"Republicans will get after the meat It used to pay to stand pat. For 1 REPUBLICAN REVERIE
THE HORNETI trust yet," says an- exchange. THE instance, '4Uncle Joe" Cannon got his
Published Monthly HGRNIET bets a ham they won't. wealth by standingHello. Howdy -do. Boo Hoo.
pat, but all the ! -
Needn't wink or blink Hardin 's while his poor constituents were fall- F We G. O. P. standpatters and Bull
W. HENRY DAVIS cabinetsmells mi h --1 like
ing flat. i Moose fallen flatters are fixing to dis-
s a s t y ike so ins_ � , Mo fa g
Editor and Owner hunks of corporation p pork. Republicans in 1920 had some sem- i solve co-partenership one more gin.
With history disclosing he past and blance of unanimity, but judging from We cahooted in 1920 and made a great
Entered as Second -Class Matter y g t p hit, since when most of us little guys
March 11, 1920, at the Postofiic�e at Canon - Doyle telling the future. the ;recent primary returns everyfellow have hit the toboggan to the bottom
Mocksville, N- C.. under the act of only thing doubtful is the preset, now is going in an opposite direction of the pit. Old toboggan's line has
March 3, 1879. 0 from the other, and the d ---I is after
Republican politicians should get ", all of 'em. been the busiest ever.
their passports early for the Salt I Our present incumbent has become
One Year..................35 cents river line and avoid the November Young math because your daddy very bent; Harding's the worst yet
Four Years ................... $1.00 rush. j was a republican all of his life, that sent, and if he gets a second term
In clubs of ten or more, 25c, per ° is no reason at all why, you should it will be by a great accident. He
year. Cash in advance. About time to stand and sing and be an ole} moss back ass all of your doesn't lean toward the people; he
invite all G. 0. :P. sinner bilks to 'life too. says to himself. When the people
Make remittance by check, register- come to old Democracy's mourners'-- ---� ask for something,'when they person -
ed letter or money order drawn on bench in a trot. Of course, all G. O. P. and Moose ally petition for anything Hardin
° _ candidates are in favor of forest p y g g
MOCKSVIL-LE, NORTH CAROLINA.. leans backwoi d and boasts about
Perpetual wrong and Republican � preservation. So many of them will '
Administrations: hold about the salve .find it convenient to take to the woods
relation to each other as six and a now pretty soon. We have simply played the deuce,
• �` half-dozen. — - ___ and that means the d --l. Our party
° These Harding hard times have its primaries in Pennsylvania, Indiana
EDITORIAL STINVIRS "Normalcy" is here at last, ani the advantages, in that salesmen and and elsewhere show which way the
reason we know is because republi- venders of things no longer assuine a winds of dissension are blowing. The
cans have begun to cuss ea -h other i bored and forbidding air when you of- Buil :Moose aggregation has come
• '�`" * 's # * 's a again. fer to buy something. back to life and is playing havoc with
White washed fences may be rotten. In the re ublican the henchmen of Hardingism. Senat=
Republicans always fall flat when p primaries this
And this year we advise republican ' season the old Bull Moose or Progres- or New, the President's closest pal,
they -persist in standing pat. sive seems to have gotten the coon and has prematurely petered. He fell as
not to lean too heavily against theirs. g heavily in the Indiana primaries as a
° , ° gone on and left the sotandpatters bark- p
Democracy is needed by our nation, You cant put new wine in old + ing up a tree. meteor from mars. In Pennsylvania
'twill save the country sure as cre- bottles, but republicans always put Pinchot picked up the senatorial prize -•
atioir-. - their old promises into new cam- It is estimated that the average cost as easily as a pretty gal jumps a
is a rock in a weary paigns. of killing a man in war is about $25 - branch. Pinchot is an old time Teddy -
land, and a shelter in the time of a "'Harding will run000 and the pity of it is very few ite, the bluest bird in Bull Moose land
. again," says a men need killingas badly as that. •
storm. republican exchange. Yes, for dear y and a fine weather -cock to show which
life in 1984 when the people get after They say it is the voice of the pco_ way the republican gale is galloping.
Fool voters and unwise officials are- 1 We have awakened from our hilar -
hien, p e that speaks at a general election. itv of 1920 t find
political partners of the same initials. ° L o the 'G. O. P.
__° However, a few big bugs have interp separated, � ulled-a- art dissolved
TIKE HORNET ha rather see Now the Hardingites say_ "disarma- reted to their taste what the people p ' p p ' ,
�t p �� durn it. We cant hold a
good thing
s .- - .. Ll 1 6I .... _
than the presidency.
.. o
The G. O. P. !Elephant still tries to
be game, but he's getting lame all
the same.
Political candidates in olden times
kissed thp-babies, but now the mothers
can vote.
,Common sense is a malady that
won't. spread among the republicans.
Darnfoolitis will.
Republicans, it's true, wants very
littl=e here below_ but they want that
little strong.
Hard- to decide which is worse, a
war. profiteer or a Harding official
upholding him.-
im.After a11X Bull Mooseism .may come
and Republicanism may go, but old
Democracy goes on forever. -
There is always room at the top
of Republican tariffs, but it's be-
cause space is endless.
Ballots are bullets with which we
shall, shoot republicans off their high
horse in -1924 if not before.
This Republican Congress' still re-
mains in session, daily contributing
additions to the hot air fund.
Have we not told you many times
and often to stand by Democracy. It's
better to be safe than sorry.
Republicans say they stand for De-
mocracy too, but the sample they
Put out is powerfully punk.
does armament, and for proof we re-
fer you to Germany.
This is campaign year again, and
in every campaign a few republicans
find new ways of making bigger asses
of themselves.
%Since the campaign will soon be on,
watch out for the republican lies, some
of which are so old they have grey
eye lashes.
A magazine writer says the dog
fills an empty place in man's life.
This is especially true of the Harding
"hot dog."
Things go from bad to worse and
the result of the next two years. will i
add more dishonor to the Duke of all
this "hot dog" -darkness.
The republicans are -going to oppose
the profiteers this year, as usual
much more so, however, before the
election than after it.
The reason more republicans don't
kick on this hash and hot dogs era
is because they are at home when
down deep in the soup.
All the standpat republicans are get-
ting out of their .party primaries this
summer could be put in a small pack-
age and a 2c stamp would carry it
to the 9th zone.
'Looks now like the big fight of 1922
and '24 will be between the republicans
themselves. That's the way it was in
,1910 and '12, and history repeats it-
self you know,
They say the republicans are go-
ing to "Newberryize" things in the
coming campaign. They'll have to
smear it on mighty thick to stop the
big holes they have knocked in them
_ - __ —_ __ - -- 0___
Whether it is the standpat or Pro-
gressive element that finally gets on
top in the Republican camp this time,
the Donkey is going to bust a bundle
of dynamite under something's tail
Ti101•e has been k, much c ; nfusir,n
within the iRepublican camp since
Harding carne in that most little G.
O. P. guys knoweth not whence they
carne or what for, whither they go
or what they'll do w Zeal trey get
A spiritually incline3 brother wi ites
us and asks if we believe in the com-
munion of spirits. Yoa bet we do.
We're not much 6n it ourselvIs but
we've communed with men who had
communed with "spirits."
Prudent men foreseeth the evil and
through honest dealings hieth them-
selves away to safe habitations, but.,
the standpatters, the old guard G. O.
P., wenteth on and got their 'tails
caught in the 1922 primary steel
Some men keep their hedges in
order by trimming while others re-
verse the order and trim by hedging.
--,Philadelphia Inquirer,
when we get it. Yes, we got the gov-
ernment by the tail and now own ev-
erything from cellar to garret, but
our grip is slipping fast.
Our big G. O. P. standpatters are
the egotists who must turn all the
tricks else they won't pull the plow
at all. They are one big bunch of
egotism; they are the splism that's
spilling the milk.
We republicans are feeling worse
than we've felt in two decades. We
feel worse than we've felt since 1945 -
when our adorable Theodore sat that
big hunch of bowels, Taft, into the
presidency where he sat for only one
term, and during the days of his sit-
ting he was so soft that every million-
aire in the land stuck his flinger in
— n
This is the latest and it came from
Missouri, "I said in my heart oil men
are liars." That fellow must havq
been stung in the long ago o when
there was money in every pocketbook
and get -rich -quick faith in every heart,
Now just why should the soul of
mortal be proud?—Waco News -Trib-
It is of course too bad to learn that
some States spend more money each.
year for chewing gum than they spend
for education but the value of edu-
cation is not measured- in dollars.
Moreover, wads of chewing gum dis-
appear mysteriously but a few dol-
lars' worth of education is a lasting
and shining asset. --Kansas City Star.
Text: 2
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