Jan - JunnAvii^ (diiNiv iwi uPHisn tiiiiksi.ay, ianiiauv i, m, James D. Boger lij* nmilmi Ti>miIJiki»ii "Jomoi UctHirry Sffgcr, 6Q, of nt. i. Mock5Vlll(> wAn (lend nn nrrivnl nt Ihc Dftvic County Haipltnl Snhintny Icrnomi." 'I'lms nniil lliu hi-xl f«nv iinvB on nn oliKunry Hijueu{iii(t in Suiidtty'u wwRfKipcrs. The Hcnts wcnl on to givo brlei biogrnphicnl Information iifaoul . tills man without ever tcwching on (he mnn'B iruo grenlnesa. Jnincs p. Boger was a grcnt man ond :i true gontlomnn. To wH: "Arenllygrcot man is known t>y three slgns-'gcncrotilly indeaign; humnr.ity in exoeullon; moderation In success." ■sflld Prince Otto nUmarcK (1815-1898),Thnesn Hint knew Jim Dogor will attesttiiat Ik?" wns fine, noblo hikI of loflychnrocler. He wns generous, com-pi)ssl(mte, thoughtful, obliging and was big hearted, warm hearted and good hcart(^d.W Jim Boger knew and lived a life that Sir Humphrey Davy, a famous Englishchemist once said is "made up. not Of great sacrifices or duties, but of liuiothinga, In which smiles, and kindoeasea, and small oblige tloni, given habilually,aro what win and preserve the heart and securecomfort." It haabeen aaid of SirHumphrey Davy, fomoiia ns an English chemist,: "God meant him to be a prat but the world haraesaed hia talents to scleoce." Bom in Cabarriis County. Jim Boger came to Davle following World War II tochoosehiswifcand make hia home and career. He end Ralph Wri^l formed theVeterans Grease it Tallow Company. This turned dead animols into usefulpmducts and was a auccess from the start. After a number of ycara this com*pany merged with the Holly Farms Poultry Company putting both men near thetop of fiitancw wcuHly. Jim more or less redred from the businoas In the IMO's, Purchasing a homonear (he near the cj^ limits of Mocluvllle be and his wife, "Belle", turned this comer Into one of (ne most beautiful homo altca of thoorea. Tho house svns Jim more or loss retired from the bualness In the IMO's, Purchasing a homo near the near the city Umils of Uoeksvllle be and hiB wife, "Belle", iurned thla comer into one of the meat beauUfui home ittea of iho area. The house wairemodded and part of it'trarofmined Into a ceramics workah^ in which his wifecould pursue a bobby that meant so muoh. Jim Boger, always quietly active In cMc affairs, became a charter membercf (he KockeviUe Urn's Club anl served Ihlfl (vgonlutfon for many years in an, executive capacity. He was a member of (he Mocksvllie Masonic Udge No. 134and a member of (ho Shrine. He was also a most active end faithful memb^ of the Concord United Methodist Church. And no one can deny but that Jim Bogo' wasalwayu a (ruogentleman. "The real genUemon should be gentle In everything, at least everything thotdepends on hlmaelf—carriage, temper, cons^ction, oims, desires. He oughttherefc^ be mild, calm, (tulet, even, (emporaie,<-Miot haaty in Judgement, notexorbitant In ombltioo, not overbearing, not proud, not rapacious, not op-preuivo;.... for these thinp are contrary to gdiUcness." ^These were thewords of James H.Hore (uSd-iMO), a Briiish bom American War correepon- dent. There are probably a number of people who did not know Jim Boger. andthey are the losers. Jim Boger pmerred to work in the baokg^d servingo(ha>i, helping others..,.as s man wbo was always (hotightfal.MliglRg, fii^- dly* good humored, polite and courteous. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, famed American essaylat and poet: "Wesometlmeo moot anorigiclBlgaiUemBn, wtv), if manners had not existed, would have Invented them." That was Jim Boger, tNr%wViil>rm In JAMES I). riUllEK.IiiitlPR Dcbcrry linger, Ofl. dl itmifc I wn» (lead onorrlVAirit Diivio Etxinly llnRpltnlKubirdny rir(onini)ii Tl»' futunni was hold Mnntljiy n( l-l.i(on'i: Funeral f!liii|)cl in Mixikiivijk' by Ihc Phillip ri olp. fiiiriul ffllimvcd III Cnni'ord United Mcilindlsl Eemnlory wMh Miwonlc gnivc.Rldc Hies. Hdgcr wn,"! born In rabnrrus (Niunly im Ocltiber 5. 1013, (o Ihc Inic Martin i.utlicr and Mnggie Miller Roger. Ho waari'lircd from Holly Farms and» mpmlKT of Concord United Mclho'llsl Church. Boger niso was a charier member of Mecksviilc Lion'srhil) for 25 years, a member of Masonic Lodge of Mockavlilc and a member of the Shflne. Sur\-Ivurs Include his wife,Belie Daniel Bogeri onedoughicr, Msrlcnc Shame), of Mocksvllie: two aistcrs.Maude Hill Liberty oncl Elsie Shaver of Carolina Bench; three brothers, Waller Roger of Rockwell, John Boger of Charlotte ond PoulBegcr of Salisbury, Memorials In lieu of flowers can be made lo (he Concord Unlled Methodial Churchbunding fund. Route 4, Mocksvllie, DEWY S, SAIN Dewey Sanforri Sain, 75, of nt. a. Mocksvllie, died December Z4ih at Davio CounlyHospilal. The funeral was conducted Friday at 2 p.m. Ql Eoton's Funeral Homo Chapel by the Rov. Jack Luthor and the Rov. Llnsoy Wallers. Burialfollowed In Belhel Unlt^Methodial Church cemetery. Mr. Sain was bom In Davle County (o the tale Joohua Sanford and Mary Rcbe«:a Allan Sain, He was a retired Janitor at the Davle Cbunty Court House and a member of Bethel United Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife, the former Margaret Bowles; two daughters. Mrs. T. J. Sparks Rl. 3, Mocksvllie and Mrs.Polo Miller of Rl. 4, MockRvllie: (wo sons, CeGll Sain of Rt, 1, Mockavlllo and Leonard Sain of Zanesville, Ohio; 17 grandchildren; 20 greal'grandchlldren. C. H. RATLEDOEChiirlic Henry Hnllcdgc. 77, of fldutc 2, died at Duvlu Uiiiinly Hnapllnl Ikvcmlicr22ih) hiliowliig nil tiincA-s uf line day. Tlic funcrnl wan held December 24(li ul EAtan'.<; Fiincrnl Home Chapel can- dueled by the Rev. Larry Mlnplcfj, Htirlal was In Chcntmil Orovc tfnKcel Mcllioillst Church Ccmclcry. BornApril II, 1003, inPavIeCouniy, Mr, Itatlcdge was a snnof the Inle John Hcniy nnd.lulic Hunter Ratledgc. He WAS Q member of Chestnul Grove United Methodial Cliurcli and was a relJred farmer Survivors include hia wife, Arloon Baity nallcdgc; two ' daughters, Mrs. CharleneHudson and Miss Betty Hatlcdge, both of Route 2, Morksville; two sons, John David and Billy Roy Ko Hedge, bolh of Route 2. Mocksvllie. Three sislers. Mrs. Leila Graves and Mrs. Fuachie Lfldd, bolh of WlnstorbSalem and Mrs. Otis DIxon of Route 5, Mocksvllie; and three grandchildren, W. 0. FRITTS Wilfred G. Frills, age 82, of 417 S. Stale St., L^iiigtenpusaed away at the GoldenAge Nursing Center, Satur> day, December 27 ais::» a.m. After en extended lllncBS. Mr. Frills was born March 25. IB78, to the late Robert and Lilly Wood Fritts. His first wife Guro Swicegood Frllta died In 1540. Mr. Fritts was a member of the First Mclhodist Church, a veteran of World War 11 and theAmerican Legion. Mr. Frills was Sheriff of Davidson County from 1948 until 1954. He is survived by his wife. Eunice Harrington Fritts ot the home; one daughter Mrs. Clarence (Arlona) PopeSApeM Rd.. Lexington: twoslaters, Mrs, Olln Myers. Route B, Lexington; Mrs. PaulKoonts, Kdnnapelta, N.C.;two grandchildren ond fivegreat-grandcblldKR. The funeral was conductednt 3:30 Monday at (he Pied-iiiaut Funcfttl.Kume CLapeLintfirmenl was In (he Sandy Creek Cemetery. DAVII* COHNIT l-NTI'RrUISli Hl-CORl). THURSDAY. lANHARV r. I«»»t I lit <5c cr vo 5 •3= >- <5 o MILS. ANNIE H. MAIKSTON l-'uitonil Hcrvlccs for Mrs. Aimio ll'«woil llAlDiiftn wpNi hcM Wfdnfvtloy, Deromber 24. nl \ p.m. 04 mp H<Kn»«r Funcrol Homo Ch^el In Wlosloii-Sftlom. The Rev. B. r., ClAfh. Jr. was offieiaUng intni,Htcr. Mra. Holrston died Monday. Dccemlior 22, at N. C. DapUsl Hnsplial inWlreton-Salom, N. r, she was bom Moy 7.1932, In Dflvio County lo Sam B. Ilowoll and Blhel Foote Howctl. Survivora includo her tnisband, Jtihn Frank llalr- slon; her molhor, Mrs. Elhel Fnotc Howell; seven daughters, Mru. Shelby Morio Campbell, Mrs. Magalene Miller, Mrs. Joann Hmnton, Mrs. Jennifer Fulton, Mn. Alma Oaithor, Miss Bthoi llalraton and MiS8 Sherrle Hnirstoni one son, John Pronk Holrston, Jr.} two (osier sons, Terry Lee Howell and OUb Leo Howell: a foater daughter, Mrs. Debra Ann Martin; three aisUtrs, Mrs. Mosle Howell, Mrs. Emma Barker, Mrs. Ruth Howell} seven brothers, Charlie Howell, Noah Howell, Oha Lee HoweD. Lonnle Howell, Louie Howell, Turner Kowett and Gilbert Howell. ^ocV-s' MRS. GEORGIA FOSTER Mrs, Geo^ Smith Foster, 67, of Route 3,. died Saturday night at Dovio County Hospital. The funeral was held Momlay at ^ton's Funewl Chapel by the Rev. Donald Fuimerbuifcand the Rev, Lee Duke. Burial was In Smith Grovo United Methodlat Church cemetery. , ^ , She was bom In Dovto County Feb. 22, 1913, a daughur of Samuel and Ora MlUer Smith. ^ She wp a member or Bethlehem United Melhedbt Church. She is survived by her huBband, CJ. '*Ho6S" Fester; WO sisiefs, Geneva Fooler M Route 3, and Mrs. Cordelia Rights Of Route 1. Adva^: and oia; hrolhor. W. Smith M Route I. Advance. DAVIIi COIJNTY nNTI'RI'RISM RI-.C<)Rl>. TUl'RSDAV. JANlfAKY 8. 1»)8I • 'JR A Man OfAction And Deed^i Grady N. Ward "i:;Kb.icnct MAS (tivcn ua for Action. Our wnrlh is detcrmlflcd by the RMd dccdii wc do, rather than by the fine emotions wo foci." Grady Nnsh Word was a nun of ac- tion- a man truly onohlcd by his deeds. ttc wos bom February Z7, 1898 In Knrmlngton. Follriwing education In the FarminRton schools, he attended Brcvard Institute <now Brevard Gflllrgci. Ar a youth ho played boaebail with n KnnnnpollB loam. In 1910. at the age trf 18, he enlfated in the U.S. Army and saw active service In Fiiropc during World War I wiUi the liothFicId Artillery. His unit was at the front In the Argonne when Armistice wos signed November it. iflia. During aeilon at the front Grady suffered a wound in the foot. Itctuming to Davio he engaged In the dl business and was Pure Oil Dealer for this cainty from 1919 to 1971. In 1921 he was mArrJed to Edna Kurfcos, who died in December of 1978.' or their three children, Grady Nash Jr. died in infancy; .Mary Nell, who later became Mrs. James Whiie, and Jock K. Ward, now of Durham, grew up in Mocksviilc. Grady Ward wot a charier member of tho hrst American Legion Post to be established In Davie County. Active all his life in this organUation. he held i^ery office and served In every capacity. He was an avid supporter of American L^oo Junior Baoebalt and will long be remembered for the "chitiin*' dlraiera he gave to raise funds for the team. tn N6vemi>er of 1939 he was named to the Davle County Board of Education whore he rendered distinguished eervico for SO yoan. He was a member of the boaM when the Davie schools took the giant st^ forward In the mid-flflieo with the conBolldalion of tho hi(^ achool units. As noted by Henry C. Sprinkle In his lilatory of the Mocksville Roiory Club, "Qra^ Word to known as a wise nnd genernua comtnutdty builder." At on ashlveraary celebration of the Mocksville Savings ft Loan ABooclaiion he was honcred for hU tbyoarsos mombor of thoboard o? directors. organise tho Davle Memorial AssocUtdon and spearheaded tm drive to esiabltsb the baseball field and Ughta at Rich Park. He served as president of (he Da^e Memorial AssocIoUon in IKl. He was a charter member of the MoekavOle Itotary Club and served that organization In oil eapacitiefl, including that of pretidcnt in IKS. And, throu^ the year t980, he was a regular attendant and active particlfuuil in Rotary af- faira. At the local observance of the anniveraaiy of Rotory last spring, he was honored with a llfemme membership. Formore than 35 years he was aetive in (he Boy Scouts of America ond woe Ijstrumeatal In tolnging (his pn^am to Davie County. In 1954 he was awarded thecoveted Silver Beaver Award by the LTwharrie Coundi. In (960 he received tho 0 & B award and a certKlcale of appreciation for 3S years <rf membership in (he UwbfiiTte Gouoell. An avid golfer, he received statewide recognition In that Held, bi tho fall of 1973 he and the late J.G. crawfMtt were featured as golfers on the WBT-TV (Channel 3> "Carolina Camera". At that tlmo Ch'awferd wia 95 and Ward re yeart-of**^. The two were said to avorage playing g(^ 9 out of 7 days a week, weatiier permitting. He continued to play as long as his haslth permitted and was given a lUc'tiae hoaorary membvshlp at the Twin Cedars GoU Cburse. In 1977 the local bulletin of the Rotary (Tlub carried some excerpts of cam- mmte sbout (Srady: As n "working director of tho Mocksvllie Savings ft Loan: "Grodv Ward mbably knows more about the fldds and real estate and people of Davie uNfolythananyotberpersonleanthlnkaf.", !n 1977 the loesi bulletin of the Rola^ (^ub co^ed lOins exeerpts of eom- mnts about Grady: As a "working director of the Mocksville Savinge ft Loan: "Grodv Ward probably knows more about the fidds aad ml estate and people of Davle Cbunty than any etberperson I can think of." , "As a personM tiieod oras a buslneis essodste. Grady Is an extremely helpful person. He kiiows real estate, because v^re he hain't Combed the woods deuveringhome heating oil he hoihunted the Sold in search of birds." "Grady knows people and their needs. Re Is Ukriy to pcgj-ln any day from ipdng tofaU with meday'a IcMlcri rose buds for theglrls In (be offlee." And in a sense the article in this bulletin wss summed ig> by saying: "Our dub, our town, our state, our nation, are much tbe better b^use Grady Ward was a elUzen, a loyal funliy man, a good friend, and an boneii twslneas man." A Scotch bom prose wrlt^, known for bis expbilve attacki on sham, hypocrisy and exeasrive mBtalaUsm, Ihomas Carlyle (17KP1B31) once ob> served: "Our grand business Is not to see whst lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies deariv at hand." Ibis apparently was (he pbilostgdiy of Grady Wat. His was a life spent wor thUy-^3neth8te&n(rulybemBBBuredlvacti<m aaddeeds. DAVli: COUNTY l-NTI RPRFSl: RI-CORO. THdRSDAV. JANUARY «. I«J8I - iOtafV Mfmberi of the MoclMvtlle Rotan dab bow tbeir beadi la slleitt prayer lo memory of Grady Naih Ward. Ward, a eharier member of the dab. died Tuesday momin|. <PhoU> by RobUi FerguaaoD) DAVii: coiiNTy iinti:ri»rfsh ri;c()rd, Thursday. January 8.j«»8i - 0° a- &o <.n v^o GRADY N. WARD Grady Nash Ward, 62 . of Nwth Moin Straot, di«d at Davie County Hospital 1^lcsday morning. Tbo (Unaral waa at 2 p.m. Wodoeaday at Baton's Fuftaral Rome Cltapti coo- ducted by Don Freeman, Builat was in Jtffdto Cbureb of Christ Cemeteiy. Bom Feb. 27,1B98, in Oavic County, Mr. Ward was a aon of tte late MRUm Qegge and Mary Ward. He was a retired oil dislrfbutor for Pure Oil Company for a number of years, was 0 member of N(»1b MainSireet CInirch of Christ, and was a charter member of the Rotary Club of ModcsvlDe serving as president of other ^fic(». Mr. Ward was also o veteran of World War I and in 1964 rocelved the Silver Beaver Awanl. the highest award in scontlDg. Survivors inclade one daughter, Mrs. Mary NoU White of Charlotte; one sot). Jack K. Waiior Durham: aim three godchildren. Memorials may he made to the N.C. Clapter ArtWfic Foundation, P.O. Box 2506, Durham, N.C. zttdb. MRS.CbARAV. TUTTBROW Mm. CUre V. Tuiierow, 76, of 007 Thomas Street, Statesville, N. C. died Tuesday morning at tea o'clock at Davis Uosplbi] in statesvilte, after a brief She \t6B born in Davie County, Deemnber as, ISCB to the late Thomas A. and Cos . Jantoa Vaiuant. ' She waa3 rappiher of Broad Stroot Unlbra Methodisi Church: and a member of Statesviile aonlor citisons club. Survivors arc her husband W. Fh^ Tutlerow of the home: 3 dau^ters, Mrs. James C. Al^ of Ttw^n, N. c., Mrs. James T. daeny or statesviile; aad Ura. WUllamM.AikeA ofAikmkB. C.t 2 sisters, Mrs. Maiysle Merrdl of HocfcavlUe, and Mrs. Vera Dwlggins M Rosewood Rest Home la Harmony; and S grand children Funeral servicee wQl be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at Broad Street United Meih^t Oiureh ulth the Rev. Jim OilUnrd offidathfi. Burial wBl fdlow at Ine Center Methodist Church cemeteiy in Davie County. The family wiQ reooiva friends at Buncb-Johnspn Funeral Homo in Sial^t^e, Wednesday eveiUng from 7 undlP. , . LT. COL. JOHN A. YATE9 Lt. Cd. Jdul A. Yabu. RcUred, of Ft. Brogg died Tuesday, January 6. at Womacfc Army Ho^ltal in Ft. Bragg, N.C. He was born in Davio Couidy, the son or the late John A. ond Mrs. Ida Hunt Vales. ^rdving is his wile, Mra. Matalltte Yates of the^bo^; hvo brothers, Dr. RIehatd E. Vates (d Cmiway, Arfcamos and Hainea Yates of Mo^BvtUe; two ouots, Hn. Alvorla Hunt Lasley of GreoiBbwo and Mn. uaiy Hunt Graves of Autumn Care, HocIisvlUe. n LI Yat^ gradttsted from ModiBViUo HW School; aM atlondcd hfi 0. Stale UiUverslly, before enUng tto Army at Ft Bragg- Funeral orrangoments are inromplete. MRS. MOLLY W. CLEMENT Mrs. Moily w. Clement, 82, of Moclcsvtllo, Route 2, died early Tueaday mornfag at Davie County Uoapitat. Sho was bora In Povio County, November 14,1689, to the late Charlie and Satlie Qaitber Whitaker, Slie was a member cs uak Grove United Methbdisl I'hureh, Funeral services will be cundueied Thursday »l 2 p.m. at Eaton's Fuaeral Hmie ehapel with tlw Rev. Haywocid llyall ond the Rev. Luther Crady ^ileiating. Survivors inciude 8 daughters, Mrs. Helen tiarnhardl and Mn>. DwoUiy Mcf^ilioh, boih Id Route 2, Mw'ksvitte. ft'.C., a grand- cliildren and 12 great grand- rhiidren. Tin; family will receive friends at Fatons Funeral tiume chapel Wednesday vvvning from 7 until 9 p ro. r- o t>AVII: COUNTY IjNTIiRt'RtSl- RKCORD, THURSDAY. JANUARY «, I«»8I - 'JR LAtiRA b; sHurr Laura Eugenia Sbutl. 87. died Dccemtmr aiet at Wl^ eRm-Satem Cottvaleacent Oe&(er» ldl» Sinitt W8d bora in DavleClDitoly to John Edward Beffe Jbutt and ^rlaa Jane ^ts Imutt' ^rvl^ilnjl are a number of nlRces ftM nspbewa. lbs Itueral waa conducted Saturday ot 3:80 pan. at Btbavtlle United Mettodiat CbtiKb fay tbe Rev. Tony Jordan and ttw Rev. Alee Afvord. Biufial was in tbe cfaurcb c^etery; OO cr hJ <L y- O A Ji. "HAPPY" COZART Aveiy Kenderson "Rapiv*' Cazart, 80, of Ptan-Ray Rest Home died iat David County Hospital early Saturday mottling. ' Tbe funeral was held Monday in Eaton's Paaeral ctiapd with the Rev. Charles Bulwk offlciattng. Burial was In Rooe Cemetery. Bmn in Yadhln County, Pd>. 8,1891, Mr. Cozart was the sira of tbo la to Charlie ami 0 AnnaCozartfHewaaareUred 1 ''inadditl^^^SOIL hois I survived by Ids wife, LadBe I Renogar Cozart; oite daiig^r, Mrs, Deeo B^ of I TradkinviUe Road, { Modksviet two sisters, Mis. 1 Cleo Rchegar of Route 3, I Yadhinviile. and Mrs. Bvelte j Samoa Of Wlnston^Otni ] two brothets, F,W. Cozart of MocksvUIfl and Dawaon i Cozart of Wlnsibt^Salem; : (dght gmndehitdreQ, 17 ^t* j grandchildren and three HENRY p. HEAD Fraokiin ncau, w, ww lUEu Wednesday. December », at the V. A. Hospital in Saltebury, NO., after an Qloaa or 3 yeais, were hHd TlHirsday. January t, at (be BUnoh>JobnBon Poneml ebs^{aSfa(esvilleiN.a Dr. FrankR. Campbell oCnHeted. Burial fdiowed in IredHi Memorial Paric eemeteiy. He was bora Juna 17,1900 fa Baal Rend, NC., the aonef Rw tale Hattie Head, Sur^yon inehtde ona da^lm; Mrs. Head BfOnR] of UocltsvSte} tbee Florida. Jim Stateo^De, and B! ModcSvlllo. Header CAWU. KARRIS Carroli Harris, S4, of Route 1, died unespecMly last Sunday idghtatMs homa He had in dediiiing itealth since tasi March, The funeral was bdd at 3 p.m. Wednesday a(Mt Bethel Unitra Methodist'* Churcb emiducted by the Rev. Arnte Corriber. Burial was in Iredril Memorial Gardens in StatesvUIe. Born July e, 1928, in iredeii County, MCi Hatils was a son of the late Harvey and Laum fharpe Harris. He was educated In the Iredril County sOhooIa, was a veteran of World war If, bm^ served in the U.S. AreW, was a mciiiber of M t < IteuiBl Ufilted Methodist Cteirch end was a retired employee <d Fibm* Indttsiries, having retired because^ poor health. Sorvlycis hmttide his wife, Laura lYoatman Hartte; mte son, Ervio Harris of R&^ moi^i (bicp brofheis, Edgar Harris Of St. Atfaans, w. Ya.. Rob A. Hhrris df Harmony, and Wlildrd Harris of Sfatesville; three sisters, Mrs.: Nina pow^l of Morimviile, M». Lou Faddls ri Woodiawn, Va. and Mm. Pauline Campbell of Har mony. MRS. MARYM. MORROW Graveside servlcrafdr Mm. Mary Morimey Morrow. 89, of Apante, Gee^, were tteld WedneBoay. Januaty 7, at ii a.m.atFairview emnelety In A^marte, N.C. Her, husbaud, the late Robert L. Motow, Sr. died in 1975. Mrs. Mottuw died Monday hi. Atlanta, Geogla. ^ Survlvora include one brother, 0, F. Mere^ of Mptfc^a; tm alMm, Mrs. SiteSMcBeeofHUdiPrinland Mrs. Robert McNeil ol Mo^vBle, 4 grandridimen andSgrealgrandeMldrra and a di^ughter-in^aw, Mrs. Robert u Mmtsw, Sr. of ABanta, Gemsla. . MISSZDABLLtS faflssIdaTbeodoreERlfl, 60, formerly of Rt, i. Advance, died Saturday at KnoHwood Kali Nucring Rome. The funeral waa conducted at 3 pijn. Monday at Mwcdnrda Momvian Chuch. Burial was in the church cemcteiy. MIsa Bttis waa bmn in DavteCouniy toJchnW. end MUiy Bowatd^Uaand was a member of Maeedenia Morarian Church. She had lived la dw Ad vance eomrmi&tey aQ of her life and .te survived by a number of oleees and cMiewa. 0.^ MRS.MAMt&W.RUaGER Mrs. Mamie Wanstey Rucker, 72, of 1908 H. Trade St.. died Thmuday evenlRg et N.O. Baptist Ro^taL Mm. RiKd»a> was a native M Bpnka Ogua^, G&, end bad leKded In Wliwtmt'Salcra fm the past 18 yearii, She was a membe r of Broroamml Brmtfait Onirdi. ' -serving are six sons, James. BOhr, and flm Rev. Catlfam Rocker. aB ri Win- Bton-Sftlem, Minister Leo Rucher id BBlttmmeb Md.. Howard Ihickef of Stanfmd, 0^; and Stgt. First Herman Huwer,. of DJ5. Army to Ft. Gmdon. Ga.;three daiight^ Mra Btticd Branlce Siapwv and fa^ Cbra Mae Tomun. hetb of mnStoh-Sateni, and Bfrs. christhteSammers of Rastra, Brass.; 36 grandcMUreiii 17 great-Braodcldldrmi; one hatf-ris^, Mrs. Mattte Lou HaU of TbemasviBe. seivioes were conducted Mcm^ at S pm at^^-nuu^RapdriCfaorriilvPr.- S. W. Marie. Boriad was to Brwin Temple Methodist Chm^ eemmety to Rowan Cousty. ■o c:Q »nn nAvii rouNrv i-nti ui'kisi itn-oHn, iimH.sDAV. janhauy h^. m>si JA^ COMF.R JatMti Cuwcll Comer, 68. of IK. a. dlttl January eih at Forsylh Memorial llmpltal after a four month illness. The funeral wan conducted at It a.m. Thursday at Kaion'fi Funeral Home Cliapelby the Rev. LeeOuke. Burial fdlowed tn the Smith Grove Church cemeiery. Mr Comer was bom In Dnvie County to the tale James Ibalelgn and Lilllc Bell Reavls Comer. He was a retired surveryor, a member of Smith Grove United Methodist <%urch, and a VFW trustee. Surviving ore his wife, the former M^orie Howard; two daughters Mrs. Lynn Sblaault and Mrs. Carol White, both of Rl. 3. Mocksvillo; three grandchildren; iwo half* sisters. Mm. Nova Corner of Fran Rest Home In MoeksvlUe and Mrs. Nettle Whitaker of Rl. 8, Mochsvilte: a number of nieces ana nephews. E. 0. W. COUCH Ernest George Waller Coueh, 83, of Route 7, died at Oavie County Hospital early Friday. The funeral was held Sunday at Baton's Funeral Home Chapel conduct^ by the Rev. Wilson Nesbitt. Burial was in Liberty United Meihodlat Church cemeteiy. Bom March ts, t8KI, In WiUtes CounW, Mr. Couch was a scm of the late Thomas N. and Satah Ann Sutde Couch, He was o teUmd textile employee. His wife, Sadie Creason Couch, died in 1947. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Hazel 'nit* terow d Route 7, Mnckavillc: three other sons, Frank Couch of Route 7, Mocksville. Tltnmas Couch of Yadkinvllle andJach Couch of Greenyllto; one half-sister, Mrs. Catherine Spry of Route 4, Mocksvillo; four half- broihers, James Couch oi Urbana, Ohio, Marshall Couch of Colorado. Oils Couch ol Virginia Beach, Va. and Ocwoy Couch of Route 4, Mocksville; 14 grand children; and 18 great- grandchildren. C. J, "HOSS" FOSTER Charlie Jasper "Hoss" Foster, 89, of Route 3. died at Davie Coun^ Hoequlal on Thursday dgbL The funeral was held Saturday In Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel conducted by (he Rev. Lee Duke and tte' Rev. Donald Funderbuifce. Burhl was in Smith Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery. Born Nov. 14,1911, in Davie County, Mr. Pester was a son of fhoIatBClmriie Monroe and Lena Smith Foaler, He wos a member of Smith Grove UnltedMethedist Church, was a member of Rurltan National, and was a retired carpenter for the N.C, School of Performing Arts in Win- sten-Salem and Bcb focas Building Contractor. His wife, Georgia Smith Feslmr, died. Dec. 27, 1980. Survivors include two alsiers. mm. Nanie Comateer end Mrs. Margaret Dunn, Route 3, both of Mocksville: and one brother. Willie Ray "Buck" Fostm- of Route 3, Mocksville. TOM ROSE James Walter (Tom) ftosc, (d Hi. I, Moeksville wos dead on arrival January 7Ui at I^avte County Hospital. He was a nalive uf Davie County and a veteran of World War 11. and worked for Davie Auto Parts in Mocksville. Surviving are bis wife, Mrs. Gladys Scott Rose of the home; four daughters. Miss Jane Rose of Harmony, Miss Lisa Rose of the home, Mrs. Gladys A. Summers and Miss Breeds Rose, both of Winstoo- Saiem; three stms. James W. Rose. Jr. and RrmtdcB. Rose, both of the home and Paul Rose of Stateavllle; hia mother, Mrs. WllBe L. Rose of MoeksvlUe; two sisters, Mrs Kr^ia Frost of Modtsvilte arta Mrs. Lottie Carstai of llamptonvRte; four broUiem, BImore Rose of Harmony, Morlin L. Rose of Mocksvinc, Arils and Charlie Rose, both of WinstonGalero. The funeral was conducted Friday at 2 p.m. at Moinvllle A.M.B. Zipn Churdi }i> Davie County by Elder NJC. Byers. Burial was In the church cemetery. RALPH E. PHELPS Ralph Edward Phelps, 46. of 896S Center Grove Church Rd. demmens, died Monday evening. Re was bom January 7, 1933, In Davie County, to U.H. and Irene Sheek Pnelps. Mr. Forsyth County and retired tn 197S from Gravdy Tractor Co. He was a member of Center Grove Baptist duireh. SurvivittgareMs wife, Lena Watts Phe^ of the home; one daagbfer, Mrs. Marty Boggs of JoneSboro; Ga.; two sons. Mark and Van l^hclps, both nf the home; three sisters. M rs. I'e.-irl Bewer nf Arrimorc ltd, Mrs. Lnmas Gutlell of Miiriuinloit, nnnd Mrs. Elolse Wall nl Center Grove I'ltttreh ltd.: three Itratbers. WJ. Pliel)i.s uf WiiLston-Saicm, Grover Phelps of Advance and 1lul»crl GiuJ) PItvIps of l4*wisville. 'Hte funeral was eonduclcd ill 1:30 p.tn. Wrdnrsday at Itavworlh-Miller Silas Creek Chapel by the Rev. Ronald llyan. Burin) was In Center Grove Baptist Church cemetery. WADE B. SMOOT Mr. Wade B. Smoel of the Pnik Church Community died n Jon. 1981 after n brief illness in the Forsylh Memorial . 1 lospllal. Funeral service was conducted by Dr. W.C. Ray. Cedat Creek Baptist Churtm, Davie CounW with interment in Iho church cemeteiy. Mr.Smoot was bom23 June 1911 to the late William and Martha Smotit of Cans. N.C. He attended Davie County Public Schools and joined the church at Cedar derii as a bey. He manrledGraoe GUI ot the WYO area. Together they reared and educated a family nf eleven cMldren. Wailo was proud of hia childien and fondly referred to them as "My Little nation". Through discipline and example he and Gram gave Ihem a set of values to guide and enrich tlwlr lives under any coo- dillons. After Worid War 11 Mr. Smoot moved ids growing family to Lexington area where they assisted In (he apcFstiostda large farm, and where Wade ethieated his cidldren toeoulp (hem for tie citanging world in whlrii they would live. When be retired a few ycam ago. Wade was never idle-he wmkcd again with his many tifc inng friends ill flH' t'URu area until illness rinnlty ovcrtoidi him. Surviving Mr. Smool arc Mrs. Grace Smoot and I'tiiidrcn; Mrs. Helen Wiiilanw. Leo, Horvoy and WUibim of WinstoiriSalem: Mrs. Eieanor Verddl, Mrs. Rerllnc Mitlncr and Kenneth Hmool M Lexinglon; Psm , Margie and Lorry Smool of Ihc home. The son. Wade Gray diCd in 1971. Tl^ arc 21 grandchildren. Survtvlng brothers and sisters in WtnslonGalem are Mr. Paul .Smool, Mr. A.C. Smoot. Mrs. Clora Belle Hawkins and Ms. Euidre smool. Wherever Wade Smoot worked or lived he was known as a depcndabte, respected and valued nt^dior to nil- rich or poor, blade or white.This many talented man. with his clever wit. humm', and bis dramatic flair has enlivened and mtridied (he vocabloiy and Icgeoda in Davie County. J? -57 1>AVII CODNIV INTI.UI'UISl- RIlOUD. IIIUKSOAV. lANI'ARY I"?. I*»SI to rii 'S. y o RAYMOND W. JOHNSON Raymond WesI^ Jolinson. 77, of Advance, diedThutnday at Veterans Hospital in SalUbuty. The faneral was cmthicted Salurday at VoBler*a CIot- mons Cnapel at 2 pjiu by tbe Rev. David Roberts, with interment in Clemmons Memorial Gardens. Mr. Johnson was bm) in Mr. Airy, N.C., June », 19^ SCO M Joseidi jrimsDii and Mary Barker Johnson. He had Forsyth County meat rf to Ilfi*, ond was a veteran a World War H serving in Ihe Navy. Mr. Jdtnsim had Iwn ill fnr the post three weeks. Surviving ore ftis wife, Mra. Sitiiss <Kay) Jriutscin: ibren brotljcrs, W. R. Johnson, and J. W. (Joe) Jidmson, both of Advance, and W. B. Johnsim of W{n.<ifon-Salem; several nierca and nephew^. MRS. ETTA T. SHOAF Mm. Etta Taylor Shoaf.», of Route I, Woodieaf died Monday night at the Davie county HospitaL The (uRoral will be Tbur> sday II a.m. at tte Corinlh Cintrvh ol f^st. Needmorc eommutnty, of which she was a member, by Harding Lowery. Burial will be in the rittireh cemetery. The family will be at Eaton's Ftnwml Home In Modtsvine Wednesday from 7 until 9 piro. Mrs. Shoaf was bom Oct. 3t, 1897, in Davie Ctmnty. dau^ter (d tie late Mr. and Mm. Wiirw Taytm-. Her huriiand. Jests Carl Shoaf, died in 1966. ^ Surviving are a danpiter, Mrs. Rachel Wafia^ Route 1. Woodleaf; a toter. Mm. Bessie KeRer of MoricsvUIe; a brother, Uoyd Taylor of cooleemee* and three gnifidsots- 90 0^ ,v3 0o^';;;.j\\\e. OAVir ('<»UNTY INIini'KISI ltir(llU>, rilliKM>A>'. lANUAUV r>si The Rev. Austin Hamilton— The Rev. Austin Hamilton became pastor of the First Methodist Church of MocksvilfelnJune, 1671, From that day until hla retirement in June, 1677, ho and Mm. TlamiltoR were nn inlcgrol part of this community. His six years os pastor horo saw conBldoTfibie Improvcmcnlo mado at the First United Molhodlst Church as wfdt as Rt the porsonnge. The church sanc tuary underwent on extensive renovation project that took nine months to complole. Work began in Octtdier 1973 and the firal worahip service in Iho renovated aanctuary was July H. 1974. ^0 annex t^0 annex to the rear of tho building and the old existing clsssrooms were also remodeled. Tho pastor and secretary acquired new offices. Covered walkways were constructed to connect the buildings. The 623,000 indebtedness for the renovetlon waa liquidated by January i, 1076, and Bishop Earl G, Hunt. Jr., dedicated the annctuary and new por* tiosi Of the church on February a, iwe. His redrornenl In 1977 marked 35 years of pastarlng churtdies of the Western Horlh Carolina MethodistWestern Horlh Carolina Methodist Conference. And on retlretnoit, he and Mrs. Hamilton returned to tho church he Hrat pastored in 1M2. When ho began his active ministry in 1942, he was appointed to the Ldndls charge-'-tafldls. oak Grove and Unity Methodist churches, where be served mitU 1947. During tho next 39 years he spent no leas than four years at any one of his eight a^intments, andnomore than aixatany one. Kis appointments were alLandis.ataniield, Concord, Cramerton, Greensboro, Shelby, Wilkesboro and MockavlUe. ilKV. AU.STfN iiAMfUTON TiiO Rev. David AusMn llnmiitaii, €9, ui Roulc 1. died Miirxprclcdly fli 6:30 p.m. Siindny in Ihc N.C. Bapllat Hospital m Wiaston>5alem.Hospital m Wiaston>5alem. He WHS ft rotirod United Methodist mInUier. The funeral was held Widni-stlay in Uic ooH Grove Unitofl MethorilBf Church conducted by Utc Rcy. Robert I., Carter and Dr. Enrlo ilQlro. Burial was In the family plol of tho church romdcry. Born April l, 1912. In Dovidson County, ho hod studied for Ihe mlnisliy at Calawbo College, receiving Ills AH degree, and later studied at C^ndler School of Theology and Duke University, He had Rcrvod churches in Landls, Stanfield, Concord, Cramerlon, Greensboro, Shelby, Wiikcsboro and Mockavllle. 5iincc his rcUretncnt it) 1D77 he was serving the Oak Grove United Methodist Clurch in China Grove. He Joined the Weslern North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Church in 1947, became a deacon in 1940 and an eider in 1951. Kc served on (he fMlowltigWNCC board • Bible Board, Board of Ministry, and Board of Hospitals and Homes and Triad Home. He was also a RotarJan and a member of Stokes Masonic Lodge 33 of Concord. HamUton was a grst believer In the thesis that "good humor ia Iho health of thesoul: aadnetsla Ita poison." His waa a humor of a genlil quality, dwelling In the oame character with pathos, and always minted wdUi seoBlbillly. He alwayscattled and projacted the brightest ofouitot^i on life. As la the words of G.B. (3ieever, "For haallh and constant enjoyment of life, give me a keen and ever present sense of humor; it Is Ihe next best thing to an abiding faith In provldeoce." Survivors include his wife, Mary Paulbie Long HamUion, whom he mardcd August is, 1937; one son, David Austin Hamilton Jr. of Virginia Beach, Va.; one daugiiter, Mrs. Faye H. Priest of Lyman, B.C.; Three brothers, the Rev. John R. HamlUon of l-MinBlon. Pnul D. HnmiHon of Fanner and Dr. Harold P. ifHnilliiui of Canton. nWo; two sinlcrR, Mrs. Beulah (inilimorc and Mrs. Julia llargeilc, bolh of TliiitDafiviilc; and three granJchiidrcn. urn DAVir ('(HINTY 1NH W'KISI lUCOUIl. ilinUSDAV. lANliAWY .'.V I'KSI Oo <r ci o4 I \r> Li) (=: sir I- •o County MRS. BESSIE SIIOAP Mrs. Bessie Nail Shaai« 89. of 70 Dttko Si., died Saturday afternoon al the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arnold Garvroed. also of Cocdeemee. The funeral was held Monday al Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel, Mocksviile. OfficioUng at the rJtes were Uto Rev. Ue WhiUocfc and the Rev, J.D. Revla, Burial was In Legion Memorial Path. Born Aug. 4, 1900, In Dnvlo County, she was a daughter of the bte Horace and Augusta Ella Nail. She was a member of the First Baptist Church and was retired from Burlington Industries. Her husbai^ Walter S. Sboaf died October 1, 1880. tn addition to the daughter, survivots include five sms, Homer, William, Kubert and W.S. Shoaf Jr.. nil of Codeemee, Fred Shoaf of Troutman: two slsten, Mrs. Burt Vide of Mocksviile and Mrs. Flora F'ok of Salisbury; six grandchildren and six greal'grandchildren. CLYDE C. PEACOCK Clyde Cornelius Peacodt, 63, (d Harmony di^ Tlwrsday at the VA Medical Center in Salisbury where he had been a patient for four days due to a lengthy illness. The funeral was held Sunday at Westmoreland Chnpel of Buncb«John8on Funeral Home In Slateaville with Iho Rev. Carl Pork and the Rev. Rteky Safrtet of- rieialing. Burial woa in Iredell McmBrial Gardens. Born In Tredell County. April 24, 1917, Mr. Pcarock wns Iho son of the late James Calvin and Lucrella Henls IVarnrk. Ho wna retired from Droxol Mrrlloge FunUture Co. in ModcflviUe and wns a veteran of the U.S. Marines in World War II. Survivors include his wife, ihr fffl-mcr Lucille Galliher whom he married Janfl, 1936; two sons. Clyde C. Peacock Jr. of Route 3, Mooresvlllc and Gilberl L. Peacock of Route 4, Stotesvilte: Four daughters. Mrs. Bill Hnithcox end Mrs. Albert Bowman, both of Slateaville, Mrs. Dale Carpenter of Route 3, Statesville, and Mrs. Malcolm H. Brown of TYa\'dcr'a Rest, S.C., two brothers, Vance and Virgil Peacock, boUi of statesvlUe; Ihree steters, Mrs. Donald Bange and Mra. Reuben Hellard, both of Mocfcsvflle, and Mrs. Ed Fisher of Cooleemee; and II grand children. JOHN FRANK COPE John Frotdt CO^ 85, of RL 4, Advance, died Januaiy isth nl Davfe County Hospital in Mocksidtle. The funeral was conducted Thursday at Macedonia Moravian Clxtrch 1^ the Rev. JohnKapp. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Cope was born in Davie County to the late WiDiam and n Mary Elizabeth Hodges C<^. He wos a retired fanner. His wife; the fanner Martha Ellis, died In 1973. Surviving are- two daughters, Mrs. Blva BilBter of Mocksviile and Mrs. Pauline Bowles of Rt. 6, Mocksviile: three sons, Austin Cope of Advance, Ivan Cope of Rt 4, Advance ond .1 fV Cope ef Avon Park. Fin.; It grandchildren; eighlgreat- grnrulehlldren; ono ntsler, Mrs. Polllc llockaday. SAMU*f.t. Lb'B ITtUiTT • St'tiitucl Ix>o Pruitt, 4n. a former resident of Washington, D.C., died 10:30 o.m. Monday in the Sallstiuiy VA Medical Center alter being In declining health for 0070*31 years. Mr. Piullt was a DavIe County rutlvc. The funeral was held Wednesday at Ervin Temple CME Church in Cooleemee conducted by tho Rev. Roosevelt Wllkerawi. Burial woB in tho chuKh cemetery with military graveside rites conducted by the Rowan County Veterans Councd. Bom Dec. 2„ 19S. in Davie Counte, Mr. Pxidtt was a son of John M. Pndtt of Woodlcaf and tte late Evelyn VInaon PniitL He was educated in the Rowan Coim^ sdioola, was last employed by Southern Railway Company, was a member cf Ervin Temple CMS Church ami was a veteran of the Korean Con- fUcl Survivors, in addition to his fnthrr, inetude two daughters, MlHS Patricia Pruttt of Snlisbury and Mrs. Donna Jones of Mocksviile; two other brothers, Elmer PruUt cf Greensboro and Walter PniHt ef Warhluglofl. U.V.; And three ^ters. Mrs. Elizabeth Neeiy of China Grove, Mra. Dorothy Fowler nf New York City. N.Y. and Mrs. Christine Lazenby of Dlatxtensbury, Md, 81)iMMi; niUND' iwi-WKisi' iirconi). TminsoAV. janhahv Mils noltOTHV ADAMS HAV Kuftcra) services fer Mnv Dorothy Adama Hay. 72. widow of Carroll Cordon Hay. were held W^tieaday Af< ternnon ai Harmony l^reebytorian church In CrockOtvlllc. S.C. reebIC' Rhodon Funeral Home had chareo of ihe armngemenla. Rurlol roilowcd In the ehdrcb Mmciery. Mra. Kay died Mondoy, January 29. in a Charleston. 8,C. hospital. She was bom in china Orovo. N.C.. April so. ifioo. to (ho laio John and Mary Zuia Turner Adams. Stio was a momber of Harmony Prosi^torian church. Survivors iitcludo 2 s^. o daughlors. 8 slatars. Mrs. Virginia Wotors. Mrs. Jlminie Lou Ontbb and Mrs. Stella Cumpboti, all of Moe^vUle. Mis. Cloo Stnlih of Salb^ry am) Mrs. Louise Utd) or Bumpass, Virginia: and one broinor. John Adams of Mocksvlilo. MRS. ANNtfi HKAO Mrs. Annie Bowman Head, 8S, died at hor homo on Route 4, Mocksvlile, Saturday morning. The funeral was held Monday at Eaton's Funeral Homo Cbapd. omidwetod by the Rev. Tomtiv Tuggle. Burial was In FoHt Baptist Chur^ oomotefy. BomOoLO, lass, InForayth County, she was a daughter of the tale William t. and Sudle Gnibhs Bowman. Her touband, watber B. Head, died in 1070. Survivors Inohide throe daughters, H». Ruth Hodge or EDtln, Hn. Delia Mae Prevelte of North Wltkosboro and Mrs. Margaret Swioegood of Lexington, a son, William Ito.nft of III. 4. Mock,svIUP: fnur nlslcrs. Mrs. Delia Shruse of Win8ton*Satetn, Mrs. Minnie Davis of Gcf. mnnton, Mrs. Mary Mabe of KcrncmvlIIcand Mrs. Nannid Knizci* of Ilandteman: two bniUtcm. Charles Bowman WInstnn-SAtem and Johnny Rowiuan of Gormahlon: eight grandchlfdren and nine great* ^nndchildron. C, B. McOANIBL Cltartte Baxter McDanid. 03, of Route 1, Harmony dM at 9 a.m. Saturdoy at the Dt&vie County Hospital in Mocfcsvittc. Ho had been In decltnii^hcallh several years and seriously III 18 days. The funeral was held Monday at the New Uiden trnlled Methodist Church. Offleiallngat Ihoritea was the Rev. KermitShoaf, and burial was In the church cemetery. Bt^nSepl. 12, t8W, InDavIe County, no was 0 son of the teto Lee and Angelina Foster M<d)anlel. Ho woa a retired saw mill wmker and farmer. HI0 wife, Mrs. JclUe Mae Richardson McOanlel, died Fob 19,1888. In addition to the son, survivors Inetudo a daughter, Mm. Joe Allred of Rt 1. Harmony; two brothers, Robert McQanlol of Lexington and Atox MHlonlol of Cornelius', a half-brother, Clarence McDanlol of Mooresville; three slaters. Mrs. Rosa Sheota of Ri 0. Salisbury, Mrs, Jack Uvengood ol Rt. 1, Woodleaf, and Mrs. Bertha Howard of ^atUe, Wash.! a half-slater, Mi%, Frances Fisher of Salisbury; seven grand- children and one great grandchild. I.ONNIE H. LUC.AS lionnte Houston Lucas. 82. fortnerly of Root© 4. «hed at the Fran Ray Nuieiog Home hero Saturday aftemotm. The funeral was cmiductod at3!30tr.m. Monday at Dutch man Crock Baptist Church by iho Rev. Tommy Tn^lc. Burial was in lite clxirch cemetery. Bom Dec. 18, le^, to the Into John and Ida l.ucas, Mr. Lucas was a veteran M Wmht war 1 and was a retired textile mill employee. Surviving is mie sot% Perry Lucas or Wlfis(ct>SAMm. BAXTER T. HARMON Baxter Thompson Harmon, 80, of Statesvine died Jammiy 18 nt Veteran's Ad ministration Hospital In Salisbury, fallowing a crlttcal lUness of 01m month, Mr, Harmmi was bom in Ircdetl County, and was a brother of Mlllard Harmon of Mocksvitlc. Survivfng'in addition to his brother ore his wife, two danghlera, two sons, two sisten, and two brothera. Funeral servfces were held lUesday, Januaiy 20; with Interment held in tredell Memorial Gardens. GILMBR OVBRCASH Oitreer Brown Overeaah, 60. (If Route 1. Woodleaf. died • Friday at N.O. Baptist Hoapltal in Wlnaton-SBlem where ho had been a patient for iwoweOkB.. The funeral was hold Sunday at South River United MetlibdMi: Church with-the Rev. Shirley T. Jonca of ficiating. Memoriala may bo made to the building fUnd of South River United Methodist I 'hiiif h. Born July 20, lam, in Rowan Cflunly.Mr. Ovcrcaahwas the son or the late Lcvria Jomcs Overcash and Lennte May Freeman Ovcrcnsh cm Route I. Woodleaf. He was a member of South River United Mettuxhst (ihurch and was retired from Caitnon Mills. In Addition ot fala mother, he Is survived by bis wife, Rul^ Miifph Ovcrcnsh; ono son, Gary Lee Overcash of Route 1, Woodleaf; two daughters, Mrs. Joel W. Anderson of Route 1. Moekaville, and Mrs. Joe McNeely of Route i, Cleveland: one brother, Jam^ Overcash of Route I. Woodteaf; two sisters, Mm. Louise Menscer of StatesvUle and Mrs. Florence Petrutkn of Tuscon, Afl2.: and three graftdchitdren. MRS. CORA J. McKINNEY Mrs. Cera Jennings McKintuy, 94, widow tt Mr. Cleave MeKmney, died at Autumn Core, January 20, 11981 at 9:68 p.m. after a oerioiB inness of 2 weeks. Mrs. McXInn^ wan ton OcUter 3, 1^ in KUIsvIl^ Vli^nla to the late Barttaid aiuT Abigail Baid» Martin Jennings. Her husband, Cleave MeXlnney died In 1891. Mrs. McKlnney was a retired scho^ teacher, havh^ iaughi 2$yeom In tiie Vir^nls ond West Virglto Public : School system. . _ Funeral sorvicos were held j Saturday. January 84, at it a.m. at Moody Fuomj Homo I Chapa ItiML Airy by the Rev. ' Clay llanim. < Burial was in the Doas > Fhtnity Comotory near white ' Plains. NC. ' SurvlvhtgdroSnciooands I nephews. ctlutstniMtBli uArniKU Chrtsloplu-r tiallher. 9. of Rfluic 6, son of Tnny Wilson Riid Lillian Gallher, died Friday night at Davfc County liiBDltal. The funRr.il was held Sunday at Ibc Murriaon- Studevent Funeral Home Cfmpel, with RtAerL Lyons officiating. Burial was at li a.tn. Monday in the Rode HitI CImrch of Christ cemetery. The child was bom July 13, 1978. In addition lo tl« parents, survivors include four hroUiem, Thomas, Ricky and Efrem Galther. all of Cleveland, and Gregory Gaititer of the tone; three slstos. Mm. Dcnisc Parka of Salishury and (terla and Lisa Onitiar of the home; tlio eternal grandmother, Mrs. Gaith^ of Cleveland and (he maternal grand mother, Mrs. Anna Parr of MottovtUe. s d rs <5 o ^\\1 IMVir- ((IIINIY (•Nil'lll'KlSK UlX'Om). THURSDAY. M-HRUARV 5. HWr —Everette Blackwood" by OufAm Taidlfsni Everette Btsckwood was born In Davie County In 1918, during the early days of the first World War. His father, being wllh the railroad necessitated the fnntliy, live In several Ixfliions. w' Bvcrctic attended school in Mooresvlllc and was quite active In pKjIL^^ athletics, ills family roiurned to Mocksvlilc around 1931 or 35, when he wasnyoungmnno{i9or20yearB. ^ His Interest In alhlelicsbroughtabeul ncIoeenssorlBiionwJthmcmbersof the ^Bi Mocksvlile High School teams of the mid leso's. Ills sislera Mildred, called B^BHv .iBK^rB "Bill", ond Margaret, called "Shorty", were outstanding baakolball players for MHS. A younger brottier, Gilbert, was a n ^ ^^BBT' tcam-mnte of this writer, 1935-38. It wai an era of nicknames and Everette was naturally known ak "Blaeky", because of being a Blackwood.He played buketbsU and baseball with tbe local ienii>pro teams. He was also an active participant In the pickup games so popular on Saturday and Sunday afternoons during the 1899*8. He became a sports olflclal, refredng many of ibe high school basketball and football games fn this area. Time marched on. Everette served several years as policeman for the Town of Mocksvlilc. Heritage Furniture located a plant here and he iolned that organisation. ibencime poorhealth-retiremwt-a retreat from the active participant role (hat had long been a personal diaracteriatlc. However, he never lost Interest In ^ feUowmen, or Inkeeplnfl abreait ofeventsaod hspo«infl». For the past few ye'ars' be wm the first one to' 'purchase a cor' of this newspaper each Wednesday morning. Although a subscriber, he would meet the (ruck on its arrival and buy a copy of the Enterprise-Record, not being able to welt for the regular delivery. He would park his car on the town square, watching the passing parade. No lenger able to be an active partlclpaet. wllfr hU thotghis and Interest he was navsrtheleis an Integra] part of the oommunily. Jonathan Edwards, American philosopher and Puritan theologian (1709- 1758), once obsened: Jonathan Edwards, American philosopher and Puritan theologian (1709- 1758), once observed: true welfare of the socl^ol which he is a mesnber." That was Everette Lawrence Rlockwood. EVERETTE L. BLACKWOOR Everette i^qwrcncc Dlack- wtxKl. 07, of 909 Salisbury St., riled Thursday meming at Baptist Hospital In Winston- SalcHi. He had been in declining health Rcveral years. The funeral wns conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday at Enton'a Funeral Home Cttapcl by the Hcv. Lcland RIcha.-dflon. Burial was in Rose cemetery. Mr. Blflckwood was bom In Davie Coun^ lo KoyI L. and Mamie Hoithou'jcr Black- wood. He WOE a retired stock clerk for Heritage Furniture Co. Surviving are his wife, the former Emily Allgood; two daughters, Mrs. Ann Black- wood Schloeman of Saudi Arabia and Misa Lynn Black- wood of Wins'ton-Salem; one son, Charles David Black- wood of Morganlon; hia father Of Greensboro; four sistcn, Mrs. B.F. Butler, Mrs. Moyte Layton, Mrs. Rkhord Dbcon, and Mlas Ruby Blackwood, all of Greensboro; five grand children. «n iMVii- COUNTY i;Nri;m'Ki.sH ki-cord. Thursday, h-rruarv .s. utsi MRS. MAUDIB HAUSBR Mre. Maudle Mae Kita Hauser, ^ oF Route 1. vance died Fiidajr at Davlo County Hospital. Services were ctmaucted at 4 p.m. SuB<by at tlie YadUo Vati^ Baptist Church Iv the Rev. Leon Wood. Buriol wos tn the church cemetery. Bom July 25,1892, In Davie County, she was daufihter or the late James H. and Mary Ellen Smith Xing. ^ was a member d Wards Chapa Church. Her huaband. Thomas S. Hauser. jroRegaL .her In deatbln 1856. Survlvots, in addition to Mrs. McBride. are three other daughters, Mrs. Pansy mT" Alton of Route 4, Yadkinvtlle, Mrs. Hazel Riddle of Route i, Advance, and Mm. Paulino Smith of Eden; 17 grand« children, is great- grandchlldron and throe great-grea 1-grandchlhtrcn. MRS. ROSIE W. JONES Mrs. Rosto Waller Jones, 69, of Route 3, MochmiUe, died Friday at Rowan Manor Nursing Home In Salisbury. The funeral was held Sunday in Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel conducted by (he Rev, Tony Jordan. Burial was in Elbavllle United Methodist Church cemolery in Davie County. Bom April 18,1891. in Davie County, Mrs. Jones was a daughter of the late John and Jane WUsnant Waller. Her huaband, Jacob Franklin Jtmes, preceded her tn death. Survivora include two brolhera, Nate Walter of Salisbury and Ketty Walter of Route 7, Modtsviiie. MRS. EDITV S. COOK Mrs. Edith Sbeeh CoOk, 66. of Route 4, Mockaville died Satuidoy morning at Rowan Memorial Hospital, Satobory. The funeral was held Monday at the Flral Baptist Church, Cooleemee, where Mrs. Cock held her mem- bershlpL Officiating at the rites was Iho Rev. Lee WhittocH. the Rev. J. D. Revto and the Rev. Ray Peni^.. Burtol was in Legion Memorial Part. . ^ . Memorials may be made to the Bus Ministry of the First Baptist Clnird). Cooleemee. Bom_ia.DaKla.County-co. January 18, isis, she was a daughter of the late W.R. and Fannio Beacham Shert. She wos a retired employee of Fiber IndiifllrieB, Survivors include her husband, Henry C. Cock: a daughter, Mrs. Dolores Jordan of Cooleemee; one son, (he Rev. Clay Cook of CdfaC; two sisters, Mrs. Mac Pence of Smyna, Tenn. and Mrs. HoscI Call of Cooleemee; two brothers, Robert W. Shert of Winston- Salcm and Thom-is Sbcek of Cooleemee; and three grandchildren. CARL B. WILLIAMS Carl Edward Williams, 73, of Advance. RL 4, dtodFYiday at Porsyih Memorial Hospital. The funeral was conducted Sunday at 2 p.m. at Botblenem United Methodist ChuKh by the Rev. Donald Funderturt. Entombment was in the church mausdeum. Mr. Williams was bom In Davie County to Leroy and Cora Alien wutlatns. Hewasa retired employee of R.J. RQrnddsTobaccoCo., with 43 years service. His wife, Myrtle Allen WilUams, died July 88, Surviving are two sons, Charlea and Norman WUIianu, both of Rt 4. Ad vance; two brothers, Claude Wiiliams of Rt. a, MortsvUle and Frank Williams of Watkcrtown; and five i grandchildren. Oc ir> cT cQ O o Nil DAVtl- (OUNTV l.Nll-RPRISl- RI ( t)RI>. THURSDAY. R-nRUARY i:. I'WI <r c 3 i" o MISS VtLNA BAITY Mib Vllna Venma 79, of Ri, s. Mock8vl{l«t died ot 5:19 a,nt. Sabtfday atForaylli McmoHal Hiuiiltal. Ilio fuR^I waa cmdocted at It a.m., Monday atfi&ckie- Gcnuy Fiin^I Home Cl»pei by tbc Rev, Tim Herring. Buriol was in U» Ccariney Baptist Cimrcb Ccmeteiy. Mtis Baity was ban In Yadkin Coan^, the dattghter of Pavtd H- ara) Vfrglnla Hoots Rally. She W08 a member of First Baptist Chureh of XaiiiBpolb and was retired from Depart ment Store <S Winston-Sal^. Salvivblg are five sbt^ Miss Fratto^ Baity. Mrs. Ardcao Railedge and Miss Cteta Baity, an of Rt. 2, Yadkinville, Mm. Josediiqe Weils and Mrs. Georgia Milier. both of Rt. 4, YadkinviUe. flAltVm' I.. SPAUGII Harviy L. Spaugb. ?0. of Gladstone Road. Rt. 7, ModtSvBte died Sunday at Dado County Hosfdtm in Modtsvflie. Tbe funeral was condocted at 3 p.m. Tuesday at Voter's CiemiaoRs Cfaapd with burial. in Cinireh of Cra^t at Beyer's Chapel Cemetoy. Mr. Spau^ was born in Davidsm County to John and Panoie Heath Spugb. Ke waa a retired maoiiiB cgKrater for Pfaff and Sell Septic Tank Company. St^Viag ore his wife, Mis. Jesste WfaiscRhant Spavgh of tbe home; (biee (foughten. Mrs- Paul (Maigfe) f^lio' of RL 4, Modtsvilie^ Mrs. deny (Frances) Vamer of RL 7, Mocdistmte. and Mrs. Bttl (Bertha) Allen of Rt. 2, MocksvlUe: three sons, Marvin E. Spaugb of RL 7. MocksviHa. Roboi t. Spau^ el Ctemmons, and Ral^ Spangh of RL 2. Homta^; 22giBnitcbi!dranan) li great* grandchildren: one slater. Hca. Carle Stewart of rl 5, WinstoivSalem. C. M. BAILEY C. M. Bailey, 59. of RL a. dted Friday morolog at Foisytb Hemcrial Httpiral in . WliBlon-Salem after a short fliniss. The fuseial was coiducled at 2 p.in. Sunday at Balm's FunerM Home (wpd by the Rev. Vates Wilkerson, Burial was in Fork Baptlat Church Cemet^. Mr. Bail^ was born In Da^a County to the late Jmm A, and Ama Forrai Batcfy. He was a ^-empioyM painter. Surviving are his wife, the former Sitsbetb Reavisi efuo daughi^, Bdn. Lalitha Polls of RL 3. Mockflvilla; one grand* daughter; two atstem, Mrs, Swaiinle Lagte ahd Mrs. Maitie SueNelsm. b^of Rt. 4, Hodtsvflle; one brother. Brown Bill Bailey of RL 3. Lexlttghm. 0®- o cQ m MAVII. niiwv l-NTI;l)rai.sr RIKOUI). TIIIIRSIUY. irHRHARV |... 1«KI <5 :5 >- <5 o MUS. b&nTIlA II. TODD Mrs. Bprtha Harper Todd. mRlttprof Mrn MaurlRoWara (if HouIr % Mocksvlllc, died jnlurdny, Febmary 14, al Hilt Haven LodRO In Pfafnown. Mrn. Todd Iwd llwd i« pavie County for a rotmber cf years from IP20 until the i960 Funeral services were ronduetcd at 2 p.m. Motiday at Macedonia Moravian Clnirch, with InirEai in Ml, Ptcaaani Untied Meibodisl Church Cemetery 'In Tangtowood Partt. Mrs. Todd was bam in Forsylh County July 22,1099. to iiemy 0. and Lueetta Crater Harper, She had lived In Davie County from 1923 to 1902. and was a member of Macedonia Moravian Cl»teb. She was married on December 24.19t2. to Lewie Albert Todd Who died June II. I9li2. Surviving are (wo dattghters. Mis. Ward of Rt. 3, Mocksvilio and Mrs. Louise Hutchlns of WinstoivSaleni; thrco grandohildron, Mrs, Leon (Judith) Lee, Sr. of Young Harris, Co., Dr. John E, Ward, Jr. of KemeravlUei and C. Maurice Ward of Rl, 3, Mocksvllie; eight great* grandchildren. MIssra Susan and Rebidiah Lee, Leon Lee. Jr. and Peter Lee, att of Young Harris. Oa., Ml69 Emily Word and Everett Ward M KermmvOIe. and Brent and Antbeny Word ef Ri. 3. MoeRsville; three olslors, Mis. John (Franklo) Wear, Mrs. Floffite Piynt, and Mrs. I. E, iMattie) MarUn, Sr. ail of WIftftton'SBtom. Surviving arc two daughters. Mrs. Ward td Rt. 3, Mocksville and Mrs. Louise Huichlns of Wlnston^lem; three grandchildren, Mrs, Leon (Jtudlth) Lee. Sr. of Young Harris. Go.. Dr. jMtn E. Ward, Jr. of Kememvlile, and C. Mourlco Ward of Ri. 3, Mocksville: eight great* grandchildren. Mitses Suwn and Retx^ah Lee, Leon Lee, Jr. and Peter Lee, bH of Young Harrla, Ga., Miss Emily Word and Everett Ward of Kemersvllte, aiu) Brcnl and Anlheay Word of Hi. 3. Mcckavllle; three sisters, Mrs. John (Prankle) Wear, Miv. Flossie Flynt, and Mrs. I. E. iMatile) MarUn, Sr. atl of Wlnston^Iem. RALPH BRBNDLE Ral^ Drendlc, 60, Route 4, SalmharyJ^.C.died Monday at 4 a.m. at Rowan Memorial Hospital. He was the son of the late William A. and Esteilc Readding Brendio: and was bum September ^ 1920 to Catiamis Counly. He was a retired toxUlo employee. Funeral services will be. ennduel<^ at 4 p.m. Wed* tiesday at Eaton's Funeral Cluipel In ModtsvHIe. Burial wilt follow in Legion Memorial Cemetery In Coolccmeo. Olficialing minbtcr was the Rov. Btdiby Chiidress. pastor Rowan Mills Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Flossie Brcndle of the home; and two sisters, Mrs. Beule Scamon of Ballshury and Mrs. Betty Jean Hlrsch of Baltimore. Md MRS. GEORGIA M. MeCULLOUGH Mrs. Georgia Mae Mc- Cullcugh. 00, M Eagle Roch, Vn.. a Davie County nallve. died Friday, Feb. 19. at Roanoko Memorial Hospital after a nprious iltnoss of two utcIls and derlining health for two yearii. T!w funeral scrvlcca were rondurled at 2 p.m. Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel In MochKville. Burial was in tlic Liberty United Meihodiat Church cemetery. Bom In Davie County July t?. 1920. idle was daugnter of ilffilnic John Walter and Julia Mnc Sain. Sho was a member of White Rock Methodisl Churrh In Thurman. Survivors Include . her husband, Ctlnaril *'Bill" McCuilough; two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Brownof Iroa Gale. Vo.. and Mrs. Sbiri^ Mabc of Route 4, M«icksvnie: one son. Bobby Comatser id tiCxlngim: two sistere. Mm, Irene Carter of (^esapeake Va.. and Mrs. Oaynelle Peri7man of Lexington; three brothers. Rqr Sain of Route 3. Mocksvitte, Elmer Salt) of Kannapotis and Lster Sain of Lexington; to grand- Children 00 cr VNoO^>j to •a. ^:3i t 'H{ B ■raop c o •«—» to C . flj ■ E ■ E a o >-» :e a •w t. c •i c TUTTEROW .MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Emma Hulchens Peoples -Tultcrow, 34, of 700 ■'Salisbury St., died Wednes day morning at Autumn C^re " Convalescent Center in Mocksvillc. Funeral services ;. will be conduclbd Friday at 2 A p;m. "at. Eaton's . FuneralHome\ Chapel, by^- the • Rev. ■ Albert i^racken and llie Rev. Jack' Jbtinspn;*' I3unat;will'.£e in 'Oieslnui^viGrove'.'.UnitedMethodist Chlirch cemeiefy.v Mrs.. Tutterow was bom in. .l5avie County .to. Use .Mats- John; Boone, a.nd.Mafy.vBeck. Hutclrens". -.She .was a . member of. Chestnut" Grove • United • Methodist Church. Her first, husband, Barnes.Peoples, died iiT.194i. Her se cond ....husband, . J: E, Tutterow..; Sr. died.-in 1959;.', SuTvi-Ving "' are ' three- daughters, Mrs. "Esther':] Draughn of 700 Salisbury Sl:;'j''NUKkiy^ille,- Mrs. Lucille^■A l.wobd/.'of j. W i ns ton-Sa leni'i'/and Mfs.N.L^is, Cranfill of. Rl!" j• ivvShlisbui^V^v.iwo sons, tike 1. Pwples of .Rt." 2, Mocksviil^'i. and"Bi 11 'PebpIes 'O.rl ■ ■-Salisbury; .;13 grandchildren,,.rloVgreatrgrandchildren; two^.v;{;sislerskMrs; Anniei\Ba|iy .qf-") Mbcksville ahd'-'Mislr•Rtr^S; Mae • Wallace 'bf Mocksvillev-Ififb^brothefsV-#5 Oo cj- Jesse Hulchens and-the Rev.; Wade Hutchens, both of .RU 2, Mocksville. and Burton Hulchens of Yadkinv.ille. The .family will receive friends at the funeral home from 7 lo.9' p.m. Thursday. • " v> w & kO o I'AVn- .•OUNVV , NT, Mns, R.L, LATHAM Mrs. BcrUia Jano Mariln Lftflfflm, Ri>. of Rt, 2, MocksvIHe, formorly of Winston-Snlcm, di<?d Monday morning at Autumn Cnro Convalescent Center In Mncksvlile, The funeral was conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral Chopo) by the Rev, Wayne H»J. Burial wnsln Enton'sBapliflt Church cemetery. Mrs. Latham was a retired employoo of p.Fi. Hones Knitwear in Wlnston'Salem. •She was a member of Eolon'a Baptist Churclt. Her husband, Hodwelt Lalham. died in May;' 1975, Surviving are throe brothers, Johnny Martin of Walheriown, Oeheney and Jerome Martin, both of KernerBvlllo: 2C nieces and nephews. JAMES ELLIS SCOTT Jnmcs Ellis Scott, S9, of No, 2 Brwiii Street, Cooleemee, dlirf suddenly ot Ws homo Saturday evening, The funeral wis conducted at 2 p.m. Monday at Cftftlgefnce First Baptist Church by the ReV, Lec Whiilock. Burial was In Hownn Memorial Park Cemetery In Salisbury. Mr. Scott was bom in Forsyih County to the late Ruben Do and Ellen Byrd Seolt. He Was employed by Cannot: MlUa In Saiiabuty. He was a member of First Oapliat Churcli (rf Coolccmco, a veteran of World War H, nnd is survived by his wife, tJ«j fortncr Paulino Trexler; one dnughtor, Mra. Howard HutchcnsoflU. 7, Mocltsvlllei one Sou. Jimmy &o5t of Cooiccmecj four grand" children, one slaler, Mrs. Thomas Smith of Cooleemee; one brother, Fred Scott of Goldsboro; Mb step-mother, Mrs. Lda Bcoit of Qfeon- Bboro. Mit.S.BMMATll'ITEROW Mm. Emtnn ilulchcnn I'ooplrs TtiUnrow, W, of 700 Salisbury St., died Pcbrunry inth at -Autumn Care Con- Vrtloscont Center in McK-ksvllio. The funeral was conducted Friday at 2 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by the Itev, Albert Bracken and the Rev. Jack Johnson. Burial W'08 InCheatnut Urovc United Melhudlsl Cliurcli cemetery. Mm. Tuttcrow was botti In Davio County (0 the Into John Boorm and Mary Bock Hut- chctia, She was a member of Chestnut Grove United Methodist Church. Her first husband, Barnos I'ooplcfi, died in IMI. Her second husband, J.E. Tut- terow, Sr. died In i0S9. Surviving ore three daughtorK, Mra. Esther Draughfi of 700 Saiiabuty St„ Mocksvillo, Mra. Luclllo j AtwoodufWiraton-Selemand ,Mrs. Lois CmnfHI of Rt. l. / Salisbury; two sona. Ike/ Peoples of Rl. 2, Mociisvilla and Bill Peoplos of Snltaburyf 13 grandchildren; to grandchlldroni two ststerfi, Mrs. Annie Baity of Rl./l, Morksvillc aitd Mrs.. Muo Wallace of RL S, Mock'Bvilfe; thrno brothers. i MRS. ANNIE MAE DULIN WHITE . Pun^al services for Mrs. Annie Mao DuUn White of 138 Mill sireet, ModuvlUe, were bold Sunday, PebtuBiy 23, n! 2 p.m. atBhiIcmBeptbtctiurch. The Rev. Howard Parker MRS. FUCHSIA LADB Mrs. Fuchsia Ratledge Lndd, 81, of 3836 Old Lexington Rd., died Fdiruary Ifith at N.C. Baptist Hoepitaf. She was born September 7, 16K, in Dnvie County, to John and Juile Hunter RaUedgo. Meet of her lllo wob spent in Foray ihCounf. Hor huBbond, T. L. Lodd, died May 6.1M7. Mrs. Ladd was a member of ChcHtnut Orove United Methodist Church in Davie Couftfy. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. E. T. HOWARD TAFT COPEI Howard Ten C<ve, 03, of UL 2, Advance, (Marklin Rd.) died Fobrusry 16th ot 'lis homo. I The funeral was condueiod at 4 p.m. Friday al Bliiby Church of the Lfving God by tiic Rev, Joe Long, wiUi burial In the church cemetery. Mr, Cope was bom In David County to (he late Jack C and Lclia C. Myers Copo, Ho wns Q retired employee of Droxcl Iteritflge FtirnWuro Cnnlpnny and was n member of btxby Church of the Living Gnv). His wife, former Mnry Jane Spnrls, (lied (n 1073. Sutvlvlfig aro four daugiiters. rhfrs Itosic Spangh, Mrs. Knthci-ine Ourthn, OTiii Mrs, Frnnkic Myr/or nil of itt. 2, Advance, aiid'Mrs. Frnncca Spaugh of Itt./3, MocksvlHc; one son, Kenneth C<w ofSnllsbuty: 21 grandchildren; II great gr/indchildrcn; two aistors, Mfa. Ruth Bogor (d Rt. I, Ailvancc, and Mrs. Agnes Jf.rvta d* Rt. 2, Advance; two pothers. WokcrCopc of lit. 2, y^dvaneo and F.rnosf Cope 01 Itt. 1. Advance. oHiclatcd. Burial followed in the church cemel^. Survivora (nclude a son, 1 Melvin White of Wlraloa-' Salem; <tno daughter, Mrs. Ruby HoHand of Mocksville; and 7 grandchildren. Mcndowa of Barnoy Avo„ Mrs. Knlhlcen MlitsotM of Old U'xingtnn ltd.. Mrs. Barbara Mi'Neal of Kemcravlllc Rd., nnd Mrs. Carol liuji of Rt. B, iA.'xlnKlon; uric fliiii, Lusliu of Rt. e, Wlnsion-Solem: seven grandchildren. Jean. Lynn. MeUndn, Dennis, Ginger. Lisp, ond Marsha; (wo groii {-grandchildren, Scolt nnd Jodie; two sisters, Mrs. LcHu Graves of Winston" Saiom nnd Mrs. Otis Dlxon of Mocksville. The funeral was conducted ot 3 p.m. Friday at Ctest&ul Grovo United MothodlBl Church in Davic County by the Rev. Larry Staples, the Rev. Ruth Bovondcr and the Rev. Jack Strickland. Burial wns in the church comolory. MRS, A. H, COZAHT Mrs. Lucille Rcncgar cowrt, H3. of yadkinvriin H<vid died «l Auhrmn Care I Convalescent Center Sunday. I The funeral was held Tuosdoy in Boion's Funeral Chapel wiih the Rev. Charles Bullock offlcinilng. Burial was In Hobo Cemetery. Born June 1, (897. Mm. Cosari was the daughlor of the late Frank and MolJy Sicolman Rcncgar. She was a member of sandy Springs Baptist Church. Her husband, Avcry Cotarl, died January 3 nf this year. In addition to hcrson, she is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Dcco Bock ol llM YadklnviJJc Road; two alfitcrs, MIbb Damlo Ronegar of Fron lloy Rest Home ond Mrs. Atric Windsor of Ifamplonvillo; eight grand children. 17 greal- grondchtldron and throo grval-grcal-grandchlldrcn. . Miss carna lrr curk i MIsa Garnn Lec Clark, DO, jformerly of Rople 3. Advance, <died al AuUimn Care on Thursday, February IQ at 1:45 f A.m. She had been a rcBident at Autumn Care for the past 18 years, She was born in August of 1894 in Enfield, Halifax County, N.C. lo the late Jamca Hattia and Lucille Nlcholaen Clark. She was a member of the Advance United Methodist Church. Survlvliu arc one sister, Mn. Lucille C. Cornatcer of Advance, ono nephew, Jimmy Clark of Stray Point, Va.; two nieeos, Mra. Mary Plummer Dickens ot Clinton, N.C. and Mrs. Knihieen Hnyt M Nor wich Vermont. Funeral services were held Solurday, Fobruary 2t ot the Advance United Methodist Church at 2 p.m, by Rev. Alec Alvord. Burial waa In the church cemetery. Pallbearers wore Allen Bailey, George Judd, Vestal Potis, Lorry Voglor, Buck n Keller, nnd Billv Matkland. -W., ' * MRS. ANNA BELL WriJ.IAMS Mrs. Anna Bell Williams, 86, Of Rt. ], Mocksville, died Thursday at Forsyth Memorial Hospital In Win- Blon-Salcm, wnero she liad been a palJonl for one week. She was born April 7, leis, in Davic County. Mrs. Williams was a homemaker and la survived by her husband, Marvin L. WlUiame; twosoru, Tommy G. wniinms of Ht. 10, Slatesvlllo and Hicluirdw. WllliamflOfRi. z, Advance; one daughter, Miss Jo Ann Williams of the home; two brothers, W. A. Seamen of Ri. I, Mocksville and John Alvln Sesmon of Mockftvllle; (hroo siatera, Mrs. Lena Daywalt of Rl. l, Mocksvilie, Mrs. Essie Felker of . Mocksville and Mrs. Ethel PbclpaofRt. 2, Cleveland; 13 grandchildren; (wo great grandchildren. The funeral was conducted ; Saturday at 2 p.m. at Society Baptist Church, whoro she I was a member, by the Rev. .Sidney GrlmpH, Rev, Floyd a, Perry and Rev. Efmer Day. •, Pnibcnrors were Danny WilllamH, Joy S cainon, Gary t Wlllloms, David Daywalt and - rinrenti? Photp"!, 0=> cr- IX) i \/y iJ Gi <X' )- 3 o m nAVIP. COUNTY KNTHKrulSl RI((U<1). IIU'llSOAY. MARCH 5. H>fll J. LOPTIS EATON John Loflii EaUm. 60, of Route 2, died' Saturday moTBiQg at ForsyOi Memorial Hoqtital, Wlnaton'Salcm. The funeral waa held Monday at Eaton'a Fimeral Home Chapel, OffielBilng at iheritea were the Retr. tJury Staples end the Retr. J|m Bw Rewes. Burial was in the Cheatnut Grove Vnlted Methodist Church canat«y. Born In Davte County Sqdember ii, 1000, be was a son of the late Richard and Virginia Gordon Eaton. His wife, Bilrfi, Naaa Moore Eaton, died In im Survlvnra include two deughlere, Mrs. Janice Hunterof Route 2, ModuvlUe. and Mrs. Candyn Cortner of Belmottt; two Blstem, Mra. HatUe Brfnkley of Route S, and Mrs. Carrie Baton el Route 8, and a brother, Braadua Eaton of Route 8. Ml of Moclsville; one grandeldld and two great-grandcfaOdren. MRS. M. H. HOVLE Mrs. BRugaret Efird Koyle, 66, of Ruftln Stre^ Med Saturday night, Feb. 21, at Autumn Care Cenvalesecat Center. ModnvlHe. Bom In Rowan County, February 86, 1885. aha waa a daughter of the bde John F. and Martha Una l^rd. She waa the widow of MSchm Hudson Hoyie. Survivoni indude two sons, Hudson Utwle of Cooleemee and Edgar Hoyle of Emerald Ue; three ebloa, Mrs. Ivey Lenta of Virginia Beach. Va.. Mrs. Mary Bingham of Sdlebury and Mrs. Kate Goodman of Newport Newt, Va.; ala graoddillftea and three great«grandchildren. MRS. CLETUS SHOAP Mrs. Clelos SlUEir. 77. died Wednesday. Febmaiy », at Bcuna Vbta Nuraing Home. She had been In declining bcnith for five years, and Rcrloufily lU for one we^. She was born In Davte County, April 27, 1903, to the bite Galther Richard and Cynthio Gmbb Koontz. She was a bomemaker and a member of FrfendsMp United Helbodiat C^reb. Her Mistiaiid, cietus Slioal dM in 1666. Survivora Inclnde 4 aims. 'Calther Shoaf, Dallas Shoef. KennetbShoafsnd^ri^ shwf, all of Lexington^ n,C.; I daughter, Mrs. ctOienee (Loretia) SInh, alao of Lmclngloo; 8 grandehlldrmi, 6 great grandchildren; and i sister. Mrs. Pratt fZana) WhiteseU of GlbsonvlUe, N.C • Funeral services were Friday at 2pjn. at FiiendsMp Uidled Metimdist Claireh by Dr. WlUiaro A. Rock, Jr. Burial foDewed In the church cemetery. IJAMBS John flames, 66, of I69 Wmiams SL, died 8;40 p.in. Momlay in Fo^yth Memmial HoBfdtal foOowhig a s^ioia Ohm of five wedcB. Tte funmal win be 4 p.in. Friday in the Second United Presbyterian Chnreh con* ducted by the Rev. F. D. Johnson. BntialwiObeinthe chiuwh cemelmy. The body wQI rmnaln at ibe Noble and Rebey Funeral Home In Sailst^ uotlf placed in the chiveh on Thursday at 5 pun. and wiU remain mere unbl flie service onFriday. The family wBI be at the church on Tbunday idgbtfron 7 to 8 otclodc and the remainder of me time at the home of Robert Foster of 514 Pine SL. Mocksvtlle. Rmn Aug. 12.1914, In Davle County, Mr. ijamcs was a son of the late Ji^ and Josephine ijama Woodruff. He was educated In the public sciuxds of Davk* Cmnfy, wnv ein> pliqred fw the City of Greensbmo for 20 years and was a meinbv of Sectatd Presbyterian Onirch wb^ be was a mendmr of the deacon board and the boys club, SurvivcHs include his wife, Ettoulse Paster IJame; one son, John Louts IJames eS the home; one daughter. Mra. Evelyn Cuin of Ridunond HiU. NY; one brelto, Ral^ Ijames of Battimae, Md; ooeMster, Mrs. Ahna Dulin of MocksvOle; and two grand- ddldren DYSON INFANT James Earl l^rsoiv infant son of James W. and Sharron James Dyson, died at birm February 26 at Ircdell Graveside smviees were held at 4:00 pra. Friday, Pebiuaiy 27 at New Unitm United Hetbodiat Cfmrcb. Itev. Itefmit Shoaf ofndated SarvivalB in addlb'cii to the paieais are paternal grand* parents Mon^ and Mamie Parks Dyson, RL i. Moeksville; tnaternal grandmother Dorcua Brogden. Rt 4. Moehsvffle; maternal great grandfatfaa* Cart James, MocksvDIe; a half Mster, Lora MtcheDe Dyson of Winston-Salem; and a half brother. Chin St^bens of me famneL si o rO Wade Jones, 70, Rt. 6, Mocksville MOCKSVILLE ~ Wadefi Jones, 70, of Route 8, died at hiS'^ ^ home early today. tThe funeral will be 2 p.mh ! Wednesday in Bear Creek Bapy tisl Church conducted by : Rev. Jack Johnson, pastor an®' the Rev. Grady Tutterow. Burla® will be in the cluu ch cemetery Ik The family will be at Eaton'S Funeral Home on Tuesday night® : from 7 to 9 o'clock, The bod^ I wiU be placed in the church 30» I minutes before the service K Born Sept. 25, 1910. in DavieK ^County, Mr. Joijes was a son offe the. late George Kimber andli Agnes 0 Neal Jones. He was^^ self-employed in the lumber r business, was a veteran of World War H, and was a member of' Bear Creek Baptist Church, ' Survivors include his wife, i iarafa Bogcr Smith; two daugh- Mrs. Brenda Sue Kepley of , tej^ury and Mrs. Sarali Jane vi^tafcer of Route 2, Advance; bt^ sons. Billy Ray Jones of L George Wayne Jones f B^^^e^ille, Ala., and Andrew I of Route f and eight grand-.f Mocksville, N. (X DAVIE CO. PUBLIC OBFtARY MOCKSVILLE^ NC :n hAVii cniiMv i nii rpuisi" Kictmn. riMiK.sn.\^. march i;. i«im tr" m Kr> cl <L r' WAI)B JONE.S Wndo thmoH, 70. df Itoutr r>. (Rod AI his homo onrly Mondny. The funcrnl wnn lietd WcdncRday In Bcor CrccN UtipliAl Chureli eomlueteii Ity Ute Kov. Jnek •rohnson, poolnr nnd Iho Rev. tirndy Tiiliorow. Burinl WAS In (he church ccjMolery. Dom Sopi 2S. 1010 <n Dnvio Ctiuniy. Mr. Jones was a son of (holale George Klmbcr and Asnes O'Neal Jones. He was aeir-cmpioycd in Ihc lumber huslneos, was n vclcran of World Wor fl< and was a member of Bear Crock BopUst Church, Survivors include his wife. Snrnh Boger Bmllh: (wo dauglilcrs, Mrs. Brcnao Sue KopToy of Salisbury nnd Mrs. Snrnh Jnno Whilakcr ef Route 2, Advance; ihrec sons, Billy Ray Jones of Ssllabury. Goorgti Wayne Jones of Ceniervlllo. Ala, and Andrew Clay Jonos of Route 0, Moeksville; and eight 0ii>ndchitdrcn. PRANK J. SEDERS Pronk J. Seders, 67. of Baffin St., Cocleomce, died IXioBday, March 3, at Davio County Hospital in Moekavflio following n long iUncsa. Puneral services were conducted March 0, at 2 p.m. at Plrat Baptist Churcn of Coolpomoo by the Rev. Leo Wliitlock. Burial followed In Rowan Memorial Park Comoteiy In Salisbury, Mr. Seders was born in Alloghony County. Md. to (he late Reuben H. o»d Mary Agnes McCulloy Si'ders. He was A retired cmployco of Burlington industries and a member of Pirsi Boptist Church of Coolcomoo, Surviving are his wife, (he foriiirr Mnrgercl Gobbtc, one xon, Donald A. Srdcra td (irci*nsl>oroi three grand children; one Ristor, Mrs. Mnrgrrel Kldd of Dayton, Cltin; unc brother, .lohn G. SiilrcH of Roniio Springs, Pia. vrV r \X> o su DAVii" t'OUNTY i N'n'Kruisi: lu-mm). tmuksP)^'. marhi >'>. ro <3: <£i O MHS. AI.UT. WAGNER Mfh. AHccTlteodJela Pwtcr Wapitcr. 91'. Maffi' w"n tit llir Immc of 0 daushler. Mrs. Vplma CoHct of Miirksvlllc. Roiilc 4. Tlw funeral was conouctcd Thursday at 2 P-Wv^l Ttinunltnc Baptisi Gtairch by the Ilov, JtitlKO Johnson. Ihirtal was In Iho church i-pmplcry Mrs. Wagner was horn In Dnvlc County to Willinm Dcnnio and Mnrgarello Voneh Foster, site was lliB widow of Louie F. Wagner. Surviving aro three daughters, Mrs, Carter of Rt. 4. Mocksv lie, Mrs Jono Bnrnhardl of RL a. Advance, and Mrs, Eliuboth tpcic) .lames <d Winston' Salom; three sons, Pnul nnd F<»ter Wagner, both of RL 7, Mflcksville. and John Wagner of Rl. 4. Mockaville; 22 grandchildren; 45 great' grandchildren; two great* great gmndchlldren. MRS. ANNIE DERRIER Mra. Annie Cope Berrier, oa, of Route 4. died Friday in Rowan Memorial Hospital. The funerol was conducted Sunday al 2 p.m, In Concord United Mothodlal Cluirch by the Rev. Phillip Cole. Burial was in the church cemetery, Mrs. Borrler was born October 51. 1952. in OaWe County, dnughior .of the late Orcono W. ana Ellen Martin Cope. Her husband, Isaac Clinton Berrier. died in IMS. Surviving are sin daughters, Mrs. Alice Mc* CuQough of Mooksvillc, Mrs. Catherine Bernhardl id China Crove, Mrs. WllHo Mae Dowoll of Rt, 2. Salisbury; Mra. Rachel Crlssman of Mgh Point, Mrs. Naomi Ntehou of Winter Parit. Fla.. Mrs. Ruth Ferrebeeof Rt. l, Moritsville; six sons. Ilprman. Felix, .Snmiiel nnd Cecil Borrlor of Rl. 4, Mockaville; Greene Rerrlor of CIdna Grove and .Fnniea Derrior 0/ Sellahury; 2» grandchildren; 41 great* grandphltoren: seven great* grcnt'grandrhlldrvn, MISS JENNIE LEE TURNER Miss .lennlo Lee Turner, fifl. of Cleveland, RL 2, died Sunday morning at Rmvan Manor Nuraing Center In Snilshiiry. , . ^ , The funeral waa cOAducted Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Ctuipcl by the Rev. George Borford and the Rev. Shirley Jones. Burial was in Fifth Creek Presbyterian Church in Iredell County. Miss Turner was born in Rowan Counfy to the late William Franklin and Maty Bllzabelh Nichols Turner. Surviving-are three nieces and two nephews. ROSEMAN INFANT Josenh Stevea Roseman, Uirec4lay*old Infant son of TimoU^ Steven Taylor and Barbara Taylor Roseman, diod at the North Carolina Baptist Hospital in Wlnstc^ Salem after being scricxfflly lu since birth. The infant was born March 10,1081, in Davio County. Other survivors Include two broihera, Bobby Wayne Roseman, Jr. ofSallsbury and Mickey Wayne Roseman ot Cotieemec: two sisters, Miss Sorlrui Leigh Rooemen of Salisbury and Mlsa Candlce Jean Rooemon of Cotdeemee: His grandparents, Mr. aim Mm. PonaM H. Taylor of CMoemee and Mr. and Mrs. FredriA S. Talbert of Route 7, MockavlUo; and hla great* grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. llnrlcy llliwan of Salisbury, Mr. and Mrs. I.loyd Trexlor of Cnnlprmpc, and Mrs. Zennle Ilriiwn irf Houle 7, Mocksvllle. C4 cr (t\ E Fi BAFTY Bdbum Plnke Baity, 78, of Rl. s. died late Monday evening at Pavie County Hospiial tn Mocksvllle following u long ttlness. The funeral was conducted at 4 pjn. Wedoeaday at Courtney Baptist Church by the Rev. Tiro Herring and the Rev.TagueGroce. Burial was in the churrii ccmetw. Mr. Batty was born In Dsvie County to the late John Wesley and L^a Leseh Baity. He was a retired carpenter Old a member of Courtney Baptist Church. I^lvlng are his wife, toe former Blanche BazgeBSi five daugMera. Mrs. Jack (Francei) Wanter, Mra. Raymond (Lydlai Shore. Mrs. Reuben (Betty) York, and Mrs. Clay (Gay) Lawrence, all of Rt. B, MocksvIUe, and Mrs. P. H. (Paanle) Bailey of Rt. 3, Mvanoes three sons, James Wesley Baity and Bill Baity, both of Rt, 8, Bifocksvlllei and David Edbum Baity of Rt. 2. Mocksvllle; 18 grand* children; 18 great*Bandcldldren; tigee listen, rs, Pansy Kooats of Mocksvme, Mrs, W. P. West of Rt. I. Advance and Mrs. Ollffltr Foster of Rt. s, MoeksvOle. MRS. PAULINE WHITE Mrs. Pauifte Fishel White, 68, of Rt. 3, died ot her home In the Pannifigten ootnmunlty late Monday evenhis afttt a IfiM lUnesfl. The funeral was conducted at 8 p.m. Wednesday at Mt. OUve United Metho^t ^ureh by the Rev. Alvto Pope. Burial was In (he chmch cemetery. Mrs. While was tarn In Foreylh County to the late Arthur and LetUe Idyers Flihcl. She woB a^mamtar^Bf Mi. Olive United Methomst Church. ^ A Surviving arc her ht^bend. David White, Sr.? one dau^ter. Mra. Leilie W. Whll^ of RL a, MoriuviUe; two sons, David White, Jr. of RL 5, ModttvlUa and WUllemArthur Whlteofthetame;«e granddaughtt^t Mlsa ESnBy Ntcholo White, and one grandsoil. Wlllwm Jorratt White: tbw Blslwii. Mn, John (Ruth) ^dridgo, Mrs. H. R. (Esther) CsBb and Mrs. ProdetiCk (Clove) Lowry^^aU ol Wlnsien-Satero; . Rvebrothera. 9a^.^CWf^. John W. and Bfaity P. FlshM. an ol W{nBton*salem, and RttSflell B. Pishel of Albuqwrque, N.M. In lieu of nowert. memorials may bo aenl to Ao &ncer Fundt c*o Offlrofiia Hendrlcks. Pork Avenue, Mockaville. N..C,_ .T ^ . 0 Oo \ \n n iC 0 1 o cO. ?Mamie'P^ Jones, |75f of Cooleemee, ^MoLEEMEErV Mrs.; .^iliramCk. PiaaPOdC JOReS. 72. 01' 4l •iTiJl •■"■■-,' Oo oO •. Tieifuneral : wUL be 2" p.m.Friday in Eaton'sFuin^Home„ Chapel in MOcksviUecbndi^-by the Rey>J. D. Bevis; and the• 'Rev. RoscoeiF^her. Bumlvi^! 'be' in Legion Memorial Park! Gemeterjf wth grandrons ot^• 'MrsvwtJones-' serving as ■^paUbearers.',The family will be at thefimeral home in -Mncks^e on ^Thureday firo m . g o'clock. . i SBom :JuIy 27. 1908, m Davie ; qq County, Mrs. Jones was a daugln; ^to .of the. late Ellis % and' ^FannieCurleePeacoc^Shewas 3 ^a retired employee of m ^ Cotton Mais in Lexmgton. g >husband^ Roscoe * Jonra^ pre ^ ^' ceded hCT in death, QO 1 . Siurvivors include two daugh-; ^ters, Mrs. Lela Carter of Con- ^ cord and Mis». Kathenne Oily® 5of Cooleemee; one son, R<wc<w g"Buck" Jones Jr. of: Poate 6,MocksviUe;; one sisto^ Peacock of NewportiZl ^dchildren;.Md ^ ' grandchildren. ••;v^' - 4qlis'bury Evenirtg j 'Dfafy " Pa. U ei6-0|!.nnft|i|^S-3/ao/i1»'/.V. .'■"j ( ) (/ y-7 a r;,V (''.J« • !'[g<s jr88S CP ?Sg2f-VVinston-Salem Journal. WinstomSalem:, TSI c!,MarchUa fS ll-a? Aitrywjto-.<»,1•K.isbi l^/C - 21) DAVII- rOUNTV l-NTI'RPRISI-: m:rOKIl. TIIUKSDAY. MAUCII 26. I'WI MRS. QEOROIA OREGORV JONES Mrs. Oeorgia Gregory •tones. 01, of 30(9 Mtddlebrook OlemmoRi, died early Thunday morning at Forsyth Memorial Koopital in Win* stoihSalem. Too funeral wae conducted at i p.ni. Saturday at Eaton's Funeral Home Cnapcl to (be Rev. Burton Rlgbta and tbe Rev, Rinti. Burial woo In Bethlehem United Methodist Qiurch cemetery. Mrs. Jonea was born in Baylo County to the late W.H. and sain Gregory. She woB a member of (Sonmona Moravlao Church. Her husband, Arthur B. Jones, died March fi. tsea. Surviving ore a numtier of niocce and nephews. MRS. RGSCOE JONES Mrs. Mammle Peacock Jtam, 72, id 0 Joyner Street, dtod March ITlh ot Rowan Memorial Hospital In Saltabury. She waa tho widow ef (he late Reseoe Jones, sr. The (Uoeral waa Friday et a pjn, at Baton's Puaoral Rome Chapd In MoeksvlUo to tbe Rev. J.D, Revls and me Rev. Resm l^er. Burial was In L^on BienuirtB] Park Cemetery In Ctoteemee, Mn. JoocB wna bom In Dftvle O^y to the late Eilto E. and Ponnle Curlee Peaeeek. She was a reUred employee of Brlanger Cotton hula In Her husband died In io?a. Surviving are two dautflten, Mre. Leia Carter of OoneoFd and Ura. Ratherlne Oliver of Cboleemeo; one son, Roseoe : (Buck) Jones, Jr. of Rt, 8, I Mocteville; 21 grand-I children; is great grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Dollle Alexander ^ Alexandria, Va • one hrotbo', John (Bud) Peacock of : Newport Ncub, Va. WII.EY A. SMITH Wiley Aluxmidcr Smith, Sr.. ffl, ef Rl. II Wittsion'Satem, died Saturday night el Por- i^lh Memorial Hospital The funeral woo conducted al it a.m. Tuesday at Faith Missionary Allfance by tbe Rev. Ferrcll Towns and tl» Rev, C.U (Homer) Ftye. Mr. Smith was bo-n August 23, 1887, In DAvfe County to James and Sarah Riddle Smith. He had been living in Forsyth Coun^ since 193S and was the oldest and a charter member of Faith Mlssionmy ADIanco. He was a member of the Men's Blhlo Class and woe a veteran of World Wart tovbtg served with the Barm^ 0S&8NC, who served in Europe. His wife LitricSofley Smith died December 14, lOn. Surviving are alx daughters, Mrs. Sarah Mei^nhafl of Rl 8, M(& Thclma TUttle of Skyview Drive, Mrs. L(da Rlrby af Rnyne Avenue, Mrs. Joan Fine of Walaer Road. Uxingtoa, Mrs. Nancy KIser cf Rl It, and Miss Sylvia Snyd^ 8f Rl 10 Smith Road; three sons, W.A. SmiUi, Jr. <d RL 9, Rton^ L Smith of Eoa t BCffii anl Totruoy StRhb of Rl. s; 20 grsndeldldrra, 18 great'granachndren, four st^graiutohlldreD, sue bu» great-grandchildren; one brother, Waller Smith of Mcrebead Cite; and a number of nieces and nephews. C>= <r d> i-n MRS. DOROTHYS. DUUN Mrs. Dorothy S. Dalin (d Route 4, Advance, died at the llowan Memorial Hospital In Salisbury, Saturday af ternoon, March 2t. following a fibart illness. She was born In frcdell County, and nllonded the flcdlaitd Church of Christ Slw is survived by her tnnband, Henry L. Duiln, Sr. ot the h(xne: a smt, Henry t. Dulin,^Jr. and a daughtcr-ln- law, Driibie Stringer Dulin both el Advance; olw foster daughter. Ovinclne (Mary) Gorier of PMladelphio, Pa.; a nephew and foster son. Dc^laaa Quarles of OarfoUe, N.C. Two grand- chOdreo. Senda and Justin DuUo; five broRtos. Leoder. taifton, Thomas ami Oorttee Stmmoas. all of Cleveland. N.C. Frank Slmlmons of Waafilngton, D.C. ; three slatero, ovetla MeLau^n of Sallsbuiy, Elixabeih Bacon of Washh^tott, D.C.' Josephine Pattersanof Greemboo, N.C. and a foster sister. Memtone Jmdoa of SoBrixjiy, NiC. Funeral services was conducted on Wedmsntoy at 8 mm. al U» Redtond Church of ^rial la Advance. N.C. Rttoert Ufoxm and Magellan Stevenson officiated, and turfal foQowed la the eluireh eemetery- MRS. RUTH FULCHER 'TOTIBROW Mis. Ruth Folclwr IXit- terow, 81, widow of the late Hoostwi PhRmore TUttavw. died Thursday, Marrii 19, at Martlnaville Convalescent Home in Mnrtlnsville. Vlcgtnla, Funeral services were conducted at Vega's Main Street Chapel Saturday, March 21. In Wleston^em. tiy (he Rev. James S. lieOamy. intrimnem fcOowed in Mt. Tnbor United Metlmdiat C3wfd) cem<4»y. Mrs. Itelteraw was born in Forayth mooty. a self- rmid^cd Bcamstross, and o nunnber of Trinity United Methodist Cfaurdi. surviving are a deughter, M». Jimmy F. (Connie Lee) Redman, a-., aiarllittvQJe, Vs.; one granddatubler, Teresa Redmoa, Washt^on, D.C.; two gratBbflnt, Jimito F. Redmnn, Jr., Niger, w. Africa, and Jam Hllcbell Redmon, Marlinsvilto, Va.; one great-grandson, Bryan Oakes. and a mmber of nieccs and UH^hews of Davte Coun^. ROY E. LANKFORi) Roy Etigeiffi Laidcford, 49, of Route 7. was pronounced dead at Davie County v^^h^d IWMday St friRily Battst CiMfcb to ^ Rav. Geoe BtoddRmts^ iHn FVeeiian, Re was Ixxn In Oavto County to the tate Albert aiM Esther Sjbv L^erd. He was a dlesei mechai^ He to mtfviwd to dau^d^. Mm. &n&a toma cfsaltobssy; ttoee^ii^ tAidcford of ftelelgfa and Terry way^ Laskfod aiul TriVy Lane Lankford, both cd Route 4; one atotO', Mrs. Bartore Cook of Saltobiiry: three ItrotlKm, MX. taddOT of Route 1, Clevelandt Wallace Lankfnd d Eidsa, and Bolto la(drfmd of Route t, Woodlm: oiuf one pand- daughter. MRS. ^te T. wnXlABiS Funeral smtcos for Mrs. Blaie Mae Tabmt Wltllama were held lueadtot March 17. at 3 p.m. ot C^r CttA RapttotClntreh, with the Rev. W.C. Hay offlciaUng. In- (eitunont was in (he cmirch cenwtery. Mis. wUllains died Friday, March 13. at Forsytn Bfemsrial Heopila! In Wln- sttthSaton, N.C She was horo Jarumry 4, 1982, In Fanninglcsi, N.C. to tte late Dmdd We^ and Viola HoweQ. Site WBS marled Match 4, 1929. to Urn tate JNm & Wmianis, and thto bad one daughter. Mary Blitabeth Wesl who ptcoedcd twr m ^tb. 9ie «88 a nteamer ef btow Bwtlst Church in Wiitotmi^lem. Sttrvlvora include one daughter, Uiss Sylvia L. WIRotm ef Baltimote, hUL; oae graaddeihihier, Bdrs. Mary W. ReynoUi of the hrine; fwostotcn. Bits. Bade fOmbrongh and His. Iiefia OoUher, both of BolUmore. Hd.{ one brother, DaMel Ihtum fd Bottlmore: flve raeal grstutoMMreo ef ^ tome; ami 17 (deees and y <3 o 21) DAVII- mUNTY l-NTI-RPRISl- RirORD. THURSDAY. Al'RIl. 2. HHl iJC C Ci- w> cL MRS. BUKbIG SHORE The funeral for Mrs. BurUo Crcnson Shoro. 44. . of Cemelciy Street. Cooleemee was held Sunday afterooon at the Coslccmee Presbyterian Ctwrch. The Rev. J.D. Revls at fida ted. Mrs. Shore died last Thunday of carhon tnonoxidfi poisoning. Her death was ruled a suicide. . Mrs. Shore was bom May 2, 1930. in Davie County, a daughter of the late Clarence and Kalie benicr Creoson. She was a member of Cooleemee Presbyterian Citurch. Surviving are her husband, Thomas Ray; a dau^ter, Janet Susan of the home; three sons. Xennelh Scott of Route?, MockaviUe. and Joey Ray and Chart© Thomas, both of the home; a brother. Robert Creason of Cooteemee; and one grand, daughter. MRS. BERNtCE RAKER Mrs. Bernlce Ward Raker, age 75 of 7 Vance Street, Lexingtm N.C. died Sunday, March 22 at 8:28 pjn. In the Randolph Hoqdtab Asbdxne, Morlb Cardina from iidurtes received In an automobile, accident Mrs. Raket waa born in Oavle County October} J, 1906 to the late Charles Deems and Dora Ihirria Ward. She and her husband John Franklin Raker, Sr. owned and operated the Royal Purple Cleaners for S4H years. She was a member of the Piist Refoimed United Church of Offtat Mra. Raker waa a mmnber of the EastemStar, Lexmgton Chapter Sd, O.E.S. where she helped with the Ralnhnw girls. She was a Civinelte and President of the Club of the Gotden Yeats. She is survived by: ber husband John Franklin Raker, Sr. of the home; one son. John Franklin Raker, Jr. of 3128 Eastwood Drive, Charlotte; one daughter, Mrs. Mary Bcrnlce Little of Michael Road. Lexington: seven grandchildren; five great graRdcbUdren; three sisters, Miss Inez Ward of Charlotte, N.C.: Mlsa Lucy Ward of Washington, D.G., and Mrs. Carrie Hayes of Nwfolk, Va. The funeral waa cmiducted at 4 p.m. on March Slh at the Piewont Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Lee Jessup and Rev. Paul V. Hohns. Interment was In the Forest Hill Memorial Park. 0^ <2 O inn. luvif riinNTY iwrnnnisF Rpronn.nn'RsnAY. april'?. m\ c Kr> rs f 5 o MRS. KMMASIiUKt''Ni!:K Mrs. Binma Novella Shorfncr, ftfi. of R(. 6, MucksvlKc, (lied al I2;(t$ p.m. Sunday nl Davlv HoapftaK The funeral was conducted nt II a.m. Tuesday alMackle- Gentry Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Albert Drackcn and the Rev. Tom Redding. Burial WQg In Island FonI Baptist Church Cemetery, Mrs. Shoffner was bom in •Stin-y Cuuniy the daughter of Mr. ond Mrs, Wilson SouUiard. She was a member ef North Oak Ridge Baptist Church and was married lo Martin C. Shoffner who died in IMS. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Paul Cheek of JoneavlUe RL 7, Mrs. Samonlha Gray of Itamp- tonvllie, and Mrs. Baiters Powell of MocksvfUe; six Bons. Richard, Hubert, James, Jerry, BUI, and Ronnie Shoffner, all of Moeksvllle; three siatera, Mrs. Viola Brawn of Dobson, Mrs. Pearl Hazclwood of Mt. Ally, and-Mrs. Llla Klmmer of MockitvUle: one balf'Sbler, Mrs. Dlele Bowman of Hickory; 29 grandchildren and 32 great>grandchlldren. J MRS. TKELMASBAPORD Mrs. Thelma Massey Seaford, ago 66, of Route i, Lakeview Commanlty. LInwood, North Carolina, passed away Sunday, March 29, 1961 at 7:09 p.m. in the North Carolina Baptist Hospital after an Illness of six date. Mrs. Seaford was the widow of P. C. Seaford. She was bom in Davidson County Feb. 1, lois to the late Thomas Henry and Sodlo Cope Massey. She was a home maker and of the Baptist Faith. Site Is survived by: one son, Mr. Douglas Sebford, 1 Cross 8 tree I. Cooleemeo, N.t\: two daughters, Mrs. Lcater (BettyI Hotloman, Route I, Unwood, N.C.. Mn. Marshall Waber, East 6 th St,. Lexington, N.C.; three brothers, Boyd Massey, Rl. 4. Lexington, Thomas Mass^, Rt. 2, Advonco, N.C., Har^ Massey, RL 1, ModtsviUe. N.C.; one sister, Mrs. Griseom (Rachel) Giles, Rt; 14, Lexington, N.C. . | The funeral was ccmducted i at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday at the Piedmont Funeral Home Ctupet. Rev. Garland Mc* Cdlloch cdflclated. Interment was In the Forest Hilt Memorial Park. MRS. GENEVA CARTER Mrs. Geneva Josey Carter, 69, of 23 Watt St, ded April lat at Rowan Memorial HospibL Toe funeral was held Friday In the Ccoleeniee Presl»terlan Church con* dueled te theRev.J.D. Revb,Ststor. Burial was In Legion emorial Park Cemeteiy. Memorial contribuilona may bo modo to Cooleemee Presbyterian Church. Born June II, 191), In Rowan Counte, Mrs. Carter was a daughter of the late CP. and Mary Leo Steolo Josoy. Survivors inctudo her husband, Sid Carter; one son, Sidney Carter Jr. of Raleigh; one sbter, Mrs. Loube J. Stout of GreeoBboroj and one brother, Bruce Josoy of Greensboro. C. P. WOOTEN Cbrottce Preston Wooten, SB, of RL 7, Moeksvllle, dM March Blot al Baptbt Hosidlal following a short illness. The funeral wtm conducted at 10:30 a.m, Friday at Baton's Ftmmal Chapa by the Rev. Tommy Tuggle and the Rev. Gary Morrison. Burial was In Dutchman Creek Baptist Church remelcry. Mr, Wuoton was iiorn In Vadkin County to the late Somtirl Woolen and Vadle Denny Woolen. Surviving arc his mother, of Rt, 7, Mockavillo; one sbter, Mrs. Martha Ward of R(. i, Wnndleaf: four brothers, Lewis J. and Dwight Wooten, both of Rt 4, Moclmville, John Wesley Wooten of Rt. 7, Mocksvilte end William Alex Wooten of Ashehora. 0= cr MRS. QUEEN PEEBLES Mnr. Queen K. Peebles, 69, of 6 Hickory St died at 9:40&m. In Rowan Memorial ooplbt. She had been In declining hcnith for several months. Born March 2, 1699, In frcdcil County, Mrs. Ff^les was a daughter of (1» late Abraham and Martha Knox. She was a member of Mt Vcmon United Presbyterbn Ctmrcb, where she was a member of the Mbsionary Sunday Sritool and older board. She was a member of (he Golden Age (Tlub of Cooleemee and (he Homemakera Club. KIro. Peebles was educated In the Rm on Counfy Schoob. Survivors Include one brother. Garland Knox of Winstoo-Salem; and (wo sbters. Nannie Brown of the home and Mattio K. Perdue of BatUmore. Md MRS. NELLUPHAM Mrs. Nell Mao LIpham, 67, of S04 Sanford Ave., died Saturday night at Davie County Hospital. The funeral was held Monday at Eaton'a FUnmvl Home Chapel, conducted by (he Rov. George Auman. Burial wea held In Rose Cemetery. Survivors include her husband, Lewis Frank Lipham; a daughter, Mrs. Ann Littem Jones tf South- wood Acres. Moeksvllle: a son, Steve Lipham of Raleigh: and one granddaughter. DAVii- ftniNiv immntisi- uicokd. TnuKsnAV. ai'uii. k.. iQse Walter f, Anderson Walter Anderson WntterF. Anderson, former Director of tho Slate Bureau qf Inveatljiotlon, died Monday In HftlciBh nflcr n lenglhy (llncsj, Tlie fu'^rol was whedulcd to be held Wtrf- ncsday at the St Marks United Methodist Church In Raleigh, interment was scheduled far Wednesday ofumoon ni 1 ;30 lr> the Center McthodlSl Church cemetery. Walter Poster Anderson WAS born In Davle County on Octobers. 19M. sen of Jamw Gorfleld and Tobliha Tut- tcrow Anderson. He attended Mocksville High School. Rutherford ColleRe, Iratltulc of Govern ment of ttw University erf North Carolina otid the Notional AcAdemy for education ond professional training. on Octobers. ifl».«the age <rf M. IXl*rtment on &ved In this poat until IWi when he w«« made director of the SUte Prtion «7. M W of theSBI. retiring from tWi poeWon and rnmberof the Initructlonal itiff of tho PBl National Academy for Iftyean. Evangellfm, and wae a delegate to theKKdelegalelotheGenerarOoafertneaol^UntodMoA^^^^ ^ April 3. iMe. be married Mary EUtabeth Po^ol DsvioC^)^ Thwhad(Se daughters! MlaiMary Louiae AnJwMti of ^rajM, Nw Y«k.iSSwylanet %ideraoo HoUowell M Vienna. Wmt Vlrrfnla. and Dorla Si.'iSSfir. jL.. MUtai And^n ^ three alittfs, Mri. Anna MaeCTwlM of Myrtle Maneraof High Point, and Mn. Earle Jonea of Wtoaton-Salem. OAVII' fOllNrV INTI:»I'KI.S1' lUCnKU. IIUmsiWY. Al'RIl, U,, lORI Oeorge R, Hendrtcks George Rol>ert Kendrlckji, ?&, WiUceeboro Slrfct. Mocksville, N.C. died early Ti'csday morning At DAVie Ciniiily Hospital, allcr a lengthy illnosi. Mr. licndrlchs wos a member oF the First United Methodist Church ol MoekBvllle, a charter member of Modtsville Lions Chill and a former director of Central Carolina Bank. He was a retired merchant after 33 ycat« with MocknvUIo Cosh Store. Ho was born in Yadkln County August 24, 1905, to the tatcD. H. Ketidrlcks and Cora Pulk Hendrlcks. Survivors are hli wife Addle Walker Hendrlcks of the hrmie; one daughter, Mrs. Charles Woodruff of Kortb Wilkeaboro, N.C,; 2 grand* children, Mrs. Raymond Boutwell of Gary, N.C., and Charles Woodruff, Jr. of North Wllkesboro, N.C. GEORGE R.HENDRICKS Funeral aanlecs will be htid at it aJii. Thursday, ts, at MocksvflleFinrtUnUedMalhodJstawrch.BuriilwUlfoacwteRoiecemMery. Ihe famUy will receive frhsnda and reUtlvei at Bat<ms Funeral Hoim w^eeday eveai^ from 7 intil 6. They NKfaait that memorUls be roa£to First United Mfethodlat Churdi. ^ « i. .u George R. Heatfrieks wti a famillir Bfta^ it he opwated the Mw^Ue Caab Sicn on Uie square (or sa yarn. In this operstipn he was the ftmidly merebaiA a» be greeted the many who in for a chat diacanlns ''^em and with Ms nai-in4awfaywd many Charolits beef Qiltie. Qeene attended Advance High Selmol and U.F.C.I. Collegiate Intitule. He worked for a abort time in Ih^wnber builnea widi bit father before otterfi^ * HeT^Sl^lSgfif^^ alngane and AW eerr^ Air PaliS ai a iS LlettteBanrHe was a charter monber of the MockavlUe Uoas Club and a former director of the Cestrti Garo^a tonk. Ho was on activemember of the Flrat United MethodialChvirehfilMe^iv^e. 1,%.^ He was an active and CBthualutlc Democrat and ai leng aa hia health po- rnitted, enjoyed attandlng and partlelpalliig in poUilcal funcUons, As Joan Jaeauee Rouaseau oMe olaerved;"TO Uv«ie^3merely to breathe, it to to act; it l» ^ m^e soiiB. facoltlea, of all Ihoee parU of ourselvea which gi^ us the f^iog of odstence. TTte man who hat Uved longeal to not the roan who has counted moti years, bid he who has enjoyed Ufa meal-'' _ . lUd that waa the phUoo^ o< George BenAicka, 2D - DAVII-; ("OlINTY liNTriRI'RISK RRCORD. TIRJRSDAY. APWI. If>, I9RI MRa» BUNCHS MARSHBANKS Mn. IMch Mtr* >Utuu^, 77, ef Route & Rowardtoum Road, died Wodiieidey at Rowan Mamoritl Hoapltal. Itie ftinoral wao held FYlday at i pjn» Is the voilen aemmoni Ctapd. Burial vaa In Maccdanta Iforavlaa Otorch ^veyard. Bom March 4, 1901, In Peii^ Onaty, nrt. Mar* tidMBkawaaa diuidtter of (fw late Jack and Maty Banner Bddi. aa waa a rettred eJt4^ aad 0.041. (achnlcUn atFeia^ Memorial l&p(tal In WisiWsalem and «at a mOtsheF of Maeodonla MoMVttn Church. Survlvon Ineludo her tuHhttd. P. D. Manhbanka; tan datiHtieif, Blra. H. H. IPWeda) Ledfttd aad Mm. itSa (Kaibertne) Spargo, both of Oboleemooi one fen, Ask Hinhbaaloi of Routo 8, MocfcivQlei Taro Btaterf, BUaa Pearl fictcfa and Mra. Delta Hat- theva, both of Winaton* SaletH! tbreo brotherii tteboit and Banner Raid), both of WttOotatim taa Jbo Releb of danmoni; lix gnadebUdrmit and five 8Pcat«5ttdchlldreo. ARTHUR P. 8TR0UD Friday, April toi at Davie Coun^ HMpltai, after anertflui in^ of 7 inoBtli^.. Ho was bora In Howl couiiiy sapiambw 83, 1898, to the tale Gtba Fiaflk Strottd otHTenmloMaam Stroud. Re woa a retired farmer. Mr. Strottd waa twice married, firat to Little Mas^ December 5,1880.8be died June 28. lOtl. To (hU union, 8 children were bom. Jameo P. SIroud of Statesvitle. N.C.. and Mra. Virgil (Olivia) Potter or Mocksvilio. Deeembor 89. test, he married Qlidy Drumm, who eurvlvea Mm. Oiher eurvivon litelude 0 brotbm, Nmia fltroud; and 0 alater, Mra. Banka Shoemaker. beth ef StateavDM: 8 groBdcMldren and 8 grandchOdrmi. Funeral eervlceo were ccmucled Sunday at a:S8 p.m. at Bancb-Johnaoa FUBoroi Home ehapol in Stoteaville. by the Rev. Oraham Wootea, Johnny Melton and the Rev. BlU (HtMOfL Pallbeuen woe hfa grsndaona, J. D., Mike and Roiidy Strottd. Oennia Poeter, Johnny Beam aad Steve Venial. Burial friiawed in Society Baptlat Church oemeim. J. B. BEAUCHAMP Jod iSdward Boaucbimp. 78, of Rmtto 1 died at Darie County Hoapltal Friday morning. Serdcei wore conducted at 8 pjh. Sunday at Bethldim Udtod Metbotift Church by the Rev. Donald FtBdcrbun and Rev. AlonAlverd. Burial waa la the church cemetery. Bom b Davm Ooosb, J«uy8,19^, be wai eon of m lab Jimmy end Luia Orrell Beaacbamp. Mr. Boiuchimp wea 0 caipeoter and member of BeiUobom United Mdhodlit Chtt^. He wu pieeeded b death Ity Ma vm. Ndb Smith Beiuicliamp,who(Badb 1M9. Survtvon Inctude^.two dausbtera. Mn. Odbort Sofi» of Re^ 1, AdoaoM end Hie. 0.vrpett8cl Ad vance: two elatere, Mrs. JcmIo UM of Route ). Ad vance, and Mm. H. G. BUUup of Winitea-Salem: and mie brodttr, OtfUa fieaucbamp of Route 1. Advance. Memorlila mny bemado to churcMa ceme^ bmd to careof PTamb mfla of Route 8.Moclu^. Co j cri -J R.W.GOUOH onipm^ April 7th at Pb^ Uraorial Hospital b WnrioQ-Silem. Ibe funeral was coodueted ^ t p.m. Ftidiy at Eatm'a SbtenJ Rome^pol by the Rev. tad the Rev. KvminByeriy. Bttriil waa b be Macewab Moravbn ClHTCb graveyard. ..Bfr, Oesgh wta bom b YiOb Cva/Cji b be lale Aumm A, ifid nrinria Oaric Oough. He waa a fitffler. . Smrvlt^ am bb wUa. the fpsma* France! Sparka; two dai^tera. Mre. Eunice S!ilII.."iSi,PS Tf. hbckevDle; tbne grand- diBdrni: two tirinn. Mm. Qm Mm Bdet of Rl il Mockivthb aid Mm. Shel JOmMttlsita-Stleini two Tea W. Gtttgh andJamea 0^^. both of Rt. 8, Mpckfvllte. ELMER (PAT) CASHION 88, bmthol^ •A^SSISI atra-Sabnirirc. He Wit I Koilw f^^Mjeim; waa a meinlier of NormweM BapUM Oiudi, WON be aerrad aa a deacon and Royal Am- baiMOor coanaelar for a number of years. SUfvivom Include hla wife, Blajorte Cashlon of the home; two aom. David caahien of Komeraville and James Caahlon ef Blrmlngbam. Abbanu: one doi^er, Mlsa Pnttt Camion of^tontaghm, N. C.; one lirother. Joe Oubtonef PRbburg.Pajj two step daughttm, Mm. Diana Etefalion and Mra. Pamria Sunday at HayweitbMUlar SUaa Creek Chapd at 8 p^n. Burial followed b New Philadelphia Moravian dntreh (Savoyard. ga- \r» u> d <s: :5 O o WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 4/20/1981 §: fi '•.I »? ,1 .o :!z -i i e o w C ii. .a o ie ••••§ 'g JJ^CKSVfLLE Mr SO TLlierow* aS'SS': ruesday a i 11,- , tl firii,: • tin:ljffty WallersJujf'w B«riaf will follow n ISr .»"i •fnlniiii t <^?*"rcli 30 Oavie iS • {J4S--employed* by Uie NC f. -liKtt^ 3 member of the fihurrh^ Methodist ' 'wife hfeHreto^'JfJwSadfeMae lerow of Ht 4 MocIcsvIIU. hrotter »»« 00 O- o Cli <r> ea <c a <5 O Davie County Public Libfarv Mocksville, NC o CO hAVn COIINI V I NHM<rillSi: Rl tOKIK TmiRSDAY. AI'RIL 23, 1081 Hubert R. Eaton Hubert HodieveH EbtM, 7B. o< ess Witkeeboro StM^ Modtsvilk, died et 2: IS p.n). Saturday at tbe Davie County Hospital after a teigthy IOdcm. He waa bom Ju^ lO. IKM. In the atrhavUleCcmmurn^ of pavle County. HewBsthesonof Oteiatalihomai L.and Louise Jane Stmcstreet Eatui Ke waa e^eated In the Davie County aehoola and Man Hill College. Pw mwe than » yeara be wae' asioolat^ with Erwin BfUta in Cooteemee. He opwaled tbe Codeemee Ttaatar for IS yean. Me waa a eemor mrtner iu (be Eaton Fuoeml Hcnoe of Moduville frttn iMt to 1979. During all this time be relalned his Intereat In farming and operated a dairy farm rffthe sanrofd Road. He alw owned a farrn off pinu Ri^e Road where he raised registered Black A^a cattie. He wae a cbarto* member cf the Moduville Lio« Chdr and a member of thePOS«A. w. Survivors Include hie wife, Hra. Lucille OobUe Eaton, ad»m he married' Septembs M, iSM; two daughtera, Mrs. Betty &» Dwiubm of KodraviDe s^ Janet Uaoney of Edao; a brother. CaH Eaton « Horhsvtlle: and six grtndeUlAwt The funeral waa baid Monday aHaraoon at the n«t BapW wbveMr. latooMdhismembenhip. Tbe Rev. LeeJVMtloeft.Aeeh palter, effldatsd. Burialwas Ui Ibe Seia Cemetery of Mbckavme. m !>AVII-: COUKiV I Nn'KIMUSI-: URORO. TIIURSDW. Al'Rtt 23. I<)8|_ oo <r po ci :j~ I \r> u/ e ::5 O > o CO MRS.KAT7a£RN RUT1EXIG& Mrs. SetUeen Uoiler BaUedge. 48. of Bt $. ModuvlUe. died Ssaday mornfng at ocr home. 1^ «fS be eca- dBCtedllwvdtvatStun. at OoartBt^ Bep^t Cteirdi by the Tim R«^ BBd the BIQy WddAom. Bortal wtP fcilew m Ifae elureh eatetmy. Mfd. RuHedge vrae bom in Yadldn Ceutty to and Eslter Maybeny Bdlar. She WB9 a i*t*«>tiwg of Coortixy Baptist CSttmJi. Surviving are her husbond, Billy R. Batledge; one danghtcr, Mrs. Curtis tSbaroo) wdl of BL i, Bast Bend; one son, Denny Batledge tf Eog^ltard: b9 motber. of Bt. i. ynieo Grove: an aanL Bfia. Hattte Rddlenian of Rt. 3. Ydifldn* vllle; four aisters, Mrs. Normn Jean Webster of SlBteavlIle. Mrs. Florence McDanlda id Wiitston&leffl, Mrs. Judy CuQer and Miss Gertie Kollar, both of Clemmcns; Oirw bnthers. Tnlmadge. Alto aid Roger Hollar, all of StateBvulo; three grainlclilldren. The Indy is at Maclcld* Gentry Funeral Rome In Yadkinvilte, the famfly I vill greet friei^ from f to 0 (Km. Wedaesdsy. THOBSAS G. JOYNER Ttumias Graham Jt^aer. 60, tf Reote 1, FalliBfl Walera. Virginia, dl«i Satoruy, Apell IB at Wcatcm University Hoq^ital In London, Qntano Canada. He had been seriously ID for enty one we^ HewasboraAagastSf, IMO in South Cardloa to the late Oewoy ond Matt^ ^^er Jofito. He waa a drirar for Ryder Tiucldng Company: and a veteruu cr World War n. Re waa of dm Bapttsl fdtb. Survivors are Ua wife, hbdrld Hariey Jfismer die home; two see. Waime ABsa Joye^ef Route 1. MoefcsviBe: and Warren Boiqito Joyner of Clover, 8.C.; i gn«d- chSdreo, dirbty and Hffioles Jt^ner of Bt. 1, BIteelsyfllei 8 aistoB, mib, Hdeo Snim <d Route 6,'»oekm^ Ratal Reavla Route a, Yadklnville, H.C.: and i br^to, Norman Joynor of Bethel, N.C. Funeral arrangements are iscooiplete;. The t»dy wiQ be at Batoota Funeral Rome Chspel. hLH.TtnTEROW Uelviit Houston thttermv. SO. of Bl. 4. dM at Rowan Mmorfsl Ho^tal In Saliabury eaHy Sunday nuntng. The ftntoBl waa conducted at i (Km. Tbnsday at tte Liberty United Heiho^t cmtitb wfih the Indite C(de and Rev. Linisey Walters tftleleting. Buriai was In the ebsrcfa eean^bas. Re was bten In Davte County to GtQi»t M. and •Otgle Klmmcr Tnttenw. Re was o^jdoyed by the N.C, Department of Tran- nmrtatlflD and a msttie cd the LUm^ United Sfedsfist qiqfirt), Survtviog aro his wife, tite formerssfieBiseBiiwa; cm dai^ter. BOSS We^ Resee Tttitcrmr of dm hosm; two ifl». Stsvsa ibttdl itahsfow of dm and Belifa ASra Ihttorov Of RL 4 MOdSVlBe; oae^nndridld: fdsnoxcnb of Rt 4 atodkiviBe; eae tafmhte', BdbbytlayTUttermr of Ei 4 tfOdOBVUbK BLQ. BIAUUllN Uonls Glem HauUln, n, of Route 4, Oed Saturaty aflenteon at Rowan Wemorid Bo^dlal after three wedm cf eoioos Qbeta. Tbs fuimral was bdd Monday at No Cr^ Frimiuve Baptlat Cbu^ where Mr. Msuldia held hE mendwnhtp. GWb-iflfra at the service were Bider Euseae Beunette, SSder BIO Sandteidt and Btdm* Kosp Walker. Burial was la die dmtch cKiteti^. Bora Mfflneh p. mo |o Rowan Connty. tie was a son of the late John Wesley and Ida Jane Beiver Mauldui. He waa emplflyed («■ 33 yearswith Banto^tan Inhisirfea of CiooTeemee, ond wan a retired faring. Survivors inchidc his wife,Mrs. Thelma HoUey Mauldin: four daughters, AnnBriggs of Route & Solbdmiy, Hiss Janet Hauldin and Mrs.Jackie Ph^ of Wlnafrai' Snlmn, and Linda iOnney ofWaodtof; a asn, Manreee Mauldin ol Route 4, Hoduville: three alatera,Hra. Lottie Carlner of&artanbttrg. S.C., Mrs. Wr^nia Green of Alberla, Canada, and Mm. BBI Gotmoyof Route 1. MacksviOe: three Inrotfaen, Lowrteiee wauMlnMa^ldlw nf Boute4, HodtSvQIe, aiM FtedMirttMiw of Winst(m<8olem: and 11 grandchildren end oaegreat<grandehQd. B-OAY ALLENRafUsOay Alto sfftf M7, Comdiy Laae^ dkdFridaymoniog at Ftctyfb HtoflrialH^faa In WntomBaleni. The fimeial w» bdd BfOadqr at Eaton's FtoerdBone Qopd by te Bev.Lany Stswa< Boiil vm in Bovso Memnfal ParkCynettey in Stidairy, Sir. Alto was boD in IMvteCQantytod»late0wde ndDovteKfirCeos Alto Baens a rettred brmer. a OtodKr ofUnion Chapei UnltodMethodist Ctoith, tad a veteran of WoHd War ILSurvhriag are bis ^e. the fonntf Lois OTfell: ooe swi. Jama Bav Alto of Tyto>town, Mias.; one gfradcmhl; one idMm', Mrs. ItoiSe A. Yates of Rt S. ModevlBe. GBAOY VESTAL BIDDLS ^Grsdy Vestal Biddte^ 77, ol ,Route 1, Advance N.C. died ! early Itosdoy morning at his home.Fbn^l ssrviora will bo'held "Riur^y ^ 8 p.m. otBethlehem United MedmdiitChurch wttfa the Rov. DonaldFtmdorhurke officiating. Thebody whl Be hi ctHo at the chiBch Prior to theocrvlee. Burial fdlow (ndm diiiich cemeteiy.Ina lomUy reqoBsti thatmemorials be imit toBettlteliem United tleSmdiBt Je bmn September I9,1907. Is l^e Comdy to theWe AfWiy and JesaleItosril RmSe, Re wso aWired fanner and n meffibcrof ^ Bethlehem UnitedHethodlft Church., Wrvlvtog are Us wife, Vads Afvwta Smith RidBe ofthe htffie; fbm dngMen.Mrs. tteda R. aed 8toPeatiyR.finw{a, bethel^ 1, Advaace^ n.g, his.Betty Jo Rtrtmia ol Bt. 8,ModsvlBe^ and fiCra. Btda! Holder of Gtenimeiui; a sons,. Veitai Btddle of MOektvUto< eedLifnRIA&uf Bouta 8,Bbokovdlet . 16 grand*eBildren] s ststeii, Mrs,ChiTlo Lato 'tfiia AlphaBWffle I^Mlit EStK?BM^jall.of Rt 1» Advance;5^ bicto, Rdbert BhMle Rt I. Adwmce,.. The fSmity wffl receivefriends at BMoo's FWmralj Rome Cbapel Wedtaeaday! eveabf IhmltBtfl8, JAMS H. ATHEV JamoB Ihdiert Mhey, 54, cfRoute 4, Lexb^ton, a nativefd Cootoinee^ iS«d Saturday at FmsyihHmiuria] Hospttei in Wtoton^atoi. The funeral waa heldHimday at Eatcn'e FteimalHome ftopd hi MoolmviBe.Gffldatirg at Uw service were the Rev. John Pace and theRev. J.D. Revte. Buxhd wua In Rowan Memortal P^, Saitouiy.Born in Davie County.March 4J927. he vms a ira of Mra. M<^ Greasoo Adior OfCodeemee and dm late RoyAtb^.Ho waa enes^flyoe of BurBmttoi Borae Fnnumre,Larlngton. tn addlthm to Ida mmlto, suivfvois htowe Ids wRe,Mre. Pmdhm Gato Afh^ adsuS^. Hire. Barry of SoUabuiy: a sot, Janms R.Ath^ Jr. of LetO^ten: Bveeslsten. Mm. Etrito Page and Mm. Baari SSlto ef upd Mm. JeanPb^ of SftBsbmy; fourtomms. Tort Bob m JadeAfh^ of Codemime and BiQAtfaey of Route t. Advance;and four grenSddldieB. Davie CountyMocksville, NC LiLii lui y mn i»Avn ctniNTV i-ntfuimusj- rh('(1ui>. tiuirsdav. afuii. ui. ZI~ OJ a. 3 r O W.F. OARWOOD WdKam Floyd Garwood. 71, of Rotilo 7. itiul faritterly of (■oolcemco, died unexpectedly Monday evening. TIid funeral will be 4 p.m.Wednesday in Liberty United Methodist Church conductedby the Rev. Pfdllip Cole and the Rev. J.D. Revls. Burial will l*e tn the church rcmclery. Memorial contributlona may be made to the cemetery fund of Liberty United Methodist Church.Bom July I, 1909, in DaviC County. Mr. Garweod was a son of Iho late William T. and Josephine Slroud Garwood.He was a retired employee of Fiber IndustJies. and was a member of Liberty United Methodist Church. His wife, Viola Josoy Garwood, died March 12, 1980. Survivors include onedaughter, Mrs. Ooris G. Sptv of Route 7, Moduville, with whom he made his home; one sister, Mrs. Mary Belle Everhardl of Route 4,MotduvlUe; one brother, Rqy Garwood of Route 7, Mockaville; seven grand children: and six greatgrandchildren. THOMAS G. JOVNER ftiomas Graham Joyner. filiOfRl. IfFalUiigWatera, W. Va>, died April 2Qth atWatem UniveraUy Hospital In London, Oatai^o, Canada, after a short lUnaas. The funeral was oondueted at 4 p.ni. Friday at Eaton'sFuneral Chapel by the Bev. Robert K^y, the Rev. Oyde Settle and the Rev. Grady T^tterow. Burial was in Bear Creek Baptist Church eemetery. Mr. Joyner was tram In Sumter. S.C, lo the lateDcwoy and Maltte Heplcr Joyner. Kc waa a driver forf^dcr trucking Co. and a World War il veteran. He was of the Bspttot faith. surviving are hie wife, theformer Madrid Msrley of thehome; two sons, Waytte All^Joyner of Rt. i, ModtsviUe and Warren Dongtae Joyner of Clowr. S.C. two grand- dtlldren: two sistera. Mrs. Helen Smith of Rt. 6,Moct^llle and Mre. Hazri Resvis of Rt. 3, YadldnriOe. One brother. Noiman Joyner of Bethel. N.C. GWENDOLYN KEYES Funeral services for Mrs.Gwendolyn Cheny Keyes, a Davie County native, wereheld Saturday, April is. at 4 p.m. in Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel, conducted bythe Rev. George Auman. Burial was in Rose cmneteiy. Mrs. Keycs died TtmrsdayRight In Mercy Hospital in Charlotte, N.C. after a brief illness.She was the daughter of thelate Charles and rayde SheekCheny of Davie Counfy. Shewas a retired employee of theCredit Bureau. Her t^band, LonnieKeyes, precednl her in death. Survivors Include onesister, Mrs. Carolyn C. Mc- Canless of Salisbury; and a number of hieees andnephews. CO cr rO O -n Cj 00 —— •< w ^ U> ai <t _ ^ _ )r <3 <D 1 O J^rerice-'B: Click 1^, of Cleveland j ^ CLEVELAND ^ Mrs. Flor- ^ ^OTce Burton Davis Click, 86, of i|fw>ute 1, the Needmore Com* i ^-^mty, died Sunday morning at. i Davis Hospital, StatesviUe, after^' . a fengthy illness. '• ' _ The funeral will be 4 p. m Church ofC^t Offici^g at the service wU belHr. J. B. WhitakerandMr. H^ing Lowery. Burial will ^ m the church cemetery. ;ig^The wiU remain at Bunch-Johnson Funeral Home StatesviUe, until takra to the : church 3flt nwutes prior to the i service. The faihily be at the funeral home today from 7:30 to ^ 9 p.'m. PaUbearers wiU be MitcheU -5 . Frank Baca. Tommy Burton, Wilson Burton, Eugene < Foster and Keith Foster.Born. Aug. 26, 1894, in Davie iCoun^, she was a daughter of -tae late William HoUoway and Aime Wyatt Burton. She was . married, first to CharUeV w. Davis, who died in 1950, Md second to D. E. CUck, who died in 1973. She was a member of Jericho Church of Christ in ^Davie County". r include a daughter, Sk n Davis HUderbrand ofme home; ^o brothers, Paul . of Accokeek, Md. and W. H. Bimon of Albemarle; a sis- i®'yMrs. S. M. Young of Route J; Cleveland; a granddaughter, , Mrs. Judy Condra of Route 1 Cleveland; and three great grandchildren. • ! /yj /' DAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARf MQCKSVlLLe. NC ca E. A.' Deadmo'h''^' of Mocksville I MOCKSVILLE - Edward Al-J bert Deadmon, 61, died at his, l home on Route 7 early Sunday morning. . The funeral will;...Il aV ih. i Tuesday at Fork Ascension • Church, conducted by Cannon , Nichols. Burial will be in the f church cemetery. . ' ' ..i?' ^ The family will be at Eaton's ] Funeral Home today from 7. to 9 :i p. m._ , • Born in Davie County March." ^ 3,1920, he was the son of the late | Eustace and Ruth Berguer i Deadmon. He was'employed at Ingersol Rand and was a mem- ^ ber of Fork Ascension Church, j jHe was a veteran of 'World War n. •- : " Survlydrs include his wifei-, Mrs. Eva .Tutterow Deadmon;. .''- two sons, Edward A. Deadnidh - of Elizabeth, N. J. and David. A; ., Deadmon . of Route, 7; and , a sister, Mrs: Ruth MacDonald ot - Mocksville.', ;• ,Salisbury Everiing Posf, Monday, f 1 L!B;:ARy OiAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARl MOCKSVILLE .Ng in{ pAVir '•Ol'NfS' tliUUfJlVSY MAY T, I'>RI MRS. MARY STOCKTON BYHD Mre. Mnry Slockton Byrd. M, of 2077 Qufcn Si. died Monday tnorolng. Hie funeral was conducted at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Ardmore United Methodist Church. A graveside service followed at 2 p.in. Wednesday at Rose Cemetery in Mocksvltlc. Mra. Byrd was born Oc tober 22, ISM, In MocksvlUe, to EYince 0. and Ollle Demy Slockton. She was a memMr of Ardmore United Methodist ditirch and was a retired supervisor dietitian at the Methodist Children'a Home, Surviving are <me daughter, Mrs. Jean B. Peacock of Richmond, Va. and four mandchlldren. In Ilcu of flowers, memorials may h« i® Afdmore United Methodist Church. E. A. DEADMON Edward Albert Deadmon, 6i,diedathlshDmeon Route? early Sunday morning. The funeral was held Tuesday el Pork Ascension Church, conducted by Cannon Nichols. Burial was In the diurch cemetery. Born In Davle County March 3, 1920, he was the son of the late Eustace and Ruth Berguer Deadmon. He was emmoyed at Btgersd Rand and was a mem^ of Pork Ascension Church. He was a veteran of World War It. Survivors Include his wife, Mrs. Eva TUllerow Dead mon: two sons, Edward A. Deadmon of Elltabeth, N.J. and David A. Deadmon of Route 7: end a slstor, Mrs. Ruth MacDonatd of MocksvlUe. ni<:v. NKBIIASKA V. .rONES. SR. Iti'v. Ncltrashn Vercy Jnncs, Sr.. of Camplwil Road, Mocksvltio, N.C., was dead on nrrivnl at Davle County floapllnl Monday evening following a heart attack. He wns horn In (tullford Coimty. and had resided In MocksvlUe for the past six years. He was an A.M.B. Zion Minister for o years, having pasiored several diurchea In North CnroUnn which Include the following cities: Spencer, Cornelius, Troutman, j MocksvlUe, Morganlon, Chnrlolle, Shelby, Gostonla and MuoresvlUo. He also pnstored in Birmingham, AIn.. Vottkors, N.Y..BInghamton, N.V., and Pc^skill, N.Y. At the lime of Ms death he was pastor of Ebenezer and Brown Hill A.M.B. Zion churches on the Concord District. survivors include his wife, Mrs. tda Chalmers Jones of the home; three children, Dr. Wendell Jones of Greensboro; Mr. Calvin 1/. Jones of MocksvlUe. and Mrs. Camilla Jones Holman of Durham, N.C. One foster son, Dr. John C. Rawls of Oainesvllle, Pia. One sister. Mra. Hattle Lucas of Philadelphia. Pa. Six grandchildren, three 3.4...J Funeral services wUI be conducted on Thursday, 4:00 p.m. at Uto St. John's A.M.B. ^on Church in MocksvlUe, with Presltog^EIder L.^. Punerol services will ^ conducted on Thura<la3'%j5®? u,m. at the SI. John's A-M-fJ. Zion Church In MocksvlUe.n with Presiding Elder L. C. Asbury, D. D. officiating. The Right Reverend Alfred 0. Dunalon, Jr., D. D. wHI i deliver the eulogy, with Ministers of West ttnUal N.C. Conference of A.M.B. SUon Churches parlldpaUi«. ' Burial will follov/ In the fnmlly plot of the el»urcli cemetery. The family will receive fricntht at (he church WcdnisKlay evening from 7 • 8:30 p.m. The body will He In Riale at the church on thursday from Z o'clock until funeral Umo. Morrlsbn-Studevcnt Funeral Directors of MocksvlUe arc in charge of service and arrongcmcnis. o®V^^ <r r V/O rS y S O MRS. IDA FOSTER Mrs. Ida McDanlel Poster. 82, of Route 1. died at i:iaSm. April 2&th at lltmnii emorlal Hospital. She tmii been In declltung health fer several years and serimtnly HI three weeks. The funeral was lielil Thur^y at Lyerly l''uMerttl Home Chapel, condttrliHl liy the Rev. S.T. Jones. lUtrlal was In Codccntee l<eRlen Mcmorioi Park. Born Jonuary 9, HMt. In Rowan County, she wan n daughter of the late Natliaitlel C. attd l.outse While Me Daniel. She was eduenled In , the Dauifi.Cotinly s««liiKtln, aud.. was n retired practical ntirsc. She was a member of Cflolecmec Baptist Church. Her Inisband, Mayo It. Poster, died July tO. 1877. Survivors Inrlude nnothor dnughter. Mrs. Marllia Walsh of rlerrc. S.D.; two sons, f-'ranklm M. I-'osler of Hmile I. Snltslmry, and Henry I). l>*ORter of Mennrd, Tox.; two iirollters. W.i). Mt'Dnniel of Newport News, Va. and C.O. MeDnnlet ITooleeincr; a Kiephrnlher, ftanile Gregory ef i'<Kiti>emre; two sisters. Mrs. Mnry Dunrnn of Salistmry nnd Mrs. Velma (RtihtmH of Ni>wport News. Vn.: n steiwlsler. Mrs. Sarah Deadntim of lloule 4. MocksvlUe; 14 grandchildren, 14 great-granrtrhUdre, five sfepgranilchlldren oikI nix slt^ttgrvnl-grntKlrhltdren. W. IU.KNN IRKIEU Wllllnm tllenn Boger, 81. of Route fl, died early Friday in Ilnvle County llonpllal. The fniiernl wan held Sunday nl Eaton's Funeral Home f'hapol. ttfflclatlng at the nervlee were the Rev. l-nrry .Mtnplen and the Rev. R. 11. Plowern. Iturlal wan In Ohentniit drove tlnlled MelhtxIlNl Churrli cemetery. HmtiAiirll 17. IfSW. hiHavie t'tmnly, Ite wnn tlM» nwt the tale llraitlon nnil Mnry Kliralieilt llimler iloger. Re uoQ rt retired farmer. .Kiu'vlvitrn include liln wife, Mi-a tteorgla ti*<nml Roger; llirne itmigltlern. Mm. WniTeii itinv <tt TlHimnnvlUe, Mrn, Rotterl I, P'lmler of MivknvUle nitti Mm. Roldty Cantor «4 WiKwUenfi twonons. Holicrt d. River of llixite 0, and RalfonI it. Roger of WUiNloii.Sateini six grand citllilmi and tliree great- gi'iimti'liitdren. MRS. FLORENCE B. CLICK Mrs. Florence Burton Davis Gick. 88, of Route I. the Needmore Community, died Sunday morning at Davis Hospital, StatesvlUe, after a lengthy lUneas. Tlte funeral waa held TResday at Corinth Churdi of Christ. OfjUclallng at the service were J. B. Whiiaker end Harding Lowery, Burial was In the church cemetery. Palttiearera were MitcheU Young. Frank Baca, Tommy Burton, Wilson Burton, Eugene Foster and Keith Foster. Born Aug. 3d, 18M, In Davle county, she was a daughter of tholatownilam HoIIoway end Annie Wyatl Burton, She waa twice married, first to Charlie W. Davis, who dM In 1950, andseeondtoD. B, Click, who died In 1979. She was a member of Jeridto Church of Christ in Davle County. Survivors Include a daughter. Mra. Nina Davis HUoerbrtiidof the home; two brothers. Paul Burton of Aecchesk, Md. and W. H. Barton of Atbemarlo: aalBter, Mra. S. M. Young of Route i, GevOIandi a grmdiughter, Mra. Judy Condra of Route i, Clevetands and three great grandchildren. o inr !V\\'|| ((n'Ntv I Ntl'HPiilisj KfCOKI) tljlIRSIUV". MAY 7.1 okV RALPH BYERI.Y DANIEL Ralph Byerly Daniel, 68, of 800 Fiimp Road, lUchmond. >nrglnla, died ot hla home Monday. Funeral arrangemonte arc Incomplete. Hla Body will bo brought to Eaton's Funeral Homo Chapel for sorvicea. He was bom In Davlo County, October 30, t924, to the late Robert Edward and Sally Groves Daniel. Ho wm an auditor for the II S. Qovemmeni and a veteran of the Koroan war conlltct. Survivors Include I awier, Mrs. wnilam Roddon «f Woodleaf, N.C.i and i brother, "Tommle Daniel nf Coolecmco. also a number of nieces and nephews. 1I.M, WILLIARD Mariuon Mnhlon Wllllard, U», of It I. 8, Mockavltle, died Wedtimdny, April aoih In t^'oraylli Memitrlal Hoqiital In WlitNlon Kniem, The funeral wa.H etmduelcd nl 4 p.m. Friday at Ml. Olive Hnlleil Methmlfsl Oluireh In Ymlklii thauity by ihr Uev. Alvln iNtpe. itiirlnl with Maaunle rites was in lite ehttreh eenielery. Mr. Willlnrd wan born In Yudhin County to the late .loiin.Snnford and Miittle Ktia Jlwhnun-VmiltKtl. !te_wm»i.a rvilrecl dniry farmer and a member of Harmon Mmtonlc Lodge 420. Mr. Wllllard was a member of Mt. Olive United Methodist Church, where be was an oiiaiatant Sunday School teacher lor a number of years. Surviving are his wife, the former Hattic White: one son, Urry Rcdmon Williard of Rl. 5, Mocksvilte: two daughters, Mrs. June Pcarrlnglon of Rl. I Lcwisvllle and Mrs. Kathey Mason of Rl, 2, Mochsvllle; seven grandchildren; three grcal'grandchlldren: one slsier, Mrs. MalUe Jaehnlng of Bermuda Run. MRS. IDA SNEAD PAGE Mrs. tda Snead Page, 87, of Route 4, died In the Autumn Care Convalescent Center Friday morning. .The funeral was held Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel, conducted by the Rev, J. D. Revfs. Burial was in Legion Memorial Park, Cooleemee. Bern Oct. 12,1893, in IredoQ County, she was a daughter of Ute late John R. and Cora Gregory Snead. She waa retired from Brwin Milts, Coolcomoo, and was a member of Cooleemee Presbyterian Church. Survivora Include her husband, Thomas A. Page: anoihor son. Mitchell Page of Winston-Sotem; a alster, Mrs. Klhol Scoll of Harmony; two halMirothcrs, Gletm Mcssick of Itoule i. Advance, and Clarence Messtck of M(K)reHVllte. .10HN REAVIS REYNOLDS Funeral services for John Reavia Reynolds, 62, of Springalde Drive, Clemmons, were held Tuesday, AprU 28. al llaywortb-Miller Silas Creek Qutpei, Wiusleu-Satem with burial in Clemmons Memorial Gardens. Mr. Reynolds died Sunday, April 26, al Forsyth Memorial llosfdlal. Born In Oavie County to John Alonzo and Gladys Bogcr Reynolds, he was on upnolaterer and a member of Temple Baptist Church. Surviving are hla wife, Mrs. Dora Owens Bass Reynolds of the home: one daughter, Mrs. Citrlslinc Lotlis of Rt. S, Winstcn-Salem: one stepson. Thomas Gary Bass of Mouth- cf-Wilson. Vo.: two grand children: flvo sisters, Mrs. George (Magdllne) Morgan and Mrs. Alvln (Roth) Richardson, both of Rl. 6, Mocksvilte, Mrs. Johnnie (Hozcl) Rummoge and Mrs. Harold iHeteo) Reeves, both of Rt. 6, Moefcavttle, and Mrs. Gerald tMae NelD Conupp of Cooleemee; four brothers, Arthur C. and Jake M. Reynolds, both of Winston- Salem, Horley B. R^olda of Norfolk. Va.. and J. B. Reynolds of Chariotte. 0® c vO VP u> .P O o c5 GILBERT EDWARDSGilbert Edwards,Rt. 6, SalisburyGilbert Lee Edwards. 50, ofRoute 15. died 7:30 a.m. today inRowan .Memorial Hospital. Hebad been hospitalized for oneweek but death was unexpected.•Mr. Edwards had been an employee 1)1 the Lyerly FuneralHome tor the past 23 years.The body will remain at Lyer-iy Funeral Home pending completion 01 funeral arrangements.The family will be at the home01 his mother-in-law, Mrs. M. G.Fesperman. Route 6. .NeelRoad. Salisbury.Born .tug. i 1930. in DavieCounty. .Mr. Edwards was a son01 :he late John Lewis andGertha Parks Edwards. He waseducated in the Salisbury City«'hools. vvas a member of SalemLutheran Church and was also a.member of the SpencCT Moose-Lodge.Sur^•1vo^s Include his wife.\Iildred Fesperman Edwards,-.vnom he married July 25.1977:one son. Gerald L. "Buddy"Edwards of Salisbury: oneJjughter. -Mrs. Kay Perkins ofSalisbury: two sisters. Mn. BurlCiirlee 01 Salisbury and .Mrs.'d'Jdeii Rumple of Linwood; andMree grandchildrenDallas Davis, IDavie native 1' CHARLOTTE - Dallas D.Davis. 77. died Wednesdaymorning at Wesleyan NursingHome in Charlotte after being in ^declining health.The funeral will be conductedII a m. Friday at McEwen Funeral Home West Chapel. Graveside services will be 3 p.in. inRose Cemeterv at .Mocksville,The family will be at the ;funeral home m Charlotte from I7:.10 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday.Memonais may be made tothe Christian RehabilitationCenter. P 0. Box 34648.Charlotte. N.C.. 28234.Born Dec- 4, 1903. in DavieCountv. he was the son of thelate William .McLean and Sophia.-^neell Davis. He was a trumpetplaver with the Harry JamesBand and numerous circusbands and for 25 years he was awelder with Soule Steel and IronCompany m Charlotte, beforehis retirement.Survivors include twobrothers. Lee Jefferson Davis ofCharlotte and Sanford R. Davisof Aibemarle; two sisters. Mrs.Etta Felvev of Charlotte andMis. Ola Cauble of Lumberton.CO.ubw^Oavie Co. Public Library I?C - DAVIE COUNTY EimRPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. MAY 14. 1981—Area Obituaries"iivie Co. Piihlic LibraryJOE G. SPRY/ Joe Glenn Spry. 57, of.Mocksville. Rt. 4. diedMonday afternoon at DavieCounty Hospital.The funeral was conductedat 2 p.m. Wednesday atEaton's Funeral Chapd bythe Rev. Yates Wilkerson.Burial followed in ForkBaptist Church cemetery.Mr. Spry was born October8,1923, in Davie County, to thelate Willie Glenn and VeraFoster Spry. He was amember of Smith GroveUnited Methodist Church andowned and operated Joe'sBarbecue on Hwy. 138.Surviving are his wife..Shirley Seaford Spry; onesister. Mrs. Raymond J.n Ruth) .Markland of Rt. 3.Mocksville: several niecesand nephews.JCHARLIE T. ADAMSCharlie Tommie Adams. 67.of 29 Duke Street, diedThursday night at RowanMemorial Hospital.The funeral was heldSaturday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel, Mocksville,conducted by the Rev. J.D.Revis. Burial was in RowanMemorial Park, Salisbury.Born September 4, 1913, inYadkin County, he was theson of the late Charlie T. andEllen Ladd Adams. He was aretired employee of IngersolRand, and was a member ofCooleemee PresbyterianChurch.Other survivors include hiswife. Mrs. Claytie WilUamsAdams; a daughter, Mrs.Claudia Harrison ofStatesville; three sisters,Mrs. Mary Hall of Elkin, Mrs.Lucy Milholen and Mrs.Bessie Wood of Hamptonville;three grandchildren and twostep-grandchildren.MRS. FRANCES M. WANDSFuneral services for Mrs.Frances .Moore Wands, 66, aformer Davie Countyresident, of 920 MapleAvenue, Salisbury, N.C. whodied Sunday morning atRowan Memorial Hospital,after a lengthy illness, wereheld Tuesday at 2 p.m. inSalisbury, with Dr. HermanNicholson officiating. Burialwas in Rowan Memorial Parkcemetery.She was bom March 4,191S,in Rowan County to Mrs.Grace Coggins Moore and thelate William Collier Moore.She attended Salisbury CitySchools and Calawba College,was a member of the FirstUnited Methodist Church.United Church Women.Ladies Golf Association.•American Contract BridgeLeague. American Red CrossBloodmobile and RowanHospital Auxiliary. Herhusband. W. R. (ScottyiWands preceded her in deathin 1972.Survivors include one son,Ross Wands of Mocksville; 2daughters, .Mrs. CharlesJamerson of Raleigh, N.C.and Mrs. Stephen Guerreri ofCary, N.C.; her mother, Mrs.William Moore; and fourgrandchildren.In lieu of flowers,memorials may be made tothe American Red Cross andthe Rowan Public Library.^.MRS. ELLIS WILLIAMSMrs. Norma TaylorWilliams, 53, of 919 Anne Ave.,died May Sth at BaptistHospital.She was born iif Mif-flintown, Pa. to the late Holtand Grace Taylor.Mrs. Williams was a formeremployee of Western Electricand a member of CalvaryBaptist Church on CountryClub Rd.Surviving are her husband,Ellis H. Williams of the home;one daughter, Mrs. Dwight(Deborah) Mabie of Tol^o,Ohio; one son, Donald F.Williams of the home; twograndsons; one brother.David Taylor of Allentown,Pa.The funeral was held lastFriday at the Hayworth-.Miller Chapel. The Rev. .MarkCorts officiated. Burial was inthe cemetery of the SmithGrove Methodist Church.3 .MRS. NANCY TUCKERMrs. Nancy Smith Tucker.31, of Hilton Rd., Rt. l. Advance. wife of ThurmondTucker, died at her homeThursday afternoon.The funeral was conductedSaturday at 11 a.m. atBethlehem United MethodistChurch. Burial 'was in thechurch cemetery.Mrs. Tucker was bom inToledo, Ohio, to Charlie andSpasia Abrashoff Smith. Shehad lived in Advance for over30 years and was a member ofBethlehem United Methodist(^urch.Mrs. Tucker was employedby Sears in Winston-Salem for29 years.Surviving are her husbandof the home, and her mother,of York, Pa.^ MRS. T.B. RATLEDGEMrs. Troy Byerly Ratledge,89, of Route 7, died Fridaynight in Autumn Care NursingCenter after being indeclining health for sometime.Graveside rites were heldSunday in Center UnitedMethodist Church cemeteryconducted by the Rev. Wilson.Nesbitt.Bom August 26, 1891, inDavie County, Mrs. Ratinewas a daughter of the lateWilliam A. and PatheniaKoontz Byerly. Her husband,Dewitt Ginton Ratledge,-preceded her in death.Survivors include a numberof nieces and nephews./' MRS. HANNAH BROWNMrs. Hannah AtkinsonBrown, 86, of Rt. 6, died May6th at Davie County Hospitalin Mocksville.A requiem mass was said at2 p.m. Friday at St. Francis of.Assisi Catholic Church inMocksville by Father Mc-Sweeney. Burial was in SalemCemetery..Mrs. Brown was bom inDavie County to the lateThomas Franklin and SarahSteelman Atkinson. She was aretired nurse.Surviving are a number of •>nieces and nephews.Oavie Co. Public tiferaivZfiDAVIE CO. PUBLIC U8RASVMOCKSVILLE, Ne DAVIE county enterprise record. THURSDAY. MAY 21. IQRIArea ObituariesRANDY BEAUCHAMPRandy G. "Bo"Beauchamp, 35. of 607Rollinggreen Drive, Clem-mons, died Wednesday night.May 13 in Forsyth MemorialHospital in WInston-Salemfollowing a serious illness offive days.The funeral was heldSaturday in Clemmons FirstBaptist Church conducted bythe Rev. Tom Womble and theRev. Albert Bracken. Burialwas in Clemmons MemorialGardens.Born June 26. IMS in RowanCounty, -Mr. Beauchamp wasa son of L.C. "Bill" andMargie Head Beauchamp ofCooieemee. He was a memberof Clemmons First BaptistChurch and was a dispatcherof .McLean Trucking Company in Winston-Saiem.Survivors, in addition to hisparents, include his wife,Judith Reavis Beauchamp:one daughter. Miss .MistyBeauchamp of the home; oneson. Jeff Beauchamp of thehome; and his maternalgrandmother. Mrs. .N'annieHead of .Mocksville.I MRS. ARETHA W. CAIN» .Mrs. Aretha Wallace Cain,83, of Route 2, Harmony, N.C.died Monday at noon at LulaConrad Hoots Hospital inYadkinville. N.C. after alengthy illness.She was bom in Iredellcounty January 3. 1898 to thelate Thomas Gaston Wallaceand Rosa Arnold Wallace. Shewas a member of SandySpring Baptist Church whereshe was also a Sunday Schoolteacher for many years.Her husband. PalmerDewey Cain preceded her indeath in 1956.Survivors include ldaughter. .Mrs. George (Lois)Evans of .Mocksville; 2 sons.E..Lee Cain of High Point andC.Dean Cain of Greensboro; 4brothers. T. BInkley Wallaceand George W. Wallace of Rs.2. Harmony; Sidney G.Wallace of Advance andLuther Wallace of Route 5..Mocksville: 5 sisters, .Mrs.Fairley Vestal of Winston-Salem. .Mrs. Lacie Pegram ofLewisville. Mrs. MerlieWilkie of West End. N.C.,Mrs. Ola Cook of Rt. 2.Harmony and Mrs. BerthaGrose of .Mocksville; 9grandchildren and 5 greatgrandchildren.Funeral services wereconducted Wednesday, May2f), ai 3 p.m. at Sandy SpringsBaptist Church in- Yadkinville. .V.C. Officiating werethe Rev. Paul S. Simpson, theRev R. Howard Wagoner andthe Rev. Uuy S. Cain, Burialfollowed in the churchcemetery.Memorials may be made tothe building fund at SandySprings Baptist Church. Rt. 3.Vadkmville. N.C. 27053.. GILBERT L, EDWARDSGilbert Lewis Edwards, 50,Route 6. Salisbury, .N.C. diedearly Wednesday morning atRowan Memorial Hospital,after a week's illness. Deathwas unexpected.He was bom August 6. 1930.in Davie County to the lateJohn Lewis and Gerta J.Parks Edwards.He was educated in theSalisbury City Schools; andhad been employed at LyerlyFuneral Home for the pasttwenty years in Salisbury. Hewas a member of SalemLutheran Church and theSpencer Moose Lodge.Survivors include hiswidow, .Mildred FespermanEdwards of the home; oneson. Gerald L. (Buddy) Edwards Salisbury; onedaughter, Mrs. Kay Perkinsof Salisbury; two sisters,•ModelJ Rumple of Linwoodand Mrs. Curlee of Salisbury;and 3 grandchildren.Funeral services were heldFriday at 4 p.m. at SalemLutheran Church inSalisbury. Burial followed inthe church cemetery.DALLAS DAVISDallas D. Davis. 77. diedWednesday morning atWesleyan Nursing Home inCharlotte after being indeclining health.The funeral was held lla.m. Friday at McEwenFuneral Home West Chapel.Graveside services was heldin Rose Cemetery at.Mocksville.Memorials may be made tothe Christian RehabilitationCenter, P 0. Box 34648,Charlotte. .N. C., 28234.Born Dec. 4, 1903, in DavieCounlv. he was the son of thelate William McLean andSophia Angell Davis. He was atrumpet player with theHarry James Band andnumerous circus bands andfor 25 years he was welderwith Souie Steel and IronCompany in Charlotte, beforehis retirement.Survivors include twobrothers, Lec Jefferson Davisof Charlotte and Sanford R.Davis of Albemarle; twosisters. Mrs. Etta Felvey ofCharlotte and Mrs. OlaCauble of Lumberton.iJavte Co. Public L'iK'sryMnrksvifle, N. C. Area ObituariesDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. MAY 28. 1981/ .MRS. MARYV TURRENTINE DYSONMrs. Mary TurrentlneDyson, fiS. of 401 Townsley St..vAnston-Salem. died &tur-day afternoon at ForsythMemorial Hospital.The funeral was heldMonday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel, conducted bythe Rev. George Auman.Burial was In Oak GroveUnited Methodist Churchcemetery.Bom May 17,1016, In DavleCounty, she wasa daughter ofthe late A. E. and MinnieBaker Turrentlne. She was aretired employee of HanesCorporatiim, Winstoo^em.She was a member ofMocksvlUe First MethodistChurch.Survivors include herhusband, William K. Dyson;and a sister, Mrs. AliceBowers of Cooleemee.MARGIE NANA• MAEGRUBBMiss Margie Nana MaeGrubb, 58, of 47 Watts St.,Cooleemee, died Saturdayafternoon at Davle CountyHospital, MocksvUle.The funeral was heldMonday at Baton's FuneralHome Chapel, MocksvUle,conducted by the Rev. J. D.Revis. Burial was In LegionMemorial Park, Cooleemee.Bom in Davle County, May27.1924. she was a dau^ter ofthe late Oscar and RosaGriffln Gmbb. She was amember of CooleemeePresbyterian Church, andwas last employed at DrexelHeritage Furniture Co. inMocksvUle.Survlnlng are a sister, Mrs.Floyd Llneberry ofCooleemee; a brother, RonnieGmbb of Rt. 4, MocksvUle;and nieces and nephews.y MRS. BETTY SUE. NICHOLS McINTYREThe funeral for Mrs. BettySue Nichols Mclntyre washeld Saturday In Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel conducted by the Rev. S. T.Jones, the Rev. J.C. Swalm,and the Rev. Martin Fessler.Burial was In Gay's ChapelUnited Methodist Church,Woodleaf Road in RowanCounty.Bom March 9, 1934, inDavle County, Mrs. Mclntyrewas a daughter of Mrs. BlaudePhelpe Nichols and the late A.M. Nichols. She opemted aday car center in Danville,Va.Survivors, in addition to barmother. Include one son,Michael Mclntyre of Germany; three sisters, Mrs.Reba Mclntyre of Route l,Woodeaf, Mrs. Ruth Rich ofBelmar, N. J. and Mrs. GraceAUen of Tarrytown, N. Y.;two brothers, McKinleyNichols of JacksonvlUe,Fla,aod Cmirad NlchcUs ofRoote L Woodleaf; and twograndchUdren.Mrs. Mclntyre, 47, of Route6. Pineview Terrace, Danville. Va., and a formerresident of Woodleaf, diedunexpectedly Thursdaymorning at MoreheadMemorial Hospital In Eden./ MRS. CLAYTIE W. ADAMSV ' The funeral for Mrs.Claytie WUliams Adams ofCooleemee was Saturday InEaton's Funeral HomeChapd in MocksvUle conducted by the Rev. J. D.Revis. Burial was In RowanMemorial Park Cemetery.Mrs. Adams, 69, of 29 DukeSt.. Cooleemee, died Thursday aftemoon in the N. C.Baptist Hospital In Winston-Salem of a self-inflictedgunshot wound.Memorial contributionsmay be made to CooleemeePresbyterian Church.Bom May 25,1911, in DavleCounty, Mis. Adams was adaughtOT of the late JtUm R.and Nannie Burton WUliams.She was a member ofCooleemee PresbyterianChurch; Her husband,CharUe T. Adams, died May 7of ttUs year.Survivors include onedau^ter, Mrs. Peggy Leaserof Route 4, MocksvUle; <mesister, Mrs. Lula Hmbarler ofRoute 1, Salisbury; and twograndchUdren.y GEORGE L. .MESSICKGeorge L. Messick, 70, ofRt. 2. .MocksvUle. died May20th at Davle County Hospital.The funeral was conductedSaturday at 2 p.m. at Mackle-Gentry Funeral Home Chapelin YadklnviUe by the Rev.Hewey Parrish. Burial was inBrannon Friends .Meetingcemetery.Mr. Messick was bora inYadkin County to Floj^ M.and Nancy Jane SwlsherMessick. He was a retiredemployee of Heritage Furniture Co. in MocksvUle and aformer employee ofMocksviUe Flour MiU.He was married to TressaA^eU Baker Messick, whodied in 1976.Surviving are one stepdaughter. .Mrs. Eunice At-wood of MocksvUle; threestepsons. WUllam Baker ofMobUe, Ala.. James Baker ofAlamo, Calif, and Carl Bakerof MocksviUe; two sisters.Miss Florence M^ick of Rt.3. YadklnviUe and Mrs. OUieCouch of HamptonvUle, Rt. 2;one brother. James (^fordMessick of Rt. 3. YadklnvUle.8CA.s*S-"O &« 3S"•^1s: o3sOS-= 53 79i.||.3g|gS-f |>>S § >g,siS 3 Xj- < -= • S » ^3" 2—' F .S fi> 3 C _.Sm g « 3- =o 2 o 5 <?• 3 P a. 2 2. «•isog AopunS'^'"'*l'U®S-l1861=: 3 c =. •""2.3 3-.2.2..? g •p • £ 2&|g-3 3 3 3 2^y MRS. LILLIAN TREXLERMrs. t i'Unn Alton Trexlcr,69. of 27 Center St., died atDavie County Hospital InMocksvUle on Sunday.The funeral was heldTuesday at the CooleemeeFirst Baptist Church conducted by the Rev. L. LeeWhiUock, pastor. Burial wasin Rowan Memorial ParkBom Jan. 22,1912, In DavieCounty, Mrs. Trexler was adaughter of the late CharUeM. and Mary Brown Allen.She was a retired employee ofBurlington Mills, and was amember of the First BaptistChurch. Her husband, JamesM. Trexler, died In 167LSurvivors Include one son,Donald Trexler of Cooleemee;two sisters, Mrs. MarieCauble of Salisbury and Mrs.Virginia Talbert Combe - ofLandis; four brothers, Peteand Eugene AUen, b^ ofRoanoke Rapids, James Allenof WUfflingtoo, and GeorgeAUen <U MooresvUle; sevengrandchildren; and sevengreat-grandchUdren., WILLIAM MOODYf WHITAKERWUUam Moody Whitaker,76. of Rt. 5. MocksviUe, died atthe Davie County Hospital onMay I2th at 9;2S p.m.A retired fanner, he wasbom in Davle County onAugust 9. 1904, to the lateThomas P. and LoulzinnaBeck Whitaker.Survivors include his wife.Eva Booe Whitaker. of thehome; two daughters, Mrs.Mildred Wiles of Rt. 3.MocksviUe; Mrs. Mary JaneBrandon of Rt. 5, MocksviUe;three sons-WUUam ThomasWhitaker. Bruce EarlWhitaker, and Dorsett LeeWhitaker, all of Rt. 5,MocksviUe; three sisters~Mrs. LUa Adams of Rt. S,MocksvUle, Mrs. LlnaTrlvette of Rt. 6, and Mrs.Molly Blnkley of Rt. 1,MocksviUe; one brother,Latta L. Whitaker of Rt. S,MocksviUe; 14 grandchUdrenand two great-grandchUdren.The funeral was held at theLiberty Baptist Church onMay 13th at 2 p.m. The Rev.WlUlam Hutchens and theRev. Albert Bracken officiated. Burial withgraveside Masonic rites wasin the church cemetery.MRS. ADA POTTSMrs. Ada Josephine TayesPotts, 69. of Route 1. was deadon arrival at Davie CountyHospital last Thursday. Shehad been in declining healthfor a year and a half.The funeral was heldSaturday in Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel conducted bythe Rev. Wilson Nesbltt.Burial was in Center UnitedMethodist Church cemet^.Bom Nov. 30.1911. in IredeUCounty. Mrs. Potts was adaughter of the late ArchieWUburt and JuUa StevisonTayes. She was a .member ofCenter United MethodistChurch.Survivors include herhusband. Frank Potts; onedaughter. Mrs. Frank Reid ofWinston-Salem; one sister,Mrs. Mary Potts of Route 3,.MocksviUe; four grandchildren; and Uiree great-grandchUdren.oo. Public LibraP'OKVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARTMOCKSViaE. NC DAVIE COU!^ ENTERPRISE RECORD.JTHURSDAY. JUNE 4, 1981Area ObituariesI J. W. RODWELL'* John William Rodwell, Jr.,77. of 149 Hemlock St., died athis home Sunday,Graveside services wereconducted at 2 p.m. Tuesdayat Rose Cemetery by the Rev.Charles Bullock.Bom March 3, 1904, inDavie County, he was the sonof the late Or. John WilliamRodwell and Quilla EmilyCain Rodwell. He attendedMars Hill College and NorthCarolina State UniversitySchool of Engineering. Hewas an electrical contractorand a member of the FirstBaptist Church in Mocksville.He is survived by his widow.Mrs. Mary Wilson StoneRodwell of the home; twosisters, Mrs. Louise R.Meroney and Mrs. Emily R.Cartmell, both of Mocksville;and two brothers. Jack 0.Rodwell of Holyoke, Mass.,and John H. Rodwell of GlenBumie, Md.y WILLISE J. SUITERWillise J. Suiter, father ofJulius E. Suiter, died in thel^terans AdministrationHospital, Hampton, Virginia,May 20, 1981.Mr. Suiter worked fortwenty-five years with theVirginia Railroad, thenretired from the NorfolkNaval Shipyard after twenty-five years of service. He was amember of First BaptistChurch of Burdette, Virginiaand a member of BloomingLight Lodge 132, Prince HallAffiliate, Free and AcceptedMasons.Including the wife, othersurvivors are one sister: Mrs..Mary S. Bowers, Franklin,Virginia; two sons: Julius E,Suiter and Martin E, Suiter,Chesapeake, Virginia; fourdaughters: Mrs, Vera S.Beans, Brooklyn, New York;Mrs. Josephine S. Wright,Hampton, Virginia; Mrs,Margaret S. Wesley, Virginia,Bea^, Virginia; Mrs. LindaSuiter-Barnes; Norfolk,Virginia; ten grandchildrenand a host of relatives andfriends.The funeral service washeld .May 24 in Norfolk,Virginia; Hale Funeral Homewas in charge.MRS. ETHEL N.CAUDILLMrs. Ethel Naylor Caudill,8S, of Route 2, NorthWilkesboro, widow of Earl L.Caudill. Sr. died WednesdayMav 27. 1981 at WilkesGeneral Hospital.Mrs. Caudill was bornFebruary 22, 1896 at SmithGrove to the late Mary Cashand Frank A, Naylor.Surviving are twodaughters, Mrs. Wake (Mary)Watts of North Wilkesboroand Mrs. Eleanor Bouchelleof Rt. 2, North Wilkesboro;one son. Earl LeonardCaudill, Jr. of Route 2, NorthWilkesboro; nine grandchildren; 14 great grandchildren; one sister, Mrs.John M. Groce of Route 3,Mocksville.Funeral services were heldat the Oak Grove Baptist(^urch where she was amember. Burial was inMountlawn Memorial Park.JOHN R. BROADWAYJohn Richard Broadway,43, of Cooleemee, N.C. di^Tuesday morning at Davie(^unty Hospital after a longillness.Funeral services will beheld at 2 p.m. Thursday atEatons Funeral Home Chapdwith the Rev. J. D. Revisofficiating. Burial will followin Liberty United MethodistChurch cemetery.He was bom in DavieCounty to Ruby GalesBroadway and the late JohnW. Broadway, March 3, 1938,He was a meat cutter forCooleemee Super Market in(Tooleemee.Survivors include his wife,the former Judy CarterBroadway of the home; adaughter, Paula Broadway ofthe home; 3 sons, RichardBroadway of Aberdeen, Md,,Johnny and Gary Broadwayof the home; 1 foster son,David Bailey Broadway ofSalisbui7; his mother of RL 7,Mocksville; 5 sisters, Mrs,Patsy Lyerly of Rt. 1,Mocksville; Mrs. Becky Westand Mrs. Mary Barney both ofRt. 4, Mocksville, Mm. EthelDockery of Wilkesboro, N.C.,and Mrs. Hazel Waugh of Rt.1, Claremont, N.C.; 3brothers, William Broadwayof Rt. 4, Mocksville, and Billyand Arnold Broadway ofRoute 7, Mocksville.The family will receivefriends at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel Wednesdayevening from 7 pjn. until 9p.m.The Liber^ Bell was cast inEngland in 1752 for thePennsylvania Statehouse.OAVIE CO. PirDii^MOCKSVTU.E,Davie Co. Public Librar)Mocksvlfie. N. G. 1 2D - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JUNE II. IS8I Obituaries , HENRY JUNIOR MYERS Henry Junior Myers. 60, of Sheffield Drive, Mocksville, died at Davie County Hospital Saturday morning. The funeral was conducted at 2:30 p.m. Monday at New Hope Baptist Tabernacle by the Rev. Norman Frye, the Rev. Harold Tuttle, and the Rev. David Barney. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Myers was bom Sep tember 14, 1920, in Davidson ' County to Frank and Annie Bell Cox Myers. He had spent most of his life in Davie County and was with Hanes Corporation for 27 years. He was a member of New Hope Baptist Tabernacle and is survived by his wife, Mrs. Gladys Myers Myers of the home; three daughters, Freida Mae Robdins of Mocksville, Kathey Raynee Myers and Trina Lynn Joyner, both of the home; four sons, James Henry, HermOn Eugene, and Bobby Gray Myers, all of Mocksville, and ! Charles Franklin Myers of . New Hope; eight grand- | children. ' / MRS. MINNIE JOHNSON Mrs. Minnie B. Johnson, 94, of Greenhaven Nursing Center died there Saturday. Funeral was held Tuesday at Hanes-Lineberry North Elm Street Funeral Home with the Rev. Charles H. Reckard officiating. Burial was in Green Hill Cemetery. She was a native of Rockingham County, member of First Presbyterian Church and life member of Eastern Star. Surviving are daughters. Miss Edna L. Patterson of Greensboro, Mrs. Rebecca P. Burton Ferrinsfon of Pfaff- lown; son, C D. Patterson of Wilmington; sister, Mrs. E.M. Frye of Greensboro; brother, W.E. Anderson of Rpidsvillc; seven grand children; 15 great grandchildren. vs Oavie Co. Public Library Mocksville, N. C. „ o 60. /^.- i)AVlH rtJLM'f i--.sitKrKlbt Kti^UKU. FHURiUAY, JU.Nt 18. 1981Two Killed In Wreck Saturday On US 601\ ,4-year-old !!irl and a S6-year-oldA'oman were Killed Saturday afternoon:n a two car accident on US 601.34 milessoudi III" -Mocksville. The accident occurred during a thunderstorm about 6. p.m.Donna Sue Cover. 14, of Cross Street inCooieemee and Louise Kay Cleaveland,;■ S6. of Rt. 7, Mocksville, were killed in-r stantly in the crash.These were the fourth and fifth highway fatalities in Oavie County this year.StateHighway PatroimanA, C. Stokessaid that Miss Cover was a passenger in, a car driven by her mother. Joyce F.Cover. .Mrs. Cover was driving south onUS 601 during a heavy thunderstorm' when sne ran into a puddle and lostcontrol of the car. which slid sidewaysinto the path of a second car.Mrs. Geaveiand was a passenger inthe second car, which was driven by RayRoberson. 77, of Rt. 1. Mocksville. Mrs.Geaveland's daughter, Audry LynnGeuveiand, 14. was also a passenger inthe Roberson car.Roberson and Miss Cleaveland weretreated at the Davie County Hospital, and were reported m stable conditionearly this week.Mrs. Cover was initially treated at the• County Hospital and then wastransferred to Forsyth MemorialHospital. She was also listed in stablecondition early this week.Tvo other passengers in Mrs. Cover'scar. her son John Edward Cover. 9. andDonna Sue Coverd neighbor. Brian Lee UnvtUe. 8. of Rt.4. Mocksville, were also treated at theDavie County Hospital.DONNA SUE COVERThe funeral for Donna Sue Cover. 14.of Cooieemee was conducted Tuesdayafternoon at the First Baptist Church blCooieemee. The Rev. Lee Whitlockofficiated. Bunal was in the LegionMemorial Park Cemetery.She was bom in Davie Countv to David.Allen and Joyce Ann Fields Cover. Shewas an eighth grade student at the SouthDavie Jr. High School where she was amember cf the school band and the FlagCorps.She was a member of the First BaptistChurch of Cooieemee.Survivors include her mother ofCooieemee; two brothers. DonaldEugene and John Edward Cover, both ofthe home; her maternal grandmother,.Mrs. Susie Fields of Cooieemee; ha-paternal grandmother. Mrs. BettyCover of Erick. Oklahoma.-MRS. LOUISE CLEVELANDThe funeral for Mrs. Cleveland wasconducted Tuesday at the chapel ofMomson-Studevent Funeral Home byBishop W.O.K. Gray. Burial was in theSalisbury National Cemetery on Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.She was bom Dec. 12, 1924. in AnsonCounty, S.C.Survivors include three daughters.Miss Audry Lynn Cleveland of the home,Mrs. .Annie L. Arnold and Miss Diane B.Cleveland, both of Mocksville:Four SOPS. .Michael T. and RickyCleveland, both of the home. Henry' Cleveland of Woodleaf and Gordon' Geveland of Mocksville; three brothers.< William Kemp of Mocksville. Joseph3 Kemp of Pen^eton, S.C. and GarfieldKemp 01 Clemson. S.C.; and one sister.' .Mrs. Bettv Clement of Mocksville.DAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARV* 'mocksville; ^ DAVtl- COUNTY INIT-KI'KISI; RECOKU, IIIUKSOAV. JUNE 18. C>81 Area Obituaries v<' EVELYN C. WHITE Mrs. Evelyn While, 67. ol Kiioxville. Tenn.. and a lor- mer native of Davle County, died Tuesday. June 9, in Tennessee at the home of a daughter- funeral services were held 'Hiursday, June 11, at Rose Mortuary Chapel in Kno*- ville, Teim. Burial was in Highland Memorial Cemelary. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Sandra Perry; 5 grand^ns. Billy Bobby, Patrick and Steve, all of the home; Jeimy Walt Cornalier of Advance; 6 slaters, Helen Snipes and Betty Shore of Winslon-Salem, Mildred Carter. Ruby Potts and Jean Livengood of Advance, N.C., and Jane Sanders of Fort Worth. Texas; 4 brotlters, Thurmun. Seabon and Connie Cornalzer, all of Advance, and Joe Cornatzer of Winston- Salem. UEV CHARLES S.YOtJNG Funeral services for the Rev. Charles Samuel Young, Jr. sa. of Route 16, Lexington ' were conducted Wednesday at Piedmont Funeral Home in Ix-'xington by the Rev. D. W. Digit and the Rev. Billy Sink Burial was In Center Hill Baptist Church Cemetery. He had been in declining health for nine years. The Rev Young was a former pastor of North Cooleemee Baptist Church mow Edgewoodi in Cooleemee. He was presently serving as minister of Fellowship Baptist Church of Ixjxington. ' Born November 12, 1922, in Guilford County, he was the son of the late Charles Samuel and Willie Hogan Young. He attended Wingate College, Piedmont Bible College and Fruitlaiid Bible College. He received his license to l>reach in 1946 and was or dained ill 1947. In addition to serving in Cooleemee and Lexington, Rev. Young also served as minister at Mountain View, Floyd, Summerfield, Neuse, Union Grove and Center Hill Baptist Churches. He served in the U.S Army in World War 11 and was a member of VFW Post 3t)74. He was district circulation manager for the Winston- Salem Journal and Sentinel for 20 years. Survivors Include his wife. Helen VanUerford Young; two sons, Charles .Samuel Young HI and Larry Dean Young, both of the home; one daughter, Tracy Camilla Young of the home; two brothers, the Rev. E. D. Young of Greensboro and the Rev. V. A. Young of Lexington. ✓' v PANSY B. KOONTZ Mrs. Pansy Baity Koonlz, 10, formerly of Route 2, died at ihe Davie County Hospital late Monday night. The funeral will be at 2 p.in Thursday jn Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel conducted by Ihe Rev. George Auman and the Rev Haywood Hyatt. Burial will follow in Rose Cemetery The family will be at the fuiKTal home on Wednesday nighl from 7 to 9 o'clock. Born July 23, 1B97, in Davie County. Mrs. Koonlz was a daughter of the late John Wesley and I.,e!a Leaeh Baity. She was a member of Oak Grove United Methodist Church and had been a resident of the Autumn Care Convalescent Center for one year. Survivors include two sons. W B. Koonlz. Rl- 3, and Frank Koonlz. Rl. 2, both of ' Mocksville; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth West of Rt. 1. Advance and Mrs Clara Mae Foster of Route 3, Mocksville; ; two grandchildren; and four ' great-grandchildren. Gladys Canter iiampion; iwo daughters. Mrs. Joyce Spillman and Mrs. Dianne Barber, both of Cooleemee; four sons. Robert Lee Jr., Jimmy, Johnny and Kenney Hampton, all of Cooleemee. Two stepdaui^ters, Mrs. Dorothy Vansant of Granite Quarry and Mrs. Belly Jane Campbell of Ml Airy; U ^andchildren; and six great grandchildren iF^MRS ANNIE FOSTER Mrs. Annie Foster FMler, H4, of l.exington Road, died at Brian Center of Nursing Care In Lexington on June 9th. Graveside rites were held Tliursday in Liberty United Methodist Church cemetery conducted by the Rev. Charles Bullock. Born Jan. 6, 1897 in Davie County, Mrs. Foster was a daughter of the late Thomas Penry and Margaret Foster Foster. Her husband, Hugh S. Foster, preceded her in death. Survivors include a number of nieces and nephews. . ROBERT LEE HAMPTON t Robert Lee Hampton, 62, of 10 Joyner St., died at Davie County Hospital in Mocksville on Friday afternoon. The funeral was held Saturday in Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel in Mocksville conducted by the Rev. J. D. Revis and the Rev. Bill Creason. Burial was In Legion Memorial Park Cemetery. Born Aug. 15, 1898, in Rowan County. Mr Hampton was a son of the late John and Ruby Sturby Hampton. He was a retired employee of Burlington Mills. Survivors include bis wife. OHVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NC uavre Co. Public Li^ary MocksvttiA M r lOB - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JUNb 25 1*^81y , DR. PAUL HENDRICKSDr. Paul Hendricks of KingsMountain. N.C. died unexpectedly at his summer homeat Pauleys Island. SouthCarolina. Tuesday morning.Dr. Hendricks was bom inDavie county to the lateGrover and Beaulah Hendricks. January 14. 1913.Survivors include his wife.Helen Crosland Hendricks ofthe home; 1 daughter. Dr.Sarah Sinai of Winston-Saiem.N.C.: one son. Dr. PaulHendricks. Jr. of KingsMountain. N.C.: 2 sisters.Mrs. Roy Coilette and Mrs.Graham Madison ofMocksviile. N.C.: l brother.Gray Hendricks also ofMocksviile; and five grandchildren.Funeral arrangements areincomplete as this paper goesto press.Area Obituariesof Advance United MethodistChurch.Survivors include his wife.Maybelie Markland Orreil ofthe home; 2 daughters.Jeanette Cornatzer of Rt. 3.Advance, and Lynn Owens of, Rt. 7. Southmont, N.C.: 1 son.Billy Frank Orreil of Rt. 2.Advance; 2 sisters. N rs. Delia^ex of Rt. 3. Advance, N.C.and Miss Annie Mae Orreil of201 Sunset Drive in Winston-Saiem; and 3 grandchildren.and Mrs. Maroline Benson ofChina Grove; three sons.Milliard M. Seamon of NewBern. Wayne Seamon ofRoute 2. and Cecil Seamon ofRoute 8. both of Mocksviile;two sisters. Mrs. FaitieBowles of Route 7.and Mrs.Beatrice Hendrix of Route 3,both of .Mocksviile; ilgrandchildren and sevengreat-grandchildren.The family will receivefriends Wednesday eveningfrom 7 until 9 at EatonsFMneral Home Chapel.Memorials may be made toAdvance United MethodistChurch cemetery fund./-I. JOHN FRANK ORRELLJohn Frank Orreil, 73. ofRoute 2. Advance. N.C. diedIMesday morning at his home.Funeral services will beheld Thursday at 2 p.m. atAdvance United MethodistChurch with the Rev. JohnFrank Frye, the Rev. AlexAlvord and the Rev. .MarionFulp officiating. Burial willfollow in the churchcemetery.The body will be placed inthe church thi^ minutesprior to the service.Mr. Orreil was bom inDavie County May 28. 1908 tothe late James Gregory andLeila Bamey Orreil. He was aretired farmer and associatedwith ASCS for over 25 years,serving as chairman and vicechairman. He was a memberCLYDE C. SEAMONGyde Chaimer Seamon. 76.of Route 2. died Saturdayaftemoon in Davie CountyHospital.The funeral was heldMonday. 4 p.m. at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel. Officiating at the service wereMr. Don Freeman and Mr.Lewis Savage. Burial wasin Jericho Church of Christcemetery.Born in Davie County May13.1905. he was the son of thelate James Monroe andTabitha Driver Seamon. Hewas a former employee ofBurlington Mills and wasretired from self-employmentas a tree surgeon. He was amemter of the North MainStreet Church of Christ. Hisfirst wife was the late MaryJane Hendrix Seamon.Survivors include hissecond wife, Mrs. PaulineGreen Smoot Seamon, twodaughter. Mrs. Hayden Anderson of Route 8, Mocksviile, MRS. ANNIE MAE\/HANELLNE PAGE.Mrs. Annie Mae HanelinePage. 65. of 208 EastsideDrive. Statesville. diedThiursday, June 18 at 4 p.m. atIredell Memorial Hospitalafter a lengthy illness.Mrs. Page was bom inDavie County to the lateGeorge W. and Fannle BellReynolds Haneline.Surviving are one daughter.Mrs. Ray Wooten ofStatesville; four brothers.Gyde and Johnny Haneline ofStatesville. Bailey Haneline ofHarmony and PhillipHaneline of Kemersville; twosisters. Mrs. Geneva Beamand Mrs. Frances Beomon.both of Winston-Saiem.Winston-Saiem and retirea m.March of 1966 as a firemanwith the city of Winston-Saiem.His first wife, MargaretDorse Cornatzer precededhim in death.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Nancy Holloway Comatzer ofthe home; three sons, John C.Jr.. Gid George, and Joe VanComatzer, all of Winston-Saiem; two daughters, Mrs.Ralph Ware of Winston-Saiemand Mrs. Irene Mayberry ofGreensboro; 11 grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren; two sisters, Mrs.Nannie Sue Markland ofWinston-Saiem and Mrs.Hagar Bamey of Advance:two brothers, Chester Cornatzer of Winston-Saiem andHesea Cornatzer ofJacksonville, Fla./ JOHN CHARLESCORNATZERJohn Charles Cornatzer,Sr., 77. of 337 E. DevonshireDrive, Winston-Saiem. diedSaturday night after declininghealth of several years.The fimeral was conductedat 12:30 p.m. Tuesday atVogler's Main Street Chapelby the Rev. Emest Parks.Burial was in ForsythMemorial Park..Mr. Comatzer was bomJanuary 4. 1904. in DavieCounty to George and MaggieCharles Comatzer. He hadspent most of his life in/ MRS. MAE SWEARINGENMrs. Mae BakerSwearingen. 57. formerly ofMocksviile. died June 19 inFort Lauderdale, Florida,-after a long illness.She was bom in DavieCounty. June 5. 1924, thedaughter of the late BessieBaker Stewart, and hadresided in Fort LauderdaleFlorida since 1970.The funeral was cimductedat Eaton's Funeral ChapelTuesday. June 23, at 11 a.m.by the Rev. George Auman.Burial followed in ChestnutGrove United MethodistChurch cemetery..Mrs. Swearingen is survived by Gark C. Conley II ofFort Lauderdale. Fla.; threedaughters. Mrs. Linda Sanders of Atlanta. Georgia. Mrs.Brenda Ciaccio of St. Croix.Virgin Islands, and Mrs.Glenda Meetze of Columbia,South Carolina; threegrandchildren and twosisters. Mrs. Dolly Whitaker Vof Tampa. Florida and Mrs.Susie Hopkins of Salisbury,North Carolina.KINZA THOMAS BAREKinza Thomas Bare, of Rt.8. Mocksviile, formerly ofAshe County, died Fridaymoming at Forsyth MemorialHospital in Winston-Saiem.Fweral services were heldat 2 p.m. Sunday at BadgerFuneral HomeChapel.Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Fannie Mae Handy Bare; onedaughter, Theresa Akers ofMocksvUle; four sons, BobbyBare of Glendale Springs,Keith Bare of Mooresville,Mike Bare of King, andDonald Bare of Gemmons;two sisters. Mrs. GussieHowell and Mrs.E]sie Greeneboth of Crumpler: fourgrandchildren, and a numberof nieces and nephews.HOWARD LINDSEY PRUITTMRS.NOTIE JONESFuneral services for Mrs.Notie Jones. 8d, of Route 3.Mocksviile, N.C. were heldMonday, June 22, at 2 pjn. inDulins United MethodistChurch by the Rev. Lee Dukeand the Rev. Bill %oaf.Burial followed in the Jonesfamily cemetery.Mrs. Jones died Fridayevening at Autumn CareNursing Home.She was bom September 7.1892 . in Davie County,daughter of the late ThomasL. and Julie Summers Jones.She was a member of Dulin'sunited Methodlit Church.She is survived by twograndchildren; one greatgrandchild and a number ofnieces and nephews.The death of HowardLindsey Pruitt. 65, of Rt. 1Advance has been ruled asuicide. Pruitt died Sundaynight of a shotgun blast to thehead. Dr. Francis Slate,medical examiner, ruled.Pruitt was found In hishome after neighbors heard agunshot about 8:45 p.m.Ihe funeral was conductedWednesday at 2 p.m. at theEaton's Funeral Home ChapelChurch by the Rev. PaulLedbetter and the Rev. A.C.Waller. Burial followed In thechurch cemetery.Mr. Pruitt was bora inCaswell County to the lateThomas and Pearl PerkinsPruitt. He was a retiredemployee of Heritage Furniture Company.His wife, the former RuthAnn Lovelace, died in 1979.Surviving are twodaughters, Mrs. MarieSouthard of Greensboro andMary B. York of Bakersfidd,Calif.; one son. David Pruittof Rt. 10, Reidsville; 10grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren; one sister,Mrs. Elsie Turner of Reidsville; two brothers, ThomasPraitt of Wentworth and <Woodrow Pmltt of Reidsville.,avie Co. Public UbnMocksviile, N. C>OAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARYMOCKSVUE. no