Jan - JunDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 4,1962 - Page 4
Robin Dawn AOen I
A OrnvrMdc service for Robin:
Ootini Alien. lO-doy-oId dauRli-|
Icr of Mr. nnd Mrs. Don Allen of
Coolerm£o, who died December
22., were held on December 23 ot
Tumnilne Bnptlst Church ceme
tery by Uie Rev. Harold Perry.
Surviving arc her parents: one
brother. Donnle AUcii of the I
home: nnd her Rrnndporents. Mr.^
nnd Mrs. E. O. Allen of Mocks-
vllle, and Mr. and Mrs. Olcnn
McDanlcl of Coolecmcc.
Mm. P. II. Howard
8AU8BURY — Mrs. Nannie
Pcnrl Howard. 72. of 400 W. Mid
way Street. Saltsbury. wife of
P. H. Howard, died at 7:20 njn.
Tucsdoy at her home after a
serious Illness of 30 days.
She was a member of ^Ith
Grove Methodist Church.
She was bom In Davic County
to Dalton Smith and Sallle Hanes
Surviving are her husband;
two daughters Mrs. W. O. Croven
and Mrs. Emmlt Thompson, both
of Salisbury: a son. G. B. Howard
cf Winston - Salcm: two sisters.
Mrs. E. 4^. MrClainrock of Mocks-
vHIc and Mrs, R. L. ^Vllltokor
Sr. of Mocksvllle. Rt. 2: and a
brother. L. F. Smith of Salisbury.
The funeral will be conducted
ot 3 pjn. Thursday at the tiomo
by the Rev. M. P. Boggs. Burial
will be in Rowan Memorial Park
here. The body wHI be taken to
the home at 10 am. today.
Bio - Obituaries -1/4/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 11,1962 - Page 2
Robert D. Poole. 96
Funeral aei-vlces for Robert
Dovid Poole. 90. of 740 Lexington
Street. Mocksvlllc were held
Tuo£day nfiemoon In the Eaton'e
Cliapcl. In the obsencc of Mr.
Poolc's former pastor, the Rev.
Dcnalrt Punderburk. pastor of the
Trlplett Methodist Church of
Moorssvllte. ofTiclntcd. Burial was
In Rose Cemetery.
Mr. PooIc died nt his home
Sunday at the age of 96.
He was bom In Alexander
County and had lived at Mocks-
ville for rhe pest 23 ycai's.
He was n retired farmer of the
Mount Ulla community In Rowan
He was tnain-led first to Mrs.
Ullte Poole. His second marriage
was to Edna Davis Ratledge. He
was mari-iod in 1038 to Bertlm
Foster, who survives.
Also surviving, by his first
marriage, arc two sons, the Rev.
H. R. Poole of Lexington and
the Rev. Howard Poole of Saint
PaiUs, and two daughters. Mi's.
Charles Hollingsworth of Norfolk.
Vs.. and Mrs. Lon Sloop of Mount
Ulla: by his sscond marriage one
sen. Davis Poole of Charlotte. One
brother. M.las Poole of Charlotte,
also survives.
Mrs. Annie B. Beck
MI'S. Annie B. Beck. 81. widow
of John W. Beck ond resident of
Salisbury, died at 9:85 pun.
Thursday at Rowan Memprial
Hospital. Death followed a short
illness although she had been In
declining health for five years.
She was bom June 8. 1879. In
Davie County, the daughter of
Mr. ond Mrs. Adam RJdcnhour.
She was educated in the Davle
Schools and had been a member
of the Faith Baptist Church for
45 years. She was active In the
extension department.
She was married to John Beck
- In 1695 and he died in Faith In
, 1951.
She la survived by three eons,
' Roy R.. of the home, J. Fletcher
and Nathan A., both of Route 4.
' Mocksvllle: four daughters. M^s.
Floyd Hartman of the Faith Road,
Mrs. Wade Vlckers of Rt. 4.
! Mocksvillc. Miss Mattte Beck and
I Mirs. Alfred Eury. both of the'
home; 19 grand children and S3
• great grandchildren.
Funcrol services were held
Saturday at 3 pjn. at the Faith
Baptist Church with the Rev.
Lester B. Huff, pastor, and the
Rev. James P. Graham of Vail,
former pastor, in charge. Burial
was In the family plot In the
Faith Baptist Church Cemetery.
Pollbearers were gi'andsons.
John L. Earnhardt. Virgil A.
Earnhardt. Bobby Beck. James H.
Ritchie. W. J. Ritchie. Jr. and
Monis Yotes.
Bio — Obituaries - 1/11/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 11, 1962 - Page 2
nirs. Ilasset N. Stokes
Mrs. Hassel N. Stokes. 37. ol
217 Queen Anne Rond. Snlisbury
died Sundny niirht st 11:40 at
tUc Row-an Memoriol Hospital.
She had been in declining health
for two years and seriously U1
for one month.
Tltc former Mary Alice Jarvls.
she was bom January 14. 1924,
in Coolecmee. daughter ol Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Jarvls of Coolce-
mce. She was educated in the
Coolcemcc schools and at Appala
chian Slate Teachers College.
Mi-s. Stokes was a member of
the Second Presbyterian Church
j and active In all church work.
I She leaves her husband. Has
sel N. Stokes, whom she married
: on May 29. 1948: two daughters,
I Anne Jarvia Stokes and Julie
Newman Stokes of U)c hooic; her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jar
vls of Coolcemce: one brother,
Walter O. Jarvjs of Crossmorc;
and two alstars. Miss ICatherine
Jnrvls of Cooleemee and Mrs. H.
W. Tutterrow of Rt. I, Moeks-
Funcml services were conduct
ed Tuesday at 3 o'clock ot the
Second Presbyterian Church at
Salisbury. The Rev. C. A. McOirt
and the Rev. Mr. Burchett of
Cooleemee officiated. Burial was
in Rowan Memorial Park.
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, January 11,1962 - Page 1
Mrs. Beck, 81
Mrs. Annlo B, Bvck. 91. wl*
;dcw of John W. Bock and re*
fsidcnt of 418 East Pisber
fStmt, Salisbury, died kl 0:*
'25 P. M. Tiiunday at Ro*
'won Memorial liospilfti,
Death followed a short ill-
DCS* although she bad been
In dceUning health for five
She was bom June 8, 1879
in Davie County, the daugh*
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen
tUdenhour. She was educa
ted b) Uie Davie Schools, and
had been a member of the
Faith Baptial Church for 45
years. She was aetive in the
extnuion department.
She was married to John
Beck bi 1805 and he died in
Filth in 1051.
She is survived by three
tons, Roy R.. of the home,
J. Fletcher, and Nathan
both of Route 4. MocksvlUc;
four daugliters, Mrs. Floyd
Hartman of the Faith Road,
Mrs Wade Vickers of Route
4, MoeksvlUe, MUs Mattie
Beck and Mrs. Alfred Eury,
both of the home; 10 grand*
children and 33 great-grand-
Funeral aervieei were held
Saturday at 5 P. M. at the
Faith Baptist Church with
the Rev. Lwr B. Huff, pas
tor, and the Rev. James F.
Graham of Vail, former pas
tor. in charge. Buiial was
in the faraiiy plot in the
Faith Baptist Church Ceme
Pallbearvn wu grandsons.
John L. Earnhardt. Virgil A.
Cambardl. Bobby Seek,
James H. Ritchie, W. J. Ri
chie Jr. and Morris Yates.
Robert D. Poole
David Poole, 08, of 748 Lex
ington Street, died at 7:19
PM. Sunday at his home.
Ho was bom in Alexand
er County and had lived at
Mocksville for the past 23
He was a retired farmer
of the Mount Ulla communi
ty In Rowan County.
He wu mari^ first to
Mrs. Llilie Poole. His sec-
ond marriage was to Edna
Davis Ratledge. He wu mar
ried In 1838 to Berths Fos
ter, who survives.
Also surviving. I>y his drat
marrlsge, are two tons, the
Rev. H. R. Foolc of Lexing
ton and the Rev. Howard
Poole of Saint Pauls, and
two daughters. Mrs. Charles
Holllngsvorth ot Norfolk,
Vs., and Mrs. Lon Sloop td
Mount UUa; by his aaeend
marriage one sort, Davb Peote
of Charlotte. One brother,
Milu Poole of Charlotte, also
Funeral was conducied
Tuesday at 2:50 P. U. at
litoa Chapel by the Rev,
Donald Flmdcrbinke. Burial
^wi9 in Rom CcsneUry.
Mary Aike Stokos
Mrs Htnel N. Siokes. 87
of 517 Queen Anne Road Sal-
Ubury died Stmday night at
11:40 at the Rowan Memori
al Hospital. She had been
in declining health for two
ycen and serknuly ill for
one month.
The former Mary Alice Jar
vis, the wu ben January
14, 1821 in Coolccffliee. daugh
ter of Mr. and Mm J. F.
JarvU of Coikemec She wu
rdurated in the Cooleemee
Khoob and at Appalachi
an State Trschm College.
Mrs Sioka wu a mem
ber ot the Second Presbyteri
an Church and active in all
tnurth worit
She leaves her husband.
Haswl N. Stokes, whom the
married en May 28. 1048: taro
daughters, Arm Jarvia
Stokes and Julie Newman
Stoke* of the bcsne; her par-
rnts, Mr. mi Mrs. J. F. Jar-
vis of Co^ecmee; one bro
ther, Walter G. Jarvls of
Crasmore; and two sisters,
Idisi Katberine Jhrvis ot
Cooleemee and Mrs. R W.
Tutterow of Route }, Mocks
Puaeni urvkci aren con
ducted T\)aday at 8 c^doek
it the Second Prrsbytariaa
Church. The Hav. C. A. Me-
Girt and the Rev. Cfaarka
Burchett of CoolecnM oHki-
sttd Burial wu In Bownt
Mmmial Park.
Bio — Obituaries - 1/11/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, January 11,1962 - Pages 1 8
Brother of Local
Man Dies
ELKIN The Rev. Clarence
Ifeniy SetUe, S9, of Union
Grove, died Satuiday oioira*
ins at Iredeli Mentorinl Hca-
pital at StalvsviUe. He had
been seriously U1 several
Ke was bom In Wilkea
County to Clifton and Flossie
Lyons Settle.
Mr. Settle bed been in the
mtnlitry to li ycen.
He was pastor of Saint PttuFs
Baptist Church in tredeU
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
Vestle Wenthemaa Settle; •
dottfhtot Wuda Ann Settle
(d the home: two eons,
Charto Htmiy Settle sx^
Jituay Dtde Settle of the
home; ^ pannia, of BUo;
elpbt hibtheiK Levrenee Set-
tte «f Bohda. the Rev. CIy&
Sctite .ef Cotdcemee; liuk
Settle of BUdn, Ray
^ Aheidcan, BSd^ Jadr Settle
ei KewtoDb, Bnvey Settle of
Pfcin, David Lee Settle of
S^ PA9ISIBB -T taot P**«
Prom Fas* Ons
Settle oi eiltln; and tvo th-
l*Ts, Mn ttill«7 nolbrook
of Roodi and Ura. Luther
Matbrno% of Rooda.
The foneral wa» cnnduttcd
at 3;30 PJtl. Sunday at Ma-
plu Spriniu DatTttjl Churrh
hy the Rev, II L. tdlrktr.
the Rev. Stanley Uamby and
the Rev Vestal Hoare. Buri.
at tra« in the rhiirch Cf-
Bio - Obituaries - 1/11/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 18,1962 - Page 4
Miss Ola Mock. 68
Miss Ola Mode. 68. of Boute 8,
Mocksvflle. died at the WUUam
B. Uinslcad Rosptlal Ui DurhRon
Monday. Funeral services were
held Tuesday at 2:30 pjn. at
Mndcle - Hinshaw Chapel by the
Rev. E. D. Flowers. Burial was
!n the Courtney Baptist Church
She was a member of Courtney
Baptist Church.
Surviving are several cousins,
nieces and nephews.
Bradley C. Famell
Funeral services for Bradley
Coytt Parncll. esc 4, of Coolec-
mce were held Sunday at the
Eaton Funeral Homo Chapel. The
Rev. Cliorles Burchctt officiated.
Burial was in the American le
gion Park at Coolcemee.
Tho child died Saturday at the
Rowan County Memorial Hospital
In Salisbury after an illness of
one day. He had spinal mcnlng>
He was bom In Rownn County
to Elmo ond Ruby Parncll.
Surviving ore his mother: three
brothers. Dickie. Findnlc and Var*
nor Parncll. all of the home; a
sister. Twyla Parncll of the homo,
and his grandparents. Mr. end
Mrs. W. H. Slaydon of Lexington.
Rt. 4.
J. 8. Braswell
John Samuel Braswell, Jr.. 62
died Friday at CalKirnis County
Hospital in Concord. Funeral serv
ices held at 3:30 pan. Sunday at
Central Methodist Church.
Sunivors: wife: daughters, Mrs
Ernie Klutls of Lancaster. S. C..
Mrs. Allen Payne of wilkln: son.
John 8. Braswell 111 of Morgon-
ton: sisters, Miss Elizabeth Bras
well of Rocklngham. Mrs. J. P.
Brown of Richmond. Va.. Mrs. F.
N. PhUllpa of Hamlet, Mrs. A1
bert 8. Qoy of Atlanta. Oa.
Mr. Braswell was for a number
of years engaged in the farm im
plement business In MocksvUle.
then known as the D & M Hor*
vester Co. on Wllkesboro Street
Charlie B. Smith. 65
Funcrol services for Charlie
Bareit Smith, of Wyoming Coun
ty. West Virginia were held Bat-
tuday afternoon at the BetlUe-
hem Methodist Church. Tho Rov.
Dwlght Moshbum officiated. Bur
ial was In the church cemetery.
Mr. Smith died last Wednes
day at 4 p.m. at the Wyoming
County, West Virginia Hospital
He had been seriously III three
Hu was bom In Davic County
to John A, and Nancy James
Smith. Mr. Smith had worked os
n conl miner In West Virginia for
the past 20 years.
Surviving are a daughter. Mrs.
Thurmond Tucker of Advonce.
Rt. 1: two brothers. John R.
Smith and McKenlcy Smith, both
of Advance, Rt. l; three sisters.
Mrs. Enoch Qroy of Orcensboro.
Mrs. Duke Smith and Mrs. Paul
McCiillough, both of Advance.
Rt. I
jAssic M. Smith. 78
Funeral services for Jessie Mar
vin Smith. 78. of Farmlngton
were held Monday afternoon at
Uic Farmlngton Methodist
Church. The Rev. R. M. Bcarden
officiated. Burial was In Uie
Farmlngton Cemetery.
Mr. SmlUt died at 8:30 pin.
Saturday at the Davlc County
Hospital. He hod been in declin
ing health two years ond serious-
U' ill six weeks.
He was born in Dovic County
to Enoch ond Cordelia Smith.
Mr. Smith was a retired farmer
Ho married Miss Smma JohnMh
in 1017. Bo was a member of
Farmlngton Methodist Churdh.
Surviving are his wUe:
broUters. W. B. and O. H. Smif
of Farmlngton and B. C. &ntt
of New Hill: and two slstera,
Mrs. C. C. Williams of Farming-
ton and Mrs. J. L. Ward of Clem-
Bio - Obituaries -1/18/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 25,1962 - Page 1
Services Thursday
For Miss Heitmau
Miss Maiy Hcltmon. well known
Moclcs\11le resident, died st Lynn
Haven Nursing Home Tuesday
night at 0:30. Bom to Cartes
and Julia Clement Heliman Oct.
3. 1886, she at one time worked
on the staff of the Enterprise-
Record as Society Editor: then
taught school, and for almost 60
years taught a Sunday School
class at the First Methodist
Church in Mocksvillc. She also
served os historian for Davlc
County In previous years.
Funeral services will be con
ducted at tlie First Meihodial
Church Thursday at 3 p-m.. with
the Rev. w. \V. Blonton and the
Rev. E. M. Avctt oificiating.
Bu.lal will be at the Clement
Survivors arc cousins. Haydeu
and Ponuld Clement o( Salisbury:
Miss Sarah Oaithcr, Mrs. E. C.
Moms of Modtsvillc; and Mrs.
Dave Murray of Morcltcad City.
llic pallbearers will be
Rufus Sanford. Jr.. QaiUicr San-
lord. Oaithcr Sanford. Jr.. Don
ald Clement. Edward (Mement.
and Dr. w. M. Long. i
Eaton Funeral Home is In I
cliargc of Juneral arrongemejitA !
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 25,1962 - Page 3
W lliomas L. Summers. 88
Funeral services for Thomas
Lee Bummers, 86. of MocksvUle.
who died Monday. Jan. 23. were
conducted Tuesday at Eaton's
Chapel at 3 pjn. by the Rev. W.
W. Blanton. Burlol was In Smith
Grove Methodist Church ceme
He died at Lynn Haven Nursing
Home whei^e- he had been a pa
tient for three years.
Mr. Summers was bom in Da-
vle county to Frank and Emma
NaU summers. He was a retired
carpenter. He was married to
Miiss Drucella Cratts. She <Hed
In 1849.
Surviving are two daughters.
Mrs. W. Paul Hendrlcks and Mrs.
MUlord Harmon, both of Mocks-
Ville; two brothers, D. F. summ-
of StatesvlUe and Will Sum-
of Salisbury: a sister, Mrs.
lie MbDanlel of High Point:
ven grandchildren: and four
J. Lee Dwlfgins
I Funeral services for J. Leo
80. of 2444 Lyndburst
[ye.. Winston . Salem, were con-
Tcted at 2 p.m. Sa^tS^aay at
pghland Presbyterian Church by
Rev. Eugene Kirfcman and Dr.
Borge Staples. Burial was In
iwn Memorial Gardens wlUi
mlc rites.
MV. Dwlgglns suffered a heart
tttack and died while on a hunt-
trip Thursday, Jan. 18 near
iocksvlUe. He was taken to Da
le Cou^ Hospital where he was
lounced dead on arrival,
i Mr. Dwlgglns hod been a drlvu*
the Greyhound Bus Co. for the
26 years. He had been cited
f<>r his safety record.
gHe was bom In Davle County
& John and Mary Gowan Dwlg-
flans. He was married in 1035 to
^ farmer Jane Woodruff. He
^as a member of the Salem bfo-
wnlc Lodge.
6 Surviving are his wife; a daugh
Miss Molly Dwlgglns of the
home: a son. Ball^ Dwlgglns of
Richmond. Va.: a sister. Mto.
H. 8. Walker of Konnoak Drive:
and four brothers. John Dwlgglns
of Peachtree Street, L. M. and
Ralph Dwlgglns of MocksvUle.
Rt. 1. and Ray Dvdgglns of lynd-
hurst Ave.
Bio — Obituaries —1/25/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 1,1962 - Page 5
Henry M. Hilton. 81
Funeral services for Henry
Moiu'oe Hilton. 87. father of Or.
Joines H. HUton, president of
Xowo State University, who died
Wednesday. Jan. 24. were con>
ducted Friday at Wesley Chapel
Methodist Church In Cntawha
Mr. HUton died at Lynn Haven
Nursing Home.
His son. Dr. HUton. is a for
mer dean of the North Carolina
Stale CoUego School of Agricul
Surviving Mr. HUton In addi-
•tlon to Dr. HUton are another son
Henry E. HUton of Lexington:
and two daughters. Mrs. John
Douglass of Xndltmapolls. Xnd..
and Mrs. Earl H. Abernethy of
OlUe Lake Anderson* 51
FimemI services for Ollle Lake
Andeison, 61. of 207 Parkwood
Avenue. Winston - Salem. who
died at li39 pjn.. Wedneeday.
Jan. 24. at City Hospital In Wln-
atomSolem. were held Friday at
Center Methodist Church by the
Rev. Lee Bamett and the Rev.
J. S. White. BttriaUwaa. In M
church cemetery.
Mr. Anderson hod been In de
clining health two years ond
seriously 111 two weeks.
He was bom in Davie County
ta James G. and Tobitha TUt*
tctnw Anderson. He spent his
early life in Davic County in the
Center community and moved
to Wmsicn-Salcm in 1937.
He aVtcnded Mucksvlllc High
School and Gordon's MUltory
Academy at BamesviU.e. On.
Mr. Andei^son had been em
ployed with the Greyhound Uncs
for 21 ycors os a drivctt and Inter
In Uic dispatcher's office. He re
tired two years ago because of
HI health.
Ho was a member of Burkhead
Methodist Church.
His wife, ihe former Mary Soy
lors. survives.
Also surviving are a daughter.
Miss Mary Elaine Anderson of ire
home; 0 son. Blake Anderson of
203 Parkwood Avenue: a grand
child: his father and stepmother
of Mocksvllle. Rt. 1: three sisters.
Mm. Leo Jones of 2021 8. Haw
thorne Road. Mrs. Jim Owens of
Mocksvllle and Mrs. Herman
Maners of High Point; three
broUicjs. Clarence E. Anderson of
218 Parkwood Avenue. Mlllard An
derson of Mocksvllle. Rt. l. and
Walter Anderson, director of the
Sttkte Bureau of Investigation,
etolelgtr— '
Mn. Ollle liege Allen
Mss. OlUr Hege Allen, widow ot
Thomas w Allen, died in Rich
mond. Va. Jan 33. and was burled
Jan. 24 m Forest Lawn cemeteiy
6he had mads her home with
her half brother. W. Travis fimlth
deal. 218 Queen Charlotte Road.
Windsor Farms. Richmond. Va.
AUcn wos born In Ad"
vancc. N. C. .to the Into Kern and I
Ester Rcdwiuc Hcgc She attended
jwhonl there and then studied i
voice ond plimo in New York City.,
She Is RiirvixTd by one dauah-;
tor. Miss Thomasena Allen: one|
son, Thomos Alien: one half bro-i
ther. Mr. Smithdeal: and. two|
arondchildren. all of Richmond |
Mrs. Allen's husband, the latej
ThomoH W. Allen, was an ofTlclal
ol P. H. Hones KnitUii Company
ond he died about SO years ago.
Tliey hod lived In WInston-Salem
until his dealli when she moved
to Richmond. She had lived with
her daughter until recently.
Aim. i:. V. George. 85
The fuuemi of Mrs. Hester
Brown George. 65. of 424 Avon
Street, widow of Edword F.
George, was conducted Mandoy
ot Brton Funeral Chapel by the
Rev. W. W. Shnnton. Burial was
in Carolina Cemetery at Conco.d.
Mrs. Oeargc died Sa;urday.
Jan. 27. at 9:10 a.m. at Lynn Hn-
v« n Nursing Home. Slic luid been
in dcvl'iilng hcolth lor the past
several months and seriously ill
the post Uve days.
She was bom In -Hoywosd Coun
ty to John A. and Mary Ellen
Trantham Brown. Mrs. George re
ti.«d OS a Concord textile woiicer
bi 1062 and moved here the fol-
lowln:: year from Concord. Her
husband died in 1940.
Suniving arc six sisters, Mrs.
M'bmle Hembree of Rock Hill..
S. C.. M-fs. Hattle Dayton ond
Mbis Jinunie Brown, both of
MacksvUle. Mm. Maggie Pitt of
Buffalo. S. C.. Mrs. Dora Frank
lin of Union. S. C.. Mrs. Bonnie
SIgmon of Draper; and five bro
thers. Jesse J. Brown and WlUlom
O. Brown, both of AshcvUlc. Roy
Brovm of Wake Forest. Connie
Brown of MocksvUle and Cloudc
Brown of West Virginia.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/1/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 1,1962 - Page 5
Thomas W. liellard, 79
X^nerol services for Thomas
Wiley Hellord of Rt. 4. were con
ducted FVlday, Jan. 26. at 3 p.
m. at Eaton's Chapel by the Rev.
J. W. Foster and the Rev. P. M.
Orlssett. Burial was in Liberty
MothocHst CSiurch cemetery.
Mr. Hellord died at 7 pjn. Wed
nesdnv. Jnn. 24. nt l.vnn Haven,
Nursing Home. He hod been ser
iously ill for several weeks.
H? was bom in Davle County
to Wiley ond Betty Lucas HeUand.
He was a retired mill employee.
His wife, the fo.nicr Seanor
Moyberry, sun'lves.
^so Kui-viv ng ere n son. Tliom-
os Hellord of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4:
a dnuRhter, Mrs. j. o. Pope of
Salisbuiy, Rt. 1: four ginndchil-
dren and a nreat grondehtld: and
a brother. J. B. Hellard of COoP
Mrs. U. L. Milholen. 77
Funeral services for Mrs. Lena
Wellman Milholen. 77. widow of
H. L. Milholen. were held Wednes'
day afternoon ot the Church of
the Good Shepherd at Cooleemee.
The Rev. Downs Stittler and the
Rev O'KcUy Whltaker officiated.
Burial was in the church crate-
Mrs. Milholen died at 12i58 p.
m. Mnndny at the Rowan Me
morial Ho^ltal in Salisbury.
She was bom In Davle County
to William M. and Emma V. Well
man. She spent most of her life
In Cooleemee but had lived with
her daughter. Mrs. Clarence
Bnlley of Salisbury, the post 10
Surviving ore Ave sons. Orody
Milholen of New Mcdford. Tenn..
Wnodrow Milholen of Hampton
vilie. George Milholen of Hamp-
ton. Vs.. and Gene Milholen of
Etiterson. N. J.: four daughters
Miss Jettic Milholen of Miami.
Fin.. Mrx. Clarence Bailey of
Salisbury'. Mrs. Cecil Prevatte of
Mount Holly and Mrs. Beauford
Hoover of Cooleemee: three bro
thers. Frank Wellman of Sails
bury, the Kev. Marvin Wellman
of Statisvllle and V. W. Wellman
of Fort Lauderdale. Fla.; 14
grandrhlldren and six ereat grand
Mrs. Viola Sheek /Ulen. 70
Funeral senders for Mrs. Viola
Sheek Allen. 70. of 236 Avnlon
Road. NW. widow of O. C. Allen.
Sr^ who died at 12:69 pm. Wed
nesday. Jan. 24, were conducted |
Friday at 11 a. m. at Vogler's
Chapel in Winston-Snlem by the
Rev. William McElveen and the
Rev. Truitt' Chadwlek. Burial
was In Forsyth Memorial Park.
She died ot VlrKinla's Lodge.
Site had been In deciming heolth
several years and seriously 111 3
She was bora In Davle County
to Albert Rites and Mnllle Bctt
Ishcrk. She Htent her early Ufe in
Mrs. Alien owned oitd operated
Dav.'r CaiiiUy and moved to Win n dlnin;: nioui for ntiiiiy yeniw.
>st:n*Snlrm In 1917. Site ntlendcd
.Clemmsns Academy.
Site was n member of Calvary
Mtravlon Chureh and lite United
M.'. Allen, ti school teacher ond Dnnghlers of the Confederacy,
nt.u'chnnt In Mocksvllle. died In I She was also active In lite woni-
on's otixillory of the clturch.
Siirvivlttg are two sons. R.
Worth Allen of the hottte astd
O. O. Alleit. Jr.. of 1466 Old Town
Brad: give grandchildren and a
great grandchild: and a brother
F.ank Sheek of Advance. Rt. 1.
Bio — Obituaries - 2/1/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 8,1962 - Page 4
Mrs. Chines Qravesi 9B
The funeral of Mrs. Lila Red-
mon lOraa) Onves. 96. of 1700
Lynwood Avenue. Winston-fift*
lem. widow of Charles P. Oraves.
was conducted at 2 p.in. Friday at
Voglor's Chapel by Or. Kenneth
Ooodson. Burial was In the cem
etery of Wesley Chapel Methodist
ML«. Oraves died TTiursday at
ihc home of a daughter. Mrs. A.
A. Spaugh. with whom she lived.
She had been declining health
several years and seriously U1 3
6he was bom in Davle County
to John Thomas and Rachel Me-
Mah**" Redmon. She spent her
early life In Oavle County.
She attended schools at Pino
and the academy at Parmlngton.
where she was valedictorian of
her class.
In her early life. Mrs. Oraves
was a member of Wesley Chapel
Methodist Church In Davle Coun
ty but later became a member
of Centenary Methodist Church
in Winston-Salem.
Surviving in addition to Mrs.
Spaugh are two sisters. Mrs. J. R.
Swing of Spencer and Mrs. J. S.
Willard of MOcksvlUe: a brother.
W. R. Redmon of Orcenvine,
8 C.; a granddaughter, Mrs. Dan
Reynolds of 718 Westover Ave
nue; and two great grandchil
George W. Block. 74
Funeral servlcea for Oeorge W.
Mock, 74. of Advance, Rt. 2, who
died Wbdnesday, Jan. 31. were I
held on Friday at 3:90 pm. at
Mocks Methodist Church by the
Rev. Fletcher Andrews. Burial
was In tho church cemetery.
He was bom in Davle Coimty
to J. H. and Mary Fhelps Mbcfc.
He was a retired farmer.
Mr. BSock was married twice.
His first wife, the former Annie
Comatcer. died In 1919. He later
married the former EUsa Mae
Essex, who died in 1953.
Surviving are six sons. Charles
and Lawrence Mtock, both of Wln-
ston-Salem; J. W. Mock of Greens
boro. 8. Frank Mode of Advance.
•Velson Mock with the Air Force
In Greenland. Roger Mock of Ad
vance; five daughters. BSra. Wil
liam Robertson of Hli^ Point.
Mrs. Martin Sofley. Mlrs. WllUe
Cook and Bfin. Don Baton, all of
Advance and Mrs. WUlle Rum-
niBfO of Lexington; 19 grandchil
dren; two sisters. Mrs. George F.
Beauchamp of Advonco and MTs.
W. A. Howaid fa ThomasvlUe; and
a brother, L. Blalr Mock of Win
Mrs. James F. Sain. 69
Funeral services for BSrs. James
Sain, Sr., of 41 Main Street.
Oooleemee. who died Wednesday
morning. Jan. 31. at 6:15. were
held on Thursday afternoon at 3
o'clock at Codcemee Methodist
Church. Burial was in Society
Baptist Church Cemetery In Ire-
dell County.
Mrs. Sain died at (ho home of
her daughter. Mrs. K. B. Mitchell
of 424 Calhoun Street. Salisbury.
She had been in for four months.
Ihe former Mary Addle Byeriy.
Mrs. Sain was a native of iredeU
County, born Nov. 7, 1891. to the
late BIT. and Mrs. John Wesley
Byerly. She was a member eJ
Oooleemee Bfethodlst Church.
She leaves her husband,
James F. Sain, Jr., of Route 8,
Salisbury, whom she manrled 89
years ago; one son, James F. Sain.
Jr.. of Route 8. Salisbury; two
step sons. Ernest Sain of Coolee-
mee and Clarence Sain of Route
4. Mocksvllle; two daughters. Mdo.
K. B. Mitchell of Salisbury and
Mrs. Eubert Mlsenhelmer of Mt.
Ulla; four st^ daughters. Blrs. H.
B. Byerly. Sr.. of 178 Ryan Bbreet,
Salisbury. Mrs. Walter Fhelps of
43 Davle Street. Cooleemee. MTe.
Baxter Gibson of Rt. 4. BfOdcsvlUe
and Miss Ines Sain of 41 BSaln
Street, Cooleemee; two brothers.
B. E. Byeriy of 178 Ryan Street,
Salisbury, and W. O. Byerly of
Codcmee; one (half sister. Mrs.
Robert Choffln of Lexington; bor
step mother, Mrs. Mamie Syerly
of Lexington: eight grandchil
dren: nine step grandchildren:
and 19 step great grandchildren.
Funeral services for Charlie
Burton Seats. 61. of Farmlngton
were held Tuesdiy afteraomi at
the Farmlngton Methodist
Church. The Reg. B. B. Bearden
oStclated>. Burial was In the Far
mlngton Cemetery with Masonic
Mr. Seats died at 7:30 a.m.,
Monday morning at his home.
He had been In declining health
I severe! weeks.
I He was bmm In Davle County
*to J. H. and Delta Hausor Seats.
He had been an employee of the
State Highway Department 31
Bb-. Seats was a member of the
Farmlngton Methodist church
and had served as secretary and
treasurer of the church for 20
He was a member of Farming-
ton Masonic Lodge No. 266 and
a memboi' of the Dabie county
High School Board.
His wife, the former Sadie
Butchlns, survives.
Also surviving are two daugh
ters. BSrs. B. I. smith, Jr., of
Mbcksvflle, and Mrs. Joe Oarr
HOrpe of Farmlngton; two sons.
John A. Seats of denunons and
ene Seats of MooksvUle; seven
grandchildren; one great grand
child; and a ristor, BCrs. W. 8.
SplUnum of MocksvlUe, Rt. 2.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/8/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 8,1962 - Page 4
Miss Bttby Letter, S3
Funeral servlees for Miss Ruby
earah Letter. 53. daughter of the
late Charles Deems and Etva
Swlcegood Letter, were held Mon-
day aftemooa at Eaton's Funeral
Cliapel in MbclesvlUe. The Rev.
Worth Royals officiated. Burial
was in the family plot at the
Liberty Methodist Church.
Miss Lefler died at 8:45 ajn.
Sunday after a prdlottged illness.
Surviving are three sisters.
Mrs. K. L. Futtrell of Orecnvllle.
N. C.. Mrs. J. o. Beale of Choens
boro. N. C.: and Mrs. C. w. Gor
don of Spencer: two brothers.
Wade H. Lefler of Newton, N. C..
and Hugh T. Lefler of Chapel
Bio - Obituaries - 2/8/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 15,1962 - Page 2
) Airs. Roy LniiffMoti. 55
{ run?ral services for Mrs. Violet
I Uannc.' Lnngslon. 5S. of Mocks-
ville. Ri. 5. wife of Roy Lant'Ston.
I Wi re field TOKaiay olienioon ut
tlic Brur Creek Bufitlst Cliurch.
'I'lic Rev. W. C. Barkley and tlu*
*l'v. Wilde HuU'hciis offlclatcd.
Uii-ial was in th. cliiirrh ceme
Mrs. tangston died at 4:10 ajn.
Monday at licr home. She liad
been m declining Inalth several
I months ond fivrlously ill several
i weeks.
I s>iie tt rto born in Havie County
Jij Esaw tind Florence Bi-oadon
I Dann/r.
I fiirviving 111 addition to her
I hurband are a brotlier. p. T. Dan-
I ner of Wins;on-Salom; two sisters.
I Mr.-. M. M Harris nf MucksvilkN
Rt. 5. Mild Mrs. J. E. Presley of
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 15,1962 - Page 5
Eddie D. Williams. 70
The funeral for Bdd4e OouRlas
Williams. 76. of 175S Thompson
Drive. Winston - Solem. was held
at a pjn. Sunday at the Memor
ial United Church of Christ. The
Rev. Donald R. Burtl and the
Rev. O. B. Plott officiated. Burial
wos in the Onklawn Memorial
Mr. WUliams died at 12:30 ojn.
Saturday ai his home. He had
been 111 a month and hi serious
condition two weeks.
He was bom in Davie County!
to Chatmus and Fannie Owen WU
He spent his early life In tlie
Fork Baptist Church community;
of Davie County. He came to
Forsylh County 46 years ago.
FOr 30 years he was overseer
sit the Fogle Farm. He had been
a self cmiiloyed egg distributor
for the past 15 years.
He was a member of Memorial
United Church of <%rist.
Hs was married to the former
MJsr Lola March, who survives.
Also surviving are a daughter.
Mrs. Dorothy Evcridge of 1673
Thompsin Drive; a son. Milton
Chnlmum wniioms of the home:
rive grondcl'U: cn; five greci*.
pTondchndren: and two brothers.
9. R W.'llams of 314 S. Oreen
E rc:l ond C. R. Williams of 5221
Dl; Rural Hall Road.
Bio - Obituaries — 2/15/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 15,1962 — Page 5
Jflhn W. Div}$. 51 I
Funsrol services for John Wes--
ley Davis. 51. of Mocksvllle. Rt.{
1. were held Tu-^'iay a(t«*moan
* • FQ:ininetan Baptist
1 Church. The Rev. M. L. Quid.
li Rev. CiMvnce Shore and th.-
{TiCV. W;*tooe 0«r;ns sITiciatcd.
I Burial was .*n the Eaton Baptst
|C mc^ry. J
> , M . Davis d'.rd at 3:45 a.m. Trn n
'ry at h!a hcme on Mocksvllle.
Rt. 2. He had been In (Seclinlna*
healUi several months.
He was bom In Davlc County
to J. w. raid Mary Ada Shaw
Mr. Davis was an employee of'
Hanos Dye.'ng and Plnishlnt! Co.
in Wliiston-Selcm for 22 ycar.v. He
tvthed about two years a^o bo-,
cause of his health. |
He was married to the former i
Annie Pctts. who surviws. | j Mlscnlieimei: three RrandchU-
Survlvlny. besides his u-lfe. are < Ids lather, cf Mocksvllle,
one son. John W. Davis. Jr.. of
Atlanta. On.; three daughters.
Mrs. Ed Baity of Mocksvllle. Ri. 8.
Mrs. Wayne Smitli of Advance.
Rt. 1. and Mrs. Terry Spencer of
Rl. 3. three sisters. Mrs. Ftetclier
t Reavis and Mj-s. Raymond 8.
ipovier. both of Mocksvllle, Rt. 2.
!nd Mrs. Tom Davis of Winsion-
I Snlein.
Mrs. William Crolts
Funeral services for Mrs. Belly
Cfiudcll Cratts. 84. who died
Thursday. Feb. B. were conducted
at the tHrst Bnpllst Church by
Dr. J. W. Ansrell at 3 pjn. Burial
wav in Rose Cemetery.
Mm. Crotts. widow of William
Crotts. died at 8:15 am. at Dovie
County Hospital.
Slie was born In Oavic county
to Marlon and Jane Cope Cau-
Mrs. Crolts was a member of
First Baptist Clmrch.
Sun'lvlng are two stepsons.
Henry L. Crotts of Winstou-Salvm
and Robert L. Crotts of Arlltit;-
l:n. Va.: six stcpgrondchlldren:I and several nieces and nephewa.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/15/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Man Dies
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 22,1962 - Page 2
Arrested Same Day
He said Smith, who was ar
rested the some day, had given
lltUc information about the at-
n a n taek, had not admitted hitting
Inilirif^^ Bofley and "made out" that hellljiai iVV doesn't know what happened to
FMAIII Shoruf said no reason hadI I Vlll been found so far for the attack,
and no robbery was Involved. He
sold he was unable to question
Sofley because Soflcy did not re
gain c<msclousness. j
Smith, he said, is slender.
Lockic Calvin Soflcy. 60. of
Adavnct?. Rt. 2. beaten at his
one room home Feb. 4. died of his
Injuries about 5 pjn. Friday at
Surviving are two sons
Baptist Hospital In Wlnston-
Davte County Sheriff B. Y.
Boylcs sold Jimmy Rufus Smith.
24. of Advance. Rt. 1. had been
charged with murder.
The sheriff said Soflcy. who
had been In 111 itealth for the
post two to three years, was beat
en on the head with "a couple"
of licavy chairs. He said Sofley
lived by libnself. and no one else
was In the house at the time of
the oltack, but Soflcy was fotmd
Immed atoly afterward by a
wtlgh'ng Itotwren 110 and 115
poundsa nd t absut five and half
feet In height. He said he works
as a labor:!r and comes fram a
good family.
At Winston-Salcm. Dr. w. D.
Vrcflaud. Jr., the Forayth County
coroner, said Soflcys death was
caused by multiple skull fnic*
Bofley way bom In Davic Coun
ty to John A. and Mamie Sof
ley. He was a farmer and a car
penter. ,
His wife, the former Betty
Martin, d'ed in 1657.
. John
and Jerry Sofley. both of Salis
bury: a daughter. Mts. A. T. Head
of Salisbury: five sisters. Mrs.
Uzsie Smith of Winston-Salem,
Rt. 9. Mrs. tx)Ia Ctchlson of
MocxsvUlc. Rt. 2. Mcs. Marie
CUngman of HuntersvUle and
Mrs. Ethel Cook and Mrs. Helen
i4111fr, both of Advance. Rt. 1:
brothfrs. f^nk^nd
SofNb/, botrM c-f mock^lUe. R^St
and Jesse Sofley of Advance.^t.
1. and four grondchlldren.
The funeral was conducted at
2:30 pjn. Sunday at Bethlehem
M'thodist Church by the Rsv.
Dwlght Mashbum and the Rev.
Wallace Owens. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 22,1962 - Page 4
T. L. Harding. Sr.
Funeral services for Thomas
Leonard Harding, Sr., 60. of Rt.
5 JMoekavllle, were held at 8 p.m.
Sunday at HuntsvUle Methodist
Church, by the Rev. BennJo
Beardon and the Rev. H. D. Oar-
mon. Interment was in the church
cemetery. Masonic rites were
conducted ot the grove.
Harding died at 3 pin. Friday
at Baptist Hospital In Wlnston-
Salem. He had been in declining
health for the past year but
death was unexpected.
Thomas J, Beck. 70
Funeral servlees for Ttiomas
Jefferson Beck, 70. of Moekavllle
RL I were held Saturday morn
ing at Baton Funeral Rome J. B.
Whltaker and Harold Simmons
officiated. Burial was In the Jer
icho Church of Christ conetety.
Mr. Beck died at 6:40 am.
Thursday at the Western North
Carolina Sanatorium at Black
oqPB InarhbP
He was l9om In Davle County
to John and Martha Dye Beck.
He was a retired farmer.
His wife, the former Miss Sal-
Ue Bverhavt. survives.
Mr. Beck was a member of
Jericho Church of Christ.
Also surviving are a son. John
H. Bedc M LewlsvUle: three
daughters. Mrs. Rebecca liteDan
lei of Cooleemee, Mrs. Prances
Freeman of Mocksvllle and Mrs.
Jackie Burton of Albemarte; a
slitter. Mrs. P. F. Redden of
Woodleaf: seven grandchildren:
and tvtro great-grandchildren.
He was bom in YadkinvUle, son
of the lote Dr. T. R. Harding and
Effle Kelley Harding. For the
past several years he had taught
school In Yadfcin and Surry coun
ties, He was a dlreotor of For-
bush Volunteer FU'o Department
and was a farmci\
Surviving are his wife: a daugh
ter. Mrs. Jack 8. Moss of Colum
bia, 6. C.: three sons. Ben Hard
ing of Durham, W. Malcolm Har
ding of Columbia and Thomas L.
Harding, Jr.. of TadklnvUIe; six
grandchildren: three brothers. F.
D. B. Harding of Yadklnville, Dr.
HaitUng of Elkin and Will Hard
ing of Blacksburg. Va.: and three
sisters. Misses Mary Harding of
YadkinvUle, Mrs. EiTie Dec RObln-
son of Mocksvllle, Rt. 5 and Iiha.
Helen P. Brydges of Wlnston-
Bio - Obituaries - 2/22/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 8,1962 - Page 1
Rites Held For
C. Atlas Smoot
PunrraJ sci-vJces for Chorlca
Atlas Smost. 52. chairman of the
Davte County Board of Commis«
sioners. were held Monday after
noon Dt Eaton's Funeral Chapel.
The Rsv. W. W. Blanion officiat
ed. Burial with Masonic Rites W'as
In the Salem Methodist Church
Mr. Smoot dlrd at 4^40 pjn.
Saturday at the Baptist Hospital
In Winston-Sslem. He had been
Mr. Smoot wns bom in Davie
County to Charles C. and Lfale
Daniel Sntoot.
He was married in 1930 to Miss
Pauline Orccn. who survives.
Mr. Smoot wns a partner for
IS yenrs in MocksvUte Implement
Co. and alto was a partner in
the Blackwetdcr and Bmoot ready
to wear clorhina store,
i He was elected a DavIe County
|comm'fi6loner and had served os
chairman of the board for the
past six yearn. He wn«- o direc
tor of the Bank of Davle. He was
I a Mason, a charter member of
iMocksvilic Lions Club, charter
I member of the Moose Lodse. ond
la member of the Ea&isrn Star.
' He wns o member of Flrit |
Methcdist Church of Mock^vllle.
Sitrvivins hi addllion to his
Wife arc his tothcr. ol MocksvlUe.
Ri. 1, B.nd a sinter. Mrs. M. C«
Oeadmon of MocksviUc.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/8/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 8,1962 - Page 2
Garfleld Lapish
Takes Own Life
jADicfl Oorfletd X/iplsh. 34. of
Morknvlllc. RU 5. was found dead
ni. 8:30 p.m. Friday In the woods
near his (home. -Shetilf B. Y.
Boylea )*eportcd.
Dr. B. L. Rlchords, aetlnir cor
oner, ntled Lapish shot himself
with a shotRun and his death was
Mr. Lapish was bom in Davie
I County to Charlie Snnford La
pish and Johnsle Triveltc Lapish.
He was n disabled veteran of
(he Korean War.
Uo was married In 1952 to Ml&i
Mhrtha RIchordson, who survives.
Other survtvora ore n douRhter.
Mary Alice Lapish of the home:
two sons. James Oorflcld Lapish.
Jr. and Vance Allen Lnplsh. both
of the home, two brothers. Harold
Lophh of Mocksvllle, Rt 1. ond
Lester Loplsh of Cmm Lynne.
Pa.; two sisters. Mrs. William
Rlchaidson and Mrs. Herman
Peacock of MocksvUte. Rt. 1; his
mother. Mrs. Jdhnste Pain, of
Mocksvllle. Rt. 5.'
Funeral services were conducted
Sunday afternoon ot the Baton
Funeral Chapel. The Rev. Cam
eron Dodson, the Rev. W. C.
Berkley, officiated. Burial was In
the New Union Methodist Church
Ccmclory with military rites.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 8,1962 - Page 4
Alice Nancy Nocfiolas Crews
Woiiian Dies After
Her 100th Birllulay
Mrs. Alice Nancy Nocholas
O.cws of AUvoncu died at 3:45 p.
m» Saturday, one day after her
100th birthday, an occasion rcc-
osnlViCd In o spvclul birthday
mcssaBe from President John P.
Mrs. Crews was bsm March 2.
She had been active and alo't
until a week aso when she be
came 111 with Influenza.
Ihc birthday card from the
President a:rivcd Wednesday. It
rood. "My sincere conuratula-
icns upon your blrtlidoy. May
good health be yours through
• many more happy years. iSlgn-
'jedi John F. Kennedy.
'{ Mf-s. Crews. Ncsro. was born
'In Davic County and spent all
' her 1 fc In the Advance coin-
' I munlty.
; Until about a year uca, she
could still read her Bible and
! listen to the radio, if the volume
Jwas turned up.
Bio - Obituaries — 3/8/1962
Hrr oldest daughter, Mrs.
Bcrtltn Hartman. 78, of Advance
Idled a month ago.
i Sur^'lvlng arc two otlier dauah-
terr, Mrs. Bessie C. Halrston of
the home ond Mrs. Ethel C.
• Bllerbce of Jamaica, N. v.: two
I s-uis. Cl flon Crews of Advance,
'and Harvey Crews of Advance;
•nine grandchildren; 30 great-
isrondchildren: and six greal-
i great-erandchlldren.
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 8,1962 - Page 5
Mrs. O. 1*. Snln. 8f
Fiinenil services for Mrs. Snrflh
Prances Mnrtln 8a-n, 87. wife of
C. P. Coin or 734 North Main St..
^focksville. were held Tuesday af'
innoon at the Bethel Methodist
Chnrch. Tlic Hev. Cameron Dod-
ssn nITichtcd. Burial was In the
chu'.ch ccmrtciy.
Mrs. Sain died at 5:30 p m. 8im
day nt the Baptist Hospital in
Wln$ton-€fllcm. She sufTercd a
stroke at her home, Saturday.
Mrr. Snln was born In Dnvlc
County to Elijah and MIncn'n Wll
llama Martin. She 8|)cnt her entire
life In the county. For the past
two years site hod been makino
her home In Mocksvllle with
nieces. Mrs. Bill Moore and Miss
Janle Martin. She was n mem
ber of Bethel Methodist Churrh.
She was married to Mr. Sa;n
Aug. 0. 1800.
Survlvini; are the husband: one
sister. Mrs. R. A. Coon of the
home, and several nieces and
Pallbearers were: Walter E.
Martin. W. L. Moore. Jr.. Hubert
Cartncr. Qlenn Gartner. Prank
Sohw Jis. and-Lestor-Saini
TIHet L. Voung. 53
Funeral services for Titlet Les
ter YoimR. 63. of Advance. Rt. 2.
wei-e held Saturday morning at
the Fulton Methodist Church.
Rev. Blllle Clinnrd officiated.
Burial wos in the church cemc-
Mr, Young died Feb. 20 in the
City Hospital. Winston - Saleen.
after snflTering a heart attack in
hie car near Kemersvllle.
He was bom in Davle County
to Noah Franklin and Lula Young.
Mr. Young hod been building
superintendent for Wachovla
Bank and Trust Co. in Wlnston-
Salem for 15 years. He was work
ing at the time he suffered his
He wos a member of Fulton
Methodist Church.
His wife, the former Ivey
Stewart, survii'cs.
Also surviving ore a son. Nelson
Young of Advance, Rt. 2: and a
daughter. Mbs. Boyd Pack of Ad-
vace. Rt. 2; a brother. George
Young of VOnston-Saleon; a sis
ter. Mrs. Ada Miller of Wlnston-
Salem: and three gi-andehlldren.
Robert W. Henry
The funeral for Robert Wood-
son IDocI Henry. 52. of 725 Lock-
land Ave., WInston-Salem. was
conducted at 2 pjn. Wednesday at
Vogters Chapel by the Rev M. E.
Manuel and the Rev. P. E. How
ard. Burial woe in Forsylh Me
morial Park with Mosonlc rites.
Mr. Henry was pronounced
dead on arrival at 10:05 ajn.
Monday at Baptist Hospital.
He was born In Rowan County
to Thomas F. and Jessie Cope
Henry. He spent his early life
In Rowan and Davle counties.
He attended the Davle Comity
He bad lived In Wlnston-Sa-
'lem 20 ycom.
Mr. Henry was the associate
manager of the Life Insurance
Co. of Virginia's offices here.
He was a member of Salem Ma
sonic Lodge 289 and a member of
the Winston-Salem Life Under
writers Association.
He was a member of Ardmore
I Baptist Church.
Surviving are his wife, the for
mer Louise Howard: a son. Ml-
choel Henry of the home: a
daughter. Sandra Henry of the
home: his mother of Salisbury:
three sisters. Mrs. Grady Call of
Salisbury. Mrs. James Tiller of
Swtihviboro. Go., and Mrs. Hoy
den Bailey of Henderson; and
five brothers. Paul. Fred Charlie
and Reuben Henry, all of Salis
bury. and Dick Henry of Greens
Bio - Obituaries - 3/8/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 15,1962 - Page 2
Mnt. lU L. Bttic. SO
Piincral scniccs for Mrs. R. L.
Buie of fU. fi. Lexington, iHorse-
.shoo Nock community 1 were held
8aliu*da.v nftcmoon nt the Church
Innd Mlstionnry Baptist Church
with the Rev. J. L. Walton In
chnrac. Burtnl was In the Church
land cemetery.
Mrs. Bule died Friday at the
Lynn Haven Rest Home in Davie
Cotinty. She was 86 ycors old ond
had been In declining hoolth for
ihrec .vcars.
She wtiH a mcmtxn- of the
Churchland Baptist Church. She
was bom Nov. 3. 1B7A. doughter
of David W. and Mory I^omb
Barnes. Her husband. Robert L.
Bulc. died in 1058.
She Is survived by two dough-
tors, Mrs. Taylor Nance of
Tampn. Pin.. Afrs. Casey c. Wall-
ter of Cumberland. Vn.: four
i«n.s. Clarence P. of Spencer.
Walter R.. of Linwood. Ocne, of
Lexington and Robert W. of
Clemmons: 18 grandchildren and
3? grant grondchlldrcnf ond three
brothers, W. P.. of Woodlcnf. R.
T.. and O. L.. of Unwood: two
sisters. Mm. Brycc T. Jarrett and
Mrs. Ernest R. Carter. l>oth of
Mrs. Edward Wood. 81
Funeral services for Mrs. Sen-
nlc Wood. 81. of Advance, Rt. 1.
were held Thursday afternoon at
the Macedonia Moravian Church.
The Rev. J. Taylor LofUn and
the Rev. N. C. Byerly officiated.
Burial was In the church ceme
Mrs. Wood died nt 4:10 pjn..
March 7th at hcr home.
She was bom In DavIe County
to Henry and Matilda Barney-
costlc Frye.
Mrs. Wood was a member of
Parmtnston Baptist Church.
Surviving are two daughters.
Mrs. C. B. Smith of Poitsmouth.
Vn., and Mrs. Pansy Smith of the
home: six sons, William H. ond
Ralph Wood, both of the home.
Sherman Wood of Mocluville, Rt.
3. Clyde Wood of Wfnston-Salcm,
ClauscU Wood of Advance. Rt. 2,
and L. P. Frye of WInston-Salem:
a brother. Claude Frye of Mocks-
ville: 23 grand children and 13
Bio - Obituaries - 3/15/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 22,1962 - Page 5
Mnt. W. P. AmoH
K&t. Ivte Nell Amos, 49. of
Miami Beach. Fta.. died March 10
at 9<30 pm. M the Boptlat Hew-
pital In Wtnston-Sotcm.
PunemI services were held at
2 p.m.. Wettiesday at Eaton's
Chapel by the Rev. W. W. Blan-
ton. Burial waa hi Rose Ceme
Mrs. Amos was bom iu Davle
County to Marvin and Geneva
Nail Waters.
Burvivors Include the husband.
Wilbur P. Amos: one son. Patrick
Amos, both of Miami Beach. Fla.;
the muther; tu'o brothers. Sam
Waters of Mocksville. and Bob
Waters of LeCross, Va.: four sis
ters. Mrs. Jean Potts of Hish
Point. Mrs. Mary Hockett of New-
berry. S. C.. Mrs. CUlherlne Stal-
ford of Jnrkroinille. Pia.: and
Mrs. BlizabiMh 'niikrr of Mocks-
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 22,1962 - Page 3
Mrs. H. L. Harris
Funeral servlcM for Mrs. Jlm-
mle Sue Harris. 22. who died
Mionday In Baptist Hospital, wore
held Tuesday at 4 psm at Holy
Cross Xoilhettin Church by the
Rev. Boycc D. Whltener. Burial
was In Clement's cemetery.
Mrs. Harris, wife of Harvey t«e
Harris, had been seriously ill sev
eral weeks.
She was bom Ui RandolphI County to James C. and Louise
'Hhrbln Warren.
i Survlviny in addition to her
husband, are two daushters. Nola
Gay and Reglnn Carol Harris,
both of the home: her parents of
Mceksvlllc: and a brother. Walter
Warren of WInston-Salem.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/22/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 29,1962 - Page 5
Mn. Marvaret Loney
MOCBBVILLE—Mrs. Margaret
Smith Lonay. 78. of Advance. Rt.
1, died at 1 pjn. Monday at Lynn
Haven Nursing Home where dhe
had been living three years.
She was bom in Davlc County
and Itad lived In Che BcUUebem
Methodist Church community
most of her life.
Mrs. Loney was a member of
Bethlehem Meiltodist Cliureh.
Surlvlng are a brother, Floyd
Smith of Advum-e. Rt. l: and o
sister. Mrs. Herman SmIUi. both
of Advance. Rt. t: and a number
of nieces and nephews.
The funeral was condueisd at
2:30 p. m., Wednesday at
Bethlehem Metliodist Church by
the Rev. Dwlaht Marslibum. Bur-
lal< was In the church cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/29/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 12,1962 - Page 4
Mrs. C. VI. DttU, 81
Funeral services for Mrs. Con
nie Elisabeth Dull, 81. of Mocks-
vllte Rt 6. Pino Comtnunlty,
were held Monday afternoon at
Eaton's Chapel. Ute Rev. Benny
Bearden and the Rev. Fred Barn
es officiated. Burial was in the
Wesley Chapel Methodist Church
Mm. Dull died at 4:48 am.
Sunday at the Jo Lens Nursing
Home at Salisbury af'ter an 111-
nms of two weeks.
Mrs. Dull was bom In For^th
County to WllUan 8. end Susan
Romlnger Spach. Her husband
died In 1947.
Surviving are six sons, Royd.
Luther and Charles Dull, an of
Mocksville'. Rt. 6. Wade Dull of
Mocksvllle, Harvey Dull of Wln-
ston-Salem and William DuU of
the home: four daughters. Mrs.
Albert Boger and Idrs. Hubert
Boger of M33cksvllle. Rt. 2. Mrs,
Glenn Jones of Advance. Rt. 1.
and Mrs. H. E. Reavts of Mocks-
vllle. RL Si 82 grandehUdren. and
34 great-gmndchltjlren.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/12/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 19,1962 - Page 4
Mrs. J. T> Howed
Funcnol aervlcea for Mrs. Miuy
Ellen Howell. 84. of Advance. Rt
1. who died Monday at 1:30 lun..
were Iteld Tuesday at 3 pjn. at
Yndlcln Valley Baptist Church txy
tlie ilcv. Alvls Cheshire. Burial
was in the church cemotery.
Mrs. Howell, widow of dohn T.
Howell. died at the home of Rob
ert Riddle. She had been In de
clining hooltli several months.
8hc was bom In Yadltln County
but spent most of her life In Davle
Mrs. Howell was a member of
Yodkln Valley Baptl.«it Church.
Survtvlng arc five stepsons,
Vf. O., ond R. L. Howell, both of
Advaneel Rt. I. B. D and Jim
Howell. both of MocksvlUe. Rt 9.
ond Veraon Howell of Wlnston-
Bolem: three stepdaughters. Mrs
W. H. Bowles and Mrs. Z. C.
Cook both of Mocksvnie, Rt. 3.
and MUs. R. H. Baity of Wlnston-
Mrs. John Koaion
TIte funeral for Mrs. Mary
Barney Keaton, 68. of Advance,
Rt 1, widow of John Keaton, was
held on Wednesday at Blxby
Presbyterian Church by the Rev.
Kenneth Pollock. Burlol was In
the church cemetery.
Mrs. Keaton died Monday at
the home of a daughter, Mks.
Orady Smith of Advance, Rt 1.
She was bom In Davle County
to'T. M. and Llasle Queen Barney.
Mrs. Keaton was a member of
Blxlw Presbyterian Church.
Surviving are two daughtersi
Mfs. Qrady Smith and Mrs. Paul
Jones, both of Advance. Rt I:
four sons, Ohall and Monroe ICea-
ton. both of Advance. Rt. 1, Eu
gene Keaton of Leidngton. Rt 8>
J. Keaton of Harmony. Rt I;
23 grondebUdren and five great
grandchildren; and a sister. Mrs.
Thomas Keaton of Mocl^Ue.
Rt. 3.
Coivta A. Dyson
iPuneral servieea for calvln
Alonzo Dyson. 80. of 6 Watts St..
Cooleemee. were held on Tuesday
at the North COoleemee Church
of Ocd by the Rev. X. o. Morris.
Burial was In Liberty Methodist
Church cemetery.
He died Sunday In YadklnvUle.
after being In declining health a
year and a half and serlouOIy U1
a month.
He bom In Davte County ^
C$vl£^d Nancy Euton Dyson.
' ww^ retired fanner.
BurWring are a half brothgy,
P. P. Dyson of Oremsboro; a sis
ter. Mrs. Mattle D. Me&alek, of
Coo^mee; and two half sisters,
Mrs. Veraon COdor^ of Balti
more, Md, and Mrs. Clyde Thom
as of Raraseur.
Jesse J. Sottttdera
PWieral services for Jessie J.
Saunders, 71, of Hlddenlte, who
died at 3:30 pan.. Monday at his
home, were held Wednesday of
this week at Sulphur Springs
B^itist Church with burial In the
church cematiny*
Mr. Saunders died following on
Illness of four months. He had
been in deoUning health for a
Vfi was bom Mby 16, 1800, In
Montgomery County, the son of
BU and ZJea Davis Saunders.
Prior to moving toi Hlddenlte
some years ago, he was the man
ager of the Davle Feed end Seed
Store on Depot Street In Mocks-
vttle for several years.
Survivors include his wife, five
daughters, Barbara Jean, Carol,
and Margaret Sounders of the
home, Mrs. Ruth Loman of Spen
cer. and Mrs. Virginia Steele of
Akron, Ohio, and several grand-
ehndren; time sisters, MTs. J. B.
Beck, of Rt. 1. Salisbury, Mrs. C
W. Jordan of Lancaster, 8. C., and
Bfirs. J. B Weaver of Kannapolls.
Glisten H. Ments, 66
Funeral serviecs for Cllston
Moody Menta, 66. of West Colum
bia, S. C., were hdd In that city
Friday. Mir. Mients was the father
of Kenneth Menta of MiN^vJlle,
Route a.
Mr. Menta died April lOth at
the Davle County Hospital. He
suffered a heart attadc while vis
iting his son.
He was bom in Bamberg,
County. S. Cm to Mr. and Mrs.
Q. W. Menta.
He was a retired farmer.
Surviving ore four sons. Leon
ard O. Men^ Heber C. Mbnta,
and Herman W. Mbnta, an of
west Columbia, and P. Kenneth
Ments of Mbcksvlllo, Rt. 8; two
daughters, Mrs. O. Ben Keazse
and Miss Sudle May Menta, both
of Ehrhardt. 8. C.; a brother. B.
W. Menta of Lexington, Rt 6; four
sisters. Mrs. B. B. Blshcm, Mis.
J. M. Clayton and VBea. TOttte
Zelger, alt of Ehihardt, and Mrs.
O B Koonta of Lexington, Rt 8.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/19/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 19,1962 - Page 4
Jake Sain
Jake Sain, age Da, died at the
homo of his daughter, Mrs. Ben-
vy Laehmlt of MOcksvUle Rt. 6
yesterday. Funeral arrangements
ere incmnplete. The body will be
at the hums of the daughter.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/19/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 26,1962 - Page 4
Albert Fester Olimeai
AttKit Fosttf dement, 78, re
tired real eatete dealer and for
mer grocer at Winston-Salem,
died at 8:16 pjn. Sunday at Ctty
Mr. Clement, who had lived at
818 loth Street ME, had been in
declining health five years end
aertouslly in two months.
Ho was a brother of the late
Superior Court Judge J. H. dem
ent of Walkertown who died In
Mr. dement woe bom at
MOrtcevillo 4o John Henry and
Ihnlly Faster dement. He speni
his early life In Davle Oounly.
He was educated at Rutherford
College and the univmsUy of
Horth cordlna. After completing
his education, he moved to Wln-
ston-Salem and entered the groc
ery and real estate business. He
retired several years ogo. He
woo of the Methodist faith.
Smwlvlng Is one sister. Miss
Sarah dement of Oxford.
The funeral was cmidueted at
8 pjn. Monday at Vogler's Chapel
by the Rev. Robert Crawley.
Burial was in Porsyth Memorial
Mrs. Il A. Mclntyre, 81
Funeral services for Mrs. Alice
Zienora Mdntyre, 81, widow of
Jt A. Mozntsm. were held Satur
day at the unity Presbyterian
Chuxoh. The Rev. W. H. Peny
and the Rev. J. C. Swalm officia
ted. Burial was In the ohuroh
Mrs. MOBstyre died at 7i4B a.
IBU Thursday at the home of a
daughter, Mre. Frank MUler, of
Mocfcsvllle, Rt. 3. She had been
In dccUidng health for the post
eeveral months.
Qhe was bom In Rowan Coun
ty to Leonard C. Moweiy and
Sarah Mutph Mowery. She was
married In 1B61 to Henry Pen-
ninger. who died in 1618. She
was maiTled to Mr. MoXntyro In
1818. He died In 1848.
Surviving tn addition to Mgn.
MUler ore four aonA X>. R. Pen-
nlngor and J. F. Fennlnger. both
of Woodleaf. Rt. 1. Ww B. Pen-
nlnger of MooksvlUe, Rt. 1. and
MOlvIn Momtyro of Butner: nine
grandchildren: and five great-
Mrs. W. J. Oiady
Omveslde mrvlces for Mre.
Elisabeth Leech Orady, 83, of
Holden Beach were conducted Frl
day at 10 am. In Salem Cemetery
In Rlmston-Salem by the Rev.
Brevard Williams.
Mm. Orady. widow of William
J. Orady and formerly of Win-
ston-Balem. died at 3 p.m. Wed
nesday. AprU 18. at Mary Moody
Nursing Home at laimbarton. She
had been In declining health B
years and seriously ill she months.
She was bmn In Davle County
to David end Mellnda warren
Leach. She moved to Wlnston-
Salem from fiOckory In 1811.
After the death of her humand
In 1912 she moved to Brwln. In
1982 she.moved from Brwln to
IMIden Beach to Uve with a son.
Be died recently.
She was a Methodist.
Surviving are a daughter Mrs.
BUsab^ Orady WaUln of Win-
ston-Selem: a sister Mrs. M. D.
Brown of Moeksvllte: and two
George Ira Fijc
The funoal for Oeorge CBUll
Lra Frye 60 who died Tuesday,
ApiTl 1<7, was conducted Friday at
4 pm. at Turrenttno Baptist
Church by the Rev. W^ H. Perry.
Burial was in Fork Church ceme-
Bio - Obituaries — 4/26/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 26,1962 - Page 4
Mrs. Otenn A. Keontt
Mrs. FMinie Foster Koonte, 80.
or MooksvlUe, Rt. 1. widow of
Olenn A. Boonts, died at her
homo April IB at 8:45 pjn. Fun
eral services were held at Salem
Methodist CZhurch where she hod
been a life 4iine member. Burhd
was Jn the church cemetery.
Mys. Koonta wee bom in Davie
County to John Morshall and
Julia Blisabeth Foster. Mr. Koonta
died In 1088. She had been an In
valid for sevm years.
Surviving are two Oaughters,
Mrs. William Oreen and Mln
Verlie Koimta: a daughter In law,
Mirs. Marshall Koonta of Rt. 1.
MOoksvUIe: 14 grandchildren! and
11 great grandchildren.
Mrs. Howard Dies
At The Age of 101
Mrs. Adelta Frances Howard,
who lived on the some Davie
County plantation for more Chan
a century, died at 8:18 pm. Sun
day In the home in which she
was bom.
She was 101.
Mrs. Howard was Uio widow of
Samuel H. Howard.
She was bom on the eve of the
American Civil War to Greene
and Betty Ann Spry Bailey on
Bailey's 600 jacre plantation be
tween Advance and Bbcby.
When she married Mr. Howard,
they moved Into the Bailey home.
She continue to live there when
her husband died in 1027.
Active Ohureh Member
A relative said that Mrs. How
ard was an active member of Ad
vance Methodist Church but par
ticipated in few other activities.
*NSho Jcept bu^ loc^ng after her
family and her home," Jte said.
*^0 made a lot of fiiends be
cause she was Just a nice person."
Ho said she was in good health
until she became 111 a few weeks
ago. "Up until then,* he sold, "she
used to brag thai slm never did
take ony doetmr medietne."
Her son Thomas on his fam
ily lived with hm*.
Other Survfvors
Also survivlBg ore five other
sons. Bmest Howard of Pitts
burgh, Pa., Baster Howard of De
troit, Miohn Greene B. Howard of
Lexington, and caioilte W. and
Wtilllam Howard, both of Ad
vance, Rtl 8: two daughters. Mrs.
Robert G. Pratt of Chicago and
Mn. O. W. McClasnrodc of Ad
vance, Rt 8! 16 grandchildren:
18 great grandchildren: and 11
Funeral services were conducted
Tuesday at the Advance Metho
dist Chur^. The Rev. Fletcher
Andrews and the Rev. Kenneth
Pollock officiated. Burial was in
the Bailey cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/26/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 3,1962 - Page 3
Mrs. C. F. Ward. 18
Funeral services for Mrs. Josle
BUsabelh Word. 13, of Mocks*
vlUe, Rt. 3. widow of C. F. Ward,
were held Wednesday ariemoon
ot the Smith Grove Methodist
Churah. The Rev. Wade G. Rog*
era and the Rev. George Bruner
ofnicioted. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
VBn. Ward died Monday at
12ti0 pjn. at the Davis Hospltol
in Statesville. She had been in
declining liealth a year.
She was born In Davle CounW
to John Kelly and Ida Smith Wil
liams and spent all her life In
the county.
She was a member of Smith
Grove Miethodist Church.
Surviving are three daughters.
Mks. Louise MbCiamrack. Mrs.
Richardson and Mrs.
>th Boger. all of Mocks*
Rt. 3: three sons. James
Fletcher and Owen Ward, all of
MbcksvlUe, Rt. 3: a sister. Mm.
Bfiayme Atkerson of peoehtree
Street. Winston-Salem; a brother,
Roy WiUlams of MficksvUle. Rt.
3. 16 grandchildren, and a great
R6bert Harpe
Robert Harpe of 418 H. llth
St.. New Castle, Ind., a former
native of Davle county, died April
28th at a hospital there. He had
been in declining health two
Mk. Hiarpe was the son of the
late J. M. and Louise Hoots
Harpe. He was warried to the
former Una Vestal of Tadkln
Survlvora include his wife and
two sons, Carl and- Arlle Harpe;
and one daughter. Mrs. Charles
Robertson. Three srnndchliaren:
one sister. Mn. Astor Shelton of
hOocksville, Rt. 2: and one bro
ther, B. W. Harpe of Mooksville,
Rt 2t and a number of nieces
and nephews.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Harpe,
Mn. W. o. Hampton of Winston-
Salem and Joe Con' Haipe of Rt.
Ule, attended tho fun-
Bio - Obituaries — 5/3/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 10,1962 - Page 1
A. Turner Grant
Dies at Age 85
A. Turupi- Grant, 85. ft Davle
County Republican leader end
attorney, died at 10:50 a.in.. I
Tuesday «t Lynn Haven Nurslns,
Honie. He had been In dccllnlne
health acvcral months. i
NVr Grant served' ay Judge of
ihc Oovle Cotmty Crlmlnnl Court
from April. 1959. to May. 1960.
He ver'.gncd before hia term wai
to expire In April. 1961.
A vctf:-ui\ of many terms in the
r'ate kels^nlure. Mr. Grant rep-
TS^ntrd Dnvle County In the
House in 1803, 1906. 1907, 1909.
1931. 1927j and 1930: ond in the
-?cnu(e In 1313. 1925. and 1031.
He was born In Dnvle County
to A. T. and Rebecca Parker
Ct'-f>nt. He a-as a R^ariuate of the
Un'ver.slly of North Carolina and
was licensed to practice law in
1900. He had pr^tlccd in Mocks-
villc slticc that time.
He was a ntember of the North
Carolina 6ar.Asaooiatlon.and had
served'on'the assuciatlon'a coun
cil tor two yca4's. He was also a
member of the Davle County Bar
Association and had served on
the UNC board of trustees.
fUs alfe. U)C former Miss Helen
Brcwster, died in 1957.
Surviving are five daughtoia.
Mrs. C. M. Littleton of Wilming
ton. Mrs. Gilbert Yokely of Wln-
ston-Salcm. Mrs. W. J. Wilson of
Mocksvlllc'. Mj'A. W. M. Allen of
Oreenville. K. C., and Mrs. O. W.
Mason of MockwUlc: two sons.
A T. Gmnt, Jr.. of Mocksvlllc and
W. A. Grant of Camden, 8. C.;
13 (r*andchtldrcn; and four great-
The funeral wUl be conducted
at 11 ajn. Thursday at Eaton
Funeral Home. Burial will be in
Rose Cemetci-y.
Bio - Obituaries — 5/10/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 10,1962 - Page 4
Charles B. Banii. 84
The funeral for Charles Bahn*
son. Ounn.J8t^_fi£. Af. Advance
was held Saturdoy at the
Clrarview Wcsleyan Methodist
Church by the Rev. Earl Newton
and the Rev. R. O. Bennett. Bur
ial was In the Woodland Ceme
Mr. Dunn died at 10 p.m..
Thursday at the home of a son.
Orody Dunn, of Advance. He had
In decllnlna heolth a year and a
half and seriously III flvc days.
The body was taken to the
homo of Lloyd Dunn of Lewls-
vllle. a son. prior to belna placed
In tlic church.
He was bom In Davle County
to John Wesley and Nancy Win
ters Dunn. He attended schools at
Rockford and lived in that com
munity for 36 years.
In 1034. he Joined Southern
Railway and waa employed there
for 18 years. He later operated
a landscaping business.
Mr. Dunn attended Clearvlew
Wesleyan Methodist Church.
He was manied three times.
His first wife, the former Julie
Hardy, was accidentally kiOed
shortly after theh* marriage. His
tidr maiYiage was to the former
Leia Vaughn, who died in 1943.
Surviving are five daughters,
Mrs. Claude Grant of Ardmore
Road and Mrs. Edgar Denson
Mrs. Forest Harvel. Mrs. Kenn
eth Nelson and Mrs. Max Adams,
all of ^h Point: and four sons.
Emmett Dunn of Martin Road.
Lloyd Dunn of Lewisvllle. Grady
,Dunn of Advance and Charles B.
{Dunn. Jr.. of Huff Circle.
Jacob R. Comalier. 87
Funeral services for Jacob Sol
omon Comntacr. 87. of Advance
were held Monday afternoon at
the Advance Mbthodlst Church.
The Rev. Fletcher Andrews and
the Rev. J. B. Pltagerald officiat
ed. Burial was in the church cem
Mr. ConiAtzcr died Saturday at
the home of a daimhtcr. Mrs.
Rede Comatzer Sheets.
He was bom in Monroe to A. C.
Comatzer and Ida Phelps Comat
zer. He was a retired employee
of P. H. Hhnes KnltUng Co. and
was a member of Advance Meth
odist Church.
Surviving in addition to Mrs.
Sheets are four other daughters.
Mrs. Walter Bamey of Advance.
Rt. 2. Mrs. W. F. Long and Mrs.
Charles Grace, both of Pfafftown.
Rt. 1. and Mrs. Brown Gilbert of
Wlnston-Salem. Rt. 7; flve sons,
L. L. Comatzer of Louisville. Ky.,
Clyde, Charlie and Paul Comat
zer. all of Advonce. and Bradley
Comatzer of Detroit, Mich.;
three bivthers, Phelps Comatzer
of Winston-Galem, Cicero Comat
zer of Ctemmons and Lindsey
Comatzer of Advance; three 8i9>
ters, Mrs. Myrtle Smith of Lin-
wood and Mrs. Grace Comatzer
and Mrs. W. A. Hendrlx. both of
Avance: 25 grandehtldrcn. 28
great-grandchildren: and a great
DeWltt C. Clement. 87
Funeral services for Dewitt
Clinton Clement, 87. of Mocks-
villc. Rt. 5. were held Sunday
afternoon at the Union Chapel
Methodist Church. The Rev.
Cameron Dodson officiated. Bur
ial was In the church cemetery.
M^. Clement died Friday at the
Davis Hosplptal In Statesvllle. He
had been In declining health sev
eral months and seriously 111 3
He was bom in Davle County
to D. C. and Emma Holman
Clement. He was a retired
Surviving Is his wife, Mrs Bea
trice Hill Clement.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/10/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 17,1962 - Page 6
Mrs. T. 'C. Grsbam i
runcrol services for Abs. MafcicI I
iHownrd Oraluini. M. of Park'
Avinue, widow of T. Comer O.o*
jtiBii). were held on Saturday of-
Itcmoon, May 12. at 4 pjn. at
Eaton Chapel by the Rev. W. W..
Ifibruon and the Rev. Carlton
jsaded. Burial wos in Rotao Cem-
Mrs. Graham died at 12:01 a.
m. on Filday at the Baptist Hos-
pltol In Wlnslon-Salem. She had
been in declining: health for six
Ehe was bom In Catawba Coun
ty to Ottis and Lucy Sikes How
ard. ,
Mrs. o.-ahdht was a graduate
of the Woman's College of the
Unlve'k'hy of North Carolina at
She was a member of Mocks-
ville Metho:lst Church.
Mrs. Otiham had taught for a
number of years In the Mocks-
ville schools.
She was married to Comer O.'o-
ham, who died in 1SS9.
Surviving are a son, Tommy
Oraham of the home: two daugh-
tr u. Mrs. Jack Cmrrlher end Mrs.
Ba'Yy Southern of Mbcksville: a
.>'8ter. Mies Ola.-a Hoa-ard of Lc-
nolr and two grandchildren.
Mrs. Vddle L. Polls
Funeral services for Mrs. Myrtle
Hartley Potts. 68. of Advance. Rt.
i. wire of Eddie Lewis Polls, weib
conducted Sunday at 4 pm. at
Fork Baptist Church by the Rev.
Mr. Suggs. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Mrs. Potts died Friday. May 11.
at her home after an illness of 10
She was bom In Davidson
County to Tommy and Ellsa
Fouhg Hartley.
Surviving are her husband: live
auuhUrs. Mil. Dermont Davis
<nd Mia. Elmer Wolshtr. both of
Uxlngton, Ri. 8. Mrs. Beame.
'Allison of Ltnwood. Rt. 1. Mrs.
3am W. Ballcy of Coolcemec end
*/lPs. Elm-^r Shore of Myrtle
Beach. S. C.; threo tons. Grimes
•)( s of Lexhigtcn. Rt. 3. and
.*:.'birn and Calvin Potts, both o'
■'nwcod. Rt. 1. two brolhcrs. oilic
In I'.Uy o: Mocksvilto. Rt. 4, and
>'jy Ha-tlry of Lexington. Rt. 5:
'id si.". 8t ' cm. Mrs. WilKom HU-
>0: L'x'nKton. M.S. BIU.r
ef Lrxlngtm. Rt. S. Mrs
•avo Beck and Mts. Leo Lninb
of MocksvHle, Rt. 4. Mrs
^oy Sheets of Clcnunonv and
'n. Puller Homlkcii of Advance,
tl. 3.
>lrnhle R. SIroud
Punrml services for A'chle R.
:troud. 70. of Mocksviiie. Rt. 4.
-.ire con''uct:(l at 4 p.m.. Mon-
'ny. May 14. at F,-st Bap^ju
iiu ih >n Coolvrmce by the Rev
'hft l".t J. Burfhct.e. Burial wjs
n lib 'tv C'cm.tcry.
Mr. St oud dird Saturday at B
m. of 0 Iteort aitark at his
ome. ,
He v/fls bom in Zredcll County
0 Nrwmsn B. and Lours Horn
ftroud. He was a rrttred employe
of B.Win Mills of Cooleemeo. He
marrird Miss Eadio MUler. who
Also surviving are a daughter.
Miss Joan Stroud of the home:
s brother. Raymcy Stroud of High
Point; and a aister. M's. Don
Sugpen of IflRh Point.
Bio — Obituaries — 5/17/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 24,1962 - Page 6
Mn. fUrr oalet, 18
KrOCKSVnXJB — m». Man-
died at 11:68 Monday night el
Jo-Lme Nun'ng H>3au> In SalU-
A native of Daiie County, oho
1 barn on July 7. 18B0. she wosSje daughter of Uie late John end
rmcntlne Jaclceon McClannon.
Oie married P. A. Oalca In 1930.
Survivors Include her husband;
three sons, Ray Shore of Mocks-
vdle, Route 4, Henry Shore ofSdesvUie, Ha^ and Charlie Shore
York, a O.: two daughters
Mlrs. Kfory Oales of Coolcemee
and Miss Veneta Shore of the
118 Army, stationed In France:
oi{8 step-ocm. Everett Oates of
Cpoleemee: two step^laughters,
jm. Ernest Rainey of Salisbury.
WMs 8. Mrs. Shelly Yarbar of
XAxIngton: IB grandchildren; and
live step-grendehUdren.
^PUneral services win bo con
ducted at Eat(m*s Funeral Chapel
at 3 PA. ihursday by the Rev.
j. W. Foster. Burial will follow
id Rowan Memorial Park. The
bddy will remain at the funeral
home until the hour of the ser
onie C, Cornatser. 86
^MOCKSVIU£ — OlUe Cicero
Cbrnataer. 56. of MocksvlUe died
at 10:45 Monday night at the
Davie County Hospital. He had
h^ 111 for 30 days.
A native of Davle County, he
was the son of A. A. and Florence
Fbster Cornatser, horn on Jan
uary 16. 1006.
(Survivors Include two eons. Ol-
Up Ray cornatser of the US
Aimy.' stationed In Louisiana.
K^rt Wayne Cornatser of Wln-
o^-Salem; one brother. Ray
Cbrnatser of MoeksvlUe.
(Funeral servlees were c<mduet-
ed at Eaton'a Funeral Chapel
lyednesday at 4:30 by the R^.
DMght Mashbum and the Rev.
Aivls Cheshire. Burial was made
lA Bethlehem Methodist Ceme-
George Beaoehamp
, Funeral services for Oeorgo
Franklin Bcauehamp. 72. were
hbd Wednesday afternoon at
MsriCs MbUtodist Church. The
Rbv. iFOetehcir Andrews and the
J. B. Fltsgerold officiated.
I^urial was in the church came-
*Mr. Beauchamp died at 6 oju.
>^bndBy at the Veterans Admln-
Utratlon Hospital at Sallsbuty
wfhesw he had been a patient eight
"^e was bom In Davle Cdlirttgt
io John C. and Florence Smith
wife, (he former &llle
MOck. survlvea. ' ^
,Also survlrinar are a daughter,
Mrs. Fete Cartey of Advance. Rt.
It two grandchildren; a alster.
BSrs. Wannle Orrell of Advance.
Route 1; and a brother. Z. A.
Bjsauohamp of Wlnston-Salem.
p[oute 8.
Robert A. Sptllman. 91
* Funeral services for Robert
iUexandcu SpOlman, 01. of Cool-
eemee were held Friday afternoon
at ihe Deep Oreefc Baptist Churdi
in You^h Cohnty. The Rev.
Charles Burehette ofTiclatod. Bur
ial was In the church cctneteiv.
A1-. SpOlman died early Thtira-
'"V pt the Jfl-Lcne Hurslng Home
Jr. 65l»?b:»rj-.
t: "as trm in Yadkin County
Tifcuuu and Fbcnie lluteldns
rplllman. He wap a ret'red mJl
HJs Wife. M s. Lucy Bell Cough.
liRd in 1960.
Surviving are two daughters,
Mrs. Selly Shcrmer of Rural Hall
and MIrs. Rachel Whltley of Coo-
tecmee: five sons. Winnie H. ^Ul-
man of Cdleemce. Lester and Al-
phonso SplUman. both of Mocks-
viUe, Rt. 4. Alan SpUlman of
Giccnsboro and Lloyd SpUlman
of Norfolk. Va.: 42 grandchildren;
91 great giandehlldrcn: and a
Mrs. Fred Mjrera. 71
Funeral sei-vlces for Mrs. Mary
MlUer Myers. 71. of Advance,
wife of Fred b^rs. wore held
Sunday afternoon at the Beth
lehem Methodist Church. The
Rev. Dwtght Mashbum and the
Rev. Oscar Hartman officiated.
Burial was In the church ceme
Mim. Myers died at 3:85 pun.
Friday at the City Hosirital in
WJnston-Sfllem. She had been In
decUng health several months.
She was bom in Forsyth Coun
ty to John W. and Martha An
derson Miller.
Surviving in addition to her
husband are a son. Brace B. My
ers of Lexington. Rt. 3; a daugh
ter, bSrs. Travis Howard of Clcm-
mons. Rt. 2; seven grandchil
dren; seven grandchildren: and
a brother. Henry B. Miller of
Bio - Obituaries - 5/24/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 24,1962 - Page 6
Mrs. Joho 8. Phelps. 64
Funeral services for Mrs. John
B. Phelps. 84. of MoclcsvUle Rt.
3. were held Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Phelps died at 7:12 pjn.
Friday at the Baptist Hospital.
She had been In dcellnlna health
IS months and In the lioy^ltal a
few hours.
She teas bom In Far?yth Coun-
tv to Charles T. and Sarah Whlr«
low Pope. She spent her early
life In the Hopewell community
ond Clcnunons and moved to Da-
vle County SB years ago. For the
last 16 months, she had lived at
Vlreinia's Lodeo in Wlnston-Sa-
Mr. Phelps died In 1038. He was
a section foremoa for Southern
•f •« e
elps''^ty^a'mbmber of
No Creek Primitive Baptist
Chiweh In Davle County.
Sui^lvlns are two daughters.
Mrs. Ada Chaplin of Mocksvllle.
Rt. 8. and Mrs. Eva Hartman of
3442 Oladstone Street; a nephew
she reared; Warren C. Spaugh of
Pfafftown: to srandehlldren. 11
great-grandchildren and a greot-
great-grandehild; a sister, Mrs
J. A. Hartle of 637 E. Sprogu'e
Street: and a brother Blalne
Pope of Old Lexington Road.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/24/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 31,1962 - Page 7
Mrs. W, F. Ootmum
Funeral services fo; Mrs. Will-
i(im F. Downum or Cootccmee
were held Friday afternoon at 4
pjn. at the 8ummerM»;t Funeral
Chapel. The Rev. Ottia Quails,
paatin* of the Corinth Church, of
ficiated. Burial was In Rowan
Memon'el Paiic.
Mra. Oawnum died at 0:16 pjn.
Wcdnesdoy at the Rowon Me
morial Hospital. -She had been
in declining health for several
years and seriously III two days.
A native of Oavie County, she
was tlie fo^er Modellne Dan
iel;, daughter of Mrs. Eva Graves
Daniels of the home and the- late
Robert E. Daniels. She was born
Nov. 11. 1917. and was educated'
in tlie Davie County schools.
MIrs. Downum was a member
of Ccr'nth Church of Church in
the Neectmore section of Rowan.
•She leaves heu Husband. Wil
liam P. DowniUn, whom she mar
ried on March 18. 1050: one step
son, William C. Downum of Cool-
ccmee: hrr mother. Mra. Eva
Graves Daniels of the home:
tl>>.*e bro'.hcrs. Lee and Tommy
DoiUcls or Cooleemee; one sivtev.
Mrs. Dorothy Rodden of Salis
Clyde D. James
• Funeral sr 'Vlc-s lor Clyde D.
Jnmcs. 73. ol Mo:lt3vUle. Rt. 5.
wrre held Friday nfif.naon at
the Farmlnlt'''ori Methodist
Church. Bur'ai was In the church
Ml'. Jemes died at 8:15 pm.
Wedncrdaif at tlie' Maple Grove
Rest Home.'He had been in'de
clining health a year.
He* wob bom In Davie County to
Mr. and Mrs. William Jomes. He
was married to the former Miss
Bertha Mae Lachmlt, who sur
Also surviving are two daugh
ters. MTb. John M. Howcll and
Mrs. Luther Allen, both of Wln-
ston-Saleni: a son. Howard James
of MocksvUle. Rt. 5: 11 grand
children: thnep great grandchild
ren: two brothers, E. C and G.
R. James, and a sister. Mrs.
Blanoh Brock, all of MocksvUle.
Route 5.
Mrs. John Sheets
Funeral senvlces for Mrs. Ivy
Lucille Sheets, 47, of Advance.
Rt. 2. wife of John Sheets, were
held Saturday afternoon at the
Eaton FUneral -Home. The Rev.
Kenneth PoUock, the Rev. J. B.
ntsgerald end the Rev. J. B.
offlCMted!" BuHal
was in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Sheets died at 7 am.,
Thui'sday at ohe Bopt'st Hospital
after five days of declining lieaUh.
She had been seriously III the
past three weeks.
She was bom in Davie County
to fiUas Myers and Annie Jarvls
Mbrera. She was married In 1635.
Surviving ara her husband: a
|on. John David Bheets of the
home; hep parents, of Advance.
At. 2: three sisters. Mrs, June
McCuUough and Mrs. Charlie Al
len, both of Advance, and Mm.
Frahk Oiavep of Hanes and three
brothers. Garland Vestal Myers
of Advance. Rt. 2. Rufus Myers
of CIemi|ions and. Xra Gray Myers
of AdvanM.
. .. Mip* J. L. Doughton
FUneral wrvices for Mrs.
Blanche Click tloughton. 77. wi
dow of Dr. James L. Doughton.
Mcere held Friday morning at the
Baton Funeral Chapel in Mocks-
ville. The Rev. Boyce WhJtener
dnd the Rev. w. w. Blanton offic
iated. A second service was held
Friday ailtenutan at the Firei
Mbthodist Church in Sparta, with
burial in the Shlloh Methodist
Church cemetery near Sparta.
Mm. Dougthon died May 23.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/31/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 14,1962 - Page 6
Bin. a, P. JohiUMi, M
Punerel aervteeB for Vtn, Mary
litu Ada Cockeiliam JOlwson. 86,
of BsonvUlc lU. I. widow of R.
t'. Johnson, of Boouvllle, were
held Sunday afternoon at the
Charity Baptist Church. Tlte Rev.
jhmny HaUburton and the Rev.
Ronuy Adams officiated. Burial
vAs In the church cemetery.
Bm. Johnson, tho mother of
Paul Btonroe Johnson of MCeks*
viUe. died BVlday at the Ctty
Bos^tal In WtnslonWSalcm.
^Stae was bom In Surry County
td Winiam IBUlyl and Nancy
Etfialtne WUley Cockerham.
iShe was a member of Charity
Baptist Church.
/Her husband died in 1949.
'Surviving aro six sons. Everett
A and William M. Johnson, both
of Winston-Balero. Foard A.
Johnson of Raleigh. Thad John
son .of Todklnvllle, wmnle John
son of BoonvlUe and Paul Mon-
row Johnson of Mceksvttle: three
dauflhters. Mm. Bally Firming.
Mm. Ootha Davis and Mm. Lu
cille Gross. aU of BoonvlUe: a sis
ter. Mrs. Clara WeUxuh of Win-
ston-Salem; 88 grandchildren:
add 41 great-grandchUdren.
E. C. James. 75
.Funeral services for Elsie C.
James. 76. were held Mon
day afternoon nt the Fannlngton
BSethodlst Church. The Rev. B.
Bi Bearden offlclsted. Burial was
In the Fannlngton Cemetoy.
(Mr. James died at 8:30 pm.
Friday evening at the City Me-
idqriol Hospital in Wlnston-Sa-
Idto. Ho hod been In declining
l^lth two yearn and seriously m
siSveml months.
way a retir^ postmaster
and merchant.
. He was bom in Fannlngton to
WlUlom nankUn and Elixabsth.
Iwly James and ^lent all his life
(He was a member of Fannlng
ton Methodist Church and a past
nuoimer of the b:ard of stewards
^ the church.
'Surviving ore his wife, the for-
flier Miss Harriet Oroce: three
dbughtere Mm. Elirabeth Moore
of 1603 Linwood Avenue. Win-
s^-Balem. Mrs. Jessie Lee Bmlth
of FormtngUm and 6&8. Nell
wwklns of 772 Austin Lane,
^loston-Balem: four sons, W. K.
Jbmes Portlow, Vo., W. W.
Jfunes of ClonuttODS. Rt. 1. E. C.
Jpmes Jr. cd 614 Blotor Road.
trinaton-Bslem. and Chorlca'Jam-
.ol Richmond, Va.: a sister,
a brother Ross James of
B^nnlngton; 11 grondchUdren;
■M two great-grandchUdren.
( L. A* Todd, 70
(Funeral services tor Lewie Albert Todd. 70. of Advance. Ri. 8.
vmre held Wednesday aftemoonel the hoffle by the Rev. J. O.
slrttner and the Rev. Tayl<»' Lof-
lUi. Burial was In TUnslewood
Fbrit Gemetery.
(Mk. Todd died at 8:30 amB^nday after euffertiis a heart
attach whUe plowing on hisf4nn.
•He was bom In Fwsyth County
to WUllam A. ond LiUle Brewer
iHls wife, the former Bertha
^arper. survives.
M. Todd was a park policeman
at Tenglewood Park and had
gj^ked Buttday.
Burvlvlog In addition to his
wife are two daughtem. Miss Lou
ise TOdd of Wlnston-Bolem and
Mrs. Maurine Ward of Mbcks-
riUe. Rt. 3: three grandclittiUren
and two great grandofaildron; five
Bisters. Mrs. D. W. Vogler. Mrs.
Walter Rothock end BAv. Ray
Bhouse. all of Whistcm - Balem.iifn. Andrew «Hi^er or Lewis-
-v|l)e and 1dm. James B. Oomhd of
IBgh Mnti two brothers. Roy L.
smd Kennblh H. TOdd. both of
R. G. GalM. 64
Robert Graham Oclcs, 64. of
Oooleemeo died at his hone at
11:46 Monday n'ght. He hod been
In declining health for several
.\An employee of Erwln MIUs m
Cooleemee. he was a native of
Rowan county, son of the late
Rtehard and Eva Retard Gates.
He married Bftas Mary Bhore in
She survives. OUter survivors
are one son. W. R. QMes of Cool
eemee; two daughters. BSrs. Hu
bert Athey of Cooleemee and BCtji
Herman Myers of Akron. Ghto:
seven grandeh'Jdren: two broth
ers. W. B. Galrr of Lexington and
RslFh Gales of KannapoUs; one,stater. Mrs. J. W. Broadway oil
MOcksvUte. Rt. 4.
Funeral services wlU be held at '
8 pm. Thursday at Eaton's
Chapel by (he Rev. J. W. Foster.
Burial w'U be In Rowan Memorial
Park In Sallrbuiy.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/14/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 21, 1962 - Page 5
CalHn N. BAity. 00
^^Piines-ivl wn'lccj' for Cnlvlo^■ilhAnlcl Qnlly. 00. or LcwlRVlltc.
1. wore held Wednesday nf-
lemocn nt Mocks Melhodlsl
Clunvh In Davie Coiniiy by the
Ilev. Plclcher Andrews and Ihe
Rev. Henry DititKltM. Burial wtis
In the rhurch cemetery.
Mr. Bnlly died nl 3 p.m.. Mon-
day nt the Dnvlc County Ho»>
pital after suITcrlnR a heart ot-
Mr. Baity was o veteran of
World War 1. He was married to
Clara Corantzcr.
He was bom In Vadkln County
to Edward and Carolyn Cianflcld
Baity. He was a retired c.arpcn«
He wn.s a member of Mocks
Methodut Church In Davie Coun
ty. He {ipent most of his life In
Davie County but moved to Lew-
tsvllle four ycaia oso.
SurvlvlnR arc his wife; n halt
brother, WYidc Baity of Lewlsvlllc.
Ht. 1; four half sisters, Mia. Hu
bert Everidge of Clemmons. Mrs.
Carl Oresoi7 of Clemmons. Mta.
L. B. Matthews ef Greensboro,
and MVS. Luther Scott of Wln-
ston-Snlem. Rt. 2: and his step-^|mther. Mrr. Fiorn Hendrix of^Bnston-Salcm, Rt. 2.
Rewo Wesley Davis, 61 i
Rowe Wesley Davis; 61. who
formerly lived In Mocksvllle and
worked At the locAl Barber shop,
died suddenly June 11 in Norfolk.
Va., where he and his family
had been living. Funeral sctvlc-
es wore held on Wednesday, June
13. at Holloman - Brown Funeral
Home in Noi-folk with burial hr
Forest Lawn Cemetery.
He was the son of Mi*s. Maggie
Nelll and the late Dec Davis.
He is guivlvcd by his wife, tire
former Mai-ietta Walker, daughter
of the late Mi*, ond Mrs. R. L.
Walker of Wllkesboro St., in
Besides his widow, and mother,
he b- sui'vlved by thiee sons,
Jen-y L. Davis, James D. Davis,
and Gilbert Eugene Davis, ell of
Norfolk: and a half brother. John.
Nelll, or MooresvUle, N. C.; and
three grandchildren.
He was a native of Mooresvllle
and had lived In Norfolk for 23
years. He was a veteran of World
WiftT H. . • . ;
■ . 1
Bio — Obituaries - 6/21/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 28,1962 - Page 1
Five Persons Are Killed As
Two Oars Crash On U. S. 64
Entire Goforth Family
Are Victims Along With
H. Reeves of Harmony
Five Davie County people were
killed, inclttdUiBT one entire fam-
Sy, when two cars collided about
4:35 pen. Wednesday I June 301.
lO-miles west of MocksvlUe on
ua. 64.
Until this accident, Davie Coun-
l^had not had a highway fata-■I during 1663.
Stats Highway Patrolman O.
W. Howard said that the dead
were Ernest Llnney Ooforth, 33,
of MocksvlUe. Rt. 5: his wife,
Linda. 17: their two chUdren,
William L.. 15 months, and Pam
ela Oall, four months, all in the
Qoforth's 1854 Chevrolet: and
Hoyle Resves. 30. of Harmony. Rt.
I. driving a 1056 Ford.
Patrolman Howard said that
Reeves was alone. Reeves was
driving west toward Statesville
when the accident occurred about
a quarter of a mUe west of the
Intersection with N. C. 601. the
oiflcer said.
Trolls Truck
Ooforth was operating his car
east end was tniUing a pickup
truck driven by Glonn Boger of
MocksvlUe, Patrolman Howard
Patrolman Howard, who was
assioted by State Highway Patrol
Sgt. O. A. Evertngton in the in
vestigation, said Goforth was
moving over the straight stretch
of roUing highway when he sud
denly decided to pass tho pick
up truck.
He cut tho car to the left toand ran straight into the
vetilete' whlbliTdnlk.ttfiiiiti
Toward StatesvtUe. ReeVes appar-
enUy ssw what had hawened
and realised a crash was Immin
ent. Howard said. He said Reeves
slammed on his brakes, leaving a
long trail of skid marks to the
point of Impact.
Die Instantly
Reeves and Goforth died In
stantly, the officers said. They
said Mrs. Goforth died at Davie
County Hospital here shortly af
ter arrival. The two cltlldren died
a few minutes after reaching the
Patrolman Howard said Che
Goforth family had apparently
been visiting his mother, Mrs.
Leva Dickens Goforth. who is em
ployed at Davis Koqiital at Stat
esville. The famUy formerly re
sided at Statesville. but moved to
the MocksvlUe area a few months
Reeves was bom In Davio Coun
ty to WiUte and Cecil Keller
Reeves. He spent his entire life
In Uie Sheffield community. He
was a textUe worker at States
Surviving are his mother of
Harmony, Rt. l: six brothers
Harvey Reeves of StatcsvUlo,«racc and John Henry Reeves
Harmony, Howard and Harold
Bves of Moeksvlllc and Hubert
Reeves of Harmony. Rt. 1; and
three sUtcrs, Mrs. Wade Wblght
of Harmony, Rt. 3. Mrs. Helen
Harris of Harmony and Mrs. Lu-
cUle Vonton of Statesville.
Funeral services for Reeves
were held at 3 pm. Friday at
Hew Union Methodist Church,
where he was a member, conduct
ed by tlie Rev. C. M. Xlodson. the
pastor, and Rev. Carey Bulta, a
former pastor. Burial followed in
the church cemetery.
Gofortl) was born in Xrcdell
Countj' to wiliinm W. ond Leva
Dickens Goforth. He was a tex
tile worker at Statesville .
Mrs. GofoiUi ^vas born in Yad-
kin County to Coy and Pansy
L?wis Felts. Tho Goforths were
married July 33. 1660.
Goforth's only survlmr Is his
Mrs. Goforih is survived by her
parents of MocksvlUe, Rt. 1:
three brothers. Robert Felts of
Yadklnvillc. Charlie Felts of
MocksvlUe. Rt. 1. and William
Feiu of MocksvlUe: and two
sisters including Mrs. nrankie^b^'kclt of Moekstillc. Rt. 1.^Hnic two Goforth children were
^orn In lirdrll County.
Fiiiicr'l i^n'iccs for the Go-
fnili Junii!.v wrc cond'irlid 'H
3 pin. rt pirtpyrnt Or.v.i'
Raplisi chun-h by Itn*. Ciiarl-s
Cook and licv. rii cn:? fiwrll-
ney. Burial loUowcd in the
church M'uu'tcry.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/28/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 28, 1962 - Page 1
T. A. Blackwelder, Jr., Killed
When Bolt Of Lightning Strikes
Three Others
lujured When
Bolt Hits Conibine
Thomsfl Alexander Blackwelder.
Jr.. 39, Of MocvsviHe. Rt. 2. was
killed by a bolt of llshtntncr Sat
urday afternoon durlnir a severe
He was pronounced dead on
'irrlval about 6:30 p.m. at the
Bapt'st Hoipltel. A doctor had
•ricd to revive him all the way
0 the Baptist Hospital from near
the Blackwelder home where lie
vas struck by llghtnlns.
Dr. Walter A. Ward, acllnt!
'■''orrylh County coroner, ruled
Mr. Binckwcldor's deaih due to
Dr. Earl Watts of the Baptbt
Hospital, visiting !n Davle County
U the time Mr. Blackwelder and
118 three companions were hit by
iiShln'nB. rode to Wlnston-Salem
wKh Blackwelder In an ambu
lance trying with mouth-to-mouth
resuscultatlon and chest ma&sage
to revive him.
Three Hurt
Tln-ee persons working with
NO*. Blackwelder In a field hai*-
restlng a crop when tho I'ght-
'ling Ftnick wci*c treated at Uio
Davle County Hospital. They
Included Mr. Blackwrlder'i neph*
*w. Joo ChafTln, who was nd-
mittcd to (he hoipllal with
bums; Mr. Btackwclder's son.
Owlcht: and a brother. J. D.
Blackwelder. both released after
treatment of injuries apparently
not jcrlous.
Tlic p:oup was In process of un
hitching the combine from the
tractor when the bolt hit. Mr.
Blackwelder was rejiortcd on the
ground under the combine, work-
mg to unhitch it.
Funeral IFuneral services for Mr. Black-'
welder were held Mpnday aficr-:
noon at the Tjsmes BaptUi iChuich. The Rev. John McDan* I
lei. the Rev. Wade Hulchens. the!
Rev. Dewcy IJames anU iltc Rev.'
(CofMaue4 on Pwe FIveJ j
Page 5
More About
T. A. B1apkw<?hler
^nul Mion ofllrlnli'd. BurialBo' 111 :hr iliisn-h crmctcry.^ kfr. niarkv I'ldiT. a prominrnt
dairy funnrr of IJiivic Coimly,
woji M'o lu'livf in i-hurrh. civlr.
and n.nlllioid uirnlm. H«* is ;i post
Sunday .''■•liodl Siipi'iiritrnd.-nl of
lha IJniui;;! Baptist Church of
which lu' Is a llfe-tiinc momber.
He was a Ifador in 'the commun
ity dcvi-lspmpnl proe.'nm and
hrlpcd build tha community
bulldJnu. He was a member of Ihc
school cammliiec of the WJllJnm
R. Dnvic Schonl. Hp nl.so served
as an rlecUims Judce In tho Ncrlli
Colahaln Precinct and wn.«i a
fonner rhnlrmcn of the Domo-
ciTitJc CcmmlUce in Ihe North
Calnhnhi Prerlnrt.
He was b.im In Dnvic County,
tho son of 1'. A. and Eliza Beth
Eaton Blackwelder. In 1944. he
was married lo the former Mal-
Ue Sue Smitit, wiio survives.
Also surviving arc three sons.
Doiiglss Blackwelder. Dwighl
Blackwpldc-r ond Dale Blackwel
der nil of the home: two brothers,
Charlie Blackwelder and Jim
Blackwelder of Mocksvlltc. Rt. 2:
one sister. Mi-a*. Hazel ChafTln of
MoGk-sville. Rt. 2; end his |Hir-
^its of Mock.svllle. Rt. 2.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/28/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 28,1962 - Page 1
T. A. Blackwelder, Jr.
"The Influence of the inan
and hiB life, T. A. Blackwelder.
Jr.. will continue to be felt in
this Bectinn of the county even
Uiough he hOB been esUed
The substance and truth of
this statement made by one
of the mlnlsterB at the funeral
of this younf 30'year>old man
Monday afternoon continued to
rinc lone after the eessatlon of
the final rites and the depar*
ture of the crowd.
For T. A. ntachwelrtcr. Jr. was
one of the county's most solid
citizens. A hard uorkinc dairy*
man. lie was active In all pha**
es of Ills community's life....
family, church, community and
political. U'henever there wus
a Job that needed to be done.
T. A. could always be counted
on to do his part. His work and
bis Interest in maUnc life bet*
ter for everyone w II always
be recullcd whenever hla name
ts menttuiied.
That he was veil liked and
respected waa apparrnt from
the liosts of friends that turn*
ed out for the funeral and the
lane number of floral tributes.
IJis friends rame from all walks
of life and. others sent aessas*
I cs of rondolrnces. Coveriuir
, Terry tfanford wired his mes*
j safe of sympathy from lUtelih.
I Hep. Hugh Q. Aleaander from
j Washington also senl a wire
rspresslng sympathy Co >lri<
i BUottwcUer and faoUly,
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 28, 1962 - Page 4
Punrral rirn'iccs were held for
Thomus Holman n native of Dn*
vie and Forsyth Counties, on
Ihnrsdny June 2lBt at the Pal
metto chuu'h. Born to Frank ind
Mary Fiost Holman. one of 10
vlilldrrn he attended public
hi hools In Oavlc County and Llv*
luyMon college after which he
IftUBht In Davic, Ircdrll and For*
lyth Counties. After rctlrlns he
spent fotn: yrurs ti'achlng general
'nn^sionury courses privately. Ho
'dirti .11 the home of his daiiuhter
'Apnthn .Irihnstn and husband Ot*
'in. In PlilUdHphiu. He is survtvod
I by 4 d.iughtcrE, and other rcia*
lives. I
Bio - Obituaries - 6/28/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 28, 1962 - Page 2
Mi-a. Cini-ence Carter. 49
l^iiicrnl Kervlcea for Mr9. Lula
Gladys Cni'tor. 49. of MocksvUle.
Rt. 2. wife of ClQi-cncc Carter,
were held Saturday afternoon at
the Vodklii Valley Saptiat
Church. The Rev. Alvla Cheah-
Ito. the Rev. Dewcy liames. and
the Rev. Wallace Owcna ofTlclat-
cd. Burial was In the church
Mrs. Carter died enroute to the
Dftvie County Hospital late Thurs
day after sufTerin? a heart at
tack at her home.
She was bom tn Davlc County
to H. W. and Margaret Allen
Surviving In addition to her
husband are three daughters,
hfrs. Harold Thompson of Mocks-
vlUe. Rt. 6. Mrs. Ed Walker of
YodklnvlUe. Rt. 3. and Mrs. Les
ter L. Myers of Mocksville. Rt. 2;
three sons. Richard Carter of
Mocksville, Tom Carter of Rt. 2.
Mocksville. and Jimmy Carter of
Foit Rucker. Ala.: a . brother,
Buiion Omgoi-y of Advance. Ri.
1; a sister. Mrs. Bryant Smith of
Advance. Rt. l; and seven grond-
Phil S. Younr, 93
Funeral services with lull Ma
sonic rites were held Sunday af
ternoon' at Eaton's Clhopel for
Phillip Samuel Young. 63, of Sal
isbury Street, Mocksville. The
Rev. Fred Barnes and the Rev.
E. M. AvcU officiated. Interment
was In Rose Cemetery.
Mr. Young died at 2 pjn. Fri
day at the Dovie County Hospital
after on Illness of four weeks.
He and his father operated
Young Funeral Home In Davie
County several yeai-s. He was for
mer owner and operator of
Young's Radio Appliance Co. and
since 1638 he -had owned Young's
Pumltui-e Manufacturing Co.
He was born in Davidson Coun
ty to C. C -and Mary cope Young.
He had lived In MocksvUle 34
Me was past master of Mocns-
vlUe Masonic Lodge.
He wos fti-st maiTled to the
former Sarah Auma Brlnegor. who
died 'In 1846. His second wife was
Mrs. Olile Bell Lacedonla of Tuc
son. Ariz. His thU'd marriage was
to the former Bossle LUllan Bed-
^ole. who ^yn^ves.
Also' stlrvivlng are two sons,
Phillip Young, Jr., of BemidJl,
Mlrrn.. and Hut>Id Cope Young of
NSocksvUle: two daughters,
J. W. Dailey, Jr.. of Rockwell and
hOss Mai7 Phyllis Young of Tuc
son. Ariz: his mother of Coolee-
mce: four sisters. Mrs. Oreola
Wilson end Mrs. Tuny Karris of
Coolecmce, Mrs. Ethel Thompson
of Uncolnton. and Mrs. Chasila
Belle Peeler of Oltarloitc: two
broUiei^, Baxter Young of Gas-
lonla and Floyd Young of Caro
lina Beach: and six grandchll-
Mrs. Maggie Walker. 90
Funeral services for Mrs. Mag
gie Oowan Walker. 90. of Route
1. Mocksville. were held Saturday
nftomoon at the Center Metho
dist Church. The Rev. James
White officiated. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Mrs. Walkei' died at 10:60 asn.
Thursday at the Rose Lynn Rest
Home at Cool Springs.
She was born In DavIe County
to Simon and Lucy Bowles Oow
Ciurvlving are four sons, Fred
and Calvin Walker, both of High
'PoUit. Clyde Walker of Gullford
College and Lawrence Walker of
'statesvllle: three daughters. Miss
Annie Walker of the home. Mrs.
Roy Redmond of Statesvllle and
Mi*s. Roy Shelton of Mount AUt;
16 grandchildren; and 20 great-
Bio - Obituaries — 6/28/1962 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY