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All along THE HORNET has ad- upon the law of right and justice, t
monished its readers not re become therefore all nations have fallen. ti
confabbed and all mussed up relative Histo��y proves it to us. Rome col- B
to the definition of Patriotism. Dur- lapsed, Egypt went down and Baby- a
ing the past decade millions, yea, Ion fell to rise no more. Looking t'
tens of millions have mired up com- about at the present world we find t
pletely in the marshes of a miserable that the Czar's government in Rus- p
misunderstanding as to what Pa- sia has just past into oblivion—the fl
triotism really is. boasted empire of Germany and the
There are many kinds of Patriot- Kaiser has smashed—the. capitalistic J
ism, or rather substitutes for the government of England has recently i
genuine thing. For instance, there adbicated to the socialists and labor -
is, besides real Patriotism, false pa- iter. A nation is simply organized
triotsm, patriotism for profits and i life, and any nation built in defiance
pie, national and international pa.- of this law sooner or later topple. I
riotism and state, count and neigh- A house not built in accordance with
t � Y
borhood patriotism, etc. the law of gravitation will collapse,
Real Patriotism is the tism that land a nation must be brought into
R 1 , harmony With 'the principles of right
stands for whatever is best for the i and justice or it will fall. Nations
majority, for what is the best inter- will continue to fall and new govern -
est of all --you and me the farmer ments sprung up out of the ruins un -
the laborer—the miller and miner
—your neighbor across the hill—old � til there comes a form of government
g i based upon absolute right and jus -
Bill Dill and aunt Sallie Hill—and so, tice. It may take a thousand years,
on. or ten thousand years for that mat -
A study of false patriotism will ter, to bring about this condition, but '
disclose the fact that there is as ' the writer has faith in the future suf-
much hypocrisy in the name of -pa- ficient to see that a government sat-
triotism as there is in the realm of isfactory to all people will come some
religion. Not every man who cries, ; ``day,.
"Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom Coming into closer quarters, let's
of Heaven; likewise not every man l patriotism. Speakers
see about l�oca p p
who claims to be a "100 per cent t tell s that our county, our town, our
Us �,
American" is worthy of the name. If I state is the greatest in the nation.
a man claims to be extremely pa- I schools teach the youths that
triotic yea. a "100 per gent A 7 •_ 1 Our -schools �
t .n � our nation is the greatest nation on
can," and it is found that during a earth. But,—we must remember oth-
emergency he takes advantage of the er nations are teaching their youth
le whom he claims to love so ` �, .
�°p the same thing. It is well to think a
much and gets anywhere from 100 great deal of the homeland, areason-
to 2,000 .per cent profit on his wares, (able a���ount of home -pride is all -
charging $20 for goads that costs him � right, but extreme egotism is dan-
only $1, then that man is not a pa- � gerous. The Germans came to grief
triot; he's a fraud. He may be a pa- (on the road. She taught her people
triot in theory, but he's a profiteer, that they were super -intelligent and
in fact. all powerful, and forthwith got into
International patriotism involves ,the suds thereby. A well bred wo-
the principles of racial unity, that man will teach her children that they
the whole of humanity is greater are not the only children -lin town—
than any part of it. The American that they should consider others.
nation is one nation only, and there Our state laws tell us that it is bet -
are many other nations. We have ter to take than to resent an insult.
some over 100 millions of inrabi- Why do not nations practice what I
tants, but there are over 1,500 mil- they preach to individuals? Why
lions of people on the globe. There- can't we take small insults rather
fore the symbol .of our nation can not i than make the matter worse by go -
be greater than the symbol of the en- ; ing to war and having thousands,
tire human race; in other words, we yea, n1illions killed on the fields of
are not only the only pebbles on the battle? To be plain, nations are like
beach. Humanity is one, and rises individual families. Two families
or falls together. One nation can ` live side by side. They fall out over
not get so far ahead of another. They I a chicken; the trouble isn't the chick -
must all progress together. One en; it i; some deep-rooted grudge
family in a neighborhood can not be- that underlies all, and the fowl is a
come entirely immune from disease, mere subterfuge—a tube through
So long as them is measles in the which the gas of malice or envy es -
vicinity the highly cultured can catch capes. It is about the same with two
it from the most ignorant persons. If nations. When two countries go to
a dangerous malady breaks out in the war the real trouble is not the her -
city slums it is liable to reach the alded insult that the one is said to
highbrows on Dignity Street. Na- put upon the other—a mere nothing,
tions are like neighborhoods. Health usually—but it is some slick schemes
laws must apply alike to all families of the leaders and financiers of each
in a city; a single break will cause nation to carry certain points that
trouble all around. Nations not ljuiltI
' 11 No t are kept from the knowledge of the,
upon the law of justice will fa
nation h -as ever been built absolutely j people, and about the same �propo
anda is used in both nations, one ( •
f Free
r �nl �ain a othe . Pocket
g st th
Real patriotism changes as the in- We are offer. ing a nice
elligence of the people changes. transparent bandied
alse -patriotism remains about the novelty knife free fo=
same in all ages. .False patriotism a club of 20 snbscripti-
simply a potful of lies cooked up ons to the Hornet at
o embitter the populace of two na- 25 cents each, making
ons against each other. In the Old $5.00 in all. This ni:e
ible days patriotism was a religion
knife contains the pie-
d Y p tures of the late can
nd consisted of devotion to the na-
r � didates COX and RO'O-
ional god. In those days every na-
ion had a God of its own, and the � SEVELT on one side
eople instead of fighting for their of the handle, and we
a and their country fought for will place the club rsi-
g vers name and address
God. The God of the Israelites was `
he ods of nei hbor- on opposite side of the
ehovah, and other g g handle.
ng nations were Nebo, Nergai, Da- : Y
A nice present, a real
gon, Moloch and Ashtoreth. Moloch knife serviceable and
V one of the greatest and most
for a o. k. in every particu.
popular of the early Gods, and r lar, easily obtained.
ong time was a strong competitor of Get one and keep it
�Tehovah of the Jews. King Solomon 4 as a souvenir of the
is recognized as being by long 192 campaign.
odds the wisest man that ever lived Simply address
was at one time strongly in favor of
Moloch. Solomon built a temple to Mocksville, No. Car
Moloch "in the hill that is before Je-
rusalem." You can find an account
of this in First Kings, eleventh chap-
ter. It seems that several hundred
of Solomon's wives were members of WANTED! 100,000 NEW
Moloch's church, and Solomon thought READERS.
it was better to worship Moloch than THE HORNET wants 100,000
to be chewing the rag with his wo- new subscribers—readers who
men folks over religion. Finally, have never been on our books
however, Solomon quit Moloch and before. And, of course, we want
decided firmly for Jehovah. That the all our old friends to come
early Bible patriarchs 'believed in a back.
plurality of Gods we call your atten- We xpect to do bigger busi-
tion to 'the First chapter of Genesis, nese 411924 than ever before.
26th verse, which reads; "And God ,Ouir fforts depend upon the
said, let us make man in our imams; suppoY,t our friends give us. We
and in the original text we read the can't coo anything without your
first verse of the First chapter of . help, and if our friend., will only
Genesis and find that it was not realize this and get busy, we
"God"' but "the gods created the can move , Q1ong,
heaven and the earth." When man's Now, all . Body; get your pen -
intelligence improved to a state out cils and P, -:Per and make us a
of which emerged the idea of one God club at once. The price is 35c
only, the translaters changed this singly; 30c for 4 to 9, and 25
reading from "gods" to "God," and cents in clubs of 10 or more.
Allright, let's go. The re -
then people began to buck on the idea ,puglicans have started; why not
the democrats ?
(Continued on page 4.)
Campaign Buttons Free
THE HORNET is making arrangements for several
thousand buttons containing the picture of our 1924
candidate for president. We will mail one of these free
to every one who sends us between now and the date
of the National 'Convention a club of 10 at 25 cents, or
$2.50 in all. Send the club now and we will send the
button as soon as the manufacturers can make them af-
f-ter the convention. If you send us a club of 20 at 25c.
each, you will get the button and the knife with our
candidate's picture on the handle and your name on op-
osite side. Be sure to get one or both these premiums.