Jul - Decft r - 'yesterdayI will be^t'iki iSf at Jericho 'Chur^Sof CW. Burial will j'naiL^Vf? ^o^nty ,to,. CharieVfi^Tand'lioi^se-t^ard Swearingen' she n •^'^. ^^'"rch.of ehrist;^ffimvihg ate; .a daughter. i hnSl Stpnestreet of the■feVT®"^ brother. • Ll?® body wfll be taken'to'toete. ■ P-'n- today . irom.• elton s Funeraf Home. •' ■'.' " __ >^/- n?j -TiSWTi'^j.i,, DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LiBCARY L^OCKSyiLLE, HQ DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JULY 5. 1973 - 9 tftRS. CLARA STONBSTREBT Mrs. Clara Swearingen Stonestreet. 79. of Sanford Avenue. Mocksville. died at 6:10 Km. Saturday at Lynn Haven tosing Home. Funeral services were held ifonday at Jericho Church of Christ. Burial was In the church cemetery. J.B. Whitaker and Louis Savage dRciated. 9ie was bom In Davie Countv » the late Charles R. and Louise Ward Swearingen. She is he widow of the late Wllbum P. Stonestre^. Mrs. Stonestreet was a nember of North Main Street Shurdi of Christ. She is survived by one Aughter. Miss Frances lonestreet of the home; one alf brother. Charles wearingen of Salisbury; two randchudren and five great* randchildren. ARMITGODBEY,45 A^lt Edward Godbey. 49, of :.'6, Mocksville. died at 8:10 p. , lluirsday at Davle County ispltal following an illness of trn Mtoy 21. 1928. in Davle RBity. he was a son of the late dUip and Henrietta Godbey. i was an employe of Heritage irnlture Company, and a ember of North Main Street lurch of Christ. Qurvlvors include his wife, rs. Betty Felker Godbey: one A. Edward Lee Godbey of the sne; two sisters, Mrs. Juanita tin of Mocksville and Mrs. ranees R^orn of Charlotte; » l^rotbers. J(dm Godbey of tnf&rd and Orrell Lee Godbey Charlotte. Funeral services were held at p. m. Saturday at Eaton's lineal Home Chapel, and rial was in Center United lethodiBt Church cemetery. CHARLES C. MILLS. 79 Diaries C. Mills. 79 of Itesvltle, died Tuesday. June at Ired^ Memorial Itopital, Itesville. He had been in elinlng health for three years id critically ill for ten days. Mr. Mills was bora Sept. 18. 13 In Ireddl County, and was B son of the late William Rossills^ Sr.. and Annette Murdoch He was a graduate of Itesville High School, at* Professor J.H. HUrs lademy. Guilford College and IS a graduate of i^anta larmacist College. Mr. Mills was a pharmacist r the Polk Gray Co. and limes th-ug Co. for 35 years, id at Iredell Memorial ispital for 15 years. He was a veteran of World tr I, a charter member of the irst Turner Post of the nerican Legion, and a ember of the Statesville arid War 1 Barracks. He was Ancient. Free and Accepted ison of Statesville Lodge No. for over 49 years. ^ was a lifelong member of e First Presbyterian Church tere funeral services were Id We^esday at 3 pjn. by 9V. J. Layton Mauze 111- In* rment was in Oakwood imetery. Mr. Mills was married on Icember 1.1920 to the former sie Horn of Mocksville. who rvives. Also surviving are two iu^ters. Mrs. Charles W. srlcy of Statesville and Mr* Mrs. James T. Boyd of snson, NJ; one son. Qiarles Mills Jr.. of Charlotte; one Other. Itoss W. Mills Jr.. of Btesvllle; a half sister, Mrs. irdon Barrett of Tyler. Texas; t stepmother, Mrs. W.K. Mills .. of ivlur, Texas and eight anddtlldren. MRS. W.H. POSTER Mrs. Kalerlne Cope Foster, 85, of Advance. Rt. 1 vridow of W.H. Foster, died Thursday at Davie County Hospital In Mocksville. The funeral was held Friday at Haywarth*MlIler*s Silas Creek Parkway Ftmeral Chapel. Burial was In Bethel United Methodist Church cemetery In Davie County. Mis. Foster was bom in Davie County to Grera Berry and Ellen Martin Cope. She was a member of Concord United Methodist Church. Surviving are three sons. Spencer M. Foster of Winston* Salem. Rt. 3. Jake G. Foster of Advance. Rt. 1, and Joe F. Foster of 1740 i^gonne Blvd.. Wlnston*Salem; and two sisters. Mrs. Annie Berrler and Mrs. Sue Foster of Mocksville. Bio - Obituaries - 7/5/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA lOB - DAVin COUNTY nNTERPUISI: RI-CORIl. mURSDAY. JULY 12, 197.? SILAS C. MYERS ADVANCE - Silas C. Myers.' 79. of Advance died yesterday at (he Mcdiccnter In Wtnston- Salem. The funeral will be at 2- p.m. Thursday at Eaton's' Funeral Chapel at Mocksville. Burial will be In Elbavllle United Methodist Church' cemetery in Davie County. Mr. Myers was born in DavIe County to Jess and Cora Wilson Myers. He was a member of Eibavilte United Methodist. Church and was a retire^' farmer. Surviving are his wife. Mrs.' Annie Jarvis Myers: three- daughters. Mrs. Charlie Allen'! and Mrs. June McCuiiough of Advance and Mrs. Frank' Crax-er of aemmon.s. Rt. 1;' three sons. Rufus W. Myers of* Wlnston'Salem. Garland V,. Myers nf Advance. Rt. 2. and - trey G. Myers of Harmony: a .sister. Mrs. Jennie Cornatzer of- Advance: and three brothers,* W. L., Fred and Torn Myers of' Advance. ^ Bio - Obituaries - 7/12/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 7-v~;)S■S 0'—j513^ *52aV' J?0.i0-S7- ;» ;■'~i\J ;O IS-MHoiis6|)oytCool^mee,jS^Bipiei^, ^^efliliers of" 3 u n c'o m b e../Baptist ' Church m DavidsoniQpudly.'buried a man thisafternoon who had served theq^urch alntost all pf hie life.. '^William . Thomas' Isilrstoi^^^•'-whp died this,.week l^Mhe age'iof^96/iwas^chdi|^l|n of/M-^. chuxch's'^rus^ee rboard for 40i years aodft secretary of | thet'tpHurch'TOr almost the sameamount: of time','He;, also Vwasa'deacon. >. f^ Mr. Hairston:died 'at theHaven Nurising and-^pnvalescent Home. He hathapept most of his life on the-^Cpo^eemee ?Plaptation near.-^dvanpe |n pavj|e County.^iThe original Hairstons tooktjieir name: tfom theirmasters, the Pdter Hairstons.►, T h e Cooleemee Plantation^ ' was btlUt an^^^ffe^ By more i|:tf^3Q&8layp^; ,, •'p';i; Wllliam^'Hairstoa^^^ llis; wifp, ;Hi<th (Ch a r m i h g )•;'f ■ 3[airstoh, mpt ./vhep he was'.!,WorkinS as a hpuseiioy on theplantation ap4 she came from 'the Hairsfoas' §:Ja u r a t o w n iiIJDlpptaiii home Jo work at the 'm^ion ipn' the 'plantation/Williamji P. Hairstonsspok^' tl^iF marriage iSyows-Aug. K 1889, at.the tyrp ;^.Ppsti^'.Oifiga in 4D a V i d s 0. yp '^and then .repeated <|me]^>a!tia party at the. Hotel'''{JB, ^ peg 1.|n . Winsloni ,l|h.li&"^lp: 1?8» oh 'Hhe '70th,^ntyersary ofHheir wedding..^?lpaident! Nixon sent them al-:elegram of good wishes oti ]K&ipisVoccarion.William Hairston said at the■ time that 70 years of married','. life may seem' to be a long'' time, but he (^Id not think itwas so remarkable. . i...Vlf the Lord helps you, you 1can do anything you want to|i,4o." hp said then.Mrs. Hairson preceded her ^/;hysband ., in death.i He . isfisyrvivedr by ;|hrpe dapghters:^and five 'sons"^ <, • .n-iz-msA-,/N.tf(COtlffyj(-"JourriaJ , SentineltoA Fine ManA1973! I can easily understand ivhy the headline"Ex-Houseboy at Coplepinee -p" was used'in the Twin City Sentiiipi of Friday, July13, in reporting the funeral of WilliamThomas Hairston. He himself had stated inan-interview with one ofijyour reporters thathe was a houseboy at the plantation at thetime of his i^narriage; .'-How^veril^l*®-;married almost '^74 ' years /ago "•am|'[:/tljf:^nA/tAceAf*i1«r KvSa# hAo^linA Iaa •>&*•* riTtv'Tnecessarily brief headline could ^' unfortunate impresriohr, .. 'wWilliam T. Hairstpn, when he wast very' young, did come to work-at Cooleemee as^a hbiiseboy. He soon became the butler andsupervised household operations, Latpritwhile ;still performing some duties about the house, •he was basically responsible for the operationf of the 600-acre home farm. In the last yearsof his life, in semi-retirement and at his, request, he returned to 'doing only V light1 household tasks and did not stop - wofk-'en- .j • tirely until he was 95.' ' ^ rI would appreciate the opportuin^ *torecord some of the importance of ti>u !lifework of this fine mpn: . ., J ^-PETER Wi'HAIRSTONCooleemee. i(MVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARVAtOCKSVlUE. NOCorrectionA ■ ■i In the obituary last week of! William Thomas Hairston, It, was Incorrectly reported thatI Mrs. Hairston "preceded herI husband in death."Mrs. Ruth (Charming)I'Halrston is very much alive.1; On j' ^-s oo r- 'Q o o « <51 <t: zi <2 o ROGES LEWIS HOWARD MOCKSVILLE .R o g e r' Lewis HoOTj^rd, 63» of! Mocksville, 4, died; yesterday at'^owan Memorial,! Hospital The fimeral will be at ! 4 p.m. Saturday at Eaton's i Funeral Chapel. Burial will be! in Dulins XTnited Methodist | Church cemetery. i Mr. Howard- was born in Davie County to Louie Hinteton and Betty Bowen Howard.. He was an employe of Hertage Furniture Co. ^Surviving are bis wife, Rebecca McDaniel Howard; two daughters. Miss Lsmn Howard of the homeland Mrs. Bobbie Greene of Mocksville,- Rt. 7; a stepson, Larry McDaniel of Lexington; his. father of Mocksville; two sisters, Mrs. Lester Eeaton of Mocksville, Rt. 3, and Mrs. George Laird of Winston-Salem; and three brothers, Hobert Howard of Mocksville, Rt. 3, W i 11 a r d Howard o£>. Walnut Cove and Alvin Howard of Advance, Rt. 2.. y-\i>' i '?73 \ rk NJ DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY iixSVlLLE, NC DAV(E COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, 1TIURSDAY, JULY 19. 1973 - tl MRS. W.G. MURCHISON Mrs. Lydia Taynton Mur« cbison died last Sunday evening, July 8,1973. at Elgin, Illinois. Mrs. Murchison vtras preceded In death by her husband, William Galther Murchison, «0olonel, U.S. Army, Retired, '(vho died on his farm near Pino in 1951. Mrs. Murchison would have been 92 years old in August of this year. She is survlvra by a daughter, Mary M. Johnson of Phoenix, Arizona and three sons. Dr. John T. Murchison of Arlington, Texas, Kenneth of Shaker Heights, Ohio, and Winiam G. of Glen Ellyn, Illinois, with whom she made her home in recent years. Mrs. Murchison was born LydIa Julia Taynton on Aug. 14. 1881 in England and movd as an Infant with her family to Winnipeg, Canada. One of her younger sisters was the Rrst udilte child bom in one of the (VCanadlan areas where the family lived and the local In< dians would often appear wanting to see this baby. When she was 16 years old, the family moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, and around the turn of the century she went to Skagway, Alaska, where she was secretary to a Canadian attorney who handled many tegpl affairs for g(dd prospec tors. She met and mamed her husband in Skagway and followed him about the world in his Qore&r as an Army Officer until his retirement in 1937. At that time they returned to his place of birUi on his Davie County farm where she con tinued to make her home until 1958. Mrs. Murchison was buried «'with her husband at Arlington National Cemetery near Washington, D.C, and funeral services were held in the Chapel at the cemetery FYlday, July 13th, 1973. Ttie above account of the death of his mother was sent to this newspaper by Kenneth Murchison, 3464 Milverton Road, Shaker Heights, (Mo 44120. WILLIAM HAIRSTON Members of Buncombe Baptist (Siurch in Davidson County burled a man Friday afternoon who had served the church almost all of his life. Vraiiam Thomas Hairston, who died last week at the age of .96, was chairman of the chur l's trustee board for 40 years and secretary of the churdi fm* almost the same amount of time. He also was a deacon. Mr. Hairston died at the Haven Nursing and Con valescent Htmie. He had spent most of his life on the Cooleemee Plantation near Advance In Davie (bounty. The original Hairstons took their name from thdr masters, the Peter Hairstons. The Cooleemee Plantation was built and staffed by more than 300 slaves. WiUiam Hairston and his wife. Ruth (Charming) Hair- gdon, met when he was working ^aa a houseboy on the plantation and she came from the Hair stons' Sauratown Mountain tumie to work at the mansion on the plantation. The William T. Hairstons first ^ke their marriage vows Aug. 6,1889, at the Tyro Post Office in Davidson County, and then repeated them at a party at the Hotd Robert E. Lee in Wlnston- Salem in 1969 on the 70th an niversary of their wedding. President hfixon sent them a tdegram of good widies on this occasion. William Hairston said at the time that 70 years of married life may seem to be a long time, but he did not think it was so remarkable. I "If the Lord helps you, you can do anything you want to do," he said then. Mrs. Hairston preceded her husband in death. He is sur vived by three daughters and five sons. ROGER LEWIS HOWARD Roger Lewis Howard, 63, of Mocksville, Rt. 4, died Thur sday at Rowan Memorial K^ital. The funeral was held Saturday at Eaton's Funo'al Chapel. Burial was in Dulins United Methodist Church cemetery. Mr. Howard was bom in Davie County to Louie Hinkston and Betty Bowen Howard. He was an employe of Heritage "iFuraiture Co. Surviving are his wife, Rebecca McDaniel Howard; two daughters. Miss Lynn Howard of the home and Mrs. Bobbie Greene of Mocksville, Rt. 7; a stepson. Larry Mc Daniel of Lexington; his father of Mocksville; two sisters, Mrs. Lester Keaton of Mocksville, Rt. 3, and Mrs. George Laird of Winston-Saiem: and three brothers. Robert Howard of Mocksville, Rt. 3. Willard Howard of Wainui (^ve and Atvin Howard of Advance. Rt. 2. HENRY COY PLUNKETT Henry Coy Piunkett, 62, of Advance, Rl. I, died Ttiur^y at Davie County Hospital. Mr. nunkett was bora in ^rsyih County to Robert and Maggie Johnson Piunkett. He was a member of Redland Pentecostal (3iurch and was a retired employe of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Blondee R. Taylor Piunkett; a daughter, Mrs. Marie Teague of 1833 Pope Road, Winston- Salem; two sons. Robert H. Piunkett of 601 Cloister Drive, Winston-Salem, and Jack Piunkett of Greeley, Colo; and a brother, Paul Piunkett of Riural Kail. Funeral services were held Saturday at Redland Pen tecostal Holiness Church by the Rev. Billy Taylor and the Rev. Charlie Pardue. Burial was in the church cemetery. MRS. LEONARD GABBERT Mrs. Caryl Sleight Gabbert of LeFor, North Dakota, former resident of Cooleemee, died July 9th in the Mayo ainlc in Rochester, Minn., following an extended illness. Funeral services were held July 12th in the congregational church of New England, North Dakota. Surviving are her husband, Leonard Gabbert; two sons, Roger and Herman Gabbert both of Minnesota; two daughters, Mrs. Bobbie Tlygsestad of Wyckoff, N.J. and Miss Caryl Len Gabbert of Cooleemee; nine grand children; 3 brothers and 2ds(eis. A memorial fund is being established and donations may be made to Leonard Gabbert, Le ^r, N.D. Bio - Obituaries — 7/19/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVfE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 19. 1973 - I] MISS SADIB ALEXANDER MOCKSVILLB - Miss Sadie Lee Alexander. 58. of Mocksville. Rt. 4. died yesterday at her home. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Liberty United Methodist Church. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Miss Alexander was bom in Davie County to Joe and Myrtie Miller Alexander. She was a member of Liberty United Methodist Church and was an employe of Wonder Knit. Surviving are three sisters. Miss Elsie Alexander of the home. Mrs. Lillian Gipson of Mocksville. Rt. 4. and Mrs. Ruby Hatiey of Salisbury; and a brother. Clarence Alexander of Mocksville, Rt. 4. The body is at Eaton's Fa oerai Home. MRS. JAMES B. WILKINS HARMONY - Mrs. SaUy Bet Norman Willtins. 88. o f Harmony, widow of James E. WiUdns, died Monday at Itedell Memorial Hospital at Statesviile. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. today at Reavis Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in Holly Springs Baptist Church cemetery. Mrs, Wilkins was born In Davie County to John and Levina Tanner Norman. She was a member of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Esther Campbell of Harmony. Rt. 1. Mrs, Bessie Powell of Statesviile and Mrs. Claudia Tallmao of Hamptonville. HARRT RUSSELL BAITY MOCKSVILLE — Harry Hoaiteli Baity, S3, of Mocksville, Rt. 5. died yesterday at Baptist HosiHtal in WlnBton<Salem. The funeral ucill be at 3:30,•.p.m. Thursday at Hunlersville riapilst Church. Burial trill be in the chur^ieemetery. S^. Baity Was bom in Yad|;Ep County to 1. H. and Emma Russell Baity. Surviving are his mother of Mocksville, Rt. S; two sisters, Mrs. Cora Seals and Mrs. Polly Smith of Mocksville. Rt. 5: five brothers, BUI and Boone Baity of Yadkinviae. Rt. 2. Charlie (.ec Bally of Winston-Salem and Henry and Fred Bally of Mcteksville. Rt. S. Dr. John Robert Lowery — Davie Native — Dies At Age Of 92 DR. J. R. LOWERV Dr. John Robert Lowery, 02, a native of Davie County, died Monday morning at the Rowan Memorial Hospital. Ho was a well<known retired physician and the owner and operator of Lowery Hospital in Salisbury for 17 years. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the First United Methndlst Church of Salisbury where Or. Lowery held his membership. The Rev. Jerry Murray, church pastor, and the Rev. Victor Cole, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiated. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. Dr. Lowery was born May 7, 1881, in Davie County. son of the late Dabney Lafayette and Mary Tennlson Blackwell Lowery. He attended a one- room school house with one teacher until he was 12 years old, and then attended Prof. Jasper N. Barron's private school in Harmony. He attended Cool Springs Academy and a private school in Mocksville. Dr. Lowery attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel till], and received his medical degree from the University of Maryland in 1804. He did general practice at County Une, Cod Spring end Oooleemee |Vtor to deciding to specialixe in diseases of the digestive tract in 1910, and studied with Dr. ilulius FVddenwald at Baltimore, Md. for one year. Dr. FTetdenwatd was the most outstanding stomadi specialist in the United Stales at that time. Dr. Lowery studied at the Universltj^ of Berlin in Ger many under Dr. Paul Conhelm for two years, reluming to the United Steles and locating in Raleigh where he specialize in the diseases of the stomach for 17 years. He was licensed in North Carolina in 1004 as a specialist In Internal medicine. FuHuwiug his practice in Raleigh, he came to Salisbury where he opened his private hospital. At one time, he owned 16 farms, Including a large peadi and apple orchards In the sandhiUs of North Carolina. Dr. Lowery was included in the Intel ualional Who's Who In (he World of Medicine, and after he closed his hopUal here he did private practice from his office for many years. For hobbies, he collected old guns, made grandfather cloclu and other items, raised quails, turkeys, chickens, pheasants and olher game at his home. He was a monber of the Rowan-Davie Medical Society, the North Caroline Medical Association, and the Salisbury Kiwanis Club. Bio - Obituaries — 7/19/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JULY 26. 1«»7S 13 KOBEHTW, WOOSLEVSR. Robert Wesley Wooslcy Sr.. 72. of I7IG Grave Street was dead on arrival at Forsylh Memorial Hospital Sunday morning. The funeral was held 11 a.m. Tucsdoy at Voglers Main Street Giapcl. Burial was in Salcm Cemetery. Mr. Wooslcy was born in Forsylh County to George W. and Minnie Essex Wooslcy. He was former owner of Woosley Battery and Electric Co.. and was a former employe of Falls Automotive Service. He was a member, past master and certified lecturer of Salcm Masonic Lodge No. 2119 AF and AM. Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. Helen Walker Woosley; and a son, Robert W. Woosley Jr. of Bethlehem, Pa. Mrs. Woosley is the daughter of Mrs. Lucy Walker of Winston* Salcm and the lale Harley S. Walker. They were former residents of Davic County. MRS. GEORGE W. ROWLAND Mrs. Virginia Hagon Rowland, 65. of 415 Maple Avenue, widow of George W. Rowland, died Saturday at the Baptist Hospital in Winston- Salem. The funeral was held Tuesday at 11 a.m. at First Baptist Church in MocksvUle. Burial was In Rose Cemetery. Mrs. Rowland was born in Abbeville, S. C., to James and Hester Elliot Hagan. She was a '29 graduate of Erskin College, Due West, S. C., a member of the First Baptist Church of Mocksville and an original trustee of Davic County Hospital. Married In 1934 to George W. Rowland, she moved to Ware Shoals, S.C. where her husband ' was in (he gasoline business, in 1940 the couple and (heir first two children moved to Mocksville, where Mr. Rowland opened a Western Auto Associate Store on the Square. He operated it until his retirement in 1964. She was a part-time helper at Mr. I Rowland's store for many years ! as nhe couple worked to send their four children through college. In addition, she was ' regarded in (he community as ' an accomplished homcmaker I and-a devoted mother. ' Surviving are a daughter, ' Mrs. filair Stratford of Columbia, S.C.; three sans, ' George Edword Rowland and ' Phillip W. Rowland of ' Charlotte, and Robert H. Rowland of High Point; a sister, 0 Mrs. James Ross Caldwell of 5 Columbia; and three brothers, \ Qyde and Mark Hagan of r Abbeville, and E. Unly Hagan of South Carolina. Pallbearers included Clyde Glasscock, Lester P. Martin, Vestal Riddle, Robert K. Rauch, Andrew Laglc, and H. Cole Tomlinson. Honorary pallbearers were M.H. Murray, ^G.RP Madison, T.L. Junker, J.C. LitUe and Roy W. Collelte. The family requests that memorials be made to the Davie County Hospital or the American Cancer Society. PASSES IN DUR^MMrs. A.F. Duclnit, lheform«r Irene Clement, passed away w July 3, In Durham. Mrs. Dockett's body was erenalM ^ was the dau^ter of the late Mr. ard Mn. Wlliiam Kerr Clemcftt of Davfo County. ENTERPRIS'ii-itECORD •7-2.L-/<^73 Bio - Obituaries - 7/26/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA of_-.^59 'B^ent;,^;Street.; _ wife • of^ t died Wednesday'at.-Forsyth •iMemorial,. Hospital ' -The Juneral will be at 3:30 p mtoday ^ at iydglers -; Main ^vst^eet : ChapeI.~ Burial-wm:; be^m-.-tfa^ Mprayian;:Graveyard/'iC"^ Sheek'-was'bora'.m Da^e-County- W;f^. {an^.-qora' -Ijames :#Wall;;:Y;iShe:n wai yhUrch.?^ Surviving are>her, husbVhd •' a-'' dailJThtor -fcrSB'-T -A ^IS ^rrr « " . I •y —-r:;«"'»-TOv Hs^i-ers, vlMrs?Laitfa Boger of Mocksville and'' ;Mp.'::^ E-Ordie-jfEeauiAamp^of and a brother.' c-/<:> L oYuXv^ ly- /?7 3 DAVIE CO. PUBUC UB^W MOCKSVlUE, NO WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 7/31/1973 JOHN HERBBKT CLEUENT 1 MOCESVULE » John* Henry! Clement, 71i of 731 Mttl ^t^t was i^terday'when ti fo • Davle ' Coun^. Hospil Hie bmiy is at Nobd and K< . : Funeral Home at ' SaUsburs : pending arrangements. • . Mr. Xljement was bom in' Davie Comity to John and Uzzie Hoskin '^Clement He was a member of Fairfleld Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Annie Clement; three daughters. Mrs. Lizzie Fowler, Mrs. Hailie Bates and Mrs. Frances Jones of MocksviUe; and three sons. Van Unsey and George Clement of New York C3ty and William Clement, of Salisbury. u. p.>ici,L .91, Bio — Obituaries - 7/31/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVrE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. AUGUST 2. 1973 ^ 9 OSCAR R. RIDDLE Oscar Rich Riddle, 73. of Advende, Rt. l. didd of a gun shot wound July 2Sth at the home of a son. Danald Riddle of MocksvUle, Rt. 2. Dr. Ben Richards, a Davie County medical examiner ruled the death as suicide. He said Riddle Seas shot in the head with a 12- guage shotgun. The funeral was held Friday at Eton's Funeral Chapel at Mocksviiie. Burial was in Macedonia Moravian Graveyard. Mr. Riddle was bom in Davie County to Asbury and Genie Howard Riddle. He was a member of Macedonia Moravian Church and was a retired farmer. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Bob Lakey of MocksvUle. Rt. 2, and Mrs. Bernard Vick of GreenvUie; two sons, Norman Riddle of StatesvUle and Dmald Riddle of MocksvUle, Rt. 2; three sisters. Mrs. Frank Laird md Misses Alpha and Ester Riddle of Advance, Rt. 1; and two brothers, Grady and Robert Riddle of Advance, Rt. t. J.P.WAGNER James Penry Wagner, 57, of Rt. 7. MocksviUe, died at 4:30 p.m. Thursday at Baptist Hospital In WinstonSalem. Bom in Davie County, he was a son of the late James S. and Stella Woffard Wagner. He was owner of a store near his home on Deadmon Road. Survivors include his wife; Mrs. Gladys Griffin Wagner; one daughter, Mrs. Bobby Winters of Rt. 3, MocksvUle; a step-daughter, Mrs. Daniel Thompson of Winston-Salem; five sisters. Mrs. Ward Ratledgeof Woodleaf, Mrs. Carl McDaniel, of Rt. 3, and Mrs. Johnny Hendrix and Mrs. Thomas Ijames, all of MocksvUle, Mrs. Lester Bailey of Omaha, Nd>.; three brothers, buddle, Marvin and George Wagner of Rt. 7, MocksvUle. Funeral services were hdd at 2 p.m. Saturday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel, con ducted by the Rev. BUI Creason and Uie Rev. E.M. James. Burial was in Turrentlne Baptist Church cemetery. MRS. DOROTHY OXLEY The ftmeral of Mrs. Dorothy Garrett Oxley. 61. of lOlO Foster Street, was l^dFHday. July 27, at 4 p.m. In the Second nresbyterlan Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Oxley died Tuesday, July 2(th at Cardinal Rest Home in Yadkinville. Sundvors include dx nephews and three nieces of Baltimore, Mdr, Hid one alepe Aattelibro. MRS. DEWEYV. HOUSE Mrs. Minnie Ola House, 64, of Rt. I, Richfield, died at 6:15 a. m. Monday in Sanley County Hospital, Albemarle. She was bora March 21, 1909. in Davie County. Funeral services were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday at New Mt. Tabor United Methodistgliurch, conducted by the Rev. Ick Mitchum. Burial was in Concord United Methodist Church cemetery, Rt. 4, MocksvUle. Survivors include her husband, Dewey V. House; one son. William C. Spry of MocksvUle; two daughters, Mrs. William E. Draufdui of Eden and Mrs. Lester Dwiggins of MocksvUle; one step daughter, Mrs. M. F. Cox of Richfield; two brothers, Arthur Spry of Kannapolis and Joe Spry of MocksviUe; two sisters, Mrs. Albert &nith of Cooleemee and Mrs. Bessie B. Naile of Mocksviiie; and nine grand children. JOHN HUBERT CLEMENT John Hubert Clementr 71,'of 73t Mill Street was dead July 30th when taken to Davie County Hospital. Mr. Qement was bora in Davie County to John and Lizzie Hoskin Clement. He was a member of Falrfield Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Annie Cicment: three dau^ters, Mrs. Lizzie Fowler, Mrs. Hallie Bates and Mrs. Frances Jones of MocksvUle; and three sons. Van Linsey and George Clement of New York aty and William Clement of Salisbury. MRS. RICHARD SHEER Mrs. "Dielma Wall Sheek, 65, of 659 Brent Street, wife of-* tUchard Shedt. died July 2Sth at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. The funeral was held Friday at Voglers Main Street Chapel. Burial was in the Morariair Graveyard. Mrs. Sheek was born in Davie County to W.B. and Cora Ijames Wall, ^e was a member of Christ Moravian Church. Surviving are her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Anna S. Wall of Pfafftown; two sisters. Mrs. Laura Boger of MocksviUe and Mrs. Fordie Beauchamp of Advance. Rt. 2; and a brother. Bill Wall of Qemmons. laaAaad&aaaaaj Bio - Obituaries - 8/2/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 8/2/1973 mjsm . - and was a men|])^ ^ Baptist Churchy *<. Surviving Annie . -01 e>^e nif V 'tliree 1 dau^ters, Mrs. Uz^e FOwlar'i - of.MoebsvBle' and Mrs^.-Hattie^ Bates and Mrs. Frances Jones»'C' both of Salisbury; anil threef sOns, Vanlinsey and George''^ Clement, both of New Yorfe City f Tbe. funeral will be at 4 p-py^- Friday, at Fairfield Bai^^ Chi]rdi''.here. Burial will beymHthe ehu^. eemet^. ' .j The 'bo^ la' a^ Noble and' Eelsey. ^eral'**Ebme in' Salisbury and was to be placed -in the church at 5 p.ni. toda^'•'] n ^ 'h^T a >»' 3 'wLc wi Wc. ,^u Cti^ K t97J Bio - Obituaries - 8/2/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA OAVn COUNTY J.NTIZRPRISli RUCORI). THURSDAY. AUGUST *>. 1«7.^ MRS. MATTIE HENDRICKS Mrs. Mattic EUzabeth Hcndricks. 77. of Soulh Main Sireci, Mocksvitle, died unexpectedly Friday night, August 3rd, at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Shcek Miller, on Yadkinville Road. Mocksvillc. Bom in Oavic County Jan. 23, 1896, she was a daughter of the laic Isaac and Mary Cornalzcr Hcndrix. She was the widow of Clarence Hcndricks. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Bryan Sell of Mocksvillc: two sons, Robert and Clyde Hen- dricks of Mocksvillc: one sister. Mrs. Clyde Cornatzer of Ad vance. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Sunday. August Sth. at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel, conducted by the Rev. Austin Hamilton. Burial was in Ad vance United Methodist Church cemetery, MRS. WILLIAM BLAKE Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Frye Blakb, 8G. of Advance, Route 2, widow of William A. Blake, were held Friday, August 3, at E^aton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Advance Baptist Church cemetery, She died Wednesday, August 1st. at Davic County Hospital. Mrs. Blake was born in Davic County to Frank and Betty Cope Frye. She was u member of Advance Baptist Church. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Thelma Myers of Mockavillc, Rt. 2, Mrs. Mary Lane of Walkerlown and Mrs. Louise Tcaguc of Winston- Salem; three sons, John Blake of Lexington. Rl. 2. and Hubert A, Blake of Advance, Rt. t; and three sisters, Mrs. Nan Bailey of Advance, Rt. I, Mrs. Jane Weaver of Lexington and Mrs. Mary Mcchum of Winston- Salem. MRS. DOROTHY OXLEV The funeral for Mrs. Dorothy Garrclt Oxicy.SI.of lOlO Foster Street, Mocksville. was held Friday July 27, at -1 p.m. in the Second Presbyterian Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. OxJcy died Tuesday July 24lh at Cardinal Rrat Home in Yadkinville. Survivors include her father. Pleasant Garrettofthchome; 1 sister. Miss Everlona Garrelt of the home; I brother. Riifus Garrctt of Baltimore. Md.: 2 aunts. Miss Mary Gaiihcrnf Salisbury and Mrs. Adelaide Ellis of the home; and, I uncle. John Smool of Mocksville. Bio - Obituaries - 8/9/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA r I^WRENCE R. POWELL MOC^VILLE — Lawrenci Raymond (Duck) Powell, 74 « Mocksville. Rt. i. d i'e 3 at Baptist Hospital in Wmston-Saiem. The funeral Eaton s Funeral Chapel. Burial' wll be in Center United" Methodist Church Cemetery. Mr. Powell was born in Davie County to Robinson and Lula Penry Powell. He was a retired lumberman. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Nina Harris Powell; a daughter. Mrs. Wesley Potts of Mocksville; three sons. Bob and j Ben Powell of Mocksville, Rt. l ' and Roger Powell of Waynesboro. Va.; a fb^jter daughter. Mrs. Milton Hanes of Wilmington; four sisters. Mrs. T. P. Dwiggins of Mocksville. Mrs. w. F. Anderson o f Raleigh. Miss Georgia Powell of Mocksville. Rt. l. and Mrs. Burns Elkins of Salisbury; and a brother. Harrell Powell of Mocksville. Rt. 1. f "S \ Nl Vjsl t ut <L h~ 5 O * O <5 ~ CO. /iCr-^SVn NC V WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL 8/11/1973 Ili*^ atSoyi^ •'Thomas fArchibaId'*'£arly^. 80r formerly of 713 S, Sunset Drive";, a veteran- of over 40 years of police work in North Carolina, died-yesterday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home . ih-^ Mocksville. The funeral will Itje' at U a.m; Monday at VoglersTMain .Street Chapel. Burialf" bh in Oaklawn Cemetery. Mr. EaHy was born in Oavie Cniintiv tn Peter Stephen and \Tarv K4rly.> He began his police career In 1911 when he'^ined the Winston- Salem Police Department. He later became the department's first plainclothes officer. •He was also police chief at Wilson and police chief and • public safety ;■ director a t Roanoke Rapids and Lenoir. He was one of the original nine lieutenants of the State Highway Patrol Mr. Early served as security! chief for the Aluminum Co. of' America at Badin, FairchildIndustries at Burlington and Reynolds Metals Co. From 1945to 1949. he was chief security officer of Oak Ridge AtomicPlant at Oak Ridge. Tenn.- wua A%iugc* xciai,' In 1950. he became inspector of correctional institutions for the State Board of Public Welfare, and he was known as apioneer in improving jail andprison conditions in N o r i. h Carolina. He was a member ofFirst Baptist Church i n Winston-Saiem. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Guy Bullard Jr. of "745Roslyn Road and Mrs. ^Robert, Ma.xwell of Cheyenne, Wyo.;and two sons, .Thomas A. -Earl^ Jr. of Dover,-N. J.,-hnid PardeeStephen Early of Daytdri, Ohio^:'.;| ' The family i^equests that any memorials-be made to the First 0^^ fl 173 TWIN CITY SENTINEL 8/11/1973 T, A. Early ' The funeral for T h o'&^'SArchibald Early, 86, 'former^of713 S; Sunset Drive, a Vj^e^, of over 40 years of pollceJwiSrIcin North Carolina, will be'*a0ia.m. Monday at Voglers'M^Street Chapd. Burial wiU^W^ih. Oaklawn MemorialThe family requests .'ttat!memorials be made tai^l^e'£^t|•Baptist Church mission ^Jbc! library funds. '' . iMr. Early died yesterday,'.atLynn Haven Nursing Home ^ in Mocksviljle. ..." He be^n his police career^in1911 when he joined tli eWinston-^lem Police Department. He\later became the^de^ipartraen^ Hrst plainclothes officer. ;He wHfS also police chief,.,atWilson pnd police chief and^ public , safety director a tRoanok^ Rapids and Lenoir. Hewas OM of the original nine lieutenants of the StateHighway Patrol arid he had served as head of the National Jail Association. LUto.'i f -y j .V, .*-/ Uu., li 7 Bio - Obituaries - 8/11/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 8/15/1973 i^'^OCTSVIEM;- - f B j'ai e' ; 63.- o^Nw?li Main i^eet died yesterday at ©avie I Oo^ HospltaL The ftmeralj wiU-.'be at' 2- pjb. llmraday at i EaWa.^taieraa Chape!. BuriaJi wlll^be in aemmons Memorial- Gardens. | • Jto. BayWwas born in Iredell ' Comity t^. .t>«IBam G. and IJal # ^ ^(syos. He was a member iof the Pii^ Baptist Church .and' was a retired-salesman. i ^Wving are his -wife. ^ Nell Johnson Hay cb ;• ' »« daughter, Mrs. Shelby ij('J Greene of • Modtssflle; " h f« • stq>melhet,;.Mrs, ien'la Myeri^ Hayes of Hmrmoqy; two' toothers. W, M. Hasg^lof jfanta Momca, Calif., an^T "Victor Hayes of Beach Haven, N. J.;i sisters. Mrs:' Leri^- Snow! and . Mrs,. Hoger " SnoW • qB Harmony, Mrs. .'William F-HiV ^ Mooresville. Ind.. Mrs, urailam J. Taylor of StatesviDe and Mrs. . Virgil Bowles of Moeksvillej and two half brothers, Wiiliam H. and A. 6.' S IJrjj Bio - Obituaries - 8/15/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE county enterprise record. THURSDAY. AUGUST 16. 1973 ~ 11 LAWRGNCE H. POWEIX Lawrence Raymond (Duck) Powell, 74, of Mocksville, R(. 1. died Wednesday a| Baptist hospital in Wlnstcn'Salem. The nmcral was August Uh, at 2 p.m. Friday at Eiaton's Funeral Oiapel. Burial was In Center United Methodist Church cemetery. Mr. Rowell was born in Davic Cbunty to Robinson S. and Uila Henry Howell. He was a retired lumberman. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nina Harris Powell; a daughter, Mrs. Wesley Potts of Modtsville; three sons. Bob and Ben Powell of Mocksville, Rl. 1, j and Roger Powell of j Waynesboro, Va.; a foster; daughto*, Mrs. Milton Hanes of Wilmington; four sisters, Mrs. T.P. Dwigglns of Mocksville, Mrs. W.F. Anderson of Raleigh, : Miss Georgia Powell of j Mocksville, Rt. I, and Mrs. | Bums Elkins of Salisbury: and i a brother, Harreli Powell of ; Mocksville. Rt. 1. ! FLAKE HAYES Flake Walter Hayes, 63, of North Main St., Mocksville ^ed Tuesday aRemoon at Davie County Hospital. He was a retired salesman, and member of the First Baptist Church. He was born in Ir^U County, son of William G. and Dia Stack Hayes. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nell Johnson Hayes; one daughter, Mrs. Shelby Hayes Greene of Mocksville; two brothers. W.M. Hayes of Santa Monica, California, and Victor Lee Hayes of Beach Haven, NJ.; his step-mother, Mrs. Eula Myers Hayes of Harmony; five half-sisters, Mrs. Leroy Snow, Mrs. Roger ^ow both of Harmony, Mrs. William Ellis of Mooresville, Ind., Mrs. William K. Taylor of Statcsville, Mrs. Vir^l Bowies of Mock^ille; two half-brothers, William H. Hayes and A.G. Hayes, both of Statesville; two grandchildren. Funeral services will be Thursday at 2:00 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Oiarles Bullock, Burial will be in Gemmons Memorial Gardens. ROBERT L. WALL Robert Lanier Wall, S7, 1209 Bingbam St., died Tuesday afternoon at Davie County Hospital. He was a retired employee of Moeksville Bididers Supply Co. He was a member of Oak Grove United Methodist Church. The son of the late Charlie L. Wall and Lula Lanier Wall, he was bom in Davie Cbunty. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Elma Smith Wall; two sons, Robert Wall, Jr., and Barl Douglas Wall, both of Mocksville, Rt. 7; his mother, Mrs. Lula Wall of Rt. 7; three sisters, Mrs. Thurman Bowles of Dunn, N.C., Mrs. Evelyn Boger of Mocksville, Mrs. Bobby McClamrock, Mocksville, Rt. 2; five brothers, darencc Wall and 'Tbm WMl of Mocksville. IU.2: Fred Wall and Roy Wall of Mocksville, Rt. 7, and Lee Wall of Mocksville, and one granddaughter. Funeral services will be Thursday at 4:00 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Chapel in Mocksville by the Rev. Grnrles McGce and Rev. Jim We^y. Burial will be in Jericho Church of Christ Cemetery. ORLINDA M. BOWERS Oriinda Madison Bowers, 67, of Winston-Saiem, Rt. II, Griffith Road, died August 6th at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. The funeral was held August 8tb at Hanes United Methodist Church. Burial was in Bethel United Methodist Church cemetery. Mr. Bowers was bom in FOrsylh County to Robert and Nancy Day ^wers. He had lived here all his life and was a member of Gearview Weslcyan Church. He was a retired em ploye of Hanes COrp. Suviving are two daughters, Mrs. J.D. Pollard of Mocksville, Rt. 3. and Mrs. Leonard M. Anders of Mocksville, Rt. 7; two sons, Daniel Bowers of Lewisviile, Rt. I, and Moody M. Bowers of Mocksville, Rt. 3; two sisters, Mrs. Emma Hauser of Oakwood Drive and Mrs. Lillic Wooten of Knollwood Hail; and two brothers, O.N. Bowers of Randieman and j William Bowers of Akron Drive, j TJ^. EARLY. 86 Thomas Archibald Early, 86, fomierty of 713 S. Sunset Drive, Winsion-Saiem. a veteran of over 40 years of police work in Nurlh Carolina, died Friday ai Lynn Haven Nursing Hume in Mocksville. The funeral was held Monday at Voglers Main Street Giapel. Burial was In Oaklawn Cemetery. Mr. Early was bom in Davic County to Peter Slepiten and Mary Blackwell Early. He began liis police career in 1911 when he joined the Win- %iiMi Salt'iii Poliie Department- lie luivr uecanie the depart ment's first plainclothes officer. He was also police chief at Wilson and police chief and public safety director at Ruaiiuke Rapids and Lenolr He was one of the original tune iieutifiants of the State High way Patrol Mr. Early served as security chief for the Aluminum Co. of America at Badin. Fairchlld Industries at Burlington and Roynolds Metals Co. From 1945 to 1949, he was chief security- officer of Oak Ridge Atomic Plant at Oak Ridge, Tcnn. In 1950, he became inspector of correctional institutions for the Slate Board of Public Welfare, and he \v;isknown as a pioneer in improving jail and prison conditions in North Carolina. He was a member of First Baptist Church in Win- ston-Salem. Surviving arc two daughters, Mrs. Guy Bullard Jr. of 745 Roslyn Road and Mrs. Robert Maxwell of Cheyenne, Wyo.; and two sons. Thomas A. Early Jr. of Dover, N J., and Pardee Ste|dien Early of Dayton, Ohio. Bio - Obituaries - 8/16/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. AUGUST 23. 1973 - 13 bob DWIGGINS Robert Buchanan Dwigglns, 47, of MocksvUle ^ed Sunday of a aelMnflicted gun shot wound. The ftmeral was held at It a.m. Tuesday at Baton's ^neral ChapeL Burial was in Rose Cemetery. Mr. Dwiggins was bom In .Pavie County to Jdin Cal^ and Mamie BaraeycasUe Dwiggins. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. ^tty Baton Dwiggins; a dau^ter, Miss Sandy Dwiralns of the home; two sons, Rwert B. and David Baton Dwiggins of (hehone; and four sistem, Mrs. L.A. Koonts of Ashevllle, Mrs. H.G. PIttman of Tallahassee, Fla., Mrs. Raymmtd Mardn of Wtnstott«Salem and Mrs. C.A. Hitghes of Wilmington. S. BRYANT SMITH Shuford Bryant Smith, 76, of Advance, Rt 1, died Sunday at Ijtls home. ' Thefuneral was held Tuesday at Baton's Funeral Chapel at Mocksvllle. Burial was in Bethlehem United Methodist Church cemetery. Mr. Smith was bom In Davle Coun^ to George W. and Mary •lane Smith. He was a memb^ (d Bethlehem United Methodist Church and was a retired fanner. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary Gregory Smith; a dau^ter, Mrs. Margaret Myers of Advance, Rtl; and a sister, Mrs. Faye Boyles of ModtsvOle. SAM RANDALL Sam M. Randall, 64, of RL 2, MocksvUle, died Sunday at Davle County Hbs^tal, alto* ^everal years of declining iiealth and Uuree months of serious Illness. Be was bom Aug. 9, 1909 in Stanly County to the late JJI. and Emma J. Randall. Prior to retirement In i960, he was onployed by Cooieemee Mills. Survlvora are his wife, Mrs. Iha Lowery RandaU; one son, Gary L. RandaU of Rt. 3, Albemarle; four dau^ters, Mrs. James (Peggy) Bartim of Indian TraU, BSrs. Kenneth (Blaine) Bowles of Advance, Mrs. Ronald (Nancy) WUUams and Mrs. Richard (Betty) Qamesof Rt. 2, ModtsvUle; two broUiers, Henry T. and Joe RandaU^Mt. GUead; two half- brothers, Thomas and Ddma RandaU both of Norwood; one sister, Mrs. Harry N. (Jennie) Deal of Salisbury; nine grand* IhOdrcn. Mr. RandaU was a memtier <d Eaton's Baptist Church where funeral services were con ducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. by UteRev. Lewis WUUams. Burial was in Uie church cemetery. CHARLIE V. CALL CharUe V. CaU, Bl. of 109 Douglaa Drive died Monday at Lexington Memorial Hoqidtal. The funoal was held Wed- nes^y at Wayside Baptist Tabemade Chuneh. Burial was In Reeds Baptist Church cemetery. Mr. was bom In Davle Eoimty to Henry Wilson and AUce Hendrix CaU. He was a mdmbor of Wayside BeqpUst Tsbomacle Churdi and was a retired emjdoye of BurUngton House Furniture Co. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ethel Winters Call; three dau^ters, Mrs. George Hicks, Mra. Palmer Kbontz and Mrs. Oetus Curry of Lexington; five sons, CecU L., Vestal, Fbster B. and FrankUn CaU of Lexington and CaiBrles Ray CaU of Miami, Fla.; and a brother, Tayltur Call of MocksvUle. Adam Lee Jordan, 70, of 36 Main Street, Cooieemee, died at 2:35 p. m. at Davle County Hospital Monday, after a lingering iUness. He was bom in Davle County to the late George W. and Alice Spry Jordan, and was a member of First Baptist Church. He was assistant overseer of BurUngton MOIs at Cooieemee until his retirement. Survivors are his wife, Carrie Flynn Jordan; one daughter, Mrs. Norma Jean Comatxo' of Rt. 7, MocksviUe; three sms, Charlie Jordan of Cooleonee, Jim Jordan of Mt. Ulla and Turner Jordan of Las Vegas, Nev.; one sister, Mrs. Mary Tiller of Eden; two brothers, Dewey Jordan of COoIeemee and Baxter Jordan of Salisbury; 11 granddiUdren; four great-grand^dren. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p. m. Thursday at First BapUst Church. Burial wfll he In Legion Memorial Park. The family will receive friends Wednc^y night from 7 until 9 at Eaton's Funeral Home in MocksvUle. MRS. JACK WILLIAMS Mrs. EmUy West WlUiams, i 60, Rt 1, MocksvUle, died • Saturday morning at Davle i County Hos|dtal. ! Services were held Mtmday at j the Society Baptist Church with { the Rev. Charles SIsk of-i ficlating. Burial was in the{ church cemetery. Bora August 27,1882, In Davle! County, Mrs. Williams was a | lUetlmereridenthereShewasa | member of the Society Baptist | Cbumh. • Survivors include her I hu6bBnd.P4t. (Jack) WUUams;: onefoster^m.BiUSainof Rt 1,: Sallsbtvy. I Bio - Obituaries - 8/23/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. AUGUST 23, 1973 - 13 HENRY C. HICKS ' Henry CQleman Hicks, 78, of Advance. RL I, died Saturday night at Forayth Memorial Hospital in Winsttm^em. Thefunezal was bdd Tuesday at Redland Pentecostal Holiness Churdi. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Hicks was bom in Yadkin County to George W. and Martha EUen Cline Hicks. He was a member of Redland Pentecostal Hdiness Church and was a retired driver for Blue Bird Cab Co. in Winston- Salem. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Louise Martin Hides; five sons, Richard and John Hicks of Advance, Rt 1, Harold W. Hicks of Lexington, RL 8, George W. Hidts of Winston-Salem and Thomas C. Hicks of High Point; and a half sistor, Mrs. Mary Harris of WinstoihSaton. MRS. C. H. RATLEOGR MOCK.SVILLE - Strs. |la Sa^edgc, 79. of Mo^villc. Rt. I. wifr of C. W. RatliMtne. died ycstenlsv at Davtr County KospHal. The fimerat witl lie at 2 p.m. Thursday ai Ctarkstiary United Hetbodiat Church. Burial will be in the diurch cemetery. Mrs. Ratledge was bom la I^cil ^nty to John and Ann Riv«, She was a memtier of Ctarkstiury United Hetbodut Church. Surviv^;,.' «ip her bu-^nnd: four dau(.i.ie.-(, Mi>. William B e 11 0 n and Blrs. Gary Bodrnheimer of Witwton^lcm. Mrs. Carl Rogers of MorlBville. Rt. I. and M.v. Cedtlc Simoot of Mocksville. Rt. S; and five sons, Claude. Kenneth. Dennis and Jim Ratlcdge of Uocb.<i1Ile. Rt. 1. and John Ratl^ge of Conowingo. Ud. The body Is at Bunch Funeral Home at Statesvflle. and ? em£RHKiSt- ntoOKp Bio - Obituaries - 8/23/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA SALISBURY EVENING POST, 8/27/1973 Mrs. Lee Moore, 89, Of Circle Drive Mrs. PattieTajum Moore. 89. . of 123 Ordfi Drive. el.* Lee V. Moore. (UeSl^dajr ai-, 2:3s ajit in Rowan Memorial Hospital. She had beew.^ seiioasty ill sloce AprlL Fttneral services wiD be con* ducted Tbesday aReffloen at 2i o'clock in Summorsett Memorial Chapel by the Rev. Vkior Cble. pasior of First Baptist Qmreh. Burial wiB be in Rock Cteek COmeiery in . WsshlJigloD, D.C. / The family wUI be at the raldcncKL Born April 2S, I sat. In Jerusalem in Davie Oouniy. Mrs. Moore was the daughter td the late Bnmael J. And Ida llinkle Eaton Talom. Her husband died In 1881. She wad educated at Meredith Sduot where she majored in nuislc and taught grade scboot lo Davie County and Bessemer City. *i Mis. Moore was active la the Jerusalem Bapita Church and CooHefliee Baptist Church In early life and was a member of Calvary Baptist Chureh in | ' Washington. D.C. Survlvos are a son. Samuel V. Moore of Annandalo, Va.: a dwgbter, Mra. Pattio Cray of Ftiiten. N.Y.; a hratlsr, Col. R. i L. Taium. of Taylorsvilie: four sisters. Mn. Sadie Durham of . Lumlicnan, Mra. Craee Click j of Elkln. Mrs. Christine i Zachary of TnytonviUe and } Miss Pink B. Tatum of; SaUsbuiy: six graqdj^lldren. , Bio - Obituaries - 8/27/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIli COUNTy I-NTliRPRISt RIifORD. THURSDAY. AUGUST 30. 1973 - Page 1 Davie Woman Dies in Fieiy Auto Crash A 21-year-otd Davie County woman was killed in a ncry one- car crash on U. S. 04 about 1:4S a. m. Thursday, August 23. The victim was identified as Mrs. Wanda Livcngood Overcash of Advance. Rt. 2, who was driving alone. Patrolman B. A. Bowden of Davidson County said the car, going west toward Mocksvilie, ran off the right shoulder and then Jumped back onto the high way and skidded off the left shoulder and down an em bankment near the intersection of the old Highway 64 near tiie Vadkin River hi' !dc. Bowden said tht* cor liil a small Inn* and explitdiil in flames, burning the victim beyond recognition. The body was nmovi-d by members of the Heeds Kire Deparlmeiu. The funeral for Mrs Over- cash was held at 4 p. in. Friday. Aiigiivf ;>4, at Falnn's Funeral OiU|H>I at Mucks\'ille. Burial was in the Fork Baptist Cliurch cemetery. She was burn m Howan County to Krnesi W. and Kdith Isgell iJvenguod SJje was an employee of the Dixie Furniture Co in Lexington Surviving are lier imsband, tierry 1. Uvercasli. lur parents of Advance. Hi r*. and two brnlliers. Jerry 1) and Dennis W iJvengotidul Aii>,iiue. Hi 2 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1973 - 13 MRS. MARVIN WATERS Mrs. Geneva Nail Waters, 90, of North Main Street, widow of l^rvln Waters, died Wed nesday, August 22. at Davie Coufity Hosj^tal. Funeral services were held Fridsy, August 24, at 2 p.m. at ^th^iFirst United Methodist Church with the Rev. Austin Haiddton, church pastor, and the *Rev. R.C. Goforth of- flclaiing. Burial was in Rose Ceniet^. She was bom in Davie County Augtist 9,1883, to Abraham and Ida Rose Nail. She was a member of the First United Methodist Churdi of Mocksvilie and-a life-long member of the Eastern Star of Mocksvilie. She Is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Mary Waters Hodkettof Newberry, S.C., and Mrs. Katherine McGraw of Mocksvilie; two sons, Sam Waters of Modcsville and Bob Waters of Lacross. *Va.: three sisters, Mrs. Ethel Ho^rd and Miss Ivie NaQ both of Routes, Mocksvilie, and Mrs. Margaret Call of Mocksvilie; (me brother, Abraham Nail of Greensboro; 17 grandchildren; 28 great-grmdchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. MRS. ILA RATLEDGE Mrs. Da Rives Ratledge, 79, of Mocksvilie, Rt. l, widow of the late Jay M. Ratledge, died Augtikt 22 at the Davie County Ifbspltal. The funeral was held Thur sday; at aarksbury United Methodist Churdi. Burial was in thS dkurch cemetery. Mrs. Ratledge was born in Iredi^ County to John and Ann Rives. She was a member ofCSa^bury thiited Methodist Chtirai. Surviving are her husband; four-daughters, Mrs. William Belttfn and Mrs. Gary Bodenheimer of Wlnston- Salem, Mrs. Carl Rogaa of MocKsville, Rt. 1, and Mrs. Cectaic Smoot of Mbcksville, Rt. 6; five sons, Claude, Kenneth, Dennis and Jim Ratlodge of Mocksvilie, Rt. 1, and I John Ratledge of Conowingo, Md. ROBERT D. WARD Ro^iert Daniel Ward, 42, of 52 Cedar Lodge Road, ThonsasvUle, and a brother of Jack-S. Ward of Mocksvilie, died jit 2:40 aon. Wednesday, Aumst 22, at CommuniW Ceinral Hosnital in Tboidasville. He had been ill five months. F^meral services were hdd Fkiday, August 24, at 2:30 p.m. at J.C. Green and Sons Chapel In Tbomasvllle. Burial was In H(d]y Hills Cemetery. He was born in Davidson Cow^ to H.E. and Maggie Workman Ward and was a graduate of ThomssvUle Senior High School and Catawba iflege. Mr. Ward had been a teacher and coach at Union Pines High School near Cartha^ for nine years and had been a teacher and coadi at Churchland and Welt Davidson high schools. He was a member of the Carthage First Baptist Church and a vetmran of the Korean conflict Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Zalda Lynch Ward; a son, Robert Daniel Ward Jr. of the home; his mother of HUlcrest Road; three sisters, Mrs. S.G. Mitchefl of High Point, Mrs. Dtian Calhoun of Fleer Road, and Mrs. C3»rles L. Murphy of Forsi Street; and three brothers, C.M. Ward of Hlckisry, J.R. Ward of Vivian Street and Jack S. Ward of iMocksvOle. Bio - Obituaries — 8/30/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30. 1973 ~ 13 MISS CLAUDIA L. JONES Miss Claudia Leonia Jones. 78, of Advance, Rt. 2, died Thursday at the Davie County Hospital. The hmeral was held at 3 pjn. Saturday at Mock's United Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Miss Jones was born in Davie County to William and Eugenia Snyder Jones. She was a member of Mock's United Methodist Church and was a member of the Woman's Society of Christian Service at the church. Surviving are three sisters. Misses Grace, Ethyl and Mattie Jones of the home; and two brothers, Glenn Jones of Ad* vance, Rt. 1, and Joe W. Jones of Advance, Rt. 2. JESSE F.GILLEAN Jesse Frank Gillean, 79, of 490 Sanford Avenue died Friday at Davie County Hospital. The funeral was held Sunday at First Presbyterian Church. Burial was in Bethel Lutheran Church cemetery in Rowan County. Mr. Giilean was bom in Rowan County to John H. and Rachel Gheen Gillean. He was a retired employee of the Heritage Furniture Company. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Janet Miller Gillean; two daughters, Mrs. Wray Oawford end Mrs. William B. Gray of High Point; a brother, Clarence Gillean of Salisbury, Rt. 1, and grandchildren Wray Crawford Jr., Miss Jan Crawford, William Bruce Gray, Frank Gray and Tommy Gray of Hl^ Point. Pallbearers were the grand* sons and nephews. Hayden Gillean and ^n Giilean of Salisbury. CHARLIE N. GREGORY Charlie Nero Gr^ory, 82, of Mocksville, Rt. 1, died &iturday at hia home. SAr. Gregory was l)orn in Wilkes County to Martin and Rachel Money Gregory. He was a member of Pleasant View Baptist Churdi and was a retired farmer. Surviving are four dau^ters, Mrs. O.W. Houston of Statesville, Rt. 4, Mrs. John Campbell of Clin, BArs. TVoy Houston of Winchester, Va., and Mrs. Thelma Kerr of Manassas, Va.; and a son, Carmie Gregory of Mocksville. Rt. l. MRS. LLOYD McCLAMROCK Mrs. Gennie Myers tfc- damrock, 71, widow of Lloyd Mcdamrock, of Route 4, was dead on arrival at 9:30 am. Friday at Davie County Hospitalr Sm was twm in Davie County to the late John U. and Carolina Summers Myers and was a member of Liberty United Methodist Church. Mrs. Mc* damrock was a retired em ployee of Burlington Mills in Cooleemee. Survivors are two dau^ters, Mrs. Evelyn Cope of Stuart, Va. and Mrs. Doris Summers of Rt. 7, Statesville; one son, AJ*. (Bud) McClamrock of Salisbury; two sisters. Miss Sadie Myers and Miss Alma Myers, both of Route 4; two brothera, John H. fibers of Route 4, and Tom Myers of Wdcome; nine grandchildren; four great-grandchildren. Funeral services were con ducted at 4 pm. Sunday at Liberty United Methodist Church. Burial was in Oak Grove Church cemeto^. MRS. WALTER BOWLES MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Lcli Howel Bowles. 88, of Mocksville, Rt. 2, widow of Waiter H. Bowles, died yesterday at the home of her ' daughter In Winston-Saiem. The funeral will be at 2 pan. Thursday alHuntsvlIle Baptist Church. Burial will I be in the church cemetery. Mrs. Bowles was born In Yodkln County to John T. and Amends Baity Howell. She was a member of Ilunlsville Baptist Chur^. Surviving are three daughters. Mrs. Camilla Elam of 4210 Retdsvitle Road, Winiton-Salom. Mrs. Moselle Milton of Yadkinvllle. Rt. 4. and Mrs. SalUe Riddle of Advance, Rt. 1; three sons, Charley Bowles of ModtsviOe, Rt. S. Lindon Bowles of Winston Salem and Wilson Bowles of VadklnviUe, Rt. 4; a sister. Mrs. R. H. Baity of Winston* Salem; and three hi others, Batry Howell of Mocksville. Rt. 2, Robert Howell of Advance, Rt. l. and Vernon HoweU of WInston-Salera. MRS.PATnETATUM MOORE Mrs. PatUe Tatum Moore, 88, of 129 Circle Drive, widow of Lee V. Moore, died Sunday at 2:39 am. in Rowan Memorial Hospital. She had been seriously ill since April. Funeral services were con* ducted Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in Summersetl Memorial Chapei by the Rev. Victor Qtle, pastor of First Baptist Church. Burial was in Rock Creek Cemetery in Washington, D.C. Born April 28, 1884. in Jerusalem in Davie County, Bdrs. Moore was the daughter of the late Samuel J. and Ida Hinkle Eaton Tatum. Her husband died in 1961. She was educated at Meredith School where she majored in music and taught grade school in Davie County and Bessemer City. 1^. Moore was active In the Jerusalem Baptist Church and Cooleemee Baptist Church in early life and was a memb^ of Calvary Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. Survivors are a son, Samuel V. Moore of Annandaie, Va.; a daughter, hfrs. Pattie Gray of . Fulton, N.Y.; a brother. Col. R. : L. Tatum, of Tayiorsvtiie; four i sisters, Mrs. Sadie Durham of I Lumberton,Mrs. Grace Click of j Eikin, Mrs. Christine Zachary I of TaylorsvQie and Miss Pink E. ! Tatum of Salisbury: six grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 8/30/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 6. 11 HBR6BRT A. JOHNSON Herbert A. Johnson. 80. of Mocksvlile Rl. 3. died Thur* sd^. 9 The funeral wos held Sunday at Piedmont Funeral Oiapel at Lexington. Burial was in Bethany United Methodist Church near Lexington. Mr. Johnson was born in Donaldson, Tenn., and was a member of Bethany United Methodist Church. He was a retired employe of the Junior Orphanage Home at Lexington. Surviving are bis wife. Mrs. Minnie Patterson Johnson; a daughter. Mrs. Bertha Lopp of W^ford. S.C.; two step* daughters, Miss Bdna L. Patterson of Greensboro and Mrs. Rebecca Burton of Mocksvilie, Rt. 3; and a step* wn. C.D. Patterson of Wilmington. HBNRVPAGB Henry Page, 74. of Rt. t. Mocksvilie. died Friday at Lowrance Hospital in Mooresville. He had been ill for two days. Surviving are four sons. Gregg of Mooresville. Buford. with the U. S. Air Force, Joe of the home and Benny of Mocksvilie; six daughters, Mrs. Grace Powell. Miss Bert Page and Mrs. Gertrude Cox, all of Mocksvilie. Mrs. Geneva Pavne of Salisbury, and Mrs. Olive Wilhelm and Mrs. Inez Ooggins. both of Mooresville; a brother; two sisters and 24 grand* children. MRS. HUBERT HENDRICKS Mrs. Millie Seamen Hen* dricks. 67. of Mocksvilie. Rt. 1. widow of Hubert Hendricks. died Tuesday at Davie County Hospital. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Salem United Methodist Church. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Mrs. Hendricks was born in Davie County to John and Emma Davis Seaman. She was a member of Jericho Church of Christ. Surviving are a daughter. Miss Ruth C. Hendricks of the home; a son. J. G. (Buster) Kcntlricksof Mocksvilie. Rt. 1; four sisters. Mrs. Essie Felker. Mrs. Marvin Willioms and Mrs. Arthur Daywalt of Mocksvilie. Rt. I. and Mrs. Ethel Phelps of Geveland. Rt. 1: and two brothers. Aivin Seamen of Mocksvilie. Rt. 7. and William A. Seamen of Mocksvilie. Rt. I. The body is at Bunch Funeral Home at Statesvillc. Bio — Obituaries - 9/6/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVII-: COUNTY l-NTI-RrRtSI- RI-CORD. THURSDAY. SEPTtMBER I.T. m? Davie Counttys Fourfh Fatalilij Dianne McClamrock Beck Dies Of Wreck Injuries - Page 1 Mrs Uiiimu' Mc-riamruck Ik'ck. of Salisbury, dii-d al 2:3i>u.iiv Friday al Jlio Fiirsylli Mi'niiirial llnspital. Sliv was injured in an auicimubilc ne- eideni uii Autiust 3]sl uii lliiili- way Tidi. 2 r> miles snutb uf ' Moeksville Mrs. Beck was driving a Musiani! nurlh im Ili^liMuy uu and a ear in irnnt re|H)riedly slewed to make a liirn Slie reiMirledly swerved to llie lell and her ear was involved in a enllision unli on oiieoininp ear driven In a I'lm-ida man This \ia>i Uaiie CounU's limrtli liiphwav lalalii> lor A native nl Davie Oiuiily, Mrs. lU-ek was llie daunhler nt Waller S ami Hiitli Daniel MeClaniruek ot Mneksi ille She was a niemlH-r ul the First United Meiliudisl iTiureh ut Moeksv tile, and w as a seereiary for lVrr\ (\iiiipei riiin|>any near MoeksMlie SuiMvors in .ixliliiioii In hei . pureiit.N. nil hide her Inishund. * DoiUiid Htvk <<| Salisbnr>. a daufttiler Iionii.i i.Nnelle lieik oi liie home, a son. Dumild Heck. Jr. of the liome; u sister. Mrs Jean Kverest of Moeksvilk* Fimefal serviei's were held Sunday al llie Katon Funeral Home lliaiiel in Moeksville Hiirial was in Hose Cenielery, Beck Fund \ speeial fund tu liel|i defray Itie iiiediral ev' pi-iises uf Ihe lair Mrs. tiiane Meriaiiirork lleik. o ho (lied Us a resull of an ai-tiileiil and foi her son. Sliaiie. u liii was injured in Ihe same uiehli'fK has lueii seru|i ut the Itruiiih llankhiK and Trust liim]ian> in Mmksillle The fund Is under Hie su|ier\isioii of Mrs lloMurd Manes, .\ii\otie vtishiiiK 111 eiiiitrihute to iliis fund ma> do so al either hunt lies uf Hie bank DAVn- COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 1973 - II MRS. W.F. SIDES Mrs. William F. Sides. 75. Uie former Kate Owens, of 48 Rowan Street. Yadkin, died at 6 o'clock Thursday morning at Hill Haven Convalescent Homo in Winston-Salem. She had been In declining health for several years and seriously ill for throe months. A native of Davie County. ^frs. Sides was bom January 10. 1898, to the late Ahram and Mary Ellen Young Owens, Sfie was educated in the Davie County schools. During early life she taught .school. She was a member of ^Oa^dalc Baptist Church and the Women's Society of Christian Service. Her husband, William Franklin Sides, died on October 14. 1965. She leaves two daughters. Mrs, Charles (Mary) Massengil) of Salisbury and Mrs. William (Ha) "Hiompson of Charlotte; four brothers. Steve. Robert. Sam. and Young Owens, all of Lexington; three sisters, Mrs. Polly Snider of Lexington. Mrs. Bertha Barnes of Churchland, and Mrs. Lillian Wagoner of Landls; five grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 9/13/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 1973 - 13 REINA ADOLPHUS STEELE Reina Adolphus Steele, 59, of Rt. 1, Mocksvitle, died Saturday at 7 ajn. Born In Iredeil Cbunty.be was the son of Frank and Victoria Padgett Steele. He was a m^ber of Ijames Crossroads Baptist Qiurdi, and was em ployed at Hwitage Furniture Company in Mocl^iie. Surviving are his wife, Eiien Kimmer Steele: five sisters. Mi^ Willie I^e Sede, Miss Emmie Steele, and Mrs. Pearl Mayfaerry, all of Harmony, and Mrs. Nancy Beck of State^IIe; a half-sister, Mrs. Lena Sharpe of Salisbury; two brothers, John Steele and Gumey Steele, both of Harmony. Funeral services were con ducted Monday at Ijames Crossroads Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. MRS. JAMBS H. JONES Mrs. Edna Tutterow Jones, S3, of Mocksviiie, Route 1, wife of James Htmry Jones, died Wednesday, September 12, at Baptist Ho^Ital in Winston- Salem. Funoal services wo-e held Friday, September 14, at Cento* United Methodist Church. Mrs. Jones was bom in Davie County to B.F. and Daisy Biacinralder Tutterow. She was a member of Center United Methodist Church. Surviving are her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Gaii Cook of Mocksviiie, Rt. I; a sisto*, Mrs. FVed Powell of Mocksviiie, Rt. 1; and a brother, Fred Tutterow of Atlanta, Ga. ROBERT J. HENDRIX Robert Jordan (Buck) Hendrix, 62, of Mocksviiie, Rt. 3. died Sunday at Davie Onmty Hospital. The funeral was Tuesday at Eaton's FUneral Chapel. Burial was in Smith Grove United Methodist Church conetery. Mr. Hendrix was bom in Davie County to Crawford and Nannie Great Hendrix. He was a retired carpenter. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Hazel Hanes Hendrix; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Lloyd Whitaker of Fort Lauderdale, Fia.; a sisto*, Mrs. Elizabeth Messick of WInston-Salem; and a brother, George Hendrix of Mocksviiie, Rt. 3. WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL 9/20/1973 Alexander Man Killed .By Car • jMmtt Cirnia«><nit j TAYtJOBSVlLtf — Ool. . H«ubm I,. Tabira, 81. of TayjomtUe; a founder and pnsldent of the Alexander County Water COrp., was kaied early yesterday when be was stntek br a car on Old Hewttain Road, about (our miles west of StatesvOle. ' . Highway Patielman C. H. • Ward saU that ThUm wax | waOdng en the road with Ids back la IrafHc when he was Mt by a ear driven by Cbatles-A. Deal, 49, of StateavQIe. .Ward saU Uiat Ihare had bien a break la a water Una of the West iredeil Water Co. and tbat Tatum was helping workmen with ttw repair work. Lase Blocfced • Ward sAl that one lane of i tbwread was bloeked by a i pile ef dirt when the | aceldent occurred and tbat ' (bm were m flagmen atihn^ne. Nrs^arges have been IBed. N Tbo fttwiar for Tatum wOl . be at 3 p.m;'Trfday at Adams rateralChapeI. Burial n wtQ b? In. the TayioiiflUa-OeflKtery.' . A aatlve bf Dade County, be was the .sea ol the late Samuel J. and Ida HlaUe Eaten ir.Titum. Be was a graduate ef Mars Hill Cblkite' and received a. desree to civil en^neerlng from State UmversUi^ : He was fasimmentat in :the formation of the ^exander County Water Corp. end was a former director of the Alexander .County Civil Defcnit. He -Jiad been chafrman ef the >connty Red Cross unit and to >1963 was named Alexander >Cettnty's "Man of the Year." ? Both Wars m- A veteran of both world twars. Tatum bad served to Iceland end ether ceuatrles 4nd for six months bad Jworked for Uie secretary of ;war to SoaUi America .^rlng World War 11. Me 'was a retired colonel In the •JArmy Corps of Engineers. . > He had been ebainnan of ^ihe eeunty idannlng board. t^He organixed the ^vtersvllle Frame Co. and I<Iad served as an adviser Cand coasoltattt fiir the • BlankemWp Frame Co. He was a diarler member •of the Society of Bnstoeen. a .'member of the American .Soclttv ef Milltacy •Engineers a^ a past port 'commander of tko Amertean •liOglan. ' He to survived tiv Ids wife. . Mrs. Maude McCab Tatoa: ia son, Richard L Tatum of 'Hickory: four sisurs, Mn. 1,. P. Eaebary of •Taylorsvitle. Mrs. Grace Click of Blkin, Mba Pmk .HIisabeth Tatum ef •SaSsbury and Mrs. C. E. •Dntbam of faunbartea.(aunbartea. j U- • ^ t,- fi'>» c !- . Id • ITU Bio - Obituaries - 9/20/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Ifi DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1973 - . Davie Native Killed By Car Col. Reuben L. Tatom. 81, of Taylorsville, who was a native of Davie County, was killed early Wednesday, September 19, when he was struck by a ear on Old Mountain Road, about four miles west of Statesville. Ool. Tatum was founder and president of the Alexander County Water Corporation. Highway Patrolman C.E. Ward said that Tatum was walking on the road with bis back to traffic when he was hit by a car driven by Charles A. Deal, 49, of Statesville. Ward said that there had been a break in a water line of the West Iredcli Water Co. and that Tatum was helping workmen with the repair work. Ward said that one lane of the road was blocked by a pile of dirt when the accident occurred and that there were no flagmen at the scene. No charges have been filed. The funeral for Tatum was held at 2 p.m. Friday at Adams Funeral Chapel. Burial was in the Taylorsville Cemetery. A native of Davie County, he was the son of the late Samuel J. and Ida Hinkle Eaton Tatum. He was a graduate of Mars Hill College and received a degree in civil engineering from N.C. State University. He was instrumental in the formation of the Alexander County Water Corp. and was a former director of the Alexander County Civil Defense. He had been chairman of the county Red Cross unit and in 1965 was named Alexander County's "Man of the Year." A veteran of both world wars, Tatum had served in Icdand and other countries and for six months had worked for the secretary of war in South America during World War II. He was a retired colonel in the Army Corps of Engineers. He had been chairman of the county planning board. He organized the Taylorsville Frame Co. and had served as an adviser and consultant for the Blankensiiip FVame Co. He was a charter member of the Society of Engineers, a member of the American Moiety of Military Engineers and a past post commander of the American Legion. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Maude McCain Tatum; a son, Richard L. Tatum of Hickory; four sisters, Mrs. L.P. Zachary of Taylorsville, Mrs. Grace Click of Elkin, Miss Pink Elizabeth Tatum of Salisbury and Mrs. C.E. Durham of Lumberton. Bio - Obituaries - 9/27/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1973 - 11 EUSTACE A. DBADMON Eustace A. Deadmon, 80, of 85 RiUsiile Road, Eliutetb, New Jersey, died Friday, September 14, after suffering an apparent beart attack. Mr. Deadmon was bom in Davie County. He was (he son of (he late Maggie Martin of Mocksville, Route 7. He was a retired investigator with the U.S. Treasury Department He was a membs* of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) and also a member of Newark Local No. 3 Patrolmen's Benevolent Association (PEAK - Hewasthehusbandof the late Ruth Berguer Deadmon. Surviving are a son, Edward A. Deadmon, with whom he lived; a.dau^ter, Mrs. Hugh Mae* Glhald; two sisters, Mrs. Fdix Berrter of Mocksville and Mrs. Harry Meador of Richmond. \1rglnia; three granddiildren wd two great grand^Idren. Services were held at All Saints Episcopal Qiundi in Elizab^, New Jersey. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery in Hillside, New Jersey. MRS. H.W. PRESNBLL Mrs. Nola Trivette Presnell, 80, of Mocksville, Rt. 4, widow of Harrison W. Presnell, died FMday at her home. ' The funeral was held Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. H(irial was in THirrentine Baptist Church cemetery. Mrs. Presnell was born in Watauga County Grant to Martha Guy Trivette. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Norman Reece of Greensboro and Mrs. James Head and Mrs. James Lankford of Cooloemee; seven sons, linville, J.B. and Ray Presndl of Mocksville, Rt. 4, Forest Presnell of Cooleemee and Oifford Pmndl of Advance, Rt. 2; two sisters, Mrs. Roy TVivette of Sugar Grove and Mrs. Council Ward of Stone Mountain; and a brother, Dudley iVivette of Heaton. ROBERT R. ALLEN 'Robert Reece Allen, 73, of Cleveland, died Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at Lula Hoots Memorial Hospital, Yadkinville. iFuno-al services were con ducted Tuesday at 11 a.m. at the Johnson Funeral Home Chapel iti Statesville by the Rev. Claude Collins. Burial was in the Cleveland Cemetery. The body will remain at the funeral home until the funeral hour. Mr. Allen was born Feb. is. 1900, in Davie County, and he was a son of the late Charles H. and Lela Miller Allen. He was a retired State Highway Department employee. He was a member of Cleveland United Methodist Church. . fi^viving are two sisters. Km. J.T. Graham of Rt. 2, Cleveland, and Mrs. Charles MRS. CORA McCUBBINS Mrs. Cora Myers McCUbblns. 84, of Woodleaf died Monday morning at Davie County Hdq;)ital at Mocksville. The funeral was held Wed nesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel at Mocksville. Burial was in Elbaville United Methodist Church cemetery. Mrs. McCubbins was born in Davie Cotmiy to Christen and Sally Chaffin Myers. She was a memtier of Woodleaf United Methodist Church. Surviving are two duaghlers. Mrs. Lucille Hair of Cleveland. Rt 1. and Miss Mildred Mc- Cufibins of Durham BILLY WAYNE BODE Biliy Wayne Boce, 33, of Rt. 5, Mocksville, died Saturday afternoon at Davie County Hospital, after several years of declining health. Born Aug. 26, 1940 in Davie County, he was a son of Jack and Nanny Jordan Boce of Rt. S, Mocksville. In addition to his parents, survivors include four sisters, Mrs. Glenn Reavis of Rt. 5, Mrs. Nancy Bailey of Rt. 4, and Mrs. Ray Allison of Rt. 3, all of Mocksville, and Mrs. Roger Cole of Rochester, N.Y.; and two brothers, Vemon Boce of Rt. 6, Mocksville, and Lewis Booe of Winston-Salem. FREDRICK J. BAUMAN Fredrick Joseph Baiunan, 77, of Asheville died Sunday, September 16th In a Henderson County hospital after a brief illness. A native of New York City, he had lived in Buncombe County for (he past S3 years. He was a World War 1 veteran serving \rith the U.S. Army Medical Corps. He was a member and former commander of the Rockwell-Ballew American Legion Post. He was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church, of udiich he was a member of the Adult Men's Bible Class and had served as a church steward. Mr. Bauman was a retired hotel manager. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Luda Lee Moseley Bauman; two daughters, Mrs. Betty Orr of Candler and Mrs. Anna Lee imiliams of Mocksville; two sons. Dr. W. Frank Bauman of Panama Qty, Fla. and Cmdr. James Ray Bauman (U.S. Navy-Ret.) of Cocoa Beach, Fla.; IS grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Bio - Obituaries - 9/27/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSnAY, SEPTEMBER 27. 1973 - 11 TERRY L. POTTS Terry Lee Potts, 10, of MocksvQle, Rt. t, died Mcmday at Baptist Hospital In Winston* Salon. He had been 01 for several weeks. The funo-al was held at 4 p.m. Wednesday at Bear Creek Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. He was bom In Oavie County to Paul James and Galina Taye Potts. Surviving are his parents; three sisters, Mrs. Doris K. Dix, Mrs. William B. Jones Jr. and Mrs. Dora Jane Potts of Cooleemee; four brothers. James Wesley, Gary Dale, Jeffrey Kent and Bobby Wayne Potts of the home; end his grandmothers, Mrs. Dora Lee Taye and Mrs. Lethia Potts of Mocksviile, Rt. 1. Bio - Obituaries - 9/27/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1973 - 13 DR. WILUAM 1. HOWBLL Or. WiUiBm 1. HoweU, 70, died Tuesday, September ffilh In Atlanta, Ga. where he has been associate pastor of the First Presbyterian Church (htfe for 19 years. ^ was a former<^8tor of FHm Presbyterian Qturch in Afooksvilie. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Virginia Long Koweil, sister of Dr. W.M. Long and Mrs. Gaither Sanford of Mocksvllle. Other survivors are three <181^10*0, Mrs. Jean Uchd of GrOensboro; Mrs. Nathaniel Hynson of Jacksonville, Mrs. Franklin Bloodsworth of Atlanta; two sisters. Miss Evelyn Koweil of Greensboro and Mrs. Ciaudie Wheelo* of Oxitard; seven grandchildren. DEWITT RATLEDGE Dewitt Clinton Ratledge, 84, of Mocksvllle, Rt. 7, died Thdrsday at Davle County HM^tal. The funeral was held Satjmday at Eaton's Funeral Ch^^. Burial was in Center United Methodist Church cemetery. Mr. Ratledge was born in Davie County to John F. and Sat 'Ji Casey Ratledge. He was a retired farmer. ' SOrvlvIng are his wife, Bflrs. ttoy Byriey Ratledge; and a sister, BSrs. Rebecca Koontz of Mocksvllle, Rt. 1. Bio — Obituaries - 10/4/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COU>nY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, OCTOBER II. 1973 - II MRS. FANNIE STEWART. 99 jk Mrs. Pannie Hege Stewart, 99, died at Lynn Raven Nursing Home in AfoosvUle, at 10 pjn. Monday after. 13 years of declining health. Sie was bom in Davie Gounty to Jacob and Agnes ^erly Hege and was the widow of C J). Stewart. Survivors are three daughters, Miss Cbra Stewart and Mrs. Sally Sain of Rt. 3, Mocltsville and Bfrs. Flossie Wilson of Wnston'Salem; three sons. Scott and Tom ^ewart of Rl. 3, Mbcksville and John Stewart of Rt. i, Linwood; 23 grandchildren; 44 great* granddtildren; 12 great-great granddilldren. Funeral services were con ducted Wednesday at 3 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Chapel, Mocksvitle. Burial was in the Cemetery at Fulton United Methodist Church where she was a member. WALTER F. ROBINSON Walter Fulton Robinson, 74, of Charlotte, formerly of Mocksvillc. died October 3rd at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte. The funeral was held at Harry and Bryant Funeral Chapel in Charlotte. Burial was in Sharon Memorial Park. Mr. Robinson was born in Glades Sprii^. Va. to M.W. and Susan McGiiinis Robinson. He was a member of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Charlotte. He was a graduate of Emory and Henry College at Emory, Va.. and recdvcd his master's degree at the University of Virginia. He was superintendent of the Davie County school system from 192B to 1997. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Violet Allison Robinson; a daughter. Mrs. Maholm Clark III ritarliiiie: a sister. Mrs. Frances Perkins of Natural Ui'iUge, Va.; and a brother, L.E. itubinson of Glade Springs. Bio - Obituaries - 10/11/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1973 Pages 1 and 2 At Trailer Park In Rowan Cooleeitiee Man Slays Wife, Then Takes Own Life A SS-year-old Oooleemee man shot and killed his S4<year'0ld wife and then took his own life shortly before noon Mimday at a trailer park on the Majolica Road in Rowan Cbunty. Sheriff John F. Stirewalt of Rowan County identified the victims of Toy toy Lee of Duke St., Cooieemee and Mrs. Lessie Rakes Lee. who was residing in a nnobiie home at the Idle Wheel Trailer Park. The couple are reported to have been separated for severiu weeks. The deaths were ruled as murder and suicide. Sheriff Stirewalt said a telephone message was recdved at his office at 11 ;36 ajn. Monday from J.C. Uvengood, who owns and operates the Idle Wheel TVailer Park on the MajolicaRoad. Uvengood said "There has been a shooting. Send someone out." Sheriff Stirewalt arrived at the trailergtrk first and then Chief Deputy Charles erion and Capt. C.M. Grant drove up. The officers said when they arrived they saw two persons, a man and a woman. The woman was lying on her stomach and (he man on his right side. The officers examined Mrs. Lee and found she had six or more bullet wounds In her back. Lee had one bullet wound above his right ear, near bis temple. The investigating officers found a .38 caliber pistol, made in Brazil, near Loy. Lee woihed as a security guard at Fiber Industries, where Mrs. Lee was also employed. Livengood was a witness to the murder and suicide. He told the officers he had been at Mrs. Lee's mobilehome to repair a commode in the home. When he went to the mobile home he parked his pickup trudc behind an automobile in the drive-way. . He said he had stepped out of the mobile home and was standing in the yard when Lee drove up in an automobile which he parked on the grass in the yard. Uvengood told the Rowan officers he was a^ed by Lee "are you the service man?" He said he replied he owned the trailer parit and did his own work. He reported that Mrs. Lee interjected at that lime not to leave, that "he is my ex- husband." Uvengood told the offlcers that he then saw Lee take out the pistol and shoot at B^s. Lee, who ran between the space of the parked pickup truck and automobile. He reported that Lee continued Rring the revolver at Mrs. Lee. Uvengood said he then went to a mobile home next to the home of the woman and (Continued On Page 2) Murder, And Suicide (Continued From Page 1) looked out a window. He said he saw Lee re-load the pistol and place it against his head. However, he said he believed the gun "snapped" or did not fire. Uv^ood told the officers he then saw Lee fire again, either at the ground or at hfrs. Lee. He said he then obsoved Lee dace the gun against his head and be heard the discharge from the weapon. The Rowan officers said Lee and his wife were dead when they made their examinations. They said they picked up the empty shells and when they examined the gun two spent shelis were found in the chamW of the pistol. Funeral Services Funeral services for the couple were conducted Wednesday at 2 pm. at the Eaton Funeral Home Chapel in Mocksville. Burials were in Rowan Memorial Park. Mr. Lee, a security guard for Fiber Industries, was bom in Georgia and was a memb^ of First Baptist Church of Cboleemee. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Anderson of Beech Mountain: a son, Bruce Lee of Rt. 11, Salisbury; three sisters, Mrs. Nell Walker and Miss Elia Lee of Dahlone, Ga., and Mrs. Gladys Edwards of Buford, Ga.; two brothers, Claude and Henry Lee of Dahlone, Ga. Mrs. Lee was born in Rockingham County to the late Daniel and Olive Rakes and was a member of First Baptist Church of Cooieemee. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Porti L^e of Rt. 11, Salisbury; a son, Jerry Corum of Rt. 4. Mocksville; four sisters. Mrs. Virgie Woods and Blrs. Grace Boydof Eden. Mrs. Lavenia Rower of Detroit, Mich, and Mrs. lillie Owms of Lexington; a brother, Garland Rakes of Eden. Bio — Obituaries -10/18/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C0UN1Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18. 1973 - II MRS. LUTHER HOLMES Mrs. AUeen Turner Holmes, 48, of Harmony, Rt. l, wife of ' Lather Holmes died Sunday at her home. Hie funonl was hdd Wed nesday at Mount Nebo Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. hirs. Holmes was bom In Iredell County to Clifton and Estdle Campbell Turner. She was a memoCT of Mount Nebo Jtoptiat Church and was a oomestie worker. Surviving are her husband; a foster dau^ter, Mrs. Johnny G. Dalton of Harmony; four sisters, Misses Odessa and LiUie Mae Turner and Mrs. Lonnie McCIelUn of Harmony and Mrs. Perlle Feet of StatesviUe; and dght brothers, James and Levris Turner of Harmon, Richard Turner of StatesviUe, Walter, Ray and Jack Turner of Corona, N.Y., Robert Turner of Fullerton, Calif., and Augusta Murdock of Karridxirg, ra. M. DUKE UAHES Marma Duke Ijames, 78, of Gardei City, S.C., and formerly of Salltfniry, died Hiursday at his home. . Services were held Tuesday Summerseit FUneral Home mth Father Itenneth Terry offidating. Burial was in the U.S. National Cemetery in Salisbury. Bom June 13, 1897, in Davie County, Mr. Ijames was the son •of the late Morgan Cass and : Nannie Elisabeth Powell •Qames. He was educated in ' Davie schools and was a retired 'machinist. He was a membo- of the 'Samuel C. Hart American Legion Post and a veteran of World War I. . Survivors include his widow, • Mrs. EUzabetb Massey IJamesi^, two brothers: R.C. Ijames of ^kansas and Louie Ijames of Davie County: two sisters: Mrs. Inez Cbaffin and Mrs. Sdiia lharp, both of Davie County. DAVID PENNINGTON David Godfrey Pennington, 72, of Rt. 1, ^cksdlle, died . FViday night at Davie County Hospital. He was bom November 22, 1000, son of the late Robert and Sar^ Graves Pennington. He was a retired carpenter. Surviving are his wife, the former Maiy Wbittaker; four daughters, Mrs. Daisy Temple, Mrs. Bobby Hodges and Miss Lois Pennington. all of Mocksville and Mrs. Ruth Shougb of Stoneville; two sons, Gerdd Pennington and Howard Pennington, both of MocksvUle; three sisler, Mrs. Blary Flowers of Crew, Va., Mrs. Sarah Brooks of FarmvUle, Va. and Mrs. Shirley Rogers of Amelia, Va.; two brothers, Johnny Pramlngton of Crew, Va., and J.R. Pennington of LewisviUe. Funeral services were con ducted Monday at Liberty Baptist Church by the Rev. Albert Bracken. Burial was in Uie church cemetery. OLIVER CLYDE BREWER Oliver Clyde Brewer, 70, resident of 202 Broad St., Thomasville, died Saturday Oct. 13th at 0:20 pjn. in Community General Hospital 'following several years of fiecllning health, being a patient at the hospital for the past 4 weeks. Mr. Brewer was bom in Davidson County Blarch 28, 1603, a son of Harris and Lou Bila Brewer and had spent most of his life in the IhomasvUle Oonununiiy. He was a retired Furniture Worker and was a * Charier Member of Taylors Grove Baptist Church. Mr. Brewer was twice married first to Miss Nannie Mae Loftin who died December 12, 1030. His second marriage on April 6,1941 was to Miss Irene Loftin uho survives of the home; also surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Paul G. (Lula) Payne of Route 4. IhomasvUle. Mrs..♦Johnny (RiU^) Sneed of 110Carolina Avt*., Mrs. B^uiietPansy) Byerlv of Route 2, Thomasville, Mrs. Lenford (MarUia) SUnson of Route 3, IhomasvUle and Miss Debbie Brewar of the hwne; sevei sons, Harlie Brewer of 111 Moore St., Richard Brewer of Blair St. Ext., Ronnie Brewer of 408 Carter Drive, KennethBrewer of Route 5, High Point, Gyde Brewer, Jr. of Route S, Mocksville and Harold and Otinny Brewer both of the home; two sisters, Mrs. LUUe Lofton of 324 Polk St. and Mrs.George (Bessie) Wt'ay of Qara COx, Apts. High Point; 29grandchildren and 22 ^eat grandchildren also survive. FUneral services were con ducted Monday at 2:30 P.M. atTaylor's Grove Baptist Church by the Rev. D.W. Long and Rev.^hnW. Wheeles. Btmai was in the church cemetery. L.V. CARTNER Lonnie Vestal (Deck) Gart ner, 76, of V-Point community of Route 4, StatesvQle, died atDavis Hospital Thursday, October 11, at 4:28 p.m. Funeral services were conducted Sunday. October 14, at 2:30 pjn.at Garksbury United MethodistChurch by Rev. V^iam W. Blanton and Rev. J.C.Reynolds. Burial was in the church c«netay. r He had been in declining health for four years andseriously ill for three weeks. Bom in Davie County toArthur AlonzeCaitner and Mary Cora Stroud Gartner, he movedto Ire^l County at the age of 12. He was a retired farmer, member of Garksbury United Methodist Church he was a steward. He married Ethellharpe November 21,1017 andbegan clearing land for their home brdit in 1018. He was a charter member of V-PointCommunity Center on the old Mocksville Road. His hobby was horses and he had belonged to several saddle clubs. He was a former member of the Jr. Order. Surviving are his wife; fivedaughters, Mrs. R. DukeTutterow, Mrs. Gyde Glascock and Mrs. Raleigh Glasscock ofBiloekBVille, Rt. l, Mrs. Harry J.Chary Jr. of Rutherfordton and Mrs. George McAuley of StatesviUe, Rt. 4; a son, Harvey G. Gartner of StatesviUe, Rt. 4; a sisler, Mrs. Octa Pox of StatesviUe, Rt. 4; and threebrothers, Hugh and Clyde Gartner of StatesvUIe, Rt. 4, and W. Ray Gartner of Harmony,Rt. 1; 20grandchUdren; and. 3great grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries -10/18/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA A D V A N C TT ' WESLEY SMITO Advance, ut* 2 yesterdav afHospital in w; ^ baptistThe funeral wi? S® ThursdS% Son®. P''"- '•Chapel L TWn f i aasS"""'®' Vance Wiii?*^?^^5l of Ad- ', MocksVille, nt. 3' Howard Everidop ®^# -Winston-SaI<»m n ^7®"0Se of 'e«, RicharrRoy'smfth'"'; 'HaSrSor^-IS^I tv"S 1'^ ' 2.4^"- /^7j f i 7^ :> ^ /:" OAVIE CO, PUBLIC USRART N • 7' .ViOCKSVlLLE^ HG I 1 \r> > a> f r j- c£? ' O I o DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1973 - 11 H.N.B1NKLEY .'Howard N. BlnMoy, 60. of Rt. i;died Saturday at lt:OSpjn. at the VA Hospital in Durham. iBom in FVirsyth County, he a son of the late Wlilom G. ud L]^a Pe^am BinUey. He Idas a membor of Warner's ^lapd Chtffch of Christ in ^sy^ County. He was em ployed bjr Dixie Furniture CO. in texingtra, and was a World M9!ar II veteran. ;Ftffleral wervices were held fid 2 pjn. Tuesday at liberty ^tist Church, and burial was ^ the church cemetery. - •Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Moliie Whittdker Bintdey; one daughter, Bliss Carolyn finUey of the home; one sl^ dhughter, Mrs. Janet Hall of Wrightsville Beach; one sister Bliss Mary BinUey of Whiston- ^em; six brothers, John P. BinUey of Winston-Salem, Herbert T. Eilis and W. Thomas AnUey of Clemmons, Rt. 1, 'Joseph H. BinUey of Kan* i^poiis and James M. BinUey of Affton, Mo.; and three grandchildren. WALTON BOGER iWaiton Boger, 78. of 219 Bank Street, died at Davie County lfi>spital, Mocksville, at 8:30 pJn. Sunday after a iengthy oiness. He was a retired fur niture worker. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Ora ffiackwood Boger; three daughters, Mrs. Kenneth Udt of Cooleemee, Mrs. Hoyle idler of Statesville and Mrs. Itavis Thomeson of Salisbury; two brothers, Dalton Boger of Rl. 6, Moctoviile and Aaron ^er of Rt. S, Mocksvitie; one Uner Mrs. Bessie Nifong of Winston-Salem; u grand children: 18 great grandchildren; one great-great- grandchild. 'Funeral services were con ducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Cboleemee United Methoifist Church by the Rev. Avery F^guson. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. JUNIB N. BEAUCHAMP junie Noah Beauchamp. fiS, of Advance. Route 1, died Friday at -Forsyth Memorial Hoqiital in-"Winston-Salem. Funeral service was held Sunday al 2 pjn. in Eaton Funeral Home, Mocksville. Bgrial was in Bethlehem■O^h Cemetery. Mr. Beauchamp was born inDavie Chunly to Edward and Moliie Orrell Beacuhamp. HeWQB a retired farmer and carpenter.Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ivey Wilklns Beauchamp; ason, Lester W. Beauchamp ofAdvance. Rt. 1; and a sislcr. Mrs. M.K. Beauchamp of Ad vance. HI. 1. ADVANCE - JOHN WESLEY SMITH, 71. of Advance. Rt. 2. died yesterdny al Baptist Hospital in Winslon-Salem.The ftinerai will be at 4 p.m.Thursday al Eaton's FuneralChapel al Mocksvilte. Mr. Smith uas bom in DavieCounty and was a memberof Pork Baptist (2>urch. He was a retired farmer andcarpenter. Surviving are three daughters. Mrs. David Kvcrharl of Blocksvillc, Mrs.York Terrell of Lcxinslon. Mrs. Bud Barncll of Ad vance; three sons. Dallas W., Cecil D. Smith nf Advance. Wiliam B. Smith of Mocksville. Rt. 3: a sister. Mrs. Howard Everldge of Winston Salem: Ibrce brothcrs, Richard. Roy Smith ofLexingUm and June Smith of Harlev, huta Bio - Obituaries - 10/25/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ' MOCKSVOLE — H5KMIT W. HOWARD, S2, of Spring Street died yesterday at. his ' home of a heart attack.'The funeral will—be at 2-.p.m. Sunday "'at.. Eaton's f^eral Chapel. Mr. Howard was ^ bom in Davie County and was a membe^of First Bap tist Church here. He was a plasterer. Surviving ars his wife, Mrs. Vemice Vick Howard; a daughter, Mrs. Brenda H. Vail of Charlotte; his mother, Mrs. LUlie H.- . Howard of Mocksville, Rt. 3; a sister, Mrs. Clyde Hendrix of Mocksville; a fbrother,. Clyde Howard of Mbcksville, Rt. 3. fY7 _ ^ T ^'>1 /"773 r ^ QAvie CO. puo, ,n , ^ USRary mocksmlu, NC ) Uf £ <£> KD CP WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL 10/29/1973 : Cfeapeiil c?^en ^SSf'^.J'sra'S"jgSa^S'te /■i'^anir e.i.'_ sisfers ' ^ster (^r3n« ®^®nj sn^yd and GJenn^f?'®'''®^*,*, ^^sbury, c.c of:£i4s^!aVe / 973 .-ol -Coolfi^e. ^ gri wi?- '»->.^i-• ^unty. He was a ^®7^® ..S.pI?y^a^B^lto|to^^ Surviving ace■daughters. Mre. ^ Greaory and Mrs. y* Wood of Cooleemee. ;1^7af=U°"® »'■;.MoctavUle.Kt.4;^^. liames of Woodbtidge. Va^fT^atoa. MochavUle). - t Le-"*^ Jou^h-vm,2^ * 3L yesfeMa^at;ipay^^ «K^^,S3yanCe,iXJnite^i^lt^HhCch v^'here^ fiey '^n^Davie>,County> He was -a iS£^Ci^rS"'d';;f a'tm/eTj a n d, ^rAdvfficefy^^rs-i'rJ.M} .".CoUttte .•j/ofi-ijiW.in^on^S.aiem'.--^ngece:'5fc7B je h n e 11 e-'awfj"&ifbfcl5viiiefrtwo. siM«s,'- Miss jiLauxa'^Shutt'tfiof »Advance,- ■ •'m'ade^ttbj^lbe V A d v a jic.eChurchi-^dioirV 7'(Hayworth-iMiller,^-Sflas'Creek,'Winiton- Bio - Obituaries - 10/29/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE CXIUNTY enterprise record. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER I, 1973 - If KERMIT HOWARD Kermlt W. Howard. 52, of %r!ng Street died FNday at bis home of a heart attack. The funeral was held Sunday at Baton's F\mcral Chapel. Mr. Howard was born In Davie County and was a member of First Baptist Church here. He was a plasterer. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Vomiece VIck Howard; a dwghter. Mrs. Brenda H. Vail 'Arf^arlotte; his mother, Mrs. Utiic H. Howard of Mocksvitle. Rl. 3: a slst<>r. Mrs. Gyde Hendricks of Mocksville: a brother. Ciyii'' Howard nf Mocksville. Iti 3 anil Gordon Hoi^rd of Ft. Laudcrtlaic Fla. MRS. MARGARET EPPERSON, 56 Mrs. Margaret C. (Tiny) E^pm'son, 35. of 5438 Lantana AVenue, Charlotte, died Saturday afternoon at Medicenter In Charlotte. Services were held Monday at the McEwen Funa*al Home with the Rev. Frank Edwards and the Rev. W.Q. Grl^ of ficiating. Burial was in Sharon Jdemorial Park. Bom July 21, 1917 In Rox- shore, she was the daughter of the late Lee and Delia Allen CCaven. Survivors in addition to her brothers arc her husband, WUiam H. Emerson Sr.: one daughter, Mrs. Nathah Privette of- Matthews; one son, WJI. ESpperson Jr. of Charlotte; two sistm-s: Mrs. Frank Shoit of Mocksville and Mrs. Carolyn Thompson of Palmdale, Calif, and six brothers: Lester Craven of. Charlotte, C.C. Craven and C.B. Craven, both of Mocksville; Cleland Craven of Camdoi, S.C.; Glenn Craven and Floyd Craven of Salisbury; and six grandchildren. h JESSE WILSON 'Jesse Clement Wilson, 80, of Mb^sville, Rt. 7, died Saturday at a MockwIUe hospital. The funeral was had Tuesday at Society Baptist Church. He was bora in Davie County. HO was a farmer. Surviving are a! son. Erven C. Wilson of Moclmville; a ^sto*, Mrs. Ethel Poole of Harmony. WALTER SHUTT Walter Monroe Shutt, 78, of Advance, Rt. 3, died Sunday at Davie County Hospital at Mocksville. Thefuneral was held Tuesday at Advance United Methodist Church, where he was a memb^. He was born In Davie County. Ife was a retired farms* and woodworker. ^Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Hazel Sheek Shutt; three daughters, Mrs. W.J. Zim merman of Advance, Mrs. Joe Oollelte of Winston-Salem, Mrs. Ett^ene Bennette of Mocksville; two sisters. Miss Laura Shutt of Advance, Mra, Lena Nail of Denton. DICK SPARKS Donald Odcll (Dick) Sparks. 37. of Mocksville. Rt. 7. ^ed' Hiursday at Baptist Hospital in Winslon.Salcm after a long illness. The funeral was held Saturday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Mr. Sparks was born in Davie Oounly and was a car penter. Sin*viving arc his wife, Mrs. Nancy Allen Sparks: (wo sons, Ricky Dean Sparks. Alan Wayne Sparks of the home: his fathor, Henry M. Sparks of Mocksville; four sisto's. Mrs. Helen Voklcy. Mrs. Doris McDaniel, Mrs. Betty Jo Bowers of Mocksville. Rl. 3. Mrs. Emiy Slevenson of Wnston-Salcii). three brothers. T.J. Sparks, Bobby Sparks of Mocks^Ilc, William H. Sparks of Winston-Salcm. MRS. JOHN L. HERNDON Mrs. Annie Bell Mize Hera- don, 81, died in Huntersville Hospital in Huntersville Thursday night, October 25th. She was born in Mecklenburg Cbunty on July 3. 1892, to the late C.B. and Eiell Heffner Mize. 9ie was a monber of First United Methodist Church in Mocksville. Survivors are her husband, John L. Herndon; one son, James C. Fuller of Mocksville; two grandchildren, Mrs. David Taylor of Mocksville and James C. F^ler, Jr. of Fort Mills. S.C.; two great grandchildren. Graveside services were conducted Saturday at 11 ara. at Moravian Graveyard In Winston-Salem by Rev. Austin Hamilton and Dr. Richard Amos. Bio - Obituaries - 11/1/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE county enterprise record. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1973 - II MRS.MATTIEBOGER Mrs. MatUe Combs Bogar, 69, of East Spencer, wife of lliomas Reid Bo^ of East Spencer was drad Monday when lakoi to Baptist HOqiltal in Winston* Salem. Hie funeral was held at 2 p. m. Wednesday at Baton^s Funeral C9iapd. Mrs. Boger was bom in Davie County and was a retired textile employe. Surviving are her husband; a foster daughter. Mrs. Ridi^ Gooden of Lincolnton; a foster son. Billy Reid Setzer of Spencer; three sisters. Mrs. Oora Lee Wilson of Coradios. Mrs. Ora Bo wen of Winston* Salem. and MTs. Bthd Jane GuIIdte of Cooleemee. JOHNC. UAMES John Cleveland Ijames, 88, died Saturday at 7:30 pjn. at l^n Haven Nursing Rome. Modtsvttle. Funeral services were held Monday at 3 pjn. at First Baptist Church In Cooleonee . u^ere Mr. Ijames held his membership. Officiating at the rites was the Rev. Ray Penndl. and burial was in Oenla> United Methodist Church cemetery. Mr. Ijameswasa retifedem* ptoyeeof Buriington MlDs. MB was bom in Davie County, son of the late limiiaro Marion and Margaret Welbnon Ijames. Survivors include four dau^ters. Mrs. R.C. Gregory and Mrs. D.D. Wood of Cooleemee, Mrs. A.L. Vogler of Salisbury and Miss Frances Ijames of Rt. 4. MocksvUle and James C. Ijames of Wood* bridge. Va.; 21 granddiildren. 39 great<grandchildren and two great great-grandchildroi. HEPLER INFANT Twyia Dawn Hepler of Cooleemee. died at 7 ajn. Hiesday Oct. 30th, at Rowan Memorial Kospilal. The baby was bom in Rowan County. FUneral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at Cooleemee Church of God. conducted by the Rev. Ray Lewis. Burial will be in Legion Memorial Park. In addition to her parents, the baby is survived by two sisters. Tonya and Karen Hepler, and three brothers, Barry, Dana and Darain Hepler. all of the home; the grandparents. Mrs. Mamie Hepler of COoleeraee and Mr. and Mrs. FVank Revis of Mocksvi l le. Bio — Obituaries - 11/1/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA OAVIE C0UN1Y ENIBRPRISE RECORD* THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1973 - 13 JOHN F. JONES Jblin Fdlx Jones, 37, a car* penter of Route 3, died at iUptist Hospital November Ist It 6 ajn. after a year of kcUnlng health. He was bom In Davle Cbunty 0 J<din Clarence Jones and the nsReba Williams Jones. Survivors are his wife, Helen Ebger Jones; a daughter, Linda lie Jones of the home; his htber of Route 3. Flmeral services were con* mled Saturday at 2 p.m. at wnatier United Methodist Snath were he was a member VtheRev. Jack Luther and the lev. Derrie Earnhardt. Burial Vas in the church cemetery. W J*. SOOTS William Floyd Soots, 52, of ftcksvlUe, Rt. 7, died Sunday, lov. 4th at Davie County bspital. The funeral was held Tuesday t Eton's F^eral Chapel. Mr. Soots was bora in Davie bunty and was employed as a onstruclion worker. Surviving are four sisters, ks. I%ili Foster, Miss Mary ksts, Mrs. Robert McDaniel of toeksviUe, Rt. 4. Mrs. Charles Hvras of CiMiIeemee: a tnrother, S€|^e Soots of Cooieemee. MRS. MARY POWELL Mrs. Mary Biizabelh Allen iwell, 75, of 3018 S. Main reel, High Point, died Sunday, Dv. 4th at her home of Juries she received earlier In fire at her home. Tommy Skeen, chief of the il-Rand Fire Department at rchdale, said the fire was ported about 10:52 a.m- Bday. He said the fire ap* trently started in the back rtlon of the fotu-'room frame fise. When firemen entered the use, Mrs. Powell was found ng on the back porch, he said. 9 estimated damage to the tti^ at about $1,000. The in stigation is continuing. Mrs. Powell was bora in ivle County and was a ember of Union Chapel United ethodist Church at gcksviOe. She was a retired aploye of Adams-hliUis Corp. rviving are two sisters, Mrs. ilmer Bullin of High Point, ri. Hugh Brown of Dcksville; four brothers , arence Allen of Cooieemee, tro Allen of Rochelie Park, J., Waller Allen of oeksville, James <Bud; Alien Valdese. humeral services were held at t 111. Tuesday at Union Chapel lited Methodist Church near ucksviiie where Mrs. Powell Id her membership. Burial i#i Center Methodist Oiurch uietery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/8/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TWIN CITY SENTINEL, 11/13/1973 Mi-ss Taltiin Mi»« JcjMc White Taium. "t the X.inh CaroIlM oapti't Unme on ne.MioWi Park noio. <|irtl at i; u a.m. •' Iwlet- at tiie i,on,, > She naj born in Darie - Counj>. Sh- was a member ! ^ Waughfown Baptist . CTurch and hail lived at the Baptiit home here 22 ^eara. Surrtiins are hm jj>|rr». ' • „?• ''• R''»'man and siuibJry.'"' ■Hjc Citncral will he at p.m. WednacUv^o-len Mein Street ChapelBurial will be In ChcHnui !"Ill temeiery in Salttbury. ' vj u I y J I 11»*, u Bio - Obituaries - 11/13/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA unerdi l^uries Fatal po Davie ? 5»af« ReportI MOCKSVILLE r MlfcsvSe: 'ftSiSiis S,t.- : sS4r,£'v-cutting a tri wereon Mocksville, Rt ? the tree fciokPri h '. Clev2a„d to his K r i s t V t5 'ni ^^ughter, MocksviUe of tea. t?te"f pSMmi McClathrock S"!(Eaton's). '^... ^£^andS^.-e^ 5s Fatal M ^(poy'/^cxj^ DAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBR/ mocksville, N€ . is: Davie Go. A^ocks IMVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1973 - 13 ; W31. McDANIEL SR. William Henderson McDanfel 84, of Moclnvllle, Rt. 7, a retired enmloyee of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. in KmistonSalem, died at 11:10 >.m. Nov. 7 at Manor Care in Vin8lon<Salem. He was born in Davie County to John Henry and Elizabeth Jones McDaniel. He was a member of Oak Grove United Methodist Church near here. Stikviving are four daughters, Mrs. Ruth M. Wilkins of blisbury, Mrs. Betty M. Wright iDd Mrs. Doris M. Gaither, both bT Win8ton«Salem. and Mrs. Loralne Blackwood of Pnetaemee; seven sons, JJt. McDaniel of Taylorsville, iarry L. McDaniel of Eton Ddlege, Buford M. McDaniel of new York City, W.H. McDaniel fr. and John N. McDaniel, both If Mocksville, Rt. 7, Joe C. icDanlel of Winston^Salem and lames F. McDaniel of Atlanta, Is. The funmral was held last Chursday at Oak Grove United dethodist Church. Burial was n the Ohurch cemetery. A.B.HARTMAN Alvin Edward Hartman, 49. of Advance, Rt. a, died at 7: IB a on. November 9 at Davie County Hospitnl at Mocksville. Mr.Hartnisn was the owner and operator of Hartman's Grocery Store at Bixby. He also had be^ a rural mail carrier for 18 years. He was born in Davie County and had lived there all of his life. He was a member of Mocks United Methodist Church and also was a member of the Masonic lodge at Advance. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Hazel Shuler Hartman; a dau^ter, Mrs. Kenneth James of Wlnston-Saiero; a son, James Hartman of Oemmons; his father, Lewis Hartman of Advance; three sisters, Mrs. Joyce Earnhardt and Mrs. Eudell Earnhardt, both of Advance, Rt. 1, and Mrs. l^m Carter of Hickory; two Inrothers, Robert G. and Henry D. Hartman, both of Advance; and three half sisters Mrs. Gaither Marsh, Mrs. W.A. Bailey and Mrs. Hubert Bailey, all of Advance. I The funeral was held Sunday at Advance United Methodist Qiurch. Burial was in the diurch cemetery. MRS. NETTIE CLAWSON Mrs. Nettie Hepler Ciawson, 71, of Summervllie, died Saturday at Moses Cone Hospital in Greensboro. A former resident' of COoleemee, she was a member of Cooleemee Presbyterian Church. She was bom in Davie County to the late Jake and Radid Cass Hepler. 9ie is survived by three sons, Kenneth Gawson of Concord. Gaude Ciawson of Greenfield, and Jessie Gawson of Gam mons; two daughters, Mrs. Nettie Lagle of Modcsville and Mrs. Alice Beiton of Sum mervllie; two stepdaughters, Mrs. Hazel Howard of Winston- Salem and Mrs. Mae Warlick of Macon, Mo.; four brothers, Roy Hepler of Cooleemee, Troy Hepler of Charlotte, Hal Hepler of High Point and Guy Hepler of Texas; two sisters, Mrs. Fred McDaniel of High Point and Mrs. Martin Winters of Carolina Beach; IS grandchildren and U great-^andchOdren. Funeral services were con ducted Monday at 2 p. m. at Baton's Funeral Chapel in Mocksville. Burial was in Liberty United Methodist Church Cemetery. HARVEY LEE CAMPBELL Harvey Lee Campbell, 68, of Mocksville, Rt. 7. died at Davie county HO^ital.' ' t The funeral was held Saturday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Kfr. Campbell was bom in Yadkin County and was a retired employee of Burlington Industries. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Eaia Henderson Campb^l; a daughter, Mrs. C3. James Jr. of Mocksville, Rt. 7; two sons, J.D., Dwight Campbell of Mocksville, Rt. 4; his father, Millard F. Campbell of Mocksville; a sister, Mrs. Edna James of Mooresville. MISS JESSIE TATUM Miss Jessie White Tatum, 88, of N.C. Baptist Home, Winston- Saiem, formerly of Salisbury died Tuesday at the home vhere she had Ilvm for 19 years. Funeral services were held at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at Vogler's Funeral Home Main Street Chapel, Winston-Salem. Officiating at the rites was the Rev. ViA. Poole. Burial was in Chestnut Hill .Cemetery, Salisbury. Miss Tatum was bom Jan. 20, 1885, in Jerusalem, Davie County, a daughter of (he late P. Owen and Margaret Lindsey Tatum. She was Mucated in the Davie County and Salisbury schools and was a supervisor at the N.C. Baptist Home for 15 years before her retirement. She was a member of Waughtown Baptist Church. Surviving are two sisters in Salisbury, Mrs. Ethel T. Hannah of 404 West Itor Street and Mrs. King T. Roseman of 428 West Kerr Street; and several nieces and nephews. Bio - Obituaries -11/15/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE • \ — WI L;L I HEyPERSON McDiWIEE SR./V 84>> -^MocfavilleL';' Et. '/'T; -. ,<i3ied Tuesdajf: ati-Mapdr JjCare^^ m Win^ir^em. iThe funeral will be at 3 pjn. today at Oak' Grove-United Meti\^st Church, .where he was a member. Mr. McDaniel was bom m' Davie County and was a retired employe df-R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. in Winston-Salem. ^ Surviving are four daughters. Mrs. Ruth M. Willdna of .Salisbury, Mrs. Betiy M. Wri^t, Mrs. Doris M. Gainer; of Winston-^em, Mrs. Loraine Blackvi^d of Cooleemee; seven s<^ns, J. E. McDaniel of Taylorsville, Harry L. McDaniel of Elon College, Buford M. McDaniel of New York City, John N.. William H. McDaniel Jr. of Mocfcsville, Rt. 7, !Joe C. McDaniel of Winstoii-Salem. James F. McDaniel- of Atlanta, Ga. (Eaton's). -.51 .^tJooiTA/al \ IV i U s> E \S V I L.Lily i 1> isi d a. CO O Vn OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARy MOCKSVILLE. NO CO DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1973 - 13 C.B. McCLAMROCK Charlie Benjamin (Pat) icOamrock. 39. of ModuvUle, ;l. 6, died Wednesday, bvember 14, at Davie County Sospltal of Injuries he recdved le day before when he was truck by a falling tree. Sheriff Joseph Smith of Davie iounty said McCtamrock and a rtend were cutting a tree at a omeon Mocksvllie, Rt. 2, when te tree kicked back and landed D McCtamrock. The funeral washdd at 2 p.m. Viday November 16, at Oak rove United Methodist %urch. where be was a tember. He was bom in Davie (3ounty liwas an employee of Fiber imbtries near Cleveland. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. htherine Plott McClamrock; a loiter, Kristy McGamrock t Mockaville, Rt. 6; a son, enjamin McClamrock of EocksviUe, Rt. 6; four sisters, ha. Jane Kepler of Winston- ilem, Rt. 2, Mrs. Carl Leonard Winston-&lem, Mrs. Phil bster of Gemmons, Mrs. iirton Thomas of Winston- item, Rt. 10; two brothers, alvin McClamrock of locksville, Rt. 1, John Mc- [amiock of Lewisville. D.B.WALDEN d Deywood Belmont Wplden, 66, Advance, Rt. 1, died Saturday r Baptist Hospital in Winston- Ameral was held at 3 p. Wednesday at Redland hur^ of Christ where he was a embo'. Mt Walden was bora in [iDore County and was a retired Iwrer. Su^ving are his wife, Mrs. Dulin Waldra; a dat^ter, irbara Laughlin of Elmhurst, y.; three sisters, Miss ermelia Walden, Mrs. Camilla me$ of Baltimore, Md., Mrs. ttie Colston of Coleridge; two pothers, Edward Walden of Itroit, Mich., General Walden r Randieman. Bio - Obituaries - 11/22/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 1973 - II WILLIAM P. LINK William Paul Link Sr., 59, of C^nler Street, Coolcemee. died Sunday at his home. The funeral was held Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Mr. Link was born in Davie County and was a security guard at Ingcrsol-IUnd Co. He' was a member of Liberty United Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Ruth Robinson Link; four daughters, Misses Emma Jean, Linday Kay, Carol, and Tracy Unk of Ashevillc; two sons, Cecil, William P. Unk Jr. of Ashevillc; three sisters, Miss Ircuc Link of MocksvUIe, Mrs. John Ellenburg of Lexington, Mrs. Fred Jones of Ashevillc: three brothers. Lawrence Link ' of Mocksville, Rt. 3, Lindsay Ljhk of Darlington, S.C., B.C. ihk of New York Oiy. Bio - Obituaries - 11/29/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 6. 1973 13 HENRY BARNHARDT Henry Barnhardl, 84, of £Xington.RI 8. diod Nov. 28th 1 Rowan Memorial Hospital in hllsbiiry. The funeral was held Nov. Mh at Davidson Funeral Siapel. Mr. Barnhardl was bom in iBvie county and was a former mployee of the N.C. Finishing o. in Rowan County. Surviving f«l^ree daughters. Mrs. lanf^ South of t^Iumbia, S.C., Ira. Jack Wilson of Linwood. t 1, Mrs. Alvin Lomax of exington, Rl. 5; two soris, Zeb amhardl, Don Barnhardl of Bxington, Rt. 5; a brother, bariie Bamhardt of Salisbury. JAMES ANDERS James Fred Anders, 61, of locksville, Rt. 7, died Nov. 23th 1 Davie county Hospital. The funeral was held tturday at Eaton's Funeral ome Chapel. He was bom in Smith County, a., and was a sawmill worker tlh Powell Lumber Co. Sur- vira are two daughters, Mrs. ri«e Harry of Norfolk, Va., rs. Ann Holloway of aryland; four sons. Buddy nders of Indiana, Freddy sders of Virginia, Roger, mmy Anders of Maryland; his other, Mrs. Rose Anders of uefleld, West Va., Mrs. Ethel Hvin of Richland, Wash., Mrs. ella Niles of Oregon, Mrs. Bllie Gilespea of California; tec brothers, ^Anders of tiefield. West Vs., Walker iders of Maryland, Ralph tders of Richland, Wash. MfLES H. BRANNON Miles Henderson Brannon, 83, of Avoti Street, died Nov. 2Sth at Davie Cotmiy Hoqdtal. The funeral was held at 2 p.m. Saturday at Brannon Friends Meeting in Vadkin County. He was born in Yadkin County and was a retired farmer. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Mabel Sasscr Brannon; three daughters, Mrs. Willie Holeman of Mocksville. Rl. S. Mrs. Olin Harris of Bikin, Rt. 2. Mrs. Grady Roberts of Lexington; four sons. Charles Brannon of Yadkinville, Rt. 3, J.P. Brannon of Mocksville, Rt. 3 Garvie, Raford Brannon of Mocksville, Rt. 7; two brothers, Claude, Glenn Brannon of Yadkinville, Rt.3. (Eaton's). Bio — Obituaries - 12/6/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1973 - 13 Baxter Carter barhe Baxter Carter. 62. of ;[« Street, died at his home day. n was a retired Burlington jB employee and was born in ^ie County Jan.20,1911 to the \ CbarUe and Dorcas Lyerly ter. urvivors are his wife, Mrs. tnces Ridcnhour Carter; ee daughters. Mrs. Billy 11 of Cooleemee. Mrs. Wayne veil of Lexington and Mrs. nnis Grubb of Rt. 4. chsville; a' sister. Mrs. Jan Goodman of Cooleemee; »e brothers, Ed and Sid ner of (Cooleemee and Harry ler of Winston-Salem; eight hdchiidren; one great- ndchild. tineral services were con- jed Tuesday at 4 p.m. at Ion's Funeral Chapel, rksville, by the Rev. A. A. 'guson. Burial was In Legion morial Park. dItS. RAYMOND GIBSON Irs. Lillian Alexander )sun, 643. of Kt. 4. died cembcr 7th at Rowan murial Hospital. 'unerai services was held urday at Edgewood Baptist lircli. Burial was in Center lied Methodist Church iii'tery. iiirn in Davic County July lA. 'i Mrs. Gibson was a teller of (he late Joe and rile Miller Alexander, ucvivors include her husband. Raymond Gibson; a daughter, Mrs. Linda Miller of Wnston-^lem; (wo sons, Joe Gibson of Cooleemee and Raymond Gibson Jr. of Greensboro; two sisters, Mrs. Ruby Hatley of Rt. 1, Salisbury, and Miss Elsie Alexander of Rt. 4. Mocksvilie: and a brother, Clarence Alexander of Rt. 4. Mocksvilie, L.C. MOODY L-enoir Chapman Moody, 70. of Mocksvilie, Rt. 4. (he Jerusalem community, died December Sth at his home. The funeral was held Friday at Jerusalem Baptist Church. Mr. Moody was born in Haywood Counly and was a retired farmer and cattle dealer. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Raymond Gardner of Mocksvilie. Rt. 4; a son. Wade Moody of Mocksvilie. Rt. 4; three sisters, Mrs. Lillian Jones of Asheville, Miss Gladys Moody. Mrs. Elizabeth Ivey of Candler; a brother. Ned Moody of Waynesville. n. F. Seagraves Benjamin Franklin Seagraves, 74. of Woodleaf, died Sunday in Davic County Hospital. Mocksvilie. He was u retired employee of Burlington Mills and was bom in Rowan County to (he late Samuel and Elizabeth Owen Seagraves. Survivors are a step daughter, Miss Sarah Cartner of Salisbury; a son. Maurice F. Seagraves of Maryland; three sisters. Mrs. W. R. Snyder of Ri. 5, Salisbury, Mrs. Ruth Stone, Rt. 4. Mocksvilie and Mrs. Ethel Brown of KannapoUs; a brother. James Homer Seagraves of Maryland; three grandchildren; two great- grundcJiildren. Funeral services were con ducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. at E3atun's Funeral Home Chapel, Mocksvilie by the Rev. Malcolm Bullock. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries - 12/13/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEMJOURNAL 12/15/1973 MRS.' tIZZIE SOFLEY' SMfFH/ 78- of Winston- Salem, Rt. 9, wife of Wiley A. Smith Sr., died yesterday at Exwsyto Memorial Hospital. The fimeral will he 1 at 2 p.m. Sunday at Faith ^Missionary-AUianee Churdi/ vdiere she was a member. Mrs. Smith ,.was bom in Davie Odonty/jSurvlving are.i her husband; daughters, Mrs. Sarah Mendenhall 'o'..l Winstoit*Salem, Rt. 6, Mrs. Thelma Tdttle of 324 Sky View Drive, Mrs. Lola Rirby. of 311 Rhyne Avenue, Mrs. Joan Fine of Lexingtoti, Mrs. Nancy Klser of 3OTl' Forest Valley Road", Mrs. ^Sylvia ^yder of Gumtree 'Road; three sons, W. 'A. Smith Jr., 'Reynolds L. Smith of Win- ston*Salem, Rt 9, Tommy H. Smith of Winston-Salem, Rt. S; three-sisters, Mrs. Marie Cliogman of Mocksville, Mrs. Ethel Cook of Advance, JUrs. Lola Etchison of MQcksviUe, a brother. Henry Dit (5- ;<f73 Bio - Obituaries - 12/15/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA vG. vHVEWGQOD^: «§! '. Advsbce;iat-'i2j died:^^ ^at; Manor'i;;earevNarsing.'<^ Homo in. Winston-SaTeini Thei v ^funeral will i' todky^ab ^ulfxHi^^nit^*\j ; Methodist Churdi^iwh^ w a s- • iain LivMgood wa5;:lion^^i^ ' Ctouhts-^^"^dl4w.^^employe'of the Sta^ HI^^- way Department.'S^vrng are five btoUiers,'»OdelLivengood of Salisbury,.;^ , L i V e h g o 0 d,' C Ira rli e,, Livengood of ITihston^S^em^- Junift Ijnvegood,^ n w- Livengo<?d, ■, of.. Advance.. vRw-2. (Eaton's. Mocksville):. \ \ \fJ l^x %avftU. /«-/y '/-J .1 r- I 2r N o OAVIE CO. PUBUC tlBRARV MOCKSVILLE. NC ■/ t tf) 41> o! C :i r— 5 o ci I I i I rK >-5 Q Clifton; March. syt-h^l,, moving , She had^ ^ , was of .the Baptist O. gSurviving are a w B ^ Mts.I Ahce.. M, QCherryvdte, ^ . Advance, L C. Stiutt o£ Mo^iB«- 1 ''^''° iiHf ^Hayworth-:. a-ra-V aiias ™MltM i i 10 ^ "Burial wilt Memorial Am % ^ ., Park. hx, I') * -^! r4 t v> u» a ^ tf 25 ^? <r- O ^ CO DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1973 - 13 SIDob robbrts. wbavbr •lodge Robert Serouel eaver, 73, of Lanenburg Bteral Oiitrlct Ootirl, died ftUtetily December e, 1973. He nd in Victoria. Virginia. Appointed In 1949. Jadge eaver had served In the Irginia courts until his death, s was a graduate of the Blversity of Virginia and of ll^nlversity Law School. He lifelong member of St. Idrewa Episcopal Church, ctoria, serving as veslryman r forty five years. Graveside services at ikeview Cemetery, Victoria, srs held December 9. Stfrvivors include his wife, nances Harris Weaver: <me ughter, Mrs. Lester Martin, : two smis, Ridiart Samud eaver in of Mhunl, Florida, d Josqih nmmas Weavm', mmey. Victoria. Virginia, in lieu of (lowers the family quests memorials to the OBue Squad or to the donor's oice. MRS. MAHALA HAMPTON F&neral services fm Mrs. altala Edwards Hampton. 80, Sparta, mother of Mrs. ilma Riimn of Mocksvflle, pt held at l p.m. Wednesday, seember 19, at ShOdi United dnddtst'Onucb." She died Monday at Fran Ray BSt Home where she was a itttnt. SIra was bom In Alteghany luhty. Surviving are two lUghters, Mrs. Pblpps of odksvllle and Mrs. Irene nA of Greensboro; three BSTi Reld and Lewis HampUm S^rta and Chap Hampton of ddo; and, a brother. J. Elgin Ivrards of Forest Hfil. Md. dewevg.wall Gorden WaB, 71. of 204 untott Street, a retired pioiyee of the Hanes Corp.. 9l;H(mday night at Manor re. He had bem te declining dth a year and seriously iU a is.wa8 bom in Davie County Sbn Cicero and Alice Owens iCbttt had lived most of his Fimyth CounW> He had dliH for Hanes 48 years, aiivlvfng are his tme, Mrs. ite Caudle WaB; a dai^ler. q^Woodrow Mock of 2908 mDrlve. Winston-Salem: a i^llon G. WoB of the hrnne; rflstera. Mrs. Deida Wall of .Ttownlm Street. Winston- and Mrs. A. R. Young of ^tvlBe, S.C.; and three ,OwenWaBof Glsde '.John P. Wall of Winston- .Rt. 10,8ndC.G.WaBof urston Street. Winston- __ funeral wUl be today at Sii^talh-BOUer'a SOas Oredc dcway Funeral Home. |al wUl be in Advance Itqd Methodist Church sdery In Davte County. .C.G.UVENGOOD Suoice G. Uvengood, 71. of pance, Rt. 2. died Bfonday at mfr Care Nursing Home in fitto»Salem.gwas bom in Davie County . raa a retired ^ale highway Iprtmoit emjdoyee. He was njembCT of Fultim United Church. gBviving are five Iwothers: kU Uvmigood of Salisbury, hn Uvengood and Oiarles Fssaood M Wlnst<m-Salem, d junle Uvmgood and G. W. qengood of Advance, RL 2. Ite fimeral was Wethiesday > Fidtoo United Methodist lirch with burial in the Spgfh cenaetcry. MRS. WILEY SMITH Mrs. Little Sofley Smith. 78, of Winston<Salem, Rt. 9, wife of Wiley A. Smnh Sr died Friday al Pbrsytb Memorial Kospilai. The funeral was held Stmday al Faith Missionary Alliance Church where she was a member. Mrs. Smith was bom in Davte County. Surviving are her husband ;• six daughters. Mrs. Sarah Mendenball of Winston-Saiem, Rt. 6, Mrs. Thelma TutUe of 324 ^ View Drive, Mrs. Lola fOrby of 311 Rhjme Avenue, Mrs. Joan Fine of Lexington, Mrs. Nancy Klser of 3871 Forest Valley Road, Mrs. Sylvia Snyder of Gumtree Road: three sons, WJ\. Smith Jr., R^nolds L. &nitb of Winston-Satem. Rt. 9. Tonuny H. Smith of Winston- Salem, Rt. S: three sisters, Mrs. Marie Oingman of Mocksvilie, Mrs. Ethel CoMt (d Advance. Mrs. Lola Etchison of Mocksvilie. a brother, Henry Scfley of Mocksvilie. MRS. MAE HOWERTON Mrs. Mae Taylor Howerton, M, of Watte Street, Cboleemee died at 19:^ a.m. December 12th at her home. Funeral was held Friday at 2 p.m. at Cooleemee Episcopal Church where she was a member by the Rev. David Mc^skill. Burihl was in American Legion Memorial Park. Mrs. Howerton was born in Davie County to the late An drew and Elizabeth Harris Taylor and was a retired em- ^oyee of Burlington Miiis. Salvors are frar daughters, Mrs. Mabd Head, Mrs. Virginia Shoaf, Mrs. LUa Hancodk of Ootdeemee and Mrs. Grace Potts of Danviite. Va.; six grandchildren: 17 great- granddilldren; one great-great- grandchild. MRS. ANNIE POTTS Mrs. Amde Potts, 78, of Ad vance. RU 2, widow of John F. Potts, died Sunday at Manor Care Nursing Center In Wln- ston-Salem. The funeral was hdd Tuesday at Bixby.Churcb of the Uving God. vriiereshe was a monber. She was bora in Davie County. Sinvivlng are a son, Henry J. Mytts of MocfcsviUe, Rt. 5; two iHPOthm. Jeff, Ernest Myers of ModtsviBe. Bio - Obituaries - 12/20/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA h). S- /% r- tv> rvi \ c * t e z y % ii. f .Ts. DAVIE ("■A DuU. { MOCKSViLLE, NQ iv'/ » 0* <£ <3 O \ ;7.^JfOC^VILLE ^ ,MR&50*AgCSMH -FOSTEfi^ 79;u of: Ollie-kW.^ r-iEDter,/,' i.^ed3ryesterday •at.DaVie' GountyfHospital .The funeral will bea^t 2 p.m.- Monday., at.$mithSrove.^A Uidted •^i^MdiJodistChurcK > where^:S[ie was a member. Mrs. ."Foster 'was •born. ^ in Davie County.Surviving are a daughter,Mrs. James Ward ofMocksville, Rt. 3; a .soii, •Delbert E. Foster of- SlighPoint; two . sisters,Harry Sheek. Mrs. :GebtgeHendrix of Mocksville; "RJ,!3. The family requests thatany memories be^ade toSmith Grove". ^.tJnitedMethodist Church; (Eaton's)'. \M cO DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. PRINTED DEC. 22. 1973 (REGULAR ISSUE OF DEC. 27. 1973) 9 MRS. EDNASHUTTMARCH n Mrs. Edna Shut! March. K. af | 1B13 Old Salisbury Road, widow | of Charles Clifton March, died j Dec. l9Cb at Por^lh Memorial | Kospilal. i The funeral was held Friday • at Hayworih-Mlller's Silas i Ciccfc Parkway Chapel. • Mrs. March was bom ln| Davic County and had Nved in | Forsylh County most of her life. | Surviving are a dai^ter,: Mrs. Alice Murray of: Cherryviile: a sister. Mrs. Matt: Poindexter of Advance; two) brothers. Arthur Shutt of Ad*; vance. G.H. Shutt of Moeksvllle. j ANDREA SHOAF Andrea Shoaf. 3-month-oId n dau^ter of Mr. and Mrs.: DeFoy Shoaf of Marginal i Street, Cooleemee, died' unexpectedly December 18th at' Rowan Memorial Hospital at Salisbury after a one-day; illness. Surviving are the parents; a ; sister. Miss Melissa 9ioaf, and I a brother. Michael Shoaf both of \ the home. A memorial service was held . at the CooIccmcc Episc<q>al : Church of the Good Shepherd.: Bio - Obituaries -12/27/1973 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA