Jan - JunDA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 3,1963 - Page 5
I .fohn llodee llavis
; Funoml sen'lees for John Hodne
'doVIA, Tt. nf Mscksvnif, Rl. 4.
wfie hrld Wcdnrmloy afternoon
nt tite tibrrty Uethcdlst Church.
The Reb. W. B. Prost nitd tlu»
Rev. E. M. Avctt officiated. Bur*
lal was In the church cemetery.
Mr. Darls ^led Monday at the
home of a daughter, M». WlUord
Speaks of Sunny Dtive, Winston*
Solrm. lie had been 111 s\x
Be vas bern in Davie County
to Clcc:o and Samantha Hodges
He married the former Mlsa
Oara Panlcli. who died In 1884;
He was o retired employee of
Brwin Milts In Cooleemce. He was
a member of Liberty Methodist
Survivors are six sons, Everett
L.. Erwin C~ and Joseph Davis,
all of M:cksvUIo, Rt. 4. Robert
and Jahn Davis, both of Mocks*
vllle. and Marvin Davis of China
Grcve: two doubters. Mrs. Will
mil fclieam Ol WihR6H»Hakm 'dhd
Mm. Zennte Brown of Mocksvillo,
R*.. 4; 16 grandchildren; four great
grandchll:ren: two sisters. Mrs.
EuU Barter of Salisbury, and Mm.
Luke Oraves of MocksvUle.
Mrs. Nathan T. Potter
Funeral lervicss wd-e neid on
Dec. 24 for Mrs. Olllc Mae Foster.
80. wife cf Nathan T. Foster of
Cartncr Street. MocksvlUc. Mrs.
I^sVer died ol 9:15 p.m. on Dec.
22 at the Davle Coun^ Hospltol.
She had bern In declining health
several monUis.
Mrs. Foster was bom In Duvle
County to N. D. and Mary Casey
Surviving are her husband; one
son. Mlllard T. Poster of Concord:
five daughters, Mrs. E. P. Foster.
Mrs. Joke Meroney and Mrs. Be*
beeca Zander, al lof Mocksvillo.
Mrs. C. L. Knight of Charlotte and
Mrs. J. W. Page of Rocky Mount;
14 .erandchlldren: three great'
grandchildren: two brothers. Fred
Foster of MocksvUle and the Rev.
Dewitt Poster of OentervUIe,
Iowa: and two slslera. Mrs. John
Xlwlre of Salisbury and Mrs. Dora
Redmond of Cleveland.
C S; Sttmmers
Tunero^ services for Mrs. EUz*
abeth Poplln Summers. 76. of Rt.
3, MocksvUle, widow of C. Spencer
Summers, were held Dec. 24. Mrs.
Sttmmers died at 10:15 pan. Dec.
33i'at her home. She had been In
I declining health severol months.
—Summpra wns hnm in
Davle County to James M. and
Candlne Oentle Poplin. She was
married In 1914 and her husband
died in 1944.
Surviving «re one foster daugh*
■ter, Mrs. H. M. Saunders of
MbeksVilte. Rt 3, and one foster
«on, Roy Massey of MocksvUte,,
-Rt 3, .
Bio - Obituaries - 1/3/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 3,1963 - Page 3
John WrlRhi Reeve*. 03
PuneHU services for John
WilBht Reeves. 68. CWIeemee
were held Sunday ateeraooa at
the North Cooleemee SapUst
Church. The Rev. Clyde Settle
and the Rev. 1. c. IGotrla offie-
iBtod. Burial woe in the coolee
mee Lesion Memorial Park.
Mr. Reeves was dead on arriv
al at 6:48 pen. Friday at the Da-
vie County HosiHtal after a heart
Mr. Reeves was bom in Davie
county to Richard and Cora Grif
fith Reeves. Ite was a retired
farmer and sawmill operator. Be
married Miss Etta Mae Jadcson.
who survives.
Also survlvlnff are two daugh
ters, Mrs. IVed Tutterow of
MocksvOte, Route 1. and Mrs. Bill
Book of Cooleemee; two sons.
Carl Rlehard Reeves of Codas-
mee and Donald Ray Reeves of
the home: two stepdaushters,
»Mn. Harold- Milter of Spenees
- and Mrs-.--Ed«rafd-Gslffln. Lex
ington; 13 BTanddilldren; four
sisters, Mrs. James RIdenhour
and Mra Woodson Shore, both of
Cooleemee, and Mrs. Richard
Shoo and Mrs. SYank Feamater,
both of StatesvQle; and two bro
thers, Cloy -Reeves of Jarkson,
S. C.. and Mbody ReeVes of Alde-
endrla, Va.
Dana Tumor, 60
Funeral services for Dana Ben
nett Turner, 60. of 3816 CUnard
Avenue, WSnston-Salem. were held
Monday afternoon at the Wall
Glade HIU Chapel. The Rev. W.
R. ColUe and Dr. Charles Stevens
officiated. Burial was in Oaklawn
Mr. Turner died Saturday at
the Baptist Hospital. Re had been
seriously 111 two weeks.
Turner was bom In the Hamp-
tonvUle community of Yadkln
county to the Rev; B. W.' and
Mbmle WUUama Turner. He
moved from Yadkln to Winston-
Balan. fai 1666.
He was a salesman with Blne-
TUoker Frodim Co. In Winston-
Salem. At one time he operated
the Green Front Grocery Store at
Vint and Board Streets. He was
a member of Rirst Baptist Chureh.
"He * WtiDi' slSiTietf "in'Tdtt" "i^
Charlotte Holland, who survives.
Also survfvliur are his mo^r,
Uf MB«avUte{ &ftd a brother, tfea
Turner of •,
Wnumn W.'Bpry, 64 •
Funeral services for William W.
Bsnv, 84, of MocksvUIe, Rt. 4.
were held Tuesday afternoon at
Soton's Chapel. The Rev. W. R.
l^L. the. Rw- p. W, .F|nk
the Rev. B. M. Avett offiolated.
Burial was In the Liberty Meth
odist Church. OemeteiT.
Mr. Spry died at 1 pm. Sunday
at the Davle County Hospital. Re
had been seriously in for five
weeks. HO was a retired textile
employee of the Erwlh MUA at
Re was bom In Davle County
to Jake and Marlah Butler Spry.
In 1^ he was married to Bessie
Asm McCuHou^.
Survivors include sevm daugh
ters. Mrs. Carl James, Mrs. L. D.
Klmmer, Mrs. Oscar HeUer and
Mrs. Claude Boger. all of Mocks
vUIe, Rt. 4, Mrs. Ned l^kabUI of
Mbcksynie, Mrs. Uoyd Greenway
of Odcmton, BSd.. ancfaMtg. San-
ford woodruff of chs^/^; 30
giandchlldren and* 39 giedtliriind-
F. E. Williams. Sri
- Snnool servloea'for f: B. WUf-
iauca. Sr., % pf )810 Wlnfldd
Drive, Winston-Salem. were held
Monday morning at the New
Hope Baptist Ohureh. The Rev.
WtaMta' w. Stantey .and the Rev.
Dawey Bovender.4if|loigted. Bur
ial yras izk Forpyth Memorial Park.
Mr. WUUama died Satuiday at
his home. Be had been in declin
ing health sevend years*
Winiams was'bom In Pavte
County to John R. and Sarah
Clark wnuams. Re spent his
early UfO In Davle County and
opemted a etoe in the Fork
craununity few a number of
years before moving to Wlnston-
Salcm In 1091.
He mmed and operated WU-
Uams Cash Store until his re-
thement in 1961.
He was a eharter member of
New Hope B^tlst Church.
WlUleona was married In IBOO
to hUss Nannie Alexander who
died in 1960.
Surviving are three daugh-
lets, Mra. PoQy Johnson of the
home, Mrs. Sarah WQilte of Lake
HUls, Pfoirtown. and Mra. Helen
Petree of 1208 Pleasant View
Drive: three 40118, Guy B. Wil
liams of 3108 Francis Street.
Fred S. WlUlams. Jr^ of 216 For
est HlU Avanhe and Thomas W.
Wniiams of Uic home; IS grand-
ehUdren; eight great - granddrU-
dren; three sisters. Mlrs. B. W.
Turner of MocksvUIe, Mrs. K. L.
Jones of Atlanta. Ga., and Miss
Floy WUllams of 6O6 Gales Ave
nue; and two brothers, Edgar R.
WtUlams of 380 Vintage Avenue
and C. V wmiarns of 806 Gales
James Samuel
Funeral services for Jamjta'Sam-
uel FoweU, 80 jof West Lta'Ange
les, CoUforala, nativa>^|qf^ Davle
County, were held Deel JRh at
the Center Methodist Church. Mr.
PoweU died at the Veterans Ad
ministration Hosplatl in Los An
geles, Dec. 18.
. .He_WMi bars' .In.JOavIa .Gnmty*
He was a veteran of the arm^
servleea and had resided in Los
AngftlM fnr in vmni.
. .Bpe.had.btan lU .slace|l^t July,
.. .He.Js-wi^?ed-by"lils parents,
Anna Smoiot FoweU
of Moe^me; Rt, T. - - - - -
Bio - Obituaries - 1/3/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 10,1963 - Page 4
Miss Delphlne Brown
Miss Laura Delphlne Brown, 73,
of 740 Arbor Road, Wlnston-
Salem, died unexpeotedly at 11:46
ajn. Sunday at Baptist Ho^ltal.
She was bom In Wlnston-8a-
lem to Frank C. and Laura Byer-
ly Brown and spent all her life
In Wlnston-Salem.
Miss Brown, a graduate of
Woman'e college at Greensboro,
was a member of Centenary Me-
thodlst Church.
Surviving Is one sister, Miss
Anna Brown of 740 Arbor Road.
The funeral was conducted at
3 p. m. Monday at the home by
Dr. Kenneth Goodson and Dr.
Mark Depp. Burial was in Sa-
lem Cemetery.
Miss Brown, a cousin of John
P. LeGrand, Is well known here,
having visited here frequently In
the home of Mr. LeGrand's par
ents. the late Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Mrs. L. A. Youngs. 81
Funeral services for Mis. Ed
wlna Nora Habans Youngs. 81.
of Paradise, La., widow of Dr.
Luther A. Youngs, were held
Tuesday morning at Batons
Chapel. The Rev. W. 1. Howell
officiated. Burial was in Joppa
Mrs. Young died at 8:35 a. m..
Monday at the Lynn Haven
Nursing Hoaiie.
Mrs. Youngs was bom in New
Orleans. La., to Paul B. and
ArmanUne Elisabeth Payton Ha
Surviving are a daughter. Mrs.
W. M. Long 61 MocksvUloi a son.
Capt. Luther A. Youngs of Cape
Vincent, N. Y.: six grandchil
dren; 15 great-children; a bro
ther. Paul B. Habans of New Or
leans; and a sister, Mrs. Juliet
Schipps of MadisonvUIe. La.
Bio - Obituaries -1/10/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 10,1963 - Page 6
John L. McCulloh. 57
. ..etmcn\).^rvlce&
Vrnce fRed) MoCulloh. 67. of
8:tlisbury, Rt. 1. were held Tues*
day afternoon at Oay's Metho
dist Church. •• -The- Rer—J; "C;
Swalm, the Rev. M. T. Boggs,
and the Rev. Ffatney Orlssom of
ficiated. Burial was In the Rowan
Memorial Park at Salisbury.
Mr. McCuUoh died at 2:05 aan.
Suntfay at the Rowan Memorial
Hospital. He had been seriously,
111 several months. I
He was born In Davie County
to Walter and Missouri Steele Mc
Culloh. He was an dcctrlcian.
In 1025, he was married to Miss
Mamie Spry, who survives.
Other survivors are tnree
d.-iotthters. Mrs. Olcnn E. Bolick
of Moreanion, Mr*. Sherm.m O.
Fhhcr of Hickory and Mrs. Don
Hilliard ol the home: one ton.
Johnny McCulloh of the i;omc;
seven grandchildren; three bioth-
.ers, Harold and James McCulloh.
hoth of Salisbury, and Hugh Mc
Culloh of Birmingham. Ala.:
three sisters. Mrs. R. T. Baine;
of Llnwocd, Mrs. John Schmidt of
•Bomnwpe;-Md.-."arnl~Mrs:" Ji'uii
Marshall of Fcrnandina Beach.
George tV. Allen. 6B
Funeral services for George
Washington Allen, 08, of Advance.
Rt. 1. were held Monday aftcr-
ncon at the Macedonia Moravian
Ciiurch. The Rev. A. C. Cheshire
and lite Rev. Taylor Loflln Til-
rlatcd. Cu"Ltl was in Uic chu:vlt
Mr. Allen died at 3 p.m., Satur
day of a heart attack. He bail
been In declining health for titc
past several moivtits.
He was born in Davle Coui.ty
to 8am and Mary Ann Cunning
ham Allen. He was married to
Miss Lillic Riddle, who died in
Surviving are a doushlcr. Miss
Dm-otby Allen of the home: itro
M^n^ Virgil, and Wayne Allen,
both of the home: and n sister
Mrs. Ada Howard of Mocksvllie,
Route 4.
William n. March. St
Fsincral services for William
Hen y March. 81. of 510 Gronvlllp
Drive, Winston - Solcm. were held
Monday afternoon at the Green
Street Methodist Church. The
Rev. E. Hoyle Hamilton and the
Rev, N. c. Williams cHlclated.
Burial was In the Shady Grove
Methodist Church Cemetery at
Mr. March died at 1:52 ajn.
Sunday at his home. He had been
seriously ill three months.
He was bom In Davle County
ivi. und Proiiccs Ellis(ir~Cf
. March.
I March came to Winston-Salcm
• at an enily age and was cm-
ployed by Jcncs and Gentry Shoe
I Store and later by Krlspy Krcme
Dcnut Co. He retired In 1950.
He was a member of Salero
Mnmnlr Itnrtgr wo.-a£p am! mii.
Its oldest past master. He Joined
tlic ledge In 1008 and was master
in 1013.
March was a member of Green
Bfrcet Methodist Church whera he
was a trustee and taught the
men's Bible Class.
He mas married to Miss Ocr-
aldlnc Marklnnd in 1000. She sur
Alr.0 surviving arc one daugh
ter. Mrs. Elisabeth M. Groues of
Lewisvllls JRt .1: three sons. J.
Harold March of 2010 Woodlcigh
Street. Padl K. March of the
home and Hoylc A. March of 1034
W. Bank Street; eight grrandchll-
(Ircn: one brother. J. Dcwey
7«;.-trch of Mount Airy. Rt. 4: and
two Sisters. Mrs. Lola Williams of
M.'jra.^nton and Mrs. Mjrtlv Car
ter of 4026 Shattalon Drive.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/10/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 10,1963 - Page 6
James C. Cook, Sr.
runciTil services for Jatnc^
Clyde Cook. Sr.. 62, of Advnnc.T
Rt. 1 wiTC held Friday afternoon
.It the Bethlehem Methodist
Church. The Rev. Owlght Mash*
burn and the Rev. Alvis Ciic-
shlre oflicl-alcd. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Mr. Cook died at 10 a. m. Jan
uary 2nd nt work after a heart
lie was bom in Trcdell County
^3 Zcb and Lula Falrcloth Cook.
He was owner of Cook's Onr-
ase in the Redland community.
He was a veteran of World
War. 1.
Surviving are his wife, the for
mer Miss Rosa Walker; his step
mother. Mrs. Sally Cook of Ad
vance lU. 1: five daiisntcrs. Mrs
Carolyn Coi-nellus and Mrs. Peg
gy Carter, both of Advance. Rt.
I. Mr*. Irene Boger and Mrs. OJa
Mae Bogcr. both of Mockvtlte.
Rt. 2. and Mi:s Doris Cook of
the home: five sons. J. C. Cook.
Jr.. Norman and Elbert Cook.
all of AdvancOi Rt. 1. Darrell
Cook of Moeksvllle, and Lester
Cook of Moeksvllle. Rt. 2; a
brother. Willie Cook of Advance.
Rt. 2: a sister Mrs. Stella Mae
Smith of Bassett. Va.; and 13
Bio - Obituaries - 1/10/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 17,1963 - Page 2
[ Oeorse Almond. 11
, Funeral services for Oeoi-ge P.
, Almond. 71. of Mocksvlllo. form-
jerty of Greensboro, woi'e held
Tuesday attemoon at the Hanes*
Llnebo:ry Funeral Chapel In
Greensboro. The Rev. W. W.
Blanlon. the Rev. G. B. Flts-
aerald. and the Rev. John j.
Powell ofrdated. Burial woa In
the Lokevlew Memorial Park with
Masonic rites.
Mr. Almond died ot 3:30 a.m..
Monday nt his home after an UN
ness of six monthS^!^. "rL: :
He W3« a nati«arior-i« fSlanly
county and had lived In Greens,
boro 20 years. Ho was a retired
THWtwii'c. fuiiwrlyetnvtcygtf • hy
E. F. Craven Co.
He was a member of the First
Methodist Church In Moeksville
and was a Mason ond a Bhiiner.
Surviving are three sons. Rob.
ert L. Almond of Wlnslon.8alem.
Claude E. Almond of Salisbury,
and James J. Almond cf Greens,
boro: three daughters, Mrs. Ida
Adorns of Moeksville. Mrs. James
T. BOitks of Cambria. Calif., and
Mrs. Ruth Reld ol Gronsboro:
10 grandch'ldrcn and 24 great,
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 17,1963 - Page 5
Rev. Joseph McClamrocb
Rev. Joseph C. McClamroek, 42.
of 28 Ourley St.. Concord, died
Tuesday. Jan. Bth in the hospital
In Concord. Funeral services were
held at 3 p.m., Friday at Fisher
Street Church of God.
Survivors Include: bis wife. 1
son. Ronald S. McClamrock of the
ihome: brothers, G. O. McClsm.
.rock and Arthur McClamrock.
both of Moeksville; Alton, Harold,
Sam and Jake McClamrock. all of
Concord; Robert McClamrock of
Montgomery. Ala.; sisters. Mrs.
H. B. Sarratt. Mrs. J. W. Bost
-Mrs. W. J. Snipes, all of Kannap-
Ronald Gray Moody
Funeral services for Ronald
Gray Moody, 8-month.old son of
Gray and Lc^ie Combs Moody
Of Pine Street. Moeksville. wero
•held Friday morning at the Ea.
Funeral Chapel. The Rev.
Barnes officiated. Boria^
kto fn Jtose Cemetery.
Tim Infant died - al 6 a. ns,
iThursday at his hsme aRer an
fninCBS two days.
Surviving are . bis -pared!?;
(three sisters. Mrs: LucUle Bled-
soo of MocksvUIe, Rt. 5. and
;T8niahiaa aod
both of the twn
I biothers. Bobb? bee and Oenaldi
I Rag^ Moody, both' of tha* home;
and hiA gran(}p(urenta, BSro. Rstta
I of Greepsbfuv and Ed
Combs of Maodand.
MKSa IKt W* MuntlAk
FuneitU serviced* for Mrs. Vic-
-torla Comer Munida^. 85, of Yad-
klnvlUo Rt. 3. wldtiw of W. F.
Muidday, were heM Saturday
I morning at the SouUi Oak Ridge
Baptist Church. The Rev. Frank
W&on and the Rev. Rabby Ri^
seU offlefaded. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Mrs. Muttday died at id a. m..
January 9th at her home.
She was bom In Yadkin Coun
ty to Thomas and Louise Reavls
Surviving are a^ son, Avery
•-Munday-of-ModwvlteHBBfe^-B: -d
I diLUiifhuii', biH. carl dmnva ol
YadklnvUle, Rt. 3.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/17/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 17,1963 - Page 5
Joseph Wesley Davis
Funeral services for Joseph
Wesley Davis. 88. of Modcsvllie.
Rt. 2. were held Friday afternoon
at the Baton's Baptist Church.
The Rev. Edward Laughldge. the
Rev. J. C. Shore and the Rev.
Biarvin Gold officiated. Burial
was In the ehurfh cemetery.
Mr. Davis dted Jan. 8th at the
City Hospital In Wlnston^Salem.
He hod been seriously 111 for a
week and In declining health for
several years-
He was born in Yadk-n County
to Alvis and Margaret Martin
Davis. He was a member of
Eaton's Baptist Church.
SurvlvorB Include three daagh>
ters. Mrs. Tom Davis of Win*
ston • Galem. Mrs. Raymond H.
Foster of Mocksvllle. Rt. 2 and
Mrs. neteher Reavis of Mocks*
bllle Rt. 2: a s'ster Mrs. William
EdNirards of Mocksvllle Rt. B: a
brother A. M. Davis of Wliuton*
Salem: nine grandchildren; and
eight 8reat*grandchlldre.
Stamey c. CranfUl
Funeral sei*vice8 for Blarney
Cicero Cranfill. 67. of UaUnmjr
St.. in Mocksvllle apre held Fri^y
afternoon at the Eaton's Baptist
Church. The Rev. Edward Uiugh-
rtdge and the Rev. W. H. Ferry
officiated. Burial was In the
cliureh cemetery.—
Mr. Cranfill died Jan. 9 at the
Davis Hospital in BtatesvUle. Re
was a retired furniture employee.
He was bom in Da vie Oouaty
to ABdrew and Mary Matilda
Reavis Cnnf 111.
He was manied to the former!
Miss Liaie Jordan, who sun'ivcs.
Other survivors include two
^aushtcrs. Mrs Phyllis Jones of
Mocksvllle and M:-s. Loyd Allen
of MocksvUlo, Rt. 4; two sons,
Lester (TrnnflU of Mocksvllle. Rt.
3, and Wayne Cranfll of tnc
home: seven brothets, shrrrlll.
Sam. Arl'ff and PhllnioiT Crnn-
nil. nil of Mocksvllle. Can Crin*
fill of Poeahontas. Va.. Paul
Cranllll and A. E. Cmnnil. both I
of Mocksvllle. Rt. 5: three slitrrsj
Mrs. Duke Smi.h and Mrs. Bin -
ton Trivetlc. both of Mockn'lilc.i
nr.d Mrs. Ournry Lash of Bnssctt.
Va.: eight gr.indchildrcn; and two
jcrcat-grandchild^'cn. |
Itenry 8. Renegar
d^ncral services for Hcnrj*
Bhober Renegar. 82. of Mock.<Hillo.
Rt. 6. were held Saturday ofter*
nocii at the Rslly Spriivos Bap*
tist Church. The Rev. E. R. Crater
and the Rev. W. C. Bnrkk*.v offl*
elated. Curtal was In the church
)Mr. Rcnojnr died at 2:50 p.m..
Jan. 0. at the Lynn Haven Nu;«*
ling Home. He had been seriously
I III for six weeks.
I He was born in Irrdcll County
to John and Carol'nn Camp'^cll
Renegar. He was firat married to
LaUW qUcen.—His sccona mar"
riage was to Alma Mae Pattcrsrn.
who survives.
0:her survlvcrs Inclui'c three
daughters. Mrs. H. P. Shore of
Burke Mill Road. Wlnston-Salem,
MVS. I. W. Coin of StctrsvlUc.
and Mrs. Travis 8. Smith of Art-
vaiu:e. Rt. 1: a son. Barley B.
Renegor of MosksvUle. Rt. 6: o
s'ster. Mrs. Nettle Knight of
Slotesvllle; 16 grandchildren; and
14 great-grandchUdren.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/17/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 24,1963 - Page 2
W. K. Alrxondrr. ftS
. Funeral sp»-vIpps for WUIloni
lEi'Pixitt I Pop I Alcxonder. 59. of
MocksvUIe, Kt. 5. neie held Mun*
Uay aft(rnocn nt Eaton's Ftmcrel
I Home. The Rev. Bobby RIdee and
I the Rev. J. E. Rotchford orflcinl-
led. Burial was in the Turrrntme
Bnpllsl CImrch cemetery.
I Mr. AieJtandcr died about 4 p.
Im.. Soturdny at his home He lud
ibeen In drl'nlna health for the
'post, several months.
He was born In Union County
to T. B. and Elln Ooi'don Ale.x-
{ander. He married Mrs. MAXllcne
Swlccgsod in 1852. He was a
member of First Presbyterian
Chuteli luij liud noihed 18 ycnr.s
for the State Prisons Deportment,
until his lualth failed. He op
erated Amerlcnn Taxi Co. ond
the MscksvUle Pool Room.
Surviving arc his wife: his
mathe- of Monroe: n stepdaush-
ter, Mrs. Robert OInthcr of the
home: a sister. Mrs. Earl Broom
of Monroci—and rour"~m'others.
il. Allen, Parks, and Edwh: C.-^
Alexander, all of Monroe, and
Ben W. Alexander of Rocklna-
John W. McKnlght. 78
Funeral services for John Wes
Icy McKnlght. 76 .of Advonce. Rt.
I. were neiti irriday oftemoon at
the Yodkln Valley Baptist Churcli.
The Rev. Alvls Cheshire officiat
ed. Burial was in the church cem
Mr. McKnlght died at 8:30 pm.
Wednesday at the Lula Conrad
Hoots Memorial Hospital In Yad-
klnville. He bad been In declining
health a year.
He was bom In Davie County tQ
Emory and Lucy Brown Mc
He wos a member of Yadkin
Valley Baptist Church.
He was a retired farmer.
Surviving are his avlfe. the
former Miss Pennle Fbster: a
daughter. Mrs. Ellis Howard of
Advance, Rt. 1: five grandchil
dren: 11 great grandchUdrcn: ond
a sister, Mrs. Beilha Uoyd of
Bio - Obituaries - 1/24/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 31,1963 - Page 2
Formerly With Highway Pptrol Here
Trooper L E. Pace Killed In Wreck
Troojirr L. E. P.^cc of the Stole
Hlohwoy Palrcl was klHod lost
tTIhh-do}* I" 0 wi«.ok in
lareonsboro. Troop<*r Pacc Kci'vrd
,\vlth lite E'.ntc Pnti-ol lit Mocl:s>
vine from July 13, IDSn ta April
11, 19B0. whrn he wns iransfcriTd
Ij Ortcmbt; •!).
Trooper was killed when n lire
sGinratrd from Its rim when it
hit the edge of the rood rnuslno
the cnr to so out of contrul nnd
hit nn";thi'r cnr and n tree on US
220, three mllES touth ol Orcens*
' The State Mlphway Polrol. In
cjutiuiiuiK iu> mvuiikbubh. i»biu
that Poce went off the edge of
the load nt hlith speed ond upon
^ rcttirnlng to the road the tho sep*
jaiAtcd from Its rlrn. causing h
,to deflate.
j At the time of the fatal occl-
rieni. Pace w.o.« rnroute to O'slst!
Pntrolmnn L. L. M ller In n seatt-h:
fi t «n arie leil molorh'i who had.
fled Into the woods near I ho Kua:i <
Foi-flon. northeast of G-censbero.'
The 28 year old pnirelman's rnt '
wont out of conlrol nnd siritck
asielhej- ear dilven by W
Sn'lerllold of Greenaboro. lit. I.
Utfcve rummlnu Into n tree.
Patrol Set. J. 8. llowcll said
that the aecldent wni not caused
by It defective or Flick Tire. bul
by the sepureilon of tire from rim j
brought about by the linpuct c.'
the tire hltt im the rdre of the'
hiifhway Ql (t hlpli rate of >poed |
Tlie funeral for Pace was con
ducted Saturday at Momoe. Hi
wns the 2lst i>atroImnn hdied in
an accident or by violence since
the foun^inK of the patrol In 1929.
Duke K. Walker,. 49. ... I
Funeral Mirvleea for Xhtko Kim-
brouph Walker, 69. of 318 Bonnet
Avenue. Winslon - Salem, wetu
held Saturday oftcmoon at Vog-
lers Chapel. The Rev. Donald
Burtt' ufhetaied. Batlal was -In
Joppa Cemetery In Davic County.
Mr. Walker dlc(9 at 0:40 pjm..
Thursday at the City Hospital. Ho
had been ill since October.
Ho was hem in Davle County
to Robert Lcc and Mamie Green
walker. He spent his early lite
in MocksviUe and went to Win-
ston-Snlcm when lie was 18.
He had been employed by b. f.
Htmtley Pumlture Co., Vanoe
Machinery Co^ and Amerlean
Bakeries. At the time he beeame
111 he worked at Foglo Furniture
He was a member of Memorial
United Church of Christ.
He married Miss Ruth Gorwood.
wh0_.dlod in .1058^ ..IDs .^oond,
marriage was to Mss Louise'At-
klm. who survives.
Surviving also are e daughter.
Mrs. Romono Kcllion of Alnme-
da, Calif.; Uiree sons, Robert E.
.Walker of 384S Coakerham Street.
James C. Walker of Jayson Lone
and David S. Walker of 780 Ban-
-nw-Avcnuet » brothec.~FKank
it. Walk^ of Mocksvllle: throe
tlstors, Mrs. Kathan Rose and
ms: "BfiiPKiin-Davlar-boih- -of
Itarfolk, Va.. onl Mrs. Otis Mc-
damrock of Alcron, Ohio; nnd
two grandchllihon.
Mrs. Z. W. aiiteheU. 87
Pimeml services tor Mrs. Knlh-
erlns Baity MltehcU. 87. of Mll-
ledgcvlBe. Gd., widow of Zcbulon
W. Hhtotoell. wore held Saturday
afternoon at Eaton's Chapel. The
Hdv. UtUfe suggs duieifltea. but-
tal was in the Fork Baptist Church
Mrs. Mitchell died Jan. 23 at a
hospital In MlllcdgcvlUc. Ga.
She waj bom In Davle County
to James D. and Sarah Sossamon
Bolty. She was a retired nurse.
She and her husband lived In
Orccniibctro from 1037 to lOSO,
oFeraHtttr-thc-Mitdtell FhintrFarm
there. Her husbond died In 1061.
Surviving arc a s'ster. Mrs. WU-
Itnm Johnson of Kannspolls.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/31/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 7,1963 - Page 2
Mm. Etslc K. Purvis 1
Mrs. Elrlc K. Purvis died sud-
driity Friday o.m .nt the UoinC]
or 0 daufdilor. Mrs. R R. natlcy.'
hi NPAtotki~7¥ha;lhitt; -Fuiiejal-l
service was held Sunday afienioon:
nt H. D. Oliver Funeral Apart''
■'Wchla"lh KdrTdlir. ■ Thn Hcv. \v; D.,
Oarrett of Lynn Haven. Va.. of- 1
ficlaled. fl MilAtcd by the Rev..
Oewey 1 James, pastor of Sblsci
Baptist Church. Burial was In.
Forest Lawn Cemetery. Norfolk.
Survivors at*e: four daughters.:Mrs. E. R. Ratio* of Norfolk; Mrs. |
Frank Ocnr of New Orleans. La.:
Mrs. Doris DIxon. Norfolk, and
Mrs. Edd Trolllnser. Silver
Springt, Mtl. TWO sons. J. D.
Purvis. Mocksvllle aind «I. R. Pur
vis, Chicago. III. Twelve grand
children survive.
C. M. S'his
C. M. Sims, business executive
of HoiRton. Texas, was stricken
w'th a heart attack and died sud
denly at his home Monday. Jan.
28. He was 48 years old.
■■"He' Wa:s 'hbrh' ur'Stony 'FBTnl.'
North Carolina, and' received his
education from the University of
North Carolina.
Mr. Sims is the brother of-Mrs.
R. P. York, 620 Wllkesboro St..
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 7,1963 - Page 3
Royce llDvrell
Funeral service for Will Boyce
Hcwcll was ccnduutrd Tuvsdny.
Jan. 20. at Cedar Creek Baptist
Churcli. Officiating was the Rev.
O. W. Campbell of Mocksvllle. a
former pastor of Uie church.
Survivorj arc: the wife, a ion,
Hardin Howell of the home: n
sister. Mrs. Etta Bowman of
Mocksville. and two {crandchil-
Burial was in the church ccmc-
:ory. Morrison and Sludcvcnt
Funeral Home In Mocksvllle was
In ch8*«c cf the funeral.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/7/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 7,1963 - Page 4
Carl A. Boffgeriy, 78
Funeml dcrvlccs for carl Albert
Ba9ffi>rly. 73, of Moeksvllle. Rt. 1
were held Monday afternoon at
the Courtney Baptist Church. The
Rev. E. D. Flowers and the Rev.
R^ph Kogan offlelated. Burial
wtM hi. church .(KOMte^.
Mr Bagg^ly dled 'at U:48r am.
eaturday iu>parently after suf*
fevlng a heart attack at the home
of his sister Mrs. LlUlan Cham-
berlala. He had been In declining
health for the past two years.
He had been making his homo
with Mrs. Chamberlain since his
home In the some community
burned last year.
He had been a farmer and saw>
mill operator.-
He was bom in Xredell County
to Thomas Franklin Baggerly
and Nancy JoJnes Baggerly. Be
married Miss Mary Woolen. She
Surviving In addition to his
wife and Mrs. Chamberlain are
two brothers, Clyde Baggerly of
Los Angeles, Calif., and Frank
another sister. Mrs. S. H. Con
ner of Wlnston-Salem.
Mrs. Elisabeth Dinkins
Funeral services for Mrs. Elisa
beth [Llzsiel Cuthrcll Olnklns.
about 70, were held Monday after
noon at the Wyo Methodist
Church at FaratUigton, The Rev.
B. S. Bearden offlelated. assisted
by the Rev. Joe Melton. Burial
was In the church cemetery.
Mrs. Dinkins died Saturday
night at her home, 4B Main Street
In dooleemee ,after eulferlng a
stroke Thursday.
A-native .of-Yadkln County, she
was the daughter of the late Jo
seph and Sarah Lakey Cuthrell.
She Is survived by one brother,
J. H. Cuthrell of Hickory, and a
number of nieces and nephews.
She was married to the late John
I Dinkins who died a number of
I years ago.
J. W. A. Oodson
J. W. Albert Dodson. 86, of
Sandy Ridge, father of the Rev.
Cameron Dodson of Mocksvine,
died at 9:20 am. Thursday at
Morehead Memorial Hospital at
Leaksvllle after an Illness of B
He was bom In Stokes County
to WlUtam and EUsa Ann Powers
Dodson and was a member of
Buffalo Primitive Baptist Church.
Hn..nu>s n jrffMrffd..fai'njegi
Surviving are nine sons. W. W.
Dodscn of Walnut Cove, Elmer
Dodson of Sandy Ridge, Johnny
Oodson of Shelby. Everett Dod
son of Qalax, Va., Dewey Dodson
of Madison. Rt. 1, Woodrow Dod
son of Wahiut tcove. Rt. 2, Joel
Dodson of Fayetevile, Nod/Dod
son of Walkertown and the Rev.
Cameron Dodson of MocksvlUe;
three daughters, Mn. Walter
Palmer of Gireensboro, Mrs. Hu
bert Hawkins of Madison and
Mrs. Walter ^lencer of Lnwson-
vllle; two brothers. Oavtd and
Turner Dodson. both of Sandy
Ridge; four sistera, Mrs. Frank
Carter. Mrs. Bruce Amca and
Mlsa Pink Dodson. all of Sandy
Ridge, and Mrs. Zeb Terrell of
Summerfteldi 28 grandefaildren:
end nine great-grandchildren.
The ftmeral was conducted at
2 pm. Saturday at Dolts Metho
dist Cliurch by the Rev. 8. R.
ward, Elder Charlie Joyce, and
the Rev. A. D. Sholton.
BuHal was in the Dodson fam
ily cemetery.
Bio — Obituaries - 2/7/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 14,1963 - Page 2
Jamet Boberi Keaton
Jamas Bobart Keaton, 61. of
Advance, Rt. i. died Feb. 6 at hts
home. He died been in declining
healtai two months but death woa
He was bom Dec. 9, 1901. In
Yadldn countjr, a son of prank
and Minnie King Keaton. He
spmit most of his life In Mocks*
Methodist Church Conununlty of
Davle County.
He was a truck driver tor O. B.
Michael Co. In Davle county. He
H-as married Deo. 16,1931. to the
former Mlas Annie Trlvltte.
Surviving In addition to his wife
are two sons, Charlie Frank Kea*
ton of the home and Robert Lu
ther Keaton of Advance, Rt. l;
a daughter. Miss Maty Elizabeth
Kdaton of aemmone. Rt. i; a
grandchild: four brothers, Char-
He, Ray, oiUe and Renzle Kea
ton, all of Clemmons nnd two
alrters. Mrs. Fred Canter of
Clemmons and Mrs. Luther
Stokes of WJnston-Salem.
Mrs. O. W. Crotts. 91
Funeral scrvlec£ for Mrs. eallle
iHcgcc Croits, 91, of Mocksv'.Hc, Rt.
3. we.T held Monday ofternoon
at the nutcn Metltodlst Church.
• Hie Rev. Bltly Cllnard ofllclated.
j Burial was In the church cemc-
r Mrs. Crotts died Saturday at
the Lynn Rovcn Nunilng Home
*afirr an lUness of se\'«ral months.
I She was bsrn In Davle County
(to Jacob A. and Agnes Byerly
Hcge. Her hut-band died in 1933.
Surviving are seven sons. W. J.
Crotts of FaycttevUle, J. O.
I Crotts of New London, Route 3.
}R. F. and L. R Crotts of Albe-
,morlc. A. D. Crotts of the home,
a. L. and D. H. Crotts of Denten;
114 grandchildren: 33 greBt>>gnmd-
I children: and one s'ster, Mrs.
.D. C. Stewart of MocksvUle.
wmie 'Richard Studcvent. Sr..
bom June 18. 1905, departed this
life Feb. 5, 1963, following an ex
tended Illness. He was the son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. William As-
buty Studevent.
He was a native of Davle Coun
ty. and at a nearly age vmn con-,
nested to the Plney Grove AMR.
Zlon Church.
In 1938, he was married to
Margaret Jeffreys of Winston-
Balem, N. C. To this union seven
chlldrw were bom, of vAiom four
Mr. Btudevcnt spent approxi
mately 30 years of bis lifetime In
Par Rcckaway, L. L, N. Y. While
there he was baptised at New
Hope Baptist Church under the
Pa^rship of Rev. Thomas Ma
son. He was a. deacon and chair
man of the trustee board, and
very active In an the church
work. After i-etum'ng to North
Carolina he servei^ as financial
secretary and chairman of the
trustee board at Flney Qrove
Re was a member of the Ccrln-
thlan Ledge No. 17, and en Bast-
em Star of Rose De Moll Chapter
No. 631. He was a past patron of
the Eastern star Chapter, and
active In all civic affairs.
He is survived by his wife. Mrs.
Margaret studevent of the home.
Three daughters. Mrs. MarceUa
Lewis of Route 1. MocksvUle; Mrs.
Margaret Necly of Wlnston-Sa-
1cm: and Miss MIrrlum Stude
vent of (he home. One son. WIlUe
R. Studovent. Jr.. a student at
Winston - Snlcm Teocers College.
Two ihU-rs. Mrs. Esieli Fosier and
Mrs. Geneva Scott of Modtsvllle.
Three brotitcrs. Shirley and Clyde
of MocksvUle and Flake of Wash
ington, D. c. Si.x grandchildren
and a hast of nieces and nephews.
Funeral service was conducted
Sunday. Feb. 10. 1863. at 3 pm.
at p:ney Grove A. M. B. Zlon
Church in Tredell county. RiTv.
N. X. Byers officiated, astristed
by Rev. Vemon Shannon. Burbil
followed in the church cemetery
with Masonic rites.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/14/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 21,1963 - Page 1
Mrs. T. N. Chafiin Dies
Mrs. Thomas N. ChafCln died
aroond 9:80 ajn. Wednesday at
the Davle Cotinty Hqafhal tel-
lowlnf a heart attack Tuesday
Mn. Charrin was 79 years of
ace bavlny been born on Oct.
8. 1884.
Funeral arranffcments were
fneomplete at press time.
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 21,1963 - Page 2
P. J. Bouse. 84
Funeral services for Preston
James Reuse. 84. of Kannapolb
were 'hel: Wednc.day moinine at
the Liberty Methsdisi Church in
Davle County. Burial was In Rose
Wr. Rouso d;^d at 7 pjn., Mm-
day at the I.owr*nce Memorial
Hofpltal in MooreAville. He had
been In HI health for the past sev
eral years.
Rouse was a native of Davle
County, the son of Joseph Ander-
con and 6s ra Ann Hants Rouse.
For several years he was custo
dian of the Kannapolls City
6cliool System.
He was later employed by Can
non Mills Co. He had lived In
Kannapolls since 1921.
He was twice married. His first
wife wai Mrs. Mamie Bills Rouse,
-wiie dies' In IBIU. His second wife
was Mrs. Sarah Haneltne Rouse,
who died In 1960.
Stirviving ore a daughter. Mrs.
Qeorre Blackwel! of Kannapolls:
'five so'ts. Marvin H.. J. K-. WU-
jliam H. and Cecil c. Rouse, all
Jof Kannapolb. and J. B. Rouse of
AndCTwn. 8. C.; a brother. A. K.
Rnae el Riehfleld. and five grand
Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 21, 1963 - Page 4
I Allen Leeiar Craven, tl
Funeral services for Allen t^ary
Craven, 68. of MoclcsviUe and
Albemarle were held Saturday af
ternoon at -Uto First Methodist
Church In MccksvlUe. The Rev.
W-. W. Blanton and the Rev. E.
M. Avett officiated. Burial was
In Rose Cemetery.-- —
Mr. Ci-av»i died Thursday at
the Stanley County Hospital in
AllMmarble. He had been 111 since
He was bom In Davle County
to Lee and Darcus Allen Craven
and was emtdoyed by Almond
Feed Mill at Albemarle for sev-
.eral years.
Surviving are his wife, the fmr-
'mer Miss Ruth Snider; two daugh
'ters, Mrs. James Bullabough of
Mocksvllle, Rt. 1, and Mrs. Abe
.Howard, Jr., of MoclcsviUe: two
grandchildren: bis father, of
MoclcsviUe; six brothers. C. C.
and Clarence B. Craven, both of
MoeksvlUe. Floyd and W. O. Cra
ven, both of SoUsbury, Oeorge
Craven of Camden, S. C. ,and Les
ter Craven of Charlotte; and
ttirce-sistctai Mrsz-C.-R. Hhomp"
son of Mount HoUy, M. J., Mrs.
Frank Short of M<»clcsvllle: and
Mm. W. H. ^person of Charlotte.
Mrs. O. B. MbDanlel, 66
Funeral services for Mrs. Jettle
Bilae MCDanlel, 85. of Harmony,
Rt. a, ..were held Sunday after-
noon at the New Union Metho-
dits Church, ime Rev. C. M. Dod-
son, the Rev. Carey Bulla and
the Rev. W. L. Coekman officiat
ed. BuTl8tl was In the church cem
bB-s. MOOanlel died Saturday at
the Davis Hospital In StatesvlUe
where she had been a patient 3
She was bom In IredeU County
40 Ben and Henrietta Smith
Surviving are her husband; a
son, John Frank MCDanlel of
Harmony, Rt. 1; a daughter. Mrs.
Joe AUred of Harmony, Rt. 1;
three sisters, Mrs. Bd Oalther of
Orlando, Fla, Mrs. Wade SherrUl
of Harmony and Mrs. Daisy John
son of Harmony, Rt. 3; two sons.
W. C. end T. M. Rl^rdson,
both of Harmony. Rt. 1; and sev-
cral grandchildren.
Mrs. O. R. Whitaker. 67
Funeral services for Mis. Essie
Mae Whitaker, 67. of MooksviUe,
Rt. 3. wife of O. R. Whitaker.
were held Sunday at the Oak
Grove Methodist Church. Tho
Rev Jack Yarborough and the
Dev. George Auinan officiated.
Burial was in the church ceme
Mi's. Whitaker died unexpect
edly at 9 p.m. Friday a 'he Da
vle County Hospital. Sho suffer
ed a heart attack and died in the
emergency room.
She was bom in Davle County
to M. F. and Bessie Porks WaU.
Sttrvlvlny are her husband;
four daughters. Mrs. Fredi Wall.
Mrs. W. H. MCDanlel. Jr., and
Mrs. J. E. Speaks, alt of Mcoks-
vdle Rt. 2. and Mrs. W. L. Mul-
Uns, Jr., of Cascade, Md.; three
sons, Oalther, James F. and
OeoiYc Lee' WSiltaker, all 'of
MccksvlUe. Rt. 3: eight grand-
chUdren; her mother of Mocks-
vUle, Rt. 2: a brother. Dock Wall
of MoeksvlUe, Rt. 2; and three
sisters, Mrs. Roger MeClamrock,
Mrs. John Frank Jones of Moeks
vlUe, Rt 2. and MM. J<mn Wklta-
kar of Bast Speuesr.
Bfra. olUe Stoekton, 17
Funeral services for Mrs. OlUo
Denny Stoekton, 87, of Salem
Hoiite, Wltittlou - Salem, formerly
of MoeksviUe, were held Wednes
day aftomoott at Eaton's Funeral
Homo Chapel. The Rev. W. W.
Blanton and Or. James C. Hughes
offtelaled. Burial was in Rose
Mrs. Stockton died at 4:30 p.
m.. Monday at the Davle County
She was bom in Davle County
to W. C. and Margaret Wilson
Denny. Her husband. Prince O.
Stockton, died sevoral years ago.
She spent most of her life here
and had been at Salem Home
eight years.
She was a member of Moeks
vlUe Metnodlst Chhrch and was
a charter member of the Order of
the Eastern Star.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs.
Mary Stockton Byrd of Winston-
Salem; two grandchUdren; and
three great-grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 28,1963 - Page 4
MTi. L. P. Cartner.TI
pxmera) services for Mrs. Lola
Poner Gartner, 77. of Lexington
Road, MocIcsvUle. wife of L. P.
Gartner, will be held Thursday
mctnlng at ll oJn. at the Bethel
Methodist Ohureh. The Bov. C.
M. Dodstm. the Rev. O. B. Perree
and the Rev. Fostel Loflln wUl oL>
flelate. Burial will be In the
ehureh cemetery.
Mr^i Gartner died at 10:20 asn.
■niuday at the Davle County Hos
pital after an Illness of (k we^
She was bom In Davle County
to Jacob p. and Sarah WllUams
Paster. She was married in 1007.
She was a member of Bethel
Methodist Cliureh.
Surviving are her husband: two
brothers. F. H. Foster of Wlnston-
Salem and Charles A. Foster of
MocksvUle Rt. S; and a sister
Mrs. W. A. Wyatt of Winston-
Bio - Obituaries - 2/28/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 28,1963 - Page 6
Afn. T. N. Chaffln. 18
iPuncral servicra for Mrs. Ida
Betta Chaffln. 78. of Mocksvllle,
vrldow of T. N. Chnflln, were held
Thuniday afternoon at the Eaton
Funeral Chapel. The Rev. W. W.
Blnn>u>n officiated. Burial was In
Rose Cemetery.
Mrs. ChafTln died at 7:40 n.nt.
Feb. 80 .at the Davie County Hos>
pital after a heart attack.
She was bom In Randolph
County to Albert and Mellnda
Hannah Betts.
She was a member of Mocks*
vlllo Methodist Church.
Surviving are two sons. Holland
H. Chaffln of Mocksvllle and Wil
liam B. Chaffln of Ooldsboro;
four daughters, Mrs. James Nas-
sar of Charlotte. Mrs. Clay lynch
of Salisbury. Mrs. Paul N. Hum
phreys of Raleigh, and Mrs. M.
.D. McBride of South HUl Va.; a
stepdaughter. Miss Emma Chaf-
fin of Durhamr-gO-grandelrikhai
and four great - grancehUdren:.
-two -brethero,' •Edga^-^t-Betta-of l
Albemarlc and Connie Betts of.
Jacksonville, JFIa.; and two sis
ters. Mrs. H. S. Luther of Char
lotte and Mlas Lula Betts of Red.
Joe Cash Frye, 65
Funeral services for Joo Cash
Frye, 65. of Mocksvllle. Rt. i. were
held Tuesday morning at Eaton's
Chapel. The Rev. W. W. Blinton
and the Rev. Fred Barnes officiat
ed. Burial was in the smith Grove
Methodht Church cemetery.
Mr. Frye died at 0 am.. Sunday
at his home on Mocksvillo. Rouki
1. He had been in declining health
several months.
He was bom In Davle county
to O. A. and Fonale Bameycastle
Frye. He was a retired furniture
Surviving ore his wife, the for
mer Miss Gladys Templeton and
several nieces and nephews.
Miss Paulette Bldutvd, 18
Funeral services for Miss Paul
ette. 18, of Winston-Salem, were
held Monday afternoon at the
Bethabara Moravian Church.
The Rev. Paul Snider officiated.
The body was sent to Madison,
Kentucky for burial.
Miss RtCkard was killed early
Sunday morning In a two-car
oolUson at Polo Road and Cher
ry St. In Wlnston-Salem.
She was bom In Madisonvllle,
Ky., (to Paul B. and Irene Ashby
XUckaM. She lived at Evanston,,
lnd.^^m 184S lived
fore moving io Winston Jn 1BS9.
—Bbc wtas a senior at Northwest
High Scbsol and was a member
of its Library Club. She also was
a member of Bethabara Moravian
Mn. Ralph H. Page
Mrs. Maggie Moore Page. 68.
Wife of Ralph H. Page of Cleve-
landi, Rt. 8, Cool Springs com
munity. and the mother of Mrs.
C. R. Crenshaw of Mocksvllle.
died unexpectedly Monday from
what an attending physician said
was a heart attack.
IXmcral services were held on
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 at
Cool Springs Methodist Church.
Mrs. Page was bom In IredeU
County to J. L. and Guffy Moore.
She Is sttrvived by her huSband;
one -son. J. W. IBuckl Page of
Cool Springs; two daughters. Mrs.
C. R. Crenshaw of Mocksvllle
and Mrs. R. D. Russell of Greens
boro: six grandchildren: three
brothers. Wade H. Moore of
Statesvllle. Rt. 4. end J. o. and
R. N. Mooro of Cleveland: and
four'sisters. Mrs. C. P. Holland
of StaXesviUe. Mrs. W. L. Brown
of Sebring. Fla., Mrs. R. N. Nib-
lock of Washington. D. C.. and
Mrs. L. G. Knox of Statesvllle,
Rt. 1.
Charles E. Mllholen. 70
Funeral services for Charles
E^gar Mllholen, 70, of Cooleomce
wore, held Tuesday afternoon at
the Coolecmcc Methodbt Church.
The Rev. Joe T. Melton officiated.
Burial was in the Rowan Memor
ial Park.
Mr. Mllholen died Saturday
night at the Rowan Memorial
Hospital after on Illness of sev
eral weeks.
He was bom In Rowan County
nitd was a retired textile worker.
Uo was employed at Erwin Mills
for many years prior to his re
Survivinp ,irc the wife; one son.
Charlci H. Mllholen, Jr. ,cf Cool-
eemce; one daughter. Mrs. Rod
ney B. Hur.Iies of Anchorage.
Alnhka; two grandchlidren; and
two trifileis. MlMCs Bessie and
Mary Milholen of Statesville.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/28/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
. J-
( ^
bavie Native
AuditeyDean tlbw«r<fj
of ViaS Hardin Avenue, Miami- Beach, Florida, ^dd Friday. at her - home in Miami
Bedch. ^beath was imtexpect-
1 . A native of Davie County,I Miss Howard the-daugh-
' ter of the late bewitt and Co
ra Bell Rouse Howard. Sheattended Davie County school.Survivors; in'cludte six bror-
thers, JacK.HowaT.d o^iNash-^lie, Tenn., Clinard P. How-j
ard of Mocksville, Glenn Z
Howard of Baltimore, Md,
Carroll F Howard of Skanea:telfess. New York, Marshall
S. Howard of West PalmBeach, Fla., and Gilmer B.
Howard of Baltimore, Maryland; four sisters, Mrs« Mild
red Holshouser of Norfolk, Va.,
Mrs. Thelma i^anck ot Balti-
zndre, Mainland, Mrs. ThirzaList, of Wmstbn-Salem, Mrs.Dorothy McCoihb of Balti-
mcrre, Md.
Funeral services were con--
dufcted Sunday afternoon at
2:30 at the Summersett Fun-erad Chapel Salisbury by the^
Rev. F. E. Howard of Char
lotte. Burial was in RowanMeinonal Park. t,2^-C3
Davie Go. Public Liufary
Mocksville, N. C.
Ksie Kin^ees,
I o3;;'Wiaow 'of.tt CJr^SCurfefes
6f< Route dSSsd
ati^ervsiome ail i -ii.-
Tuesday^Tv ^" *
She was bom\ in Davie
County March 9, 1881, the
daughter of U. A. and Mary.^■ Williams.; Orrell. She was
married ^ to ..D.- C. Kurfee's in1913. He /died" in' 1945.
Surviving are five children^;D.'Camillus Kurfees andjRob-ert 0.„ both of Route 4, RalphC., of Harmony,. Mrs. C^IesT; Johnson of Havelock,. Mrs.
Derwood LaMont of Levit-tdwn,, Pa., 10 grandchildren.
' Funeral services were in the
Church atM. Thursday with theRev..Robie Evans, , the- Rev.Egbert Oakley and the Rev.Sidhey Norton officiating. Bu
rial was in. «ie Centre Methodist -Church ^cemetery.
2l- \ f (,2
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 7, 1963 - Page 5
Mrs. J. H. Uatlcdfe. 95
Funeral services for Mrs. Julia
Hunter Rattedge. 95, of Modca-
vllle, Rt. 5, widow of John M.
Rattedge, were held Friday af-
terncon at the Chestnut Grove
Methodist Church. The Rev. C.
M. Oodson officiated. Burial was
In the church cemetery.
Mrs. Ratledge. widow of Jolui
M. Ratledge, died at 10:15 Feb.
27. at the Lynn Haven Nursing
She was born In Davie County
to William and Martha Booe
Hunter. Her busband died In 1952.
She was a member of Chestnut
Grove Methcdi^it Church.
Surviving are four sons, Fred
Rattedge of Gi^nsboro, Duke
Ratledge of Mocksvltle, Charlie
Rattedge of Mocksvllle. Rt. S and
Dewey Ratledge of China Grove:
three daughters, Mrs, Roy Oixon
of Mocksvllle, Route S. and Mrs.
Lela Graves and Mrs. Turner
Ladd, both of WInston-Salem; 29
grandchildren and 58 great
RobertrBaxler MlUer, 90
Funeral services for Robert
Baxter Miller, 80, of Mocksvllle,
Rt. 3, were held Saturday after
noon At the Turrentlne Baptist'
Church. The Rev. W. H. Perry. |
the Rev. C. M. Dodson and tlu:
Rev. Harold Parker officiated.
Burial was In Ute church ceme
Mr. Miller died at noon Thurs-;
day Qt the Hilltop Rest Hoptci
where he had been o patient for;
icn days.
He was born in Davidson Coun*,
ty to Nicholas and Martha Foster!
l^llcr and was a lettred textile |
employee of Erwin Mills. He was
a member of Tun'entlne Baptist
Surviving are a son, Frank Mil
ler of Mocksvllle. Route 3: two{
daughters, Mrs. Lizzie Brown of I
Lexington and Mrs. Valder Pea-1
cbek ol MoeksviVie, Rtl'S; fttur)
grandchildren: ond ten great-1
Mrs, J. O. Bracken. 73
Funeral services for Mrs. Eliza
O'Neal Bracken. 73, ol Mocksvllle,
Rt. 1. wife of J. o. Bmcken. were
held Sunday afternoon at the
Liberty Baptist Chuith. The Rev.
E. P. Caudle and the Rev. E. K.
Wooten officiated. Burial was In
the church cemetery.
Mrs. Bracken died Friday at
the DavIe County Hospital. She
hod been admitted three days be
She W03 born In Davle County
to James W. and Mary Evans
She was a member of Bear
Creek Baptist Church.
Surviving are her husband: five
sons, Marvin Bracken of Mocks
vllle, Rt. 1. Roy Bracken of Har
mony. Albert Brackmi of Mocks
vllle, Rt. 1. James Bracken of
Mocksvllle. Rt. S, and Charlie
Bracken of Advance, Rt. I: four
daughtera. Miss Mary Bracken
of the home, Mrs- Isabella Tol-
ley of Wlnston-Sglem: Mrs. Ger
tie Crook of yadklnvUle. Rt. l.
and Mrs. Ida Cleary of Mocks
vllle, Rt. 1: 38 grand nhOdron:
nine great grandchildren; and
two brothers, John O'Neal of
Mocksvllle, Rt. 5 and Ben O'Neal
of Pittsboro.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/7/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 7,1963 - Page 4
George E. Gibson. 87
Funeral services for George
Ellis Gibson, 87. of Ccoleemee
were held Wednesdoy afternoon at
the Coolecmee Methodist Church.
The Rev. Joo Melton, the Rev.
Phillip Olbbs and the Rev. Clyde
Settle officiated. Burial was In
the Center Methodist Church
M)r. Gibson died at 1.10 am.
Monday morning at this home in
North Cooleemec. He had been In
declining health for the past few
Bom in Davte County June 3,
1876, he was Nie son of Isom and
Margaret Amelia Campbell Gib
He was a member of Ocxdee-
mee Methodist Chiueh, the Junior
Order, the (PCS of A, the Redmen
and the Order of MW of A.
Survivors include his wife, the
. fnrmgi- gu«n>ipth ranger. Whom
he matrled In 1914; three daugh
ters, Mrs. Mart Thome of Mocks-
vllle. Rt. 1, Mrs. Robert Gartner
of Cooleemee, Mrs. Ray Overcash
of Cooleemee; one son. Raymond
Gibson of the home; 13 grandchil-
drn; one half-brother. Bill Safley
cf Cooleemee.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/7/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 14,1963 - Page 5
W. N. Attdmon
Funeral .services for Wiley Nell
Andersnn, 7(1. of MocknvUlc Ft. 1.
wre !iej(l Friday Rfirntnon nl
the Center Mctliadlsi Clniirh.
The Rev. James Widte officiated.
Burial ulth Masonic Riles was In
the ehiirrh eemPler>'.
Mr. Anderson died at 11:30 p.
m. Murt-h (llh at the Dnrle Couuo
ty Kosrl'nl nfier nn Illness of
eiahl days.
Mr. Anderson was bom In Da-
vlc County. April 3'J. 1880. o son
of Albert A. and Mary Prnnce.s
Polndcxtcr Anderson. He was
married in IQIO to the former i
Miss EUtcl Maude Anderson, who
died in 1058.
lie was a member of Center
•Methodist Church near Mocks-
ville and titc Masonic Lodge of
Survivlnu are two douglHers.
Mrs. Mlllard Anderson of Mocks
ville. Rt. 1, and M"* V
of Kannapolls: two sons, H. Leo
Anderson of 2308 Rosewood Ave
nue, Whiston-Salcm. and Zol-
He tf: Aiidcisotc "of • -hhmlciviltc;
Rt. 1; eight grandchtldron. one
great - granddaughter, and a
brother. Dr. Robert Anderson of
Mrs. C. tl. Sea ford, 00
Funonl .scrr-jves for Mrs. Ame
lia Wilson SCHtord. GO. of Mocks,
vllln Rt. 4. wife of Charles H.
8enfcrc|. were held Saturday af-i
ternoon at the Ilardlsnii Method-i
dlsl Church. The Rev. Jnmca
White officiated. Burial aius in
the vhuryh cenirtrry. '
Mrs. Scaford died at 8 pjn.
Thui^day at the Davis Hospital
in Statcsvllle. She had been ill
11 dai's.
She was bom In Davlc County
to William C. and Jasephine
Ijamcs Wilson end was a mem
ber of Hordl.son Mctliodlst
Surviving ore her husband: a
son. Ashley Senford of Mocks
ville, Rt. 4: two grandchildren:
four sLetcrs. Mrs. J. W. SmIUi.
Mrs. E. H. Broo'ii and Miss Ed-
rie Wilson, all of Moctuville. Rt.
4, and Mi's. Flake Thomas of
Harmony: and five brothers, R.
O., J. B. end D. c. Wilson, all of
Mocksville. Rt. 4. W. J. Wilson
of Mocksville and W. B. Wilson
of Coolecmec.
Thomas M. Ifendrix, 83
Funeral services for Thomas M.
Hendrlx. 83. of Nnrtli Mnln>
Street, Mockrviltr. were Iicld PrI-j
day afternoon at Eaton Funeral
Chopel. The Rev. Fred Barnes j
and tlie Rev. J. P. Davis offtriat-
rd. Burial wax in the Jcrusakmj
Mr. tlemlrlx clii'd nl 13:40 a.
m. TItuiwriny nt Uie Lynn Haven
Nurxinii Home.
He wns born in Davlc County
to Oeorne nnd Tliercn Lowdcr
HendriN. He wa.s a roilred insur
ance agent. He was mnrrivd to
llic fonner Blnnclie Allen, wliu
survives. He wns a member of
First Biiptixt Church of Mocks
ville and the Patriotic Order of
the Sons of America.
Surviving also e.ix; a dauahtcr.
Mra. Cluirle.H C. Bogcr of 1830
Scotland Avcniic. Chartoltc: and
a grond.son.
Joe Gladen Bawdy
Joe Gladen Buwdy, IS, of 8e-
vicrvllle, Temt., died at 6 am..
Thursday at the Bennett's Chil.
dren Nurslnv Home here. He was
i admitted there five days befoiv.
I He was t>om in Rutherford
I County. N. C. ta Horace Oladcn
Bawdy and Orah Lee Hill Braw-
1 dy.
1 His parents are his only sm>
The funeral gnd bunal was
i conducted hi BpUutale.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/14/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 14,1963 - Page 5
Mrs. T. K. lathnm, 78
Funcnti ssrvlcps for Mrs. Miir*
garel Boitrr Latham. 78. of Mockf-
villc TU. 2. widow of T. F. LaUinm.
were hrld Sunday afternoon ntj
Uic Eaton Biuitlsi Chnrch. The
Rev. Edward Lauahrldgc. the.
Rev. James White.'the Rev. 1.;
•C.- Morris- imd-the Rev.-H. W.
Hutchens officiated. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Latham died at 5 a. m.
Friday ot the Lynn Haven Nurs
ing Home.
She was bom in Dovie County
to DeWitl and Sally Boles Boger
• and was n mcmbrr of Eaton's
jBopilsl Church. Hrr hiLsband
died in 1047,
j Simivint; are seven sons. Mar-
i tin and Alk-ri Latham, both of
{ Mceksvlll'^. Ri. 1, Kverettr. Mil-
I lord. Wilson and 0.j(ni- Latham,
all of Mo.-Hm llle. Ut. 2. and Tcm-
my Lith.-.m of Lrxlnntrn: four
tiauy.luers. Mm. J. M. Eninn and
Mr<. L. L. White, both of Marks.
\d1r. lit. 2. Miss Bc.osle Ijothom
o; Winrfion-Salrm and Mrs. Clar-
rnci? Gnither of Cuolwmce; a
.sl»tJdouv.l-r. Mm. W. W. P.iilrr-
:ion of Matthews, Rt. 1: 3 stcp-
KOivs. Troy ond Rorkucll Lath.im.
both if WInston.Salcm: 24
arondchlKlren: nin? rrcai-erand-
chidrrn: and two sLsters. Mrs. W.
n. .tordan o! Motksvllle. Rt. 2.
and Mr.s. Marlon Taylor of Wood-
leaf. Rt. I.
I Debra Gall Blvtna
Funeral services for Debra Gail
Blvlns, Infant daughter of Ronald
I Wayne and Gail Peacock Bivliu
n of Mocksvllle Rt. 4. were held
Smiday afternoon at the Flrsl
I Baptist Church of Coolermce.
The Rrv. Charles Bui'chelle of-
I ficlatcd. Burial was In the Li
berty Methodist Church Cemc.
The hifant died at 8:30 asn
Surviving ai« her porcnts; cm
tirnthPr. Ronnte WgYpe Blvtna Of
the home: and her grandparents
Mrs. Mary Peacock and Mr. and
Mrs. W. P.. Blvlns. of Cooleemee.
J. Harold Early, 79
Funeral services for J. Harold
Early. 79-ycar-cId furniture mer
chant of Wlnston.Salcm. were
held Monday aftemson at the
First Baptist Church in Wlnston-
Mr. Early, who lived for many
years In MocksvOIe. died at 8:03
p. m. Saturday at his home in
Winston-Salem. He had been In
declining health since November.
Early, who would have been
80 on April 9. was bom at Biton
In Yadkin County to Peter S. and
Mary Blackwell Early. His par
ents moved to Mccksvlllc in 1896
wltore Early worked on his fa
ther's farm. •
When he came to Winston-Sa
lem on Sept. 10. 1904. the late
B. Fr-HuBSley'eave-hlm-4-iob-4n-|
his furniture store, beginning ol
career which was to spon more
than half a century.
Organiaed Firm
Eorly remained with B. F.
HunUey until 1927 wlicn he.
Prank B. Morris, the late J.
Prank Morris.* and the late Eorly
J. Parrlsh organised Morris-Early
and Co. at 609 N. LIbertv Street.
About two years later tlie com
pany moved to 514 W. Fourth
Street and remained there until
going out of business In 1937
when Early retired at 74.
*-He wat president'of Me com
pany from Us founding to Its clos.
—Early once-SEia;—wued i weiK
Into business. I said my church,
my business and my home arc
going to be the center of my
He was a leader In his church
First Baptist, until his death, and
held Just about every office.
He organized the first men's
Baraca Class in, Winston-Salem
and was Us teacher for several
years. He also organized the Cap
Cormn Class and was Us first
In 1013 Esrly was married to
Miss Pearl Davis. She survives.
Olher Survivors
Also surviving arc a daughter
Mrs. Charles Burclictt of Coolee
mee: three sens. James H. Early
of 309 Biscayne Street. Dr. Paul
D. Early, pastor of Imanucl Bap-
ti:t Chursh. Greensboro, and Dav
id L. Early of Tampa. Fla : nine
grandchildren: one sister. Miss
Grace Earb* of 448 Brent Street-
and two brothers. Thomas A.
Early of 145 Park Circle and
Frank T. Eu:lv of San Matco.
The f-jneral will be canduclet'
at 3 pjn. Monday at First Bap
tist Churih by :hc Rev. llandal-
Lo!hy. Burial \sill be In Salen*
The body will be at Voglcn
Chapel untU 2 pin. Monday and
will be placed in the churoh at
2:30 Pin.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/14/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 14,1963 - Page 2
Wlille W. Smltli. fi?
Funeral services for Willie W.
Smltli. 57. of MoeksvlUc. Rt. 1.
were Ivw Tuesday.
Mr. Sniilli died at 0:30 a.m. nt
the Dnvis IIo»i>ltol In Statrsvlllc.
He lind been a pal lent two
He was born In Davle County
to William B. and Nora Walker
I SurvlvlitiT are five sons. Robert
.Olenn smith of Harmony. Albert
'Eugene and Willie Douglas Smith,
both of the home, and William
Morgan and Alton Walker Smith,
both of MocKsville. Rt. 1; two
daughters. Mrs. Norma Royal end
Miss Mar)' Helen Smith, both of
I Wlnston-Salcm: and five urand-
i children.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/14/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 21,1963 - Page 5
i. W. Jonra, 68
Funeral srrvicrs for Johnny
Wesley Jones. 68. of Mocksvlllc,
Rt. 3. were held Monday after
noon nt the EltoavUtc Metltodist
Church. The Rev. Billy Cllnnrd.
the Rev. J. C. PltsfierQld and the
Rev. Dowen Spitler officiated.
Burial wos In the dmxh ceme
Mr. Jones died at 10:50 a.m.
Saturday ot the Davic County
llcrpltal after on illness of five
He was born in Davie Counly
.o John and Omie McDanlel
Jones. He was a retired farmer.
Ho married Miss Sadie Waller
in 1916.
Sut-vivlne ara his wife, five
dauBhters. Mm. CtUlon Barnes.
Mrs. Robert Leo Robertson and
Mrs. Clyde Taylor, all of Mocki-
vine. Rt. 3. Mrs. WUUam Nlfong
of Lexington, Rt. 4, end Miss
Barbara Jones of the homo; n
son. John Wesley Jones. Jr., of
Mocksvllle. Route 3: a brother.
Jake_.P.. Jonu. .of Mootofllk. Rt.
3; nine "grand eliildren; and a
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 21,1963 - Page 4
BIrs. AUIe Q. Footo
Funeral aftrvtees tm Mrs. AUIe
Q. Foote, 1(6. who died March 13^
Xq^wlng an extended Ufnen were
conducted 6un^, March 17. at
9 PJn. at ShUo Baptist Church
vidth Rev. O. W. Campbdl. Rev.
N. K. Byers and Rev. B. J. Plow-
den offlclaUng.
She was born February 8. 1667. i
in Davle Counly. to the lote John
and Betty Ann arlffln. At an
early ogc alic was connected to
the Cedar Creek Baptist Church
Leiter she moved her member
ship to Chinquapin Baptist
Church and she worked for Shl-
lo Baptist Church for the past
40 years until her health failed.
She was very active In church
work, serving as president ot the
Woman's Home and Foreign Mis.
slonnry AuxlUary of the Yadkln
and Davie Association for SO
She was married to the late
Lee Footo in 1882. To ihis union
were born eleven ohlidren. of
whom five survive. They are; 3
daughters, Mrs. Pearl Howcll of
WInston-Salem; Mrs Gertrude
Howell of WUkesboro: Mra. Ethel
Howell of Mocksvllle: 2 sons,
George Foote of Mocksvllle and
Rodwell Foote of Wlnston-Salem;
a nupiber of grandchUdren. great
grandchildren and other reloUv-
Bio - Obituaries - 3/21/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 28,1963 - Page 5
Mm. o. C. Carter. 93
Funeral aorvlccs for Mra. Salllo
Jnrvis Carter. 83. widow ct O. C.
I Carter, were held Saturday af
ternoon nt the Advance Metho-
dl;t Church. The Rev. Frank
HefTner and the Rev. Kyle N.
Smith ofTlcloted. Burial was in
the church cemetery-
Mrs. Carter died at 11:45 p.
m. Thursday at the Maple Orovc
Nurslna Home. She had been a
potlent there since she liceame ill
eeven years oro.
She was bom In Davle County
to Giles and Amanda ChafTIn
jjart'ls. She spent her early life
there. She lived In the Hanes
community since 1918 and later
made her homo with a daushter,
Mrs. Richard Bryant of 808 Ricks
Drive until she became ill.
Site was a member of Advance
Methcdist Church.
Surviving in addition to her
daughter are two grandohildren
and four arcal-gmttdohlldreu.
Mrs. John Parks. 14
Funeral services for Mrs. Pvk-
nle Miller Parka. 74. of Advance,
Rt. 3. were held Monday after
noon at the Pulton Methodist
Church. The Rev. Billy Cllnard
otflciotcd. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Mrs. Parks died nt 11:46 pm.
Saturday at the home of her sis
ter. Mrs. Etlicl Hcge. She was the
widow of John Henry Parks.
She was bom in Dnvic County
to William and Mariah James
Sur\'ivors inrlude Mrs. Hege
and another lister, Mrs. Marvin
Choffln of Woodlcaf. Rt. 1.
Mrs. R. N. Banes. 86
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary
Gwynn Hanes. 88. of MocksvUle.
Route i. widow of R. N. Hones,
were held Sunday afternoon at
the Bear C.-^ek Baptist Church.
The Rev. W. C. Barkley and the
Rev. Orady Tutterow officiated.
Burial was in the Woodlawn
Cemetery in Winston-Salcm.
Mrs. Hones died at 10 pan. Fri
day at the home of a son. John
Hones, of Mockaville. Rt. 1. She
had been In declining health sev
eral mcnths.
She was bora In Carroll Coun
ty. Va.. to Steve and Carrie Ay-
crs Qwynn.
Her husband died In 1000.
survlvinK In addition to John
Hanes nit; another son. Oscar O.
Hones of Hickory: three daugh
ters, Mrs. O. B. Brlnkley of Salis
bury. Mrs. T. A- Meroney of Hick
ory. and Mrs. Either Burke of
Norwood: 24 grandchildren: 44
great-grandchildren: cIrIU great-
great • grandchildren: and two
brcthera. Columbus and William
Owynn. both of Cona. Va.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/28/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 28,1963 - Page 5
Charlex M. Cope. 91
Ftmernl services for the Rev.
Chnrles MUrhelt Cope. 91. of
North Wllkcsboro. were conduct*
ed at 3 pjn. Sunday at Warren-
Nfllter Funrra) Home Chnpel by
the Rev. Warren Kcrr and the
Rev. R. F. Smith. Jr. Burial was
In Ashe Lawn Memorial Park ot
West Jefferson.
—The Re>. Mi; Cope, a tAU.»d
minister who said recently he
had married an estimated 100.000
couples, died at 11:30 pm. Thurs
day at his resident at 912 0.
Street In North Wllkcsboro. He
had been 111 three months.
He was bom In Davie County
to Jacob and—Snisab(4h— -FostSPn
At 21 he was ordained a Bap
tist minister. Before his retire
ment because of odvanced aee he
served chuiches In many areas.
Including Watauoa. Wllkes. Aslie.
Alleghany. Rowon. Davio and
other Northwestern North Caro
lina counties.
He said recently that he be
lieved he had performed more
marriage ceremonies than any
other minister In the United
In 1038 he performed a mar
riage ceremony in the nlr when
he married a couple in o plane
6.000 feet over Baltimore. Md.
During his residence In North
Wlllcesbbro he was a member of
Hlnshaw Street Baptist Church.
He ^was married to Miss Flora
Elizabeth MeCbnn, who survives.
Also surviving 'ore two dough-
Mury Cupj uf the hume,
and Mrs. Flora Bcatrloe Ballowo
of Farmvllle. Va.: ;wo sons, thsf
vld A.-Cope of Ohestar, Fa., and
Chai^les Judson Cope df Jsftsrson:
a bfDthar. Cop Jacob dope oi
Spenosr: a stater. Mra. Molllo
Young of Cooleemce: »e v e n
Bio — Obituaries - 3/28/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 4,1963 - Page 7
Willie F, Porreet
Willie Fi-ii;:kl!n Forropi. 4D. of
Mockrvllle, lU. 4. dird ni T pm.
'Iliiirxdny nl Uie VVtoinns Adtniii>
l.lt-tiiJuti Ito.il lull ill Duilaiin. IK*
hnd been in ricclinlim lienltli fH*v-
eml tuciuiis.
lie wiis born in Dnvio County
to J. Fitink on;: E.«iilc Poster
FcrrcKl nnd wus n nitmlirr of
Turirntlnc Biiplitt Church. He
wns n tile worker nnd floor fin-
iHls uifc. the former Helen Cnr-
tor. survives. Also surviving nrc
n slritdnushter. Ml.ss Ann Carter
ol New York: n step sen. Onry
Curler. In the Navy, utalloned In
Lunn Be.tch. C.tllf.: n brother,
doe Forrest of Winston *• Salem:
four sisters. Mrs. John Rnttr. of
Moekivllle, Rl. 4. Mrs. Arthur
Smcot of Mocksville. Ri. 3; nnd
Mrs. Roy Snync nnd Mrs. Dennis
Bnmey. both of Wln*ton-Snlcm.
TIte funeiYl wns conducted Sun
day ot Turrentinc Baptist Church
by the Rev. W. H. Perry and the
the church cemetery.
Darld F. Crctts, 72
Funeral services for David
Fmnklin Crotts. 72, ol Mocks
ville. Rt. 4. were held Monday nf-
temocn at tho Concord Methodist
Church. The Rev. Robert Ftwt
and the Rev. J. B. FltnRcrtild of
ficiated. Biirinl was in the church
Mr. crotts died nt 9:30 p.m..
Friday In the Davle County Hos
pital after a week of serious lU-
He was born in Davlo County
to Robert nnd Scphia Shuler |
Craftb!. He was a farmer. He
morrlcd Miss Nettle Brogdcn In
SucvlvtnB arc his wife: two
daughters. (Mrs. Bill Spry and!
Mrs. John Wagoner, both of
Mocksville. Rt. 4. five sons. Dan
iel. Prank, Robert Homer, Hen-,
ry Turner Crotts and Tommy H.j
Crotts. all of Moclctvlllc. Rt. 4:
23 grandchndrcn: five great-1
srandchlldren; and three sisters.!
Mrs. O. N. Safrted ond Mrs. W.i
T. Scchrest. both of Mocksville. j
Rt. 4. and Mrs. Fletcher Beck ofj
Cleveland. N. C. i
R. R. Bidden. 64
Funeral cervices for Rufus Rad'-
ford Bidden. 64. ol Advance. Rt.
2, were held Saturday ot the Ful
ton Methodht Church. The Rev.
Billy Cllnard and the Rev. C. E.
Crawford' officiated. Burial wns
in the church cemetery.
Mr. Bidden died oi 3 ojn. Thurs
day at his home. Death was un
Bom in Davle County, he was
the son of the late George and
Sarah Prances Carter Bidden.
He was first married to the
former Annie Stewart who died in
1043. His second wife. Ute former
Alice Blake, whom he morrled in
1945, survives
Also su*wiving ere three sons.
A. W. SifldcQ nf flcnrglfl. Npteon
Bidden of Burlinnton .Bobby Ray
Bidden of the US Navy, stationed
in Scotland: five daughters. Mrs.
Lloyd Phillips of Lexington. Rt.
3. Mrs. Howard Flnley of Lexing
ton. Mrs. Ernest Lee of Lexing
ton. Miss Willie Mae Sldden of
Advance. Route 2 and Mrs. San-
fsrd Bmith of Lexington. Route
3: 13 grandchildren: two sisters.
Mrs. L. P. Miller of Linwood. Rl.
1, and MVS. T. M. Hendrlx of Ad
vance. Rt. 2; two broihera. Henry
nnd Clyde Bidden of Advance. Rt.
Mrs. Jack L. Boles
Funeral rervlcfi for Mrs. Bcr-
ihat Lee Daniolft Boles, 67. of
Mocksville. wife cf Jack L. Bdes.
v.vrc hold .laturday afternoon at
:he Eaton Funeral Chapel. The
Rov. Thomas Tuggle ard tiie
Rev, Boljby Rldtio officiated.
Burial was In the Oak Grove
Mrs. Boles died at 3:15 p.m.,
Ihursday at the Broughton Uos-
pilnl In Moi'e.inton. Ehe had bsen
In deeUniiig health for two yeors
aiiJ A patient in the ho.pitsl fo:'
li nontlis.
Bim in Rownn County June 28.
1E3&. she wn.4 the dnuahter of the
late Rcberl and Matllc Sniiil Con
iclt. She wns n member of Dutcli-
m.-.n Civtk BaptKl Church.
Survivors include her husband,
.lack L. ErL'is: cnc son. C.i.n'er
D.miels of Balbbury: one adopted
tiati.'tlitcr Mtf. Ki-nny Leonard of
Ix^.xlnglon: three brothers. Floyd
Daniels of COolecinee. Ralph Dun-
iclH o9 Chnrlottr. and Holland
D.anir1s of Concord: one slater.
Mac Daniels of Saliabury; two
M's: Nan Douthll
Miss Nan Douthit died in a
Charlotte HosplUI Monday at
10:30 pjn. after an extended Ul-
FUneral service was held In
Clemmons Baptist Church Wed-
needny at 3 pjn. Burial was In
Old Fraternity Cemetery at
Survivors arc: three sisters.
Mrs. Celia D. PIckens of Cltarlotte
with whom she lived; Mrs. E. H.
Moni:. ond Mrs. A. E. Hartman
who lives here with herdaughter,
Mrs. L. S. Bowden. on Wflkes-
boro et She Is an aunt of E. C.
Morris and Mrs. L. S, Bowden.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/4/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 4,1963 - Page 7
Mm. V. n. Whelps
Mrs. Irene Sheck Phclpj. 65. of
LrwJsville. Rt. 1. widow of U. H.
Phclps. died nl 6:46 a.m. Friday at
D.nvie County Horpltnl. She hird
been in dccllnlne health several
She was born in Dovic County
to Willie Richard ond Fannle;
Renuchamp Shcek. Her husband*
dieo in 1D40. '
She forinei-ly lived in Advance
and W09 a members of Mocka
Methodist Church.
* •^tuVtvtny-Tmf • liiice -dauaht&roi
Mrs. J. E. Brewer of Winston-
Solcm. Mrs. Loinas Oullett of
Mocksillie. Rt. 4. and Mrs. Rich-
ord Carpenter of clemmana, Bt.
1: four sons. Willie James l^elps
of Wliv:ton>Salem. Rt. 2. Orovcr
Phelps of Lewisville. Rt. 2. Hubert
Phclps of Lewisville, Rt. 1. and
Ralph Phelps of Winston-Salem:
16 eranochlldren; four -ereat-
arandehiidren: f o u'r brbthCrs.
Joel. Robert and Rich Sheek, all
of Winston - Salem. and- Thomas
Sheek of Cooleomer; and three
sifters. Mrs. Edith Cook of
McekivUie. Mrs Hoeel Call of
Moeksvlllc and Mrs. Mae Pence
of Hamlet.
The funeral was conducted
Sunday at Mocks Methoolst
Church by the Rev. Carl Smith,
the Rev. Fletcher Andrews and
the Rev Robert L. Taylor. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/4/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 11,1963 - Page 6
I Mrs. LUIie Miller, sa
I Funpiul crrvlccs for Mrs. UI-
' llf> ihomp cn Miller. 80. of
*TrrrV«.v'.lIf UK A. wore held
1fi:i)rsdr.y nftornnon (V, the Cher*
. ry IHlI L'jthcron Clmrch. The
llrv. Bobby Hlllnrd officiated.
: Bui'lal was In tlio church com-
I ctrty.
j Mrs. Miller died at 10 pjn.
! April 2nd ot a Mocksvllle Nurs-
Ine Home. She had been In de»
I cUntnn health severol years.
She was bom in Davle County
! to Plasant and Ruth MrCum-
mblns Thompson. She was a
, member of St. Paul's lAithoran
Church In Durham.
Surviving arc two sons. John
Albert MUlcr Jr. of the liome and
Dj.tlel B. Mllicr of Mocksvillr
i;. 4; seven daughters, Mrs. R
IQ. yjXcT, Jr.. of Salisbury, Mrs. C.
B. Hcnnan of StatesvUle, Mrs
J. B. Shedd of Arlington. Va..
M:s. W. Louis Christian of Dur-
j hran. Mrs. George Lecato of Bal
timore. Md.. Mrs. Virginia M
' Gai JTODf TVoshhigton -D.~C.t and-
Mrs. D. D. Whltley of Roanoke.
I Va.: a sister, Mrs. J. D. Hodges
I of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4: a half sis-
••.er. Mrs. MUton Fcrrell of Spcn-
jcfr: 22 grandchildren: and 14
I great-grandchildren.
Mts. A. A. Ilolleman, 62
Funeial servlcea for Mrs. Ell-
sabtth Bahnson Hollcman. 62. ot
Uanvllle. Virginia, widow of Ar
thur A. Hollcman. were held
Thursday afternoon at the Pajr-
vlcw Methodist Church at Don-
vUle. The Rev. Lee Jamison
officiated. A graveside funeral
service was conducted at the Pine
Grove Methodist Church by the
Rev. D. B. Rollins.
Mrs. Hollcman died at 1:25 p.
m. April 3 at a Danville hospital
after en lllnr>r.< of two weeks.
She was bom In Fhrmlngton
to Pranch Henry and Mattle
Rich Bahnson and spent
most of her life In the Wlnston-
Salem area. She lived in Klnston
several years and had lived In
DanvlUe about five yeam.
She was a member of Pine
Grove Methodist Chtnch near
here. Her husband died In 1958.
Surviving arc her mother of
FarmlngUm: a daughter. Mr8..B.
A. Wllcox of Laydon. Utolt: two^
sons. Arthur A. Holloman Jr. of
Danville and Henry N. Holleman
of Wilmington: two sisters. Mrs.
Lester Martin of Mocksvllls and
Mrs. R. D. Shore of Fannlngton:!
two brothers, Charles P. Bahnson,
of Cooleemee and Francis H.j
Bahnson of Durham: and six.
John W. TuUerow. 92
Funeral services for John W
Tutleri6w,'*&2V 'of'MoeiSvrile.*' Rl.
1. were held Monday morning at
the Center Methodist Church.
The Rev. James White officiated.
Burial was In the church ceme
Mt. Tutterow died at 8:30 pm.
■Saturday at the Lynn Haven
' Nur^ng Home where he had beenI a patient for the past five years.
■ He was born in Davle county
to George and MolUe Watt Tut
terow. His wife died five yearsI ago.(Surviving *ls a brother. Jim
Tutterow of Salisbury.
Sherry Cranfidd
Funeral services for Sherry
X^mn Cranfield, two month old
daughter of Donald Wayne and
Maudle Melton Cranfidd. were
held Sunday afternoon at the
Turrentftte Baptist Church. The
Rev. W. H. Perry officiated. Bur
ial was In the Batons Church
The infant died at 6:15 am.
MOndoy at the Rowan Memorial
Hospital In Salisbury.
Surviving arc the parents: a
grandmother. Mrs. Stamey Cran
fidd of Mocksvllle: and a grand
father. Richard Melton oi Ad
Mrs. H. D. Snydcr, 88Funeral fcrvlees for Mrs. Irene |
Fmlth Snydcr, 88. of South Main
Street, Mocksvllle. widow of Hen
ry D. Snydcr. were held Wed-nc:day morning at Eaton's Chap-1cl. The Rev. W. W. Blanton ondjtlte Rev. Boyce Wtiltener offle-l
inted. Burial was In Rs-:c Ceme-•-cry. j
Mi's. Snydcr died at 3:40 pm..'
Mcnf^y at the Davle Coimtyl
IXaapltcl. She had been 111 several months. |
She was bom In Davts County I
to John We.Hley and Julia Winters
Smitli. Her husband died In 1848.
Surviving are two daughteri.
Mrs. Mark WUcox of charlotie.and Mrs. A. L. Craven of Mocks-1
vlUe: three granddaughters: andsix grcat-grandchilcren. |
Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 18, 1963 - Page 7
Charica E. McCoy, 43
Funeral services for Chsrlcs
Edward McCoy. 43. of S42 Church
Street, mnnnircr of the Mocks-
vlllo plani of ihr Maslans Diirn-
Icoihcr Company, were held at
the Eaton's Funeral Chnpel Tues
day morylng. The Rev. James
•Rfttchford -ofTkiteted.—Tbn-fradr
wa.s sent to the Lankcnau Funeral
'Home at Riverside. New Jersey.,
for burial. i
Mr. McCcy died at S pjn. Sun
day at the Dflvle County Hoipltal
where he hi;' been a patient only
10 h£urs. He had been In HI
hcaiih RcVcrii 'nioinhs.
Mr. McCoy was born In River-
site. Nf'W Jprscv. to Mr. and Mrt.
Harry MrCuy. He had been con
nected with the Mnsland Dura-
leather Company far 23 years
and c.imc to Mocksvlllc three
1 years ago when the company
opened the Incal pl.int.
He was a graduate of the
Drexel Institute ol Phllatclphla.
Pa. He was a Mason and a mem
ber of the Crescent Temple of,
'the Shrine at Rlvcislde. New Jcr-
'sey. He was a member of the,
, Mocksvlllc Rotary Club.
He was miriicd to Miss Mar-|
larct Downey In 1947. !
Survivine "c his wife: ai
daughter. Margarol Ann MsCoyi j
son!. James Harry. Thomas |
Sdward and Barry Lee McCoy.;
\l\ of the hcme: his mother of|
Riverside. New Jersey: and ai
brother. Albert C. McCoy, ofj
Jgnklnsiown. Pa. . |
The family rcnucstci' that "me-1
morlal-s be made to the American j
Cancer Society.
Mr>. .1. I.. Sparks. 87
Fi.nr.ul .services were held Fri
day uftnrnoon at the Bethel
Mclhn:i.st Church fcr Mrs. Cora
L. Sparks. Ol. t>t Mocksv.lle. Rl.
3, witl.iw of Jcsej'h Love Sparks.
The Rev. C. M. Dndson cffielatcd.
Burlnl wa.s in the church cemc-
Mr.^. Spoifts died at 1:30 p.m..
April 10. at her home after an HI-
neis of several inoiUbs.
She was born In Yadkln Conixty
to Jchn and Amanda Rcccc Say-
lor. She was a member of Bethel
MetKodral 'Church. - •
Her hiisbcns died In 1045.
Survivlni! are four sons, J. R..
C. O. and C. R. Sjiorks, all of
Winslcn - Snlem ,nnd Henry M.
Sp\:k.s of Mockivllle. Kt. 3: 14,
grandt hlldrcn: 20 urcat-prand-
clithJrcn; four sisters. Mj-s. Elra
Ktlly of Minml. Fla.. Mrs. A. A.
Dcub cf Eac: Bcml. M--". Oeorco
M.lUsnp.s cf Pfafftown and Mrs.
llatUe Tnyhr ol East Bend: and
two brothers. Ben and Arthur S.-iy-
ior *bOtn cfEast BeTat.
Mrs. Lee T. SIdden. 04
Funeral service* for Mrs. Mary
Shuti Sldden. 84. of 423 HUlsldc
Drive. Oroensboro. wife of Lec T.
Sldden. were held Friday morning
at the Hanea - Llnsbcrry Chapel
In Greensboro by the Rev. Jack;
Cpuscy and 'the Rev. C. E. Crnw-
fcid of Advance. Burial was In the
Advance Methodist Church Cem
Mrs. Sldden was cead on arri
val April lOlh at the Moses Ccne
Hospital In Greensboro after suf
fering n sudd.m lllne.w at her
She was torn in Advance and
had lived In Greensboro since
1926. She was a member cf Ad
vance Dapllrt Clmrrh on; was a
jellied registered, nurse. She at
tended SI. Peter's Hospital School
of Nursing In Chailctlc. She was
■» member of the Orenesboro
V/oman's Club.
Surviving are her hufbaml:
three sisters. Mrs. Edna March of
Wlnston-Sttloin and Mrs. Florence
Leonard and Mrs. M.\ttle Poln-
icx'.er. both of Advance: and two
•brothers. A. L. Shutt of Advance
] and O. H. C. Shutt. Jr.. of Mocks-
•vllle.- -
Mrs. Floy Holyfield. 45
Mrs. Grace Viola Holyfield. 45.
of Elkln. Rt. 1. sister of Mrs. Roy
Harris of Mcoksvlllc. died Satur-
f^y in Chatham Memorial-Host
pltal. Funeral sei vlccs were held
at 2:30 pJ"- Monday ot Salcm
Fork Baptist Church In Mount
Airy by the Rev. Qllmer Denny.
Burial was In the church ceme-,'..ery. !
Mis. Holyfield. wife of Floy
Holyfield. h.''.d been 111 several
Ehc was born In Suviy County
to Enery and Durcllln Hurl Holt.jSl'.e was a tmmber of Salcin Psrk
Baptist Church.I SurvlviHR are her husbanf: a
ton. L-ian Holyfield of the home; |
a d.iuehtcr. Miss Knlby Holyfield :Flu.: mid Iwo slHlers. Mr# Spo-i ol the home: a Brandchlld: a'|foi: cnve cf Dobson, Rt. 1 .and■ bi'Ovhcr, Harvey Holt, of Miami, i j M.a. Hnrri* of Mock-svllle.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/18/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 18,1963 - Page 7
Mm. J. P. ticndrix.
I Funeral xcrrlces for Mm. Myrtle
AUfv Hen^ilx. 70, wife of J.
F:onk Hcndrix of Mocksvillc, Rt.
a. were held Monday afternoon at
the Oulln Methodist Church. The
Rev. Dwlght Mashbum. the Rev.
Oeorac Smith, and the Rev. W.
N. Holbrosk ofticlatod. Burial
was In the smith Grave Metho
dist Church cemetery.
Mrs. Hendrlx died at the home
at 11:40 p.m.. Saturday. She had
been In -dcrllitine health several
Mrs. Hcndrix was bom in Davle
county to Thomos W. and Emily
liAncs Vanzont. She was married
in 1914. She was a member of
Dulln Methodist Church.
SurvlvliiK are the husband: one
brother. Tommy Vanzant of
Moeksvlllc Rt. I.
I Steven Dale Howard
I Steven Dale Howard, age 10. of
3«2 Rlo*bcrr5r O'... in KflRWoUs.
died Tuesday at his home. Fun
eral plans at press time were In
He was a brother of Grady
Howard of M;ocksvtlle.
Survivors include his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Howard;
bl5lBTR.-Mrs:-^Bob-«arlar Mrs«-Ray.
Atwosd. both of Kannapclls;
brothers, "Hershel Howard of
Camp Lejucnc and Orody How
ard of Mocksvllle.
U W. Boger. 76
Funeral services for Luther
Watson Boger .76, of Mocksvllle,
Rt. 2. will be held Friday afcer-
nccn at Eaton Funeral Home
chapcl by the Rev. Edward
Lauehridgc aid the Rev. Bennle
Beardcn. Burial will be in the
Wcilcy Chapsl Cemetery.
M.*. Boger died at 0 a.m- Tues
day at the Chatham Hospital in
E kin. He had been 111 four days.
'He was born in Davle County
t3 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Boger.
His fl»3t wife, the former Knth-
erln McSurlley. died some time
SutTlvIng arc his second wife,
ihe former Miss MolKe Bell Bo
ger; four daughters, Mrs. Doro
thy SmTtH BT-Bei-ktey: Bh; Mrs.
Corrtne Navok of Mobile. 111.,
Mrs. Gladys Powell of Oak Ha
ven, III., and M.rs. Oenevlene
Scott cf Grand Haven, Mich,; 10
irftt^hlldren; three, great-grand-
cliffdren;" a sister, Mrs. Bessie Nl-
fong of WInston-Salem; and three
brothers. Aaron Boger of Mccsk-
ivlllc. Route 6. Dalton Boger of
MoeksvUle. Route 6, and Walton
|B:eer of ThomasvlUe.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/18/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 25,1963 - Page 6
Roger Dale Rtehle. 19 I
Funeral services lor Roger Dale:
Rtehle, 10. a native of Davie
County, who died on Thursday.!
April 18. were held on Sunday,'
April 21. at 2 pjn. at Eaton Fun
eral Rome by the Rev. Edward
Loughrldge. Burial was In Eaton's
Baptist Chui'ch cemetery.
Richie, of Fcrrum, Va., died In
a Roanoke. Va., hospital of in-'
Juries received in an automobile
accident April 14.
He was bom In DavIe County
to Charlie and Josephine Huteh-
1ns Richie.
He was a furniture employee.
I Surviving are his parents of
Pcrrum: a brother. Charlie O.
Richie of Mocksvllle. Rt. 1: and
two sisters, Mrs. Elaine Morrison
and Mrs. Judy Olllcspic, both o(
Bio - Obituaries - 4/25/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 2,1963 - Page 4
Mbs BalUd Cuh, 81
Mia SalUe Blanche c^, age
81 ^ughter of the late Dr. and
Mrs. L. H .Cash of Smith Grove,
died In Broughton Hospital In
Morganton Tuesday night. Sur*
vlvors are a sister. Mrs. F. A.
Naylor of Smith Grove and a
number of nieces and nephews.
Funeral arrangements are in*
J. W. HUI 68
Funeral services for John Will
iam HOI. 68. of North hfaln St..
MoekavUle. will be held at 11 ajn.
Thursday at the Fltst Baptist
Church. The Rev. Fred Barnes
will officiate. Burial wlU be In
Uie Randolph Memorial Park at
Mr. HlU died at 2 pan. Tues
day In the Rowan Memorial Hos
pital after an lllnea of three
He was a member and for the
past 12 years treasurer of Mocks-
vUle First Baptist Church and was
He also was a member of the
church's Brotherhood and had
been a teacher In the Sunday
school Junior department. He was
a merchant and groceryman with
a buslnea on U. 8. 188.
He was bom in Bandolim Coun-
'ty to jUHse and Queen-viamer
He married Mrs. Dorothy Wal
ton HlU In 1843.
surviving are his wife: a daugh
ter by a previous marrt^. Mm.
Sdwaitl AUrad of Ashcooro; two
sons by the previous aarriago.
CSyde Km of Asheboro and J. W.
HUI, Jr.. of •Pulaskl. Va.; six
grandchUdren; three half broth-
es, Julian and OrvU O. Trotter
both of High Point, and Carson
R. Trotter of Sophia; andi three
half sisters. Mrs. John Loftln of
High Point, Rt. 3 Mrs. Walter
Snider of Denton, Rt. 1. and Mrs.
B. L. Summery of Trinity. Rt. l.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/2/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 2,1963 - Page 5
' John G. Bnickpn. Ro
t Funeral .crvlce<t lor John O.
. Bracken. 80. of Morksvine. Rl. 1.
Uvpre held Saturday afternoon at
the Liberty Bapttat Church. The
Rev. E. T. Caudle, tho Rev. B.
K. ViXK>tcn one the BCV. H. N.
Koycs officiated. Burial was In
the church cemetery.
Mr. Bracken died Thursday at
his home. He had been In declin
ing health sewral months.
>He was born In Da vie County i
and was a member of Bear Creek
Baptist Church.
His wife, the former Eliza
O'Neal, died last March.
Surviving are five sons. Marvin
and the Rev. Albert Bracken,
both of Moek-svlllc, Rt. 1. Roy
Bracken of Harmony. Rt. 1.
Jamc< Bracken of Moeks\-lllc. Rt.
5. and Charlie Bracken of Ad
vance, Rt. 1: four daughters.
Miss Mary Bracken of the home.
Mrs. Isabella Tolley of Baux
Mountain Road. Winston - Salom.
I Mrs. Oertle Crook of Tailkln-
{vllle. Rt. 1. and Mrs. Ida darcy
of Mocksvllle. Rt. 1: 28 grand-
-ehUdrenj-dO great -geandeldldrenr
and three brothers. D. L., R. B..
and* W. H. Bracken, all of Mocks
vllle. Rt. 2.
Mrs. Z. V. Burton. 74
Funeral services for Mrs.
Blanche Pack Burton. 74. of Rt.
■3r-Advance.—widow of Bcb-Vance
Burton, were held Friday ofter-
ncon 01 Ute Fork Baptist Church.
The Rev. Dale Suggs and tlte
Rev. H. W. Hutchens officiated.
Burial was In the church ceme
Mrs. Burton died April 24 In
the Davle County Hospital. She
had been 111 several months.
She was born In Oavle County
to Austin P. and Ellen Clark
Pack. Her husband died in 1955.
She was a member of Fork
Baptist Church.
Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Sa
rah Bland of 1058 Betty Drive.
J. P. Sain, 88
Funeral services for James
Franklin Seln. Sr.. 83. of 41 Main
St.. Caoteemee. were held Sunday
'afternoon at the Cooleemee
Methodist Cliurch. The Rev. Joe
T. Melton officiated. Burial was
In the Oak Grove Methodist
Church Cemetery.
Mr. Sain died Friday afternoon
at the Hilltop Rest Home near
^xln^n after a week's aeilous;
tat. Sain was a native of Oavle
County, bom June 7. 1879. son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. John Wes
ley Sain. He was a retlreo' ca^peiiter and'a'nfeidng member of
Cooleemee Methodist Church.
He also belonged to the Red-
men and the PCS of A.
Survivors Include six daughters.
Miss Inez Sabi and Mrs. Walter
Pbelps of Cooleemee. Mrs. Baxter
Gibson of Route 4. Mocksvllle.
Mrs. Bubert Mlsenhelmer of
Route 1. Mi. mia. Mnu K. B.
Mitchell of 424 Calhoun St.. Salis
bury. and Mrs. H. E. Byerly of
173 Ryan Street. Salisbury: three
sons. Ernest Sain of Cooleemee.
Clarence Sain of Route 4. Mocks
vllle. and James F. Sain. Jr. .of
Route 8. Salisbury: two brothers.
C. P. Sain and P. K. Sain of
SanitapoUs; one aister. Mrs. Min
nie Huirman of Rt. 4, Lcxinston:
17 grandchildren; and 18 great
Mrs. B. F. Bclton. 96
Funeral services for Mrs. Oc-
tavla Knox Holton. 98i of Rt.
5, Mocksvllle. widow of B. F. Hol
ton, were held Monday after
noon at the Unten Chapel Metho
dist Church. The Rev. C. D. Dod-
son and the Rev. Dewey XJamcs
sftlctated. Burial was In the
church cemetery.
Mrs. Holton died Thursday
'nlaht at the home of n daugh
ter, Mirs. John Gettys of Shelby.
She hod been visiting her dough
icr n few weeks.
She was born In Iredell County*
10 Robert and Laura Mills Knox
and wee a member of Union
Chapel Methodist Churclu
' Her hUfbantl died In 1935.
Surviving In addition ta Mrs.
Qett.vs ore three other daughters,
Mrs. E. H. Frost ond Mm. John
Beck, both of MockBvme, Rt. 5,
and Mrs. Margaret J. Adoms of
Tu'sa. Okla.; four sons, Paul L.
Holton of Lexington, Dewltt Hol-
isn of WInston-Salem, Rt. 2: Theo
dore Holton of Harmony and B.
P. Holton, Jr., of Mocksvllle. Rt.
5; 30 grandchildren: 34 great-
grandehildrcn; and two great-
grc.i t-grondchlldrcn.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/2/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 9,1963 - Page 7
John Henry Sndlh. 04
Funeral services for John Hen-
amlth, 94. of Advance. Ri. 1.
who died' Monday at 3 n ro. were
held Wednesday ai Yadkln Valley
Baptist Church by the Rev. Alvls
Cheshire and the Rev. J. W.
Vestal. BurlAl was In the cliurch;
Mr. Smith d(ed at the home of
a daughter. Mrs. R. A. .Foster, of
Advance. Rt. 1. Yadkln Valley
He wa* bom In Davle County
to Jonathan and Sally Potu
Smith and was a retired farmer.
■Surviving In addition to Mrs.
Foster ere five other datiehters.
Mrs. I. B. Allan of Yadkinville
and Mrs- J- H- Sheek. Mrs C. L.
smith and Mrs. J. E. Beauchomp
and Mm. B. C. Hendrlx. ol
Advanco. Rt. i; tluee sans. r. o.
aadih and J- P- smith, both of
MocksvUle. Rt. 3 and R- P- Smith
of Mlddletown. Xowa: 41 grand*I children: 60 great-grandchildren:
and 18 great-ireat-grandohildren.
Sidney Moses Click
Funeral services for Sidney Mo*
ras Click of San Antonio, OVkas.
who died Wednesday. May 1. war*
held on Friday May 3.
Mr. Click was a native of Davle
County and the Jerusalem Com
munity. He had made his home in
San Antonio for several yeare.Bur^vottt Include his wife.
Nonnlo White Click maUve of
IredcU County: two daughters.
Mrs. c. A. Fackham and Mrs. H.
L. Duiuio. boll) of San Antonio:
a son. Porter S- CWclt of New
Braunfels, Tbsas: sovaral grand-
ohUdreA: aeveral nlacas and nap-
haws In pgvla and surrounding
OOIIBUm In Ndnh CgnUlna.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/9/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 16, 1963 - Page 5
Mrs. Joseib (X BhMk. M
Funeral servtcea for lArs.
Blanche James Broek, M« of Rt.
2, ModcsvUle. the Fsnnfngton
community, were IteZd Boturdoyi
morning at Eatonl Chap^ The
Rev. Bennle Beardeti and the Rev.
J. W. Vestal officiated. Burial was
In the Farmlngton eemtety.
Mrs. Brock, widow of Joseph
C. Brock, died at 1 pjn. Thurs
day at the Lynn Raven Nuielnf
Rone. 8he had been Ih dedfnlnt
health several months.
She was bcrn In Davie County
to W. P. and BUsobeth »eUy
James and was a member of
Farmlngton Methodist Church.
Brock died In 1630.
Surviving la a brother, O. R.
Jamee of MooksvUIe, Rt. 2
I William P Joytter, 84 |
I Funeral servloea for William
Franklin Joyner, 84, of Route l,}
MoeksvlUe, were held Thursday.
at the Deep Creek Baptlat Church.
In Vadkln county. The Rev. B.|
W. McMurray, the Rev. Wade
Hutehena, the Rev. Ralph Hogan
and the Rev. J. A. Brackens of
Mr. Joyner died May 7 at hit
home after a long IllneM. |
He was born In Yadfcin County ]
to Samuel and Synfical Sprinkle
Joyner but spent most of his life
In Davte County.
Kb wife, Mrs. Christine Rus
sell Joyner, died In 1849.
Surviving are four sons. c. B.
Joyner of HamptonvUle. B. J. and
O. M. Joyner. both of Yadkln-
vllle. and Elvln Joyner of States-
vUle: two sisters, Mrs. Romlb
Reavts of Mocksvllte and Mrs.
Maggie WUklnts of BtatesvlUe:
three brothers. Dr. O. b. Joyner
of Kemersvllle, and Stanley and
C. R. Joyner. both of Winston-
Salem; 19 grandchildren: and SB
Mrs. Dors Safrlet. 78
Miss Dora Safrlet. 75 of Moeks
vlUe. Rt. 3. died Tuesday night at
9:06 pm. at the IredeU Memorial
Fuiieial icrvlcca «iU be held
at 3:80 pm. Thuratsy at tits
Salem Meihodtit Church.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/16/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, May 16,1963
iiman Dies
services for Miss
1^6 Obie Batts, of
lO'^iConrad Street, Lejdog*
were held Friday at
3 Turrentifie Bap-
tis^Church by Rev. Joseph
Plumps and Rev. E. N. Baye.
BiJ^^l was ih the chir^
cei&etery. ?
Bom in Davidson* County
F^ruary 6, 1800^ she was
tb&l. daugh^ of the late.
Ihiymas and Lnla Wagner
Batt&. She was a member
of ^ vCooleemee Methodist
Survivors include two
sist^, Mrs. Bay Snider uf
Lesdngton, with whom she
made her home, Mrs. Logan
Smith of Route 4, Mocks-
ville and one h^f-sister, Mrs
Ernest Gruhb of Salisbury.
Miss Raits was an em
ployee of Erwin Mills here
untU her retirement due to
ill health. She had lived
on Route 4, Mocksville for
a number of years before
going to Le^dngton to live.
She died early Wednes
day morning. May 8..
James Moore
Cooleemee Man
Dies In Va.
The Ivmcral for James
Moore, fonnerly of Coolee
mee, was held Wednesday
at 3 P, M. at Swicegood Fu
neral Chapel in UanviUc.
Va. and interment was at
Draper. N. C. Mr. Moore
i-jwas employed by the Dan
.a.|kiver Mills and died of:a.| —7- .. .
Monday. He was carried to,
Danville Memorial Hospital,
but lived only a short time.
He is survived by his wife,
four sons, and one dau^ler,
his mother and one brother, nhie mother ana one orouji^
a cerebral hemmoraga, whiob Moore of Cooleemee.iTjhe suffered at ha homo |- attending the lune.l^
ral from Cooleemee were Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Moore and
Mr. and Mrs. James Treader,
Mrs. .Donald Trexler and
Clay Trexler.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/16/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 23,1963 - Page 2
ftflas Hoxle SAfrlet
MSss Roxie Dora Safiiet. 15,
of the Salem chureh community
hear Moctt»viltp, died at diOS p.
m.,TUMday in Iredell blemoHa)
Uo^ltal. Mi« Gafrict had been
In dceltntna heotth two yeare and
liad been eerlouely 111 17 daya.
. Mies Safrfefa mothrr died when
she was a child and she made her
home with the late .1. B. CampltoU
and family In Mocinvnie for ap
proximately 35 years. In 1032
she moved to her brother's home.
Mart Safrlct. to care for his chil
dren alter hlb wife's death. She
also lived with a sister. Mrs.
j'Bcssle West, a few years and with
■the children, nieces and nephews
of the late Mr. Campbell. The
last months of her life were epent
at the Johnson Rest Home at
She was bom In D. vie County
'.to Danfel and Laura Walker 6a-
frlet. She was a member of Salem
Methtelst Church.
..JSw^js^BUfVlved by a brother.M)srt ^^tHeFrandTA '5l5ter,"Mif»:
Bessie West of Moduvttte.
The funeral was conducted at
2:80 pju. Thursday at Salem
Methodist Chureh by the Rev.
James White, the Rev. Neel Bll-
er. and the Rev. Jock Yarbor-
ough. Burial was in the church
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 23, 1963 - Page 4
aim. Noah B. Foster, 81
Funeral aervlcea for Mrs. Ivey
Addio Barney Foster. 83. of Mt.
4. Mocksvitlo. the Bphesus com
munity. widow of Noah B. Foster,
were held Sunday.
"Mrs. Foster died at 6:60 pjn.
Friday at her homo. She had
been in declining health several
Her husband died in 1924.
Survtvlng are a daughter. Mrs.
Ruth Williams of the home: a
son. B. H. tBudl Foster of Com-
eemee: a foster son. B. O. Foster
of bfocksvlUe. Rt. 4: eight grand-
children; IS great-grandchildren;
and a sister. Mrs. W. C. Howard
of 93 W. Clemmons Read. Wiu-
abs. J. A. Grubb. 52
Funeral services for Mrs. J. A.
Orubb. 52, of MOcksvUle, Rt. 3,
were held Sunday afternoon at
the Fork Baptist Chureh. «*to
Rev. Dd Suggs and the Rev. Gary
Chapbian OllUUiUHl. Burlid-wos-
in the Cburohland Baptist Chureh
She was bom in Davle County
to Oavld Johnny and Ode MO-
Oanlel Fleming. She was a mem
ber of Fork Baptist Church.
Surviving are her husband: a
daughter. Miss Patsy Grubb of
the home: her mother of Mocks-
vllle. Rt. 3; three sisters, Mrs.
Rlehard Mooreftdd of Salisbury,
Mrs. Walter Boole of Llnwood, Rt.
1. and Mrs. J. W. Jones. Jr.. of
BlOeksvUle. Rt. 3; and four broth
ers. Martin and Eugene Fleming
of Salisbury. Mitchell Fleming of
ModcsvlUe, Route 3. and James
Fkmtng of Hollywood. Fia.
Bio — Obituaries - 5/23/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 30,1963 - Page 3
John FnnkUn BvohRrt, 78
John Franklin Bverhart, 18.
of Coolecmcc died at obout 8:30
Bjn. Thurxday. May 33 at hta
home. Rc had been in deelln*
ing health for the past year.
Re had been In the mercantile
busincxs Rince 1906 and had
opened hL own buaUiess in 1030
in North Cooleemee.'
Rc was born in Ilavie County
to George Andrew and Binunic
Hendilcks Bverhart.
Rc was a member of First Bap*
list Church of COoIeemce.
He married Miss Sadie Brown
in lOiS.
Survlvng aro his wife: two
dauginei-j. Mrs. David Graham
Jr. of Salisbury and Uta. Jomea
H. Faulkenberry Jr. of Xlbemarle;
three brothers. Daniel 1^ Ever*
hart of Advance. Rt. 3. Roger
O. Bverhart of MocksvUie, Rt. 3,
and Benlamin E. Everhart of
Moclcsvillo, Rt. 4; four sisters,
Afcs. - . DayJs..9jr. Moclcavllef
Rt. 3. MiSi Nannie Seaford of Ad*
vanee, Rt. 3. Mrs. Jeannle Ren*
dricks of Wlnaton-Salem and
Mrs. Ernest B. EUcr of Granite
Quarry; and six grandchildren.
The funeral was conducted at
11 ajn. Saturday at Hrst Baptist
r^Htifoh nf rVinWmi*.. ho tJtw Wtw
Charles P. Burohett Jr., 4he Rev.
Brammer and the Rev.
T. ik Cashwell Jr. of Albemarle.
Burial was in Rowan Memorial
Cart Flake Blaekwood
Carl Flake Blaekwood. 70 of
Route 1. Woodleat, died at 1:40
p. m. Tuesday at Broughton
Hospital, Morganton. after an
llinesB of two months.
A native of Davlo coun^, ho
was a son of the Into David and
Mary Moroni Cortner Blaekwood.
Survivors include his wife, Ma
mie Creason Blackwotfd; lour
daughters, Mrs. Albert Messiek
and Mrs. James Lineberger. both
of Route 1. Woodleaf. Mrs. James
Justice of Salisbury and Mrs.
McMn Peace of Alexandria. Va.;
a son, Carl Eugene Blaekwood of
Cleveland: 14 grandchildren,
elgllt greatt-gnQdchlldren; two
sistefs. Mrs. Swanson Oalton of
Ub^. Mont., and Mrs. Ora Boger
of Cooleemee; and a>brother, Ray
BUekwtNxi of Cooleemee.
Ftmeral services were conduct
ed-^t 4 pan. Thursday at Cool-
een^ Baptist Church by the
Re^r Charles Burebo^ and the
Rev^ "L D. Scruggs.
Mrs. Edward Hege, 78
Funeral services for Mrs. Ethel
Miller Hege. 78. of Advance, Rt.
3. Fork Church community, were
held Monday aftetmoon at the
Pulton Methodist Church. . The
Rev. BlUy Clinard ,ofneiamd.
Burial was in the church ceme
Mrs. Hege died at 1:48 pJn.,
Saturday at her home. She had
been in declining health several
She was bom In Davle county
to William M. and Marlah James
MlUer.' She was married twice,
fust to Wheeler Leonard who
died in 1938. Her second hus
band died In 1944.
She WM' u member-of-Fulton
Methodist tamrehr
Surviving are one sister, Mrs.
Marvin Chaffin of Woodleaf, Rt.
1; five stepsons, A. R. Hege of
Lenoir, Hollis Hege of Moores-
vlUe, Ray and- Ralph Hege of
Lexmgton and Jerry Hege of the
home: and four stepdaughters,
Mrs. Helen BaUey of MoeksvOle,
Miss Ethel Hege of the home,
Mrs. Minnie Lee Hege and Mrs.
E. T. Ml» of Lexington.
^ Mrs. BSgT'FtakstOB-"^
Mta Stella Murphy Pinkston,
60. of Sflillsbttry,' ^e of Bay
PlU^ton, died Tuesday at her
*^xmie. She had bera In declUUng
»health five weeks.
I She was bom in Davle County
,eo Will and Minnie Tutterow
Murphy. She was a member of
'Oakland Heights Baptist Mission.
• sui'vivkuf aiu her husband: a
tson. Sidney L. Pinkston: three
idaugliters, Mrs. Betty Powell of
I Spencer, Mrs. Mamie Uvengood
of MooresvlUe and ^dlss Shirley
Pinkston of the home; three step-
'sons, Kenneth Pinkston of Salts-
■bury and Norman and Wilford
iPlnkston. both of HiU^ro; two
(Stepdaughters, Mrs. Nadlno Mar-
shoU and Mrs. Dorothy Johnson,
both of Bilisbury; her mother of'cooleemee; three brothers. Ern
est Murtdiy of Mocksvdie, SamMurphy of Saltsbury attd 1^. ChrtMurphy of Rnog^Ie, Tenn.;
Qiree siaten. Mm. Lola Wooley
nnd Mrs. Pearl Hill, both of Sal-
isbuiy, and Mrs. Jettte Bias
Phelps of Cooleemee: 38 groad-
children: and three gteat-grand-
The funeral was conducted at
A pjn. TTiursday at Oakland
Heights BapUst Mission by the
Rev.jE. M. Fbln. the Rev. Bobby
Nash and the Rev. J. C. Swain.
Burial was In Gay's Chapel Me
thodist Church cemetesy.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/30/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 6,1963 - Page 5
Mrt. T. M. Snltb
Mrs. Blanche Almedla Smith.
83. of MockaviUe, Rt. 1. Uie Shcf-
field community, widow of T. M.
Smith, died at 3:40 em. Thurs
day at Davis Rospltal ot Statea-
viUe where she had been in de
clining iiealth several months. {
She was bom in Davie County;
to William and Mary Edwards
Cleaiy. Her husband died in
Survivliw are a daughter. Bins.
Ruth Ctoer of MocksviUa. Bt. l:
two sons. Wada Smith of Mocks*
villa and Johnny SmUh of
MocksviUa and Johnny Smith of
MOcksvilia, Rt. 1: a brother. J.
W. deary of MocksvUte. Rt. 3;
ftvo frandohUdrBO! and 10 graat*
The funeral was conducted ot
J1 am. Saturday st Liberty Pil
grim Holiness Church by the
Rev. W. c. Bulla and the Rev.
W. L. Cockman. Burial was in
the church cemtery.
Blrn. T. J. BfcDonlel. 10
Funeral services for Mrs. Eh-
I ther Jane MoDanlel. 10, of Rt. 1,
Woodleaf, the Needmore com-*
jmunlty .were held Simdoy after-
nocn ot the Needmore Baptist
Church. The Rev. L. D. Scruggs
and the Rev. Hayden Gartner of*
. ftclated. Burial was in the church
j bOn. McOaniel died at 6:25 p.
m. Friday at the Davie Coun^
Hospital. She had been in de
clining health several months end
seriossly Ui five days.
She was bom in Davie County
to Tom and Nancy Shaw Smith.
Surviving ere her husband:
three daughters, Mrs. James Sni
der of Cleveland, Bin. Qtls
Brown of Woodleaf, Rt. 1. and
btrs. Walter Brown of MocksviUe.
Rt. 4; two sons, Biarvin bfcDanlel
.of StatcsvUIe and Bob McDanlel
I of Salisbury: a half slater, birs.
..to. Crowder of Spencer; and four
i grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/6/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 13,1963 - Page 3
losctilt M. Illvtns. OB
Funeral servlcea for Joseph
Mirk Blvtns, 6S of Cooleemee,
tvcre held Monday afternoon at
the Ccolcemre First Methodist
diurch by the Rev. Joe T. MeUon
and the Rev. Fred Shinn. Burial
was in the Liberty Methodist
Church cemetery.
Mr. Blvlns died Sunday at the
Rowan Memorial Hospital after
a aenous illness of five days. He
had been In deelinlns health sev
eral months.
He was bam In. Yadkln Coun>
ty to William Henry Blvlns and
Pctlnla Day Blvlns. He had been
employed at Brwn Mills at CcoU
ccmee for a number of yeat:s. He
*.ras married to Miss KBnnle Rld>
enhour In 1D16.
Siirvlvlna arc his wlfo. thiw
daushtcrs, Mfs. J. D. Barnes of
Salisbury: Mrs. C. J. Dortan of
Concord and Miss Marsarcl Blv-
In4 "oT'UMnuitrcemn-sottj n
.vin. of Wi mini: on; four granr
•h»'dren: two great grandchildren:
wo bjathen. Brady Blvlns of
MemphlSj Tenn.: and Hubert Blv
lns of caoleemee; and one sister.
Mrs. Floyd Daniel of Coo'ecmce.
Mrs. Hilton L. Rulh {
Mrs. Hilton L. Ruth. SB. of 802.
'Rhodes Ave., Kings Mountain,
iled Thursday in a local hospital. |
?uneral was held at 11 ajn. Sat-1
arday at Han'la Funeral Home.
Survivors: husband: sons, Jack
Ruth of Charlotte. WUIlam Ruth
of Raleigh; brother, C. F. Mer-
oney of Moctcsvllle. EClm Meronoy
of Atlanta, Oa.; sisters. Mrs,
Cooper Edwards of Columbia, 8.
C.. Mra Silas McBcc of High
Point, Mrs. R. 8. McNeill of
Mocksvlllc, and Mrs. Mary Mor
row of Atlanta. Qa.
P. M. Hendrieks
P. M. Hendrieks Sr.. SI, of
1014 Greensboro Street. Lexing
ton. general manager of David
son Fanners Caopci-ttllve. Inc..
died at 9:20 pjn. Friday at his
He was bam In Dnvie County
lo H. J. and I^nma Orasc Eoton
Kcnd^lcks and''t^ a member of
the First Baptist Church of Lex
Snrtivlng ai*c h's vifo. Mrs.
Annie Mac Jordan lIondrK-ks:
two daughters. Mrs. James.
of Ctinpcl Hill and Miss
-Aonr.JEtendilQk8..p|...lSXliy?t^^ a^
I son. Plillllp M. Hendilcks bl Lex-"
I Ington: a brother. J. W. Hcn-
I drieks of StatcsvlUe: and thr?e
I sisters, Mrs. J. H. Gllley of Mnl-
. den. MJss Mclvarlnc Hendrl ks of
I More an on and Mrs. Sicphcnjrcnrondy of-Atbtntay Gor— -
, The funeral was conducted ol
I 4 p.in. Saturday a: th: First Cap-
I tist Chursh of Lexlnglon by tlic.
I Rev. Hck.{ Coin. Burltl was In'
Forest Hill Memorial Park.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/13/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 20, 1963 - Page 2
Mn. Mattte Ellen Itortman. S4
Funeral tenvteae tfor Mra. Atfat-
tip BUcn <Uonman. itf Mooks-
vilte. widow .of A. e. fflltinman,
wereiNW (Tuesday moriUns.ot Ihei
Eaton (Chapd. IDhe Sev. wJ
Blonton and the -Bov. Rolien R.
Jones offlelated. Burial was Jn
the Adranoe Baptist .Ghurah •Cem-
Mrs. Uartman rdted At .7i06 a.
in. Btmdoy at the ilwjin dfaven!
Niuulnn Bonie after ,nn lUnees of*
one week.
Mts. BarUnan .was 'horn In tPor-
syth (Gounty -to AUved .and Marie
Paw lEkiulhlt. <She urae a dnerober
of Fraternity Ohurch of the;
Brethren. Her hu^and died in
Surviving are one •dauBhter,
Mrs. Sbsek -Bowden of Mocks-
vlllc: two lona, J. A. .Hartman of
Advance and R. JJ. Hartman of
Advance. Rt 1: 15 erandchlldren:
23 great arandchlldren and two!
slatei-a. Mrs. E. H. Morris of j
MoeksvUlc and Mrs. Cella Pickcns
of tJharlottc.
IMm. .daata AoHc. lift
Bunaral aaimtoefl for Mrs. Bra
dy dParwood Battg. 90, «r Mocks-
\dUe, Bt. :8. tWlfe of James C.
Batte. were itietd Saturday alter-
ipoon lat !the Baton Fanei^ oha-
iPO). VShe Bav. (Downs APi^r ot-
itlokited. Buclal was In the Fork
Baptist <}htttah <Oeinetory.
Mrs. (Ratta idled at 2 pim. Frl-
•day -at ithe dmrne -ot 'her doush-
•ter. Mrs. dohn iC. Bowles, in
Mooksvtlle. She had been In de-
euning health for aevoroi months.
Mrs. iRatta was bom In Oavtc
(County 'to Samuel £. and BUra-
heih Bambardt <aaewood.
Burvlvois are her husband;
Unoe davwtaters. Mrs. Bowles.
Mrs C. T. Hupp. Sr. .of BoonvlUe
and Mrs. Odell Bsndrlx of Mocks-
vlUe Rt. S: two brotiwrs. C. E.
I.Oarwood of Advance and S. A.
iOanvcod of Wtnaton-Salcm: four
I clstcrs, Mrs. T. J. Poster of Win-
Iston-Salcm. Mrs. Jeff Myers of
iMocksrlllc. R(. 3. and Mr*. Paul
Balloy of Advance. Rt. 2: six
nrandohlldran and 1 great grand
Mrs. Roy Feesor
Mrs. Madaline Aiutln Fecxor.
63 of Mooksvllle. Rt. 4. wife of
Roy Flexor, died at l aJn. Thurs
day at her home. Qie had been
lU a year
She was horn ni Fhrsyth Coun
ty 40 Jeff and Mattte Snipes King.
She wns secietaiy of Ute Davle
County Board of Education for
several years and a mmnber of
MoeksvUle Methodist Church.
Surviving are. hor husband; a
daughter. Mrs., Jack SUiott of
Slielby. Rt. 6: /wo brothers, Jeff
King at DurluiM and Joe Ring of
Birmingham. Ala.; and three
The* funeral was conducted at
4:30 p.ni. Friday at Eaton's Fu
neral Home chapel by the Rev.
W. W. BInnton and the Rev. Fred
Burial u'as In Rose Oemctcry.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/20/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 27,1963 - Page 2
Mn. Boberi Lowvry. t1
Funeral nrvtca lor Mn. Lu-
elnda Bally Lowery. 87, of Rt. B.
MoekfvlUe. widow of Robert X4e
liiwery. were held Sunday after-
noon at the Courtney BoptUt
Church. The Re?. B. D. Flowera.
Jr„ officiated. Burial woe In the
church ceremony.
Mra. Lowery died at 10:1B ajn.
Ftlduy at Iter home after six yean
of declining health.
She wae bom In Da?te County
to the Rev |uid Mn. O. W.
Baity. She wae a member of
Courtney BapUat Church.
~~SerBai6ahd"dicd fn-SM8.
Surviving Mra. Lowery ore
thrae eons. A. V. Uwaiy of
MOoresviUe. Cortes Lowery of
Houston. Ten., and Baity lAwery
of MocksvUle. Rt. 6: flve daugh
ters. Mlis Lm May Lowery of
ModkivinA. Bt. 6. Mrs. iT. H.
Murray of Winston - Salem. Mrs.
Robert Churah of Bondti Mra.
Ray Von aorrts of SboUotto and
Mra. Waiter Tiansoa of BUn;
ti grandehUdrsn and II great*
Bio — Obituaries - 6/27/1963 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY