Jan - JunJJ^]^^22S^EmiRPIUSE RECORD. TmJRaSAY. JANUARY 6. 1972 - 3 BIB. DEARUON PASSES ^X). Deamon. age 7S. of BO. Hope Ownmnirity, RL 7, Sabdittiy, diedDec.27.Fteaal8arviGew88beldl>ee.29,at Rode GcDvoUiiltedMellMkBatChtirefa. Burial was In Caio^ Blemorlel Park to CabanoscoiBtty. Mr. Deavmoo was the husband of the former Prari Hartda of Mocksvine. Urii. C.C. tomard rdumed home Sunday after qwsdng e few daqv with her sister, Mrs. Deamon. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JANUARY 6, 1972 -9 WALTER C.'HARRIS Waits: Gsrl Harris, 68, of Jfloeavllle, Rt. 3. died Saturtay at Fhrayth Msnorial Hospital In Wn8t6n«SBlem. The was held at 8 p jn. MoitdiV at Swan COeek Baptist Church In Yedkln County. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mr. Harris was born In Yadkin County to Hence and Betfy Myers Harris. He waa a member of Swan Creek Baptist Church and was a retired emfdoyeeof the Elbtn Furniture Qunpany where he was a foreman In the shipping denartment.sura^g are his wife, Mrs. Bessie Mt^ Harris; three sons, Roy and Rayford Harris of BfocksvIIIe and Mon Harris of i ^eensboro; and a brother, Coy Harris of JonesvQle, Rt. 2. MRS. 8. M. GOODMAN, 79 Mrs. BIddle Davis Goodman, 79, of Rt. 8, HoeksvUIe. ded at 11 am. Saturday In Davle county Hospital. Bom In Davle County on December 31,1892, she was the daughter of the late Houston, and Elliabeth Kege Davis. She was a member of Pork Bnjiwftpfli Churdi. Survrang are her husband, S. M. Goodman and one niece and Funeral services were con* ducted Monday at 2 pm. at ]^k E^jdscopal Cburd). Burial was In the diurdi cmnetery. The Rev, Dan McCasldl of* Related. CHARLIB C. BRACKEN Charlie C. Bracken, 40^ of Rl. 1, Advance, waa kflled near hia l^e at 7:30 pm. Dec. 28 when he was struck by a pick iq) truck. Mr. Bracken waa MUed In* stantly when be stepped In front of a truck ^Iven l>y Leroy Bohannon, 29, of Route 8, Mocksvitle. Mr. Bracken waa attempting to cross the Redland Road at the time of the ac cident. Investigating Patrolman R.E. Hahn fQed no dmrge. Bora In Davle County (H) April 17,1931, he waa the son of the late J.G. and Elizah O'Neill Bracken and waa a painter. Surviving are hIa wife, Mrs. Helen Dunn Bracken; one daughter, MIsa Carolyn Brackot of the home; me son, Jeffrey Bracken of the home; four fflsters, Mrs. Mary Foster and Mrs. Gmtle Crook, both of VadklnvIIIe, Mrs. Isabelle Tslley of Iwston-Salem and Mrs. Ida Oeary of Rt. 6, Mocksvllle; four brothers, Marvin Bracken and Roy ^adnm, both of Rt. l, Har* moiy. the Rev. JA. Bracken of Rt. 6 Mocksvllle, and James Bracken of Rt. S, Mocksvllle. Funeral aervtcea were con ducted at 3 pm. Thursday at liberty Baptist Church by the Rev. Paid Hart and the Rev. Klly Taylor. Burial waa In the chum cemetery. Bio — Obituaries —1/6/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBUC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA jblic Lib'- le, tl C. ' jDoit D. (Speck) Holthouser,- Iredell County to Milas J and- way came to Winston-Salem from n°S^^e r J y®®" "1 the early 1900s. ® P^®H? ^9^ children He was employed by Southernm Davie County, &ed yesterday Railway" in 1913, and in 1936 he , at Forsytfa Memonal Hospital. , became an engineer. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. For many years, Mr.,^esday at Voglers Main Street Holthouser and the late Rev. Chapel. Burial will be ' in Clyde G. Barber played Santa Forsyth Memorial Park. Claus in Davie Ckmnty. Each Mr. Holthouser was born in gathered fruits," candies and nuts, bagged them mmarnmmm^msmmmgsiaimmii distributed them to childrenalong their route. In an interview in 1960, Mr. Holthouser reminisced about the p I bygone era of steam lo- , I comotives. "There was just V' something about steam engines ^ I liked" he said. "The whistle A and the bells and watching that motion down there at the "Steam engines had a lot ofthli^^ a woman wears," he shoes)."^ ^ ^ nnTT^WAT TajATTCTrn ^0^ Holthouser of Moc^ville; iSfA u a brother. Ernest¨ · · l9oQ pnoto ... Holthouser of Charlotte. DOIT HOLTHOUSER ¨ . . 1960 photo ... S ^ G u—%- -h \-i0- CO. PUBLIC USfWRY MOCKSV/llp, nc DAVIE COUNTY ENTI MRS. LILLARD HAYES. 02 Mrs. Arisona White Hayes, 02, of MocksvUle, Rl. 1, widow of Ullard Ha^ died Saturday at Davie County Hoaplta). lite funarfu was iteld Monday at IJames Baptist Church. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Hayes was Iwrn in Davie County to Boilamin P. and Qementine Boyd White. Surviving are three brothers. Bracy White of Win8ton«Salem, Roy While of Mccksvllie and Paul White of Kannapolis. { ROSE JANE MYERS, 17 Miss Rose Jane Myers, 17, of MocksvUle. Rt. 7, died Friday at ho* home after an extended Ulness. Hie funeral was held Sunday at Davie Baptist Tabernacle Church. Burial was in the churdi cemetery. Miss Myers was bom in Port HSod. Tax., to Charlie P. and Htelma Jane Branch Myers. She was a student at Davie Qiunty High Sdtool. Surviving are her parents; a sister, Diane Myers of the Imme: a brother, David Myers jpf the home: and her grand* Mother, Mrs. Mary Branch of MocksvUle, Rt. 7. BILL HARBIN. 89 William Henry Harbin, SO, Davie Academy Community of Route 1. MocksvUle, died Saturday evening at 6:30 at home following a heart attack. His healUt had not been good since Oct. 1970. He was bora in Iredell County July 17, 1912 to Savanah Williams and Bortha Anderson Harbin (bolh deceased). He was a farmer, having lived in present location for 13 years. . On April 8, 1941, he married Ithe former Eula Conner who I survives. Other survivors in* I dude: Uiree sons, J. Kenneth ' Harbin, Pork; Roy Thurman Harbin, Statesville; Paul Ray Harbin, home; one daughter. Miss Christine Harbin of the luune; five brothers, J. L. Harbin, Statesvlile; Clyde Harbin, Route 8, MocksvUle; Gaude A. Harbin, Route 4, Statesviile; David Harbin, Mooresville; Wade T. Harbin, StatesvUle; Utree sisters. Miss Annie Harbin, Rt. 4, Statesville; Mrs. Ftank Snyder, Winston* Saiem; Mrs. Charles Berryman, Orlando, Plorida and two {mndchitdren. Dana Marie and John Harbin of StatesviUe. u Funeral services were con* mmled .Monday. jaRemoon at Sodety Baptist Church by Rev. Holman A. Byers and Rev. Benny Bearden. Interment was in the church cemetery. BDOAR SAIN, 86 WiUie Edgar Sain, 80,of Rt. 7, MocksvUle, died at it p.m. Thursday in Davie County Hospital. L Bom in Davie County, he was P'the son of the late Iilrs. Eller ^ Horn Sain and W. A. Sain of Rt. 7, MocksvUle. He was a member of Oak Grove United Methodist Church and was a retired employee of N. C. Slate Highway Com* mission. Survivors in addition to his (father are the widow, Elisabeth Turrentine; one son, Everette Grey Sain of Ridimond, Va.; two sisters, Mrs. John Henry Angel of Rt. 6, MocksvUle and Mrs. Grady Boger of Rt. 7, MocksvUle; one brother, Oscar Lm Sain of Woodleaf Rd., Salisbury, and three grand* Ntildren, Steven, Michael and Lelicia. Funeral services were con ducted Saturday at Eaton's Chai^ by the Rev. James Weekley and the Rev. Bill BIggerstaff. Burial was in Oak Grove United Methodist Church cemetery. ' ARTHUR H. HARMON Arthur H. Harmon, 54, of Salem Street, died Jan. 8th, at Lamb's Nursing and Con* valescent Home in High Point after a long illness. Ihe funeral was held Friday at J. C. Green and Sons Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Calvary United Church of Christ cemetery near Thomasville. Mr. Harmon was bom in Davidmn County to Robert and Nettle Brewer Harmon. He was a member of the First Baptist Church and was an employee of Von Johan Furniture Co. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Graify Ridge of Winston* Salem, Rl. 6, and Mrs. Henry York of MocksvUle; and a brother, Fred R. Harmon of <1homasvitle. Foy Morrison Poy Morrison, 78, of MocksviUe died at his home Friday. Mr. Morrison was bora in Ir^eil County to Ctifford and Canvas Morrison. He was a member of New Jerusalem Church. Surviving are his wife Mrs. Edna Alexander Morrison; two daughters, Mrs. Vivian Seliers and Mrs. Nancy Peoples of MocksvUle; four stepsons, Whitfield, John. Uuie and B^y Frost of MocksvUle; and two sislers, Mrs. Lizzie Gtbbs of GiatesvUle and Mrs. Harriet Washington. DC. Bio - Obituaries -1/13/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERP m-m doitIiolthouser w . . 1B6Q pholo . . , DOIT HOLTHOUSER. 7S Dolt D. (Speck) Holthouscr, 75, of W[n8ton*Salem. a retired Southern Railway engineer who for many years played Santo (^auB for children In Davic County, died Sunday at Torsyth Memorial Hospital. The funeral was held Tuesday at Voglers Main Street Chapel. Burial was In Forsyth Memorial Park. Mr. Holthouscr was t>orn In Ircdell County to Mllas J. and Addie L. Todd HoUhouser. He came to Wln8ton*Satem from Davic County in the early >900s. He was employed by Southern Railway in 1913, and in 1936 he became an engineer. For many ycora, Mr. Holthouser and the late Rev. Clyde G. Barber played Santa Qaus in Davie County. Each year Ihcy ' gathered fruits, candies and nuts, bagged them and distributed them to children along their route. In on Interview in 1060, Mr.(Holthouser reminisced about the bygone era of steam locomotives. "There was Just * something alx>ut steam engines \ 1 liked," he said. "The whistle and the bells and watching that valve motion down there ot the wheels. "Steam engines had a lot of things that a woman wears," he explolncd. "Tltey had aprons ' (that's (he part between the engine and the water tank) and Jackets (that's the cngincr ' cover). And they had petticoat pipes inside the shoes (brake ; ^ocB)." \ Surviving ore his wife, Mrs. Mogadalinc Arms worthy Holthouscr; four sisters, Mrs. George Marshall of 1911 Margaret Street and Mrs. H. A. Lagcl and Misses Daisy and Nell Holthouscr of Mocksvllie; and a brother, Ernest Hcdthouser of Charlotte. JAMBS T. CARTER, 73 James Tildon Carter, 73, of Rt. 3, Mocksvllie, died at his home Saturday morning. A retired farmer, Mr. Carter' was born In Davic County on August 22, 1898, the son of the late Ollic ond fda Whltaker Carter. Tuneral services were held Monday at Eaton's Citapcl, Mocksvllie, with the Rev. Elmer Doy officiating. Burial was in Cornatzer Church cemetery. Survivors Include his widow, Mrs. Volma Carter Carter; four daughters, Mrs. John Moore, Rt. 3, Mocksville; Mrs. Roger Peters and Mrs. Travis Tysingcr, both of Lexington and Mrs. William Provctle of Newport News, Va.; five sons, Bill Carter end Lewis Carter, both of Mocksvllie; Roy Carter of Yadkinvlllo; Junio Carter of Advance and Donnle Carter of Lexington; two sislcrs, Mrs. Tim ^ain of Crew, Va., and Mrs. Lawrence Hampton of RIchmona, Va.; two brothers, Will Carter and Tom Carter, both of Crew, Va.; 26 grand children and seven great grandchildren. HENRY A. CAMPBELL, 48 Henry Ashccraft Campbell, 48, of Memphis, Tennessee, died Tiursday, Jonuary 6. at M. D. Anderson HoBpilal In Houston, Texas. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Claibome McMillan Campbell of Wlnston- Salcm. He was a graduate of Reynolds High School and O'le Miss University, Oxford, Mississippi. He was District Manager of Colonial Life and Accident Insurance Company In Memi^is. The funeral was held Saturday at 1) a.m. at All Saints Episcopal Church In Memphis. Burial was in Memphis Memorial Cemetery. Surviving are his wife of the home. Ihe former Angle ValiatOBof Oxford, Mississippi; a daughter, Miss AlUson Campbell and son, Craft Campbell of the home; brother. C. M. Campbell of Los Angeles, Calif.; sister, Mrs. A. M. KImbrough of Richardson, Texas; uncle, Morris G. Allison of Wilmington and aunts, Mrs. Phil J. Johnson of Charlotte and Miss Ossic Claire Allison, Mrs. Margaret A. LeGrand and Mrs. W. A. Allison of Mocksvllie. The family requests that any memorials be made to St. Jude Childr^'s Research Hospital, 332 North Lauderdale. Mem phis. Tennessee. Bio - Obituaries - 1/13/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEMJOURNAL, 1/18/1972 fi W(:s.|C.Y.\y4iii«m8 The iuiieral of Mrs. Notie Minor WllUams. 75, of 806 GalesAveaue, wife of C. V. WiUiams; im'j c®wlwct«d at' 2 p.m.Vogfers iSaln Chapel by the Rev. J. H.Kdght, the Rev. Ray Walls and Ihe ^ Rev. W, Herbert Brown. will be In Fork Baptist County Davic TTie family«wUl be at theJwieral home from .7 jto 9 p.m. Mrs. WIIMams died last nightat her home.i \ wmif n '^'Jfhaad , operated IheWilliams Grocery Store at First street and Hawthorne Road for many years. He is now emp oyed at the Konnoak Hill i'ootl Market. , /. j . Bio - Obituaries — 1/18/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8 - DAVIB COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20. 1972 MRS. HAYDBN ANDERSON Mrs. Iraie Bogs' Andorson, 52. of Churcb Street Extension, wtfe of Hayden Andoson, died Saturday night at her home. The faneroJ was held Monday at Eaton's Funeral Chand. Burial was in Jerldio Church of Christ cemetery. Mrs. Anderson was bom In Davle County to G. Malcus and Amanda Duim Bogv. She was a member of Jericho Church of Christ. Surviving are her husband; a daughter. Mrs. Judy Bennett of Mocksviile, Rt. 7; two sons, Arnold O. Anderson of MocksvlUe. Rt. 1. and Douglas J. Anderson of Mount Airy: her mother of Mocksviile; six sisters, Mrs. Mabel Howard of Advance, Mrs. Bsteiie Alien of MbcksviUe, Rt. 3, Mrs. Sarah Jones of Mocksviile, Rt. 5, Mrs. Helen Williams and Mrs. Evdyn Seamon of Mocksviile, Rl. I, and Mrs. Mary Alice Ftdp of Watkertown; and two brothers, Paul Roger of Win> stoo-Sal^ and Claude Boger of Mocksviile, Rl. 4. Paul L. Horton Paul L. HOlton of Lexingttm, Rt. 6, died January 4th at Rowan Memorial Hospital, Salisbury, N. C. at the age of 7B. Funorm service was lield at lyro Uidted Methodist Church on Ftiday, January 7. Burial was in the ehurch cemetery. Idr. HoIton was bom in Ireddl County to Frank and Octavia Knox Holton and was a former resident of Davie County. He was a r^red farmer and a vetoran of World War I. Surviving are his wife, Bthd Upright Holton; a daughter, Mrs. Francis Beck of Mooreavitle; a son, Paul J. Holton of Lexington, Rt. 5; four sislera, Mrs. John Beck of Mocksviile, Rt. B, Mrs. Ernest H. FVost of Mocksviile, Rt. S, Mrs. George W. Adams of TUlsa, Oklahoma, Mrs. John Gettys of Hickory and two borthers, Ted Holton of Har* mony, Rt. 1, and B. P. Holton of GridKUl. Bio - Obituaries — 1/20/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Mqn^ <VYf vAcfO^'ir^ iU W f.Vi^L !>' .TTA'fi?vfeMorrow;;^ 5 cCpni^, ilredeU-iiiqpuhty'^tb^A^-i^^^ '.TAfflP HWawTptf ; T '-L J.aU4»Ul,i aq^y.;Implement;;Co/,and ^was'^^ member TpfI;Mocksville " Urilt^ MetbqcUst Church./-^;^;^:v^.;';^^^^ ^ :'Surviyirig .'are ; his 'V^'eiL^lTrS'' Martha .'Bowdeii •..•Morrow;' ^two- ^kttghtersy.rl^J^arty,- Cassidw o£yMocksyig^t.:',2^^nd Msfc Di^^Mdri®*^pftth"d Kdme;;-jbuir Brown ;^Shd.' ;Hattqn;; o£,vpdessa-C PIa.V>and '.three- brothers, Harold "Morrow of RichrAond, •. 'Va.,- Forrest Morrow. ot'fNew .Port Richey, j|^.3v and; Albe^i-Mbrrow of /- 1 -fT -2_ •- , 5, n n y .:■* -Z' ,-■ T" ^Ock-o r/o DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1972 -7 Lugert A. Rupard Lugert A. Rupard, 02, of fiitod»viUo,Rt. 5, Sled Saturday at Davte Cbunty Ho^tal. Tlie ftineral was hdo 3 p. m. Sunday at HontsvUte Baptist Church In Yadkin Cbunty. Burial was in the diureh cemetery. • Mr. Riqiard was bom In Ireddl .County to Hampton and Ann Williams Riqtard. He was a member of Huntsvllle Baptist Chuch and was a retired far* mer. Surviving are bis wife, Mrs. Mary Pearl Weatherman Rupard: six daughters, Mrs. C. 0. radier and Mrs. Alvin FUlk of MockBvWe, Rt. B, Mrs. Dottle Renegar of Harmony, Mrs. Andrew MelUm and Mrs. Hugh Lpflonof Mochsvllle, Rt. 2, and Nua! Jack Hlnes of Raleigh; five sons, Mierrin Rtgtard of Lewlsville, Rt. 1, Turner Rui^ of Statesville, Rt. 4, Robert Rupard of CherryvUle, Gilmer Riqiard of ThomasvUle and Clarence Rupard of Mbcksvlile; and a sister, Mrs. Luma Ledka* of Statesville. BSrs.LeftaS.Walha> Mrs. Lefts Shore Walker, 73, Rt. 2, Modksvllle, died at the home of ho- son, Paul Walko-, ^ Saturday aftenKXHi, January 4 22. Sie had been In dedinlog health for several months. Services were held at 2 p. m. Monday at Eaton's Chapd with the Rev. Fred MwafoHl^ting. Burial was in Farmlngton Cemetery. Bom Jmi. 7,1889, in Pbrmrtih County, Mrs. Walker was the dgu^ter eC Uw Me Hracy ead Rwb Lee Si^bibii Siecei Sie was the widow of Wniie Walker, ^ died in 1969. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Smith. Rt. 8, Mo^ville; one son, Paul Walker, Rt. 2, MOcksvliie; four sisters: AArs. Jesse Wamer, Mrs. Irmie Marshall and Miss Helen. Shore, all of Rt. 2, Mocksville, and Mrs. Rita^ Godbey of Salisbury. AdamT.Trexler Adam Thomas Trexler, 8S, of Ckove Street, CooTeemee, died Sunday at Davie County Ho^tal. The fUneral was hdd at 2:30 p. m. TUe^ay at First Baptist Church of Oooleemee. Btmal was in the Salisbury city oomelfify. Mr. T^er was bom in Rowan County to Marcus and tindy RidianaTtexler. He was a'.rdired mnploye of Erwin Blllls. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Maggie Sell Trexler; three ..daumttecbrMrs. Haxd Mdtim •^aM Mrs. PauUgp Scott of. ^eemee and Mrs. Angdine' Eram of GremviSe, S. C.; and f^ur sons, Glenn Trexler of Rpckwdl and Clay, Ray and A. it Trexler Jr. of Oooleemee. [Mrs. George Hartley I Mrs. George Uppard Ha^ey, 71, of Advance, wldowof Ira Vance HarUey. died Monday, Jan-. 24 at Davte County Hospital, MocfcsvUle. I Bom In DavIe County, Oct. 6, lk97. die was a dauShter of the lite Ih-. G.H. and Emma Up* Comatzer Uppard. .Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Hubert Davis d Jamestown and Mrs. Lillian ^mpson and Mrs. Frank' Harldandof Advance; one son, Al^e Kartl^, Jr. of Mt. Airy; one sister, Ato. Grace Cor* natzer of Salisbury; one brother, Undaay Comatzer of Advance; one stepbrotbo', C.W. Comatzer of Clanmons. ^FUneral services woe held at £pjn. Wednesday at Advance United Methodist Church, d^ucted by the Rev. W.C. Arierson and the Rev. Ray njoHnas. Burial was in the ^urdi cemtery. >iiR%%OB OORNATZBR " Funeral services for Mrs. Jessie McCbUotu^ Comatzhr. 83. of LewisviUe, Rt 1, widow of Bob Comatzor, were held at 2 pjn. Friday, January 21, at Bat(xi*B FunerM Chapel. Burial was In Advance United Methodist Church cemetery. Afrs. Comatzer died Wed nesday, January 19, at Forsyth Memorial Hospital In Winston* Salem, She was born In Davte County to D. F. end FVanees McCunoiMi. She was a manbv of Comatzer United Mdhodist Church. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. John Beck of LewisviUe and Mrs. F. G. Tolbert of Winston-Salem; and two sons. V. O. Comatzer of Oooleemee and Lawrence Comatzer of Advance, Rt. I. R. B.Wiseman Robert E. Wiseman, 49, of 293 Williamson Street, Rahway, New Jersey, a native of Davie County, died Thursdey evening, January 20, In Rahway. Funeral services were hdd Tuesday. January 25, In Rah* way, at 2 p. m. Among the survivOTs is a sister, AUss Sarah Wismnan of Fsmington. Bio - Obituaries - 1/27/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8 ^ DAVIB COUNTY BNTBRHU8B RECORD, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 3, 1972 Naylor C. Fontet, ?7, of Bdlvlew Aifts., RmidtfMiivttte, N. C. died asexpededly mi Wednesdiw, Jenuary 88. no was a native of the Advance aaetlon of Davle Ommty. Mr. Foster was born In Davie Gbunty to Hiram and SaSie Bfarltund FVttter. Be was la buslnesB with hla father and brother In the Roster Outdoor Advertising Oompany In Ad* vance, StatesvSIe and Hea- deraonville untfl his retfremcnt about ten years ago. Snee that Ome, be had been an Insurance salesman In BendersonvOIe. He waa a member of the First Baptist Church, a veteran of World War I, a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legln. Ha was a Blaaon. Mr. Foster married In tasoto the former Btta fifiimlek. who preceded him In death in AuguM, 1964. Surviving are two sons. N. C. Foster. Jr, of QreeavUle. & C.; and William L. Foster of HmdersonvUle; four sisters. Mia. Annie F^er and Mrs. .Jadde Foster of StatesvUIe; Mrs. Felix Miner of W Point: and BOrs. D. D. Imdps of Winston-Salem and Clonmons. Hie fUneral was hdd at 3 p. ro. Friday, January 88. at Thoroasvllie Shepherd 'Memorial Chapd. Burial waa In Oak Dale Cemetery. TAFTMACKWOOTEN Taft fitack Wooten. 68. of Harmony. Route 2, the Lone Hickory community, died Saturday, January 89. at Lula Conrad Hoota Memorial hraital at YadldavUIe. Fmieral ssndeoi were hdd at 8:30 p. m. Tuesday, February l. at Sandy firings Baptlat Church. Burial was In the dturdi cemetery. He waa bom in Ireddl Oounty to Henry ilWson and Minnie MCBride Wooten. Be waa a tobacco farmer and a member of Sandy Springa Baptlat Church. SurvtvlM are his wife, Pearl Stedman Wooten; aeon. Harold D. Wooten of Hannoiy. Rt. 8; and, 4 alstera, Mra. Lola Rcnegarof Hamptonvllle. RL l; Mra. Grady Swlsher of Ker* neraritlei Bfira. Jim Seagle of Yafidnvute, Rt. 3; and. Idrs. Wayne Comer of Wlnaton* Salem. ROBERT B. WISEMAN Robert E. Wlacman, sim of the late lliomas and Nannie Wiseman, formerly of Davle Cbunly. dledst hla home <m 898 William Street Rabway. N. J^ Am. SOOi. 1993. Tte funeral was hdd Ttaew^ at 8 pjn. at the Rrogrewve ' Baptist Church tn Rabway. The Rev. Ihdler. pador, gave Sm Bdogy. The O. O. Woody Funertd Home of Roadie, N. J.. was In diaige and interment was In the Bshway cemetery. Survivlm are his wt^ the former wUlte Mae Elaton Wiseman.; twodaughtera, Mm. Barbara Matthews. Htsa Valerie Wiseman; two amis. Bobert, Jr.. and Mlohael WliomBn of dm Iwme: one stqh dbUglto, Ernestine WUUs Tkenton, N. J.; two brothers, CUvln and John Wiseman of FlalnHdd. N. J.; and' two aiders, Mm. FVank Freeman of B&n^own. N. J.. and Miss Sarah Wiseman of hbcksvllle. N. C.; two aunts, Bfirs. Rena Bailey of Winaton*8alem. N. C.. and Mra. Gpsce Smooth of Davidson COunty, N. C. MRS. K. A. TAYLOR, SR. Funeral services for Bhrs. BSHdred R. Taylor. 70, of Route 8, wife of KMineth A. Taylor, were lidd at 8:30 pjn. Tbur* sdi^, Vanuaiy 97, at Far- mington United Methodist Clura 1^ the Rev. BVed Shoaf and the Rev. Bonnie Beardea. Burial was In the Farmlngton Oommunlly Comelory. Mrs.'Taylor died Tuesday, January 35, at the Cdumbia Hsmltal in Cdumbia, 8. C. aw waa bom in BladliMi, Ind., Ml Sept. 18,1901. Surviving are hsr budiand; two daughtors, Mrs. John Caudle of Bfooksville,Jtt. 8, md Mrs. Bob Wallace of Cduimda. S. C.; a son, W. A. Tsjdor of Wnston'Salem. and a alder, Mra. Evorette Johnson of fyanklln, M. MRS. C. 0. SWICEGOOD Mrs. Mozolle Benson Swieegood, 78, of Woodleaf, Rt. 1, uddow of daude 0. Swieegood, died Thursday at Pompano Beach, Fla. The funeral was bdd Sunday at WoodleBf United Mdbodld Churdi. Burial was in the churdi CMnetery. Mrs. Swieegood was bom In Rowan County to Mm and Sarah Eaisabeth Benson. She was a member of WootBoaf united Melbodld Church. Surviving are six daughteri. Mrs. Ftraneos Potts of Woodleaf, Rt. I, Mrs. Fem Regan of Chattanooga, Tenn., Mrs. Betty Gregory of Greensboro, Mrs. Lois Robinson of Del Ray Beaob, na., Mrs. BIsuds Bardey of Olney, Md., and Bin. Ruby Whador of Herndon. Vs.; four aoni, Ckihom Swtoogood of Chaiwte. Harold Swioeaood of Pompano Boocb, Charles Swieegood of Brentwoo^ Bid., aai Oils Swieegood of Clioleo, Md.: a ttdcr. Mm. H. P* TUwnsend of Kianapdia; and a brother. Bob Beniw of Kan* oipflUe. HENRY H. DYSON. 48 Ream ROover Efyson. 48, of Rt. 6, ModavUle, med Monday tt 7:10aon. it the Davle Oounty Hospital after aufferlng an m»ai^ heart attack Sm^y. Ho was a member of New Union united BMhodlst Church of Davie County. Survtvon indtde the widow, Bin. Hud McDinid Dyson: two sons, Terry Wayne and Stqdwn Dyaon, both of the liome; one daughter Miss Blordia Dyson of the home; his BCBls, Blarvin M. Dyson of ^rioti*Salem and Mn. O. C. Csssdl of Wlnston'Sdan; two brathers. Wayne Dyson of Rt. l, MoeksvUle and Blarvte M. Dyaon of Rt. 6, Blodnvllle: two sisters. Bin. Junle Potts and Bm. Sammy Reavls, both of Harmony. Bio - Obituaries - 2/3/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8 - DAVIB COUNTY BWrBRPRISB RECORD, THURSDAY, PBBRUARV 3, 1972 WILLIAM T. SPRY. 83 wnnam lliomQS 1^, 83, of ModovUIe, Rt. 7, died January 2flth, at Da^ County Hospital. Hie tvusesi was bdd Fnday at Baton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was In the Liberty Ubited Methodist Church cemetery. Bfr. ^nry was bom In Davie County to Denidtt and Liza Oreason 8pry. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Osale Lagle Spry; a dai^ter, hhra. Maiy S|^ Carto' of MoekaviUe, Rt. 7; three atatera, Mrs. Albert Smith of Coideemee, Mrs. Bessie NaU of MocksviUe, Rt. 7, and SAa. Dewev House of Rl^flcldi and two brothers, Joe Spry of MOcksvllle, Rt 4, and Arthur of Kannap(dls. ROSS C. CORNATZBR, 78 Roas CHevdand Comatzer, 78. of Hocksville, Rt. 3, dlea Sunday morning at Forayth Memuial HoaciUl at Winston- fUra. Rehad been 111 to seven weeks. The funeral was held Tuesday at Comatzor Blethodlat Churdi. Burial was In the church cemetery. R(B was born in Davie County to Lfllington and Emma Jane Barney COraatzer. He was a retired textile worker in the Wtip room of Erwin Mills at Cbdecmee. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Madge Navy Comatzer: two daupters, Bfias Carrie Cor> natser aim Mrs. Oddl Shore of the home and a stqidaugbter, Bfrs. D. D. Weaver of Shdhy* MRS. DANIEL W. WILUAHS Mrs. Ruth Foster Williams, 63. of MocksvOle, Rt. 4, widw of^Danld W.. Williaro^ died , Fridayat, Davie . CountyH^til. the funeral was held Sundw at GalaolB FUnwd ChaMH. Burial was to Comatzer Umied MethofBst Church cemetery. Mrs. WtSlams was bora in Davie County to Noah and Addie Barney Foster. She was retired from Dhde Furniture Co. at Lexington. Surviving la a brother, Bani^ FoMter of BSocksvllle, Rt 4. LARRYM. MOORE l^rry Mldiael Moore, infant aon of Larry and ZJnda Reavis MOme of Harmony, Route 8, died Monday, January 24, at Rowan Memorial Hospital at Saliebory. A graveside service was held at Sp. m. Wednesday, January 86, at Sandy Sjpriags Bratlit Chira cemetery. Surviving are his parents: his gramtomuts, Rev. and BSirs. Paul Moore of YedldttvOle, Route 3. and to. and Mn. CRenn R. Reavis of MbcksvlUe, Rt 5: his great gran^arenta. to. and Iffirs. G. O. Moore of Btoavian Falls, to. and Mrs. Grady Rdivlsof MocksvUte, Rt. Sand to.and Mrs. Jack Booe of MoeksviOe. Bio - Obituaries — 2/3/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA r\/ r- t r- I r C s <£S - Mpcfavine, - at Eaton's ctery'1Cr'", '» ®^^»'tte.Eastei|Sr^'% ^rs. Sfa ^'hoihI MockfiviiTi: -Hoithouser - Mocks ville. r.> % vM'Sis' nn I I I < DAVIE CC. PUBLIC ttBltAR? WOCKSVILLE^ NC 8 - DAVIB COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD. THUR8DAV. fftiJiW® MRS. raLLARY MERONEY Mrs. Marcla Bdle Meroney. OB, of MocksvUIe, wtdow of n nSary Meroney, died Stmday at Davie County KospttM. lite ftmer al waa hdd Tuesday at Baton'B Funeral -Chapm. Bblal was In Rose Cemetery. Mrs. Meroney was IxMm In Davle County to George W. and Clementine Vaughn Bowles. She was a member of (he First United Methodist Church and was a diartor member of the <hda> of the Eastern Mar. Survlvliig are a daughter. Mrs. Ella Holthouser of MochsvIUe; and two sons, June and Jake Meroney of MoeksvOIe. Mrs. Will Champ Mrs. UUIan S. Oiamp, 80, of MbcksvOle, Rt. 4, widow of wm Champ, dted Monday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home. The funm'al was held Wed nesday at Baton's Funeral Oiapel. Burial was In St. Matthew's Lutheran Church cemetery. Mrs. (%amp waa bom In Davle County to Bffles P. and Alice Seamon Gales. Surviving are two dau^ters, Mrs. Jobnny W. Taylor of StatesvlBe and Mrs. Geneva E^ds of BfOcksville, Rt. 4; and a son, John H. Champ of Modavilte, RL 4. JAY SCOTT FOSTER, 69 Jay Soott Foster, 89. of Route 1, Woodleaf, died February Bid at SiSSpjn. In Rowan Memorial Hospital. He bad been In dedbUng healOi for sevoral years, seriously ni for the past Born May 14,1912, In Rowan OounW, be was the son of the late E^ard Lee and Minnie Cranford Foster and waa ^uca^ In sdiools here. He waa a salesman. Mr. Foster was a mmnber of Uhi^ Presbyterian Churdi, a votermi of Wwld War n, having served ^th the U. S. Navy, and a member of Scotdi-lraand Masonic Lodge. . Survivors Indude the widow, the former Ruth Branch, wlm be married S^t. 19,1988; three sons, Rraald Scott Foster of l^sport, Tom., Edward Lee. Failff of Route 1, Woodleaf, and Jay Dotmlas Fbster of Route 9, Safisbury; three brothers, Aubrey Foster of Salisbury, Bernard Foster of Mocksvule, and Ray Foster of Charlotte; one sister, Mrs. Valdols Baker of Granite Quarry: two graudcbUdren. Funeral services were con ducted Saturday In Unity Presbyterian Churdi by the Rev. Mdcomb Bullock, pastor, and the Rev. Jdm K. l^er of Wlnstou-Salem. Burial was In the church cemetery with Masonic maveslde rites con ducted by Scotch-Ireland Masonic Li^e. Mrs. Edward Peebles Mrs. Ethd Halrston Peeblea. 63, of Advance, Route ^ wife ofImward Fables, dl^ Stm^ at Lexington Memorial Ifospltal. Mrs. Peebles was bom in Davle County. She wa® a member of Mount ffinal AMB Sen Church and was angoye of PPG Industrtes^tec.18 was a member of (he Ordtf of dm Eastern Star. Survivli^ are hor husjtand; nine deters, Mrs. Elsie Flood, Mrs. Inez WDliams, Mrs. Mattlo CUir, Mrs. Maggie Lewis, Mre. Jean HutcMnson and Mrs. Susie Ann Shnroons of Waddngton, D. C., Mrs. Peart Brown of Lexington, Mrs. Hamlo Orowder of Sdlsbury and Mrs. Bessie Dallon of Winston- Salem; two brothers, Eddie Halrston of Washington, D. C., and Ben Hafarston of Winston- Salem. CllflonG. Soott The Rev. dUton G. 8co^ 94, of Advance, pastor of Pioey Grove Mdhoolst Church ed Monday at Davie County Ho^ltal at Mbeksvllle. Mr. Scott was hero in Davie county. He was a retired em- ^qye of Hanes Corp. In Win- ston-Salem. He had beai a Methodist minlstw for 20 years. Survlvliig are his wife, Mrs. Mary Qrewa Scott; three sons, Glfton G. Scott, Jr. of New York aiy, William Scott of Los Angeles, Calif., and Bobby dark of YadktnviUe; and a brother, Glenn Halrston of Phlladdphla, Pa. Bio - Obituaries - 2/10/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSPAY. Jteiry H. Oysoiii 42 Henry Hoover Dyson, 42, died Mnt^, Fdwnary 1, at 7:10 ' ajn. at Davte Oounly Hospital after safferlng a cerebral hemorr&hage. The ftoeral was hold Wed* nesday.Fobroaiy 3. at Spin* at Newiinion Ihuted MeUMdiBt Church. Burial was in the Churdi Oemriery. Mr. Dysni was bom in Henry Ooimty, Vlrdnla to Marvin M. and Ode cassdl Dyson. He was malntenanee sup^sor for Bluebird Cab Company in Win8ton*Salem. He was a mmiber of New Ifttlon UOIted Methodist Churdi. Surriving are his wife, Mrs. Haxel McDaniel Dyson; a dautfiter. Miss Mardia l^mn Dym of the home; two sons, Terry Wayne end Steven Dyson of the home; his mothor of Mocksville, Route 1; two dsters, Mrs. Junta Potts and Mrs. Sammy Reavis of Har mony, and two toothers, Wayne Cysm and Marvin M. t^n Jr. of MOdcsvOle. The iiody was at Bunch fhmerai H^e in StatesviUe. Bio - Obituaries - 2/10/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TWIN CITY SENTINEL, 2/15/1972 I A. S. Howard; £x-Offidal In Davie HOCRSmLE ^ Albert 8. BowhiL 76^ ot 659 Cnyo Stivet,Kockivuls, I rttlrra dslir nner, died dds raernbs at Davte OMffity Hosdtal here. He htd been in decBuBg beatlh (er feae^lime.. Re wee bm In Davle Ooaaty ea Dee. S0,18U to Tbontt «Bd AUe Snilb HDvaid. Ilr.^a«ixd wet a tnenber o( -BetUdtem Uahed Uclbodlit Cfctirdi lAere lia had nrved ii •Q^lBtAtdeDt of the SuadeyBeGdL^'..; T • Be tin was a nember el FanilaglaQ Blasoide Lodge No. ttS. He «u e chatter Bsember of (be Dade Goldeo Age Club I tad bad temd oa the Dovto uCoBsiy Board of Com> ;;nluIo8ett. I: Survtviag are bis wife, b!rt. TitargBnt Colt Rmverd; liro dtnaUeri, Urt Geraldloe PilWCT and Mrs, Roil HoweB of Advapee, RL 1; two seas, Gteaa S. Bewsrd of Advaace. Rl, 1. and ROgfa Thoaiis Howard, atatbsed at Seymonr Jebasoa Air Force Bese: a steinoa. John R. muans of Romord. It).; six sisters, Mrs. A. D. Stewart and Mn. P. G. Sober of wiBsion^aiem, idrs. AI v I s Laird. Hrt. O. H. SmHb, Uis. Beauford SmUli Sr. and Mrs. Robert Ktag, eR of Adraaee, Ri 1, and a bniber. Wttfie T. Howard of Advance. Rt. L ' Tbe fuaerat will te condooted el 2 pjB. Thursday a t BtUdeJusi RBlM Metfaedist ChOKD by tbe Rev. Paul Hart' Buna) Mil) maionic ittes wm bo to Qto cfauTcli cemeterr. Tbe body Is at ^toa's Foaeial Boms at Uockiville. Tbe family will be at Die faoeral home from 7 to 0 pjn. Wedaesday. 1 it-i7-\. C- '"f I" I Bio - Obituaries - 2/15/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ^AVIE COUNTY f[(ITi2|U>RISB RECOW. IHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17» 1972 - 13 DOLPHUS R. CLBARY Odtdua R, Qeery, 77, of YwlkMe. m. 8, died FHd«y at Ltda Obnrad Heoto Btonorial BHFltal. ISa Idneral was Md Sunday at Rock %rlag Baptlat Cburen bi ticdflU Osusty. Burial was la the church cemetery. Mr. deary was bora in Oavie Obuaty to John FYank and Sarah Elieabeth Omnlngham deary. He was a member <rf the Bear dreeic Baptist Church and was a retired farmer and sawmill worker. Sunrivlng are three daitthtera, iira. Irene Junes of YaudnvQle, Rt. 8, Bbs. Tommy Wyattof Ellda. Rt. ]. and MmH. Eugene Anderson of Lexington Rt. 7; idne sms, Jidm and HOify W. dmwy of the home, ftruee and Fm deary of Stateavllle, Oec^ T. deary of BastBendiRt I, Dwl^l deary of Boonvfuoi Dmly deary of Baltimore, Alflred deary of Moehsvtile and'Uoyd demy Bforgantim: and a tistor Mrs. E3. tBn of Rannony, Rt. 8. MB. FOSTER Marlon Sanfbrd Foster. 87, of Rt. 1. Advance, died FHday morning at Oavle County Hospttafln Ifoehavllle. Bom In Oavle Obunty April 88,1B84, he was a son of the late Weldon and Minnie Brock Foster. He was a retired car penter. Survivors include two daughters, Bfirs. Pansy Howard of Clemmons and Mrs.. Rhea Potta of Advance; two sons Albert Foster of Rt. 1 Advance and Uege Foster Lexhigttm; three sisters, BIrs. Luther Everheart and Bifrs. John An** derson of Winston Salem and Mrs. Stun Oimn of Rt. 1, Ad vance. FUnerai s^ces were held at 8 p.m. Sunday at Baton's Funeral Chapel, MockavUle, conducted by the Rev. Paul Bart and the Rev. BiUy Tiylor. Burial waa In Bethlehem united MSthodiat Church cemetery. J.D.F.TRIVETTB,62 Jidin David Franklin Trivette, 08, of Route 3, Mocksville, waa dead on arrival at Oavle County Hospital Feb. 9. He was bom ln Oavie County on Aug. 18, 1909 to late David and ften^ Ifin Trivette. He waa a retired enydoyee of Heritage Furniture Company. Survirors include the widow, Aba. Lida Laird Trivette; five daiffihtera, Missea Lou Jean. Hdoa. Ibthyt Lois Bfae, and Ooria Trivette, all of the home; two 'ana. John and .Edgar IMyjgfd, b^ ^ihe'bome; one ststec; afcs..Emmfllne Seanum of MockaviUe; one brother, Lutho' Tivette of Hbcksvllte. FUnerai servtces were con ducted Friday at 8 pjn. In Eaton's Funeral Clu^ by Rev. Ardia Payne. Burial was In Cornatcer United Methodist Elder Eugene Bennett and Church cemetoy. REV. C. 0. SCOTT The Rev. aiOon G. Scott, 64. of Advance, pastor of Rney Grove United MetbikQst sndK. Paul Umted Metixxllst Chur- dies, died last Monday. Mr. Scott was bom in Oavie County. He was a rethM em ployee of Banes Corp. in Win- Btcn-Salem. Be had been a Methodist minister for 30 years. Survivtng are his wife, Mrs. Msry crews Scott; three sons, CUftro G. Scott Jr. M New York aiy, William Scott of Los Angdea, Call!., and Bobl^ Scott of YatDdnviUe; a toother, CBesn Halrston of Phfladdphte, Pa. Funeral service was hdd Simdew, 3 p m. at Finey Grove UdtM Mdhcdist Churdi In Advance. Burial followed in the Churdi Oemdeiy. SANDERS INFANT John Tiomas Sanders, one- day-old son of Harold and Rhonda Fostor Sanders of Rt. 4, Mocksville, died Tuesday morning at Rowan Manorial In adiBtlon to the parents, survivors include one sister, Sandra DeAnna Sanders of the home; die grandparents, Mra. Henry Sanders of Rt. 5, Mbetovllle, T.G. Foster of Rt. 4 Mocksville, and Joyce Ann Foster of Fforida. Graveside sorvlces were hdd Tuesday at Liberty United Churdi cemdery, conducted b> the Rev. J.C. Lmk. Bio — Obituaries — 2/17/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA .PAVIE coumy Ein'QjinusE rbcoiu>. Thursday, February 17.1972 - 13 ALBERT S. HO WARD, 78 Rites Set For Albert Howard Albert S. Howard, 78, died at the Davie County Hoipltal Tuesday morning. He was bom in Davle County on December 30,189S to the late Thomas and Julie Smith Howard. A retired dairy farmer, be was a memb« of the Bethlehem Bfethodlst CSiurch, a former auMrintendent of Sunday School, and a former member of the Davie County Board of Commiasioners. He was a member of the Parmington Masonic Lodge No. 265, a member of the Smith Grove Rurltan Gub, and a charter member of the Davie Golden Age Gub. Surviving are his wife, Margaret Call Howard of the home; daughters, Mrs. Geraldine Pilcher and Mrs. Holt Howell, both of Advance, Rt. I; two sons, Glenn S. Howard of Advance Rt. 1 and Hugh Ihomas Howard ctf Seymour Johnson Air Force Base; one step-eon, John R. Williams of Rockford, Illinois; six sisters, Mrs. A. D. Stewart and Mrs. P. G. Suber, both of Winston- Salem; Mrs. Alvis Laird, Mrs. W. H. Smith, Mrs. Buford Smith, Sr. and Mrs. Robert King ail of Advance Rt. 1; one broker, Willie T. Howard of Advance Rt. 1. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p. m. at the Bethl^em Methodist Churdi. The Rev. Paul Hart will of- Qdate. Burial wQl be In the churdi cemetery with Masoidc Rites. The family will receive friends at the Baton Funeral Quipel on Wednesday from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. A Fruitfuf Ufe c Albert S. Howard "A rrteDdts«ve7Dtie....a nan (bat had no ttealear*| TWalitbe way most peopiedasolbeffi^ertS. Howard ' Vbo pasMd away TuosdaymemiBg ai Ibe age of 78, TMs man ■pcBlRi6M»rUa Ufa aa a dairy farmer In (bo 'Smith Crore eommuniiy. Ob Us retlremftt, be eon- I 8naedlowprkaiwtooaJohsaBdbbbW«thtteoiistaallyI t»»««hthInjlatoeDntaetwUbpoopIe...JwAlbertH6ward I loved people. Civic minded and faxcreatcd to menklRd, po eervcd SlX year* at a tnember of (be DaWe Omnty Beard of Coin- mlssioners. fie was deeted to a foar-year (em to 1060 and a two-year lem fa 1964, A member of (he BetUeheraj Melhodia Oiufdj. be aeved this dtttreh lor many years asaupertnladatofSundaySdml. Rewa8amcmt>erof the Farmlngloa Maaonle l«dge, a member of the Smith C«ve Rurlma dub and « dbsrler member of the Davis Gdden Age dob Is wUcb be was meet active. This man hod a trait that li tweomtag an too ran (oday...abat la, (be art of commtmiealira. Albert Howardcctdd coamcnleate witbeveryime, regardlen of age. He bad Uio iceptM of the yofasg, aa wdl as bis con- (emporariee. Someone eace aaid: '* "Ufe ts Iroltfu] fa the ratio fa whldi it b iald'eut fa noble aetloa or patieot perBerveraoee". And In thla erltob, fibat Bowsrd'a Ufa waa meat fruUfui. ; Bio — Obituaries - 2/17/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA r \ QQ \ d d I- <5 o Mrs. Frost Of Davie I to Winstolsalem. n She was >">™ She was a member of the First United Methodist Church"driving are 8ve/a^' •Mr«5 C L. Bunch of LaKeiana, MrfVt E5 of B-rner gty M-?'„St%rrndts""«Tf Mocksville; and three s;^rs, : Mrs. George Adams Okla., .htos- j jj„ • brothers, Ted Hotton ; mony, Rt. l. ana d- i "'m toneraf will be c<»to«ted • at 2 u.m. Sunday at Eaton s ^ runeral Home Chapel i "iUbe^ln'umon Chapel Grated ! the ; JSal hSne from 7 tb 9 p.m. ! Saturday. s S o WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 2/23/1972 ^■5M«'J^cn!y^N/as"hord;^j 'Coimty. -to,;Williamarid Ma ggie; ^She^rill'.:of.•;'Mount:^iUlU';ijM^s.'[Herbert, Bridsell and.,Mrsi;tCairoll Shetrjll of Mndresville.' U-p J a U_/2. VI C, 2.-23 - /.f-V-Z, yruLL crz- l_ yn^ ^ ) Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 2B - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY ^1972. MRS.E.H.FROST.75 Mn. Anate Holton FVott of Moeksvllle, Route B, widow of Qmest H. Frost, who had been 111 at Davie County Hosidtal. in Wliutbn*SaIem Thursday evening, F^ruary 17, at age 75. Funeral servlcea for Mrs. Frost were hdd at 2 p. m. Sunday, Februa» 90, at Ifotonv Funeral Chapd with the Rev. Oewey Uames of> lldatlog and assisted the Rev. Austin Hamilton. Burial followed at thdon Chapd (hiited Mdhodlst caiurdi cemetery. Mrs. Flrost was bom In treddl County May 10,1890to B. Frank Holton and Octavla. Knox Holton. She was a member of the First United Methodist Cfcurdi of ModovUle. Siirvlvli« are five daughters, Mrs. Charles L. Bunch of Lakdand, Florida; Mrs. Alboi P. Oalgle of Route 6. Mocksvlite: Mrs. Wlttlam I. IQncald of Bessemer (Sty;; Mrs. G. Baxton Coston of Lfghthouse Flint, fTorida; and, Mrs. WUUam A. Ellis of Route 8, Moeksvllle: three sisters, Mrs. George Adams of Tulsa, (Hdahoma; Mrs. John H. Beck (tf Route 5, Moeksvllle: and, Bfrs. J. 0. Getts of Hickory: and, two brothers, Ted HOlton of Route 1, Harmony, and B. F. Holton of Gold Hill, N. C. J. MACK OWENS J. Mack Owens, iBmonth-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jdm Owens of Oxford, N. C., died Wed nesday, Fdmtary 18, In Oxford. Funeral aervloes were con ducted Friday, February 18, at lU a.fli. at Mountain Creek Baptist Churdi by Ihe Rev. J. bdmar Wheder. Burial was to f|e churdi cemetery. ^Survivors In addition to the pevents are granctoaroits, Mr. ^ Mrs. David Blackwdl of Oxford and Mr. and Mrs. ^iam Owens of Oodeemee. * L.A. McCLEAREN ^Lutbv Austin McQearen, 86, (Bed Wednesday Fld>. 16 at ^cksonvUle Beadi, Florida. . Mr. McClearen was bora- to - Nashville, Terni. to Susan and l^lam McClearen. He was a niember of <First Baptist Churdi, Jacksonville Bei^. He bad lived to Davie and Forsyfli counties before moving to ■Florida to 1838 where he wassqlf-employed. While living here he worked for R.J.-I^ynolds and the Policeflnpa^ent before going Into. ni68te#ie:foKhIi^f;^''?f ': pi^lvtog ^e^ wife,'«». Bkla Laird McClearen: Gurees&s, Jamm W. and Robert F.-l0Giearen of Winston ^klem and Thomas R. McCtoaren ofl^Ir,' Miss.. 9 granddilldren and . several great-gifanddilldrai. I'A fbneral sevice was hdd at4!30 Thursday at Glddens-(hrlfflth Chapd, JaeloxKivltle nacfa, Fla. and was conducted^ Dr. WJ*. Everson. The bodySis brou^ to Voglo's toemmonslast Friday. Another asrvlce was hdd at 2:38 pjn. Sunday at Bethldiem Uhlted Church, Advance, and wasconducted by the Rev. Alvls ' Cheshire. Burld foUowed to the Churdi Cemetery. MRS. SARAH PERRY .* BSrs. Sarah BQUer Perry (BedSumlay, Feb. 20, to Washington, D.C. She was bora to DavieCounty to the late William andMaggie Booe MUler. 'The funeral was hdd Wednesday at 2 pjn. at Baton's Ftneral Chapd. The ReverendLdand Rlidiardsan, pastor ofthe First Presbyterian Church offldated. Burial was on theffmfly plot at Rose Cemetery. Survivors are: Huaband, Oliver H. Perry of Washington, D.C.; and four dslers, Mrs. Ctfl SherrlU of Mt. UUa; Mrs.^bert Birdsdl and Mrs. PriceSherUl of MooteavlUe, and BUaaVfilUe Miner of MbckavMe. Bio - Obituaries - 2/24/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 2. I9l2 - 7 CHARLIE B. JAMES Charlie B. James, 74, of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4, died Ihur- sday. February 24h, at Davie Cbunty Hospital. Ilie funeral was held Saturday at Turrentlne Baptist Church. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mr. James was bom in Anson County to Enos and Rebecca Ellis James. He was a member of Turratlne Baptist Churdi and was a retired merchant. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Gertrude Butler James; two daughters, Mrs. J. P. Gi^ory of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4, and Iw. lYoy McDanid of Mocksvllle, Rt. a; and three brothers, Prank Carl and E. R. James of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4. JACK KEMP, 64 Jack Dailey Kemp, 64, of Peachland, N. C., brother of Dr. Ramey F. Kemp of Mocksvllle, died Friday midnight, February 25, at his home. Mr. Kemp was born in &>encer, N. C. to the late W. T. and Etta £>alley Kemp. He was educated In Point, N. C. and at Georgia Tech. He was an engineer for. the N. C. High way D^artment. Surviving are his wife, Georgia Fau]lmB> Kemp: a daughter, Kitty; a son, Deuey; sisters, Mrs. Lillian Home, Bertha McLeod, Mrs. Mary Gordon and Mrs. Edith Shoaf of High Point; and Mlaa , Wllma Kemp of Phoenix, Arizona; brothers, Thurman and Ed Kemp of Hlfdi Point; and Dr. Kemp of h^ksvUle. Funeral services were hdd at j - 3 p. m. Sunday, February 27, at ^'.Peachland Baptist Church. MRS.JOHNCRBWS ' Funeral services for Mrs. , .Desaie Staten Crews, 65, of Advance, Route l, were held I Sunday, February 27, at 2 p. m. ' at PIney Grove United r. Methodist Churdi. Burial was In Evergreen Cemetery In Wnston-Salem. ' Mrs. Ck-ewB, wife of John CkewB, died Tuesday, February 22, at Forsyth Memorial Hoqiital In Wlnston-Salero. Mrs. Crews was bom in Catawba County and was a member of Bptiesus Seventh Day Adventist Church In Wnston-Salem. Surviving are her husband; a son, A^vln Nesbitt of East Palo Alto, Calif.; and a bi^er, Diomas Hanfy of East Palo Alto, Calif. CHARLES R.RINNIX, 65 Charles Renud PinnJx, 55, of B^ksville, Rt. 6, died Saturday a^avle County Hospital. uhe funeral-was bcfd Monday ai Mountain Grove United l^lho^sl Church. Burial was ia;Uie Asbury United Methodist Church cemetery. Mr. Piimlx was bom in Henry County, lod., to Ervin and Elvira Sparks Plnnlx. He was a ' member of Mountain Grove United Methodist Church and was a retired farmer. Surviving are a dau^ler, Mrs. Viola Rachels of Hamp- tonviUe; and a son, Harley Plnnix of Mocksvttie, Rt. 5. PAUL WAYNE CBATHN | COOLEEMEE — Paul Wayne' Chattln, nlne-week-old son o(' Ronald and Cynthia Jordan Ctiatiin of Cooleemee, died yesterday at home. A graveside ler^ce mil be at U a.m. today at Legion Memorial Park. Surviving are his parents; his; grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jordan of Cooleemee and Mr. and Mrs. Robert ChatUn of High Point. The twdy is at Eaton's. Funeral Home In Mocksville. JESSBL. JORDAN,45 Jesse Lee (Jake) Jordan, 45, of (Tooleemee died Sunday morning at his home. The funeral was held Tuesday at First ' Baptist Church In Cooleemee. Burial was in Legion Memorial Park. Mr. Jordan was bom in Davie County to Arlie and Mattle Mae Smoot Jordan. He was a membier of the First Baptist Church and was an employe of the Veterans AdmiDlstration IRispltal at Sailsbury. SurvlvlM are his wife, Mrs. Etbele<m Pharis Jordan; two daughters, Mrs. Jan Coleman of Coc^mee and Miss Susan Jordan of the home; his mother of Cooieemee; three sisters, Mrs.Lee Olih Shepherd of. Oooleembe, Mrs. Norman Kuhn of Ardsley, N. Y., and Mrs. W. A. Etiis, Jr.of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4; end a brother, Bob Jordan of Cooleemee. Bio - Obituaries - 3/2/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA OAVIB C01 BNTgffRISB MPQMk Funeral servlcee for Lawrence Brown fiormerly of Oavie Coonty, wfao (fled recenfly in NewYorit, were hdd at Clark S. Brown and Sims Cbapd In Wiwton- Salon. Burial was In Cedar Qreekcfaurdi eemetery. Ur. Brown was a temer memba Cedar Oredc Bi^tist amrcfa. <S8 daVIR cntlMTY ENTBRgtUSB RECORD. TtfUBSmV. MARCH 9. 1972 iJUiSa WILLIAM A. WILLIAMS Wrniam Anderson WiUlama. 68, of MocksvlUe, Rt. 7, died Wednesday night at Davle Qtuttiy Hoqiital. BIr. WQllams was bom in Davle County to Albert R. and Maiy Jane Call WUUatna. He was a member of Eilgewood Baj^' Ghurefa and was a retired textile worker and farmer. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Brownie Powril l^aros; two datuhters, Mrs. James Greme of Cooleonee end MTs. Donald Beam of Mocksville, Rt. 7; four sons, M. M. wniiam Baxter Williams of Korea, Wayne A. Williams of Cooleemee, S. Sgt. Kenneth G. WQllams of Fm Welters, Tex., and $gt. Rogtf IMle WQllams of the Air Force at Seannour Johnson Air Fbree Base In Giddsboro; and a sister, Mrs. Clyde Rldenhour of BfodcsviUe, 4. JOHN C. TRIVETTB John C. Trivette, 85, of Harmony, Rt. l, died March 1st at Lula Onurad Ifoots Memorial I^ltal in Yadktaville. iba funeral was held Thur sday at DUlon Gbi^ United MStbodlst Church. Burial was to tte dunrcfa cmnetery. Mr. Trivette was bom In Davie County to PInkey and Lotdaa Jotbinn Trivette. He was a member of Harmony (Hove Friends Church and was a retired farmer. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Stanley Bfefiwen of BfOeksviUe, Rt. 6, and BIrs. Bbba Rich and Bfrs. Vera (hunpbcH of Haimonyi and three sons, Guy Trivette of Mocksvllle, Rt. 6, Wade THv^ of WInston'Salem and baac Trivette of YadUnville. Bio - Obituaries — 3/9/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA - HAVIF roiINTY ENTEWftJSB RECW. TtiVaSPAV^ MARCH 9. 1972 JOHN ELLIS SMITH, 68 John EUIb Smith, Jr.. 59, of 622 Mbu{^ A^ue, SalUbury, died February 29th at l:35pjn. after an iUoess of alx months. He was a native of Davle County. Mr. Smith was widely known as "Big Jes" and his verse, both humorous and thoughtful, appeared regularly in the Salisbury Post under that nickname. He was form^y associated with Thomas and Howard Company, was the first manager of WSAT, Salisbury radio station, and at the time of hla dealh bed been a salesman for Whitfleld'Alago Company fo^l6 years. Funeral aervlces were held Ihursday at the St. John's Lutheran Church In Salisbury. Mr. Smith is surWv^ by his second wife, Mrs. Julie Shlrw Smith; a son, John EUJs Smith ni of Salisbury; a dau^ter, Mrs. Ben T. Banks of Charleston, S. C.; hla mother, Mrs. Llille Fox Smith of Salisbury; two brothers. Dr. Raymcmd A. Smith of Green- sboro and Pelham B. Smith of Lancaster, S. C.; two sitters, Mrs. Noble W. Lee of Chicago and Miss Lillian Smith of Salisbury; two grandchlldrtti. His flrtt wife, Mildred Murrow fonllh, died In 1996. hlr. Smith was bom August 20,1912 In Cooleemee, (he son of Mrs. Ullle Fox Smith and (he laie John ^ia Smith. He was educated In the Davle County schools, Oak Rldae Military Academy and graduated from Duke university. He was a member of Johnny Long's orchestra at Duke and served as Us manager. A man who loved to eat well and heartily, he struggled, mostly uniuccessfuliy, against hii tendency toward fat. Ihls accounted for the "big" part of his nickname and the Jercame from his Initials. Mr. Smith traveled ex tensively for the Alabama pickle company and to paaa the long evaningi Ui mttel SM beta) rooms be d^afopad the hobby of writ log rhymed voae. Most of his pl^ were short and pithy but occasionally be would write longer verse. He frequently used his verse to comment on the day's hap penings and normally they were Rumorous and pbllsophlcal. But be could also use a pointed last line to puncture egoes. Mr. Smith was quite con cerned about the nature of life and religion and this facet of hie natureoflm surfaced in both his shorter and longer verses. His verses, printed In Ihe Post, became a popular feature and the comment, "Did you see Big Jes today?" was often heard. Like his verse, his con versation was sparkling and reflective at the same time, and Ue avUlty to tell an anecdote or a joke was unexcelled. Bio - Obituaries - 3/9/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 6B . DAVIB rnUMTV ENTEBgWSB RBCOWl. TtfUtiSPAV. MARCH 9, 1972 W.G. HARDING William (BUI) Harding. 47. of I Back Creek Chorch Road, Charlotte, Rt to. formerly of | Wlnalon-Salon, died at 0:15 a. m. BSardi 4, at Chariotteli Mercy Ho^tal. Mr. Hanfing formerly a Add rqpresentatlve fer the Social Seettrity Admlnlstrattoo. had beei In declining health for three years. Re had Uved In Charlotte 16 years. He was bom in Forayih county to Josmh R. and LUa SandefUr Harding and Uved here for more ttian 85 years. He attended adiools in Winston* Salem hnd also High Point college. He was a veteran of world War II, serving with the Marines. He was of Presbyterian falUi. He married Miss Edna Crawford, formerly of Cboleemee. Surviving are his wife of the home; his mother of 811 Bond Street, Wi08ton*8alem; two sons, Robert 0. and Donald L. Harding, both of the home; a daughter, Donna L. Harding of the home; three brothers, Jeny S. Harding of Clemmons, Jose]^ Robert Harding of Alexandria, Va., and Walter B. Harding of Birmingham, Ala.; three sisters, BDs. Beabrlce smith of 4114 Reich Street, Wlnston*Salem, Mrs. Ethel Lawter and Blrs. Ruth UlUe, both of Atocamhria. Funmal services wore hdd Monday, hiarch 6, at Back Creek Associate Reform Presbyterian Church. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Harding is Uie dau^ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Chiwford of Oooleemee. Bio - Obituaries - 3/9/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA >- V ^) r- \ 5 Mrst Canipbell ill- ^8iDead3t55- : ^pCKSIvi&i; - Mrsj i»-formerly of ^ f morning at t^v. .■;^6 was bom. in Da vie County> on May 13, l^. tb J. L. and ^ Elizabeth Gartnerr S^rette.,t Mrs. CampbfeU was a member F of the First Baptist Church atj "Gadsden. ,> I . ®"rviving are .^o daughters,Eobert—Safley ofMocksville " and ' Mrs. j:'-©". Lasseter of^-Gadsden, Ala.: a * ®°"'r P'^entice Campbell :ofj.MocksyiUe.' ' Ibe funerar will be conductedat 2 p.m. Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by ther! Eev. Charles Bullock and the mT'I ^ostin Hamilton. - Burial. will be in Rose Cemetery. • The family will be at thefuneral home from 7 to 9 p.m.Tuesday. - (2 1 -f- \j 3 jH I I 9 7 1_ t \ c5 1 DlAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVlLLEx NC ri s. o, o ;+- o o d2 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISB RECORD. THURSDAY. MARCH 16, 1972 - 7 JAMBS A. BOWLES, 71 James Atten Bowles, 77. of Route 7, MocksviUe, died MRS. DBLLA CABIPBBLL Funeral services for Mre. Ddphene Starette (DeUa) dmpbdl, es. were held at 8Ki. Wemesday, MirCb IS, at ton's Ft^ol Home Chapd conducted to the Rev. Ghanes Biullock and the Rev. Austin RsmQton. Burial was In Rose Otot^ery. * Mrs. Oampbdl, formerly of MocksvUte, died Monday morning at Gadsden. Alabama. She was the widow of W. Hake Campbdl and was bom in Davle County May IS, i88& daughter of the late J. L. and Sarah Elisabeth Gartner Marrette. She was a monber of First Baptist Churdi. Gadsden. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Rotrart Salley of Mocks^e and BArs. J. 0. Laasiter of Gadsden; and a son. Prentice Campbell of Moctctotlle. MRS. FRANKLIN WHITB Mrs. Ossle Tutterow White. 67, of MocksviUe, Rt. l, widow of FrankUn White, died Friday at Davie County Hospital. The funeral was had Sunday at Chestnut Grove United Methodist Churdi. Burial was In the churdi cemetery. Mrs. White was bom In Davle Cmmiy to Berry and Mary Summers Tutterow. She was a membo of Chestnut Grove united Methodist Churdi. Surviving are four daughters. Mrs. ^de Naylor of hbeksvttle, Rt. 6, Mrs. Martin Naylor of Mockai^e, Rt. 2, Mrs. Ethel Muddlmon of (hn> dnnati, Ohio, and Bfrs. Walter Bailey of demmons, Rt. l; two sons, James W. White of hfock8vlUe,Rt. a, and Joshua F. White of MocksviUe, Rt. 1; and a sister, BSrs. Mettle Stevenson of Winston-Salem. Bom July l. 18M in Davle County -to the late John Columbus and SaUy Burton Bowles, he was a retired textile employee of Brwln Textile Mills, Cooleemee, and a member of Jeridio Church of Christ. , Su^lvlng are his wife, Mrs. Fatle Seamen Bowles; two daughters, Mrs. Frank Coudi of Honolulu, Hawaii, and Mrs. Edwin Boger of Route 6, MocksviUe: two sons, James Avery Bovm ot KernersvOle. and Victor CoUlns Bowles of Route 7, Mocksvill^ six sisters. Mrs. Mary WiUie Bverhardt of Route 8, MocksviUe, Mrs. Pauline Carter of Winston* Salem, Mrs. Ruby Franks of Long Beach, Calif.. Mrs. Graee We^ of Alexandria, Va.; one brother, Howard Bowles ^ Wilmington: and six grand children. Funeral was held Monday at Baton's FunerSl Home Chapd with Lewis Savage officiating. Burial was In Jerlmo Church of Christ cemetery. THOMAS B. McDANlBL Funeral services for Thomas Edward McDanld, 76, of Ad vance, Route I, were hdd Sunday, March 18, at 3t30 p,m. at Mock's Methodist Church. Burial was In the church cemeSery. He dim Friday at Davie County HMpltal. Mr. McDanld was bora In Davle County to Lee and AngeUne Foster McDanld. He . was a member of Mode's United BSethodlst Church and was a retired farmer. Surviving are six daughters, Mrs. Moidle Parks ana Blrs. Kenneth Long of Wlnston- Saleiri, Rt. 4, Mrs. James Summers, Mrs. Roy Wall and Mrs. FaUle Sldden of MocksviUe and Blrs. John Frank Jarvls of Advance, Rt. l; three sisters, Blrs. Jaok LIvengood and Blrs. John Sheets of SaUsbum and Idrs. Bertha Howardoffoeneer; and three brothers, Charlie Mc- Dadd of Hhrmony, Alex Ble- Danid of Coradlus and Robmt BfcDanid of Lexhulon. He had 11 grandduldren and a great-granddtUdren. HENRY SKQAF Henry Monroe Shoaf, 41, of Burlit^ton, died Mon^ in Burllngtim Ho^tal. He is a native of Dayie County. Funeral services win be hdd at 8 p.m. Thursday In Jerusalon Baptist Churdi with the Rev. BQl Cain and the Rev. Hoyt Robinson officiating. Bunal will be In Rowan Memorial Park Cemetery. Tto bogy will lie In state one hour prior to the servtce. Survivors are: wife, Mrs. Bfarlon Cope Shoaf: one daughter Miss Malissa Shoaf of the home; two sons, Dana Shoaf and Randall Shoaf, both of the tiome; parents, BIr. and Mrs. Henry M. Shoaf Sr. of Route 4, MocksvUte and one brother, Medford Shoaf of Rt. 8 Advance. The body Is at Rich- Thompson Funeral Home In Burlington. MRS. KATIE CHAMBERLAIN Fhneral services fOr Mrs. Katie Luthdck Chamberiain, of WInston-Saiem, wife of ArUe N. (^mtmlaln, and formerly of Codeemee, were hdd at 8:80 pjn. Wednesday, Mordi IB, at Woodland Baptist Church, Wlnston-Salem. ShedledSunday,M[Brchl8,in a Wlnston-Sdem hospital. ^ Sitt^vors in addltfm to her husband indude: two sl^, Mrs. Ruth Bostian of SaUsbury and Mrs. Margaret Manus of Oredte Quarry: and a brother, Rldtard T. Ludwlek of Coneord. Bio - Obituaries - 3/16/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 6B - DAVIE COUNTY ENTBRPRISB RECORD. THURSDAY. MARCH 23. 1972 DEBORAH C. UNK Funeral aervtees for Defawah Carol Link, iT'month'Old daughter of William and Patricia Brtegle Unk of Route AMOcksville.werehdd Friday. Aiardi 17. at ll am. at Eaton'k F^eral Chapd. Burial waa In Uberty United Methodlat Church oemetory* She died Wednesday morning at Rowan Memorial HOairftal In Salisbury. Surviving are her parenta; a brothtt. Bwiam David Link of the home; and her grand; paroita. Vbt. and BIra. willard Brinde of Saliabury, Rt. 9 and Mr. and Mrs. WUIiam link of MbdnvOle. Rt. 4 CHARLIE S. FURCHES Funeral aervicea for Charlie S. (Buater) Furdtea, 85, of BAxkavUIe. Rt 3. were hdd Thuraday, March 16, at Eaton'a FWraral Chapel. Burial waa in Eaton's Baptist Church oemdery. He died Tuesday, March M. at Dorothea Dix Hospital in Ralei{^. Mr. Furdiea waa twm in Davte Gtaunty to William and Lou Howdl Furdiea. WILEY BEBDING Wiley Beedlng. 68, of Route 3, Blbckaviile, died Saturday morning at Baptist HOaidtal. Re waa bom in Davie County Ji^ 19. 1903. to the late Jdm and Uuy Smith Beeding. He waaa retired employee of the R. J. Remlda Tobacco Co., and a member of the Smith <kcm Cblted BtethaihBt Church. He la survived by hia wife, Jewdl Taylor Beeding; three aona, James R. Beeding of Rt. 8. Wttston«SaIem, Ridiard and William Beeding of Rt. 1. MbckaviUe; three alatera. Mrs. >nola Bowles of Rt. 8. MockavIUe, Mrs. Roy A. W^iama and Mrs. Ray Me- Clamrock of Rt. 6. BlockaviUe. Funeral services were hdd hldiday at 2 p. m. at Smith Grove United Methodist Churdi, with the Rev. Dwi^t Madibura oEBdating. Burial waa in the churdi cemetery. HARVEY H. POTTS Harv^ H. Potts. 65. of New Orleans, La., formerly of Bbckaville. died MCnday in New Orieana. ,, ThefUneral^pshddat4p..Wednesray at sSion^s Fitneral Chaim hoe. Burial waa In Fork Baptist Churdi , cemetery. '' Bfr. Potta waa bom in Davle County to Jim and BBnnie Hendiix Potts. ' Surviving are-hia wife. Mrs. 'Etbd Potts;' and three dsters. Mire. Iva Hartley of Cooteemee, Mrs. Botha Beck of Ylnton, Va.. and Mrs. Ba Darr of Lexii^tan, Rt. S. JOHN H. SPARKS Funeral services for John Henry Sparks, 63, of MoekaviUe, Route 2, were hdd Saturday, March 18, at 2 pm. at Macedonia Moravian Churdi. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. ^larks died Thursday, March 16, at his home. He was bom in Davie COUnty to Harrison F. and Eleanor Lee Sparks. He waa a membor of Macedonia Moravian Church and was a dairy farmer. Surviving are hia wife. Mrs. Loda Frances Ward ^rka; three daughtos. Mrs. Mdvin F. Beckner of Vgn8ton*Sa]em, Rt. 4, Mrs. Wade Gough of MocksvIUe, Rt. 2, and Mrs. WQburN. TOdd of Richmond. Va.; and two aons, Wilson W. ^arks of Winston-Salcm, Rt. 2, and John F. Sparks of Mocksvllle, Rt. 2. MRS. WILLIE HELLARD. 80 Funm>al aervicea for Mrs. Willie Foster ^lard, 80. of Oodeemee, wlO be hdd at 4 pm. today. March 23. at Eatons Funeral Chapel. Rev. Ray Pomell. Rev. Wade H. James and Rev. Ardis Pesoe will of* Rdate. Bt^al will in Bethd United Methodst conetery. She died at l:46pjn. Tuesday, March 21. at Davie County Hoapitid. Mrs. Hdtard was bom Oct. 30,1891, In Davie County to the late WQllam L. and Jennie Parker Foster. She was the widow of John B. Heliard who died in 1964 She was a mmnber of Cooieemee First Baptist Churdi. Survivors include: 2 daughters. Mrs. Pauline Pa^ett and Mrs. BUlie Murph, both of Woodeaf. Rt. 1; 1 son. Frederick Heliard of Cooieemee; 1 brother. J.L. Foster of Route 8; 11 grand children and 12 great grand* diUdren. Bio — Obituaries — 3/23/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA <0^ I r f>0 i On J. Uba Turner The funeral of John Uba Turner, 67, of Mocksville, a merchant, will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel at. Mocksville. Burial will be in Fork Baptist [Church cemetery. \ • Mr. Turner died Saturday at the Veterans Administration Hospital at Salisbury. He was the father of Mrs. Betty Ann Olive and John Uba Turner Jr. of Winston-Salem. i ^ ■« -Ay L ^V2-7/i?ri .. •, fV' OAViE CO. PUBLIC LIBRAWy mocksville, no J cr 'Sr?3-*S&i2 rangements. - V,®':--'Mr. -Cfemeiit. was-U'lM^/ tn laborer. ,7; ™ .r ® , are his wife] .Jfrr *i? T ^ssie -: Sandeis" ofMocksviUe;. and three 'brothers. Phlffw 1® Everett Clement otPhiladelplua, ^mi;; and Miller Clement of Mocksville. n jr- '■V"* 0 Wo ^ 3/ 2-?/ /97 2_ c\J I m o •b:. OJ ri r cr j) 0 I CT)Q/ cQ CL C/3 dg^ 1 W >< o 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1972 J.C.COLLBTTS " J. C. Collette, 67, of MocksviUe, died Saturday In Davie County hospital. Mr. Collette was the owner end operator of the CoUelte Motor Cwnpany of Mock^le. Services were held Monday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial followed in Baton's Baptist Oiurch Cemetery. Born October 3,1902, In Davie County, Mr. Collette was the son of the late Robert F. and Maymle Foot Collette. He was a m^ber of Eaton's Baptist Church. Survivors Include his widow, Mrs. Inamae Dlxon Collette; two dai^ters: Mrs. W. Grady Dunn and Mrs. Ellis T. Donaldson, both of Winston* Saiem; one son, Leonard Collette of Mocksvllle; (our sisters: Mrs. Jenny Boger, Mrs. Tossle Rummage and Mrs. Ina Hutchlns, all of Mocksvllle, and Mrs. L. R. Shelton of Wlnaton- Salem. JOHN UBA TURNER, 67 John Uba Turner, 67, of MockavUie, died Saturday at the VA Hospltai In Sallabury. Born in Yadkin County, an. 16, 1905, he was the son of (he lite Rev. B.W. and Minnie Williams Turner. He was a retired merchant and a veteran of World War II. Survivors Include one daughter, Mrs. Betty Ann Olive of Winston Salem; a son, John Uba Turner, Jr. of Winston Salem. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel, con ducted by the Rev. Charles Bullock. Burial was in Fork Baptiat Church cemetery. MRS. THBO H. HOWARD Funeral services for Mrs. Ada Cammella Howard. 73, of Mocksvllle, were held Friday, March 24, at 4 pjn. at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was In Smith Grove United MeUiodiat Church cemetery. Mrs. Howard died Wed nesday, March 22, at Davie County-Hospital. 9)6 was bom In Davie County to Samuel and Mary Cun ningham Alien. She was a member of the Church of God of Prophecy near MocksviUe. Surviving are her husband; and a dau^ter, Mrs. Malcomb Arnold of LewisvUle, Rt. l. I. D. HBNDRIX Funtfsl services for Isaac Dalton Hendrix, 7B, of Rt. 3, were hdd at 2 pjn. Saturday, March 23, at Elaton's Funeral Chapel conducted by the Rev. Norman Fry. Burial was In Fork Baptist Church cemetery. He died Ihuraday, March S3, at Lula Conrad Hoots Memorial Ifospltal In Yadklnvlile. Bom in Davie County Feb. 2B, 1694, he was a son of the late Charlie and Annie McDanid Hendrix. He was a member of Fork Baptist Church. Survlv(^8 include his wife, Mrs. Annie Brown Hendrix; one daughter, Mrs. Nadlne Norman of Rt. 2, Advance: two sons, Homer and David Hendrix of MocksviUe; five step daughters, Mrs. Berllne Sells of Kerneraville, Mrs. Lula Hedgecock of Winston-Salem, Mrs. Lois Couklln of Flint, Mich.. Mrs. Refine Hunt of Flint, Mich.. Mrs. Kathy Alfred of High Point; two half-sisters, Mrs. Vero Lee of Hl^ Point and Mrs. Da Mae KJser of Texas; two half-brothers, George Hendrix of Wlnston-Salem and Vestal Hendrix of High Point; twelve grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. J. BUREN ALLEN, 70 J. Buren Allen, 70, retired Textile worker of Route l, Cleveland, passed away at Davis Hospltai, Stalesvllle at I 8jn. htonaay, March 27, Survivors are: his wife, Mrs. May Beck Allen; six sons. S. B. Allen of Route l, MocksviUe, H. S. Allen bf Route 1. Cicveland, J. Hoy Allen of Route 7. Mocksvllle, John Paul Allen. Route 1, OUn, Billy Gray Alien. Route 1, Clevdand and Ted Michael Allen of Route 1, Woodleaf; two daughters, Mrs. A. W. Safriel of Gary, and Mrs. Roy Cranford of Route 1, Woodleaf; three brothers, Warner Allen, Route B, Sallabury, Vaden Allen, Mocksvllle, and James H. Allen of Route 4, Salisbury; one sister, Mrs. Mary Denlon, Route 1, Woodleaf: twenty four granddilldren and one great grandchild. Funeral aarvlces were held Tuesday at 3 p.m. In Oak Grove Primitive Baptist Church In Davidson County. Burial was In Rowan Memorial Park in SalisburyBurch Funeral Home Ln StatesvUle was in charge. MRS. EFFIE GQGGINS Funeral services for Mrs. Effle Bouseman Gogglns, B7, of MocksviUe, Route. 3. were held Saturday March 23 at 2 p.m. at Smith Grove AME SUon Church. Rev. Ashby Champagne of ficiated. fiurlat was In the diurch cemetery. She died Wednesday, March 22, at Davie County Hospital. Mrs. Gogglhs was bom in Hard^, Virginia and had lived in MocksvUle 32 years. She was a member of Smith Grove AME aon Church. Surviving is a son, Lee Gogglns, of Ihe home. Bio - Obituaries - 3/30/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MR& HATTffi C. HICKS * "MOCKSVILiLE — Mrs TTflfftA focS":- died S;sf Pe^ylv^a {Mo^son-aodeVrat cTapef I Will be in the Clement cZ^. , Co?ntv 7i^ hi Davieaemlnt. ,■ Nel^SV'viving are fwo brothersfSrPre?'?,®"' of PiSSr^i« . ^ 'Of Denverwl?" ®0'^^fwo-,half,.ba>thers&f°d Geohe ae.^^r^, Cv ^ I,—hO) ^ (_ ?Y2y n 7 -2^ CnJ r^- I en >•• ir 2 DO -f ? * O , : O C.' Uj a TWIN CITY SENTINEL, 4/3/1972 •' jS^'. • •*' 'f n •' ""• ^ i w. ^SOCKSVIlJMS^lMward Lee Sirs. Bya Foster o£ Uocb^nlle,;:McClamrock, W^^N, and Mrs. Zetoa . Street, Mocksvflte-^d at 9:08 M". " p.in, 'Sunday at DavlaJ-County MocksviHe, Ht.^ •■j*'. The ftmeral wm lie ^ttcti^ :f'. Mr. McClamrocfc ^'born ia at- 4 P:*®-. SSPfi *tDavie County to the?late Dewltt Funeral ChapeL Burial ^ hefSd .^jSSS ' EtichsOn Ma-, in Smith Grove 'Unitedteclamrock?uHa was a member Methodist Owch 't'bi :fli&2E*MoeksvIlle 'Masonic. Bie Rev. J. TP. Weekly- will.[•Xods^>»- ' officiate. „ITT^^vHe ' is'^wrvived by hia wife, ■ The fe mily ^ J•saiUe Sl 'McClamrock;. and four funeral home from 7 to 9 p.nr."sUters'Mrsi Alburn'GehtryjEBd today. I'tJi. ■ '' ^ C'Vs -1^1-w£. ^/3/ If7"^ Bio - Obituaries -4/3/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 4/5/1972 EDWABD t..UcCtAMROCK' •■v •: • •• ••• » • •MOGSSVnXC » EdwaidMcClaii)xo(^78, of North SfafnStreet died Sooday * atDavio County HospitaLl '-The! fhnerar will to at 4 p.m. todayat Eatim's * Fuuera^ ChapdL'I Burial wUh .Masonic rites willbe in Smith;'.Grove.. TJhited' Mediodlst'<Chtir(m cemeteryr Mr. McCtaixTOctc was bom In•Davie Cpun^ to Bewitt -and Louise- Etichs'on.; .McClamrocfc.I He was a-* member^ ol 'tiieI Mocksviile Masonic Lodge.'! Surviving are W wife, BIrs.; Saliie' S. Mcdamzock;, aim' fPur'sisters. Mrs^^biitn Gentry, and;;Mrs. Eva E%(ter. Mdcmlvilieand Mrs*. Zdm W^wardrandTMrs. Berhiccv djakey' -of^chsviUe, Rt, 2. Bio - Obituaries —4/5/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIH COUNTY BNTBItPIUSE RBCORD, THURSDAY* ARRIL 6. 1972 > S MRS.ARTBLIATHOMAS*98 Ifirt. AHcUa H.Thomss, 78, of 1808 llaebtae Street wed Satfirdasrit ItamtilHeeptei. ^ She wee e native of DavleCbui^ and had lived ia Win* iteB<8idflm t» 88 yean. She eras a monber of Ptney Grove United Methodist Church of Advance, whore she served on the Usher Board and in the Sunday School and was a membtf of the Wonioi's Society of Christian Service. There are no tromediate survivors. KIMBROUOH A. SMITH, 68 KImbrouSh A. Smith, 68, died Friday at John Hopkins Hoflpltal, Baltimore. He was bom In Davle County, August 18, leie, to Dtdte and (Hnle GranflU Smith. He Is survived by his wife, Dorothy Sordelet Smith of Belthnore: two daughten, Mn. Douglasa Howdl, and Mrs. Johnny Boger of ModoviUe; three sistmrs. Bin. Aude Maye Winiams, Valdese, BIrs. Em &nlth, Rt. 1, Lexington, and Mn. Frank Barbee, Rt. l, Woodleaf; one brother, Robort Smltti, Rt 1, Advance. Funeral swtces were held Mtmday at Eatona Funeral Cbapd, with Rev. Bella Staidey. Burial was in Center Memorial Cemetery. FRSDT. ROBERTSON, 41 Fred Thompson (Shorto) RiAertson, 41, of MocksvUle, Rt. 8, died Ihun^ at N. C. Blemwial Hospital in Chapel mil of Injuries he recdved in an acddent on March Stth. The funeral was hdd Sunday at Eatm's Funeral Chapctf. Burial was In Didln United Mietbodlst Church cemetery. 'Mr. Robertson was bom m Davle County to Early Taft and Nancy WUIIams Robertson. Re was a member of ftnlth Grove Udtad Mediodlst Cburdi and was an emidnme of Oomatser Cdnatructlon Company. "iSurvlvIng are tua wife, Mrs. Avandlo McDanid Robertson: a; daughter. Miss Ginger Robertson of flte bome; Ms mrents of BlOdaviUe, Rt. 3; four sisters, Mrs. James Rbndrlx and Mrs. James Gregory of ModoviUe, Rt. 8, Bhn. Joe Hail of Oemmons and Bbi. Ann NOwsoroe of Boston, Bfasi.: and a Imtfaer, Ted J. ItirtiertBQn'of Bfodnvflle, Rt. 8. ; ALLEN A. SHEETS funeral servioea for ABen AToxander Sheets, 71, of Fleetwood, father of Lenny Sheets of. Mocksvilte, Rt 6, were hdd Sunday, Mardi 26, at River View Primitive Baptist Church. Burial was in the Gdloway famUy cemetery. Be died Friday, Slardi 84, at Us bome In Fleetwood. BIT. Sheeta was bora bi Aahe Copnty to Jacob and Alpha BoUdt Sheets. He waa a edsed constnictlon worker and was a member of River View Pirimilive Baptist Church. Burvivtng are Us wife, BSrs. Da Soutii Sheets; a dat^er,' M^ Bty St John dFleetwood: two siHis, Lenny Sheets ci ModnvUle, Rt. 6, and Benny Sheets of ttie home; two sistera, Mrs. H. B. BlOIer 'of Fledwood and Mrs. Oscar McNdU of Martop, Va.; and a brother, Wley Sheets of Fleetvrood. OLUECLEBIBNT •Funerd services for OlUe T. Clement, 64, were hdd Sunday, April 8, at 4 p.m. at SI. John'U ZIon Church. Rev. EVeemtn Germany, offidated. Burial was In the church cemetery. * Be died Tuesday, March 28, in Davle Cottdy Hospital after a diort lUness. .Be was a member of St. John*a AME Zion Church where be was duirman of the Steward Board. He was tecrdaiy of the Davle County Educational UQlon. He was first married to Cora Qdffin who proceeded him In death U 1947. To this udmi •even cbUdren were born, cf wtmn four survive. In 1960 he rnarried Annie Mae Jamea. Surviving are hla wife, of the hnne: two daughtera, Mrs. M^ Lee Scott and Aira. Ndlle Barker of MbckiviUe: two sons inUle and Cecil Oemcnt of ModuviHe; two sisters, Mrs. Irene Halrston and Mrs. Elosde Sanders of MocksvUle; three brothers, Wilson and Everett Clement of PhUadelphla and Miller dement of BfoekavUle; and thirteen grandchUdren. MRS. HATTIB HICKS Bbs. HatUe Clement Hldn of PUUburg, Pa., a former rtatdcntM Davle County died in PUiiburg lad Bfonday after a Hu^lttneii. pinerd service was hdd last Eridayatip. ro. In the Chapel of Morrlion<6tudevsnt Funeral Homeln MockaviUe. Rev. F. D. Johnson, Jr. omclited, and burial foUowod In the Clement Family Oometery. Sttrvlvera inelude two bntfaeri. Junior Clement of pfttiburg, Pa., FredCtemciit of Ospver, Colorado; two half brethera, WttUam and Gew dmncntof Route I, Bfocksvttle, N.C. Bio - Obituaries -4/6/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA BNTBRPRISE record, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1972 •> 5 BL. MeCItmrodt Funenl tervlees (or Bdwird Lee McClamroek, 78, were eondttcted it 4 pja. Itiesdey. 4, at Baton'a Funeral^pel. Rev. J.F. Wedcley efila^ated. Burial waa In toltti Grove United Hribodlst Church ceroetery. He died at 9:08 p.m. Sunday, April a, at Davie County BonltaL w. StetSamroek was bom In Oavie County to the late Dewtlt and Leutse Btlchun Me< OamrodL He was a member of die Modtm^e Masonic Lodge. He is survived by his wife, Sallte S. MeClamro^ and four ristera, Mrs. ArbumOttitry and Mrs. Bva Foster of Mock^e. and Mrs. Zelma Woodward and Ito. Bemlce Lakey of Mocfcsrine, Route a. MRS. WILLIAM A. BRINDLB Mrs. Estella Comellua Brindle,7&of MocksvlIle,Rt. 4, wife of Wullam Alex BHndle, died Monday morning at Rowan Memonal Hospital at Sslisbuiy. The funeral was l^d Wedneadsy at Advance United Methodist Church. Burial was In die churdi cemetery. Mrs. Brlndle was bora tn Cabarrus County to Alex and Edith Over cash Redding. She was a retired textiie worker. Surviving are hor husband; two daumters. Mrs. Bessie Seamon <» SsUsbury, Rt a, and Mrs. Bet^ Hlrsch of Baltimore, Md.: a son, Ralph Brindle of MocksvUle, Rt 4; four slstors, Mrs. Bertha Moore and Mrs. Bfaiy Reavis of Kannaprdls, Sirs. Pearl Jenkins of Landls and Mrs. Robert Shue of Con* cord. Bio - Obituaries -4/6/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UAVIb tUUNI* fcNItRFRISE RbCORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 13. 1972 - 11 HRS.G.H.REAV1S Mrs. Pernle Comer Reavts, 78, of HoeksvUle, Rt. S, wife of G. H. Reavis, died FHday at Lyim Havra Kursing Rome. The ftineral was held Monday at South Oak Ridge Baptist Churdi at YadUnvnle, Rt. 3. Burial was in the church Mrs. Reavis vraa bom in Yadkln Cnmty to John W. and Louise Reavis Comer. She was a membo* of South Oak Ridge Baptist Church. amdving are her husband; three daughtos, Mrs. Edna Reavis of MocksviUe, Rt. 8, Bin. Agnes Hutcfaena of Reeds Orossroads and -Bin. Jo Ann Sterling of Winston-Salem; five sons, Howell Reavis of YadkinviUe, Rt. 3, JaokD. and Rdlllp Reavis of BfocksviUe, !Rt. S, George Reavis of Old Town, ai^ Kdly Reavis of Lewisvllle; and three siatera, B^ Pearl Cash of fifodcsvQle, Rt. 5, and Mn. Nancv Casey and BIra. Lena WUlIama of Wtnstoi-Salexn. DANNY C. BARE Danny Clifford Bare, 20, of Bfoeksville, Rt. 3, died Sunday morning at FOnyth Memorial Hospital in WinstoU'Salem of a gi^ot wound he received earlier. Dr. George Podgomy, a Porayth County medical examiner, ruled the death a aidcide. Ife said Bare was shot In the head with a .22 caliber The Ameral was hdd Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Oiapd. Burial was In Fidton United MeBiodlat Church cemetery. He was bom In Forsyth County to Hardy and Louise Lewis Bare. He was p member of the First Baptist Churdi and was an employee of Dixie Fhralture Co. at Lexington. Surviving are'his wife. Bin. Vickie Lou Bailey Bare; a daughter, Tammy Lou Bare of the home; two sisters, Mn. Anita Bncfc and Bin. Beta Whitesidn of Mocka^e, Rt. 2; and hia gnndmother, Mn. Ada Donaldson of Wh^ston^lem, BfRd. RALPH PADGETT Mn. Pauline HeUard P^ett, 62, of Woodleaf, Rt. l. wife of Ralph Padgett, died Sunday, AprO 8, at Fonyth Memorial Hoapltal in Wnston She was boralnDavIe County on Blay' M, 1919, to John and WiUte Foster Hdlord. Surviving are her husband; three danghten, Misaea Beverly and Carol Anne Padgett of the home and Mn. Bonnie Dowdl of Salisbury, Rt. 2; two sons, Dennis and Barry Dale Padgett of Woodleaf, Rt. 1; a slater, Mn. Billy Mur^ of Woodleaf. RL 1 and a toelher, Fired Hdiard of Cooleemee. The funeral was conducted at 4 pjn. Tuesday at Eaton's Fu^al Chapd at ModovUe by t*ie Rev. Wade James. Burial waa In- Needmon Baptist Clnirdi cemetery at Needmore. WnjJAMP.ELUS I wrniam P. Ellis. 72. of 2098 , Thurmond Street died FVlday at "Baptist Kospitfd to Winston- Salem. , Mr. Palis was.bom to Dayle County and waa a retired •dudffeur. ' Surviving are a daughter, -Bin. Etixabeth Eaiia Hood of ^2718 Glmin Avenue; four sons. Eugene and Robert Ellis of 1 Wlnston'Salan, Cornell Etlia of ;Norwalk, Conn., and Willie 'Rayford EUis of Los Angeles; ,four sistmra. Bin. Clara E. ' Dougtoa the Piney Grove 1 community, Bin. Roxie EUla . Avery of Durham, Bin. Bertie *B. Flaher of Pleasantville, N. and Mn. Odessa E. An- daraon of Advance; and four I-hrathers, the Rev. Gdden Ellla : of 3335 New Walkertown Road, • W^e and Dave Ellia of Win- ' stoO'Salem and CoUette Ellla of ^Adyancd, > CLYDEH. BARBER JR. r Caiyde Mdvin Barber Jr.,*. tofantaonofClydeM.andPatay York Barber of S3 Cmter Street, ^Cooleemee, died at birth last . Thursday at Lrcddl Memorial * Honltal at StateaviUe. - The funaral was held Friday Tat the Qniidi of the Good HSbqdierd. Burial was in Christ ..fotooopal Churdi cemetery at ^Ctoveland. » Survlvliv are Ub paroitsi' rtimbrotben, Blorlon and Cary ..of .the home; and hla BIr. and^Mn. iTwfc of Lraington, Rt J3, . '.send BIr. and Bin. Elinei'Barber ! of cooleemee. Bio - Obituaries -4/13/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA I OB D A VII I lJUNTY l:N |l:RI'RISIi RliCOKU. THURSDAY, APRIL 20. 1972 MRS. T.S. GREGORY Mrs. Eva Smith Gregory, n. of Advance, Rt. l, wife of Thomas Sain Gregory, died at 1:48 a. m. Flrid^ at Davle Cbunly Rmvital. Mie was bom in Davle Ooui^ on August 1, 1883. to George w. and Maiy James Smith. Surviving ere her hudMUid; a daughter, Mrs. Katherine Kanea of Advance, RL I; a son, CarlS. Gregory of Ciemmons; a grandson; a sister, Mrs. Fay Boyles of ModcavUle and two brothers, Bryan Smith of Ad* vancc, Rt. 1, and Russeil Smith of Mo^vUle. Funeral service vten held Sunday at the Bethlehem United Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemet^. ROYS. BROWN Roy &^eer Brown, S8, of Freehold, N. J., formerly of Greensboro, died Wednesday at Freehold hospital. Bora in Forsyth County on May 6,1916, he was the son of the iate UUington and Margaret Shaver Brown. Surviving are two sister, Mrs. V. L. Newman and Mrs. 0. T. Morgan, both of Greensboro. Funeral services were hdd Sunday at the Unity Presbyterian Church in Woodiraf. Burial was in the dturch cemetery. ldRS.JABlBSSIZEMORE Mrs. Julia Ann Siiemore, 34, of MochsvlUe, RL 7, wife of James Sixemore, died Monday at Davle County Hospital. The funeral was held Wed nesday at Baton's Chapel. Burial was In Hardison Uiuted Methodist Churdi cemetoy. Mrs. SIzemore was bora In Ireden Oounty to Ivey Lee and Lizzie Turner Peacock. Surviving are hor husband; a daughter, Jud^ SIzemore of the home; a son, Michael SUemore of the hmne; her mother of MocksvOle, RL 7; two sisters, Mrs. Katherine Frye of MocksvOle, RL 7, and Mrs. Sue Cunningham of Tarboro; and Rve brothers, Herman and Ronald Peacodt of Mbchsvllle, Rt. 7, Kenneth Peacock of Mocksvllle, Rt. 6, Harold Peacock M JonesvOie and Gary Peacock of MocksvOle. MRS. JOHN FULGHUM Mrs. BUiel Fulghum of the N. C. Baptist Home In Winston- Salero, widow of the Rev. John Fulghum, died Monday at the home. She and her husband were former residents of MocksvOle. kir. Fulghum was a pastor of the FfnR B^tlst Churdi. She was dean of women for 10 years at Mount Park Christian and Industrial School at EUdn. She was minister of education at First Baptist Church In Wlnston-Saiem for 10 years and had served as assistant to the pastor of Edgraiont Baptist Churdi in Durham. After her retirement she became a supervisor at the Baptist Home. Surviving are a foster son, Ray Mradows of Kinston: and a foster daughter, klra. R. F. Gardner of Kaonapolis. RAY SMITH Roy Kurfees Smith, 57, of 1005 East 80th Street. Winston Salran, a retired carpenter, died - Sunday at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. He was born In Davie County, Aug. 24, 1014 to Mrs. Sally B. Smith and the late Duke Smith. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Clara Myers Smith; one stepson, ^nnie L. Myers of Winston Saicm; his mother of Route 1, Advance; three sisters, Mrs. Frank Livengood of MocksvUIe, Mrs. Irene Hart- man end Miss Lillle May Smith, bothofRoute 1, Advance; three brotl^a Wliltom and Oscar both of Route 1, Advance and OdeU Smith of Route 2, Ad vance. Funeral services wore con ducted Tumday at 2 p.m. at Bethldiem United Methodist Church by the Rev. Paul Hart. Burial was in the church cemetery. HARVEY H. HOLMAN Harvey H. Hdman, 85, of Route 1, Mocksvllle, died Friday at Blowing Rock Hospital. Mr. Hobnan was bora in Davle County to Willie and Mary Rolman and was a retired carpentw. liiere wtfe no immediate survivors. Funeral services will be held Friday at 4:30 pjn. at Piney Grove ABIE Zlon Church In ir^dl County. Burial wlO be in the diurch cemetery.^ Bio - Obituaries -4/20/1972 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. TIWRSDAV, APRIL 27, 1972 DR. BENJAMIN HARDING Dr. Benjamin Hackett Harding, 65, of Elitin, died Mmday at Forayth Memorial Hospital. The Rmeral was held Tuesday at Ya(^vllle United Methodist Church. Burial with Masonic rites was in Yadkinvllle cemetery. Dr. Harding was born in Yadkin County to Thomas R. and Effle Keily Harding. Ife was a graihiate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Virginia Medical College. He practiced medicine at Brodis Ckossroads before entering the military service, and had been in Elkin since he left the service. He was a memba* of YadklnviUe United M^hodist Church and was a member of Yadkinvllle Masonic Lodge No. 162. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Blanche Bare Harding; a daughter, Miss Ann Hardmg of MocKsviUe, Rt. 5; a son, Ben jamin Hackett Harding, Jr. of Mocksviile, Rt. S; three sisters, Miss Mary Harding of Yadkinvme, Mrs. EfRe Lee Robinson of MOcfcsville, Rt. S, and Mrs. Helen Bridges of Winston-Salem; and a brother, P. D. B. Harding of YadktnvlUe, TROY 8. LANNING Funeral services tar Troy S. Lannihg, 6^ of Sanford Avenue, were hdd PViday. April 21, at 2Eijn. at Eaton's FHu^al Chapel y the Rev. Tommy Toggle. Burial was in Dutchman's Creek Baptist Church cemetery. ' Mr. Lanning died Tuesday, April 18, at Rowan Memorial Hospital in Salisbury. Blr. Lanning was bom in Mitchdl County to Columbus C. and Margaret Grandstaff Lanning. He was a monber of Dutchman Creek Baptist Church and was a retired construction worker. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lola Mae Pittroan Laimlng; three daughters, BSrs. Clay SUner of Albuqueniue, N. M., and Mrs. Hubert Xiies and Mrs. Charlie Williams of Woddleaf, Rt 1; four sons, James E. Lanning of Virginia Beach, Va., Ttoy Lanning Jr. of Marion, Harold Lanning of Mocksviile and Robert Lee Lanning of NSbo; two sisters, Mrs. B^e Silvers and Mrs. John Mlvers of l^ruce Pine; and two brothers. Jack Lanning of Morganton and Remus Lanmng of Elkin; 2i grandchildren 2 great grandchildren.* Bio - Obituaries -4/27/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 - DAVII- COUNTY 1->ITI;RI'RISI- RI-CORD, THURSDAY. MAY 4. 1972 JAMES T. WHITB : James Taft While, 63, of - Gooteemee, died Wednesday, 26, at his home. The - fttneral was held at 2 pjn. ; Saturday at Oodeemee United n Methodi'4 Church. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park at ..Salisbury. . a ; Mr. White was bom in Oavle ' County to Thomas S. and Mary 1 White. He was a member of the (Meemee United Methodist . Churd) and was a retired'■iemidoyee of Erwin Mills.!• Surviving are his wife, Mrs. 'Ruth Shaver White; two' daughters, Mrs. Dwald Wau of'Ooore^ee and hlrs. Robert.'.Sddadensky of Birmingham.■' Ala.; and a brother, Thomast White Jr. of Panama aty, Fla.The family requests that any I' memorials be made to• Cooleemee United Methodist . Church. TROY S. LANNING ' Funeral services for Troy S. Laimlng, 69. of Sanford Avenue,> were held Friday, April 21, at 2 pjn. at Baton's FUneral Chapel the Rev. Tommy Thggle and.«%e Rev. Mr. Lee of Woodleaf.2 Burial was in Dutchman's^ Creek Baptist Church 'cemetery. ' Mr. Lanntng died Tuesday,'April 18, at Rowan Memorialt Hospital fai Salisbury.Mr. Lannii^ was bom in . Mitchell County to Columbus C. and Margaret Grandstaff Lannlng. He was a m«nbar ofDutchman Creek Baptist Church and was a reUied construction wwfco'.Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lola Mae Pittman Lanning;three daughtm, Mrs. ClayWhetstine of Aibuqueroue, N.M., and Mrs. Hubert Idles and Mrs. Charlie Williams of Woodleaf, Rt. l; four sons, James B. Lanning of VirginiaBeach, Va., TTov Lanning Jr. ofMarion, Harold Lanning of Mocksvflle and Robert LeeLanning of Ndra; two sisters, Mrs. B^e Silvers and Mrs. John Silvm-s of Spruce Pine;and two brothers, Jadt Lanning of Morganton and Remus Lanning of EUdn; 21 grand* children and 2 gr^t grand* children. ROBERTS. ATKINSON Robert S. Atkinson. 77, ofTampa, Florida, a former Davie County resident, diedWedi»sday, 28, in Tampa. He was the son of the late Joto B. and Ada Douthit Atkinson. &irvivors Include his wife, two sons, Hany and Oiarles; 1data-, Mrs. Fl^ Bdm. Funeral services were hddSatur^y, April 29 in Tampa. \ EDWARD A. ALLISON Funeral services for Edward A. Ailtscn, 80, of Maritm, N. C.were hdd at McCalls FUneralhome Chapd at Old Fort,Sunday, Ai»il 30, at 2 pjn.Offidating were Rev. G<^ra J^nson ^ Rev. Carl Roland. Burial was in McDowellMemorial Park in Marion. He died Friday. A]vil 28, atMarion Ht^ltal. He is survived by his wife,Mrs. FUnrence Powdl Al^n;five sons, Charles Allison,Arthur Allison of Old Fort; Hermit Allison of Mocksville; Edward Allison of Pittsburgh, Pa; Donald Allison of Alken, S.C.; 1 daughter, Mrs. Rldiard Watts of Asheviile; five sistors, Mrs. Nora Setier. Mrs. EdLonon, Mrs. Geneva Ttsdale, allof Old Fat; Mrs. Jdm Bates^Mobile, Ala.; and Mrs. Uavie McKdtban of WhitesviUe, Ala.;K granddiildren and 15 greatgn^c^Udren. WALTER LEE HARGETT, JR. Walter Lee Hargett, Jr. of 354t Cdillion Avc., Charlotte,passed away April 26, in Charlotte Memorial Hsopital. He was bora Nov. it, I91S in High Point son of Mrs. MabdHoover Hargett and the late Walter Lee Hargett. Mr. Hargett was a gramiate of theUniversity of North Carolina at Chapd Hill vdiere be was a member of the Sigma Epsilon Fraternity. He was a Chartered Life Underwriter and Associated with the Pilot Life Insurance Cnnpany. He was a member of the Million Dollar Round Table. He was a member of the Sharon Uidted Methodist Church where he so^ed as a Church School Teacher, Coordinator of the Adult Division and a monber of the Council of Ministries and the Administrative Board. Funo-ai service was at 2 pjn. Thursday at the Harry and Bryant Chapd in the Oaks conducted by Rev. John L. McWhorter of the Sharon United Methodist Qnirch and Rev. Paul B. Cobb of St. Thomas Lutheran Church with graveside service 4:30 p.m. in the Floral Gardoi Memorial Park, High Point. He is sur vived by his wife the former Marie Johnson; his mother Mrs. MaUe Hoover Hargdt of High Point; 1 sister, hlrs. KnoxHarrington, Olivia, N.C.; I brother Richard Hargett of Washington, N.C.; 2 daughters, Dfiss Eliubeth Hargett and Miss Claire Hargett both ofWilmington, N.C.; 4 sons, Midiad Hargett of Wilmington,Stqiben Hargett and DavidHa^ett, both of Raleigh. N.C. and William of Califonua. Thefamily requests that Memorials be sent to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and the Sharon United Methodist Oiurch. Active Pallbearers : JJ. Scott, C. William Webb, David Drinkard, S. GradyHubbard, Reitzel Snida-,JohnG. ^mp, John G. McCachern,Jdm Ro^e, Dr. David A. Erwin. Ddbert lUraer, Sr. Bio - Obituaries -5/4/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 - DAVll: COUNTY l-NTI;RI>RISI: RI-.CORD. TIIUKSDAV. MAY 4. 1972 DR,E.L,MACKIE Dr. Ernest L.. Bladde, 79, brother of Miss Florence MacUe, a tomer Davie Cmmty resident, £ed last Tuesday at Ids Cba^ HiU home. He was professor emeritus and former dean of students at the thdversity of North Carolina. He bad beai in poor health for the last five years. He taught mathematics at UNO for e years after joining ids alma mater in 1921. Pntf. Madde obtained Ids doctorate attheUniveratyof C3dcagoand tau^ fm' a while at Qemson and Hanrard universities. Aftw joining the UNO facuity here, he was named to Phi K^l^'s executive committee. Over the years he sa*ved as rfoan of men and dean of students. In 1963 he recdved the Tanner Award for ex- cdience in teaddng. Surviving; his wife. Mrs. Romagna Mackie; a son. William E. Makcie of Blacksbur. Va.; a dau^iter. Mrs. Anne M. FitsgRibQn of Wllmii^tan: a brother,Thad H. Madtie of Newport News. Va.; two sisters, Mrs. Clay Perry and Miss Horence Madde d Guilford Cdiege; three grand* children. Bio - Obituaries -5/4/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA (W lURS. KOBERT W. COLLETTE i Mrs, Mattie St o'ne street CoUette, 87, of 814 Miller Street, widow of Robert Wesley CoUette .and mother of J. E. CoUette, i president of the Integon Corp., died yesterday, at the' N. C, Baptist Home for the Aging. The funeral wUl be at 2 p.m. 1 Friday at Voglers Main Street • Chauel. Burial wiU be in Eaton [Baptist Church v^emetery in jDavie County. . ' She was born'in Davie County; to John A. and Jane Penryt Stohestreet. She was a member of Ardmore Baptist Church and had taught school in Davie County. Surviving are .a daughter,^ Miss MataUne CoUette o i Winston-Salem; four sons, Roy W. CoUette of MocksviUe, Joe ID. CoUette, finance director for ; the city o f Winston>Salem, Eugene T. CoUette of Bal timore, Md., and J. E. CoUette of Winston-Salem; two sisters, Mrs. C. F. Robb of Woodleaf and Mrs. J. WUl Horn of Winston-Salem. - The family- requests- any memorials go to N. C. Baptist Home for the Aging o n Reynolds Park Road, . € g.u- s s o § ^ . ^ UJ > § </) -f- CO o ) a- Va 4 Cr oO Jr O ' R." "W"!, Cbllette The funeral of Mrs. Mattie I Stonestreet CoUette, 87, of 814 i Miller Street,- widow of Robert i Wesley CoUette and mother of ' J. Edudn CoUette, .-.president of i the Integon Corp., wiU be conducted at. 2 p.m. Friday at Voglers Main Street Chapel by I the Rev. Harold Shirley. Burial , will be in Eaton's Baptist : Churcb cemetery" in Davie County. The famUy wUI be at the : funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. ' today.' They requested . that: ] memorials be made to the N.C. • I Baptist Home for the Aging on' n Reynolds Park Road- . Mrs. CoUette died at 11:45 ; a.m. yesterday at the Baptist Home.. She had been in n declining health for six months and seriously iU 10 days. She was bom in Dayie County ' on Oct. 18, 1884 and spent her / . early life there. She had taught j in the pubUc schools of Davie County for a number of years. Mrs. CoUettp was a member of Ardmore Baptist .Church and ; Sunday School. She had been active in aU phases of church work. Surviving are a daughter, Miss' MataUne CoUette o f Winston-Salem; four sons, Roy W. CoUette of MocksviUe, Joe G. CoUette, finance director for the city of Winston - Salem, ^ Eugene T. CoUette of Bal- ^ timore, Md., and J. Edwin CoUette of Winston-Salem; two sisters, Mrs. C. F. Robb of c : Woodleaf and Mrs. J. WiU Horn ^ of Winston-Salem. . ~ ^-if I OAVIE CO. pueuc UBRARY^ MOCKSVIU-E. nc ^Cksv <o o cQ 8 - DAVll' COUNTY FNTliKPRlSU RECORD. THURSDAY, MAY II, Mn. R.W. Collette Funeral services for Mrs. Mattie Sloneslreet CoIleUe, 87, Of B!4 MiUer Street. Winston Salem, widow of Robwt Welsey Collette and mother of Roy Collette of Mocksvllle, was conducted at 2 p.m. Friday, May 5, at Voglers Main Street CSiapel In Winston Salem by the Rev. Harold Shirley. Burial was in Eaton's Baptist Church cemetery In Davie County. a.m. Wednesday, May 3, at the Baptist Home for the Aging. She had been in declining health for six months and seriously ill for 10 days. She was bom in Davie County «on Oct. IB, 1884 and spent her .yearly life there. She had taught • in the public sdiools of Davie I-County for a number of years. - Mrs. Collette was a member Tof Ardmore Baptist Church and ^Sunday School. She had been .'•active in all phases of church -CwM-k. I Surviving are a daughter, •Miss Mataline Collette of l^Winston Salem; four sons, Roy ^W. Collette of Mocksvllle, Joe ■G. Collette, finance director for *lhe city of Winston Salem, .'•Eugene T. Collette of Utaltimore, Md., and J. Edwin."Ccdlette of Winston Salem; two Asters, Mrs. C.F. Robb of^Woodleaf and Mrs. J. WUl Horn 'nf Winston Salem. 5 MRS. NELVA MICHAEL ' Funeral services for Mrs.^Ndva Vales Michael, 63. of 254kWest Sixth Street, Lexington,;were held Saturday, May 6, at• Davidson Funeral Chapel.! Burial was In the Lexington City5 Cemetery. • Mrs. Michael, widow of ^Winfred Michael, died Wed*•nesday. May 3, at Baptist ^Hospital In Winston-Salem. She'was born In Davidson County to•Charlie and Margaret Pope 'Yates.• Surviving are four daughters,^Mrs. Kenneth Carlton of^L«xlngton, Mrs. Boyd Burcham. of Lexington, Mrs. John Wyatl ;of Mocksviile, R|. 3, and Mrs.^Robert Sharpe of LInwood, Rt.'.1; four sons, Jimmy Michael of;the home, Wayne Michael of .Lexington, Robert D. Michael of[Lexington, Rt. l, and Charles{Michael of Lexington; two'Sisters, Mrs. Clifton iceman of '.Virginia and Mrs. ConradKoontz of Lexington; and six "brolhcrs, Sam and Howard ,Vates of Charlotte, Dave Vales -jof High Point, Charles Vales of ILexington, Woodrow Vetes of^Raleigh and Richard Yates ofMidway, Ohio; and 14 grand- ^children. MRS. CLYDE FOWLER - Mrs. Aileen Long Fowler of 714 Fourth Street, Spencer, wife of Clyde S. Fowler and sister-in- law of Frank Fowler of Mocksviile, died Thursday, May 4. at Rowan Memorial Hospital in Salisbury. Funeral services were held al 3 p. m. Saturday, May 6, at Summersett Funeral Chapel. Burial was In Chestnut Hill cemetery. She was Iwm in Rowan ; County to Aaron and Bessie Long. She was a member of the F^rsl Baptist Church. Survivors in addition to her husband are a sister. Miss Dorothy Long and a brother. Herman Long. Jt-i. ' (J Mri. Tutlle Grimes Mrs. TulUe Grimes, 77, ofCooleemee, died Wednesday morning at Rowan Memorial Hospital. She was bom in RowanCounty on Oct. 17, 1B94 to the late Vance and Harriet Webb MiUer.Mrs. Grimes was a postal clerk for 2S years and served as postmaster for eight years at Cooleemee. Survivors include a husband, Noah Grimes; two stepsons. Held Grimes of Salisbury and Noah Grimes Jr., of Broomall, Pa. Mrs. Grimes was a member of the Qiurcb of the Good^epherd where the funeral wasconducted Friday by the Rev. David McKlakUl. Burial will be In the Rowan Memorial Park,^llsbury. MRS. BELLE M. SAUNDERS Mrs. Belle Monday Saunders, 75, of Cooleemee died Friday atBaptist Hospital in Winston- Salem. The funeral was held Sunday at Liberty United MelhodUt Church. Burial was in the^urch cemetery. Mrs. Saunders was t)orn In Davie County to William and Mary Owens Monday.Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Reba Holt of Cooleemee; six sisters, Mrs. Lola Link and Mrs. Maud Powlas of Cooleemee, Mrs. Ruth Purr and Mrs. Nora Gentle of Kan-napdis, Mrs. Beulah Cope ofLexington, Rt. 2, and Mrs. Grace Brown of Winston Salem: and a brother, Sherrill Monday of Mocksvllle, Rt. 7. MRS. JUNIEM. COPE Mrs. Lila Carter Cope. 7S. of Mocksviile, Rt. 3, wife of Junle Mmroe Cope, died Monday al Lexington Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Cope was born In Davie County to John Wesley and Mary Thompson Carter. She was a member of Fork Baptist Church. Surviving are her husband; two daughters. Mrs. G. E- Turlington of Buies Creek and Mrs. Arvil Shoaf of Lexington; three sons, Samuel Junie Cope of Advance, CharUe Wallace Cope of Mocksviile and Monroe Mock Cope of Cooleemee; two Bsters, Mrs. Buster Carter of Mocksviile. Rt. 3. and Mrs. Henry Dickson of Salisbury; and two brothers. Hasten Carter of Mocksviile and Renan Carter of Winston-Salem. Bio - Obituaries -5/11/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA c\j s: I cri (/) 4^ 4^ J5. ij O 0 Z (A cC ' V w (T cC^ MRS. KATMOND HAIRSTON MOCKSVILLE — Mrs. Irene Hairston 73, of Mocksville, Rf. M, \K!ife of the Rev. Raymond D. [Hairston, died Thursday at I Baptist Hospital in Winston- Salem. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Monday at New Jerusalem Holiness Church. Burial will be in Liberty AME Zion Church cemetery. . Mrs. iSairston was born in • Davie County to William and ! Lula Miller Clement. She was a I member of New Jerusalem • Holiness Church. I Surviving* are her husband; • nine daughters, Mrs. Margaret 'Hairston of New York City, • Mrs. Bertha Austin, Mrs. Wilma L; Cuthrell, Mrs. Hazel Howell, Mrs. Lula Land and Mrs. Mary Hairston of Mocksville, Mrs. Frances Simmons of Cleveland, and Mrs. Flora Scot and Mrs. 'Helen Ivery of New York City; ;four sons, Albert Hairston of Caroapolia, Pa. Lawrence. Hairston of the home, W. C. Hairston of Lexington and Davie Hairston of Mocksville; a sister, Mrs. Flossie Saunders of Mocksville; and three brothers, Everette and Wilson Clement of Philadelphia, Pa., and Miller Clement of Mocksville.:' The body is at Noble and Kelsey Funeral Home a t SaUsbury. Ur-S (>7/lLy v.r'ht.t. 13 - /f7 V oi 00 o Si L.- •--■ —i GT! —! ? >Cs CO 0 ^8 g 1 I lOB DAVIK COUNTY HNTURPRISH RKCORD. THURSDAY. MAY 18, 1972 MRS. JOSEPH C. MASSEY Mrs. Minnie Massey, 76. of WUIlamqMirt, Pa., formerly of Davie County, widow of Joseph C. Massey. died Thursday, May 11th, at WQliarosport Hospital. Mrs. Massey was born In Alleghany County to Jdm and Sarw Taylor Supertin. Surviving are two daughters. Mis. James Pennell of Loioir and Mrs. Louise Cook of Mocksville, Rt. 7; two sons, John Mass^ of Omaha, Neb., and Joseph Massey Jr. of Williamsp^-, a sister, Mrs. Minnie Branseum of Btacksburg, Mo.; a brother, Grover Sup^Un of Ennis; and a half siker, Afrs. Effie McKinsey of Galax, Va. MRS. RAYMOND HAIRSTON Mrs. Irene Hairston, 73, of Mocksville, Rt. 4, wife of the Rev. Raymond D. Hairston, died Thursday, May iith, at Baptist Hospital in Winston- Salon. The funeral was held Monday at New Jerusalem Holiness Church. Burial was in Liberty AME Zion Church cemetery. Mrs. Hairston was bom in Dake County to wnUam and Lula Sfiller Clement. She was a member of New Jerusalem Itoliness Church. Surviving are her husband; nine daughters, Mrs. Margaret Hairston kf New York (Sty, Mrs. Bertha Austin, Mrs. Wilma L. Oithrell, Mrs. Hazel Howdl, Mrs. Lula Land and Mrs. Mary Hairston of Mocksville, Mrs. Frances Simmms of Cleveland, and Mrs. Flora Scot and Mrs. Helen Ivery of New York City; four sons, Albert Hairston of Caroapolia, Pa., Lawrence Hairston of the home, W. C. Hairston of Lexington, and Davle Hairston of Mocksville; a sister, Mrs. Flossie &iunders of Mocksville; and three brothers, Everette and Wilson Clement of Philadelphia, Pa., and Miller Clement of Mocksville. . MRS. BBRNICE B. BOWLES Mrs. Bernice Beck Bowles, 67, of 816 Hutton Stre^, for- meriy of Rowan County, died yesterday morning at Porsyth Memorial Hospital. The funeral was held Tuesday at St. Luke's United Church of Christ in Rowan Qmnty. Burial was in tiie church cemetery. Mrs. Bowles was bom in Rowan County to Biyon and Frances Holshouso' Beck. She was a member of Faith Baptist Church. For many years she and her husband operated a store at Smith Grove. Surviving is a sister, Mrs. T. 0. Lyerly of Rockwell. R. T. OSBORNE, 71 R. T. Osbome, 71, of Corinth, passed away Saturday, May 13th, in Lee County Hospital at Saidord. Funeral service was held Monday at 3 p.m. at Buck Horn Methodist Church at Corinth with burial In the (%urch cemeter)'. His nephews were pallbearers. A retired ralifoad master, Mr. Ostome is stxvived by his stop-mother, Mrs. Lee Ostiome of Sanford; two sisters, Mrs. Martin Palmer of Corinth and Mrs. J. S. Lilly of Raleigh; one brother, Harry A. Osborne of Mocksville and one half brother. James Osborne of Durham. Attending the funeral from here were Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Osborne of Lexington Avenue and thdr son and daughter-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Osborne Jr. of Winston-Salem. MRS. MARY BOGI-R Mrs. Mary Allen Boger, 82, formerly of 228 S. Broad Street, widow of L.P. Boger. died at 6:10 ajn. today at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. She was bom in Davie County on Jan. 4 1890, to R.F. and Louise Jones Alien. Sie spent her early life there. Sie bad lived in Winston Salem for 50 years and at the N.C. Baptist l^e for the Aging on Reynolds Park Road for the past two years. Mrs. Boger was a member of the First Baptist Churdi where Ae was active in the Sunday School and the Women's Cinistian Temperance Union as Itmg as her health permitted. She was employed at (he Anchor Co. for many years. Her husband died In 1943. Surviving are two brothers, Jdhn J. Alien of Mocksville and J.J. Allen of Mocksville and J.F. Allen of Farmlngton. The funeral will be conducted at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Voglers Main Street Chapel by Dr. Randall Ldlley and the Rev. William A. Poole. Burial will be in Forsyth Memorial Park. ROBERT RUCkHR Robert M. Rucker, 53, of East Spencer was killed and his son and daughter were injured Wednesday, May 1(1 Ina one car crash on U.S. 52 about two miles north of Lexington. State Highway Patrolman, Richard Si^on, said the car, which was dirven by the daughter. Miss Margaret Rucker, 17, ran off the road on a ^arp curve and struck at large cedar tree. SIgmon said that all three were taken to Lexington Memorial Hospital where Rucker was pronounced dead. Miss Rucker who suffered a broken leg, and her brother, Raymond, who had cuts and bruises were transforred later to Rowan Memorial Hospital. Sigmm said that a witness told him there was no excess speed involved. Mr. Rucker was bom in Cantm, Ga., to Bido and Leo Baker Rucker. He was a membor of Shady Grove Baptist Churdi and was an employe of Fiber Industries. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Essie Rudte': two dau^ters. Misses Margaret and Diane Rudcer of the home; three sons, Donald and Ronald Rucker of Salisbury and Raymond Rucker of the home; his mother of New York City; three sisters. Miss Cbmilla Rucker of Wnston- Salem, Miss Zemins Rucker and Mrs. Mary Young of Jamaica, N. Y., and five bothers, Artis and John R. Rudter of Hempstead, N. Y., Oaudell Rucker of Albany, N. Y. and James Rucker of Mocksville. Funeral s^vice was held Sunday, May 14, at i p.m. in Shady Grove Baptist Church in Bast Spencer. Ihe Reverend J. G. Gaston officiated. Burial was on Monday at 2 p.m. May 15, in the National Cemetery at Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries -5/18/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVII- COIINTY I NTMU'RISI RHmRD. THURSDAY, MAY 25. 1972 Rites Held For Duke Sheek - Page 1 Funeral services for Julia Marmaduke Sheek, known throughout the county as Duke, were held Wednesday afternoon at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Services were conducted by the Rev. Austin Hamilton, pastor of (be First United Methodist Church of Mocksvllle. Burial was in the family plot at the Smith Grove United Methodist Church. , She Is survived by three sisters, all of Mocksvllle: Mrs. W. 0. McClamrock. Mrs. Frances James, and Mrs. Clarence James. Duke was born in Davic County on November 6, 1902 to k' i I hike SliL^ek George and Camilla Kimbrough Sheek. In 1920, at the ago of 16, she began work at THE DAVIE RECORD where she set type by hand and did all the other )0M necessary to producing a weekly newspaper. She remained with (he Oavie Record until 1958 when it was purchased by THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE. At this lime the name was changed to the DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE- RECORD and Duke Joined that organization. She worked with (his organization until she became ill several months ago, posting a record of S2, years In the newspaper business. She was a collcclor of an tiques and other items, und was a familiar figure ul most of the auctlmt sales held lltrou^out the area. Her collection at her home on Wilkcsburu Street attracted visitors front far end wide who would stop by just to See it and attempt a purchase. However. Ouke would say; "I'm a collecior. ...not a licller!" Duke died around i a. m Monday morning at (he Davic County Hospital. She was taken to the hospital suffering from an apparent heart attack, and died while iieing wheeled to her room. (Editorial Paged-BI 4B - DAVIE COUNTY ENTRRPRISU RECORD. THURSDAY. MAY 25, 1972 SAM MURPHY Sam Murphy, 56, of 228 N. Main Street, Salisbury, died Saturday night at Rowan Memorial Hospital. The funeral was held Tuesday at Main Street United Methodist Church. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. Mr. Murphy was born in Davle County to W. 0. and Minnie Tutterow Murphy. He was a member of Main Street United Methodist Church and was a retired employee of the City Motor Co. He was the owner and operator of Sam's Grocery at East Spencer. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jennie Lee Palmer Murphy; a daughter, Mrs. Jeanette Trexler of Charlotte; a son, Sammy Lee Murphy of Greer, S. C.; three sisters, Mrs. W. H. Wooley and Mrs. Henry Hill of Salisbury and Mrs. John A. Phclps of Cooteemee; and two brothers, Ernest Murphy of Mocksville and Carl Murphy of Khoxville, Tenn. MRS. WILLIAM C. BULLA Mrs. Edna Denson Bulla, 68. of 1029 Hillcrest Drive, Eden, wife of the Rev. William Cary Bulia, died Thursday at Manor Care in Winston-Salem. The funeral was held Saturday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Liberty Wesleyan Church cemetery. Mrs. Bulls was born in Randolph County to Joseph and Aimedia Denson. She was a member of Trinity Wesleyan Church of Eden where her husband is pastor. Surviving are her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Darnel) Clcary of Mocksville, Rt. 1; three sons, William C. Bulla Jr. of Charlotte, David W. Buila of Statesvllle and Don R. Bulla of Hickory; two sisters, Mrs, Bertha Hicks of Romscur and Mrs. Frank Oldham of Greensboro; and two brothers, Charlie G. Denson of Fort Worth, Tex., and J. Alton Denson of Kurc Beach. Bio - Obituaries -5/25/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA rs) r- cr ri cr ^ vo ri (/> to J2 0 cO 0 I MRS. JOHN J. ALLEN I •- Mrs. MaudeI Groce AJlen, 80, of MocksviHe; Rt- 7, wife of John J. Allen Hn^n•f Count;Hospital. The funeral will be at at Eaton's wn? hi Chapel. BuriarnV ♦u j® X Hardison UnitedMethodist Church cemetery. was born in^adkin County to Newton andLaura Martin Groce. husband;lour daughters, Mrs. Louis Mr?" T • ?. Conestoga. Penn.,Mrs. Linda G, Adams of Lan-'^fster, Penn., Mrs. Fern Bryant,of Mocksville and Mrs. Frances! yil ®A?, California; two sons,,'John ^en Jr. of Columbia, S. u, and Bob Allen of Mocksville ■'«t. 7; a half sister, Mrs. Sadie!Ellis of Nebraska: and a ibrother, Frank Groce of' Winston-Salera. 'The body is at Eaton's'Funeral Home. i '=^ a Lx-pL-h Irx,!- as, DAVSE CO. PUBLIC L'BO&W MOCKSVILLE. NC c£) DAVIK COUNTY UNTHKPKISli RliCORD, THURSDAY, JUNE I, 1972 Page 1 Six-Year-Old Dies In Mishap Here A sIx-yeoT'Old girl was killed filonday afternoon In a trailer park when she drove into a trailer hitcii. Kathy Louise SpUlman, daughter of Ruftis Ray and Emma Louise Hendrix SpIUman of MocksvOIe, Rt. 4, was dead on arrival at the Davie County Hospital. Dr. Ben L. Richards, DavIe County medical examiner, said she died of a ruptured trachea. Dr. Bai Richards said the girl was riding her bicycle through the trailer park mien she ap> parently ran Into the trailer hitch and was thrown from the biwcle. rWeral services were held at 2 p. m. Wednesday at Eaton's FUneral Chapel. Burial was In the Deep Orwk Baptist Church cemetery In Yadkln County. Surviving are her parents; a sister, Pamda Denlse Spillman of the home; two Invthers, Tony Ray and Rufus Nathan Spillman of the home; and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Spillman of MocksvOIe Rt. 4 and Mr. and Mrs. Buck Hendrix of MocksvOIe Rt. 3. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE I. 1972 - 11 - MRS. JOHN J. ALLEN 4 IMrs. Maude Qece Allen, 80, of Hock^Ue, Rt. 7, wife of JAm J. Allen, died Wednesday, Btoy Stth, at DavIe County ^^[)ltal. mw funeral was held at ll asn. Friday at Eaton's Funeral Hime Chapel. Burial was In tterdUoq United Methodist diurch cemetery. !Mr8. Allen was born in Ifedkin County to Newton and liiura Martin Groce. j'Survlving are her husband; four dau^ters, Mrs. Laura l^ttd of Conestoga, Penn., \ Bfrs. Linda G. Adams of Lan caster, Penn., Mrs. Fern Bryant of MocksvUle end Mrs. Frances White of Califomia; tdro sons, JOhn Allen, Jr. of Odumbia, S. C., and BOb Allen ^ MocksvUle, Rt 7; a half sfoter, Bta. Sadie EUis ofSebraska; and a brother, rank Groce of WInston-Salem, 14 gcandchUdren and 24 great grendchydren. EUGENE HARRIS Funeral services for Harold Eugener Harris, H were held at 2 pjn. Thursday, May 25, in SaUsbuw at tyerly Funeral Home (mapd' O^aUng at the rites were the Rev. J. C. Lane, paotor of Liberty United Methodist Church, and Mr. Charles McGhee. minister of the Mockaville Church of Christ. Burial was in Rowan Blemorlal Park. A native of Rowan County, Mr. H^s died at S pjn. Sunday in San Diego, Calif, of an apparent heart attack. He had made his home in CaUfomla since 1945 working as a bartender. HIa mother, Mrs. Ollle Lee Harris, lives on Route 4, MocksvUle. JAMES M. BROADWAY James Monroe Broadway, 70, of MocksvUle, Rt. 4, died Friday at Baptist Hospital In Winston- Salam. The funeral was held Sunday at Union CUiapel United Methodist Church. Burial was in the churdi cemetery. Mr. Broadway was bom In Davie County to WQUam and Maigaret Hedrlck Broadway. He was a retired meat cutter. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ola Gullett Broadway; four daughters, Mrs. Sloan Shoemaker and Mrs. Charles Dledge of Salisbury, Rt. 1, Mrs. Baxtor Gregory of MocksviUe, Rt. 4, and Mrs. Goorge Call of MocksvUle, Rt. 5; two smia, Marshall Broadway of and Coy Broadway of MockavIUe. Rt S; a sister, Mrs. Brady Spry of Cooleemee; two brothers, Thomas Broadway of Monroe and Ira Broadway of MockavIUe, Rt. 4; a half slater, Mrs. Reiha Simpson of Monroe; and two half brothers. Thomas and Atlas Broadway of Monroe. Bio - Obituaries -6/1/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JUNE 1. 1972 -11 BONNBR E. MARTIN SR. Bonner Elijah MarUn Sr., 82, of 70S fi. Council Street. Salisbuiw. died Saturdiw at Rowan atonorial Koapltaf. Ihe funeral was bddat 4pjn. Monday at Summeraett Memorial Chapd. Burial was in Chestnut mil conetery. Mr. BSartin was Iwm In Davie County to John Wesley and Margaret Elisabeth Martin. Re was a retired emfdoyee of Ndrth Oardina Ftidshing Co. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ella Creason Martin; four daughters, Mrs. Frank L. Hess of Sdlsbmy. Mrs. Elrocre D. Hess of Salisbury, Rt. S, Mra. Arthur L. Hess of Kannapolis and Mrs. Robert E. Gudger of Salisbury. Rt. 2; two sons, John Reuben Martin of Salisbu^, Rt. 2, and Bonner E. Martin Jr. of Salisbury. Rt 3; two slstors, Mrs. J. H. Thompson of Williamsburg, Va.. ana Blrs. Ed KImmer of ^wncer; and a half sister, Mrs. Mary Frances ti II -2^ m.9 sw—v.—m* Bio - Obituaries -6/1/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA r- cr ul )r O MRS. JOHN SMITH | MOCKSVILLE — Mrs. Floral Wilson Smith, 72, of Mocksville, | Rt. 7, wife of John Smith, died yesterday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in Jericho Chuhch of Christ cemetery. Mrs. Smith was born in Davie County to William C. and Josephine Ijames Wilson. Surviving are her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Cornell Allen of Atlanta, Ga.; a son, Arraond Smith of Mocksville, Rt. 7; thr.ee sisters, Mrs. Everette Brown and Miss Edrie Wilson of Mocksville, Rt. 7, and Mrs. Flake Thomas of Harmony, Rt. 1; and two brothers, Jim and Clint Wilson of Mocksville, Rt. 7. • a - .9 TuLhit "S, ^ 5oixft.ce Op OEcerssto Datl /\isice5T(lN. ton r 1 \A cwvie ca • MOChi^ViUr., ' 7< CO DAVII' COUNIV f-NM-RPRISI' Ki:CX)RD. THURSDAY, JUNE 8. 1972 -9 HISS CLAYTON BROWN Miss Clayton Brown of Lumberton, formerly of Mocksville, died Fridiay at Lumberton. Hie Ameral was held at 2 p. m. &ui(lay at Eaton's Funeral Chapel, MocksvUle. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. • hCss Brown was bom in ' Davle County to M. D. and Ann Leach Brown. She was a member of the First Baptist teacher In MocksvUle. Surviving are two sisters. Mrs. B. F. McMillan and Miss Katherine Brown of Lumberton. - MRS. FLOYD P. ANDERS Mrs. Polly Hege Anders, 88, of Mocksville, Rt. 2, widow of Floyd P. Anders, di^ June 1st at Davie County Kintal. The funeral was hdd Friday at Mountain View Baptist Church at Independence, Va. Burial was at the church cemetery. Mrs. Anders was bora In Independence to Jack and Nan Taylor. ^rvlvorsare four daughters,Sirs. O. B. Spicer and Mrs. allie Stomean of Keraersville, Rt. S, Mrs. Vera Spicer of Lenoir and Mrs. Laura While of Mocksville, Rt. 2; and three sons, Voyse Anders of Lenoir and Killw and Posey Anders of Indqiendenee, Rt. 3, Va. MRS. JOHN SMITH filrs. Flora Wilson Smith, 72, a Mocksville, Rt. 7, wife of John Smith, died Monday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home. Hte funeral was held Wed* nesday at Baton's Funeral (Aapei. Burial was in Jericho Church of Christ cemetery. Mrs. Smith was born in Davie County to William C. and Josephine IJames Wilson. Surviving are her husband; a dau^ter, Mrs. Cornell Allen of Allania, Ga.; a son, Armond Smith of Mocksville, Rt. 7: three sisters, Mrs. Bverette Brown and Miss Bdrie Wilson of I MocksvUle, Rt. 7. and Mrs. >• Flake Ttiomas of Harmony. Rt. 1: and two brothers, Jim and Clint Wilson of Modtsville, Rt. J.E. RHYNEHARDT, JR. Funeral services foi* James Edward Rbynehardt, Jr. of 164 White Thorne Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, were held May 30 al 1 p.m. at J. W. Ross Funeral Home in Columbus. Rev. Jacob J. Ashtmrn of* ficiated. Burial was in Gr^awn Cemetery. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rhynehardi. Sr. He accidently drowned Friday, May 26. RAYMOND MOORE, JR. Raymond Jennings Moore, Jr., 19 year old son of Mr. and Mra. R. J. Moore, died at his parrats home in Gaithersburg, Maryland on Tuesday, May Slst. He was the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Moore of Mocksville end a nejAew of W. L. Moore, Jr. He is survived by his parents; two sistors, Mrs. ijirry Demory of Gaithersburg and Mrs. Edward Lee of Prince George, Virginia: one brother. Jay Moore of the home; and his maternal grandfather, A. FVanke of Bridgeport, Conn., and California. Hie funeral was held in Gaithersburg Friday afternoon, June 2nd and interrment was in Browningsville, Md. Bio - Obituaries -6/8/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA or ^^^CKSVlIXiEr^Mis^ Qa^jj" wown Lumberton, formerly of Mocksville, died yesterday in . iLtimibSrton. >■"■ ' . ''♦^'®^®fw8S.l)orn in Bavie Countyto D. and .Meed Ann iLeach; Jro^^SheVwas--z' meml>er of% the/Iirst-Baptist Cbur^ here; 15he had taught nt Moc&svilleElementary Schiodl ■ ■for several years. • ' .■; Surviving are. two sisters,.. Mrs. B. r. ^McMillan^ and Miss><i Katherine Brown of Lumberton. The funeral will be conductedat 2 p.m. Sunday at Eatoi^'sFuneral Home Chapel by the •Rev. Charles Bullock. Burialwill be in .Rose Cemetery. The body will arrive at-' Eaton's Funeral Home at noon Sunday. -•1 rl c. G 1 7 I s CQ ca 2" V y lii 2 S o| y > cn 6 Mrs. Allen, At Age 85 Mrs. Annie Violet Wilson Allen, 85, of 1027 S. Main Street, widow of John J. Allen Sr., died at 7:50 a.m. daughter, Mrs. Colon J. Roscoe ^3 ' of 426 Plymouth fl Avenue. She had seven weeks. She was born allen in Davie County on Oct. 31, 1886 to Jefferson Davis Wilson and Lillie Katherine F e r e b e e Wilson. She had lived most of her life in Forsyth County. Mrs. Allen was a member of ' Home Moravian Church. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. George B. Dunn Sr. of Wilmington and Mrs. Colon J. Roscoe; a son, Richard W. Allen of 859 Fenimore Street; six grandchildren and t w o n great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held at 3 - p.m'. Tuesday at the home, 1027 S. .Main Street. Burial will be in the Moravian Graveyard. The body was to be taken to the home from Hay worth- Miller's Silas Creek Parkway Funeral Home at 6 p.m. today. Lu-I h ^ Y 6 - /1 ^ r r ^ ^ D 6 - DAV1E COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JUNE IS. 1972 MARVIN LEACH. 61 Marvin "Pap" Leadi. 61, of 312 N. Centeniua) Avauie. Ifigh Point was fbund dead filonday at Ma liome. Dr. Chester Hayworth, a Guildord County medical examiner, said Leach died of a heart attack. He estimated the time of death around 3 p.m. Sunday. Bfr. Leach was bom In Davie County to Charies and Ddlle Allen Leadi. He was a printer for the WinstoO'Salan Journal and Sentind for five years. He was a member of Pleasant Grove United Methodist Qmrch at Thomasvtlle. Surviving are two daughters. Mrs. Peggy Edmonds of Randlonan and Mrs. Patricia Zenzen of Mississippi; three sons. Gary and Larry Leadi of High Point and Robert Leadi of Atlanta, Ga.; three dstera, Mrs. Lttdlle Flowers of Edmton, Mrs. Blench Wdboro of Ker* nosvUie and Mrs. Katherine Harris of Mocksville; and three brotfio's, William, C. F. and Nwman Leach of Mocksville. Funeral services wov held Wednesday, June i4.atSp.m. at Sechrest Fttna'al Home in High Pdnt. Burial was in Rose Cemetery in Davie County. MRS. MILES WILKINS Mrs. Netta Poster WlUdns, 81, of Mocksville, Rt. 8, widow of Miles WOhins. died June 7th at Lula Conrad Hoots Memorial Hospital at Yadkinvllle. The funeral was hdd Friday at South Oak Rt^e Bap^t Church near Yadkinvllle. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Wilklns was bom In Vadkin County. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Edith Absher of Mocksville, Rt. S, and Mrs. Margie Reavis and Mrs. Dorothy Childresa of Vadkino ville, Rt. 3; a son, Uoyd Wllklns of Mocksville, Rt. 8, and a brother. Elise Foster of YatWnvllle, Rt. 3. Bio — Obituaries -6/15/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTBRPRISB RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 22. 1972 - 9 ' SAM TALBBRT, 88 ' Samuel LevlTalbert. 68 of Rt. it Advance, died Saturday morning at Fonyth Memorial Hospital. He was a retired ntrveyor. Bom In Davle County <m September a, 1808, be was the ■onof the late Gannon and Rebecca Minor Tabbert. He wasa graduate of Duke lAilverslfy and a member of Advance united Methodist Church. Surviving are two sisters,Mrs. Minnie Bryson and MissRdiecca Talbert, both of Ad vance and four brothers, Charles Joe Talberf and Ihomas Talbert, both of Ad vance, Gannon Talbert ofRorehead City and DennisTalbert of Lexington. Ftmeral services were con-micted Monday at Advance lAilted: Methodist Church by the Rev. WUllam Anderson. Burial was In the church cemetery. JIMHYBOOE.Sl Jimmy Booe, 51, ofMocksvlUe, Rt. ^ died Friday atForsyth Memorial Hospital after a me-week Illness.Itie funeral was hdd Sundayat the Bear Creek Baptist Onirdi. Burial was In diechurch cemetery. Mr. Booe was bora In Davle County to Judd and laila Sutton Booe. He was a farmer.I. Surviving are his wife, Ms.Bailie Reavis Booe; two daughters, Mrs. Pattle Swlim ofLexington, and Miss CharieneBooe uf die home; two sons,Johnny and Eddie of Ihe home;twr sdsters, Mto. Rm w^nls end BITS. W. M. WhlUker of^hsyllle, Rt. B, Miw. JayfrCland of Yadbiitvidi!, Rt. j,^ Mrs. Herman Wooten ofYadUnvlIle; and fot*r bfvthcrs,Jadt, (3yde and Le$i?r Booe ofMoeksvUle, Rt. 5, ano Joe Booeof Advance, Rt. 2. WILLIAM L. SMITH William Lather Smith, 88, ofMocksvine, Rt 3, died Ihur-sday at Raven Nuraing Home at Lodngton. The funeral was heldSaturday at Bear Creek Baptist Churdi. Burial was in the churdi cemetery. Mr. Smith was bora In DavleOciunty to Samuel and MaryDystm Smith. He was a rdlred fanner.Surviving are two datighters.Mis. Mary Itooman of Fort Bragg and Mrs. Ann WUkersonof Lexington, Rt. 1: a son, RaySmith of Mocksvnle, Rt. S; astcpdai^ter, Ms. Ina Boylesof Mbcksvlllo, Rt. 3; a stci^,die Rev. Grady L. Tuttcrow ofMoeksvOle, Rt. 5; and a sister, Mrs. Bmrtha Stanley of Mocksvine, Rt. 8. Bio - Obituaries -6/22/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA /. T. n IT^ » ••5 rO ^;£^' n . a a; •••v.; .■.:; ,■ . '; ■:'■••.. ' •^•: •--Y:-:-:- ' ^ ih Q; V % i i >• 1= NKfSTONESTREET mm.Rafj^tpWs^eei^ estre sh^n -oTmitiii mwitiliui- irf tag j.i!ifj^-3apWsP"ChmS^yiya^-are vhef'huste^idaugSenv^s^^ Storie^eet-^of l^bemarie^^ •- • . " ^.^r ;;V. . ■ ^^. '• 4 6^ i-i,"' tfy-z rm <L ■'■_! -■. i DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY WIOCKSVILLE, m ::-i tWVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARy MOCKSViaEi NO •V • ./• •.•. .'••* .■ - . . . ■'.' :■<: '3, \ ■ VT;c!Vi.^ |2B ~ DAVIE COUIfrY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JUNE 29. 1972 MRS. BOONS STGNBSniBBT.aS Mrs. Viola Rattz Stonestreet, 9. of MocksvOlo. died SUdcor. Jtme 23. St 4p. m. at the Lynn Bsven Nunlng Home bere. Bora Joly Ui 1882 In Davie CkNmty. die was the dai^ter of Sraok R. and Mary Jane Sosto' Ratts and was a member of the MoekavlUe First Baptist Churdi. She Is survived by het> Ini^and. Boone Stenatreet; one daughter. Mrs. W. L. Bracks of WHmlngUm: one stm. Or. Frank Stonestreet of Albemarle; four r^and- children: three great- oandchUdren; and one sister, ibfs. Ryan McBrlanof Raeford. Funeral services were con ducted Monday at Eaton's E^meral Cliapel. Burial was In Rose Cemetery in MocksvUle with the Rev. Charles BuQock coodueUng the services. H. H. Hendrix. 48 H. Harrell Hendrix, 48, of 216 OemmonsvHle Road SB died at 4:30 .M. Friday at High Point Memorial Hospital. He had been critically ill for six months. Mr. Hradrlx was employed In the dye house of the Hanes Hosiery Weeks Divldon tor 27 wsars. He was manager of the Pfedmontiiearing Aldfglrls dty league soflbaU team. Im was bom In Davie County on Ai^ 13.16SA to Lonnle G. and Stella EUls Hendrix and was educated in the county schools there. Hb had lived most of his life In Wlnston-Salem. Bfr. Hendrjx attraded Elon Baptist CtiurchT and Sunday School. He was married to Miss Patsy GIbbms on June 22.1952. Survlng are bis wife; a daufbter hOss Cynthia Jean Hbndrix and two sons. Itery and Scottie Hendrix. all of the home; his mother of Mbcksville. Rt. 8; four sisters, Mrs. Gertrude Jdly of Gem- moas,Mni. Evelyn Hemrlcfc of Greenstiora, hlrs. Dot Hayes of MbdtsviUe. Rt. 3, and Mrs. Sue Rivers of Columbia, and tbree brathcrs. BAer Hendrix of MbcksvUle, BSonticdlo Hendrix of Advance and G. Venion Hendrix of HOdtsviUe. Rt. 3. The funeral was conducted at 4 p.m. Sunday at Voglers Gemmons Chapd by the Rev. Ardls Payne and the Rev. J. W. Bledioe. Burial was In the Cornatser United Methodist Giurcb cemetery in Davie County. George Hugh Gbfoith Sr. Tlte funeral fw George Hugh GoforthSr.. 52. of Harmony. Rt. I, was at 3 pjn. Saturday at New Union United Methodist Giurch. Burial was in the cburdi cemetery. Mr. Goforth drowned Wed nesday, June 21. when he was swept Into the Hunting Cheek by heavy waves. Witnesses tidd officm that Goforth was riding his farm tractor across the Sheffield Road, about 16 mile north of Slates^e when a wave of water swept him and the tractor Into the creek. He was bora in Iredrtl County to Thomas CBrtor and Eulala Sales Goforth. He was an em- fioye of the Vrtoran's ^ease end Tallow Co. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Grace Smith Goforth; four dau^ters. ISiss Barbara Gofiffth and Bfrs. Mac White of BSCcksviUe, RL 1. and Msses Blariene and Irttdy Gofmth of Uiebome; three sons, Bobby R. aiM Gemge H. Goforth A. of Harrooiy. Rt. 1, and WUiam G. Goforth of hfodovUle, Bt. 1; and four sisters, Mrs. R.C. S^ons of Blbclawille. Rt 6. Mrs. W.V. Fenninger of Mocksvffle. Rt. 1. Mrs. J. B. Swaringer of Gmcord and Blrs. Richard Caster of Kradrick Iowa. Bio - Obituaries -6/29/1972 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA