Jul - DecDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 4,1963 - Page 2
J. C. AIIm k
KilM h Wradi
Jamea Caudle Allan. S6. of
Moekavllle Rt. u'oa killed Ina-
tantljr FHdatr night wlien hia car
eoUlded with onothcr oii US 601.
four mllca aouth of YftdklnvUle.
' The driver of, the other ear.
Jack Bowman. Jr. aft, of Dobson
j Bt. 2. was also killed. Both men
were drivlhg alone. Both cai-s
' were demolished.
Stibte Highway Patrol J. R.
Roupe said that Bowman's car
apparently went out of control
on a hill and passed over the ccn*
ter line. It was struck In the side
by Allen's car.
Funeral services for J. C. Al-
len were held Monday afternoon
ot the North cooleemee Baptist
Church. The Rev. Clyde Settle
officiated. Burial was In the
Mount Olive Methodist Cemetery
An employee of the Mocksvllle
Feed Mills, he was bom In Davie
County to Jim and Ophelia
Smith Allen.
He Is survived by his wife, the
former Miss May Click; two
daughters, Rene and Donna Faye
Allen, both of the home: a son.
J. c. Ahen Jr. of the home; hIa
parents of Mocksvllle. Rt. 3, two
sbters, Mrs. Bob Benson of
Mocksvllle, Rh 4, and Mrs. Wood-
row Mabe of Mocksvllle, Rt. 3:
and three brothers, Uither Allen
of Wlnston-Salem, Cecil Allen of
Moclcsville, Rt. I, and Robert Al-
teu uf-MocfcsvHlerRii--3
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 4,1963 - Page 4
Balbus B. Branch, 95
Funeral services for Balbus B.
Bmhdir.'libV hi' MbrBknum"weie
held Saturday, afternoon at the
XIrksey Funeral Chapel In Mor-
ganton. The Rev. John W. Cole
officiated. Burial was In the For
est Hill Cemetery.
He was the father of B. Jason
Branch of Mocksvllle.
Mr. Branch died at his home
In Morganton last Thursday.
In addition to Mr. Branch of
Mocksvllle, his surviving children
Included: Mrs. T. M. Bilttain
and Mrs. Frank Walker, both of
Morganton: Pat L. Branch of
Roanoke. Va.; Jones Branch of
Morganton. He had 13 grandclill-
dren and 30 great-grandchil
Bio - Obituaries - 7/4/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 11,1963 - Page 1
Bieyelist Is
Fatally Injured
•Randall Dale Sidden. 12 y^r
old eon of & B. and Lttlian Allen
yidtfth tn Ad^fh^, UL a, 'Wa
killed at 10 a.m. Friday when the
hleycle he was riding was struck
by a pickup truck on US 04, seven
miles east of Mocksville.
State Highway Patrol officer
said' the truck was driven by
Oewey Walter Swain of Orange-
vale, Calif.
The boy was bom in I>avie
County and attended Davle Coun
ty schools.
Surviving are his parents: two
sisters Shlrby Denlse and Me-
lanle Kene Bidden, both of the
home: and his grandparents. Mrs.
Byerly Sldden of Advance, Rt. 2,
and Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Allen of
Advance, Rt. 3.
Funeral services were conduct
ed Sunday afternoon at the Fork
Episcopal Church. The Rev.
Downs Spltler officiated. Burial
was In ttte church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/11/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 18,1963 - Page 2
fttis. WtOlam Spiy, 78 *
Pimeral oervioes tot Mrs. Jessie
Coueh 6pnr. 79, Totmerly of
MoektvOte. vrttfow or Wmtem
Spty. were held Wednesday ar-
temoen at the Neith Ciooieemeo
SfllMlst Ohureh. 'Kte Rev. Clyde
8ettte offlelated. Burial was in
tte Liberty Metlhodlst Cemetery.
Mm. Spry died Saturday nt
the heme of a daufhter. Mrs. 8.
P .Oo^.of Pialatleid. ind. She
hid been ill two days.
She was bom in Davle County
to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Oeadmond.
She was married twice, first to
Thomas N. Coueh.
Surviving are two daughters,
Mrs. COQlc and Mrs. Bruce Spry
of MocksviUe, Rt. 4; seven sons,
Melver Coueh of Morgantodi
James Couch of Ohio. Otis Couch
of Virginia Beach, Va.. Dewey
coueh of Moeksvlile, Bt. 4, Rob
ert COneh of ClevelandrtOhio, Mar
shall Couch of Glenddi'a. Calif.,
Glen Coueh of Springfield, Ohio;
a stepson Walter Coubh of Mocks-
-vlllg Rt. ai grandchildren, sev
eral great-grandchlldien. "
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 18,1963 - Page 5
Thomas J. .\iidcrs<m I
Funeral scrvires for Thomas
Jackson Ancicrson of Salisbury'
acre held Mondday at the Sum-,
I Hc^rt UrtX'iwoodTpMl^^^ the
I First Presbyterian Church of
Salisbury, officiated. Bvirifll was
in City Memorial Pork.
Mr. Anderson, a native of fOa-
vie County, died Saturday at 4:45
pm. foUowtng a heart attack at
his home. He was dead on nn'lvol
at the Rowan Momorial Hoipitai.
He had been in decltnuia for
sometime but death was imcx-
pecled. I
He WAS bom in Davtc County,
son of the late Charles and Ellxo
Turner Anderson. Ho was cducat- j
ed in the Davie County schools)
and at the University of North
Survivors Include his wife, Mrs.
Nola Cowan Andeison; one
daughter. Miss Evelyn Anderson
of the home; and several nieces
and nephews.
Bio — Obituaries - 7/18/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 25,1963 - Page 2
O* W. Dnrluun. Sr.
Funeral servteea for Oeorge
WaahJjvtma Durham. 8r^ ill, of
Westfleld. a retired farmer, were
held Tuesday afternoon at tlie
Franolsco Presbyterian Church.
The Rev. Lester Shepuard and
the Rev. L. K; Pulllam offiolated.
Burial was In the Big Creeic Pri
mitive Baptist Chureh cemetery.
Mr. Durham, the father of
John B. Durhom of MocksvlUe.
died at tl:46 am. Sunday at the
Baptist Hospital In Wlnston-Sa-
He was bom In 8t(&es County
to Alfred and Battle Simmons
Surtvlng are three sons. John
Durham of MocksvlUe, O. W.
Durham Jr. of Winston-Salem
and Bd Durham of King; six
daughters, Mrs. Alex Jefferson of
Westfleld. Mm. Walter Palmer of
High Point. Mrs. Dewey Lawson
of Pinnacle, Mrs. J. H. Vaden of
Slonesvllte. Mrs. W. K. Vaden
of Westfleld and Mrs. Romeo
Oromer of King; 22 grandchil
dren; and 15 great-grandchil
Bio - Obituaries - 7/25/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 1,1963 - Page 4
Rev. 6. O. Cote
The Rev. Edwin Oswald Cole,
who used hfa wealthy baekground
to win membership In the Metho*
dist Churoh'a Ball of Fame In
Philanthrophy. died in Charlotte
last Tuesday. He was 8S.
bh*. Cole had lived In the
Methodist Home for the Aged In
Charlotte and was stricken there.
HC served as pastor of the First
Methodist Church In ModssvUle
in the 1020's.
Ordained a minister In 160? he
was a member of the family
which founded Ute Cole Maunfac-
turlng CO.. makers of cotton and
com planters and other farm
equipment and which Is still In
exlstmueTn Charfdt^
as president of the firm for a pe
riod after the death of his broth
er. Eugene BI. Cole.
,Oole interested his brother in
the Methodist Home for the Aging
and the brother donated land on
which the million dollar structure
now stands. He campaigned for
funds to buUd the home and was
an honored guest vdien the home
opened In 1948.
His brother established the Eu
gene M. Cole MemoHal Foxmda-
tlon for superannuated Methodist
ministers and their widows In his
will. The fund provides money
semlannually to aid those named,
and also conU'lbules to the hos-
pitalieatlon pi'^ram for retired
pastors and widows of the West-
em North Cardina Methodis Con
Because of his efforts, Cole was
elected to the Hall of Fame In
Philanthrophy of tho MeUiodlst
Church In 1881.
During his 40 years of active
minlatry. he held pastorates at
Hookavllle, ^mersvlUe, Zieahs-
vUle. Marion, and served as dis-
^ct superintendent and confer
ence tr^asiuer. At tho time of his
I death he was No. 18 In seniority
'among more than 800 active and
retired Methodist clergymen In
{the westena part of the state.
Thomas E. Green, 7S
Funeral services for Thomas
Elery Oreon. 73. of Sanford Ave.,
MooksvlUe. were held Friday af-
ilei®flfln«a£*t)ie Oak Grove Meth-
.odJsilr-.Chur«h.. The Rev. Jack
Yarbrough officiated. Burial was
In the church cemetery.
Mr. Green died at 8:90 pan.,
July 94 at his home. He had been
in several months.
He was bom In Durham County
to Allen Major and Jane South-
Isnd Green. Hew as a retired em
ployee of the state Prisons De-
Surviving ai®' hUT'Wlfe;- Mrsr
Myrtle Myers Long Green: a
stepson, Connie Long of Mooks
vlUe, Rt. 3; a stepdaughter, Mrs.
Gladys Sanford of MoOksvUle;
and six stepgrandehildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/1/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 8,1963 - Page 5
Mitt UnU Rendrix, II
Punerol servleca for Mtss Undn
Mfte KendHx, la. of ftoute 4.
Moekavtile, were held Monday at*
ternooii at the Smith Ofova
Methodbt Church. The Rev.
Oartght Moahbum ofrietotcd. Bur
tal woa tn the church cemetery.
Mttt Retidrix died at 3 pin..
Saturday . She had been a polio
patient nearly all her life.
She «B8 bom In Davie County
to Noah N. and Plossie Louise
"bannon HendBxT
Surviving are her parents:
three brothers. Noah. N. Jr.. ves*
tol Qene and George Canter Hen*
drix. all cf the home: foui* sis
ters, Miss Shirley Ann Hendox
of Winston * Sal^. Misses Mary
Moll ond Vickie Dian Hcndrlx.
both of the home; and Mrs. Emma
Louise Splllman Mecksvllle.
RL 4; and her grandparents. Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Canter of Advance.
Rt. 1. and Mr. and Ms. Cap Ren-
Mrs. J. F. Bnfo. €6
Funeral servloes for Mrs. Mary
L. Bsslc. 60. of MoeksviUe. Route
6. widow of John Frank Bsslc.
were held at 4 pjn. Sunday at the
Courtney Baptist Church. The
Rev. B. D. Flowers and the Rev.
, B. R. Adams officiated. Burial
was In the Farmlngton commun
ity cemetey.
She was bom In Indianapolis.
Ind.. to James A. and Mattle
Grlf/ln BfieMeth. She was a mem
ber of Courtney Baptist Church
ond taught Sunday School and for
several years hod been-choii^ dl*-
rector at the church.
She retired from school teach
ing three years ago after serving
more than 86 yean In Davie and
Yadkln County schools. She was
secretary of Pfaio Grcmge for 25
years and also of Supreme Forest
Woodmen's Chcle.
Ber husband died Jon. 2.1967.
) Surviving Mrs. Bsslc are two
sons, James B. Bsslo of Moofcs*
vUte. Rt. 2, and Francis Basic of
New London: a daughter. Mrs.
WUma Wlttmon of Orange. Calif.:
two brothers. Griffin and George
MoMath. both of Indianapolis: a
als^^. -Mrs. Miriam Ayers of
danmoht. md.; and nine grand-
Anderson Trlvetle. 67
Funeral taerviees for Anderson
Alda^^Vette. 67. of Routa 3.
Mc^pendne, were held Friday at
Afpn's -Chapel. The Rev. B M.
Av^\ drtfoloted. Burial was In
tho HtckLory prove Methodist
li^. ^^tte dM July 81 at the
Cfthllnnl Home In Yadkln-
vlUe: He had been 111 several
was bom in Davie County
to -fiavid W. and Alemeda BUI
Bttv^ylDK oro his wife,. Mrs.
VIcturia ^aw Trlvette: two broth
"eh. iMirffTTrlvettd'orMocksvUle:
Rt. 3 juid Luther Trlvette of Yad*
kUwUte Road: and two slstera.
Mm. D. >Money of HampstmvUle
and Mh. Bmma Seamon of
Bio - Obituaries - 8/8/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 8,1963 - Page 5
fibs. C. A. JoUdss. 84
Amertd servleet were hold
WBdnetfay afternoon for Mro.
Caitdlne Oalther Jenkins, 84. of
Winston - Balem. former native
of Davle county. Mrs. Jenkins
died at 8:18 am. Tuesday at the
Xomn Haven Nursing Home In
bad been in declining health
18 years. She was bom In Modu-
ville Nov. 1, 1818 to imnuel and
Sarah Ixmlse Bdwaida Galther.
She spent her eariy life in Mocks-
vUle and was educated in mibllc
schools there.
iMie woe married Dec. 28. 1800,
to Charles A. Jenkins who oper
ated an Insurance and real estate
business. Re died June 12, I8tt.
MItb. Jenkins was'a member of
the First Presbsiterlan Ohureb,
the United Daughters of the Oon-
fedsraey. Daughters of the AmerU
ean Revolution and colonial
Survivlng are a daughter, Mrs.
James Frederick Sten^l of North
ridge, Calif.; two sons. Charles A.
Jenkins of 990 W. Fourth Street
and F. Qtither Jenkins of 2137
Wnrkwlok Road: seven grandehli-
Jdren and one great grandchild.
R. 8. CRdft] Wesoney
R. a rthfff} Merotiey died in
an.Aahevllle hospital at 8 am..
AtiRiMt 2nd. lie Itad been In de-
clinlnti Itcaltli for Utc imsi year,
but only in the Iraspital since
July 4th.
He was bom in MocksvUle to
Betty Brown ottd Phillips 180
Meroney, and spent the early
parthf^ life Inlifocksvllio. He
attended e^liyslde Seminary and
Mr. Meroney was bom,Ssp|^-
ter and at an early age began
working for the "Il^vle Tmes'S
until that paper became the
CouHer". He then went to Wln-
stcn-Salcm where he worked as
.a printer for a number of years.
Around 1014 he went to Ashevillo
where he worked for awhile on
the Ashevllle CiUeen. Later he
edited a magoslne of his own for
25 years and did a)l types of Job
County may remember the art-
Ides he wrote for the Davle Re
cord. "Tlds X Remember". He
made annual visits to Davle and
attended many of the Masonic
Plentcs. For the post 48 years
Ashevllle has been his Itome.
He married an AsheviUe girl,
Clara Davles, who survives. Oth
er sunivcrs Included one daugh
ter, Phyllis Meroney of the home,
and two sisters, Miu Ullle Mer
oney and Mrs. Sophie Hodges of
Lexington: and one first-cousin.
Miss Dalsic Turner of Mocksvillc
Rt. 4.
—The funeral-was conducted at 2
pjn. Sunday at Ashevllle and
burial was in the cemetery there.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/8/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 15,1963 - Page 8
Tom Ttttterow, 41 |
Fimprid oervleea for Thomas
WUscn IJunlor] Tutterow, 43, of
Moeksvll elRt 1, were held Wed-,
nesday afternoon at the Baton
Funerhl Home Chapel. The Rev.
Bd Avetb ofltletated. Burial was in
the Center Methodist church
Mr. Tutterow died at 3 aJn.
Monday after a brief lllneu.
He was bom In.Davte County
to T. w .aim Ewlsy BaasettrTut-
terow. He was praaldent of Davle
Contractors. Inc. /tnd C. O. de T.
Equipment Co., both road build
ing firms.
He was a member ol Center
Methodist Church.
Surylvliig are his wife. Mrs.
Btlsabeth Crowell Tutterow: four
sons, Thomas W. Tutterow m of
Charlotte and Donald Ray, Rieh-
ard Claude attd Ottbert Dean Tut-
, terow. all of the home; a daugh
ter, Virginia Carol of the home;
his mother of MocksvlUe, St. 1:
three sisters, Mrs. Willie Boyd and
Mrs. Reuben Foster, both of
MoolGsvllle, Rt. 1, artd Mrs. Mar
garet Fox of Chapel Hill; and two
brothers. J. B. Tutterow of Moeks-
vtUe. Rt. 1, and BvereU Tutterow
- -of-New BedfeiNlrMass.
Blram A. Likey, 68
Funeral servlcea for Hiram
Austin Lakey, 68. of MOcksvUle.
Rt. 1, were conducted Monday at
11 aid. at Eaton's chapel by the
Rev. Herbert M. Jamleson and the
Rev. B. J. Harbison. BuHal was
In cemetery of Bardlson
Methodist Church.
He died at noon Saturday at
Davle Cotmty Hospital shortly
after arriving there. He had been
tiraeBigasiif TiMim - itu
Lakey was bom in Yadkin coun
ty to A. R. and Pultlna Poindext9r
Be was a retired farmer.
In 1633, he married Margaret
Todd. who eurvlves.
•Also surviving are four sons,
Cecil Lskey of MocksvUle. Rt. 4.
and Wayne. CharUe and Clyde
Lakey. all of MocksvUle. Rt. 1:
two demghters, Mra. Dorothy Cree-
son of Mocksrille end Miss Ruth
Lakey of Wlnston-Balem; 14 grand
children; and two sisters.- Mrs.
D. M. anltherman of Rest Brntd
and Mia Leona Lakey of Dur
Mrs. Creole WUson, 63
Funeral services for Bdrs. Creo
le Young Wtlams were conducted
Saturday, August 10. at 4 pm.
at 4 pjn. at Cotdeemee First Bap
tist Church 19 the Rev. Charles
P. Buichette. Jr. and the Rev.
O. X<. Royster. BurlM was in Rose
Cemetery in MocksvUle;
Mrs. WUson. wife of WUUam
Baxter WUson of Cooleemee, died
early Thursday morning, August
8. at her home. Oie had been In
declining health several months.
She taught In the Davle Coun
ty schools for 31 yearn and at
Spencer School for two years.
She was bora in Davle County
to Charlie C. and Maiy Cope
Young. She was « member of Coo.
Isemee First Baptist Church and
the Order of the Baatera Star.
surviving are her husband; her
mpther of SoUstaury: three sis
ters. Mrs. Fred O. Thompson of
Lineolnton, Mrs. Leldy Feeler of
GharlotCe and Mn/ Mary R. Rar-
rleoA of Salisbury; and two bro
thers. noyd N. Young of oaro-
Beaeh and Boxter O. Young
of Qostonia.
tSn* Blsle NIblodt
Funeral servlcea for Mrs. Elsie.'
Myree Nlbloek. 68, of Pine Street, |
Who died Wednesday. August 7,'
were conducted at 3:86 Friday at
hlfth Creek Freshyterian Church
In StateavUte. Burial was in the
bfits. Mblock, wife of Malcolm
R. NlbloOk, died at 4:30 pm. at
Davle county Hospital in Mocks
Survlvlttg are her huslmnd: two
stms. Benjamin O. Hlbloek of
Winston - Salem and Malcolm
Lawrence Niblock 'of Charlotte;
three' dauShtmrs, Mrs. William
Kurfees of Cleveland, Rt 1. Mrs.
ffohn O. Jackson of Mobile. Ala.,
and Mrs. Virginia Lane of Mocks
vUIe: and four grandchUdren.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/15/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 15,1963 - Page 8
M)n. Anala Bewordt' so
Funeral acrvlceo for Mn. Annls
An^ Howard, 80, held on
Friday, Aug. 0, at Baton's ^p-
tlst Church by the Rev. Bdwaxd
Laugbrfdge and the Rev. Dewor
XJamee. .Burial was In Eaton's
PalUiearers tnchided Chartle
ond Dennle Angell, J(dm Henry
and Rufus Angell, Jeff and Vance
Mra. Howard, of Mocksvllle. Rt.
4. widow of William Henry How
ard, died at 6 ara., Wednesday,
July 31, at the home of a daugh
ter, BUss Frlseilla Howard, of Bl-
ktn, with whom she had made
her home for the last nine months.
Bhe had been an invalid for six
years but had only been HI for
three wedcs.
She was bom in Yadkln Coon
ty In 1883 to Qreenberg and Prls
clOa Hobenon Ahgelt. Shehit^
»d to Dtvie County at the ftso ot
5 yeaib. she was a member of
iteaton's Baptist Church. 8h4«t^
married to Mr. Howard fbh. 18,
tan. Be died In 1948.
; surviving ere five daughters,
I Mrs. Ba^h'een Dyson and Mn.
Ibtlnnle Lee Bamhardt, both of Rf;
4. MoeluviUe: Mrs. Bvelyii Ah-
ditews of Sacramento, Calif.; Mr^.
Henrietta b'Shea of Washington,'
D. 0.: and Miss FrisolHa Bowai^
of Bikm: two sdna, Waymoth
Howard of micin and oreenbOt^
Howard 01 UiUil and, seven granfr
ehUdren. •*
Bio - Obituaries -8/15/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 22,1963 - Page 6
Mn. W. D. DttfiRi 22>
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary
RuUi Dunn. 22, of Advance ilt. 1.
wife of W. D. Dunn, were held
Friday atlemoon at the Mace
donia Moravian Church. The Rev.
T&ylor LofUn, tiie Rev. Bennle
Bearden, the Rev. Marvin Gold,
the Rev. Norman Byerly and the
Rev. George Btuner officiated.
Burial was in the church ceme
Mrs. Dunn died August 13th
at the Davle county Hospital.
She gave birth to a daughter Au
gust lltti and bad been HI since
then. .
She was bom in Davle County|
to BUI and Lucille Ward Hanes.
She was a member of Macedonia
Moravian Church and a 1059
graduate of Davle County High
I School.
Surviving are her husband; a
daughter, April lynn Dunn; her
parents of Advance. Rt 1; two
sisters, Mrs. Shirley Oomatzer of
Advance and Mrs. Rachel Wlshbn
of ModtsviUe. Bt. 6; three broth
ers, Ralph, Kenneth and Jeffrey
Hanes, all of the home; and her
grandmother. Mrs. Celia Hanes
of Clemmons.
calvin M. White, 62
Funeral services for Calvin
Monroe White, 62.' of 218
AJqiaugh Street. Wlnston-Salem.
were held Monday afternoon at
Ch^seL The J^v. R. .B.
Adams and the Rev. Bennle
Bearden officiated. Burial was In
the Mt. Olive Church cemetery.
Mr. White ■dled "ar3~K'jn7-8un«
day. at his home. He had been'ill
10 weeks.
He was bom In Davle County
to J. N. and LUUe CuthreU White.
White q)ent his early life inDa^ Counhr. Re was employed
here by the Norfolk and Western
Railway for 33 years'reUiiiu! In
He was a member and former
deacon of Mineral Springs Bap
tist Church.
SurvUhig are bis wife, Mrs.
Fannle Whlttlngton White; two
sons. Orody C. White of llS Gar
ner Road and David F. White ofthe home; a grandchild; two sisters, Mrs. Evolft Harris of States-
vUle and Mrs. HatUe WiUlard of
MoeksvlUe. Rt. 2: and three bro
thers. Charlie White of Moeks
vlUe. Rt. 2. Wess White of NorthWJU^boro, Rt. 2. and Albert
White of TadklnvUle.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/22/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 29,1963 - Page 2
Jbhn a. aoti, 51
I Pimeral servlees for Jolm Har-
*'ey Holt, 51, of Miami, Pl«., were
held Mondi^ afternoon at the
'aairfm Baptist Ciittroh in Buny
^Cotmty, The Rev, Cloy M&eefflore
0^ the Rev. Ralph Rerguson of-
jlftolatedi Burial wae In the church
I Mr, Roit died at fl ajn, Batur*
i^y at the Baptist Hoapltal. Hb
pad been a patient there two
brother of Mrsi[pioy Harrti of Moeksvllle. "
. -fife- was bom la Burry County
Ito Qnory and DrusUla Hurt Rolt.
i Burvlvtng ore his wlf^, oUvia
lOUIotplo Mi^t; » faster son^^ov- f
^ Lall of the home;. t«o,^s-|
mm. Mn. spoford Cave of 6^!
Mn». R*.. 1. and Mrs, Roy Barrla
LMm. Gaili BtaobwoMit^ |l
BUnerai servteea fot> Mn. Einma
so Btaokwolder, ii^ 515
Car) a Btadcwelder, were held
(Sunday e{ftbtnoon- at Whitley'a
^erol' Bomei The Rev. m CK
RtdMnesr offidatedi Burial waa In
ithe Carolina Memorial Park at
iBlannapoIla. '' '
Mn. Blacfcwelder died at a pju.
jPrlday at hec home. Ste had beetL
aeriouily m two weeks. Bha
the mpthes of. Chester A. B|d^»
wdder of MocfcsvUle.
She was bora In Alexander
County to Fraplc and Beoky Davi«
QihiBbelt.'-8)m had been a reaU*
dent of KannapcUai for nx ytaral
• BurvUdng: .are. three. d&U5h--|;
JeHTrMHUTfiakB Cowers, of Moeka* |i
^b, Mrs. .Qnntuiini oiaadeiUtti ofl
Btatesvillo and Mm. Joe Bhlnn of
Kannopalla: three aons, O.— —ww wW#4V| 14Q8iBE I
Biackwel^ oil W&uidkBai.
ler Ai atkdtweldbp
oral' JI WbBDo- atkoktmnftd esfi
ConocaR thOBo alst^ SBa
8tmett.niM> Wbdtflfl'OmMtlaiui
Mlaa TMdb'Skttpikdll. alfi teti
Mbuntkiih. Mih ft
;fraB' (Xiapaltboif SbxBi
tMuik:. iBt geandbftdtRtti^ andi fin
. JMwaaodl Bbwp. m
BhttONar tii6i8Sr~BB—aya*!
Btwalll. fiC joi Btoitto 1
^ feokavdUai. were 'ftaatdiI'pfpmiood at Cte' cmibir miisstw
diet Cbureh. The Rou. Ml a
Jaisttaon; andr the Rev. .magfi
ijWhlto dlflelated. fiuilftPfMe>lti(IU
,ehureh eenetofy.
. Mr. Powell died- at «;SOr
Sunday at his home from; an. aiP
parent heart attack.
He operated Pmeett sanviee
jBtattoa and Orooery on- Btatao.
" ltd Ih. ua ViUituv ■wiuuvh
(Rb was bom in Oavle. CbuntR1 Rohthaon andhulc^ BeniBBoid>
I. In 1941 ho marriedoulke- Bumgonieo ,w)io sumdvesi,
Otluta suiwlvon Inlottde ».laughter. Mrs, BOt Bhore of.BoonvtUe, Rt 1); »aom KUlaryPowolh of Bpenoes: two^ bnotben.
Hamld and Lw R. PoweUi of
,Mdcksvllle;_Rt; It and- four ale*tera. Mlsa Oeorgte Powell of
Mocfcavme. Rt. t, Mrs. T, P.
pwJgglna of BdoeksviUo. fib-a.
BUma Skins of Bpeneee and Mrs
-Anderson of Raleigh,
Bio - Obituaries - 8/29/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 29,1963 - Page 2
Mitent) serrlees Ibr »». onte
yptftpiaii. do. at
1 tMft-atr&iWl».a; Bkmaai
wtiii titateut Mttemi olttobM
saiQffitttntiioatMtM "
„ 0ii ttHTttWllil dlMi ttttUEtfknl
^suiiB oft tfouniai
I ttb* liMl) ham Mstau^
ttt^oi waek
ah» 1MI. bMitti in. «BU]
■holh i|fBM alfi Ban ttfh-lilr itf dqminjmitig. g8ft». (v. msmbeff J
^ iMiihiift ehuittht ont^; i
coto hfi! Bttihawtt hoft'^tulea^^^ Mi 0i. Mbdit',. ahj
ihc. #u8ittota.pwttttsr SBkah-.of itastde uulihfUb lphetve. Suitihii^v.' mm statend^ Hanlt; SM. nmm- earthr,.!
^ A BaUfih Mai Mtt. Bu^oM of AdtofttwH Rt.)
?!~'w^^?aES^"50B5WS''flfBBI5PlHswilotoett ^hrtmm, ail' of 'AhTaiSl^Bt. t-;. 14 exotttehUBrsof livettan Bftai. Bfeob et Actvanqa.!
t. Mrs. Thtirmomli Tlttolkap of hIm CMinte; na... Mce .Bmut.l<(9Ulm, ita, 8ttLH(mUa.atiiLia^|!i
lewis Wofton. aU of aollywood,nPte.: four taathen. Bee. and 8I-1;mer Oi&ok., boih. of Advance, RtJw ,I. RObMrh liock el Oreewhoto J jflttd Mw Mock of Arohdnle.
WlUlom SprUiidfi. T4
^ WlUtemQnttllllBi T4i of 9040|2"?5» 8£8^ Wihiton-Sftlem.Iff* X® aftwmoon oiJfev of
*• BaJ-I3«J' otttifttBdi BuiBat' wof ia\ the
rtSSSSjf®® "^8ht atC^ZB^hUi BD hod been saM*ID' M manttu
» WUllAm« and> BShstha Hiltongaanlili- attd» had, uved in Wto-
eton-Balein for the paet 60 yeare.Sprinkle was employed by theoily M Asetstent superlntendantOf police and fire eiaeot ayatoms.Afiw rctlnnp in tofio. he woa. asehdol croMing Buard at the
wautfhtown ond Pcechtree streetcr^lna unui his health faUed.'He wfii- an eWcr in the Chtireh
of Christ,^ was an elder in the Church
of Christ.Supvlvlng are his wife, the^ formerSum Adams; five daughters,
a. A. Jones of 1639 H.Peachtwe Street, Mrs. s. oMoore Of 1898 N. Peaofattos
Mra* A. D. Yokcly of
J^lshum of1818 Longview Drive and Mrs.Jfljaws-». Joluiston of WinstoBiRt, 8; femr sons, oddl R.^rtakle of 9798 CheroKee tnne.Manor c. sprlnUe or Rfehmond.
W, owynn Sprinkle of Ra^wgh Qhd* H. DevUte SpHhKte ofthe homo; 99 srandohUdreti; and
great ffivat-gnmdehlldren,
Bio - Obituaries - 8/29/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 5,1963 - Page 5
matey M. Grifflo. 92
Fimenl services for. Hauley
Marlln Orlffin. 13. btlred fann
er of MookstrtUe. Rt. 1. were-bold
Wedlhesdajr memliur at Baton's
Ifaifte. 11» Bev. Vrank
J. Stough and"ttie ReV. J;~C:
Swaln offlfiiAted. Burial was In
the Chestnut Orova Cemetery.
ifr. loANSai: died at I nan.
Mtedoy at the Matfle orjvo'RfiP'
Home near IViiuton-Salein. Be:
had bera in declining health sev*
aral months.
Be was bmn In Davle County
to MOses and Itary Jane JaeHson
Orlffin. Be was married to fdiss
Kate Batohcodc. who died several
yeaw ago.
Barvivint are three daughters,
Mrs. Mildred Vide of CliBflOtte,
4-Mrtir Thelma finfrtim of HamutoOi.
Va» ami Mrs. I>a]line Boouer of
Hawaii: eight grandchltdren: one
brother, W. B. Orlffin of Wood-
leaf; and one sister, Mm. Daisy
Blaek of Bast Bend, Rt. 3
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 5,1963 - Page 7
Mn. J..D. Hodges, 89
Funeral services foi' Idrs. Sollie
?i:hoilmM^^dB6»,^<V<tf Route
'4, e^i^naAv
tftemooh^^te Concord Meth-
■cidlat. Church.,. The Rey....Wx. B»
Frost and the Rev. Ed Avett of
ftciated. The burial was in the
Mrs. Hodges died at her home
Sunday morning. She hod been
In declining health several
She .was born in Davle County
Aug. 29, 1874, a daughter of
Pleasant jamca and Ruth Me-
Cubblns Thompson.
She was maiiied to J. D.
Hodges In 1696. He died in 1936.
jHe wos a school teacher and op-
crated the old Augusta Seminary
for several years.
She was educated In the Davle
schools. Augusta Seminary and
Greensboro College.
She was a member of Concord
Methodist Church and for many
years was a tinistoe of the church,
church historian, and a member
of the Woman's Society of Chrh-
tlon Service. She was also a char
ter member of Jerusalem Home
Demonstration Club. She was a
member of the United Daughters
of tlie Confederacy and the Bast-
em Star.
She Is survived by a son. Paul
E. Hedges of MoksvlUe. Route 4:
Hodges of the home. Mrs. Ruth
Hodges Bordne of Roselle. N. J..
and Mrs. Sarah Hedges Billot of
New York City: two grandsons:
and one sister Mrs. \ Annie
Thompson Forrell of Spencor.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/5/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 12,1963 - Page 2
OavMn Fatal
At Oooleeniee
A 83-ycoNoId fntlirr dlPd flnl
tiitloy In Cooteemco about one
hour oflcr beiim tndtpd ti'om o
ditch which had caved In on him.
Tbny Crols Ervln, emplcyed by
the Penn-Ooll Sprnkler Co.. was
making a pipe connection In a
ditoh at the conatntctlon site of
a new sccllon to the Erwln Mills
plant at Coolcemee.
lAOse dirt caved id on Ervtn
and has was burled for about
ton minutes before wortuncn could
dig him out.
When the ambulance arrived.
Dr. John Spargo was giving arti
ficial respiration, oxygen was
also administered, but he died In
the doctor's office about one
Ervln. father of a young son.
l!>ana, was bom Aug. 1, 1041, In
Itowan County to Walter Lee and
UUlan Bales Brvln. He graduated
from Oavie County High Bchool
and was married to Linda Lou
.Canupp. who survives.
Other survivors include his
mother, Mrs. D. M. Chandler, und
step-father of Cooleemee; one
half brother. John Chandler: two
half sisters, Patricia and Karen
chandler, all of the home: his
grandfather, W. L. Brvin of Ran-
.'^polls, and grandmother, Mrs.
•Crosby Sates of Cooleemee.
5 •
Funeral sendees were held
-Monday afternoon at Baton Fun-
^ Chapel In Mockavflle. The
Rev. Celeries P. Burohette, Jr.,
officiated. Biirlal was In Bt.
l^ets Lutheran Cemetery near
Mar Poplar.
Mrs. Henry Mnrkham. tO
Funeral services for Mrs. Mcr-
lie Bemlrc Morichnm. 70. of B44
Ballsbiny Slrrel. Mockivliie. wife
of lleni-y Mai-kliain. were held
Wedne9>ilay nflentuon nl the Hrst
Bapllsl Churcli. The Rev. Fretl
Barnes officiated. Burial was In
Rose Ccmutcry.
Mrs. Markham died at 10 p.m.
Monday at the Davic County
Hospital alter a brief llltte.s5.
She was born In Charlotte
County. Va., to T. P. and Adalla
Surviving are her luuband:
two doughlers. Ml&s Hilda Mark-
ham of tite home and Mrs. Henry
Anderson of Bpartanburg. S. C.;
and three grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/12/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 19,1963 - Page 1
Mrs, Walter Woodion
Paaaea Away
Mrs. Walter H. Woodson of
Boxwood Farms. Route 4. passed
away Wednesday morning at the
Rowan Memorial Hospital In
BMUduty. iiflhiwim uu upurBtteir
there Monday nlid>t.
Funeral plans were Incomplete
at press tlmft^
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 19,1963 - Page 4
Oeerge F« Bamhardt, 51
Funeral serfolces for George
Pratmklln Bamhardt. 6^ of Rt.
4. MoeksvUtei were held Friday
afternoon at Baton's Funeral
pel. The Rev. Bob HUIard offie*
laied. MM WUll Ui Uld MlliUUlU
Methodist Church cmnetetyr- -
lyfr. Bamhardt died at 1:80 p.
m. 8ept 11 after suffenng a heart
attack while working at the Va-
tum Farm.
He was hom In Davle County
to C. F. and Margaret Snider
Bamhardt and had keen employed
hy Tatum Farm for several years.
Surviving are four brothers.
B. P., J. Th and Baxter Bam
hardt, all 6f MocksvUle. Route 4.
and Charles Bamhardt of Salis
Bio - Obituaries - 9/19/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 26,1963 - Page 2
ant. VtoHib Oali. 93
Funoxttl servieoa for Mrt. Mollle
Call, 93i of Brevard ororo hdd
Tuesday Afternoon at Kataflt
PttJieral Chapel. The Rev. Pred
Samea officiated. Burial was in
Boso CMBotoiy.
Mn. Call died at 3 ojn. Mon*
day at a Brevard Hospital. She
had been seriously 111 a weeh.
She was bom In Davidson
County and lived moat of her
life iniMoeksvllle.
_ jahe,j|iad moved to Brevsyd sev-
oral yeaio ego to make fiSrlKdRRr
with A daughter. Mrs. Molvln OU-
losploi 8ho was tho widow of
W. Xi. Cell.
She was a member of Mocks-
vlUe Baptist Church.
Burvivinff aio another daugh
ter, Mrs. J. P. Adcock of Cum-
pook; two sons, Lon R Doll of St.
^ul, Minn., and Roy W. Call of
Mooksville: four grandchildren; 8
great grandchildren and a slsttf.
Mn. Satty spencer of Winston-
Bio - Obituaries - 9/26/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 26,1963 - Page 5
Mrn. Vfab^ton
Mrs. .Wnll£r..Tt..-!WooifiOn Rf.
BoX^'ood, Dnvlc Countyv died at
Bowah Memorial Ho^lUl in
SaliBburyiftl U:30 ain, Weftrtes*
day. Beptdmbcr IB, foUowlnr tin
operation. Death \yas> attrtbuled
to a heart attcdk. (the Was 74.
1^8. Woodson. -Who ll%^fea on a
plantation in the Jenisal^ sec
tion of Davle eoimty, was tme
the area's best -known philan
thropists and Boelal leaders.
l^e is survived by har hus-
bahd, a prominent 'Salisbury at.
'torney:.a word.Jtoy Craifr'Hoff-
wr^of _BoxwoOd; .;foup. slapspna.
Wafior' H."^woo3sbn,''3f.7'IHrHeI-
son NVoodsdn, James L. Woodson.
all ef Salisbury,-find Paul Wood-
son of Wilmington: a bleed, Mrs.
Robert Shay Of flbajsaaie. W, Y..
and a nephew, Charles Cunning
ham of Scfl^ale. K. Y. '
Funeral 'wrvlces were held at
t[he First Pre^yterlan Church In
^Usbufv. '^iday. 'Sbptemher 20,
dt li a.m'. Burial was -In Vazoo
City, Miss., where a graveside
aervlce tvas held. The family re
quested that no flowers be sent.
Those wishing to give memorials
mdy do so by contrlbutlohs to
fhtlr favorite charities.
The former- Ma^aret_Eason
"SuniungKajffrTstffi". "Wooaron~wfls
born In Ellaabcth, N. J. on July
11, 1089, the daughter of the
Rev. wh'd "Mrs. 'Charles -B. Cim-
rilngham. Rer father was a Pres
byterian minister who served as
pastor of the Madison Avenue
Prtsbylerlan Church In New York
cUy •and later -as -pastor of the
Presbyterian Church at Yazoo
City. Miss. Rer mother was the
fohner Annie Warfen of WhteU'
ihg. W. Va. • '
.-iMm .Woodson jwai eduoa^^j^
the ^Itmpiit^ Seuiinary and at
S^ry %iil(lwln 'College In fitaun-
ton, Va. She was first marled to
^lUlam"Rabb,:<^lf. a'>lew York
n aHltfT ■Wbfepiiy^jftdLproperty In
I^vle County about luiCwnw'
h'B estalilJshed -b hunUng pre-jtftrve. Tty, Cralgs frequently vls-1^ Da^e "Couitty and beanie
Idtown to b'large number'o!f;per-)
dbns in tpe Salisbury area.^ ,-;2i!r. Cralg became 111 while v^s-, iUhg In this art^ In November,
1B8I and died tn the old Salis-
! bitry -Hospital. He left a large^ ebtate.:
-His widow remained In real-
donee at Boxwood Lodge afterhis death iah^.hi 1033 she had aj aO-^room house .qonstructed on the
property.- She ihad made It her
, hbme since that time.j Mrs. Cralg was married to'
, Walter H. Woodson, Ballsbury at--
, tomey, at -Boxwood Lodge In
; TW3:
The Boxwood Farm consists of
^ more than 1500 acres. Mrs.'
, Woodson was not content to leave[ the acreage unproductive. In ad-] dlUon to .general farming opera-^ tiODS, she and the farming direo-
: tors she employed built up one[■ »» Ammum
1 berdeen cattle In U:e slate. '
Mrs. Woodson had many ln4terests but possibly the one 0100-'
est to her heart was the Rbwai^
Memorial Hospital. She iwas
among those who originally cdh*
celved and encouraged its cons-
tiVcUon thrpugh both work and
financial support. She has been
on the board of trxtstees since its
establishment. She also played a
major role In the hospital's hos
pitality shop.
She was also quite Interested
In the Salisbury Young Wumen's
Christian Association and in its
successor, the Salisbury - Rowan
Young Men's Christian Associa
She was one of the founders
of the Ballsbury chapter of the
BnglUh > Speaking Union and
was honored by the union for
wartime sendcea. She was also a
member of ilie board of trustees
of Mary BaldwUi College .a
tJtiatee of the pavle County LI-
bmry. & member of the Sails* j
bury Woman's Club, the North:
Carolina Society for tiie Preser-jVillon of AntlqulUes. the Sails-j
bury Country and the Dutch
club, the Old Hickory Book Club
and the First Prestryterlan
{n recognition of Iter philan-
throplea and services. Mrs. Wood-
son was awarded an honorary
degree of Doctor of Humans Lot.
ters from Cstawba College in
1961. The hospital auxUlMy also
honored her that year for her
long servioe to the hospital and
wmic ABOUT
Wootlfion Estate
Aw 'income from w million
Wnittifuna. an WT6.OOO lenacy.
iJtt irtOO»nore Boxwood. Form In
hSounty md property in
MWdiUitppl from her flmt h\is-'.WOhd.Tthnhclef Winiffm R. Croig.
who dtPil Ih 1B31. She built lier
•Kdlhr. Boxwood "Lodge, m 1933
and wnfl married to Mr. Wood-
son. prominent Salisbury attor
ney, In 1943.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/26/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
2. one fifth to the governing
TSWKnwr Bmium spiimu Of
phanage for use "either in the
rhalntenance or enlargement of
the orphanage."
3. One fifth to Mary Baldwin
college In Stauntoni Vn.. to be
used by tnisteee as "in their dis
cretion they deem beat for the
interest of the college."
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 26,1963 - Page 5
Mi«. Woodson established the
Margarbl C. Woodson Pounda-
coil>oratlon which xises Its income
catlonnl purposes.
for reiigfmts. charitable and 'edti-
mto this fund Mrs. Woodson.
has willed all of her estate alter
H^qnesb-to -thoae—poKon* mon>
' tlbned specifically in the will,
j -Mi's. Woodfion directed that In-
' come from the trust fund, which
I Is being administered by previous
I figrdement by the New York Trust
company, be dbtrlbuted seml-an-
ntidlly ib toQows:
i a. One 'fifth to JMvld&on Col-
liege;*to*bb"Used by*the governing
board "preferably In helping mln-
• elterlal studenb who ahow pro-
imise anh Interest In Uielr pre>
Iparation for their life's wofk as
, ministers.
4. One fifth to catawba College
to be used by trustees "as in their
discretion they deem proper for
the interest Of the coUege."
6. One fifth for "religious,
charitable and educational pui*-
poses" In Rowan and Davle coun
ties. "Directors fof the fundJ are
I to be the sole Judges of the distii-
jlfttUbiras twwhat-chorcb.-^iool
or charitable purposes It is to be
' applied and as to the number of
I donations made for these causes
during any one year as well as
the amount or amouhb.
Authority Is given directors to
: give all of lb one-fifth share of
net annukl income "to one insti-
j tutlon or cause In either county
or to divide the donations to dlf-
! ferent causes in varying amounb
i—piro^car"of "tUe Mmntfet
•Ih'one or-iboth counties. However,
itlm -tUreotor must give to'ihe
iSlotroii Mottbrial ^Hospital urBal-
isbuty anrnmounfeBbh year from
ito gsiftOies "in ithelr judg-!
niafc tteey .•deem beat and 'dliall
conrnouve oidnuUiy
Shelter If and when established
> in-MocksvlUe."
Woodson FoundaUon include
Walter H. Woodson, Charles
Cuhni]S|tnaxi, a neidiew; Bsther
Dtmniiithiam shay, a niece; Wat-
H.^ebtt6on Jr., H. Nelson
Woodi^,^kme8 X«. Wdodson and
1^y Their succeason in
^loe a^'db^be chosen from time
io tlme^tiy ^ remaining mem-
bem of the'board.
Jt^es li. Woodson, Salisbury
.'attorney who is the son of Mrs.
^oodson's husband, and Esther
Cunningham Shay, her niece,
wciiee named executors of the
eitdie. —
She directed that the executors
not'be required to give bond;
The will provides the executors
with full gutborlty to handle the i
estate. ^ dlreeb vtha melher ShaUj
incur personal liability
action taken in good faith.
for any.
.^ecreed In-hec.*!
wUl that "If any legate or bene
flciajy ^11 inatitate or cause to
be ^Instttuted^ any-legal- proceed
ing upon any ground whatsoever
the purpose of which b to con
test this will or any part tttere-
of, sudh legatee or beneficiary
shall take nothing whatsoever,
and the part which such legatee
or Iwn^lary would othsrwlM
have taken shall become a por-
tloa of the property and funds
undbr the residuary clause of
this wilV
^0 will was drawn by James
L. Woodson and was made May
Monietaiy Benslaotoi*
Mm. Woodson left gifts of
money to (he following persons
in Davte County:
Mary BsU Carson. MfOOksviUe
At. 4. 1600.
Callie Horn, Boxwood TUnn,
Mrs. Smsr Ralrston, Cooleemee
Plantation. 11.000.
a^orgs CiomU, employe. 8i,ooo.
L. C. Moody, employe. 83,000
and his ohoico of four Angus
helfera er calves.
John Sssmott. amploye, |3,ooo.
Itoy Saflcqr, employe, fSJlOO.
Wade ItfOody* smptoys, 18,080.
Mia. Notio Ohunn, MooksviUe
At. a, |9oo ouRlght and ivO a
month for life.
Mr. whisiumt. employe, 88,000.
OUver OUbert Koffnsr. pearl
naeklaoe and 18.000.
personal gifts were dUtrlbut*
od among rsiottvas and friends.
•he dtrseted (hot Roy Hoffnor
retain the privilege of oeoupylng
the Log Cabin at Boxwood
for two years without paymMit,
Hoffner b deeded In the iHit
the foUowtng tracb: Tha lWtt n
Fohd LbVooBi5iHnwiiY"im»r
(be S^Uy Olk^ nace containing
18T aeree and a strip of land
bordering the Wilbrd Vta^
ptooe and eontoinlng 592 oem.
All household ortlobs, farm
machinery, troelon oad automo*'
Ulsi not menUoned otherwise
were (oft to her hnibiad
Bio - Obituaries - 9/26/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 3,1963 - Page 5
wnuam Bfiytsr. 19
For^ral nervtees tor WDUtm
Ourtts 8tml9r. of Mooksvtlle.
XU. 8. wero Sitnaoy After*
nnn at the fOMt fiAottst Ohuteh.
aflrftev. Oel lA^ totf the Rev.
A. M* orti^iited. 91^ woe
Ih th(9 ehuKh Offfieteiy.
Bhitler 6!ftd at V.tp ajn..
flattii^iy at tjM Z^uui' Baveti
Nynlng Rome. ^ luid tedh In
dieellnlng health "tor eevemt
Be was bom in Xlavle County
to Mr. and Mrs. ba^^M yf. fihuler.
BurvislBB are shOtfOthims. D. O.
and Dwlght Sbuiv, both of
Mc^vllte,! ift, 8« bavid Shuler
of Meefcsviue, 1, tiester Shu*
ier of Wliuton*8alein. Glen Shu*
|«ler Of 8alhb{try: ahd six sisters,
hba MOiy paVlf -aiM Grace
^PJynt oS •* Salem, Mrs.
Thehna Trent ^d bfra. Hasd
Hertman of Advance. Mrs. Fren*i
ete Rents of MocksvlKe. Rt. 3,
and Mrs. Lcla Foster of LexInB*
B. to. COoer.- so
Funeral sendees for B. D. Cloer.
Od. of Mbdcayllte. Rt< l.'wem held
Si^ulay.at the R(^ Ohapel Meth*
odist* Church of Statesidlle. Hie
Rev. J. c. OiUami officiated. Bur
ial wm .In the.ohureh eemeteiy.
Mr. doer cUed at 1:45 ajn..
Saturday at his hoaie following a
long Illness.
Be was bom In Xredell County
to Falls and Almedla Sharpe
& was married to the former
Fanny Benae. wlw died lb 1966.
Survlvlag aw four mbs. W. w.
doer of Statesvllle. Joto doer of
Harmony and Roy iwd Vance
Cdoer of Troutdan; four daugh
ters. Mrs. I^c. Sjw^ BSid Mrs.
G. 6. l^iami of Hduttpfin and
Mn. Roy CNen and Mfa. John
Owen of ModtsvUlo.
Mrs. Mamie A. MeCuUoi^rh* 13
Funeral soryipef tar Mte. Ma-
Ain^Ua l^fOCullduBh, 72. of
t^oebsylUe. Rt. 3. ware hdd sat*.
t^y 3irten)p09 at ^ hpme by
1^ Roy.' .'.Burial
Ras in thevsi^,iBi)^ot|gh family
eenetery. • ^
MeCUllmiBh died at 6 a.
% .piiRl^Nr JiTlisr h<^ she
had beoi wiiously lU three'moiVMis.
She WSA D^vUvi^
to Charles wd- fyaxtCL teonard
^Mcdilloudhr'" u V, t b.
(ami: aikl-fltia 'BSdfuil&
Fester'of Salisbury, Mrs. Qrover
Bwleed^ Of Bt.*^;'3.
.and MLiias Aanls. fiamoAnd Bve
jiaiivuiiougu ot .tnd hene. /—~~
ffiis. O. W. Lewary.-td
Funeral 8eridoee;f^ Blvlra
Rlehardsffl ianMisF.-'Mz vfere.%^
06'Balwt chi^i^, n .^fhe Rev.
LaushrldfCt offiCOated. Burial was
in the oh^h cehietery.
M». l«wiyy di^ 'at 1 pjp.'
Bmiday at t^e h<^ of a 'dai^*
ter.. bin. daudo Tate. of
College. Rt. 1. where site had amis
hear hoa^e fpr the past sevpn 1
^rewe. ^ I
die was bom In DaVle cpu^i
00 Oeo. 11. IBIS, to bfrrand' Mte.
Newton Rlciutlson and . llvisd
there until moving to Blon Qpdt
lego aeven yearn ago to moke 1^
home with her daughter.
She married O. W. Lowary. He
died hi 1963.
Mrs. X^owaty was a member, of
Batons .Baptist Church in Ravte
loounty. I
, Surviving are her daughter, I
filra daude Tata: a ton. Johnny |
Lowary of fj^OctesvUIe: >
grandphOdren: four great grand* I
ohndrm and two sisters. Mr8.|
Lonnle Riebardson and Mrs. Joe •Chaffin. both of ^odksvhle. Rt. 1.1
I- John Bamao SmUb. 71 i
I Jidin Bptman Smith. 71, of
I Advanw Ri. 1. died Hiesdsy at
the Vetjsrans Administration
Boqiltal at Oteen. I
Re was bom In Davle Countyl
to rVonola and Bmma Smith. He'
was a veteran of 'Woiid War 1.
Rls wife, the former' Miss An
nie Smith. Survives. Also sufvlng
(to his mother, BArs. Bmma Smith
of Aavancq. Rt l; three daugb-
tdn. MTp. David Car.ter of Win*
aton*8^m and Mrs. Lester RU^
ton and \®ra. Guy WoOd. both
of Advance. Rt i: two sons. BOb
mut Bland Smith, both of Ad
vance. Rt 1: a sister. Bdra. S. K.
Smith of GoUUboro: and two
broUiers* W. O. Smith of Ad
vance. Rt 1. and Shcrtill Smith
of demmoos; 12 grandchildren;
and three great-grandchUdren.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/3/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 3,1963 - Page 5
Su^suel Benvqn, 80
Ruient Wvleea for Saamel
Beuvm. 80, of CooleemM were
Held Wednesday afiemeon at
Baton's Piineral Home Chapel.
Ihe Bev. Joe T. Mdlton officiate
ed. Burial was'in the North Oool-
eemee Legion Memorial Park.
Mh Bouon died at 8:30 ajn.
Tuesday at his home.
He was bom In Howan C(mnty
to Robot L. and Miranda Har
rison Henson and was a retired
en^Ioyee of Brwln Mills. He
wbriced In the machine shop
there for 66 years.
Surviving are his wife, the fmr-
mer Miss Llllle Randie; three
ooqs. W. Ri.and J. H. Benson,
both of .Chftrjo^i and J. E. Ben
son of G^lina Beach; four
dsughtors, Mrs. Nell Smith of
Moetcsyllle. Rt. 4. Mrs. Rlehatd
Bverhirt.; Mrs. MlKe Walker an^
Mrs. <W IL Oales nil of Coolee4
inee; ,13 grandchildren; two great-
two fisotben, R
fS6^.p.8iuliithtee- listen, Mn;
drthur @aln of High Point a^,
UkV( ift^e Thompaon aiM
0. P^'Mertoh„l)oUi of OcoleemM.
P. R. Lakey, 78
yVM:Roberts Xak^. 73. of Rt.
6. Moci^llie, died at 8:30 am.
Tmtfduy ai the. cm vie county
Ho hiul been seriously ill a
wa| li} Qavle Colmly.
a IPHmm 11^ ^Uroh.
^ mm ^(^^9 to the
Bate ^irohes, who
8X0 fogy da^ghteta,
MW 4' V' 5WH o* Hhac^
Jf. 0' *tu-
Bajj, fit. 1, W. B. eutJ;
isan «pd Mrs. J(dm A. McBrlde,
both of 8; a son.
BuriNt. Rt.
0; II grandphildiwi; five great-
grandehUdren; Pso b'vthe'S' B.
W. and B. 141^* hoth of Rt.
8. MMt^tle; ai^ § Mster. M».
|Mln& Hukpy ^ NWth Beaeh,
Bio - Obituaries - 10/3/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 10,1963 - Page 2
i), u (Biui smUli.
Punerql serYl^es for Charles
IBOll 0' Advance.
1, weto W«M*e^y
lompfat ai the MooVs ^^^hpdlst
Chui^ The Bay* ottltl Halxe, the
liey. Alvla Qh^al^, and the Rev.
J. B. WhlUker officiated. Burial
was In ^ Qburoh jcemetery.
Mr. Bmlth dl^ of a heart at-
tack about 10 aJn. Monday while
sltttnir in his parked ear on Main
Btieeb in MookfViUe.
-Re wae born in Davle .County
to cioero and saiah Wlllianui
hmithjvas marr^ twice, first
to Miss Delia AllehT Who dlecl in
193B. Me then woe married to
fiOfiB xdillto ibnith. She survives.
Other survlvoro are alum sons,
IU>bah SmPh of MocksvUle. Rt.
2, j^rvey Sodth of- MooksyiUe
and Ald^ ca&.Bmltb of H{^
point,; tvfo d^^t^ ifira. T. ^
iThcii^^h oTi^rtstpd pnd Mm.
R. T/ W Mo^l^e;
^rwdcJdidten;* onp peftt' grund-
ohM: two br®ti\efs. Sfoith
pf d. H- V.
SnUth yf peLfmd.. ?!».: and a
twin alai^i Mannala Carter
9f Elkin.
Mr|. AVoa, TraU- Q?
Punerdi eervice^ for Mn. AVee
WhUo TraU. «((. Of Oooieomeo
\tm held Bdday. .Trpu died
Optobors9n4 in the pavle Qqun-
ty RoanilAl ^ hod bean apr-
louely Ul feveidl weeks.
Bom C^t. le, 1000.. in Mayber-
ry. West VifiBlhla, she was the
daughter of '^hn. R. -and >iihery»
Rowp yrhlte. She was a pismber
^ Rbrth' cooleemee Baptist
'' SiiiVlvors inMttde tier husband.
Rayinohd tlx 'daughters.
Mrs. 2ted Bennett.- Matoka. W.
Va.. Mrs. pavU MllU of Mocks-
vuie, M'eg. Bddla Atkins of Oki
nawa. Mrs. nank Vohderant of
Waahingtoiir Miti- Tomof l^tl^lle. Md. and
da Shar^ Tmi* of the home;
three snhs, Thomas R. Trail or
Balnbrtdge. M<l-i Clarence j. Trail
Of RashviHe. Tenn.. and John
Claude Trail of the home; 16
grandchildren and one great-
grandehlld: three aisters. Mrs.
Claude Pate of Midway. W. Va.;
Mrs. John Lambert. OakhlU. W-
Va.; and Mrs. O. B. David of
Olenn Oobln. Vs.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/10/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
5 f\n il«u>aLL a^cl
BfeLLt 5*^0£)T
• Color^ News
. .Double Services
' Double' s^ces "were conducted
for jSam Howell and his daugh-
'Mrs. Belle Smoot', tooth
of MocKsvlileV""llt> :5,' on Satur
day aXten^n at tthe tSiinquapin
Baptist Ontf eh. Burial waa in the
church cemetery.
Mrs, Stooot died Sept. 30, and
Howeil died Oct. 1.
Howell is survived by his wife,
Mrs. Ethel Howell; five daugh
ters, Mrs. Sarah Cain and Mrs.
Annie Hairston of Mocksville,
Mrs. Emma Barker, Miss Mazie
Howell and Miss Ruth Howell, all
of TVinston-Salem; and nine sons,
the Rev. L. R. Howell of Wilkes-
boro, Noah and Otis J^owell of
Winston - ^Salem, Turner, Louie,
CharMe, Lonnie, Gene . and^-HSil-
bert Howell, all of Mo6ksville.
( a-U - f9C3
m o
-» z
m Zt
? ^Q- W
o o
Co. Public
fi^ocKSi/iiie, N.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 17,1963 - Page 2
Luther Lee Poilat 7B
Funeral Hervtcea for Luther Lee
Pobta. 78. of Advance, were hdd
Sunday afternoon at the Advance
Methodist Church. Hie Rev. Carl
Kaire and the Rev. C. E. Craw
ford officiated. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Mr. Potts died Friday at the
home of a daughter. Mrs. A. R.
Ledford. of Advance. He had been
In declining health several
Be was bcm in Davle County
to Luther Arch and Jane RlHon
Potto. He was a retired fanner.
His wife, the former Miss Sal-
lle CUne. died in 1965.
Surviving in addition tfs Mrs.
Ledford are two other daughters,
Mrs. Elmer T. Smith and JOhn F.
Fender, both of Wlnston-Salem:
three cons. Luther 'Pot^a of Tad-
klnvlile, Wesley K. Potts of Bel-
mont and JuUiia F. Poets -of
blooksvlUe. Rt. 6: 14 graiidehU-
dcen; four brothers, Sal, EugOne.
Arch and llonnle Potta. all of Ad
vance; and two sisters, Mrs. Bat-
teras Spry- and Mrs. Rose Spry,
both of Advance.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/17/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 24,1963 - Page 5
ttt!vt0a m tsmdh
Attdnmabr Oi. 6)
X UBMiSKUKh 'cem-
mittiiur. mtt held duHdttIr
noon ai the tdhdny fiddtUt
chulvh. Hid Dev. Allibft
en the ^leh #»itDn and
thb Rev. d. n. Whttakbr dmeltit*
Mr. Baity died «t hla hotne at
10 aJn. PrUtay. Be hOd UHlh Ih
deeilnttig health several nidhtha.
■Be tree bom In tsavte OOOhtk
to BnOeh a. and Dork BhftHtcle
Bbity. Re vnu) a mOHiotir ot
North Main ChuHdi of dhHst in
Moekavhle. He belonoed to the
YbdkinvUie Idaaohle Lodoe.
He Is survived by a son. WU*
llsin P. Baity of JcnesiUno: a
daughter. Mis. XXivid R. Lehhian
mvm mvstu vtna iHUbtniiB^otnttraii Mid'OitM ftuMWil'
punewii aefWdfis Torea> tilavtotik. 91. or '^dlwffiiie
mtt hbia dtindfik ortHMilB.Btthe BittdH> dhbUei.ehaHBf imietle. Jr.. t^eiatea.
Httfhil WOAlh the Jentaateh Bam
tut tMim Mmetery.
'Mr. BtaVloek died at ftOp. a.
th. PHdM Bi the um Bom
Nuiniliut Rtttne. fib hid bebKidtiBhr iu for nevfimi webkB^Ar .' He was a rethed dNipio^ ofBrWih Mills. Re was bom in IbiU
via county 40 Wltltain'ahd ktmieit^alls Blkyloift;.*^ fdaii^b&ipiis
Lily ttnowtee. who survtvii'l
Also survivtiur.alt thdMlI
Noylor Hiaytbek Of .
Hiuy fiiaylook of tUahibOhi.
and BeTbbH Buyioek btliato
Urn: four dattkhtbNt
Mulhollahd fitRoy •Howard bhtt tdfb, dbbi
Roube. both of eoittbiHMlbi fthft
btra. tMia fiwfbeguoa tt Attlihii
lb thbhttiflilidibB: %wb mU
Hnmaettdranshdia otibR. c. Canadi( BHtBhiry
xiibb'Sldinsidi.bb •P^tal tfervlceb for Al|oe J^rieMODanlel. ao, of Mocksyllli^^'it^
a. were held Saturday afternoon
at—the - Oak —Orove- MethodistChurch. Hie Rev. J. B. Flti^ier-ald and the Rev. Joe Mdtdfl- ^fictated. BUrtal Was In the Ohu^
She was dead on arrival at the
Oavle County Hospital at p* am;'
Thursday morning. Death vw aO*
trlbuted to a hetft attack.
She was bora in Davle County
to W. R. and Sally Leortprd Mb>Daniel. ^ r* : !'Surviving are her mo^er' and
father of Moeksvltte, Rt. a: a
son. Allan Date Moihmlel: four
sistefe. Mn. Bob BlaokwOod and
Mib; Howard wukins. both of
Cddlemoe, Mrs. Bob oalther and
Mrs. Bctly-Mlllcri both-of Win*
6toh*Balem: and four brdthera,
John M. and W. It MeDsnlel Jr..
bora Of Mocksvllle. Rt 3, Joe Me-
Danlel of Wlnaton*salem, and
IPraiik McDanlol of Decatur. Oa.
William F. Andefsoa, 12
WllUam Frank Anderson. 12.
of MdCkivfUe Rt 6. died at 4:80
pan. Monday at his home. He
had been in ni health for several
ymn. He was a fanner.
Re was bom in Davte County
to.Will and BUen Odrdon Ander*
-Re Was taatiied to Mies Jessie
Walker, who survives.
,Alfio surviving are three daugh
viiti, Mrs. Vestal Danner of
MedcaviUe. Rt 6. Mrs. Margaret
Boger Of Prateoit MRTt.
Mrs. Oeorge Qoodman R Wttn>
ston-Balem; four aOnb. WaiiMB
AndertOn ef Wlhsten-SaleliL m
and RJvdeh Andenioh.of MMi»
vUle end Bruce Anderson-otljoAtueemee; two brathers, Jfhieo Aft*
derson of Salisbory ohd J. 0. Ah*
demon of MtkdtavlUb. Rt li lb(trandchildren and B great«3rahb*
children. .
Bio - Obituaries - 10/24/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 31, 1963-Page 1
Services Are Held Tuesday—
Dr. Lester Martin, Age 65
Fvmerat servloes for Dr. I«6t«r
Polndcxter Martin. 6&. of Mocks-
Vllle were held Tuesday afternoon
cit Uie Eaton Funeral Chapel. The
Rev. Fred Bame>, puslor of the
First Baptist Church and Dr. J.
Vif. AngelJ of Wake Forest College,
orflclated. Burial was In Rose
Cemetery with Masonlo rHes.
Dr. M^tln died at 4:40 aAu
Monday at the Baptist iHoepltol In
Wlnaton-BaJem Jle suffered an
attack at his home around 2 ajn.
■Monday morning and was rushed
by ambulance Oj the BapUsl Hoe-
, l>((al. 'Re hod bedn la declining
health a year.
He was a former chief of the
•medical staff of the Davie County
He was born in^DavIe County
on January 1, 1896 .to Dr. W.
«nd Fiances Baton Martin.
Dr. Martin was graduated fromMocksvl ie High Sch^^ In 1914.Re received hla^.M' degree from
Wake Fjrea^ 1918 and
his degree In nMMme from Jef-torsoa;Mbdioa1{C^!Kgo In 1020.
He was a VeitAtm of two ware,
-sei>vlng In Ihei.ll.S. Kavy during
^orld War I as a hospital ap-
I prentice first ofass and In the V.
' S, Air Force during World WarD.'OB a major, serving hospitals In
. the United States and the Phil
ippine Islands. Rfe tuid been a Ucu-
tmunt Colons In the Air Force
Reserve.sln^ 1946.
, ,^)r.^Mlarttn ''had practiced med-
Vln-Mocksvllle since 1923.
'ivorldlwar 12 ho hod been.car,;Ai^^and throat spe-^lllst. , V. •/•^Bgt-.waa &vle' County' qiiaran-
, 14 yMrs;.county
jeMr' Ist of' tii^'PearWBs^ed^dtwher"of .thi^^en's Blble^'Class.w ^ iiad ■'b^o. "a memhefol the-^b^fivillo ^iSf^nlc. JjOdge. sinceT9j9 3ervj|^ as master In 1030pnd again In 1041. He was presL-^
deht-vof the Mocksvllle RotaryCli^,. 1840-60 .He was a numberod the^malcan Medicalatioxi ^s^gcons.-the RC.^Med-
Society, anicto. Horth. Cahd-;line Sye..Bu|^^e^ahd ThroatSociety. 91^ •SurvJvl^^'Spr^? his wife, h&s.Helen Ba^^ Martin; two sotu,
Lester ° Jr^,^n(l.aefprgew. Martini^fetb e^iotot^; ofMocksvlUe; Wk. gt^^^dian:and two sIstsR^llss Btbi of Mocks^e and Mrs. 0^^ '
Burrus of Shelby.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/31/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 31,1963 - Page 2
tVllllam O. tialri. 91 |
"THnOTKr~»frVtpes-ftir —WIHtem-
Orody Satn, 71, ot MoeksvUle, Rt.'i
3. wpro held Soturday afternoon
(It the Bethel Melhodtat Church.
The Rev. Carl ZiOln and the Rev.j
Poater Lollln officiated. Burial
was in the church cemetery. j
Mr. Elaln woa dead of a heart
attack on aiTlvol ot the Davle.
Couniy Hospital ot 0:45 p.m.i
Thursday. He hod been in declln*!
Ino licolth for the past eevcml
years. j
He was bom In Davte County,
to Jomes and Mary IJomce
Boln, He was a member of Bethel
Methodist Church, was a veteran
of World War I onrd was a retired
He married Miss Olrlcy Postclr
In 1931.
Survlvlntr arc his wife: a son.
William Lester Sain of Mocks*
vUle, Rt. 3; a daughter. Mrs.
Clara West of MocksvUle. Route
I; four grandchildren; and two
brothers. Praln Sain of MOeks-
ville, Rt. 8, and Charles Sain of
Harvey F. Blaekivelder. 70
Funeral services for Harvey
Fran^n Blackwelder, 70. of Rt.
1. Mdteksvllle, were held Sunday
afternoon at the Chestnut Orove
Methodist Church. The Rev. Bruce
Hobsoo and the Rev. Orvllle Mid*
yett officiated. Burial was In the
church cemetery.
Mr. Blackwelder died at 7:>0
pjn. Friday at the Lynn. H^'v^h
Nursing Home. He bad keen Ih
declining health for the post sew
era! months.
He was bom In Davle County
to B. H. and MoUle Harrington
Blaekwelder. He was a member
of Chestnut Grave Methodist
Church. He was married to Miss
S*«lla Hunter. She died in 1943.
Sui'vlvlng Mr. Blackwelder are
a daughter. Mrs. Carl Jones of
MocksvUle. Rt. 1; two sons Clyde
Blackwelder of Burlington end
H. P. Blackwelder Jr. of Route
6. MocksvUle: six grandehUdren:
a great-grandohlld: a brother. T.
A. Blackwelder of MocksvUle. Rt.
6: and a sister. Mrs. Daisy Tut*
terc-w of Rt 1. MocksvUle.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/31/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 7,1963 - Page 5
Mrs. W. loiBar Bitftnt
Ttie luneral of iSm. Mary Bdio
Smith. 70. of MrjQksvlUe, Rt. 5,
oHie of W. Li>thcr SmlHi and
ststor of Tom Comer of VS^nston-
Akm. was conducted at 9 pjn.
IfVedncsday at Bear Creek
tlst Church. Burial was In tlw
church cemetery.
Mku..Smith died Monday at
Cyim Rkven Nurslnr Rome.
SurvtVdirs also include three
sh9|PB8ns. Elmer Tutterow and
Tdtterow of Grenesboit):
otttt Tlinitor Tutterow of Hurting*
wn\ cmtf two stepdaughters. Mrs.
fl&iinan^ eteorsk and Mrs. Ruth
'ffmercHe, doth of Greensboro.
JdMhticl Orrcll
mo fiuuM- df Grady bfanual
Gmtfi 4V. o^ Advance. Ri. 2. was
dtmttUdtbil, at -3 pan. Wednesday
•Methodist Chapel: Bur
ial u'as In ilie olhntRi cttneteiQR'
Survivors^ inoAfde* hla motl^
Mrs. Nannie G>fdtti.4dvanee.
3: a slater. MlP;-SR&.*^Blm« i^.
a brother. VK. TL OrrelH> ho^ Wt
WlnsOsn-Saleilir*' •• \v:
Bio — Obituaries - 11/7/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 14,1963 - Page 5
Cdtfle L. Potto, 69
Fulteral senriees for Sddle
Lewis Potts, 09r of- AdVRRCP, Bt
1. were held Friday aftomoon At
the Foil; Baptist Church, The
Rev. Del Supgs ond the Rev.
Oturlea Young ofTlclated. Burta!
Was In the church cemetery.
lAr. Potts died about 9 a^n.
Nov. 6 on the Ko Creek Road
near his home. Acting Davle
County Coroner Ben L. Richards
said (that Mr. Potts died of natur
al causes ,apparenUy a heart at
His wife, the former Miss
Myrtle Hartley, died In 1963.
Survfvtng are five daughters.
Mn. Dermont Davis, Mrs. Elmer
Walser, both of Lexington, Rt 3,
Mrs. Bam Bailey of cooleemee
Mrs. Beamer Wilson of Linweod,
RL 1, and Bfks. Elmer Shore of
Surfslde Beach, s. C.; three sons,
Orlmes Pctta of Lexington, Rt. 3,
h^bron and Cahdn Potts, both of
linwood; two brothers, Unett
Poba of Clemmons and Harvqr
Potts of New Orleans: three sis
ters. Mrs. O. H. Hartley of Rt. 4,
Mceksvme, Mrs. W. A. Darr of
Linwood, Rt. I'and Mrs. Bertha
Beck of Athens, Ga.
Pleasant Franklin Rodden, IS
Funeral services for Pleasant
Franklin Rodden, 76, of Woodleal,
Rt. 1, were heM Saturday after-
Survivors include hla wife, and
sons: Thomas A. Rodden of
Charlotte: Paul O. Rodden of
High Point; WDUam F. Rodden of
Woodleaf. Rt 1; daughters. Mrs.
OMs Campbell of Salisbury: Mrs.
Mott Padgett of MtockavUle; Mrs.
A. R. Gartner of Woodleaf, Rt 1:
Mrs. Allen SoBey of BUdn: and
Mrs. Howard Mbigan of Rockwell.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/14/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 21,1963 - Page 4
Kn, Wtltiam Retler, 68
Fuitat«l servlots for Mn. Hiel-
ma IhompMn aBster. 69. of Blgh
4Politt-«oro-holA-!ntur8dBy .aftet-
ttotm at the fieohreet Funeral
Rome. Dr. James St. Huggln offf-
olated. Burial was lathe Oahwood
8fisiiuriol Paric.
Bfte. Reeter died Kov. 18 at
her home imparetttirM. the result
.Of a heart ftktaoh.'
'A,v native of Modtsville,
eli6<<\rBe the daUBhter of the late
Uf. .^^Mre. oh^les Lowe
raidiiipson. She hod reelded In
aiBh Fo&tti^ce 1997.
She wae^raember of the Wes-
lev Mtemerlal Methodist Church.
She Is survived by her husband,
vhubiu, r. iBiii] sestor: a
daughter, acts. BtUle Anne Hleks
ttf Stymouth aceeUng, Pa.; a son,
Gralg L. Kester of High pmnt:
Ovo grandchUdren; a sister, acrs.
Oladya Xlatledge of Advance:
three half sisters, aciss Sue
Thompson and Mrs. Prances Bad-
hffe, both of WaynesvUle; and
Mrs. Dorothy Jones of Oolumhus,
Qa.; a half toother, Charies
Lowe TUeupeon of Oetogta. I
Romee P. tAtham, M
Funeral services for Rbmer
Floyd Latham, 84. of MOokivlUe,
Rt 9, were held Saturday after
noon at Batons Funeral Chapel.
The Rev. Edward Laugtirldge and
the Rev. W. c. Baridey officiated.
Burial was In the Wesley Chapel
Mbthodlst Ghuroh cemetery,
(Mr. Latham died at 8:05 am.
Nov. IS at the Davle Cdunty
JfoQUtaL He had been In de
clining health several years and
stolouBly iU eight days.
Re was bom la Davle County
to Crawford and BSUe White La
tham. BO was a member of Eat
on's Baptist Church.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
Bra CoUette Atkinson Latham:
two. stepdaughtets, MSrs. Stacy
Beck of SSocksvUle. Rt. 9, and
Mrs. L. O. Wallace of Moeksvllle,
Rt 6: five stepgrandchlldren: two
brothers, Orover, Tathsm of Wn-
ston-Salem and Lewis Latham of
Etkln: and a sister, BdErs. WIUBecfc
of Mocksvfne, Rt 6.
Julius J. Wood, «9
Funeral services for JuUus
Jtoinson Wood, 69, of Advance, Rt
2. were hold SuniRy aftermton at
tto Yadkin Valley Baptist
Church- The Rev. A. C. Olo^ilri;
and, the Rev. Mfs.'B. Q. of-
floiated. Bmlal via in the Ohtoeh
' ffr.* 'dtod'itt
STimy ^. the Baptist .9^^.
p^th r^t{^.;fnim a famin^ln-
lie a'faU Irim'a
truck o^'MOv. '0 on the Tadldn
Valley Bead,.
BO l?Qra In Suny couqty
to j. W! nnd ^ometto P^ WOdd,
Burvfvlng are his' wife. ii»
former Miss Fsari Mae (milton:
hls-fotheiuef -SOeam^^wa daughs.
ters, Idrs. F. O; aiore of Aid*
vanoe Rt 1, and Miss Unda Wood
of. the homo: two graniohildren:
two brotben, Johnny and IVah
Wood, both of sUoanx; and four
sisters, Mrs. Daisy Fariow, Mrs.
Luoy Bnmer and mis. Ronnie
Radlg, all of oitensboro, and Mis.
Ira Brunner of Burlington.
A. JWFIf UUUu 68
A. Dewey Ozotts, 60, of Moefcs-
vUlo, Rt 8. (Upd at 0 pm. Sunday
at Davle county Hoepltal. He
several wedca.
Be was bora In Davis County
to O. w. and SalUe BOge Crotts.
Re was a retired farmer.
iharvtvlng are ah; brotbms, W.
J. Crotts of Shyettevhle, J. O.
Ciotts of New London. R P.
Crotts and Lewis Crotts of Albe-
marle nnd O. L. and O. H. Crotts
of Denton.
The funeral was oondueted at
11 am. Tuesday at Eaton's Fun
eral Homo by the Rev. Billy CUn-
ard. Burial was tn FuHon Metho
dist Oburrii oemetery.
Mrs. W. 8* Boyd* 60
(Mrs. Laura Rtebardaon Boyd.
94, of Mdplw^.. IR. 1, widow
of w. 8. Boyd. died M~8:l0 pmr
Sunday at her homo after • long
She was bom In Davio Oounty
to Tluaaaa and Dareus Dyson
Bfchwrdion. She was a mfffnhfr
of Hiekory Orove Methodist
Ohurob. Ber husband died In
Surviving are a stepson, will*
lam H. 80yd: and two step*
daughters Mrs. Ina Tutterow and
Mks. Nora Wchardson, all of
MooksvlUs, Rt. I.
The funstal «m oondueted at
9 pm. Ttiesday at Banes cross
Roads BipUst Obuioh by the Rev.
W. O. Barkley and the Rev. A.
B. oentiy. Burial vis in the
chureh ocmotsry.
Bio — Obituaries - 11/21/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
i f / 1 ' , ' n '' ' ' ' "" ' n •: /^foj - OC,-h //-Z/-0^Mrs. E. G. HairstonIs Killed In WreckMrs. Elmer George Hairs,ton, 79, of the CooleemcePlaniaticn in Davie County,widow of Peter WilsonHairston, was killed about3:45her car struck a school buson Highway 801 near Advance.She was alone in her 1962Chevrolet sedan. No passengers in the school bus werehurt.Mrs. Hairston loved the|that shecd in the primary by JohniR. McLaughlin. Mairston'sgreat - great - great - grand--father was In the GeneraLAssembly in 1798.Mrs. Hairston was born in> Arkansas to the Rev. T. M.' N. and Mrs. Elizabeth E.George. Her early life wasispent at New Bern. .She was a graduate of St.Mary's College at Raleigh'and a member of the Epis-> «i1^1il-iRecords show that about1817 the Hairston family ofStokes County purchased theDavie County land fromGen. Jesse Pearson. It wasDm WednesTav "when copal Church of the Ascenp.m. ednesday hen ^oved iromv^,^^ Davie .Coun-.Stokes to Davie. . (y ^^d a member of^'theiMrs. Halrstons headi^.^^^ Carolina Society of Ismashed the windshield of' colonial Dames.her car and her chest was I Surviving are two soft;crushed against the steering | ^ Hairston of Coolwheel. She died of a broken- Plantation and Nel-neck and fractured skull. Hairston of Ann Arbor,State Highway Patrolman! Mich., who has done muchL. S. Woods said she wasj ^^Q^k with the World Health{known since her childhood, found sitting on top of herl'organization overseas; fivetShe lived at the homeplace seat belt. He suggested thatllg^g^dchildren and a broth-.—a 600-acre tract in a horse- had the belt been fastenedllg^ j prank George of Nor-[shoe bend of the Yadkin she mtgh not have been t'al-i'folk, Va,j River dominated by a huge ally injured. .j TJig funeral will be con-I white mansion completed by -A grandson Peter W. m a.m. Friday at^Grandfather Peter Hairston Hairston Jr. was In the bus.,he Episcopal Church of thethat Mrs. Hairston s car Ascension at Fork on High-covers struck. way 64 In Davie County byWoods said that Richard the Rsv. Downs C. Spitler.Dewey Robertson. 16, of Burial will be In the churchMocksville, Rt. 3 was the cemetery. The body will bedriver of the 1959 Chevrolet at the Piedmont Funeral. school bus that was. justj Home at Lexington until'of the sons came home. She moving away after stoppingj8:30 a.m. Friday when it willdid much of the complicated for a school bus ahead of it." be taken to the home.bookkeeping necessary for- Mrs. Hairston's car struck' The lamily will be at thethe big farm operation. | the bus on a straight wet plantation homeplace.The Hairstons were active' road. Woods said. The family asks that mem-:n community and politicalj One of Mrs. Hairston's;onals be sent to the Unitedaffairs. Her husband was a I sons, Peter W. Hairston, ai Nations International Chil-member of the Davie County I lawyer, community leaderjdren's Emergency Fund, the.Board of Education, served! and farmer, now operates!Davie County Library or thethe farm. He was elected to Episcopal Church of the As-the N. C. Legislature in 1955 cension.and is an active Democrat. ^ _ 11854.The plantationmore than 4,000 acres. Hersons were away in World, War II when her husbanddied in 1943. Mrs. Hairstonran the plantation until oneI on the draft board in World |I War I and was a member of:I the Society of Cincinnati.!.made up of direct descend.!ants of members of Gen.jGeorge Washington's staff. |He sought election as resi- d ft ®dent judge in the 22d Judi- rt Icial District, but was defeat- r ai va-» •i Losses Beyond The Material |. cFf Davie county has jsuffered the loss of many of its outstanding ^• citizens, men and women who by their char-, acter, ability, and nobleness of mind, have. performed services and made contributions, teyond their wealth. Among the latest of^ ^ese IS the tragic death of Mrs. Elmer GeorgeHairston. Her father was an outstanding min-ister of the Episcopal Church, and her Hus-' band, the late Peter Hairston was a member of. one of the noted families of the state. While' were more closely identifed with our. neighboring town of Mocksville, Cooleemee^ shares some part of the family in that our» what was once a part ofthe Cooleemee plantation which was owned' by the Hairston family. Though this fact we' fMl some connection with a very fine era mthe past — in fact the several generationsjvhich lent honor and vitality to the state.Mrs. Hairston shared with her husbandand then with her sons, in interest and endeavors for the upbuilding of their communi-u of her special interests was >me Episcopal Church of the Ascension at TheForks, an institution to which the family for 'generations had helped to support. 'It is fortunate that this family was blessedwth sons who in character and ability areable to carry on in the spirit and laborsof their family ties and traditions. One ofthe sons, Peter W. Hairston continues tooperate the farm in addition to his law prac-tice. So much of the "old, which had in it somuch of worth, is gone, that Davie countyand our own community can be thankfulthat there is a son to preserve and make useful the old plantation, with all of its traditions and memories. There was in them something of a spiritual character which madethe greatness of a past, and which the present and future nee^.As we e.xtend to her survivors our deepsympathy in their sorrow, we would add anote of thankfulness for what their ancestorshave contributed to our community and tothe state.u /1.I /Coo ie-c. mc-c., Tou-,r*irta„i - il/z-l/mocksTl?
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 28,1963 - Page 5
M. y. AjolraiT'lir.
Punml 'KlvtccA «9ro' hold
Wednesday lor JuJ^elL Sr..
84 of 511 &. BlMrpo^lrB(«tCQ-
vUle. The Rev. 6ldnw Rdrton
and Dr. John Sykes officiated at
the rites held at the Reavis
Funeral Home. Burial was in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Mr. Angell died late Monday
at the Iredell Memorial Hospital
after a long illness.
He was bom In Yadkin County
to D . D. and Susan Evelyn
Recce AngelL He lived !n Har-
mcny for niany years and had
lived In StatesvlUe 10 years. He
was a member of Harmony Bap
tist Church and was a retired
Burvlvlns are his wife, Mrs.
Lauiu Brown An sell; four
daughters. Mrs. H. M. Arnold of
Mbcksvlile, Mrs.. J. M Jioots, sr.
of jsuih l^lni. and Mjrs. Edward
F. ktolcomito and^MTs. O. H. Price
.l?ft^h. of -two. iSons.
'Faul'D. »\g(dl of t^isburyi add
M. Jr. of BtatdsviUera
slstor. R. Ir. Stlnson of
BoonvUl^: sie^ran Bt*anddhlldren;
and four sreat-grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/28/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 5,1963 - Page 4
WHUaiii A. painter. 63
Funeral services for William A.
tWnter;-52r^f-elfvrtftnd.-Rl. I,
were held Sunday afternoon at
the Corinth Church of Christ by
Ronnie tfltey. Miitoh parfter and
Thetua Prlt^ard. Burtal was in
the'diunih oefhetery;
ilr. Fathter died unbUpectedly
at 10 a.ih. l^ldaV at his home.
He had taCen Ul declining health a
Qe "waB* bom in Rowan coun
ty to William Franklin Painter
and Mary jaq Kepley Painter.
He was a methber of Corinth
Church of ChHst in Keedmore.
He was married td the .former
iMlth Mad Allen, who aufVlvea.
lAlao attrviving are three
dddghtera. Mrs. ML L. Langford
of Cleveland, Rt 1. Mrs. O. h,
Swazy of Cleveland. Rt. 1, and
Jydra. Charles 9- Hallyburton of
Cooleemee; a son James Attoft
Painter of Rtehmond. Va.t five
grandehlldreni two brothere,
dilea Painter of Qrantte quatty
and QeOrgc Painter or-Selmonl4.
and five aistera. Mra. Bam Bur
ton of Kings Mountlati. Mrs.
Robert Hood of Oriando. Fla..
hStB. MlUon Burton of Martlnes.
Oa.» Mrs. Marlon M. Freeman of
Runteravllle and Miss Jeah Pain
ter of Klnstoft.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 5,1963 - Page 2
atmnel L. Hege. 66
Funeral servlcss for Btmuel
IMS mut. 60. 01 Advuiicoi-m
a. were held Saturday at the
Slbavlllo Methodiat Church, tare
Rev. Billy OUnard and the Rev
(Robert A. Foteer offlolatod. Bur-
Ital waa In the ohuroh oemototy.
Mr. Hege died at 1:80 am..
FViday ot the Davle County Hoa-
pital. He had been In decUnlng
heaPih aeveral months.
He waa bom In Davle County
to fC. F. and Bllaabeth Byeiiy
Hege. Re waa a retired employee
of Frank 1a Bluqi CoM^mbtion
Co. hi Wtnaton*8aiem. *'
J Hege was a. member, of Blba-
pMille MstiiodSt-Ohuroh.
Surviving are lha wife, the for
mer Mlaa MUdmd BUla: two
daughters. Mrl^BSh Dunn of
Wlnaton-Salem and Mra. Charles
M. Bdwards Jr. of Oreenaboro: a
son. Robert O Hege of Wlnyon-
Salem: six grandchildren: three
sisters, Mrs. A. B. Bto af Wtn-
ston-Salem. Mn. C. B. Oarwood
of Advance and Mrs. J. O. Mark-
land of Mjtfolk, va.: and two
brothers. Frank Hege of Lynoh-
burg. Vs.. and .Norman Hege of
Rock RlU. 8. C.
Ale.t Myen. 70
Funeral aervleea for Alex My
ers. 70. of MoeksvUle, Route 4,
will be held Thursday afternoon
at 8 pjn. at the cooleemee Flrat
Baptlot Church. The Rev. Oharlea |
Burehfftte and .*he Rev. Clyde
Settle will officiate. Burial will
bo In 4he Liberty McthodStj
Church cemetery.
Mr. Mycra died at 1:16 pm|
Monday at ihe VA Hospital ati
Durham where he had been a
patient eight days. Ho had been|
In ducUn:;i0 health a ycor. j
He woa bom In Davtc County to
John and Martha Wall Myera. HU
wife, the foimer Rosa Stewart.
Also surviving are twtr daugh-
*er8. Mrs Ed Clawson and MTs.
«Tchn Mcltttyre of Woodleaf; four
sons. James P. Myers of Cassel-
bury. Pla.. Oils and Capt. Alex
Myers of MoeksvUle. Rt. 4. and
Herman Myers of Akron Ohio: 18
grandchlldnm: a great grand
child; a brother, Oscar Myers ctf
Cooleemee; and a sister. Mrs. Em
ma OuUette of Salisbury.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/5/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 12,1963 - Page 4
Dwaat iAt KM<d
n semda OtMoll list, ago ld.<
Mo 8ollabwy'Btl««t}!
tsan or Un. thlna Ikt ond the
late wnUim tl. Uit of Baltimore.
Md., «i8 kdlfid tVednes*
(tajr. tiee. 4, at ffort Bteroe. Bla.,
when the Usht panel trttoh he was
drtvlRs loaded with dleetftmtea
stmefc the tear of a tr«otoivt»tt<
«r aa It was aitempuiig to make
a mrt tun.
. 'pamy" had been uvlng with
bts unde Marshall Bowtid, m
West Palm Beach. Fla. fok* ahnoit
a year and wm ehitdoyed there.
He had flpent most ot his chlUh
hood in Modcsvtlle and attended
the MocksvlBe miade school and
Davle Conntjr Bl^ Be was a
mctaber et Sitst Baptist tSuirOh
in OfioMsville.'
Buneral servGees were held
Hmreday in West Balm Beaoh,
after which his body was
sent to Baton Punend Borne in
MoflksvlUe whom services were
eottduoted at d pm. fionday from
^ ehapOL BeVf 4. P. Dayte.
fbnner pastor from Mint ^1 Sta
tion, Charlotte, coadueted the
paimearers weie former close
frlMids and classmates. They In
cluded. Tbny lyeiiy. Bill Day;
jim^' Idger. Bonny Smith.
Rocky Reward and Larry Rey
, Burial was In Rowan Memor
ial Park, near Salisbury.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 12,1963 - Page 6
Allen Pofer, 4S
Puneral servloea for Allen 8o-
ger, 48. of IdodcsHBo. te« 6. were
held Friday afternoon at Batons
Funeral Rome Chapel. The Rev.
DQwey names and 8. B. Whltaker
Mr. Bcger died at 8:15 ajn.
Deo. 4 in the Davtc County Bos-
pltal at acodcsviUe after a lin
gering lUness.
He waa bjom In Davle County to
Jesse Ooe Bogar and Rena Bep-
ta* Boger. He operaited Boger Nur
sery on D. 8. 601.
Be manted Miss Edith Brown
InAMD- . I
Surviving are nis wtfe; two. sl8«{
ten, Mrs. Olemr watley of Balls-,
bury and Mrs Denver Xteblnson of
Aeheville: and thrm fnothers,
Hswelt C. Boger of Mbeksville, Rt.
9. Thcanes R. Boger of MOokavtUe.
Rt 4. 'and John Carl Boger of
RUntsville. Ala.
Mrs. George Barttttan, 36
Fhneral services for Mrs. Veitie
Story Hartman. 86, of Advance.
Rt. 1. wife of George O. Hartman.
were held Ssfturday afternoon a£
the Bethlehem Methodist Church.
The Rev. Dwlght Maahbum and
the Rev. Osoar Hartman Mficlat-
ed. Burial was is the church
Mrs. Hartman died Thursday
morning while at worfe at the P.
H. Henes Knitting Company in
Winston-Salem. Her death was
attributed to natural causes.'
She was bom In Davle County
to Carl and Leona smith Btoiy.
Survtving are her husband:
fhree daughters. Misses Diane,
Tbny OMe. and Susan Hartman
of the home; her mother. Mrs.
Lecam Smith of Advance. Rt. 1;
her father of lynn, Polk County;
and two sisten, Mrs. Dare Fowler
Lynn and Mte. Bruce Hilton <d
Advance. Rt. 1.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/12/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 12,1963 - Page 6
Mm. WlUle Qfttet. 08
Funeral Bervteea for Mm. Lau-
mi Bell Oales. 63. of 1702 TVbl-
f<»d Avenue, Lexington, wife of
WlUle Qalea. were hdd Wednes
day mondng at the Codeemee
Freshyterlan Church. The Bev.
Charles Murray ,the Rev. Walter
Kelly, the Rev. Bob BUlard offt-
elated. Bttdat waa in'the Legfon
Miemorl|d Biurk bt oeoleemee.
Irike. Qelee died late Sunday af
ternoon ait the ilohii Vmatetd
Hotpltal at Btt*ner after' an til-
neu M nine daye. i - '
She was bom In' Oabarrus
. I n
County to Chaifte and Dereaa'
SurvlVtnt are her huabbad;
three daughters. Mrs. Lawrsnee
diWer-and.Mls. dtfford Vogler.
dr. both of Codednee end Mrs.
Bernard Penley of Ballabury: a
elSAT tyhrs. Lillian aoedman of
Alexandria, Va.; ftve hntlMtts,
Bd. Baxter.. Stdi^ and LMBta
Outer, bU of Cbdeemeei «nd^
Barry Oarter df TMnston-SalMr*^
and lour trahdohildren. r
Bio - Obituaries - 12/12/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 19,1963 - Page 6
Mm. D. A. VMMr. «
' FimeMl torvtoeB tor Mn. Au<
ttnr Durham AMtar. 47, ot Ood
eameo. vife d Daw^ A. I^oster.
vera held Batorday.
Mra. Foster died a( 0 p. m.
Deoemher llth at tha Davis
Cfsuaty Ooqii^ after aufftting a
hearty attadt.dfiSber home eariler
Ihr ths t&ipf ttiB had bam In de>
oHnIng h^th several moatha.
.. -^a waa bom In Davt6 County
1^ Jdin and Battle Frevette Dur
.. Baaafalna are ha httsband: two'
dauahters, Bim. Harvey Hureey of
Oboleemee and Miss Wanda Fos
ter of the home: five nns. Arohle
l\Mter d saltsbuty. caifford Fbs-
ta d BtonswaO, Mlsa, and Don
ald. Carl and Qtmdy Fosta. all d
the home: 11 Btandohlldren; her
ihotha d MbdtsvUle, Bt. 4: two
^sters, Mrs. Nellie Spry d Ad-
pnoe, Rt a. .and Mrs. Linda
ilrown d Landls: and eight bro
kers, Otis, Oraham, and Ftoyd
Durham: all of MookavUle, fild-
aey Durham d LsJtttttfteti. Dttddht
Durham of Oodeemae, Maiwiel
Durham d Midway and Bdwaid
Ditrham of spenea.
lamea B. Addefion. 14
Funeral sovlees for Jamea Bd-
ear Anderson. 74. d 1619 N. Mblh
Sbeet In Salisbury tMlre held fia^
urday aftonoon at the St. Duke
Bpteeopal CTntroh. The Rev. O*-
Selly Whttaka oSlelated. Burial
waa In City Memorial Park.
Mr. Anderson died «t 7:16 p.
m.. nihrsday at the Fattemn
fhiretng ttdne.at Spenoer. Hts
death was attributed to a heart
Be was born In MbokavUIe to
wmsun and BUen Anderson
and attended Davle County
Be was employed lor more than
60 yeare fay Southern Railway to
a brakeman. Be retired in 1663.
Andenon wae a memba d the
Brotherhood d Railway Train'
men. ,
Be was a memba d Bk
Luteb Bplsoopal Churoh. Bis wlfd.
Mrs. Faanle Alden Dei^ Ander
son. died In 1669.
Surviving are a son. Qeoige A.
Anderson d Rldgewood. N. dd
two grandohUdren: and a broth
er. d. D. Anderson d MooksvUIe.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/19/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY