Jul - DecDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 6,1961 - Page 2 Mrs. Dpfuy Sltonf. 31 sm'icos for Mrs. .linikn Kflwnso Sltoflf. 31. of Jnimn. wife of Defoy ShonI of Ihe U. 5. Air Poive. Ml- iinwii Air Bnse. were held Sun day afUThOon al llic Legion Mc- moriiU Pork in Coolccinoe. llie Kpv. DowiiH Splller mid iho Rov, John McCallLiter oil'lcinUid. Shoof died June IStli. Sh'' was bom in Jaiinii to Uttr- HClii oncl Svisu Knwasc. Mr. Shonf wns orlginnlly from Coolromee. SiirvlV'ii? Mrs. Slioaf arc her husband and n daughter. Elissa- j br!h Ann Sliaif. Bio — Obituaries - 7/6/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 13,1961 - Page 2 Mrs. \V. C. Wilson. SB Funeral services for Mrs. Jo> sephlne IJames vmson. 88. widow of w. C. Wilson of Mocksx'ille. Rt. 4, were held Wednesday morning at tlic Jeriaho Church of Christ. The Rev. J. D. Wliitaker and the Rev. Harold Simmons of ficiated. Burial was in the church ccmeteiT. Mrs. Wilson died Monday mom ing 01 her home in the Jericho Church community of Dtivic County. She is 8urvi\'cd by ten children: D. C. Wilson. J. B. Wilson and R. O. Wilson, Mrs. J. W. Smith. Mrs. C. H. Scaford Mrs. E. H. Brown and MUui Bdrie Wilson, all of Mocksvllle. Rt. 4: W. B. Wil son of Coolecmce: w. J. Wilson of Mocksville: and Mrs. F. W. Hiom- as of Rt. 1. Harmony: 21 grnnd- ohildren; 22 great . grandchil dren: and one areatgrcat grand child. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 13,1961 - Page 3 Mrs. JImmIe Oroee, 79 Funeml services for M^. Lydla Bmclinc Orocc. 79. of Mbcks^le, Rt. 2. were held Sundoy ot (4)e Farmington Baptist Church. The Rev. Noah Hbyes. the Rev. Mar vin Oold and tlie Rev. Dewey IJames ofTicIatcd. Burial was In the Courtney Baptist Church Cemetery. Mrs. Ofoce, the wife of the Rev. Jimmie Oroce. died at 5:45 a.m. Saturday at the BapUst Hos pital. She had been seriously 01 for two weeks. Mrs. Grace was bom In Davle County to Calvin and Lydla Wtt- klns Cranfield. She was a mem ber of Farmington Baptist Church. She was morrled in 1905 to the Rev. Mr. Oroce who survives. Also surviving are a daughter. Miss Hazel Oroce of Winston- Sfllem: a son. Clayton Oroce of Mocksvllle. Route 2: and three grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 7/13/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 20,1961 - Page 2 I Mnt. W. J. Sapp. 88 Funeral services for Mrs. Mnt-! tic Pope Sapp. 88. of Durham.* widow of W. J. Sopp. were held Friday afternoon at the Trinity Baptist Church. The Rev. George W. Dowd officiated. Burial was In the Hopewell Methodist Churah Cemetery. Mra. Sapp died Wednesday ot the home of her daughter. Mrs. Earl W. X^imbeth. at Holdcnl Beach. She had been ill since Friday. Siie was the motlier of Mrs. G. O. Boose and formerly lived In Mocksville. Mrs. Sapp was bom In David son County to Charles M. and Louise Myers Pope. She was a charts member of Trinity Baptist Church in Trini^. Her husband died in 1936. Surviving in addition to Mrs. Lambeth are another daughter, Mrs. Glenn O. Boose of Holly wood. Fla.: two brothers, Walter P. Pope of Churchlond and S. Ml Pope of High Point: two grand- cliiidron and five grcat-grand- childron. Clyde W. Trexler Funeral services for Clyde W. Trexler. 30. of Roanoke Rapids were held Monday afternoon at tlic Cooleemee First Baptist Church. The Rev. Charles P. Burchctte officiated. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. Mr' Trexler died Saturday even ing while working in o textile iiiUl. Ho snifercd an attack and jdtcd before doctors could revive him. He was bom in Davie County to James and Ullian Allen Trex ler. He was a former resident of Cooleemee. mer Miss Marlene Moore: two sons. Freddie and Billy Trexler of the lioine: two daughters, Robin and Terrle iVexler of the home: his mother and father of Cooleemee: a brother. Donald Trexler of Cooleemee: and his grandparents, Mr. and Mr-s. Adam Trexler of Cooleemee and Mrs. C. M. Allen of Mooresvtlle. Bio - Obituaries - 7/20/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 27,1961 - Page 5 WtUb p. Smith Willis Pnul Smith of Salt Lake City. Utah, died unexpectedly of 0 heart attack Sotitrday. He had been in doclinlng health scvcrol months. Mr. Smith was bom Aug. 4. 1886. In Farmlngton. N. C.. to BCr and Mrs. Enos C. Smith. He had lived in Salt Lake City for the post 35 years. He married Mrs. Mao l^ine Olbbs in 1936. She survives. Also surviving arc two sisters. Mrs, C. C. Williams of Farming- ton and Mrs. J. L. Ward of Clem- mons; and four brothers. J. M. W. B.. and Q. HL Smith all of *%rmlngtcn. and B. C. SmiUi of New Hill. N. C. Funeral and burial were con- dueled at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Salt Lake City. Mrs. S.<P. Potts. 69 Ftineral. qgrvfon for Urat •Fflincs Hendrik iotb*, 60, oT vancc. Rt. 2. wife of 8. F. iSolJ Potts were held Wedesday. Mrs. Potts died Monday at her lome. She had been in declining health several years ond seriously 11 two months. She was bom in Davic County to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hendrix Site sp&ai her life in i3avte County. She was a member of Advance Baptist Church. Surt'lvlng are her husband: six laughters. Mrs. Uszle Fryc of 107 Townley St., Mrs. Modlenc Joyner ond Mrs. Mbdell Hunt, both of East Bend. Mrs. Eula Ledford. Mrs. Alien Comatzer and Mrs. Ruby Ledford. all of Ad vance. Rt. 2: six sons. George ^tts of 130 Arcadia Avenue and ?aul. John. Frank. Vestal, and Robert Potts, all of Advance. Rt. 2: 31 grandchildren: a brother, lallon Hendrix of Mocksvllle: hree half sisters, Mrs. Vera Lec. vfTs. Ba Mae Klger and Miss Sessfe Hendrix. all of High ^int: ond three half brothers, icorgc Hendrix of Wlnston-Sa- cm and Vestal and Willie Hen- rlx. both of High Point. C*. W. Trcxier, 30 Clyde William Trexlcr. 30. of ■^cnnnJkfr-Rupiilx.--dTOi—Ouluiiiay vcnint:, July 15Ut while working n a textile mill. He suffered an tttock and died before doctors uuld revive lUtn. lie was bom In Davle County o James and Ulllan Allen Trex- er. He was a former resident of "ynolennee. Surviving are his wife, the for- ner Miss Mortene Moore: two mis. Freddie .nnd Billy TTexler if the home: two douahiers. Ro bin and Terrie Trexlcr of the •omr: his mothrr ond father of 'OOleeince: a brother. Donald ivxler of Roanoke Rapids, and lis Hnmd parents. Mr. and Mrs. \riiim Tn xler of Cooleemec nnd irs. C. 51. Allen of Mooresville. The funeral was conducted at t P. M. llicMiay. July I6th. at -'trst Baptist Church in Coolee- mr.» l>y the Rei'. Clinrles P. Bur- 'liette. Buriiil was in Rowan .li-moi'iul Park. Bio — Obituaries - 7/27/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA vd <r cr ci I ul <C h- cO o o c5 t- o nniirt- Civmt R-oth, ^ 9,i4vi^EO GV Lu.eu..Co«^ 9r6-6 t)RMit COU.PTV Public L.BfJ-BR-v UR UC Orm. H5 ftoTH Foster, Mocksville, Dies at 65 MOCKSVILLE—E z r a PierceI Foster, 63, of Mocksville, was pro- I nounced dead on arrival at 6 p.Ri. yesterday at Oavie County Hospital, He suffered a heart at- I tack on Main Street. He was bom in Oavie County to S. A. and Alice Leonard Foster. He was operator of Foster Cot ton Gin for 25 years. He bad been an owner of Foster and Tur- rentine Feed Mill. He was a World War I veteran. He was A member at First Methodist Church, a member of the church Board of Stewards and secretary of the Sunday School. He was a member of the Mocks ville Masonic Lodge. He married Miu Leota Foster in 1922. Surviving are his wife; two daughters. Miss Sarah Foster of Louisburg and Mrs. Gene Smith of Mocksville; two sisters, Mrs. Cliff Poole of Lexington, RL 4, and Mrs. Grady Fain of Mocks ville, Rt. 3; four brothers, Craig Foster of Mocksville, F. L. Fos ter of Mocksville, RL 3, W. B. and J. E. Foster, both of Winston- Salem; and three granddiildren. ' The funeral will be conducted I at 4 p.m. Sunday at First Meth- I odist Church at Mocksville by the ; Rev. W. W. Blanton and the Rev. i Ed Avett. The body will be placed ! in the church at 3:30 p.m. Burial ; will be in the Rose cemetery. "o - o Davie County Public Library Mocksvlller NC DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 3,1961 - Page 5 Mn. nrtia Williams Fnslpr 1 Mrs. Dalln Wllllnms FosUt. 81.1 of Yndklnvlllc. Rt. 3. diPd Jul.v! 28th at the OqvLs Ilaspltol in Slntesvlllc. She had been seriou.s- ly III a month. She tttiK born In Dn\ie County, ft. 1880. to Iftiniol (tnd Atimndn Ifnnchne WllllumR. She wax twice married. Her fml inori'lauc to John Hendormn Fy).ster. Jon. 17. 1007. who died Mairh 33 1012. To thin union was bom three children. Her second mnrrloRc to Cnlcman M. Poster wn.H In Dec.. 1914. nnd he died Oct. 38. 1934. Funeral services for Mrs. Poster were held Friday at the Courtney Baptist Church, where site was a member. Burlol was In the church cemetery. SurvlvlnR ore John Lester Pos ter of Advance. Rt. 2: Raymond H. Poster of MocksvlIIe. Rt. 3: E. L. Matsollnl of Winston-, Salem: Mrs. Chorlcs Redmond of; Statesvlllc: Robert C. Foster of Austin. TCxos: Otenn M. Foster | and Mrs. Carl Hauser. both ofj Yadklnvlllc. Rt. 3: Herman Leo; Foster of Winston - Saleni: six teen ffrandchlldren and two ereat grandchildren: a step-daughter. Mrs. L. K. Baity of Yadklnvlllc. Rt. 3: a step son. Rad Foster of Winston - Salem: two step srand- ehlldien and four step great grand children. Two sisters. ARo. Henry Oavls of Fork and Mrs. Maggie Martin of MocksvlUe. Rt. 4; one brother Jess Willliams of Rich- Held. N. C. Bio - Obituaries - 8/3/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 3,1961 - Page 2 ntlxH WInifmt navlM MIm Wlnitrcd OnvlA. 20. of MoclcsvlUc. Rt. 8, 0 Dmdunte nnrM^. died nl 10:20 pjit. Tiicsdny nl BflptlAI. Ha<tpllal. Wliutoit* Bnlcm, nftei' n Aerlou.4 IHiipaa of oni^ week. SUp Itad been In do* rllniii". liiilDi one yonr MIm David wnd born In Davic Coiiniy to 1. Robork and Nannie DIxon Dnvld. She was a member uf Baton Baptist Church, Site wns iirnduoted from Dnvlc Couni,v HiRh School In 1057 and WHS nrnduntcd this year from the tlownn Memoiiol HcMpltol School of Nurslim at Salisbury. Surviving ore the porcnts; three brothers, WlllLs. Bobby and Donald Orny Davis, all of the home: two slntem. Mrs. B. J. Dc* noyers of Clinton. Md.. and Mrs. Qene Bills of Mocksville. Rl. 8: nnd her KrondmoUter. Mrs. W. L, Dixon of Mocksville. Rt. 5. The funeral was conducted at 3 p.m. Thursday at Baton Bap* tist Church by the Rev. j. W. Owens, tite Rev, Alvin Clteshler and ttie Rev. Gerald Naylor. Bur ial was In the church cemetery. Pallbearers wore Dean Dull. Vernun Dull. Gene Dull. Lnmnr Dixon. Bobby Donaldson ond O'Brien Dlxun. E. P. PoKler. 03 Funeral services for Bsra Pierce Foster, 68. of Mocksville were held Sundoy afternoon at Ute First Metliodbt Church. The Rev. W. W. Blanton, Ute Rev. C. B. Newton, nnd llie Rev. B. M. Avetl officiated Burial was In Rose Cemetery. Mr, Poster was pronounced dead on nn'lvnl nt 6 p.m. Pridoy at the Davic County Hospital. He suffered o heart attack on Main Street In Mocksville. He was born in Davic County to S A and Ahre l^'onanl P0:« tcr. He was oiieralor of Poster Cot ton Gill for 35 years. At tlir lUne | of his death he was co-owner of Poster nnd Turrcntlne Peed Mill. He wos n World War 1 veteran, He WHS a member of First Me- ihodist Clutreh. a member of the church Board of Stewards and secreinry of the Sunday School. He was a member of lh'.« Mooksvllle MnM)nlc Tjodee. He married Miss ticota Foster In 1032. StirvlvliiK ai*e his wife: two dnuithters. Miss Snrnh Fo.4ter of Louidbura nnd Mrs. Gene Smith of Mocksville: two aUters. Mrs. Cliff Poolo of Lcxiniiton. Rt. >1. ond Mrs, Orady Foln of Morks* ville. nt. 3: four brat hers. CraiK Foster of Mocksville, P .L. Foster of Mork.sville. Rt. 3. W. B. ond J. E. Foster. boUt of Winston* Snlein: and ihive nrnndehildivii. Steve Smith, clirLs smith, tind PniHo Foster Smith. M. W. Koonis Marshall Wilson KoonU, 00. well known Davie Comity farm* ei of Route I. Mocksville. died at 13:15 Wednesday at the Da vis Hospital In Stntcsvlllo where he hod been n patient for 30 hours. A native of Dnvlc County, he was born Nov. 10. 1800. son of Mrs. Fannle Foster Koonts nnd llie late Glenn A. Kcontz. He was a member of Snicm Methodist Churah In Dovlo County nnd the Mocksville Junior Order of the Unllcti Mechanics. Funeral services were conduct ed nt 3:30 Friday nt SnIcm Me thodist Church by the Rev. James White, nnd Rev. M. O. Br- vin. nnd the Rev. Gcorae Aiiman. Burial was In the rhurch cem etery. Pallbearers were members of the Mockfivlllo Junior Order of United Mechanics. In addition to his mother. Mrs. Fannle Koontx of the home. Mr. Koontr, Is survived by his wife. Mrs. Laura Cami>bell Koontx: elr,hl children. John Koontx of Route 3. Mockdvlllc. Glenn. Joe Charlie, nnd Arthur Koontx. nil of Route I. Mocksville, Jack Kooiilz of the US Army, slotlon* cd at Ft. Jackson, 8. C.. Mrs. Gcorae Woodward of Mocksville and Mrs. Wllllom Mosny of Nor folk, Va.: two Bisters. Miss Vcrlio Koontx of Uie home and Mrs. Wltllnm Green of Mocksville. Route 4: ond five ernndchlldrcn. Bio - Obituaries - 8/3/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 10,1961 - Page 2 Mm. William Gnllhar. 88 Funpral for M>r8. Al« meda Jane Oalther. 88. of Rt. 5. Kfflckjtxille. wore held Wednesday at the Shady Orove Baptist Church In WUkea County. The Rev. Albert Braokcn. the Rev. Lester Yoiuig and Wlllard Con- chin offle'ated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mirs. Oalther. the widow of William Oalther. died at 11:82 p. m.. Sunday at the Lynn Haven Nursing Home after six months' Illness. 4 She was bom In Wllkes County to nialous and Mary Ra^ Mo- haffey. , She was nmrrlcd to Mr. Qoither in 1923. He died In 1928. She 0*88 0 metnber of Shady Orove Baptist Church In Wllkes County. Surviving ore two sisters. Mrs. B. W. Ladd of Mocksvllle. Rt. 5, with whom she had made her home for the past ten years, and Mrs. Josle St. John of StatesvUIe. Bt. 8: and. several slepgrandchll* diren. . DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 10,1961 - Page 5 Mrs. Jennie Carter. 84 Funeral services for Mrs. Jen nie Fmnns Carter. 84. of Route 4. Mocksville. were held Sunday nftemorn ot the Turrentine Bap. tist Cluirch. Hie Rev. W. H. Perry officiated. Burial was In the Pork Cemetery. Mrs. Curler died at 9 pan. Sat urday at the home of a son, Hu bert corier. on Route 4. She was- born in Davte Couiily to John V smith and Fanthy sHleks Smith. SurvlvluK In addition to HubertCarter are two orher sons. Hleks j Carter of Wliuiim-Salem and] Fred Carter of KemersvHie; a broiher. J. P. Smith of Qrcenn- boro: u sisiei. Mrs. Beatrice John- Bon of Advunee. Hi. 2: five grand ciiUdren and two nivuliiranclehll dreii. ~ " Bio - Obituaries - 8/10/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 17,1961 - Page 3 David W. Trtvettck ST, Puneml servleea tor iSNtvld > Bon IMvette. 87. of Modern^. Hi. 3i wero tadd Soaday a|t(^ iMKm M the Bmith Orove Mbttjo: ; dlat caaireh. The Rev. Did8|at> BCaehbum and the Rev. Jlmnile GHnoee officiated. Btirial vtt In the Hickory Orova SOthikustr. Oemetery. Mr. Trlvette died at l ajn. Dtjb''. day at his'homo on MiMdci?i|l9«} Rt. 8. 'BC (had been In health several months, - v/* BC was bom In Oavls Oaafi^.- to Plnkney and Louisa Mivtto. - BC was a retired ismer. Be was manled twlee. tSSs: first wlte was M». Kaaoy. Bdl* Trlvette. who died in 1817. '«w: seoomi wife was anu. Maty tto emlth TMvetle. who dled'*1h'.' 1840. RuitdyftM low aop>» Be Trlvette of MhduvUle^ 80 Trlvette of TadklnvUIe. DfiT Trlvette of bsoeksvflle. Rout^nS; and Thomas Luther THvttte.ef MocksvlUe: two dautbteta. Mn^ Bmallne Seamon . of Mocksidilt and Mrs. Veda Mkmey of Tadlqi^ vilio: a brottier. Jdin TMvetto'cf Bsrmooy: 3S erandebUdren;-S great grandehtfdrqni:' tm great great granohOdroi. Paid AQlies ffyiTf IS Funeral eendeei tor Sknd AI^ son ffpry. 68. of 1188 80i^ 8tv Mboksvttle. were hM flaturdiy- aftemoo) at tho Turrentlne Bii^ tM Ohuroh. The Rev. W. B. ?»» ly and the Rev. B. M. daaia llolated. Burial was In Reii Cemetery In MeoksviUe. . Mr. Spry died at 8 pa,. day aftemooa at bit honn Bufferlnt a haart attack. Be was bom In Davla Ombi^ to Ltttber and Lola Bcndrls BpnP Ba was an amploya of Brvlit' Mffls of Coolaemse. Be was marrfsd to Mte Mi; beth BCIder in 1940. Burvivbig 010 Mf wttdi • Jmy 8m df the honti tav biotheri. Vestal Bpry of liocfi* ville. Bt 4. Ray Md Jack ; both ef Ft. BiifVf Slid 1111111118 flpiy of Osmp BtttBor; and tPS aiitcra. Mrs. OHcnn McDibM fid Mrs. Atbtn Innkford* botttnBT" Bio - Obituaries - 8/17/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 24,1961 - Page 1 H. Cloyd Pliilpoll A Statesman-A Neighbor-A Friend mm': H. CLOVD rHILPOTT Fiincral services were held Monday nftcrnurn nt first Bap- list Ciiurch In Lexlnaton for Lt. Ooremor H. Cloyd Phllpott. Lt. Qov. PhilpoU died at Uie Baptist Hoxpltal in Winston* Sniein, Saturday ftftcrnoon of a circulatory ailment with which he was stricken last Wednesday at his Kf^h Rock Lake summer home One of his brothers, B. Cabel Philpott, Jr., died of the same nilmcnt In 1951. Mr. Phllpoptt. who had been r.tardcd as a likely candidate for m^ovcrnor in 19&4, had many per* [^bnal friends in Oavie County. He was a frequent visitor In the county and took a personal in terest in local flffaho. Last April. 19f!0, he spoke to the Mocksvlllc Rotary Club. Last: October, during the fall political campalRn, he spent almost a day In hCocksville. In April of this yenr, he spoke at the official opening of the Mnstand Dura- Icntiier Company here. And at^ other times he paid personal vis- It to many In tho county. The Wlnston-Salem Journal In an editorial slated It well by say ing: "Mr. Pinipott was an excep- ticnal human being. In his per sonal and religious life, In his business life, in his political dealings, and, above all. In his rote as a public servant, he ex hibited high quailUcs of leader ship. He may be cotmled as suc cess In all these undertakings. His occomplisliments were many. He typ'flcd North Carolina's pro- invsilvc conseivotlsin at Its best. He was thus a model and an in spiration. for others. And In this Respect his loss will bo perman- Bio - Obituaries - 8/24/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 24,1961 - Page 3 l<antilr 8. Uowtw. 12 Fiinml ficrvtPH for Lonnio Sanford Bowles. 72. of MockH- I vlllo. Rl. 1. were held Monday momlhK al the Cheolnut Orove Melltodlsl Church. The Rev. C. M. Ooihwn and the Rev. Mir. Brown officiated. Burto! was in the church cemetery. Mv. Bowles died nl 3 nju. Sal* urdny at his home foltowliiR a hcori attack. He was born In Dnvlc County to Mitchell ond Ruth Tuttcrow Bowles. He wos n retired dairy man. He married Miss Tcssle Bclk in 1911. Surviving arc his wife; o son. Marshall Bowles of Mocksvllle. m. 5: three doughteiu. Mrs. Da vid Rape of Woycross. Qo.. M!rs. Jnvan Baity of Harmony, Rt. 2. and Mrs. Jerry Qulledge of Mon- I roc, Rt. 4: titrcc sisters. Mrs. liula Beck and Mrs. Noiude Wood ' both of Mocksvlllc, Rt. 2: and . Mrs. Minnie Purr of Concord: 16 .•grandchildren; and 13 great- grandohlldren. Wiley C. Seaford. 7fi Funeral services for Wiley Co- - lumbus Seaford. 75, of Advance, ' Rt. 2. were held Mbnday after- . noon at tho Fork Baptist Church. :iThe Rev. H. W. Hutchens a!id I the Rev. Carl El Poston officiated. [Burial was In the church ceme tery. . Mr. Seaford died at 12;1S p. '•m. Saturday of a heart attack. He was born In Davie CoiinCy "to William A. and Susan Hendrix :Seaford. He was a retired farmer and a member of Fork Baptist ' Church. Surviving ore itls wife, the former Nannie Bverhart: a 'daughter, Mrs. W. M. Bowles of Mocksvlllc, Rt. 3; a son. P. c. Seaford of Miami. Fla.; six • grandohildren: seven great grand children: and two sisters. Mrs. Ray Burton of Advance, Rt. 2. .and Mrs. Charlie Beck of Mocks vllle. Rt. 4. Mrs. George W. Minor, 83 Funeral servles for Mrs. Betty Zimmerman Minor. 83. of Ad vance. Rt. 2. widow of Oeorgc W. Minor, were held Monday after noon at tho Fork Baptist Clnuxih. The Rev. E. H. Berry and the Rev. Fletcher Ford offlolated. Burial was In the church ceme- tcn*. , MTs. Minor died Saturday at 10)20 ajn. at the Dunham Nurs ing Home In'ctemmons. ^ had been in delinbig health two years and seriously 01 10 days. She was bom in Davle County to Jackson ond Sarah Satteidleld Zimmerman. She lived most of her life in Davie County. She was a member of FOric Baptist CImrch. Her husband died in April, 1951, For the past eight years Mrs. Minor had made her home with a daughter. Mis. D. B. WMte- heod of Ratnseur. Also surviving are another daughter, Mis. C. V. WiUlams of 806 Gales Avenue, Winston- Salem; seven sons. .Honroe C. Minor of Mount Airy. Marvin J. Minor of Cliarlotte, ond Yates Minor of 242 N. Hawthorne Road. K. O. Minor of 3052 Bobbrook Drive. Sam Minor of 344 Strick- lond Avenue, and Lewis O. Mbior .of 3814 Whyne Avenue, all in Winston-Solem; 20 grandchildren: 17 great grandchildren: and one brother. Jess Zlmmeiman of Ad- Bio - Obituaries - 8/24/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 24,1961 - Page 3 GROVCK S. ROBEltTSON, 77 ' Ftmcitil Rcnriccs for Orovci SfulPR Robcrltion. 77. of Mockfi' vllle Rl. 3 were beld PrWojr of- toniooii ofe tlie CornAtmr Baptist Ciuii-ch. The Rev. RlmPi* Day and the Rev. R. M. Jnmcs officiated. Buriitl was In the church cemo- ier.v. Mr. RobertRon died Wednesday afiernoon. Tfe was piounced dead on arrlvol at the office of Or. B, L. RiciurdA in MockavHIc after .sufferinu n heart otteck. Jie was born in Davie County to Harmon nnd Delta Tucker Robertson. He u'a.s o i-ellrcd sawmill em ploye. He married Miss LlTsle Polls In 1908. SurvlvlHR QIC his wife: six sons, E. T„ Robert Dewey. Press C. and C. Arnold Robertson, all of Mocksvllle. Rt. 3 and Orover and Turner Robertson, both of Lex- Iniiton: two dautthters. Mrs. E. R. Bcauchamp ond Mrs. Robert Howard, both of Mocksvllle Rt. 3: 38 gmndchildi'en: 13 grcat- grondchlldren; three brothers. Hiram and Hubert Robertson, both of Whislon-Salem. and J. H. Robertson of Advance. Rt. l: a sister. Mrs. SaUie Potts of Mocks* vlllc. Rt. 3. Bio — Obituaries - 8/24/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 31,1961 - Page 5 James A. Ktmbrouoh Jame^ Armllte Klmbrouah. M. of Ml. Pleosant. Mich., .'ormcriy of Wliwlon - Solcm died unek- peclcdly about 10 ajn. Monday at Ml. Pleasant. He wos a partner with a brother In law In Michigan Oil Well Logeing Service. Before go ing to Michigan la 1BS2. he was 0 foreman In the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. leal department. Mr. Klmbrough was bom In NQocksvllle to Jidin A. and l^ula Smith Klmbrough. He came to Winston - Salem at an early age and wos graduated from Rey nolds High School. He was em ployed at Mengel Box Co. for a time. He was 0 member of the Xew- isvllle Masonic Lodge and a past master of Winston Lodge 167. He was a veteran of World War II. Surviving are his wife, the for mer Reba Satterflcld: n daugli- ter. Miss Jane Brock Klmbrough of the home: and a Invtlter. Will iam F. Klmbrough of 1219 Soutli Hawthorne Road. A funeral was conducted Tues day nt Mt. Pleasant. Ute body wUl be brought to WhutoaV'Salen^ late this week. Pldns for'the eral In Wlnston-Salem ore In complete. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 31,1961 - Page 4 MRS. J. E. CROTTS. 82 Funeral Services for Mrs. Juli.a Bverhardt Crotts. 82. of Mocks- vlUe Rt. 4, widow of J. E. Crotts. were held Sunday at Utc Bethel Methodist Church. The Rev. C. M. Dodson. the Rev. O. p. Carter, and the Rev. W. H. Pcrry offici ated. Burial wos In the church cemetery. Mrs. Crotts died ot 11:15 pjn. Friday at Ute Rowan Memorial Hospital In Salisbury. She had been In declining health two years. She was bom In Davle County to ham and Rebecca Daniel Evcr- hardt. She was married In 1801. Her husband died In 1033. She was a member of Landls Church of Ood in Rowan County. Sui'vlvlng are five sons, L. O. Crotts of Clemmons, Daniel Crotts of Lexington. Robert Crotts of Raleigh, Boscoe Crotts of Palm Beaclt. Fla., and Wade Crotts of Mts^sslppi: three, daughters. Mrs. C. 8. Howard of Mocksvllle, Ri. 4. Mrs. SSctma Spence of Farmville, Va.. and Mrs. Paul Tutterow of China Orove: 23 grandchildren: 21 great-grandchildren; and two sis ters. Mrs. EUgh Dcadmond of Mocksvllle. Rt. 4. end Mrs. Jeff Beck of Mocksvllle. Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Funeral services for C. Prank Strbud. 80. Maple Avenue, Mocks- vUle. former owner and publisher cf The Davle Record, were held Tuesday afternoon at the Mocks- ville Baptist Church. The Rev J. P. Daivs officiated. Burial was in Rose C^etery. I Mr. Slrbud died at 5:15 a.m.| Monday at his home. He hstd \ bean in, declining health five I years and ■Seriously ill two' months. " jHe was born in Davle County and began his newspaper career at an early age with the Old Hickrry Mercury edited by J. p. Click. Later he worked on the Ntw^-Hcrald at .Morganton^andthe Lenoir Topic aV Lenoir. the*' Hickory Times and the Mont-gomery Vindicator at Seveirville, ' Tenn. I He returned to Mocksvllle in I 1907 and bought the Davle Rec- ord which he edited and publ'shed • weekly until ill health forced himto retire in 1956, selling The l Davle Record at that time toi Raymond E. Everest. Later Mr. ®E\'erest sold the newspaper to the ^ Mocksvllle Enterprise, which absorbed the name becoming the Davie County Enterprise-Recoi-d. Mr. Stroud was a member of the First Baptist Church, the ^Patriotic Order,_&ns of Amer- ^ ■ica. ftjid th£> Junior Order.•He was married'to Miss Jessie, Click of Hlckoiy on March 23. _ 1804. She survives,Also sui-viving are ar.son. Prank t'Stroud C. F r ajife IStroud mm C. FRANK STROUD EDITORIAL . Jr^; of Mociiville: twodaughtei^-jj Mrs. James Hinkle and Miss Loui«. stroud. both ofMocksvill^^ a sister, Miss Mattie Stroud W Statesville: "T'd two grandchildren. 0- . i'•-we tT ^ ■ -3 i - I ^ 6> 1 J-OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LlBRARy :'6fspent' wofthjff^'taeiF '"ber;rr.'easure'd not■yqars—and this man'accom>UshCti., •; much. *-durina;,£^ For 49 years—between the I he 1956—C.to Stroud published andedited The Davie Record■ which went each week intomany homes of this county. he Although strongly parti-•d. politics, Mr. Stroudcould count many friends ae the Democrats, aswell as the Republicans. Hebad the resoect of all forjg making known his stand on3 any issue and never hesitat-'■ ed to take up the fight. against liquor ,br for hi'=I party.I He was a friend of . the if aroimd the square inI Mocksvllle—stopping in their• place of business most every a friendljto thec^Idren 3^e .■yo.uld, meet onthe street—and'through the years gave; themm^y Packages,-'^^^^ ! So long a flmlW figureon the streets of Mocksvilkwith his cane and a chew oltobacco, he been missedsince his retirement approximately five' years ago.His retirement from the publishing business markcend cf':an.i^era in theprin.^g prof^'s^IcSi ras ThelDavie Record was probably-the last completely hand-set newspaper to be published.At one time, Mr. Stroud wa:reported to have^enjoyed the'; reputation as orie of the fastest •'hand-setters of type in the "Statei-'c- ■i.;--- ■-M'k iv; DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 7,1961 - Page 1 R. C. Breneisar Dies In Georgia Funeral services for Richard C. Breneaar. 03. of MOotcsvlUo were held Wednesday at tho First Methodist Church. The Rev. W. W. Blanton. tho Rev. C. B. Nenlon. and tho Rev. Dwlght Mashbum officiated. Burial was In Rose Cemetery. Mr. Brcneear died at 1:25 pjn. Monday at the Baptist Ho^Ual in Atlanta of a heart attack. He was strlvkcn on the bus enrouto to Alexandria, La» whore he had planned to make his home. He iind recently baueht a home tlterc. He was born In Davic County to Hrnon Turner and Bessie Rich Brcneear. He served in the Navy on the USB Vermont durlntr Wbrld War I. He was In tho Corps of Enslnccrs durina World Whr It and wna stationed at Brisbane. Australia. Ktr. Breiieanr was ccniiected with tlic Railway Express Ascney a'. rtalCKh lor 20 years, retirtnti about 10 years aeo. He returned here and made his home In Mocksvtlle for the past 10 years, lie had never married. Survivlns arc one broilier. E. R. Btvneaar. Sr. of 018 Miller St.. Win!'ioii*SaIpin; one sister. Mrs. Olrnn Poole of Creteenl Beach. 8. C.; two nephews and one nieco. Bio - Obituaries - 9/7/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 14,1961 - Page 5 B. L. Rfchardon. 77 Fuiiaml services for B. L. Richardson. 77. of Slier City Rt. 1. were held Sunday afternoon ot the Bethlehem Pll»rtni Holiness Cliurch. The Rev. W. C. Bullard and the Rev. Aya Ellis officiated. Burial vx'us in the church ceme tery. Mr. Richardson, the father of fMrs. J. B. flolconib and tlie uraiulfather of Mrs. Jork Naylor. both of Movks\-ille. died Satur day roomitri ul his home. He was a retired farmer and a native of Alamance County. He Is Kurvhfd by his wife. Mrs. Mury Woody Richardson; five duuuhtsrs. Mrs. Lucille Thomas, Oreensboru: Mrs. Mabel Cheek. Burllnaton: Mrs. Lucky Holcomb, Mocksville; Mrs. Bertha McMan- us. Bller City; und Mrs. B. M. Johnson of the home; two sons. J. Willard Richardson of areens- foro und Thomas Howard Rich ardson of Slier City: iltree sisters. Mrs. Mary Lee Ruth of High Point; Mrs. Annie Love of Bur- Unclon: and Mrs TVssie Stout of Snow- Camp Rt. 3: three broth ers. H H. and Doniiie Riciiard< [sun of Snow Camp and Millnrd 'liitiianison of Builiiiaton: eichi aruiuiiiulifrt II und ten tireut- uruiidihildien. Bio - Obituaries - 9/14/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 21,1961 - Page 5 Grovfr C. Godb^y, 71 Punnral Mrvtccfl for Grovcr Cnhln Oodbfy. 71. of Morkfl^'dtP. Rl. 4. trpre held Saltirday oflPi** nron at the Boton Cliapel. Tlu* Rev. J. C. SH-alm olTtcloted. 8ui-o lul Kcskn in the Goya Chnpel Ceni* clery In Rowan County. Mr. Qodbe>' died at &:35 tun. Friday at the Davic County Hoapltol. He had been in- de* clin'nt; health five years and seriously tli three days. • He was born in Rowan County to J. C. ond Lydia Paw Oodbey. He was o lelir^ sawmill opcra- !or. Ills witc. the former Pearl Freeman, survives. Aht> surviving arc two sons. Eugene Godbcy of Winston*Solcin and Curtis Godbey of Mocksvllle. and three daughters. Mrs. Poul Willnrd of Mocksviiie, Rt. 1. Mrs. Charles Poster of Advotu-e. Rt. 1. and Mrs. C. H. Cosart of Whiston-Salem: 32 grandchildren: 17 greot grondchlldrcn: a broth er. Lewis Godbey of Wcodleoi. Rt. 1: and two sisters. Mrs. Lillle Messcck ond Mrs. Carrie Mowery. ')3th of Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries - 9/21/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 28,1961 - Page 4 Bin. John A. Brown Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Ellen Brown. 89, of Avon Street, widow of John A. Brown, who died Friday nlsht, Sept. 22. in Davte County Hospital, were conducted Sunday afternoon at 2s80 pin. In Eaton* Funeral Home chapel by the Rev. W. W. Blan- ton. Burial was In Rose cemetery. Mrs. Brown was serloudy ill for two wecko before she died. She was bom in Haywood County to Merret and Margaret Jarrett TVantham. Her husband died in July. 1937. Surviving are seven daughters. Mrs. Hattle Deyton. Mrs. Hester Oeorge and Miss jimmie Brown, all of Mocksville, Mrs. Minnie Uembree of Rock Hill, S. c.. Mks. Maggie Pitt of Buffalo. S. C.. Mrs. Dora Frankffh of Union. S. C.. Mrs. Bonnie Stsmon of Draper; five sons. Jesse J. and William O. Brown of AsheviUe. Roy Brown of Whke Forest. Cante Brown of BAocksvilte and Claude Brown of West Virginia? two sisters. Mks. Delia Fincher of waynesvOlc and Mrs. towa Baldwin of Kansas City. Mo.; four brothers. William B. Trantham of WayncavlUe. Leo J. Trantham of Cycle and Joseph H. and Charles P. Trantham. both of Chicago. • «• * Bio - Obituaries - 9/28/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 5,1961 - Page 5 Mrs. Jewel Cicary. 1i Funeral services for Mrs. As- lies Ratledse Cleory. 72. of Route 1. MocksviUe, widow of Jewel Ctcary, were held Sunday after- non at Eaton diapel. llie Rev. w. L. Csckman and the Rev. W. C. BuIIa olticiated. Burial was in Liberty Pftgrim Holineils Church Cemetery. Mrs. Cleory was bom in Dovle County to WiUtani L. and Susuii Bollcy Ratlcdcc. Surviving are five sons. Jock Cleory of Concord. W. H. Cleary of Htiih PoliH and Lester. Ray. ond Darnell Cleory of Moctcsvllte, Rl. 1: two daughters. Mrs. J. H. Wclborn ond Mrs. Ernest Oalth. er of SlntPsville; 14 srondchll. dren; two Kn*ai Brnndchildrcn,- n stcps:n. Norman Cleory of i Qreciudjoro: o stcpdauehtcr. Mrs. I Marvin Huston of Concord: five! brothers, Spurscon Rotledge ofi Maryland. A. C. Rotledge of' Mocksvlllc, Ri. 5. O. S. Rotlcdtic of Moctcevlllc. Rt. i. C. H. Rot-1 Irdge of Mocksvlllc. Rt. 5. and Oilinrr Ratlcdne of Winston- Solt-m: and a sister. Mrs. Russell Nif. no of Welcome. Slarslinll K. KwlHlier. 81 Piincrnl services for Marshall Savannnh Suisher. 81. of Route I. Mocksillle. were held Tuesday luomine. ut the LUn-iiy Pilgrim Holiness Clitirch. Tlte Hcv. W. C. Bulls olfielated. Burial was 111 the clitiri'li ccme|er>*. Mr. Swislier dli*d at 5:30 pan. Sunday enruute to (he Davie Cwiiiity llojiiiiatl after suffering a heart atuek :ii his home. Mr. swislier was born in Davie County to Miles uiul Mary Stroud Nwisli. r. Su:vivlnii .lie hu wife. Mrs. Kltie CJeiir>' awisiier; two sons. Jolinnv Swisliei rf Morksville. Rt 1. iitid W. r Sw slier of lluinioti,v. IM. 1. one iSeiU'hter. Mrs. Hairey t*ii:!!V c»l Sl.i;;st.lli' one -11-51- .M.r., Ai'i.'iian Chmy ol .M.v»:— \jl!e, JO., i .ind niiu' orandchil- i'itii. Bio - Obituaries -10/5/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 12,1961 - Page 4 Mrs. T. S. Raitisaur, Suicide Victim ' Mrs. Thomas Stewart Hamsaur.i 51. who lived In the (dd Foard home nt South River, was found! (lend on the itround back of her home around noon on Monday. I The local sheriffs office re-' ported Mrs. Ftamsaur's death was! self inflicted. The b:dy was found on the ground with a rope around the neck. The other part of the rope was tied to a second floor bahnfafter, the ofllee re ported. The rope had apparently broken in the fall of the body. The f(»iner Jane TVott. site was Ixtm In New Londim on May 30. 1910. daughter of the late H. S. and Louise Foaird Trott. She was educated in the Wil mington schools. Mra. Ramsaur was a memtter of St. Paul's Bpiscopat Oturch of Conwoy. 8. C.. the Garden Club of Wttmlngton. and was on the executive board of the Girl Scouts in Wilmington. Mra. Ramsaur was a memtier of St. Paul's Episcopal ^urch of Conwoy. S. C., the Garden Club of Wilmington, and was on the executive board of the Girl Scouts In Wilmington. She leaves her husband. Thom as Stewart Ramsaur. whom she married on Oct. 5. 1935; three daughters. Mrs. T. W. Johnson of Hamsottburg Va.. Miss Janet Ramsaur of the Rowan Memorial Hospital In Salisbury, and Miss Nancy Allison Ramsaur of the home: one brother. Graham Foard Trott of Rolelghx two sis ters, Mrs. Elsie Trott Grogan of Salisbury and Miss Henry Young Trott of Wilmington. One aunt. Miss Loura Foard of the home, also survives. Funeral services were conduct ed Wednesday at 2 pjn. at St. Suko^ Rplscopal Church by the Rev. OlfeUy Whitaker, rector, and the Rev. Robert H. Hobart of Conway, S. C. Burial was In New London Cemetery In New London. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 12,1961 - Page 5 MIhx lllanrlir Karly Funeral 8or\^^•^^• for Bhiu* i-hr» Early of 44B Breni Siiwt. ^Vhutoit-Sal'-m wore Iu*!f| Wcd- iir«lay .-iilemouii ni Voylrrs' Ciiopcl. Till- Rev. Rutuitrl Rice and Dr. Paul E;irl\ ufriclalv;!. i Burial wa-H in the For^yih Mi- morial Park. < Mrs. EaiJy died at 5:47 pm Moiul.>y m ihv CUy H.).m)IijI Bhv li;u! b*vu li; divliiuii'. lu-altli ninr iiiiil ^. ru):i«|y »n (mi mmillv,. Slu* i>iin ill Yiiilklu Couiiiy lu'ur Kisnu \o a. and Mar,v Jaiu* U!iU-kwfU Kaily. Her fmnily {.iter mat id (n vllle. .M;s< Eo:ly w.is edueatcd lu .'?U;:uy.'.:(1i Si . .i Mock •• * die ami IV ivvil ;i» u-S i- lem in luuo. Slu* a:i.< a rv.ind tui.'lnye of Wuehoviu B.ir.k and Tuiil Ca where »iie worked in the .ifdli leljaritiivni loi d5 ye.ii>. Slio v.u a iniwhi T if the Mim P.ijiitM Chiireh. a rli-.riiT mem- U'T oi Cati-.Miiua Sunday Ktlin-d i*.'.. • and wii- -.vreUii-/ nf (h. i..(«'liieiduie (leiKirimen! fur n.'r.y yoaiv. Surviviui! are a le.ui idstn*. Oniee Early oi the l-onie ii.i ilcee li:.;"'!!". .1 II R;m"5> i 1 lUH Clie.- ; " i" t E.iily ; 1m: :• Oiivl.' a-:<i P: i:k T Illy 1.1 :7aij Maito. Calif. Bio - Obituaries -10/12/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 12,1961 - Page 2 Alrsi. .1. O. THvrUr. Mil Piiin ml sfi'vicfA for Mrs. Mnry Allcf thvi'Ic. 80. o! Ilimnony. lU. I. nllr of John C. TrivcUt?. uvn- hold fSsniiitlny m tlip Union Clm|H>l Mpihotilid CIniicli in t linvlp Cotiniy. TIip fU*v. C. M.; Oo(l<-jn tind IIip Roi'- Jiuiiny | Gi-oif offU'ltttcd. Burittl wuH In | llio fluuyli rpniHlifiy. MW, Trivelle dlitl tit 10:40 p. m.. TlHirMlny. She Itnd been in dccllnlno hpailth spvphiI yonrs nnd spiiously III three weeks. Slu* was bom In Yndkin County to William and Mnry Ann piijlllp Plynn. She wfts a member of Courtney Baptist Church. She and Mr. Trivelle weie nwir ried Nov. 4. 1898. Survivinir are her husband: three sons. Ouy C. Trivette of Mock>Yille. Rt. 5. Wade Trivelle uf winslon-Snlem and issac Tri- vcito of Yadklnvlllc. Rl. 3: three dniifthlers. Mrs. Lena McEwcn of Mocksville. Route 5. Mrs. Vcra Compbell nnd Mrs. Eva Rich, boll) of Harmony: 18 grandchil dren and 13 great grandchildren. Mrs. John R. Roger. 71 Funeral services for Mrs. Allle Lobctla Boger. 71. of Harmony. Rt. 2. wife of John Roberts Roger, were held Friday at 2 pm. at the Center Methodist Church. Hie Rev. James White, the Rev. Oraliain Wootcn. and the Rev. E. M. James olllclatcd. Burial was In the elnireh cemctdry. Mrs. Bogei* died nt 4:30 pjn~ Wednesday nt the Dnvlc County Hospital. She had been a pa tient one day. Site was bom In Iredcll County to John and Loura Heath Frics- Innd. She was a member of Advance Methodist Clnirch. Surviving ore her husband: four daughters. Mrs. Jim Bai-ney of Advance. Rt. 2. Mrs. W. T. ■Shermcr of Winslon-Salem. Mrs. Fred Crawford of Catowbi and Mrs. Arnold Berrier of Winston- Salem: a brother. Tny Frlesland of Qreensboro: three sisters. Mrs. .1. 1*. ihiiiuiiil uf lliiiiiiilttmillf [ nnd Mr/!. i.i<.«;ipr Slonn of Win-; ^ltIn-Hillpm: 12 urandclilldren: nnd in nrenl uniiulrhlldren. Jplin Henry lllake. 71 j , Punerjil .'!prv|fiv« for John Hen- try Uliikp. 71. of A<lvnncp. III. 2.; were hrld Snuirdny nfiemuon ol*I lite Advuiux* Bnpilsl Cluirch. | .Tlh* Rev. C. R. Cniwlord and the Ri'V. Elmer Day olthdulPd. Bur- iul WHS in the cliurcli cemelery. Mr. BInke died nt • 2 p.m.. Tluinidny nt the Dnvle Count)' Ifcspitnl. He hnd been scrlon.slv III scvonU days. He was born In On vie Coiinly to Henry and Undo McDnnlel BInke. lie wns n former. His wife, the former Mi.ss Emma PInti. survives. Also /nnvivbig ore two daiivh- ters. Mrs. Joe Barney nnd Mrs. Rndd Sidrien. both of Advance. Rl. 2: ihree sislcrs. Mrs. Henry Cash of Whudon-Salem. Mrs. Ocorae Rntlcdiie of Woodlcaf and Mrs. Uoyd Fons of Chevy Chase. Md.: sbc brothers. W. A. Blake, of Mocksvllle. Route 3. James. Frank and Charlie Blake, oil of Oreonsboro. joc Blake of Salis bury and Clinton Blake of Ad vance. RL 2: and tlirec gitmd- children. Bio - Obituaries -10/12/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 19,1961 - Page 1 Robert Lee Roger Is Killed In Wreck Near Lincointon Rabcrl Lee Boeer. 37. of, McelMvillr. was one of two ilrlverj* killed Monday ofternuon near: lanrolnion when a bulk farm feed I trurk and a ti'aetoi' trader col-' I ded lirnd on. The tractor'' iradrr bumrd. Mr. HuBcr was thrown fromitlie t:*aftor • inider in the crash It mem red on N. c. 11 tihwuy 130 ahaui M-vrn inllea ea.M <i| laiicolnton in tlir I'naiiikm Cm*. tir i- mmiinhy. ! Flair llbliwti.v Piitr*|m»n J. G. Wr.uhi Ni d buih men. iruwjinti alone. a)»i>uren:iy ok'd ulino&L . iiiMiiiiiI.v. Tl:i' colliMt on occunid .iibifui I:5& p m. on ti Mraialu |Mri't('h oJ road Puirolinaii jWriwIii said he way unabl*' lu |driiiiiiuir the iU'.u>( uf the iraah jiin.ta-ihuul.v. i Boi:er waa drtviut* Eati ui u , ir.15 Intcrnntloiinl traclsr, pull- J»ti (ill imbfldrd fliilbed trailer. :ciurry wu.h driving west in u • 1039 Internaiioitnl bulk farm 'lied I nick. • 71)1' twii hinte vthicles fnti.'.lied loyi'.lipj*. C he rry's truck rti|t|icd end over end, land- iiic «!. Ms .<..d". nmiei'V t:'ar.tor trii:I;r .'aikSenllid in the hiffhwoy iini eniiciii 'liif tiwmr of «he feed iriuk !.»• h.Mcd Niiin-na. Inc., of M . I'li.i. ouiur oi ine ii'acior- irailr- ua^ Hheliteld Luniber Co- of Mm'ksvjlle luv<."i:*;ul;oii was c.m.nuid. Bio - Obituaries —10/19/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 26,1961 - Page 2 Mrs. Tom Cope, 12 Punml seivlccs for Mrs. myrtle Jordan cope, 72. vrJfe of Tbm Copo. Oak &L. MocksvlUe. were held Monday afternoon at the Eaton Chapel. Tlie ttcv. C. P. Burehett and the Rev. A. C. Cheshire officiated. Burial was In Roj« cemetery. Mrs. Ccpe died at 7:30 am. Sunday at her home on Oak St. in MocksvlUe. She had been In declining heath ten years. She was born In Davidson County Feb. 13. 1889. to George ond Alice Spry Jordan. She wifs married In 1910. Mm. Cope was a member of Kbcksvllle Baptist Church. She survived by her husband; three dnughterr. Af'i-s. Everett Drnnls of Virginia Beach. Va.. Mrs. Pair Swalm ot Winston- Salem and Mrs. Joe Hctsabeck of Wolniit Cove; two sons. Radford Cope o. Saisbury: and Willlem Cope of Mattimorc, Md.; fotu* brothers. Adam. Ben. and Deweyi Jordan, all of Cooleemee. and Baxter Jordan cf Salisbury; n sster. Mrs. Ernest Tiller of Leakrvlllc. 13 grandcliUdrcn and four great Brandohndtxn, Bio - Obituaries -10/26/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 2,1961 - Page 7 jMsr O. Myers Puneml i-crvlcea tor Jesse Oft> car Myer.'. 80. of Salisbury. Rl. 6 who died Sundoy afternoon at Brouuhton Hcsp'tol. Mortranlon. were held on Tuesday oftemoon. Oct. 31 at 4 p.in. at Enon Baptist Church by the Rev. J. W. Allen. Burial was In llie church ceine- ;cr>*. • He had b:rn In decUnlna |:..Mlth several inontlis. I H? was born in Dnvle County t: Rod and Mary Barnes Myei-s. Mr. Myers, a retired former, was a member of Bnon Baptist Church. He was married in 1S02 to Jane Broadway, who died lost year. He is survived by a daughter. Mrs. Jaeic Ridenhour of Mocke- vUle. Rt. 4: five sons. Hobert Myers. Baxter Myers, and WU- llam Myers ail of Sedlsbury. Rt. 6. Waltei' Myers of Woodleaf. Rt. I. and Vestal Myers of Mo^- vllle Rt. 4; a brother Sam Myers cf MocksvlUe, Route 4: 15 grand children and 14 great-erandchll drcn. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 2,1961 - Page 4 Rupert Paul Boger, 68 Funeral services for Rupert Paul Boger were held at 2 pn Sunday at Eaton Chapel. The Rev. J. P. Davis, the Rev. Bill Angcll and the Rev. Alvls Che shire officiated. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. Mr. Boger died about 11 pm. Friday night enroute to the Davlc County Hospital. He had suffer ed an attack at his home earlier. He was bom In Davle County to Calvin and Maggie Chcslra Boger. He was a mechanic for 6an- ford Motors here for many years. His wife, the former Laura Walls, survives. Also surviving are a son. Paul Grey Boger of Charlotte; two brotlicrs. Bam Boger of Kannapo- lls and Jolm Boger of Mocksvlllc. Rt. 1; three sisters, Mrs. Lan Reynolds of Mocksvllte. Mrs. Alma Julian of York, S. C., and Mrs. Wade Stonestreot of Win- ston-Salem: and a grandchild. Bio - Obituaries -11/2/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 9,1961 - Page 2 JiimcB 8. Hanchry Funeral aervlcea for Jiunea 8pruj\i lionehey, ft2. of RosahUl, father of Mrs. Bill Price of .Mosksville. who died Friday at hU hcme. were conducted 8atur> day. Nov. i. at 3:30 pjn. at Island Creek Bapt'st Church at Rosehlll by the Rev. K. D. Brown. Burial way In UUIe Creek Cemetery near the home. Survlvinii In addition to Itle daushter are his wife, the .ormer Mlsa Bnrma W Ulams: a son. LUtwosd Kanchey of the home: five grandchildren: three sisters. Mia. J. M. Cottle and Mrs. Ben riivenbark. both of RosehUi, and Mrs. Leadie Rlvenbark of Wal* lace. Bio - Obituaries - 11/9/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 16,1961 - Page 1 Stci'ie Dies Steven SroUh» 6 year old son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Buf one Smith of MocksvUle died Tuesday mominv at the Baptlat Hospital In Wiitstoa-Solem. He had ibecn in a critical condition for several weehs foUowtnir an op eration. Funeral plans were incom plete at press time. Bio - Obituaries -11/16/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 23,1961 - Page 2 John Noll Waten S^neral services for John Nail Waters. 64. of 8prlna Street, who id:ed Sunday night. Nov. 19, tut 0:46 p.m. at his home of a heart attack, were held Tuesday after noon. at 2 pan. at Baton's Chapel hy the Rov. W. W. Blanton and the Rev. C. B. Newton. Burial wad In Rose Cemetery. Mr. Waters was bom In Davle County to Marvin and Geneva Nail Waters. He was with WlUtina Drug Co. hrre several years. He operated the MMksvUle Soda Shop seven years and at the time of his death was a salesman for Reavls 'Motor CO. I He was married to the former Mai'garot Smith, who surv.'ves. Also surviving are a daughter. Miss Mhrgaret Rose Waters of 'the home; his mother of Mocks- vllle: two brothers. Sam Waters of Moeksvllle and Bob Waters of LaCrsss, Va.: and five slaters. Mrs. Elisabeth Tinker of MOeks- vllle. Mrs. W. P. Amos and Mra Sidney Stafford of Jacksonville. Flo.. Mrs. Paul Hockett of Pny> itevllle and Mrs. J. D. Potts of High Po'nt. Mrs. Thomas A. PloU Funeral services for Mrs. Ester McOan el Plott. 88. of MoeksvlUe. Route 3. who died Saturday at Ljmn Haven Nursing Home, were held on Monday at 2:30 p.m. at Grave Methodist Church by the Rev. Dwlght Mashburn and the Rev. Wade Rogers. Bur ial was In the church cemetery. Ms. Plctt was the wife of thomas A. Plott. She had been Is declining health several years. n She was bom in Davle County to George and Susan WllUams MtCDanieL Ehe was a member of DuUn Miethod'st Church. Surviving in addition to her husband are one daughter, h&v. Edgar Frye of MiocksvQto. Rt. 3: one granddaughter: and one .great grandchild. Gene Steven Smith Funeral services for Gene Ste ven Smith. 6 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Smith of Macks- vllle. were held Thursday after- ternson at the Baton Funeral Chapel. The Rev. W. W. Blanton offlelatrd. Burial was In Rose Cemetery. The child died at 8 am Wed nesday mom.'ng at the Baptist Ko^ltal n Winston . Salem. He had been a patient there thirty days. Hb was bora in Davle County to Gene and I^tty Jean Poster Smith. Surviving are his parents; two brothers. Gene Smith. Jr.. and Paige paster BmUli. both of the home; his grandparents. Mirs. B. P. Fester and Mrs. B. I. Qmlth. both of MocksvlUej and his grrat-grandparents. Mr. and Mifs. N. P. Poster of Mocksvllle. J, L. Winismi Funeral serviees fcr Jesse Lee WUlioms. BB. of Rt. 1. Riehfleld. Ion the Btokee Perry Roadl. were held on Mbnday at 3 pm. at faiiher's Lutheran Church by the Rev. C. F. Kyles. Burial was In the ehureh cemetery. Mf. WlHiams died Saturday.' Nov. 18. at 1 pjn. at his home. He had bsen in declining health for several months and seriously ill three days. i A native of Davle County. he| was bom Jan. 6. 1873. He was} 0 former and mnchant. He op«| orated WlUams Grocery at his) home until about a year ago. His wife died four yean ago. He leavctt one son, Ooleman Williams: one daughter. Mka. Leila Bverhordi. both of Rieh fleld. Rt. 1; three grandehlldren and flve great grandcbitdren; 2 sisters. Mrs. Maude Davis of Rt. 3. ModcsvOIe. and Mrs. Maggie jMart'n. Rt. 4. MbcksvlOe. . Mrs. Josephine Woodruff Funeral snrvlccs were held Monday at St. John's A.M. E. Zion Church for Mrs. Johephlnc IJamcs Woodruff, who died at her home Friday morning. 8cr\*- iscs were conducted by the pas tor. Rev. N. K. Bycrs. tntermeut was ill the church cemetery. Mi-s. Ijomrs. the dougliter of the late Wesley IJ&mcs and Mary Jane llolmoii rjames. was bom March 1899. She was married to tlic late Jolm Woodrulf. Three vhlldrm survive: Mrs. Alma Du-. lit! and John Dames of Mocks vllle and Ralph IJamcs of BalU- Imore. Md. Bio - Obituaries -11/23/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 23,1961 - Page 2 Mrs. Thamas A. Plotl Funeral services for Mrs. Ester McOonel Plott, 06. of Mocksvflle, Eouto 3. who died Soturday at hyr.n Haven Nursing Home, were held on Monday at 2:30 pm. at ^m*tn Grave Methodist Church by the Rev. Owight Mashburn and the Rev. Wade Rogers. Bur ial was in the chtuch cemetery. MiS. Plctt was the wife of Thomas A. Plott She had been Is dedinhig health Mveral years. n She was bom in Davie County to George and Susan WllUams MiODanieL She was a member of Dulin Mbthod'at Church. Surviving in addition to her husband are one daughter. Mn. Edgar Frye of Mocksville. Rt. 3: one granddaughter: and one .qreat grandchild. Gene Steven Smith Funeral services for Gene Ste ven Smith. 6 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Smith of Mdcics- vUle. were held Thursday after- ternson at the Baton Funeral Chapel. The Rev. W. W. Blanton officiated. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. The child died at 5 ajn Wed nesday morning a. the Baptist Hospital n WUistcn . Salem. He had been a patient there thlrW days. He was bora in Davle County to Gene and X^tty Jean Poster Smith. Surviving are his parents: two brothers. Gene Smith. Jr.. and Paige Foster SmUlt. both of the home: his grandparents. Mirs. B. P. Fester and Mrs. B. X. <^th. both of MocksvlUe; and his great-grandparents. Mr. and Mi's. N. P. Poster of MocksvlUe. J. L. WlUiams Funeral services fcr Jesse Lee WUllams. 8B. of Rt 1. Rlchfleld. Ion the Stokes Perry Roadl. were held on Mbnday at 3 psn. at lajiQier's Lutheran Church Iqr the Rev. C. P. Byies. Burial was In the clturch cemetery. Mt. WllUams died Saturday.' Nov. IB. at 1 pm. at his home. He had bsen in declining henlth for several months and seriously ill three days. i A native of Davle County. he| was bom Jan. 6. 1813. He was{ a farmer and merchant. He op-| crated WlUams Grocery at hlsj home untU about a year ago. His wlfo died four years ago. He leavca one son, Coleman WlUtams: one daughter. Mka. Leila Bverhoidt both of Rich- field. Rt. I; three gmndehtldren and five great grandchildren; 2 sisure. Mrs. Maude Davit of Rt. 3. MaeksvDla. and Mka. Maggie Mart'n. Rt. 4. MbctavUIe. Bio - Obituaries - 11/23/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 30,1961 - Page 2 Durvln E. IIvyfR. C4 Punci-nl services foj- Dnrvln E. HnypR. 64. of Htumony. wero held Ffiflny nftcrnonn nl ihe Hnvwony Methodist Cluirch. Tlie Rev. W. S. Doy nod the Rev, Sidney Nor- j fan ofTlclBted. Burlol wn.s hi iliel Harmony CemeteiT* | Mr. Hayes died last W«?dnr.s. I (*rty nt ihe Bnpti'-il HojipHnl In' WindcivSalvm. i Mr. Hny«s was on the Ii-edcll C i'Otv Board or Edncnllorv foi ls .vrnss. was n rtcpu'.v sheriff 'n- jvvr-n ycnr.< and chb f of po- .licr nt Ilonuony for 13 years. J 1 yv. ll.iyrs wa.s owntr and ;:vr-:ilor of the Hnves Motel nt I the l;me of his death. Survjvin.t arc hU wife. Mrs. I Novella Ciimpbell Hnycs: n |drn-.'lil-r. M s. IDmolhy Cnlley of I Vr'l, >:oii n Sali-m: two .s:n4, Luw- [fnyes of Wmsion-.SnliMii.j i ai..f Windell Hnycs of Elkin; four hrnthcr.s. D. M. Hayes of Hnr- in'ny. Vutc- H:'>;cs uf Ei.-iu.ih H«p(u. N. J.. Flako Hayes cf Muck.svtile. nnd Willie Hayes of 5:anla Mcnien. Calif.: hLs stcp- mothei-. Mr.s. W. O. Hnycs of Harmony. Ri. I; five Imlt sisters. jMrs. Lcroy Snow and Mrs. Ro-^erj Enow uf Hnimony, Mrs. Bill Elhs of In:'.lanapolis. Ind.. Mrs. Bill \ Taylor of WIns.on-Sakni nnd Mrs. Vlrnil B:wIc5 of M.ock.sv He- two luilf bi-ctlurs. Horace Hayes j:r StalcsvHle and A. O. Hnyt^s ' cf Harmony and seven grnnU- j.a-llda*en.. Cnlvln S. Alien. 73 Funeral services for Cnlvln Sanford ISnml Alien. 73, of Rl. 2. MocUsvlllc. were held Tuesday morirlin at the Ook Orove McUiollsl Church. The Rev. Osorgc A-jinsn officiated. Burial "•ns in the church cemetery. Mr. Allen died Sunday mom- 1ns nt It's home. He had been in ^ecllnlns healtiv several mrntlts. Mr. Alkn was born in Davie Cnnn'.y to 'l'hcma.s J. and M.!r.(in ^ :n.- Allen. He was u retired furniture worker. His wife, the fm'.nrr Jennie L<cavh. died Dec. 31. I960. t?uiv.v;ny are ojie son. Paul Alien of Mnck.svillc, Rl. 2: one dnusitlcr. Mrs. L. M. Slroud of Mo.'lt/vilU*. Rl. I: seven srnnd- cl:i'n. three six-nt urandch 1- ''r n. '.ui* broihej's. Jiuncs Allen oJ Vu'Jvse. T;m Allcit of Lcdi, N. J.. V*;jl;or Allen of ilt.- Bi-juk. .'1. Y., I «iJ Car. iJCi' .AJk-n of CcoU.m:e: and fivu sisters. Mrs. Dnlhe L:avh of Ahodcic. Mr^ O. r. no; r cf Mocksvlllc. Rt. 2. r H. Dra.ui of Mjcksville. nt 4. M.S. .Mary Powell nnd Mrs. OlliiK r Bullin :f High Point. 1 .Mt-a. JCKse flruvvs. 56 n Fni!'rnl sei-vlcra lor Cor- .'ncha Loin: Oruvc.s. 56. of 740 i Oh' ry r r:.*t.-Tn»vf«tiviUe. wifr'Wf |J'. iK' L. Gravis. wiro held Tlniis- diiy afu-rnO'tn at E.tloti's Fiinnal C-n.-yel. The Rev. W. \V. Blonion ;nd K.v. A. C. Cliesh re olflclal- d. Du.tal wp.i In Hc.se Cemetery. 5"r- f»ravi'.< dltri Nov. 21 i»i ii.: [:uui.' iiiu-i a heart nitnck. tin' was b.irn In Davle Coiuiiy L W.llh'.m L. i.i.d M:nervii Wd- hi>;/» Li-n.v. &iv.: had liv* d luiv Lfl yen;-.-*. Eh - vn.s : member of the First Melhuclisi Church. Ettrlvlni; are lur Inisband; a -on. Will am L.-e Gtiives of >2ockt.ville: a dnnyhlvr, Mi!-> M.ii'»:iirc. Ortives of .h.' iiotm-. u broihrr. Bcnnio C. Luna of . Moek.svillc. Ht. 2; nnd three ,'-rniidi-hlk!ren. Bio - Obituaries - 11/30/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 30,1961 - Page 1 ' Woman Killed On HIgliway Mr.1. Kr.iY>n J. Pm-ni Jn. 54. nf 150Q Market Strecl. Wllmlnpton. was lalally ininrrci Sunday af^ temoan when atru/k by n car about nine miles onH of Mocks* . viile on U. S. 1*18. } Mrs. ParmcK who hod slopped her cor nlcni;£'dc the ro.id to In* ' quire at a house for travel dlrec* t'ons. was dead on arrival ot Da vie County Hospital followhi'! the accident about 4 pan. Jan:^ Helen Tnnicr. 21. of 441 E. Dovonshirc Street. Wlnston- Salem. driver of the car which hit Mrs. Pannelc. was treated for shock at the hosptUii and relcos* cd. Stotn Highway Patrolman L. E. Woods pieced lopctiier this ac* count; Mrs. Piirmclc was on route from the home of rrlativcs at Rtchmnnd. Va.. to vLsil a diiuRh* tor. Mrs. Johnny MrAden at Hickory. Mra. Pormelo wa* tro- vellnu alone In a 19S9 Pord re gistered to Benjamin J. Parmele of h:r home address. j Sought Directions I She stopped her car on the ' rlchthnnd side of U. 8. 158 east j of here and crossed the road to j a house to verlf.v that she was ' on the right route to Hickory, j Afterward, she started back aerOi« the highway, carrying her ; eyeglasses In her hand, t WJtti£.sses said she apparently ; walked right Into the path of the car Miss Turner was driving. Miss Turner and friends were reported en route to Western Cnrnllna College where she Is a <itttdcnt. Ihc 1959 Pord Miss Turner was fiiiving. owned by Walter Cooper Hnber of 718 Forest Avenuo. High PoinU fattier-cd on«'Ol- -her col lege friends, careened off the roadway after striking Mrs. Par- mde. The POrd sldeswlpcd Mrs. Par- mcl3*s parked 1959 Oldsmoblle and como to a stop some dlsanee down the road. No one in Miss Turner's car was Injured. Patrolman Woods said invcst- vation was tjelng continued and that no charges hod besn pi"c- fcrrcd. The body was to be taken from Eaton Funeral Home here lol Waiti Funeral Home at WllmUiB- lon for the funeral. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 30,1961 - Page 6 WlUie Vat Rose Funeral services for Willie Val Rose. 65. of Route 1* who died Thursday. Nov. 23. at Davte County Hospital, were held Fri day. No\'. 24. at Plney Orove Church. In Iredell Cotu^. Bur ial was In Hie ^urch cemetery. Survivors are his wife. Mlrs. WUIle X^ewls Rose; two daugh ters. Mrs. Kopolia Frost of Rt. 1 and Mrs. LotUo M. Carson of Hamptonville. Hvc sons. Elmer iHveretto Rose of Hou^nvlUei Martin Imther. James Walter. Artis Lee. William and Charles Rose of Rt. l; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Robertson and Mrs. Ida Pleison of Salisbury and 21 grand dilldren. • Bio - Obituaries - 11/30/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 7,1961 - Page 5 Paal r. LraptroDe. 68 i Ftinci-nl rfcrvJres for Paul Cllfl-' fni'd Lenplrope. 68. of 305 Oak- wand StrcPl. Hlith Point, wcit hrld Monday nftcmtKtn In the Ciimby MoiUmi-y Chnpal. Dr. C. Ic. Herbert. Jr.. olflciotcd. j Mr. Lsnipiropc. the stopfnlher Jaf Mj-s. R. p. Ktnip of Mocks- ' vlllc. died SiUiirdiiy nflernoon alter bi-in;'. Htrkkrn wUh a heart al'.ark while ehnpplnu at a Hluh PcJnt Su|>eiinnrkel. Mr. Lcnptrope was n frequent visitor in Mocksvlllc and had many Irlenda in Uils area. He was bojit in Geargla ic O.'cnr and Mnraaret Ann Leap- I rape and lived In Hlah Point for the pant 35 yeni-:^ He was a member of ihc special police force at Hl^) Point Collette and 'at It'Kh Point city lake until he jrrllred In 19.50. He was a mem ber of Weale.van Memorial Mctli- cdl.sl Ohurh and of the church*.") Pt acock Bible ClaM. Pi.rvlvlm! ajv hl.« wife. Mi-s. Knlhvrlne Bpeucrr Lcapirope; 2 RteiKlnutshU'i-s. Mru. Emily Ketnp of Morkavllle. and Mrs. Sylvia Brlitt's of Petersburc. Vo..: his mo.her of lite home: a si.ster. Mrs. Emma Hatnbrlck of OrattBC. Te.xns: and five step Ri-nnd DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 7,1961 - Page 1 k PAUL B. BLACKWELDER Rates Held For Paul Biackwelder Paul Bruce Biackwelder. age 30. bt«sSnv«s and civic leader of Mocksvlllc. died at 2 pm. Tuesday at the Baptist Hospital. He had been In crlt'.c.al condition follow ing a cerebral hemorrhage cn Nov. 17. Mr. Biackwelder, the owner and operator of Twin Brook Farm In Mocksvlllc. was born May 12. Mil. the son of H. F. Biackwelder and the late 8tcUa Hunter Biackwelder. A graduate of N. C. Stats Ccllege. Mr. Biackwelder operated the Twin Brook Farm In Mocks- vllle In conjuno'.lon with the late John C. Sanford for a number of years and then as sole owner. Building up a, top grade Quenucy herd, the Twin Brook Fann dis tributed milk in the Mocksvllle and Coolcemec area. In January of 1983; Mr. Biackwelder offcct- sd a working agreement with SouUiern Dallies of Wlnston- Salem whereby he became tlie Scaltee". Distributer in this area and the Sealtcst plant handled the mw milk from his rcrd. He was a director of the North Carolina Dairy Foundation; a director of the North Carollno Ouemscy Breeder's Asscclo-Mcn; and a director of the Mock.wllle Sovlngs and Loan Assoclnlion. Mr. Biackwelder was post- prcs'dcnt of the Mocksvlllc Rotary Club and a foimcr member of the Mocksvlllc, School Board. He was currently serving as a director of the Northwest North Carolina Development Association and woa an cider In the First Presbyterian Church of Mocks- vUle. Survivors Include his wife, the former Fannic Bradley of Mocks vlllc: a daughter. Louise Black- wTldcr. a student at Queen's Colleee; one sister. Mrs. Carl Jones of Mocksvlllc: two brothers. H. F. Biackwelder. Jr., cf Mocks vllle. Rt. .5 and Clycc W. Black- welder of BurllnKicn: his father. H. F. Biackweldvr of Moi'k.svUle. Funeral siniccs were held at S pun. Wednesday at the Flvat Presbyterian Church. The Rev. i Ed Avctt and Uic Ri-v. Robert \5-*.i?l"- o.Tlrinted.- Bio - Obituaries - 12/7/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, December 7,1961 - Page 1 Paul B. Blackwelder, Dies At 50 PauJ Brt«t: Blackwelder. 30, •li Mwi(?vilU, died at P M Tu"«da}- It Boplijt Hoiplta. In Winston Saiem He had been in crlt<cal eonditiact at Baptiat Hocpl' tal twu weeks following a ce« eertbraJ lietnorthage. He WQi owner and operatur cif Twin Brooks Farms, dti< tributof* of Seailesi datry pro* duels in Davie County. He was a dirrclot uf the ,\oTthwesi North Carolina Oe> vclopircnt Association, a di* rcctoi of the North Carolina Dairy Fouruiation, a director of the North Carolina Guern sey Breeders Aiscciation and a director of the Mocksvillc Savings and Loon Associati on. He was past president of the MocksvilJe ^lary Club and a former member of the Mueksvllle School Board. He was an elder ol First Prcfbyteri&n Church in Mocksvillc. He was born in Davie Coun ty to H. F. and Stella Hunter Blackwelder. Surviving are his wife, tho tormer Miu Fannie prcforyt a daughter. Miss Louise Black welder, a student at Queens College in Charlotte: a sister, Mrs. Carl Jones of Mocksvillc: and two brothers. H. F. Black welder Jr. of Mockivilk'.- Rt 5 and Clyde W Blackwelder of Burlington. The funeral was csndufted at 2 P. M. Wednesday at the Fir^l Presbyterian Cluirch by ihi' lUv. .Robert While, the Kcv Edd Avette. Bunal was m Roae Ceme- Bio - Obituaries —12/7/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 14,1961 - Page 4 »tn. J. A. Cranford Tuncrnl scrvlcca for Mrs. Belle Donahue drnnford. <83. grand* mother of Doyle Donahue, was hole? on Tuesday nt 2:30 p.m. fit South River Melhodlst Church by the Rev. J. F. Stough and the Rev. J. C. Sv^'alm. Burial was in the cliurch cemetery. , Mrt- Cronford. of Needmore community, of Rou'an County, widow of J A. Ci-anford, died at 10:20 p.m.. Sunday. Dec. 10. at the home of a daughter, Kba. O. W. Donahue, Woodleaf. Rt 1. Mrs. Cranford was bom In Rowan County to Dnflcws and Matllc Cartner Donahue. Her husband died 11 years ago. She a'os a member of South Htver Methodist Church. Surviving arc five daughters. Mrs. Donahue. Mis. Inez Perry and Mrs, Leroi-y Powell, all of "Wloodleaf. Route 1. Mrs. Llnnio Cartner of Cleveland. Rt. 1. and Mrs. Clyde Turner of Cleveland. Rt. 2: two sons, John and Neqhl Cranford of Woodleaf. Rt. 1: 22 grondohildren: 26 great grond* ohJldren; and one brother R. C. Donahue of Joclcsonvllle, Fla. Mrs. W. E. Poplin. 70 FTmeral services for Mrs. Emma Jones poplin. 70, of Mocksviile, Rt. 3. were held Wednesday. Dec. 8. at 3:30 p.m. at Bethel Metho dist Chdrch by the Rev. Cameron Dodson. Burial wos in the dburch cemetery. Mrs. Poplin, widow of W. S. Poplin, was found dead In the bacfcyord of her home about 6 p.m.. Monday. Acting Coroner Dr. Ben BJeh- ards of Davle County ruled that death resulted from natural causes. She was bom In Davle County to Phillip and Laura Ellis Jones. Surviving are a son. James P. Poplin of Camden, S. C.; two sis tors. Miss Charity Jones and Miss Rose Jones, both of MocksvJlc, Rt. 3; four brothers, Jack. Charlie. Willie and Spcncc Jones all of Mocksviile. At. 3: a grand child and a great grandchild. Ralph R. aitmrd, 74 Funeral services for Ralph R. Clinard, 74. of Harmony. Route I. shefficid community, who died Ihursday, Dee. 7, were conducted Saturday at 11 a.m. at Rcavts Funeral Home Chapel at Har mony by the Rev, Wallace Elliott and Bishop J. Kenneth Pfoh. Buiial was in the Moravian Grave yard, Wlnston-'Salcm. . Mr. Cllnord, a native of Win- stoh-Salcm and manufactm-er ef artificial flowers, died at Lula Conrad Hoots Memorial Hospital at Yadklnvillc where he had been a patient three weeks. He was in declining iicalth two years. Mr. Clinard was bom in Win- ston-Salem to William H. and Phoebe Brown Clinard. He was educated in the Wmslon-Salem schools and attended N. C. State College at Raleigh. Mr. Clinard operated Clinard's Gift and Art- Shop in Wiirston- Salcm until 1931 when he moved to the present home. He owned and operated Clinard's Floral Co. manufacturer of artificial flow ers which he sold on a wholesale and retail basis. He was a member of Home Moravian Church of Winston- Salcin. SurvlvlnB are his wife, Mrs. Theodare Rust Clinard; one douBhtcr, Mrs. Dan Young of Pales Verdcs Estate, Calif.; and two brolhcrs, J. Agnow Cllnord of Mountain Home, Tcnn.. ond the Rev. Cltnrles B. Clinard of Torvann, Calif. Bio — Obituaries — 12/14/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, December 14,1961 - Page 1 Robert F.Whitaker Robt-rl, Whilaker, fi9, of Mocksv-iUc. Rl. fl, died at 4:40 Wcdnuduy al Davic County He had been seriously ill for 10 days. Mr Whilaker was bom in Davic County to John P. and Emily Beck Whltaker. He married Nettie Commer, who survives. Olhrr survivors are two sons Paul and Silas Whilaker. both of MocksvUie, Rt. 5: one daughter, Mrs. Ruth McConn of Norfolk. Vb.. four grand children: three brothen. Dave, Moody and Lottie Whitaker. ail of Mockiville, Rt. 5; four sisters. Mrs. David Pcnnlng- ton, Mrs. Henry Prlvctte and Mrs. Howard Bcinkley, ali of Mocksville. Route 1. and Mrs Johnnie Adams of Mocksville, Route 5. The funeral will tw con ducted at 2:30 P.IM. Friday ot Liberty Baptist Church, Burial will bo in the church cemetery, » Orville E. Love MOCKSVILLE — Orville Ev- crettc Love, iA. of Mount Vernon, 111., died at 8:40 P. M. Monday al the home of hu srn. tlio Rev. Kenneth 0. Love of Mocksville, Rt. 4. Mr. Low had Ixen visiting his son about six weeks. He had been in dccHoing healUt several months. He was born in Oklahoma and wad an employee of Iho Texas Oil Co. before he re tired in 1859. Surviving in addition to the Rev. Love are another son, Everetie E. Love of OeKalb, 111.: several grandchildren; a brother, Orbia Lo%-c of Ari- zonal two sisters, Mrs. M. B. Brumbly of Okiaiu-ina City, Oklii, and Mrs. Carl Shep herd iif MidwcKt City, Okla- bomu. Tive budy was siiipped to the Parka Kunemi Home at Okc- iiuh. Okla. Tuesday. A scr- viic will be hcid ihcic Fn- day Mrs. Cranford Of Woodleaf Mrs Belie Donahue Cran ford. 83. widow of J. A. Cran ford of ihe Necdniort Com munity iif W<xidliaf, Route I, riird unovpectcdly ot 10:- 20 Sunday night at the home (>f her daughter, Mri 0. W. Donahue, with whom shr had been living. A native iif Rowan County, she was txa-n December 33, 1877. dftughtdr of the late Daniel and Mattic Gartner Donahue. Her husband J. A. Cranford, died 11 years ago. Survivors mcluoc seven chll dren, Josh and Nvphi Cran ford, Mrs 0 W. Donahue, Mrs. Inez Pciiry. and Mrs. Levoy Powell, all of Wood- leaf, Route 1. and .Mrs. Lin- nie Carinrr of Clcvetond Rt. 1, and Mrs Clyde Turner of Cleveland. Route 2 ine bro ther, R C. Donahue of Jack sonville. rifl.; 22 siandchiid- ren. and 25 grcatgrarulchlld- ren, Mtf. Cranford was a mem ber of South RIvrr Methodist Church in Rowan County where funeral services ws-rv conducted at 2:30 Tuesday with the Rev J F Stough and the Rev. J, C Swalm offi ciating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -12/14/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 21,1961 - Page 4 Mrc. W. GIrnn Hhulrr Fmi-liil m (or Mr-*. W.i Olvnn «i 130 \S'«'M Gvc'/ii' Coiirk Ou-»-n>l>i»i'o. vi-j.' luld Uo'i labt':' :it Ili4 Diirt.i.Vi Uibij.ct til i'.ii: U.V.! Ciiuik'A UUoiiu ot lav I'li.a Ciirmlnn Oiuirli olftvlnU'd. Lti- tvrmonl was hi Uic \Vc?tmmli>tvr Oai'Ojns o{ Girciisbsm. Mn. Sluilci- cilcHl DLTCnibcr Itlh nl liti' WLSjt;y Uinu llospicil in arcviisboi~u niicr iin i1invs& of a jcvv monilu. Bac nos (iu>yfnri>> old nnd wnii hosplUilizctl five dn)i>. A nntivc u( Uiivio Cotiiuy. Miv had lived in Grc«;n«bui*o 2o- years. She was ihe lormer IjOII Myers. {InuKlUcr of liic luio WIN Ham T. 5. niid Deiiii Hikc M.v<-rs. blic Is survived by h'-i- hus- baml: two suusf w. baVcrae Snuicr nnd William C. Sliulcr of OrcL-mbora. Ihrcc broUicis: Sam uel E. Myers, II. Lenny Myers and John S. Mi'crs, all of Win- ston-Snlcm. Three slstcrst Mrs, T. J. Minor of Advance: Mrs. Myrtle M. Padnett and Mrs. Fred 5. James of WInslon-Salcm: and four grandsons. Mrs. Luther Oaywalt | Funeral services for Mrs. Emily' Smooi Da.vwalt. 75. widow of Luther Oaywalt of the Salcm Me thodist Church Communltv. Mocfcsvillc Rt. ]. Wfc'i-o held Fri day afternoon nt the Salcm Me thodist Church. Burial wn.s in the church ccmctei'y. Mrs. DaywaU died Dccvmb.T J3Ui at U)c Onvie County Hos pital. Shu had been a nalicnt Uicrc for a werk. Mr. Oaywalt died nine years ago. A native of Davic County, slic was born November 16. 1866. daughter of tlic laic Samuel and Florence Walker Smoot, She Is .survived by four chil dren. Mrs. R. M. Clcnry and Mrs. Joe Johnston, both of Sintcsvtllc. Ted and Snmu:I Dnywalt, both of Mocksvillc. Route 1: two broUirr.v. C. C. and J. N. Smoot; two sis-! tcrs. Miss Alice Smoot, nn<l Mns. William Powcn..-ill of Mocksvlllu. Route 1; four gmndchlldren: end three grcnt-grandchildrcn. Hugh Bronson Bnllry, 71 Funeral sciviccs for Hugh Bitmson Bnilcy. 71. of Mocks* vlllc, Rt. 3, Uic Conini/cr Coni- munliy. were held Siuidny af ternoon at the Eibavdto Method ist Church. The Rev. Alvin La- Uiain cvnd Uic Rev. E. M. James ofuciutcd. Burial wns in the church cemetery. Mr. Bailey died nl 8 a.m. Fri day moriiing at his home of MucksvlUc Rt. 3. He had been in declining health for several months. lie wos born to Cliarlle and Corn Zimmerman Ballby. He was .f i-ctlrcd furniture plant worker. He was married to Miss Nannie Frye. who survives. Also surviving are two sons. Raymond C. Bailey of Advance. Rt. 2, nnd James H. Bailey of Advnnec. Rt. 1: n daughter. Mrs. Ilnrvry Potts of Mocksvillc. Rt. 3; 12 grandchildren: four gi-cnt- mnndchildrcn: a sister, Mrs. Sal ly Beck Carter of Advance. Rt. 2; a half brother. Major BoUcy of Advance. Rt. 2; and a half sis ter. Mrs. Hugh Harrelson of Lex ington. Bio - Obituaries -12/21/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA