Jan - Jun. DAME COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JANUARY 7, 1982Area Deaths^ MRS. VALLIE CAMPBELLFuneral services for Mrs. VallieBrown Campbell. 52, of Slatesville.North Carolina, were held Monday.January 4. at 2 p.m. at WesleyMemorial United Methodist Church.Burial followed in CrestwoodMemorial Gardens in Elkin, N.C.Mrs. Campbell died Saturdaymorning at Autumn Care NursingHome in Mocksville. where she hadbeen a patient for a year. She hadbeen in declining health for severalyears.■§.So too S; u^ JS t,« J c e•2 g"§ E w v;£ h< CO O ca CO u5 c* &e a a> ^© c5 2ib ® g25_i2Sitfi «a ^ X< Q 3 «"S_ ©CQjc« c J5 —'•sil"-S,|-S:o S -o I— o ^ o"EPSa jS h< q;■S-S ^ =S2«-C c S wiI = ^if E u 1:C1 c• C o .« a « cI-£ a U U. Surviving are her husband. MajorRetired James T. Campbell: twosons, Jimmy and Michael Campbell; one daughter. Anne Campbell,all of the home: her mother. Mrs.Pearl S. Brown: two brothers.Lonnie and Fred Brown; and onesister, Mrs. John Ledbetter, all ofElkinMemorials may be made to theAmerican Cancer Societv or toWesley United Methodist Church inSlatesville.23 e ^ <S^eo"<5-> .2 t15"ra^ 2S > <5tS.iSS %£ £d.SE£Sg|o-«cS|gi£=^ "■§^|l§ci5 = t =s!S|«-g§ "t Zestf»5 ^ c sw ASon o'l'^ "5 a oClOJSMi-EWOCW W= S WD-?f-DE.£'2 5g «S£-S fcl S s•gsSoOu; !S3i-!®S<'a~.2 ...E« g*®"® = §'"s©"* 5*5s?©i*P5K©'uS-= § £ _^'S§ca .uS^ ^ ^ a >o.2"~ ft, S^S5« »_ o a V 2 a « >»'E ®g*® - gla'gc ©■:£2|-£i®|S•= F-S-R-Sf .£ c^:s.Si ss ^ on Q-aQD< fi.uO>JSUc a» i:"a"0 '■~ £ £ = =o E «B oG • ^ Oo s a -c .■®£ |.gS£:• ^ © ._ o£ "S ^"S MOS.^ (ft c «—S h « oS-;fttS|ls^ O © P .isS«2« -|l£fcfeE8?5£< = Ss-^-- 2 S-* g|'S|£-§uii *^-|S £d 2|Q ^ =C " £*c'g.S£x< a a, j- >»_ £«n'5a£ BS'5 « = ®-:_ -c s •= tC .c T cfiS 3 ^"o owSoet..., o5i■" s « =2 s" ISM xa>, -C B5 S B r°>e « u."Sloga 2®" =■o o £ t ®-2 |5 gfe<S ^ t — s-i_ ,® » fo Cb CO cS£l-Z5ffi c o U .. ' 3^ S ^"5£ o -S g 5 3 .£.£ 3 u u n£ (ft ® ® o u© 03 ^ ^ ©® s S s ;| .£ I•g a..£ g|l Iu .e » u c ^ 33 S; r o ft; O CO■z QbZ ESJ 2.a'| -^ -^-eg® all .S."-s-2S-®:= S^£cg|^® = ^«'5 ..2«E« S.b5.£>o S5|S-s'So e? SB - DA VIE rOL'NTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. JANUARY 14, 1982J- CLAUDE F. WILLIAMSClaude Franidin Wiiiams, 81, ofMocksville. Rt. 3, died Sunday afternoon . at Forsyth MemorialHospital after a 30-day seriousillness.Funeral services were conductedat 2 p.m. Tuesday at Fork BaptistChurch by the Rev. Gordon Joyner,and the Rev. Roy Young. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery.Mr. Williams was bom in DavieCounty April 9. 1900, to the lateLeroy and Nora Foster Williams.He was riRired from the maintenance department of the N.C.Highway Department.Surviving are his wife. Betty JaneKoontz Williams; one daughter,Mrs. Nora Williams Smith of Rt. 3,Mocksville: one son, Cecil D.Williams of Rt. 3. Mocksville; fourgrandchildren; two greatgrandchildren.Other .survivors; one adoptedbrother. Frank Williams ofWalkertown. N. C./MRS. EDNA 0. PRYOR.Mrs. Edna Oakley Pryor, nativeof Davie County, died January 6th inGary. Ind.. after several years ofdeclining health.Funeral arrangements wereconducted by the Andrew SmithFuneral Home. 934 E. 21st Ave.,Gary Ind.Born May 3. I93l. she was thedaughter of the late Lomax andBlanche Oakley. She was educatedin the Davie County schools and wasa member of Liberty AME ZionChurch.Survivors include one sister,Jettie Oakley Chunn of Mocksville,and her husband. Andrew Pryor.two daughters, four sons, andanother sister. Theima OakleyOalton, all of Gary. Ind.Area ObituariesGRADY E. McBRIDE 'Grady E. McBride. 74. of Route 2,was dead on arrival at Davie CountyHospital January 5th.The funeral was held Thursday inEaton's Funeral Home Chapelconducted by the Rev. Leon Wood.Burial was in Smith Grove UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.Born May 2, 1907, in DavieCounty, he was a son of the lateCharlie and Emma West McBride.He was a retired farmer.Survivors include his wife, LucySmith McBride; four daughters,Mrs. Jane Knott of Winston-Salem,Mrs. Betty Foster of Route 4,Mocksville. Mrs. Dorothy Comptonof Clemmons and Mrs. StellaMcCam of Advance; two sons,Charlie McBride of Route 2,.Mocksville and Glenn McBride ofLa Porte. Texas;One sister. Mrs. Leona Richey of.Mocksville; three half-brothers,Henry McBride of Advance,Johnson McBride of Route 2,Mocksville and C. Vernon McBrideof Clemmons; three grandchildren;and two great grandchildren.MRS. META H. MILLERMrs. Metta Diona HinshawMiller, 69, of Rt. 6, Mocksville, diedSaturday night at Baptist Hospital.Funeral services were conduct^ at2 p.m. Tuesday at Ric^ond HillBaptist Church by the Rev. ClaudeHarrelson and the Rev. Paul Wyatt.Burial followed in the churchcemetery.Mrs. Miller was bom iii YadkinCounty, the daughter of Henry andLou Jester Hinshaw. She was amember of Sandy Springs BaptistChurch and was formerly employedat the Davie Florist.Surviving are her husband,Powell E. .Miller; one daughter,Mrs. James (Lou Ray) Shoffner ofRt. 6. Mocksville; tour sons. BillMiller of East Bend, Pelzo Miller ofRt. 7, Mocksville, Randy Miller ofRt. 6, Mocksville, and MichaelMiller of Mocksville; two sisters,Mrs. Vallie Davis of East Bend andMrs. Zetta Childress of Winston-Salem; three brothers, Ed andRoma Hinshaw, both of East Bend,and Leak Hinshaw of Yadkinville:19 grandchildren; ii greatgrandchildren.Raleigh County, W. Va. to the lateBenjamin D. and Narcissus WalkerMills. He was a retired coal miner.He was preceded in death by adaughter, Mrs. Virginia Mills Colein 1979.Surviving are his wife, the formerBeulah Foley of Gladstone Road,Cooleemee; two daughters, Mrs.Paul (Bonnie) Cole of Coal City, W.Va., and Mrs. J. O'dell (Leola)Edwards of Cooleemee; two sons,James Mills of Shady Springs, W.'MRS. RUBY G. CHAPPEL^®'?V^ Mills of Shady Springs, W.Mrs. Ruby Gordon Chappel ''x®-^nd David Mills of Blackshear,(Tomer. 69, of Rt. 4, Yadkinville.diGa.; 1 sister, Mrs. Notie Laxton ofBeckleyed at 8:30 p.m. Saturday atMedical Park Hospital in Winston-Salem.Funeral services were conductedat 2 p.m. Tuesday at South OakridgeBaptist Church by the Rev. PhillipBeavers, the Rev. Craig Edwardsand the Rev. Jimmy Hartley.Mrs. Comer was bom in YadkinCounty, the daughter of Homer andEtta Chappell Chappell. She was amember of South Oakridge BaptistChurch. Her husband William AllenComer. Sr. preceded her in death.Surviving are three daughters,Mrs. Fannie Allen of Rt. 4,Yadkinville, Mrs. Nancy Mayfieldof Harrisburg, and Mrs. Ollle Myersof Tobaccoville; one son. WilliamAllen Comer, Jr. of Rt. 4. Yadkinville; one half-brother, HughChappel of Hamptonville; ei^tgrandchildren; five greatgrandchildren.PEARLIE MILLS^earlie Mills, 85. of Rt: 7, died atDavie County Hospital inMocksville late Saturday night.Funeral services were conducted atI p.m. Tuesday at Blue RidgeFuneral Home in Prosperity, W. Va.Burial followed in the Blue RidgeMemorial Gardens.Mr. Mills was bom in Egerie., W. Va.; l half sister, Mrs.Delores Whitt of Shady Springs, W.Va.; 1 half-brother, RaymondFarley of Beckley, W. Va.; 12grandchildren and 13 greatgrandchildren.MS. NANCY SMITHMs. Nancy Smith of Route 5,Mocksville, N.C. died Monday, June11. at her home. The cause of deathwas an apparant heart attack.She was bom June 9, 1889 inIredell County to the late Monroeand Romelda Smith. She graduatedfrom Iredell County publit^chools.Ms. Smith was a retired domesticworker.Survivors include one cousin,Tom Carter of Winston-^em, N.C.The famUy will receive friends atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. DeweyParks, Rt. 5. Mocksville, N.C.Funeral services will be conducted Thursday, January 14, at 2p.m. at Chinquapin Baptist Churchwith the Reverend F.S. Harrisonofficiating. Bruial will follow in thechurch cemetery.Wearing HatsWearing a hat is a good idea incold weather; 90 percent of lx)dyheat is lost through the head.DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYmocksville;. no / ^ I.8B - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1982>/ • W.M. "PETE" IJAMESWilliam Marion "Pete" Ijames,69, of Route 4, was dead on arrivalat Davie County Hospital January13th.The funeral was held Friday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapelconducted by the Rev. L. LeeWhitlock. pastor of the First BaptistChurch of Cooleemee. Burial was inCenter United Methodist ChurchCemetery.Born Sept. 7. 1912 in DavieCounty, he was a son of the late JohnC. and Eulah Blaylock Ijames. Hewas a retired employee of Thompson Wholesale Grocery and was amember of the First Baptist Churchof Cooleemee.Survivors include his wife.Colleen Correll Ijames; fourdaughters, Mrs. Donald Trexler ofCooleemee, Mrs. CecU McDanieland Mrs. Bud Austin, both ofKissimee, Fla. and Mrs. DanielWaller of Route 7, Mocksville; twosons, Thomas Ijames of Route 4,Mocksville and Billy Ijames ofTampa, Fla.;Four sisters, .Mrs. ThelmaGregory and Mrs. Bertie Wood, bothof Cooleemee, Mrs. Marie Vogler ofSalisbury and Miss Frances Ijamesof Route 4, Mocksville; one brother,James Ijames of Alexandria, Va.;15 grandchildren: and three greatgrandchildren.7Area ObituariesKELLI LEIGH DRYEKelli Leigh Drye, infant daughterof William Lawrence (Lanny) Drye,Jr. and Linda Kaye Allen Drye, ofRoute 6, Mocksville, died at birth at6:30 a.m. Saturday in IredellMemorial Hospital, StatesviUe.Graveside services were held at 2p.m. Monday in the New UnionUnited Methodist Church nearMocksville conducted by the Rev.Kemit Shoaf and the Rev. MelvinBociccr» In addition to the parente, survivors include a brother, NoahDrye. . ,Mrs. Drye is a Cooleemee schoolsystems teacher.In addition to the parents and thebrother, the infant is survived bypaternal and maternal grandparents and great-grandparente.The paternal grandparents are Mr.and Mrs. William Lawrence DryeSr. of Rt. 4, StatesviUe and thematernal grandparents are Mr. andMrs. Cecil Allen of Rt. 6,Mocksville.Paternal great-grandparents areMr and Mrs. Lee Campbell, Rt. 4,StatesviUe, and Mrs. W.F. Drye, Rt.4. StatesviUe. The maternal great-grandparent is J.G. AUen of Rt. 3,Mocksville., MS. NANCY SMITHA Ms. Nancy Smith, 93, of Rt. 5,MocksvUle, died Monday, Jan. 11,1982 at tiie home of Mr. and Mrs.Dewey H. Parks, where she hadUved for the past 17 years.The funeral was held Thursday at2 p.m. at Chinquapin Baptist Churchby the Rev. F.S. Hairston. Burialwas in the church cemetery. Surviving are one cousin. Tom Carterof Winston-Salem, and her adoptedfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey H.Parks and famUy.member of the Rowan ChristianAssembly Church. Salisbury, andwas retired from civil service in1974. He was a veteran of 20 yearsservice with the U.S. Navy duringWorld War II.In addition to his mother, survivors include his wife, Mrs.Frances TiUer HUlard; two sons,Ronald HUlard of White Plains, Md.and Mark C. HUlard of SanAnrelma, Calif.; three sisters, Mrs.Wade Booe of Cooleemee, Mrs.Hazel Vail of Salisbury and Mrs.Nolvice Ceal of Greensboro; fourbrothers. Howard R., Clyde E. andBill C. HiUard, aU of Salisbury, andElmer HiUard of Hamlet; and fourgrandchildren./ RALPH HILLARDRalph Bailey HUlard, 67. ofYadkin Street, was dead on arrivalSaturday at Davie County Hospital,MocteviUe.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Monday at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel. MocksvUle. Officiating atthe se^ce were the Rev. RandyRogers and the Rev. John E. Edwards. Burial wiU t>e in LegionMemorial Park.Born in Davie County August 4.1914. he was a son of Mrs. ElizabethSheeks HiUard of Salisbury and thelate Claude BaUev HiUard. He was aMRS. FANNIE B. BAITYMrs. Fannie Blanche BurgessBaity, 72, of Route 5, died at DavieCounty Hospital on January 13thfoUowing an extended Ulness.The funeral was held Friday atthe Courtney Baptist Church conducted by the Rev. Kermit Pittmanand the Rev. Teague Groce. Burialwas in the church cemetery.Bom Jan. 31, 1909 in YadkinCounty, she was a daughter of thelate (^rUe and Martha BrandonBurgess. She was a member ofCourtney Baptist Church. Herhusband. Flake Baity, preceded herin death.Survivors include five daughters,Mrs. Jack (Frances) Warner, Mrs.Raymond (Lydia) Shore, Mrs.Betty York and Mrs. Clay (Gay)Lawrence, all of Route 5, MocksvUleand Mrs. D.M. (Fannie) BaUey ofRoute 2. Advance.Three sons, James Wesley Baityand BUI Baity, both of Route 5, andDavid E. Baity, Route 2, all ofMocksviUe; 18 grandchUdren and ISgreat-grandchildren./ ALFRED BRUCE HILTONAlfred Bruce Hilton, 60. of Route4. died at N.C. Baptist Hospital inWinston-Salem on January 12lbfoUowing a short Ulness.The funeral was held Friday aiEaton's Funeral Home Chapel inMocksviUe conducted by Uie Rev.Donald Funderburke. the Rev.Marion Fulk and the Rev. PaulLedbetter. Burial was in BethlehemUnited MeUiodist Church Cemetery.Bom March 14, 1921, in DavieCounty, he was a son of Uie latePhUlip Edward and EUa TuckerHilton. He was a self-employed tUesetter and was a member of MocksUnited Methodist Church.Survivors include his wife.Kathleen Story HUton; two sons,Jeddy HUton of the home andBremen HUton of MocksvUle; twodaughters. Mrs. Wanda Brown ofRoute 1, Advance and Mrs. SandraGiUiespie of Route 2, MocksvUle;two brothers, Lester HUton of Route1. Advance and WUliam HUton ofColonial Heights, Va.; Three half-brothers, Lawrence Hilton of Route8. Lexington and Harrison andEddie Hilton, both of Winston-Salem; four half-sisters, Mrs. JesseMullis and Mrs. Patsy CardweU,boOi of Route 2, aemmons, Mrs.Mary Myers of Route 3 and Mrs.Doris Mock of Route 2, both ofAdvance; six grandchUdren; andone great-grandchUd.• SONNY CRANFILLSonnie CranfUl, 79, of 189 0^Street, MocksvUle died at DavieCounty Hospital in MockavilleThui^y morning.The funeral was held Saturday at11 a.m. at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapd in MocksvUle by Uie Rev.Rex Gibbs.Mr. CranfUl was bom in YadkuiCounty to tiie late Levi and KatieGarner CranfUl, and was a retiredemployee of Hanes Chair Co.Surviving are his wife, the formerKatie Jones; one daughter, Mrs.Lois KeUy of MocksvUle; Uireegrandchildren and four great-grandchUdren; two sisters, Mrs.Vada Gough and Miss VersieCranfUl of YadkinviUe.V MRS. ZETRA MILHOLEN /Mrs. Zetra AUen MUholen, 88. of11 Davie St.. died January llUi ather home in Cooleemee.The funeral was held January13th in the Cooleemee UnitedMethodist CSiurch conducted by theRev. Alton Fitzgerald. Burial was inRowan Memorial Park.Bom Sept. 9. 1893, in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate WilUam A. and Rachel WhiteAllen. She was a member ofCooleemee United MethodistChurch and was retired from Erwin 'Mills of Cooleemee. Her husband,Charles E. MUholen, died in 1963.Survivors include one son,Charles E. MUholen, Jr. ofCooleemee; one stepdaughter, Mrs.Mary Catherine Hughes of Denver,Colo.; one brother, James Allen ofRoute 3, MocksvUle: one half-sister,Mrs. Bertha White of Route 2.MocksvUle; two grandchUdren; andone great-grandchUd.' Sonnie CranfUl,79, of Mocksville✓^MOCKSVILLE - Sonnie CranfUl.79. of 189 Oak St.. died at DavieCounty Hpsital eariy Thursday morning.The funeral will be 11 a.m. Saturdayin Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel conducted by the Rev. Rex Gibbs.The family will be at the funeralhome tonight from 7 to 9 o'clock.Bom Aug. 7.1902. in Yadkin County,he was a son of the late Levi and KatieGarner Cranfill and was a retiredemployee of the Hanes Chair (Company. :"i - i .-.r ^OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRAWMOCKSVILLEb Nflf 8B - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1982 Area Obituaries McGUlRE FURCHES Mr. McGuire (Crockett) Furches, 70, of Rt. 2, Mocksville, died at N.C. Baptist Hospital January 20lh after a sliort illness. The funeral was held Saturday at 2 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel in Mocksville with burial in Smith Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery, fie was bom in Da vie County to the late Daniel KimhrntiRh and I^nr.nra Kimbrough Furches. He was a farmer and a member of Farmington Baptist Church. Surviving are two sisters, Miss Norma Furches and Mrs. Frank Woods, both of Rt. 2, Mocksville; one brother. Duke Furches of Rt. 2, Mocksville. V n MRS. ZALIA M. BAILEY Mrs. Zaiia Mills Bailey, 75, of 203 Eastwood Drive, Lexington, died Monday at N. C. Baptist Hospital. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Fork Baptist Church by the Rev. Gordon Joyner and the Rev. Yates Wilkinson. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Mrs. Bailey was a member of Fork Baptist Church, and was the widow of James Alex Bailey. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Jennie Presley of Winston-Salpm, Mrs. Lois Tadlock of Fagelandi S.C. and Mrs. Ophelia Price of Monroe; one brother, Blair Mills of Lexington. / MRS. FLETCHER BECK Mrs. Lula Jane Crotts Beck, 85, of Rt. 7, Mocksville, widow of the late Fletcher Beck, died at Davie County Hospital January 20. The funeral was held Thursday at Dutchman Creek Baptist Church by the Rev. Tommy Tuggle and the Rev. James Sechresl. She was bora in Davie County to the late Robert and Sophie Shuler Crotts and was a retired employee of Erwin Mills. Her husband preceded her in death in June 1977. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Garland Myers of Rt. 7, Mocksville, Mrs. Van Poplin of Rt. 4, Mocksville and Mrs. Bill Trivette of Rt. 6, Mocksville; one adopted daughter, Mrs. Gordon Wolf of Rochester, N.Y.; one sop, Robert Wesley Beck of Rt. 7, Mocksville; 13 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. K' jimmy R. HOWARD Jimmy R. Howard, 45, of S. Elm Eugene St., Greensboro, died at L. Richardson Pryor Hospital January 20th. Mr. Howard was bora in Davie County to E. Samuel and Geneva Myers Howard. His early life was in Davie County, and he had. lived in Greensboro for the past 16 years. He was employed by Gate City Roofing Co. Surviving are his mother of Ad vance; seven sisters, Mrs. Pearl Markland of Clemmons, Mrs. Marvin (Thelma) Taylor of Ad vance, Mrs. Harold (Maudie) Miller of Fayetteville, Mrs. June (Addle) Fine and Mrs. William (Rosie) Stillman, boU) of Lewisville, Mrs. James (Pansy) Myers of Winston- Salem, and Mrs. Marc (Sue) Hacker of Raleigh; two brothers, Delmer Howard of Advance, and Samuel Howard of Mocksville. P. D. PEEBLES Paul Drewey Ped>Ies, 85, of Rt. 3, Mocksville, died at Forsyth Memorial Hospital early Thursday morning. The funeral was held Saturday at 11 a.m. at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel in Mocksville by the Rev. Marion Fulk. Burial followed in Advance United Methodist Church Cemetery. Mr. Peebles was bora in Davie County to the late Will and Alberta Harris Peebles, and was a retired employee of Erianger Mills in Lexington. Surviving are three nieces, Mrs. Lucy Hubbard and Mrs. Edrie Brunt, both of Winston-Salem, and Mrs. Carmen Price of Orlando, Fla.; five nephews. Gene H. Greene and Bobby Peebles, both of Winston- Salem, Bob Greene of High Point, Millard Jones of Whiteville, and Donald H. Jones of Raleigh. ;|' ( f! \ t nwiij) N. i\. V( <L o DAVIE CO. PUBUC DBRARV MOCKSVILLE. NC r 8B - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1982 AreaObituraries RUFUS W. BECK Rufus William Beck, 78, of Mocksville, Rt. 8, was dead on arrival at Davie County Hospital at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. The funeral was conducted at 11 а.m. Monday at Eaton's Funeral Oiapel by the Rev. John Fowler,^rial was in Union Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery. Mr. Beck was bom in DavieCounty September 16, 1903, to the late William Asbury and Lula Bowles Beck. He was a retired farmer and was a member of Union Chapel United Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Belva Rollins Beck; one daughter, Mrs. William M. (Pearline) Seaford of Rt. 1, Mocksville; two sons, Lewis and Bruce Bennett Beck, both of Rt. б, Mocksville; three grandsons; four great-granddaughters; twosisters, Mrs. Floyd Mi^ell of Rt. 4, Mocksville and Mrs. Ruth Pen- nington of Lewisville, three broUiers, Alford Beck of Lexington, Waltef Beck of Mocksville and Earl Beck of Rt. 6, Mocksville. t PHILLIP H. FORREST Phillip Hosey Forrest, 85, ofLexington, Rt. 15, died Saturday at Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem. The funeral was conducted at 2 p.m. Monday at No Creek Baptistdturch by Elder Eugene Bennett and Elder Bill Bamhardt. Burial was in the church cemetery. He was a retired employee of Dixie Furniture Company and issurvived by his wife, Mrs. Evelyn Williams Foirest; two daughters,Mrs. Paul Koontz of Lexington and Mrs. Robert Yarbrough ofWaynesviUe; four sons, Hosey and Billy Forrest, both of Rt. 15,Lexington, Phillip Forrest, ^Jr. of Rt. 2, Advance, and Frank Forrest of Rt. 1, Wax Haw; 12 grandchildren and tlvee great-grandchildren. MRS. DAISY B. MORRIS Mrs. Daisy Brown Morris of New York City, N. Y. died Sunday, January 31 at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. Mrs. Morris was a native of Saluda, S. C. and a long time resident of Advance, N. C. before moving to New York in 1934. Surviving are her husband, Mr. Casey Morris of the home, three brothers, Mr. Elijah Brown of Advance, Walter Brown of Winston- Salem and William Brown of Philadelphia, Pa. Two sisters, Mrs. Ida Mae Brown of Winston-Salem and Mrs. Irlene Davis of Bronx, N. Y. The family received friends at Forsyth Funeral Home Friday night from 7-7:30 p.m. The remainder ofthe time, the family was at the home of Walter Brown, brother, at 1222 Pleasant St. Winston-Salem, N. C. Graveside rites were held Saturday at 2 p.m. at Smith Grove AME Zion Church Cemetery in Smith Grove. I bu.i UUIIC Liuicil) Mocksville, N. t a —Q O I Z V- cr- OAVIE CO. PUBUC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NO pa t^-( I)\I 9 jlOB - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 11. 1982Area Obituaries^ ' FRANK S. BOWLESFrank Simmons Bowles, 79, ofRoute 2 Mocksville, died at his homeFebruary 3rd.The funeral was held Friday atEaton's Funeral Home chapelconducted by the Rev. RobertPrentice. Burial was in Oak .GroveUnited Methodist Church cemetery.Bom Feb. 8. 1902, in DavieCounty, he was a son of the late Johnand Lydia James Bowles. He was aretired employee of Cannon Mills inKannapolis and a member of OakGrove United Methodist Church.Survivors include his wife, LenoraWhitaker Bowles: one daughter,Mrs. Lester "Nellie" Sain of Route2. Mocksville; three sons, Marvin and John Lee Bowles, both ofRoute 6. Mocksville. and LawrenceBowles of Route 2. Mocksville.n Two sisters. Mrs. Eva Smith andMrs. Dick Pierce, both ofMooresville; three brothers.Charles Bowles of Kannapolis,Boyce Bowles of Concord andEldridge Bowles of St. Louis, Mo.;eight grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren.^ EVERETTE H. BROWNEverette Hugh Brown, 68, ofRoute 7. died at Davie CountyHospitel early Tuesday morning.The funeral will be 4 p.m.Thursday at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel conducted by the Rev. AltonFitzgerald and Dr. Wilson Nesbitt.Burial will be in Hardison UnitedMethodist Church cemetery inDavie County.The family will be at the funeralhome on Wednesday night from 7 to9 o'clock. Memorial contributionsmav be made to the HardisonUnited Methodist Church BuildingFund.Bora February 15. 1913. in DavieCountv. he was a son of the lateDaniel Hugh and Pantha AllenBrown. He was retired from theN.C. Highway Commission with 27years of service, and was a memberof Hardison United MethodistChurch.Survivors include his wife, VetraWilson Brown; one daughter, Mrs.Howard "Nancy" Norville ofCharlotte; three sons. Bill Brown ofSalisbury and Dale Brown, Route 7,and Steve Brown. Route I. both ofMocksville;Two sisters, Mrs. Marvin Hellardand Miss Beulah Grey Brown, bothof Route 7, Mocksville; twobrothers, Willie V. Brown of Route7, Mocksville and Thomas S. Brown,of Danville, Va.; 11 grandchildren;and one great-grandchild.. MRS. MAGGIE HUDSONV FARLEYMrs. Maggie Ruth HudsonFarley, 77. of 2624 Dacian Street,widow of Robert Joines Farley, diedat 4:3a p.m. Sunday at her home.She had been in declining health forseveral months and seriously illsince January.She was bora on the Cooleemeeplantation in Davie County Jtme 24.1904, the daughter of Holland S. andDelia McDaniel Hudson. Her earlylife was spent in the FultmuandFork communities in Davie County.She moved to Winston-Salem in1920. and for a time was employedby R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. She had lived in the SouthsideCommunity for over 50 years and ather present address for 45 years. In1949, became a charter member ofSouth Park Baptist Church and alsoa charter member of the LadiesAmdliary of the Veteran of ForeignWars Post 6367.She is survived by one son, RobertOdell Farley of the home; fourgenerations of nieces and nephews.Funeral services were conductedat 2 p.m. Wednesday at South ParkBaptist Church, 2925 S. Main Street,conducted by the Rev. LarryWilkes, pastor of South Park BaptistChurch, the Rev. Harold P. Tuttle,founder of the South Park BaptistChurch, the Rev. David D. Case, ofthe Churches for Life and Liberty inRaleigh. Pallbearers were members of South Park Baptist Church./mrs. golden CRANFIELD' .Mrs. Golden Jones Cranfleld, 72,of Route 8, Mocksville was dead onarrival at Davie County HospitalFebruary 3.The funeral was held Friday atEaton's Funeral Home chapelconducted by the Rev. JohnFowlder and the Rev. Grady Tut-terow. Burial was in Chestnut GroveUnited Methodist Church cemetery.Born Jan. 2, 1910. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate John Cash and Bettie BeckJones. Her husband, DallaftCranfleld. died in 1974.Survivors include three sisters,Mrs. Katie Cranfleld of Mocksvilleand Mrs. Annie J. Mock and Mrs.Florence J. Booe, both of Route 6,Mocksville; one half-brother,Thomas Jones of Mocksville; onegrandson; and two greatgrandchildren.y .JOHN T. WISEMANJohn Thomas Wiseman, formerlyof Davie County, died this week atMuclenburg Hospital in Plainfield,New Jersey.He was born in Davie CountySeptember 27. 1925, to the lateThomas M. and Nannie G.Wiseman. He was married to Mrs..Mary C. Carter Wiseman of NewHe has been a member of BethanyAME Ziort Church since wrlychildhood. He was a machanic bytrade.Survivors include two sisters,Miss Sarah Wiseman and Mrs.Nellie Freeman, both of Mocksville;1 brother, Calvin Wiseman of NewJersey; an aimt, Mrs. Wade Smoot, :also of Mocksville, and a host of iother relatives.Following funeral services in New >Jersey, his remains will be sent to ;Winston-^em for burial.OAVtE CO. PUBUCMOCKSVlUa NO / Opc f)(HH. I 'zfi^W.A. Tony' Lewder,rites in MocksvilleMOCKSVILLE — William Anthony"Tony" Lowder. 64. of 1520Chesborough Road, Winston-Salem,was dead on arrival at High PointMemorial Hospital Tuesday evening.The funerai will be 4 p.m. Thursday jat Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel con*ducted by the Rev. W.F. Thompson.Burial will follow in Oak Grove United jMethodist Church cemetery.The family will be a the funeral fhome tonight.Bom in Forsyth County. April 20.1917. he spent his entire life there. He twas retired from R.J. Reynolds Industries as a machine mechanic with41 years of service and was a Methodist.Survivors Include his wife, EthelMcClamrock Lowder. a native ofDavie rniintv two daughters. .Mrs.Janet McCorkle of Camden. S.C. andMrs. Anne Kennedy of SurfsideBeach. S.C.;One stepdaughter. .Mrs. ElaineWillis of Davidson County; one sister,Mrs. Virginia Smith of Columbia,S.C.: a number of half-brothers andhalf-sisters: and three grandchildren.0AV1E CO, PUBUO QBRARYMOCKSVtUE. NO gi, I /T/2^8B - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1982Area Obituaries"Paw"-MRS. NOTIE SMITHMrs. Notie Beauchamp Smith. 85.of 3225 S. Stratford Road. Winston-Salem. widow of W.G. Smith, died atForsyth Memorial Hospital Sundaymorning.The funeral was conducted at 2p.m. Tuesday at First PentecostalHoliness Church by the Rev. AustinRobertson and the Rev. R.O. Smith.Burial was in Oaklawn MemorialGardens.She was born May 4, 1896, inDavie County the daughter ofCharlie K. and Senie OrrellBeauchamp. She was a member ofFirst Pentecostal Holiness Churchand an active member of theClemmons Senior CitizensFellowship of First PentecostalHoliness Church.She is survived by two daughters,Mrs. Hazel Miller of 3235 S. Stratford Road and Mrs. Charles E.(GenevaiScott. Jr. of 349 KnoUwoodStreet: two grandchildren. FarreilW. and Donald G. Scott; four greatgrandchildren; three sisters. Mrs..Martha Davis of Clemmons. Mrs.Alice .Myers of Advance, and Mrs.Lillian Sprinkle of Winston-Salem;two brothers, E.G. Beauchamp ofWinston-Salem. and Roy C.Beauchamp of Advance./ MRS. JESSIE GRIBBLEMrs. Jessie McCleon Gribble, 73,of Mocksville 775 Yadkinville Road,Mocksville died Sunday at BaptistHospital in Winston-Salem.The funeral was conductedTuesday at 11 a.m. at Eaton'sFuneral Chapel by the Rev. CharlesBullock. Burial was in Sharon.Memorial Park in Charlotte..Mrs. Gribble was born inMecklenburg County to W.R. andKatherine Robertson McGeod. Shewas a member of First BaptistChurch of Mocksville.Surviving are her husband.Charles Baron Gribbie; one son,Charles Gribble of Pleasant Garden; three grandchildren; onegreat-grandchild. Any memorialsmay be made to First BaptistChurch Building Fund ofMocksviiie.1/ Reuben D. YorkThe shooting death of a 42-yearuid Mocksville man has been ruledsuicide by the Davie CountySheriff's Department.Reuben Douglas York of Rt. 3.Mocksville was found dead Wednesday night. Death was caused bya .12 guage .shot gun blast to thechest.Tom Foster. Chief Deputy withthe Davie County Sheriff'sDepartment, said the body wasdiscovered around 12:30 a.m. by afriend of York's who became concerned when he wouldn't answer thedoor. The person peered through awindow, seeing York's body on thefloor.Dr. Francis Slate, medicalexaminer, said the incident occurred at approximately 7:00 p.m.Wednesday night.Foster said evidence confirmed. the death as a suicide.The funeral was held Saturday at2 p.m. at Courtney Baptist Churchby the Rev. Kenneth Pittman.Burial was in the church cemetery.He was bom in Iredell County tothe late Reuben Franklin York andAlma Bemice Williams York. Hewas an employee of Baker Furniture Co. Surviving are his wife,.Mrs. Betty Baity York: one son.Edbum Douglas York, and onedaughter. Kimberly Dawn York,both of the home: his mother. AlmaBernice Williams of Randleman;two sisters. Mrs. Johnny lEIaine)Pratt of Rt. 5. Mocksville and Mrs.Francis Williams of Randleman;one brother. Ronnie York ofSlatesviileti Everette Hugh BrowniFeb. 15. 1913-Feb. 9. 1982)-A lot of people knew and lovedhim. Those that knew him - almostall called him "PaW. He had asmile that could brighten thedarkest day. His eyes were as blueas the sky. He was a good man: aloving, caring man..After an early retirement (due toillness) on most sunny days onecould drive by his house on JerichoRoad and find him sitting on the }front porch wishing he were able to |be working • but he never com- Iplained. |He loved to go for Sunday af- jtemoon drives down all the country,roads talking about the work be didwhen he worked for the Departmentof Transportation.Paw was a God-fearing man. He !attended church every Sunday untilhis illness forced him to stay home.He spent the last five months ofhis life in the Davie County Hospital- each day a struggle for life. He.never gave up-he just gave out. All )he wanted was to come home again. (but he never got to come to his <earthly home. God wanted him in |His Heavenly home. And that's |where he is now and no longer in fpain.Wendy, his 5-year-old granddaughter (and my sister) said witha smile. "Sissy, we can still talk toPaw • he has just gone to live withGod."I will always love him - he is my |best friend and my buddy. fIn Memory of Paw, fFrances D. Brown \Davie counry aeum.Is ruled suicide- MOCKSVILLE - The shootingdeath oi Ruben Douglas York. 42. of- Route 3 has been ruled suicide by the/ n Davie County Sheriff's Department.' " Deputies said a friend of York's- became alarmed when York was not• seen on Wednesday. She went to thehome, where York lived alone, and~ looked through a window to discover' - hini on the door with a bullet woundn in the rhest. Depuues were notified at'' 1 v: 3(1 a.m. Thursday, The lime of' death was listed at 7 p.m. Wednesday.Deputies said a double barrell .12.iaupe shotaun was used.Uavie Co. Public LibraryOAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRASymocksville. no B'6- ot,\Ti>.c\fi*(rs-ion DAVII- COirNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1982W. S. -BIM/ PEOPLlilSWllliora "Bill" Silas Peoples, ni,of <10.1 Grove SI., died at 1I;IB p.m,Sunday in Rowan MemorialHospMni fonowitig on illness of fourwecJoi,Tlie funeral was conducicd ai 2l>.in. Wednesday at Milford HillsUniled MolhndisI Church by theRev. Charles D. White, Jr., pastor.Burial wn.s in City Memorial Park.Memorial contributions moy bemade io Milford Hills UnitedMethodist Church or to the RowanCounty Cancer Fund.Bom .luly B. 1020, in DovleCounty, he was a son of the lateNnthan Darnel and Mory Bmraalluichcns Peoples. Ho served In theU.S, Air Force during World War 11and was a member of Milford HillsUnited Methodist Church, Hudson-Mlller-Totum VFW Post and theRowan County Coin Club.He was employed by the U.S. PostOffice for 20 years until hisretirement in August lOfiO and sincethat lime ho had bcon employed byCity Motor Company in sales.Survivors include his wife, HelenMitchell Peoples; four sons,Wililnm S. Pco^es, Jr. ond DennisAllen Peoples, both of Orlando, Ra.,Randy Dean Peoples of Charleston,5.C. and James Edward Peoples ofVlrglnio Beach, Vo.; one daughter,Mrs. Carol P. Godwin of Orlando,Fla.sOne brother, Isaac R. Peoples ofMochsvlllc: three slaters, Mrs.Esther Louise Draughn ofMocksvllio, Mrs. Lois CranflU ofRoute I, Soiisbury and Mrs. LucilleAt wood of Wlnston-Sfllom; andthree grandchildren.REV. GEORGE D. RENBGARFuneral services for theRovcrend George Dallas Renegar,B8, of Route 2, Horroony, N.C. wereheld Friday. Fcbniaiy IS at 3 pjn.iat Sandy Spring.<i BaplisI Church,*conducted by the Rev. Paul S.;Simpson, (he Rev. R. Howard IWagoner and the Rev, JJD. Wyatl. jPallbearers were members of theMen's Bible Class of Hurmony, N.C.Interment followed in the churchcemetery. i• Mr. Renegar died unexpectedly!Tuesday at Davis Hospital inStatcsvillc, N.C. Death was at-,iributed to a heart nttack.He was a member of Harmony 1Baptist Church, finished theSoulhcrn BaplisI Seminary inI.Auisvi|ic, Ky., and served manychurcltes Ihroughoul his ministry.At one time he paslorcd churches inDavic County, the Farminglon area {and at Eaton's Baptist Chrueh. He |was a veteran of WW I.He was married to Florence |Eslolle Borneman in 1024. She Ipreceded him in death in 1S77. !Survivors Include one daughter, IMrs. Frank (Margaret) Barile ofGary, N.C; three grandsons, John ,Dallas Barile, Darry) Barile andRussell Barile, all of Caiy, N.C.;one sister, Mrs. Gurney Joyncr ofRt. 3, YadHinvUlo, N.C.; and twobrothers, J. Bryan Renegar of Rt. 9,Yadkinville nnd Woodrow Renegarof Rndford, Va.JOHN (SANDY) SCOTTThe funeral for John (Sandy)Scon, of Rl. R, Mflcksvllle, was heldSunday ol 2 p.m. at MainvilicA.M.E. Zion Church by the Rev.W.L. Bailey. Burial tollawed in (hechurch cemetery.Surviving arc his wife. Mrs.Bculah Scolt of Ihc home; twodaughters. Mrs. Helen Warren ofWinstcn-Snlem, ond Mrs. ShirleyStcclc of Mocksville; nix sons,Robert Scntt of Winston-Salem.John C. Scott, Vcmon Scolt, ClydeScott, Ncnl Scott and Dwight Scott,all of Mocksville; one sister, Mrs.Addic Sinoot of Mocksville.MRS. LOUISE DILLARD .LEWISMrs. Louise Diliard Lewis ofRoute B, Mockrville, N.C. diedMonday, February 22, at DavieCounty llospllal.She was a native of Davie Countyand a member of St. John AME ZlonChurch. She was last employed 1^Monleigb Garment Company ofMocksville.Survivors include two sons.George David Lewis, Jr. of thehome and Molvln Gray Lewis ofMocksville; one daughler-fn-law,Mrs. Charlene Lewis of Mocksville:five grandchildren: two brothers,William Diliard, Jr. and RobertDiliard, both of lit. 8, Mocksville; afoster brother, William EugeneFoole; six sisters, Mrs. AlicePallcrson, Mrs. Hozid Dalton, Mrs.Margaret Lewis and Mrs. CarolynWilliams, all ol Kl, 8, Mocksville,Mrs. Mary Holmes of Harmony, andMrs, B. K. Williams of Albemarle;and an aunt, Mrs. BeB Nichols ofAulumn Care Nursing Home.Funeral services will be heldThursday at 4 p.m. at St. John AME-Zlon Church In Mocksville. Burialwill follow in the church cemetery,JOHN W. PITTMANFormer Highway Patrolmon JohnW. Plttman, died Mondny,February t, as p result of a singlecot Qccidcnt Jfinuory 20ln inLUllnglon, N.C.PUtman was 37 years of ago.Survivors Include his wife, Mary,and four chlldreni all of the homo.He was stationed In Davie CountyJuly 1085 Giroush 1067.PUtmnn was driving his personalvehicle at the time of the accident,skidded on ice and hit a ulUity pole,sustolnlng Inlernal injuries.Officiating minister will be the Rev,L. P. Speas. Sr.'The family will receive friends atthe church Wednesday eveningfrom 7 p.m. until B:30 p.m. The bodywill rcmoln at the church until thetime of the funernl.u DAVll- COUNTY KNTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. HKBRUARY 25. 1982DONALD EUCENE COUSINODonald Eugene Couslno, 42, of R(.Dolhc) Church Iload, Mocksvillcdied at Qaplisl Hospilal in Winstcn-Siitcm Snlurd.iy night.The funcrnl was conducted al il.i.m. Wednesday at Eaton's Funeralllnme Chnpct by the Rev. JohnArcy, the Rcv. Norman Fryo. andthe Rev. Lee WhUlodt, Burial was inthe Rose Cemetery in Mocksvillc.Mr. Couslno was born in Stock-bridge, Michigan to Elizabethliautn and the Intc Arnold J.Cousino. He was a plumber for theSkyline Mobile Home Corporationand was o member of the NationalGuard.Surviving are hlfi wife, the formerRaciiet Daniel; one daughter, LynnCou-sino of the home; three sons.T»dd. Eddie, and Shane Couslno, allof the home; his mother: twofilslers, Mrs. Bculah WUHmon ofGregory, Michigan, and Mrs. EllenMcClurc of Holland. Ohio: ninebrothers, John, Sidney, Keith,Elton, and Carllon Couslno, all ofPetersburg, Michigan, Tom andErnest Couslno, bolii of Leslie,Michigan, Joseph Couslno of Jacon,Michigan, and Dcibcrt Couslno ofManchcsicr, Michigan.Donald E. CousinoV S VThe following article concerningDon Cousino's fight with cancer andhis love for the annual MocksvilleMasonic Picnic appeared in theAugust iz issTiP n( the Enterprise-Record.Cousino. 42, of Rt. 3, Mocksville,lost his battle for life Saturday,February 20. Funeral services wereheld Wednesday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel. Burial was in RoseCemetery.It's Masonic Picnic Week, carnival week, the event of the year inDavie County, but to the Donald E.Cousino family of Rt. 3, Mocksville,it's more than that. It's reliving adream to work in the carnival,maybe for the last time for Donald."This was one of the first jobs hehad early in our marriage," Mrs.Cousino said. "Picnic week givesus a chance to relive those days hetraveled with the carnival. This is aspecial way of life. Some people lookdown on carnival people, but theyare good hard working people. Theywon't take anything off anybody.but they are close and take care ofeach other.""I have always loved a carnivaland came to the Masonic Picnicevery year when I was young. Ialways wanted to work in one. Infact, I ran away from home when Iwas 14 and joined a circus. Mybiggest dream was to be a trapezeflier. Igotio ride the elephants, butnever got to be a flier. The circusjob didn't last long and I came backhome." she said.After her marriage to DonaldCousino, they traveled with acarnival for a few years and lived inthe back of a trailer that carriedthe ferris wheel ride. When theirfirst son. Todd, came along he sleptin a wooden crate where the ferrirwheel seats were boxed while theyran the ride. He had his first ferriswheel ride when he was threemonths old. After more childrencame along they had to give upcarnival life, settle down and madetheir home in Davie County,Each year at picnic time, for thepast 10 years, the Cousinos return towork in the carnival again. "Thissort of lets us relive those times. W&love to work with IJeopIe, especiallythe young ones," Mrs. Cousino said."It's-always been a family affair,but this year Todd, the oldest, ispracticing football, but Eddie is stiUoperating the children's swing rideand Donald and myself areoperating the Tilt-A-Whirl ride andLynn and Shane are just enjoyingthe carnival." she said.Doctors have determined thatDonald has cancer and this may behis last year at the carnival, but hehas determined to come this yearfor the last ride.Davie County Public Libran/Mocksville, NO L,.e s3,8B - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1982Area Obituaries-William Alex Bailey Sr., 68. ofRt. 3. Advance, died at AutunmCare Convalescent Center inMocksville Friday. Funeral services were Sunday, Feb. 28. at 2p m. at Advance United MethodistChurch by the Rev. Marion Faulk.Burial followed in the churchcemetery.The family requests that anymemorials be made to AdvanceUnited Methodist Church or theCancer Fund. Mr. Bailey was l»min Franklin County, Va. to the mteTaylor F. and Clara Crouse Bailey,and was a retired dairy farmer.Surviving are his wife, Mrs. MabelHartman Bailey of the home; onedaughter. Mrs. Callie Terry ofWinston-&lem: one son, William A.Bailey Jr. of Rt. 3 Advance; onegranddaughter, Dena ElizabethTerry, and one grandson, DavidTerry, both of Winston-Salem; onesister. Mrs. Edith Seagle of Ac-worth, Ga.; one brother, Hubert L.Bailey of Rt. 3, Advance.^ MRS. VIVIAN HENDRK JARVISMrs. Vivian Hendrix Jarvis. K,1110 Ashland Drive, Lexington. N.C.died Saturday, February.2S..at N.C.Baptist Hospital in Winston-&lem.She had been in declining health fortwo years and seriously ill for fourmonths. .Mrs." Jarvis was born June 5.1916in Davie County to the late Louisand LeUa Fry Hendrix. She wM amember of Trinity Um^Methodist Church and was a retireaclerk for Fites 50-50 Grocery.Her husband, Foy C. Jarvis, diedMarch 2. 1970.Survivors include one daughter,Mrs. Franklin (Susan) Clark ofLexington; one grandchild: onebrother. Paul Hendrix ofMocksviUe: and one sister, Mrs.Velma Graver of Advance.Funeral services were conductedMonday at 2 p.m. at Trinity UnitedMethodist Church. Officiatingministers were the Reverend PerryR. Barnhardt and the ReverendRobert L. Oakley. Internmentfollowed in Forest Hill MemorialPark.Memorials may be maite to theNorth Carolina Kidney Foundation.t^WlRS. HAGAR C. BARNEYMrs. Hagar Comatzer Barney, 81,of Rt. 2, Advance, died Thursday,Feb. 25 at Medical Park Hospital inWinston-Salem. Funeral serviceswere Saturday at 2 p.m. at Eaton'sFuneral Home in Mocksville by theRev. Marion Fulk and the Rev. AlexAlvord. Burial followed in AdvanceUnited Methodist Church C^etery.Mrs. Barney was bom in DavieCounty, the daughter of George H.and Maggie Charles Comatzer. Shewas a member of Advance UnitedMethodist Church.Surviving are her husband.William Thomas Barney; onedaughter. Miss Maggie Lou Bameyof Rt. 2. Advance; one sister, Mrs.Annie Sue Markland of Winston-Salem; two - brothers, A.C. Cor-natzer of Winston-Salem, and HoseaComatzer of Jacksonville, Fla.; onegranddaughter, Mrs. Wanda GailBeauchamp of Clemmons; onegreat grandson, David WayneHoward of Rt. 2. Advance. She waspreceded in death by two sens,Robert Thomas Bamey and WilliamHubert Bamey./ FRED A. MARSHALLFred Avery Marshall, 67. of 5028Davis Road. Winston-Salem, diedThursday, Feb. 25 at Stokes-Reynoids Memorial Hospital inDanbury.He was born Oct. 19,1914 in StokesCounty to Vick 0. and Anna BolesMarshall. He had lived in ForsythCounty for the past 25 years and wasa member of St. Mail's MethodistChurch in Walnut Cove. He was aretired brick mason, and was amember of the Brick LayersMasons and Plasterers International Union Local No. 6.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Gladys Whit&Marshall of the home:three daughters, Mrs. Linda Boyerof Youpon Beach. N.C.. Mrs. BetsyLeihenseder and Mrs. CherylStafford, both of Churchland; oneson. Gray Marshall of Advance,seven grandchildren; seven sisters.Mrs. Blanche Clark of King, MrsGladys Carroll and Mrs. AlmaMorgan, both of Walnut Cove, Mrs.Loraine Bowman of Germanton.Mrs. Margaret Culpepper of Wilson,and Mrs. Clara Brown of Colfax.Funeral services were Saturdayat 2 p.m. at Vogler's Reynolda RoadChapel by the Rev. John F. Fry.Interment foUowed in CrestviewMemorial Park.MRS. SEBIA H. FULTONV Mrs. Sebia Hutchins Fulton, 82, of3410 Anderson Dr., Winston-Salemdied at Center Clair Nursing Homein Lexington last Wednesdaymorning. She had been in declininghealth for some time, and seriouslyill for four days. She was the widowof John Wade Fulton, who died inJuly 1967. She was bom in DavieCounty to William Robin and MillieStonestreet Hutchins. She sp«it herearly life in Davie County, and hadlived in Winston-Salem since 1921.She was associated with SpaughReal Estate and Insurance Co. formany years. Surviving is one son.James Wade Fulton of Winston-Salem. .A graveside service washeld Friday at 11 a.m. at ForsythMemorial Park by the Rev. TniettChadwick and the Rev. BennieBearden.C. W. WHTTLEYClyde William Whitley, 74, of 19Duke St., died at his home earlySunday morning.The funeral was conducted at 2p.m. Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral iHome Chaiwl by the Rev. J. D.Revis. Burial foUowed in LegionMemorial Park in Cooleemee.Bora July 24, 1907, in Davie.County,, he was ^e son of the lateRufus Brady and Martha Ijam^Whitley. He was a retired em^oyiibof Burlington Industries.Survivors include his wife, •'Josephine McBride Whitley; oneson. C. W. WhiUey, Jr. of Duke St..Cooleemee; three sisters. Mrs. :Virginia Casey of Salisbury. Mrs.Mae Evans of Mocksville and Mrs.Lillian Drury of Morganton; three •brothers, R. B. Whitley, Arthur ,Whitley and James E. l^tley, all fof Cooleemee; and four ^and-'children.w- WILLIAM A. (TONY) LOWDERMr. William Anthony (Tony)*Lowder, 64, of 1520 ChesborougbRd., Winston-Salem, was dead onarrival at High Point Memorial iHospital Tuesday. Feb. 23. He hadbeen in dwlining health, but deathwas unexpected. Funeral serviceswere held Thursday at 4 p.m. atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. W.F. Thomi^n and theRev. Robert Prentice. Burialfollowed in Oak Grove UnitedMethodist Church Cemetery. Hewas bom in Forsyth County toEdward and Martha Lowder.having lived here his entire life. Hewas retired from Reynolds Industries as a machine mechanic with41 years of service. He was of theMethodist Faith.Surviving are his wife. Mrs. EthelMcClamrock Lowder of the home;two daughters, Mrs. Janet Mc-Corkle of Camden, S.C., and Mrs.Anne Kennedy of Surfside Beach,S.C.; one stepdaughter, Mrs. ElaineWillis of David^ County; onesister. Mrs. Virginia Smith ofColumbia. S.C.; a number of half-brothers and half-sisters.Oavie Co. Public Library"sf/'sviiie. N. 0.davie CO. PUBUC UBRARyMOCKSViaE. NO Glenn 0. Boose "Thedcvelopmcniof Rich Park is a challenge lo each and every cidzen of Mocksviile," said Glenn G. Rooso on February 10, 1949 in a talk lo Ihe newly formed Mocksviile Jaycoe Club Boose, a (eachcr and allilelic coach al the Mocksviile High School, was addressing the need of Ihe Mocksviile Community for a lighted athletic field for high school and community contests, and also the need for a recreation area for young boys and girls. At that lime Rich Park was in a run down, delapidaled slate and in no way was a tribute to Thomas W, Rich who gave It to Ihe town on nclohcr 16. 1949. I i\ The Jaycces picked up the challenge issued that night by Boose and initialed the drive to develop the park. Out of this drive came the formation of the Davie Memorial Association that look over the re.sponsibility of the park, and raised, fimds for tie liditiiigand developing. Also that same year saw the citizens of the Town of Mocksviile adopt a tax-supported recreation program that has meant so much to so many down through the years. Boose, a native of Forsyth County, came to the Mocksviile High School about 1934. He was a math teacher and coached boys basketball. The 1936-37 year saw his boys basketball team post one of the best records in the state winning 27 games and losing only 3. In the early 1940s, during World War II, he moved to Boyden High School in Salisbury as teacher and coach. In 1947 he returned to Mocksviile High to coach both football and basketball, as well as teach math. In 1957, because of health reasons he and his wife, the former Troy Sapp, moved lo Florida where both taught until retiring about 10 years ago. As a teacher and coach in this community, Glenn Boose had a great in fluence on the many with whom he came in contact. He practiced the belief that education should teach us how to think, rather than what to think. He sought to improve minds to enable us lo think for ourselves, rather than just load our memroies with the thoughts of other men. Glenn Boose was a quiet and thoughtful man. He was considerate, unassuming, soft-spoken and kind. He was, in the words of Wordsworth; "A man whose life was filled with little, nameless, imremembered acts of kindness and love." It was long ago that a great philosopher observed: "The grandest operations, both in nature and grace, are the most silent and imperceptible.—The shallow brook babbles in its passage and is heard by every one; but the coming of the seasons is silent and unseen.—The storm rages and alarms, but its fury is soon exhausted, and its effects are but partial and soon remedied; but the dew, though gentle and unheard. Is immense in quantity, and is the very life of large portions of the earth.-And these are pictures of the operations of grace in the church and in the soul. The above is certainly attributable to the life of Glenn O. Boose. I feel certain that I am joined by many others when I say:-"My life was made better by the influence of this man during my hi^ school days...he quietly gave so much In so many ways --Gordon Tomlinson tlKMlt CouKSTrV R.eco(LO n ft dcM ii; i'ipa 71^6'/,c.- (9iWi/W>s3.DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH II, 1982'-Area ObituariesJOHN W. ABLYJohn Wesley Alby, of Route 3,Advance, died 3t his home at anearly hour Tuesday morning. Hewas a native of Davie County, andwas retired from the City of Win-ston-Saiem. He was a WW IIVeteran and a member of Mt. SinaiAME Zion Church.He is survived by his wife, Mrs.Ida Crews Alby of the home; twostep-sons. Harold E. Crews ofMocksville, and William S. Crews ofWinston-Salem; five step-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs.Macon Davis of Winston-Salem; oneaunt. Mrs. Perlie Ellis of Winston-Salem, and one uncle, Mr. James R.Puller of Roanoke, Va.Funeral services will be held onFriday. 4:00 p.m. at Mt. Sinai AMEZion Church in Advance, N.C. Dr.A.M. Spaulding will officiate; andburial will follow in the churchcemetery. The body will lie in stateat the church two hours prior tofuneral time, and will not be viewedafter the eulogy. The family willmeet with friends in the chapel ofMorrison-Studevent Funeral Homein Mocksville, Thursday eveningfrom 7-8 p.m.GLENN 0. BOOSEGlenn Oscar Boose. 76. formerlyof Mocksville. N.C. died Fridaymorning at a Florida hospital, fromcomplications of a fall he suffered athis apartment in Hollywood,Florida, two weeks ago.Mr. Boose was born November 28,1905. in Forsyth County to the lateNewton and Ellen Boose.He was a retired school teacherand coach, having taught 20 years inMocksville; and several years atHollywood. Florida. He retired tenyears ago. He was a member ofHollywood United MethodistChurch, where he served as anusher and was treasurer for severalyears. Mr. Boose was married toTroy Sapp Boose.Memorial services were heldSunday afternoon at three o'clock atHollywood United MethodistChurch. Officiating minister wasthe Reverend Bob Temple.Survivors other than his wife ofthe home include: four brothers,Roy. Harvey and Russell all of' Winston-Salem. N.C. and SamBoose of Elkin. N.C.; and one sister,Mrs. Grace Kelly of Winston-Salem.Davie CG.ri:,:Mocksvifie.OAVIB CO. PUBLIC UBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NC /• \ l{ >1 ^Ohi-u mv/PEELERMrs. Frances AndersonPeeler. 82. of 642 IrvingStreet, died Sunday at For-syth Memorial Hospital.Graveside services will beconducted at 3 p.m. Tuesday at Shiloh UnitedChurch of Christ in Faith.N.C. by the Rev. BoyceHuffstetler. She was born inDavie County and wa&mar-ried to Roy David Peelerwho died in 1970. Most ofher life was in ForsythCounty where she was amember of Ardmore United Methodist Church. Shewas employed by R. J.Reynolds Tobacco Company as a secretary in theReynolds Building. Surviving are one sister. Mrs.Spencer M. Johnson ofStatesville: one brother.John N. Anderson of RL 1.Mocksville: and a numberof nieces and nephews. Anymemorials may be made tochurch or charity of the donor's' choice. The familywill receive friends from 7to 8 p.m. at Vogler's MainStreet Chapel.3uzeoIS.s'^BUC UBwav 5. Ol ^/ § . f9 ^ ^lOB - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE REC0IU5, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1982Area ObituariesMRS. ZELLA WARD FEREBEEMrs. Zella Ward Ferebee, 89, ofMocksville, died Monday at DavieCounty Hospital.The funeral was held Wednesdayat 2 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel In Mocksville by Dr. WilsonNesbltt. Burial was in Welsey.Chapel United Methodist ChurchCemetery..Mrs. Ferebee was the widow ofWilliam Flave Ferebee, who died in1979. She was a member of CenterUnited Methodist Church.Surviving are seven daughters:Mrs. Annie. Lois Simpson ofColumbia, S.C.; Mrs. KathrineLowdermiUc of Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs.Lue Bailey of Northcrosse, Ga.;Mrs. Virgil Harris of Burlington;.Mrs. Amanda Wilkerson of Mebane,Mrs. Maxine Pruitt of Greensboro;and Mrs. Carolyn Holt of Graham;four sons, John F. Ferebee andWilliam W. Ferebee, both of Rt. 1,Mocksville, Coi. Thomas Ferebee,Retired of Orlando, Fla.; andJoseph B. Ferebee of Charlotte; onesister, Mrs. Eloise Ward of.Mocksville; one brother, ClaudiusWard of .Winston-Salem; 25 grand-children and 23 greatgrandchildren.W .MRS. OPAL BAITYLATHAMMrs. Opal Baity Latham, 75, wasdead on arrival Friday at ForsythMemorial Hospital.She was a native of Davie Countybut had been living with a daughterat 4061 Hasting Rrad, Kemersville.The funeral was conducted at 4p.m. Monday at Wesley ChapelUnited Methodist Church by .theRev. ^y Suratt.Burial' was in the churchcemetery.March 6, 1907, to the late Tom andAddle Hoots Baity. She was amember of Wesley Chapel UnitedMethodist Church and was marriedto the late Grady Latham who diedin 1977.Surviving are one daughter, Mrs.Addie Latham Williams of 4061Hasting Road, Kemersville; threegrandchildren, June and BemieWilliams and Mrs. Kathy WilliamsSells of Hasting Road; six sisters,Mrs. Zola Joyner, Miss Polly Baity,Mrs. Nettie Stones, and Mrs. LeonaReed , all of Winston-Salem.Mrs. Stella White of Mocksville, andMrs. Thelma Rhoark of Charlotte;one half-sister, Mrs. Annie McDavieof Virginia; tme brother, JohnHenry Baity of Yadklnville; onehalf-brother, Verldine Baity ofYadklnville.'^MRS. WILLIE VIOLA ALLENMrs. Willie Viola Allen, of Route2, Advance, died at Davie CountyHospital Thtusday morning after along illness.Surviving are one son, RobertWikon Allen of Silver Springs, Md;one daughter-in-law, Mm. Ma^aretAllen, and one grandchild, ^bieLynn Allen, both of SilverSprings, Md.; four brothers.Ervin, Gilbert and Eugene Wilson,all of Mocksville, and John WUson ofLexington; four sisters, Mrs.Beulah Scott, Mrs. Arie Ijames andMrs. Beatrice Cain, all ofMocksville, and Mrs. AlbertaFoster of Inwood, N.Y.The funeral was held Sunday at lp.m. at Smith Grove AM.E. ZionChurch in Davie County withburial in the church cemeterv.V-^MRS. FRANCES ANDERSONPEELERMrs. Frances Anderson Peeler,82, of 642 Irving Street, Winston-'Salem died Sunday at ForsythMemorial Hospital.Graveside services were conducted at 3 p.m. Tuesday at ShilohUnited Church of Christ in Faith,N.C. by the Rev. Boyce HuHstetlo.She was bom in Davie County andwas married to Roy David Peelerwho died in 1970. Most of her life wasin Forsyth County where she was amember of Ardmore UnitedMetho<^ Church.She was employed by R.JiReynolds Tobacco Company as asecretary in the Reynolds Building.Surviving are <me sister, Mrs.Spencer M. Johnson cd Statesville;one brother, John N. Anderson ofRt. I, Mocksville; and a number ofnieces and nephews.Any memorials may be made tochurch or charity of the donor'schoice.MRS. LELIA MAE YORK^ ADAMSMrs. Leila Mae York Adams, 61,of Rt. 1, Ronda, died at her homeSunday morning.The funeral was conducted at 3p.m. Tuesday at Mackie-GentiyFuneral Home Chapel by the Rev.John Willard and the Rev. JerryAdams. Burial was in the Church MChrist at Shacktown Cemetery.Mrs. Adams was born in YadkinCounty, the daughter of M.G. andLillie Caudle York. She was amember of the Church of Christ atNebo.Her husband Allen E. Adams diedAugust 7, 1972.Surviving are three daughters.Mrs. Louella Davis of Rt. 1, EastBend, Mrs. Mae Casstevms ofRondayand Mrs. Jonna Blevins ofRt. If Hamptonvllle; one son,Berley Adams of Rt, 6, LexingUm;-■four sisters, Mrs. Rosebud CaudleanffMrs. Laura Cllne, both of Rt. 1,Yadkfilni^. Mrs. Amelia Dinkins of^ Rt. 2, Yadmiville. and Mrs. BettyPeace of Trinity; five toothers,Lewis and Henry York, both to Rt S,Mbcksville, Alvis Yort to Gem-mons, Garence York to Rt. 2,Yadklnville, and Travis York toAdvance; 16 grandchildren.OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARYMOCKSViaEI. NO JUttiN t'. ceoitAiNU JR.V John P. LeGrand Jr., 49, ofBurtonsville. Md., tormeriy ofMocksville. died Friday March 26.at his home.He was born Oct. 10. 1932. the sonof Elizabeth Johnson LeGrand ofMocksville. and (he late John P.LeGrand.He attended Mocksville Schools.Mars Hill College and wasgraduated in l'»S8 from FloridaState University. He served in theU.S. Navy.He was in the restaurant businessin the Washington area for about 25years and recently sold The TackRoom, a restaurant he owned inSilver Springs. .Maryland.He is survived in .adilition to hismother, by his wife. Judith LevipeLeGrand; a daughter. Linda AnnLeGrand; a son, John P. Le Grand nHI: and a sister. .Mrs. Romulus T.Weatherman of Lexington. Va.funeral and buna! were heldMonday March 29, in Burtonsville.A memorial service was conducted.Monday morning by the Rev,Charles Bullock and the Rev.Leland Richardson at the FirstBaptist Church in .Mocksville.l/ THOMAS MYERSThomas Myers. 75. of Advance.Rt. 2. died Saturday morning atForsyth Memorial Hospital.The funeral was held Monday at 2p.m. at Eatons Funeral Chapel inMocksville by the Rev. Tony Jordanand the Rev. Marion Faulk. Burialwas in Elbaviile United .Methodist •Church Cemetery.-Mr. Myers was bom in DavieCounty, the son of the late Jess andCora Wilson .Myers. He was aretired farmer.Surviving are one sister, Mrs.Jennie Cornatzer of Rt. 2. .Advance,-and several nieces and nephews., MRS. ESCHOLS.SMITHMrs. Eschol Stroud Smith. 82.died Monday at the Davie CountyHospital, following a lengthy illness.She was bom in Iredell County,October I. 1899 to the late Amandaand Nathan Wheeler Stroud.She has spent her life in the RockSprings community.Survivors include hec husband.John Douglas Smith of the homevone sister, Mrs. Gaither Wooten ofRt. 6 Mocksville; and nine niecesand nephews.Funeral services were held 'Wednesday at 2 p.m. at LibertyWesieyan Church in Sheffield, withthe Rev. Jeff Collins, Rev. BillWalker and the Rev. Eugene Smithofficiating. Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.Horace F. Bowers,Rt. 4, Mocksville^ — Horace FBowers. 81, of Route 4. died Tuesdayevening at the N.C. Baptist Hospital inwmston-Saiem following a serious illness of several weeks.The funeral will be 2 p.m. Friday atthe Cooleemee First Baptist Churchronducted by the Rev. L LeeWhitlock, pastor and the Rev E .MJames. Burial will be in Legion .Memorial Park in Cooleemee.The family will be at the funeralhome on Thursday night from 7 to 9 '0 clock.Born Feb. 24. I90I. in Wilkes County. he was a son of the late Winfieldand Carolina Roberts Bowers. He wasretired from Cooleemee .Mills as aloom fixer and was a member of theHrst Baptist Church.Survivors include his wife, EssieCreason Bowers; one daughter .MrsHelen Gaither of Route I, Harmony;7ne son. Hal Bowers of the Salisbury 1VA .Medical Center;One -sister. .Mrs. Essie .McDaniel of ';-ooleemeee; three brothers. Obert.Mack and Olin Bowers, ail ofCooleemee; two grandchildren; fourgreat-grandchildren: and one ereat-great-grandchild.Bessie G. Barber,72, of CooleemeeCOOLEEMEE - Mrs. BessieGardner Barber. 72,^ I2 Yadkin St..conducted iwrh I Rev. Willis Rosen-thai. Burial will be in Christ EpiscopalChurch cemetery in ClevelandThe family will be at Eaton's Fu-neral Home in .Mocksville tonightfrom 7 to 9 o'dock. ^Born in Rowan County. July 7,1909was a daughter of the late William'TJomas and Alice Pinkston Gardneremployee of ErwinMills and was a member of theguscopal Church of the GoodShepherd. Her husband. Elmer MBarber, died .May 31. 1980.F sons. JamesE Barter oi Columbia. S.C. and Ovde• L Barber of Cooleemee: one sister.Mrs. Pearl Robinson of Salisbury; onem a Cleveland; 'lU grandchildren: and eight greatgrandchildren. ^>- ««o2;ZD CCO s<VIs00 5PUBac DBRARVmocksville, NC ^.Obituaries 3 MAULEY C. SDKl.EV ' Maj'Icy Ck'VL'ljatl Sciflcy, 77, uf (•wyii MocksvilU', (tied Monday [ituniin^ al Norlli Aniiidel Jlobpilal in Glen Uiiniic, Maryland. Funeral service:! will be held al ilie First Baptist Church in M(K-ksville, Thursday moriiingai 11 u'cliK'k, with the Reverend Charles BuIICK.'k officiating. The body will lie in state one-half hour prior to liir service. Burial will be in Rose Ccni>'i>'i> lie was born March 13, I9US. in Oavie County to the late Thomas Wiley Sofiey and Barbara Allen Sofley. He was a ineinber of First Baptist Church and was a retired barber His wife Jessie Pell Henry Sofley died Jan. 36, Itl56. Survivors include 2 sons. Bill Sofley of t.'rafton, Md., and Bob Solley of Millersville, Md.; several grandchildren; 5 sisters, Mrs. Piluiine Allen uf Itoute 7 Mocksville, Mr.s Ester Allen of Koiile 2. Mocksville, Miss .Juaiiila Sofley, Miss Julia Sofley and Miss Nannie Srnilli, all of Route I, Advance, N C.. and 1 brother. Alan Sofley of Elkin. N.C. « > j !• r n Harley Sofley For more than 50 years Harley SoHey and his barber shop were almost landmarks for downtown Mocksville. Completing barber college in 1925, his first job was with barbers Grady and Walter Call in the old Weant Building, Al that time a haircut cost a mere ,35-cents, as did a bath, massage, shampoo. A shave was only .20 cents. Working in barbershops located in various places around the square, Sofley moved in 1934 into a shop located just behind what is now Mocksville Furniture Company. For the next 43 years this shop not only provided haircuts and shaves, but also served as a gathering place for those wanting to keep up with the latest news in and around Davie, Harley Sofley opened his barbershop early in the morning (6:30 or? a.m.) and stayed open until 8 or 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, and often as late as midnight on Saturdays. In addition to barbering, Harley Sofley took orders for tailor-made suits, rented but cars for taxis, sold real estate and built houses. In our bicentennial issue in 1976. this newspaper carried an article alwul Harlev Sofley and the changes he had seen lake place tn and around Mocksville for half a century. He recalled when the huge pm oaks wereplumed on the square and watching them grow through the yeare. Hewitnessed the paving of the highway and square, and the arrival of motor cars. For the past several years Harley Sofley had been in declining health and was confined to a nursing home located near one of his sons in Crafton, Maryland, He. died early this week in a hospiul there. There are many in this area that remember Harley Sofley and the ex perience of having a haircut by him. Noted for his speed and dexterity with the clippers it was often said that when in bis chair use only short sentences in conversation your haircut was finished often before you could tell him how you wanted it cut. T-ime marches on but men like Hurley Sofley will always be remem bered for he was so much a part of the scene. /o2D - DA VIE COUNTY ENTEWRISE RECORD, TOURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1982I Area Obituaries^ MRS. CELIA ANDERSONMrs. Celia Shaw Anderson, 80, of309 Wilkesboro Street, died at DavieCounty Hospital Thursday morning.The funeral was held Saturday at11 a.m. at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel in Mocksville by the Rev.Charles Bullock. Burial was in RoseCemetery..Mrs. Anderson was bom in IredellCounty to Henry and Julia Renegar.Shaw, and was a member of FirstBaptist Church of Mocksville.Surviving are her husband,Charles Spurgeon Anderson of thehome: one daughter. Mrs. LucilleBrown of Mocksville; one son, Dr.Henry Shaw Anderson of Spar-'anburg, S.C.; six grandchildren andtwo great-grandchildren; twobrothers. Turner Shaw of Rt; 2,Harmony, and Dr. L. R. Shaw ofStatesville.^ . JAMES R. JORDANJames Richard Jordan, 56, olMarginal St., Cooleemee died atForsyth Memorial Hospital inWinston-Salem on Thursday afternoon.A graveside service was held at2:00 p.m. Saturday in City MemorialPark in Salisbury conducted by theRev. L. Lee Whitlock, pastor of theFirst Baptist Church of Cooleemee.Born June 27, 1925, in DdvieCounty, he was a son of the late BenF. and Hattie Goodman Jordan. Hewas employed by FCX in Cleveland.Survivors include his wife. Ruby.Miller Jordan; one daughter. Mrs.Debbie Harris of Mocksville; twosons. Gary Jordan of Winston-^lem.ind Steve Jordan of Mocksville;Two sisters, Mrs. Sadie Hodge ofRoute 7, Mocksville and Mrs. Alice.Raney of Salisbury: two brothers,Scott and Ray Jordan, both ofCooleemee: and six grandchildren,L< RONALD C. FREEMANRonald Craig Freeman, 42, ofWest Helena Ark., died Sunday atArkansas Hospital. Death wasunexpected.He was bom in Davie Coimty,Sept. 22, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs.Madison C. Freeman of Rt. 7,Mocksville. He was a graduate ofDavie County High School, was awelder with Frank Gregory and Co.in West Helena, and was a veteranof the U.S. Air Force.Funeral services will be Thursdayat Citizens Funeral Home in WestHelena. Ark. with burial in WestHelena Cemetery.Surviving in addition to hisparents of Mocksville, are threedaughters, Mrs. Debbie Rutledge ofScoby, Miss., Mrs. Tammy Bridgettof the home, and Mrs. RobinMallard of West Helena, Ark.: oneson. Ronald Freeman Jr. of thehome; one sister, Mrs. Phyllis F.Sells of Spencer; one brother,Francis Craig Freeman ofMocksville.MRS. BESSIE G. BARBERMrs. Bessie Gardner Barber, 72, of12 Yadkin St., Cooleemee, diedMarch 31st at Autumn Care Center inMocksville after being in declininghealth for several months.The funeral was held Friday at theEpiscopal Church of the GoodShepherd conducted by the Rev.Willis Rosenthal. Bruial was inChrist Episcopal Church cemetery inCleveland.Born in Rowan County, July 7,1909, she was a daughter of the lateWilliam Thomas and Alice PinkstonGardner. She was a retired employeeof Erwin Mills and was a member ofthe Episcopal Church of the GoodShepherd. Her husband. Elmer M.Barber, died May 31, 1980.Survivors include two sons, JamesE. Barber of Columbia, S.C. andClyde M. Barber of Cooleemee; onesister, Mrs. Pearl Robinson ofSalisbury; one brother, Sam Gardner of Cleveland; 10 grandchildren;and eight great-grandchildren.. "^HORACE F. BOWERSHorace Festal Bowers, 81, of Route4, Mocksville, died March 30th atN.C. Baptist Hospital after twoweeks of serious illness.The funeral was held Friday at 2p.m. at Cooleemee First BaptistChurch by the Rev. Lee Whitlock andthe Rev. Ernest James. Burial wasin Legion Memorial Park Cemetery.He was bom in Wilkes County tothe late Winfield and CarolinaRoberts Bowers, was a retiredtextile worker, and a member ofCooleemee First Baptist Church.Surviving are his wife, EssieCreason Bowers of the home; onedaughter, Mrs. Helen Gaither of Rt.1, Harmony; one son. Hal Bowers ofSalisbury; two grandchildren, fourgreat-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild; one sister, Mrs.Essie McDaniel of Cooleemee; threebrothers, Obert Bowers, MackBowers and Olin Bowers, all ofCooleemee.";v.r ou.DAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARVMOCKSVtaE, NO I ^ ^I ^/"? / 5--lOB - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPB3SE RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1982Area Obituaries ILESTER 0. McCULLOUGHLester Odell McCullough, 65, ofRoute 2. Crestview, Salisbury, N.C.died April 7th at Rowan MemorialHospital after being in declininghealth for several years.The funeral was held Friday atBaton's Funeral Home Chapd inMocksville conducted by the Rev.Lawrence Bollinger, pastor of St.Luke's Lutheran Church in BearPoplar. Burial was in RoseCemetery in Mocksville.Bom August 31, 1916, in DavieCounty, he was a son of the lateMamie McCullough.Survivors include his wife, MaryEliabeth Ratledge McCuUough; oneson, Lester Wayne McCullough ofFaith; a stepson, Charlie "Benny"Ftanlkin Hendrix of Salisbury; fourgrandchildren; and one greatgrandchild.JACK D. RODWELLJack D. Rodweli, 73, of 240 SouthSti, Hoiyoke, .Mass., died MarchISth in the Hoiyoke Soldiers Home.He was the husband of Lucille(Gagnei) Rodweli and a retiredcarpenter for Daniel J. O'ConnellSons.He was bom in Mocksville, N.C.,May 4, 1908, son of the late Or. JohnW. and Quiila (Cain) RodweU.Educated in the local schools, hewas a graduate of North CarolinaState. He lived most of his life inHoiyoke. Mass.Mr. RodweU was an Air Forceveteran of World War II, serving inthe Solomon Islands, PhUippines,.New Guinea and the Luzon Campaign. He received five Battle Stars,a Bronze Service Star. Victory.Medal. Pacific Theatre Ribbons,.American Theatre Ribbons and aPhUippine Ribbon.He was a communicant of Perpetual Help Church, and was amember of Hoiyoke, Inc. He hadservdd on the executive board of theMassachusetts State CouncU ofCarpenters, the tmstees of theBoard of Health and Welfare forCarpenters Union Local 540, andwas business representative for theCarpenters District CouncU.In addition to his wife, he issurvived v by two daughters,Jacqueline Mann of Virginia, andLorraine Amelas of Califomia; abrother, John H. RodweU of GlenBumie, Md.. two sisters, LouiseMerone>and EmUy Cartmell, both ofMocksville; eight grandchildrenand a great-grandchUd.The funeral was held March iSthat the James P. Hobert and SonsFuneral Home, foUowed by theliturgy of Christian in PerpetualHelp Church. Burial was in NotreDame Cemetery, South Hadley.^ H. F. DOUTHITHugh Franklin (Shlke) Douthit,67, of Advance, Rt. 3, died at For-syth Memorial Hospital at 7;30 a.m.Saturday after a lengthy Ulness andserious for three weeks.He was bom in Davie Coimty June5, 1914, to WlUlam S. and LolaSwearingen Douthit. He had spentall of his life in Davie Coimty andwas a self-employed route dealerfor Biltmore Dairies and was amember of Macedonia MoravianChurch.He was married August 11, 1932,to Arlene Cope Douthit who survivesof the home.Other survivors include one son,Randall Jake Douthit of Gemmons;three daughters, Mrs. Peggy BaUeyof Advance. Rt. 1. Mrs. Diane Smithof High Point, and Mrs. SarahAlexander of King; eight grand-chUdren; two great-grandchUdren;two sisters, Mrs. CharUe W. Hud-speth of Winston-Salem and Mrs.Homer G. Sutton of Oldtown; threebrothers, Joseph E. Douthit ofClemmons, and Robert P. andWiUiam S. Douthit, both of Winston-Salem.The funeral was conducted at 3p.m. Monday at MacedoniaMoravian Church by the Rev. E.Hampton Morgan, Jr., the Rev.John Kapp, and the Rev. NormanByerly. Burial was in the churchgraveyard.^ DARRELL DEINESDarrell Deines of 2 BlenheimDrive Easton, Pennsylvania died atEaston Hospital on Saturday, AprillOth.He had been ill for the past 16months. He was bora May 5,1933, inWakeeny, Kansas to Mr. and Ate.Adam Lee Deines.Upon his medical retirement hewas manager of Central TechnicalServices at the Easton facility ofIngersoll-Rand Company. Prior tothis assignment he was employedby the Portable CompressorDivision of the IngersoU-Rand plantin Mocksville and was a formerresident at 715 Magnolia Ave. of thatcity for 14 years.Surviving are his wife, Yvonne;one daughter, Kim Elise; one son,Roger Lee of the home; his mother,Olinda of Russell, Kansas; abrother. Adam Lee of Roswell, NewMexico; a brother, Robert R. ofWichita. Kansas; a ssiter, Mrs.Wilmetta Reynolds of San Diego,California.A memorial service was held atthe Finegan Funeral Home inPhillipsburg, New Jersey onMonday evening, April 12th.The family requests thatmemorials be made to the CancerFAind, Easton Hospital, Easton,Pennsylvania 18042.CAROLYN W. WHITEFuneral services for Mrs. CarolynWagner White, 64, of Cooleemeewere hied Monday at 4 p.m. inEaton's Funeral Chapel,.Mocksville, by the Rev. LeeWhitlock. Burial was in LegionMemorial Park. Cooleemee.Mrs. White died Saturday morning in Rowan Memorial Hospitalwhere she had been a patient formore than six weeks. She had beenin declining health serveral months.Pall bearers were: Ken Sales,Hayden Benson, Craig Snead, JimAlexander, Dr. John Spargo andBuc McClamrock..Mrs. White was retired fromBurlington Mills. She served aslibrarian at the Cooleemee Librarywhere she also held a weekly StoryHour class. She was a member ofthe First Baptist Church ofCooleemee and was a Sunday Schoolteacher. She also served as amember of the CooleemeeRecreation Commission.Survivors include her husband.Bill White, a sister, Mrs. EthelCampbell of Tucson. Arizona; atwin brother, Neil Wagner of FallsChurch, Virginia; and a number ofnieces and nephews.Memorials may be made to theCooleemee First Baptist Chiurch.The Human HandThe human hand contains 27different bones, which allows thehand to do a variety of tasks, fromthrowing a ball to writing a letter,.National Geographic Worldmagazine says.OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARyMOCKSVIU.E;. NO 01^ > ^ ^4. /r / ^ /;DAY, APRIL 15. 1982 - 13BOAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARYMOCKSViaE* NOLocalDeathMRS. ELVA L. REAVISMrs. Elva Louisa Repis , 82,;widow of Turner W. Reavis of Route n8 Mocksville, died Tuesday morning at Hoots Memorial Hospital inYadkinville. .She was born June 26, 1899 mYadkin County to Giles W. and Ida;Wooten Reavis. Surviving are fourdaughters: Mrs. Joseph H.(Pauline) Harpe and Mrs. Eldon.(Peggy) Wishon of Route 8,1Mocksville, Mrs. Ernest H. •(Mildred) Phillips of 1021 Long,Drive. Winston-^em, and Mrs.Jimmy (Carolyn) Bray of Route 4,;Yadkinville; three sons, Ralph M.Reavis. 4361 Rustic Road Winston-Salem. Leo Reavis of 4001 Poin-'dexter Avenue Winston-Salem, and .Bill Reavis of 2931 Waterford Road 1Winston-Salem; twenty-two'grandchildren and fifteen great ;grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs.Lattie iNaomi) Whitaker and Mrs.John (Beulah) Wells of Route 8,Mocksville and Mrs. Velma R.Broome of Salisbury.Funeral services willl be held atLiberty Baptist Church Thursday at'2:30 p.m. Burial will be in SouthOak Ridge Cemetery. The familywill receive friends at the Mackie-Gentry Funeral Home in Yadkinville from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Wednesday. at Ealon's Funeral Home Chapel mMocksville conducted by the Rev.Alton Fitzgerald. Graveside services were at 11 a.m. Tuesday mBethlehem Cemetery in Altamahawconducted by the Rev. John Oliver.Bom in Alamance County.U 1895. she was a daughter of thelate Joel R. and Nannie BrownShepherd. She was a member ofCamp Springs United MethodistChurch. ^ u t. ^Survivors include her husband,John W. Perkins; two brothers.Shepherd of Cooleemee and Dr.David W. Shepherd of Wake Forest,two stepsons, Glenn Per^ ofReidsville and Elvin Perkins ofGreensboro;Five stepdaughters, Mrs. FrancisSpaugh. Mrs. Inez Phillips andMary Yates, all of ReidsviUe. Mrs.Effie Neighbors of Winston-Salem.and Mrs. Ruth McKinney ofRoanoke. Va.; 20 grandchildren. 20great-grandchildren; and threegreat-great-grandchildren.MRS^ RUBY H. BRYANTMrs. Ruby Howard Bryant, 69, of302 Ricks Drive, died at ForsythMemorial Hospital Wednesdaymorning. Funeral services wereheld Saturday at 2 p.m. at HanesBaptist Church by Dr. Samuel L.Greeson and the Rev. J.B. Parker.Burial followed in ForsythMemorial Park.Mrs. Bryant was bom March 16,1913 in Davie County to Tom andDora Howard. She was a member ofHanes Baptist Church and was aretired employee of Hanes Corp.Surviving are her husband,Harvey W. Bryant; two daughters.Miss Janie Bryant of the home andMrs. Pat Bellmer of Indianapolis,Ind.; iwo sons. Jack E. Bryant ofBethania, and Ronald G. Bryant ofWickenburg, Ariz.; two grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. HelenHolder. Mrs. Ruth McKnight andMrs. Lorene Scott, all of Clemmons,and Miss Mary Howard of HighPoint; one brother,Thomas Howardof Advance.rn-Salem, N.C. Aoril 18.funerals! KEETON VI Mr. Henry CUytoo Keeton,78, of 1101 Wlllard Street.Greensboro, died Saturdaymorning at GreenhavenNursing Home in Greens-/ boro. He was bom June 1.' 1903, in Davie County toMartin Luther and EmmaEvans Keeton. He spent hisearly life in Davie Countywith most of his life beingspent in Guilford County.He was retired sawmill operator. He is survivied byhis mother of Meadow-brook Manor. Gemmons;two brothers. Louis Mills ofAdvance and Troy Van- |buren Keeton of Sholotte;four sisters. Mary Kay Keeton of Lewisville, RosaByerly of Winston-Salem.Nettie Miles and IrenePicket, both of GreensboraFuneral services will beconducted at 4 p.m. Mon^yat Hayworth-Miller SilasCreek Chapel by the Rev.Charles Randolph. Bunalwill be in Concord UnitedMethodist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek FuneralHome from 7 to 9 pun- Sunday.Mocksville, N. c.Ted L JunkerThe fimeral for Theodore Uoyd ' 4Junker. 273 Wandering Lane, ^Mocksville. will be held Thursday at I1 p.m. at the First Presbyterian W yfChurch of Mocksville. The Rev. f .-4Leland Richardson and the Rev. Bill ILong will officiate. Burial will be inthe Philadelphia PresbyterianChurch Cemetery in Mint HIU at J ^3:30 p.m. - JTed Junker, as he was known to somany frientis throughout Davie \County, died Tuesday afternoon at Vthe N.C. Baptist Hospital. He was 71years old.He was bom on July 12, 1910 inMecklenburg County, the soi of ^W.M. and Rena McLean Junker.His early life was spent in Mecklenburg County. In 1944 he moved hlafamily to Mocksville where he joined his broths', the late Eug^ W. Juntosin the opsation of Farmers Hardware, Inc. located on Salisbury St. in thebuilding now occupied by Belts Inc. , . . t, - woiIn 1^ Ted joined his son, Bill in the operation of Junks & Son Feed Mill,located off Salisbury St. in Mocksville. ,Ted Junker was a quiet man. His activities on behalf of others vere wwaysquietly carried out without attracting a great deal of attention. Take formember of the Mocksville Rotary Club he served in many officialcapacities including that of president. u , •...He was an active membs of the First Presbyterian Church ofMocksville serving as deacon, elder, and clsk of session. r«.«is«« 1He has served as a member of the bosd of directors d CeiRral CandinaBaiik since location by that institution of a branch in Mocksville. |He was a member of the Mocksville Masonic Lodge No. 134. ,Ted Junker was a man typified in the observation many years ago by 1William CecU. a famous statesman of Engtand:The grandest operaciona, both in nature and grace, are the most silent andimoerceptible.-The shallow brotdc babbles in its passage and is heard byeveryone; but the coming on of the seasons is silent and unsera. peatoTOrages and alarms, but its fury is soon exhausted, and its effects are binD^tial and soon remedied; but the dew, though gentle and ^immense in quantity, and is the very life of large portions of thethese are pictures of the operations of grace in the church and m ^ soul.He is survived by his wife, the fwmer Jessie Flowers; oneJohn F. Long. Jr. of Gary, N.C.; one son. WilHam F. Junker of Mocksville,iN.C.; one sister, Mrs. Z^ulon Morris of Charlotte; and seven grand-ichildren.CO PUBUC UBRAW j-j-3B - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1982Uavtft i:rj.ri..,Mocksvtiie.:Obituaries Of This Areawas a retireewas a retiredJ M .Ki. ni^Pded her in Base. Texas; one daughter. SandraTalmadge Nesbit, precedeo ^ Ratledge of the home: twodeath in 1972. brothers. Donnie J. Ratledge andSurvivors include mrw sons. ^ Ratledge both ofEdward E. NesbU ^ ^ij^i^svUle; and two sisters. Mrs,Salisbury, _ ^ayne FYances Peoples and Mrs, ShirleyS'r'ol Colem«. -rr Lanning, both o, Modtsville.daughters. Mrs. J. Maxie aeek of JAMES TAYLORCooleemee. Mrs. ' John James Taylor. 72. of 124 E.of Mocksville. Mr®. Wdliam M. Street. Mocksville. died atGatewood of AsheviUe and Mra. Memorial HosptUl earlyLem H. Bryant of Mt. Brwk^a morning. ^ ^one brother. C. H. ^ Funeral services were conductedWoodleaf; three sisters, ^, Sunday at 4 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral• r Ml-a Trnv Glllean. bothlx-.. ^ . hv thpJOHN JAMES TAYLORn John James Taylor. 72. of 124 E.Water Street. Mocksville. died atForsyth Memorial Hospital earlyFriday morning.one brother. C. H. ^ Funeral services were conductedWoodleaf; three sisters. ^, Sunday at 4 p.m. at Eaton's FuneralKoontz and Mrs. Troy Home Chapel in Mocksville by the. MRS. MARY W, NESBITMrs. Mary Wetmore Nesbit. 94. ofBarber Road. Woodleaf. died at 5a m. Thursday in BrookwoodHospital in Homewood. Ala.,following an illness of four days.The funeral was held Saturday. 3pm., at Woodleaf UnityPresbyterian Church conducted byDr, David L, Henry- Burial followedin the church cemetery.Pallbearers were Bill Nesbit. TimNesbit. Gary Nesbit. John Cheek.Robert Cheek and Anne Bryant.Memorials can be made to theUnity Presbyterian Churchmemorial fund.Born Februarv n. 1888. in RowanCounty. Mrs, Nesbit was a daughterof the late Samuel H. and MollieHart Wetmore, She was educated inthe Rowan County schools and wasa member of Unity PresbyterianChurch. Her husband. Oscarof Salisbury, and Mrs. W, P. Mwreof the Methodist Home m Charlotte,17 grandchildren and 13 greatgrandchildren.DUKE RATLEDGE. JR.Duke Martin RaUedge. Jr.. 52. ofRoute 1. died Thursday of a hwrtatuck at Baptist Hospital m Win-s[?nSalem. He had been mdeclining health following his firstattack in 1981. taH at 2The funeral was conduct^ at 2p.m. SundayChurch officiated by the ^ -Sidney R- Grimes and the Rev.Grady L. Tutterow. Burial followedin the church cemetery.Born June 1. 1929. m DavieCounty, Mr. Ratledge was a son ofEva Hunter Ratledge oi AutimnK Care Nursing Home,and the late Duke MartinSr He was a veteran of the KoreanS„S?ct. serving in .the U.S^^Conflict, serving in the U-S.Rev. Leland Richardson. Burialfollowed in Rowan Memorial Parkin Salisbury.He was bom in Davie Coimty tothe late Gus and Emma WilsonTaylor, and was a retired employeeof Baker Furniture Co.Surviving are his wife, CoraLyeriy Taylor of the home; onedaughter, Mrs. Judy Link of Rt. 8,Salisbury; one son. Richard Taylor y/of Mocksville; five grandchildrenand one great-grandchild.VIRGINIA DRAUGHNMrs. Virginia Greene Draughn,48. of 241 Gwyn St.. died at DayieCounty Hospital Sunday ni^t afterbeing in declining health for someThe funeral will lie 10:30 a.m.Wednesday at St. Francis CathohcChurch conducted by the Itev. NollMcSweeney. Burial will be m ^emMrs. Brenda Draughn Anderson oiRoute 7 and Mrs. Sandra DraughnMoon of Route 4. both of Mocksville;five sons, Frank Reginald Greene ofVermont, Paul Randolph GreeneDraughn, Jr. of 237 Morris St.,Mocksville. Keith Edward andBryon Patric Draughn, both of thehome, and Jimmy Ray Draughn ofLouisiana;Two sisters. Miss Jeanie Greeneand Miss Irene Deeboe Greene, bothof Massachusetts: two brothers.William Arthur Greene of AllanU.Ga. and John Greene of Massachusetts; and four grandchildren.REV. HENRY RIDENHOUR He was apjThe Rev. Henry Isley Ridenhour, jjjj. Hunt to ia well-known Surry County leader. Land Use Cordied of cancer April l2th at Forsyth Surviving aiMemorial Hospital in Winston- Ridenhour; hbSalem. Ridenhour oA native of Cooleemee. he was the sisters. Mrs.son of M. H. and Grace Isley goon of ston<Ridenhour. . and Mrs. HaiA member of the Western North Mocksville; tfCarolina United Methodist Church, h. Ridenhourhe was a graduate of the Cooleemee q RidenhourHigh School. Brevard College. Hi^ Thomas LPoint College, and Duke Divinity Cooleemee.School. The funeralHe served with the U.S. Army in uie First UnilThe funeraltie Scrv«U wiui ui^ uie rusi umt fireman of the PilotMt. Fire Department and was amember of the State Firemen'sAssociation. He served ten years asassistant and one as Chief of thePilot Mountain Fire Department:served four years as Town Commissioner and four years as Mayorof the Town of Pilot Mountain.At his death he was a member ofthe Surry County Board of Commissioners and served as Vice-chairman and Chairman of theboard.Mr. Ridenhour was a great factorin the foundation of Region 1 Councilof Government and served as theFirst Chairman of Government.He was appointed by GovernorJim Hunt to serve on a statewideLand Use Commission.Surviving are his wife. Ruth May;Ridenhour; his mother. Grace IsleyRidenhour of Cooleemee; twoisisters. Mrs. Cornelius (Nanc^)'Boon of Stone Mountain. Georgia,and Mrs. Harold (Ann) Boger ofMocksville; three brothers. MonroeH. Ridenhour of Charlotte. NormamG. Ridenhour of Greensboro, and'Thomas L. Ridenhour ofwas held Thursday atthe First United Methodist ChurchcuWorld War II as a chaplain with the of pjiot Mountain with gravesiderank of Major. services ioiiu«*ui5 mHe was Dean of Men and taught at Memorial Park near Salisbury. TheHigh Point College from 1947-IJ61. Rev. Jody Seymour, the Rev. GeneHe served First United Methodist Little and the Rev. Lester SheppardChurch of TaylorsviUe from 1951 to officiated.19S8. the First Methodist Church ofPilot Mountain from 1958-1966. andwas the Assistant to Admissions at ADA S. PERKINSBrevard College from 1966 to Mrs. Ada Shepherd Perkins. 86. ofpresent. v-'Cooleemee. formerly of Route 2.He served as President of the Elon College. N.C.. died earlyPilot Mountain Civitan Club and Sunday morning at Rowanwas elected Civitan of the Year by Memorial Hospital,that dub. He was past master of the The funeral was at 4 p.m. MondayPilot Mt. Masonic Lodge No. 493. He .services following at the RowanADA S. PERKINSMrs. Ada Shepherd Perkins. 86. ofBaptist C:hurch cemetery in SurryHe worked for Piedmont GarmentCompany in Harmony and was a ^333 su^ireX7of"^iety BaptistSurvivors in addition to hismother include his wife. Janice^Strcud Ratledge. ^dom he marri^in 1951; one son. Samuel * -RaUedge of Lackland Air ForceCountv, she was a daughter of thelate Reginald Franklin and ^naPratt Greene. She was a member ofSt Francis Catholic Church andwas employed at Fiber Industn^.Survivors include two daughters.CO. PUBUC UBRAR^MOCKSViaE. NO :) -L;u ^=^Y ' "i.^ 9.lOB - DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1982MRS. MILDRED GIBSONMrs. Mildred Jumey Gibson, 60,of Route 4, was dead on arrival atDavie County Hospital April 2l8t.The funer^ was held ^day atEaton's Funeral Home Chapelconducted by the Rev. Fred Carltonand the Rev. J. D. Revis. Burial wasin Tabor Presbyterian Churchcemetery in Iredell County.Born March 21, 1922, in IredellCounty, she was a dau^ter of thelate McKinley and Nettie JohnsonJurney. She was a member of TaborPresbyterian Church.Survivors include her husband,Raymond Gibson; two daughters,Mrs. Darlene Felts and Mrs.Brenda Pope, both of Roanoke, Va.;one son William L. Holmes ofRoanoke. Va.: one stepdaughter.Mrs. Linda Miller of Winston-Salem: two stepsons, Joe Gltmn ofCOoleemee and Raymond Gibson,Jr. of Greensboro;Five sisters. Mrs. Lucy Mahaffeyof Statesville, Mrs. Peggy Hicks and.Mrs. Martha Harwell, both ofCharlotte, Mrs. Ruth Jackson ofLenoir and Mrs. Sue Jones of SixMile. S.C.; six brothers, RalphJumey of Harmony, Bill Wooten of.Newton, Neal Wooten of Statesville,Don and Gerald Wooten, both ofCatawba and Sam Wooten ofMacon. Ga.; one stepsister, Mrs,Beth Bell of Statesville; one stepbrother. James Long Wooten ofStatesville; five grandchildren: andthree stepgrandchildren.v/ r MRS. MARY LANGSTONMrs. Mary L. Driver Langston,71. of Rt. 3. .Mocksville, diedSaturday morning at Forsyth-Memorial Hospital.The funeral was conducted at 3Obituariesp.m. Monday at Eaton BaptistChurch by the Rev. Wavne Hill.Burial was in the church cemetery..Mrs. Langston was bora in DavieCounty the daughter of Dabney andDora Smith Lowery. She was amember of Eaton Baptist Churchand was retked from BlackwelderManufacturing Company.She was first married to Jesse T.Driver who died in 1973. Her secondmarriage was to Macy langstonwho di^ in 1979.Surviving are two daughters,Mrs. J. C. (Ina) Howell of Rt. 6,Mocksville and Mrs. Homer (Lois)Felts of Rt, 5, Mocksville: two sons,Eugene Driver of Statesville andSteve Driver of Mt. Airy; twosisters, Mrs. Elma Dull and Mrs.Inda Randall, both of Rt. 8,Mocksville: 10 grandchildren andtwo great-grandchildren.yCLYDE CORNATZERGyde Anderson (Toraatzer, 80, ofRt. 2. Advance, died at AutumnCare Convalescent Center inMocksville early Friday morning.The funeral was held Sunday at 2p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Home(Thapel in Mocksville by the Rev.Robert Crews. Burial was in BixbyPresbyterian Church Cemetery.He was born in Davie County tothe late Jacob Solomon and EllenBerryman Cornatzer, and was aretired employee of Hanes KnittingCompany.He was a member of BixbyPresbyterian Church.Surviving are his wife, MiriamHendrtcks Cornatzer of the home:one son, Manuel Cornatzer of Rt. 2,Advance; seven grandchildren andtwo great-grandchildren; threesisters. Mrs. Recie C. Sheets of Rt.2, Advance, Mrs. Sadie Grace andMrs. Sally Long, both of Pfafftown;three brothers, Charlie Cornatzerand Paul Cornatzer, both of Rt. 2,.Advance, and Bradley Cornatzer ofGrose Point, Mich.kMRS. VIRGINIA G. DRAUGHNMrs. Virginia Greene Draughn,48, of 241 Gwyn Street, died at DavieCounty Hospital Sunday night, April18, 1982. after being in dedlninghealth for some time.The funeral services were held onWednesday, April 21, 1982 at St.Francis CaAolic Church, conductedby the Rev. Noll McSweeney. Theburial was in Salem Baptist Churchcemetery in Surry County.Bora September 12, 1933, inSpringfield, Massachusettes, shewas the daughter of Leona PrattGreen and the late ReginaldFranklin Greene. She was amemtier of the St. Francis Catholic*Church and was employed at FiberIndustries.Survivors include two daughters,Mrs. Brenda Draughn Anderson, ofRoute 7 and Mrs. Sandra DraughnMoon of Route 4, both of Mocksville;five sons, Frank Reginald Greene ofVermont, Paul Randolph Draughn,Jr. of 237 Morse Street, Mocksville,Keith Edward and Brian PatrickDraughn. both of the home andJimmy Ray Draughn of Louisiana:Two sisters. Miss Jeanie Greeneand Mrs. Irene Greene Dubae', bothof Greenfield, Massachusettes; twobrothers. William Arthur Greene,of Selma. Alabama, and JohnGreene of Massachusettes and foiffgrandchildren.OSM i'Q Cq p .'^°oksvitie, Iv.omt CO. PUBUCmocksville. no '~D^*€ co^'^ty)j<Uf 4,, NED McBRIDENed Edward McBride, 54, of(Badstone Road, died Monday at•North Carolina Baptist Hospital inWlnston-Salem following severalweeks of declining health.. A graveside service was held'Wednesday in Legion MemorialPark conducted by the Rev. J. D.Revis, pastor of Cooleemee'Presbyterian Church.Bom July 31, 1827, in DavieCounty, he was a son of the lateOiarlie Edward and Mamie Lee/cuthrell McBride. He was educatedinthe Davie County Schools and was■a truck driver with Beck's GarbageService in Cooleemee.Survivors include two brothers,Ray F. and Otis H. McBride, both ofCooleemee; and one sister, Mrs.Josey McBride Whitley ofCooleemee.MISS MARY ADDIE" HOYLEMiss Mary Addie Hoyle, 89, ofRuffin Street died Monday morningat Davie County Hospital.The funeral was held Wednesdayat 2 pjn. at Cooleemee UnitedMetho^t Church, of which she wasa member, by the Rev. Alton Fit-: zgerald. Burial was in I^an' Memorial Park.Miss Hoyle was bom Nov. 20,1892,in Cleveland County, a daughterofthe late David L. and Susan Dixon■Hoyle. She was a retired'bookkeeper for the Cooleemee Drug:.Oo.' A sister, 'Ada ■ Gold ofI Morganton, and several nieces andI n^ews survive.CORNATZER• ADVANCE - Mr. ClydeAnderson Comatzer, 80, ofRt. 2, Advance, died at Autumn Care ConvalescentCenter in Mocksville earlyFriday morning. Funeralservices will be Sunday at 2p.m. at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel in Mocksvilleby the Rev. Robert Crews.. Burial will be in Btxby. Presbyterian Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 7 to 9p.m. Saturday at the funeral home. He was born inDavie County to the late Jacob Solomon and Ellen Ber-ryman Comatzer, and wasa retired employee ofHones Knitting Co. He wasa member of Bixby Presbyterian Church. Survivingare his wife. Miriam Hen-dricks Comatzer of thehome: one son. Manuel Cor-natzer of Rt. 2, Advance:seven grandchildren andtwo great-grandchildren:three sisters. Mrs. Recie C.Sheeu of Rt. 2. Advance.Mrs. Sadie Groce and Mrs.Sally Long, both of Pfaff-town: three brothers. Charlie Comatzer and Paul Cor-natzer, both of Rt. 2. Advance. and Bradley Cor-natzer of .Grose Point.Mich.FITZGERALDMOCKSVILLE-Mrs. Hat-tie Cbaffin Fitzgerald. 94,widow of the Rev. JamesBoyd Fitzgerald, a ministerof the United Methodist ,Church, died Saturday at !10:40 pjn. at the Wesley !Nursing Center in Char- 'lotte. She was bom April 8,1888, in Davie County to. AX. and Claudia ClouseChaffin. She was educatedat Yadkin College and the1 University of North Caroli-I na - Chapel Hill. She taught'-■ school at Yadkin College,! Oldtown in Winston-Salem,and Davie County. Surviv- i^ ing are two daughters. Mrs. |Matt (Marie) McBrayer ofRulberfordton and Mrs.Dewey (Oneta) Smith ofWalkertown; two sons, I^.Emest Fiugerald of Win-'■ ston-Salem and the Rev, Alton Fitzgerald of Cooleemee: three sisters. MissMabel Chaffin of Rt. 1.Mocksville. Mrs. Andrew(Pauline) Vance of Trout-man, and Mrs. Dyel (NannieLou) Cranford of Rt 3, Den-ton; 11 grandchildren: fivegreat-grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 pjn. Tuesday atFirst United MethodistChurch in Mocksville by theRev. George E. Auman. theRev. Fred Shoaf. the Rev.Kermit Shoaf. and the Dr.Julian Lindsay. Burial willbe in Greers Chapel UnitedMethodist Church Ceme-tdry in Davidson Coontv.The body will lie in state 30minutes prior to the service. Any memorials maybe made to the Zion ChapelUnited Methodist Church inDavie County, the WesleyNursing in Charlotte, or theTriad Home in Winston-Salem. Tbe family will receive friends at Eaton's Funeral Home from 7 to 8:30p.m. Monday, lm'-v. j,,.,£iiZlL£3-Pastor's Mother Dies at 94Hattie C. Fitzgerald, mother of the senior pastor at Centenary United MethodistChurch here, died Saturdaynight at the Wesley NursingC^ter in Charlotte. She was94 years <old.One stm, the Rev. Emest A.Fitzgerald, has been pastor atCentenary for tbe last 16years.Mrs. Fitzgerald, who wasbom in Davie County, was thewidow of the Rev. James B.Fitzgerald. After receiving^adegree from the University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill,she taught school.Other survivors include another son, the Rev. Alton Fiugerald of Cooleemee: twodaughters, Oneta .(Mrs. Dewey) Smith of Waftertown andMarie McBrayer of Ruther-fordton; and three sisters.DAVJE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYmocksville;, no DAVIH COUNTY ENTERPRISH RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 6. l'»82 Obituaries Of This Area Ruthcrfordlon and Mrs. Dewey (Onclat Smilh of Walkertown; Iwo sons. Dr. Ernesl Fitzgerald of Winston-Salem and the Rev. Alton Fitzgerald of Cooleemee; three sisters. Miss Mabel Chaffin of Rt. 1, Mocksville, Mrs. Andrew (Pauline) Vance of Troutman, and Mrs. Dyel (Nannie I/m) Cranford of Rt. 3. Denton; 11 grnndchildren; five great grandchildren. The funeral was conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday at First United Methodist (Tiurch in Mocksvdle by (he Rev. George E. Auman, the Rev. Fred Shoaf, the Rev. Kermit Shoaf, and the Dr. Julian Lindsay. Burial was in Greers Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery in Davidson County. \ FRED MURPHY Fred Murphy. 77, of 129 West Church Street. Mocksville, N.C. died Monday at Davie County Hospital, after a serious illness of nine weeks. He was born in Yadkin County. December 13, 1904. He was retired from the United States Navy as a lieutenant, after 28 years of service. Survivors are his wife, Betty Dennis Murphy of the home; one daughter, Ms. Frederica D. Murphy also of the home; and one son. Colonel Jerry C. Murphy of U.S. Army, Norfolk. Virginia; one sister, Mrs. Maude Swicegood of Statesvllle; and four grandchildren. Graveside services will bo held Wednesday at 4 p.m. at Rose Ometery in Mocksville by the Rev. J. D. Revis. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Cancer Society Fund. MRS. J.B. FITZGERALD Mrs. Battle Chaffin Fitzgerald, 94, widow of the Rev. James Boyd Fitzgerald, a minister of the United Methodist Church, died Saturday at 10:40 p.m. at the Wesley Nursing Center in Charlotte. She was born April 8, 11^, in Davie County to A.L. and Oaudia douse Chaffin, She was educated at Yadkin (Toliege and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, ^e taught school at Yadkin College, Oldtown in Winston-Salem and Davie County. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Matt (Marie) McBrayer of MRS. EVA HUNTER RATLEDGE Mrs Eva Hunter Ratledge, 72, of * Mocksville. Rt. 6. died at Autumn Care Convalescent Center in Mocksville Thursday morning. The funeral was held Sunday at 2 p.m. at Chestnut Grove United Methodist Church by the Rev. John Fowler. Burial was in the church ^cemetery. y Mrs. Rallcdge was born in Davie County, the daughter of Joe and Saily Hutchcns Hunter. She was a member of Chestnut Grove United Methodist Church, and was the widow of Duke Ratledge, who (bed in 1979. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Shirley Lanning of Rt. 8, Mocksville. and Mrs. Mary Frances Peoples of Rt. 6, Mocksville; two sons, Donnie Ratledge of Rt. 5, Mocksville, and Jerry Ratledge of Rt. 1, Mocksville: She was also preceded in death by one son. Duke RaUedge Jr.. whose wifesurvives, of Rt. 1, Harmony; 13 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. JOSEPH GAINES SLATE Joseph Gaines Slate, 92, of 117 Carolina Avenue, Mocksville, died at his home Sunday morning after an extended illness. Funeral services were conduct^ at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev, Archer LIvengood and the Rev. A1 Mataz. Burial followed in Rose Cemetery. Any memorials may be made to Seventh Day AdvenlisI Church. Mr. Slate was born in Stokes j/County the son of Francis and Laura Smith Slate, Before his retirement, he was manager of a publishing house in Capetown, South Africa for the Seventh Day Advcntist CTiurch. He was a member of the Seventh Day Adventisl Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. FVeida L.Kolm Slate; two sons. Dr. FYancis W. Slate of Mocksville and Dr. William G. Slate of Wilmington, Delaware; four sisters. Miss l/>nora. Verna.and Myrtle Slate, all of Hendcrsonville, and Mis.s Sarah Stale of Ix-xinglon; two brothers. Dr. Herman Slate of Arlinglon, Va., and Charles 11. Slate of Ayden; five grandchildren and four step grandchildren. t MRS. MAUDE POLK Funeral services for Mrs. Maude Polk of West Jefferson. N C. were ticld Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Ashlnwii Meninrial Fnnorai Home there. Slie was (lie inotlier of Charles Polk of Mocksville: and Halpli Polk of Cooleemee. Slie was born SeplemlMT 28. 1907 in Ashc County; ami was (be daughter of (he ln(e Jess and Candai e Miller, f' Her husband, Oliver Polk 1 preceded her in death. 1 Survivors other lhan (wo sons in Davie County are two daughters. ^ Mrs. Violet Sanders of California. Mo., Mrs. Gladys Smilh of Athens, " Georgia; two sons. Gene Polk of " West Jefferson, 0. J. Polk of Salisbury; 20 grandchildren and 11 ® great grandchildren, Mrs. Polk at one time was a resident of Davie County. OAViE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NC / ^Ci f/(w- oh',tof^~<5.1S'. /9<f2.10c - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY , MAY 13. 1982Area ObituariesV MRS. LAONE SODOLSKIMrs. Laone Soldoski, 77, of South-wood Acres, Mocksville. died at the.N.C. Baptist Hospital around 7 a.m.Sunday morning. She was themother of Mrs. John N. Norton..\ native of Menasha, Wisconsin,she had made her home inMocksville for the. past five yearswith her daughter and son-in-law,.Ann and John Norton.In addition to her daughter of.Mocksville, she is survived by twosons: John Sodolskl of Mlddleburg,Virginia and James Sodolskl ofNewland, Wisconsin.The funeral was to be held at 11a.m. Wednesday in Menasha,Wisconsin.The family requests that anymemorials t>e that of the donor'schoice./ .MARVIN CHAFFIN Jr..Marvin Chaffin Jr. of Woodleaf,four-month struggle with paralysisafter a freak farm accident endedFriday at 7:30p.m atDavie County Hospital.Chaffin had struggled for 4months with paralysis after a freakfarm accident. Family' membersthought he had a good week and wasgetting better."Oh yes. he had come to," afamily member said this morning."He sat up twice last week. He wasiinproving. They don't know whathappened."Giaffln. 33, had been in DavleCounty Hospital since Feb. 16, afterbeing transferred from N.C. BaptistHospital.He was clearing brush with afront-end loader on his NeedmoreRoad farm Jan. 6 when an elm limbthe size of baseball bat struck a.«harp blow to his head. It knockedhis glasses off. but he retrievedthem and got back on the machine.Then he suddenly realized hecould not see. He called for hisbrother Hugh, before passing out. Itturned out he had a fractured skulland ruptured blood vessel complications.He was paralyzed until recentlyand an innovative rotating bed wasinstalled at Davie County Hospitalthat protects immobile patientsfrom common complications suchas bed sores, pneumonia, andkidney and bladder infections.1/ n MRS. GENEVA WILESMrs. Geneva Ashley Wiles, 59, ofRt. 1, Advance, died May Sth at N.C. Baptist Hospital.The funeral was held Friday at2:30 p.m. at Sandy Springs BaptistChiu-ch by the Rev. Paul Simpmn,the Rev. Leon Wood and the Rev.Howard Wagoner. Burial was In thechurch cemetery.Mrs. Wiles was bom in YadklnCounty to John and Sallie RoyallAshley, and was a member of SandySprings Baptist Church.Her husband, Benjamin RayWiles, died June 29. 1972.Surviving are one daughter, Mrs.Eddie (Bonnie) Weatherman of Rt.I Advance: two sons, Bennie Wilesof Statesville, and Sonny WUes ofArkansas: her mother of Yadkln-vUle; two sisters, Mrs. JessieGardner of Hamptonville. and Mrs.Lucille Shaffner of JonesvUle; fourbrothers, Kenneth and Johnnie P.Ashley, both of Hamptonville,George Ashley of Jonesvllle, andGuraey Ashley of Rt. 3. Yadkln-viile; seven grandchildren.aiSIDNEY A. THOMASSidney Albert Thomas. 33. ofRoute 2'Advance, died early Fridayshortly after arriving at ForsythMemorial Hospital in Winston-Salem.The funeral was held at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel in Mocksvilleconducted by the Rev. GordonJoyner. Burial was in Fork BaptistChurch cemetery.Born Aug. 23. 1926, in ForsythCounty, he was a son of the late JohnW. and Emma Gwaltney Thomas.He was a technician with Gray andCreech Inc. 'Survivors include his wife. JoanOaver Thomas; one half-brother,John 0. Thomas of Wlnston-Salem:and one niece.. SAM BARNEYSam Barney, 79, of Route 4. diedat Davie County Hospital earlyTuesday, following a ^ort illness.The funeral will be held at 4 p.m.Thursday, at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel conducted by the Rev.Harold Parker and the Rev. JudgeJohnson. Burial will follow inLegion Memorial Park Cemetery inCboleemee.The family will be at the ftineralhome on Wednesday night from 7 to9 p.m.Bom June 8. 1902, in Davie(bounty, he was a son of the late JohnM. and Beulah Foster Barneycastle.He was retired from Erwin Mills inCooleemee and was a member ofEdgewood Baptist Church. His wife.Duella .Melton Bamey, died in 1951.SuTN'ivors include two daughters..Mrs. Carol Betty James of Route 7.Mocksville and Mrs. Dot Shoaf ofCooleemee; one son, Fred C.Barney of Route 7. .Mocksville; fourgrandchildren; and six greatgrandchildren.. LOYD R. COMBSLoyd Robinson Combs, 86, ofRoute 3, died early Tuesday at JoLene's Nursing Home in Salslbury.The funeral was held 2 p.m.Thursday at Needmore BaptistChurch, Needmore Community,conducted by the Rev. GaryMorrison. Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.Ilhe famUy wiU be at Eaton'sFuneral Home Wednesday nightfrom 7 to 9 o'clock. The body will beplaced in the church 30 minutesprior to the service.Bom Nov. 12. 1893, in IredellCounty, he was a son of the lateCharles Wesley and Dovie SelenaBell Combs. He was a retired farmer and a member of NeedmoreBaptist Church.Survivors include his wife, GertfaaSmith Combs: two daughters, Mrs.Vemon Oliphant of Kannapolis andMrs. Garence Waller of Woodleaf;three sons, Loyd Ginton Combs ofLexington, and Walter RaymondCombs, Route 3 and Hoyle Wesleycombs. Route 7. both of Mocksville;Three sisters. Mrs. Rozella Garkof Charlotte. Mrs. (hrrie Sechler ofKannapolis and Mrs. Jessie Correllof Florida; three brothers. Shaw(hmbs of Coffien, 01., WlUlamMcKinley Combs and Flake A.(hmbs, both of Kannapolis; 18grandchildren: 32 greatgrandchildren: and one great-greatgrandchild.MRS. VIOLADULIN FRAZIERFuneral services for Mrs. ViolaDulin Frazier will be held Friday at4:00 p.m. at Redland Church ofChrist with burial to follow in theSmith Grove A. M. E. Zion Chiu'chcemetery.The family will receive friend:he church Thursday evening fr7:30 pjn. - 8:30 p.m. The body >remain at the church until funetime.Mrs. FVazler Is survived by <son John F. Frazier of WinstSalem; one brother, McKlnDuUn of Advance; -2 sisters, NRosetta Lanler, and Mrs. EvaWalden, both of Advance.Oavie Co. Public:MocksvHIe, It. o. '; ^ A \i 4 -r\-{iO- h,/.}-'IOC - DAVIE COCNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY,Area Obituariesno rrtixxr OA%jrTTT;i¥ /MAYD^OHN SAMUEL FROSTWinston-Salem Journal. Winston-Salem. 20, 1982Funeral services for Dr. JohnSamuel Forst. 96. of Burlington, N.C. were held Friday morning at 110 clock at Front Street UnitedMethodist Church. Officiatingmininsters were Dr. G. RobertAfcKenzie and Dr. Edgar B. Fisher.Bunal was at the Mausoleum at.Alamance Memorial Park.Dr. Fost was born in DavieCounty to the late James Davidsonand Robena Slikeleather Frost.His wife preceded him in death.She died in May of 1978.Dr. Frost was a dentist inBurlington. He retired in 1948.Survivors included several niecesand nephews.ROY G. DAVISRoy G. Davis. 79. of Rt. 3. SilerCity died Saturday. May is, 1982 inthe Central Carolina HospiBal atSanford following 5 years declininghealth.He was a native of OrangeCounty, a retired farmer and amember of Damascus UnitedMethodist Church near Chapel Hill.Funeral services were held at 2:00p.m. Tuesday. May 18. at the SmithSt Buckner Chapel with the Rev.Tommy McDearis officiating.Burial was in the Davis FamilyCemetery at Carrboro.He is survived by his wife. Mrs.Mildred Turner Davis. 2 dau^ters,Mrs. Helen D. Vaughn. Carthageand Mrs. Katie Walters. Ft. Myers,Fla. 4 sons. Roy G.. Davis.Mocksviile; Charlie B. Davis.Chapel Hill. Thomas E. Davis!Yadkinville and James T. Davis!Cary, _ i sister. Mrs. Velear Mc-Fariand. Carrboro. 2 brothers. WillDavis. Chapel Hill, and Sonny Davisof Graham. 22 grandchildren and 28great -grandchildren.*^REV. KENNETH FLETCHERThe Rev. Kenneth Fletcher, son ofand Mrs. W. C. Fletcher of Rt. 1.MocksvUle was buried Saturdayafternoon in Seneca, S.C. where hewas making his home.CLOUD BURGESS□oud Burgess, 81, of Rt. 2,Harmony, di^ Friday morning atN.C. Baptist Hospital after a shortillness.He was bom Sept. 16, 1900 inYadkin County to John Franklin andNancy Brandon Burgess.He was a retired merchant, was amember of Harmony UnitedMethodist Church, and was pastmaster of Harmony Masonic LodgeNo. 299. He was a certified lecturerfor the North Carolina MasonicLodges, and was a member of theHarmony Chapter O.E.S. No. 331.He was married June 6, 1936, toMyrtle Cox, who survives.Also surviving are four sisters,Mrs. Floyd Turpin and Mrs. RobertElkins. both of Liberty, Mrs. T. G.Cassells of Valdese, and Mrs. HeniyTron of Ronda.The funeral was held Sunday at 2p.m. at Harmony United MethodistChurch with burial in Flat RockBaptist Church Cemetery inHamptonville.TUCKERMOCKSVILLE - Mr. Wil-liam McKinley Tucker. 79.of Rt. 1. Mocksviile. died atDavie County HospitalWednesday morning afteran illness of three weeks.Funeral services will beFriday at 2 p.m. atDavie Co.Pubiic Uu:Mocksvrtle, N. G.of)Edgewood Baptist Churchin Cooleemee by the Rev.Fred Carlton and the Rev.Lindsey Walters. Burialwill be in the ProvidenceUnited .Methodist ChurchCemetery in Iredell County. The family will receivefriends from 7 to 9 p.m.Thursday at Eaton's Funeral Home in Mocksviile. Thebody will be placed in thechurch 30 minutes beforethe service to lie in state.He was born in YadkinCounty to the late Frankand Mary Elizabeth StokesTucker, and was a retiredfarmer. He was a memberof Edgewood BaptistChurch. Surviving are hiswife. Lillie Susan ReedTucker of the home; twodaughters. Mrs. ElizabethLucille Owen of Lewisville.and Mrs. Mary CathrineChurch of Rt. 1. Wilkesboro;two sons. James W. Tuckerof Rt. 7. .Mocksviile. andJohn Thomas Tucker of Rt.1. King: 11 grandchildrenand four great-grandchildren; one sister. Mrs. AliceT. Wooten of Winston-Salem.WHITAKER 'MOCKSVILLE - Mr. Wil-lis William Whitaker. 77. ofMocksviile. Rt. 2. diedWednesday at Davie County Hospital. He was born inDavie County to Charlieand Sally Gaither Whitaker. and was a retiredsalesman for Thomas andHoward Wholesale Co. Funeral services will be Friday at 4 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Chapel in Mocksviileby the Rev. Robert Prentice. Burial will be in OakGrove United MethodistChurch Cemetery. The family will receive friendsN.C.. Thursday. May 20. 19'from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursdayat the funeral home. Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Lucy Baker Whitaker; onedaughter. Mrs. Brooks(Darlene) Wilkins of Stone-ville; two sisters. Mrs.Glenn Grubb and MrsFrank Bowles, both of Rt. 2.Mocksviile; three grandchildren.OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NO jT- /9fIOC - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RlECORD. THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1982Area ObituariesCARL H. BOOE' Funeral services for Carl H. Booeof Inwood, Long Island. N. Y. wereheld Thursday, May 20, at the FirstBaptist Church in Far Rockaway, L.I. N. Y. Burial followed in theGreenfield cemetery in Hemstead,New York.Mr. Booe was bom in Mocksville,.North Carolina to the late Mr. andMrs. Jessie Booe. April 1. 1918.He died Sunday. May 16. at 2 p.m.at St. Lohns Episcopal Hospital inFar Rockaway, New York.W.W. WHITAKERW ' Willis William Whltaker, 77, ofMocksville, Rt. 2, died May 19th atDavie County Hospital.He was bom in Davie County toCharlie and Sally Gaither Whitaker,and was a retired salesman forThomas and Howard Wholesale Co.The funeral was held Friday at 4p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Chapel inMocksville by the Rev. RobertPrentice. Burial was in Oak GroveUnited Methodist Church Cemetery.Surviving are his wife, Mrs. LucyBaker Whitaker: one daughter,Mrs. Brooks (Darlene) Wilkins ofStoneville; two sisters, Mrs. GlennGrubband Mrs. Frank Bowles, bothof Rt. 2, Mocksville, three grandchildren./ WILLIAM M. TUCKERWilliam McKlnley Tucker, 79, ofRoute 1, died at Davie CountyHospital Thursday following aserious illness of three weeks.The funeral was held Friday atEdgewood Baptist Church inCooleemee by the Rev. Fred Carltonand the Rev. Lindsey Walters.Burial was in Providence United.Methodist Church Cemetery inIredell County.Bora June is, 1902, in YadkinCounty, he was a son of the lateFrank and Mary Elizabeth StokesTucker. He was a retired farmerand was a member of EdgewoodBaptist Church.Survivors include his wife, LillieSusan Tucker: two daughters, Mrs.Elizabeth Lucille Owen ofLewisville and Mrs. Mary CatherineChurch of Route 1. Wilkesboro; twosons, James W. Tucker of Route 7,Mocksville and John ThomasTucker of Route 1. King: a sister,•Mrs. Alice T. Woolen of Winston-Salem: 11 grandchildren; and fourgreat-grandchildren.CHARLES M. LASUfiYCharles Mason Lasley, 84, formerly of Lasley Road, Lewisville,died at the Masonic Eastem StarHome in Greensboro at 3 a.m.Thursday, May 20. Funeral serviceswere held Friday at 2 p.m. atLewisville United Methodist Churchby the Rev. J ames Faggert and Mr.Tommy Jones. A masonic gravesideservice followed in the churchcemetery. He was the uncle ofHaines Yates of Mocksville.Mr. Lasley was bom Dec. 13, 1897in Stokes County to W. E. andFannie Mitchell Lasley. He spent allhis life in the Lewisville Communityand was a well-known farmer. Hewas a member of Lewisville UnitedMethodist Church and SundaySchool, having served as superintendent of the Sunday School for 10years. He was a member of theMen's Bible Gass and served on theBoard of Trustees. Mr. Lasley was amember of Lewisville MasonicLodge No. 434, Winston-Salem'Scottish Rite Bodies and OasisTemple of Shrine. Winston-SalemShrine Club, and was past offlcer ofthe Eastem Star Lewisville ChapterSurviving are his wife, AlvertaHunt Lasley of the Masonic Home,and a number of nieces andnephews.The family requests thatmemorial be made to LewisvilleUnited Methodist Church.Winston-Salem Journal, Winston-Salem. N.C.. Thursday. May 27. 1982JAMES, Sr.Mr. Dallas Thomas JamesSr.. 79. of 4455 Oak Ridgej Drive, died Tuesday nightI at his home. Funeral services will be Friday at 3:30p.m. at Vogler s MainStreet Chapel with burial inSalem cemetery. Mr.James was bora in DavieCounty. Aug. 15. 1902. toI Thomas E. and CandiceCope James. He was amember of Turrentine Baptist Church in Davie County. and was a retired self-. employed brick mason. HeI was first married to1 Douschka Spry James, whodied in 1962. He then married Mignon VickersJames, who survives of thehome. Also surviving arethree daughters. Mrs. Louie• Margie) Jenkins of Winston-Salem. Mrs. Norman(Wanda) Huggett of Eare-ville. 111., and Mrs. Ira L.(Jackie) Whitaker of Winston-Salem: one son. DallasT. James Jr. of Winston-Salem: two stepdaughters..Mrs. Jean V. Taylor of Wal-kertown. and Mrs. ShirlevHamlin of Tom Bay. Fla";one stepson. William" FrankV ickors of Winston-Salem:15 grandchildren and 10great-grandchildren: twosisters. Mrs. .Margard Tran-sou and .Mrs. Versie Phelps.both of Winston-.Salem:three brothers. Tommy■fames or Winston-.Salem". iPaul James of Orlando.Ha., and .Aaron .lames ntFort Lauderdale. Fla. TheUmily will receive friendsfrom 7 !o ;) p.m. Thursdayat Voglers .Main .StreetChapciNAYLOR^ MOCKSVILLE - Mr. JohnFloyd Naylor. 75. of 313Wilkesboro .Street, died athis home Wednesday afternoon after a long illness.Funeral services will beFriday at 2 p.m. at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel in.Mocksville by the Rev.Charles Bullock and theRev. Wayne Hill. Burialwill follow in Rose Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 7 to 9p.m. Thursday at the funeral home. They request thatmemorials be made to theFirst Baptist Church ofMocksville. or to the CanaCommunity Building Fund..Mr. Naylor was born in Davie County to the late JohnF. and Susan .M. Eaton Naylor. He was the retiredpresident of J. P. Green.Milling Co.. and was amember of First BaptistChurch of .Mocksville. Surviving are his wife. SadieBenson Naylor of the home:one daughter. Mrs. Leo Co-zart: three sons. Benny.Naylor. Johnny Navior andJack Naylor. all of Mocksville: 12 grandchildren andsix great-grandchildren:one sister. Mrs. Velna N.Bowles of Rt. I. Woodleaf:one brother. Clyde Naylorof Rt. 6. Mocksville.U).t-uOiic.Moclisvlfle. N. tOAVIB CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYmocksville. NC U'8C - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1982Area ObituariesJ' MRS. ANNIE MAE TRIMIARMrs. Annie Mae GallowayTrimiar, 49, of 133 Mount ViewDrive. Mocksville died at 10 a.ni.Friday at N.C. Baptist Hospitalafter several months of declininghealth and five days of seriousillness.Bom November 28. 1932. in SurryCounty, Mrs. Trimiar was thedaughter of the late Henry andEstella Hatcher Galloway. She waseducated in Surry County publicschools and was last employed atWonderknit. Inc. A member ofOut Reach Christian Tabernacle,she served on the missionary boardand was a mother of the chtu-ch.Survivors include her husband,George W. Trimiar: one foster son,Guy W. Harper of Winston-Salem;two daughters. Ms. Barbara A.Wardlaw and Ms. Odessa Davis,both of Winston-Salem; and sevengrandchildren.The funeral was held Mondayafternoon at the Noble and KelseyFuneral Home in Salisbury. TheRev. Alonza P. Jones, pastor of theOut Reach Christian Tabernacleand Apostle Ray Taylor officiated.Burial was in the EvergreenCemetery in Winston-Salem.v/ MRS. BARBARA SPILLMANThe funeral for Mrs. BarbaraBens Spillman, 40. of 46 Duke St.,Mocksville, was conducted Sundayat 2 p.m. in Eaton Funeral HomeChapel in Mocksville by the Rev. J.P. Revis.Mrs. Spillman died May 26th inthe VA Medical Center in Salisbury.She was bora March 1. 1942, inSeattle. Wash., daughter of the lateJoseph and Idris Free Bens. Sheserved in the U.S. Marine Corpsfrom 1961-63 and was a formeremployee of the U.S. Postal Service.Survivors include her husband,Joe Spillman of the home; one son,Andy Spillman of the home: twodaughters, Debbie and TracySpillman of the home; one sister,Mrs. Margaret Waters of Seattle.MRS. LOTTIE B. GARTNERMrs. Lottie Beaver Gartner, 83, of211 Saint Matthews Lane, Spar-tanburg, S.C. died Tuesday morningat Spartanburg General Hospital.She was a native- of NorthCarolina and first married PaulSufford Beaver who preceded her indeath. She later married the lateLonnie Pearl Gartner of Mocksville.Mrs. Gartner was a member ofCalvary Baptist Church in Spar-tanbtu>g, S.C.Survivors include two daughters,Mrs. Pauline Morris and Mrs.-Nettie Caldwell, both of Spartanburg, S.C.: 1 son, Vance Beaveralso of Spartanburg: 3 grandchildren, 8 great, grandchildren,one great, great grandchild; and 2great, great, great, grandchildren;two sisters, Mrs. BUI Godbey ofHarmony, N.C. and Mrs. VirginiaGreen of Alberta, Canada; twobrothers, Fred Mauldin of Winston-Salem and Sherrill Mauldin ofMocksviUe.Graveside services wiU be heldThursday at Calvary BaptistChurch cemete^ in Rowan County.The famUy wiU receive friends atEaton's Funeral Home ChapelWednesday evening.Eighty percent of the world'svarious species of rosescome from Asia.1^John Floyd NaylorThe funeral forJohn FloydNaylor, 75, of 313Wilkesboro St..MocksviUe, washeld Fridayafternoon at theEaton FuneralChapel. The Rev.Charles Bullockand the Rev.Wayne Hill officiated. Burialwas in RoseCemetery withgrandsonsserving aspaUbearers.Survivors include his wife, SadieBenson Naylor; a daughter, Mrs.Leo Cozart of MocksviUe; threesons, Benny, Johnny and JackNaylor, aU of Mocksville: a sister,-Mrs. Velna N. Bowles of Route lWoodleaf; a brother, Clyde Naylorof Route 6, Mocksville: 12 grandchildren: and six greatgrandchildren.Memorials may be made to theFirst Baptist Church of MocksviUeor the Cana Community BuildingFund.Mr. Naylor died at his home May28th following a lengthy iUness. Hewas retired as President of the J.P.Green Milling Company ofMocksviUe.He was born in Da vie County tothe late John F. and Susan M. EatonNaylor. He was a member of theFirst Baptist Church of Mocksville.Floyd Naylor was 17 years of agewhen he left Cana (his birthplace)and came to MocksvUle on .May 25,1925. to become associated with theJ. P. Green MUling Company. Hewas a nephew of Uie late J.P. Greenwho foundeid the firm in 1911. Helived to observe his 55th anniversary in MocksviUe, May 25,1982, dying the next day.In 1925, the mill had only 3 employees. Joined by other membersof his family in its operation the mUlcontinued to expand to its presentsize of. about 27 miU employees, ithree salesmen and eight trucks, jThe company produces DAISY |flour, LIBERTY com meal, and iWINNER dog food. iA most devoted man^ FloydNaylor put first things first. Afamily man, he exemplified his loveand devotion to those he held nearand dear in many ways. Hisbusiness reflected his loyalty anddevotion to Davie County withGreen MUling Company alwaysbuying aU the grain they could getfrom local farmers. And, he encouraged family members to "shopat home". To quote his wife:"He always insisted that we shopat home first and never buyanything elsewhere if we could get itin Davie County."As to devotion, aphUosopher once observed :great"Solid devotions resemble therivers which run under the earth....they steal from the eyes of theworld to seek the eyes of God; and itoften happens that those of whomwe speak the least on earth, are bestknown in heaven." And thus isFloyd Naylor.Cw.-9 Cfc-oa.5diCOOa>ooqAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBftARSfmocksville;, no } aL '-/' ^ k (o- /^^Obituariesv/MRS. LILLIE MAE PARKEREvangelist Lillie Mae Parker ofBooetown, Mocksville, died at herhome Thursday afternoon followingan extended illness.She was bom in Greensboro, N.C.,but had lived in Mocksville for thepast 44 years.She was a member of NewJerusalem Holiness Church, and didEvangelistic work in thesurrounding areas.Funeral services were held lastSunday at l:00 p.m. from the NewJerusalem Holiness Church. Rev.Mrs. Jessie Leach officiate wiUiburial in the church cemetery.Mrs. Parker is survived by herhusband, William H. Parker of thehome; a sister, Mrs. Susie WUey ofBaltimore, Md.; and a brother,Allen Garland of CaUf.- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JUNE 10, 1982W.A. ELLIS JR.Willey Abraham Ellis Jr., 59, ofMoctaville, Rt. 4, died at N.C.Baptist Hospital June 2nd.The funeral was held Friday at 2p.m. at Liberty United MethodistChurch by the Rev. Phillip Cole.Burial was in the church cemetery.He was bora in Oavie County toW.A. Ellis and the late Essie OrellEllis.He was a member of LibertyUnited Methodist Chtircfa, was aveteran of World War II, and was amember of Mocksville MasonicLodge.He was a former owner of FitiiiiShop in Cooleemee, and presentlyowned Ellis Used Cars ofMocksville, Rt. 4.He was married to Helen JordanEllis, who died in 1977.Surviving are one son, Fred 0.Ellis of Rt. 4, Mocksville; his fatherand stepmother, Mr. and Mrs. W.A.Ellis Sr. of Rt. 4, Mocksville: onegrandchild.MRS. AGNES HUNTERMrs. Agnes Boger Hunter, 78. ofMocksville. Rt. 8, died June 2nd atForsyth Memorial Hospital.The funeral was held &turday at2 p.m. at Baton's Funeral Chapel inMocksville by Dr. Wayne Hill.Burial was in Eaton's BaptistChurch Cemetery.Mrs. Htmter was the daughter ofRobert Lee and Minnie SummersBoger. Her husband. Homer Hunterdied in 1979.She was a member of Eaton'sBaptist Church, and is survived by asister. Mrs. Florence Boger Lathamof Polo Road, Winston-Salem; anumber of nieces and nephews.OAVlE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSViaE. NQT. W. SEAMON, JR.Thomas William Seamon, Jr., 59,died in Winston-Salem Satur^y.The funerai was held Monday atthe Hayworth-Miller FuneralHome, Silas Creek Chapel. Burialwas in the Gardens of Memory.Bora in Davie County, he was ason of Mrs. Maude Muny Seamon ofCooleemee, and^the late ThomasWilliam Seamon. He was a self-employed building contractor, andwas a veteran of World War II.Other survivors include his wife,^s. Kathleen Peacock Seamon;four sisters, Mrs. 0. G. Qawson ofGranite Quarry, Mrs. Cora LeeMyers of Charlotte, Mrs. HelenDaniels of Wilmington and Mrs.Robert Creason of Cooleemee; andfour brothers, Howard P. andCalvin D. Seamon of Alexandria,Va., and Curtis D.- and Std R.Seamon of Cooleemee.MRS. GLADYS STACYMrs. Gladys Blend Stacy, of S.Main Street, Mocksville, diedSaturday night at Winston-SalemConvalescent Center after an extended illness.The funeral was conducted at 10a.m. Tuesday at St. FrancesCatholic Church by MonsignorRichard Allen. Burial was in RoseCemetery.Mrs. Stacy spent most of her lifein Cumberland, Kentucky. She wasthe widow of Charles B. Stacy, whodied in 1962.She was born in Brooklyn, N.Y..the daughter of Martin J. andMargaret Ann Borden Blend.Surviving are two daughters,Mrs. Jack Sanford of Mocksvilleand Mrs. Jack Childers of Cumberland. Kentucky; one sister, Mrs.George P. King of Cumterland,Kentucky; six grandchildren; fivegreat-grandchildren.MOCK^ Mr. Woodrow Wilson Mock,58, of 2908 Hondo Drive,died Monday evening at hishom& He was bora Feb. 8,1924 in Davie County to Benand Deans Ward Mock. Heworked for Dixie FurnitureCo. in Lexington for 35 ;years, was a veteran of >World War IL and was a |member of Wesley Memorial United MethodistChurch. Surviving are hiswife. Mrs. Helen Wall Mockof the home, and one sister,Mrs. Doris Swing of Fairfax, Va. Funeral serviceswill be 2 p.ni. Wednesday atWesley Memorial UnitedMethodist Church by theRev. ZaneG. Norton. Burialwill be in Advance Unit^Methodist Church Cemetery. The family requeststhat memorials be made toWesley United MemorialMethodist Church.o"z.Ea& "R - ; 'X'1'I 'e.Jt'-^Vv-eMiss Ossle Allison-K/S^ _ (^^^ccifv </ X^ne /c, /f'/'i.i<• (ilTOSSIE CLAIRE ALLISONOssie Claire Allison was bom inDavie County, June i, 1898, the^ughter of the late G. A. andHennetta Morris Allison. She attended Mocksviile High SchoolgraduaUng in l9is, and DavenportCollege. 1915-16, later graduatingfrom the Salisbury BusinessCollege.In 19^ she went to work at theA1 ison-Clement Drug Store as asales person and a bookkeeper. In1931 she became associated withLegrand Pharmacy as bookkeeperand sales supervisor.This was during the greatdepr^ion years that saw thecreation of many federal agenciesto help^pie survive. From 1933-n ' as a clerk for theCivil Works Administration, andfrom 1935-36 was with theEmergency Relief AdministrationIn February 1936, Miss Allisonembarked on a career that was tocontinue for 35 years in siwiniservices. At that time the department was known as the DavieCoimty Board of Charities andP u b 10 Welfare. Miss Allison andLucille Martin Donnely comprisedthe entire staff of the department.Entering this field as a certifiedcase worker. Miss AlUson saw hertiUes and responsibilities change asme department went from the^blic Welfare Department to theDepartment of Social Services.On July 25,1968, Miss Allison washonored by the department for ^years of service. A dinner was givenm her honor in the Shangri-La Roomof the Town Steak House in Winston-Salem. Attending the dinner werememters of the County WelfareBoard and staff of the welfaredepartment. She was presentedwith an engraved silver bread tray.She retired as of August 1, 1968,with 35 years of service with theWelfare Department..Miss Allison resided in the fdftiilyhomeplace, I84 Maple Avenue inMocksviile. It was here that sheoied June 2nd., unexpectedly,A graveside service was held at 4p.m. Friday in Rose Cemetery. TheRev. George Auman, pastor of theFirst United Methodist Church of.Mocksviile of which Miss Allisonwas a member, officiated.Survivors include a sister, Mrs.Margaret LeGrande of Mocksviile-a sister-in-law. Mrs. Gladys Allisonof Mocksviile; and a number ofnieces and nephews.. BRANTLEY C. BOOE •Brantley Qeveland Booe. 81, ofWinston-Salem,'JiSilid Mmorial Hospitalin no Sept. 11,1901'James C. and IEmma IJames Booe. In 1921 heAonS"®'®*' CreekAcademy, now CampbeU Collegeai?LI ^y®®"an L.L.B. degree from Wake Fwest.He received his license to practicelaw in 1926. pracacepJJ® the staff of PiedmontiFederal Savings and Loan Assoc onJune 1,1928. He served as pi^ffltOmmil ^I'w'on-Salem JuniorCommerce and theAssociation. FYom 19451r completed a term asmderman from the First Ward inas chairman of theExMutive Committee of the Peace.Officers Relief Fund.aimn anlent supporter of his.JfX.^1 president 1of the Alumni in 1949,He was eiected to the Board of :'S**' Hospital in..®^®*' Board ofTmtees of ^mpbell University.He was a life deacon of First 'Church, and also served asSfe Trustees.aLs aSS®!""^® ^ ">6 BarSHe was elected to the Board of7^ Bellas, Texas, and J.sevM Ind.-seven grandchildren.OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARyMOCKSViaEi NO 1U/Wi If 56^ GEORGE G. C0RNAT2ERGeorge Glenn Comatzer. 78.^Route 2. died at Forsyth MemorialHospital in Winston-Salem onMonday night.The funeral was held at 4 p.m.Weenesday. June 16. at Mock'sUnited Methodist Church by theRev. Marion Faulk and the Rev.Robert Crews. Burial followed inBixby Presbyterian Churchcemetery.Born Jan. 9.1904 in Davie County,he was a son of the late Henry P.and Agnes Taylor Comatzer. Hewas a security guard for HanesCorp. and was a member of Mock'sUnited Methodist Church.Survivors include his wife. SallieWilliams Comatzer; threedaughters, Mrs. Dorothy Wilson ofKing. Mrs. Catherine Davis ofWinston-Salem. and Miss SallieComatzer of the home; two sons.Tom and Gordon Comatzer both ofRoute 2. Advance; two sisters. Mrs.Clara Baity and Mrs. Flossie Jonesboth of Advance; 10grandchildren;and two great-grandchildren.Area Obituaries. .MRS. MARIE GRAVES.Mrs. .Marie Viola "Nanny"V'ickers Graves. 83. of WeddingtonRoad died at ll;40 p.m. Monday atCabarrus Memorial Hospital. Shehad been in declining health for ayear and seriously ill for three days.'The funeral was held Wednesday,June 16. at 2 p.m. at Lady's FuneralHome Chapel by the Rev. Ed Hall.Burial followed in Joppa Cemetery,.Mocksville.Mrs. Graves was born Aug. 20,1898. in Alexander County, adaughter of the late Thomas andIrene Vickers.Her husband. B. Franklin Graves,died in 1956.Also surviving are a daughter,Virginia Knight of Hamlet; threebrothers. Wade Vickers of•Mocksville. Carl Vickers of Petros.Tenn.. and Lonnie Vickers ofHarriman. Tenn.; six grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren. Vbrief illness.He was bora in Iredell CoimtyDecember 5.1898. to the late RonnieHollar and Mlndy Souther Hollar.He was a retired former.He married Annie Cass October14. 1922, who survives. Other survivors include a brother, LesterHollar of Statesville; two sisters.Mrs. Lottie Howard of Greensboroand Mrs. Mamie Williams ofStatesville; 1 half sister, Mrs.Ravon Baker of Union Grove; 1stepsister. Mrs. Lucille Driver ofMocksville; and a stepmother. Mrs.Dollie Hollar of MocluviUe.Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. atTaylor Springs Baptist Church.Burial will follow in churchcemetery.The family requests no flowers;and that memorials may be made tothe church.COMMIE DEWEY HOLLARCommie Dewey Hollar. 83, of Rt.I. Union Grove, died .Monday atDavis Hospital. Statesville. after aDAVIE CO. PUBUC DBRAHfMOCKSVILLE^ NO.MRS. EFFIE YORK HOLMESMrs. Effie York Holmes, 77. of Rt.1. Olin. died Monday after a briefillness.She was the daughter of Sim U.and Pearlie Templeton York.She was married to Frank FraleyHolmes, who survives. Also surviving are three brothers, foursisters. 17 nephews and nieces.Funeral services will be Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at MacedoniaUnited Methodist Church with interment in the church cemetery.TOe Rev. Wade Wright will officiate. The body will lie in state 30minutes before the service.In lieu of flowers, memorials maybe made to the MacedoniaCemetery Fund. P.O. 38. Harmony..N.C. 28634.^ MEARL 0. RENEGARMearl Osco Renegar, 82 of Rt. 6,Mocksville. died Tuesday eveningat Davis Hospital. He had been indeclining health for several yearsand seriously ill two weeks. He wasbom July 21.1899 to W. H. and Lena.Myers Renegar, was a retiredfarmer, and a member of ^ndySprings Baptist Church. On June 24.1920. he married Ethel Chamberlain. who preceded him indeath Feb. 11. 1977. Surviving arethree sons. Sherman Renegar of Rt.2. Hamptonville. Harold Renegar ofRt. 8. .Mocksville. and LloydRenegar of Rt. 6. Mocksville, and ;one daughter. Mrs. Lillian Harris ofHickory, six sisters. 11 grandchildren. and nine greatgrandchildren. Funeral serviceswas held Friday at 2:30 p.m. atSandy Springs Baptist Church bythe Rev. Paul Simpson and the Rev.Howard Wagoner. Btu'ial was heldin the church cemetery. The familyreceived friends from 7 to 9 p.m.Thursday at Reavis Funeral Homein Harmony. In lieu of flowers,memorials may be made to theSandy Springs Baptist ChurchBuilding Fund. Rt. 3, Box 414,VaHktnville.? SAP-jbiicLiixarv Q I? S /7*ci^/Vl C. Qoca<-NW| J^AiV(_L/|py-| S«C-/^ (>/c/ -CTo^^ /7, /^/2->. MRS. LUNA F. SHOEMAKERMrs. Luna Feimster Shoemaker,76. of Glen Bumie, Md., dl^Monday at Alamance CountyHospitaJ in Burlington, N.C.She was born in Iredeli CountySeptember 3. 190S, to the late CoraTurner Feimster and J. C. Feimster. She was a retired textileworker.Survivors include two sons. OscarShoemaker of Burlington, N.C.; J.Coleman Shoemaker of GlenBurnle, Md.: two daughters, Mrs.Maurice Holder of Randalls Town,Md., and Mrs. Clyde Sigmon of GlenBurnle, Md.: one stepsister, Mrs.Sarah Knox of Huntersville; and astepmother. Mrs. Mulbie Feimsterof Charlotte. N.C.; 12 grandchildrenand 11 great grandchildren.Funeral services wUl be heldThursday at ll a.m. at Westmoreland Chapel of Bunch-JohnsonFuneral Home in Statesville. TheRev. William Jackson will be officiating minister. Burial will followin Oakwood Cemetery in Statesville.Her husband, L. P. Shoemakerpreceded her in death in 1974./ UKOVER C.PLEMMONSGrover Cleveland Plemmons, 77,Route 5, Mocksville, N. C. diedThursday, June 3. at ForsythMemorial Hospital in Winston-Salem, N. C., after a brief illness.He was bom in Madison County in1905 to the late Merritt and MaggieWorley Plemmons. He was a retir^businessman, having dealt inproduce for over forty years.Mr. Plemmons was a member ofGreen Meadows Baptist Church andhad resided in the Farmingtoncommunity for several years.Survivors include his wife of thehome: two sons, Jimmy L. Plemmons of Clemmons, N. C. andDonnie Plemmons of Winston-Salem, N. C.: i daughter, Mrs.Phyllis Stack of Winston-Salem.Funeral services were heldSunday at Hayworth Miller FuneralHome Chapel. Burial followed inWestlawn Memorial Gardens inGemmons, N. C.MRS. ZULA H.^ HAMILTONMrs. Zula Hartley Hamilton, 88,formerly of Rt. 2, Advance, died atDavidson Convalescent Center in^omasville Wednesday morning.Funeral services will be Friday at 4p.m. at Eaton Funeral Home Chapelin Mocksville by the Rev. HarveyCrimminger and the Rev. GaryHoffman. Burial will be in RowanMemorial Park Cemetery inSalisbury. The family will receivefriends from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday atthe funeral home. Mrs. Hamiltonwas born in Davidson County to thelate Thomas and Eliza YoungHartley, and was a member ofJerusalem Baptist Church. Herhusband, Richard Fuller Hamilton,preceded her in death, Jan. 30,1964Surviving are seven daughters'Mrs. Henry Grubb of Rt. iSalisbury, Mrs. Kenneth Correll andMrs. Bobbie Daniel, both of Rt. 4,.Mocksville, Mrs. Thomas Masseyand Mrs. George Correll Jr., both ofRt. 2, Advance. Mrs. J.W. Turner ofwgh Point, and Mrs. John Correll ofRt. 7 Mocksville: two sons, HaroldHamilton of Rt. i, Salisbury, and L.B. Hamilton of Rt. 4» Mocksville; 32grandchildren and 50 greatgrandchildren; two sisters, .Mrs.Flossie Lamb of Rt. 4, Mocksvilleand Mrs. Lila Sheets of Clemmons.SEAMON jMr. Thomas William Sea-"mon. Jr.. 59, of 57 (Edgewood Circle, died Sat-urday morning at ForsythMemoml Hospital He was -bom in Countv toTbomas William ,Sr. and Maude Mundy Seamen. He was a veteran ofWorld War II and was abuilding contractor. Sur- 1viving are bis wife, Mrs. iKathleen Peacock Seanumof the home; his mother ofCooleemee; four sisters, nMre. O.G. Clawson of Gran-ite Quarry, Mrs. Cora LeeMyers of Charlotte, Mrs.Helen Daniels of Wilmington, and Mrs. Robert Crea-son of Cooleemee; fourbrothers, Howard P. Seamen and Calvin D. ^amcm,.both of Alexandria, Va,Curtis D. Seamen and Sid R.Seamen, both of Coolee-;mee. Funeral services will',be conduted at 3:30 p.m.'Monday at Hayworth-Mil-ler Silas Creek Chapel bythe Rev. J.D. Reavis. Burialwill be in Gardens of Memory. The family will receivefriends at the funeral homefrom 7 to 9 pin. Sunday andrequests that any memorials may be made to theAmerican Cancer Societyor to a charity of the donor's choice.IS S-i,DAVIE CO. PUBUC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE^ NC EUGENE W. MILHOLENFuneral services were heldMonday. June 21. at 11 a.m. forEugene Walker Milholen. 58. atEaton's Funeral Chape! inMocksville by the Rev, FredCarlton.Mr. .Milholen died Saturdaymorning at his home in Emerson.New Jersey. Burial was in LegionMemorial Cemetery, Cooleemee.He was born January 5. 1924 inCooleemee to the late Herbert L.Milholen and Lena WellmanMilholen.He is survived by his wife, AllieCanupp Milholen. two sons. EugeneMilholen of the home. John Milholenof Oakdale. Connecticut: foursisters. Ms, Jettie Milholen ofMiami Beach, Florida; Mrs. RuthBailey of Salisbury: Mrs. DotHoover of Cooleemee, .Mrs, LenaPrivette of Lake .Norman; fourbrothers: Grady Milholen ofSheibyville, Tenn., Woodrow.Milholen of Hamptonville, GeorgeMilholen of Salisbury, and H. L.Milholen oi Hampton. Va..A World War II veteran. Mr.Milholen graduated fromCooleemee High School, He was aformer employee of BurlingtonIndustries and has been withCopeland Manufacturing Companytor the past 27 years where hepresently held the position of SeniorVice-president at the Sales Office inNew York Citv.y J.P 'JOE) RANDALLJoseph Preston Randall. 85. ofCaroleen. N.C, died Wednesday.June 16. at Rutherford Hospitalafter a long illness.He was bom August I. 1896 to thelate .A,G. Randall and .MarvHamnck Randall, He was a retiredmerchani and building contractorHis wife .Mary Elizabetlr.TomsRandall preceded him in death.Survivors include 2 sons. RalphRandall of Mocksville, and Joe D.Randall of Caroleen. N.C.: adaughter. Mrs. Mary ElizabethDrawdy of Spindaie, N.C.: Ibrother. Clyde Randall of Caroleen..N.C.; and I sister. .Miss MamieRandall of Rutherfordton. .N.C.;three grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren.Funeral services were heldThursday. June 18. at 2:30 p.m. atOak Grove United MethodistChurch with the Reverend Joe.Melton and the Reverend BriceSmith officiating. Burial followed inthe church cemeterv.DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYmocksville. noCOLTN-IT K>aE[^RlSE .RECQRD._THyRSDAY. JUNE 24, 1982I Wreck On Interstate^O^Takes Life Of Local Man.A l9-yearold .Advance man waskilled early Saturday morning in asingle<ar wreck on Interstate 40 atthe Cedar Creek bridge, 4.4 mileseast of Mocksville.Stephen Glenn Williams of R[. 3.Advance, was killed in the wreck.Williams lived on Overlook Drive inthe Greenwood Lakes development.This was Davie County's 5thfatality of the year.•According to the report filed byState Highway P.atroiman L,E.Johnson. Williams was travelingwest on i-40 at a high rate of speedabout 1:45 a.in, when he lost controlof his car. The car reportedly raninto the median, struck a culvert,then roiled down an embankmentinto a creek. The car overturned onWilliams who apparently was.thrown from the vehicle.(Also called to the scene were theEmergency Medical Service, theDavie Rescue Squad, and the SmithGrove Fire Department,Williams was born January 19.1963, in Forsylh County to Robert G,and Chervil Workman Williams. Hehad spent most of his life In ForsythCounty and had been living in DavieCounty for the oast three years.He was a graduate of the DavieHigh School and had finished onevear at East Carolina and wasrStephen Glenn WiHiamsworking at Pleasant Hardwareduring the summer.He is survived by his father andmother of the home, one sister. MissJennifer 'Ginger) Williams of thehome: grandparents. .Mrs, MozelleWilliams of Advance and Mr andMrs, Charles M, Workman ofWinston-Salem, The funeral wasconducted at 2 p.m, .Monday atHayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapelby ihe Rev, Ray Davis, Burial wasin Westlawn Gardens of Memories. Area Obituaries/, MRS. ALICE MYERS.Mrs, Alice BeauchampMyers. 76,of Ri, 2, Advance, widow of FredSanford .Myers, died at her homeearly .Monday morning.The funeral was ' ..d Wednesdayat 11 a.m. at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel in .Mocksville by the Rev.Tony Jordan. Burial was in MyersFamily Cemetery.Myers was born in DavieCounty to Charlie and Sennie OrrellBeauchamp. and was a member ofBaileys Chapel United MethodistChurch,Surviving are three daughters.Mrs. R.J. iMildred) Markland andMrs. Wilbur iTheimai .McMahan.both of Rt. 2. .Advance, and Mrs..Mabel Markland of Rt. 3. Advance:eight grandchildren and 11 greatgrandchildren: two sisters. -Mrs.Lillian Sprinkle of Winston-Salem,and .Mrs. .Martha Davis of Clem-mons: two brothers. Ed Beauchampof Winston-Salem. and RoyBeauchamp of Advance.v/i MRS. EVA SHERMERMrs. Eva Howell termer, 90, ofRt. 3, Mocksville, died Thrrsdayafternoon at Davie County Hospital.The funeral was held Saturday atII a.m. at Mackie-Gentry FunderalHome Chapel in YadkinviUe by theRev. Paul Moore. Burial was inCourtney Baptist Church Cemetery.Mrs. Shermer was bom in DavieCounty John Vance and Mary BaityHowell. She was a memter ofCourtney Baptist Church.Her husband, John GroverShermer died in 1956.Surviving are three daughters,Mrs. .Nellie Pearl Steelman ofHamptonvtUe, Mrs. Joyce Todd ofRt. 2. YadkinviUe. and Mrs. WillieWliite of Rt. 4. YadkinviUe; threegrandchildren and four greatgrandchildren.Ii:. SFURGEu.N .A.NDEHSONCharles Spurgeon .Anderson diedTuesday morning, lo a.m.. at theDavie County Hospital following anextended illness.The funeral was held at 4:30 p.m.Wednesday at the Eaton FuneralHome with the Rev. Wayne HiUofficiating. Burial was in RoseCemetery with full Masonic Rites..Mr. Anderson w'as Iwirn June 5.1H95 in the Clarksville section ofDavie County to Charles Fisher andJane Booe Anderson. He wasmarried in 19'2l to Celia Shaw ofHarmony, who preceded him indeath on .Apni 1. 1962.He was a veteran of World War 1.and spent 38 years as a rural mailcarrier. He served for 35 years as amember of the board of directors ofthe Mocksville Savings and Loan.Association; 24-years as secretaryof Mocksville Masonic Lodge No.1:14: and was a member of the FirstBaptist Church oi Mocksville.Survivors mcluae one son. Dr.- Henrv Shaw .Anderson of Spar-ranbiirg. SC.; a daughter. Mrs.Lucille Anderson Brown ofMocksville; a brother. Ben .Anderson of Rt. 6. Mocksville; sixgrandchildren and 2 greatgrandchildren.DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1982C. Spurgeon AndersonOn a cold day about the 1st of December 1919, a 24-year-oid farm boy andrecently returned veteran of World War 1, drove a horse and buggy up to theCalahaln Post office. Loading mail into his buggy, he set out to deUver mailon a rural route for which he had been appointed,Charles Spurgeon Anderson had been out of the U.S. Army only six monthswhen he began carrying the mail. During World War I. he served a yearoverseas with the famed 30th "Old Hickory" Division.In 1922, the horseless carriage was becoming quite popidar in this area.Spurgeon Anderson, switched from the horse and buggy for mail carryingduring the summer months-but itwas back with "ole dobbin" and the buggybecause of the road conditions during the winter months. kIn 1932. the postoffice was abolished at Calahaln and Spurgeon Andersonstarted carrying mail out of Mocksville.In 1921 he had married Celia Shaw of Harmony. From 1921-1934 the familylived in the Calahaln community, moving to the Wilkesboro Street residencein Mocksville in 1934.During his 34 years as a mail carrier, Spurgeon Anderson served threegeneratims. Just prior to his retirement in July 1957, many patrons he wasserving on Rt. 1 Mocksville were grandchildren of the patrons he servedduring his earlier years.During his 37-year and 8-months of carrying the mail on a rural route, heshared the joy and sorrow of the families along his route. He also noted theprogress from the one-horse plow stage to modem mechanized fanning;from unpainted frame houses to the modem home. When he first startedcarrying the mail, practically ail his patrons wo'e farmers. .At hisretirement, the farm was still there—but at least one out of every family wasengaged in public work. 'During his lifetime he witnessed first hand the development of electricpower, and the progress it wrought; paved roads, telephones, radio, thentelevision, and modem space travel—even to the man on the moon. In allprobability the life of Charles Spurgeon Anderson spanned the greatest 80years of progress and development the world has ever known.On his retirement as mail carrier in 1957, Spurgeon Anderson sp<^e whathad been and would continue to be his lifetime creed;"What I regret most about retiring is missing my daily contacts with mymany friends I have made along my mail route."Spurgeon Anderson, whether he realized it or not, was'a follower of the 'philosophy of Ralph Waldo Emerson who said:"Theorily way to have a friend is to be one. 'And, Charles Spurgeon Anderson was a friend to everyone he ever met. Hehad no enemies.He was always an active member of agaides that would help others:Mocksville Masonic Lodge .No. 134, a member Iot more than 50 years andsecretary for 24 years; The Mocksville Savings and Loan Assn. on the boardof directors for 35 years; the American Legion; and the First Baptist Cnurch |of Mocksville.He was in the words of Clarendon, in his friendship;"Had the skiU and observation of the best physician, the diligence andvigilance of the best nurse, and the tenderness and patience of the bestmother."A great philospher once observed:"Life is to be fortified by many friendships-to love and be loved is thegreatest happiness of existence. 'And thus was Charles Spurgeon Anderson.OAVIE CO. PUBUC LIBRARYNC