Jul - DecDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JULY 6. 1972 - Page 1 Yadkin River Claims Life Of Davie Man The body of a man who disappeared late Monday in the Yadkin River waa found around 4pjrn. Tuesday aftemwm on the Forayth side of the river. David Eugene Beamon, 28, of Advance Rt. 2, went into the waters of the Yadkin Rivo* around 6 pjn. Monday during an ouling with three other men and two women and diaap* peared. Witnesses say he swam part way ottt into the river and b^an ; his arms. Janis James see Rt. 1. who waa jnear Beamon when he went under, said: "Re Just began circling nis hands in the wMer. I thou^t he was Just kid^g, but tbim he went under ?lwice and Just disappeared." She and the other two wit nesses, Peggy Bobbins of 828 Railroad Street, Mocksville, and James Cope of Advance Rt. 2, all said that Beamon did not ydi at any time. George Dull, chief of the LewisviUe Rescue Squad, said the first can was recdved at 6:58 pro., Monday. He said that about 38 men from LewisviUe, Forsyth. Davie and Winston- Salem Rescue Squads dragged the river untU 1 aro., Tuesday. Rescue efforts were resumed at 7:30 aro., Tuesday and con tinued until the body was found around 4 pro. The site where Beamon disappeared is about a half a mUe off Center Churdi Road in southwest Forsyth County. Janis James said the 0^p sdected the site "becauw It was so Isolated". She said she and the other girl bad planned to swim jd Uie rivo' and were Joined by tne four men who were visiting at her house. In addition Jo Beamon and Cope, -thpso* included# Gary Walketr of Tl^ancge snil Terry Slater of AdVanbe, Rt. 2. Slater had two row boats at the site and the party rowed out to an island in the river. Ail concerned are In their 20's.' *T was Just wading around in the river when David (Beamon) dove in. He Just swam a little .way out and disappeared", she said. "The only thing he said was, 'Good gosh, the watei"s ,C(dd!' when he first stuped 'from the island Into the water. Then he dove into it." Gladys Beamon, wife of the missing man said he suffered cmivulndns last Thursday and had to be taken to a hos|Utal in Lexington for treatmoit. He was an employe of United Furniture Works in^diexlngton and Lexington Is also the home of his wife, from whom he was separated. Five boats and skin diveip*. were at the river Tuesday' searching for the body. Beamon Is the son of hlr. and • Mrs. Cecil Beamon of RL 2 Advance. Funeral services will be held at It aro. Thursday morning at Eaton's Chapel. The Rev. William C. Andenon wili of-' ficiate. Burial will be in the*' Huntsville Baptist Church- Cemetery,!-. He is survived by Ms wliia,^ Gladys Gallaipore Beamon; hipJ mother and fattier; (die 8ister-,r Mrs. (Emilia Wall of Advance, Rt. 2; two brothers, Franklin' end Jim Beamon of LewisviUe n SB - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1«»72 BENJAMIN R. WILES Benjamin Ray Wiles, 63, of Harmony, Rt. 2, died at Davie H^ltal at Statesviile. The funeral was held Saturday at Sandy Springs Baptist Churdi. Burial viras In the diurdi cemetery. Mr. Wiles was bwn in Yadkin County to Thomas and Vallie Vesta] Wiles. He waa a farmer. Surviving are his wife, Mrs, Geneva Ashley Wiles; A daughterj Mrs. Bonnie Weauiermanof Advance, Rt. l; two sons, Boinie and Sonny Wiles of Harmony, Rt. 2; two sisters, Mrs. Sadie Harris of Mocksville and Mrs. Norma Shouse of Vnnston-Salem; and dx Inothers, Dwight, Roland, Zeno, Marvin and Cd^an Wiles of YadMnvtlle. Rt. 3. and 0^1 vnies of Mocksvflte, Rt. S Bio - Obituaries - 7/6/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA - DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JULY 13, 1972 MRS. J. 0. DWIGGINS, 88 Mrs. Mamie Barneycaalle Dwl^ns, 88, widow of John ObU» OwlgglnB, died at 6:18Ejn. Saturday at the Lynn faven Nursing Home. Bom in Dane County August 8,1883, die was the daughter of the late William and Sarah Walker Bameyeaatle. She was a member of the First Methodist Church of Mo^vQle. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. L. A. KMmts of Asheville, Mrs. H. G. PIttman of Tallahassee, Fla., Mra. Raymond Martin of Winston* Salem end Mra. C. A. Hughes of Wilmington: two sons, Walton Dwig^ns of Davenport, Iowa and Bw Dwigglna of MocksvlUe and one sister, Mrs. Lucy Dwigglns of Wln8ton*Satem. Fweral services were con* ducted Monday at Eaton's Funeral Home chapel by the Rev. Austin Hamilton. Burial was In the Rose Cemete^. GEORGE DBWBY WINFREY George Dewey Winfrey. 70, of Mocks^e, Rt. 2, part owner of Winston-Salem Casket Co., died Sunday at Davie County H^ltal. The funeral was hdd Tuesday at Baton's Baptist Church. Burial was In Sprlngwood Presbyterian Church cemetery In GuUford County. Mr. Winfrey was bom In F<a>8yth County to Charlie and Minnie Inscore Winfrey. He was a retired salesman and was a member of Eaton's Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jettle Shoaf Johnsim Winfrey; two daughters, Mrs. Lynn Swains of WInston-Salem and Mrs. Shirley Smith of Newark, Ohio; three sons, Henry Win frey of Raleigh, Robert Winfrey of Rockville, Md.. and George P. Winfrey of Greensboro; a stepdaughter. Mrs. Roy Rhue of WInston*Salem; two stepsons, TToy and Jimmy Jdinson of Wln8ton*8alem; and a sister, Mrs. Elsie Good of Mount Airy. Bio - Obituaries - 7/13/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA s:> o •i' srgAi™<wm«8 Mamie-arneycastle ig^ns^^iiei^a-p-T'- IJ^mmmmwj W%,V1 pjn^ Saturday, at^^he Lynnfevoi Nini^g Hom'^e^ * vBom in Davie County August ' 8,1883, she was the dau^to* of jthe late .William and Sarah I Walker' Bameycasde. !^She was a m^b^ of the ; First Methodist Church of jMocksville.j r Surviving are four daughters, Mre. L. A. Koontz of Asheville, j MriB.y IL ,,.6. Pittman of , Tallahassee,, Pla., Mrs. I Raymond Martin of Winston- f Salem and Mrs. C. A: Hughes of WSmington; two sons, Walton Dwiggins of Davenport, Iowa ; andBpb Dwiggins of Mocksvilleand rae sister, Mrs. Lucy dwiggins of Vi^ston-Salem. •, Funeral services were con ducted Monday at Eaton's Funeral Home chapel by the Rev. Austin Hamilton. Burial , was in the Rose Cemetery. rO enter PP^ 7^/3- / <=> > I r CQ. MOCKSViLii, HU. s A- i O cS DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1972 Pages 1 and 2 Davie Native Shot To Death A Davie Cbunty nattve, a resident of V^nston-Salem, was fltua and kined F^y nuvniog atoi be tried to toce his way fmo a car driven by a woman, police rqavted. Frank O. Tatum, 27. of 7>D Oolurobus Terrace, was riwt bt the diest with a XI caliber revdver and died at the scene. Sylvia L. Harrison, 22, of W Fe^l Street, WInston'Salem. was charged with second degree murder. Police said she was the man's former girl friend. She was released <m SSOO bond pending a July 20 hearing in iMtrict Court. Wnstor-Salem Police said the incident oocured a few minutes after midnl^ in the SOO block of Churdi St. between the Wachovia and Phillips buildings. Tatum, wbo bad i>een following the woman and her frioid earlier in the evening, deliberately collided with her in the 300 blodc of Churdt St., pdice said. pdice said she had been on her way lo the District Court derfc's office to obtain a watrant charging Tatum in an eariier indd^ when he had tried to force his way Into hCT car. After the cdlidm, be got cut d his car, tried to gd into tier's and was shot, pdice said. The wonan and her friend ran, pdice said, and be got back into his car. He drove a short <fidance and hit three other cars behwe came to a stun. The two wnncn apparentty were not injured. Ifr. Tatum. was a native d Davie Comity and had lived in Winston-Salem for Rve years. Be was a membo* d the Cedar CVedi Baptist Cburdi in Davie and was emidoyed at RJR Ardis'. He was a vet^an of the Vidnam war. F\meral sCTvices were bdd Monday aflemooi at the Cedar Oneek Baptist Gburcb. Burial was In the churdi cemdery. Surviving are his wife, BIrs. (Continued Page 2) more about TATUM (Continued From Page 1) Elizabdh Ann Tatum of Win* stcni'Salem: his mother, Mrs. Lucy Tatum of Farmingtcn; seven sisters, Mrs. Kaye j Frances West. Mrs. Ceraldlne Brown and Mrs. Anndte Eaton I d Mocksvllle, Mrs. Jendie j Parks of Ft. Mead, Md.. Mrs. 1 Bernard Campbdl of Winston* Salem, and Misses Diane and Kaihy Tatum d the home; four brothers, Henry and William Tatum of Winsion*Salem. Oanid Tatum of Mocksvllle and It. Barnard Tatum of the U. S. r Force, stationed in North Dakota. 2B - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1972 J. A. TRIVETTE, 58 Albert CiNty,42 Albert Thmnaa Cody, ^ of Route 4, St. Ann, Illinois, died at St. Maty Bo^ltal in Kankakee, m. after an illness d several days. He was botn Aug. 31, 1929 in Modmville to Ifrs. Florenee Van Eaton Cbtfy and the late Bookm* T. Cody and was educated in Davie County Schods. He was a labmm-. In addithm to his mother who resides hi Mocksvllle, be is survived by three brothos, Booker T. and BOdtael Cbdy, bothd ModcsvOle. Robert Cody d Greensboro; dx sisters, Mrs. Rebecca C. Issac, Miaa Ficrence Cbdy and Mrs. Jennie Uwdlyn, all of New York Qty, Hiss Patricia Cody d Patoson. N. J., Mrs. Hden Evans and Bfrs. Lda NIdiolson, both d (freandMro. Jade Arthur Trivette, 58, of Bfodcsville RL 4 died Tuesday morning at the Davie County Ho^iital. He was txnv in Davie County to the late Thomas and Bfartha Flynn TVivette. He was a member of the Dutchman Creek Baptist Churdi and an employee of the Oiarles James Masonary Company. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mae West Trivette d the home: three sisters, Blrs. Emma Turns', Mrs. Jolmsie Payne and Mrs. Frank Jcnes, all d ModtsvHIe; two tudhors, John Ftank Trivdte and Tnry Trivette, of YadklnviUe; a stqi* daunts. Marguerite West d MoeksvOle Rt. 4. Funsal services will be hdd Thursday at 2 pjn. at Eatons Fimsal Cha|^. The Rev. Thomas Tugpe will offidaie. Burial will lie In the Unkm Chapel United Methodist Church Oemetsy. Bio — Obituaries - 7/20/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8 ^ DAVIE COUNTY I^ERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JULY 27,1972 MRS. JESSIE WAGNER Mrs. Jessie Lee Call Wagner. 72. of Astro Dowdey Apart* ments. High Point, died there at High Point Memorial Hospital aner four days illness. Mrs. Wagnor was a sisier of Grady F. Osll of Saiishury. She was bom Aug. 26,1899, In Davie County, dau^to- of late Thomas Fletcher and Alice Almeta Can. She moved to High Point horn Mocksvllte years ago. ^ was a membv of Itaii^ter of America and ihe First congregational Christian Church. Her husband, Johnathan A. Wagner, died Feb. 8,1969. bi addition to her brother, sm^vors indude a dainhter, Mrs. D. L. Lanierof H^ Point; a son. Major (Ret.) James B. Wagner of CUumbus. Ohio; one dster,- Mrs. W.F. Nail of MocksvUle; and nine gran* children. Funeral services were held Thursday at Sechrest Funeral Home Chapd. conduded by Or. P. C. Lester. Burial was in Floral Garden Park Cemetery. BOBBY JOB RBBD Bobby Joe Reed. 36, of Gemmons, Rt. 2, died Sunday. July 23, at FOrsyth Manorial Ho^ltal after an Illness of several weeks. A graveside funeral was held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Clemmons Memorial Gardens. Mr. Reed was bom in For* s^County to W.E. and Carrie Flynn Reed. He was an em* ployeo of Carolina Marble and Tile Co. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jane Todd Reed: two sons, TOdd and Joey Reed of the home; his mother, of Sides Street, Winatoo*Salem, Rt. 2; two sisters. Mrs. Alta 0*Perrdl of 3430 Xonnoak Drive and Mrs. Betty Harris of Pomona, California; five brothers, W.E. Reed, Jr. of Ydlowstmie Lone, Ralfdi Reed of Blto, David Rera of Forest Manor Drive, Raymond Reed of Brewer Road and Jack Reed of Raleigh. MR. CHARUE LEM WALL Chariie Lem Wall, 88, of Moeksville, Rt. 7, died Friday at his home. The funeral was hdd Sunday at tiaton'a Funeral Chapd. Burial was in Oak Grove United Methodist Church cemetery. Mr. Wall was bom in Davie County to Harrison and Amanda .Summers Wall. He was a retired farmer. /Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lula Lanier Wall; three daughters, Mrs. Bvdyn Boger of Modcsville, Mrs. Thurmond Bowles of Lancaster^'G., and Mrs. Robot G. McGamrock of Moeksville. Rt. 2; Mx sons. Clarence and Thomas Wall of MocksvUle. Rt. 2, Rdiert and Lee WaU of MocksvUle and Fred and Roy Wall of MocksvlUe. Rt. 5; and two Iffothers, Phillip and THlllam WaU of S^)encer. MRS. MARY L. HOLCOMB Mrs. Mary Lois Hdcomb, 39, of Moeksville was dead Saturd^ after being taken to Davie anmty HosfdtaL Mrs. Holcomb was bom In For^th Oraaty to Raymond and Lula Rdd Holcomb. Surviving are a daughter. Miss Ddcu Ann Hdcomb of Winston-Salem: a son. David Hdcomb of ¥Un5lon<SaIem; her parents of MocksvUle; two sisters, Mrs. Shirley Mae BRUer of Yadldnvllle and Miss Patricia A. Holcomb of Bfocksville; three brothers. G.G. (Micky). PhllUp and R.D. Holcomb of Wlnsion*Salcm: and a half bitdber, Clayton D. Holcomb of WInston-Salem. MISS CHARITY JONES.79 Miss Charity Hannah Jones, 79, of MocksvUle, Rt. 7. died at Davie County Hospital. She was bom In Davie County on Dec.e,l892, to PhUUp and Laura BUis Jones. She was a lifelong resident of Davie county. &irviving are one sister. Miss Rosa Jones of the home; two brothers. Spencer Jones of MocksvlUe, Rt. 7. and Charlie Jones of hhx^ville. The funeral was conducted Monday at Baton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Wttllam Anderson and the Rev. Ardis Payne. Burial was In Fork Baptist Churd) cemetery. MRS. WILLIAM HARDING Mrs. Serena McMahan Harding, 60, of YadklnvUle, Rt, 2,dledTbur^y at Uda Conrad Hoots Memorial Hospital. The funeral was held at 2 pjn. Sunday at Porbush Baptist Chur^. Burial was in the Smith Grove AMB ZIon Church cemetery. Mrs. Harding was bom In Davie Ciounly to fimest and Mamie McBSahan. She was a member of Cedar Creek Baptlri Church. Surviving are her husband, bar mother MocksvUle; three sister, Misses Louise, Ulllan and Anita McMahan of Moeksville: two brothers, Hugh and Felix McMahan of Winston* Satem. Bio — Obituaries — 7/27/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA B'-MOGKsviLr V -w-/ ^'Weyeland, - Rt ^ rof/J i a m j • 5 '^"^e - -of i fyesf^av af T\' died •IStatesvilJe Tie a® Hospital atV <1:30 p m §9Baptist ChurcJuS Eato&fBanal wiu be^n(cemetery. - . " ^e. churchy I C'^nty Davie fi#nVere^^'°"^« f^ BessS I(she Served with /h ?r ' south' AdmS-* ® Nationalf(during \vorId Wa?^U^°° n 1 ' With the U.S Coact r ' ®®^ved fe r®l « memberre^nt of the former n American RevS theKaox chaptfr ° member of a(Church. nn Baptist! ''m 'Myers of Clevelan?^pf®, son?, A. W and ! ' 2; twoMyets of C]evetnd''Sf 13 Sister, Mrs pTt-v L , • sndI°^^ocksviiIe' R^t 2 ^^^erreU |FuneralHo^4here.'®' c^ou,ar,,/_ /?>Z, L'M V; ;• i'iVwi^OViLL- A/r*-—? 3Vt^ Co DAVIE COUNTY KNTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. AUGUST 3, 1972 ROBERT L. SPRY. 57 Robert Lee Spry, 57, of 832 East Lafayette Street died Thursday at 11:30 p.m. at the Rowan Memorial Hospital. He had been seriously ill for 12 days. Bom Jan. 16, 1915, in Davie County, he was a son of the late Hyrum and Mary Lou GobUe Spry. Educated in Davie County schools, he was employed at the N.C. Finishing Co. and was of the Baptist faith. Surviving are his wife, the former Emma Loue Shehan; two dua^iers, Mrs. Ronnie Let Gaskey of 29 Palms, Calif, and Mrs. Nancy Louise Russell of Amarillo, Tex.; three brothers, Brade of Coolccmee, Gumey of Route 11, Salisbury, and Hoouston of Alabama; a slater, Mrs. Rachel IVoulman of Route 3, Salisbury, and seven grand children. Funeral services were con ducted Sunday at 3 p.m. at Uie Lyerly Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Roscoe Fisher of Cooleemee Presbyterian Church. Burial was in flowan Memorial Park. GUYJ. EATON Guy J. Eaton, 56, retired Army Sergeant of 2209 Lee Street, Columbia, S. C., died July 20 at Moncrief Army Hospital, Fort Jackson, S. C., after a brief Illness. He was bom to the late Samuel and Bessie Eaton, February 4, I916 in Mocksville, N. C. Prior to his discharge from the army May 20,1965 he served his country as a Platoon Sergeant in Co. A 16lh Bn. 4th Tng. Bde. Ft. Jackson. During his career he served in Ft. Bragg, N. C., Ft. Gordon. Ge., Ft. Sill, Okla., Texas, Germany and Korea. After his retirement he served the Slate of South Carolina as a Custodial Officer at the Manning Correctional Institution in Columbia. Upon successful completion of courses at the University of South Carolina In March 1969, Mr. Baton was promoted to Correctional Officer. On November 20, 1960, Guy J. Eaton was named Correctional Officer of the Year by the Alston Wilkes Society "in recognition of outstanding ability, ac complishments, and service to his community, state and profession." Mr. Eaton is survived by his wife; Mrs. Margie D. Eaton, retired Army Sergeant, and his dat^hter, Peggy. He is also survived by an aunt; Mrs. Bnlce Sutlon of Monroe, Michigan, a sister, Mrs. Cora Bailey of Winsion-^lem, N. C., four brothers; Samuel and John of Ecorse, Michigan, and Alia and Bverelte of Mocksville, N. C. Burial services were held Sunday at 3 p. m. at 16 Bn. 4th Tng. Bde. ^apel 4, Jackson Blvd., Ft. Jaci^n. Interment was held at Lincoln Cemetery. MRS. ZANNIB R. LATTEN SCOTT Mrs. Zannie R. Lattoi Scott. 83, of Advance, died Monday, July 24, at Davis Hospital, Statesvllle after a long Uineso. The funeral was hdd Wed nesday, July 26 at 4 p.m. in Redland Churdi of Christ at Advance. Magellan Stevenson officiated. Burial was in the diurch cemetery. Mrs. Scott was bom February 2, 1669 In Elbert County. Georgia. She was married to the late Joseph Scott. To this union twelve children were bom, nine survive. She was a member of Redland Church of Christ. Surviving are eight daughters, Mrs. Ann Hampton, Mrs. Elizabeth McCleiland and Mrs. Kalherjne Daye, all of New York Gly; Mrs. Pearl Welman, Mrs. Odell Imes, and Mrs. Lucy Holman of Woodileaf; Mrs. Mary Pettiford of the home; one son. Edward C. Scott of the home; thirty one grand* dilldren and forty one great grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Lucinda LitUeJohn of Greenville and one brother. H. T. Latlen of the Bahamas. BUJy Hinn Former Cooleemee Man Is Killed Word has been received that Billy Flinn of Jacksonville, Georgia, formerly of Cooleemee, was killed Monday In an automobile accident while driving from work enroule to his home. Tcmado-like winds resulted in the aflemoon ac cident in which he was kilted instantly. White residing In Cooleemee, Mr. Flinn was employed with Burlington Industries as on assistant overseer in the Weavbig Department. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday In Jacksonville. Correspondence may be sent to Mrs. Billy (Rocna) Flinn, Jacksonville, Georgia 31544. Bio - Obituaries - 8/3/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9. 1972 Neil Bolton, Fair Director, Dies Suddenly tlMOTHY S. BLBDSOE Timothy Scott Biedsoe, infant aon of Brae C. and Marlene Butcher Biedsoe of Mocksville, fU. 5, died at birth FViday morning at Lula Conrad Hoots Uemorlal Hospital. A graveaide service was held Satu^y at Gospel Way Baptist Church cemetery at Yadkin- viUe. Surviving are his parents, a sister, PriacUia Biedsoe of the home; a brother, Danny Biedsoe of the home; his grandparoits, Mr. and Hirs. Claude R. Biedsoe of MocksvUle, Rt. 5, and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Butcher of YadidnviUe, Rt. 3; and his great-grandparents, Mrs. Cynda Martin of HamptonvlUe and Manley Shumate of West Jefferson. BOLTON .., buUt exposHion tato slate's sceoBd biggeit... Nell Bolton, 59, director of the Dixie da^c Fair since 1956 and founder and secretary of the Northwest North Carolina Develt^ment Aasodatian. died unexpectedly August 2Dd In his otnce at the fairgrounds. He apparently suffered a heart attack. He Is survived by his wife, the former Ruth Krlder; a son James Morris Bolton of Salid>ury; and a dau^ter, Mrs. William C.Carter of Jackson ville. Fla. Funeral services were neic Friday at the Voglers Reynolds Road Chape). Furial will be in Forsyth Memorial Park. Mr. B<^ton, who lived at 3618 Yadklnville Road, Winston* Salem, moved to Winston* Salem in 1951 and was known statewide for his agricultural work. He became director of the fair in 1956. when it was known aa the Winston-Salon Fair, and it has become the state's second-largest agrieultura] exhlbiUm. Mr. Bolton changed the fair's name to Dixie Classic Fair in keying with his plans to boost agricultural ana com munity exhibits from Northwest North Carolina's 11 counties. He bad been associated with Forsyth County agriculture since 1951, when he moved here from Wilmington to serve as chaUman of the Chamber of Oommoce'a New Department of Agriculture and fflghways. A graduate of West VIrglma State University's College of A^culture In 19H he had worked aa farm agent In several West Virginia counties before moving to Wilmington in 1946. He became manage- of the Wlnaton-Salem Memorial Cbilseum in 1960 and beid the post until 1970. He was chair man of the Leaf Tobacco Market and the Keep North Carolina Beautiful, Inc. com mittee. nom 1965 untU 1971, he served on the North Carolina Milk Commission and was chairman from 1969*71. One of Mr. Btdton'a hobbies was auctioneering and he donated his services to the state 4-H clubs at their annual Junior Steer Seles. He was a director of the North Carolina 4-H Development Fund, Inc. Bio - Obituaries - 8/9/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TWIN CITY SENTINEL, 8/15/1972 ; - -T I.John S. Bracken. ; j Tbe funeral of John Stephen' - Bracken. 23, of MocksvOle. Rt; n 6. an employe of Continental' Can Co. in Winston-Salem. wUl' ; be held at 4 p.OL Wednesday abl Liberty Baptist .Church. «Barial will be hf the church cemetery. Tbe body is at Eaton's Funeral Home at Mocksville. Mr. Rr^cken was killed, in.an automobile accident on^N. C. 801 a half mile norh of Redland Road. Dr. B. L. .Richards, a Davie County medical examiner, said Bracken had suffer^ a broken neck and multiple cutseon his bead and face. Tbe Davie County Sheriffs Department is still Investigating the single-car crash. ' krf O J 3 - (I 1 7 L- Bio - Obituaries — 8/15/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA rO iA O o MIE-l'i ionard^^OL— „ . bcksviiileV^i'^ IttV" |.7»' -diedfeesterdey'^-'at Davie .'Co^ty Hospital. TJ^e-funeral will be at' 'ti'-'-a.'mit 'Wednesday at Eatotfa j 5Hmeral caiapbl. Burial will ;Ae; an \; Bethd'"'Umt^ ' Methodise i F^Mi-i feistet was ^brn in ® ayie, 'to- S. Ju^^^d. >Abce; ; Foster: r ^ ^ y; ' urviving'.are W. son,' ^ton Foster, of Mocksrille. Rt:7;4wo. 'sisters, Mrs. W. G. Sain; .-^' Mbcteville, Rt. 3, and Mrs. C. #C. "Poole of Lerinjgton; and two bro&ers, ;Craig.' FostCT o f .Mbcksyille and Ed^e Foster of|"Vlinnston«Salein. -'y ' C 12. Vi a L 1^ ' ('?72- Vp QfD cr v> CD O' n Z O liJ" CD O DAVIR COUNTY Wfn-.RPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, AUGUST 17. 1972 Page 1 Caunj^*s 4th Highway Fatality John Stephen Bracken Killed In Auto Crash John Stephen Brackrai. 23, of BlocksvUle Rl. 6 was killed aroundSajn. Bitoiday when bis car overturned on NC 801, a half mile north of the Redland Road. This was Davie County's fourth hi^way fatality of 1S72. The State Highway Patrol said that Bracken wastravding kt a high rate of speed when the accident occurred. He was thrown from the car and found Idng about six feet from the car. Or. B.L. Richards, a county medical examiner, said Bracken had suffered a brokoi neck and multiple cuts on his head and face. Bracken was employed at the Oontiental Can Company in Winston-Salem and was reportedly enroute home from work at the time the accident occurred. The car was a total loss. Het was the son of the Rev. Albert and Lois Weatherman Braffcen. Funeral services were hdd at 4pjn. Wednesday at the Liberty Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Alice Craver Bracken; a dau^ter, Angda Bracken of the home; a son, John Stephen Bracken of the home; his parents of Mocksville Rt. 6; two sisters. Mrs. Vickie Jarvis and Miss Renee Bracken of Mocksville Rt. 6; and a brothd*. Tommy Brackoi of Mocksville Rt. 6. 8D - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1972 CHARLIE HENRY MYERS Charlie H. Myers, 73. of Advance, Rt. 2, died Sunday at Fnoyth Monoribl Hoqdtal in Wlnston*Satem. The funeral was hdd Tuesday at Mocks United Methodld Church. Burial was in the diurch cemetery. Mr. Myers was bom in Davie County to Uriah and Hattirs Hilton Myers. He was a retired foreman from Taylor Brothm Ibbaoeo Wardiouse. He was a member of Mocks Methodist Ghu]^. Surviving are his wife, Iva Poittdexter Myera; two step- daughters, Mrs. Mary Ihomp- son and Martha Mott of Winston-Salem; a sister, Mrs. Elisabeth Coone of Winston- Salem; and a brother, Lonnie Myers of New Greensboro Road. MRS. PHILLIP S. STROUD Mrs. Maltie Virginia Stroud. 63, of Harmony, Rt. 1. widow of Phillip Sloan Stroud, died Saturuay at Rowan Memorial Ho^tal. The funeral was hdd Monday at Society Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. n Mrs. Stroud was bom in Greensboro to J. A. and Emma Oxment Newman. Starving are a daughter, Mrs. James R. Drum of Har mony, Rt. 1; two 5ons, Wayne and Dud Stroud of Harmony, Rt. 1; a sister, Mrs. Flora Love of Greensboro: and two brothers; James A. Newman of Greensboro and Harry Newman of Norfdk, Va. ALLEN E. ADAMS The fUno'al for Allen E. Adams, 55, of Etast Bmd, Rt. l, was hdd Wednesday, August 9, at Sbacktown Church of Christ, with burial In the church cemdery. He died Monday, August 7th. at Baptist Hdq^tsl- Mr. Adams was bom in YadUn County to Samud and Sarah Vestal Adams. He was a member of Sbacktown Churdi of Christ and was an employee of Kerltsge Furniture CO, at Mocksville. Surviving are bis wife, Mrs. Lela York Adams; three daughters, Mrs. Jackie Davis, Mrs. BoUy Dowdl and Miss Joana Adams of East Bend, Rt. t; a son, Berley Adams of the home; two brothers, Wesley Adams of High Point and William Adams of Lexington; snd a half brother, Buford Adams of East Bend. Bio — Obituaries — 8/17/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8B - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. AUGUST 17. 1972 OBOROE B.HOBSON,63 George Benson Hebson. 63, of • Matthews, a twUve of BoroviUe and former chairman of the AgrlculttB'al Extension Service In Gbarlolte, died Saturday at his home. He was a former Agrlcuiturol Extension agent In Davle. The ftmerol washdd Monday. Mr. Hobson's parents were A. B. and Alice RIoore Hoteon. He was a graduate of N. C. State Cbllegeln Raldgb. He had been In agnetdtural extension 8er> vice for more than 85 years in High Point and In Lincoln, Alexander, Davie and Mecidenburg counties. He was a Baptist. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Zdi Sutton Kobson; a dai^ter. Miss Betty Hobson of Chanotte; two sons, George Benson • Kobson, Jr. of Charlotte and : David C.HObaon of Atlanta; two ; sistera. BIrs. Anita Reece of BoonvlUe and Mrs. Sadie Smithermanof Bast Bend; and seven brothers, Fred C. Hobson of Yadhinville, retired superintendent of Vadkin Coun^ schools, Frank W., Joe W., Alvis L., and Bobby Hobson of BoonvtHe, Curtis Hobson of Athens, Tom., and Wade M. Hobson, who is postmaster of East GEORGE W. PARISH A Davle County native, Ge^e Wesley Parish, 86, died August eth In Springfleld. Mo., where he had liveo for many years. The funo'Sl for Mr. Parish was held last Thursday in Springfield. Sv^i^^ arelUs wife: a son; and two sisters. Mrs. JX. Davis of Wlnaton-Salcm and Mrs. Jessie Hutchlns of Mocksville. SAMMIEL. FOSTER Sammie Leonard Foster, 84, of Mocksville, Rt. 7, died Monday at Davie County The iiineral was held Wed* nesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapd. Burial was in Bethel United Methodist Church cemetery. Mr. Foster was bom in Davie County to S. A. and Alice LeoniM Foster. Surviving are a son, Alton Foster of Mocksville, Rt. 7; two Nsters, Mrs. W. G. Sain of Mocksville, Rt. 9, and Mrs. C. C. Pooie of Lexln^n; and two brothers, Cram Foster of Mocksville and Eddie Foster of Wln8ton*Salem. H.B. GARWOOD, 81 Herman (Shorty) Baxter Garwood, 81, of 5 Shives Street jSalidtury, died In Rowan Memorial Hos^tal where he had been a patient for two weeks. He was ban Fd>. 8,1881 in Davle County to the late James Franklin and Louelia Walser Garwood. He was emfdoyed by Cone Milb for 61 years and had been retired fbr 13 years. Mr. Gar* wood was known as an avid baseball fan. He attended Staliings Baptist Church. His wife, Lucy Mesimore Garwood. died hi September 1965. Survivors are one son, Harold L. Garwood of HuntdrsvOle; three dati^ters, Mrs. Johnie Shives ono Mrs. Kmier Wilson, bothof Salldniry, Mrs. William Wagoner of Cluiriotte; three sisters, Mrs. A.C. Parker of Marion, Mrs. Tom Kesler and Mrs. L.O. Kotaton, both os Salisbury; 10 grandcfaQdren; seven great'grandGhildren. • Funeral services were con ducted Wednesday at 4 pm. at Suromersett BfemoHal Chapel by the Rev. James P. Hams Jr., pastor of Staliings Baptist Omm and the Rev. Curtis Rhrchead, pastor of Haven Uuheraa Churdi. Burial was In Chestnut HM Cemetery. MRS. LEE P. WALLER, 65 Mrs. Mattie Lou Salyers Waller, 65, of ftoute 3, Advance, died Wednesday at Baptist Hospital in IMnston-Salem. Bom In CarroU County, Vs., she was the daughter of the late Isaac and Sudle Weils Salyers. She was the widow of Lee P. Waller. Funeral services were Friday at Elbavllle United Methodist Churdi whore Rbrs. WaQv hdd her memberdiip. OfRclatlnA at the rites was the Rev. WUlard Stevens, and burial was in the churdi cemdoy. Survivors Include three dau^ters, MTs. Wlilfam R. Sefewright of H^ Point and Mrs. C.L. Hege and Mrs. Evdyn Branch of Route 4, Lexi^ton: and six sons, John W. Waller of Advance, Charlie L. and Robot H. Waller of Richmond, Va., Lee R. Waller Jr. of Winston-Salem and Lawrence G. Waller of Greenshnv. Bio — Obituaries — 8/17/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 8/21/1972 wdjjam P. HENDRICKS i 11 i a in V 76, .ofSHocKsville • died y'ie's t e r d a y JL' Davie CountyHospitiQ. The funeral wiil be at 2. p.m. • Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral ChapeL Burial will be -in Hose Cemeteiy, j Mr- ;Hendricks was born in I Davie County to W. s. and' Mary Jones Hendricks. He was ^ UnitedMethc^ist Church and was a retired employe of Technical J^^ture Co. at Statesvllle. Sipviying are his wife, Mrs. Novia Summers Hendricks; two daughters, Miss Cornelia Hendricks of iMocksville and Mre. Arthur 'Bryant of Ca^age; four sons, BUI, Worth and Charles Hendricks o f Mocksville and Donald: Hendricks of Mocksville, Rt. 3;! a sister, Mrs. Mamie Van Zant of Grand Bay, Ala.; and three womers, Glenn Hendricks of Lexington, Sherman Hendricks of Charlotte and Prank E. Hendricks of Waynesville. t I f Bio - Obituaries - 8/21/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIt- COUNTY l-NTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. AUGUST 24, 1972 W. PAUL HENDRICKS William Paul Hcndrlcks, 76, ol Mocksville died Sunday morninK nl Dovie County Hflspltal. The luncral was held Tuesday al Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Rose Ccmctciy. Mr. Ilendrlcks was bom In Davic ^unlv to W.S. and Mary Jones Ilendrlcks. He was a member of Uie First United Methodist Giurch end was a retired onploye of Technical Furniture Co. at Staiesville. Surviving are his wile. Mrs. Nhvin Summers Hcndricks; two daughters, Miss Cornelia Hendrlcks of MocksviUe and Mrs. Arthur Bryant of Car thago; four sons, Bill, Worth and Chorles Hendrlcks of Mockavlllc and Donald Hen drlcks of Mocksville. Rt. 3; a sister, Mrs. Mamie Van Zant of Grand Bay, Ala.; and three brotliers, Glenn Hendrlcks of Lexington, Sherman Hendrlcks of Charlotte ond Frank E. Hendrlcks of Waynesville. HUGH ANDERSON Hugh Anderson, BO, of Center St. died In Davle County Hospital Saturday afternoon after on extended illness. He was a retired employee of Burlington Mills. He was born in Davle County Oct. 16,1691 to the late Bill and Martha An derson. . Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bulah CYeason Anderson; three daughters, Mrs. Hazd Allen of Rt. 1 Salisbury, Mrs. Pauline Kerly of Cooleemce, Mrs. Inell McClamrock of Rt. 6, Mocksville; three sons, Gilmer Anderson of Spencer, Harbey Anderson of Randleman, Garland Anderson of Mocksville; and one sister, Mra. Mary Fealherstonc, Ashevllle; 20 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. Funeral services were con ducted Monday at 4 p.m. at Baton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Connet and tlie Rev. BUI Creason. Burial was In the Liberty United Methodist Church Cemet^. JOHN T. SPILLMAN Funeral services for ilchn Thomas SplUman, 6B, of Cooleemce, who was kUled In an auto accident Monday on High way 601 North of MocksviUe, wiU be fadd Thursday, August 24, at 3 p.m. at Eaton's Chapel. Burial will be in Legion Memorial Park in Cootcemee. Mr. SpUlman was bom In Yadkin County on Aug. 7,1903, and he was a son of the late William G.and Nancy Hulcbias Spiilman. He was a retired employe of Erwln Mills, Cboleemee. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nettle Haire Spiilman; a dau^ter, Mrs. l^ank Ear nhardt of Cooleemce; five sisters, Mrs. Eula Hobson of Marshall Town, Iowa, and Mrs. Sam F. Wooten, Mra. Paul Groce, Mrs. Jeff Davis and Mrs. CUffcwd Carta*. all of Route 2, Yadkinville; and three brothers,; <Shellon, Samson and Dcwey, all of Route 2, YadkinvUle. MRS. S. L. FOSTER. 90 Mra. Pear] Smith Foster. 90. widow of Samuel Ley Foster, died at 12:45 a.m. Friday at Davic County Hospital. She was bom March 17,1862, to the late William M. and Martha Elizabeth Smith. SurvlvcH's are two daughters, Mrs. J. M. Sofley and Mrs. J. F. McDanlel, both of Route t, Advance: three sons, Taylor Foster of Wlnston-Saiem. Eugene and J. R. Foster, both of Route 1. Advance: one brother, Robal Smith of Route 1, Ad vance; 12 granddiUdren; 10 great-grandchildren. She was a member of Bethlehem United Methodist Church whore funeral services were conducted Saturday at 4 p.m. by the Rev. Donald K. Funderburke and the Rev. Dwtght Mashbum. Burial was In the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries — 8/24/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA h--0^ - C) - I 9* 7 2- 8 ' Z ' '^72-' P^A'C.flE CO. PUBOC OBRARVm I4B - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD^ THURSDAY. AUGUST 31, 1972 MRS. JANE MYERS. 83 Mrs. Jane Amanda Fo-ebee Myers, 83, Route 8, Cleveland, died &turday at Davis Ho^tal in Statesvliie after a long Illness. Services were held Monday at Baton*8 Baptist Church with the Rev. Qilmer Beck offldating. Burial was in the churdi cemdery. Bom S^temtier 13, 1918, in Davie County, Mrs. Myen was the daughter of the late Alphonso and Bessy Eaton Ferebee. She attended Ap- palacbian State University and served two years with the National Youth Administration. Ae served with the United States Coast Guard for three years during World War 11. Mrs. Myers was also a member of the Cleveland Baptist Church and the Dau^ters of the Amortcan Revolution, John Knox Chapter v^ere she served as Regent. HARRY FYNB Harry Fyne, 78, of 127 N. Purdy Street, Sumter, S. C., formerly of Mockaville, died hksiday in a Sumter hospital. A »aveside service was hdd Ittesday at Rose Conetery in MocksvOte. Mr. Fyne was bom to M. J. and Sarah FVne. He was a retired employe of Carolina Power and Li^t Co. Surviving are his wife, Mr^ Janet Stewart Fyne; « a daughter, Mrs. James B. Cochran of (hreensboro; and a sister, Mrs, Emma Bernhaim of Ralel^. LEN ANDREW BARKER Len Andrew Bark», infant son of Robert 0. and Barbara B^ngv Barker of Gooleemee was dead at birth Monday at DavIe County Hospital. A graveside service was held at 11 a. m. Tuesday at Legion Memorial Park at CoMeemee. Surviving are his parents; a sister, hSss Debra Ann Barker of the home; a brother. Glen Bruce Barker of the home; his grandparents, Mrs. Delia Byslnger of Atocksville, Rt 4, R(d)eri J. Barker of Greensboro and Nta. Ann Bruce of Miami, Florida. CHARLES TOMUN Charles Tomlin, 73. of 1417 Underwood Avenue died early today at Baptist Hospital after a brief Illness. He was bum in DavIe County and had lived In WInston-Salem 18 years. He was a retired empoye of Frank L. Blum Oonstructton Co., and was a member of Jamestown Methodist Church In Davie County. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Eller Tomlin; a ststo', Mrs. Louise Hardy of HuntsvtUe; and a brother, DavIe Tomlin of Wlnston-Salem. LOUIS KOONTS Louis Allen Koonts of Ashevllle, furmerly of Davie County, died August 3rd. Graveside rites were held the following Saturday in the (^pd at demmons Memorial Garden, Gemmons. He Is survived by his wife, Gladys Dwiggins Koonts of A^evtUe; l daughter, Mrs. Richard Gayton, Winston- Salem; 3 sisters, Mrs. Walser Blackwood and Mrs. Ray Marley of Wlnston-Salem, and Mrs. D. H. Erwln of Green sboro; and, 1 brother, Raymond Koonts of Los Angeles. California. DENNIS McNeill Dennis Lynn McNeftl, 17. of Keraasville, Rt. 7. was killed Monday morning, August 28, b an automobile accident near Rockbgham. Funeral ser vices were held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Union Grove Baptist Church. Burial was in Kemersville Memory Gardens. He was bom b Guilford County to Gyde and Peggy Faye Howard McNeill. He was a senior at East Forsyth High Sdtool. Surviving are his parotis of the home; three sisters, Mrs. Oonnle Hartness of Ker- no'svUle and Misses Denna Marie and Dorrl Ann McNeill of the home; two brothers, Gyde D. andDarrenP.McNetUofthe home; and bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bdl or Greensboro and Bilr. and Mrs. D. T. Howard of Mocksvllle. Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA I4B - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. AUGUST 31, 1972 W.R.(SCOTTY) WANDS Funeral services for William Ross (ScoUy) Wanda, 63. of 920 Maple Avenue. Salisbury, form V superintendent of Erwln Mills In Cooleemee and manager of Burlington In dustries. were conducted FHday. August 2i, at 2 pjn. at Ealoi Funoral Home's Ch^. Rev. William Dingus and Rev. FhiUlp Gibbs ofRdated. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. Mr. Wands died Tuesday. August 22. at Forsyth Mmorlal Hospital. He had been 111 for five months. Mr. Wanda was bom June 7. 1909, in Glascow, Scotland, and come to the United States in 19®. He was educated at N.C. ^te University where he was a member of Sgma Nu. Associated with the textile business for 40 years, Mr. Wa^ worked in Owleemeefor 36 years and with Burlington Industries for four years. In 1968i he became vicei^resldent of Kem Roll and Rubber Co. of Salisbury, which produces rubber-covered steel rolls fw the textile industry. He was a member of the Cooleemee United Methodist Church where he formerly served on the board of trustees. Surviving are his wife, Frances Moore Wands; a son, William Ross Jr. of Mbcksvilie; and two daughters, Mrs. Qiarles Jamerson of Raleigh and BArs. Stq>hen Guerrer of BAanassas. Va. BARS. DONA M. DAVIS Mrs. D(Hia Morris Davis, age 99. of 1905 Mecklenburg Ave., Charlotte, passed away Saturday. August 26, 1972 Funeral services werehdd at 3:30 p. m. Tuesday, at McBwen West Chapd. Reverend Thomas R. Stgmon, pastor of Duncan Memorial United Methodist Orarch. end the Reverend M. D. BAlmsoffteleted. Interment was in Blmwood Cemetery, Charlotte. Mxa. Davis was bom April 6. 1873 in Stanlay County. She was the dautditer of the late William and Mary TVecie Bforris. She was a monber of Duncan Memorial United Methodist Chur^. She is survived by two daughtos. BArs. Ida Cook and Mrs. Mary Lee Haywood. both of the home, and one son. James T. Davis. Sr. of Charlotte; thirteen grandchildren; thirty- three great grandchildren: twenty Sx great - great grand- diildi^. Grandsons were pallbearers. Mr. and BArs. Bryan Sdl attraided his aunt's funeral. Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1972 Mrs. Psnnie Whisenhunt Mrs. Pannle Church Whisenhwt, 60, of Route 6. aSoeksvine. died Tuesday nigbt at Fhrsytb Hoqdta]. She was die daugM^ of the late Arm- fidd CfaDd) and Votie KOhy. Survivors Include four sons, dl of liodcsvllle: Roy, Rt. 3; WllUam W.. YadklnvQle High way; Ray, Rt. 5; and Robert and Rkbard of the home; one dau^rto*. Mrs. Ruby McBride of Rl. S. Mocksville. Other survivors include four slBters; Mrs. Odavla Beamoo, Advance, Rl 3; Mrs. Amde Parley, 1^. Fay Lamb^ and Blrs. vertum Hedgecock all of Wlnstco-Salem, N. C. She had six grandcblldreo. Funeral arrangements were Incomplete at press time. SB - DAVIE COUNT Y r.-msKPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1972 MRS. JANE MYERS. S3 Mrs. Jane Amanda Foebee Myers, 63, died Saturday, August 36, at Davis Hos^tal In StatesvQIe after a long Dlness. She was the wife of William J. Myers of Route 2, Clevdand. Services were held Monday, August 28, at Eaton's Baptist Church in Davie Oounty with the Rev. GUmer Beck of- fidating. Burial was In the Cleveland Baptist Church cemetery. Bom Sq^tember 13, 1916, In Davie Cbimly, Mrs. Myers was the daughter of the late Alphoneo and Bessie Eaton Ferebee. She attended Ap palachian State University and served two years with the National Youth Admlnistratton. ate serv^ with the United States Coast Guard for three years during World War II. Mrs. Myers was also a membCT of the Daughters of the American Revoiutton, John Knox Chapter where she served as Regent. . ^ Survivors include her husband; a daughter, Miss Martha Jane Myers, and two fions, A. W. and Joseph Myers, aU of the home: 2 grandsons: and a sister, Mrs. Bill (Blixabetb F.) Merrell of Route 2, Mdcksvllle. Bio - Obituaries - 9/7/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA rO cr r- \ 4' -ir V, Mo^viUe, .Rt 6„ died ^Hn«ii>a^ Davie County.Hospital. Hie funeral 'will be at L?;i5* Oak GroveUnited Methodist C h u r c h Bunal will be in the church cemetery." • • ; ^ 3V^. McClamerock was born in Davie County to Joecephus Camilla HowardMcClamerock. He was a retired employe of the State Highwayj Commission,..^... Surviving are his wife, Mrs?j Flossie Landreth McClamerock-: thre^-daughters,'Mrs. Lewis B,Vaughn of Charlotte, Mrs'. ! Hayden C. Myers of MocksviUe, Rt. 6, and Mrs. Woodrow Conrad of Winston-Salem; three Mns, l^aymond McClamerock of I Mocksy^e, Rt. 3,' Grady L. , McClamerock of MocksviUe, Rt i ^®ii^aU McClamerockOf Charlotte; three sisters, ilrs. barah Snipes and Mrs. Rose Surratt of Kannapolis and Mrs. Pansy Bost of SaUsbury; and ^'0"' Sam andJake McClamerock of Concord fPi, RobertMcClamerock of Kannapolis. The body is Funeral Home. at Eaton's I [{f ~ ciJ ^ R. >1 d- 9 -1 - i1?2^ r G" t h u i O v. cr- , ^ • » /-i \ ^ n rsAVAT. rn vu la^viSi (ic 4 - DAVIB COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1972 OGDEN G. McCLAMROCK Ogden Gfay* (Doll) Mc- Clamrock. 76. of Roate 6, fiSMkavDle. died Wednesday, Sept. 0 at Davle County H^ltal. Born in Davie County Sept. 20. 18SS. be was a wn of the late Joeo^hus and CkmiUa Howard McClamrock. He was a member of Oak Grove United Mtthodlst Church and a retired emjdoyee of the N. C. State Hlmway Ctoimission. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Flossie Landreth Mc* Clamrock; three daughters, Mrs. Lewis Vaughn of Charltrtte; Mrs. Havden Myers of Route 6, MocksvIUe and Mrs. Woodrow (Conrad of Winston* Salem; three sons. Raymond of Route 3 and Grady McQamrock of Route 6. MocksvUle, and Ronald McClamrock of Qiarlotte; three slstaa, Mrs. Sarah &lpe8 and Mrs. Rose Suiratt of Kann^lls and Mrs. Pan^ Bort of &ilisbury; five brothers, Alton, Sam and Jake McQamrack of Concord and Harold and Robert Mc* Clamrock of Kannapolis; and 12 firanddiildren. Funeral services were hdd at 2 pjn. FVIday, i^t. 8 at Oak Grove United Methodist Cbui^. conducted by the Rev. James Weekly. Burial was in the dmrch cemetery. WALTER E. TILLBY, JR. Waiter E. TUiey, Jr., 64. of 3627 Monroe Street, Columbia. S. C. died Sunday, August 27th. after a long illness. Mr. Ttiiey was born in aarendon County, and was the SM) of the late Waiter B. and Mattie Wall TlUey. He was a member of the Resurrection Urtheran Church, a graduate of Gemson University, employed by the Port Jackson Post ftegineers, and a veteran of World War H. He was a former assistant athletic director at Gemson University, and also served as secretary of the Iptay athletic schoiarBhip fund in the late 1940'8. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. UUus TUiey; a son. Walter E. TWey lU of Atlanta; two granddiUven; Kevin and Kim TUiey; a sister. Mrs. Wm. S. McCUIIou^ of Columbia: and three stepsons: Raymond B. Stephens of Charleston. William G. Stephens of Chiumbia, and Larry B. StQdiens of Charlotte. PWeral svvices were bdd Tuesday, August 2Sth, at Devin Street Chapel, Dunbar Funeral Home. Burial was in Greenlawn Cemetery. Ij^en a boy, Mr. Tilley once lived on North Main. St.. MocksvUle. He was a nephew of -the late Mrs. Walter F. naftin. IflsgranAiBrents, Mr. and Mrs. fitontrevlire Wall, were Davie County natives, and he has many rdatlves here. Attending the (Unerai fkrom hoe wore Miss Janle Martin and W. L. Moore, Jr. MRS. WALTER O. DALTON Funeral services for Mrs. Virginia Swofford Daiton, 42, of MomvUie, Rt. 7, were held Monday, S^tember lltti, at 2 p. m. at Fairfield Baptist Church. Rev. F. D. Belts officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Daiton, wife of Walter Odeli Daiton. died Friday, Sqitembar Oh. at Davie County Ho^itai after a one*day Uiness. She was bom in Decatur, Tom. to George and Annie Swofford. She was a member of FairUeld BaiAist Church. Surviving are her husband; a son, Wendell Daiton of the hone; her mother and step father, Mr. and Mrs. Hubm dement of MocksvUle; 3 step* dders, filrs. Hattie BlackweU and Mrs. Frances Jones of Salisbury, and. Mrs. Lizzie Fowler of fiilocksvilie; and 3 stepbrothers, McKiniey Clement of Salisbury, and George and Van dement of New York. MRS. FRANK WYATT Guria Foster Wyatt, 67. of MocksvUle. Rt. 3. wife of Frank Wyatt. died Friday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home. The funeral was held at Fork Baptist Church in Davie county. Burial was in the cburiA cemetery. Mrs. Wyatt was bora in Davie (bounty to Rynard and Carrie ammerman Foster. She was a member of Fork Baptist Church. Surviving are her husband; two sons, Virgil Wyatt of Lexington, Rt. 3. and Billy Wyatt of MocksvUle; a sister, Mrs. W. C. Robins of Lexington; and four brothers, Arthur B. Foster of Norfolk, Va.. Dewey C. Foster of Lexington, and M. Odeli Foster and GUmer N. Foster of MocksviUe. Rt. 3. Bio - Obituaries — 9/14/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 12B - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1972 JABAES A. DANIEL. JR; James Arthur Daniel Jr.. age es, died at his home In Newton. N. J.. Tuesday, September 12. at 2:30 p. m. He had been In declining health since May of this year. He was a former reeideot of MbcksvOIe. and his last visit hmne to visit his parents. Afir. and Mrs. J. A. Daniel of Salisbury Street was in February. Survivors indude his wife. Mrs. Anna Danid fo the home; ason. James A. Danid. IIL dso of Newton. N. J.; hie parents. Ahr-. and Sirs. J. A. DanId of Mocksville; two brothers, Aimand T. Donld end Leslie DanId of Bloeksville: and a sister. Mrs. R. H. Shank of Murchism. Texas. The fhneral will be hdd FViday at Newton, N. J. Bio - Obituaries - 9/14/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA fii 0 3 •1-/9'/f72..r■ibt,<'rf, -':i/.. ; ■/. y/^£^ LoPto IS MY SH£PHiRoi nvwr.He maketh hi roue down tN GPeeM PAS tubes:He LEADITH ME BESIDE THE STlLu^ATERS*^^ He'KESTOPETH MY SOUL'. He LEADETH HE IN THE^ . PATHS OF mCHTEOUSNESS EOR HIS NAME'S SAKE..$: yEA^THOUGH Q WALK THROUGH THE VALLEY OE:.■ THE SHADOW OF DEATH, ^WILL FEAR NO EVIL IFOR THOU ART WITit me; THY ROD AND THY STAFFthey COMFORT ME. ^HOU PREPARESTA TABLEBEFORE ME IN THE PRESENCE OF MINE ENEMIES:THOU ANOtNTEST MY MEAD WITH. OIL; MY CUP. RUNHETHOVER ..Surely goodness and.; MERCY SHALL FOLLOW ME ALL THE DAYS "OF MY life: and S will dwell in the■ HOUSE OF the; Lofkd. for. ever -■.■ - -t -y ■..■ "«i AvJ/ ' '''In Memory of ,MMR. JAMES A. DANIEL, JR. {■'t:Rit\Pate 'of Birth■ •••»December 5, 1908. A V.S ,■'i ■ :Date of Death ^»V .September 12,11972Ser^cesFriday, September-.15, 19721:00 p. m.Smith-McCracken Funeral Home„Newton, New JerseyClergymanThe Rev. E. T. HollandIntermentNewton Cemetery"r'DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY^AOCKSVlLLE^ NC.1. );iniel, .Jr.CainRer^;^Njafocs A: Oiiniel, Jr., professumaV^iholpRinbher o/ ^rcdon Townshj^jNc>v JiMsey has |>ccn awaifleB M.patent hy the Uniltil Statesbff).C^e Ti'i- a viewfinclcrJ'Ior a larg^i•pres^tyio cajpera. The. invchtinn^designed, to make the .camera <.a^.able of' accuriifely taking CNlrcrne.closeups free ■ oifj'-parallax whileing hand held! . " ^ •' ■ ' ■ • " • •'ii'. tMr. Darnel, .a native of Mocks-vrlle, is the of Mr!' and Mrs.;J. ArUiur Oanft^;: ]! |I "Parallax is a inajor" problem in! cameras other t&an. UM^i^gle. lehs; reflex type, wihen. a t^etSifinder orspor^flnd6r.';is u^d 'for the eye.;the eye fieldi of'' vision itf -diffiei^nt■ from the' camera field ,oifAs a result.V^re is framingin that /live ,eye .sees; one"'plcttOTand the camera s^s^. a klightiy'd|li|eient;. picture, ,and.-tbre" is Ifnomas parallax.""'The jDaniel. inyenkUmr; provides - af:vlewfinder HjaL'^tbn&irall^rects parallax and fr^es. the siil^^ject being phpto^rapl^ exactly -asit v^ill be framed on tbe.^^ilUmr re^garlde^ of (Wrus. • B . is =:^9ignel|jto \:^ncWjroni2e the /fbeu^g ?len^1 and ibe. taking lens vhen ihe.i-iwjjiidentical, ibe^iewiSn^r' ra; particularly vataral^in close-up picture taking;;. ■/ •JjN ^E^Uer this year^! tti^iel. was;-igiafite'd another patent for ' Ms ^ iurvjsntion of ,A;;5tre!gjht.' Mne carrier^levick''. . .Y"! ■■ WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 9/18/1972 Mb£ SAMUEL H. BINES MOCKSVUXE — Mrs. Tlnda Clement Bines, 88, of Maple Ayesne, -widow of Samuel H. Htoes, died yesterday at Davie a)spitaL Tbe funeral wul be.of 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Sirst United MeOtodist Churcb. Burial wJU be in'She Clement family cemetery. Mrs. Bines was bora in Divie ^unty to Dr. Baxter C. and Una Barber Clement .T Surviving are a daugmef, Mrs. Beniamin E. Loeklainof Saint Matthews, S. C.; and a son, Charles C. Hines f of' Winston-Salem. . Tbe body is at Ea&n's Funeral Home. Ia"'S' c?'o u.. p. "b &. L iS- if/^ Bio - Obituaries - 9/18/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 ~ DAVIB COUNl-V LN11 (U'RISE RECORD. THURSDAY. SEPTBMBBR 21. 1972 MRS. JOHN W. GREEN Mrs. Fttimle Jones Green. fiS, of Moeksville. Rt. 1. widow or John W. Greoi, died Thursday. S^tember l«h at Lynn Haven Nirang Home. The funeral was held Saturday at Eaton's Funeral Chapd. Burial was In Center United Methodist Oiurch cemetery In Davle County. Mrs. €h«en was b<nm In Davle County to James C. and Virginia Anderson Jones. She was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Surviving are a daughter. Mrs. Kate Duggar of Lexin^n, Rt. 8; and three sons, William (Bill) and Wallace Greet of Moeksville. Rt. 1, and T. R. (hreen of Cardston. Alberta, Canada; 1 brothv, Sam Jones of Rt. I, MocksviSe; 1 sister, Mrs. Eide Ratledge of ESidn. MRS. SAMUEL H. HINES Mrs. Linda Clenent Hinea 88^of Made Avenue widow of Samud H. Hlnes died Sunday at Davle Cbunty Hospital. The funeral was ndd Tuesday fit the First United Methodist Church: Burial was in the Clement family cenetery. Mrs. Hlnes was bom in Davie County to Dr. Baxter C. and Una Barber Oement Surviving are a daughter Mrs. Benjamin E. Locklair of Saint Matttiews S.C.; and a son Charles C. Hlnes of Winston- Salem. Bio - Obituaries - 9/21/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA UM.ii; bMlbKFKISI: KkiUKU, IHUKdUAV. bfcflbmttbn. Itfid. - CHARLES F. PENNINGER Charles Franklin Pennloger sr., 82, of 419 Happy HOI Roml died Tuesday at Haven Nursing Home at BioekBviUe. Ihe fimeral was held at 4 pan. Friday at Meadowvlew Reformed Presbyterian Church. Burial was In the Forest Kill Memorial Park. Mr. Pennlnger was bom in Cabarrus Oounty to Shobe and EBsieLovePenningtt. Ifewas a member of Meadowvlew Reformed Presbyterian Churdi. Surviving are his wife, Bbs. Lula Leonard Pennlnger two daughters, Bbs.Rryee Jarvis of LeiAigton, Rt 9, and Mrs. Larry Dean Morrison of Lexlngtoiy a son, Charles Pennlnger St. of Blattbews, RL 3; a sister, Mrs. John WanUand of MIdilgan City, Ihd. and two beothers, Earl Penningar of Jadisontwe, Fla., and Ralph Pennlngbr of DajCtgna Beadi, Fla. MRS. LOUIE HOWARD BIrs. Bettie Bowens Howard, 78kof Route 3, Mocksville, died Sqitember I9lh at hmne. BoTn In Davle County Nov. 12. 1892, she was a dauffiter of the late Richard and Pauline MbDanid Bowens; She was a member of Comatzer United Methodist Churdi. Survivors . include her husband, Louie P. Howard; two dau^ters, Mrs. Lester Keaton of Routes, Mocksville, and Mrs. George Laird of Winstim- Salem; four sons, Hobart Howard of Route 3, Roger Howard,. Route 4, both of Mocksville. WlUard Cove and Harvey Howard of LoidsviHe, Ky.; a foster son, Alvln Howard of Route 2, Advance; one sister Mrs. Bick Howard of Route 3. filocksville. Funeral services were held Thursday at Dulln United Methodist Church, conducted by ^ Rev. Fred Bobbins and the Rev. Ardis Payne. Burial was In the duirch cemetery. LBANDER F. PREVETTE Leander Foyden Prevdte. 80, of Mocksville, Rt. 3, died Sunday at Davie County The funeral was hdd Tuesday at Uanies Grossroads Baptist Churdi. Burial was in the diurdi cemetery. Mr. Prevette was bom in WUkes County to Moses and Blary Cass Prevette. Ife was a retired textBe wofkor. Surviving are three daughters, BIrs. Shirley Clement of Bfocksville, Rt. 3, Mrs. Marie Eason of Salisbury and Mrs. Pearl Booe of High Point; two 8(ms, Cdbi Prevette of Pennsburg, Pa., and Calvin Prevette of Mocksville, Rt. 1; a rister, Bhrs. Hattle Durham of Cboleemee;andabrotbar,S. B. Prevette of DanviUe, Va. LJ>. GENTRY : Word has been reeved thR- "wedc this Lynn Palgd-Gentiy, 94, of Tioeon, Arizona (Sed suddenly and unexpectedly enroute to the hoqtital after sufCering an amarent heart attack during church services Sunday mordng in TUscon. He is the nqdtew of Mrs. BiU White of Cooleemee, and a cousin to several local residents. Survivors fndude his widow, Mrs. Dorothy Campbdl Gentry, two sons and two daughters. Funerals services ware held in TUsoon. Bio - Obituaries — 9/28/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA SB - DAVIE COUm BNTERPRISB RECORD. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1972 MRS. ADA McCULLOUOH Mrs. Ada Creason Me- Ciillouflh. 81, of Moeksvine. Rt. i widow of GranvOte BIc* Cidlot^. died Thursday at Davie Otnmty Hospital. The funeral was held Saturday at Liberty United' M^bodlst Church. Burial was In the cfaurdi cemttory. Mrs. McOillough was bora in Davie Oonmty to D. 8. and MoUle Ck)db^ Creason. She was a member of Liberty United Methodist Chtirdi. Surviving are a foster daughter, Mrs. Bob Michael of Mi^svUle, Rt. 4; three sisters. Mrs. Dora Boger, Mrs. Zeola Leonard and Mrs. Mary Oinard of Winstqn'Salem: and two brothers. Xlyde Creason of Christlanbura, Va., and Hubert creason ef aler City. 3 grandchildren, Larry McCuuough and Delano Me* Cullough of MoeksvUIe. and, Joe MeCuUough of Ttncumbla. Ala.; 3 foster grandchildren: and. f grat grandclilldrra. MRS. PHILLIP CODBEY 'The funeral for Mrs. Henrietta Koonts Godbey. 73. of Charlotte, was hdd at 4 p.in. Sunday, October I. at Eaton s Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Center United Methodist Church cemetery. Mrs. Godbey. wtdow of Phillips Godbey, died Friday. September 29. at Mercy Hospital In Charlotte. Mrs. Godbey was bora In Rowan Coimty to Wilburn and COrabdl Corrdl Koonts and was a roemt>er of the Church of Christ. . . Surviving are two daughters, Mts. Juanita Sain of ModcsvUIe and Mrs. Pete Redfern of Charlotte. Rt 4; three sons, Armit Godbey of Mocksville. Rt. 6, Corroll Godbey of Ctoriotte and John Go(B>ey of Charlotte. Rt. II; a abler, Bto Waiter Flynn of Rlverdale, Md.; and n brother. Atlee Koonb of Lewisville. H.C. RATLEDGB Henry Qyde Ratledge, 83. of Mocksville. Rt 3, died Satur day, Septembor 30. at Baptist Hospltm, Wlnston-Salcm. Funeral services were held at It a.m. Monday. October 8. at Baton's Funeral Chapd. Burial was In Chestnut Grove United Methodist Churdi caneterv. Mr. Ratle^ was born In Oavie County to Ralph and Elisabeth Anderson Ratledge. He was a sawmill operator. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Maude Whitaker Ratledge: three dauf^ers, Mrs. Cecil Johnson m Mocksville Mra. Roger Maybew of MootsvUle, Rt 1. and Mrs. Sam Reavb of Mocksville, Rt 3; a son, Jerry Ratledge of Mocksville, Rt. 3; and three sisters. Mrs. Dewey Beck of Mocksville, Rt 2. and Mrs. Hugh Edwards of Iter* mony, Rt l. and Mrs. Camillas Itormes of Mocksville, Rt 7. SAMMONS INFANT Cbaries Kevin Sammons, two- day-old son of Nelson and Sandra Bowers Sammons, died Thursday at Rowon Memorial Hospital, Salisbury. In additton to hb parenb, survivors are one brother, Oavie Lee Sammons of the home; maternal grandparenb, Mr. and Mrs. Overt Bowers of Cooleemee; paternal grand parenb, filr. and Mra. Flake Sammons of Route 4, Mocksville; paternal great- grandparenb, Mr. end Bin. R. Wooten of StatesviUe. Graveside services were to be eonducted today at 4 p. m. at Turrentlne Baptist Church cemetery by' tite Rev. BQl Creason. Bio - Obituaries - 10/5/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12,1972 2EHNEST E. MURPHY. M Imnt Ervin Murphy, 64, of itc 6. Mocksvlllc, was dead arrlvot at Davie County pital at 7 o.m. Thursday, jorn In Davlc County Juno 28. 1906, he was a son of the late W.O. and Minnie Tutlcrow Murphy. He was a retired maintenance supervisor of the N.C. Highway Commission, and was a member of Firat United Methodist Church. Funeral services were Friday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel, conducted by the Rev. Austin Hamilton. Burial was in Center United Methodist Church cemetery. Suvjvors include his wife, Mrs. Margaret Moil Muri^y; one son, Joe Murphy of Mocksvlile; three sisters. Mrs. John A. Phelps of Route 4, Mocksviiic, andMrs. Henry Hill and Mrs. W. H. Woolcy of Salisbury; one brother, Dr. Carl Murphy of Knoxvilie, Tcnn.; and two grandchildren. MRS. WILLIAM W. SHOAF Mrs. Edith Kemp Shoaf, 57, sister of Dr. Ramcy Kemp of Mocksviiic, dlcdSundayai High Point Memorial Hospitol. Funeral services were held Wcdnesdoy, OctotKr it. at II a. m. at Sechrcst Funcroi Chapel in High Point. Burial was In Floral Garden Park Cemetery. Mrs. Shoaf, widow of William Woodrow Shoaf, was born In Gulilord County to W. T. and Etta Oailey Kemp. She was a member of Emmanuel Lulheran Church. Surviving arc a son. Phillip Shoaf of High Point; four sisters, Mrs. Bonnie Home, Mrs. E. V. McLcod and Mrs. R. H. Gordon of High Point and Miss Witma A. Kemp of Phoenix, Ariz.; and three brothers. Thurman ond Ed Kemp of High Point ond Ramey Kcinp of Mocksvilie. ROBERTO. MC5WAIN Robert Gentry MvSwaln, 78. of Concord, died Soturday. Uclober 7. at a Concord HMpital after a short illness. He was born in Davie County September 17.1694, to Richard and Lucy Howell McSwaIn, and spent his early life in Davie County. He is survived by his wife, Mrs, Esther Thompson Mc- Swain, a daughter Mrs. George Flintom of Wlnston-Saieni. and two sons Robert G. McSwain, Jr. of San Diego, California, and Charles It. McSwain of Winston* Saicm, and a brother William W. McSwain uf Salisbury. Funeral services were held Monday. October 9, el Wilkinson Funeral Chapel in Concord. Burial was in Oak* u'lud Ceinelery in Concord. GEORGE W. BAITY George W. Baity, 79, retired architectural mcchanicol engineer for Conjp Mills, Greensboro, died Saturday In Forsyth Memorial Hospital. WInston-Salem, where he was a patient for ten days. He resided al 400 East Lake. Drive, Greensboro. The funeral wos Monday In the chapel of First BopUst Church where he was a member. Baity was a member of the Friendly Men's Bible Class of his church, Amcrlcon Society of Mcciianicol Engineers, N. C. Sociciy Engineers Club, Greensboro Society Engineers Club and Revolution Mosonic Lodge No. 552. He also wos a Scoltish Rite Mason and a member of Oasis Temple of the Shrine. Survivors arc son, Clyde L. Baity of Newport News, Va.: doughtcrs. Misses Ruth and Louise Baity of the home, Mrs. Sarah D. Thomos of Cameron ond Mrs. Mary Wright of lloicigh; brother, Julius C. Baity of Greensboro. c.A. McAllister Charles Albert McAllister, 81, Route I.. Mocksviiic. died Frldoy morning at his home. Services were held Sunday at Ihe Eaton's Funeral Home with the Rev. Charles Sisk of ficiating. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. Born April 28, 1891 in Smith County. Va., Mr. McAlilslerwas the son of the late John and Letlie Smilhcrs McAllister. Hcwosa retired farmer and a member of Center United Methodist Church. Survivors Include his widow. Mrs. Roxic Keesee three dnughlers: Mrs, Myra Anderson of Advance, Mrs. Margaret Dawson of Arratt. Va. and Mrs. Dorothy Williams of Mocksvilie; two sons: Albert McAllister of WinBton*Salem and Sanders McAllister of Mocksvilie; one brother. Roy McAllister of Saliville., Va,; II grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. MRS. MARGARET MORGAN Mrs. Margaret Kathleen Morgan, 43, of S27 North Main Street, Kannapolii, died Sunday October 6th, at her home. She was born April 22,1929 in Kowan County to Mrs. Reba Stewart Boatwrlght and the late Clyde J. Stewart. Survivors include one son, Loran Pierce of Cooleemee; her mother of Kannapolis; three brothers, Bobby Stewart of Richfieid. Jimmy and Billy Stewart, both of Kannapolis. Funeral services were con ducted Tuesday at 11 a.m. at Linn-Honeycull Funeral Home Chapel in Landis. Bio - Obituaries - 10/12/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19,1972 - 9 MRS. CARL W.BPIRD F^eral services for Mrs. Aima BeU WQIiams Eflrd, a. of ModuvIUe, Route 1, were hdd at 2 p. m. Wednesday, October at ^em United Methoi^l Church In Davte County. Burial was In the church conetery. Mrs. Eflrd, wife of Carl W. Eflrd, died Monday at Davle COunto Hospital after an Illness of eight days. , ^ ^ She wasboni In Davle County to Jasper and Mary Alice McDani^ WUllams. She was a member of Salero United Methodist Church. ^ ^ ^ Surviving are her husband; three daughters, Mrs. Alice Qrlinn and Mrs. Elsie Bnnm of Mocksvllle and Mrs. Lois James erf (Sin; and two sons, 'Lester Eflrd of Pillsboro and Herman Eflrd of YadWn^dlle. BARS. TBXIEC. HORN FUneral services (or Mrs. Texle craven Horn, B2, of Mocksvllle, were held Tuesday, Oet(fl>ar 17, at Baton's Funeral Ch^pd. wrial was In Rose Gtoetery. Mrs. died Monday at the Eastern S^ Home at Gre^ sboro. Mrs. Horn was born In Dwldson County to C. C. and Victoria Hilton Craven. Sttr^vlng Is a brother, Qraven of Mocksvllle. ' wmSLOWDRUM L Wlnslow Drum, father of Mrs. I M. H. Murray of Mocksvllle. died Saturday, October 14. FVneral services were hdd at 2 p. ro. Monday. October 16, at MmtiUainview ihilted Methodist Chur^ In Claremont. Mr. Drum, 98, was a retired Survivors Include: sons, 0. D. Di^ of Newton, Ivy B. Drum of Charlotte, and, W. L. Drum of Franklin Springs, Georgia: dau^ters, Mrs. Wllla Fowler of Mmganton, Airs. M. H. Murray of Bfoekaville, and, Rfrs. Me^ Hewitt of Claremont: brothers, Wilson Drum of Newton, Durant Drum of Maiden, and D. S. Drum of Conov^. MRSrFERABEE BECK, 92 FVnaal services for Mrs. Ferabee Beds of Route 6. Mocksvllle, will be held Thursday, October 19, at 2:30 p. m. at liberty Wesl^an ChUrdi. K&ial will be In the church bemetery. She died Tuesday, October 17, at 8 a. m. at ho* home In the Sheffield cmnmunlfy. Mrs. Beck,'uddow of Charles ^• 'fieck, Vis the former •Ferabee Oeaiy. She was bom Ih Davle (^un^. > '• Survivors include: 3 daughters, BSrs. Theodore Rl^krd^, Mrs. Austin Shaw and Miss Oa Beck; 5 grand children; 9 great grand children; and, 3 great, great grandcUIdren. MRS.LACYLEFLER.74 Mrs. Lacy Parks LeflA*, 74, of Route 4, Mocksvllle, died at 12:20 a. m. Monday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home after a llngaring Illness. Sie was bom In Davle Cotmty March 18,1896, to the late John A. and Cbra Sharpe Lefler. She was a member of liberty United Methodist Church. She Is survived two sons, T. A. (Tip) Lefler of Mocksville and Richard P. (Bdck) Lefler of Route 4, Mocksvllle; one sister, Mrs. Stella COtrfe of Route 4, Mocksvllle; one granddau^er and two great grandchildren. Punaal services were held Wednesday at the Liberty united M^odlst Church. Tw Rev. J. C. Lane offlelated. Burial was In the church cmieiery. TED EVEREST, 86 Raymond Edward (Ted) Everest, 56, of 608 Sununlt SUreet, end emirfoye of Southmi Railway Company died Thursday morning at the Bapttet llBspUal. He was a former reddent of MoCksvUle where he worked for both the Mocksvllle Enterprise and took over the Davle R^rd when the Idte Frank Stroud letlr^. Mr. Everest was bom In England rm May 15,1916. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary McPhee. Everest; a dau^ter, Mrs. Patricia Mat Madden of England; two sons, Raymond John Everest of Durham and Glen Edward Everest: Ids mother, lArs. H. F. Cook of Ocala, Fla.; and a brotto, G. Daniel Everest of. Greensboro. Bio - Obituaries -10/19/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA • c <3 0 C E-Svy Edwa^ISfkV M.q. c'krS v^isU e .'; Mstkd^y' aC Baptist .ffof pi~ be at rp-m. Saur^^^Eato^ jFunieral; Chapel.©at,;etoTO .Vnitedjlfe^gg, (^iirch* ceihctety^ > Crotts Lal^^ He w« -••Surviving are 'hlSTrs^l^^tilW OrAce- 3 Hunter*." EawaS^SSScLj..^ tence, Rt-1.S Larry Lanier of the^ hoinoi. iv^'JSws.M».iWlnston-Salem 'S' iDaroa8cua,y»' <1 [/(/^ ^ cj ^ U-(2.'Vv <=- - l <?7^ '. "i \~7 v. . 5. 1^: O DAViE CO. PUSUC LIBRARY iL. i'lCCKSViLl^ OftVlE CO. PUBLIC ^RAIWNiOCK«/1LL£' N® 4 r r t l/p p- C£' o ^5 (5 DAVIl (X)UNTY I:NTI RPRISI': RHCORD. THURSDAY, OCTOBHR 26. 1972 _ 9 WILUB G. SPRY. 77 William Glenn ^ry, 77, of Mocksville. Rt. 3. died Thur sday. Ine funeral was held Sunday at Smith Grove United MethodiBt Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. SP17 was bom in Davie Cbunty to Kdly and Sallie Wiley Spry. He was a member of ^ith Grove United Methodist Church. He was a retired em* ploye of the Hanes Cbrp. in Winston-Saiem. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Vera Foster Spry; a daughter, Mrs. Raymond J. Markland of Mocksville, Rt. 3; and a son, Joe Spry of Mocksville, Rt. 3. JACOB E. LANIER, 74 Jacob Edward (Dick) Lanler, 74. of MbctovUle, Rt. 4, died yesterday at Baptist Hospital in mnston-Salem. The funeral was held Saturday at Eaton's Funeral Chapd. Burial was in Oak Grove United Methodist Church cemetery. Mr. Lmier was bora in Davie County to Drew and Sarah Qrotts Lanler. He was a retired farmer. Surviving are his wifejdrs. Grave Hunter Lanier; two daughters. Mrs. Ethel Anderson of Mocksville, and Mrs. Margie Davidson of Winston-Salem; three sons. Gene Lanler of Advance. Rt. l.and Tommy and Larry Lanler of the home; two sisters, Mrs. Emma Hanelineof Winston-Salem and Mrs. Lula Wall of Mbckwille, Rt. 2; and a brother, Fred Lanier of Damascus. Va. FRED RAY WHITAKER, 58 FYed Ray Whitaker, 58, of Route 2, Mocksville, died Oc tober UHh, at the VA Hospital In Durham. Born Mardi 15,19I4, in Davie Cbunty, he was a son of the late Charles S. and Sarah Jane Whitaker. He was a veteran of World War II. Survivors Include his wife, Mrs. Katie Jones Whitako'; two daughters. Miss Martha Carolyn Whitaker and Miss Sarah Jane Whitaker of the home; three sons, Fired miliam Whitaker of Idaho, and Thomas B. and Kenneth Ray Whitaker of Route 2, Mockswle; three sisters, Mrs. Mbllie dement, Mrs. Flrank Bowles and Mrs. Glenn Grubb of Route 2, Mocksville; three brothers, O.R. Whitaker of Route 3, W.W. Whitaker of Route 2, both of Mocksville, and John Whitaker of Salisbury; and five grand* children. FUnerai services were held*- Saturday at Oak Grove United Methodist Church, conducted by the Rev. Jim Weekly. Burial was in the dturdi cemetery. OSCAR T. NESBIT Oscar Talmadge Nesblt, 86, of Woodleaf, father of Mrs. dinard P. Howard of Mocksville, died Monday at 12:(fi pjn. in Rowan Memorial Hospital. He had been 111 ^ce September 6. Bora Oct. 21, 1886 in Rowan Cbunty, he was the sen of the -fate E.G. and Susan Lentz Nesbit. He was educated in Rowan Cbunty schools, was a farmer, .and member of Unity ■Presbyterian Church. Survivors are the wife. hirs. >Iary Wetmore Nesbit: three sons, Edward E. Nesbit of Rt. 8.Salisbury. Talmadge W. Nesbit.of Woodleaf. William W. Netblt ,.jbf Oooleemee; four daughters, Mrs. J. Maxle Cheek of Con cord, Mrs. dinard P. Howard of MocksviUe, Mrs. WUliam M. Clatewood of Ashevilie, Mrs. Lem H. Bryant of Mt. Brook, " ; 17 granddiiidren; nine it-grandchildren. ral sn^viccs were con-ted Wednesday at 2 pjn. atity Presbyterian Church by Rev. Malcolm Bullock, tor. Burial was in (he diurdi ? cemetery. MRS. CHARLIE C. BECK Mrs. Ferabee deary Beck, 92. of Mocksville. Rt. 6, the Sheffield community, widow ofQiariie C. ^k, died Oct. 17th at her home.The funeral ws held Thursday,at Liberty Wesleyan Cburdi.' Burial was In the church cemetery. > Mrs. Beck was born in Davie Cbunty and was a member of Liberty Wesleyan Churdi. Surviving are threedaughters, Mrs. Theodore Richardson, Mrs. Austin Shaw and Miss lia Beck of Mocksville, Rt. 6. DIXON INFANT Christopher James Dlxon, 2* monlh-ora son of J.L. and Kay Potts Dixon of Mocksville, Rt. 1. was found dead In his bedSunday morning. Death was' due to natural causes. The funoral was held Tuesdayat Bear CTeek Baptist Church cemetory. Surviving are his parents:and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pad Potts of Mocksville, Rt. 1, and Ah*, and Mrs. EvanMyers of Hillsborou^. MRS. GENEVAS. SCOTT Mrs. Geneva Studevent Scott,62, of Mocksville died Mondaymorning at Davie County Ho^ital. The funeral will be at 1 p. m.Thui^ay at Piney Grove A. M. E. Zion Church In IredellCounty. Burial will be In the diurch cemetery. Mrs. Scott was born in DavieCbunty to Asbury and Angdlne Studevent. She was a memberof Piney Grove A. M. E. Zion Church.Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy S. Horne of the home; and two brothers,Shirley Studevent of Advanceand Clyde Sttidevent Sr. of Mocksville. Bio - Obituaries -10/26/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA -tj rv) r- Church I ^hilob r DaWeo^Sf® S^T? n ® retired Maude nf,°^ Ws wjfj „ n 7g?"S»'e« ^^f'»'•"°^.r^l•»^"•»«"•^a•«,g? Mai'SieviiS^^M Carft?""?,garlle £, and i Waahi •'"PW Bert"'- 0W®| Ur- 9 -) _ - 3 <7 . ^972, \ V -~Q i 0 7- cr £ ■'^ ;_> O , ~ -j-im li -j ^ . jc: o o o o Ui oO -h _6 o I o . 3 UAVifc CUUINIV bNitKFRJSb KbtUKU, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1972 - 13 R.H. WALLER Robert Henry Waller, 6S, of Rt. 1, Woodleaf, died Sunday ntoming at Rowan Memorial t tb^ltal. He was born In Rowan Oounty,^!. 14.1907 to William and Mary Emma Cltne Waller. He was a member of St. Luke's Lutheran Church and retired carpenter. Survivors include the wife, Oa Shue Waller; four daughters, Mrs. John Raymer of Salisbury. Mrs. Marie raster of Canton, Ga., Mrs. Paul Owens of Harmony and Mrs. Grady Foster of Cbolecmee: two sons. Robert H. Waller Jr. of For* tland. Ore. and William Waller of Barber; six sisters, Mrs. Julia Harkey of Cleveland, Mrs. C.S. Camptell and Mrs. Calvin Mull, birth of Hickory, Mrs. Fred Shue of Salisbu^, Mrs. Hugh Chaffln of Woodleaf and Mrs. Giles Painter of Newton: four brothers, Howard Waller of San Lorenzo, Calif., George. Kenneth andGrier Waller,allof Woodleaf. Funeral services were con* ducted at 4 p.m. Tuesday at St. Luke's Lutheran Qturch by the Rev. James Shealy. ftnidwas in the church cemetery. Memorials may be sent to St. Luke's Lutheran Abiding Memorial Fund. MANUEL SMITH Manuel Smith, 83, of Har mony, Rt. 2, died Thursday in the Veterans Administration Hospital In Salisbury. The funeral was held Saturday at Rock Spring Baptist Church. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mr. Smith was bom In Davie County to George Washington and Afory James Smith. He was a member of Rock Spring Baptist Church and was a retired farmer and veteran of World War I. Surviving areHls wife, Mrs. Verlie Lou Shaw Smith; two daughters. Miss Audrey Smith of Salisbury. Rt. tl, and Mm. James Williams of Salisbury, Rt. 3; three sons, Webster M. Smithof Harmony, Rt. 2, Hubert S. Smith of the home and fobert N. Smith of Taylorsville, Rt. 3; two sisters, Mrs. Hannah Hepter of Harmony, Rt. 2, and Mrs. Pauline Gregory of Greensboro; and three brothers, Ehoch W. Smith of Mocksvllle, Rt. 6, Jasper ^i^ of Greensboro and Sandy P. Smith of Upper Darby, Pa. TOBEG. BARKER Tobe Garfleld Barker, 89, of Mocksvllle died Saturday night at Davie County Hospital. The funeral was held Wed nesday at Shiloh Baptist Church. Burial was In the church eemeto'y. Mr. Barker was bom in Davie County to Benjamin and Amanda Barker. He was a member of Cedar Creek Baptist Church and was a retired railroad worker. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Maude Dix Barker; three daughters. Mrs. Ida Mae Howell, Mrs. Ada Williams and Mrs. Rosie Carter of Mocksvllle; six sons, Willie and Charlie L. Barker of Mocksville, Calvin^Andrcw and Tobe G. Barker Jr. of Colum bus, Ohio, and Jasper Barker of Washington. ROY A. HUTCHINS Roy Allen Hutchins, 56 of 3903 Indiana Avenue, Winston- Salcro, died Thursday. The funeral was at 2 p.m. Sunday at Voglers Reynolda Road Chapel. Burial was in Forsyth Memorial Park. Mr. Hutchins was bora in Reading, Minn., to John and Mabel Hauser Hutchins. He was a member of Northwest Baptist CIturch and was an accountant. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Alccnc Wilkinson Hutchins of College Village Apartments; two sons. Lee Roy and Joe lie Von Hutchins of Miami; his father of New Castle, Ind.; four «sters, Mrs. Frances James of cihio and Mrs.William Walker and Mrs. L. L. Irviiu of Mocksvllle; and two brothers, Robert Hutchins of Richmond, Va., and Dave Hutchins of Seattle, Wa^. HOYDEN GtLLESPIE Boyden C. Gillespie, 58, of Rt. 2, Advance, died Sunday morning October 29, at tioxington Memorial HMpilm. He was born in Surry Cotmty on May 9, 1914 to Richard Md Metta Hedgccock Gillespl^ He was an employee of N.C. State Hi^way Commission. Survivors Include the wife, Era Boger Gillewie; three daughters, Mrs. wrina Mae Williams and Mrs. Doris Robertson, both of Thomasville, Mrs. Dorothy Starbuck of Winslon-Salcm; four sons, Mclvin Gillespie of Winston- Salem, William and Johnny Gillespie. both of Thomasville, Jerry Gillespie of demmons; one sister. Mrs. Vergie Proctor of Winston-Salem. Funeral services were con ducted Tuesday at 2 pan. at Bixby Chtirch of the Living God by the Rev. Norman Fry and the Re\'. Paul Martin. Buiid \ras in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/2/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UAVit CUUNIY UNibKFKJSb KbCUKU, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, J972 - 13 MRS. THOMAS HUDSON Funeral services for Mrs. Mary M. Hudson, 63, of Mil) Street, were conducted Tuesday. October 31, at Mocksville's Mt. Calvary Holiness Church by Bidtop J. A. Minor. Burial was in the Pairvlew Baptist Church Cemetery. Mrs. Hudson died Saturday. October 28. at 3:30 a. m. at Baptist Hospital in Winston- Salem. She was bom May 22, 1909 in Davie County, daughter of Enoch and Horence Wyatt Halrston. She was educated In the Davie Schools and was a member of the Church of New Born. She was the widow of Thomas Hudson and is survived by six stepchildren: five brothers. Raymond of Rt. 4, Mockwllle, Maymon of Winslon-Salem. John W. of Lexington and Ralphel of Salisbury, and An drew of Rt. 1. Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries - 11/2/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA unvtii cuui^il • i.txi iNMi: hi.«.viwi iiioivouHl. vnjtlOCK V, IV/J — 'i MRS. ALBERT LANKFORD Mrs. Flora Goode Lankford, 63, of Cooleemeo, wife of Albert Lanltford. died Friday night at Davie Coiinty Hospital. 9ie was bom in Davie County on Oct 3, 1909 to Milton and Sallte Howard Barnes. She was amember of Cooleemee Church of God and a retired employe of Erwin Mills. Surviving are her husband; a dau^t«r, Mrs. Millie Lankford of Cooleemee; a grand* daughter; a brother, Charlie Barnes of Moeksville, Rt. 4, and a sister, Mrs. Mag^ Clrowder. The funeral washeld Sunday at Cooleemee at Church of God by theRev. R.D. Ho well. Burial was in Cooleemee Legion Memorial Park. MRS. ROSA BAKER. 72 Mrs. Rosa Wall Baker, 72.' widow of Palley Baker, died October Sist at 9:45 p.m. in Davie County Hospital. She was bom March 30, 1900 Jn Davie County to the late Will 'and Cora Ijames Wall. Survivors are one daughter, Mrs. Catherine Bako* Sizmore' of Jacksonville, Fla.; one son, James C. Baker of Decatur, Ga.; three sisters, Mrs. Laura W. Boger of Moeksville, Mrs. F.R. Beacham of Rt. 1, Ad vance, Mrs. R.B. She^ of Winston-Salero; one brother, John Ray (Bill) Wall of Clemmons; two grandchildren. Mrs. Baker was a member of Union Chapel United Methodist Church where funeral services were conducted Thursday at 2 pan. by the Rev. Ted Hendrix and the Rev. Carl Lane. Burial was in the church cemetery. MRS. MILDRED S. COOPER Mrs. Mildred Sayne Cooper, 93. of Mobile, Alabama, wife of Oran J. Cooper and daughter of the late John W. and Idary J. Sayne of Moeksville, died at 1 a. m. Thursday, November 2, at Providence Hospital in Mobile. Survivors include her husband; one son, Oran J. Cooper Jr. of Raleigh; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Vinson of Cleveland, Mrs. D. C. Safrlet of Stalesville, and Mrs. Lura Feiramosca of Staten island, one brother, George Sayne of Route 7. Moeksville. Funeral services were held at 10:30 Saturday morning in Rodney Funeral Home in Mobile. Burial was In Memorial Garden Cemetery in Mobile. MRS.A.D. BEANE ' Mrs. LOIith Mae Beane, 78. of Advance. Rt. 2. widow of A. 0. Beane, died Sunday at Davie County Hospital. The funeral was held Tuesday at Fork Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery- Mrs. Beane was bom in Davidson County to G. W. and Mary Ftances Lookabill Smith. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Olin Younts of Lexington. Rt. 4, Mrs. Tom Hendrix of Advance. Rl. 2. and Mrs. D. M. Black of Winston- ^lem; three sons, Mosell S. Beane of Linwood, Rt. 1. and Ronald E. and Neil R. Beane of 2 Moeksville. Rt. 3; and a brother, Eugene Smith of L^ngton. MRS. J. A. Spry Funeral services for Mrs. Nellie Durham Spry, 49. of Advance, Route 2, wife of J. A. S^ry were held Wednesday, Novembers, at 2p. m. at Fulton United Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Spry was dead on arrival at Davie County Hospital Monday morning. She was born in Davie County, April 12,1923, to the late John Durham and Hattie Prevette Durtiam. She was an employe of Moxvil Manufac turing Company. Surviving is the husband; one daughter Mrs. Judy Key of West Palm Beach, Fla.; three sons, Roger Spry of Advance, Ronald %>ry of Lexington, and Tim Spry of Mooresville; her motho', Mrs. Hattie Duiiwm of Cooleemee; one sister, Mrs. Linda Brown of Landis; seven brothers, Otis Judson and Sidney Durham of Moeksville, Manuel Durham of Advance, Ed Durham of Salisbury, Harold and Gray Durham, both of Cooleemee, and Floyd Durham of Woodleaf. MRS. SAMUEL D. FRVEl Mrs. Amanda Walla* FTye, 78, of Advance, Rt. 2, widow of Samuel David Frye, was dead upon arrival Friday morning at Davie County Hospital. The funeral was held Monday at Pulton United Methodist (%urch. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Frye was bom in Davie County to John and Martha Jane Whisenhunt Waller. She was a member of ElbavUle United Methodist Oturch in Davie County. Stu'viving are two daughters, Mrs. Mary Rose Joyner and Mrs. Mildred Ryan of Advance. Rt. 2; a sister, Mrs. Rosa Jones of Moeksville, Rt. 3; and two brothers, Keliey Waller of Modtsville, Rt. 3 and Nat Waller of Salisbury, Rt. 2. Bio - Obituaries -11/9/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA unttii i i.ixf i\i.3u h(.t.viwi iiiuiNOUMt. nuvhtviocK V, IV/J — •/ DEWITTE PEARSON Dewitie Pearson. 79. of Mocksville died OcltAer 31 at North Carolina Baptist KospUal in Winslon-Salem after a iengthiy illness. Mr. Pearson was bom In Concord and had lived in Mocksville the past 21 years. He was a member of St. John AME Zion Chturch and was a retired worker of Taylor Brothers Tobacco Company in Winston' Salem. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Millie Phillips Pearson, and a son, Willie Crowe of Charlotie. Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 p.m. in St. John AME ZIon Church. The Re\'. Freeman Germany and Eider N.K- Byers officiated. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery in WinstonSalein. Bio - Obituaries - 11/9/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ^uortir tNltKPKISIi RECX)RO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1972 - 9 ■""■■■'I ■■■mum —"**'**0'*''""*- LBB CRAVEN, 85 George Lee Craven, 85. of Salisbury Street, a retired MocksvHIe police chief, died at 5 a. m. Saturday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home. He was bom in Davidson County on Dec. 31,1888 to C. C. and Victoria Helton Craven. Surviving are threedaughters, Mrs. Margaret Epperson of Charlotte. Mrs. Martha Lee Short of Mocksvilie, Rl. 4. and Mrs. CarolynThompson of Palmdale, Calif.; six sons, G. C. Craven of Cramerton. S. C., W. G. and F. E. Craven, both of Salisbury, L. H. Craven of Charlotte, and C. C. and C. E. Craven, both of Mocksvilie. The funeral was held at 4 p. m. Sunday at Baton's FuneralChapel. Burial was In Rose Cemeter)'. HURT R. CONNERHurt Ray Conner, 77, ofHarmony. Rt. 1, died at tredellMemorial Hospital Nov. 8. The funeral was Thursday atHarmony Baptist' Church. Burial was in the H<diy Springs Church cemetery. Mr. Conner was bora inLincoln County to Joseph H. andMary Catharine Chlldress Conner. He was a member ofHarmony Baptist Church and was a retired textile and fur* niture worker. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Mary Spann Conner; a daughter. Miss Flllis Conner of Harmony: live sisters, Mrs.Ralph Foster of Cherryville, Rt.1. Mrs. Green Myers of Har* mony, Rt. 1 Mrs. Eula Harbin of Mocksvilie, Rt. 1, Mrs. Ivey Henderson of Statesvllle and Mrs. Robert Reece of High Point: and two brothers, J. T. Conner of Mocksvilie, Rl.2, and Calvin Conner of Crouse. MRS. J. TAFT WHITE Mrs. Vuda Lcc Bailey White,iifi. of 1202 East Broad Street, wife of J. Tall White, died Monday morning at her home. Till' funeral was held Wed-nvsduy at First Baptist Church Burial was in Oafcwood Ci'inelery. Mrs. Wliite was bum in Davie County to Braxlon R. and Notie Vada Williams Baltey. She was a member of First Baptist Church Survit-ing are her husband: a daugltier. Mrs. Frank Meaduus .Ir of Hoi'ky Mount; a scm. Franklin While of Statesville: and two brothers. Natliam G. Bailey of Advance and llaydenC llaitey ol Henderson. Bio - Obituaries - 11/16/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAME COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1972 -9 MRS. JAMES E. WHITLEY Mrs. Rachel SplllmaA WhiUey, 61, of Cooleeniee, wife of James E. WhiUey, died Thursday at Rowan Memorial Hospital at Salisbury. The funeral was hdd at 2 p.m. Saturday at the First BapUst Church of Cooleemce. Burial was in L^ion Memorial Park. Mrs. Whitley was bom in Yadkin County to Robert and Lucy Gough Spillman. She was a member of the First BapUst Churt^ of Cooieemee and was an employe of Erianger MlDs at Lexington. Surviving are ha* husband; a son, David Eugme Whitley of the home; a sister, Mrs. &lly Shermerof Winston-Salem; and five bn^thers, W.H. Sf^Uman of Cooieemee. F.L. and Al{du)nso Spillman of Mocksville, Rt. 4. and Lloyd and Allen SpUlman of Norfolk. Va. MRS. SWANNIB McBRlDE Mrs. Swannie Ratlz McBride passed away in Fayettevllle Hospital Fri^y, November 17. She was the daughter of the late Frank and Mary Jane Foster Rattz and she was bom in Oavie County. She moved to Raeford, N.C. in 1909. She was the widow of the late Senator Ryan McBride. Surviving are tvro daughlm; Mrs. Frances Fitzsimmons of Raeford and Mrs. M. Elizabeth Tobey of Iowa; a son, Thomas McBride of Raeford; and, two granddaughters and two grandsons. J. WADE HENDRICKS J. Wade Hendrlcks of StatesvlUe, one of the slate's top agricultural leaders, died Friday night just after in troducing Uie guest speaker at the StatesvlUe Klwanis Gub's Annual Farm City Week ob servance at the Masoni<^ Temple there. He was 79. Three physicians and at tendants look emergency measures but Hendrlcks was dead when taken to Davis HosiUtal. Farm City Week observance 'there had been headed by Hendricks for many years. He had been honored on Sept. 4 by the Slate agricultural com missioner, James Graham, who present^ him with a N. C. State Fair catalogue which was dedicated this year to Hen dricks. "He has worked longer to promote agricultural fairs than anyone in the slate," Graham had said at the presentation. A native of Davie County. Hendrlcks received B. S. and M. A. degrees in livestock and agronomy at North Carolina State College. Hendricks was farm agent In Alexander County for one year and served 12 years as agent In Catawba County. In 1922 he 1 organized the first 4-H Jersey Calf Club in North Carolina which was also the second club in the nation. In 1931 he became superin tendent of the Piedmont Research Station and he served as head of the unit in iredell County untU the center was moved to Rowan Counly in 1956. In 1959, one of 21 new varieties of smaU grain, which had been developed at the research center, was named Wade, honoring Hendrlcks for 27 years of service. He was active in the Newton Klwanls Club end had been aclive in the Stalesville club since 1931 including 24 yrars of perfect attendance. He was a past president of the Slalesvllle Klwanls Club and . had served a division lieutenant governor of the Carolinas district. Since Sept. 1. I9SS. he had served as director of farm end public relations for the Nor thwestern Bank In StatesvlUe. He had received numerous awards including, the State- County Extension Agents Award in 1969. the Achievement Award from the National Association of Fairs in 1967 and the Distinguished Citizen Award from the StatesvlUe Civitan Club in 1966. He was presently chairman of the Piedmont Area Beautificalion Commission I appointed by Gov. Robert Scott. The funeral was held Sunday at the First Baptist Gturch In StatesvUle. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Kate Fuller Phillips Hendricks; and a son, J. Wade Hendricks Jr. of Shelby: a sister, Mrs. Grace H. Ki^^ndy of Atlanta, Ga. Bio - Obituaries - 11/22/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA lOB - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1972 OSGAH R. WBITAKER MOCKSVILLE — Oiear Roy (Buck) Whitaker, 7S. of Uoekavllle, Rt: 7, died ycfterday morning at Bavte I (bounty fToxpltal. The ftineral ladtl be at u a.n. Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral (Siapel. Burial vdll be in Oak Grove United Methodist C^rch cemetery in Davie County. Mr. Whitaker iras bom In Davle County to Charlie and Sally Qaither Whitaker. Re was a retired employe of Uanes <%alr Co. Surviving are tour daughters, Mrs. Fred Wall and Mrs. W. H. McOanic) Jr. of Mocksvltte. RU 7. Mrs. J. E. Speaks of Mocksville, Rt 2, and Mrs. Lewis HuUts of Fort Davis, Canal Zone; three sons, Oscar G.. Janes F. and Garry Lee Quaker of Mocksville, Rt 7; three slaters, Mrs. A. C. Clement Sr., Mrs. Frank Bowles and Mrs. Glen Grubb of Mocksville. Rt. 2; and two brothers, W. W. Whitaker of Moduvllle, Rt 2, and John Whitaker of Salisbury. I BLAKE C. HAYES NORTH WILKESBORO — Blake Curtis Hayes, 47, of StO J Street died yesterday at Davie County Hospital at ModtsvUle. The body Is at Relos-Stardivant Funeral Borne pending ar> rangements. Mr. Hayes was bom in WUkes C^ty to Clarence and Emma L. Walker Hayes. He was an emNoys ^ Bolly Farms Pottitiy Industries at Bnikeshoro. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary Cauerine Hayes; a son, Blake C. Hayes Jr. ol the home; bis father of North mikesboro; three aislcrs, Mrs. CUfton Gamblll. Birs. Larry C. Miller and Mrs. Walter Wayne d North WUkesboro: and four brothera, Hoover H., WlUard L. and Don Hayes of North Witkesboro and John Hayes of Moravian Falls. Bio - Obituaries - 11/22/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1972 - 9 aCBROH.HUNT Funeral services for Ciccro B. Hunt, formerly of Davie Oounly. were hdd Tuesday, November 21, at 10 a. m. at Schoedinger Hilltop Cbapd In Columbus, Ohio. A masonic Lodge Service was held Monday nirtt, November 20. He died Saturday, November 18, at Grant Hospital In Columbus. He was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church of New Rome; 50 year member of the Columbus Lodge, F & AM; veteran of Wortd war I. 30lh Infantry Division. He is survived by his wife, NeUie M. Hunt; i daughter, Mrs. Carl Martin; grandsons. Bruit, Robert and Greg; 1 great grandson, Dustln Martin; 3 sisters. Mrs. Alverta Lashley of LewisviUe, N. C.: Mrs. Ida Christian and Mrs. Mary Graves, both of MocksvUle; several nieces and neidtews. LESTER BOOE Lester Booe, 58. of MocksvUle, RL 6, died Friday at the Vetuans Administration Hospital at Salisbury. The funual was held &mdi» at Eton's Punoral Cbapd. Burial was in Bear Ci^ Baptist Church Cemetery. Iw. Booe was bum tn Davie County to Judson and Lda Sutton Booe. He was a retired farmer. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Florence Jones Booe; a daughter. Mrs. Sandra Cleary of Mocksville. Rt. 6; four sisters, Mrs. Roy Jarvis. Mrs. Eva Whltaker, Mrs. Herman T. Wooten of Yadkinville, RL 6; three brothurs. Jack Booe of Mocksville. Rt. 6. Clyde Bom of MocksvUle and Joe Booe of Advance. RL 2. Bio - Obituaries - 11/30/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1972 - Page 1 Davie^a 8th FaUditu Draughn Dies Of Wreck Injuries James Everellc Draughn. 44, of Mocksville R(. 1. an assislani overseer al Heritage Furniture Co., died Saturday al the Porsyth Memorial Hospital from injuries he received in an outoniobile accident November 31st Tills was Davie County's 8lh hi^iway fatality of 1972. Mr. Drauglm was critically injured on November 2lst when the car he was driving was struck in the left front and side by at car driven by Ronald George Veaklc, 73, of Tiiomdsville, who was driving left of center, Mr. Draughn was pinned in his vehicle. Mr. Yeakle received injuries. He was taken to the Davie county Hospital, treated and releasied. Mr. Draughn was bom in Davie County on November 12. 1928 to Jesse and Otis Stewart Draughn. He was a member of the ijames Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ann Burton Draughn; two daughters. Misses Jean Ann and Vickie Lynn Draughn, both of the iiomc; his parents of Mocksviilc, Rt. 1; and five brothers. Thurman and Erwin Draughn, both of Mocksville. Rt. 4. Lester and Clarence Drauglm. both of Mocksville, Rt. 1, and Earl Draughn of Eden. The funeral was conducted at 3 p. m. Sunday at Ijaines Baptist CTmrch by the Rev. Franklin Myers. Burial was in tlie church cemetery. DAVIE COUNTS' ENTERPRISE KEtXJRD, THURSDAY. DECEMBER \ 1972 -9 GRADY P. CALL Grady Franklin Call, 76. of Rt 1, Franklin Community. Salisbttfy, died at 12:30 p.m. Monday at the Salisbury VA Hospital. He had been In declining' health for several years, and seriously 111 one day. Bom Feb. 13. 1896. in Davie Coui^, he was the son of the late TOomas Franklin and Alice Riley CbH. He was educated in the Davie County schools, and for a number of years was a foreman with a veneering company in Sumter. S.C. Prior to his retirement 11 years ago. he operated a barber shop in East Spencer, and served overseas with the U.S. Army. He was a member of the Mocksville United MethodiM Church, and the Samuel C. Hart .Pist 14, American Legion, rvlvors include his wife, Elizabeth Henry Call, to inna he was marrira Feb. 3. 1; one daujditer. Mrs. Robert Howard of Mooresvllie; one sister, Mrs. W.F. Nail of IdocksvUle; and nine grand* diildren. Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Sum* mersett Funeral Home Memorial Chapel. Officlatbig at the rites was the Rev. Austin Hamilton, pastor of Mocksville United Methodist Church. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park with military graveside services conducted by the Rowan Veterans Council TOM T.DAVIS Tom T. Davis, 67, of 4511 Old Rural Hall Road, died Monday at Porsyth Memorial Hospital. He was bom In Davie County. March 16. 1907, to the late V^am and Lula Minor Davis. He operated Davis Barber Shop in Winston*8almn for 36 years, and was a memb^ of Mineral Springs Baptist diurch. Survivnrs include the widow, Gladys Davis Davis; one daughter. Mrs. Jack Hauser of R|. 2. Winston-Salem; two sons, William J. Davis of Richmond, Va. and Dallas W. Davis of Qemmoni; two sisters, Mrs. Georgia Foster of Advance and Mrs. Headen Jordan of Woodieaf. Funeral serWces were con* ducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Ch»el, Mocksvilie. by the Rev. Cecii Cave and the Rev. William . Anderson. Burial was in Ad* ' vance United Methodist Church cemetery. MRS. P.R. SMITH, 83 Mrs. Myrtle Sheek Smith, 83, of Gun dub Road, Advance, Rt. 1. wife of P.R. Smith died at 0:40 p.m. Nov. 29th al Davie County Hospital at Mocksville. She had been in declining health a number of years ^ seriously ill four weeks. She was bora in Davie County on Sept. 21.1BB9 to John G. and Rhoda F. Hartman 9ieek. She had lived all her life in the county. Mrs. Smith was a member of Macedonia Moravian Church . She was married to Mr. Smith in 1909. Surviving are her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Carter of High Point; two sons. Travis C. Smith of Advance, Rt. l. and P.R. Smith Jr. of Lexington. Rt. 8; five grandchildren; five great*grandchildren; and two sisters. Mrs. Nannie Butner of Mocksvilie and Mrs. Rob Hunter of Win8ton*Salem. The funeral was conducted Friday at Macedonia Moravian Church in Davie County by the Rev. John Kapp and Uie Rev. Taylor Loflin. Burial was in the churdi graveyard. MRS. SHERMAN HILL Mrs. Sylvia Wood Hill. 24. of 307 Snider Avenue. Lexington. N.C... wife of Sherman R. Hill, died Thursday, November 3IKh, at Forsyth Memorial Hospital in Winston-Salem after a four* day illness. The funeral was held Sunday. December 3rd, at Davie Ba^st Tabernade in Davie County. Binlal was In the church cemetmy. Mrs. Hill was born in Davie County to Mr. and Mrs. Ed wards A. Wood. She was a member of the Green Needles Baptist Omrch in Lexington and was an employe of Monleigh Garment Co. at Mocksville. Surviving are her husband; three sons, Edward A.. Shane R. and Brick H. Hill of the home; her parents of Mocksville; and six sistmv. Mrs. James Hicks of Lexington and Mrs. Tommy Richie, Mrs. Donald Allen. Mrs. Bobby Laird and Misses Kathy Diane and Linday Gray Wood of Mocksville. Bio - Obituaries - 12/7/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MV_- ■" X "tggjt -Tetnij.? :a?w. ^"TtoMpSnity ^c^riil '(&^n-J^bbro^diecl^tF^ lohg illness. She was'^^^westtohd child of nefcher Tabitha-'Anderson the ^^i'^dT'^Community of Davie *' ^h»4ia<l''UVeavWith.; '^h^sistec,and 'niece -intPted- j* S a're^A-'r • Hahnon McMahadf, of. Friends Home; ^oine. nieces and .aiepbew.s;. 2&great'iueces anil nephew's; :- and at least 13 great-great- 'nieces and nepheira..££ana-tion. services pe^^^'er-^ formed .by Jrian^etion SeryiceS;^of Hil-visborough^ ~ RfemQjHay|e.r- vices will be conducted at 2. p.m. Tuesday at Wesley" Chapel Church in- theHPtho, Community of Dayie Coitety..' Oe «. -L.. 'r,>,3T «->'.• S<l.Lcy^ c/5 u-p-Jn. I, /2-- 3 ■ / ?7? r- I " » tvi fi r e >- c- o • ^C LOiafy I'i G. OAVfE CO. PUBLIC C mocksville, s t <J 'T; 8 - DAV1E COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1972 JAMES W. GREGORY SR. JamcB William Gregory Sr., 54. of Mocksvllle, R(. 4, died Sunday al the Veterans HospUal in Durham. He had been ill three weeks. The funeral was Tuesday al Edgcwood Baptist Church at Coolccmee. Burial was In Liberty United Methodist Church cemetery. He was born in Dnvic County to M. H. and Hattic Copley Gregory. He was a brickmason. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Geneva Blaylock Gregory; two daughters, Mrs. E. D. Mc- Cullough of Mocksville, Rt. 6, and Mrs. Bailey James of Mocksville; two sons, James W. Gregory Jr. of Mocksville, Rl. 3, ond Joseph B. Gregory of Cleveland. Rt. l; three slaters, Mrs. L. C. Dcdmon of Mocksville, Rt. 4, Mrs. Tom Thompson of nillsborough and Mrs, Minnie Thompson of Anderson, S. C.: and five brothers, J. P., Baxter and Turner Gregory 8f Mocksville, Rl. 4, Sherman Gregory of Coolecmee and Donald Gregory of Stalcaville. Honorary pallbearers were Franklin Myers, Rev. Bill Crcason, Bobby Cheek, Rev. David Edwards ond Raymond Gibson. GEORGE A. SNIDER, 74 George Anderson Snider, 74, of Rl. 1 Harmony, died Dec. 0th at Davie County Hospital In Mocksville. Born in Davic County April 5, 1B98, he was a son of the late John Henry and Ellen Hcndrix Snider. He was o retired textile employe. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Friday at No Creek Primitive Baptist Church, conducted by Elder Eugene Bennett and Elder Moore. Burial was In the church cemetery. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Myrtle Belle Sain Snider; one daughter, Mrs. Edward Galthcrof Rt. I, Harmony; ond 0 slslcr, Mrs. Ellen Holnouscr of Mt. Mournc. D. C. FOSTER 0. C. Foster, 74, of Lexington, Rt. .1, the Reeds community, died Salurdoy at home. The funeral was held at Davidson Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was In Forest Hills Memorial Park. He was bom In Davic County to J, R. and Carrie Zimmerman Foster. He was a retired car* penlcr. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Henry L. Williams of Lexington, Rt. 3, and Mrs. Fred Smith of Mocksville; three sons, James Foster of Lexington, Rt. 3. and Robert and George Foster of High Point; a sister, Mrs. W. C. Robblns of Lexington; and three brothers. Gilmor and Odcll Poster of Mocksville, Rt. 3, and A. V. Foster of Norfolk, Va. MRS. JOHN McINTVKE Mrs. Edith Myers Mclntyrc, 47, of Woodleaf, Rl. 1. wife of John Mclnlyrc, died Dec. 6Ih at Rowan Memorial Hospital al Salisbury. The funeral was held Friday al Eaton's Funeral Chapel at Mocksville. Burial was in Rowon Memorial Park al Salisbury. Mrs. Mclntyrc was born in Davic County to Alex and Rose Stewart Myers. She was a retired employe of Cone Mills. Surviving arc her husband; a daughter, Miss Sylvia K. Mclntyrc of (he home; a son, Ronald Mclntyreof the home; a sister, Mrs. Sadie Clawson of Woodleaf; and four brothers, Herman end Otis Myers of Mocksville, Frank Myers of Cas.sclbcrry, Fla., and C.A. Myors of Statesville. Bio - Obituaries - 12/14/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 12/19/1972 funeral . v/udyeu^jjunai*-. .ro^rs.f^ Smith;... was A born ' In •'*• 5^?^^:0^ounty'.to,iJohn •!>. 'and - -v^^^yj^Lou-.Howe]! -Foster7 she " [pperated -a beautytshop/;"- :r)SuryivTng' Vnre •her • husband'-•<-SJre^daughters,.Mrs/ -?June i •YoungV'. of.- Mock'syilleV'-iMrs. I •Wayne. D.- Maxwell ^ of -Winston." ■•wJeiTL and Miss-Cindy Smith of,the-; home; f>twp^^aons;;- Ashtley Smith_of:MocksvilIe:and JBailey "Smith of the homeher", mother, o£;.-Mocksville,'>Rt,-.5; and a .-iSlydet^. -.Foster.• of.MocksvUI^-Rt.-5;f»'v'- •OvTTier-family reiiuest's that aiiy ipiemomls .be/ made to i-theAmerican 'Cancer"i.Sbciety. y K— -S 'Jo C„L 1 ^ ^ V I <^7 I. Bio - Obituaries — 12/19/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1«)72 Page 1 Lester Draughn Is Electrocuted Lester Martin Draughn. 46. of Mochaville Rt. 1, was elec- Irocutod Monday morning while working at Heritage Furniture Company in Mocksville. This is the first fatal accident at the local Heritage plant since they began operation here in 1947. Dr. Ben F. Richards, Davie Counly medical examiner, said that Mr. Draughn apparently came in contact with hi^ voltage while working on machinery. II was reported that Mr. Draughn and others were working on an electronic gluing machine which would not operate when he apparently received an electrical charge. Fellow workers tried mouth • to • mouth resusication while awaiting the ambulance, and the ambulance crew also worked to revive the man cnroute to the hospital. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the Davie County Hospital. The funeral was conducted at 4 p.m. Wednesday at the Ijanies Crossroads Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemcntery. Mr. Draughn was bom in Davie Counly to Jesse and Otis Stewart Draughn. He was a member of the Ijames Crossroad Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bertie Klmmer Draughn; three sons. Ricky Lee, Wayne and Randy Gene Draughn of Mocksvilie Ri. 1; his parents of Mocksville RI. 4; four brothers, Tburman D. and Srvin Draughn of Mocksville Rt. 4; Clarence Draughn of Mocksville Rt. 1; and Earl Draughn of Eden. Another brother Evcrette. was critically injured in an autuiiiwbile accident on November 2lst and died on December 2nd. Man Drowns In bitch A man in the Farmington area aj^rently fell in a dtteh filled with water and drowned last Thursday night. The twdy of William Wesley Williams, 48, was found by a search party last Fri^y around 8 p. m. in a ditch filled with water from the heavy rainfall. Dr. Ben Richards ruled that Williams died from drowning. Williams had been missing for around 24'hours when the search party was sent out. Williams, a resident of Mocksville Rt. s, was an em ployee of Fox Manufacturing Company. He was born in Porsylh Counly to Luther and Mildred Melton Williams. He is siurt*ived by a sister, Mrs. Blitabeth W. .Miller of Winston-Salem. Funeral services were held Monday at the HuntsviHe Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery^' UAVlb COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21. 1972 - 11 MRS. SUSAN SEXTON. 83 Mrs. Susan Alma Sexton, 83, of Cooleemee died December I31h at N.C. Baptist Hospital, Wlnston-Salem. Bom In Durham COunW Jen. 23, IBB8, Mie was the daughter of the late Thomas and Lttia Lee Holt Llpscomb. Survivors include one duaBhter. Mrs, James H. Long of Charlotte; and a son, Thomas Giles Sexton of Cooleemee. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m Thursday at Baton's Funeral Home Chapel, Mock^Dle. Officiating at the riles was the Rev. William Dingus. Graveside services wore held at Mt. Sylvanla Cemetery in Durham. MRS. BAXTER C. TAYLOR Mrs. Maude Call Taylor, 83, of Mocksville, RL1, wife of Baxter C. Taylor, died December 13th at her home. The funeral was held Friday at Eaton Funeral Chapel. Burial was In Union Chapol United Methodist Church cemetery. Mrs. Taylor was bora in Davie County to Henry and Alice Hendrix Call. She was a member of Union Chapel United Methodist Church. Surviving ace her husband; a daughter, Mlsa Lucille Taylor of the home; a son, Alden Taylor of Park Avenue; and two brothers, Charlie Call of Lexington and Ta^or Call of Mocksville, Rt. 7. MRS. WILLIAM G. SAIN Ito. Girlie Fosto: Sain, 71, of Mocksville, Rt. 3, widow of William G. Sain, died Friday at Davie County Hospital. The funeral was held Mtmday at Bethel United Methodist Cburdi. Burial was In the cburch cemetery. Mrs. Sain was bora in Davie County to Samuel and Alice Leonard Foster. Sie was a member of Bethel United Methodist Chtirch. Surving are a dau^ter, Mrs. Roy West of Mocksville, Rt I; a Sffii, Lester Sain of Mocksville. Rt 3; a sister, Mrs. C. C. Pode of Lradngton, Rt. 4; and two brothers, Cralg Foster of Mocksville and J. E. Foster of Winstm-Salem. Bio - Obituaries - 12/21/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UAVlb COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1972 - II MRS. JUNE B. SMITH Mrs. Anfce Lou Smith, 51, of 531 Salisbury Street, wife of June Bailey Smith, died Monday at Oavie County Horoltal. Ilie funeral was held at 2 pjn. Wednesday at Baton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. Mrs. Smith was bom in Yadkin County to John D. and Mary Lou Howdl Poster. She was employed as an operator at Marie's B^uty Shop. Surviving are her husband; three daughters, Mrs. June Young of MocksvlUe, Mrs. Wayne D. Maxwell of Winston- Salem and Miss Cindy Smith of the home; two sons, Ashley Smith of ModESVIile and Bal^ Smith of the home; her mother, of Mocksville, RL 5; and a brother, Clyde J.Foster of Mocksville, RL S. Bio — Obituaries - 12/21/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27,1972 - Pages 1 & 2 Man Dies Of Injuries After Christmas Fight Billy Franklin Whitc.3l. of Ml. Airy has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of Earl Ray Joncs^, of Mocksvillc. Sgt. Howard Pelmster, a defective with the Ircdell ^AOounfy Shcrrifs Department said ioncs died early Christmas Day after being hit on the head with a pistol during a flght at the home of his wife's parents Just across the Davic line In Iredell County. "Hie fight took place at the home of Mrs. Jones* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ruftis Dwiggins on the Bear Creek Road. He said Jones and his wife, Mrs. Diane I^iggins Jones, had been legally sqtarated since htovcmber. fl 8gt. Feimsier said thai Investigation 'revealed" thai Jones nadbeenin afightearlier that evening In Winston-Salem, ^nd that J<hks Itad had Injuries to bis bead In both fights. Iredell County Medical Examiner, Dr. Ben Bowen, ruled that Jones was dead at the scene he arrived, and that an autopsy revealed death was from hemorrhage of tite brain. Sgt. Felmster said the Iredell County SherUrs office recdved a call amout 30 minutes past mid. night Monday from Mrs. Diane Dwiggins Jones, that her ex'husband uas in the area and was making threats, omcers advised her to take out a warrant. Officers learned that Earl Ray Jones and a cousin. Murphy Leon Jones, also of MocksvUIe, had gone to WinstonSalem to attend a Christmas party at a steak bouse there. Acctrang to Mur. {diy Jones, his cousin had gotten in a fight over a girl at the steak bouse, and the person with whom he was flghling banged him {Jones') head severely against an automobile. The Iredell County detective said that at i:S9 a.m. Monday, they had a call from Davie Coun* ly oiRcers that they needed assistance and wanted a coroner and detecllve and deputies sent •voUie IiiwfgldikfhSfie/'' ' DM. Sgi. FMmstr, Sgt. Gene Honeycutt, and Deputy Wayne Mayberty, responded to the call. When th^ arrived, the body of Jones had already been placed in the ambulance. They had Ute attendants remove the body and found Jones had iwio targe cuts on the left side of his head, for. ward front the temple area The body also had a cut on the riglii aide .pf the head, ip about the (Continued Page 2) Man Dies Of Fight Injuries (oontinued from P«gb 1) same area'tlUs wound appareit. » fly sustained in the flghl in Win* ston.8alem. ,, Testimony by witnesses n revealed thai Billy Franklin White and Mrs. Jones drove into tlie driveway at the Dwiggins home and Carl Ray Jonea and his couslndrove In behind them. Acccrdlflg to witnesses, Jones threstencd White, but White at first was sble to calm him dotvn. Suddenly Jones lunged at White with a poritMknlfe saying he was going to "open him up.'*^ At thiselm. While struck Jones on tiie adwithaidsiol. Sgt. Feinuier said the pisiol was fully loaded, but that no shots were fired. About six pints of lax paid whiskey was con* flscaled fttmi the Jones vehicle. According to officers, both of the Joneses were Intoxicated at the lime. Tlte investigation Is continuing to determine extern of injuries sustained by Jones at the steak house. The medical examiner was uncertain as to which was the iMhel blow that caused the deatit. Iredell Sheriff LeRoy Reavis Is heading the investigation in the death. Funeral services will be held ' at 3 p.m. Wednesday at West. I view iBapiist Church at Cana. Va. > Burial will be in the Jones family cemetery at Routes, Mt. Airy. I Survivors include two daughters. Miss Lisa and Miss Samsntha Jones of Mocksville; his mother of Cana, Va.: seven sisters. Mrs. Cotide Combsand. Mrs. OUie McCreary of Cana: Mrs. Am Beamer of Virginia Beach. Va. Mix. Sallie Dowell and Mrs. Myrtle Williams of -Denvitlei Vn, Mr> Iwrlenp Lewis of Schenectady, N.V. and Mrs. Eartcne McHonc of Ml. Airy; and llnee brothers. Early Jones of Abefdccn, Md.. aifd Henry and Robert Jones of Cana. 2- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27,1972 El^n Hmtffix, 68 MOCKSVILLB~~Elgln Luitolph Hen^x, M, of043 Salli* bury Street tiled Sunday at Oavie County Hospital. Funeral services wlU be Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral Cbapd. Burial willbelnRoMCemet^. Mr. Hendirlx was born In Davie County to Issac and Mary Com* atnr Kendrlx. He was a retired emptcve of the N. C. Highway Commission and was a member of the First Prcsbyerian Church. Surviving ere his widow, Mrs. Bertha Jarvis Hendrlx: a daughter, Mrs. Gale Houser of KInston: and two ststera. Mra. • Mattle Hetidrlcka of Mocksville land Mrs. Clyde COmatscr of -Advance. The family has requested that -any. memorials be made to the lorgan Omd el the First Presby* > t^nChurdi. Robart Lea McOanid, 67 Robert Lee McDaniel, 57, of Pine Ridgo Road died Sunday at the Rowan Memorial Hospital in Salisbury. The funeral was held Tuesday Ql Ihc ^urch of God. Burial was In Cornalzer United Methodist Church cemetery. —M" Mrlnatilal waa hom In Davie County . He was a member of lb Church of God and was an employe of Fiber Industries. Surviving are his wife Mrs. Helen Soots McDaniel; two ilaughlcrs, Mrs Kolhy Gibbons and Mrs. Patricia O'Neal of Cuolccmcc; two sons, Monroe McDonlel of Mocksvillc Rt. 4. nnd Tony McDaniel of the home. Bio — Obituaries — 12/27/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA