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Jan - Jun
COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, January 7,1970 Lloyd McClamrock Dies At Age 64 l.loyd .Mc-<(it. ol illt\ ]. died Fri day. lAvrinbar jji. al Baptist i(o>ja'al f/i Uiriston Salo/ii.'Jlio (iificial v.as al I'p.Mt . .Mcniciav l)(M CM]ib('r uu. at labcrty rniied Mclbadist ('liurcli in Davie (oijfjiv. JbJi'ial (olii)u<.'d in Oak On)\(* Mf'diodisi (Imrdi cejnc- lary He ua> borfi iji (.'ouniy Jniin and Oefabia HcndtT.snh Ji'iinrock a/id uas a iir'Jm- ir'Toj Librrt> CniU'd Mobodisl * liurrb, ijn uas a relii'cd nin- plovi-M ;jj Pairbntilon Mills in ( oolccnu't'. arc fjjs ujfc. (icnna- Myt-i s .Met'jatlirock ; tv.u (iaij^ifiirr.-. Mrs Kvclyn 'ope (Jj i'aint'k .Spriittis, \"a.. !. and .Mr< I >oj']s Jbjlliani nl .vl''cKs\ ilb'. Jp/uic {. a San. .Mc.\ Pk! Met l .j.cirnck ni Salts . Bf ; i -i>trr. Miss lla/cl dr« lath.' ock (>l .Moi*ks\ d{<n B(. .and jcnr broibcr.s. (lie Hc\", Barjd) McOjanirock {)j j-'aiiii arn.' Ba\, Lauia-iicc and .Jn)m i Mrs. Sanford iiicf .Mr't lanii uck •svtiic. fp •> <>1 .Mack Mrs, JMarguerite Charles San- lord. Oti. of Houle 4. Mocksville, died Tuesday, IX*c'einber 30. al the Uavie CMunly Hospital fol lowing a serious illness of one day. She was born Jan. 25, J903, in Da vie County, the daughter of the late John C. and SaJlie Crump Charles. Her husband. Edwin C. Sanford, preceded her in death. She was a member ol tiie First Presbyterian Church. Surviving are two sons, Cal vin C. Sanford of San Diego, Calif., and Edwin C. Sanford of Coolcemee; four sisters, Mrs. John Campbell of Rt. 2, Mock sville, Mrs. Tom Bailey of Woodruff, Mrs. Hubert Carter of Rt. 4, Mocksville, and Mrs. Virgile Barringer of Granite Quarry; and a brother, James W. Charles of Rt. 4, Mocksville. Bio - Obituaries- 1/7/1970 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, January 7,1970 Benny Long, Davie County i'fnpiniti .IJwjiiyt i/,n£>, <>; of .Moi-ksvilk-. fj(. 2. died Mon; 'Jay, IJeteinljtT 2'.t. al die iJavic ' ounly I)o.spiia| lie was tjorri yiarel) H. 1902, in Jlavie Ciiunly. .<,011 of tJio f.-ue Wdliain and He'.ly h-mg. Ho was a ret i red fa rni er, .Survivor?, inclutk' hi.*, wife Mrs. h.stlK.*r H. Long; one daughter. Mr.s. Rettv .JanoMuL iican of NashviJle. fenn.; onC' son, B«nny Gray I>ong of Tho mas vi lie; two siep-daughters. Mrs. Jacob Baker and Mrs Jarnes W. Summers, both of Moeksvilie. lit. 2; and Iwo-step- sons, f{. W. Hodge of Washing ton, D.C,, and George G. Hodge of Mocksville, lit. 2. Robert Martin Of N. Cooleemee l''ijiu'rnl .services for Hobert .Marlin. hit. of .\ortli (Molceiuee. who (lied l-'riday, Deeeiiiher 20. a! I)a\ ie CoiJiuy Ho.spiial. were conducted Tue.sday. December JO. al \ew Bethel Baptist ihurcJi . Burial was in the church cemetery, 'j'he Kev. Glenn Wilson officiated. Survivors inelude his wife. Mrs. Alice (Vile Martin of the home: tl)re(> daughter.*;. Mr.s. Bertha Marr Slewarf (if (liar- J()lle. Mrs. Maymdl Kobertson of New Jer.sey and .Mi .s. ta*na ited- land of Slatosviile; two sons. Bajph jMartin of North Wiike-s- tioro and Vern Martin of Har mony; four step daughters Mrs. Virginia WilJiain of Oak land. Calif,, Mrs. />ucille Jones and Mrs. A7.ile(? Jones. Both of Philadelphia. Pa., and Mr.s Inez Young of Winston-Saleni; live step-sons, Jasper F'owler of f^jng Island. N.V., Edgar and baniuel FowJer of Cdolcemee, Horace F'owler of Philadelphia. Pa., and Alphonzo FViv/ler of Oakland, Cahf. Mr. Martin was a retired employe of Burlington Mills. Bio - Obituaries- 1/7/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY IVIOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, January 7,1970 H. H. Swicegdod, Davie Native MOCKSVILLE — Hubert Hoyle Swicegood, 43, of Flet cher, a Davie-County native, died unexpectedly Thursday morning at his home. He was born May 26,1926, the son of Mrs. Annie G. Swicegood of Cooleeinee and the late Van A. Swicegood. He was a barber and veteran of World War II. Also surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Linda Lee of Germany, Janette and Dianne Swicegood, both of Fletcher, and Mrs. Amy Jo Hendrix of L^'xingion; two sons, Corkie and Jeff Swicegood, both of the home; three sisters, Mrs. Beat rice Davis of Rt. 2, MocksvilJe Mrs. Hazel Foster of Cool' eemee. and Mrs. Faye Sysk of State.sville; and four brothers, Floyd Swicegood of Ocala. P'la., James Swicegood of Winston- Salem. Van Swicegood Jr., sta tioned in Tliailand with the U.S. Air Force, and Joe Swicegood of Mocksville. Mrs. Finger, At 90 Years Mns. Matthew Barney Fin ger, 90, of Advance, Rt. I. who wa.s known in the community as Aunt Mac, died Saturday. De cember 27. in the Davie Ojunty llo.spital. She was born in Davie County June 25. 1897 to the late Giles and Lrf)u Sheets Barney. Mrs. Finger was the widow of Dorys Finger. Survivors in clude two sisters, Mrs. Nina Bean of Cooleemee and Mrs. Ella Cornalzer of Advance, Rt. ?iV. brotliers, Willie andWiley Barney, both of Rt. 1, Advance. Bio - Obituaries- 1/7/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA e - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, THUflSDAV, JANUARY 8, 1870 MRS. SARAH PLOWMAN Funeral services Tor Mrs. Sarah Poster Plowman, 88, of Rt. 1, Advance, were conducted Friday, December 26th at Bethlehem United Methodist Church by the Rev. Clyde J. Tomlln. pastor of Calvary Baptist Church of MocksvOle. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Plowman died December 24th at the Haven Rest Home In Lexington. She was bora Oct. 17,1881, in Davitt County, the daughter of the late Weldon E. and Minnie Brock Foster. She was a member of Bethlehem United Methodist Church. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Bertha Gregory of Rt. 4, Mocksville, Mrs. Era Bailey of Rt. 2, Advance, Mrs. Luther Giivcti of Mocksville and Mrs. Grady Wilhelm of Belmont; two sons, John Plowman of Rt. I, Advance, and Sanford Lee Plowman of Clemmons; two brothers, Sanford Foster and Ed Foster both of Rt. I, Advance; and three sisters, Mrs. Lillie Anderson and Mrs. Betty Evcrhardt both of Wnston>Salem, and Mrs. Sam Dunn of Rt. 1. Advance. HUBERT H. SWICEGOOD Hubert Hoyle Swicegood, 43, of Fletcher, a O^vie County native, died unexpectedly Thursday morning at his home. He was born May 26,1926, the son of Mn. Annie G. Swicegood of Cooleemee and the late Van A. Swicegood. He was a barber and veteran of World War 11. Also surviving arc four daughters, Mn. Linda Lee of Germany, Janette and Oianne Swicegood. both of Fletcher, and Mrs. Amy Jo Hendrix of Lexington; two sons, Corkie and Jeff Swicegood, both of the home; three sisters, Mrs. Beatrice Davis of Rt. 2, Mocksville, Mrs. Hazel Foster of Cooleemee and Mrs. Faye Sysk of Statesville; and four brothers, Floyd Swicegood of Ocala, Flo., James Swicegood of Winston-Salem, Van Swicegood stationed in Thailand with the U. S. Air Force, and Joe Swicegood of Mocksville. Funeral services were conducted Monday at Eaton*s Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Robert Frost. Burial was in the U. S. National Cemetery in Salisbury. GURNEY R. PACK Funeral services for Gurney Ray Pack were conducted Tuesday, January 6, at 2 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church by the Rev. Paul Dennis. Burial was in Lexington City Cemetery. Mr. Pock, of 306 Bcckner Street, Lexington, died Sunday, January 4, at 7:30 a.m. at Dorothea Dix Hospital in Ralei^. He was bora March 5,1894 to William and Ida Stewart Pack in Davie County. He was a retired Rirniturc worker and a member of Trinity United Methodist Church. Survivors include: ids wife, Mrs. Zclla Leonard Ridenhour Pack; three daughters, Mrs. Rcid Shoaf of Rt. 4, Lexington, Mrs. Thomas Stewart of Rt. 3, Mocksville and Mrs. Homer Barnes of Rt. 3, Mocksville; one son, Boyd Pack of Rt. I. Advance; stepchildren, Mrs. Floyd Koonts, Mrs. Charlie Gales, Mrs. Loyd E. Weaver and George K. Ridenhour, all of Lexington. Bio — Obituaries -1/8/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, January 14,1970 Monroe Ridenhour Dies At Age 71 Monroe Hobson Ridenhour Sr.. 71, of Coolccmcc died Wednesday night at the Davle <i!ounty Hospital. He lias been sei iou'sly 1)1 for JOdny.s. Born Sepletnber 10, 1B93, in Mecklenburg County, he was the son of the laic John Henry and Kainiy Belle Baity Riden hour. Mr, Hidenhoiir was a rclircd insurance salesman for Life of Virginia and a nicnibcr of Cool* ccnicc United Methodist Qiurch and the Order of the lledmcn.- He is survived by his wife, Ihc former Grace Isley; two daugh ters. Mrs, Harold Roger of Mocksville, Rt. 4, Mrs. C, A. Boon of Stone Mountain, Ga.; four sons. M. 11. Uidcnhour, Jr. of Cliarlolle, the Rev. Henry I, Ridenhour of fhlol Mountain, Norman G. Ridenhour of Green- aboro, and 'lliomaa L. Riden hour of Mocksville, Ut, 4; 14 grandchildren; one great grandchild; two sisters, Miss El.sie Ridenhour of Coolecmcc, and Mrs. A. V, Walker of Salis bury, Route 1, Euneral .services were con ducted at Coolcemce Melliotllst Church Eriday a| 2 p.in. by the Rev. William Dingus. Music was furnished hy Mr. CliurlesL. Isley, accompanied hy Miss Mariola Crawford. Burial fol lowed in Rowan Memorial Park. I'nilbcarers, ail nepliews of Mr, Ridenhour, were Claud York of Asheboro, Paul Sowell of Joncsboro, Ga., 0. L. Vogler, Jr, of Reidsville, Buddy Robin son of Winston-Salem, Jim Wertz of Wiiiston-Salein, and Ben Isley of Haw River. Mrs. Peoples, Of Cooleemee COOLEEMKE - Mrs. Alton PrKHCes Boger Peoples, 80, of CMleemcc died Sunday after noon at her home. Sfie was born Nov. 17,1889 in Davlc County, the daughter of the late Baxter and Mary Bett Hunter linger. She was a mem ber of Chestnut United Method ist Church. Funeral services were con ducted 'i'uesday at 2 p.m. in Ealoirs Funeral Home in Mock- svitle. The Rev, Charles Bur- chette will officiate and hurlal was at Chestnut Methodist Cliurch cemetery. Survivors include the hus band. M Vj. Peoples, one doughlcr, Mrs, Clarence Ham pton of IK. 4. Mocksville; two sons, Arthur Peoples of Scills- bury. nnd Floyd Peonies of the home; one brother. Glenn Boger of IK. 5, Mocksville; 11 grand children xtnd 15 great grand children, Bio - Obituaries- 1/14/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 2*Davie County Enterpriso Record, January 15, 1970 JOHN GURNEYBRIGGS John'Gurncy Driggs. 81, of 1113 Johnson Street, Higli Point, died Thursday at Point Memorial Hospital. Tlte Aincral was held Saturday at 3 p.m. at Friends Meeting. Burial was In Oakwood Memorial Cemetery.. He was bom in Guilford County to Althaus Martin and Mary Richardson Bri^ and was a member of Hi^ Point Friends Meeting. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Tliclma Conncll Briggs; two dflugiuers, Mrs. S. W. Spcamian of Sacaramcnto, Calif;, and Mrs. Edward Short of MocksvDIe; a son, John G. Briggs, Jr. of Philadelphia, Pa.; and a brotlier, E. L. Briggs Sr. ofHigli Point. MRS. JIMMY C. KING Mrs. Connie Foster King, 33, of Mocksville, Rt. 3, wife of Jinuny C. King,, died of. natural .cau^> Thursdays ah. Davie County Hospitd in Mocksville. Tlie funeral was held at Dulin United Methodist Ciiurch in Davie County. Burial was in the church cemetery. She was bom in Davie County to Thurmond A. and Ruth McDaniels. She had lived most of her life in Davie County but lived in WinstomSalcm eight years. She wored for Domestic Loan Co. in Wlnslon-Saleni and was a member of Dulin United Methodist Church. Surviving are her husband; her parents of Mocksville, Rt. 3; and her grandmother, Mrs. W. T. Foster of Mocksville. MRS. M.D. PEOPLES Mrs. Alton Frances Bogcr Peoples, 80, of Coolcemee, wife of M. D. Peoples died Sunday at her home. The funeral was held Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel in Mocksville. Burial was in Chestnut United Methodist Church Cen\etery near Mocksville. She was born in Davie County to Baxter and Mary Bet Hunter Boger. She was a member of Clrestnut United Methodist Church. Surviving arc her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Clarence Hampton of Mocksville, Rt. 4: two sons, Arthur Peoples of Salisbury and Floyd Peoples of tlie home; and a brother, Glenn Boger of Mocksville, Rt. 5. Capt. Youngs Dies On Ship Captain Luther A. Youngs, 57, owner and operator of the Buccaneer Motel 'and former Alcoa diipmastcr and Seaway pilot, died of a heart attack Friday afternoon aboard his cruiser, Buccaneer, Too, at Belhaven, N. C. Tlic rites were held at the-/Eaton Funeral Qiapcl Sunday. Burial was in Joppa Cemetery. A Coast Guard spokesman said the yacht lay idle in the intcrcoaslal waterway near Woodstock Point, N. C., for several hours because Mrs. Youngs did not know how to operate the boat or the radio. She finally succeeded in sending a distress signal, which was picked up by an unidentified woman and relayed to the Coast Guard. A helicopter look a doctor to tlie craft and two patrol boats were dispatched. The Youngs yacht was towed to a yacht club at River Forest Manor, N. C. M.H. RHIDENHOUR Monroe Hobson RIdcnhour Sr., 71, of Coolecmce died ; Wednesday night at the Davie County Hospitd. He has been scrioudy ill for 10 days. Bom Sept. 10, 1898, in Mecklcnborg County, he was the son of the late John Henry and Fanny Belle Baity RIdcnhour. Mr. Hidcnhour was a retired Insurance salesman for Life of Virginia and a member of Coolecmce First Methodist QiUfch and the Order of the Rcdmen. He is survived by his wife, tlic former Grace Isley; two daughters, Mrs. Harold Bogcr of Mocksville, Rt. 4, Mrs. C Boon of Stone Mountain, Ga.; four sons, M.H. RIdcnhour, Jr., of Charlotte, the Rev. Henry 1. RIdcnhour of Pilot Mountain, Norman G.'RIdcnhour of Swansboro and Thomas L. Rideidiour of Mocksville, Rt. 4; 14 grandchildren; one great-grandchild; two sisters. Miss Elsie Ridenhour of Coolecmce and Mrs. A.Z. Walker of Salisbury, Rt. 1. Funeral services were conducted at Coolcemee First Methodist Church Friday by the Rev. William Dingiu. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. He was en route to Florida with Mrs. Youngs having left Hampton, Va., on Dec. 22. The 64-foot boat previously belonged to Jamc P. Lewis, Beaver Falls, and liad been used by Syracuse Univcrrity as a research vessel on Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River. Captain Youngs last year had planned to convert it to a deluxe tour boat for day-light and night-time dinner and dance cruises out of Cape Vincent. Surviving arc his widow. Mrs. Ophelia (Jennie) Gicnn Youngs: three children. Dr. Luther A. Youngs, Jr., Lakeland, Fla., Ernest, a state trooper In Paradis, Ui.. and Mrs. Joe (Bobbie) Williams, Mcr Rouge, La.; a sister. Mrs. William (Edwina) Long, M oc ksvillc, and 1 3 grandchildren. Captain Youngs was bom in Paradis, La.. Sept. 27, 1912. His father was a physician tltetc. Having ^ne to sea as soon as he was old enougli, in World War II, Captain Youngs sctvcd in the Merchant Marine. He was master of a ship for Alcoa for 1S years. He came to Cape Vincent from New Jersey in 1961 and was a Seaway pilot after returning there. In September, 1962, he was credited with saving the seven-man crew of a tug which was crippled in a slomi near Sodus. Captain Youngs was a memoer of Cape Vincent lusdge 393. F. and A. M. Lodge 492, O. E. S.. R. A. M. 96. Walurlown Conumndery No. 11, Knights Templar and Media Temple Shrine, the Seaway raots Association and the Cape Vincent Chamber of Commerce. Bio — Obituaries — 1/15/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA o r- <r AiaERr-Ai.^iJ : ss&s^rBfS; .~s>5eS|:,I>avie Couiify ^ of the late Sm? -i ? ®e^.soa.-j Thoza- RlHc Lnni*^?®''®'®' 1 g North CaSto a" Sfs 81st served in the ^ 1921^ ^ ^ufham hi hio reti4.^i?^«" "Ota mS^ ifcS^. f^eonitsboardofstewS ^^apastpresidSWi^•l^^.^ay School«»s. in 1959^ []g ^gg selepforf in the wor^Jf a^ sctlvePMnIz ^onoan legion , Survfvon inchicfe his wife- th.-,^arMw Both PaSS±« Cri^S^r lS^t. ftomao' b!.AihSS^'v ^nfhamr h n ^on iJr., of.Durham»and £ve grandchildr^ - -' c- 4 vA "V, .„A OAVIE CO. PUBDC CIB^WRY mocksville, nc COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, January 21,1970 Cecil Andrews Cranfill MOCKSVILLE — Cecil An- drews Cranfill, 17, of Depot St. died Friday morning at the N. C. Baptist Hospital in Winston- Salem from Injuries received in an automobile accident. llie accident occurred Jan. 2 in Davie County. It Is the second traffic fatality recorded in Davie County tJdsyear. He was bom Jiuy tO, 1952, in Davie County, the son of Mrs. Connie Bailey Cranfill of Depot St. and the late William Sherrill Cranfill. He was a senior at Davie County High School. Also surviving are two sis" ters, Mrs. Jimmy Hampton of Rt. 4, Mocksville, and Miss Sharon CYanfiil of the home; a brother, Billy Cranfill, sta tioned in Germany with the U, S, Army; the maternal grand-Earcnts, Mr, and Mrs, Carl alley of Rt. 3, Mocksville; and his grea^randparents, Mr. and Mrs. CharlieBailey of Kt. 1, Mocksville. Cap Hendrix, Davie Native MOCKSVILLE — Casper (Cap) Giles Hendrix, 76,of 26Z0 Daclan St., Winston-Salem, died Sunday at Forsyth Me morial Hospital. He was torn In Davie Cotuity, son of the late Noah and Mildred Myers Hendrix. He was a re tired furniture worker a mem ber of Bethel Cliurch of the Uying (hid. Swvlvors are the widow, Mrs. Emma Hudson Hendrix; a daughter. Mrs, Pauline Wilcox of Mocksville; three sons, Bra dy Hendrix of Dry Fork. Va,, Garland Hendrix of Winston- Salcm and N. N. Hendrix of Mocksville; two half-sislcrB, Mrs. Ester Robertson and Miss Ella Williams of Winston-Sa- 1cm; and three half-brothers, Roy and Vestal Williams of Winston-Salem and Glenn Wil- liams of Danville, Va. Bio - Obituaries- 1/21/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1970 - Page 1 Cecil Cranflll Dies Of Jan. 2 Wreck Injuries Cecil Andrew Cranfill, 17, of Depot Street, Mocksviiic, died Triday morning at the Bapt ist I!0 s p i t a I in Wiiisiort-Salctn from injuries received In an atitomobilc accident. This became Davie County's second highway fatality of 1970. Tlic accident occured January 2nd at Coolccmee junction, when the car which he was driving ran off the road at a higli rate of speed and liit a hole. Cranflll received a broken neck, a concussion and leg and chest injuiics in tite accident. He was born July 19, 1952, in Davie County, the son of Mrs, Connie Baiicy Cranfill of Depot Street and ilic late William Shcrrill CranHll. He was a senior at Davie Count)' High School. Also surviving arc two sisters, Mrs. Jimmy Hampton of Rt. 4, .Mockssiile, and Miss Sharon Cranfill of the home; a brother, Billy Cranfill, stationed in Cernuny with the U. S. Army; the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mis. Carl Bailey of Rt. 3, Mocksvil[e;anil his great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bailey of Rt. i, Mocksviiic. Funeral services were conducted Monday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Moah Holbrook and the Rev. Zella Stanley. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. Cecil Cranfill 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22,1970 n CASPER(CAP}HENDRIX' Casper (Cap) Giles Hcndrix, 76, of 2620 Dacian Street died Sunday at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. Tlic funeral was held Tuesday at Bethel Ctiurch of the Living God. Burial was at Fork Baptist Church cemetery in Davie County. He was born in Davie County to Noah and Mildred Myers HendrJx. He was a retired furniture worker. He was a member of the Bctiicl Cinircl) of the Living Cod. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Emma Hudson Hcndrix; a daugliter, Mrs. Pauline Wilcox of Mocksvftlc, Rt. 4; three sons, Brady Hcndrix of Dry Fork, Va., Garland Hcndrix of Winsion-Salcm and N. N, (Buck) Hcndrix of Mocksviiic. Rt. 3; two half-sisters, Mrs. Ester Robertson and Miss Ella Williams of Winslon-Salcm; three half-brothers. Roy and Vestal Wi l liams of WInston-Salcm and Glenn Williams of Danville, Va. Bio - Obituaries - 1/22/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD* TMURSDAY,JANUART^22J97^ imCTOR M.KIiY SR. i'uncral services for Mcelur M. Key Sr. uT Augusta, Georgia, will be lield TItiirsday, January 22, at 4 n. lu. at Polcct Puncral lloinc In Augusta. Mr. Key died Tuesday, January 20, at (be VA Hospital In Augusta after a critical illness of 2 weeks. Survivors Include: his wife, Marie Lackinaii Key of tlic Immc; 3 sons, Hector M. Key, Jr. of Mocksville, Fred T. Key, Sr. of Augusta, Georgia, and, Ncai Key, Sr„ formeriy of Mocksville, now of Seattle, Woshlngton; I daudiicr. Mrs. Isabclle Turnagc of Augusta: and. 15 grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 1/22/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MISS SADIE N. TUTTEROW MOCESVILLE — Miss Sadie' Naomi Tutterbw, 59, of^ MocksvUIe, Rt 1, died ofi natural causes yesterday at! Davie County Hospital. The! iuneral will be at 2 p.m. Sunday! at Center United Methodist Church. Burial will be in. the church cemetery. . ' , She was bom in Dayie County, to Luther Martin and Nancy Anderson Tutterow.. She was a member of Center United .■Methodist Church,i Surviving are six brothers, H. W., R. Duke, Clay and LonnieTutterow of Mocksville, Rt. 1, W. Floyd Tutterow of Statesville and Odus Tutterow of Winston- .Salem. The body is at Eaton's 'Funeral Home. (c. i- <?"n - Xl- • I 9 TP ' 11- ' V-"- Li-. ^ •4i i I- DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE* NC CT" o A TRIBUTE published In the pages of 2 THE MOULTRIE OBSERVER U M MOULTRIE, GEORGIA f JAN2 7 1970 9uetixla^ 5^- —»CS>0^ f D. N. Click Sr., Dies In Hospital Dudl^ Noel Click Sr., t?, a retired^ dairyman and fohiier member of the Mouitrie City Board of Education, died Tues day at Vereen Memorial Hospit al. Death came after an ext^d- ed iiiness. Ml*. Click was a member of the American Breeder's Associ ation and was the first to initi ate artificial breeding of ani mals .in Colquitt County. He served on the Moulti-ie City Board of Education for mai^r years and was a memb^ of the Mouitrie Masonic Lodge. Wh-. dick was born in Davie County, North Carolina on December 25, 1892. His par- CTts were the late Charles J. Click and Nellie Locke Click of rferth Carolina. Funeral services will be held the MouUrie First Methodist Church Wednesday at 3tOO p. m. The Rev. AibeW ®5l will officiate and burial Will be in Westview Cemetery. The body wili remain at a local funeral home until carried to the church an horn* before the funei'al. Survivors include his widow, tbe former Miss Lucile Cox of ©Slquitt County; a son, Dudl^ Rpei CUck Jr. of Pensacola, lla.; two daugWers, Mrs. Joe ^fenAlmen Jr., Lewisburg, Tenn., and Mi-s. J. C. VanEI-i mendorf, Albany; two brothers; Eddie Click and Orin Caick, Woodleaf, N. €.; two sisters, Miss Sadie Click and Miss El len Click Woodleaf, N. C. ;^ve grandchildren and sev- #al nieces and n^hews alea aiirvive. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, January 28,1970 Mrs. Cook, 53, Of Concord MOCKSVriJ.B-Mrs .SiMli,. (3ook SWwij 53, of ItK) C),jk St.. Cr»rt<Hjrd, died Saturday morn ing at Ruplist llaspital in VVio- ston-Saicm. She was Ixirn D»*c B, IB16, in Vadkin Count v. daughter of tholalc William ami Matilda Shore Cook. Survivors include four sisters. Mrs. Sclma Ctmek of Mocks- vlll(», Mrs. Mary Ccncva llill o'" Salisbury» Mns. Elsie Hodgscai of Coolcemcc, Mrs. WiJHv Cook Pciiningcr of Woodleaf: llirce brothers, the Rev. Saiiford Cwik of Ptainneld, Ind.. R. V. Cook ol Coolcemcc, Henry Cook of Mocltsvllle; & hair;brDther. Marvin Cook of Jonesville: three hnlf-sislrrs, Mrs. Donna Shoaf of Tennessoe. Mrs. Ira Bfanud of Winstnn-^alem and Mrs. Lily Transueof Joncsvilit'. Funeral services wore held at 2 p. m. Monday at Baton^s Funeral Hoinc Chapel, Mocksville. OfHciatinB at the rites were Rev, Clay Cook and Rev. W. F« Lee. Burial was In Coolcemcc Legion Mcinoriat r^rk. Pallbearers were Jim Mclntyrc, Buck Keller, Terry Pcnningcr. Tom Vogler, Robbie Page and Date Holioway. Samuel Cable, Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE — Samuel ^blc, 61, of Rt. 4, died at the Davichospital at 1 a.m.Salurday He was bom in Guilford Co'un- ty, 6, ISCB, the son of Rufus and Oeorgie McKinney ^blc. He was a memt>er of Jerusalem BapUst Church and an employe of Dolly Madison Company in Salisbury. He is survived by bis widow, Dora VIck Cable; three daugh ters, Mrs. Lyndell Johnson of Maiden, Mrs. Minhto Maulden of Rt. 4, Mrs, Doris McSwala o' Cool <>rnee; two sons, Samuel T. Cable cT 1, Douglas Cable of Rt. 3, Salisbury; 13 grand children; his mother, cT Cary; four sisters, Mrs. Mary Jmcs of Raleigh, Mrs. Irene Reynolds of Harbinger, Mrs. Josephine Gar tner of New Bern, Mrs. Lesle Wcnnble of Winter Haven, Pla.; four brothers, Gcorgj, of Miami, Phillip, of Raleigh, Dave of Reldsville. Mack of Lexington. Hector MacDonald Key, Sr. H. M. Key's Father Dies MOCKSVILLE—Funeral services for Hector MacDonald Key Sr., 69. of 2582 Ivy Road, Augusta, Ga., father of Hector MacDonald Key Jr. of lU. 4, Eaton IMve, Mocksville, w&ce conducted last Hiursday in Au gusta, Ga. Mr. Key died the previous Tuesday. Survivors includehis wife, the former Marie L^ckman; th^ sons, II. M. Key Jr. of Mocks ville, FVed Thomas Key. of Au gusta, Oa., and Neuj Lactmian Key, formerly of Mocksville, now of Seattle, Wash.; one daughter, Mrs. Isabella Key Tumage of Augusta, Ga.; one broths, C. V. Keith Sr. of Au gusta, Ga,; and one sister, Mrs. C. E. Neal of Dallas, Texas; 15 grandchildren. M. L. Kimmer Of Mocksville M0GKSV1LLI-: M >rlin I.utli(.T Kimmer, 71. ut Mm'ks- vdlc, (lied at 6:05p.m S irurday at Davic County Hospiud here. He was bom July 2-t. isuu. »n Grayson County, Va.. son I'f the late Dan and Ada Kimmer Kiin- mer. He was a retired fanner. Survivors include the %N idnw. Mrs, Lola Southern iJmmer: one daughter, b?rs. Vcrmelle Fryoof MocLsville; oneadoplwl daughter, Mrs. Mary l.rne W<H)aof Elkin; two sons, 1. ' i-'r Kimmer of Bland, Va . JitJ Billy Kimmer of Mocktivillv»fu: half-sister, Mrs. Oden.i Adams ol MocksvUto: Mrs. Carl Whittaicor ot pt<Hiville; 14 grandehildrrn ,md 10 grea t-grandchi Idrcn. Bio - Obituaries- 1/28/1970 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1970 MRS. ELLARO P. EVANS SR. Mrs. Ida Jones Evans, 82, or the Arcadia community, Lexington, Rt. 8, widow of Ellard Fierce Evans Sr., died Saturday at Lexington Memorial Hospital, The Tuneral was held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at Mount Olivet United Methodist Church In Davidson County. Burial was in the church cemetery. She was born in Forsyth County to Georw and Cornelia Fctrec Jones and was a member of Mount Olivet United Methodist Church. Surviving are three sons, Ellard P. Evans Jr. of Mocksviile, Odcll Jones Evans of 2602 Old Salisbury. Road and Neil QifTord Evansr Sr. of Lexington, j 4fi - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. JANUARY 29, 1970 ALVIS D. MONTGOMERY AI vis David Montgomery, 64, of 326 Lindscy Street, Keidsvillc. died January 20, at Annie I'enn Memorial Hospital ut Reldsvillc. The nmcrjl was held at 11 a, m. Friday at tiro .First Frcsbyleriati Church. Burial was in Greciivicw Cemetery. He Was bom In Reidsvillc tn Robert S. and Anna Withers Montgomery and was a member t) f the First Presbyterian Church. He was president of Damunt Sales Inc. in Rcldsville. Surviving arc his wile, Mrs. Mary Kimbrouglt Montgomery; two dauglticrs, Mrs. Charles R. Oliver Jr. of Batcsvillc, Ark. and Mrs. Stephen Furlsh. of Dcnton. Texas; his stepmother, Mrs. R. S. Montgomery of Reidsvillc; three sisters, Mrs. Reuben King and Mrs. J. B. Balstey of Reidsvillc and Mrs. Mrs. Carl R. Pritchctt of Bcthesda, Md.: and four brothers. Robert S. Montgomery of Reidsvillc, J. W. Montgomery of Roanokc. Va., Alex G. Montgomery of Ridgcwund, N. i., and Peyton Montgomery of Decatiir, Ga.; and a hnlf-bnitlier, the Rev. Hugh Kcid Montgomery of Kingsporl, Tcnn. He is son*in-Iaw of Mis. A. M. Ktmbrough of Lexington Avenue and a former resident ufMocksviHe. M. L. KIMtVlER Martin Luther Kimmcr, 74, of Mocksvillc. died at 6:05 Saturday at Davic County Hospital. He was bom July 24,18%, In Grnyson County, Va., son of the late Dan and Ada Kimmcr. ' He was a retired fanner. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Lein Southern Kimmcr; one dauglitcr, Mrs. Vemicllc Fryc of Mocksviile; one adopted daughter, Mrs. Mary Lene Wood of Elkin; two suns, Luther Kimmcr of Bland, Va., and Billy Kimmcr of Mocksviile: one haif-sistcr, Mrs. Odena Adams of Mocksvillc; uiio step'sistcr, Mrs. Carl Whiiiakcr of Hampionvllle: 14 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. SAMUEL CABLE Samuel Cable, 61, of Mocksviile, Rt. 4,.died Saturday at Duvie County Hospital. The funeral was held Monday at Jenisalcm Baptist Church. Burial was In the church cemetery. He was bom in Guilford County to Rufiis and Geurgie McKeimey Cable and was a member of Jerusalem Baptist Church. He was an employee of Dolly Madison Corp. at Salisbury. Surviving ate his wife, Mrs. Dura Beck Cable: three daughters, Mrs. Lyndcll Johnson of Maiden, Mrs. Betty Maiilden of Mocksviile, Rt. 4, and Mrs. Doris McSwain of Coolccmec; two sons, Samuel T. Cable of Mocksviile, Rt. 4, and Douglas Cable of Salisbury. Rt. .1; his mother of Carey: four sisters, Mrs. Mary Jones of Raleigh. Mrs. Irene Reynolds of llarhingcr. Mrs. Josephine Carincr of New Bern and Mrs. Lceic Wumhic of WInster llaven. Fla; and four hrnlhers. Gerouc Cable of Miami, Fla.. Phillip Cubic of Raleigh. Dave Cable of Reidsvillc and Mack Cable of Lexington. Bio — Obituaries - 1/29/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4fi -OAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1970 MRS. SADII: COOKSIDKS Mrs. Sadie Cook Sides. S3, of Concord died Saiurdny at R a p I i s I H o s p i I :i i in *Winslon<Salcnu Burial \S'3S in CiHileeinctf Lc^on Bark. .SIV«-'_)>'^?._Upm_ln .Yadkiii Coiiiiiy To WilibiH and Matilda Shore Cook and was an employee of Cannon Mills. Surviving are four sisters. Mrs. Selma Cheeks of Mocksville. Rt. >1. Mts. Muiy Cieneva Hill of Salisbury. Mrs.{■Isie llodi^son of Coo'leemee and Mrs. Willie Cook Lenninger of Wood leal*. Rt. I : three hrotiteis. lire Rev. Saiilbrd CtH»k ol' Plainlield. Ind.. R. V. (\H»k orCooleeniee. and llenry CtHik of MiK'ksvilie. Ri. 4: three half-sisters. Mrs. Donna .Shoaf of Tennessee. Mrs. Ira Manuel of Winsion-Salem and ■Mrs, Lillie Ttansiie of Jonesville: and a half-brother. Marvin Cook of Jonesr llle. Bio - Obituaries - 1/29/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Ol a A- <r 3 •w y « : MARSHALL GUY COLLETTE ' r — Marshall;Guy Collette, 69, of Mocksville, «t. 5, died yesterday, at .the home of a sister, Mrs. Lonnie Driver of Mocksvide, Rt. 5 The ftmeral will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in Eaton B^tist Church cemetery. was bom in Davie County to William S. and Nellie , Stonestreet Collette and was a member of Eaton B a p t i s t Church. He . was ' a retired carpenter. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lucy Edward Collette: a daughter, Mrs. Floratia Williams of Baltimore, Md.: a son, William S. Collette of Greensboro: five sisters, Mrs Prell Etchison of Clemmons! Mrs. Era Latham and Mrs. Driver of Mocksville, Rt. 5, Mrs. Clark Keller of Winston- Salem, Rt. 2 and Mrs. Roy Edwards of Winston-Salem; and a brother, Gilmer Collette of . Wmston-Salem. ' ' j • • 7 7 c j I - ^ - I ^?o r■* Pi^ocksviiis, i'>. CO. PUBCIC Drtfj. "S COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, February 4,1970 M, G. Collette Of Mccksville MOCKSVILLE Marshall Guy Colletto, 69, of RL 5. Mocks- vlllc, died Monday at 4^30 a.m. at Iho home of a sister, Mrs. [x>nnie Driver of Rt. 5, Mocks- villo. He was born July 10, 1900, in Davie County, the son of th eta to William S. and Nellie Stonest* reet Collette. He was a retired carpenter and a member of Eaton's Baptist Church. Also surviving arc his wife, Mrs, buey Edwards Collette; a daughter, Mrs, Florala Wil liams of RichmondL Va,; a son, William S. Collette of Green sboro; four sisters, Mrs, Orroll Etchison of Clcmmons, Mrs, Era Latham pf Rt. 5, Mocks- ville, Mrs. Clark Keller of Win- slon-Salem, Rt. 2, and Mrs. Roy Edwards of Winston-Salcm; and a brother, Gilmer Collette ofWinston^alcm. Mrs. Penninger Of Woodleaf MOCKSVILLE—Mrs. Annie Edwards Penninger. 59. of Rt. Woodleaf died Sunday at 0:30 p. in. at the Rowan Memorial Hospital. She was bom Aug. o, 1910 In Davie County, the daughter of Mrs. Minnie Vcach Edwards of Cooleemec and the late John W, Edwards. Her husband, Henderson Pen ninger, died in 1064.Also surviving are a daugh ter, Mrs. W. A. Angel of Rt. 1 Woodleaf; a sister, Mrs. Elvie Hage of Ooolcemeei a brother, J. 0. Edwards of Cooleemco; a half-sister, Mrs. Bertha Thomp son of Rt, 5, Salisbury^; and a half-brother, Stamey Edwards of Mocks ville. Guy Graves, 82, Rt. 4, Mocksville MOCKSVILLE - Guy Opho Graves, 02, of Mocksville, Rt. 4, died Tuesday evening in the Davie County Hospital. He Was born In Davie County to- John and Sarah Elizabeth Williams Graves. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs, Eva Deadmon Graves; one son, Kcrr B. Graves, Mocksville. Rt. 4; a foster daughter, Mrs, Jane Brown of Winslon-Salem; three brothel's, Ray Graves of Kcr- ncrsville, and Ralph Graves and Hugh Groves, both of Mocksville, Ht,4. S. L. Tutterow Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE - Shuford Link Tutterow, 73, of Rt. 4, Mocksville, died Tlnirsdoy at 8:40 p.m. at the Davie County Hospital He was born May 14. 1896, in Davie Cuunty, tlic son of the late Hall A. and Rebecca Godbcy Tiitterow. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Aimer Deadmon Tutterow; a daughter, Mrs, EvcrctteTucker of Coolcemee; (wo grandsons; four sisters, Mrs. Charles Safrit of Kannapolls, Mrs. Atlas Turn er, Mrs. Wade Hellard, and Mrs. Jim Daniels, all of Rt. 4, Mocksville; and four brothers, Harvey Tutterow of Kanna- poHs, Ed Tutterow and Paul Tutterow, both of China Grove, and Gilbert Tutterow of Rt. 4. Mocksville. Bio - Obituaries - 2/4/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1970 -9 MARSHALL GUY COLLETTE Marshall Guy Collcttc, 69, of Mocksvillc, Rt, S, died Monday at the home of a sister, Mrs. Lonnfc Driver of Mocksvillc, Rt. 5. the funeral was held Wednesday at Eaton*s Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Eaton Baptist Church Cemetery. He was born In Davic County to William S. and Nellie Stoncstrcet Collcttc and was a member of Eaton Baptist Church. He was a retired carpenter. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Lucy Edward Collcttc; a daughter, Mrs. Florctta Williams of Baltimore, Md.; a son, William S. Collcttc of Greensboro; five sisters, Mrs. Prcll Etchison of Clemmons, Mrs. Era Latham and Mrs. Driver of Mocksvillc, Rt. S, Mrs. Clark Keller of Winston'Salem, Rt. 2 and Mrs. Roy Edwards 'of Winston<SaIcm; and a brother, Gilmer Collcttc of Winston'Salcm. , iVEY LEE CODY Ivcy Lee Cody, son of Mrs. Florence Vancaton Cody and the late B. T. Cody, died Thursday, January 22, in an automobQe accident. The funeral was held Monday, January 26, in the Second Presbyterian Church. The Rev. F. D. Johnson ofTiclated at the 4 p.m. service. Burial was in Shilo Baptist Church Cemetery. He was'born September 7, 1939 in Davic County. He attended Davic Public Schools and was a veteran of the U. S. Armed Forces having enlisted in June 1961. He was honorably discharged May 31, 1964. Ho is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mablc J. Cody of Patterson, New Jersey; three diildrcn, Brigctte Natasha, Iva Katrinia and Chrystal Bertlna; his mother, Mrs. Florence Codys.of Mocksvillc, and Thomas Cody of Chicago, III.; and six sisters, Mrs. Rebecca Isaac and Mrs. Lula Nicholson of Mocksvillc; Mrs. Helen Evans of Greensboro; Miss Patricia Cody of l^tterson, N. J., and Mrs. Florence B. Cody and Mrs. Jennie. Lycwellyan, both of New York City. MRS. H. PENNiGER Mrs. Annie Edwards Penniger, 59, of Woodleaf, Rt. 1, widow of Henderson Penniger, died of natural causes Sunday, February 1st at Rowan Memorial Hospital. The (Uneral was held Tuesday at Eton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Unity Presbyterian Church cemetery. She was bom in Davic County to John W. and Minnie Veach Edwards and was a member of North Coolecmec Baptist Church at Coolecmce. Surviving arc a daugliter, Mrs. W. A. Angel of Woodleaf, Rt. I ; her mother of Coolccmee; a sister, Mrs. Elvie Hege of Coolcemcc; a brother, J. 0. Edwards also of Coolecmec; a halfsistcr, Mrs. Bertha Thompson of Salisbury, Rt. 5; and a half brotlier, Stamcy Edwards of Mocksvillc. 4B - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1970 ALBERT A. LONG Funeral services for Albert A. Long, 79, a former school principal of 1421 Woodland Drive, Durham, were held at Duke Memorial Methodist Church, with burial in Maplowood Cemetery, Annex B. The Rev. Warren B. Foitcway and tire Rev. Morris L Hustcd, pastors officiated. He died January 16th at Friendly Rest Home, following an illness critical for the past week. A native of Farnilngton in Davic County, he was the son of the late Came Anderson and Thcrza Ellis Long. He attended Davic County schools and was graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chopcl Hill in 1914. He served in the 81st Division of the United States Army during World War I, after which ho became principal of Coolccmee High' Schoca in Davic County. Later, he became principal of Ronda HI^ School, and came to Durham in 1921 to become prinicpal of Lakcwood School. He moved to Edgemont School as principal In 1926 and served tlicrc until his retirement In 1956. Ho was a member of Duke Memorial Methodist Church, serving on Its board of stewards, and was past president of the H. E. Spencc Sunday School Class. In 1959, he was selected as one of Durham's "Fathers of the Year.** He was also active in the work of American Legion Post No. 7. Survivors include his wife, the former Ruth Parlicr, a daughter, Mrs. Thomas B. Cranford of Durham; a son, Albert A. Long, Jr., of Durham; und five grandchildren. Bio — Obituaries — 2/5/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, February 11,1970 Mrs, Jones, At 89 Years M0CKSVILLI5 — Mrs. Ida Shi VC5S Jones, ftD, died Sunday at ];30 p.m. at the homo of a daughter, Mrs. Mary I^cle of Modksvlllc. She was born Oct. 9, ItMIO, in. Davle County, the daughter of the tale Allison C. and Mary Kennedy Shives. She was a member of Jerico Church of □irisl. Surviving arc four otherdaughters, Mrs. Vcatrice Tow-ell of Rl. 1, Mocksville, Mrs. Helen Knonlz, Mrs. Frances Turner, and Mrs. Bertha Craves, all of U(, 4, Mocksville; two sons, J. C. Jones and Carl Jones, both of Mock.sviIlo: 24 grandchildren; and 2fl groal- grandchiidren. Mrs. Robertson, At 85 Years MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Lizzie Potts Robertson, fi S. of Rt. 3,Mocksville, died Wednesday morningathcrhome.Mrs, Uoi>crtson was bornApril 11,11184. in Davlc County, the daughter of the N. C. and Alzonia Livingood Potts. surviving are two daughter,Mrs; Ruth Bcdchamp ana Mrs. Opal. Howard. l>oth of lU. 3. MocksvilJe; six sons. Taft. Dc-wey, Preston, and Arnold Rob ertson, all of Rl. 3, Mocksville, and 'l\irner and Grovcr Rob- erlson, both of Lexington; andtwo brothers, Nathan Potts of Rl. 3. Mocksville, and E. L. Potts of Norfolk, Va. Bio - Obituaries - 2/11/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA (> - DAVIH COUNTY F.NTHRPRlSli RKCORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 1970 DONALD M. LAN IER, SR. I-uitcrul services fur Donald Mclvfn Lunicr, sr., .SI, oP Rl. 4, Lc.xitigfon, (he Rccds coiniminily. were held at 4 p. lit. Monilay, I'cbruary 9, ut Fulton United Methodist Ctiurch In Davte County by Rev. Bryce Smith and Rev. David E. Hiibbard. Interment was in the church cemetery. Me died Saturday niglit, February 7, at 8:30 p. m. in Davie County Hospital after being seriously ill the past VA months. Mr. Lanier was bom in Davidson County, June 22, 1918 to Donald L. and Ella Lloyd Lanier. He was employed at Kroehler Furniture Co. at Welcome. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Grace Hendricks Lanier of the home; his mother, Mrs, Ella Lloyd Lanier of Rt. 3, Lcxinston; and, two daughters, Mrs. Kent Owens, Rt. 3, Lexington and Mrs. Franklin Koontz, Rt. 1, Unwood, N. C.; two sons, Donald M. Lanier, Jr. and Dennis E. Lanier of Rt. 3, Lexington; 6 grandchildren: five sisters, Mrs. Hassell Williams, Mrs. Bruce Foster, Mrs. Alex Hayes of Rt. 3, Lexington, Mrs. Manuel Coniatzcr and Mrs. Gene Jones of Rt. 2, Advance; five brothers. Garland L. Lanier, Oiarlcs Ed. Lanier, Tommy D. Lanier, Billy D. Lmier of Rt. 3, Lexington and Burl M. Lanier of Rt. 2, Advance, N. C MRS. H. C.JONES Mrs. Ida Shivcs Jones, 89, of Mocksvillc, widow of H. C. Jones, died Sunday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Mary Lagle of Mocksvillc. The funeral was held Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Jericho Church of Christ Cemetery, Mocksville, Rt. 1. She was bom in Davie County to Allison C. and Mary Kennedy Shivcs. She was a member of Jericho Churcli of Christ. Surviving arc five daugjiters, Mrs. Veatrice Towcll of Mocksvillc, Rt. I, Mrs. Helen Koontz, Mrs. Frances Turner, Mrs. Bertha Graves of Mocksvillc, Rt. 4, and Mrs. Logic; and two sons, J. C. and Carl Jones pf Mocksvillc. GUY OTHO GRAVES Guy Otho Graves, 82, of Mocksville, Route 4, died January 27, at the l^vic County Hospital. Graveside services were held Tltursday, January 29, at 4 p. m. at Rose Cemetery. He was born in Davie County to John and Sarah Williams Graves and was a retired farmer. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Eva Deadmon Graves; a son, Kerr B. Graves, Mocksvillc, Rt. 4; and three brothers, Ray Graves of Kcrnersviile, Ralph and Hu^i Graves, Mocksvillc, Rt. 4; three ^ndchildren, 4 great grandchildren, a foster daughter, Mrs. Jane Brown of Winston-Salem. MRS. G.S. ROBERTSON Mrs. Lizzie Potts Robertson, 35, of Mocksville, Rt. 3, died Feb. 4th at her home. The funeral was held Friday at Cornalzcr Baptist Church in Davie County. Burial was in the church cemetery. She was bom in Davie County to N. C. and Alzenia Livcngood Potts. She was a member of Cornatzer Baptist Churclt. Surviving arc two dauglitcr.s, Mrs. Ruth Bcauchainp and Mrs. Opal tluward of Mocksvillc, Rt. 3; six sons. Tufl. Dcwcy. Preston and Arnold Robertson of Mocksville, Ri. 3, and Turner and Grovcr Robertson of Lexington; and two brothers, E. L. Potts of Norfolk, Va.. and Nathan Potts of Mocksvillc, Ri.3. PERCY A. WALL Percy A. Wall. 87, of 2607 Wcstchcstcr Drive died Friday at Hich Point Mcinoriol Hospital. The funeral was held Sunday at Cumby Chapel. Burial was in Floral Garden Park. He was born in Randolph County (0 Mr. and Mrs. William Wall. He was a member of Oak Hill Friends Meeting and was a retired employe of Myrtle Desk Inc. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Emma Upton Wall; two daughters, Mrs. Katiilecn Milton of the homo and Mrs. C. W. Broome of Greensboro; a son, Robert Wall of Mocksvillc. Bio - Obituaries - 2/12/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, February 18,1970 James Charles Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE — James Winoinnii diaries, 75. n( Rt. 4. Mocksville. died Monday' Manor Care Nursing Homo In Winston'Salcm. He was born Doc. 4, 1895. in Davic County, the son of tJic iaie John C. and Sallie Crump Oiarles. He was a veteran of World War 1 atitl a retired farmer. Surviving are four sisters, Mrs. Ixiuise Campbell of lU. a, Atocksville, Mrs. Sarah Wood ruff of Rt. 5, Mock.<ivil]e. Mrs, l^ura .lane Rarringcr of Cran- ite Quarry, nod Mrs. Helen Carter of Rt. -1. Mocksville. Funeral services will be con- <liuled Thursday at 1! a.m. at Faion's Funeral Home Oiapel by the Rev. William Cain. Ilur- iai will be at Jenisalcm Raplist duiri'li cemetery. 'Hie Imdy will remain at the iuiieral honic where the family will receive friends Wednesday riiglil from 7lo9. Mrs. Bracken Of Harmony MOCKSVILLK - Mrs. Ks- tbor Prcvelte Bracken, 57. of Rt. 1. Harmony, died eti route to the Davie County Hospital Friday at 10:30 a.m. She had been in declining health for several years. She was born Aug. 15.1912, in Davie County, the daughter of E. W. and Martha Trogfan Pre- vcttoofUi. I, Harmony. Also surviving arc her hus band, Marvin Bracken; a daughter. Mrs. William Upright of Rt. 4, Moorcsville; five sons, Paul Bracken and Carl Brack en, both of Rt. I, Harmony, Marvin J. Bracken of Washing ton, D. C., John R. Bracken of Rt. 4, Mocksville, and Aaron Bracken of Morganton; eight grandchildren; five sisters, Mrs. Tommy Turner, of Ham- ptonvllle, Miss Bertha Prevcltc and Miss Lillian Prevptte, both of Lexington. Mrs. Marvin Tai- ley of Ctiarlotte. and Mrs. Willia TaJley of Harmony; and four brothers, Joseph Prcvelte and Alvin Prcvelte, both of l^ndis. Wllburn Prcvelte of Charlotte, and E. C, Prevelle of Harmony. Bio - Obituaries - 2/18/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA JAMES W. CHAISES feiMOCiffiVIME Jam«S!- j Wisemm ^Charles, 75,' oi; i IMocksville, Rt.. 4, died Monday , at Manor Care in Winston- :! Balem. The lunerai will be at • al a.m. Thursday at Eaton's iFlineral Chapel. Burial will be in Jerusailem Baptist Church cemetery. He was bom in Davie County to John C. and Sallie Crump Charles .and was a retired iarmer. /, 'Surviving are four sisters, Mrs. Louise Camp/ble oi Mocksville, Rt. 3, Mrs. -Sarah Woodruff of Mocksville, Rt. 5, Mrs. Laura Bafrihger of Cranite Quarry and Mrs. Helen, Carter of Mocksville, Rt. 4. i ] ' f ; UClVrC Mock: \ ^ V^' JL I 1 1 o £ S O ^ 2 § ttJ J ^ > Q- w o o o o LJ > -o r- cr •o I « vA Ci o 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTHRPRISE RliCORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1970 MRS. MARVIN BRACKEN Mrs. Ester Prcvctic Bracken, 57, of Harmony, Rl. 1, wife of Marvin Bracken, died of natural causes en route to Dayt'e County Hospital. The funeral was Iicid Sunday at Liberty Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. She Was bom in Davic County to E. W. and Martha Troglan Prevette. Surviving are her husband ;u dauglilcr, Mrs. Wiliiam Upriglit of Moorcsville, Rt. 4; five sons, Paul J. and Carl Bracken of Harmony, Rt. I, Marvin J. Bracken of Wasltlngton, D. C., John R. Bracken of Mocksvillc, Rl. 4 and Aaron Bracken of Morganton; her parents of Harmony, Rt. 1; nvc sisters, Mrs. Tommie Turner of Hamptonvillc, Misses Bertha and Lillian Prevette of Lexington, Mrs. Marvin Tallcy of Grarlottc and Mrs. Willie Tallcy of Harmony; and four brothers, Joseph and Alvin Prevette of Lmdis, William Prevette of Charlotte, and C, V. Prevette of Harmony. J. C. CHARLES. 75 James Wiseman Charles, 75, of Rt. 4 Modrsviltc, died Monday at Manor Care Nursing Home in Winston-Salem. lie was bom Dec. 4, 1895, in Davic County, the son of the late John C. and Sallic Crump Giarlcs. He was a veteran of World War I and a retired farmer. Surviving ore four sisters, Mrs. Louise Campbell ofRt.3, Mocksvillc, Mrs. Sarah Woodruff of Rt. 5, Mocksvillc. Mrs, Laura Jane Barringer of Granite Quarry, and Mrs. Helen Carter of Rl. 4, Mocksvillc. Funeral services will be conducted Thursday at 11 a.m. at F.aton^s Funeral Home Giapei by the Rev. William Cain. Burial will be at Jerusalem Baptist Church cemetery. JAMES A. FRYE James Alexander Frye, 52, of Salisbury, Rt. 10, died of natural causes en route to Rowan Memorial Hospital, February ID. The funeral was licid Friday at Lyerty Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Pirk. He Was born in Davic County to the Rev. Royd W. and Emma Couch Frye and was a member of Oakland Heiglils Baptist Church. He was a paint contractor. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nellie Freeman Frye; a sister, Mrs. Nunnley Jones of Madison, Ga. Bio - Obituaries - 2/19/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA The Pifftbursh Press, Tuesday, February 24, 1970 Emma Guffey Mi)ler DhsJm: Grartd Old Lady bf Oemocrafs By JOHN PLACE defendine his stAnd aoatne* iBy JOHN PLACE Mre defending his stand against j?"'sh. Emma Guffey Miller, rand old lady of the Demo- ratic Party, died last night of 1 heart attack at the age of 95. women driving cars, esplainwi it wouldn't be safe for.them to drive at night She suffered the attack In , sn^S^®"" PoHcemen," she ler home, Wolf Creek Park, --WM wAvvA rara,^ Slip Ipery Rock; Butler County, Sunday night and died In a Grove City hoqiitaL Funeral services will l>e at 11 a. m. Thursday at the Epis- <»^1 Church of the Epiphany in Grove Qty. The Elton L. Uber Funeral SBppery Rock, saidburial will be in Richmond, Va;."? Milltf,. who laughingly called herself the void GrayMare," was the oldest member the Democratic National Com- mittee has ever had:" The sister of the fate U.S. Sen. Josei* F. Guffey who ^servrf from 1935 through 1946, Mrs. Miller grew up in Gieens- burg and was esnosed early to politics. Her father, Johh Guffey, was Meriff of Westmoreiand County. .f Her famfly moved to Pitts burgh when she was'In her teens and she "Was married here to Carroll MillerJm en- C^eer, who later became chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Miller, who died in 1949, anticipated the Penn^lvanla- New York Central Railroad mei^er by about 30 years hiswife liked to re<^. fM engaging but tough- minded woman, Mrs. Mffler iBd been the Democratic na-(■*' committeewoman .for "^"la since 1932.Med at the job. after tiyfag to wtoi.SToidwS.'" "~-g!!!_gfflclal in WashlnvMn all not be denied by theUnited States or any state cm account of sex." her persistent lob-Wng, Congress passed a lawtwo. years ago removing ca- restrictions on women officers in the armed forces. M for her ancestors, Mrs.Miller recently told a re- It ^ ^ we "8-tlonal Woman's Party which , seufht an amendment to they. S. Constitution holding that'equality of rights under fee n 1967 at a meeting of theDemocratic National Committee, a tale was proposed thatno i^date for delegate to Miner•TO l96B'-.e(nivention:''be'dis-'-vporter:'criminated against because of "We'vo iwan «»«. jP .H. £ • P^Wck Campbell wasMrs. Miller demanded that ^ Watch at Fortthe word ''sex'-Vhaadded. * ouqucsno. But --^oa never ■■ Executed ' * "We -found one whom ^Oianes n had executed and 'to head posted on London. BridgA, because he was theia^er^ho prosecuted OiarlK 1 toe treason." Miller also liked tota'^bqnt election days inwtstmorelaQd County whentte «otes were counted ' wink *|01d Possum Hoiiow." i "Itet's how. we knew the • fitohed," she said.* Hollow was theI most f^ous lye whisky ever before OverholLMy father always said it was they Lm J"" ^ ®e«er, Mrs.. Miller became the first woman "ewbiated for president—at the 1924 national convention'. -'Seconded' FDRShe had seconded the noml- E. Smith in19M and Franklin D. Roose velt in 1932. . ■ .^"ecMt years her estimateof President Lyndon B. Johu- bSindlW"® ^ •,^,5«>-.Ensene McCartby/fof Mimesota, she said, "A fine/mm but he's not getting anyiwhere." . jjJ Surviving Mrs. MiUer arf'four sons, John, an Air Fore'' •O r-- "cr- ton; CarroU Jr. of Fox Cham photographerWilliam of Greenwich, Cnuki and Joseph of Bosinn :3~ \A -S <5k Davle Cou«ty PobRc Library MocksviHe,. NC •3 COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, February 25,1970 Mrs. Wagoner, Dovie County MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Sidia Wofford Wagoner, 71, of Mock- svllle, Kt. 4, die<l at GAO JYid night at her home. Death was unexpected, resulting from a heart attack. Born in Davic County July 27, 1897, she was the daughter of the late George W. and Mary Jane Ijagle Wofford. She wa.sa ntein- ber of Turneline Baptist QjurcJi. Survivors include five daugh ters, Mr.s. Helen Ratlcdge of Woodleaf, Mrs. Dorothy McDanicI of Mocksvllle, Kt. 3. Mrs. Nora Mae Bailey of Om aha. Neb., Miss Geraldinc Wagoner of the home, and Mrs. Barbara Jean fjamcs of Mock* svilie, Hi. 4; four sons. James, Buddy, •sarvin, and George Wagoner .'II of Mocksvillc. Kt. 4. Mrs. Wofford Of Lexington MOCKSVILLE — Mrs, Ula Hcllard Woffard, 67, of l/jxing- ton, formerly of Cootccmee, died Sunday al Lexington Me morial Hospital. Mrs. Wofford was born Sept. II, 1902, in Davie County, the daughter of tlie late Charles and Elizabeth KidenhourHellard. Survlvin" arc a son, Ray mond Wofford of Lexington; four sisters, Mrs. Odell James of Kt, 4, Mocksville, Mrs, Alma Snead of CMleemee, Mrs, Ma bel Hancock of Durham, and Mrs. Mary Ung King of Phoe nix. Arizona; and a brother, Monroe Hellard of Coolccmee, Jocob Sheek, 87, .1/ MOCK.SVILLE — Jacob Halt Shcek. 87. of Ri. i, Advance oied at his home Thursday morning. He was a retired farmer and the son of the late Jacob T. and .Mary Jane Hall Sheek. He Was a memlHTof Yadkin Valley Baptist Church. Survivors include the widow, Lvola.S, Sheek; two sons, Jason and Bob Shock, both of Rt. I. Advance; one brother, John D. Sheek of Rt. i. Advance; «ne grandson, Harold Sheek. N. L. Hendrix Real Estate Developer Noah i^stcr Hendrix, 6-1, of Kt. 9. Salisbury, who devclcncd Hendrix Estate, died Saiuroay at 10 p.m. at the Rowan Counly Hospital. He had been in declining heallh for five months and seriously ill for six weeks. He was bom Sept. 28,1905, in Davic County, the son of Mrs. Lannie .Myers Hendrix of Rt. 9 Salisbury, and the late D. l' Hendrix. A graduate of Church- land High School and N. C. Slate University In 1928. ho was an agriculluraj teacher in Iredoll and Davie counties and farm ageni In Richmond County, Mr. Hendrix was an active member of Enon Baptist aiurch. Also surviving are his wife Mrs. Juanila CorrellHendrix; a daughter, Mrs. Harvey Horn of Raleigh; two brothers, Hoyle A. Hendrix of Greenville and Rob ert L. Hendrix of Raleigh: tJiree sisters, Mrs, R. C. Lfppard of Cleveland, Mrs, Raymond W. Poleat and Mrs. Clara ff. Po- (cal, both of Rt, 9, Salisbury; and three grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 2/25/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 2 - DAVlE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORU, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1970 JACOB H. SHEER Jacob Hall Shcek, B7, of Advance. Rl. i, died Thursday at his home. The funeral was held Saturday at Baton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Vadkin Volley Baptist Church cemetery. He was bom in Oavie Couilty to Jacob and Mary Jane Hall Sheek. Surviving are his wife, Mrs, Bvofa Smith Sheek; two sons, Jason and Bob Sheek of Advance, Rt. 1; and a brother, John D. Sheek of Advance, Rt. 1. MRS. J. S. WAGONER Mrs. Stella Wafford Wagoner, 72, ofMocksvUle, Rt. 4, widow of J, S. Wagoner, died Friday at her home. She was born in Davie County to George W. and Mary Jane Cagic Waiiord and was a member of Turrcntinc Baptist Church. Surviving arc five daughters, Mrs. Helen Railcdge of Woodlcaf, Mrs. Dorothy McDanicl of Mocksvillc.Rt. 3, Mrs. Nora Mac Bailey of Omaha. Neb., Miss Gcraldinc Wagoner and Mrs. Barbara Jean Ijaincs of Mocksvilie, Ki. 4; and four sons, James, Buddie, Marvin and George Wagoner of Mocksvilie, Rt. 4. BOONE R. RUMMAGE Doone R. Rummage, 60, of Route 7, Statcsvillc, died Wednesday, February 18, after a year of illness. The funeral was held Friday at 3 p. m. in Boulevard United Methodist Church, Statesville. Burial was In Oakwood Cemetery. He was born in Davic County to Arthur and Laura McClamrock Rummage. Mr. Rummage was a member of Boulevard United Methodist Church and was owner and operalor of Rummage Service at Statcsvillc. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mildred Bogcr Rummage; two dauglUcrs, Mrs. Ben Becker of Salisbury and Mrs. Larry Kcplcy of Hickoiy; a son. Kenneth Rummage of Statesville, and a sister, Mrs. Qaudc Fryc of Mocksvilie. MRS. ARTHUR WOFFORD Mrs. Llla Hellard Wofford, 67, of 300 Oak Street, Lexington, fmrnerly of Cooleemce, widow of Arthur Wofford, died Sunday at Lexington Memorial Hospital. The funeral was held Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was In Liberty United Methodist Church cemetery. She was born in Davle County to Charles and EUaabelh Ridmhour Hellard and was a member of Liberty United Methodist Church. Surviving arc a son. Raymond L. Wofford of Lexington; four sisters, Mrs. Odell James of Mocksvilie, Rt 4, Mrs. Alma Snead of C^leemee, Mrs. Mabel Han* cock of Durham and Mrs. Mary King of Phoenix, Ariz.; a brother, Monroe Hellard of (kMleemee. Bio - Obituaries - 2/26/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, March 4,1970 Mrs. Sheets, 82, Of Woodleaf Rd. Mrs. Essie Sapp Dunn Sheets, 82. of m. 9, Woodleaf Rd., Salis bury died Sunday at 8t30 a.m. at the Rowan Memorial Hospi tal. She had been in declining health for the past eight months. She was born Oct. 13,1887, in Rowan County, the daughter of the late Walter McCalin and Alice Benson Sapp, Educated in Davidson and Rowan schools, she was a member of the Salis bury Retired Citizens Club, the Woodleaf Home Demonstration Gub, and Enon Baptist Church. She was twice married. Her first husband, W. E, Dunn, died in 1924, and her second hus band, L. A. Sheets, died in 1939, Surviving are three sons, Ar nold B. Dunn and Bill A, Dunn, both of Salisbury, and Fred E, Dunn of Cooleemee; three step sons; three daughters, Mrs. Helen Burton of the home, Mrs, Dwight F. Pinkston of Salis bury, and Mrs. Ray A, Sedberry of woodleaf; three step-daugh ters; a brother, M. Ben Sapp of Hurl, Va.; three sisters, hlrs, W. A. Shuping of Statesville Rd., and hfrs, Crayton R. Ben son and Mrs. Jennie Lee Sand- lin, both of Salisbury; and six grandchildren. Ervin Funeral Funei'nl services for Robert Lee Ervin Sr., 90, of Ul. 1, Woodleaf, were conducted Sun day at 2:30 p.m. at Woodleaf United Metlio<iist Church by the Rev. W, F. IjCc and the Rev. I. Presley Rutledge. Burial was at Mt. Olivet Methodist Church cemetery. Pallbearers were Glenn Smith, Ronald Ervin, Ray Pow- las, Charles Ervin, Harold Wil- kerson, Everette Lewis, T. G. Hunsucker, and James Rlggs. Mr. Ervin died Friday at the Rowan Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Leonard Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE - Mr.s. Alice lx;e Ixjonard, 38. of Rt. 3. Mock sville. died Thursday evening at fht? Davie County Hospital. Mrs. I>c6riard was born Oct. 20, 1931. in Da vie County, the daugiiter of Joe B. Owens of Rl. 3. Mocksville, and the late Ca dence Potts Owens. Surviving are her husband, Clyde W. iyconard; two daugh ters, Jean and Carolyn I^on- ard, both of the home: three sons, Vance. Gary, and Vernon UHJnard, all of the home; two sisters, Mrs. Richard Shore of Rl. 2. Mocksville. and Mrs. Sherman Jones of Mocksville: and a brother, Charlie Owens of Rt. 2. Mocksville. Bio - Obituaries - 3/4/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIli COUNTY UNTGRPRISI: RHCORn. THIIRSDAV. MARCH 5. 1970 - .7 FLOYD ARNDT PASSES Floyd Amdt of Statesville^ who formerly lived in Mock^lle, died at his home In Statesville l^t Tuesday, Funeral service was held lliursday at 3 p,m. In Mountain View United Methodist Church, near Catawba. Burial was III the Church Cemetery. 8 - DAVIli COUNTY liNTiiRPRISli RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1970 FOYC.JARVIS Foy C. Jorvis, 51, of Ashland Drive, Lexington, died Mondoy at 3:30 a.m. In North Carolina DaplisI Hospital in Winston- Salem, after an illness of two months and seriously ill for two weeks. He was horn in Davidson County November 26, IDIB to Arthur R. and Pcari Tysinger Jarvis of Lexington, who sur- vivic. He attended Lexington High School and was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church. Mr. Jarvis was shop supervisor with the Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem and a veteran of U. S. Army Wrodl War II receiving the purple heart and three battle stars. Survivors include his parents, his wife, Mrs. Vivian Hendrix Jarvis of the home; one daughter, Sue Ann Jarvis, student at Appolachian University at Boonc; one brother, C. J. Jarvis of Lexington, and one sister, Mrs. Chester Kepley of Lexington. The funeral was held Wed nesday at 2 p.m. in Trinity United Metho^sl Church at Lexington. The Rev. Paul Dennis officiated. Burial was in Forest Hill Memorial Park, Lexington. MRS. ALICE LEONARD Mrs. Alice I.£onard, 38, of Rt. 3. Mocksville, died Thursday evening at the Davic County Hospital. Funeral services were con ducted Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Powell Wilklns and the Rev. Brown McKlnney. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Leonard was bom Oct. 20, 1931, in Davie County, the daughter of Joe B. Owens of Rt. 3, Mocksville, and the late Cadence Potts Owens. Surviving are her husband, Clyde W. Leonard; two daughters, Jean and Carolyn ticonard, both of (ho home; Ihrce sons, Vance, Gray, and Vernon Leonard, .all of the homo; two sisters, Mrs. Richard Shore of Rt. 2, Mocksville, and Mrs. Sherman Jones of Mocksville; and a broUior, Charlie Owens of Rt, Mocksville. JAMIiXS G. ANDER.SON BIOCKSVILLE — Jaiiie.s Giirflcid Anilei'son, 88, o f Mock.HVillc, Rt. 1, died yesterday at Davtc County Hospital. Ilie funeral will bo ol 2 p.m. Unn-sdny at Baton's [•'uncral Chapel. Burial will he 1(1 Center Untied Methodist Chiireh cemetery. He was born In Davio County to Eli and Nellie McCulrc Andcr.son and was a retired farmer. He was n member of Center United Methodist Church. Surviving arc hi.s wife. Mrs. M:iry II. Anderson: three dnughlo's. Mrs. 11 c r m n n Manet's of High Point, Mrs. Annie Mac O w i n g s of Moclutville and Mr.s. Leo .lones of Winstou-Salcni; two .•ion.s. Waller P. Anderson of Raleigh, :(nd Jnnie.s M. Anderson of* Aloeksvllle. Rt. i; and a sister, Mr.<:. Ada Kv,ins of Slnlcsvlllc. Bio - Obituaries - 3/5/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8 - DAVm COUNTY I-NTIiRPRISli RUCORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1970 ROBERT GRAY BAITY Robert Grav Baity, 49, of Niocksvillc, Rt. S, died of natural causes Wednesday, February 2Slh at Baptist Hospital - In Winston-Salem. The funeral was held at 2:30 p.m. Friday at February 27th at Huntsville Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. He was born in Yadkin County to Isaac H. and Emma Russell Baity and was employed as a truck driver for Baity Brothers. Surviving arc his mother of Mocksville, Rt. 5; two sisters, Mrs. Cora Seals and Mrs. Polly Smith of Mocksville, Rl. 5; and seven brothers. Bill and Boone Baity of Yadkinville, Rt. 2, Charlie Lee Baity of Winston- Salem, Fred Baity of I^wlsvillc, Russell, Henry H. and John D. Baity of Mocksville, Rt. 5. P. G. HUNTER Paul G. Hunter 61, of 1309 Florida Avenue, Kannapolis, died Tuesday afternoon, February 24th, at his home. He suffered a heart attack and was pronounced dead on arrival at Cabamis Memorial Hospital. Funeral services were con ducted Thursday at 4 o'clock at Jackson Park Baptist Church by the Rev. Ned Duncan assisted by the Rev. Wofford Parham. Burial was in Carolina Memorial Park. A native of Davie County, he was the son of the late Charles Anderson Hunter and Sally Stonestrecl Hunter. He was employed by Cannon Mills in tho No. 4 weave room of Plant No. I. He had lived in Kan napolis for 23 years and was a member of Jackson Park Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Clara Hoffman Hunter; one daughter, Mrs. Jack Tucker of Kannapolis: three sister. Mrs. Pauline Padgett of Olin, Mrs. Haltle Pierce and Mrs. Mcalie • Danncr, both of Mocksville: and two grand children. Bio - Obituaries - 3/5/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, March 11,1970 Mrs. Padgett Dies Suddenly Mrs. Mary Julia SiniUi Pad- gcll. 51, of Rt. 1, VVoodleaf, died unexpectedly Monday at 8 a.m. at her home. She was born Sept. 12,1618, in Rowan County, the daughter of Garland Smith of Rt. 1, Wootl- leaf, and the late Mrs. Sabrina Rodden Smith. She was a mem* ber of die Corintli Church of Oirisl. Also surviving arc husband, Harold James Padgett, whom she married Nov. 5, 1942; a brother, Mclvin Smith of Rt. 1, Woodlcaf; two sisters, Mrs. Bob Wall of Mocksville and Mrs. □yde Stroud of Rt. i, Mocks ville. Bio - Obituaries - 3/11/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 10 - DA VIE COUNTV ENTERl'RISE RECORD. THURSDAY, MARCH 12. 1970 T. S. HENDRIX Thomas Spencer Hendrlx, 71, of Mccksville, Rl. 3, a sawmill operator, died at 9:50 p.m. yesterday at Davie County Hospilal. He was bom in Davie County on May 2, 1898 lo Spencer and Ava Jane Foster Hcndri.x. His wire, Mrs. Nellie Hendrlx Hcndrix, died in 1948. Surviving arc four daughters, Mrs. James R. Campbell, Mrs. Don Beaver and Miss Martha Hcndrix, all of Mocksville, 3, and Mrs. Dallas Grace of YadkinviUe; four sons, John* KelJy Hendrix and Tommy Hendrlx of Mocksville, Rl. 3; Jerry Ellis Hendrlx and Robert Spencer Hendrix of MoctUville, Rt. 2; a sister. Mrs. George Barney of Mocksville, Rl. 3; and three brothers, J. Frank, Lee and Risen Hendrix, all of Mocksville, Rt. 3. The funeral will be held at il a.m. Thursday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will bo in Smith Grove United Methodist Church cemetery. The family will be at the funeral home from 7 lo 9 p.m. HENRY H. BLACKBURN Funeral services for Henry Harold Blackburn - of Hamp- lonville - a veteran educator in the public schools of Vadkin, Wlkcs and Iredell counties- were conducted onn F^day afternoon at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in Irredell County where he had served as a deacon and Sunday School teacher for more than 50 years. Mr.'Blackburn died at Iredell Memorial Hospital in Sialesville March 3rd. He was a retired principal of the Houstonville Elementary School and. had taught in Iredell. Wilkes, and Yadkin for 36 years. Officiating at his services Friday were the Revs. W. E. Howard and J.S.Norris; burial was in ihe church cemetery. Grandsons were pallbearers. Deacons and trustees of Pleasant Hill Church formed Ihe honorary escort. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Daisy Carsoo Blackburn: Four daughters, . Mrs. Vivian Smith of Hamptonvillo, , Mrs. Cora Lee Studcvenl ond Mrs. Evelia Foot of Mocksville and Miss Celeste Blackburn of the home; two sons, Harold Blackburn Jr. of StatesviUe and James Blackburn of Salisbury; two sisters. Miss Mary Black* burn of HamptonvlUe and Mrs. Amanda Carson of VadStitiville; two brothers, Walter of Washington, D. C., and R. C. Blackburn of Wilkesboro; and 10 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries — 3/12/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, March 18,1970 Jewell Brock ^Aan Killed In Blaze MOt:KSVIIJ-E • A man In his dit'd vilicn flamfis i;uUv<i his iworwtn frame house uk(.'■•niiily MondayIJnvif lownly slw-rirf's <lepu-tif's idwilified ihe man as Jewelliireck who livwl In UiC Farmio^lori •■<niimioiily in nordicrn Davk'. ^ .,Di'inillcs said lhcfirepi)S5iW>•ittirl'Hi frujn a hoi plale Ins ixxjv was found in IhehtsJioomfij iiif slruclure Farmtrillion firemen smswered Ihe " rii olarrn IJroel! lived jilfliu-. Stiirle> <! (Sal u Mill! |-'iM>i-ial MTVlves uere IwM v.i«ii<l i\ Man It n ;«l Cairell l''Mia-ial H'«me loi Sliiiie) <• VV:|\»:i".\l|lr. N I iheir U'i'il iieal.i> III a lliiui oiiihe riumtv||os|>ii.il .iili'i a liui); illm*ss \ r.alivr iH Mni'ViNV die. iSaiuoed -.sas a Veteran \V*.iM M.ii I |(< \eien>l lull \VilIl.llli> H III i.ileil .iiiitliui i.d was III Uieeii llltl Ci'llielel A .Mititaiy irt.iM-Niile lileN were euniliii'led li-. iiieiiilN'i> «>l \\ i»\lieM'dle Aiiii-neaii I ee.ieii I'li"! X" S'.iMiMi't; ail" lie* wite. Mi'n .laiii' liieith.iiii fiaiWKiiil. Iimi dau»*.hleiN Ml*. Tnliimv Seae,iMve% •>! W.iyiiesvdie. Mrs I ,1 piiwell III raiiluii. .Mi> .liiiitii> I'.II well el W'alkiasvilli". <:.i . and .Mi > I Mil i'alldi.in oi ssKa. N I* I li r e I" s i> u s i:a> ol VV:i>e.esMlle. Wdliain nl Newsj'iili New*-. \ .1 . .ind Hai'dii el K»im>|Mii l 'reitii . a ••i-.lel Ml*. IU*.*i K\eilt.Ml I'l ill I Mel kMide ar.il Iwe l.|e!liet II.|\ iSaiWeeif III III I. Mei k.Mlle and I'leyd ISll Weinl el I 1 I'll I Sin e! I'lMih-e.-jee Mrs. McCorkle Of Mocksville .Mi)rK.SVII.I.K ~ Mrs. Man* eie ('ki-Iiu'I .McCorkle 79. of llardisnri .*>1. died Friday alWalts llospiial in Uiirliain. She was hni'ii In Ircdcll Couii*IV. d.iti|ihit!r id ihr late Wesley and .Mary Oaifher Cnrlnrr.lirr husband, William liobwl McCorklc.iiiixlin biX'V.StirvivtiiR art* iwo daunhlpra, Mrs. Oilie It. Anderson of C^*liiiuhus, ind.. and Mrs. VirginiaM Oirya nl .Mr]mn. Va.; u stm. Ilohort \V. McCorkii* of Dur- tinifi: faiirsfrp-daughlcrs. Mrs. l.*iurn SpiUU* of Monroe. Mrs. Flixvsie lielias and Mrs. Pear) llai rison. boUi of Cliartollei nad Mrs Cndierine llacom of Mat*iliews. iwo stcp*sons, J. I.. •McCurkk of .Myrtle llcach. S.C. and P. II. McCoiklv of Ctnir- lolle: nini a hroltior. Pearl Car- Iner of Mocksville. Everott Dennis^ Da vie Native roilLFK.'*'. FK Fxerell II.IU«*'» l>i*riri>. Iitlintlly .'f i'i>i>I.*eiiii'i .•ii*! a le>i<!i*iil <if \°iii<.ini.i lie.'el.. V.I . f<ir .iVaiiiI;'ti \.*a:N .ii,*ii l; .ii»pin Saliii- •I.A .11 lii> li>*ir.e *li>*i el :iie I.itr II M I}i*iini.s .i:;d lii-:i> Di-r.nts. la* is sur-\ne.| ii;<wife iJladjN (*i>i>i* |i<i.:ii**. a Vriilhfi. Hits Iknnis .if U.iiite 7. .Vthaiice, two .sis-Iris Mrs l<i*!ty .Mtnjihy andv.: r \.ii.ey l).iiii(*s of Mm ks* V lilt Fiiiiei.ii M*nK*t.*> Will he mm*(liieUs! M I |>in .Monday atll'iilniuaii and llrown Funcr.ilniaprl at N'tirfoik. V.i. Iturinl will he III Forest laiwii Ccme* lery .it .Vnrfnlli LT. Johnston Of Da vie County MlirKNVII.l.B l.owcll'l1titin:iN .liilinston, 70, of DavioCiiuiity died Wcdiiewhiy nifilil nl I ia\ ir Mrniori.ll llOSpllal.He Ixirn .Man'h IB. IBS'k if Iiidtana. ihe son of the laic1ltiiin:i.s .ind Nora Johnslon.Surtiviiig arc a daughler, Mrs .Mifliolc Ashloaof Fiiyclte-ville; foiir sons, llayinftndondK.ilpb Johnston, bolh of FO'veltiw-dle. David Johnslon. ofWichila, Kan., and llobertJohnston cf Fl Paso, Tex.; abrother, la'land Johnslon Of.Mnrg.inlon: grandildldrcn;.Ind four grent-driinilchUdren. Bio - Obituaries - 3/18/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1970 Man Borned To Death in Fire Julius C. Brock, 40, who Uved alone In a two-room home near Farmlngton was burned to death when fire destroyed the hcAtse Monday nieht of this unk. The Davie County Sheri^s Department report^ that It received a can about 7:30 p. m. The Farmlngton volunteer fire company went to the house and found It a mass of flames. After the fire died down, the victim's body was found in the Mr. Brock, a lifelong resident of Davie County was a con* struction worker. ' Su^vlng are his parents,'Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Brock of Mocksville, Rt. S; three sisters,^ -Mrs'.' LUora Frost of Winston* ^-Salem'i MxaV Catherine Haifaton •'of Pittsbu^; Pa';,''and*-Mrs. EIoIm Home ^ Mocksville, Rt. S; and three brothos, Louis 45aton of Wlnston-Salem, William Brock of Mocksville, Rt. 5, and George Brock of Mocksville. Funeral services were held at Cedar Creek Baptist Oiurch at 4 p. m. Wednesday. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/19/1970 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 19. 1970 MISS MARY FITZGERALD Mr8.W.R.McCorkle Funeral services for Mrs. Maggie Gartner McCorkle, 79, were held Saturday, March 14, dt II a, m. at First United Methodist Church in Mocksville. Burial was in Hebron United Methodist Church Cemetery In Monroe. Mrs. McCorkle died Thursday at Durham. She was the widow of William Robert McCorkle. She was born in Iredell County to Wesley and Mary Gallher Gartner and was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Mocksville. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Ollie B. Anderson of Columbus, Indiana and Mrs. Virginia Corya of McLean, Va., a son, Robert McCwkle of Durham; four stepdaughters, Mrs. Laura Spittle of Monroe, Mrs. Flossie Helms and Mrs. Pearl Harrison of Charlotte and Mrs. Kathryn Bacom of Mat> thews; two sleisons, J. B. McCorktc of Myrtle BeacH, S. C., and F. H. McCorkle of Charlotte; and a brother, Pearl Gartner of Mocksville. Shirley G.Garwood Funeral services were held Saturday, March 14 at Garrctt Funeral Home for Shirley G. Garwood 70, of Waynesville, N. C. Mr. Garwood died Wed* nesday in a Buncombe County Hospital after a long Illness. A native of Mocksville, Garwood was a veteran of "World War 1. Reverend Bill Williams of ficiated and burial was in Green Hill (ilcmclery. - • Military' graveside rites were inducted by members of Waynesville American Legion Post No. 47. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jane Bin^am Garwood, four daughters, Mrs. Tommy Scagraves of Waynesville, Mrs. T. J. Powell of Canton, Mrs. Jimmy Carweli of Watkinsville, Ga.. and Mrs. Dan Callihan of Sylva, N. C.:threesons. Ray of Waynesville, William of Newsporl News, Va., and Harold of Kingsport, Tcnn., a sister, Mrs. Ben Everhart of Rt. 4, Mocksville and two brothers, Roy Garwood of Rt. 4, Mocksville and Floyd Garwood of Center Street, COoleomee. Mrs. Hazel Rcdmon, Mrs. Hazel Ruth Redmon, S3, of Mocksville died Thursday of natural causes at her home. The funeral was held Sunday at New Jerusalem Holiness Church.' Burial was in the church cemetery. She was born In Johnson County, Tenn., .and was a member of New Jerusalem Holiness Church. Surviving ore a son, Fred Rcdmon of Mocksville; four sisters, Mrs. Mary Dillard of SalislNjry, Miss Nancy Goins of Boston, Mass., Miss Roxie Goins of Washington and Mrs. Beatrice Rcdmon of Baltimore, Md.; and a brother, Charlie' Goins of Ballimorc. Miss Mary Fitzgerald, 83, a former teacher at Curry School, died Tuesday, March lOth at Moses Cone Hospitai.in Greaisboro. Miss Fitzerald, who lived at 308 S. Aycock St,, was a native of Mocksville and a graduate of UNC-G (ithen Woman's College). She received a master's degree from Columbia University, She was a teacher In the public sdiools of North Carolina for 16 years and joined the faculty at WCUNC In 1924 as as instructor in the department of education. Miss Fitzgerald served as advisor to the Education dub and to the Student Council at Curry School. She also was a member of the College Curriculum committee.. Miss. Fitzgerald was a member of the National Education Association and the North Carolina Education Association and the North Carolina Grammar Grade TOachet;s Association and a 'member n of the Presbyterian Chm^ of Um Covenant..' Graveside service were hdd at 2:30 nlm. last Fridav at : a Gieenvillc Cemctory. Lowell T. Johnston Ell. Dennis, 00 Everett Hancs Dennis. 60, farmcrly of Coolccmcc and a resident of Virginia Beach, Va., for about 20 years, died Saturday at his home. Son of Ihc talc G. M. Dennis and Betty Dennis, he is survived by his wife, Gladys Cope Dennis; a brother, Otis Dennis af Route 2, Advance; two sisters, Mrs. Belly Murphy and Mrs. Nancy Ijames of Mocksville. F^incral services were con ducted Monday at Holloman and Brown Funeral Chapel ot Norfolk, Va. Burial was in Forest Lawn Cemetery at Norfolk, tiowoll Thomas Johnston, 76, of Fran-Itay Rest Home died March lllh at Davic County Hospital. The funeral was conducted Sunday at the Seventh Day Advcnlisl Churct. ofMorganton, Burial was In Glon Alpine Cemetery. He was bom in Indiana to Thomas and Nora Preble Ttiomas Johnston and was a- memfafer of the Seventh Day advenlls.1 Church. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Michael Asbton of Faycllcvillc; lour sons, Raymond and Ralphiohnston of Fayettevlllc. David Johnston of Widiita Fatts, Kansas, and Robert Johnston of Et Paso,. Texas; and a broler, Inland Johnston of Morganlon. Bio - Obituaries - 3/19/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DEceii\ScO l^'. wiix DliS^D SR.; ;;j n ^'.M-O'C K S"V t'LL E n — • "Mirs^i Juahita" Fpofe' I)illard;: 67j' ofj Modksville/-Rtr "3, ^e'-of Will j Dffiard Sr^ died- yesterday at"j Davie County . Hospital. ; The n body- is • at n Morrison-Studevent i ! F un er al Home 'pending j ' arrangements." :. ^ i She -was hoim in Davie Coimty; ' and. was a member of ShiloK .Baptist_Ohurch. Surviving are" -her husband; • : seven daughters, Mrs. Alice Patterson, Mrs. Louise Lewis and Mrs. HazeLXalton of the home, Mrs. Margaret Lewis and Mrs. Josephine Jones of M 0 c k s V i M 6, Mrs. Caroline Williams of Cooleemee, Rt. 4, and Mrs. Mary Holmes of. (Harmony, -Rt 2; and two sons, | i Robert Dillard of the home and 'Will Dillard Jr. of Mocksville. -S&'aadt Of 'OtcEftSE. AmceS'vO.M . dam Mocksville, NC COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, March 25,1970 Robert Couch Former Resident Ki.Im-i I ' •' HlioklV'l. N V , rf M.5 i> l"'l rc-Mtlnil "I ' iiViUiS. M:»ivl. -.1 !M N V .•ii'-i •' , , , JJr is !!"■ '"•I* •h'kI IJiMiliii''" (■Kii'h I'i ni'i- MiMiv'i;- IIK'IHlli' ■' "■ .\i-.v Ym'V:. fi\«' vM-v h( ll'ihiliiy iii'H'.s. I<1 1)1 Calili'iriia; tW' sisUTs.f,cv Ti.ok 111 Iniliaiia. Mrs hr'iic-f Spiy <il KmUU- l.vilk': <iJU' lii'k i)i''jilnT. WalkH't'mu ki (if Murks kt fHis mUu. Mi> Hillj tVnuk. «ki-il ill Kiiiicral M-iVir«-s witc <''iiu ilml'-il 51) lkiiu]>lH-i> s l-uuui'-il lluiitr in Kukaiui. (ifiiu David Elmore Of Mocksville .MOCKSVH.Ll-: ■ .Vakiisn Klnuiri'. 75, of l«. i.Mtirksvillc. dii.-<l ■Il«if»'5a>;ninK al >li«- l>.ivivf'<niuly Mi^pi- lal.Mr. Klffiftro wfis Ixirn1891. Ill Diivir 4'nunly. lh<- soi» of ihc Ijile Jolii) iiml MftTV Kbnoro.Surviving lire a oOtigliliT.MiK, Virginia Harris of lU. 2,Mwksville: a son. Ckuvcr hi mort; ol Ik. 2. Mocksvillf:; niiroHiff. Will Klinorc of SiaK-s-vlllc; fiwl Uvo sIsUTS. Mrs.Ainnnda iliilinioil aW'l M'S. Car rk* Mullus.kiillKif Jlnriiinriy. Henry H. Wagner Coolecmee Motive Hviii'V H War.iiiT. 71,»il Kan-Mi,u,.lis ihril Tliiirsilay, .Mnivli 12.a! III iU 0 '•\c:«'::iii sMiiviiit.il 111 .Snlir-lnny M'' K a italiiu "I < uiilMniii'i" Ik' lu'il liii-n in I'.t luallli f") yi-ariiiiilsri'i-'ijsly illsiiu'i*ilnlylii- ,s ilii- SUM III Hn- laic Oiark's and Mai'li-'i (iriiliain\Vai:i'.iiu:il«-i;iii<lsi.iiirMVii'iti u| I ■i.iK'i'iinv 111-was ii icU'i'-Mi„l Wutlil War I ami was cm-,,|„vri1 in lln- l'"inislm»H l>'-l>l. "J Caniinii Mills III im i"!"-' iiu-ni >11I'lmvial svriiif> «crc tul>-(lucU'il al loinliiill Mcniorinll.u!lH'ran (liurdi l>y «1k' Ik'V. ( . .Marii'iii Slarr Uurial was alCaniliiia Mcnmnal ParkiinSal-Ill-day. March I I. His m-phcwAKiTvi^i as patlhrarvrsSurvis'nrs iiu'luUc witu. IIm'fiiriocr Vcr.sic Mt-("i'lii'>sinY. oni'ln'nilivr. Hcm- 'l". \Wi>l-llornfKainmimhs Ik* Miis alMi a hruilicr ul ihclaii- .Mln-rl W. Wiii-nvi- nl Ciwilis'iwi' Bio - Obituaries — 3/25/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 10 - DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1970 LONNIE MYERS MRS. WILL DILLARD, SR. Funeral services for Mrs. Juanlta Foole DUlard, 67, of MocksvUle, Route a, will be held Thursday, March 28, at 3 p.m. at Shiloh Baptist Church. The Rev.'Freeman Germany, of the St. John AME Zlon Oiur^, will conduct the service. Mrs. DUiard, wife of Will DUlard, died Monday at Davie County Hospital. She was t>om in Davie County and was a member of Shiloh Baptist Church. Surviving are her husband; seven' dau^ters, Mrs. Alice Patterson, Mrs. Louise Lewis and Mrs. Hazel Dalton of the home, Mrs. Margaret Lewis and. Mrs. JosefUiine Jones of Mocksylile, Mrs. Caroline WUUams of Cooleemee, RL 4, ai^ Mrs. Mary Holmes of Harmony, Rt 2; and two sons, Rol)ert DUlard of the home and WU1 DUlard Jr. of MocksviUe. FRED CAIN Funeral services for Fred Cain, 87, of Mill St., MocksviUe, were conduct^ Friday, .March 20tii at 4 pjn. at ShUob Baptist Oiurch in MocksvUle by the Rev. 0. W. Campbell and the Rew. F. D. Johnson. Burial was at the church cemetery. Mr. Cain, natural causes last Tuesday at the home of a brother, Loyd Cain of MocksvUle. He was bom in Davie County to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Cain and was a member of Qiinquapin Baptist Church in Vadkln Valley. Surviving are his wife, Mr. WUUa Malone Cain of Jamaica, Long Island,' N. V.: A a dau^ter, Mrs. Alfreda Smith of Jamaica, Long Island; three sisters, Mrs. Florence Glenn and Miss Juanlta Cain of Wlnston-Salem and Mrs. Bertha &noot of MocksvUle; and a brother, Loyd Cain of MocksviUe. Lonnie Lindsay Myers, 68, of Advance, Rt. 1, died Thursday at Davie County Hospital here. The funeral was held Saturday at Eatoh's Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Advance United Methodist Church cemete^. . He was bom in Davie County ' to'. Walter. N.,and. LUUe Mae "^BFeridle'- My^" .'hftd W a member of Advance United Metho<fist Churdi. He was a retired employee of Hanes Knitting Mills at Winston* Salem. Surviving. are three daughters, Mrs. Dorothy M. R^es of demmons, . 1, Mrs. Mary Bell Cope of MocksvUle, RL 5,'and Mrs. Margaret Mayhew. of MocksviUe, Rt. 3, and Mrs. Betty PojUIn of Wlnston-Salem; two brothers, Jim n Myers of Farmington and WiUie Myers of Lexington; two half ^ters, Mrs. >Dovle Bell Davis of demmons and Mrs. Emrley Hudson of Winston-Salem; and two half broUiers, Walter Lee Myers of Lexington and diaries F. Myers of Advance, Rt. 2. DAVID N.ELMORB David Nathan Elmore, 75, of MocksviUe, Rt. 2, died Thur- s^y at Davie County Hospital. The funeral was held Saturday at Rocky Springs Baptist Church. Burial was in Uie diurch cemetery. He was born in Davie County to John and Mary Myers Elmore and was a member of Rocky Springs Baptist Church. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Virginia Harris of MocksvUle, Rt. 2; a son, Grover Elmore of Moclrnville, Rt. 2; two sisters, Mt^. Amanda Johnson and IVIrs. C«irrie Mullus of Harmony: and a brother. Will Elmore of Statesvllle. HARVEY Q.GAITHER Harvey Q. Gaithcr, 8S, of Route 2, Harmony, died Mon* day March, 18 at his home. He had been in declining health for several years. He was born in Iredeli County on June 16, 1884, to the late Archibald GalUier and Rena Howard Gaiiher. Mr. Gaiiher was a retired laborer, doing farming, well work and sawmilUng. During World War I, he worked with Ihe Fcderai Government in the coal mines. He was married on March 26, 1939, to the former Maggie Slimpson Burke, who survives, along with one daughter, Mrs. Mary Lou Harvey of Brooklyn, N. V. A son preceded him in death and four grandchildren also sur>ive. Funeral services were held, Thursday, March 19, at Mount Nebo Baptist Church at 2:00 in ttie afternoon, conducted by Ihe Rev. B. C. Caddy and Eider I. W. Ijames. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Bio — Obituaries - 3/26/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 1,1970 Mrs. Crofts, 71, Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE Mrs. Amanda Jane Crolls, 71, of Rl. 4. Mocksville, died Monday morning at her home. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 4 p.m. at Concord United Methodist Church by the Rev. Robert Frost. Burial will be at the church cemetery. Mrs. Crotts was born Sept. 29, 1898, in Davle Counlv, the daughter of the late John and Sarah Heck Hamilton. Surviving are a son, Eugene Crotts of Rt. 4, Mocksville; a sister, Mrs, Minnie Seaford of Rl. 2, Advance; and a brother, John Henry Hamilton of Coolecmee. Thomas Sfeele, Rt. 1, Woodleof STATBSVILLE — Tliomas Duke Steele, 6C, retired mer chant and farmer of Rt. 1, Wuodlcaf, was dead on arrival at Rowan Memorial Hospital at 12:30 p.m. Friday. His death was attributed to a heart attack while ho was at John Stcelc's store. A native of Rowan County, he was born April 10, 1903 to Wil liam A. and Mary Catherine WilhelmStcele. He is survived by his widow, Mrs, Jessie Bell Steele; two sons, Kenneth of Rt. i, Wood- leaf, and Gerald, of Atlanta; one brother, W. Ervln Steele of Cooleemee; a sister, Mrs, Cath erine Harper of Salisbury; five grandchildren. • He was a member of the official board of the South River Cliurch, and was choir director. He was a county commltteeman of tlic ASC board and a director of Scotch-Irish depart- Albert Holder, Davle Native MOCKSVILLE - Albert E. Holder, 75, of Rt. I, Morehead city, died Saturday at the Carterat General Hospital In. Morehead City. He was the son of the late Elisha and Fannie ShuLt Hold er. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bessie Brenninger Holder; a daughter, Afrs. Elizabetli Spry of Morehead City; two sisters, Mrs. J. W. Spears and Mrs. Frank Holder, both of Qem- monfi; and one grandson. Funeral services were con ducted Monday 2 p.m. at Es- ton's Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was at the Rose Ceme tery. Mrs. Dillard^^ Rt, 3, Mocksville MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Jusn- ita Foot Dillard, 67, of Rt. 3, Mocksville. died Monday at the Davle Hospital. She is survived by her bus- band, Will; seven daughters, Mrs, Alice Patterson, Mrs. Louise Lewis, Mrs. Hazel Dal- ton, all of the home; Mrs. Mar-Saret Lewis and Mrs. Josephine ones of Mocksville, Mrs. Caro lyn Wlillams of Rt. 4, Cool eemee, Mrs. Mary Holmes of Rt. 2, Harmony; two sons, Rob- erli of the home, and^tw. off MocksvUle. Bio - Obituaries - 4/1/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DVAIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. APRIL 2, 1970 - 7 •I'TTr-—IT—If-fl-'i nn—III II • rir II I Imi-I II n i—unm* «i« n m B i l l I MRS.C.L.CROTrS Funeral services for Mrs. Amanda Jane Crotts, 71, of MocksvUle, Route 4, widow of CSiarlie Lee Crotts, wore held Wednesday, April 1, at 4 p. m. at Concord Methodist Church, Burial was in the church cemetery. • • She died Monday at her home. She was bom in Davie County to. John L. and Sarah Beck Hamilton. Surviving are a son, Eugene Crotts of MocksvUle, Rt.4; a sister, BSrs. Minnie Seaford of Advance, Rt. 2 and a brother, John - Henry Hamilton of Cooleemee. UTTLEKm Cato Montero Littleton, Jr., 67 of Wilmington, died niursday, Mard) 26, in Los Vegas, Nevada after a'brief lllnm. Graveside services were held in Oakdale Cemetory, Wilmington on Saturday, March 28, at 3 pjn. He was bom in Wilmington to Cato Montero Littleton and El&abeth Cox Littleton. Surviving are his wife, Rebecca. Grant Littleton of Wilmington; one daughter, B^. E. L. White; one son, Jdm Brewsler Littleton; four grand* children, and two sisters, Bte. Henry Melton and Mrs Les* Ue Knoppel, all of WUmington. Mrs. Littleton, the former Rdiecca Grant, is a dau^to* of the late Bdr. and Mrs. A. T. Grant. She is a sister of Airs. WoodrowBUlsoicf Duke Street, Mrs. G. W. Yokeley of Winston* SalemandMra.ForrestKdly of Raleigh. The tluree sisters and her broUter and sl8t^4n<law, Mr. and Blrs. A. T. Grant of Salisbury Street, attended the funeral. ALBERT HOLDER ' Funeral services for Albert Holdd*, 76, of Morehead City, formerly of MocksvUle, were held Tuesday, March 31, at 2 p. m. at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was In Rose Cemetery He was bom in Davie County to Eiisha and Fannte Shutt Holder. his wife, Mrs^ Bessie Rmegar Holder; and, a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Spry of Morehead City. MRS. MARTHA M. JORDAN Mrs. Martha M. Jordan, 67, of Mocks^dUe, Rt. 5, formo-ly of 1532 E. First Street, Winston* Salem. died Saturday, March 28, at Davie County Hospital. She was bora in Davie County and was a member of New Bethd Baptist Church here. She was a former employe of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Bio - Obituaries — 4/2/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 8,1970 M. E. Keller, 77, Of Mocksvillc AMHKSVII.J.i: M.itMi. Kllfc. Ki iin,;; i.i lit i m-./.- villr. iIikI iVwl;wMl.«y rti'itici r •iT l),)Vtf(V.iiil> llMo|iii;«lr»l!i.'A IWii: til |i;ivi«-I'liijt.iy M.ikIi ?1. IKH 111- \«:iN ll.r M-'i It) kiri' Ali-x itiiil 1j li» ll i.tl-> K«-l III Urw.iH.a ifTirnl l.iiiu'i S..I V|VliJ"\ 111'IikIi- ."iI*> . llr>3if T.ivliir Ki lirr <if 11' ; IHWN'tM.ClSlM tM l* Hliu k • Kl III ! Ill 111 I. .M<iikN\iltc. thru' iMuthiTs, iVill ainl KH'i I of Mdi'kxvilli'itini VVallt': Ki'llii of liijsit I'liiitt; <•»«• wnIi ;. ^l^^ NoIIKiI) H<fk l>f<*l>ril»*l-|!ln' Mrs. Hall, 46 Of Mocksville •MOCKSVII.LK Mrs TMittii Dare Hall. 44, ilird Snlunliiy ;«• lhpl>avioC'<n(ii!> Mrs. Iliiil svas liori^ Aug. V». iwa. In Siiinly f:wini>. Ihr tlniigliior of Slr-N. Cfrilfl'"Kini^~ liiffv Miiulln of AHwiiutlc and llic Fair Milas K. Matdia. Also surviving an* licr Itusliiifid. Krni'si T. Hall; si Min. Briitsl T. Hall Jr. i>i Hi I. Advance: f"ur <laughUT.s. Mr* llsirlrara l.atnl"Tl of Winsloii- .Salciu. Mis. Jud> Tucker •>{ Mocksvillc. and .Missraml Hall .nut MLvs Slidby Hall. l>'>ik of the licnic: iwo lirolhi*is. U-stcr Maulin of A*i>r«o«>d s>ml llobcrt .^tau1ln of |.cxingion; aial i*"» sislm. Mrs. W. H- Hcckcn of Lcxliigiwi and .Mrs. .I;ikc HdH of Albcitwirlc. George Waller. Rslier Mill R(l. lit t. in • I v\. I : 1.. ! -I IM-J.. M • *. •! I i >.| !<• I.. A. .1 |i. . . I.i!.- I.;- •i.V;.l!.- I I.III...-I ; I .'.. f 'i if t. Hi» ! ; •! Ail.. .Ml • V.I..I |lri..|'....l '.'. .1;. I. .}|.'i; .\t ii .•• •! i-iA -.All.- Ml- Ma: II..I I...II V.ail--.- StllMAlS ■l|xi» r- ill t i". I.';,! a. I-1;« •.■I.m.'I. Iais, Ml*. Mait'i.i I\.. :iKj*i t-l Kiaiiktii. .Ki'l .\li > Kir.! I'<4- i ilMiii i:! .-VlAiir.rA*. I.|i ".. A I ,. N.il K WalU r n: l;iSaiid.iwy. ;iii.| Uuik-r '<• CimirA'JIMT . I'.VI) Msl.'l >, .\J|^ l{<iMi- .Itaii-s aii.1 Mr-. M.ii.ih KrvA'. Im.|}i hi |)..a:i- amihI-. . Imi: Mi-pilaiiitliti-i- . Mi.a K.i>Ii rriiii' IIima'at anil .Mc.n KI-ia- ~Wils..|..-1...!!! .1. l<..AA.II'i ('niKir. Mi.% Ia-.iiv SlA'ad «.t 'Ht..|.i..- vtlir .'iitii .Mi'n Viii'iiiKi l'<iTi> .*1 . a nIi-jim'I.. .laii'.i ^ lA»iiiir<l •>{ III Sali^l I i gi.'iiidriiildiAi). ami i:< i;rajnMitl»lrA-i! Mrs. Allen, 76, Of Mocksville .MOrK.SVJI.I.K - .Mrs Kllif itimlcs Allen. 7i>, ilicil Wwlrnrsday mcriiini; sit Ihe havirruurity ItospiUll Mr.>. lUtrii A».isbi>Tii l)is' "ti. laaa, in llavlc foimtA ''••• dauglilct of tlic laic Wili-..i.i ."tml .S.-Allif linger llotAlcNSurviving aic licr liiuhand. Kloyd SV. »\llcii; ihriM' m.i>s. JK. ami J. C. Cassidy. in>:u ni Hi 2. Mix-ksvillr. and Thnni*.- Ht'sissidy nf l.i-xingl.in >daughter. Mrs DiAVill tJnx-ii ulKannsi|xilis; |wi>»iriiilnT.>. Iliighlto.Al<-N of ragA'laiiil. S I'. and t-brciiA't' HovaU-n III Wuistuti- .Saloin; and one sislcr. .Mrs Viola Tiirri'iitliH' of Kt. 3. Mix*ksvillc Bio - Obituaries - 4/8/1970 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8 - DAME COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, APRIL 9. 1970 MRS. ERNEST T. HALL Mrs. Thelma Dare Hall, 46, of Mocksvllle, wife of Ernest T. Hall Sr., died about 3 'a.m. Saturday, April 4th, at Davie OouR^ Hospital. She had been in declining health. She was bom in Stanly County to Mliaa and Grace Kimmery Maulin. And had lived here for many years. She is survived by her husband: one son, Emest T. Hall Jr. of Advance, Rl. 1; four daughters, Mrs. Barbara Lambertof Winston-Saiem, Mrs. Judy Tucker of Mocksville, Miss Carol Hall and Miss Shelby Hall, both of the home; . her mother, of Albemarle; two brothers, Lester Maulin of Norwood and Rob^l Maulin of Norwood and Robert Maulin of Lexingtcm; and two sisters, Mrs. W. D. Becken of Lcxtngton and Mrs. Jake Holt of Albemarle. Hie funeral was conducted Sunday at Advance. Baptist Church by' the Rev. C. E. Orawford. Burial was in the diurdi cemetery. MRS. FLOYD W. ALLEN Mrs. Efne Bowles Allen, 76, of Mocksvllle, wife of Foyd W. Allen, died Wednesday, April 1, ■at Davie County Hospital.' The.funeral-was Md at 2-p.m.'Friday at Oak Grove United Methodist Church. Burial was in the diurch cemetery. She was born in Davie County* .'to Wiiburn and Sallie Boger •Bowles.. Surviving are her husband; a'dau^ter, Mrs. DeWitt Green of ' Kannapolia; three.sons, J. E. ■ and J. C. C.assidy of Mocksvine, Bt. 2, and Thomas - . B. Cassidy of Lexington; a 'sister, Mrs. Viota'Turrentine of Mocksville, Rt. 8; and two ' brothers, Hugh Bowles of ;pageland. S. C.,-and Clarence Bowles of Wlnston-Salem. J.R-R(BERTS • . . : Jackis Ray Roberts, 30, of • Advanee.'Rt. 2, was dead whoihe arriv^ by ambulance atDavie Cojithty. Hosjdtal earlyNSaturday; Ap^ 4th', after being. - strlckm at home.■' Death was unexpe^ed.He was'bmti'in Suri^ County to Glenn - and- Lera.- Joycedbbefta Jift.ikas employeiLaialti^k di'i\^ for Ri J.'Re^olifs'i Tobacco Co. Surviving are his wife Mrs.' Dorothy.. -.Ann* ComatzerRoberts; thriee sons', Scotty,Gregory, and Dwight Roberta,'all ^ the home; his mother of WinstoH'Saiem; oneslster.'Mrs. .Carol Kiser of Winston-Salem; two brothers. R. J. and Delano Roberts, both of Winston<Salem;. his stepfather, Carl Roberts' of. Winston-Salem; and bis .grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Joyce ' of Pilot Mountain. .The. funeral was conducted Monday at Bixby Presbyterian Church by the Rev. D. F. Mc- Carty andthe Rev. R. B. Fisher.- Burial was in the church cemetery. MARVIN E. KELLER ■Marvin Ellis Keller, 77, of.Mocksvllle,. Rtl, died Wed-ncisday, April 1', at Davie County'Hospital. The fiineral was held at 4 p.nl; Friday at Eaton'sFuneral Chapel. Burial was in Jericho Church of Christ Cemetery. He was bom in Davie County to Alex and Ldla Bowles Keller and was a member of Jericho Church of Christ. He was a retired farmer. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bessie Taylor Keller; a son, Clarence (Buck) Keller of Moccksville, Rt. 1; a 'sister, Mrs. Nathan Beck ofCoolcemee; and three brothers,Will and Oscar Keller of Mocksville and Walter Keller of High Point. HORACE CAMPBELL The funeral for Horace Campbell, 78 of Hormony, Rt. 1, was held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday atPIney Grove AblB Zion Qiurch at Hormony, Burial was in the diurch cemetery. He diedWednesday, April 1st, at Iredell Memorial Hospital at Statesville, He was bom In Iredell County and was a r^etlred farmer. Surviving are five 8lst«s, Misses <)ueen Ester and Curley Campbell and Mrs. Creola . Jlolines of Brielle, N. J., Mrs. Agnes James of Bordentown, N. J., and* Miss Marie Campbell of the home; and four brothers. Flake and Hubert Campbell of Brielle, Luteen Campbell of Statesville, Rt. -4, and Zollie Cbmpbdl of Harmony, Rt. 1. DALLAS E. HOLCOMB ■Dallas Elmer (Slim) Holdimb, 63, of Mockayille, formerly of Yadkin County,died Saturday, at his home. The funeral was April 4tb, at 2 p.m.Monday at Fall (3reek Baptist Church ■ in Yadkin County. Burial was in^ the church cemetery. He was bom in Yadkin County to Do.ck and Ada Bryant Holcomb and was a member of Fall Ck^ek Baptist Church.Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Sadie Weatherman Holcomb; a^ugihter, Mrs. Grant Hyatt ofWlnstbn-^em; a son, ^arlle P. Holcomb of Winston-Salem. Bio - Obituaries - 4/9/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 15,1970 MOCKSVILLE - A Mocks- villc woman died instantly when she was thrown Irom an overturning car and the vehide rolled over her early Sunday. State Highway Patrolman A. C. Stokes id^tined her as Mrs. Bertha Hutdiins Bullin, 29, of V35 Maple Avenue Ext.. Mocks- ville. He said she died instantly of massive injuries as a result of the 1:20 a.m. Sunday accident on Prison Camp Road about a half mile west of Mocksville. Her husband. Clay Kemp Bullin, 23, of the same address, was admitted to Davie County Hospital here with head in juries. Patrolman Stokes said that Bullin was driver of the 19S4 Chevrolet which was being driv- en west on Prison Camp Road. He lost cont rol of the vehicle in a curve. The car ran off the right side of the road and overt turned. In the process of overturning, Uie patrolman said the woman was thrown from the car and the v^iclc ran over her. The car was demolished. Patrolman Stokes said that in this Incident, seat belts would have prevented the woman from being thrown from the vehicle, and probably would have prevented the fatal in juries. Charges are pending. Mrs. Bullin was bom June H, 1940, in Vadkin County, the daughter of Lawrence Hutchlns of Mt. Airy and Mrs. Hatlle Bullin Hutchins Luffman of Charlotte. Also surviving are her hus band, KeMp Gay Bullin; two sons, Denny and Randy Btdlin of Uichome; a brother, Bernard Ray Hutchins of Unwood, Ca lif.; a sister, Mrs. Junior Cre^s of Unwood, Calif.; and the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bullin of Yadkin- villc. G. E. Marklond Of Davie County MOCKSVIIi.E — G«orge Er- nest Markland, &5, of Davie County, died Monday at the Davie Cbunty Hospital, The son of the late George N, and Susanna livingood Mark- land, he was a retired employe of the R. J. Reynolds' Tobacco Co. Surviving are two dau^ters, Mrs. Milton Carter, ana Mrs, Taylor Howard, both of Ad vance; four stHis, J. P, Mark- land oif Winston-Salcm, Charles and Frank Markland, both of Advance, and John Markland of Baltimore, Md.; two brolhwa, Joe Markland of Wlnston-Salem and Lloyd Markland of Ad vance; two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Myers of Advance and Mrs. Gideon Jones of High Point; a half-flister, Mrs. Bemie Hobbs of High Point; a half brother, G, N. Marldandof Plainer, Va.; 17 grandchildren ; and 13 great- ^andchildren. AArs. Daniel Of Cooleemee COOI£EMEE — Mra. Mary Bivins Daniel, 69, of Erwin St, died Sunday night following several months of declining health. She was bom Aug. 26,1899, In Vadkin Counly» the daughter of Qie late William and Ellen Day Bivins, Surviving are her husband, Albert Daniel; four daughters, Mrs. Paul Tutterow of Rt. 4, Mocksville, Mrs. Everette Sha ver of Rt. 9, Salisbury, Mrs, Kay R. Hoover of Salisbury, and Mrs. Bruce Josey of Rt. 2, Brown Summltt; two step-sons. Robert Daniel of Charlotte and Glenn Daniel of. Rockwell: two step-daughters, Mrs, N. H. Hicks of hllamai, Fla., and Mrs. Detphla Hcss 'of Granite Quar ry; two brothers, Hubert Bivins of Cooleemee and Brady Bivens of Memphis, Tenn.; eight grandchildren; and four great grandchildren. Mrs. Barnhardt, 86/ Of Advance MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Bessie Hcndrix Barnhardi, 86, of Rt. 2, Advance, died Thursday night at the Davie County Hospital. ^c wa$ bom March 6,1884, in Davie County, daughter of the late William A. and Ann Foster Hcndrix. Her husband, James C. Bamhardt,diedin 1957. Surviving are six daughters, Mrs. Richard Allan, Mrs. Grey Sheets, Mrs. Joe Smith, and Mrs. Gydc Jones, all of Rt. 3, Mocksville, Mrs. IxiBler Foster and Mrs. Garence Carter, both of Rt. 2. Advance; two sons, Giarlie F. Bamhardt of Rt. 2, Advance, and James W. Bam hardt of Rt. 3, Mocksville; a half-brother, Charlie A. Hen- drix of Rt. 2, Advance- Bio - Obituaries - 4/15/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 15,1970 Mrs. Seamon Of Advance MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Mary Jane Hendrlx Seamon, 66, of Rt. 2, Advance, died Friday at Da vie Goimly Hospital. She was bom Nov. 12,1303, In Davic County, the daughter of the late Milton and Ida Jane Hcndrix. She was a member of Jeridio Church of Christ. Surviving are her husband, Clyde Seamon; two dat:^ta^, Mrs. Barbara Austin oiRt. 1, Advance, and Mrs. Charlie Ben* son of Rt. 1, Geveland; three sons, Cecil ^amon of Mocks- ville, Millard Seamon of Atlan tic Beach, and Wayne Seamon of Rt. 2, Mocksvillc; three sis ters, Mrs. W. A. Comatzer and Mrs. LUlie Potts, both of Rt. 3, Mocksville, and Mrs. Glenn Messick of Rt. 1, Advance; a brother, Tommy C. Hcndrix of Cooleemee; nine grand- childr&i; and two grcat-grand- ^ildren. Bio - Obituaries - 4/15/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 16,1970 - Page 1 AAocksville Woman Di^ Instantly In Car Wreck A Mocksyille woman died instantly when she was thrown from an overturning car and the vehicle rolled over her early Sunday. State Highway Patrolman A. C. Stokes Idenllfred her as Mrs. Bertha Hutehina Bullln, 29, of 465 Maple Avenue Ext., MocksviUo. He said she died instantly of massive injuries as a result of the 1:20 a.m. Sunday accident on Prison Camp Road atxHit a half mile west of Mocksvllle, Her husband, day Kemp Bullin, 33, of the same address, was admitted to Davie County Hospital here with head Injrues. Patrolman Stokes said that Bullln was driver of the 1994 Chevrolet which was being ^iven west on Prison Camp Itoad. He lost control of the vehicle in a curve. The car ran off the right side of the road and overturned. In the process of over turning, the patrolman said the woman was thrown from the car and the vehicle ran over her. The car was demolished. Patrolman Stokes said that in this incident, seat belts would have prevented the woman from being thrown from the vehicle, and probably would have prevented the fatal in juries. Charges are pending. Funeral services for Mrs. Bullin were conducted Tuesdoy at Eaton's Funeral Home Chape) by the Rev. Henderson Pedsoe. Burial was in Forbush Friends Meeting Cemetery in Yadkih County. Mrs. Bullln was bom June 14, 1940, in Yadkin County, the dau^tor of Lawrence Hutchins of Mt. Airy and Mrs, Hattie Bullin Hutchins Luffman of Charlotte. Also surviving are her husband, Kemp Clay Bullin; two sons, Denny and Randy Bullin of the home; a brother, Bernard Ray Hutchins of Linwood, Calif.; a sister, hfrs. Junior Greggs of Linwood, Calif.; and the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bullin of Yadikinville. Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 10 - DAVII: COUNTY i-NTI:RI'RISi: KirOUD. THURSDAY. APRIL 16. 1970 MRS.J. C. BARNHARDT Mrs. BgssIo llcndrix Bar- niiardl, 86, of Rt. 2. Advance, died Tltursday nighl, April 9th, at the Davio County Hospital. Sho was bom March 0, 1884, In Dovie County, daughter or the late William A. and Ann Foster Hendrix. Her husband, James C. Barnhardt, died In 1957. Surviving arc six daughters, Mrs. Richard Allan, Mrs. Grey Sheets, Mrs. Joe Smith, and Mrs. Clyde Jones, all of Rt. 3, Mocksvlllc, Mrs. Lester Foster and Mrs. Clarence Carter, both of Rt. 2, Advance; two sons. Chartio F. Bamhardt of Rt, 2, Advance, and James W. Bar nhardt of Rt. 3, Mocksvlllc; a half-brother, Charlie A. Hen drix of Rt. 2, Advance; 25 grandchildren: and 31 great grandchildren. Funeral services were con ducted Saturday at Fork Baptist Church by the Rev. Roy Young. Burial was at the church cemetery. MRS. A. D. Daniel, 69 Mrs. Mary Bivins Daniel, 69, of Brwin St. died Sunday night' following several months of declining health. She was born Aug. 26,1899, in Yadkin County, the daughter of the late William and Ellen Day Bivins. Surviving arc her husband, Albert Daniel; four daughters, Mrs. Paul Tuttorow of Rt. 4, Mocksville, Mrs. Everctte Shaver of Rt. 9, Salisbury, Mrs. Kay R. Hoover of Salisbury, and Mrs. Bruce Josey - of RL 2, Brown Summltl; two step-sons, Robert Daniel of Charlotte and Glenn Daniel of Rockwell; two step-daughters, Mrs. N. H. Hicks of Miami, Fla., and Mrs. Delphia Hess of Granite Quarry; two brothers, Hubert Bivins of CColcomce and Brady Bivens of Memphis, Tenn.; eight grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Funeral services were con ducted Tuesday at the Cooleemee Methodist Church by the Rev. William Dingus. Burial was in Liberty Methodist Church cemetery. MRS. CLYDE SBAMON Mrs. Mary Hendrix Seamon, 66, of Advance, Rt. 2, wife of Gyde Seamon, died Friday,- . AprQ tOth, at Davie County Hospital. Tlie funeral was h^d Sunday at. Baton's Funeral Oiapel. Burial was In the ^Jericho^- ^Church - of ChrisL rCem^efyT * " She was bom in DavIe County to Milton and Ida Jane Hendrix. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Barbara Austin of Ad vance, Rt. 1, and Mrs. Charlie Benson of Cleveland, Rt. 1; three sons, Cecil Seamon of Mocksville, Wayne Seamon of Mocksvlllc, Rt. 2 and Millard Seamon of Atlantic Beach;' three sisters, Mrs. W. A. Cor- nalzer and Mrs. Lillie Potts of Mocksvllic, Rt. 3 and Mrs. Glenn Mcssick of Advance, Rt. 1; and a brother. Tommy C. Hendrix of Cooleemee. GEORGE E. MARKLAND George Ernest Markland, 85, of Advance died Monday at DavIe County Hospital. The funeral was held Wed nesday at Advance United Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. He was bora in Davie County to George N. and Susanah LIvcngood Markland and was a member of Advance United Methodist Church. He was a retired employee of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. in Wlnston-Salem. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Potts Markland; two daughters, Mrs. Milton Carter and Mrs. Taylor Howard of Advance; four sons, J. T. Markland of Winston-Salem, Charles and Frank Markland of Advance and Johm Markland of Baltimore, Md.; two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Myers of Advance and Mrs. Gideon Jones of High Point; two brothers, Joe Markland of Winston-Salem and Uoyd Markland of Advance; a .half sister, Mrs. Berale Hobbs of High Point; and a lialf brother, G. M. Markland of Plains Va. Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA find .. rAxxJiKSON"^ 1' M o7C:K;S VrT^:r4•^M,r s" em " wl n Winston; ' Chapel Burial ' to County ibS^aiSsa i Saleni: Rt. 2 •■.anrf Thi-;- ..-^locksvine, Li/^ S' L< COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 22,1970 Mrs. Patterson, Davie Native MOCKSVILLE — Mrs. Eliza beth Latham Patterson, 78, of 1727 Reed St., Winston-Salem, a native of Davie Gounty, died Saturday at 9:30 p.m. at For- syth Memorial Hospital. She was born Nov. 25, 1891, the daughter of the late Frank and Emma Jane Collette Lath am. She was a tnember of Harrison United Methodist Church in Plnevillo» Her husband, William Patter son, preceded her in death. Surviving are three sisters, Miss Bessie Latham of Winston- Salem, Mrs. L. L, White of Rt. 5, Mocksvllle. and Mrs. Margaret Gaithcr of Cooleemee; nine brothers, T. M. and J. R. Lath am, both of Winstcn-Salem, Marvin and Albert Latham, both of Rtf 1, MocksvUle, Ever- ette, Millard, Wilson, and Oscar Latham, all of Rt. 2, MocksvUle, and Thomas Latham of Lexing ton ; a step-daughter, Mrs. Mar gie Stevens of Charlotte; and a step-son, Billy Patterson of Ft. MiU.S.C. Perley Koontz, Davie County MOCKSVILLE - Perley Lewis Koontz, 74, of Davie Cbun- ty died Thursday afternoon at the Davie County Hospital. He was born Nov. 10,1895, in Rowan County, the son of the late Wilburn L. and Belle Oor- rdl Koontz. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lillian Markland Kdcntz; three sons, W. B, Koontz of Itt. 3, MocksvUle, Frank Koontz of Rt. 2, MocksvUle; and Lewis Koontz of the homo; two sisters, I^s. Henrietta Gobiey of Charlotte and Mrs. Mary FJynn of Riv- erdale, Md.; two half-sisters, Mrs, Blanche Farris of Winston- Sslem and Mrs. Irene Hendrix of Ml. Airy; n brother, W, A. Koontz of lewisvlllo; threehalf- brothers, Jack and OUa Koontz. both of Winston-Salem, ana James Koontz of Alabama; and twogrondchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 4/22/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 - DAVIU COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 23. 1970 PcrloyL.Koonlz Funeral services for Periey Lewis Koonlz, 74, of Mocksvillo, Route 5, were hdd Saturday, .April 18, at 2 p.m. at Baton's '^eral Chapel. Burial was In Union Chapel'United Methodist Church cemetery. ' Mr. Koontz died Thursday, April 16, at Davie County Hospital. * He was bom in Rowan County to Wilbora and Bell Cbrrell Kocntz and was a retired textile worker. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lilliam Morkland Koontz; three sons, W. B. Koontz of Moclbville, Rt. 3, Lewis Koontz of the home and Frank Koontz of Mocksvillp, Rt. 2; two sisters, Mrs. Henrietta Godbey of Charlotte and Mrs. Mary Flynn of Revierdale, Md.; a brother, W. A. Koontz of Lewisville; two half sisters, Mrs. Blanche Farris of Winslon-Saiem and Mrs. Ilene Hemrick of Mount Airy; and three half brothers, James Kooniz of Alabama, Ja<A and Otis Kooniz of Win- ston-Salcm. MRS. WILLIAM PATTERSON, Mrs. Elizabeth Latham PaUerson, 78, of 1727 Reed St., Winston-Sal em, a native of Davie County, died Saturday at 8:30 p.m. at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. She was bom Nov. 25, 1891, the daughter of the late Frank and Emma Jane Collette Latham. She was a meml)er of Harrison United Methodist Oiurd) in Pineville.. Her husband, William Pat terson, preceded her in death. Surviving are three sisters. Miss Bessie Latham of Winston- Salem, Mrs. L. L, White of Rt. 5, Mocksville, and Mrs. Margaret Gaither of Cooieemee; nine brothers, R. M. and J. R. Latham, both of Winston- Salem, Marvin and Albert Latham, both of Rt. 1, Mocksville, Everette, MUlard, Wilson, and Oscar Lathaih, all of Ri. 2, Mocksville, and Thomas Latham of Lexington; a step-daughter, Mrs. Margie Stevens of Charlotte; and a step-son, Billy Patterson of Ft. MUl, S. C. Funeral services were con ducted Tuesday at Eaton's Fimeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Walter Howell and the Rev. Benny Bearden. Burial was at Eaton's Baptist Church cemetory. ROY D. PEELER Roy David Peeler, 73. of 66642 Irving Street died Monday at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. The funeral was held Wed nesday at Voglers Main Street Chap^. BuriM was in Shiloh United Church of Christ Cemi^ery at Faith. He was bom in Rowan County to George H. and Lotta Brown Peeler and was a member of Ardmore United Methodist Church. He was a retired ac countant for R. J. Reynolds Tbbacco Co. Surviving are his '>^fe, Mrs. Francos Eliza Anderson Peeler, a native of the Calahain section of Davie County; his father of Faith; a sister. Miss Ina Mae Peeler of Faith; and three brothers, Dr. Banks J. Peeler and H. B. Peeler of Salisbury and R. H. Peeler of Anderson, S. C. Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA pR^CgHAiaES^H^UTtE^ pMpCKSVILLE|:^^rff1glW^ tea'to^tUUey/;88V'of'^Mdcksv^il^ itXJUeyy^'^ed-'yesterday "at-^ !CCayei';'i^5';WinstQE^aIei^^^ Burial wfil be M'iEaifba's'^Baptlst Church vceraetefy,;;'- y,}'..- -J■? ShetWas'^bbm in'inavfe'Cfoiihtyio ; Jos^eph^ '...W-r-and. •.5,u^s a nEUchasony'Eatpir ^andV^w^^ ' a,membey-ljor'^EChurchy-Sfoj'was far^matron f atThpm'asyillV '^J'ay'd.itOOrphanages.for;severab'yeafs.'';;% ;3urviyihg tare aistepdaughtef^^Misy^'Anh' tltley" pfr;New 'J.ersey;'ky>,tepsori;y"ChalrIes^ Utleyyiorida;--.-;^ree';;^-sisters,"" ''Jdrs. Annie'f Brower- 5 of -:: ClemmohsrMrs:, Rachael; Dumham pfXarykhd'-v.^Miss' r Mossie''jiEat'dn-i<, ofMdcksyiUe; ^Rtf i-:^d;^; abrother; t'r Caesacjrr.EatrorT^b fM6cfcsvi4eyRt:^2:'y?'^(y}Vv ^: "The' family requests that Any memorials be made r to, the Davie County Library fund..«-. UrS ^ tt-fi-»><!_ \-. Davie Co. Piibiic Library Mocksville, N. C. >- •-<y davie CO. PUBLIC UBRAR.Y,^OCKSVIUE. NO COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, April 29,1970 Rites Set Today For Mrs. Utiey MOCK$VIU.E - Mrs. Louise Eaton Utiey, 68, of iU. 5, Mbcks- vUJe, died fridayi at Maner Cure In Winston-S^^. She was.the widow of the late Charles H, Utley who died in 1944. She was bom February 17,1882, in Davio County to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wesley Eaton. Sie was a member of Eaton Baptist Church and for a num ber of years was matron at the Thomasville and Oxford orpha nages. Mrs. Utiey is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Mnie Bro-* wer of demons. Mrs. Ratdiael Dunham of Cary^ and Miss Mos- sie Eaton of Rt. 5, MocksvUle; one brother, Ceasar Eaton of Rt. 2, MocksviUe; one step-daugh ter, Miss Ann Utley of New Jersey; one stepson, Charles UUey of Florida. Bio - Obituaries - 4/29/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1970 MRS. EDWARD KIMBRELL, MRS. CHARLES UTLEY Mi's. Louise Eetbn Utiey, 88, of Moclovnic. Rt. 5, died F^day at Manor Care In Winston* Salem. The funeral was held Saturday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Eaton's Baptist Church cemetery. She was bom in Davie County to Josq}h W. a n d Susan Et- chison Eaton and was a member of Eaton's Baptist CIturch. She was a matron at Thomasville and Oxford or* phMages for severd years. . Surviving are a stepdaughter. Miss Ann UtIey of New Jersey; a stepson, Qiarles Utley of Florida; three sisters, Mrs. Annie Brower of Clemmons, Mrs. Radiel Dunham of Cary and Miss Mosslo Eaton of Mocksville, Rt. l; and a brother, Caesar Eaton of Mocksville, Rt. 2. Mrs. Daisy Hayes KimlveU, 51, of Hampton Road, Clem mons, Route 2, wife of Junior Edward Klmbrell, died Tuesday, April 21, at DavIe County Hosidtal. The . funeral was hdd Thursday, Ajail 29 at 4;S0 p.m. at Centenary M^odist Churd) In Davidson County. • She was Iwm in Surry County to Jim end Nora Shnmons Hayes. Sie was a membor of Centenary Methodist Church and was an L. P. N. at Clm* mons Nursing Home. Surviving are her husband; four sons, Jamos E. Kimbrd) of Rt. 8, R^nston-Salem, Daniel M. ^^gll Lee, and Douglas B. Kimbrell of the home; her parents of Rt. l, Qenimons; two sisters. Mrs. J. C. Cassldy of Mocksville, Rt. 2, and Sto. N. J. Larchey of Braman, Oklahoma; four brothers, James A. Jesse D. and Hubert H. Hayes of Rt. 2, Geinmons, and Edward L. Hayes with the U. S. Army In ^notnara. Bio - Obituaries - 4/30/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, May 6,1970 Davie Deaths John Smith Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE - Jolwi SmiiJi. T2. of l«. 3. M«>cih!.vlllc. died TMcsday ttt 9:30 p.in. ol Ihc N.C. DAPdst llwplliil in Win- slwi-Sali'trt loilowini-l on illnt^s of(iiTcevrcck3- He was Lcrpi Sept. 23, IW. »n DaviC County, Uic son of llic la Ic John H. and Kolu Wafd Sinilli. He was A retired fArnter and A iPonilKr of Cornalz^r Itaplisl Church. Survivinjl are his wiio, -Mrs. Evelyn union Smllh; ci dough- tcr. Mffl. Janiec Whilo.of IH. 3. Mocksville; a son. Naili,m Smilli of ItL3. HcqsvUlc; rive Rlalorbv Mrs. GvolA SUcolt, Mr:}. Nelia BOAtuhampt Afrs. Lillian Smilh, mid Mrs. Morjle Hen- drill, all of HI. Advar^-e, and Mrs, l,yda Alkn of yadkinVille. and a brother, Sim Smilh of Marslilown, lowB; A. T. Hargrove >•.' Of Mocksville Albert'turi'illiy Hargrave. 'If: of Itl. -1. MivcksvUle. ilinl • i '" '.' Ol 12.30 a.Ill Al lli<* ll'J'*!'" Mmioriiii HM,pitj»i foll<iv-il!!', f" illnis.5tifilift-rd:sys. ](f was hftxii fi't 2). iiiw. SM CoiiiiiitTei-, (la . IJ.r soixif U-r lale Albcrl and t'ii.HSie OkU oii Manfravt'. Ecliicahil in rinnk- iii Cwiily seli'Uls, ho was lust at f'jir risb Uakerirs Mr. Hnrgrave ttas n menibi'i of Efvin Ti'istple Church, where he wii-s chili I man <if (he Inislce lioiird and a incmlHir of Uic steward boiirtl- He was Hcere- (,iry of Ihc church for 25 ycai!* anil A nu'inbcr <ii Hiu (!olden Age Club. . Swrvlvini'. :»n: his wife. Mm. lieulrice Miivficld lliirgriive-. flircc sons. Cornelius Ha I'gmv" of Coolcciuee, Etjics* Hiirgrave of llii! hona', and Alton Har- grave of Ihc If- S. Army; si* nnilghters. Mrs. Annifr Mnc TAggerl and Mrs. Salne McLaln, holh of Cleveland Mrs. Allwrlfi McKiirlchern ::f .Salisbury, -Mrs. Klliel Cell Ins oi K|. -I, Mocksville, and Mrs. FrjiAeos llollmnn And Mrs. Dciilricc Pulk, hoUi of Lintlcii, N..I.; n brother Cohjfers llaiyfraveof Cwnmorce, («!.; a aster. Mrs. Snilio Wyrd of SalLsbiiry: and J3 srand- chitdroiy Bio - Obituaries - 5/6/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ™iay- Ctemetery,' 01 .2Qiomas^>i^ MocksviM^I Ey-ir Wtftnan dieii^^yestera^C^ti .f be" ='at i^3M3^^' Eaton's l^^al* in Bose' m Iredell £ounty iberd irasa |p|W|jUam -and „ — ?oso^: andtpas .a 'ine_ le^ilJrst^llXJiiited^ < Mc horm^^ocksville; 'Be yetiEad painleE. ^ \ '.:Survivins^|Eire Bve daui^ters^ Poster and Mxi. Jafiff^aroney of Mocksville/! Mrsl^^uids Bnight of Charlotte, Mrs. J. .M^Page of Baleigh and Mrs.' Ewecca gander jeprd;^;,a^oir,. .M. .T,. Ji Etta t^taaTrf iSarmo. a.Jialf brother, Charlie E■^ews, Va, r'l"- 3- c-^0 ^ - C - \'^1^ ' V. L'O. PL'u;;c lj.: L.r) Mocteviiie, N. c. DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE^ NO 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. MAY 7, 1970 NATHAN T. FOSTER MOCKSVILLB - N nth an Thomas Fosler, 07. of Mocksvllle died yoslerday at Fran Ray Rest Homo. The funeral will bo at H a.m. Thursday at Eaton's Funorat Chapel. Burial will be in Rose Cemetery. Ho tras bom in Iredell County to William and Rebecca Gaberd Foster and was a member of the First United Meth^lst Chureh of Mocksvllle. He was a retired painter. * Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Fierce Foster and Mrs. Jake Maroney of Mocksvllle, Mrs. Curtis Knight of Charlotte. Mrs. J. W. Page of Raleigh and Mrs. Rebecca Zander of Con* cord; a son, M. T. Fosler of Concord; a half sister,' Mrs. Etth Cartner 'of Harmony; and a half brother, Charlio Foster of Newport News, Va. OSCAR D.BOOE Oscar Dobson Booe, 87, of Cooleemcc died FYiday at 10:30 p. m, at Jo Lane's Nursing Homo in Salisbury., He was bom Oct' 12, 1882,. in Davic Oounty, the son of the late George and Amanda While Booe. He was a mmnber of Coolecmce United Methodist Churdi and a diarier member ofthc POSof A and (he Redman Lodge. . Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Jason Bost and Mrs. Charles Hnneycutt, both of Salisbury, and Mrs. Raymond Pierce of Cooleemee; two rons, Wade and Paul Booe of Con* cord; six grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services were con ducted Sunday' at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel In Mocksvllle by the Rev. William Dingus. . Burial was in the Church cemetery. Robert O. Kurfcea Funeral services for Robert Orrdi Kurfees, SI, of HL 4, Mocksvllle, were conducted Saturday at 4 pjn. at Hardlson United Moihodist Church by the Rev. Benny Bearden. Burial was In churoTcenietery.. Mr. Kurfees was killed in an ' automobile accident April 28th. A. T. Hargrave, 70 Albert Timothy Harpave, 70, of RL 4, Mocksvllle, died Friday 'at' 12:30 ajn. at the Rowan Memorial Hospital following as . illness tlvee days... He was bom Oct. 21,1899. ta Commerce, Qa., the son d the late Albert and Cassie Gldem Hargrave, Educated In Frank* lln C^ty sthods, be was last - employMalParrlshBakeriim. Stf. Hargrave was a menwerof Brvin Temple Church, where he was cbamnan d the trustee boanl and a member of the steward board. He was secre* lary of the church for 2S yrars aim a member of the Gdden AgeCtub. . • _ Arriving are his wife, Mrs. Beatrice Mayfleld Hargrave; three sons, CmeUus Hargrave d (Meemee, Ernest Hargrave of the home,' and Alton Har* grave of the U. S. Army; six daughters, Mrs. Annie Mae Taggert and Mrs. Sallie McLain, both of Cleveland Mrs. Alberla McEarlcbem of Salisbury, Mrs. Ethel Collins of ' RL 4, Mocksvllle, and Mrs. Frances Hollmon and Mrs. Beatrice Polk, both'of Linden, N.J.; a brother Conyers Hargrave of Commerce. Ga.; a sister, Mrs. Sallie Byrd of Salisbury; and IS grand- cWdren. BERNARD LEDFORD Funeral services for Bernard Franklin Ledford, 71, of Greensboro, brother of Mrs. D. J. Mando of Mocksvllle, were held at 11 a. m. Tliursday, April 30, at Forbls & Dick Memorial Chapel in Greensboro. Mr, Ledford, of 4018 W. Friendly Avenue, died last Tuesday at Wostoy Long Hospital following one month of ainess. Ho was the owner and manager of Quality Bookkeeping Service. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, a veteran of World War I and a native of Forsyth county. Survivors are widow, Mrs. Willie Valentine Ledford; sons, LI. Col. William Ledford. stationed In Vietnam, and John Miller Ledford of Andover, Conn.; daughter, Mrs. R. B. Stone of Forest Park, Ga,; brotlwr, George Ledford of Homestead, Fla., sisters, Mrs. W. J. Moretxof Hickory, Mrs. J. Vernon Stanley of Rural Hall and Mrs. D. J. Mando of Mocksvillc. Gary A. Cambell Gary Arnold Campbell, 19, of Mocksvllle died Tuesday, April 28 of natural causes at Davte County Hospital. following a prolonged illness. He was b&m in Sweckley, Pa., to Rufus and Evelyn Campbell and was a member of Shiloh Baptist Church. Funeral service was held Friday at 4 p.m. in Shiich Baptist Church. Burial was In the diurch cemetery. Surviving are his parents of Mocksvillc; two sisters, Miss Ann Brown of Columbos, Ohio and Miss Julia Campb^ of the home; four brothers, Herbert L. Tatum, Ruftis, Thomas, and pavie Campbdl of the home; and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lyons of Mocksvllle. Bio - Obituaries - 5/7/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLB, NORTH CAROLINA 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. MAY 7, 1970 JOHN SMITH John Smith. 72. of Rt. 3. MocksvUle, died 7\^day, April 28. at 9:30 p.m. at the N. C. Baptist Hospital' in Winston* Salon following an Ulness of three weeks. He was.bom Sept. 23. 1897, jn Davie Couidy, the son of the late John H. and Nola Ward Smith. Ho was a retired farmer and a monbo* of Comatzer Baptist Church. Survivng are his wife, Mrs. Evelyn Hilton. Smith; a daughter, Mrs. Janice White, of Rl. 3, Mocksville; a son, Nathan Smith of Rt. 3, Mocksville, five siatersT Mrs. Bvoia Sheek, Mrs. Nelia Beauchamp, Mris. Lillian Smith, and Mrs. Morjie Hen* drix, all of Rt. 1, Advance, and Mrs. Lyda Allen of Yadldnville; and a brother, Sim Smith of Marshtown, Iowa. Funeral services were con* ducted Thursday at 4 p.m. at Comatzer Baptist Church by the Rev. Elmer Day. Buriol was at the churcii cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 5/7/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA v- c .^ri'— mentior® kAu .V •. : iurcliF|a^j ;^tur«s^sa|psn^niiy^a^;<iE«dt!g2g^vgJv^^^];^v^ |icmoraf"^ipi^^^^'^!^^^^^;flte fjoda^ ^ ; n • " ^'brotiherS'L^. J^-'^Lattf^oj^ £: 1-r' u-J a' 51Ta - • . fy ' t t-Hei?'ariora^,S€#..lT, 1891, iirfti^^.; p,£5::-Satm^ay. ---Tae;. bq<% 3)a^d^aimtyM^ ■wiilibe glac^dM^e diurch 3(fj '- iatfi^s?;® '■ minutes^' befdrec^-the servi<^l§Eatham^r.^ii?'-\.XvJ .i:.^Buriai ^wiU^': be in Wod^Mcl--1 ITe.'spenrtis early ^e'-Dawe*seount:^--^a'M"^'eaine- • fa* 'The^ body w ^f^^Vdgferej ^instoitSaldm.1.% -^ms, H ^?IVYUISI.UU.-«3«1C1U»J.*" **>-2- y.,- - Jg*Worked,. as ..a salesman. ^TOflrcfa^aJw^gl^avertyi- Fufflt^j^e 21- fabm T(fflq^raw. I U_''in, O'^y - L 6" - 7 - >9 7^ O5V;0 Cg. P; h-;; i ^ ■■ ■ - ,, IviOcksviiia, ii i,. OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY M0CK8VILLE, NC ;J(3URNAL AND 'ijENTINEL ' Sunday Morn:ng. May 10,.'1970. • CHARLES' M^HOOPini | Insui'ance / Executive Dies Here- i Charles M. Hooper, SO.'of 400) Sheffield, Drive, Winston-Salera," manager of the N.C.. State. Agency of the World Insurance Co.,. and a past president of the< local chapter of; the American' Red Cross, died yesterday at; Rex Hospital 'in Raleigh^. The funeral wH be at 1 p.m. Monday at Voglers Reynolda Road Chapel. Burial will be in Forsyth Memorial Park. Hooper was named man of the year by the Association of Winsto-n-Salem Life Un«i derwriters at their 1968 'meet-: ing. He'was elected chairman of- the Red Cross chapter in X9S8.; He headed the Red Cross blood. program from 1955-to 1958. He was elected president_of the Twin City Club in 1964. He was chairman of the American Cancer Society here in 1962 and was elected cjiairman of the n Forsyth' County ;--Civil Defense j Advisory council in 1965 and served until 1967. He was" also president of the Forsyth Saddle Club."-"" n He was bora ' in- Wlnston- Salem to Swiit and-- Blanche Coley Hooper. After attending Reynolds High School, Mr. tffoQper=3»qgked=foi=thg=^trif=Qii= -Co. for two years and went into -^ffee-insurance'business in 1933 wits Mutual of Omaha. In 1954 -he- became- asociated-with the World Insurance Co. ' • During his insurance career, Mr. Hooper served as a i-president-' o£:-the—N—C;_HeaItlu . Underwrifers' Association and was later named an honorary member . of the board. He received a state health un- der\vriters' award in 1967. *• He.was -a member of the j Winston-Saleiii Chamber of I Commerce, Ciyitan Club, Better Business-Bureau, the Elks Club and Forsyth Country Club, He was also a steward in the. Centenary United. Methodist Church. He served 'in the Army in World War II from 1943 to 1945 i with the Fourth Armored, Division in the European; Theater. He received t.h e Bronze Star for bravery during service with the. Army in World War U,. Mr, Hooper was married inj 1938 to Miss Gene Cariton. j Surviving are-his wife; two' daughters, Mrs. Phin Horton of AsbevilJe and Mrs. J. H. Yokley Jr. of Mount Airy; and two brothers. Dr. G. L. Hooper-of Dunn .and R. L. Hooper of Salisbury. The fa'miJy-requests that.any memorials be made to the i Forsyth County Heart Fund. ! Davie County Public Library Mocksvills, NC COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, May 13,1970 C. Herman Wood Former Resident Cliarirs Hcrnwii Wood. 50. oJ H?0 Cotitio Ave., Akron, Onto, (linl there IVrstlay, ilnv 5. Son of Ihe I.He Walter ami Allfc WixkI, Mr. Wood was for merly of (•«ilccmce. Survivors include Ins vvlfe, Mrs. Sadie l»aikrr Wuotl; one diiituhter. Mrs. iJ.alc rr.nlherof Moorpnrk. Cnlif.: one sister. .Mrs. riaucle llosor ol Cool* mmi- two biiUliers. Dniper Wood nf Clmrtolle ami Walter Witoil i»l l.<is AnseU'j. raitf.: nod lliree erandrliildreit. (ii-jivesUle servivi'S weiv iwlil ill Itmraii .Memorial I'ark. SnUs* burv. at t" n.m Saturday, con- dnc'twl l»y the Uev. HiSMwS|iit; ier of WHi.*aou S:ilejii. Funeral MM vices were hrld Tliursdny in Akion. Iluiwrary |>:dlli«irers were .hiliu l*.iiV.ci. Iloitme liwkabill. (tnmrs I'arker. Jr., Fred SVolt. n.ile 1>raliter. I.arr.v Scoli and Klin Wliitmore Mrs. Stallings Former Native .Mi> l.i'.n-.c ii«i It .SMilious. 70. Ill AlcMiodria. Viir.im.i dint .S;iluiil.iy r.iuhl. .May u. at an Ab'xaiidiia Ui»>|»il.d atti-r an ilJni-^MiHwo ye.nN Mi > .S|.ilWiii'.>. In; till l it ol I'lMili'cittiv, In siirtiti'd iiv tier hij>l>.ii.it. .li'liti «' SMlliHr.s ih«' lionir. a Mill Mmiis !•" .Sri'.i.ive.-. I'l inlidil.i. .Mary Ijiiil, iinebriiili<-:..M (• iKmiV; Ouni 'It Salislnny. mif mnIim. Mrs KeNMC Hell «t .St.iU nViHc ar.d one l>.d( .Mrs Hiim ijitrc Ali'xai'.dcr «! the lil.ld>to;n• |^•;ld. <'«M!wii-aiv l-'nneral mi'vicc.n wcte con- dmieil lilts niorniiiil 'AVeiliU'V d:ivl in Atexaiidria Bio - Obituaries - 5/13/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY M, 1970 Clarence R. McDanlel Clarence Ray McDanlel, 56, of Woodleaf, Rl. 1, died Saturday at his home of a heart attack. The funeral was held Tuesday at South River United Methodist Church. Burial was in the chur^ cemetery. He was bom in Rowan Coun^ to A. L. and Mamie Hood Mc- Daniel. He was a textile* employee at North Carolina Finishing Co. and was a member of South River United ' Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife, Airs. Nell Lyerly McDanlel: two daughters, Mrs. Jim Whitman and Miss Sylvia McDanlel of the home; a son, Gary McDanlel of Salisbury, Rt. 1; his parents of Woodleaf, Rl. 1, a sister, Mrs. P. H. Murfdi of Woodleaf, Rt. 1; and a brother, A. L. McDanlel Jr. of Kannapolis. aiARLES H. CLEMENT Funeral services for Charles Hargraves Clement, 80. of Atlanta, Georgia, formerly of MocksviUe, were held Satur* day, May 9, at 11 a.m. at Eaton's Chapel in MocksviUe. Binial was in the Gement famUy cemetery. • Mr. Gement died Thursday,' May 7, at Atlanta. He was bom in Davie County to Jesse Lee and Lettle Lindsay Gemcnt. Ho was a member of the Masonic Lodge for SO yrs. Surviving are his wife, Airs. Atia Woo^ Gement; three sisters. Airs. W. T. Yancey of Oxford, Mrs. J. K. Sieck, Sr. and Miss Linda Gray Gement of Alocksville; and , a brother, W. N. Gement of Raleigh Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 5/20/1970 City & CouuLy I Sinb Cflubdb Omcslr ;br Oxford, tknneily oft^niutoa-ISotem, dtrf jrtxtecdijr at fttr Rome. Cravcshfe oeitfco 3:3a p.n. loda^ .fetsyKi Memorial ■Park l«re. v , . ,« •—» .i JC- / t. ^ COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, May 20,1970 Mrs. Messick Of Cooleemee COOLEEMEE—Mrs, P^gieLenora Messick, 36, of C^ol-eemee, died lliursday night at her home. Funeral services were held at 4 p.m. Saturday at Cooleemee United Methodist Church, con ducted by the Rev. William Dingus and the Rev. Bill Lee. Burial win be in Rowan Me morial Park. Mrs. Messick was born inRowan Coun^ Jan, 2, 1933, daughter of Shirley Beck of Cooleemee and the late Margu- rette Katon Beck. She was em ployed by Fiber Industries.In addition to her father, she is survived by her husband, Claude Messick; two sons, Gary and Timothy Messick of thehome; and one sister, Mrs. Kay Shorccf Rt. 4, Mocksville, Bio - Obituaries - 5/20/1970 Sain Funeral Funeral services for EarnestElvert Sain, 66, of 2fl Davie St..Cooleemee, were conductedSunday at 3 p.m. at Cooleemee United Metliodist Church by the Rev. William Dingus, pastor, and the Rev. William Creason. Burial was at Oak GroveUnitcd Methodist Church cemetery. Pallbearers were William Gales, Mike Walker, John Barber, V. G. Prim, Bud Alexander, and Kenneth Holt. Mr. Sain died '^'hursday at11:30 p.m. en route to ForsylhMemorial Hospital. Ho was born Oct.' 11, 1603, inDavie County, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sain. Educated in Davie Couiuyschools, he was a retired employe of Erwlii Mills in Cooleemee. Mr, Sain was a membs r of the Cooleemee United Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bessie Allen Sain, whom he married Dec. 24,1922; a son, T-Sgt, E. F. Sain, stationed InMississippi; three daughters, Mrs. Preston C. Davis oL Winston-Salem, Mrs. Andrew Famby of Cumberland, Va., and Mrs. Fred G. Hellard of Rt. 4, Mocksville; two brothers, Clarence Sain of Rt. 4, Mocksville, and James Sain ofRt. Q, Salisbury; sbt sisters, Mrs. H. E. Byeriy of 178 RyanSt., Mrs. Walter Phelps and Mrs. Inez Sain, both of Cooleemee, Mrs. Ethel Gibsonof Hi. 4, Mocksville, Mrs. DotMisenheimer of Rt. 1, Mt. Ulla, and Mrs. Ben Mitchell of 424Calhoun St.; 14 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren, DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, May 20,1970 Howard McDaniel Of Woodleaf Funeral services for Howard Alexander McDaniel, 57, of Rt. 1^ Woodleaf, wore conducted ' Sunday - in Gays Chapel United Metliodist Church by the Rev. Harwood Myers and Uie Rev, J, C. Swain. Burial was in the church ccmclery. Pallbearers were Bill Link, •Ray Alucrson, Marvin Cheeks, Charles Blume, Boyce Goodson and Jerry Livengood. Mr. McDaniel died Thursday night in Rowan Memorial Hos pital after an Illness of five weeks. He is surviv^ by hlswidow, Mrs. Addle Dean McDaniel; two sons, Kevin D. McDaniel of the home and Ronnie H. McDaniel of China Grove; four brothers, Homer McDaniel of Charlotte, Shcrrlll McDaniel of Alachua, Fla., K. P. McDaniel of Rt. 2, and C. F. McDaniel of Rt.6, Salisbury. Mrs. Waller Of Cooleemee Mrs. Ethel Mae Dry Waller, 52, of Wall St., North St., North Cooleemee, died Thursday at 11 a.m. at the N. C. Baptist Mospi- lal In Winston-Salem. She had been seriously ill for nine days. She was born March 30,1010, in Cabarrus County, the daugh ter of the late Duke D. and Mary Shoe Dry. Educated In Ca barrus County schools, she was of theBaptist faith. Surviving are her husband, Thomas E. Waller; a son, Don ald Privett of Concord; five daughters, Mrs. Peggy Wood and Mrs. Frances Coggins, both of Concord, Miss Linda Waller of the home, Mrs. Shirley Thompson of Cooleemee, and Mrs. Mary Rose Poplin, of Rob erta; a brother, Raymond Dry of Oakboro; a half-brother, Rick Dry of i^ncord; and eight grandchildren,., ^ Funeral services were con ducted Sunday at 2 p.m.- at the North Cooleemee Baptist Church by the Rev. David Ed wards, pastor. Burial will be at Mission Cemetery in Staniy County. Pallbearers were Dewey Pre- slar, Carl Hartman, Johnny Lewder, Noah Walton, Billy Waller and Charlie Waller. Bio - Obituaries - 5/20/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8 - DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RUCORD, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1970 Murder and Suicide Occurs In Cooleemee An elderly Ooolcomco man shot and killed a woman neigh bor when she returned from work at Fiber Industries late Thursday night, then turned the weapon and killed himself. Dr. B. L. Richards, Dovic Coroner, ruled that Ernest Elverl (Shag) Sain, 66, mur dered Mrs. Peggy Lenorra Messlck, 37, and then com mitted suicide. Neighbors of the two families on Davie Street in Cooleemee said that there had bcai an argument but did not think it was serious. They did not say what the argument was about. Mrs. Sain, tho wifeof the slain man, had bron a baby sitter in Mrs. Messick's home for about six years. Dr. Richards said that Mrs. Me^ck apparently had just arrived at her residence about 11:30 p. m. Thursday uhoi she was slain. Mrs. Messlck, who is reported divorced from her husband, apparently started to go into her house, where her sons, aged 17 and six, wm asleep. Dr. Richm^ quoted the older son as saying he heard two shots and his mother scream. Then there were two more shots and another scream. Mrs. Messick's tsody was found in her front yard and near the front porch of his residence. Mrs. Messlck died inslanlly, a bullet hitting her In the upper left part of the chest Just atmve the heart. jtoin was rushed to the Davie Cbunty Hospijal at Mocksvlile and was being transferred to Forsyth Memorial in Winston- Saiem when hp died enroutc. Dr. Richards said that a .23 . caliber revolver was found near Sain's feet in the firont yard. He described the gun as the death weapon. Mrs. Messlck The funeral for Mrs. Messlck n was held Saturday aflernoonat the Cooleemee United Methodist Church. Burial was in the Rowan Memorial Park at Salisbury. Site was bom in Rowon County to Shirley H. and Margaret Katon Beck. Surviving are two sons, Gary S. and Tiinothy Ray Messlck of the home; her father of Woodlcaf, Rt. i; and a sister, Mrs. Kay Shore of Mocksvlile, Rt. 4. Earnest E. Sain Hie funtutd for Mr. Sain was held Sunday afternoon at tho Cooleemee United Methodist Church. Burial was in the Oak Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery. He was bom in Davie Couiily to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sain. He was a retired employe of Erwin Mills at Cooleemee. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bessie Allen Sain; three dau^ter's, Mrs. Preston C. Davis of Wlnston-Salem, Mrs. Andrew Danby of Cumberland, Vb. and Mrs. Fred Hellard of Mocksvlile- Rt. 4; a son, Tech. SgU E. F. Sain of the U. S. Army stationed at Mississippi; six sisters. Mrs. H. E. Bycrly and Mrs. Ben Mitchell of Salisbury Mrs. Waller , Phdps and Mrs; Inez Sain of Cooleemee; Mrs. Ethel Gibson of Mocksvlile, Rt. 4, and Mrs. Dorothy hiiscnhoimer of Mount Ulla, Rt. 1; andrtwo broters, Claroice Sain of Mocksvlile, Rt. 4 and : James .Sain,of Salisbury, Rt. 8, . u. P.:. ..vV.; a.-ju .i OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, 5/21/1970 >a®b la Qeaths and Funerals V • crtown. sa« wtts a member el ttia Ox- lord MeUtedbt choreh and far a -1(1119 Uma had been o mu- * porlfno pobtjn of Ute tUdtarU i I?. Ttterttfnii Ubmiy. The rtmeral «b8 eanthieUd at Ute httne on aptlna atnct at II BJn. Wcdneatar 19 Uie llev. ventoa lysem. Bortal foUowed* at 0:30 pn. tn FonvUi Mcraoriall farfc, Wltotton-aelem. i PattbeBrera vere J. n. ctar.! -3- O. CbCAtbeiffi. Otmcnt Yoncer, woihtia tJVhntey Jr.. an^^p. stem Jr. j 1-I Sdrra E. Cfomonf. this Sara SL ctemcnt. 70, re Ured Mhod leadier. «ed at 11:15 .pjn. ISetsSay at QrtnvUIe IToo- pUal atter tUmti ol a ten hma. bUta ClBncnt, who cane to Oxford from ber naUre tJarte CKBltp 80 yetra aso. Isoiiil Mhod tn tho Oxford achoola for many icais before icUrtntcflt In im Qie iMi member of xxetps tor a eUter-ln- namto of ntecos and The ebtcr-ln-lao is ifohn & uitmcai ol WUkf lav and Qxf^ Bio — Obituaries — 5/21/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ERNEST E. HUNT ' n -or,' •% ■*ir* V . r s?' '-ar • ^,MOCKSVIIi«Er— -Ernest'ElijaiHunt, 87-:ji)f4 Mocksvflle,-rdiedyesterdajr "iat Lynn Ha we nNosing Home. The funerat willM at 4 p.m.'Sunday at Eatdn'sFuneral Chapel. Burial will bem Ros'ff'Cbmetery. He Was bom in Da vie Countyto Enos E. and Allis Rose Huntand was a- member of the First iUnited . MeUiodist Church of Alpclcsville; .. . ^Surviving: are three sisters, •Mrs.' Ida Hunt "ChrisUan. and M Grra ves! ofMocksville, .andi Mrs. AlvertaHunt Lasley of Lewisviller anda brother, ^Cicero Hunt of•Tolumbus, Ohio.. ■ > O U.-fV.'Via- U ^3 -r?io t}: O h r- ro *-o vA "S I Ernest Hunt ! Of Mocksville . ~ MOCKSVILLE — Ernest El-; ija Hunt, 87, of Mocksville, died Friday morning at Linn-Haven Nursing Home. |Funeral services will be con- j ducted at 4 p.m. Sunday at> Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel!by theRev. James Allen and the i Rev. S. B. Moss. Burial will be in Rose Cemetery with Masonic ; rites. . A native of Davie County, he was die son of the late Enos and gAlice Rose. Hunt. He was a j member of First United'Meth-! odist Church and the Modcsville i Masonic Lodge; i " ' Survivors ihcliidb-:&]^ sisters, Mrs. .IdaCChristian and! Mrs. Mary Graves of, Mocks ville, and Mrs; Alberta Lasley of Lewisviller one brother, O-cero Hunt of Columbus, Ohio. .' The family will be at Eaton's Funeral Home tonight from 7 until 9 o'clock. b - u ' o COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, May 27, 1970 Mrs. Lindsay Of Kannapoiis KANNAPOWS - Mrs. Mln- nie Greene Lindsay, 71, of 708 West Eighth Street died 'Hiurs- day at 9 p.m. at the Hunterville Hospital. She had been in decl ining health 18 months and se- rlpusly lU for two weeks. . Mrs, Undaay was born June 15,1898f in Afihe County, and she had lived in Kannapoiis for the past 55 years. She was em ployed by Cannon Mills until herretlreracnt,8ix years ago. ' Mrs. Lindsay was a member of the Elm Street Onirch of God, ^so surviving are two daugh ters, Mrs. Jean Stackleather of Kannapoiis and Mrs. Peggy Rl- denhour of Coolcemee; three sons, Floyd and Henry Greene and Johnny Lindsay, all of Kan napoiis; a step-daughter, Mrs. Nell Sell of Concord; three sis ters, five brothers; 13 grand children; and five great-grand children. Mrs. Gough, Mocksville T0OCKSVILLE — Mrs. Vic- torie Clarke Gough, 86, of. Mockfiville, Ht. 2, died Sunday at 5:30 a.m; at Davie County Hospital following a serious Illness of about seven weeks, Bom in Henry County, Va., Feb. 10, 1884, she was the daughter of the late Jackson and Martha Hanes Clarke. She Is a member of Jehovah Witnesses. Survivors include her husband, James E. Gough; two daughters, Mrs. Charlie Bowles of Rt. 5, Mocksville, and Mrs. Sent Joyner erf Rt. 8, Winston- Salem; six sons, Jirfin L. and Roy C. Gough of Winston-Salem, Tom W., R. wade, and James E- Gou^ Jr. of Mocksville, Rt. 2, andlhrank J. Gough of Virginia Beach, Va.; 17 ^andchildren; and seven ^eat-grandchildrcn. Mrs. Kesiier, Rt. 5, Mocksville MOCKSVILLE — Mrs. Eliza- beth Yancey Kesler, 82. of Route 5, Mocksville, died Friday eve ning at her home.. A native of Davie County, she was the daughter of the late Henry and Fannie Coon Wo- mack. She was a member of Union Chapel Church. Survivors include her hus band, Carl C. Kesler, Ernest Hunt Of Mocksville " MOCKSVILLE - Ernest El- Ha Hunt, 87, of Mocksville, died Friday morning at Linn-Haven JfursingHome. A native of Davie County, ho was die son of the late Enos and Alice Rose. Hunt. He was a member of. First United Meth odist Church and tlie Mocksville Masonic Lodge. Survivors include three sis ters, Mrs, Ida Christian and Mrs. Mary Graves of Mocks ville, and Mrs. Alberta Lasley of Lewisville: one brother, Ci cero Hunt of Columbus, Ohio. The family wlU be at Eaton s Funeral Home tonight from 7 until 9 o'clock. Bio - Obituaries - 5/27/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1970 Mrs. Carl Kcslcr Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Yancey Kesler, 82, of Route B, Mocksvlllc, wore conducted at 2 p. m. Sunday. May 24thi at Union Chapd United Methodist Church by the Rev. Bobby Beck and the Rev. Carl Lain. Burial was in the churdi cemetery. She died Friday evening, May 22, at her home. A native of Davle County, she was the daughter of the late Henry and Fannie Coon Womack. Sic was a member of Union Chapel Church. Survivors include her husband, Carl C. Kesler. E.E.Hunt FUn^al services for Ernest Elija Hunt, 87, of Mocksville, were held Sunday, May 2^, at 4 p. m. at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. James Allen and the Rev. S. B. Moss. Btulal was in Rose Cemetery with Masonic rites. He died Friday morning, May 22, at Lynn Haven Nursing Home. n A native of Davie County, he was the son of the late Enos and Alice Itose Hunt. He was a member of First United Methodist Church and the Mocksville Masonic Lodge. Survivors include three sister. Mrs. Ida Christian and Mrs. Mary Graves of Mocksville, and Mrs. Alberta Lasley of Lewlsvillo*, one brother, Cicero Hunt of Colurabusi Ohio. Airs. James E. Cough Mrs. Victoria Clark Gough, 86, of Mocteville, RL 2, wife of James B. Gough, died Sunday, May 24th, at Dovio Cbunty Ho^ital. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel, Burial wasln Enon Baptist Church cemetery. She was born in Henry County, Va.. to Jackson and Martha Hanes Clark and was a member of the Jehovah's Witness. Surviving are her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Charlie Bowles of Mocksville, Rt. 5, and Airs. Sant Joyner of Wlnston- Salem, Rt. 8; and six sons, John L. and Roy C. Gough of Wlnston- Salem, Tom, W. R., Wade and James Gough, Jr., of Mocksville, Rt. 2, and Frank J. Gough of Virginia Beach, Va. Bio - Obituaries - 5/28/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Cr- ► j (' -f — I »« MRS. j7w. KUUBRdUGH'•— v FOREST — Mrs.Corruine Cha^ffin Kimbrough91, of Colonial Guest House*Wake 'Forest, formerly olM^cksviUe, the Smith Grovecommunity, widow of Joseph WKimbrough, died Thursday atWake-Memorial Hospitalin Raleight. The funeral will beat 11 a.m. today at BrightFuneral Chapel ' here. A graveside service will be held■at 4 p.m. today at the SmithGrove United Methodist'Church cemetery at Advance, Rt. 1.sSurviMng are a son. Dr. Jw; Kimbrough of Albuquerque,Mex.; and a sister, Mrs.xftlen Rich of Wake Forest. t - I ^ 4 . (m - ( OAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRAfi MOCKSVILLE. N€ -4 tS" t Walter Davis Rt. 2^ Advance r^ o~ t v/^ %- -Ci Qv i CO rr p. c V- ADVANCE — Walter Clar ence Davis, 72, of Route 2, Advance died at 1:30 p.in. yes terday in Da vie County Hospi tal • ' He was bom April 2, 1888, to the late William H. and Loula Ann a^or Davis and was a I member of Advance United J Methodist Church. '■ He was a retired producesalesman. *Surviving are his wife, Ann iBrewbaker Davis; seven idaughters, Mrs. William Chns- ;tian of Blackwood, New Jersey; ' Mrs. Charles Crenshaw andMrs. Charlie Cozart of Mo^- •.ville; Mrs. John H. Bodford of Iaemmons; Miss Betsy Davis, iMiss Phyliss A. Davis, and Mrs. iDaniel Mclver Jr. of Winston- iSalem; one son, William _H. IDavis of Gardenia, Califorma; isix step-sons, Frank Burton,Hubert Burton, and Bob Burton of Winston-Salem; Ronald Bru-ton of Advance; and KennethBurton of Stockton, California; WilUam C, Burton of Ft. BraggAir Force Base; two sist^,Mrs. Hayden Jordan Woodleafand Mrs. Georgia Foster ofAdvance; and one broth®*, TomDavis of Winston-Salem. F^eral services will be conducted at 4 p.m. Monday at theEaton Funeral Home Chapel inMocksville. Burial will follow inthe Advance United Methodist Church cemetery. The family will receive■ friends from 7 to 9 o'clock> tonight at Eaton Funeral Home. ffi o CQ II ? >Q- (O 2LU 1 L- 1 - \ "MO Davie Co.Fud.ic—WoctevWei »• A" r COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, June 10,1970 Walter Davis Rt. 2, Advance ADVANCE Waller Clar once Davis. 72, of Route 2, Advance died at 1:30 p.m. Saiurdav in Davie County Ilospi- tal. ' He was born April 2, 1398, to the Into William H. and Loula Ann Minor Davis and was a member of Advance United Metliodist Church. He was a retired produce salesman. Surviving are his wife, Ann Brcwbakcr Davis; seven daughters, Mrs. William Cliris- tian of Black wood, New Jersey; Mrs. Charles Crenshaw and Mrs. Cliarlie Cozarl of Mocks- ville; Mrs. John H. Bodford of Clemmons; Miss Betsy Davis, Miss Phyliss A. Davis, and Mrs. Daniel Mclver Jr. of Winston- Salem; one son, William H. Davis of Gardenia, California; six step-sons, Frank Burton, Hubert Burton, and Bob Burton of Winston'Salem; Ronald Bru- ton of Advance; and Kenneth Burton of Stockton, California; William C. Burton of Ft. Bragg Air Force Base; two sisters, Mrs. Hayden Jordan Woodleaf and Mrs, Georgic Foster of Advance; and one brother, Tom Davis of Winston-Salem. Will Jorvis, Retired Farmer MOCK.SVILLE - - Will H. Jar vis. 83, of at. 2. Advance, died Friday morning at the High Point Memorial Hospital. Mr. Jarvis, a native of Davic County, was the son of the late Newton and Camilla Wood Jar- vis. He was a member of Fork Baptist Cliurch and a retired farmer. Bio — Obituaries — 6/10/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, JUNE 11,1970 DR. RICHARD SPEAR Dr. Richard Spear, 49, of Greenville, N. C., son*in>la\v of Mr. and I^s. Craig Foster of Mocksvitle, died early Thur sday, Juno 4lh, of an apparent heart attack at his home. Funeral services were heid at 10 ajn. Saturday, June 6th, at tlie Wilkers Funeral Chapel in Grecnviile with burial at 3:30 p.m. In Rose Cemetery in Mocksvtlle. H& was a professor of education at East Carolina University and a former principal at several North Carolina high schools. A native of Baltimore, Dr. Spear graduated from Catawba College and earned his doctor of education degree from Duke University. He loft the prin- cipalship at New Bern High School in 1060 to join the education department at ECU. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Louise Foster Spear; two daughters. Miss Gween Spear of Pbiladdphla and Miss Karen Spear of Greenville; his mother, Mrs. Naomi Spear of Gaslonia; and his brother, Walter ^ar of Belmont Ab bey. WALTER CLARENCE DAVIS Funeral services for Waller n Garence Davis, 72, were held Monday, June 0, 4 pjn. at the Eaton Funeral Home Chapel here. Burial was In the Ad vance United Melhoidst Church cemetery. He died at 1:30 p.m. Saturday in Davie County Hospital. He was bom April 2, 1838, to . the late William H. and Loula Ann Minor Davis ond was a member of Advance United Methodist Church. He was a retired produce : salesman. • Surviving are, his wife, Ann Brewbaker Davis; seven> daughters, Mrs. William Chris- • tian of Blackwocd, New Jersey: Mrs. Otarles Crenshaw and Mrs. Charlie Cozart of Mocks- ville; Mrs. John H. Bedford of aemmotts; RBss Bet^ Davis, n . Miss Phyliss A. Davis, and Mrs. Danid Mclver Jr. of Winston- Salem; one son, William H.' Davis of Gardenia, Califamla; . six step-sons, Frank Burton, Hubert Burton, and Bob Barton of Winston-Salem; Ronald Bru- ~ toh' M Advance;-and Kenneth - : Burton of Stockton, California: >, William C: Burton of Ft. Bragg- r-i Air Focpe^Bese;. .tyo sisters. ^ Mrs. Hayden' Joi^n Woodleaf •• and Mrs. Georgle' Poster of n Advance; and one brother, Tom. .Daids of Winston-Salem. -. MISS HELEN JENKINS - Miss Helen Prances Jenkins, highly ' respected English teacher In the 'Salisbury city schools for almost 40 years, died lost Wednesday night at LaCroix Manor in Girardcau, Mo. She had been ill for 16 months. Funeral services were con ducted Friday at 3:30 pjn. at the First United Methodist Church of Salisbury by the Rev. D. Edwin Bailey, p^or, and Uw Rev. W. H. Osbome Jr., associate pastor. Burial was in the family plot at Rose Cemetery in Mccksvllle. Miss Jenkins spent all of her. professional life in Salisbury at teacher at Waley School until Knox Junior High School was built. 9)0 was on the staff at Knox unlil she become ill. She was born Decemlier 20, 1909 in Mocks^tille, daughter of the late Roy D. and Gyde Thomas Jenkins. She graduated from Roanoko Rapids High School in 1927 and received her AD degree from Duke' University, where riie was named (o Phi Beta Kappa, in 1931, In 19S0 she'received a mostcrs degree In history from Iho "University -of North- Carolina. Fbr 25 years she had made her home with Mrs. Arnold Snydcr Sr. of Salisbury. She is survived by two brothers. Jack Jenkins of Amelia, Virginia, and Dr. William Thomas Jenkins of Cape Girardcau, Mo.; one niece and two nephews. Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. JUNE 11.1970 MRS. AGNES SAIN SEATS Mrs. Agnes Sain Seats, 63, of MocksvDIo, R(. S, died Saturday at Baptist Hospital in Winston* Salem. Hie funeral was at 2 p.m. Monday at Huntsville Baptist Church. Burial followed in the church cemetery. She was bom in Davle County to Jake ond Emma Alien Sain and was a member of Hunts* ville Baptist Church. Surviving are her husband: a daughicr, Mrs. Grover Hanes of Harmony; a son Robert Seats, of Yadkinviile: a sister Mrs. Henry Lashmit of MocksvUle, Rt: S; and two brothers, Frank Sain of Walnut Cove and John Sain of Walkcrtown. WILL H. JARVIS Will H. Jar vis, 83, of Advance, Rt. 2, died. Thurs^y at Hi^ Point McmoriM Hospital in High Point. The'funerol was at 2pjn. at Fork Baptist Church. Burial was in the church coneteiy. He was bom in Davie County to Newton and Camilla Wood Jarvis and was a member of Fork Baptist Church. He was a retired farmer. There are no immediate survivors. Mrs. J. W. Kimbrough Mrs. Corrinne ChafHn Kimbrough, 91, of* Colonial Gimsl House, Wake Forest, formerly of MocksvUle, the Smith Grove community, widow of Joseidi W. Kimbrough, died Thursday, June 4th, at Wake Memorial MbspUal in Raleigh. Hie funerM was held at 11 a.m. Saturday at Bright Funeral Chapel. A graveside ' s^cew8shddat4pjn.atthe Smith Grove United Methodist , Cburdi qemetcry at Advance, Surviving are a'son, Dr. J. W. IQmbrough of Albuquerque, N. Mex.; and a sister, Mrs. Helen RIdi of Wake Forest. ALBERT W. POTTS MOCKSVILLE - Albert Wesley (Abb) Potts, 84, of MocksvUle died yesterday at Davio County- Hospital. The funeral wUl be at 4 p.m. Thursday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial wUl be in Oak Grove United Methodist Church cemetery.' He was bom in Forsyth County to Jerry and Louise Brooks Potts and was a member of Oak Grove United Methodist Church. He was a reUred farmer; Surviving are bis wUe, Mrs. Rosa Sommers Potts; two daughters, Mrs. H. C. Myers of MoasvUte and Mrs. Vemon ' WhUaker of MocksvUle, Rt. 2; a son, Wesley R. Potts of MocksviUe; and a brother, John Potis of Edcnlon. Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, June 17,1970 Miss Cuthrell Of Cooleemee COOLEEMEE — Miss Stella Mae Cuthrell, 72, of 48 Main Street, Cooleemee, died at 12:55 p.m. Thursday at the Davle County Hospital in Mochsvllle where she had been a patient for seven days following a.stroke. Funeral services were t held at 2 p.m*. Saturday at Cooleemee United Methodist Church of which Miss CuthreU was a long time member. Officiating at the rit^ will be the Rev. WiUiam Dingus, church pastor, and burial was fi in Wyo Cemetery near.MocksviUe, A native of Davie County, Miss Cuthrell was bom Sept. 20, 1897, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas CuthreU. For a number of years prior to World War II, she was employed by Dr. WiUiam Kavanagh at his office in Cooleemee, arid since then had worked as a licensed pracUcal nurse in Rowan and Davie counties until her retirement several years ago, Miss CuthreU has no im* mediate survivors, except for a number of cousins. She shared her home with two cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Comatzer in Cooleemee. Of Cooleemee Harvey Lee Payne, 33, of Cooleemee died yesterday at 6 o*clock at Broughton Hospital in Morganton. He had been ill for several years ond seriously ill for two ^ys. A native of Davie County, he was born May 6, 1937, son of Mrs. Savannah Payne and the late Deloast Payne. He was educated in the public schools of Davie County. He was, a member of Friendship Baptist Church. Survivors include his moUicr, Mrs. Savannah Payne of Cooleemee; three brothers, George K. Payne and Gleen E. Payne, both of Cooleemee, and William Henry Payne of Cleveland; three sisters, Mrs. Genell WaUdns and Mrs. SteUa White, both of Cooleemee, and Mrs. Junita Richardson of Salisbury. Willie Ellis Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE — WiUle Lee Ellis. 84, of Rt. 3, MocksviUe, died Fri. morning at 1:30 at the Davie County Hospital. He was bom April 28, 1886, in Davie County, the son m the late Lincoln and Florence Foster EUls. A reUred dairy fanner he was a member of Dulin's United MeUiodist Church and the POS of A. Survlvin;^ are his wife, Mrs. Stella Carter Ellis; three daughters, Mrs. Ralph Jones of Rt. 3, Mocksville, Mrs. Lawrence Comatzer of Rt. 1, Advance, ar t Mrs. Ira D. Swtcegood of 1 exinfiton; two sons, Robert and Elgin Ellis, both of Rt. 3, MccksVUle; seven grandchildren; two great- graitdchildren; five sisters, Mrs. Bvatrice WUllam^ of Rt. 1, Advance, Mrs. Roy WuiJams, Mrs. CUff Hendrix, and Mrs. Stella Hendrix, aU of Rt. 3, MocksvUle, and Mrs. Marie Davis of Granite Quarry; and one brother, WUey EUls of Rt. 4, MocksviUe. James Broadway, MOCKSVILLE — James Marson Broadway, 49, of MocksviUe died Saturday at his home from a gunshot woimd. lie was the son of James arid Ola Broadway of Davie County. In addition to his parents, he leaves his widow, Nettie Day- wait Broadway; four daugh ters, Crystal Dawn, of thehmne, Plonnle Broadway, Mrs. Swannie Robertson and Mrs. But(^ Hlnshaw, aU of Grem- sboro; a son, Jimmy Lee, of the home; four sisters, Mrs. Baxter Gregory, Mrs. Sloan Shoe maker of Mocksville, Mrs. George Hal) of Rt 5, Mrs. Chuck Sle^e of Salisbury; a brother, Coy, of MocksviUe. A. W. Potts Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE - Albert Wes- ley Potts, 84, of Mocksville, died' Tuesday in the Davie County Hospital here. He was born Feb. 11,1886, in Forsytii .County, son of the late Jerry arid Louise Potts, He was a reUred farmer and member of Oak Grove United Methodist Qiurch, He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Rosa Summers Potts; two daughters, Mrs, H. C. Myres of MocksviUe and Mrs. vernon Whittakcr of Rt. 2, MocksviUe; a son, Wesley R- Potts of Mocks ville; a brower, John Potts of Edenton; and eight grand children. A. R. Ledford, Of Davie County MOCKSVILLE - Alden Rich- ard Ledford, 47, of Advance died Saturday at Forsyth Me morial Hospital, He was born in Swa'ln County, the son of William and Dorothy Dockery Ledford. He Is sur vived by his widow, Mildred Molts Xjedford; a daught^, Su san, of the home: a son, Lonnie. of the home; his father, of Advance; one sister, Mrs. Gla dys McGoyah of Waynesvllle; a half-sister, Mrs. MarUm Gentry of Maggie Valley; two brothers, Edswel and Alney, of Advance. Bio - Obituaries - 6/17/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, June 17,1970 Miss Foster, 71, Of Fran-Roy Home • Miss Flossie Marie Foster, 71, of Fran-Ray Rest Home in Mocksville died Thursday morning at 3 at the Home. She was a resident of the Yadkin Hotel mior to moving to Mocks- vUJe. Miss Foster had been in declining health for four years. She was boni April 30,1889, in Alamance County to the late Charles W. and Chloe Phipps Foster. She was educated in the Salisbury City Sdiools and re ceived an A. B. degree from Woman's College in 1921. a B. S. degree from the School of li brary Service, Columbia Uni versity in 1831, and an M. S. from Columbia in 1933. Miss Foster spent a number of years as librarian and in teach ing library science in New York and New Jersey prior to her rctircipcntin 1863. Miss Foster is survived by a brother, Dewcy W. Foster of New Jersey. C. F. Seamon Of Mocksville MOCKSVILLE — Charlos Franklin Seamon, 67, died Wednesday at his home in Davic County. He was bom Sept. 26,1902, in Rowan County, a son of die late James M. and Tabitha Driver Seamon. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lottie Bowles Seamon; a son. Richard Seamon of Char lotte; three sisters, Mrs. Jim Bowles of Rt. 4, Mocksville, Mrs. Prank Garwood of Cool- eemee and Mrs. Paul Hcndrix of Rt. 3, Mocksville; two broth ers, Clyde Seamon of Rt. 1, Advance, and Everetle Seamon of Mocksville; and two grand children. Bio - Obituaries - 6/17/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 18,1970 - Page IB iustifiabte Homicide Ruled James Broadway Is Shot By Wife Jusliriablc homicide was ruled Saturday night by a coroner's Jury In the rifle slaying of a MccksvlUe man by his wife. James Marson Broadway, 49, was dead on arrival at the Dkvio County Hospital Saturday night after being shot twice in the head. A coroner's jury, convened by Dr. L. B. RIdiards at Broad' way's home sialurday night Issued the verdict of justinable homicide in the killing. Broadway's wife, Mrs. Nettle Daywalt Broadway, had ad- milted shooting her husband twice in die forehead. According to the evidence presented the coroner's Jury by Mrs. Broadway indicated that Broadway had tried to knock down the door of the carport when he returned home from drinking and threatened to kill her if she didn't open the door. He took a bush axe, knocked down the door and came Into the house. . She reached into a kitchen closet, got a rifle and fired two shots, both of which hit him in the forehead. Sheriff George Smith said he found Broadway lying in the kitchen doorway and that he was ^ot with a .22 rifle. The sheriff's diriment was called to go to the homo about 7:S0 p. m. Saturday, he said. Other officers who in vestigated were John O'Neal of the MocksviUe Police Depart- moit and dqiuty sheriff Jimmy Robertson. The funeral for Mr. Broadway was held Monday at Union Chapel United Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Ho was born in Davie County to James and Ola Broadway. Surviving aro his wilo; four daughters, Mbs Crystal Dawn Broadway of the home, and Miss Flonnlo Broadway, Mrs. Swannia Bobortson and Mrs. Butch Binshaw of Greensboro; a son, Jimmy Lea Broadway, of the home; his parents of- Mocksville, Rt. 4; four sisters, Mrs. Baxter Gregory and Mrs.: Stoan Shoemaker of Mocksville,' Mrs. George CaU of Mocksville, Rt. 5, and Mrs. Chuck Sledge of Salisbury; and a brother, Coy Broadway of MocksviUe. ^. Bio - Obituaries - 6/18/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 2B - DA VIE COUNTY ENTIiRPRISR RECORD. JUNE 18.1970 MISS STELLA CUTHRELL. 72 Miss Stella Mae Cuthrell, 72, of 4a Main Street, Cooleemee, died at 12:&5 pjn. Thursday at the Dayie COunty Hospital In Mocksville where she had been a patient for seven days following a stroke. Funeral services were held Saturday at Cooleemee United Methodist Church of which Miss Cuthrell was a long time member. Officiating at the rites were the Rev. William Dingus, church pastor, and burial was In Wyo Cemetery near Mocksville. A native of Davie County, Miss Cuthrell was bom Sept. 20,' 1897, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cuthr^ For> a number of years prior to World War II, she was employed Iw Dr.* William Kavanagh at his office in Cooleemee, and since thea had worked as a licensed:Eractical nurse In Rowan and lavle counties until her retirement several years ago.' Miss Cuthrell has no Im-' mediate survivors, except for a number of cousins. She shared her hone, with two cousins, Mr.i and Mrs. Donald Comatzer In Cooleemee. J WILLIE ELLIS Willie Lee Ellis, 84, of Rt. 3, Mocksville, died FViday mor^ ning at l :30 at the Davie County Hospital. Ftmeral services were con ducted Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Homo Chapel by the Rev. Elmer Day and the Rev. Arils Payne. Burial vms at Cornatzer Baptist Church cemetery. He was bom April 28. 1888, in -Davie County, the sonwihe late Lincoln and Florence Foster Ellis. A retired dairy farmer be was a member of Dulln's United n Methodist Church' and the PCS of A. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Stella Carter Ellis; three . daughtos, Mrs. Raljdi Jones of Rt. a, Mocksville, Mrs. Lawrence Comatzer of Rt 1, Advance, and Mrs. Ira D. Svdcegood of Lexington; two sons, Robert and E^ EUIs, both of.Rt. 3, Mockavlile; seven grandchildren; two great grandchildren; five sisters, - W8. Beatrice Williams of Rt 1, Advance. Mrs. Rpy WlUlams,Bbs. Cliff Rendif^ and Mrs. Stella Rendrix, au of Rt 3, MockB\dlle. and Mrs. Marie. Davis cf Granite Quarry: attd one brother, WUey Ellis of ^ 4^ Moffc^yiUe. ~~ 'yi&S'iHARVEY^AYNEU.iL VV.fU.V-*-. rryr.-irr Harvey Lee" Payne, 33, of Cooleemee died Thur^y at S o'clock at firoughton Hospital in Morganton. He had been ill for several-years and seiiodsly ill for two days. ' A native d'Davie County, he was bora May 6, 1937, son of Mrs. Savannah Payne and the late Deloast Payne. He was educated in thejwblic ' schools of Davie Coun^. He was a member of Frlendsiup Baptist Church. Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Savannah Payne of Cooleemee: three brothers, George K. Payne and Gleen E. Payne, both of Cooleemee, and William Henry Payne of Cleveland; three sisters, Mrs. GeneU Watkins and Mrs. Stella While, both cf Cooleemee. and Mrs. Junlta Rlehardspn ..of Salisbury. CHARLES F.SBAMON Funeral services for Charles Franklin Seamen, 67, of Route 4, Mocksville, were held Friday, June 12, at 4 pjn. in the Eaton Funeral Chapel. Burial was in the Jericho Church of Christ c^etery. . Mr. Seamen died Wednesday at his home. He was born in Rowan County to James M. and Tabiiha Driver Scamon. He was a member of the Jericho Church of Christ. Surviving are his wife, Lottie Bowles Scamon; a son, Richard Seamon of Qiarlotle; .three sisters, Mrs. Jim Bowles of Mocksville, Rt. 4, Nfrs. Frank Garwood of Cktoleemee, and Mrs. Paul Hendrlx of Mocksville, Rt. 3; two brothers, Clyde Scamon of Advance, Rt. 1 and Everette Seamon of Mocksville. A.R.LEDFORD Alden Richard Lcdford, 47, of Advance died Saturday of natural causes at Fosyth Memorial Hospital. The funeral was hdd Tuesday at Mocks United Methodist Church. Burial was In the churdi ccmetmry. He was bora in Swairo County to William B. and Dorothy Dockery Ledford. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mildred Potts Ledford; a daughter, Miss Susan Ledford of the home; a son, lonnie Ledford of the home; his father of Advance; a sister, Mrs. Gladys McGoyah of Waynesvllle; two brothers, Edsel and Alney Ledford of Advance; and a half-sister, Mrs. Martha Gentry of Maggie Valley. Bio - Obituaries - 6/18/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 2B - DA VIE COUNTY ENTIiRPRlSE RECORD. JUNE 18.1970 GEORGE H. lOnfENDALL Funeral services for Goerge Henry Kuykendall of Charlotte, husband of B&s. Jane Bradley Kuykendall, formerly of Moekaville, were held Monday, June islh, at the Covenant Preshyrian Church In Charlotte at 11 o'clock. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery, Statesville, at 1 pjn. He died Fkrlday night June 12, In a Charlotte hospital,after an illness of noe week. He was bom In Charleston, W. Va., Aug. 24, 1914, the son of James Bell and Mary Wells Kuykendall. He was educated in the- public schools n In Charleston and Davidson College. He was a member of Sigma Phi Epsllon social fraternity. All of his adult life was spent in Charlotte, and at the time of his death was associated with Bost BuOding Equipment Co. ..i|e.,v^ a . :membei^and airullkg^^der intl -the 'Cov<mant' Presbyterian • Church*. Fbr many yeam he taught a class in the Children's Division of the Sunday School. : He Is survived by his wife, the former Jane ^adley; one son, George H. Kuykendall, Jr. of Union Theological Seminary, New York City; one daughter, Jane Elizabeth Kuykendall of the home; one sister, Mrs. J. A. Esbojorn of N. Hollywood, Calif., two brothers, Calvin W. Kuykendall of Hendersonville, and James B. KuykendaU Jr. of Charlotte. • Bio - Obituaries - 6/18/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, June 24,1970 Mrs. Holder, 74, A Davie Native MOCKSVILLE — Mrs. Bessie Holder, 74> of Morehead City, formerly of Mocksvillc, died Hiursday morning at Harbor View Rest Homo near Morehead Cily. She was born in Davie County, a daughter of the late James and Josie Hall Brinegar. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Spry, and a sister, Mrs. Glenn Miller, both of Morehead City. W.B, Head, 79, Of Mocksvllle MOCKSVILLE — Walter Benjamin Head, 79, died Thursday morning at his home on Rl. 4, Mocksvllle. Bom in Stokes County, he was a son of (he lale Calvin and Mary Warren Head. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Annie Bowman Head; three .daughters, Mrs. Ruth Dargcr of Wlnston-Salcm, Mrs. Carl Prevett of Wllkesboro and Mrs. Carl Swicegood of Lexington; a son William Head of Rt. 4, Mocksvllle. Bio - Obituaries - 6/24/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 2S, 1970 RICHARD C. GARTNER Richard Clayton Gartner, 63, of Statesville, Rt.'4. was kflled Satutday whm he fell off of a trailer at his farm. The funeral for Mr. Gartner was held Tuesday at darksbury United Methodist Church here. Burial was in the church . cemetery. He was born In Davle County to Alonzo Alexando* and Mary Cora Slroud Gartner and was a member of darksbury Ihtiled Methodist Churdi. He was a farmer. Surviving.are his wife, Mrs. Mildred Anderson Cartno'; six daughters', Mrs. Thomas Ballence of Walkertown, Mrs. Harvey Beck and Mrs. Roy Koontx of MocksvlUe and Mrs. Marvin dine, Jr., Mrs. Luther Holton Jr. and Mrs. Grady McNeil .of Statesville, Rt. 4; four sons, Johnny B. and Richard Anderson Gartner of Statesville, Rt. 4, Carl Ray Gartner of HuntersvlUe, Rt. 1, and Harvey dinton Gartner. MRS. BESSIE HOLDER . Mrs. .Be^e Holder, 74, of Kfc^'rad' dty," fonh^y of MocksvlUe, died Thursdy morning at Harbor View Rest Home near Morehead dty. She was born In Davle County; a daughta* of the late James and Joaie Hall Brin^ar. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Spry, and a sister, Mrs. Glenn Miller, both of Morehead City. Funeral services were held Saturday at the Seventh Day Adventist Cburdi In MocksvlUe. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. WALTER B. HEAD Walter Benjamin Head, 79, of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4, died Thur sday at his home. The funeral was held at Eaton's Chapel. Burial was in Fork Baptist Church Cemetery. He was born in Stokes County to Calvin and Mary Warren Head and was a retired farmer. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Annie Bowman Head; three daughters, Mrs. RuUi Barger of Winston-Salem, Mrs. Carl Prevetl of North Wilkesboro, Rt. 3, and Mrs. Carl Swiccgood of L^nglon, Rt. 3; a son, WUUam Head of MocksvUle, RL 4. Bio — Obituaries — 6/25/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA