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V. Where Grafters Tuve. . � None of the ralitl:clat(�s this year and business, Dern and killd- The guides on the Washington e I are. named lets, but Bryan anti l �_rn Iles:, : + the cti,mpaiM;n slogali. Away rubberneck automobiles take great ��� ♦ with Taft tine tardy allyl Shornlau the 1 the Grafton w t in pointing out art, going; to �;(,t thaxt? just illi, st�i�nit.,. pleasure p g PtJlil.lSHl'.D BI -WEEKLY. - - Hotel and informing the passengers that a great many pollticians stop _, �,__...... �V},at THEIIt�RNIr.'i' would like t,) know' is what would happen if Thu eternal freshness of candidate there. W. HENRY DAVIS, Taft is evi(lonce that lie doesn't know every jlllt',� joggl��r in the Rt?pul)li - �1lat(,f�" ht '� ooing v,,-)ya(,iug up Salt Rivcr. D ,Honda From Crater. L:i)ITOR AND OWNER. (,-,in ]incl peddle were the « A Sol. i African -diamond mine or ------- - ; they imagine theiiiselves to he'.' •'pipe" is the crater •of an extinct vol - 35 llIil►ti It Ajoitli�l. i cams and the diamondiferous ground in cltO, ,t ; or t„= - j It appears that this IrAnie is the forms the filling of that crater. 90 ! • ever , Mr. Den►ocrat you ought to IU �,c�;• M().. 1 I1`•� ............._... _..--•------------ -.C) ("I, . ,h>1r1)t�at `(•cac�lil(�-t�urr that c.et r got y , "_.._....._.._._.._....- ( 1Trt,sh Tri Advance.I i7 tllicic+r tht (il,i tal(�lihant's `iii - your Republican neiglcl)or road this � The World Do Move. i'itri)(�r. " j cc)l,y ()f TIII�. 1P )RNET, if: for no When McCormick built his first _. --__-- I otht r r('11t;()il t hitt) to just hnep t e hundrec reapers in 1.845 he pa id MT01TTC iMl ! ( I celits for bolts. To -day 50 bolts ��tl,` (°n(1 r• p'- iitical , tron-;Hrs 4 ,. ; , t �4'itl) t}�N I,:-pl)hiie;,l: Party it i�; i for a cdxat. ;t cyte= by 01 ,-.c- , 1, c T., �•r itis I,r. tc:r r:r i I are made ,'.rav -, er: I'Irby, N. C. eV(ii'\' i1(]�'aI11R ?'t' for tile ta'VO1'E;t1 fens' f rUlii Iia g111I; -•-�•-.-•---_- - duel nclth ing tilt all tor th u m i:�erabl( ----• -�- •-. _-- Schools ic►�• Lace -making, C. � � �. � . There are 160 schools for larre- t.. N..,. e5 secolt,l- , raaaliv. A Rat. Yeti .l l ol)OSit;i4m. � i Making and embroidery on tulle in -.. I r` • . � man who hash'?: cot .1,61NO f Belgium of which Three-fourths are This partite, l;rr.i_:gi.t a,)out� by 010� - -- •i ldil oss of ,Re �,liblic�atli;nl, has got- ' ellough to `'e that the excellelicy cit' 'managed by nuns of the Homan Il w `” 1 it Delllc)crtiti(, )rinoi ,les (-xcels tile' Catholic Church. FROM A `UNITED STATES SENATOR, � t('n to 1►(-� so attpiisivt? to elle cions- the I 1 _ rottennoss Uf' Republ.icanisill, hasn't I{ '1'0 x1,u:i: it may concern: � lilt)?? 12�'oj)le thF6t 1 t!E' efY('ct is giving 1 Rice In India. It rives nee pleasur,: to state that I ':.m ac:clil;c'+it- I nOuc''h to pound sawdust ed 1.s ,t.h Mr, W. Henry Davis, and know idol to i,r ;, I nilt11y' a poor lZadical a plain across got selltit, ( ,.. Burma has under cultivation for ck-0-,r iz, rntlernan, with fine ability and excecrliniy 111 a rathole. ;ncit>;trious. _ his 111113gry rinsery' rice nearly 7,300,000 acres, and this lie iz editor and owner of `'The I -form -t," :i red �. -- — �,.-�1�►4► �'-'w` "- is less than one-tenth of the total hot lithe Democratic paper, and he deserves en - con :at,,ernelit and success. Is the world growing better? Yes, 7'lie, ss,% -(E �t a1141 Bitter. s.rea under rice in British India, Very truly �i rusty) LEE S. OVFR.:�IAN. � but soino of the pe()plfi----they that per. I Tile ide=a of a rich ,Republican and A Peculiar Name. Salisbury, N. C. si,teutly vote tho, Republican ticket--- a Door •Radioal voting the saltie kind There is a post hamlet in Cass - darts t�lil. 1 of tic•ket,! A sweet union tit the County, Missouri, with nothing pe- n rhe Rt ►,.rr;ii(�all ticket this ' ballot box, 'out 11 devilish litter con- culiar about it except its name, and Voting 1 trast of pocket books and table colli- that is Peculiar. Its origin, accord - fall will 1)e a riigllt�' boor way of ing to local traditions was as fol - fall giving bond for your rr(�t,ciolll fralil lows: t h f, pre se'rat p ail i c . ._ - do- • Wben the settlement had become Sufficiently populous to need a post- _' Olde 1titLtiic°�►1 tit�lltc 1'c'1• office, one of the prominent citizens Tho Repu bli(a>a PtartN• leas two sides � sent a petition to NVashington to have -Ile pie sift fir° the politicians and A gretllt change is ?,cling Wrought in ore established. In due course the t; Mililt si,le for tilt' aj.cke.rs. Don't � i prrlitic.s slid parties. �1 Republican l,etit.ion was granted and he was ask- EDITORIAL. + tie a sucl_��r. ----- ►� , c x�;han„;c,, while adtxiittilig tl►at th(�3- ed to suggest a nallle that would are 1(isi>ig :c►nle priesthood, hats up please the peopie. He replied, "The V4°�lr is 11e11, " but any Shurnlan i i ; '�:'hero '�+'itis a ` ay that seeliied right people are not particular so long as Cheek eliough to insinuate that F'enli- wclt:: to some 111(,q,ol.l(e, but the en(.l thereof: the Iia.lne is peculiar.,, sy;vania will go1_►epublictan forsever- �(1 sear; yet. i� forked stick in tL pair Thereupon the postofiice was ---- toss that bond ;-;su(, alld tlli' script era" o.� last- sal:. ♦ christened Peculiar, and the Iiame Ti..t oils merits about, Re )aiblii :ail- Of c) c�rall5 .l t the heti(? ()f t h( Repal)- , y 1 I _ has never leen changed. :r!.) flys{' ttemer]ty. lien] ti(-Iic:t \1'('111(1 4ure� le( ]Il Pt'n11Sy1- 1 The `'1'(�llc��, Jacket" says ''chick.. ens will voillo hollie to roost'' --if van ; ar .'et a while. G'oi il:, to a Fire in a Missouri Toiv°n, .Nothi:,,im rings ill Me 01ie1t_'s Of � �„ '� t'J'otvd (1OiI'; �____. _.,, .__ _ '��'1)eli th(' �u :it(�1' Sta1'tS t.0 rlln to a �c 11.d of his 1�.,1,1ar►lic, n i(rtlsi�_in but thy, 3)+,' 1 cif' i;t)t)- ,• _ ,.. hF,,, 'f(ir(, thr,� (t � fire at night and. � uns into a tree in rca(h out f )i t - g 7 til li 1:►11 Ottt.. the middle of !rhe walk, and boards Now is the times to elect a ?:)stile- f':�' up told bruise l;is shins, comes to - a sudd��i; ste,l) c�,ff from c::iglu to ten -,,, , tillMil l) ,tW(.'cl] I , , ' `t. .'i t'ratic AdininistratlOrl, 'MIC, 11tirll the 1 A ,.. G,._t. i d,l a1.'1 _ i �1. (, aC,ldl,, r, in liy c1:1Saillg tlic i this t•ar.�� inclie:�, �� life.,► ,slid., hint sprawling, i1i;,).l it ll�a the p -ogle shall fie ;ll;, of. ` pie.- 1t'; riot the ..origin raEQals out r111d l� t s d 1� into a pond ct° ��,at.er and rliucl whero I r. c:a .lrtl:�.(.rl. of 1)ie that b(�1the;rs t:hp llel)ublicah, il_l f��all. That a imajority of 11epuI)licans a sidewalk ought to be, sturnbl(;s t1;i�. Sou.tlilr<i.d -- it's tll(3 "t:iEstiilti- art' l t)sollls, :ind that, cll.l ras( lits tlr�� over a sudden riiisc in the wa:.l;, falls Republicans i no joke. Tl,e wltolo and smashes his nose on a broken c fo, the tiusts froth ills firsts" of. the :;a7tl(• _-� or loss ra.r mnr r�- board and then sprains hi.s a�nlile by thing i, a c,olt�ern (if ii'i" i; t'1 s1� ilP I10Qi' is tilt` road our ' ,- ,. - , z Sc)I:itj f(�llow wrote slid ashrt .tis cality. AV(- insist on turning them stepping in a hole where ti, board K.e ' —__-- where THE 11t�It 'l�:Z' ei.r(�cliate out rind persist that Republicanism isn't, he begins to ;wake up and talcs c,ollsists of just the above •nained prop_ interest.---`JVayne Country Journal Th( voic( (r the people should be Pardner, it circulates frond �Taii:u to � 1Vlexwo and f rolil Puget Souu(l to the ertic,y. disci ric)t fife boodle of a � (;total Across the Alps. infernal individuals, beauti,'al tail end of Florida. — { � Signer Caminada, a hydraulic en- ':l'�.c 43n1� trilst thiS Repul)licails f (rat ()f 1)U.atim,- is the one S0111e hats iii tll('Ill. 1lir, tariff is ail old proposition, Of omirse, and for that very reason i;�. :i1imilil be sliavecl occasionally-. Bet Huse your '—daddy'' was a R publican it no reason at all yo tjhould be an old "moss -back" too. Put Republicanism in a pipe an smoke it and you will see the pieta of a panic in every puff. It takes a lot of grit for a man li Taft to own up to the "daddy -ship of his Presidential candidacy. Lit - d. ! d re. ke In 1906 Taft spoke at Greensboro, N.C. , and then he wanted a decent Republican Party in the South. He's since found out, no doubt., how diffi- cult it is to fashion a sow's ear into a silk purse. It's a waste of time to argue with a ratan who declines to admit that the Republican Party caters to the wishes of the money powers. He Hasn't got sense onou,g h to know that water is wet. tible ass of himself. 000,000 tons of cargo per annum. Tallest Tower; Biggest Oonck. Roitgher Still. Wren the clock is placc.d in the Just for the fun of the thing, ask tower f the Metropolitan Life build - your Reprcblic..rl neighbor why lie is ing iI ew York City, it will have the larges timepiece in the world. The a Republican now in these gloomy diameter of the d,*al will be, 2r feet. days of financial panic and pains. If The letters on the 'dial will be 4 feet he doesn't get too load to say any • higu, and the hands twelve feet long. thing, 1►-Laybe lie will out with the The next largest clock in exi,3tence is truth and tell you that lie was jest "Big Ben,', in Westminster Abbey, born a "d---- n" fool and can't help re- London which has a dial of 2,2 % feet lliaining one. l in diameter. Hi.gh tariff of octs the Brice ( A 1.0111 11 JLVV% Clitttotl. gineer, has drawn up a scl.,etne for Wa;hili :ton tht, first President, ctrl}le hind wheels of misery 1s at the construction of a canal to cross was ``Father of. liis country," an(1 > )lication of last explained in the all the Alps and Connect Ge:rloa with The r would Roosevelt, the last one, is daddy of such a phrase to a poor old Radical Lake Constance. c: in,i,l be 3 G 6 miles long existi ; water g ,oiliething' too,. but its the Presidell- NVilliani Howard who just keeps on continuously and course° being used for 161 miles. It tial candidacy of persistently voting the Republican vn-)111d allow the passage cf vessels Taft. , ticket and thereby making a. contemp- of 600 tons end the carriage of 15, - d re. ke In 1906 Taft spoke at Greensboro, N.C. , and then he wanted a decent Republican Party in the South. He's since found out, no doubt., how diffi- cult it is to fashion a sow's ear into a silk purse. It's a waste of time to argue with a ratan who declines to admit that the Republican Party caters to the wishes of the money powers. He Hasn't got sense onou,g h to know that water is wet. tible ass of himself. 000,000 tons of cargo per annum. Tallest Tower; Biggest Oonck. Roitgher Still. Wren the clock is placc.d in the Just for the fun of the thing, ask tower f the Metropolitan Life build - your Reprcblic..rl neighbor why lie is ing iI ew York City, it will have the larges timepiece in the world. The a Republican now in these gloomy diameter of the d,*al will be, 2r feet. days of financial panic and pains. If The letters on the 'dial will be 4 feet he doesn't get too load to say any • higu, and the hands twelve feet long. thing, 1►-Laybe lie will out with the The next largest clock in exi,3tence is truth and tell you that lie was jest "Big Ben,', in Westminster Abbey, born a "d---- n" fool and can't help re- London which has a dial of 2,2 % feet lliaining one. l in diameter. Hi.gh tariff of octs the Brice of ON- Ye Workmen lying idle, c.aa t? hi' (alluot stiy much for 'lis par- IT of us all. , With nothing else to tlo, ';� otileir�{. i (� Gracious Iati'a,der, but you are not our i Stand up and fight for Taft, refit tes(ier. Teddy art. that and; REPUBLICAN CALL. c.,E ytbil]g Va(,t•l,t wo()nsh]ne liquor. ,1,110 1),�f�t of the truths of Rep ubli - are only ]lis carefully' selected. bunch S aii4 up! stand up for them, :111. tituinp speakers are Miele ffol'lsl©t3 of Substitution. But, nevetheless, we Don't tarry on the wa-y -- t,,!pon the face of fact. coin(' to Thee. '4oing 'Very mise} troub- Their messages are calling , lo(l about our troubles, which are as You forward to thu� fray ''Lio like Sheol and stick to it" Our most gigantically made `N"I].1. Stand up! stand up fol 'Taft, The want of principle is the Brines- Howard Taft; thou Whose political Ye fellows out of work, 11,ti ec-alit of every member of the construction was most ingeniously ar- Lift high Roosevelt's "big stick,'' G.o. P. chitaotuted throughout by our own your duty's not t0 shirk, The Ropublicau, are going to learn decently stripped on the personal of Adorable Theodore; it is to Tile(„, From victory unto victory rL'itv hands t!iti,t rock the pr( at Ad- whom the Deltlocrats tial? ` `Teddy - Teddy's lett us with his might, 1l)islistratioll rock the will ,�f His pholle, that we (011ie tumbling down Until there's Iiot a sure lob satallie Majvsty, ditch of defeat; fifthly, sixthly and before in order to catch a fever strains Within a poor man's sight. of poltical nlusi(, which We cans, 110 A lilt )abli(-an l)olitiCiaii lies be- longer catch directly from him, the Ye Workmen lying idle, c.aa t? hi' (alluot stiy much for 'lis par- IT of us all. , With nothing else to tlo, ';� otileir�{. i (� Gracious Iati'a,der, but you are not our i Stand up and fight for Taft, refit tes(ier. Teddy art. that and; And ''Jumbo” Sherman too. __.. more too. You, ("Treat. Bellied Sir, ,1,110 1),�f�t of the truths of Rep ubli - are only ]lis carefully' selected. bunch S aii4 up! stand up for them, :111. tituinp speakers are Miele ffol'lsl©t3 of Substitution. But, nevetheless, we Don't tarry on the wa-y -- t,,!pon the face of fact. coin(' to Thee. '4oing 'Very mise} troub- Their messages are calling lo(l about our troubles, which are as You forward to thu� fray ''Lio like Sheol and stick to it" numerous as "eulpty (linner pails" 1400111s to be this Campaign sin:, of most in our panic. �Tct remedy do they offer, But do not think of that; Rapub!ican politicians. Ili the first place, the Democrats have us skinned on a comparison of Stand up and shout for thein, platforms, secondly, they have us Rhorman and Taft, the fat. The Ropublicau, are going to learn decently stripped on the personal of this Fall th1�t they can't fool all the tickets; :idly-, this is a DemDemocratic(� The Democrats are united, )o )1e all the finis. I I year; and 4t,hly, the panic is also They are coining, large and helping to throw us down into the strong, The llour'li Rider's substitute will ditch of defeat; fifthly, sixthly and This high tariff' systeill find it rough riding into the Presi- so on rip to tw®tity-fifthly, the "nig- They say is mean and wrong.(Ion('y upon a borrowed policy. gers" are .lot going to vote with us � ye Radicals olyilig idle,, � - ------ this till's. Boo, boo, oo, 0111 When You've nothing else to do, slue poople Used to votk- the Re- our colored brothers fail to go with Go out among your neighbors, 1)clt)lic.tii ti ket, for "hood tunes," I us, we fir( beat, dear Master, as " Our Campaign lies renew. lout n)()st of tll(-,Hl /oto it now for sur • e as you are a ` `Te(ldyl)honc�. isvai t of setlse. The idoa of losiug the nigger vote is enough to grow wild hairs of despair in our broken hearts of hope. ADVERTISEMENTS. 4,000,000 PEACH TREES. Tenne%,ee Whoie�ale Nu,serl,!s. JU; NL BUDS A SPEC: AI.,ry. No tgents tr.c�elecl, l,ut sell direct to pianter, :tt %wholesale pri,.r.s. Absolutely free front di,ease and true to name. Write for catak),rue and pri;..es befo: e platin:; yo,tr :,rder elsewbore. Wt: glrarantee out• stock to b - true to name. Pear -11 Nursery in the tv t Tri. Addre>,s J. C. HALh:, 1Vilichester, 'Tenn. HEN 1'(.)U ` WANT ANY PRINTING, you had better correspond with us. We have one of the finest printin.ti 1.l;tnts and 'tore ,lo not believe in charujur auy more than a rv,:, (( nahlc price for our wurl.. Vel could give many te.mitur,nials from our numerous Customers in the South (as well as in the West, hast and North). Nr, room here: for a price, list. If yot, arc in a hurry, ,end N' hat you think Your Nvork S110LI d dost and WC will give YOU its iull value. Acl(lruss A1.ONL0 Cl-{ANIP-1• BLAIN, lla-,hrollck Heitiltts, N. J. HORNETHORNETana�ettt for'1.'Hh: NET at WANTED every Post Office in the U. S. Write for copies and agents' tprins at once. lE WANT AGENTS to sell our ne,x :tnci pop- t'tlar subscription hooks. We i�, ST) len(li,i W teams. if you want work, or if you Nvant to better your position let us hear from you at once. C. l). ROBINSON & CO., Charkne, N. C. 0 File coillilloll people should ilevar Boo hoo, oo, oil! We, (10 love they i diff rlatisfiod with a half loaf. They" ,kinky kind, and dear Master 'Taft, c� esorve the best v' hole loaf in tl►e what has thou and Teddy (Ion to bakory. sicken the bile on their dear ink- We receive a great many inquiries like stomachs'? We lovu the niggers concerning Agents' Ternls. We have as always (for his vote) . W elove no secret terws. Our price is 35 co-lits, THF, 1I(JR,.irl:7''S re-asoll for :tial:- the l.illkiness of his Meati and con- or 30 cents in Clubs of five or more. .`n- -a chano(-) is not because `ve sciellee; tic's lo�'(� liis rota, though, We, do not issue self-addressed en - D �llat)crt.lts are partitiul-arly wanting l better than .ill, and boo hoo, 00, velopes or Subscript -ion Blanks, as we but became Nv (, do oh ! lie j,.ls found it out at lrtst. We are always glad enough to get Clubs, I,a e tci st,o s..o nia.ny old Radicals lia��e stood in file rain and voted and will receiyE� names of subscribers ;rnc, iiia; 1)ut r;iirtetl ar'oulid the l,ubiiciliggcrs froii( sun up to sun down. on any kind of paper, sent in any ]�ilict ]trill: trough. We slave h'ngg(,(1 and inmost kissed I of. envelope. So cone along with % -� - their inky majesty, and we are and- Club --at once --and oblige. 1..1,(' ��• l; (lit i t=, a lt,�bon t t.l Reptlb i - ilailislu, in that it beneficlially 1).�nefits the lionefitt(A, and tlisooiilfortably cl~is- c0illforttt I -lie discowforted. rf li ''niggers'' will doubtless I•e - ulin(l the Republieaus that file Sher - ,,tat, f, icy imw have on exhibitiols is not the (lastar(hy culprit th1,it mart -lied it through Georgia. Now don't be a Republioan because that party boasted of a ''full dinner pail." That tall: was fashionable four years ago, but times have changed since then, you know. - _.---- 0 THE BRYAN WAVE You may hive all the stars in a nail kelt, Bang the ocean on n' t to dry, put the sky in a gourd to oak, unbuckle the bellyband of et,- but t•but never delude yourself with the idea that you can stay the wave of `good senseism" that's sweeping W. J. Bryan into the Presidency of these United States, where he will land 4th of next March. iou.s to do so ag:aiii. Dear. Master, Address THE 11C)RNET, canr4t 'thou .in Teddy du or say- I Bixby, N. C. s0111ething that will bring back to us our own dear prodigal sons of. `�� ♦� Brownsv i 1 be . Do il) i s, ane one ray of lir) e for T11 eler-tion will have burst forth front the present (lark clouds of certain defeat. If you will get the Ili ;ger leaders we will get CAMPAIGN the balance of 'em ----and will vote a fow dead Radicals in Pennsylvania for good measure. Do all these FUNDS things for Thy own sake and the ■ Bake of us all. 11111 en !Send 30 cents for Book o ns. 4 , Mr. Bryail has asked all Democratic, Map of Texas, mid brief description of over 400 million --0 + • -- aeretA of vacant public lands in K different States, papers to solicit Campaign funds from which are open to homestead. s Bocka for 60 cent-;, their readers. Th(' idea is to let the E, C. HOWE, 827 Hartford Building, CHICAGO, Ili.. US[o T CT People contribute to the Campaign ex- � Teddie', got niers sense than Tom penses, Mince the people and, not the and Tom's got more than The sensible roan says it is the ex- corporations were successful in ltoiili- , ,Watsonraft, but the Honorable W. .Ti. B. is istence of corporations. Hating a Democratic ticket this year. tits mental "daddy -rob" of tlae entire The fool says it is the hostility to THE HORNET'S way of soliciting push corporations. funds is to send HORNETS In pay_ -.0- ._----- The manufaeturef says it is the fear meat. For instance, for every dollar Solitude in Chunks• of free trade. sent us :ve will send 100 HORNETS Here is an extract from the pros - The people Say it's high tariff. into the Campaign. Every remitter pectus of a hotel in Switzerland: The Democratnq say it is the Ropub- will please send names of his neigh- "Welssbach is the favorite place of licans. bors to whom lie wishes HORNETS 'resort for those who are fond of The Republicans can't say it's the sent. The price is le. each copy in solitude. Persons in search of soli - Democrats. any quanity. Come along with a tude are, in fact, constantly flocking THE HORNET says it's Republi- contribution. No better way to aid here from the four quarters of the cauism and the Devil, in the Campaign. �lO !t --- . �... • - nose Urease Liniment Cures; theBorls as well as Me Cirls. GOOSEGREASE as th t -i ls.�ys as well •tthe girls. We offer one 1- andred dollars reward for any case of Pneu- moni;, not rellcv,_d by it if used as directed. GOOSE GREX&SE C0,9 GREENS13OIR0, N- C. i h No Cussing" ` 11 RAZORS r 65 'ice I (r 1'C;ltC�t I i,.il';,�:ii il� ,}l,� ,��UI•.,1. rAra �i 1 ..� C h , W1 r . rk> NV 1-1 11' I•,, \ t ". 4 �a if yotar dealer ha, nonr�, 1l. (►. ° brin;.;s them, past 1,7ici, r , reL •ir tl�ort ' ,atisfact.�ry you ., >� , i ! back. i J, R. BOYD, Patenteo , L'r,x ` 1r,7, Corhu, Ci,ri,ti, Tc, i i Texas School Lands $1.00 to $5.00 Per Acre Texas has passed new School Lana Lairs. Millious of acres are now to bo Soli by the State at *1.()0 to *5,,00 per sere; only one-fortleth cash and no more to pad• for 40 years, unless you desire; only 3 per cent interest You can buy 1 f►0 acres at *1.11!1 per acre, payable +4,00 down and 40 years' time on the balanee,3%, interest. Greatest opportunity ever offered to investors and farm- ers. Texas land is better than Oklahoma,Iowa, orllllnots. f I t uationa New State Law e