VGL 11, NO.'26. BIXBY,, N. c., Sept. 30, 1908. Bi -Weekly, 35c. per year.
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All thes( long clAy'e VVU 1�aV(` 1)t t TI
..-hing THE .HORN��i' loot as fi.ti ,
r. n� e bristles off cold fogy fusty- �
R:ctlieals and tante them to
fhl -ir eternal fate; we have bec u as-
suming THE HORNET to l;e a Na-
t,onal (affair, exposing Republican
wrongs aocl stinging ilia perpetrators.
We have been doing all these things
and nothing, save the rattle of thou-
sanris of quarter; and 30c.'s have we
received to tell us that our doctrine is
meeting with approval anywhere.
But it has come at last, and it has
rolled in from the sweltering per-
fumes of the stinchinge4 Republican
(quarters in the whole political cow
lot ---Pennsylvania. It is the best
i)1+.•0e of home-made praise and poeti-
t•al juice we have seen or heard of
incpwe started our political eat -fight
five years ago. It is the honey; it
ertairily funny; it's better than
any money. A Pennsylvania poet is
tN, i delltly the fellow to strove it, so
everybody may know it. Here's the
thing that's made pis: happy,now we'll
not he called "sappy" ; its even 'bet,
ter thall being called "pappy" :
`•lay, W. Henry D., you're ju.,t the stuff
Your Hornet is .erta7nly a rinser,
you tell 0.e truth aw-1 never bluff
Your pen's iiideed a stingier,
The Rads cuss," it ain't n,-, use
THE HORNET has (Ion llule tri ;gery
You're never ,(:ared with cheap ai,use
0f and their " ui gc:rs'
When De,nocracy again rei;;ns, and the l)eohle ;-let
And your life here below is ended
A :ncnuinent will lie built for the %%,orld to soe
On which your life will be cuininended.
0.11 there it will say " Here lips hip; .lay
His politics was big and strong, «
He done his damdest every day
To help Democracy along."
Political Proverbs
RF�t�ubCit anise, is wrol)g. Its pri"01-
ples -are abominable slid whosoever is
dec(i ved thereby is not wise.
It is an honor for a man to cease
affiliating with Republicanism, but
every fool will vote that ticket.
jel that lt" cl(jth the t . utlt Viol ly
inn lil)s, lice tl,Ht telleth untruths
fill "i lie dries (f hi" lifl.i is a 116put,l:-
GLAI 1)(111tiCiUD. ! T:;I.,
A vrotec t:ve rai iff j +.« i H11 ab(lln- c
ination to a Democrat, but; a cli-ance
to make it higher is the delight of 1
a New England Republiczm. 1
"Deep the btilot . box pure and in i
the 11cLl](18 of the people," says a
Republican (editor; but lie's forgotten
how long dead Radicals vote ill Penn-
(.)lt, why does our ])arty
Force us to stoop
Anel take down our goozles
That awful soup's
That weakens our muscles
In times that are hard,
And compels us to steal
Of our neighbor's lard':
oli, why did we Radicals
Cover old Grover with blame.
When now we must hollow
His counterpart's name?
,Will God such hypocrisy
Ever to us forgive.
A Republican cannot be heard to And take us Radicals above
place the blanle of this panics upon his Where Dc-mocrats live?
party, but, i1,'s upon it :lust the s:-mle.
Better is the man who is "wiehy-
washy" sometimes, than lie that is a
staid Republican and a fool.
The heart of a poor Republican de-
sireth and has nothing, but the pock-
ets of his political bogs is filled.
Democrats withhold not, good from
them to whom, good is clue, but Re-
publicatis think too much of one or
The fear of defeat it has voine to
the Republicat►s, ami the laboring
• Reub)icanized.) man's desire to "outst" them this fall
p shall be granted.
Ovir Teddy, who has been Iour boss
in all car rnpa4uess, hallowed be fhy
shame, thy wishes tell us and we
will break our old necks to do then],
ict oflioo as well as ou't; give us this
cl,ry our "full dinner pai ' ' for
that's all we Republican: ar illing
for a poor man to have, andtt for-
giveliess for the, wrong we Radicals
t?() : lead us not into the paths of
righteousuesp. for there we would not
know ourselves, but deliver u,� from
the wrath to como, for your will is
Taf is also,•aud in thy pow] r is the,
glare of its tall. Amen.
Oh, wi,y are my slun-1bt-rs
Encumbered with sights
Of poor starving workmen
All through the dalk nights"
I hear them with mailings
Of misery and lain,
Crying out to the world
That we Ra(ticals are to blame.
methinks I can see
As God calls out to you,
While cryinig for mountains
To Bide us from view,
''Take your seat on the left,
11idst the cursed and vile,
'You never shall the portals
IOf. Heaven beguile.
[OR PJ[Pl6ii�ANIS�1
1 w tiunces of the principles Of
'Equal rights to all,' 0110 p(lut3ci
)f dislike, f':r the durla trusts, 8
utice's of the POWIler of "political
?uritN,, " a handful c hatred ior
tigli 1-ariff, a spoonful of ;julap it"0e
A Jeffersonlail prin.cipIrs anci tt large
,prigs of the present panic.
Ser these over the wild fire cf
Republican wrongs, sweetell with the
;ug,ar of "Special privil(,ge, to
❑cue. "
Pict it into the emuty cavity
above your "Adam's appy,," cork it
up with the cork of common sense,
and let it remain forever.
This dote, you will find instant re-
lief, and will never more lie called
t,lie "moss -back" Radical tl ►at you
Oh, brother Ilepubl � o:atis, can we
The desire for a cha11�?e of a(lIYl1I11S- � Not foresee our fate?
,ration soundeth wit hoot ; it oroetll I We' ave sit:,ply dunves in our country
up from the, bottom of a, rnillio11 Onll)- I Andcurses t$ �ur Stat(.
ty,clinner 1)rai:s.
Tto fear of the wry.. gs *f a high I February to 190b.
tariff. it shall come upon us: but the ! Th,alendar of 1908 shows a "'pe -
desire to take a whack at it shall be cul, �r..y to February not often to be
granted, seen. The first dsy of February fell
upon a S11%aturday and t� last (?f the
ttte month happens on the same day
It is as sport, to a fool to votO of the week. In Febr'hary of 1908,
,against his own well-being. an(l plot- therefore, %here a •e five ttxrdays.
ty there be who have been doing that Similar conditions onfy appen once
very thing.
in 2 8 years.
NN�A� �Ni�►M�MNti
This is a copy of THE
HORNET, eche hottest Dem-
cratic paper in America. It
is small,but will get larger;
it is Mot, and will never get
any cooler; it is a stunter
ac �fiell a's a stinger; it is
yet an infant, but sleeps by
its(.If ; Last, but: by no wise
Z least, it is the only tiling
of all larger hood things in
the sea of Democratic ;jour-
It is our forte to sting, bite
and fight for pure Democrat-
ic principles, the k;nd that
Thomas Jeil'rirsoll otariied in
his breast seven ( lu3 s i n ,
week. We are ileterniiiled
to distinguish THE HOR -
NET as. the hottest babe
that was ever folded within
Democratic arms. IDS tem-
perature is far beyond nor-
mal and still heating. It;
preaches Dmooratio gospel
so plain that the wayfaring
Republican, though a fool,
need not continue in fiis
Please look over this c y
of THE HORNET. If it
'is the thing you want, take
it. If you are a Democrar,
you will want it.
At all times, and for mo�-t
all purposes. address
Bixby.., N. C,
4 .