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ThBis from which we came higher. Now, in and a little better --onward and up-
ble on this age, we are several rounds of ward, higher and loftier, like unto a
hope higher, yet we have not reached baby growing into the intelligence of
the summit, and we continually see its father.
In the outset -of this article, we In the early stages of the `��riter:s nigher ground beyond. Evolution is Isaiah in tht 25thchapter,
' 7 and 8
admonish our friends not to worry study we t hough-' , as Irian• now seen the name of this process of ascension . says: . .
� y And he will destroy in this
over the apparent clash between 1 to think, tha+t. th-e Bible and evolution --the method of going from for `
science and the Bible, for there can-, are at vaL•ia��ce. The +-enc � ',to Ic � v " g g "glory Y mountain the face of the covering
Then lay we I g and the stair -way by the cast over all people, and the veil
not be any conflict between what is r gad where it says: "Come, let us!which which we straw nigh unto God." In that is spread over all nations. He
true in science and what is true in reg}son to^etlrcr, and we forthwith I fact, a stroliger intelligence abetter
well swallow up death in victory, and
the Scriptures. Truth, Pfter all, is accepted file invit_-ition, and began to hope, an advancement upon the laws the Lord God will wi a away tears
the only word of God and wherever � reason iii t;- . , • If � fie 131ble is of th,- old Bible enabled the authors p v
ni:wise. from all faces and the rebuke of his
found is a great conquer. er. Truth is truth and evolution is truth, -,is we be- -to wl' i to the New Testament. As
i people shall be taken away from all
the armor of righteousness, and like ! camefirmly convinced CTere should Paul uaid trHeb 87:
For if that the EARTH, for the Lord hath s ok-
a mi V. general, marshals the nours be some :,iiililaritt� sot►le �� anon- !coven^n had P
S' Y g ; y t d been faultless, then on it." This "rebuke," this "covering"
days, months, years and centuries in- sh p, yea, twl ship between the two should no place have been sought for g
to .invincible armies that wage un- i ---and it i � so. the s:� road," The first covenant may and veil that is spread over all peo-
i Y pl�e is ignorant,?. The veil is again
ending warfare upon the strong- i We now.:;ee plainly thaf. +t1,� st:`net- be m , s -trued as the Old Bible, the mentioned in ' Cor. 3rd chap., 11 to
holds of error, ignorance and *lse ; est pa --;sage of Script;,re -ire tho,-e of Second covenant as the New Testa- ,
� � � 1R verses, the 15th verse reading:
hood. Ignorance may prevail for a evolutionary tendencies, t�osx� of pro- meat. Mankind's intelligence had ' "Bu't even to this day when Moses is
time, error hold sway for a while phec , and prom'. of better clays � pa3tly outgrown the "first covenant,''
f P Y read the veil is upon their hearts.'
and falsehood win temporary success, ._._.better condi tions under which there or the Old Bible, and for that reason I Iil� Heb- F:l the author says:
abut defeat awaits all error in the end. is to bc, a. final re-_tlizat:ioi� o� a b and Jesus of Nazareth, his followers, in- � "Therefore Therefore leaving the principles of
Those of us who understand this fact and perfect'Ileaven--the hope of all eluding Paul, took a stand against the doctrine of Christ, let us
• altars, sacrifices circumcision, slav- g°
never expect instant success. We do � the true p��ophets and people,; of the � -
into perfection This is another idea
not become discouraged at temporary past—the Heaven to which the &tby_ ery and the rigid Mosaic law in gen- possiblyPaul's of road '
eral. Then these religious the ad humanity
defeats. When enlisted on the side of lon.ans started with brick and mor- gious ordinances must travel to perfection --a Heaven
truth, ultimate victory is certain; tar ---the Heaven of the New Jeru- gave way, gradually, to newer ones. Ion
when enlisted on the side of error, ! salem and olden streets ►the dr�e,Q These changes in religious rites con -n Earth. We must some day leave
g Z7r 'the doctrines of Christ, when vm
final defeat is inevitable. of tht2 Jewish .race ----the Heaven of , firm the contention of evolutionists +shall have reached the
'that we are changing, m, but Iet us
However, when the writer began: lite �;bo�l sister:, of p7•c�testantism, � g- g, though slowly #say here and now that the World
burning the midnight oil 15 years wli-ere there will be n-, more ain no and gradually. In the present-day con-
! P has not as yet reached that lofty
ago, it was not long until we saw the more sorrow, no moY•e tears, no more troversies the opponents of evolution height.
comm conflict --between the present sickness n fear to recognize �t _
g p t and death—the Heaven of g ze he facts when ap
and the past. We predicted it to our' perfect health and perpetual life-- Plied to the development in time of,Plainly, the early followers of Jesus
neighbors, we broadcasted - 0 'in the! the real .Heaven ----the on], - � � our physical being, when ;t is so � i�'ere evolutionists, and the people of
column T J - He:.ven-- c P =y g' ; that day did not understand them
s of HE HORNET, but burs th-e Heaven that shall be the inevita- ! lear •y evident that the moral and
was the voice of on cr !n i the, bl . result. spiritual its - j'theY did not understand Jesus, and
e cry;ng n e - of evolutioli. , p pa of the race have pro
wilderness. The clash has arrived— ' Yeo, all the beautiful 1tassages ,o f g"ESs'ed by painfully stow stages No t we fear the people of this day do not
r • _ _ ` one can den that God's ways of ! understand the true doctrines that he
and after all, it is more apparent than; :�ci•ipttt?-e n.itic to (Iv ��-i -11 in inklnd"s ; Y
taught. The early christians truly.
real --a clash between persons, not ; future }dere, not in a nvthical Heaven ;manifesting Himself have always
principles ---a clash between false- in time skies, but right here on o.ld `been through the slow process of na- !saw the "Golden Stains" to a real
I Heaven on Earth. Those zvho disa-
hoods, not facts --,a clash between terra firma, which +the Bible says! ture.
ingorance and education, between "abideth forever." The simple fact';. The first few verses of the 21 chap- !greed from them then did so from
selfish and greedy reasons, and those
superstition and enlightenment, be- !relative to these beautiful passages ter' of Revelations contain much ar- 1
. i who are disagreeing from these doe-
tween prejudice and reason --a repeti- is that they go unpreached. This is ;argument for evolution. T-ne 4th verse
tion of clashes that have occurred at true, doubtless, because throughout reads: "And God shall wipe away all ! trines now are still doing so for the
' g same reasons.
intervals all along the pathway of ; civilized history they who have �ad- !tears from their eyes, and there shall i
tim'z. vocalted a Heaven on Earth have been be no more death, neither sorrow (Next month: Opposition and op
The resent turmoil is simply file despised, while tl�-ey who !nor crying, neither shall there be any ponents of a Heaven on Earth.)
P p , p • point to a ,
travail before delivery, and tan ac- ' Heaven beyond the stars go unmolest- ;more pain, for the former things are
companying excitement is the ordeal ; ed. "The temple of God is within •you, passed away." The opponents of �'�''�=���'ED--TO BUY EARLY Amtr-
that always visits at the birth of ne-w not in yonder -'s bleak and empty t evolution may contend that this re- can books, almanacs, letters, doc'u-
truths. Every new truth enlarges I space. "Ye are the teal le o f "'s to the orthodox Heaven or the
mankind's family � � g s � living p f the f Heaven the lnentc, manuscripts, sheet music,
m y of facts, heghteno ng God, . but they wfio accept of h popular imagination, + colored
our tower of knowledge and elevates; {these assertions of Jesus of Naza- but plainly it does not. It refers to picture. , postage stamps,
Indian relics, etc. W. V. ABDILL
us to the next step in the stair -way ' reth are ever given the black eye by the Earth, and it is here where ! ,
to a great Heaven on Ear0i, pro- society. Why the world has always "former things" are to ass awe as Titusville, N. J.
p Y ays p Y� tf
pnesi'ed by Isaiah, by Jesus of Naza-1 vilified, accused, persecuted, gym_ pain, sorrow, death and tears are not
reth, Pawl and all the prophets of fh,e prisoned and killed its truth seek- I a part of the orthodox Heaved. Paul j�
past whose words were worth any- ez•s and truth tellers said: "Here we have no continuin ock
is a mystery!
, ��
Y continuing!Pocket
Y Free
thing. that THE HORNET is trying to un- city, but we seek one +n come." A We are offering a nice
Two kinds ofprophets are me1lz=on- I ravel, continuing cite i6 a c -c indition in transi-Irent handled
• which we continue on and on in the novel y knife free for
•..+3i�'� ed in the Bible --the true prophets :Reverting to our subject, it is a 1
and the false prophets. HoweJtr, they ! fundanlEntal contention of evolution same bodily structure. Paul also I a club of 20 subscript,.
• I and evolution;sits that we are than sate':: "This mortal shall put on im- } ons to the Hornet at
who told the truth are the :.rae pro- ! , t g- `
phets, while they who prophesied I ing—for the better- all the while. It ' moi-tal.,ty," and as we see it, this is F 25 cents each, makin
falsely are is no co nce.rn of ours w�letller the dus � the work of evolution, which vv ill ut : y -+1�: 5.00 in
y r the liars. The ti ue pro- p , $ all. This aids
phets, as is coming to 'iglit, werc from which we have risen be ani -mate it on `lowly and gradually. In this! i . knife contains the pig
•connection� -
those who saw evoluti, on an,i base? or inanimate, the point is—ore have ; we quote Jeremiah 31.31 ,t tures of the late can-
►theirprophecythereon—a soild rock risen. The l,i•ocesses by which v�=e � to 3`l� "And they shall teach no more �� dilates COX and R _
1� ! � � 0''0
(trutn) on which Jesus said he l,ad'_rise seem incredibly slow, but let',overy man his neighbor and every SEVELT on one side
r • , ; �-us not forget that behind the ma'es- man his brother, saying, know the `_ _ of the handle
established his church, abairst ti b rli j , , ,and eve
the gates of hell (falsehood and ig- I- tic fact of the evolution of life upon I Lord; for they shall all know me ► will puce the club r•i.
• our g1Y�l;•e is the Eternal Power in from the least of them unto the great- # Sers name and address
norance) cannot prevail. Ezekiel In
13.3 says.. Woe unto the fooli5►z pro -
Whose siglit a thousand years are but' est of them, saith the Lord • for I i ' on opposite side of the
+ t
phets that follow their own spirit and i yesterday when it is past, and as a will forgive their iniquity, and I will handle.
watch in the right. remember their sins no more." Paul + E A nice rafient
_have seen nothing. In the G+ h verse P , a real
of. the same chapter it says:" They -Paul in Heb, 7:10 said: "For the ` repeats this Scripture in Heb. 8:9 to knife, serviceable and
(acv made nothing �Frfect, brit the 12. We of this age are still teaching o0 k. in every pa�+u-
have seen vanity anw ly1a j divana- g T - .
E)ringin Ili of a better hope did, by each other; every man is telling his lar, easily Obtained,
tion, saying the _Lord sayeth, and the g -in
t�•hich the draw nigh unto God."' neighbor what he thinks right is, and ' Get one and keep it
Lord hatb not sent 'them." It :s the
The }lope of the ancient Babylonians what God is, but does not Jeremiah = :. a souvenir of the
samQ to -day. Too many 'speakers, as
? say that we shall all know 1920 cam
that Heaven was only a short way up Y ow God, from campaign.
teachers and preachers tell us what and that they might reach the least of us t the ? Sim
g ch there with � o greatest of us . ply address
"God hath said," whin God hath not bricks and mortar, was indeed a crude Through evolution this is to be ac- THE HORNET,
toad them anything. hope, but it was a hope, and a Step complished, getting a little wiser Lei icksville, No. c,"•