Jul - DecDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 7,1960 - Page 3
Afrs. T. J. Rouse, 70
yuneml services for Mrs. T. J.
Rouse of Kntinoipolla were held
'Pi-ldoy nftcmoon at Ore First
Baptist Cirurch In Oinit city. The
Rev. ChorJe.<t C. CofTey. pastor,
ofTlclatcd. Burial was in Rose
Cemetery In MoelwvUle.
Mtti. iRouno <iled Tiiursdny
morning ut ithe Lowrtunce Hospll*
al In iMoorcsvllle. She had been
n shut in foi- n nutrtbcr of years
but was A iKrtSent in the hos*
pHal slnco suffcrlnR o heos^ At*
lack last week.
A native of Davio Counby,
Mrs. Aoujbo was the former
Barnh Elizabeth HnneVine. daugh
ter of Iho lato Qeorgc Klmber
and Moiy Ann iMyei's -Hnnollne.
She lived in Kannmpolls for the
past 30 years.
Survivors 'Includs her husband,
Preston J. Rouse; one daghter,
Miiss Aiurle Lcc Rouse of the
home: one son, Ccoll ConVbs
Rouse of KannapoHs; four step
sons. Marvin H., J. X. end Wll*
liivm K. House, all of Xennapolis,
and Dr. J. Ed Rouse of Anderson.
S. C.: ithree brabhers. O. W.,
S.S. and J. Ed Honeltne, all of
Wlnalcn'Salem: and five grand*
Henry C. Graves. 67
Punerol services for Heniy E.
Qraves, 67. of WashLn«ton, O. C.,
were held Fi'Jday aftetnoon at
the Chestnut Grove Methodist
Chuixlh. The Rev. C. M. Dcdson
ofllclat^. Burial 'Was In the
chui'ch cemetery.
Mr. Gravcfl <Ued. at tho St.
Ellanbeith Konpltal in Waahlfig*
Ite was boTh July 9d. Id03, Ih
Davie County to Charles L. and.
Emmy 0*Real Graves.
Mr. Qtaves Is suivlved by o
brotfhcr, Marvin Graves of Qureinu.
boro: three sisters. Mrs. W. J.
Pegram of Wilnston . Salem. Mrs.
Benny Long pf MooicsvUle. Rt. 2:
and Mrs. Bally -Windsor of Ohar-
lesion, S. C.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/7/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 7,1960 - Page 3
AXra. S. W. Bow4«9« ^
PuncrQl MTVtees Mm. dam
PoM Bowden, of ^ya^tx, Rt.
1. widow dt fi. W. Bc^m. jvmre
held Bfiiturday afternoon at ^
Bethlehean Methodist n diur^.
The Rev. MooHbtirn an4
theHev. George Bmnor Ofnofated*
Burial iwae 4n the dhumh oeme*
Mrs. Bowden died Thursday at
the honid o( her daughter, Mn.
R. P. Bmlth of Advance, Rt. 1.
She had been In 111 health o year.
She was bom July 27, 1868, <ln
Oavte County to Johq and Ellaa-
beth Janma Plott.
Mrs. Bowden Wia a member of
Bethlehem Methodist OhurOh.
On June 12, 1898, she married
Mr. fioaden, u4iq died acvcrat
yearn ago.
Surviving ore two daughters.
Mto. B, P. SmHh of Aidvonee, Rt.
1 and {Mrs. Komi Btninh oI
atofvGolem: two sons, omdy 9ow.
tien of^dmRieyfloldond Roy Bow.
d«h DoBVlUe, Va.; « brother.
Tain f6obt of Modtuhiw, Rk, 8: 2n
gmhdehUdmn and aevml dreat*
Mrs, Prank Sheek. 97
Funeral serutees (or Mrs. Sallle
Perdrni (Aunt Perd) Sheek. 77.
of Advance, Rt. 1, wore held Sot-
uiday aiftemopn nt the home and
at iiato Idacedonhi Monwian
Churah. The Rev. N. 0. ByerU'i
the Rev. George Bruner and the
Rev. £d (Brewer oRlolated. Burial
was Ih •tho Ohureh oemelery.
Mm. fiheek, operator of o
8Vmtth Bti«et boorddng homo in
'Wtn8t<m • Sdlom (or mora than
20 years, died ckt tlie l^mn Haven
(Hbme in MOokavilla last
ThtitAI^. She had been In de*
cllnlng' hoaleh two years and
eritJIoally hi eight weeks.
She was bom Get. 8. 1882. in
Savle Oounty to L. M. and Ada
llMliams andlh. She lived In On*
vie :Oounty until going to Win*
sjlon^Balem in 1928 to live and <to
opemte a boarding bouse.
On Aug. 8, 1006, she married
Frank Sheek. uho survives.
Also surviving arc a son. Gray
Sheek o( Advance. Rt. 1: a (oster
daughter. Mrs. Cteo Hahn of 211
N. Green St.. W4n8ton . Salem:
seven gtandchlldren and (our
great gtandcdiildren: itwo sisters.
Mrs. Naond Hlgglna ol Wlnston-
Balem and Mrs. Lillian Panko of
Jesmp. Md.: and a broUier. P. R.
Smith of Advance. Rt. l.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/7/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 14,1960 - Page 5
Mn. W. P. <PBtnt)er.
funeral seiMoee for Mre. Mary
Lee Palnper. 73. widow of W. P.
Pnlnper were held Baturday of*
lernoon tu the WoodleM Metho*
dJsl Ohui«lv "nw Rev. Prank
Btough, Qfhe Amoild and JSobby
Reynolds ofntfoled. Burinl was
In the churdi cemetery.
Mi-a. Pailnper thcd Wedncedof at
the home of a daughter. Mm. 8.
A. fiurlon of Kings Mountain.
Mie. Ptrinpcr was formerly of
Cleveland. Rt. 1. She waa bom'
Oct. 7. ISM. to Julian and Julia.
Lyei-ly Kepley. Mr. Pnthpcr died)
in 19S3. I
furvlvlne <u'c -ttireo iiona, WIl* |
liam Palnper of Cleveland. Rt. l.j
Otles Painper of Salisbury. Rt. S. i
and Qcorge Painper of Belinont,
Rt' 1: tlve daughterii MH. Bur*
(on. Mrs. R. 8. Hood cf Oi-lando,
Pla., M. Biu<on^ Mar*
tin«. oia.. Mra. M. M. Prceman
of Huntersvllle And Miu Mary
Gene Polnper of Klnaton. Rt. 1:
26 grandchlldi-en and eight gi-eot*
Jamee David Ifouxe. 85
Funei-al seiwtces for James Da*
vid House. 85. of MookeviUe. Rt. 4.
were held Monday afternoon at
the Cooleemee Bapllat Church.
Burial woe In the Liberty Ceme*
Mr. House died Saturday at the
Lynn Haven Rest Home.
iHe was a m-lred Erwin M3U
employee. He had made his home
In Cooleemee for e number of
years, moving to Mocksvllie Rit.
4. 10 yearc ago.
He was born Aug. 10 1674. In
DavMson. County. He married
Molly Gabnrd.
Surviving arc the wife: three
sone, Ray House of Monroe.
Leonard Ifouse of Charlotte,
Virgil House of Baltimore. Mid.,
two daughters. Mrs. W. B. Benson
of Charlotte, Mrs. R. E. Kuhlntaii
of Saudi Ai.ifcla; and nine grand-
T. L. Martin. 78
Funeral services for Thomas Lee
Martin. 78. ixtlred builder and
manufacturer cf MocvsvUle and
Sumter, S. C.. were hertd Wednes-'
day afternoon at the Bethel
Methodist Chm«h. The Rev.
Cameron Dodson and.the Rev. E.
M. Avelt oMclaited. Burial was
In Rose Cemetery in Mocksville.
Mr. Martin died at 1-2:30 a.m-
Tuesday oit 4he Davle County
Hospital follcwing a three week
-Illness. He retired ten years ogo
because of declining health.
Built Veneer Plants
Mr. Martin engineered and
built plywood and veneer plants
In North and Sodth Carolina. Ho
was associated wltth the O. L. Wil.
llaim Veneer and Pejiel Co. at
Sumter and Conway. 6. C.. and
Montgomeiy. Ala.
An amateur phologi-apher. Mr.
Martin recontly did a photo-
giflpihlc study of the churches of
Davle County. He also did the
photographic lUustvatlons for Dr.
Anna Oi-egory's "HJstojy of Sum-
ter County.'
Mr. Martin was born July 29.
1681. in Davie County to Elijah
and Mlnevra Williams Martin.
He was a lifelong member of
Bethel Methodist Chui-c^ near
HUtorioal Society Member
Mr. Murlin <W8S a member of
the Historical Society of South
Cai-olina. the Camera Club at
Sumter. and Mocksville MasoiUc
Lodge No. 134.
HIb first wife. Mi's. Elizabeth
Raticdge M-artin. died Mai<ch 31.
1929. His second wife. Mra. Annie
Churchill Martin of Sumier sur
AIM surviving ore 3 daugh
ters. Mrs. Thomas H. Weeks of
Lexington, 8, C., Mrs. Marion R.
Ard of duu'lotte and Miss Maiy
Martin of Winston - Salem; two
slsiei-s, Mrs. Clmries P. Sain and
Mrs. Robert R. Coon, both of
Mocksville: and a grandson, the
Rev. Robert Moi-tln Weeks of Co
lumbia. S. C.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/14/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 21,1960 - Page 2
Ilenvl^» Buliy i
OrnvfjiV .'Jies were held
Tuesday .u. 4 p.m. fcr :4ie one!
(ifly c!d inrniH sod ci Mr. nnd;
Mi-Ji- Dwiffht Rrnvfa of |
ri70 Av«»n jvl. Wr.sjo.v Chajjfl I
Cl.iihJi 0;inru<iy In Ti-rdell
baby dlotl nt nj\li
Ccuniy iro>r>lMl Mondity nihn-
TnnOy M. Shrnuer, SB
F'lincrnl servlcci! fcr Tnndy M.
ShermM'. B8. cf Advance, u-ho
dlid n4. 11:5 S.a.ni. n. the Vttcf
nn's Iioslpi.il In S.a4isbury. were
held Tlmrsciiy marnlng ot- 11
c'clock M Adv.-incc BnpLlA:; Church.
He hnd been In decUnlns hcnllh
several tncnlha.
Mr Shetinei won born Spt, 20,
11171. In Yndkln County to John
Henry nnd BarbRvo EIlRabeth
Ku chins Shermcr.
He wn.i t\ member of Advnnco
BnjUist Church.
Mr. Shcrmcr, n rcUlrcd mcith*
Riv; nad ini-msr. was a vetciflti of
the SjMnijli > AmriCAn Wnr. He
wns Also Ihc First Asslslnnt Scout
Master nnd the First Scout Mas*
tor of the First Boy Scout Ti-oop
to be organized In Da<vle County.
This troop was ciganlzcd In 1016.
He was married to Mrs. Mlln*
hie Oaten Shermcr. who survives-
Also surviving arc six daugh
ters. Mrs. H. A. Roynold of
Roanokc. Vn.. Mrs. P. C. Agnow
of Norlhpor^. N. Y-. Mirs. E. W.
Parsons of Now Carlisle, Ind.,
Mrs. E. C. Morlson of Wllkes-
boro end Mrs. Julia Patton and
M;. John Vcgler, bolh of Ad*
vftncc; thrco sons, X. A. Sher
mcr of Rlohmond, Va., Jerome
Shermcr of Oolumbtn, 8. C'.: and
£. ML Shormcr of Advance; 16
grandchildren and flvo great-
sramlchlJdren: nnd a bi^cthcr,
W. G. Shemter of WUnDtcn-Sal-
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 21, 1960 - Page 4
Oewcy F. Marshall. 62
Fkinoi'ol aciwlces for Dowey
Franklin Marahall, 62. of White
Plains, were held Monday after
noon et itilic Moody Funcml Home
Mr. Mnrshe'll vvas the father of
Bill Mardhall of Farmlnfftom He
died Batiu-dby ab the Northern
Surry Hospital where he hod been
a patient 8lnc« June 26.
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, July 21,1960
Mrs. ViiiI S-.siiu'-
rt'ift. I,I cii.rjl;,-
icr III I'KI? Irvi.n
S".. Vr'liisliiiiSiili'iii CiJirl fji-
I'll I'iy i,f Piivi" C'liinty, ili' ^l
at H:i}>tist lti.is}niu] en 'J'liiu.-i-
•Slif hatl lHt.-n In ill lii'Ulli
1i>r niiiny yciini jiikI liLTluMr^ly
ill ^t.s imn'.t}i.'».
wiiH IwjJi Nov. Z't, lt>ia ill
,\tliinlli; City, N. SIki iirciit
Ikt i iiil.v llfi: In NfW .!■ r.;.-)-
iiiicl iiftCT inniriiiKi- lii U'W
(<> Mr. •Swlri'i'inijti. o Nnv;il
iiffiiiir. lived in vtiii'n:;
iif the wnrltl.
Sht- nnd Inn' luisbni.'l. [iji;-
^nlly tHi}ik>y'.d iiy.Wc.su-in
Klii'tiir C" iiiiivod tu Win.»-
lun-fi.'ilvm in Jan SII.W.
Tlu- IUIK-J£ll W.IS lll'ld Jll
Ui.lO P.M. on Siilmdny nl
,li-iit.Mk'ni Mnptlsl Clinrcli by
Itw. Itnliotl llillinrd nnd lltv-
Arrliio Jones. 15iiiiril wnis hi
lh<! cluu'i'li {.'oniolcry.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/21/1960
"I'lindy .M- .SJitiinOr. 'd
Adv.iiiuo ibict lit Hrj'j " in-
Mi)iirl.-..v .d llw VrU-n.hk n<i>-jiilnl 111 .S.'"l str.iry, Ho Iwd iH'fii
ill liiitlinitif! iK'iihh .-I'Vi'ml
,\l., .SI .■niM i- V..I- I '"!' ••-'•Id,
ISi'l, ill V.iilhin i'<.'iinty l-i
.loiifi III til l inid i:.irl'ii;ii iV.i-
l.i'ih Hiic'liii Sli • •
•. I . I : , : r .
c-i.ii, .| III. --I'-i.
III i.i;i,- m.iirir-i
.\liJiliIi- Ciit'iri .-•I.II I!
•nir\ ivi's
.■M^i -.111 Iii ii;|i: iiu" riS iliiii'
Jthlcrs. \liv. II. A. I. vi.nW-
ul \^i.. Ml-. I'
.\t;rn-iv .Vm i/lli-..i't, V.,
.Mivi. K. W. I'lii.-.i.s "•••-v
{■iirilHl,, lull , Mr.;, iv t'. M"r.
j'l.'.on uf Wilki'slitiri.i iiivl Mrs.
Jnl'ii Poiluii 01,il Mis Jiditi
Wu-li'l. jii'lJi i-j Aiivor,,..; th.-i'i-
siiii, A. Slnnni.T «.l ilidi-
inuiid. Vn.. Ji-ri'iii- .•-'ori nt.'; n;
<"<ihmili;ii. S, iiiiii K M.
Sii'-rnii r >:tl Adv-iinri': ta ri'ionl
I hildi'i-ii i-.iid tiM' rri'iit>;riiiii|-
liuidii'ii; Olid n i.-i\1 'ivi. \V
(i.. Siii'i iii' l' ^^'.ll^ll•ll-.•^ i!
Kiiinnil '.vii.i I'lirnJ'.uu d .'il
Advoiim Uiililiiit ("liiiu'li i >•
itfV. C. K. t'liiM lmd -n.d lli v
rielrhi 1 .Audi I'lV,-.
itni lid M ill- rJ I li'ii 11. ' r I, I I
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 28, 1960 - Page 2
Cooper Edwards Dies
In Columbia, S. C.
R. S. KScNelU and Mr.
and Mrs. C. P. Meroney Wed-
ntsd-ay fcr Columbia to attend the
of Mi-s. MsNclll's brother
In law. Coc'per Bdwjrrds. who died
suddenly cn Tuesday. He was
mnn<:ed to »lhe former Kathryn
Meroney oiT MocksvlHe.
I Miyie Ruia Thompson. OD
I The Ihneral of Miss Site IVw
llihompaon. 60. of Golirbtiry
iCOiTthtet«d ni 4 p.m. Monday. .hSy
;9(i. at dt. ftuU's fiplieottl Churdt
It SallMjttfy by th<> Roy* J. ft
Buftd WAR tn chMiniu BUI
i Miss Tttoapssn dM at 2 pjB..
Prldny at Broughion Hospital In
Burke Couniy.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 28, 1960 - Page 3
Jasper R. Ctontz. 29
Funeral sei*t>lces for Jasper Ray
Clontt. 29, of Mocksvllle. RC. 3.
were held Saturday oJterjuon at
the Pork Baptist Ohurch. The
Rev. A. XL Klscr «he Rev. Oeorfie
Aumnn and the Rev. J. P. Davit
ofHclBtcd. Buria<l was in the
ehui*ch cemetery.
Mr. Clonta died a-t 9 p.m.
Thursday at the Davle County
Hospital after an illness of a few
He was bom April 26 1931 in
SuriT County to Ernest T. and
Lilly Mae Calaham ClontrH He
waS' an employee of DlNle Fur-
nltuic Co. at Lcxlixton.
Mq*. Clcntz was married to the
former Miss Roena Williams In
Surviving are the wife: a dauiih.
ler Ltlic Jane Clontz of the
home: a son Allen Ray Olontz
of the home; his parents: two
slstera, Mrs. J. W. Wllllnms and
Mrs. R. B. Mioriaiity. both of
Hldcory: foua* brothers, E. H.
Clontz. Jr., of Ruml Hall, James
C. Clontz of Oalflx. Va. J. C.
Clon'z of Mocksvllle and Broadus
Clontz of Advoncc Rt. 1.
W. 8. Sanders, 64
Funeral services for Wllllaim
Shuford Sandeiz. 64. of Route 4,
MooksvlUe were held Wednesday
afternoon, at 4>hc Liberty Metho*
dist Church. The Rev, O. W.
Pink and the Rev. W. H Pcnv
ofilctatcd. Buifal was In the Nat*
ional Cemclei'y at Salisbury with
mlhlary dtes by the Cooleomee
Ameiican Legion Post.
Mir. Sandei-fi died Monday. He
was dead on arrival at the Davie
County Hospital after sufTcrtng
a hoort attack at his home.
Mr. SarTders was born Oct. 19,
1895, In Montgomery County to
I Fit nnd BHza Davis Sandrm.
He was a veteran of World
War r.
Surviving arc his wife, Mi's.
Margaret Call Sanders: a dau^*
ter, Mm. Alton IBost of Coolee*
mee; a brother, J. J. Sanders of
Hitfdenitp: Chi-ee sisters. Mi-s.
J. B. Book of SaUsbmy. Rt i.
Mrs. J • B. WhpeV'' nf,^Kerifrs-
vlll?, 'Sr~r"wia"12rsr C~wr Jor
dan of Lancsa^. 8. C.; 2 grand
children: a stepson, Johnny Ray
WUHama of Camp Lejeune.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/28/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 4,1960 - Page 2
I). Ilnthcock |
DtAvjtt HftihcocI;. 42.1
u> Moc'kKvlMc. ni. 3. dird n>t I0;4ftl
n m. Mondny nt Cl.y
Winptcn . 6n)cin. H<> lind bccul
n iJ.iUnU there llnre Hnyn: hoj
lind hem III IhiTc Yl'rok4.
Mr. IfnVheccU wn« bom Anrll
1P18. in 5»ifthloy Couhly lo'
Ileiu.v niu) Nob Lt*riri- Hnlihcook.
I He wns n Woi ld Wnl II veiernn
i.ii^d .u» I'mplovee of Mcck.^vJUe
'Fad Mills,
• Mr. Ilnihsock hnd lived In
iD.u'le County 14 yenis.
I III in40 hp in.urU'd Cbro
j Poplin, ttiio sui vlvpR.
I Atfo stn-viplnR nrc his tni)t,hpr.
ot Sflllibiiry; a brolher. Oporne
,ll.-..;heck cf 9.Ml5ft)ni-y: nnd d she
I tr. Mis. HcniUUft VVnirnei* of
I 1 h{> fuupntl w.as conduclcd ni
2:30 p.m. Wednpsdoy fll Bethel
;M'.'.hrdist Chuich by llu Rev. C.
M. Dodson nnd ihe Rev. F. R.
\V;lsrhl. Burlnl wcis in the chuirh
cemp evy.
A. MlUon Gnllhcr. 72
Punerfll seivlcea for A. Milton
Onhher. 72. morohonl. fotnnev and
cfrtllcmun of the Cbrksbury com-
munlty. Hniinony. Rt..l. were held
Mcnday morning at Cbrksbury
Methodist Oliiu'ch by the Rev. W.
L. Hnrkoy nnd the Rev. Caldwell
Hendcj-son. Burial was In the
church cemetery.
Nfr. GaiUier died Saturday at
Davis KospUnl In Statesvllb fol
lowing a stroke. He had been a
pnllent there for throe weeks. !te
had a stroke bat August and had
been In 111 henlth since then.
Ho was torn Jan. 12. 168B, In
Dovle County to N. s. and Vlr
glnia 'l^yvault Oalther.
Mr. Onilliher was a notory pub
lic ond had been a jusllce of the
pence In Turfierrfburg towfishlp.
He was a llfelotig member of
Clnrtcsbuty Methodist OJmwh
where he hnd been siewopd and
irustce of the church.
On Dee. 7. 1910. he rrtsnied
Miss Ellsaboih Ann Nichols, who
Also surviving are three daugh
tors. Mrs. Claude W. Gartner of
SlockrtvlVle. lit.. 1. Mi-s. Sam h.
Jones and Mrs. Kbrmkn Camp
bell. both of Harmohy. ,i:
four sons. Ralph 8.. John M...
Roy A. nnd tnfnea Cline oaithcr,
nil of Harmony At. 1; n brother,
j. -fl. Obilher dt Hntmany. At.
I: 04 MltfohtlilMt tfhd 11 gfcav
-l\t)toM0ef4 (Won osK*.
ner, Auford Vork. (?lyde <^Artner,
tfilm Alam. J. J Woolen, 'Lob
MarlqWc,. W O BlMikcnahip antt
Virgil' Bolln
regubtohi are twcd
mnlce pbnte gfovt taster, or sV
er. or In Mnp wa^' more beneflf
ml itb mon.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 4,1960 - Page 1
Clarence S. Grant Murdered
By Hitcb-biker Near Lexington
Davie Rescue Squad Aids
In Finding The Body
The MotiksvlUc eommunity was
shook^ around noon last Satur
day vAien the ^ort drifted
around that Clarence Souths
Grant had been brutally murder
ed by a hitch-hiker and his body,
at that Ume unfcmnd dumped In
a cornfield.
From the moment the first re-
poti aas received on into this
week there wero many s:oideB
oone^ip«>dhei«,«{b^..lhe .whep,
and Uie fehiy. Howwer, until the
murderer is returned to this state
and Ohooacs to tell the complete
story . . t certain factors will
ecntinuG to remain a niystcty.
Local ofllcera, ofllecra of David
son County, aJid Uie state Bureau
of mveatlgatlon ore at work op
this ciihne and by the time the
case Is tried will no doubt have
established somo facts to sub
s', antlate some theories. At this
time, the best we can reconstruct
the orbno Is as follows:
Mr. Grant, who lived alone at
his home on Cherry street In
MSacksvltle since the death of his
wife In Jastuary, 1958. usually
visited a dai^lftor. Mrs. Jolm
Graham WUHard. in Winston-
Salent each week. Last Tuesday
ul^t (July 27) he called her to
say he would not be there this
week because "I want to u*atoh
the Republican ConvenlUon on tel
evision." . _ •
Ihursday nftcmoon he went to
a Salifibuiy osteopaUi for a uea:^
ment nf fhn jfjImiiHW dlJorder
with which he was alBtoted. At
this point, according to tile in-
formbUon gained by the SBt and
loosl ofilccrs. his travel becomes
A Moeksvtlle service station
operator first reported that ho
filled his eor up wWh gasoline
about 4 p.m. on Thursday. How
ever, ^Jter (his scriticc titatlon
opvrolor Una not sure as to
U'hotdier it was Wednesday or
Thursday. The ofllccM's are In-
ollncd to think tliat it was Wed
I Alan Confesses
The nc)(t report on Clarence,
Beuha Grant came Saturday^
morning when police of Jackson*
vlllc. na., contacted Sheriff Ben'
y Royles and inromicd him Uiat:
a man they had in custody had;
confessed to Icllllng Mr. Grant
and dumping his body in o com-
Hvld near Greensboro. ,
Tlic confessed killer was AlbrH
Josi-j>h VftUlancouta. age IB, of
Norh Bllloi'cla. Mass. Valllan-|
court had been arrested In Jack-i
sonvlllc. Fla., on Friday following!
a minor trnlllc acoldcnl. omccrs
there become suaplcious of auto
thrfl nftcr he w.is unable to ex*
plaUi his possession of Mr. Grant's
ccr ami papers.
During ilie. eNomlmiilon by
Jiiclnonvillr, onieers. 'iilU! 23011).
Vatllancourl blurted out:
"I kliird u guy up In Nor-h
Carolma and took his ear."
Valllancourt went on to say (hart
Orant had picked him up "jual
outside of Greensboro." That he
hiid u?rd OruU's mnc lo licai
tbr elderly man over U)u head
laud thiti bo dutupi)d Utv My smx
I a eomfleld about 20 miles south
'of OEreensboro after pouring whis.
key 'Into Grant's mou h and then
pouring It over his clothing. He
said he also hit Gi-ant with the
whisky bottle.
Early Saturday afternoon the
search got underway for Mr.
Grant's body. Officers called Jack*
bonViUe, Fla. and Valllancourt
was brought to the telephone and
gave a more detailed description
of the area Ip which he "dumped
the body."
Assisting In the search wero
Oande County Rescue Squadron
and the Davidson County Rcsouc
Body Found
' Taking the route that Valllan*
'court had indicated tiiey had fol*
lowed, the group left the inter
s ate highway fai Davidson Coun
ty and tttvned onto old Highway
39. then tmned off onto Turner
Road which they followed for
about a mile, ithen turned off onto
a fainii road. About thretnlenths
of a mile up Uils farm road they
found a beaten*up area on the
edge of a cornfield.
Clay Tu'torow and Buck Keller
of tho Davio County Rescue
Squadrop and C. Boyco Sink, a
17. 8. deputy Commissioner of
Welcome, found a pair of glasses
at iJhe edge of a cornfield. Also In
this area they found a broken
false tcctti Plato and a bloody
(CQntipued oii..Baffp .5). ..
Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 4,1960 - Page 5
I Merc Abniit
I Clarence Grant
hnndkorcltlef. About 30 feet owny
they found n broken hearing nid
nnd tmiit of a Alvat/tered WQlking
cane. BUS of this cnne were found
scft'tevcd oroimri in bhis eornnelri.
"rtte bntirrwl nnd bndlv blmlp-
pnupjl boily was. found in soinc
lUndi-rbitHh neioAs the fnim vond
I frcm the cornfield nt f:OiJ h-hi.
Sa-turdny. Nonrby was n bnlterrd
I bucket, stntned with blond.
All idonttficatlon had been to*
I moved from tflic body except some
Inltlnls—oacJ-Jon the dhirb.
'fhcrlff Ben Doylos made lh<-
!dciU>lficntlt>n from the Iciis O'.vd
rente ^)eclfll shoes he knew Mr.
Oront to be wcarlns.
Or. Jnmofl Welbom, nctmn D.t-
vldson Counly Coroner, snld th.nt
o'n'mlnnllon showed Mr. Oinn:
died of hcod Injuries nnd n skull |
fi'ncture .Ihflloted by n blunt m
Where Plckt^d IJp^
Sheriff Ben Boyics bahcve.s thnl
perhflps VnUlnncoui't mny hnve
been mistaken when he says that
Mr. Ornnt picked him up out of
Grc€n»boiq. and irmy have picked
him up oitt of Salisbury In.slcnd.
.The pint whisky bottle used as a
weapcn on Mr. Oiaitt. wa.s |)':r.
I chased Thursday nfUu uocr at an
East Spencer ABC Slum.
Some omcers also theorised (h.nt
Mr. Ornnt mny not have picked
up Valllnncourt. but that he may'
havo fomcd his way Into the car
with Mr. Oiunt when he stopped
at an Intersection.
Vnlllnncourl has waived extra-
ditlon nnd will be returned to
Dnvildson County this week whetc
he will face trial for first dcsvtc
Mr. Grant was born April 20.
1897, In Dnvfe County to Souchn
and Elizabeth Allen Qrant.
His wife, the former Miss Lois
Tiller, died Jan. 24, 19S8.
Suavtlving arc two duuehtcrs:
Mia, John Ornluun Wlllinrd of
Winston • Salom nnd Mrs. R. O.
McOimsey of Richmond, Va.; a
brother. Allen Or.ir.t, of Southern
Pines: and Iavo grandchildren.
Funeral services werr- conductea
Mcndny niornlnz at tlm First
Mc'lhodlet Church. The Rev. C.
B. Newton ofnclaie-J. Bnvl.nl w.os
In Rose Cemetery.
Pallbenrcna were LnHlle Daniel.
Arinnnd Daniel. Fletcher Click.
Orady Ward, Jim Bowies, nnd Dr.
E. A. Eckcrd.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 11,1960 - Page 1
Man And Son Arc
Killed In Accident
WJlllam Qlcii BlQCkwcldcr. 42.
and one year old adoj>tx;d son of
SUUtvVinc were killed in nn
aulomolillc accident. Sunday af*
ternoon on Hiirlnvnty 31 near
Moorctfii'illc. Mrs. Dl:ickwclder is
in crltlciil condliion with Injm-ies
bulfercd in the accident.
Mr. DIuckwelder is a brother
of CheMcr A. Slaekweldi'i* and
Mr.><. Flake Sowers of MocksvJlle.
Piiucnal ^rvlccs were held
Tuaday afternoon at the Buulc*
viu'd hfethodist Olmrch in Buiu-s.
vllle. Burial was in the IrrdcU
Memorial Park.
Bio - Obituaries — 8/11/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 18,1960 - Page 2
Mn. t. O. Woodruff. Sfi
Tunera) Bervtces for Mrs. Mar*
garet Thoiupson Woodruff. 66.
wife of Dr. Fred Q. Woodrufif of
High Foin'. were held Satm'day
afternoon at Ihe Seohrest Fun
eral Homo Chapel. Dr. C, C. Her-
benl. Jr. and rhe Rev. C. W.
Buckey ofllclated. Burial was in
ifigh Point Cemetery.
Mrs. Woodruff died Thursday
allernoon ot the High Point Me^
morial Hospital where she had
been a patient since May 2. She
had been criucaliy ill three days.
Mrs. Wjoodruff was horn Feb.
20, 1004. in Davle County to
Charles L. and Bertie Furches
Mrs. Woodruff had lived In High
Point since 1925 movln;; there
Irom Mocksvllle.
t£hi< tviis a graduate nurse of
Philadelphia Oenernt Hoopltril In
Pennsylvania and for a number
of years was a nurse here.
Mi-s. Woodruff was a member
ol Wesley Meittorlal Methodist
On Oct. 13, 1938. she married
Dr. WoodiufT alto survives.
Also suiylvliig are a step,
daughter Mi-s. Fred Ouin Stechir
01 Hawaii; two stepgrandsons:)
five ab'cis. Mia. William R. Hea<-
ler of High Point, Mr. Ralph
Railedge of Advance, Miss Sue
Thompson and Mrs Rufus Rat-
clifle. both of Wayneeville. and
Mrs. Benson Jones of Columbus
Gh.: and a brother Charles L.
Tliompson, of Buford. Ga.
DAViE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 18, 1960 - Page 4
Boono Hudson, 52 I
Funeral services for Baxter
liCc Hudson. 52, better known in
this comnvunlty as "Boonc" were
held Monday afternoon at the Mi.
Zion Holiness Church, Hie Rev.
F. D. Johnson Jr. and the Rov.
G. W. CnmiTbell ofndated.
Boonc died lost Friday at his
home unexipectGdly.
Survivors Include his wife the
former 6usio Campbell: one son,
Troy Baxter Hudson: five sisters
Mrs. Alice Cannatfy of Mocksvllle:
Mrs. Emma lUyons of Lexington:
Stella Howelt of Philadelphia
a^-.Mrs. Sehna Hudson of
y. Two brothers:
Thomas and Wilson Hudson of
Davie County.
Boone's ability with a yard and
shrubbei? made hhn much souglit
aftei- lor such work In this area.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/18/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 25,1960 - Page 1
James Allen Gaither
Found Shot To Death
'James Alien Oalther, 24, of RL
1 Harmony. Sheflleld community,
was •found shot' to death early
Monday In his convertible In
Tanelcrwood Park.
Porsyth County Sheriff Ernie
Slrote said the man took his life
with a sho'ffun. He rcRU)ved a
shoo and sock from his rlEht foot
to pull the trigger the sheriff
The sheriff said no Inquest
would be necessu/y.
A park employe found the body
In the car about 9 B.m. No note
was found. Oalther apparently
died Instan'ly.
Mr. Oalther had served Iax'o
)'ears in tho Army< He wps em
ployed by Hancs Hosleiy Mills In
Surviving arc his parents. Allen
and Kale Hnlli Oalther: a bro.hcr
CaJvln Oalther.of Harmot\y, Rt.' 1;
a. slater, Mrs. Leroy Dyson of
Mocksvillc. Rt. 1: and Ills grand
mother Mrs. Tom Oalther of
MocksviUe. Rt. 1.
Tlic funcnd will be conducted
at 11 a an. Thursday at New Union
Methodist Church by the Rov. C.
M. Dodson. Burial will he In the
cburclj cemetery.
The body will beat Rcavls Fu
neral Home In Harmony tmtll
taken to the church.
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 25, 1960 - Page 2
Mrs. T. W. Carter
Funeral services for Mrs. Ada
CranflU Carter. 87. wife of T.
Walter Carter of Sanfoi'd Ave..
were conducted on Filday, Aug. 16,
at 2 p.m. ot First BiVptlat Church
by the Rev. J. P. Davis. Burltal
was in ROse Cemstcry.
M.'S. Car'er died Wednesday at
Lynn Haven Nursing Home foh'
lowing an Illness cf severlil'
Nephews were pallbearers for
the service.
Mrs, Albert Howard. 89
Funeral services for Mrs. Hcltic
Mbq KouTtrd. M; wife of Albei-t
Howard were held Sunday after,
nocn nt the Bethlehem Metho
dist Ohiu-oh. Tire Rev. Dwight
Maahburn (vnd<thc Rev. J. W. Ve«>
Inl oftlclnted. • Burial was in the
cUmch cvinulery.
Mrs. Howard was born April
20. 1601. In Davic County to T
W. and Barbara Allen Sofley.
Suvvivhvg ki-c her husband; two
sons. Thomas Howard of the U.8.
Air Force In France and Glenn
Howard of Mocksvtilc; two daugh-
lers, Mrs. BUI Pllcher and Mrs.
Holt Hovvclt, boti) of Adv.>ncc. Rt.
1: five listers. Miss JuUa Sotl^
and Miss Juanita Sofley. both^|
Advance. Rt. 1. Mrs. Clyde
Ion of Mocksvtllo, Route 4, Mrs.
Glenn Smith of Advance Rt. 1:
three brothers. Harlejr Sofhey of
MoeksvlUo. WlUle Sofley ot Wh>.
slon • Salem and AUcn Sofley
nikin: scvch grandchlldrch: on
n Rrcat-grahdehlld.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/25/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 1, 1960 - Page 2
Atonto M. Mabe, SO.
Alon?a M. Maba. SO. of Mocks-
vllle, Rt. 6. died At d^4S asn.
Tussday at the Davis HospUsU In
Statosvllle where he hnd been a
pntient three weeks.
Ml-. Mnbo v^'os bom Mer^ 7,
ifiOO. In Coun^t to J. B.
and QmniR Harris Mabe.
Surviving are his wife. Mrs.
Ruth Joyce Mabc: two daughters.
Mrs. P. W. Winters of Augusta,^
Oa., and Mis. Bobby Jones of|
Moekavilic, Rt. 5: two sons, Isaeoj
Mabe of the home and Albert
Mabc of Indianapolis. Ind.: five'
brothers, Fred. Joe. and Prank
Miabc, all of Mount AU7, Johnny
Mabe of Oallfornla. and Paul
Mabe of South Carolina; the atep-
mother: three sisters, Mrs. Ar*
thur Rcncgar of Yadklnvlilc,
Mrs. J. L. Smith of Long Island.
Maitln of Mt. Airy; and his fa*
ihcr, J. B. Mabe. of Mt. Airy.
Ftmere) services will be held
at the Bear Creek Baptist Church
at 2:30 p.m.. Thursday. Thej
pnlsor, the Rev. W. C. Berkley,
will officiate, osslstod by the Rev.
J. A. Bracken. Burial wHl fol
low in the church cemetery. The
body 'Will remain at the home
until 30 minutes before the ser
W. M. Crotls, 87
Funcrai sci-vlccs for William M.
CroLlA, 87. of North Main Street,
MocksvlDe. were held Wednesday
afternoon at the First Baptist
Church. The Rev. J. P. Davis
oltfclated. Burlol was in Rose
Mr. Crotts died at 0:30 p.m.
Monday at tiie Dnvie County Hos
pital after a week-'icng illness.
Mr. Ci'otts was bom July 10,
1873. in Davidson County to J. W.
and Sophia Temples Crotts. but
had lived in Mo'cksvllle 60 years.
A retired merchant and mlMer.
he was a member of First Bap
tist Church here.
! Mr. Crotls was first married to
Miss Betty Angell. who died In
; 1011. He later maia-icd Miss Betty
, Caudeli, who survives.
Surviving the first marriage
arc «u'o sons, Henry L. Crotts of
Winston - SoJem and Rcbent L.
Crotts of Arlington, Va.
Also surviving are a brother,
James K. Crotts of Winston'Sa-
1cm; six graiidchlldren and tour
Bio - Obituaries - 9/1/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 8,1960 ~ Page 4
Rev. Wallace H. Conrad, 27
Timeri) eervicee for the Rev.
Wallace Hedrlck Conrad, 87, rec
tor of the Church of the Qood
Shci^erd of Cooleemeo and the
Church of the Ascenalon at Fork,
were held eaturday morning.
Sept. 3 ,at St. Andrew's In
The Rev. Mr. Conrad died
Thursday night, 6cpt.'l, at the
Baptist 'Hospital In Wlnston-
Salem where he had been a pa
tient for two weeks.
A Holy Communion service
was hdd at 10 asn. and the bur
ial ofllce at 11 asn. Bishop Rich
ard Baker was in charge of the
sciwiee. assisted by the Rov.
Thomas Fraeer, Jr., uild the Rev.
Carl P. Honnan.
the ficn ot Kva. Arnold
H. Conrad and the late Mr. Con.
rad of Greensboro. He was a
graduate of Cunic High Schlol,
the University of North Caro
lina, the Bciicley Dlvlnily School,
New Haven, Conn.
His mother is the only survivor.
He was ordained a deacon In'
June. 1658, and assigned to the
Davle County Chui-ches. He was
ordained priest In Jon., 1656,
Mrs. Stella Jaekson, 72
The funeral for Mrs. Btclla
Pctrce Jackson, 73. of Roycrsford,
Pa., was conducted at 3 p.m.. on
Monday, Sept. 6. at Voglor's
Chapel In Winston • Salcm by the
Rev. Clyde Collins and the Rev.
Dwight Cartner.
Burial waa at Porsyth Memorial
Pallbearers were Bemie Jack
son. Ted Jackson, Jimmy Jack
son, Jimmy Boles, Oornio Boles,
Gary Long, Rtohard Nance, Jr..
and Larry Name.
Mrs. Jaekson was the motht
Mis. Hubert Boles of Route'
Site died Friday at a Roycrsford
Bio - Obituaries - 9/8/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 8,1960
John A. Snioot
.\U>(.'J«V'JJ,r.h' Jo]»rt Al-
i-.vciiiiliM- Sinoi>l. 'HI. OS a1<k;I««
vIIId, (liocl W«il. In M<X'J{s>
viij:- iruifl uiki' yntTtrlntj
fiiiiil honi-t nlliK'If.
Mr. Smnal .Viis born 0:'l.
13. Jbl.'f. ill l>;ivi,. C<ni:ii.v
In Clwrlit* iuid f.bzli!
lVi.'ilor« Simiol. ,
.■Vt 'j'.l ik li.Mi ..V :
ft iKl <iji<,T:>1or of i<i« ."5!ioi!
5?<'ivii-<! in Mix'U^vini' for n
;iiii»iln'r ti: .vuiiis. Ik-b-"
l-.iii} oin|i'i*yccl .'ii :i I';'."-
Iir'-iii- ii<t..|tir:in1.
\ ni;; iii'C Ills v-.:fir, ll.r
Minii.e K<ic>iitz; tv.>
.lini-;!'.!.*;-:, Mr.s. .Miiisli.ill
i'.Mjii.fiii of .Vlhr.itovKM;"'. iV.
;••! . mill l'.tl.'l.:iVi .Anil
;-nt:!ot hi" 'MK-oiviIlt ; liis Hi-
lilt r .•mil sif |iii»l3i-'i. Mr. mr !
Ml--.. Ch<nlU' C. i5:noi>l of
HI. l; a broU'.rr.
.'.iiii^ SiniMl <if .Mii.-UsiiiJr.
.Mii a .sisk-r. .Mr.<. .M. C.
I viiiiiniiii t)l .viiioksvillo.
'llir f«in*rii| v.iis- coihUhti-
i-il at 3 J*.M, Thuisdiiy at
Kir.sl MeUKitlisf CluircJi by
ilio HC'V. C. U. Nt'Wiosi Mii.l
tim ]li'\'. 15. M. .Avrll. l3iU'i;"i)
was ill Salnii L.onivt'-i'y
Piilllieairiii '.voi'- .fobn \Va-
(i-rn, C*. tVujxI. .M. r I.biy-
Wait, Jtiliii W. fiiiioni and
VN'iSliiiin Snirol.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/8/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
6.-3p aji^^ ji
'ffite Suard at the
A^»lw aw five daogk-
^?h8t.^B,rl® S/-!-
33?:•- fc
Bio — Obituaries - 9/12/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 15,1960 - Page 2
0. C. Orimi). Tfi
FunernI 8crvicct> I'or Ovover
Clevclftnd Oiifdn, 75. of Moetu-
vifle, Rt. 3. were 'held -Sundoy
tornoon at Eml.h Qrove Metho»
odet Church. The Rev. DwHfflU
Mflflhburn And tho Rev. A. C.
Cheshire omointed. 'Burlnl wns
In the church cemetery.
Mr. ai'lfHn died Saturday mom-
IhB at his home In the Smith
Qrove community. He had been
In decllnins health for several
He WAS born Nov. !fi, ld84, In
Koi-.<iyi1) County to Julius and
Mary Lewis Oiifnn.
Ho wos married twice. His first
wlfo as the former Mary Plt«
cock. His second marriage In
1B31, as to Bdna Cushwa who
Sur^vlng ore three sons. Elmer
J. OiilTIn of Spencer, Ind., Cllf-
foj-d W. Onffln of South America
and David Orlfltn of the home:
two daughters. Mm. Oordon How
ard of MOcksvlUo. Ht. 3, and
Joyce Ann QrlfTIn of the home:
two grandchildren, two half sis
ters. Mrs. G. C. Eller Of Clem-
inons and Mrs. H. W. Beck of
WinstonwSalem: 6 half brothers.
Bryon, -Eleon, Leanler Mtd Lonnle
Teague ell of Winston-Salem, and
Barlow Teague of Salisbury.
Ernest II. Frost, 81
Funeral services for Ernest
Henry Frost, 81, will be held
Thursday morning at 11 a.m. at
the Union Chapel Methodist
jOhuroh. The -Rev. Dewcy IJames,
I the Rev. C. M. Dodssn, and the
I Rev. C. B. -Newton will officiate.
Burial M'lll be in the church cem
M.'. Frost died at his home
near Mocksville at 6:30 ami., Sun
'Mr. Frost was a retired sales
man. was night guard at tho
slate prison c»mp in Davle Coun
ty several years.
He was born Oct. 31. 187B, to
James D. and Delia SUkeleather
Prost. He was married to Annie
Holton. who survives.
Also surviving oro five dough-
tors Mrs. C. L. Bunch of Brev-
nrd. Mrs. A. P. Dalgic of Arling
ton, Va., Mrs. W. I. Klncald of
Bessemer City. Mrs. Oene Wil
son of Pompano Beabh. Fia., and
Mrs. W. A. Ellis, Jr. of Mocks
ville; two brothers, -Dr. J. S
Pi'osl of Burlington and F. H.
Frost of Wlnston.<Salem: 21 grand
children and a great-grandchild,
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 15,1960 - Page 4
Mrs. Alia Armstrong .
(Mrs. Alia R. Armstrong, daugh
ter of tho late Edward end Eliza
Campbell, died Sept. 2, 1660. Age
70 Yrs. She was a resident of
Yadkln county and is survived In
this city by a brother, the Rev.
Q. W. Campbell.
Funeral services for Mrs. Arm
strong were held Sept. S, 2 pan.
at aailcs Ohapel Baptist church,
Boonvllle, N. C. Rev J. C. Ora-
am oHlclated.
LIsh Smoot, 69
Bphrlam "LIsh" Smoot, a life
long resident of Davle County,
died Sept. 3, 1960. Age 69 Yrs. He
was tho son of tho late Robert
ond Alice Smoot.
•Ml-. Smoot was an active.mem
ber of the Second Presbyterian
Church, having received his cdu*
cation In the Mocksville public
Survivors arc, tlie wife. Mrs.
Daisy Smoot; one daughter. Mrs.
Mildred Brooks: two sons, Will
iam and Dennis Smoot. Two sis-
ters: three brothers, and several
other relatives.
Funeral scvlccs were held Sept.
S. i p.m. at tho Second Presby
terian Church, wl'.h Rev. F. D.
Johnson ofnciatliig. Moscnlc rites
followed at tho graveside.
Morrison - Studevonb Funeral
Hcme was In chaige of ell services
and an-angemcnts.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/15/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 15,1960
- Kimul
Itonry l-'twi, fi U at Gs-
7lO ii.tn. Sunilay at W» Imnuj
livro tifitr n wct'fc's'Hfnc^
Mr, l-'rast v.ufi (S rtsllfed
;cul4<.s»KiJ). lie waK nlJlht Raard
Hi Ihc slalt? prisofi ""nf In
l):ivio CoTirily several ywr^
ilo waH Uifii Oci, 31, 1B78,
to Jumcf III acid Delia Sllck-
Ivatlivr Krosl. He was mar-
rleil Iw AflHle ItoWer, wIk»
Alsu slJrvlVin; are fiVC
(InuRhleiii. Mrs. H, U Hunch
of liievard, Mrs. A. I*. Uoi-
kJij of Arlinataci, Vn,. Mr*.
\V. r. Kiiicailc til Ucsscnv-'r
trily, Mrs Gone Wilson oI
f't.'.iHinav lltMi'li. KV'fii'o ai-.'l
Miw. W. A. HIlis/JG 1.1 Modv.i
vilic: two bixitlicrs. Or. J. S.
Knisl <if IliirlUn:lii» and K.
H. Kixi.ii, iif WitL^lon-SaJein;
21 iiiiHidrliil'Jreji; iitld a f;ri:.-il-
'J'lir fijiicivil WiiK ciiri<fia:lviJ
al II A.M. ThiitH'l.iy at Uniun
ChaiAcI .Mulho.lixl GInlrrli by
till- Hev. Drwey IjaiiivK. lhi>
llOV. C. M. lAid'uai anil lla.'
Uov. C. 11. Ne\vu>n. Ilurli.i1
vvu.s In I 111- clw.ii'ch tecnutecy.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/15/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 22,1960 - Page 2
Ifcnry Faiterson, 112
Henry Patterson .n mUvo of
Iredcll County, and a rc$!dent of
DavIc Ccunly for ttie past 62
years, died recently nt the Dftvle
County Hospital.
Funeral services for Mr. Pat
terson were held Sept. t6, at 2 p.
m nt the Chinquapin Baptist
Church with the Rev. H. B. Wat
son ofHclatlrrg.
Survivors arc four daughters.
Mi-3. Oertle Olenn. Mrs. Moa-tha
Jordan of Winston - Solera, Mi-s.
Ira Faote end Mrs. Thclma Cain
of MoClijvllle: four sons. Rev. T.
P. Patterson and Frank Patterson
of Detroit. Midi.; two step daugh
ters, Mrs. Josle Cain of Mocksvllle
and Mrs. Maltlc E. Clark ot Win-
nton-Salem: two stop sons, Mr.
Boraan and Raymond E-iton of
Wln.ston Snlem.
Rev. Lewis Moore. 80
Rev. Lewis Moore. 00, died Sept.
10 at his home on Rt. 2, Mocks
vllle. He wns a lifelong resident
of D.ivio County and a retired
inlnlstir of the Malnvllle A.M.E.
Zloii Church.
Funeral service wns held SeiH.
in at 3 p.m. at the Malnvllle A.
M.E. Zlon Church. Rev. George
Stinsan and Eld. I. W. IJaraes
Survivors are the wife, Mrs.
Ljz2lc Moore Of the home: onn
daughter. Mrs. Willie Barker: one
son. Ruftus Moore of the home:
one daughter in law and one son
In law.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 22, 1960 - Page 5
Rev. R. H. Weaver
'Funeral services for the Rev.
IL H. -JVcaver, a retired Baptist
minister, who died early Sunday
naming, Sept. Id, wei-c conducted
at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Brush Crock
Baptist Church by the Rev. J. P.
Dftvls and the Rev. J. Fletcher
Lambert. .Burial was In <thc
church cemetery.
He died In DO/vIc County Hos
pital after four years of falling
He was bom In. Cleveland
County and graduated frcm Wake
Forest Ccllcge. Before retiring,
he held many p.istorates In Hort-h
Carolina -and was pastor of
BrUsh Creek Bofptlst Church In
C^^ham County for 17 ycoi's.f^was a 'member O'f the First
i^llst Church of Macksvllle.
.Burvivlnir are' his wife, Mrs.
Inez Naylor Weaver of M-ocks-
vfllC: Jtwo daughters, Mrs. P. G.
PSaros nof Milwaukee, Wds., and
Mi's. p. A. Margftbonna of JacH-
sonvlUe, Flft.: four sonrf. Cecil
Weaver of Slier CRy, Herbert
Weaver of Richmond, Va.,
Charles "Weaver of - OreenSboro.
and George Weaver of Stales-
vllle: two sisters. Mrs. Aba Put
nam and Mfss Delia Weaver of
Shelby; and 13 grandchildren.
Bio — Obituaries - 9/22/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 29,1960 - Page 4
Mrs. D. C. Howard. 76
Funeral services Toi- Mrs. Cora
Howard. 76. of Sallsbui? Street,
widow cf D. C. Howard, who died
Sunday at Davle County Hospital,
were held Wednesday aflcmoon
at 3 p.m. at Liberty Methodist
Church wl'h the Rev. R. O. Me-
Claanrock. the Rev. J. P. Davis,
and the Rev. Fletcher Howard
ofUclatlns. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
She had been in dccIlnlnB
health for two years and seriously
111 for four days.
Mrs. Howa>*d was bom In Davlo
County March 30.1864. to Joe and
Sallle Harris Rouse. She was mar*
ried to Mr. Howard In 1600. He
died In 1637.
Surviving are flvo daughters.
Mrs. Bob Holthouser of Norfolk.
Va., Mrs. Charles FVank of BaltU
more. Md.. Mrs. Thli^a List of the
home, Mrs. Richard McCom of
Flemlnglon, N. J.. and Miss Au*
drey Howard of MinniJ. Fla.; six
sons. Jack C. Howard of NashvlUc,
Tcftn.. Clinard Howard of Mdaks^
vlUe, Z. Glenn Howai-d of Balti
more, Md., Carroll Howard of
Skantcatelcs. N. Y., Marshall How*
ad of West Palm Beach. Fla.,
and Ollmer Howard of Balllmore,
Md.: 22 graiidchlldren: seven
great-grandchlldi-en: two brothers.
A. K. Rouse of Rlchfleld and P.
J. Rouse of Kannapolis.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/29/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 6,1960 - Page 5
^ Southern InrniU
Oi-ftvCfiltle RCrviccB for Karen
Lynn Sonthern. infant dauRhtcr
of Pvt. and Mi-s. Mnnthnll SoiUii-
ern of the U. 8. Army, Atationcd
nt Aibuqtiei'Qne. New Mexico, were
held on Monday mornlnu. Oct. .t,
nl II o'clocit nl Snicm MethodMl
Church Cemetery in Davic Coun
ty wltli the ttev. C, B, Newton
TItc atllNborn Infnni wa.<) bom
nt the Army Hospital in New Mex
ico on SR<lurday, Oct. 1.
Cinrenoe Leo Creaaon, Jr., 32
• Funeral aeiwices for Clarence
Lee Creason, Jr., 32, of Cooleeince,
who died Sunday ■afternoon nt the
Baptist Hospital in Wlnaton-Sai-
em, were held Tuesday afternoon
at 3 p.m. at the Cooleemce Pres
byterian Church with the Rev. a.
W. Foster, the Rev. Kenneth
Pollock and the <Rev. Clyde Settle
In charge. Burial was in the
Coolcemce Legion Park.
MH-. Creason had been in declin
ing heM>h for several months.
He was born In Davle County
Feb. 17. 1028, the son of ClaVenoe
Lee and Katlo Lou Lanlcr Crea
son. He was a member of the
Coolccmec Presbyterian Church
_flnd attended the Carolina Baiter
flfehool and worked as a barber
Cooleemcc and Salisbury,
He Is survived by his widow,
Mftiw Marjorie Osbomc, who he
married Oct. 10. 1062; his moth-
ci', 'Mrs. C. L. Ci-eason of Cool-
eemee; two daughters, Vickie Lou
and Kathy Dcnlco and one son.
Timothy Ray. all of the home;
one brother, Robert Lee, of Cool*
eemee; one slater, Mrs. Tommic
Shore of Coolecmce.
M. Grecnfaerry Vork. 88
Funeral services for M. OrceA*
bcn-y York, 88. of YadklnvlUo,
iRt. 1. were held Sunday aliernooii
at the Union Orovc Baptist
Churoh. llie Rev. Jack OetttrV,
the Rev. Frank Bailey and the
Rev. Zeno Qroce olAolatedi Bur;
lal wae in the church ccmetei-y. •'
Mr. York died Thui-sday a# the
Luta Conrad Hoots Memorial Hos
pital, Ho had been In declining
health for Ihreo years.
He was born Oct. 16, 1871, In
Yadkin County to Mrs. Bat York.
He was a member of Kebo
Fi'iend.1 Church,
He was man-led Nov. 26, 1688,
to Miss Llllie O. Caudle who died
April 8. 1847. Ho was a retired
Surviving aro six sons. William
T. Yoi-k of BoonvlUc. Rt. I. Lew
is Vork and Henry J. York, both
of iMocksvllIe, Rb. 6, < Luther C.
York of Yadklnvllle. Rl. 2. AlVls
M. York of Clemmona ahd 'Pi-avla
T. Yoi-k of Advanee, Rl-. 8; six
daughters, Mrs. Tom Caudle and
Mi«. Alfred iMIlBrlde, bc)h oi^
Winston • Salcm, Mrs. Amelia
York of Yadklnvme. <Rt. 2. Mrs.
A'lllc Adams of Boonvllle. Rt. 1,
Mrs. -Melvln Potts of High Poin)
and MIrs. Calvin C. CHne of Yad
klnvllle. Rt. 1; 34 grandchildren;
and seven great gi-andchlldren.
fttn. A. A. Fewer, 70
Punemi services for Mrs. A. A.
Fowler. 78. of Spartnnburg, S. C.,mqlher of Pi-ank D. Fowler of
MocksvilUc. wore held Thursday,
Bepit. 28. at -Floyd's Sanotuary In
Spai^anburg at 4 pm.
Mrs. Fowler died on Wednesday
morning. Sept. 28. at i0;10 ot
Black M-emorlal Hospital whero
she had been a patient for ap-
proxlntfitcly two wecka followliTg
R fall and the sustniAing of a
broken hip.
Otlrer survivors in addition to
Mr, Fowler Include the husband,
A, A. Pcwler of the Home th
Bpavtnnburg: three other sons, A1•iPoav^'i- of Woahlhgton, 6. C„
Clyde Powlei- of Cincinnati, thd
James Fowler of spartanburg:
and I douffhter, Mrs. KMC IxvA* of
Hlaleah, Flo.
Bio - Obituaries -10/6/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 13,1960 ~ Page 4
Harmony Girl
Struck By Auto
Dies At Hospital
An 11 year old Harmony girl
died Sunday of injuries sustain,
ed ^turday when she was struck
by a car near her hom« at Hai'.
Judy Rose Potts, daughter of
Junic and tris Dyson Potts, died
at. 12:10 p.m.. Sunday at a States,
villc hospital.
was struck at 11:40 a.m.,
Saturday on U. S. Highway 21 Just
noiHh of the Harmony city limits
when sliG and two companions
darted ocioss the street In front
of a car. 1-hc. State Highway Pa
trol ropoiled.
The name of the driver of the
car was unavailable. Ncltiher of
the girl's companions were Injur.
d. No cliarges were prefcnad.
Judy Rose was Ut the sixth
grado at Hdmiony School.
Surviving arc the parents: two
sisters. Nancy Dian and Deborah
Potts of Uic home: a brother. Eu
gene Franklin PoUs of the homo:
and the grandparents, Mr* and
Mrs. Chu'lie Potts of Mocksville.
Rt. 4. and Mr. and Mi's, Marvin
Dyson of Mbcksville, Rt. 1.
The fUnct-al was conducted at
2 p.m. Tuesday at Bear Ci'eck
Baptist CSiurch by Uie Rev. W. C.
Bai4ciey.. tiie Rev. Caldwell Hen
derson and the Rev. Ervin Wal
lace. Buiial was in the churoh
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 13,1960 - Page 5
Oscar T. Boger, 11
Puncrnl services for Oscar T.
ncgrr. 71, who died Sunday at
;Dnvlc C.'.unty Hosplt.il. wci-e can*
i ducted Tucrday mcrnliiR at 11
o'clock at UtHon Ohapet Melho.
disi Church by the Rev. Cameron'
Oodson and Uie Rev. J. A, Brndk* i
rn. Burial was In lite churoli cem-
clcry. Members of his Sunday
Mchool class were pallbearers.
Mr. Dsgcr died at ft a.m. Sun
day at .he local hospital after a
serious Illness of three dn)^. Ho
llmd been In declining health two
He was bom In Davic County.
Feb. 23, 1860, to Thomas H, and
Mollle Bowles Bogcr. He was
married to Miss Maggie Allen In
April. 1014. He was a retired far*
mer. |
Surviving are the widow; two]
daughters. Mrs. Qarnet Shore of|
Mocksville and Miss Ruhy Bsger
of the home; one son, Cralg ^ger]
of Mocksville Rt. 2: and one
grandchild. I
Bio - Obituaries ~ 10/13/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 20,1960 - Page 4
Mrs. H. E. Mall
Mrs. Augtis'a Mail. 86, widow
of Horace E. Mail, died at 10 a.
m. Tuesday In a Davidson County
nursing home. She had been there
six months.
Shew as bom ^uly 24, 1874, In
South Carolina to Samuel and
Alice CUne l^r, and was a (or.
mer resident of Oooleemee.
She was a member of Coolee-
mee First Methodiai Church,.
In I'SOO, shew as mariied to
Mr. Mail, uOio dle^ in 1026.
surviving ai'c three 8ons. H. A.
F. A. and J, S. Mail, all of Cool'
eemee: five daughters. Mrs. Nora
Riddle, Mrs. Bller Foster, and
Mrs. Bessie Shoaf. all of Coolee>
mee, Mm. AUle Vlok 'of Mocks-
ville, and Mrs. Flora Fox of Sails*
bmv; 26 gi^ndohlldren, 40 great
grandchildren and six great*
I^e funeal will be conducted
at 11 B.m. Thursday at Oooleemee
First Methodist Church by the
Rev Harold Austin and the Rev.
Joe Milton. Burtal will be in Cool*
eemee Legion Memorial Park,
Grandsons udll be nalibcarers.
Mrs. Harry MonsOes
Mrs. Nellie Caroline MOnscos,
34. wife of Harry Monsees, of
MOcksvUlc, died at 7:16 am.
Tuesday at Baptist Hospltai at
Winston - Saicm. She had ijccn
seriously 111 for one day. '
She was bom Marah 1. 1026. in
Shelby to Charles L, and Dcsalc
Dayberry Runyans.
She was married to Mr. Mon*
sees In 1B60.
She was a graduate of Western
Carolina Teaohcr'a College.
(MI'S. Monsees was a member of
the Mocksvllle First Baptist
Church. She had taught school
at Oooleemee for seven years.
Surviving in addition to her
husband arc a son, Hal Monsees
of tlie home: her mother: three
sisters, Mrs. Charles A. Shaw of
California. Mrs. Dean Champion
of Shelby and Mrs. Jewel Runyans
of Shelby: and tn*o brothers, Har
old and Robert Runyans, both of
The funeral aiil be conducted
at 4 p.m. Thursday at MiocksvlUe
First Baptist Church by the Rev
J. P, Davis. Burial will be in Rose
The body will be placed in the
chui'ch 30 minutes before die
Pallbearers will be Waller
Cook. Harold carpenter, Sam
Daybci'ry. Wilbur Dayberry. Leo
Cozart and S. w. Brown, Jr.
Dewcy L. Shaw
Dowcy L. Shaw of Hagcrstovm.
Md.i a native of Iredcll County,
died at 10:30 p.m. Wednesday at
a New York Hospital. He had re*
cently suffered a Jieart attack.
M:r. Shaw ran, U Howard John*
son's Restaurant at Hagoretown.
He Pfcvloualy had run tlic Navy
Cafeteria, Washington, O. C.
He was barn in Iredell County
to Hrmw R. and Julia Rencgar
Shaw. He attended Harmony
High Bohool and Rutherford Ool*
Surviving arc the widow, Uie
foimer Margaret Brookley: two
broUicrs. Turner T. Sliaw of Hai'*
many ond Dr. Uoyd R. Shaw, of
8ta)iesvllle: and two slstera. Miss
Duo D, Shanv of Harmony and
Mrs. C. 5. Anderson of Mocksvllle.
Bio - Obituaries -10/20/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 20,1960 - Page 2
Mbis RHza Doulhit. 86
Miss EUas B. Doutihit, 86. of
Charlotte died unexpectedly Sai-
urdny at her home.
'Miss Doulhit u^s born Nov. 2,
1874, in Clemmons to WilUnm Al-
foi'd and Mftiic Faw Dou'4ilt.
She had lived In Choriottc for
the past ten years after havbiB
spent mudh of her life In Clem
mons. 6hc wfto a membor of the
Clemmons Baptist Church.
Suivlvdng ore four sisters, Mrs.
E. H. Morris ond Mrs. Martha
Hartman, both of Mock.svt])e. nnd
Mrs. C. D. Plokcns and Miss blan
Doulhit of Charlotte.
Tlie funeral conducted at
2 p.m. Monday nt the Clemmons
Baptist Ohuirh by the Rev. W. E.
Jones. BinUnl was In Idols Ceme
Nephews served as pallbearers.
Mrs. F. R. LeaBan.s, 54
MVs. Flossie Spry Leagans, 64.
wiidow of Fred R. Leaagms. for
merly of Moclcsvllle. died at 12:10
p.m. Sunday at n Springfield, 111.,
nursing home.
Mrs. Lesg-ins st'oa born Oct. 21.
1005. IH' DavIe County to Luther
and Lula Kcndrix Spry. She lived
In the Miocksvlllc area until 1060
when she moved to Springfield,
Surviving are a daughter. Mrs.
Gladys Powers of Springfield, III^
I five brcthcrs, Vestal and Sherman
Spry, boHh of Mcoksvllle, R'.
P.tul Spry of Moeksvllle, O. L.
^pry;j:^-^lnst3'n-S'alcm. Rt. 2. and
Ray tfpry of Ft. Bragg: two sls-
trrs. M-.'S. Albert Lnnkford and
Mis. Lynn MoDsnlel. both of Coo-
lecmee: and three frandchlldren.
The funeral wMi be conducted
at 2' p.m. Thursday at the Eston
Funeral Hcmc Ohapel by the Rev.
Jim Orcee and the Rev W. H.
Perry. Burial will be In Eaton
Church Cemetery. Brcthdrs will
serve as p-sllbcarers.
I William It. Caudeil. 76
•Willlflm Hanlssn Caudoll, 78. of
Mceksvllle, died at 1 a.m. Thurs
day. Oct. 13. nt Broughton Hos
pital In Burke County. He had
been in doclinlhg health for sevei-
nl mohths and seriously 111 for one
He WAS born Aug. 28. 1882. In
OAVle County to Marlon 8. and
Jane Cope Caiidell. Me was a re
tlied merchnnl and livestock
Surv'lvlng are a son. Jook Cau-
dill of Concord: a dnughtcr. Mrs.
Annie Stckes of Kannapolis: two
grandchildren; and a slater. Mm.
W. M. Crotta of Moeksvllle.
The funeral was conducted at
2-30 p.m. Friday at Fork Bap-
list Church by Ohc Rev, A. M.
KIser and the Rev. J. P. Davis.
Burial was In the church ceme
Mrs. W. 8. Phelpa. 07
The funcr.ll for Mrs. Addle'
Bcauchamip Phclps. 07, of Mocks
Church community. Advance, Rt.
2. wldcw cf W. S. Phelpj, v.*a8
conducted nt 3 p.nv. Tuesday nt
Mnoks Methodist Ohureh by the
Rev. F. L. Andrews and the Rev.
J. B. Fltzgirald. A prayer ser
vice WAS ccnduotcd at 2 prni. at
the home. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Pallbearers were Huston Carter,
Roy Carter. Steven Orrell. Clvar-
lltf Muck, Earl Myers, and Joe
Mrs, Fhch>a was born July 13,
1803, In Davlc Coumy to John and
Florence Smith Btkiuohamp. She
J spent all her life thrre and w.ia n
charter member of Mccks M^Ui-
lOdlst Chiu-ch.
On Aug. 27. 1010. she was mhr-
rlcri to Mr. Plielps. n Farmer, who
died Mny 11. 1068.
Surviving arc fciir dnughtei's.
Mlsa Lucy Phelps of the home.
Mr.<t Susie Anderson of Winston-
Snicm, Rit. 0, and Mrs. Mnxlc
Bnlley and Mrs. Nell Burton, both
of Advance: a son, John C. Pholps
Of the home: five grandchildren;
I a siller. Mi's. Nannie Orrotl of
I Advance, Rt. t; and two brothers,
jzack Bcnuohnmp of Lcwlavlllc
and Ocorge Benuchnmp of Ad
vance. Rt. 1.
Mrs. Phclps died at 1:60 a.m.
Monday at her homo. She had
been in declining hcaU'h two years Und seriously 111 four weeks.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/20/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 27, 1960 - Page 4
Mrs. Daisy Belto Smoot
Funeral services for Mrs. Daisy
Belle emaot. who died on Sunday
mornlne, Oot. 16, at 4 a.m., were
held on Tuesday at 3 p.m. ot'the
Second Presbyterian Ohurcii with
the Rev P. D. Johnson officiating.
Burial was In bhe church ccme*
Mrs. Smoot. the foster daughter
of the late Mrs. Lucy Stede Du-
lin. w«s bom Dec. 33, 1669, in
Davic Counby. At an early age she
Joined the Second Prc^ytcrlan
Church of Mooksvllle where she
was an active and alert member
un U her death. She was a de
voted and loyal member of Uie
Senior Mlsslonaiv Society ond
served as treasurer for both this
Society and Youth Budget.
She received her education in
the Mocksville Public Schools and
Scotia Seminary.
Suri'lvon Include: a daughter.
Mrs. Mlldi-cd S. Brooks; two sons,
William E. add Dennis E. Smoot:
five grandchildren. Miss Margar.
et Smoot, Rondal, Thomas, Wayne
and WilHajn Smoot: three great*
grandchlldi'en, Carol, Dianno and
Ronda Gall: one niece Mrs. Min
nie Black; two daughters-ln-huw,
Mrs. Addie and Oatherlne Smoot:
and one son in Taw. Thomipson J.
Arthur Seoti, Jr., 35
Arthur Scott, Jr., 35, died Oct.
22, as a result of gun shot wounds.
Funeral services were held at the
Maineville AME Zlon Church on
Wednesday. Oot. 20 at 3 p.m. with
the Hev. Hazel Mack, officiating.
Burial was in the chui-ch ceme
He was a lifelong resident of
Davle CouBty and was a sawmUl
worker. He was a veteran of World
War n.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs.
Anna Dlllai'd Scott; his porents,
MV. and Mrs. Arthur Scott, Sr..
of Rt. 2; two sisters, Miss Helen
Scot and Mrs. Shlrloy Stecle; 5
brothers. Robert, John. James.
Clyde and Dwight Scott: and, 7 I aunts and six uncles.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 27, 1960 - Page 2
Mrs. 9am Carthen 80
Funeral 8C>*vlCcs for Mii-s. Snlllc
Ann Cartrter, 66, tvldow of Bam
cantnor, were heM Wednesday
ntornlng at the Bear Creek Bap*
list aiui'ch. Ithfe Rev. W. C
Baildcy and the Rev. John Woo-
ton offlelated. Burial was in the
vhurch cemetery.
Mm. Cai<iner died. Monday
morning et her Itcme on Route
1. Mookaville. She had been In
dcelinlng healvh several yeai-s.
Mrj. Gartner was born in Davic
County A-pi'H 4. 1674 to Nick end
Mary Ann OlYalfin Wilkinson. She
was a member of Bear Creek
Baptist Church. Her husband
died in 19A3.
Surviving arc one daughter.
Mrs. Jchn Beck of Mocksvlllc,
1: two sons, Silfts Cartncr of
ston-SoJem end John A. Cant
of Richmond. Va.; 10 grandchll-
di'cn: eight great grnndchlldron:
and one sIHer. Mrs. Crnwloy
Oaiiher of Mockwrille, Rt. 1.
Bio - Obituaries -10/27/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 3,1960 - Page 1
Han Killed Here Sunday Night
When Car Crashes Into Building
James Warren Deadmon
Dies Monday of Injuries
James Warren Deadmon, 36, of
Noith Main Street, MocksvUle,
died ai 0 B.m. Monday morning at
the Davie County Hospital from
injuries received in an automo,
bile wreck Sunday night,
!M!r. Deadmon was critically ln>
Jured ufiien the -I^hah Xlamto-
was driving crashed Into
uWttde of Daniel Pumlture end
Bleotrie Oonxpany after sidcswlp*
Irrg a oar and hlUlng a parked
truck. The driver was rushed to
the Ds/vle County HoepVtol suf
fering with a broken neck, both
arms broken, right leg broken and
chetit oru^ed. The accident oc
curred around 10:46 p.m. sun.
day sUght,
{Mir. Deadmon was heading in
the diredtton of Modtsvllle on
HIshway 601. Just as he was
crossing ithe oveiiheetd bridge, his
car ve^^ into the left lono alde-
Bwlplng a 1056 Ford, heading
souith, blng operated by John
Wjtyne Qraem I'O, of MookevUle,
.HI, 41 After stdeswiplng the car,
the Deadmon oar Unveiled 603
feet, viserlng off Into a parking
lot beside the Daniel Furniture
and Blectric Company, and hitt
ing a 1966 model truck knocking
it 20 feet Into the bulMlng and
then ran head-one into the side
of W bride hoUdtng, knodcing
but a large hole. -
iSoSh tte Nadi Itambler and
the 10S6 tnidc.were demottshed.
An etfthnatod $400 to $600 damage
wvi'S done to the iS^e Ford. •
Mocacsvllle IPollcemati A. L.
, Rsoera Investigated the acoldcnt.
. Funeral
,jpal eenvices for Mr.' Dead-
were held Wednesday after
noon at the MocBuville Church of
Christ. The Rov.'W, O. Qantt'and
the .Rev, Haiold Simmons ofho-
lated, Riurlal was In the Jericho
Church of Dhrlo^ cemetery.
He was bom June 26. 1022, In
Davle Coun\iy to Elijah and Ma>
mie Everljart Deadmon. He had
been employed by R. J. Reyonlds
Tobacco Co. for olidft years.
Mr. Deadmon served four years
In the Navy and four years In
M:.rlno coupe.
ifn 104S he was married to Miss
Nnnoy Molton. who survives. .
Also survlvinff are his mother:
a dauglftor. Poitirlcla Deadmon:
two sons, Pony and Michael
Deadmon; a slater, Mrs.. Adam
Lagle of Mbcksvlle, Route 3: two
brcHhers, Bon Deadmon of Alaska
ond Baxter Deadmon of Char
Bio - Obituaries —11/3/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 3, I960 - Page 3
IL Ariliur Andernon. 74
FuncitU Jicrvlcca for H. Anihur
Andcaon, 74, of Hfltnony, Rt. a.
wcro held Suaday ivftornoon at
the Rooka Spring Baptist Church.
The Rev. Otoham Woolen, the
Rtv. Nomiau Jos'iicr. the Rev.
Paul Moore- and the Rev. Oald-
well Henderson orHciatcd. Bur
ial WAS In the church cpmoteiy.
Mr. Anderson died Friday at
:hc Dnvls Hospital In Stolosvllle
where he had been a patient for
obout two montlis.
Mr. Anderson was the son of
Charles and Honey Jane Booc
Anderson. He was a retired
former and hod spent moot of his
life in Ircdell County.
fiurvlvlns- oro Iris widow, Mrs.
Maggie Poster Anderson: a son,
L. A. Anderson of Harmony, Rt.
2; four brotihei-s, R. M. Anderson
and Houston Anderson, both of
StotesvlUe. Vli^ll Anderson of
Mo^svlllc, and Ben Anderson of
MocksvUle. Bit 1, and 2 grand
Mrs. H. A. Maybcrry. 61
Funeral services for Mrs. Min
nie MjoDanlel Msybery, 81. wldcnv
of H. A. Wlayberry, were held
Tuesday aifternoon at the Liberty
Methcdiat Church. The Rev. R. O.
McOlamrook and the Rev Charles
Buiuhebte ofllcloted. Burial was
In the church cemeteiv.
Mi's. Maybcrry died oit 6 a.m..
Sunday at tihc homo of a daugh-
tor, Mj-8. Roilph Catl of Mocks,
vllic, Hit. 4, following a serious 111'
ness of one month. She had been
in declining health for one yeor.
Mrs. Maybcrry was born in
Davle County A-pril 4. 1879, to
Alfred aird Sallle Willioms Mc-
Danlol. She wiui mairlcd to Mi*.
Ma)<bcrry In 1917 and ho died In
Suivlv'ng ore two daughters,
Mrs. Ralph Call and Mrs. H. P.
Bowers of MJoclcsvllle. Rt. 4: two
eons. Henry and Baxter Creason
of Coolecmcc; two stopsoTW, R. 8.
Mayberi-y of Cooleemee and P. L.
MaybciTy of Albemorle; four
stcpdoughtei's, Mrs. Tom Hcllard
of MocksvlHc, Rit. 4, Mvs, Carl
McOlamrook of Ohio, Mi'S. Zeola
Davis of MiartinsvHIe. Va.. and
Mrs. Jack Scott of Mt. Holly;
one brother, Albert McDanieU of
Cleveland and one sister. Mrs.
Jimmy Ci'caoon of MocksvUle,
Rt. 4.
B. P. White, 81
Funeral services for Benjamin
P. Wltlte, 81. of Mock&viUe, Rt. 1,
were -held Monday oftemoon at
the IJomeo Cross Roads Baptist
Churcl). The Rev J. H. MoDan-
lel. Rev. Enmo Renegar, and the
Rev. Hoiman Joiner officlAted.
Burial was in the church ccme.
Mr. Whlto died Saturday morn'
Ing in a StatesvUle Hospital.
The son of L. D. White ood
Mary Jano AiningtoQ White, ho
was born in Oavie County on Jon.
20, 1879.
A member of Oho Uosnes Cross
Roads Baptist Church, Mr. White
was twice married. His first mar
riage was to the former Olem-
ttne Boyd who died In 1928. His
second srlarrUgo wm to Mre.
Pearl Hayes who sui'vlvcs.
Mr. White is survived by four
sons, Cai'l B. White. Winston-
Salem, L. L. Wihlte, MocksvUle,
Rt. 2, Roy B. While, Mocksville,
and Paul White of Kannapolts; a
daughter, AB9. W. L. Hayes, Bit.
1. MocksvUle: eight grandohlldi-en
and six great grenidchUdren; and
seven step.ohlldren.
Bio - Obitiianes - 11/3/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 3,1960 - Page 3
Jesse F. Taylor. 6Z
Funeml aervloes for Jesse Frank
Tnylcr, 82, of MookavtUe, Rt. 4.
wore held Sunday aPternoon at
the Liberty Methodl!«t Chureh.
The Rev. R. O. McClainrock, the
Rev, O. W. Fink and Ihc Rev.
Clyde Settle ctncUtcd. Burlaii
was In she oliuidh cemeteiy.
Mr. Taylor died at noon Friday
at tho Davio County Hospital. Re
hod been in declining health tor
scvernl mcn ta.
He was born April 24. 1678. In
D&vio County to A. J. and Eliza
Harris Taylor. He was n retired
MS*. Taylor was a member of
Liberty MoVhodlst Chui'ch.
On Nov. H. 1900. he was ihar.
rlcd to Miss Llla Forreat, tvho
died Dee. 16. 1938.
Survivlnfl- arc a daughter, Mta.
Roy Nolly of MoeksviHe, Rt. 4;
two granddhlldrcn: two groat,
grandchildren: a biother. John
Taylor of Salisbury; and a ststet.
Ml*s. Maiy Howcrlon of Coolce-
L. P. Chamberlain. 90
Funeral services for Lec P.
Chamberlain. 90 year old textile
worker of Coolcomee, were held
Tuesday afternoon at the Noith
Cooleomee Baipitlst Churoh. The
Rev. Clyde Settle, the Rev. Lloyd
Walters and tho Rev. Jimmy
Oroce o/nclatcd. Burial was in
the Liberty Methodist Church
Ml*. OhoinberlaUi died Saturday
morning at the Dovle Couofby
HoapiUit. He had been in de.
cllnlng hoai'ih several years.
A native of Surry County, he
was born June 2, 1070, the son
of Charles Oliambcrlaln and
Amy Wood Ohambcrlein.
A n-.:mlber of North Cooleemco
Baptist Ohurch. he Is survived
four sons, Ai^thur Clnunberlaln of
Salisbury. Oharles COiatidjcrlain
Kannapolls, Oilmer Chamlberlaln,
Roanokc, Va. ond Arley N.
Chaimberlain of WlnstomSalem:
(our daughters. Mrs. Ed Carter,
Coolcemee, Mrs. A. A. Otbons,
Son Fomendo. Calif., and ItOss
Zeltle Chamberlain and Mrs.
Dewey Couch, both of. the home;
A half sister, Mrs. Jake Health ofi
Pilot Mountain; 26 grandohlldren;
33 great-grandchildren; and two
Bio - Obituaries - 11/3/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 10,1960 - Page 2
Mm. R. II. LaRlc, Sr.
l^meral services for Ms-s. Ezie
Daniels Lagle, 68. of Ihe Turren-
tlne Ct\u;t:tr c-jnijminii'.y, were
held Monday afternoon at the
Turrentine Baptist Church. The
Rev. Harold Teiry and the Rev.
Bob-by Ridge offlclivtcd. Burial
«•«.<» In the churoh cemetery.
Mrs. Logic was dead on arrival
at the Dsvic County Hospl'al Sat>
urday afternoon following a heart
Mrs. Lagle was bom May 29,
1691. In Davle County to Mr. and
Mrs. Amo! Daniels. She was mar
ried to Ray H. Lagle. Sr. wro
died Oct. 13. 1S&6.
Surviving arc two sons. Ray
Lagle Jr. of the home aird Adam
Lagle of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4; two
grandchlMren; and one sister,
Mrs. H. O. Josey of Danville, Vn.
Thomas F. Meroney. 66
Funeral .seivleea for Thomas
Plynn Meroney, 86. of South Main
Street In Mioeksvllle, were held
Monday afternoon nt the home.
The Rev. W. P. Dong ofllciated.
Burial was in the Rose Ceme
■Mr. Meroney died at 9 .p.m.
Siiturday at his (home. He had
been in deollnlnig hsalth Ibur
years. ^
Mr. Meroney, a retired haM-
waro merchant and nurseryman,
was born Sept. 37, 1894. to Charles
Plynn and Emma Kimbrough Me-
roney. He married Louise Rod.
well In 1924. He was a World War
I veteran and a member of the
American Legion.
iSuvvlving are the widow; a son,
ThomM Plynn Maroney Jr. of Ihe
hems; a daughter. MVs. Ralph
Walters of Shcfby: five sisters,
Mrs. Margaret MoKelll of -Miocics.
vlltc; Mrs. Helen McBee of Hlglh
Point: Mrs. Cooper Edwards of
Columbia, S. C.; Mrs. Lee Mou-ow
of Atlanta. Oa.: and Ms\s. Hilton
Ruth of Kings Mountain; two
brothers, C. P. Mei-oney of Moefes-
vlllc and J. K. Meroney of Oolum-
bia< S. C.: end ithree gi-andchlL
Deivey Tultcrow, 62
Funeral seiwlcBs for Dewey
Sampson Tuttercw, 82. of ^^cka•
vlllc. Ht. 1. wore held Tuesday af.
t'ernoon at 2:80 p.m. .at Xjamas
Crossroads Baptist Church by the
Rev, John McDanlcI. the Rev. W.
C Barkley and the Rev, Paul
Mooix. Biu-lal WAS In tho chui*ch
Mr.. Tu terow died Sunday of a
heart attack while visiting his
wir« nit a Black M-ountain Hos
Mir. Tuttercw. a road construe-
(Ion coiRvaotor. was born April 7.
1608. He married ina Belle Boyd
in 1016. He was a member of
IJames Crossroads Baptist Church.
Surviving are the widow: four
sons. T. O. ond Lawrence Tutte-
row of Oreenvillc. S. C.. Wlllard
Tulterow of Myrtle Beach, 8. C..
and Milton Tuterow of Mocks
vllle. Rt. 1: bwo daughters Mr«.
J. M. Norman of Qoldsboro and
Mrs. Clarencs L. Gobble of Win.
ston-Salem Rt. 4; and 12 grand
Pallbearei-3 included Otis
Gabble. Josh White. Pellx Gobble,
Kermlt Allison. Members of the
Adult Men's Class of the churoh
Avery Lamer, David Koonta. and 1 were honorary pallbearers.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/10/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 10,1960 - Page 2
Amos LofUn Gatther
Funeral services for Amos Lof-
tin OalUier, 30. of Winston-Salem
were held &inda7 afiernoon at
the North Oooleemee Churah of
God. lihe Rev. I. c. Monls and
the Rev. L. R. Oassowa? ofBclaiU
cd. Burial was inj tJhe American
LEglon Memorial Pai-k In Cool-
Mr. Gaither was found dead
Friday In the front room of his
residence In Wlnaton^alem. He
was a painter.
Dr. D. c. Speas, aoitng Forsyth
County coroner, ruled the death
due to acute aleohollsffl, police
said. Gaither apparently died
about 0 a.m. He was the father of
four children.
Detective Sgts. S. C. Cable and
T. D. Flynn said Inea Lowe, Ne-
gro. of 833 W. Seventh Street, a
maid at the Gaither realdenoe,
summoned them there about
10:20 a m.
She told them shj found Gal her
seated on the floor of a front room
with his head on a couch. Reallz*
Ing hew as dead she called oRl-
'Sgts, Cable and Plynn said Gal.
Iher's wife. Mw. Joan ReavJs Oal.
ther related he had been drlnlrina
excessively. (Mrs. Gaither said he
was In the front room when she
left for worit. but that she did
not realize there was anything
wrong with hUn.
He was born April 7. 1430. In
Iredcll County to Mr. and Mas.
James Oaither He spent his early
life there, moving later to Davle
County. He married Mlsa Reavis
June 11. 1031. They moved to
WJnstoi), Salctm ta'o yeara ago.
Surviving are his wife; his moth
er: four son«i Dsrrell, Bryon, Ro
ger and Kenneth Gaither. all of
the home: four brothers, Lemuel
Oai her of Old Sallsbuiy Road.
ClAfence Oaither of Cooleemee
and Hugh B. Oaither and Austin I
oaither. both of Richmond, Va.:
nnd Uubc sirters, Mrs. Clarence i
Wall and Mrs. Wilson Latham. i
both of D.ivlc County and Mrs.
Adam Summers of Coolccmec. I
Bio - Obituaries - 11/10/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 17,1960 - Page 1
J. H. Thompson
Rites Are Held
PunenU services for James
Houston Thompson. 80, were held
Tuesday morning at the First
Methodist Church. The Rev. 0.
B. Newton and the Rev. E. M.
Avelt omciatcd. Burial was In
the Rose Cemetery.
Mr. Thompson died at his home
on Ballsbury Street around 8:15
p.m. Sunday evening after suffer
ing a heart attack. He was re
cuperating fi-om a fall in the bath
tub about ten days ago and then
fell again In his room last Wed
nesday night.
Mr. Thompson died at his home
on Ballsbury Street around 8:1S
p.m. Sunday evening after suffer
ing a heart attack. 'He was re
cuperating from a fall in the bath
tub about ten days ago and then
fell again In his room last Wed
nesday night.
His death came exactly one
month after meeting his famous
looh-allkc, former President Har
ry S. Truman. For years, friends
and acciualntances had been tell
ing him he could pass as a double
for the former president. Mr.
Thcimwon often expressed a de-
blro to meet Mr. Truman. His
chance came when Mr. Truman
came to Halcigh last month and
Mr. Thompson, along with Charles
D. Jamerson of Coolccmce. repre
sented Dnvlc County at the $SO-a-
plate Democratic dinner. He
heard Tiniman twice that day —
flrit at the State Falr.<tJtcn at the
fund raising dinner where party
leaders brought the two Dcmo-
urals face to face. Tltcy talked
awhile and photographers took
their pictures standing together.
M>'. Thompson met Mr. Tru
man about 8 p.m. on Oct. 13. He
died at 6:15 pan. on Nov. 13.
He was bom May 3. 1880. in
Davidson County. He had lived in
MooltsvlUc for the past 29 years
and was stili active a;3 a traveling
salesmen for Pogle Furniture Co.
He was a former Mayor of
Nfooksvllle serving from 1047 lo
1949. He also served several terms
ps clmlrman of the Oavle County
Democratic Exccullvc convmlilec.
He wa.s Q charuu' member and
former president of the Mocicvlilc
Rotary Club and a member of Uic
Masonic Lodge. A member of
the Fim hfci'hodlst Ciiurch. he
served as a member of -the board
of ti-ustecb and the board of
He was married in 1913 to Mliu
Margaret Call.
Surviving are his wife; a bon,
J.imes Tliomp&on of Raleigh; a
daugiiter, Mrs. R. E. Subor of
Cary; two bro licrs. W. C, Thomp.
Mm of Davidson and R. N.
Thompson of Tampa. Fla.: two
>ibier(>. Mt.ss Debbie Thomp.'^n of
D.tvJdbon and Mrs. W. C. Jamer
son of SiaunUin, Va.. and four
Pallbcinx-rs were Carroll Amdl.,
^George Shutt, Clyde Hcndricks, C. |
C. CJnipmiin. L. 8. Howden. and'
jBiyan Sell. !
I Tlie bfocksMlic Rouary Club,
ijidt m u group ui Uic ciiui'ih. |
Bio - Obituaries - 11/17/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 17,1960 - Page 2
Mr*. W. W. Smith, 69
l^lr*. Sophia Alma Smith. 80, o(
Mocksvlllc. Rt. 1. wife Of WlUle
W. Smith, die dnt 1 a.m. Tuesday
In the Davio County Rospltal. She
had been a patient \i days
Shew as bovn AptH td. 1901, in
Davie County to Elmer and Mary
G.)Amon Smitlh.
Surviving In addition to hcr
hiisband arc five sons. Robcit O.
and Wllllnm Morgan Smith, both
of Kfttmony. Ht. 2, Alton W.
Smith of Mocksvllle, Rt. I, and
Eugene and Wiley Smith, both of
the home: two daughters. hQ-s.
Billy Royal and Miss Mnvy Helen
Smith, both of Wlnstciv- Salcm:
four grandchildren; four brothers,
Solomon Smith of Mtarshalltov^'n.
lown. Alex Smith of Clemmons.
Rt, 1, Harley Smith of Lexington,
Rt 1. and Wiley L, Smith of
Harmony. Rt. 1: and two sisters.
Mrs. Olcnn Joyner of Lexington
and M>-s. Luke Smith of Advance,
Rt. 1.
The funeral will be conducted
at 2:30 p.m. Thuraday at Bethle
hem Methodist Church In Davie
County by . thk Rev. Graham
Wooten, the Rev. J. A. Bmcken,
and the Rev. Norman Joyner.
Burial will be in the church cMte-
Mr*. Morgan Call, 84
Ml-s. Ida Peacook Call. 84. of
Mocksvllle, Rt. 4. widow of Mtodl-
son Call, died at 1:20 p.m., Tues
day. shortly after being admitted
to Rowan Memorial Hospital at
Salisbury. She suffered a heart
attack shor.ly after she arrived. ^
Mrs. Call was born Sept. 14.
187S. to Ynncey and Betty Mur
phy Peacock. She wos married
to Mr. Call In lOOO. Her husb.tnd
died in 1027. She was a member
of Oak Grove Methodist Chuidi.
Surviving arc two son*. Hubeit
and Floyd Call of MocksvUlc. Rt.
4: two daughters. Miss Ella Call
and Mns. Nora Call Nelson of
Mocksvlllc. R:. 4: two grandchll-
dven: two gveal-grandehlldrcn; r
slater, Mrs. NecHy Hodgson of
Harmony; and two brothers,
Waller Peacock of Huntersvlllc.
and John Peacock of Belmar, N.
Robert E. Tharpe. 82
Funeral services for Robert El
Us Tharpe, 82. of Harniony, Rt.
1, were held Wednesday.
Mr. Tharpe died unexpectedly
Monday at his home. He had ap
parently been In good health. He
WB'j stricken shortly after <U)e
evening meal.
Mr. Tharpe was. a retired fann
er and miller. He was born In the
Harmoiiy community to Edmond
ond Lucy Blalock Thorpe. He
^ent his entire life In the same
He was manled twice, first io
Miss Minnie Smith, who died in
1915. He was married to Miss
Mary Jones In 1017.
Surviving arc the widow; two
sons. Duke and Don Tharpe, of
Haimcny, Rt. 1; one daughter,
Mrs. L. V. Oartncr of Statesvillc,
Rt. 4. 12 grandchildren and 26
Bio - Obituaries -11/17/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 24,1960 - Page 3
Mrs. John W. Beck. 87
FunerBl services {or Mrs. Mary*
ctta Baity Beck, of Rt. 6. widow
of John wnil&m Seek, who died
Monday at DavJe County Hospitali
were held at 3 p. m. Tuesday at
Bear Creek Saptlst Church by
the Ftev. W. c. Barkley and the
Rev. Orady Tuitei-ow. Burial Was
In the church cemetery.
Mrs. Beck had been In declining
health for several months and
seriously til thi-ce hours.
€he wasiborn Nov. 24. 1872, in
Vadkin County to John Pleasant
and Comely White Bally.
She was a member of Bear
Creek Baiptlst Chmxh.
In 1B91 she was married to Mr.
Beck. Ne died in 1937.
Surviving *ni-e four daughters.
Mm. j. L. Woflord of Cooleemce.
Mrs. S. R. Latham of MocksvlUe,
Mrs. O. H. Lowls of Wolkertown
and Mrs. U. E. Martin of Yadkln-
vllle; four sons, John. Wlllam
and Robert Beck, all of Mocks*
ville, m. 5. and Pink -Beck of
I Mrs. W. F. Jarvls. 81 .
I Funeral services for Mrs. Jen*
I nie Elizabeth Jarvls, 81, of Win*
ston-Salem. were held Friday af
ternoon at the Urban Street Bap*
Mat Chuioh In WJnston - Salem.
The Rev. O. Elmo Reneaar and
the Rev. Marvin Smith ofhclat^.
BurlnUwas In the Advance Meth*
odlst cemetery.
Mrs. Jarvls died Wednesday at
the city Hospltol In Winston-
Salem. She had been In declining
health for several months and
seriously lU one week.
She was bom Deo. e, lg70. In
Oavte County to Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Beetlng.
She was married to Mr. Jaivla
who died In 1939.
She was a member of Urban
Street Baptist Church of Wlnaton-
Salcm and waa a member of the
Bethel Bible Clasa of the church.
Surviving are two daughters,
Mrs. Dinnle l^o Benier of Wln-
aton-Salem and Mns. Walter Mo*
Daniel of Mocksvllle: two sons.
C, F. Jowls of Winston-Solem and
AIeK Jarvls of Bpsila: 12 grand*
ehlldren: and several great-grand
Bio - Obituaries - 11/24/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 1,1960 - Page 6
Airs. A. jW. Pliclps, 99
Funeral serUces for Mrs. Sa
rah Jane Phclpa, D3. of Mocksvkllc.
Rt. 4. widow of A. W. Phelpa.
were held Tuesday af ernoon at
the Liberty Mothodlst Chureh.
The Rev. R. O. MeClamrock of-
flcated. Burial was in the church
Mrs. Phelps died Sunday at the
Lynn 'Haven Rest Homo. She had
been o patent at tho homo more
than six years.
Shew as born Aug. S, 1B68. in
Stanly County lb William.W. and
Mary Jane MIoitIs Safley. She
was a member of tho Coolecmeo
Baptist Church. Mr. Phelps died
In 1046.
Surviving 01*0 four sons, T..ec
and Raymonds Phelps of Mocks-
vUle. Rt. 4, Arthur 'Phclpsp^ of
Cleveland. Route J, and O. M.
Phelps of Gold Hall: flivo daugh-
ers, Mrs. Taylor Call. .Mrs.
Stella MeClamrock. and Mrs.
T. u. Burton of Mooksviile. Kt.
4, -Mrs. Maude Nichols of WOod«
leaf ond Mrs. J. O. Woolen of
Oarland: a sister. Mrs. Roticrt
Eller of DukevlllG: a half brother.
William Safley of Cooleemec: 54
erandchUdren; lOS great-grand"
obildren: and one sreat - er-cat-
airs. C« L. Sparks. 80
Funeral sen-less for Mrs. Nolle
Annie Spariu. so, or Ahvancc. Rt.
3, wife of Charlie L. Sparks, were
held Saturday afterneon at (he
Fulion Me hodlst Church by the
Rev. Aliln Ziotlinm ond tho Rov.
Mark Myers. Burl.il was In the
church cemeten-.
Mys. Spaiiu died Thur.^'day
morning ot the Lcxlng on City
Horpiil.i. She had been In declin
ing lioalih for several months and
seriously lU for the past two days.
Mrs.' Sparks was born Feb. 1,
16B0, In Davlc County. She was
married In 1003.
Surviving In addition to her
hUiiband nrc o .ten. Luihcr Sparks
of Advance. III. 3: nino daugh-
era, Mrs. N. D. .Moore of Salis
bury, Rt. 8, Mrs. Marvin Leoiiard
and Mrs. Clarence Yarbrough of
Lcx'liiglon. Jit. S. Mrs. Adam
Barnhardi of Unwuod, Rt. 1. Mr.«.
Baxter We.iver of Cleminons, Rt.
3, Mrs. Leilia Weaver. Mrs, Wade
Pi-ei'dle and Mrs. Emcsl Frecdle;
of Lexington, Rt. 4. and Atrs. Roy
ipitrllB of Advance. Roue 2: 26
grandehlldrcn: and 15 great-
Mrs. Sparks was a inember of
Fulton Methodist Church.
Miss Tilda Junker, 86
Funeral services for Miss,Tilda
Junker. 86. a ureat aunt of T. L.
Junksr. who died on Htursday,
Nov. 34. were held on Saturday
nftemoon at 9 p.m. at Philadel
phia Pr^sbytcj-lan Church in Char
lotte by (he Rev. Mr. Carr, pastor.
LVllS't Jtmker died In'the Confed
erate Homo in Fayet evllle. She
hod not been In ill health lona.
She was a natlveof Mecklen
burg County and was a trained
She was also a groat aunt of
Ociie Junker and Mrs. Zeb Mor
ris of Salisbury.
Bio - Obituaries —12/1/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 8,1960 - Page 7
Hay l<nlhnm Nlrlioln, 43
FUMoi'ftI itai'Vlrcfl for Hoy La-
Ihnin Nloliola, 43. of LoxlnRlon.
were hrld lost wack. Mr. NIohola
died nt 0 a.m. Thiimday. Occ. 1.
Al the Hnpllat Ifoapltal In Wln-
nton-Saleiu from UijurlPa rooolvod
In on auir.mof>:lc accident over
iw 1 wL'i'kfl ago.
Ho wo.t born June l» lOlS. in
D.nvic County to Mntvin Powlc'
ond Lnia Bogei* Nloholo.
He wna n member of Union
Chnpid Church in Davic county.
Surviving nre hia widow. Mrs,
Mlidrod Parks J^ichols: a son.
llokert Powlc Nichois of Lexinu-
inn: three ai(-|)sanr, Charles ami
Lnrry Fnnikner. both of Lrxing-
ton.'Hl. fl. and Allen Pnnlkntr of
the home: n daughter. Mary Lois
Nichoir cT Mocksville: a stpp-.
daughter. M.'k. Clmiies Vnrna-
dorc of Lexington, Rt. 0; Uircc
alstrrs, Mr.<(. W. L, McClamrock
ard Mr.N. W. B. •Bnliey, both of
Mockavllltf. lU. 3. and Mrs. M. H.
Baker of Mocksvillc. Rt. 4; and
four grnndehlldren.
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 8,1960 - Page 2
, Mrs. E. A. Bally. 94
I iFuiural services for Mrs. Ida
iMlartha Baity. 74, of Mlocksvtlle.
Route 6. the Liberty Church com.
miinity. wife of 'Bnoh A. Baity,
wore held Frtdoy afternoon at the
I>ibcrty Baptist Chui-ch. The Rov.
,if. A, Bracken, the Rsv. E. FC.
Wooten and W. Q. Oan t ofTlc-
Isted. Burljl was in tho church
c. metery.
tVl"s. Eaity died Nov. 30 at the
Davio County Hospital.
Shew OS bom Apii) 33. 18B6, in
Oi'oram to William D. and Mary
Edwarda Crisp. She was married
March 8, 1805.
Surviving in addition to her
husband are a son. Wllllant F.
Baity, in the Navy at Miami. Fla.:
n daugh cr. Mrs. David R. Leh-
nran cf AnnapoHa. Mid.: three
grandchildren: two great grand
children: and four sisters, Mrs.
Elizabeth Ray of California. Mrsi
Josephine Moody of Raleigh. Mrs.
Doit English of Mount Rainey,
Md.. and Mrs. Arie Freeman of
Sr. Petersburg, Fla.
Bio - Obituaries —12/8/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 15,1960 - Page 5
Puncrnl sprvJces for J. M. Woo-
ten, S2. of Union Grove vvevc held
Mr. Wootcn died Monday af
ternoon fl L his homo after an III-
trefis of several months.
He was bom Feb. 18, 1678, In
the Union Grove Cominnnlty to
Lenndcr and Adnlinc Templcton
Surviving are his widow. Mrs.
Marslm While Woolen; two sons,
Roval and Clay Woolen, both of
Union Ornvc: four daughters.
Mrs. Flnke Messlck of Hampton-
vlllc. Mil's. Claude Woolen of Har-
nc'ny, Ri. 1, Mliss Mary Lea
Woolen of the home and Mrs. Ed
ward Crater of Olin; 10 arand-
rhlldran and Kcven greal-grand-
cliUdren; a sister. Mrs. Nancy
Hrnderson of Stalesvillc.
MUfi. .S. A. .lONKS. (17
FuiKial' hvrvlrrs for Mrs, Ed-
nil MvDa|iioI Jones, 07. wife of
Snm A, .fpncs of Ihe Gavio Arn-
drmy rominiihil.v. Wire held Sun
day nrtrrimn nl Ihv Siilrm Melh-
odlfit ClUirrh. The llev, Oconjc
Auman inul (ho Rev. ,iiin l>l|)-
pnnl officiated, Burial was In ihe
churrh cemotery,
Mrs. Jonrg died nt 0 n.m. Snl*
urdny ni. ihe D.avic couni.r Hos
6ho.\vn.s horn Nov. 28. 1883. In
Dnvie County to Henry and Deity
Stnrctl McDantrl.
She was married Doc. 27. tOIR.
She was a member of Salem
Mrihodtst cinivon.
Survlvliui. bcsldoft her husband,
arc two soti.s. Leo C. Joiiok of
Winston-Snlem, anti Jame.H H.
Jones of Mock.svlllo. Rl. 1; a dau-
pliter. Mrs. Einc.il Curinrr Jr, of
Wlnston-Salcm; two bi-Others.
Oscar McDnnicl of Hnnliiiututi. W.
Va„ and Richard H. McD.ink't of
Mocksvllle, Rl. I: two sisters,
Mrs. Stone Rudl.scnl of Salisbury,
and Mrs. Minnie West of Mocks
vllle, Rt. 1; and six grandchildren.
Funeral services for Mrs. Edith
[Coontz Winters. 69, of Mocks-
\lllr. wife of DaUa.s P. Winters,
were held Frid.iy at the TurTeiitlne
DapUsl Church. Tiie Rev. W. H.
Perry and the Rev. Clyde Settle
olflciatecl. Diirlnl was In ll'.e
ehtirch cemetery.
Mrs. wnuer.s died at n:20 p.
m. Weriniaday at the Dnvlr Coun
ty Hospital. She had suffered n
stroke seven days before.
Mrs. Winters wn.s l>orn Fob. 10,
tPOl In Rowan County to Wilburn
J. Koontz and Cora BcUc Corrcll
Koontz. She was married In 1026.
Surviving In addition to her
husband arc two sons. Wlllam F.
Winters, in the Army at Fnyctte-
vlllc and George B. Winters, In
the Marines nl Norfolk. Vn.; two
dnughtcvB. Mrs. Cecil Sain of
Mcck.svillc. Ul. 1. und Mrs. Mil-
liird Godby of MockRvlllo. Hi. 1:
Mvcn Brnndchlldrcn; two broth
ers. T. L .Kocntz of Mocksvllle, Rl.
6, and the Atke Koontz of Levvis-
vllle. Rt. 1; two .slslers, Mrs. Hen
rietta Godby of Mocksvllle, and
Min. Mm-.v Plyiui uf RIveidnle.
Md.: three half brother.s, Jack,
Oils and James KnonU of Wln
ston-Salcm; and three half sis
ters, Mrs. Blanche Cook and Mrs.
^Ilne Hnmrlck of Wlnston-Sal-
em, and Mrs. Kathleen Koontz of
Bio — Obituaries —12/15/1960 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 15,1960 - Page 5
PiincMl KorvU-es for Cyrus
iSlkofll Edmond Aloxniidcr. 70. of,
Coolci'mcc vvtrc hrld Snlurdny nt
llic Cloud Shcplici-d Bplscopnl
Cimroh in Cootcemee. The Rpv,
VVIllinni r. Price nnd the Rev,
Jndc h, Nfnriln ofii-lnlcd. Biuin)
u-itK ill Ihc Ruwiui Moinorlal Pork
Mr. AI:.vnudor died Frldny at]
till' Diivle County MuKpllu). Itu
hud brcit In dccllnlitii health (or
several months.
He WHS bnrn July 14, lOOOi tOj
Cyrus Sink nnd Lovvnin Howard
He was a member of the Oood
Shepherd Cliurcii und of Uic Or-
(Icr of Redtnen. He was also a
inembcr of the 26-Ycnr Club of
Erwtn Milla.
In 1(112 he married Miss Ttilhn
Miller who survives.
Also surviving are three broth
el's. Chmies W. Alexander of'
Coolecmee. and D. D. and Thorn-1
, ns P. Alexander, both of Kannap-
C. O. Pnrdub. 08
FuncrnI .services for Charlie O.
Pnrduo. 08. of YadklnvlDo wnro
held Sunday afternoon at the
Yr.dklnvlile Pentecostal Holiness
Church. The Rev. Brvlu Wallace
and the Rev. Gerald Dnvls of-
flcnlcd. Burial was in the church
Mr. Pnrdue died Friday after
noon ni his home. He had been
In declining health n year.
Mr. P.trduc was born Doc. a.
1802. in Yudklii County lu David
D. and Cai-olyn Caudle Pnrdue.
Ho hnd sold produce in Yndkin-
vlllc for several years-
Ho wns married Nov. 16. 1018.
to Mlu Ocncvn Normou. who sur
Al.so surviving arc two daugh
ters. Mrs. Glenn Sutphln of 'Boon-
vdle, and Mrs. Carlylc Booe of.
,YndKlnville; five .ions. Jnmcs L.I
Lloyd. J. Normon nnd Wayne
Parduc. nil cf Yadklnvlllc; (our
brcthjr?, Cilflon Pnrdue of Asho-
boro. nnd Robert. Eugene, nnd
•Ic.is Pnrdue. nil of Yadklnvine:
nix sK'tcra, Mrs. Myrtle Miller
!iind MJra Lniiru Pnrdue. both of
Sccnvlllc, Mis. Lotllc Holcoinb Of
WtiHtcn-Salom. Mrs. B. W. Brown
Sr.. of Mcck.svllb and Mrs. L. A.
Cnsst evens nnd Miss Zctta Par-
due, of Yadklnvlltci la.grnnU
children and a grcnt-grandchlld.
Bio — Obituaries - 12/15/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, December 15,1960 - Page 1
Mother Dies
Mrx. Alter Owens Wiill, 83,
of 4£a TownJey Street at
Hnnestown, wife of John C.
\VaU. died at 3il0 P. M. Tuei'
day at her home. She ha(|r
been seKouly ill one werk
and In iMxtr health for kv-
era] ycara.
Mrs. Wall had lived in
llanes community for ^ yean.
She was a charter member
of Hanea RaptUt Church.
She wat born October 8,
18T7. in DavLc County to Wil*
ilam J. and Lucy Hudson
She was manied Octaher
23. 1889.
Surviving are her husband;
four soiu. D,V., J. F., and C
G, Wall of Winston-Saiem and
C. O. Wall of Glade Valley:
four daughters. Mn. E. L.
ifead of Cooiertnee. Mn. S. 0.
Nkhols of Smith Grove. Mra.
A. R. Young of hkiuntville, S.
C.. and MUs Oelda Wall o(
the twme. a brother. W. N.
Owens of Wiiision-Satem 26
grandchildren and 26 great*
Funeral services were coo-
ducted Thursday at 2 1*.M. at
llanes Bopiiat Church by Rev,
0. O. Kiger and Rev. O. E.
Ward and H. O. Bennett. Buri-
a] was in Fork Ba;»tlTt Ce
C. E. Alexander
Dies At 70
Cyna t.Sikes) Edmund Al-
exflrdcr. 70. d.cd at 6:20 Fri.
day mormng at Davie County
Hospital. He had been In de<
dining health for several
monthi. Born July 14. 1190,
he was the son of the late
Cyrus Fmk and Louvtna How-
aid Alexander.
Mr. Alexander married Miu
TuUle Miller In 1913. He was
a member of lite Church of
tlw Good Shepherd, (Soolee^
mcc, belonged to the Red-
men Onlrr atnl the Twenty-
Five Year Club at Erwin MUls
Sunivurs In addition to his
wife, include three brothers,
Charles W. Alexander of Cool,
cetnee. O. D. Alexattder and
Thooios F. Alexander of Kaiw
Funeral scniccai were bdd
111 2:3(1 r..M. Salurtlay at the
f"i;ureh •<{ She G:iod Shep-
hrni l/j the Ri-v. \V|]|.am P.
i'rke and the Rev Jade L
Martin. Burial was in the Ro
wan Memgnal Park.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/15/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 22,1960 - Page I
Irvin Allen Is Slain In
Pistol Sliooting Saturday
Murder Warrant Issued
For William 'Bill' Emory
A tnui'rtcr warrant was LsKUcd
this week for an cx-rodeo cow-'
boy sought in a shool Saturday'
nishl at the Alien HDllop Shell
Service Slallon, located on Hlgh-
way 168 between Clcnunons and
Tanglewood Park.
^kiniam (Bini Emoi-y. 28, an
10(cvi]Io native. Is wonted for
the fatal shoollna of Irvin Mc-
Klnley Allen. 20. of Mocksvillc
ni. 2 operator of the service sta-
John Milton Crews. 43, of Ad
vance, Rt. 1. a customer In Al
len's Store when the shooiing
broke out during a dUeusslon
About Emory's pistol marksman
ship was shot in the abdomen.
He is reported in serious condi-j
tton at the Baptist Hospital.
The store where the shooting I
occurred about 11:15 p. m. Snl-j
urday night Is about n mile from!
Mlddlebrook Fnrms where Emory,
had lived wlUi his ' wife and'
1111*00 prc-Bchool-anc chtldi'cn {
for moro than a year.
He was cmp'oycd as n bronc-;
duster and farmhand at the!
farms owned by P. Hubcr Hones, i
Jr., president of the P. H. Hones |
Khittlng Company of Wlnston-
Snlcm. Arabian Hoi-scs and j
V/hltc-face callle ore raised {
'Officers sBid Allen, Crews and
five other men were In the serv-
Ice-station-grocrry Allen operat-,
ed when the sliooting occurred. i
Officers said they were told
that Emory bragged about his
plst^ marksmanship and whip-*a .4&-caUbre western-type
shooter out from under his
et. firing It once Into the
store counter.
Allen was shot when ho told
the gunman to put the weapon
oiway, and Crews was wounded
he ivrcsted the i-evolvcr away be
fore tlie assailant fled in a car,
witnesses said.
Officers summoned discovered
that Emory had gone by his
house after fleeing the store, got
a shotgun and ammunition and
took off In his car again. The
car was found cbandoiicd about
three-quarters of a mile away.
A tire had blown out.
Bloodhounds and a posse trork-
cd fruitlessly over a liirgo area
around the form along the near
by Porsyth-Duvlc County line.
Funeral Services
The funeral for Iiwin McKln-
ley Allen. 28. of Mocksvillc Rl.
2. wus held Tuesday afternoon at
the Farmlngto.i Methodist
Church. The Rev. B. B. Bcardcn,
the Rev. J. W. Vc.stal and Ihc
Rev. a. C. Graham officiated.
Burial was In (he church ceme
Ho woB born Oct. 25 1031. in
Davlc County to W. Ed and Inn
Batty Allen. He was n member
of Turner's Creek Buptlat Church
uui a vclci.an of the Korean con-
Tii l652 he married MLss Em-i
mu Quo Brock, who survives. '
Also surviving at e his parents j
of Mocksvillc, Rt. f>: Ills grand-j
/uUier. Joo W. Allen of Moekn-
ville, Rl. 5: two son, Strplicn and
Danny Allen, both of the home:
ti,rce brothers, Jniilus Allen of
BoonvUle and Aldean and J. W.
Allen, both of Mocksvillc, Rl. 5:
and a sister, Mrs. John Hugh
Shelton of Mocksvillc. Rt. S.
Bio — Obituaries - 12/22/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 22, I960 - Page 4
Paul H. Godbey. 45
Funci'Al sci-vlccs for Paul Hoxta-
ton Godbey, 45. of Mk>clcsvllle, Rt.
4, were held Saturday afternoon
at the Bethlehem. Methodist
Church. The Rev. Dwlght Mhah-
burn and the Rev. Kenneth ix>ve
oniclatcd. Burial was In the
church cenicte»7.
M^'. Godbey died Thursday even
ing at the Western North Carolina
Sanitcrlum at Black Mountain. He
had been (here six weeks with a
lung infection.
He was born ApHl 28. 1916. In
Rowan County to Grover and
Peart Freeman Godbey. He was
in the lumber business with his
Surviving arc four sons, Arnold
G.. Paul H. Jr., and Jen7 Godbey.
all o^-^Jdocksvllle. Rt. 4. Clifford
Ocdibey.'Spf Port Bclvolr. Va.;
three grandchildren; his parents,
two brothers, Eugene Godbey of
Rural 'Holl and Curtis Godbey of
Mockaviiie. Rt. 4; and three sls-
tei's. Mrs. Paul Wiliard of Mocks-
vilie. Mrs. Chaides Foster of Ad
vance, Rt. 1. and Mrs. C H. Co-
^art of Winston-fialem.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/22/1960 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY