MocMISC1_00159 THE HORNET! F01ished Monthly W. HENRY DAVIS Editor and Owner Entered as Second -Class Matter March 11, 1920, at the Postoffice at )docksville, N. C.. under the act of March 3, 1879. One Year..................35 cents Four Years...................$1.00 In clubs of ten or more, 25c. per year. Cash in advance. Make remittance by check, register- ed letter or money order drawn on MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. It is just as well that many G. O. P. senators are summering abroad. Next year this time they will be' simmering at home. o — The Republican party talks of re- forming for their 1924 appearance, but, like the rest of its talk, there is noth- ing in it. Phrenologists have made us wise as to the bumps on La Follette's head, but where did lie get that hair-raising tonic ? Not much doing these long summer days. The sugar -head that's circulat- ing about keeps most republicans too full for utterance. 0 A republican recently alluded to his "party's position." Pardner, it does * * * * * * * * * snot hold the same position long enough * *' for a kodak snap. EDITORIAL ST NG SER* The Republican party may now be * * * + functioning as a political order, but �year after next it will be only a pro An exchange says that "the repub- licans are doing some thinking." It is negligence on their part not to have done something like that earlier in their era. 0 It is the voice of the people, they say, that speaks at an election. How- ever, a few big bugs have long since interpreted to their taste what the people said in 1920. 0 There is a wrong way to do even the right things, but the republicans have shown their qualification for do- ing the wrong things 'exactly the right way. —0 — Some fellow wrote THE HORNET a letter in the course of which he com- plained that it costs a lot to live these days. No platter what it costs, we still struggle for the price. THE HORNET has been informed that "the G. O. P. is holding its own," but it will be discovered in 19.944 that it is durn little that it owns of "its own". Some G. O. P. enthusiast has blurt- ed out that the Harding administra- tion will go well down in history. All right; let it not stand upon the order of its going, but let it go soon as possible. 0 Lots of galoots are now boasting of "good times" who prior to the Harding era couldn't see prosperity when heels -over -head and socked clean up to the hocks-rin it. Whether it is the standpat or Pro- gressive element that lands on top in the Republican camp next year, the Democrat Donkey is going to bust a bundle of dynamite under something's tail anyway. "Times are getting better," writes some one. Yes, but all in all, the Harding administration is not popular enough to cause souvenir hunters to acquire toy tails of the white house goats. 0 - ,Republicans in 1920 had some semb- "Harding well run again, says a Te- foundly defunct disorder. ° lance of unanimity, but judging from publican exchange. Yes, for dear life — - ° and One reason more republicans have last year's primaries and the election in 1924. About time to stand and sing, not kicked on the Harding hash and returns every fellow among 'em is o- invite all the G. O. P. sinner bilks The Harding cabinet as now con- p1 forward to old Democracy's hot dogs era is because they are ! now going in opposite directions from to c4 e usually at home when down deep In !the other, and the d ---I after 'em stituted looks like so many hunks of mourners' bench in a trot. corporation pork. I -_ _—° the soup. ,_ 1 all. rP o 0 __° - "The republicans are going oto op- Five hundred and fort seven European critic who says next ear, they + Y Mi . Harding has the reputation of That p pose the profiteers Y ric ha no leisure class should � American millionaires ;xr•e touring the being a pleasant, clever, easy-going, America s say. Yes, as usual, much more so, . r office holders. Mediterranean sea. The Mediterran- lazy -dog kind of fellow. However, h& watch our however, before the election than af- °:__ _ _ can waters, it seems, has been the appears to have special weakness for Little drops of gasoline, little pools ter it. mecca for pirates for hundreds of private Pullman cars, yachts and ocean of oil, make a mighty hunger for Some one laments the fact that years. steamships. the heathen's soil. there are too many investigations. ° -°----- �misfortune about the matter Just wait: Late in 1924 all these It takes a man of much gall and The Republican party stands pat, The real G. O, P. pie eaters will be running political tongue to whoop it up for but on the Irish matter it has never is that there are so. many suspicious � so fast it will be useless to ask them the republicans during a campaign, stood -much fGt Part, parties to a investi���ed. ,.. P —�° n a }_ to vvt ��i= `t; me olid tides. . � then stand idly by and see .the.. cam- �� • ° - There is one point of business tact ° paign promises go glimmering --and Poor republicans, its :;rue, want very we notice about cigarette manu Some people in the white nations that g the l never bat an eye. little as they go along, but they want hate the yellow race, many in facturers—they never substitute plc- o that little strong, yellow potions hate the white race, Some near prophet wrote us and tures of trust malefactors for those and a few people in all nations hate said: "This country won't be wholly Republican politicians should get of base ball players. their pass -ports at once for the Salt ° .Gthe human race, prosperous until it has Less bunk and -— __— Old man Sam ompers has started more spunk." That's right. And you river line and avoid the 1924 rush. A recent Socialist convention favor- ' a fight on the borers from within—a might also add until it has less bull o ---- --- ed the impeachment of William H. Some writer has said that the world pretty sure indication that the country Taft and Leon Trotzky, having no con- and more bullion. is upside down. Maybe it is and that's is to be bored without end. fidence in either. Playing both ends To those who believe that the Hard. what's keeping our pockets empty. o - Y _ _ Many prophecies relative to the cost against the middle, eh? ing era is a back yard edition of the it is here at last, and the of living is predicted, but when the The job hunters within the G. 0.' New Jerusalem, we call attention to reason we know it is because repub- prophets of "normalcy" look upon the P ranks who haveailed to land any- the old saying, that "where ignorance f Y licans have begun to cuss each other I landlords they beat their breasts and thing are wondering what the deuce!: is bliss, tis folly to be wise.„ 0 again. Weep• the 1920 election and all the sub- Neat but not gaudy, the monkey o ° No use to wink or blink, fellows, the Just think of the sad affliction that sequent hilarity was for anyway. said when he painted his tail a pea- G. O. P. gang is in deep water now has fallen upon the republicans some °, green. And so might anyone say who ' Next year this time we shall have without enough life belts to go of whom are so blind they can't see ! observes the way Harding is going Harding crawfishing into the League. found our Moses, the man who's to around. Ha g g ___ lead us out of the G. O. P. wilder- about the task of getting over into _0___ — ° the League of Nations boat. Cuban sugar raisers ma have had A republican optimist these days is ness and relieve their big chief Hard - g Y something to do with it, but the real a man who believes, among other ing of his job but no man is wise • of was made in the enough to put his finger on him The republicans have been running devilment was done by American price things, that the hole things for more than two years now. raisers. doughnut especially in order to vents- now., o and everybody is discouraged, includ- o You can't put new wine into old late it. ° A professor says we are a nation i ing the republicans who wants a piece For- of "dumb -bells.” We deserve the im- of pie and don't see at this late hoar bottles, but republicans always man- Possibly it pays to stand pat. age to get e their old promises into instance, "Uncle Joe" Cannon got his peaehinent if we let the -profiteers fool how the devil he's going to get it. new campaigns. wealth by standing pat but all the us as to who's to blame for the recent —O --- ----- while his poor constituents were fall- rise in the price of sugar. ' Here is a bit of history: In 1912 It has been stated that a St. Louis , • flat. • 0-- the republicans scrapped one another, ing Arrangements for 1924 seem to be man drank a case of beer and de- i ° ____ cussed, foamed and finally fizzled, voured a whole ham at one sitting. Governor Pinchot, of Pennsylvania pretty well outlined, and we presume then turned around to find their gov- Some trust president, perhaps, has hired a professional golf instruct- � about all the earnest and confident republicans have got to do from now , ernment counter tilted and pie all "In union there is strength," but or, but this does not necessarily mean on is to sit in the boat and not look: petered. And history repeats itself. g m that the ! that he intends .to run for president i republicans should remember t t a bit scared. •� Secretary of State Hughes next year. Democrat friends'! If you think ye, whiskers of y .editor can mix the mess then b are parted. -- If any republican "points with y P Ned wont you all do the rest? We ° _ It is a fact, no doubt, that all those pride �to anything in the present , Lots of political doctors are in the planets that have eluded our efforts Harding hand-out, simply ignore him, must lambast the G. 0. P., with theso Republican party now, also lots of to communicate with them, have high for such pointing is prima-facie evi- skunks we must deal; send us the sub- gullible goober heads in it to swallow tariffs and a Republican party of their i Bence that he would point to any- scribers, we'll send you the "spiel." • 1 Continue on a their medicine. own. .thing. � (Continued Page 3) _ • a r� 4 i ED ( Con Now, sine turtle on W+ in the 1920 many of hi they will hal suckers by l G. O. P. net Lots of Harding in say h--1 si truly feel t excuse thei sion is goo( THE H, publican, don't hate crisy; we we hate s aptly Bate tells. In ye of anites, $e tite Giro ites, Hivitc there are Coolidgeitt Lodgites, buns Ikes When ti eery make done abou protest b3 poor guy may actui hauled inl months, a: One co Rural Crf ers "too think, th the soil I worst of too many just like A Was years en Harding doesn't s happy w'd, dent, pro his, as ev+ thew siM ture is of The b bunch of ca. Th( governm tear -jug! the time Ham see treasury created 1 of prote after all 3,000 Pei Here poor ma man hac lions pe back to num, wh if the 1 $75 per versity, takes ai accepts hies awa raising a