Jul - DecDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 5,1962 - Page 4
Hri. Ira A* Broadway
Mrs. Cora Rebecca Broadway,
78. wife of Ira A. Broadway, of
Rt. 4. MSoekavlBe. died at 12:46
mday morning at Bowaa Me*
morlal RMpltal in Salisbury. She
had been a patient there for the
past three days.
She was a native of Union
county, bom April 7. 1884, to
the late T. M. and Rebecca Bar-
ham Broom. After her marriage
on Jan. 8.1918. to Mr. Broadway,
they had lived in the MocksviUe
In addltKm to her husband, she
leaves one son, Roy B. Aoadway
of Cooleemee; three brothmo.
Dcwey Bromn of Stanhdd. Rt. 2.
Sam Broom of Indian Trail, Rt.
1, and James Brown ctf Ft. BCill.
6. C.: four sisters. Mrs. Bessie
Honeyeutt of Indian Trail. Rt. 1,
Mra. Ada Adcook of Cmieord. luRo.
Ida Beaton of Charlotte, and Mrs.
Aubrey Stegall of Matthews:
three grandohltdren.
She was a member of No Creek
Prhnftive Baptist Church near
MocksviUe wh^ funerel services
were held at 2 pm. Sunday con
ducted Inr Elder W. W. FOgg.
Burial was in the Calvary Bap
tist Church Cannery. Salisbury.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/5/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 12,1962 - Page 2
Mra. Cards narrls, 68
FlmemI services for Mrs. ZiOta
Susie Harris. 08. wife of Curtis
Harris of Cooleemce were held
Sunday afternoon at Ute Korth
Cooleetnee Church of Clirlst The
Rev. Benny Morris officiated.
&\irial vraa in the Leitton Memor
ial Pork.
Mrs. Horris died Thursday
evening at the home of a daugh
ter. Mrs. Grimes Davis of Mocks-
vllle Rt. 4.
Mrs. Karris lived at Center
Street In Cooleemee for 80 years
before coming to live with her
daughter about a year ago.
She was bom in Alexander
County to Mr. and Mrs. Isom Cur-
Surviving, in addiUon to her
husband and Mrs. Davis arc three
other daughters, Mrs. George
Sale of Salisbury. Mrs. J. W.
Snider of Cooleemee and Mrs.
R. L. James of Statesvllle: seven
sons. Bill and Hoyle Harris, both
of Woodleof. Rt. I. Charles Har
ris of Bou Oollle. Fla,. Norman
Harris of Salisbury. Sam Hanis
01 Providence. R. I.. Fred Harris
of Bridgeport. Conn., and John-
fiy Harris of Greenville. 8. C.: a
sister. Mrs. Jim Campbell of
Chicago 111.; two brothers. Isom
Ciirley of Keysvlllc. Va.. and
Junle Curley of StatesviUe: 31
grandchildren; and a great-grand
Bio - Obituaries - 7/12/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,1962 - Page 2
^ Joe Wilson, S6
scrvUces for Mro.
Frances LouUc Hicks WUson. 36.
of North WUkcsboro, were con
ducted ot 2 pjn.. Tuesday, July
17. at the funeral honu> in Shel
She died suddenly at 11:45 a.
m., at the Broughton Hospital In
Moraanton after an illness of sev
eral weeks. She was the wife of
Joe C. Wilson, formerly of Davie
She was bom In Shelby to B.
F. and Cnillr Smith Hicks.
Slic was a member of the
Church of Christ.
Surviving ere the -husband: one
son. Joe Wilson, Jr.. of the home:
her mother and father, Mr. and
Mrs- R. F. Hicks: four brothers,
Boyd and Vcrnon Hicks of Shelby,
Paul Hicks of the UB. Air Force,
end a twin brot4tcr. Uoyd Kicks
of Columbia, S. C.: two sisters,
Mlrs. Olivia Cooper of Virginia
and Mia. Anglailna Padgett of
Herman-C. Canada, 81
nmeral services for Herman
I-Biill Charles Canada, 81, of
1, Salisbuj'y, were held Thuraday
morning at the Eaton Funeral
Chapel. The Rev. Hctman C. Ab-
shcre ofTlclated. Builal was in
the Rowan Jvbimorial Park.
Ml*. Canada died June 10th at
the Rowan Memoilal Hospital.
He was botm In Buncombe
CouiYty to My. and Mrs. Christo
pher Canada- He waa a retU-ed
employee of Brwln Mills in Cool-
Surviving arc his wife, the
former Miss Nino Blalock: one
son, Thomas Canada, and one
daughter, Mrs. Homer Holthoua-
cv, both of Sa1lsbui*y. Rt. 1. seven
grandchildren: and two stepsons.
Eugene Saundera Of Orlando,
Fla.. end Boyd F. Saundera of
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,1962 - Page 6
Mrs, Worth C. Thompson. 04
Funeral services for Mrs.
Worth C. Thompson of 1622
South Main Street, Snlisbury,
who died Friday night at the
Baptist Hospital in Winston-Sa-
1cm, were held on Sunday after
noon at 4 pjn. at Summerselt
Funeral Chapel In Salisbury. Bur
ial was in Rowan Memorial Hos
She had been in declining
health for six months but death
was unexpected.
A native of Dovic County, she
was the former Eunice Myrtle
Ocodmon, daughter of the late
Hoitey Mack and Dnicilla Barrier
Deadmon. She was born Oct. 23,
18B7. and WAS educated In the
DovIc County Schools.
Mrs. Hiompson was a member
of the First Methodist Church,
the Senior PhllaUica Class and
the W8C8.
Survivors Include her husband.
Wojlh C. Thompson, whom she
married on Feb. 26. 1020; three
sons, Irving D. Thompson of An-
nandalc, Va.. Donald W. Thomp
son of Oreensboi-o, ond Hmcr M.
Thompson of Winston-Salcm:
two brothers, M. C. Deadmon of
Mocksvllle and Felix Deadmon of
Alcxandrlo. Va.: alx sisters. Miss
Faith Deadmon, Mrs. O. O. Orav-
:s. Mrs. Arthur Baker, and Mi*s.
R. L. Poster, all of Mocksvllle.
MI'S. Paul Cope of Spencer, and
Mrs. P. E. Mauser of Pfafftown;
and four grandchildren.
Mra. H. J. Blackweldcr, (35
Funeral sei-vlces for Mra. Min
nie Ratts Blackwelder, 65. of 17
Joyncr Street, Cootecmcc, who
died Saturday, were conducted at
4 pm. Monday at Coolccmca
Presbyterian Church by the Rev,'
Heni7 R. Poolc. Burial was in
Foi'cst Hill cemetery in Lexing
She was tlic wife of Harvey J.
Blackwelder ond died nt her home
at 6:45 am. in Coolecmce.
Mrs. Blockwcldcr wa.s bom in
Davidson County to Thomas and
Lou Raits.
Surviving bcslUrs her husb.md:
arc one daughter, Mrs. Jamr.sl
Ward of Coolccmec; one son,
H C. Blackwelder of Lexington:
three sisters, Mrs. Logan Smith |
of Coolccmcc and Mrs. Rny Sny-
dcr and Miss Maude Ratts both
of Lexington; and a half sister.
Mrs. Ernest Grubbs of Salisbury.
Bio — Obituaries — 7/19/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,1962 - Page 6
John Bell RatlGdec. 9!
Funeitil a&rvlces for John Bell
RaUedite of StatesvUIe, who died
Thut^ay at Davis Hospital, were
conducted Saturday at Bethel
Baptist Church by the Rev. Har>
vcy Brewlngton and the Rev. C.
C. Holand. Burial was In the
churoh cemtery.
He hod been a patient at the
hospital since Wednesday, but
hod been In declining heoUh five
years and seriously ill two daye.
He was bom in Davie County
to IssBc and Rebecca Moore
His wife, the tormer Miss Em
ma Clodcflter. died in 1921.
SCtaWB crh'l^P re;n
Survivlna arc two daughters,
Mrs. Alma White of 407 Coolldge
Avenue and Mm. Nathan Plylcr
of Slatesvllle Rt. 3; six grand
children and nine great-grand
child rcn.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/19/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,1962 - Page 4
Walter & Tajrlon 78
Funeral aervlces for Walter
Bodne Taylor, 78. of Woodleaf
Rt. 1 wera held Monday after
noon at the Union Chapei Me
thodist Church. The Rev. C. M.
Dcdson and the Rev. Clyde Settle
officiated, Burial was In the
chtureh cemetery.
Mr. Taylor died at 12:20 ajn.
Sunday at tlte Rowan Memorial
Bospltal at Salisbury. He had
been In declining health several
Mr. Taylor was bom In Davle
County to John Wesley and Mar
tha Jane Eaton Taylmr. Ho waa a
reUrcd farmer.
Sui'vlvlng arc his wife, the
former Miss Mlnnlo Taylor; three
bi'Ottiers. J. M. Taylor of Wood-
leaf. Rt. I. Oscar Taylor of
MOclcsvllle. Rt. 2 and J. L. Taylor
of Cleveland Rt. 1.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,1962 - Page 5
Claude C. Warren
Funeral seiwlces for Claude C.
Warren of Mocksvllle were held
Saturday momtag at the Macfcle
and Hlnshaw Funeral Home In
Yadielnvllle- The Rev. J. O. AU-
good officiated, Burial was in the
South Deep Creek Baptist Cliurch
Mr. Warren died last Thursday
after a long Illness.
He was boitn In Yadklnvllle to
John 'H. and Mary Hunter Ward.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
Maiy Slier Wajd: -a son. Claude
C..Warren, Jr« of Dahao, Tocas; a
daughter Mro. Dorothy Mills of
Silver Sptdng. Md., and four
brothers, Dlllard Warren of Ma
son City, Iowa, Grover warren of
Kecaughton. Va., Elmer Warren
of Norfolk, Va., and E. H. Won'en
of Danville, Va.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/26/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 2,1962 - Page 1
Mrs. Sanford's
Father Dies In Ky.
Word was received here of tho
death of C. B. Siacoy. father of
Mrs. Jack Sanford, early Tuesday
momtns. July 31 at his home in
Cumtrarland. Ky. Funeral services
were to be held Wednesday af
ternoon in Cumberland for the
Information received here stat
ed that Mr. Stacey had suffered
a heart attack sometime ago and
had been In tho hospital, but was
at home recuperating. Ho suffer
ed a severe heart attack the past
Sunday night and was rushed
back to the hospital in Cumber
land and seemed to be Improving.
However, the fatol attack came
on Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Sanford was witli her fo-
ther at tho time of his death.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 2,1962 - Page 2
F. Hubert Frost, 81
Funeral services for Feruus
Hubert Frost. 81. of 1800 Mans
field St.. WInslon-Salcm. wei-c
held Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Frost died at 7 pm. Sat-
urdoy after, suffering a Jheart nt-
ISck while-mowing his lawn. .He
was pronounced dead on arrival
at the Baptist Hospital.
He was bom in Davie County
to J. D. and Robena Btykclcather
Mr. Frost was a representative
of The Progress Farmer Moga-
- sine for five states.
He was a member of Salem
BapUst Church and the men's
Bible class there.
Suiivlitg are his wife. Evelyn
K. Frost: one dnuahtcr. Mrs. Brrlc
Donner of Athevllle: and one
broUtcr, Dr. J. 8. Frost of Bur
Timothy G. Ilellard
Funeral jervlcets for Thnolhy
Gray Hellard. S month old son
of Fred O. Hellard ond Barbara
Bain Hellard of MocksvlUc. Rl.
4. were held Sunday afternoon at
the TUrroniinc Baptist Church.
The Rev. Horold Ferry and the
Rev. Harold Parker olTtcinted.
Burial was in the church ceme
"Ihe Infant died at 4:45 o Jn..
Saturday In the Bapthi Hospital.
He had been In the hospital tin?
past week.
He wos bom in Davlc County.
Bui-vlvlng in ndd'tion to his
parento ara two bralhors. his twin.
Kenneth Roy Hellard. and Dickie
Hellard. both of the home: and
Ills grandiKiiients. Mr. and
E. B. Bain of Cooteemee and Mr.
and Mrx. C. 8. Hellard of Mocks-
viUe. Route 4.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/2/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 9,1962 — Page 6
Local Woman
KUled By Car
Near Lexington
fynra. Julia Ann Vamer Koonts,
44. of ZAgek vlllo. widow of Da*
vld Ray Kscnte. wo/i kOIed In
stantly dirnday night whvn ntruck
')y a car m '.he walked oloun U.
3. 38-10 near Lcx'ngton.
Idontirioa'.lon of Mrs. Koonts
was delayed several hours until
emest Vamer of Lexington Iden
tified her ay his sister.
Stoto Highwoy Patrolman W. T.
Rmeraon said Mrs. Rconts was
struck by a car driven by Sliss
George Lambert of Kewton. Rt.
The officer said Lawbert told
h'm that he saw Mrs. Kooncx
wo Iking on the pavement next io
the median on tlte divided high
way. The officer quoted Lambert
as soylng that ns ho was passing
the women- »he stepped into the
path of his car.
No Charges Filed I
Smerson said no charges had
been filed.
Mrs. Koonts was bom in Da-
v'd on County to Jesa Lee and
Sula May Walser Vamer.
eurvlvlng arc her mother of
Vxing:on: a stepdaughter. Mrs.
Louise Eaves; three brothers.
W-de and Emest Vamer of Lex-
Ingtrn and James W. Varner of
Cocoa. P9a., and two sister.*. Mrs.
I Rose Mae Honeycutt of Chicago.
III., and Miss Jessie Pearl Var-
n?r of Lexlnston.
Tlte funeral was conducted ot
11 a.m. Wednesday at Piedmont
Funeral Koms chapel by the Rev.
Wolcr Zigter and the Rev J.
W. Hines. Burial wa < *n Che&tnut
jUlU OemeMty at SaUsbtty.
Samuel R, Oornatser
Funeral services for Samuel
Ray Cornateer. SO. of 510 North
Main Street, were conducted at
4 pjn. Tuesday at Smith Grove
Methodist Churoh by the Rev.
Dwlght Mashburn. the Rev. AlvJs
Cheshire, and the Rev. j, w.
Vcttiel. Burial was in the chur^
.Mr. comatser died Sunday at
Dovie County Hoipltal whore he
had been a potlont six hours, lie
had been in declining hcotth two
yeiys. .
b^it in Oayic Couuty
/wtd •OTdri^^ iiFoelpr
tt •menibor '.'of smith
' GroVjB 'Mcihndlst Church..
*^0 Vfss n former lumberman,
'dairy.foimer and car dealer.
n Surviving are hir wife, the for-
hicr Ml:s Nan Foster, two dnugh-
101^, Mrs. George Halrc of Den*
vcr. Colo., and Mrs. David R.
Stroud of Rocky Mount: n fos
ter brother. Lonnic Oomntxer of
Advance, Rt. I: a foster sirter,
Mrs. Ray Comer of High Point;
and six urandch'ldnen.
Mrs. F. W, Polndrxtcr. 81.
Puncral services for Mrs. F. W.
Folndoxtcr. 81. ol Aslun'titc.
mother of Mri. W m. Peiminglon
of M9cfcs\*|||c, were held on Wed
nesday moming at li o'clock In
M.U. Polndcxler died Monday
af»cmoon. Aug. 8. at an Ashevllle
homltal where sire had been a
patient for the post two months.
Site bad been In declining health
for several I'ears and had been
critically III tlte past two months.
Siirvivars In addition to Mrr.
Pciiitliiglon Include: two other
Csughicn.'. Mrii. Mary CimndhT
and Mr. Hugh fVldrr: and one
K)ii. llmnk F. Polndextcr. all of
Bio - Obituaries - 8/9/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 9,1962 - Page 7
Mm. Elttabelh TItiher
Funeral services for Mrs. Blie-
aboUi Waters Tinker. 62. who died
Thursday. Aug. 2. at e pin. at
JockranvUle. Fin. where she was
visiting a sister, were held nt 2
pin. fiittiday nt Baton's Funeral
Home Chapel by the Rev. W. W.
DInnton and the Rev. C. B. New-
tan. Burial was in Rose Ceme
She was bom in Davie Coun
ty to Marvin and Qeneva Nail
Surviving are a daughter. Mrs.
Don Daniels of Mocksvilie: her
mother. Mrs. Geneva Whters of
Mbeksville: three sisters. Mrr.
Paul Hsekctt of Newberry. C..
Mr. Kate Siaiford of Jockson-
vMle. and Mrs. J. D. Foils oi'
High Point; two. brother.*, Bob
Waters of Ln CxfOKt Va.. and
Sum Waters of Msct^ille: and
two grandcliildren.
Miss. Annie Carter.' 65
Funeral services for Miss Annie
Carter, 66. of Advance Rt. 2. were
held Wednesday afternoon at the
Fork Baptist Church. The Rev.
Dale Suggs and the Rev. H. W.
Hutohens offlelMied. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Miu Carter, a resident of the
Fbrk Church community, died at
II pin. Monday at her home. She
had been in declining health se*
She was born in Davic County
to George A. and Nolle Foster
Stiivh'ing are six sisters. Mrs.
John Minor of WInslon-JJdrm,
iMrs. Oreen Ifoaarrt ond Mr»,
Walter Sowers, tMtli of Lexinttion.
Rt. 4. Mrs. Jlni UiclmntMtn of
Mwkstillv. Ri. 3. Mrs. Ollii Burn-
hnrdt of Advance. Rt. 2 and Mrs.
Biaiu Lewis of Minneapolis. N.
C.: two brothers. Mitchell Carter
of tlio home and Buster Carter of
MockavHlc. Rt. 3.
Forrest MeKlaley Hteele
Forrest McKlnlcy Btcelo of Rt.
4. Mocksvilie. died Saturday
mornioe ot the Davie. Coutity
fl0.4pi.0l. Bom Knv. 6. 1R90. In
Mncksvllic. he was tito son of the
laie*Doniel Frost and Mary Ctein-
rnt 6:eeio. He was a member of
the Second' Presbyterian Churcli
where he wa-n a trustee, asshtanl
Sunday . School superintendent
and an ^er. Mr. Stcele tau^t
I school in Davie COUh^' for many
I years. He was a member of the
Davie BducaUanal Union. N;A.a:
; C.P.. ontt a Mason, lodge No. 1?.
He woo married to the late Mrs.
LJiian Blanche Jones Steelo. To
ihls union 13 cltlldrcn were bom
of which 12 survive, seven daugh-
lens. Miss Ruth A. Slccle of New
York City. Mrs. Mary 8. Tliomp-
son oi Tampa. Fla.. Mm. Einino
Levon 8. NsrwooA Mrs. Odette
S. Barnes, and Mrs. Aenlcn S.
Corter of Woshlngton, D. C.. Mrs.
Wheatly S. Brown and Miss Syl
via Ezelle Steele of Mocfcsvflle:
five oons, WUford M. Steele of
Windsor. N. C.. Abner R. Steele
and John Quiney Steele of
Mocksvilie, Carl A. Steele of
Syracuse. N. Y.. and Minor T.
Steele of the V. 8. Army itr
Okinawa; and three brothers.
Ellhu H. steele of Washington.
D. C.. Dr. A. O. Steele of Char-
lotto. ond Dr. Leon Steele of Alw
bany. Oa. "
TI10 body is at tho Mitcltell
Punml ^rvicc. 8nli"b»ny. Fun
eral !»iTon?B»monts oiv ineomplele
nw.iIMn;: llu' arrival of o son
in Okiiinwa.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/9/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 16,1962 - Page 5
Mfis Alice Smoat. 08
Fxuieral servlees tor Miss Alice
Wltson amoot. 68, of the County
Dne community, Mocksvllte, Rt>
1. were Iwld Sunday at the So*
teffl Miethodfiti Church. The
Rev. Jnmn White oftfclalrd.
Rutiol was In the church ceme
Miss Smoot died nt 8:45 am.
Batunday nt the Davte County
Rospltal 18 mtnutep after she was
admitted with a heart attaok.
Mlas Smoet was bom in Davle
County to Samuel J. and Florence
walker smoot.
Rhe was a onember of saiem
Methodist Church, she taupht a
Stmday School class, was a clam
officer and a monber of the
Woman's Society of Christian
. Surviving are two brothers.
J. N. Smoot ond Charles Smoot
of MocksvUle. Rt 1 and one sis-
.tor, Mrs. WtUlam Powell of
Mocks vlUe. Rt. 1.
William M. Bofcr.. 78
Punerol services for William
MolVIn Roger, 78, Advance;. Rt*
3. Blxby community, were held
Tuesday afternoon at the Blxby
Rresbytorfan Church. The Rev.
Kenneth PoUoek and the Rev.
Carl Rothroek offloiated. Burial
wu in the church bemistery.
lyfir. Roger died at 4:80 am.
Sunday at the Bapust Hospital.
H0 had been In deelinlng health
a year and seriously 01 five days.
He was bom in Davle County
to Mr. and Mia. N. D. Roger.
Be spent moii of his life In Davle
County and was a member of
Blrby Presbyterian Church.
die was a retired employee of
P. H. Hones Knitting Go.
m ISOO he married Miss LUlle
Leach, who survives.
Also Mirvlvlng ore two sons,
WUlIem C. Roger of High Point
and J. W. Boger of Advance. Rt.
8: two daughters. Mm. B. C.
Oillesple of Advance, m. 1, and
Mrs. J. D. Wrights of Winston-
Salem Rt. l: three brothers.
P. L. Bsger of Oakland, calif.,
Carl Bcp;^ of MocksvUle, Rt. 2.
and Ri^rt Boger of Sheffield:
two risters. Mrs. A4ma Myers of
Advance and Mrs. Elisabeth Gas-
ton of Hew Castle. Pa.; 14 grand-
children; and nine great gmnd-
Uenty W. lirlvUt. 08
u. Funeral services for Henry Wat-
^'Trivltt, 08.iOffMOcl»vllle. Rt.
8, were held Saturilay morning at
Kthe Llb^y Baptist Church. ThO
Albert Braelcoas and - the
olov. O. D. Dod8on..olBelated; Bur* i
j^lal war In the ehurch cemetery. |
Mr. Ttfvilt WB8 dead on ooival ^
j.at 0 am., Thuntdby or one* uuvw*
tOouoty Homltal after suffering a
* heart attack In downtown Mocks*
Mr. Trivltt wae bom* in Ybdkln
^County to DaWd Watson and
•Almeda Hll Trivltt. He was a
'fftrmej and 'merchant before re-
Urlng. Ho was a veteran of World
FWar r.
He was married' to Miss Lena
'Whltaker, who survivi's.
i Also surviving are four sons.
fQ&ady. Bill. Harold and Tommy
'Trivltt or MocksvUle, Rt. 8: three
Klaughters, Mrs. Pauline Smith
Ml ses NOncy and Jo Ann Trivltt
of Oreensboro: six grandehldren:
three brothers. Oavd TrivUtt of
IfflbcksvUIb, Rt. 3, Luther Trlvllt of
iMbdcsvlllb and Alonso Trivltt of
TOdttlnvUle, and two sisters, Mrs.
fflnnfa Seamon of MocksvUlle and
Miv. Veda Money of YadkinvlUe.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/16/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 23,1962 — Page 5
Mm. D. C. ClemenI, 07
Fimeml rervicm for Mrs. Bea-
iricn mil Clemenu of, of Mocks*
vllle lU. 6. a retired teacher, were
held Sunday afternoon at the
Union Chanel Church. The Rev.
C. M. Dodson. the Rev. Wallace
lOu'ens and the Rev. W. R. Hut*
cliens officiated. Burial urns In
the cliurch cemetery.
1 Mrs. Clement was found dead
In bed at her home early Satur*
{day. She had lieen In declining
health for several weeks, but
I death was unexpected. She taught
'in the Davie County sehoob far
many years before retiring.
Mrs. Clement was bom In Oavle
.County Nov. 27. 1694. She was a
member of Batons Baptist
Church. She morrled D. C. Cle*
I ment. who CTed May 6. Surviving
lore cousins.
Lonnle O. Boger. 76
Funeral services for Lonnle D.
.Boger, 76. of Mocksvllle Rt. 2.
were held Saturday moraing at
!the Eaton Funeral Chapel. The
Rev. Wallace Owens end the Rev.
Dewey XJames officiated. Burial I
was In the Eton Baptist Church
Mr. Boger died at 10 pun. Fri
day at the DavIe County Hospital.
He had been In declining health
a year and sellout ill several
He was born In Davie County
ta Lewla and Mary Elizabeth
Stonestreet Boger. He was a re
tired farmer.
He was a member of Farming-
ton Baptbt Church.
Surviving are his wife, the for
mer Jennie Collette; three daugh
ters, Mrs. S. S. Styers of Wlnston-
Salem. Mrs. Boone R. Rumage of
Statesvllle and Mrs. L. R. iTtlel
of Highland. Md.. two sons. Loyd
C. Boger of Okeechobee. Flo., and
Bruce T. Boger of Jacksonville.
Fla.; four brothera. Walton Boger
of Greensboro. Dalton Boger of
Mocksvllle. Rt 1. Luther B(«er
of Mocksvllle. Rt. 2. and Aaron
Boger of Winston-Salem. Rt. 1:
a sister. Mrs. 8.0. Nlfong of Win-
ston-Salem: 15 grandchUdren.
and 14 gt«at-grandehlldren.
Mrs. Minnie Lewis. 75
Funeral ^services for Mrs. Min
nie Anderson Lewis, 75. of Route
S, MocksviUe. were held Mcmday
afternoon at the Mt Staila Bap-
itlet Church In Wilkes Countjr.
The Rev. Noah Hayes and the
Rev. fC. .M. Dbd-^9.,
I Mrs. Lewie died Saturday «t the
Davis Hospital Statesvllle. She
had been In declining health tor
several monU».
She war bom in Wilkes County
in 1887. Mtu. Lewis was twice
married, first to Jim Anderson,
who cled In 1616, and then to
Lindolph Lewis, who died In 1646.
Surviving are two sons. Rad-
ford Anderzon of Moclcsvllle. Rt.
4. and Carl Lewis of Mocluvlile.
Rt. 1; three daughters. Mrs- J.
M. Potts and Mrs. Leroy Owens,
both of MocksviUe, Rt. 6 and Mrs.
L. B. Prlvette of MoctevUle. Rt.
4; 15 granfiehJIdren and 12 great
grand children: three brothers.
Clyde Anderson of statesvllle. Rt.
4. L. B. Anderson of StatesvlUe.
Rt. 6 .and Vemle Anderson of
Harmony, Rt, 1: and three sisters.
Mlrs. -Mattle Southern and Mrs.
Roxie fDickens. both of StatesvUle.
and Mis. Nora Bell of TTnion
Drove. Rt. 1.
Bio — Obituaries - 8/23/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 23,1962 - Page 7
Thomas P. Powell, 84
Funeral services for Tliomti^
Pmnkllne Powell. 84. of MOcks-
vUle. Rt. 4. wore held Tuesday
ftftemooD at the Rocky Sprinns
Methodist Church. The Rev.
ayde Settle and the Rev. B. X
Wooten ofTlclated. Burial was In
the chuscli cemetery.
Mr. Powell died at 3:30 ajn.
Sunday at the Rowan Memerlal
Hospital. He had been seriously
111 four weeks.
He war born In Zredell County
to BUns ond Jone PowelL He was
married to Miss Maude Belle
Hoyo who died In 1880.
My. Powell Is survived by nine
sohi. Brvce. and. HexmOp .PopqU
of Mooieiivnier;*Rt. 4. Reed and
Wade Powell of Woodleaf, Rt> 1.
B^vln Powell of Detroit. Mlch^
Hayes Powell of Haynesvlller.
Ohio. Cllmer and Knox .Powell of
Gneendroro. end K^ineth Powell
of Salisbury; three daukhteib.'
Mrs. Winte Williams of Mocks-
vUlo. Rt. 4. Mrs. Hkid Broadway
of Oreeniboro. and Mrs. Lucille
Robertson of Albemarle; 34
mnod children and seven great-
Bio - Obituaries - 8/23/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 30,1962 - Page 1
Youth Killed
In Wreck On
Highway 801
Bddte Conrad Myers. Jr.. 17. of
Advanee. Rt. 2. vras fatally In*
jured In an automobile accident
about 1:20 am. BalunSay nine
miles east of Mocksvllle on N.
C. 801.
He died about eight hours later
at Dnvte County Hospital.
State Hlghtvay Patrolman G.
W. Howard said the 1953 Ford
driven by Myers apparently was
traveling at a high rate of qieed
when it went out of control com
ing out of a shmrp curve, ran off
the road on the right and turned
over about five times.
I Myers was eru.hed beneath the
vehicle. Another boy, Ray Byerly,
IS, of Advance, Rt. 1, was riding
In the cor with Myers but was
not serioitsly injured. He was
treated for minor cuts and rc-
Return Trip
Howard %atd the boys had been
to Winston-Salem and had been
Myers was bom in Davic
County to B. c and Anna Lee
Markland Myers. He attended
Davie County High School.
Burvivlng are his parents: two
slticn. Kathy and.Marcle Myers
of thn.heme:
'brahUPal^bir Mr. and idrs. Uoyd
Marfclarioi of Advance, Rt. 3
Funeral services were held
Mbnday afternoon at the Ad
vance Baptist Church, the Rev.
C. E. Crawford oillolalod. Burial
was In the church cemetery.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 30,1962 - Page 4
Mrs. R. 8. nowle» 9ft j
Mrs. Cornelia Cunninghaml
Howie. 92, widow ct the Rev. R.
S. Howie, died In ThomasvlUe at
9:45 a.m. Monday following a
long period of declining health.
Mr. and Mrs. Howte lived In
Mocksvllle during the tale twen
ties when he was the pastor of,
the First Methodist Chureh hero.
She and her husband had made
their home in ThomasvlUe since
he was superannuated in 1933.
Mr. Howie died Aug. 14. 1939.
Surviving arc <two daughters.
Miss Haoml Howte of the home
and Mrs. Paul Green of Tbmnaa-
ville: one son. Robert Cunning
ham Howie of Charlotte: four
grandohUdren and seven greot!
grandchildren. |
Funeral services were beldi
Wednesday. '
Bio - Obituaries — 8/30/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 6,1962 - Page 4
John WltUAmk. 08
Funeral serWras for John WIN
liama of 1330 Dunkllh Avenue.
Wln<iton-8a!cjn. formerly of Da-
vle County, were held Tue>day
\ at the Cedar Creek Baptist
The Rev. Joe Talum offici'^ted.
Burial was in tho cliuirh ceme
Smvivois are his wife, Mro.
Elsie Tatum Williams; an adopt
ed daughter. Miss Sylvia W}U-
lanu: a aranddauahter. Miss Mary
West, all of Winston-Salem.
Mr. WiUlains was a pdinier by,
trade while ilviita here in Oavjaj
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 6,1962 - Page 4
Sclta Monroe Brctver
Funeral services for Bella Mon
roe Brewer. 81. of MoeksvUlO. Rt.
2. were hold Saturday afternoon
at the Baton Baptist Church. The
Rev. Dallas Bencnar and the Rev.
Dewcy Uamey ofllclated. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Mr. Brewer died at 7 a.m.
Thursday at his home. He had
been in docllnlns hoolth several
He was born In Davidson
County to Edwai'd ond Cella Mill
er Brewer.
He was a retired farmer.
Suvivlnc are his wife, the
former MUa Sallle McClamrock:
two sons. Herman Brewer of
Mocksvllle. Route 2. ond Gllmer
Brewer of MocksvUlo: three
douBhters, Mrs. Paul Eaton ond
Mrs. Lester Richie, both of
Mocksvllle, Rt. 2. ond Mrs. Stan
ley Childress of Columbia. S. C.;
11, Brandchndren; tliree great-
grandchidren: 'end two brothers.
B. D. Kewer of Cemmons ond
Ed Brewer of Concord.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/6/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 13,1962 - Page 6
5. R. Latbain. 80
Funeral services tor Samuel
Rowe ijBtham, 80, of • Salliimry
St., MOcksvUle, were held Mon
day afternoon at the Baton Pun-
era) Chapel. The Rev. W. W.
Blanton officiated. Burial wan
in the Weeley chapel Methodist
Church cemetery witti Maaonle
' Mr. Intham died Sunday at
6:20 Ajn. at the Davle County
Hospital. He had l)een in declln-
InK health sevei^ years.
Re was bom in Davle County
to Jaanor and Nancy FerebM
Latham. He was a member of
Mocksvtlle Methodist Church and
was a past member of (ho board
of trustees.
' Mr. Latham was a past master
cf Ute MocksvlUe Masonic Lodse
and had served as a director of
the Mocksvllle Savlnss and Loan
Association. He taught schotd'ln
the early IBOOs In Davle County
and was a retired rural mall car
Guvlvlng are his wife, the for
mer Miss Bessie Beck; three
sons, James Letham of Fayette-
vOlo. Bam Latham of Moelcsyllte
and Robert Latham of. Dayton.
Ohio: two dauahteis. Mrs. F B.
Shore of Mtoimt Ahy and Mrs.
WiUiam H. Benson of Charlotte;
and six grsndchildon.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/13/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 20, 1962 - Page 3
Dr. Eckerd's Father
Dies On Tuesday
g^ffoTd was received on Tue$iday
^Aming of the dcsili ot O. P-
^Kkerd, 74. father of Dr. E. A.
Eckcrd. at 0 Oitn. at Oiczontanncr
Rest Home at AshevUIe where he
had been a patient for three years.
Funeral services were held
Wednesday in Asheville. BuHal
was in Riverside Municipal Cem
etery in AsIievUle.
Funeral services for Mrs. Delia
Eaton Young of Wlnston-Snlem,
formerly of Cedar Creek conunim-
ity, were held In Zion Memorial
Church. Winston-Salem. Offic
iating was the pastor, the Rev.
H. Wiley, assisted by the
Re^)^^^aiter Mock." Burial'was
in SNersreen Cemetery. Mrs.
Young's brother, Charles Eaton,
and son of Pittsburgh, Pa., were
here for the funeral. While here,
they Visited Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
Williams. Kfir. and Mrs. L. R.
West and iMr. and Mrs. William
Bio - Obituaries - 9/20/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 27,1962 - Page 4
Mtrsi Mary. Ysuiup, 27
Funeral servlses for Mis. iyfory
Jean, Scott Young, 27. who was
degd on arrival at thp Lula Con
rad Hoots Hospital In Yadklnvllle
last Saturday as a result of gun
shot wounds, were held on Wed
nesday, Sept. 26. ot 3 p.m. at
MalnvUle JMB ZIon Church. Bur
ial was In the church cemetery.
Mrs. Young was a native and a
life long resident of Davie Coun"
tV a membei' of MalnvUle
Al^ 2lon Cliurclr. She was a'
gmduate ot IXTTS,
Survivors include the husband,
fimest Young: one daughter. Bev
erly Young; 3 sons. Ernest Young.
4r>» and Daryl Young, all of the
home: the parents. Mr. and Mrs.
John Scott of Rt. J. Mocksville: i
4 sisters. Milss Gladys Rose of Rt. |
4, mns. neser Hunttr of Rt. 2,
JVQrs: ValUe.JLeach. of New York,
City, and Miss Margaret Scoit. of
the home: 4 brolhersi. James Ed-'
ward ScoU of wimton - Salem..
Lester Scott of Rt. 2. ond John i
and WUIIe Scott of Rt. 1.
Mrs. C. L. Ballentine
-Funeral services- from-Mi's...£l..
la Walker Ballentine, so, of Fii-
Ruey Springs were held at the
Wake Chapel Christian Church in
Fuquay Springs. N. C.. on Septem
ber lath.
Mrs. Bellcnllnc died Sunday,
September 16. at the Lynn Haven
Nursing Home where she had
been a patient for the past five
days. She hod been In declining'
health several years. :
She was bom In Davlc County'
to the late W. S.' and Saltle
Thsmas Walker of Mocksvittc Rt.
She was a former school teach
er at FUquay-Varlna where shei
met and married the late Claud-1
lus Leonard Ballentine. who died
July 16. 1940.
Surviving Mrs. Balletinc Is a'
blether, wihiam Mcivinicy woik-
er of Mocksville Rt. I. and four
nephews: John L. Walker of
Mocksville. William L. Walker of
Mocksville Rt. 1; C. R. Walker of
Wlnston-Salem: and W. B. Walk
er of Melbourne, Fla.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/27/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 27, 1962 - Page 6
wnuam B. Jteobt, SO
Funeral aorvlees for WlUlom
BUncr JRCOba, 30. of Cooteemee
nrerc held Sattirday Aftcmoon at
the Cooleemce Presbyterian
Church. The Rev. Charles Murr-
ay and the Rev. J. W. Foster ot-
riciatcd. BuiiAi was in the LIbcr*
ly Methodist Church cemetery.
Mr. Jacobs died Wednesday
night at his home. He had been
In declining health several years.
He \vfta bom to Charlie and
Sadie Head Jacobs of Cooleemce.
Surviving are his parens: two
b.-othors. Carl Jacobs of Mocks*
vlllc, Rt. 3 and the Rev. David
Jacobi; of Wooster. Ohio: two half
brother!', Harry and Charles Wes
ley Jacobs, both of Cooleemce: a
hshw.-BAK-anmu Leu 61 Saiuu
bury: and three holf sisterr, Mrs.
John Daniel of Mocksvllle. Mrs.
James Murphy of Durham and
Miss Margaret Jacobs of the
Mrs. W. R. Wllklns. 86
Funeral scndcea for Mrs. Carrie
Nelsler WUklns. 86, of Mocks
vllle, widow of W. R. Wllklns,
were held Saturday afternoon at
Eaton's Chapel. The Rev. Oeraldi
Wilson and the Rev. W. W. Blan-1
ton oflTlciated. Burial was In Rose
Mrs. Wllklns died at 3:30 a.m.
Thursday while visiting a daugh
ter. Mrs. J. H. Sommers. In North
Mrr. Wllklns had been In de
clining health several months
8ho was bom in Cabarrus County
to Joseph and Margaret Phillips
Nelsler. She attended Ashevllle
Nai<mal College. She was a ntem-
ber of First Presbyterian Church
She was married to Mir. Wllklns
In 1604. He died In 1053. He wos
a druggist.
Surviving besides Mrr. Som-
TOUi't, Is H soil. W. N. Wllklns,
of Klnston: four grandchildren:
nnd Sfven great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers Included: Roy Col-
I tte. Koine-! Yates, Charles* W.
Yo^druff. Knox Johnstone. Oal-
tlicr Sanford. and J. D. Bird. Jr.
Daniel C. Hudiabee, 67
Fwn-.-ol services for Dontcl
*'.v-dc Huckobee, 07. of 2552 S.
'"•♦in frt. WJaisnn-Filrm. wrrc
held Friday afternoon at tite
^'accdonia -Moravian Ch.urch. Tlte
Rev. Taylor Loflln, the Rrv. J.
.Q Bruocr. and.the Rev. Norman
sycriy onieiiu>d. uiiNdi waj; ih.
the chuvoh cemetery.
Mr. Huckabee died at 1:3S pm.
Vrt. 19 at tlte John Umstead
;-ltal at Butner. He had been
crllnhg health several
; was bom in Moore County
. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Huck-
b?c. He was a member of Mace-
'.onla Moravian chnrrh ir r*--'t
County and was a veteran of!World War X. {
Surviving are his wife and a'
slcpoaughter. Miss* Cornelia!James of the home. |
Bio - Obituaries - 9/27/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 4,1962 - Page 4
Mn. 0. R. Chattln. 85
l>Hineral services for Mrs. Emma
Oalton Chattln. 88. of Cooleemeo,
were held Saturday afternoon at
the Baton Funeral Chapel. The
Rev. Clyde Settle officiated. Burl-
al was in the Lesion Memorial
Park in COoteemee.
Mr. Chattln died at 3:30 p. m,
Wednesday at the Maple Prove
Rest Home.
She was bom In Oretna. Va
Her husband died In 1844.
Surviving are tu'o sons. Robert
Chattln of Cooleemee and Ben
Chattln of Jonesvllle: tliree
daughters. Mrs. Sampson Blank-
enship of Thomasvlllc. Mrs. An
derson Franklin of High Point
end Miss Nannie Chattln of the
home; eight grandchildren: and
four great-grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries -10/4/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 11,1962 - Page 5
C^l Uonrao Peofdcs
CeoU ooiwie Peoples. M. of
MoeksvlUe. Rt. 6. died at 9 pjn-.
Tuesday night at the Davfe
County Hospital. He had been
seriously 111 for one day and In
falling health for several years.
For the post two years he had
operated a curb narket In ftfooks-
vUle. Prior to that he was a cattle
He was the son of Essie Boger
Peoples and Claude Peoples.
Mr. Peoples is aurvlved by 1^9
wife. Sadie Summers Peoples, and
three daughters: Miss Bonnie
Peoples and 1^ WlUa Mae Peo
ples of the hotpe; Mrs. Donald Ray
Vestal of Joofsvllle: two grand
children. A sister. Mrs. J. R. Wa-
tcrs of WInston-Salem. and one
biother, Uowgrd C. Peoples of
Funeral services will be held
at 3:30 p.mM_Thitisday. afteinooji.
at the Union chapel Methodist
aiurch. Burial will be In the
cliurch cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/11/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 11,1962 - Page 4
ThontM to Kooiili
Thomas Umn Koonta. 66. of
Moeksvmo m. 4 died at 7:30 p.
m. Saturday at the Davle County
Hospital where be had been a
pauent two days. He had been
in declining health and confined
to a wheelchair several years.
Funeral aervtces were held
■Monday afteiiiwHr m um BMEIg
Methodist Church. The Hev.
James White, the Rev. W. W.
Blanton. end the Rev. B. M. Av-
ette officiated. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
He was bom in Davidson
County to Samuel and Louisa
Shoof Roonts.
Mr. Koonts was a retired farm
er in the Davle Academy com
Surviving are two daughters,
Mrs. Pted E. Cartner of Mocks-
ville. Rt. 1. and Mrs. John H.
Smoot of ModcsvlUe; two sons,
RufUs O. Koonts of Short Hill,
H. J., and Ernest T. Bnoots of
MocksvUle. Rt. 4: eight grand-
children; and seven great-gnmd-
Miss Mary Hariman. 47
Rmoral serrices for Mia Mary
Lewis Hartman. 47, of 30 W. 76th
Street, New York City, were held
Tuesday afternoon at the Ad*
Vance Methodist Church. The
Rev. Kyle Smith tffielated. Bur
ial was in the church cemetery.
Mia Hartman died at 0:4S a.
m. Sunday at the Baptist Hos-
pltaL She had been Ul a month.
She was here tor a visit and
suffered a cerebral hemorrhage.
Mia Hartman was bom in Ad-
vance to Lewis E. and Bouna B.
Vogier Hartman. She m)6nt most
of her life In Davle County, She
had been In New York for the
past 13 years. She was with Ted
Bates Advertising, Inc.
She was a member of Holy
Trinity Lutheran Church in New
York, and was a fonner member
of Advance Methodist Church.
Surviving are her father and
her stepmother of Advance; six
sisters. Mrs. W. A. Bailey, Mrs.
Hubert Bailey, Mrs. George Baro-
hardt, Birs. Budell Bamhardt and
Mlsa Maggie Hartman of Ad
vance and Mm. Oaither Marsh
of t«noir: three brothers. Alvln
B. Hartman, Henry Harhnan and
Robert Q. Hartman of Advance;
and en aunt who reared her.
Miss Cora Hartman of Advance.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/11/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 11,1962 - Page 5
Mr*. Robert M. Smont
Mi*j. Julia MarBoret Leonard
Smoot, 51. of Rt. 4, the Trading
eura comtniutny.' °in@s*~8aturdAy
morning In the Baptist Hospital
In WInaton-Solem where she hod
been a patient for two weeks.
Funeral services were conduct
ed Monday at 3 o'clock In the
Bethel Methodist Church with the
Rev.s Terry L< Hammlll In charge.
Burial followed In the church
MTs. fe^noot was born in Rowan
jCounl|^ on Oct. 4. lOll. dnughter
I of Mrs. Bessie Becker Leonard
land the late George Leonard. She
!w^r educated In the county
i schools, the Farm Life School at
Clilna Grove and the School of
Nursing at the Whitrhead-Stokes
Sanltorium. A registered nurse
she was nnployed for several
years in the office of Dr. Frank
B. Marsh. Salisbury*
She was a member of the Bethel
Methodist Church and was mar*
Smsot, who survives.
Other survivors Include two
daughters. Margaret Smoot of the
home and Mortha Smoot. a stu
dent at Appalachian State Teach
ers College: her mother. Mrs.
George Leonard of Rt. 4. Salis
bury: two brotliers. John Leon
ard of Belmont and George Leon
ard of Rt. 4, Salisbury: and one
sister, Bliss Alma Mae Leonard of
Rt. 4. Sollsbuiy.
Bio - Obituaries -10/11/1962 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 18,1962 - Page 5
Boonr tV. Carlner. S3
Funrral services for Boonc W.
Cartner. 82, of Cooleomce. who
died Frldns', October 12. at Rott'«
an Mrtnoilnl Hospital In Sails-
btny. ^reiT held Sunday at First
Baptist Church at Cooleemce by
the Rev. Chnrtcs P. Burehcttc
and the Rev. Bill Creoson. Burial
He had been In declining
health several months.
He was bom In Davle County
to John and Mary Walker Cart
ner. He was an employe of Erwin
Mills in Coolecmec for 4S years
before he retired in Match.
He married Miss Estn Stroud.
who survives.
Also survivlnu arc three dauRh-
lei-s. Mr». Frank ScoKraves of
Woodleaf. Mrs. Ray Hcllnrd of
Salisbury, and Mrs. Rnnsom Dud-
I ley of Coolecmec: a son. Robert
Gartner of Oklahoma City. Okta.:
20 arandehildren: and 17 areat-
Noah B. Myers. 80
' mh h. i^yemlWbl 115 FiVc
mason St.. Norfolk. Va. native of
Davle County, was found dead
In bed at his home. Sunday.
Mr. Myers was apparently In
Rood health Saturday. He Is be
lieved to have suffered a heart
He wos bom in Davle County
to Uriah and Hatteros Hlldon
Myers. He had resided at Nor
folk for 42 years and was a bar
ber. He was In the Nouy for Uirce
years during World War n. He
was a member of Mock Method
ist Church at Advance.
Surviving are one sister. Mrs.
Parks A. Coonc of 311 Clayton
Street. Wlnston-Solcm: and two
brothers. L. B*. Myers of new
O'rcdnsboro Road, manager of the
Myer-Lee Motel ond Charles IT.
Myers of Advance. Rt. 1.
Carr M. Swieegood
Corr M. SwlceRood. ape 72. died
suddenly Tuesday, October 9 at
community, near Ashevllle.
Mr. Swlcegood was a native of
Mocksville: where he flntshe<l
hish school at the old Sunny
Side Seminary, after which he
entered Oak Rtdgc College. Fi
nishing there, he accepted a posi
tion with tlie Soutltcrn Railway,
and served about fifty years as
a locomotive engineer. Ho wua
president of the Railroad Old-
timers. and a member of the
Brotlierhood of Locomotive En
gineers. He was a member of the
Skyland Methodist church, ond a
vluirler member of the MclhodUt
Men of Skyland Church. Ho wn.s
also a 33nd degree Mason. Shrln-
jar "and. ntembar.,nf...Mt.. Harmon,
Masonic Lodge.
Can* woo the son of the late
Ellis M. and Margaret Sink
Swlcegood. He Is survived by his
widow, Uie former Nora Arm
strong. three daughters. Ml&s
Bess of the home. Mrs. D'JdIey O.
Brown, of ChaNbttc; And Mrs. A.
M. Ford of Plalnflcld. New Jer
sey: two sons, Robert M. of Ashe
vllle. and Joe C. of Arden. and
one sister. Mrs. Mack Qalbreath.
of Frankfort, Kentucky. Tliore
are also ten grandchildren and
ten great-grandchildren
Arthur Shrphrrd
Arthur Shepherd, a resident of
Dnvie Cuinty for the past sixty
years, died tu Rowan Meiiiorial
Hospitjd Thur.«day. Oct. 11. fol-
lowlnu :in rxtciuled illne's.
He > .survived by one son. Ar
thur Shepherd. Jr.. of Albemorle.
I=1iMeral services were held
Titerrlny. Oct. 10. .it Shlloh Dap-
tl I rhurn'h by the Rev. O. W.
Cu.'npl>>II. Burial was in the
I'hiiieli rriuelery.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/18/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 25,1962 - Page 7
l^trs. J. H. Weston
Funeral services were held at
2:90 pjti. Sunday In the Chape)
or Johnsan Funeral Hsme, for
Mrs. J K. Weston. of Statcsvlllc.
Burial was in tlte cemetery at
Ccnsotd P.itsbylei'lan Chureli.
Mrs. Weston. uue 88. died at
8:30 asn. at Davis Hospital. Sat-!
urday. following a linserinj ill
Surviving are one son. James
Weston of Slatesvillc, Rt. 3: two!
daughters. Mrs. j. B. Ross of
Charbtte. and Mrs. C. F. Sofley. of
MocksvUle: 11 grandchlidrei;; 31
great grandchildren: and oncj
great-great grandchild.
Grover Barnes, 47
Funeral services for Orovcr
Franklin Barnes 47. of Coqlee-
mee, were held Sunday afternoon
at the Church of Ood in Coolec-
inee; The -Retnir C" Mirf?ii,-sf:
officbted. Burtol vttat In the Lib
erty Methodist Church Cemetery.
Oraveslde rites were conducted
.t^t^ .American Lcglciv
it Mr, Raines died Friday at the.
Veteran's Adminlstratbn Hosutu
■al at SnlistytMy—where .la .had
been a patient three weeks. He
.had been in declining health four
He was bom In Davb Cotmty
to TOm ond Daisy Williams Bar
nes and was an employe of Erwin
Mills Co. in CoolcemM.
His wife, the former Miss Colh-
erlne O'Neal, surt-lves. Also sur
viving are five sons. Arnold
Barnes of Coobemee. and Timo
thy, Lonnie Ray. Gary Michael
and Kenneth DaTiync Barnes, all
of the home; his mother.* of
Coobemee: six sisters, Mrs. Bob
Head of Cooleemee, Mrs. Ruth
Leonaixl of Germany. Mrs. Grace
Leonard of Lexington: Mrs
Cliarllc Hcplcr of Mork.svlUc. Mrs.
Ruby Tohpcncc of Cooleemro. ond
Mra. Jap McCrcnry of Coolcrmcc:
and two brothers. Tommy Barnes,!of Dvnton ond Odis Barnps of|
Csolccmcc. I
Mm. W. L. Crews, 75iFuneral services for Mrs. Mnttie^
Uppard Crews. 76. of Advance, jj
widow nf W. Jv-Ccews^.were hcldJ
Mcnday oftcinoon oi the Ad
vance Mcthodlit Cimrch. The
Rev. Kyb Smith officiated. Bur
ial was in Hm? church cmclery.
Mrs. Crew.s dcd uncxpectrdly at
7 am-. Saturday. She had been
in dccllninK health several
She was the odoptcd daughter
of O. H. and Eramo Howard Lip*
She was born In Davie County.
Her husband died 3 years ago.
Site was on active member of
Advance Meihodht Church until
her health declined.
Surviving are two sisters. Mrs.
Ira Harttey and Mrs. Grace Cor-
—botlf'uf "the'
home; a brother. Lindsey Cor-
natzer of the home: two half sis
ters. Mk. Rose Hendiix of Ad
vance and Mrs. Earnest Smith of
Lexington: and two half broUtera.
A. P. Oomatxer of Wlnston-Salein
and C. W. Comatmr of Clcm-
Tom W. Buchanan, 64 |
Fimcral .services for Tom Win-
field Buchanan 54. of Morksvllle'
■ RU 3. will be held at 4 p. m.;
'Thiir.sdny at the Fork BapUtt.
Church. The Rev. Comeron Dod-'
xon and the Rev. Dell Suuys will
officiate. Biirlol will bo in the
vhutvh cemetery.
Mr. Buchanon died at his home
■aV-BsSS -flr-rai- Tuesday oflee-atr
illncfis of five months.
He was bom in .\very Count;*
to Dan and Ida Thomas Buchan
an and was a furitUure-planl
wnrkcr. He was o momiwr of
Fork Baptist Church.
His wife, the former Miss Mary
Jorvls. survivi's.
Also surviving are two sons.
Bruce Bucluuum of Cove Sprlnys.
Fb. and Dale Buchanan of lire
home: a daughter. Dana Buchan
on of the home: two brothers.
Richard Buchanan of Dlueftcld.
W. Vo., and Andrew Bucltnnan
of Eiizabethton. Tenn.: n half
brother. Dave Buchanan of Bak-
ersvillo: three sbtecs. Mrs. B*jr-
Olbl! HAWih m ElbttwnKrm:
Will Hollman of Roan Mountain,
Tenn.. and Mrs. Harvey Grind-
staff of Minneapolis N. C.: and
a grandson.
Bio — Obituaries -10/25/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 25, 1962 - Page 7
Mrs. J. P. Walker. 7<l
Funeral services for Mrs. Luna
Iwifllamv Wallcrra 71. at Advaucc
I Rt. 1. Wife of J. P. Walker, will
■^be held Thunsdny at 3 p. m. at
' thr Macedonia Moravian Clniroh..|Thc Rrv. Toytor LoRln and the.Irov. Norman C. Bycrly will of-
' flair. Burial will be In Ihr churchi' •emctery.
Mrs. Walker died at 8 n. m
Tuesday at Uic Davic County
Slto^u^os boi'h^Jn Davlc County
to Monroe and Julia James Wil
liams. She married Mr. Walker
in 1012.
She was a member of Mace
donia Moravian Church.
Survivina arc her husband:
five (lauyhiers. Mrs. Raymond
ShoUon. Mrs. Clinton Lake. Mrs.-
neither Lee and Mrs. Herman|
Cleary all of Advance. Ri. 1. andMrs. Curl Is Cook of 3243 Old;Vineyard Road. Wliwlon-Snlem:!
a son, Richard Walker of Ad-ivance. Rt. I: nine urandchlldren:!
and two Rrcat-Rrnndchlldrcn*.and two sisters. Mrs. Claia Kouf-j
man and Mrs. John H. Smllh.
both of Advance. Rt. 1.
Mrs. Annie M. Murdork I
Funeral senices far Mrs. Annie
M:. Murdock. a life Ions residentof Davie County, were held yes-j
tprdav .It a nm.. nt the Rock
Hill Church of ChrUt in Rowan
!County. Bro. Charles Wilson of
ficiated- and burloi followed In
the chuiYh cemetery.
Mrs Murdock Ir. survltTd by her
hutband. James Murdock of the
Itome on Routv 1. MjeksvUte One
sLicr. Mri. ARnes Hampton of
Winston - Snlem. One brotlicr.
ClntTnrc Frost of Routo I Mocks-
Bio - Obituaries - 10/25/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
.Si.iiifx Hiilim .
' ii'i, i.t II I'-llutd
' ;!,.'n ltniU, wu" di-wJ <>» «r-
n i r.-.il M :i;H> I'. M. Tuesday
ill Mc-iiioriikl lluiild-
ii,l III! I'.ad licv-n in <1'--
cliititiq health u yiif*.
I He was horn in Howan
C'Dimty In John K. ariil Am-
; anfhi Trexlf-r MiirBnn and
npi'JiitiMl Mornim'A Store in
1 WoiidU'iif for ao years. He
> was then employed by Son-
I 'llurti Uniiway Co. for 16
! IS.
Hi- was .-I momber of Uni-
' !> l'ji-.sby*i-tiiitl Cluiri'h oiul
wr.:- <1 lii'iieiisi. an iiiilirr and
' |iii."Mili iii <d ll.'' Mi'n'.s nibk"
[' ri.i-,:; in tiv rhincirs Sun-
liny .Sfli.:ol Mo was a for-
I' iiii j !iK'J«boi' of Sninl An-
" .bi-w';: l.iitheran rhuicb,
,1 Me Wilt: a pa.sl president
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 25,1962
Woodlcar, Dies Al 69 j
of MV! Wnorlleaf CiviUili
Club. Me wa.'i n ttioniber of
Mw Wciodlcaf fire Uepart-
imiiit and Ibe ScfdclulrMli (
Moi-oriic IiOdjjo at Clevehind i
i«n<l Chapter 117 Order of c
the Enatern Star in Saliti-
bury and Ibo Oasis Slirinc ,
and the How,an Shrine,
'sonvivous usi'EO •
j Surviviht; arc hl.-s wife,
jlha fornter Miss Nannie
.'Goodntun; two sons, I,eo O.
J Mcnuaii of 708 Westview Dr,
(V.'instnn . Snlem, and Joe
K, Morpiiii of the Army sld-
j jtinricd at Ko'l Brap^l: five
jdaiinhiers. Mis. Maroid D.
' I t.^L-nix-riJ nf Ralit-hury. Mit
John l.iidwii;! of KiiyctlcviMo.
' Mrs. fb-ti nf Kings;
n l.Moi 111 lain, Mr:! CJjahmn .Sow.,
"k'lS of Lexington. MnUte 8. j
lond Mr.! Donald Widsoii of;
t Wondieuf: four brulhors, Ar-j
.. llnir t.. Morgan of Siilis-i
bury, Hoiitc 4, Wesley N.
1 Morgan of SpGncer, Horace
Morgan of Charlolte, and
\V,iller C, Morean of Gold
Hill. Raulo 1; 15 grandchild-
rsin-ond a eroat-fir.aiVli:hJld.
The- funeral w.a.s conduct
ed .it 8:30 P. M. Thur-sday
nl Uni ty Presbyterian
_ Chun it nl Wood leaf by the
Hftv. AUui Wells and the
Rev. O. V. Cfttidill. Hurial
was in the church ecmotc-
f. ry.
I AIImtI 77,
<A Mii<-ksviJI«r. Riiul'.' 3, <lii;(l
;it 0;-t.7 A. iM, l-'riibiy at
hi: iiijiiK-. [{<• iVid Inien in
|d<.'ehniiig lir.altli several
He vvvj.-i horn in Davic
[Coimiy lo Wiley and Sallii-*IWisiiaher Smilh .-inii was a
MUired farmer. Mi.' was a
of Smilh Grove Me.
if:ii<ii,r Clinrcli,
! Mi- fir:?I v.-if-. Mrs, KsnnUi
l^iiinili'-.-: Sinitli, died in 1614.
'In "23 lie married Mi:-.s Stella
.Carmk'ivf'l, who siirviVMi!.
I Al':ii Mirvivnig rn'i* fi daii.
,j-.-'.ter. Mis Gr.'ifly .ileBride
[ill .Mi:"k;-viiie. ItiinU' 3, and
[a im. Ili'f.ry .Sintlli Moulb-
i-ii; iif Aih'.'ine?, lloiU.e I;
jf.vn si.-itpr;'!. Mr.s, J. W.
Jnne.^ of Mucksviile tind Mrs
'h. H. Cat roll nf Wliwlon-
Till! funeral wa.s condiici-
ed at 3 i'. M. .Sunday al
I S in i I li Giove Methodist
Chinch hy the Rev. Dwighi
Mashburn. Burial was in the
elnireh eeineteir.
GioV"! Kmnlil.n Mn;.'- '
j-l'i'. of Cmdi-i'ni-•• iii'"l i' -i ^ ^
:in p. .M. Oiti'i'i'i I" s'
tv e t <• I a nV .•Siliiii:.i-'i.:i. ' '
lion Mn.ipltal al S.il' hui.Y
wliero he had l't-i-:i a in'.i- '
i.enl Ihrei- wia-ks M.- ii -i il;
been in ili-rlinini: healtli f"'i'
-'inonlh.s. ®
, He. was mxn la l>:i\J' b11 I •• • 0
County ill T'lOi ami IJas.si ,
||\Villi.nn.s Barni-s ••uiii w.i< :iii |J
lunpjiivo of Krwiii Mill-:lunpjiiy
^ in Cooli-i iiii-i\
t| Mi? will-. Hi'- f<-rni< I M
1 (Jatlicrinf 0'N< ah . iii '. i--
i'AI.so .survivir-.f .ik- l:-.-- "
|Arn)ilil Ha: lit - "I I ll- K
Ml - <o.
II 1 1: t -''.
-.-- , •
, i i
iiiiii', anri Tiiiaai.y. ; •
Hay. Clary Mii li.it aii.l l-L-n i
ni-lii n*.v:iyr-..- Hai ii- ^ :ili "f |
il-.i' hii::v'' ill- iiinl-<-r -! t n j
jri-iiK i-; .i.s si-li-i :. M.--. H ih i
Hoa'i of (.''tuie. ii'i-''.- .Ml I
Itiilb I.i-ouani 111 G'-riiiiiiiy. '
I jM.-I .iI Wi
1 ■! I I
I.. 1'
1 ,1 III
H; . A.
; I W.-IS
: i! 5',Ilk
T ;• ;in
Bio - Obituaries - 10/25/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 1,1962 - Page 1
iillard Hies
Hfter Wreck
Jolinity WttVnc Wlllard. 21. of
Mock>\'inc. Rt. 2. dtod at 5:4S p.
in.. Sunday at the Davlc County
Hospitnl of head Injuries nuffer-
-d in an automobile accident
ibnut 3:45-ajn.. Sunday.
State Hlsrhu'ey Patrolman G. W.
Hou-ard .mid WlHard was ridlns
'n a cnr driven by Lonnie Gray
Shorcf. 17. of Mocksville, Rt. 2.
Howard mid the car overtmned
in a riin'o an the Mud Mill Road
wyi^rd wa§ thrown from ^e
n Nciriicr Siiuivsnur JeiryKooi/U-j
of OCacksvilto. another passcnecr
in the cnr. was hurt.
Howard .mid he charged Shores
with reckless driving and man-
laufthter. He aald the cbr.
rgistcred to Shore's father,
-aiclmrd-lzsaac—Shore, was de-
WlUa'-d was born in Davlc
!;ounly to Paul and Pauline God-
b..^y Willnrd. He was a furniture
Surviving arc the parents, two
'))-others. D.^ll(r5 and Paul Wlllard
! •. nf Mock.<ivlUe. Rt. 2: five sis
ters, Mr.f. Richard Shore. Mrs.
Sdwnrd Barnhardt and Mrs.
Thoir.a.s Necly. nil of Mocksvlllc,
2. Ml ^£S Kay Prances and
•f!nr:i \\ni.iv(i of the home: two
iiM h".vh. ? Piily and J.anirj I,
Vimzont of MickwIIle: and one
■uiil .ii.-irr. ^rr.'s. Grady Wcslmorc-
.ind of Mocksvillc.
Funnal .«r>virr< were eonditrLrd
Turrday afternoon at the Ook
Ji'ovr Mclho<ii:;t Church. The
t:*v. Jack Y.irbrough officiated.
Burial was In the church eemc-
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 1,1962 - Page 7
Clarence R. Everhart. 41
Funerol services lor Clarence
Richard IHnnk) Everharl. 41. of
Lcxlnaton. father of Mrs. Chester
James of Mocksvllle, who died on
Thui'sd.iy. Oct. 25. wcie conducted
Friday nt 4:30 p.m. at the home,
433 N. State St.. Lexlnuton. by
the Rev. B. J. Mclver. Bmial woa
Ttr the Lexington City Cemulei'y.
Mr. Everhart died at 4:45 ajn.
Thuisdny enroutc to Lexington
Memorial Hcipital after suffering
a heart attack.
He \vas born in Davidson Coun
ty to Brady ond Nancy Mayabo
Everhart. He wos an employee of
Thomasville Chair Co.
surviving. In adidtion 'o his
daughter, are his wife. Mrs. Doi*o-
thy Jarreit Everhovt: lus mo-
tlicr of the home: a son. Bobby
Ei'crhart of the home; three
broihers. Giin Everhart of Lexlng-
ten. Willie Everhart of Lexhmton,
Rt. 6. and Melvin Everhart of
Lexington. Rt. 4. and three sla-
te-s, Mrs. Fred Warner and Mrs.
WUtard Flemmlnp, both ol Lex*
iiiRton. and Mrs. Clarence Bar
ber of 81. Paul.
Bio - Obituaries -11/1/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, November 1,1962 - Page 1
Johnny Wayne Willard
Man Dies After
Wreck In Davie
Jotmny Wayne Willard, 311
of Mpcksville, Rottte 2, died
at 8:45 P. M. Sunday at
Davie County Hospital of
head Iplurle* auffmd la on
automoUIe oealdeal about 941
45 A M. Sunday.
Stale Hifthway Patrolman]
G. W. Howard was riding
in a car driven by
Gray 17. df lloeks.Q
vUle, Route 2. Howard sat
the ear .overturned on eU
curve on the Mud Mill Road
end Willard was throwrjj
from the car.
Neither Shores nor JenryU
Koonls of hh^hsyllle, ano
ther passeniser In the eu^
wos hurt
He said the car. re^t
to Shore's fath^. Rlc
Isaac Shores, was demc
DAVIE kahvb
willard was bom in Da
vie County to Paul one
Pauline Qodboy Willard, Ht
vraa a fUrnituro worker.
SurvlvhiS ore tto parents
two brothers. Ztollas am
Paul Wniard Jr. of Mocks
vRle, Route 2; fivo sisters
Mrs. Richard Swre. Mr&Ed
word Bamhardt and Mn
TiwnasNeely. all of Mocks
villa. Routo 2, Misses
Prances and Agnes WUIan
of due homo; two half bro
then, Bniy and JamM t
Vansant of MccksvlIIc; euu
one half sister, Mrs. Grad:
Westmoreland of Mocksvllk
The funeral was conduct
ed at 2 P. M. T^jesdoy a
Oak Grove Methodla
Church by the Rev. Jacl
Yarbrough. Burial was ii
«h^ fhiircjfi fomfitOTV.
David Mclntyre
Brother Of local
Woman Dies
David Mclntyre. age 58,
died at Cobamts ^piial
in Concord Thursday after
being a patient there tor
threo days- The funeral and
burial wtt< held on Sat
urday afiemoon at Coaoord.
Survivor* wore six sU-
toro, including Mr#. Charlie
Brindle of Cooleemeo.
Bio - Obituaries -11/1/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 8,1962 - Page 8
Thomas L. Poole, 81
Funeral services lor Thomas
Lant Poole. 81. of Mocksvlllc. jlt.
4. were held Monday mormng at
Eaton's Chapel. The Rev. W. r.
Fi-ost officiated. Burial was In
t>*e Prinklin Presbyterian Church
M.*. Pootc died Friday nisht in
the Jolenc Rest Horns at Salls-
hnry He had been In decllnlnaj
health scvcrol months.
He was bom Sept. 3. 1881. son
of the late Mr. and Mm. Ran*
dalph Poole. He married tlic
former Addle Jacobs, who sur
vives. He was 0 reUred farmer.
Other survivors include one son.
John L. Poole. of Rt. 4. Mocks-
ville; two daushtcrs. Mrs. Delia
Bailnitcr. of Route 4. Mock«vlUc.
and Mrs. Ann Hayes of Deurbom.
Mich.: one brotlier Chnrlic Poole
cf Salisbury; one sister., ..Mrs
Leila Sink of Winston-Salem; lo
rmiilnh'iHnmT and tcvcn gn>ati
Bio - Obituaries -11/8/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 15,1962 - Page 1
Mrs. Geraldine Seaford Lakiy
Dies In Two-Car
Mrs. Ocraldlne Beaford Lakey.
34. of Mocksvllle. Rt. 4. m» ktHed
tn a two-car coUlMon FrtdaT
morning obout a quarter of a mite
west of Mocksvllle on TT. 8. 64.
State Highway Patrolman Q. W.
Howard reported that the 1962
oroased the center line during tlie
■r^lnstonn and collided with a
Chryder being operated by Piank
Bondurant. 42, of 3608 Indians
Avrnue, Wlnston-Salem.
Trooper Howard quoted Mr.
Bondurant as saying he tried to
drive over to the right In an
effort to avoid the colUslon.
Trooper Howard: eald that an
eyewitness to the accident came
forth later to report that Bondu
rant had passed hSs paneled
truck Just Immediately prior to
'he accident, but had gotten back
Into his right lone at the time
of the collision.
Hie officer said Bondurant.
who wears artificial limbs replac
ing an arm end a leg lost in a
dynamite explosion In his youth,
-iiffered a broken jaw and pos
sible Internal injluies. Bondurant
was admitted to chy Memorial
Tlospltal In Wlnston-8atem. How
ard said a seat belt saved Bon*
dumnt's life.
The officer said Bondurant was
cnroutc to LltUe Rock. Ark.
Brndurant. owner of B and V
Motor CO. In Rural Hall, suffered
bis older Injuries when the ex-
plosive went oy prematurely.
while he was worMng In a well.
Mts.- Lakey was' dead dh ardvhl
at Davle County Hoimltal.
Born In Oavie
She was borh In Davle County
to c. A: and Rdrilb Boles SeA-
ford and -the-wife of Cecil
Su-vlving atO'Jur husband; a
son. Donald Lake, and a daughter,
Lu Ann Lakey, all of the home;
her parents of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4;
three brothers, Olenn and Jack
Seaford, both of Moeksville. Bt.
4, and Johnny Seaford of States-
vlUe. and a sister. Miss Jewel
Seaford of Mocksvllle, Rt 4.
Funeral services were conducted
Sunday afternoon at the Eaton
Funeral homo. The Rev. James
White and the Rev. o. W. Fink
officiated. Burial was In the Bar-
disen Chapd cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries -11/15/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 22,1962 - Page 5
Mrs. L. H. Baybuek
Pimcral services for Mrs. Laura
Roybcck. 65. wife of Lester Ray-
buck, Rt. 3, DuBcU. Penn.. and
mother of Edward A. Raybuck
of Advance. Rt. 1. were conduct
ed at 2 p.tn. Saturday at H.
Laird Ober Funeral Home, Rey-
noldsvlUe. Penn.. with the Rev.
Harold H. Bj'ers Jr. officiating.
Burial followed In Momlngslde
Cemetery, DuBoU.
Mrs. Raybuck died Wednesday.
Nov. 14. at 2:30 pan. at her home
of a heart ottack. Slie was bom
Nov. 7. 1607. in Reynoldsville.
daughter of Alexander and Mar-
Bnrel Hamilton Shearer. She was
married in 1915 to Lester Roy-
buck. who survives. She was a
member of tire First United Pres
byterian Clnirch Is DuBois.
Survivors In addition to her
husband are three daitghters. Mrs.
Margaret Kirk. Mrs. Hatielle Le-
shok and Mrs. Donna Kohle;*
DuBcis: five soiu, Miijor Jack
Raybuck. Air Force. Frankfurt.
OermTiiy;' Vaughn "Haybuclc.'"Cfn-
cins.itl. Oho: Wilson Raybuck. Al-
tooni. Pa.: Edward Raybuck. Ad
vance: and Donald. Bradford. Pa.:
i'SO nrandchlldren ond one great
1 grant rhitd.
' Dwight Dlltard |
Dwlght Dlllatd. 3 month old*
srn ct Mr. and Mi'i. WiUiaiti
Dlllard. Jr^ died ot Oavlc Couniy
Hospital Tuctiray inurnlh:!.
Surt'lvors oiV^: his parents: twu
slaters. Patricia and Lcvonc. of
the home: four brothers. Ricky.
Terry, mton, ahd Larry, of the
home: his paternal Kronriparents.
|Mr. and Mrs. William Dlllard.
Sr.. of Mccksvlllc: and his ma-
I temal grandparents, the Ret-, and
iMra. Oscar Qmy. of Winston-
jSalim. Other rclatlvo also sur-
I Graveside services were held
1 Wednesday. Nov. 21. nl 2 p.m. In
\h\u Jcim'5 AMU\!£.6n L'hUlVJi
I Cemetery. Tlic Rev. N. K. Byci.s
I ofnnatcc.
Lonxo West
I Funeral seri-lccs for Lonxo We:t
of Cedar Creek community, wore
I held ot Cedar Creek Baptist
I Church. Sunday. Nov. lo, con-
I ducted by Rev. H. Wesley Wiley.
.Bsihted bv Rev, o. w camphpy
cf Moeksville. and Rev. W. I.
.Tatum of Wlnston-3nlem.'
I Mr. We A was a life-long resl-
' dent of the Cedar Creek commun
ity and a deacon of the church.
Siin-lvots include his wife. Mrs.
Luln Eaton West: olght sons. Ed-
win west or Newark. N. J.. Alon-
zo West. Jr.. John West of Wln-
jjton-S.*.lem. Joe. Ben. Glenn West,
all in the U. S. Air Foi-ce. William
West of Oold.nboro; Hubert West
of Mocks\'iIle. Rt. 5; two brothers.
Odls ond Buford West of Win-
ston-Solcm: two sHters. Mattie
and Fnnnie West, of New York
C:cy; 33 grandchildren: and nine
great grandchildren.
Bio - Obituaries -11/22/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
:S5 a
ri 2:
CO sri
• u tn
h: i
:—' ■:i
Mrs. C. F. Stroiid Sr.UOCKVttLE - ''^^,3^6,cudc swud. |1.^ Strwd.Sr.
®'=1' »°td t^ffictory to ,
1904. . tv,e MocUsville l
Stroud a life-long I
stroud jr- ^ .jaroesdau^ters, JJ". yj^th ofand tTo gtaadchddren;^^l,locksvill^ s 3ad a ;^au
ffickoryif , „ai beThe '"»SldM at First Bapgh'^BfhS M Bay- ^Church Bare j, ^
■' '■ r- I ' ^ ^S| " '-
c3 • . t".po : .0U -c 'a.- O- — •-
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 29,1962 - Page 5
AlrN. C. F. 811*011(1. |
FUttcrol .wtA'Icrs (oj* Mi*3».
^llck Siroiirt. ill. o| Mnrl:.>v]|It\
Vlilow of C. Fiinf. SiKUid. Si_
*Tri' heir nriovmwn tii
the Ptr?l f'lin«*h. The
Rt-v. Prrd Cuttio.^ o:ri<'„i(rd. Bur-.
Iftl ttUi 111 Rnv Cemi'tery. j
Mrs, si.nuil ul hiio p.m..
PnUtrila}' iii luv homn. She hnd
h<cn 111 drelltiinti hi*nlth lor Ihc
IWKl wvrMl yenrs.
She \v.i.s born to •V.i*e Friinklln
nick iind Mory Mn.vurcll Click.
She moicd lo H<rko"y In cnrly
youth. She wim innriied ihcn> In
On purchnfiiiR the AIock.«vlllo
Record In I8P7. Mr. and Mrs.
Stroud cninc here.
Mr*. Slroud uds fl life - Icne
BaptLit. u member of Pli-st Bap<
Uts Church here.
Sure^vlitfi are n ron. C. rmnk
Stroud. .h-.. or Mnck<i\'lllc: two
dmi«hten. Mrs. James HInkle
end Louise Stroud. both of
Mocksville: tuo urandchildren: a
(Treat i^mndchild: nnd a half
. rider. Mr*.. Av^vy. J. Mifnrdin of
I>. Lonnle nalfher. 74
Funeral srrvici; for David
Loniiic Qallher. 74. of Mocksville.
■Rt, I. were held Friday afiemoonPll the New Union Metliodlst
cnurch. The Rev. C.imemn Dod-
son. the Rev. W. C. Bnlla, the
Rev Cl.vde Sellle ond Uie Rev.
Walter Cucke man officiated. Bur
ial wan In the eliuiTh cemetery.
Mr. Oaitlier died Thursday at
the Lynn Haven Nurslnit Home.
He had been In declining health
.seven years.
Mr. Gnltlicr. a retired farmer,
was hern In Oivfe Countv to
Zochaiiah and Martha Rlcltord-
6on Oalther.
Surviving ore his wife. Mrs.
•Oma Alben Oalthcr: three dauah-
.tcr.9, Misses Janet. Yvonne, and
Patrlclo Oallher. oil of the home.
' John Frank Shrek
Punerol wrvicri for John
;Prank Shcck. 90. of Advance. Rt.
.1, were held Sunday altemooii nt
the Smith Orove Methodist
Chureh. The Rev. Divlahl Maeh-
biim officloted. Burial was In the
chureh cemetery.
- Mr. Shcek died nt 5:30 pm. PrI-
.iLiy.at-the-home of-ft'iv^eter-Mniv
George Comatser. of Advance. Rt.
. 1. He had been in declining health
for several yean.
He was born In Oavio County
■Til A. and OcH» Alluii'Slwdtr
^He was a retired farmer. He
married MUs Benlah Williams,
who died in 1941. He was a mem-
.ber of Smith Grove Methodist i
Church nnd was superhilendenl
of the Sunday School for many
No members of his Immediate
family survive.
Airs. Thoma.s PopUn
Mr?. UKtie White PopUn. 82, of
Midland Street, widow of Thomas
Frplin dlc«'* at 12:30 pan. Tues
day et Lynn Haven Nu:slng
Kcmc here. She liad been In de-
cUnlna health several months.
She was born in Davle County
to John and Amanda Allen Whits
nnd was a member of First Bap
tist church.
. Surviving are three daughters.
Af.-t. Harrison Haneline and Mrs.
Carney Baity cf Mocksville. andMrs. Spencer Salty of Winston- |
Salcm: four squa. Hejicy..-jaiuL.
Grayrcn Poplin of Mocksville.
Woodrow Poplin of Danville. Va.,
and John J. Poplin of Winston-:Solem; three brothers William |
White of illali Puiiii. nnd Virgtl,
and Cashwell White, both of Mar-
ahalltown. Iowa: three sisters
Mrs. Flora Richie of Advance.
Mrs. Irene Olldewell of Winston-
Salero and Mrs. Mary Lois John
son of High Point, seven grand-
ehilc^ren: and two great-grand
The funeral will be conducted
at 2 pjn. Thursday nt Baton Fu
neral Home chapel by the Rev.
Fred Barnes and the Rev. Noah|Holbraok. Burial will be In Betliel
i Methodist Church Cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries —11/29/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 6,1962 - Page 7
Karl Anrtrfdii Slyera
Flincrul Rrr\'Ii«< for Karl An-
crson Mj'cra. 01. of Advnneo nt,
WTrc h?Ui ^un«tn>' nfirrncon
t tltp Mriho:Mst Chtin'h.
TItc Rotf. Kyle Stnlth .inO th*'
Rev. R. J; E.nrUiui officlnlvd.
Ruiint wd.s in the vinuvh ccinr*
Mr. Myrnt died nl 4:50 a.m.
SalnrdAy ril Oiii BaiRlsl HoJpllfiT
He had been in declining Itcnlth
several monlia. |
He was bom in Dnvie County
to James ond Betty Urncken My-J
era. I
Mr. Myera was n member nf
Mocks McthodlKt Cluireh. lie ut*':
a farmer. j
survivin;: are ins wiie. ine'
former Mlxs Emma Phelp.s; llir^e
sons. Prnnk Myers of Advance. |
Rt. 1. Wayne Myers of Advnnre..
Rt. 2. and Alden Myers of Wln-|
ston-Sulem; four arondchlUlren! j
three bi sihers, Prsd. Sherrlll ond I
Mavin Myers, alt of Advance. Rt.j
2: and two .shicrs. Mrs. Maryi
Ltvongaod of Advance. Rl. 3. and
Mrs Mnrfha lyinirnn-i
Mrs. Wllllani Reavls. 57
Funeral rcrvlces for Mrs. Irma
Betts Reavls. 57. of Moeksvlllc.
t. 5. wldoo' of William L. Rea-
wera held Tuesday afternoon
t the Eaton's BapUst Chureh
The Rcv. Wade Hulchens and Ute
Rev. James White oltrlaled. Dur>
!al was in the church cemetery.
Mi:s. Rrsvls d*rd nt 0 am.
Sunday nt the Baptht Hospital In
WInston-Ealem after an illncis of
six months.
M'ra. Rcovls was bom In Dcs
Mdnei, town, to Oeorge W. an'd
Noroli Howard Betts. Her husband
died SepL 28. 1982.
Surviving arc one daughter.
Mrs. Jeff Tutterow of Moeksvtlle;
two cons. Curtis Lee and Clifford
Reavfi of Mscksville. Rt. 5: four
grandchlKrcn: one sisten Mrs.
George H. Goodwin of Ro^ford.
m.. and two brothers. Garrett H.
Betts of Ojkaloose Iowa, and Gile;
R. Bct:s of Dcs Moinea. town.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 6,1962 - Page 6
James Thomas Carter. 83
Funeral services for James
Thomas Carter. 83, of Mccksvllle,
Rt. a. were held Satturday after-
neon at Voglcr's Chapel. The
Ruv. Tom Howard and the Rev.
0. E. Crawford olTlclatcd. Burial
was In the Woodland Cemetery In
Mr. Carter died last Thursday
at the Irrdcll Memorial Hospital
in StatosvUlc. He had been in
declining health 11 months
' He was bom In Patrick County
Va.. to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Carter and came to Wiuslon-
Falem at an ca<:iy age.
, He was employed by R. J.
Reynolds Tob.icco Co. for eeveral
years and later was a self em
ployed brick mason. He'was a
member of the Pentecostal Holl-
■ncss Church.
His wife, the former Mlas Marie
Mn.iinvllle, died In 1058.
Surviving arc thi«r daiigiuers.
Mrs. Earlcnc Robcrson of Mocks-'
villc. Rl. 3. and Mrs. MadelineFIckctt and Mrs. BcUy Jean |
Hsn-ley. both of Wlnston-Snlem;
six sons. Johnny. Walter C- and
Arthur E. Carter, all of Winston-
8alem. William A. Carter of
Washington. D. C.. Thomas W.
Carter of Advoncc and James R.
Carter of Severn. Md.; 10 grand
children and several great grand
Bio - Obituaries - 12/6/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 13,1962 - Page 4
Hmrf W. Sfrond. 98
Funeral plans for Henry Wesley
Stroud. 03. Q retired farmer of
Harmony. Rt. t, were Incomplete
a! press time.
Mr. stroud died unexpectedly
Tuceday at his home.
•A native of Harmony, ho was
bom to John B. and Oathorlne
Forcum Stroud.
Surviving are his wife, Laura
Marlowe stroud; seven daugh
ters. Mrj. Beuloh Arledge of High'
Point. Mrs. Bem'ce York of Hnr-!
mony, Rt. 2. Mrs. J. C. Oaniher
af StatesvlUe. Rt. 0, Mrs. Verllc
Richardson of Elkin, Mrs. J ,C.
Jones of MIoeksvllle, Rt. 5. Mrs.
Thomtm nt ttt
4, and Mrs. S. Clay York of
MoeksvUle, Rt. i; five sons.
Stamey W. stroud of High Point,
Roy B. Stroud of Harmony. Rt.
2. Wade B. Stroud of Advance.
Rt. 1. Carl h. Stroud of States
vlUe. Rt. 4. end OUbert D. Stroud
of StatesvUle: 40 grand children
and OS great grand ehUdrm.
Mtw-Wuttwr^mtBTTfr* ~
Funeral servloea for Mrs. Jes
sle Jones. 81, of MocksvUIe Rt. 8.
widow of Walter Jones, were
held Monday afternoon at the
Comatscr Methodist Church. Hie
Rev. Cnmenm Dodson and the
Rev. Blmer Day officiated. Burial
was In the ehurch cemetery.
Mrs. Jones died at 0:25 psn.
Saturday In the Davie COun^
Hospital. She was admitted nrU
She was bom In Oavie County
to John and BUmlUa Lard Lard.
She was a member of Cornatxer
Methodist Church.
Her^USbaitirdled In 1049:
Surviving ore four sons. Joe.
Clarence and Lee Jones, all
MocksvUIe. Rt. 3, and Oeotga
Jones of MocksvUIe. RL 1; seven
grandchildren: and six great-
Roy Lee Royal, 49
Funeral services for Roy Lee
Royal. 49. of Advance RL 2.
were held Monday afternoon at
the Plnhlx Cemetery In Tadkm
County. The Rev. Dewey Arm
strong offlcloted.
Mr. Royoll died Saturdoy at
the home of a brother. John D.
Royall In Yadkhivlllo. Ho had
been seriously U1 a week.
He was born in Yadktn Coun-j
ty to Daniel Lee and Sarah'
Swalm Rsyal. Kc was a farmer.!
Suivlving in addition to John'
O. Royall are three other broth-;
era. Eomcs and Bllts Royall olj
' Advance. R. 2, and Luther Royall'
of YadklnvlUe Rt. 3.
Bio - Obituaries —12/13/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 20,1962 - Page 8
Brenda Sue LeoiianI
Brenda Sue Leonard. 0 month
old daughter cf Charles D. and
Ruth Borneo Leonard, dtcd Dec.
7. In Munich. Ocnnany.
She was born In Port Sill, Olcla.
Surviving In addition to her
parents arc a sister, Debbie Leon
ard: ahd her gtnhdparents, Mrs.
Thm Barnes of Cootcemee. and
Mrs, Oeorgo Leonard of Salisbury.
The funeral was conducted at
2 p.m. Wednesday at North Cool-
cemee church of God by tl\e Rev.
R. O. Morris. Burial was in Cool-
eemee Legion Meinnrial Park.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 20,1962 - Page 2
2lr>i. Vrstai Call
Funcr.ll »crvlt;c» for Mis. Pa-
tricln AyciM Call. fli. of Route 4.
' Mi)2)'.b\ lllc. wife nt Vestal Call
Iwrir IiJld Tucsd.iy aflcmr,on nt
I in* C.:uircnire Kplscopal Church.
,'Tiic Rev. Downs Spititr and the
l.tvv. C.inicl McCai>kill olficintcd.
Burial wai l.i Ihc Rowan Miinor-
I M 8. Call died Afonday mornlnu
'ni Rowan Mrmoilal Ho-'Pltal al-
jtcr an illnms of a day.
I wan bom in Carroll County,
Va.. to W. J. and Rcnn Tate
Ayrrs. She married Call in 1024.
SL'-vlvhig are her hU8b.ind:
(hrrc dnughlns. Mrs. Paul Wil-
liBiiii C-; Rt'uaii'ky: mis. j. Prmia
VValIrr of Salisbury fi hd Mrs. Ben-
n;c W. Oonklcy of Bnrlin:tton: two
srns. Vestal Call. Jr.. of Mocki-
v'ltc. Rt. 4 and Lany Call of the
Al' Fo;cc slitisncd nt Cheyenne.
Wya.; nine gmndchildren: and a
bra! her Joseph Ayers of Wash
ington D. C.
Bobble Lurlan Barton _ :
Funcni aervlces tor'Sobbic Lu-
cion Burton were Iteld Tuesday^
-tftemron ot the Poilt Baptist'
C.huvch. The Rev. Dale Suggs I
Mr. Burton died Sunday at the
Dnvic County Hospital after ait'
illness of sl.x days. |
Rtiiton WOB ba*-n In D.ivic Cct!n>
ly (0 L. K. timl Iicrthn Sain Bur-j
ton Re was .i pcmber of Forl:
C'PlTt chuxh. Ilr wiia employed j
!)•> n tin inlih by P. W. Blum and I
Sons of WlnMon-Salvm. |
Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. I
9(1 ro b Rcb!:cm Paitcrton Hurt n: I
two snns. Bruce Lee ond Wal.cr
Pattcrmn Burton of the home:
n one b*<*..her. Wlitio Burton of
md lite Rev. Wade sister,
rt I MrscifttcdrBiiRtn tfos in the diureh
. Evr*ctt Draughn of Mocks-
vill". Rt. t.
Bio — Obituaries - 12/20/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY