Jan - Jun8B - DA VIE COUNTY ENTERfRtSE RECORD, THURSDAY. JANUARY 4. 1979 Gerald Markland Gerald UtrUandwu born (niBSi.on^ of four tona of Mr. and Mra. R. J. Markland of Advance. AHhouih dlagnaaed as having dJabelea'it (he age of nino, he lead Ihe IlfeofanyRonnarboy...attendlagwtWQ) l!BnS3 •I Grove and then Davle County School, graduating in Ifltt. During ■■1^these yean he enjo^ hunting quafl m Jwith hfs dad and brothers. At age 17 he worked as a bag boy atKeffners.lnimhewaaerot^oyedatthelocal Holly Farms feed planl. In 197a hewent IngeraoU'Rand as a dispat' Cher In machine Following his graduation from Davle High, attended Forsyth Tech taking a couno In business ad- minislralloii and waa an hAiwr aludent, tn June 1971. Gerald Markland and Katliy Hendrldta were married. The Hrstyear they lived on Hardlson Street and then moved to tM Forest Lane, near herparenla, Mr. and Mrs. Worth Hendrlcka.Gerald and Katby had been married only 3Hi yean when he began to be afflicted. In September 1073, he became totally blind.Then In May 1974 he tost the function of his kldneya and went on the dialyalamachlne...a .machine that serves as an arlUldai kidney for the tlwrough cleonslrw of the blood,Later In 1974 Gerald was rdegaied to a wheelchair when the diabetes affected Ihe nerves In his legs. From May 1974 until his death, Gerald had to be put on Ihe dialyala machinethreedayaaweek.usuallyforthreehaiwelallme.. . , ^For more than a year and hidf Gerald and Katby had to go to the BaptistHoaplUt in Wlnaton-Salem for tWs life-giving procedure. . In January 1979, a kidney dialysis machine was instaUed in the MarklandhomeonForealLanB. Kathy.was trained aslo theopcraiingprocediire Md Ihe In January 1979, a kidney dialysis mechlna was installed in tne Morkianohomo on Forest Lane. Kaihy was trained u to the operating procedwe and theinachlnelmtncdUielybecameovilalmombcrorihalrfamlly. Ka^y wfis Boon operating the machine bke a profeaslonal mo this homehern^lalytiaoperaiion becameanewmplefofolhere to study. Nursing clanesfrom surrounding hospitals vislied the Markland home to see this operation,Alsoseveraldoetorodroppedbytosludylhehomeprocedure.■nirough all of his misfortune Gerald remained cheerful, ollgi Jt^lng withothers—always making thebestof whattifehadtooffor. And the devotion of his wife, Kalhy, remalnM steadfast and true."Hemaybobllndandlnowheelchalr^-bulhelsaUllmyGoraW .ihewould "just before Christmas Gerald's condition necessitated that a pace maker he installed for hli heart...and this was done.ODDeccmbcrJO,i978,atlheBgeof28,hed[ed, ^ ^ , j The life of this couplfe-Koihy and Gerald...w88 one touched md exercisedwlthdcvoUon.Ii6eemsaBlfonosagebadlhcmlnmlndwhCTheobMrvM! "&lld ^vollons rescmhle the rivers which run under Uie eartl^U«y bIm!fr om (he eyes of the vmrld to seek the eyes of God; imd it ollM happens thatIhmeof wtom we speak least on earth, are best known Inheaven . 8B - DAVtE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JANUARY 4. 1979 GERALD MARJCLAND " ' G«raUl Fred Meridand, 28. o( 4S4 Forrest Lane, died December 28tb at the Baptist Hoopltal In WInston«88l8m. He was a former employee of IngersoI'Rand of Mockavllle and was a member of the Ptrst United Methodist ChUKh. The funeral was conducted Tlmrsday at Eaton's Funeral Home C&pd at It am), by the Rev. George Auman ana the Rev. Tony Jordan. Surviving are his wife, the former Kothy Heodrichs; his mother and father, Mr, and Mrs. Rlehard J. Markland of Route 2. Advance; four birothers. Richard. Carllon, and Larry Meridand, all of Route 2, Advance, and Qalther Markland of Route ft. Mockavtlle. ex. ALEXANDER Clarence Llvengston Alexander. 65, of Mockavllle, Route 4, died at op* proxlmat^ 7 p.m. Thursday. The fttndal was conductM at t pjn. Saturday at the Liberty tfnlted Methodist Church by the Rev. Kenneth EUer. Burial was In the church cemetery. He was bom la Rowan County'August 6.1918, to the late Joe L. and Mytire Miller Alexander. He was a meihber of the Liberty United Methodist Church and was a retired farmer. Surviving are his wife, Ruby Alexander Alexander: one daughter, Mrs. Jean Evans of HoeksvUIe, Route 4; two sisters. Miss Elsie Alexander of Route 4, MocksvlU^ and Mrs. Ruby Hatley of Salisbury, Route i: and one footer son, Perry Miller of the home; two grandchildren. MRS. ULLIE TALLBNT Mrs. Llllle Calloway Tbllent, 62, M Rt. 2, died at Davle County Hospital on Ihursday night following an ninesa or two days. Tho funeral waa held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Church of God in N. Cooloemee conducted ^ the Rev. Don Whitehard. Burial was in Legion Memorial Park In Codeemee. Born April 6. 1916, In tlutherforci 'Uounty, Mrs. Tailenl was a daughter of the late Charles L. and Rebecca Rhodes CsHoway. Survivors include her husband, Marvin Robert Tailenl; nve daughters, Mrs, Francis Hamilton of Ctem* raons and Mm. Morle Midlla, Rt. 2, Mrs. BettlQ Poster, Rl. 7. Mrs. Naden Morgan, Rt. 1, Mrs. Margaret Garrelaoa, Rt. 7. ail of Modi^le. Three sons, Robert Lee Tallent of Lexington, Russell C. Tdlent of Rt. 2, Advance and the Rev. James Tallent of Rt. 1. Vote; etght alatm] two brothers; and 16 grand children. tommy V. LEONARD Tommy Virgil Leonard, 48, of Rt. 4, Rera community, Lexington, died at 9 pma. Ss^Ul fir ""&ie«StwoweeSs, The funeral woa conducted at 2 p.m. Monday at Futtoo Uidted Methodlat Chureb by the Rev. Toney Jordan. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mr. Leonard was bom in Davidson County to Dewey Virgil and Dorothy Cope Leonard. Re was a member of Fdton United Methodist Churdi and was a retired upholsterer. Surviving are hla wife, Mrs. June Lawson Leonard of the home; three sons, Ted Wesley Leonard ef RL S, Lexlagten, Jeffrey Glenn and Timothy Lee Leonard both of lha home; one daughter, Mra. Robert (Kay) Barnes of RL 4, Lexington: three grand* dtUdren; three hstf-olaters, Mrs. Norman (Peggy) Drum of Thomaavaie, Mis. Herbert (Diane) Holt of Oreenaboro, and Mra. Byrad (Allene) Frilla of Lexington; one half* brother, James Leonard (^llforiua. r- <r St" r- o Si o CO HH DAVM' COUNTV I:NTKRI»HISK RI-CORD. THURSDAY. JANAURY 11. I*"" ^ _ MRS. OLA BROADWAY Mrs. Ola Guliclle Broad way, 83, of Roulc 4, died Monday around 10 p.tn. at Dovic County Hospital. The runeral will be 2 p.m. on Thursday ol Union Chapel United Methodist Church in Oavie County conducted by the Rev. Larry Staple, Elder Eugene Bennett and Elder BillBarnhardt. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The body will be token from Baton's Funeral Homo at It a.m. on Wednesday to the home on Route 4 and will remain there until placed in the church at the fUneral hour. Born Dec. 24, 1890. in Davio County, Mrs. Broadway was a daughter of (he tate James and Alice Cornatzer Gulletle. She was a member of Salisbury Primitive Baptist Church. Survivors Include three daughters, Mrs. Katherlne Shoemaker and Mrs. Inell Coil, both of MofiksvlUe and Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Katherlne Shoemaker and Mrs. Ineli Call, both of Mocksville and Mrs. Loudetto Sledge of Salisbury: one son. Coy Broadway of Mocksville: one stater, Mrs. Betty Broadwov of Kannapolls: 14 grantl- children: ll great grandchildren: and one great- great-grandchild. JOHN FRANK HOWARD John Frank Howard, aged 68, of Rt. 4. Mocksville, N. C. and a former resident of Mooresvllle, N. C., died at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1979, in the Lowrancc Hospital. Moorcsvitle, N. C. He had been in declining health for 2 years, and seriously ill for 2 weeks. Mr. Howard was born Sept. ta. 1910, in tredell County, N. C., nnd was a son of the late Arthur Bryant and Nellie Jane Hill Howard. He was o retired textile employee, having worked at Burlington Industries. He was a member of Edgewood Baptist Church. Survivors Include: his wife, Mrs. Rotly Brown Howard, of the homo: 2 sisters, Mrs. H. N. (Maet Stewart, of Coolecmee: and Mrs. Sadie h. Messick, of Rt. 4, Mocksville: I brother, Cecil A. Howard, of Georgia. 3 Grandchildren: Jerry D. Howard, of Coolecmee, Mrs. Fronkie (Vickie) Sossamon, ol Marlon, N. C., and Miss Omnlo Frances Howard, of Lexington, N. C.; and one greatgrandchild. Heather Howard, of Cooleemee. His only son, Frankie Dwayne Howard died on May 5,1976. The funeral for Mr. Howard was conducted at 2:00 p.m., Thursday, January 4, 1979, at the Cavin Funeral Homo Chapel, In Mooresvtlle, N. C. I^v. Fred Carlton, pastor of the Edgewood Baptist Church officiated. Interment followed in Glenwood Memorial Park, Moorasville. E.C. RUDISILL Earl detus Rudislll, 74. of 318 Lexington St. Mocksville formerly of Lineolnton died January 3rd. The funeral was Friday January 8 at 2 p.m. at the Warllck Funeral Home Chapel with burial in the Forest Lawn Cemetery. He Is survived by his wife. Georgia Rudisill of Harrisburg: two sons, George Rudisill m LuUwck, Texas and Charles Rudisill of San Antonio, Texas: one daughter, Mrs. Margaret Bumgardner of Harrisburg: five brothers, Claude RudlsTU and Guy Rudisill both of Uncolnton, Carroll Rudisill of Gastonia, Hubert Rudisill of Thomasville and Fred Rudisill of Patterson, N J.; 12 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. WJ. SHORE Woodson Jones Shore, 83. died this morning in Davie County Hospital where he had been a patient for two wcdia. The funeral was held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the (%urch of God in Cooleemee conducted by the Rev. I.C. Morris and (he Rev. Don Whichard. Burial was in Legion Memorial Park. Born Nov. 19, 1895, in Yadkin County, Mr. Shore was a son of the late Billy and Rosanna HInscn Shore. He was a retired textile employee of Burlington Mills nnd was a member of the Church of God. Survivors Include his wife, Mary Reeves Shore, four daughters, Mrs. Colene Padgett of Woodloaf, Mrs. Nancy Durham of Rt. 4, Mocksville, Mrs. Hatlie Sharpe of Florida and Mrs. Esther Williams of China Grove: two sons, Tom and Norman "Pete" Shore, both of Cooleemee: one brother J.C. Shore of Cooleemee; 44 grandchildren: and .15 great grandchildren. <y^ r- it* 4S. O CLARENCE C. BAILEY Clarence Clark Bailey, 70, of Route 2, was dead-on- orrival at the Davie County Hospital Thursday morning. The funeral was conducted at 2:00 p.m. Saturday at Eaton's Funeral Home Otapel by (he Rev. Yates Wilkerson. Burial was in the Fork Baptist Church Cemetery. He was born in Davie County to the late Noah B. and Ossie Pack Bailey. He was a retired painter. His wife, Clitta Waller Bailey, preceded him in death in 1977. Surviving are seven daughters. Mrs. Liliio Mao Potts, Mrs. Anita Myers, and Mrs. Diane Smiley, all of Advance, Mrs. Kathryn Burnott of Virginia Beach, Va., Mrs. Sandra Craver of Lewlsville. Mrs. Judy Shcrrill ondMrs.Edith Allen, both of Mocksville: five sons, Charles Bailey of San Diego, Calif., Johnny Bailey of High Point, Harrold Bailey and Cecil Bailey, both of Lexington, and Glenn Bailey of Advance; 29 grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren; three sislcrs. Mrs. Robert Black- well and Mrs. Lola Barbee, tmth nf Winston-Salem, and Mrs. Lucille Lookabill of Salisbury: one brother, Clyde G. Bailey of Moyock. N.C. A® o fp s>~ HH DAVII Cni'NTY PNTI-RPRISIi RITORD. THURSDAY. JANUARY 18, |«>70 J. FREDRICK BAITY Jonathan Fredrick Bally, 0, of Route 3, S'adklnvtlle dlra at l2:.io p.m. 'fhursday at the Baptist Hospital. The funeral wbr held at 2:30&m. Sunday ot the aronatha Baptist Church by the Rev. Bobby Russd. the Rev. Grover Everetie. and the Rev. Glenn Murphy. Ho wos bom in Davio County, son of Roby Leo and Shirley Royall Bally. lie was a membor of the Marnnatha Baptist Chureh. He wos a student in the fourth grade at Courtney School. Surviving are his father and mother; a sister, Miss KImborly Down B ally, and a brother, Phillip Leo Baity, both of the home: his grand* parents, Mr. and Mrs, Luther Royall of Route 3, Yadkin* vllfc, and Mra. Annie Baity of Route S, Mocksvllle. RUFUS R. PEEBLES Ruffus Richard Peebles, 46, of Ri. 3, Advance, was dead on arrival Friday afternoon at Forsylh Memorial Hospital. Ho was bom Aug. 191932, In Advance to Modi^ J. and Mrs. Ola C. Peebles. He was a former resident of Newark, N.J. and Winston* Salem. He had been a resident of Advance for the past two yeanand was em* ployed by Thomasvllle Furniture tnduslries, Surviving are his wife, Mrs Thelma SaTley Peebles of the home: his parents of tho home: one son, Richard Terence Peebles of the home; four daughters Janice Crump of Lexington, Mrs. Anthony (Vanessa I Williams of 3031 Oilmcr Avenue, Mrs. Dennis (Audrela) Burts of tho homo and Morlene Colette Peebles of the home; one sister, Mrs. Ruby P. Berry of the home; four brothers. Jasper, Ed ward and Duff Peebles all of Advance, Jamos Peebles of Mocksvllle; one grandchild, Tammera Antlonette Williams of 3031 Gllmer Avistue; and a host of cousins, nieces, nephews and other relatives. O- r- q^' 5 t—■ o O CO d, O ) o 8B - DAVII: COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JANUARY 25. 1979 W.I1! SPILLMAN Winnie Hsrdin Spillman. 78. died this morning in ihe N.C. Baptist Hospital in Wlnsion-Salcm following on illness of one week. The funeral was held Wednesday at the First Boptlsl Church of Cooleemee conducted by ihe Rev. Charles Burchette was in Rowan Memorial Park in Rowan County. Nephews of Mr. Spillman servM as active pallbearers and members of his Sunday School class served as honorary pallbearers. Bom Sept. 32, 1903, In Yadkin County. Mr. Spillman was a son of the late Robert and Lu^Oough Spillman. He was a retlrra employee of Burlington Mills in Cooleemee and was a member at the First Baptist TODDJOHNSON James Todd Johnson. 14. of Lakdand. Fla.. drowned in a boating accident on Lake Parker In Lakeland Jan. 14. The body was recovered Saturday. The funeral was conducted 11 a.m. Wednesday at Baton's Funeral Home Chapel In Mocksville by the Rev. G.C. Carter and the Rev. A.C. Starling. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. Born May 19.19M. in Rowan Counly.the youth was the son of James Vemon and Patsy shaver Johnson of Lakeland. Fla- ^rviving are one brother, Michael Ted Johnson of the home; grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Shaver of Cooleemee and Mr. and Mrs. William P. Johnson of Salisbury. Bom Sept. 22. 1902, in Yadkin County, Mr. Spillman was a son of the late Robert and Lucy Gough Spillman. He was a retired employee of Burlington Mills in Cooleemee and was a member of the First Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Edna McDaniel Spillman; two daughters. Mrs. James H. Foster or Ormand Beach, Fla. and Mrs. Fred L. Sheaf of Troutman; one son, Bobby Ray SpUlmon of Cooleemee; one sister. Mrs. Saltie Shermer of WInston-Salem. Three brothers, Alfonso Spillman of Co(deemee, Lloyd Spillman of Durham and Allen Spillman of Green* sboro; eight grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. A well kn^n Cooleemee barber for 53 years, he worked until becoming seriotsly ill two weeks ago. He is also a retired employee of Burlington Industries with 48 years of service, many of which were as an assistant overseer in the Spinning Room. MBBKIB THOMPSON ' Mrs. Meekie Benson Thnmpson, 90, of Presbyterian Home in High Point and a native of Dawe county, died Friday. Jan. 19, In High Point Memorial Hospital after a short iUness. The funeral was conducted Monday at 3 p.m. In Sum* mersett Memorial Chapel by ihe Rev. James D. Revis. pastor of Cooleemee Presbyterian tSiurch. Burial *was in Unity Presbyterian Church cemetery. Mrs. Thompson was bom Sept. 31. I88B. in Davie County, daughter of Ihe late Robert Livingston and Miranda Harrison Benson. She was a member of Cooleomoe Presbyterian Church. Her husband. Jesse H. Thompson, died in 1918. She is survived by one son. Howard B. Thompson of Campbell, Calif.; iwo daugnters. Mrs. Benson ond Mrs. James P. Gray Jr. of StatesviUe; one sister. Mrs. A.E. Sain of Greensboro: seven grandchildren: 13 great-grandchildren; ond two great-great-grandchildren. TERRY DALE TAYLOR Funeral services for Terry Dale Taylor, 39. of 3285 Bast 49lh Street. Cleveland, Ohio were held EViday, January 19. at Baton's Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Donald Funderburk officiating. Burial was in Bethlehem United Methodist church cemetery. Mr. Taylor wos a former resident of WInston-Salem, and has relatives In Advance. ,He died at home. Tuesday, January 16th. Survivors include his parenis, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith Taylor of the same address in Cleveland. Ohio. REV. C.B.B. ROBINSON Rev. Clayton Earle Bullls Robinson died Saturday In York, S.C. where he had lived since retiring In 1958. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon In the ^iscopal Qturch of the Good Siepherd in York, burial followed in York. A Cooleemee resident for 15 years, the Rev, Robinson served as pastor of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Cooleemee and also the Bpiscopai chwrrhri* of Fork and Woodleaf. HisKistorate in Cooleemee was e longest of his ministry which began In Pa., where he was bom in 1890. He came to Cooieemeo from Tarboro along with his wife, who preceeda him In death, and their three children. His son. Peter, of Goldsboro followed his father into the ordained ministry ond has served several Episcopal churches in North Carolina. SA»JU1E. MILLER Infant Sarah Riixaheth Miller, of Mocksville Rt. 4. died Sunday morning at Butlst Hospital. Graveside services were conducted at 3 p.m. Monday at L^ion Memorial Park in C^eemee by the Rev. Ray ) Pennell. She was born December 80. 1978. to James Ridurd and Debbie Burton MiUer. Sniviving in addition to her parents are her sister. Miss Amanda Lee Miller of the home; her grandparents, James Harold and Colene Miller of Mocksvlllo Rt. 4 and Ronnie and Nell Barton of Advance Rt. 8; her great- grandmother. Mrs. Ame Davis of the WInston-Salem Convalescent Home: her8real-grandparenta. Mr. and Irs. Lee Phelps of Rt. 4 Mocksville. o ry m DAVIl ('OllNlV I NTIiKI'KlSI- UKORI). TIU'RSUAV. 1 1 HRUARY I. c. o DUKE M. RAT1.EDGE Duke Marlin Rotledgc, 72, of R(. 7. died Monday a( Davie County Hospital aflcr an extended Illness. The funeral was conducted ap.ni. Wednesday at Chestnut Grove United Methodist ^urch by the Rev. Larry Staples, tho Rov. James Reeves and the Rev. Alvis Cheshire. Burial was In the church cemetery. Bom March t8. 1906 In DavIe County. Ratledgc was Ihe son of the lote John and Julia Hunter Ra Hedge. He was a retired security guard. Surviving aro his wife, Bvo Hunter Ralcdgc: two daughters, Mrs. Shirley LanniM of Rt. 2, and Mrs. Mary Francos Peoples of Rt. 7, both of Mocksvllle; throe sons, Duke RatlcdM Jr. of Harmony, Donnic Ratledgc, Rt. 2 and Jerry Ratledgc, Rt. I, both of Mocksvllle. Three sisters, Mrs. Leila Graves ond Mrs. Fusho Ladd, both of Wlnston>Salem, Mrs. Oils DIxon of Rt. S, Mocksvllle: one brother, Charlie Ralledge of Rl. 7, Modt&vUIe: and 13 grand^ children. D.A. DAYWALT David Arthur Daywalt, 73, of Rl. 1, died Saturday night at DavIe Countv Hospital. The funeral was held Monday at 2 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel, conducted by the Rev. Olln Swicegood and the Rev. Oiarles Isenberg. Burial in St. Matthew's Lutheran Church cemetery. Born Nov. 6,1905, In Davie County, he was a son of the late William Thomas and MoUie Saford Daywalt. He was a retired former and a member of St. Matthew's Lutheran Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lena Seamen Daywalt; another daughter, Mrs. Ar* dello Phillips of Rt. 5, MockavUIe; two sons, David Davwalt of Rt. 1, Mocksvllle, and Roy Daywalt of the home; two brothers, Dewey Daywalt of High Point and Wllburn Daywalt of Cooleemee; and nine grand* children. JENNIFER L. SCOFIELD Miss Jennifer Lynn Scoficld, age 2, of 103 Crwk* wood Dr., Advance, N.C., died Jonuary 24 al North Carolina Baptist Hospital in Winsion- Salcm. Miss Scofietd was born In Winston-Salem to Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Scofield. Funeral services were conducted Saturday. January 27. al St. Paul's Episcopal Church in WInston-Solem by Rev. Charles Taylor Jr. and Rev. William Edwards. Surviving are her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Scofield of the home; one brother, Christopher Scofield of the home; her maternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kuykcndali of Clinton, Ark. and Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Bauer Jr., of North Little Rock, Ark.; her paternal grand* parents, Mr, and Mrs. B.W. Scofield of Arlington Heights, ril,: and one great* grandmother, Mr. A.E. Bauer of North Little Rock, Ark. The family asked that in llcu of flowers, contributions be sent In memory of the deceased to the Pedialric Cardiology Fund, Dept. of PediotricB, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, 300 S. Hawthorne Rd., Winston* Salcm, N.C. 27103. LUCILLE HARKEY Mrs. Lucille Thompson Harkey, 62. of Rt. l. dlM at Davie County Hospital Tuesday. The funeral was held Saturday al 2 p.m. at Ealona Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Leon Allison and the Rev. James Grtder of- Memorlii Park Cornet^ in Cooleemee. Born Nov. 5, 1916. in Rutherford County, she was a daughter of the late William V. AND Rosle Nelson Thompann. Survivors Include her husband, David Lee Harkey; six daughters, Mrs. Virginia Wall of Statesvlllo, Mrs. Brenda Pebbley of Jacksonville and Mrs. Janle Foster, Mrs. Vonnle Williams, Mrs. Ruby Williams and Mrs. Jo Ann Boger, all of Mocksvllle. Also, five sons, William Lee Harkey of 'TaylorBViile, Robert B. Harkey of Longvlew, Tex. James f. Harkey of Statesville, Tony D. Harkev of West Germany and Freddie Harkey of the home; 26grandchildren; three great grandchildren; four sisters; and four brothers. r- <r J.X. HAUSER Jack Kcnnon Hauscr, 51, of 314 Salisbury St., died at Davie County Hospital Januaiw 23rd. The funeral was conducted 2:00 p.m. Friday at Eaton's Funeral Homo Chapel by Rev. Yates Wilkinson and Rev. James Hodnot. Burial followed in the Pork Baptist Church Cemetery. Mr. Hauser was bom in •Forsyth Ckiunty to the late Charles E. and Ruby Douglas n Hauser. He was a retii^ > employee of Western Electric d and was a veteran of World a War 11. ,. Surviving are his wife, the former Mamie Baitey; one n daughter, Miss Dawn Hauser j of Route 1, YadklnvUIe; three sons. Larry Hauser and c Randy Hauser, both of ^ Yadkinville, Route 1, and I Michael Hauser of Route 7, f Mocksvllle: Iwo step* | daughters, Mrs. Teresa Sparks of Moorcsvllle, and I Mrs. Terry Shlnaull of the home; three stepsons, Troy Bnlloy, Cloyd Bolley, and Mark Bailer, all of the home; Hvo grandchildren; Iwo . sisters, Mrs. Nell Trivelte of • Lcwisvlllc, and Mrs. Jessie Anthony of Wlnslon-SQlcm; and IWO brothers, Fred, D. Hauser and Tom Hauser, both of Winston- Salom. SALISBURY POST, 2/4/1979 :r 1 sr> Cfi <L =S. <£) o Mrs. Tutterow of Mocksville V" 'ii- i/ t-'jiiiurr.fiiii? Tu(iero\y. 74, oi lit 7 uicd Saturday at Davie County 1 ospltal. She was ilic widow of l)u!;e J'uKorow. ' l-'uiicral will be 11 a. ni/.Mon-l jwy at - Eaton's Funeral Home' ^napel, conducted by-the flev.. Kenneth Eller. Burial will be in Concord -United" Mctliodisti ciiurch ccmelciV. Memorials may be liiadn. to the .cliurclr fauildnij' lund. Tbc family will be' at the luiieral home today from 7 to y P-ni. . Born Jan. 7. mpa.Jn DaviV county, she. was a daughter of RnuJ'\in Samantha-—Boyd While. She was .i luriner. employee of Lynn Haven iNurs- mg Home, and was a member of Concord Melhodlst Church.. .: i/H* « 5urviyors include two daiieh-iters. Mrs,; I^Uierine Crolls of; ri - ?andr^ Vance of jn. /. .both.of Mocksville;- two'" sons J. N. tutterow of Ht 7 • -•'ack Tutterow0 Ht. 2.- Advance; six sisters. Mrs Clois Gobble and M« Audrey Gobble of Hi. 1. Mrs' HJUhel Call of Ht. 4. Mrs. An-' J."®"'" 5. all of,Mocksville. and Mrs. Naomi ' Ijames of Hannony and Mrs.' \ernell Bqdenhamnier of Wmston-Saleih; four brothers ' Carmen and Fletcher White of , , and Aaron andJohn While of i1.*2, MocksviJic- I grandchildren and eisdil" great-grandchildren. , :/ 1 • # ; .1* P-»jr Z'lf- 177? <7- r- cr Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NC »B /MVM; COIWTY HNTKRPRISI: RliCOKD. THURSDAY. FKBRUARV 8. I«)79 Co t CZ <L rs" h- <33 o M. L. WALLER Melvin Lee Waller, 65. of Route 7, died at Davie County Hospital on Sunday night. The funeral was held Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel con* ducted by the Rev. W. H. Brooks and the Rev. Charles Talbert. Burial was In Rowan Memorial Park Cemetery in Salisbury. Bom Jon. 22, 1924. In DavIe County, Mr. Waller was a son of Kelly and Ruth Waller of Ht. 7, MocksvlUe. Ho was a retired minister and car penter and was a member of the Church of Ood of Prophecy. Survivors, In addition to his parents, include his wife, Edith Moore Waller; three sons, Donnle, J. C. and Wayne Waller, all of Rt. 7, Mocksvilte: one sister, Mrs. Louise York of Rt. 4, Mocksvllle; one brother Herman Waller of Rt. 4 Mocksvllle; and eight grandchildren. MRS. LEOTA CAMPBELL Mrs. Leota Campbell Owens, 69, of II Vadkln St., died at her home on Sunday. The funeral was held l^tesday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel In Mocksvllle conducted by (he Rev. J. D. Reavis and the Rev. Fred Carlton. Burial was In Rowan Memorial Park in Salisbury. Born Sept. 17,1909, In Davie County, Mrs. Owens was a daughter of (he late Oscar and Mollle Shore Campbell. She was a retired employee of Burlington Mills and was a member of the First Baptist Churdi of Cooieemee. Survivors Include her husband, Ralph T, Owens; one son, Mason B. Owens of Rt, 4, Mocksvllle; three sisters, Mrs. Betty C. SUnson of Lisbon, Ohio, Mrs. Estelle SIpes of Mt. UUa and Mrs. Peggy Corbett of Raleigh. Two brothers, Preston Campbell of Cooieemee and Lester Campbell of Kan* napolls; and one grandchild. MRS. NELL S. DENNIS Mrs. Nell Swann Dennis, 70, of 27 Farmlngton Drive, Greenville, 8. C., died on Saturday in Greenville. Mrs. Dennis was a former resident of Davie County. Graveside rites wore held on Tuesday at II a.m. at Rose Cemetery in Mocksvllle conducted by the Rev. James B. Whetstone. Born Nov. 14, 1902, In Market, Tex., Mrs. Dennis was a retired school teacher and was a member of West Gant First Baptist Church. Her husband, Otis Robert Dennis, died Sept. 15. 1971. Survivors Include one daughter, Mrs. Mary Etixabeih Rice of Greenville, S. C.; three sisters, Mrs. Annie Mae ^rs of Snider, Tex., Mrs. Carson Miles of St. Angelo. Tex. and Miss Irene Swann of Roswell, N.M. Two brothers, Lewis Swann of Las Vegas, Nev. and James Swann of Chicago, HI., and two grandchildren. MRS. DEBBIE LIVENGOOD Mrs. Debbie Patterson LIvengood, 86, died last Wednraday in Los Angeles, (^lifornla. The funeral was held Monday at it a.m. at Baton's F^ral Home Chapel in Mocksvllle conducted by the Rev. Henry RIdenhour. Burial was In Fulton United Methodist Church Cemetery. Mrs. LIvengood was bora June 14,1891, in Alabama. Survivors Include two daughters, Mrs. Morris Wlllmms of BeUe, Calif, and Mrs. E. S. Groce of Ft. Smith, Ark.; and eight grand children. c- r- cr Rev. C.B. Newton The Rev. Coy Bascom Newton, 63, of 5024 High Point Road, Greensboro died Saturday. Funeral services were held Monday at the Hones Lineberry Van Story Street ChaMl. Entombment was In the QuUford Memorial Park. The Rev. Newton was pastor of the First United Methodist Church of Moduvllle from 1957*1961. He retii^ In 1962, He was a graduate of Brevard College, Trinity College (now Duke Un* verslty) and Emory University. He received his doctor of divinity degree from the National Bible t^illege. In addition to Mocksvllle no held pastorates In Bessemer City, Charlotte, High Point, China Grove, Murphy, Winston-Salem, Cherry^Ue,. Marshall and Danville, Va. He organized the Sedgefleld Lakes United Methodist Church In Greensboro. Since leaving Mocksvllle In 1961, Mr. Newton remained fond of the community and retained many friendships here. At Christmas he wotud always return for the annual candlelight service at the local church. Also at Christmas, many local friends would receive a (^rlsimos greelJng message In one of his original poems. And he continued to return toSo fishing with Robert Hen- rlcks,Harry Murray, Cecil Morris and others. Mr. Newton also was the author of a bo<d( about the late Jo Cootey of Mocksvllle. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Katherlne Mann Newton of the home; one daughter, Mrs. Juno Hoyworth of HIghpoInt: one son. Coy B. Newton Jr. of Lake Norman; and one brother, the Rev. P.F. Newton of Graham: one sister, Mrs. Lessle Formaii of Medland City. Alabama; five grand* chitclren, (wo great grand children. v> 6B DAVli: COUNTY UNTERPRISK RECORD. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 15. I*)?*) t U-) 3' i- <22 O PRBD B.TRIVETTB Mr. Fred Baker Trlvelle, fiO. of Moekavllle, Route 2, died Thursday aftentoon aftor a lingering illness for the past 10 years. He was born in Yadkin County October 10. ID18, to Minnie Lee Trlvette. He was retired from Unique Fur* nlture Company of Wlnston- Salem and was a member of Liberty Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, Dorothy Cates Tiivette; three daughters, Mrs. Robert Lee Irland of Route 5, Mockavllle, Mrs. Paul Hall Harvey Cranfill of Route 2, MoeksvlUe, Mrs. Roger Beck of Route 6, MocksvUle; one son, Carlln L. Trlvette of Route 2, Moeksvllle; and seven grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at 2:00 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Chapel conducted by the Rev. William Hutchens and the Rev. Leon Wood. Burial was in the Liberty Baptist Church Cemetery. OTIS R. HOOTS Captain Otis R. Hoots, 79, of Route 3, Advance, died Thursday afternoon at For* sylh Memorial Hospital. H was born in Yadkin County to Isaac and Sarah Wishon Hoots. He retired from the Wlnston*Salem Fire Department in 1963. He joined the fire department In 1910 and worked his way up to the rank of Captain In 1941. At his retirement, he was Captain of Fire Station No. 7 (Buena Vista Fire Station). Surviving are one sisiter, Mrs. Maude Shores of Mooreiand, Ind.; and a number of nieces and nephews. . V .ylo --if f • C -x: ifeOlh pin^l^P ^wlfe,!;I)orothy Cates',Trivet- 4It mjat. 'm n #fe!;y€yf'<3ranfilli1or'^ ,-;vMocksyiUe4s^Mrs?il^ Rbg^ -Rdute 6;^oti^Ue;' j :7:bnfscm;tarIin:f^.l^Vette biRou^.^iMp<^ I .; s.eyejii.i^grand.childrent"' ;:Funeralservi^^^ / ducted at^j2:bO pVmr. at . JP^eralChapercb.'ducfetf ;^ t Hutchens and the Rev. teon =' . WpcKJ: Burial will ih'the ' Lfberfyy Baptist 'Church i ' . redei ve Friei^s frdm 7; 00 un-';j ; til 9:00 p/thVFriday hight'at J n the funeral;^ Wi jTe''>\-' S Q'Lo.-)*-, j. 1 rS 9 ■3 BAViF >r^i i 0L'f?i tA_. — MoeksvHie, N. 3. ownE CO. PUBUCWOCKSVIUX. HO ri \- 6R - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1970 fC =< r- CJ O MRS. MARY LimS Mrs. George P. LftUe. the former Mary Oakea, 80, of Rt. 7, died at 8:18 p.in. Monday at her home. She had been in declining health for sevo-al years and seriously ill for several months. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Lyeriy Funeral Otapel in Salisbury conducted by the Rev. Flo^ W. Boat, paster of St. Paul's Uitheran Church. Burial will be In Rowan Memorial Park In Rowan County. family will be at the home of a daughter. Mrs. John W. Corl, on Rt. 7. Salisbuiy, and at the funeral home from 7 to 0 p.m. Wed* nesday. Born Dec. II, 1898, in Rowan County, Mra. Little was the daughter of the late James B. and Emma Lucy Cakes. She was educated in Rowan Cminty schools and was a Lutheran. Prior to her retirement, she was emMc^md at Circle M Ranch and Cartex Mills. Her husband, George Pinkney Little, preceded her in death on Sept. 8, 1987. She is survived by two sons, James Edward UtUe of Rt. 13, Salisbury, and Billy Im Uttle of Florida; four other daughters, BIrs. P. M. Powell of Rt.7, Salisbury, Mrs. Floyd Iwerly of Rt. 8, Salisbury, lSr8.^rl Hill of Albemarle and Mrs. F^ S. Talbei of Rt. 7, Mocksvine, with whom she had made her h<me] 14 grandchildren; and five great*grandchildren. ALICE PHELPS Mrs. Alice Hudson Pbelps, 79, of Watts Street, died at Fran Ray Rest Home in Mocksville Tuesday morning. The funeral will be con* ducted 2 p.m. Thursday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel in Mocksville con ducted by the Rev. J. D. Revis. Burial vi^ be in Liberty United Methodist Church cemetery. The family wUl be at the funeral home in Mocksville on Wednesday night from 7 to 9. Born Jan. 1, 1900, In Ran* dolph County, Mrs. Phelps was a retirra textile null employee. Her husband, Frank Phelps, preceded her in death in 1943. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Harold Maya of Cooleemee: four sons, Howard and James Phelps, both of Cooleemee, William Grimes Phelps of Columbia, S. C., Donald Ray Phelps of Salisbury: two sfoters, Mra. Guy Kegler and Mrs. Arch Rogers, l»th of Kannapolis; eight grandchildren: nine great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. NAOMI PRUirr Mrs. Naomi Prultt. 78, of Route 4, died on Monday at 7Bm. at Jo Lane's Nursing ome in Salisbunr after an illness of two weexa. The bo(^ will remain at the Mitchell-Fair Funeral Service in Salisbury pending com pletion of funeral arrangements. Born June 12, 1908, in Rowan County, Mrs. Prultt was a daughter of the late Jessie A. and Zena M. Luckey. She was educated in the Rowan County schools, was a domestic and was a member of Boxwood Baptist Church whore she was a member of the Misslonaiy Society. Her husband, Leaderous Prultt, died In 1932. Survivors include two foster sons. Junior Prultt and Howard Btackwell, both of Winston-Salem; and one sister, Mrs. Obota Young of Rt. 4. Mocksville. ALBERT KENNETH BROWN Albert Kenneth Brown, 19, of Rt. 4, was dead on arrival at Davie County Hospital Friday night from injuries sustained In an automobile accident. The funeral was Tuesday at Second Presbyterian Church. Officiating at the rites were the Rev. F.D. Betts and the Rev. Howard Parker. Burial was in the church cemetery. Born June 27,1989, in Davie Counte, he was a son of Mrs. WheaQey Steele Brown of Rt. 4, and Jesse Brown of Long bland, N.V. He was employed to Cannon MiUs In Rowan County. In addition to hb parenb, survivors include five brothers, Walter, Darrell, Lany, Daniel and Lee Brown, all ofthe home; a sister. Miss Debra Brown of Long Island, N. Y.; and his paternal grandparenb, Mr. and Mrs. Odell Brown of Rt. 3, Mocksville. TERRY EUGENE SPACH Terry Eugene Spach, 2i, of Rt. 8 ModtsvUle, the Fa^ mington Community, died Friday night as a result of an auto accident. The fUneral was conducted at 2 prni. Sunday at Griffith Baptist Church by the Rev. Tommy Johnson and the Rev. Fred Shoaf. Burial was in Parklawn Memorial Gardens, Forsyth County. Mr. I^ch was born Sep tember 28, 1987, in Forsyth County the son of Sanford and Sarah Long ^ch. He was a graduate of Davie High School and attended Forsyth Technical Institute. He was a member of Griffith Baptist Church and was assodated with his father as a dairy farmer. Surviving are his father and mother of the home; four brothers. Wade Spach of Winston-Salem, Frank and Dwight Spach both of the home, and Eddie Spach of Rt. 8 Mocksville. MIKE REDMOND The funeral for Bruce (Mike) Redmond was held Wednesday at 2 p.ro. In the Chapel of the Morrison- Studevant Funeral Home In ModtsvUle. The Rev. F.A. Leak of- nciated. Burial was in the Zion HUi Methodbt Church Cemetery in Ireddl County. Mr. Redmond died early Saturday morning from an automobUe accident. Surviving are hb parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Redmond of the home; Utfee broUiers. Richard, Raunchy, and Dennis Redmond, all of Ute home; three sbters, Alice and Diedra Redmond, boUi of Ute home, and Mrs. Regina Willbms of YatUcinvilie. Ci -oV er r or vo ol <ri V Xr 0/ ) .r (3 Wi X£itvO;,Ay^nitiKM^^ '3 Pfaafi^Raw^nft^yeiSforfe ^aj■yiceswu^ ii)rm;^I®ond^-?ar?e^ • Church by the 'Rev. LairyiStaple^.-Biinal ^^-bein the]c^Urch;|^'eeMtei^"'^The bbdy'^ill'he placi^ff the-churdi Myers : was^^llbjra;' in j!>avie jMattie Wood Bracken.,and:/>;^was';^iformerj eiiy)loy^.^fi; ^|Hanes^L,;SurWv^^^-jlpUisbahd, ." Bi!t!tfre,e daughters^'fiilrs.' ' ■% Patricia Snow of 0enhiions;='Mrs. Norma Naylbcpj^Rt. 6iMocksville,. and MissrLbrie Myers of Rt 1 Mobksville;"three sons, Daniel Ray Myers of Rt.'6 Mocksvillei; David Bruce .and JPranklinjDale Myers both of Rf.. 1;^^ocksvil^e; three grandchildren; her parents • "of iRt» ^ST. Mocksville;».jone ; sister, Miss NeUa .Bracken of 'RtT '2''-Mb"^icsl'ineV thr^^^^ 'brothers, FrahkUn Brackeni bfpHannb^^llV^ 6, Paul,Bri^ken^b^m.^l, M^ksville^.and Jer^ Bracks.of Rt. 6I. /.MocksyiUe..:. ThS family will •^cbecdiVe 'fr^^^^ ' Eaton's _ j-Funeral liome from to 9\'p,m: Sunday.'';,,''; '■ ' T''* - •S'c^/.Cov-i t-- 2'-5'' I ?7 f Oavie Co. Public Library •"V ■ » >IS >. Qi ss •-I s B y' 88 sLU > § Mocksv^e, N. 0. a: y- cD o ih KH DAVIli COl Nn LNTIiRPRtSl: RKfORn. THURSDAY. MARCH 1, I07«» MRS. POl.t,Y MYERS Mrs. Nancy Pauline■i'olly" Myers, <5, of Rl. 1. was dead on arrival at DavieCounty Hospital Saturdaytitomlng. The funeral was held Monday at Chestnut GroveUnited Methodist Church. Orftciating at the ri tes werethe Rev. Lariy Staples, and burial was in the church ccmeicry. Bom dan. 2.19M, in DavIeCountyi Mrs. Myers was adaughter of William Henry and Mattio Wood Bracken of Rt. 2 Moeksville. She was aformer employee of HanesCorporation. In addilion to her parents, survivors Include her hush*and, Bruce hfyors; threedaughters, Mrs. Patrlcls Snow of Clommens. Mrs.Norma Naylor of Rt. 6 and Miss l»orie Myers of Rt. 1,both of Moeksville; threesons, Daniel Ray Myers of Rt.6, and David Bruce andFranklin Dale Myers, both of Rl. 1 Moeksville; a sister, Miss Nella Bracken ofMocksvillci three brothers,Franklin Bracken of Har*mony, Paul Bracken of Rt. 1, .and Jerry Bradcen of Rt. 0, hoUt of Mccksviile; and threegrandchildren. MRS. MARY R. Mrs. Mary Madeline Rattz Leonard, of Route 15,Lexington, N.C. died Friday,February 23, at NorthCarolina Baptist Hospital In WinstoR'Sslem. after a serious Illness of six months. She was bom in DavieCounty. January s, 1020, to thelate wills Gray and Lisie Hartmsn Rattz. Survivors Include one son,Johnny W. Leonard of RL IB,LexitiMon; one daughter,Mrs. Den (Carolyn) Wood,- also of Rt. 18. Lexington: a brother Bill Rattz ofJacksonville, Florida end asister, Mrs. Dorothy Gurley of Lexington. N.C. Funeral services wereconducted Monday at 2 p.m. at the Piedmont Funeral Home in Lexington, N.C. Burial was in Reeds Baptiat Church cemetery. ROLAND W. LAKCVRoland Winfrey t^ey, 81, of Rt. 2, died Friday morningat Davie County Hospital. The funeral was held Monday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel. Officiating at the ri tes were the Rev. J.C. Shore and the Rev. George Bowman. Burial was InFarmlngton Community Cemetery.Born Aug. 17, IBM, in Davie CounWi he was the son of the late Thomas G. and MaryRebecca Winfrey Lakey. He was a farmer and a retired fertilizer and lumber dealer.Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Bernice McClamrookLakey; a son. Bobby Lakey ofRt. 2, Moeksville; and twograndchildren. J.W. TILLER James Wilson Tillor, 69, ofSwainsboro, Ga. died Sundayin Emmanuel County Hpsplialfollowing a long UIdcsB.Graveside services wereheld at 6 p.m. Monday in theSwainsboro City cemeteryconducted by the Rev. Frank Terry. Mr. Tiller was bom in Cooleemee on July 14, 1809. a Bon of the late Christopher C.lilter and Roxanna Wilson Tiller.He was vice president incharge of production for Argo MiUs In Swainsboro and a member of the First Mehtodlst Church of Swainsboro. Survivors include his wife, Ruth Henry Tiller; onedaughter. Anna Ruth Miller ofLong Boat Koy, Fla.; threesons, James W. Tiller Jr. of Cocoa Besch, Pla.; HenryChristopher and William Tiller of Swainsboro; threegrandchildren; a brother, B.C. Tiller of Eden; (our sisters, Mrs. H.L. Huffman and Mrs, B.B. Gibson ofKannspoiis, Mrs. George Shaver of Salisbury and Mrs.Ralph HUIard of Cooleemee. MRS. VIRGINIA COLEMrs. Vlr^nta Mills Colo, 55, of Route 7, died this morningin Davie County Hospital alter a long Illness. Hie funeral and burial willbo held Friday in Jeckley, W. Va., hut remainingarrangements are in* complete. Mrs. Cole was liom inRaleigh 'County, W. Va., onSept. 8, 1922, a daughter ofPearlie and Beulah Fcley Mills of Route 7, Moeksville. She was a former employee of Blackwelder Manuradurers In Moeksville. Survivors, in addition to horparents, include two daughters, Mrs. Rhonda ColeCfaddock and Misp CherylnAnn Cole, both of Bcckley, W. Va.; one son, Randolph Duano Co1e,of Oio home; two Bisters,Mrs. Paul Cole of Coal City, W. Va. and Mrs. J.O. Ed wards of Cooleemee: two borlhers, James W. Mills ofShady Springs, W. Va. andDavid L. Mills of Blaok Sheer, Ga.; and one grandson. r- Cr /n I w d o & Mil DAVIl: (01 Nn LNTI-RPRISl: RirORD. THURSDAY. MARCH I, l*)7n MRS. NANNIE WILLIAMS Mrs. Nannie Dyson Williams, 87, of Route I, died this morning al her home following a lengthy illness. ' The flineral will be 3 p.m. on Thursday al South River United Methodist Church conducted by the Rev. Shirley Jones, pastor. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The family will be at (he Buncy*JohnBon Funeral Home in Statesvllle on Wednesday night from 7 to 9 p.m. The body will be placed in the church 30 minutes before (he funeral. Pallbearers will be Junior Williams, Jimmy Wooten, Wayne Myers, Larry Allen, Tommy Williams, Jimmy Galther. Lee Williams and Joey Steele. Bom June 12,1B91, in Oavle county, Mrs. Williams was a daughter of the late Robert and Mary Baker Dyson. She was a member of S(mth River United Methodist Church. Her husband, John F. Williams, died on Dec. 25, 1965. • Survivors include two sons, Henry and Leo Williams, both of Mocksville; six daughters, Mrs. Fred Myers of Clem* mons, Mrs. Carl Bumgamer of Wilkesboro, Mrs. J.B. Wooten of Statesvllle, Mrs. Fola Murph, Mrs. J. Hughey Galther and Mrs. Kenneth Steele, all of Rt. i, Woodleaf; One brother, Jake Dyson of Salisbury: 30 grandchildren; and 22 great'grandchlldren. cL < 3 Ir iS O o THE SA^BURY EVENING .-.-i;-•; f;- •K * Marie Johnson, Cleveland native Mrs. MarieAllison Johnson, 89, died at rh/r^M """fS Center in m4 ? on Thursday night' dim 0,'"?°'' **05 a former resident of 430 Maple Avenue in Hov^" "0^ 0 naUve ofCleveland m Rowan County Graveside rites will be Satur- , oL ^ Cemetery.con^ducted by the Rev. Georg^ The family will be at Eaton's Euneral Home in Mocksvllle to- ni^t from 7 to 9 o'clock land Mrs Johnson was a daugh- anH^ii Gustave AiphonsoIhtl '''' f- Allison. of DavenportHigh .St:h^l and was a member rl. I Methodist ^ t^Jocksville. Her hus- ?^"5 Johnson, died in Survivors include two daueh- , McNeiU ofBowie. Md. and Mrs. WalterHargeii of .Greenup, Ky.- nf M LeGrande. both 'Sen '= Davie County Public LibraryMocksviUe, NO o~ r- cr co rr> yj-i K- a iD. - Cyjf ; JOHNSON / ! : / r JVIOCKSVILLE -,;Mrsv '/Marie. AUi^bn Johnson; formerly of 430 I\fopie"Ave.,' widow of Phillip J. Johnson; . died t Wesley Nursing Cbnter in Char lotte l^ursday night. Graveside-semces will be- conducted at 2:00 p.m. Satur day at Rose Cem^ery in 'Mocksville^ by thie Rev. George Auman.. The. family . requests that an memorials " be made to the First United Methodisf Church Of' Mocks- ville. She was bom in Rowaq County to the late Gustave A. and Henrie E. Morris Al lison. She was a graduate of Davenport Cbllege and was a member of Mocksville United Methodist Church. Surviving are two daughters^ Mrs. Robert S. McNeill of Bowie. Md.. and Mrs. Walter Hargett of Greenup,. Kty.; two sisters,. Miss Ossie Al lison and Mrs. Margaret LeGrand, both of Mocks ville: one brother, W. G. Al lison of Wilmington, N.C.; and three grandchildren. 3-1 " 7^ o t. > |4 T Cr- r— CT" rO -ttifc- 5 a- =5 <t>>. ra^nChurch ;Road; dfed n r?§'wday;mbrning:atFors^ 'g-iMemonal :Hospital. Funeral ^ ® f be conducted at p.m.' Mondav^Af v'VA»i«;.t.. f ^ ^onfvfew fj^^Memonal Park. Mrs. Myers •> .-^s boro in Surry County to Susie Holfield,^yjS5?T^She ^d.Iived in Ad- >**c wst eignc years ?f "?,W3?..a,'nember of Mocks United Methodiisf'Church i from Taylor i J®^3?co Companyin 1968, after 33 yeais of ser-1 Surviving are one i ^ughter, Mrs. Jesse (Mary) •uv/fn?*npson of Kinney Road : Lewisville; * -i* six' grandchildren; 14 great-! grandchildren; two,sisters,!v; JJrs. Holly Jenkins and Mrs. I X7?J"'e Ledman-both of',!;, Asheboro; two brothers. i Einmette Pt^ndexter pf! . Fairwew, N.C. and Floyd! Poindexter of Greensboro r* • one half-brother, Hayden^i.;Po'"«^exter of Thomasville. ' -The ^family will receive^ .friends at Vogler's (Hem- Chapel from 7 to 9 p.m. ^ ^ J .t-o.L 3 - If. i <)7y Davie Co. Public Library Mocksville, N. C, DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE^ NO CO TUTTEROW MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. iEsther White Tutterow, 74, i S9 o -J 2 u? CQ 3 0. o 0 hJ 1 > CO is: o o s of Mocksville Rt. 7, died Saturday morning at Davie County Hospital. Funeral services will be conducted at^ 11 a.m. Monday at Eaton's' Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Kenneth Eller. Burial will be in Condord United Methodist -Church Cemetery. Mrs. Tut terow was born in Davie County the daughter of 'and Samatha Boyd White ahd was the widow of Duke B. Tutterow. She was a member of Concord United Methodist Church and was a former employee of Lynn Haven Nursing Home. Sur viving are two daughters, Mrs. Katherine Crotts of Rt. 4 Mocksville and Mrs. Sandra Vance of Rt. 7 Mocksville; two sons, J. N. Tutterow of Rt. 7 Mocks ville and Jack Tutterow of Rt. 2 Advance; 12 grandchildren, 8 great- •-grandchildren; six sisters, Mrs. Clois Gobble and Mrs. Audry Gobble both of R'ti 1 Mocksville, Mr. Naomi Ijames of Rt 1 Harmony, Mrs. Rachel Call of Rt. 4 Mocksyille, Mrs. Annabelle Ingrani of Rt. 5 Mocksville, and Mrs. Vernell Bodenharaer of Winston- Salem; four brothers, Carmon and Fletcher White both of Winston-Salem, and Aaron and John White both of Rt. 2 Mocksville. .The family will receive friends at Eaton's Funeral Home froni 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday and re quests that any memorials may be made to the Building Fund of Concord United Methodist Church. o- f- Cr- <x: n Y" <5 o CO- 2D DAVIL { (HMV I NTI RPRISH RM ORD. THURSDAY. MARCH K. I«70 ANNIE B. DAVIS Mra. Annie Elitabeth Davis, Bit or Guardian Care Rest Rome In Cleinmens was bom in Davle Cotrnty June 27, 1209, to William and Beatrice Johnson Brewbaker. She was a member of the Advance United Methodist Church. She was married to Clarence Davis who died In 1070. Surviving are three daeghiera, Mrs. Charlie F. Conart of Mocksviile, Mrs. Charles R. Chrenshaw of Mocksviile, Mrs. Phlll Hopkins of Powellsvllle. S.C.; six sons, Frank Burton of Pawleys Island, S.C„ Bob Burton and Herbert Burton, both of Winston*Salom, Kenneth Burton of Saudi Arabia, Ronnie Burton end Bill Burton, both of Advance; « four step-daughters, Mrs. Bill Chrestan of Charlotte, Miss Phyllis Davis, Mrs. Dan Mclver of Wlnaton*Salem, Mrs. John Bedford of Davidson County: one sister, Mrs. Ruth Wyatt of Advance; 93 grandehilmen and 13 great grandchildren. MRS. ESTER W. TUTTBROW Mrs. Ester White TUtterow, 74, of Rt. 7 died Saturday at Davie County Hosoltal. She was the widow of Duke Ibt* terow. The funeral was held Monday at Baton'a Funeral Home Chapel conducted by the Rev. Kenneth BUer. Burial waa In Concord United Methodist Church cemetery. Memorials m^ be made to the church building fund. Bom Jon. 7,1003. in Davie COuttiy. ebe was a daughter of the late J.C. and Samaittha Boyd White. She was a former employee of Lynn Haven Nuraing Home, and was a member of Concord Methodist Church. Survivors include (wo daughters. Mra. Katherine Crotta of Rt. 4. and 1^. Sandra Vance of Rt. 7, both of MoehaviUe; two sons. J.N. Tutterow of Rt. 7. MoeksviUe. and Jack TUttorow of Rt. 3. Advance; six sisters. Mrs. Ools Gobble and Mrs. Audrey Gobble of Rt. 1. Mrs. Rachel Call of Rt. 4, Mrs, Aimabelle Ingram of Rt. s. all of MoeksviUe, and Mrs. Naomi Ijamea of Harmony and Mra. Vernell Bodenhammer of Winston-Salem; four brothers. Carmen and Fletcher White of Winston* Satem and Aaron and John White of Rt. 2, MoeksviUe; U grandchildren and eigbl greal'grandehildr^. MOTT PADGBTT Mott Henry Padgett. 37, of Route 4, died Thursday in Davie County Hospital. A private graveside service was held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday In Rowan Memorial Park. Padgett was bom in Iredeli County Oct. 8,1918, and was a son of the late Charlie and Bemlce Steele Padgett. Survivors include his wife, ^a Redden Padgett; two broUiers, Harold and Ralph Padgett, both of Rt. i. Woooleaf: and two aistera, Mrs. Addle Beam of Rt. 1, Woodleaf and Mrs. Harold Raby of MooresviUe. MRS. tVA P. MYERS Mrs. Iva Polndexter Myers, 76, of Mocks Church Road, died Saturday morning at Forsylh Memorial Hospital. The funeral was conducted at 2 p.m. Monday at Vogler's ClemmonsChapel. Burial was In Montview Memorial Park. Mrs. Myers was bom in Surry County to Richard and Susie Holfiald Myers. She had lived in Advance for the last eight years and was a member of Mocks United Methodist Church. She retired from Taylor Brothers Tobacco Company in 1968, after 33 years of servlcQ. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Jesse (Mary) Thompson of Klnney Road, LewisvUle; six granddiildren; 14 great grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Holly Jenkins and Mrs. Mamie Ledman both of Asheboro; two brothers, Bmmette Polndexter of Falrviow, N.C. and Floyd Polndexter of Greensboro; one half-brother. Hayden Polndexter of ThomasvUIe- W.J. PARKBR Wallace James Parker, 63. of Charlotte, a native of Cooleemee, died Friday at a Charlotte hospital. The funeral was Sunday at 3 p.m. at Hickory Grove United Methodist Church in Charlotte. Burial was at Sunset Memory Garden. Mr. Parker was born November 6, 1913, in Davie County, a son of the late John Hancock and Effie Miller Parker. He was a graduate of Otoleemee High School and Ute Charlotte Center of N.C. State University In enxlneerlna. He retired from Duke Power Co. after 42 years of service. Surviving are his wife, Emma Elizabeth Wilaon Parker: three daughters, Mrs. Judy Long, Mrs. Jane Thompson and Mrs. Mary Shoupe, all of Charlotte; five sisters, Mra. Blanche Stephenson of Salisbury, Mrs. Sadie Wood of Moorpark, Calif., Mrs. Vermtlla Mella BashfcrlhorDoarborn, Mich,. Mra. Cody Parker of Oooleemce, and Mrs. Nellie Hnatio of Boston, Mass, and four grandchildren. CO i US u' 0 1 o S MRS. MARIE JOHNSON Mra. Marie Allison Johnson, 89, formerly of 430 Maple Ave., widow of Phillip J. Johnson, died at Wesley Nursing Center In Charlotte Thursday night. Graveside services were, conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday at Rose Cemetery in Mocksviile by the Rev, George Auman. The family requests that all memorials be made to the First United Methodist Church of Mocksviile, She was born in Rowan County to the late Gusiave A. and Henrle E. Morris Allison. She was a graduate of Davenport College and was a memb^of Mocksviile Unlled Mslliodist Church. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Robert S. McNeill of Bowie, Md., and Mrs. Walter Hargett of Qreenup, Kty.; two sisters, Miss Ossie Aliison and Mrs. Margaret LeOrand, both of Mocksviile; one brother, W.G. Allison of Wilmington, N.C.; and three grandchildren. MRS. W.H. EATON Mrs. Laura Peoples Baton of Route 2, Mocksviile, widow of Wade H. Eaton, died Thursday morning at the Davie County Hos^tal. She was a member of the Chestnut Grove United Methodist Church. She was born in Davie County, daughter of Thomas Monroe Peoples and Louisa Catherine Munday Peoples. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Louise Ooh- man and Mrs. Mary Nell Hones, both of Winston- Salem, and Mra. Elaine Foster of Route 1, Advance; two sons, W.H. Eaton, Jr., of Marletia. Oa., end Thomas L. Eaton of Woodstock. Ga. ; Iwo brothers, Lfnney Peoples and John Peoples, both of Route 2, Mocksviile; 12 grandchltdren and four great-grandchildren. The funeral was held Saturday at 11:00 a.m. at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Larry Staples. Burial was In the Chestnut Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery. 2D DAVIU COIMY I Nfl RPRISH Rl:( ORD. THURSDAY. MARCH 8. |«>70 fvt t «./> w o o DBWEYP.RUARK Dewey Preston Rusrk, d7, of m Gwyn Sl„ MocksvtUe, oied Monday afternoon at Lynn Haven Nursfng Home. The funeral was conducted Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral Home Oiapel at 2:00 p>in. by the Rev. Grady TUtterow and the Rev. Lind say Walters. Burial was in Clemroons Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations may be made to the Heart Fund. Mr. Ruark was born January 17, 1912, in Morgan county, Ga. He was a retired n fixer of the Hanes Corp. He was a member of the Bear Creek Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, Norms Payne Ruark; one foster son, Charles Payne of Pfafftown; two grand daughters, Miss Marcla Payne and Miss Led Payne: two brothers, Irvin 0. Ruark of Winston-Sidem and WOey Ruark of Bostwick, Ga. JAMESP. SCOTT James P. Scott, 07,820 N.W. I4lh Street, Wlnston-Salem, died at his home Monday morning, unex^tedly. He was a native of Davie Coun^. Survivors Include his wife. Catherine Booe Scott of Winston-Salero; three daughters, Trosla Cham-BSne of Oonmons, Mrs. ttle Holt Roberta Scott of Winston-Salem; three sons, James, Joe and Louis Scott, all of Wlnston-Salem; and seven grandchildren. FUneral services wQl be held lYiday at 4 p.ni. at the Monrison-Stttdevent Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow in the St. Jdm's AJd£. ZIon church cemetery. The Rev. T3. Holman will officiate ; assisted by the Rev. Ashley Champagne. The faroBy will meet with friends for thirty minutes Thursday evening from 7:80 until 8 plm. CO s^prs^Ef^SmU •; ''^f;Route'l, Advance,-passed |i,t away.,JiiHday I /the Dayle'Cdunty HospiU^^ iri;'.' y.'Mqcksyille. N.C. She was the ' widow of Mr..piDukeSmith^^ ; She.was born" 'August 21^ 1887,^ .:' in ''Davia/'Cou'nty^t6'^IVIiT3 ;Carsoh B.v^and;-^^ -Sparks . ySmlthvEuneralsHVices will: be. held 'at "4.'60v^'m^l5iurs» ? ;day at the Bethl^^United Methodist^ Churchi^ii^ Ad- ; vance,:N.C.iThe.bodi^Wiil be jj r- pla'cj^ in;^the;chu'rch '^lirs'-'? day;td liefin stateffrom;^^^^ , . to 4:M pVmt\Interrheht'^ be vin the' church -ceriieteryii'-, .;Mrs>iSmith'^^ . beeijpin \' ;t-de^Iihfhg healtli.'.'for' t^ree i ::years and seriously iirfb|six\' „ njidnthsjT^Shd.'wVs • bbm^Snd • ' ..raiXedy in\-;the'' ~ auu-': ;v.aa l}ieHJUei:^.,yLVine.i • j.: .BeUiIehera''t/ni ted f ChurchyShe waXedu^te^ n . the-.Dayie/County,; Sch^^ , B re ya r d,Co I Idge)' ;■> n d'^ ' U^NX/-Greensborb^^'?:S t'au.ght. ,.fbr. 25 -years^in; the^-: , -DayieCountySchool SystemSuryiving-are twd ddughters;»H.MfXrt^uis'e Adams and Mrs. jv Frances ..Temple, both of •j'W^ton,':5al.em; rone: sister,:' ;Sain of Mocksvil- j^iX'iN-P-'./ 'and^ a number-of, 'r": nieces/^nd^ hephewX- The iX"*family'; WiU-'greet • friends' at - ■." ij.VoglerX Main Street'Ghaper •;..^j from'j' to 8 p.m^VVXdnesday,; •evening'The family requests "' ^hat memoriars be*made to"^^t li e!;y 6 e t h 1 e h e n. l=;Ii h it e d : .■.TMethodist /Church Building Fund. Ut)'♦sSTV-n - Davie Co.PuDiic l,.. ftlocksvflie, N. C. Kit DAV1E COUNTY EN1T.RPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. MARCH 15, 1979 MARVIN O. WARREN Mr. Marvin O. Warren, 51. orCoUetUvllle. died Thursday in Lenoir. The msSS^ was conduct^ at 2 p.in. Saturday at Milter a Funeral Home Chapel with burial In the Bellevlew Cemetery. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. Gwyn Ledbetter Warren: one son. Bobby Warren of Lenoir; one daughter, Miss Lynn Warren of Boone; one brother. James Warren of Hickory: and a alater. Mrs. Leslie (Christine) Daniel of Mocksvtlle. MRS. EFFIE S. SMITH Mrs. Bffle Smith Smith. Route 1. Advance, N. C. died TVesday morning. March IS. at Oaide Cmmty Hospital after an illness of six months. She had been in decUnlng health for three years. She was bom In Davie County to the late Carson B. Smith and Ida Sparks Smith. August 21. t887. She was educated in the Davte County schools. Brevard College and the Woman's College In Greensboro, which Is now known as (he University of North Carolina. ^e taught school in (he Davie County schools for twenty*five years and was a member of Bethlehem United Methodist Church. She was married to the late C. Duke Smith. survivors are two daughters. Mrs. Louise Adams and Mrs. Frances Temple, both of Winston- - Salem; one sister. Mrs. Rosa Sain of Mocksvilte: and*a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be hdd Thursday at 4 p.m. at Bethlehem United Methodist Churdi with the Rev. Donald Punderbiu'k officiating. Internment will be in the church cemetery. The famUy wUl receive vtsttors Wemieaday evening from 7 p.m. until 8 p.m. at V^er'a Main Street Chapel In Winston-Salem. r* <r I <£. O CD ?/ 5 m i ^. Funei^ V' (hnQmitli/^mtfi -tf -^KV. - , aaorc f ^ ;t4S)t.Rt;A; ; Snducte<ih^ F^fcv cr- r~ o- o <r»i lilt; laiiuij..wiiij» wy.v '• fuderal^hoise todajr firoitt ? to 9 '. p.in: n •: •- • . ^ Bom March 9,1^, to Davie- n CouD^*"$ho swas a;dau^ter of . the'tate^aniei and li^aiy MUler' V Smith. Her husband; Joliiv.j^ ^Mpughi'^dead:'' r f ' ^ ri' Sitnrlvdm todude a'laughter, Mre.^uU^- HiUartf "of;-Rt: 3, , Moch^^T'two granddhudto; three ^reat-grandchitdren; and a brotheri 'Chal S^to of Rt. 3, , MocksviUe. r. ; ' S^^ii P^sT County HcOTitafeS^ ' T ^ E§inOTl;wrnc^ at'-LEatonJr^^neral-HOT^ Qiapel by^ tne.Rev:' Wiiiia^ ThbmpisonrBunal will b^tn' ; the Smith Grove United • i ic-\-u i • ^ Methodist Church Cemetery, was . born in Davie ^■'County, daughter of Daniet 1/rl jantfiMary Miller Smith. Sur-i | ' -'viving are one daughter, ; Mrs. Ruth Hillard of Route 3, . Mocksvilie: one brother, Mr. Chal Smith of Route 3, --'MocksvUle; , grandchildren; three great-.grandchildren; and two nieces.'The family will be at Eaton's Funeral S6me.=Wednesday mght from 7 to 9^ '<l p.m./ 5 ■; 3- M (.1) DAVIli COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH MRS. LAZORA S. KIMBROUGH Ura. Laura Smith Kim- broush, bom filarcfa 0,1906 of Rottta 9, MockavUIe died at the Davle County HospHal ItiesdayiMarch sotb. She woo bom in Davie County to Daniel and Mary Miller Smith and waa the widow of John Kimbrough. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Ruth Kellard, Rt. 9, Mocksvilie; one brother, Chai Smith, Route 3, Mocksvilie; two grand children, three great grand- chlldren and two neices. EtiRKal aervicea will be held at Batons Funeral Chapel, Tburaday at 2:00 p.m. Burial will be at the Smith Groce United Methodlat Churdi cemetery. The Rev. WUUam Thompun will of ficiate. M' DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. MARCH 22, |079 VIRGINIA MILLS COLG Funeral aervicea for Virginia Mills Cole were held Thursday, March l, at •the Blue Ridge Funeral Home in Prosperity, West Virginia. Burial was in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens. Mrs. Cole died Tuesday, February 27, at Davie County Hospital after a short illness. She was bom September a, 1922, to Pearlie and Beulah Potey Mills of Route 7, Mock^ille. was a secretary for Bloekwelder Manufacturing Company for Ott years. Survivors in addition to herBirenta are two daughters, ra. Rhonda Craddodc and Mrs. Cherlyn Cole, both of Bcckley W. Va.; a son. Randolph Cole of Rt. 7, MoeksvlUe; two sisters, Mrs. Paul Coleof Coal City, W. Va.. and Mrs. J. Odell Edwards of Gladstone Road. COoleemee, N.C.; two brothers, James Mills of Shady Springs. W. Va. and David Mills of Blackshear, Geor^a and one ^andchild. * <r • VBRCY N. JONES, JR. Vercy Nebraska Jones, Jr. M, 111 Spa Street, Morganton. N.C. was deed on arrival Saturday. March 17, at Grace Hospital there. He was bom In Sanford, N.C. October 6, 1924, to the Rev. N.V. Joim and Ida Bell Jones of Mocksvilie, who survive him. He was a member of Slades Chapel A.H.E. Zion Church, a World War II veteran, urved in the Viet Nam conflict, a member of the American Legion Post 322 and a member of Jason Blind Auxiliary of Moiganton. . Survivors are his wife, Mrs. WllUe M. Jones of the home; 2 brothers, Wendell P. Jones of Greensboro, Calvin L. Jones M Mocksvilie; 1 sister, Mrs. Camilla J. Holman of Durham, 2 nieces and 3 ne^ws. * Funeral services wereSnducted Wednesday, March , at 3 pjn. at Slades Chapel AMS. Zion Church with the Rev. JX. Green officiating, mtrlal was In Olive Cemete^ ^ Morganton. cti ro »-• O o o C£> I^^vSrdandthe^i'.Q^r|iwtinan. ^rial _J&S«^>n. the .chTrth' cemefe. The; body,wjacec^n ^thd^lmrcci imte^orrffig'SgfjJt 'y^S was borajua , ioiiSy -to theViak v^V.and "S usad'ntf I I JI^O. Surviving are I L^.C^tJiia^ { Robertson of Ad- A* . Anav* c.#«^ i:* VVIE CX). MOCf ™o brothers,Joe^^L Markland of Winston- and George Marklaiid■J^F?s'|i?eton.. D.C. The '■eceive.frienasat i'*7V *>> " <5\i. Lc-Jr^ 3 ^ /T7 t DAVll: COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. MARCH ?». 1979 - 7 I ^arty Hutchens Killed By Car In Yadfcln County . Marty Blwood Hutchens, IS, of MuckavlUe Rt. S, was hWed in YadUn County Sunday night, and bis uncle, Julius Ray Hutchens, of Yadklnville Rt. was injured when the two men were ^struck by a car as they attempted to f direct traHlc around thdr vehicles. The accident occurred on old US 421 Just east (d Yadkln\^. Trooper J. R. Miles of the state H* ighway Patrol said that et>out 30 minutes before the accident, Mar^ Hutchens, who was driving east, m swerved to avdd hItUng a dog, and his f car struck a fence cn the leftside of the roadway. It continued Into a ditch where ft became aiudc. The youth was mdiarmed, Miles said, and lie and his unele, who had been driving behind the youth In a pickup track, left the scene to get a tow wain to pull the car out of the ^dilch. P By about 8;4Sp.m., thetwohadpulled the ear onto the weathound lane of the road, Miles said. Maiiy Hutchens ap parently was using a flashlight to direct traffic around his ear when a vehicle driven by Terry Wayne Scott, 20, of YadkinvUfe fallea to stop and struck the Hutchens car head<on, Miles said. Marly Hutchens and his uncle standlug beside the ear were struck. MUessald the pldnip truck driven by the elder Hutcbans was parked behind the youth's ear and also was struck. Marty Hutchens was pronounced dead on arrival at E4da Ooorad Hoots Memorial Ho^tal here. JuHus Hut chens and Scott were listed In oatlsfaetery condlUon at the hospital Ikott has'taeen charged with driving under the Influence of drugs and ex ceeding a safe ^peed, Miles said. The funeral was held Wednesday morning at iliOO a.ro. at the Courtney Baptist Church by the Rev. 0. M. Burckhalter. Burial was In the church cemetery. He was born in YadMn County, son of James Elwood and Reba Bowman Hutchens. He was an iiih grade student at Ferbush HIgb School. Surviving are bis mother and father of Route 8, Mocksvllle; and his grand mother, Mrs. Annie H. Bowman of Route 5, Mocksvllle. 2D DA VIE rOUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. MARCH 29. 1979 O"- o~ cr ROBERT BURR BROCK Robert Burr Brock, 22, of Mocksvllle Rt. 5, was dead on arrival at Davie County Hospital Sunday at 8 p.in. He choked to death ap parently on a piece of steak during a family dinner at the home. Dr. B.L. Richards, medical examiner said. He was born January 20, 1087, in Raleigh to Burr Brock, Jr. and Ruth RaklnB Brock. Surviving in addition to his parents are (wo sisters. Miss Eicanor Carolina Brock of the home and Mrs. Patricia Qcnovcse of Swanclla. Ehmeral services were held Tuesday, at the Farmlngton United Methodist Church by the Rov. Oene doer and the Rev. Bonny Boorden, with burial in Farmlngton Com munity Cemetery. MRS. MAMIE MYERS Mrs. Mamie Markland Myers, 88, widow of the late Uum Myers died at Forsyih Mcmoriul Hospital In Winston-., Salem Sunday morning. ^ The funeral was conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Advance < United Methodist Church by : the Rev. Alex Alvord and the i Rev. Oscar Harlman. Burial : was in the church cemetery, i Mrs. Myers was bora In < Davle County to the late | George and Susanna I Livengood Markland. Her I husband preceded her in i death In 19S0. | Surviving are one daughter, i Mrs. F.M.(Lelhla) Robertson * of Advance; one son, Eugene Afyers of Rt. 3 Mt. Gllead; flvo grandohlldron, eight greal-grandehtldren; two Bisters, Mrs. Uzotte Jones and Mrs. Mayo Hobbs both of High Point; two brothers, Joe M. Markland of Winston- Salem and George Markland of Washington, P.O. ISSIAHSAUNDERS Issiah Saimders 71, a for mer resident of MockavQle, died March 20ih In Long Island, N.Y., where he had lived for the last three years. The funeral was held Sunday at New Jerusalem Holiness Church conducted gy (be Rev. Mrs. Jessie Leach, Burial was In the church cemetery. Survivors Include one daughter, Mrs. Doris Pat terson, and one step daughter, Mrs. Flossie Austin, both of Per Ro^way, N.Y.; 12 grandchildren and 12 great-grancchlldren. rCr v5? If] ist: i- €2 O k o c5 2D DAVIK rOliNT>' KNTKRPRISE RI CORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 29. 1979 (T r- cr' V jli t- <5 O > O s BOB CHEEK Cbauncey Roberl "Bob" Cheek, 74. of Rt. 4. ModcsvUIe, died at Baptist Hospital in WInston-Saiem FYiday aRentoon. The funeral was held Sunday at Jerusalem Baptist Churcn. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bom In Wllkes County, June 9,1904, Mr. Cheek was the son of the late Clingman and Mary Blackburn Cheek. He ^ was a retired contractor* . carpenter and was a veteran _ .wVvC ^ of World War I. vvi ? v\C, His first wife, the former S ^ We ^ elma Louise Cook, preceded ^ ,\o ' him in death t^eb. 4, 1973. VAO Survivors Include his wife, * Kathleen CTlner Cheek; three daughters, Mrs. Ruby Garland, Mrs, Nell Burreil and Mrs. Lorene Grubb, all of Rt. 4, Mocksville; two sons, Talmadae Cheek of Rt. 4, MocksvQle and Bobto Ray Cheek of Marathon, Fla.; 18 grandchildren end 17 great* . grandchildren. Also, two Bt^ sons, Eddie A. Criner of San Jose, Calif., and Larry F. Criner of West Demolse, Iowa; four step* grandchildren; six sisters, Mrs. B.B. Brown of Elkln, Mrs. Sherman Wadd^ of Roaring River, Mrs. Raymond MeCan and Mrs. Harding Wilson, both of Trap Kill, Mrs. Fred Hemric of State Road and Mrs. Veronl Cook of Cooleemee; two brothoa, Brady and Durin Cheek, both of Roarins River. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. APRIL S, 1971 - IIB t/^ €2^ CO o o o5 1^0 MRS. tSLIA H. IjAIRD Mrs. Leila Howaril Laird, 89, of Advance, Rotile l.dled LMonday aflemoen in Bapllat fmtlal. The funeral was conducted Wednesday at the Bethlehem United MeUwdtat Church at II a.in. Burial was In the church cemetery, omdatlnu were the Rev. Donald K. Fun* ^derburk and the Rev. Jimmy wMyers. She was the widow of Alvis M. Laird who died in 197a. She was born In Davle Co. January 19, 1690 to the late ntomBB Kelly end Julia Smith Howard. Surviving are three ^daughters, Mrs. Mildred MMeDanld, Mrs. Ray (Lolsl aSyora and Mrs. E.A. (Carolyn) Raybudc, all of Advance, Route t; four grandddldren and two great* grandchlldrea; five swers, Mra. AJ). Stewart and Mrs. VjQ, Suber, both of Winston* ABalem, Mrs. Mattle Smllh, ^"Mra. OJl. Smllh, and Mrs. R.H. King, aQ of Advance, Route I. MRS. SUE S. INMAN Mrs. Sue Stokes tnman, S4. of W. Ridge Read, RL s ^jMvance died Saturday Wmarolng at Forsyth Memorial * Ibnpltu. Too f^eral was eondueted at 2 pun. Monday at Clem* mona Presbyterian Cfaurdi. Burial was In Forsyth Memorial Paric. •Mra. Inman was bom In■jftUeeklenburg County to ^wUllom J, and Sue Rea^flkes. She was a graduate of UNC-0 and was a member ofQemmons Presbyterian Church.Sur^ving are^hor husband,^Lairyinmanofthehome: two■Mugotera, Misses Jennifer Jane and Reehd B^xabelhtnman of the home: her mother and father of Kale Norman; ono slater, Mra.Treaa Stokes Argo of Charlotte. B. 0. WEBB^t.Bverette Graham Webb,'61,Wof Route 4, died at his bmeearly Monday morning afterbting In deeUnhig bmutb.<Eem A|^ 21. 1917. InOfivdand Cotmly, Mr. Webb was a Bon of the late RichardR. and Roxanna MurrayjWehb, He was a carpenter. W .Survivors Inelude tworriers, Mrs. MSiy Fester, 7 and Mrs. Barbara-Stafford. Rt. 4, both ofUoeksviliei two sons, Jerry WMibef Rt. 1. Moekivule and~»rry Webb of Rt. 1i,JUibttiy: 'two aiaten, Mrs.J.B. Weaver of Shelby and Mrs. Mary Bollw of BosUdiitfireabrotherBi Gene Webb ofgenboro, Herbert W^b of nderaonvllle add D.B. Webb of Shelby; and six ■a."The funeral will be con*WBu^ at 2 p.m. Wednesdayal liber^ United MethodistChurch by the Rev. Kenneth WILLIAM 'HAMP' SEATS wnUam Hampton Seats, 76, of RL Ih Farmlngton (immunity, Mockavllle, diedItieodaymomlng athls home. He was bom In DavleOmuily, April 23, 1903, to ttelata l^am G. and Besale Hauser Seato. HO was a retired farmer. Survivors tnelude his wife,the former Emma PUeher; 2daughters, Mra. BessieSmltnerinao of RL 2, BastBend, N.C., Mrs. DianeCUrcoU of i^wleemee: 3 sons,William P. Seats, LeonardSeats, both of Rt. 2, HoMcsvitle and John HaroldSeats of lodlanapelli, la*dtana; 3 alaters, Mn. MaryJohnson, Mra. Pansy Allm and Mn. Gladys luger ofDavle County; and 1 brother, Iro N. Seats of Rt. 9, Harmony, N.C. Funeral services will be eondueted at Eaton's FuneralChapel at llo'doek Thursdaymorning. The Rev. Gene doer and Rev. Fred Carlton wlBotOclate. Burial will be In Farmlngton eemeteiy. •The family wll) receivefriends from 7 p.m. until 9 pjn. at Batons Funeral HomeWednesday. MAUDE MILLERCRAFFIN Mrs. Maude Miller Chaffin, 66, of Rt. 1, died In DavleCounty Hospital Mondayevening after three days of Berfflos ObiesB. The fUnerol will be con ducted 4 djn. Wednesday atEaton's Funeral Cbapm InMockavllle by the Rev. TonyJordan and the Rev. Shlriey Jones. Burial will be In FUltcn United Methodist Church cemetery.tnlleuef flowera, the familyrequests memorials be madeto Pultmi Unlt^ Metl^BtChurch eemeteiy.Bom Aug. 26,1693, In Davle County, Gha was the daughter of the late William H. and Matrle James Milter. She wasthe widow of Handn Chaffln,who ^ed In 1966.Surviving are one daughter, Mra. Mae Barber ofIhomasvlUo; nine sons, Roy,Hugh, Kenneth and GeneChaffin,all of Rt. 1, Woodleaf, Robert Chaffin of Lexington.Charlie, Marvin, Lester and John Chaffin. aU of Wise, Vs.; 32 grandehudren, 60 great-<T~ grandchildren; and five'great-great-grandchildj^. V \0- DAVIE COUNTY KNTCRPRtSE RECORD. THURSDAY. APRH. S. I*>7q - IIB Mrs. Laura Tabor Brack "ExiBlenee was given ua (or acllon. Our worln la deter mined by the good deeda we do, rather than by the fine emotions we feel." This phlloaophlcal ob servance could woU have been ' ' that of Mrs. Laura Tabor Brock as it is an emulation of her life. Moat active In many 4 fleida of endeavors, the • *^^0 p v jw contributed greatly to all \ ' j > phases of community growth. f ' Sho was born In RcldavUie ^ on March 22. 1996. She moved 10 Karminglon in 191] with je her family while her father served aa paator on the Farmington Methodist v* from the Farmington High School in the enter^ Davenport College- After graduating from Davenpori, she school for a year alJefferson B^^B^ ^BIBBBBBB^^B High School in Ashe County. (Arlng the three years she lived In Farmington ahe met her future husband, the late Senator Burr Coley Brock. They were morried In 1910 and she became o permanent resident of Farmington. Throughout her childrcns school years at Farmington ahe waa an active member of the PTA, serving on varioua committees and aa president. She served on the board of directors of the Farmington Medical Center and until the last few years waa an active member of the Pino Orange. She waa a member of the Womans Christian Temperance Union, American Mothers Committee, American Red Cross, Daughters of the American Colonists, N.C. Association for Retarded Children, Davle County United Way, Davie County Unit of the Cancer Society. Aa a member of the Farmington United Methodist Church, she was a source of inspiration to others for her faith end dedication. She spent many years teaching Sunday School c]as8e8...8m8ll children, young people, and the womens dasi. She served as counselor of Youth Fellowship and was a praldent of the UMted Methodist Women. l^lng the three years ahe lived in Farmington ahe met her future husband, the late Senator Burr Coley Brock. They were married In 1919 and she became a permanent resident of Farmington. Throughout her childrens school years at Farmington ahe was an active member of the PTA, serving on various committees and as president. She served on the boord of directors of the Farmington Medical Center and until tise last few years was an active member of the Pino Orange. She was a member of the Womana Christian Temperance Union, American Mothers Committee, American Red Croas, Daughters of the American Colonists, N.C. Association for Retarded Children, Davie County United Way, Davie County Unit of the Cancer Society. i As a member of the Farmington United Methodist Church, she was n source of Inspiration to others for her faith aitd dedication. She spent many years leaching Sunday School classes...small children, young people, and the womens class. She served as counselor of Youth Fellowship and was a president of the United Methodist Women. She was the mother of nine children: two daughters. Frances Brock Tucker and the laie Margaret Jo Brock; 7 b<his—one who died at birth; Burr Jr., John Tabor, James Moses, Richard Joseph, William Laurie, and Rufus Lm; 16 grandchiidren, and one great granduild. Last May (197B), Mrs. Brock was honored by the Farmington-Ptno Com munity for her outstanding service and was presented with the "Woman of the Year'' award. Thomas Csrlyle once observed: "Our grand business is not to see whet lies dimly at a diatance, but to do what lies dearly at hand." And that was the life of Mrs. Laura Tabor Brock. MRS. LAURA T. BROCK Mrs. Laura Tabor Brock, S3, widow of the late Burr Coley Brock, Sr., of Route 2. Farmington Community, died al the Davle Couniy Hospilal in MKksville late Monday evening. She was born In Rockinghem Couniy m ihe Isle Rev. J.B. and liOicTcnt- pleion Tabor, and was a school teacher. She waa a member of the Farmington United MethodJsi Church. Surviving are one dsughter, Mrs. Basil M. Tucker of Eden; six sans. Burr C. Brock, Jr., of Route 5, Mocksviilc. John T. Brock and Rufus Brock, both of Mocksvllle, James M. Brock of Aaheville. Richard J. Brock ond William L. Brock, both of Route 2, Moeksvllie; 19 grandchildren and one great grandchild; three alsters. Miss Margaret Tabor and Miu Frances Tabor, both of Statcsville, and Mrs. Edwin Patterson of Catonsville, Md. In lieu of flowers, the family requcsla that all memorlali be made to the Triad United Molhodlsl Homo or to Iho Childrens Home, both In Winston-Salem. Funernt services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at Farmington United Methodist Church with the Rev. Gene Cloer officiating. Burial will be In the Farmington Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Chapel Wednesday. • /•O o lOlt IMVri- COUNTY l-NTF.RPRISn RI-CORI). TmmSt)AV. APRII. i:. ri h tri c; <L f- O W.F. FEREBEE William Ftavo Fcrebee, B7, of Mocksvllle, Route 1, died Thursday afternoon at Oavie County Hospital. He was a retired farmer. The funeral was conducted Saturday at 4 p.m. at Batons Funeral Chapel by Rev. Cameron Dodaon. Burial was in the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church cemetery. Mr. Fcrcbcc was born In Davte County, the son of Willinm Calvin and Amanda Sain Fcrcbcc and wos a member of Center United Methodist Church. Surviving ore his wife, Mrs. Zclla Word Fcrcbcc; seven daughters. Mrs. Annie Lois Simpson of Columbia, S.C., Mrs. Kathcrlne Loudcrmllk of Atlanta, Co.. Mrs. Luc Balicy of Norcross, Gn., Mrs. Virginia Harris of Burlington, N.C. Mrs. Amanda Wllkcrson , of Mcbanc, N.C. Mrs. Maxinc Pruett of 'Greensboro, and Mrs, (Torolyn Holt of Graham. N.C. four sons. John F and William W. Fcrcbcc. both of Route 1. Mocksvllle, Colonel Thomas Ferebec of Kisslmmec, Fla- and Joseph B. Fcrebee of Charlotte; two sisters, Mrs. Kate Greenhalgh of Winslon-Salem, and Mrs. C.S. Ocwesse of Raleigh; 36 grandchildren, and 31 great> grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church cemetery fund. MRS. RUTH CASEY Mrs. Ruih Rodwcll Casey, 79. widow of the late Dcwey Casey, of 1029 Spring St. died at iho Davle County Hospital in MocksvlHc Thursday morning. Graveside services were conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday In (he Rose cemetery by the Rev. Charles Bullock. She was born in Davic County to the late Dr. John William and Quilla Cain Rodwell. She was a retired secretary. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. l,otilsc R. Meroney and Mrs. l-jiHy R. Cartmell, both of Mocksvllle; three brothers, j.W. Rodwell of Mocluvllle. Jack D. Rodwcll of Holyoke, Mass, and John K. Rodwell of Glen Bumle, Md. MRS. LELIA H. LAIRD Mrs. Leila Mae Howard Laird, 89, of Advance, Route 1, died Monday aflomoon, April 2 at 3 p.m. in Baptist Hospital. The funeral was conducted Wednesday, April 4 at the Bethlehem Uniled Methodist Church at II a.m. The body lay In stale 30 minutes prior to the service. Burial was In the church cemetery. Officiating were the Rev. Donald K. Funderburk and the Rov. Jimmy L. Myers. She was the widow of Alvis Martin Laird who died In 1976. She was born in Davle County January 19, 1890, to the late Thomas Kelly and Julia Elizabeth Smith Howard. Surviving arc three daughters. Mrs. Clarence (Mildred) McDanlel. Mrs. Ray <Lols> Myers and Mrs. E.A. (Carolyn) Raybuch, all of Advance, Route 1, four grandchildren and two great grandchildren; five sisters. Mrs. A.D. Stewart, Sr.. Mrs. P.G. Subcr, toth of Winston- Salcm.Mrs. Buford Smith, Sr. Mrs. O.K. Smith end Mrs. R.H. King, all of Advance, Route t. Pallbearers were Glenn Howard, Hcbert Smith, Balry Smith, Clegg Howard, Corllon Stewart ond David Smith. MRS. MABEL G. HUNTER Mrs. Mabel Grubb Hunter, former resident of Dovie County died at Wesley Long Hospital In Greensboro on Wedncsdoy, April 4. 1979. Funeral services were Friday at I p.m. at Lambeth Troxicr Funeral Homo, Greensboro. Graveside services were 3:30 p.m. at Union Chopcl Mclh^lst Church In Davle County. She was (he late Melvcr Hunler. She Issurvivcd by one daughter, Mrs. Geneva Malonc of Akron, Ohio; six sons, Avory Hunter of Mc- Cleansvllle, N.C., Roy Hunter of WItllselte, N.C., William Hunler of Brunswick, Md. Boycc Hunler of Norfolk, Vs.. Charles Hunler, Cleveland, Ohio, Lester Hunter of Winslon-Salcm, N.C. <r ^ kcP KB DAVIi; rtU'NTY I NTI RI'RISli RITORn. THURSDAY. APRIL 19. 1979 Cr 0" try rar f" <5 MRS. LOLA C. WARD Mrs. Lola Carter Ward of Rtclunoad Va.. died Friday April 13 at LIbbie Con- v^escent Center in Rich mond. She was a native of Davie County. She WSJ the daughter of John Frank and Louise MiUer Ward. Surviving are two Bistera, Mrs. W.P. Ferebee and Blolse Ward of Fran Ray Rest Home, a brother Claudius T. Ward of Wlnston- Saiem. MRS. BBULAH SPRY Mra. Beulah Fletcher Spry, 80, of Watt Street, Cooieemee, died Sunday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home after an ex tended illness. The fOHiBil was conducted Qt 8 p.m. Tuesday at First BoptisI Church of Cooieemee the Rev. Whitlock and Ihe Rev. Rmce COok, Jr. Burial was in Rowon Memorial Pork. Mrs. Itory was a member of First Baptist Church of Cooieemee and is survived by her husband, Oranviile Spry; one daughter, Mra. Ruby Oafes of Anderson, S.C.: two sons, Q.H. Spry, Jr., of Salisbury and the Rev. Marvin Spry of Annlnston, Ala; one sister, Mrs. M.B. McDanlel of Kannapolls; six grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. MRS. MATTIB STROUD Mra. Mattie Mason Stroud, 75, of Route 1, MocksvlUe, died Thursday, at the Baptist Ho^ltal. Surviving are three daughters. Mrs. Dean Severt of StatesvOle, Mra. Donald Sloan of Win8t(Hi<8aIem, and Mrs. Dwight Moose of Stony Point; two stepsons, Otho Lee SUmd of Lexington, N.C. and Robert Marvin Shaw of Duncanvlll^ Texas; one sister, Mrs. Thomas Harris of Statesvllle; II grondchildroi and three great grandchildren. The funeral was conducted at II a.m. Saturday at the Society Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. JBSS COLUMBUS DANIEL Jess Columbus Daniel, 83, Route 4, Moeksville died at his home early Wednesday morning, April II, 1879. The funeral services were held at II a.m. Friday morning at Eaton's Punerol Home Chapel by the Rev. Bill Creason and the Rev. Johnny Abee. Burial was In Liberty Church Cemeleiy. Grandsons were pall bearera. He was born October 20, 1890, in Davie County, to the late Bryant C. atm Sally McCulIc^ Daniel. He was a* retired employee of the maintenance department at Davie county Hospital. His wife, the former Carrie Prevette, preceded him in death Novmnber 8. 1009. Survivors indude one son. Jack B. Daniel, Route 7, MocksviUe; three dau^tera, Mra. Margaret Floyd and Mrs. Unlee Stroud, both of Routes, Moeksville; and Mrs. Barbara Poster, 447 Church Street, Moeksville; six grandchildren. F.B. SCHULTB Francis BIsworth Schulte, 87, of Rt. 3, died Friday af ternoon In Baptist Hospital, Wlnston-Saleih. The funeral was held Monday at Fork Bplscopal Church, conducted by Canon Christopher Nichols. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bom In Columbus, Co., he was a son of Ihe late Francis and Martha Schulte. Ho was a retired security officer for Woodward and Lolhrop Department Stores In Washington, D.C. Survivors Include a daughter, Mrs. Prances Singleton of Cedartown, Oa.; a son, Rowland Schulte of Rt. 3, Moeksville; a sister, Mra. ^arlotte Walker of Baltimore, Md.; and one grandchild. CHARLES W.- HOWARD Charles Whitlock Howard, 68, of Mocksv^e died Friday at Davie County Hospital in MocksvlUe after an extended lUttCSS. Mr. Howard was a retired employee of the Town or Moeksville and was a member of St. John AJd.B. ZIon Church. Surviving are one brother, James C. Howard of Moeksville; three sisters, Mrs. Margaretta Whisonant of WInston-Salem, Mrs. tnes Partee of Salisbury, and Mrs. Ella Rose Dalton of MocksvUle. The funeral was conducted at 4 p.ro. Tuesday at St. John A.M.B. Zion Church in MocksviUe with burial in Ihe church cemetery. Strength, a very proMnt heiti in troulde." (Psalm 48). " " ell To people In troublo who tay religion has nothing to do with real life, the Bible says, "God is our Refuge and it help ^ Pelth in God is not lust a feeling, or pious words. It is knowing and trusting God ond having confidence that He wQi hdp us. \V o (5 8B - DAVIl: MM NIV I MI.KI'KISI Bl CORD. THURSDAY. APRIL 2fi. IW MRS. LOLA C. WARD Mrs. LoIq Carter Ward of Richmond Va., died Friday April 13 at Libble Con- veleacenl Center In Rich mond. She was o native of Itavie County. Sie was titc doughtcr of John Froidi and Lciuse Miller Ward. Surviving are two alatera. Mra. W.P. Fcrebco and Bloiae Ward of FYon Roy Boat Home, a brother CHaudlua T. Ward of WInslon- Satem. <5 c£? 12U - DAVIU rOUNTY RNTERPRISE RECORD. TKl'RSDAV. MAY 3. 1979 ; • O" tA i itf S( <23 O RICHARD D. HARTMAN Richard D. Hartman. 74, of Underpaas Rd.. Route 3, Advance died Monday morning in MocksvUte. Tho Tttncml was held at Vqgler'a ClemmDns Chapel at ti ii.m. Wedneaday with Burial in Mt. Olivet United Methodiat Church Cemetery. He WB8 bom In Davie county to A.B. and Mattle Douihit Hartman. He lived all of hia life In the Advance Community where he was a well known farmer. Surviving ore his wife, Alice Ader Hartman of tho home; two daughters, Mra. Roby (Linda) Berrier end Mrs. Ernest (Edith) Hall, both of Route 4, Advance: one son, Richard 8. Hartman of Route 4. Yadklnvllie: five grand children: one sister, Mra. L.S. (Pearl) Bowden, Sr. BILLY EUGENE Mclf^TYRE Bltiy Eugene Mctntyre. 47, of Route4, died on Friday afternoon at Davie County Hospital following a serious iiinesB of three weeks. Mr. Mclntyre was a Rowan County native. The funeral was held Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel conducted by the Rev. J.C. Swaim and the Rev. ShlrlMf Jones. Burial was in Gay's Chape) United Methodist Church, located on the Wo^eef Road. Born Dec. 29, 1032, in I— Rowan Cbunty, Mr. Mclntyre was a son of the late Cyrus B. and Lillian Michael Mclntyre. He was truck driver and a painter. Survivors Include his wife, Eisle Taylor Mclntyre: one son. Staff Sgl. BfUy Michael Mclntyre stattmied with the U.S. Army In Germany: two stepdaughters, Mrs. Jim Osbome of Oooleemee and Mrs. Joe Gobble of Rt. I, Mockavitle: Two stepsons, David Taylor Country Lane and Dennis Tsyior, both of MocksvDie: two sisters, Mrs. Mildred Poplin of Rt. t, Woodleaf and Mm. Ruth Mye» of Rt. 1 Cleveland: three brothers, Bob Mclntyre of Rt. I, Cleveland, Jim Mctntyre of Rt. I, wo^eaf and Dink Mclntyre of Salisbury: two grandchildren; nine stergrandchiidren; and one atep-great-grandchiid. MRS. MINNIE BECK JOHNSON Funeral services for Mrs, Minnie Beck Johnson, 80, of Salisbury, were hdd Saturday at 2 p.m. at Hedrlcks Grove UnltM Methodist Churdt of Christ with the Rev, William Campbell, officiating. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Johnson died last Thursday at the Rowan Manor Nursing Home In Salisbury. She had been in declining health for three years. She was o former resident of Beck's Nursery Road In Lexington, and a member of Hedrlcks Grove United Church of Christ. Survivors Indude a son, David Albert Johnson of Rt. I. MoeksviQe; l sister, Mrs. Pearl Workman of RL 6, Lexington; and two grand children. RedlandToHave Homecoming Redland Pentecostal HoUness Churdi wiU hold their annual homecoming, Simday, May 6th. Following lunch on the grounds, thm will bo a gospd sing at 8 p.ro. at the cnurdi, featuring Tho Singing WInebargers and the New Spirit Singers. A speda) Invitation Is ex- lendea to former members and friends. BIBLE QUIZ Questioni What do we luiow of the ^ bei^nning of the world? (Sos the aniwer In tba Wont Adi) HI .V •^vjaocKsyirxE^^ ^ei^.^pj:khainr 85,. gt 544t SaUsljUri^Slrjeet; >^ock^^ yille, di<^.;at'hii5 homeattxig p.mi Sa&i^ay ^tera sierfouis iUness^Funerai setvio^wfll -.be conducted'at 2 p.m^Qiir day at Firet Baptist iChtMi of Mocksiyille by the/Rev. Charles Bollock.* Masonic "^veside iservices will be conducted at Rose Cemetery. Mr. Markhaiii was born iii Medford County, Va., to the late Virgil Henry and Lucille Walker'Mayo Markham. He was.a retired state highway employee. He was a membCT of First Bap* list Church of Mocksville and theMasonic Lodge olMocks- ville. Surviving are two daughters. Miss Hilda Markham of the home and Mrs. Henry Shaw Anderson of Spartah^rg, S.C.r two sis^rs, Mrs.' Mamie Baldwin of Richmond. Va., and Mrs.. Dulla Nuckles of St; Louis. Mo. In lieu ol flowers, the family requ^ts that any memorials may be made to the First Baptist Church Organ Fund. The family will receive friends Sunday from 7 to 9 p.m. at Eaton's Fu.-. neral Home.' £ m 3 z CD d ? >CL </& > o— r- <r- <£> O DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. MAY 10. - 11 » tat Hubert "Sonny" Chunn, Jr. Davie Native Shot To Death In Indiana A Oavie CMmiy native, who had worited for Salisbury Marble and Stone Company was found shot to death eariy Wadnesday nomlng In Oary, Ind., by a police ofReer, Hubert "Sonny" Cbtmn Jr., 43, of Gary, was found dead behind an elementary school near his home Wedi^ay May 2nd. at a ojn. A Gary pdiee de|»rtment detective »fd an autopsy rqwrl ecnflnned Chunn died from a al^e gunshot wMtnd to the chest, the detective said there was no evidestee of stni^e, and Chunn was not braten. He would not comment on whether Chunn was armed and said the d^lh la fltiU under Investigation, there are no suspects. The body will be brought from Gary, Ind. 10 Iho MilcheihFair Funeral Ser vice In Salisbury where funeral arrengemenls will be made. Bom May is, I03S, in Davie County. Mr. <%unn was a son cf Hubert and Lessle Oakl^ Chunn. He was educated In the Davio Cotm^ Schoola, was a member of Ute New Bethel Baptist (%«nrdi and was retired because of poor hpflhh. Survivors include two sons, Hubert Chonit of Woodleaf and Jerry Ctuom cf Greensboro; one daughter, Sharon Brenda Chunn of WtMNfiear; his paternal grandmolher, Mrs. Not! Chunn of Davie County; four brothers, Jimmy Oakley of Ga^ and Benny, Room and Eugene Chtum. all of Gary, Ind.; and two grandchildren. .lECORD, THURSDAY. MAY 10. l'>79 - IIC 9 & cr » tiL <5 o MRS. W.B. BARNEY Mrs. Althaea Cornalter Barney. 83. of Ri. 2, widow of Ihelale Walter Barney died at Silas Creek Manor Nursing ikme in Winslon-Salem ^ere she had been a resident for 4 months. The fUneral was conducted at 4 p.m. Monday at Advance United Methodist Church by the Rev. Alex Alvord and the sv. Robert Crews. Burial 9S in the church cemetery. Ira. Barney was born In Davie County to the late Jacop Soicmof) and Ellen Burman Cornatscr. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Willie Mae Howard of Rt. a Advance; four sons, UkG. Barney of Winston fliom, J.C. and L.M. Barney both of HI. 2 Advance, and Ronald Barney of Rt. 3 Ad vance; 13 grandchildren, 14 groat-grandchlidrcn; ond one great-greal-grandchiid. four datera. Mrs. Salllo Long and Mb. Sadie Groco both cf tVifrtown, Mrs, Lena Gilbert of Winslon-Solcm, and Mrs. Reelo Sheets of Advance; four brothers, Clyde and Paul Comabeer both of Rt. 2 Ad vance, Charlie Comatzer of Advance, and Bradley Cor- Mltor of Detroit, Michigan. CHARLIE ELGIN DUNN . Charlie Elgin Dunn, 33, of Route 4, Advance, died Friday ai his home. The funeral was conducted at 2 p.m. Sunday at Baton's laperal Chapel. Rev. Robert uT^Crews oiliclated. Burial was in the Bethlehem United Methodist Church cmemtery. He.was bora in Davie County to the late Isaac and Tina Helton Dunn. brothers, W.J. Dunn of Route 1, Advance, and Isaac Walson Dunn of Route 4, Advance. CJd.KEV Ceabern Melton Key, 01, of Aiite 8, Mocksvilie died at oS p.m. Thursday at For- ^Ih Memerial Hospital. Ho was born in Surry County, son of William B, and loicy filler Key. He was a .member of Courtney BepUsl Church and wJia retired salesman for the JSt Craver Co. in Oourtii^. ^rviving are his wife, hbs. Mary Magllne (Maggie) HuUmena Key; a dau^ter, Mis. Betty Jean Reovla of Route 3. Yadkinvine; two 8^, James Wesley Key ofl^ton, N.C., and ISOery w of Route 5, MockaviUet t^brothero, Brenlley Key cf Winstcn-Satem and Demcs Key of Route 4, YadkinvUle; six granddilldren. The funeral was conducted at 2;3D p.m. Sunday at toy BapUat Churdi by ,.^iyer. Burial was In tho ir^ cemetery. o <S n nn tECORD. THURSDAY. MAY 10, l'>79 - llC J.H. MARKHAM James Henry Morkham, 6S, of 944 SaHsbury Street, Mocksvllle, died at his home at 7:49 p.m. Saturday arter a scrioits lllncsa. The funeral was conducted at 2 p.m. Monday at FIral Baptist Church of Mocksvllle by the Rev. Charles OullKk. Masonic graveside services wore conducted at Rose Cemetery. Mr, Markhom was burn in Medford County, Va., to the late VIrgll Henry and Lucille Walker Mayo Markham. He was a retired stole highway employee. He was a member of First Baptist Church of Mocksvllle ana the Masonic Lodge of Mocksvllle. Surviving are two daughters, Miss Hilda Markham of the home and Mrs. Henry Shaw Anderson of Sparlonburg, S.C.; two* sisters, Mrs. Mamie Baldwin of Richmond. Va„ and Mrs. Dulla Nucklos of St. Louis, Mo. James Henry Markham James Henry Markham was born in Big Virginia on 19, 1929. He was the son of VIrgll Henry Markham and Mrs. Lucy Walker Markham. He was one eight children. HcsiBrtcdonhlslifecareeraltheage of 19, taking a Job with the Bedford County (Vo.1 HIghwayCommlsBlonaaa cook. At the age of 17 he left the kitchen ^ chores to lake over the management of ^ all Utc highway work In Bedford County. At the age of 21 he was employed by ^ i the Virginia Slate Commission and was j r jfl sent to Meckllnbcrg County of that stato ^ as county f<mmon con- structlon. Thou|^ still a youth, he this with marked efficiency another four years. Then World War I come along, and on May 27, lOIB this young road forcmon Jolnedlhucounlry'acolora.tnJuiyoflhe t; aamc year he was sent aboard to the C^HBL B(\ U battle froni, where he was engaged in yijH^K KhL some of the country's hottest betOea. QH|B|k . In another master engagement of QZ<1 XF.'-; v;y Argonne Forest ho was exposed to a flood of shrapnel that left 91 fragmcnia BBBBT »©« r T In hla body. Forty of the fragments were removed, but for the rest ofhla life he continued to carry 51 pieces In his body. Just l^fore entering the armed services, he was married to Miss Mertle Toomt» of Mecklinberg County. Virginia. After the war Mr. Markham, decorated with two battle stars and a Purple Heart, also carrying a considerable cargo of ahrapnel, returned to hla bride and to his old Job with the Virginia SUle Highway Commlsalon. However. U was not long before a call came In from Pitt County In North Carolina for an assistant bridge foreman. He took the Job, and after helping to build a number of bridges he went to aarendon County in South Carolina, working for a year or so building roads in that state. He returned te North Carolina in 1921 to work at KInston as mainlenanco supervisor. In IMS he went (o Blkin whore he worked for five wara in that hl^way district. In 1937 he wcnl to Rowan County to work as floating gang foremen. He remained in Rowan until 1S44 when be went to Montgomery County to direct the work of a maintenance crew. Mr. Markham and his family moved to Mocksvllle In 1939. He commuted from Mocksvllle to his work in Rowan and Montgomery counties. In December 1993. Mr. Markham retired after completing 32 yeara and 3 months of continuous service with the Stato Highway and Public Works Commission. Also, his retlremeni marked more than 46 years of active, continuous service In the building and maintaining public highways. Mr. Markham was one of the most active members of the Mocksvllle Masonic Lodge, serving for years In the poet as (yier. He was a loyal member of the Baptist Church; charter member of the VFW; a member of the Disabled Veterans; a member of the Woodmen of the World; and the American Legion. A man of most admirable qtiallUoa and with a charming personality, he had scores of friends wherever he worked and wherever' he lived. 2D DAVII: COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. MAY 17. |079 o ) o CO RALPH C.HANCOCK Rflli^ Clayton Hancock, 62. dl^ Friday, May It, at 4:S0 p.m. at hta home, toil Mor* ning Glory Avenue In Duriiam . N.C. A funeral aervlee waa held in a Durham funeral home chapel Monday morning. Memorial aervtcea were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Liberty United Methodist Church, with burial In the church cemetery. The Rev. J.D. Revia conducted the aervtcea. B(»m In Davie County, he waa a son of the late Jonn P. and Mary Kiger Hancock. He retired in January from Liggett & Myera Tobacco Co., Durham. Survivors Include hta wife, Mrs. Mabel Hetlard Han- cock I three daughters, Mrs. Elaine Yost and MIsa LIttdo Hancock of Durham and Mrs. Brenda Martin of Oxetthlll, Md. I a aon, Roger C. Hancoclb of the UB. Marines; four aiatera Mrs. Eva Keane of Memphla, Tenn., and Mlaa Rul^ Hancock, Mlaa Gladys Haneoric and Mrs. Elisabeth Brown, all of Rt. 7, MockavUIe; three brothers, Grimes, wlUtam (Bud) and David Hancodt of Rt. 7, Mockavllle: and one grand son. MRS. 8ALLIE B. DAVIS Mrs. SalUe Everbart Davia, 96, of Route 3, widow of the late Jesse Monroe Davis, died at Baptist Hoa^tal In Wln- ston-Salem Friday morning. The funeral waa held Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Ifome Chapel by the Rev. Yates WQkenson with burial following In the Pork Baptist Church Cemetery. Mrs. Davis was b<»ii In Davle County to the late George and Semmfe Hendrix Evernart. Her husband preceded her In death In 1963. The aurvlvora include, two daughiors, Mrs. Winnie O. Potta of Clemmcna Mrs. Nell D. Dillon of MockavUIe: one aon, Daniel V. Davis of Route 3, MockavUIe; three grand children; one 'great- grandaen; two slaters, Mrs. Nannie Seaford of Route 3, MockavUIe, and Mrs. Mary Eller of Granite Quarry: and one brother, Robert Bverharl of Route 3 Moeksville; and a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Irene Foster of Route 4, MoekaviUe. FRED DUNN Fred Elmer Dunn, 56, of 17 Erwln St. died on Thursday nl^t at the VA Medical Center In Durham after being In decUnlng health for some Umo. The funeral was Saturdoy at 3 p.m. at Baton'a Funeral Home Chapel in MccksvtUe conducted by the Rev. John Edwards. Burial was In Legion Memorial Pork. Memorial contributions may be made to Cooleemee United MeUiodlst Church. Born Aug. te, 1922. in Rowan County. Mr. Dunn was a son of the late WiUlam E. and Essie Sanp Dunn. He was a member of the Cooleemee United Methodist Church ond was employed by Inlersol Rand in MockavUIe. Survivors Include his wife. Ruby Ridenhour Dunn; one daughter, Mrs. Ronnie Chapman of Cooleemee; three sisters, Mrs. Doris Sedberry.Mrs. Verl Plnkston, Rt. 6 and Mrs. Helen Burton, Rt. 9, aU of Salisbury: and one brother, BUI Dunn of Rt. 0, Salisbury; and two grand- riilldren. CLEG HOWARD James Cleo Howard, 72, of Campbell Rood, died on Thuiway morning at the Salisbury VA Medical Center. iiie funeral waa held at 4 p.m. Sunday at St. John's AMB Zlon Oiureh conducted by the Rev. Michael E. EUIs. Burial was in the National Cemetery In Sollshury. Mr. Howard was a naUve of Forsyth County and had lived In Mocksvine for 40 yeara. Ho was a veteran of world War n, having served in the U.8. Army, waa a member of the Robert G. Tate DAY of WInst<m-Salem and was a member of St. John's AME Zlon (%urefa where be was a member of Ute Church diotr. Survivors Include his wife, Roale Tabor Howard; one daughter, RosIC Marie Howard of the home; and three sisters, Mrs. Margarita Whisnant and Mrs. Inox Paretl. both of Salisbury and Mrs. Ella Rose Daltmi of Moeksville. Film To Be Shown At Lighthouse "Barrett", an Outreach FUma PresentaUoa, wOl be shown at the Cooleemee UghUtouae on Saturday, May 19, at 7:30 p.m. Barrett la the exploalve, emotion-packed life of a polkeman..4kllfeUuitta lived In constant confrontation wlOi danger and death. Dramatic, etiaaging. In volving, "Barrett^' probes Uw Ufo, the mind, the faith of Sgt. Gary Barrett. In the face of domestic quarrels Uut can erupt Into violence, the pathetic loneliness of a runaway teenager, and the near-deaUi of his partner, Barrett is Ute story of a cop and a Christian. Winner ef Uie Medal of Valor, Sgt, Barrett Uvcs In the deUcate ulanee between Ufo and death ... dedicated law officer and complex human being and a man of strength and faith. Admission te free. "It it difficult not to be unluit to whet one lovoi." Oiear Wilde n ac M at al b( d( at RC DAVIU rOUNTY HNTRRPRISH RECORD. THURSDAY. MAY 24. 1979 RALPH OTIS HORNER RaljA Oils Horner, Jr., &9. of Rt, 4 Advance, died Saturday afternoon at Davte County Hospital In ModuvUIe. He was bom in Orange County, December 5, lOlfl, to Ralph Otis and Emma Jane Long Homer, Sr. He had lived moot of his life In Porayth County and had worked for P.H. Hanes Knitting Com* pony for 40 years. He was a member of Hanes Baptist Church and was a veteran of World War 11. Surviving are his vdfe, Mrs. Velma White Homer of the home; one nephew, Barry Horner of Luray, Va.; two nieces, Mrs. James H. Graham of Manchester. Tenh. and Mrs. James Wdf of Oxford. Pa.; several cousin*. The fvmeral was conducted at S pjn. Monday at Voglsr's Main Street Chapel ky the Rov. L.8. Greeson and the Rev. J.B. Parker, Jr. Burial was in Oaklawn Memorial Gardens, Wlnsten-Solan. War Veterans Nearly 00 percent of the 30 miilion living former armed service members are war veterans-persons with military service during periods of armed hoetSlties. <r- dh nl VA y is: si <£i O o cO. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 31,1979 - 11 HAROLD 0. BORDER Harold Owen Border, 46, of Route 0, MocltBVille, was dead-on-arrlvfll early Monday morning at the Davle County HoapluT, He was a post office worker«d was a retired marine, le was born July 26,1632, In Mi. Pleaaant, Mich., to Owen and Doris Burbonk Border. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Catherine Bordcri three daughters. Miss Mary Bor der, Miss Virginia Border,fd Miss Patricia Border, all the homo; one sister, Mrs. Virginia Brown of Shepherd, Mich.; one brother, Arthur Border of Indiana. Pa.; his mother, Mrs. Doris Border of Ml, Pleasant, Mich. A rosary service will be said ^ Eaton's Funeral Home OTappell B:M p.m. Wed- nosoay-evening. A Requiem Mass will be celebrated 10:00 a.m. Thursday morning at St. Francis of Asslsl Church, iurlal will follow In the NoUonai Ccmeiary at^sbury. MAGGIE 8. SHOAF Mrs. Maggie SwInk Shoaf, 83, of Route I, Woodleaf, died fucsday morning. May 29, «9 at the Davle County Hospital. The funeral will be 2:00 p.m. on Thursday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel in HockavlUe conducted by the Rev. Gary Morrison and the Rev. Gary Johnson. Burial III] be in Legion Memorial nirk, Cooleemoe. The family will be at the funeral home in Mocksvllle on Wednesday night from 7:00 to B;00 p,m. Bom Febnwry to, 1896 In Rowan County, Mrs. Shoaf«iS a daughter of the late chael and Martha Wagner SwInk. Her husband, Daniel W. ShoBf, died in 1906. Survivors Include four daughters, Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, CooToemce, Mrs. Howard Reid, Thomasvlllc, Mrs. John Murph, Route 1, Woodleaf, %r8. Edward Freeman, Orlando, Florida; ono son, Loroy Shoaf, Routo 4, Mocksvllle; IB grand children; 22 great grand children; 6 great great grandchildren. MRS. MINNIE HARTMAN Mrs. Minnie Rolhrnck Hartman, BB. of 312 Dcpoi St. died at Davle County Hsopflol at 1 a.m. May 24Ih aflcr seven weeks of serious Illness. The funeral was held Saturday at the First United Mclhodlsl Ctiurch conducted by the Rev. George Aumaii and the Rev. James Coorc. ^riui was in the Farmiiiglwi Commiinlly Cemetery. Born Aug. 22, IBon. Mrs. Hnrlmnn was the dauglitor of (he late John D. and Josephine Johnson Rolhrock. She WAS a member of the First Methodist Church. Survivors Include her husbnnd, George A. Hart- man; one daughter, Mrs. Josephine Hartman Bunch of StAtcsvillo; two sons, Guy B. Hnrlman of Charlotte and Jotin Korlmon of For- mingion: one brother, Harry Rothrock of Swoel Springs, Mo.; and 10 grandchildren. W. F. BENSON William Floyd ••Flip" Benson, 77, of Route 4, died at his home May 23. The funeral was held Friday morning at Baton's Pundoral Home Chapel by the Rev. Kennoth Ellor with burial In Rowan Memorial Park Cemetery, in Salisbury- He was bom In Rowan Counly to the late Charles and Cora Holt Benson. Mr. Benson was a retired eleclrlcian with the Burlington Mills and was also a member of Liberty United Methodist Church. The survivors include his wife, the former Gusslo Llvengood; one son. Bob Benson of Roule 4, Mocksvllle; four grand children; Iwo great grand children; three sisters, Mrs. Elsie Lycriy of Cleveland, N.C., Mrs. Amy Cllncof Bear Poplar, and Mra. Frances Huffer of Saint Petersburg, Fla.; and one brother. Surgeon "Duck" Benson of Salisbury. GRADY W. FINK Crady Winfum Fink, 60, of Rl. 7, died at 12:30 p.m. Saturday at Rowan Momorial Hospital, Salistmry. The funeral was held Monday o( Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel, conducted by the Rev. Kenneth Eller. Burial was In Liberty United Methodist Church cemetery. Born In Mecklenburg County, he wos a son of Mrs. Catherine Deal Fink of Rt 7, MocksvlUo, and Uio lale Rev, George William Fink. He was a retired civil service engineer with the U.S. Government. In addition to his mother, survivors Include two daughlcra, Mrs. Linda F. Cla^y of Rt. B, Lexington, and Miss Donna Lynn Fink of Spartanburg. S.C.; a lister, Misa Virginia Funk of Rt. 7, Mocksvllle; Ihroo brothers, David Fink of Rt. 7. MockavlUe, William Fink of Caycc, S.C. and James Fink of West Columbia, S.C. Miinie ikthrock Hartman "The most agrceableof all companions is a simple, frank person, with no high Dretenslona to an opressive grootnesa. One who loves life, and understands the use of it. One who Is obliging, and the same at nil times. And. above all. of agolden temper and steadfast as an anchor." t j Minnie Rolhrock Harlmarj was Just such a companion to her husband. children and many frlenda. ^e was bom Inject Springs, Missouri and lived there until site was a young woman. For health reasons she moved to San Fronclsco, California wjwf* »hc attended college. Having rclBlives in Winslon-Salom, she Inter moved to that dt V On November 7,1929 she married George Alexander Harlmon and for moreihanSJycarsbccameBmoJtdevoledwIfeandmoiher, .c. . In t940theHortman family moved to Mocksvllle IrUo a home on Depot Strwt. It was here she and her husband became reVnown for their ability to grow me most beautiful of flowers and the most delicious of garden vcgeUblc8,...lo share with Iheir friends."To cultlvnteo garden is to wolk with God. "Flowers arc God's thoughts of beouly, taking fwm to gladden mortal gaie. These ihoughla, along with others of a similar vein, guided Mrs. Hartman as she went through IHo, being very caring and thoughtful of others, She was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Mocksvllle where she served more ihon 30 years as a Sunday School teacher, ww the WSCS for over 29 years, She was an active member of the MockwUle Order of tho Baslorn Star. She was olways a person that was ready ond willing to serve in any capacity that she could, ... Those who knew her term her as a pcrtectionlst....pomling out. "Perfection consists not in doing extraordinary things, but in doing ordinary things extraordinarily well." And that was Minnie Rolhrock Hartman.-Gordon Tomiinson « 4D • DAVIK COUNTY KNTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JUNE 7. 1979 t a >-■ O J. MARSHALL GREEN James Marshall Green. 64.of Rt. 1 Mocksvlllc. was dead on arrival at Dovic CounlyHospital Sunday morning. The funeral was conductedat 2 p.m. Tuc.sday el Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel by Charles Iscnburg. Burial was In Jericho Church of Christ cemetery. Mr. Green was born inDavic Counly to the laic Sanford and Stella Scaford Green. He was a member os Jerldjo Church of Christ and was retired from Green Wholesale Company in Mocksville. Surviving arc his wife, the former Sarah Terry of the borne; four sisters. Mrs. Pauline Smool. Mrs.Margaret Powell, Mrs. Louise Hammer; two brothers, Jay and Carl Green, ail of Rl. 1 Mocksvlllc. DR, E C. CHOATE Dr. B. Carr Choate of 1119 W. Henderson Street,Salisbury, died unexpectedly early May 2Sih ol his home.Dr. Choate practiced den>Ustry for 52 years, retiring in 1973. Dr. Choate lived andpracticed dentistry in Mocksvlllc in the 1920s end early 1930s. The funeral was held Thursday at II a.m. at theFirst Baptist Church ofSalisbury conducted by the Rev. Penton Moorhead.pastor. Burial was in City Memorial Park. Born in Alleghany Counly. Dr Choate wan a son of the lateSowcIl Andrew and Laura Ann Edwards Choate. He was a graduate of the Medical College of Virginia in Rich mond, was a member of (he First Baptist Church, and was a life member of theAmerican Dental Society and the N.C. Dental Society. He also served with the U.S.Army Dental Corps in World War { and was also an avid sportsman. Survivors Include his wife, Sclma Reeves Choate; one son, Joe A. Choate of Atlanta, Ga.; two daughters, Mrs. Prank E. Hendrlcks ofWoynesville and Miss Jane Dickey Choate of San Francisco. Calif.; One brother, Vance Choateof Sparta: two siatcrs, Mrs.Russell Whltencr of Newton and Mrs. D. J. Whltencr ofBoonc; seven grandchildren; ond four great-grondchlldrcn. HAROLD HOLLIS Harold Hollls of Gary, Indiana, died in that city lastThursday following a short illness. Funeral services were hold Tuesday, June 5th. at ll;00 A.M. in the chapel of Andrew Smith Funeral Home, withRev. W. N. Reed officiating.Burial followed in Evergreen Memorial Park Cemetery in Hobart, Indiana. Mr. Hollls is survived by his wife, Mrs. Reora Holtis of the home; three daughters, Mrs.Lucy Miles of Chicago, HI.; Misaess Jo Anne and Dianne Holtis of the home; five sons, Lester Hollls of Ohio; HaroldJr., Edward. Larry and Ami- te Hollls all of Gary, Indiana. Four brothers. Willie Hollls ofChicago, 111.; Oscar Hollls of St. Louis, Mlsslouri; Robert Hollls of Mocksville, N.C., and George Hollia of Houston. Texas. One sister, Mrs. Betty Scott of Helena, Arkansas. Robert Hollis, his wife, Edmonia and son Jamas, leftMonday to attend funeral and burial services In Gary. <7~- ALVIN M. CARTER Alvin M. Corter. 59, of Minneapolis, N.C. died Monday, May 20. at his home. He was born in Davic Counly to Saltie Bailey Carter and the late Albert Carter, September 17, 1919. He was a graduate of Shady Grove High School and ASU at Boone, N.C, For twenty-five years hetaught in the Avery county school system, retiring in August of 1978. Mr. Carter was on active member of Minneapolis Baptist Church, and was a veteran of World War II. Survivors Include his wife, Jannle Prlchard Carter of the home; two sons, Lynn Carter • of Minneapolis and Joel Carter of Charlotte; mother, Mrs. Sallle Carter of Ad vance; six slaters, Thelma Koontx of Lexington, Ruth Brigman. Christine Miller and Cleo Sain, all of Advance, Sue Lynch of Wlnston-Salem and Frankic Everhart of KernersvJlle; and three grendchUdren. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday, May 30, at Minneapolis Baptist Qiurch with burial in the church cemetery. MRS. KATE F. GREENHALGH Mrs. Kate Fereboe Qreenhelgh, 92, formerly of N'. Main St., Mocksville, died Friday May 16, 1979 In the Winstcn-Salem Convalescent Center. She was a member of First Baptist Church of Mocksville. She was born SeptemlMr S. 18B6 in Davie County, daughter of William Calvin and Amanda Sain Ferebee. She was first married te Grover Cleveland Newton and second to Joseph E. Grccnhalgh who are both deceased. Surviving ore one sister. Mrs. C.S. (Lala) DeWeese of Raleigh; and several neiccs and nephews. Funeral services were conducted Sunday May 20 at 1:30 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Luarics Buiiocx. Burial was in Sunset Memorial Park InBennettsvllie. South Carolina. In lieu of flowers,memorials may be mode toEaton's Baptist Churchcemetery fund and the WesleyChapel United Methodist Qiureh cemetery fund. O lOB - UAVIK roWNTY HNTURPRISI RIX'ORD. THURSDAY. JUNE 14. 1979 MRS. ADDIE R. SMITH Mrs. Addle Ratts Smith, 68. of Route 4. Pine Ridge Road, ded at Davie County Hospital on Saturday night. The fttnotBl was held Monday in Baton's Funeral Home Chapel conducted by the Rov. Johnny Bnloc. Buriol woa in TUrrcntine Baptist Church Cemetery. Memorial contributions may te mode to building fund et Tturentine Baptist Church. Bom March 10, 1893, In Davidson County. Mrs. Smith was a daughter of the iole Ihcmas and Lula Wagner Ratta. Survivors include her husband, Willlom L. Smilh; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Olga Lee Harris of Ht. 4, Mocksville: three stepsons. William L. Smith Jr. of Qkhom, Calif.. James M. Smith of Urbana, Ohio and Ralph L. Smith of Rt. 4, Mocksville; and one sister, Mra. Jesse Snider of Lexington. MRS. JOHN W. DAVIS ' Mrs. Sara Wooding Davis. 64. of Rt. 4, Statesvllie, wife of Jonn W. Davis, passed away at home after declining healm for six months and seriously ill for the past six weeks. The funeral was conducted at Vogler's Main Street Chapel at 2:00 p.m. Saturday with burial following in the Pinnacle United Methodist Church cemetery. She was born July o. 10I4, in Pittsylvania County, Va., daughter of George and Sara Whitaker Wooding. She qient her early life in Pittsylvania County and formerly worked for the P.H.A. Greensboro. She had lived in Davie County for the past five years and was a member (d the Ardmore United Methodist Church. Surviving in addition to her husband are three sisters, Mrs. Jesse Petty, Lt. Col. Sue Wooding, retired, and Mra. Louise Benfield, all of Greensboro; one brother, Mr. Jack Wooding, Greensboro. ABHAM M. NAIL SR. Abram Milton Nail Sr. 86, of 1004 Ridgecrest Dr. in Greensboro, a native of Mocksville, died last Thur sday at his homo. A graveside service was held Sunday at Porrestlawn Cemcntary. Rev. Joseph 'Taylor and Rev. Arnold Robertson officiated. Until his retirement he had been co-owner of Hofer Hoisery Mills of Hidtory. He is survived by his wife Mrs. Mary King Nail; one son, A.M.Nsil. Jr. of Lendr N.C.: a daughter, Mrs. Mary Ann Ham rick of Green sboro ;a sister Mr8.Maraaret Call of Mocksville. teven grandchildren and six great grandchildren. ELLA H. WALKER Mrs. Ella H. Walker, 85, of 327 Downey. Place, Gastonia, died Thursday. June 7, in Gaston Memorial Hospital. Her husband was the late G.G. Walker. She is survived by two dau^ters, Mrs. Haxd Huff- stetier of Gastonia and Mrs. Katherine Smith, both of Gastonia; three sons, Bverette and George Alton Walker, both of Gastonia, and Wade Walker of Norman, Okla.; a brother. George Hendricks of Mocksville; 14 grandcMldren and 17 great grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday at Carothers Funeral Home by the Rev. John McWhorter and the Rev. Clyde Collins. Burial was in Gaston Memorial Park. ROBERT GAITHER, JR. Robert Gaither, Jr. of 118 Kilhare Court, Winston- Salem, died Sundtw, June 3, at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. Funeral services were held Thursday, June 7, at Union Grove Baptist Church. The Rev. C.H. McDaniel of ficiated. Burial was In Piedmont Memorial Gardens in Winston-Salem. Mr. Gaither was born December 18, 1924 in Har mony, N.C. to Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Lee Gaither. He was a member of Union Baptist Church, served on the usher , board, a member of Bivouc P Lodge 803, King Solomon. Company 64, Sethas Temple No. 170, American L^ion and T.I.U. Club. Survivors include his wife Moxella Stimpson Gaither; three children, Robert Glenn Gaither of Los Angeles. California, Mrs. Savella Louise Gaither also of Los Angeles, Mrs. May Helen Gaither Newsome of East Orange, N.C. and two grand children, Tonja Louise Goosby and Stephan Lee Newsome; mother, Mrs. Uuie 0. Gaither of the home; two sisters, Mrs. Cloyee Friday and Mrs. Loyce Wilson of Detroit, Michigan. CAPTAIN FOSTER The Rev. Captain Holt Foster, 91, formerly of Davie County, died Friday morning in Charleston. S. C. The funeral was conducted at 3 p.m. Sunday at Fork Baptist Church In Davie by Ihe Rev. Vates Wilkinson. Buriol was in the church cemetery. Foster was a Baptist minister most of his life. Surviving are his wife, Lorene Brewer Foster; one son. Dr. Robert Foster of Charieston; two sisters, Mrs. Mittie Schuller and Mrs. Annie Livengood, both of Rt. 3, Mocksville; three brothers. Willard Foster of Rt. 4, Mocksville, Robert Foster of Ihomasville, Charles Foster of Largo, Pla; two grand children and two great grandchildren. I- <r t <s: .a O O t o 41) OAVIU COUNTY KNTl-RPRlSU RTCORD. THURSDAY, JUNE 21. 1079 f- (Ti in Mi cJ -a o o / o o5 MRS.BLVALEB (IIAWFORD Mrs. Elva Lcc Crawford, 68. widnw of Roy D. Crawfora, of SI. Mary's Road, HItlsborough. N.C. died Saturday, Juae 16, 1699, in Durham County Genorol Hospllal after a long illness. She was the daughter of the laic John Arthur and Augusta Chambers Bowles of Davie County. She was a member of First Baptist Church in Ninsborougb. The ffOieial was held at 4:00 p.m. Monday in First Baptist Church by the Rev. Thomas Denton. Burial was in the HiitsboroughTown Cemetary. Surviving arc a daughter, Mrs. Linda Perry, Efland, IV.C.i a son. Joe D. Crawford, Hltlsboraugh; two brothers, Arthur A. Bowles, Butncr, N.C.. and Clay Bowles, Htllsbororough; rive sisters, Mrs. Flossie Seaford, Mrs. Lottie Seamon and Mrs. Edna Allen, all of MocksviUe Jlouto 7, Mrs. Johnsle Davis, Mocksville, Route 4 and Mrs. Hazel Thompson of UUIsborough; three grand* children. Pallboarers were Tim Thompson, Bill Davis, Johnny Allen, Richard Scamon, Jack Seaford and Bobby Crawford. The family has requcated any contributions be made to the ergan fund of the Pallbearers were Tim lliompson, BUI Davis, Johnny Allen, Richard Seamen, Jack Seaford and Bobby Crawford. The family has requcated any contributions be made to the organ fund of tho Hillsborough BapUst Church. MRS. LINDA WILLARD Mrs. Linda Lou WUIard, SO, of Rt. 7, Gladstone Road, died May 12th at 1:30 p.m. InDavIe County Hospital after being in declining health for seven months and seriously ill for one wcric. 'Pile funeral was held Friday In the Summersett Memorial Chapel in Salisbury conducted by the Rev. Thomas Toggle and (he Rev. Johnny Abee. Burial was in Dutchman Creek Baptist Church Cemetery. Born July 6, 1948, in High Point, Mrs. Wlilard was the daughter of Tommy and Edith Boyd Church of Cleveland. She was educated In the Jamestown City Schools and was a member of the Dut* chman Creek Baptist Church. Survivors, in addiiton to her parents, include her husband, Jackie B. Willard; two aons, Michael and Jeffery Willard, both of the home; two daughters, Donna and Lisa Wlilard, both of the home; one sister, Mrs. Delols Cronfleld of Salisbury; Eleven brothers, Jimmy Church of Cocleemoe, Ronald, Palmer, Kelly and Roger Church, all of Mocksville, Billy Church of Kannapcllfl. Tommy Church Jr. or Salisbury, and Gary, Danny, Donald and David Church, all of Cleveland. FOSTER INFANT Barney Dale Foster Jr., one*dayKdd son of Barney Dale and Nancy Murphy Poster of 4850 Hampton Road, Clemmons, N.C. died Saturday morning at BapUst Hospital, Wln8tini«Salem. Graveside services were held Monday at 11 a.m. at Fork Baptist Church cemetery in Davie County, conducts by the Rev. Lm WhiUw^. In addition to the parents, survivors ineludo a slater, Jennifer Jean Foster of the home: the ppternal grand* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barney b Odell Foster of Rl. 7, Mocksville; and the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mra. Tom Murphy (rf WiUlamUe, Cciuj,. 41) DAVIU COUNTY liNTI-RrRISU RI CORD. THURSDAY, JUNE 21. 1079 J.F. ALLEN Jacob Franklin Alien ,60, of 5453 PIneview Drive, Wlnaton- Salem died Saturday at Forayth Memorial Hospital. He had been In declining health for two years and seriously III for tmee days. The funeral was conducted at 2 p.m. Monday at Vogler's Main Street Chapel with burial in Oak Lawn Memorial Gardens. Mr. Allen was bom June 5, 1919. In Davle County to James Frank and Sally Wclr Allen. He was a retired partner of the Allen Brothers Transfer Company. He moved to Winston'Salem in 1047 and was in the trucking business 35 years, retiring In 1077. Ho was a member of the Famdngton Baptist Church and u vetennof World War II. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Myrtle Sawyers Allen of the home; two daughters, Mrs. Martha Long of Pfaf (town and Mlas Kathy Leigh Allen of 146 Moynard Drive; two sons, James RMiert Allen of 146 Leonard Drive and Donald F. Allen of 850 Placid Street; six grandchildren, 13 step*Srandchlldren; two step* aughters, Mis. Nancy TutUe of Walnut Cove and Mrs. Patsy Crews of Baux Moun tain Road; four st^ons, Danny and Carroll Snlnault both of Wlnston^em, Ray Shlnault of Germanton, and Larry Shlnault of Walnut Cove; three sisters, Mrs. Harry (Joyce) Carter of Farmlngon, Mrs. Beulab (Boots) Flippin of Mt. Airy, and Mrs. Martha Ketner of Clemmons; one brother, C.W. (Red) Allen of 660 Llnvilie Road. MRS. ELVIRA BALL Mrs. Elvira Owlngs Ball, 74, of Hocksville, Route 6, died at the Lynn Haven Nursing Home Thursday afternoon in Mo^viUe. She was born April 8, 1005, In Iredell County to Richard T. and Marie Elltabeth Misenhlner. She was a member of the Chestnut Grove United Methodist Church. She had worked for Cannon Mills in Kannapolls. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Sylvia Driver . of Rt 6, Mockavllle, Mrs. Phyllis MeCtamrock of Rt 2, MocksvUle, and Mrs, Lynda Trlvette of Rt. 5, Mocksvltle; eight grandchildren and oneBeat grandchild; five sisters, ra. Mary Yates and Mrs. Thetus Fatten, both of Kannapolls, Mrs. Thelma Thrift of Charlotte. Mrs. Hazel Fortner of Salisbury, and Mrs. Eva Howard of < Kannapdis; four brothers, Bailey Owlngs of Great Falls, S.C., John Owlngs and Thurman Ow_ingB._bolh of Kannapolls, and George Owlngs of (Uncord. The funeral was conducted Saturday 11:00 a.m. at the Chestnut Grove United Methodist Church Ity the Rev. Larry Staple. Burial was (n the church cemetery. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. TIU'RSDAV g jm g- lat ^ nn ^»- ••amis • JB. " JUNl 21. 1979 5D r* i:i s <s: r" <5 0 1 o MRS. DAISY BLACKBURN Mrs. Osisy Carson Black- bum of Route I. Hamp* tonville. died at 9:00 a.m. Friday June 15 at her home. She was born in Iredell County, daughter of James and Mary Hauser Carson. She was a member of the Pleasant Hill Baptist (%urch. She was married to H.H. Blackburn who died March 3, 1970. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Vivian Smith of Hamptonville, Mrs. Clyde Studevent and Mrs. Evella Foote of Mockavllle, and Miss Celeste Blackburn of (he home: two sons. Harold Blackburn of StatesviUe and James Blackburn of Slalsbury; three sisters, Mrs. Nannie Lewis and Mrs. Mamie Patterson of Hamp* tonville, Mrs. Joncy Galther of Olln; and a host of grand children. Funeral services were conducted at 2:00 p.m. Sun day at the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Ity (he Rev. W.E. Howard. Burial was in the church cemetery. Grandsons were pallbearers. <2^ <;£> 12B - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1979 J. PRANK RINTZ John Franklin RlnU, 73, o( 701 Gamer St., died at hit home Monday. Graveside riles were held on Wednesday in Roae Cemetery conducted by the Rev. George Aumen. Bern May 13, iOOt, in Oaupin, Pa., Mr. RlnU was a ton of the late John and Emma RIntx. He was owner end operator of RIntx'a Variety Store in Mockiville Con number of yean and also ef a store In Georgetown, Del. Survlvori Include hit wife, Hilda Catherine RInli: two daughters, Mrs. Ron Pedmen of Albany, N.Y. ami Mrs. Kay R. Wlllltms of Kardison Street, MocksvUle; one son. the Rev. RUly Riatx of Rt 1, Trinity; one sister, Mrs. Catherine Berkbetmer of Mollon, III.; and three grandchildren. W. BBAL BAIl>EV William Beat Bailey, B9, of SalnRd., Route 7. MocksvUle, died at his home at 12 noon Monday. He was bom In Osvle County to the late John and Bmley Anderson Bailey. He was a retired farmer and was a member of the Oak Grove United Methodist Church. He was morried to Mary Ella Niehoti Bailey who died September 14, IMS. surviving are four daughlers, Mrs. R.H. Lester ^ State Road, Mr*. D.L. Boger of KinnapolU, Mrs. C.F. Foster of Route 7. MocksvUle, and Mrs. Margaret Leflcr of Cooleemee; five grand children and four great grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews. The funeral was scheduled to be held at 4 p.m. Wed- nca^y at the Oak Grove Melhodlst Church by (he Rev. Luther Crady and the Rev. Archer LIvongeod. Burial was in the Church cemetery. MRS. NINA BROOKS Mra. Nina Mae Brooks, 94, of Rt. 4, died Saturday morning at Davla Hoepilaf, Statesvllie. The funeral was held Monday at Calvary Baptist Church where Mra. Brooks held her membership. Of- flclaUng at the rites were the Rev. Jim Qryder and the Rev. Thomai Tuggte. Burial was In the clurch cemetery. Bom Feb. 3, lais, in Surry County, she was a daughter of the late Glenn and Vent Mwell Lyies. Survlvora Include her husband. Roble Brooks; three daughleri. Mrs. Virginia Burton and Mra. Vclma McDanlelof Rt. 4, MocksvUle, and Mrs. Jsnice Perry of Rt. 3, Rockwell; three sons, Robert Brooks of Cooleemee, Jerry Brocks of Rt. 4 and Larry Brooks of ModuvlUe; oKter, Mra. Ethel Smith of urmond; three brothers, Charlie and Carlie Lyics of Thurmond and Ray Lylca of LewlsvUle: and 16 grand children. MRS.T.W. DWtOGlNS Mrs. Lucy Barneycaalle Dwigglns, M, of Route 1, widow of the late Thomas W. Dwigglns, died at the Autumn Care Convalescent Center In MocksvUle Thursday mor ning. The funeral was con ducted at It;00 a.m. Saturday it Eaton's Funeral Home Chape! by the Rev. WUton Neabitt and the Rev. Bennle Bearden. Burial was In the Center United Methodist Church Cemetery. She waa bom in DavIe County to the late William and Sarah Walker BameycaiUe. She had been a member of Center United Methodist Church for 72 yean. Surviving are one daughter- in-law, Mn. W.S. Dwlg^na of Wlnaton-Salem; one grand daughter. Mra. Shirley Hutchena of Washington, N.C.; two greai-Srandchlldren, Scott and htna Hulchens also of Waihlngton, N.C.; also a number of nieces and nephews survive. " MRS. CAROLYN PREVETTE Funeral services were held for Mn. Carolyn Epperson Prevette of Route 10, Mwiroe, N.C., Tuesday, June 26, In .Charlotte. Burial was In Sunset Memorial Park. Mn, Prevette died from injuries sustained In an automobile accident. June I8. She was the daughter of W,H. Epperson of Charlotte, ar^ the Ule Margaret Craven Epperson, formerly of MocksvUle. Survlvon Include her husband, Nathan Prevette of the home; one daughter end three atepsons; and a brother. She was the niece of C.C. ■nd Clarence Craven, Mrs. Martha Short and Mn. Ruth Craven, all of the MocksvUle area. "Power doet not corrupt men;footi, however, if they get into a poiltlon of power, corrupt power," 0. B. Shew REV. J.C. GENTRY Rev. Joe Cephus Gentry, age 63, one H the (ddni minlstere In the Western North Carolina Conference died Saturday, June 23rd at Fran-Ray Rest Home. He was bom August 26, 1665in Recklnghsm Coun^ to Alice Laiiey and Thomsi Franklin Gentry. He was married October 4, 1911 to Dora Batelle White. Mr.Gentry lived In RecklnghsmCoun^ as a fanner and school serving the Yadklnvllle arcull. He waa pialer of the Ad vance Cirwt from 1642 to 1643 and at that time he alsotaught the seventh grade at Shady Grove Schod. He flntretired from the ministry In 1930, but was called back In 1632 to the Plney Grove- Belhel-Clemmona charge to fill In for the minister who had died. He continued to aerve the Methodist Church with his final retirement coming in 1640 alter having served theLevel Cross Charge near Dobaon. After his retirement he lived in Wlnaten-Salem a number of years until declining health caused him to move to MocksvUle to be near his daughter. He and Mrs. Gentry lived In MocksvUle for several yearauntil further health problemsmade It necessary to live with(heir daughter, Mrs. Crady L. McClamiwk, Sr. of Rt. 6, MocksvUle. Survivors Include his wife, Dora; four daughters, Mrs.Qsrrctt AngUn of BumsviUe, Mrs. Rlchsrd Ernest of Wlnslon-Salem, Mrs. John Carter of KnoxvlUe, Tenn.and Mrs. Grsdy McClamrock of Mocksville; two sonsHampton White and John Wesley Gentry, both ofMiami. Fla.; twelve grand- children and six greatgrandchildren; also a brother, Howell Gentry of Madison, N.C. and a number of nieces and nephews.l^e funeral was conductedTuesday at 11 a.m. In theChapel of Brooke Funeral Home, Stokcsdale, N.C. with Dr. Julian Llndsey and Rev. Robert Bogan officiating. Burial was in the family plot at Mount Tabor United Methodist Church near Madison.Memorials may be made to the Methodist Children'sHome of Winston-Salem. | MRS." JESSIE H. FOSTER Mrs. Jessie Heten Foster, 63, of Route 6 MocksvUle, diedMonday at N.C. Baptist Hospital In Winston-Salem, foUowtng a brief illness. She was s member of MalnvUleA.M.E. ZIon Church and was a Davle native.Survl^s Include one daughter, Mrs. BeatriceSmoot of Route 6, MocksvUle; three sons, Charles Foster of WInston-Salem, Johnny Foster of Route 2, MocksvUle, and Gary Foster of the home; four brothers, Irvin Wilson of Route 1. Advance, JohnWiUotx of Lexington, Gilbert and Eugene Wilson of MocktviUe; five staters. Mrs. jBeulah Scott, Mrs. Ira Ijames ^ and Mrs. Beslrtce Cain of 'j MocksvlUe. Mrs. Viola Allen' of Advance and Mn. AlbertaFoster of Long Island, N.Y. 16^ grandchildren and 4 great < grandchildren. Funeral services wUl beheld Friday at 3 p.m. at' Mainville A.M.E. ZIon church, with the Rev. Sher man Dunmore officiating. Burial will fdlow In thechurch cemetery. The body, will He In state from 3 until S, and wiU not be viewed after the eulogy. The family will receive friends at Morrlson-Studevent Funeral Chapel, Thursdayevening from 7 until 8 p.m.