton Chapel by the Rev. Wade Hulchens and the Rev. Alvls Chc^lre. Burial was In the Chestnut Grove Methodist ceme tery. Mr. Eaten died Friday mom- tng around 1 am. from a heart attack. He had been In declining health several years. He was bom In Davle County to Thomas L and Ixntlc Jane Stottcstrect Eaton and was a vet eran of World Wbr I. fioton was an employee of Tanglcwood Farms until his re- jtlrement In 1852. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Laura Pejplcs Eaton; three daughters. Mrs. Robert Oheittair of Winston-Salan. Rt. 8, Mra Roy Kanes of Pollard Drive, Win- ston-Snlcm and Mra. Larry Foster of Advance. Rt. l; two sons. Wade Hampton Eaton .Jr., of Marietta. Ga.. and Thomas L. Baton of Cliarioltc; 11 grandchildren; Iw.. slstera. Mrs. A W Perebee of Rt 2, MocksvUle. and Mrs Norman Rummage of Rt 6, MocksvlUe: and two brothers, Hubert R. and Carl W. Baton, both of Mocks vlUe. Mrs. J. P. Myers, 78 Funeral aorvtccs for Mrs. Lola Mao Ganvood Myers, 78. of Rt. 2, Mocksvlllc, wlfo of JolTerson F. Mtyeis, were held Sunday after noon at Eatoir's Chapel. The Rev. Jack Yarbrough and the Rev. Dell Suggs officiated. Burial was In the Pork Baptist Church ceme tery. Mrs. Myers died at 5 am. Fri day at her home after a long Ul- ness. She was bom In Davle County to Samuel E and Elisabeth Bam- hardt Garwood. Mrs. Myers was married twice, first to Oscar MetrUl, who died in 1800. Her second husband sur vives. Also surviving arc a daughter. Mrs. Elisabeth M. Potts of Mocks vUle. Rt. 1; two sons. Henry C. Myers of MocksvlUe and Frank B. Myers ol Spencer; seven grand children; three sisters. Mrs. L. C. Wyatt of Modcsvflle, Rt. 3. Mia. Paul Bailey of Advance. Rt. 2. and Mrs. T. J. Foster of Wlnston- Salcm; and: two brothers. Charles Oarwood of Advoncc and Sara Garwood of Wlnston-Salcm. Bio - Obituaries - 3/5/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday March 12,1964 - Page 7 Georse A. Howard, 54 Fuiteml services for George Al bert Howard. 54. of Advance. Rt. 3. were liold Sunday afternoon at the Elbavllle Methodist auirch Tlie Rev. Billy Cllnard offlcloled. Burial was with Masonic rites in the church cemetery. Mr. Howard died Friday niiiht at *hc Baptist Hospltol in Win- slon-Solrm where he had been a patient a week. He was born In Da vie Count>' to wr.ey C.-and Moaale Barney- r^astle Howard. He was a farmer. Howard was a member of El- fcaville Methodist Church and wn a Mas.:n. SiirviriitK am his wife, the fom:er Mabel Boser; a dnushter. Mrs. Odell Smltli of Advance. Rt 2; his mother, of Wins*on-£alem: 1 brother. W. A. Howard of Tliomasvflle: and five slaters. Mrs. L. B. Mock. Mrs. Ed Bcau- cltamp. Mr.-: V. C. Krltes and Mrs. Ben Orrell. all of Wlnston- Salcm and Mrs. Johnny Calahaln af Tampa. Fla. Bio - Obituaries - 3/12/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday March 19,1964 - Page 6 Dwiggins, 80; Davie County Ex-Offieial Thomas Pearl D«igglns, 80. of Modcsvlllo died at 6:20 pjn. Tucs- day in Rowan Memorial Hospital at Salisbury. He had been In decUnliur health several years. Ee had served as a Davle Cbunty commissioner and chair man of the county board of elec- ttons. He was bom in Davle County to Heniy and Matle Smoot Owlg- gins. He was a reUred farmer and lumber dealer and auto deol- er and was a member of Center Methodist Church. He was married twice, first th lyOss MatUe Walker, who died In 1843, and tlien to Mrs. Emily Powell Anderson in February 1845. Survtvon LUted Surviving are ids wife; a grand son: 10 great • grandchildren: three sisters. Mrs. Agnes Vlckers of Mocksvllte. Mrs. Marshall Koonts of Welcome and Mrs. Alloc Smith of High Point; a half stater. Mrs. W. W. Dwiggins of MoeksvlUo: and two brothers, Ru- fus Dwiggins of Harmony and Daniel Dwiggins of Tampa, Fla. The funeral will be conduclud at 2 p. m. Tliursday at Center Methodist Church by the Rev. Hei'bertJamleaon. the Rev. E. M. Avett end the Rev. c. B. Newton. Burial will be In the church cemetery. The body will be re turned to the home, 410 WUkes- boro Street, at 2 pm. today from Batons Funeral Home. It will be placed In the church at 1:30 p.m. Thursday. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday March 19,1964 - Page 7 j MRS. CUITOltD HEAD. 59 | I Funcr.tl scr\'lcrj( fcr Mr.**. Roanj ' WilMnins Uoad. &9. of 44 Wnll! Sirrcl. CiKdncmw. were held' j ofiernaon nl ihc lUx- Ian Fiinpia! Ch.tpol. The Rev. ChniUs Mitrmy and Ihe Rev. Cuslist Murr.iy offlrhtlcd. Burl:tl Wus ill llic Coolocincc Lc9!un i Mrf. Head died nt }:4ji p. m. .M.iutay r.l her hsmo. She had i bcrii fcrlMisIr 111 ccreral weeks. bile ua»i bant In Dnvic County. Surtivlno ate her huiband:! t\v.. datmlUrrs. Mrs. J B. Mc* Drnlel of SQlisbittr and Mrs. Clyde Lr&iurd of Coolccmcc: tlirre yrandchildmi: a sister. Mi-ft. Oalrinan Fos'cr of Salis bury: .and a brother. Dcwcy Wtl- i limes of Conleeince. I. G. ROBERTS Funeral services for Isaac Gwynn Robert .78. of Mccksvillc Rt 2, n former Da\ii> County Cuminlssloncr were held Wed nesday morning at the Wesley Chnpcl Methodist Church. The i Rev. Benny Bearden and tlu: Rev. H. W. Hiilchlns officiated. Burial was in llic uhurch cemetery. Mr. Rober's died at 13:45 p. m. Monday nt the Lynn Haven Nurs- ir.?- Home. He had been in dc- vllninK health several montlis. He was a retired merchant and hir.ner and was o charter member of the district board of direc tors of the Rumi Electrification Adminis'ratlsn. He was a county commissioner from 1940 to 1044. Roberts was n member of Wes ley Ch.tpel IFJnol Methcdist Church. His wlfo .the former Mls» Nan nie Lnkcy, died In 1058. Titere arc no immednte survivors. RAYMOND I. TRAIL. 53 Raymond Inin Trnll, S3, of Coolecmcc died at 10:50 p.m. Monday In Davle County Hospit al alter siirfering a heart attack. He died three hours after he w'as admitted to the hospital. He \va shorn in West Viroinla to James Thomas and Cora Egolc- sicn Trail. He was a veteran of World War II and a member of North Coolcemee Baptist Church. He was married to Uie former Miss Alice Willie. She died lost Oct. 2. SiirvivlnR arc six daughtei's. Mrs. Jean Bennett of Maioka. W. Va., Mis,. David Mills of COo- Icefnce. Mia. Patricia Atkins of Okinawa. Mrs. Fronces Bondu- rant of Washington. D. C.. Mrs. Ramona Cock of HIaitsville. Md.. and Miss Linda Troll of the home; three sons. Tliomas R. TraU of Fort Deposit, Md.. Clarence J. Trail of Nashville, Tetin., and John C. Trail of the home: endj two sisters', Mrs. Georgia Galll- m6i*e~of Helen. W. Vo.. and Mrs. Elva Radford of Floyd. Va. Bio - Obituaries - 3/19/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday March 19,1964 - Page 7 ItTiiN Al. Srnitinn. 01 I ' Pinirr:il f •rvUi'< io» I •w!.': Mnu- roi» Siiimtr.i. (•». ol Mi^rknilk. Mnp'i' A\uhu« K\l: t!<i|un. wriv hrlil SumlHy »! E.ilnn'i* Clin|K-l. 'Ihi' lUv » Wlillnki r orcti-latrd. fhiiliil was In Ihr Si. Mali'hrw.s |jil!u'ian rhnivh ti-m- rli'ty. Mr. 8t'.>:«on PrhlJiv nf« U'riimni n1. Wr.Moiii Ntnlh Cnrn- Una SAna'siinin M Dhn-k Miiim- tnlli. Ih" h;- i n hi dorUnin-! lu'niili wvinil ninilh.s. Jli? wns Li«nt ill Un\lo County to John iin;| kmnta DavLs 8»ni- mon. H:'flniOit win. a irlJjrd loxlilr rmylnyn. SurvJvliV' :irr his wifo. Ihr for mer Ida Adiiim: liiivf dnurihtcr.*. Mr>,. otb niuimm on I Mrs. Mas MniToy. balli of Mcrk.wUlo, nml Mrs, Baxlvr Be^tiv of Coolecmer. two .sons, Vi-'ital Smmoa of S.alls- bury nnd Incfc Sramon of Ad- vnnrc. HI. I: 12 Brandrhlldrcn: four urenliinuidfhlldrvn: flvo ste- Ura. Mr:r, Arthur Ph^ljis of Cl.?ve- iBiid. Rt. I. and Mia. MUUc Hcn- drlx, Mrs. Essie Pclkpr, Mr*. Ar- thui* Daywalt nnd Mrs. Mnndn WllUnms. nil of MocksvUle. Rl. I: and two brclhcrs. Avin end Wililniii Sraition. bot hof Mocks- ^vllle, Rt. 1. I arrs. Albert {.ankfard, 49 PunrmI .services for Mr.s. Es ther Vlcln Lankford. 49. of 47 Duke Street, Cooloeiiicc. wife of Albert Lankford. were held Mon day oflenioon at the North Coal- ccmoe Baptist Church. The Rev. Clyde SrtUe and the Rfv. Charles Burchctte off Ida led, BurlHl was in the Lltx?riy Church Cemetery. Mra. Lankford died at 7:15 |>. m. Saturday at the Davie County Hos))ltal after n year of decllnins health. Her condlUon had been seiioas for a week. She was bom in lAavIe County to Luther Spry nnd Luln Hcndiix Spry. Sunivlnu are her husband: a dnuRhtcr. Barbara Jean Lank- fod of the home: four soivs, M. L. Lankford of Woodleaf. Rl. 1. Roy Lankford of Salisbury. Bt. 6. Cecil Lnnkfprcl of MocksvUle. Rt. 4. nnd Bobby Lankford of tho home: six firandchlldrcn; four brothers, Veslnl Spry of Mocks vUle, Rl. 4. Ray Sjny of Coolcc- mec. O. L. Spry of Ft. Brass and Sherman Spiy of Butner: nnd a sister. Mrs. Olonn McOanlel of Cooleemcc. AtRS. OEOl^ GRAINS. 81 ^ Funeral services for Mrs. Gecrgc Oiavev, 81. of 720 Walnut Street. Winston-Salem. were held Wed nesday afternoon at the Bethel- hem Methodist Cliurch. The Rev. Clyde Berber, the Rev. Dwishl Masliburn and the Rev. Elmer Z>ay officiated. Burial was In the church cemetery. -Ml:s. Graves died at 5:30 a. m. Monday In the City Hospital. She had been in decllnins health since 1955 and seriously 111 since 1961. Mr;. Graves was born in Da vie County, the dnunhter cf Frank and Marsaral King Cancer. She remained a resident of that coun ty until 19S6 whe nshc moved to Win.ion-Salem to live with a daugliter. Mrs. Mandnlene Holl- houscr on Walnut Street. She was marHed Uuce tunes— first to William Amwworlhy Nov. 6. 1000. ifc died Feb. 14. 1006. Her second hv.sband tins C. D. Shack- elf.rd. to whom she wii: married Dec. 8. 1912. He died Oct. 12. 1930. She was married to Georae Graves Nov. 11. 1031. and he died Feb. 29. 1952. Surviving are Iwo daughters. Mrs. Hr.Khniiser of Walnut S'reei. and Mrs Josrpheue Hnuehne of Moclcsville. Rl. 3' one /.icitson. J. W. Shavkelford of Asheville: three ^p'andchr.drcn, 10 great grand- Bhltdmi and -.iie gre.U-grtat grandchild. Bio - Obituaries - 3/19/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday March 26,1964 - Page 4 Floyd Lee Call, 60 Funeral eervtea for t^oyd Lee Call. 60, of Mocksvltlo Rt. 4. were held Wednesday afternoon at tlie Liberty Methodist Chiurch. Tlie Rev. Robert Frost and the Rev. Clyde Settle officiated. Burial was In Oak Orovo Methodist ChuieU cemetery. j Mr. Call died at 3:30 a.m. Mon-1 day at the Oa\ic C.ninty Hospital after a serious illness of one week. ! He was bom in Davlc County »o Morsan ond Ida Peacock Call.' He was a member of Liberty Mcthodl''t Church. He was rm> plo^icd at Hall Manufacturlnii Co. of Wo.tlteaf He had never married. Surviving arc two shtcis. Miss Ella Coll and Mrs. Nora Call NcU i son of MocksMllc, Rt. 4: ond a brother. Hubert Call of MocKs-l ville. Rt 4. Mrs. Floyd Nail. 71 Funeral services for Mrs. Eva Allen Nail, 91. of Coolecmee. wife of Floyd Nail, were held Wednes day afternoon at tite Cooleemco Methodist Churoh. Ihe Rev. Joe T. MbUon and the Rev. Allan wens officiated. Burial was in Uie Liberty Mbthodtst Church cemetery . Mrs. Noll died unexpcetedly at 2:15 p.m. Monday while worklits In her flower go^en. Death was attributed to a heart attack. She was bom In Davlc County to Louis and Cassle Oodby AQen. She was a member of Cooleemce .Methodist Church She was mar- ' rlcd In 1016. ' Sui'vlvlng ore her husband: a daughter Mrs. Pauline Nail Flem- ming of Woodleof: three grand- chlldJ'cn; and three slstera. Mrs. Rufus Cohen of Salisbury. Mrs. Ernest Sain of Ooolecmce and Mrs. Frank Kelly of Hampton, , Va. Bio - Obituaries - 3/26/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, 3/28/1964 Mrs. Leona May Rice MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Leona May MerriU Rice. 78. of Mocks-! ville. Rt. 3. died at 11:^ P-m- Thursday in Davie County Hos pital after an illness ot a day. She was born in Davie County to WUson F. and Elizabeth Van Eaton Merrill. She was a mem ber of Jericho Church ot Christ. Surviving are two sons, C. W. Rice of Salisbury, Rt. 6, and Tom A. Rice of Mocksvdle. Rt. 3- four daughters, Mrs. Harry Hartley of Welcome. Mrs. Paul Leonard of Winslon-Salem. Mrs. 1 Doyle Bcan of Mocksville, Rt. 3. land Mrs. J. W. McClanon of MocksvUlc. Rt. 3; 13 grandchil dren;- a great-grandchild; a brother. George E. W®rrill of Mocksville, Rt. 3; and three sis ters Mrs. Bculah Hendrix and Mrs' MolUc Hendrix. both of Mocksville, and Mrs. Anna Grubb of Mocksville, Rt. J. 1 The funeral will be conducted I at 3:30 p.m. today at North Mam Street Church of Christ by J. B. Whitakcr and W. G. Grant. Burial will be in Jericho Church of Christ cemetery. The body will be placed in the church at 3 p.m. Bio - Obituaries - 3/28/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday April 2,1964 - Page 7 Afrs. Leona Bfay. Rico. Funcrn seniccs for Mrs. Loona Moy Mc-.rlll Ricc. 78. of Moclc-s- vlUo Rt. 3. were held Monday aflcrncon at. the North Main S'.rcst Church of Chrial. J. B Whitaker and W. O. Gnnt offi ciated. Burial was In tlic Jc:lcho CImiX'h of Christ. Mrs. RIcc died at lt;25 p. Jii. Thursday in the Davle County Hoipit.'il after an lUnr.*» of a day. She was born in Davie County to Wilsfon P. and Eilzabcih Von Eaton Merrill. She wos a mem- b;i' of Jericho Cliurch of Christ Sun'lvins are two sons. C. W. Rice of Salsbui-)-. Rt. 6. and Tom A. Rice of Mocksvlllr. Rt. 3; four dnusliters, Mrs. Harry Hart ley of Welcome, Mrs. Paul Leo nard of Wihston-Salrm. Mrs. Poylo Bean of Moeksvillc. Ri. 3. and Mrs. J. W. McClanon of MociuvUle, Rt. 3; 13 mandchil- dreiK a great-KrandchllU; a b.o- thcr, George E. Merrill of Mocks- villa, Rt. 3; and Uirec sisters. Mrs.Beulah Hendrix and Mi's. Mcllle Hendrix. botli of Blocks- vile. and Mrs. Anna Gmbb of MciJtsi'ille. Rt. 3. Bio - Obituaries - 4/2/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday April 2,1964 Er« AJhfit Nail In Iho pajy>lng of Mis. Evii Allon Nail Coalocmco ha.s sufforocl lhL» loss of anoihoi "Old Tinier", whoso llfo for so many yeais \\*a.s so inlorwovon into the fahrio whieh wo call tho Comnumlty thai iJei' passhif; touches every heart ami loaves a sense oC liurt and loss. Iler fine ehrislian cliaiaelor sjiollod out in the sniilus which radiate Idiwl- m-'ss, friendliness, and a concern for the j^tood of olhors. Her tasks in life were not burdens, hill opnorlunllles io be of service to lainily and friends, to her church and the communi ty. Slie was the sort of person who, jast he- iiig herself, was a blessing to all who knew her. For many veal's she had heen close to her hushaiKl, who in a .stale of semi-lnvalidism, relied upon her unfailing affcclion ntid minis- tiy, Floyd Nail himself, goes into the same "Old Timer" category — that generation of fiicn and women who evaluated life in Icmis of tho old virtues of integrity, honesty, and service to mankind. Togellier, he and his good wife, most truly, gave themselves to fhe com munity. His gift througli music, and hers through nfMyhborlincss and flowers, made Coolcemee a bettor place in which to live. There is a sort of parable in the News account of her death: "She died while work ing in her garden". And, it. was at a lime when millions of pooplc wero thinking about another gai'den, where some women ivho went early to it found the reality for man kind in the planting of seed, and their Res- surrcclion into new life, For what c^es every tiiie gardcnef find, bill a daily, inimiiraatetwn■f.r llirvi Rf-.-niirii^etidn .".r^' llie ihF*, We can wcil believe that she now knows boi ler llu! mr-nnlng of gawlening, as she walks III tiio garden of the Chief gardener, and knows ' the l)l<^ssedness of unfading flowers, and ^ .sweetness of the heavenly music—and we like > If) liiiiik thai she will hear some familiar > )U)li!s fiTjin a band wliioh through many >ears f jujide musif! Ill ti'oolcemcc. t' I I I I 1 f., .I.'l l.li.'.il • ! ii v..'I y. !(• :: M' l - : I ! v-'Ji ; iiii'in! "I (V;:!!!. , C'::: '. S,:..'. ,n- ,.1.- r-., (M 1- . ■: S.il; i 111 y_ le. r ■■ A ii; • 1.: Ml I li I Iii'it-.' , .''Mil a:.. •• i Mi fi.my H.u t- !• v I r At i s I' :i|I nf W:r;Nt.:i-S.,|fl:;. Mj. Onyir |.:v;.is Ml M..:ks- VI .If. Mt. ;in:l .'1.5: . ..k \V. ?,li ("iiiii.-Ii f«f .M .1 'isi'inf. 10.. ri; 111 u ni- i;r!i!i<l'iii.O, .1 tfi'iii j , K. Mf.-ti!: ft .M..i k;-vill', Ut. :i; iiii'l -i-ti :-. Mi>". itciiiiiii H'.'ii .li i.v ;mii Mi .-i. Mollif It'.'iihiN. i 'tli of ,M,i: k.-vii:'.'. -iioi -Mtii. Aiinri t;riil>h MO'-ksvilif^ Hfo'.o Thf fiiin/jul v.;is iMJi.diicl. cil tcao I\ ,M, SfiUirdi.;.- jit Koilii Miiin SI. Chinch of Chriil tiy ,1. B. Whilif ki-r !iii<l V,'. CI. Cironl. liviiiol \vri;i ill Joiiciio Ciniiih of Chii.^il conicIcrj'; t;. . f Hi :i.ki ii, .'i-'' I ■ f I ill ' yi'iiti <■' 'I'. .: .Mi M.y l?:i;-|!I; , I ' ft .'.Ic 1 iilc. {' i , ■ : . . ' , !. y "A 'ini.Tiliiy |' • • f . I'M' ,i.-a-i! v.'ir;k ■ •; .11 .ii Li'• ,' A ■ :-!i 1- I".i! :i ill D.1VJO'; 1 ■.i .,i.yv. S'.;;y.. .I'l' I '.M. ic •tier-, Kt.'nili.*ll JVilll i.iKi Go.iyo." Kc-iti: JJnickcn, t.i ii;. fi ti.c home; and her i;i;iiKlp.irorit-, M:. anil Mrs. W. U, Br.i.'k 11 111 Mocks- Mliiy l;!. 2. i.ml .Ml. and Mi l, .(. V.iii hhijly of liar- , iii'.r-.y. le. 1 ' 'i' ,.. i iii., ::,] '.va-; cnnd".:tt.jni :r. ;! Si' 1\ M. a! Eat-j ..Clii.i'cl iy ihf Hviv. AMlx-it Hr. -ihcii. Ilui iii; vcaH All C ii • • t ii 1.1 1 ifdi:'. ('ir.ii i li icmflcry. Bio - Obituaries - 4/2/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday April 9,1964 - Page 5 Bradlry Blaebwrlilfr Funeral servlres for Bnidley flardlnff Blackvclder. a-duy^old ton of Hardlni: and LouUe Wood- Arard Slackweldrr of Morksville •ll. 2, were held Salurdav ufi?r- noon nt Eaton's Chu|>el. Tlie Rev. A. C. Cheshire officiated. Btiiinl was m the IJames Crossroads aaptist Church cemetery. The Infant died at 7:30 pan. Friday at Ute Baptist Hospital In Wimion-Balein. ! He was born in Davie Coun-) ty Hospital, and was transferred' 10 the Winston-Balem liaspital yesterday. ! fiurvlvlns besides his parenul are a sister. Debra Lee Black*; welder of the home; three half; sisters, Dello. Prances and Cln*; dy Chaffln. all nf t*)-> home: and his grandparent . kt.. and Mrs.' Charlie BlackAildir of Mocks- vlUe. Rt. 9. and Mrs. John Wood ward of Mock8\!lIe, Rt. 2. Bio - Obituaries - 4/9/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday April 16,1964 - Page 5 Ciiirk C. Cdtnplirll. 71 FunemI scrvlccK for Cbirk Ciifford ^ Campbell. Tl of Coolccmec will bej lifld at A p.in. Tlmrwlay nl the Mortti' Cook-cmc Ouux'h of 0(kI. The Hov. I. C. Mori'!!( will officiate. Burial will be in Ihc Coolevmct? Amerlcnn McmortuI Pork. Mr. Caniphcll (lied nt 10:42 o.m. Tue.<tday at the Rowan Memiu'lal llo^pltal. He suffered a heart at tack Monday iilsht. He wn;: born in Davie County to Prcstun Clifton CniRpbcl! and Mar tha Campbi.;. lie married Miss Cordic Goodman in lOlfl. He was a member of North Cooleemeo Ch'.irch of God. He was a retired employe of Erwin .Mills at Coolcc mec. Sumlving ore his wife: six dough- tiers. .Mrs. Thomas Eagle of Satis- ^ki:ry. Rt. B. Mrs. Roger FUnder- Inirk of Mocksvlllc, Rl. 4. Mrs. Melvln Barney of Lexington. Rt. 3, Mrs. Bill Gil}bo.is of Woadlcaf. Mrs. * William King of Coclccmee and Mrs. Mitchell Fleming of Mocksvlllc. lit.. 3: three sens. Richard Camphcll of .Ariloston. Texas. David Campbell of Salisbury and Odcll Campbell of Salisbury, Rl. 7; 17 grandchildren: six fireat-grandchildrcn: and (wo sijlgfrs, Mrs. Evan Gregory of Mocksvillc, Rt. 4, and Mrs. George Miller of Co(deemce. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday April 16,1964 - Page 6 Mrs. E. W. Llvengood Tunoiral services for Mrs. Mary Myers Llvengood. 66, of Advance Rt. a, were held Saturday after noon at tlie Fork Baptist Church The Rev. Dole Suggs, the Rev. Billy Clinard and the Rev. John Pless officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Llvengood died Thursday afternoon at her home after se veral months of declining heelUi. She <was bom In Davie Couivty to James and Betty Bracken Myers. She was a member of Ful ton Methodist Church. She was married in 1014. Surviving ore her husband: se ven sons, James, Ollmer and Maynard Llvengood. all of Lin- wood. Rt. 1. Robard Llvengood of Lexington. Rt. 4. Frank Liven- wood of Mocksvllte, Rt. a. Ernest Llvengood. Jr. of Advance. Rt. 2. and Henry Llvengood of the home; seven daughters, Mrs. Hugh WalscT of Lexington. Rt. 4. Mrs. Jack smiOi of Lexington, Rt. 3. Mrs. Hoyle Orubb of Lexington. Rt. 5. Mrs. Marvin Long of Long of BoonvlUe. Rt. 1. Mrs Homer Hendrlx. of Mocksvllle. Rt. 8. Mrs. Harvey Snider of Un- wood. Rt. 1. and Mrs. Zell Ed wards of the home: 30 grandchil dren; three great-grandchildren; three brothers. Fred. Shcrrlll and Marvin Myers, an of Advance: and a sister. Mrs. Martha Tucker of Winston-Satem. Mrs. B. 'G. Tayl(tfi 73 Funeral services for Mrs. Daisy Emma Taylor. 78. of 113 Water Street, widow of B. O. Taylor, were held Sunday afternoon at Eaton's C9tape1. The Rev. J. E. Ratdiford officiated. Burial was in the Union Chapel Methodist Church cemetery. Mrs. Taylor was dead on arri val at the Davle Ooun^ Hospital at 12:30 a m. Saturday. She was a retired employe of Erwln MlUs at Cooleemee. She was bora In Davio County to Charlie and Nancy Barney- castie Wilson. Her husband died in 1037. Surviving arc a son, John Tay- l(»r of Mocksvllle; two grandchil dren; and a greatgrandchild: and a sister. Mrs. Minnie Taylor of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4. Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday April 16,1964 - Page 6 R. C. Smitli, 71 Funeral services for Robert Clinton Smith. Sr.. 71. of 3009 Old Vineyard Road were held Idonday afternoon at the New* Fhltadelpbla Moravion Churchi The Rev. Robert lobst and the Rev. Henry Lewis officiated. Bur ial was In the Forsyth Memorial Park. Mr. Smith died at 8:36 a. m. Saturday at the Maple Orove Nursing Home. Ho had been In declining health since 1958 and serlou^ lU a month. He was bom in Iredel! County on May 18. 1892 to Ellsha and Alice Barren Smith. His early life was spent >ln Xredell County near Harmony. He was educated ut uio ircaeir Coun^ schools. He bed lived In Forsyth Coun ty for the past 41 years. Ho was employed at Southern Railway for 44 years as a car in spector retiring on May 11. 1068. He was an active member of New Philadelphia Moravian Church where he taught the Men's Bible Class for 16 years and serv ed on the Board of Deacons for six years. Smith was a member of Ful ton Masonic Lodge 98 of Salis bury. the Helen Marie anlth hapler 306. Order of the Eastern Star and the Senior Citizens of South Pork. Ho married Miss Lou MUler on May 27. 1918. Surviving arc his wife: a daugh ter. Mrs. Roberts W. Wells of Petersburg. Va.: a son. Robert C. Smith Jr. of Mocksvlllo; four sis ters. Mrs. Maude IJnmes of Oool- ccmoe. Mrs. D. O. Moore and Mrs. Bud Morgan, both of Salisbury, and Mrs. Cora Wright of Char lotte; a brother. Hugh O. Smith of Stronghurst. III. and six grand children. Mrs. John A. StUlwell Funeral ser\*lccs for Mrs. John A, Stillwcli of Webster, N. C.. were held Tuesday at the First Baptist Church el that town. She wos the mother of Dove F. SUIIwoll of Mocks vlllo, prindpat of the Davle County High School. Mrs. Stillwcli died Monday morn ing at the home of a son. Jdm Still- well. In Wd)sttf. She had been con fined to bed for the past five years ond seriously HI for several weeks. Survivors indude: one daughter. . Mrs. Oscar Worley (tf Webster; John I StUlwell of teh home: end O. F. SUU- wcU of MecksvlUe. Alex Eugene Blake. 46 FVnera Iscrvlces for Alex Eugene Blake, 48. ct Mocksvllel, Rt 3. were held Wednesday afternoon at Eaton's F\u)eral Homo Ohapd. The Rev. Norman S. Fkyc. 4he Rev. Elmer Day and the Rev. E. M. James effidaled. Burial was In Ute Advance Baptist Churdi cemetery. Mr. Blake died Monday morning at StatesvUle. He had been III since he was 13. He was bom In Davie County to W. A. end Lizzie Firye Blake. Surviving arc his parents of Rt 3. Mocksvllle: three brothers. Jdui U. Blake of Lewisvlllc. Rt 1. Lester M. Blake of CXcmmons. Rt 1. and Hubert Blaek of Advance. Rt. 2; and three sisters, Mrs. Thelma Myers of MockdvUe. Rt 2. and Mrs. Mary Lane end Mrs. Louie Tcague, both of Winston-Salom. Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday April 23,1964 - Page 2 Mrs. Carl Powell Dies In Remtoul, Illinois Nannie C. Powell of Harmony re ceived message on Tucsdoy, April 14 thai her sister in law. ^{rs. Carl Powell, had died in Rantoitl. HI., afler 8e\'erol years of lingering ill nesses. She was the former MoHie Lowery of Davie Cmtnty. She is survived by relatives in DavIe County: also by her husband. Corl PoweH and three scms, Zemma Powell of Burbanh. Calif.. Henley, Powell of Muster. Ind., ond William Powell of Taylorsville, IH.. and a daughter. Mrs. Clarence Humphrey of Washington. III.: ami eight grand children. Mr. and Mrs. Powell went to Illi nois in iDtO and have visited back here several limes. A sister of Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Pearl Powell-Wamplcpor-Salisbury left im mediately a.'ter hearing of the death to attend the funeral and he wlUi the fnmlh'. Tito fiwcral and iHiriot was held Thursctay. April '18. In Han- Ictd. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday April 23,1964 - Page 6 W. B. Wilson, 63 Fttneral scrvlcos for Wllllnm Box* lor Wilson. 63. of COoleomco were htdd Sumlay nflcmocn ot Eatim's Funeral Chapd. The Rev. 0. L. Roy aler and the Rev. Charles Burcheltc otttdatcd. Burial was in Rose Cemo- tery. . Mr. Wilson diod Friday night ot 9:80 at the Baptist Hospital In Winston-Salem. Ho had been 111 for one week. Bom In DavIe County« ho was the son of the lato William C. and Jo- sophlno IJamcs Wilson. He was em ployed by Duke Powcy Company In Salisbury. Ho married Miss Crcola Young, who died August 8, 1863. Survivors Ittcludc four brothers. K O. Wilson, J. B. Wilson. D. C. Wilson, all of Mocksvllle. RU 4. and W. J. WHson of McefcsvlUo; four sis- tcfs. Mrs. J. W. Smith, Mim Edrie Wilson and Jdrs. E. H. Brown, all of Modcsvllel, Rt 4, and Mrs. Fleko TtxmiBS of Marmony- W. n. Bameycastte Funeral services for William Har vey Bameycastle; 77, of Mocksvllte, Rt 1, were held Sunday aRoitoon at Eaton's Funeral Oiapel. J. B. WHlaker and OrvlUe Mldyctt offl- dated- Burial was Jn the Center Methodist Churdi Cdnday. Mr. BamaycasUo died at his homo at 3:30 a.in. Friday. Death was un- axpectcd. A retired former, ho was bom In Oovle County, son of (he late Elijah and Betty Ijamcs Bameycastic. He tnarriod the former Maltio Glascock, who survives, other sur vivors oro ono son. R<»s Barney- casUo of Pomcrton. N. J.; five daughters, Mrs. C. IF*. Forrest and Mrs. Paul Forrest, both of Mocks vllte, Rt. 1. Mrs. O. C. Wilson of Mocksvltle, Rt 4. Mrs. Roswdt Mat- Slews of East Bend, and Mrs. Virgil Wyatt of Rt 3, Lexlngtm: 13 grand- diildrai; 11 great-grandchildren: one brother, CL H. Bameycastic of MocksvHte, Rt l; aod one sister, Blra. Glenn Gartner of Route 1, MocksvIUo. J. R. WllUamSi 64 Funeral services for Junio Ross Williams, 64, of High Point were held Sunday afternoon at (he North Coot eeme BapUst Churdi. fho Rev. Clyde SeUio officiated. Burial was In the Cbdeemee Lcgton Park. Mr. Williams died at u:33 Friday night ot the High Pdnt Memorial Ho^illal. He suffered en ottack Fri day morning.'Death was unoxpectedt Born In Davio County, ho was the son of the lato Albert and Maiy Call Williams. I A retired Highland Cotton &(III' (snployce, he was (he husband of the former Ethel Dyson, who died in 1856. Survivors Indude six sons, James, Clyde, Elijah, Albert WHliams, all of High Point, Fronhie Williams of Cooleemee, and John H. Williams of JHfnslonASalcm: 10 grandchildren: Uirco brothers. John Williams of Clevcland. Earhr WilUams ond Willie Williams, both of Ri. 4. Mucksviltc; Coolccmeo and Mrs. ayde Ridcm- hour of Ht 4. MocksvHte. Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday April 23,1964 - Page 6 C. T. Stunmcrs, 80 F^incrol aervJoes for Cappio T. Summers. 80. of MocksvUJe. nt. 4, tt'cro held Sunday aflemoon el the Oak Grora Mctiiodisl Church. The Rev. Jack Yorborough orflclalcd. Burial was In Ute church cemetery. Mr. Summers was dead on arrival at the Davie County Hospital Friday morning at 10:40. Ho had been in declining health for several montlis. Bom in Davie County,-January 2, 18B4, he was the son of the late Martin and Carrie Sain Summers. Ha married the former Lundy Lew der, who sunlves. Also surviving arc one son, A. E. .Stimmcrs of Cnolcemcc; one daugh ter, Mrs. Ola Poplin of Mocksvillo, nt. 4; four brothers. Martin Summ ers of Coolcemec. William L. Sum mers of Mocksvilla, Rt. 2. Mlttic and Milton Summers, both of Thomas- villo: two sisters. Mrs. A. W. Polts of Mocksvillc ond Mrs. Walt Brown of Mocksvillo, Rt. 2; seven grond- childrcn. Mrs. L. C. Moody. SI Funmral services for Mrs. Pauline Mclmick Moody. S3, of Mocksville RL 4, the Jerusalem Community, were held Sunday aflcrttoon at the Jerusalem Baptist Churdt. The Rev. Bob Hellard and the Rev. E. W. Sel lers ofTlciated. Burial wos In the church cemetery. Mrs. Moody died nt 6:40 p. m. Friday at her homo after two years of declining health. She had llxcd In the Jerusalem community nine years. She was born in West Vtrgtnia to P. D. and Edna Stmmons Hdmlck. Surviving are her husband; her mother of Newport News. Va.; a daughter. Miss Sarah Lee Moody of the home; a son. Wade D. Moody of Landnim, S. €.: two sisters, Mrs. A. S. Curtis and Mrs. J. C. Bishop, both of Hampton, Va.; two half sis ters, Mrs. H. S. Collins of Bryson City and Mrs. Robert McLau^In of Unlcoi, Tenn.; thro brothers, 0. B. Heimlck of SmithHeld, Va., P. a Helmick of Newport News end B. E. Melmlck of Arlington. Va.: and two half brothers, B. L. Heimlck of New port News end F. H. Heimlck of Un- iccl. Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,1964 - Page 2 Center Man Dies As Fire Consumes Home The remains of the body of Dot- phus Owens, age 57, of tlio Cenler Caiiirdi communlly was discovered in Ihc ashes of bis liomc early lost Wednesday morning. Mr. Owens, a widower, lived in a frame house behind Center Church. He was reported to have a hnbit of smoking in l)cd. Dr. Francis W. Slate. Davic Coun- •ly Coroner, reported that the body was almost totally cremulod by the firc....both togs wore burned off. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14, 1964 - Page 5 Cronflcld Funend services for Filmore Foe* ett (Doc) Oranfidd. 57. woro held Wednesday Orftornoon ot Eaton's (^apQl. ilic Rov. Noah Holhrook end the Rev. Zetia Stanley offtclotcd. Burfai was In the Nortli Oak Ridge Cemetery <In Yadkin County. Mr. Cknnfidd was doad on arrii\rnl Monday at the Oavic Cutuily Hos pital. He suffered on ottack around 10 ajm. on the streets of Mocksvilto. JIo nvas a retired farmer. ..-Surviving are Ills wife, the fnrmw Venmcll Krimmcr; Uirec sisters, Mrs. Naomi Smilh of MocksvinL', Mrs. Burton Trivet to of Mocksvdye, Rt. 5. and Mrs. Gumey Lash of Bosctl. Va.; and six brothers. Don Cran- field of Pocahontas. Va.. Buddy ond Dloklc (Thonfiold, both of Mocks- vilic ,nt. 5, Leo (Shine). Sam and Shorrlll Cnonficld, all of Mocksvillc. Luke F. Smith. 73 Funeral 8or%'iccs for Luke Franklin Smith, 73, of 001 W. Cemetery Street in Sallsbtuy were held Tuesday mor- ning at Eaton (^tapci. The Rev. Norman M. MeDowoB ofDciated.Burial was in Rose Cemetery, | Mr. Smith died at 5:55 p.m. Sun- doy at the Rmvan Memorial Hos-j pitai oRcr an illness of 11 dpys. ! He was born In Davie County to! Dalton A. and Sally 'llanes Smtth. SurvitHng 'oro his wife, tho former | Cloo Adams; tliroo sons, Hcniy. I FrankMn and .\farion Q. Smith, all- of MocksHllc; throe daughters. Mrs, j Jctlio Stine of hlocksvllle, Mrs. Bkinchc .Tordon of Coolf»mcc andj Mrs. Cnlhcrinc LInvillo of Advance: 1 17 grandchildren: six greol grand-! children: and two sisters, Mrs. Sally! .McOlamrock of Mocksvilto and Mrs.' .Maggie Willaker of .Mocksvilie. Rt. * 2. 1 I Mrs. LIndsey Ifead. 63 Fimenil scrv«tces for Mrs. Annie Wall Head, 03, uf 13 Duke Street in Cboleemoo. wife of Lindsay Head, were held Wednesday ufiernoon ol tho Ciwltfomeo iMethodist Church. Tho Rev. .loo Moll on officiated. Btir- inl was in tlio Fork Baptist Church Cemetery. Mrs. Head died ut 10 ni. Minuiiiy at tho Rowan Memorial Hospital nl Salisbury after an illness of a wedc. Sho vxis born in David County to Jclin and Alieo Owon Wall. Suniving besides her husband ore two sons, lialph C .Heod of Winston- S.-ilcm, Rt. 4. and Eugoae Head of S;ilisi.urj*, Ri. j; a daiishier. Mrs. c. w. Jacobs of Cooleomee: three Krandehitdren: a step grandcliild: flvo gi-eal prandcJilldren: three sis- tors. .Miss Dedia Wall of Winstun- K:ikvit. Mrs. Soars Nicltols uf Ad- voiire. nt. I .and Mrs. Aixhle Vouna of Cllnlftn, S. C.: and fmir brothiTS Dtuey. Jolii) F. .ind C. F. W.nl!. .i); of Winston..Sj|om ntnl Clyde Wall uf Olade VaHoy, Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,1964 - Page 5 Mrs. Henry .Slroud Mrs. I..aurn Mai^en'c Slroud, Bi. or Harmony. lU. I, witlow of Ilcnry W. Slroud ,(1ic(l at A:Sa p.m. Mon day at Dat'i.s llo^ital after a slun l illness. She "wns Iwrn hi Ircdcll County to Shields and Mary Richardson Mar lowe. Her husband died Jn 1962. Suniving nrc flvc sons, Roy E. Stuoiid Of liantmiuy. RL 2, Slunuy W. StriHid of High Point, Wade P. Stroiul of Bixby, Carl L, Stroud of Stalesvillc. RL 4, and Gillicrt D. ^ottd of Slatcsvillc; seven dnugit- (ers, Mrs. J .0. Galllhcr of Stales villc .RL 4. Mrs. Vcrtia Richnrdson of Elkin. Mrs. Bculah Arlidgc of High PolnL Mr.s. J. C. Jones, Mrs. Cloy York and Mrs. Thumas all of Modcsvillc, RL 4, ond Mrs. fiernlcc York of Hnrmnny, Rl. 2; a brotlwr, D. A. Marlowe of Sollsliury; 4S grandchildren: and 1% great grandchildren. Tho iruncrnl service was held at 2:S0 p.m. Wedncsiiay in Pleasant View B.'ipUst Churdi. near Harmony. Lewis T. llcndrU Lcwl.s Thcmus llcndri.N, 72. of Salisbuix Rt. 6. died at 1:25 p.ni. Monday at Rowan Memorial Hos- pitnl after on Illness of two weeks. He was bom in Da vie Ccunly to Lewis and Eliza Young llcndrix and was o retired farmer. He was aj mcmlicr of Fhric Bapllnt Church. Sui vhktg arc his wife, iiie furmcr .Miss Sadie Foot; two dmighlcrs, Miss Mctva .To llendrix of Annapolis, ^Md., and Mrs. Billy F, ,Jones of Winslon-Salcm. RL 2; four suns, fivid T., TToyco W., Morris H., ami Garland V. Hcndrix, all of Sntishury, RL fi: three sisters, Mrs. George Mcrrcli and Mis. Wiley Cnjic, txith of .Mocksvillc, Rt. 3, and Mrs. Gcurgc Barnharl of .Advance, Rl. 2; and 12 grandolRldrcn. Tiie tfiuneral was cotiditdcd %nt 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at Fork Bn|>- thit Cliurch by Uiu Rev. Dale .Suggs and Uio Rev. Wade Hutchin.s, Bur ial w: ! in tlie cliuivh rcmctcry. TtKtina.s II. Roger. ,Sr. Funeral .serviri'-t I u r 'riinmas lloSavvay Regor, Sr.. 31. of Rmda |, M<>c;i.>(ville. ihd Cotiiiiy I-iitu cum- mnniiy. uvrr luiii i.n Momlny aflcr- noon i.t 3 pnv :i Salcin Methodist Cliurcii. licrv ice.-: were condiiclo.i i/y >Rev. i'cib .J.nmkvon, Rev. Janies While anil liie Rev. Mr. Adacns of TixxiLtnan. Mr. Rfgcr died afmul .1:30 p.m. on Sri'.aittny, Ma>' 16, at hl.s liomc apticrcnlly after suffiiriug a heart ollnck. tfo wa.s a r.'jraicr. He wa.s iiom In Da vie County. Surviving ;in» his wife, .Mrs. M.itlie Lalh.nm Roger: four dau.'hiars. Mrs. Fd[\ .Jones of ■Mocrsvlliv. Miss Brcn-la Roger of the home ;ind .Mrs. Cecil Cartner and Mrs. \ i:,sln.a D.«y- vntilL both of Mocksvi'.lc, Rt};Ue I: two sons, Thomas If. Roger. .Jr.. of Tro'.ilman an<l Glenn Roger of Hoiite 1. ^locksvllle; and four .sister.s, .Mrs. Kiis.'ir Bvil v.i Mock>i\illo. Mrs. Clinr- .'ii* Barnes :uul Mrs. Tippy Slroud. ijolh or itiiicn.sviile. Rl. 4, and Mrs. i.'!:-.it.u:-e StiiMid iiJ ilarjiiony, Rt. 1. Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,1964 - Page 7 Tlioroas K. Myrrs Tlie fultcnil for Titomas KdwnrtI Myers, 77. iif Wia«fnn-.S;:,Vn). Jll. (ho New Vcnioij Ch>«rch citnuiitiiii'.y, was comluclcH nt 2:710 p.m. We>l' nfAtJay at IClhav'Hc MrtJio.;isl Ctiurch near Ash'an-.'e by the Rev. Bill Cliii- arti aii'J the Uev. C. C. Phillips, Btir- ial was in tlie cjinrrit ccnioL-ry. .Myers <lifil at 11:43 n.in. .Mundny at City .McnK»rl»i lio.i()i(nl at TltDnb ;isville. Ho h:;(l l.oe:i in cleeiininj* ;u*:il(-h two ntoallis. Ho .was biun in Coanly to C. aiiil .Salile CCviirin Myers aiul bis e.ir!y IKe near Athaiiro. He t.anc lii Saloin as a jxnmo iKiy and w*jis a relirotl barbiT. Sunierns ore a smi. IJariy li, Myers of LM-i2 S. Main St.; .sevcr.Tl 'a'aml(-lilI(iron: iw-u )>r<'at ^ranileiiib .ire:!: hvn slep (l:ui;;hl«'r.<. .Mrs. Joe Vokeley of David.snn .Avcmto ami Mrs. Wajno Yokeley of Ciictimber litKid; and two ».s!ers', Mrs. J. Tiank McCnltiiiiis of Cleu'Iainl .Mis. C. II. Sink of Arrarlia. Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 28,1964 - Page 5 Mrs. P. P. KiiiUnAcr. 59 Funeral services for Mns. Lois KlbUngcr, 59, wife of Peny Price Klbiingcr of MocksvHIc Rl. 4, vfore held Sunday aneincoii ui the Rick Creek FiimlMve BupUst Church in West Virginia. Mre. Kibllngcr died at 11:30 p.m. Thursday nt iicr lioiiic after a Ieiig< thy illness. She was bnrn in Raleigh Ciiunly. W. Vn., lo L. P. and Aniclla Bailey Walker. Surviving In axIdlUon lo her hus band aro two da\iglUers, Mrs. Henry W. Bents of Colonial Heights, Vu., and Mrs. Lawrence Curiner of Mbcksville, Rt. 1; three sons, Ed ward Loo Rthllngor of Coolcemcc. Don K. Kibllnger of Mooresvillc and Ralph L. Kibllnger of Dridgctcn. N. J.: she brothers. R. C. and Claude Walker, both of Lashmeel, W. Va., Fred Walker of Odd. W. Va.. Hob- en Walker of GrecnvQIc. S. C.. and Cliffoid ond Earl Walkor, both of Stanaford, W. Va.; Tivc sisters, Mrs. Nunna Mills Jonben, W. Va., Mrs. J. C. Walker. Mks. Eveititle Bolcn ond Miss Hden Walker, all of Pin Oak. W. Va., and Mrs. Bill Roberts of Reno, Nov.; ond 17 grandchildren. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 28,1964 - Page 7 James W, Ilobira, 30 James Worth (Jimmy) Hobbs. 3C, died suddenly at 1 o.m. lost Thurs day ol Spartonburg. S .0. He was o former resident of Mocks\*IIIo and MoorcsvHIe. A native nf Mecklenburg Cwinly. he was a son of the late James Monitw Hobt» and Lucy Fleming Ho^ He was a member of First Boptist Church. Mocksvllle. and an fifisistont fnanngor of Royloss De portment Slmx; in SparianlMirg. Funeral senticos were hold In Moorcs\*llle Salunlay aRemoon. SurvK'ors Include Ws wife, Betty Hamilton Hobbs; Uirco sons, Randy, David ond Chris Hobbs, oil of the home: a brother. Htmry M. Hobbs of Moorcsvllle; "five sisters, Mrs. Colin Willis, Mrs. Willis Rh», Mrs. Sam Martin, Mrs. H. A. Smith of RL 2, Moores\'illo and Mrs. Marvin Kenncrly of ML Ulla. W. McK. Hurley Tlic futierol of William McKinley Ihirlcy, 63, of M)ocks\'llle, was con duced at 2 p.m. Saturday at Eaton's Chapel at Mocksvllle. Bitrial was in Oaldffwn Memorial Giwddns in WInston-SMem. ■Hurley died Tinwsday, May 21. at Rowan Memorial Hospitel at Salis bury. Ho had been in declining health several months. He was employed by Duke Power Co. In Mnslon-Salcm. Bio - Obituaries - 5/28/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 4,1964 - Page 2 Miss Mary ttodses lyfitt Msiy MAgdelone Hodges. 07. foRiwly of Mockm'fite. 4lt. 4. died at 1 <Lin. May 27 of on occidental fall In New Vodc 6ty vihere had made her Itome for aome years. She was a retired emideyee ot Schroder's Bank of New Yoih. She was horn In Dovie Oounty on Feb. IS. 1897. to the late J. D. end Sarah Thompson llodgcs. She ts 8Upv4v^ by two ststers. Mrs. Charles Boydence of Resell. N. J.. Mrs. Sarah Elliott of New Yoih City: a brother, Paul Hodges. Mochsvllle, Route 4. Funeral services wore conducted at 4 p.m. Saturday at (Concord Methodist Church by the Rev. Rob< crt Frost and Rev. E. M. Avctt. Buriol was In the church cemetery. Mn. J. B. Williams Mrs. Esther Woodwwrd WSIlams, 40. of COeloeniee, wife of Jesse B. Wlson, died at 4:23 a.m. Sunday at Davlc County Hospital. She had been sedously 111 since Fd)niary. She iwas Immii In Chestcrfclld County, S. C., to S. E. and UlUan Stdn Woodward. Surviving are her husband: three daughters. Mrs. C. P. Rldoflhour and Mrs. Jim Holt, both of Coolccmcc. and Miss Unda Williams of the home: two sons. Jack and Kenny Wlltkms, both of the home: eight grandchildren: three sisters. Mrs. Lester GhSdrcss ond Mrs. Bomand Boalwright. both of KomiapoIIs, and Mrs. B. J. Atmon of Conrord: and four brothers. H. A. Woodward of Coolccmee. J. D. Woodword of Bah thnorc, Md.. and Wilson and Thomas Wooduvrd. both of Kannapolls. The funeral was conducted at 4 p.m. Tuesday at Oooteomee First Baptist Church by the Rev. Charles P. Burchcttc and the Rev. L. C. Morris. Burial was In Oeclecffloe Le* glon Park. Mrs. Martha Jane Smith, 18 FUncral soiwices for Mrs. Martha Jane Smith. 88, were ludd Friday, May 29. at Macedonia Moravian Church by the Rev. J .Taylor Lof-j iln, the Rev. G. Ednwd Brewer and the Rev. J. George Bnuier. Burial was In the church grav^ard. Mrs. Smith died at 11:27 p.m. Tltursday at 4he home of o son, John OdeU Smith of Advance. Rt. 1, where she made her home. She had been in declining hetdlh several years. She was bom in Dofvlc County on Nov. 3. 1B77. to hfr .and Mrs, John Falrcloth. Her httsband, Joseph Henry Smith, died In 1037. Surviving arc three other sons, Henry Kelly Smith and Roy Samuel Smtlh, both of Advance. Route 1, ond JosMt Hege SmHli of Mock8> villc: two doughlers, Mrs, Ha Mae Walker and hire. Magtlalone hfiller, both e( Advoncc. At. 1: 21 grand* children; 21 grcal*erandchlldren: ond Q rtsler, Mrs. Oclia Rones of Ctem* mons. Bio - Obituaries - 6/4/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 11,1964 - Page 7 Afra. 3. R. Mlllc. 81 Fimcral scnlccs for Mre. Minnie Loob liuio, 81. wicicw of J. R. IjiIIIc. of Stalcsv-illo tttsre hcM.PrWoy nfl/^- noon al the Monticdlo Mciiiodlst Church in Statcmiilc LiUlc. the nwHicr of J. Cecil lo of Mocksniiie. (lied June .1 die homo of n dnuciitcr. Mrs. WlllUun II. Grlggs In ihelorny coiiv immity. . .. Sho (I'os l)om b) 1B83 in Johnson City, *1^., nmt was married to Jo^h It UtUu wlui (^.h! In Mnrch. 1M9. Survivin/{ ore two dnuRhters nnd six sons: W. D. of StoteaviHe; Mrs. W. M. tjrtgRS of Stotcsvitic: J. C. Little of Motdcs- vlilo: H. S. Uldo of Cainrlottc; R. M. Little, C. N .Little. E. G. ottd C. R. LitUc, nil of Stoics' mSIIc. Biirlol wos in Uic eravcyarcl of the Hdiobalh Methodist Church in Tcr* mi. N. C DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June II, 1964 - Page 2 Clarence 11. GInm Cl.irciice Benjamin EInm. ni. of Mncksviiir. III. 2. died nl A:.tO p.m. Wtfdne.«iia.v nl his home oflor suffer' inf! n hearl nllnek. lie Ams Imm in IrcdcII Coimiy to It A. .mil Kloro Anderson Kinm. Ho Itl-ee 'I «f Mwlnty ll.t|)t|9L lluirrh nnd H.'irmony M:i.vtnlc !.itd;te. He ottued nnd opcmted EInm MnnufniiiirlnR Co. « small company at Ills hnnie that made a sweeping cim:pniiitd. Ili?i wife. |lu» former Miss Lillin lliitehcns. sinwivc.c. Aim siir\'ivlnp are tun sons. Ciarenco Elam. .1r.. (if .''rrii.sfleld. Va.. and Gerald Elam of the himte: luii grandchildren: and a tisUlcr. Mrs. titile Mae Hayes, of Homony. The funeral was condticicd al 2:30 p.m. Fmtay nt Eaton's Baptist Church by the Rev. Wade Hutchens. Burial with Masonic riles was in Ihi church comelery.i Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 18,1964 - Page 4 Mrs. Clyde Cook. 62 FXinerol services for Mrs. Rosa mUlcer ODok, 62, of Advance, Rt. 1, widow of Clyde COok. were hdd Tuesday ancmoon al the Bclhlchcm Methodist Church. T)>c Rev. Dtvifiht Madtlmm and the Rev. Alvis Chcsh* Ire ofndated. Burkil utis in the chtirch contclcry. Mrs. Cook died of a hcoK attack at 3 a.m. Sunday at her home. She was bom in Dovic County to John and .Martha Ann Hones Walker and was a tncmbcr of Belhlchom Methodist Church. Surviving are five doughlcrs. Mrs. James Roger of Mocksvlllc, Rt. 2. Mrs. Robert Comdius of Advance. Rt 1, Miss Oorls Cook of the home. Mrs. Robert Carter of Advoncc. Rt. 2. and Mrs. Roy Roger of Mocks' vnic, Rt 2: five sons, J. €., Nor man end Glbcrt Cook, all of Ad vance, Rt 1. Lester Cook of Mocks- vdllc. Rt 3, and Darnell Cook of AfocksvHle, Rt. 2: 14 grandchildren: thrao brothers, S. W. Walter of Union aty, Tenn., S. P. Walker of Advance. Rt 1. and K-ichard E. Wal ker of Itellifflore. Md.: a half brn- tlunr, Charlie Walker of Indiana: and two sisters. Mrs. Will Salley of Cool- cemee and Miss Dora Walker of 0.x naixl, Calif. Mrs .W. D. Itrown Funeral sm'icca for Mrs. W. D. Rrown. 73, of Mocksville, Roulo 4, were held Wedncs^y afternoon ot Eaton's Funeral Chapel. The Rev. Robby Ridge, the Rev. Harold Par ker and tlic Rev. Bill Creason offi- dalcd. Burial was In the Liberty Methodist Church cemetery. Mrs. Rrmvn died at 6:30 p.m. Stiiulay after a serious illness of three weeks. Surviving are her husband: four sons. Wriliom If. Drawn of Wlnston- !3atem. Rclicrt G. and Walter C. Brovin of Mocksx'llic. Rt. 4 and Jack Brou-n of .Mocksville; t\ra daughters. Mrs. C. A. Tuttcrow and .Mrs. Fronic coble, both of Mocksvllc. Rt. 4: 16 granddiildrcn and four great<^rand' -^Idren: a brclhcr, Noah Grimes of Chhia Grove and a sister. Miss Enunie Grimes of Plant City, Fla. James D. NewMin, 59 ^ Jomcs F. Potts, 93 FunorM services for Jomes F. Potts, 93, of Advance. Rt 2. were held Wednesday aflcmoon at Uie Eaton Funeral Homo Chapel. The Rev. Bobby KcIIord and the Rev. Fred Barnes officiated. Burial was in the Fork Baptist Church cemetery. Mr. Potts died at I p.m. Monday in the Hilltop Itcsi Homo. Ho had teui 111 livxitinlug health'three-yearo; Ho was horn in Dmie County to Nculicrry and Ann Carter Potts, He was* a retired farmer and a member of Fork Baptist Church. Surviving are two sons, LynoU Potts Clonmons, Rt I, and Har vey Potts df New Orleans, La.; three daughter, Mrs. O. H. Hartley of Mocksville, Rt 4, Mrs. W. A, Darr of Lexington, Rt 3 and Mrs. Bertha Beck of Athens. Ga.: 23 grandchil dren: and a number of great-grand children and grcal-grcal-graiidohll- dren. Funeral services for James David Nowsom, 59, of Mocksrtlle, Rt. 2, wore held Tuesday afternoon at Eaton's Funeral diapel. Burial was in Rose Cometciy. Mr. Ncwsome died of a heart at tack al 8:30 p.m. Sunday at his home. He was Ixtrn in Dtivic Oounly to Uiic and Molly Craig Ncwsom and was cmpli>yc<i by the North Caro- Tnn Commissifiii for the Blind a iiumhcr of yours. Ncwsom operated a concvssiun stand in Durham a numticr of years. Surviving 1.x his wife, Mrs. Julia Ireland Ncwsom. Bio - Obituaries - 6/18/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 6/24/1964 ssa-V'^^on; ^siieipie^Couht^all ^States^e; and the yiJibfr^n Bio - Obituaries - 6/24/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 25, 1964 - Page 5 Mrs. J. U. SnrlBR. 92 Puncrol scrvieL*s for Mrs. J. 11. Swin^. 92, 0 IKclong rcskloitl of ihc Farmington commiinitiy. were held Wednesday afternoon al the Wesley Chapel Melhodiat Church. 11tc Hcv. Bonnie Bcarden and the Hcv. J. W. Vestal offfotatcd. Burial was in the church cenwtcry. Mrs. Swing tiled at 0:tS n.m. Tuesday at the D»\'is llo^llal at Slutcsville. She had been ill utmul six weclu, iMit ilealli Wits unc.\pccl' cd. She was bom in Farminglon on F^. 26, 1872, to Jtdm Thontas ond Rachel Mt^fahan Rcdmon. Her husband, John Henderson Swing, died several years ago. was a lifelong member of Wesley Chapel Methodist Church in Davic County. •Mrs. Swing was educated in the prh'atc academy of Prof. Snmuel Finch at Faumington. She xvos a charter member of the Formingtun Book Club. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs, Lonnic G. Tumor of Statesvitie: two sons, Fletcher Hampton Swing of Winston-Shlem and John Fredrick Swing of Spencer and a sister, Mrs. John W. Wiliard of Wyoming. Lewis R. Wogener. 62 Funeral services lur ix^wis ittiy Wagoner. S3, of Wtisldngtitn. 1). C. were held Monday aflernnon at lite Baton Funeral Home. The Rev. Chnrtos Burchotte officiated. Burinl wos In the We.<itlawn Momarinl Park ut Qdnn Grove. Mr. Wogonor died at 6 n. m. Friday In Washington. He wns bom In Davic County to Frank Wagoner anil Belle Owens Wagoner. He worked for a firm which made artlflcal limlM and hnd lived In Wn.<4Ungtim 20 years. Surviving ore hhi wife, Mrs., union Owens Smith IWigonor; a tkuighter. Mrs. Chroilno Crawford of Wiixhtngton: two sisters, Mrs. liihvl -mmplien -of-Woahlngton-and- Mrs. mil White of Colleemcc: ond nt)roth?r, Nell Wngoner of Arling* ton, Va. Mrs. Wttey C. Howard. 91 Mrs. Maggie Bamcycastlo How* ord, ot, of 902 W. Clommonsvllto Bond, widow of Wlloy C. Howard, died ol 0 njn. Tuesday at hor home. Slio 6.111 boon in declining health several years nnd seriously ill sev eral month.1. Site A\us bcm in Davto County on July 2!t. IB72, to Mr. ond Mrs. Ben jamin Dariieycastlo. Slie spent most of her life In the Admttce cnntmiHttly bt UtVid Uidh ly. Site was n durler member ond the uklvil niemltcr of Mocks Metho dist Chiwch. Mrs. Howard had lived In Winstim fkilcm for the post 17 ycors. She Ls survived by five doughtcrs. Mrs. L. B. Mock. Mrs. B. S. Orrell, Mrs. R. 0. Deouchnmp and Mrs. V. C. Krltes, nil ol Winston-Salem. and Mrs. John Callahan of Tampa. Fin.: o son. W. A. Hovrard of ^lomasville: 20 granddiitdren; SO gre.il-giiuuldiitdren: atul two great- grcnl-nrandchlldrcn. Bio - Obituaries - 6/25/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 25,1964 - Page 4 C. Ooolldge Sittllh Funeral services Tor Colvin Oool Idge Smilh. 40, of Morksvllto Rt. 5 were held Sunday afternoon al the Foir Crock BapUsl Church. Tho Rev. Wade Hutdilns and the Rev. Grndy Tutlerow ofncJoted. Mr. Smith died at his home at S 0. m. Saturday. He had boon In declining health for two years. Ho was bom In Oavto County to Bird and Mary Lsplah Smith. Ho wns a farmer. Surviving ore his mother; four brolhors, Broadus, Asbury end Poorllu Smith, oil of MoeksvlUo, Rt. S, and Robert F. Sntlth of Mocksvllie, HI. 2; and six sisters, Mrs. Bro^s Eaton of Mocksvllie, Rt. 2. Mrs. Prank Vaughn of High Point. Mrs. Hoyt Roymrids of Thomas^llOb Mrs. John Hanes and Mrs. Johnny Swishcr, both of Mocksviltc, Rt. I. and Miss Sylvia Smith of tiro hmo. Bio - Obituaries - 6/25/1964 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA