Boo Hoo',
Ltters and Bull
'e fixing to dis-
o n P more gin.
d made a great
r -as little guys
t o the bottom
;gan's line has
,nt has become
the worst yet
a second term
accident. He
-,he people; he
yen the people
1n they person -
thing Harding
1 boasts about
tyed the deuce,
-4. Our party
ania, Indiana
which way the
-e blowing. The
ion has come
ving havoc witk
ingism. Senat=
it's closest pal,
oed. He fell as
primaries as a
'rr Pennsylvania
senatorial prize
y gal jumps a
old time 'T'eddy-
Bull Moose land
k to show which
de is galloping.
from our hilar -
the 'G. O. r'. "
r*, dissolved--
ld a good thing
z -e got the gov-
ri d now own ev-
to garret, but
tandpatters are
st turn all the"
t pull the plow
e big bunch of
le splism that's
e feeling worse
io decades. We
felt since 1908.
heodore sat that
, Taft, into the
sat for only one
days of his sit -
at every million-
--k his flinger in
nd it came from
iy heart oil men
flow roust have
ong ago when
very pocketbook
h in every heart,
ild the soul of
Vaco News-Trib-
bad to learn that
lore money each.
i than they spend
ie value of edu-
ured in dollars.
hewing gum dis-
but a few dol -
tion is a lasting
ansas City Star.
fully' low level. Oh, the Pharasee ion-, of governnnent. fromthe largest
rsion wants impr-ovenients wh-ich he may to the smallest there are Kaisers whoKaises of
enjoy, but lie wants you and the othe2 «-ant to rule or ruin; there are Hien
fellow to pay for them. v. -11O want to bos; you or be. �'1t1;
Text: 23rd Chapter of Matthtw 1 They go to stone front churches, drive ; Another thing when you hen"i- pill►- ;they want to drive ,roil or de )ri-ve
• - I big limousines, and in this respect, ac- ' `a eaket, bleating loud and long ' `-ou: if they fall to drive you thl,v
THE HORNET en joys stepping on I cording to Jesus they are likened � li' �
others pet; we delight in - r ; for higher taxes, they. are the _fellows (-% fer to lead you and in that wad- tfi ,;
corns thatp g unto white sepulchres which appear
touchingsore spots that others stand ; who lope to stick their finger.; in the h�t,F to bleed you. These men we s -1 v
p beautiful outward but within are f ull
. � ' ( rea-P, And when you bear t11E' a, -F the Kaisers—and they are all
shy of; we delight in preaching on ' of dead men's bones. Right here e g
preachers ass u °speech of a pian who wants to turn opposed to justice, truth a.nd right
texts that other prea P P we want to add that our American war
;the wLc,i•i�;l il,t�_, aii Eden. over r►igllt, � an ad»,lxture of which «°Quid be a
In the 23� d Chapter of Matthew profiteers are greatly stuffed with
• ' lip's a fi- i�id. 1Tc knows it can't be Heaven on Earth.
Jesus gets the scribes and Pharasees While an hundred
dead men's bones. done. Gi-aCluatioii is tl�� law of grow -
"told." It was the Nazarine s dis- -----
• thousand of our boys were dying in
ill, .-k iiian ;�a?Z't turn. a poor acre '-n- ' �'P slippo`F lllil_e'li of the c,1iCiCle r�,-
like for vanity in individuals, over- I France these profiteers were getting
bearin Hess of leaders and oppression cessities of to a fertile patch in one season• T,� ported from every' par of the colin-
g excessive proffits on the ne
of governments that got him into war and ammu_ attPi_i11)t it is to burn up whatever is tri: happens because of the obstinacy
g - life and implements of w
trouble.-- There were sedition laws`planted upon it. of Hien who are sinwly iinw ill_ing �o
nition Ex -,Secretary of the Treasury i
laws against free speech and "blue Friends: C�onsidei•iilg these ones ; give the candidates a. chance to talk
g McAdoo said that some of these profits
Sunday" and Jesus was finally thousand er, mail`•- other t)oints that Lt'e• haveri"t ( them to death .-"Houstoll Post.
Y reached as high as two p
rounded u as a violater of these. time to mention, is there any wonder
p cent. This means that they got $20
Evidently Jesus was a student; he that the high fiviiig object to a pro- If 1_tarquis della Tirretta becomes
for articles that cost them only a osition of Heaven on Earth. Every Italian ambassador to this �ountr:L',
thought much studied conditions a dollar. To -da it would be harder to ! p
To -day, `on of Bel al who is eating bread it is safe to predict that he will not
great deal and saw the emptyness of get these fellows in prison than it
. general. He especially saw l�lad�l by the ;,peat of scille other fel- g,w� oi,t an interview on the tariff
things in g P Y would Jesus if he were here and un-
throu h the can't and hypocrisy of loww-'s brow object to It, and thele' prey- hill when the reporters meet liim at
g identified as he was then. Our big
the Pharasees of his time. In all his officials strain at gnats and swallow ent objection is ()Illya repiti-on of quarantine.—Boston Transcript..
teachings, however, he said naught of the objection by this Class in all ages
work- at camels. They keep petty offenders •
the poor the down trodden, the wo of the wvorld. They objected when Woc►drowv Wilson is sho«'i1i^' gi't _tit-
in prison for having expressed an
ens who in all ages have pulled the won't prosecute these out- Isaiah said it; t11ey' kicked when Jere- P,. self-control when he refPrc t n
opinion and p they killed r'hi'ist,
world's load, and in payment have mea -h mentioned it; , for Reed as a "mai'plot" when there
landish robbers who took from us in a
received only ;a ,pronouncement of great emergency. During periods of for pro{-lainiing it-, Paul was beheaded ai.e so ninny otlier words 01 -at also
« „
nobodys�� and "nothings." Jesus was for talking it and Stephen was stoned fit the case.—Indianapolis Star.
wear we sell bonds and with the inone Y to loath when he commenced it.
a friend of sinners who in his day ___.
composed the lowly, the unfortunate raised thereby we purchase one dol- something 20. When There 15 a reason. Heaven is a 'The__ Car Ahead. -
lars worth of som g for $ Whplace of egi_iali_ty justice, truth and
and poor. war ceases and we enter the peace I ,i��hri, ott've promised aril proilii.�-
Who were the scribes and Pharasees ' right. It i,, heartrending to the stall_- Pd to get me a runabout.''•
' su ' day? The were the "hypo- era they come at us for higher taxes fed fellows to think of having to get
of Je s y Y �,o tlln =e da
for "improvments. We admit that I «-�11, t,��- dear, one f V�
crites, the leaders of men, government ; down off their 1-11gh horses and be- "Duni ►h'. �'oiir pr'e=exit is atww�ays
' and officers of the syna- improvements are a necessary part � 1
officials a an advancement but much ex- collie equal to the hi.. mbl_est, and al- ,n the future." --Boston Tran3�,ript.
gogues high muck -a -mucks and big of hum low justice to mete out to there no
1 cessive tax money is raised in the -
bugs in general. This class made the of "improvements."' The idea r�lore than i.� given to oily other per -
Travel Stimulants.
people -believe that they had been ap- nameP son in the world. it is a sad conditi011 '
p A pri7e has been offered for a s�o
pointed h God to rule, work and op-
lof the Pharasees is to place "burdens in which truth wL,ould perform an
P y grievous to be borne, and lay them -in that will stimulate travel. In the
press the common herd for their own l opera -1 cutting fire cataracts of »le intime, the Eighteenth Amendnient
on men s shoulders and both in war _
benefit. Of them, Jesus, beginning ese• burdens are fled g2eed fr `'iii their eve` and letting diem ,ePms to be doing pretty well.—T�ife.
with the 4th verse of our text said: and in peace th p See themselves as they are. thigh. --_ - "For they they bind heavy burdens and When ,justice threatens to ni-ount the , Perpetual Motion.
to be borne and lay them Improvement is alright, but too _
grievous, y pedestal; when equality of Hien, grove'- t ,
much manure blasts corn. Vegetation .1i begins to h >>��,i Professor (in high-powered
on mens shoulders, but they them- . ing as it is all the whole, g s, i Second
• e has a gait of growth beyond which it i ars— We've got it at las
selves will not move them with on crack the close case in which it is con- I
„ is detrimental to push it. The mental_ i , 1i C1iow:: signs of a ditto—`�G-got wv-«That ?" . First—
of their fingers. fine-(]; when truth _ _ g << . ._ant
' sten and slave world, that -is the mind of man has 1 - f eri etua.l motion—I l —
The same spirit of ma tl�r'iftier growth; when might a��vanc-
wails to -da as it a gait of growth that can be hurried �s a fraction; wvlien knotivl_edge is Btictu_'•n Transcript,
though modified, pre y
ver little. -- _-- ----- ---�-------__ - -- --
did two thousand years ago. The pro- Y days to talk apparentl�T i'ici-ea:ji_'ig--this class, the Food For Thought. gentry—lawyers, doctors, • It is Popular these Y hlgl-i-hrowv 1-leats reach for their club; .
• higher taxes for schools, loads city I T - o Cilie thing that doesn't need a pi`ess
dentists unionize and set their fees, - and they fine them, too.
lights and other improvements, but �P Kaiser of C?e? iiian�° �.a«" �=°nt ; ,�`'andal.—�I'-1« aukee Journal.
which In some cases are outrageous,ti ilei t1
- we should not go too hurriedly. To �------
but many of these same gents take that hi,� enillerol'sliip and
c fits when you mention the union tax the public so heavily that they j du k Y pnww-er LL-aS wvaning, wvhe-11 tic ;iwv that ie�
• incessantly in orderm work incessa
of the coal miners and textile work- est Y it w,w,.,s only a �tiiFst�„n of tli„e until
' to 'keep them
ers. raise the tax money is p lie should lose the imperial potvt^r, We are offAring a nice
And these Pharasees go to church, away from the sohools, off the roa�ls transparent half{lied
night when the lights lie, his nils and grandchildren for-
sitin the choir and sometimes pray and asleep at g g ever then it wL�aS he bec'aiile despoi"ifc i�riw'elty knife free fol'
are ablaze. What we need is a gradual a club of 20 slibscripti
long prayers which Jesus said was for o o and in 1,114 threw the world int a o the hornet at
to be seen of men, and it is THE growth—less light and more time t seething _Hell. According to the o �` t � ,r
HORNET'S opinion that the have enjoy what light we shave—less school HOIZNFT'S Encs( lopedia Brittanica --' cetit-s each, waken..
HO p Y
re of the Christ spirit in them and more time to attend what schools :�.Q(1 in all. This ri<-e
no more P there, were ).250 000 'Soc•ial Democrat
we have—less roads and more time to '
than a sand fiddler on the island of ii, CE�iniany in 1907, This; was the l":il;fe contains tl1A E�ic-
Ya , ride over what roads we have. Of arty in o `positic,n to the Kamer and rete; {,f ,the late r,911 -
Yap. P pl
e big profiteer is a Pharasee who course, the Pharasee wants improve- s rapidly increasin and nater- didates (_O and
Th g p i t Lva, t g 3 P
church on iSunda probably ments because he Chas plenty of time 11 ; h ' 19.14 seven year later, had Ft' F,1�T on ono cid
attends Y, P .. a, w _ � •. y ,
ributes a 20 bill mostly as a to enjoy them. He remains to enjoy r�on lal•min to the Kaiser, the ,f the h-indlQ, an+l we
cont $ Y be . _ le a g
1 license to continue his profi- the big "white way"; he sleeps next ' '�, .w -ill place the el�i?i j :rt-
�kind o Nuri, the hiinlan slater. . In order to
• morning until late and joy rides in : �i'., nainF and a`l`lra''
teering another week. Jesus pays his n old hi;; th roue for li i nisel f and des-
' fellow in the 23rd the afternoon. He enjoys the lights ,�n opposite side of the
attention to this g cen;lants he was ww-illing to. kill Hill-
• "Wo unto you scribes and of the night while you are asleep. - R 7. ; � =i r�d1Q.
verse. e y lien:: of his subjects, put the survivors
t a tithe rides over good roads while you are _ 1 ;,ice present, a rea 1
Pharasees, hypocrites. for ye pay in debt, and bring;�c neral condition
mi and at work and send his children to high r.►Rife, serviceable and
of mint and anise and cum n, h a humiliating and weak _
ter of school and college while yours are on d°iw n to �ti` g - k, ,n every partici!
have omitted the weighter matters
ctat>.is that he could very easily inana- lar, easily obtained.
law, judgement, mercy and faith. The the farm or in the factory. And the ge to hold his power. ` `
worst part of it all is the Pharasee - + <-�t, one and. kip it
big profiteers dont care a rap forThere are Kaisers in all countries, a a Souvenir of the
"judgment and mercy." They go to wants these improvements for hint-
' d which he -pays a surpris- there are Kaisers in America, there 1920 campaign.
church; they make clean -bhe outside self, toward P Y
low tax. He puts his cash in -ire Kaisers .n your state your coup- Simply address
of the cup. that is they are polished ingly p .5 tv� in your vicinity, and even doww-n TIIE HORNET,
and well dressed, but inside Jesus says non taxable securities and gets hi.
they are full of extortion and excess. property valuation down to a shame- in the little school distrct. in divis- Nlocksville, No. Lab.