VnT.TT11 V.. TWELVE MO'CKSVILLE, N. C., July, 192
sympathetic Friends things are getting in a d�e- with human growth and affairs as
We have been mum of la �e and down, we bean to get Ynlp
letter accordin ly. plorable condition. This country is it is �vitir �;��r�ien truck.
haven't mentioned this "what you !and wrote hiiir a g With mortgages on our homes,
. His "par��ly,i,�" of the newspaper re- on the toboggan, sliding down, e1, g sc ool district, bonds
call it," for som`z time, but we are I e indigestion or c(_,eding the limit, by Ned, and w�. bonds in the h
comm across now and rap it one or ' Forts Droved to b g
g � .. f • • nature and �tr'c: not talking politics either. We vii tli�e township and county, state
two. something o� a minor ,
recovered. dis like to assume the roll of a Se- and national bonds to the amount
L�-��,�,,,, and DON too, soon � T just know `there must
We take it forgranted you haVe ha happened several years remiali, but frankly, lamentations of billions, we j
These things pp come a pay day—a clay of blight and
heard of it; when we pay "it" We ago, sand once note old DON is gett- are i order.
YELLOW JACKET whose his back Taxes are high, the cost of living blisters—a day of ;sorrow and sighs
mean THE ing, his journalistic tall on 1
editor turned Armageddonw-ard in *� taking notice of, remains burdensome, conditions in —a sales -day when the mortgages
e all of which we are t k
1912 and went off after. Thodore e some "spiels" u our general assume all oppressive and must be foreclosed.
Roosevelt and Bull Mooseism. Then and we haw s p p __ ____ ._
Roose great com- —o—
that we expect to turn loose stifling attitude, and the
later when -retreat set in and T. R. at no distant date. When we enlarge mon mass, in this connection, is like lican
started back to `the G.Ru nVa�
and his bunchTHE HORNET, as we expect to do unto millions of mice trapped In a
cam in a trot, the YELLOW`- , brown white or burning building. I –
f�. P. p I ,cion, no roan, red or �b _ , . , 4
JA(>l�i i i�tdli c;uuiciii�i, keep tip. �i_a,� .. _ L-_'0`11Us----0U11.t ,—u:,ritis. iYjutl !�1i', �' re ati6n,
black, is going to get by with any- ( We;re t -he G. U. I agK g
way, he had lost out with the old our olitical radio bonds, county ;bonds, state' I gentlemen!
brethren, the men who thing on us : Gret y p
line G. O. P. b ready. There is fun ahead, and national bonds, and the end is We're the band of sorry Mikes that
had "feathered his nest" in thg past. Y .�.. �_ not yet. Corporation stock --watered make up the gang of Hardingites,
We are talking about R. Don Laws. and worthless. Widows, orphans and standpat Ikes and political blights.
and you notice that he splits up his PATRIOTISM the thoughtless public are picked I;ke l you should have known us without
name so you may dwell on the DON geese. When they complain, they are further i ado, since we are enemies
part. However, we've never learned confabbed and told that they "should not h,:lve it." to all of you. We're enemies to our -
what the R. stands for, unless it is Friends: Don't get conf tiyell, when a thief lifts a� ham, there
mussed u over the definition of selves, too, and have gotten our
Reuben, Rastus, Riddle or Rounder; all m d p seems to be a way to handle him, I party into a stew.
and most republicans in this country"patriotism Patriotism leas been but when hien operate on a big scale, In 1920 we were the political Ti -
seem drawn upon so heavily for the past e r not thieves --simply "fin- we have run
seem to think it is all four and so they are I Y t�an�c, but since then
H HORNET doesn't few years tnat we fear most of the anciers," eh ? I into an leeburcr, which is cutting us
more Now THE • enuine article has been --absorbed b
know what this IL. means, and we g
Aside from the many other schemes in twain, and the Democrat Donkey
don't care but we do take off our Rem -ember, there are more kinds of
mto collect the surplus from the peo- is going to kick us back out into the
cap whenever we think of DON, as patriotism than Carter had oats. pie, there are the more plausible rain.
that is a gol-darn pretty name, and For instance, there is the real patrio- methods of "drives" of various kinds. The Congressional election of last
when our old cat brings kittens we tism, false patriotism, national pat- ! When it isn't one thine; it is another. hall came and went ,and we at once
are going to
name all the boy cats riotism, party patriotism, pocket- As soon as the Armenians get on yaw that the country has started
DON, as we believe that he -kittens book patriotism, patriotism for pro- their feet, the Russians, Chinese or back to Democracy n---1 bent.
with that name ought to do well. fits and patriotisin for pie. some other people get to "starving." Next year, 1924, we look for the
T And all the ivh�Ie the real patriot- In this respect it looks as though no -
Several years ago, THE HORNEtrick to be well turned ,when our
in self defense, gave out a little; ism is the ism that :stands for what- I body cares for the poor, hungry and whole compoodle will be whipped--
"s lel'' on Laws and THE YELLOW- ever is best for the most people--- ; unfortunate within our own land. Ha.ilding, �Hu�hes, Moochy-+Coochy
JACKET. At once "DON" began to I for whatever is 'the interest of all-- ! Our talk may be considered very and Iloover—Wall Street and all that
have a string of spasms which he 1 you and I—the farmer—the laborer «ugly," and quite embarrassing to bunch of hot feet- 'the old guard, the
. miner— —your neigh- Certain class of our citizenry, but hit hard and the h---1 fired—alI will
threw in our direction. He had said � —the miller and y a
ugly things about us and when we born across the hill—old Bill Dill and we intend to continue talking in 'this wind up in the discard.
retaliated nz swooned. He wrote us Aunt Sallie Hill. vein so long as the wrong are ram- Frankly, our entire Republican ag-
letters• he threatened to sue us; heti ---- - -- part. gregation and the uttermost parts
couldn't get over his spell of spasms, G. O. P. PROTECTION. Understand, we are not opposed'to thereof have been weighed in the
on squealing and ,improvements, roads, ;schools, bridges balance and found wanting; in the
and kept right
frothingat the mouth and x says that auto tires and better conditions, 1n fact v,%e be- ledger of justice and right we have
calling! ; An e_,change sad � .
us nam'as. j have advanced 10 per cent on account Itlieve in them, but sometimes things no page; in 'the memoranda of wrong
an to think seriously of 1 o f the "increased cost of cotton." The! can be overdone, in which case the we carry many full pages. For once,
We beg
but aboui'' i incr ased cost pf ,cotton does not' last state is worse than the first. We and for a fact, our sins have found
vis2ting the scene in person, �
g Y
the time we of full in a notion to add three cents extra to the average I believe in evolution, in advancement us out.
go, we read
that ie had been stricken tire, yet the manufacturers take a and growth, but we also know that After the battle of 1924, after the
with paralysis1 sis and as that was the toll of from $1 to $3 on each tire. ! too much manure is worse than not smoke is cleared, here is what will
' � thought of doing We have �r law that _culls in the !enough, blasting the corn rather than be seen emblazed across the political
very thing we had g I
' postponed our visit. When (fellow who lifts a ham or rolls a ;giving, it the benefit desired. Nature skies: "REPUBLICANISM IS
for him, we po po I growth that cannon be DEAD." Down near the horizon, as
we saw that old nature had beat us razor, but the high tariff laws pro- has gait of gLL
t and slapped to ila ed him dangerously ( tett tire thugs, hurried excessively, and it is the same ( Continued on page 4.(