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eee� Bring On Dudley Best Of Davie 91 War Eagles Win Again; At Home Vote For Your For Rematch Friday Night Favorite Businesses Page 51 Page 10 D/-�VIC CC>UNMir Nor ENTERPR11E--,,,,,,--'PEC0RD LISPS 149-160 Number 49 Thursday, Ctec. 1,201 40 PAGES Davie Chief J.D. Hartman and sheriff Andy Stokes escort Michael. aryan Freeman from the Davle County Courthouse after itis conviction for murder. - Photo by Robin Snow WV Klan Shot In Guilty Murder Charge Upheld In Trial With Bizarre Courtroom Antics By 13-th Cassidy May I , 2n 14. she died from Enterprise Record nntuml .noses SCIA. 20, 2014. Also in the mohilc hone fur The rcrent trial of a Davie pnrt or- the night was Fwler's mon necused of murder was a ex-wife, I]yAan Cole- who first for Greg Brown, tongtime teslifird at the probable cause assistant district nnurney, hcari ng that Frcenials hit and 11 was the first time Its pros- choked her cx-husbartd, with I cured a ens where the only whom she x1111 lived at the time _ witnesses to she alleged crime of she incident. Calc, a college W deceased. graduate, I'omlcr school reach - A jury c nvieted Michael c . and former tractor-vail- Bryan Freeman, 46, of second er olxmwr, died fTcm n drag degree murder 3n the death of °v erdow Aug, 24, 2014. Michael Dean Foster. who was Brown told the jury -1113. 5l when Freeman heat him at the wimesscs w re gone, rhelr Freeman's mobile I— off testlaaonlk.s did enol go 12 the 13C - bio 1'a: in`thc foie iinurn of grove wish shem'� April 7- X014. Foatcr sled four During she weekdong trial days later from heed Injuries- that began Nov, 14, the first sin He wax sensrnced to ?1-27 hours were spent xel.Qting tltc yeafs in prison. jury nF seven women, flue men Freeman's wife, Tracey, was and sou male oltrmates. at the mobile home that night Disruptive behavior by and testified against Freeman to a pm babir cause hearing Prcase. See Murder - Page 8 Teen was cnrte6 Dies In Wreck A Mocksvillc teen died East Highway patrol Is[ Sgt. F.C. went Off the rood to Ne right,: week after wrecking the d -v- Mill -n car Ile Ferguson, Road Devine dri in a crossed hack a ruse the road 2707 and hit a tree into! Hotel r - thrills for the family at Wmtesimulntion of a slide down a as n tog on t I r g g yoseph Cuyler Sireelai liyundtd at att cssinwfed IDs mother tree- Zenumed And. fest on Saturday, Iyer- 3 from snow mvered hill- available for purchase. ❑.vine, 19, was pronounced mph an Milling Road At F:5^_ caught fire, Ferguson said. Traveling Mate o„� . Stage at 107 S. Salis- foo inflatable scow mase dead at the scene, said NC- a,rn. Nov. 23, when she car Charged With , Schools Tap.Local Architect Attempted Murder way' as you fly down Snaw7j- A bootee house Will be a+aiLAble around Junket's Mill. " West beeping mon oWl shot while sleeping in a maMl - - lor 2lay For Demolition At Davie High roons Sunday morning, and a aatd -iib tu`o sliding lanes- it's bxllaon Art and l'lrisusl vs sto- p,-- pogo. le traveling companion is ell urged SeM Cas ldy Jenwlision planning r seven to make their decision based ors with attempted murder, Nicholas Barris Enterprise Record or the oldest buildingx on the qual i ficat inns, not cost. The victim, Paul Ridgway 50-year-pld campus. He said the board has hod of Webster Springs, was list- Sermudn Run, and declined to In his last vote as a mem- Mobile clmsrotmx and experience with both firms Cd in Stable condition at Wake talk to officers about [he inti- her or the school board. Steve smnib- siruemres on the cam- but that Fluter Archhec[ure Forest linpLi. Medical Center dens. Ridenhour. who fought to keep pus will also be demolished or Ino fdntion to Chad Fuller) ° n Monday. The victitt said he !)avis High School where it removed, has worked •'axtcnsivciy at Charged with the crime was asleep when he ... shot. "fbe u, the vote for the school Two Firms. Walter. Robbs. that Zing c mpus (Davie) Nicholas Harris, 33, also of :cd two, along with nnorher per- system 10 negotiate with a local Callahan and Pierce Architects, and done all the renovations Webster Springs. He is being sort, were tiuvcIln' together business for the demolition of and Fuller, submitted quni ifica- to the CcxWleenlec Eicmentnry held in lieu of a S 175AW band. of and were In tlu: area far drag the school's oldest buildings. tion packets Inst month in rr- 3chual's cafewria. as well as Davie Chief 7.17. racing actiLic., Hinman said. No one on the board put up sponse to the request for yuali- other pmje m The ,seboal sys- idtvtmm said the suspect was The N.C. l-Fighway patrol a fight, as the vote was unan- ficaLIWI that was advertised in tem hos had good experiences was arrested without Incident In the assisted in taking [he auspec imvus to nego4atc with Full- Septemher. chair Chad with both:' lobby of the Rmapton Inn in into custody. er grehite I_ to handle theFuller told the bwud they were p lcnse See Demolition - "r 9 Sl'1o111 zi l la Giant Slide Featured In Free Winterfest Celebration Saturday Them will be chills and a ride for kids and adults - a ries by Michael Decker, r - thrills for the family at Wmtesimulntion of a slide down a Food anddrinks will be fest on Saturday, Iyer- 3 from snow mvered hill- available for purchase. nada-5 p.m- at ]unker's Mill Thos will be a 40- by 50- This is tits seaaan for giving, o„� . Stage at 107 S. Salis- foo inflatable scow mase so bring nonperishable food bury St.., Mocksvillc_ featuring colomd snowmen- items for A Sm-h.—for Sc- -FmOc and piny the eskisna ivv "" anus and roadblock- sus. Coticction boxes will be way' as you fly down Snaw7j- A bootee house Will be a+aiLAble around Junket's Mill. Iia- eta wflatehle tubing slide.available for smaller children. This free event is presented At 314eet till and g0 -feet long. Titre will be hayrides, And aatd -iib tu`o sliding lanes- it's bxllaon Art and l'lrisusl vs sto- p,-- pogo. le -Sno %colla.- a giant inflatable slide, will tye at Winter Fast at Junicer's lull&[ In Downtown Mocksville Saturday after- noon. Slides are free. _.I I - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Th¢rsdgy. ILI— 1, 2016 Editorial Page Pioneer Wives . Didn't Holdgl �� Their Tongues? My First, second and ildrd Asscasmenc w . that II WTTA-WL f� was n cross C n:ov ie. HI rd 1u hear. Muffled dialog. And n Sluggish pace. m out [hart was homing else on, and Elizohcch hada meeting with dw girls. Over the course of several days, T Anally watched no[II the movie's bitter end. 8t' then "Meek's CutofF." m 20 1 Western, had gmwn or: me. Moro titan many Westcros. {l showed _ mart .rd!.dc pietur. of the nue to C.1ifomia. Tharo .!� �y 1 waa no glamor. The women an the small Wagon Irvin were unhappy, S$_ V4'IM' TI. nbvu1 lh*cmditinns.'Thc second tesmi Y 6z ped y 8 #r lha men and wished du:y had never embarked on this r ' difficull journey into the wilderness. Ilan [hey gut 1051. Meck's CU1off wasa real Thing — a "Shon cot" on th9 Oregon Trail H1at look w Eo.s. through a desert. ` They con short of water. Their guide was clucicss. The Shan cul pmved m he Anylhing bin that - for For o closs A exp --rice, We went Iv sec "Hacksaw In t The Mail Mai r � � ■ Ridge;' a wonderful war mgric but not for the faint hearted— it is m bloody cagious o but the f story is insplr- Uplifting ■lifting , i ed Kettle L `l a `x p e r i e n ce Ing, A deeply religious young man froth Lynchburg, 1" 4! / i LrG V._ joins the Anny in World War 11 worm ng to srn'e ax ' a medic. His netts iou%convictions pravent.d him from � ma *daTar. ready, money was in the red kctdcs. A the day progressed, carrying a rifle. He wealhers extmme hazing and obese - I did rw1 wane 1v do it, dad knows 1 didn't want In do 1 was amazed by one peep]* coming in need Out of those from fellow evldicrs :Ind officers during basic train log, it. Friday nighl, I prayed far n m jar Wlawatarm • nnylhimg d—. dropping money in me red kc.d.s. from the rely Desmond foss is a Seventh -clay AJVcnt3 sl, bur he 'D I wouldn't have to gv to Whimmt Seramay moming and young to the very old •people smiling. God Ihpd erns Ids mfuEe5ly use Nc cv1Is=ientfvus objector status l[s ovoid ln, the boll for the SaWptipa Army, eery herr w Wnl. This day. DOn'r get me wrong. 1 donne mad belleve is what the My f fly was showing up m the appointed times and cambmt. tic wanled to help Sava IlvCs on the bnitlrli.Id. S.I ration Army stands rat and the good they dg to help our doe a 11' kept shlning,'rhe wind was blowing, but s1i13 nn His actions during a batch, al Dkinowa prove he was ample. I areae m the cuasmitlee to seek ant volunleers 1. snowf ids, in sight. What n bcaulif l day. The last e the bravest Of his unit. After the Americans am Initially ring the bell, for goodnn5 sake. I just did vol wont m Nag brought Spm. Don's we]Fbeh--i dog. The people loved driven off 1{mckshow Ridge by the Joponcs., Ftc slays .hal bell. Dayahh kw how hard it is 1a ask someone 1v do it, Our kettles wane full. to beat the wounded, rescuing 75. His was awarded the what you dolt want ev do yva 1177 V rt' lard. Now. I'm na shy usk4ng -)-s Io sake o awn raugiog iho Medal of Honor by President -fYurz � the firat.Lime Su, F ploV it ants 1L- I signr.i x. 111 spy hmr rgklnR b;,q jp„the &Ii Wioa Ao¢1g ru,YLLmc Zrlrreen no . oast 1JhAl highest of milliary awards was given tO sound- °na�usy kids, ,ITS ,Teal-grandkidx. the whole crew. Chn,cma5 Ere. I know whnl this erg-larulan does with en[I¢us objeCIor. I bed h made. May, I'juat Ill—ght I bed it made. How these donmions.Thry kuncp our People. Volunteer with your pose diad in 2004 at age 87. —id 1 send diem to Walbinn If 1 dhin'r W. f was so eco- ramify Or on 14ka t did sad volume., your family. What a The movie is inspiring and beaulifut, even if clothed ams 1 "rispoecd the time, instead of 830 a -m: 7:30 p.m., blessing. in a most bloody mad vicious haws. I sold them 7:3U p -en -g:7U pan- Thank yuu.JeR, 1—.5nawn. Adam. vada. jenny. Kol- [ get hp Saturday rooming at H and get —dye Mean- lin. Rmlley. Coo, Hannah, Boyd, Lori, Keith, David. Pot. Has there ever been O •more pleasant Thanksgiving wlli]e,the bpucry In mycar Lsdying, and hoT a xc .Amke in Jessie, Ivan had Spa. Keith, 40n, Jesaly and Dan -kc.; Sigh Tire sun ons shining. TT1c -,ad ohs blowing, be an exim shin. bay. Tempereldrta to [ho mid -Gass Sunny. Our clan Ill. aa— was eca dag. A jump an for my car. n new battery, and I I.rwicd %plead 1ats3cs outside, and we nlc like the Pilgrims and About hall ay 10 WalMan, with a dying bancry, banuti- hoses ]bed by ihaakfu I. My hear wms so full l thought it Indians. H+I sunshine, iT h4. ase. Codd I count an the kids 1n come would bucel. God had sem his bc5i to Wal Man ll is day. It was a be¢uciful day, through for mr and the Salvation Army. What n R=y The Salvation Arany can eoaam oO This Caner f. m- ATMrwaM, ifelt She .firers of lurk.y's tryprnphan. showed up I ger 10 w (Mart and tum off my eu with a {ly net at year. Hopp w* con sign you up, there's a sheet a1 7 -item's some denote On whether il'F the Wrkey or all rrhw de zd ha[r,ry. I gc1 Out rend the ftrsT thing I IIe.Y is [he Wa1Mmea A red ken lc m1 l,aw,s paods In Hermnda Run Nice carts that makes people sleepy after Thanksgi ving, bcautlful sound OF bells ring]ng. Idn11c1 jNs. P -i- God, I also needs volunreere- but i needed n nap. The next day 1 real ixed Than ksghu- w sri t in this by myself, Ij da Caner Wl; had not been C9mptete, l but missed the pumpkin nSon Jeff. Cora and Family -err ring4ng thee. bells. Al- - Advance .lo - In duly, We spent the ramify vacating near cathriburg and the G.al Smoky MOO MIT ins. This week thin[ vaea- lion paradise is shins- with rvnnwny .wildfires Spread by high winds and drought conditions. Many of me trails wc hiked and the Dui ly wbod NSOrt ora closed due to the tires mod heavy smoke. This Wildfires haveIached dangerously close to duwntawn Ga[linhurg, and tourists have abandoned the town duo to heavy smoke and peril. P', as Arrived hem on TL.sd.y morning, the first sig- niff vol rainfall since H.Ricanc h4atdhnw in mid Ocw- ber. The moumains have been tinder box dry. Let's hope the rain will dmwn the fires. The early Tkkesday in;:. reins finally disindged ,on of leaves that had seemed m be stuck on the [rtes well beyond their normal time for to ling. [ blew my lawn Monday evening to bene the rain, bre them were more leaves on the lawn Tuesday morning than I had rmgv.d. — Dwight Sparks D AVIE COUNTY CNTERPRlI ECORG USPS 149,160 1i1 S. Mev, St., P.O. gee no. Mxk. IIW. NG M75 fsrafyo PuHlaliad weakly by pt' SeaOspury N9wametlln L[�C AwIpM 8parka EdlteefPatliPMr Robin Snow......._._._..................Genmat M.ugar MIk9 leamheid�...........................Mnnaging Eciter Flay Toaaepw...............................Aawnlpng lj e r aAen PI[c............�......................SP.ne ecN. �AreM plvMAaeom ••—._—__J ureal a58 15a 18511 iWr-no, Pesimdicds Postage prod in Mocksvdl., Nc S1ozs Suburspri_Rarer Single Copy. M Cors $26b9Pkv Y in NC1 S32 -O3 outsicc N.C. PC67MASTER Seed Address Chmopes tm: Davie O=dy s:camP sm, Record PA. tau 99. Mock —ula NC -'Am Safety Issues Arise At Christmas Parade Tb the edn". gel hock of teiur m.e limas. I wont W thank chem for:h.ir I am n naive or Davie County and proud 10 es1I Mocks- service, I watched onC child coma whldn 2-3 feet or o 1fuc- villa my hometown. i now .aside in Yadkin County, We at- tors Fire 0 muieve candy from the strce.. Whh1 if that child [cod the annual Christpurg parade ench year in Mocker!13e, would have siipped and fell !mo .Ilc path or du, 1nch,rr We enjoy se.l.g our family and friends and spund'ing time Whuc a tragedy Iliac. enutd h- hews. I -dually spoke wide with each olhed feel that Mackauille has ona of :Ise best n officer about !1. He said thel he is nt. !d chsl it is only a Christmas pared- in the slate. mntwr of lima he foe something reed ly bad happens due w That is. until Ibis year. Ih is ailualion. I know:hau there is only sn n,tch they can do d control!x,I. mad snlfl was grant I foci like theways. cwcpt far Won needP 1u do with of lrallied is side effects. Whhl If lh- were bmninhd.s sc1 up Safely. mac parade mutt re enspc safely? something, starting In 2017, to mecify the problem before I'd Faso ]ikc Iv note that 1110 photographers for the po- earlleonc gels Seriously hun or the pnrsibi Lily ul' a Ca[nliy code also needto have the respect M na bkuck me vicw of occurring- the spoelnto_ Them was snc who was dirccliy !n fmnr or The .aped oR areas along loth aides Df Mnin Street wish u who was bincking our view fur quip same time. Then orlon Tape jus[ _I enbugls TO protect patrons, chlldl*n There were Iwo mom who showed up ac me same spot and cspcciolly. Within minmas of the pnmde sinning, n lot of started inking prhotas. We had Iv gel up from our chairs and Ilk coition Imp. wm tom down. Children Tvcre wmur- stand .o vicw the ms[ vC the purpdc. I f I inn[ they should Ing Tanker into the saxes [O rovinvc welly will, parents b. aR the rireel as well. they saw kl hnve maned oR mens I ooking on with ew regards far Safety_ al ty. 1 r owed children specially designn.rd for :I.cm .a Take phalue from. Maybe ronning nest ro grab candy Dom Lite alree[,I S-30 l l rmin from a makeshift platform far .hcm TO take plm[vs. Maybe the sidewalks without their lacteal. even paying attention. Inc p, n ibly Of scissor 11ha in diff el areas of die parade P._, need 10 wotelu paT foe Ilse wolf and safety of their route to per different angles Of ll:e pnmdo would work wet]. children al events like this. They mukl'cry well be gone 1 am suce 1ha[ some firm w 1d denote ¢ couple far .his 34the irlink assn syn folks. NoT poet' ore this a hpmrdons . eel if sptn=pne v,•Du1d just d9 some .csca.h. situationhut also o disappwin:mcn. for Ile aha who ane rl arm josl c ped for a ynne involved and don't star w have a gavel time and cnjay this once a year corm. want is scm anyone gat seriously hun ar fomlly' ir{jured.i 1 .1- ¢anted The, Mocksville F, lj- officers wem up hop. chat the chamber of mmmera wilt Take This silamoon both aid- of the rt.c[ [o 1e -f children and adults, hoth to very seriously and come up with a .mxdy .9 recdfy The problem. A Privilege To Volunteer 'Chink yuv and God hl... you -11• Merry Chnstr-s. To rite railer ban Bloody. Vadkinville I Itad the ptivliege wv-Iu,%cc H She l.evssakm Fire D. - pa tunerir voting sit.. I[ ons a Lineal cx Z icnre greeting d.c friendly voters. Many were fi_-rime voters and they cram. In all W., An 81 -year-old Drina:— vmed Republican for the fiisi Tim--AymngmwlicracidhcrLitetEir1kcpkinpwhen the Baia was eOmlag_ After she opted, she put dhe" I V ted" tick— an her dough[- and look a pitta. of her standing behind a Tramp sig.. AmTher rote, told me abau, Hlgf o his property and the smells and sounds they slake. An- *tioer day, a lady lacked hes keys in her car and a nice firc- 5ghmr erne to her rescue. I loved ra,eting aL The rerters and eAking wish .Sem_ ]c was a special henOr r9 lhaok the military heroes Who came w avec_ Mmiy hear made dee uhlmate secrifiee f sax us bane tire right m veru_ mance F_Pdlrn. Mock. bile Letters Welcome The dflrerprise Record weteomn le,c- from its [cadets oo topics aF Swat, stale, naii,and or In,_acoipm3 issues, An effort willbe made to prim all !c[[e[s, provided [hey ale pot lihey up. vnlgarprin poor m>;ye. T'he edilorro- r�.tresn>erightmedi[]r�lrrsror� >"m.-anafprrpxr. Ali twem should itulude the name and adder of rhe wnrtr, irxlhhding s sigmalure_ A selephOu ne nulab• no, 1g be published, is aka requested. edeas- htc nI,,S i. the newspaper OM— no later man S pm, M..d.Y of the week to be p tid;shed_ Davie Covey £tnerpri>= Asepses p-0_ 13::_ 99, Sfocksvlll., 1p:eraanaAarlu� davueeurrprtirr�ne.. DAv[E CUTJNfY ENTERPRISE RC'UItD,'I3vrwd.r, 1)—. i•2u I6 - l The Literary Corner: Renegade Writers Guild Excerpr from Revealed, Boor -rgone:' ••i'm — sorry Sandy. it -- a beatltful bracrler in rile Farseen Chronicles ,series Katy •rented genuinely sorry, hen sandy cauldd'T fargei 1 the image pr K.ly iOOkmS - 1h. brac.lel on her nem. Thor _ By N, R. 7hcker afternoon she cold Katy she did nor feel well Md wens Ona. kepi his becelh s. most.5ame mighty def-oder ar anaight hone aper -hool- �[• [mth he ones His fm.herS most tasted avldi ars in she no: quite defuac. AIH hod -hued hint imo the alley. His dad T` ' weeks passed and n0 I'-- I.%.Sandy laid mime '. chs most 4MVMCI savvy prrxioa oa rhe plonel, but m 1m11cve hot Katy had the his-"'- Perh.ps Kai y ax he managed to find the bldg anal the email tee epmpnPed, Jcealo. because Sandy had Mocr clothing and other jaw- Cohsideringhis high Ip, Its sltvutdh. hnve left m body or try, hu[ Sandy fell she had To soy spmething. She as ion- _ the emnH in an un*neryp.ed ducuexnt. ger loY� being whh JT-ly because of me huncclet. Kary He needed to wort': oa his sccallh, assuming he 1{red was changing loo. Snn appeared burr or was i[ s guilty look thrwgh this, whi*h onset [ h sure ming.'fhrce on—i— and Z_Skald amid she didn'l want to play. ga to the movies. _ well-am,ed said inn weir at the emmnee To This deed•-nd 9° have a Re d I,- . Sandy missed being fdendo, but thins% alley -msec[ 1»ike nor of them wuuldn'[ be.enough to grab Knly cc[pmM the bracer[ and ap¢Wgfeed, she fak ening. him. He didei ['even eeofy a pa—old 'I be toive only ioa hr --fid never be rhe %sena. lien mother encouraged her w had was his pocket Leatherman, which he used f compo• ryI`1 lt, and give KoTy he benefit or the daub[. Sandy just npalea, it had a knife but he hod never [sed it. Oh wail; ccvnuld .w:, mu they taw lens and Ices of earn mlmr- Kmy itrsli-d boxes open juM fine. 01.vituely, he was ready ra ice beginning m spend time with another gGl who tired n holden trio of shines soidiers wish 11 is unary I-emhennan, Few htusc. down the black. Sally opens rime with altrose He pulled the loot not or the Istuh- cast and opened rt a.huot but knew she wm nor likely to find somepne rhe the knife. Two smnller tools este ndeal with !1. So b* it. He had fel[ sa close to as Katy. closrd ill. hnndlc leaving the smallCC 1u 1F our o. wdI all one evening she Put a jackal on and walked to [he grimaced warn it mods a spa clkk. He looked o[ hos wen nelghbvrhood pond. Sas remembered how must. fun ahs Sandra Hoyette receives She Order of tag Long o , and Kncy had throwing brood to the ducks here. They 8am- Leaf Pine award From N.C. fie dull. hfOwerd for n and [i gltlencd his grip. He too-hed [he lip of she Made. edge pond we icing for Sandy 10 Feed p• area now nl the nd or da her work with She Mocksvllle-davtg 9,creation Na 1 sharp but bei ell lhmn Dollh!ng. there. Inslinclively, she reached info her pocket ami her Department and Senlor Games- He pecked around Tire trash bin and eyed his .hire fingers curtcd arnt ld the hmcrlet. Hen roan con down her fu]!y armed and Trained appanemt% berOno loOki ng back -1 cheeks as she leaned on a neari,y birch tree all urbhed her Photo Says I t All' ale weapon. This was not his dot's neon aur. "Come Dut,-mn;' Ilse eldest of his phrauem called, "Your dad wants a talk 1u you. You need to ugdcrP mnd the To lh. edLior: chmal these nbcrmnts epiloinlx.:' Tile River I would like Iv thank everyone .110 xnpponed Sandra 1:pilnmiac. nen]ly7 Guess :he aDldier had a —FLI-& By Linda Homers- Bayetr9 during Ila Tlwgh tmnxllivn from L-jrM her job or d day calcndme- Have gripped the handle Of his Two and The Yadkin -dc- tluough this place 26 yeam with the Mocksvilic-Darla Parks and Recreali,m a Mdf inch 61nde m !tole lighter, leaned back ng.l.St The And az it 11OW,, it tells xTarl- of tett, ago. ❑rpnnna k.. building and tried in atop shaking. It wind=,.i the horde, of my forbears• up 10 The bot- Cood things happen to goad peeple MY wife Spadna re- The sound or theca o hjecls biro ng the ground had TOh:lands where they worked, farmed• tiara [he Lung Leaf Pine award, and I chink that says it kith bele- again peeking -round dl* Tmah The at the uncap- Livca, d{ea and ate hurled. all. She is on Top of rhe wend now, She lures Davie fllgh eclat% soldiers_ He ]Wked up into the loco of his .atter As a child l pinyed in its muddy waters, riding in Pap, S Scpap]. and sighed. h sac uade wooden boat. And Ivry nal F -Set Gary FOr1er and ftmily Johnson, T—Pc walked down 9M Othey toward him. 'Thanks legend hes I. [het pnnicl Boone hod Rua, Tadiana in a wl:u were long. time cmptuy.es with the sec. for the Pmmil you sc.t, It saved the lives of my grandson cave mlong its bunks. J— Hgyc:la and his family. I hear it roused y,, some family croubla, My grandfather's ferry -meted popple rend hnlses across Mock.'llir though:' k. DrePscd nsosdy in bleak. her com�at boots made no It ..mains farm. a accred Thing like Iii itael f, ftllul with s"ftd on the —,ban. How did she do chat? He atacrd up to mammies of gulden years and childhood Innncemee face hos i'riend-"Yuu heart! right." As though The ovula of people pall flow in it down w the TwoGenerations of she %rpppaed and ..34.d- dieannt sea, pad dee sen Pnd The sky connect, and haven is He loosed down at -herr her eye --- foe—ed. Hi. 'her. face reddened, "Sony. i forgq I wooholding it:' He pus the Whiny Liberalism kn3f. av+ay qulekty, cmlir.g himself In .he peace--. AT I. -I 77]e wilderness Boy he confirmed h —td cul Ocffi• By Steplsw¢ie Dna _ •-•I'n 9ievs•di[ur: •• •�' — "Ne1:rr. fi+lreT,vi.. y— have ckppkin-your ]tmc3.'r While catng fresh `eggs clan ,omemada•bakrd [mead, I was forced Tn pus on my hcodphoncs, put on my •Peel Tempe wropped nn ams urvund his ahouldcr Oad mored Ilia yovug boy wimt cd the ftrat glimpse into what weuid the $em" 1 -shirt and doggedly seek pot my safe space, tlucm lvwnm tisc assert and o waiting car, "Would you like became hos Wrum. areakf-, ons olvrsya the lime when Gad D'vighr, what were yon thinking? L1nlrcRin" ns w any wlm ua Tar a f w dayY! W have hamans, dneen- fondly dite used daily farm chess to ire completed during The heart of the free exchange or ideas and Ieaming7 Pre- deal% and alhem who the hate groups Lave hargcted.suy4ne iho day- Vaung ower had riven early to help his —her P4slerpns. I xmy. of nor pl-6 -Echo I" safe. Yea con get your hearing. wad with :hc chickens, gathering a Iarg*, !n f-., orcnia;M aealde ver your hex. marc." brown a Summer was drowin to a -tore wilh conmr Wo won e ewe momm4n. gas- , Und save us. D¢vC nodded his ageeeaem and lwked at cop driver. w-Ih.r direclly cm 1h. heels or dee heat. The fully gmwn These basidem. of eRp . lntellecenn.. eaohbc'y [cheek Landon was a friend of sora he met a1 eolregr through red chickens were prod acing morn eggs churn tb.ir remily Mr A 7 cope. He should hnve aeal�xed, rnuld cat. v dais .free of you gaew] began Ther devolution during my under. Year was due moat productive for gmdua.e days. Alongside the b.—d heads of [lee f It. ' Hop Ir. and !er'P get gain, bel the slurping btu- !eying. 'i'he eggs kook good his morning Manama," The ons students were then I l fcft D who began lin woks up,^ L, -dm gunned, bo !d. pa ogi% pro gen ro Dore shook his (send, hopped o roar of the clow -d -,Gadd, new h I land dan'l f. Thep* the r. T -hp lMSo of amcalal:. pod universities ncrosa and crew led into the back seen ve heads," his mother dimered. IZ- wh. toda . y your The country. Tha re%Olea are two gpncmduns of whiny, m`n rY Y� Y�8 doll -f c. drlusinnmry Obomn bre, wh. preach the never Boone comes) the egg. To —. market where he was en - land of libcmlism. The Bracelet ncd amongst other semen for their gc=e alae. Yount I guess I nm A par+ pf .he loft yenemrion to drink beer, By Gsyc link Haonc was ab l* .o trade his eggs for villuwits comoodi ries ea gng. in sunt- 1Ocker room Talk and cuss The VC. when Sandy fins sow fie siiv¢r Lraeelea with a heart chamt, on or touts necessary for farming- The hay wits now about 10 nth cold you .n walk it off and you actually enjoyed get- n display rack at the drugs Tom downtown. She and Kary, enjoy dhe f ![ of Ms labor I. he pulled n choir up clove ling greaec on'] your Rages nmila. This MnoThe United a friend, browsed while Sandy's mother picked up n pre. To rhe table and settled comfan' into the ern[. Young Sat I grew up in and while I have -arched re's resp tenet', scriirtiork. Sandy picked the bracelet up and held 11 to her rasp- observed his fames, nodcing he waz atdl wearing I dna a id for the grandchildren. We have eaten the apple wNst. 11 ... similar [o oar her mmherwvre and Phe wmnied dirty clasher from me M.-ing's ,.dra cluores. "Papp, too rlo%e to the care and what remains is discoloring. il• "It is pretty," xa4d K;dy, wap [Muer our= j=welly. -tart will we is going rG .nark=[ Tmlayr' rhe young boy inquir I wands the Moction mCymur wcl4-hcp]cJ, pvchindulgcd Sandy asked her mother to buy the hraeCle t, she was old ed• and aver -indulging Il hens! xubwribreship. Think they want .hal It would hnve 1a came ml[ 9f her OI be was She had "No son, we will nn. be Suing Today u we need to .heir hoommiva7 five dollars saved but would need another threedollars. It --- oar eggs for mak upcoming Odremure.•' Immediately, arm- Hcmmiag wo, ld rake another wec skipped the movie on the young boy wondered what his father cocoa,, %ilcndy Ad-— Saturday she -1 1 so- the brac.I.t. euujunng viei.as of Trapping sn:.11 game and hunting dan- The girls went back To:luc drulta : a weak Inter, and gemur bears. Surely, there was nothing in I4le to be loved Volunteers Make Sandy purchased [h. bracelet. Km[y fastened IT on Sandy's than a daring ad—mom, the young boy thought m he wort. Katy lextked nl it wirlfhhily, "l d9. t get on colo-- cagerty nwak hkt father's expianaTion. an"' she said. Young Sonne T-lished thid Quin family tine. He was "Duc ot,ly jewelry I have it a kocket my grandnsnlhc, always sorted 1v the immediate left of his father at the table Annual lied Race g the me when l was cl %*sed- Saadyy n Their small kitchen. Fully engaged, rhe boy .lung 1g rllorh- had cxpioi-d that Katy hod several broeh... words of the rider Hoene, as he had caught the bay every - and it Took More m cy to support n large family. KaLv th{ug he knew mhoul hundne and rslmiag. Young Ho1Tte A rowingSuccess land never mmpfained nhout 3T. She seemed happy end got had a great udmim[lvn and mapect far hos fmiber, the elder Th the ed lite- along well with her heathen. 5nndy had enough money Icfl man w e hardworking individnsl, indusnicue in various TWnx The Nigh. ECfprc bed K;we has become n Ins to get n Mounds bar, which she split with JCoty, uadea 3�neluding pwn*mhLp of A - ving establishakeac and cats n h. Bin Downtown. NI civ eat Folks hhave They had been best friends %Ince Kary, moved neat and prpfir]cnl !n blmckamilhing as well. Young $Done'% y eve door to Sandy Two Y'ors.oriicr. Sandy -ax en only child, famiLy was vol only admhed for 1heG hard work ed,k but turned nu. for This bed race Dn Main street for Inn pas. five mild Katy hod no sisters, -:hey spent rheic f elms to- -be f Their om"S Quaker roets- yenrs and the en[hu%}tent eml4nues en reef f gone,. They often had sleep crni a1 Sandy's no—c- Both The boy studied his father's face me he waited, ••Well, go This year.?0 reams including R7i111ekvle¢n s:utim de- pad .[her friends, but I]sey were bels rriend- The follow- an with your story:' rhe youngrter said. "I con hardly -nit signed and., -sled awesome bed sleds. These lenma r.pm Ong weekend the girls wem 10 a m¢rie Together. a A Kay to hear mase of this adventure." His mind raced to all IIIc mnwd industry. non pmriil. churches, and jus. friends who rtayed for The night- When They Sot .mdy for bed. EntAv backwoods explorations he and -his father had shared, [heir -sorsa rine thrill and n ncing abed through town while laid her bracelet on thc cursscr. lin multi le trek. Won he river honks in search vFd :he crowd cherrc+l and comumged thnk -{True- TLan]ts 1. rt' picked it urs put it fishi P holes and molests held to sec wap cold -TchaThe the new teams as well m the leans that ken bnck on her arm and cooked at it in he mirror- She watch cot es p coming Sandy as she placed it beck an the dresser. They welched biggest fish. ash year with sh* antielpeJan TO win - and then again - .eels played gore -,end Talked about which Loy was do cut- Eder Boone placed his fuel, en his plate and slpwfy just eg hove o aped rime. al in their class. Vou could .till hear their giggles afar wiped his mouth. Hesitantly. he spoke while !poking m hio 'Mi. c -"I co+.ld liar happen wid,vut rhe efforts nr many Sandy's mother cadied ."Lights out." wife. His vi f 's face lowered, looking down at rbc napkin persms. DC.I.0 and Jordan Hendrix have che}md and or- Monday moming Sandy looked for her h,acelu. She in her lap. "Tba many sen I.. have moved into this mchl- pani:rd SMr eve: from rhe art go and cheG energy mod Stili had vol Found it when her ta-her 1o1d her shay had '12,Caenpcling ramps One Making sucWvm mxosedifficult:' skills arc tricot to The %ucce of this evens. The town's 1g leave or be lace fpr school. 7hst evening she tanked his lashes said. mninlrnanee c1Cw -,eked bei . and afi., The race sac -l- everywhere F her bracelet. Her modal helped her to go "What am you mying7' Young Boom inquired- Iag The race track. bl,umc x f exam seating. lights to see er the brrdruam and I-bmem. "Do you erre rake it DR His faahcr replied, ••We mot go scorn where land is more the ruse course. pad all the physical details to eahance the �schonl," her master asked. Sapdy didn't ntkr it off uaJl plentiful." The young boy's eyes opened wide Ln c nae.nish- r*nin, P armvatun. heN liens each nigh[. The cast time: she reun --Ted seeing -ren"Leave t- "e our home and To ----do you ...^.^ farevq Dur volunteer base OF time keep-rs, judges, hM insert- it was the aighT Kexy Lad mW it act.'Rtom. the Sa R Joe 1 and never m rerum7" And sD it -coads soon w this mo- . mewl ma mlic.. vC the heart war. the Lot keepiag up so. it was Son-", night ,.!.¢ KoTy ¢i d iI vo i kaoow she —1- at 19 yens Of age. and while still poss-ssing a .en - with rhe poet and spam of The night_ And wide rile evcaing �®,T bore jewelry ar her a—. Dv you Wypk she mi,ht dr, immature heart, the seroag and su-.pping lad bdxuae wind ing down. EMvle Ealy college studen4 carer to tae hove bolmwed it with— atkieg t — she asked_ a morin. s fin -1, the work pf IVP Thanks m rhe Stu. de.. fmm Davie Early COR.ge and their maty efface. "S.0% likbmn.Affy Ob do duo dee "mere C agorae, Tv alt x -ha rime tv urs event, we mask yw f yaw but I dm -e tiflrJc Katy ww.kt da dut. Lei : pave ar a few Subscribe to the Enterprise =hers and cOlhvsioam end you. too. cad jo}n iiraY the day and maybe it will show ap:' The >K'- day at .bdy Nigf,t Bar and Rax aero year aP a wem vee rnitmeer. Sandy.. l� Keays � ab- Told h�tsar b1-r,..rrt wee Only $26.59 Per Year -10O yphh wane me W come corer sister r>v'rlwanl and 3-4&75]L-2120 help yeas [onk-� Kary sahad_ �Ng:' somell sighed. " 4 - DAV IF. COUNTV EN-FERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Dce 1.2016 Stephen Nichoins, author of a book about Davie nallve S. Allergan Smith, stands beside a Smith Grove sign. He also vlsitad Macedonia Moravian a1 Ing his stay, in DOWD while doing research for the look. Book On Davie Native S. Morgan Smith Published How did. I m hay Being apposed to s1a,- From rum! D -i. County ory And feeling the Union heed.. a w.Athy mon and ee r Inrye akgecy frond today ! a n fi,c ml imritO a chaplain in 1864 and This is The fasci nlHinR ; srury laid by Mom,ian C1111 Wm. Following the Pastor Stephen nr, Smith and his Y - Ins and his fricnd'ler- Ity moved to Dover, Ohio, rencc Downs in theirjust wrier. he served as n pastor publlshed biography of until retiring ryam The, rnin- Stephen Morp ri Smith. teary in 1 ex 1. • Itc-invenllag dm Whe.1, He 1-1 his abilityro Ow lacrediblc Story of S. Preach Jur to Ohmic Morgan Smlllt. Mlnlxtar, throat illness end supponed In vcnwr. lnduwhdist" his family by wiling his Snihh was born in 1939 "'endons and becom- an his father a Fnrm in ing a pirmeer In the newly Smith Grove- His falb."s dc,elOping hydroelactrlc fnnskly wens members at Industry. Bclhl.hcm- -�1- odisr Chutelt en Rcdlaha With a combined work. Read, but young Smith _ sad his mdlher joined the S00% Collaborators Stephen Nicholas Jr. and Terrence Downs inslde Mace- r.w1y founded Mac"Ik' Mom, fan Church while he donla•Moravian Church. At Nghl is U e roller aS their book about Davie native —at ... 9- S. Morgan Smith. Fwlmg called to minis- Rondrintler, Int., n Bishop Try, Sm hh lravalled north and Presideol of lllc Wm - 10 Hethichcm, Pa- where ,inn [yhu�h, Soul1k ems he swdod at I�Ora m Pro,i - Cullegc anWI'lieulogicu! Fn 1861, Smith was •Sensihary. Hls.1—iiiate appointed pastor of the and best friend was Pd --d MATTR SALE a: R.W. t. LSeda MumvianChurch in York, Being apposed to s1a,- Pa-, soh lie still n ,,kidenl ory And feeling the Union - cegdnnry-Payr ,�"-oaths _ url bepmsarced.hF. -. .. later he wasordained and ralisted in the Union Amey monied the church organ- a chaplain in 1864 and ist. Emma Rrh.cra pale- served until the dad of the every gin which God gave C1111 Wm. Following the him for the glary, of Garr nr, Smith and his Y - and rhe, good or bum.O- Ity moved to Dover, Ohio, kind." wrier. he served as n pastor S- Margm Smith died until retiring ryam The, rnin- E teary in 1 ex 1. The lost words from his He 1-1 his abilityro dying lips wem,"Oh, die Preach Jur to Ohmic many Ord joy and glorious throat illness end supponed light of Opol his family by wiling his After his dead) his sons "'endons and becom- and grandson% Icd the tom- ing a pirmeer In the newly puny he Pounded. Tubi nes dc,elOping hydroelactrlc from his company ore Industry. found all over the.s•orW. nt Five s'drrtpanics in York, silos like the A—— High With a combined work. Dam in Egypt and Flonnay. force of more than 2.00 ine Dam on the Columbia empldyces, ,rax Meir mole Ri-r to s. Morgan Snbikh, S. Marson Smith was a The editor of the York ll. Daily Record, refers to W130 made sad gave away SnIih as -1he pre-cmincm tens of thoasnndy of dollars induslrinlisl In 111a history in ills Iifedmr- His lolls of York," and grmdsnns eontinmd Even though he merle the family practice or his liv ing manufanuy ng banevplenre by bulld Ing a honer turbines. Smith's w church for Marndonln haan ncvrr lcfr the nunis- Mvmian in 1423 and two try. His lost paatnr reform! buildl hV on me campus la himns a "-ritahta OF Moravian Collage- InSOekly panorel alaisram:' 1950, his facial ty endowed a Ar every service of prafcssorship a, Mamviaa Hely Communion, SmItlk. 'Ihepingkal Sominary in d e president of one of the norm Or S. Morgait and U. largest e-porgllon9 his wife, Emma Falls Smixlt in York, put vn Ills white Riahop Rvodtllajrr says mba and assisted his pas- that Smith never forgot tor with the wr ucim. his nodi: in Davie When she read the drat of tHPCounty, made frequent *her. Smith's biography, the Rev- le vml his relatives and Sayward uppimton, Pallor 13—hed as a poen at of Frac MOrn iaa [.,York, perfedsleeper Queen Sets Starting at $499 meg brown borne furnishings A7,WF 9i - T 9.a - $sr 9-5 ' 73h99g7i77 5491 US Hipf..vry 158 in Adwruw me' ran 'claimed: "Reading theMacedonia Mvnxinn hook painted a much more and licdtichem Metbod- ,Itkkp t,mrc of die per_yn� ,jnr�hurehes. HIs mq!har, - •_ pastor, cheplain, Inventor Snrah Reauclwnp Smith, nod business mm than 1 is buried al Maccdumn, knew already. smith used and John Wesley Smith, his every gin which God gave father who remarried nRrr him for the glary, of Garr oto I R55 demh of Small. and rhe, good or bum.O- W buried at Bedhleham kind." Mclhudia. S- Margm Smith died Author Stephen Nicho- Easter Sunday, 19(13. ]os, isa "t:- Of Y rk and The lost words from his distant relaI- of S- Mor. dying lips wem,"Oh, die gnu Smith. He graduated many Ord joy and glorious from =via. College light of Opol and MOmvian Theological After his dead) his sons Scmi nary, the same schools and grandson% Icd the tom- attended by Snrllh. puny he Pounded. Tubi nes Nicholas served the from his company ore Muruvkan Church M a found all over the.s•orW. nt pastor for 41 yeas, then silos like the A—— High retired and mtumed to his Dam in Egypt and Flonnay. home chump. Firs, Mora- ine Dam on the Columbia vkan In York. His fdead Ri-r mal ml l nbomlor. Ter e S. Marson Smith was a Downs, 13 rills a member at gracious and gemmas mon first Moravian, a hislonaa W130 made sad gave away Ona ruchirechmtal Tem tens of thoasnndy of dollars ratimisr. Dowaa wrirrs a in ills Iifedmr- His lolls monthly column on local and grmdsnns eontinmd history for Ilk. York Sunday the family practice or New'. banevplenre by bulld Ing a Nicholas and Downs w church for Marndonln Were guests of Maria Mvmian in 1423 and two licnge Cmlg Roth and the buildl hV on me campus Davie County Historical OF Moravian Collage- InSOekly in October. 2014, 1950, his facial ty endowed a when they mited Rosie prafcssorship a, Mamviaa lel lecture about S- Morgan 'Ihepingkal Sominary in Smith and do research for the norm Or S. Morgait and his blogmphy. his wife, Emma Falls Smixlt Copies of Jho full Riahop Rvodtllajrr says color boot, which sal is for that Smith never forgot S 19.9q, may iso ordered his nodi: in Davie Fro,n the Monvian Church tHPCounty, made frequent *her. Board of Commmka. le vml his relatives and tion At pub.,®mcnpf g or 13—hed as a poen at i the -ch*r aI -tat- ■ w MOCKS V I LLE FAMILY DENTISTRY 74 =NGaaas (336)753-6630 IIAVIE COUNTS" E.tiTERPRISF 1 VC0 RD, Thursday, Ree 1.2016 - 5 Sand grandparent Paulette Hendrix enjoys meeting people while working at the store. Band, Dewey's Open Mocksville Store They add music to our Pa• g—cLir-rent and usher .'ol- radesand speclat evanw. « who keep dbe 'beer They ",avid. lues o[ rn- oPen rs Thus mend er,,n hrknn,, limn ore 11 --6 p.m. al a m. High School I t- Monday -Saturday and frons 6+11 gamer. 1-6 p.m. nn anadaya. And they're recognlud Caner g Id new.y's is na[ionakly as one of the generous wish ma pan - bast bands aiaund. It's the A.mtdp, a. was the Davie D. -i. County High Solical County Rcpublicaa Fs ny War F Oc Rand, and you Which gave (heir ranted n gel sonlathMg sweet hradyuanel+ fur dee remain• and help the members at the der or November- Hu Hd• same lime. ing owner Ryan Addison Deway's Sakery is tram. also dnnalad the 'pile. For ing with the band to open o December, and helped the hal Way stn,c it nowmµs'n gnrrrp secure signagr- MOcks,flIe, complrre whll The s,Are also 'ells War all lhwe Mva,ian a oki Eagl. shin., cups ¢rut attar sugar mkas and µher rash• nest' High irem=. Isaions. Drop by b¢FOrc the garnr - W have all the Things Friday night, buy some War Dewey'. is known for- such Eagle Imalnrabnli, and as the Moravian cookies and cookies, then go to the game gift ,fns;' s.0 Renee Cart- and listen Iv the hand. And, er, enc of the many Tut m, watch the g.—, nen. Renee Carter puts together Moravian stars for the Dav1e High Band Deway's bakery stare- - Photos by Robin Snow A Ilne of War Eagle attire and items is available - Man Sentenced For Shooting Of Homeless Man Anorlfer defandam in the Jones was santcnced Oc1.31 f the shoaling of a nur wheel Cod is Jones was ham.. -a mon in 2015 w sentenced fpurdays Davielater. senl..ccJ In Superior Cedric Jvnea was indicl- Cou last week.ed by n grand jury In Sep - Cedric Joos. :2. of tetnher 2015 oa attempted Mountaihvirw Drive, Rat degree murder, con- Maek,ville, was repro- npintey to commlr Best do- mmed by allomey Miehael gree murder, ant acccssey Plrkcr, who barnme cmo- aver the fast l w an.mpled 6unal while speaking In hear degree mender- Those Judge Jerry Cash Mani. charges w ra dismissed as nbuul Jones- pan or u plea a=it"lent ••1 have been doing This that a1loWrd Jones to plead for 30 years aucl P;= guilty 10 a.....ky after the had a ear more personal f rt w aslant, wilt a deadly ma than this. I've known weepon with lnllh [o kill Cedric just about all his life, inOicl Ing seridns injury. an,d Naw [Janda, nnolher Assivl"t PA Rpb Tbylor defendant) si.e. probably tnld Judge Martin at sorne me third grade Or sd- l know Point during th.rr punYlM9, the bm fily both persnn. Wilson decided it was lime a ally and prcrr iunally." he for Mahley lv leave. Thy I -r said, mendonlag Cedric'Y said Wilson told `a number grnndfather, Cicero Jonas or untmms- nboat taking Sr., who was seaud behind Mobley to the us station sa Cedric,. He also mentioned Winslon" alemb,but irnially Thomaslna Junes. another tried w cover for the Jone- fr.aily membe-r. who was seg- When questioned 1¢Icr, mnrde-reel In 2007. she implicated III— Ns h. "I can's hear she gospel Thylor.ajd Cedric placed sung '1'll Ry Aw'aY wide- himself at the scrne Lal theut thinking ofthis family," eWdema pvlamd tO Nate Prrkersoid.being else shoolrr. allbouph He :aid he was in "dis- Cedric -Vicarly karw samc- belief and dismay" when he thing had occurred'• when stayed gening calls shandy Mobley was shut - af,er Jones, Nate Jmes, Parker sail theslate- and Srittany Wilson weer mens Cedric gas' Police meed Pa xuspecu any In the ' scareseard smremtau, os Ed, 23 shaoriag or Jus- 2t _-ld would her no Mobley. with -hem all dope-- rh,ee had been p¢rtyinS- He asked for a split sen- Nas Joors .Lar MwLlrr fence I- Jn for -&I the rhes, and !high and dm for the urge be had sm d in Ln. let, him far dead in me psi1.450day sand the rest tr, pet wmernry off Wyo Rvad- be a pmtsaianary saetrnrc. hl.wcv -a. obit to dI 9 11 `lFdrc purposeoFwrjasticr sad pbl qurnny_ is nce jos er e, [_ in, wjL-- Hv srsrem was ant in coer, wlma Nass P!■•sr see ane.:- i yrr 6 A DIckarlts Tale Sunday, December 4" 3:00 PM Brook Parformlag Arts Crater 622 North 14.1. Rieder hlecksrlec. NC ;19P 336-751-3000 General Seating: 58.50 rinrfvJcr YI_ AJ,nke�w ir�r CY TJ Grades ■" _ 7ih This kldmarvrssd rredPnrrwrce Fans !avant. A Dmkcna Tal, is fast puecd version of rhe literary classic, A Clirisrnaas Carol, and iruroduaas the young audiences 10 the Dunn old man Ehcmaer Scrooge. Perl'vnncd by the professipn¢I roam Of ur-ight Star C lkildt.Zs 'rhentre. This haliJay u-adirien icaehes both friendship and generosity. SuriN and Nlry. Claus will he at the Play ton. They may It ring mune of their specinI tiiends too. So Parents bring your totem to ciulture lots of rnemorii.N! Q mocksvillesmiles.com Reasons to visit us for your chiid's dental care- [tsldren yrs a gee. den.nl rxpe.lrntr-Every time. Don't oke we bane Ze+ye ex crlene.and I - W, word ter it. F, decide malrare to 5,o0rehI1de . visit our vrebskte at Pa utnvbeexamroom with dalld modar111esmllrs.Com vrepraeelce salesededen setas eesmkvms.iais Yve only use reale dental rtlererlals and from mod �cen— gpWsallwhYte fillings and All k 4.,[crane rooFl-h dhp , e,Jro�don Ic [ver ail 9vz �'� � ly�♦aehcvcin preaenta!rveewe. We wall to 07 Q ke you 5m lies Pve,errd.ceyb fbre¢snnr Rnn.wy rhtfdhns BEAUTIFUL a, h.,Py_r�nd 0 DENTISTRY "` o r°" r'nd `°x� Ftlxirs d 6 - DAME; COUNTY FTN FER1'R Stip, R Y C"r l RD. Thu rade r, Slee. 1.291 G Public Records Marriages - Midland Funding rs. childmn and unborn issue, - CIA- parker 111, 52, of bao-, NC 801 S., kl-La- f"klnre ro appear k" co'": TLe r.11-ias were Is- 11... Lmbrn,..nest ion on April L- Sham -l. rrdirid- Cmbtrcr Rodd, was charged villa. nsanuh, S. Main St., John ni."hew Hkmeycun, ted marri¢gu 11-m- by ncrm'ni,52 5$1.79. ..1 Ly and on h.h.lf of her Nor_ ^_7 with pr.s-i�n ¢I' Mneksr411.1-deeerrt I l' -r- I S. of 1-Ltieny --h Rand• the Dprie Rcgkslcr of Deeds. - M4chaek Anthony Wil- unborn isevt; and Con -ie A. mnrijuanalparaphernalia fits with lhl td, CAM n L,.e, ?4"i:-il lx, nesP-Iftl::Ja- - David Tyler Grubbs, bnmx v - a County Shanlel, indfriduully and on and epomminp .keNnl In ¢ MgrlksviEc; cotnmunica[inly wn 61ren, 36. -f Llbcny 29. of Kemerxvilk. and S. ri1i'ss D.panmcAn. .p- behalf of her minor children +•chicly. Trial dale; Jan. E2. dusts, Ifowr,Nlown liw.d, Cllutr'h Road. Mocksrllie, Lensey Ann McFJyen, 30, pent or denied handgun puF and ugborn issue, M RI.. [o Mnckxr Llle; dlsiurbaoad: riolA[ion df calsrr Order; of Adva"cc. rllnsc PerNLt, madiiy 1rv51. Sherlti's Dept. sesoull, NC W I S., Mocks- Mam4rla hlnuhrws, 37, of - Cl,,Luo1Am, SCotl Ear- - Davie Sock.l 5ekviws - C40 -1u M. Clllyuhn lint: al.lrurbnncr, hwolu"- Swh•cgooa S.L. CootA: m-' 'S1,c Suilpwit+n arc from taw, 45, and Dcbrn 1-"n v°-; P+alto J- Fron-lson, child and wee Apolinar Mcndca Mn,it County Shcrirf's Dc- tory cnmm4lrnrnl, D..d..n misdrmronor ch31d aBuso. Thuryke. 43, ;3f WI -WH -S.- sllppon; A61.1 apinvaal, vs. Just Alrjandn+ Fvhl4 nrtarM m Rund, MocksyiLle; Ilrcnk4ng Nev.24: Rush Mathis.47. kern. 1111 W 8nppon: 1y+lq.y T. MF ISefiran. comPl. L.I. foreclo- P fin"' and enlenng. rcl,1t,Io' Main pl' Cornv+ek Lane. Macks- tyor, c1nid su Nov. 21: asvaull, ivy . Ch.rks lidwmxl 54mp- ppm: Joon A. s '17¢kl, Mocksuille: cxPlo3ta- Chuah Holld, Mockeril le:. villa. "xsnult w'ilh n deadly n, ZR, and Rochcl I lurknor• Keilon. Jr..'I'ild "PPwt. - W -du Mlsho¢ Ho41ur lion of elderly, P¢ro,4.gtun Arrests .spun lnfllcling arriuus 32, of Wl fat wl-Solent. - prLrc41L. Th -1- vs. Jaya"Ihhni Rrllie.l panel Rp+rd Mncknvlllc; nln.w.y. 7111 rullewing were P• Injury; Mary Cunard. 27, -Tari E41cen Snndlin, ]0, Drnrcx rs. Mkllnel lxunanl mid Juynlnknr, nrot- vchi- of nshevine, lane ppsyes- Junction Rand, Mucks- rested by the Davie County ntd Jn"nlh.n I cu MOife[ Graves, domestic vWlcnce clo Iuglige.cr. a+111 Schedule 11 cura-1 "d [ l" Nei. - 4ilhrnu MnrtinrY vn v ltt: nawllllt. Fowall. Drive, Sh"'U"s Depnrtmenl. yubstanC . Pnsscssinn deg 35, or Bonnud. Run. Ilrn cc Ire o Mockxvillc: lanxny. Swire- Ner. 21: Tbny llcvsc, 22, - Jon.lhan Ray Mayt. 21. 01 -Boer Ennk vs, $lone M.rlyce Man,-, good SL, COoleemce. of NC 80 f S•, CoOLtlrmeC. pnn'Ph`V'¢lW Joseph Mur - of Pennxylr+wia. And Viola Oe AM. M. Connncy Ill. dlvorcc. nor. 22: nsanHll rnl re- nhraiC 155. ty r+Y !'a ly' krLy, 57, of Ell-brehw4, Ruth Blylcr, 2_. of Munk,- e9Hu lion nM1 a tiauol, Xe -Pk AA- Heik¢L mai', larceny, NC H01 S., pm1'nse; Jamas Dunn, 52, �'°n.. Olkarntinp n hide villy. 53.1 G5.43, vs. Ymmg WOmeri s Chri.- wills nodnsku"anre and with nlrin LM Run; :Ldl - of High putt,, F ilia Iv rip. glmgks -Jame=Lac Emrfnni. 54. F fnlin lienrv- [inn Atxaetnllnn of win- Ik¢nr afNo,, 25. r Rton. tic dLytur++ln¢e. M:rd4son 4n court; Jnhn Graham, ¢Iul AveHnn CnuWnav Casio, cry Assoclolcs va. Kevin stun -Solum and Pomylh Koad, Mucksrill.; domes- 43. of Dllkc Whittaker Rami, Nat 25: SclYcry Buoic. 42, of Muckavil lc. Hnkrlln unnh and D.1- R. (:onnly. NC, fro" Infy- 5f 1, of How. Road, rte dkturht,a- NC roti S., Moukxv4lk, cexnmAnicm ing r-ndemc.nnr Hnilkcswnnll, oollcclion on rya Advance, n Advapca; dvnn:rt3c disnur- lhmals; Virginia Y..gur, 49, .RWnI, 32.817.+] . - Georyr En mn11 G7 --1L chHd 1khame. Civil Lawsuits r u Wince. B,lkinph.m Uknc. or ihkl Whillnkrr Fiend, - CACH s, l7ncy L7, Debamll HOwnw1 y Nov. 2G: +ilia Bather, The following civil Inw- MockvrHle: f u¢d n'wsp¢- MacksviLlc, a"'All; Kcn- Lynch, collection on ac- Church, equitable dixln- 28, of Pll.r MOunl.in, frl- snkls wire filed-i[h the On. per rock, LIS 66k S1Clrrny drick My— 21, of C.sa no CFerk ur C,run. n"'lll, 5 k Rl7 17. hll[ioil. unjust c0tichowm, 14411 R. Moekxvllle. Ballo helve, Ad+•nlluc. soot-- °ny pnu.nelu" of cocain.:: - Mmlo.c 0. Shamci, 1.- 1}aud, brooch of Oduci¢ry Nor. 23: 1ms 3 L p rya 'I imnlhy Homs, '.9, nl - Susnn Chapmink vs, dWidunlly, on bchnlr of her duly, oonet rucliYe Crnnd• pass ng,Ll b- ped -do •rce r+l u: SCalh Winston S.leln, posscssiun K.n"ih Shanks, dumcslk any Church Rand. Mocks- Slmat[. '-1G, of rheic St., Ply Possrssi4n viol --A Protective vrdcs minor chiLdmn and unborn l.nurn Lee Crewx and v141c; d4rnurItanec. Liberty Mockxvnkv, cOmr[lun{cm4ng hcnHtl. 91r S].n irk Thi lllAs Rutty 4sn end ns 1mRlce or Lha Bryan Doman :- vs Schedule IV eWfltnlled golly U. Barpua' Irreruca- Rchrenl Lynn Gr..k1 Ilea Chunh Ronr1, Mnekry tile; [Ilrcnl e;'I"rinu Daniels, d2, of sn+s[.nsc. giving fictitious Runsona lurk" Baily. unnuHlur4red eye of vc- Sink -Ale. l5ilon, w app -r " Cuatudy, divorce r"uo Ikea bi' 7Sus[ LJA; Den"no 9 Ma[IL Tllonsns Russell, I,ic11, Cedar Creek Koad, in 1vun; T"mnr¢ Jonas, 2y, 3nl'ur"tlnkm t0 a officer. Hlnckwrlder, Ind., .1 l cnemd Mnukxvklk; nhAiiaink nr IHtteVllle Rand, Mocks- '"d w rmme .arvhcr and isouo , rya+able distri- anal uu L obit(nF her minor Ilrr• loamy fur no¢lnit [o ckudo billion. scrpi[ion dn,gy frnudulcntly, villa, ays¢u L4. llr,.:nl, xpmding, mslsting MoCkBViIIe Police NC Rllr N., Ernnudn R«n, Nor. 22: Patrick Jenkins, olid uiliccr. ThI&ML 11Te following am fmm public dislurhance, lameny, of R -L Ha11. Fniluro 1u Nnv. 27: C'.Ielg11 Wlike, ' l.7acksvillc polity 3]cpan• Swkcgvod St., COnkAmcc: comply with rlkild xklppan ^_G. of 5. Alkgcll ROr"1, men[ mPod.- soul., US W I S., Marks- undo,; MO -w Johnson, DAME C6ilNTY Macksvil Le, assnull, ass.uh AGRICULTURAL - A domlllic dIA-bance ville: misd—anor child 35, or Clcnsmons. wanhlrss wtlh.denal .x mi,.rled Nov, 27 At +I nyuee, M.rginnl x[.. C. -l- check. y weapon. DISTRICT reskdcnle on Morning Glory remee; IwbRe disturbance, Nn- 23: Michelle ]oho- Nay. 2R: Hva11 Wwsnn, in w 27, of Moi. Clmrch Rond. Cinae, nsz:mh, NolleylJuncnan n, 53, yr Npwj xirrlpk Mackxr!l1r. +ranking amt - The sholslifiing yr food mads, Mnekxvtklc- IfnsxtxyiMl mnrijunnalpom- pptcnn9 n vehicle, restxllriH rmm Shcele Im Yndki.riilr Nov. 24: a-fir,C van plkenullin; Roy Rhy",cr, 3], nn Offerer. T11e Darty Vrlrmfary AprlrMr I Wnkt has be 11ts Icoryeu Road was reported Nov. Dene, Mncksvkllc; Mn- of Maki Road, Mocksrl He. Cmryr:t0avlaf.kornian ar 3]E,153b1.0ler mere lnrwmarfen art -A disturbnm:' wo - Ilfunlva[ing threats, Gruhh addln9aL err ofpmkrrllpnForywriarn.land. P-AIOAIv, ]A It 14.1,M .Racal.-Jyfrckyy Illy:,"�fl'"k- ,w- --..•rt ,..,. shopp.on LI S 601 Naft- tail, earning n- hu -co- Jones -A suepi.i-{sterno won Woodwan] Rand, Mucks- '' repined N- 21 +kl fork villc: dis[urbunce, astrudl on Coal4nued I -L- l•nRr 5 him [v hove been Incalvet. Platy. F'mnic, Fnnniogla , Rind• Pun ishmr n[ nrul mlr4bnlLOn, mol," ► --Ila Larceny of irenu MOckFri]Ic: l.n:e"y. Swkco- bun now nlwbilil.tw. then Jones was gtren the oP- Irom n vchie lr m r[lknstl ntulx! 51., Cou3cemec. he's not going lu get dt. pnn.nhy m ,peak barurc Apunmcnls was mpnned Nor. 7:5:.xvmlr, Larceny, k.ckra up:' srn[anciny hal drelinrd. Nvr, 21 . [-00 W B, Advance: brcnk- P -Lar "Len s.kd Jones' Mania sola, '•This is - A diylarbmlca and a inn, enwri.�t and 14r 'Puy. .IH[.dr rayl IL-0im fmm nm of'Worcp. Tho .4 u CORNERS mull -a. npuncd Nnr, _i injury to prol,crty, cormpir- r eon" Ypnaaime ber:nksc rim s o ham." bei.g and Al A, sidanaa un Duke Si. N. 13-kcn Road. Nloeke- by did"'[ pun Ihy in cf dvran•rs n, hr trcnned Iikr CUFFEE Air r -..I u o Atrrsle villa; mL drmpalwr rb41d when Parker tin. saw him in one. He w s shot and IrA Prhln"y Mny Rnyn11, ninkw, Huwardtown Road, 20 t5 to now hci ng -A-d In, de.d, n"d he fvrtunnrcly ' 25, of Hampira-11 t, was Ad,Aw dinWri>rlr _. 140 to sand b.l.0m [Ire court oad sur i"J. This is not n rase I, charged Nur, .4 with 1xn- W8. Adrmue; ussnull, Accept hie ponisluuen[. for pmhallon; [blx 1: a coca seniOM1 aF gsclhnmpUr[- I]uk1 Whillnker Ru.d, '•This young m n 4a 2$ I'uracni .. pnnisl+menl;' -1- Tirol dal.: Dec. S. MOrksvllle, ycera old. wlk1'h n by I„y After ..yiug he would JMmine Ni -h, 301Ic”. Nov. 26: shuplMing, NC ro Wkdntivns, moans ho has gire Jones .lyre Ikmr il' he 1., of Wi"ston-Snl-k. WAs 901 N•• BlAnnnhl Run. npc.t 21-4 awlnhe un 0. -Hid, 111 sc.t.¢r l tllm In charged Nnv, 27 with pas- Nu- 27: injury 1. prop- 1'nou r,r the ran+," r'nrkcr 25 to 42 manlhs with rmd- " _ ® ycss3wl or —Ijm— para- any. Wall BI- C'n.dremee; said. "The Ivsl 16 .-ths a,f it Fur the 450 days hr was phematia and mild -.""`r disruswknee, C.'rlekot Idle, Thal has been hviiind bon, in j.i1. P. .,d.-4 him la, - �'��''• � � clrikd ehuer- Tri.l rlmc- .len. Atlrancc; ns -11. NC 801 which is .3s pcnant of bks p-Lde o DNA rumple. NSI} our WB 1O - 12. N., Bemm•{Ir Rwl; diwor- tife. Thal ks nnurkph time fur :+lain ¢ suhylanlc nhnse µtµtg6�„L•nfFl, ri . en1 -1 Any rccum- DISCOVER THE BEAUTY OF YOUR CARPET! _ • RBsldentlal & Comm-”" FREE ESTIMATES • Carpet8 t1gh01slery Sta2-Cl.ankng 4a 9���fi45 J • Boad"rfrin & Gu� 4ercl • lgnfer E%h2c14¢R SeMce Lveelryownao 8 oparetra SERVING UAVIE CULNTY ANO SIIRRDIINDING AREILS Specials of . 11 WW T V Foster Drug Co. 495 VaIIBy Read • MocksvlI[a • 335-751-2141 www.rosterdrugeo.Com Aegutar Flwreti 4-F 8:368 •Sat 830.7 •Stat 7;3(}5 ended Itrnlmenl :rod 1141" amleet wish monlry n NAWJunes. He n1ur1 Pay A 54,31430 411em'y fee, Jon Len the -nn- withma looking bark at fnv111y n -bun and n -N. FARM Fno FRESH PORI. aran.m klaknly ..GRAIN FEQ SEEF_ ry s �-in y tinna� [336j998-7175 VS= GSC _ L Hew Pool &5p,I Iv5tn11ayao Cleaning. Chevljyls 9pml8 Ckdrrg - vinfl linerer Rnpla'a"raN = [.e5rro-nvom., n.. al t„ 1y Cane (3gg}9a9-4p�7 t rA��rm.rlrara. t:(sJg7s,ati. i3ALEIf4L �JI�Ti�p7 3G2 ycpear�,wO� l:rrur.Nang %P'qukA.ia,d iwxw.o z Spending your money in Davie County29=%6, has many advantages ... ffisiffop Creating & saving local jobs ��1�jTI1 73 f `7AV7 F. Cie �+ri-Y Increased local tax revenuesL� 0 Better customer service Eo Support for community & schoolsTY Strengthens the local economy Look locally when making your next purchase. For more information on local businesses look through each issue of the Davie County Enterprise Record or visit www.daviechambercorn. Make YOUR money work for YOUR community. no[kSVFlle Tire & Aut"motive, Ina=. t .'r%2YadYlnrll In"ead(3] 12516115-• -J 50 Court Square, Downlawn M"llaville, NC GUITAR LESSONS! SWe now :a11 I r F�/1►!'O� Tokemine' r l . 7 - - GwforrF .... •. SHOP HOW FOR CHAISTIYAS? --- We aka eNx lar 0 NuJ' 16oLIN , Mo " BASS • GOAR 336.751.9390 www.counl.rpohltmrssicnc.com a15raWirnSluxlon=r "[I1TaLJl RF1N1af __ Read the pages of the Davie County Enterprise Record each week and you will find a wide variety of local businesses ready to serve you! Whitnee's New & Used Variety Store 99R Yadki ori It- Rd., MAAcl-i lie (9n+dr M.ck,WJ0T+m RAuxo.-v ) 50% to 75% OFF Sel-id CtoM- s iSireaughea ! the— Store! heStora! There's 110 telling who# XllenIDM fi1.a! (33 6) 753-138$ MAIOR BRAND TIRES 1B[OHPLITER SALANCiW ALIGNMENTS PROPANE TANK REFILLS H.C• SAFETY INSPECTIONS AUT0140TIVE REPAIRS OIL CHAN GES 3PAKEE tk;lZM= ■ffNIROFRL■ PFGcKM&1F1-h 5240 LIS HWY. 158, Advance, NC Support our community by looking for local Davie County businesses first when purchasing goods or services. Call 336-757-2129 for details on advertising YOUR Davie County Business on this page! g_ Murder ... CA.Ilaoed Fran. Psk o, 1 Freeman prmcluared the hours of I..i.rlway, arts Nr jury was asked to leave .he unruom sc--, z,_ while Judge Marti.. MCOI e d-11. wish objections and Freeman's antics, which in. eluded having the oca nro.m andalhe pea• Bible -"---Flinn of alto - holm lunch ono day. Freean"m s choicer or ALI- rnnged 1 -mm A s.it to ^ma, but .1-" k- Iccironic rIkoring ankle bmcele[ which w pan or Ihe conks... of his bond rc]ense. Day One Llsn Costner, Frcemna'x .homey, made A motlan No exclude the le.tkmonies of Tmcey Freeman ,rte Col. and w mdocl tannin poo- [ions of prior lenimany- MeOee r.i.s so allow pur- ti.na of the lentimvn11 .r T'mcay Frecnwua and Crile. Freemen was Off re" t ple. dcak of gait., .a second degree murder with a sen- t"" of 221 10 278 months. which Su tuned down. On the stand, he tea.ified them west-snaeourackes it, the IN W.- timet Ihe plobxhle ac h*.,i .-.ying. "A Ina hod boon Ink.. aul And eddcd. 1. may not change the whole story hal,tclmnR- es lint by line:' Brown and Costae, wad- ed through !hl pager leasimony front IIIc hearing declding whet would end what would ria be !"'luded in .he trim. Costaor argued LIN ."I iv wit-- r.,ea" her la qu¢adon and am swam rrslimony ethc [hen that ream .he 2111 hearimg- Bom aides agreed Jacks ._ R11her. who.005riard. office, would be allow. w read [he prior testi-an from Tracey and Code.. Brown and Canso- mal mad the pons or the pre tutor and nunnity. Brow as the plow -1.r A I probable cauee hearing, an Fmem.n was rcpresen. by Dan f7olan n. 14ol tam.. M.Gc. washed Free.. .bout speaking to any. elee, including I, karsolf, vu side Ihe courtroom. mon asp-waly saod u r inopproprlato times, mir Cvstrker land m .ell him a¢ ant tim.n m sat down - McGee said he wrapl allow tire jury w Take not In no.cb-tui t is, ribul.; shem- July seleclivn began, 04Y Tse Wi.h the jury iol-1 upening % !.creek tang. Brown millmod the w of Aprk1 7 And 8, 2014 Zgialning when F -ser tet by Moped t. Freeman MINIM home, .lou diinki that followed, the A-s.a Tmccy and Orate .!lease she 911 toll placed by C rtes [lac arenas'! death Foster mn ApriI 1 I - C-mcr wad the jury and Frccm.n .are¢ Fos. death was mused by Ira rD the head but kiln ca of 11111. .mmmn, rhe Saks sameehiag ,he stem will he able .o prove. "If the smsc Iva not ru out every possibility. 5 you musk Fad Mr- Flee .al g illy;' she sold Ila -The jury heard .e3 firm Capt- Brent - _1 r cdic wish 13 Counly EMS. He xspu to tike 9 d 1 rat$ mr tee distress to the mobile h 'n the early morning h April 8. Cmtts And EMS personnel, $ria._ Ham, ams Dale! Call found Fora ol. up bus with ing rrspirarions' He di �hay. oW a my b-- amt did have an sim m it. side of his Crotm testified As ,,,,ore .akiag Fen.. oil rhe mmhilr home. I: RF�CORD,-r'huA'ed�r. Dee -1.2036 Said, -I hope they dark's try said when she arrived sit the W pin ,h4- On me.'• He said mobile home, she worked P--' mase rmmmenls u r .y Michael and s w above Fus,or being saiekJal, scmlchcs on his head and Oaring Je 20 -minute nho.j, A h= was passed an[. arnhulaArc Tide so Rwvnn He was wearl+hg different Regimnr] Hospital, Foster rl ashes shah the One he'd dad n . regain a -ions- been wearkng em4ier- n lereenwe a coxal 1.M1i- On e-amina.lnn. .31_1 of s[-liz A pocket Cetus _ict when the call knife and kicked .'.heir coma into 91l, d1c roller over with Michael in h, then .atoned a Moped oeei- choked "Im until his n den,- • c_w you Otie out hied. Whoa Mi'l act tree i.a the p..I.,iity he has u base .he ba,hsonm .,,d she Map.d ar.idrn.'!" Costner rNed.nhelphim.lacre.lrr,x•- asked- Cron. replied Ilan men [old her he'd lake Ill. wdld Idmrall'. Calc wcm w check F -m- rcoel-d a on Poslcr, ftnJing him un- ming From McGcc about respansiwc. tilt. canal 9 11 , heLng 30 minute% late for raying Woh-1. had n Mn- coun tike ptnvi.- day- He ped wreck because. she said Inld the judge he -aid she was seared IO te11 them make sure it didn't ]wPPen the tn.sh because or Pacc- ¢gain, men. Jackie Miller Ictal from Day Three the transcript of [he prop- Mdlac said f etas. nhln cause IN .ring, 13m ns sl,uke .o Is I sit ,h. cle wt. T ---j oad tits- as Cole. tar bcfare !ping up to the Trnccy a:sli6ed slat and Lxrunmaeu rtes he ngA1n Preem.n, wap wcm both psi wnn,cd Frc.kuo olhwrl t.lk- dkenbklily. had been mmriea ing ill unyhnc vuNide the 12 years. -chat nilt"t, she courtroom. said. Foarcr inn- al Ila "Uu sol Jo Ihm again. ohabi home be.wtoo 8 and If you do, that agakin, l will 8t3Q p.m. wfth hear and that have to order you he held. Ike'd .1,Yudy been drinking- McGcc told Frucnlan- Fsmeman w s oak drinking On crus oxo inalion, but laid be had a acmtchy Miller real aIhnIeR DyAnn Ihrnn[, And lilt Ibm; went to testifies Miel-I ahc ABC stare to gel Free- reel medicntionsers and u ligaur for his g.ncr.11y dmnk six l- 17 th- In he a Freeman didn't wan[ beers .day bol cou, d have sir rq tan _I camera aoonlyr a- as navy -30!f h. had lira' Nor went fn. The Frvcmans [. sup is bc[warn. She sail went to a di -r ul l VON Froemnn said he won id give hilt Foster wax buy ins Ihe Poster A shot of s.b ing Ilqunr nad than resumed to .ha. walrld keep him N d pick hi up. having a hangover arts Ihar Back At lb. knobHe home, Freeman gave h¢r a Yat Lunt, -hu hall u small amount of which he spil out. a It,c liquor. while Frtcm.n Capt- Br1.n Wf4linmshda- m And Poster took rums drink- [ificd when shiny arrived n[ h e knit Stam the bolls.. ester the hoalm. FrccmAn greeted I 17A hatf-rtehsClip bt-Itakum and^'_,,, m -eta! deme.-1wyft. k J Freeman took him out imv "Who [lac hell are you and y tho fete, ynni. and when what ere you dying herr?" tel =sly Iuaked out, Fmc.Z Willinma saki poster fa it was kicking rroncr in Ihe was lying an Iris hack in Fero I'll. with hia boas. poster Ihe bathroom. w.nring o os lying face up on an bon rd tee shin and jcnns Istat were he shat brad bern propped up On down. ronrlxtenl with go- o the roust porch- Freeman ing ro t1.e hulhnwm. Hi. ut1 Also hod his arm arouml hcnr) rote acrd blood sugar Fa.mr's neck. re high. Ou[siae rbc Mu• Freeman haloed Foster bile home, kat said. Ito spoke m hack Into [Ise ilm;-. hot will, Cola. who handed over [- after CLIe 2mly d .round Porter'. he]mcL- Fren- mldnlght. Preemnn kicked Cnn..r pbjcctcd to ala l p .rnr the.Mir in which Pus- helnlar being rnenlivncd, d ler ours altting, rating him and the jury left Ilse roam, v- into die wa11 behind him. Cus.ner argued For A mi.lri- Orcebock upright, Frecna.n el hec... of Ihe m.ntinn of d 1.oaak realer to aha balhmom tike helm.., which was not and Ie FI bran Iherc, innadvred into evidence, [0 Tracey tustlhcd she and end McGee s.Nt.L-d the Cole slept in the bed that abjx.ion hal denied Ihe re- sk,in the 11-8 arta"' unit quest for a miosis! hucuya Freeman wns On the couch. William. did .wt h:ati[y a' ed, As some paint, CblO $aI up I- wl,:n .hope Ihe llelosel .I- and G11lcd 911, and Tnaccy was in. els woke only as Fosarr w.. Inc- With ills jury hack in. 6c- ing craniad our of th�.xehilc Wi Llinms tes Inod share wax = bane. n ,Ibmair,n. bloiaing, trod . 's During - -Amino- small cut, n11 on Ilse Inst aide ng tiun.T7acey mid her disabil- of Irmstcr'a 1hc.S. "Cools IIx ity ours MR, wltich m'ghi you twat mics out tike pos- ed, have been s 1.1 retordn- to I., Mr. Fostor haul Cut lion nett .loot her no..hnr Moped ueclden. lhal nigin of dmnk the cut q time she Cook -asked. ns prcgnnm with '1-mwy- Williams answered, "We she Sha ..avii.d F-cman took could--- "ave nJ.J any medicaliM hu[ that She Thing um:' was didn't krr.w whet k w Neal to [edify e And the. All hough she did Frce.rutn's neighbor at the u is sol wont to testify and went ,lme of the lrkidc.l. Ha- not to n only because of r het Couch. Saw sold Tracery svbpuen ,alio ,vas du u or would alien confide in her led her -a r will. She acid and she told be, .hour the ikon Ihe ours .drtsed rhe Could Sne4den,, Cool- r.ked ariml privilege to not Couch, "Do you recall a Testify. Time Tracey Freemen still amaay Miller read Cole's rnsli- Mr. Freeman? How long CrwIs. moray, MA, be and Foster AgydhutT. �m wort also disabled, ha roe Couch mid Aw 11mught Hied clinical depression and she is wax about o year before pira1.o,y because of Isar eycslghi. poster's deaas- Lze •ihey were mrrried in 201* .She sAld ahc didn't hear C I- dreg A year whim at anything rhe night of other th.y di -mod. blot they con- rhe incident. W31- sinned .e lion together 1. a Davie Sheriff's Faepan- ef Deputy Je awry, tiome wish no .leesirici[y or mens Li,i 4 Y n'y and running waxer- UD -l. HAnraWn testi&ed he She hod gotta to pick up and Dei- Sgl- Terry Caaler S nee her car Th_ .ighe, sit. said- we .o the Freeman a home brokrn sod M.irhael was gone when around 9 am. April 8 and a3ara- she gar bona.- Ar mak- were invk.dd kn by Freeman. Fax, ing some phony calks, she Tracey was inside, not sa}•- rhey Found out he had Jrirm his ing much, hue after putting I of Moped tet Ill. I- � and oa her sboes, asked if she she our m ger him- Sias Aaighs speak to ome af•♦e- Nllchael Bryan Freemen in custody after his mur- er conviclion. - photo 6y Robin Snow u.aid.. Hamm�n .euk Iter uataid., -herr they sn[ in is et.and talked. she .old Irutmun Frccmun his and irk clrns.erf,4 al hetet IS Mates the, night. *,Vhcn she ,rid HAmm�n nlshed their talk and weal flack into the mobile home, Hunmaq said, "Shc s.nried n..hering ber belong!og. rid 11, Freeman be, one agi.aw .1 her And slowed Asking her what she doing. lie w very mug], and a -"I we Will, hid Inn- gua .. and altitude," Bart• n:,a said. Tm"Y was given ansponafl- from the resi- denrc in a proms cm - Do rn>sx-cxomin.tion. Hartman lestificd aldlough Ihcy w suspicious u nult or something "her .hen A Moped .--sloe land curred..hey were nal nblo w mac out as she .im1.r .hal there hast horn n Mopud 'ark cident. H..aid Ill. kanIV, hum. showed nu signs uY . waggle bdI -.s •' n diwrw ray and einne-d. e11 cmdd Ince been A ugh.. mala hays been A laausckcuping sst���r naked hint if Ile knew Tmrec Freeman had been c i [ed of nssrull ill, u ae:nkly woapan wtrh !n[cnl to kill arts be said YIC did Ina .hal hu knew her mrshnd .- Ihe victim in ,her 21110 asaanh- Oct. SRI- 'I�ny Canu .es.ilied while FIr-tro u.ldc with Tm-y, h. rc nod irk talc mobil horno 10 speak with Fmc -bwho he knew { ou!- ". sola Fmoma [old him it wns Ftw, who orad the nyumr and Fwa, drank Almost Ibc whale but tin h3mr.lf- Hr said Fos,c aclLng c"'Y" and w ahou,,. carinae in the lkvi. -posing 1,S--tf Tracey. when F7rcnaaar a coapted m take him outside dur I;msler roll m the mut, taking I--.. w3 him. L.,I-. he he sped Friar .o the bsd-. put a row under his head ,ocean -e was pawed I, snaring, m rhe nmmr. Caner mid Freeman tot hkm Finaer w -As aggress ing and oboe be had hit his in -Lb oar ou,_ - od m Loep .hal betty Ihe two of Ihcm. On April 11, CAncr said. Tmreys was inlerriewed AI .he heriff's depanlnen, Aid-iOld"dRct4ivil Free^ man kicked Poslcr wish his loon;, and Ihe, -I.e. Col -ved, she .aid to her,"It' held. It's ren! bad., Cl xnid TO -Y old them P ¢r O kited wilh m,r e a pewdvhimself to Iacr. Or. Patrick Lan.r,. rvr -yal CnNamy Medical exam s1+er, performed Ihe oawps n Fnsrer Aad Lc-ribcJ b had . -t-ion err his left cheek, n hrur- In r_n. o hks left cur, bruksea on Ilf ehesl, hacks OF his h.nds, a ab. h. un his In buttock o"d on Pert LZ The jury view it pique: rmm ahc Aumpay- .eJ n .mss-oxamt-fion. Lon sold he had received !nF mndran show u Moped oe cldenl, hen based o info mntkno erten d..ttilk_s, ani IIt"death w Mott likel sed by .n ..-P.. FFou nhcr his den.h, Poster bloat -.lethal .oncenl tion was .Q9. CIA i ask. L.nrP ii he routs note out ,eloped accident As the cau or deal" nna tanto -aid could arx- Day Cour On rr.ea-dx.minnuv Costre, asked C.ner Freemen ..pressed m about t=vst.r, a r Coeur saki pretm.n ask n 11um if Irmirtrr was "at brcashing^ and "aillI nlivc A juror mired her stn .rid asked if site could spa to the bailiff. M.Gen 1 Fro -Nn her St.-, t the apryropri time, bait A shorl time Into C wit], the mss of it,. jury o - the juror who had raised F-1, hand wns brought rnld McGee n other ju S hod found a paper in W notebook in the nwrn4ne. ter their nwdbnvka lard IeR on their rhAkrs o, sway myth,. She _ N .hr noklao.kss bade. er tampered with. The pa No— had the -d. Lain ke he tarn a. the top- McGec Ihaa - back .a [he jury room J had the oib-jnrvr Corse a1- She sold Mc{• she di him look m dee paper- h1 elm determined the pop- w I.sb repos, from as mid D ase and must have been 1=ftn the not=hook from x prc- ,Lpaa alas. Cmurr moved M1-.rial "based on j -Y' .mperin3 • but McGx said hrrc was no basis fou .hot and denied It. Det. Sgt, Jiro Gmvdln oe,ilied Coln laid him Free• n bent And dluked Foster until F'nstcr-+nose bled. and I het elm told the EMS work - to lbe Ocsz ahc gnw abota a Mgpnk •cident ns not lav¢. Cnsrner culled m .he atrnd Dr. Thomne D- Ow - s, .he chief nheJical .a- ominor f Mecklenburg County, who wet paid $3 Rl per Lear for hie lAslimony- Owe- at wed Faster'. media -I rc unix. ppllic rc- pons, rl.e ckrulnpsy r-VcO. And phows of Pustcr's holy and ar Frcckwn'a mobile borriv. I'1. anld tike fin, blgod-.Icnbol ,ca. or rast.r 2n and tlwl Foster a btnod conurkncd.plates And 6enzodiaaopines. He Bkid there wns no =riJdn- Fas- Nor land bent s[rangkrd. After the lunch break. McOe, padres" d Fr=cmork telling Irish ficopl. frau the dislric. knomey s om- w Ill- drink whka ,hey bullevcd to stn An ol .Ii, - drink when Ihcy w all having Iunel. h. the rc uranr. Frcen,An said the drink toara. .d. only Grcna- dknc and gmpefnli. j.!- and a. nlnub-3, ens sold he'd land .he some drink every day during rhe Incl. McGee vaid she person who sow Freemen drinking -.it the server who, ahc drink was and the server .old Ihcm it s n wquiln suarno, -a McGce w]d Freemwa he didn't appear lv be Im- paired. bhYBfnwnasadt as'rr ret of Freemen's pre-trial rckasc, he is �pt.k cunavmc any alcohol. McGee asked nor Frecnwn'a pn:•I nal release cooed inaror, l ark'FTem.n. i F �- he had i.r.-r awn "'IN'"n had tuns -rd alcohol if it nuld be in Ihe scope o1' hi, duties ra es. IYeemnn and y TicmAn xnid it would, e Freeman Said he fell he was being ••her, -sed" and w f hia "kirowledge," Ihnm was no mcahnl in the drink. M.r_ wad, "This is uer fannh - fifth issue this wouk. we're done arery- s Thing we uan---I ltopc what IN You me wiling n e is the tooth." F-eirinn . veered, - "7o III, best of my know]• edge. It is." - Freeman wns Taken d not for A portable bmalh Y nalyxis teal. and the rc.ull -hawed Linty wns no al - Irol prese.l. =.. apola- giaed In Free enwn- d Owe mstkmeny con. . tiqucd. ers He -IJ Ihe injuries IN— IN cm n. Forton were not In. dica6 vc or n I 'mi oum as- urult, -,it .hilt ]in wtrh Dr. Lamy. on Jh cgm� If or doth. he -old not mit sly -1 n Moped accident. AI - rad Ihough Ihrrc had b=on nn rid .rstirr,=y about IIc ahapc ill of .b¢ hlop=d Ina ne pi.- tons Owens said, from "ih.m -o5 dmnage m tLc :tk Moped Gel they were never aid able .a determine when Ihe aye damage was dare; Photos Off Fosar's reit ut. Moped w I.mr ahnwn. het• and they rewwlod -herr red he paint h.11 been scraped oil mu ,lac Wf. ide. Brown IN H:kft= if Ire knew when at- the dame 9e occurred, rtes been Hartman aid hr Jid not - know. Fie asked llnmvaa if ro=d ,here had bear am' in Sacra g.11an regnrding ,a, %I -ped per w -P. rue April 7, and Han- porx' roan sand nu. Uay Ftvr nen Farcahan's ora rc v,as d d errnt than the eprerien, in- da- hen he's nm ck. dn•t Ihe a - 11-1a and a .Gee dens .hie- Hr apfearrd .n rn "caring jeans, a red Pinarsr Shy - p� 9 Trial ... Con,laued gram Pare S our for n break• the hailiif IM MrGce one of the jIn - hoo[a and neck- eon expressed caae.m that I.crs-As In me ether Jaya. Facomad had liken o PkL his hnnss shook as he rine) torr or him -McGee IN. the I III papers ],c tarok from b - i l i fttakr the camera from a briefcase- Wheh asked if Pyre -An and examk..e it, he planned lu knke the •land, and III- the Lreak, McGee he said Ile wAmdd "closure" said they were able to vori fy hot didn't wmn "t. he land- nm phrnvs hod 6cen tak=e. gats:' PmiJr, Fun_ Icxliacd , Del-Gnndin Inst ilied dor- her sort had horn driving Ihe fog an ini.rview will, Free- I'I- rnr uN,u. 15 y_ Freem.n uFro-J Le pour In ]1I,, d,.Ijl and sold, I chow him his hoods, which -'Hc .1_.ys ware :i 1klMct. 1 rc Free of hloixes and IIc wank it rclk ginusly- fie cuts- Ltnrwn nskell a.udin. Tuts.', l><wlllmul kl." "fhal wns Four I ar. our Shc raid IN was k Is.Avy- e ter the n.l."J even, 'I" and duly het mei. black wish hLau Goodin said it wps. nn 41 And that it mored hi. np.l Fetearse, Michocl face down No his Ixkck. Fnemnn's nunhcr, lank rhe when asked if Iherc haul stand- hater any d.nwyc w 11er Nn- Shc said Tmrcy "had YI before April 7. she said t a I»rrd lift" and had been n6Onl a mnnsh print. her mn an di-bitily fur mental re- had been as h_ house psi n t Iardntion- Shc wns put in pnrticuhtrly windy day, and r111agr nfT}acry's disxblltry Ihe. when hr wns !caving, che"L-. ahc s:.hd, becu,sa she wartcl,vd Fr_n bur dn- I 'r-cy wns unable .n man- ns hr het control 01 the I g1tc her own Ilion— Wk.h htarpca on grovel oad skka- lho jury out of [he mwn, Jed across ihu highway-Shc Opal [esdficd she knew said Ihe Moped I'Nl Oulu i's Tracey to be a person who nidd and ns n ensue, the polka i null ".d1 yon oar ming s ••mc-xul up:' Ivdoy-d,hungc kl ecn,ak ly wu prior w ,in I"e, him e Ihr nest day- She was ren- Cne.nrr told Frenavrn's furca -Ind she look w much nwthcr she war free to medicntlnn, .sok If by Ihr Jeno.. Opal gold ahc had nn handful. Shc'J h.1lurirr..r way laomc because her sou off or Istat." had dr3you the tw'n O1' Them Coxmar axxed, "Are you Iv conn. She Jld n1x map- Am Of 7rr.-Y raises- ac- pour fn Ihe courtroom alter using Michact Irrecmun or lune h fnr rhaing raytam-1 s, n,c7" Opal answered the verdict, err s k -clan, "tC h yes, she accused him all S-erai emlars of the .i me. She wps profound. Fosler's family were in Ihe :he jealous sir Miehnrl:' currnroon, anrh Jny of .i,e she said she didn't a c, nd trlal- amrch time -and ahc ,w During bre closing aTgu- of lhchl of Icr Tpwty shot meet, C"111cr a W. "ThLa Micl.sol. rex comes down Io has the With she jury tack, Opal' slate ruled out all masatnnble 7aFggn agtintiry, bill xb%WIT. enpl-WAi s aahr aadsc suddenly said to Frcculan. of the dcu.h or Michael Fos- "Ynu need to put li camcm ter. try u._n End .has, up:' Thar {x Zoonabin douhl... Frctmun haul his cell TT,r physical and u3en- phunc and cnm.m nut dur- lillc and medical erisf n Ing court rna,a. days of ahc Jorsn'l auppon the i j.6i ma]- M Gee sold Ism E. pus Tracey Irrecman said her We corneas away and F}ec- htasbnnd B- ran Fos- rnnn apomgl-d .ml sa LrJ },c ser --- DyAnn Cole 0. med outdo', give the juage any Mr. Freeman choked Mr. arc trouble- Foster umiL blend came ... m Opal wmifa ed Tnarcy was of his rinse Iwl -leas you did u_m.hful person:' hear medi..Lly? Th.t Iherc "an McGee Asked Y eemnn wars ria evidence Of -tnngr.- ngmn if he planned Ike sex- lotion- ThnV' n l.nd of a5 Iffy, and Frccm.n said there .stn[ Ihr was scam] tet call "no poi":' He said he 911 herauad of Mr. Frcc- hAd pnperwark ,rein I»s tor• man. If someone you love mer anurney rho. he wal,rvd sculled in tIW. mnnr.cr. adminrd Into o'idence, wa uld you go lay down sett and McGee aakrd hire if go to sleep? All you h.vr to fu hal any yaeslimf,s about Jr, in Jia, 9I I " his right to l-liry. Freemen She surf Irneman incited said llr'd land u phLrr,. rail ofC tees into his "nkw. :rod the pre wi[ws night lhrentrn- while there. Ihcy had rbc ing his ]4f. and his m"bee's op ..-i'y m inves.igatc life and said he wax Ina an- Ihe crkmr scene 1wn didn't. knit.. lesrily. When he shm.'rd inresdga- W3tlk the jury out, Blown .ars Isis huhds, .herr was no argsicd for [he adnlixshre of brumes; or cuts atlas wrrnld upcoming I-firl any From Ir8lfr-etc he had h!I sa,unt,e. Fosrcr's m¢.hcr. Frckdn• Costner .aLked .bout about the hdLnka hue .,a rnster'a "rerkaoy drl.klny wore Holl Aboul damage to proble l5' nnJ I-limany the Mnpnd priaw 10 April 7• from Cole tbo[ he was an and for Ihr helmet, whi.lk n "tierce -week header" Brawn hod in n tang behind when he went to Freemen's hksch-ir, to be rd[mi.ted In[n home Ihe[ nigh,. where he evidence. Cni[RCr Argued prOCeeded .o drink a Inrgc [ho helmcr wasn't admit- maunk of liquor aha, mine) ted into cridenre during with she dmgs he was found The probable cause homing, to have 1. Id- system. tl_.- wrtr no w -.y Nor her to "He had n preay W -d -sic Col, nbous load or inn M -ling things Ill. I elmel! and its- w in man;' she said. nothing 1Lnkkng the helmet There w evidonco Brown haus w pas.or. he w Nog a hclmc. Freeman muttered, 'It's 11w1 night ,ash. soiJ,aw. them n.l ahe same hclm.t:' and v+ eviddarc he land been Mefier lois bin, to be quit, drmking her.. Ire ever gg GA ,he Iwo is ane n [he ti�nd, There was admit Fosrer'x mesh -'s sus, d rbc d.mnyc es.kmnny. and ane to admit o the Moped. she said, kn- e hrlowl i eviden=t. dice=ing Ihe JamaRe w rGer rulsxl her restimony fresh, and .here had been Ao oulJ 1x a31nw'ed "ot be. evidea,r..n.6emnlydry that F' -m mi ht h. - a. ria link rs- gen n up sr these w s g bIim nd belwcet. the ]et- t. go [O the b-hroom kn Ihe and Foster. The hclrm1. nkghi and fallrn.awsing his old not W admitted and brad injury. jun would nos be able -If You All h.- to snarl il. Fr .. Ihr.---.J.g. Lours arameahle vhes down inw n boa daubs- The b-- line is Sesido bun earl pWlCd auk a Ihe sea cannot rule a Moa. sof-gnilty verdin J_., wn I.-M.al, it kneans no[ pw 8 mwm laid the jury st ¢ n.nrs ,nada by Freeman to nffi.ccrs reminded him nF n like kn ahc Sh.krspnnan play Handel. which 0..en Benrudc said, "J"Im Indy doth prutcs. 1- much. Me- hink-: "Moat iinpono aly1, whin did .he defendant .•y' '1 Il a,cy can' I' try In pia li kx on mu' •Mirllo.rl F'uacr iridal.' A did.', du any- ing In hila-' Is u[ not uacc docs he soy .nyshlnp nlxui a Moped wreck:' Brawn sold. Hn IIIIJ she jury Cole and Tracey Freeman gave •Ihe ex -I smut u i-" acid hat there .rte no conspiracy bcLW en the wn of them IFteas- up with thu sum¢ , H¢ rolled De 6wcns '. paid apron]uro[:' and sa W hero wax aw rust on Ihr Mo- heJ bocnnsc rhe }Indy was plastic. n" metal. Michael lervc-e. he sold, "is a knlca. man, an snul.ivr A. the obit beside his arum=y, Frromnn sbonk his ]wad a, II-- w„rda and made DAVI}COUN-rY EYPER FR ISE RF,Cr1 RP.7 -lolly. Dec. 1.2016-9 hand gcstnres F.cewska. 1te -rd, V.-; ."I, .enation ead arc.li-, ingr ending Prader aM cnds- Itis draLs- tic .aid Free- ' neither e- dila!, nor hci cvahlc, bur the eyewl.- ss keam any uf.hu- who are rot hmger alive is what Ilc jury should hone" "Michael Fader did not light i"'. but lodoy, the ur' justice fights back Hrrawn concluded. At jrcat after ?311 p.m-, , he jury In h the room lu dc- uidc whelhor Fecmaa w• n" guilty. guilty of s -.n r der;.•. mauler, or gushy of volunmry mansl:ughler-A -hurt rime latero Ibry asked For phos :...I rlarirrmien sir Ihe dehnlrion of each of drn.l.n.en�v OI' Ihe charge-. .ad Ihcy .-Iinued rb.Ir de- Iib.naIn" al i;o5 Around a pm-,rs,c judge 'na.n.cara the jury m t their v Ioz if .hcy'w parked in .n Am. 1114, would be at'FerseJ by Ihe steel .Insure roe the annual bed Al-Ut La mirnol- eller they r Iumed frank snor- ing their = Macy c r hack with A -nI.Ic of guf lay nl .n-und degree murder. Freeman put It I, 'd nn la, ammo hneny. Iiia near runvlrriuus of emli ng threats, .wv D W I x.. and vwbuin. of a do- order4vkelrnce pru.v'C.iwc. w rc d-.-.d..nd Brown asked McCrnn for the n - entente. HF- men soddenly reached dowse beside Nun'. pmampli ", like 6nillifs to move gwrkly k. -n! him. e dumped out wren slat m. hic dor Cements of ahc Iluw- cr lxn., whlch he said w bh]kcll piccca !'mm Fro i Mupcd Ih.. 1'mrnwn fnalkl under Ira vee in his yard. He said he ¢tsn had n ykrli c of rce Foster"scuffed :' Raa- Icr. h. oats, F1IL down in I'm yanl that nigh]. "1 wiaheJ ]'a gen nn the sl ami -'itis is Ihe God's Insist ,r f'il gO stet fight to hell;' he sakJ,:aldkng he Jkdn'. [ratsty b. -u- M "fear aF drrcal. 'I'll is Ir a dint III Ile down " After xnlenclng him to 2fy$ to Z91 rs.anlhs in pris- with ered.. rnr any time hr hod xrved prior.. hkeing micased un hand. McGee .is11rJ Favd-a hack. Frre- mnn re-pnnded, "Ain't nn ;.,I ice in,hk, Iawn ucr,her A. Ihe haililTs moved to take freemwn Imm Ihr twnnxnn, h. said, ^l ahri , linen. g We You v hard Mase And 1 ain't gonna he nb.-d pit Costner gavt marc. of appeal - A juror, speaking on the Imdni.a of nnnnymitY. said nc�rc was linlc discus- . �eedeS beftvc rvmknp ,ed.r n "The%.clincher far m war when the do Fknac bind '¢ hard m t r e ux Ihnl r_c Y w ..tally rc- wraed Inde c. nddn'l do any- thing for hcnelf. taut then +Ire lCnslnuvl wan.ca ria [n brL.cvc Trsk- was amen .ugh to conspire with py- Ana Colc ll, $;rl thcirxuadcs -tmight" I;mmn.. she -aid. did.'. LuLp hLv rune Any wish his r rVmon, belurvimr or with hia mlcmp[- Iv smile and speak m hnr oukw tele rbc wdnroam during breaks. She z ld i. 0WAla1. a 10[.0 her I hal !.ScGou. a ser the rd- ul inns a point W apcak .n and thank cath juror for their service. ble Roo'. put put- ped ^.-:a...� a fall in the nn we r et - t e rnu n the in hhl. m bun. las.he -bit doubt. A lam, wbw rhe jou'+ went mar's -bit dcwM. A Wan ted: Forever ver Homes J lmmy Is a neutered male Terrier mix. His estimated date of birth is March 4. Jimmy is a sweet boy who gets along well with people. cats. and oli,er dogs. He walks wall on a laaSh and rides well in the car. He 15 a favorite of the youth volunteers at the adoption center. Missy is a fame IB do mastic short hair. Her estimated data of birth Is March 28. She lovas Iyeing with other kitties- She Is energetic end sweat. It you are Interested in odopn ng th ase or other availarife pets from the Humane Saciely of Pavia County, illi out an application at mow. davienchumane.org or call the adopilon center at 395.757.5214. Town Planners To discuss Rezoning Thr M�ksv11]c I's n ng Genual Industrial GI. 'Ihe dbacnikrely of J$Inn Bl]DOI. ski Ili- Semicea Depalmcn. Board wilt mer. at 5::31 p -m. pmpenp to w 9811 Sali4-ty OhWirl additional In, -kd.ys between 9 Ihe• 8 as Moa'kavillr Town Road orW is Dov Lr Cuun.y f rmation er, +uk questions nn .and 5 psn. Or by ,cic- Has 1 Tac Parcel. J$1f0A(I1)01, nb-I ahc tt-tu,g by visit. plmne o.(33()753-6050. at,aed racmherr. wLll rc- JRk90A0G10 spenionsl and ing Ihe Dcvclopmenr & Fn- rcqucsl by Brstcmn M- RAl,.mem ..p rrh,n Demolition to nxruhc approaimlttclY ... 15-S1.cn:s from Glen Space R-idic..inl OSR .m liii;h. Cnmtnurd F-kn Puke l Ow'cna :old Carol U -n. Dec.6 nutting. way Commerelnl FIC. The Ridenhour, A local lanai- good .g -J. wl.h I.kven- 'the pro. jeer ks cxpeucd prnpeny is between 1 I I4 ii -num -hO will Ica'.rbc Nn d rrNyinp Rel ler wu her to begin next August and and 1133 YuJkinvinc R_W MIt and moire f un his job firs) choice and.hal he (John be m.mpleled by rhe end of :end is Dnvle Cnunly Tex a n imumr,cr event sica, Fullers h- au "an metal- hT17- Parecl H4011K k1122. mmmh,:12- 1 weals like to n n1. in this community:' eSuperin.cndcm SFAFOM Hoard-caabcre will rc- sec uy c Fu3Lcr- Thqy sir hr. oar- STUMP WAL vlew n request by FhllHp a lceoi4ewmpany and Ihcy ran Hen rxss will ncgndard Full- in rcaene Appraxl• empinyae Dori. County noel with Feller ruid Lway c>rwea cewud a.ly 2.3 acres from li-lgk - pogalc. present itrn the hoola for faC way Crxnmerc iu! I'IC kr BoanF members Barham Their ramxidem[!on sit the .10 -DAVM COUNTY $yTFnPRISE RECORD. ThorsdaT. 1)-- 1.'-t116 Lung Cancer Screening At Davie Medical Hy I- Gera � The scteeaing i.se]P is _ Wake Forest 13aptist - - quick; i[ is door while the HealihWire - patient Folds hie or her I hrcalh forfive Ire SQ sewrrda. Lugg can -I kills m k is .Iso nyaninvasive-eo p.ople in thews man auy as[ dye is adminimered otter cancer, and Nonlh Cw- - and no IV ix requiral. Amt ofina has one of the highest the redinlion dose is less -ncident tures of lung than arta-g frh that of o tali 1n the c.nnlry xwrdtpg y,- _ to -tlie Centers for ni%epse !s'• '- - ~} - �l I[:� tint chest GT sera. The Wake roreat 9ap- Curitrol and Prevention. ' !{ar ' I.'- i L ' .y4sradrauuni singe:. the gr �!¢' •. tial prpgmm has bite, dcs- ignored Can,cur finis. ar survival m4. For w - Scrcen3ng Center of Excel. lung o¢ncer is less rl.an 5 - ^�� ; '- �_ Iencs' 3)y the Lung Cancer pareeal, One or the beak r - E Alllnncc, ¢ nadtm.l opo. -.ys to detects lung cancer /„� J is with on annum Imw.do_ .cV ,r profit Ih4t pmvidea support and xcsourccs to ndvnr+ Jf Cr scruenMg. Wake r,re.t f - -'w�^'.,.,' Eapiiat Heak[h-Dnrie Medi. ti+- F rceeinto the dlseese. Th --h ignatI. lecognlzca cal Ce..er is oneofn few in- / �- A ememl factors, k.elWIng cHi[ies in the region to offer the skit. of a pmgrerm's mul- lueg cnnwr screenings. 1611-elp,tnnry loam [G evn3u• D. ClirLatinn BCIIInger ate images and ep-ints-s has fi-cr-all.4, bol many ebnained f.h srleening and of her family members Vid, T� - treatment work-ups, as wolf s[epfnkher,n1:7-pack- Dr. Christina Beitinger, a with Wake Fdrest Oaplist Medical Canter, and Dr. John Mi- nn Ile care mf vrcmlogis[s pulmonologist allay amoklx, died ,f ]ung cheat Holbert, a Wake Forest Bapilst radiologist, discuss low-dose GT screening, whkoh can help "Pwplc and rnaiation onemlUg3sts cancer. mntn don'[ realise who[ nn epidemic detect lung cancer at an early stage. treating patients with lung nnnrxr. smoking Is," sxkl Sclll.Aar. ing. eelungcr and f Ilaw -moved, wi.ieh is elle best a high-risk population of me majority in early singe." She dressed that the low. ail interventional outman- pArOuroivgNM hove bakes chance f 11_Career- anW former smolt- 1[ i recommended 11.1 dose Cr screen ing, even an- ologl?t wire Wake Epee[ advent.gc of low-dwr CT A na[iu..d study involy- erm,The Mai hs were svcon- tike teak be given annually wally, is ML a subsfitute, l;hptis[ Mdicnl Cen[cr- sit nines that hni'c ¢ goodIng 53,000 pakicn.% and 1l elusive 4mt the study was to pevpk ages 55 [0 77 who for quitting amoking. "A "Lung e."" I. d . iced- record of detecting nodules instilutions [including Wak. ended early. I.- smoked about . pack screening scars is the beat ing ca u. of cancer deaths or messes at nn early stege Ft Mit Bvpdat) Compered "WAke Forest Baptist has of cigarultea a day for 30 opportunity to cpana d pe- lt ddS cnumry-oral,• than which In tum offers n Lena ma Imw�ose Cr screening screened mvar Sap p.denas, yen ,r Two pucka . day fur t, is on preventing lung breast, talon and Pro tare chance of surrivnl, scan with cheat X-ray, and and there has been n 2 per, 15 years. Some people can career," Be1ll.mr said. ca.ecr Comb{u-" Sum"ger said when lung f r d the Cr stens r 1s cent lung Canoes dereeli,n take she wxi catkin Ir they "Their Flea[ chance to reduce Besides .awumging all rnncer k caught at an aeriy W in reducing ,ung Cancer rake," Bdlingor said. "Ten are eansidered to b' A. n their risk of developing lung Of her palien[x tv quit amok- sage, it can ba surgically mar+allty by 20 percerµ in coot -re have been •Found, highs risk for lung cancer. cancer is to qult smoking:' i.asf year's WLTIE-17-T drew hundreds of people m Junkcr's Mil, in D -w ,tnwn Muc,rsvi Ile Fur On afternoon of free wi etcmitemed events. WinterFest .... - Cominu.d From Page I ' F4,informalivn by [he Muek.vil Le Tourism ¢bout WialT: fear, visit wow, D4veiopmcnt Au[h.rity- Mnckavf 1,Nc rg or call Two SALISBURY Locaiinns To Serve You. 1007 East Innes Street 1704-633-9585 2050 Statesville Blvd 1 704-639-9500 Both locations open for lunch Friday & Sunday Dinner Polly -1 the mackmr{ua • Tuueiarn Development Authority at 336.753.67115. Best of Davie Chamber Launches Annual Local Business Campaign TheDev. County Wi.Mock m ICind.non in twat obOal Dovin Coonly. chamber or Co.me- is Bermuda Run, ay working. together and conducting the 4th AFIOWI "Th. Best of foam supportingrich Other. Rask of U-1. A.Lads, Aw.rd me just auvthar, a odd to she Vlb.ticyr of Voting runs throogh way for nli io make ft Con. Davie CrnmTy--Again, elt- Dw. 15, rieclioA with i,9HOPD.vt4 n.Cly whet ISHOPDnvie is ' 77ia 5" of Davie and give the rnmmunily.n of I about:' saw. Chamber Awyds pmvidir the chem- opportunity to share whet President, carnlyn Me - bow With a Wlique way to they love moat about DA- Memory. After the hug. rucmgnlae the hard work Vie County;' MCManemy suttees of Ina[ year, the and contributionsthat paid- Charillaar m looking fin make Davie County o truly Besides Showcasing word to s ting how our special place to dins, bank, verything frim vaers' fa- buslllesgese gel 3nvalvad live, slay, shop and work;' yarite mat.urania to "The and [he result. of resident. said Cntelyn Mclsfannmy, Kitchen Sink Award;' Mc- & cuslolners showing their Cham her paesideal- Mammy holhas the compo- support far their fnvorile Bari of Davie win- [Ilion will be a fun any for businesacs:' "1" w111 be announced residents and husincssu to Voting ends .n pec, a. ma 47th Annum Devia connect in a speeiul way. [Sill at own. Vote at Iv,viv. Chamber Aw¢[ds Gala on "We hop' busincsans akrviccl amLerlrm. Nomt- Thursdxy, Jin. 19.2[117 xt will use IhC pmmai¢nil nate and vote far.candi- �-a m.terlals we hove de- dates in 16 categoric.: Best L.RENSHAW Signed an aocini mcd{n and Profen -cant Seavlce pro. PAINTING A al Iheir businesses to lnvite vider, Best place' [o Shop. Their curlanters Ire .ami- Best Civ[clN.nprmfiT, Beal a painting ,Ate Ihnm:'she says,"And O,If CoOrae, gest Vine• we want Idividuals ra ml- yard, Seat Pjpcc to G. ly together and -how sup. Fit, Best Phmmg.pher, Pon far otters in The war- Best F,.ce to Gel Benud- muniry who are deserving fill, gest place to Worship, Of A Best of Davin dcsig- Ben Landseiper, seal nation• Wha[ Neuer way MedlcauDenlnl or VBion 3�TO show apptrcimian F a Pmctien, Best New B -1 - business. organ6ndw or new, Bcst Place for Your 9(��,, Person in the wmxnunity Pet, Bost Pince Io Work. v+ -y. than w namirm. mem rot But Restuoran[, and The a 8.R of Davie awer97 Kitchen Sink Aivand_ "'Phis is jest mamthex For more laro[ma- way for uv to make a tun- Lion tun the gest of Davin n..I with the tmpm- awards or tickets TO At- �. Tanec of supporting a0 ,rsr .end the gala, conn the local b - - and giving CYwmhr-r m 336 75l 32164 ' [he cvmmsmh van opponit, orrrrhu nEerlRdoyirroann-- ai[yrpslwrCwhatthey-Imre r Spots Davie Win 1Oth Straight In Round 2 fly Brian 1•tus Davie En[nrprise R4culd D.A.'s l tbalI room put up 32 f rsl-hes, rpnml. ngninsi an up -I [hat wns Al Lowing lS.H per gums and land n -A .Mewed 5O in . g, la all year. This wmnd he- be- NN"Ing stuff- eac4pl that D.Aln's offcn-¢ hes dahe stmHlar s[ufr vi. -,ell ieuon. 7.ha War Eagles retied fm m the res .u1 -el, bent iting Knnn.apol is 3g-19 {n Friday's second -round AA playoff gnme and pmducd 34 -plus points Forthe 101h time. W hot mate the victury [hat much swatter is they reached thequnnerfinnis For ore fiat time since 2oIn. D -ie, she top send ;n she 4A Wes[,impmvcdln Ii, I wi1H Its Inti [rnlghl win. The N-5 Wonders finished 9.d - "We pushed mein pinny hard this week m pncticc," DayLe i [Crim mach Tim De -ricks said, ..We jus[ felt like we were in a hill fmm the previca. two weeks. We wear nos 6x 11ng at the mte that deme:mW aur .-=and kw Was not whom it hooded to t- So we pushed 1114m pretty hard and I think it lwasfencd aver: .• We b:d n grtnr week orpmcticc. pmb-bly the ba's1 wlxk we've had u11 ye.. " linebacker Jnmcs Bayle 4 we a grin up and ready Io put it on sanlebady:' It wax a record -.ening nig hl for no f wcr thea fuer W r Eagles - gnurlerbnck Chris R.ynalda. ver COope, wall. Royle and kickerlpu ester 1 an d G dgq.. D.vle displayed r ry harp .Wuhan during i deeix ve 111.1 hal L On 1 he third play of r he Varna, 1Cnnnapoli%' qu lr erback and nhn- ning bock bptelled n lh.ndmff and Davie derwsive tnckie Spencer WA.- ---W thefumble a the Kannapokis M. Oo fkrsl down, Reynolds went up lop to W111 and the result was n 2U•ynnl rnnchdown- Knnnnp,lisdid not adjusl properly lO Uavie's muddle.h ld u F rmn- Unn, tad Reynolds Wmpleled x [wo-point pass in arlgge For an 8-0 lead 111 ess .Iain . minmc in- I.lease See 3MIT - Pvge TW Mason Wlison makes a catch over the mkddle, DAVIE COUNTY E�ISE RECORD. Thm-ibay. Dome. 1.2016 - Bl Quarterback Chris Reynolds Ihraws on the run. - Photos by Mark Fl ayd & Tammy Farmer Dudley Visits Davie Friday -•I'n- Playoff -Quartert-inyal - - By 1srlan 1't[ev0. Sep., 2, the first gunner wosaxkedifhsllbe OKAh plwd, Davie Enterprise Record corned with Davie ahead 3-0, Ar -fw sure.' Reynolds aid: "I'm then pu4.1. Dudley had :3 yards, good,[' -rotor, hut. that', akcut it=' ycs,.he degree ar dirre sty is two gni dnwex ural had platted ARerleannH lhmagh Wanyyga malt Ingo up for Dav ie's football twice. Jared Griggs' second field in the s.o d mond, Dudley rentor n- Way up, goal mode in (-., It was 7.6 - in de 1emsiye hack Brien Seagrnrea: eIITheW Engles, Ther o. t seed,. Outlay's favor- with less than n who has -it, to N -C -Central, the 4A Wcsr, will be the underdogs m .r tell in dh4 first "0., asked about the our reund- whenteyhvs.No,2DudleyFridny 'n1.'s going .o be o Tt. of fun:' aLW.'- inner and simnger(01 n nr 7:3Q pm- in [he yunrtcra oats. D. 4e linebacker lames 8nyle said- Uoviel, but wr need Ip be smarter sem resorts ora 12- l - "ive'I! hepreparcd withnvty doubt then we wam tonfghl,- he told the The psychology er. his molchup and it.hnnld be a gees. game. We've wiastpnSnlenh Journal. heschenged,incerhePmihens'3=-6 won to -F.", inarow. We'rerlding Dudley tooth s.ephen Davin wiser Dey l4 on Sep[- �- in that ane, pinny high- We think we can beat [o td rhe Journal: "i'€xy're a good Davie r}uatmrback Chris Reynolds 11 "'y", Imre. I know it wHl be ¢ dIFFerent wnu llmp3ng -.ad all game no o W.11and Reynoldsgorb-pg i.p go... thin time arid" t.d -k4.. Receiver Cooper Wall against Knn0ppolis-W4lour Shit Oavic h. -ti's toss alone the nalus[cvnn iry'.ry in sht first holt- second hnlf with a shoulder injury. Dudley gmrie, but it Will have itc Lake In the regular -son. Page c"In The ft Nt quarter, I dor' "'I work cut out .gains[ Seagraves, a edged UGd]ey 23-22. Dnp a handed lakernure, rid landed on my nhoul- 6-5 q-ticitnck headed res Vltgynia Irage, wl.irll is !=-i and ar311 alive der;'Wnll said, "Thu gory ]nndedrm TechlFlenten HornkerJ nnd.jwi� in AAA, its only loss by a score of nupufine. When I gm[vp 1 couldn't Dh hepdd to UNC[OJ-Crosse, 39 .al m Aug. 19- - really feu! in that well- I would have The panther: lead the sit Fief: There ly aloe more cvsmm,n hod To fight through it fin a elore, 6.1. In the first round in 2011, Ihey'. vpponenl. Dudley beat Soutltaea. gW.e]:' bra. Mvie 29-25 on . Hail MnrY Ulli]ford $$-8; Devic bawl SEG Reynolds rib-. ,bd some shms . gul--runehir.g "Li.. QB Adan L' J I.4A kn.he lira mond- in nhefwnh y4ancr-Ben Sommers Smith's career -'17w1 was [he fir j It's one massive game rs rellaved him f the final three se- meeting s tc E992. when Qq f.rroldnble roc. The u mospl erre nes; breaking a 24-ynrd non befpae BuIrbn Calera" willed Devic to i• m War Engle: Stndiurnt could he DvYk went to V1c[ory fenlnalion. 25-IIt lido y. Dudley Ilan. three: one r r the age.. And Davie has a Bah say they'll be ready r game Winni eg :utak in The auric%; ggh.u. e7once. comb.[ wine lrriday, Whoa Wag I.eluding. 56-14 blowout in 2015: Absher Happy With By urinu Pitts In a happy locker room. Rest of Dauie Enlerpriu Record all, 1.v. players hit double figures. Cory HeLhep, whoa waged b -H Even If ea-li Mike Abcher nst year, cam points Ie up big with doesn't have all the ingredients 15, Hearn Slnb-it (13--2 ppg Ivs[ he will have once Davis s football year) had IA. MLehaei Wa11on (5 -5 easoq ends, his patchwork boys ppg Inst yearl had iQ-',loose thrx b.sketbnll tenor sound o way tp are cure players,'fifey had m play ,pen the se a with n 66-56 win big and they did. ns C1e.ral Davidson on Nev, �. "'tenth has..1 e a huge 3eader- Not only was Abxher msstng ship rule, and he does a lot of things fornbail play:., m notably that people don't see;' Abxher said, Cooper Wnll,he wnsmissivgsenk,r "Mictlet go. some tough 50-5Q swingmn. Dylnp 8hoffner, who is Lally on the defensi,'e hoards. We urskng an ankle injury-Dnrie Wm- carne nut Of A rimepu[ in n huge pensaled with wislanding varsi9' possession. We put him at the debuts from sophomores Or -c. high p, C dribble p m -'inn. McCornmeIT and Jamb Hendri:_ he hiostt Cory on tb4 baseline (for a "Will, This group we have¢ seem- basked• Michael is real plod in bled right now, it was a Ute e,grear that arca .[.he gran- Cory gave us -n; Abxher said_"LYe shnrrd the energy and csrated seeLa.ce ball_ le seemed Lie a cmrinueripn oppartatities of tut ywr [whew Da.9e fialshed But Daviemight not have bad enw+gh jatoe ro spoil Dusti. The W Pagjes kryr Central as T singer's debu[asCentral's - _ --• -s length eU gnme. leading 19- without nnncworvthy r-ity debars 17 alter the firs, y„arrrr. ;9.33I feria, MuCtajs cad Hendriz i..+n;-..-aid 4742ahn thrcr.They Th.& -5 M.0 ut=had 13 paten par -y the 3-A.pkc aen[wid,19 ,ohne drai.iagtwnnf tkovWs fivr founh-efrra[tcrpisims- 3-PL-- Tbae wns plea.- to talk abQ4 PW -Sec Hupp] - Peg B6 Opener Heath Slabach shoots a 3, n - Photo by BriaPm tB Wrestling Team Looking Sharp Wre dj g Couch cuddy Lowery usually finds some ran its with his Tr¢ai nn owner how well it might be doing. btu he hex had uoubl , lindirlg nnyrhing wring with 1)oyia's Rn[ two outings - The War Eagles ver still missing starters from the fwtbnlI ream, yet mere h s been no dmp•oti no The mol. Thera days after capturing a I.1 -scam munxannenr 4t W Ivuga, Davin sod four opponents for a doormat In n dual-Ie¢m curet at St. Slepheaut ail Nor, �. ..,it went Z. ehewi ag up Freedom t54-17). Glenn [51-1131, St- Srep u,4s t50-22) and North IredCH (60-23). North wa- 3-0 an the day: when it squared.Ff wrilh Davie. but that mprehup yearned like. replay - ,'mm earlier Davie ou.mmes. "We're a preny good dual learn. going to be even butler when we get These frwrbal I players:' Lowery said, -if they oyer get in the pokgt where .hey comrol thru weight and don't have (Io lost weight) Bias day, they are Pretty --p " Scaioas Hunter Smith (1l3 waghr d.ss1, Tbmmy Trader (126), Kyte MrCuna ( 170) .rid Jesse C.ner (3951 and juni.. Nick Gillis ( t 20) and Craytn. Wise [ l6(n went 4-0. Smith and riser - 7A is the _-a-M.Cune and Caner were impressire'with four pins apiece, dile Wise--t-died three pins, ••Smith is lnleased:'Lnwery said --He knows WL.'s going on -He's doM it for so long, I had three heaters an Today at p-evou and 3 bet you he didn't even hank a --- 1 do." knew what it wvufd take for him m L[raY a swcat- -Gillisis jus[ sq Bang suoag,l menu he can get a mkedown.Tradcr jus wmky trxd_ [mean be gees m (lush Smrdey's ComLn Artsllenlca) and wresnies. Hie halts tI.- lost. is juas]aan'd wmkv- Thc■3br Eagles.A-0 for the I0th weight year. got 3 iefforts Som senior David Sig- ( I32)aad jrulias Josh Shere (106) pad A= Smhh 1192), Gaming 2�2 wee samrx Will Allen 11381. junior 1-7h %ly-i 1521 a od snpbsnsunc Sp-Be].12201. -E. none of the wood. hlni"1.mr+es5-Ld- B2 - DAVrE COUNTS• Eh-nMPRJSE RVCORD• 7lwsdar, Dec. 1. 2016 Crenshaw, Wilkins Lead South Ben Crenshaw 1--a beyond the arc- Fta)deb xwo from hi. high 13nm Past - - n 19 paters. South Da- Willinnss.Ow•c¢Byr_. Hol- ye.r when he avenged 17x¢ tf1, IYdDOt Goa 's hay. basYetbell Seam Ieman end Jnck Reynolds Mt carry the Wodcam BLOW Our .' F141r1L - - ton a S�E , n knocked ea nine 3-pokmen n ach- Nnte stank. [seven Px.1PrnCandruunl 3523 C7enansons F Dad litT'if]IV Cimlmorn 76Cr2239 and pounded Visili.g Sunt "they had Iwo or three points). F.Ihnn Wrlkins (six) puter system] here at the shop !or all domaeik: and most Forelgn cars." Mark noted• XQ mi[52-34 on Nor. 21- ►id, who arc 6-0 or 6-5 ;'-d3.T.A31r. I llvpl contrib. 5amn of the other services A & D provides are: lsiftiwL The Tgers hnve been so c ach. G...in Mayne id AIM m rhe victory. this is • Oil changes - PERKINS good that dtis was Ihel, cl¢.- said- -We ct+yid get w it.. Matt M11cPherstn=k 17th yeor • Auto Inspections ■ ROOFING ti t err game during a 34 start. rock, but they blocked a 1.1 -h, and his Wildcats • Wheat alignment CplrtaEgnrnant trvt� Theyused a 13-0 con in The of il+otx- When we get in the arc eeking a third winning •Air condGlonirk� repairs -mow , second quarter 1. Inkea 254 hnlfcourt, we kind or drug- u w. They went • erakes - crre¢ranobreprieer• RRordatrla hAlfliate Iced. Jock Nixon gltd because yr it,,length. n romhi reed 2? -g in 20[4-15 pam011[lOn AX Suit Bagwell Iii be here Deo 18. ueiled rwv 3e, In [he quem, But they mu1Jn'I hnndlc our and 2015-16. and wl at a wire string eve • Crenshaw put up nl leas[ press. I put Ben nt the top of N, Davie BR, Im".4c"line 15 points for she third xlme- dtc P;_, -and wk got a IuI nr Heart of Al ry 4A - Inme. gig Time Wrestling Here Dec. 18 MJ nolle man and Nixo. Iayups out of our press:' Wilkins 27, Nate Il reeks 7, lm • Complete aura and light [ruck napalm e.t with sdvc¢nndyix uhnnwtlk1t1.6,JT A1kn 5. Big Time Wreslong NWO Star Buff Bagwell, Darrell El+trw0o6 will sing palma, respmtwcly, ns South Jnmoawilkiu, r g.p M_, S. 13.11c 52, Sumrolt 34 Carolina. co s WD -W Former muhipie NWA Trtg lbe Nnlional Rntt+em and produced 10-C. - eiglmh 20.point prrw is Iwu - Ben Crcn shnw 19. MJ Cnitnty i{iyh Schbol wicil 'tenor Champinn Rock And signing autagmphs. South blended .uta Wer years, oral Nonh Davie e¢and Holleman 7, Jltck NIXon the nSeasone Beatings" Rola 8mpresees Ricky Mor• Tlekcts me on aaW At the .It¢0ting [nine 3-pvinlcrs] to its 12th c¢nseL'ulive win 6, Gage Rec ktcnwnld 4, event on Sunriny. Dec- Ig or tan. 15- Impure Wrcs- Di.c 1 Car Dcpu[ on US with a smothering press to with a seaynnwpaning 66-04 Jnck Reynolds 3,Hayden 4 p,m. [I3 ng r[nr Go.rer, R, -S of 601 In M17ockxville, 515 lar win comfortably. Cremhaw verdict n[ ]mm.ealme Heart Williams 3, Owens Byen H will ineltkle f ,rarer Honve .ter Rrme Rob Br- odulrs nod kids nnder 10 oro and Nisen hit three Awl two of Mary an Nor. ZI - 3, CnIeL Slecic 3. Vymcir W WF Mg To:un Ch.nspi. nes plus ninny more. odmjb.d free. .hots, r¢apectively, from Wilkins scored 27 points, 1. wiw 2. JT Rnmgantar 2- on Demolition AX. WCWI CnatHry MUak singer Visiting south Davie': giriy bos- ketbnll leant would h.re liked a muliil'.. f the rirst qunrtar. Tht Tigers outsmstd ria fixing Summit from the and qu,ner on. hat the dole in the first sic minutes as tqp deep to av4•K .i. n 38-26 dafoat on Nov- 21 AAO,open irg the semen with 22- And 17 -poi t Wn lames. the Tigers .tipped to 2-I. They also saw the lit I1 - Summit Hands South Girls First Loss game winning .1-ir come to five - with Poa.casscn to a . enl,'Ihcy am Won, - a a! lha ball - in the ruurth 15-1 dei,cit at the outset or qu¢n_e ,hl, gm " r -Wc mored it o ,red '^Choy heel three or four gave up a three-point play," ninth gmdcm.ond I probably Mayfield said. •"the [deficit] shouldn't have told them m beck by from diets." they hnd nimtb graders, bc- w�uy In Cnidwoo, who trod ".-Il seemed lih.- aims aIAI:dui16pointnst out afmid;' aasis[nni conch son throng[, the firs[ lora Germain Maylield grid- games of [his .casae, hnd n The Tigers climbed b-ir Immakoulefferl wile 13 te4m• m .$Mi-bly. ntltgxlt. do fie it high points-DIM. Thtum way next with eight. ing 4],-9 rel I mmneulHle Lrlrlx good things by gcning "Snmmil was just r Home r Mary Pre Nov. 21. the boll in the middle of the exl+erWnced:' b_ad."'ILey Sixth -S radcr Samar John- court and looking backdoor. rent marc sk tiled. In the s n did haven ce mid- But we hnd n herd times fin• _coed hal F, we played them d1e:-%-lion]. debut! xc mg ohi ng tu�u rid he hnakc[." real well:' six Inc.. Eight tic -d- FmmaeuIme Heart bI nhnru Ihrec Mar 41 N. Dario 9 T'hir ores 8vttth'. nml Mot- $ n 1'.11 y tea• si- a 37.29 dccl.ion puSm. and swore nbauads. S-1 Jobru . K. DeSL.. .gains[ Nonh Wilkes vn ••They pressed us A. we Join ,x 3. Nor- 23.2015, got vffu,r bus," mar], Tnw- storm it 36, S. Dade 26 r Gooch nnid. "We hnd - L'uyla Caldwell 12.Oly. Nnrlh DHviu wax aver worked txr prew ellease re,. Tarurm a. London Dirk. 4, mmched in ire try seer, los. the 1.2-1-I zone trap. We did Chnnrr Fc -l- 2. BUhM E BUNNIES BOLMOUE WESTERN BOLMQUE We Have Mow& Come vise! aur Hew locution? 58-1 Court Square mock<Suille 33a-3as•�ao Growing up In Clemmons Mark Dinkins, owner rel pairing automatic Irarismt.sion5-- A860 Automotive in Mockeville, hrtew that when he some of the ihklgs A & D speeialmas'In are akrc- tf1, IYdDOt Goa "O( BLOW Our .' F141r1L - - ton a S�E , IFII 1�1N Px.1PrnCandruunl 3523 C7enansons F Dad litT'if]IV Cimlmorn 76Cr2239 BUhM E BUNNIES BOLMOUE WESTERN BOLMQUE We Have Mow& Come vise! aur Hew locution? 58-1 Court Square mock<Suille 33a-3as•�ao Growing up In Clemmons Mark Dinkins, owner rel pairing automatic Irarismt.sion5-- A860 Automotive in Mockeville, hrtew that when he some of the ihklgs A & D speeialmas'In are akrc- 1171C�w1�C opened his own business, It would be Ge In this area. Ironies, computer prolAems and check engine lights. x.77 The Gigged part u$ his felaods lived to Days County I have the Iaclory scan 10-15 (talks to the Cars cam - r�7 CreatinRT so he knew the Clommons, Advance, Mocksyllie area re would be hest for him. puter system] here at the shop !or all domaeik: and most Forelgn cars." Mark noted• XQ "I use to ride my bike up and down Lewisville -Clem- 5amn of the other services A & D provides are: lsiftiwL mons Road when it was stili a two -Lane road,- he saki • Oil changes - PERKINS In a rearm interview. •My parents still live in the same • Auto Inspections ■ ROOFING ti t house I grow up In." • Wheat alignment CplrtaEgnrnant trvt� Mark, a 7980 graduate of Wast Foraytn High •Air condGlonirk� repairs -mow , School, worKed Ior ssveral years at a garage in • erakes - crre¢ranobreprieer• RRordatrla Ciamments belwt he opened his cwn business in Ad- • Tune ups PQdY iZ "bels Vance In 22005. He nawnl moved to a new location H • Damoreht caval computer Pi p p ana a Phone: 3.36.753.9.5 I4A6 tit y,tnz lust off Farmington Road in Mocksvtlle,- H 1 new shop lm • Complete aura and light [ruck napalm r'incc-B� Is oonvenient to 1.40 near North Davie Middle School • Tire and Wheel ssrlas t• <" k„e+mum oa oar and the new High School- -I As the cooler rnanths approach. Mark menlior,ed to � .''�' 3Wh$ , ee. i,: rfxYirlleNC * www rr.++s in A] -Saes have always wanted to have a famky-orientad business,^ he mantionod- mAnd having my Customers matte aura you check your vahicle's cooling system and check the anll lroara reveis. ct�f::j knew that they can trust me is everything' A 8 D Automotive is Located at leaSSACmree PlaceA & D Automotive cantakeParaofjustabout any- In Mocksviga(duston1-40 at the Farmington Roadthing a vehicle needs. They are a ane -stop shop- exit)- Mark can be reached at (335,996-7860•do a lot of things other mechanics dont want m •iris snap hours ora 8:00 am- 5:00 pm Mon.- Fri,touch," Mark added. We even have a source,Far ne- and an Saturday by appointment. ' Is]% ire I �dJrarrno Rrtd Cx,Jin� i �R on. coot. wDnrs7 thir Rsaar� a.ve[Cr,ier of up 1. 61,175AWFlJLrit- i nrradr w msossaoep 1 - � farwdl aw sort a.iouptn saepm i 1 r ■aerl�r'�ODW lee SAVING I i «eet. w.r.taax�•�r° • .a a 33fa-9ift-91 1 I 1 YX 103 �e P1q.,e. • al[vclam7iarNC Q+'# eOl4a, Fh,my.gr�n Idnid cuU • PwnWlr Emvnm!•-ltepatrwmt,aeemn • � nor,. a.. �... ixa. a..er P... 336-998-7880 K t� Comes BOURERSH �jP rp.�rricd �,ex�oss�C s-,� 3P+vfasinrraI$m6pls 7rs-n anon . 6 ami sem. sans -torn -rem (336] 766-9011 �', oernalte•aiarnsae 91 DAVW CU17PTiY &NTERPRISE RECORD. Thorsduy. JJec. 1.2016 - 1S3 I. Aryuic mr e.lrr rsapl a pl yre, nF err Rarie 4. Ir C- ariie+,,hr emrmt wore cm dnilA ik coal $200 BONUS PRIZE For 1 at Perfact Entry C1WaY Fnlcrim Reaxdmld Ihrlr afaltes. only „sen* An of 1.. to err err Noker ores 11. Lwtoll rune $ 2 yltnxJ AT pend¢ppLGf rile W entries niw x ma migiPal awxJs will teJnid.l rgiully rink q lx why nrwSPArt[PGIlUj71 7$I�, S. Hairs ml he Mi.sml n t k Fnk to Rxual Go Davie Hi h 2 rr.arr in Nis %tat s mmeu are meed m rocs xfreSpnrliftcwhweekthedhorisk�doll7lS 1 t prixe �freresan.n m (hese torn FA". Fill In Ale amiss Kmk Noires[, lkrsarilk, ltiC- � Cap 6. Wn War Ea les, mstuhnll,rmkAe IryxldxknrpdeRewd,leo. g 8ar'A, Ahaks+i8c, rsr 27026. nrrs will k mrrc'edd no exb mn riml. Dnislons of judo rjN be Tml. Anew eitto will Le Fha enpdnl mnPrtly prafcb�rp the wrearce retail annsanmf wdl week neck M71 acxi+'e a tows of SC96. 15'trkky oases c+,P gWtn,+ldre Cpl ss Sri swan, pk+et. 2nd Prize Your `Horne -To Ilan- Drug Store 5P1 LLIMANTS (1 p p 71RE3 FOR.- t-ebmeear.ve-teen ll p . CAM Foster drug Co. HOME Large ter.: : Tirmir 7YvckJ: �}, FUEL OIL i i • Farm Equip. 495 Valley Road - Mackavllle, NC .. y Cl today for � Lawn EauJp• 336-751-2941 MealingaflRelrvery! 1083Sarlis ryRc d�Mp yille r-aklewm,r.oNrr.3t. t 011 Today for Delivery Z 84-Z5 51 1336] 753-8094 p, p 7w e3-8 t I I WE BUY GOLD! Fallow the Davie Y6tu' Erll1! Sc•rvim 11,4 -hide 3fpinlen ani Cenh'r 56rh Y �1 �V E�=p=eAi ND NEED TO TRAVEL TO A DEALER @C�TYOMIUME! Now offeringwA11.Ford-_M._!n-•M1lercrrry--- + LoOkfar us•orr-"1Factory Dlagnoitiea A Programming QIAMora ^ GOC. GAf.r.E err Facebook and on aur t- waaerd r- cuadetno t "pltilru rfrrryoUrcar." ASh it:AVtLLE 336.751.5116 sore 1628 3{toy. s111 s.751-1800 H. ;,tit,^.�n�a,,_....-..r..r�k. www.curdavie.com bnldr ehrumn err[- - Mock -1 r• 1Z. i -A Ham, r,Hrw Enpr,ta 1441 13-dmon Rood M1tocluxPlie, NC 2762E }' Ll're . 4 -when lire Lela you down, w6i'liepiackk you up: INGO Ears-Drirt�Spes Large • ��ErS ■O� 24 eMur Rnrdetde Roabaek fierviev •g Jowoh]r Oesrgn selpclfon of 62.33-Ibvvnoenter Drirc, [:Icmmorw An. Modlum 6 Heo.y putt Tewtne �S -Kapott r " Diamonds t336)76ft7095 _ �'_ watches, ..yt„^ ,r Jvsaph Crafts, Owner www-Joesfaws.eom . special 0raers `•n Gold chains. ,,. see om,,.Y ente.,I^ _y,•.,,,^. - •Watch Kellett z, Fernings • •. - . • - - • � - ' • • 2^d3 ravae Idx �m • ]aSfl50; *. ADVERTISER WINNER 1. FOSTER DFM P0iii sct r•MMONS �'�VUOR y' 2. OIIROAYIE ON a If11 14 C16AilS �63i 1 �� ��9011C ' 3, DUOS roll r;..vH*' 3,36.778.11944 . _ 14, PU Arts I DRSVIG COUNTY 15, EVERPRISERECORD , ENTERPRIl&,R' ECORD 3 , 8. WINCIOSJEWElERS I FULL COVERAGE ON NEWS & ADVERTISti4Cr g 7, ?am I P.0, 6V- 99 171 South Mabe Sc, MocWvllte. NC 17028 .gr I a. JOES TOW phony (336) 751.7119 hx: [3311) 751-9760 - , www,ourdpvie.dom - �TSL TORAH 1 Congratulations to this week's 1'n•r�saaRRE'sTIRE�AUTa y FOOTBALL CONTEST 1. Moss , I lP. DAVIEJEvI'ELEHs 1 113- TLC AtRaMomE Tit 8 raker 1 Padir[ Or moral uo r m the [0Ww' ng game. La urs Orr First Place = $20,40 to John Wayne Gregory hrtleMeak=rwi]""usrdlndrl Second Place = $5.00 to Colton Naylor I Davie vs. oudiey l It was a three-way Fie at the top this week but John Wayne Gregory took Rest Place I after he used an excellent pick in the tie-breaker game to edge out 2 others with 3 1 NAME: 1 missed games each. Goming a close Second Place was Cotton Naylor wile was just a couple points off our winner in the tie-breaker- Congratulations to our own Davie I ADDRESS: High War Eagles who came out on fire last week and took a COMManding lead otter visiting A.L Brown High School from Kennapolis-This week the locals are haute I DAY PHONE: NIGHT: again for a rematch with powerful Greensboro Dudley who handed Davie 03heir only I I loss this year hack in the third game of the season- GOOD LUCK WAR EAGLES? Ensries rams[ Se Racer ad Besore s pm Friday B4 - DAVIE CouNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thane day. Dee. I.2016 Notes & Quotes More School Records Fall In second Round Grl ggs said- "1 immediately went over to the sideline and Fly orlon PIM D -m knlelprlse Ra rd Caper Wyl's record-setting expiWi- [oak Ilk lypas. It's extremely rare so ser a Junior breaking core,, record. - not IR mention he to isscd two games end mon n1• another Il, is year will, no i jury. It's M rima: mind-bOggl Ing the r rds Chris Fteyarvlds is lxruking cvask"ting he's only been rhe snrttng qunnerback F _'-3 SnmaF the nrl$s d two I his year will, cm ir(j. Well emceed Darta',r 38-19 -,raid•-und Mn over Kanaapolm with 147 career -lb-,tied for first w1eh Sen PJlLs. He now has lS I. Reynolds Il, rc]v two TD p- -.Shing him 57 and Farting ¢ tin for first with a.-I,Bvng.Mdh was RnyO- olds' lath 200 -yard p:OOing to—. tae is now tied for first with Berge In that category. Reynold%tossed-uhiplc TDs in n game f Ir the 18th time, another retard. Berge is It +,tend with 17. o Linebackers James [Wyle and Cody Hendrix htd - gulp - 27 tack!,- aPno in a 42-14 first-raund win ever Southens, Guilry0 txin%Ion Whhnnreand Broe Bamet e hod [ 1 and nine. D-Thtvl tad Boyle Io fcrvN 182on theovulyl. Rka 2004,an1- 174in?rick Lwry (01, Chri"Ism Launius 168 in 2o14, Billy Ridd[c 165 in 2M3, Lo4tm Buchanan 165 in 2005. Lgwcry 163 in 2000 and Boyle 160 in 2615. Hendrix'- perfn o0unce tined him into a sic ror seventh with 163, Boyk, a fourth-year varsity player. entered the KnR- nopoiis game with 473 varee:r tackles. tying Jared Barber's mark from 20D7 -]a- He hrp]te that record aim hia filar tackle w4 Friday. Rice hod 460 f -m 2f402.04 and Lowery hed 457 Fmm t999•0 I - And you'"" 0"niate what kickcrlpuR[er Jared Griggs hos mcnnl W his tram- Against Kana¢polis, he went 3 rvr 3 nn licld gnats w break the record far FGs in u. Mj- Hr's 15 of 17 on tie year. D- id Wooldridge hit 13 in 1999 and 12 in 2(101 . Griggs amend his stn Lot year under the ruder, going 2 for 5 Iasi year and only beeom Ing She sinner becuusr Jon" Young wplr text re lnlwy- "s hey're pmgrcm guys;',troch Tim l7evedcks slid vFthr .They work ns herd as they can and they raise the [,vel of prey of everyone n-und Iham- Griggs was son of overlooked and he's worked his Tail off. I'm teeny p -ad of him and cxriled for him Iv laky Ills conc1; (David V 1dNdge) out. Ht's Vitiag some looks t sm9ller sn:hools. We'll Sec where ha Loads:' -nit-fly, Waoldridgu hos groomed Briggs • Auld Row one of his many records Ix gone. "1t was nmoziag;' as bragging no Wooldridge- [h was) a sum—ora Wonh of hard work- Every day coming out -d kicking until the an Sae% dawn. Davie offensive litre coach Jhv-ee Welch tweaked his unit for Konnapoli%, switche¢g Russ $tames from right guard to left gunrd and moving pre - Rvbenee. from left to right gwrrd- Luke Pinnal?- (left uakle7, Se flay Sloan (e Cer) and Dex Bray (right lacklO remained in [heir homes - lire offense went Off f r 26 fin, downs and 390 yards, 7,e1]hIg 8 of S7 third dOw- and 2 of 2 fourth downs, • DRvie and Kevnapolls mel for the fir%t time Since 1988, rind the War Eagles beat [he Wanders for the firs, time in sly Vies.... Slrcne- Wilwo got Isis third funtbte secovety- [yin$ Brpc Isamene S the lea- Iead. --.A 12.1 retard 11 iM41mesive any time, Lu[ [hes l2.1 mark is something to beheld bepauae, acceding to the Brian Slmmons'rank- ifir., ]avla has played 11-,e sIntz'a I2thAoa3h*e4 xehedulc- --- Daviehas 12 wine for rhe third limery. in school hislv. It wenn Id- I in 2004 and 1&2 in 2006 model tooth Doug l Ing, ••- Thts 1% Dark's eighth quanar5nplian, T71c others: 1997 under Be ,ji. Brawn and 2DD3, 20o3,20D4, 20135, 2006 mad 2D1D under tiling. iota, ... Conf1¢uad From Page Bi they at have great hands:' looking when the shwljlm oaealunded, I2-yarnd elreus o . jiser"on 12 run ti3d". at15MR'd • Miliwmra liaF, bla1, rM4•]a. SrvtS-T,Lyn]r 3.6, mitred mdhSshiminthc coach ut +Ile hound 't'he kieki. lilt- It wnxa past," Wall said- Peyton Ham plan, the snaps ary' 7htrd V•enrr r isle 1.2,Nlena 1-1 '"1'l, -Y w rc playing press hmui%ing n.nning baric.%card Cace mask. Plnyera irate ball, 15 -ploy drive was tapped n-or:ae.3ar M. 1,M, rnSSNn •wluw.anaxa-x- covempccl gar him W the the first of his Iwo TDs ns leemm froze, thinil. n: nag by Grj ' third field p. -I rexnlh pavur, Iia. ort. 0, l•4❑ Inside and Chris put It right Dav1c grnbb d n 15.0 ltp coming fora false Stan (27 yards)- D-Gng6t xi FD, y:O]- x-w7iilr 19 ramhte mare wns[II. RQCLrlVIHD - HuMx 1 -all, lura Nines i-sr•ly� y; 3o•Swrr l -1a• ¢ the money. He couldn't lees than five minutes into the offense, Williaotson -Tyler come out of rio- rwll•]-]3. pry i la. ass hove Fur it In a better spot The ke A 15- nlcrd ed e-4-1 of the where far his senior r: Pv • Y plays: Y Bain )'� � 1ceMS'rKnsl'lCs pn.4e "they Ivf[ the middle of ynml pa%% w M- Wjlsov a++d ball and sw[p[nmuncl thelell Reynolds said. "I•le's n rcry R u ytild RUSHINP - aeyeddr 17{3. • the field open:' Reynold% Reynaldo' 18 -yard keeper. earl for Slyards- nmtetic player n44d he's veryuemptee t0�]. [tame 1❑.Sa, said. "He did Ilse work mid f Ifirie's defan t come Out"When he map happened %11yng" R,ielln} Sn4121 4]•t41 ft 175 Ida ;ummen a•tl. Rabiarmr 1-[-31. HvwW n{ -e1 -R!.+o-Reyn.l,u17.xr�- [ t Iv him:' orookin I 1 Ian Redmond like that. we Wert thinking .,You can a1 W de d C" 1 jos gavel g, oo. n Yx >xn c.n.l 9724, IB-iO-❑ "Pnty If yw1 could draw hadnn f 1-y+mdanck.SpenZ false smn;" Devericl. said, on Chris 1e Ibrnw dee bell puna 5.3% 4.29 " x44 atimme+• Ia-0s ll like lhal every orale- Wi]%pn hardy missodasack "aut if rhe whi6tte's net za on lbemoneywhenev- F -L r-1 1.1 RVMr ING-Rehm. 6.124, lYart 4Ja. M.w71xun 4-4❑•RY�tY get o armorer, a µukk'ecm, in the end lone- Zac Wil- blown, we've goto play in you need him te," Roberts Pemf4rcl 58.115 618 3N �vror- ]-Et 8.17 3.2x. CMnh111.12, Shepherd t•2 de," lianlxOh cera but Crimp that chins ` Said. and get ran onyours pad [IYDlytpl7AL STASLS'r1C5 twos _ .r- Devrn.ks said. "That up shun of the marker. Cody AnergoingG fora pussill$ Later in the futtah, Kon- K _ awesome;' Hendrix, Kinston Whitener an the Wonders'Rrsl six pas- nnpolia called a wid-re- Rcynmlds did his Thing ax,dRedmondswnllvwedup scsswns,WHlinmstumpleted ceivor pas%, but Ba-enr U21VOB Football $tflEiStIL"$ again. He went 17 of 27 for Willtoneson vn swarm sack. 28..19 -and 3o -yard passe%no sacked him EO yards hack. Raeprd: 12.1.11-0 CPC -.-.. Pa ss lig seams anlL two+ Te'sn-t.Mnnin cdimhed err �sdtavc •Das icsdrad iv 35-k3--Percxs]tude uad-Hitt MCT- Rushing Aft _ - Yards Avg- Long TDswithoutotu-over,while ri%Lbde ladder Iv knock Bloc Barnette binekad rh- Afiatd had interceptions in allempting jus, fj rc possess ways pass.When it was25- a era polar. a fo-Minare iIInm_ It was P-Hamptea neo x iia S-5 34 33 14 the aeennd hair. As if that 0, etre Wooden, had rim -ted "We agured sal s of- Merripcld's -m -high six A' crer'm raj C tle 98 as❑ -.z am 31,0 3.6 20 h, he sashed 17 arils on 15 1 ill. S y ploys, had no tense:' Ken nR ILs c ooh pink- Perez -Hund is -ectad porde 441 � 7-9 83 Cor a team -high 43 yards. If Flu downs and]vd pec niter• r Mike Newsome said. "We with four, and f]nvie has 19 npyar,arsd aSa laps etj 7a you lake ¢way two sacks and and-vulsen fi ve poswnions, finally if und n personnel picks in 13 games. Ii was e a fumble tial cv%1 Reynolds "17m ncmpo dney xetfm ells grcwp[har woo going I. work 'teller panfntTllance lha[saw pa9aing Cpmp Atl Pel. Yards Int TO L.g 4 yard%, be had 14 carries f whvlegamc and thedemean- well against hew they were Davit's defense hold the Op- C. Rayrwtla In 3,4 .570 2359 to fir 57 83 yards. yr tt-yneswosphenonnenol;' playing w:' ponenr to 14 or tens points f r I- HAI 1a as 4+n pee a 2 so 2 0 0 •'We t nmc o wish a 13 v d.ks said. 8u1 even the vi -lions, 13 the 101h time(sin Kanmpalis o- summers 1 3 Dane tis, OW aM x .sso aa¢ 2 ss 5z dt� rent memality Il, lx week "Wa Came our here hype) sVnight points did not mace F+oinis came on a 19 -yard opponent' 121 3ov .403 1878 19le 61 in pneeden, and It paid Off in - really hyped:' cplrteranck [he War Eagles sweat- Theyfumble return with 5:33 [o the tirsaha]f:'Rcynolds said- Angel51 rt -Hent suid:"Chis arched G4 yards M five ge). Wiuiamaon Mfind an RBGeivdng RBC. Yards Arg, To Lg ••sap got after i1 On practice) has been the best week ploys, Including 13- and 15- 14 nr23 pnsyes.T3tr Wonders C. Wen fig 911 15.4 15 57 with o felt head of xlentrl-" of prnctice [hrougkout IIIc yard rnmplarivns w Roberts went 3 F I1 an third down T- Rnberle 39 a92 14.9 3 Sc 721 11-e 0 Wa11 i selling r olds an. -Dochca are talking and Bys rly,.141 28 yards in and o for 2 on fvunh, Aside 9 VaV y 2, e. �' 40 a sa rime a rum arcurA about Bain Ile edge ant ]tics sd Kenna from his 5I- rd score. Wil- �e very y¢ g on 1 pine again pw ya P. H.mpmn 7 "a 8 7 tag 8-7 v 2" Fur all four r ee Wets a out here on the Its mixed In. Dn an option liwasen.odea 16 carriesW C. rhenrae a rip 1zz ❑ ee weapons. Tyler Rabcrts (six edge. pLlch. Hampton ripped off gain 41 yards, R- t.feMN 9 62 a.a o 12 torches Cor 1� ymyl%) was a on a pump-and•go pass, n [nckle-Breaking 12 -yard And This was an opponens e• ro°nr" a w. 9Ywpnerp s 8 Z8 ❑ fl 44 14.g O Cl? Lia-vl. Wa11 (Cour catches for Reynolds a scud with .and i7av3i had a 32-13 with 9 solid resume. The B. Summer' 2 16 e.¢ 0 12 48 y.Asl hr,d iw,4 TDs de- Roberts f 26 yenta- Thmeu halhime cushion. Wonder% haat Vane, 24--21 , P. Lyrae 1 19 1e-0 1 10 sols, not playing Thr ueond pinyslnxr.Romens rceludinn Davie got the ball to sten end Vance is 12-1 and Frill J• ariesa + e B4O 0 e hndf with a sbuuWer injury, 2-i-yanler down the eW-1 Me- Ihesecand half,and Ham ton Tri ve in 4AA, C. Hand" P Devic 198 1 g 2898 13-P P9 6T Mason Wilson (four catches That led W R 32 -yard field and Reynold% were %)edge- "FLmaling the bn11 and appmm�ma IA, lore IS,S ]4 a1 • Tar�Oyanlsl n+td Bcnn Bycrly goal by Oliggs. The Large hammers during n 10 -play, giving them the hp11 al the Oz c.Wh- for 221 u11 hod as 25-0 when Wall caught nll•an-Iia-ground mklve that 20 m sloe in. game w s Scoring TD 1)(P 2)CP FG Pts I, ur more rrC -prions In the a 28•ynrdef on a seam nate. ended with Grigg.' 38 -yard just a nightmare, especially C. W" 1s 0 0 0 9D 11tiX1 hadrulene. "Chris did a good yah of fteld goal, when you't� playing a very-crlgpe h ss 1 15 as so ^They're ell great oih- figuring aur what they were When the Wonders drove good team;' Newsome said, a• p r e 0 x o s8 v tires.'• Rev" Ids said,"Coo• In and seeing what tllvywam f-- their 30 w the Davie i2 "we've metav,red from a_—FWe 0 0 0 se P.,got a lin le banged up, gIvinV;' Derericks said. Ln 12 plays and eame away slivanons like That in the A -omen, 4 a ¢ 8 24 bit[ everybody stepped up- '-That allowed hem 1¢ cos[ with nothing, they were bel- past. but toning them score T- Aebrnm a 0 1 ❑ an II's good iv spread the ball everyone to make plays:' ly-uP- Ronald Wilson bed n (32) points in the first half is M. Wham s C. Harrod. 2 8 0 0 18 0 2 ¢ 10 ..'1- 7-1rc aft deserve il. Kenna 1-%' Rrat s sack Burin the uries,whife almost ' ihto I" vale Y pot g nmp-s s -waren t o ] 0 e They s11 do a great job and wns0uky. Williamson wasn't Anthony Cimedo and S- bock f--:' A Dort. 1 0 It p e Wilson hnd stops at the line Knenepehr e 00 4 -LI e. Barreue 1 o 0 0 fl ❑f SmnNnnge. cent, Is 17 ] 3-2e J -Hall 0 9 D 5 With Davie most) - Ri1 a -a z P eye eh Lynn r Y m b -wail 2❑ frwaR ld1 �nnrb 68 8 a 0 g 88 $ 15 487 sing the boll and 10-9ma I9rfaV us, ham Reyaeld.lj L:04. oppenenla 2"r 14 3 1 1145 to your to-do sults, k gel sloppy fmm dratour FWhertomes futurefir5t- Fein[vn-Butlheneweir still +).a'�Defense Tackles TFL Sacks BrUp CF re highlights- On p- Grf88. 32 FD, 1135. J-9-yte 192 21 6 9 8 haw to got Your finanelat third -and -Ira from the Dvie n -wall ]Lax item, Rcvaolds 6 6ama�te 7� 219' gck, comae[ your Edward 7. Rpynodds found Robots [D Kwlitwmo3l nerCw:srrn K. wnaener ea 3 6 a ❑ 1 1 Jones fiM1 ritial advisor today, on the port for 40 yards- Cd 4.17 H-Marralete 43 ❑ 8 E1gh, ploys later, running K-LyMy 3apessfro Ijie J•nedmead 41 t 9 ❑ Lxk Adrian Grano] made' wnikter Nxhwli.3:oa- 5. Wllsomt 35 7 2 J. Unt. 34 T. Merlin 38 4 0 0 0 11 A. Wrrev 2e : n 0M. 8 p e 2, Sr • 1 8 6 0 4 R_Mea. R- Cueea Za. c-[a+nvea to 1- 6 1 n e 9 p v n Bidding En4sThursedncember8that4PMAPemee•Hrnt to ¢ 7 J. Amada 13 - Imr0u9n 12 games) a 3 a p - B t _ _ Interceptrpns = M. ld6,A Per]rx•Haa4,a-aalTeee W. J. Lr4ee 2. C. Herrdrp. Pl-- M- Ilearex, p. hsaec, µ. 14esati 225 l.ewisvllle Vienna Ruud, Lewisville. NC K raNterrar H lgh Prefile Site on[vmer of Fumble Recoveries Lewisyi Ile. Merl" Rd- and Jennings Rd, B. garde, 3. $-woman S,C.t-[enercs 2, rm. xle0:ryle�Ar'erss�lvn, bedrooms, 1S bashL ].200 Sol, FL 2J- Aed ie u S1ar!'pm R Narpe 4 2, 0- hi* J- uie-1 Oir a tc whAenx rtnmcgl per. Zoned Re5idenly[ with potential Cnrtrmemcial t15e 5539 u5 xey ase -•-- '� - Barth �ler,.Vns ISOIr Kicking PAT FG Lnrlg 20.Pg 9x39 4Q -0g Suae loot J - aria, arHS salt Adwpe, NG 2736 Pdsyard jo nes - y -� Plsnpng An � .e 7a w xa Avg. Lang trlstde 2a • 3-G � I -AV Flt CO t -N -y -N 1•:ti'fE K PR I S E RECO MD. Th. -,"y. Floc. C. 2016 -US blames ktoyde gale Tired up. 0 e Bray and Tyler Hobe rls (f3) run toward Ina hand. Roberts throws his hands up when Cooper Wall nears the goal IIno, Spencer Wilson (7) Jumps on a Tumble in the opening seconds to gat the rout gol ng. At right, Ross SEames picks up Payton Hamplan after NO TI7. Abbegmt Burt is a safphomara cheerteader- Kinston W nitenee and Ta'saun Marin combirre tar tadcte- Left tootle Luke Pratapas t1LpC143 in-- end - "- OAVIE COUNTY F, N EHPAf5E RF.CdRD, Thenad". Ike. 1.2016 Coleman Sall knifes in for a Close -range shot. - Photos by Bann Pl@m - HaPPY • - - Contirr—d FromPage Bl figures was Hendrix with T. _ "Swett made same big "Unbelievable;' Ahaher 3s, but [he 61Sgeat thing was said- "We're not real drop j 4lspreseacnonrhndefenclra fight now, and asking him s end;' Absh- said."Tho six- to do the lhin& we did waa point hnlftinto lead could really, orally impmsslva. He hnvdbeenl9orl2ifwe'dh.d shoot. the elbow shot rent surrte der.n.i-reheuods-li= good, That's an 11" og we did a moth better jW oafins kited of expect. but no did glass In the second half. So a b great joof gats Ing an the Ira pdaycd —11 of both ends." Sloss and gdning soma put- ialh Subach and Cvl.men Sell Tec fifth player in doubt= baeks.Thin was huge for us," Soph¢mor= guard Col.- "'So" had tour poima in his pts[ v.,sity auling.5enier forward Brandon Honon did - _ _••.•.� not wore, ben hit—orkoffthe Cory Helnar shoots a teardrop. bench did nut go unnurked by Da We 15th -year coach. - He played 1n both hives;' said."H¢ compl.telyget. - - w441 we're doing. H.—tv.In and gave ug raluabde minutes. So WE deli niteiy .key pan + of ".I we're doing:' nerd¢ 66,C.Da.0dgon 56 Cory Hchler 15, Heath lfrYcCno'mStnlcak- lb Hendrix 10, Coleman Sell 4. T Griggs 24l sae s hands with Owen McCor- mach. Davi c's coaches dIscu ss strategy during a timed ut. r DAVIE COL:YrY EsTF.BPR ISE RECORD.1.3m ldar, Dee. I.2016 - I37 Girls Lose Opener To Central Davidson By Brian Piet" and Da• los[ i1-37. really It n us was Lax Crent- .boor that we warded. 711= who a.•rraged 7S p.inrs Pd+' t jdy gave bsr tr cable. Davie EnImpriw Record Th=W-12-4ko unravrjW .haw was In foul npuble. She offense worked unepthly_ garne - a freshmen, came We'11 work on that f[4is1 in the fourth quarter. getting picked up her f—h f ul at We had a ler or good looks. through with IGyoint:: 13at week and scan. ¢goring Dui The Davie varsity Serfs nuWrored Ifl 4, ;he heginnidg of Ihr fourth, We weer able to ger rhe ball [).Ae w ene.dimrn-- .dent better w to her ger were w winning, rh=y w '-1lhey slaved ro prrssurr and we didn't. hand!, rhe 1e rhe post and to the elbow, s nal offensively on 00' open orf tc bs is eiruatiens atilt winning sad they were rhe ball rrghr x. it ca 11Z.ss pressure a. wc11 without her. We jurt cuddn'r yet .hors w night-Aa111yn Hampmn. who 'Like chat" aboid w wire Kevin Ravels' halfrqurr,''RaveLs.id: Tear mut rheic;' go,They stnncd to fall for us hie double figures in 23 of _. -DavWs lead =r W.11d debut as llteirceach ens road bad -11U- u prabt=m for us With EmmaStaba II7 in the dslal nuoeter." 27 kaohe-s n year oho -hila %edh triiac minararo ge-h" Seasonvpeacagoirut Cegtrdl .whole let lnuursrrimm.gev ing flue points, ih= War 13apecially For SI.b..h, a rugiag 143, outs held tn' o Ceniral triple put the Spxi - Davidspa on Nbv. 32. Aad and when our had worked Faglrs got ofF top 9d teat who buried dlttx 3-pointcrn neo Morgan (swig war r tr: fans in front 36.35. Senior then things suddenly I. med on that In pmct ice- Rut what ir1 the Scat quarter. They Int 1n the third - Dar le ppshdd uieb fj rr- . SaardErrhRy PiSg 116 poinul 15-9n rh;Aftirre-brsdrl=-ms ued-fiMgetu 33-25. Lend- Central r .ch 34-n g I'll Ili— late fire. IIamws to H a rtsel! r d U i n Key snuggled n[frnslvely. ing by m many m 13 points, Charles ruld Thr dispatch sell DR:vLe's fate- s "We were Dat genlp& a lo[ rbc War Eagl=e nppearw, to his post pli.y s did "aheck We rededtp redly wnntwin of shots to roll, esplrci.l ly in be in ..at conttoi_ or,. job" on Jjumpton. ..We n [earn and paw people To JV G i r I s' Win r $ ft.1enWL" lt—l. arid. However• nosh Lng wen[ duubled d wn on Icer w she what our were nada of - w ere getting the rigid in the frmrr4. sinbarh. cuurdn'l get.a shot off,- 4q and vee did;' Pigg, wld.Thr 'lire Dari. JV girls bas• second-qu.ner paint. and •aid• Dispatch. . - - ke[ball tram atoned F -g in G 1n Ffansdll'. 3-pgfntar. In the fourth quanrr, they C: f]avhit-41,DA.37 y Upcoming Games piny-dWnuf.--dflledbn%•-Cminrr 51.1.-h 16, A1103 n 2014.15 anti finished 5.13. T]t¢y blew 1t wide open Wednesday. Nov. 30 and -one nn her and noetic i[ Harpp[on 9,Morgan l.esyja 5, It scarred t -in lase y=ar and during a l5� run in rbc third Davie rar.igbasketoall netwme vs- W. Rowan at 6f7:3n difficalt cur her to vetch rile Sha'[=h Manines4, Madison S.isbed 5-13-'fbe 2016.17 as Ffanp.11 had.Ex.Cnudney Davi =N gid. ba Lketbnll n[ fiend us. Were Rownno[4:15 bhhl l;' Reveks said. '117+.1 13ohannon }, - -"0apperrer-a43-2fi hoax _. _ ._. _ .. .. vi.l.ry ower Ce. rral DW - son on Nor. 22 - co.atlatca pmmas g, if not quile coos= for utter glad with just one gain¢ In the books. The War Engles ilwhed a to -7 Mod 1. 21-13 by h.lfrbne d'_I- m Alexis helm's MX Johnson Comes Out Blazing For JV Boys Brook. Johnson of 13- -e's 3 V boys bu ketball nam debu.ed on the high -whom ]dreg in arorybonk fashion. oring 23 points to lift his am re a 56-36 ham= Aclory ter Central D vid-n on Nov- 22. Th. freshman produced five 7R-pg3nr games inbtwo Y_ at senth Mvie, or it waa,SLpmuy,itgpwx.iv r_... to sort his Davie ce..^r 1. this ma Der. Hls wrourx[ 3uladednfi s•a }.pointers- He mostly plays shooting guar! and A-4 forward, bur with 4 --r.1 gays missing due iv the football I"-'. pl:hy.:if run, W. ern pl.yi ag some power forward. "114 man, he was really geed;' third -year c ach Bruce Wnitnce said • -He was by fvdie mosrefficienrnflcn- siva player. He as she one talking on d=fcnse. He wars the one hiding 9s. He made a few nice drives. He played a rrnlly. really Sued game " In the second gbart=r, the Spartans chopped Duvlds If -3 lead to 22-19. Davie regained a healthy margin in s4e third and continued m P-11 away In rhe fourth - lemcs Reid tfihte points].. 74 It lames (s1x1, Stony Lyons_ /,1cx Antledge (four) and A.M- William--, {Fourd played supponing roles. 3.rxses' pointa c0.rne on 'pd Z Juane¢ Rcdnload and Np.h B(isanesen ca nerled ideep as ilnrer knocked down pin. 3s- "Rald rould hove cosily had 2.0 or 25;' Wal Ma said. "Hek kind of raw. I think midway through the seas-+ he'll h it a Id of choose [I rsslde shins)- B.I. 4e be.ed out eau plagod big- •'willi.m. played really wCl3.l played him the wlwtc game. He bozo. qur.nd plays defer Dar1e 56,C. Dxrldaon 36 -13 rooks Johnson 2}, ldnrea Reid 9. Man James 6, Seony Lyons 4, A— WIIllxros 4, Alr_x RMkdgc." Noah Hu• haan 3Jos6x Redmond 3. RANDY MILLER & SONS SOW TAKK SERVICE +f15 FLTs io.d • 31rcL.i.e (336) 2M-2826 • 1w p� �� 7>0b . 4b� CaOM Imre mrialr rlCt iy _ ne�.raa raa�l ie�Ml - - 43S - DAV IE COUNTY ENTERPR ISE RECORD. Thurgelaty. Dec. r. 20I6 'Turkey Derby Raises The aiill.W. 5.e Rumry Mat, held ill Mh Anmm1 Turkey17ethy SK on 59hurdny. N9v. 19 nt eermudn Run Country Club- 7'hls y -r race mined mors than. 520pG0 for Neal Cbarlde.- Sponsors Hnedy & Hnaldy ❑whoa alt c3, Woke - Forest Bopllst Henl[h Davie Medical Crntrr Had Silver Sponsor Ad,Mlced Orel &. FoelaF Surice y were an hand with infkmmelivn tents. give;ways, cvff .and doughn- she morning of She race. Many of the runnels ii] 1hi9 5K race were Ilnt 11mc Mo - Hers rrt,m the Cc Fpr Clubs at Shady Grove, Covleerssca elld mockNWlle elemeatnry, and el lis alld South I]�vle middle sul-1e. EIc"er Fuller. ons of the Go Far coachep, void: -] think the most imponant thing fat the kids is the aen3e of-cconpliah-elk that Ihoy feel when they finlah he 5K- Ail of the 10 weeks of training cu lmingre. in that moat -i. no ane can run Ihosc slaps for Ihem. They have to do it end push Ihmugh when IYe hand w they wren[ Po give ~ up, "No manor what that child may encounter gv4ng F . ward In liveir liv.,. they will have lVkhm l perseverance & _ eeif-confidence. The impao1 of that really Carmel. he mall- ; nxrcd; FNII9r Raid. pmcacde h-0i"evcrn1 I -I }en7gr-m3 Includln9 Back- -, Pack dllddics programa clmyuahonl DRv in County Sobo3l3. a Pmgranh Ihnt pmyldos non-pork6hab]c food item] 1v aw- donm to provide rwuriahmen[ through Irk. weekend; Dnvle County CC FAR Cluh., w4h Mh promotes physte, activity, healthy eoxng, and goof chnrnckcr: DnP)c 0.=ty Heme- $20,000 For Local Charities " keound Meals, whieh Fro3'ide3 nourishment for unlet citl• N p-eyy, ""' 31t 19691 xu inti Q«xLrm1,3«hw ]934.303 - x well p3 vlhee worthy charily pmjc.h in the nr9.. 32 Runhdm. r4,e1 2&z3_l11 34 161 RI9h.Ww-, I .1H134.91Y/ Pr --cu - On vF the ronin benefits or this rnce is chat nilds 3] SJ LhheaNs,Amu Nrrawa, Ckirly b1r24.[61 20:21.986 % Y f 63 1tw Cnmll.AmdM Kraure,A,plr 38r42.T56 35-44,9'14 l}vm the raise $0 veldt ge M k"l chnrili- 55 Dnwtr. i4e18wn 36:39.n4T 43 590 k.eh, Pale 3ea46 The Skit Annual Turkey Derby wad a POP-- due I9 u•6 Cmnf ll, bonen 29:l -753 47 kit Smlrh.Skylne 3ff;53.TA] 6F-nsom and help for velueleera. Some of the vvinatc:m 57 Jolupm'%vnprinE 2a;n4,P36 24 t7x Kp11r.11-11 r Afk4m, 31L59Al2 [] = 1r]cludp Davip Hl Nett -nal Horror $fade! Davie EIId !�I Y• y w ]riot, Ge..ye 9rak. Maxhw 29;05.6[6 mm -119 5 43 173 L74 [lorry IAII.Pbellly ]u;pl.i 39;Onq to College Inlomot Club. [hc-Surf Doerd, and the lvFocksvklk 611 Porkm. Lowes 29;x-,311 n ]]3 G•liwrJ, D.wfyan 39:tlR.R49 Rotary Clvb. Terhe Kx1gM was Ikic em- ror ber AM year e1 s7ew.ryk,nhaae 29.s2.99e a 173 c«dher, *a.*rr ]9;hAAT11 heing a pert orlhie event, p2 WlNmker. Reyi,- 24.29091 37 LTi M.rdaer.. JenelMr 39;31X10 The Pop mree men .nd women rocas weft .Waded 63 64 Mlkul.ki, NIcM Y W.IuAlon, Recd 29-51291 1 t 11 118 ITy Ispe. Lei Ce-h,Orerchee ]9;b]]92 =_5100, $50, and $25 gift cards req.-tNeky. In the male 65 Regw,Cnoy 19;33.1 RZ 29;37.039 32 l8n I>t,r Xm. 39;x9-198 39;25-1I7 CatOgpry Gnn,e[l Price Was the Winner followed by Kyle 7d' FO-11-.Jakeri 29;401&! 42 IR] Mr•Phenon,Pnnvrm 39,]!356 Rmicr, did Chad Robe". Emerson Fmnts led the fcmnlcs, 67 W.y,Dmd 2449239 41 4x2 Hkzlar, C.>ti4 5939.92 R, llp ,Ld by K.k¢yn Hatching, and Sohl. h4aee, 6N ps KNmon, have Weyne,A.-I 3-04 1006313 T 1 IR3 1B4 Koko, qnk Onm.. ]oho 3'hio.la7 39:41315 _ The Hilledal6 Sul rNe, Rvmry Club. whose mono i.•S- w Way°e. June 30:111-]00 J3 INS Drrhw, Dethmy jV�4N-tl3 vlvt, 6b.- Self", meets every o[har'Ilrumdtly mvrninp Al 7 71 Certiher,Aom ]fr14-357 15 Inn Kelly,HIln y 39;Sk 4pl F4[ Bennxdn ilii lege. Thuclub Strives tomalnh a difference 72 Shoe, Keri 3p;16Aln 49 {R7 bYhe••J�M1n 40:kp�143 in the world 1 -hell Itlmx h EIIa polio Nvw, 9imn water p Y g i] R Sew1y, SHHnnrm Wrl-•n.Groaf 3W.id21R ]11:24363 W !0 ;5a tis 5c%W.,, ir.bello ]1«r,3W6e 48260] p.26AiI pr0leeU, avid h11m9ninninn Y 1-1 a- They °Irl vc to make n 73 3re11omo,Yl. ]reMWa 10 190 P«hea.6-yon a0:30.m6 ffemn" Ioerdly through hunger pmjeew for ywili and 76 Youlen, psna 3832]42 a6 191 Ikvwer, Vmrf 4D45330 7'I _- elderly, heauh Idfimess projects, and achvinnUkp3- and 77 Nrevl4n. Ma11. 3831,5]5 9 142 Dove. Lynawy eo-53.er,1 For mole Infemmltknn, cotomt nmwa d4vIu870 W 99 Pr4hr,]r.ydee R 9 193 Kenney. M.el3nn 'grrmli.cura, ao Ga.. I..o.on Gum.1s4 n5l.93J 39;31.752 30:]k.IN 59 [9J 195 Ull Mnnheaalal, aryr Dawe, ]twdy dl:u6.01a il-a6.a _ -. Pe9111.. -Nee I.4nkh AM 82 White, Nea- Jls3tVF1 - ]p;53.g31 -^ri 34 __ r••- •�I9K M!1:�,.Alir 191 Mill -1, -Lea -- 41CC 4 A,:,.;;, =1 Prke,Qart] 19;59.769 11 M Krowe, Prcx 30:55.'!90 10 to Marl-. Rare 41:3--993 ;2 AW -Kyle 20:30}13 ]] di Migrllr, Vlnre,i4 ]0!58-149 16 199 5heek.Ull 41!]9,129 :! R91-na.Caa4 25�-6.815 e2 -4 Smmenn, DHy 21;61.96 12 89 86 RuR,HIr]der Reader,Kgle ]101324 1]431365 Il 100 WI wfi..,ideu Shrek, Ren 4f:39An 41:4 -DN ;5 HrdAen, W]IIJ 21:53.1 Yr ^6 Fmutx. Ypenon 2f:33.t1v l4 -7 Deewn, Mara 32.06�[y W Ni 99 F7erena.Sel,fi AIIa1.M-Trwa Jnne., RLlker 310110 31:13,96 ]l2i.434 37 10 2v2 2v] 204 5mrk, I:rhnn mcal"Aldee lNIM4y.lrmrn it156ATi 4kA Mk 42;x1!043 :s li-cii[e KMWyu nd-y39 22 90 Fl.eloere,leel ]1:13.609 n4 305 Huehnn.e. Addy 410] 31 =4 Aigvtw.l5ry4n n-p3y77 41 =W w -.W. HO.nr 23:26.946 I4 91 92 week, 6vau ['rod hey, Jolie }1:27.013 ][:29.319 9 7 206 W7 ¢nchmm,$ma Idopolane•.l�den 42,04.735 42;10376 •'.n N'ordwaJ, Keu[ 2:39-66 43 .!2 i4my. Jurub 5]:43-e 72 II 93 94 O«1ney.hnnii,.xr D,lw'm.n.l4m 31:39.]62 31;36110 96 EJ W. 209 u�lene..Ja.,n Re4.Mm19 42;67JH3 42:-1.906 IA W -R- 211.9131 12 93 NII.nJ. ]ry d 0-224 12 3[0 IGwlrmw,Chdery 12;21-716 X14 Wryme, leckx6, 24;14699 15 96 Slmp.on, Sl,n- 31:40.596 13 211 M.p.11uen, Kiln 42:]°,156 -13 Qdeex.v-rhm 34:16 -T4s 6 Al Sww.Owywh 31:401199 tl '812 xlepinr. JorY••m 422-M911 Y2�31-9tN 16 X16 ikrher. Al.. 24-16266 tel '!7 WeF-Luk 24-19"o, W W R-drr.Jradfer Kark4e, Nolen ]1,4],019 ]1:69,931 i5 1! 21] 214 T4epler, Clradle Sepem4,er.�a,Ien 42;43415 -16 Mex;,.jah 2{:30.437 A, 106 mlrnd, PW- aI Zlff51 53 215 a-,S-.,aA 32:a6A09 l9 R.114n., Puleee 2NS6,6p 11 1u.lice. Ater 24:32.13 -04 In] 102 Dwln, Erle Nerla, Suwnne 3139064 31vn,1]3 33 9 316 - 221 stow.Carkn Strwd,gyJ 4x.46 -53v N3;47,743 -21 ileo-n.Ardrew 25; 12.9M 13 1%A rfmd.,3 "e- ]29p:r'fa q3 21N LIA:AYl.r 4157.712 "22 34eee,6mdr 2s:L1.794 9 :33 1]w.eJr,Alu 25MAM 11 Iw 4W 6u1kr. Avory 0 -rrar.Mua 13;01-wr 32:O3AMl 6 1 219 330 I.Ink.Imhue Marr, Nnm- 4136.060 45;23944 '2a 5141nwr,ILwer 25-3R.19a Y IOh hendey,Juyee 33;W aV, R 221 G« ..rrev4. 43:27.044 .2s Mxw,R.Wn 13:35-142 3<• I6 addpei. CSmlinc .53,1191 10 107 Lox Aaderwn.lupllhr 9xeek,Ma t- 32: is Ap3 32 MAID ]] 4D 222 233 xannn,W,9.1ym Eellnmo, Joe! 41;mA19 43439}69 •n Qw.ap. evo 3Y-19.G+{g 34 '� m•So1em, Ne. 2e- .111 9 4e1➢ IID ROnHchm.]e.pn Peeler, on. 3154.952 ]];47ai63 7 Jy 334 223 Helleceo, I- 6oddwd, mffA-k 40;in,2m 44:IM1313 •29 wre.Adem 1C 23063 In Ill ]mirk, Codyn 12;19531 10 226 M«xlm9nn, Anrel 44;rl0atq 30 T111e,W1111am 36:33.151 1 -31 D-L..Jema 1&34-119 57 112 113 0'. nnnW Dn+4k•.❑rap 13;45-769 12-W }I 7x 227 328 sminwr,lrama Inrmon[, 1r,yeo ii; l3 rKr2 44:19062 =33 Llpenron,Chrl. 26;36A98 35 114 ft--. 01.1e ];a9r•Ix 9 229 Nuyla,rerre -VAv3 :33 Hut3.lo, NeeWafel 76;36.106 54 545 ]xomrd, �err,Jeo 3Y ran l0 233 1bHalpe. Crxec 4i;2'+.e3p ja PoOee. Jet6mY 29:W369 3n 'a5 WW{en.Hmlwn 19:61184 H tie 117 R1eh-raa.xn, K4Y , Ri�1wrJ-•n, ]end 33:m.1M ]3�IO.pdf 6 d5 231 233 PrMln. 9rWe Brew.ler. ]i,dehl 44:12.951 44:]6-164 6rkanre,Toer, 39-0,14,13 52 :f] M.nln, Xrl.tl 27;u7,5R1 M Ile 119 6r„xr. tan xwry-lulrh ]3;13.255 33;14011 7J. 6 233 ;34 Chlldre.,, Alum NT1:.17hhy, ILme1. di:W.Ms 4134,996 '3e Carey. CawYcv 27;13.131 27 12u wil........ 5,r'. J3;W119 13 233 03mbeug, aeald,. 44:55.2011 79 Sxwee.Brlm 27;19B2u i5 %JO Mowu,Jawe 37:2 R-932 !34 D444cy, rs�,mfe 3334,44s 2.5 236 Tlgiur, 5de01 4a;I= 35 -21 Rootlet Maley k4 27"a-993 11 122 133 Qnec,r•Rai., J, -n nrWmde,sa.h 3,1-55.18 33!31.697 25 9 239 2,1ri hemea.MU C1amlrer, fWn. 41Z..PM 43;-0"3 :r2 Diaan.lueyce6 27-]].812 23 124 Saeek, army 3336-613 9 2.19 Cbm,uaer, IJaO 4p:pl4r27 113 Gden' Dodd 29: 8 :44 Amon, %xk 2",-D 28 125 136 NFi.Iw-c ked.0-von 31:-!,465 34-01091 ]0 10 240 M{ S", gam 61a9.r,Jomdwn 45;04.927 41.23042 YS tieWke+•Cx.ee 29;S7,«4 It 417 i-eomo"wafe 31.07.135 T{ 142 C thoae,5µ19. JS;464f2 u6drt.., Py111n 21;54.131 a 124 pgeg.-Hula. ]ntw.k 34;]].092 l9 243 Clark,2mllY 43;iT.3fH :]49 BX.. 27;3236 11 129 DraNwm.[idbelb ]J-13.Da4 7 244 Ikllrrq.l„Dm,l,m as;St16]3 x318 Kamer,Owen se;m.345 9 y.19 er1det., Ifee1Y 2Y'-3.535 43 130 131 6ranlwm, Chile Kreueheer.-,l ]4;1]A7l ]0;16-190 54 29 243 NI x06 0-.,I H11 -R 3-11 4331 A]1 avx]�a3 ;'gyp Arpueu., AMNn 26;09690 m 132 -Slwpwn, Snnh 34;17"1 16 biz F-Hen.9mnnnlla ere 2]349 y f33 34 Craton. Cd,rfnophel Srark.Modeleln. ]4:xsq$] ]a;3039e 39 9 us tau T-134e.]M11,1 Ted. 011,1. 46;24Ag4 4n2J.938 ]]3 ehllmus Qr9.1 34.40.146 S Mo Hite. laweun M;3es3Y 136 filnl4,Xeeh 34:81.7%6 8 231 Qladd, H -W 46:37AOp 137 139 AunNeim.T3,ea JoM1nwo, Oroyllm N,Ao.w7 ,'uAAW1 6 11 232 233 lllre,e9rloe OWJ,Arery 36:57.803 36:37164 4]9 Peee4ra,Rwn 34:51390 9 ,153 Heuu,o, Anrr+e 43;N.{pi Ibu 141 Aeprwb.l'Wen Cyxa.reer.QJ i- ]4:31.4)]1 34.57 ,03 a Y 255 350 lrwper,Mdm Qwrel.,,All.rw 47;17sp4 a7:1e.9m 143 Hrllwno, seh.rrW xi;365u 1. Mn Rrewrr.TLylor 4711.561 244 134 Ri.-w-Tn.ean 35 SKI 3,1..H 9 R H 256 239 Huu.e.lwllyuh Moen, U•. 39;31 �Za 4Y; -w. -r46 146 146 Rie.a+•.lu«e T9nrreH.-Stefan 55;5].514 33:39pyr }6 ai 260 261 aach,Rwx Sa3 %§ .4,lyWn 47:51.6!9 45,39155 147 Puhem-My. wrna,e 3F.02 -TALI 63 ]nx W.- FLeT.el 4n:79Yr° tag Dre•4y,wMhla ]6 -J -.v12 10 36] CbrLey-Calle 39;11510 149 130 Cmnf 13.I.atr bre-Tler,lwl ]nal 043 ]433010 6 a 261 263 1werin,sHaa9on Ikopn., lana! W. 03.104 5835341 15l Fca&eyApewu. 31AIIrO 9 ^" O9m-m.]xiwu 38alles 132 153 Mr_Nnlli-Chd, 8ralock, l landgN 11=,e 3T-19096 39 9 267 240 oral -m- Mabee] 01 ua4T]in So,ija6 fpy3,134 - ISa 135 Crvroo-lm.xee. LYe-ae, Ai-}hxi 37:11BSa 37:19374 37 E 269 270 Joos. -Eat Fc.rer, [•,p4 3845292 51�9Ade S� Z-I..y 31S1=.3 in n1 xmrc,� 31:403arr - - t38 Sn4Oudd-Mehad Y_vrcrL.Srr-_"- ]7-x0 YM1.•rgr it �7 273 193 -l,pr.Gady mllipl, Horner 31-.i]3v0 SIa43-741 - 130 arr�hem, ofaW 37;A231] 10 na 1Ssn-Ooe 5133965 Ien 0 ,G..[ 31:41]94 62 n3 Gar],Ay 3]:10253 i°I 16C Ch>m..11rrrrah Sir• -T. S.•-®aE ]134354 L$rrN 10 O Yrs •.Cam' 53:11 app TIFMdlu�tl>mq 37;25=,p 3� t •,r-ar uuyal'i5 -AkO Otr in the r1n11 TW{[Qy D"t 6.lnc_Kale f-y'm SeW,y]A 3R 1LTSr 33 IP _914 STl .1me. m. -Tory U=eO 54mr eDpr,sor6d by the Hillsdaln Sunrise Rotary CIu7. 165 o'«llous-r ` Ey° 9 3-156133 DA•V IF- Cou%-rY ENTERPRISE 1NECOR 93. Th. - .. ,.Oc . 1.2016 • ¢9 C A'R: R: •mJ�27Al1,mtln1[9ane16 MrFn5• _ _-A. +' Andrew J. RivcYS.DMD nd be not conformed "" 336757 5289 Dae 1z:�.ixl"-sr..h.9Mmoer�:.m.,,wess to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing 0 SQUY"EKN si-A7FS of your mind;that ye may ?aa6 S oMW Flinn a -r. r k>I, 11 C prove what is that good, rn 118 Wllsoanoro sl., tA9ck.ville 3y.,� • -3-1 M�9M � :`��•m'9 {336) 757-5029 and acceptable, and perfect, �lue.l l.wn.,.rd.'.nd}.mr will of God. ..FFh.S«.. nc. 9s2• - 4 {336j 909-0600 13301 909A6f0 - _ srwrse.mm u�1,B GARADc r Y Sheaf Concrete Co. °- I3DOR r�lca . vii Solea • 9kevice • [nslNlldLolk9n CeN bet 1,M-� � Ybeey �r� ndl2lnef«[• ' rAaek r.ille, NC 336.492.2888 M= 336-751-989 1 . DA=ME LUMBER Shores Plumbing 8 LAGGING & Heating 137 Cra6rrpy Rand hSoclGvilte, NC 338-751-9144 f.L• ` ' - lass H. rAem s� M-ck591ne, Nc Z�► (336) 751-5653 M avie Place r ia,Ce- Iefs6hneH79Al. c Irv. .�y•- -• $a A.A4e91.IHnnal He _ �3 •�' _ 191kd AkJIle 'e Care e;reneo Iui/.,ISA!-W,.v. • h+• -f �I Yif •e M4..w+4�Ka iwsrak� •-' g' ' -i7l - 796 Valla= Read 4.17 npygrWS1lrcks�ltle - �>= �� ' lNockaakH-, HG ' �6'gas- .xe7. �'- - 336-755-A80E7 .,r SPILLINAN7S Ar�nh.f! r HOME t�1 K. ['I•-mr Se. St«4.illr-NC t•Y• -FriL'OIL' 'low H-" 01st" (336)751-5830 This -- scripture mess2gebroughttoyoubythese businesses [IdlT64}6rGdErerl�B�ZS�1 who cneouragcyou1ci-%Drslrip atthe chuirh ofyour choice. Eaton FULLER�anr alert a Haat MIIILER 12 Funeral Preci6lon 1_aeer cu3tings -7s vroo - equlpmcnt rental Metal Fabri JLlon-J+'•p+�•wpw-'twaM+t•� hywl.i 9N� Service 900 sahsC Y Rd. 8O MN6TON Rn. Tw M ihu 4 ye�rt�ef ]23! k Ntah,S� M9dwvi.v. HC 370m L9mNGTQN, NQ 27265 1r.Y tiruy.,r ..eair Mme"-le.Hc2a1]6336-757-3712 336-249-2551 33C r'Isr= rw� •°"�• �'..•"' fa�r6)751.214B r.Iar, a4.-,,,,,•Rc w,W,yr,.x®, wKw.luliarw9ltllnp-cam j� 28561!x+. ROIx}Ixt•..� - Familtey Gane r ai GENTLE--i��'S T�►� Weathered Rook Gen maclaville Machine&Tool Inc. ISTONEp 7111iLIXIIN0 MORE Tomtne+n Pod, PA -C 2716" 34 }yur°Reeddm Relle9ek Pen3w C+o.r+faa4ra+Wraa/�.ar..xlm. rr,.y..661 North Sndn Meds-Jl kMry DOYT Ing D Yn>TRA A81s` rte 101 rHBoo•o 9e-"M"oe` Meksville,NC77778 Q , 33442-5055 33696-2699-011ie. (35) 753,0800 TrBj63IC365p1-.9609�y8r-1�4rY0C[5I1006 els ¢�3S6g.9µ8G�1.W5.�92e9e ml 396948.7256 • Wobido FABMINL•T8N Serviigpa"I'c'an3r'Inatt1997 6 0 Antiques E GRlintihles . LARRY 1leDAl1IFL 1 B G u c ns .YP =div- A' 1950'1 rix yr ed" •,. urs_ FUNERAL HOME gt]il.I1F.Rti 7, ! I Lyf M�['li7Cl asrkOlfkfrW�wwe�n pig Wllkmgnmsr.-Mu'k-Ler. riC •P�seero�f M4•.2dy 2131 NC Il�ml N. • 31�b•mc Ne 10046NOthur�Amd • kiee�vlb 33e•3a5-0900 avoe i336y 7s3-Sasu ;; sa�rela�al 'N.r�w, HAYWC1RTN-MILLER 1i-.avida-vo aie Whitneers New & w i=u 1l:Rrhl. lic]hti' massagB ■■ Pcr►le'tOne used Yarle" Stare FarmingmaRoad {[�/�Jlukti�n•m lK.-4w 54916 t 1�q6 �� wyYw,pallelon9.com 995YMvck adkirevill.Rd.,sville WreckerSerlrlCe,int �J d.laan.., r]7mnAad.wn.awe�url 185lurkpy Fo-[ Aood nrxxa*raam�•.,.,.:�r.,9c 336.940.5555 M9ckaWb,HCZi028 -••��> ��,o� 3w r' a4°iMw.��7s&740.5 ~• __��� 838-482.5585 43 3S3 753-1388sa-138-ease Milo 330 S Saishlay SL, Flpeksrae LCIiLE CHOO CRaO SHOP lir res 5ernr[u:d1 ]rd�merentr1�3 336751-3538 5005,5bl buryA e. 5pen-,NC26159 ewTr rirw�M.w6 S�Ls1Jl �J�Yim w-❑ttltthooch9oshvp.Co 13arFu zzlo. D4y c4LN 1 w w.nowarcl,�.ep`'rr-4 704-6a�-6797 ern l%_-'• s"i�no- s2nee ryas • :�fen3 - 3M Grids • StaeP ira.w & Cr6,akrr R. - Belem k R s�h-1 Flog. FOSTM, DRUG JIMMY'SNlcCuiSton �r� L, �aL L eRa 0..41-b�rrtarr� Con"At TY MEAT PROCESSING Concrete c-, inC. 495 Valley Road wv c, .rem m -u Prxew. &jack89D1e, NC 27929 I a - P-1, - PMr 336.757-2147 mwY-Ws-xpodpr. -.r Oae•l9 ]3.arwn,eke4s 12&o au*ItL-11�ge ceR� lit . ilaRselIIe 336-753-DRUGSacs sass wmrete HC , 751-7118 r Sill- DAVIE COUNTY FNTERPRISE RECORD.Th--hty. Dcc. 1.7011 PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE OKAY, EARL, w GoING"Co LET I CAN GO IN -110 LAI 'loll to au A UrrLE SECRET Loox ARauMD 1UE TOILET PA s IS EMVTVOVE ,, A BUT WA(If I CANWHEW GO 1b 1V{E L"'EIIS CL02'FTrGETA NEW ROLL A13D, ARE Abu RFA�1?It? RERACE -rti RHD f I �r I DUSTIN SARCASM IS -105T60EOr 114E MANY SERVICES GRAN AkA PROVIDES ARGUMD HERE. BY STB VE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER YflU NEVER HN& �� 7 F �1 r r MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM BY MIKE PETERS Peo le DAV IE COUNTY EATERPRISE RECORD, Tharaday. Dee. 1, 2016 - Cl f Parents and Others engage Children durlog Black Party play at Smart Start of Pavia County. A Fun Day Of Learning Smart Start Of Davie Hosts Annual Fire Safety Day, Block Party Morro man 50 peaplor gash- children might net be nfmid it cemera which included, Planks. .red ort o bcautirul m-m, ng w obey arc in areal fin:' r w blocks, unit blocks, bricks Smart Stan or Davie County t. The Childrea learned safely and cubn s. While the childre tukc pari in SlackFesi and Fire ink .Son and got to see ail pinyed in euh of the ccnten' Safety Day, pans or the fire truck- they learned early mnih and sci- Advanc. rim Qepanmenl RlurkFesi Is an initiative u words such as tmlg. Im` m _ cmbrs shared hlformnrlan to give the children we serve bigger and weight. Onc parem with the prvwho tors acrnss the STEM skills Ll—gh block play. shared" the kids hnd a gM u rem. j county. "Chief Rodney Miller. Slacks sake it back ro m. basics and were deter bored" anolh.r AndSnwan and Ronnie nad allow children to explore said "we used bleckx Ia crate {. Rso obertn were wonderful with while havinll Fun. wards end 1crin . -...-141e -young e]titdron:' v: " Svtnrl - - ln-adeitiaa t th Fl.CSaf ty - Mwan Sten Ts 'ylmMiVke,— Swn Director Gena Taylor. .%peric meI Smart Scan swrf bri aging 131—K Feat to the annual - -rhey demonssmted what fire- and voluamc led five block KidsFest event in May =U 17. fighters look like infull uniform, and mask during a fire xo mot Children enM the day learning and playing outdoors. Andrea shafas a fire hat wllh Ellie. CZ - DAME COUNTY E79TERYRnm RECORD, Tharaday. Del, 1.2916 CanelPino Family Flocks To Frostland For Thanksgiving Sly Reig S:tchlso¢ West chew's grandparents. 1_- aCM to Sherr daughter, An- -s still farming even though made oompeslcaq, W,. Charlene- She moved ahem CanalFinv Conczpvadenr Grne and Marie Mkrler. ie jyueic Erehiznn. then lip he tis g9, Gray has a forge uuld swrt by pEecing rocks to be nwr her dnugh+ar, Su - Tarn and Tani Hpnon [heir granddaughter, Salty herd of beef rows. and he u rind the edge for the so and her sister, Colcrn- TheThanksgivingbreak- enlenained a umber of Elehisoa W x, and now xn sl ill makes the feed for was Es and adding m ss fpr Glenna Boys that she is m ins[ at Wesley Chapel Vnll- family members during the their great-grneddaughter, chow cows- The binhdny the carpet. Fumishings were glad that she mrl'ed there ed Irle[hodirt Church wta . Thanksgiving holidays. Tb- Frontes Wert T.V tow- cake had an w. graarag in mode from sticks and srpnea when she did occouse rhe - We had a hlgerowd n{'s son. Jmn!e trash, and tits• Pon, Wgst Trmemw a green post uro and several and whatever else we could has verllgp which so e and everyone seemed w en- wife, Megan, and their two was the hostess For the 2(116 traclvrs holing hay- Joseph uu.r$c up, mayhu broken l4mrs muses her to fail. m Jay Sha food and relluw.h{p, children. Garret. and Anna. Thanksgiving dinner al Innd palated murshmollpws pieces of poncryor gl.ss- Nelda and Glenna a 'Itis members of Wesley oame from [heir home in In- Frn.[Iand. Those wlta en- with yellow cake colon ng to We would w017 C hours still Iwo of my otos( cher Chapel arc [hankf¢I For the diarwpdis, Ind. and Tbm'a joy" [he bountiful turkey represem bakes of hay -'rite 1. dissever l o thunder fished Tncnds. people w]ho work hard each faintly mrmhery. Billy and dinner with nil the [rim- cake was really o work of cloud w catnomma up, and I xiso scally naked month la make the break- Heth Horton and BJ. Har- mings Wrto John and Nxnn an made by a li[Ilp bay, who We won G3 hove ip quickly with Joseph Frrc6ce, the fort a Soh and rpt. and his wire carne Tmm Elchis0n's oldost living fovea drab-rs and firming. dismantle (the wlwle roe. son pf Jpxeph "M r.7a' nrM Kathy Ell ls, Jesse •'Foie" Beckley. W. V¢, and Jeff grandson, 'my Elch3sou tit' with [he n"iawrice pf his utian and sack shrltee from Florence Fo9cr Fcrahcc- I.- and Madelyn Gentry, 'fbnl Horan and hIz wife il.n. Clemmons, who was mathrr. the storm. After [he ,,Oral septi kn Wand he has a phe- Hortva, Monica. TYivrt[e, na came from High Point. 1rratMg hos $9th oiAl'I'd an LOU Ray I .hl'." the was ercY, I waald soy,"Mrs. n -mart memory. I'to is my Data and Dawn 81lix, Hm- They all enjoyed Thanks- Thanksgiving nay, Gmy'. Wife of Cray Etchison, had pope, u.. Neldn ga half- go to person when 1 need ry Wcst, and Prrator Artwld giving din -r at rhe Hon- daughter, Rnchef Elth kaon just resumed niter Nperding wry home with mal" Sha to Ilnd out nboul nny[h. 0-onell. Mark yNn r tale.- home on Pino Rood. Yancey, and her husband, b -veml days In the h-ptud wou]d say "yes," Hoff Nelda that happened in Cann Iwhg dors now For the Clrrlstmns Marla- and Calvin Wnync "trusty" Yencey, of and Was not able to attend and I would run down the ago. Joseph gmdunted F rn brcaWnsl .[ Wesley Chapel Ti hod the4r aaughler. Clommons,and their dough- [he F.IchiAon Thariksg Wing rand- When wr woolrcd the Gaurwha College, served which .111 be Dec- 17. Thp Vickie, and her [wa rano, Ice, Dr. Sarah Ya V nee, c Iobrntion- Tho group was boli way palm she would n she U S- Navy. cwxched United Methodist WMhcn Nick std Sean, rnr Thanks- rtW bar lwabasid, Wails, t,{' so sorsy that Loa Rxy was tarn around dud head back at Boyden 133g1t School in any have paras pieces and giving dinrrcr. They cn- Ch.Ho[le, and thr4r son, nrr able to jolt. them. home, and I would go out to Snlis6ury, and Shen aavaa chocolom-covered peanuts jnycd Jibe day togeihcr even Danfer Yancey, and his Amy Jho Cujns, daughter my home, Fmellpnd. t hoop on to Pfeiffer College whtre l fpr s.k. though C.Irin ss asset by w1Te. Or. Knr3hcrjnc Yancey, of AE a,hd 5uysrn Wpst C`u. no foes why 1 rhoughl i[ was he scrs'orl for sonny }•cors as some of the members same medical probkrns- or AabaviD.. Other guests jos, ape.. the T lu aksgiving - lmpane.t -have her '. n hnsaball coach and haul of Of Wcs{ey Chapel arc look- "Over the river and were John and Nano Etchi- hplMay0 with her poredµ half -way to my home, but i [he athletic depanmenl- He ing Yo}wprd ro anurdissg iklrough the wood. , to son's gmndd-ght-, Bony i. Cram. Amy is a senioe al, did .nd eh. obliged cele by also coached American Le - the Chnstmaa program and Grandmother's hoom Elchismt Weal. and her Irus- C..awba Lullrgo in Solis- making Ism[ little trip many slot. tames- He was su c ss - I. -feast at xlw OW HunLI- ga."Thal lwppened Tlo.ks- bond, Ralnrrd, or Pino and Islay where she is rbc cap- times- ftl with his learns al every villa Methodist Cl ureh, giving Day When 11tr do- xheir lhm{iy, which Included torn of the girls -swim tram. A visit to the Collette ]eves winning ehampEnn- Thal church ix only open enannts of John Wesley n odd itio o prow lural Bob and Kathy Ellis cn- h-sa in Iia nvnll and or ships_lnscphsuccesa- for spcc4al mrvices and t1m and Nnna Galt. ElehEson Tul[erpw; the TLtte-wchit- teHained the Latham f ily Gana was o aifFcrent kfal or fol a[hlctr, Itimulf. and he = Christmas plus— is Mr. came t¢ Cann for Th.nk.- drop. f rim Teacrow and at a Thanksgiving dinner pleaxure.-fibs Collette house was able to mach ether to That service -111 be Salon giving JI -rt at Fmst3urkl, his wife, Page, -0 dough- on Saturday night, Nov, l9, whlch . 1-1-d near reach thele Idgltest potrnlia!- day. Dec. 3 as 7 p.m. T hz the house that John and tars, Prose and Idnrper, and Specinl sues[ was Knthy'. Can. RMds hod n big fmot Joseph says ting he cmd- F—hrlitpn lJnfned Meth- Nunn bough, f her an- ElimWfi "Izay" TuInc 'her. Nem Critic Lakhani, pcaeh wilh . vwln$. OEcn- Its "Miss- L.I. Enchivon. Odisl Eiondbell Choir will ale, Johnny Frost, In 1416. Burphal[c, end her huabnn.,{, n eaidcnl of Somerset i na nM I would sit in that his tenchcr u[ Con School. porUelpgte in the pro r.m They lined ax Fmstlnnd un- Joe, and sen, Joseph. art of Mocksvillc. Bob .nd Kathy swing, visit, and w..dt the ... enme of his suaeas as .long with atter Features. 61 they died, Nana in t934, Advooce: Henry Weil of and their friends. Rick and rraific on Cana Road- New on midete because Mfss"Lo- The Phlo community and John in 1936. 5ince, Choi Fine: and Susan Waal Cu. Judy Wilson and Jur1y's the traffic on Cana Rood In seemed to rccogniz than we]cvmes new residcnis, time, Sic Fmslla.d lyse j.s and her husband, Al. and tM.hc,. Vfukt Gvursey, left was a .Inly nal what it is he Lad sunx Qlhleril ability Matthew MYllcr and his tins belonged [o [tic drscen- children, Amy, Missy. rsnd - the 20th for n v.- ion. tpaoy. Wr probably would nna sic cnmunged frim ra wife, who have mored intro aunts of Jphn and N, na Olirar vF Cana. Missy CYr- The group xpen[ the week not +sec marc [inn rwv or build M it- Joseph lives In rhe newly renovated house Etchison-first John, their son, jay' Mand. D.vid Michal.kf at North Myrt1a Hench and maybe tame cars in an hour. a xssisled ]lying f.6 iry rho[ ansa halM$ed to Mat• loofas Walter Etch.on. of Mock -Ill. was. a guest retam d home on Sunday. We knew the sound of all in A16cn.cjc. a.d is s1il3 as .s were Mindy, Aulumo. I meanly tailed on the lite ears in Conn, and w sharp m: lock. end Alaaander SpYlrmnn Or ralaphonc with several peo- would know who was tom. 1 also to," wlih Bill Santa Paws Is Saturday Ydkjnville-Another grand- Pk who work Impadanl [q ing long here. it reached F..b- Who." m port pF d ggh-Z of Jg4p.apo lvanrL air .Whap_l Was ,a -wing- 1Ha Ggl]vgc Irovsw Al... Wh youth m4hc Fier. com-- -y- "-(.'CMM()Ns - -The 0, c;.abardeuled pstCain Etchlspn who enjoyed up in Cnoa in the 30s and Ab Hutchens would aTxrha unity ;ud I= living rear Humane 5eciery or t).vie The public is also eaeoun the Thanksgiving dinner 406: Nelda Pupa Brown by moll every day on his Can.. Joseph. who l Bill's County and Dero's Fabrics aged No bring hem donntions Wfth her Etehison relnliv.s and Glenna Colletic Lagle- wagon which wax put Eed by firs[ cousin, warned me to in'ClemmMs will haul Sua• to Sruna Paw. for the nd.p- at Carso was Many elchisnn I spent m..y hears with two horses- His .bother .rd ask Bill ir he remembered Na Paws an Sal. -.y, Dec. 3 tion center- ITdigree Poppy Baboe ek and her hushood, those two girls- Ne1dn and hla .i8tet, Om, were usually winning the three-legged f 11 um. 2 pan- & Adult Food, Purina O.e Bill Habcock, of Raleigh. I would work and work pnssengets un the wagon, m e thnl the two of [hem Come out a pet ar 5aL¢oa Flavor, ptJrinn lCi[- ]gseph Burehclte, wlto building a playhouse under Ab wand slop the hors- pxrtiOp-d. i at Smith people phuio with Ssa- ten Chow, dumplag cat tit- ouiy 6 years old but is the hi$ oak tree io her your. a and the would visit roc Gwve School I•Teid Doy. U. Framed photos oro SID , eat toys, bleach, while n farmer at heart, made n Building a playhouse re- aswhile with the Hutchens or eoursa. (sill re rn- anrh, diatilfM vinegar, paper tow- birthd.y cake with the help quired n sof of inganuily oral family- Glenna's mv[her, berW. In fart, Hill saki rllot Pmeaeds will help els. grnty used or new tow- of his menher, I -y, for hl r. imug3padpn because we did Miss Tbssie, wouldnlYen he and Jonah wou]d he HSDC rcscae. erre far, and is and bwnZd.s, cousin, Gray Elchis-. who not hove any pi Lim, rcody. jWn u9 un the porch and their legs l.,chher and nen 611.9 chs some of her Fresh- an nhree leg. all rine wry ANevv Every Looking for the Perfect C#krlistmas giilt? Lank na marc! - A sabscrlprinn tit 17a�ie Courtp Enterprise Rreoni - mxkps a perf gift fpr any¢tie. Ali *tic laden news oFI]avie County• v.r11 he delireted rir=-, Jlc m their ail6vr. cac}t weer £act irsuc is21" fiiicd vrith taxies i m,31= , iZu., C-feemec,Mgck lr xnd ii of he riser Focal cannasu rltim Phys, they will fixed Dux a4nur:ocd businesses who provide a wide variety ofgoods and services right here in our avert back yard. Only $26.69 P./Yr.! 336-751-2120 ode yeast mile - the hest from the Fe -bee home nn -115 aver. Angell P-4 to the Co.. Nelda, wire mmried School. The- boys bc- Uqyd Brawn, and ❑ten- route good ru him- because n., who mmriul Andrew nrcy 0-miwd daily, -[ in L.ngle, built have mad icnf Tay but by running and proh]ema, many yr wlr3lh by working M (heir Pa..., to multiple as they form - grew alder. Nelda is ikving Bill Fcreb- is. 95; wad with her son, LWyd Jr, and like his cousin, Joseph, he IN wife Chrlminc; and she has a phetkmhegol memvey- i.Y rmul apprecitrtivc of [tide els is n resident at navfe goad rare. Slte fell some Pince in ..,.villa. time ago, nna sou sa13 hnr C. hay los( many vow- difficuldeswill' some of the Holl residents through the injaries she m lived. She ye.rs but Eark fly w still says chat she is beset with lava people who am in their errrory prpblcnw which Int. M, andlar 911. and who seem la bother many pepple an help us remember what as they age- a elm-- it was t0 grow up Glenne is living in in the village of Cann. assisted- living f -Indy j. JACOB'S TERN STORE SALE 1 1 55S Parks Rd. woodYeafa NC 704-278-4973 des: Fel-. 10.6; Sat. 9-4 Gloated Suer, sad ]Ssua. DAV IF UOUNTY EN- ERPR FSF. RECORD. Th unary. Dec. 1.7U16 - C:-% Volunteers Steven Miller. Larnaris wimama and Meagan W Imams are reedy to serve veterans at the Davie Senior Letters from Home onlsrtalners get a Davie County veteran on Stage For soma dancing and Center, fun. Veteran Events Popular At Senior Services Veterans f - un all terk-is the Country perfMn- branrhes enme wgeshcr an ing a tribute to vrtcmm Tlmxadny, Nuv, 111 as Pn. through music. dance nrd ie County 5enlnr Services comedy fnapIred by she hozled rsve npprevinijun 19496. en ants in their honor. Punding for the meal Mark than 3511 veter.ns courle5 from he County of and their goes[. anerWed, Davie through Senior 5e1 - which marked the MIN na- 'i-, bndgct. Th. amcttaiu. nlvrmurp or the went, mane nrd a -r. pnzw were At each even[ attendees Yunded by donnllunz Irom enjoy a mw] serycd tit their for re in the community. table by senior Serrfeea "ssoi h San•ices would staff .rut hrplbmeera from 11ke to thunk nl1 of the 6usi- the community- Tile pro- nesses who gave so f sly in gram. 11tardinatcd by Lu- order tri make the eve.. 1" then Potts. Included Posting siblc, as well rs doe nonny of the Colors, the Pledge of volunteers who helped to Alleglm- and Ni ihiml serve, clean up, and redaca- Anthem, ree.,wition for role for the avenins n sal;' uteh branch of service, and sold Kim Shuskey, director. rncec �r speeial rccognitlons, "A splal thank yna goes m ncluding Purple.Hron re Luxller Po[Lx, who secured cipic»la, POWs, femora At of the donullana and co- cnlistces. tnililnry ted. ordi..Ned,he prngmm." and rhe olden vewr.n in at- For more infennalion lersdance. shout the Prelim s and _ The •eat culminpne j ,;prvice;-offexcd-hy 110vit will; pro rss3onal enier- Cnunsy senior5crvice os1Y tainmcnr by -Levers Fran: 336-753.6:30. Hnmc:' This Est c group that Event coordinator Luther Potts with entertainers from Lerlers from Home. Fveyy gift that gives Hare 6 e week of the year paint* sAscripiian to the o 7flter or acid Tderiar Davie County Enterprise Record . PressYJre rYVusil _ E Only $26.69 336-751-2120 338-940-83,60 Davis NAACP 2016 mother of the year, Azalea Slockion, and Freedom Fund Speaker, the Rev, or. Mazls Ferguson. Ferguson Speaks Ta NAACP The Rcv- Dr, Mexk for .11 requires cMstam at- Fergusnn, the speaker for lenlioa- the Davie NAACP Annual Cne of [he penal -sea the Freedanl Fund Sanquet in speaker erspoke of was the Camber, began her addrcm Supreme Court Brawn v titled "Caturadirricaaand Board of Edac.tivn Peci- Paradtnrc:' by having the cion of 1954- After state altendeerrecite the preatn. segregated public schooi blC Iq tar C-sdwdM with systems were declared un. her.nr[isuti-o1, she poi wd She eantn-cd phrase out how challenging the by phew., saying no lure a transitaon was far beth rare: mane earned 0111011 and to when schools were in[e- prorn a ale gcnawl w•elrare grated. FILM -8&ie MM TAPE - VHS, VHS -C. 8MM, HiB. D8, Mini DV, Betamax, and More 22 Years In Winston-Salem EPIC ALEDIA, 336-,924-8778 S96SC Robirthovd Rd- 27106 epi C`vi deo Qvvi ndstream _ net U= CR- D&VIE COLT --M 124TMVRISE RECORD. Thnrsd--.y. Rcr- 1, M16 Cameron Billenstein enlovs a edea of pizza at Cooleemee Elenlentary- A banner pmClaims the school's newast distinction. Nathan Hards and Shane work on a pro blom pn an Pad, Cooleemee Elementary Earns Stere Recognition By KC Smith help n•ith F-Oq gyglienls, CWl"n—Corr.spprldem imply helping ih.4 child know Wha; a word Congr=ndations Coal- all parcgts went home with e Eomen..ry School a b.'—ides of how dwy forurece wing the Noadt could help pod support (heir Caroline fmsitivr Hehnvior child w home- lnleeve the Support loins- Itelping ttu child no ora [ive for the y -201d-2015- diel whnt wit] Lappen in What tat 1'—M 1a b. rc[ug- slvry. sale{hg gnesrians nimd T sue %an exemplary shoal tilt character: nxui .TWO.. any olher !Jens were talk- - At dna 9chool'x curricn- ed about in each class. !um nigh,, pmcats had a some of The snndcnts had cl,ahce to lake pnn in -Ta:beets of pagan tt hod n Walk in Your Child's typed goc,vnonx for ,heir skives:'1—" to u when They At caclr eipssravm .tour, red IOVIher n[ home -They h„gc posters with Wfferenn cu[ Th, questions into rdrips shoes helped define the pu r- so ;hey would be Teddy far pose oriM night- a everyday. Imrents knmed whal gas uYTo e. tke night there ann mrlrehild's el,. s ka wpixm for everyone• All d what ,he leather's ex- atudent. scented to be hav- penatiom ane- ing a goad Time, ineloding Whether in wax using a dor 1e 11— i rlad 1ns.Shad for rnalh Pmblcma to Sebastian, Trinia. Candy, and Angel Martinez make It a family affair on the special night. s - 1e1dr lnl,t 1�,, IOU' Made luar� • j 1 - M1dr 1 x Yes! -'..�. t Former Cooleemee sludsnl Nathan Linville hands out pitzas- t- - 1 Parents were encouraged to walk a mile in thaTi child's shoes. PAVIE COUNTY EKrE LM 15E RECORD. Thursday. bre. 1.2016 - C5 Cnoleemee Masonry Students Make Path With Mill Bricks By KC smith fiaraing how ;o break vl£ Cooleemce Carr-spondent The ends or 1he brick w ter for same xllxn anh— Ma1t M�Xnlght and hie a Hut i[ didn't ;oke Ion" for and semester ..,lents of lbcm to get dtr. hang' it his masonry eines agreed b—w bTh— were a ;ox of a cltvilengo They had never cu done beF WI— you get d... T. -P or A Vaeanl Ira beside Pin; guys shot stray f uud and Bapd>7 Church Sn Coo]- work ns n rosin, ir's nmaz- s 0—d to pm- ing how fns; a project Ilk. 'tile a- of o prayer garden- ;hie c n ga 1n [wu and n Bricks From the Erwin Mills half hours cacti d;,y- When demolltiun Project m asked if they ]earned so.kc - donated na e n much thing they had never done ceded wo1kw.y .rad be before loony chimed is any In"di"a, accesslhlr. said, "the whole Ihmg " once the concrete ycYeeT� small ,oaths wets erealcd -F,w nWied f a,e r cep the dust into the fpunipn Ja[, p P-1—had to bolas. sn,nc ailed the wheel bc chosen for the plajeet, barrels wish dos[ ood carried A linear ganrm would to -- needed and tenured haV —tad continual ,Ines how to dump lLe dust of nil rhe Wny nhrough, while lluervnls so oT1e big Pile this would hove made fire wauldn', fall oux at once. work . Lit cosier, nl;a Jcci- The guy. ngrccd -t- non woc ;o chose the Mi -111 was 0 1e dcr in a lot mast diff rah•or the ptnblem .sluing ami Not purpaseiuldy d Wright inatrvctor Mnn McKnight vdd, but the P-11—worked st." not oVty woe 11 n big with the six holes that were p jeer but i; was a .n - in brick, s n hod .ler-" Davie High masonry students working on the Cooleemee First Baptist prayer walk are Dawson e, brrnitae rhe random `Jt wn,. a gond PmJen for Brannon, Spenar Miller, Ryan Jonee, Dennis Crater, Cody Josey, Jacob Ryan, Tristan Merrill and ""M 27"d the dire.- 'tiara to do• n good 1—ft, Witt Allen, tion of;he holes wnsisienr- experience. it's n P jcct ky nxd Iw>ked more solid, they �1n ray they n - The Moo plishrd samclhing rand got clwnenging beceuu m somenhing opt or:' -P.-" T" in thus. The prayer garden w secxivos orad framing how --d in memory or Pa• [o mndnue;he pnt;em while tricia 'i'rish' Ch.ndicr who ,`Ili ng 1n with hair or three w resident of Coolcc- _ C, brick was diffcuh, arm. _ Figuring out the paltem was one of the first stags 01 the project. Bringing the bricks in on a whe@iflarrow, is hard work. Students sort through the bricks to Sind the right one- C6 - DAVIE COt1NTY EN`rERPRL4K RECOUP. Thundery. pec I.201S Brynlee Cash, Olivia Conk, Paisley Russell and Cole Tumar show off their finkshad 3.O turkeys at the Harmony Public Librai Sheffield Calahaln Christmas Open House Saturday At illy Brendn lll,.ley Youth u4ect llgx at I-W- Shcifield-cal.haln my Wercicyan nm Ile[d ench Cormspandum Wedne,u], at 5;3q p.m. and IIIc I'nisa ll•..n pmelice sin Fruty wishes go lar Il n, 6'30"Prayer service i, those eclrbra[ing Chir week: held encll Sunday morning S,ephcn Bomes a+ z_ ¢19;39. I; Lynn liendrix on Dec" Uric Ing events ml Lilt• 2; Cantl B" Reeve. nrrd crty Wcalcyan: Dee" 7 n, Aly -L Clnronh on Dec. 3; 6 p.rri., rhe youth. children Wilbur Reeves on Fycc. 4: and ndu][s will go Chr4sTmris ajkmahctin F.Wer and Mi- cnmling al Thu Inial noming clrellc I' W+ TJcc. 5: hnnierc wish a con Pxckngc Crystn3 Rccd on Dec, (n kind delivery; and trek Dcc. 24. n Stephan le Ren.'{- Wcbor. Silem Commullrnl Wii. be Melissa Gmlhe,. GOI Jet- held from 6-8 p.m" don and plan Gnue -D-_ NV. -h kp nl Cnm- 7"Congra,u E¢lhytsTmy and nu,ni+y Covenmi Church Tnn P "0"' who will -I- rc held 1--I 84,nr.ny ell ehrule [heir .puiverxpry on ]d;4$ elms and nl G part. Dcc. 4. 1f you wouhl Ilke The hla-,I Frank doew M -elve- or hirlhday mcnlnry ➢VD Is rWuilnhl¢ posted, ple¢sc do sol beak- several "Face" in town in- mtc ro -it..r crash ms. eluding the Forks or the The Sheffield-Celalm.n Yadkin office al 34 C.wrl YI•V Il linga me held ench Squprc" Donations ora nr- Mp,aloy night nl the xlrltian cepwd. Conlncl me for mole nt T'I•he Anxi tiury-cell nae inF lapin. are held n.e 211d Mundny o1' A jinn xcamnn is hats eacl+ month at 7. each Mundny even kpg n[ 'Fh. ShcflicW-Crinh.h, the F malkiXron Conlmunlry Travis Turner "we off his Orao cookie turkey oefere eating It. Vuluntcer Fire .,hpartment's Censer al 7 p-'.1= A.ntml Kids Chrislm- P.rh opening at R F ly wilt be held Sol nstny, Dec" a s. Teem is p $: charge, I l [mm 2-4 p.tsr. or 1b, xM- bu-tt music tutu gel ]n [rice, tion, lrl.m. come and join BJ's s hopping on ux for ¢ion 011cd gilcm¢¢n ,.I,.rd.yw night as G.iu- of -9., snack., Spaz ing C'Mond Imnd menhhrrs, tide Bry ,dro, SntW. Claus, Ly.ac. .,J le,l+r.Pwvel., bounce house (we.tker per- W;%4*K Wiles mrd T¢d milling]• F e painting and Nixon Ivnk lbe s,agc. There more. The simian is at 435 were lots or grcm dapce rs Dyson Road (vR Turkey- Them. 4nel+.d4ng acme nF fool Rood). The Casstevcrrs' front ,he T,c SCVirD is hnving n Cranberry Creck Bluegmxs Fest prize drawing JhpnJay, b:lnd, Jnner Nixon's ,:yunrc bee- 19 for a Henry Colder d.nccn perl'nmud during Boy A4 am and Huger lice hrcnk, along w{ell xhnw- kediiarwk R4 mognun+, n ing some of Ihcir fanlaulic xe and prize. drawing f F a nhilily m other lime.. DJ's Harpy Golden Spy :� rifle, is a grr1.4 piece to lake ynur pad a 3rd Pries for o YETI ramlly for n nighl of dnnc- 35 cooler. Y.0 do nn, haver Ing and Hs,cn4nS In Stent to be Pr 1 to win. Cn., Is music. I}J•a wit. be c.,acd x slohalbill of SIO. See any this Friday and Sri udry. ti fighicr for nckcL " I.- will rcopon nm Ixc. Chrisimns Gpcn Hau- n[ 9 Willi Blickw.lcr. Dl'"o ix PON- SIV1. s School wilt .1 114 Tlnkcyfawt tarn+d" be this Sn[udey and ngeIn Dunes open nc 6 and n n bac, 10 C m ]0 "'an m 7.7;30, Admissim, pm. Thar wl1. be a vnric,y ix S6 roe agean12 xl+d up, i3 or crofts -well na vkplape age. 6.1 I G nn.nr 5 F. - :rad repurpr.tled items. T71e S -end hx+m-nr commis- scl+ool is 1-.Icd err FCo airy thaw Ihcir singing rul- Ijnmes Chnrch Rud. You ons err lite 11.1 rliggicy Diner r1- I-Itcd la come and en- pn Hwy 601 South , Irl- rle. and mule .wu lop- If - wi 1. vary. Thi- pros runt Prnycr req ... 1. cnnlinue joy n cup oC hot cider and duy riolw. L� y's K --k. 14kkcy Tufts to cuk.hrmn kp gnat for bMne sulkloled For hladel.nc 1.4pkah. J"W" experlenee q laslc nE Chris1- is Pinot 6A 111.1. Tlkallksglvk ijj 'Tiley made i'4mk.iex, 0. Dn:. S,ynu con ![nonan. Meivi n All red, Ther av peal ¢s yla, do your Far alt yen hunripg c - .1-D lurkcys fmin �xln.lnrc. pninl resin ilgnrineh; 13th C.ocr. O,Il. Garvrth. Dryah Chris[ma...topping, rhusiaols, check cm I tion PnP,er and Orcu cnnkin .. 'rIpn stick mm�m1-m x: swain, jean Renvia. Bon- '3•kcAdull aihlo $lady at yrn7uurdnnrsroa+ or Fncn inrkays with candy ecru rail nod on the E91h it will be a Gisler, ,.orf r]y.on, .Snares Bnptfst La held eabh buuk Grn7 t7rrrrinvrs. This C Ilwrs. a cork Ctrlllnlns trees. Vi.lnd Beck, Bonie Stott. Sumlly evening nl 5;35" is a TV ]W1- sln•arn of rhe Mn. Claps .vi]. vi.il 11+1- For inner inFpnttalion, call Sherr Dyson. J¢hnny Nny- T1u study is tl,c I;aptisl ❑u,dndm. Por more Infix- library on Der" 6 Cron, -till 704-546-70flf tor, Edward Gaither, Dur F.i tip uud Mcasngc. motion, euntncr Jexh•W -7 p.m. C -At for nduhc n,u1 Mnkcr Snturdnys aae Keller, 5lia limb Fos+rr, TEAM Rid, Mr ages 3 Rrn'pnrrrdnnz,c op. children will bu pravkled, g.aTcd f f¢mi.ies and you Rick Swlahcr, F., Moorc, ycnrWSth gnxlc, meds each M.11-ki paI.fi- invites Maker Monday. in Dc- can walk in naylimc be. Jimmy B -00y: G]..ytl, S -41.y '.1 ljnm.s. B¢pkmi: child-. 10-41 is Toddl.r .ember me f"n 527 p,m. (ween !0-rkxwn. 0. Dec. 3 Cimrlex and Geta ktngl.nd, Church from 3.30-7 p.m., S,ury dips each Wednesday Co.. any time. Make you con make Drowse eta; Deborah Nichola, Sy.v In and the Ynnlh, ages 6th- moraine [rpm [11;70-.I al spore. ore �renlivr• P.Y t[hh 4x ]rainl.d re n flea- Ra[ledgr William x, Joyce ] 2t., gmdca, meets s, 5:45 ,he ii m rhy Public €d burry. xPnces where people urn rinrs; and Ih¢ 17d4t fs cin- Beck, Wellman Bock. Ha - Por rccrn.,lup and Bible 11-;4- This pass week. lilt chi ldren gusher tv creme, inven, and nornell .lick m•nnmcnts, All sl Nmoet, W..d4 Hnlr, toe suns. sang songs, lira- d ,u Sm- Ieam. Each week the prof- suppties me Pmvl lett. Chopin, John WrdI term Mar. Allen. Tan lio tier. Poplar Springs Olivia GOON. Paisley HusseIr. Oil via WI l l to ms and Tal la Keatl ng, with help of parents, design decors- tions for their turkeys. Junior 13 a. Betty D,1.4Y ran, M.11 Lanrwr.l, John Henry Rcevca, Belly Kar- nker,'Ibm4ny Keller, Shir- Icy Smilh, Naomi lV tcu+, shlrley Glw"d•, Runnic 'rhomlvsan, fiamom Bvrncy and Ronald Riehndsol!" Gar FinreKe d.ndnlnlee4 I. ,he Bclry envier Fnmlly pod the Brenda 1Eages family. A. your news eurre.Pen- dcnr, t need your Ilol}+ lu mnkc Ibis n c loran oC in• vu st m everyone. Menu lrmft your itemam 1r,Jhnf- Ivvra„ranrnn+ or cm1 751. '7557 nn c",111" 2 p.m. on s -ds,. PAVjE COr nLry F-` -FERFIC 1%F RECORD. Thursdonk. baa_ 1, :016 - C7 f Wall, Marie heath, Jim and Jona11 Lewis and Betty Wal]. County Line Clarksrbury Seniors See Show At Wohl Fahrt Haus By Sl,trley Tharnu [:aunty t.inc Corresprn jeer Ilk Drccmbe, and -, C"I"brmns m on the mond.UF7* or folks in County I -int. As phone rel+ -'the Clnrk.hnrysaris. -shod n trip Ip theChris,max shtw+mthe WWII Fhn Ilaus Dinner Thmre _ in WY-hev IIIc, Vn-fur local - - c3+urch- ,ire hegntning I. Richard and Carol 13razal, Shnrrifl and Teresa Johnson and Grace Hoofs and Margaret Simmons anjoy the dinner" plan traditional Chris— pn+grnms- 'Mis week reek have - cn1 rally CkIli7 enlx. m mnTitcV-Mirpl Rurimn in- - - ••p. c ell stoker adult. Io The ,o mlhlfly to "Chrislnsa,t scnivr Hill n, 3 p.m. lodny ITlursdnyl ox the V. r ran :J Point Building. Enjoy hinge i ! - whi, .o,sorpi.e.rorc y -- c plus dc4>cious .ru¢-0r- - nd NIkrwshfp" OCHS Kurfees, Bonnie Gunler and Martha Ann York: and Lexine Jordan and Madorlo Canner" t C.arkshnry Vnkud Meth- odist Church will hr -q. n Crackd Barrel in S,atervi.le per plate will Ise +-ccepmd- III; Ll. nativlty a. Sociexy have xa,yery T.re.t4y of IWkgy, and .,her res4den¢v -Brcnkfa.t with Sam.' at For a Dulch-rreat Christmas Thkebntc err uvalinh.c for Bnptin Sahlmay, Dec. 17; Ihie week" Belly, molhcr of who hue hnving hcuhh pmb- 9 n.m, 9.1ur4i4ry, Dec, y in break Fest. 57 per plate. 041 pVrceed. C"mmz+ nlato hosted by 1>,rsrnr Cliff Well or Clmhhx lemx. Continue to remen'- ,hc rel lvwship hell" S.1 ng loin n+r V -Polar Rurl- h¢nclst community pmjeru" Society BuInIA nt 11 a " bury, fc]I Inst Sunday mom- ber in prayer +he families the F:Imily and IZII your ten. for a country hum nl rnthrace of Socieey will wurx3riP service Sundry, lore and fl- Zed her hip: nl7'cc1Cd bymany Osex partum etude wfd4 Snn,., snusngn brcakfa�l kinin -10 race, d 5'33 p",st, Wednex• lxc" I8; and Christmas pot- she has been hospilal4aed ni our .ouihw-astern Dorf F -.mac arurc-to giur him - axn.&Mwilpy a, I W-xtflrini»dol', Dcc. �irtZheY Rowship gram xrCalvurr M.prifsul ff tklq" yth McSi'uRCenfZfa 6SIL" area. 3-l'w, i,5i&mbc;r - Chr:s,m..x wish li-l. [Sul lding on Old Mock-- hall-'Imc women invite orb- Pm. felluwcd by=. and is swan Ing -Tgery. Gladys in pr yet the many Families Tl,c Unircd Mcllrvrli-1 vilde Rood about 3 mile a f.1low1hip Sammy. Dee, }g, Grins. and FYggy Winfrey who rcmnin displaced by Men of 5n.em in vile every- ream NC 9u,, The buffs- �t3Pcnmbta - Gur a unity sends -bah n[ hlnpk hh7car.e Nlanhew" imG a ri+ey and rhe3r fnmk- include. country hluo and ally r ants r.lud:. trip ger- 0 wishes m Lh Rev" Ixaf Nuts1 ng Censer" Foe n and m .in meet o[ 7 a.m. Sunday, uni-gr. sic nrb.rd eyyp, to the r"Black Nativity" in Cliff. Gwahney and Betty lain r s in Prayer for the to .hMc. pler..e call Slurley Dec, d nl the ehbreh WT gnu,eWnmral ,..b, baked Winaun-Sakent sponsored Wsll. Gwaltney, father of land'. divine henling and un 336-492-5115 ur mail D ie Academy Read near apples, hiscsrils. ch drink. 4y Piney Grass AME 2 -ion Pastor Braadun Gwaltney blessings uptm the Rev" .drlrn+[@'hvrnvrrltrnn" e lid? m hovel trrylelher 1. Midmain donadc.n of S7 Church Saturday. Dec. or Pcauali, View, wax re Gwal-ney. Beny, 0I.dys. Make Sure Child Car Seams Working Properly The Onvie County I'Irsllh ¢ a lending caNse or death men.urc,heir chi ldrcn's car forwam-f ing .cal neclly and When rttansiiien and weigh, wicilircmem, Drpanmrnl urges parents a any children in rbc Unit- seats ora axed properly: wid, n hostas. unlit hr o to your child m Keep your child in Ihr and caregivers la have Ihcir ed S." " Many of these kith - 12 en,V3s she rcech- ,he top helghr anomer type of seal .s your beck .r:n n, leas, ,hro+ah child-nk car sterol+ checked death= con be Prry cored. For Ihr ben po is to }am- nr weight limit alEpwiod by child gmwx alder:' cite13- I' rat Pmper lnsta4lalion, six- AeeaNipy to the Ccnler rection, your child under your 1-¢r -.,a mandrnc- Remember par more int m+ariun ing and overall safely. for Disease Can Vol pIW ago I should always ride tnrer. Once your chlid 9v,- • Scirct a car sea, b...:.1 pr ro have your child pns- '. "We wnm whelp you du Prc•'cmI... In 201.1. 611= rear-� ing cert' seal" glows am fnrwrW-racing on yoo child ,age and size anger safety sent elheukeJ, all you c o best protect eh4ldren ay •s 12 yc¢ra and 'n.. hue diff rent types c sen[ wish n harltcss- it's and ehuesr n sem ,lira Frs In eorlcae, rhe Davie County S� your childlchildren When yolingcr dyed ex r>ccr,pan,s of rau,•f ing scats: intone- risme to u+lrc! in a booster your vrhiCl¢ :IqJ us* i, 1-v- Hcal,h Depnrrmenr a, tih- tmveBpg. Wr urge .11 pro• n vr1rle11- cmxlks, and more only sea,. can nn3y be axed seal, bot mill in the hack cry Tune- 753.5730" ears and cnreglverx to have ,hen 421 « 5O w'rrc injured- arda.ekag. Convenihde sea[. A]wny. rcFrr to your your ear-rn,[sl checked by The uPrinxed r4- old 3-kn-! c rn4 lypd- g -l2 veers 6Pecilie a a, rtyrnafae- METAL Willed I1-e11nieian. WMn datinns e-pir-izc�hnW in,- ashy have higher height and Keep your child in n amt's Mstn,elions; read Ifre ROOFING hcc s tp 1k11- xn1'cty of portrait it is to keep ehi.drcn welit lim.Ts for rbc re fLuster Sell until 1+1- or she ch Me ¢Wirer x manrsd on yoa>°chilrllehi Wren, ,heir is in encs, re. slur lyFW For f i,lg pusilkon, pllowkrlg ix S yeah old or MI pounds how - instail Thr ear sera 3'Coverdge- 40e C(lhlrs roan,ma for Inlnnkcs' says ps Ipng us parsibic lx€urr ya,l 4o keep "Wr child rear- and big e+.m,gh «l tie it% r using 'Ike scat bell cr latch to carina 04004, cru vim Brandi Path, 1-n col tech- turning ,hem to ,he ncnl €acing for n longer penal or scar bel properly. Por u soul-yslcm: and cheek height 40 Year Warranty alas and health educminn IyPrr• For maximum child time. hell Ip til pmperly lire dap rand wpkyh, Eimits" viol XrAr �aFpn•AVASrAyaMrE .Pe ia.i,r with Davie Conn- pes:cager snfrry, p"n"' l-3 years be mnxl Be ..ugly n cps. • To maalmiae -fe,y. 71R-'178-'3(Wlp ry Mahn Dcpru'rnicnt, and cnregivor"t xhoold visit Y r child s-hau.d rernion dm upper ,Iughs, sol the keep your child 4M1 ,h1- car M �,R•� AW M.urlr vcl+icic injuries their IkKCJI inspec ups s,nrino i n rent -racing cu nal romach. Thio rho u d_ belt aT for as long - p-, 'I1-, M anti{ he or she r< hess[he .Ilnnld lie rnng.y semis die -long ns 1111- child 1i[- Willi- or me G.,c,ara¢. LiC - Advance lop hcighl . weight limit shoulder eel eli-I and n1-, In ,h1- manufacxurrr's height vuxNv.mldstalemetals-aom +_ Visitors showed by your cnr seal's c ss the neck ut Fnec" Thanksgiving v isil or� nnnf-sore. This rtwy rc- m"We ell kno v it's not nn snit in ml y children riding uasy ,ask 1n f nl the right By E Uh'l.Immcrmm cream- rcur.Ltcmg to age 2 or older. car .col;' pert,. said. 'Ane, Aden a Comcsp.ndrnl Recent visk - or Anna]• On- ro„r, child outgrow, ,I], there u,� se -1 types of e Myers were oouajns I.1-" the rear -f ing ear Sral, your encs-fmm ipfnnr ,rr e0n- 11.ftj ;givingwas Iku Parker and her dauyhwr el ild is ready to Vnvcl inn vcrtihlc and booster -dr - served ihmugl.nul the Com-otr April Herncr of Coyrtacy" forward-[-ing rnr Seel wish pending on your child's age tinily with n :Ino gather- Three 6m dcbild- ¢cn+m• u llarpess. am -1.4. . teen after you Feel ppgs and r, rrdl food. Food paalyd ,hent, Adehnc. An- 4-7 yemcs she rlon o e, n's kmponnnl Mitred with the I,.. dens. nad Ava.oc Hcfnrr. Keep your child in u to know' how m install your fortpaalc in the Wren- My Thanksgiving cist- The foruily of rhe Ince fort w rc dauyh,er Janie SG ke aro Knit Smiley race Hendrix, her dao ghler Men n, Green Meadows Baptist edi[h Handel- Gowen. her Church on S¢tprday. N3 husband Chris Gowen and Happy 36 a, rhe fellowship hhdl (heir three children Crdch, for Ihcir rias] ore d -10 Asher and Ellis of Waahaw, ing gatheri ng, :rtnm mass m who arri.ed Wednesday People Fran vnrions fermi- and stayed mrolrgh Friday. lies enjoyed Inc rxlebraa4on. While here the group had l we wain to wish Inez lours or Old Salem and Chaplin HowaTrl a bop- other places of imereal in ■L moi■ y .Jf try be.ared lrirrhday. fnea ,hr aura. On '110 n1sgkv- uorned 99 an sore- t7" Stir I" usay lama's .Sauyh+er. Elsie Mae Simpson as treated to on oyster Andrea Handal'- Singh. her Li stns• on Thursday night by' h -h -d 13,- Singh and ber family" Fier grnndsao mro .'anerrlhb.c dough. Love_ Dina ;u� entrnainea er ler Lean err uy r 1 y at- YU13i C Family his hums o1- SanWay nigh. 3"C"visile. amus proxy at- � til-Z}r }r with bbukdar tale and NEW HpUfff + emillwFoAry Sao er err 'DO Pro eI a -da &Stl ernY3,00 Pen 8uj1d" yloo gun -3 -Aa pm �lo� Diggilj1ine, 2076115 Furry. 601 5" - Mucksville, RC lel Ihp 1. Coma l 7leasdalr S� 2 C1 Dbe for 44" me. rnaM a desrat Fll6ay �B1'lai 2 RRI' a Steak iYfloers'19" -h ck- sAUM UK liday WA*Illil� 10% Off "U.- Sm,go caw 4irnmort Cw'l C8- DAYte CDUNTY ENTERPRLSF RECORD. Thcrsdn.", Dec -1.2036 Christmas In Farmington Is This Saturday Fnrmimgion Cmarnoriky Center will hail [he annual "Christmas in Furaingrpn" nvem eq Saturday. Dc, 3 I m9 sun".2 pn1, work day ill F lure w k from awmr or The Cre- ative nisnns 1ha[ 11 Ds - "e County horn., pottery. wood-IuniW ilrms,arwork, and per hum" are some of the items from soma of .hc 24 arttams, %ftrx, bak- nnd vendors, Rope. senlanl- from L.L.Roc. Thiry-onc and younique will also be on band 1G ae- sisl :gaup, re looking for rhe Perfect gift. Singers Crum Ih1 core- unily will provide Chriei- mne Itt[i0na throughout the day and a varietyor homemade soup end sn id- wirhes will be avai Eable for Punch, 'there arc on3vlt1es for The litde o.rtS os D's Cloud Bounce will be on she for pnit 'Jay ay in aftnw she ]bite r []ac xv play in The tZ.- house" Ch:u-ne• Teri From Sus' Go P1sy will be available for pllo[os end irecilnu ,he kldy, ,ad Sanrn .ad Mrs" C3nsls wfII make a special visit i.rshack nn the aughry and nice lis[ and to ink. rr1<ppes[9 r Chrtyr- nmwish ]Isis. Tew Chris -7 -in Farm- ington "cul is ['tee with donations being -,,-pied f r lunch" For nlme inYor- -adore unit Tho orrice at 066) 998.2912 yr email 1 rrr,ll.�,arrdao�,,,nrr.ee,,,. Obituaries William Franklin •Wi111e' HNRht Mr" William'Wiltie- Franklin Bright. 66, of Advance, died Sunday, Nov" 27, 2016.1 Fntsyth Medical Center" He was ham Jnn, 26. 1950 in Pelham, S. C_ No Ods Smith I unfis,aa1 James WillimPIright-lZ Pl4b. served 1n dieU.S- Nary and was, member of Rdfand Church. lPHC, H1 wan precededin dernh byhis pa-; o dnughlcr, Kristi; n. Jaron: 2 brat hen, Lcry and Bill Rd I Surviving: his wife or 46 ycnn, Cathy Beanahmup "hr; a son, Josh Bright and wife Kryslel or L1nCoinxnn; and a brush-, Virgil Bright and wt Pa Dade of Mock -M., A runend service will he Ile rd at 2 p.m. Friday.:%C.2 n1 Rcdland Chirrch, IPRC with P -min, David Richardson, sect K. B.Ak and'lloi Nichol. o!'6c3nting. &urinl Will follow in the church den+cldry"'Il.c fsmfly wkll M-ivc friends from 6.8 p.m.lhtrr�ay, fkc- I at Hayworth -Miller Kir,denvn Chupol, 8ennuda Run" Condolences: rrmnvl yirorrlr-Mtrlmrnm. Infvrmalkon can Also be H,t,,l .Clay' McCiamrock Sr. fund on rhe Fri -book page Mr. Hubcn "Clay" Mc Cl. -WI, Sc.,64, of Moek%vi 1ln, a1 ForninglanCommlmity- Bled Tuesday. Nov. 25i,'201'5 n[ Forsyth Medical Center in CcnreeNC, wing-'saleta. He wen here Dec" 15, 1951, In Rpwn.l County. Mr. McClnm- rRR{ /our (j1 tuck wusa member of Oak Grove ■ r ! il! l Around United Methodist Church. He 4'hurches Advance Advent Fair, Tree Lighting Sunday The Advance Cobouighy Adrenl Fats mW Chii.mi- The LJghling wl]I be SumNy. Due- 4 m Adverse United Mcdlodist Churell and Advance I•irc Department, The Advcm Fair will be In dw Church faivwship hall f 4-5.30 p,m III— wi 11 he cmfis F all ages acid light mtmshmcnls" R1 5;30, Pesdvides oil] mevc nrsr Doer 10 Advance Fire Depsrimoni for 11. Chrisirmas'U_ Light- theIg cudrcF hmenls of 6 p.m. All pre -deem r-'llre church Is al 1911 NC W I s, nest to Iho fire data, mcni. Fellowship Lunch Sunday At Holy Cross Lutheran On Sunday. Dec. 4, the Onance Ona slcwarJ, hip rum- miitee at Holy Cress Lu[hercn Church, 1923 us W S MoekWII k• will 11001 he annual Fall Fellowship lnnohwn. A short Congregation.I meeting w distribute the ?1117 bud- get will be held, followed by xlu Christmas program. Thr story 19 s.1 in Bemlchem and is foeused nn she nnima]s gn[hescd around [Irl ne.ivity. Children and adults will take hart in this plly- A PN -luck lunchwill be mared, wuh be vlroRcs and dasvin provided. All sou we3dome for worship at 9 am. followed by the No ag's activilies- Pancake Breakfast Saturday At 5t. Francis Of Assisi SL Femicis of Assisi Council 12610, Knlgh.a of -Colum, baa, is hosting on all-yna-p+n�r4 pilmake breaki t fmm 8-I1 o.rn" on Solurday. Due "3, at The Parish Hall, k62 Yadk- I,v,we Rwd, MoeksviBc-The breakfast ix open TO the pub- lic and donation, rote welcome. Advent Service Sunday At Greater Mt Moriah Advent Scr.•ice x411 be held ax Greiner Maw.[ Mexfah Micu- y Bepeiar Chordr, 162 E Depot 51. ma Sunday, Deer 4 at 3 pea -The speaker'171 be The Rev, Gary Nfilrem. ,.--or Bnxwnad Mrs,-imn Baptist Church, Eve yeac is im,-itcit Linda Elisabeth Driver 'Hersey' Carter Linda Elianbeih Drives "B¢iscy" Caner. 53, died at Fox. sylh Medical Center Sn[r.rdrly. Nov. 26, 2016. She war n rive of Norfolk. Va. tonal Aug, 19, 19454. and the daughwr or the laic Hasty Kcanc[hDriver and Sylrin joy.. Ball Driver. She graduated fmm David County High school and smell her hachelor's deg.ce I'- High Point Univ.nny. 3ir0 was the ofliee --it- In, Caro- lina Fire systema nae o moml,lr or Cbmtnut Gmvc U. red Mcth. ed}si Church- survivon: 3 daughtcn, Ann: Beth Carer, Gliria Gra..Caner mrd Sarah McKlnAlc Caner, all , of The honor; IN stcp-aon, Rodney Carl- Florida: a sinter, Joy Driver Hornctl of Wilsnn;,n nd1u, Grady Tri n.; phis suvcrn cvnsins. 3 nephews, a and 5 grcnl-nephews. m Aomenloriel -Nice way 1. beca.d-oil u. A pin. Wednesday at Chestnut Gn,vc UMC with the Rev, Dnvia Oil bsvnlh offcinting. Th. family -s to mol ve frhmds Fol- lowing the acrviee in the ehptch. MemoriaLi; IG help off-. islet c9143ca. 01wM Funeral Servke, 416 Valley Read. Mucksvikle- Cnnaolrnce%� I.•Ion.•.,lrl.•illnrrn,rarn•rc•errun. Annie Roth Loper Iinward Mini- Annie Ranh Luper Hownrd,. 85, of Furk-Bixby Rood, Advance, died Su day. Nov. 27. 2016, at r ny[31 Medical CmI.r In wleatnn- snlcen. She ori, burn May 5. 1 93 1, !n Gall. County to the laic Llgdsey lonmhmn sad Clam Mae Carter Luper. Mss. Luper was n life -lung member of Fury: Baptist Church sad was retired ftp- Was%- F}7'".. She was also preceded in 4-111 by a.sixler, Ed- L" Shot- • sad s brother, Melvin J- 1 -pe, Survivors: her hushmnd. Gcai�e AlvinHoward of ill, home; 2 sums, Sco ,= H.w. ard ]Melissa) of MAnhanta, Beach, Carr. and Timothy Shea Howard (Vivien] of Greensbv.n: 2 gr' ddnughlen. Zoe and Saphis; a broth-, Freak Padhie Luper of Ad- v ; nanaad several ni-- tuna nephews. A funeral service u- to be conducted at I 1 Tlmas day- per_ I a. %ark Baptist Church with the Rev. Robert Gauen officiating" Inurement wss m fellrm in the ch,ucl, ecm.rrry" The fa -Ely wms Io receivx friea.ls at rl.echarll, one hour prier to rhe service" Caudnl�xx".•rurn,5j nGrnYrrr..m" Charles Edward 'Ed' Gaither Chases Edward "Ed" Gaither. 84, of Few Acres La-. H:mmny, died Monday, NO,. �11. 2016, following It. bilCf press a1 his home with his wife Com Lee and Ii lel-: friend Jolla Henry Reeves- by �' q Mr. Grd.her was ham Nov. 29,193 1; in Sta[eivilk IN was n of Ih1 lore William Guy Gaither and P.Isf Richardson Gnilher. He was a ]99rJ gradu- a[c high school"Iic war A vcicr- nn vr.h. U.S. Army and retired fmm Fiber lndwnries. articr 20 y-. and then from Inumoll- Rand. In2A 16. he was hollp w as n dhdtWI member and Fou 40 years or service with The sbef- herd.Cnl.h.ln Fire Dlpanmenl serying for 30 yarns as treaa mr" Mr. Gaither wA%a IH'elnng m¢mhmr of NO- Uniom Urn'd McthnJiA Church serving nn a Lay Scrvanr, Sunday school teacher. and on nu nervus m laser. He c eVcd gardcni ng, rendinM.nnd wiry ¢spe. eially Inlealed m P wine maker. Survivors: his wife, Corn Lac (Vstnl) Gaither, dnngh- I.r. Mel ii -.o Lynn Qrril krcr; sea Alvin Joseph Galthcr: and 2 repsovs, panne Vessel Bpd Mickey VoWL. brotk c-in-lnvr. Jollnny Naylor; sister -ill -Ino, L3rdnean Ler (Brady); and o muuitl+de of ciwsdas, friends, nieces, and "phnws" He was also preceded in death by; 3 t-ilsarn, William City Jr.. David Lawrence. an infant bmlh¢r; IN si,rer, Miry lois Nayldr'; first wile, Jcrleen So ider Gubher: and 2 infant aonft. A rnlehrntirm of life will be cmducled al 2 pm., F.1 - day, Dcc.2 at No,, Unier+ Unlled Me.hudi%, Clmrch.'111c Rev" Eric Lineberry wi11 off elms. Burial wilt f llow 1. Inc mercry whir fall church eemilinit'y honors and Shrffield- Cril.haln Fire Dcpsren-1 honors. Tb. fomkly .111 rcW3ve friends rmm 6;30-R p.m.. Thea-Irry, Dec" I,at Davin Fu- ncml sc-les. Memorials: New Union UMC, ATrN; Doris Dyson, 1469 Cvunry Line Road. Harmony. 28634; or to the Sbef- Seld-Calahnln Pira Dcp.„43.5 Dyson Bowl, Mocksvilw. Candofnces: u'nvrfrre l'fayssurrnrsrrvfnr•rrari. Edward Humid 'Ed' Mays Edward H. -Id "Fal" Maim 69. died M hie home under The f Hospice on Sunday, Nov. 27, 2016. .-4xe ,'.R-, ber.hin RlewarCGulny n inor r lss7: 1t� idn of Rosa Mm Phelps Mays of Coolremee and the In[. Hnmld Mays. He retlied farm Fond Lion where he had waked in malm--- Ca be ,ampany worehoua¢. Aner rclimmcnt. he twcnme a sclfanlployed rarpem er. HewsMember of Communis a13t Community gp Chureh. He was gifted miJ. icnlly and had a number of puilatnge, hie loved cntennining at his Lome in his "Rixry Club" Whcrc friends yrahcred m socialist and V.1 hip iogeth- A3sa snrvWing: his wife, Joyce Agrl Osbprm Mnys; 2 dm,yhw.n, Mkhedle Mays of W tixlleaf mu1'r my May. of Virglul.; a step -son, William "Bubb." Glbwft (Angie): 2 step-grmrdeh ildren, Lisa -ntld leans: s bm[her,Jvly, Msys (pegity) of CoOleem.c; 8 g-.4" i[dren. tlennisn, 3esse, Swphrm .. Joshua• Carmelo. Von- sn, Nichot..s and Lilly, plus nni.-. Shannon Muys. Al.. preceJiug l,lm in death was a daughter. Kimberly Mays. A cticbnl[im of life wrvket wss eundncled at 2 psn" Wedncsdny. Nov. 30 n1 Community Bspdsr Church, 613 Gladstone Road. Mocle-i-1e, with I'salor Mike Bumhcnc pYfiWadny, '111, body I¢id in stnW oat hour pox to .he service during which rime the family will receive frierWs. Burial followed in tsgion Mcmorlat Park in Ct cleemee- Mcmorinls: Hvapke of Rowan, 726 Gn, St., Sails. bury, 2RI44. Cafdalcoces:,vw.v�7ru'al.mlrr,rslrlirr•.nn,- CHRISTMAS VILLAGES GOLD & SILVER JEWELRY GOLD & SILVER COINS GILASSWARE -- PUMRY SIGNED ARTWORK AVrk?_NN551tLm#ira C>;',illc7ilT ofC•llarks Chan', Fumtfure, Pewter, Crystal, Lrnfege Mag'axlnesr cast ken, Frshing Cures, Tools & Muer Morel FCidW IEVIEIfta llp Dec. 2M, 6:00 um 94,97N. NC Iso, clemmons LUNBIMADUCIONGRU [®NIMH AMMON 4L RYM DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thurad.y. l7cc- L ]Alb 179 Obituaries Debra Thomas Wyatt Mn" L}chre Thomas Wean. 62. died or Kole B. Reyn- olds Hosgleu Home nn Nov, 23• jl 16. She was brim va Nor, 2.1954 to Jmm 1 Franklin Thvmns and Corcne alis Tllumus in Fersy,h County- She gmdoa.. art fmm Parkl, nd High about end wens on to work fpr W.- chovIn Sank end Tm%1 whore .:'•';r ,rbc retired a[xrr 3p yrnne. She shry.d :'live, e,wrdinniing rs f r.rime,, 5-7 a. d1- _! a a,d .n the 0 ell, sal Jul - ed Pj..dule ,N,J FErsi Chsdnn 'i Churches. Sir. will he mires• bncd ns rem -hearted Indy who I[]ved ilumntinghlms, ono den ing and ram ily. Stir was pxceded in dcxth hY her FP------ her ansher husband, - . RIy All.. Wymt; nfepsutis, D+rvid Iflame Wyn.r:aid rric Michael WY -111. WIN of Way__ sister, Slcphsnic '17mrnos Spckavilln: and a cer [Donald) v1' Mvnlede. Katic Spccr Smith I7usidni of Fnymtevl11 ., A funeral service ours hew at noon, Saturday, Nnv, If, as H.yw h-MjI lcr SEI,s Crock Chnpcl wish dla Rcv. 13vb McCaskill nlhciantig-The fnmlly received mends for ole hour prk,r to the cervi,,•" A graveside c.nlmi[hd scrvk;e as held ni 3 ll.uj. S:Luuj y m Chevinul Hill Cemetery in Saii,ly. y. Mc+,xlriNs; Knlc B. Roynolds I lo"-wpice Helm. 1a I I I— plec Ln.. Win%tory.Satcm, 27103. cmutolences: a+sm•.Ar,v,vnrrll.rrduera-n p- Brenda Lee Carter Andres Mrs. Brenda l.ec Caster hlanpy. 70. or Adrine., died TrIcsdny. Nvv, 22.20 L 6 a1 her Lome. 511c- "d ham Nvv, 17, 1946 in D:Ivio County 10 "51km" and Sallie Cnncr. She masted the luvc of her lire, Kt. . ncth Hnncs rm July 28, 1965- He send de Viet earn in 1967 and wen wvnakd iA the 1968 Tia f In, I le mt.-,I home i heal and they began 1he)r family. knclnd- ing sons Niry Hams, Josh Hai.. m is daughler-In-Nsw, Becky- '11.ey had 5 praod.1.1 n. ❑rilc.'rristen, lereiniab. i.ucy Ann, and Mich -1- %1., 1, also survived by 3 boabvr , Cm3g "Stormy', Rex and Lester Clner- Shc enjoyed 1mt�el ing, war n gifted stain glass an hall. and expert q -1k r. She on many ribbons wWi her quilts, including Ill. Blue Ribbon & Judges Choice a[ the 2016 DEaic Clizsic Fair. She had a Jay and love 11- It [e" A+x+.auarisl -,vi- wss kcld rt 2-pnx5enraduy; tic'. y26 or Phyvevnh-M filler Kindcnon Chupcl. The fmm ily To- cri,od Mends following the somice- Memorinls: Hospice or D,vie, 377 Hoapitnl St.. Mucks- ville- COndnlenccs: ns..rhervrr•urrh-nri7lrrcv+rn. Joseph Sinclair'Ceryler' Devine J. -Ph "Cuylrr-Sloe lair Devine. i9 -died use raa3t or an Inirm-bile a ]Hari Wednesday Nm.23,^ 116. He war bnm at .Lir. Plramm. 5"(;, on Feb" 29, 1997, the sero of Seen and Lynn Devine of Mocksville. He was a p,adu,ie oC Davie Ccwm- tyHigh Sch..t and n Vum de m Ino. western Cnmmrrndly Cnllcgc" Indditirm w his parents, he I," Wed by 2 ""c"._ t Ca;uin and' Hunlcr T)cvfn¢: Lis pnmmnl grandmother. E11cn Devin, or Maine•, nn uncle, Al - "Chep" I7cvinl: 5 num s, Mentos Boudnnn, Coady Snyder, Rance' ltylec, D1nhy tiide%and Kate Devine; Grand- mutkw•r Nno.: special Riends, Sh111. sir iy. Jras. Luke and Alley; mrd all 1.15 Davie County f rmily and friends. Preceding him in death werehis 01 --rd V._9".r- cnts, David Ws1[ers and Cleudcl.c Spann, nnd his Pa.._., grandfrfl.r, Jowph Devine. The family rtcelved fripnda from 1.2 p.ul" Saturday az Blutse Baplist Cllgrch. A �lebmlion of life-tmohCd scr- viee fvllvwed in 41- ch0KII on - p.m. 0f -I lcJ by Puslnr Bill Phillips and assisted by Chad Carrell. Bobby Sw C, Cc.ch "B". C MINK Devine and Hurflcr lhv inc. IL,Ilowing 'hc'service, dwrt waxy WJlpvn tele:,," a. the per ie Coua. ty H;gh Schoolfoo1bo14 kcld. Hororsry pnabearcrs veru: Josh Iaekiurd, Joyh IIlasell, Parker Coral1. Ryan Nca1 h. Ilohby Sweat and A'.,in Thomas" Memrrriols: Davie CGdnty Youth Fagbal5 Association nrtNo rhe Davie Crwnny' High school ChaeHlridrs ela„o nr Candr,Lut. u and rcf]ecti-1: u'u•u'rlrrvlafrwrrnlsen'irr" Camle Lynn Knowles Siecle Casale LYS K"..I- Steele 83 of Advance died on Nov. 24, 2016. ThnAkegi ving Morning- she orning"she was born in Gunnison, Coln, on April 18. 1933. o lames Morrill and E4 nice Ellen Curtiss Krowl-. She w Itomemsker until her 2 dough• enl out an their noun" She }0 ed u+rlsie, played the piaro. :rod tt a rdecxnt golfer. 511, o dcvaud Jcsw fnllnwcr. Whenfur. g-,ulehHdren caul,!. she never hesi[nlcd 10 hri n8 ie- imo 11re'a _.ms a.d ons '^Grn,mna' se nit their rricn.lx well. as SurvI,. her .I -slur, h7 an n },ay V...-Ies Loot,- and hushmnd RoNrl Glutin bc: dnugbf,I. Ju.fy Ise 311111 Mswrc, daughter Kathryn sre..•fe Brehm :rod hushmnd Jack Brch.n; g-adsons parrick John L:w, 8-jnmin Shmu I-., Somuct William 1_aw; gr-Adaughlcr Sitrtly Roc Moore Hobert rind hnsbnnd, Pt,e L:ghcn; areal-gmnd- daught.r, Bailey Roc Egbca;'Imm grandson, Greyc F-g- hcm nail %CPki¢w. Jnmcs Glenn 1-11" .mem A orial sprvire will h. cooduerca nt 2 p.m. Smi- day. Dec. 3 or I'Inywordl-M1IIer Kindcnon Chapel by the R-_ Kevin Frock- The n111y will receive rrlends follow- ing the s.-iw. Memorials- Slnfedlouse I'or leads, 675 E. Lea inglm Rd.. Mocksvil le. Condolences: u�l�rlviyunrflr•.nfrrrr.cn„r. Thomas Neely TTm-us Neely. 79, died al Dn.ic Place Sunday,Nnv 20, 3116, f Ilvwing a Irngthy banle with pmstntc rancor" it. was kern Oct. 12. 1939, the son ur the Elie C:vi4e11 Neely and Berry Belle Who, Neely. He n Dried- He - wprked n9 a saw• mill operu.ur t much of Itis life nod ons or the Balm" a µisof. fnitl He a .La preceded !n de.uh by a brother. William I•anl ii H] • a Col d-%ktrn 7nlsia Bell.Forums, Addie Mae Neely, Mary Atieu Wilson and -.a. r Faulkner. Sassis'nrs' a amlhL." Car]_ Neely of Mocks' it l e: 6 niccxs, AlheArn.rld, Bertha Mary. lidd, shrlby Neely, Debbi¢ Jackson, Linda Hagenand Aber Neely, ud 3 mirlid s. Kenneth Neely, Ricky Nnteely amt Aaron Neely. A ccichrnllon or life memorial servke was held at 4 p.m- WWncsday in Shiloh Bapti IT Cll mxb,',J cksvlljc. C0odolenw,a; 1v.v,.'11001frnrn+l n'rrrcnnr" Lillie Keller.0alne' Miller LJ idle L.O.im" l:eller Miller. 52 . of FLi-b,-. died in Friday. Nnv. 11, 2016 al her rcsidclrcu" She ons born Aplil 17, 5'164 in Cntnw ba Cuumly to rho doe Ssmtrcl Keller rad Na -11i Slavyhur cook 0! Hkkvry. Site, v0iunleered namev,us hours al the lyarie Damcstk Yoienue Service end Rape Crisks Center when: she was wa,dni rhe Elaine Miller Dutatamding Volunteer Service Award. which is mimed in her hOPur- She way also preceded in deMh by her husbaad- Dave Mill -and her sister, Judy Christine Keller" 5uyvivers' a ion, Randy Ric n ll Kdfer of Clarion; daughters, Stella NiCo1c Fuenine of Onk Ha,bar. Wash.. Sheila Jwnere Aq of Oak Harbor; brarhen. Samuel Lee Keller sad wife April n! Rlentroro. Eddie Russell Keller of Vale, Randy Hmacc Keller and vire lin. orf C.rcm.m1; sloe,. Naarni "Janie Sipe and husband zVa1Tt1 of New- oa; granachi ldren. Hanneh Pvcaras, tiimo Fueeras.3 oseph W'Ili- Fua.a, Abigal ArJ'. sad Shawn Edward An- Amermrim! -I- wss held on Sunday. Nov. 20 6 at ? p.m- a. Open Word Holiness Ch -"h in Ne -tea" }femerials: Davin Domestic 19vlence Satoh and Rape Criss Cense, 1725"Clemrnr SI -.Suite Mocl •iue. ` Cear-klr�cess: Warr.-leant.rr+i.micr�.ma_ Eugene Myers Dyson C•ul; rte Myers Dysun.75, of M-L-svrllc died err Thun- dey, Nov. l7, :1116 m Glenn A. Kiser H-Iric. Home in Salisbury. M, py>"rn was a native r,f D -k County, b0m Nov. 3, 1941, Ibe son ur the late Clyde :md Mandic Myers Dysou" He was It graduate of Orivil C oun- [y Hkgl. School went o I to _. N. his Cafmlry for tour yta.. in Ih1 L.q. H1 rcri,cd os Save-izor with Celanese C.xpnrn.lya and P"Onded sou.h River United Methodist Church. Survivnn! Ids wife or a��re than 52 years. Imre I-ycrly Dya- r daughikF, 16uunn D} on Coltec II and 1-hnnd R._ or M nine] gnlmlelald Krl. Inn and Evan Cparcll: and Cr ucplicw, Chns Dyson. He wns,lsv preceded In deaxh br.+[her. R,C, PY-, Aee I.b-tion o,.if e mcurnnd service was conducted at s p.m. Monday. Nnr. I al svr.rl. River United Methwllrr Cbnreh nfYici+uod by r'n,r.rr Handy 1+owe11 and 'nm Ke1- ry. LnunmxnI with military hohon followed in the Church me[cry-'lite ralnily race, friends rpilvwirlg 11,c s1r- r rn Ihr church. r Mcmwinls: South River VMC F -d Pantry. 2880 SDah R iver Churctl Bond, Wnodlear. 27175.5• Crardolcncrs; totvtrl]rev&•frnrrrnrscn•ice•r�nt. Kathleen Sheila Macdonald Caci m rs. ]: arhleeA Sheila M.'a... 3d CT' 73. of Helly lane, Mocksville, died Tuesday, Nov.r O1fi, al Trinity Elms Assisted Lill ng in Clemmm " Mrs. Caul was hon. Nov. 24. 1942. in Pili -beth, NJ. .n the laic Hugh and kill], 1,wnrine Dadmon ill-d.0-11d.She ons a friend .o :kit and loved her ell i ldren, graildehll- dn'n and :mimeFs. Shu w•:n:,dsv p.,rcded 1n d.a.h by her hashru, W.1lfax, it I" Cnd; mild ^_ siblings. Ruth and Gary - So -vers: 2 daaghlcm Mary 1Wy Dyson IPl.ilipl of M ucksvillc and Michelle Hall f Bobby) or Advance: nal 4 grandchildren, Spcnccr and K.itlkn Nall and Meghan and Ryan Dyson. A meroerial sery c1. ours conducted 3rr 2 p -m. Sunday, Nov, 27. at Ccnrtr 111 oiled Me[hadisr Church Cemetery will, Be,- John L•r++'in njhclalirlg" Merntoflats: Humane Society or Dmte, 291 E..nn Road. Mncksville; a Parkin -o . FonnJuikm.2IXl SF Ea. Slreel, Suite 800. Miami. FL33131. Condnlenccs; rrnnv.run+r�,u.ral.'en4nexr,m. Ricky Leonard Harrison 'itkky t--ol-d Harrison would hnvl been 58 thlr year" The MoCksville .rum's body way f nd this month after he disappeared in 2013" He way ham on May 27, 1958. Snrvivi,r.: his wife, [Tebbit Harrison: sons, Scut[ Harry_ son and wife Jrnnirer, and Chris Harrison and wire Cassidy; aaughmr, Misty tihnw and it sbsml '1'nmmy; 14epchi3dn n. Genrginnna Romano and Alexandria R.nnann- grrradchil- dmn, Brool:,lynn linr,isnn, Jnn tifarmey. Austin Harrison, sad Brand- P1,111 11: mother. Anne Oabntd Harri-ii; hmthcr sad sisters. Lisn Sink and husband Randy. Cindy Lucassad husband D;,vid, and Jeff Harrison and wife pub. He ons p--dcd in death by; his fnthlr,'Ihomi- i -,an - ant Harrison: bm.hcr. Terry: 2nd 61st wife. Debbie, Serviccn are incomplele. 11104YPlCJIfMG!-DaneCaw cyxEs Tomato Cnlaer FRIZH PRCIDIJa iso 6 Fvsinr Road.AM"�lorlxsvple s i.1 a�A ": red a.i a"- a.rc xs e..>o. nrsr l.,.,., Call Far ilii- ors 13361492.2849 NN (?/G' NFM TEmniI� FRL NOD-SIP.11 W Su. lZ;xF� Vern Lrli'caheth I uvls Vent Edixnboh Davis of Mock -i It. died on Wednesday, Nuv.23. She ons hom Jnn" 2. 1931 1e the L to Axil lee Juhmmn .I., and Ben 3ohnsan. She graduated. frain Davie County Trainlap Sol...I in 1951. She Dred To C.In lou Q 11r4 N. where .hc one. her late husband. Dave Dnvis, After h- nnins di -bled. she muved Work io Nonh Carolina urrd h- _ no anis somber ur Shi- r Iol4 1h.ptki. Chmrch in Mocks- vilir. �. She ons also preceded �+cnlhpY.'-mss:. rx, Eglms.J"ke Fi�r;IPd. L3Hie,INac3ohn - +; S hrmhe . Paul lohnsva. tie., LLD leihnsun. gw J Aili- a, Leonard 3oilnsvn. Thornes Johnson, and Bobby Johnson. Su Ikv : 2 > Isle[%. Dor.nhy Ander un or Nlocksville, and Mildred. Mi,cllener if Ba![imorc, Md ; 3 b.uahrra, Cal- vin ]nhns0.r of Baltimore and I wren- Rucker of Win - ,ton Salem: I.Id a host or nieces Ona nephews I ler funeral --i_ wr.s Reid un %and.,. Nev" �!7 .1 3:30 pm. at Graham Fr.neml Mottle in Mm2-iBe. The Rev, lou Clerk nHicintul and Parlor Rodney Baker delivered the calagy. BuNnl followed in Shiloh Baptist Church 17=1 eery• Tho Inmity nreived Yricnds n1 the funeral home 30 minu.es bei0rc the aervioe. Mem.rria lx; donor Jan [v o invorilc chmriry. C.rnJn]ence.:. rr�rm:GrnlnnAFrrrrrrerlH erenrr. you Orr ehirrrr u'elrurne err Final United Methodist Church 310 North Main SireM Historic IM.vnlown Mocicsville Cantempo dry Worship SA5 am. Tradlli0n IWonhlp Ttr55 am Sunday School fa all ages 9•SO a.m. NrOakIY Prayer Servie0•Thor5. Noor -I.W p.m w1vN-.rin-t amdmcelesvilh-rg 'Iblaphuare: 236.751-? 503 Plan Ahead For Peace of Mind A: oid Emotional Overspending! Vogler and Sons Funeral Home Clemmons, NC 27012 RSVP Today! 336.722.6106 (meal viA be p-rideel) Vogler &Sons Funeral Home 2931 Rrytiobd. ood, w»m�6-salon, 271 W Dignity �axcldw >x CJnnxr+cass 270L' as vm,+mpkfycd by Lo -c" Horne The Manor' Y _ r{" hnpbacnl for 25 yn" Hu 5 moved b.''k home to be closer to family and went to wok for ka Mocville Builders supply and For Ellie !Cate oleo r vivom lkir wife SurvivPrs; Iris wife wl'31 years. Judy McClnmroek of the home; 2 On Dec, I fmm 5:30- antes will be donn[cd to the suns, Sonny M.Cliumuck (Cher, 8:p.m., "Mill Aroond the Stokes family- sant. Claus yl1 of l'eaas :Ind B."' McChml- Mino�' m sb p n1 lha Triple and Moa. Ctcus will salmi• tuck of Thonwsvid lc; Is gmnddhll- J Manor House m support or nerd . photographer will dreg: his father, Gilmer Hubcrl Ellie Kate's Fight Agalnsl be nvallable la buy plcrure "Buddy' Mccl.nlrock; his mother, Loins, Ward McClnn.- leakemla. packages, rook, Ik,1h of Mockf;villc; a brother. Randy McClmm�,ck PJYe KxM Slakes is n Vendors will include iV1ck1) of Mparcsviile; bnxllcn-3n-Ino, ]vn Di -..k of three and a half your old handmade jewelry, kitchen New Volk end Barry Di -Lk (Metody) or Florid.: s1x[ers- who wax diagnosed Nw. 5. il.ma, c metics, ctodme, In-law. Domul Guevremont of Massachusens and I-:- Gil - She is the daughter of Amy health wppiemems, wood- pert of Florida; and SCYetn1 nj:•r An11•..kg4'ws.... 4r*d ZaA Stokes; and lal,� wonting 116d .SRR` ii flmernY mice will bu conducted n1 11 n.m-, Frklay. little sismrar+ci a hig brother. Triple J is a1 362 Inie, Dec, 2 e. Eaton Inrncrol Chapel with the Revs. Rodney Tlterc will be 2s ven. sIme Drive, across 1JS 6tli Buxton Intl Kevin Hvhaon officlel}ng.'rib, family will rr- dors, and Iighl refreshments Noah m the WalMnft en- evlve friends ml the ILnernl hpiae fallowing the service. will be nvuilo6le" A portion trance in Mnnksv111c- Memorials: Oak Grove UMC, 1994 US 1511, Mock -,Ela" of proceed. Crum v¢ndor Cnndolcecos_ke jn ,.'icexmrr. 4'hurches Advance Advent Fair, Tree Lighting Sunday The Advance Cobouighy Adrenl Fats mW Chii.mi- The LJghling wl]I be SumNy. Due- 4 m Adverse United Mcdlodist Churell and Advance I•irc Department, The Advcm Fair will be In dw Church faivwship hall f 4-5.30 p,m III— wi 11 he cmfis F all ages acid light mtmshmcnls" R1 5;30, Pesdvides oil] mevc nrsr Doer 10 Advance Fire Depsrimoni for 11. Chrisirmas'U_ Light- theIg cudrcF hmenls of 6 p.m. All pre -deem r-'llre church Is al 1911 NC W I s, nest to Iho fire data, mcni. Fellowship Lunch Sunday At Holy Cross Lutheran On Sunday. Dec. 4, the Onance Ona slcwarJ, hip rum- miitee at Holy Cress Lu[hercn Church, 1923 us W S MoekWII k• will 11001 he annual Fall Fellowship lnnohwn. A short Congregation.I meeting w distribute the ?1117 bud- get will be held, followed by xlu Christmas program. Thr story 19 s.1 in Bemlchem and is foeused nn she nnima]s gn[hescd around [Irl ne.ivity. Children and adults will take hart in this plly- A PN -luck lunchwill be mared, wuh be vlroRcs and dasvin provided. All sou we3dome for worship at 9 am. followed by the No ag's activilies- Pancake Breakfast Saturday At 5t. Francis Of Assisi SL Femicis of Assisi Council 12610, Knlgh.a of -Colum, baa, is hosting on all-yna-p+n�r4 pilmake breaki t fmm 8-I1 o.rn" on Solurday. Due "3, at The Parish Hall, k62 Yadk- I,v,we Rwd, MoeksviBc-The breakfast ix open TO the pub- lic and donation, rote welcome. Advent Service Sunday At Greater Mt Moriah Advent Scr.•ice x411 be held ax Greiner Maw.[ Mexfah Micu- y Bepeiar Chordr, 162 E Depot 51. ma Sunday, Deer 4 at 3 pea -The speaker'171 be The Rev, Gary Nfilrem. ,.--or Bnxwnad Mrs,-imn Baptist Church, Eve yeac is im,-itcit Linda Elisabeth Driver 'Hersey' Carter Linda Elianbeih Drives "B¢iscy" Caner. 53, died at Fox. sylh Medical Center Sn[r.rdrly. Nov. 26, 2016. She war n rive of Norfolk. Va. tonal Aug, 19, 19454. and the daughwr or the laic Hasty Kcanc[hDriver and Sylrin joy.. Ball Driver. She graduated fmm David County High school and smell her hachelor's deg.ce I'- High Point Univ.nny. 3ir0 was the ofliee --it- In, Caro- lina Fire systema nae o moml,lr or Cbmtnut Gmvc U. red Mcth. ed}si Church- survivon: 3 daughtcn, Ann: Beth Carer, Gliria Gra..Caner mrd Sarah McKlnAlc Caner, all , of The honor; IN stcp-aon, Rodney Carl- Florida: a sinter, Joy Driver Hornctl of Wilsnn;,n nd1u, Grady Tri n.; phis suvcrn cvnsins. 3 nephews, a and 5 grcnl-nephews. m Aomenloriel -Nice way 1. beca.d-oil u. A pin. Wednesday at Chestnut Gn,vc UMC with the Rev, Dnvia Oil bsvnlh offcinting. Th. family -s to mol ve frhmds Fol- lowing the acrviee in the ehptch. MemoriaLi; IG help off-. islet c9143ca. 01wM Funeral Servke, 416 Valley Read. Mucksvikle- Cnnaolrnce%� I.•Ion.•.,lrl.•illnrrn,rarn•rc•errun. Annie Roth Loper Iinward Mini- Annie Ranh Luper Hownrd,. 85, of Furk-Bixby Rood, Advance, died Su day. Nov. 27. 2016, at r ny[31 Medical CmI.r In wleatnn- snlcen. She ori, burn May 5. 1 93 1, !n Gall. County to the laic Llgdsey lonmhmn sad Clam Mae Carter Luper. Mss. Luper was n life -lung member of Fury: Baptist Church sad was retired ftp- Was%- F}7'".. She was also preceded in 4-111 by a.sixler, Ed- L" Shot- • sad s brother, Melvin J- 1 -pe, Survivors: her hushmnd. Gcai�e AlvinHoward of ill, home; 2 sums, Sco ,= H.w. ard ]Melissa) of MAnhanta, Beach, Carr. and Timothy Shea Howard (Vivien] of Greensbv.n: 2 gr' ddnughlen. Zoe and Saphis; a broth-, Freak Padhie Luper of Ad- v ; nanaad several ni-- tuna nephews. A funeral service u- to be conducted at I 1 Tlmas day- per_ I a. %ark Baptist Church with the Rev. Robert Gauen officiating" Inurement wss m fellrm in the ch,ucl, ecm.rrry" The fa -Ely wms Io receivx friea.ls at rl.echarll, one hour prier to rhe service" Caudnl�xx".•rurn,5j nGrnYrrr..m" Charles Edward 'Ed' Gaither Chases Edward "Ed" Gaither. 84, of Few Acres La-. H:mmny, died Monday, NO,. �11. 2016, following It. bilCf press a1 his home with his wife Com Lee and Ii lel-: friend Jolla Henry Reeves- by �' q Mr. Grd.her was ham Nov. 29,193 1; in Sta[eivilk IN was n of Ih1 lore William Guy Gaither and P.Isf Richardson Gnilher. He was a ]99rJ gradu- a[c high school"Iic war A vcicr- nn vr.h. U.S. Army and retired fmm Fiber lndwnries. articr 20 y-. and then from Inumoll- Rand. In2A 16. he was hollp w as n dhdtWI member and Fou 40 years or service with The sbef- herd.Cnl.h.ln Fire Dlpanmenl serying for 30 yarns as treaa mr" Mr. Gaither wA%a IH'elnng m¢mhmr of NO- Uniom Urn'd McthnJiA Church serving nn a Lay Scrvanr, Sunday school teacher. and on nu nervus m laser. He c eVcd gardcni ng, rendinM.nnd wiry ¢spe. eially Inlealed m P wine maker. Survivors: his wife, Corn Lac (Vstnl) Gaither, dnngh- I.r. Mel ii -.o Lynn Qrril krcr; sea Alvin Joseph Galthcr: and 2 repsovs, panne Vessel Bpd Mickey VoWL. brotk c-in-lnvr. Jollnny Naylor; sister -ill -Ino, L3rdnean Ler (Brady); and o muuitl+de of ciwsdas, friends, nieces, and "phnws" He was also preceded in death by; 3 t-ilsarn, William City Jr.. David Lawrence. an infant bmlh¢r; IN si,rer, Miry lois Nayldr'; first wile, Jcrleen So ider Gubher: and 2 infant aonft. A rnlehrntirm of life will be cmducled al 2 pm., F.1 - day, Dcc.2 at No,, Unier+ Unlled Me.hudi%, Clmrch.'111c Rev" Eric Lineberry wi11 off elms. Burial wilt f llow 1. Inc mercry whir fall church eemilinit'y honors and Shrffield- Cril.haln Fire Dcpsren-1 honors. Tb. fomkly .111 rcW3ve friends rmm 6;30-R p.m.. Thea-Irry, Dec" I,at Davin Fu- ncml sc-les. Memorials: New Union UMC, ATrN; Doris Dyson, 1469 Cvunry Line Road. Harmony. 28634; or to the Sbef- Seld-Calahnln Pira Dcp.„43.5 Dyson Bowl, Mocksvilw. Candofnces: u'nvrfrre l'fayssurrnrsrrvfnr•rrari. Edward Humid 'Ed' Mays Edward H. -Id "Fal" Maim 69. died M hie home under The f Hospice on Sunday, Nov. 27, 2016. .-4xe ,'.R-, ber.hin RlewarCGulny n inor r lss7: 1t� idn of Rosa Mm Phelps Mays of Coolremee and the In[. Hnmld Mays. He retlied farm Fond Lion where he had waked in malm--- Ca be ,ampany worehoua¢. Aner rclimmcnt. he twcnme a sclfanlployed rarpem er. HewsMember of Communis a13t Community gp Chureh. He was gifted miJ. icnlly and had a number of puilatnge, hie loved cntennining at his Lome in his "Rixry Club" Whcrc friends yrahcred m socialist and V.1 hip iogeth- A3sa snrvWing: his wife, Joyce Agrl Osbprm Mnys; 2 dm,yhw.n, Mkhedle Mays of W tixlleaf mu1'r my May. of Virglul.; a step -son, William "Bubb." Glbwft (Angie): 2 step-grmrdeh ildren, Lisa -ntld leans: s bm[her,Jvly, Msys (pegity) of CoOleem.c; 8 g-.4" i[dren. tlennisn, 3esse, Swphrm .. Joshua• Carmelo. Von- sn, Nichot..s and Lilly, plus nni.-. Shannon Muys. Al.. preceJiug l,lm in death was a daughter. Kimberly Mays. A cticbnl[im of life wrvket wss eundncled at 2 psn" Wedncsdny. Nov. 30 n1 Community Bspdsr Church, 613 Gladstone Road. Mocle-i-1e, with I'salor Mike Bumhcnc pYfiWadny, '111, body I¢id in stnW oat hour pox to .he service during which rime the family will receive frierWs. Burial followed in tsgion Mcmorlat Park in Ct cleemee- Mcmorinls: Hvapke of Rowan, 726 Gn, St., Sails. bury, 2RI44. Cafdalcoces:,vw.v�7ru'al.mlrr,rslrlirr•.nn,- CHRISTMAS VILLAGES GOLD & SILVER JEWELRY GOLD & SILVER COINS GILASSWARE -- PUMRY SIGNED ARTWORK AVrk?_NN551tLm#ira C>;',illc7ilT ofC•llarks Chan', Fumtfure, Pewter, Crystal, Lrnfege Mag'axlnesr cast ken, Frshing Cures, Tools & Muer Morel FCidW IEVIEIfta llp Dec. 2M, 6:00 um 94,97N. NC Iso, clemmons LUNBIMADUCIONGRU [®NIMH AMMON 4L RYM DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thurad.y. l7cc- L ]Alb 179 Obituaries Debra Thomas Wyatt Mn" L}chre Thomas Wean. 62. died or Kole B. Reyn- olds Hosgleu Home nn Nov, 23• jl 16. She was brim va Nor, 2.1954 to Jmm 1 Franklin Thvmns and Corcne alis Tllumus in Fersy,h County- She gmdoa.. art fmm Parkl, nd High about end wens on to work fpr W.- chovIn Sank end Tm%1 whore .:'•';r ,rbc retired a[xrr 3p yrnne. She shry.d :'live, e,wrdinniing rs f r.rime,, 5-7 a. d1- _! a a,d .n the 0 ell, sal Jul - ed Pj..dule ,N,J FErsi Chsdnn 'i Churches. Sir. will he mires• bncd ns rem -hearted Indy who I[]ved ilumntinghlms, ono den ing and ram ily. Stir was pxceded in dcxth hY her FP------ her ansher husband, - . RIy All.. Wymt; nfepsutis, D+rvid Iflame Wyn.r:aid rric Michael WY -111. WIN of Way__ sister, Slcphsnic '17mrnos Spckavilln: and a cer [Donald) v1' Mvnlede. Katic Spccr Smith I7usidni of Fnymtevl11 ., A funeral service ours hew at noon, Saturday, Nnv, If, as H.yw h-MjI lcr SEI,s Crock Chnpcl wish dla Rcv. 13vb McCaskill nlhciantig-The fnmlly received mends for ole hour prk,r to the cervi,,•" A graveside c.nlmi[hd scrvk;e as held ni 3 ll.uj. S:Luuj y m Chevinul Hill Cemetery in Saii,ly. y. Mc+,xlriNs; Knlc B. Roynolds I lo"-wpice Helm. 1a I I I— plec Ln.. Win%tory.Satcm, 27103. cmutolences: a+sm•.Ar,v,vnrrll.rrduera-n p- Brenda Lee Carter Andres Mrs. Brenda l.ec Caster hlanpy. 70. or Adrine., died TrIcsdny. Nvv, 22.20 L 6 a1 her Lome. 511c- "d ham Nvv, 17, 1946 in D:Ivio County 10 "51km" and Sallie Cnncr. She masted the luvc of her lire, Kt. . ncth Hnncs rm July 28, 1965- He send de Viet earn in 1967 and wen wvnakd iA the 1968 Tia f In, I le mt.-,I home i heal and they began 1he)r family. knclnd- ing sons Niry Hams, Josh Hai.. m is daughler-In-Nsw, Becky- '11.ey had 5 praod.1.1 n. ❑rilc.'rristen, lereiniab. i.ucy Ann, and Mich -1- %1., 1, also survived by 3 boabvr , Cm3g "Stormy', Rex and Lester Clner- Shc enjoyed 1mt�el ing, war n gifted stain glass an hall. and expert q -1k r. She on many ribbons wWi her quilts, including Ill. Blue Ribbon & Judges Choice a[ the 2016 DEaic Clizsic Fair. She had a Jay and love 11- It [e" A+x+.auarisl -,vi- wss kcld rt 2-pnx5enraduy; tic'. y26 or Phyvevnh-M filler Kindcnon Chupcl. The fmm ily To- cri,od Mends following the somice- Memorinls: Hospice or D,vie, 377 Hoapitnl St.. Mucks- ville- COndnlenccs: ns..rhervrr•urrh-nri7lrrcv+rn. Joseph Sinclair'Ceryler' Devine J. -Ph "Cuylrr-Sloe lair Devine. i9 -died use raa3t or an Inirm-bile a ]Hari Wednesday Nm.23,^ 116. He war bnm at .Lir. Plramm. 5"(;, on Feb" 29, 1997, the sero of Seen and Lynn Devine of Mocksville. He was a p,adu,ie oC Davie Ccwm- tyHigh Sch..t and n Vum de m Ino. western Cnmmrrndly Cnllcgc" Indditirm w his parents, he I," Wed by 2 ""c"._ t Ca;uin and' Hunlcr T)cvfn¢: Lis pnmmnl grandmother. E11cn Devin, or Maine•, nn uncle, Al - "Chep" I7cvinl: 5 num s, Mentos Boudnnn, Coady Snyder, Rance' ltylec, D1nhy tiide%and Kate Devine; Grand- mutkw•r Nno.: special Riends, Sh111. sir iy. Jras. Luke and Alley; mrd all 1.15 Davie County f rmily and friends. Preceding him in death werehis 01 --rd V._9".r- cnts, David Ws1[ers and Cleudcl.c Spann, nnd his Pa.._., grandfrfl.r, Jowph Devine. The family rtcelved fripnda from 1.2 p.ul" Saturday az Blutse Baplist Cllgrch. A �lebmlion of life-tmohCd scr- viee fvllvwed in 41- ch0KII on - p.m. 0f -I lcJ by Puslnr Bill Phillips and assisted by Chad Carrell. Bobby Sw C, Cc.ch "B". C MINK Devine and Hurflcr lhv inc. IL,Ilowing 'hc'service, dwrt waxy WJlpvn tele:,," a. the per ie Coua. ty H;gh Schoolfoo1bo14 kcld. Hororsry pnabearcrs veru: Josh Iaekiurd, Joyh IIlasell, Parker Coral1. Ryan Nca1 h. Ilohby Sweat and A'.,in Thomas" Memrrriols: Davie CGdnty Youth Fagbal5 Association nrtNo rhe Davie Crwnny' High school ChaeHlridrs ela„o nr Candr,Lut. u and rcf]ecti-1: u'u•u'rlrrvlafrwrrnlsen'irr" Camle Lynn Knowles Siecle Casale LYS K"..I- Steele 83 of Advance died on Nov. 24, 2016. ThnAkegi ving Morning- she orning"she was born in Gunnison, Coln, on April 18. 1933. o lames Morrill and E4 nice Ellen Curtiss Krowl-. She w Itomemsker until her 2 dough• enl out an their noun" She }0 ed u+rlsie, played the piaro. :rod tt a rdecxnt golfer. 511, o dcvaud Jcsw fnllnwcr. Whenfur. g-,ulehHdren caul,!. she never hesi[nlcd 10 hri n8 ie- imo 11re'a _.ms a.d ons '^Grn,mna' se nit their rricn.lx well. as SurvI,. her .I -slur, h7 an n },ay V...-Ies Loot,- and hushmnd RoNrl Glutin bc: dnugbf,I. Ju.fy Ise 311111 Mswrc, daughter Kathryn sre..•fe Brehm :rod hushmnd Jack Brch.n; g-adsons parrick John L:w, 8-jnmin Shmu I-., Somuct William 1_aw; gr-Adaughlcr Sitrtly Roc Moore Hobert rind hnsbnnd, Pt,e L:ghcn; areal-gmnd- daught.r, Bailey Roc Egbca;'Imm grandson, Greyc F-g- hcm nail %CPki¢w. Jnmcs Glenn 1-11" .mem A orial sprvire will h. cooduerca nt 2 p.m. Smi- day. Dec. 3 or I'Inywordl-M1IIer Kindcnon Chapel by the R-_ Kevin Frock- The n111y will receive rrlends follow- ing the s.-iw. Memorials- Slnfedlouse I'or leads, 675 E. Lea inglm Rd.. Mocksvil le. Condolences: u�l�rlviyunrflr•.nfrrrr.cn„r. Thomas Neely TTm-us Neely. 79, died al Dn.ic Place Sunday,Nnv 20, 3116, f Ilvwing a Irngthy banle with pmstntc rancor" it. was kern Oct. 12. 1939, the son ur the Elie C:vi4e11 Neely and Berry Belle Who, Neely. He n Dried- He - wprked n9 a saw• mill operu.ur t much of Itis life nod ons or the Balm" a µisof. fnitl He a .La preceded !n de.uh by a brother. William I•anl ii H] • a Col d-%ktrn 7nlsia Bell.Forums, Addie Mae Neely, Mary Atieu Wilson and -.a. r Faulkner. Sassis'nrs' a amlhL." Car]_ Neely of Mocks' it l e: 6 niccxs, AlheArn.rld, Bertha Mary. lidd, shrlby Neely, Debbi¢ Jackson, Linda Hagenand Aber Neely, ud 3 mirlid s. Kenneth Neely, Ricky Nnteely amt Aaron Neely. A ccichrnllon or life memorial servke was held at 4 p.m- WWncsday in Shiloh Bapti IT Cll mxb,',J cksvlljc. C0odolenw,a; 1v.v,.'11001frnrn+l n'rrrcnnr" Lillie Keller.0alne' Miller LJ idle L.O.im" l:eller Miller. 52 . of FLi-b,-. died in Friday. Nnv. 11, 2016 al her rcsidclrcu" She ons born Aplil 17, 5'164 in Cntnw ba Cuumly to rho doe Ssmtrcl Keller rad Na -11i Slavyhur cook 0! Hkkvry. Site, v0iunleered namev,us hours al the lyarie Damcstk Yoienue Service end Rape Crisks Center when: she was wa,dni rhe Elaine Miller Dutatamding Volunteer Service Award. which is mimed in her hOPur- She way also preceded in deMh by her husbaad- Dave Mill -and her sister, Judy Christine Keller" 5uyvivers' a ion, Randy Ric n ll Kdfer of Clarion; daughters, Stella NiCo1c Fuenine of Onk Ha,bar. Wash.. Sheila Jwnere Aq of Oak Harbor; brarhen. Samuel Lee Keller sad wife April n! Rlentroro. Eddie Russell Keller of Vale, Randy Hmacc Keller and vire lin. orf C.rcm.m1; sloe,. Naarni "Janie Sipe and husband zVa1Tt1 of New- oa; granachi ldren. Hanneh Pvcaras, tiimo Fueeras.3 oseph W'Ili- Fua.a, Abigal ArJ'. sad Shawn Edward An- Amermrim! -I- wss held on Sunday. Nov. 20 6 at ? p.m- a. Open Word Holiness Ch -"h in Ne -tea" }femerials: Davin Domestic 19vlence Satoh and Rape Criss Cense, 1725"Clemrnr SI -.Suite Mocl •iue. ` Cear-klr�cess: Warr.-leant.rr+i.micr�.ma_ Eugene Myers Dyson C•ul; rte Myers Dysun.75, of M-L-svrllc died err Thun- dey, Nov. l7, :1116 m Glenn A. Kiser H-Iric. Home in Salisbury. M, py>"rn was a native r,f D -k County, b0m Nov. 3, 1941, Ibe son ur the late Clyde :md Mandic Myers Dysou" He was It graduate of Orivil C oun- [y Hkgl. School went o I to _. N. his Cafmlry for tour yta.. in Ih1 L.q. H1 rcri,cd os Save-izor with Celanese C.xpnrn.lya and P"Onded sou.h River United Methodist Church. Survivnn! Ids wife or a��re than 52 years. Imre I-ycrly Dya- r daughikF, 16uunn D} on Coltec II and 1-hnnd R._ or M nine] gnlmlelald Krl. Inn and Evan Cparcll: and Cr ucplicw, Chns Dyson. He wns,lsv preceded In deaxh br.+[her. R,C, PY-, Aee I.b-tion o,.if e mcurnnd service was conducted at s p.m. Monday. Nnr. I al svr.rl. River United Methwllrr Cbnreh nfYici+uod by r'n,r.rr Handy 1+owe11 and 'nm Ke1- ry. LnunmxnI with military hohon followed in the Church me[cry-'lite ralnily race, friends rpilvwirlg 11,c s1r- r rn Ihr church. r Mcmwinls: South River VMC F -d Pantry. 2880 SDah R iver Churctl Bond, Wnodlear. 27175.5• Crardolcncrs; totvtrl]rev&•frnrrrnrscn•ice•r�nt. Kathleen Sheila Macdonald Caci m rs. ]: arhleeA Sheila M.'a... 3d CT' 73. of Helly lane, Mocksville, died Tuesday, Nov.r O1fi, al Trinity Elms Assisted Lill ng in Clemmm " Mrs. Caul was hon. Nov. 24. 1942. in Pili -beth, NJ. .n the laic Hugh and kill], 1,wnrine Dadmon ill-d.0-11d.She ons a friend .o :kit and loved her ell i ldren, graildehll- dn'n and :mimeFs. Shu w•:n:,dsv p.,rcded 1n d.a.h by her hashru, W.1lfax, it I" Cnd; mild ^_ siblings. Ruth and Gary - So -vers: 2 daaghlcm Mary 1Wy Dyson IPl.ilipl of M ucksvillc and Michelle Hall f Bobby) or Advance: nal 4 grandchildren, Spcnccr and K.itlkn Nall and Meghan and Ryan Dyson. A meroerial sery c1. ours conducted 3rr 2 p -m. Sunday, Nov, 27. at Ccnrtr 111 oiled Me[hadisr Church Cemetery will, Be,- John L•r++'in njhclalirlg" Merntoflats: Humane Society or Dmte, 291 E..nn Road. Mncksville; a Parkin -o . FonnJuikm.2IXl SF Ea. Slreel, Suite 800. Miami. FL33131. Condnlenccs; rrnnv.run+r�,u.ral.'en4nexr,m. Ricky Leonard Harrison 'itkky t--ol-d Harrison would hnvl been 58 thlr year" The MoCksville .rum's body way f nd this month after he disappeared in 2013" He way ham on May 27, 1958. Snrvivi,r.: his wife, [Tebbit Harrison: sons, Scut[ Harry_ son and wife Jrnnirer, and Chris Harrison and wire Cassidy; aaughmr, Misty tihnw and it sbsml '1'nmmy; 14epchi3dn n. Genrginnna Romano and Alexandria R.nnann- grrradchil- dmn, Brool:,lynn linr,isnn, Jnn tifarmey. Austin Harrison, sad Brand- P1,111 11: mother. Anne Oabntd Harri-ii; hmthcr sad sisters. Lisn Sink and husband Randy. Cindy Lucassad husband D;,vid, and Jeff Harrison and wife pub. He ons p--dcd in death by; his fnthlr,'Ihomi- i -,an - ant Harrison: bm.hcr. Terry: 2nd 61st wife. Debbie, Serviccn are incomplele. 11104YPlCJIfMG!-DaneCaw cyxEs Tomato Cnlaer FRIZH PRCIDIJa iso 6 Fvsinr Road.AM"�lorlxsvple s i.1 a�A ": red a.i a"- a.rc xs e..>o. nrsr l.,.,., Call Far ilii- ors 13361492.2849 NN (?/G' NFM TEmniI� FRL NOD-SIP.11 W Su. lZ;xF� Vern Lrli'caheth I uvls Vent Edixnboh Davis of Mock -i It. died on Wednesday, Nuv.23. She ons hom Jnn" 2. 1931 1e the L to Axil lee Juhmmn .I., and Ben 3ohnsan. She graduated. frain Davie County Trainlap Sol...I in 1951. She Dred To C.In lou Q 11r4 N. where .hc one. her late husband. Dave Dnvis, After h- nnins di -bled. she muved Work io Nonh Carolina urrd h- _ no anis somber ur Shi- r Iol4 1h.ptki. Chmrch in Mocks- vilir. �. She ons also preceded �+cnlhpY.'-mss:. rx, Eglms.J"ke Fi�r;IPd. L3Hie,INac3ohn - +; S hrmhe . Paul lohnsva. tie., LLD leihnsun. gw J Aili- a, Leonard 3oilnsvn. Thornes Johnson, and Bobby Johnson. Su Ikv : 2 > Isle[%. Dor.nhy Ander un or Nlocksville, and Mildred. Mi,cllener if Ba![imorc, Md ; 3 b.uahrra, Cal- vin ]nhns0.r of Baltimore and I wren- Rucker of Win - ,ton Salem: I.Id a host or nieces Ona nephews I ler funeral --i_ wr.s Reid un %and.,. Nev" �!7 .1 3:30 pm. at Graham Fr.neml Mottle in Mm2-iBe. The Rev, lou Clerk nHicintul and Parlor Rodney Baker delivered the calagy. BuNnl followed in Shiloh Baptist Church 17=1 eery• Tho Inmity nreived Yricnds n1 the funeral home 30 minu.es bei0rc the aervioe. Mem.rria lx; donor Jan [v o invorilc chmriry. C.rnJn]ence.:. rr�rm:GrnlnnAFrrrrrrerlH erenrr. you Orr ehirrrr u'elrurne err Final United Methodist Church 310 North Main SireM Historic IM.vnlown Mocicsville Cantempo dry Worship SA5 am. Tradlli0n IWonhlp Ttr55 am Sunday School fa all ages 9•SO a.m. NrOakIY Prayer Servie0•Thor5. Noor -I.W p.m w1vN-.rin-t amdmcelesvilh-rg 'Iblaphuare: 236.751-? 503 Plan Ahead For Peace of Mind A: oid Emotional Overspending! Vogler and Sons Funeral Home Clemmons, NC 27012 RSVP Today! 336.722.6106 (meal viA be p-rideel) Vogler &Sons Funeral Home 2931 Rrytiobd. ood, w»m�6-salon, 271 W Dignity �axcldw >x CJnnxr+cass 270L' i' CI0- DAVIE COUNTY EN II R ISE RECORD. Th urs&- [ler. [-2016 Smith Grove Girl Scouts take home the first place award In the annual Hometown Christmas Parade, with Autumn Gare of Mocksvl Ile taking third. Scouts Bring Home Top Awards At Christmas Parade Oht 9eaut 'I'xvnp 02"1 Second pima went Iv Cub [end a big drank you to all nuke this a wfe -nd en- ":hank you In ear judge+ Neel Cheek, toned the beat enuy scour pack 514, whiic Au- of those who p4me pmed joyaElc carni f Davie who helped decide the best Moeksville Fl. Dep.n- in -the annnnl Hometown [oma Care of MccksAlle n thin ycels Hometown County." avid C-mlyn Mr- enlNcs in the par+al' mem was the grand marshal. Chrisemlw Porade ]aat week look home Nltd. Christmas Par.de, and ro a[I Mnnazny, O:ivkc Chamber judges w ]Cimbealy with alt fire dei -omenta in m Mgeksville. "We would eke to ex- the volunteers who helped of Commerce preskien[. Myers, T nYm Hales and the eounry Itrvited - Cub Scout Pack674 takes second place In she annual parade. Judges were Kfmharly Myers, Terry Hales and Neal Cheek. Local Author Pens Book To Help Children With Autism Spectrum Stephan in Grapt Red- book [o her novel case- of autism awareness. drtn and relates to some hook wdl a umge all ed ry the Davie County mon hos added anoshar This hook is 3n ..pp. Redmon is the author children or adults who children and vespecially School sysaem- of two other backs that deal with autism daily on those on the spectrum to A poninn of book pm- r8uy Coe. Get Om � r � mint' to teens, peer pre,,s- die speer-trm;'she Raid• never give up and no mat- ceads will go to Autism 11 ty ,��� H sure. relationships. drug., The book slow- urns ter what - always know Speaks w heip other ahii- L. Y. r• promiscuity and most im- of the daily processes she that Gvd l-vves you and dren and families that deal J.: _ Q pvrmntty - keeping God goes through with her never over stop helicving with autism cpxtrum. - first. two daughter who bas in you. The hooks sell for OFF sVueeT;roThe new hook is the high functionIng autistn. Badmen hopes to con- 510.99 as Amuz—xC �" first in aacrfes tided "1'M The illustration as well as -taus bar mission on au- Far orders of Ii) or marc ,apt ;y prerniurfl frozen vaz=urt WV -ED tho book cover were dote tiara awareness to help for orgarlim6wts, contact "TZtaMtekisLid+friond--by hcy daughter. hnr 75aughicr and other, Lh9 uuahvr ai -red nnnal Y I = = ly. an easy read for elall. Redmon hopes this Books have been donat- gin kd7 np for group rate. Rgbturday, December 3rd Noon - 5:00 pm Events SnowZilla - 31' X 9b' Toboggan Slide Balloon Art and Story Telling r,,• Bounce House, Hay Rides �,.. * Donations NON -PERISHABLES for Store House For Jesus Mocksville Tourism Development Authority Y.mvcksvillenc. ara a 336-753-6705 f 336-753.6700 x AmIIus Redmon rrr.;iled the art work for her mother§ new hook on autism. DAVIS COVNTY ENTF RPR ESE RECORD. Thor -d -Y. Dec. 1.7016 Students Old Salem Visit Enhances Colonial Study Moclurr lite Elettxntary kinderg.ulen xludeata had iL Frei a big T'hanksglviog parade. - - They leamcel about Native American. and Pilgrinv- They asked quesdnas about Inrkeys and learned ubau[ _ reel turkey. raked on t'amis rollvwedby w titch r mill" like [ohocelebrate Thanksglrl mg. Lcucrlanders have been parading -mond Ltrlerland and the children were them- Miss HandriN'a 'toss was thus just in time 1u 8[a MY. O. the Old Man, and Oscar Or-nge down by the dock-. 1. moth, Miss Hendrlx'x 'last ha. been budding - mibers- S[udones built - utnbcra w11h -II kinds or " hrock+. pipe cleaners and PI.-D.h- in pairs. one balk the number ailed oat and- tlre rah" placed t$a1 many blocks down to show [hey u[Mer%Inrn{ :loth concepts. TlteymasferW -IG and are '• - ntckling II -20, $mdcllta por[iclpnling in ernl spirit days, like ca- j, .. ew •_ - icer day and cOtege day, I: `• Many wear to bu in the Members of Mrs. powers' Cless. at Mocksvllle Elementary listen to the carpenter tell about her job during a trlsit to Old SWarn- armnv F ea, police vrfi- Ar right, Emma Boardwlne practices wrl ling with a quill In a school like In the Colon lal days, cera, car, doctors. halleri- hair stylist, cawboys- Ys, use Members of Mrs. Pow- Mrs- seathem's and Mrs, ors' class enjoy trying Pmi[l's first grudets had a a ginger Cookie, from -- greal Ilme onthe first grads left: Jakelyn Arra la- - - field trip Ia sciworks 6" FLores, Brltany Her-�- Wimu—Salem. Indent-nandez. Terrlek Bruce. maended a p3anetarlum pro- Cal lie Melton. Cloa gram and spent the d.y tour. Harrison, Koleton icing, mg [he m . " ,,, � _ . ,filryan . Harper, .Ethan Please Sm MES -Page DLG Isaman and Micah Mock. juzaydan Robinson Views slides through a microscope at SclWorks: Sandra Romero flies high In the air Justin Alston rook intently at the quail. Izaak Gard. Destinaa James. Haylie Webb, and Makanzie Smoot are all smites riding turtle actuate rs on the SoWorks track- Makenzie Smoot emerges }ram the beaver habitat AS right. Michael Saunders and Brandon Pastar-Cabrera arrange tles to set uP a track - Am I I us rade dZ - DAVTE COUNTY F -N TERPRESE RECOR D. Thunder, Flee. 1.2-16 Wl IIiam R. Gavle students watch ftreflghlers open a then line up to on ter the smoke house. Bright Ideas Funds Therapy Dog For WRD William R. !Lade pJ- rmento.y teaches Mrs. Deck and Mrs. Tnrker were � .ntly awarded . grunt through Energy Vaned'. ]aright kdeas- They will bo using thu money fur. second therapy dog. Sully is n Alen[ Dane, and thestudents are m- eponddng tc IM In . -- u -mann... He w. rend with sl.d.m. and pro"idn behavior supp-rt for stu- danrs exper]enchng d3fftcvl- rtes ictass- Th y ou.nded thu S.-Ily Uniled Award Luactnar in Nuuember to ro-i- the award. Student, pnrtiripaled in Fire, Safety Dry oa Nov. ts, wlunrerr am__ mrnt personnel come earl) Jennifer Meagher and Sully lire Therapy nog vlsft Mrs. Beck'S and Mrs, yew ro teeth students the Tucker's Students. imppnonoe of h., ny a plan 'n case of a fire. Students pe"pe"ive- Aho. with the mwd through oven] sta- help of media st>e nl l%r, tions. They were.61, 10 ace Mrs- W dmff, fourth grasi- how equifurrent la uud to ane juyed rotating Ihmagle ash[ frees nod help people Thanksgiving centers. 77tcy Impped in veh Ides. Every. worked mr Tlmnksgrr ng child also r.caired a goody onholgon.l grids. Nroiue bug with -Iatcd matcrlais. American 1"r weaving, Pounh goders herr been Native Amndrnn symbol eekelye.tag •3gwnkmgising: • writing. attl• army yrrncd- Ic.ming about point -of- more about our Noah C.. - w and Iheu writing a rrc- IitW eu,a• vegetable�thu aloe awry from the turkey's twee[ pdnly- Jennifer Maagher, Sandy Tucker, and Hannah Beck wlth Sully the therapy dog. Jennffer Meagher, San- dy Tucker, and Hannah BeCk with Sully the therapy dos receive an award from Tim Holder of Energy. VnitgLd.. Young Pinebrook Students Learn About Thanksgiving I•il bn,,uk Elemenlary Irow life for the I'flyreh?ra 'I1k.ukygivmg 6L4r.Ii.0 the ml ij—hip Iv addition. kindergarten students have and Irutinm, was different an Nor 23. Children wrote In wriring s[udeeln llnmghl been lea ing about the first koro lives today. SnWd rax about Ihings they arc dank. n education tutu die etas.- Thnnksgiving• loomed Thanksgireng,anga ] fo dor- wrilin Stu- r. h mnki onaters N r Ing g too y ng m Students compared Ihey pruscnrrd at the annual dams are applying the situ ml and writing Ihr direcdonx vn - - - -�- ��•s =.'.:r- krnwluiga dray lemm�d how m citta for r 0— mon- DAILYDREKK SPECIALS Ihmugh meeting L.tmnrinnd stars. The npcumins ProJ_t GES Students Dress As ehamclerx. wit be b don ChNst nits Pil Native Americans Sl udent% ]n Mia. A a World. rims g s Founh ural grade ren, •whit works Founh grade students Works Cooler - Elenen They named fuathcrs P r I•Icm4- Ind discussed rum- have been panleipaung in Tory klndorgarten students (heir N'au"e AmC.ichtm bend munitc. and helpers. 1. n mllaborntive unit on thr dressed as Nature Ameri- bead by ,howing good be- mn11" yudems I.ntshed n Wright Brothprg. In class. ons and Pilgrims and ll st- hndor over the anti few study of subtraction• Frrry- they rend "T Fly: The Story ed together in Me eaforern, weeks_ ane is working herd to learn o1' lhC Wright Brother:' In addi'mn and +uln.-Wan nluvic..rudenrs barn heen lack, working on folk songs from Mrs. Annlcy's Ansa cum- Ih.l historical cm, uud ore ire. plclyd a study nnf xI,Ldr . writing nn Odditlnnol vents This meluded c mpcchcn- [q n folk song. In an. stn- • Fully Insured •prey Estmalas elan aklli$ usury n Vcnn dents ore creating a pesu:ard • Tmo work h • $lump GnrldlrryT diogrant [v evnsP.- .Pd with p stone from [hit brolh- Tree Rem—I • Bucket Yfvek cunt msr types of sp]dcrs. ars' time in Kitty Hawk. • TrlrnmEng s TPlnrgng 9-rv1ev in mach they ur< hcginrling when the I-nemds are kh seam muuiflinntion and compl.le, the f rah graders (336) 909-0609 [336] 909-0610 S.Ody S -,fora Jaek Seaford KENNETH L. FOSTER & ASSOCIATES, PA • Land Surveyors • Planners - Mapping Res7denfial, Commerlaal, Sub -Division Planning S Pasign Assist In Esrate ❑ivftbns Camersry Design & Layour OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ALL TYPES OF SURVEYS Lr'ensod in Nonn carohna Citizenship Award The Battle of Shallow Ford Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution mmg- nized a Davie County student as a recipient of the PAR Youth Citizenship Award recogniz- ing honesty, high principles, moral strength, cooperation, oral strength and stability, unself- ishness, and Individual responsibility to God, home, and country. This student demonstrates leadership, originality, responsibility, patria- tism, and fundamental Americanism, South Davie Middle student Miah Chalmers was se- lecied to vecelve this honor, and is presented thls award was at the school Veterans Day program on Nov. 10 by trench Mosko_ w ill wit tc o Ic1[cr b-1, home skilled and mWidenr rad. la Ohio ns e]cher wlbur or urs -You am you.child's brsr Orville and. describe who, it advocate sv keep the lines aslike being 1_1-n to the of co,n[nuni,ation wish fhc Z of nvtr[ton- Schaal viten in order to stay To -h- completed roll inf—tt rbom your cbild's conferences. Reading reach- progress and way. you env atwpys Ilke to take the Irelp supper, them at home. time ho talk about he h..d T --hers --ge parents responsibility wtlh parents and wrcgivers la rood with to !h%um students become children cvM day. Honors Chorus Michael Sparks, Davie High senior, was se- lected to participate in the N.C. High School Honors Chorus Festival on Nov. 5 and S at the Stevens Center In Winslon Salem. He was one of the 17B high school students chosen from mora than f,WC who auditioned from across the state. He is active in the Charas department and is under the direction of Eairre Snow. ."'TE'. EN'TE "11's IE RECORp,'1 horsdav- Der. 1, Pa 16 - P3 Cooleemee Elementary School Citizens Qf the Month Cooleemee Elemenlary students grades K-2 Cit- izens of She Month recognized for compassion. From telt: iron. - A'., range, Marie Froelich, Lilt Jordan, Angel Rivas, Lily Jackson. Jackson Puckett, Salley Kelley; hack - Herlee Hartman, Bradlelgh Searcy, Isabelle Branham, Cheyenne V44111e1, Logen Morgan, Een Click. Not piclvred: Cole Roseman, Jayden S1oke5, Madison La- urus. Kayden Young, Hailey Chaudoln,Justin Johnson, Hayden Rennlx, Raela Wanek. Ethan O'Neal Kaylis Lo"e, Joseph Romero. Coo leemea Elementary students grades 3-5 cit- - IZBnS of the Month recognized for compasalon, r from left: front - Amy Zamora, Ember Wilson, a - r Austin Lee, McKalie Greer, Jonathan Romero, - Dahlia Jackson; back - Kalyn Philips, Taurus f + f• Marlin, Jovanni Hernandez, Noah Goodman. - g - r Haley Benge, Adisen Whitaker, AJ Sweet, Not piclured: Haley Atkins, Blity Chorion, Essence Gregory, Cody Powers, Brooklyn Morgan, Alox Torres, Jeremiah Shaffer, Peyton Corrlhar, Han- nah McMillian, Ell Branham, Malayka Rankin. ! Students Learn About Being More Thankful Cool -m_ Elcmen. They hod to solve math prob- Wry kindotrIt en srtukenla lernn, 'rhe npdcnl with the ]caned abort being thnnkful o"atoll quickest Reponse nod thr 11.1 'Ilrank.giring and enure, nnswcrs wnn fast. Student, .liwuxwed the game, Frrni]ies •'i—d and wane nboul lhci, f my n slid, pms.ntah- of P]c- Irndirlom during Thanks- nhres "kg during the firer gluing. In W1314, students q_., dv11 .pureed sono ommmd sets to determine urthe nc[ivilics atmady ac• whictl has more nr ]cos_ ramps irhud 1111: year. Third grnfc. sluaanls are Fifthgraders lnshun working on mulliplicntioq Svlorsnno, Reid Nnil, An. xlmlegics. Stndaln.r should dw y Grum," Cnlenwn be able Iv use cqun4 groups, Lawhun, Rein Larnrn nml repealed additirm. r mty., Dlnke tilokes. learned hnw Md related forts- Students Io hang, fnW. and lake cart engaging in hnrtIs. uf the s^ala rand n_�[io_ryol -� - 1-ael�nff In" ..dj cc if a W t.0 gmuh-a ur the Iheu concepts. In lending, VFW tnugln the buys Shc gudenl,ore working on impnnpncs purl lere,Pecl of tmgir. m dclemslnr rhe the flags u that They car ntcrning of the words. They rake care nr Mixing and Wk - I -in ed hnw w rend around Ing them down each day. the word, dcle 111. if i[ m a An students have been multiple in . niug wufd, de- hard al work. Kindrrgamn mnninr the ward puna, rad Ix lenmeng nbvuf dl -,I y subsll tole word. 1. f.; r he Ihrovgh o mlor-mixing Pm]- -rd do the slay. ser. fir. grade Is 11ni,h iug n Fornh graders nnjvyed Croy lode pnj"I ns well a.. showing Iheir f rnirics what w king an a Wlrmn'. D,,, it's tike m walk in their shorn pit;jew in -hklr ney ore during Family Currie -d- drawing the American nog, Night, They, demea,slmwll milching around the nMlslde how they uta technology in edge with yam, and wilting [he clasGroom dvaugh the a rhnnh you fb n rVt rk for PP inlr-cit- program rnned all they hove dehc fur us. 'Knho%1l . Sruden[. and Ser6nd grade will b. work. Ilheir families useJ 1Pnti: Ing o" a printing in which and per -1 devexs m eon• [hey exptexs what they t� 1 eel m xhc site. Thcy phrycd Ihnnkful for. ��rJl n rhollenpc smite in which GRIE-TJE'S GARDEN 0$ ? --,Ay T•tdyr: Fath. - �� CR,T 5aIl-, Dec. 3 s1.�d gam -bpm 0�5 .................... od 11 .:. .............. 3247, sswaad Rnad obit, HC 7oagwa�2s; det a adtel.net � Edt.ard Jonrs ,rudens- Ih r}axie Middle School- .. -d by Snot Tetuan at EJ -_d }ones. DAILY SPECIALS REM N I.,► CAPTAIN ,5 � ��� • -t, - GALLEY •�= �= W�ednerday s: 112 PRICE WINE C* - - - -�- ��•s =.'.:r- - '+tom DAILYDREKK SPECIALS Come Watch Your Favorite Teams featuring two 50" HD TV's? - • Baby Flounder, Popcorn Shrimp or Perch Filler A- $6.99 Z161111113r DAILY SPECIALS Every 771ursday.• All You Can Ear Crab Legs "Old Bay Soiled" 41111111 Every Saturday: Ail You Can Far Peel & Eat jumbo Shrimp "Old Bay Boiled" W�ednerday s: 112 PRICE WINE C* Tuesdays. 112 PPJCE Clysters on the Half Shell (raw in steamed) DAILYDREKK SPECIALS Come Watch Your Favorite Teams featuring two 50" HD TV's? TrresdrrylW daresdaylThursday Specluls. • Baby Flounder, Popcorn Shrimp or Perch Filler A- $6.99 • Choice of Fish above with Popcorn Shrimp • $7.49 Sunday Specials: • Shrimp and grits (cajun Grilled Shrimp wiCrwrny Cheddar r Chooz Grits) • Angus Rib Eye and Popcorn Shrimp CAP'TAIN'S GALLEY EY SHACK TO -GD SPECLM,S Super Family Value Forks CALL AHEAD (Sepamre 5irringlWaiting/Ordering Nvry featuring rigrrarrrr "OLD BAY BUCKETS" 41111 rideb Cmb L7 %yea! W E4t ]rmrbo Shrimp, Lobster, d note! RAR SPECIALS Drinks, Appe;1mt,;, Bcrrl3ud[ers ane ritdtera, and more._mme roar for}nur fawrirr leant LUNCH MER SPECIALS Tues. -Sat 11AM-3PM arra for your Convenience) FULL OYSTER iUR Swing by our SHACK STORE FULLABCLICENSE featuring: Candies, Toys, etc. Fresh Shucked Flirt for the Whole Famil,,,{{ ms's on the Ha"heli, y' Ram or Srraarreft ar Rork °e $Back FEATuFA tiiG A MoRE DnTRsE MEivtr: O� fPRIVATEPARTYROOMAVAILABLEforyourHviidaypdrty er or any ria thedngr seats up to 60 people. t r fl 'rf' hIR f + 11 iY r •I Monday h D4 - DAVIE COUNW ENTER PRtSF R ECORD. Th al -day, Der. I- 20I6 Dateline FundraiGs zUdJ mound ,h[ nodvily. Sulgusi59-Advanre.secm.d Inra: 9ae-5149. to a.m. Far -SilD and Ion-.nwkln6 meelin6-•t Frst 1 N'orahip at 9 cant., f (lowed by &frurxh Sundrysafryohmpmh Ce Net Co LLelF Cek.,... prc-ww iankg hrblea. Haps- Ch.mh, 390 N. Mdn St. Thursday, Dec. 1 wile, men ranch. 4 p.m. rye Infn: %18-1020. at kr t Haptic, Ch -b. 397 Free eerlli rdnants for "knee- (.Dross from Pavia Lmrnryl. Mill M1ronad The Mwnor xo Adrenl-Rer.ido,3puu„[:nob Ksm r- Chnn, or Liberty N -Main Sl., Mrxksvklle.Oriers an. end adllmry, s-Ip3p..m. 7hursd.y., 7 p.m. in I.: J.. henenlymc Kar['s Fiphl r M1. Mnrioh Minlpn.ry LIMO. 141 1-herty Clrele, in .".4 c - y y xwrnd Tarsday, peep 753.183R. Agninxr I:nkemut. krfmh• Ik.pda[, 162 f:,Pepn15r.5y.[nk- Mexk4vHlD, each WoJ. }er.3H seting, ADademiwEI tmiwed, Crcekl2ammmoryCentdr,212F) Markevgk GRrd[p Clnb,[ . t "radon .citing r.rirly or1�e..n, 5-30.8:311 psn. cr- Rei. G.uy MSwn. Ongoing p.m. Fnr kfadarg.rren-5th grade. No cost, just o orae for Dentfied counsr]ua & m amt beahh pn errs Owls. Info. & Rmwl.y Rd.,Yo<1k1.v7rd.span- w.ndhyOouemey rturil kz,ob, Thundery. 7 in, Sap[. lune, fellowship hall FEnr Merhodkr, Salurday, Doe, Mammy Rad Me alble CI.W iduy, snacks, BIM. sroriD., & rpPr. 751.2041. Sptor obt ClInk.2nd Wed. Church 51. Berry Ward, 336 W yon can [a1 panmke llevuparm .Thundays, 10: 30- ;We; I nfo: 910.77.16. Pre.ahwVParente Morality pf each nrornh by the Hamm. h 971-2237. hmakres1.15-11 r.un., 3r.Fmn- 11:311 asn., N.MWn 5x. L7.urch M015 iMu11tvrsorprn blot- Ots1, Be,hlelwm Ualud Meth. satiety of pavie Caomy. err- Al-r'.n oe Family Frau p, -is parish H,dl, 862 Y4Ld - afCLrhr, 60.1 N. M.in•Ma[ks- enl, ler a.td 3rd Fri. of every T7n.r' 9 unn.nwn. Ago ] & rmdallo spry-nevu..7"'ayfar Basalis., I p.m., kwcedwi. "HPI Rd., M.w•ksrlllo, vII1e, Geyred Inwanl chHdmn monthd,uing.mdillnnol 7wul 2• M,W p T,•nt, Ays3 -M,T, ,5 cod dogs. Call 751-52]4m Maruvi.n, NC 801 between Through Dec. 17 o-l8m,kknIs b.rwim,rtirixies year, 9:3o.11;.x5a .n .Ftl.i.e 1'h.Afe4,kP.-K-lNararfrar .rWLLkc-erverti-.adford,wh. Feri mngmn and Bermuda Ra,.. DDQ by Fulton Aielhnd&1 cur older rhikki n Brooke, nopt-Churah• ds Fine week. [L1199R•5a20. ryFxYvchrd, FAdvanced Heahharre llld Montu! Fur famer an , Mea• pick up 2-7 p.a. bee. gni-517-3018; ere ya.sicr pt A ne, ovary WW. avawing ur c -r Pniten Ylernree .Ing warkehaps, !nd alcoholic.. 23. Bulls. 531; shawmers. 55 336-830-1465. &M-9 Fist, or angle Fleiehm Methopkl, US 64 W., Mink.• Tu ofeoeh mpath. I& 4 psn., purer VDIIey Composite Per Ib. Fit rw,ked. Rca t: by �'H wins' Thnredny, 11 Church' "ills. 2,3,&.4 year tide. Mon- dry lljo. EMS 13ukldi.g.Mockevllle. Fw SQuad-. each Tues. 5:30• Dix. 17. 336-998-8117, 1e um . n,M"l-Nr'l1nu Th'IMc mr•FNachlegarleme, -Thursday, 11:30 em. LiOdn info: 33F7Cdt-6157 ear. 1522. R30p.m..Dl-Hanjra Sugu mcsurge, err o...... cp p.k or 113 Mll1 Sr., Mirk vglu. D1f- 1NeLGn°r'1 by M.nkav411[ Sew Uwingr.73I-2180.1. Fara-nrla r1p krveryM,w . Volley. Program for ruder. tonna Lisaagwd- fercnt speaker weakly. endfbuy Adrdndet Cbteeh, Armen&BEbk5tWy.Wednra- 7.9 p.m. (fnl rima du..Dre (i2 -IRI anti ,atop., Fr.r info: Pr9a coffee mad d9upha,aaan M. & Thum . rr 7 Pm .1 days m 7 p.m., Hage aaptlst should wrWve 6:30)• Cort T4 336.97S.41R6. Reunions [rcrywDdrn.day,7 C-' 407 Milling Rd.. Mcekxv111r. rShDmwle. each aighr, open 10 coupler ur pays( ounxyr9en 1 yrpw rd, rnrd Mnlwdlsr,C7mny Hill Rd, Fina wdmis.ien. Far inF.: 704• Co Ree Hmrsa, nth sun. each singka. Call Link 413-5204 pr 41h 711[1. err cath m 11.,6 p.m. Saturday, Dec, 3 aNC 8tI1,Mwkxrtll[. $753665• mon,h, 7 pm., .r Carnatur •)72.2659, in cpmminiarrcrs ch.mbe Dario rflgh He.Ilh Orewpa- simply Moms prayer and Chlldran & Youth programs VMC. peal carr . Fraud r 1. rederal DeaefiWf-v.tDy.>,a. 2nd Root, bavkAdminhr Z' 'Inns hoof, .Indy gimp Fur morn d hams. PIP . Each Sun- lawxhlp. & good music. DAV Ch.pxr #75 bldg., 1958 I ld f.. 123 S. Mpin 3r. all Y-. 2.4 p,m. in cldrrrrla ofadl -&-wis It kidsnfallagar, tiny cvcnhte. Apes }11 err �clal EVerlf� us501 S..everythirdsot„12-r p.vkeCuunlyBoarddAd- nnd Ru,aa D-3. Krn• Wlrq. x cu1R1Ph-ly,9�3C ll-3n..m� S_3e: 12.18 a15:45.492.5265. p.m. For kaf : 336d07-5662. j urlmrnr, 301 Mwday of each mtd Puulx Allen will Mthee. dnrLagu-hwlyear.Camcrnona Women's 11i.a-rsssloe Cl- Saturday, DeF 10 F1ree Mrplhly nlehelefrHlwwd mond.,6p.m.,lncommisviw- ReI Chrixxina Chnrch, NC a 01. r, es, 1— 0p held maakly pav1D County KosphM rdsr Pieria IChalal[rn1S[rcen- en ch vnhers.2nd fl-'. o". ion lldi r rrimds ]u,.ch mer,- legs, fpr Fri. of e.ch moral, AJM"'kk-dm Bk1g.. 123 s. 3LInh9 Dec. 4 W Prayer 90orvltt. Fim ' ruesr 1030 a up mtrlCluria. ing. end p.m.. Sng[hmsh, Ydu, in 2009 err Wn1hM1tM, 9 Dant. of hhdn Siren. Adronec Cumm,.nlly Adraat UMC, N. Main Sr., D_nte n 7:37 p•m. Na cusx roe mnleri- in, Road, vvl-a ale. 12 awn. Spa.. Od by Davie Pyla Boake T- AreoelR. Fnkr and Chr4[Imae Tree T1.ursdryz,..ur.n- I p.nr.In— els. Au -amen invk[ed. Fridays Li°n s Club. [kn. ,entad Thur. W [very LIgL11ng, crab, nqd refrcelr mnry. Nat narm[aumd x pee. Wreran'e H1h1e Slwy, every pearl lreD Farmer. Mar- VIsllCoafeeaaee'r Mi1[Vulege maprlt, 7 p.m., 312 N. Mein n� rmm 4.5-711 P.m. err Ad• quiet rime mpmy mrd mednal[. WCd- 5-6 P,m-. in a home near kel, 3:30-7 p.m., NC 801 at M13enm, 14 Chnrch Sl., Wed. SrrcDt(f•EntDerpl,Lh.Fch).Vk- = xr.cr Methndhsl; rnr is li" per_ I;.d,ea Mncnfunia Mora- MIIIIng Road arca. All owner nnvle Medical Cr.._janp- Sat. 10 a.m. W 4 p.m. Ton ilprtweluumr.Y Badu mad mfn.hmentx next doorm elan Church,9am.iii 12 wan. wrlDn lnf :751.5229, rl.r, permuda Ron. Fndehwk 'Ilse rval4pW[ by apps. Gel inforwww.d vieheeku{.cls erg Ree deprameM al K. Gpilawl l.mrh pooch 1 P'"" R'om.n'a5turkr GroxP, Phase rraeNBree/nrmersmurkel6ery 2 6 AC Neewurke, 7:x5.9 ram. Fell. xshlP lundt,Hptytivse Lmherwa. 1923 DS 601 5., Apes IS manrhs - 5 yrs. Call 998.6192. 2,unHihliol woonen,p.esenxd dY Hnnnoh's Mirtisiries. Fxec& afe� Ongoing"" M(�jq - - t' second Tuex. each month- Kelehie Creek Bakery, Va11Dy MnckJsvllle. Srury uex in ry4h• GrielSppre Rawvery & Sap- held nvmy raaund Slra. rl curl. Itabyy Thae, DayEc Gnun- QYI Din 1Dh... Ii- da. th[ankmalr c pret rrup,lu HillrJWd VMC. -all', p�aa•All-dorm.. ty public L11.rary, Fridayr, �y�'u• domed Sec nklrlina - Pagp D7 - - -- _ a�.czrr�i Ly �ancCjoin"' Em- 5 for an S -.. -_ - _ cif►. d I .. - 0 bo c } 4 0 U - Old- - iltme 1': -.4 Chrl Saft L?rd a- � y,, Zac t Cooeemee as r e'cem��r 3 -wouse h street to. •:-Readings - The Bi6CicaCChris Tory & The Wight Before Chrishnas ` •. Bnjoy free hot dogs, }punch & cake :• Christmas music 1 �"y t Santa wiCCde coming� to hear chiCcCren°s wishes- '` Bring your cameral 1,ansorecC6y the TIbwn of CooCeemee c0nperaIiion -tvit the Coo reenwe xswrEc4a[ gssor&Itfo7l _. , h DAL' f F CtJL VrY F' N-FERPR IRF: k F CORD. Thka a is ; D[C. t. 2016 - Ia5 Davis High School dance students rehearse for the winter dance Concert, next Thursday and Friday at the Bieck Performing Arts Center, Winter Dance Concert Next Week The Annual Wincer _ Dnn,a Cnnaert pert m LI r- 1 by the D.Vic !•ligh ❑itncc - Depnrunant will be hem Dec- 8-9 al the Bmck _ Performing Arcs Conner in - MoeknvM a, '['he cumin will rise nt I. _ 7 p•m. and take andien *, .ti 111enIbc through nn eve- _ ring of dance thus will S1lnweilse "tudcnrs work I- in contrMPO airy, jou and - hlp-hop dance, -- - 1 77 Lori Crump is the new _ $$,y dance twchcr a[ IJayic '" High' Comp, who Is - - from ClerrrmnnS. g - ..p _ _ •�' - . dune Ing in n local Snrdio The dances are cit praog rapkled by the dents. SIV and wan, txl to graduate ftFd Emt CAMIinn wills a bnchelor'e degree in dance d.-40- . Crump r _ ..* hoc ntnre thnn 20 yenhk of dpace experience inctud- v ing .exteltsi vc not ning in come nlpomrry, jazznnd -.-. ""holIn_ i, Cnunp joins the Dh- - -77 rie High Arras team after lambing in Forsyth COO n- ►;� ty Schools. CrumP grew _ up watching some of her ter fnmily members he a parr or tine llavic L3nlnce Oc- pi nment and 4arid she is �r- "cxci led 10 stnn n new ern _ of dance at Davie High Schoolby "haring her - Passkm far dime, wim her "� a Tho Winter Cunccn r - will inc]udc Srvcn senior Z ehrI. ezil scalar - - choreomphcd as pan nE - dlctrc rr1 ulum. "Tiw Inonlirx Student " me up will, n concept piece" Liam, says. in high school all while The .to iag piece of the nnJ v mt," a into their next ninS of demo fur the nudi- lIke want 1e nrtra to dor of the ser int hn n Y p Y 1 n ry inuring n friend veru can show is n Irihure lo the se- steps in life. coca;' Crimp said, their uud3rncc.'1-hey wri pieces wr. c,, L, nph�d ,aunt un in the good times afar+ frietrds and fnmily "'iherc oil! he upbeat "rickets are 36 In ad - n 1lropp":t1. then we spend by M. EI1en Lewis and and had;' says T1lonlaa. members. The Piece ClNex and fun dances featured vanes or S ID nn thn door. m1 weeks culrivnting Knilrs'PhnmaS. Their'Innen is u content- into the cmotI of the in the show. The wimar C4111 or rmltil Crimp ut Chair idea to hN11g them "Our dance PonmyS the Purrry lytlrk to 1110 ppptr lltr 4ct11un as they are nbook Janco enncen will offer- 336-751-59ok) 1. purchase 0 life through a dance yrugbles you go through "Work Sons' by Hozk[r. m gMdugta high .,!tont ink_ an cxhitunning arc- ticketx. New dance teacher Lori Crump. Mary Ellen Lewis and Kailan Tbomas rehna lhaif ror.nine- D6 - AAV IE CUHN11t ENMERPR ESE RECORD, Th-kiday. Dec. I.2016 The cast of Wizard of Oz, from left: front - Kristian Lyons, Merritt Killian, Mat on SOWSr Emma James, Relay Lyons, Kennedy Surton, Reece Latham, AN York, Moriah Littra, Eliza Smith; beck - Me. Endicott (director), Kaylee Krause, Katolyn Ppl rand, Ashley Redmond, Vanessa GemeZ, Maddie Owen, Aiden Dixon, Madison Collins, Landon Milker, Stay ThurW Tommy Landy, Mrs. Alawman (musical dire=nj. Tin Man (Kristlan Lycns), Scarecrow (Mason Seats), Llon {rofnmy L andy}. Tota (Landon Mliler), scarecrow (Mason Seats), Dorothy (Haley, Lyons)" Tota (Landon M1119r), Dorothy (Haley Lyons) ND Musical Theatre schedules Production Join Dorothy In Finding Wizard Jnkn Dpre[hy Cwlc ns she - nucpl away so a mxgi°az Innd and begins a jnufaey With her new rrlends to field the Wiznrxl who Aan hop h¢r mum ham.. N.Oh DaWR MiddlefNu- ' N Thealm will pmwnr Wizen, of Oz on Thursday, Dcc.8 and Friday, D} 9 m 7 p.m. in th. school IhcaFre. Tirkcw arc $8 for IWulss end S5 for slud.rkw and can be purchnand by email- fng rndirryfrpQ4daviukFT. prJcc, The 4'MunOhR1nS" practice a number for the upcoming production. -[ear No at Wake frdeakkakabp.� WO -0%w W-kWbFlrn.dake IN! dI rUV,(-assmnplelne �zsll ben dfia pulmo tkU eubtna µa RAE•-rA..,. 'A.- Heel IN b bn M. fa erard rn gyfww leo[dlry [seal R se rap�nl.M,a. Give Santa A Break Let us deliver that special gift every week of the year with a subscription to the Davie County Enterprise Record Only $26.69 Per Year Call Today! 336-751-2120 DAV3E COUNTY E T TERPRLSE RECOR D.Tpursday. [1c.- 1, 2016- W Dateline ... Ce dkk.ca I -Pate 11.1 fant]ies Slricodcgfdcolnlin- OF. w elf ladies lnrp os no nvRh.T pm",C'i vmm 2Y1ry. QailMas Club. e. try' Monday, Lett ImpAC A..WM Fid.. MoclPvi]le Neewud Fkln6f Covemee Women. Clrllaa rFnv:wkiag" 8tl] tioflh.Cmleemx loam" d+. Th- - II Pm. are ,alt g pup Lased M Da a Clan, dceu s bThv s"oF Aa l mete Co.., Horse Emu 13asM Cu. Mail" v Seine' SR3PSO, µ'ed" h7 .. 1'P.m: Flmtis Equipwee[.1Lgam - C nary Chamber A[C"sammems" -1m ,pm" CoA s=in+ 1[eocy ECeaitiae lkam,T:3ppm., Sappers V.- lad Mein" SF PbkQakld:.e _?hTrneF open Nl,w-Thurs-B.'q=8 iota; 33&731.3}04. Ha,- fellnwFhiP hr[l. 304 Mar- dowanain aT ,he Ai;,k-INral of tach momh• 6 j--=- day, 2 Pm. "'T Fnda}T,e rea"rH S EWA DC Network":, sen lino" mch Rinal R_ Cocksure. AH onm auilding,Me.e"a . i¢"Every 3rd n PirA,FlArmadakub"" Fyev FRu1re Pre stv' Chrell. Sa.9 a,m, til l pm. orb. L -07 -1M ,e.. aermuJo ladies iavired" T --,d reach m.mh" FoF into: ]36`17-'x.673. ace ° mnnfh, ar 111 am. in Art, Mn16ay.9em. Run.I I:45a4a.-]P.m. NcMa&- snteh-111.pga,hrringofmncn 9al>-7111. tilt NmriTnm Ci[e ltiaadma.'N1g. otiaferrala snaup hosted by m M.kavilk LibnFry, second DAVI. Ce. sand Hawsers, Seniors Sidgle);Smlon Cbormr,TTur.- Ynapa, calif: deep sod to v!s. Davie Lluunlwr of r, a.mwrrt. V 1,°feychmumh,7-g; ISp.m- rr W. 3rd Ta Way of month. All aeiivilin wke place a1 Hum days, 10 --nn."ansa Party AerREiea� rs- Infa� 75133t14" HringydorFn 13ega)rnbndl 7:30 p.nr., D.11l H.g Hand by 1f" Yok'he S..i- S.5-hM.'I P.ua every. Mmnoy. day., 6=15 P+ - Dar1e QYfltere Galld, 3rd your bean rips and Ujk:".a Fhare" Rarmr. Ruildinylo�Iedue278 Mem"cr In:_ H.Id'[1r=Chn,+FJar"x,� Ni1viar IJealth. Mon,. W2:�& Moa. of each ma,1h, far into, IwFo:751-^. W, 1lavle Inkib Aeh1Nc 131rootrrx. Sr",3,loekevklie mdass lwhprwise 1 p.nn" FF1" a R:30 a_Tnv _ 4 •z"On• Conmunlly Foundadoaernl 3,d Monday, 7 pna s.=i noted"]53.6,30" Sr. kiapk Clot, teary dynlTum. - Tdn"PL parmring Clasen, vieCoaaly' DerrdefDlre¢twst _F} ter W- On DIR nr the month, I! 31P P,m. for days, ]11:30 a.a., ull 21N1 Mu0 1, Fluw1n9Wn llunuun Club, 2ml 54 -ham Wake Up, Mondays, Cu7,pulrr 0- •err"veil- Report Davie Datelkple f info: NnrrN Have Ruelfa" Club. Tlnurtday,T:30pm Fanningrm WcdncsJays"Frndnys,V u.m- ohle. i-nI[ f r ln(u[motiea. Item" Elf Fmngw Morkday Humane SodeFr ofUarlR Com mnmhly .linnet nrennpa, sec- Cnminaaity Crmar- peen Advanced Hmlmcurc Ar[hknu.,E .rrlw-rl,ay nahar bens rxllavle D.,eirie nho.ld nmhly adrprings 2pd Teiea. of and Mon" of each moan. 7 1iF:L15 Mleatries, CTaistilnn plank!"- Workahem, aecnmd R'nd. iu.3[l a.m. be xTs..ed by ogbn MolMay'el M'eI]'manlh.a Flumane Sa.kry Pm- GAII ]62-1278 fnrinfd maJ .eu+vr17 Pn°8mm Sar women "),bb_ nnunnb, r p.nl• nine Doo .nn 1s 1 1. Thar.• oho Pahli_n.. Adopiiwl Ceneet, 291 yarn Rd, Imulbn of rHxr meal"- uxubl[y abuadd as cbrlJnrn. Sr• l aacbhwx. M.T,W, 11-3n J°Yr• N p.n1. 2120 Re drop k[ by >br of6ar. L711 751.5214 f- hard. SaoFt stArt or Dale coomy Mondrya, ]:30 P.m.. 41 coon umI M. & Fri.. I I n.rn.. lunch Ido¢ D ... im: ]ted E. Mon.. at s" MAI" Sr" acral. l 'the KamFlr & 6ri¢ndr Md"M- boom n .wing, 3rd 'race. of Sgnwrr. R1rnm"l . served daily, 1Nn'x, WedncndayF. nk45 um. ones huuaa• wltr Ili gupport Groap, 31x1 -'ogler min°Ih a Su Trog P.-.9. Rasouren Uryoni• - T ane am T.d ,r -.h month, 6 a Yudkknv111r kJm .. 8:30 a, "Cunt (PROP knu pan groaP Hlllnialc Hae" Cb --h, f2ucni°mc 751.21)}. for tomitlee or ph0 drrn -h NOTICES Adrwoe,Cdn51-5441 fnrinf " APAlidn rr . Suppnn croup. di --NI iti, gal Taeyday.7 p.m. Advance Garde. Chep, 2nd Sad '1'ucxJay .,r mph m mrh. CWI k -a Y X.mprrrde u1 PUBLIC Tues. each m"nth, FRilsdWe Gan vt D:n'ie Stors !WR -,1j Servitors y Il fin loa>lao, j sap[. Clmreh,V5158.1:30P.m. l toeksv kle, tofu: 75-ff230. 1100111i Deur.. Fnnlc hent:; s ATE vF NORTH C ... UNA nein I-- -,I---, nor Irya _nems, MY PYIdei LICA �ryvay MDS sora IJ. xClub,"loco Mole CN'Itdn Club mean 41h M ... Fri.. 8r38 am. 5 p -T COUNTr QF FOn6YTH dlrecmrn" nkft e" empl9yrw. Thinf Th, r Itky of oath lash, Tburs. nfrach muerh,r b,_O ., Pavia C-anty hoard MScergl vn n .nee °r ou °rives mvreaon� tri rNn McP-'o' ] p.m First united Merhlaliyr Tpen1",re 14111sdale anq.Clxach. Servie[s,4th'ILmd.y.y:3np W. NOTICE RF r°i�11•ro of olNer the T er or Cly A7dAla CNEG. fwie - Church. Meckrvrllp" 11wy, 159.Afk air llnrF welmmv, of psS- FORECLOSURE SALE fade• a1 me ale moxa eaY mo 'NenremLor f3, 2Og2 HyBsdaleg.nAwtit.Wry quh, NAACP Coem- tually Aloe NarcoIkm AmN yme Again.. to 5P mo rhe Wu,, or any pl�orw v1�aq m To: uN%NnWH XATRER every Thurs-a17 a.rn., s.vmdnla next Mc¢ria,, every dlh Mon- All Odle G., , First aupr• ahndar and by'�+tae b tM Pew'- m ern"..Myeprialgrn OF A MAlE PH1Lo eORFC Village" of va.hmomh,T pen.. ar ShtI.b Ch. FA, 390 N. MO 5Nepr r r ema rnneolnad In a calnaln enl.11%Ni on, an ar rele,Ino to fie ION" "= C 1 EA 13. 20=Z P-Ae Co. FrMer"al Order Rapt" Chrnxh" (upsmirxl,•rbnga. 7 pm", Sun -E Oaee at Tfuee U. Oy Y+dna, pmpor., bo,, Doerr. for axle C �RY1! CCIIHTy, NOR -04 oT Pollee 9q, }rS Tl+en. C¢nsar ECA Cluh meso 2nd p.m. Dray Probfem7 He! n. Lud.rca enq nko.a P. Lud. aM any and nn neap°nalbilifts ey CA it. i r.adRe pins°' nkh, tWallvIn Por L dMa aye Iublluloa many out M ar In an TAKE No'nuE Nen 0 Plpee- l of Avery-wh, 7 p.m.. Zeko•>; MooJay IF each muanlh. at 336-"!81-7280. wly.a R. Ludwl.k, Oeeoeeede ,ray FGrWq ,. my ash p NWWkn Ing -aMteg 1-IIeF ggelrt�r+yrtrl 7 RxaMunay. Cemex Cnmm. Hldg.. T 1,- M9ckollle CITHo" Clob. 7 tppPAENr RECCno CrN'NEREA) er�Proaay ore d,sdmana& Ale°• Moa Lawn Illed y %r Dar[, Democrr[H PPrty, 21st Plena join m" p"a 2nd R 4th Monmays, al Annum Ray Lum,•Iek end DAiowo pmpeny it b.mg a mON. . e11lod stile". The natwe v1 t" ttrce..rm hm"mh.7 P.m., t 1G np obled Ame=n' Yet— Frmt Pnmbytenan Chumh. P. Loa.ckl 1. Reeoem w 9hom, to aq farm, apeclel essaMmenm, rallef secant la ea IeEewv� ner- fkpne Sheer. res ChageT 75 mceq .n SraF Adraear M¢morlal 14x19739 �korkba,• no,,me n6n "' of nod N ond�mrr rnpo dad `,neoesox mineelon of yea pvaMeljights Davie Co. Republican Pan Yeeemns tri F 1 Kyes sal n Book dab, Pagv 406, rl O,wle S1H. prepeny t7 Neo Del °6Frmn0 a mole mod n8m on PP Y• Ma.Wry nr inch monlh.T p.nr.. res° ^9 said Gov My 19, 2002, In IaWe very kM rd -rues. of mnmlh, 7 DAV b.ilding, 1956 US 60[ S. LadiesAux111a y.4th Tors., T.10 Cvamy avgmtry, Henn CPmrm, :unlvee m opFlicaa..Pederu and Go My Nofth Car -1 In !An p.m. In Dl k Ca, iwunh36-671-6094 fnr more info. P_p, u13.e.Fb Mill Rad. daleuT Mi- ua¢n loads w IM. g,vle Iowa Ardor Ipr S In by P9MJA ea °[ nr twee unerny s°• A depoyr .t 1wa notcaix fi%l Aav1e Co, Repay= jr-M's Ad) , i. Rrnfm. Dnvl¢Courlly Right To Life, W me sob ease of *nae o urennae onto" or seven I1— was emerod by Mo olsfncl Federation, x and T[sday Tann FK L'daIc�mce P1enRlnli P,n"•• 3rd'rhor ,1aY. Bit j -Y and Ina awor"F , 8u 11um huntl•ed hhr veYon ISI3...OL Cent an November 2l, 2ole-) of crery mash, meal+meeeinE. Board, s 3n{ Tlaun" of yo,nnhnus."TSS-5233 m Tmaev. S.rykos" InG. narlrW m.u. Ia statue, N l n- You era fequlrad m make aubslnumd as Truelee In eA.s end m e[r"a Hntlered In ane Iwo Oelan.. to Foch pleada,a awl 5a6ehrusll, l75 frill N.. mch moneln e[Cunfeemee Tnwn 492•ST23' pee. eI Tnnr by a uv,rument p rurnd 1- W Ina Ila° &Ina liter 'than January TO, 201], M", U.- Ha14,7 P.m. Coaleeme. Mvmolial VFW d,a,, FF.c°Fd°d m the otfa ar,he ., laid dace belnp hat, 00) days Women wpleam.. Da ,le County Dlabaks San. FUar f I IY, 2nd vee", 10 am AevlenH ar o,- ar carie eoun- x Il the rnn[oo isuneblpnca�y Item rho rI0.,.bd-V.rk pl•ahis Davie Hluarkal & (_.Nay- pmt Gropp.I`PM'Chp ofevery VFW Vol. N -C. 403. +/• r+arm Cemw,e and ue rwlder rule W ddv pwpamy ler ny maw". nn911ce, and upon your lallllre W i-IS.da[y,9lh Thura..7 p.m monrin,7•fl: 30 Pen",nn Il W,, Co- Corinlhlan Ludr3e Na. el�anpmeritla np� 'a ndane be -1. remed al mo pmche.sbr do so, the Untie Coninlj. Do- Devic library" Marl lc Library Small Conference PF&AM, 2"d• 4,h Prkdln'e, heotrq d Ina sow rete rrnor IhOI: ase. Rr,a paeinent of Sdd.t 8aryl.es will A! -Anon Family Cmup, m kuua. Into, 751-6700. 739 t dac iod uad. a1 Wan Yo wnee,orad, mr v I,M m aaayer ,Lfnitdonia Munnrim Chura4. naris llwlee" wr,"" FAsso- Macksvate Ipdee No. F}4, 1st will b�M..FIpr as qua In. a_I,o_ amM M a herirrubay peHbneRribl me e_gMo rhe OourF let me.aalfal N.C. POI N..Adcnnce, sgndny's dyllan, l V Wed-ufcoch month. -r a jiy. 7:30 pen. al like °°F In Aho Cay dl AW.YeWlly. Oe- b do uabmeaon oI qq sale era v YOil.ARE NOTWAM VCep- R p"m fin fekluwshtp ha1n. IZ n at SunTruse ennk. CgoleemeR Clvlla e•s CIUL vI. C r, ryy'w ,,,,h i1.IIne, or Na nr Ar rhe lore w.rsw pa.F and Answer nhe Fk..Mc by tlav Iod Nf edge ¢t vn ogle..a- rvky Foe onglryl of Yok�wnt• A!-Anp" kr a etaup that hekfH VNlcynaank Hran h Iocarioa. M[Mlerlt.lst and 7rd> Win. wch ° I°sygP syyya 1Jc k5 RM on�.vaLany ma+. -Hall= lr.noepvnaa' mnal'Lbd•Dhvle .� .w r. - W �•. - .� ••' • •- `IVoeoml n2• Z.te.fq will see W by any nony, tae nus,aa, In Riolf CeurAy Clvrh of Supvltor CAM he adpaosr eaader lbr teen Inn r.F Ie .kr�renien, II Nkat bKore no Jm yFgte olviwon, peons Cmm- Ing ^PDI even,- sorest In un chalkrge ro naw mens, mM re- iM H"R ort Jueega, 40 send,, 'Looney el 0a Nein Ger¢t< " ayes, tan e°yn wdaeur. Ina 1. alxl menu o pameulenr de. ° be veld eM rrrwv ,ne tlrpaa. ern Slwa, aloelavlL-NG ac es I011aw.; Tin Purcheeer mow Waren° lunhar 27028,, vAtM1rn [eDr IiOj Gaya REaINNaNO. er A p°InI In rhe ` medy. -cher me date b gee Mer puhl,- emnnvn Foe bl Let ale" 8gex p, Addebnrl N.Ik br Ree len .n_. eon w n. latw 7nm Jiduery Wey,ad 4rann 6F daps. e0 min. IDI Pr.W"v "I, Lae alga 15 eq, 2011 You molal Mea ewes Ee.5591Fa1 bem ane ggauaaeal m leaks, AWvq&rg-Fern n copy dt y9uF wurakp arn�unve mmvrofaM. Lot-t.,ubc.9wld ¢y Resxd.mW Aeal preps., An Cha Fbd[Ic rM AlWn :Ilaf- Ap pw,ce Nom said pains of An W. q1 praylvbv W dN ad Lehr. OCOIHNINO Nedn.dpa90 Fan. repent' may ba Issued panAma Ydu'M1gre a r10hl b bu-faP- iTUNDRA.__260IeeNoapelntlnMonold. PW N M 6. y ao-a W n laver of qen� k"Y L at[prney M min pin a Int cumber ,9; IM1.npe Ina pw.nreef aria agalno an pen Ir you wens m ataoi ray Ooum 95 .v8v ao man. Ewe 2ao ry vi pansies In pvaeeFxlen by ran ea _ Int In gn raw,hem line rex of 0 khvor eaun.e aneo.n• Coo •senna soar- 010 * I FARG6TA FMewrow NM w ¢ CouK will RpPelm an nwaey ¢! ld ea: fnrlwe Sou. a dem. .111 A wnie:n eneprp-hn,' s veld OF M88peafi, min. Weer 2.o ben nv a point Rny porsap w ° ocru ler C Y . evnleece��F_wwirhrooe ' 0 "aver" mmol" or 1narPln kon, no"iunuanl re hm b C -M immadSp 4y 1.l -di fana km. n, . w�.ae Noa rpin W Ixgune I "" r ^owed on o una� pr,°eo. ,` court-eppelnleC endmvy. .Tine ah m 4"'. IllFo 1. _Arse a' spar. any akar reeonlrq Ina aa- Ia a new cage, ane aRY�1fAr- Q .e to me POINr AND PLACE CF Wer or rprecloeum sq,o, .mnlne,e nay appalnletl ro mpregelsjiw eEO1NHINq an. mIq I..aI Num- rM nreneel e61ee•nen'ny prerldkg n onotnvr usee- _ b (Ba me awbm nM °I Iyr -, an mato al Awlen Fem you In 0" �yF v1P end aha woslem rA. of IB of rhe IendM1- m ba elfp4Wo on p i>1a Cb.ft Appolnea mY pldMn o" 1011 enek 8 or o°Y.oao 9xbdlwlon done .rete. n W. renes NNW rF R A�(n or you neral" LM1 10 d xeavy m a pbl ,he- -rd- Leas ,..rya but x, mom rhml0tl 1 the p"'br len A 1T'fi F1TerT. N 1st= P5 ore ed ° .epee 21H oro. Ree. Hop dare" Blur she vele eau c.laeauE .r°PY o raACle OF nnY S'r€PS. Ea¢k e, flora° `t RepbW m p, arAoded v oS ep Slam Na Cj>tnrpf which on- A hereby orae ave ,Ne m Nkaars,ne oar carnd G -n dorinp Iepula LueMwne 1 sr dee Ian- Inv d aun one Ilmo the venae h -I r - _ �... Ina nek r _lin ImPnovamanu Io, r.M. h rhe op.f renm+Wbn. 7r,Iv Naleeo hest 61van OwiRt r paud marean: rid preNmy be- i3panrermIn I.n¢,rronu,epno dayo[od.ombef,2Dta. _ I b^ 're v.:1 On dab ,Nam, meM. one termone b narya rpt none ltbely M" Greee, yarlbo, Nunn Ct%W x eyreemene NO Stam gar No, pp sub„oce m arwmon aM b- p,�.ranp no the an qyy dMe w,no Attomay ler Cavw Co 43MS 9 mti F*I. 123 ad "k Malo seed[ a� F Fu brei a,m mo [bad 6cek I OYBSTmrtE Tn _ I'. e9, Pepe 3w, Deylo W L -S. Repls• Tuv tCAu" INC PhOw I1b. NC 27b18 �� Sae aro tar Map L-6, pe171" eyeSrlTurE TAU6TEE Ph9.e: 33&•]53.13012 ^,�_^� NAM »- mcaed I^ Jenwalem T n -.hip, cm H,Aphena Lax F- Io .,TES ESTtON, D-Itp C¢unry, Nbnh Lemllne. P.o. 6ox tors f Trverae m an Ina Traaeep'a +]n]eAd, ry54v.1 --- ` R� vera R.orrtion deky ale ea la Feyenewm, rbdh CueFrx zF311 ® 1 For up nv v11b none m ppvWed in. Ptn.w Np: {SNOI Feuaesa NCO5 yas•2n.2.9. s. :11a 455 IF l Sr pAa Ne Pn y. as ve Cow Nm: „ ubl3m:FC R/1T1 �' ! .naaM by o nbd p I..... Pant Publyry: Dec"e,e �^ 6, h, 3 •-� 1np coPureemm W r"e"r"Flea Cr^m _ NORTH CA RCy Nq m.r RENTAL is>oo oojrnau'ed by Hors- INTI E GENE Y IN THE GENERA COYRT §iA-9aa[r)[tt, OF JII ST""' v Ypg FEE, THE a Yoe gope.y 19 be ANvnH our- JuYENILE COURT OFYIsloN €RUTH mrAl'A vf€ vAeM t° ,bu agbce of sero Ie bo• Fily Ha. TE J Ta HAp IN, Ior awn, a".r mod ya a wNERE Is.' NOTICE OF SERVICE _ - - N.I.-I u,e T- n 1 tna rmeol Ir + A arm. sae --t W "ba sed h' OF PROCESS ear°°m.nt, a1 �.h. _ H€LF f+E Harte. S-0[k411ZAQHF ' R? o wMAT2 , �a Lf # HEATING, COOLING, RESIDEN77AL P15i%M61IYG wAYI You 79v`n SALES, SERVICE, INSTALLATlOI11tit""' Rraaarn+6 rr Pet.F�-roRr eve sec 1 SERVING DAVIE AND ROWAN COUNTIES T Off -se -e. 336-284-2881 Mobile: 335-34S-9=7 Rowan: 7== -�. 77 _ D8- DAVE$ COUNTY HVTFalpRiSE RFroxo, 11-d". OCC_ I, 7At6 LEGAL NOTICES - IN THE GMERAL COURT OF Naso began or Vs renkwlW is being orrefPd of sale, Irene- Tex Map Releronev' 1- by heard In P.-w".r In vppo- rare Fewu.ry PC. a0,7 er 1nu no- Ju3nCE r ane, Curator 1, 2007, to ler ¢W ednyeyerecd •AS IS s -12-0.3T pigs. W. ,M10 auw. Nam•, AA Wee ,.w by Pl-ad! In Poor el ewe OF NORTH CAROLINA dome alert y¢u may Iarmr-.. WHERE IS Th- rue no rap• PHOPE FrfY gpWr.f Me pWflic heeling, rePmary. Der-, rrrma. antl SUPERIOR COURT DNISIpN uw renal Aposome.! upon wdr- reggn[eveng d wwnpnly reyl• RODRE35,LaCRTIpF]; aubala.pel o' -Go, mlgnr be papaarinns uxwrxgd ,o dw festl DAVIE CCNKTY sn neo In, I-nmard, I. be Ing ,e Iho lolls or arty physlow. YSPeHr A". me Ce Sn%M. edwnfyed Prapee- ea,oln wail v Pow rinks unrnom- ,6SPZaT offpalve .re ¢ do ..w In Nk en ianmenld, noallh x Nafely MREk.kN• NO 47028 al, eolllpBnp mh oU.... detersabm- nwl.e Ih•1 Is sI 1a.al 10 aye, aandlllone s.,.Un in,... a1. er DATE OF SALE; e d tlieeueoon al NP hearing. Im' LV THE MATT=R OF TffE 9 m 2Ot6. bur rip mor. lhan he RAV`_ Id- reylmg Io Ins arra➢I.ry being D•aamber 7, 2010 Addllmnd l.lermo8en to er•N• FORECLQ5UREpFA pEEO N4rlry ar,TpusrF scmEp By ler Iho sem dale uvnllrad N vinred }vr sora. - M. Bare Ie TIMEOF SALE: ,0:90 R.M. able el the berompmaM 6 f -e- Nara yfyo, E.r.r. JE�IC�9 rfi BpACKEIVANO rhe rpBea pf cele, provides Nor ..a. eubjen to all prbr liens, LOCATION OF SALE: CllX1oR Servlevk DeOsrlalkn an 730 N. Mon 81. JOS" S" BwACKEN OATEl7 !fm morq(egv her Ipl ardtl rho unpaM 1¢xas• eery ynpod lend DAMP C,N+My Ceurlhp wgpkdeye It k. -n B20 .... M.,, ua. HC R]028 MAY= ELYI6AND RECORD• dn111Wt x,tie tlmo mbak G ser- 1 .npvr ,pxgp, pppclsl saw's• REI1ARD AWNESTS); and 5U0 p m. m by telephone -lith No, 1A.17.2A.flg 1 e170lC Bard A,.FAGS .dragon k pomuad" u may merle, vpsemvn[e, rl0><Is yr Manan¢15 GRoV- rI[3381753-9050. 6Er 1lv IifE naW+E COl1NrY by Ilobl. Ior r.M due unser a,e wry, uvetls al teleses, ane wry TERMS DF THE SALE; Ana.nAWeWf VAf/ NfMTHCAROLINA PUBLIC RE Jsr y. NORTH a,reatMik prornlenl 1p M` or- nrfle, eneynbrenTo b,=rp• (11- Thi. pw, tall ao madk Pmr.Ny CMpernnmf DAVIE CQUNTY CARCLNYA foesvv tlel of me ilXenne'I- Uonp of r.a.rd" To Iho boot of Alo0Joa1 Tae [a) err pAw lienee on- PubNRh: Nor" 2d, Dee.f PUBLIC yea d� .r T s, dale w 1N. Nell[. Ia Na• 1h. krwrNodgv ons belle) of cumbrances, eaa'mend, rip^!- ASOapr88TRATOR'B NOr10E NOTCE OF SA E V.mbar 21, 2010. Re u Rk e,pn¢tl, IIIA ant ar•w¢ye, aelrigdYe m a Ie NORTH CRROL1wA Hv . p q,nsred w Puelk M• OTsdy I. waw vdner{d] Ik the prepmty brut. o dthw xeINAVII s of I -M41 oAVI1ktv4 TTY min4koloT.1 Ma two or Llntl. Under and by On- .1 Ino WEN B. Elle Medp leen.! Nem valso. Re.Eng Pro praparte; ryj Prop- nil-ITORO NOTICE J•sn Qnrn Ragd, 0 ... ased, "power And a ihodty aZLW nd S,,bAUbn. Tn,Sr_ An Order fpr yomeakbn or arty 1-0. and a -Mrsnla Ior HANf1O OIMLIFIEO ae fixsq' Ilse, N0-10 K rc m .ally orlkh Ce LC rh. Nbove•releraraen diked 1v,30 Pallm'1e1 Parkw'y, Ina gra n Dur- rex Iw N In° U.10. d MARY LQu.11 - :ai:Duai .red bataisa v, dkiauh HPRp 40D o Y me, be I.euNA M. N WMI.h the .kip Rd• VSE gADOY Yi1LRELM, foto d Na•XrO c1Din- pgwlnnl R, eelma Me p -y w o! the .k W.A ChMeHv, NG 29210 a G.S" 45-21-29 In fq caro, of wdl .a nN, prior yews; Dm,m Courcy, I.N. ,a n nNlly N, a, rho dac.RR.d 1a vahlNt Ilpm •I0 d the prirrha°w rad nw4n.1 ia) I.MNA lax II'na ymn reepe¢I ladmodnnas tl failure ear (706) CME -el 07 �efesrrT, Rrm• rW eamarMlv^a to rhe und-..Mgned on v b.Pore Aho party a pPnp' in ➢vases- Is whkYt proper nwkb ane nor q,NnO.I.In Pagsin., 4ald Vital. Permit " 2s, 7817• .r Ihy NwMo •pader�m��e rIPU -No�np ,1KpolsNgpkaonq,il.f�cvminc! ebn L the efwk of euparbe g,y¢n ,o Na trrtamel Aa•ferrus m pr.sem kmlo[an elelm b ms un- will qe COCOA a In par all f limit flph, dna pU.u.nl Is darrmnd pr Pveaed: sorrel !ho avunry I. ,vNrh Ilm SoNtcv; Wo, [tlj rgdvrpl rev tlefplplotl ¢n n pobIs Kotryvry , p .wr ekalna� the .=r d ply a and hgldier of 1ne By, p+vpvrty Is sold. Rnlr pares. Earns 1v wtwch proper nolle wee 10, 2017. (pang Nrs. jaJ nwnlla Ih..ekl Res¢nded. All p --an• w red dem, the unOwpOMes PUBLlBN: pec"1.a, wh¢ vccvalue Me property parr- gluon Ip Ne IMomal Rawnum *am" Arpde, lo publtced.n W Weds.wm....y ale plena -duheaule 1nn,n0 w6! expose 'Went lop eenlel a,ramnenl an- S.,ube and mtrhl.h mar rlghl w Nle rmReej er 1N¢ ndlcv will by m Mo Immvdl.rs payment. fw eels a[ puWc auellPn M the 18 9R 396 lerod rrdp er Wnewod - Pr w!• reRompllo. PA"Idi.. pbatlad to par all anlr r.aovory. This rho 11th dry at H -arbor, pI,6nW Lltltler iw each a[ Iris rot Ocleho, 1, SOo7, may, alp, [2] The pmPlXiy b Looe soltl All ppremu, Ilrme and capers- RDI B. _..,Joe. d"Are w 1he oaonly NOTICE Of recul dna %he nonce a e"', ler- •e le- Nen,er rhe ben.Selary no- rimbbd Weald U.6- ww eryM C. Tbomp•.n 'Ob.Rhvusv of midi munry er .r Innnro Ire reeler agr.emRM dy o, Ph- dood at truer, nor ire on- phew MOW Im^wdlam pnympnt Foetal wRprl.hu,mr _ .1 iypPM on Decambar 12, %', ' FOREI:IOSNRE Si1lE - prodding-Iller, awrom or lar- tlenlgnod Slibe nula Trual.% m the kndee.Ipn°d, rlea Es I. _ gip lello'winp d,ncllLl,d and NORTH CAROLINA, mineGon ,o nw Iondlmd, to be makes any warret6ea er repro• BuThl em 2^allay al rrmf.mhef, S Rfli.J. TriCMp6 - PLLC e'NW .rill a tl,er I DAY1E COIrNTY ofMtllya on a d¢le R[gles In be A.nleflanp edrearrdng Ina pmp• a rrlpmvo- Llnd'I nrW bluo d a odho ,net is RI l.sgl 10 deet• ony. inelo lhnB but rel Ilmll.d 10, JERRY Lou JONES IW R. MWn S,.W, 9,11.2425 -�niM1ra trftleN may he slt,wwj N1' v 5a Rheryl°w T.wnh°°eo prvw lN✓mm�-Safem. NO 2FIO, •; 11grpon, In pgvle County. Norte Power ed Sole-nlekrgd a g,pl aryl no more lnpn PO says, atter Ire lrltyelrnl pr Rnvlrenmenlel Adrenev, NC 27006 Casal ]P!1•dO23 ' roEne. PnR boing mpro par- Halo pvatl .f Trupl exeeulvd the aely Cel' oonleN¢s N Me edrwDllan .1 M. prepehy, Fury MARTIN 6 VAN Hoy, LLP Putltsh; Nov-17.74,oe.",,8 ',EDfvny dkacdmd as INI°tya; by Mwln Cama Hem.Mdr b nolle° of sola, p,.Wdoe Mat 00 Char pie vnd.ialgned SubxNp,v wmrnkre or Cow --ImHp Imvwn and go 10oeled Tnrel.o BarvXba d Caroline, modgag¢e haR not cured 1. TrAV1_ m.W. - "" w n- 10 Cwtrt Square NORTH GARGLINA Lei �1 b-, nn Ne CJCrdnnd Faprue �] Yvlrtyit w� dy! Idea foe .arcs el lermlrtd1 Ilya wlln resPset W the Isle b Mpekwlpa, NC 27026 vAylp COUK" Map ¢I Myers Park a! Rrdgo- MY 12. 2010 and Prey P.PPrw- P.bAgh; N.r.1¢,, 7.24;papl CRsblTgnm NOTICE -TROrd, 9e=Farm F rm bl wNleh mop re[wrdvd on February ,6, R0,0 II.R (NOBS $ A6�1,16A(hllal). 191 Tho higirypp biddy milk be HAVrNG QUALIFIED Ex- ry'rebwded In Pfaff took 6, page En Book 010 a! page 511, Devi. Urrm m"k adwl at p nlal wae�pan�ltlle Iw me payment N NOTK:ETO CREORORS a Iqr or ms Eamm , JEOH x•108. Sllda R, s, a". Cauny County RRpralry, Nardi Cere• BB-kPPP rM. aha Ion- 611-M r almpe peyaL,e Iv NR AHO DEBTORS OF ALEXANt I, 6ROWN, la,a M RagMW q ,1911th reioronce !e Bna. roe ren, due Mrpe, rim reldel Re....I needs end ony Grid DPJJHIS S, SH6A, pR, surto Cwn[y, dela la m odor all h•rebyy l¢rq mate pengcu• UWoWl Reving boon made agreement preml.d IR lyo el• ruuM1 ..Mot autllllry lees paY- ANA OENNIg BRA OFOAD BAI•.M., INMP and eWtornbn. fe}•tbeeMpBoeL of Nd nate't-br eeeu[ad by m.11vv dam vl MAt hi ndnwiaM. able to U. Clelfe o[ SWparia[ RHEA, SR. h•w.g wsims BpNnW weld Fatale .And Berrie male rnmfrmrky the DeM Opae pt Ti,ral ars Iho II inn Iruelae K twlede p Cdun wnlcn era Rmee�ptl a,r Tip unl,,I,,I, Ill fo pros., wml,,"a"tq he un- •Itllhri. wo: alp Wlndyrard CN, undeeMpnsd. Trorleo Bervlcee mnyey ,lila Is Ire prvpeny fps Mu nigh hill raaWlmg ham Ihie Nl.h.00e shoe, mktp gya11• dw.lgmd me .r mrere Foprusry Mp.R•ykm, NO 27020 or Cwnllm, LLC, hsvrug hear arty reale.. the .Ula renway of larade..1. sob. Nod as Exee,n.r IN ,ho Eaijs d 2l, 2017, [hvkq akea jai monlfH The mourd vwnw(e GA ate sub.. se T. -M. ole In paid lDa PurWWavr m Ile relum el (A) Al Ne lime d Ne sole, N. tmMaMI e' Bhad. B,.. AKA Den.N tem%MP heat WW N P Majion o1 O,sdmrd Shwq" 9r., 4emw•0d, he 1nN rwpov) a n.Ucv tail eo P. ruparly, wr r..Mff an Ifo re• Dpvd of T el, ars Nv holder Inv dep"I. k. Me a, Noah rNg"t, bldser win sa "_m 'Lm r¢eWsno er Orvl. Carnoy, Ngnh plasd.d In bee d 1hell ---ry. be of sho Register of Deed*, ! [ha natio ewdancln9 ultl tla- McWIRy [a gartYey Nwuds, but m msk. a faah depaall of I" Cnroortt hereby'WI...II pwf- AN ponene, NM_ •nsr -We- Ly.re J.k.,e. N, an.ue•n ..R IwA hevklg dbeatwI M.1 Ina aro n° 6m1[.d m, the 6Nng N ¢ psicaM [5'A] W ma old, ¢[ ..w, 1kmr, pro .orelbna Hone lrrgkNoR fo edtl Eal•Ip wIa Jsahya S. er.plren" Deed pr TrRet he bf.al,reaA. b.nkruplry paint. prim 1¢ in. 5750.00, whbT,aver fa grealn M1evlrg elelma epoh,pl add k.• plPeso make lmmadlwm Roymgnl The p.pkry I. bo atmos rho undsnlgnod Su6MRuta eoniwmnlivn of !M10 fele xltl re- .91h IM1a ramdnln, h.MrlRv d Isle ob W. -L Intim p he un• ,. Iris .ndoroyn.d. pdr ! p IM1fe .mice d Bala T tao w10 sitar br eel' e11M1e InelalRmenl or Ma apron .1th W ins Did amountW Dar POW vn Ma d°mrlg ., or h. allool .1 of Zil IM1a 151hdny.1 fMmrntef, is beklg ane M for made, I_ unInnse door w Ne agWnry Iho IC-0-dge o, Iho I.Woo. it day loll¢w+lp the -P -Cid, or holo. Pahruary ia. 30,7 oe 00. 701. lar end conveyance IS IS, caynhauga Vt,ery IA. p=y !M10 vwieny W the awe Ie ehal- U16 wpamw ren tial day W. na,lce .din hs P ratter In b.r W OAMELapOKN9 TNTtESE IG.' N.Wh r 1110 Trust- Iklouwlod,arlhp... W antl Cue- Ignged by ¢try parry, Ino Irua1• sol DId pvnod. pair reeovaTY. AA W-11, Moe 111 Hllbfw! Cove e. omT Ink hwtler d thv „Ms IpmMy beano. N the covTUy aa. In trio" "n daP,.gan, H [5] Any pardon WA v peeupies oIrpwsnone kWpblel b bake Meeu••Rlle, NC 2T02B tl by We deetl ¢I tux, eperp,evee ler gorMuallrkp IRs Ihey belloye Iho ohdiarkge Is A P5 propony p. -..L W p nr nrad a will pleas make ImmOdl• MARTIN a VAN HO .. Lip Doing tared. -I, nor tole am- fe qn arse rte, �,�16.pR, �?A_"e"A._�R� rpyuko II., amkot onrotatl Jnle or re- e,° aGg!nl.,it Inew�darcfgead- - V Wmnnrya Fr [erv� - •'� �•• -- W,w dlr•cldrt: RNMlreyr, Em--1D:00/41i,'snd w7.tl I! Iv N° pr1 In � Ipre ,rip sem Ip to rowed On w ane, CWY . 1. Tale me 1Pn, Ray or Nwem• ❑Cvdlt Sgwve veld Drill rwum me de Belt. 2007, mny elnr .Cmhw.g Md. aoT• Rete. Meekwne. NC 27028 pre Wyoka, .galla ar ewhad.vul regneal Ned., fm .Oh Iho P Ander Nran.11. 8h a., r,wll,n: Nov.24.0-1.0.le preeenlallre w Olmvr More Ban, SIIUd Wp Oft pg Pod Madon,With Trio purG,¢aer kvXl have ne run W-1 M Fara!¢ w• rn-t ExseWfpr or are Helder v11be note make jluamd h Davy Cvun1Y. NvrN Inter Mm,WY- tannlrpm V,q ,•IKeI apreemvn! p,mla J. Tanarx NORTH CARCLINA airy rn. 1e wivn ar wa.arey Carmine, W wR; �I eCo�rWl&ne LLC a nNbdn`o IO'M Breland- N Alcorn° ! law Welleg�ap Vile Aare/ Pflyal• TM1k fells q dno°rlbetl In. e,1PrNw FI- CREDIT' p Non cat, .mentor, hemi, or .,,any 9ubaukipa Types be elfvgMe en ° dale °tall 3M North Bkn Slraw, aYAp 7aT HAVtNO aIMI-W ED am Ex• .pe%IV madlllsre exfedrg M, AN Nei c 11I lw xpwc0l al Druck 6 Scon. PLLC in NO Mortes Inst h at Iwel 10 aevenMroro f9C 27401 ...1 w m see ESIpm of MRRY PR, x or-hUry IskNe prop.ny lend omygd In Davis Ce"ly, AtePrneye for Truele Sof- dare, W. row mato'AM dip days, daay76.11n VMK CANNER, Ism P[ D.ws hair,.R.,do mr eel. Any antl No" Owallnei and meta per- vfe'. RI Carol-, I -M IWr are Pei. date conWIWO IM Pubil h- Nov. ,n,T7,as.D..I G 'Nye. M" b ,e nvollr of Dor• .g rek➢oMIbIWmN or IIeSWYas geWleriy eeaerlbe d be,sYgwe: 34.1' , Olemndw Odw Svlm 200 AND Nwlca or Fere .Ura 8ais, eaa,.hms erW corpors,l.rro nnv- .I+wng put 4A W m tmy way I. Ening krwwn wLm FBNtha WBmingtan, PIC 264112 prmdtlad Ihot e,e meRgogoi "Na NORTH QAROLINA Ing NMma .,_k said Ep.l. Milan is arty ouch eardlll" SORT. Acro. StAbah"ipn: - ap- PHONE! tgl0] 392-4gH0 not Wined rho d.I.WL °I the tlms DAME CDuxry is prop.! wrl,len cMi. Is In. eaeiy era GladalmlW" ThIR peers !n Plat Book e, Papa 1S9 FAX; (910)362•05a7 Ink imMu protides me rairpe at NCTIC1KTOORED1rOA0 �no-19nad on w Garen Mnroh e h meds wbj`d to As pow end 180 In IM1a Cavia County Flb Nv.: 10-,2548•FC01 Wrmlrptlnn. Upon nRnirp,lm Havinp qusII114R oe Ewecu- 17017, {hobs mrao IAt manure Tl�p and .... mhtano0p, artd Ftpgkary, pubJRcl lar WI reablw Publisn: Nov. 24, Des. 1 e! ¢ reMml pgm.menl, the ten- R 'or I" eeia 0 CHARt e. Nam IM1a Arne day of p.nn.allon W MrSNId lxwe efW gakaeemene gong contalontl In •Oeaixa- ant A NAw¢ Ior ren due under RAY CULLER. Ism of Dano Inde pabca) w INN, Rale. will e° lneiudlnp bud net Ilml,ee To eRy Ilan m ReeNlellve Cevpnanla JwT +x284995 me ioMM agroeman! pyrelad Ca1ay, Nerri Ceratin, Noy pi,wdeR in bar w Invlr recovery" trenarer cox of 6g:.d wtlh Kw lar 9MUe Ace.. BPbdWRio ry %OHTH CARGLLNA lar Ahs Wlctivb dol. W gar lar- d°nbneR Uwe rwrvhy redly dl All pxeons, firm, pntl o¢rporA- lo[eeb2,Ka. A depaell ' firs , DAVIE COUNTY mMgllan, Pa.pnB limn. end aviWislan• Ile md.Wo1 m odd E he. rel I t5w) of M. ann-MI vl ecnrdaR m PkIW Book 1BO, heNnE dein° "Hanel pw'=U` pe��DOr P ,06. lersiL THE OSNEgAL cppRT pF tel An p.rty of g ore .., mike,° mnke immj. a,O ppylnonl int d akVen hurWred MI �0 br eels Weed" b edtpaH NFm ma unewal,nrM. Y 9a 110 M a pare°, JUSTICE b 1 ftlp ry -slag weld mny pT trio fiF.a.ar, JgPeph 1 Tdrdo- Tole Ow lar drvy o! QacamD•r, gram [/75'00}, 1,Rlcneyar Is ypy.d 1I Men• Isobel 1BEFOREW 22 THE CLERK be Issued purapYet .1 Ine 3.8. Prier ❑PRN, w rho Wick- pl T. Dan 2010. gfeenr, IP nIn. to ¢ptl mus[ ha }, =dec Inn, ofeaau S" 18 SP 237 §45•Ri�O b rpWn t 1s, pull." 3UO his. Ea¢, PC. our imp, 1k WyNh a. SYrsrr, mdtlar.d N1lw tori. of gRNBpd Wyelak, DY Wlua of a Dlfad lry THE pR.A1TER OF 77fE chasm antl agNnp! tho perry 3402-A Ca"m Read. Clem• e...-uMrrNmsB Mf• h1¢do M the tX- G ,h¢ Uwe. dglod TIMWI T, rang FORECLOSLfREOFA DEEP w peruse 1n pbswedpn, by the e, KM WOZ m before 51,T Wynnojord wry Tido sale 1wl bo h0id upon len 11!132007, h Deetl Beek T3B, CPF TRlA4T E:YECUTEp CmTk IN euporlw Cauit of me Feb..My i¢, R-17 w 'Mi- ipliee Rel.lph, rlc 27Ms tleye fm up"f Ntla es ragWretl peg° 39D, Courcy pl Dari°, BYAIARLERY,7F GRAVES ,Wry In vinlch Iho pmpvrry bs Will be dossed N ter M ,heFre. PUMIKN: Dee.,,a,1 e,RR by Nw. Fpllcwing me egAl'oII.M S,q[o of Mann Cwvlkea, OAMOJ--R S, avulANG 'art _.ry As P.= rime, .W of ,fw WNriwy Warmer peRoj, 5ay. antl eaeun any Waaa- R GCFLEWV W Ba a95, 17) II do Fri. 1a sol ¢side ler car .II.^a ingvai°a b the mod NORTH CAROLINA all r wlnmg vmaurRa aro IM- a, uvvd' N rel'aee Ior PACE 7ET, OAIHE C[xNy7Y ony roaean [ho Purosidw at °a s -III paras' msko ImmWil- DAVIE COUNTY MEDIATELY DUE AND Ow- yMeZ M rep.rtl"m w FIECIISTRY TO BRATCCL• the soM man be on1lllnd only IP tl1° parnrenl ;s the wNoreipn°n CgEDITQR'S NOTICE LATERAL SERVICE CGRPO- Iaturo 0 M. d° NI baked. Tho _e It arta rem R q sl frvvam• Ina.FNLae lar remN lands n as HAVI O 1 N ❑L1RLIptEO m ca. a r n I gal Rani M p opo y atom y IV„D,V manner ivRl resul! M q known as Sap MIENe•la Rs4tl, RATIOfk TRUSTEE. Purchap¢r'M1AII novo nv iRdhar _ AINETEra_err, d ,ho CHAP N ELR- DpclerelloM1 of 00"" and wy Mee kaY[N.. No 27020. NOTICE OF rocouraa.p.In.t Ph. Mnrepggar. J. -Ph °.fm."°r=,nM1 Mr IEPavIq Cpugnty, Ihle h I. Way daims" WE bq lrvi0n panting A mea crop.clt Inv par. r, r C ma Men,e,pe, Iho Mongkg.ae Zktlb MRwmwnmd..fala, : en Me uxam. or ry re•aale" care -book.) w Ily P -Mt FORECLOSURk SALE 11-11 or Inu Subil Trunk pwe.na" Crowe ane mrp.fa- II IM Bale le �et'ptle br an e o" T. F/dn Wwnhle, Ep. flan. n -in, .I On ape I- in the Pumnsae, t Me (5.Q w Na p,ap,eeo woo" or upper end by VMUe vl BR Altwnky br the 9sWv Ekfnp Iv prose. anal•. cion. Ip Sewn Hunares Filly DPlbra Thle 11w 8R, tl¢y w No• PO pax 1Bea Ins G.• mree¢pe-align to ort{LLmtl oT,ty m M pgwar of sale cenlolnod b Incl Exeaulore, undprklpnpd. pm pt Ih. d. [6750.aE1, ttlNall.v0r k+greelvr. ¢adorn deed of Infix ofecoVu � ar''�10- 3802•A Clwnnwno ReeR en .r h.fors MoreNIb•- pt pyd. Thk III " Mar lrgd w the 1Nna of t MARLENE F tlFU/VE9 43MITFP DEBNRM NARRON Clenknen4 NC 27012 Ino 11, a Pj,m.nnn alun Ns )rat Pureh.ear ghaR .arra rc ,armee Y a9alne[No hhRPO9or, the all Fall Oto oapl• detlW January 5, 200T m SAINT61N0 d MYER9, LLP" PuaYNr Npv o 1�y�0Oeod' Rey N WNlaetlan of Nle nalleeJ me6bngeylee, Iho SMbeVbrm sedan .1 Blq el.,µlMy upagt 9B6T COLLATERAL SSR- cera B. WlElanv, .r owls ngttee win m pleatlsR In D rpprkR, pN gar r INnp vice CoRPpFWTIQN, Tnwlee Alw.wy Iw Jon D. Rppua, bora Yak rocgwry. AE n.raonP. W.fate m Ne dn.mey R, ¢gyp pts are Immatllydely due far BRANCH BANKTNO AND HIiLeNbrte Tnele ++CA,IDtJNA Ilnne and cgrp.rMlena Ind.nmd Ym iereg.lnp" eRtl Rain THlpp PRRTy P" O" Hew W26a DAVIE COUNTY la war Ex wE orae d. rdaks SPl;06AL NOTICE FOR g' TRUST COMPRANY, rpedtled PYELiC ADWKISTHATQR'8 lmmsd,Mp PaYmonl m me Ca- LER9EHCLD TENANTS: N PVRCKAgEg3 MUST PAY In Book 995, Page 721, nAvE ReWI�,, NQ 2Tp,1.6286 rroTICE You as a Tenets reelelnp b THE EXCl0E TAX AND THE Cwnry R.glgly; dgault haven dal g) 26P200D H Ekaun.f., undontpr,eR. RECORDING C0315 FOR a Fox: I919r25O.2211 viI,a 9mlllmd as Puepe TAY. nm nI day at Ds.snalb , Iho pnrperRe b6 advised Nx been media In P�ymenl of Me Pu611Ra� Nov, 2d, Doc , RRrr,Inhvet4 01 M. ERne d ap,0, o Order Tae Po...eelgn al Iho THEMI OEFp, l.debl.dnas' Iheoeby sadyvd; KERNAH RAV RAT"nUa.M le' A. CLH1hu Inal y may he Issued In Ipvar Dad ptgvkny W b. attend nMtl Me oexoakpry Nndmu. la P....... into yr mlvb Counly, CaPsraubv at ear P_M_., A/ka, If your purau¢n110 in[. Negev of nolo m -Ii I-olosun I -IN; be.,, NOTICE OF Na I M.,oIIn., I.Ie ra In r'o,Ily.0 171 Fe.mr naej tle by the CMW of SUCcd.r pt -ft 1m 1% elwma ngNnH Mogk.wne, NC 2To2g Cw+n of DAVIE Co.NY, Noun PUBLIC HEARING Ino °,colo °1 Me n-su d totlew• Jam.R c. R.s...vn. QeraNna; the mdarwW80 Sub- BEFORE THE BOARD Nein uwm,. Np u OA,n,dp ° an Ce -d _w Al Tmel_ wilt offer or male OF COUNTY COMM, PISTON- u belcre FeWuory 17, 2017, .r x71 8max Form Len. .i pUNC and9un Ip Iho Nphost ERS PDA THE FOLLOWINS owls airNuIri will tee p'-' In by N""" b. NC ith: Wddmr Ior cad,, Iho .f tlmlr rlphl Iq ..over •arsines Publhh: opt 1.6.fe"22 p.UAMP. ZONING AMEN EBYGk by exam vl Iho eelR dapaesoR. onnr.ypR M e./R dao d lruel, NOTICE IS HE GIVEN, ode •n¢n. rndable d I. sere n• NORTH CAROLINA oris •kms lying and treing In purmuam,q Ire npYlramar,g of y1 eX, prem° mak knmesnl DAVIE AROLIY County .1 OAY,E and Slate of Anlcra a-9 ql CM1apiar 153- Mpymem CRDAVIE COA'a N T -y Nknn Corelln. °rid mam par- A or cop Go A W S!'futes o!ftnd Soo.. Tall In. join day of N.yptn• Hnvinp quei.lkd.a Etvpnw of QUALITY MART rg Las b1.Ay-mrea IAO] 55-251 Al, me D0 C.-ly iryber,An Thom . the 1:5 RTE OF NINw CRU rCH- end fpnyleur [Alli al aw Loa• Cpdv PI DrdlnenceA, mel Ifo Pua+rF ae Rni.rnror q dr a aTNiMp .Cir. io1� el o Ha .-e Sw,dlNal.. o,.Wq ln9 10 Davie County Begird of Com- of fh. filen C.ynry. Nam CMainw, lMa K Ie e plat Matea, preparetl by &L miaein[ters -11. hod a PUbNo of R oAr rV +aasmr- Maury .n pwawa, Air- add ask,Came join a Beware, R.9. Nley. 1850, urolith Heeding In Ire C-nnnia engin 3-iiATTA THOMPSQN. Fe pore n u haring qy �''r�� C� war aria If tluly +.-OM m Room of mo DMY. Ca,, R6 by H. Mon 311- Sem. 7425 a .e,xe of .... d•ee...0 m G11WWi0g - -- F . Pia, Eueok 3, al Peg. 47, Davie minislm'Zr Building IpcMod eo YWnEen•Berom" NC 21101 ernml, Mem f. Na raNl•r.IprkeA CevRy BOB", m wNah,lm, 123 Ssutn Msln S_x, Mooke• t9aa, 72S•Baa3 Zoo Towyn Rae Ltoe. VMn•eon- Wl, AT, acek,Dg experienced, cust.rn_ eco lee ,e hxeby matle lx mere N I. NC on Mo.R.ry b•c•m- �uH'' Nw. ,a,1T,24,0•a, Saeprn, Nann Car.Yna 2rsp1, on 1""ad GphlaT for our QMaltty M -u pPRlCrib, demcripder," her 5, 2016 a1 d:00pm W hear NCRTH CAROLIRA 4 seeps NarcM1 B 7P1T" or my Pafomr. __ is ba.ery mean m Na INlrndnq eaqueel•: pMalE CPUIdTy Nano. 'els mAtlp e1 sir vl io[Ated in the Nvtr s .Q salmi arae ,M law a,m tr*ie+sns acid ie- ,ZO -IDs Te1ee Am.M. NOTICE TO CREnRORO srsa re�.rery' �re°'t'r Compeppve pay, ¢vc 1!e•ni 64iefil5, epi k. Carryall _ i-m+ee0 q,yaead as E+ d� m asap .syr My Pa -,s plat Wowsa 1MW rren:- Mani Tho E,aa,a vdL review Yad profs[ Si1a1plim a.D'i+odol 256 1-1 ,en 4ye war i5 II.IM-1Wasks 1�iT4 W LOOP sLrE�. tare` M Dg�M � lnumled Candiddtp please apple^*+. evr.2¢ie vnlMie iq ewrecl Dream fro ~_ 'x 55p awoer`a. rO d..ieL maTrrxs Hv,rt Csram•. ora rwyir.gr.p 0.sy.0 z""`Y l=wurr.r Jllr..nR ff[ DIM y dAM`oNsb 1I witl a rnrYng tlUS ma. Ianel rw,ry on p..aa,none, ChoThaEslm dOYat•^�•ai� �- ••••!"- 4Pa j n+CP'r✓a7recrTtun¢nfoPe- memos deP pCpre r,Qaaea kw Mark" u til,ro]e�vme ortNa 2J �ie�,� Har, t rR _ tfb settop S larn-a m t5wr• HE I e en apnea-hrf m uer - NC 2 dl `^>�P,aa o. Q Item P__ d•F,-e.,x� DAVIECO- ENTERPRISE -RECORD DAVIE-CLEMMONS C _ajs�s_ ile d_�r, � s�_ TOLL FREE I -8 77-751-2120 OR 704-797-4220 $1,111ri Garage Safes L1Mlm.iR" EWSA�bury P1aee Or. ' IErburr Rau „MEneeNv.dr Job d ortualtlas MRe F•my m d sari., s¢w tlm PP De - a. eam•1a Gat d - p Ilg4uLl.e, nalldey s n..germld" n.i.v,. wididirr pews Ca• F.Ir¢raaed4 7FecterTralter prlver8 DounlyWId.MBqu¢ Needed 6 van Saiv fpr eras IMUIS Imm Mucks- barlhi aF a ap�ma�m.°pnr Z5v MR. Na Home each do I- rat mh mows b pallq �F Class A COL DUIMBd.' tun •trill 70ka92dCr, a 7W 25 - ran[ Clegg A OOT m¢dlr�l, sar0 RAIN On �nI0E1 d-waWabm scmanlnlj regdi, �-baa s I... min. =12101r0NM +p0° ndl k lllo RA,. MVOrswny. nMtd" Cl... MVR and Nwy °Pon Tus-= - �PhrNvvyyii exp¢ ANlowe, Gana n0 Minj alkR Seek Seeking steady 0 must, Viurk Ns. 6'10 "Vv elm kne kfrgekN Call 33 steady Wald alone. soar 1p%j per soma,+.•f eesmf- Ce11 938-492.5631 he,wpan °1-0� �'L'i Sam antl 4PM and leave .".Age Iqr aPP,Ica,lAn. J H.Po+nNr Cvmlprl Inn & sullen, Mockavlle - pirklp for week• end Shirk fpr Ewalt Omsk. [.8` E 336-751.51a6S fpr M.M. War- irsidd . peals & Hergalns 1nVa ABUEue la•aL seal., Nelpner kiauRed. tea Ens. ora A-Rnw RlJylwln whiWp. lap a aom Ing" s3¢ee1 i'J �aOI. Call C 7O4 . Estate sales. aN.- Tasird a m. GEe`Isrulp pafbec1 5�fd,�p R•1• B94.5s SId0. Cell P 7015- Fit, ,FleeNod sal, 12A e.a•3on 4iilhancs r20 OpmMar Rd., MeeNaNN V61'Neal H••Y Outy Wsghv, h Weal"cafltllN.n. 51R5 -Coli ANIq.. 1w 4-. did Lomak. wa.har ddeyer, pr,Ipornbr. be0• In1a90 aphln.e raja RiM rlellas•Eulau Nell o°plmyon wk 1 1. E chairs, cherry dining mom vat, Deur- Fak wont buns [.vlettememl Uke herr 5I D WO, ern. ese151oo Pled Jspen lipvflne�, & mp^Y o de.3a0 of r fc,tl indole -• -" •`J Card abl•. Garage sales 316. oil 704-657-02st r ..L aaN finstmdL5 llT:R uteS Kuden a.s eke). n. n mi.w. [prleo • a Iotemor Heamy 0e- ma,-" Ue�'�"•�- r0a•26Td841. ieou ye $oe, Cmm.wna MarvwAn Chonfr. 35.M Sven bu�Av.. Swureey. Geo. 9. �m•aAa Chia• CaNlam Wemut La • x r- uPFoe glass jagey s elves ma paCinOl. nai�yn nn �d doWmtP ria. ae"r'stiome�r`s9 lien peer-2s¢•ed,a CDMb1UNITT SEFIVOM BLUM Mu)R FROM or Iho IaaawinA e---: Yadkin VeIMy Economia or ol¢pmanl DIMOV, Ira. 3D3 N. Caral"Av H Y601 N. Badry . NC 2TMt 1336] mr,T I Donis Em riED01 le an Equal Oapar Y P,oYer 8 SorWov P --al EERAC� e[pOE piLwf Fa,oR veraw County-f9foP •r-,2, aa]]0_pL30.oO.¢en. VVEODITraraP•rla6an MC x7p65 ,s, W, MaSn Settttcckoll�• Bt•� Car Ta, -nly - DdmMr_ta. 2O1p_CL1:Oe It- 62RH.rJ.lnSuvkt."ahn i."ret-.Ra smiee County- DkSApWR[_i'2p19"AL]O;eagea. Staaea rr.mmunaY Seea.e 'd, Sleep Reil, Rwtl.OanLunc NC _a,,, Fenwh PAN-" �cd", r�er� 13.2410A, 2-gga.m Jana sebma! Paad" NI N,.. NC 27030 ke er Lbu � CnunMjurq In rvseEDD q DsoorGM�a 1; .1 X016 n trio kx x1e,w YndkN Vgriey Eeanwnic Da eiopmsrd DWWO, Ina. 533 N"Ceml.v Aro., Hey son N ga ra,NC 27MI [3341 36F7Ysl YVEDDI is an Equal PPPo+n, Empiam & S•Nwa Prwvd.+- heals a! Bargains peals & Bargains ekrlaemn Tree. 110rlpe rniar. CC, M ed.ft. Irm•I i. A faai"S15. 70a-857--0251 Rna n id.nry.sids. Gaup �=ppe Negix - •dao u de. 3225. aaBT51.772, 34mT neem,, nwd0.r, sir ci¢an• Ibe11R F ... h Fua„wa. kr. 586 -704 -93A -f9(15. OUMnY. Iwid"wa, ',,4k2 C.;; dCulleP11. n so aks. 2"Ison stye. 3a8.7E3• 70 18• RIOMIe. 1-1a' and • pWoo" r.,.,, Office ala, DeAI 51W yr mom. Cee 7Md "k, a Do,_ . 590. Cell 70n- Cibeither Men MmMrlledi/er 03x•1' -a Beilympgiletl m er Very pared Sarela446y r.NNfr More 575. ip' sx . btltler Ilbe S.S.¢t5. 3O➢•T39-O5r9 Snow hi.wdr. 107. a 0" MY— our .1 Rte. Td1-002.10¢6 Sao¢ sea GII 104 557--0251 «.3r. vlSte 1swiMf Err,sop Mlar•waw Wol . ,). W „' CNIR�en Iryor 6 II 52p. T04•ps5,3190. mar. t.lr_u,A., drdew s 1. 1W0W. NFndwB" r06L262hB6, 1•avv mo 0e sed .writer. r.¢¢saga A Mone nampae. - BpdEkl lr•mR••ff-eeRRAtNy. D7A MIR. dnk aa4 halon 2pA .u.R Fnpid.I.. YV.m pool, Coed wZ n. God- ark wnh n nu1m. s+s9. rw Ter. tool man, need. VANe. E100. dol 39w731-7721 Ma, 3aM.o'2, nai.ra art MME W..r - PM %ZCIPFdM EavWmerR E_thavy. car Cmb" Pop,Aor NpiR,aT.µ E7rR ¢dip rka bW -1W OW -Ars' Will n.M..bol 6 He, Ree C 510 Iw kir Can 70A - 2782880 I- Sam" lea, whMh8mn R"._.il I •2a9 -2M0 s�m wwh %.vibes 15r�d 5 oil li is 0E x 51530¢ Toa-25rd04, F'r+e WWmofc. vrhlm.Gresl TrlaalaunivIeb 0aatl. Call 704-TPa8T8i i115�D0 d chow. Exp/nr•1 aondl- tlgl,s etsv 13-r.27S.5R8. Inn. Cdr 7-2 6l asRLdaE wpppayrA4esshan E1aD. gIImi. 1MAU6, M. run moms IN. Efealleat Ne•I.r Inge Slee 8.5. can omau pklura. Kes Dyne Gar., Me..,Now In How. Narar VeeA. Stu¢. Qas b 70f-6]6515 510.704-9a76760 llanaeY EY.gnn Apes Lan4l Eae Wefneel ll,vFa W. oip•en, very p°[Wyaantlobn. W. iwtr. Cann., .Bios EaawwW Pen lot. SW e.s in aeaonl opNiewu $10. Can small pleas. 1_+J MMP Ss. St¢. Coo-9a�t7s9 weed sFllil•r EPd•MK7 y' Nhal ;;ZI ,vv.d .3pau-0Lv, rpX!; ggook c4mngn '¢2-735¢ $496 loll a ear pppp es n.aRlrLu, Pl,t•Lia"rr•0a8is1- Su'�- mrys- Weed•e CeE r lapis iIM war oboe Taa-'3.443vs" -4a•x 30"-325. •7n-nsv Erry Dxd. C.-M-2eN MMW"ll"' wrr lFuel a."L.5]all r and WoodNwvr pidur•.l ..p. 5,5a Fume.dl ?wase amu newtoday lAr•fAU.e4 aa>soead desarond. Inductee i5 arpoo E,seasnl eon• ltldt CnN 708413-a27¢"S CRs. roe a vmns Dalt FMv du�rvsry. Carl T3/}p4b-6792 THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1. 2016 • D9 Call as MorrdayFidday 8-5 Deadline to have your ciassiflec ad in the next issue: Tuesday 2:30 P.M. Emall: class ad sosatlsb urypast.Com OR place your ad online at: Sallskurypost.com and click'place Class Died Ad' Didn't get a paper? Call 704-797-4213 Want to Homes For Sale• JBuy Merchandise CREAT DE" - MUST SELLI buy Iqu.e. o, i rdnsdloclMe.CWH,Nx Sn6eMEHT, YGARAOE, UNTc1. 8R"20A acv x:�iowinv.n sty pmp6 ww2 mllisnT He-. oW eso- m '. ngwrmsm..enc.. "'ling rp, 6 goy imme, wnlen Id .reel Me I.. ~ 0w enfr n,n- r,n.ni m QR 1 .i. b: quare.. ip4 Anes � T.. G nlnM 5. Manufactured.. Home I D•rle c•un7 Vu•y m odsuWaw wi ry id diiipse c6Ti" O9A6p ,rvr,t n a=yid Lost &Found nlw"spa. n�am%noe 67s.¢dA.�a�aaa¢¢e;a. Fe..d APL, CNauahus. W.-, Ad., 3matrdi RR Flareehmyen silted i¢rey4,207•aax8,lrod, -FOUND -OP INMY kltteq Apartments. '= 4wy 7O new Gummy n, Cipr d, Nw.d elm, boon ry or a ,r#. EeeN.Nfle • c pL. . AWA. ben -Mad l+f w . TM•7a&216d Se�s'r 2 Da, Smdi st S¢s¢.0 a7¢•^151-0irA r Bar- %klnO.- - Lana Forry Houses For Re . Rtl. Can union M neo_ wbz- , yea�r hi".,s MCnln..wowln C�nwOUkhHXf�lSo.cdo�. we,7rv. en-+ryuv�al�8p.ss '1wIhl, •mill aA.dr praraFdoI FamU•pWA.l.e poly M1.tas_ i ew.nshlo. 70I -T19-8996 36R. 2.58A. Cees conOdign- i•i n VIC }ybsz5-�lvl 1a9l1hIaInvs fip1meRina " eH•lylb- Menuianttlred•'' gifh.l.0 .Ia• Tee sad WNW. "Not noW"�o=. °:.:;i i; Homes For Beat a5 Csalaet llwm.e• seel•R N Row• enGek�,-re,.�F.576D newtoday R¢INe.s -Cie7e to G5nr %ew�nn 2Bs, fen. M.eue Ir -h now erpy.er- 1'M1en4 haat =pr+n ave open Wecn.ncop d f.rrRP M1 nay rid vac"'¢ . No Homes For Sale Dema. pen Sen° °,qMn. dep°aiv,ee prces mqunes. eiw,' aDm -VT -1643:16) .5-61C, cart. C.w17 Dxd. C.-M-2eN MMW"ll"' 1 I.rre. Mick. R-sv¢ N. s PVmiNwd. , P-ro W. Ho pest p--' vkeensee. rard 115,0w. WI SsMrn*a3 =2 -4;,h T 'Tis the sepsan to le, yovr customers know jusl how much you appreciate their support. We',re mode it cosy to shore your }honks and best ., wishes for a Hoppy 2017, with a specioI Holiday Greetings page, featuring 06 options in every size Y ` ,e.•t.�ro• �`�'r�" Kr�x' and price range to fif your needs and budget) r r%titre rrir/;i� Frau ]peg of your Clot to share en T-0-lbi ak and other social '. . media webslte5i 2x3" Ad: $50 2x6" Ad' $100 Custom sizes 4x6" Ad: $200 ovailoblel Prins m Christmas Dray, Dec. 251 Deadline: Dec. 20, 4 PM SalisburyPast Call 704.747-4220 To Order'1. clossods(gisaUsburypost.cvm I www.salfsbu ypo lxcrrl I SoEishurylhemogoxEne 1r10e DAVi6 COUNTY ENTERPRJSE RECORD.Thursday. Dee 1.2016 Mocksville Elementary sW6nt5 arebusy having Chael Saunders try their sidJe at f[ghing, fun while learning. Ing Logo cars on a ]POOR. Students wotk on projects with Julio Marklin, media specialist, Jada Parks bullds the numbers 2 and a with Play-Doh- MES... ... Cimtiuuvd From Pagr l)1 ,lac pnlw]nr air chair ]if,a a groan iguann, hew their hnowl IWked, its and grounds- dory espn:- which used air pre-snrc to I, opbs-F. :recant quail, and how different life w 'Wly r joyed the physis- move a piston to make the some 1vrtlssF n C -L -1 -mg - then_$rydcnl..attvaded.Co- VA3Idt"uxllltrlts Whiff Ito= dlantr Nse. '-i rt high- x enlnmaader, n Imm�tula, r and College Day and [nod b-4,- F- aIni lighl wo- itu animas hnbi- s cm1 snakes, onJ oilier dressed as who, they want motion activl[ics, including tats exhibits which f—ftin d animal., Staden[a alae e - o be when ,trey grow up yr joyed the es.hibit Engineer w college gear. Stridents It, whlclt nliawed them to enjoya.l ]evening about the create things and raped- jobs they ran have when ment who their inventions. they grow up, such as arc- Tlte arca featured a xurtl'e fighavr, nncman. nnrsc, dac- xepoter eeamcl whiehzO . rourcr, or soldier. as papular. After loath, On I',%—e y, Nov. 37, students loured the outside fonon graders ntrcndni Ca - grounds nod sow an otter rear day and learned about and o noceon. jab aprperxunilies for their Mrs. Parker and Mrs. future. Stvdcnts Ivved inik- WillicM,' second graders i.9 to the (,Mock -Elle fire. werked with media special- Ilghtarr, a Davie C—my ist, Jult. M_klin, to Ie4m Hloth School teacher. a pms- abnm North American lndi- our, nn accountant, an ER n tribes. Saudanss worked doctor, and ethers. In groups to research. -INK Mex. Mlles' saudenet libmuy barks and _nut_ ished a ani, on poll., of view in [Ire medin regtcr- in m�yli, a- They wens m the ,M OV, end of the pr -icor libmry send used iPWr to they rondo pare and pre- $wn borcodes which pulled 5ant'd in f t of xhu clasx, up passnQes -rmn :lodes, Sludenua read "Tec end had to irlentify which Rough Pace GiH-" This ie point of view w- being a really good story char is used. In mad.. [hay have mpamble m Cinderella. been working an multiply- co Mird grade tOpk n trip ing aryl dividing declxtals. hack in time to learn 'burl They played games to pmn colonial life tool she lire of lice the skills white Faring n pilgrim. Siudeatc read fun. stories about the Pilgrlm Students in PE partici. childaen. &awl, Marton andpa,ccl in The 2016 Stack up Samuel Eaton. They Ieamna sponsored by tl,e World Cup tootoat auerydtieg w v Slicking Msocianon I. II back then by reading eek. Sluden- had o blret 11 u tr eodFAl Smelly Col- doing speed atacking dl.C-mg anisTa close thwea is unfit. the k and then on Friday theyxmveled 1r, Old Salem the �]nsscs competed to sac aryl lcarncd about the Morn- -110 could build the Gall... ` tans, rho jobs they hod, snick of cyps. Mocksville Elementary studanFs compete to see who could bultd the tallest slack of cups. HILLER RINGEMAN Inwranee I Fananclel 1149 YadklnvIlle Road Mocksville, Nc 248 NC HWY 801 North Advance, NC PH. 336.751.6131 Davie county High Health Occupations Reunion Saturday There will be a 12orie Allennvile any former County High Scheel Hunt ,h henl0 t rcpupatiwtslellied oceupolions Students Re- hca]th-eience Jkmwilth sc - union on Smurday, Dec. 3 etas studema so drop by to from 2-4 p.m, in doe cafete. reminl-e and renew friend. na and Room 8.3. ships in the current 0-- Kam Wason and Paola rmoen before the mrn•e av the new --hoot next fall. Call or stop in for a quote;,t_ ay! ourdavie.com Historic Season Smart Kids Reynolds Going Out As One Davie Schools Of Best Quarterbacks Ever Academic Honors Page B1 Pages ii3-D5 ENTERPRWM,,ECOIRD Selare the show, Cameron poses with the guitar he brought to give to Garth, Garth Brooks holds the guitar glven to him by Cameran Hamner, 5, of MocksvIlle. rom Garth_ Mike uarnhardi — ... lerprise Record Cameron Hamner is only s yea old, but he will have trouble having a honer concert experience. His mom. Erin, took him to sec Garth 13moks itt Richmond; V.- on Nov. 13. They Were on the floor neer the center. nine rows back_ A Garth f ±ince she wan little, Erin Jlasnner wasted to make the experience special for Iyer son - He deciw ded he —led To Wear a 4h1" like Garth wurc in the video for "Caflin' Batton Rouge." she painted him one- She also cut nut n guitar from a Pi— Sec Carth - Pagu S Bermuda Run Studying Advance Parade Saturday Future Retail Areas ADVANCI3- The an nual Advuncc Cluisl to as Panda By Sim Ruice E no crprisc Rcpord trol car in the f nt left quer- 01311MUDA RUN - As the ietpanel, and scraped along is town coulmil looks forward to 'nodi tications tv the next phase Please Sec Chose - page R of its comprehensive pian, the Dave schwoyar parte a box at REEB in Mocksville- remto it m t lifts beta enc will be held Sniurday mooing it 10. puS1° lou parade is open to all entrants. who should as - area under review, sentbte at Shady Gnwc: @.Icrrncnraty by 9 a.lm Town manager Lre Rollins The parade will invel from the school on Cnmatzer recanlly ""'led to Attnnt C. for the lmernmiontal Council Road to NC 801, tum right, travel along NC 801 to Peoples Crock Road, where it will disband. Please See Retail - Page b REEB Millwork Expanding Mocksville Site; 10 New Jobs The N.C. Rural htfrasaruC- five cast coast bmnchcs £or Chu hrnsive benefits package fur r sure Anlhority has awarded family-owned door distribu- empinyces thae imludc sed. the Town of fs4ocksvll1e .tion a mpany. Boilding Out. Ical, drneni. vision, paid time $100,000 building reuse grant as it's referred to. is 242,01000 off, And u 401K retirement that will facilitate a 10 -job ex- square feet and sits an 39 acres. program. At each of Its live pension as rrcll as rcitovations The building :and property, far- locations, the cwnpany makes at REEB h7 ill work. merly Tang Sash & Poor. was an effort is get iasvnlved In The grant is pan or total purchased by Rccb in 2[110 to ilia wmmunity in the farm of capitminvvssxnentcf S310'A51. expand opcmdon. and ober hands -an training and educn- The company custom -mono- full -line service to the Cam- lion, and cotnmu nliy antmach, factures and disuibmes mill- liana, sauxhcrn Yrginia and ^We were happy to assist work prorlucis such as entry northeast Georgia, their current gotvth necris 1l. doors, interior doors, ro[umns The Mocksvilte branch make this pnssihlc, Brat and "=mortes stairs across opened with a diner of 45 peo- said. "The talented cnfc man - the ea-v[trn United Suit_ pie and six shipping docks- ship or ow workforce coordi- "Opening doors in Davie Novrhe c mpany employs nuocs wilh the vision and talcs Ccnmty ix what we cominve to a staff of 110 and opci,ims 19 of Raeb's management n they do as Ree(, brings new jobs and shipping docks. according to open naw sllmtets and trperi- opportunities iv our communi- Office Manager Scor Rush, encc tremcadous gm -di ai 4sis 17 said Davie County Eco. "We' c beer, growing and hie- location:' nomie PCVcIopmcni Presideat ing and things art going well:' As rhe eonlpany cxmtinons Terry Beauty_ Wit "h RtrbL7 , a- Securing shit grant wdm l grow. so -111 the number is County now hosts one of Irring tapprnxima[ety in new• of jabs- Raeb has gnru n -on- the largest dls[rihutors of cos- jobs soshc h4—k--,Ville Ioca[imn. sissendy over the Iasi three tQM [trill. products on the east Rccb is looking m fill pnsirians decades and is the iar5rst dis- coa,[.- for assemblers, warehouse, tribuior of exierior dorm on she Rccb Moctsviile. at 146 drivers, and customerservice. $etbet Chxuch Road. is one of The CtIcnpeny offers s cammpfr- Pleese Sec REEB - Page S Suspect Crashes Into Sheriff's Vehicle A mwtomyclist being chased by u Mncksvillc poll.. officer crashed into h Davie sheriff's patrol Car h t week. The suspect. whose name wR not avnilobie at puss time. was taken to the haspiud far Ircaxmeni of injuries. Mocks- ville police have warrants to serve Ishn upon hls rcicasa. said M jnr P.A. Rcagr,-. The incident started at about 9AS p.m. Tuesday. Nov. 29011 South Main Street when Gffi- ccr Nelson Rhodes clocked no radar a motorcycle drive by at "� 5S anph snit 35 mph zone -`said' Major Nelson 7L ere ntine_ Ab.- pursut ed uno Valley Road, • Davie Sheriff's. Deputy lo aeph Crowns (,emit the chase on the radio, and siadoned his car on Yadkinville Road in the cen- m In ter tum, with the faun left fire on the lint, said Sheriff's Chief 31), Hammnn. A clash camera fwm Crone' lir shows n truck coming Io - ward hint. and then it turned abruptly 10 the right a[ the curb. Hmlmnn said. When that hap- pened, the motomyci ist- travel- ing behind the truck, tried to go around to the left and a bright light hit the cr,mern, he slife, nod Croats %mitmiaed to nwve his paten! car, Thv motorcycle hit it- p. - Selare the show, Cameron poses with the guitar he brought to give to Garth, Garth Brooks holds the guitar glven to him by Cameran Hamner, 5, of MocksvIlle. rom Garth_ Mike uarnhardi — ... lerprise Record Cameron Hamner is only s yea old, but he will have trouble having a honer concert experience. His mom. Erin, took him to sec Garth 13moks itt Richmond; V.- on Nov. 13. They Were on the floor neer the center. nine rows back_ A Garth f ±ince she wan little, Erin Jlasnner wasted to make the experience special for Iyer son - He deciw ded he —led To Wear a 4h1" like Garth wurc in the video for "Caflin' Batton Rouge." she painted him one- She also cut nut n guitar from a Pi— Sec Carth - Pagu S Bermuda Run Studying Advance Parade Saturday Future Retail Areas ADVANCI3- The an nual Advuncc Cluisl to as Panda By Sim Ruice E no crprisc Rcpord trol car in the f nt left quer- 01311MUDA RUN - As the ietpanel, and scraped along is town coulmil looks forward to 'nodi tications tv the next phase Please Sec Chose - page R of its comprehensive pian, the Dave schwoyar parte a box at REEB in Mocksville- remto it m t lifts beta enc will be held Sniurday mooing it 10. puS1° lou parade is open to all entrants. who should as - area under review, sentbte at Shady Gnwc: @.Icrrncnraty by 9 a.lm Town manager Lre Rollins The parade will invel from the school on Cnmatzer recanlly ""'led to Attnnt C. for the lmernmiontal Council Road to NC 801, tum right, travel along NC 801 to Peoples Crock Road, where it will disband. Please See Retail - Page b REEB Millwork Expanding Mocksville Site; 10 New Jobs The N.C. Rural htfrasaruC- five cast coast bmnchcs £or Chu hrnsive benefits package fur r sure Anlhority has awarded family-owned door distribu- empinyces thae imludc sed. the Town of fs4ocksvll1e .tion a mpany. Boilding Out. Ical, drneni. vision, paid time $100,000 building reuse grant as it's referred to. is 242,01000 off, And u 401K retirement that will facilitate a 10 -job ex- square feet and sits an 39 acres. program. At each of Its live pension as rrcll as rcitovations The building :and property, far- locations, the cwnpany makes at REEB h7 ill work. merly Tang Sash & Poor. was an effort is get iasvnlved In The grant is pan or total purchased by Rccb in 2[110 to ilia wmmunity in the farm of capitminvvssxnentcf S310'A51. expand opcmdon. and ober hands -an training and educn- The company custom -mono- full -line service to the Cam- lion, and cotnmu nliy antmach, factures and disuibmes mill- liana, sauxhcrn Yrginia and ^We were happy to assist work prorlucis such as entry northeast Georgia, their current gotvth necris 1l. doors, interior doors, ro[umns The Mocksvilte branch make this pnssihlc, Brat and "=mortes stairs across opened with a diner of 45 peo- said. "The talented cnfc man - the ea-v[trn United Suit_ pie and six shipping docks- ship or ow workforce coordi- "Opening doors in Davie Novrhe c mpany employs nuocs wilh the vision and talcs Ccnmty ix what we cominve to a staff of 110 and opci,ims 19 of Raeb's management n they do as Ree(, brings new jobs and shipping docks. according to open naw sllmtets and trperi- opportunities iv our communi- Office Manager Scor Rush, encc tremcadous gm -di ai 4sis 17 said Davie County Eco. "We' c beer, growing and hie- location:' nomie PCVcIopmcni Presideat ing and things art going well:' As rhe eonlpany cxmtinons Terry Beauty_ Wit "h RtrbL7 , a- Securing shit grant wdm l grow. so -111 the number is County now hosts one of Irring tapprnxima[ety in new• of jabs- Raeb has gnru n -on- the largest dls[rihutors of cos- jobs soshc h4—k--,Ville Ioca[imn. sissendy over the Iasi three tQM [trill. products on the east Rccb is looking m fill pnsirians decades and is the iar5rst dis- coa,[.- for assemblers, warehouse, tribuior of exierior dorm on she Rccb Moctsviile. at 146 drivers, and customerservice. $etbet Chxuch Road. is one of The CtIcnpeny offers s cammpfr- Pleese Sec REEB - Page S 2 -DAME COUNTY EN -TF R PRIS E RECORD. Thursday, Dec. X. 2016 Editorial Page Treasures Sale Gets Deal Seekers Out Of Bed Early I'm told there were 165 people standing in Iine m at 8 -'clot outside Clerrintons Saturday oaring k Moravian Church for she doors: 10 open on rhe 41h annual Christmas Treasures Sale. ..You should have been here;' one of the workers said. I was asleep. Nothing wakes people up on a cold Saturday morning like the chance to save big on Christmas stuff- There was a "forest" of 15 artificial Christ - mos trees for sole. Two were left when 1 arrived. At 10 o'clock there were still some Clhrislmns knick knocks for sale when I struggled thraogh the door. l bought an angel ornament - exactly like own I've had for years. I paid bt 1095, 810 for the original. I paid 50 cents on Saturday morning, The Christmas TreRsums Sale serves two purpos-es: People can off-load their unwanted Christmas a[uPf aP sairmbody else who pays pennies on the dollar to deeorato their tmos. Mose of the proreeds - $3,064 on Salurda - es to the Ciemmons � 1. • Tri'-+- l. .. d m `a�geS �..ro >Las a f kia� t�l'sf i7xealL'to >,ravfas ��' ��' to the-LI.S.'a The Literary Corner: Renegade Writers Guild y Shake Loose That Oi' ❑evil Food Pantry. and so on. Mostly, she sperm Ile, evenings in the college � By SsephYnW Deae ow, ]ibmry where she could study quietly. Line or her new � � � � Do you ewer r ]you have an of dcvi] on your back, friend. was n member or [he c.l legs and being a Somebody really has a thing for our newspaper. One who tries To rqu*dad to any spidtlt.l'p.ud you leek- ]-ver of mmaic, Suwnna vied out l Tie chair and was ac- Tney love 156 so mucic they Ore raking our outdoor Slowly, over time. he wiggles his way oma your soulapted by the music teacher os n member. ' racks home- Making every atsempi to clalut and III any *mpty hose. She a i.yed choir prnr[loe and mode ,ww friends ]n that it's one thing to lose the coins and the racks, but group- Slld especially Ilked the fact that students hod to the thefts have left us scrambling to find suitable He hats you in his grip, clusching you by your Ihroal. dress F r dinner on Sunday mad'fhmxdmys, so her parents replacements, Pmying an your nvdry weakness, Ile takes mdnml tlules- bought her sPvernl mew owl I.ve4y outOm, nm1 she stood Controlling, fingua wrapping tightly .round your neck, We bought 10 new Bn[erprisc-Record racks to out l die others end must have caught the eye of the mesio Fie was Inn anJ hall me with white hair Leaving behlad ted weirs like you've been hen pecked, replace the thefm, and five of the new encs were professor. and br]lllnm Ill ua eyes. Seen i1 bccema epparanl a ,very. quickly stolen- tic [ries to strip away your self. worth and confidence, enc that he had n crush .n He would watch her Worse than [he financial loss is the confusion Before long, he suceeads, has you felling like . dance, a.0"..e. oldand men[fon h=r npmd dudng practice. ' caused to our readers frying to find the newspaper, He subtly steals 7 m you, robs you of your self steam, She want to the Student Union every morning to check rack may be missing• A Ii r. now handy dim, when like n light, yam once bc.med- Theis' sld Iler mail and sa.n staved 1a Find notes ora personal malum a The aid editor is beyond annoyed. o from F the music [mchcr, At Ores, slid was pleased, bat she know it, lid's drained eve dm r o did not ,lead anything m him bee- he way marridd�and _ .., If atoll_see nnythju& suspicinu¢,-octal rLe. pnaaia you 7 = o -. s layer ---x n Bern br7T, M u �1-la begltw [aTie a his way witR now hiF Iby. 8 p in a vets zlrielTroma. �veritually, you, yW'rt: County Sberifi"s Department. Capital punisllt7nne The longer you're with him, the ward pleasure be sucks he started Its call her in dw dorm. Her grades .tarred 'aFnn' would be appmpriate. Our, and the Daae of Worsoan, who was her hIstary pmfassor, ..... He rims to weaken, place in you a greater sense of dou�t- called her into her *filed one day end asked her what was I don't usually give financial advice, but K pre- dict Kimberly-Clark, maker of Klennex, will have a banner fourth quarter sales report - I've gone through a box of tfssacs a day F three wccks to combat a running Time and backing cough. Bath paid and free medical consultants ngree that mking the leaves this fall created a sinus infection that has left me widh a stuffed head. I spent most of The Weekend raking, blowing and hauling leaves, reigniting my sinus misery. Wear n mask. Elisabeth told me. "Masks are for sissius,"i replitd That may explain why ['m honking my nos. ev- ery five minutes. A good =sow might rescue me - lust like that, the football season ended for The local Learns. Both Davie County and Wes[ Forsyth fell in the third round of We state playoff,,,, ending outstanding season. for both. Slavic, 12-2, lost to Dudley twit¢. West Forsyth 5nishad 11.3. C-lmgrm- ulOtions to both tennss. The Times fell behind early on Friday night, but the War Eagles hung with Dudley through the Third quarter with The score knotted at 30.30. Than trouble 5bil led. Dudley repeatedly sacked Davie far losses, forcing punts. The Greensboro team showed a gutsy formula - always going for yardage on fourth downs, refusing to punt. They uauadly made it. The Team didn't kick for extra points after touchdowns. T71ey always pushed for two-point conversions. - Dwight Sparks DAVIQ CCI,INTY ENTERPRIfC4,iECORD ""P117 -- "PB 7-- "I s. Main ai, Pio-immax 9g, Mo6k.vi e,.:M6. 136e)76T•2,2d PI,blahetl wealdy by Salkhwy N -snap[. LLC owlgal SPrrkr ............................a b`ZINlehm Rabin M mmsmkr Mike Edhp, Rey Tun- ........ .................Atl„eNWng ulaeetm anon Piny.............-.................---SPm4i EGdw .toekasaer nalimrp� nark It c cadmiskikfamii j.orad 1at&19% nsa., ase Imm-1971 t'c-iiod{cw lbrng¢ Paid is Mmri, Jte-NG 27x28 subaaiprine kau,s Siasle Cary. Sts Crnk 52649 Per Year In NC; &:; A3 ousside N -C_ POSFNS ChkmR gemd Addis, Chance+,s D.rie County E - w- Record P.O.Islam, 99_• Tle_NC 27 going .n. Susanne wen motmly truthful with her, and the Shake ]nose That .I' da 11. fla<d Ihq strength to let him go. Deo¢ said her not to !I* to ."r prerticc T a few works. Don't kr hips get hold of your soul, Nse up. you 1.11 h1m no Soxaand was very upon because she was a6solumnly nut - Unwrap his clutch, unpecl titch pager awes from your tared by the *trenN*ns o! =his older Pnd nbviuualy Finnd- akin, once and woad ly man. She missed practice, and -soon the Loosen his grip, it's she only way mo fight back, begin m +turas and 11x Idlnnd calls stopped. mead, Suzanne never knew what had happened kir sure, bul when she want Wick to school the Rahaw4kig roll. there wocr When o devil tries to take hold, he scares the hak cul of you. Joyful days scam for [an few, your mo.ti's.lo. often hiuc- With open hears, leel the Lard's prdsrnce, let linty spirit Indwell. That of devil is powerless. now his only cholce, in return To, hell. You are lite div jnedPaghWr of ¢ Klag, never roar l to share his life - You IrawI for. the Lord pulls you hack, you will be a good wire. The w.rld's full of charmers, enticing naps, they beckon you m dmter, Walk nw.y smiling, hn'll never have you nor will he be yaw menta', Shake ).nee shat nl' devil The Pmfersor Lhodn Dnrneit. when Surannc went to eollegc, she was .verwholmdd by so many people anti all of the things that ware diffrr- en[ F home. As nn only child, rhe hod masa used to her r.orn and iter,awn schedule, sv jl wms n ' -adar them shemwas shocked to hove 2 momma cs in u tiny roam that was conn --1 [o m.mher ronin try is eh -d both-- Elm Quid hnxdty deal with that part, yet she worse Thing wax than both of her roes -sae- ware patio' and stayed up tau at night listening m load musk sad crunching -n apples whereas Rile w.. quirt and T'n-us- She Jed to ger involved In college IIle and jomad a Few orgaNzations such as date Bsq l ret yet lh gravp and six His- tory Club. Site male MarlD nihtt than her roommates al - Though they eventually zornpmmiserl on Ilglar wa hours Prohibition Vote: 1508 To the editor. Fna a rlr D -11e Rvrnrd, brae 6. 1908: The elation is Mockeville last Tuesday passed off ver}' quietly. A erowd of little girls wend sladarad near the palls and sang pmhiblden songs mhifaighma the day, and the ehproh bells rang every hoar- Some of The boys go[ a lime excited and said some things that would have been better left unsaid -The- was an drinking mot we saw, and avery- dTng passed off metro Y- Nothing lik. P full rota• - cors in Mocksvil Te. m The phibidon 1'we was i 11, anti-prn nhibida 62. uaaking a octal of 279 Vores east in chis Township. Ev- eryloody is glad that the eleeti.ki is over_ No wade was deme held edeefi.n day b_ [h= Morally Slwnted. Prw the Pax in Hear) had Things going [heir -my au one lime- Emery mowm- sbip in Davie Courtly tm,e n d -amity fur rimbfbition- Mane claig Brag.- Me -ill. nki.lher mask Mmatesaor.Ell. rejoined the choir and was happy ¢boor that, hu[ she alwarem ys remembered did firms mu- sk professor and her feelings for him. The Love Story of My Parents MAri* Pesos CrAig friers the diary Jur girl I-- in 1912 13ow thin 5'm 12 years m14, 1 woad., nbook a lot or things- one day, [ asked my fad,ar how he mos my mother. He was going cut the door T9 go to work, m ha sal,• "1 have to go To walk, Ask Your muthdr." So, 1 wailed until aIle war not busy end asked her how m they e[- She look n deep hrcnlh, and low me That [1 was- o long .tory. They hash Iivcd In Davie County but had mover met Until the Io - cal n*w6rPper, Tl me DmA. Record, had sm ad ohm They both nnae wad - AT this Time in 1909, Ntllinm Howard Liar, had jest boon aLeered President of mile United -napes. They had hutdm gained an inicont in history in their separate one room school' they had rkumddd. My dad had . job working ut C.C. Sanford S_ Co. and my momhcr w.R working es a nurse ler her netgh6or who had n real sick child- Tlmey n article in the wspoper That offered a f trip to Washiarrw ngton Cimy to allend the Inouguradon of the Presi- dem which was on March 8, 1909- It scm.ded wonderful to each -of them. hal the hard pan was Ihm you had w "II IOU subxdTsdo me to The David R -mi C 50 cenm per year, Hymn could du this formidable dad, The Vapor gpvc yens a free mi lm.d raek*t mo Washington mid back home. Both of nay pmenla set cheat to sell s l-riptipas, The newspaper had supr34ed Ihrm wTdt rete ipl backs and. pages to fill In Name and Address of purchase,. rMey belly sold several but it wpm hard work. Lord of already aiady look Tho paper, lots of people were Dem.erum and didn't want I%- see Rcocgodv - Page 3 Letters Welcome The E•nierpriae Record w.lcemes lcomere from its meaders on Topaes of ]sent. aram, natiooeb err nm ecri a. Ronal issues. An aff.ri wit l be mad* Io print .11 Icners, provided they me not fibalaus, vulgar aria poor lns[e- The editor rraervem the right w edit idnerr forgrant- calmmad for spec=. All letters should irmciude, the: rano[ and Adv--- of the w7iler- including asimnum - A 1e1cphoae number. arms 1- be published. is also rcquest.d. PIds- bete ]users in the oewsp.per office no Wer lbnnl 4 p,m. Monday of did wet to be published pavie County F erp- Rccatd P13- Box, 99. M dk -Dr. -a,- bmnhNr ir6dduvrrblrr+F-earm- DAVM Cd V NTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, llbrmsday, l3er. ll, 2016- 3 Dateline Fun . raisers country ham, grjv, Droarer Mt.xmrlah Miall- lowth p, & Road music- fur of :7S1.56]fi- EppsvrCpare.era rTaterans. °PPlcr, Ic-flrs. .ry Bapllst. 162 E. Depen Sc-.lfumane5ackV of Davie Cv- 1seMoeJay,CooleemeeHidon- Saturday, Dec- io Dec.11 Ito Mmrk„•1ue. Anila.0_. 1nd,' Special Events n,unthly mmrTngs 2rv1 Tues -air r.l HuJdng,1 j,1Z Canaan key i[rcnkimd[ C1,rt,ra,na Preat'akn lr`aPP`d Dewi-Amelrc, Evakiprtia Fula- Saturday, Dec- 10 every rrnnm,-Phoma. Snarly i aclar ilk ski rl rC3nh,T,r,- Farmlaglnn Merh¢d163. i•13.1 23 p - m.. Modkarjsit walxRara, Fha Ric=. Selrnw i3nxker, IIder Park Cmvnmr HosplLl volar- AJupdmnCraler,2•li F�iyon#d Jay,,11:95 pm..F gyUnnat F-Minalu„ pd,. M-kxvalu, by parse Fmrnm Hutean with lvviiui I'c"n speaking on gala, eaaanJ h7[ed']uach mccTing, Cm171 I-57: 14 for lira. Pafurarimm Cerner, i 825 -Salts• 7-10 n -m- Welk ,epdeJNn, xu„- mss tams m Rch y re, fmakinoense. maynh, teens. 1 Sag.b-h. YpdkiPriue F, Dy& Frlmd arta. Nva- hnry Si.. MrcksWlld. sc. Yrary, eggs, lmirm, rmrwrd Lirc. Inritndonlo ahrdradeeua, RoaJ, Mackmillc. sully LI s.pport Group, 2nJ Furmloiptoa lHafoair Lodge a Id. bjxeejts, bicoikrun Through Dec- 17 First P,cahym=rian. 261 N. Mm Adrmee Chutta.-- Parade, sad ash hes. „f each mum,h. R Nn, 265, 2nd Monday,7:3D pm. Hn,1=,cnlfdr, D3, 5[., M.,eksvu Is. pm. C7,o;r In a.m., ShaJy curve 5x4rs,1, P.m., Hillsdalr Bap:- Church, or the 1pdge- anakftat hre,d ithn; nar[e HITO by P41tmn ATelhpolst wish..•boom- Advo ce. u 1]5!•5-0 1 fWiaF.- parte Co. [idled We Herd Man, pick up 2-7 pre. Crane[rcr k1l w NC Rn 1 enol Y lad R .n1a A! Rix Mr k. eckxrillc Gard 4 �• o Admnrr den Club, 2nd v[ u{reetmr'. th Monday. 3 Wednesda Dec, People, Rn Y 9C le od. 2 lissm d y, P 1+irsl Yrt-ab e 3 .535: khans ors. 55 I clan 181 5. Mara r Ikes. each n math lfi m,dalr m n CrmerAnnex Cmf. Cuumry ha.. per [b- Pk[ c,wkrd- RrTrnr•c 6y Alue L7uislmar Scrvlce, i TlTe Grinrh nt Devic L:eunty t i p .. nock hacnn, suu,agr. e0 grams, I7me. 17. 336 99R -RI n, leave I- ., Firms F4ssbylon ..261 5- Publlr 11brary, N. Mmja ss-, Hapm.Chvroh,us 158, 1:30 p.m. Room 2p8. ppl,lee, biscuits, ga.rles,Bever- m=o°b • w cnnlPcd Chink; ar Moiv 51-, Mm�zvilie, D1e=v em MrrkanR., In; 3t1 u.m. Free. MockariI. LInnS L7an,n,reu tori. srlgh Amksle II Iers. Imo mil be 11 v10 ng„ca,mem- thjN Thu err =ooh month, 3rJ Man,l.r. � p-"� ,chm,l ages. ,•vtw D.ia- Llvrn 0..., w Y g g, all Uge,, her 7 Firsr timid MCdwJhl cnfelatiu- ,f+rmra•LnTRrxrnnn• biiil- Nm,r, sick ar have paiarw m- Nm•• C.mn,u Oak hrcekfasl wish _ Sundflty. I.I. ur Snntim Oak Cbrea Medaidisl. ll ! IM teen wish Thr sruwn� Cbrlmtaea_v Celel„arlun al ISe Clamh, Mdrk,fikeR. Fa,m[naran`oP iWFL..IrVI 1 Saturday, Dec. 17 R-k,[ree.2p.m-Hauplsi Fmmk F1gkWeleKun,iaApWrygpL, 'fhnrRlay,];3Rp,m..Fmnkngdm 17Y.t dS ISg.M„cksv Tlle,7-111 Sunday, Dec, 11 yu every'nwrs-m 7n ... nennodm C.mmurutrCcmer- e.m. F.gp', b1uw1, all gnovy, •T71r Four c[m', 3 Plays "Assignment: Can ron Vdt[s, dnss4s-a] gwaarizt At,,,. Village- ARF.F.PS Mlolrmie.. Cnmmian end t.y1"a»d 6 P.m _ NWg Pial_; Rant IINIC Hondbell Dariv Co- prMarnal Order weavers pnrgmm fur women Hely Night:, 6 pm-, Wyx. Ciwir; vveuliar Trmnny panm; of Pollee Lodge 94, 3N Tee,. dean Ily abased a, children• Rene .{r ��7/ Bible Medludisi, 3973 wyr, pinnia Ila„ Dmoo,w via of esrry mnn[p.7 P•m., 2ako'm Muedaryt, 7:30 p.m., 4] awn en ego �..J a ... R^pd.1'udk+n..4Hr. Srh, navid.r,rl: CeJnr Lienor Remmuramm. Squara. Room 21D - Ong ping HT ;•t rlwjr. nolle Ihroaaaxie party. 2nd P-riss Resp . Org.atra- L;o¢liau d Fru- Page 2 Monaca and Me..._. Clow Saturday, Dec. 19 Tne'.of rash mnwh.7 p.,n-,110 doe (PRO) supr,- gawp I- dle Re hbrnn news Caen = Thumkys, 10:30- Chrinmo6 eamling. 11own- Depdn sirrei- f ilirs of chjldrcn wish Jis• pu pnlnr. and tats nF people cnulJn'1 of- I1:v0 a.m.. N. Meda Sm. Ciwtrh town Morksvill, wjmi, vel{o Davk Co• Repuhlk,m Party, abllnles, 2nd 'Ilasday, 7 pin. Ypfd la hey km. u[CMiar, Gua N- Mpin, knocks- Memhadia membdm. F:30 p.m- every mind Irm- or month. 7 Call Rosemary I FwRlder a[ 'nlv Interesting pan of t he story she told m* wa.s that they v11 k. Gmredanwand children Ongoing p.m, in Durk Co. eptmma'e. 4178-3911 sur lecmlvn- both showed up PI did same time at did I— of the Firm- 0-18 n .enol., ba[ w 1 ucmjvp Hnhy Tlm n, Davie Coan[y Davie Cm. Repks O_ M..*. Iteellb peat.. clinic hours; bylddan minister jn M.cksvilTa. There they mord do he hes sim;7Wd.r children. Brnokr. Pah1[o [,ibrnry,Fri 1.,,C 0a -m. Disk"' on, xopnd Tlrsd.y Mcat.F'N., s::toP m: 5p.m. porch, wrcmdering why lime ether our was Iherr- Wh- they 603.317-3Ut a; or ].delta at Fm carmgiverx amt prdw.lkikip ref _f madab. mtwrmed6nr, path, County Board of Social sw the some rdecipt Woks, [hey slarsed laughing- Qujek 33yk3¢-labs- habju- 6p.m-, 1.9db,wb,SfS 6115 N-. Id"-. s1hTla"by,5130P.- nlxirdmninns wex mode, and they decided that them were Sarvlces story Thursday, lh Framrfeehildin ahrvMe,vu M,rksvl]le. Farknfv: allR-8898- ut 1155- I 1.11"anl lhdav m dol Than Fell ncwspnpers, e, ail, stars Hollnesm, andadnmry,8-]u:30am. n'rry, Women rrlmme- Namadcs Aoogrmm,s Against n'l'he l severe] mall, nD, and Illelm deeW*J Its en ��� ['.Mee k-irle. piker- .sand 'ruesdny, peep Crcek park lllmi.0 1 &Cenealoam- All Odd. Gmup. Fan, Rapt. y aper g m ee trc k Comn,unlly Cenicr,2110amw- rat Sanely, 4m Than-, 7 p.m., Chd,db, 390 N- Mpin Soret gel mamded. After my mother laid me this story, she went FgK cmf e, and doughnuts, ley Rd„ Yadkjmvjd.,,pamomd pori= Library. hmpsml'),Thun, 7 p.m.,Sam. fi .twajrm and pulled down a box from the close) lbw I'd ctery Wednmsday,7 p.m Co.. by Cwmney RuN•„^ Club- AI -Anon Pam Is, Graup, at p.m -prop Fniblem7 Hclplme, dr seen bet - land. the bac was tier weddiog arcs', ,. rd melba hml. Cherry Hill Rd. spay,-Nenler CTafc.2nd Wed- Mace,kuja hlum.� amm Chduch, 3,1!.785-7230- o pica- of Iter cA u Mad. and the shun newspaper attics. ud Nu 801. Mmksrille. of each mnnlh by dr Human N.C. 81)1 N.. Ad ... c.,5mmfeys MoeLsvme ClVnan C1uh, 7 dr%cribilig Their wedding. Rlmply Mem. prayer and S,sriemy of Oavl. C.wmy. uf- I pm., Lin fellnrshjp hail)- pm.. 2nd & am Monday', ul I was s0 glied I asked rt .. " this. II made we real happy. book rb,dy group [m moms fordable rosy-nemersurgery fpr 'u-Anom Ira gmnp that helps Rao PYeabyicnan Church. .ad. lnkas ma hope I'll neve such o wonddrral story 10 WII "Fall ogee with kid. OF M1 agdm, cam and dogs. CAH 75 1.52 14 to ranialea & [rlrmds°Fa]c"h°hea- A&,= himumarNal Pavy 8719 MY eh Hdrrn in ale flnrc. seconJ Friduys.9:3o-11311 one „Iakeremelvatiaa Ped fnrdelons Cpuhemad w°adrnr ClvLlwn tieden,". of Farcign Warn a,.d Jurin0 cch.w[ Y"'17 -akar'"' Free Advenead Healthcare C1nb,mens.uh Thurs. oFmch E-adiu Auxidury, a,hT.es„7;30 Chnni,u, Hunch, NC so[.Frrc PyppinR r'r'orkshops. Zed mnmh• 7 p. m. C"n1..mre Fmrst P. m., poem lwme.FmI MDI PA -ml I Pick My BPCfIcS •hnJcarc.•r'1R-515pp- 1yKy. pr each mnatb.l.R.ap.m.. H^Pt. reli-amp hail,_ Mu- Davie Cauaty RighiTos.ir..7 By Cay. He¢ts d`idY St -oyer grrylee, Fiixl 5k35 ewlJ4ng,MmrEsvillr.For ginal sl.. Coa[ccamed- All arca p.m-. 3n1'{TnuAmy. gmnd jury W* Imve aft developed responses to etrcss- Mine were LlMC. N, Main 5m., pmwrvown, infra ]36.7M-6157 =et. 1622- la'i'r lnvhd- mom,-.1hamsr. 751-5235 ar shaped by my fell, -and lmni f [her-T'hey Sanded d. asxss Tb"rsdnys,adon•ln.m,la sane- Feaderer Prlenda,avrry-14es.. Sts then -la it kalhrring urrnfver 492.ST23- s4mve[jnnn k1 d take ¢cline In minimdct mho dune laary• Nol P rlrwemme,l'ervlcr, 7-y- m,, inn[ time dance' M„cl:avflie IJbruy, s.cuad Cogloemee hJamanrl V r W quit y nn gr- ya i. 1lmv m Orn}, and a,adkae, mh9WJ enme6:30h Ci 15a even Weed, u1r mm,ud.7-g:Is pan. post 11 t9. 2M Sae. 10 am.. l learned that mrmY thing% were cwt of my warms. and it prescbeml, a[Madexlaaka xfom- Ngbl,open m.muples ars{n81ax, Brinpy, pmplde pr.lm an all vFW Hmi. NiC-gm- wN fnldr 1. nmrtt energy Trying to change Ihosa thing.. W9n Church.9 a.m.s4112 rvxn- ryy,t;gka l3•�rl ydrW3.2nyy,�YPurpcanipsypJ tprkyo,l,arv-_�orlgtbaer La,1le- Nv..--- • I ti*uhl liw'Itr )'when ernotimig fused, 7ftagalcm war viii--OpljdruiC lnnif, bunch T p.m• Federal Beemm"tar Veteraru, info: 751 _om- 17F&AM. and, am Fedays. paired. When I eauld c..wl my em.liunx, I had the ad. Age. 12 nmam a . 5 yrs. Can DAVChapr.r+75Mde.. TM" C.-awa[Tr Fn tains .n of 790 psn. nt the IWkr. anlage, Aa. snw1l chill, I would sgmnbblr and rcapnnts to �d-��' '5013., y,hiN Sat_ 12�pan Park Cm,nV Board n[phde- hloek'tute [.edge Hu- 13a, to a physical ch.fmR- widl fore.- CHelshaee R --,y & Sup- per inf ' 336.;x7.5662- tore, 2nd Mon„5 Tuesday, 7:30 pso-at me lodge. Ax I malurcd, I gained content of my temp[r. This mrutde Pnit Cramp, ret nil tadMc uMC, Fire Mmlhly IlfaLr7cs Norlb Darla Renton Claim. Coal -an se Cirf[aa'. Club Me Fcc4 he Her about pt v,r.s. 1 ]*enmeJ nu[ w mkt 501A us 15r.Advnner.S=a,nd pos a�fia�nl gam- mee,RJy d4merr meetings, sec- Meednx, "wf 3rd Menu - each yrespv YfuuahSumdoycer.-ImmemL � 1a.1Fri,of®chm.ndh madMoq.mr.mchmonm.7pm. moah,7pp-,CriegPmpay. everything perwnnlly. When samdthlnE upset me.I .-sold y pm. For iu[m: 99g.aow. in 2ap9 m WdMaa, 9 a.m. 1H Cw!]Rx-x276 fur taro sadWea• gat Noah,C"olama. as-css'the situation In terms of energy. Was this romclhi ng blas for CGrht, as Llbeny 12 roar. 5pmdMp by parte no. of nest mda6mg. Dart* Ca. hroldpla Seleraab I could chenge7 If mm, I made U con u -nus cif rt ,d be am UMC. to 1 kj Berle C4nr1=. 11„Ys C'Iuh, 4mrrt Sou[ w Dart. Couay FNpf+art Pmpp. 2nd Mon. peace with it. If dl muld he chonged.'how much energy Mockxvjtl.. pen Wrd. 3.5:3n vhkl Coalremech Mill Vntage terwN ateHiaR. 3rJ TLrs. of *f rack mmih, 6 p.m., x ,rad would I Leve M Invest in cl,unge i17 Wound the result be pan-PnrkiFdmA xn.5dmgado. Museum, Its CT_h sm., wed, every other mmih at sw,Trua hwpi,as,Hcrmudait -Far info: wVrlh the rangy I won ki have10 ,-pend to chaogr 47 No cost. jun m thfa roe r play gat- 10 am. illi p-m,Yp air, nn Y.Alnvllle Rd., 8-30 awn. 336.972-6673. Whert [worked with .ITenm in the mental hemph acid, I '^arks. Bihlr clones. &comic. .vml.ble hyapp,. Call 18-1-6m10. Qurnimm- 751.2113, Conal that rcmalning calm had a enlming efl [ on those Info: F(MF72a6- Sw,7nlair', . livors. Ca. Lm- Alraelmer5s Suppom Cmenp, p - : - wlx, wend cul of malml.l krww that nc�lr an cr came farm MOPS m mad Sal 14 l- ,r ry Upwy<}h, mala I]brary. _°d-roamday or each mnmh. All n.. j,itiadmkapI-.I N6y 8 .cold 1'I anJ 3W Frl--[every 6:30;- 'al Davle SF.srrvkxs. H.KmghdSrnjarServlmBua[d- Thd owm Isaac., and had -L hing to do wish me -This also mann dining ar diniu m,=brawl Meetings Mmckarjl le. kmfo: 15 3.6230, ,ng terabit at 27h Memtq Sm.. applies To Friends and fnmuy. If sdlnd*mc h -Par- poorly, I year, %3" 1:43 aan-.w Blai[e park GHran Rab menu 4m Muckmvill= eaten mther-i- xe They nag having a had day and give them Tlae benefm1 Form. Chv,d,- ❑ngoing Thal .mtench nwmh. F'eh.ocl., ted: 7S3fi23a, weJ. ev Da-lackwmlle AA, closed 10 the doubt- If poor behavior cfl, m p a a habil, 1 avoid in- 6 30-8 .vary ening m 7p,m..atHJ1Wa]eePPo-Chud. ldracl4n ih [herr hdncver ble- 6:3n-8 p -m. m Fags= Hwghm m -amaktos mcedng, a Ren Hw-13S.AR-sonars wv[eaad. Ongoing F wi rdrsvn w posxi H, Church, 370 N. Main St. Y Mnrnmg Nair Up, kwwl.,., Mas[ of do women in my famdy kine type A peraonali- Ctdunh- [acmxx Ixmm Dmr1e L1brnry). NAy'Cp C*mmusity Aware- wed -lay'. Fridays, 9 qan. acs. l have 10 ser hem b.undnriea oma be willin ra cs Th, Llly & 7ivddnp .f In oras Meelin nary 411, M. Fred Mr..add Healebrnrr g press s, Preum.d by Mack ... Tiaued"' 7 poen- Imo: I - my munm,]pm-, a[5hjl.h Pty vjews acrd needs. My frlauls have swag perxnnaii[ks, 5e 753.1x38. Ptannlng Wtrrksbmp, .e "d Styrian-DnyPufrrmiu Ckmrch, Hapt. Church. Tta, of -h mmnh, 1 psn. but we arch means cl the other's vjcws. I find khat ere I get Mon. &Then -at 7 pcn.,mam MxksVHl.6ardep Clob, a'1 Lehler ECA Club ,neem 2nd Sr_ L-ehwox, M,T,w, ] 1:3o Nder, lhrre ora: rower hall lea !choose 1p Ogh[. I dwl'm have mllwn Rd., Mock'Vi.k. Frcr Thursd.y, T p.nl-. Sept. 3uae. Mvki,n of each mans h, at a In camprvmisc my view's m d- [bis, but I am t}-nrjou' of mdmpshin. Far ied,r 703..76. fellowship hurl rrsm Me[hodl%d, Y un.. 7h 8 Fri-. 11 n.m.. Innen Cteler Comm. B'JM, T p.m. Church 51. bdu Ward. 336• armed dais}'. (hose with whnin i spend time. 1 Oratec hnTmoniow gTmo pv. eTali 'n1 2237 Y please Joker m- Quilting Club, d.rry MandAY. and I mould ammo- Chlldrea tk Yonm pregeam' Al -Anon Famll g"al"Sao. DlsaMed Amvrlran Ve[e r- lupm- When my ehildrcn ward young and trying to make de- at JJ -da Baptist, Fmch Sun- d,ys R F -r sly al 5',,' rap LT°p,r 75 arena an dest C+KIPBD Wcdoe,doys. 1 P. cisions, 1 wautd ask what Choy thooght rhe ouxome of day evening. Agee 3.11 or 5;30; rn,NC Rnll.tween Farmingmn Monday OF each mnmh, 7 p.m., Seraplwa[tlnR.errry2ndTmes- lhdlr ell,lddr6 would be- Thur. 1 would talk Wem i! was 12-18 m 5:45.493-5265• DAY bddlrOng, ""a its 60l 5. ,f}. t Women's Dlseunlm Claves, mend HarmuW Run- Far families Pan• their choice- Once when I told my younger dkughlcr it was :a fNendm of dcuholiu, 336-6T1-6o9t Car marc anrm, Fnee Blood `7.1 [rasare yep. her choice [o make, rile res ndVd with, "I know it is tours cksses held weeny al Sugar valley Cum [[. Adjuma,t 1. Renfrd- Dote a mourn, m 1MW a.m. in pa my Jericho Church aFCh.ism,TLem S Y P°s 1b.rn Of L'mleeadm Pla.odog ,heNumr4[k.nSim- eho{ce, bxeusd i1 is my little Sun:' I enn't say thm They itr3Q ,La. e...i ,X� 1r3p vat Sauadrmp, muh Tures. 6:30- Heurls ,areas Sed .).nun at mndr halter clwkces hecPase of this, bun eke uhr-tvo41 8:3opan.,Bl,r HNkg Pl sugar 5WgWgSml.rs C'benu Th,as• Y m Nv,vst far mmerkda. All worn- _ each month.[ Cbmideaee Town dq 10 she _aw-[uwce% word due to their chrice. =n inrined- WDTe'. pmg,am cur Cadens (T2 "N[.7 p.m. ys. 18) amr Wulln. Far hill- 336. ' e.- H l in'cryM ably., Sack nigh) I prey and .hnrc my cancema with God. I ask Women's Blbiv Study. every 978"iR6 Parte 4auary Oahe[.. Sup- •�Rqs Rnld•Em •Thursdays. Him M drcct me m Inks any nelson He wants tax W. anti S weJ. 5i p.m-, in m hams near portGmPp.fidm Thdm.o[n<ry 1 Yrs Drvla CoonrypkapMR�• leave my ,Sicca of We day with Him.ihia helps nm to sleep, M111fg Roal arra, all women ath Tlex or tach mundt, 6 p.m- mmMh•7'83u p.m.,M l} vjc Co. Sr,HmkClub,evc[y,hhdly�es- feeling l hove clone.11 t um. w•hamcvar mlie shuPl ken- l eisp welcome. Inf :731.5229. in cdmmirxioncrm ohomlxrs, Puh[kLib,asy Sv,nll Cnnkaena of dhe m.adh. tevlcw .11 my btcssings and the risings I nm grotekyl fou, Women§SmodyGrovp.Pl,n,= 2,W9om,DavkAJminianntiep RiOoid-Infn:751-8700. Lampeter Clmse'- e.earaa. This hal to keep Thin •s in ve. Americana 7,,: 2, un 8 ihh-lwomen, presrn[n1 aid 1235 -Main S[- P°vie llus[na Wome"'6A+s,iam -crdl for Lai nnmlioe. stripe P b prrasseeti by Hannah's Minta.,. Frce& P' IWee,lsl WeJ.nfwchmmPlh, very, ro"i"'Ne popukedua, and our d-n'I always remeheld every sewn) Sot- pf ouch ['note County ]Ward or Ad- 1; np am SanTn,xt Emk, At7hridc Exarcls.-cveryodmer m ba mhankfdl for e]T we hove been blessed wile. L•very- Un1h,10-11 aan.Aq w•eleaoic. ]asrm`am, ],rf Monday of ouch Va11 Hank BrPnch loeaiion. W'b' 1ua eg kiting and everyone in our lives crwld be goat in a second- Inf ; stp-51x9- oath, 6 p,m., In cammasidn• open to wl 1.9a ch Wast in � e t7nedoe Levxt I. ThurF. n rl,antben, 2nd Hoe'. D.0, y's. p.m - 13 3s al! ,M loan IP us and not to be mkrn for granted. L`sirNIt CosTasding Cvetvrs, ` netwo[king. Linc l7amnelua Level 2, mmn- Adm41--be our 0idg-, 123 5 - Spending mime Plane it vital for ane- This lima D bear aT F1nl 13apdal Chorea, 39p Mtin sdrrrr. tlatl, County He Emvr- ,lay,, Wedneeddys, 9:d5 a.m. sl,rait with nnnmm- Quit' [tura th n benudthll Bening helps N. Main st., k4ceksvklr-Offen Stacie ptdkeepus AmoetaWn, ge"C9 Rse[arT T,'SDpm.• 1.9w hnptot Aemhlea -Tsxs- m1[ the avis. e..Ted h ushers, and it )lel me iatcr nom6,m;omf eoua'el. [ downsuirs at the ApricWmrnl Y Ps - .rand Than, or Cress m.mm. W stay eenlered. I kaoW' MY Own priorities and try 10 stay Ing• AeademicallY [mined, 7 Pan. 412 K. Main Strca. Hui[ding,Mw[kst,f[e-Eray3N Flinuam EgnlpmdM Roam - i,aalnhy- Thi' enables me M so give f o fi aures, but also to crtT, tied wunulnn do monad IF d 6ap1- ['h' A' S"` Taesday each mar ah. Far kd": open Mon --Thu', Il am_ tip R bealdh purr-A...I.- lefts. & 9rm.2"l. take rarcormyselfwilbWtfelin8 guilty. Guil[Srains your app[-751-2pa1- - 9rtemmee.'tbbnW cud mn[e,nfu' nm.2"l Grmmp- Dat1e Pap"Frida}'tilI i5rm.& ca*rgy-Thera a.e atony things 1 could f I gdilry pbtlu[, puT pra.ohmDllParvata Marcia. wwssnrirberReepersniR• Cwiai Lu�mry'.7 1ax1'f.rs- Sai. P nm. til I pC Neewprlms. 7:a S-9 Y azca gown- 112 pea. i[ would change vothing camera m drain energy l need for put, pedhlrhrm unitdx! Mnh. and Tues. tach month- a -- C", Hamnie a[ 998.52]4. 1y, .tp,R wad, Ril un- otherac+ivitiea. Time. u ase --memo. Ages t & sec RY• Vvlry Censer cmmmwass.- 13ervsop- Ymgr,c.l[f ,lmcamoJsemsiam, The hes[ advice i can Fit- is to take .air vI year ewm 2 - kf,w m;.Th Are 3 . MT. It', a Geek B.k men[, 3N Man.- ] pan Caro- q,nee party Aerubirs, Tors Th Age4&Ptd-k-lharenrf Rd- Mreksvil[e. N -a ,gr mr h 'gid physica[.em.ti.kial, skid spiritual needs. rete a hooted Davie u"xy g' days,&&- pm. This give you the energy rp intent wirh famifY• fr:epde, tsar= per Wert Can 996 -house Cbuv matrmbaoFC[rmmc„d- Noah Cpvlttmre and Cirri Sher Rolm. Mem-, weJ., &. g out Pra-1.61. ar Dmler -abed 7 xp.dLboorg.�d,h-edn.KL+r. Fn. m 6.30 oars. and ether: wilh.uelwrnia Each of us is dilfere.t.bu[ For io[o: 33,751 -330i - These meshed-. work F me. Auvw'4m McWadka, Lis 6.r w„Mocks- 7 1-. Marling iv &[focal g m+vara ikNc exva ril]e.23.&Sy WJ,-Mondays OC fib• aha Tuer. each membv, �- timralsohelpsma-Iii ad Vfsashing cverywhvrall day.] ThmeJry-830-ii-30a-mi-L� ^,"lith. "Cliona. Be_Mh PayidD®�ic vWytrr gen. ostwlly 8n eady and -Tout time w ger ruganized, IT;raps O�Lairm.7Sr•2atk3- Rme.I I:aSam.l pmNmw,,d[kf Ares � Rape C ._'_ Ceetu. Report Davis ➢et�llne when driving kiss 19 hat: en nosh to make up �o Amrae,a&BPJkSmdy.WTs1r r iaghefersals groat bossed by pResc ...oris mvppan gmpp harlra By ichors Monday A uiek S use whom I can't make up my mind herweem A �, ar ] p>o_ 31mpr amplin oa it C�vtatav o[ Camara:.. fa ae,o�ex vmtraa & � 1pm.s la•[aa.kme aemrmpmtd and B is m Sipa wio- If u lands sad S find m_ -11 -wand a Tabrrmde- lot. -151-3304. gs.rpl vi The pvupma-b Ze r.prnod venom Monday .1 t1av�[mWusGelld,3ad Nlan. tar L_1 r,aeLCRy751- To go far'_ m.ia of 3 gips. ) k.- Thai is ma[ m}' prdfcrred "H`''am• �n Sou[ `amb nM}'-rmm.rrmmp 6prnS 1 Py eb-ice. H lam haps_ _oh she fm[sr gip -)hex seals the dol- moos h. 7 p� u C -•--r "froth momb.492-7100- pea. Ple�dl Ocher lmrlus -� "r d vp h bw Ar off-. UMC- Good R,Prr_ pace fe - ---Pb P'armtl.i Cis. k S. Mann R arses Gem a1r 1=-,rP`�nil you tend nhac mrd Ear you. ..a.am�....-� itr90 am. an 1751-3x50- d - DAVIE. C V ifN rV KN TERPRLSE RECORD. Thursday, D— ft- 2o I6 Con[inaekl Dram Puke 1 The guitar includes the name MiLe C eritupman on in, pine vC cEudtwd, and a[ written Iry .." Chapna— C:Lcak rt s request, wro'e'I —s his —Ldka bass player htnde This Just 4 Ynud" rot for years her Lia ream' .1'.guitar_ she keen made death. him n microphone and Thr mother -wan duo I.ntder est nr pipe cdeaaers had n l.cice c:uort leaving and n h1- ¢alma hail roe a lire heiWing- Maar purple m rw140-ee, c—I-" L'amrmn, and Cameron was a lil'le vant-1 m 1,.- 11,eir plw- Zh. los taken or gine him a Irlgh And he inskst:d ¢n taking rkue, rA- sodd- Garth n gin. Ne .Daae arse "His a ncert cxperlenwc ul' his stuffed on[prnis, n [i- hva I,G.ked ar S years old," ger, she sold. "I ¢m w nh. Cul Bdry cold I1.nn.c not to m have I—. able 'o help g.t his tropes up, bu' xh. make Ih¢[ night hnpp.n for u,d11 110 .t'-Lh tug shu him and I nm beyond gr,ne- ould t¢ get Gunh 'o Lakc rut [a Garth for doing svme- ms Jif z Lying so kind and • Itless Ah"n ""fvwpy 'hmugh jun' m rye' a smkte oo Cnm- Ihw, e shoi' startrxl. CtanI mrv'-+f—.- v stn Rla¢ "C."in' Baton c Came— look the gnifar Cameron Hamner wady la go see Garth, and then ready to leave with Garth's gultar in hand. Range" and ah¢ held Cron- 'u .how and roll ¢I Mace. MATTRESS SALE I i Serto perfec-tsleeper Queen Sets starting at $499 m e g b row n horse furnishings M.T.WF 9.6 - -n`49,6 - 5at 9-5 , 33G.99E.]Z]7 5491 Lr5 Highway I50 in Advur�ce megk:,a�..,�hamn.eem "Little Garth" Cameron Hamner wlth mom Erin and grandmother, Isa =1.1she rill. .+,n a+lllgh ns ahe mold- d[HIM Preschool. 'Phe chtl- Garth not]ceel almost inn drra were impra><.sul 11c Iwd ra"i'atdy, locking bt Ca.. a guitar. The touchers we , and saying "Hcy Cow- zcd at 'I c story. roam hay." aald. when Idle wag xnrf earl. Sr was Brin's aevcn111 Garth cenrc to the vera¢, lime seeing Garth live, tier .,f rhe as ge and said: •Yon madder. I - iso .9berriil, 11-1( _ guys have w ace this Irkle her to the and. eonecrt in lhu uowhoy over hme: t'79[la. _Thunder Rolla" was Mum again be 1dm Iver Am, f—celre sang. high, but this tiule tho lights There must br: somc'hing Y� were an them End Ihcy were about Nlnernber and Cash n the tuu'hunron. People cnueerts, because in No. rc ebacring and wartng, ember of 2014, Fri. and W Il gen hence. moat ""q'a n Garth eoe• Gunh slants calking to cart in Greensboro. It w Clnlensn, asking birn Itis her mvlhcrs birtlxlay, w ahe age. Cameron passrul lire reek :n sign xaying "Please litter and cardboard through Sing Happy BMhday 'rte - - the crowd to Gnnh. who My Mom." You pvcssed Cameron. and mom asked Lhc Tigers du "'T. on d—n• with the gutter Garth L'mnennl. or cobrae.a nn- and Garth and ouch of the had been playln9- awcred "Gunh-" crowd sang "I nk;Z ofr[In- hl.les got mom hair than I day' .p P.rlt1•s mother. do. Gersh replied- En a'. husband, 1—then, e- 7hc each.." lnrgrl h.,.c 11`n,riscdlave wirh [lank about aminnle. Ikckcts-If Guth t%uayw lure Near d'c end or nb,n ea- within jkftving• �iist>rgc�," ehnnke. C h i -..Td L:un- ;Deva luring io k y m he there. "Sine. t k your She's u ran - guiguitar. you rovedsomerhing _You don't it dawn roe muud your ncck.h 41e kook throe thuya; titin sakd- "lr's rhe guitar he hod been ploy- super high energy." You Eke all nlg}1r off his neck and don't ha -e eta ba -ran of p' pa.a>;od dl Through the crowd Dia music Io enjoy n show, to Cstnere", thcyrr drt.t good, she -W. -what you ;I kind ahour Cameron is now inters 11101 $pgil ilar, it's nc,er e.cd in'he nar. he said. g," Ganh told rarmer- Lessons co¢Id t>r in his !ln- on. 11 ase this aping to hide line. .N my gal-" And mwt likely, another A ga in, the .,ravel taaRxl, Gndhcmmn- Spin and Win at Vadtel! Allowa It's a 12 Days of r • Come into any of our Retail store locations J from _December 10-23, make a purchase, and spin the wheel for instant prize money, prizes, or special savings on Yadtel products or services! I �� - - T�►ecanrr • - � tww -133(61 yelp-�saz - -a.rkr�an6c+...rsr�.rnw _ 1 fTi [Tji��f V 1 1enlrtlrrTTIf111 _.—.».. . DAVTE COUNMY EN=l?Pb^.}, RY:C"nAF1. Thands3, ileo. A. 2016. 5 uarran mason (lgn} and Uoneio ]m Llh work in the FlEEl3 Ml Ilwork site on Set het Church PDad in Mocksville- REEB ... C¢rntlnucd F—ra Pugin.i doors sold by hamv im- ¢usl c :zvl working with provcment stores anco- Irb . tturn 3500 dealers Smctt yards. Each id s buinld and their custamora- on n per+aMer basis wd It, n To aid in rite recant three-day turn¢mund lime g...v'11, Rech Moeksvdlle for slockpruduws,accord- will undergo terwvn- Ing 1. Rush. !inns Thal Inc111de mslall- Davie County resident in% nwre anergy-cnicicnr and Rceb'a Dlrcc o of lighting in the vv—hunsc, product, Mikc Cmnre. adding additions l shipping who began working for dockx, upgrading bath- the cnnrpany in ?013, has s sad the brrakroom. had it nosi Iivic espertcncc expanding of eC spice, stating, "Great peolrie and adding I, showroom- khmughnut rhe brganixa- In Davie County- the tion help drive everyone ewnpany nsscmhicx inti- In impmvc flu—lees, an rInd ex'erlor dkwm made well as the produces oral of woad, fxllo-EIcs and scrvleax provldud 1¢ our %lea]-Tlu company era:n[es rrlalumcrs:' n tnn,y of uustom sec- "Rceb is eruly unique .laky doors and swndnot in nfTerdng :, rm ndoln ¢mtlunl ofrowlh oppor- 101116cs;' 's ys Cru lkw. As It the wmlinc envimn- meal tlne con :peel, he aJdcd, "It's butte ¢irwv foundation Or carr v.I- UW1Tat"rc..dth.9 drrpugh riu: company. les really a S $mal place to f' • TO view Ck rreml open r page ons..•isit Recb's cu- recJeff Bolton is herd at work IriWde the REEK factory. veer ¢t rrc6,rum1 yr- - rrrrs- The Rural Infraslmc- ml ¢real in the state -The wr,: Au[hbrily was estate- grants -making programs 1 lished as pan of the Rural ot'the divisian inuiude as- Fconc ami f7avelopmcm sis'amc forbuilding yeast, Division at Silt NC and restoniton, water :yard pLnaltln' of Commerce [n infru9tmr'ure. :Intt Mike C"Me assist with Linc —low and economic innovation in approved or grants for n.• coral communkics- Luis Ortiz puts together product. FILM -s&16MM TAPH - VHS" VHS -C. 8mm. HI8, D8, Mini DV, Betarnax, and More 72 Years( in Winston-Salem EPIC MEDT A 338-924-8778 5305-c Ra6inhcod Rd_ 27108 ek p i c.ri dekoawi rt d strew rn. In ex HOLIDAY HORSE &BUGGY -*- RIDES •* Joilz us for a ride through HISTORIC DOWNTOWN MOCKS VILLE Sat., Dec. 10 & 17 6:30-8:30 Baggy Rides $Seer person Call 336-753-6705 for more information. w►r-w.mocksvillenc.org Hiller Ringeman lrlswart Agency Naltioniiill 11o9 Yadkinville Road Mack21okl • IVC Y -- --- - -- (335)751-6131 T-----' 6 - DAVW_ C1OtnWrY FISTFA RLSE RSCl7[LD.Thnrsdar_ pec- 8, 2016 Public Records BnilcUng Permits • Richa d p I -d6 . R.,t`2 Lee ET' and The 1plfmwing building Canxrmc•[ion. single faint- Vnudn Gohh]e £itis so Erin permits wear issunl and ly dwellkitg, $-A.r7IX1, LY]- R- Rnbertsaq. m listed by nppli-I, typo linins Sweet, Mocksvllle. Shady Gmve, 5183. of n nsiemnian. eslimmred • SNOh-pe LNndxnp- • i lkchoel Sen1F I,air In. [.and Ivcnti.n. ing, ingmund swin ening temslland 1—Z-,rneiski Windsor rmitr ting, WNI. $58 730, Min- Wiy, raid NON 2:ntnetski (half In- oiim =model. $65.000, Bermuda Run_ Ideal) to Candace Hawks, Dvmncl, Wily. Bermuda I] -3S acme. 5767. Run, Land Transfers Jour Mcuanl.l and -',Vnynr N'elab, bui]Sknp Tjiy f Ilawing Tulin Innd McDaniel to Jared rc -p-A-, 528,500, Webb tmnsftrs wcm Ned with the Raymund Rasa, Zoll au Way,Advarley. Devic Rcglricr of 1he&. ClnrksvilM, 53ii. - E.lcurnurl Innovnfioms, Hsted by palsies involved, rrdjnnt Federal Credit diesel generltor. SIrNSW, ac -it., township and decd Union [a Stepan Goyninger Tcnnysen Lane. CVrockavil k. stamps punch -,1, with $2 °lid °dy Gp,ningcr, I IA -Mngnulkn Lbnstrm [ion, rrpresrnd ng every $14100. acres $514. mrltuninn off re building, - Sloe -I W, Dressler ]r. . Ronald Only Jon- and E 1;438,69'1, Cwnlry Lane, amt Tbmi po-[ac Ihesalur Snndm Janos to Ty Gr¢don Mneksvifie, to W Ips Cody Bitwst.r, Wocdring and Cwri Mileop - Bill Beatingcnr , pon, I -plus lots. Mnckavill¢, WOOdn'Ig"g7 'I`Te•Mq`ks- $2s.1M,GakGrove Church $230, viIW, 5304. Road, Muckavine. - Enoch Bu - ilnvld R. Spark. and -yore H.m¢s, kIl le Sr'et: Vnglcr Mary Lee Spmlm. ttpateea • g ce Jeffrey B. Flarrlson, am to Anil S. -I Marian and inmily dwelling, 5142,000, ucutor of es[¢ly u! William I_,ISwmnsmt Morka,. I Int, Ctdmpalk Ur., Advance. $ Hmrison, 933 acres, Clarksvill., ties. Justin Dimas can- $2,GljI li Adri;ln Jnhn- slnlctian, ba[hmom arMi- _ Wmrrcn Surllr Angel] °� tion. $4.000, M01n Chun,h end L.unnn Angekl,Sherry A. end Marlene W. Johnson to Rd., Mocksvillc. NA%Wwl Unit John Wcarull Uny leant Harps and Knlhy - Riad Hedglin 41,Iblrrolc- at Kmrinn Can G'Nun, 1 I smith Harp.. lmlf O,,c IM, tion, deck, $34.400. NC ae-, MOck-]llc,$154, NI-k.vdlc' k•Iwy, 801 S.. Ad wont.. - TY- Ilm-ni to Jac¢ AI-• Willi4w C. Spry W Wil- - Lucas W ten, gnkrh ]cn 1,nd Sal-i-Ilm Allen, ] 3inIn R. Spry and 'n". D. brilb-cm, s9w, US 64 W., Nat, Shady Gmvc, -JA74. Spry, tMe[. 3¢rusulcm. Mocksvllle, - QD ..signs 1a 4unli[y - Walla- C. Spry to sam,lel Clads S and - Chris Carob, ganige, ocsiglls; 3.17 nrres. Pry Shu.0W. -rurkeyfwt Rd., - Quality Dimenslorre to Linda G. Spry, imet, J¢m- Mucksviil¢. Roherr Nelson JDncs. 3,17 .aloin. - C.nrtmction ak Main- acres $440. Robert Qmcnlin Smith .".M. Relources, singlc Mathias 0 --hold nnd. amt Valann Ahkrlch Winner,family dw¢lling, S230p00. Mary pverholdW David h404hen Smith 3.14°11 and Ccdmr Q1e- Church Rd., Whilley and Wanda Whit- Joe Douglax lolsinn, 3lvown Mock5v111¢. Icy. 2542 square Ile I, Sem- shover " and u - pecked but of the aa]cm, $3. ecuti- of e.6 t. of Jahn Bre. Trilnl, face xmnding deck. WIlll,oec gays Benson 'ren Smith, and Kevin Rosa $2D.000, Gmrgia Rd._ Ir. and Tkrri T. Benson Ia loxdan to Jmnec C:hrislopher Mucksvil a Joe Gobble. t la, Mocks- Bonar and Alice S. Flnnes, I Snnr T wlr¢ , xingie vitt¢_ Int. Jcmaal cert. $40. family dw.11ing, 590,090, _ Jp K. Coclmnne end - ],oinca C11ris[opher 1275 Llbeny Connell Rd., Boxy L. Cochmne to Nei, Hanes and Alice s- Hanes 14-ir 11111 P. .--an ad Patricia A. w Jasl 1•I0PE. I lot, 3crosm- ..xrlie H.incs; sirigie• B,[ nnn"I IOI.T•nrmirigion.Y _ McNo~ Prcpen es an i toy dwcidag,. Sl45.pOp- St,060. C.darpxrk �•• Adva�• - Rhundn Summerlin end Gtov¢r C. McNnkr Ill, 7u- - Schumochcr Homes of David Sunwmerlin to WII- hoc M. McBride end Mnry Noah Coralinrl, sinitly m- bur Ray Rmn.h and'• Nor- M- £ogle. 28.44% 1.1. , ily dwelling. S234,820M, m¢ Ctow1.y Bmnrh, I tor, c -h. and Jan. C. McNeir, ion[ h6aanlnin Trail, liar- perm inglon.5] J71 d. {1 •t33% in, rest. 146.7 Joe-, mwiY- - AED NC WIN; s iy CIOrI`°villa. - R.Hant Ihp ,_. aIagle Yadkin Organics, 40 aces, - Get'L. McLnagl,Hn fmmily dwcllkng, 5220,9"- Shady Grave. $1450. In J., k DUv k1 McLaughim. 13n]timure Downs Rd., Ad- _ Ruben Dal. Golds Jr. to 15-_ acres, vane Metre Arms %eahy. I anrc, - Ovide Joseph Gu, Alto - Mnli Mmucr, accessory ghndy. Grove, $298. ONdu laacpli Gnrcis. Alex dwelling. S23.fi00, L:dwaN -Ch°rle. r=. Doby Jr. and M• Poirlor and pen iw 8. Beck Rd., Mock -ill. -Gwen C. Dohy to Charles pr in.r• t lot. Mocksvllle. - 8511 -m., Humes, add U-nd Doby 111. 1 Int., - LnngtcsIn-re f Inveal bakht,on-, reon.dcl hath- Shady Grove. Pr.penics to Ashley Sca- 529OW. TSFton - Wil kinma D¢velopm¢"I man. I tat. Mocksvi ic. Elmo,. Bcmwdn Bun. G(nup 1011ye Heroes, I Col, $2DI •Norman Gray LSoncr - Canino I4vm. su i ldcn, Shady Grove. $42, and Janie Caner [a P.111 aol er g:omge addilL. inn, S22AW, . Kmllryn Gomer Ea- Hart and prod Hart, I lel, Bcnnudn Run Dr„ Bermuda Iridgc nad Ricky g, i3stridge Run. 1u Jay C. P. u.-iW Wait 5'136, - Dmimlx 7 minowcr. Miomha LK. 341a11ew1ure, I - Ralph Em -a lames Znrkahnp, 519MIu. W, villa, FUrmingi.n,5484. Jr- and Mary Louise Chnp- OOIhlmmk Or,, Meckavi lie.rinno Jniac, t Bmnnanx - Vemnn Hi nk lc, storage Kathy S_ Hm,,i, _ lakm P, CO Ring. I vkllu, Fonn- huilding, SA J10[1, Paton Rd-, Fcspermnn q.nrd Rnsal.c i'11"o. S35o. Mocksvllle, S. Fcsp. .. In Marlene - Hmnngem Consulting ru fort Quality 1o11n¢.n amt Adrian John, K°�I Ann .4m.A. 1 villa, Hom_.0ngle fomilydwell- awn, ]half ora Inn, Mocks- Farm ingrnu1. 5250. ing, $105J190,Avnn Sace[, vkllc.$I I[l. MaryPoF`glnn R.i °iu Mvcksville. - J"ica S. Hmcken and oro' - Dnuglos Scafard. Mr- Jmina, S. Bracken to I"'. S:Indm I I Be 11, k Not. Faom1- ago building, $7.952, Polar, ca S. B.wkon, I IN. Mocks- ingam.5S8o- is Or., Muek-Al.. villa- - The Su -1 -mo I' o— .hap lu S.rrmy R. W i l_ . , 1 KENNETH. L. FOSTE SE ASSOCIATES, PA • Land Surveyors • Planners • Mapping Residetnrlal, Commerical Sub-Divlson Planning & Design Assist In Estate Divisions Cemetery Design & Layout OVER 46 YEARS Er]CF'ERIE ICE IN ALL TYPES OF SURVEYS J'Vensad in Norm Carvflna e, South Carolina. lot. pa nmr glan. 5lnu. mund.47, nrDuke S[., c -i - The 11-fmn Panner- ..ince. Inrceny; Jnwn Wi]. ,hip In Ar -ad., s. Ni- liarnts. 3f1, aC lames Rend. Guirc and Carl. D -M.- Adaeno¢e. failure to appear Gakrr, ] Ent, FnrminF[nn, in caurr: Rablslc q7".52.$120. aF H]ckv y. ft -lore to appear Davie Erkycnlionnl n cyan: lrilriardo Garcia, inion to no,' thtlted Meth- 21, of Asheboro, puxx.ssimn odW Church or Mocksville.nrijuanNpnmpllcrnnlin. -IS Here. Macksvilly. mWar. 29: Karen Pani sh, - Gwend14 &town Clasen 42 of CY Iviow Privc. Ntu! - adminismum- of ea- MockxvH]e, =ddegrc. led. Or Lytle Gilfion Bmwn, trespassing; Lid"ao Sorturc, Kathy 131--n Dmughn, Pa•35,TA_K,ogville,Tenn.,pus- tricin Bmwn McCulloh and siaslp, mmrijunao. Scheduke Tim Pau! M.Cu1I.h to Dan- II con[ml]a1 xubnnticr: no K. Dowd• ] hot, Fnrnlni ng- B,adlz Wall.-, 29, of u5 Ion.$400. Sul 5.. Macksvi 4,mxauh - 13.011 1-11t,, d linghes iv n, lennlc- prank Midlct, and Thelma Doc. 1: Santingo C1dke- Micl,cls. Irncr... Cnlnhnln. ,ins, 20. or Ifldmly, drkv- 533U. ing while 1[ccns. revoked; Srcr.tmry or urban AI Andrea Callejus. 19. or fila: to Nunes M. Rhe Jr. lilckury, hnitlnrrs lug On and Jennifer S. Rice, I IN, vchid'; lose CLlljm. 19, Macksvlllc, of it icl an pusscsslun con• - Ensiw..d Canslucilan trolled substance; Senccu to '!¢ylnr Thumpean nod Duffin, 29, aC Hvh. In ilei vc, Emily 1. Frmtll, l Iw, Fann- Mnoksvil lc, pruhmlimn vio]a- inglun. $507, tion; Vance Rich, 27, of Iran - RPS L'astam Boilde. Station, ptcsession "Iri- 10 Bobby Cundiff NNIc. junnWpnrapllcmulin; Ann and Mxrytmet 1, Nonce, I On 11-h.ram. 18, ',rIlo[s IN, 5832, Loior, Mork%vi11¢, nasnWt • Ihmnn P]Mt Caner Wait and hnl[cry; Gregg Seipp, as eaecuuir, of ')rule of S7, of K- ;0, 011ve, Ad - Herold Lce Caner, and Joe vane., sebuvl attendance Thunna Cance. Alan Timm- Inv. Violn[iun; Leigh Seipp. ns Caner end Lllz.heth Car- 54, of Kar wick Pnw. Ad- Icr m Alon Thames Cone. vont., actin.! un.ml, ncc 14.13 at-. FNrmj nglan.lvlalndpn; Kenneth But- - WIninna F. Jonkor Sr. Iinsaw ,47, uFAdkd, o, fail ort and Kathy H. Jank.r. rnit a to appear in coup; Chnsto- J Family to Retort, hlncks- ph, Marin, 46, of Pvwrll villa. 1.1 acres, Mo:ksville, Road, M kc tole, CUitum $600. to appear 411 court: MargnrcI Clinton A AI¢y and Cooper, 46, M I-oainytwl. Melmnie Ilrv.ke Al.y to fnilnn. In nppcar in court; Gng.,y Addjs C.lbed and Ashley Lynch, 23. of Calor 5am:inrhll Lynn Culbcn, 1 Creek Rood, Nlocksvilke, 1M, Shady prove. $420. eybcrslniking; John Iilkim. - 0ccding and Caudle 37. of D-It"on Run,1, 'IU %C AIM A'.':CIIe f, Y tract, - 7vfocksvdic, disorderly Con: Mocksvi ft. $305, d9ct, n¢skxring an offxr. - Mkhr el Andrew Snrn- Dec. 2:J°san Shemtpr. herd( and Gel; W. Hamhardt 3S, of 1lkllvn I .Wd, Ad- ro linin... •Adorn Bnmbnldt, v cm -SLI, vi¢Ecnec tinct.., Fu lmn, Sow- ptevynllan wrier violation; - Robyn Perry Richard- Ni bon Worth. 23. of Wtil. __Kt Yvonne Davis Rich- havvil Drive, Moek.vilk:, nrdxvn IaHc ]nnakn G. 1311`7 failure [p appear in .on Wait Aslnmo S. Burton. I Steven Ivey, 44, of Irowcll Id, Mocksvillc, 52a. Road, Mock -Ill.. Arceny Futrlrti•. F.nrerprisca from pc exon; Bony Need- lu Jonnlhmn P. Alnt.iId amt loran. S6, NI' C cmmnnx, let livlly R, Almond, 29114 any kmeeny. acres. Fan tingmn-5427. lice. q: Ia kdl Frye, 16, of Does FWId Drive. M.cke, Arrests utile unaonhorized Ilse of V The f it 4 hide, ng we rested by the Davie CL11.nty Slwelfk Depanment, Nov. 28; Evnn Law• , 27, of Main Ch.-], Woad, Mocksvllle, breaking and an Ung a vehicle, rerixz re,fn,er; Zachary Y¢atta, 24, of CIVaron ns, felony Inrceny, injury la pinpery. h - ing and entering; J¢s- I.nncnswr, 19. of Clem - mom. f Cony Inrceny end .nspj_y. brcnkkng , wjr :: Da11na N-1mi, 41, of Lvahtgrmn. r Jany ler- ceny''Tc cc While, 77, of s- Aiogcl] Road, Mr, h-11le, ...(alta feritale; Jnule Red. Sheriff's Dept. The Collawing are F m Devic Courtly sherl B•s D¢- pannnent rcixic n, N.V. 28: yhenstalking, pooping. S11an B -Ii. Ad- mmnuinicming ihi'anix. Huwnrdlown Road, Advraue larceny, NC 901, Mocksvllle; domeslic dix pow, Sain Rural, Mocks- vil]c; Iraspassing, vssuull, G¢kndgc I_ . MoEknville- Nor. 29: iresp-ing, Hidden Meadows Troth. Moekav111u: kkmhy [heft, Shady One- Lae. Ad- ly, s: injury la propcn Ur mckkng, Iarc.ny. brenkjaa and entering, Lrb- eny Church R.ad, Mr�ks- vHle; mkwcmean.r child abuse, Lnkrwnwd Vdlagc Rend, Mvcksvlil.: emminu- niendng rhlcau. DS 158, Ad-eyls-1.1king, People. Creek Hvna, Ad- ha,u ing plsonc rill, Wilsno F}rm lame, Macl s Ville; assmul[ sen femme, US 601 5..runMucksville: ideality their, Bk Dil.. Mocks- Vi1Ic. NOV. 30: conrnlerieil C 50! x N. nd- blIt o S property by rd_ preienisc. C.01" o Lane,Mmcksvil]e; Inrceny Of .man phone, sahsaury, Road, Mock -ill.: Id¢hll- ly [hcfr, Court. Meadows Dna .Adynnce. pec. l:3 jury to propyr- rY• wraeny, Deadman Road. Munksvllle: obnlning pmp- cny by fah- prctcnsy. NC 801 N.. Baml 'kin Ran;civil dispul., 11ohblt Rand. Ad- vance: llirvrderly upnducl, LS 601 S.. Muekavillu; breaking and entering. hiv 17ankel Road, Advance. Bee. 2- r`714,rlid, lamp 51., Camlaemrc; Lrcaking and enredng, Tatum Read, M.cksvilk'; larecny, Ito plr Rollet, Mackxvillc; b -k - I. g, entering and Imc.ny. Whm mons Delve. Mvcka- villc; der mstie du tb.nce. Pco 1 Creek Road, Ad. D". 3: idanll[y theft. S. Claybon Drive, Advance: watt, Jt rk:lm Church Rind, Mocksvillc; breaking nod catering, Swieegomd SI.. Cbulccmoc: tare -Y. NC 90t N•, tic La1s Run: breaking nhd entering n vc. hiele, NC 801 N., Bcrmlda Run; obtaining pmpeny by false pretenxe, NC' Ittl l N Sarlrladn Run, Dec. 4t assnnit. NC Sol S.. MockxV 11�, d3,mftncci, crige ah ohot conxmnp- tivn, onmmh-i-d ase of vehicle. Deerfield pave, M-luoill., false imp -ant. learnt. W. K. F1tVak Dr., M.eksv111.. Moc"V ine Police me fallowing are frarn M,xksvi lie Pn]h-•y nal n , Tile bm_aking, .mc,ing and knrceny or kn lvcs I mnl a vettielc a[ 14-116,18- Conn was rcppned Dec -4- - Sorrl-u knocked .-r di:playx and noaoltcd nt Wal a roger Mnun Dec. 4. - re A treasse spr was pon- .1 Dcc.3 n1 Avgol Amcrjea, - A cion w Mc disturhnnco VVM3eeplMed Dec, 3 n[ a Ms - id aceon Sunset DrWe. - A friend flkilcd to ne lune n borrowed Toll" at Chanestmn KRIS. On- -s. idem rep ml,d L7er=, 3. - An assault a nvn ■adk- iill. Rnad a xporr r ore. I. -Thr. Ir kion -..Wring ..d lotceny or a I.I.viakm and [elrplimne from N bai]d. Ing on E. Depci St- wax re- pmtedIlel- -The Inrceny nCo'Wis- bury puss ncwapop.r nick from n non. on S. Salisbury Road was rcppned 17¢c, I. -An a.-I.w r¢pnn- cd Nov. 20 at a banding on Melwley S,acet. BEEKEEPING n F1 For Beginners JAa^+andMPao:rlo,m7 8etirrprnAxwm-ain [lasses Feld at Davie County publicLibrary JfIHIlARY7•,14ar Zi", 284 • 9 k %anon and FE$RIIAR'{ 4- • 130 pM-4;30 pM 545 per person I ILylaera.rtilee+...,.aadebetaa,� wn,:aa 6rg9a Sa>,dv1:1M-19�733L We i Ye you. tv attend the rifful- Advance Christmas Parade Saturday, December 10, Z016 • IO A.t11. Dauntown Advance J'rM "AI�Ls T c,4110f Yvu - �1`�nn c•url4 �,b nor,•, tif: •'t71� !NIH �JI i[I J Tie Tine Stipp 1Vfsbesyou rbc Merriest cblilsilmas raft: a Joyous New Yearl slAo us Hwy. sg.Adrar , NC 336-998-8139 Merry Christmas & Ilappy New Year to t11e people of lldvanni, & Davie County. JudgeTyMye-m Pgt MM.eeae,l_ a1r- 1 "iliber Advrautt - - ISibwo Mla^kArmtSq -tfo;, 1PsshesEveryrl wa meny Chrrsdnasf 1852 Hwy 801 5- - Advance _ 998-7154 AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR frorn all Of us at Naturers Pearl® `nature spearlprmducts,00m ��, ;."F1 �froma cle m '. yl6•Jt 336.998.2884 www.lebleu-ram Congratulati7VChWPrisrPnas! r Advance Chride <t, Mayter bleas! JULLA HOWARD Y.C. House ❑F Represenlativvs "0-H i LLSDALE DENTAC`� ons I9AMT. J.Ina Nx maat[rt. 7.Moor( TW110.Nnrifklarrfr N. Wrry F•A,nr[r aNp eosrarne ce'urn,r r. acrrr Sia p e�oUay.s IQ 'fYY}Yyt "Stafl' at 01 'iffsdaee Tenfa PLEASE CqI. 127 ROYAl_TROCN X998-2427 A.VRcE, Ne J Wishing you and yours o safe andHnpyHolidayduring this timeofJay, Peace, fi4i and Goodwill. SHERIFF Amor STOKES ANP TmE EwnRE STAFF of dJkVlE C6UNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE J mit"-y chr&hmu I am honored to support the a11nttal Advance Christmas Parade. ]Brent Sheaf 17uvic Co. my Regi Swr of 1>-L, r.143f11+„ arr.,lsh-dy �1 There Ls - road detpur ano&ind Ad+run%E ham F11ry- 801 handing South to Mocks Church Rd_ Tyro rilghL to BCauchamp Rd. Yum Left. to Comabl a Fd - Tom Right, ba rack Hfomy Hit. Tum (ECL 10 Marllland Rd. Tum Lett Sri Hwy, 601 $mitt, again Right only, S - DAVi F COL'tiTY 8,*r-1'FRPRIS}. RECOR D. Thorsdar, Der. S, 2016 Retail ... Continued From Page I a11y didn't ten us anylhmg Shopping Centers Saatheasl eiWe're SD Close we didn't already know. Ii s Coufe.nce 1. learn more jusT n m.ner of supply '+kid obese -rhe Changing Fare to Clemmons that demand. That's what': go- arRetaa " we play into their kng Iv drive It. Being rrr"'p-C Bermuda Run adopted its trade but and findinni g che markts e omprehe..L a ptar in 201= ae areau and produces Is going it be end ja reviewing the nems don't get the key w .e"l tri oar arra: thata. In p[nrc and any anny.r KenReLLtrr+cim benefit. They get new lnformnlion, such us acid that [he jnforro.li0n .rail strategies. the benent. from•L.11-1- what Davit County Economic braced and complements romrd Devetopmenl m[racl.d us. -Pp... at., at dins done .his year with TheRetnil- - Town Manager in me Pont year: • Coach, A rtaniprigl loo,A00.9 Lee Rollins 11. added that as Ecrmu- Ijnn. And lhnl deal included do Ran kicks vie updating looking , overall .talk the conoprchetoivo plop in I.nda and tee locid sontmu- ting pretty -lase TO Lai1d Jnnnnry chat "perhaps sOmr eltias in the county such .s out. Il mgy come this way." or [he inning area.. w¢ Java 9ermuda Rurt. Rollins told the cou.Gl in that we I-Wied for purvn- R-Ill.. nralcd that m• its Nuv. 15 mooing Thal dos tial uemil Cony nod ever hap - Mc Twit-hodd inrwme is .n updale that solidifies pen:• {5101.775) kind n per.cntoge retail dovrlopnwnl In Cllr llllimntdy, the evolving or jus[ over 70 pa-fil for next three 1v ft yr yeora with- .Lind e, w111 dicu re whit yamr Lori 0f Coliegc edu- n the evnxuda 1Lan Irnde Irnnspires with minii In B,, ntion or higher in Bermuda acne wilt really be driven by muds Run, but Rol lips said Rhin's N .: tridc .ren stood dcvelvpnrs .nc1 eel he the wleelher it's bnvulgd retail out in Nanh C.,"inn' "'Tilcm. or nM, ha looks forward M Howro,_. Rollins gave Other nalewonhy points the pubnr Iap„1 xC ons maples vF retoilcrs such fres. "The Choaglog pace and wont. to knows what as' Starbucks. Chiputle and of Recoil" included: rtriwgic. treed ra be implo- $piqurs, nn upwnd�oming •Major tendon ore look- rated for rani sixl.r 1v gncery =Jain. that need n my rw 25 p --AI to 30 per- grew in [Ire I' lou.. b"gertradr, aro•., real equity in p jecla ver- $-ki rem{!. cWncll- For cxamplc. he said sus ]O p.rront vquly before mon John Guglielmi said That Ch 1pnlec is Mlcrcrtcd 20[18, }ic thought when nddrdss4ng In Cipmmons, bur not Be, Mose lypkal "old the live -year plan urn[ Ih. (nada Ron, ii -cause it needs school" shopping canter town shau[d discnsa what I S,OW to 251700 deryeirnp do vek.pahrnl ix becoming Is wnmed and demanded by cmpl.ycea jm a two-mile rn- moue cost pr0hibilivc. the residents na f m police. djus [o make 11 work. •Meal retail cycL.s n. Comerkiman Jcny Wcsl "We're a0 close w Ckn+- four years from •'uau1, - w said lhm p1l. lho Innaary na that we play into their "peak; • and although 2017 planning session, he would [rade area but don't gel the looks steady, is 2011 the like to bring In husincss bares t fnm il." Regina n.xl•'tnugh4" .wn.rs In Bermuda Run k1 mid, "They yet du b"A"th Cghnwilm.n Ed C'olcy ask what LLT, lawn eau do to flotu .a• CIG—ons js get- said that rhe en 11"a s '•. b.tler serve [hent. Members of the Davie Retired School Personnel (above) Ilsten as Paul Moore (below] talks about the new county parks and recreation depart- ment, Retired School Personnel Near About Rec Department .The Davie Coup y Re. citedSchool•P...V Aa- nOcinlian mel al the hiv,t M.thndisf Church's Family Lift c.le.r far the October lunch nhcctlrtg. Pros idem 6nrbnm Ow- en, gave word, of inspim- lion And grace. R After omen. vice eai- dca[ 0l.dys Stan intra dosed uess s�nker Pnul .Z.,gllw w roomy parks And rccwntion III— Mvori F prcrom.livn Includcd plans Fprmere- livar.l .fNrings for all ogre fed rmere r ixtx ax tilt ,mow rcauon c.mpi_ is dc- vel9ped. Ckdxen input And parc wocei p.ncnta or the ..roll sxraxegic plan In pruviding short. rung, and long -ung- pinna. 'ILe rwxl 13CRSF pmt- si Lent Aucljou will be held to jog will hn ore. ] a[niI ] : W b.ncil dm schulAnhip I'vnd. m Floe Phim y Life Cccr- A All mvmb¢rs arc welrotm. Drought Putting Strain On Cattle Operations In m,ay a of Davi, time period- Fecd require- umbers. dnnutgpJ and impraves for- glut you did:' of M1ny kink red some udcula• ,end Y»dkin rourntes. the nlenlx dcp,nd un number of n '•As we know. cntrlq are age recovery in iht spring:' Wpan c:ilvca crrHy ser [lana. Cai11r pries. err lock of rninr Il hos caused n mals. daily 10nge intake nc.aper than racy were o • T'ht lint and host place c nsider creep fc.ding Thom mmng as they w C. [w0 pnslurr o stop $gtvWing_ needs, doll energy. pmlein few y�nra hock end kwly i � iv slnn culling is 1y�n sawn 1p rg¢1,�rc [he - a trod %u_ yc-a. p J{gP ' IUuying Auk, , "Rid the wl�il.r� c�supply on�rnin nerd ,and ihn ln`shart supply which curd {nal pregnant). "I•he. is UILLO"l needs Of mnn+ma you don't need much and is being used an tunny focal len;ih or reed kng period, mise hay prices n dill k;' rev use reeding precious a ws. it is avnil.bl. within n few farms. Tera scIXrhd pop is In «a- Ruck- said, "[:1loiees linos hny [o an anima[ rhnl wan'1 n• "1 -pink or what options hwri rlriva it rwuld ha n "We arc limning to sce seas feed inwnlorics. Fany, to be Conde nhout aching prod_c n calf next year to grow f rgc Ibis fall and grail option. It may oply lop many moults and n.l And then m determine addi• law pri2YJ rook m reduce Rucker M;,, "Many small w4nmr, Pmeaaa like stuck- ink. sumo if. seareheaL hough boyo" said Pjdl tinnak !'red needs, including the aced for hay; pu.has- herd owners keep .bull in piling tau I cue or plant- on-line he dlrr.lorks or Rucker. Ex[enslan live- fvngra anA supplenr¢nray bag hay An feed LLeti.4e low with ',It cows ycm round. jag .null Brain or ryogruss ranking /drone cal la to locale Mock agent for bora coup- Peds- Assess paslure, c - priced -milt, pu.hase cup- hal if you ran fiM a pLa.c might b. Oppmprhiw. Arc the Play you aced. Tho hAy ties- "Fora Ihvugh rhe Pain di[ious. Pa-atuNs sjwuld nr plemcnls .. o,"wh the hay to put him tomorrow ,,, 1m- tit Any cmpinnd acres kid- mol said now wgn's he any we have rercjved in the lass be grazed closer man 9-3 supply And f d Ihese taw other pasture, loon him to A j¢anl to postures that could cheaper in Deambcr.lanu- week ar so has helped, it is inelin. Prpdu-er: shntlld priced rnlrle, kir scek oilier nciI, bar --- yell an call n he pinhled and used Rlrwjn- Ary, yr Inter So gv head orad still along way from peeling sl.n feeding c ws before options to F J your hens:' vol Ilt pNgnancy nal your kr gnxing? Mn# tcxlbvol[_s ,,an hunting, And 4f you she drought-" pastures are ovcrgmz,d. Here arc n Few manAga- bed. Tlicrc a v free say it is too lore la plans dec7dc Ihnt the jrny is loo Liveslcek prMucers Copy The mini slop Ia TO Iden• ,kit in -Mfrs Ia consider. lunches. lwook atyening rid snmll grain pr ryegrgss bur expensive,yu hack nM hard hove ted many mouths Iv 1fy what feeds ere .vnklnhlc m • Dan•t Walt to laic to dc- of cows not hold Ing up the kr if there is CIO lAh m.ialur. item 1. food and mol enough ing.- old mo rhe nt7mh.rs ov sec tide if cnlljng Anjmnls and ,kid oFihe h¢rgnin: • and so rAt days. you . rherc u talk of shipping Here are . few options to which one La last _.Iy. If NJucing Ilia Ihgn1 xivF is the ! l.aok fpr p11ur W,vi- c n ger enough gm lay Ib Tn hliy bre who knows how Consider. While most vEthIs pndnccn rtjll boor grass, right move. "Ev.ryone hos vox phyxic¢i L! to [o help jualiry planting spun• nm -h. what Hic ngpll wi[I art4ele {¢ geared toward car- telae ram;ivnnl $rasing -I" at Ipasrua Cow n mals Ihal rink Cows Tor eulljng - old Con you r,xlucc hay he 0e even it it will happen. I [hero n nngem.ru help wrcich it. Pmducvre you could pan lo.mpnny mgr, lanxnnsx, pon, udders, and Co.suppkmcows with The uvaHa6{lity might nut rips that apply nun Itwses, alould provjdc supplcmcn- with and ymtr herd wWld sling lash. low per- cammoditin7 -1 hoet scan be enough to Corel nccda. 3 sheep, gaAlu nTd altwr 14ve- fol hxy aT f ed to ro S sp lnnk be tier: 3tq said, •'Every fomTca, poor keeloep, bad henlx winlrred on n half m- knew a1' n Few hAy oplirnx xigck.liuckor sail. [Irey can graze [anger em the day you feed 1hm quesllm- diapoxl rine. If Ilse Jrqughi bion of hay Nld S lbs cru by [la--ally Jul they will run out Develop a feed buJpcl nm4ied Snwgc. Able cow 1s one tear'toy you doep.ns and hay n pndncl reed oath day. Tl+e f the head. A food budgal 'rhe too.], step Is to sec jr wkll hnv. 3eny For Horn her A sI III not &"alair sell wvrkk,ad ; nal plcaxani, s�Looking ,r other Option, es[imele of lht uisunuu reducing liv,smrk numb.ra cow yon want iv keep- PLus n re w ns mals All along to Mat lisp o +cs might ns4ghs be a goad idea just in of T d rcqui.d to sorry xhc s less rosily chnn pla-T, reducing LL>< s vrk3ng mer s-nowle Ihp f CJ. "Sinning surprjxc yutnnnm se you have [. do some- anim:ds through :i certain jog C d la mains min cu Font rcducra the nmou kit of grass early is Imy ¢M you will ha If pnraui. fvngcs an ildng h.s3Jrs pumhnse 4ny, al i B 111. d EVERY WEEK Give that special someone on your list the gift that gives every week of the year - a subscription to the Davie County Enterprise Record. Only $26.69 Per Year 336-751-2120 gri Fut nnim s - open [. n rificc ore and 1'ced in one .m1gemenl practice.. Find opal. "dl's (letter to destroy ani some n ways work oar ]z nF the Fnrm Ihnn In pwt[y -Cll;' Rucker said. in hhc gross on the whole Fol, more an mmsiting Plast," Rucker said. "'rhe liv.siock duringdrouglu penturc acres that - no d I. imprawc fang., rGntact And protected wHk ..pond Rucker at 33fi1753.6100, or quirkcr and pull you pin f+hH_ruckrrEyncaaxeJLi, 0f the is kmai.n faster once Fal a of II Numn:' Chas • Finally. look for_ . _ � Continued E:oo gc I METAL aide, HAam.. aujd. Tnmenlinc said mo. in - ROOFING fon al Lan ,betel hhr wreck. 3' Cvvri age • 40+ Calorsnrluding rhe snspert's A[l r.kaRl lRE darLT frill RArta name, tuuld he found o 40 Year Warranty the highway pnlrol report. W m'wr TAS CAF AVA9 U A .41 to the highway Pa - 7114 -278-3000 tml hod rax 7xen mooned m MID -STATE METALS "-':1j_' e:;. rnndarang a d I. C.m . LLCinl.mnl w } m-tii,tian lora .miJSllxamEHBB.eom the ireidenl, Reagan said. 1. DAVIE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL ❑ISTR[CT The O+++a�►a1 baa¢z eas h.1!eru for you ram trwacre '-� 33Gp535T..}aeave Wataxrgr,an appryaraysrW nee �,fn YerAfamyrrt D!$VpP CUDIV7Y ENTERPRISE RECORD. Th ursda}'. Dee_lh.7A16 - 9 District Court The Following ruses were erne, dismissed per pica. missed per plea; rreklcss are vehicle until licensed, evidence ordered Jc [rayed. S2R0 anurety lee. disposed of during Davie - Jordan C. Brawn, ops- driving to end. ager_ 5400, credit Far suhs[arrce abuse DWI,_o-ed I. one year, - Terry ler Waller• di,. o"aiel Coad• Braiding: on of marijunna up In cosi, SM knsrall fee. a Coe uTLcnr/Cnguw 1,C suspended At m9nrhs, 7 kng w'hjle licence revoked Judge Rod Peary, pmsecvt- ".'half Ounce, pu.scasion - A[len 7. FnrKlsaa. aim- men[. 5100, coal. A pp-kd, days x rrr.dcr b- DWI rc ocafion. sentenced jag: KelTly. Jones, Pe.rrn of re-ijvnne parephemalia, plc affray, dismissed in the - Fenncksca Zey, a I-Avt, c nod enperale vehicle !v LU days. Cort, 5170 O - Dnugen, and Morison ICux- deferred prase -sea. ]2 niereai orjnrti.e- nn license, reduced caroti- unuie ljcenscrl, vblaEn sub- Corney fcv; fctidvusrnlas, hyt, ri"istun[DAs. manlhs imp.-is"A prohi - Joshua W. G.]limure, sere w nutny DMV of Ld• stance abuse asseesmend tiolrhegist.tion, dism3xsud - Mmgaret L. Anderson, tion, 24 L.urn community shaplining concealment of dorsa chem 8.,525, roe. e[¢:+Imenr. S1QQ, Fast. 5 25 per pLc"- cyberalAlking, diaml$_d, Service, obtain suhslnnC. goods. sentenced I. one Ldey, - l.mesc . S25, a I�wik. anomry Fm; simple posses- - Nich.laa R. Whiccn- mediatrd. nlwst aSses,mend[.nlm.nl. credil for six day,. 525.86 speedmg 95 in a 76, reduced sign achedulr lI euntnllcd hunt. anew[[ rm O f mule, Isvi Cahn -Angola. cost, if>n complionre -1 M_ rcslllulkan to Wel M..,cv,sl, to 8R in Li 70,5300, cost- substance, sentenced i. ono dlsmisscd kik lequCo of proa- 11-JAR to elude arrest with may he dismissed in 12 - Holey OdcsaO Ovdshall, Pam¢]. Yvette Ln outs, year, suspended 12 mnnlb,. coning wit nese, vehicle, frdu. In hum months- shoping eoncc-lawn, of --.Pit innie[i ng uvidrnu¢r de ddestmyed. - San, it- Lucas While. headlamps, ,safe tires, . Robert D. Srowning, goods, 9.11 red I. hkme jury. foist lmprisrm Ment. 1r I hidm. 7nllnrc w !krp after dismissed per plat: rcckkas injury To penaelf pmpeny. served, '3550.73 rcxlinii uon dl smi.cd AI request or pros- - Vr-ki S. Shipman, L.aitsing Tx perry damage, driving to endnngar, Si 11(10. dismissed, rttWi.ecd. to Lawes Fvi,Ss. coal, $22$ M:uUng wluk.x spcCA .111, 8 it a_70.wduccd aro license, resisting aMacr, WST, ercdil for completing - Johnny Eugene Byrd. sl[pmey fee; mixdemennnr Chesznrc Anliya Lyons, to bnpmper equlprnernt. dirrrrissad per plea: mck- drivingediovF. speeding 60 in a 45, dis- c0elspiruy. dismissed per sp.edlny 9l inn76, reduced $1f70, Cost, SSU equipment Icssdrivingmeidanger..- David Mandea-Baen., Missed per pleA; driving plea. lu W in a 70, $100, coal: ex- 1 e. dac,d Iv 1""`7 mrx•c!'rlant. no kiarnac, reduced to fail- while license rrvukcd not • q, 1lcmnnilcz I'lemnn- p3xd rcgistnlion.di-10MI - Jrevico Marie Sn Lth. 52.20.41, 51?S Alkemoy fee. uxc 10 Aadry DMV or kid- DWS, reduced lu f¢Hu. dex,pessession of open sena• per lace_ apading 9n ln,70. reduced - hLuehcw Dowd Wkebo drviss Chang., 37 S. coal_ m n011 DMV of mWrcss minrrlconsnmingalOall in . Emily Sue Mrl3orguc, m791n ,170.53S._I_ u'L dom:ulur prabAdQn vi- - JOnatlan A. Be-.. rd- change, 550 cost. p."C,,gor Limo. dl -Awad, cybermulking, djsmjased at - Charles i:. Snowden, .].lion, probation .voked, lowing IN-ock to run m - Kr"%AS Ni.ol. Cnodtc• defeTTed pmsrcution. N-40-1 of pr0secming wit_ DWt, scnnmred in iii] dirys• sarn.ncr4 to 12O days. emd- ka g., $25, coal. implt o ourself, f,jlunn I - R, ndy Adan+ linwArel, nu uspundn] ] 1 months, 24 it for dare days. - Avhluy Nkole Beetling. w en[ hell, dismissed shvplifiing co"..Imcnt nF SsD.nny Will Lein e]wraa, hours c mrnupkty sa -7 hary T. Wilhrnpwn, pnssesai" OE Innrijunna up P plea: driving while IT gtx,da, S5d, cost- spevding9] i..70.-Ih d s Ixndcr ]Ircnsc, not opar- unplr ufy'ray, di,mix.4cd i0 to rat¢ -hair ounce, de. -,. s. w,rdw l DWI rcvp2a- - Dnnielke Jane Hubhard. 10 79 In a 70, $I*V- Cori. Ale vehicle IIn, 1 1 licensed, the interest 0f j-6ac. prosecmloA. 12 haTunha firm, coed, 528D.".Cory fee- posacssion OF mnrijunna - Lulhcr V. Phifer, assault eNdII rur suhsloac+e nbl- Falt.10c Ill Appenr supervised penbalj.n, 24 - T•n+rcy File" Click, panrphemnli., dismissed n A remake. dismk-d, .sscss etcttGFollOw UCI, - - Jonwx Stung Anderson, 110urs Wnemunily a imple assault, dismissed $ err compliance wish infer• slate's mol kin rn continue mrnt.11jmilec! JrWing oriole a'd And Abet assault innicl- c.dih For suhVlanee eahuse reguesl ser pruxccuring +:u- mol dcFerred prase-u[ian. denied, prosecuting witness ipgerSlOO Fero StOq, ern , kng srtiuus mjary. ssesrmcnllfol]ow trent- - '{acy Ap us Hudspeth. foiled Iq appa,Y, failure to in:rinlain Vane can- - ICylr lames Campbell, en1, max, if in cvmp14n"1-^x � AmcrkA Crua, no It- x),cedng 86 1. o'10. reduced • Adroxis R. R-CrLtIm. 1m1, Jlam lased par plrLi, DWl, mckkss driving [n charges may be Jjsndssed in se, drivingJallpwing va- to impmprr egnLpmenl. 550, fni hLrc [n neap Ynr atnpprd - M.lism Rnn Spctl, Ira endnngur. r2 months, hk]e t. be driven with n osi,$Sn equ4pmenl fee_ schtxrl box. ms[. licenar, di'sui �.•.[ per pito; - VrpWcc L. C]teek. - 51ncy Ray nennari, so- mgjSlr'nlLvn, dismissed, CoM1 - Darryl Anthony Jack- Corr Bnudilio R.Y_. husking kir doing• son- xhopl4fllny m CoolmenT of lieiting pmsih.lion, dia- rested. , speeding 85 Ln u 7D. 311.1 ring wkrh cmcrgehcy traced la dAT. served, cast, gouda. IW¢scd per wmplionce w1111 - Cliff -d A. Delia, n reduced to impmp., equip. cwNnunirnd0n, dismissed, S2I , anarncy fee. - Chnrlerw Mmc4a COL. 4nf0nnal deferred praaecu- .uli an a female, disnniaaed mens, $25, Cos[, $SD .quip- aisle Y moiion to continue - Eddie Tyler Spurimc,, a nadhionifughivc .Idler + tion- at request .r prosacuikng meal fee, denied, pri-Ccnling wlmr-y simple .11-y. di,missed [n stole. - Levi Chanes aog� . witness. - 'Ibnn.r Cole 3-U.s. f Elcd to aPAeor. ikt¢ interest of justirq. -Annie ()oll Cooper, ops. driving of.- consuming - Henry Mack Frans Jr•. seceding 117 in a 70, di.- -$Ames Scot[ Rvbcds, .- - Misty Maine 1,_1 t session or marijuana up t. .,=rMor nye 21, driving while driving while license .- missed per plea-. reckless gist jag oRlcer. djsm hsed in supple -s' It. d3smiksed n[ one -hair Ounce, pnsression oc revoked DWI re- vukcd ace DWt• rahrced to driving t0 erdonger, $I ,SOD, dlc jntereal or judice. requ.sl of pnsrcming w11• oFmnrijuann pmkpIwm.Aia_ carion. dismissed per plea; fail.. to notify, DMV Dred- oar, $24 install fee. - Lls:r P%_wnr Schalt. n - James Lavin Dunn, do- DWI. s..wo-Ml Iv 2 years. dress changc,$25,.-1, r - Allison Nicola loner, xpaedmg 81 ie a 70, I+osscs- ea Jamas H. Sushi,....It. mcst4- violence pmmeHvC uspcnded 18 Irennlhs, 36 - Pamela Rubbhts Frans, driving while liecn.e .- on of dnlg pAnphenealia, djsmissed, mediated. order vinia[ion. day¢ aelivo, credit r 21 breaking Andlor rnhering, vnked nor DWI, reduced n] simple lxxsesskm schedule - CAme fi. Strand. two •Kendrick ❑'Bryan My- daya, nandcr license, larceny afar brenkinglen. raille. Iv notify DMV of 1V controlled substance, i .11L all�wing Ijveselrck ers, 2 ro s driving while nor Dpemle vrhkte until tering. dismissed, prpseeul- address-Ita.go. $50, cosi: two e a nTLffeking In n[ I -w. Jlsmissed, license .vuked nal DWI licensed, oballn anbsrance ing wit iwss railed to appear- p.,_...rlduplay of al- npluna or heroin, passeseivn lnsuffjr4enl evidence. ocatln, U ._abo-Axr rnefek"art ml,•---A--Gov �r,cssim �� •• •gory primer, Iroedrtlerilinlrarrcvok'ra' ']4= :DitM1 intedtTn inhnvfnriCre7-•'- Ch7isiinF TiuI.. ora- �plvy of nllemdlliclitiousr $500, cna[. S335 attorney, =...A of schedule VI •speeding k5 in ¢ 70.-IVdelivCr a schedule it bmk0 vWI.tion, c - ..ked driver'. ileensc, fee. onnrvlled suesnenrx, dis- d4ym sxeJ Pea plea. nailed yulsxlance, pas. ni[y service hours eslended. Apoodiiry " in n 55. - V—. Lamour Bowser, -is eed Lin interest of justwc. - Ricky Lynn lamgford, w with intent t. menu- - Chartes Turner 1V, ser. -Anthony Craig Tcasicy, speeding 98 kn A 65, reduced •Vicitm Lyn. Feryoson, DWI. scala -ed To 60 days. Fn cumiscl Vdaliver A rdoed- and p.g.e uespas,, posses- seCond degree 1-='.P- - tu —1_ and reckless larcxny, mol guilty, u,p,"ded IS months, 24 ula I V contmltnd suhsennce, stout a[ drug panphema[ia, session or maripp la L1riv3nS• 5200, Cast. $200 • Kylyn 'tan pie.,.g. hours COmmunhy service. fA;Iuiv to mni"Win tame enrenced Ip litac served. n0 one-half ounce, donde Hilum to Appear fee; no Ti- speeding 94 in a 70, dis- snrrendrr sir a. nor veer- cconad. dismissed per plea, comas, wish rklvns, roar, criminal tmspn Administrative Court The f.Llnwing speeding 70 in o 55, eedured - Dcrr3 nn Lnyvmne lost. 550 equipment fee- odd rcss changC. S7-5, cost, drivi ng+nlu, mg .3."r v dmposed of during 1. impreper equipment, 525, ISrnw n, speMljng 87 in a 711. - Claotil.3e �- S=isnuros, • Ski phen Rlch:uel cayre, hick 1n be driven wish erg. pav3e Administnlive COun cost, 556 equipment file- redo +al Ia improper equip- rail arc to stop F stop aigd fhilure o ntninl.m I.- con- jstmti.n pin1. not kizrikyed on Mev- 0._ Presiding: Mag- - David Woyss. Brand, meat, 575, cost. 550 costo- fleshing red light, disndsseJ sr01, dismissed civil. orryrk CaRury tv hi+m is[m[e Bevin D. I.1enJrix- speeding R6 In n 70.Tedured rnl,ur foo, per plm; rte ikrnsc,reduccd - BrLnney Leigh Crews, hCodl.mps, dismissed. c0r- preareuring; Penne Davgan to improper equ Lpmenh, $grid, - Jason Darnell Bryon[. to failure Io notify DMV al' speeding 821, a 61. reduced rotted. and Marissa Kinsby1, msjs- Cost, $Sit equ jpATCm rc.. speeding 85 in a 76, rcdeced -M-- sbagge.575. rose, er impnper rqujpment, - Evelyn Srororm Diaz, [ant ❑As, • Mich -L Alan .1b. Jr., tv {mpmper ryuipmrnt, 3_5, - Evan M.Kinlry CIA rk. 575, cost- speeding R7 to n 7tl. Tedviced - Corey Jackson Allred. reduced 10 improper eqL.,,. cost, 550 equipment 1'oe. railure In .duce speed. d,_ - Tmey Berrys Crisp, Tr hhtpmpar egylpmrm,7 . speeding 83 in. 70, .dared mens, SN1, Cost. $5U cq.ip- - Mdiek Rnheem Bhy- missed, dull xcnlemCnt, uFwwi g vehicle wkill Fur coal, 550 cq-IF11 1 re". . 10 jmprop,r equipment, $25, moat fes- nal, driving while Ikenm - Ronnie Ise Cnh1 , i i. diarniswd. cor- - Thomas Mot Motto cvat,$50 rgdIpmcnt Fee. - Evlogiv Be-.. rrL, revoked net DWI. Cd...d driving whiiC Ph'i r cucdnv Dootis, speeding R5 in a 70, - Anthony D. Andrrxon. speeding 67 in O 55, redueed in Faklure kr notify DMV of vnk¢d not DWI, reduced [o re - i` l tee A. Culbrelh, .duced 10 improper equip- speadiag 85 jn .70. reduced to improper equ 1p ... I,S25, Oddness change. S2S, Cost. fail". to . -City DMV of speeding 851n o 711, reduced relent- oust, $5n equjpALCm 1. improper rquipmael, 525. Cost, S50 equipment fee; no • .1 A 1 Idrks Burgess• Adams change, $?j, cost; To im1uv11rr"LLipmem,$25, Fre. case. 550 equipment fee- license, dismissed par plea. speeding 90 3n n 7D, red ured unha posscssionddisplay cost, 550 equipincnl Fec. - Jnmi. Eugenic [yam - Jrm+es Ray Ardrewsfr., - Dewey Kevin Bvld.el, in 79 jn n 7Q, 515. rust. ofr�Ilc.Jrficrillans+.v.1u•J -Morin Nichelle Dall-A' s • xpurding 88 in a 7n, todead to Empmper egaip• spading g4 In a 70, redurL:d - pjLina Sur Berns, license, unsafe n eat, spied tug 34 in a 25. rcducrd .dnrad ip impmprr equip- ntem. $SD. cost, S50 equip. iv Improper equiprn.m. 525. spading 83 In. 711, reduced driving while licrnsren re 1. improper equipment, S25, mo, t.SIOD, cosl•55h equip_ ment fee; expired equip - cost, S50 cquipmenl lee. to improper e[pripinepx.5?S, vvkcd nor DWI. dismissed cosi, 55th equipment fee- nuns Frc. tion. dismissed per aka. • Amy Salyanls Bosl- Cost.$30 "Ll "nen, frr:, per plea; Fail.. to wrnr scat - Dylan I- Dan iris, -Jimmy LA. Eller, reek- - Meryl C. Angrljcola, wick. speeding 85 in . 70, - Jennifer D- Campbelk, be11.5255U, curl, driving while license rcIcss dri v Ing Ip endanger, rc- speeding 91 1a n70, rcdncad m4 -ed In Impmper equip- speeding gLk In a 76, rcduroJ - Alicia Bnrncs Coic- voked oat DWI, reduced duce) to n -It mnvemeni, Ip 79 in a 70, S 100, Cosi: ex- meet, $25, cosi, S50 equip- to improper equipment, m givcilertdlborrow Ii- 1. rail- To notify DMV 525, rrnl- pnW license, d4smissed. meal ke- $11111, -1. $50 egLLIP.-1 c pinrc, possession+ of address change, SM1_5 Cimhrrl_v A. Ellis. - loosen Phi s Salle - Shankirn Na ueeh res. dis 1. OF allcmdlfictiliourd cost; ase Igw0js 1n of x -din 92 in o 70. reduced PP y q P y fo P Y PC 8 speeding fib inn 50.rcduced Boyd, spelling 15 in, 70. - LAu.n Nvwok Cwnp- rc eked license, CX&OLJeo a i 19 red I kj rlj tie uslre vukCd to 79 in a 10. 550, cart; tv improper equlparcm S50. reduced to Iniprup.r equip- hcLI, speeding S6 in a 70, inrpeeti. , expired license, license, c.¢celedlrc vokrdl reckless driving to endaq- epal. $5D equip f e- nn, $7S, cosi, S50 equip• reduced ie impruper equip- dkamjssed per plea; dri v- m pcnded rag, drivinglnl- ger, dismissed. - Mnnkn lay Haley Jr., mens Fer. nl, SSU. ruse, 550 equip• ing while Ikenyc mvvkrd lutving vehicle 1. M dr4ven - Daminkk Tulin En- - for slradyred - fsaac Nda. Bneon, mond Fee. nor DWI, seduced to rai" m with n Tegiu_cion, dis- So speeding 9O in a 70, light, Jismi,sed rLef oleo. speeding 75 inn 55,mdn-ed • l�w.nce A- Canning, ro neif£y ❑MV of address mi+Sed per peen; faLluee lu redured w 79 in a 7e, SIS, Rwardo SankeTa, to 64 in a 55•$13, cosi. speeding 85 in a 7D, reduced -hang.• 535, Cosx. scut loch, $2556, cost. coal; reckless driving to ra- spe.djng 84 in n 70. reduced - Chris wpher M. Been- T improper egqipmeni,$25, - Dale Colo.-.. spaed• w - JOshuu Quin 17:.visan, danger, J4smiased- l. improper pquipment,52S. Fur speeding $4 In A 70, cost, $50 cquipmcnt ire- in 88 is a 70, reduced to osl. $50 cquipmenl Y ; no reduced 1. impmprr equip- - Melinda Y- Carf"Iler. Lmpmper equipment. Sips, license, J4aTni sod, eat. $25, -L. SSO equip- sK.I.LaS 85 in a 70, redo -cd .a!l, $50 cgaipntcm r Oak Glove United Methodist Church - Douglas James mens i • 1. improper equjpme it,525. - r•]oyd Keith Calljns. Beuehem. speeding 97 in A - AnSN Marie Hrvaks, rose, $Su "air.-= fee. drjv4ng while IlCense �ammuniiy SI'Cakiast 70, reduced To 79 in . 70, fell- tv went seat beh, - Jackwn M. Cariner, yoked not DWI, dismissed. $1.0w. c ;reckless Chir_-S25.56.mse. T Bare to mai main I—ran- CormcleJ. Fundraiser jag Io r L" ger, dismiss 1 Auyar.,a Lashay int. dismissed, civil. -Alma Gloria Cok.n, no Pa plea. Bxvo", speeding 70 in a - Illi -r R_ Carola.. A. IJcCAA- `o Gl d .gistranimr, SSt,:lyda �eC_ �i�, 2014 -Ch-Lophcr I- Bswvers_ 55. reduced to 64 in a 55. Itcease, . • .red 1. fl -l- dirmissed-rorKcxed speedjag 63 iia 45.redur� 515, roar; f,,ilAe Ip aux ere mainlato 1a.. -antral. s2s. - R.hen Ekiri Conger 7-00 —7.0:00 AAI To }mprupa equipment. p --ger under age Sfi_dis- rnss- Jr.. operating .,Chicle wwk RrfngelrlcuL Fsnm f-phalat¢r16smin.:-Jason Slou. cosi. 550 eq.P—L missed per plea. -Edgar -.i haO Closely Il, ao i—.-. drivmV i- 11L'I for- - ISieolc Vi.., aro m as- speeding gS ju a 70, rodu-4 t.wiag vehicle ru I, driven Bre Sef P+iw I<maMo 13cn;rrs'_ speedeag SS in a 70, reduced to -proper egaiprTwx+t,S'S_ uith no Fre_-tsaanipe, expired �+ arty .lsatCar -pre-Ling 92 is a 7O. red fd to impmprr equrpmenl_ case_550 equ-ipeuese fee- registration, dis.tis!ed per m 79 in a 7D. Si S. oast_ SL00, erns, ic0 cgvapatent -Una Leygh^`••.. piw: drivvyg whsle l<ct+are �I<GTUYS uML' -CeuarPi3an, rez#J�x do d, --d- fee: 1.11 -to srcurepuwr• speedi¢g 86 in 7O -red"- ..vkcd poo DPR. rWuceri meg- 199-1 [;514 -lis, �I.✓• _ill •A>t ;c - Breads C BL -k --der. ger Lader age 16. dismissed- Tn impoper equ+I"-T.$50, to F 'lore to nutsfy DMV of - 10 - DAVIE COXTNTY EhTErrPeTCF RECORD. Thursday, Dee. 8.2016 Firefighters Honored Members of the Advance Fire Department honored at a recent banquet include, from left: Asel. Chief Alan Burton; Lt. Dustin Frye, firefighler of the year; Amber Myers, medical re- sponder of the year; Capt. Ricky Hockaday, 50 years of service,, Danny Chandler, president of the board of cilrectors; and Asst. Chief Jeff Finney. Not pictured! Wendy Terry, auxiliary outstanding service award, wit OCRID161pirifinir These volunteers helpod load arta soltolt donations to go to frond victims in Robeson County. Churches Send Relief To Robeson A gm.p of churches and seat a trurklond of w . business from the Mock , ter, mile[rics, clothes, and rill. area sent rnlieF effort eicaning xupplica 10 Lum- .• .' m 1111' peopin of Rob Twh Mrtbil Cir No.!'I:., County thatwere eFleowd upon arriving ial..[he by Hurricane Mar[hew- city, she effect .r Lbu wt.ln .4n effort that was was evident as them "0. headed up by Cedar Grave blacks of houses- it., lied Baptist Church, Mx, Zion been eWde nnl:4 with the Holiness Church' of Gtxi rnn[cros of those txiuteg or Mvcksv 11. as we11 as were mode lora rubble that Shiloh Missionary Baptist 5m in the yolk. Church of Wnatva-$neem PAa[W Marjon Franks and other 1rreN e]lurehes or hbo Cedar Greve Bnp- t6t Ch-rch was on hard to help with the delivery ',;:'•�,'..'N of more than 500 caecs of water, 2W c of clean- CRENS ' w PAINiu�INyG�1 �1]I!]tlYJlilfli'LSCL-� 14 n ing suppkca, and 15 bona and many of the crunches oFelolhes- in this Arca for sharing and "It is traly hcanhncak• caring" ing Iv"ae. ffielr s t - t iliesa' �ThougYal6 wmnra Have peapte have expo freed meeded, lherc's s111k . long and wa arc. ham ihet way for [hc arca to rc[um the peopleof".N7QckavillC' To normal, bn saw, Many and Winsl.n•Sntem null residcnls of water.Nnmlh collie loge[h rarM give and - Carolina have jun! slotted helping hoed;' Franks ahill il: the long rope to [.—very. "We arc especially thankful "We leve Anne . lot, r r companies like Ashley but we ere not done:' said Furniture, WC Construe- Fmnis- r1w Company, B tk gres. If yinte,rcmd in offrrhrg VF Jcneswrar. members help, Ilse Sandy Gmvc Bap - of the Davi- County High list Church or Lnnrticnon. School fpplb-II tear, Sratc is 1]p design -red commo- Sen. Dr- Paul A. Lowe Jr. nity silc for donctions, Tam Tem is a spayed female domestic long hair mix. Har estimated dais of birth is Aug. 6, ROTS. Tam Tam is sweet, friendly, and playful. She Is up-to-date on va(:cinMlons. Tam Tart's adopUon fee is $37 for the Home for the Holi- days adoption speai at. Stormh s €a a neutered male Pitt)ull mix. His estimated date of birth is March 26, 2012. Stormie is sweat and outgo- ing- He is working on learning bloke. He walks well on a leash and he gets along with kids. Stormle's adoption fee is $75 for the Home for the Holidays adoption special. It Interested in adopting these or other avallable pels from the Humane Society of Davie County, fill out an adopt€on appliCatO at 'wknvo7avFeJ umerne.� org or Call the adoption center Ell 336.751.5214. Children enjoy the free WtnterFast celebratlon Saturday at Junker's Mill in Downtown 6_ WinterFest Macksville, sponsored by the Mocksville Tourism Authority. The event Included a bounce house, giant slide, balloon art and stories. The next two Saturdays, horse and buggy rides 9U� �pq2 Fun will be available 6:30-8:30 p.m- for rides through downtown, where buildings and trees are lined with white lights - DAVO: C0UV- 1r' E-xTittp'fti_4F_ RECORD. Thursdwy. bee. 8.20T6 - BI Sports One Heck of A Bide Davie's Magical Season Ends In Third Round By Bart— Pira Davie Errlerprise Record In Ihcqunnerl nahr Friday w War U.110. 5[adlunl, it was like welching e pair of honvywelght chalmll +s going at ir. lyavie. the Pop seed m mho 4A Wet, struck twice in the Freels. ecu nines for a 14-9 lead. Visiting Dadlcy, Thr No- 2 seed, answeTed wnh 22 straight Palms. Davie se- Spmlded wish 16 unanswered points 1. take a 30-22 I-4,For ihrce avid e half quanera, it was a Shooing RICA will, drmmm and thHlla, The Panthers, who are. slacked wdefutuce Uivisian-In ale. t.fiftliy hmke Davirt'a split with 6.,13 m- maFning and closed the game on o 32-0 leor In= 54-30. Ir draw IUs euneLl on n woodrrful 12-2 season For the War Eagles, who find won le straight Both loses wrm I- Ihr NaLbarr, who improved [. 13-1. 'They're . good term;' Davie machT.m Devrrteke said.."Ihcy'rn -I going to Fold. They've been in [hese big games. been 1n The pros. wm•cMker, and they're going to battle track. we tried Co maintain [he momrntur and tried to keep btglleg ea well:' "They (wt the best of ue by the end," senior left —We L Lk. Prams Pal said as tea Ines and coaches shared teak i hngt utter ane ofI to gr.nrntseasons ever in the final game at War Eagle stadium- "We Ieatly fought hard 110 seas... We armed everyg thinwe got. 1 want Uy ItFhk yet.; Io evcryo a who, e sped me and helped the Irma. it's really been a fnntaarici.urney Having a quarterback like Chris Reynolds afforded Davie o puncher's chance, even against an opponent with unreal .dem, red the early merorms were electrifyingtol the War Eagle.. On the second ploy from scrim• mage, Dudleygtnica"�;-!-*mak Hendon Hooker (140 hing y -a. 261 - - passing y-1- , two io nans. two TD passed tried a me straight up ata mkIdI: LinebackerJnmes Eayie met him a[ Ne lfan p{ scritrunege, Then�bl.wcausingafambk. Thebanball Y Re nolds Walks off As One Of The Best Ever i balled bnckxodte Dad. Notes & Quotes P ley 5, where a Paalher re: @Ted. Dudley punted after the next prey. By Brian Phex apurumamship- He has eharlama Reynotdm owns three .f the eight "Hr's been outstanding for two On Dnvle's fifth off naive play, Davie Enterprise Rcaenl xh.,..dears him to everyone he 300 -yard passiag games in Davie years,^.each Tim D.—A.ks said_ Reynolds split two defenders in The mrcta. He how everything you tlstory. He holds the netted far "Hr'ss a Brent kid, a Braes IeadeY Wckfineld and relied left- Inneed There amn'I many things —old nam in a Qa - exon(at 777 pax inn gam. wish five- Dad I'm super plead of Wm. of wking off, he Ripped a pass Iv left that can be amid whoa= Chris height. He's 5-11, 1f he were Career —plenvns - B..ge "He's A fsntasuc mhlete, Cewpe[ Wall, who gained 26 yardm Reynolds Cher Imven't already 6 -foot -plus, he would be .Lig- .i43 and Reynolds 3(19- o grnax qunnerback and 1 can- T- the Dudley 3- Bnler111e hamm.r been said, hot hcme goes= file II— College Draped- It looks Cold, pnssting yards - Be age definitely see him On Ih....I team, with Boy" at tight end nod will go ctow'n on a Davin football like fin will So 10 Chvlmle as n 6.392 and Reynolds 5,636, L -el doing good slings:' i)adtey Be.. Byerty at blocking hack. On I mThe pafe 1-d wdky , Career 7F] posses - Reynolds quannrhack Hendon Hunker said; ecorld-and-goal from the 1. Reya- quarterbaeit wrs Almost Repmlds broke x rds you're Threw two against Dudley To give "At 5-1 L. DAvie QB Chris Aids followed Byeriy Sud ranntng inspossibic la slop. With his not supposed to break in 24 him the record al $9, Boge had Reyn-Ida isn't the ben wllege back Peytotl Hump[nn, }umping elusive "P- "no he was games. •rbe Incrcdlble numbers 57. prospect in the stat.- But he erthe midden offha lute to score, eaikxl the high-school rquivelrnt Will IF— in time - forever. Career games with multiple mLghr he the most dynamic Prep J—d Griggs'extm poinegave t7aWa or Sohnny Mnnriel and Ruswll Season rernpktfonr - Reye - Ti]p.ses-Reynolds t9 and player;' rweeled 34%Wot Post .7-0 I"d. Will... Tblk about o cerapetitnr. old. 2n7 Ion year, G-11 Benge Benge 17, reporter Mlke Lnndon- Mdley'ssecondpoasesskmend- He gave up his body on two TA Z03 CMOs) and Reynolds 191 this There ale many, many meta -As I've said .11 year. Do- cdwim7ackUnit burml.g th—gh nIm in the opening mi nureaOf year. recoils and r.p-five finishes for vie QB Ghrls Reynolds was Ilse middle to block a punt. Davie Davies---ft.ol 54-30 quaver- Season passing yards - $enge Reynolds. He was The lest War spretaewlur," Chris Hughes of Iaakoveratthe Dudley 13.Ontltird. hnat has to Audrey. leaping over 3,071 (2006). Reynolds 2,874 last Eagle 1. emit The fir ld late Friday Caraliaapreps.c.m wrote In . and -9 From rhe 12, Dudley blazed defendera.strewhinit IIID Ixl1 over year, Zueh Tiling 2,524 (2095) nigra, his helmet Mill buckled pet. "lie's a gamer, ha nmprtes from the left and Reynolds awepl the plate of the goal tine and end Reynolds 2513 this year. as he welted sI.wty toward bre nc i1bly hard and has :unnxing around right end, leaping frm the giving his team a 14-0 lead. Over geasc TD famscs - Benge 34 locks mous- Hnw many times 14 ICnt,1 Think he may ga dawn ys- 2-yard lice and..lI nding she boll to I" seasons, he made mom you- (2006], Acynolds 29 this year oral did C look m rhe Daren beside n rap. five player in War Eagles brenkthep]ane,ntenncioas TP tba[ go[[a-ba-kldding-me piny. Moa Rey.olds 2g last year. them and any: "Chunk goodness history-" brought [hc home fansto urunrand you can count. Passing yards In a game - f Chris Ray As hard r.a it provided a (aeathtakfng 19-U 1-4. 'Roan's much snore Lo it's Reynolds 4t3 in this year's as m digest hii t tai hear. time Davk's 12-2 ran caa't be I lease Set Ridr - Page B4 gunslinger- Be is a model or 45.42 win over North Davidson, march.%.. and sv will we. Ptcasc Sec Best - Page B4 Wrestlers Show off Talent In S.C. Tourney By Brian Phis C"lian tram is the Geld- Amax- Carter bed a walk in rhe peek at with The mamatadet's moll -out- rooster- yunler dominticW him" Drvle Enterprise Recmed ingfy, the W Erghes shred 1383 195, goirtg 9-0 with three pins, Handing-wresdsr award and M. Seniors Tommy tSndcr (a .% x1 points without anyone aI 132, 182 including a first -period pin In rbc proved his revand W 11-0• 1261 and Kyle M.C.—(4-tat 17ej It's not as if Davies wtestllpg a 12M_ What's more, Mry were Ranks- It was a stamp of legifimaey "Th. guy he brae [6-2) in the had fifth -place showings. Juni.ra which bus Leen a doratinun misting Nantes Strickland, David f -r Caner. who woo 57 percent of semihnuls was a nate chaunp from Josh Shone f3-2 se 10d] trod NieY pangraatn since dse early 19W0 and Sigmon and football players. his 98 matches rhe past two years Fattlide:' Lowery said_ Gillis (a-3 at I20) fmisbed ac—als has won 29 marches for IS con- The top five were.ireher tGa.l lel fs 11-0 this year- Smith's pin in the finals over.+ in their respective weight cJasses,' secutive yuan, needs mei I.,-- with 2117 Flamm. Buford (Ga.) —, -11 -6 wrc t ft good," 1_'y freshman from W -let d Made- "Shore heat a state ch.rup t8t 2 Bat haute's sixthplaee finish in 198, �s[side [S.C'.1 with 183.0ak said_ ^He's wrestling like he.. MY was a heaudiul thing ro watch in the fuse round) " l.oWcry it_ TheSw1 he n Slam on Dec. 2-3 Mwnrain [.V .)with k54and Collins Sapp -sed m- That's all you cart ask from Daviel pw'ive, Although they did »d places in aodersaudably had wt Wu£aales Hill (G..) with 1955. for-H,,'sgmteabevnr-Everyt..dy's "The guy from Woodward the rap seven, Dasie got avxl-lpk putfmg Dur their ealleed_ chest. "We didn't have five who we lout; gf lira todos ffitmgaad dmughlhrw 8wd,-Lowery mId_ whhs from settle, wu AIIrn 13-2 The Siam was held ar Saoside think ern going rn be han-Ien: he's grow. sad m•=:�,.' ^Hc acted Tikebe—the heath -tag at 1381Juniorloseph Nty—(2 =a[ High in T ylars- S -C- oa Dec.2-3. m h Buddy Lr,wxrY said "All or it was =swrr of the >ame &m.a stmt sliced hexad. Hr has w'sestled 153) aadjunior Craywa `49 12-3 The wp-five teams 1.eiksd frcte us nate pl—.d" 5_13, ar 113_ He w-erc 3-0 with a in aryWingaad e.ay..'bere, and he a1 I fi01. 5optsaeanre Peyton 5hesalt Goarzp,S _• C�tina and Al_ Srniees Huryter head 3r -ase � decisioa.a r�8nind fell. a Ihr he Mrs going on win -k taeaa ever 1 .�= k45- h—DrN--the eel.-Norrh Cart "led to Grsxplacc Gnlahes. deddoa cad a pie -He walkrd MY be wallxd amuhd There Like a tarry' PI.—See -Dalear-Page B2 113-13AVIE LrYUNr n'E%-rvR_l?R15E RECORD.Tburnray.Der.s. 2016 Middle Schools Open Wrestling Seasons With Wins senna D.Vie s -fling we It do -t Leal" them" Them were live lean and nei- got ¢big upset -If you looked Ethan Dans won by fpr(eiL Gam Arringlon. Errmido tram w eaten Oahe by Eight af-Smih'soi+ wins thrr team led by more'I-. at xhr sire dIF1'erencr. you "1 was very impressed;' Rodn&.-. Sawyer Shorts. -Snulhrasl GuiIYOrd fn recent wort pin..' the cue- ionwua t2, rains by Reyes. Smith vu]d have thought Lenwer said 3usrin l•erry. Whvi919.6 Erhaa I7ou6, Max Martinez yearr, a fbrf.ii to Ramiro Co. i cnez and Leonard lurncA +?-1• I� had a chaeoc, And he come s ,Fill.' third -year mach. and Brandon Lagan. Not This rime, al 03- The pin, came Cram dc}lck in . 30•:4 Ir.d, through with a his pin-" 'Thr guys showed a Irl of Not only is North very The Tigan got n mrasu- 1a 16n Ijam at 83. Brian Hturru'pinrbroke a 42.42 Ifo, I.rizGan1 nailed dawn the hewn:' lnexperi.rcind, it ram ,res- oY ttv6n Be in Ihelr sensor Aeyes nr 1:16 Elijolt Sn>I[h of and La;eanv's pin sealrel i[ vietpry as ¢first-year 6ighrh F3 ores got a pine Ing one n! its rap guys - l.T- dpern r on Nav- 30, pulling 132. CJnrf us Leonard nt 138, al 54-42. grader. South wcrrame the though 1+C was ourwei8hed at Richnrclsvn, who was Out nin a 54-415 6amh,kmcr. The Dawn. Lyerly n[ t60, Av "[Hoa trial i tatty a ahsemce of Ivan Pong, who haavywelghl by 0.0 pounds. with ¢n injury. match was hold 6t Ellis, cry Tay for ar 170, Mntthew 182 -pounder [he wrcs+led k w with a limier Iva Even though Bryson Parker. "I'm ]vvkingro Beta solid Southeast routed Sunlh in Harris or ]95 and Car1u. 1951;' NHwn.rid,"But we us South forfell ed nt 145, 'lyter Snydrr and Logan ycnr out oY J.T. al 90 or 98;' 2012.13 (86.12-; in 2013- [d Iaazcann ar ?'O- huiuprd him up and he tyres- I xhould be back this Ramsry came up ahori.l'rxTy' sold ]amey FInlr,wh. is 42.9 (89- l2] and in 2o14•i 5 [57- It Wins close nal Ili, w -y, Ilcrl x Iurp,,nxu:cWar kid an.l week• Hilton avid Lyer1Y -is n- pla¢acd by what he sora as NoM's fiFlh-year eyach. 30). Bur Scath managed W a bast" as a e¢ventil grudnir. from alt three. "He ahvulrf lead us. Out n1 to I -.of 17 wcighl c1a'sses Adam SCewcsyk,'fhylvr. "I batidve Parker should 17 weight class6ss, i amnad to pick l a big win. Ralkg and Hams ale the only have won his m.tch a[ 98:' 14 seventh genders:' "T)tcy'rt, lough," South _ Trgers wtro saw Limas start- he said. "Ix wnaiied 8-8 when ICeleb Mills, Ate,Lln[rigs, .asshuun coach it-Miell Eli l- >s l+pl year- Petry L six is he Bol pinned- Snyd.r had to Gray Thurin and Mason No" said. "Il w n good r w 86.67 ns Sv..W,. 13th- rdalle their baa[ kid, nod I Servs om [Ito only Wiidcnts match. Svarlhen6rsGui]Ik+rd �� I'j' year cwmh. The Tigcm, who believe he mold hood pence who saw time ¢s starter's bon[ Davie Fn the [high- _ 'finished 8-3 ansa year, a him- Ramsey is a first-year lent year. and they only gp school] playoffs last ycnr and -'�' "] looking for n thins winning eighth Broder. He 6 Enexpc- a crxnhk+cd 15 maichex an a they only torr 1v West Fory 'l::. -i_ .,, �• _ III qn is a mw, rlenxd but he's 'reproving team thni went 10-3, sy1h, the stale. chnmpg, by - t__�• i "%W young:' Hilton curry day:' 'This is the lits[ ycnr in roup[. p0ii1L. So 131r__`��`-,_ me y've Bot __ - Sold, "�Nr're gv a lot vExixih Ellis. wllkh fi nishcd 7.4 a long as we don't hove n rcn[ly good pmgrnm.5incr =_- -_ --- and se venal graders. but lust year, has posted eight atr"awns6ntkhegnfd- I've bete c ching al South. --- ' i� - we rc getting better." straight winning season.- During N¢nh's term Downey and LNlkley am talc able sneak vC winning sra- Jesse Carter ancf Hunt rr Smith took firs[ place. Ellis appears M B, strong only rclurning starters. sons, it has near, xnff red :rfr6r the I -Sona pounded mare than four I...6 in o Talenf c .. Svulh... ( Guilford 66.36 North Davi., which has season- ni hurtle on Nov. 30 In theircorded nn astonishing 35 Pie+tiecaepr+rraic hi_ rylener. sl roiylsl wlnal vg s_cns, Saurlr D.vic improved t. Continued Fra- P.gr BL drop run in 2016-17. Throe aC Elite' xIx tosses .paned idt an easy 71-30 2-0withacom(bmtbk66.36 MOCAS(aL :1(k 561761•&567 'lwastkkledl id]lu+wwe wore rorild1w. 11 got pinaf wan ave viii ring 1-cidiig[nn win over vlsldn[: Thumas- riAiFJg+l:1614733aW7 "Myer stopped it tap and wr.sticd;'h6soid-"Il'scvcry Jnc.h Peay[S 4). Note Willi- 6n Dec. 1. vi if. no Dec. 1. 8Peonlar. em" Bldg• wrcxt!cd pretty hood," he bit - hard as most -9ivnnis. Icy (113), E-,.., Belk All Fuur of Nvnh's phw smt1[ gat pins F Seth 306N'Sai dul1yy SL sold-"He'ril r 152 -pound- h's a Iway dnggege rough (120), Marlhcw Dow rte me Ih.m s "th Webb. Smith and L i Aelelgh l'7C] 27L�IXifR25 Y ca fFad�' Y6r Y- y'''�" er.H-cls hod In at 147.He 9 too ---t. You ni •ht a F1+tai:Javv.+®/rieg.rrer g I 1, s [126], loshu. 834 vd (132], Collin 6niley, S.m Collins, Gering Cattails ween Gani- .,.Ilye 14.5-pnrrMl6r- wrlI it alle.d and lime Out 0-46 Fryc [136), lana. Jaden Dnvis and DJ. Hal- errcz, Dylnn lC-niz. 9xe- l.6okturlp6aFacrheakEt Throw In doe wresncrs whpl you'a. Bol and uAaN W6pb [l45), Tyler TllI" ley. sJcxlaglea [solaced .vCr wL•xyk, Leon. Dnnlal Haplullalictud Who were miasiag. odd 1t nl] you metol to do. and that's a [ 195). Robby Landry (220) Eorfelic - eight in all - t. Garcia, Ashton Wf lllnms, ✓'am nr.rAw7rnn:ve• pp sad D6vId 6 primrd for a good pl ore ry IE ME Vol," and Jc rmpy Flores (25o). Lanc IF If. Illake Jenkins, Thyl.r a6d-I'onncr Scehresl. Ago AHIMHOM _ Kum 1 f" MDY�lr�If r f6Vl ]w+•t. 111[�nmor,tW earaks•..i Ise,+ it opvming lea zed 20 [7 11 ClerrnIrkara 76F�2233 •: .:+ iy BWKLE BUNNIES BOU•I•IQ[]E WE5_MRN 60LfRQUE +r WeHaveMavedf G'op're VIA airrrret4 Awatiaril 58-1 Court Square Mocisvlie Sas-37ss-3so �' (3rowIng up In Clemmone Mark dinklns owner of pairing automatic trapsmissi ons.' A&D Automotkra In Mocksville, knew that when he o opened his own business. It would be in Ihie area. puter probleand check engine lights - tromea, comms The biggest part of his friends Ilved In Davie Ccunty UI 1.1CIr1l. c IMON so he knew the Clarrrrions, Advance. Mocksville area fi Tlirlt?IU e. ';-sr � i6.1 _ Kum 1 f" MDY�lr�If r f6Vl ]w+•t. 111[�nmor,tW earaks•..i Ise,+ it opvming lea zed 20 [7 11 ClerrnIrkara 76F�2233 •: .:+ iy BWKLE BUNNIES BOU•I•IQ[]E WE5_MRN 60LfRQUE +r WeHaveMavedf G'op're VIA airrrret4 Awatiaril 58-1 Court Square Mocisvlie Sas-37ss-3so �' (3rowIng up In Clemmone Mark dinklns owner of pairing automatic trapsmissi ons.' A&D Automotkra In Mocksville, knew that when he Some of Ilia things A & D speclalizes in are alec- opened his own business. It would be in Ihie area. puter probleand check engine lights - tromea, comms The biggest part of his friends Ilved In Davie Ccunty I have the factory scan tools (talks to the cars com- so he knew the Clarrrrions, Advance. Mocksville area puler system) here at the shop for all domeslic and would be best for him. most foreign care: Mark noted. •I use 19 ride my hike up and down Lewisville -Clem- Some of the other services A & D provides are: rr,cme, Road when it was still a Iwo -lana road," he said CEI changes In a recent lrltervlew, "My parents still live In the same • Auto l lsp9otlons house I grew up In:' - Wheel alignment Mark, a 1998 graduals of West Forsyth High - Akr conditioning repaks School, worked for several years ata garage in • Brakes Clammons bolas he opened his own boa rkass In Ad- - Tune ups Vence In 2005. He recently moved No a new locatlon Dealership level computer 131e9ricatic3 Just off Farmington Road in 1vocksvkile. His now shop - Gomplele auto arsd light truck repairs 1s convenient to 1.40 near North Davie Middle School • The and wheal sales and the new High School. As the cooler months approach. Mark mentioned to 1 he" akwaye wanted to have a famlly-orlenled make sure you check your vehldo's Gaoling system business,' he mentioned- •And having my customers and check line anal Freeze levels, know that they can 1rusl me Is everything' A & ❑Automotive is kGGated &1 163 Beechtrea Place A & D Automotive can take care of just about any. in Mocksville Oust oil 1-40 at Ih9 Farmingtan Road uiing a vehicle needs. They are a ane -slop shop -exp]- Mark can be reached at (336) 5388.7a80. -1 do a lot of things other mechanics dont want to The shop hours are 6:00 am - 5:00 pm Mon. - Fri. touch," Mark added. -We even have a Source ler re- and on Saturday by appelnimam. "'A ire { Iinn:ing aria I I t:a�erNr FOOL CASH IFMANh` IMMI'M(IMP { ,Har,Co-cr.,a�, of rq+ to 61,175dw I Paw_ tsr�x.erndrs,.af { � P+rraaelcprselaso+f,,mwto wssou.00 rid -sacra - I fp(,ypry raskarolrr� saad.00 I r3lodifes, Alma.[$ Ik000 nSAVINGS:: I Cab a C. d A o,r.med � I 336-936-9111 { �AL4 raYYLdti•VE poen c9FiG, tem,:egam Hoerr cdy - ver -taw Act... Lyda. - ai1��.xrc I�.P.eaevtia'+r••a altraa+la n.. aarcra.wn-sas.•r nal rrws-a�un�ser.e=e 336-998-7880 - totter -%C EI�NNdNB B�Ra18s0IP Pre�oarrrrBm•slafs� Turs.-Frl u3nea • 6 pnc Sar klon-mar (336)766 -Ml zlxl L..-r�cw E� weaitnirc DAVIE COUNTY E N-YE"IFILSE ItF_CORD• Thursday. In- 1, 2016 - H -A CQNTEST RULES I- A�yvne em ever exrep emq¢ym of ear horde 4. In cur Dion, tlp per txlp cmiedvntmdn and $200 E30NUS PRIZE For sat Pa tlCCF Entry Camry erpnsc Rmxd ani Ihar hmllua Qd]• one cury noobwa Forth la re m Lm1d Woe. If aue w11 rtiw zanezdper push por-,All rnlrin man k an odpaad aaan]s%ijl br di0tia qually among the w ays. IM -'soden 'Wil•s7btl.5e Ealdrs mast a ddi+end b I& EwetpriregxaN 1 t raze Go Davie Hi h 2 .j. n in dh sta.'s crawl i. Inwd h cul, btfasSpnFl axh+xek Tie ohceiskcmn at37i5 Jp. alvrrdYriktn ort these Ixu p�r.l•itl i¢ er molest Gael: btlin5r„Llotmlk,\T, � MAI] Way EagI��1XK`.limirn nul]hernlryer oEna We Ra ss Iku 9'l, hIrc6tilk,N['YN2A. 6, Winters -ill bt amn.rod forawing rack Poled Dedbuas M j -r aql le Final. .1 naw ktrSlesi sig k 3, Tie Pntentrnt�m�rtly ppmmAeleng tlrwlnale ¢[all -L-h-rd. prtP.s inawakwitl moci+na3aas F$25f 11'td ltr5 >Csss�ap6�Ltlr�µ+reaedssa��w.lparr 2nd Prize Your "Horne-T•own"Drug Store 1-alatir- r-M.xlnptan Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road - Mocksvllla, NC 336-751-2141 7harr WI Ce vebide maialevlulre Center NU NEED TO TRAVEL TO A DEALER Now DF(adng Ali Ford - Llncoln - htekdllry Factory Dlagnontba 8 Programming -••-rTefetleY-7tdp. SL''- -Ai1lira r Ju r bio I tr ra r: " 162611wy, 601 S. 75[-1800 hrarde nkennvd .irmrf Atnrk'uiliC in Iva ]Sires - Drinks - Spirits 6235 Towncenter Drive• C7emmons [336)766.7045 rt. v. Te,a r, Fnrana.a SPILLMAN'S _ b HaME ^Ja FUEL OIL Call today for Heafrng oilwiveryl Cali.Penn SL �. ¢SC Today for Delivery 284-2551 WE Bun GOLD! 561h ` �nrAMOle Gnl.A�gy' ht0c"v1LLP. • j0&751-5116 ' 10)7Y W -01r kd-Near Rabler lxvuc.-sl.m-.a 11441 nevdman Road fACc`XV"Ia. NC 27028 "When lee fah you doyrrl, we'll pick vW up, JOE'S TOW 2a Hourho.d.tdce -Carmee smart. Medium a Heavy D.o• rewire Joseph Crafts, Ovener www-laestckW5,Cvm r Il o a a TIRES FOR• 9 0 ■ • Carr • 7Yucka • to s Its a l • Fahr F YEA. • Lawn Equ p. 1083 Salisbury Road • Mockaville, (A 6 rK mob awe Dario ergo 5ancdl (336) 753-8090 Follow the Davie county Enterprise Record 0HUNE1 Look for us on W�on.Fb..r.,ar our-y rm-.;L. o s.Lclikeon- www.ourdavie.com 4WINGO'S r---- Q+••.•+rek•,.l. rr,row...I R•I va Ff.. Ar. La • JawtAry Cleslgn selection of Raw gfamonds, + special ordom Watc1]es, Gold chains, . watch Re Pak ' . R` l--� Earrings zea raaac r•r� Nle -Plus Creations DISCOUNT aGAREI"TES. * is I ADVERTISER WINNER PERKINS ROOFING l ,. FOSTER DRUG ivgslygm¢RR Craps ot:rvuvnOa re pd� fTrrvrddblle party Intdls Phon336-753•4355 166e Fi•m6•sw _ 1me.s s87raesa] ,{ �/3005r: �serrx Q rq.dsilk NC °¢+t f•todaNllr,NC 270'],0 �'4S@-0062 �� dW Wn Has H Gem, O ft%% a kc Gft.a mh��+uccrv. Nin4 •1 kri` S - totter -%C EI�NNdNB B�Ra18s0IP Pre�oarrrrBm•slafs� Turs.-Frl u3nea • 6 pnc Sar klon-mar (336)766 -Ml zlxl L..-r�cw E� weaitnirc DAVIE COUNTY E N-YE"IFILSE ItF_CORD• Thursday. In- 1, 2016 - H -A CQNTEST RULES I- A�yvne em ever exrep emq¢ym of ear horde 4. In cur Dion, tlp per txlp cmiedvntmdn and $200 E30NUS PRIZE For sat Pa tlCCF Entry Camry erpnsc Rmxd ani Ihar hmllua Qd]• one cury noobwa Forth la re m Lm1d Woe. If aue w11 rtiw zanezdper push por-,All rnlrin man k an odpaad aaan]s%ijl br di0tia qually among the w ays. IM -'soden 'Wil•s7btl.5e Ealdrs mast a ddi+end b I& EwetpriregxaN 1 t raze Go Davie Hi h 2 .j. n in dh sta.'s crawl i. Inwd h cul, btfasSpnFl axh+xek Tie ohceiskcmn at37i5 Jp. alvrrdYriktn ort these Ixu p�r.l•itl i¢ er molest Gael: btlin5r„Llotmlk,\T, � MAI] Way EagI��1XK`.limirn nul]hernlryer oEna We Ra ss Iku 9'l, hIrc6tilk,N['YN2A. 6, Winters -ill bt amn.rod forawing rack Poled Dedbuas M j -r aql le Final. .1 naw ktrSlesi sig k 3, Tie Pntentrnt�m�rtly ppmmAeleng tlrwlnale ¢[all -L-h-rd. prtP.s inawakwitl moci+na3aas F$25f 11'td ltr5 >Csss�ap6�Ltlr�µ+reaedssa��w.lparr 2nd Prize Your "Horne-T•own"Drug Store 1-alatir- r-M.xlnptan Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road - Mocksvllla, NC 336-751-2141 7harr WI Ce vebide maialevlulre Center NU NEED TO TRAVEL TO A DEALER Now DF(adng Ali Ford - Llncoln - htekdllry Factory Dlagnontba 8 Programming -••-rTefetleY-7tdp. SL''- -Ai1lira r Ju r bio I tr ra r: " 162611wy, 601 S. 75[-1800 hrarde nkennvd .irmrf Atnrk'uiliC in Iva ]Sires - Drinks - Spirits 6235 Towncenter Drive• C7emmons [336)766.7045 rt. v. Te,a r, Fnrana.a SPILLMAN'S _ b HaME ^Ja FUEL OIL Call today for Heafrng oilwiveryl Cali.Penn SL �. ¢SC Today for Delivery 284-2551 WE Bun GOLD! 561h ` �nrAMOle Gnl.A�gy' ht0c"v1LLP. • j0&751-5116 ' 10)7Y W -01r kd-Near Rabler lxvuc.-sl.m-.a 11441 nevdman Road fACc`XV"Ia. NC 27028 "When lee fah you doyrrl, we'll pick vW up, JOE'S TOW 2a Hourho.d.tdce -Carmee smart. Medium a Heavy D.o• rewire Joseph Crafts, Ovener www-laestckW5,Cvm r Il o a a TIRES FOR• 9 0 ■ • Carr • 7Yucka • to s Its a l • Fahr F YEA. • Lawn Equ p. 1083 Salisbury Road • Mockaville, (A 6 rK mob awe Dario ergo 5ancdl (336) 753-8090 Follow the Davie county Enterprise Record 0HUNE1 Look for us on W�on.Fb..r.,ar our-y rm-.;L. o s.Lclikeon- www.ourdavie.com 4WINGO'S r---- Q+••.•+rek•,.l. rr,row...I R•I va Ff.. Ar. La • JawtAry Cleslgn selection of Raw gfamonds, + special ordom Watc1]es, Gold chains, . watch Re Pak ' . R` l--� Earrings zea raaac r•r� 0 DISCOUNT aGAREI"TES. * is I ADVERTISER WINNER .� xaF l ,. FOSTER DRUG 40' IMPpA C a NC- VAPOR `JI�aRUC�' 12 OURDRI ECOM 13 I s �°1GAR$�x311st'sdlw>.n DERO'5 r''' V -v A4 336-n8-1144 DAVIE CGLJI PITY 14. SPILI.MW'i'S I { S. ENTERPR RE(7pR4 I aNTCRPRIr1112 Z0RC0R0 I s. wlHco'sJEw tEHs I FILL COVERAGE ON NEWS 8e ADVERTISING 17. PHILCAR P.O. Bank 99 171 South Main Sc,Mmksviile, NC 27426 I a JOES TfJW I phone:(336j 751.2129 Fax: o36) 751.9760 Cuslarn Budding 2071 www.onrdoWe,com 9. TARHEELTp6A0C0 Congratulations to this week's I la'assalNE'snREaauro I CONTEST 112 111108SFOOTBALL I 112 DAVIE WELER5 DAVIEJE I ►1 W 13 TLCAUfflMOTNE First Place = $20.00 to Ed Scherlacher Tie stair 1 'fir` (Ir � on;-. dt wionen." I l Second Place = $5.00 to Shawn Painter I Clemson vs. Ohio State TOW I I It had to happen ... yes, the final week of cur Football Contest has arrived. We've I NA>fE: ' picked a lot of college playoff and bowl games for this round so put your thinking caps on and give 1t your best shat? We ill announce the winners in January. Irl the meantime-._CONGRAFUl ATIpNS to Ed ^xherlacher who missed only 3 I ADDRESS: I games but had to use the tie-breaker to edge out 3 other contestants for the First I Place honors. Coming in just a few points away 1n the tie-breaker was Shawn Second Place It hearthreaker last DAY PHONE : NIGHT: I I Painter who claims the prize. was a week as our Davie War Eagles last tD Dudley but Dur hats are off to the locals on a great season! Emeries #lust Be Received Sainte s pm Friday 64 - oAVIE CG[JNTY ErMERARSSK RECORD. Thour dity. Dee -8. 2016 Ride ... I Cunthri-d FF- PaRe 81 at halftime. "1 ftr11 the momentum go- They knew we had m lbraw it 30-29 in --imr in the tea. i "It definitely felt goad, "Aber 'he xhkrd nr f rth ing our way; Reynolds sAid. u. thaz poknt. and tlt0u guys second round.ln 2D32. Davie F"a^a �`^rT gelling ihosetwoxp. Jquwns g¢me,Ty]erreal[ hadnhu The Hemi l -Y. however. could their can batt." braxTahur24-7 in+hers lar -r "'^eRc.u+ya I Y hug. P P� pass from Hwterk. e:1]. st dm seas;' praT¢pas said, iumwvnd:'pevc iekssaid- changed rhe game. With The panihera had a right .epsonbef T§harwvn 13.7 D t . w..ku to [2evoo. "{Reynolds) was making "He gm in rhythm, stepped Reynolds looking for Wall hook to go with nit thine left In 'he second mend- r... tromltookn,..:xa- wmc 9real plays;' Dudley up hill Time Pnd made the in the end mnc,a linebacker john tram Hooker. San Zel- TEAM.'rrA'tLY1'.G9 onch Steven Ltavis said- o[frmc two-sided, [ men untouched nn a a14I. lvua [uvea cashes for 106 tea s n6 14 16-s. Purl 17 v 7 "t've Nat xr,.give ikwhim-He youcnpldn•[xorAleonewAY•• and sacked Reynolds for I Yards] and Ttagemld- The p�rtuaevr .a % 9 _yl RNA ]5 -]be 3A -sl gave us Sts w, the sideliru. "1 told the delete, just I1 -yard loss. Davis would fateful piny wen a jet sweep oar - Reynold. i F . tr+dam Paatfna x1 kJ4 The coaching staff was like: do what you do," Davis tum k over on downs at the m 2ynek Aush,whocaplodrd klrq, a: k7- C -A -I ,'r-1'" .2.20.2 Do we arra] bllw 7 Dv we said. "We fold the DEs: ]f Dudley 28. 44 yasla dawn xhe sideline uev - Rcym»d. 12rw [Qd e4• �" 3•.3 Y,y kkkl. Liv, .it hack7" [Reynvldsl s rnmbla. jail "Wc gave IN everything as Dudley look .46-30 Iced p.W - Perkhu 23 ttm [ton roll. r.nr4ay. .6132 5.10 nudlry w:u not flied. do stay with your guy- On. we had;' Reynolds sad. with 6;13 remaining. 2:so- admAr. 2-1a a-.» fourth-und-2F .be DnW. time he hit (Roberts) in the "W !augur until the final over the final 19 minutes. 5`noad puarhr 1"IVIDnALSTATCTW_L 47.Hvnker moved she slicks cum -r. [kahgns] m 4t blvd nate. I'm proud of nil my [hd ]'Anthers, why capped nw-rwakara,w^[puL}wres. pa HIKd - .looker I6- t4u, - with. 24 andnona 4left Tiptoed ills sidalinc ha-aase lenmmA.es." the saarin Ilk 1:70 on [he r,am r na . rwd 4tn � PtDa 8 w' laud - FirxyetWd ]7 pori !nm Ruah R -a7, A=.kin. ^-17. e= cFkJ.•fhen Gzra Perkins hud my DB w¢a right .he,, ad on a first -down play, dock, did virtually every. HAosalW... ow r .baker., 1-I-Stt U _=l-shredding 23 -yard (19eyno]Sv] sd 1t. throw !r and Bayle a..tl Hendrix hlix ed .],trig rygll,. 4�4a. FA65lkt6 • !looker 17.2.0 rc throe h the mldd4a, mode the la Hr's g, an FE00kar went the Dnvii s drrnm of n Dov -Noe=s. a4 p.0 von 2A., tmm vi g P Y• STe w'a,• play. g RermlJa[ Anteer, 24 !tornRrel. RCCDIVINR-!s»rw 7 -IPS, Onlba dx.n. pninl,Iheholder "We were going 10 wk. outer and Weaved 49 yArels a t, Inst home game at War el.rnl.l tat 1^t+gnWd 6.112.Y"auy ate] mishandled the snap and hl11c way SI IC par W.11' why for a $LM 2"'g-ld made E¢gla Stwlium and reaching -lNlyd Q -For pn+>• Merrill rnckled him as wok lucked down by a funi , --h-10d. Fal Sng-brick Raleigh Sar the stale chant• Dov•HY=r.r lT p¢s.ImmFOcyrk Rusin H4 - HaroPma m -Au, Davto'. land renlfiim,4 Id-fi. Dj. Cmsaen, who hm cam- emch far]w❑ inls, and Th. aril [RMsn. pvafmmReYmkh], �Ynol� 16.11. GYan0113-1 pq pionahkp had dlsappenrcd. lPs. rAsstrec - x.y,ram. kz.xe. Houk or se rambled 12 mitred W UNCI. We ;role if g..pewustleda130 with4il7 Bit ii was one heck v[ n Qwl-Hooker49 ron(n,ngr.afd YtSa ynrdsonllr{rd-pad-t.0 her re aomrbodyelsahnuts¢s,th.1'. left. in the Third. rldd- ]'law does a [cam Ib. past front liAokar1.4:22. RGCDIVING -Rohm. 3-77. ompleling a 19-yaxl peas 1¢ the way we'.c going to ]iVa '-We -ere .tri Wr heals w ¢vshed 263-Sk and PW - F.serrnR+ Ls P^ss Frvm ¢Yerfy 2Sd, M. W Iwo Y18. Wo1[ Nigel Fhugdrnld(Fin catches-bdcaux Rl I$ nb.1 kvabli with them thmwing the bal l oulgnrined 524205 Amy In Hoakcr[Y.-g Yo. nam Hoclrs), k-M,jb_, r l-2. all 1-1 for 112 yards]. 'r . I put Ho. 9 [Roberts} nwde sons rill over the yard:' Deyeriara c0n[anti9n three-fnur[hs of Dudley Al the Davie 2, and grtsmlt4 Y" but nT the grid wd saw -"Wil "a .0 try m BndA the way egailat n 101Wed Davie Football Statistics wv plays later it wan 14.14 c u up bks " wnylvgencralepress , grid opponart Heart and gala. Reodrd: 12.%64 CPC Ae the Pan[hels wens G i 6 a DAvic couldn't hire try lvuccapy rill,hd 1=11"'it.,"Only oar loam gels lite 'Page W a9•za on 141 twp•palnteurtvelsiana,all _ipket a betldr elnet to the guy gets I=d atm way, i['x ektding They wane. Only Dna West quwAa ea pass ploys. and half. Reynolds Fou1d and (liaoker'a] a roam:' Ddv9riaks said. "For Nunnn Rewan W 7•B "We stayed with the glia- Mason WHaon and Rahens plreawndnnl athlete-" She j0umay treat guys have st HApowol. W 37-12 pFan:' 13 v1s raid. "every for I1 and 17 ynrda, -.pec- M. Wilson aW.rbgd a bdda an, daa', kr this mita dI P'IAmntes w 54.7 llm- we rnn, we got behind lively. Wilsondrewnpass-in- hong-clenching hitanaslem away from all the ate 6flinl oaayen W 89.7 rhe dcks, sa lvc had la[hmw erferened anal. Then bulhacau ht Iron The twit I'm su dof [weal ForcyN W203 p Y, p� 8 yway Y per f'+❑° fdnnh radar. W 4642 4[. We started thmwing ti on Reynaldo .aascd n minbaw Ip move the chat ria an [hint them- Na one wants tusea- 1 Mt. Teh,or w 35.14 firs[ duv.n. If we could gel teener rWng m Byer]y for 0. dawn,Bit Dudky]indhacker non to end, cspcc tally when parkland W 34-¢ S yards on fln, dawn, w 47-yardTD-a. thd[wo-point Patrick Con.wr 1nlerecpled y9n're a dcnivr, But nothing ''-'� [3va.ord W a2-tA f isl round 4Al cooking with gmmt. play, two p_Ihers chased er-.he-middle 4as con rake awn fro- luta 1[oralPPes. Waa.la lead rowed} P Y Dudley L 54301qunMdlnalel We %mak with it and Then Reynolds hd714Nd hhe line of intended f Will Shephe.d group--plished." d.ing6 startad opening up a setimmagc, H wav vkntagc and renamed it 24 yard. To "This enlire county L.. it Rushlr.g Att Yards Avg. Long Mlle mote:' Reynolds, who retreated lS Ihg DAvie 18. Featly is somakhing .peciai P• Hampton 17D 772 4.s 8a Dov lc fumbled al miJ- yards behknd the lice lad "My co..hing staff put W he apM of Ihis prognsua," 0_ Cmnall +39 650 4.❑ 59 held. By Ir and Cod He.- scrnmbled I u h .o Fac n .hc right lion;' P-lapas, n four 1 JL iivynolde to 361 3,+ 28 Y Y one e o gpost year vont y �• Hen 19 37 a.0 f8 drix sl"Vo'd Hooker for no tikW Rabens. Dnv!- bpd The Connor snW."lww watching slarter,.ald. "Everyone whu s -s. a"' a t9 2.3 a4 ga4n,ukling up rMeth-and-9 30.221ead, For a drag beaaum they kspt isfa,d[ d haseoatrlbu.ed so w-Shgpnerri it 17 IA 10 from the Davie 37- But "Thal w s Beau an his felling me all week 'Wroth much- Wn have a great group H• �nleld 1 4 4.0 4 "•looker xaak ra ui of need cumrr mate;' De- far the drag- Watch Cor The r d 11 real] had be- j L 2 2 tea 2 n ge pateo gays on y J. Rnalnsaq 4 Ak ❑-0 a hmYcncoramgc-'Iw9 Davlc cricks said. "When you sec erne.' ]l wm either go hard roma nbrarhgdllsW over the J. Howard a •9 0.0 D def ive bock. wens with how they were aligned, you or U. home:' past four y"t"Y .Pe iso J. O lug. 2 -19 0.0 0 one ra_cdlvdr undemcAth. knew What'xgell4ngready to Oaaecond•snd-16,Hvak- Novel, time with Rican guys OPvte 479 leas 3JS 53 Fitagcmid w rill alone be II.- and Firagcrnld hooked W that it's like yaa'm growing OppeneMa 4a4 1056 4.9 70 down the riW,t sideline, and ..IL he kids b9! ie_d- all a pool for t. 24•Yar�d TD, UP next to them, and .l.at'a Pass( C p Atl _ P Y rd Ont 7 _ ._... -•`-1110 reslrtt wtm v"Fl] drat'p.r 41.ey'mbadhar ratfiey`ea »rattle 1-1poiut conTplet:on•sn tm .hnt wHl ]risk the•- r �r1 yf C-Reynplda •79 ♦- 902-.SSB13 12 Dudky in front 22-14. going W h¢Illrumll Ihobhtor made it 3g -3D- rest of my life-" 4' Hon 1a 43 .419 869 a 2 50 "if the phuy they Celled and.'17.at's why these guys "I think we shut down Notes; Davie en n V_ -Summers 1 3 .333 2 D . 2 I -- the sidelinc wan open, a emotional:' the inside stuff and Ibay just ranked faanh I. the re]nooks 910 309 .IM, P7B4 14 31 57 n khat:' w id ]took.,. rc" We smyed ea1m," D -I., ant m the sleet playmoker." preps.com slate Ynnkinga; QPpananla 135 829 .410 2109 19 +5 81 who has signed with Krglaia • said, were mlking to the beveri-ka said. '"like next Dudley was dlghth.... nue- Heeafving Rea- Yards Avg• TO Lg 'rich -"I w.w ld Antiblcl. tug guysupstafr-tdurlaghalftime. pinymokers ware on d.c iey's Shrine Bow! ranter, vynR e0 yy'I 15s 15 sr line ill -W solxukhing-" They laid u e things, oulside:' Ducquari Wilson, suffered T. tivb.rre 4A mi 15.0 W Tike WAr Englra rid not CvdmuullY wegox Clain 99119 The War Engles want run. n Som ACL in its only loss M. Wilson 3D MI4 15.3 3 A0 16nch, driving 71 yams- Se- and kind of wort (Devic] nine on empty, but They had [Page), but played through a. ey dy 26 420 15.0 7 9B rc�glrer Tyler Roberta, down:' are drive in.lfeir lank. it against Davie.... Hooker p' Ca,=I n 16 131 9.3 a 29 whu aVolvdd into n reliable Than David's defense R9 m �ds keds "2 rex has a unled for d6 TDs A,G esra 10 M 6.3 ❑ 12 YnD Pir P Ya C-Thmnaa 6 1a 122 a 08 playmokcr o n girst•yaor cnmeup big, Ori ith-41A onlhird-rind-19. All -Hr p- rkth- rushing or pe..ing.... W. Shepnern 3 44 14.8 0 ai vmaily plc,_ _spired D.A. horn the Dario 43, Honker .wa muuMd for IS Yards,lhe f]uW-ycamcirt.-Nitir1g9.13 6. Kerlddnks a 6 2-B v 5 w3thil-tcnesfor79ynlds, tried to get0raund right and, ISD, vfDudlvy'a 16 pelahkes yalvlPllerc Rematches B. summa.` R 111 9-o D 12 ncludin 23 and tier Hendrix fumed him in.'fhcn hed The bel! to like D -di. within ¢saoson arc nue. This o. '9s 1 1v 10.0 19 8a prion i+us Y Jen 1 D e.❑ D 5 in whieh Reynolds whipped defensive linemen Ronald 23- Tho _et play would tell mmked just The fifth rematch G. Mendria 1 a a.❑ 1 5 the brill through r. llgh. win- Wilson end Spencer Wilson the [ale. H¢mplon picked up In Dnvia:s Y I -year history. Dere 210 2784 10,2 at 57 duw aver the middhe- On tuned him a yard h.ck, niceyenlagem .und.hp 15, Before this,tm team Thal wan DPPanenla 13B 2130 19.5 10 a1 a Ihu&.nl•9 pnax over rbc Than DavIc was oh so Wt he play wa. brought hark Ilia regal nr-seanun awkchup Swaflng TO S%P 2JCP FG Pis mkdrile, Byerly reach up -lase l0 laking a Iwo-suorc by a hailing Iing, Royaolda, w1s 0-4 in rho PoWaenson C- WAI1 15 a 0 a 90 ae.we n I- dercnders la lead -A Davie punt slipped wh9 w n't sacked in Ind rmAtch.In1973,Darkbnox J, 009 0 a0 1 14 67 reel in nn 1t.-yarddr- R9aans through the I,atds ofthe kick Srsl half, was s:to xwke - Moo.esVille?7.1411 the reg- D. Aeynelde tv v 2 v 04 draw pas inlet react. On resl,rner. And Bra Bprndtle slung with dlrcd oder timer u]arscason,.hcnlost 48-l9in P. Harxrp[An 10 ❑ 1 a 132 the nest ploy, he stored rine gal his team -high fourth Fum- in [hc second hniT-and Davke the fit%t-rei.In20I0,D¢ ie s,."rry i 6 v 0 42 A 24- rd slunk mule, which bk .- 1 the Vudlg ikowd Fmm mWfield, Iosl51 2R to North Davidson 7' Rubens A D 3 0 30 Ya rY v Y P A. CranNIN 4 0 0 ❑ 24 gave RoynnlJs the reCald 2y -On Rrw down, Reynolds "W0 hod o little morslea- in the regular tlm%w., than M-ww1An 3 ❑ p 0 1B for in- TT) p -s- When Failed Fight and threw aa -ss tum," mavericks mid, "Pie wan 33-I0 in,hd first round. C- Hgndmr R u 2 v 10 Royn9lds lohb-dntwo-poidt III. h0dy. connecting with w conning the bntl Ind Al- in 20 lO, Davie los, 34.11 J, wllean 1 ❑ t ❑ 9 to Roberts, It was 22-22 Roberta for B ands. turn we 1 hi he ding IL to Mt. T.t rbefam winni. y' �a I ❑ o a 5 pans y ilea g ileo g a-Bamvtlq 0 0 0 0 J, Flue t 0 0 0 B D. lyllarr t : 0 Best.. 0 8 . Delve W 0 10 5 407 oppeto 34 14 9 1 2!3a Camletned Fmm Page III amakA jm and nine, freed Maldhew Kine sad L9& "Por the big boys, he's ettribulcd L -v just two ur fumble. (Ira f reed a 101h Dinglrr]:' TW %hon;' Hunt said- "I Datanse TacWas TFL Sacks SrUp CF Three pinyen. T'E10 coma- ]amok on the uceond play I[ apper-s IhuT Bayle an Axa days of Sam J- eayla 190 28 5 0 9 s.dcria, ra.mwork and urlhe genu)- He hroka Cha Is gong m ant up playll,g Mills (who at SA [,lnygd C- Handna 57t 30 B 1 Y mselfiahnes..xhibact record For caper tockles. ego yearn[ Davidson. linebacker far Ncw Orleans 0• Bemebe 02 1a a 5 2 K- Whltorlw as 9 1 1 ach week w rue of. F"endnx w.ne i11 wkdr "ye'x n lrlllianl kid;' ¢rid Carolina eF[cr taming J. RadmOnd 5 52 5 D 1 .hi riga Awl nwde .his team 171 trickles, 30 tockles Hunt said. "He's got his Out or Muntelnir Sulle} W. Mernl..le 44 0 a 5 t xpedal. But. he lineb.cker for lush [The mos[ !n 10 choice Anywhere he wants Batting n rids anywhere are a. yWleen si ] 2 + t duo of s.nlvr ]nates Bayle years, dn.ing to Chance to go [o school. I think he's jus, about "'You dpn'l J- marl 04 a 0 3 0 and of ier Cod Hendrix G.A." -s 36 in 2Wfi). going [v dl DAridsoh. He hove 10 Tell an bad that T- Manln 3a o 0 10 0 J 7 Pi Y Y A. OHnede 3t 4 ❑ O ❑ will 11v. in Davie Ivre. eight sacks and two fomad him a knnldnlaas s+1.t¢r. He Sam Mills was A real effcd- M. 1J.- 27 5 v 5 0 They pp-.ehcd anc1. rumbles, doesn't Take n play off. He'. aloe 3.8 tinebaekrr. Cody is E- WII,_ 23 7 a a 0 Pi ayas If that piny was ing "I[ mnka up Ihdre;' IMA- l;<+Ing full speed and hn'S right at Gfce. Ind They Yen- G• Curmea 19 3 D 0 0 biggest ploy thgT - her ever b-kdn coach Dove Hun. m I eve He aces arail -roll Them nt 6.3-" P9rex-Hun. f 7 D 0 ❑ v PwaP Y J. Qlmldo Yd 6 3 0 ❑ Leen- Their slats going I..v said wh- asked whore the Ihings w They' Fe hdpf a ing, Notre: Cooper WAII hi Hasblt 3 0 0 0 0 tie Dudley game: Boyle on. iandmn r:mks in bit long knows what b do -d how has turd an nnbelkavebin C- olmame 3 0 a 0 0 .crud with a uason•reaord . "I would say they're W make The phry agniml n. -with. year Te M' Kk10 3 a v D D 144 kaekles•?3 tackles rar ramd The 1v linehaekin • Davldson'111 him an T" of oavie's sk. D- Issas 0 0 0 2 0 P 6 giyc go. P- HAmP[vn 1 0 0 0 0 lops. It,. _L" L , nknn pass duo in our eonlerencc, nid package and I sold him; 60ca.eh sraeoas belong to L Mirgl9r 1 a 0 0 0 and they're ane of the ads. 'F_ I. Fred- S eon afford she junior. writ! Is rhe only (FhWuah 1a demon] pairs at imide linebacker f_.... ree: " Dna To mach 60 IW, I've had in my (39- Hun. said of Headrig: Hunt said ju.iar W.sidr IntercnpEDns year) ramdr-Thry'm S.sar "I ranything happens 10 linebacker Bron Barnette, M,H. IIA iaeM . L -e. a•Wani, KB. Bemette2J. LJtge 2, C. H1R1WAr kids and that's the thing James. Cady wilt nap right who was third an rhe .awn M. Ramos, D. LwAg. M Neahil, K Waitenw your joy more,haq wi.,v in .hr pinyrallmg and w in tackles, is a hoop fide Fumble Rgppweries and losses anymore- ft's faith 2nd wan'I miss much, college prospect, "Simply B. Barnana4, S. Ylnavn3,C. Hand zH- ,amfasgZR. Pe,a 44un, bdiag asvuad gree, kids- Cody "s a link qui.k- tun because he's alre•+tly" 2. J. Rednrnnd; D- Iss_ J, Lime, A olrrrufa, K W _aUAn Fq All the finebacken - not Fames. He will probably sad IN. can non,- he suid- just Juries and Cody - are snake mare'big- playa And "I've had some gm.. kids Kicking PAT FG Long 20.2.9 30.39 46-49 VE jus. sup- kids (ineluding he has became -e ily good dux rnuldo'r get a look J- Glipgs 40.47 15•,7 4a 7-7 47 2.5 Hine hAmepe• Jack Lkulc, _wall :'FNFI orw d up aD Ki1.sev,1 While- Mntlhew Llu� Rey aolds..he onlyer A-111 beam They don-. Punting An Avg- Long Irtsida 220 Lipaick: zad FV--U.,-k_- •. rte Head -is si_ fR The rcmpla¢." J- Gd,,,e, se, 31-E s5 is II AVIF Cot \'.' y EN r VR I?RL%V RECORD. Tumidly. lux. 8. Af fi - Be Cheerleaders are Kristina Lakey [left) and Chely Peoples. AI right, Broc Ra[netle. a junior OLB who was third on the team In tackles, makes n sl Op. Tyler Rptleds rose to the occasion with live calnhes and aTD- At right- Cody Hertdl 6 (42) and teamrna[es indicate Hroc Bamet[s has revered a iumhte. B6 - DAVIE COUNTY EKfERYRISF RECORD. 11tim-day, Ds¢.5.2016 .Fack Littre, McKay Cham herlal n, Spencer Wilson end the Davie Crszl es were in mldsaason form for Davle's home opener on lrle hardwood. Shoff ner Has Shooting Flurry For 3-0 Boys By Brins 1•tlls Davie Ew,rp iso R. -,d T[+n Davis vnrxhy boy. bnakotbn I I [enm had n srnnnch gl kdo rn 5.0 winning 63-56 In Nvnh IredvlI vn Nw. 29 and 79-62 nt home vvrr W est Rowan un Nov. 311,'fTkc �5'nr Engles are 3-0 for the flat rch,sin[, 2111? _l3, when+h.: Iasi oDamrtern included Caleb Martin, Cody trror- kin, Ausrin }..held. TLylor 14.46d. Keny_Trtrrm and Pcylnn S¢EwI. 'I think e're geltipg bel- Ils ,ach peon" ew b Mike Absner said. And Darin get bctter Monday when minfome- _n6s Itlt rho harclw-od For ,he real time as foorh.H season came 19 nn end last Friday- Norlh beat 11 madn a charge in clic hecund qu.ntF. but Davie rcgnwped and kepr den Raiders an arm's Intgih len .he second hat Dyl nn ShoRrxer's 3-poknt- r n[ the bursa pmvidcd . 21.10 lend nl the cad of rho first, But North nailed six 3 -palmers in the lim hnlfm it used a21.8 run to take . 31.29 ho] Rime Icad. "Who- you ploy the wo] we play - shooting n Ian ui 3s - rh.t'a So N; [o happen sometimes;' a philosophic. Absher ,.laid. "During bad 3O -,-tend klma-ut , we soil 9hls is where you've gm u top SMdkng, gay 11W bn]I ii [he paint end nttack rhe ria d can did;' Abaher changed to p 1.3 I dcCcnae in th, Ih{rd- After ondsaher-wringyhegnmc, hrgnsr than IhnL;- Absnet North gmbbod a 35-30 ]cad, He dmac agahtst a big man %aid. "Wien yon mak. early Davie answered will' n t5.6 threw 11me, Had rvnucRcd shots, thoi s n good sign of a a lot or thea." n- Will, Lire Ia:Id 47-[•1 in uncle li+n-, then nulxed len n cense nl m[i ort and nr�nT.l a 'I'lac Fnlcon5. who like flus fourth. Davie pal Nvrrlr jumper. After Co]cmnn Sell focus." Davie warn missing seHer- nway with s 10.2 burst thol ...i. him un a Inyup, he Heiner nvWe hustle pinys al vtbsll ploycn, closed saw Henth Slaboch pall up to, hurled a 3. -He scored 16 of that would felt in the"inorcd- within 61157 In the fwrlh. a 12 -footer, Mirh.el Walton D.visa= prim% daring one iblc" cnIc:VrY l[ Ibey W-rem't Meczo ..k delivere rhe hit a Io- McCormuk sneT h. into in the half. lu rwnkpg raven This particular Mich nker by swishing a Int luxck Had WW- p ap faked, the derr,-L bit player. it was stn[C wn'rn a 3, Wre}ton (lfi puiauk) nit can con nett for another 3. arm] he kMawd it off k3m gkass, n ustvmed to seting. Once, double Ilguae. for lens third Slnbm h had 21 points. He Onished Ne half wily 15 he dove to ahc SB Wm row. .time, McCormack hic Three W.nllon Had 14, hitting tura Points, helping Pse len mount 6pvnced up and sprinted to 3s far 13, Slahacn and ]snob fuavin'ysix3..Cary Fle]arr s 46.26 Lend, IsLockoshoi-tilyaoLet�lked I•lendrix, why w nt 3 oP R .t tend I1. McCormn k. s b5 Although Shnfln er did to, o foul, He got a toast hot the line, ltd �in� tach. sophomore• Wdseveupnimx. nor score in [rte second hn1L on ocw end .ndraak onr,,[ the l7rcboundsar drhreebl-k.. the damage had hens done. vd r am[ as s one-man F 1 Davis 63. N. IrxdeD 56 - -if." Sat . good skill set Quite a change F a plays, brcal-Irb- be went crashing 11-:h Slabach :cl. MI -h-3 and he's gpc sir:' Ahshtr, was averaged 2.4 point, ns a into l rte door efthr lobby, got WAW 114, Lary Heiner 11, raid. You put .hose two ju-inr.ltwes avaraity career right b-1 up,receiveda 1,- Owren McCormack 7. Dylm repeater - fee could Stalky tr high; he hit L4 twice as o and scored kevidn.l frhr game Shofinrr S, Cpkman Sell 3. n rotes to he rrrkvned with." sophomore. sate televised, these play. J.coh Hendrix 3- slaoffn It senior wing. "Coach [Shen.] Nixon wouldhave 6-mp1ayndm bad five pokers m his first and coach f'rlmc Keeney Lust,wire• DavIs79.W.Rowr 62 - game as lu relmnea iron an baslcaaidhrlorm nregar-that "We preach efian ant rhe O54an 5ho4her IS. Michael ankleinjury. Dylsa wdl. be able lo. drive next play," Abshrr said. 'Y WaIT.s 16, awes NicCor- _He hit s big 3 in the Fat and ger-Jr. basket 7Alashrr don't La -t wmany-ad mark 13, Heath Slehath 9, half and bad a big cief- ivrsaid_-And boy. he d.i What prrasessio n .cared otT JamhH,odriz9.Cory Heise, reWund in the JL --Lb:- heaegwedalot oFinanuiry-arm an offensive rebound or hos- 7. Coltman Se65. Ifrmdma raid. --He's nor loo percent. then he r.. m. sated pascal. He tlmg.AndC =--iri-Ned IImton 2. Dylan Shuflner Was red-hot, scoring 18 first-half pointe. Troy Griggs pen®trala& 7JAVIE C:ODNTV EN- ERPRLSF RECORD, Thursday. Dec. S. 2f1 t6. 07 Ellis Boys Start Basketball Season Strong the El lis [say. baslu hall s[an. leading 15.6 afar -rye He carried v early when uaa pc-etrrri ng avd gen rag P.m. as Ellie hammered the .lack - and [hen w epded lhnnn ❑av4e's pup Neta 27-10 of balRime ss a of rhemswefe kinS ul' Ia the hnskrr- fir was setting Quality Edueanun AraJemy lack Reynuldi add ed eight long w n ing streak and oral 4425 r+7rer three- Wil- n their fink mid- pn-pre up for layup. and 63.30 uu the rand mr D... ]. ^Thal was pmbably the penned the seaxnn 2.0 under Ifaras, .shooting guard. led Jle- '. I game." sing beau_ nil over Elli s,whi.h gw 20 Wlnra hest re a played;' n cooeh Tmcey Am old, Ellis wldu IK petals. Ham pion has rremen- thofloor." I'rnan llnmptan. 1 fO fmm nth Germain Mmy�eld e In the Jaguar.' sperm, •'Luke pEoyedarenl goad Jpua gear. as [hc younger Caleb Bowling (f_, Williams, had the game put splJ."'They slcrn it wal[early. n Nov. 29 at home, rhe, game;' said Arnold. who hrvtM, of senior Ashlyn and point.], Alex Simmers away I.y ]rolFrime 132-10 D.Fenskveky, can played -11, nnfensned Ii W ln.ms. repl¢eed Johnny Hill as lbs sophank.rc veykm, The 6.3 l[h cert. Jake Powers and mmgin ). tNaddox mad Pvw- THey jurt mode sortie stapes." Nako Hnmplvn and a host boys' a -eh. Hill, wh- fa rorwunVeen [rr, who Int Inst a""' Arcy also drew c nnlrlhuked eight each. OL alh,r T¢lenled players ry _ehing the Ellis gids for yours 6.7 learn will, n 13.6 poise from the couch. El 1, kr y Caaleb Rami- EIA4 $7 - Luke Wil lion, 18. rhrutrle North 57.35. stop- Ilya second year, guided the s oring avemgo, put up 15 "When -!.a'harec wens lag, Amy, Summers, C.ne- N.Ic H.mpmn IS.Tmn Car ping dos Wildcats' wknNng boys rot six year%. "Lu lett points. out, Arcy rnn polar gunrll;' don Heck and I',rwcra who ney P, T 'Harte Mnddnz 7. .1 '2 - in ptu carer. He knows how "He's hiller riwn hi, he Enid. ^H e', a h, dog uc+ apnrked EIHa In lar Harty CnknbBuwling4.AlexSun+- ELlls dominutcd Fomt rhe to pal khr full in the husker, brother peylon n ;' Ar- the dnfenx{va end:' 6 ing. t<3, sharnwr Hainlon =. 'j Hold ynid. "H c'. h ndllng nc7cnnwhilc. the Wildcurs •'Wc runty .wt slaggk.h:' NcUnvip 3l, -Jen _ Wl]kin. iif [hr hall more this year. He (1.11 wt[eMd their tin[ loss Anndd anis. "1 put my sec- 3, Nn[v Snwks 5, ]verson JV Girls Enjoying allll dacsa't J(_.,vPryvlIn8 M cn3f 33 decision to EI- andg'Id kpi n mad they Not %.x Klub 3, Elhmn Wilkins M can do yet. Tae sky is khe IlF on Dee. 3, 2115, Wilkins jum7rstnned. When Hauip• Kristian Lyaala 2, I'�imir ror him." did WI n¢ could, scoring «5 ton ranee hack in. Ire don+ - Best Start In S Years tare cernay also na, pcims.Iler purring lrp 27 in in.tcd and 1trlF d Iter llwln S. Dale S3. [mmn�vlute It's hen smoollc smiling Nvv. 3O. Dnvke bus won strong hlosadlines. Tate, the North's korn It extended uw¢y," Heart or Mary 35 - MJ Fw the Davie JV gins hos- lyi7,lgnnd 30pvinls daring Younycr blot lWr of Wnke im atreuk v[2[l-ptiint baunvs - 55vf lrtnu+l 1g. yuck Rcyn• kelbnll lemma Coseh Oehm, Iho bcsl send sinnc?001[-09. Forest Yrcanman n nning ro $x Jnxiarg to lupe s-n,un. Aber pulling away from olds S, "Lymeir Itwis 6, JT Evans'Tevm is 3-0- ilslnrrer) when rhe Icadcrs were Cam bark Cad-, had elylnt pima He scored 14 of North's IS vLiitiug lmmneainm lienrr u[ 11pa tte n.r 5. Be. Crenah.w Iasi. year 0-q, if yrni 11 recall Hendrick„s, Laura Shelton, in his Ellis bnskelhol[ debut. pnlnls in den d+Ird. inehWing Mary in Int antra qum[rr in 3, Caleb Steele d, Hayden av [he War Eagles ut<u[!w Aslrlon swi_p ad, C.rrnen Anath-r „venlh grader. Ihrcs poi.._ a evenrua! 53.35 derision Wi H Enms 2, lack Nixon 2, • lh.Ir best start in eight yams. Chubb, and Mysnia.'I•umcr. 7p HaYre Maddox, bad sn v- AmWd nu arca Arcy, Car. on Nor. 29, South D.,1. 14• page Reckmnwa id 2, CA,h Davie rook co.rlml in the T1tnt Itam,ran,d 5.0. en in hi%debut. ney coni Maddox nn Nnnh's Ol is u[Y wit best start since Eamhanl[ k. seWIW half to book North 1lnnse1E was superb, scar- "Tenn wax slcpng nu rhe h1g gun. Aim n1- r¢a =O13 -I 4,whep CouflnTwa [rrdr1145-^-7 on the mad on log 20 poi ala. II was the hoards and play cd good dpuhk-Lama nt hila, and Cun is Gray powered the EI IIs 63, QE 30 - N:ue Nova 29. Devic rook a 17-15 most in 5 ] g:unrs, doling drrense;' Amold ".d "I put "I was trying to mak- Tigers in 17-0. Hampton 20, Luke Wl l i.- timing In the tock.rroom,huk it M Madison Don.nnvn's nhn pn [North star lent -s older people l.tve ro score;' South`s lend cans only IR. %a'H.mc Mudd-; R. dominated North 13.4 in IIIc 20-polntday Ina 55.481n.•nr Wilkim, some and he did o hu weld. -lie's tough play, r. 23-? 1 ar the half. A 1&1; run Jake Powers S, Sh remam third to opsn p ]0.19 bulgy- Nvnh Davidson in 2013- l4. guodj�' He's an a1l•amund lis s slronp - renLly strong, rn the Ihknl wickand the gap, I lai.1n,, 4. Colby M[aorc 3, Dovkn con linucdtowidenlhs li r sel[ bad 1 P at haEfdme, athlcle like his bother. H- did mel n- could w keep Q[?A limited Ben Crenshaw, T¢te Camey 2, $envnn Arcy gap in the Swab- - by which titre D¢vie wa ^After 7ra'I'I— scidcd [hem In It' , who came In nvemging 16.3 2, Al- Summers _ C.leb C. ylo Hartsell. Alexis by wh.xl ling 42-G. s down• he ran the snow afr-n• puinl s. to fc ve, but NU H.0. Bowl my 2, Camden B -cls ?. Dalin and Klarm Lewis hit "Sha way mnylly hNlkng srvcly and de rcnsivcly. He Eleven Sagunm -livered Ieuk" I IS paint l picked up shots during the 4.6sivc mid-reagt jumpers," Evans Third-gaanrr urn said "The girls hove Leen andeGJJw11 Ellis, South Davie Girls Vi gad playing well r-gernpJ we Lwis hodcch n iatrauh. havobablcvkrwkdwt-ludhsg bosh of Da W% ah akv;' Evact ao[ I -"We have 3 -pointers. Dul In had six. Aller going 3.11) later year c X [ ] I points] and Balla Ali but clam. paint, for from rbc olaaldc. W- need nr goal lalanec so far." " Lewis was shnoring wolf and suffcri ag fi vn losing aro- li Bn L nine] lent clic way, Nnrlh f❑ -2] c e from dvnbe[lerjab of contesting Lewis paced The War Ea- fmm lar peAmemr, mo;'she s n .ix years, things are "1'm very pleased wide ace Som-, Johnson lsavenl and outride shoaling. Some, and glrswkdy l2 poinrs,inci.dlnR said.'"fhe girlswere playing Ivekias up for the Etlis girls way our girl. Played;, Alicia Allr¢[six1. Alie•U her same big all -Is the [ram's only two 3 -palm. uggrcsyiM. with co.f+dence bnskslbnll luam.The lagctnis Johnny Hil] sold -'They were "We Inhard de Fra- from the outside. However, rs. Hansell tend 30, while and m ing Inn boll for scarfed 24. tear week, open- very n and i[ w vrly and rMPred ,v we haul only n few pnlnes in Dulinand Maddkr TnlluphoJ high-4nRe+xT•ge show.Wsre ing catch 030-16 home win u6vinus bcfnm Nnnh ev,n turnovers -bur did not 5nisn rhe paint. We are still frying xlx inch. playing unselfish. Everyone wcr North I,_. on Nov. 29. vrd in due gyny. Bur drey calla pp{Hcy-,^ No, I, conch Iv Ymdn high and low Rome.^ "Dulln.Knynna Caldwell, is doing [heir part:' 811is ..dro n 30.2 h, pinyed nerd and That's what Trevor Gooch said. "Ellis - y uurtney Nc-1,,yy sad TmIup Davie 45; N. S[rdc�l, And ecu ]sed �R.]{]tel�greF- �],wpa hppJn>:inr..,.- -. nyeJlF ggrsl nr 4uv�hnts -,., Wlis leak rnrws4-in Iho--- Dhuveprvvidedsnppatvn 27 - ICInm Lewis i2, Coyla rounhrir+an,rin h.eaz Qua]k[y vRensn,".dleraid."CaIJwe11 Ifonse1110, Al-isDalin R, Education Academy 2g-19 Las been nvlid in [he point on h,m"ie Tellup 6, Kny.na n the mad 9n D , Pe - both cads. Isllvp is a floor Caldwe lel S. Cvanncy Neely .l, ereaux,leaderand vWuobl.rd -.ad a, Ambr Slender I- ite and ArtixwereDavie 60, W. RM++n 2f '-� iirrrnrc-mekcrn down.e Cyln Hort. !L 20, Maddie ` etch. b Thenextgnnrew"n9Telitt"' CuynnaCaldwell9W didn't play gnat, butdifr.mnl. Davie punished K�am Lewis B, Alexis Dulkn e sreprwvlup9nrgamelace vlsiringWesl Rvwnn rs0.216,AmberStmdcr4,CM"_y The Focrnh Iv get The win," Neely 2, lel of tic $ h,whsns 2. Fl ill saLd. Ar r.s,asr Has 6pT ref - JV Bays Lase At North our eu '"Rr arty, It wnxn't the pmul' t forma-ir, bkr South Davin • i Wmicuu.d the second half . Fu, Dnvie'r 1 V kuys f I poi acs, James Heid w and won 33.21 or hams over baskeibnlI ream. the game ac est with 10- Alex Rutledge land James lk, Ili N Ira n lnle Heon of Mary Noah Iredell on Nm.29w is hod six o- u lipeVStable 56-00 derom,"Hunesrty. just - _ _ ,I !I{t - on Nkv_ 29, They're Th. War Laagles I I -I I better then we me right - _ ^ g •-ate > . �.aw.w -- '"" After wocd+ing their l l - winningstNikk end hung amund in the L...half, row;' coach 5Walla,- e H4¢g 3[1-35 ar halftime- snid."We played molly hard, TMiIFEf TaW3 F a ag¢lnxr Sumt,tiscorer, rbc '1 igen But North pushod the vin though. We just enuWn'l pE.lu.Y snur5. I3-11 outd Emmacuknln H enle �0-9 in the a,rusd hall scam. W miasednlot.Ccasy lu 43.34 by the end of the1-ding /� o hoer Ic by wuly three at Third. despite tw- 3- pointers shols. When that happens, fmm Mukt lames. Davkevnl 're in trouble." we J1.��. r k Cding n thioY o e field gonE in N, Ir -dull $R, 17avle 40 _ i � .R Oyph timate l ei htI andnnged Maliyah Slrcntrr [cighll anddunn ~� a� a LnnJnn Oirkx]eHrookslahnson cameant Reid 10, Alex Ratledge 6,� m ,a a� v" 4• the Tgers. nW, scoring sigh[ point. in MPI, lames 6, Aaron Wil- n.,r•m "We did enough in Win;' fl.first gn.rmr• He cooled liams 4, Noah Bv11JL rV 1 2. B1. sett 4ermaln MayDcld oil, but s.fll led Davie with Juslla Redman f pr)arr alts vo es Yoc. vArtne rp [npss'sp z said. "K'e didn'I make shuts carmv rr.re unna r,� a nap we threw ha]i away Upcoming Games �e much. On we gal g4. Wcda ihcy. Dee.7 ing. wx carr, OK:' Dnvlc Ery baslckball .a home vs. Moral+ ]rcdc11 ¢i ' 6r7:30 � rl S. Dnvlc 35.Immarnloec Onvie 1 V hasknhpll al Itulnn vs. North lredell , r 415;13 _ '- I{aert of mory 21 -Olivia Dank swimming., home va. ReynPl.kt ac G �r'^b•aOzr Tatum 30, M¢Byuh Slrcarer Ellis bu lwibnll nt South Dau is at 4:30 P. London Dirks 7, Charwl Thursday. Der. B 8rgra3,m+AeL, kuY r [ivwler fi, Lay]. Caldwall4. Davie weal It" at home va. R-agon a[ 6 GET G.EAT ,+nrA[•a, Do I vanity baeknbnbl hr AJ.. Brown .1 83016F:Ilky • 30 - R.ch-I Dc.xr- DavieJVbo.kelhn[I at A.L.33town-415.15 a uc 11, Beiln K11n9, Rebca South Devic bmkc[bull at $l.nnoual at 4:30 • - - uu he vericks 4. Ryon Fussell I• -Fday Der.9 "" - -,� � ^-. ,An Onix'_. avie iresvan boys h.skelF+Wl at Corner, at 5 DN � �••^ n N. Dav1c 16 - Somnr Ellis hkerboll nt Fur%ylh Country On, at 4:30 as Johnsen 7, Alicia All— 6, Ellis wrestling a, Loxington or 4311 Jocelyn Ebright 2. Desiree North D.Ac wrcal]ing at hone vs. Thomasville at 4:30PeN•Asfou Jahnsun t. Saturday. Dne. 10 aiFTr.'r •+a15E5 n+ _ - 1 Dari, w rh.g ar Nonh Lincoln dual Iwo roummment 6iZV Dx�d-rrY CAL` Davie r_kman boys h.skerhall ac Saadi lredell.l 10 a.m. Dnvio indoor nick In IDL Fmt Track men nt 9 am. RANDY MILLER • Monday. Dec. 12 Nonb Da h, wreseliag at come vs. WesicYluk ar 3;70 & SONS South Davie haskelb, l[ ar home vs. Canary a 400 SEPTIC TANK SEHYICE Tuesday, flee_ 13 `p"k'0'"�'"`"' HS klOkrfta.d-Sirclasak Davie varsny baeketbalI.. home vs. Reyrudd. of Gn:30 , .nEs.r-r on saurw tree (336) 284-2826 Davie N luske[ball at Reynolds at 516:15 nares, nrr a+s LrrTFP east rs ar pall" SsdrT+d. , Davie 9dc buy, bxskelba6 at home vs. lEsynalds at 4i IS North Davie 16ins az 1"ingtoa as 430 w - oxnvfe - r� J• - T,I aTt Dari, haskeclaxIl a<IIc to w, sxammil aT A30 Srwub osis w_Wi.r ar Thae-,'ille.430 gn a.,•xrbs+ - r a+ar Lved'naaday.lyrc.14 Davicwmtlraguhcane n.Msararais laLadChvteru6 Ellis screstlieg LVrsr Rayne W 4130 R9 - DAVI, COUNTY EMMRPRr-Sk RECOAD.Thur-A y. Dec. g, 2016 C) QUALITY MART Come join a Growing Company? We arc seeking exprdcncwl, customer service fi e_d Cashiers for Dur Qual ley Myrts located Inthe Willsit,n-yaEcln arca. Conapn(ltive pay, excellent benefits. -lot I:. and profit sharing. InlcrestM candtd.tcs,plctix apply online at Ilupa:rlwww.gaorreyatf,rc.en,nlcareer:-arerrrnrope- nfl+gsldMar( JunEor guard Trinity Hayes drlvea agalnet West Rowan- - Photo by Tammy Farmer Girls Frustrated With 0-3 Start By Br1aa l'It4s eluding —3-peimje,s- ' lkeveis snid."Wchnd .-one. the Ihrec-minuAe ly.eN Eriwr�uln kneual "1n tc[rt,. vF intensity. 1 h Ogvred out by the entad markof thefpurth.And Wes[ think the %e -d quennrwaa posscsaion,butwe.kl R.N.. outscon:d O—ie 52.22 in the Remoraher, it's a long (tip heal quaricrwe've played rwh.Everyhodylriedu,getm •. m'nd half.0uch- anason.'fhat was the solace so lar' c. -h Kevin Rsvah anssh-Wdoltbyr]Iem Ia , "We have to be resilient for the O.vle vntsiry girls snW, "rhey went doing the Thsl v ti n third-pma-la"i, when adrerairy hits W and not basic. hall team nlYnr two thing.wew'urkm. pree[ke, defense we were faring -We resat+ w e vIrybody try€ng[q lo.,c Inst week dropped the and wcaaJad upgert€r4poad n ter gat to the third psss-" Ax it by ill( an Iva;' Revel; a War Eagles, v-3. _,halo rmn, it.- After n scorcl.sn opener said. "You've g[+r ry rcly ort In o 82-07 IL .n mr of a:.vie,buwerer, kH noon a, r—tral ID=4.on, Slhyct ya,r,enmmnlr" Iredell an Nov. 29, the War in the thlrJ-Noah's 9.0 ran led Davie witlr 18 points- Hampton went 10 of Id Eagle erased en clgh.-point .tatted it to a 4&-31 lead. She hie shrce or her lea's al the line to finish wish 2S de6ci[ in the second quo Davie [,e'er got rhe morgin four 3x-Ashlyn l-IAMPW 11.4 palnrs- must hing a teres+ and wars Iv the looker room a single digits atpht. II -W Morgan Lnwis eighl- high. She had 25 in o 52-44 in tied .126. Trinity I I,- led "T -hey ehangcd defenses After scoring IG ar Ctm 1, I_ an Alexander Cen1m1 on Ow belly with la pnlnss, ill• (going Ia n 1.2.2 hnlrre.A Einmh S lahacll Jidnmsaue. Dec- 1, 200 S. It was the aev. • e,.h carcar20-pointg—far the -Arse 8rrgtaa••srre ttteaenior.znter. Sll.bB%,m •plonty l sued Following held reorder, in the second It 74 -58 -he-. Easy Iv West hnlr to finish with 13. Rowan on Nov- 3D. "t-tke 1 keep rel IL,g eh.w: They Jominat.d the frac they've get to tmst each half.'r'he second half woo other," Revels said, -Thos's , nightmare.''brae 3s Fmm what we keep tripping — SlebeehandHampton —ked rlght now. We've got to buy D—miou9-01—d-Halnou it" it-" hod IA f1mi-g1mncr pbims as Davi. took a 21-12 head, N. lredell 62. Davie 47 When Madison Hohnnrwn - Trinity Hayes 18, Ashlyn hit a free rhruw, D -ie hod Hampton 11. Margnn Lew - an IS -point I.ad (7416] late is a. Ma.ldle Bohannon 5, in the ti tt h.1F. Hamplonhad Sha'veh Mt inea 5. E$and Slabs 11hitthree3vas Davie entered halftim. with W. Rowan 74, DavleSg- n 36-22 udvarrtnge.Ashlyn Hamplon 25, Emmi Wlicn Hampton rebaond. Shh-h 13, Shn'veh hoar. ed her ownm as twice aid dans G, MWdie Bohannon finally can vaned. p.vie 5. Morgan Lewin 4, TYtnhy as In good shape at 4431 Mayes 3, U7, Cvanshnw 2. n the third. Hut the Rome Aavn Fumed inrn c duatp wr Gm Fpr the War Esgk.',wlh. Good w.tehed West close the thiol w3 rh a 16-3 mn- Mi. w.leanaopened- Shots Worn, with 17 unanswered points. Hamplon and 5laboel. 4_i --i Shooting Coq red out IP S -0114s span Sports IL, iub Among Best Cowdca Mcmcriot 4-H' Shouting Sports Ctuh rep-. resented Den ie 4-H welr and three were s kl rod fol• w6st"RI tryouls to be on the• nut Noah Coral Ma team. 2sr. Staley is ranked rye I in the state in riRc- She- olso qualified in muck--' loader. Humor Annetrong q-1- 10-d to rifle- and Smphen• Walker and Christian 1141" gaallft el in mur:leloader. "A Loge oongrorulerie.s to nl3 " the youth who campm ed io Ih. State 4-H shooting Spens Tau,na- said Hannah r'•'^aY., Doric ; -H E.crension agent. St �` 09 WN, Pew a sp. :, fie-, Rwarx t�ae1 Sao -e617 CAS !s]61 1iO9-spa ,Peg The Tradition Continues BR Garden Club Hosts Davie's Exceptional Children On Nov. I7, Iha Bermuda Run f3arder, Club hosted rhe -wont Th.nksg€vhtg Lynchevn for e - -privnal ehild ren o1' D—ie C- - 'y A ..,at of 270 chill— I rn olerrleninry. middle, and high schools, [heir [entices and mMs- tnn[s were in au.nd—, I1.8. Schvppen. club Pmsl- deal, ..teemed .veryone and knlmdureJ Sara Drrvi, EC gram Leacher, who was in charge or.h. musical pmgram. snrdenn from pjn b.nvlc,s hody ❑reeve, ct- REMA lis Middle School. Soulh Davie Middle S._,. noel p.— IIigh Sdw,ni crtictvined d.c group wnh Christmas songs and a poem. SntJenls ream William k EM- f v1e, Moclrsvllte, CroWernaer-, oriel r• Gamin["" Elrnuntn Schools tyy[t brwgh[ roWrf II porkers [h:n rhey had mode to drank rhe club for the . luncheon. Special Itacats wcrc lorknlyn White. P131S ceerdinator Lydia - McCnbe. ec program specinliat: and tFe RoM7' Benuuda Ron _ town m noger. A TLnnksgm.1, 1-}�•�•. blessing hefarc rhe meal — gi.'- en by Linda £in.t. This yam's Thanksgiving lun- .94epn wpy.ce.ghejred by $em.yda,. Luanne-- Taylor -and- Sire Run Garden Club members Sae Whklakar. co-chairs of bAVIF COUNTY LN•TF.RPk l %F RE[ Y,kI1. Th ur.dsy. leer_ x. 20I 6 - f' l le Gavle Schools'exceptional children entertain members of luncheon hosts - the Bermuda Run Garden Club. 1'Ira:se See Luncheea-Pwpc Cl0 event, with student artwork Malthew Bratten, manager, Lawa's Foods. Kinderlon, joins Bermuda Run Garden Club In providing ThanksgivIng luncheon to exceptional children. Bermuda Run Town Manager Lee R011l ns helps with saw- ing tablos- ,Students provide musir.3i enter;amment for their host", :y 193 Mcha9nn Troll - MockaWBn 114 N. Wentworth Dr.-MockFA to aidlnv home . p0. la so�umam Poole co. leave 0. ynmgtufole a, to== o me prkead tv wr hwn.aary m lloxv,aad�I�a ■ r A ccmiortobre rcartc at or =L ZBRI2A open Woo, clone wulCed fur trent. C.- va.Cvadbo9 rccaspool&moel$kpd ca4gt uns lospo mesrel�w40 ■ R � 202 Mown IlBrra - MoclrnHi® Lpllyr•,lo coon n me wdotlsl Fauhuas 873 Olptafene R41-MpckrAlle FCRECLOSUREr aA bock roach lnrpy8hou[, one bplh hq�baoutMA 51yY a Iurge lof. 6t(arad 1= • Ilkr 11oaN.g. r Pgec®mant wlrwovr3 toran}ea -warranty or any - l & EO year at" . Mwt—al$68AW cmr Bona the ppP.011$ii,M the -Arse 8rrgtaa••srre ttteaenior.znter. Sll.bB%,m •plonty l sued Following held reorder, in the second It 74 -58 -he-. Easy Iv West hnlr to finish with 13. Rowan on Nov- 3D. "t-tke 1 keep rel IL,g eh.w: They Jominat.d the frac they've get to tmst each half.'r'he second half woo other," Revels said, -Thos's , nightmare.''brae 3s Fmm what we keep tripping — SlebeehandHampton —ked rlght now. We've got to buy D—miou9-01—d-Halnou it" it-" hod IA f1mi-g1mncr pbims as Davi. took a 21-12 head, N. lredell 62. Davie 47 When Madison Hohnnrwn - Trinity Hayes 18, Ashlyn hit a free rhruw, D -ie hod Hampton 11. Margnn Lew - an IS -point I.ad (7416] late is a. Ma.ldle Bohannon 5, in the ti tt h.1F. Hamplonhad Sha'veh Mt inea 5. E$and Slabs 11hitthree3vas Davie entered halftim. with W. Rowan 74, DavleSg- n 36-22 udvarrtnge.Ashlyn Hamplon 25, Emmi Wlicn Hampton rebaond. Shh-h 13, Shn'veh hoar. ed her ownm as twice aid dans G, MWdie Bohannon finally can vaned. p.vie 5. Morgan Lewin 4, TYtnhy as In good shape at 4431 Mayes 3, U7, Cvanshnw 2. n the third. Hut the Rome Aavn Fumed inrn c duatp wr Gm Fpr the War Esgk.',wlh. Good w.tehed West close the thiol w3 rh a 16-3 mn- Mi. w.leanaopened- Shots Worn, with 17 unanswered points. Hamplon and 5laboel. 4_i --i Shooting Coq red out IP S -0114s span Sports IL, iub Among Best Cowdca Mcmcriot 4-H' Shouting Sports Ctuh rep-. resented Den ie 4-H welr and three were s kl rod fol• w6st"RI tryouls to be on the• nut Noah Coral Ma team. 2sr. Staley is ranked rye I in the state in riRc- She- olso qualified in muck--' loader. Humor Annetrong q-1- 10-d to rifle- and Smphen• Walker and Christian 1141" gaallft el in mur:leloader. "A Loge oongrorulerie.s to nl3 " the youth who campm ed io Ih. State 4-H shooting Spens Tau,na- said Hannah r'•'^aY., Doric ; -H E.crension agent. St �` 09 WN, Pew a sp. :, fie-, Rwarx t�ae1 Sao -e617 CAS !s]61 1iO9-spa ,Peg The Tradition Continues BR Garden Club Hosts Davie's Exceptional Children On Nov. I7, Iha Bermuda Run f3arder, Club hosted rhe -wont Th.nksg€vhtg Lynchevn for e - -privnal ehild ren o1' D—ie C- - 'y A ..,at of 270 chill— I rn olerrleninry. middle, and high schools, [heir [entices and mMs- tnn[s were in au.nd—, I1.8. Schvppen. club Pmsl- deal, ..teemed .veryone and knlmdureJ Sara Drrvi, EC gram Leacher, who was in charge or.h. musical pmgram. snrdenn from pjn b.nvlc,s hody ❑reeve, ct- REMA lis Middle School. Soulh Davie Middle S._,. noel p.— IIigh Sdw,ni crtictvined d.c group wnh Christmas songs and a poem. SntJenls ream William k EM- f v1e, Moclrsvllte, CroWernaer-, oriel r• Gamin["" Elrnuntn Schools tyy[t brwgh[ roWrf II porkers [h:n rhey had mode to drank rhe club for the . luncheon. Special Itacats wcrc lorknlyn White. P131S ceerdinator Lydia - McCnbe. ec program specinliat: and tFe RoM7' Benuuda Ron _ town m noger. A TLnnksgm.1, 1-}�•�•. blessing hefarc rhe meal — gi.'- en by Linda £in.t. This yam's Thanksgiving lun- .94epn wpy.ce.ghejred by $em.yda,. Luanne-- Taylor -and- Sire Run Garden Club members Sae Whklakar. co-chairs of bAVIF COUNTY LN•TF.RPk l %F RE[ Y,kI1. Th ur.dsy. leer_ x. 20I 6 - f' l le Gavle Schools'exceptional children entertain members of luncheon hosts - the Bermuda Run Garden Club. 1'Ira:se See Luncheea-Pwpc Cl0 event, with student artwork Malthew Bratten, manager, Lawa's Foods. Kinderlon, joins Bermuda Run Garden Club In providing ThanksgivIng luncheon to exceptional children. Bermuda Run Town Manager Lee R011l ns helps with saw- ing tablos- ,Students provide musir.3i enter;amment for their host", C2- DAV!$ COUTJYY EJCTE3PFrSE RECORO.'rhus day. Dec. H. 2016 A Party For Barney Girls For Severn] years. Lasers sMiele.98, hay invited "Che Harney Oids' to her houseIn Tia _-fee is open to everyone. December for . Chili— 2 I ,a.. party. 'Invitation To A Miracle' This year was A I;ale di=- Sunday At First Presbyterian femat. At hu request, the Oak Gmve L.ilod MedLOd;st Chun:h, 1994 US 158. gaup went to W.1$. Hauge Tor bLeakfesn, th-. m the Members 0 the Mooksvilie Garden Club pose for a photograph at their annual Christmas party at the Four Oaks Events Goodwill store to browse Center in Downtown Moeksvlllo. Mnd shop. They ended up al SnLians Shag Dancing A Hightl' ht Of Club Party home for fe d m Admire her Christmas her Clurm dcsgmdbnz. Mucksrl0. G.rd-h Club Seeky Pemm- nxuv greenery sale Md [h- the Chr3slm.. spiril. She N ssr LINC-Charlotte "We really had a good members held their m u- Members of rho glvn[uit- party planning o.tumittee. Julie sicg of aykcd n majoring in environmenlal Bone And npprecinte her for AtChriyl party at 'heres gmewd ytneals As lhey Rulh Omlcr lead art In. blessing for the meal- Sr- aeientba. Members pmp0md anting W qn ermin u Four Oaks Even[ Center on a red. The evening slotted apira[lana pies m ofacih€- 7 she could be srnted, n are P.ckagelgoddy has- eaid Alm¢ Botney Bob -" T hurmoy. I> -c, I. with hor d'oeuvres and n so- ly Stan the creel- men1b m —Mini vd Julie kale for her a$ sh- prepares hie" Shoar- The group also Linda Dean .—rdlna[ed tial Flme Por members aArl Memharz Ihcn coJoyed with m cake and warm wish- C her . -master eannns. I.ct[ded Pala Bnmey Smith the Punning with her wm- guests. sc]ectio. of ClLristmna ea fur her bl.bday. A -- AlI were then rxated t. end Fmnecz M. Barmy, mk[lm vF Nancy TVnra_. S ley peters, preakdent, songs by Jane H.Hct. tercd memi roilowcJ. gahibklan of ahn6 Is -, of List Barmy girls Hillary HeLecimin, Joyce we€corned ml tod1- Christ- tort, vocalis[- Her singing hollowing dao meal. pc- Ingby Emi3y Stiller and am deceased: Lucy, Clava I'--. Judy Rosser, Lillie may party and thanked aq Flux Iia r rice deaarALian. t_ introduced P.nn 7 Still- Paige Berryhitl and Lien igr. and A-. Shaxpc, Jarman. Kelly and who worked op elle Christ- brought all allendee in[- er, 2016 schol pnktlp winner. er by Jim And Linin Dean- Emwanta !Named DBWA Woman Of The Year TJ- Reynolds-Emwunta with obtaining Social Se• speaking -ngag-steers, a- 11Lloric DORTIt.wn Moe L,tiiLte narned Business Wast- curity AJminitue-mmn ben- n nLcia] budgeting• Immi- Cl --ie County Students At Risk will receive proceeds TradtiontakLVw•JLip 1055 am aa of the Year f 2016 h5' ants. She is a certlikd 5511 grads., insumame be"(1ol. Sw4ay RrwWfor all ages 4S.am Pec. 10. aL F Presbynaina Church, 261 S_ ►fain St -- Davie BU.I.-a• Women's SSRI Oulmach, Access and notary public, power or nt- Ha-kz.$le. wwvr.E4R»rutoeL >�.a,=-w Association(DBWA). Recovery {bmtar known as [am -y, And [ethnology. ✓ "- sage. eggs. grill.apple.-biuc i -s p ;ens LLnd b--g-- She is A native and rest- 'SOAR") tepmaeaealirc She also ca-gw11y Cis- perform lag ar-1 moth - dent oFAdr.nce. and CwnP1, llnivcniry edi- sy's Closet with bar moth - Cedar Grove BOPLE01 Even A aiolezcanl, ONLINE Ccrtinad llea-til. or_Ciesy's Clo" is n boo- _ she w.uted L.Rpuraua a ca- Speci.list. Lique Carving unlqua gine Laras nn mtwnn.y, She She In known For her And scee oriea, lues" in d /� Wadumned Cram EIM Llni- ability to conneM lndividu- Mockeville- • Dan Pwl In, ptq.isl: wrtity is 2001 and The als le Social security ben- She volunteers prvvid- • Timy unn, vocalist: Veeiversity of Tcnnwaee ants, which allows lhcm [o Ingold of lhoye in need- For J Colicas or Law (L]T Low) ger proper Inall-abort more than a dccad-,she voE- _ In 2004. She i aeUv- And income eo yuslnin boos- um_wllh G.adia. r 1 - .- .t gdmx.r. and ri.—ial sup- ing .Song with eomr'kw ing Liwm and savant dame.iic '�• • Am P illmmmn, ria¢- pomrat bath universities, w them being an active pm- violence Damen. She vol - - swal go Eearizt; "A• Fier passlon iF adracm- tkekpeou 11svcdty, u 1-, .. a RlemAr ehi]- -- r Frank WIte, harpies. ing for vkr-rs end manly- Era vow. and her hos- drenfshtdems, university nc "Chis a free en e ins Ills youth. she began her hand own Firer Emotes- ambassador. And adv le T.J. Reynolds Emwanta (right) aoeapts the ❑sine Bus Ines& Women'a As- -r working a ]Arae, car- slare, which Offen rn . for hasic mrdvlrigm sociation Woman of the Year award Dom former president, Cathy Boles. pointe I.. arm. E --.m sahing se s I.elmingn Emw..ta has bean ret lunged f r a. rah. -�Adue AdvAn-ed doeetivea, wn- agnicei for her probOnq ty of T-dnesace Cvt1-gra of en's Assaclalian- husbead F lls and dough- legat carer assl.Ling OdIers, tinned education, stabs B se and carnmilmenr to L. •'I arta attorney by ser. She joys being A new - - -fw eight years; assisted elisabillty ihtudgh • social-helpag•veben y MennLir She is Ott arLirernember crape. mivzu by choice.'• ',rhmIFat;'tMvvsWbr mocks, �•. . -orally ill aduley who ware Security Admkniylrallon, 11 alth Asspeimion, Elora of Redland Church of Chrial She resdas In her home- end sp-mlkng quality time experiencing honwle.sness employment, empow-rment 11.1 11y, and Univers- and Davie Business We.- low. of Advance wldl her with Family. ns Selling Barbecue In Our Churches Th.Nu The Nash Devic Ruri- From 3� p.m. at 812 $mons •� tan Club is selling barba- Church Road. mwik ilk. t cued pork Boston butts for Tbc cost is $30- Call B;I] -. -- pickup on Friday, Dee- 23 Shelloo at 335492-7942. { + (-hrisnn.s settles gives space to come as you arc when 5aLuriay BrealcfaSt AL you may lot fel Ilke it's "the most wonderful time or the Farmington Methodist year. ]l m much aka a serouswholeness and reminds ane orthe lore stood arta cad',•, railhfalnesa. At First Presbyterian Tia _-fee is open to everyone. F—IrIglon (]ninM Methudive Church, 1939 Farming- 2 I rpt} RWul, Mockaville, writ kiosr a community hreakfasi on 'Invitation To A Miracle' Sm .rd.y, Dec- ]O F.Nn 7 -ID a.m. The menu vA lI mobwe pork Mnderlui.. sons.ga and arm- Sunday At First Presbyterian sag¢ gnaz eggs, Seita. AO -11 nppl-s, biwcuils, breokfasl Oak Gmve L.ilod MedLOd;st Chun:h, 1994 US 158. Zcoffee mad ...so juice. Firm P—byl-ma Cltusch Mvcksrklle'. hM-1 choir, usl be n:cagniud tint Christmas can be a difaculL List- carepanied by an omh-sera, will present the Chrlrlmas r r The Four Gpigfts�[ Sunday Conlain "Invitation le a Nlimolc" ten Sondny, [ser- 11 At 7 livmg dune, for dtpse living with swkn-ya, or ttw_ -We P -M, At Greater lVl t. lVl�riah dough rnmis,-million And scriptum, ue dme]cx. ,.Through bink of Christ Jesus is sold. This r. a season Zr of oris -a41" Ant: wuFvt..: !n time eo ex]ebram Am glorious Th- Wmn,un's Fellowship of GI -C -T MOLlnl MMI -11 Mis- iLuPo Ib]a of God's mng.IBoent gift or g-.— - miry Baptist Church, 162 E. Depot St" Moekxrill., wall • hair A servo -e tilled "771- Four 0117W' on Sundmy, Dec. I I Benefit From Breakfast ult3 P.m. Fulton Methodist Seliing --- The fur speakers and Meir spice: "Gad;' An3tn "Boss Barbecue For Christmas MERRY Lady' Radio and a mom,hoar pforning praisevn Oh"Oax- �+ Fel Radio and ¢member or Marring Star Hpp111r Church of H R I S Y M Flet" Wih.eoe.Snlem; "Fronkkncansa." Evangeli.l Eumah. kine Th. Ful'.. united McdendisL }Nen are selling pibco " off Refuge. Comer—Ily Church; •'Myrrh;' Sckaen Bark -r, bmb-e d pork Soman butts (S35) and tehqulden [S5 per First Lardy of Refuge Camneunhy Church; m-- jusEI- Ile.) It— by De-• 17 for pdk up tin Friday. Dec- 23 from FROM THE Wi$DOM TEETH AND dor Juanita ll-, of Llfc Ctwnging Church or the Triad. 2.7 p,m. el the church al 3659 NC 801 5., Adv"eu. DENTAL IMPLANT EXPERTS Evcryoae Is invited. Call 336.998-8117 and [save a massage, or eentael Chnnk or Donor t -i ..good. FOOTHILLS ORAL SURGERY Tae weennN'fd!j, n(yI1 tL-talarANr ! 1 j-0 - i3. emae..US, leefssrL Rviaarat OUSrMdrers LIv abs (704) 873-6988 t]am [� F,wlw • 9rn-snA nC soar omsdrs.com `Blue Christmas' Service At First Presbyterian Santa To Be At O. Wednesday, — l4, at 7 Itun-, Irir:l Preshytcdo. Church Breakfast Church of Mveksville, 261 9 -Main St., w311 bald s "Blue Chris[¢Lm" serrkee- while Chrism— I. a LIMP of great r dvi[y and jay for Oak Gmve L.ilod MedLOd;st Chun:h, 1994 US 158. the majority of people within the Chnsli.n wntmunity, it Moekwige, will hurt a unify breakfast s.mday, usl be n:cagniud tint Christmas can be a difaculL List- Dc.c. I- r m 7-10 ant- Bring the kids and a car.eLa. Snn6 far people who may be grdving a last, for those who are w0E be IhPfe- livmg dune, for dtpse living with swkn-ya, or ttw_ -We Donations wits be aeeepeed £or cauniry ham. sausage, h.ve pwinful associations -ILil this time or year_ A Blue eggs, biscuhy and gravy- Cries. appl-s and beversa-s- The Brock rou are alevayv uelcolne at Students At Risk To Fast United Met1Ddist Church • 310 0 North Main $EraeE St Benefit From Breakfast 11Lloric DORTIt.wn Moe L,tiiLte [oltpenpOra VvoP ffhw 8:45 arrt Cl --ie County Students At Risk will receive proceeds TradtiontakLVw•JLip 1055 am ftvm a tammmuaity br-akrast sem 7:313-10 am. Seanaay, Sw4ay RrwWfor all ages 4S.am Pec. 10. aL F Presbynaina Church, 261 S_ ►fain St -- Weekly Pi-dyer3cM[FThurs. NuorflflO Fern Ha-kz.$le. wwvr.E4R»rutoeL >�.a,=-w —.an -- —iU be -pled (w -3, Lsttr. bseraL.>m. Tdeph®c 3Y 7$Y -S03 sage. eggs. grill.apple.-biuc i -s p ;ens LLnd b--g-- >A The artists who will be AARON PRI LLAMAN r„ 7s� � DAYSE COUNTY ENT LRPRLSE RECORD. Thursday. Doc. 5.2016-C3 Celebrate .- The Season Free Concert Sunday At The Brock ' n - Daview111 Cou.ly Arty • second "Chrietmea Celebration a the IIm-k" n. 9uMtgy, pec[ •'+r 11 .L 2 pm. The lime hoz been cho• sen ra xhat people anti OlAy the eo cert and still sucnd _hr r ..I rids 1. he --. • t >A The artists who will be perform lag ar-1 Cedar Grove BOPLE01 Church Chub; • Erin Caner Duvidzo.. neaust: • Dan Pwl In, ptq.isl: • Timy unn, vocalist: • I•Tnml VeDiled Methodist Church's H.mnsalI Chair: • Am P illmmmn, ria¢- swal go Eearizt; "A• Frank WIte, harpies. nc "Chis a free en e • dedlweed w the Christmlw — -PIM of people who lire and work in Davie Cvrmly lu -nj.y ' .aid Sidnke- Snags• arts councit direele r. . -.. - • - The rh--L en will opfar fieuit oro- sealing ac 1;30 -. -- poem. For mare information. p Ill. Breek's Box OP- acc Monday-Fridmy norm -5 p.m..1335.75]-3000. Cedar Grove Baptist Church Choir The Grinch Coming To Library The Grinch will arrive at Davie County Putrlic Library on Saturday, Dec. 10 at 10 -30 a.m- All ages are welcome to this tree holiday program. The Youth Serocas Department offers seasoner stades, cratts, snacks and an opportunity to take photographs with the Grinch. m Bring your awn caera for some family tun_ Get Those Presents 'wrapped Need some help wrap- ping those chritvnas pr- - ..L0 M you want m support [hose who have or arc fight- ing cgacerr Consider going to : Pere Mocon ksvflle VmMart Suadnys, Dec. II And 18. no. 2-6 pat- and ler mem- bers or the Davie Cooney m FarBureau wrap your pfesenrz- Dvnaliv.s will go m the Davie. avie Rainy 15 Life, help - Ing toest cancer pnLe.es and fnrnhcri n g -steer re—arch- A Storehouse Volunteer Pharmacists A Slnrchotl c For I-- The p1manacy is open iscaking ¢ licensed Maesday-Wednesday pharamcist to rniurecar moorings and Thursday at the Mociesrllle Clinic crani gs. for Four Maur- a week- Cell 336-751-2854- F.itr nnrA who he pe rymiagfor ttre drlyar who bsa naMnblC when,.. yoa'm . Fwd dr a ,. anon stadem or haw a hara at, paltry 011, Slate Farm' w .gat a 11-noM waning h. you. 6E I't❑a: EE RSTATE' N i.... Tr Ai�StateFarm_. C4 - DAviiE CLDINTy EATFRPRLSE REJCURP. Thursday. Dce 8.2916 Waylon M1lchaal, Tate Sach rest and Cameron Dillenstein talk to Santa at Coolea mee's old-fashloned Chrisim as calahration on Sa_lu rday. Cooleemee Town Celebrates Christmas With Song, Sweets By KC Sm11h Covlcarnee C><•rrispmtdent On S.Iun1.y. Dec. 7. the awn sporeored n Christmas gathering. ChHd.. 's on 211 -we lop, they got up 2 and personal wh lla ware wat on lsls knee and gave deep thought abmtl what they wonted to -sk for Chris.".. Each child that met wills S:+ntn got a long peppemdnt stick. one child had Iheir pep- pei-rt altk Insldc their drink and w s trying lv we It n xrr w, I naked her whom did you get kine idea alto she turned i nand and looked nt ilio Z_1mry House and pointed to it I looked i leer dare and saidshe is m cmberitt& what aria . umght by the CRA: cue a hole in the Sup ornn orange, pal your small PePltermnl ar-ic Tristan arW sas e it like a straw" Thm memory and tunny will bo xisnred ns those Coq nacc Elemen- tary ehlldren gmw elder and reflect vn the n any things t]tey look pen iryn, ot".1 and heard about how things used In be in the older days of Coe,leem-e. 1.1.118 were .-eh anti ma ty wanton of the unity baked lase Wta cakrrzn, eoukiea and brown- I- for o swell I—,- As void as It was for .dubs, it was mill pvsxiblc to lake ant sweet babies for sitevkuok ing. espeelnuy, when Ihcyare encased in a "by h.ming fzkm wilt a pink lob-g.n to match. Having gntlterings early in December is n good wny to s[.n spar.di.g cheer and jay to coot alter" The Christmas gmkon ,.0 holped us up meu. a— n 'ghb.. whochose Cpal- «-:+a- Wbe Ihe{r hums In Craig and Karen Michael with granddaughter Cora Tow; the Brandon laml ly, Cody, Julie, Isla, Jack and Danlelle; and a young Cool Borneo Elementary street using her Candy cane far a straw. the P-1. vt>)vmeesx sWI,I 'd up m help .take ilio $$ and sing ofil� rn�l"L •?.FwAys the horn[ of their Family n'I. others. WI.Ldm.' ddngs are good or had in your life. Chrisl- mns rime {s a rime w reach out to.h.re fovc nl civ Mrint.. Dant know your neigh- horf Wailing htr them to c knocking on your door first? Be the one Iq step YwwnN and say hello. strings can bimtd each nntl every community ttleinber Iggetlter" Having nn ripen hcmt. re tining huanhle and lw-ping our mhtds Flea of Picea ved toliam:, w{II keep abet wove strong -rid tight. Stay tx,rtwlk is of your mile ..... I[. It may he the heal, eaaiext and np>, t v 111- nbin gifr you will give thi s Chiit. se.snn. Cyno... ntu of uwtr,aavrl- mn0yr.aY,cr.n or 336?$4,l l33" 1 would Igen to hear From you. DAVE CDLN7Y ErrFRI-PJSE RECORD-T1lurxdss. Dec. X. p 16 - CS 1Jarnes Church Road near Mlodkrville. oplar Springs. Anol her Is planned for this Saturday at the restored school house on -Nor --T — Sweet lreatB fill a table, �8W One. Get One d, e. 1 50% i OFFsweetf og ! �.ar�..w> vrelsl[txn Traah vd¢la't p f: 1 Cayce Jordan, Bailey Jordan, Mary Jordan and Ellie Jordan with dad Brian helping his youngest Sun. r a [ren Smith Sales to Tyrer and Savannah Spry at the cake table" Sheffield-calahain Poplar Springs Open House Again This Saturday By Brandi H.IWY From the fin• depnnnteni" ShcfRclJ-Cn]mluln The'l—rhnenl is roving a Correspondent first prl- draw{ng Mutdny. ixr. l9 FBF x Henry Gyl�rn 83nitdvy wishes rq [base Boy.44 n tlrnnm and H.ger e celebrating this week; Can. Redllawk "44 magnum, n dare V.ughn and Weston see", prize drawing fur o 4juntcs on Dr e. 13; X6,6 I'Icnry Golden Boy Spillman on t7ec. IP: Them- and a 3rd prig. fur o Y12TI as Sarney ruin Anne Stich- I$ —Ic You do nal have ar'dson an Ihc. 11: Bobby ra be p qnt to win. C. }s Keller and Melba Pe4mstrr n donation or SIO. See any on Dec" 12: and Mary Ann ftrchghter for Sieke . Swisher And Datvid Allen on You dcnnliely got into Dec. 13. Ca.gxmulalions to the Chr4stm.s spirit if you the f'ulluwing ewrples rel- .-ended the open house at ebmdng tholr M entry poplar Springs School lnat this week: Chnrlre and Rob. weekrnd. Tlmre w.xs lots in Smith tin Pee" 9; 1 4ntmy of Inpidn"r, d.—.1ionx end,..%., Keaton on Dec. of a1] kinds, xllrrpping For 10; and Randy ..dA mend+. nhu unique giFl, arM those Keller on ❑ec" I4. if you wv.de,rful Sourrlu-glt w]lY- would like ors nna vcmary if ymissed Soturdny's or birthday posted tou do n opening. )mu can step by hezltme in aril] er email me. thi6 Saturday f oxo 10 nm. Monday, Novem1er2R, ? pm.There -it, be emh: oReers were elected for the as —11 as vinu,ge all r-pury r 2() I., at die Sheffield- posed items. The school ix guhaln Votun[eer Fire at &W Ijnmcs Church Ro-d- Depar[menl; Dauld Sack, VaudA Eltls, Rens- UAI and ehier; Andy Dry-. nxsisL nt [Iwlr "Crcativr 9:ousinz" omit; Noah Drye, ntptaM; th-nks everyone !'pr ns it ing rmmy Kinacr. llrst Itteu[en- the open Horse o success. x; Andy Lawson, second Thia Sunday ul ? p.m H-utenanl; and Clayson Libany W-xloyun will go Camp1xI,' sufexy ofa"'. f"'7"_ eamling in local tl�eryone In the so tun r,iny humor. On Dec" nIh ity is proud of -x- guys, 11, the Woman's Christmas and nit the lirefi ghmrs and pans will be brio nl 7 pan. C14 I's. We many apprec4-re The Se nlnr Mcerhtg will be Y'", sacrificer. d.dkalion at 10 a n Dec. D nm1 and hind work- oa Dee,, IS the "We Call 'fire fire deparlmetn's aa- Mea19' will men at IB n.m. ua1 Kids Chrlsmuts Pauly lite .Idmen's Chrisnn.s win be tiundny From 2� pmvgram And candi:light p.tn" am the sm[{nn- Please Service will be Sundny, lyes. juin us for a fun fined -f- . 1 & Ar 6 and o. Sy -c"24 tenni_ of crnrts. snacks, a silent communion w911 lie Spunky the are dog. Sun- k -Id from FS I, Every. Coups. bounce lyase one is molted" (weather permitting]. face CEsicken Em Rad will painting and more. L'very- pesfutm Friday, Drc. 16 al ane I' w-trnme. z'he station One Farminglon Coounu- at 435 Dyson Road toff pity Center- Dnp. open a TVukeyfoox Ro.d1. 6 pm. for cont-esionx. and I"- much time jeR to par• a begin:.1 7" Adntis- eb— your winning tkkel stun is WA jam ussmn is held each Monday evening At the Famtinglon Conunn- aity Center at 7. w{Ndtwsy 1 ^ulna at 6 For carioca - s. Their is a S? charge. tux{clansget in f " n Backwmer will peri'nrm n[ W's Music 11-11 Friday ening, andDestination Blu-9-- will pert rte or Snturrtay, W L ix m ltd Turkeyr t Road. Floors open at 6 sad music ix f m 7-9;}0" Admivsfon Is 56 for age 12 and up, S3 ages 6-1 and under 5 r e, ".m- 1 -g aents; Sw-el Hollow Bhteg%son Dec. 16; 0.in. Ing.... nn P -r- 17: Jam session qaDer. 30; sad X- Y- s tye P.any tut Dcc" 31" 1]J LC. Ken acd will pmvidc m c during int -int Wslon, the music 3w11 will be closed Dec. 23 and 24 f -Christmas' 1.1 idays. Se 71f anvr cp u- nity show their singing M1 - en, cath Frldny Highs -t rho Hot Diggity Diner on us 601 Scum- Larry's Kar..ke is from 6-9 pm" Melissa onilher inwiwc rhildron ll to Toddler Slorymme n Wednea- day -not{n8 from ia30. New High Country laarld members Randy Smith, Tom Isenhour. Jett Mi- chael, Jim Cannell and Jae Mahaffey parlor at CJ's on Friddy- 11 o the Hnmaony Psrhlic I.iln-=ry, The elrildten -.Ing nags, play — —1 insfm- anams, -joy n sorry. da alis and hnvn snacks. Mn" Claus ail! vi.il the library nn Dea. R from 530- 7 urn. Crafts for adults rind children wi]1 al sv be prr.'ld. ed darin6 11, 1, areal" MA-" Monday.. in D.- txmber are aartl s-7 p.ttt" Gq r7 -r" 1., make drunimon stick ornaments; on the 19Th wine cork Chri.amas trees, LEG. Club will meet Thursday. Dec. 22 in 4 p.m. LEGO CNN) free play is ev- ery Friday at 3 pun. Maker Sm-rdays -m- gamed for fnmlli-s and you can walk nnythe n lo•nvv.. On ileo.. palet rain figurines: 17th, Gin- s..n slick —enema. Ail pplier nae provided" Prayer requ"" continue t Madeline tAplsh. JW, Kenton, MO I- Allred. "tom Clout, G"H" Goronh, Bryan Swain. , Jen. Reavis. Bonnie Ounter. Lori Dyso Villard Bock, Boma Slvu[, Sherri Dyson. lol+nny Nay,, Dol Keller, Elizabeth Fostur, Rick Swisher. Pot Moore, Jimmy 8aiLuy, TPr1d Olsnq, Charles oriel Gsela England,, Dc6omh Nichols. SyMn Retladgc Willlmtts, Ioyre Sack. Wellman Bcck, I.- -15'.." Wand. I told. 7x Chuff, a, Jghn Wall.-, Len. Marc Allen, IM Keller, Iu- nin+r Dunn, Betty Dnmeron, Man Lasawell. John henry Sleeves. Thnuny Kell-. Shirley Smith, Naomi W Ion. sh irley Edwards, Ron- n1c Thompson, ch -les Smith, Sorb.- 13arncy nnJ li in,.hl Rkl,-,lson" Our ondvlcnca to the tdwanl Galthee f mlly- Sulttnh items to hrJHol- In•�.uu.rnr. or Ball 751- 7367 ria later rhnn 2 pm" un Sanday" re t1I1g 36-940-8560 MIQCKSV I LLE FAMILY DENTISTRY Jain. Capula ❑,D,S_ PA" 113 M-6eq lace ori— ice: INeds.S.. INC zr�a 036) 753t-6630 C6 - r`AVM COUN-ify ENTll PRISE RECORFs.7"hlrrsdwv. Dar. a. W Ie, County Line Santa Visits Clarksbury Methodist At Breakfast By Shirley Thurne Cowry Liam Ca.rrespondem County Lines am brac- ing f a -ally cold snap will, temps predicted 10 J, 11 113,20 dagne mark tomm, night" Be sum in check n mldeety folks and to dht. canned water hc, e , pro- vide o re for pees, acid I.. ann[ioa when using apace he.kere" During December miry h"s mmry lamir Eyc creta for your C7nisnntas celeleatim and enjuyment. As nor photos slow, Talks of ¢I1 ages find hroukf 1 with Saw. ad his Of last $at- urday at Clarksbury United MethodistChurch" Mnny made sure Ilia[ Snot¢ fwd hair wish fists for Chrat- rnan , 'Ilse Bnplis[ Men of So- ciely win meet Irl 7 a.m. Saturday, Dec, IO in Litefel- lowship iWIl. no men 'ke orders for bnnkfast and prayer" After breakfmr die ka�lfi will work no props for the'Drimrthm Nativity." Sunday, I)— 11, the aunc..ary chole of Salem United .. fNclldlst Church will Present Ihr cantata ^Christmw Joy" ut rhe 9:30 orsh,p service, Cru- - eryanc Is i riled, The V"iced Melhodim Women of Salem will ILare Lhoir annual wva-d-dish Christmas m-lingae p,m. Wcdnasday, De.. l4- "Llna fellowship hnl]• cnpcuming enhy is Lncludc a ecomny ham end -t-ga hfenitrw 110%-, by Salem United rricthodiac Mae from 6-10 e.m. Scoulday, Dec- 17; 1 I •-^' n Trrhy lir SotTeLy B3ptl-A 5acurday, Due. 17'. C7hrim- cralt hosted by Clark." Veiled Method- ist at 9 atm" wtrshlp sa-lee Sunday, Lea. I B. Christmas r"mar. hosted by Society Baptist a[ II .an, warship e kc Sunday, D_, m Clulstm s program at Cal- vary Baptist .1 G pan- fa3- lowed by sacks sad SDI_ l_hip Sunday, Dec. i8; and Christmas proglam. at Clarkslmry Ualked Method- tal .17 pun" Friday, Dec, 23. At the annual Thanksgiv. i.g-Christmas dLnner --l- ing Lir the WC,,dmen of the tai to wm n o rua a, I,..soury hnelhodiet, from Iaft: Cooper and Kendra Hathcock; Katolyn, Jane, Luke and Conner Woo - and Sandy Cline. Visldng Santa are Rallly. 9rygon and Ayden Smith; and Kale lyn, Jane. Luke, and Conner Wooten. World - f.alge 323 , Andy All of us in County Una gen-well wishes In Dorman shoulder surgery Inst weak Dtunc. Revemnd Gwrdtnoy, Bowles and Phillip Cert- congne P.- Andy, Phillip, Beck, Reglpa Gunter. W. and is recapelal jag al borne. Betty, GIIWys, Peggy, and ter. bath of Davie Academy and Erin apart (heir aed.o, C, 'Oockee" Harris, N4., Tole Rev. Cliff Gwaltney ip ofherresidenL whoam hav- Roixl, weal p escorted [Ism and Iheiraw.rrls, Sane Hutell.ns, and Dlea. cuperniint . hone. oeily ing health pfoblema. Lba- 'En..immm�ut.I Awna1- I'nr A "]why dedicnllon" f PuSgcn. Dorman jell last Wall bas been [.nsfarred to time ro .e 11alr in prayer theft nu[s[rnding farming Evac Dw.ggin. was held week and i'mcwm, his AeL.rrur Cam of Moo",,i}le .ire ram 7.i[7 ted by the pmc[ices. Erin Cnrtner of during tike 11 a"m" t Mahip back; he is racuper+dng a Cw ":lash" Gladys Grif ih any fa ccs i our s¢k.at• Ridge Rend wm presented s alta at Society Baptise hone while nwniting huihcr hku heen Imnsfer-d 1a Au• wesmm mmm[nin arca end Lha "Lite Snrior Award" Surday, Nov. 27. Parents diagnosis. Rag}n. was laws- rumn Cafe of MnCksvill- Gatlinburg and the many far paving ]xcr mac ex life- CJ, and Karin. D,Wgylns pie"lied lost weak" Docker Peggy Waklaey rcm¢inx In families who ...I. dk%. Who. ]ler acanthor Jennifer promised I. te.r L'v-m In has lice" ha.pimlimll with relukh n1 mtkple Lear Num- placed by Hurricane Flan- wm choking on a W abets .[he wxys ret rpnb by Jesus swallowing I'MM.ms Lir .ng Caner of Statesville. I bta.. place nF candy, f{ri. Linme- Christ. play for [hc rnuplc Imdell Memorial Hpspir.l. Juin Lia in prayer for the For rrc and n movie. diolely begun - performing os they begin Llteir Pm ati.g M.rlaHe w rs h -pink. -d Lmd's divine Ilea{ing and to slim¢, please toll Shirley like lccimlich aunrut'ar and yanrs. lay. w -k arul dr ruruppr, ift-ings upon Doran on '4M-192-5113 or enkail IIIc andy w dlslodgcd" cur community ends ;ling to I.omp. Dilaw had Rogtna, Doekcr. Maricnc, r,h1(.k6hptumilcum" LnJOYIN breakfast with Santa at Clarksbury Methodist on Saturday, clockwi so from top telt: Ashley, Blair, Troy and Hank Lewls walling for Sante; Silas and Catherine Wall on San la's lap; Ritynn Ralloy checks out the Christmas tree; and Samem1ha Redmond tells Santa her Christmas Wish. -I� rinPren with Cra:15. Cana/PinQ pAVIE COU.% -n' F. Tt,KPRLSE RECORD.Thur.da.. Der -F, J 1G- f' John Tyler Sets Precedent As vice President/President By neity arch fwn West ca-ordingty. lOer called Ire wan r[rilcJ po •'e roar uF Ca Flno Cort,e,pandent Pnesiticm Harrisvn's cnbinrL VLgroin: and Iwo yeaa.t tegether" Tho Me.abers of er_ IIS" Scnatw. Acllvny araand Cana .hc cabinel IoW Tyier deal John Tyler ,- - ad rink, slowed r paid- ¢ll ndmi akmali'e m.1[ek perienceIf pnlixir-,n bus emhly are, 'ITn¢nksg W. -mold have to he nppeavad he was Nasi-Ily chorea ing" Thcref... I am tum- by diem. Aaording to the to m m tlurri.ari s Vica- ing once again 1a as ankle book, Tb- A -erica Presi• Pres{dcm be.r he was n \• .b,,.l . presklcnt. 5..eml deal by Philip K.unhardt, slave hotder, It was be[ia,eJ former students have Told Jr., Philip Kwhadt if sad LI.L .be fact that Tyler was e Ihnt lhey 131." enjoyed pe. or Kunhardl. Tyler eaidr a "a lave holder wwrfd garner _ the ealc.nns ¢heal the presi- -.1 um very glad m have in Southamrt suppoIbc dents, and t raid, "You did my Cabinet such able stales- Hcoyl,_nrlyler Ittlree, That un1 len. all of 'hi -,who. I men .s you. Bur i c". never m-legy +• .d. but o IrLuS to sef you ail Ilio- cat k1 be4ng dictated .o Hliniwn w.a dead, Tyler's years ago sat new 1 am epy ,ue 1a what I shall or shall politicsw nal peptdar. knF again!" krot da" I am the R•eak{ent. In fact. 1,Ls peptics tan- John TYler, the loth PreSidont of the U with Second wife, JUIa. Gardiner When. Henry When you think otherwise flitted with the Wieies of Tyler, and first wife, Letitia Tyler. Hn Williamarrison, Ille "inch P..i- y<wf reAgnalm- will he no- the Whig Party to such an den[, 4"-d nffar only o ccptcd,' T11e problem w nt the he was enpclled month In off. -..he vice- scaled in Tyier'a mind, but from ur [hewn .Lof Isis - presidem. luhn Tyler. w net in the mitis of tye paw- parry- 'Tyler's adMiaislra- _ token by surprise" lie was ars-Ibm-he" Right from the lion was u-bolen[ to Mry mT[ Wash tnaron hcgknniag Tyler ten- rhe kcnsl. but be was chic!' hill at his huge In Vi slantl -11 lel" Virginia y under anti to nccnmpl.sh some of his when he mccived ward chat Ty]cr sI -d his ground goals. He okchevlmred the IIIc ptvsidcnt was dmd" Hr and .be prccedcm w set rr rnx Lnde mission tv China; _bad to Wash4ng[on upon for 1b. vice presiders[ xtl expanded the Munroe Doc- - rerdving Lha news of Pm_vh an dm.ey and au tone to i"l¢de lice Hawai• s dens Iaarriaun'x untimely or like regluons{hdilly of the fan Isla.ds; helped draft a death. He Imvnled eIlh- presideney it die pres.dent Iraaty which resolved the ret Ilo"'Ix.ek ur in n hnrse- :Zll- strvv. That pr -c- Mui"- boundarydispute; M drown rarNa�a as the word edam, c,IIIcJ the Tyler Roc- and signed the joint re o- Tyler's home, Sherwood Forest, may be the wrest Frame -bulk[ home In rush docs ..I indirae ere- -dell[. has been followed in Lullon of Congress wtrkh i10 COUhtry, mMdrwx cocci. d.e up{led }In1cs nr nine nnncacd plea slavehoLling Lel ilio ljler's dt•"1h. Presi- and Julio Gardiner were %e- pccoNing ra rhe Iherpmre Upon saW4ng in Wash- other vie presidann have Republic of -[axes, bar the den. Tyler me[ ¢ hrauAful cra ly married in New Ynrk to he Ixwsr. It is 300 feel inTo" Juin Tyler exlx�cMd ;rscnlmrdr rhe mk of pros.- nen[ pnsidenf ue[ualfy gat young New Yorker, Tulin Chy. The hook.'Yhe Ameri- long -the length uF n flral- so be nke the ptesident with dam Ln our eeronay'x his- emc. I f4w t1ko1"Tyler fought LG"rdincr- lull¢ GnrdMcr's can President, quoles'ly'ler ball IieIS"T'he bout wax su all IIs. power a.d re'p i- tory: John Tyler, Mill= herd l whet he bolieved: father, David Gardiner, was say3.s, "W ll, what hos long Isco ysc the dcpeod.; Illy ttwl hid been bestowed Filtriwre, Andrew ]ohnson, but without Ilia backing of a repnsentali" fmen New been talked of""" is -onium• "i, which w rt homrol]y upon every mart who bed Chester A. Anhur, 7Lcndon; a party them was nO way he York- Hr, cnhinn incrnher+. malccl Ind Juli. G -dice, e , insepamte buildings were served os pmsidew her— Raase.elt, Calvin Caolidg-. -old will --el-lion, Fir other g..t, including Ju- them st lave ly or her sex, part of the nnuin hens ---for him" When he _had he Harry Tmm.a. ',ad- Iried 1a f ne, a third party Ila L'.r.lincr, wort taking a I. my own wedded wire:' ea"mp1e: Lha laundry end capitol he dlscov-Icd that 3ohnsaa, Gerald Fars"'IIIc whh s .; but in r down IhI: Ppxpknac s An the cad of his kemt u office r1 - any or ^Ibc P,, . I I 35th An Fedmenl, which the end, ht suppwicS James River on n ne vessel, the - ra-idcnr, John end Jn- Inchcde A intoe brilrnom !x he" lid nes lkclieve that he was papsed in 1907, clan- K. Polk, who was elected 1155 IRin-wo- The ship's lin Tyler moved hack uI also pan of rhe n n pan xhendd be der Prcrklcnl Ma tied what should happen if Prestdcnl• captain ucremonially fxmd their plamarinn �a Virginia, of the huµse. Jahn and Jo- nk.yc[ ilea should be "Vire the president Lir the Unilrn Ty]cr s perswaa! Ilfe nnay the ship'x gun. which a1 which they ren nad. She[• Pin 'IYler brnh played ntus.- Preskden., arrinli ns Prcai- Stakes wilt flat road nue n. Iw rrulre innemsting than his shun Lim- was lisp wurW's waxwi F'r.Texl- They seemed cal insuvmrnls ant Mvex! deaf:' Some even tiled a .s presht-Irl form hal- political life. civ a.d his r..t largest nava[ pun. The gun .o hove had on agreeable W darter su rhe ba[Inw.0 hien "His Aeeideney"" "son. Thar :.end- wire. Irl iiia Chrieli.n Tyler malf.a-li... d" There was life thee. They become dna was n important pun orlhc Thu Constiwtion ar the mens simply says. "In the had light children• Some an explosion. A number of pamn[s of seven chi Wren so 1,—c for 1.111 of the Tyten" Vnited Slates says: '"". In rme or the removal of the -pe—rn I, say )—as'lyler people weer killed: amaM1g Jahn 'fy leer was the h.11er This house is occup.-d 'ase nF-rite renlgral vF• h. ieresirlem 117 off x of. a rldkisKresivrifcir"d •vetr Nicer wetr•JkrN Geiditxn'.r• aF 14.f irlWi _ft byu� nFehe'[yler's grand• • '-=if from office or of his death u resignation, children; other says shat fniher. Davi," Julia w spill of The disagmement and is not open Io Thr his depth. msign.tion, or the Vi -Resident shall be- they had eight - s- en r SovutateS nal w tried about 11, number ar 'Tyler public a rept by appnine. Inabllky .o discharge tl:c lease Pr dens:' Whedler eight -Ihey l.nrl a hog tarn- from he ship by F'residem chilSten; he w"s the United mens, and it is hard to gel as Mu, and dnlies ... die this was The Lnenr of the ily, hlrs. Tyler hml a s.rnke Tyler, --ho was below deck Stmes Presideal with ore ""intment. T1. h'Nuada u shall Jovulyc on the Frnmers of Lhe Const4m- in ] $39 told w 5 penial Ly aL the Lime of the expk,s4an I-- chrldeen. Far Tyler's :ur open daily Ia ch. public Vita President:' Thr qurs- don - Iraq. it elarifiaS what paralyzed. After the Tyler d was nett hurt. pecsidenl 62nd birthday, his wife Among rhe in c xti.yl F - tion Ihun arose way'Ou11 did sivanld hrppen if the Pro t- Family moved .n the while Tyler Wait amine. lay 1.11. -"rale the fallowing poem, I— Of [h. grounds is the the warts same mean. The dent em.IS sur serve, h col- House, hlrs. Tyler only Gardiner wily on and de- 'lien, lisle., deueaY, wally Tyjer a per eerr.exery which 131h Amendment rends: """" Jawed Lhe Tyler Ptecedcne" tame UrkwIll " once afid lied the, sire should be the strain -and never doubt it. is fairly a— Olt, m.I. Muse. the Viee-y repWenl shall nal Joh.'fyl- wax rayed o, that was fw the weddIag of nest ars[ Indy even .hough "00 -The ripen'd charms Among the pels buried Ih— k os president ...i a Ne r e " 1,A00- 7 pl..lnlion In her dpughner. Letitia Tyler she waa 30 years younger a. all Io ane -WI., = prefer is i'reskdent Tyler's favorite of 4-ih:' 11 does not say Virginia- lie war graduated Jelega.ed the brsl jedy Ju- than he was, Al first "ii.' w Y -Lb-' The 3a -year age horse" Each per hes . iilte .hr vitt preskkal rhnll be- from Wiliam end Mary 4es 1¢ her daug111er-.n-law, hm.hed wide his onto- diff...- did not teem o mnab"One. Sherwood Far - me pI.Adc.1. In spite of College. ii rte in hit elms, prise iiia Cooper Tyler- the hart het after Lbe 1-111 of he a prebttcr rur rhe Tylers. eel is near the binhpi-e of nl1 interprcukduus. Tyler He was ulcered to Ihr Vir- President's wire died in her father.'fyler seemed to The house at Sherwood W3114.m Henry Harrison •ns ronv3.eed th.e le wag ginka House u[ Oefego[ms IS•i2, cher having " sewnd provide the parental cam- Fares.. the Tyler's IG00 acre and is welt watch x vista Ln President in eycry nsm and then 1u xhc U"S" tlausc sortie" fun ing 1hn1 Ju]ir nrrded" A pinnlntion, is .hc IwtJoese Charles City County, Vn.. of dtt word xnd h. tied uF Bepmsentatims. In 1927, A fairly show time after, shun lime Luer. J. Tyler f.me {wax an Anel near Wil am Library Launches Online Da -W County Public Li- A-detnlc Tutoring: reviewed by Tu nrr.cual'. henry has a ual ice. K[..d organon-spcnnd-ye car WnIcTnor 5-Pens!Iive,oa- 7lnurwvun, that offers live, callcgt students and adult dcmnal xumring in an inler- u-rn-one help From pro- le.rnera c n ger 11efp wily ae. We, online cirsaraam In• fessionm lawn nnlinr" bontcwurk. est Inrcp.rar{ta, through ''a rZol's 2ar7 Any cwm¢unhy -amber skills and mncelns Ihey are " Tp•pff Review s i-. whh n 14hr..y cord can uc learning in cl"rx e. well "s •Pectic- [2uivas; Stu - ss the oniinc servtra frac Adv¢reced Placement tae% dents pcepnr4ng C an end - f the libmry or from prnpwrnlion "Lid callege uf•chopter lest, n tinnl ea"m takmc nkL any campa.er n " Suhj-'s w slandan]ixed Iasi r -'m u5c mobile device c.uxrtccted Ip nclnde mnlh. sci..-, Eng- Turor.e•rni s Practice Quiz - rhe jmerncl. Thu lire, on]ki a lish. Spanish. ypc4.1 -ndma. r ass Mob, know!- Wlwieg and resume wrhtng ACWSAF. GEDIHISErr, ea" On Tl ter 1W ter a Ln v 1"1. seven Mictoseft Orrice and wnl- math. scLence and social th; a week, 361 day% a ing- studies. year from 3.10 p.m. WrheTutor Rcviewx: • Study Res"[ccs: The T. access Mn,—, visit Aelyaae working uaa ea• TLlee<om Skillsccnter folp:Ilwx .d. a4rcprrnlynr- soy., look reports, "short Resp Lib-ry p -Odes ;;In-14IN1lPkrhflnllHuverv. Glories and eallegdschalar. 3 -In access to lhausnnds Among the progr"rm ship applkxrinn assays ltave or rdncnlia"lly sound re- _Iable; two ways or gelling work pnnntts. Including instruc- H �R r FIE4TING, COOtING, RES IDEIVTiat'•P�NG SALES, SERIIICFy INSTALLATION W. sou R f, trr;tc t >n l�i lr3T96 SERVING DAVIE AND ROWAN COUNTIES Office. 336.284-7881 Mobile: 336-345-9207 Rowan: 704-633-4777 Tutoring Service nal 'ideas, downiest/ catches in n supportive mW -,king with job seeker. aI prnc.1" worksheecnravnlgikag eel all levels. I,nri a nnsbcards and get rur help with job scarehintt. FARM FRESH PORK( test taking Zips end much oniinc npp]ie.tions, resume mo-riling..kTte mw prcpala- kla awrr� • Joh Search A-isuk c dun and much -are , 'llkis karGRAIN FE4 BEEF Work individn"lly wi[It -nay tous and Any s elndy Forte r Prof.. me job seareln nu hes are experyrne-d 1n (33S) 99B -7V75 LAn� ED hnir r. At -yeti g: Tank Fith tor :Mulch 20 lb...............SO.2S UMC '?1 Gravel toaln...........S404M 64 W �'-� _ - bock Hawloo Ib, Tank e. 1VG Fill DirtFULL.,......5149.98 i ....n •8611 US Hwy. 64 • Laxiaegtamp He d4d'i s coon -set rAeror.nwn mrl.ar of •.at>rxr� 338-787�2p1 k Lite insurance Is:In ass4ntkai Part of caring for your family. rw ka,un Iak-y steeds a aatLe a ru_ai +tdresar ..,v..ti x yeas, lee s•rxe ties Edward,on s naelm.it, TIC 2: ozs 3351sI•e�7: CS - 13AVIE COUN'rY EN rERFMISE RECORIY.-M.-dry. Der. E,.7A 16 obituaries Party Helms GAMTP Dewey Jay Hunt Jr. Beverly Kay Winveciff Allen Mrs, Party Helms Griffin. 96. of Mc,e svi Ile, died on Daw.y Jny liver Jr -,71 of MocksAlle, died on Wcdnvs- Mrs. Beverly Kay Winecolr Allen. 71. of Sanford Av- Pec- 2.Z16 at home with her daughter- day, Nov. 3D, 2016, in Forsyth Medical Center i¢ Win- e.uc. Mucksvil€c, died NkJnrxday. Nov- 30. 2(116, at her She s bom July 26.1920 in 'Into" County ry the late 1 a.-S.loni- hvmr- Clarcacc Pnce HCIma and MnRgie D11. Polk H -lana. R=- r His funeral se wI€1 be She woo Dam Oct. 9. 1945, in Row= Cauchy to The fare moving to the Pledrrunl section of North Carolina, she held -1 Fry any. 17ec� 9. m 11:30 Into Roy Wll[inm oval Mabel gush Goodnight Winecafr- Ilved in Wllmi.P;W.•Whltnvllle, in the Stour -Phillips Ch.pn! Mrs. Allen wa. a ember of Elizabethtown, Churlclle and or kdpz Funeral Service. ec- Salop River ChurcM1h of Chrksr J.cksoriv,llle where allc warkca wok., Okla. &urial will fellow In W dleaf and was n mtre:d at Comp L.njaunr, She lived an In Wrnlwaod Cemetery in H'e- CNA. Mrs. Allen was fa of -live life which exempt l Rea her wuka, her fwry Friends. l'mt-T t strong Chrietion farad. She began Mr. Hunt w oaken of and Abbic- She elkicy.d fami- work at ... early age sewing,' i. a Wnw.k. and pR•nsdty served in ly ger rugenc,re and sp-Wing 'deplane ewltell heard opcml., the US. Air Force. He nKkrcJ time with hcf church family - and -ii-d .a nucivaal personnel [rant US Air, wrbeM Ido was in Survivors: Icer husband .(icer with Tln: Corps of Edrgl- airplane mechanic- He served of $3 yet,,, lack Freston Ak- ¢ndrein Wilmiagm.-Shek.awd fnithfnl ly al Smith Grove AME len Sr. of 1h. M1oinc: eblidrcn, rnehered while Zhu and her Zimr C11urch n Mrrckxvikk, Jack AIIen, Jr- [l udyl of Stony husband. Bill, trnvelyd cxten- where the Rae- Pamela Phillipe Palm, Vadce Allen 1-famyra) rely in their momr home. She ogees ay p1m.r. or Kcmcraville And Angela W.5 u genuine Soathem "Indy" A memorial ec kc w1I1 be Ilekl al Sm11h Grove, 3707 0,.Wken (Gleba.]] of H.anony: who acrvod ]n promincnl lead- US k58 Mock9V Me, on Snlud.y. Nuc. 10 at mmrt- W-lelll.lica, Preston, Rielt- cmhip positions ouch -4 choir oY M.markp lx: Smla1 ryruv- AME z,nn Building Fund: or ani. Scan, lxalie. Hmgra.n, the Junlvr Wnrnnn's Club and ns v Irnxpic. volmhxaer- wGidcvr,s Mernarial B111En Progmm. Grndd. Josh [].diel and Ddsllrr; dleat-gmnddought.r, She was pmdeceaud by: her husband, William Everett Candatences: dvdwvphrfl9pr,rirnavwfnrricce+wn. Sov.nnoh; siblings, Bill Wknecoff (D.LN) n1' Sn]isbury. Griffin; on infant son. 8111 Jr 2 aimcra, Kati Bunn.nd Rrendo VYnJxar [Petrol of Mnvrcavi llc, Tory Wnecoff. Virginia Moorq; told. brolhnr, c]""ce Helms- Danny Lee -Wheelmanr Charles Bnrb:u:t Kirk (Pc[c], Peggy Rogers {I'hNl, nl] of Salisbury Surviving:. daugher,. Phyllis Gough oY the home; 2 Mr. D.nny Lee "W]_e n an" Ch.rl-, 62 .f M-kav klle, and Harvey Wma n' (Kris) of Okluh 111a; +lad a drlultilude grittidd ild,m 3tlsan Cnvrl111 (Chuek) and STevc CSrv.rw• did Wednesday, Nov. 30,29L& of friends who were family. ugh (Tony.); nud -19-1-9 adchildren, Grayson and SM]] St rvivl ng: hie wIT.. ]stye=: A forint.] --ice was condatoeJ at I I a.m.. S-Wrdny, CraLlRlI And Ashley and LI Ily Cavanaugh- son Jason Ste -un (Angla); Nee.3 at Eaton fervent.] Chapel wlrll Jimmy Sime and A calnbraxion of !ir- acrvfca will be held of Highland Lb..ghw, Cindy Ftince (Ren- T"T" Gorham ufdeialfng- Burin ledw ed In Smah Riv- Presla ri.n Church ht Wlnamn.SRlem an Dec. 11 with dy); 6 gr.ndeh Hdrrn, San - Church of Christ C ... tery.'17u family received frh'nalx im[ipn al a in The activity bud ldlng fnllnwnd by a xcrv'rce ah Dinkins, Meredith Styers . AT rhe funeral home one hurrr. rlrior to the wrvice. In the sanctuary. }Cody), Christopher Smith, Metnorinlx Mulrlpie Sclerosis Pourrdmkog, 5326 N.A.- Merrlorials: Hospice of Davie. Brir.n! Clmrl4s. C.leb sod B.Y. °1 drew., Ave-, Pon Lauderd.]e, M. 1"MO-2131. lie Cox: ? grest-g-nd.hildrnn, Coadolenecs; dmdnv.re,p„r/rlr+rrarsrry+rrcunr. Nancy Louise TLompson SpradIin Wynt Sryum and prion Charles, Ma, Nancy Louise Thompson Sprndlin, 77, fomr.rly .11 of M-kevilly;his -h- -_ - Runald Eugene Galyeall of North C--11.., died Sunday, Dec. 4.20t6 in Cooo ii er• Led% 11.7 -.ad his 2 ala- - Mr. Ronald lalgene G1lyeatt. 60, of Mrcks,%k died uh Heighz' Va. Pers, Vicky Lambe, and Kaye Forsyth Medkcal Cemur on Wednesday, Nov, '30.7.016. She was hum April 12, 1939, in Rpckbrldgc Carmry, V.. Cabe, .11 of T75umrexvHlc; rev He wos bon in Galax. Vlr. on May 12,19M to the late in the Inge Ceck1 Thavarnm and Nancy Ferguson T hump- eral niece= and nephews; chs.,- 'i'my nerd Mgry Fekts dalvcan, n, 5156 WAS retired from Mr 0lxirnl in Rtraaoke, V0. and .l friends, Srevc Reavis, RielmrJ "'f ek" I.—gwurt h. Jahn Survivors: his eh l Palma, Stacey Soulhem and husband, worked part time at RCR Racing when xhc m.tcd to North BinMcy and Geese RmAnger- Kevin. Christian Rojas And Carolina. He Is preceded in death by his grandimher, P.A. Clad- Rene! Brim Flom, Ronald Su"J'a s; A Altar, Sue Davey; And 4 eh'iWmn, Kathy fallen Father. Anhur Ixc Child— brodhury, Rrndy una Golycnn Jr-: grarnfchi]drrn. Okkinson M Mock-iU.. Tiresa Pxhecv or Wl¢elun•Sa- Iketglns Charles; sad k.,W , Gaye l;oyes of-rhornvevlll.- Tyler CS.lycan, Homer Akcrs tem. Lcelie Mnyo 11 a[ Cheelcr, Va. oval W}I.]taro M¢y. or He had retired from the NCDITI' lenrsyth Equipmcm and Sethi Akers, Lagan Rajas, Bedford, Vo gmAdcld]dm., Amnndv Luku.. M6lthew Shop rend from the Smith Gmvc Fire Wp.nmem. tic was j ' Hunter Ham- Clrtcr Galyn.n Maya, Melissa Bows, Nkchole Dubois. Gcoffmy May. ..emher of Cvm it B.pdu Cir h. He was evaryme's _ and Colron G.lyean; o aider .real EJlsabcrh Mayo, Clurc]tnre Mayo; Irnd y genal -grand• fr[rnJ, hackynrd mcchnaic .nal if you knew him well, you and hNlnccr-in-Jew. Carolyn children, knew when I polmrJ than mn}ile linger; stlmlr work wus .nal the Rnv- Rata Bartley; a Ms. Spmdiln remains are bcing'eTemriedhrr}del4eques5` fixing f hhppen i6�lr'e s5u1i: P, re un1'lic.-Slcro nfW aeric - - +�_• is iEle4a si 1. . � w, Luny pod no funeral Jur mermlrlm 6 being ho to at her request. would jump right in. Pic ]uvea tractor% A+ld many ye.. and Elaine 0.1yeon- Edith WAtherine V9."stnt Myers were xpcm at tractor p�l is with Lis f.mily and fr .-Ps. Of, A nmma,1.1 s i- orae Mrs. Edith Kurberine Vestal Myer, gA, of Advance, leu you ..old Find him with lnson.I Bay Scout cwnts. He held W I1' a.m- on Saturday, died Nov, 3h. 2016 m Kade B. Reynolds 1•lospice Horne. had a Iovc for old cars And :u Almnst any Time or be Year _ Da. 3 0l Mo Wy Funcr+l Hom= S anti ry cels would be in IM1c works. Man .ala Chapel with the Revs. Wood pan m She was born Dec. 18. 1931 €n F. -yl lr Cn m), ru the R shored bvrweca hl+ lrmdienln-law Wayne and wife Flippen, Johnny Johne.. am I.re Rpllcth M.1..oJ Rt- Mi Vestal. Mra. Myra w+u Carol and his in -.];tors cosh im.g on ritieraide of Ili-. He Randy Rnnlvy offioi iz mrmbar of Fibnvi If. Unkind h7erhr1clisl Church and rc- as a hard worker, a Friend F -111-11A owl loyal to the end. H. was els¢ prernded in death by nn InP t dieter, Me - tired from RJ. Reynolds Tobacco Co, aflcr 32 years- He grow up poor. wus a rebel child but he gtrW T. dr mm1, .]'vale Kn Gat She was prexeJed !n death by her hhssbarW, Grulawl miging . Y. 111 Myers, and her brothers and is. H -td. John- RueW. sing his family- His Ithe wos ne purr than hi- Sold mving his T71e family time meet vu ivicc a on sulurduy Ymm 9�;if1 and R1eheMd. 0rmiky +dad friends until the .nal .nal even than his rnncrms n.m.li.I €1 [he rime of the service al Mvvaly Funernl Home were f axed an LIW- end Their well being. In MT. Airy. Survivors; 2 saw. Jerry Myers pad Garry Mytts; a A Fnnernl s.rvirn Wnn cnnduned n[ 2 pan. Sunday, floc. C.Irrlot-tem pndvrsnrxsrAf nrntsrn•fces.rnnr. bmlber, 11c-cli ; and her 2 sisters, Smrlcy end Pat- 4 ra lildyworth-Miller Kinderta. Chapel- Burial rolluwed Tlhr fondly ""i -d friends Friday. Dcc. 2 al Hay- in Comatose Bapt lsT Churco C-nrrtcry. The fam Ply receive Dorothy Leigh Dotson wade -Miller Kdndenon Chop..]- Budnl was pdvplc, iricnds Iwo hours. prier to Ilw• scrrice m the I'u ne-I home. Mex. Doroihy Ix igh L]olzun.91, died on No v. 29.:V 16, Mctdcilu ; Elbarillc UMC, 2595 NC SO! S.,Atvnner- Wriwri.i.: Do w Cmnly FlneggM1lrr's Azzoc inti.. Be. at her mxWenec- C.nd.lrnces: u�d•w)myhdv rrld-nriffrr.c',�n,. v.lencn Fund al fl -k of the Ozarks. She was bom in Durham on May 27, 1915 in John Wil - Hazel Faye RPy"Ids Rummage m Condolences: u•anrJrdndwrrh- n11crxrrrn, Ilam aml Margaret Pauline Scales Rahem. Dunne. W rid Mrs- Haxe1 Fayc Reynoldz Rummage. SR, or Scaling War 11, eche w.rkM for Douglas Aircraft In Lang Bench• i'.'va Snaith 1Youtrnaa Calir. Once she became n mother, xhc f used her energy Dove, Mockavllln, died Mmd.y. Dec- 5, 2016, al Ck .]don Eva Smith Troutman, 9=, of Fronkl inion, died M.rnday, .n her family and look pride in being a harm --Ace and Hv-spier Hpu.e in 5leles 4.k. ]Jac. 5, 2D 16 at the Prvrklin 0.ka Nuni:lg Center in 1-&- &- wife. Aft- her chi[trea were grown, she retum=d 1. work She wn born Aug• la, 1926, !n L7' a g- RCmnqy rn the burg v i bookkeeper for Miawn F,Iecvle Co. I.ra 3phrt Alonm nnJ Gladys "aerie" Hager RoynuWs: ° ['= Y Mea. Rummage warn la.kovcJ and -lila member of L' i- SM1c was M'^+ in h .li i Cour- Shc k%olio preceded mi death by her nn Ro d.Clascrlce tarts Baptist Church utri W.x ly, the r5tugh(er of sit= Isle Mary Edward N¢tsnn; nal n sixlrr, Margaret Ann R.brrts Sluck- 13 o"i-d sw_'resx. A 1-ing - Myrtle Store Smith end E.aeh W. eye Chriarlan tad Stn1h11. Su ivin o daughter, Debm Lei h Ilgxdn: n son, y, ehe heal .woo- A gmvedde fu octal e.rvice was Rot" Edw.rd Dp n (Rabin.]; 2 yrnnlchildrea, A-sbcr ,e dcrfnl sense of Ilumur.rrd loved [a he held u 3 p.m. Wednesdny, Eltxobcllt Dotson end Rob.. Edward 1?utsoo Jr; and 2 her viae.., and nephrwz, Due. 7.l Ill- F.i-icor Cemcicry 3:1 .dchild-.. Malihew Alan Swaim And Mark, wes- She w c also preceded In sop-grn �� death by ah.e husband of 62 Frnnkliotoa with rhe Rev- Robert Icy Swak.r twEin Sanw)- Colliaoff LAImg. A do --We was held at years, ]oho }?. "Johnny" Rum- goons' p -m. on Saturday, .m, in c: 3 nieters; and 6 brothers. Sprvivure: her son D.vkd E. Ncc- 9 ar Farsyth Memorial Pok with the Rev. Sohn fimh- Survivors; her eleref, Mao W.t[s of Louisburg; her, daugh- vp ofncvi.ting. Rcynvkix Cana pe nFLcxiogmn; ter. C. ink Rei.': a seater. renin 5- Ceadolm,e=e: pn.,r.]+uyw.,rNo-miflrnttmr. nerd =c -,.s nieces pea neph• Concr; a gmndchkldrGa; nal o Sr�-graadelnughhc r, m.,soe Rwnnn or CharleAk.. et`•`' Memnrinls: Living Sprkngx ClrtuHr of opal (Gids Club) Mae Ma Ci Howard A funcrat s kce woa rn be r, Dox 667 Fr allkllntnn.27515. Mrs. Mee Coudcll Howard, ]tl3. formerly of A1ceks- cxlad"Cica aT ^- p.m-. Thar,a.y, Dcc. a at Borons Baptist Cundol 7 1 r wwwa..27Jdn.rnfxa oar, vllle, d d'fucsdny, Nov. 29.2016, m Wcalem NC Baplim Cmu.h with Dr. David 0 lbread affj.Wing- Burial was 10 Home In Axlreville, follow in the church cemetery. The family was t. mecise WHllam •$illi, Sanderson Slee w- loom J... 15, 1913, in Davie Chanty 10 ate pare i'rivnda.i the churell ane hour prior to the ""ke. WH[!nm '•.]till" Sanderson, 68. died at his hvmc Mon- ThO�s Ishm.el and Jesaic Ida liendrin C.ualcll. She ._a Me .n.6: Eams Baptist Comet-ry fund, 1922 US day, Dee- 6.2016- [if -1-9 mnmbcr of FL -1 13.F, 601 N Mackavlllc, Armngcmems will hn mm.unced by D¢vlr Funeral Sen list Church In Mocksvi€le- She Condole.ces; wrr�•u-.ror�rrrerofaen•icr.cwn, vies- Cund9le aeez: wnm•Auvifarr'af.y D.vr.ca,n- wos a beautician for more in - M Ye- and ad FmT PRESBYTERIAN Cffmc .1 261 South Am SL - Mocks is COMMUNITY BREAKFAST THIS SATURDAY! 10, 201 j V December 101°9 2016 7:30-10:00 am D a moires Ado. Procall*8eaef' A WC0i!WrY57LWEVr5ArAWVY 9u+d.r ✓" it Sa •[ •CvMAPJ.1es. (336) 751-250-7 w•n:Fpcot o k •4tle il.m The family of the late Sarah Edith Beck Gmbb would like to expJess heir deepest gratitude For all the prayers, fiv�veJs canis deticivus food, every act of kirtanese Eiat was and shone to our family during our morri s tlansiti on to heayert 6Lir mom turned % on September 30th and was in Fair health until many Small strokes ggr!adually took free life 0. Novemf7er 15019 We xerovld 1]lce Love prise to the HossppimlPallialive Center of modvilie for the cxoellent cam they prot•ided for roam. Again many tllankc = Carl, Dellrr-9, AN woe, d -d Gey - opeq . beauty shop in Coolremer is 1932- She wus visa preceded in J dcnhh by her husband, Uili :9 HoWd; silent, L.611c - Camden Howard; and 2 broth. rs, with- Caudell end Jeff Coudcll. S wars include se. -ami ni ,nal rausirx. A Funeral . LLV was con. ducted - PF, Sazurd.y, Pec. 3 ar: Lon Funeral Chap` al with rhe Rev, Shaer TFxon offi"'Ung- BIAW (alloyed in Furl 33apdu Clrorcih Cemetery- The family rucrived frie.da ai the Fuoerd hoagie err bauT prior ro the scoter C-d..11e: Fust I sLi l2 N. \fain 5�`docks..lie. Cwdokruxe. w+t+.•toraofld,rrrfrtrrieeryu- BLptTES 1 IN ❑ME TA}(�� I 1 aim I Isa7raJ9,eelibrd>�.ceiczxea j 1 xrx,r�a7s-93r»r 1 Iur xuw uador9lkeRlaotr a -'- 0 SoIRMERN STATESDIM Farm SBrWce, lnr- 516 YalNertf.ro St-, Mogkevllle 13361 xa797-6027 ll.d+n, rg'rn a-du- �-poyne- 51- Du+yle C+J1itAve �1 I7oaR. $eRvrce Salva • S-4- • Inatallatlon Cdl�h• A a^�.•rw r•dir aa�.�x.asss 1 Far where taus or three are gathered to ether ire my name, ' �heJ'e anJ I1n the midst offbem. n hWlhairlR3O + p�ppR8Lec4f1' A 9swAin•• Nor Tray tin N.(-�omem-9i. l+rod�.nno. NC (336j 751-5820 DAVrE COUNTY EINTSRPRISE RECORD. Thoesd.]F, Dre 09, Zel6-C9 Eaton - Funeral Service ] � NmN bldn u, Marwvak. Nc :msec ^r t�IIS'5CTiiliilltiE IiiC.�+L`bi0 t4yiiiLby C5CSIitCS'ieS' whoencouraWyoutoworshipatthechurchofyaHrchvi- -_ Andrew.]. Rwerc p1N10 ar - I.. w.. m,d Nc lana 339F757 -02a9 ^lnvyg oium•.naamin:• 5 -7. -%,, • vrysey.e •few seer Z- e •6.n. v.� • �rNa mra 6lhr.q (336) gems" [7361904-0679 sorrylwwe JdckW� shomeoumleco. 338 7`.71-'989 -aagm Shores Plumbing & Heating Ficrrard e, 198510. Mal. SL, PdWur m.. NC (336} 757-5853 I Aft "O 00 i i OF"Fi 1 INDOOR SEAT►NG 1 1 766 336-75 3 -7 . -41004r, IIC 1 I 336.757.980p 1 SPILLMAN'5 HOME FIIEL OIL rC• Cs71 ylbr aea9M� � i+dRrcY}'f . -1- �nTedrf hrikiilR 284.551 Farnily care > MILLER+ Center O� f� c egYlj/InC9lt Ycrtt5el Mocksville `�Genes Tvmm.ro Porte PA -C 'a fi9lL & sulfplY, rno.xTA-tr.rp„_....rc" h r sojaiwAaeabwosc-Nwaau. 'gyp, '°'"�'4 %I�W)r . 33rr7$I-'1304 us torr. ra...a. {336J 75]-0006 .�3Ma;4N solo flwy,eel s„++arn,lce FAflMlN6TOH �rlr HhW "Far suJJcrc t wu or MtigOes E GOIIF Ei1bIE5 GENTLE a .. three aregudlered rr. �Psa trig. Machine&Toollne __ to etherinm name, " - ODI WNSM14 pA ..e.e.,..u,.,. `gore am I In the wlrf9iifr�irr�vawxrda 2716HWy-601 North 19(1NGTL]rJ, NC 27235 8Sfi-9g8-20700 midst of them." xv1 k�1.ry.10IN: nr-r+•.uk,yc Moeksvule,NCx7Q2R 336-249-2591 ••�.rw � ashy.,'. 6�.� �,. 335-492-5055 7wlNe lmhYw11e111¢avaa M.,dl.er laau t� Iw Y�deew� 5.rWagf].vle gol.,gr 5khoe 1999 W�'.r•Jli�r'�Tf _ -� ,^ .w. W,...r'lLy7pEoS 1fOW I D I Farminglen [load Ufn0or Serrlce. Inc. FLJNER L HOMO xxnuN Rge6ade Rdi6ack5aHn I ! UrM�XII[7Tjr Tie attkpJraroS , J4x nt%M1'C fr3] Lxiacahum u • M1lwssva4S liC SmW, M.dLR i RatW Duty Tering ` •Aeon. el Mln�' �•iNM C•e 1061 Seadw R.ed•1JamnHlte a. tl.:'s=•."w:`,"""dZ..r 93367751-11W 936RB&2693 -OH€co a.... =13-753-149S767-1474.5 ww.grnhmnfvdwzalhhnrrc,aer 33b940.7256 - MaDlle {336} 75"090 -,,, 896•'1ss-mat HAYWORTH-MILLER -� 1N11itnee"3 now 8t ,7•� Ft INFRA( I Inxlri ��'Parleron� Used Variety Store LARRY J'I ANIEL www.p.[larone-cam 9981 adk ort 10 Rd Mac angle n•I"""''sr-rt 1SUILDF.Rti 165 T-doay Fon, Road lerrd.7n.dnrnrrt.6awwwu..) 336.940.55S S >rorhawao. NC xraxR *-mac;•, 336-751 -91022 336-346-0908 336-492-5565 (335) 783-11388 FOSTER DRUG ' ! ' oe 1eRxw : o I ME com[PAN Y 330 g �(3 S4•d M%kwA@ LffILE CHOO CHOO SHOP ere w1s.5s:tdxrrlbin.,Ranrm r 495 Valley Road termormayWat MoaksVlaa. NC 27028 3 500 9. Salisbury Ave - 336 jlie, N 147 ® Span"T. NC 78159S. ; „x• �^' 1+r,•M^b-Cal++ To wx.r arnrT.< .a.ewar www.lkmerhoechooshor.cam �• _ 33rr763�DRL16 www.Nowerdma 'iy.conr. 70"1711717 FULLER�_f `verJry, vel d , Isay McCuistnn preclelon mane Cuning A unto u7 1f A. n1an Ccrncmte CO-, Inc. holei F.brica keen y iayengs, 336-345_39 _sou- ry r� he shall clever .NG i70xfl See death. L1,.•)el'av,w 6d,ar.v 336-751-97126 ..rr.hnemartl.dg�n W 91! �xormg•_ -D7> a -LL a -i -i '•1'� 90� PaR rima Dy RrJV oma. JJ4ra - wfdne- ar t seed= •-s,s.� •. 9armaa&,xAfter R.r Cprenl.r - & �p--c.d r.rc:iatv:r3 s.n:.n� n�gere.ran.,. 194 Ceanefl3L- . Meek••:-?_+_-. 761-T Y l 8 CYO _ DAME COUNTY ENMER RME RECORD. Thm3d¢y. Da.. 8._016 Luncheon ... Cnnthruad FYoin Page CIthnt warp displayed in the Whittaker and Lou... Thy- foyer sad diving room and ]or- whlrh pmvirkd Fun and Fea- Hermud¢ Run Coun. Tivr seasonal deeoroJons n7 Club supports the on- for the event, nual event by providing the "Pwvlding and xhar- venue. "rhe C Wnlry cluh mg this speciN day with wait 0 dT, under the 'ed. dor studenla and [each- erahip of Junes Crawford, ars has b -0.e vac of the assisted In serving Turkey, highl igh[s or The year for green banns, m I mW bora rL, garde, eiub amt cheese, meshed" p'tnToea, The Benoudn Run Cvunuy deviled eggs. ranb"my Club "!2", " Sclrlrppan saki. roll. and beverages- "Hveryone associated whb Hol iday euprakes andcagk- this a "en[ npprecia[ea Ilrr re dessert. fnwe. opportunity of being abl. Foods Kkdenon andscare 1. share and give Lack to eraser, Matthaw Bratlnn, Davie County 3chvWs. Thc nd assistant manager, 7hm hes[ part of this special day lAhman,don.led 110 puvnds wetd the smites and happy or turkey and wslrled in thank your that rangout as .et g. Bermuda Ruwn GaMen Club 9tudmte and t" �ni members .-@d goodbye LnlvYril.SeeigPr taarya fltx J. Tho -rodents-%U4.'anhom of an road- by ,mdcau for as they b¢neded the hums to pmvii.,,• years' wrichenrp mtum to their school.:' Tom Lehman, asslatant manager, Lowe's FoaelS, Klrederton helps club members sarve lvrkey. Th"'ank'Youl. Thank you to all the voters its Davie County. I am honored to he your newly elected Superior Court judge, and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! I invite you to the Swearing In Ceremony Sunday, Ilan. 1, 2017 tat 2:00 pm in the Davie County Courthouse. HAMILTON YOUR SUPERIOR COURT JJDGE PUD Fart BY 71a LbkDffna M EtEf-f LORI H¢fO= Fug SYS COCW RM -L to In •1far ,e, - "* 'Newq91 Front Brake Pads Be mady & Rotors Installed half rI�I'Ll1�[C f .�164 00 Vddcka includes Parts . f and Labor BEAM Ulm Thru 1118H7f1W. 64"CT al. ffl& ,.r Ilmc 336-751-3372 DAVffi COUNTY EWrER VR1SE RECORD, Thttrsda s-. Dec. a, 31116 . Dl Students South Davie posilWe behavior Coorcilneldr Amy Speckln and Princlpa] Mal Isea lynch with the state recognllion banner. Classroom Elf Arrives At Pinebrook sludente in Mrs. Hendrien class shuns tt a beenuse it is: warm Jules to being pan of a wmmu. t Pinebrook F.lememary have during Christmas. Th=y wiif con- dry with tsaditivns, eustoms, and Leen excked about the arrival of clod" ih"lr tank by making ginger• eul[are. Thi% unit integrates the their elns —elf, Mr. jingles. bread beuses during their Christ. Cvnunon Core State Stutd."" Ht stays wish the ek— each day as parry. Oingerbmad houtea for FatSikh Language, Ass agd ..rel hells brick w the North pole and Chnldml s bees tae Madltions Ow N.C.-FiseelriW.gtandaeds for earn night w give San- tqt I. &rata fyermany. Social Studies. 15ach des vmdanla dale. Sof adt of She -pan. hove Second grad" classes reed 'Th. 'els n" aevesaI eeunuiae ¢ and bean gavel. He i also teaching sigmm�iesa Assislars• and talked the world [n leant how w'nter them about k'a as. Barb day about problem, sduliun aid cher. hotdnys eR celebrated and how [he class receives n gib that c e r+ila, In math they have then[ tmdirian, are similar and urages them [o ba kind to o[h- been working o addition whh (trent man Nc4[ Nwn- aefom the v - They have made wawnake-+ ragroaping. They starevd u unit on un{t began. •auitcnaes• sad -pas.- end candy cane ornunenls la give economies sad earned Remdar ports- were assembled for -h: way. They Imve written nice Bucks to spend ar Winter Work- my student to take with than nota. and ban enmumged W play shpp, this jvuraey_ Lee,on¢ are research with athero that Ibey may net have Over the next three week., basad ¢tral.si- t[r supperl , played whh before- third grade win —,la a [o T. -I dents as they Icam m read for the The children ,ave abv Leen a and the wend (taming about purpose of gaihrring informaIivn IT:! about Christmas resell- h tuberco u -i- celebrate dur- and ]taming, whirls mister in the Lions around the world. They ing this time or year. In this tapir scltovl's mission atalcrrent. 4d vel- Iramed about The Legend of the inlegmled anis, ,ludants will n aping well-rounded ¢ad 1`-j -ed ipoinsetri¢ in Mn;fro, arew k3 a irty of tux[ msourea. m N. karnrrs, as welt as m Itasil, 16at smm. rowers .. plate the theme, Wklter Hvlidnye lura goal. provide oppoRun43cs sr kangaroos in Australia end wears around the World, and how ie m- sere, full potendal- Kindergartners Learn Wants Vs. Needs Cvolamee elementary kin- Classes learned atom her- oral nonfiction slorie. abort dergarten sbrdenls tae Teaming vie,[ [.sdv !a xlebrated a and naimole incl uding prairie doge and .6"T [he diRemnee. in wane end Na world and mmpurd them a turtles. They F d vin text nerds, making lists of things racy to Thnnkagiving. In China, Nay &tarn,". and d5y=e ed tilts ma4a and and things They need- in cel"brale rhe Mid Autumn Moan idea of the text versus supposing mads .indents are learning about Festival.]. Nigeria, they cal. detaib, the properd- orahapes tad work- ebrare the Anlgangu Fishing I v Fourlh grade, studenla ate work- ing vin addition and suheracr4an, livid, The sugar Cane Festivel i9 ins on multiplication with mult - Saea[td Stade clasue crlebmled wtebmted in India and Russia digit numbers. Division is the next Th""giving by u¢ring Their -1 berm, Apple and Honey DTy, standard- if srudapts know multi - my M Tradition. forma holiday. Pesch =try has a Sime to gather plication 1 cis it makes adsion That' mview"d the history o& Liu with [nmily mrd $nand: and hour tach easier. fim Thanksgiving and compared --illm Fiah graders visited Sour D. the difference: between me Pd- In math, smdents hn,. Iwmed vie Middle School to Wu 11 tit=ie, grim. and ran Native Americana, how [o add 2 digit number. us• drama pvrturtutlle" of "Into the Students brought In eenned veg- ing demmpvsutg -A regrouping- Woods:'They had .good Nmebc- cublas m combine in a trrievdship Now they are working en adding ing 4n,rvdueed tb n c1 -s they will soup and share with elassmates to 3 digit numbers- Students toad "v"nluaIly hove ma opponuniry To remembeY th= Fn[ Thanksgiving. take in middle school. Positive Behavior South Davie Earns State Recognition For Program On Nov- 7, South O."ie Middle Davie has reduced the Frequency 5chooi wasremgn4ud ae an ex- of 4nrWents and improved overall Fl-Srhool for the schnal', school cllmatr. The Impvn— PISS program- of this has a dire- imp v on =tu. PSIS (Positive Behavior leder- dear -hi—lentand academic vene4tns puri Suppvnx) is a _b-4 progr=rs. wide program to prorwT. positive "Ie Ir SISI allows our reaches +acini behavior anwng studerim Ie f us on the sludeata and pm staff r.anslstantly reinfgreas vide them with a qu:list'. eduw- and pmmoles desired acrivities iron rather than diselpllin issues;' utrwgh gawp and individual in- SM.I;ig said. "Oar ahtdenl6 and five.. s[udcnts ore rcergnlzed staff work hard every day South re,gttlady for Their effam. Nr euempI school it is:' sputb Pavia was ane of about schools are evalltaled yearly 120 schools in the state to receive Through required waAdrruughs, exempiw star..• rite highest level school wide ills and impmve- of.—It .a- mens ,. e=e,.'i'his is the frnh time Amy speckin, the school PSIS s ce the 2011-2012 school year e *'dinamr, lndieae", the[ reler that Sand, Davie hoe me[ the re - decrees". in office mferals and quiremenu for exemplar teengni. "FpC— in behavior ain,�e t the program was hnplemamM eOMeBsxa Lynch, grinoipal, said during the 2005-2006 school year, she is proud. "PH15 is the L nda- -11 15 has peen a wonderful of u Wsitive school culture thing for South Davie;' Sprckin end reaches inw the ela5.room and said. Thmag, conaistenl df,ri- beyond. 1 rtrn imntensdy proud of plina mm du—, rewards, in can- th, ae[nmplisbmenr or our u alu- lives, and interventions, Swah dents and staff," Lynch sa4dr Johne Wilson Myers of Advance has earned the Eaglq Scout award. John Wilson Myers Earns Eagle Award John Wll.vn MyanoFAd= For hi. Eagle Smm prejeez has qualified for the Fogle scout Myers built and installd ea I3 -fuel[ elnssihewion. ere.., four bench"., 1amdawping. l8 is she son or Jen- and sale. dual around a nl - Myerx. sr aa. rifer Mycrs and [he lase Thema. foot bre pil nt Co—.lone Chris- &Jycm, HTroup I]. it' a member of tiara Chu -Ii Hera cradle. hi. parents: 732 M Bethlehem United Melhod- Russeet ll Suggs and her leaden at ist Church. Trrnp 732 for his,uccras. IVIES First Graders Study Economics Mueksvillr F-demrmary kinder- ipma srudems w Tinue to apply stralegies they learned in Lencr- land w make words and e,_ They ase using these skills to write a Feller m Sant , TheyLare also b=$inaing To ereatc me -.f.F the holidays_ Fear grade s[udems in Mrs, 5paeh's and MR Hunter's class arc Teaming about ptnblem und solmiea is Hanes. students reading books. ideatifymg Ne cbaer'e problem surd 5isting ¢ the seeps the ^ rakes To svls-e the problem, W math Ibex am ideadfying Fk_ yes h:Es _ p,, 02 Mocksvilla Elementary first grade ludenm play in a musical while learning about s rcvty. Dz- DAVIE COUNTY ENTr"Rne[cc RFMRD. Th,crr.11y. Dec? 21316 MES... Condnned Fkout Page Dl - missingadd-ds. usin9"- anx- nlpolmivex and ren. frames. Thy ax also Ira -,all to - :,dd sheer numhcrs. Stu- - denta arc mxing strategies suet as .-kiag a leu ry :ofd• In social studies Lhey .Inrted a cr-nenlics unl1, EcTirrLgng evnc.pl. -13 ax . oras y . warns, amour- 1 wnammcrs. scarciey, gaudx vx, a.rricex" At the and, lhry will be- o pro - due _.king crafts. Mrs, ,Qtamea Rleur,d _ - gN4rrsr t. -i:] -cd from Thanksgiving to Christmas with the story "The Lzg- �i �'4 {L end or The PaInse t3:iJ' They -- rpo741,uu lu kora shout rah- unlrics with Christmas 'Amu nal the World rartir.na- - SI.Joilts worked on cause andeff L.Iammh,.ddidun Mooksville Elemenlary Students of the Month for November, from 10% front - Kaylee Owen.. Gage Byers, Fluby Marlon. with regrouPioa 1x trknr HRnor .raughn, Bo Owan, Dodge Dalrymple, Emma Hlrlson. Annaleigh Deal; middle - Addyson Dillard, Maya Carlson, prlclkeed" Artirilles wit! Raymohn Gray, Ricardo Isidoro-Gabkne, Noah Harper, Emily Jarvls, Chloe Jenkins, Daniel Oehler. Grace Ratledge, We Clalr in.lr,dc ggngerhread leases, Myers; bank - Alicia Doney, Retest Lagunes- Jamines, Jesus Hernandez-Brlto, Lauren Forbes, Patrick Foil, Calailns Lopez - Grinch Dpy, and polar Ex- prGuzman, Trey'von Detain" Not Pictufad: Arlene L3mdia. ess Dy. Thirdngado s[udgnl. en- joyedn week fined with sung. in rcndln� Thcy used ,he pupiil,r nits "Car!- ef the Wind." "Am I Wrong;' mrd "Wlra Says" w lura nh.," theme raid en].1 m__Y... This has been a fun unit and sludcnls enJvy the mk%ic and fed-_- ing hidden massage% of the onga. In mmh,sludcnts Tire I. ktimb in • lib -1 divisionU__ ti '1 Ong stmmgkr%such..: draw- ing equal gaups, repeated srahlrnerlu¢, skip counting, and relating W multiplkcu- kion" Thcy are In . Christ- rou - nd like Wvr Id unit f } ns n rnurild .ludkes. - •f lr5rs" i]crnm's foh - L grndc class hl. hien reaurtd- ing r,angetWn laxt" Studnnr. rRnlter♦:d. usia�lcx gglrrcs .nd are wvrki.g with 1r 1 .. .Inrcturer. Thix week's lb. Mocksville Elementary School Noveanber Torrific Kids of the Month, grade 5.5, from left' front - Bayles Keen, Macy Mo - us hes b-. on campar4ng Daniel, Alkany Repreza, Terrick Bruce, Lily Maynard, ksh'Mel Bradshaw, Maggle Smith; middle - Joseph Bean, Jullssa Mas- nnd rnavnsting. Suud.nts so, William CfonS. Christopher Arroyo, Isabel Osborne -Johnston, Journey Bowman, Aubrey Speckln, Kamya Berry, Isaac arc reading a 1petkal re story Pereira; hack-Janessa Watkins, Mlahael Chu nn, AJ Reese, Cathell Hawks, Madison Hector, Grant Wilson. Deanna Mon- 'Encon-It,Plnk Dolphin taya. Not Pictured: Joseph Hernandez" of rhe Aazoa." WT- Incm w that item .rc w many kinds or dW11111 111 math they _ been mhsecring multiplication frets to help - wlth-ri-cilgil Lnultkplk ti- - lion. They reedt, it a family - alfair when it conn. le div4- Sinn. The acronym DMSB - _ - (daddy, moan., xlxlrr. broth- or) llax horn a help In Ivan- Ing u!l tlu steps requ krcd rvr 3 t i -` r �'• -,- +'�y�Ii/1 lungdivision. M is. Pormn'. ffrh grade - %rudcros me reading •'Pas- sago to Fmcdum:'Thiasle y follrrw% the Sugihum family r4v rhasy set vol to help ref.- f 11_ that show up m their Kana dmimg Warta WAY ll. - In math, they nm learning ' order or opmitions. T7icy _ Irnmed pPMPAS Ihroi,gh mPx old poc a" Students r Iravek:d to South Davic to MocksV1110 Elefnenlary School November Terrific Kids of the Month Grades K-2, from left! front - Tyler Sandy. Jaleah Scott, welch the L101h graders Nu'nu Sellers, Summer Jones, Josie Davidson, Caller Goforth, SaarkJtt Brock; middle - Owen Parker, Sophia Fusco, Jalea perform "Into the Wnvds Rot7inson, David Hemandez-Marano, David Plna-Arroyo, Skyla Halley, Natalia Gutierrez, Lake Mabe, Kiera Hinson, Gabe Jr The stadcras unjvyrd Moore; back -Ahmad McGee, Cynthia Med4na-01snaros, Damian Wilson, Marleik Ellis, Rihanna Craven, Luke Foster, Leigh- (hc pled -.lion and icamed Ion Reavis, Bryson Prsvatle-Sheppard. Not FIctured: Jamas Gillett, Daniel Cdody, Olivia VanEpps. they C:Ln Study dram. and Oz. at Synth Davko. rend M.. RmVCV xtudcnts "D-Ilow,a Over Broociw¢y" and I"mod about the histo- ry vF M.cy's'Thnnksgkvkng Day Pnrnde, They Bn kgh.4 a unit ov gorilla.: students loved re.dirg "Kokos KiL- teri' and "loan: The Re- anarknhio True Story of Thr Shopping -- Mall Gorilla. They . working on non- reh t.x7 15-nim.tnu!- Liplymg and dividing d -1 - trials. and crealed hoards to w sirm words. Vocall- Mary, and meth faem-"{lacy reading "Snoweat Chri ,trans,- "1 Wimnsh to He A Cl ii"a-". Trac;' -77,c Year Of the perfect Christatns T -.-'The Polar Exp -L" -r- Many T lex" end -E.wrn Avd.rson'. Christ - looks Coming" Studeri s err exciled W wear paja- s. make hw - in doe caockpp ser 5-.6 for ehr ww year" and louse strum holidays around She worid. Tell 3 us what Our Business Is to Help Your Buslness u saes a 1--Wndrenrnaenyou wen a kin.ran, mut lac yaw murnness. rupe[h.r, wail e.nf.ry a-iuri.m fie_ rprmun.nr plae W WN.InO so �°oa.." m Imrc.mne¢i enmanr end think e� ar.�r r_ti .Awx.rrader. with Q letter to the editor ® .r F..V�M nHaape te- _ raarAdw ssse tis H.ey Ise DetaflS sr;m,n4 A 11c z]ooa Page 2 396-946315. DAV IF CnIrNrY VlrrFRFRISk: RECORD. Thuesul.y. Dar -A. 2016. D3 Davie Schools List Academic Honor Students Fm quuna academic Isaiah Gregorio, Anthony Guzanan, ]uhx5a Masco, U:svrn Kocso, Chlor Small, S:uk l'eador. J,.�eh Hoskins. Scully. M,nor- Smk" honer roti alea]ents in Davie Guerre --Callus, Madison Richard Pluwmnn. Fsabc4l Caner Spillman. Jack -un Alyssa Martin, Trinity Mi[e- Sarin Sxvth, Taylor S.. tichoo1. ere lined below. Frayes, Louis Innes. AF- Sehkl Ling.. JarRarer Srrrn h. 5.dceki. �erylk 771nmax vi. Victpnn Maxau+. Hunnr Poyron Spaugh. [iahrie]!a CooFeeuJee a¢rid,r Ix.[er. glcx¢ndrr L•.'. ns Steele, 014via Wug- Jr-. Y heli T- h- STikr N4rlu,ls, layu:. Onegri Thum pson.lmk3y Tunnuw. Lurzai, Hnnnnh M,%Iil lien. Wall', Ryan wiuirnn, Vougha. Emily Walls. Josh- Gonzalez. Gavin frwrn. Abigail Wl[san. Elefrle)if4ar}• g"u:J, Margam, S-hena Olra AIB 1-Ir.rwr 11-11 - Xr w Whiu.kcr, C.xly Whfac, Calvin l'hr Lp" Clayton AIB lle-, Ralf Parker Third Grade y lea. Mack -A, Pucken. eFlc Brawn, Danicl Callon, Calk]In Wise. Plkher, hlpdrlinr R.miree- L,,, y. Merrdhli Sulcher, A H,vrnr R-11. Batey Al- Mikayla Ili_ Sohn %.Pp, Y¢smm Cham her.. Medd-¢ AlH-nnr Rnl! . 'I"ren- Denkrcr--. ir- k:.minez• tarkssa Carb ai. Tatum kins, Koric ficavar, KaJdcn Mrl Lssa Srguvia-Hcman- Cloacae, Antlrony Doug- tun Avereu, Ruamdu Bnd.L, Dc1nv, Layla S.Irs, L4134on Childress. Ali Oran gll. Kai - Cole, MMachl Cox, Chey- des. Cady- Smith. Jushva lea. Ave Gary. M-koari. Molly Bieseeker. Miley Serra. Jnxun `:ochres,. A ie¢- hymn. Dillon, N.ahanicl Ann Cutty. Austin Imes. SWurrana. Go y, And 'role Get, Brandon. Emily Buono- is Stoppard, Hueter Shull, Dash-" Kyleigh r:wing. Mary Jurats n. Bmyden We, Nunh Harper. London Chiquiru. Louirc Harmah Smith, Ana Torre.- Erin Pincher, Manhew Frer- Kiriner, lndyn M.gnl]nnc", Hunte, lryrvid HuJspeeh, [:grey Cam. Mix Clemua. H un4dn, Jucgvrlinr 'Ferre.- IarW, Evelyn Gohecn, Thh. Craig Munre, AEex Rnrne• Curflrrl;,L•r Aiden. Humphries, Bnylec J -'.a Cense. Blinn Dclers, Hunnda' Pavia Whitaker, Guver, prink Hnnirc. Ad.mi m-planine1. S-rauel sell- Elementary K,u u, lxaec U.wum,I_i 4kan4 London Evanx, C. -lie 1=kn• HYka-ren WgmC y- }luydm hill, L;}iraleth Hu11v,Cun- ers. Dayvce Smith, Y_loll Third Gale Mmidt z . Cl- Rnncdre, ley, Murkrnzir Fulwood, Woollard. nor Humphrey, Mkk.y]ah Smrry, Awe Swerk, ❑n,ar A H.nmr Rnlf - Kalrkgh Kaden SngrrWurr. Skylar Karen Henem. riour Jack- Ilull-. Deniet Keyxer, Ian Vi-L.--Jcrcm kat Allen, MYAsm Anw]d• Sn,41h, Ar rlr-A Stucktnn, .ren• Jill,." Likkry, Nuunu Krxmra, Ry tan Kountz. An- wal are Slrrx!}' Grcive I . Adircn WI, 4r:rkcr. Kari B:ailry, Jlkeksun D-gcr. DAlley Ti,rhekt, Eric walker. L•rwv,rd, Olivia Lynch, Lnkey. 33r-olglya NB Hnnnr Rnll - Joyah Jndyn Davis, F_dum Dixon. Fmn-I IL Grade Brify Mn -re. Sophie Ele111e117ar1• M.Y.MikJar. MunLn, Dustin RhmrnA•Hall. C-h.rks Angelc. Harris. Andre:l A H-rmrr RnH - Kayli Ms]nre. Jacob Morgan, Ri- 'rhlyd Grudc McMinn, Shane 04,b -c. Ban.nen, Cantdyn Bawc, Keller. Abig.lI i ¢nkl'nxf. ljuuie, Hi.nca Bmvn Rndrg- ley Mulrrew. Ai,hlry Nay- l }hx nr R`11 . B..ilry I W o Parker. Cx xon Reed. Audrey Brown, 17mmaicn Lannn Rahinson, Alice girrz, A4kyaii finer, Hxvrn Inc, Snydcn O'Br4en, B11a Aderhold, Lvgnn AIkn, 7 gdcr RirhnNsun, Alexa ey-11r, Noah CmnP. Jain- Rr,ckcL pryer. Matthow Jones, Rn- D rnoln,Luy Pf.fr. Kyndal Luka. Bair. rowan Blak- Sanders. Aydcn 5cl [. J.cr� lel Cu-rrcz, $illy Clrumn, AIQ Nuatrrr Rnf1 - Ani teal I-.KN[ke.-laimex, l7un• Rcid,ramael Snnr!}ex NAVe. ley. Sofia Bvulu., 81hmn Srnhh, £ann,x T gee, AF- Kaydrn Clrray- Aubrey Hr.uehnmp, Pcylon Bede, gel Lawa•¢noC, Silas M an . Andyah Straw, Tyler Shore. Driver, Anna Galward., Thur Tilley, Willimn Wands. Dingmka. Skylar flwlggknx. Drira„p C.rrick, Un„g1Ti. Kyndall Miller, Mia Myers, Justin Sink. 7ayla Smirh. C-iml ra G.-Iti. Ry41n Aubrey Wayne. Gavin WII- Essrnce Grrgury, Holey Cn¢-Srgnvia, Crux Ylores- Isnkcl rJxbu`m -John"-u. De klyn 14-r z.ni:1.51 kjarh Guo=. Ellivlt Gould, IWan." daftness. Mwha,l 1 t1 radrix. Sri duvet Gn4C Gmmu, Nahum Rupaezn Gaancz. WC _. Mlatk w Wil -a. H.rrixun Mayxe. M.dl%yn M.kenxlo Ilnlmcs, Con. Syitry Gran. Dnn it la Hci� 1-vmeanln Rosas. Axis. tiell• Fburill Grade M=,k, Mtn M1lklkr, Kodt- nr Jwrrs, Aurin McCrnry, nnnde'r., Stacy Hinx, ddriin s, Vid3,i Shunu:r, Smdy A Hrmr+r Rr•11 - Ellie Ad- a ere Moore. ]-i!. Moore. William K. i�aVFe Blaks McCrary, Neva.k. LaAe. Co",at leynch, Dyl:ru Shirk, Aubrey Speckin, dison, Sophia Apulian Ash- Jaeab Panum, Jehn Pix iul• ,Eleflielflar}r Mil I -J.. Memphis Nunn, Miller, J"ffriy Miller, Jack- lyjuJu k iM Srnrk. htpan¢ fyn Atkins. Scarlon l3.yne., u.1ack-ri Souvk, Mia Sm- Third Grade Nays Paniagua. Richard s n Ogle, AL.Brir PHI-ki, Stei... r, Rattail Taylor, Carson S.mrt1, Sheldon Ion, William Tilley. Olivia A 7fmlur R,,R - A"m Pal ill. 'i-R-Richard rkrwell. Aydin Sanr - Manor kyrm Ll ylor, patiana'rories. Bakl. Ty Caner. Mnggie W1114wm. CYrus Z -r zLg" AnJrr-m, Chvnce unr Ag- l.aum Rwex Arias, Adr4- Shaver, Adam Slion, Emklee Katie Wah,k. CALL, Wi,,. C-111- Soph4¢ DI41. Kan. AIB Hurwr Rd)- Zuwie demes Lucas Andrews. Srgvvi--Hrrn ndca. Shi on. flmyarn Td knnar. c ever, lye Evens, Nathan Fonlninc. Bailey Uik h-Llh Cuhn, J-41-14 Barren, Adeioaa D.ra, Simms, Fancy 'L',a- Fou rLlr f.rade n .V6 linrrcrr Rn11 Snrdr Drclt Foster. AubrcV pod- Gurdon Doug]us, le nnkfrr Su]Iond, Chlor Dzeskewkea, xlry, Ashleigh Tn,n, T,Ilvn A ffunur Rn1l - Autumn Andrad., Chriamphur A„ hey, Amery Guy, E_unr Ferguson, David piste!. 7n= Hiii-l-rlh, l eyna WoTiv.r, And 7 rr,urv•Swr- Ark4o.nn, Y x iii%Itup. Ju- ruyu hlnrcel leen. Char- Hillard, Tulin Hines, Ed Seol In F'ryc. Carley Gaya,. Manaen. Lillie Hartness" slcgui, Liu Brnckrn, Dinar Bruhim. ity Asbury, Ramyn Berry, ljnmrs. Olkvir Jh r» , Kp1h- rY• Colr Hedgecack, Car- Mn4lhcwHrfner,CnllieJrn- %s. Fourth [:rude Bra 'den Brooks. Kia 'Ice n l lednck. 7 1•Irndnx, kin.. M. cf4Mm Lew. , 11 Y• ] 5 H -lei r Hl.lock loumc u 1:"itb Illyrian Leon- g! Y Y. Y A Hnnw Rn11 - •w4s Farnih oak Hp ler Emnx4 Ice Lusk Alexis Maroon Kayker I.c Smirh. Hrrwmnn, I,yrdw.y I]nvgx, aid. Katie I.cwix. Knylcc J W" P IY Broke. Grncic Collins, Pey- AIR Hunnr R-11 - Kkver Shnyln DrbNi,o, A] kin Dv. Lynch. Amber Lynda, Abi- J.h-. Code !Dake,, Kone Christian Puckeit. Mnnhew run CorrHmr. Summer Cum Amnio.. rldcnc Araue, ary. Kyti. Edson. J-drin gail Mcnscr, Olivia hlkxun. Kcam.. Riley McNeil. Rpll,sey. Brmrlcy Rivers, Bungs, Hunker Dl,ywalr, Landon Barker, Ari, Bolls" G,I,iwm, SydAry Hnyrx, Chrisluphn I+iur-n. Juxoph Caswrli Mover, Narhan- Levi Sheppard, Adn We]- Nunh Wadman, Madison Claim Barris, Kevin C:Iknr. Jesus Hrrnondex-Brno, ]cs- Rlvn., Jaden Sink, Quinn ill Norman. Pakite Pnllol[i Ince. Loci Willi�r.Avgus- ti - S ck3and Grud Phil Li s r MsiW Mr an O'Nc 1. Rollin Dory. , amprl l7un v] 13'Y• Y S se Janes. Lance limes. Aver Julia n, ,Bray Smith, Y g us Wyer. Juhs.11in RodriyueY- Sal- way, Banyan Grcrn, Hu n1- Kibler, Cku4 Kilmer, Tyler Julia Wrex,, Braydrn Wil, Hayden Pruitt. Joke Rung.. .416 Hnnnr Roll -Daniela gado, Bake Roscoe. Gracie rr James. Cooper Lour. Jo x. Kilmer, Viceona Lamse.Zo, lard, Rylie Younr, Sukoruxhi Sakai. N4eka1¢l Adame.Hericn, KxydenAl- Shoaf.Myk. Smith. Savnn• sr Ly nCh, Dy1um Maginnis, gyp!, L.ktyd,l.pa Loper -Her- AIB fhma,r. Rnl! - Bak- Srlf, Madison Shrewsbury. Lison, Lucas Hrook.. ]Hyden soh SLowe. Ju Meson, Brian Mill- nondcz, !'au! Lynch. Alic ler Annsworthy, Leland Wexley Sink. Gavin Samir h, C -three, Connam D.,Id- A1@ Nonni Rni1 - Tltum- Brian Milchel4. Dixie My- McBride, Joseph Mulona, Bolin, hladlx-it Idowk%. Rtley Spvugh, Kristina Kritlynnr Dishmai. K.it- as AhoenJ. Helen Barna- ere. Cprwn Queen. Dulan.y Jamb Mn are. im, Gshon]r, 3ayllaox Bracken, Alunph rJules. Clwen 'Co.pklmwn, ly"n Dunn. Linden E..", re. Saha Bunion, Saylun Rnthhom. Charlotte Re- Adnanaris Raelrigue'aTiali- Brown. Avery Corer. Wil- Noah Tyainger, Omar Vo- C.-7. Hicks. Nolan am was. -Hie iE7r etis"..re.�nrreiy �LcECu. i3rar nu. tae •ra'n a. G:u~.. -•(r Yener, t''iinp-,D'e 'Cay' mea rtnx�ar.aa.a. "r.uee• tr.hn.�ri. •sen, - -1-h en. Landon Cm -on. Luke Cur- Rocsch, Sebasdnn Rojas, PCyron Smhh, Dahlia Sny- ton, flelcher Children%, eriw Wayne, Avn Williams. L..- Sarnh Ledhrrler, Alyssa Liss, Elizabeth Guzman Rn- Elirahrl3, Simon" Skre¢- der. Nk en Strickland, Syd- Cummlmgs, Ashlynne Da- ran Z.1"Ve,- Marion, Autumn McEwen. macs, Jo ph Fiamilren. Na. algh Sher., Cymhka Si-- ,,y Tcom. Brr.dn Tvrbrlt. vis, Kriylin Frye. Wili.m Fourth Grade Sidney MCC rew, Sky Oar Than Norris, Berk Hartsell, mons, IJurn- SLcelc. Hyder Juhnny Vides. Hedrick. l'ykr Hill. Tveker A JY-nnr lines. Anrkrs-n Ncrky, Narayler R.xrnsaerl, William Jnrdnn, Cnilynn Srrickhgd, Euuvv W411ard. Fifth Grndc Hobbs, Angelina T.okscm, Bollvcau, BClrjunIlk Bomar, Nathrilkr Sherrill.Gavin L,Kap.teky, Luz L, J,Finh Crude A JJs- JP -0 - Him- Js.uin Jnhnsan, Willaai Elm Seo Cite. Brooklyn. Simpson. At-- Smwan• ie Maddv¢, Ea,." Miller, A Hr,nrrr Rn11 - Joshna nob Beale, Holl Carter. Iris Krause I V, Erhan Lem- C-Ib.as. Braddock Cal.- I— Swisher, Havion Th- Muslv,n Norabocne. Mi.. Peyuerime. Mnkonna Graff, Chapped. Karloigh Dal- Bryce M.Pher.on, London ran F,Blnar @rlandx.aA, mm. Micah Whhr" Nunn. Knlyn Phillips, Myra John Harris, Soph 1. Heagle, ymple. Pair]ck I uil. L. -.v- Pegram. Hu Parrs. Sarah Thomas Essic, Norbert Fnurlh G"de Rets wnd. K-t;rm Rol.- Sauun Ruhl-un. Surn.¢nrN. n F<rrbe., Ev r, Froelich, Riddle, Sasmnah sanfnnl. Fnlek, Midd. Hem- A Nalene RnH - M. luta Bradly Suntiago-Guti.nra, Seogrins, Kom Williams. Micah Frynr. Kc.nd4 G -A- kyley Shcnnrr. Hunker ming". Zxltary Hill. l3Qk. And.r.4n,Calcb Call. -Ne- Ala H-nur Rnfl - Rirhanl cry, Peyton Gn•,n. Cnrvlinc Smith, Isis Snider. Baydun Joy Hoge, lvhg Hvfcomb. van EElis. Paul [Jake, r]ra- vrhsmm, Alex 'lonessoln- Ashburn. Coo. Bem.idinv, Lgk.y, Kylie Me171 ck, Stanley. Tus4a T -71-Y. Levi Coy James. Nalh.pkl Jnr- z Gobble, Connor Hood, no, Landon Waller, 17.1why Vornun Bm4shnw, Carlos r;iayrieJln Mail,.". Lauren Taylor, Joshna Thump.m• don• Dyl.n Larir, Sean Raelyn IPnkf1311c Alexis Winder. Mal Wpullm. Calderwr-Spnkmm�nu, Da- O'Cvnnnr, Mnknyln Pgrk. Cnr"on Vrrnlcr" Lone, J.mb l.Zgmhell. Kora- Phillipa, Annabelle T'! -no. FD1h Trude lid Ca.[i1lo. Alex is !r¢Itn.r• Mnccy Smith. [,Galea Su- FB7h Grad, lye Murphy, Elliot Nuw- H.A.y Whitm$ c A Hunnr Roll - Hnlry Akxandd4 G.Iden. Ell ke urez, Ronnie Thylor. Moe- A H,.,.r Rall - Fkrrher some, C.mline "Ihomprrat NQ H"m,r RnH - Evan Binge, Elijah Brinhwn, Harrison. Laney Jaycocka, thew Tran. 54ephcn Verr,un. Alto., Connor Berg, K.- lagan Tam-, Leah Word, Aarhus. Caleb Hailey, M -- Ni liyph Chuen, Tyler Da- Tykr L.v Ira., Jrmduri Kyen Walker- donee Bvganl. tan s"ler. Cooper Williams, Addison sun Bulluv-!'nmol, Dakoka Zary'l! poi,, Snannnlhn Macicy, Iris Murulcs, Lili- NB Hunnr R -f1 - J.- Tyler Brurkwen, KTid. Wildon. Kprsuv Younr- B.tche]ur. Brise Dello, Jur- FroeBeh, Dahlin 7eckxon, ono Romero-Clunlnn. Roh- cob AIIrn. Andrea' Chinn, By4ngrun, Mason Caudle, AIIJ Ilnruv Rol! -Porker den Bled n Bran Bnl,an. Jordan Kisomr, Coleman rn Rnuxe. Raquel sti-hoz- Lxnd„n Cynrll, somnmhn Ethan Chandler, Gabrlrlle Batten, Keegan Hrerxkr, a. !!!. Miranda Hunell, Lawhva. Camden L -.aid. Tonin, Xavier simm-nr. Elliott, lose Ikininnrtcr: Clemons, Tlrckrr Cline. I?mllY Bria, Adam Brawn, Kayd..-c Cnner. Fmm. Skylar Link, Jordan Luff- Madison Wndddl. Culex Rnrrwm. Cindy Jakmrs- Kuyx Cale, Nathan Crolax. .9-onnoh Brawn, Grayson Derxr. v3d p4xhmpn, Bru,e Me.d za-Ro- W{IHnm,x. &ulna W4mcrs• Ramus, Mackrnxyc len- savannah D1xon. Auk a Busse. James C: ho.xnn, An, Gauge Dyson, Ciefu Garcio- nu rn lo.hun Nail, Sydney Sriridy Zclny. Game>. kins, Rub -n J--l:m. M4u,u Ltanf4n, Knihryn Harps, drew Coilins, Nathan Dor- Ramircx. Awry I•lardin. Phelps. Adam Puna. Luras Kuhnrmann. McKrana lad. Homs. Samuel Hod. sell. Porlcrr Davis. Stephen 'track Larharr,, Rneclynn R.nker. Savana4L s[cgan, Macksville Ledford Roberts. CinAlnn rick. Addi.va Hcadrix, So- Davis. Brtxk pular, Ni -h, Mcl:ay, Jayden Morgan, Bkake Stakes. L.oprz-Gusman. F:aderxC phi Henson, Pay[- Hearst. alas Dw4ggins. Banyden Del.ney Parsers. Cliria-- AIB Ilan -r Rall - Paulo ElcnrrfJ7crry Lyarh, Joos Naylor, Isabel- Many i bhs, Mugd.o,n, Femanding. Jack 4rw]d. ph., Pl.., Alrxkx paten[, Arguer:., PenVee Bmonun, 'rhlyd Grad¢ 1. Nunez. Ixoinh Onlr.. Bed- King. tips}, I- wsoo, Kate- Lauren Hxmplvm, lacoh losuc Quiro Valens. Alex Cody Byrd, lnnic3.rk L:un- A Hunur Bn11 - loscph 4e I•arkrr, Mckenzy Porker. ly'rt Linkuus, Tyler Mc- HannTih, Evan Hughes, An- Rargers.Ian Scherer. L.and"n co.. II.Knyln Conner. Eli- Be' Isaiah Braiy. Alk• Crlstvfer P-rcy, Madison D.kilrl, Gmrey M,FarLmul, are,"' Kraux. Abigail lane. Snead, Jasmin Tifft, Mar - ph Cra,.. Jaykin Dow nx. cis Graandcm Trejn, Anna Rcelur. Al-ii,wr Rvcsr. Spencer Melton, Elijah Chri.wphcr Lane, Vice— cus Ulven, C. Jeb Whk[e. M.u•Li na Fuentes -R -hoes, Kn,l4. E,',berto L.P..- Ashley Sead, Yasmecn Say, M.nscr. Ty Miller, I -W Mruxlla, Kafi leen M.Gilp. Fifth Grade der, Heel- Solis-Rnmcro, Mimndn Br.--, Ch.yvnno Nathan hlnrk, Con. Nick- A Hr- RWJ - Sarah Krx'Mmm� Shxkmm, Da, Pare. Chrisdim Pope. Lro, "Iso„• Susanna Norr4s. Da- Bnmeno. Evan Copeland, vLl Tonnor. D_._ Timer, Ramos-hlossu. Rlvaldu Rn. ooh Crsbome. Caner Phi]- Rab.- Cuthrrll. Mary L' !i J.rkgen I'awere,lsob.l Dov.- chane Driver. �•`�- Adnan Wilkins. Urian wi l- pheoi. Al lisoo Ru.sc. Calvin Ps- port. xun, lens¢ Wksliun- Scurr, Jackson Shore, la,cax Ramircx, ilonnall Reid, iso- Cvicey Dyson. "Lane DyxoA, rTncnrrcry, 17 -mer Trsao, Colo- hello Rhy ic. Richer Rich- Nakfl Dzesk.wirc, cram E PF1lebrank a 17iamas, Landon Vick, ti d.oa• G¢ yn Robertson, Gale, Morgan H rn gten, j Logan Whir.. Kamiyah Kme Sakai, Am Sanders, Gmysna Hayhcx. Cody ' - ,Elef+fellrar]• W;1snn. Er:u+ York, Rrily Jaslin Sealey. Isar Sher- Hurrhins, Haig.y Johnson, Third Crude ya,rk" man. Noah Shore. Kasoa Slade Keakon. Steven Mc - A flnanr Rrrkf -Kira An- AIB Hanel Rol! - R4eh- Stewart. Alexander Tart Briar. Bcmdey Moody, Me - s d.rsan, licnnedy Baler, turaeAloe . Cceilia Heck. Si- paid Tar -1 H. Pewee, Chevy swain, 1 W clan Seek, Bracken By- los B.anonl. Owen Dra.idoh. Frk11h Grade Olivia Swisher. C'akm.n kng.oa. J.ckxwt EIIL,, £li Jnmiram and, Micah Caner, A Hnnnr R,11 . Cud-- Trivrttr, Emma Woodard• Hedrick. Fuller Hol[. Drv_c- Kkeae1L Chamberlain. Ryan Ala-ftu. William Al- Caner" nFE nTr te- • Wa IInnter. Ruben parks. Lyrcr C•risrobxl-GreyCooper Bliss. Sophia NL1 H-rvir Rulf - Alrs- Olkvrr Perry, Clam Phelps, Erhart Ebrlghl, Bryce Ellis, HradY• Grace Sudrr, pd- ander And.rson. Chrlstian dison Chaffin. Luke C¢rk, Arl-ell. Gavin Sold kc, ]oshan CI-dfeher. Richard Amakah atonlo. Edu t CONSISTENT w +RT SRW L�Ll i�(7dVlr CawtYN}'dro�nr Dingler, Emily Di-, Cleary. Zmy Cleary, Coa- ocr� ontoTomatoes GabriCupel 2.ao, Y Dyer. n rdsew R.Vlred, tome. GaLel. Greek, b -g- Estop, Y Eldred, 11ryt¢n Hanes. Kendal Hatasberg- Estop, Robert McGrew- Oft- FRESH PRODUCE . uvdmle rr. comer H.IWI . Tyler Kimberly M,dw, Dane Per- 8orneTle Hoofing and A�Cr {Be Hent e... Man Morale" ocr. Jahn Rcacis. bushels, 336-751-19p$ • M f Ashley' tiewyam. Landon Buda. F ka Rcdrigirz- a. T� I rik. Ethan Rarkdge- H dam. Luc . Shoff - :705 F zee Road. AFnckcsTlfc [�rr:a-pt..r oar" Colton Smdcy, peytm3Celly R3chxxd.Call Far Dd24�fla[�} 492_299Robison" Breeden Rodg- Thruckrnw'ton. L.uean Wal. r:n n. Janeph ^kind- Jcuna r.rm¢a_ Ready Webb. D4- DAVI a CntJPtl'Y EtiTERPk[SE SaRL'vRD-'Iharsday. Pee_ a. xr 1 s Middle School Academic Honor Students Listed North Davie Middle Slash G"a' A Honor Rn11 - Alicia Allen, Alexa All isan, Rikry Aimvnd, Ch-I=A, Annkka Bcll, Mnrlrc Bishop, Stephen Mack-. mon. Lnnrrn Bovlh, Robert Childress, Cairn Cadle, Hanlcr Davis, Cvmlinr IIlll, &mm� Duntr, Khmen Dwyer, Sydney EI]Is. Cnm- n G-Lbey. L. -A, Grimes, A ry Hicks" Camden Hurst, John Jones. Kar- ru n L.edlamuc , RceJ Mari. m, Caleb McDaniel, Eric Mcndnxa•Raxe,Cyndle Nix, Luke Ol ingot, Jackson Pierce, 7-cb Pileher, Elhan Prlce. Nod . Rapti.RI. Cooper Ray, Jnmcs Rh' I. J.quekinc RodNguet-Sn1- gado, Madelyn Rogcra, Maxon Shermer, Jackson Sink, Ery. Smith, Mclvn'e Steele, Briella TJrmnns, Heidi Ti[fl, Maycc. Wiles. Elhnn Williams, Robert WI1Rnune, Mare W{nlrcy, Chive Yw r, Avery Yuunl" NR Honor RPH - Caleb Adkins, Maggio Balignt. Bryce Bailey, YCcnncllt Barden, Carldgjr Baugb- n Summer Back, Ma1e- nh Birdxa.tg. Alia Bishop, Landon B3evins, Isabelle Bracken, Benjamin Hu- rhnan. S[eplranir $Ye- nv-Chiquilo, Hannah Car - No, Zaehary Cline, Ann. Cerolts, CA --IN Do-rrell, Bailey Drone. I•lunler Dys- on. Juntas Esrep, Ivan Fer- Zandez, Mclnnie Gobble, vi. Goddard, Parker Groover, Autumn Harbour, Holy. licdd.k, Brandon Iiernna.Z-Borges. Ryley Hinrichs. Anna 7o ka-ri. Kirsten Johnson, Sumer Johwx k. Cre.ay Kenton, _r=oc L• dford, Au'siln-Le=• z�ria, Willi" Lc -us, Mary n..nd, HaileyMcCue, Emma McDaniel. Allison Mod-. Jas.lyn Nlvrt, Richard Nuckotls. Krelyn Oakes, G]'vin punned, AI j.ndm Rvsys, Josue Scrrnnn-Cec mm, Log°. Sherrill, Cadcn Shoemsk. er, Yylcr Shure, C.0yas. Situ.". BrandonSmith, Brady Sls]e, Owen Sulcc- ki, Bolin Taylor, Bailey Va'nughn, Sam Warner, Da• Whiralo. Grium W"il- S.ri, Rynn Zaferalos. S -Rill Grndc A '*-'=-T h,Aa,r Rufl - Tanner Atkins, Roa.nna Bn¢•ncv, Adam Binkley. B.nj.- m{n Bkokensh4p, lames Bonelly, Iay.re. Briggs, MaJellnc B--. Alexander C]wrltvn, Jackson CWrk, M.rgu P.n4, Knleb Dad - r, Bnlley Dyson_ Angel C arringm^, Owen Foals, Fnwralall Floyd, Anly. liar- , Ne -i Hellncd, Emily Hanley, Jmsper Johnston, Elljaln Kennedy, Roman Key, Daniel Lawson, Ko - Zinn MCCellutn, Audrey Miller, McKenzie M4son, Chraidy Nichols. My. Nuckds, Jasmin Poen• L5- .bell. Pills, Louis Popo, Samuel Rhi W, C;mNam,rn Riclenrdsan, Lk Rvhcris, Aid. n R.gerx. Adam Sex - n, Rceve 5Inman. Sete lby Smith, L.l1. Tem. Han- nah Ly.. Woo nn, P eey West. L - ,y White. Ka -y Williford, Ha-nall. W:-shon. tiaras" Glass, Ramiro C:u acerae. Marlene Yrnrker. NR Honor Rolf - Grn- G.,fi.r Gra Ramus. AIS Hur.vr Rufl - Keil,- .s Anlunex, Andre A. Icsus Guzman-Pere'r.. Ash- ne Agirnt¢s, Collin BW- i-Melrcno. Evan lee Harris, Lipdsey Harri- ]cy. %lar Belernn. Irdigv $allotd, Ctiyden Dec wn. su-, Peyton Hellon, Rudy Bcmont, Charles Bmee, Claire Brawn, Domcllr Hernandez, prearon Hor- Chrisline coo. Diego Cho- Brown. Yictorin Dun- war. Joie I^vamni, Juhn b.}al-Garcia• Bryce Chle Chloe Cures, dam Carer, Jarvis, Tremors J01 n . dress, Samuel Collins, Wesley Cater, Ann° Cal- Ashlee ]°nes, Benjvmin Charles Crenshaw, lanes lett, Knhlyn Ce ip, Morgan Kura. Anrrkn Kiger, Billy C•ldrcd, W niey Ellis, 7kin- Cre¢son, Amon Curtiss, Laird. Dawllon Lowson, ity El -ani. Marcie hires, Tcnln Davie. J.Fd.n Diek- Reynaldo Ley!. HaMad- Abigail FINcher, Mad'Jyn n Lyndely^n Durst, dez, Kimbell Little, Westin Ford. Q. -in fzn+ t. Jan- iya Pyru^, Bri.nna Eck- Lloyd. Louis Lopes-Al- nirer G¢nz°Irz-Ch4qui- hon, Griffin Fcrrcll. Ysc• v-40. Dawns. Lyerly, m. Lucas 0a ilh, Kinni nutFlores-Wnlue., Emma Mrgim. Mae'on, Nvldgn Hernandez-Salgxdn, Mx- Fnwsln, Aidan Froelich, McClnmrick. Bnikcy Me- n lbu.ins, Brooke Hut- Helen Garr'a•Rrwenea, Code, Cadence McEw- kert. Bike Jenkins, D^vI^ Draw Gledhill, Chris- en, Emily Meat -iii. Megan Kim crud, London Leonard, tion Garner. BB O.errao Neely. Ablynil Nichols.I.- Man Martlnez. Ann Mimn- Carlo.. Megan Haerkson., cob Nunez, Manuel Nunez, da-Barrcre, Lacey Moore. Evan Hcltdrix, Rain Har- Haley Pillsbury, Madelyn LorelAi Moore, Hnnrwh oath, Jalen ljamcs, Gmec Quintnnklla Cherrcm, Al- Pattcrson, Tat¢4ne Re- lucpds. Katelyn Johnson, ysm Rankin, Serrio Ren- Iis.Pro-Riddle,Stephen Alyssa Jones, Dcu{n Kcnl, ken, Brine Payee. Lillie R'vas, Domed. Robbins, Dahl Lnkcy, Andrew Roiling, Knyd. Romero Lixhette S¢rnchez""-Nowt, Law, Arturo I.pac.pnv Gv Syastigvi, Anwni IWnquil- Arnsely Samarmiriu, Lou- me Emma Lighi_ Mvn- lo, Kay]oiMh SagcrWorF, m Smith, Ann° Swlshey, 3c.z Lyng, Aubrey LJcros, Cris[inn Solas-Hemandea, Saphi. Vcmler, Annaliu Jovinnv Martinex•Juliull, Svmaylnll Samia"ry. Kvdt- Wniterman, Cooper While. Kish Mnrhis, Richnrd Me- ryn Shupe, Aiden Smilh, Caleb Young. an Diel, L.v' Miller. JIMhua Jharue Sdis-Romero, Al- ElabIh Grade Molina, Rachel Newnam, exander Speekin, Bmnd- A Honor Rvlf - FJ kjah Elhys O]ea.Vnrg°s, Ciemu Todlaluvic, Shc¢'lica Wall, Atkins, Klodi. Burial, Ina- Prebics, Audi- Redman, Rachel Wxtyon,Cole West. bcI B61bap, N.thue lamokx. Chastity Reeves, Kaylee Mrrdekyn Whin. Khamnuri Mckay'yn Brown, Krone- Robertson, Sh.milyza Rod• W11 -n, Jordan Wood. Ga- dy Bunan. Kahle Dyson, in5on. London Sadler, R.- brie! Y. -Ii. Bailey D-1 nw'cx. Kaylee tar Saleygarcirl, MnYkee ra-ighth Crede K muse, B3nke Little, Mori- Scott, Raclin shrctx, Wyvu A Hnrrur Ruff - MIA .h L3t110, Mudise" Owren, Shari, AtSiskr, Allen, BrlMny Barbee, Ashlcy Redmond, Sarah John Stokex. Cadyn Tait, Amclin Baysinger, Imbcllc Waxlmff•Carter. Lodryn Holden Tnis, Cbristophrr Beasley. Jaeoh Bloorn- Younor. Taylor, Cady Tran, Candice er, Olivia Blue, Madan- - NS Hnrrur Roll - Jahn T-I.Thyloo Winder- ria Bosh. Ashley Samoa. Allen, Krell Allen. Lillian Seueoth Grad. jenaQwn Cabrcda, Meeh ABisvv, N.thaniel An- A H__ Ru1J - Knlelyn Ch.rlmers, Eamcm3d. Chi- ri1'ewr. Onvin Arringlon, Anderson, AwNab Bruns- Topa-Marcelilrv, inekery Matthew Breeden, Co."• ferrl. Slelln Brown, Jake Co'e, Christopher Cones, nay Column, Aidan Dlx- Bucklin, Joshua Bumirm- AblgAil Comate, Benjamin an. C•andicw Fuller, Han- ncr, Tr.r Eee By[rly. Da- Crcnshgw, Cnrieliwl IJurst, rich Frye, Von.ssa Gnntex. vis Byen, Meson Caner, Dyllen Sverharelt, Trini- Kyleigh Gratey, Alice Soma Cnsl.vens. KyndWk deJ FclixVasquca, Shilyrin Gmbb, Allei. I•kman- Correll, ElizebaEh Crus, Funderburk, Sreph"ic dtcDS8lgrWp, PJaP:vJrypcs.... Pea¢pe ..Cu.iF_ gtgitrwK _ QEI}ierrr. r"manda.Gortz°- Elix:.belh Jona. Vicm- DeLoach, London Dirks, les Teat t Air d Flamer, "n Jones, Hannah Keller. Caleb Earnhardt, Daisy Mn HciIt Charlie Hcr- Mol[isan Killian, M.rrilt Espinoxo, R:rcgn. I'�rrc p, nanJez Longorcs, Ano Her - Kit lkan, Tyler L.Ihnm. Kaitlyn Foil'Silas Full- no NN L4pex, ]roman Har- Hnlcy Lyons, Connor Mo- .r, Ashley Garcia-Akwrcp, Ilrn. Luca I.copl, Madelyn Gtm Y. AIA Ira be]- C. h. C He-. d. -R'- Kenney, Leslie M.ninea. lo, Cole Myers, Nall.- ons. Josie Holfnr, lsalrall+. Mason M.CI—k, Jsck- Olinger, Alexander Petition. Humphries, MacwelI Junk- eon Wena, Vemmrr F•rarer, Kalrdyn Pollard, Fn41y er, Skylrue Koon• Andrew Kriacn Reid, Belle Rotko, Reynolds, Bryson Rob- Lambert, label lane. Na- Jack Reynolds, Slunn Ruh- AlanRogO. Mnsrn 0.n Linlille, Wesley Ma- canon, Turner Rwanhenm, Seals, Mrldisan Shaver, son, AWxLv Miller, Kalil in H.0ce Stamey, Adam P,+nJrlm Sheppard, Evmn M-hler, N.th.n Montene- Sz.wrr.yk, Ssainh Teasley, Shives, Eliza Smith, laden Jiro, Ryan O'Connor, Ser- Aidan Tinker, Veiled. VW-. Suarez, Savannah Swishcr, .mini Pocks, Allison Moll. Ashton Williams, Garrett Tkmdhy Tlmrto, 3.cksun Ahigail Reynolds, Jas- W.Ifaal. Olivia Worac.. TSivetle, Calist. Tu__. a Ruano-Vnrgoa, Ton- A18 Heuer Ruff - Yas- Willinm Wilkinn. ]rimes ner 5echrest, Trevor Shur, rein Andrade. Dylon An - Wilkins Hl, Jason Wishvn, I -PIN Shuler, S ... rthe gas,Kerry Barber, 1-ra kfcr Smm�ntha W dy, Ramon ihylor, Thylor 'rhreadglil, CnlJemn-Ftimcs, hyla Yaue', ANgW' York, z:ny laWclyn Tbrres-RdoRte, Caldwell, Elloree Crotrs_ Taman. Abigail Walker, Lauren Kaylee Driver, Jerry Fort - W"olirk. Abigail Wlls, nor. Tristan Farrar, Em. $olefh 17uvie Evvn Wh'tnkcr. A11ic Wil• manual Gramdrm-Tre- Middle linmy H.nnnh Wi."a jo, ]Cooler I•lnfe. Gnigc SFa:rlt GrAdo Dallas Yount, AIR Hvnnr Rv11 - M.di- Ilaw,xm. Kicreryn H.nd, Zachary I I'Poer, C}mla'n A Hrn.r Roll - ts.ec .Ian Abrt.nrs,Omnr Aleman, Hemandaz•Bd1ea. Tylor Bensley. 17:rvW Deign- AmmJean- sbley AeranioN. an- Hilliard, Kayla Bond - d. -Ru-.. Sydney Dirks, day Anderson, John Bell- Icy, Edgar Jaitnee-Rmpas_ Makeyla Duty, Reagan may rlim. Ricky Boni- Zachary Ji -la. Christopher Edson, K.duyn F.nu.!ne. tea-Dinz, Tl.yeh Berry, Jijansagnc�x,Byron Janes. Join^ Hemvndez-Goan, Eberly Bluc, James flalcA. Gavin Kett-, K..d.11 Danhl H.non. Elirabeth Bryan Bone. Schastion Kinser, Christina Klmltx, Simeon, M-lynn Kenney, SPne, Tjrlcr Bowan°, Bai- Jackson Lawrence, Carlos I:Ih.n lane, Hazel M.i- icy Brt:wcr, CJwrn Byers, BArennv, Zy'mier Lewis. on, IN Marklin. M¢liywt Dylknn Cnusey, St.phcn Lee Kenht Leyvn Her- to Mejio-Carrillo, Diy. Patel, Chr'sednn, J. -i. Clerrunt, ..ad-. Madeline Light, Shiv Paml..•innisha Pruitt, Elton Coble, Emory Craw- Rebecca Ludwick, Rdx.ul- Enm. Reynolds, Y.dL'm Turd. Kendall Cromer, Riley do Mariner Pier, tench. Rodriguez, Ang.E Rvdri- Crotrs, Shy,am DebSquc, Melton, Johnathan Moore, guaz-Mnndragen, Burke Clinem Dicker . Abagnil Richoed Mavis, Tyler Mus• Roscnbmurrn, Chad RusaclE, Dusan• L,Key Ends, Mcla- .en. Briscid. Ole -Vargas, 4rdr13 See£ord. C-eiij- Vi- air Pspitia Moreno. Hatay Davis Oahnme. 3kyler t m-At.ell, Hay Jen Wik- Vo -r. Eiehan Frye. Au;nEn Pelllcer, Lauren Phlliips, Ga R kl Id B F� at a m IF-�,s1 •„••• war Is. ME FbciaFie • 33<rT51.3538 �`' ge ec enwv rysvn Rubens, JOsc Ruir. Alex - N Sal—, Lax! Santos, Mi'Aslah Scvn. Monis. Segovia-Hrrnandcx,Wcs- ley Swaim, Breelda T - res-Solano, Carly Wall PJIn Wel, Christine Wd- ]met, Andre- Wilsrm. Ri Kann¢ Wilson, Jason Win- wend, Katy Z --lig. hurt, Xenia V-liLuvdm. N8J! nue Relf-M'.uA- Kim6erlyZavala. cnxle Agullar, Ali Angell. • Tree War A., •Stump Gnrrrfing Chase Alkinsvn. T.'lfmy lillium Ellis Brdly, Evan Barr, chloe Middle School Beal. TayIvr Behan. Chloe Biggers, Andrew Blanes, siwW Grade Andrew Brown, Molly Det - A Honor Ralf - Prek- res,Mary Coin, Noah Chaf- e Aderhold, Dan Amed; 60, Ayden Crcass, Kameryn B la. Helena -Jet. Career Davis. Krystal naris. nrr- Bracken, Reagan Brooks, ek Del Cid, Heidi Pix.01v. S.manlha Bulcham. Ty- in Dvaher, Tj"xnn D.mney, ler Bunce, Krahryn Cheek, Durho, Chrislopher Iambm Hyun Seo Cho, Kalelyn Enriqucz Jimenez. Lauren Cohen. SI -10 -11C -rank er. Fclherhay. Cecily Fmir.l, Ellavrc Davis, Atex Dor- Keller Proles, Senn Froo- MI.AW.y Dyson, Charlie Koh. Mnsun He 1. Benjamin Frye, Zv6n Qallnway, Emi- Hokc, Caleb Hooker, Chloe Ey Gomer, Coillin Hadfield, Hotton, Maliynh litimes. Noah Hnrriv, Nolan Hoskin, Peyton hwllee, Garin Led- Emm. Heys, Lswaon funs, Jenna Lee, Aimee L-0. Hire, G.yfyn Jvbneun, ZWHaree Maddox, Soylen Mudelynn Keller,J.h. KI- McD.nie1. Murk Mrneulf, ger, Nicole Korczyk, Alex -Elijah Miller, Timurhy ands Kulia, M..Jlrh Lo- Net,-, Daniel Iteienad, pee, Ann. Lowery, Amber Rrysvn RabL--. Daniel McCStllough, Sash Mc- Rodriguez, Cecilia Re- D—It, Martlrew Monroe, driguez-toque. Chrislin. Colby Moore, M.ckenaie Samm.lns. Charles Seipp. Moms, Cell -n Nnrnrr., Jny Colton Sessarn, Kensie N'Iand, S.v.nah Norman, SmeeEon. EBjuh Smith, Be jomin Norris, Desmond Bailey Sp_. Kristian 011leri, K.die Qnin 1, Summers, Cole swede, Ecom. Rea, N. Jcn'lcr Re, Nichol- Vance, CYisll uea drig,Nicholas RUT- Vargas 11. Savannah So,_, Simpson. Emn]ine Wo]dcn, Elise Weidman. Slourw, Br.d1c Senile, Soon Katie Were. Chi-Wimen, SPAII. Caleb Sievrxrt, Hunt- Tammy Wood• or Teague, Collin Vemlef. Eighth Orade Harrison Welters, Kymr A Heoor Roll -Samh Y1w61 Uhinl, Logan Aller, Ole - N8 H,rno, R&I - Liam da Bliley, A14 Bandy, Allen, Eerily Ayers, Kar- Cheyenne Bmskny, S.ven- rlR.n Sent, MOnlgrym- rah Broker, Caleb 11-1- rie Belk, David Brn'mr- ing, 5pcncer Crurrh Bald, Madelyn Drawer, Marga Tamm ar DI.. Hallie Dl., Brewer, ROherl Brew- Elizabeth D.eselt, Daniel r, Sc.n Bmw.r, Wes1.y Dzieraewski, Sadie Isic, Brooks, MvElevy Candi- Madl.%N, Feruilcy, N.11mn do-Cestrv, Avery Collins• Hamplon, Cady Jaycocks. Tyler Creel. Maisso Cruets, Landon !ones. ara-Jim Sealey Darcy, kebecco Martens, Dlivia M -m. nevcrirks, Hayden 64x. Jame kScCullnr, Hnydcn Y4•�oR Ip°° 11d.raty. -L..- Netuaaar, Day;^. �Ydot1. William ruwler, Lauren J9tursan, Sarals Katie Fineland, Christina Pele.ce. Mary Cmh.rine Gaddy, Kmelyn Giordano, Rolland, Malrnyle Smilh, Anthony Ghon-Cu^dm, lr ,K,.lc Stokely, Rleha:<t Cameron Grad, Sam.el cSew.nrt Lake Stillsvn, Erb Germ. Ecom° Green, Jona- ku Tory. Summer Th-l-,Ih.n Gunter, Justin Hayes, Nathan Whiticy. Kennedy Daniel liemandez-Rodri- Wis., Austin Wyatt. gore, Filamen. Herpfer, NB Honor `all- Clam SAvah Ivey, ThomPxon nma Aeugle, ;AIM Aural - Kilgore, C.Ria King. Joee. Ia, Nicholas Azar, i rule lyn Ltehn, Brianna Lewis, ]3anks, SoPhin Barnett, 8phraim M.Iasky, Emma =Bey $rtnleu. David M.CYillar, Kaden MEDan• Bates, Kerrie Bcuuchamp, lel, Myo McGowan, Det se Joph Bellvmv, Caroline jt.h Middleton, Nichola% Bliss, Lucil]c Bomar. Kuleb Mikulskl, Ev. MDIs, Arany Brewster, Robert Blocher. Moreno-limenea, Caleb Kevin C.macho Ganxvler., Maris, Leslie Newsmn, Zebulon Chepvlin, ]us- Jacvb Diem, Zocy Pee, ten Collins_ Jordon Cunur. pies. lurhu. Pruhe, Qubrlei Addy... Co.. Reed Cu-• Rhyne, Brody Richard- ningham. William t3calon, son, JOsllA. Seine, Nnanli Cheylyn Dandy, R-hel Sheets, Chcea.y Shook, Dc's__, Nalnlie Do' Parker Simmons. Aon oven. Megean nkltell. Las- Smilh, zaymt Sntith, Jahn en Doses, Skyla Dvlsy, Spear, Zachary Stowe, Matlhew. Duwrey, Erin eery° Satmn, Case Swim, Engstrom, 011mi. Falek, Jacob Tkrpenning, Jackson Zoic Freyer, Ryon Pussell. Watkl°s. Failh Willard, Tykr Hayex. F-mma H.1- D--- Williams, Palmer late, Abby Hicks, Caleb Willinrns, Knlherine Wil- HELI, J.ke Hill. Sav... 01 CrNm-y Woody. Hoole. Kalb. Home, Parc- Trenton Wright. Icy Jonas, Gavin Kerosine, Seoenrh GraAc sabE3 Ieli. Kite, en. Luper, A Horror Reif - Emily EasmnLevelaee,Ann. Me- Agejew, Michael Heck, Cullough, Sheminh Miller, Sam Bishop, True Cnr- Luke Morrvn, Anna Onix. nay, Dyton Doss, Mathis Olive. Palish, S.m.mla. Driscoll. Sclll Hill, Riley P ..hue, Rebecca. Petersen. Ii.ge, Laurin Hoke, Robin Cvrbyn phtllippr, Mndi- H-tud, Madeleine Kuli., son Purvis, Logan Rnensey, JamesLIW., Riley Lis- Jonathon Regan, Trevor tie, Ana Mackey, Caleb Rlchardson 7.achary Rod- Mmhiv. Chad_ McCor- hers, Hunter Rose, Tanner Mick, Darair Osl.o.e, Kai- Rouse, Tyler R.N.. Zach- ec Oshwrne. j_dc Powers, pry Runge, Adana Sloan, RachelQumrn, Senn klur- Memel- Smalley, 3eyhua Plan. Jn Rogers, Thomas oh Smith, M1Sadisvn S.drh. Smith, Bdan Smithwick, Tyler Snyder, Dy]nn Spry, Tyler Steele, Maya 7aehet. Rhylie Strobe -7. Chnd- ArloTrarrsen.RynnWWw.. Seap_• Shelby St°me-., Courtney Wilkes, spenxr iamarie summers, i]vm- Wiliiams, Malachi Wood- ip� Sattv¢, Justus Teum. I rAVFF CO L1iY E-NTF. RPR FS F_ RFC ORD. Thurulay_ D--$1.11 rs - High School Academic Honor Students Listed Cenrrai Z)awe KoYln Moura. &wily More- Laura Jester. Aaston John- did. Castro. Kalli Carter, Carellat Freye. Cameron AcadelrlY ^a-14menea, John M.11ry, sen. Peycp Johnson, Ry- M1i.dkson Caner. Ashton Fuller, Adam Galliatorr, Scvpulh G_dc: A18 Kayl.I Murphy. Autrey My- Ian Johnson, T Iahnsvn, Chaffin- Cady Church, titin Gniewek. Jv-in Gvn- Horror Ralf - Mmgen '- Myers. Macken- Kevkn Jrme+, 7'mvia Janes, lCimhrrky Clemv. Mi11rr ad_ !; -hex, Ali Out, Boone; [Rol Grader AIB zie MyrIck.l.IHnes Nivnrrv. Eden jnyrr, S.vvn. Joyce. Coalaun. Jake C-fi. to nberg, Ashlyn H.mpmn, Honor RWI - Marlis[1n Dug- CAurmcy Neely, Spenrcr ]neat harrJ., Grnyxrzl Ke- Murviv Del Cid, Jnrrd Ile. HrmJvn Heodridw• Ahl- gim, Cameron G1.dfe1ler. NEfaun. Shanrmn Nikand, atop, Nlekul- Koen, Sky- qucnne. M1Fodisnn l7x av-n, Bail Hinn. Covcy Haugh, Ninth (:rude: MR 7! ,r+r Kcedall Gland., Dmirriy ler I.atL Knyli Zanier. Are Fuvilee Uk3urvtn. Erma F: oy tale Icnkina. Lin. Jcn- ra Rnlf-Nirbbins AiR fif,M1- Oh-ri, Alyssa Gaburrw, iter. lu.wrencr, Ca oun Dian, Smnd- Dwyer. nings, Ann. I—. Hunter .haat Merrin,Juvun Steven- Peanut Priareson, Amhu• i.e. Add iso. Lewis, Micah Devi F•1lxords, Todd F I- Kelly. Am.ic Kinder, Micah o; fM Grade:AIB Hen- ny Prrduc. Kntlyn Per- L'tdo. Olivia lrmdne. Fin- wards, Hnnnnh Ener. Rich- Khna, Kennedy Larne-dnc, kl.y. Lydin Pi]el-, Mmtle ify Lynch, Ha 41h Mabe, and Evan.. Sierra Ferguson. Nom Larsen.Am.ndnLeon- nrRoll-Jacob Rol [edge. Filcher, Meghmn Pvpreki, Tl m hlnhe, Odalis 14.11chc Bion- Fkures-He...I. :ed, Brianna Lytta.. X, - Jane Pr.cmr, gr..cia Ra• Sanchez, Norley McCu]leir. Bcnjvmin Fouls, Samh Lyons. Achton Mnnn, Luke Davie CoeanJy phew, Sam Reagan, Justice Hreadan htcGouahey, Wil- Gainey, Vc-mea Garcia M'r !a. Kalcd McCnrsvn. High .Sr-I:Dal kcJmvn, ]coney kcid. Jake Ii.. Mrrriheld, Jordan Rodriguez- Filial, Gillis. Mvdisdm McCnnney,G.brl- NlnthCradp Rrneyn. Smm�ntha Repreun Miller, Julie Miller. Mal- Ma. '. Gloss, Chrivma eln Meirhur-Blnncu, San r hn un A Healer Roil - Casey Oumex, Matthew Rich- lei Miller-We:tn. Dyl;rn FInke, Jcehun }loll, Nyn- h7lifer, Gvnn Mlles. 51elhy Ai d, Vi tori., Bailey, unf°"°r' Foshan Rohirisen. M.IErq, lzom. Mu n, Aman- Sita all. Sy''I y Hendren, Nelv.n. Mnithew Ncsblt. liullaad Barber, ]aveph Samuel Rosenqukst, Mall ie d. Ngo• Kimberly n'Rnrke, Chnnee He^dn-Cody Hen- Grace OBrien. Willim. Boyle, Samh Brack... lik-cl.Terl R.Iespll. Cllhu• Avery Parrisl+. Gamotl Pen• dria. Saml. henry, Secpha- Penlcy, Angel Pen z, Dwen Brown, An rebel Br, y° S. r, Jackson Scully, ley, ('nlis[i Peril ac. ISN iley Pie 11etnundez-Rudingoer, nen I'latou, Marin Rua, ler chane, noyran Busse. Chun- C.ktlyn S_I,risl. A -lin Phillip., Aibley Plrnt, ht— Dustin Hicks. Kathryn Hill, It, Sanchez, 1-ignn 511cees, J lar Ctvtcr, Jessie Chaffin. Shaver, Aubrey ShvRYtne, title Hnngel, hlosun Reavis, LTrclsen"Alad, Kt, llnl- Jonalf.on Shu°!, Nancy Zve Clark, Crim- Cooke, SImary lairs y, A61gnk1 Carle ltichardwn. Gnlhy knwuy, Muni- House, Ia- Shear. Dylan 5lkrtYrrcr. l'n- Kull Creckm.re, Jrs-sten Slv°^u' Clni`c Smith. FiaFey R.berso^, Cnhy Robens, cub Hslmphny. F:liz^belh Irielo Shares, Molly Shn1'- Crvsby, Cheyenne Dnn lel, Snrkrh, Tolman Srnilh• Lau- lac-kalnn Rvtrns, lush^- Nunley. M-11 Hutnccgs- per, .c.. Slahneh. B John Ihecnpar, Sanmcl ren Sro'III. MoIi ry Stailh, lye Rnhettx. M}guct Rvdri- Sarah Impcllacri. Brinnnn Smith, Delaney Smilh- pcqurune. ]nines Do. Per. U.via Spces, AIOxx Slay, gucz, Emery R.-bnmu. ]ngnm. Andrew Jnlmsvn• Jnnlan Knirh, Maken- Mary Gruec lsmirctoih, Jreoh Staley, Salem Slow- Muggnn Rumple, Ca41Eyn Cady Johnson, Krist'.n xc Stnnh, Rar , 5m nth. Kaitlyn rlctcher, Bynersnn on, Delaney Sloitx, Samuel Svgr.vcy, Chloe Snmrnuns. Knuscmd, De Wnunis Kelly, \l is hnc•1 Spark x. De].au Fr.. -[x, 3EIcy Fn rnn.m Stone, lumen 'I i.dduv i, Jacqueline Snn[nm^ri. Lo- Lydia Kealy. S.m..nrha Spillman. Brionnn Tnnrm. Jared Fu kk, T'hillip tulle r. Gahricl Ty]or, Mcb:e axle pcx, llanay Saucedn, Cote- Kvvich, Madelyn Kurrees, Hunlcr Thurle, BEWnc 'J)n Adam Gledhill. Samuel Tbmbed in. C. an lira• conn Sell, Mnniq.x SCLeft. 1'alrycja I,esxexuk, Kaatyn We N{enle VJlierr, ]u lin Hendrirt, Amber Hrrprcr, ern, Mockcltzic lJmbergc r- Nu:Ar Sheplwtnl, MaJEsvn L4puumb, L.nunn Lang, V:.v ghnn-lunex,'ihyhu W.1• Mnlihew Hill, Rmh Hiles. Roacx, Ivy Walker. Michael Shmr, Gmmn Slnhnrh, B.y- David M11nbe, loan Mu, ion. Spencer WElsal. A. P-1. Hulchcns, D.k^r. W°ick• Abignll Whitaker. lac .1; a"n, Kmcic Smith. shall, Ynhnncn Mnttknce AIH H, RnfJ - Jdom liwrhine. k.rtchlnn Jennings, Rdcy 1Vhkn, Cnrkry Whit- Sydney Smitlt,'1yI0r Sn li h, Perez, Mmnhn ,Llan inert Acusln-Arrex, %1A-- Ohvin Jones, WilHnm Kcl- ley' Grayson Williams, Shen Vieter. St. key, Mod i- akar„ Marthew• MrKnlglrl. ur-Perez. Knleb Ad.— Ey, Cassidy Klux, Club WO°dy Nirhale WNP.M. son Stvnlry. Iivpc SOrmlt. Halley Mn11cy, Christla Brymr Alder, Lnsl. Allen, Kn lght. Kaylee Lnnning. Mia Yclvenvn, Angeln M.1ho. 'Taylor, Brithmy Molxc, Ilavdd Mutton, William Al... Jacob AIII- Eva^ Little, Alexis Marin. aurora" reague, Amy Vargas Chvm, Dennis My M.ldemul . yon- Samamha Allred, Dn- Nnlhnniel MorshpEl, Bailey 1DIh Grade Ker.:. Vixcainn, Mielu.cl Jcsnica NnwArm-I.erviano, koro Hokcr. Riley l;nll, Cnr- M11cKnighr, Joel McLnugh- A Flrxtw RM! -Thomas Walton, Wiklivm Ward, C:u.gAdro Newell,'I hhha shine Randy, firmer Barnes, lin,Cogen Moler.Jeny My -Ago lhr, Cad i Allen. Lau ren Hannah Wells. Nnnh West. Niouelwn, Nicholas Pnge, J.kr Bemcycasrlr. M1Scli- rx. Shane O'Brien, Myr Atkrns, Bruu Atkinson, Wil- Ca'r•,un Whisenhunt, Al. W.Ils Perez, Landon rnaie Bvmeywsllc, K.ilu -A u1- 14 am Bnmey. M.dctinc Bch I. bey White. Ahtgnil Wiiki m. Phelps- Chancy Posey, Elvis Bauberged. Makayla Bcnt. rrow R]'si- Justin Buarrlwine, Armtssv l'lnnnuh Wllllam-, Sydocy Qrrinlcr.s, Bailey Ramsey- Lnlrren Bc-hmnp, Ie azniuk,FWw.nl Rhine. l'..igr $nW3es. Samh Brnckcn, Wyull, Adhy Yount. Mann. lalen ROdmrmd, a ca Beck. C';e:•,nndm Beck• Riordwn,Cvnnvr Robertson• ENn Canner, Sn]em Cur. 1Hh Grade• Christian Renken, 3ocub rr,. Luke Hcnxon, lamlyn Yvxar' Rd.drigucx. Maxwell r• Lgdrani Chamberlain, A Hn,a,r Rid; - Enure Rhyne. Kaley RWenhnur. •Denticy. Matlnw Binkley. Sellers, Regan Shdeo.akcr, Kiley Childress, Hailey All-, Cody Benne. Snvnn- Lorry Roberson, Alrjpvdm Mrl:cnxia Blarkw•e1Jur, Comecon Simmnnv, Alnyni CWnn ltd. Anna Comlher, rah Beck. A-i,i, Bootie, Rodri SmWt, Grntc Smith, Zech• P para, Aml.er Rug- Amnion Blake, I}islvn Sminr, a a{e Sm William Dingier, Meredith Avery Buudreau, Lil1i But- cry, Urlel RomPmCmPiha , Blcv1n . Olivia Huger, 1_'ry'an Sixic, Korn Sleek Ecom. Druev^ lrotnlur7�ter6eld;• ...l, IIyN• L"IMs �I Wks �i nimrhige, 'Ldt'hulp' hYrdiyon•Brfhnrrad , fe ier M.lthew Steelman. Nolnlie F.1 n, Sir- Fm- Pupil- Carr, Al.. Crott, . Seomnrt. Jvshun Share, Al- Boner, tomes Bray, R."d Meknyln Stull- Hayden ler, Grace Garnu. Jnrlyn Jesse Dough^. Benjamin rads Shale. Gmhmrn Sil- Bright. Thomas Browder. Slr'ekksaui, Katherine Wal- Grrechrn, Dal kris Gmbh, Fatter, Srfannah F.yP, vcy, Chr'sl.pller Smumom. C -I istnphe, Bwwn, Mi- W.,A—Wi'1l-- Cr'^ 1ia11. pa r.. Hemp- Claire Fumlerhurk, Jessup Kimri. Simpson, Vieluri. chnel Bwv .Slain. Burr, NB Hnrrur Rnf1 - Inn- Iva, Mikhclk Ferris. Sydney Gonxnlex, Shelby Gordy, Stnupell, Austin Smith, Crvnx' Cabrera, Ashlic ny Adams Sumt'gue, Far Barn'' Christian Herno,ld-e Kone tenger. Surn.el Heef- Austin Smith, Samanth^ C.mpbel', Zachary C.n- Agiemns, Savannah AI- Lopez, Mason Holler, Tone nor, Cdby Heiercr. Jnrmlhon Smith, Benjamin Southern, err, Chaetae Chapman. Ry- brny,Allivon Appel, F�ickp Ho11.mon. Mallon Horne, IlwgluoP, Bryan Howard, William Southern. Rina q... CTnrk. Richard Cline, Arca+. Ixgan Ashby, Jns- Rbigai! Hudson, Thomas lvshu. Howell. Coidin Ir- Stamm, Chnnd]er Sleelr. Ze'Mom Cockrrham, Pdwn myna Bail, Lagan B, J-_ Hurst, VI -.r johnxon, Ry." lin. Quimun Johnsmn, Hunter Swkkl.nd, Chay.e Collum, Dylan Cox. Cam- Twnet, Cv, Logo Ban—y. Krr.x' Aliye Landry, Syd- Christopher Kimholl, Be.- Su111'r., $enjnmrn So.- ran Crag- Duncan Curti. T; ere, , Bollen. Mclan- ney LAN_. Chelan. Man Inn Markiln. Brinnry Ma- me., Aurum. Th11cy. Ern- Cherlcs Danl0ls, Caleb Da - I is Benhcz, Cin-ity B-; Ic nr. Owe^ McC.—ek, Clarnun, Li1ki.. Murillo, ily -4, Bridgelt 'r....y, vis. Geneve Day., Aaron Ken., Buswell. Em 11y Christ! -a Melganju, D.nF Charles nalramc, Ecom^ Chya T ace, Kaitlyn DcV.-. lamh Doyle. M°r- Bueklln. Madison Byelly, elle Meyer, Kntlyn Mole, Dstrurac, Aubrey Privet. Trader, Aubrey Valentine, ze1En Y�ert, Aide Eariquea Arian Cvldcmr, Keyann Amber Myers, Knrclyn Nu Kristen Rcynulds, Zachary' Claire Wnlh.rc, K --find IIrmair ex, Giuseppe Fn• Caldwell. Se Jamin Carl- don..McKo... Gakes.J.n- Sevum, Rebecca ShnfSrr, Webb, Michel is Wer..k, nate. Haley Ffe, V .u`.. Inn. Hylea Carted. Stephen nlfi n Quince, Ruben Rvix• liirrison Shiver. Taylor Cnlherine Whidcy. Shelby 1=rye.kluT Cfallihcr.Ash- Canrr, Zackery Cher, !a- beck, Dntcy Ren, Jame SnN1h, JHHnn Staley, Zoe ' Wlillford, Colylon Wive, run Garcia, Kryki Garwood. cob Canner, Gmrrll Cha- Robbins, Parker Shel[rm, Slnley. Sara Smnley, Addie 7ach.ry Wmxl, keit" Samh 0-acll, Jared Grigg", -ler, Adigoll Chilean. Troy Ruben Shelton. Cass'ly- Thumps. IkvclYn Wbb, Wrislcy. W1+Rnec Wyriek, Sahrinn Grimes, Gmrge Clary, Mndisyn Cocker- Shires, 1aon.1, Share. Al- Jrui-While. 121h lirxdo Hnlrc, Lnkyn Halliday. K. - I—, Alexis Cook. Auxrin hson Smart, Brook. Srnilh. A18 Hvnnr Ru+l - B.ind- A Jfam+r Rrr7l Amher inryn Harris, Jeffrey Itoyea, Ctaak, Wycesvn Co?an. C.I.y Snmmcrs. Carrs Terry, say Agger. 1-3y Alvnrndv, Adkins. Kevin Alms. Rachet Angef Helmnndollar, Bon- Surah Craven Snvmnnh lYIII= 'I'Fa3er, Patrick Destiny And-, FmIly B.krr, Mangan Barham, 4-1ucks. C'hriatlnn Ffinx, Crisp, Nvinn Cmlta, Paylau Thmer, Courtney Wagner. Ads ndy, Lamdn Bandy, Ial. $uga d, MlcnyIA Dawn HNey Hv3brook, Mnd'son rru m. Abbey' Cuslcr, !sv- Arer1 Wi Esvn. Calvin B=ctic. Aleyph Bolden.lrurn Bvyte, Luke Hooker. Z hary FtudaPel h. A1Cuxbrell, Mmdnew Don- `UB H-11 Rini - Katic Beaty, lrxuh Btu 1- 2- Cpncr. Damen Clvlmkerlaln, Tnykur Hurst. Fader 30Ln- Al, ull""h Dillon, 5odlic• AkIAcn' Krvin Rrglia. -Aura- Jesse Iieekee, Vhnccnt Bel- HuEley Chun^. Emily Clark, xvn, Ruben Jones, Snm- bil4vn-Whitehead, l.i-dscy Ya• Minnie. BaHey, -Lack- lam., EI¢nnor $land. Faith Wy.ur :7' a.,. crhry- Dinglcr. Shayla pdm.nds, lay B.nlcn, Lnum He, ker. Bukcrm, Mekenna eosw011, earl¢ Cr'xp, Lynds.y Cmus, Morgan Pd Pyla Re1a,e- Tyler Berg. "1710, Bivins, Austin Brister. Haley Bu- Luk^ Davis. Ilnnnnh Din. n lSdw.rds, Nnnh P..er, Rachel Bnsde, h1call, lank., Mvrgun Bummmcr, Som Dnnran. Junes Ebcdy. i Walker Fcmehcrng'11. Sen• Bannock, Ryl n Eir"", FII- Byers, Laura Cain, Myles Ev.ns, Savannah -ami^ Firming, kj B nn Alyssa Campleik. Chan- Cindy Caiis. V-arin Can- Evarcll, Mmgenu. Frargaml, Frvsrcr. G. Isowlcr. Jonas iter Cannuy, Paige Carlo. Frank. D7 a. G:Wdy, Han- Justin Chaffin, William n.h Gallimore, Channing Check, Nichnl.s Childs. Glenn. rloircn Gurdon, M1laleline Clark, Caro l - Carley Green. L,vg.n Galt', Cline, Gran Cludgo, Ja- Lilkinn Haim, Steven Hurt- crt. Cn1sL+y. Tyle' Dandy, ne Cnyl. Hnnscl4, Ash- Kymr n'°vis, Alexis Dulin, Iyns Hteks, 'Maeth.w I•Illl- Jvcvh Enmhar.lx. LatlrmI),- ied, Cassidy Hodges. Jutian E11is. James Evans. Kaitlyn Howard, Em.n Ivester, Lvuns. Sidnee Everhardl, Mn.hcw Jun,_, Brooks Margnn MIA. Chnsnrtdrer Johnson. Madison Jul, -Orr, FToridu Ni. Knhlyn Flow- A-mrnn Jones. Ha1ey lona.. Peso Allison Forts. If.Ga. Rachel Iaufar., Eamon Fe}ran Frerm... 2"Znh. Justice, Jvicey Kennedy, Kn- ttm Gibson. Alli Gofanh. neon F.rmlr.,Araarlda Lends, O_as Gains, laurr` Ausrin 1 -nerd. J. -I, Lin- tlrnoms, William Harper. vitle. L• ¢ilio u kk. Hnli '°'shley Hendren- Jacob P^'r HenJria, Emily Henson, Lang. lsaloh Mnnin. Junin Wlliim H3chs, Andrew Marti.• Grace Masencup. Hilton. Kattterin Hines, Virginia Mason, Mysnkal Spencer Hokc. c Jack - Mayfield, Maggie MeK- Hui pcM. Faith Horn, night. Hunlcr Mrachum. Kenzie Hrmter, Abbegall Valerie M1Sedvcs, Jaoquin Wwi. Hodge Hutchens- A4- iSean, Aaeonia Ho¢taw0. Baa Hutton. Reloc a jecvii-. ourdavie.com vcl Jordan, Healy Junkers SenJamin Keeble. Shaw --n Kcenan, Ca]eh Banning, Casey tarsen. Elvia lasca- o "" '.. Marie Latham. SI— Larh.m, Jacob Luve, William Mx Cwyce M. gallon.., L ya. MplEard, Madefin. Marshall, Sh.veh Mani -I.. Christopher Malk.es, Anders M-tk , Trixian Mrrritl. Rosanne Miller, Lem Milchcll. pa- vid Moore, Keyl. Moore, Jamb Mnrxe, Cln ere Myers, Jennifer Ngn, Crisn.a Or- r Fp Uran.du. Tyler o.• b.me, K'Le. Parks, Dell - Peebles. Wesley Potts, Luke Ylraplts. Knhlyn kehk, An- dn-w Reneger, Chrislophcr Rey" -14x, Madi.rm Rid- dle, Tyler Roberts, Rpycu Rullinv. Maria Rumcre, Mumuex, Rehek.h San• tis, Jacob Scordett, Kristen Scnty. Magdalena Serrnnn Cervantes- lnseph Shcl, William Shepherd, Bryson Sinnl1"rlcr, Kate Sink. Ciera S lour, Hunlcr Smith, Jcs- Fca Slnhh. Juahwv SPurgh, Aenber Sprinkle, C]leyeml. Stewart, ChelseaStrang., S.ttj. summer.. hailer TL•Icscv, Camcmn Thomas, grit- 'rh,_ D_... Them_ 1"nice Kaylnn Vogler. AbIMI Wa11. Kathryn Wal." Wmy Word, W11 Ilia. WeEch, Kalb] W him icer. Aalumn Whitley, D'Aljawnn Worxlatd- Davie Canruiry E•cfr{v Callege Ninth Geode A Hen ar M41 - Kathryn Ante o . Molly Hngcr, .L'ay....1, Jrxu;s, Mnkayln Phelps, Breanna R:udford, Kayla Rouen., AID Htnmr Ruff - C.- d. n Sa�,bCa{Fy$egcrc A'ey" Boal, Abigailgrow A. 'uo nanw.. In WW Cadenn- Tonr,Cohen Orating, L'[- ]i.a Easter, A -den rnney. Elra Glide jl. layvelm. r:untntcz, Alexis Ly-. Angrli.a M.ns.quin, F 1--i Mann" Jnlinn, Kallyn McCoy. Morgan MiDrr, Pr- tricla Nxh.N. Emma Par- Ierxen, Sarah Rogers, Kai- tlyn Roscoe. Allyson Ruiz T-ius. Lxsgan Wagner. Sydney Wmttemmn. WithGrade A UP rr Rnfl - Chyle. F -aster, Tyler Hall, Dylan James. Chlor Marlin, Syd- nry Ne tson, l.slma Wood•" AIH Fibro -Roll - Dig. Genua -Gare'.• Midrva Grsnadero,Irlrat y Hernan- dez -Goma. Masson Kilgore, Briaam,Lasknhill. Mi Tho Martinez. China Mo.., Chria"Ilr Gverxrreel, Ad ...ria Rey..,, Sky In t Sweit, r, Axel Vnrgns J krncnes" Assorted UNCLE AL's COOKIES 2 for $1 Lflei8 - Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville - 336r7-51_2141 Www,fosterdrugm.com AEgnL3r F3pBrrc. N -F 9:30$ •Sit 8:3x1 • SUrI 5:30.5 ELzaheth Tilley. Gary Til - toy. Olivia TVcker• �� Cole- ran TLmer, Rhyne Wans. • Fully Inaunrd •Free F,�.gn>•,tos !•eke Willkams. • Tree War A., •Stump Gnrrrfing Tree Remerr it • au.*&t Trude SEAFORD Trinurdng b Trus -inn san.ira STUMP R94INA1 (336) 909-0609 [336] 909-0610 Scotty. 5 -ford Jack Sanford' _ 0t I rAVFF CO L1iY E-NTF. RPR FS F_ RFC ORD. Thurulay_ D--$1.11 rs - High School Academic Honor Students Listed Cenrrai Z)awe KoYln Moura. &wily More- Laura Jester. Aaston John- did. Castro. Kalli Carter, Carellat Freye. Cameron AcadelrlY ^a-14menea, John M.11ry, sen. Peycp Johnson, Ry- M1i.dkson Caner. Ashton Fuller, Adam Galliatorr, Scvpulh G_dc: A18 Kayl.I Murphy. Autrey My- Ian Johnson, T Iahnsvn, Chaffin- Cady Church, titin Gniewek. Jv-in Gvn- Horror Ralf - Mmgen '- Myers. Macken- Kevkn Jrme+, 7'mvia Janes, lCimhrrky Clemv. Mi11rr ad_ !; -hex, Ali Out, Boone; [Rol Grader AIB zie MyrIck.l.IHnes Nivnrrv. Eden jnyrr, S.vvn. Joyce. Coalaun. Jake C-fi. to nberg, Ashlyn H.mpmn, Honor RWI - Marlis[1n Dug- CAurmcy Neely, Spenrcr ]neat harrJ., Grnyxrzl Ke- Murviv Del Cid, Jnrrd Ile. HrmJvn Heodridw• Ahl- gim, Cameron G1.dfe1ler. NEfaun. Shanrmn Nikand, atop, Nlekul- Koen, Sky- qucnne. M1Fodisnn l7x av-n, Bail Hinn. Covcy Haugh, Ninth (:rude: MR 7! ,r+r Kcedall Gland., Dmirriy ler I.atL Knyli Zanier. Are Fuvilee Uk3urvtn. Erma F: oy tale Icnkina. Lin. Jcn- ra Rnlf-Nirbbins AiR fif,M1- Oh-ri, Alyssa Gaburrw, iter. lu.wrencr, Ca oun Dian, Smnd- Dwyer. nings, Ann. I—. Hunter .haat Merrin,Juvun Steven- Peanut Priareson, Amhu• i.e. Add iso. Lewis, Micah Devi F•1lxords, Todd F I- Kelly. Am.ic Kinder, Micah o; fM Grade:AIB Hen- ny Prrduc. Kntlyn Per- L'tdo. Olivia lrmdne. Fin- wards, Hnnnnh Ener. Rich- Khna, Kennedy Larne-dnc, kl.y. Lydin Pi]el-, Mmtle ify Lynch, Ha 41h Mabe, and Evan.. Sierra Ferguson. Nom Larsen.Am.ndnLeon- nrRoll-Jacob Rol [edge. Filcher, Meghmn Pvpreki, Tl m hlnhe, Odalis 14.11chc Bion- Fkures-He...I. :ed, Brianna Lytta.. X, - Jane Pr.cmr, gr..cia Ra• Sanchez, Norley McCu]leir. Bcnjvmin Fouls, Samh Lyons. Achton Mnnn, Luke Davie CoeanJy phew, Sam Reagan, Justice Hreadan htcGouahey, Wil- Gainey, Vc-mea Garcia M'r !a. Kalcd McCnrsvn. High .Sr-I:Dal kcJmvn, ]coney kcid. Jake Ii.. Mrrriheld, Jordan Rodriguez- Filial, Gillis. Mvdisdm McCnnney,G.brl- NlnthCradp Rrneyn. Smm�ntha Repreun Miller, Julie Miller. Mal- Ma. '. Gloss, Chrivma eln Meirhur-Blnncu, San r hn un A Healer Roil - Casey Oumex, Matthew Rich- lei Miller-We:tn. Dyl;rn FInke, Jcehun }loll, Nyn- h7lifer, Gvnn Mlles. 51elhy Ai d, Vi tori., Bailey, unf°"°r' Foshan Rohirisen. M.IErq, lzom. Mu n, Aman- Sita all. Sy''I y Hendren, Nelv.n. Mnithew Ncsblt. liullaad Barber, ]aveph Samuel Rosenqukst, Mall ie d. Ngo• Kimberly n'Rnrke, Chnnee He^dn-Cody Hen- Grace OBrien. Willim. Boyle, Samh Brack... lik-cl.Terl R.Iespll. Cllhu• Avery Parrisl+. Gamotl Pen• dria. Saml. henry, Secpha- Penlcy, Angel Pen z, Dwen Brown, An rebel Br, y° S. r, Jackson Scully, ley, ('nlis[i Peril ac. ISN iley Pie 11etnundez-Rudingoer, nen I'latou, Marin Rua, ler chane, noyran Busse. Chun- C.ktlyn S_I,risl. A -lin Phillip., Aibley Plrnt, ht— Dustin Hicks. Kathryn Hill, It, Sanchez, 1-ignn 511cees, J lar Ctvtcr, Jessie Chaffin. Shaver, Aubrey ShvRYtne, title Hnngel, hlosun Reavis, LTrclsen"Alad, Kt, llnl- Jonalf.on Shu°!, Nancy Zve Clark, Crim- Cooke, SImary lairs y, A61gnk1 Carle ltichardwn. Gnlhy knwuy, Muni- House, Ia- Shear. Dylan 5lkrtYrrcr. l'n- Kull Creckm.re, Jrs-sten Slv°^u' Clni`c Smith. FiaFey R.berso^, Cnhy Robens, cub Hslmphny. F:liz^belh Irielo Shares, Molly Shn1'- Crvsby, Cheyenne Dnn lel, Snrkrh, Tolman Srnilh• Lau- lac-kalnn Rvtrns, lush^- Nunley. M-11 Hutnccgs- per, .c.. Slahneh. B John Ihecnpar, Sanmcl ren Sro'III. MoIi ry Stailh, lye Rnhettx. M}guct Rvdri- Sarah Impcllacri. Brinnnn Smith, Delaney Smilh- pcqurune. ]nines Do. Per. U.via Spces, AIOxx Slay, gucz, Emery R.-bnmu. ]ngnm. Andrew Jnlmsvn• Jnnlan Knirh, Maken- Mary Gruec lsmirctoih, Jreoh Staley, Salem Slow- Muggnn Rumple, Ca41Eyn Cady Johnson, Krist'.n xc Stnnh, Rar , 5m nth. Kaitlyn rlctcher, Bynersnn on, Delaney Sloitx, Samuel Svgr.vcy, Chloe Snmrnuns. Knuscmd, De Wnunis Kelly, \l is hnc•1 Spark x. De].au Fr.. -[x, 3EIcy Fn rnn.m Stone, lumen 'I i.dduv i, Jacqueline Snn[nm^ri. Lo- Lydia Kealy. S.m..nrha Spillman. Brionnn Tnnrm. Jared Fu kk, T'hillip tulle r. Gahricl Ty]or, Mcb:e axle pcx, llanay Saucedn, Cote- Kvvich, Madelyn Kurrees, Hunlcr Thurle, BEWnc 'J)n Adam Gledhill. Samuel Tbmbed in. C. an lira• conn Sell, Mnniq.x SCLeft. 1'alrycja I,esxexuk, Kaatyn We N{enle VJlierr, ]u lin Hendrirt, Amber Hrrprcr, ern, Mockcltzic lJmbergc r- Nu:Ar Sheplwtnl, MaJEsvn L4puumb, L.nunn Lang, V:.v ghnn-lunex,'ihyhu W.1• Mnlihew Hill, Rmh Hiles. Roacx, Ivy Walker. Michael Shmr, Gmmn Slnhnrh, B.y- David M11nbe, loan Mu, ion. Spencer WElsal. A. P-1. Hulchcns, D.k^r. W°ick• Abignll Whitaker. lac .1; a"n, Kmcic Smith. shall, Ynhnncn Mnttknce AIH H, RnfJ - Jdom liwrhine. k.rtchlnn Jennings, Rdcy 1Vhkn, Cnrkry Whit- Sydney Smitlt,'1yI0r Sn li h, Perez, Mmnhn ,Llan inert Acusln-Arrex, %1A-- Ohvin Jones, WilHnm Kcl- ley' Grayson Williams, Shen Vieter. St. key, Mod i- akar„ Marthew• MrKnlglrl. ur-Perez. Knleb Ad.— Ey, Cassidy Klux, Club WO°dy Nirhale WNP.M. son Stvnlry. Iivpc SOrmlt. Halley Mn11cy, Christla Brymr Alder, Lnsl. Allen, Kn lght. Kaylee Lnnning. Mia Yclvenvn, Angeln M.1ho. 'Taylor, Brithmy Molxc, Ilavdd Mutton, William Al... Jacob AIII- Eva^ Little, Alexis Marin. aurora" reague, Amy Vargas Chvm, Dennis My M.ldemul . yon- Samamha Allred, Dn- Nnlhnniel MorshpEl, Bailey 1DIh Grade Ker.:. Vixcainn, Mielu.cl Jcsnica NnwArm-I.erviano, koro Hokcr. Riley l;nll, Cnr- M11cKnighr, Joel McLnugh- A Flrxtw RM! -Thomas Walton, Wiklivm Ward, C:u.gAdro Newell,'I hhha shine Randy, firmer Barnes, lin,Cogen Moler.Jeny My -Ago lhr, Cad i Allen. Lau ren Hannah Wells. Nnnh West. Niouelwn, Nicholas Pnge, J.kr Bemcycasrlr. M1Scli- rx. Shane O'Brien, Myr Atkrns, Bruu Atkinson, Wil- Ca'r•,un Whisenhunt, Al. W.Ils Perez, Landon rnaie Bvmeywsllc, K.ilu -A u1- 14 am Bnmey. M.dctinc Bch I. bey White. Ahtgnil Wiiki m. Phelps- Chancy Posey, Elvis Bauberged. Makayla Bcnt. rrow R]'si- Justin Buarrlwine, Armtssv l'lnnnuh Wllllam-, Sydocy Qrrinlcr.s, Bailey Ramsey- Lnlrren Bc-hmnp, Ie azniuk,FWw.nl Rhine. l'..igr $nW3es. Samh Brnckcn, Wyull, Adhy Yount. Mann. lalen ROdmrmd, a ca Beck. C';e:•,nndm Beck• Riordwn,Cvnnvr Robertson• ENn Canner, Sn]em Cur. 1Hh Grade• Christian Renken, 3ocub rr,. Luke Hcnxon, lamlyn Yvxar' Rd.drigucx. Maxwell r• Lgdrani Chamberlain, A Hn,a,r Rid; - Enure Rhyne. Kaley RWenhnur. •Denticy. Matlnw Binkley. Sellers, Regan Shdeo.akcr, Kiley Childress, Hailey All-, Cody Benne. Snvnn- Lorry Roberson, Alrjpvdm Mrl:cnxia Blarkw•e1Jur, Comecon Simmnnv, Alnyni CWnn ltd. Anna Comlher, rah Beck. A-i,i, Bootie, Rodri SmWt, Grntc Smith, Zech• P para, Aml.er Rug- Amnion Blake, I}islvn Sminr, a a{e Sm William Dingier, Meredith Avery Buudreau, Lil1i But- cry, Urlel RomPmCmPiha , Blcv1n . Olivia Huger, 1_'ry'an Sixic, Korn Sleek Ecom. Druev^ lrotnlur7�ter6eld;• ...l, IIyN• L"IMs �I Wks �i nimrhige, 'Ldt'hulp' hYrdiyon•Brfhnrrad , fe ier M.lthew Steelman. Nolnlie F.1 n, Sir- Fm- Pupil- Carr, Al.. Crott, . Seomnrt. Jvshun Share, Al- Boner, tomes Bray, R."d Meknyln Stull- Hayden ler, Grace Garnu. Jnrlyn Jesse Dough^. Benjamin rads Shale. Gmhmrn Sil- Bright. Thomas Browder. Slr'ekksaui, Katherine Wal- Grrechrn, Dal kris Gmbh, Fatter, Srfannah F.yP, vcy, Chr'sl.pller Smumom. C -I istnphe, Bwwn, Mi- W.,A—Wi'1l-- Cr'^ 1ia11. pa r.. Hemp- Claire Fumlerhurk, Jessup Kimri. Simpson, Vieluri. chnel Bwv .Slain. Burr, NB Hnrrur Rnf1 - Inn- Iva, Mikhclk Ferris. Sydney Gonxnlex, Shelby Gordy, Stnupell, Austin Smith, Crvnx' Cabrera, Ashlic ny Adams Sumt'gue, Far Barn'' Christian Herno,ld-e Kone tenger. Surn.el Heef- Austin Smith, Samanth^ C.mpbel', Zachary C.n- Agiemns, Savannah AI- Lopez, Mason Holler, Tone nor, Cdby Heiercr. Jnrmlhon Smith, Benjamin Southern, err, Chaetae Chapman. Ry- brny,Allivon Appel, F�ickp Ho11.mon. Mallon Horne, IlwgluoP, Bryan Howard, William Southern. Rina q... CTnrk. Richard Cline, Arca+. Ixgan Ashby, Jns- Rbigai! Hudson, Thomas lvshu. Howell. Coidin Ir- Stamm, Chnnd]er Sleelr. Ze'Mom Cockrrham, Pdwn myna Bail, Lagan B, J-_ Hurst, VI -.r johnxon, Ry." lin. Quimun Johnsmn, Hunter Swkkl.nd, Chay.e Collum, Dylan Cox. Cam- Twnet, Cv, Logo Ban—y. Krr.x' Aliye Landry, Syd- Christopher Kimholl, Be.- Su111'r., $enjnmrn So.- ran Crag- Duncan Curti. T; ere, , Bollen. Mclan- ney LAN_. Chelan. Man Inn Markiln. Brinnry Ma- me., Aurum. Th11cy. Ern- Cherlcs Danl0ls, Caleb Da - I is Benhcz, Cin-ity B-; Ic nr. Owe^ McC.—ek, Clarnun, Li1ki.. Murillo, ily -4, Bridgelt 'r....y, vis. Geneve Day., Aaron Ken., Buswell. Em 11y Christ! -a Melganju, D.nF Charles nalramc, Ecom^ Chya T ace, Kaitlyn DcV.-. lamh Doyle. M°r- Bueklln. Madison Byelly, elle Meyer, Kntlyn Mole, Dstrurac, Aubrey Privet. Trader, Aubrey Valentine, ze1En Y�ert, Aide Eariquea Arian Cvldcmr, Keyann Amber Myers, Knrclyn Nu Kristen Rcynulds, Zachary' Claire Wnlh.rc, K --find IIrmair ex, Giuseppe Fn• Caldwell. Se Jamin Carl- don..McKo... Gakes.J.n- Sevum, Rebecca ShnfSrr, Webb, Michel is Wer..k, nate. Haley Ffe, V .u`.. Inn. Hylea Carted. Stephen nlfi n Quince, Ruben Rvix• liirrison Shiver. Taylor Cnlherine Whidcy. Shelby 1=rye.kluT Cfallihcr.Ash- Canrr, Zackery Cher, !a- beck, Dntcy Ren, Jame SnN1h, JHHnn Staley, Zoe ' Wlillford, Colylon Wive, run Garcia, Kryki Garwood. cob Canner, Gmrrll Cha- Robbins, Parker Shel[rm, Slnley. Sara Smnley, Addie 7ach.ry Wmxl, keit" Samh 0-acll, Jared Grigg", -ler, Adigoll Chilean. Troy Ruben Shelton. Cass'ly- Thumps. IkvclYn Wbb, Wrislcy. W1+Rnec Wyriek, Sahrinn Grimes, Gmrge Clary, Mndisyn Cocker- Shires, 1aon.1, Share. Al- Jrui-While. 121h lirxdo Hnlrc, Lnkyn Halliday. K. - I—, Alexis Cook. Auxrin hson Smart, Brook. Srnilh. A18 Hvnnr Ru+l - B.ind- A Jfam+r Rrr7l Amher inryn Harris, Jeffrey Itoyea, Ctaak, Wycesvn Co?an. C.I.y Snmmcrs. Carrs Terry, say Agger. 1-3y Alvnrndv, Adkins. Kevin Alms. Rachet Angef Helmnndollar, Bon- Surah Craven Snvmnnh lYIII= 'I'Fa3er, Patrick Destiny And-, FmIly B.krr, Mangan Barham, 4-1ucks. C'hriatlnn Ffinx, Crisp, Nvinn Cmlta, Paylau Thmer, Courtney Wagner. Ads ndy, Lamdn Bandy, Ial. $uga d, MlcnyIA Dawn HNey Hv3brook, Mnd'son rru m. Abbey' Cuslcr, !sv- Arer1 Wi Esvn. Calvin B=ctic. Aleyph Bolden.lrurn Bvyte, Luke Hooker. Z hary FtudaPel h. A1Cuxbrell, Mmdnew Don- `UB H-11 Rini - Katic Beaty, lrxuh Btu 1- 2- Cpncr. Damen Clvlmkerlaln, Tnykur Hurst. Fader 30Ln- Al, ull""h Dillon, 5odlic• AkIAcn' Krvin Rrglia. -Aura- Jesse Iieekee, Vhnccnt Bel- HuEley Chun^. Emily Clark, xvn, Ruben Jones, Snm- bil4vn-Whitehead, l.i-dscy Ya• Minnie. BaHey, -Lack- lam., EI¢nnor $land. Faith Wy.ur :7' a.,. crhry- Dinglcr. Shayla pdm.nds, lay B.nlcn, Lnum He, ker. Bukcrm, Mekenna eosw011, earl¢ Cr'xp, Lynds.y Cmus, Morgan Pd Pyla Re1a,e- Tyler Berg. "1710, Bivins, Austin Brister. Haley Bu- Luk^ Davis. Ilnnnnh Din. n lSdw.rds, Nnnh P..er, Rachel Bnsde, h1call, lank., Mvrgun Bummmcr, Som Dnnran. Junes Ebcdy. i Walker Fcmehcrng'11. Sen• Bannock, Ryl n Eir"", FII- Byers, Laura Cain, Myles Ev.ns, Savannah -ami^ Firming, kj B nn Alyssa Campleik. Chan- Cindy Caiis. V-arin Can- Evarcll, Mmgenu. Frargaml, Frvsrcr. G. Isowlcr. Jonas iter Cannuy, Paige Carlo. Frank. D7 a. G:Wdy, Han- Justin Chaffin, William n.h Gallimore, Channing Check, Nichnl.s Childs. Glenn. rloircn Gurdon, M1laleline Clark, Caro l - Carley Green. L,vg.n Galt', Cline, Gran Cludgo, Ja- Lilkinn Haim, Steven Hurt- crt. Cn1sL+y. Tyle' Dandy, ne Cnyl. Hnnscl4, Ash- Kymr n'°vis, Alexis Dulin, Iyns Hteks, 'Maeth.w I•Illl- Jvcvh Enmhar.lx. LatlrmI),- ied, Cassidy Hodges. Jutian E11is. James Evans. Kaitlyn Howard, Em.n Ivester, Lvuns. Sidnee Everhardl, Mn.hcw Jun,_, Brooks Margnn MIA. Chnsnrtdrer Johnson. Madison Jul, -Orr, FToridu Ni. Knhlyn Flow- A-mrnn Jones. Ha1ey lona.. Peso Allison Forts. If.Ga. Rachel Iaufar., Eamon Fe}ran Frerm... 2"Znh. Justice, Jvicey Kennedy, Kn- ttm Gibson. Alli Gofanh. neon F.rmlr.,Araarlda Lends, O_as Gains, laurr` Ausrin 1 -nerd. J. -I, Lin- tlrnoms, William Harper. vitle. L• ¢ilio u kk. Hnli '°'shley Hendren- Jacob P^'r HenJria, Emily Henson, Lang. lsaloh Mnnin. Junin Wlliim H3chs, Andrew Marti.• Grace Masencup. Hilton. Kattterin Hines, Virginia Mason, Mysnkal Spencer Hokc. c Jack - Mayfield, Maggie MeK- Hui pcM. Faith Horn, night. Hunlcr Mrachum. Kenzie Hrmter, Abbegall Valerie M1Sedvcs, Jaoquin Wwi. Hodge Hutchens- A4- iSean, Aaeonia Ho¢taw0. Baa Hutton. Reloc a jecvii-. ourdavie.com vcl Jordan, Healy Junkers SenJamin Keeble. Shaw --n Kcenan, Ca]eh Banning, Casey tarsen. Elvia lasca- o "" '.. Marie Latham. SI— Larh.m, Jacob Luve, William Mx Cwyce M. gallon.., L ya. MplEard, Madefin. Marshall, Sh.veh Mani -I.. Christopher Malk.es, Anders M-tk , Trixian Mrrritl. Rosanne Miller, Lem Milchcll. pa- vid Moore, Keyl. Moore, Jamb Mnrxe, Cln ere Myers, Jennifer Ngn, Crisn.a Or- r Fp Uran.du. Tyler o.• b.me, K'Le. Parks, Dell - Peebles. Wesley Potts, Luke Ylraplts. Knhlyn kehk, An- dn-w Reneger, Chrislophcr Rey" -14x, Madi.rm Rid- dle, Tyler Roberts, Rpycu Rullinv. Maria Rumcre, Mumuex, Rehek.h San• tis, Jacob Scordett, Kristen Scnty. Magdalena Serrnnn Cervantes- lnseph Shcl, William Shepherd, Bryson Sinnl1"rlcr, Kate Sink. Ciera S lour, Hunlcr Smith, Jcs- Fca Slnhh. Juahwv SPurgh, Aenber Sprinkle, C]leyeml. Stewart, ChelseaStrang., S.ttj. summer.. hailer TL•Icscv, Camcmn Thomas, grit- 'rh,_ D_... Them_ 1"nice Kaylnn Vogler. AbIMI Wa11. Kathryn Wal." Wmy Word, W11 Ilia. WeEch, Kalb] W him icer. Aalumn Whitley, D'Aljawnn Worxlatd- Davie Canruiry E•cfr{v Callege Ninth Geode A Hen ar M41 - Kathryn Ante o . Molly Hngcr, .L'ay....1, Jrxu;s, Mnkayln Phelps, Breanna R:udford, Kayla Rouen., AID Htnmr Ruff - C.- d. n Sa�,bCa{Fy$egcrc A'ey" Boal, Abigailgrow A. 'uo nanw.. In WW Cadenn- Tonr,Cohen Orating, L'[- ]i.a Easter, A -den rnney. Elra Glide jl. layvelm. r:untntcz, Alexis Ly-. Angrli.a M.ns.quin, F 1--i Mann" Jnlinn, Kallyn McCoy. Morgan MiDrr, Pr- tricla Nxh.N. Emma Par- Ierxen, Sarah Rogers, Kai- tlyn Roscoe. Allyson Ruiz T-ius. Lxsgan Wagner. Sydney Wmttemmn. WithGrade A UP rr Rnfl - Chyle. F -aster, Tyler Hall, Dylan James. Chlor Marlin, Syd- nry Ne tson, l.slma Wood•" AIH Fibro -Roll - Dig. Genua -Gare'.• Midrva Grsnadero,Irlrat y Hernan- dez -Goma. Masson Kilgore, Briaam,Lasknhill. Mi Tho Martinez. China Mo.., Chria"Ilr Gverxrreel, Ad ...ria Rey..,, Sky In t Sweit, r, Axel Vnrgns J krncnes" Assorted UNCLE AL's COOKIES 2 for $1 Lflei8 - Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville - 336r7-51_2141 Www,fosterdrugm.com AEgnL3r F3pBrrc. N -F 9:30$ •Sit 8:3x1 • SUrI 5:30.5 D6- DAviv counts' E.-rERPR I S F: 91) CORD. Tkur dv.'. De[. 9, 20 16 DAVIE CO. ENTERPRISE -RECORD DAVIE-CLEMMONS r 1 liS S d(-- NIMET Y - � TOLL FREE 1'877-751 ^L 120 OR 704-797-4220 Job Oppotlunitles 01. 1 Tractor Traller Drivers liaedelt Vor area hauls rrvm Mocks- . NC. Home ash day. Class A CDL required, cuF rant Ctbss A DOT mkWcnl, Elmlyal[ahml 4preengg raq'o, 3 yeah In- Imcmr-trallar ePgM 14cloe. Clean MVA aM yatkgrpund a ML 9NT,aM0. Seeking steady here umrke,D. Coll 336.492.5635 helween Sann and 4pm and IeDy. message b, appl"iorl. N.M.. Thkdly Elm' He _ a gpn'b la now hiring PT 01.eAldea- FMAble houn and V olA r w9akend T.OeNfed. plea.. apply In penpn m_ mons. M Oeke nr., Clem- marnsrc. ` I Qainge $bias FladnI.+gr. 269E Lm.,tr Wn ,BE• Yard 9.W.. Friday. oac.v & Em• llaOsco 10, Sam-2pnL Lele d C Metas V.ma 22nd mmol Rain .r Oil— MeeluTHlw. WaVFnom 9d. Deals & Bargains IN" AMIq.. Rnelsuln, al8na2-s'r50 d• woiLe, ses." roa R- BwIL fFlFr rFm • ruin 2 kr 6av, P oe.. cal1101-2r&95lT 9npMlMtu THF s1. pool' .ande580.bot 1.r 510. Cyrt .19055 P, or 7G- a6r-1aar. A p+ln ahoFsr I dma Nmas- , pour au00p pools Bra. 8 Medium [run set 1. star fyr M. Coq 7D$-55 6110 0. 19 %wen nt wm..n' Olen. Qood conOiVen. 'Ni.... 1.05 0r rw-a5T-1867 5oa. es da M1x 52s. 4 Fnah Nhn0, a Bd ■ Ali SES 1., .11. Cell 70.-2r&951] bMenlFI S70WI Pals k G o rprrd STee. a 511 , Eau r1I. w,5a5 m rwsasr- faor A NNANO NEW 6FEEN k1ATRIM Stilt In 111Vin. a1s�0. MBA S 7 Wry. CAII Avnnl. A3a.2007 FFglmlm AW. Topp 6 tx.uvr. MD. soar[ w.rkSa t,8,°• 1- [n11 7w . &T6-sA15. GE el.enise. T. -d & tyska penes. Ile e1,aWl Oaenl. 5,W-CCoN P 70a 6965.,5- AINNA, yrgxrrpaal Hen✓y p H Wagner {�rerrnwl: O_rmleordllgn. 5125. GII Deals & bargains FUeLI[ Dealer, qmR. gear mntld, M�nr. heudlpf. ,�uSI21 obu 7oa•e3er eo Brenn ltlnA AIN. dmk.Fd ndoh fwd °ondlll°n- Comer dark, ankh Lne ra.Nn- 5160. cell 7 2F 33op�sa2e Fn. wood het don", Y.rF rout and het[awa�, r01.8.r7--P8,a. SiOaCall704J]3-61 2 M8 M" """N' P¢sia•559 hours iM195. s1rl.�� nk. Ea8-C.a r1¢• EnAn.Ne Ch11EY Rsnnar sale woad wry abed .ea161NK4 muld3. dmmaw a lc CnrbYnnelO. H.-4Fr NLi.eeFm C". Glo., He.gr-Hove In Bet. Never wed. 5.100. CAN d r0A-B965Ar5 a.m NnNIFr . 5 5'.1. aw.. 2T-1 Ino• .- $I- b mI- r 79, isaa JueWe NUN IMakep NF1Re Bond Pew w"h 0, A6- aenyd. pa.tgn, 5259. r04�3r•1'W Large Q.Igm.aa arnrrd rqe. rn per_ IFraYga. cavy. h -110125 llnn-Cad erayb.F,e,10d- 000-N912- LFeFbny LA.ns [1uk PI.RI[n.y, new Lachb Leunoe Cry. q 3n I- wn . So4d meq ekenw a- n-loo.0 111 637-TOr2- Se20A0 NEw Oct In„ar e, Meer ,radia, C¢ka 0eF oancetie, red, Kkq,net«. d anter w1 Z.:: wintltl Oxo,• Nov SFT. 4 WTHE GENERAL COURT OF 1.r spat oonw.. -AS IS, I.n nobs io No W.0,oOL 1. be oo .... nn. and Carporanw•. m,. all. ravFc Indebtdl Is Ann vb amp.rTr b nal h.k'9 av'n JUSTICE WHERE 16: HNPwr tns Try .kmcvry do o dote f:taletl In Ino npnnp efalme agaufel FFId ism+. . le m1 pwpae mnkv +rlm.di•Jee, I. epplluple Palaver nntl OF NOF,TH CAROLINA en Fou the Wider .1 Me nock now.. Ihn, m It I.val 10 slay., In Present wralon a.Immuw un- ere�dymg m 6w w to ear d OOnemlwr A dn_ m I 1 apyc, o SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION beculed the Aced nl I,uel, I l no male than 91 f• by ppmlmgnad a^ m belnfe F•eb,ua,y M t..1 _= Mkt. or r b.1n Nrea 3 mA 2a,e- p pRr1E CO hvin Ivred.• yr We olfi- ter !M1e sWo dela m,aWnFd to uNTr -ed, n a 2 m I a I I a np raEered n e.a... IFrOrL L Ilmwnol res Nn ars Iry nem dF w Ya rP r88P2a] cF,Fa, dhevmFa, Nmmrya, om- !ne nwlce el s.Le, p,m•Idetl mal JN,TEEM Pioyoos. ncmw «oFdlrvdaod rhe mndgegv hosnalw,fA he RTfER QF TME r r� Inks nvnvgi yr mea nveee wAl Dv Eq.srrrrr al MF Eara,e Ichoyer Is moetaf, I¢ ragmrud kIg4Q) one%= Im tnrrderee.. In, lorn, ra..d.e Inv r.cgvwy-s ad raven prlw v nl ,nm, 22 rePrPe9meu.v d Puh.r 7n+slg. dar.r.t at nwldo d ler- FT7HEL1LO5ruRE OFA DEEP Ia,g +Ie A11 pera.he, Ilrmk Imtl cwpor22• Adsnnar, NC 2,000 or cart ilial Iu,.Ie nI Inn, m s pxme OF TR[76T F1lECfITEO 8Y or Ina nPltlen of the noN maks m1n¢,Ipn la p,oyld.d. 1'ou ,Hey ,conn IrWgblsd w sold EeC,e WAI PWIHn- p.v.e,ts,22,se Hale. any repleeeM.NPn ., Vramanry UP= lel nM duo y.dvr ,n. J£SSrCA M,' rM"*rEA1ANp ak. Immetllnle poymvrd TIC. vus,eu leuh.40 convey to mea,.P_yivr arry ree.mr. rdekng b the ,IIID nr any Pin b- agraemen pfmNed 10 1rq o!• J0.4HW1 s. BRACKEN QAr♦ 1, MAY 30, 2003 AND RECQRG• ICN, onMronmeofol, hnNlh , Ieehhte selo o! he 1¢Nnlnallvn. mI]ne umaW8n.d NORTH CAROLINA rule Tln.ho 15kh doyvl N.ywnbot. DAVIE couHR' lrrp . IM -1 -1 a h. purL 9° Ie rM1e rIHe ranch ear Ep fN BOOKee4 AT YAOE °W.,Y .andIWnu nx,sling !n, The tisk°., NoNnacn is No- M rolpWg W Iho ,mmhee 21, 2110. 2p 16. HpIiCE TO CREOpOR9 j HAVING OUALIFIED irNNiblda Wle'7.% Fdr IN THE paYlE CpflM1Y on- or prvpar- PIT W riEO15rRY,'OF"Pl ty being ol= Iw able. Any GrMy 1. Ingl. DANIELBROWN ae 1nalud., pal aro mt lethal q• .% I 173 HIIIAn e1 Cmr C. -En roti r. bI H1a Eelal. I IIIInp yr b ba -D t rwllld Pre - end as reepvnelVlllga. or Poll- 1F EIIMWn B. EIS CRRCrLkJNA A.agkarllq, NC SVp KATHLEFJi COOHALo ORCL I.q O_. County, nxu Ines aria" n,AMon In any wpy stAD11WIa 7ivatoo NOTCE OF SALE "s"r`U m Any _& pdnfE % 1.180 Pe11ms1Dn P'Mway, SALE MARTIN a VAN HOU. LLP m rolnNe ntaem 0 Ih. loon Mow Artwnoya m Lrva Ia W hallly d1 Porion.. I; n, , wkn.wo4p. v, Iho vus,m.lr Ina orpr.ssly «e dIm I.Im.d- Thls Salle � o Under and byvena. d the solo Is moma suhJocl w all prior Clyddblw.NC 26218 1UCaun squma Antl vgrp«dbna nrwlFg ol.kna v22ndlry X01 Ina [ale w ena.oF,p.d MvOk.nlle, NC 2m1ap.Inal ebNq Ert.q tv pfeeeM ,m, Panr pR V,ntee, H emu Power wIII eNMrty v.r�Rln.d Hvm and aFrcumbr.Fraos, and [1041300-0187 In M ohny eleren load i nplld 1.n¢ and Itsase RW hup,0altgplFPm OM -Y- vdFVnd PUWIOM1: Napy.2a,0.c,,&,a ,Hen Balm ry he uraer.lomed °ole di.se.«L 11 aroY ae,Ivve Ina «..fore Moryl .. 2017, (p.• ehAsso o W het. morn, Hwy res• M %A a,d bx8IJD of de slit IncluWq NA mA Ilmlrod No any TB•0QEam did NORTH CARQUNA Yq atm° 181 Ill- Ham he IIr.! qub M10 cpM gdp.Iare rho Bele z=1 In Iho ma lea of Ina secured t,amrer !ax sssmieced wlln the Paslod: _ _ Indmlednoaa Ind lell,xe rn Wr.nloeu,e. A dapoain .! I1- By: �' QA•/IE COUNTY dW n1 puPtiv°Hon d In,s IHfHcay 1° p° veld and return IM CREDITOR' NOTICE or 1r.s nmi.. win be P,,I d W TIoWkdyaw will Imw n° fmllgl eerier, ho otlprAwlon and pnrmnl [geld nI rte. amnunl I WBLISH: 0EC.1,e HAVING eURLIFIE m Eve b.r ofrh.kmcw.ry. Ali v.mwFy y. res epanrccm°nls frremlry can,alned ho cod a Rmm� hmol-d fdty a nw or !hs 40am d MARY IFmI end mr;n,kIOA9 IndehWd Add.lonw Norco rvF R.s.dmr- R. lore D.kfe E.cBW grra'-I 2122 IZIA d d Poll ru: c675aoP3• hkhaA` HpRTHCARCLIHA rORK ANN nr w aaitl WIR rA.APP MON. n.1 Prvpuny veld, Lege Innn 1S Cv Ly, Ihb IDrelay e• Imm.mm m Iho und.r- Inck,dlnp Slnpl.•Fnn- In Nile sac ovmar nntl M1eld8F d Iho or 3s grealur, b reoukod and QAWECOWITY bred deb,. he uneereipned mull bo lontllmtl In the corm PNBUC par paym«n rPre.I Vnaa, .W . d vrp«MIoF1 slpn°d. .yore dhmiPPl,, Reo1Plepwry sveyr'a",gcWlms .pev,H Bald Ee[ae Thea 1" 2rM day ar o.Fombar, Pin velar rw r m0 au0sllgle Immo. wIN ..peas nl eenlR 7, lunch N Ina amk of A9MWISTRRTOfC3 HOT[CE nnen c,Wm m in. 2olp- P•s^.aegn. ie '° Y Pe baked prau"nt Iw sale At wDlNr vualinn 1. the Mesere- Tran _Io wW be held Ha Ing quNlRd e. Dubh- Ad' dPreaonl . un prllgrod an .r Daiwa 1.lorcn MAR, xAr praON W rrv.c-O.a. er aiVnIii Ial Iwar nl S. 4i hlpMal bids. for cosi, at rhe noon On slay. or ,pn k collo Ae mlyelrnmrvl Iho lerele er LIndF koiy, Ibaing Ihreo 101 moniha 1%8 Hwy 64 Wee] rhe puf[hne, nIW rg.I^.111,. pen Pince d Deco O1 All. n• raqulF.d by IoW- Following IF o eve of Flo Cow�lY• .1111.11d, su.! Do arCan Inm in&brat slay d WZ1.n orM°.karllb, NC 2722 ly or pw.. In pvusm.rw, by Ill. Iy oCD lhOuee M said county ON .xpinllen of sm mi Aps221 oIW., tlrla m m Fq,lty ell pa,evne 1 APIA on D.denlpPr 12, 2818 Prmtl, all remaining s IhW "Pin°.] « I- n.11.. win be RIICNNLNNAl "T M a.parbr-1 d tn. man• ph,ad.d In WK or chair ra[ ry. 202 Vloalrl a Read Iyln -h m. wvporry 1. anld. HC Nre 1¢bwlno d-dbod reN gra lMMEUIATELY CUE ANp hevMpdCeelma epnlnM hien �M1em tn. Hop q .x _ eNnie a1w any ONNa impenye- OW1Np. Felin n W remll lands q Iho uneorel nn Mi .ancone. nnm. and c.mom- Advarc., 210.1 Arco' persO^ s a IFd.Nod m sold vsr.W w10 MR TIN a VAN HOY LLP Iho pony pveuau ,n b unI- fmn R ry r All,whlcn mny bo s1Wked Ina Vme1y mannni will res,rll February 24, mer, of IM1Is uonm llama make Immotllae paymon[ Mrem.ye a! Law w gr.amIN . mr.d .a. .. ! dr OGeh., 1. ,hgFv ,n. in vavre, Caurwy, Nwth b o O.blurldlm pl DeladV aHyl -yy gobpl.a0pdbb.r vltnai.IpM 10 N,o unden"2Do 1P CoraV aqu.r. mnewed on oiler Thl. O.cambur, NC 27080 1087• moY .R« W." me Do- -a C,,r.11nn, nntl being mono Par, Pny d ieNNIN wdl IDT octan pond- q roll ne eN&e m �°ps I the tat day or Mxksdlle, Pala- P,hllaH: pec-H,16-,2.29of 1°recl°eure cell, cermuWo esdrWeO 0a follows: q Iho Preaw^o el Piny made. 9 Ire anitl dxeaDed. All Pomo' Yhyrn. P. shear, 1M mmol vUraomwa try prvvfdlna 6einp known eFd dealgnafepO II Ne anal re set aside Wr any Wdv.mdlo anld oWal. well pl.bse F,ratwf,a of M. DylaC 5TATE OF ugRTN CAROunA wrh+°^ Ae. r 1.,nWrMlgn tie Lnl2d1 As shown vnlne Map msann Ina Purnhnaen l Iho me/m Innn.dlem paymws. Ridgemnnl, BUY VVynnvlvN W,ry COUN-ry of FOR aTTH too gnulwq ry m ell.crlw .a n Vd, u1 My_ pork PI eye eAg11 fw enllVed only to a Tn1011P, Mh dW of Na.amban. Socxvn Tyro, WMch m.pm,. re- r ,rn d he depmlt paid- The 101. RelI NC 2r81n derb MAnq In Pie nolle. puN I..I pyh.an: O.c.,,a,e5,22 NOTICEOF qmI ro soya butnm mom Then .Y cordal In Plsr book 6, Page p,r<rhmar aMN IIRka F,o lusher Bryan C. Thompa.n ollar'Icoor 10.7, 31 250, Dalin Counry. I— 9NmlIM Morhgrag.r, PWffe AdmkWheler Re93Mry Iv wN[n reference la ins M.F.9egae, Vro SuONnuly nl Me Eafefn NORTH CAROLINA FDBEti LEIStiNE SALE b not ea/.,pmvidntl DAVIE COUNTY Te DP 2s0 ,NA the nrorg.p.r hon not rural hereby muds 1« a mere earl.:- Tlalsew Or. aae,nayd ern, 11 f L,nda JFwn Orr22n aeod CREONOR'S NOTIC. Under clod by rnruo u1 mn ooh- un d-IWI N II,. ume Vie 10mg ulbrdeagrfrHan. mc, Wwing. SURRATT s T OMPSDN,.LLC NIAVING OURLIFfE1] .r a1 Fel. eoFdelnw In n c« n MoAden 1ha nark. al Igmb.mn, And! Eelnp m «nm.MY 5PIPCML NOTICE FOR 108 N. A,e1n S.eeL SWo 1.A5 Imgrm Aa: 31P WININVIF11 Gln LEASEHOLD TENANTS: II Wgc,vnti�NPrn, NC 2r11I Cp{.anrWre oI m. 6sm1. o! peed I Trach Mr try wllli nh llpon,erminelknb.r«uel E41LAPE-rH NwRY CHAPR R- LPdsd.K and GgFd° P. L,rd- nl 1h° tenpru m k,wo qr root LWckayHle, NC 27028 you ono a quant r-WHg le, t�61 r28•a.g3 Pi,bIIMn Hrw.1T,21,pse.1,8 Ism vl Da W. Cvuruy, 11As ID W mak• tWllllb! RAW I.Atlw%nk nk duo uFder AN rentN btlro¢mFnt VIMAID, R. Irk Doc.aa.d] Prprmod mum.n..11w da dam me mord leamKai m the Ine Property- Oe "wised Ihat MWWV all penone, Ilrme _4 em- u EMYR CC p OYYNFendo erminmm�DaTl p�inpwty, nes mllrrmetl Pin 8le ,e- an Ordr InPns haaNen of the NCRTHCARCLiNA Wells- nn+� nlmma ag°Ind wInE ipuBTEE yds of the ReglEmr of Deeds, pre ody mW be Innued In faun, OAYIF COUHrT as t:plvfv rMI]en sE(NICFS, INC. a W. 9pvin. P. LVdwIN1 m.a Iygra J.FFIw M. Br.ck.n and .I Iho tens«, Also. H yalr Prao CREpRQR'9 NOTICE Jnh-S. Brneken. baso bugan on wits snood HAVING Ot1AL1FIE0 .a Ew• .hUm m In. Co-FaeeuW A, un- 10 Tw,ne(y, pmol Ino ICW day vI 5bBaTr L_ TRusTEE d.felgh1d nn n, bor-1 NWM or, ;1.06, arw r [yell c+b HmdNFd Luw Rnn The p be on Ic aq.n 1, 288], oeWor er Ino EamO d JFS9 1. 201']. IpZ%7nr.a h. In bow, Peg° ay., In 4ayl. F.p- Dor tom book la1 amP dl tram Ihn nrrt d¢r d It N Ml- n M saleadc yell M bb p.reda+V q aria nmlCe M sale edvlaed Nal ynd mny IernNnale Aq,exANO.R .Rpwgi, FTI. W is telling dfared or solo, Irpnx• N. rnrcnl .gre.m.nl Vpdn wHI- poria County, Ines b 1v wVy W wFbllceNbn C¢wg' RoviHry, Nwnr C.I. aarT Rameoy 9l,eol G oqi IPihlaa n.acel or Ihle "Ohm will ba dornul he." boon meta In the Fnyollw,b, Horten CPrGkra 28911 tided In oar of lnmr rocwery. Piny�vnl 01 um n.l. Ih.l.by ae- Phvr. Nv:,era -64.9088 NI Person., Ilm. 22nd roFpvra• cur by Irq Fold Done vI rias[ IWpa'Aslea],twllemWdl,m•aor^ - ���-® flan. Ir1da41.a m sold E.tmb will yep heuncJ yI TIL; SX2h..t Cma Nu- seer IFC.f•Ay1 pl.aao m22kv lmme0lNe paynten[ n wa 5ervices.,nc.INwingtw.n puhhsl,l pe[.1.6 W 1h. Cbb-Eaocdore�rvgOr- ubsl.Add Tnn,eo W old _ -`'•LIgIfOu. .• •-Like •'paS•d'pr -V Irr'tm�rn.bGTlant "-OWEC UNRITt•IiTA-" TM1W try. Ist day of OeeomboT, duly roo¢nP,e In uw 011ko vl the pAVlE COUNTY 1,0. Rggnmr p paper m prole Cab^- IN TH E...AL CQWIT F M. -I A. CA[rner , HorOr C°roll- end Ill. holder OF JUSTICE 171 F � < Di he nvW WWoncing aeg3ndFht• JUVENILE DOUBT alwslpN 571 Fwxnf A. ry rnSanta amckaylup, NO "..a pone ol TFrnt b. Ivreclva.e, rho Ho. T5 J 11 dneFa n.Nnd livened ,M1y Ine IN, 10* James. z. rrae.nnrR Ipmd DAMmw. Trwmo NOTtfiE DF 3ER1iICf Cr1 Sr ..ter door In,the wurrhvon. 1 xrt 9movl Form Ian. door In Iho a ty v1 MvekaNlle, Pin• OF PROCESS E�� W�e Mxknrllle, NC 21928 cq county, Na,rM1 CTI ollnn n, tlhr Puboon; p.c.l,a,e5.22 uFq,hefr grMlvn BY PD N 1 10;ImAM.h mra.lrP µ pales. nr nl;ls RM an M ,Ta AMffUI Or ,mfr_ of. NORTH CAROLINA In.eendrbr bi d.'W 1rlu all q AMaI° Child, awn TMYIE COUHr In. Hien::[ r« a- Inn N mbar Cs, f -1m. ch. CREORPR•6 NODCE CTI M reel o1mm aduamd In N FA gvelVled 8n nl pnyN. Neon Careen°, yA FATHER _ 4 F .1's OF .ALE yr or hu ESTATE OF HtHA vM being muco p.niel.arly d.- OF A MALE CHILD BORN ..A DID! I a.npap' 1e11eaa: ON NOVEMSER 19, 2001, CRUTCHFIELO ELY. mw known asDAN, DAVtIE OYTRT, NORTH If Ad� Loa. Dl.rl. Coynty,dN.rchEl Z` . h.10 6q[k B. AROLIHAN • •■ �� ./ ..■per mudsq, R+rrr I�� okma r q IIJa Ia In nbllrr III earache, tO TAKIV NOTICE lhnt I pend. me e W [omo,Mlgna p.yln8 F q seehloP voile a9&nal you dLa A, 1, ala . . eta Dam rvf sa .la.. n- to tM e. W1. v[.rad lm Ih.nw Imm sale bolnl d hon hoop 11111111 above-sn- locum m o`nl.lr uqm q dw rHVEGINNWo Ingo Rcllon. Th. mrum W the �p !.V Farmington+ Nnnn tie ,rndoralpFred a 236 Tewn flan °�-�iiYi' re11W sou le as lollpwv; I Lano,YWnWn-Salam. Nannc Enn196 m.Igaaeminhannnn- ° Four C(arn l- no x7111, gn a Mr«22 AI«en Fr,. G Lal NAunp« s0; avers. minvrinn el ymr, parental ngie¢ °I .uAh 8B dope 80 W. F 290 ngardln9 o m ce cNiid born on er �a 6, 2oar, or d,l. N.II- Mil b0 Io.I tv ¢ pAloatled In cow M 1181, acs a y. pmnt 1n uw nvnh«n floe NPyembkn 19. RDa2. h Dov e ��eje pplo Ind,mgtl Iv ADW ..- 3r M as ,n•M, Bauch 4 acro Cnbnly, Nnnn OPAClIn. JAn o min.t 210 I- m u vynl p dol Inv Se IY by PUE.ca- �•+l/�r. o oral pl- melee Immudm,. Ih. nbnlAD. mdBln yr mygln lion veva .moral LINO, Db Ulcl r K n{derton Smith Grove pa-pMe Ins 20+d Ooy of Nowm- d Aupucm orlve; hence wIch the Court on N000ml�gr 21. 8110.1 =.m renrpn"A IM'pow You ata [equkee 11 maks ilisda par 2v,e N.rrh b5 dopa. ad min. WeR 206 del°n- Iv ouch pimash g not A. ef4ke Y.M.A 11 l `•1� �. --fill qN mug PONY nab nCEOF E nes Or Arm. 4YaraAAOW Err BEGINNING APO ANOF`Al "OF IRIO, Ihlm January f0, 2017, 2 0. 91° yld, p« Nkq tn° o°aorn Holl vl L.I _W dale MIN, IOty (do days tat 130 Tewn Run LAI, Ina andtrm _DAc_ npfl oI va vI nnm Megree pu1111ea1on d Ira. Cp Cornatzerr F�n� w3nagn-9mvm.NC creel 131=Na or pm ,wroo =.16111 do w, u!yp,Pon .r W DTI PuMlal,: Ded.y,a,30,.EE .cave C'i�r• ❑'d� ksville u,r.n P-2 "A mW tae. Map 1e,lmonl of BPytielBervlosE win NORTH CAROUNA Hoch 4, meq Cvuay R.glmry q nppfy In die CpF,I Inv me rollel DAVIN COUNTY wn:.h ralorerrcl w Hanby mod° o a wFnl. lam• - _ _ '"•- s.ugfil NOTICE To DEBTORS br ° nl«a a°nl-.r densrlplion you ARE NOTIFIED Iv aR• Vr -•- Al CREb1TONi6 Togon pr .Fn rmpr°v°ngnW pct a%U Gnawer Na F.Imbul Gy The ,eNd.,sipnI1 IVwlnO ca pd inaro n: agile property ba quill- Ilion rw F.a..rd.r q bra kwa pr In loeolod et ter O.kdo,o Ckem, Irtg In..dglnN.1 yndl wIH- -� DOROTHY A. MOLlDC 1. aka Maooa lle, N.10 C.Milln. Ion rgoponao Ipan Iho Qgyl22 ' 11 1. Dnrnllry Am WIIRw.Na Do,, Suhl°vc to ties°,Fronle aF,d re• C. MyCb,kslBuporl.,Gburl- ° arrxllvne a! nmrtl, J aa DMAIan, envie COun- Gro, MGmgr. d...esud, Iol. vI f Oayq COunly, Nett C Iho, Far bask rine so. Coed gook ty Hd1 el Jock., 140 6e"Ah I.I. ie Ib nslly MI p.rsono. llmtn, ea, Peg.'a, pave. CmolY RD I-- Main 6c oal. Mockewc1lo. NC aM cvFPpr22fl«ra Invino clulma rnY SOP vHe T M_ L-6, Pd 7I, Cosa, woven folly t4ag day. agulml 4Im mm m efrhlll! prem .ted In bora m T nNap, srtar the law N rhn 1b.1 p.mi. Have each informative issue of the Vra Mo...Ish d live mll.e.1 "'"C."" North C1r.11ne- Do. «m 4vmr,hsn J.n..FY V- Prgw.r, nitvnwr, PO Tmem. bray, W Uw Tr o- Davie Court Enterprise Record ty p EtlwaM 10, 101x. You mu61 Dia. as've a --a. 5026 Cb -on. Road, nolo ai i:Ion, 6.1% he We 1 your w,lllen roe b, up ry n«n In eppyI pons. delivered to your mailbox every week ww m p wldod Clemmdre- Neap Cs,allm, »COG 115-11,23. nn ne P.rlfO r� AttOo llsl- 27012. Pn of b. «o tM tum evy sh.,4d he p oeerry he vu od p221pw. ., M.mn doer or ,Ise DIr I win nmI by a Cid You nave a rl nt Iv p. r ...loaded I1 D , d IM1.I, meav- Parr. 1nw Pant P aP• Like unwrapping a gift from Santa, you won't know Inc. Al poregns Indeyad m w. -W Pay Iho..I- c -. .I ..II e. hmd by an an.rnW In Ihle it °AOW Do or pveyFw. coma end pl.m. make Knnwel- i -c roi ...IH .- D Ihn what's in it until you open it Subscribe todaytn get all of anymam. a per Chile HPhered Dd1- .m,1 a ne Davie County's news, sports, advertising and morel a a alb I.y d b. tet, M ?oeiexti "q""ve py HC°D c.yn w111 app.lm .n nnamey 26Thw §� Toa property ry be off.- aur• 1nf yore You may conreP! the Lrama.erJvoaar n22w. e.umrcrerk m slp.rrPr p�V l C C to tJ'fV 7 Y au.m 1a ml° nmp..I ..Ik Ia pa_ Era Ia1Olrne Pirate 11 enered for trwaler Coon ImmeOierety w .syr I1, I t� CNTCRPRIJE CCDRD .ale- and .1 _11,, A. Holiday c.Fvreyenvp •w5 n, WHERF Ia4 caw!-eppnlmeo .homey. This By: Edrrerd Y- Sraryar, Allernay Nsenar the T -el. nor III, nok a la A now apps, antl anY aRm- 11 DID Zy..aeyrm pyua d.mm oy gpPP and o-W..mn yaA aa2¢ u Rape In �l Ivy egreamenr. cot bed,, sndne, baa. wIP "k 'a-' mos, IN Clemmnna, NC 2]052 b„kg ,vr.cl.sed, nor m. omcRa, aenl you In this an FAPDN: Dace,15,n.. dbecgn. lhtl ., .nrpiayeeF- ,h. Cour appafnt. thgl peyawi Only $26.69 Per Year cecrInrr. . or I Dawn or you retain None !• NORTH CAROLINA w rA oiawr ma TrrsraRu « Ir,v pppv nl Ne Pm11bn bray else TIm The dl aOq Nd her np du.l- paaenw en 9M1rs a.tle mem �roympr egua mneas ism -3 +,b:r of mo Esus. a1 merrty Ire or iMru I,°ws. Call Today! HesxL s. Ol D o RIrrO pncdrq p en. ve mmell I mor Teas N22pca O,n l&. V e ts. - Mm d DAr,e County- ,, , d W NILcI Wr oar, dkTh pw oa fir own anted Nwm Grr/W^a. rraa a a ,grey en eeky ar•1 v FF�arab.eW ar Hvey M. Grove. Env., arm cmp.ramrc Psn•erwa aFos9 wA d v n er.,y .0 SAAPINo- t. Freok,p deans a;pvvr nn esrme way -Weng ex arty m, mFrdem A, -,.-Cowry 155 W e�° a d� n Ma. 1JoµavHla 336-751-°212 r4p sKFr.n Po a. b.m.a ,>b sum say P W q q b-, "m sbi"•r »C 2rp2E '°""" a...F.e.¢a. Prkrnc a9rrT53.66i] bF vt..a.2 n ar w o,w repay- «e,m.1c.R.a m r.eanl waay rs..FWdF.Wt+c Pralasr FiL:c.0 DAVIE CO. ENTERPRISE -RECORD DAVIE-CLEMMONS r 1 liS S d(-- NIMET Y - � TOLL FREE 1'877-751 ^L 120 OR 704-797-4220 Job Oppotlunitles 01. 1 Tractor Traller Drivers liaedelt Vor area hauls rrvm Mocks- . NC. Home ash day. Class A CDL required, cuF rant Ctbss A DOT mkWcnl, Elmlyal[ahml 4preengg raq'o, 3 yeah In- Imcmr-trallar ePgM 14cloe. Clean MVA aM yatkgrpund a ML 9NT,aM0. Seeking steady here umrke,D. Coll 336.492.5635 helween Sann and 4pm and IeDy. message b, appl"iorl. N.M.. Thkdly Elm' He _ a gpn'b la now hiring PT 01.eAldea- FMAble houn and V olA r w9akend T.OeNfed. plea.. apply In penpn m_ mons. M Oeke nr., Clem- marnsrc. ` I Qainge $bias FladnI.+gr. 269E Lm.,tr Wn ,BE• Yard 9.W.. Friday. oac.v & Em• llaOsco 10, Sam-2pnL Lele d C Metas V.ma 22nd mmol Rain .r Oil— MeeluTHlw. WaVFnom 9d. Deals & Bargains IN" AMIq.. Rnelsuln, al8na2-s'r50 d• woiLe, ses." roa R- BwIL fFlFr rFm • ruin 2 kr 6av, P oe.. cal1101-2r&95lT 9npMlMtu THF s1. pool' .ande580.bot 1.r 510. Cyrt .19055 P, or 7G- a6r-1aar. A p+ln ahoFsr I dma Nmas- , pour au00p pools Bra. 8 Medium [run set 1. star fyr M. Coq 7D$-55 6110 0. 19 %wen nt wm..n' Olen. Qood conOiVen. 'Ni.... 1.05 0r rw-a5T-1867 5oa. es da M1x 52s. 4 Fnah Nhn0, a Bd ■ Ali SES 1., .11. Cell 70.-2r&951] bMenlFI S70WI Pals k G o rprrd STee. a 511 , Eau r1I. w,5a5 m rwsasr- faor A NNANO NEW 6FEEN k1ATRIM Stilt In 111Vin. a1s�0. MBA S 7 Wry. CAII Avnnl. A3a.2007 FFglmlm AW. Topp 6 tx.uvr. MD. soar[ w.rkSa t,8,°• 1- [n11 7w . &T6-sA15. GE el.enise. T. -d & tyska penes. Ile e1,aWl Oaenl. 5,W-CCoN P 70a 6965.,5- AINNA, yrgxrrpaal Hen✓y p H Wagner {�rerrnwl: O_rmleordllgn. 5125. GII Deals & bargains FUeLI[ Dealer, qmR. gear mntld, M�nr. heudlpf. ,�uSI21 obu 7oa•e3er eo Brenn ltlnA AIN. dmk.Fd ndoh fwd °ondlll°n- Comer dark, ankh Lne ra.Nn- 5160. cell 7 2F 33op�sa2e Fn. wood het don", Y.rF rout and het[awa�, r01.8.r7--P8,a. SiOaCall704J]3-61 2 M8 M" """N' P¢sia•559 hours iM195. s1rl.�� nk. Ea8-C.a r1¢• EnAn.Ne Ch11EY Rsnnar sale woad wry abed .ea161NK4 muld3. dmmaw a lc CnrbYnnelO. H.-4Fr NLi.eeFm C". Glo., He.gr-Hove In Bet. Never wed. 5.100. CAN d r0A-B965Ar5 a.m NnNIFr . 5 5'.1. aw.. 2T-1 Ino• .- $I- b mI- r 79, isaa JueWe NUN IMakep NF1Re Bond Pew w"h 0, A6- aenyd. pa.tgn, 5259. r04�3r•1'W Large Q.Igm.aa arnrrd rqe. rn per_ IFraYga. cavy. h -110125 llnn-Cad erayb.F,e,10d- 000-N912- LFeFbny LA.ns [1uk PI.RI[n.y, new Lachb Leunoe Cry. q 3n I- wn . So4d meq ekenw a- n-loo.0 111 637-TOr2- Se20A0 NEw Oct In„ar e, Meer ,radia, C¢ka 0eF oancetie, red, Kkq,net«. d anter w1 Z.:: wintltl Oxo,• Nov SFT. 4 -Daher 1, pPN.nolO pooch. IoM eer,dllnn. Cell r6F21A6 S,III k. come apk And k•1' IeNa ,�. 5100. CAII r4{ -T9'+ -89V NIFw Pa11FnwN 0"-LFaP OW Nava31 0 LI M17171 rRTMonrw.n.a2s. ca 7Wrarg2e3. 1n p.r. cls. r�i70. r.r.a3aa "��--°�••.�� ➢IwFIFO.w.N CWn Nl CollevYldr IIS 1y _ laseFs;�i Dargelas upo rod ahFln. Se01. Call ohrauR,sd ard�uyn Z 2aa•aSI,-D05o lvrlurx,erden9k. yuan opo. $2 W. Toa-wFieOa Sr FFal S[re.F Ty N. SAM 080. Cell 70Ag 6965. USA IAAdn Bl.draDoder PiWpr• 3 Frank Sk,.- lPe 1 baa DR. WonFl 13FyWmi 0,111.18W.W0006 YeNa g dP Fwl. ovary poou caFdi RPM. Szs. ran -1x637<1 flan. 5E5. x04 ler Senrim;;LPCA CRAYT F1NP5 map he.nrgo rvlA he ,reW H m. Wno." manias, o.tlon..a lellnwa: Yedlwr Cauny - �ogm6A112,20t69119:11 o.m, Y4apolTmnapp eundlna W. Moen slreel, YIWNrMBo, NC 2]656 Dene Cnway-p.c«nG5LS2,391fi.at.1:91 p.m. R�ak�.nmr a12 N, Mak. SM., MxNM,., lrc 2ro2e S,Mae Ceunly - D.cwffiuF-]�2r11V-AlgP191 a.m. S,oNea Comm,,yyrxlryry Sorvie Conley 700 ;_.P RpraA tl-panWry. HC 21b,a Garry County- pmrsib•r 16. PnIA el?W en,, F.mdr Re.p.av C22nmr Jenne 9cnvm Rood- MI AIry. NG 2r1a1 Tadkn Vellq Eco,romin DovelPpmsM elPldcl.lrao- sm N-camkm AVI_ KW 601 N. en -11M. NC E7011 19001 M'F7151 YVEDDI Is An Equal Oppnnun"Y Emphry.f a Ssneoa FmY,d.r- Deals & Bargains 9.-A, Dryer "M � I.d. C.Iw Plellnurn- 15N ar boa, offer. COP rPa•6a1-311. 59x. Wend Vill Na m - 5.•100. Carl 70,1 a 6tlo. 11v1.110111ee MFW 9FFk 0 pmwelr - 500. ON r1a. Bbl -1,50 Sa1F 1NN q.n. aleN -ha., In dJrp ¢heir. Ywy rw.. 5125. Cell r0.-218 Rr6 l Good c.ndlllersn. 10 5388. CoA r0u• 008-r0g7. OpHgM None. Parsec. ddllgn. 5150. P16 s vas sonars-a6r+ IFn11a, a dRFr. vmF�o lobar -Fyn 1loetl weanar. pen dtypr, yppp. =0-090< , - N1deeFrr Nalnln pnw•2Ewj 2 pNcna and 2 "1. OI -art, 5hese 556 ver .I t. 080.28.• 967 pie.. Sanyo Finaag.- w¢Fewncwml."',TalF e -46'1 30--525 0a-937-taSO Fuel and Wood t -..ad n,ni.md. �a nd. I.K. Fete delivery Call Miscellaneous For Sale cn-IIII aaP FM 1n,5 gg wino 510ap•r-.e roa•6TY•k4Tv. of�w��k we w�oom; pw e96a9A1 u Want to Buy .Merchandise 1 bur • Iquea- luso e n InaWearbne.Oldd- .n ac, ma,mry Harr,., .Id lar u rA cvrm.Pomderw.- FHran r a geltl lgmF, erN1 �1arnexl Sn� ]36-892_a1S6 YOU'LL THURSDAY, DECEMBER S. 2016 • D7 Call us Monday Friday &5 Deadline to have your classified ad in the next issue: Tuesday 2:30 P.M. lassads salisbu ostcorn Emal1.1: [� rye Y OR place our ad online at; Sallshurypost.corn and click'Place Classitled Ad' didn't get a paper? Call 704-797.4213 II Domestic Pets EE C.1. boor Melne Coe^.,R30 Gdpuma*.. bo NCT OOD wlln .Isla. r0A-267-2bB0 • UA 8 Found y...d Pep b ma"I. N.I 52 Lob. ,2�3rlu Aeon,F Dred male. b. Fo.ndpr. Ne sells, As. w Gxp. Cell ]09.283•a799- FwmAIII rAirmhdd, IN; a.4 M.M dw• WII TM•rFW14r Flown Plr BULL 1 hole en 1be All aav a Very 1m gry a 1w.oa m tie pyeloV,'wva.a A rn Pio, aeon. amu fPe- 31-2ar9. 6a Px-Parpmer ¢r vrnw+myP. Meal°!.Rpd.N Arlon R 3_4'Nvrkh _ PI.._ dell Homes For Sale a.aHC... IF 1 tergo9,lcr, Mos.. 11sa- n. a w P.rl o`er>�a wy. a're5,9dv. wn 9NEAT PEAL. - mm nut Mm. 213A etre. morn.. 3RA-2LIA WRAO,. NICE. SPA niea rmgmwfe° m.rcv bineWht 1. SW ran mnNo pv,r,en[ ler rioyea ein-M. iawrw.. res. -e Manufactured Home lwkpeunp Wry Ire. rplbr.yada on ° war a . Jo . rm s38A. e1g hie, Jotll, te,ge . b Idllle� R. s,ar IIdI r'wrs Poo9°c. an°.9s.lurcou°u� n9 Apartments Houses For Rent 'JriR rayon. aASEAIaNT, COLINRiY- rob: r+oarlae.sym n ewtoday Uc ale now. A.F. S.R,1sF- ,f ac�mr Wit: e51so,n° Pr s�`w davcx- R. Ga. roa.rebssse. Manuieciurod Homes For Mill 21IA 801E Mm1%Hann le, Rani Spall/ Aces MHP. ,qhn Cm.a Pd., Mvdcsdllo. HUD .cvopmd. Na pots. 00690P20g2 yr 338-596{222 newtoday ASYFOa OWsa ... Yar Fho- O 1 .-ad -h non .nervy Q _A' Ono" SOOAT'- Quer 5Q0* Jobs g� Avaitable Today WHAT W- r huatn susses _I es�i! w,llilla3n moa mdil.nrSoiaPprr. Nc YOU SEE Ptia� • Great employers tl • AtIlactivelSeneFits • Competitive salaries - Grovlrth potential Search & Apply_ saGsbu rypost. comisobs Place an Art: 704.797.4220 dassadsCHIsatisburypost_com Jobs Section In Print salisburypost.cosn & Online DS - DAV I R COUNTY ENY-ERPRISE RECORD, Thorabar- t]ee-8.70IG PICKLES -MF-Y'RE CHEAPER ANP BETTER FDR TAE EMVIROiuM94T ' f GUESS, ,.o e DUSTIN A LOT OF PEOPLE- WWTSEW ACTUAL C9?,l5TMA9 CARPS Asp MORE. m Adii AW, OF COOR5E. SOME of 1-FiE PEOPLE WNO USEPTO SEW US C"PSTMAS CARPS ARE V1 -4P MOW, BY BRIAN CRANE SOME kXK5 SEND-WOGE , DIGITAL &CAR95 MW. , �KCR]5E$! EyCCI]S�S! BY STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER ANTAo 1TM*;J W(g�4NGr A GMAlCrEAF? IW A60t1T ACC¢�flNTANG To 5ETETAILING OUNT� IGS rV lu To IG. _ HEN 1 CAN Jl1T SENA YDU THE LiNI( Tp MY AMAZON d5r1 LIST. - MOTHER GDDSE & GRIMM BY MIKE PETERS Tradition Mat Masters Concert, Candle Light War Eagle Wresters `a Services Sunday, Monday Remain Unbeaten Page C1 Page 87 aAV1C COUNTY ENTERPRVEI.'�-,_ IECORD 4� USPS 149-70 Number sp Thuradey,_Uer• 15, 2p76 -3smass Eller Named New County Manager By Mike Bornhtrrdt dex(cr wax nos present) I. hln: vocacy. I feel like I can odd Enterprise Record Eller an a three-year contract value le this community-, for $139.00D a year plus ex- Eller was chosen ('ram }5 ]din Eller knows quite a bit pearls, s ppfl,, l for the job, It. has about Davie County. He's been Eller and his family —re ut been uciale dirr- studying life here for several the special called meeting, and for in Gd:rwba$County since matrths. greeted county employees ant! 2008. and recently tilled in as And on Monday, he was others acr the vote- assistant county manager, in named f7 vie County's newest "1 believe in relationships addltinn to his satin] servlccs manager, and will begin work and I believe in strong valuta" duties. here on Inn, lb. Comn+ission- Eller said. "1 have a strong de- ers noted 40 (Richard Pain- strc f public service and ad- Ylensc Sec' Eller - Page III Now Davie County Manager John Eller is greeted by lar - mer manager and current economic dove apment presi- dent Terry Brailey. - Photo by Mike Barnhardt Charges Dismissed Town Agrees To Settlement Aftet'"Fighf" With Officer By'Dc1h Cassidy Encrpri,c Record Greene - Photos by Robin Snow `r,� rantage obtnlncd from n nearby building• and: "Depending tan ..r� .- rh. perspccdve of the viewer. �►- it is a clear cnN on the nature of the n1t r 1;an:' tae wanld nut say whether the aggres ire seemed bc• e Janie, or Grcen- Davie High Teacher Tow,,attorneyHank wan Se Hoy satd the rtlrme 1 sgree- cnt. trached between tomes, hissattorney Brandy Kooriu Lthe PA's ofrire. and the town the -Sdlt of Faces Sex offenses to achieve a "fait reeaolution. I Was a result I thought was fair. A Devic County High ity with a Student. She was ship with s Studem- lhh l rhe DA thought was fair- SehooI teacher who was lis- taken Into n..rrxly in lieu ofa The join investigaiio¢ the police chief and Brandy and Casey. the mayor and the nursed from her job cariier 515!14(7 bund_ between the shcrift's depart- majnrit7, of she boon] thought dais month has been arrested. Davie Sheriff's Chief ].D- mesa and schools revealed ,A,, fou. Jessica Welch Greene, 27• Hartman said The depatrmen( tbaT Greene had sexual coo— V Hoy said he w•as rhe one of Davie Academy Road, received a tip from the school tact with a Yu3cnr. on and off u -ho took w the town board Mith ocks lie. was charged wsystem Fit= Grecar may have campus- ben -ern tion. I and than counts of sexual achy- had an inappropriate relation- the first weeL• of December- p1emse Ser Fight - kti�e 9 Thechamc-s against a - Macksvil le m niter an FF with police officers downtown in March were Iis- mi-4sed recently in court as part - of n trade mem :tgreemen t. Casey Date lames, a?- of Yadkinvil lr Road, was charged with assrnah on a gnverumenr affici:rklempinycc. resisting a public ofliccr, and being intox- rcated and dlsrvptive. According to arrest t suds, Mu IeSvilie Police Officer Surprises, Fun - _ pl. gar M- Greene noticed ..d plc galhcrcd downtown around and wino to investigate. During the muNe of speaking At Adval I�y ce - to Jurats. a right crtsucd. :rad lames sti fcrcd head i ju.es- Christmas Parade w G ended up with u bink K.,. Greene said Iamex was in - Jerry "Flop" Barnes won the most outrageous entry in Icxic:ltvJ- the annual Advance Christmas Parade Saturday with District Attorney Garry his "Hlble Mowbl Hoom" creation (above). At right, Prank said last week: "After members of Hillsdale Methodist Church make sure reviewing the evidence, we the youngsters have plenty of candy. To sea more r ,y decided not to portae crimin:d photos tram the annual event, please turn to pages charges:' k and 5- Fre said he watched viden Greene - Photos by Robin Snow `r,� rantage obtnlncd from n nearby building• and: "Depending tan ..r� .- rh. perspccdve of the viewer. �►- it is a clear cnN on the nature of the n1t r 1;an:' tae wanld nut say whether the aggres ire seemed bc• e Janie, or Grcen- Davie High Teacher Tow,,attorneyHank wan Se Hoy satd the rtlrme 1 sgree- cnt. trached between tomes, hissattorney Brandy Kooriu Lthe PA's ofrire. and the town the -Sdlt of Faces Sex offenses to achieve a "fait reeaolution. I Was a result I thought was fair. A Devic County High ity with a Student. She was ship with s Studem- lhh l rhe DA thought was fair- SehooI teacher who was lis- taken Into n..rrxly in lieu ofa The join investigaiio¢ the police chief and Brandy and Casey. the mayor and the nursed from her job cariier 515!14(7 bund_ between the shcrift's depart- majnrit7, of she boon] thought dais month has been arrested. Davie Sheriff's Chief ].D- mesa and schools revealed ,A,, fou. Jessica Welch Greene, 27• Hartman said The depatrmen( tbaT Greene had sexual coo— V Hoy said he w•as rhe one of Davie Academy Road, received a tip from the school tact with a Yu3cnr. on and off u -ho took w the town board Mith ocks lie. was charged wsystem Fit= Grecar may have campus- ben -ern tion. I and than counts of sexual achy- had an inappropriate relation- the first weeL• of December- p1emse Ser Fight - kti�e 9 - UAVIE CO V..%VFY $NTFRPRISF RECO RI7. Thnr-:dayr D., I5.20 SC Editorial Page Clueless Again? Husband's Gift Buying Struggle My wife does ail the Chrisunas slloliping AT our house rhe ihe'v the -for children, $gooses, grand- �,..chikhen, our parents, the neighbu s, the newspaper -carrier, the garbage guys ... everybody bill one par -son. ll falls heavily on me .o buy Iter Present. I have IP4 e job. but. It'. a supreme nlmgglq, Some years5i"th has given sac hints, inn even then l oftenfailed Triad Io grn. p her auglnpts to 113MW me an assist.''� rLast year I gave her al gel fie stick, bought in desperu- /^ IN V lion on Christmas Eve -- and probably the wast . . _ gift ever- . Again Ibis year, I'm at a lore. a So, l I[nvc clone what everybody does these days. 1 - Ga.gled it: "What to give YAP wife forChnstmsu7'• n`,_y �_ ,,, _, , I got 7.6501M responses. Surely them would be saneTap amid all that adore¢; T • "'ihp SD Awesome Christmas Gills Frn your l hLe LI.•1L G ... TheMail • 12 Things You Shvu ld Nlo qr Give Your Wife far C5e9LChri Give Because You Don't Have To • "Best Christmas 6'tltn i'or Hcr." • "Uncommon Gifts For Wife" • "5Great Christmas CIA Iden$ far Clueless 1 -[us- TO the cdio : .yarn knllrtsly, your personal mission, and yt ifr focus bands „ You s!"41.1• girt hccause you don't have No. chefs illi. year. W llat organi7 .lion. is A your clukut t-hy d0- Lvng ago ] I-med -hut -11. Nett A turrvter or right, Yntl hwrd ora- Giving 1N option Al. Giving is a log the good That you wan! to wpparl7 Wbo drives the any eietuic appliance. n Frying paa,etna she throw thing we gel to eto, 31 is alt i1nualionul opportunity u, tngi- of hope you wish For you and your icvad PA.,.? it Al you, a DVD of your £nroritr cMwbay movie, I Livest in the world in lr way that Bits our relax%, our Thi United way of David ebtm:y stlpp.rtx a<a many exp -M in I c our htlil£s, nr+J oefr mission. Giving is n grepl txga n kyalions tact nue helping in mnalble ways all spots equipment that Toy accitiew IIIc yaLA• choke to ae11J .1w. out to do the things wC Mk netIhnnrghoUl theyear- wt aur gird to be able to support. all the websites I visited were of little help. capable of doing M rvMil- the different ovenues of care aad sappurl foe our com- F=1of 1. get[ing; Elizabclh n1 bamboo bathtub caddy In our world lhcre are so Hinny screams of w]re1 we "unity- We unders[wnd 1ha1 giving is n choice- We enjoy - arae sugges ion - a wndc3abrrn wine bottle lop- shvuid do. Ought to do, And cyan must do. I Awe". g3chlg and lacing our ronimunity become a better plate 1 per, gift cards or a coffee mug in cribed. "Bast Wife giving is the henavoleni solicitation of hope in n pleat te+ live because our gifts, your gift,. sad the gifts of .11 Even" that aur du,ry11 aalfal. Giving is our chaRca to seleclirely goose why Eos++-` and core C ilio nM131nunily are ul'zli:rcd Flinthclh gest a coffee mug Ictal yv.r -.. without. the send our vnhres Into dm wnr]d to "oke a :anl;ibh: differ- :u 11,CI, fullest gam-tiAl. wools. .nee. Su many of us. are put led in dircctkons le give In TIf:Lnk you in ndvance fes yourgik this senson- One website s led holt er II n lesgong. - u $ " •• ' 'whic}i'sounded Anolher Lislyd inirti whncclla Argnni�nlinn is mc•st cxtfcdicnt or markets 10 _ _ Chock'1>iy�ar. Macks..iu r -`=r aReriv'nn I{jc hresl. Ho'w'rvor, ns you crater :hTs heli- C%air'20iC Annual Ca�mpakgn roar Ilniicd Way 0f Onvi1 ou pretty good- a chocolat. you hi.in - not had- jgwelry, purses, tea- day -son we ,aenuragc you An evnsid- your values. pots, lingerie and perFumcs were wideiy mentioned. I've doneallof ealIprior Goodwill Supports Communities t.ars. Out what w.7mcn ,°ally want, solJ unr wohsite, is vorrion onexpericn": A jet ski or mo:orbaal adventure, a Ta rhe ednar, youili. vemnins and their families, persons with ellaabili- III to u bed and breakfast ur a vac kcnd Muting to I[[s again the hi�lidny sco .flee g loin, .mn%on-Had lb. Lks, fanner clifendera seeking emptoymen[ and r-aunll,ss arOntewlAlre. so -t fes nlmm,. 'Ilan one about sA Am Cinus 44 uwa. bat others -ba need our help. There arc nine shopping days left, n+miy athero ore nal. • AN our employees make nLl above minimum wage Elimbeth Iles boughl presents for 30 people while Por sonam rersutr. Goodwill - Along w1W many marc andreceive mon+pr,lrcnsive b -.-Ins inc.ud ing health insZ. I have dithered over vac. One wife [oIJ me sheal- worthy eharin.s - gels large ad with erroneous brat+oma- nnrx nnJ a plosion plan iReapemb- perfslnn pines? wm ways bougbt her pro ,c nL. "app"I it and gave it no 11on sills time of the year- ulil h -a onc.l. her hushand to give to Icer. She deseta•es A "�egl So here axe some facts about your Goodwill :hat you • .We partner wish 1! a "unity coliell m provide Wife Ever' cuff mug. ghnrdd know: nrnrly ADD skitla ,raining chun in IN -1Z ks skilled I've fallen into the "Clueless Husband" category. ° nouilma` `criallimion mad lin- been slnoa ::noes, truck driving, nc° ffi1m,hnvhvgy, h°spitatity- cus- N N 1926. I°a+cr-wtrvice, cullhnry ens, housekeeping and mom- We A sermon b one of m • [urs, Shirleyottle 01 Y Y pas y N No orae owns Goa.wi.l. Goodwill is mate up of a ne:• :hen help Ib... students hid jobs in :heir chosen lie ids. wmk OF i6a independeul, Neal Gaodwilix In the United • For every dollar $pen: in Yttty loch] iloMwin stere+.90 Mue''ksvillm, is is this month's Upper Roam, the f:A- Soo,, ami Canada- Each independent orgnnianinn is ran canw goes [o support ver HnMiaa rand n+anin.bi. ity. Tint milier lilt le book of Christian daily devotional -9 with by n Iocal vnlRntary board of d3memm who arc your adgla- akna%xlaat nt+ly 16 r1n:a goes to aLIMIAHumtkvm costs. a Circnial[On of mi5li0rts. hurN rand nnJunmrd dao community's Heads. Plw- be nn.. ured that your Inud (70odwilL org:mkra,ion Ore'. 22 =s her assigned dare. • Tirc i mune derived e n yn.lr dnnatkbnF'gue, to Jury and $nn:n Claus um d0i.ng w Ll daspilm 111. -mors- Lcmm Slit, has submitied others to the nmgazi ne over the 1'ur scrvicax berm in your cvmnaunily. mo- 11tan 3LUW more aa• aontae-[ res at „-r,�e,Knrrdrrifhnvnc.nrg. years that were declined, This. Imre, hot mini scrmon P:PIO x•er, served ;uw-hwesl M)rdl Clorahnu Ails Lia An CV -1. Pr-i4VAT & CEO ort% puh, iAwd- year .lace- 0-il. ill Ind -k -i- 01 Nmlhwast Nn.h Carol i nn., I. roW for her- • Ow miss,°° hrt, Ml ya been 1e help pcopW raven Shirley is a lay lnlnister ill the United Methndisl Chuwh, and I accidel+mlly heard her spenk about 25 barrio Iv mnP]uyrLMnft 1,100 people wort. 1'ar us aril ,con of :hoLtNanJs noon$ gel I'm serrwes such .. skil.y training. Merry Cheers Tv job nt.dinm.a, job cuc+cldng nod em]xl oym,nl W -L-, yc¢rs ago. As usual, I was laic pushing the boys into • e try m find a honki every it- don.led. Fany the car nn Sunday morning and couldn't make it to mu]wion paanda of iluoa.Linrr% A- n:ceived end sdd each The Arts Council Any church 15 mil as away hel'arc like benediction - year, di-rd.g those u.wnnted goads from our Ia.d411s. We stopped at nearby Mocksvflle lsl lviethadist hllncry-nine porccnt ar the a...Ga.. __I, d is reaponsi- and got treated to ahalf-hour with angelic an 61y "cycled- [he only Oa.tpNnns oat Short ilem tbal Paso T dee editor: S'nslead hi l Shirley. Naf1:y loezards w a �cs or aur cusNo— 'STlree Many Cheers lb ilk- D -ie Calmly Arts C _u ;1I. She has ANY first requirement in a pastor. Joy, ilj Voca lcnl Good x•il] pm.idc% Tec -_=s w n.1 -rid; ThL Chrl-t- celcbrntin. al the Brack was an abs0- On her day. millions of people umnd Rte world will mad her words of encuuraggnem' hire delight- what a greh: nlYrmoon of bringing together u+mnny from our community P, ,Rjoy local m.em- The F i i ate - Dwight Sparks ref rS event'%diversity in maroic style&noul InlVou would compare g lu any large melri pvlirnh uvea,- we bar•. wch teat rnlant GqV 1 I COUNTY CNTCRPR11iI , EC0RP USPS 148.1!0 VI S, " 9t.. P-0- Bas 89, M i iso. NO 27020 (3961 TSI- t20 P-11sited w k.y "Sallaaavy Navtarnedla LLC oulght sAarka....--'...... ................ tdlmrNulwfull Ramo SDaw.-..------....................... General Mwnmr erm_. VAe Onrnh„.......................kNnayn9 EOor Rcy Tuaargw.....--_ ...... ...........AtlreNMnO DiMaler ele[¢aullM ErrlarPrlaa owr• 0vx6 Caalremee r.rlre+�1 t>�8-r s5a 1e9F1fl5r 1801-t9T, Pr L:mnls Pbalage Paid in Mvek ruk-ICC _Tums S uhrcripaoo Rae. Siagte Copy, 7n. C.- 526." 3trY la KC; 532_03-u N. _ Pos"NASTFR S,AddC7tan,6_ m F]a.9e Ccrmty Eksker• ,� • R -em PA, Bax 99_Macl Jlk, NO Man n csranxy- s SaveProperty Thank you Sid rater $ugg6 and the boar) For creating this aftemuot of OCIabrnti.n and w:rvnnn unity among our -ighbors- To the cdift1l S wC"ad llke fes _pgra- ihnak members of Llf1 Advnnca, Fake k. l3.lin fire departments :ot the N.C. Pwest sen ee ding m n fre on my prnperry nn SamrcL y, v1 May wch or you Iia a many Chrisurrm, Jerry "FI -p" names Ad,•anra Kyle $wicegc+Lx1 Mnckarille Letters Welcome The E.-i-Plk. Renard u,1c keeta- ream its re-adexa: - :°pies of I -A. rtfoa, national or intemA- tivn.] issues. A. effort will be nude NO print all teeters. provided they are not ikbeious, valgar or in poor taste_ Tam editor reserves the right 10 Vida lepers. F gram, and for space, ?nil t'n- -h-id ilwlude the name and address of [he writer. i-Iudi ng o signoras- A LsLrphvnl number• not :n be publixhed. In aha tc4neYlyd. Please bial hena" in the .eke'paper office an later tI_ d pea Monday of the wv:ek to be puhlishM, D vie cnLmw Enterprise Ret=old PA. Sax, 9y, MonksrYlk. nu.Fr. 1..x,rrh.rrdrF�da,.ie�,trer,,r;.,,r cora. DAME CG[BkTY EN-rFREITTSE R£CORP, Thursday. Doc. 15.2016 - i The Literary Corner: Renegade Writers Guild Farm /}(il'i'rr7kres wa,d'a varlecy sone in Llocksl'tl[r a[w�nya Ira, °n AAI - dor a,rene of mY }rest-}tratrdfaL]frr-. uuthukldings-!ken% Hy Gaye Hoof dser:aenl aboral n!I the toys they Belt. Now Wqi I'm tvllre horrified al the scene twill spare you the delaIlsy and nn %fort of my AM spa yG °f life were $pen, ahndowing ycarrs t'Id-rh°I's not ns exciting to me as when I wns ¢ lint e aer,>.a the sneer Iv Our house- when Ch'is4nwr Ilny came my grandpR as he d d f can y- Often t e io-¢k rhe lime fild. and 161ra was m large ham on otic ah1c, k could owl roach to make woolen joys for me. My MvRrikF were a bow Bur Ibis week'9 paper had an ad "Buy A Radio for i:- l hod ,aaliaed where [Ire hero came from- To be hones[, and nrrews and n aIi.gah.t. He also meds o -AN, teepee. ChrEsi n is I read the rex of he rad with Novel Im4ewal- I it waa yc°ry mW years 6eforr i wuu]d "t bark agaln, and end in the summerAim,. he would lilt u ]arym wwah [ay wi:h °]moa[ memorized rhe rest of the woods; ••Con you Imagine a,- then f could holly swa}Ino it. \fy Bunt Hden serer cancer and PSM•. it In the aide yard, ru Ilia sun would warm anything orate VolrAnin ing Dr n+°re pleas..[ Iban W sit ni cats park eilhmr, sad I wonder if she ever saw a rlmd hog it during thv moming, hu[ the shadow ar:be house would horn, and listen to: he bust. of the world's. 6rondvasled mu- nfal shade it after twelve o'clock. I agent marry happy IauLrrJ sic, Imerorr-. and eongx- Yvrr will he nhle to .I." jlrsf the ].wry lucky rant my Puerrrs haI1=d rnrly on that I was thus occupied. Bir. and kind of a radia se, you want i ChFISMULB f (nn. not cox aur for domesJC punu3As and aiwny, son my Nol all the ex Periencn were happy memorlcs, ellmorgh• ample aeiectiorr, w11 be glad cn deaaoaetrrac a1 your ncxdemic in[ercatal Grace he wns on trop of n roof nTip'ylLg tar. I walked under mnru.lrncc- M-kavl0e Radia Co. CJ. Angell and 11 theere OFLhm bnHding as he pah,d his bmFli aver the edge Eidann. AnJe... Building. Mock Feil le, NC;' PeeBee 77re DoR nod dcpomwei oar unto my head-/latgther time. I. was I. the Back In Pchmwy, we tied gone to our neighbor's. house Hy South- Vaoen bum bur[ dmggi.g A hale or tiny 10 the opening above: a rand listened 10 his -di. when Colvin Coolidge was mak- Hi, my .-a 1s Pl'.1- 9111 01.g. I .iv, with my human MAIL I stepped on n mite. board. and my lag wane ell lire ing .'III'- speech all the way from New York Clty! t daddy and mnmq our in be cotmoy- I was n Poppy when I ""do believe lhof was saiWe. n :hrou h. This Just Po w y g left deep sc Ikrnias in my leg. I had to c crane lv live with [hems° Ido nn.: know or any other daddy pull ny leg hack through cF, uPrning and Lai. rote more In ye.:a post, l And aeon the slenun In gac .,wapaper and mama I k7pnw obey an not n dog IIke roc• h.t they 11.6 off- "Car.. All you I...iille Ch Ildrea and write Me a L.e[tmr', and love rale anyway, ¢rad ! love :hem bock- We huva had lobs One --in g Grandpa hhched up hi, $.rh, mol, nnJ Said I'd ncniully had arae of my lettere to S-ta Printed right of L d,_I ares, I'll mlw, I .v.nt to .ay abe sun , bmg that were 9041,9 up [o like milk ham. He had n gankn [here in the Jtr.ser. is hnppinlog at any house. and i don't exactly knhw !A;A there. There was alio .raid 1 -Matins- p..yed lA rand a But this year, °arty in Darmtn bar, I tried w be exun goal h i, My m m. asked my daddy In get down the Chrly:- mnil l,ui.di ng once used es a It--, 14c goo [rte un [hm mW. .rad IlnpBy had nerve cnoLlg6 tv ask my lather if he would ns 414ngN pearl ]1e gar orae boxes dawn from aver that aAd Sed 1, At up llrc tend 1016. ham- I watched I,l., plow Ing hay ono gift for rho Ambi In +iky - ¢ radia- I hold him thnL wFirr box that mmm� purr my Big Old ❑og be .n. and with n it-diteld plow, bafare going in.. ohm bnm to ptay I wea]dn'r ask for anything else torr o who]. year. He bold when it a.mes aur, it dura not amVII Ikkr my Big Did 1k9 with a new sea off ki:ttena. rale that he'd "Link uhouI il- tie ratan Saturday, I1c nlld 5 weal bed. but mama says "PceBee, now your bed autetla elven: Hu finlshed plowing. unhk:ched the plow and ramoned in the Radio Stare. Some real Pretty musk was playing I tlpri 1 really like cienn, bur dA.Cs DK. 11 will smell Light rhe homes. to he aides OFlhm Inuic,'OL he lined me :1nd avhea we ch:ered, and my JL a really enjoyed that. On, sur bra A S3 cele whH - Well, alayway daddy that dawn the tfn¢es, BVI me on the mule'% hock. Be Fern Ira took the reins In lead, the cheapest ales limy ]rad wns n R-H.W III -A with head- and let rax telt you, [acre wars n lo[ of them 1 hoped they :Ike mule $[.rind back :o the bean. He lupe. there way food pl a .rad R.diola loud speak., -'bile ncria1 was n wire al- had SNACKS In thorn, hod tiny did not. 'they hod slranye for him them and sande. He began he pick up speed, Grand- moot 101] feet long. but it could be wound l -nad Name- things In ,131.1. Soma 0Fthese things lwkad I.ke lmle no- pe was limping aryer us. as fns[ es he could. The rend was Lh4ng like n pi. - frame- mon people. but They did out move. One of 11-c things ,red In rkvrr rock, orad abate Wan nn ..maid" fence parni- My and [hough: long rand hard when It. Found out oven IMvk.1 Ilk. MEI Otl]y I hod ml a Cress and I'nnny IorBk- Icl quit on one side and o regular fence on the other side- slur[ it cosi Ane hundred daklara. Th. AV ur the C L, had ing hat. My mama said the coat end hat one red, but I don't Led no prahle ori eWYing un the mule- i'he prohlcm nlrrndy ngrceJ 1hm they would he Fnppy to rrceive the ate know want la red.'Iben mnmu Pru some of :arse strange '1s that the mule was graining speed, and rhe cup of rhe &lot fes all ur ors- P4nally, darkly agreed prN3 nftvr willing . little people alt over our hors,. And slim put sgmV,dkirM an Gam dear only cleared the make auk by about a Scat, if i nrcrul check, we ,ranted it home. Shp dean Wni one green n5wi a,und, f i gueaa it was green. to dam I would hit the ham as the mak ran inside -Thi% c +Ak b.vc really enjoyed the music, rhe rniks'-d' the news m y " green look OI{ Maine aur s Yc P ams said No daddy Sacs [nc gni nn. prompted cru E° jump. F turned loose of the homes$ and pmgrAms cosh Jay. Morale won'[ lel us listen on'5kmdnya duke"..j -Wren she wrnl foto the ki:cheA. and l hoped she ulmd Iv jump off Linc left side. My fool e,U"lk in the "Ale, unless it's church music. But it was. vrOrrderr i gift in us, wns rook'i ng Napper. art the colied romebaJy named pit- and I mould oat free myself, pm I did "mage w rain. hojd Hut, And LI,- she wee away and comm back with PIZ.Z.A of the homes.$ with my hands.Thls left me dangling on the The Flog Killing BON f•.S! I ]Nice play boacfr. I Jori t know just what is going I.R site of the muie, aF he ental R d into Wp burn 10 his Teed Hy 1Jnda BAr.clte on, but m.n1u aecros h.pry, and she ix evoking sluff [hat 1 ::.ugh- By the time grandpa gal then I was disemnngl Ing when I grew up on Church Slrce: here in M-L-klle In think I will Ibke...m¢ybe AhinV with MEAT, and 1 will get fnyseH from the hamew- lie was oelier d and kailoNcd 10 the t9.101 mal 19$0$, my Parents. grandparentN, and gran[- s e- She Kama lame, and Ab. ]Deka at the[ big bas with find me unhaamed. I wns jou glad en be alive. Novo: Pnrcnn Wl lived close Io each .LhVr and ]rad livor- moving pictum.am sometime she erlea a li[c]e- ]hope she Another painful experience involved my s3I'll"" The stack -caws, chiekln, rand hogs- There .vert ro grocery is aw too sod. -.1 nm alfa when ah, is sod. She wants anuw A Ara farmisnnd frsked 4f he wnkl �Y lA oux. }Ie Aimed res Ikkr tlaosc or belay, sn dray had 619 NarJenB to pm- 6u1 nal now -.-laic, al C3frystm¢s whlncumr xhot ix- 11 think I high lyward the bock of the house- R4 did not know that vide vcge:.6lea and animals 10 provide meat. Being young .311 like ChriNun-'k, xhink all my humans will come bees had mode n hive under thea, Went 11. small Pb-eand tender-Inanmd and nob really int-!VLl i, foal and here, and we will cos and lough end Ifug- But I mass wail Me male n hang as a hi[ rbc amuse, A dark tangle of be also benne, my mother wns very pn+:ective. S wns never 'rause it ie not yet Chriatnae. My humans' little hFinans ,syveryfd� ut -:yup towa:d.xs• ilk,Wm 7t'e t o1p-gel w Lhe,.•.inual p•ed•:n the -I +" mark. jAd-.__s. I geeR'uir, [uy^' lw'lf0 ai nalw lLy LiM1icf-fin: CIuc38 -i o Cam. 1oe.�'e (runt door. -Nand of Lae Isces V -1,4i to my long hair and job% -am to pmol lee in. pinna and 10 ymdy, ¢ll du_ l will -say marc next lime, bw aawoI orf+ sleepy s0 began 10 sting me orounJ t[u face nM1 scalp, ly 1111 time However, enc tiny when I way NNIOMbly 5 years nod, 1 am going la .ray down as my Big Old 0.. Sad rand take a g-ndpn gob Wean out of my hair, nay' race wns beginning nceid.andly %1am6ied apse a hog carcass hanging o° the Long nap- S0 Boylh P-Bee'fktc Cab%. well• it was ..most two weeks bensa, chi swelling was goon Tram my sera. Nope of These r.5pedlneea dkrcauraged me from spc.d- ing my days wish him. livery day was a new oPpormnily for .n rad venxout- The positive onet for outnurnt s" the Mgnnre noes. Forer Hiking Hallus for flee Seasons By N. R. Tucker Leaves f.11 to the ground. The path is ecal-pled from me. I make my ow. L-11, son. bl.nke. the earth. Even so rhe way is clear. P.w prints ore the padl- The firs, bulbs or spring, Lineae clear, well -traveled pall Blasts rwiumr and sins• Trees in full blaraotn. shade the hoc and dusty uaiL. Shielding ail Fmm sun. The Chrisfmas We Got a Radio By Merle Bcaga Cmfg T•mgr 1hr diary nfo girt trarrr In 7912 1 warn r. remember - .•rim afloat :he picnic I. AuguN, arch year. bot there's so¢uthing 1hnL's much mor, impor- ImA thou just hnppans once n yerr- Caris:mas. All manta ]e.g, I road the newspaper 1h¢t we meeiue each w Vk- � m j1 i 1 i � * o DIe91MON GOLD GALLERY O P 4 - `Yaw-iamondWeaciquartem mince 1960 - MOC95"Ax "'ti6.INNI-MM CLEMMGNS • al111-76Yr1800 e Annredw-Y1><x.w-.�rr.•ad _rrx t.�,a;ne.nvar.•... k.e -.ane-. r...��., a a it1 0 Nill Ifel Lei �'� r r Triad 164 l.kovfaw Rri - MpWtrvYW JII4 YJryim■ Drtva - AWrn:c� 1k tl mosuolned a.R19.5I1JA. Fvnnd b2 page tR & den, war bw & Eetllmty sfptlolen. elunnlnp tlarfe elk ail qw.. 6fn meta vn Omr ■ ■ SMARTER. nrenloca. IVldlen wlbklal Oren. W . CNr novae. Htge tlyeack�. acreanetl rfadw•4tld T7}o�a• ig Morel $32$,000t iaewPaWC aMting rogrn $i•r.9,J1xL WL FASTER. ■ - 1V9P roANrrptan Rd -Moe ksamOB •J62 61Mrteltxre Rood-Mxkjrvpl� 311R12B.4 wail n.Nldnpp home en Iwe ares- Mosl854 er vara & esA Wt JfSi]rOlale ttoaa orae rrLdrtr. h�'tlwaad [bon & huptlaled 1>M1 Valleynfr L nrnre woAHr, clwBla- 9cwn kl*dwri utN-gj btPnrriard. 6erreroc Yart9bY Ciurrnoolu• r+tClfJEi$x19.700 fll]ps In lwMt h Wfch. 5creenea Iront ppeh tied tlogr c �sgg 1I"tr� A dlNn. m>s.5laepe. $91706 336-751-2222 www.ct-_,ntury21 ■ ■ ■ � m j1 i 1 i � * o DIe91MON GOLD GALLERY O P 4 - `Yaw-iamondWeaciquartem mince 1960 - MOC95"Ax "'ti6.INNI-MM CLEMMGNS • al111-76Yr1800 e Annredw-Y1><x.w-.�rr.•ad _rrx t.�,a;ne.nvar.•... k.e -.ane-. r...��., a a it1 0 Nill Ifel Lei i - DAV IE COUNTY 1WrER.PRJSE RECORD. Th ursdoy. Dm IS, 201 6 J,� ILI 11 — _ _ — i .tet �n"'•L Green Meadows Baptist Church's Good News Club reminds everyone of the reason for the season. - Photos by Robin Snow ' PH- 336.751.6131 150 �Q Parade Winners y quote today! >:%Yr11LTS! fknoQplly�'= i t t r 4 Best New Float Dairi-O t "-•,•w.i �•� Most Festive Fire Dept- Pink Heals '• - I Best Band Davie High -� Best Civic Group Family Promise of Davie County Best Church Group Bailey's Chapel United Methodist • Best Scout Group Glrl Scout Troop 12593 y� Boy Scout Pack 732 - Best Youth Football Shady Grave Bulldogs - Most Outrageous Hibie Mowbl Home (Flop Barnes) _ Vintage Car(s) 'fib Mustang F. Vlntage Tractor John Deere 5=�•' �" �• - Best Dance Team Advance Dance I Beat Animal Group Bay View Stables - Best Ail Around Comatzar-Dulin Fire Department Jesse Webb Ji., 2, dresses war mty.�T-2 u Davie High lac ro sso players promote their sport. MISS Central NC Kali Brooke Whlta- jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj�r`-_._- ker and a young queen wave to the crowd. Kelsey and Cade Miller eye candy, Smith Grove firelighters ride outsfda the truck. r.: HILLER RINGEM,AN insurance r FInaneial 1109 Yadkinville Road Mocksville, NC Retiring Sheriff Andy Stokes and wife Jewell greet the spectators. 248 NC HWY Bal North Advance. NC Bear One. Get One �.� .. PH- 336.751.6131 150 �Q y quote today! >:%Yr11LTS! fknoQplly�'= i t t I1pN'IF:Cr At'\Ty-F'* FERARISI•: R f' -r. -R U.- hursdal. p— I S. ?A) : e, - 4 Members of the Davie County High School Marching Band provide plenty al holiday music for the parade. - Photos by Robin Snow Students from Advance Dance show their moves on the parade route. JUjLLWZL[ 11,.....=r7 MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gregory In their vintage truck - Steve M. Talton "dam -.,-r ce„ser-NO 270x8 Nom. 1-13056 Financial Advisor r .edwasdjones corn .� 6- DAVT$ CouN-iry g[.-jf, kPR TSE RECO RD, Thi d:- 11- 15•_016 Sugar Valley Cadets Learn Drone Flying try C/SrA M loner Herman Sugar Volley CAF•Squwlrm. T7+ings were Ilying high �' pI Suggr Vatiey SCon�pmiie - qundr 's dror[c day on No- 19: All., an rniroduc[ion - and re Gnsher on drone snf - iyand connvls- three nJec w to lha =admin Jottta.l - odels find a for nw hca _ in the Ellve n—gnr At Sugar . V iley Alport. - i>t Lt. rrl o bwj,, Ole `+ s�quAdmn•s eerospnm ed- anon officer, swtud the naw _dm off with a "" '• ' l- -minulehorcr ""- CITSgt Isaac Trlmble Tiles the Parrot drone- C&d Lt Christopher Harman watches. - Photos by i st. Lt. Mborsh Leighton lung. —Ing a amn11 1Inwk- eye I drone- As the r orsr linters son learned, B Is nal q easy n it bola" Af- ter ereryane Acq—tng me skill wirh hovering, 1 il was lilflc to Iry tnaee,.i- anccd techniques, r -01 L. Thornburg tasked Ilrc rJrdcrs with taking off And J-oding on selimniemmk.. W llh ltte Symu$.I IC d Th- cadcr'x alancrl gelling [hc feel for It ofier A few [ries. Aft-, ls, qrA c - - Jcw pmcti cd with tho 2.o AR Parrv[, the xqu.droo's iargnsl drone. Cudcls who shown more pmriamcy with Flying droner nbo new — [he symn X5 Explorer [hc i.en't JJRC. Since dmnc Flying A fan Far all, seniorinemhen nkso prarU"d lhelr skins. The Sugar VA11ey Cwn- posiic squ;tdmn Is purw- ing the eduenlion of 5e4lor members and cadets In r hone Flying with rhe idm Cadet Makaityn Mlohel learns to operate conlydla for 1 st Lt, Jesse T. Thornburg demo nstralas controls for Parrot drone. uw�dronce•grm be cxt e=_,•dr<Xne.C12d J,.i-ChdstophPr HermamolDserues- - -EI2d Lt CAri sta pher Herman and CIS rA*ltcfteI Herta an obsemt!. ly hcipm and innovntire in Search & Rescue nnJ- flisaaler Rctief misslmrs rhrwgh Civil Air Pneol. Tile YSug.r Velicy Com- poslie Sagaednm mee[s ° • .._, --yTtiy weekly l sugar Volley Airport, '749 Gilbert Rd, - •tib Mocksvill., on Tuesday Pure6:3O -B:30 p.m. Por—4a.v..--7r �.• �. inTvrmmicn, rich � "-- hlrnyhlNS7.nrg1. _ This newspaper really gets around ... Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier lames W. Phelps achieved the rank of Captain in the Army, Executive Officer of the Pres- idential Honor Guard, and Commander of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during his military tenure. It was his pleasure to join SHGTUS (So- ciety of the Honor Guard and Tomb of the Unknown Soldier) recently in Arlington. Va" For a special weekend which includ- ed an exclusive wreath laying ceremony for the former Tomb Guards_ The badge in his hared is a Tomb Guard Badge award- ed to him for his service. lames is standing in front of the Tomb Monument proudly showing off his hometown newspaper. SHOP IAO(ALI, SLOP DAVIE've- Spending your money in Davie Count y � 2z= has many advantages ... fflsnop Ila ~ � Creating & saving local yobs MICreating • Increased local tax revenues ■ Better customer service �o Support for community & schools rnrr�t Strengthens the local economy Look locally when making your next purchase. For more information on local businesses look through each issue of the Davie County Enterprise Record or visit wvvw.daviechambercom. Make YOUR money work far YOUR community. Whitnee•s New & Used Variety Store 998Yadklnville Rd., Mocksville jacside MorkrvtllcTlrc $A�Iomow-J let'ry Christmas! See us dor your East minute stacking Scoffers! 50% to 75% OFF Soled ifauts ,txroagheul the Stara: There's r>to fellirag vtrhel you'll Brod! P iDUM er r+oa+.e to—T...iw_.smP..w.a corm: Thum. vd ori. rR00.m•SAOrm. E—iNher5u �3a.�r23ary.r 133191 7SX-13B8 CWe .. _ And A Happy XT 'W. Year! HM OR BRAND TIRES COMPUTER BALANCING ALIGNMENTS P ROPAIIE TANH REFS LLS H.C. SAFELY INSPECTIONS AUT8MOTIVL•- ASPA1RS •• OIL CHANGES BRAKES , 461SIBML■ gF •r 5240 LIS Hwy. 158, Advance, NC Call 336-751-2129 for details on advertising YOUR Davie County Business on this page! S0 Cour Square, ,Dawn?own Mnckryiile, NC GUITAR LESSONS! ` F1 ►17!!IC it. -I OuMms! _ SHOP NOW FOR CHRISTMAS! _ wrohe dhe tplpnrk — _ MMD01111 - 1190 - BASS - MUIR 336.751.9390 www.carrhrpolntrrttuknc.nom `emnttornrusxom[narruliAu.ms .,.... Matilsvi Ile Tire & Automotive, Inc. M vathinwii* Reed jme imT ,ris •..... ter, miy M�w�ieo.+b a....,.....- `- Wish You A Merry Christmas X - DAME COVNIY E rrERPRTSH RECORD. Thursday. Dec. 15.20F6 Public Records . Land T ran51•ers i'mtnemtnn and Billie F. - Gray A. Polls and 8eay Hall. 1.15 acres, ; Mocks- lot, Moeksville. 5556. [lee. S: :.Steals Rvdw. The following land Wiliams. kntercas in vacua. Potts, Pimta H_ PWis tend vi11c, 512D. - Csmsmnre L. Comm }3, of Clammons, assault: u-npsferx were filed with the - Ricky Gkrnn Arrynor ns Imxteesj to r4_ C, - Chnslime Rowers Dy._ w D -id L. McCon"en nnd David Scercy, 36, or Har• Davie Register of Dead,, and Poona W- Raynor In BUI:_" I I artm, Sltody oa to Lora Michelle Dyaw. "l7snuny R McConnell. 1101, nshurg, Wi]urr to appear listed by ponies involved. ScPo, Geyer and Chrism Grove. 1 aere, CEnrkxvjl{r_ Farn-ing-on, Sd3[I. m n; Jennifer Milchel{. reagc, -ownsh 1p arta c1reJ Geyer, ri5 acre. MaCksv;l4c, - SccreWCy of Housing - James George 10 Bryan N1OC"Ville Police 26. of Glo--wr Lapc, stamps purehasrd, wish 53 53:13. and Urban Pcvrlopmcn[ C. Srbuitz mol Sonia s. The following +rrc from MPckxvHle. mssaulr lnflict- representingevery $i JHlfl - W Wyman Yelton and of Wa,hinglml. l7C -a Tnra Schutz. 6.32 acrca, lem%n- Mucksvillc parlice Uepan- ing neem, injury: Audio Nlnrr Harden no Joseph ILebeeed B, Ve{rmr -o Bolen- Burton B]mkr, Terry nnd Ion. S2$. mem rcpoh_Q Jessup. 21. of 0whin Isaac. F. Neely, I Bert, Forming- Sas Consulting, 1 ville. 3':.m ilnrtan. 5 aures. Jena. -folie U. Patavn to Cour- _ Samconc gained r.e- Adva++re, violation of mon Ibn.542. Fnrmingtan.555n. salem, Bey K-[7-stplin.i ol.l5orm• _xx lea eontpuler On North 0dtt' - Helthe. Shore and - B.1 -g- Consu{lirrg - S-uphcn L. Ruhrnann initial. $249- Mnln Street and wired man-Dee91 Floyd lRcolli, Polly H. Shure w Felix Lk- lu Anna T. Oaniner, 1 vHh., ;rd icon 1. Robamon m K. -James Leon Carter noa 27. of Chant' Hill Roed, Fannin wn, $356. 'I --odd Isenhour nnd Kon» P. J_n Porter Caner m VwLd rt', it wnar.11-li Pec. W. Mock -111 , misdemeanor piM1ro Carbajal aM Antonin S - A worthless cheek ns eldla nbupk: Curtis Palma, Gamin Maya, 13.96 acres. - Jason Wayne Mosley 3 senhaur. 2 l rwu, Fanning- H. P[cming, 1 villa, Farm- used 10 Iruy ilemx form a Clnrksvillc. E136. ¢T+a SSo11Y Ana Mns]my l0 lens $606- legion, $393. lousiness on Ih1cnctRM Pnue, 58, of Spmaeer, eonrealed Chns[ina R. Will i¢nl Tony L. Lowson and Kel Ly - Lirndley K. Myers :ex - Dorothy Granaaman, ll won reponnl Pee- R. handgun perms vivinlivn, and loba Wininnl la Shan- Lavvmn, l lot, Farnsh-gton, ims[n: In 'frnvL, L. Myrrs, Richard Allen While arra _ A vrhiclp parked off [rlDny f+neekesNln Sdokdule n9n Smhb, 3 torn,, Mocks- 5466- [Mala. Shady Grave. Judy While. Wilma White fw,reet Lane was d.maged. It scsontromlad %uhslxnae. Po%- Vill..$240. - Iconic Re..is Ha- - Bmclley R- Myer% mm Shelley. Megan M. Favor. it was reported Pec. I L. ion -Juan. ParaPh_ - 'I'cacly R. Wuhh and ton and I-hlaheau Rich- lmsur To Beodley R. My.., :rad Lawle Charlca Irnvre A resident at Alrtumn Saha, slmp,e parless;stn Shalhy M• Webb Io Robert •Mrd Houston, Shelby I.- heal-, Shody Grove. and Chclgc'a Auld- Comp- Can, of Moek.vi]1. F.P( Id Schedule IV convollyd suh- Millcr iomok and Jennifer Livengooa Renv Is. Angie - K --l- Pitt, as admin- hell Italie to Randy Gmnna- EZ { { she bbd bean Ms alancc; Roger MoA 1n, Al �o- Ci. 7.omak, 1 la. Farming- Renv in King and Jonninon istml or of emlalr of Rpbel- mon, 5 lama. Calahnln, SW. sauiled Dake 91., Cnolckmee, p0%• ton, $596. FE A.. to Denver luhnPllran Wllaon PElix -e Koren Pi:i . - Chnrlcs SlOkes London _ People 1of, wIt, ' 964-4�n rl+arijua-talpnrmpla:r- - WEllinm W. Ferebea t0 Rnkvs, tn.C-s, Clarksville. Kristin Pilts, 7nsan Pills, 11 and Regina Martin Lrn- paying Malin; Shonnun Kelly, 42. v€ for erde sd food al ludld+ F. Whitaker, Eliza- -Grout Family Proper- Muga" Pius oral Weedy don Io JncL 7'. Kh1a-rn and PIr�+ Hur. i repunnl Gnlcland Ave., Moaksville. beth F. Smith, Vi%lnlo Ann rias 10 Wil linin K. Puptlrr, Mab., 21rmc1s, Farmington. Andrea L . Kimura, 1 fo[. pea IB fnlium [0 mpp.- In won: 1 met, F'¢rmingrm, $290. - Grady L. McVlammCk h4cCksvillk. $$14, Samuel Jordan, 17. of W1.I R al.lurba[a:r n1 Ihr Sr. In Pwnmla D. Chumh, - PnuW L. Jordan and grace nu rc peed kesbpm SI., Moclumilk. TaDAY NAILS In.1m, ParminglOrt, 5185. Li - loxton. Joyce 1. Wag. Dec. 10. w skmpla {wsse%%ten nuarl- - Mark C. Hilinnd bud oar nnd John T. Wagner, 3oe • 'nm lord of money Janna. rrele.lamat NdlGrcfert�Abr6 Cel" MERRY '� Dale M- Hillnnd w Angel. U. Jordan and Mvntcn lar- from a purse .1 A+numS Sheriff's Dept. NEW, Shelycim Frxed-Tips CiJAJSi'AfA5! ,� Wamur, lmslre, l Iw. leru- chin, and Jahnlly L. Jordan Cart of Mxlfsville was re- -the following ore tram Spreialiti ki Ndh, Who WaZv, norylle. J� 7 •r s salam.5{ {9. to Shame Law -ion, {lois le- 11�ed p� 7 D-1. Cgynry Slrenff'a De• Wfro5xFlF1C4rEl AWJL48U ral¢CJdfuSEALIf �`�� _ True He-. In AL"1 menpool, $206• -The no.-pTod brebking prrt-ra repons. oP&Y filx3yrd5[fl clF7 CfrrI006ncS tsrl f'arteal Jr. nna Nikla -Kimberly i..y.n B11La -u 8'wetm-F-re M, 5- rS-w'LOO PM oral ea,enng of a rc,ide[tce Dee. 5: felony lareany, • 1 Frrcy $polgltt G[f111 feu Mry SiGD Gift OM ."' perrusl, I Ia1, Shady Gm-, Rlchonl i>a1e E{iis, 16.{3 on Sprang Srrccl was neper¢• Parsonage PAve, Adunrlek: • n Free Maakals•61R if lea bury 550 GHS [enUReate $530. a—, F•arminglsxr. ed Dec 7 breaking, entering and Inti FREE 5Ni menet W.,Ifnrnn.{ Aae.e - J.-. C. I11aehins amt - Kimberly Lynn E1He 10 Marijaaru- was found easy. Gdadrim Way. Ad - J.,07 Vadkl.rvl a Road (M) 7st-7t' Carol S. Hutchins le Ste Richard Pala gills, tracpc, inside m U.Hau1 tmek, em. va ra nowt. Cnmpbeh p]xS A. Harper oral Kath- F¢rminginn' ployees rcponea on bra- U. Rind, Mock-Ille4 dtrenamlhe .rine M. Hnrper. 4.97 arms, - Michael V. Roast. es- . A . -P.M was repos- dislutlronc., E. Robin Dr., . Farm inmmn, $iGO, ccular efe,wle of Dalin ick ed at Hardee',. US 6131 S-. Advance: a,sauli. die 13trly - Lynda 3, iYatcrow t0 !. R� ,00 t0 K ... clh L. Just on conduce, US 601 N..Mvcks- �_ (Venn Schenk and pallidal and Ruth A. Just, S7 rare. • 'fbe Imeeny of build- v{Ile; dam.stie disturbance, AMp senMs: Tank Fill: Schenk. l Ira. Jerusalem, Farminglon, Sa 75. Jug lnaterhtli and lmis from Swkvlio.xi S,.. Moeksvillr; • MulC11 211113-1 LLLL.L.$8.25 550. - WlHloma Devclopmcnt a building off Nonlr Main assault, Sol E%bury Read, Gr87(e1 700 it ........... $40.00 •Franklin P. McNeil{ unci Gnrup io'am. HoT 1 1 hu• , bei was mpvrid Dae. 5. Moekaville; e uamla rieat- ' • Rock flaw 100 $b. TAnk Dnnnr. R- MrN¢III -o Cora- Shody Grave. $42- . 71te larceny of ¢utility ing lhrcnts, Davie Academy I• Lina Form Cmdii, I Irnd, 'my Whtlakmr 10 Mi- trailer form a bysin Road. M�aksvflle: bMak- • 1=111 Dirt• ^FULL........$149.99 F _ .._ nae„i �Gal O us Holy, 54 • Lexinglart, NC "•52fQ 7Rrl ]ay Whihokur, 5Fa-tu�-Yu�kinv ale Road re- ng, enlenng nna laicmny - 4ulklma! S. Scam a+,rl Mceksviile. pa, S. Pram n vehicle, damage tb Open boon -sin retrad Sorer r +ay -fmnmy ivy, B-. la J-khl - Candno. Hawks Sed %alaaar• '9apm 336-7$7-4201 Sucphsne II:0L and Ashley Brion Hawks Ice Pavid -A e, I()se Rn was reporl- Prockevipeny. ChlMqunpin Road, Wn ne E-Flurn nod TSmm C sec. 70 APpl6galc Mocicsville. Y Y Court, Dee, 6; animal problem. H. Ev.,hmx, f}A5 +.cies, Aerosis Pladsrone Rend, Mocks- mockawll.• - Kayla Marie Brown, oil le; breaking and e ... nng ea . - 'I'M W, aaylrr -o u€ Lemd, possession a vehicle, Children'% Home Donna B. PhElli, -d Dcb- of marijaanNpl mphernalia, Road, Mod k.villa: beak- eu.h 8. Kennedy, Inters, driving while Iicrrsa m- iag, entering amt larceny Mocksvillr. .ekes. form vehicle, Children's Gun Safe 1n Mind? -Rrcky Roh1e LJ Mk m _ Blue Born t Con . d ZrFel Read: misdemcaM- -I'irnwby L•rvin Link nna � glue sonnei Conn. was or cl-ild abuse, Pleasant Micky Rnble l.ink.6,k:.Cre,, charged Dec- 9 with shop- Lone, Moek,ville; honas,_ lemanlcn,. n[ting-'rrlel date: Feb. 2. ing phone Cnl1, mialrae of 77meihy Sloan Jr. _ Gabrielle Mus c Lyons, 9l I ,y,1cm• ar, Iona ►Hues# in Heritage . and Ann¢ Cv1a 51oiln w 201 of Apple DA,, was Mvcksville; lareany, Hospi- #o prefect your Heritage. Chnarapl-ar salty-- rual Con- eyarEl d Pec. -) with shit' . [a1 S1. Ext.. Mbcksvi Ile. .�lanee M. Reichelt, i trw-. lin iag, TS Ia{ dmf: Feb_2_ Der. 7: mmniunlrnting r Shady Grave.$410. - J..rdr Samantha V11• Il.wla, Salisbury Rood, It is Top of the Line _ Banco Popular North {egos 27, ❑f glue Bonnet Mock-nim1 rre,Pasatn;.US Aonarica [v Alfans0 Espl- Cmn, w¢s mlv.rgd Dec. 9 W W., Mocksvllle: di,tur- Whydo you need a Heritage Safe? ria Hcmandex Brod Mnr,.m wlih slwpli[ling. Trial dare: bance, nasnul[. Hobson D Why Moronu. .48 n . peh Mucksvi{le; aislutbuncc, Mnck,vll le, E 1113. finnncie] card Then. McAl- Fire Protection - Burgim Protection • Protect Children Jus pb S. A%hhurn and ArreSls {Inter Road, mock -ill.; l e- ■ ■ e,1 p �+ r r 1 Wernly J. Ashbnm i¢ The - The following w {.i SA RedlaCe �ialiilitylyrime • Peace of Mind • The Cads, dors sll - lak nr Joyce resrad 4y Iha Davie Cary sauna disinrhaaex. LJS 155, Shualak. tract,,. ]cmaa]em. Sherill'a Depanlmcnt. Advance; brenFing and cn- $366. Pic. 5: Gnlge Holley, taring. Liebe Hut Road, t'ilYf•'ry o ■ 211, of t rats Church Rona. Mock,ville; hit eking mad AvaiIR6Ee in r� - l•anln Handle CO. l0 Mock,vlle, Ilara„in enterngavchiel..Chinque- ye[ina Lorain Gonzulra :.,M1 g pin Rood, Mocksvi lie. . TIi05Y Ceases - 'v Bcnignn Gor rales. uncia, pill mal: Michael D+trgc- bac. 8: buleeny of va clan, S5, of Winston Salem, - CIaYk-cv illi, $ I J105. hicla. Scanbm i1r•. Advance; Land Firxr Drvdop- f.Elurc w mppear In mon. a breokin entering mal lar - term iv Rob— K. Rich id- �• fi: Marta Q. non- S• 8 von rand Clmnvlt. A. Rkla- nil ln, 34, of Chnrlvlu. non- °coy. StierCroek Rnmd,Ad• ] lot, Moeksville, suppan of Child: Tyler Wed- vn Dec. 9: lorewy, 5nlis- 7nrdson, diet n 19, 0f Wwdloaf, ��'" failHre Iv n n even. .bury Read, Mneksvilla: I - Mnnlw Mo3inwe Even, PI1°r i ousts[ EMS with w.Fd-.. 95 Rodney Faired Evans Dec. 7; Alexander Shale. Fusser Rood, Macksville. �Mlnu i n! �• ! and Bradley sane Evans, I 17, of Duke 3t.. Copkemc¢, 101. Macksville- Innxny. shopliRing; Mal-dismrbgnca, LS S�o Bonn -r �4' ■ _ Dvuglms Ray Ive.mr In thew Stanley, 7A, 0f M=,,.lz Merek,ville; distou� ` n,u1 antb,tra C. Ncstrr to view r]dve.Mmk-+vale, lary Nance, n%aau1" Windemerc ... Lloyd Vance Fwnd,raa III. I certy, sh.pliri.g. Dr -•Advance. V� ...tea `�o�auv ti3Pe0a ad Slnca t952 DAVIE FARM SERVICE, INC. 116 Wilkesboro Street, MocksAlle /T_ SOUTHERN STATES [336] 751-5021 iI M HEATING. COOLING, RESIDENTIAL -PLUMBING SALES, SERVICE, INSTALLAT13W" we -1 ins��irr CJC SERVING CA VIE AND ROWAN COUNTIES Office: 336-284.2a$1 Mobile! 336_345-9207 Rowan: 704-633-4777 DAV ILE COUNTY hTF-irPR15F: RECORD. Th -.d.*. Dee. I5.2016. 9 District Court 'Ill. f01lnwm� c- ass.. Ctc n ed, ru.t, Jad-re, - 17-r3. Anthony- L:agn.. - onklexs wed rceklcxs danger. di-m—d. - Sae+ael 'f ywr Sot.. d.Poved of Jiuing IJavie 5170 mtWnky lee. misdemeanor probaden u - dnv ing. 5106, cosi: rxpircd - Jwed ilii, rw Parsons, reckless dFW Fol m end-- Disyiel Cnun- I'rcsidiny: - Lew..- Lynn Bmwr+ vl a[ion, pm6anvn ealended registmiivn. reckless dnv driving aver consuming un- ter, dismi-d. Judge Jimmy L. Myens. Jr., +r+isdee earwr pr lbalivn six months, cnmplem eqm- ing wend anger,:,p F loo der ase � I. prayer. for Juds- - Rahen L'. '1'-jen ria, m1s- Pmseev,ing: Kaitlyn Jfmcs vi...ti.n. prnkytion term i- munity service within GO inrpalion,dismiraed. mens mntinurd. roar. demeanor probntinn viola - and Pearce rlougan. assts- Barad un.uccessfully, 24 .joys: --- nor protea- - Joseph Craig tcn•ia, - HIlesh Nagmbha I'atel, rim out wl'eoanl y. pod'.0 , cant PA. hours an iris 52x[1 attamry tion viodnlivn. pinta..... ex• hitlr fai,um Iv alp after Weeding92 Ina 70, nedm.ed ealendM sin mnn-i.s. ,Carlene Pone, Adams, reg. tended sin mamhx- musing progeny damage, [n 7q In n 76. S XI, Cna: - Michael W. Warren, DWI•senlenced to W days, - Kenneth Alan Bullies. • keginu Quiro, Gn1aa, dismissed. re tklese djvi..K••n-untnn spredIng R5 in a 70. reduced suspended IS monlhx, 24 I]WI, sentenced m drne driving while license re- - Y ngel. rld'on SI..[.. disregard, J Molissed. ry improper rtluipmrn-, lk.un ol-+moronity Kc- -, carved; hivntn Senora 41 v l W DWI rev -Lon• spending 97 in n4[I. reds xd . Nmhm iso pope, reek- crcdil For Wbslnncc abase slop after caysiap pny+rny reduced to !'allure to notify 1. improper equipmrnl. teas drising-womon Ji,n- - Orntamis L. Wlxm. enY:eI10w Vast- Jamngu"P smissrd. DMV of ndrlres. chnng., S7S, enet. It -d. reduved In ion,acl Y misdemranw p,0bn14on rTlenitn',anrnder 1ice one,-CLrixleyJter A. Il�nFron, 525, Coral. -Travis Rny \Jan in. ns- equipinem, 525, east. 1ul fear Bur rat annnty, pa.bn- aot opernte vehicle 4nd4 anving while I1en-u tr- -Gregory Pun Hill, dnv- caul- nn w Ycmale. - lirvm Pumel, s{x.ding [trot lcnninnlyd. [iccnskd. S1 W, cosi; reek- vnked rev[ DWI, senlrnted hi while 1ieen- m -kelt - Ius'nin Cory Michaels, S5 in 7[1, reduced to ir+lptap• - Jaselca 1.. Yale'. simple Icss anving, un,enld wind to lime xcned, $170 Beal• UWI reuexat;on, prayer for driving while Iicensr Yk- er ro{nipmcnl, 525, cntil: nssnnll, dinmisxd. liquor in }v.rxenger m . Bey Yee: rnllnrc 10 wear .-Sint Jwlgmrnt mer inud, cuss. vokeJ DWI m,molion, drivin0 while liwn.c re Failure for Appoint diamiesed• belt, fleeing W elv& ---I - Issu Kam¢I in ores v{xed• wnlrnc.d no 120 days, sox- voked net DWI, dismissed -Shonnun Kelly, mi•Je- Junes Vemvnl AJpma wish vehicle, dismissed. in 5-0 inn 35. player for pendd 1 k months, $10[l, - SVevrn t-,vE o RuJnip1-. n enr lnreeny. Jr., urneolnt winrlliquor in - Stcplmnlc C. Eaton. judgment continued".., cost; operating vellklc wilh Locat oFdknanoe. S. cost. oeuAn+. J. I:.w ial;u 4. no 7 p¢sarnprr, arca, dlsmisxd. tragic nasnul[, Jlvnir.cJ. - Hlarykmle Knt-srl, rip lnsvrnnec. dixrrri""- - 3arvir Jnmr. Slier. ]icrnse, cnncrlydllevoke,U Jackie pnul Ary, pas. -Wanda Gloss Eondy, in. .peed iag 56 1. a 70, red4ccd - si y Ann Yfonme, .ap-ding SS in a 7n, reduced a..pa.rdeJ ctrl ificnleRng. xes of nwrijuann up w jury 4t inti pnryreny. dis- to 'mpropef ryuipmrn-, speeding 50 EnZ,,S rvyl4cnl to mpmprr equipnunl, - Koiilin N1er.le S..ar, nn -half ounce, pewee rr s.cd. 556, test. lu S4 in 4 35. toren spaeding E10. east; n.ilure Iv coat• wlemeanor lnreeny, sec of marijuana pnmphpmali¢, m • Mnd'em'ie. C. Gaddy, - Jason Mlrtla¢I Kil.ncr, 66 in a 56, dismiavca. p!y wnh license real nc[iuto rid degree 're dismissed by ban. poise -jolt or laanjaaua up a. nub bra a !'.more, 2nd de, . liy.n Ioeoph Oman, diamim_,I. - Tyler 1. W •ddleton. pos- - Denjl Lee Braker. dnv• lo une-hal r ounce, S25,crxe-: gwc kidnapping. dismis 1. speeding D3 io a 70, prayer - Le -1 L•alh,m Sn+i-It, s x;un ,-[ nmrijunnn up la ing while lie -Fl, me -ked passe Z- nr nnjnann - Jennir- Mane Km -n. rur jt Jg.cnl conti... d, second degree trespass, dis- one-half name, Pnssexsi.. DWI revocaann. ncnlerrecd lump hemn1in, dkrmi-ed. speeding 95 In . 70, lerlue d met• mckla,s driving m Cn. -tdsaedor.L-r pnmphemalm. Administrative Court 'I'h. fuklnwing eases Wer. '1-1m4; 1mg 86 in.7a, rcd4r L w impmpe requlpu-em, $?5. - KI i i Kadijnh' Imes, u-- f e; rn%r ledlrevok-li dia,11IN.r4 in the interen of disPoxod of during Dnuic -a Ira proller equipmeSl. 550. mss, $5[1 equipment I . e{lerding K2 In n 65,"dnecd uspcnded cenlfienl0lag, judice; puss t"iowdisplay Adoin]5b"Eluk Can on est, $50 equipment Pcc, - Almn Ahnn Heine. to Imprvpar equipment. 575, dksmj" a- or atterealhclifwu5lrcvoY •d Nov. 4. Preslding; Mng- r - Amlandn Bendel Gnr- epeecling 87 in n 70,r.dueed rc-, SS[r egalpnrcnt Fre, $211 - -n Sw Mnrir Kenai. ex license. empired mgistrallon. islmta Kevin D. Hendrix. r t ]Menu, reduced m In improper cqu;pment, 575, ins101] F piled liernse, dksnni,xrd. explreJlnn Inspection. dnv- Pro,enning: Pearce Ihwgnn Fni]u re la Mrd try PMV o€ c e,, $Sit egluiPmcnl tee. - Rana; Wl lr lagram. . Vnflil Knpel, eapired ing while lieensa revr kt:d end M-nsea Kezbyt, msans- nddr.s, change, 525• r - Lek.ish. M.nlwle speeding 89 in n 70, reduced regi,tralion, -piledlno Ln- Bei !]WI. dismissed, cur- rant DAs. 11Cllliunslal,eneJ rillerrcgia- Hemlersrrnr• speeding 84 in ro 79 in o 70.515, ran, specliun. dismissed, car- reeled. I7em4 Jones Eng tisk, [ration, dismissed lsmr plea. a 76, educed ,o Jorge+per -Kenrick Denucn Ismae. retied. - ]eery Poul M_vo, spending 8S in a 711, reales - Ka,l Ilurat U --le,., equl{Ime m. 515: rte license, speeding x4 in a 7U, redtkcd - "'Int Cally Laetrile,. speeding 85 in . 7B, reduced 10 kmprep.r equipment, sPcrding 83. in m 65, induced aism lased per pia. 1b improper rquipmenl.525. ,pending 61 in a 45, rrdnceS In I ll-,Ir.gnipmeni, 53, 5400. con, $SB cqukpmcSl -a improper cgnipme-V. 5511, -May Rchecca Hcndnx, cuss• S50.%.II, em Sec. to Eurrinu egv4pmenl.i25. test, 550 Ill Prneut fees fee. carr, S,10 cqukpw t fee. expired rcgisrra,;ref. dis- - Robin F.¢nct {very, cost. 55[1 rquipmknl f- . - J -,h nno kse M¢ h. Chnslolaher K. Epps, - Karam N. Graff Ih, misuJ, enreected. fa;lLerc [n mduCr speed, I" - Jucl Patrick Latlmcr. hum, i{ -ding xB 1a a 6S. eapbeJ registmllon, d1s- speeding 84 in a 70, ml -e -t - Dian¢ M. Hamandar. seed, civil, speeding 73 in a 55. reduced reduced m lmpmper CquM- missed. coaected, in Improper equipnxnl. $ 35, f¢ilur , m alp f slop sign+ ter Mirhnpl Brand I—IL, r Impwlr SULPm.Pl` mens. 57.5, CMI. $50 5J}urp- =•Si.3•tn Yylcr'Fnu liner' Cuss, SSn equipli)-.7eCK' 're.} ICrM-, eedueedl6 impba"y.s'PeecRng MS inn 70: reduced �E iIXl, cost. S5o equipmentm rte tee. speeulkng Mh in a 70, induced atlas Seat Gmex, en cquipme ill, S'Lq• =.550 to improper eqq{uFa.53S, fro. - Cewr Toric Mse tixex. to improper egwpmenl. 550. speeding 50 inn 75, reduced equlpmenl tee. cost, 5511 eyukpmrm fee; - Ryah Austin Lemelin, failure Iv wear an belt. cast, 556..IPPF` fee. to impeyper rquipmcnt, S^_3, - lose A- Hemm-dea, driving while llcensr rc- speeding 89 in ¢ 76, reduced driviny'411nw;ag vehic}o 00 •William Walton ink Jr„ eml. Ssn pquipnrent tee, expired licange. redu_d to _41ed net DWI, Pos,essi.md la 79 1n o 70.515. ens+. be Jrivcn sorilh no rrgls,m- speeding $i3 inn 7O, reduced - Korea S. Gu]yan- , f.11nrc Iv notify, DMV ofad• display of niv rr Vrentinud - Donald D. Lrnier. ec- tion. dismis-d per plea: me w improper equlpmem,5'3. driving ¢ x:iol vehl. dress ch¢nge. 525, suet- vokcd licmnsc, dismissed, plural rkglrua-k,n, di,misuJ lirenxc, redncrd to failure tell, 356 [qu1{anenl &c. a le while ail Zeal ly disgrmli- - D. Cnm¢ctw Heman- rn:dea, per glen.: ea pined license. t0 ami ry DMV ill' address - Kurt Grnysan Plato, fads impeding I -foe by 5W doz. c-cl,ding ,nfk ,grin. w - lamvn Demon JeFRr- reduced to faitu.e -o notify eh -1,., E:S.cosl. speeding FIS Ia o 70. red."" seagdkngRying in m+awny. dismissed, mn.olcd. ler, dHu'Ing while ]lccrosc DMV of address change. Key_ Carvpnus M.r- mproperequipnien1.525, dismissed. eornetrd. 5lephen B. H4rks, revoked not DWI, reduced 535, cost. tinez, speedkpg k5 in a 70, cost. $50 equipment ice- . Mom I.Ibmacd. 'peed- mpeediag its 1n a I". reduced to failure Iv notify DMV of - E11za]x1h M. I-rmlon, redueasl tv improper equip- - 3effrey D. Ploumoy, ing 901n a 70, redtneed to 79 to Em pruper equipment. S25, Badness chnngr. S:S, cost, speeding 88 in n 70, reduced men1.525.mst.5S6lmprep- speeding 91 in .'10. reduced inn 717_ $15, re.s-- cost. SSD equipment Fac. - I._ Gum___Jimenez, 10 i Proper equlpmenl, me equlpmen, fee; %Peedkng to 79 in o 70, 515, cost; rcck- - Nnrhnniel Iso Hamm, • Clayson Thomas Hag- speeding 7! in a 55, rodeos $100, 11311. $5q equipment x5 in . 76, dismissed per kassdrivinx[oendnnger.dis• iLbvoFr nabamnw Ijeen.e don, speeding 91 in o 70. to kmgroper equipment.$56, fee. plea. missed. V Fam, kxpiredfr n inspection, redgc.a to 79 inn 70, S LBD, cosi• $56 equlpmenl fee; Ern• - A-rolIp Down hewn• I ..ch., Reye t Men- - Angela Yvette Foster, alsm lased. rvrrecld. caul; meklnsm ar]vlag m cS- proper egnipmenl - .peed- nd, speeding 45 in n 25, des, spreJing xt in a 711. Sii{um to reduee apeeJ, Lit - - Suven John Hampton, danger. dismissed Per plea, ratter, d6raixred. RdmecJ Iv 34 Ino 3. 515, redox kr improper egdlp- missed, civil. speeding x6 in a 711, rrao-tra - Julie L,ulee I Ialoomh. v - Jacob Davi) Joh cnsl. ant, SS11, coal. $56 equip- - John. Wayne Frnnct, to .... er equipment. S50, £allure -v yio,d left lam, dis- ranee lectlme Ip,dlsuspe.d. shown E. I.Inddw, m nn ice, f ILme to reduce speed, dis- cost, 550 eg4ipmcnt ( - miss W, civil: ex pkred regia- ed certihcnid[ng. upernling speeding 96 in feduced a• Shonnun R. tlidJlcron. misaed,Nvll. - Huller A. Hadaway, tinny.. expircdlno inspec- vchilp whh rev ins rice, w79 I an 70, 55[1, taus awfe lane change, ram Chanlea Emrt French Jr., speeding 78 in n S5. Te4u,,ed tion, dismisnd. mrmClnl. dismissed. _tied,um - Rcbece. Sum Linville. m seed, WIL speedltlg 7n in a 55, reduced -e 6d Inn 55, Dost. • Hvgh Arrington Hol- - peal David Johnson, mpkdLng Rx in a 71), fedurad +- Jaye IRs Mid%M. Ib 64 in o 55.- rLad ew Fulp - Ra,kad{ Sidney Ifprrkx. mn, speeding 85 In a 79. speeding 89 in 70, reJaccst 10 improper equipment, 515, speeding 72 in a 35. reduced Fulp. Retilideslalt-W 1= spec ting 7B in Q.5,5. reduttd re Ia J To improper equip- rt' 79 1n a 70, $ 15, cost. Cn%t. $50 equkpn.knt f1e. la imprtrper equipment, 57$. registration, dbmiswl] wr- to uni-Per cgnipment, $75, ment. 525, .-L $50 mgwp• - Rnshnrtd Amir Johnsen, - Kiki Ni.ole U111e, up- co51. 550 cgalpmknt Ice, Mow. sots[. $56 Cyuifunela tee: relent fee. nl]nwlnl; unllrr--sed parse-- a.ruing veIllrle wish no in. - Jason Tyrone Milan. - R.IPlt Chilwn Grollmd, - Kevin Ise Flnrriion 3r.. - Harty W+.yee Hubrngn. to drive, dismissed per plea givellezal W_ _ counts tach -PI.ei reg- apending 6ce 8 in a 55, redud ruilun to reduce speed, dis- speeding 5g in n 70, reduced of principal. license plate , dismissed- btueldan and espiredhtu l0 i,npmper egai pmenr. SM- missed, civil. to improper equlpla,eal. - Jeso- Leal- Johan. no -Tend- L. Lilll john. em- jl%F rim, dW ai ed, tor- ts[, S50 equipmrnl fee. -'I imotlly t llehae{ Hage. EIw, tell, 550 equipmrnl lienar, eaplredlno knspre- plred mgLgtadem, esplredl reeled- - M:ira !L, Onhnpher, s{xrding 47 in a 5.5, mdv , a iJ 11 lion, dismissed. Came""- inspection, dismissed. - Anita Jaen MJ,or, Ana Iris luliatur-a, corrected. sPeeJkng 45 kS . 70, redueed illi a n Dies I n House Fire rniyure to edt cr s{ ted. dis- tin rLuLeduced speeding ra ES ter . Vtws nna ecktess anv- missed, conectrd. m 7U, reduemd m iptpropmr iag. ES00•cost. Robert Hampton Jr. Onvie {ire mammal, gendll-Rnr,d. Hampton - N. -Ir Kum- Kaln- elJldW rat. 525, coat, M - T.Utho R_ Nicholson, called 911 Sunday AFlar- Myra sold no foul 1CLLveS behind a Imge speeding 89 to ¢ 70, equlpnicm fen. n -a- mvvemcnt. dis- noen.Hi, house 9n Leger lilt was invvl.•cd in tltc i'anll incilydin a wM ret u..d 1e 79 in m 70, $15. -Ali iia NE -9c Lusk, nm aced, merer 71- Y y g c t. radng hide wl,h rev ia- mi Lr.y Dean Ogbom. Lane in s lthern Davie fiirm. It was a tragic meet- and daughtar. three broth- _ Kendm Nicole Klntm.r, surrurcc. dismissed, emrrcl- speeding 77 In a 55. reduced was on fire, dent, ets and Shfce sisters. He speeding 68 in ¢ 55, Teduleed ed; fallurc 10 reduee spend, w 69 in a 55.515. cusp. Hut before the 72 -year- Fi.kr respnnden tried had lived neer Cootie to improper"Flipmanr,$ 5, dEa L0cd. [lull. - R.M. Louder D4abi. otd plan could get owl t0 parfurm CJ'R on a .11 of his Iife. tear, S50 eget pment fee. - Viclorio A. Lyles, s]neJ;rix 85 inn 70. reduced of the 1lnuce. he wall Hampton, who Inlcr was meHis rnnemi was %el Pnrld White KIrpY- sMeJlnF. S8 in m 7U, reduced to imp_Pmr equipmrnl. 525. Ouercomr with smoke. pronou Beta de:W +1[ the For 12:30 {1.m. 7T-ursday, speeding Sb 1n a 70. reduced to improper eyuiF—FFl, mss, $S[I NuipnTcn- Cec; He n mala i[ nue scene. Dec. 15 at Legion Me ter. w [mpmptr ryuipnxnt, 5511. S 1[x1, cost, $in rgailrn.ent [allure to ueurp Passenger aliyc, ,,aid ".d.Jerry it n, A retiree from Fn- ria{ Pork In Cooicemec. case, S50 equipmrnl fee. F under age ] 6, dismissed per Pante! Reymond Kktr, . Je....ifer 1-ut a Lynne, pie.; driving white license .peed mg 85 in n 7n, redl-ced speeding 70 in a 53, reduced revoked nal DWI, pnsacs- F1�17 ... pimpmp rcyuipmen,,Sir, T i.npv,per.ZPmeaT,s�. . nNdispiay 0f ak sed fcti- cos4. S50 equipm.w err, est.550 equipmrnl Ter, ti0uslrkva-ked Breese, dis-M-1; A- Klaus. speed. . Joy 7+phyr 7.jalson, missed. mnevmd. Cnn-inna�.t Frnan Page I twecn Jaro e,. 1,1a wife. I lie "ratite the risks inhecenl is Mg 86 in . 70. reduced to foil-.. to wear stem txk. what lir In w..s the and the town of Mocksville. situations where Alevhn{ is lmpmp¢r equipment. 550, action, in an offer, hos the u.wn Payim9 lamas mv0lved." ro-�Y The mw -n aMd go- 53.lrMu far mwmey f_. . Van Hay said Penley ho. bee 0ffieen. "Thi. was: 5.122 in lost xaxcs Tri Julie, adopted p --.kora -o provide vefonanall, in=shin than de- ¢rid SIBB for snores' mcdi- srainlag an 1x11 police 1t - send -a be —Wed With- -1 r0-ppy. [ices, which ie 11Mo included t iirigm ' Van Hoy An additional tem- M the in the xeale'L t. sola, mWentent is a meetivg be- In sorra. Jame re!e¢scs Amy V.ugh,,I.- w -ms iween Faille+and hl `ksa711c the -own Fpm ¢ay pncsihle the only %locksvillr board IW ter Chief Todd Paalry 10 el.uas, J -.0 -or uvaaa member -h. owed alga •, di. --tae "mareaanm that r.suhe.l f Fla, inci- tae sertieme-m,. dor led T ,hc rharg.� "Ad_-_Yheagreea.en-, made bc- what steps might be lake. to curt, S50 rquip.unl fee. - Bandon Clrboue Knox. speeding 85 it.a 7n. Lam$ i medu' ed To improper equip- mrn . !ii e, dosi, s3B equip- . pW1y !r-.orod• Pree 65tlmales • T Wont a • Sbamp Grinding FARM FRESH PORK Tree Re,nn—I - BuClc1%t Tmcc u yivr c, RRX1FMRFEF • Ti -,,Ag a Thinning se"Ice [336] 909-0609 (336) 909-0610 s cir�rr Srotfy S.alarr7 Jack Sufard [3-W 398-7775 10- DAVIE COUNTY C.ITERPRISE RECORDS Thur.day'• flee. 15.2616 Jud go Jimmy Myers issues the oath of office to board of eduealion members Dub Pons, Terry Hale, Wendy Horna and Paul Orachsler. Education Board Gets 2 New Members New mernbcm and .,r stere Ridenhour, wrong wish it. we jar.[ lurv- with playucP before n .worn In raeetarly to rbc Dx• who acrved zit amt on - m be cirll:' boaal memhrrs Terry Hal, Yie County Boum of H"uco- half years- "Servo bmughl LWengood thanked the and Dub Fens took the oa(1a ten. A persistent And passion to people or Davie County to, And were scared. Board Clue r Chad I -tell- she 6v¢ra Ihoa allowed us to the opportunity m Wendy Hum: and Paul CC said or vtngaing board critically examine every de- adchug! "It is ome(hing i Drechaler were swam in Iv member Carol Livengood, cision we mat" will lren.um always. In Da- anghcr term each by ]udgr' Ramey Kemp and Bermuda Run Town Manager who served on the board 12 Rkdonhour said: "Ninety- via Co-mj,, we hav: our pri- Jimmy L. Myers. Lee RQIIIns with the deSlgn award for the round - and one-half years: "Card n ne percent of it has been "id" strrtighl; !'pith, frailly 'lite hoard yulrd [v keep about. has a compsss4on fpr chit- oudrn'ul. Dehare onJ Jks. and a slnmg work ethic." Fuller n choir, anal Cllni dren that is sccand to none;" ngrccmrnt - lherc's nothing They tv-rc presented Junkie a; vhx chair. Roundabout At BR Eller ... C.ridtruW From Page 1 He said his wife. Anty, and children, Noah, Brooke and EvaOrae., ages 15. 13 an 10, am attired about moving ry Dari. County. Aeranli.g to rhe contract, be has 12 moil hs to ieln- ..[e to Doric. He earned n bachelors degren do social work from Appalachian sus. unlver- .Ety, and A rmstcr's of husi- achild stallion d:grec earn ❑neem ,uniremhy. He will replace Mike Ruffin, ho rallied from the job .a "I manager but has Neon tilling in on an interim basis. "Mike ReM. m a -It- reapcctcd manly manager throughout Nonh Carolina. awn humtyetF-a# hpa- emrd tosurroad Trim pad be selected by the board or c rs [o s County." as county%manager," Eller^W: an excited to have sadd. "Our mttlHy is cxcklcd smm c iwith lehriN vision to be . pan OF Illi eammu- Ip Iced Book. County F oily and we 600k•F and ra lhe foreacca6le fuWrc;' said living and s:ruing along- Tarry Remgnr, chair of the silo the dtice_ of D¢Wie board of conunis9iU11.M. Earns Engineering Award -Arwghom the lengthy Knmcy Kemp & Asspri• Iowa wills all rvundaboUt lmeryiew parses, we were rtes [RICA) n,"ived a 7017 sUlutivn that brought value impressed whh ]ohne skill Engineering Fi Valence to It.. community. While set and crew, His tense of Award C the Anterkenh the ruandah.-I i-1, pd family amd values will ben Council of Engineering whh lrafSc congostion road t fit for Doric Count Compnniee - Nnnh Caro- safety mrtcernt, it a)- Pm- 91CU y line cfiaplcr (ACECENC) in vided an urate the aesthetic. ecognktWn of the firm's in- Kemp said. cls -lire muadaboul design The mundnbxlt dertgn to scllva growing c.. -ca% Provide. the con+munity within rhe T- or Bermu- with economic and ...win- ch Run. able dei-IalaTnenx Gamete 711, rnunJal,--t was dc• and kmproved community signed to c r Iraflic ca - welfare. heallh, and Archy. gr.11an and pcevkdu safety The be[ler air quality ream at the Bermuda Run Coun- reduced Cm2 emit -tie' al%o try Club's gated -Mance improves Public health and and the 6BSpens provides - n provin IU V, cera 1 -n -111 a vn"EM-l'"EM-l'US 156. to Ibe rnt•kr"'arar by ra RKA received tyle uwurd during Ih- nmaon fompi'mi. n she "Small Project." ear• Kcmp saw- The safety and -gory, warfare of the commonly Bermuda Run csperi- and visitors is improved as criced muf , rrangestm. and the mund.beur cf creates _ynty cvtivmrs a) n1 eS i m •'rn mc• spet'a rIIN Cpngr, of VS 158 whicll:dyo servra lion which wi11 -do- the gateway to their cop- polenr!el and %ererily Orac- munity. RKA provided the eldrn[n. his family, wife Amy, and children 13rooke, Noah and Eva Ci race. Photo by Mike Bernhardt Novant Health Carolinas Pelvic Health Center Incorltin ran affect anyone- Men and women, Young and old. But quad news (Movant Health Carolinas pelvic Final t Center is now open In Winstan-Salem. Our cenvenwrui V located, compre,e lWe pelvi[ ranker speCtal iz*% In dlagnoi ng and leen t i ag a wl de range of pelvic floor dtsor1er5. 5o don't wait any longer. Call u5 Lo make a confidential appoln Imre l(rev doctor referral regvl red). And a perienr_e our car Ing approach la helping you regain Conkrot of your life. TO requesta cones de ntial appointment go to NovantHeal tk.ec rg/peivicheal th or call 336-718-1970. s�ra_�a w.ar. ar vis- oro N• NOVANfT ■ HEALTH 0 I DAME COUNTY F.X1ERPR1S£ RECD R P. Thar sdal. Der_ I E. 20 l6 - B1 Sports Reynolds Will Allen, a senior at 138, pl ns an ap po ne nt from Reagan in earl o's runaway win. - Photos by Mark Floyd War Eagle Wrestling Unbeaten By Briton Plaits Davie F}at.clui- Record Tapped For Shrine Bowl Clark Rcypoldi prep l tbnli s not quire over.On Mtxadny el'. 1l' vie ryusnerbaak got a bi$ surprise - hr was added to [he North Carolina ms+er [or Ibe Borh•anmrai ShrineBewt u(xhe Carolinas. The game march" the rap h igh- sehuul player. from North and South Carolina. The game will be played Dee. 17 al W ffmd College in Spaneaharg.5-L'. u[ 2 p.m. After setting doadn% of retards ,he: past Ian years foe ke War Englcs, Reynolds got the nod Aa n replacement player. He beramc aha 13th Do,k player to make xhr 5hrine Bowl. He ix the Star since Trip hltNeidl, -he ploys affensiue I ins for Buke, in m i.3. Los[ week, Reynelda cpmmined to Chas ata prelcrmdwalk-pn, nc vke'a wresrling team is 9-0 Girls r the F nh straight year, Humcr career Smilhi.q...J the War Egthe wkns liar n.d the Wu Eagles mode A statcmcni with n decisive victmy Get 1 st over highly -Conk -d Foard. - la the Central Piedmont Can- f r-noeopener on dyer. 5, Dnvlr - - i ! visiting Reagan to hid in just - y n Lp r half nn hour. fl s Lied I: of •�• l4 weight classes+v win 72-S.rba - •� By Brn lwPisa _ saciwee. f)avieand the Rl%W&r. t' t? _ .. - ._ -. na.;ip Ecu arms Rw 4 .,. similar in The past that. year (615 18.72-9 and 75-3)- Although the seasam outlook is Davie gut pin. From David ^• bleak, The D.Vir varsity girls ha- sigmcm, Will Allen.]xeoph Myra. kcthall tram had a atom- m -mile Cmym. Wiaa and Xyl. McCune. _ nr Rnnnnpolis.The War Fagl-.got The Raiders hm.dcd f-160.pjosh !a J+c ntankeyoff their lark whh a Shore, No—Smith, Nick Gillis. _ �,I' 37-36 wk. Thrix broken .i gmnc Therimy7 nider.A-In Smilh,]esse - losing zlrrak dating xc ]ax season. Carter and Anthony Olmrdo. _ t..-.• Def [h: l:nn.apv]is game, • things went dvwnhillf fee Dnvie. Two days Infer, the W Fsytaa Afr-r the rh ird less. --nice Ashlyn leaked havee al North Lincoln. Hampson transfrrmlty FoTest7iail The ffrtc three ma[chrs weer artnl Academy in Kernarsv411e. T� butt -whippings (54.0 v er W u orcplaye.-juaierMMisonJ.- Rnwon, 65-9 over Norah Liatcln di- Ze'Moru Cxkarlma and 75.6 over Forestview). salting quit (he reins. up a he wilh Foard. HAmpton was D-Ir's Ieedi.g Nal roily did Faradlseol Ilnvic scorer whh a IS -point average, 45--23 last year To hnak rhe War Junior Logan Williams clearly holds the upper hand in a prelim match against Reagan. including a curer -high -marching ]Engles' 24mntrh winning streak 25 In her Iasi game,a 74-58 loss to n she regular season, [he 7tgers or the match, elaitaing five of six ns goad, loo;'L.vwerY said."That chem 106, He pinned in the firatpe- West Rnwnn Sast yearahcuvenrged entered with a fpur•rnalch winning weight cla.sas. from 145 lhn ogh height have been the most excii keg rierl.smfrh rcrefurda fvrfcitae I1}- 14.3 Points to lead rhe Team, She streak in the scale%. 195 to lake the 21-15 lead. Mc- mulch of dee whole day, because ("T7iey knew rhry w 'T going scored 962 pok.. in 75 games over j� A hnlc revenge was swear 1'pf Cure's 4.0 decision ret I70 w neither ere of themquit,C m rp win:' lnwerysaid.) Then GiElis three -plus varsity seaaans.The 6-2 Davie. Renese, a 2( •15 deficit and OaWc's only bright spot during Thai both of ahem moved and moped cemented It with o second-perkpd curt" has signed wkth C-FIbrkl. won gai.g away, 43-27, stretch. Wit (7.6 decision) and and moved." Pin ret 121. With A 43-^_1 cushion, � defections left heal-yenrcoach L "7luy arc�mnk-d YTsl or secwTd Canny (7.5 drti%um in m rime) A. Qimedv retlewcJ w lW a$-1 tawrry JeeWed tnlwld b_kT_der Kc1m Rev-ls witb nine players_ [in 3-A);' ooh Buddy Lowery roma wSthdn an eyelash of winning major dreksion. and pnr4e was and forfeit at 126. junior $yJnee Coleman has been said. "I'hcygalheat bYsome:ul•at= rel i60 nod 195, respectively, but ahead Iv any. ]. Olmcdo made his "[F -ward is) ptclty good." he sidelined all -=i eason wish nn ir5jury. slate people a: Or Laim Nommn du- they f Il shoo. Jl was Carter'. flys[ Eason drbm this day.TWe drys _,itL "There were u bunch 11n�se " know it's an uphill bnrtie at ads, They beat Mvomsville 38.34:' loss in 16 matcher. e„ri ier, A. Olmeelo saw the mal for matches. We got sinned good [a[ ne lha pvtnt,bue we decidedwe'an not SixvfDav c'scighr wine against Caner F [tough Ipys did Tai acing This fins risme Ibis scason.B:1h war- 1 }21aaJ finlyhe,10-d-11 was close Suing to quilt' Revc]x raid,' We're Fouad w .ix•poknwry, Sigmon for long. Jesus Olmedo [220), An- un the fmilnall team's inn so The - f guess like it's supposed so lac" Tnking Jta[aaAchal l-ng:,andaer rc got It stAnW with a third•perial ebony Olmedo [285), Shore [ IB6). quaurerRnnls. Arid bade were great Fix she day. Davie gel 4-0 per- going [o work as hard as we can to Pin at 132. Allen folwith a 5miTlt(113)an"4"kis[12o]srapped Inst yraras frcsbmen, formanees from Shona, H. Smith. find success. We're ewe gahting. pin al 13S. up and gave Davie 28 unanswered "Tiley krnow what il'a about,' Sigin-, Allen, J. Olmedo and A. We,- not giv hag up. We're aolag 'Waw rolling along pretty pvinls, iawery said or [ha Two_ Olmed-Caiilisund•liader wen[ 3-0. to keep fighting. good, we rhmghc:' lAwrry said. S. OIraedn gal a pin In ave nlmc Davie cw+timird to pound away 'I'hcTiger Controlled'dru iraialdlr [v tic she mulch a. 3l. '"That Bary when ShpreenrercdThs qs uedcir- Please See Wrestling - Pxge B5 Pli t, Sce Fl -t • page E4 Varsity Boys Add To Unblemished Record` By Brfxu PI[b rhe whvte rime un TW d.y;'[vac kr The r�runJ half saw Da.ie he hie MrCnrm:rk for a lay up, He Davit, E.uemrim Rceu,J Miim Abshcr said, ars day later, the WArEnglr%did ..[score she Wendrn; JO -2Q. Mc- a big part of this[ run. He was. Owen McCormack. Wall Artr1 as klMy plenaed In the secvr+d half Cormack, Cary Hciner and waken able to !e[ Coop earth his breath." De..n Ati:g autstNndkng Bylan Shaffner buried 3-polnic" and won going away at Kannatiolk. rebounded rigorously. Another forme in the runaway bnlanee,lheunbeatrn D¢viavars4ry dining a28 -Polar firxiquaner. Wearh 77.6Q.-I•he5-0nxordcpmi.-tithr "We x.vilched v o she s end half: Dnvle wen[ 20 of 75. boystb..karball learn baunred North Slohaeh nailed a pair of 3s and beat slap In Oreo Yeats. rnM hair, urui we did A bider Fmm rhelkne,wFTtr5labachand Wall I-I.L1 sad Kiam-polis in rhe haat --led eight secod.quaner points Buy rebound nding sad defense job get it vu[ vn the shootnra;' Irving a combined 9 Tor 9. T cope f ront'errrate piny. ru Pavia%urgrd'. a47.32 hal filen: weir suhsuuulard in the Srsr hair, !rr sold- "iter higgr-xl difkrcnte un "Ourevndkfivning mradeadifler- • When theta Eagles bear Nonh Eead.TheWarEag3es kept widening and Thal traashsted ia[o a 40-37 is limiting [hem so one shot. We c he said- -We were Imuk}ng by w n Nor. 29, they w the gap in The xaonrl half. hnlfdme edge rvr the Wonders -The did a bener,eh oHrnsivrly getting free throw. raid making thou, And sting pia.- deem Thr Ioc[bell Davie placed Fvr in double vend h.If is when the Fun started into rhe Palat:' they wc.11 chic To convert:' Tenm. When [he [cams mel at Bovie figures= Slat-_, ti points, McCar- for Bovie. Wall soared Liz Points Again. Davie Placed live in Davie 83, N. Iced -ll 55 • Hear}r n I]cc_ 7, the W r It Kh" w-erc ar ark 13. Wad` 13, Shoffnar 12 and and Shepherd hit a 3 as Davie moved Joublc figures. Wall had 17 peinrs. SEnbarlt 14, D...en mcConoack 13, roll strength and they die,=. Michael Walton 10. Six war Eagle9 ahmJ 55.4g in rbc Third. The N 51ab:ch 12, Shaffner i I, hicCor- Cooper Wulf 12,[]ylm Shpf( r 12, the Raiders 83.5!1 stored in Or: fest quarter, four in tingles pouf:" it on in nc� fourth. rnT-k 11 -art Warm: I I. Shepherd,: Michael Walton l0. Wi11 Shepherd Senim'Will Sbepberd andjuniers the second, seven in the third And Sholyner had se cn points and huckvp poem guardw Wall,hitxwo S. Cary He{ner 4, Coleman Sell 4. Coop- Wald and Bax Barnette elghr in Lite fourth. In all, l I guys Wniten, MCCarrnacl aid Shepbcrd of pavze a Sve 3-w cars. larch Headric 4. p-.(uxn prrblea spade their sen- n debuts after a cracked the scaring eoluena_ added f r apiece Aa Davie pox up "thrill played huge rna. s:' he 3. grana- Herta 2 - deep run on rhe gtidirarr. And Wu11 "Tp ba v five people in double 2S in rhe fonnh- said. gave Coop o bnrak from ikvir 77. K -p.11. 60 -Cooper tea legit playa on she hmdwevd. figurec and your leading scorer "SMlTnerdid agond}ah gaping rhe rwo-min-cc Mark OF she third Wall 17_ Hench Skabsrh 12, pylon "They had half a practice :n with 14, that sheat our abiliTy rp xv lhr huskrl;' Abshrr said. "We through the Ent theta miavr-s of Shoff r I l,Owca MrCoTmarlc I F, Hendry afcrrthcy rookcxsecf,heir share rhe half and kap it ma i.g.' kept The (tour spread And he mad. in r fwrdt. He had a greet drive. Michael Walton II . W -dl 5hephesd lmcbaL =ff. and they were shear Absher said- some good Jerisioas.' He ha" anolker praer"Mom where 7. Can- Heiner 6.lxab]der>c1rix2_ 82-DAvlE cotwry E:.YTERrRisE REcow)_•l•Id r.l iv, is.2om Davla's crass um mtry program held a banquet Dec. 4. From left, the award winners were: till! Butterfield (Darle Bailer Coach's Award), Nick Machos (Dario Selter•Coach's Awa rd j, Parker Prysiazniuk (most improved), Tray Re lsbeck (newwmer of the yearl, Clay Summers (most Valuable), Emily Pence (most valuable/All -C PC) and Emerson Frantz (most Valua ble/All-CPC)- Not pictured: Morgan Dretzke (mos[ improved). BLXKIE BUNNIES 60LfiigUE; WESTERN ROU77QUE WeHuveMoved! Co++re,�Lsif o+rr I1E1V fomtfwrf 58-1 Court Square Moc!%sAe NEWlid. �u1=am lative (foal vu+av,+e.mo.yrenx ereax� Cemprr,.+iwemp4w kDLT-Wo. SP��rI^9H�.nrlc. uW arl...hlnry a.n.. • nuewn,u*i ncrr�.pnom,, r,... a,v>,..a Alyl.LhiralLirtrf-:Sl*f pt^l rzeli'63 Abxfn. S+r. �'flF� 336-998-7880 I �SA. Lre I � �lfenrirl,c �,I+r r.�r,rr,IF I I C ee COOL eaeR alarurr omJ B mwdcrrxoa or m Lip 75M0 ,, rsoo nwPe�a seevoa 1 Fed E,wpr kap up to i30UM l I ra,actea. Ak," $2,000 to SAViurm! I Bob lsarwen/0— - L tld& o...,ad a cP .r d I 335-935-9111 �1 w.ennmw l��ooanti.�m SAID 'gyp Nic-Hr�c �� a 0HalGon CrQatlQrls mav�lyc� Rc•c7perur� Ian -2nd. 21117 .� L7�rnmcau 7667233 Cosss[gnmen! Crufh A![urdabla Party Rentals PERKINSW ROOFING r •Que7lry work rr.,.dr ar-sQsa vt rooranc8ie pricer- o..,ou.e --. C.mvn'Nrv,.N GNc 6.,�y f+Xww: 336-753.B355 6nbr 6daV�kda.e;Gka i�:r rw ase.rss.wra C�IlV0 BAR9Io'w--s4 >W—rt ewdVa40AF , i a��63�.n•6pn.5�Pa.-rqp-• _ x(336) 766-9071 _—, ��vae�o%-mac rax3x a2 DAVYF: 1VOUNTV F->tTMPR15F SWCORO. Thw.01-N D• 15.1016 - S3 A New Cxift Every Week Al, r Looking for the perfect Christmas gift? Look no more! A subscription to the Davie County Enterprise Record makes a perfect gift foran}one. All the latest news of Davie County will be delivered right to their mailbox cacti week. Each issue is filled with interesting stories from Bermuda Run, Cooleemee, Mocksville and all of the other local communities. Plus, they will find out about local businesses who provide a wide variety of goods and services right here in our own back yard. 0-1VI C G(Do U N 7 ENTERPRI16 - - .,O,ECORD NEWS - SPORTS - ADVERTISING for-411of Davie County Including.• BERMUDA RUN, CDnLEEMEE, & MOCKSVILLE Only $26.69 Per Year Call Today! 336-751-2120 114-DAVIS COLN-IF E;.M--RMISF- RECORD. 1bt. *day. Dee. 15,=16 JV Girls Bounce Back From First Loss Arte,gellinpaff[nils iae.S 7, pave. umldri't reach 17 in Kayana Caldwell [two) had One day later. lin. game FaGkyyeinnl srparalion was ion fomes: awri3.111 in eight years, the Sour gunners. Davie's paints, of K.mapolis wasn't lnelly. :1,6,13 -S-17,houstagrmm N. IrMell 2[, pysvir I= Davice J V phis baskclbo!" ' We z[ru_eIcl •dna offense "-ills girls flared Pipet! on tither. but [he War Ggles he f i line. OJdwelt 11h 6 - Ca I Jansen 6, ptc.jI Ieam's peRnvaancr against thuwhaf,game;'conch DEb- defense and ort the baarrls Io nwaoged+u prevail 2R -1R- of T Free thrown. DYI to 4, Kayana Coldwe]I2. viiiangNaaIN..drllon EkC, hie levans sail."1Vr5 ouldn•t keep us in, the game. bol ver Davie 14-11 ou[s¢omd the "Thal was a big plus r DIR 2R, Kannwp.11, 7 vein gailca hummer- get shins m fN, and mord fie ceuldn'i cvergexinnrhythm Wonders 30.11 in cheroanh ..:'Evans sa;d.'il's some- 18-MrhddirTcllup7,xpyman TlwwurEoglrslaidonegg b�lI M.r los many times." an chu ufrenafve ¢nd:'>:vanM quanerro pal! away. Muddle thing wu bavc here working C.Jdwell e,. Cayla HM -11 in a21-121uss-Th -y ball lb. 13 v1. [railed 1 d-5 at soid."Wr've gen lv move no Tellup {sev.n polnta7. Cs+ld- o and the girls wrNo able 10 5. Courtney Ne Iy 4, Alexis RAlder 45-21 on Nov. 29. hn,0ime and 19-6 one, [he f m Shis, xray lvgether Ind well Ips xl and HMSEII f6", mnku•emcomn. IT, ..wax .. 2, Amit- Stradrr 2. DriAe r 1117 pulpy in lho third qu.ae, CeyfA HanzeEl keno working I.d chE ufrense. slang inside to draw f nLp Megan Crash?. Piro ha l ran Nol, 29, On Dec. 1 i.).Ale Is D. [in lfW eland The main ara nth. Wer and was ahle to emweft them Wood Scores 19 In Payback Win For JV Boys Tho D.A. JV M+ys bsel- righratl¢nhar fwra3•paintrr. "I Wszud's) my • NrC,elt of alto+e:' ILM,•'W, ¢.. Ldp'[ ploy any ep 17-B a bol Rim, were lu:t6allleam's 61.46payt a k So we hit two 3s Imm delving big guy:' WWIncc said. "1{e Davie pa tin caµ Frefm def. -int lll,"h¢Idrhe h. it 1-bably up by 20: besoid- winorerYfsilingNunit*real• and kkking.'ymy wns fly ing playa rhe roa r.sic Pint nnnnd- L steam Chanlh,finm,3;lines Nhe whole Some" "Sime is such xhnrt ell on Dec.7 was eklincel by up the roan:' nn. ueh a post rtanvi. I thin]c Reid, Alcx Ro11Wgc anal whole hovcnh;g spun gnnrtars, it allowed lEtcm to on apenin bural lino[ yielded North hnM,ed Davie 56- playing with v ,oily gni his Ailmn Williams. in Ill. secaud quaneC. Slrigga hold t,re boli." she War Fsgks u 12.1! I¢at. 4n vn N.V. 29 -but Davi¢ did onli[icsrcc np,h he's gaiauS are d s.:s 5>s+ilrtx during x Davie 61, N, IrudC1I 46 'I'my (369v w4. the rat- nor hove Wool aaa Griggs weight axhd gouen alremy.r." Ortr any later. IN w r, 13-2mn lhnl p -Ll- x". 17•X - 1.. Nth WoW 19, nrpyka olyat during [Pic tor. -sol ting in thnl enc. Alter playing on Johnson nnilcd two 3s ill. Wnr 4uglcw Wer, mostly hol0I-tnhd. 1Jot vi.12.23 Johnson 14. l.ar1 n Cham- m.nls. nrxl[y for leve garn.s,[hcy and Il n;shcd Wi[h Id pain ta. ]isiluas In a 32.29 loss al wptebed JteWondero rip off. bcrloilln. Jpmes Rcld 6.A ex �"T•my pus]Ned tem hall up made !hair, V acNN tepees ,e w s t7e 1111 rd limo in Knnnopolis. .nearing wns 16-3 inn in the third, pn[ling lin[]cdgE 6, A. Wi311nms the court hint fanhel ElijolN in Mae with Nvr1h. many games thin he's hit Invest than nnrrtwl bprnuau rJnvk inn 23.w0 Irole. G,Ttiny Griggs 4. Ward;'eo4 Brace Hhdlacr •ITh. pWr way Wur,d, who eivuhlu f gNuea. Jho game wns played wish Griggs ( [0), Wexx1 Isev- Kappa pale 3¢, I1wYlE said.'"ljµ Seal points of the knocked down thine 3a pad •'Brooks had a enup,u nice sIx-minor. NprN z, art) and Johnson ta{x) wen 29 - Troy Griggs 19, Elijah game we a •3-pvin[.r by I;nisei W with 19 poimz as Do- drives:' h¢ zn id. "1•le does a "Til is Ix prahah ly the 17nvk'a tuts nrq¢rs. Wand 7, fircurks Johnson h. Ellk"I in rho tomer. 7}ay ole lad 29.19 nr fw]Rimu and list lc OnaMr ant! haalce ix nil ors, loss since I'sc been m "IF 3t w nigh[-mf�ul¢ ANei R;al¢elge ",James Reid k3ckeJ k in Drunks Johnson -0.5-32 nfrr tin. third gunner. the glass. He hod two nrthrcc Oavie;'thr [hiN-year conch gu niters. Inarcnt of being 2. Anwn W;Il ions I. South Girls Off To Best Start In 12 Years snmh Davie'* girl: bra- aeon Kile'* ria. points. Il war the R.nnh elms she's The Jaguol. (4.1), will hod helped Nnrrh get iia R., win nwm insurance. k.cbsEl term Look control lnchhding a3 -pointer, helped prpduc ed of lens, sc ar__n doling Io silos 25-22 ml EII3s on Dec. P. Johnson (might) and ear,y pad held off visiting Elis right back wit hi n 23-19 Slrcptcr mnichnd n E.Z.seINd tck_1NkrerNdd-d.eV- 3,2015. Allcn 1vvv -j enjoyed "I' Ellis y6.32,oa D,C. 7, ill IIN, third. Jn [Pic faarih. high with eight. poiars Pier Ellk- C:dvtuy used a G•0 ran in .ply highs. whiI. S. Jolhlhsnn Behind 01ma 'Finan. IN. South pmlecled thin four- '•h3allyoh might have had the second ap+artur W Iia the Isev¢n, ¢xlendcd her """N` acnredatrmn-high I3 points point margin despa. Rnchul re *rents than pvinls,and) Svvlh's recsl sNArl in a game at EL ME Ihial quarlcr of nix -plus points la four While hlnkns dvublE figuRp {kvcreeux's I I -perm qunrt¢r know-+hc hint mora rc6exmds Ivng rhnc w:u halted at $uu- elated wild North in from games. for the firth lime to seven for the ]aguam. T9tom court- than points;• MayRcld Haid. mount, 39-29,m 1]cc. B. WIN), and the Wildcats held "Our girh played with games, the •flg.r* herr Ellis Icmd wish seven in TIN Fna1 5vtilh v n huge •rhe Tiger Irail,li by only o as Dmsim: Johoson added more ern Relen�e follvw;ng for IhE [mirth trpe in a raw, ostial. gra me from Deraru;, wlk. ut ear hglflimE, kul the Kama torr pointe -Alicia Allen nod our yrs[ win," Coach a;hid- pushedtUekr winning shook "[L•tli s] made sonic coed for n pair oT 3s urged ntunit 27.19 in the Christine Cno had two each. ..We are hoping with m lane W roar mrd impro their *[rots:'South coach dermuin and Ill!shed with 20 poi ors, lhi. mmtdid nal let Svurh g.t '"Phis w n big w of some svccers, lhu girls recordtn 6-I. It wap the herr Mayfield .aid -"LL'. would gp Ir was [Pic rsu+nr for rbc Jags hack in 11, II w+u the fi-c Ions wpch 'I•rcvur [lunch said- w111 work even Pipette in st.rt in t2 yams. In 2064- up l0 and[ltc next thing you In 2Ji gonias, dMing to Emma F South[tf2) since Nov. 2 t "Wc ere very young a9d practice:' 05, conch Becky Mi[1.i0 know they would make Iwo Slnbaeli s20 in a 3in29 win ngthinat it. aexperienred. Hope lolly N. EMA9 17, CnlYnry ,J - "Ymhllh•yrode team .tuned or lIlmv %hots and cul the l.md uYwv South Dau;¢ in ^_014- lahyla Ce3dweil, w,hp wins Ship win IIIves W more tion- Sumo, Johnson k, Ihairce 9-I wish Ashley Smoot and back Io four or .aa. 11 wound 13. avcrng ing 5.2 points per fkdc_ Sumer btr some Lig Jolt prop 4. ARcio Altera 2, Bmm Hamly feuding IIIc way. up bcing apNelry good game. "One fro. roc had (F. YCr- gnnl., come IhmugiN with IS shoes Fmm lire auralJe. Ph Chri#lin. Can 2, Jocelyn Sautd n r lrm kled "L"YEry Pim, tlh.y wnald lux) trapped in she �pmer;' in dofeat,TLlunl had six and Pint arm. gids ourne 1df the 33briglht I. mgainal E li,. Tatum and make a inn, it w eptly MnyfieId said. "She went S.iefler Fnur. bench sed really cumrc b- N. Davie Sin. Hp CbrLvtlan Mn"fyah 3trearer til veered +74ivia whoweuld g,lasr.a. bnaelinc and made asix-lone "We played bad:' Mny- uI. M. izn Smith hal eighl 18 - Dl irce Juhm:on R. A. poiocs un.h To IiR South or Rnd a way to n akca buck- fleeter and it had tom saying: field amid. "Wc emidn't gel rebounds spa Cep ployc.l Some, Johnson 7, Alkm To A 14.5 lend In She first el and mel, [heir run " ' Wow. 'I Mat's jut+, a gnat gnyehhhggekeg,and they did, ce.,h defense): • AJlen 7, Joslyn Ebeight 2. quenar. IN was Ig -9 at half, IAndon pities was _Nd We m *sed so many shots Camden }Imre 2. time. farsvnth with might pain ta. meGllis coach Johnny hull av ltod tau ninny L•hpsw an North kupl iI going wim $a Id Devereaux n]r-:[1y plays the defoolsive end." a 16-1 R Will ni High Pnlnt FIL6 M - Rachel D,rveNeu guard,"hut somcrimes k wIII LMsdnn .. Lee, 6, 20, Bella KIt. 7, "sial Dul Ellis W rest I e rs play her xmnll iarwasd m North Davi. 9rnpped m The Wildcats -2). who vis Ileuren Olive 2. Annd yet her Mattie open Miens- She ]ung toning sneak and won led &&-h. the half, went rmxy On;a I. i agg,.usiv.. and dacsn'[ bx¢kfto-h k games F the in she Ihild gyumer, mascuo- S. Dxvia 36 - Olivia Tikjwii Pound Two mint mixing it op a III. firs6r3m. pken he 2014-I5 ;ng HPC r lk. "our girl. q,r Mmdlm rNyi-C,Maliyuh bit- Sic auhprised man 11111c ea on. A 37.Id decision execute, yur Iha"rcoun [rnp Steepest B. J,.ayla Caldwell 5j ing s ucle becanx. ever0aitmg Colvary on D- and ...led some slrals and Chanel r wd.r 2. zhr kept toIk;gg about how 5 impn.�rd the Wildelnz to en*y baskel4 "rlvoch slid. Opponents nervous xhc was. Shu is 12 and Endcd th.;r losing HPC mode a run In the Slarmovec 39, S. Davie 29 physic:hlly tough. And once sbrak xl rI, rourth, but s. lohnson's - Loyt. CaldW.11 ,5, Olivilt +Ire Pile her Rra[ shot, old tin Sorrl.r Joluhwa, calla het 3-polmer with nnd.r a min- 'einem 6. MaOynh SiraalEd The EIl-u wresting team Bryson Porkcn'ry ter Snyder, n q awry-" eight points [o lead lhc'CEIs or left nailed It Jaw.. Allen 4, i. tido+ Dirks 2, Sydney[ picked op gamy w aver CUfll F,y,., egan 12pnNY¢y, pre [e wW the first less for m serving For the 1"trd Iiae. hit a rte. [how to add a,Lute Dirks 2. Tlhoma l e and Leninglmh Tyler Tylc, Jeremy Plorux Iv the Inpnars' M...d and Robby Landry. First ypush to -0. The Jaguars did pmiiy - ... Ellis pounded visiting +Harp the s:unc thing nl Lcx- Thom ,vllle 7g. 12 m Dec. ngton, winning 72-23, C'anrin req Frprn p. h; • U.vie win IR 1np4X- ht. p'i win 6. The Jagmrra gel pins Verry, SnyJ¢r. Whlal.y i2foundl over 'I'h, Wpr Eng,3 es were Rrvuis pu[ihe Wnr&agln peak Found tlx.lf bch;ml 33 win ever Mvrvesvillr rah er From ln.nb Perry IB3•puund Emerson nE1k, nlixnrd +mal rtcver in conic align again st hTwk tug.rher with Jlcl tape by six wilhonty two minwes Qac. 30, 20 [5. Sic Ilii three wcighl close). Naw Whisky W.bb rolled up pans. [..sing- vlsiiing North tredol" on pad same wire, and they remaining, bur it w.athcred 3s and wcnl0Nor 6 at like 11me, [113), Motl hew Downey tory fW lied vu[ i6 pn[nls, Oct. 7, losing 50-32. Thu mspnndud wild Ihcir 5rs1 Ihq poor scan to the fnutth k7n•;e.aa. ream• wns kof to S In_al. lush BIi7.nrS S }32) giving wins to Pnrkrx. Frye, 03 mark was the worst sr:hrr n, 37 -ib, of Kannapoli+ and nal lied +hr conch rima. at the line. wan meal Pinar Webb [ IS21- T7N. Ramgey. 'tyle, Flares and in Iewr ycnr*. Qyv;E pnd the Duc. R. We cls wed narwny back "Fmmn haat a huge nit!, • 'ITrey Bill"dngs hant¢d uv¢r 48 Landry.']W., of Ellis' four re's -1 points in 59 gnmcs f b con l,mnk Slnbmh into it;' he said, "WN: used a hu arid. -SINE was Ills maps: PoItL6In foriciN.- I1 A;ng me In— wcr¢ rodclts. "os[ 57.28 al We.[ Forzyde In and Marine,- Slab_tl S21 Dupledifr.rcnl pxases m d nCgru..we she's been of= f-[,ica wore Erik.. Dem, Npnh peal. and soul ll 2013 -IQ). pu;nls]was lcn•ifir.Mad nez They lamed the hall uv¢r:' re"ive"y ail year. She was D.- were idle lost week. 7 herr w Ns n bright aide, hit 4 garna•sav;ag Alen with In the rourth, slnbach "lit aNfgck[ng elle beakcl. Thnt'r Sho'voh Martine.. a iourlh- 17 satxxrds IE go. 4 uP 4 f e 11,Ivwa. •,-rinhy meth ing she's never real ly Upcoming Games cnr varsity player, bud n "11 was great," Ftov .s Hayes hill n held yon, em" %hewn in pnurice b,larc; Y-1--1 er I1igh 1- poim" Aud sa,d. •'film gkrh were _FW Maninez snood her only ..d f daub! wkh [he bigger, WEdnesday. DEE. Id re ver 0.13_ Pit marc energy xcked obuul iL!tiny de- basket fm u esti ienl m - flare rs sli0 invol led lh t.ho; Davie wrestling N born: vs. hi-nrakn l*Sand Charter ar a than SN.rtinCL. I -I was ro r 'dil.Theyworkedreally. mons. With ➢avis down ver dr-+er lint. Sl.: del nlr.ly; FINN tvresll lag rat Weer Rowan rat 4;;10 rpninglous. ruakly land the l -I c.uple 36.33. Man"nn canveetrJ sbawM n -and Irmbob]y: 'rLvrsday, Der. l3 "LVc payed super hard:' ord.ys:' a I5 -footer with I7 seennds nI u d hero,! - u new WE: blif4 baA-hdI. xt LY.s,.yan rat 4:3Q h. sold. •• We ptaylo with Slahaehondt.Az.C.a%I.aw toga. let t.rse[l'" Nunh Dnric lwskc[hall al South fav lc rat •1 teffbn than we've floret Pill 3s to .nnLlu Dnviu to "Il wt�y nn a I+:uel Ire vin- Crenshaw hit two 3s as 5r]plll Davi. --fling El Lexington 014:30 wish in any nF the Spines xn take a 13-R "end in ih¢ Rrpl oF-bounds piny;' ]he wit. "]1 lin W, wild as.nson-high zcv' Fr,day,Dte 16 I':tr. WerEbpunJud Fae[tcrrhnn quMer.Senior guard Shurrhya w as pwe lay we "d nut. -lied en points. Hpea yadted fo„ Davie vmni[y -11 ing al Red Drvif C'-" ooy rcbnded in nnor ek and the Wonders a„ ni Slnnb,ght ahhd ie worked ro Mankncz aroma p", three 13;:Ravi. JV wretlling+u Fred T. Farrel the gamea.Ana we loads ti ray Ripped the some In the a mend perfecdan. It's n mach find flet put... l n The fourth. Mor-' Dnvice varsity baxketbol! at Reagan ac hr7r30 fiexup, 1 m actuol,y quattrr. A S,mboch 3-paimer t onpf ane of our regnlnr gen Lewis opntribmed Iwo, ; Davie 1V bAskelbal" rat Pimm vs. Remgnn at 5!6:15 boxal a and wcvrkcd for ncMun[.d Fp[ pnv'3u's un]y pl¢ys whore .ve cry to ger "441 and Ry,., Caned Davlo f shoran boyo ,wykotball a1 Reagan a1 4;13 rcbotmds instead ofsanding points in the period, and tbE it fn rhe pose plays under did a grcae Jab hoadEin' Ihr: Davie swimming hl OAC Inv;lntieani under the rim and espccli.ng War EagEes Im;led Y1.15 rat [he bmkut. Hut nulead of bat,:' he said- •'Derensivu,y; Davin !plant track in W;R n•$alem at 4:3U lhchn lie fall in our handl , LlY loa]rtilnc. them trying w cared the ball everybody pfny.d wcll.li was: Ellis & South DEv;e Wrrsrling rye North Dovi. ae 4:30 sl got hack and p,nyed dcienae "rhmy hour n girl who's under, the !wriest, Shey slip n pure elYvtt.They jvsl -toed Sadarday. Dx 17 wlty more efron than we did a really. rcnlly gaud plays:' n.d *rep -tar doe it had." Untie rataily w-Aing rat Red DD--kl Duals in tin. Hal [bees games. hesaid.••cSlnNb:cic7was>.xry bt�sek3ae:' N. Iredetl 50. IIavlr Meadny, Drc. i9 �II catal f mSha'vvh. Il d;rR.ull for us to defend- Atnc�otherertd.NMWm- 32 - Sho'vrh Martinez 13� Nunh Devic wresll ing in tri-meer or Sulnmh at 430 was 100 peo enS - Veh. WE-ve •1'ha1' sec r. oElynrhletw,real IY dorsnisr.d two -ioee rpg Emma SIAb eK 9, Madison{ ps.pdtey,De '1A lv:d couple reany Sang talks f r and tra,ly physical - a show. TLe boll went aux of 8ohurnna 2. Ayteo Carter' Dao le vara try ba Lerball at Waal Fnrsyrh ar 617:30 n the prix week "d she-. Ipr of Mingo that we m ,I, Lannd.Nelhe W Eag,erwith 2, Liz Crenshaw 2, 'trinity Dario JV basketball at home vs. West For+ylh at 5r6:15 vmpllre,y an L rd wllh D-mli gh[b-,, intron, on]y two seconds left. They Hare. 2- L% ygaq Lewi.: favi. rre#hnial bays ba at at Wave Fersyrh ra 4:15 who, we're trying Io da,^ Sr.lardNre-rponsib a for inbounded the ha71 and killed 1)arle 37. Kapnrpo5is South Davie wrestling al Forbush nr 4130 Emma S, abaeh s red a of by team's 12 pow.L the ren of rhe dark- 36 -'Emma 5labamh 21. Lit Wedne.daj. Doti 21 Ihs'ir whesting in quad meet .1 West Fussy7h alb {74W rye poinv on three 3-poin e. li el i-poimer,[wo liekd ga Slat -h, who vena aver- Crmxh 7,7riniey Hayea4_ ers.bue nv otrc elscbsd marc and torp f rheas+* - along aging 9-i peinss. delivged }`An'vµ'�laniner 3,Mars a Gnclfam.l5os[ Wylkcx) then ew•o. w�itha Cteo.hnwb-b-gave o rarsi[y rartxr Pugh- Her liwis 2_ + DAVIE COUNTY C4Ti':1iMIIi F_RECORD."1 dily.Lk-15,2016-H5 Senlor Will Allen gats ready to pin at 7314 Wrestling ... Cantinued Frnln Page nI lin. right direction." Going 3-1 were Wise• H. Smith ;* 16,0 I'er the McCune, A. Smfrh and and 1.13-:19 In his 'C`""m p,yM. Sherrill and fdrr-y.Ar cnre.r. H. Is No. Myelo went 2-2. NII I T•radur, 9 vn Ihr list irn' eareer wins. sop ft at 1211, won by CW" is 15-1. T, Trader IcebnieaE rail in his &*Lever 151. Giilis ,4.4, McCune esity mateh. 14d,Share I3-4, Wixe 12-1. "3ozcphwrmslledgbv+l [al ,ellen 12.6.S,ymon 11-2.A. '132J." I.owary spin nr the Sm[11. 9-3.Myem7.6,A,01- jNNmor. "lie's mien o step in meso 5-4 pnd J. O,medo a--[[, loehnical fail at North Lincoln In his debut In She varsity Ilneup. At right, 5aphemore Spencer Hoke competes al 220. U6 - DAL7 E Gel 1N -FV En'p£RPF[LSE RECORD. Thnrsdu r, Doe, I:. 20 r e J ull l or Rei i C Rh l iRI0 begins I+Is camped l ion in the 200 free relay. AI right, sophomore Alexe Hutton takes heirturn in the 200 Free relay. Thurla, Hutton Earn Multiple Swim Wins senior Hunlcl-Tlmrin and gids won [hc ill I a n127 A7 41 sophomore Alexa Hirt and the IINS Yrc. nt Ip033 -- ,�- 'nn two crrnls .7t_ ju- [second place wrm 1:03.67]. oke Irinr Vire-r:.r.�i, -I ¢tided • 1 was no xurprirc Ihm �a _ .not vicmry Fnrlhe Uavic Hunter and nlcxn won their swim le... in n home mc¢l two cYenlx;' !true] said. '� -_•_ against Reynolds ran D.." 7" "Meya- basil extremely Thu Demons had rm Isms- hard-wut]riPy. and I believe hle dercali ng Dirvi:'a lemon lhni has [mid orf for them lhia - Their girls bpd i Ori Points to a<a.w" - Dalie'a 50, and Ih -If boys Dav1.'s RBI+ vicly ycwno hod 121 S"lu Dnuia's 425 an the gids' s4de frkrm sin. But i[ wns still a pmdls- .1" i. who cialeled the 1IXI - lkvu d:ly Forth. War Ltaylee, b......_k. 1n I:U7.22. 1`117" boyo arulgWs Bnidred •Vicladn nsua]ly swims Nina or a.cnnd in 14 cnxnthe 100 Ily and dors arnlly Freshman Mackenzie L "R�ynvlds is :1 Ceallyrs. wcl I. so it wns nice to sec her medley rely" Urnbk rl strong I.:ent 4nd has some swim a diff Feer er:nr arld White. Shonf and Hellon cdlcnl aw immur.. xa it still be able la flax first;' [inishrd sowed in the 200 x•as ince cu hr able l: sea us she said, ins rckry. of +Ileac events;' Fnr the Devic glrls. ICmj. on the bgys'side, Wyatt: coach Jcnni: IC imel said. Shonf Was second in [h. Capci-d wets second in the Thurla on the Durlr bays 2U0 tree and IIX1 hulierny. 50 Fres land 100 fres" Adam cnplurcd the:1 Itccstyle at SinolIoli win. second lir IN Gledhill was second in the 2x[13.713 (the =kkn .np was 100 individual medley. 5in- 100 backstroke- Copeland, 2:Od33)trod rhe 5[70 f n[ npoli, Riley Whl7e." upon Mik7Yaii }tools, Micah LJgle 5:37.02 (the ruruur-up wrnl and Muke este Lmberg.r and Thurla were a Ild in 3:37.477. Halton of like D6.ie finished semnd in the 200 the 2(10 medley rclny" Ellis Boys Roll Shorthanded South Shorthanded but scrappy Somh'a undoing: 1t aid nw swept by Suulh 1as1 s &son, South envie hue][ '1 f r connect I cony rungs in Ow" By.. priced Snuck .sl of the R.L.. ', but the like Middle quarters" with eight. Crenshaw, woo Fill. boys baskolsnit teem "le kind of snawbnl led Was ax'emging t6"6, w J, 4nlu high P.:ar in the from 11re[r;' MayfFald sold- i m seYrll1 Reynolds and third quarter and ran away "We -0"'1 get it going." Hayden WI11I-. had five frrm111ust South. 60.30, on "l5mn h's four unn vniL -b- De ach" Dec. 7" ahlc. pl:rycrsl look soma of The Jaguars remained tikeluster.3ffljr.game;'EI!"n 7'hv Tiget's and u cupcake perfeul T 5-0, and none ur clxwh Tmccy Amvld .mid. w n, 63.7, al SI -Faint m them has been riyso. This ix "H alnpl.m cnrdrd us 3n the Dec. 8. It I. [sauced in I he best alnn in the Ir 1d-yror firs[ half" Even Ihvugh they l2 palm. Inn first half IhaI 1+iatory, :iernt h, which had didn't here (wnma my IikeiY s w Snulh (7-Ilup 3R-:-. rcry gvnu by at teal guys, 111ny ware hustling and Reynold. Ilnishodl w{Ih 14. 10, st"mhled Io 6-I - scrappy. They really uu[hkas- JT Bumaarnm had nine and Thaigers pbryeS without lW' us in the els[ awlf " Crenshaw eiyhl" MJ Flolleman I - f) Pnin is The Jaguars gvl in per g:nite man Rceklan- gruuve in the rillM,'fale Noah Dnuiu split n pair, wrlId, 2ymeir Lewis and Crnley's eIallt paints fu:li ng w ming ar'"Te w r Cal- Cnluh Sleelc. That's 16rcu 020-g lcsr.A l-^_-2 press also rnry uu Dec. 5 nqd losing slnrt.rx aqd elle sixth men" ba]ped crease :146-"-+3 hulKa. 11 lilgh I'aMl Cl+risrinn on 131q nen Crcnshuw, U.ven We trled to ger it into Dec" r, The outconux left I3yerx and Jack Rsyaujds an op -and -down Balm and t1+e Wilds at 2.2. No other nifcd 3 -poi niers In Ihr ep.cJ uplha tempo;'Amokl details ware availnblc, flat eluartei. Nntc Hamlarul said, "Wc were nhle ea wear Ill 60 - Not. Hampton w:rcd whh eigln cony ilk down, We gal cosy 14, •fine C:lrnay 16, lake p+rnrnls as u.4 he quunrr ended bueketa and look' control. Paw.. S, Luke WHllarns S. with 61 Lis:1huad 14'9. Two Sinned Plelying wail, Luke Si son 3, 7n'Hnroe South led 9.11.1 kokw point. They w c paying n e A3addax 2, Shwmarr l ir- and !t clwithin 14.11 d[Ie _i to Nale al iha Idgh Bron 1, Ryan Wolin. 21 Jake cnriy in 1=r.ml gnimer. post and 7irta slnatod got ¢y] Hf11 ?, A[ox Summers 2, "live Played as lr�td a8 to work along the hnsclinc. Cnmrkn Be a. we wild piny irntit we gar Zn'liaree {Maddox] rl4d x 6.Davie3y-UwcnSy- tired;' South rand. Germain good ]ob nF Pulling pressum 8, Ben Crenshaw' 7, Jack M:tyliekl said. "IWId+ PJn9 stn and causing haver, He Reynolds 5, Hayden Wil - leading I4.] 17, we had four wns Pushing Ill. boll and IInnis 5, JT Su myaYller 4, y[nlighl Passessians whore linding easy bask". r r an:' Andrew Shuler 1. node feu l ud plays and 1'hlmplan [ t9 pain.] ar d S. I>»sin 63. S14rm cd lamed it oras" Camey [so:son-high ! 6] did 7 -Jae}:' R eynolds 14. J'f In elle line! four minul- all Iheir coring in tike jlrxt Bumganla 9, Ben Crenshm n! [he half, she Jaguars ex- "' quaHare. Jake Powers S, Fiala R-ki-wall 6, IenJcd a Il vc-Pohl IeaJ 1p rind Luk. WiMOMz added 0-. layers 6. Jock Nixon S. 26-19" H=moron had 14 of Sue each . I llis gal a moo- Flayrlen WIN tianu 5. Zyrneir them Pl irk .-usion. Yon or sake of rer.nge for getting Lewis 4, Aiden Smith 2. M! 1.11c.w 2, Calc6 $1 -1.2 - 9th Grade Basketball Team Drops To 0-3 O.O.'. frrshman bays lop smrcrs were L ch timrih quarrnr to blow it wlda nprn hasketh¢Il [.oto WI m n-3 (sense pointwl'Cbasr Caner aflu it was 33.34 ar the end will road losses to C r {sial-Noa]a Bc hannon in") of dta third" and South lrcdoll-and J.loh""kk l Four]_ Johnson and Justin The game at Ca_, 'r+ :n The War Eagles .Fere no Lunsford had faun ppims Foec.93cas cies ehmaghnu[. mesh r sokukh ]redell r'a apirc.eapaeeIl Samuel wide Dade trulipg by este- z_1.joksjng Tl 29. Som, Headri5.33ca1rannan.Saot- Ihraxadf le as Mccad of hr put up 28 pain. is eke fara'Ih tis 1.y. -o Carter and I_h. fire¢ thea quersrrn Derie g Allen hal purr mch_ Freshman Riley White made a reg tonal Consideration time in the 100 breast, 2016 Christmas Services f UNnEk D METT[ OMST CHURCH 305 North Moi. Sweet, Mockrsvilte You are cordially invited to the Eighty ,Second Annual Candlelight Concerts presented by the Chancel Choir Identical l 5:00 p,m., Sunday, Dec. 18. 7:30 pAr., Sunday, pec- I8 7:30 p.m., Mantra', Dec. 19 Nurse Care Presided 4:00 p.i= die 11:00 I E3ATE5 � � 1 js3arrmr•�!a"1drc1 •rtFC27(2g j 1 +r-+[•�rrreo.ekc°�m a3a 5]69617 1 LLw7ma utaaaeir moor o -� J 0 SOUTHERN srA7FS Gavle Farm Service• Per, 116 wltkermm 51., me k.rinr (33617s�-gpx7 •Year rout t.urr. g.rd.n end lane vvly aaa. s nu 1951• n,krRg oumoa = '. I Doap $elevlca Sdcy - Serycc • liislahation Cdl urlw Wy.v. ,. nr Jll rer^tri r ,..,..srrt.,nr c' 336.492.2688 For where fTJJo ar fjiree aregathered m ocher ire my aurae, here am I err rhe mins[ of thews. " kl.rrikesy 18311 p•s 6ARg,L •ut N"Ck•mnrn Vic, ti+,. k..i:", NI' (338)751-5820 Eaton Funeral Service 3n Nred+Al:un"¢, fvakrrelk. NC 270M 13367751•�14a •u•nnakw FarrSilyy Care CenEer of Mocicsville TPmmero Falk PA -C 1:11MIMub°ro Scu M°�eks.ine (336)753-og60 DAV1 F_ CCAWI-V F_%TERPR"j} RECl Ill D. Th umda}', bee. 15. Ii116-B7 This scripture message brought to you by these businesses who encourageyou torvnrship atthe church oiyour choice. '1F/'►' C • MlT,LF-R r'e.' s...kqulpment mita � 10-i �..� �. leult ak yu s w�"r'4w"r"y'"`an"r1" q "'+•a * �'6 uocKsvnBOiE"N°cmn' 336-751-2364 rn T6rB266r'+ Zu] IF -,,and S_ SF " In Andrew I. Rir:rs OMA a...•:33fi751 J 2a9x . ter seas„yrnumrnsnawn- 5�y2d 79ac 5 TM �: ��� •�arna l'n•••y 5..re {396] 909-0869 1776} g09-0aS0 ts.arll.d.N - shRaf C0 CR. MptkaWlle, NC a3s-isi-�9s� -�:2uav Shores Plumping & He aling riw+'reird 3T 5465 r1 k si MocksuXle, NC PM 751-5553 /01 100 I R�•eNI OFF 1 1lVCODIr 56ATHY 01 785 Y 3 Imad k5edrnW. Re L---- -1-!!2- - J SPILLMAN'S Isom FUEL OIL xlro4m�,y v�'rr �aeryf Iii Tedd hr IeRrery �1;�� � � i Nlftira �x�rlrl � ■Oaf/ 1 F4eh11NCTIIN er GENTLE .I6'I'7'yFFllllt Weathed Muck A9tiquesEC611estihlES STOW}rdtrLCH'8N PS1gI1L SJrciulw-i sin lYSOi mrt,r� Mactline&Toot iota azo FIEDMONT DRPIE r.e nrewe eeWr RarrRaa. �4fAa . • rlaa 2716 H' .601 North LEXINGTON, NC 27295 ncuvlalr lLV]SII•i19L6 3331aN-C JI..Faa1N.•:taa .FIC h4 Mvl11Q,NC 27026 .3.36-249-2591 93&99B�'lpG SSW9i:-5979 •• ii6-tai-rwaa,•,,,�� 33G492-5055 smanem-rmmeillC Woos La1mp.5.aIr.,.Y w�wuk..ilb w T.a ss fW..wF1pAaM:lmrtysli 19W 5� wk. -s .Ywn FarmIR9t411 Goad /Yr>fcri�f.---' "� `tl .,"'A �.1T���LS WrBCa9tSBrVICB,IiIc. Fur•t>=1:P.+. HOME 24nwu1iw:danoawasemw i 1 4 [lf•C111dI'y R! Ilrltrrbaro - I!C IS W1r'=dxerl9� M1Azk•yuk, tis' Smell, ge41Pm 611myy Iraq M To"t-pp_.rip r Mt.e, w r'"•e��� (3361751.1100 °• o :B95NItbar�Rwld•xkarine rWavnfuneralaumanrr � 336.94& -2898 -mite "�' rn �K•-n+�'• 386-7'1S•1f167 w!• 336.80.7256-Meh11e [336] 753-6090 ",.,358.768-�31 1-lAY►YORTH-MILLER j';/ Ylkltnele's rieW & f•111�f:RAI. 1iC7\1F. --� 6w Palleto used VarietY Store ax -, K.,0 rt"nw'.n LARRI' ][ell! IEL-P¢Imlane-�n,n 998Yedld. la Rd., Mockwille A+1nau•x �C:-':Ix+n l9nh MedvHYeri.-,.,.ew.y Hi II,l7F,liti J-� +fiS Tyrkay Foot :ed r.d.+zI 336.94E_5555 336-751-9022 MPckavllte, Fac 27= �- 3"36.345.0996 336.492-5565 (336) 753-1388 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 330 S.sdiLlar st, lloclasie L11TIS CH00 CHOO SHOP 495 Valley R-kd 33Fr751-353$ S8G 5.5lkiry A.- oc MWle, HC 27029 336-751-2141 � 0 Speneer,NC 2S 159 vrvnr.lrlr04-637-871 op.cem 3ar'�sa-oRua www:h�rmrarna:.c 7G4.6s7-e717 FULLER='2* MMogaiemhpnsaS,YuFaaiale�b. rirrrra,Ye 1riu7aePce2n•gn SyP3py4r-.e4esxYp.5e4eN9nu Merr lc>i aCrrs uist., o n ProIalen Laser Cug&MFLf PROCESSING canceteCoins.'6W. Cg¢fPM Me[ ods Beer - Pat - peer 336-3452� uk 33375 1-3712 Adrar.caHe 39m'7o11 Lyme Ply faire Sine. 7 ass E1E Uralic -sS n: e• L`rs, ear P ms =.,&tea.-2�:ply__ ki-acanim iko�ter. 184 Cw,aNl SC • M okcl.0ille 751-7118 88- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Tburad y,Dr 15. as 16 PICKLES I WRtTE ALL MY MOTES ON rr, LIKS-r IS omE, 5EE? �- jWHPP81T5�4� _uH4'1rrrPFUN&ET SOXT MOPS DIGS p 17[6 BY BRIAN CRANE 'YOU SHOULD GET SNIART- PNoME LIKE MIME, ITACTOALLY WMK66E-rMR Ir -YOU NAVE Ul`fLETIMY FINGERS ANaCOW EYE6116IRT ❑ USTIN BY STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM BY MIKE PETERS - DAL7EC[]LTti7'Y F�itiRPRl5k RTdC[7Rf1, Thursday-, ..-_ 1S_ZoIe-CI People Mocksville First Mehhodist's Chancel Choir will perform th roo concerts for candle IIghting services Doc. 1E and Dec. 19. A Holiday Tradition First Methodist To Hold Three Candle Lighting Services, Concerts Ity Mike Hendrix _"farmed from kuw:m un her. lie another and uI=h has .I+I changed choir Ind 1110 gregatiun Special to the Enterprise County In 1836. The aunt suggested titnl First since 1934. join xugeehcr in singing church had just turned MethoM.,I's Cllrislmnz Today, after eight "Silent Night'- and light- Fint. United Methodist 1011 years old in 1434 carol service cartel ude decades. the Christmas ins individual candles. Church will celc6rnte its when Jane 143-eS Craw, with everyone in the Cnncen and Candle just as it has been done Barin Annuld Choir Con- :t member and town rest- church lighting a candle Lighting Service are n far the last 8� years' con and Candle Lighting deal,. nderl u candle and processing uoi of the highlight and tndil ion of Mere rs and visitors 54 -i at 5 and 7 p.m. light service at Salem sancwary singi ug "Silent the Christ— season for leave the church holding M Sunday, Dec_ 18, sad Cnllcge. where she was o Night" a. was done Ia hundreds of i7ovie res;- their candle ns Christmas nt 7:7[1 p.m. an Mondoy, eollcgc student. Salem College. tie nts. ao much sv that canriz are sung, Dec. 19. Fir -9t Mcdtodisl hada The church me mbe- three idcnticul services Outside the church Concerts will ba in the sery;re in which Christ- liked the addition of tl- ,Ire pr led e.wh year. there ix an ethereal glow church aanetuury at 310 mux curu]a were sung candles and. Ihus, a Iradi- 77tc ch. sanctuary•• from dozens of lighted H. Mn;n St., Mackaville. by the choir and church tion was horn, u cntditiun which is tismd un the luminaries as individu- The public is invited to memhers. Miss Crow thnl will 6e o6sctved for Natlunnl Register of Hix- nix make their way m I a pan of this Davie mne home from college the Sand time is 2016. toric pintas, is sd—ed the nod visy scene on the County tntdilian. Nuts- for Christmas holidays After same yeah cite with dozens v+f prrinsc!- church lawn. cry cure will be provided and laid her mot her. Christmas can't ser- tias.:i huge Christman liven thoush Ibis for young children at Mnry Hanes Crow- And cc tmnsillnned to a nor tree, and righted by a is Hiled with teed service• her_ant, If I.—he Hanes m formal concert candles. After the chair Imdi tions morn than 80 First Methodist Cleent, about the Christmas music by the ends the concert by sang- years otet, then isa nes• Church wos orgunitcd candle lighting service at Chancel Choi r, but qtr ins the mnjesiic'•He]- addition ur two this yam. in 1833, three years Salem College that had lighting of candles and lelujah Chorus" rmm 1-onnnl Rawl, rc- before Davie County made such un impression procession not of the Hcndel-s MN rih, the n._.b. ritW il! sing 11111 S:nh6inu.' Frank Voltz. well known harpisl from winston-salem. will lel ay two —1 - on the harp as well as . Is -m route pre - Inde befnrc 111. %cr,= begin. lank Ann W; Ison, s . prano, is singing "who! songs Wert sung:' Ilarbaru Basham is tit. d [mctnr of t he Chazice I ct-ir: Tommy Dann is urganixr. Marc Stone is pianist. The Rc Dr_ Glenn Mycm Is pastor. "file public is invited t. ny of the three ser- vices of this Christmas I mditmn of many Mocks - '111e and Devic cu." Ly families. Allaa eamette receives the Order of the Lang Leaf PIRe hem N.O- Rep. Julla Howard NOV- 27 at Center Methodist- At right. Howard with three recipi- ents of the award: Sandra Snyette• Barnette and Nancy Tutterow- Boyette, Barnette Earn Order Of On Sunday- Nov. 27, governor, bestowing on ing: Dav c Coumy Se- bcvelopmem A_s i - Aliec Andeuson Bameue Blnntelt. the amt.'s hi nior Cenler, 1-41 Sun;or ricin and v worker at the as presem.d he Order est civilian honors. Games, pmcimt nfi-ielnl Crntee Fair and barbe- of ib. tang Leaf Pine After her retirement o election days, and in c _ during worship service Al fmm many years at many lead—hip roles in u Also in anendancc Center united Methodfsr Mocksville FJemenrary• her church where she has that day were Nancy'ltrl- Church, school. Barnette has served as Lay d Lraer and terow IJ 199 recipient NC House Rep- Julia continued xa wlunteer an many boards. She iM of the award who refired Howard made the pre- her time and energy m also a dedicated member with 45 yews of service xeatasioo ou behalf of the mann capar tics ipelud. of rbc Cerra Cot unify in rhe Date Cvtmty Rrg- Lang Leaf Pine ister of Deeds Office and +v-�eksilldDavic parks was the firxl woman In Recrcati.n where Mi.run for elected office in was covrdtnurar for use the county)- and Sandra lord Senior Games each H.Y. e. .oho ret —cl v r She ars. worked the award at ,Ll ueksviile'> "i the Da ie Youth F7=ins United %jeth"j- Cn.r -zi and found Cunt ist Church the pre••foos to coach wvmm+s tennis Sunday. aoyenc worked at Doric Cout+ty Hjg�h for many v with the School f- several year%. C2 - D&V! E COUNTY ENTERMS£ RECORD. Thumm!”. Oce. 15.2016 Hours. Business Women Learn Tho firs[ Davie Busi- I" a place for Icnru i ng and s es 1'or Ihoeo in ,+cel, s Womc s A>!sucialion givleig. Fvrthose in ihu con+- eT]--ler xwR int m+ulinn. IDBWAI Batla-s After in— ly who aro teas toms- c¢nlacl Dumas ae ArYarrrrdu- Hours was ¢ sacccss, rat • Ju Ho wide. r n st pe pre jnh erne. 2 Ifl�yvrkoa-esu r. II roes haW lel Jus[ FI lrainin food clontin and Also ns CD s• s pme.enteu Inc off North Main Street In other ileal and earn le Eaprns by Gladys Scol[. It Mocksvile. wkh events, such as mor le i,<n Eogix[ie smirn 'I'm pro- Krysnd pumas shnnd nights for The Fnm4ly. Wlwt a rides cooner s¢rvkoe: from thol lust Hope Inc. iv num ♦-'rent pl pec to sirup for gen- docnmen[s suns to n ccnnin than a co gmmenl shop, tly used ilcros and ph-lrlu humncssys ler pigeons x1m Lions Sell Citrus For Holidays l7n Dec. 7, the Mocks - vi le T-lo1+e Club received and sorted fm it Ie li 11 -do. Throughout the ane. The club's holiday I'mil sale is an annual Fund-rnjs- 4ng event to aid The visual- ly Eenpa4rcd and outer Bund ,.us - a Lilt yaar,elub ntembens [eke, orderand sell frieli Fruit during the holiday sell s�- Th Tram ..TC about eho Lions Chth or in becoming +ember, -11 See— Thltrxt at 336-751-0066 or George IGimbmly Ae 336-909.31' g. Ruritans Selling Barbecue The Nerch Davie Ruri- lan Club Is wiling borne- -a pork H -,*a butts for pickup on Friday, Dec. 23 From 3.5 P_,. m. ax $ Ip k3earms Church Rvact. Mocksville- 'I'hecost k, S30. Cali Bill shethon ¢t 336.492.7442 - Luminaries Sat., Sun. At Garden Valley About Just Hope Lu+uiaariea will tine the ximr[x of the Darden Valley —I aI s[ntc- Mainly used by onlh ¢t Sun Tmsl Bank, tnei[Lhhorinxxl in MocksWlle Ingersoll Rand [. Iranspon envies- ulherwis- nnmd IN ore Saturday, Doc. 17 and R n[ sonde nee, l dunk. � b tc DB WA Forabor+k ¢ ors i � sera¢, t] Y compmse b Pager - t Off they will lmnsPon ¢]meal DB WA firings tvJe eso In A m y, t l anythiltg.l Fin need oFimnn- businaas wnrnen or diverse 8anf.u.t Avcnuc puss Ingcr- poning s methieg, convect occupations to help Ream- a.11 Rand off Vdlcy Ruad. Srolt ne oralxpasa2fH$rnsn• selves and eubers grove per- -vers the evcnl -very year. cru na41y "W profrss4onally _-lb P.— permh[ing. The DBWA meds the through networking, sola Li&u about-' ha g3ewiag li rel Wednceelay of eakeh pore, ant, carn,raderlp, by dusk. Shooting Sports Club Members In our Churches Holiday Plays Saturday At Wyo Bible Methodist Wyo H4h1a Mcll1*lIf$1 Clntrch, 3923 Wyo Road,Vadk- 1.nville, will prcseni tree play eelcd "A-lormcov Comion and key i'and the skit tilled, •Stormy Nighl.linly Nighr- on }aluday, Dec- I7 lel 6 p,m. The plays nee written by Fred Passmore of Shcrp Lough puhllcnt4ons- Fpr more ofr.n ... toll 336-463-2529 or 336463- y77G. Country Christmas Breakfast Saturday At Pino Methodist Wesley Chapel Unned Methodist L`hurcll will be all decked out roe Christmas on Saturday, Dec. 17Corn coun- ery hmakf-t. wkh cnumly hem. sausage, scrambled eRga. grits, red-eye gravy, sawmill grnry, finked apple.Wa made biscni[s, hultar,jelly, orange juice and off Wln Awards lire rhn-la Is three miles wcn or Vmrninytn0 }use ofTnf NC FLO] North N Plnn P.O. Cvwlen Memarld 4-H rat North Cnrcl inn team. Hunter Armstrong qunl- to nil of the youth who n 5lsytan R Harp. Shooking Speerut Club rep. 7c4• Smlcy iv anked f•In, iRed In rillc, and Srcphen competed in [he Slate ¢H anted Davie 4-li well ! M lha xln[e in ahmgun. H'aiker andChrist tun Mock Shuct4ng 51-sru, 'rwrruk- Santa To Be At Salem and dtmc ware selected li She also quoit 0ed in moa- qualified in ntunWlvader. mem; said Hannah Elnuuu, nnlivnnl Irymns to be on 11u elclvader. -A huge Wngmwlaeian Davie 4.11 Itp[eresion agent. Breakfast Saturday 704-278-4973 Boy Scouts Selling BBQ Boston m Salem United Methodist Clwreh will bask n umry ED hrmkfasr Salprday. Dec. 17 from 6-10 a,ln hair sults For Pick Up on Dec. 23 The menu +vi31 include biseui,s, ham. sausage, Tandcr- loin. eggs, grits, gravy, and looked apples. Pancukcs win be ter madc to onkr [Ir'x h "bar"monk ft. so Iherc will be a pun+p- UMC M 40 Year Warranty kin option], Santo Claus will be 1fee- from 9-lO eau,, 64 rd? Boy Senut Troop 505 nruly an PrDec. 23 ihnx one will be provided to 'nm Lnlied 1><•twrxn bring your dtild nrkl camera. Crafts and baked goods will Donotktnx help ' NC 4enlor Meth- lO n.m. and ? pan, p ntxely family.he avilable- will be accepted w satisfy the odisl Church is srEling Eau- nk utc Cenecr rent;Hul. cow is 5311 each. lvn Bet1H for CIIriAimns. 1f nnyvrw is lncrestcd in C.nkmt MWe Baker ul mungnge and c.n tout o building]arlile$ lila church is on Salem Chunh Rvml, just ani Davie -q.q«j$ slan Bmt will Fat Cebasing one [o he domak 336.971.3457 yr Chasily I-,-�eclk II=11—B Academy Rood soudleast Of l -4o, be p,-porerl w+.1 cooked and cd 1. A Strmkuluse for Jcsirs Baker a 336197? -3+71 I - This year. stuff their piggy banks instead of their stockings 7o loam about all the hpl iany gift opt 10— 4v 4.bka tali or v+ate }inanrlhl ad�is.r tachy JACOB'S TERN STORE s Goingvel unm R040e t. 24T11 Cantata, Love Feast Sunday At Cooleemee Methodist The Christmas Cantata "Heuvaa's Child" -111 lee pre- savinl at CrwEecmee United Methodist Church on suodity, Dec. I B let 7 prn. Following [he contain o Love Feme. celLbra[ken of Clermunos will he led by Txaror Patrick Mprivn, Christmas Play Saturday At Erwin Temple Church A Christmas play will he pasentcd at Erwin Temple Church Smia-day evening at 6. The title or the ploy is. "A Sim Too For" nder the dimednh of loon Gebir- 71W. will he prone dancing by some or the yomn a! the church during the POOgram. Light ref 11 -nems will be nxd. The progmrn is given by rho Baud of Chrlslloni Ed- ucation -'rhe ehue,eh is or 155Erwin Temple Church Road, The Rev. Ervin L. Haxtnah Jt- is paupr. nAVfE C43U NTY ENTFk1"R15R RECOR b, That -da). Dec_ 15, 2oih - C3 _y ,• r'it �II+ J S � � � L Soelety Bapusl Church invites everyone to take a drive through Bethlehem the night of the bl rth of Je9u6 Chris[, God's only Son, from 5.8 p.m. this Saturday, Dec. 17. As scenes from last year show, you will sae the hustle and hustle of Kathie hem Square, Sethlerhom lnn with no vacancy, shepherds to nd Ing their sheep, angels announcl ng the bl nit of Jesus and sl ng Ing praises, Mary and Joseph with Baby JB sus In the manger, WISe Men from Sha East plus many other ave nfs- Enjoy Some cookies and a cup of hot chocolate . The church is Garden Volley and Soolety mads, .3 mile off US 64 about .9 mile east of 1-40. Exit 162. rJF.OR R kew l � j � .. '?,•tom s �" . Ti+' County Line L Drive- Through r. At ■ 6y Shirley Thermo Ser, be sure W bundle up meplbers also invim every- Cauney Line Cerrecpondcnl with ¢ Few Inycm a£elvthing one to join Ihrm for I1 and anend the —en". Our worship follownl by n cov- Cannly I tr.wrs are bear- folks have p4[ a lot of eFPnrt ercdlt [7tC4sErnas d4nncr ing for another bled of in preparing and irxm oring at 1:30 p -m. Sunday in the cold air with lemp8 dipping them. 1e11awahip hall, in the mid -kens ranigh+ Be xterc to include a drive Fnjpy a clwl. leas c ('nlundoy) berom reaching through Bnlxlc helm the nigh[ toile F rc rucd by the sa a predi=d high temp of 60 or the birth of Jesus Christ [nary choir of Clvks Z 5andny, Again, 1>r sure to tome S -B p.m. Somrdny, United Mcehal4sr Church px cluck on elderly neighbors Drc- E7 al Soelely Bnptisl the 9 n —hip serve.+. and eaereixe cayribn with Church. enjoy s¢ nwk- Sol 'y.l].ve- IA- spnce heaters, frcpl ores, les and bra cl,: q.1 le while 5ociely 8ap[isl miles and Christmas lights and wing the many eveues.n everyone Cur -'rate Chrkst- dcwrmionx- 'lilt Jeerer, ehc rand to the stable where m clot. -An ifneapecl- e pee],dly cut evergreen Mnry gave birth and Iomr ed Chr,semas" ¢r aha lI p Chri.tmas tans. e- be a ttw rfaath and re_we¢eclion worship servicx Sunday, m fire bmard if unattended- of Josue Vhrlu_ Cnlvs y Baptist will pres- Ca rcomenunhy has rlamy piney Grove ANNE Xeon ane the Christmas program C}uiatmas events planned Church invhcs everyone In "Feunhly Bumbly Angels" for yvurenjoynene bc[ween their church Christmas play lex 6 p.m. Suralny- Church now and Chrlsttnas I]ny. at 5 p.m, Sarunt,y, Church members invite everyone �1 4CKS V I LLE FAMILY DENTISTRY .Jason Caput. U.Q.S.. P,& 113 Marteelpfae, arwo. 1A.d et.crrl.rr Mne646, NC 27026 row,m9c: ildamlyd.nlAbraa (336) 753-6630 C nee program followed by • Piney ti cove AM E?.io-. Bc sa-' ea mark chis up - ,narks and rel luwshlp in the 9 a.m. warship Stevie. tmly; coming a unity event fellvwsh i p hal I. • I'lensnm View Baptist, nn ysmr calendar. commu- CIrrksbury Utl4ted Meth- 10 u.en- "¢achy sahn.l and oily n+eal Ituaecd by Snlem ¢dist. will hove the church 11 a. m, worship service; United Methoell. al G p.m. Christmas Pres mm al l p.m- - S-11" United Mcfleod- i'oliu W by games fat alt ptklay, Pae- 23, ist. FO o.m- worship -raker ¢gas Friday, Me- 36 - Is invited Ie the program with Center United Method- Dorman Beck conlinaes T,1 Euwed by anhcks and fel. Is[ al Salera: +h l t "'aro p di,gnustie krau lowship plus a visit from • Sectary noplist, t I a.m, xregarding bis back fracture Sant, in the fellowship hall. ..hip service only. Frain a in11. Regina Care" Snicm United Mcihod- w With all of there Christ- eupecuting ar home int will hnve the Chrisnl+as rens this coming but required knerrcoey program m 7 prn Friday, week, everyone la going to leeatmen again lose week: Dec. 23. Everyone is invited need a hcnkhy breakfave. ewller she was dni)nosed to .he program fell lowed by Be sure Ir, joln the Salem with a light amke- Docker shrieks and fellowship. (Irieed MedtOdist Men l r hex been mcuperueiag al Tier. V -Pater l2uNeans will hrcnkf [ C t 6.10 n home since Wcdncsdry of meet a[ 7 p.m -today [Than- this $aha -day al the allow- lase week, sere wall and day] at the V -Poi lel Building ship boll. The buffet menu Gladys Griffith rem rn In w prepare l-ol baskees m be Melted- eounxty harp rad rchah a1 Au[anut Care of delivered to shut-ins in the urage, s ambled eggs. MxksviFle. Peggy �'..I_y "o"a+uaby- grits• finked opt, — red.sye remains In rchah m Maple Dur focal churches will gravy, sausage gravy, his- Leaf Nursing Caner or be ha, g special rchcdn le, cuics, :moi drink- pee ekes Stalesvillc- for Sunday, C1161 -+os nay: ¢re -ry 1 upon request. Join us in prayer for ehe • CnI_ 8nplial, i I run. tyauae 4uns will be accepted, Corti's divine Ieeallag and Wen,ldp service alkly: Shop the bezoar whle fur n blessings upon Dorman. Re- Clatksbury United dessert for Sundsey dinner., gins, Docker, Helly, Gladys, Methodist. 10 a.m.. -.MWp unique crc£ted Chrietru¢s Peggy, a04 admr residents �ervjre nnlY': [Life- who arc huving health pmb- lcasContinue to rte - berin prayer Elie families REN :" a utrd ul he man'' fin. M a r_wthwd .. no take end Gael4nbnrg PAINTI N and chc many families wllo y� remain diaptared or hnvr ti=R hero off ted h}• Hurricane 11 R Mntrhew. For n amt mcmurics W share, please call Shirley .n 33&492-5115 or email 336-909-11 "211111111111"" ,duce„kacr„.nnarr<.�a r�Come into any of our Retail store locations J from December 10-23, make a purchase, and spin the wheel for instant prize money, w prizes, or special savings on Yadtel products or services! Yadtel' ���'��' ■aepLea� - [saris:.-�� -rrns��Pk••••r.rrr.. t 5lsytan R Harp. 555 Parks lid. METAL US „-=--�-t.� - n Woodleaf, NC ROOFING 5539 H I SI sW1n 104 704-278-4973 T Caverege - 40+ Color& AdEi-94 neo 7.71'106 XF.dwm'dJBOeti 94. s,6o - -.4.. r .d Tues: Fri. IO -6- sat. 9-4 yet t11lAMYEtfEyrf[i[a,9® cle+sed sue. a.Ld iron. 40 Year Warranty 8-8-30 www.ourdavie.com 704-2 0 I1111111-0MHIMILS � mr cam; tic nAVfE C43U NTY ENTFk1"R15R RECOR b, That -da). Dec_ 15, 2oih - C3 _y ,• r'it �II+ J S � � � L Soelety Bapusl Church invites everyone to take a drive through Bethlehem the night of the bl rth of Je9u6 Chris[, God's only Son, from 5.8 p.m. this Saturday, Dec. 17. As scenes from last year show, you will sae the hustle and hustle of Kathie hem Square, Sethlerhom lnn with no vacancy, shepherds to nd Ing their sheep, angels announcl ng the bl nit of Jesus and sl ng Ing praises, Mary and Joseph with Baby JB sus In the manger, WISe Men from Sha East plus many other ave nfs- Enjoy Some cookies and a cup of hot chocolate . The church is Garden Volley and Soolety mads, .3 mile off US 64 about .9 mile east of 1-40. Exit 162. rJF.OR R kew l � j � .. '?,•tom s �" . Ti+' County Line L Drive- Through r. At ■ 6y Shirley Thermo Ser, be sure W bundle up meplbers also invim every- Cauney Line Cerrecpondcnl with ¢ Few Inycm a£elvthing one to join Ihrm for I1 and anend the —en". Our worship follownl by n cov- Cannly I tr.wrs are bear- folks have p4[ a lot of eFPnrt ercdlt [7tC4sErnas d4nncr ing for another bled of in preparing and irxm oring at 1:30 p -m. Sunday in the cold air with lemp8 dipping them. 1e11awahip hall, in the mid -kens ranigh+ Be xterc to include a drive Fnjpy a clwl. leas c ('nlundoy) berom reaching through Bnlxlc helm the nigh[ toile F rc rucd by the sa a predi=d high temp of 60 or the birth of Jesus Christ [nary choir of Clvks Z 5andny, Again, 1>r sure to tome S -B p.m. Somrdny, United Mcehal4sr Church px cluck on elderly neighbors Drc- E7 al Soelely Bnptisl the 9 n —hip serve.+. and eaereixe cayribn with Church. enjoy s¢ nwk- Sol 'y.l].ve- IA- spnce heaters, frcpl ores, les and bra cl,: q.1 le while 5ociely 8ap[isl miles and Christmas lights and wing the many eveues.n everyone Cur -'rate Chrkst- dcwrmionx- 'lilt Jeerer, ehc rand to the stable where m clot. -An ifneapecl- e pee],dly cut evergreen Mnry gave birth and Iomr ed Chr,semas" ¢r aha lI p Chri.tmas tans. e- be a ttw rfaath and re_we¢eclion worship servicx Sunday, m fire bmard if unattended- of Josue Vhrlu_ Cnlvs y Baptist will pres- Ca rcomenunhy has rlamy piney Grove ANNE Xeon ane the Christmas program C}uiatmas events planned Church invhcs everyone In "Feunhly Bumbly Angels" for yvurenjoynene bc[ween their church Christmas play lex 6 p.m. Suralny- Church now and Chrlsttnas I]ny. at 5 p.m, Sarunt,y, Church members invite everyone �1 4CKS V I LLE FAMILY DENTISTRY .Jason Caput. U.Q.S.. P,& 113 Marteelpfae, arwo. 1A.d et.crrl.rr Mne646, NC 27026 row,m9c: ildamlyd.nlAbraa (336) 753-6630 C nee program followed by • Piney ti cove AM E?.io-. Bc sa-' ea mark chis up - ,narks and rel luwshlp in the 9 a.m. warship Stevie. tmly; coming a unity event fellvwsh i p hal I. • I'lensnm View Baptist, nn ysmr calendar. commu- CIrrksbury Utl4ted Meth- 10 u.en- "¢achy sahn.l and oily n+eal Ituaecd by Snlem ¢dist. will hove the church 11 a. m, worship service; United Methoell. al G p.m. Christmas Pres mm al l p.m- - S-11" United Mcfleod- i'oliu W by games fat alt ptklay, Pae- 23, ist. FO o.m- worship -raker ¢gas Friday, Me- 36 - Is invited Ie the program with Center United Method- Dorman Beck conlinaes T,1 Euwed by anhcks and fel. Is[ al Salera: +h l t "'aro p di,gnustie krau lowship plus a visit from • Sectary noplist, t I a.m, xregarding bis back fracture Sant, in the fellowship hall. ..hip service only. Frain a in11. Regina Care" Snicm United Mcihod- w With all of there Christ- eupecuting ar home int will hnve the Chrisnl+as rens this coming but required knerrcoey program m 7 prn Friday, week, everyone la going to leeatmen again lose week: Dec. 23. Everyone is invited need a hcnkhy breakfave. ewller she was dni)nosed to .he program fell lowed by Be sure Ir, joln the Salem with a light amke- Docker shrieks and fellowship. (Irieed MedtOdist Men l r hex been mcuperueiag al Tier. V -Pater l2uNeans will hrcnkf [ C t 6.10 n home since Wcdncsdry of meet a[ 7 p.m -today [Than- this $aha -day al the allow- lase week, sere wall and day] at the V -Poi lel Building ship boll. The buffet menu Gladys Griffith rem rn In w prepare l-ol baskees m be Melted- eounxty harp rad rchah a1 Au[anut Care of delivered to shut-ins in the urage, s ambled eggs. MxksviFle. Peggy �'..I_y "o"a+uaby- grits• finked opt, — red.sye remains In rchah m Maple Dur focal churches will gravy, sausage gravy, his- Leaf Nursing Caner or be ha, g special rchcdn le, cuics, :moi drink- pee ekes Stalesvillc- for Sunday, C1161 -+os nay: ¢re -ry 1 upon request. Join us in prayer for ehe • CnI_ 8nplial, i I run. tyauae 4uns will be accepted, Corti's divine Ieeallag and Wen,ldp service alkly: Shop the bezoar whle fur n blessings upon Dorman. Re- Clatksbury United dessert for Sundsey dinner., gins, Docker, Helly, Gladys, Methodist. 10 a.m.. -.MWp unique crc£ted Chrietru¢s Peggy, a04 admr residents �ervjre nnlY': [Life- who arc huving health pmb- lcasContinue to rte - berin prayer Elie families REN :" a utrd ul he man'' fin. M a r_wthwd .. no take end Gael4nbnrg PAINTI N and chc many families wllo y� remain diaptared or hnvr ti=R hero off ted h}• Hurricane 11 R Mntrhew. For n amt mcmurics W share, please call Shirley .n 33&492-5115 or email 336-909-11 "211111111111"" ,duce„kacr„.nnarr<.�a r�Come into any of our Retail store locations J from December 10-23, make a purchase, and spin the wheel for instant prize money, w prizes, or special savings on Yadtel products or services! Yadtel' ���'��' ■aepLea� - [saris:.-�� -rrns��Pk••••r.rrr.. t C4 - DAVEE COUNTY ENTFRP'RLSF RF CORd, Thursday. Dec. 15, 2616 +•Tt-fir - t.__ buy+ c l 1. ementary's wax museum. Cooleemee Student's Conduct Wax Museum By KC Smith randon. Each nwdrnt spoke lamb— Vaughttssa had n because she d»nks Ihry are C9aleeme. Corrraporufcnl with focus and o lltusinsnt interest liv Ing in Calordhd d- Sh. runs uulslrle and while sharing the lffes[yfes, times. "1 wou]d Ilk. to h.- p:'.".' wflh Iter friends. W c muttums nm usu- of tbin pCHWi. a sol of day, biY', NW only due [hough 1WInd Imek all located in large build- Ope. ! elurted asking hove Sunday off but Itavc in lh.l Ione would be better h s. with audio recoe.iingx gue¢tiuns nrd I ons in.— hdrindlty. off and .11 week. " b.cnusr Ihry had n Int marc to educate r{¢{Ives. mptod by. "You have to "Actually yex.l wm[J've, ¢Tuff- III— i. a I.. vC sluff Al Cooloem Elcmcnla- push the button:' Ereryonc is being destroyed today huI bt said today's ry S.ho.l, a live wax muse- When.¢ked {.'they would by the ek wmrt -here and sniff wn.n'I as edv" jonal. nmwag mk{ng place in the bora likwl to Ilve back in Ilial 1s aelu.lfy Inuking me OI W{II Agtelas snit she dia ,onto and ate 11r h those Ii=. n l.t or.nswer, reel xt 1 about mysclr;' -id would want In lire back greder. took up the whop wcyc Ilse xxmc - byl pat all t11f. Cantil bl. alit watch.¢ Ihcn. "L.nming 1x r-axim• mea. ng",d, youlube awnetimea an Ler n and W' en ier to gel E,nch student wm ouelit- Many ¢Indents said ltey phone 6v1 fl doesn't Inke n and. We hirv.smurr fund ted in colonial period :num like Ilia Mao of livlag hack latg C ]ter In lu+. inlerrxl Slr Cnnlaemer - Pnitc C$ and tltay mp-Waded jobs in c.I.W.1 times Lcsausc of that time while hav{ng they 10"'t Ii1, that every- IFI II aal aids 10 amvide better oIw i — thuir phmtes and _ under nding. they .don'[ do anything. All you had Iv do was 'ntey wouldn't "kind work- „'• 'S +war wufk up, push Ibe hand- ing first and III— playing '•fes r nod. bum or ring (M hell .inside. .ad she stuckma Logan pro- •'utero wercri t I. any 'Whail lotomtatim, Some things going on bock idler- snrdents rend their aotes.Iff like fi w, Driving Inday Is }�+ index ealyds anJ amrijority vary dongerom but In c had memori—d the inf - lomat lime..11 you had m worry ghoul was !'ullipg off n horse;'s.rd G' qnh Cral[¢, When eskers If eller. wxrc .. conte .tout nal having many Lo alydicmu ck tial sh a: -- III— "b.- usesihIt wenn', ns many d{sc4srx back then. -rhere rcn't m ninny f.k. stun - ' .. made that ern fd gel y„Ir -v: sick. Bing ou Id. you'll ,.t be more fit, being on rico- tmn{er can rues up your - V Mneyes. _ ny nrlmhted tftry h0J phones but Iltclr umc w - 1 e limilW Lccuusc of pnrontnl Landon Nichols and Reid Nail. Vls{tors could push the Alex Lester. button to learn more- .. DAV IF: COUNTY fw1TFJt PRISE RECORD. Th.—I. , ur-r_ 15.1016 - CS Bruce Vandoza and Siffsy Lussman descrl br t i e i r trade. cooleemee ... Cody Byrd, Eli Branham and Kevin Romero with tools of Iheirtrade- C.I.C." d From Pati. C4 and suppf les." Shr said liar- y' Ing a lot orelternlnie¢ c.rttld , G 1k bn thing if y.. were i n t al] [bc tim. and neem mnside. - _ - Way],rn Wnllor was quick Tom► to say he would like to liner - _�'---��'r's - lired bock Jun. "I wok,14 rnlllar live when Ill.rc was Tracie Rice and Caitlyn Smith describe gunsmllhing. a sol marc lhingN Iv do. Er- - k,rybody now Ss on .°unpin• - et>< 011 rite Lima. I Ili Ink shay should gel oulmd° a— d baa° more 1Lh. Back in d - } ✓vrZIJ41 IiRa's they would i work and I think it would be • goo! for kids Io exfttr{encc that :' ]r ••I like In work hard for - my things.. dolt's like .toff x hand... 41 me;' soya Skyt.r _ 6 Link. fary't1 Fair -id she m.ybe —.I,l liked to live bock then hntewsl the UUt_11 WI makers Camden Leonard and Jacob Woerz. dray Jo I. interesting. such 9 Brick makers Eileen Ca uan end Jaden Conner - as farming. how they nwke k,{eetrvnfus. F do not like Ihr -.Spy �.:-f� I. . � ..' - _ ..'' wiry- and uw.' ull`ddttg_ '1 dark.' Alra Aerate, soil a te` •' - - _. _ - ,•-•• •.._ --.' IdWI 111e beck dig til .r night would tee r In Cnl.nfal times b—.,.- Qmoeks illesmiles.com• ..eagh601btn.IiyHkeslo ih.y dor{ t have rleetrleily play on his computer. when and =hey hark, m work all asked it .omcan. task Its. @ _ Reasons to .resit us for your child's dental care: day" mmputcr ow.y imm him ^No I w-nutJnR wane ro Chl[drengot agreat dent.,. csprrtar,ae.Ewryvm.. teak, -•. for a week would he t4"i r. - lire back Shen b..usk, there he 101 >: now O� far t. ip dd dental S.0000 and "J4.•Lyes, emu was no electricity and na tht cnd.F,hLw.rld." . d weer.- m� ehIwwn. rl:n. r .ahslteas s+ercr.ts la lha°xnm ream wlll,[hlld mocks ]ll.smli¢¢.mm I cvuldn'1 wail to ]fear '. CVYtt sesrlm°niafs W¢praelk.safe sadatF°n. fwm ^ w114t Ire was going Iv say how inn tie C monis. W. only uta nen•fta chats.m WrWIg rid olFwhiueflu45gs ary j? .. �..F� is on the compiler. •I m.rsiexrnrntx.plus ion-ml—Lard hn uhc thltc i gex home. I lin re - alserrlces under one rear lrrludlrg: to do my homcw'urk. oLt,t.I °rth.dontic agW.s d 3[1 minute¢ un sty r .I' ° far all -" .. _1 • puucr. At.,, 1 ens my dinner Im nal allowed to he nn iltr ' tM1'u be7i e,.a in prc,xnEvtive core: uA% vre..entdemyber°rrirsf°res AhcrtpY eh$d $ns Ihd' Ax the alvrtent's Icncb- .ppto 0h 1 Ihrm 1 nhnpFOy mouth. BEAUTIFUL !'¢ -i Thr Iloorul lhe1C dexlgnuted area. they grndcd Ihem on Let ell hclpyqun [hill gyp, I }�[]�/ he7cwnl+dtnl endpmrrf vrthelrsml7c. G D E �l T I S R .t; .} 1heir EvcprrsrnWltlm,. ['in I 1 1 tare cre ynne d weal. G. job fifth grade. Kalea h Church tial Free To �rrin0su m 9 -area II errs l and Sydney phelpsunilrruu call _ dressed In Colonlal at- 336: sU.1133. tire. w hem f You. C5-DAVTECOUNTY E.%F RVRlss RECORD.'rla , ,.11rr" 15.2016 Cole Tumor. Maggie Moeller and Merrick Russell hold up Santa Claus faces. Also shown are Klm- berky Turner helping Sadie Miletead and sister So lge and grandma Lisa Wardo, and Bryniae Cash, Rylee Hardy, Max Moeller and plWla Cook. Sheffield-Calahain Saige Mllstaad wllh grandma Llsa Wardo watch- es everyone making Santa crafts at the Harmony Public Llbrery. Santa Crafts A Hit At Harmony Public Library BY BLY•nda Balky 53tnfClcla,Calnhnln Q rresp.ackin1 Birthday wishes la tiros,. 1 tip - - - ••-r _ +' - - - - ` rrA'klm on of 15: Hai. Icy lolmson on Dac. 16; •err _ 6rnndvn 1 7; C.dcn Calli.u'r on�- Dec. IS; Nlek Scowl, and _ K-ncy Peacock on Oce. 19; Oliwiu Swisher Pip Dnc" 26; and Chencr f3vfrrth, parts rdwnnas. Chariane Knettel, Hida Kcown and _ Mandy Edwards nn Dec. 21- ['pnrtmtubitions 10 the 4 - F" fallowir'g couples Wl.bmt- ti ing their tmniwrraary; l: r. Jr. andM-114 $mich = Bill and Brenda Re.uc3 on Dec. 21" if ytru would Eike nn wI• „,ee Hard els het from Mrs. Claus as she CCIorS her reindeer picture; and Mellssa Galther leads the rot] g e ary or binhday posrad Y Y 9 P P group in a sort in Ibis seclian, please do nor while the child ran play knst ru mauls. husktntc w callor cmnil mo- _ Ther. are a few days loft _ - - 10 purchase. uckel rmm the f a Sheffield-Calnhaln Volun- teer F'rc Dopa Fri [ r n •'' I drawing Monday. ror a Henry r3aldrn Boy .44 magnum nnJ Rugcr Red- ■ Hawk .d4 magnum, a Henry �: { Gv]d.n Bay 'a rin.. and a h• ytl YETI 75 coater. Yon do uo1 �,==1 b. -to hu present 10 Win. Cher i-. donation of $]d. Sl, any nrcfigaler. Poplar Springs School gnln r,Ilaa wit,shop- pees looking fon that special "in on Saturday- In addition r• Io.it rba;'eras for purchase- ,he f and fell-0it, with one .neper Iru1y dbplityr, }' - t- the real spirit of Chr,w ons- ite uopen house was again s'`�-• �� rcas bi Is year. V". a.an Ellis, R...e I -nil nips all Ilm Gina and Aiden Grace shop al the Poplar Springs open house Saturday, while the hosts are ready to check out Customers. rel 'If he roust.. lhonk You. for ruining to IIIc vpel, Iwr se both W"i,N, Fond truly 1.A- o' ImiAl. your Inv. and - suppe l For • .: �Y " _ �+ bn De.. 24. .0 old -sash- oned Chrie[ma. Ewe ser„icc will br ho3d el, 3 p.,F, in the .1d 7_iv- Chapel Chkmh 1436 51willi0d Road- Comu : • l>, - - join its fpr n ""'ol the sknging of Cittiannae_ nmI., oad eajoy clot apple -- elder and cookl.s" ` On Dec, 15 n[ I.lbrrry - b' W.alcy.., me -we C.- _ Meals" will meet al, !a can, Thr children., Chri.na- pro&mm Irnd candielighl will be held Sunday, _ 1)— 16 at 6 p.m-. and un Dal," 24 9 Sli—I Comma- _ pwill br held from 6-S A, Marla Craig looks at some decorations Ier her home; while another shopper Checks out the fasllvaly decorated Chrislmas Chicken Hrr [cod will tree inside the old school house. perform Friday at the Farrll- ington Camra RY Ceti- is 56 for age « and up, 53 day mnming i'mm 16:1f1 - ler. Doors open Fol 6 pm. ngcs 6- I I amt under 5 fine- [ I n[ Ihr H."'My PIIbIic far o]rscasirns, and music TTIe hall wiu b<Clrsed []ec. Lihnaly. The children stns begins al, 7, Admission is 23 and 24 for CI rl-lun D. bu ruga, pWy Illaxicat insvu- 56. A jam ussion is held will rerun un Dec. 30 with metes, rn}oy a story, do each Monday —..iag al a joy, scssioo.A New Years crabs and have aancks. Thi. 7, with doors opening n1 h Err Pony will he ],old Drc" pate Wednesday, .s•cryrne for mm-ssions. 7lrcre is a 31" hiring your ravorile fin- at sory-lime got to play S= charge, musicians get in ger &cad and lame out mtd in?rmments, ansongs. free, celebrate thn New Year with IFsxencJ to stories slut Maar Swerr Hol]aw bluegrass family and irirnds" Pe3ay crafts. Mica. X Sans. will Pett al, B]'s Mrs?ic 7.C. Kennedy will provide Clau- mile a special u -Ip Io Ha11 FrkWy evening, and music during inrert,.i?- the Iibrrry Iv Visit wirh the Gaining cirauna will per- earn- '[Tee inusir hall will he children a,tJ brat their n -ash form pip Saturday. I" is clasrd Dec" +1- _d24,Ilan, Sunt.. Shr also read a I13 Torkryfooi Road. MrlieGaither snvilrs stories and helped kba`n% Domsopcv al, 6nvdmnsieis children tD-41 to Toddler with crass kart Ict.-iag.Young people help members of De-Stinalion Sl uegrass sing "Jingle Bells- in=7-S,30pun.Admission Slorydrn, e.eh Wrdar:- Sa$C-Page C7 at B.fs Mus,c Han, CandiPino DAVIE COONT V LTTERPR[SF RFCCIRD_ 7hursdn.'. floc. T5.3016 - C7 Christmas Breakfast Saturday At Wesley Chapel By Betty EErhivnn •V-, wed inln the house w-h4ch whip haws fnilhfully upend- c how kuKi Il.ml. had largo Hank on Nov- 3e anal .read of Lile Baptist Ca Vpino Cvrrespr.nd.a1 as for vr.ny yy.rs the ed "bump n- every Sun- horn For her. 11nxr1 always has been enjoying Ihr time Church well pare :. C-IIrim- hame of Mnithew's grarul- day for yens" ["Ihe Wes Ery to td ter w•!wr n good $nnday a Then 1 wrllnp nerd m , prugrum . r Sunday We te ixr g(a, to u pa.enra, I.. Gelrc and Nlnric Ckpt[r.l UnitrJ Melhrxlis' tichanl Ieach.r "1165 L.r1¢ apengmg Iinu wl[b I'¢tnJy" .rain g. t]ec, IM at I1. [n weairy Chap.4 Lin i[rll Miller. 'elle house hips peen wr.nen s-•ni [leen pninsel- - Theis » muEuaE Chiae I.mham. wife For Their laugratu wNl b. t'vl- Method61 Church rnr . modeled and w, s ready aaa Ihi? week [o renal" adrainu ou rcL 'IAL J.mc? :r1-, had, amthrr luwr_d by a vered dish .miry Chrketmns break- la rc vo tlrc n - [hem hot tz are missed Outing this holiday sea- short stay in the hospital lass rn1 in Ibe fellowship hall. faa" Th. menu whit be Ihr paalz, Nianhew is the son For mil Irwed by Ihr eb.mh W -Icy Chapel eek N.,%.'ipat hart. and Is %read of Liie is on NC 90 t e but Iherc will be llle Patrick and 1:atby Howrl] menthcrs. pwplc. -1111 remember and fcelins it boner" Shr ems Nrmh near Us Fitt Nrnh. dekkgbl[ul rark4ng y[ Christ• Miller. Jouphine ho. Meclan- s,hu peopl. we InV'ea sip hod a slnrggle with mat tent Fava It Mclltodisl Vans fn Ihr air. We will bl, Calvin 1'rivner i- n pa- non i. a paliern ,.'the Yad• rich and have los' during pv"z. nad her geighhr,n, C'Imrrh will have u roving country Ilam, s Iic.1 .I rrursy[h Medical kin N ansing Center in Yodk- the loq III ntunrhs" or so— - with ing for her. sp',edy un Su Lky n.nmkng,•'Drc. sage. xcrnmhlyd eyga• grits. Crn[.r where hew sok- ,.Ville. she oho .1 -at acme Mottle Wnn1, "T and Mn" s tmptele -,cry. I Mimi I I" 'They will have a red -rye prawy, .mill by nmbuLmce a ewk ago" Hmr in the Ikrappnl before . Mkllcr. F:rtmk Hawkins, I Amy Crrjxi, o s LJ F ehildrcn"s program the some gravy, baked xltp4ee, jelly. IN hips i -e.11 quilt ill with being mored Io Thr I'aeility VirgIri. Murray, o"i Ver- at Calnwlws CvHegc, is gip- day a, 7 pJn, is Iha church huller, orange Jul—, sett n numlwr of rnrJival prat- where she ie a Tident" Ipc;r non Dui 1. lnit Ir sp.nd u1r C'}iris, teas nod hnrium" There x•ill F.. ro1C Wu -Icy Chnpel i !cm?. Flc hos shown s uh. reeekv of . prm.cuin 'ILk.y Hawkins, whip holidays with her purcnLs, . camuvllgb[ [Ilrer mile west gf I-,arm9 butunvrrnenl and then Iws with the hope Iha+ i1 would lir W kip Pian, mored [a .\I and Susan C'njna. hersis- Chrismtas Ere, l].c�r 24•�rl iPglan -A' NC Sc 1 Nonh u,. hod s se[barks" Hr i" bFlghl n her holiday a hi I" Max hlrndow-, V r s cry. Mi -ay and hue brnlh.r. 7 pan• I'ino R.nd" Wadey Chn- a1i11 ill nml his remit. and lore's LuruglrJ, John Hnrd- anIlW ago In 6u riceruhcr OliVrr, al Cnna, hn1 she hips All Fol the churches inwitr pc! w men .411 hr selling frie rid -arc caurem &t. ing Mcclnnnon. died srrrw Dmw I'lawkln-. anll held 1l, spans nn rs1r.I »'eek you 1r,Jalntlrr'ahrycel- a 1knlitea v riety of n The Wesley Chnp<•E lrrrfn111s aye and is buried biMfamily. "I'ahy is scukJ in since tae end to J,c n cbrulr the birth of our during ux 1,—kf,.si hours. family is missing o nlrm- rn the Wesley Chap.] Cc - her new itis. and is mak- at Cot¢wbn I'ur swan ni mg ter, Je-us Chris," 6;38-lnn.m. Wewixbynua her .1, m.mb.rs who b1w "wry. ing friend, there hill he sl it pmol tee—ihrce a day.tA my M1irrry Cltris,mns n1 Mislry nM peen nhlc In ntlrna The Wur3ey Chnp-•1 ac- Pim, and ]Ire friends Ix Iha r:rprnin of the C.I. Chnpul nn the 47Th, ehurcll r—atly. Sara rare L[NI W sent o pain souls to here. trip Girii Swhn "Tenn. she The members -,f Weakcy muhk'J with a Immher :L nmhrr nprcinl I'lnu r kn[hy and Bah EIAs will be coning m Cana pip Chop" hart a rrvi-dish of mrdicnl problems but is dant, who 6 nal n mrmbnr remtprd .film spending a rbc Iad, e lunch b.forr having a ccern- N1lll able In rennin Fol henna of Ilse church bull win- Ila. eek in I•lorida M Disney- Now on al, C:hristmn.s ch meeting on Sunday, the where hie Jaughtcr and sun- al way. peen a weluablu world with K.I y's rum. r.I.brrnl ns—Wesley Cha- nn IIIb"'rh. ben I ear 2017 in -low, Drhnmh .,.J Ga crrrb.r rl Ihr ri,.0 rpm. stb.n 3L. Planea,awu, gr ry m ger, his wife AI- pcl will huwe n Christmas NgClL9MLLE:I3J61751A567 w nppruved. Kul by Mil]pr I1n11. hrepclusr wn[cI, •.ver rintnity. L11 L. Esic and her lie, and Iwo -non. Reid and dinner rah synaay evening, RALEIGH: [919[733-5985 reported thur 1b•• WrslcY Iter -Clyde Murryy i- :r' ,au• Inn hushuluI. ]nmcs, nlwuys t.nkr. lllcy had a rine dm. i]er- I S. or 6" Thcfr u511 he Ctutpel sign. nE the urn-, c- turn Curr In Mockav Nle nuer"'d Fast Preshytrrian m D]sney; and then karhy enlrrrn4mrtrnl aper the din- 302 Lttrralahw Bldg' of Piqu Rand i", hrin • utter din Jim. in Church is hlockrvilk. bpi and Bob wrm In Jnck- r. The hlic is nailed 3 N. S.Iiffiury St L seen g .orae Pat Foe fa' i Rak=Jr+. rfC 27603.5925 warkrJ and sharuld hr the hosplml. Nvrn lylham aopparlirc of Wcs]ey s[mvlllr. l9n.,in 9panJ a taw hw is urged to call i36-9Jf1• l:+n6,1.•µdi,Ilr�r;lrgpr, gl N , in Pince by Chrlstnias. is n rcskdenl For 5omer.rt in Chapel. lsli. 14we- at her days with Bop's d.nghtcr 7677 amt [cave a n,essagl, The 1tn,p1. 0r the Pin. M-Irkawillc and has r,vt bouts home. Moplcshadcs, with a Amy Horn, her Iut b.ad. w Ihnt the people pretnlring Ick for uem F..bppll at unity welrpme M:H- ahla I..nrnI church rrreno- -anrinnt wmplrn tuna 'i'rarix, and her sass, Daniel, Ihr nlcal with hewr .n area-PAI'I�sFlortlyd thew Miller and his wit . ly. Wesley Chapel people Cntnn's Bap1i?t Church Daltmr, and Nnthnn Knto. rule count. pr,7't'. neaul lli.x w. f I�unr, who have recently plias Ihesr Ihrrc mcmk>rns lost n long-time member tae[ Kothy rcrirrJ from Wr115- ^ week .lien I Inecl Reynolds Rummngc paexa away. H,.- S� l • + - �JVVJ tel was SS. 111 x 1 :akl her hatband. Jvhmry- vttendc Ir Eaton's Ba hist ChurchFe •-CnallnlndI'ManP I 6fit' C6RickSwisher,PatMu . far many,yean Ii-ft.hall l'err library will br clnscd -.0 i lirwn]' Bailer. •11Wd Olson,and Johnny wre csper4nllyDec.23-26" Dcbo li Nichols, Sylvia kind to my ntalherLo]Makrr Mondays al Iha li- ltntldgc WIlliams"Jnyc. r_whh.n, who wxa Have: k'sgbrary leld ¢re rnlm S-7 p.m. oil a-•rk. W.Ilman Ilcck. Hrr- Srrlya School'eacbcr-M y Y I Vi , op x k'r-n'Iwi-Ikr^n-err 3G hr. Ess Dec, 39, 'n¢kc wine irk re] SH A. Wnnl}n H.I. Sue mother, cans skk 1'ar many Bon -ex {39fi32EM-G51] CIini'mi s Imes- Call 704- Chaliin,Juhn Wn4lnce.lsna years, and she always laid c•II:l1aa1> 0�7 336-7[M16" Mac Allen. 'Jim Keller. Ju- LEGO Club will meet nior Dunn. Bury Dameron, 'n,ur--icy. I]sc. 22 at 4 pan, Mat 4 sswell. 3ahn Healy I " - at Iha Ilhrary, R_,c,, '1lenuny KOW'. Prayer requests c .minae Shirley Smith, Naornl Hh.v DAV IE COUNTY For Mad.linr larpish.i,W- tell, Sh4rlsy Plilwurds. Ron- AGRICULTURAL Krawn.MclwinAIIF d.T n Thump -nn Churl=- DISTRICT Cloer, G.H. Goforth, Bryn,. Smith, Dort— Bnmey and # 5wakn, J. r, Rrayis. Ronnie Jtnaald kichardson- - - Gunter, Lori Dy n, Villard Submit items to b fl.nl- aeck. ee"ie Squat. Sherri hreHf'marr,rta,r rr call 751- MERRY Dyson. Johnny Naylor. rat 7567 rlu Inter than p.m. on The Parc ntlsluc 1]rsulnnas brnefm far tau, Keller, Efiznhollt Paster. sand,. formominf.mratl.non CHRISTMAS Y• add gv okra Oram a clan re, yawrram Land. KENNETH L. FOSTER & ASSOCIATES, PA • Land Surveyors • Planners Mapping fiesidantial, Commerical, Sub -Division Planning & Design Asskst In Estara Divisions Cemetery Design & Layout OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ALL. TYPES OF SURVEYS Licensed In Norlh Car Ilea A South C-mfimt. Re5ider5f ofDavid jaur✓+y l A]r over 40 neaps• . t 1 Ln; krr the" Hnolidal Front Brake R !g Rotors testa Do You SNIT Need Health Insurance? Yourmpg ✓ISrrf:ilO h dO"d til muldl for 2017 covivaga K pu Illlss this dilladIlne PINI in" [lar@ to Wort witlt next yea to dp Ulk ENROLL Now Open enrollment ends January 371, 207 7. Contact Tina West at Johnson hislranco Services 1131.Iaiketpl.ue Dix..• M.rksvilla NC 21019 336.753.7010 Panft �LrTo M1- • R e 336. 51.3372 FROM THE WisDom TEF:TH AND 13ENTAL IMPLANT EXPERTS p rr Join Ora. Drab, Richard ... & Lybrand Man lay donoarrl to 1h. Manna Corpa'TOY$ FOR TOTS campaign" Tayr: ran be dropped off at any at our ollleea 1. "Ickory" LlncWmrn. or s[nteswla� beton: oacomt a I5th_ fe? Tars Fatatutr-md HOMES Bi LA►No �� . • :, RIC RUY�rS'7•�;tc3ara��i .rr,ma•�e vr5��ems.. aRe n-v-aysr.r mem alt iEOl ?:[ ,_5,77 .-.a�rplreanra-ia3;3�aq•r00 -,.5,05,5.. �l�w�em:�x ___YIa1 f_ lilmtlud9lf :;tai"_ _ 9<r- :,t3i�7r1 4 hrseel3'=;.=:kk 1G- mz 330 & S*ft7 Sl. Mckp& • 33&75INM &F--11' arm n ` W Cs^DAVIE COMUY ENTERPRISE'RECORiJ. T" sdq. Dh 15.3016 Like A Gift from Santa Every Week 0 �► a ■ A e e Bermuda Run wee �Farmingtvn 01 oar. Corners e{,�re"d C.eo'n er 41Q Sh Smith Grove ��W11e Kin,clerton A Hillsdale G .�''`�X'�'�' tea►►aha►n �o�- Carnatzer PIno �.pavie Clarksville M _ / - • 1 Have each informative issue of the Davie County Enterprise Record delivered to your mailbox every week. Like unwrapping a gift from Santa, you won't know what's in it until you open it. Subscribe today to get all of Davie County's news, sports, advertising and more! ©AVIC GaUNTY C NTC RPRlf"EC OR D Only $26.69 Per Year Call Today! 336-751-2120 DAV IE COUNTY F ti•'r'F R PUtSE RECl1itD.711--dv 1. Der_ 15. 2016 - C9 Obituaries Eugenia RoberL5on Rumley Archie Glen Sidden Sr. William Calvin 'Bill' Sanderson Eugon,a Rnklcrlsran i?—ley, 72, died wednr_.day. ❑ec.7. Archie Glen Sidd4 , Sr„ 78, of Moa,evil le died Thur•+• Kill lam CaiWn "Bill•• S; de".. h11, of h—1—illr. 20lG nt Knee 8. Reynolds fiospicc Home. day, bee. 8, 2016,,, Srian Crntar 1n Sute�rllle. dlyd a1 his home Monday. Dec. 5, 20115. A fnnera4 .crvlee was held at Davidson Fltr,eml I Iome. e wa. a Mlire n[ Wilkes County. ham Jon. 16. 1933. A one ivc ❑f California. he wn. brut May :1, {948, thu Hickory Tree Chapcl at' PJ snnday, Deas" I1 with Yasevr _J11 he son of the Into Joe Clin- of the la[r William Oliver and Evelyn Maxo. Sand. terinn M.Krny officialiog. onSkdden and N.IIa Mne Fos- n. He woe n 1964 grndunle She woe axtm in Davidson t•:analy on Jan. 1 R. 1934 .0 , Sidden" He was u svwmill of Carl Hoyden High SO—I in _ Turnor Cieem Rvhrrison acid opemrur oral n aborter member Phoenix, ArY". He honornbty salt - Rand Cu, an1J wns .mem- I_�r1re Mac Mirh:ml Ruhcreurn. of Goxpr! 8apdsr Cbureb- +.nod {n 1hv united Sea,es ., -She w:u n [rxhnr and prhteipal for We I7urhonl and Sheppard In Caolremr." She was a member of Ebenwecr Su --ors. him w111, Vickie Nary. His working ct a. her .nmpana ut for [hose in nerd represent the ded cwi- K. Hnmpinn and wire I_Lsn.nf United M.d,ndi.1 Church and Lewis S.idden: n dn>ag iw, An- '60'a nevemd years with In - and su nirr of chnritnble organizations. f7r rE•a Hemhrr H- Whitaker oral bus- wa legal— —Inry" ne"r Mnrir Hunvwal IChrls. _ V grrwl-Rand and uIN iluosarl no Braswell; her daughter, Katie Hu[chpnm arts bu.bnM Joan" ttenal on, all of Cooltrmre; 3 sistrrx, Jnyr4 5pi l!- She was nrccedcd in death [opher] of Winston-Salem: 4 Iignipmenl Corp. in addition rhea, l:aylee, l and JacaL her Sew T by: her paranrm: nod a t#r4Mrr, sn s, Lorry Glen Sidden of n auher cnmpmr I.I. Ile wp. n and by many usher"f'nrnily" members. wns to rete n'c friends Fmm 6:30-8:60 Trnnmy Siuf,crtson. Mocksrille, Jerry 4r Sidden member of Jrmsalern Baptise onlay ty.c. }p n1 ..rmndn Village Retirement Community bration of lire service was in be conducted at ]2, pan- Stark ving; her h --rind. or Myrtle Bench, Jnmrs any C1rnrch and haat Neon native oi'he inumment will be loner al Cl—ores Prerc- urnmen eel by the Rel. Shelby Harlwur, h7i[ilary homs•J w4rc to hp RIhard Corlis Rumley of the Siddrn lArVI111 of Concord, with Ih. Cooled,= Ruritnrr Mcmorinls: charity of the donor's chnioe. Viol Hrraor Guard. CnndylenCca= r.•»+vJnrylrwrrhvni7tercont. homr, u suit, Aichnrd Tam- and Archie Glen Sidden Jr. Club. r Rumley [April] yf I.ex• tlkan of Co[lcrud: a.A.ter. cyan• yurvirrm= lrls toir4 of 39 ]ngtnn: a sis[cr, Una Turner u Sue Kuhn of Advance: le Yarm, Frances Koy WatC and Clinard I1-alklel of Throoas- Jai(-.istdr, Siveo, Tiome•s f'i're- Yral,deror, of tar home; n run, villa: 3 grnmtohildrett, l..slc:r jot: 12 grnndeh4ld.e4% aad IS ChrLcwllher Shan. S:rnderrvn Ram{reY--. Kayla Hnm lay and gruel-gmmlchildrrn. of L.cxingwn; n dnngh[er, Juni Ruth of Pr ... or Volley, IVntl,nn Rumley; 2 F rl-grand- He was naso preceded In don], by n another, Gary Sid. Arlr..: and nn ndnpturl .ern. 13rcnl Dean Semd.Nun. ehildrrn Brn den Daub. a d n led ekham Rnremx" and u side Iv Zale Holbrook, Yden, r. k. Y H. wxm akar re •ceded Lica r •ffer • Saitrler- In 111 h a xr n. Jti Y 1 Mcmorinls: 51. Jude Clild_a" Re �n:h Ilvs tint PO A crlebm[ion of lift --real sv coMucled P " r ted 2 simlen. flninr and Juanita u Bna 1111111 Drpt. 142. Me mph is,TN 38101.940R" nl 11 o"m" Solurday. ut Doric "uncal Chapel with the Rev" A celebmlhm ul lil'c .crvice wns wndupa.f at i p.m- Condolrnces: n•xnvFJurirlrrr.Jl.rernl6anrn.errt. Marry Hrticy officinling. T3,p F ily rerelred f ieevls nFlrr Saturday, Dec. IQ 01 Davie Fuoer:rl Chapel orliclntrd by the a.rVice in the chop.]. [hc Revs. Donnie Chnpm- and Jimmy fumcostrr. Mil ie rr Robert Lee 'Tars' [•[amptun Jr. Mamor4nlx: Diwk Humane Sorkry. 291 Fawn Ruad. ltprurrm W.i< arxurded by the tf,5. Nary ;rad the VPLV R9c- ttobcre Lee "Tnrx" Hnmplon Jr", 72, of Cuolurmece, Mocksvkllc. moria] Honor Guard. "ITtr fatuity nw-curd Friends in the died sundry. Dec" 11.2DIfr, nl his home nn L.Rer Lane" Cnndolcnecs: n,1+r•.durir/�ar is—if. •.rnnr. Chapel from t p.m- unlit the lime of r.•rricr" He wax a nndve and IIf.lnng rc.idrnl of MAI, Cann- k7emnrirk6: Jrruxnlem 13.131{.t Ili.su+os. ly, born Aug. W. x944, and the eon of the tale IWben L.ce Belly Starr Glover Braswell Comlolpnccs: a•avuruW.�wcrlrlsrrvirvrrun. H -a 13lnll Sr. and the Int. GAud- Mm- Be— Srarr Owvpr 13"m 11, 7.1, died nn Dee, 6, ys Cantor Hnmp[nn" He wns naso preceded in 2[116 nl Win\ Forest Baptist Health. d.tph by eta• She wns bora June 11. 1943 in Wake County w iha He wax u graduate of Davi. graraj nate of Intl wi111 aro Lee Glover Sr- and fi.tty 8ardrn Cl. -n County High School mal bun- Mrs. Brncwel] wns u nremhrr of Clemmons Prpsbyl.rinn urably cawed Iwo years in Ih. Cburch- Sh. received b.r urtdegtrnduare degree from Ilan Clotted Sleeps Amty. He Ivrd ley, obtalnrd her master's of eduearirn drgrce Hill Uihie 0 3a -year cnrcer wish fngrr- jj from the lfni�•ersiry yr flarlh Camlino oe Chape[ Hill. and salt - Rand Cu, an1J wns .mem- mostpr'r nr aclnwl a.lrn4nismakun fruen Cl rnpbcll un,ver. bet al lire Church of x64 Gawd ., -She w:u n [rxhnr and prhteipal for We I7urhonl and Sheppard In Caolremr." H5tkc County public schools syetems- Her iuilh in God flout Surviving: l,is sun. Tltwnns a. her .nmpana ut for [hose in nerd represent the ded cwi- K. Hnmpinn and wire I_Lsn.nf ge nemus and gracious pdsott that sap —, She wns nclivc Cooker"..; his don ghlrr, and su nirr of chnritnble organizations. f7r rE•a Hemhrr H- Whitaker oral bus- - tiurvirnrs: her Iruvhund uY $1 years, Chndcs MaN• bond Jnmcs Pf Moeksviale; 1 impellers, luhnny. Kenny and no Braswell; her daughter, Katie Hu[chpnm arts bu.bnM Joan" ttenal on, all of Cooltrmre; 3 sistrrx, Jnyr4 5pi l!- Ricky: her eon, C;kl1 Btu 11 ami wife Amy; 3 gmnde,hil- aad Diann Berber of Cbulcemee and Bray lone Camp- rhea, l:aylee, l and JacaL her Sew hell of Mavni A4ry; 7 granrJeh kldrep; and 3 great-gmndchil- brrcn. Glover fe M.. alt Bridges; her brother, William Glover mudwiJ4 Martha; halo, and by many usher"f'nrnily" members. wns to rete n'c friends Fmm 6:30-8:60 A cc khror4on uP life xary kc will !ac held ur } p,ro" Sol - I= W.,I"C ley Dar4r Fun."d Chapel. A Fmv.side cele- onlay ty.c. }p n1 ..rmndn Village Retirement Community bration of lire service was in be conducted at ]2, pan- w-it4 the Rev. Ar- Wllliatn liroyle of Ckmmvm $3L.,lbyrcrk- 1. itknv. Thursday a1 IxF[irm Ilumurkal Park ren Codeemer official- oi'he inumment will be loner al Cl—ores Prerc- urnmen eel by the Rel. Shelby Harlwur, h7i[ilary homs•J w4rc to hp b reribe Church arkum. y mrdW by the NC N.innal Ouatrl and the, Vl-v Memo• Mcmorinls: charity of the donor's chnioe. Viol Hrraor Guard. CnndylenCca= r.•»+vJnrylrwrrhvni7tercont. Condolences: ,12vnvinr•Fi n+rrafrrrr-n-r.rnor. MaryLouiSu rMylor Seaman Mm. Mary Lradse Taylor Scumon, 94, of Spencer, died Monday, pec. 12, 2616, nt Magnolin Unnkns. San was bum Aug. 4. 1922. In Doric G'.wnly lu the lore John Morlor, anS'Arxsir 8,uger Taylor, Mrs" Srvtxrn was, mrmh.roYCorinras nano h Church of Christ. She enjoyed owing. Shr wpreccaled in dwrh by llcr 11-handm . J:Iea Francis .3 "k*rt: 4 sister. IlecIn a Srnmow and a bmrher, Pap I T'nylar. S urvlvArs: several Ti- uIla n.phewx. A funeral sery Lee xns [o bL conducted at 11—a.,Thurs- dny. t gc. E5 at Ealon Funeral Cho prl. Mueksville. Burial to 11.1 luw in Corlllrh Church of Chri.t Cmn.mry" The family wns In receive friends n[ the fttnernI homr one hour prior to the service. Condolences: tnvn•.rutnrrJnnrrlrrurnlae.vinr" LOCAL OBITUARIES ONLINE ourdavie.con2 CbnAqr[1.1' Joyce Rea 1, floe xnnner Of ' a� thus rgaf1tl15 drawing for the Graf 8 'Gresr Pro 5000 electric toothbrush starter kit. FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY 11 B FCowifal ST. • Mocksville. NC 27028 336-751-67.69 .. Seining f'6lydrm. it Yrdullr" AKSPt1rW IYlosr 111nron klsunaacu' PosrersFamllyden[Istry.eart, Macedonia Moravian Church Christmas Eve Liovefeast & Candlelight Service 25Errvrc s: ; lo Saturday, December 24 � at4:00 pm & 7:00 PM Sillir.ellar res noir Errenone is ittrited tojdrn us res we celebrate at 11Eepn the birth ofour herd rhsa Chnstmax Se,"on ll+faaedonia Moravian Church -i11] NL fiat: aul S" Ad— NC'=Q% F,rab h,d sirroe 1856 i•� :1ES-Lg91 �o.F BridgetDarlene Robbins Reynolds l;. ISride 13arlcnr Robbins Reynolds, 43, of Mecksr 4lkr dired ai her hones on Sally L -ane, Mexks. it k. o•u Monday Dec, 5• _016. alllowi ng a period of deeliaing health" She wa. burn Sep,. ml• 1973, tl,e daughter of lane Houck Robbins and Bubb Gen.; kuh1, . Shc w 1991 graduu!p pf Q via Cnonn ly High Schou. Al— sorvi'lns= '- dnugh- tprs, Cl— Bcom of Karma'. - olis and Brittany Reynolds or Sue.—ll k: 2 Mol hen. Hubby . Eugene Robbins or Mucks - villa and Jclrery Robbins of Coal -o—% and Iter icenn olhcr, Terry Byrrly of Ready Creek" She --le—ird in dcarh by a br gner. Jack is R.hhina. The £orally raeuived frkenrh 6oen 11 ant. 1 p.m. Thur, 4"r ar Dov ke F•nneml Chnpa;. The ccl.hrali4sn of Ilfe �ida•ondaclyd ar 1 parr. in ehe r oernl chapel will the Ra, Darrell Ca rka c om.e. .g_ nuelki and commilta Followed at Mount Carmel Frecw'ilI Bapli.r Church Ceme trry in Lexington. Memorials; baric Funerpl Scrv{ce. 4115 Malay Road Mocksville, to help oRxl final d.M- m of the family. Condolcncx.- nmmvinrirjrnnrnisrrvFrrcna," JOB FAIR AT CARMLON ASSISTED LIVING Wednesday, Deci rnber 21st LOAM -4PM 1165 Peace Haven Road, C1elrin orlS Pomluonm Ar Iablle- Permpn>tl Cara Aido: Gerelfked htedkallon TMInnim.na $upervlyom-ln-Cnarge 1w x:wdry)r..., tun.,t N roar N..d a...e.,. w+l+rJ^rrnr i,rr,-w,.J w- ra.a5m.w,.ry; ...1=,u wr„.y,r �.•c,..,rNMrL^brN CARILLON LIA ASSISTED LIVING las_ v I Plan Ahead For Peace of Mind Avoid Emotional Overspending? Vogler and Sons RmeralHome 1 -HOP At 63x5 Allegacy Way Clesnlnorss, NTC 27012 RSVP Today? 336.727-6106 (coral vilibcprociaed) Vogler & Sons Fimeral Home 2931 Rey r.W. Road r— %7"0 1 -Solan 2-106 �IjT�lyr 38.19A1iddtrLrc+csic I7r. CIa"mnl3ai�QL CIO -DAPI£ COUNTY F.H-[ERPRLSE RECOR31.Thur tbm-Der. 15.2016 DCHS 110 -- Singers _ Perform For Lions _ �- The M ek-ills Linn, Club wlebm rnmJ Chrislos al their annual Ch— " pony. '11my w enlrR,lned by Ihn Davie High Madrigal Singers.led by Elaine Snow, with on array of Chrisupas music and oaW4. The club bards !u con,aa n:lpony lnch-year and recognizes ac.11y vllmWly impnired -divld,oib, many of whwa were in nt[enrhnM , The laws, Club spnw- ente £ar the hliud and ealersyto Lmir needs, such as payfng�;or v soul Hides, glosses, na ad guide dogs, Etonian, is the itugN,j nrgnnita ion in the o�ldc W For more inf—bort aboul bceomttlg n Lions C{uh member, local rnea- fnndmleers or . outer L, Steve 'talion nt 33 x751-O[l(Yi •vr ,'1��br. George Kimberly al 6.969-3i2g- The Gift Of Life: Donate Blood With The Fled Cross 11 can't be wrapped or hood donation in D—ra- p0h,ois 'ry c —Onige do, App. visa rnlrrruxhlrx+rl.-pWpuss to save) ime when Dec. 39. Zt"-7 p,m., ptaead under a i.a, but the her, n time wlleyl donmions natlons, all Snug- who some neer cull I.906 -RED doiniong. S1. Francis of Assisi, 962 perfect giR rnn help sa n el-.—, 6u1 the needs of po- to donntc lhmugh len. H will CROSS { I�D6-733-27fi7). Llpcmikng blood Sona- Yadklnvil to Rond, Mocks• patient lives 111is holiday tie"Is r .,n sovuly. receive a song-s]eeved Rcd Dvno rllged lion epponllnities in Davie oil le; and saaspn, Donors of a)I hWaElyp�s Cross T -shin.. fo mnkerup}winxm¢ns and County: Dm. ,lp, M-30 pmt.. Tho Aun i— Rcd Crass a needed lhis h.IkW, sen- To make an appointment complete the RnpidPass on- • Qcc. 2k, 2.6:30 pun., Wu1_" M""ville, 261 urges eligible dunale to sort 1v 116p ensure a sof- I. give blood, do -A-1 1Mc health hislary quexxtun- Devic County Library, 371 Coopers Creek drive. gave 111- lifesaving gift of a {tient supply for hwpilal the Red Cross aloud Donor nal. iu rCde•rr.,rehlrxxlnr fiJ N- Malo a1.. Mocksvillc: DAYlE COUNTY EN-FtXPRISE EF.CORD, Tb- dkY, D—. 7R 27116 -Dl Students Santa's Helping Hands CZE Mom Starts Christmas Store For Students Cumnrzcr Elemcnruy Atlnlcnts didn't lwvc far to go to do their Chrislr i- stlopp3 ng this year- Tlleir own lean, of Snnln's Little Helpers ret up a Chri,4tmns Sime in the school, Headed up by lnnm and PFO memhcr Charity Lnuck, the store Was rut] of goodies and open For u week Cor .ludenla 1u shop Par their rnmilins, A team of vola nleera wns on held to individNo]ly wrap and label nil rile pnrehasea. The Coma[zcr Chrinsmas store hos l.ecome n acnsona! tradition nrd swd�nls save (heir pocket money to buy gigs on their shop- ping iisl. pilling the tables with rweenrc 11wn ] ,7110 items priced 6e- $1 and s5 is a m*r..d- 1.3.ing. Ponunatcly, Lauck woa ham ro shop. "t stnrted shopping she day atter Chrislmus Icri year and just kepi going," she said. In order to keep prl-, as low as pursibte, Lamk hunts down bargains, spacial offers, sale and olearanoe items. "it's a IM of hard work, h n Ieh nbsolulely wash every minuet when 1 .ee 'he look on the children's 1—s when they walk inln our Chrisrmns slum al Cpmatur and see nI] the inexpen- -I- 1hi11ys they earl buy for [hely Iwed o Harris Deter in Cle-mons do- nnted hundreds of paper grocery hagz r r aludenls 10 carry home their g3fm The glom sold ovt by be end of ha week. So now, tauck gels a shoes .SS tacfam she hits the stoics again for next year, Charity Lauck and Barsie Fairclolh with student shoppers Sammy Paugh, norna Campbell. Silas Spell and Bailey WII- liams at the Cornatzer Christrrlas Store, Holiidays Fun For Pre -K Students 31 hu. Oen a busy month in cnl lhmugh In the Awry. Fust ponaoe lesson for smdenW the Carnatzer Elemcnlnry Pre -K rte wns stared of what the "he- studnars are teaming about an-. elasArocm,would think or hit red nnsn; near outer European lmditiun. - slii&na arc learning about he w angry rbc alba reindeer The pre-kirel-a en rrudenP- horiday traditions. 'they teamed would tin, kr him ploy reindeer tanking %heir own g-g¢rhread about caribou nod how In Europe games; and by rhe end of the les- ho—. . it Las been n het lessor; ihcy are called reindeer. ,aludenls I'— ; That in the learning about Things famllies. one aF the-indeer.loriea wns end he was happy. eetause Ru- decamtr with. They are andying about Ri dvlph and studaats dig- dolph was diff—A. he wns able [o 1G--. Hanukkah and Chriso- cussed dm emotions Rudolph save Christmas. This was nn in,- etas. to show our class the different emotions Rudolph felt dur- ing the story. Amy Younger decides what Candy will look the hest on Landon Laude arta Nevan Metre work hard to create Noah Penland is proud of his hard her house- baartltfW European SiNeraread houses- worts. T -- -- �I p2-DAV11J3 COV'rrV EN1 ERPRLSE RECORD, Thwsdu- Dr . U. xn ly Coleman Trlvette, Caleb Salley, and Caleb Co- ble enjoy Grayson Haynes' performance at WII- liern R, Davle's Toys for Tats breakfast. WRD Supports Toys For Tots William R. envie EI- ktr clllidrun- Ti. S,pwnr,, gnary studenui had ' m:ingcr .t WnlMurt, marc ree[ lime aching poper a calm Sp pcncnl o all Chri*Inuta Ircea lar 2S ee.lx cicnrnnuu toys- Annahcilu for Toys for Tots-Triruuc, vkc president, was The Chriatmns cm, mon- thrilled W buy 1[yx !orchil• cy bzhq lay. w W.jMan. aria, and cn g w.rlde, •Ihe Smde nt Cnuncll ,rant- treasurer, enjoyed buying hors had a grcal fine shop- toy* naJ ctwalirtg r my. gin". DY -1.111 w ium, stud Omysou Haynes, press- his rewrite part was buying dent of seldom council, ca- 1nyr I:w w1i.m..nd 7_0Y joyea $h. ppl.g ror joy$ and Clpury, fifth mrndr class Wvinm x ys fa help othem mpnecnlnti.•e, raid she fah in nerd. Emma Waodrufr- gent abaci kngw4np she lx C.ncr, xecrenry. was happy gW3ng jay [n kids E Christ- slxtPping with bar friends ns. Loge Wnlcemlnn. filth arta !;.ding good toy 6—h Picric Sec WRD - Pngc D3 Zana Dyson, Craig Mcaride, Grayson Haynes, and Charleston Haynes select toys at Walm art. Wililam R. Davle students perform a dance called the Mora In celebration of Israel's Hanukkah, Students with Davle's Toys in Tots Coordinator Include Emma Woodruff -Carter, Zoey Cleary, An- nabelie Trivatte, Charleston Haynes.Coloman Tr-volto, Grayson Haynes, Craig Mcaride. Caleb Bailey, Cable Coble. Zoay Cleary, Emma Woodruff -Carter, Lillie Hart- ness, and Annabelle Trivette select loyr. WRD... Condnurd From Pape 332 grade etas represento,irc. sa4d he w ctitrJ abonf shopping indc buying tnyx far other ehilpren. Cn31 11 Salley, fo.nh gmdp dna. represpn,ati.x. -id it w - /heal shopping far ,uyx 10 Mit, n,hers, and Lillie Han - mss, Ihkd grade "m rrp- Raenlnliv[.enb.ycd Iwyinl� toys fw children. Studrru nci3 wfmld like m s. th nk you t. Tom qTt, a_1 for Ileiping make Toys ror Tots sucreayfYl. On Wndncadny, ,be group gxrp Ilk, toys Io 11 and Mrs- Jaques Rcnfmc from T6ys for Tk— al dl,• ' anual WRD 'lays for TMs Emak- fosu. Student Council wmm "Rudolph the Red Nose Rdndeer' and ❑my -,Hay- played a Bolo on his guitar. Every scoff mcurbcr dnnaled . toy ror the pro- mmra- PH finished A gran u r on cup slacking. Along with dupr jidx nit they did a acr- cc x for Smnrhnuxc for Jesus whew sludeno brought i need rood. They made :; giant s ack with cans amt when the unit wpx owe[ they look 1h1_ 10 S,ofehrmsc- 'Ihey da." tcd 444pounds of conned yooda• KInacrg.n¢n smdpn,x InarnaI''hout the irodihons of the IIanukknh Holiday. TT1ey hemmed a xans 113 iu 1ha drckkl game, .beet lighting the wmd3cx un the Ma nmh, and dancing 1Iw ho. - D AVrV COV%= ENTERPRISE RECORD -Th urWar-Dee. 15.2016 - A3 William R- Davle kindergartner Grayson Driver "lights the Candle- for a menorah. Faith Stiles. Maya Saleh, Lylah Applegate. and Jamari Tillery are candles. WRD 5th j Graders Study. William fl. Davie Elementary SMILE students, from Matter left: front- Mlcah While, Lidia Rodriguez. Rocelynn William R, Davie Elementary SMILE sfudents. from left: front -McKenna 'M. fifth gr l -m If Wil" McKay, Edris Dliver, Desiree Smith; back - Lexl Glles, Zachary Eckhart, Grace Youker, Jesse McEwen, Gabriel Bella - R_ Dario hnr. It— Potent, Lindsey Eldred. Landon Este p, Brise Bello. Cervantes. Mich act Arteaga; back - Bridgett Wood, Cats Baity,Enck cap3oring the awwe or mer" Not pictured: Macy Davenport. Nolan Johnson- Juarez. Balla Barnette. imd their physiml end chcmicah properties through beide-on r.. per3menrs- 1 � Students have made den-- sity botllea that thaw haw dense kipuias arc :--,dl rrd to others- 5fudenrs owed s —1—d water, honey, dish -.P. Kent sYn rcgoahlc = oil. and bbl g n icohol. Students also cnpprimeno-- Id whh physical and chant- cel propenipa v4 m.iler 6Y 6 - c,c.ling ",ihlc mixrurps pall snluvonx, Swdcnrs ,ode ins c reel, mar.3lmallnu•x, eltnrvl.le rh4ps, pnanws, and candy rad n -1.6— or WilllamR- Davie Elementary SMILE students. Irom Kool-Aid. William R. Davie Elementary School SMILE students. from to It: Iront left: front - Havion Tatum. Morgan Harrington: back •1-hc likh yr'Jers have rc- - Christian l3edmond, Landon WIIIISkef, Andy Romero.Luke White, - Avram Anderson, Zymorian Gaston, Jackson Bar - ally enjnyed Icing able to Ellett Collins; back - Kaylee Lopez. Lillian Brooks. Genesis Garcla- rett, Miranda Burrell, Evan Gale. Not pictured: Cody expand their k,wwiadgp on Araniva, Brenna Buss, Landry Parsons, Not pictured: Alex Juarez- Hutehlrle. Calton Akers, Caleb Bailey. Kobe Thor'np- xience thn]uylt hands on Mpj �a• son_ xedrhics- Alex Abbott In Who's Who HAINPDEN-SYONI V. Vi - Alex Abl.pn• a _111- [ ll.mpden-Sydney Col- lege, has been re vgnlr 1 ontslaz.g compos lender in rllc 2016 cdi[ien of Who's Who Amona Sru- denis in Arr d-ri tJniversi- tiex .na Colleges. Abbot is the+eel of Ansi T ,penning pf Alocksville. }puny"three s,vdm,x F m Hampden -Sydney se leered for thix year';: eJl,ion- Studcnu an - K rated by x ot—, odminir mil—, f try, and S •hes hawedon ac d,nui sehie ant, _-5-11 e eeto the c - unl[y. ]cadeuahip in e�- potemcular.-Nidrs, and wl far a uin.rd sae. .v.r- OosuuWiag srud— horn been honored in the .nn..xl dnrerory. 2�stump fomNAL 2c«�zar.r.. D4-DAVIE COUICI YFISrInEiPRLSE RECORD,Thursday, 13e. 15. 20 16 Traditions Study Topic Kindrrganen swdenr.. at C ---rime Elrxnenln- ry h.ax boon pAnwipxling n 4 ,<hrismwx Arppnd dre World lour. They "Iexrcl9d" In 5Cvn- d¢n,Gcm,avy, Maxim, xnd Isrmi, learning nhanl c.1. ural relehratims end In- dhions. T7ic children m.J. _11%. serapied !'curia, ural Ikkmnd Io statics oboul the unlfirs Ihcy uin31¢d, in mooing, %moon[% arc using the pictures and words Io IIe[p de[nrminn 11141 ehxr- rlclors, sclting,, End trema 'n rile ,cx1. stndr:nl, n Icnrning In uxe IN— de.when retelling Mice. In math. don ch ildmn ere lrxing 1:lughl slrelegks Io:81d nlxf auhlmcl. Tracy urc using Ice From" In Order [c many Ihere dewr- row nc hcy h and how many they need In mnko a I her wkgxIn ten. Second grade clauses nn: 1cxm My nbalut folk u1le., fairy talcs, and Mbles- SEL_ dcnls are ]coning about me di Rnrcnrxe hei3veen lrrL'm and focval0g on "" kresons they tench. ..ing so W yrudlex, "W10n1,C ore "V14- ingon gmgmphy. They ere slndying mop sklllr nal d¢akgning llw3r ywn cops as wx:lk re rrvirwing Ixnd norm,, nun1i11rnls, ¢r1J s. Graphing will bra Rhe ncxl unit in molh; class- es will fpnux nn rtlding cad -2g pk 1tCre graphs• her graphs, and lint plots.-Ihcy rl shuNng fnnikly ChrW- os It31di.im5 and writing Whom %horn. Fourth gred.n on Tc n Hrrtlems prey wd Inn.g- Eary Animal IlnjeYr,- Slud-u had Ira clunre nn •mel with M. IIions to %¢trite in the c my,tern They svv assigned. Slu- dcnl. rsnlirrxnd came _`1 hm"ithl In n1nJ- cls of their nnimols. Svmc hod 413 r condi tionad 9nl1nr9. electric shock r_ in stun pmdniorsn9d rwilo-f wings. Fknhstriders per o n _NIn social Slvdles-'nley prr� ,-,I ss colonialworkers o Ihcir, _igncd job. They d"axed up end hnwgln in arif-m to help show how fife wns like In colonial Ilmra. MGctcsvtlle Elementary School December Students of the Month, from left! front - Kyron Adesina, Brie Ile Turner, Brooklyr Shaw, SGfia Mamilla%, Clara Parsley , Destini Mayfield, Kaedyn Smith, William Martin, Brady Everhardt; middle - Jarrett Lugo -Mendoza, Luke Rosenberger, Hazel Reavis. Bethany Jacobs, Jayden Lay, Jacob Winston, Eribano Lopez -Guzman, Alizzon Chavez - Granadero, Aleah Connor, Kaden Sagendoll, Journey Bowman; back - Brenda Torbett, Jenna Wishon, Cindy Jalmes-Ramos, Micah Fryar, Heelor Soils Rumem. Hailey Blalock- Not pictured: Paul Lynch- Mocksville Elementary Terrific K Ids of the Month far Does mbef, grades K-2, from left: front - t st Raw- Larry Hernandez, Keira Meyers, CJ Forrest, Gkavannl Rodriguez -Lopez, Noelle Bryant. Sema) Brown, ThatcharTorbett, Jannl Greenleaf, Abbigale Curiae, Ben Shook; middle - 2eb Slawan, Nevaeh King, Amella Battle, Jonah Holbrook, Juzayden Robinson, Haydle Webb, Gavin Adams; back - Jasmine Poplin and Dacoda Lewis, Ellie Prillaman, Kevin Glass, Isaac Guzman -Perez, James May field, Addle Clire. Ethan Diemer, Karra Lang, Marcus FGRune- Mookaville Elementary School Terrilic Kids of December In grades 3-6, from len: front - Ava Gary, Olivia Shue, Call le Melton, Mikey Calloway, Nevaeh Hyde & Kayra Rivera - Apariclo, Maddle Preston, Ricardo Trinidad, Serenity Fennell, Ryan WIN Items: middle - Sydney Haver, Felipe Flores -Hernandez, Peyton Smith, Ave. Kibler, Madeleine Slack, JD Cunningham, Emily Gastro -Ramirez & Fernando Rosas; back - 3rd Row- Susalla Pano, Gabby Mendoza, Landon Correll, Connor Hutchens, McKenna Ledford Roberts, Maggie Russell. David Tanner. Not pdelurad: Samantha Elllet- rm�a^al k"j, ne 2W6115 Hwy. MprkwUIO, RC 1911h. Ellis tome.) KARAIRKE E4err r-rWar 6 -*Vu >'Isrsdny 5J1er�E,d 2 Can ilme far 4V end. drxY. k "-I 2 R&4ye Stsah� i daF, a dacmry SALAD 13AR Avallable Sudsy4FrMay Yrtpim Sr,llnrr k In, 18% off f_ We Honor 5o11, onnn Dlseounl Cetdsl wha DAVE COLIITV V%-r$RPRISE RECOVED,TIC.-t ay, Dec. 13. Z016 - DS Dateline Rundr�isers Dae, 18-18 pnnGroup,prHillAstir[1MC- .TIr-Ase4&Pre-K-[nrcnorrmrx 4ux rum p.m.mcux nutncrfurincn- Chanerl cb.ir (=o¢eer[ 51119 Ps 154,Ady:dicr. Second d", par week- Ca11 99H.611211- Triumph 1':venlina Lle,aa. llun, 75d -3•x50 Saturday. Dec- 77 C-41, r.iPlhling Smvlrn. &fnunh S¢rHWy. nisch month >• heal. 111 Crn1rr Uallcd K'rdnexdnya. 141;x1 nm, coli Fans AC 1CSE1, kwV ns. %Conn]ry L'ha-FelinBe 13rLnk- M,>eksrikin Fier Melbrxiial, 4 Pm• For inrn.+Nrlwit311, 4-hodhl, US M W., Mock.- fm inlu: 751-5639- IxrMpedny,C:cxancmccHinud- %f 1, r5nu Mr1lhml+a, 1•inn RJ- 3141 N- Main SI. 5 p.m. aml9 Kidx rnc CLr-I' n[ Liberty _ 1t1e-=a.xk4 ynarnWs.Mnrxb,y- flumwas anriery nr Pprle L7o» rad Budding,7 p.m. 'nR NC B[I1 N_orFurminglrHl M.-1]-739 p.m. Uer- UMC. 1411.ibcrt3' Ci"!e. lhu 1-Y.s:ah-11:3uvm-Linda m,viddy mr=ymp Ind -1'd y. of MvnklHaenvr.ryLlub.T+.es- 'Cbun[ry1Hvn.sausnge,gmriea, It. Nur,cry Hind -.-I- Monk vile, cath Wed -3-5:3P vwl¢yt+.7S1-.'.W13. ererymunnh,a[Ilrv,ranesucie,y Jrvy=.121115 f.m.. Farrgyvxi,ed bA,d Meek., biacnita. bullar, p,E. Fnrklnaerp¢nea•5lh grxle. Astons& Dlbin Stutly.W dnn. Aek pu_C'-WF.2b[ F•alon Ra. F.luc-rron Cnarer, 1825.SulFs- :1d1Y,Dy•mmr, Saturday, Dechr6l 24 Nn rrn11•M a It.- fur Pr R¢ 14 Cu1175I-5214 rrrrnhr. finny..r.pAncYsviar- 1Yedinnrud Chrlslmas Y.rn lacy anya xt 7 p.m., 1!41 141 ', M.0odil a. - IU ..-- Sham mncka.6424 vnriea, & muxic- T Lx:meclr. FAmity ak Friendsa the M1tea. Wr h'.2i ,v+a.unle I0p y 'Mn In q..C.-lun.m-Wu tW CC t i- end 114, lFgl+r lett: 9•IB•72df•. CbR rinuan, 4, 11 Fvn. nark ]all)' 111 Support1[:roup, 2dd .1 dot:- �rxl Muttony -7:3B P.m. x gl Y, en bnnR kklx xrW n "`n'irns Mncrdnnln M,+mYiun Momma nhrnnfP tlehd 1. mnnl h. T p.m., 111 Comircacr ¢rW 415 i-una- of ench mnM1r, 6 li 1hr L.�1pr. m. 31nm. aluaay;e, ,crone Churen.7W NL' eel N.- will rrsl, Ix and ltd Fri. of e,rry LIMC•. f.ir.,J crdrx, IV'X[ 11 .1", B:yn. Llrun h. 13aYk Cu.IFrJIed Way klrc+d 1¢i1n cR@>:. hove nav on a p.m- and T pan. )•rill, Enry. bolted nwnrh dud,rg ,rndl1 4.110 Ionil Imrahip, &'.d nluvc- Adv.- CW111 L,_ Ll l fur inru. of DICT ;arc,. -114 M -day -5:311 npplm, 1---rn ca. Crabs, "n nCe'�4' yrnr. •1; 3[I-11:45¢"-,-1 li1¢iae Adraacc Darken ('1¢h. 2nd Pm-.amck Cc ,Annrx.(•mrr. tLd,L 1 gond,- Salen, Chumh Murk'H . Second Pauhy• Aapl Chunk. 51J t'3 CI aI EVen, tS -funs. null nlrn n+, 11 itl,d,uc kw,m 2ne- SUI.00'IkyrieAcadrnl ad.SE I` nnaunl yrwth ChrLsl- Awanx, entry Wed. cunning Ha Chvlch•I)%I SE. I:3fa Y ave DOC. 17-1 S Pl P.m. uuvlc High mbk[ie lkwsxarr. 1-141- - pmgmm, 6 p.m -All h:Sn-8 pan. w Fap1e HvIRh1e I-....Jnnrlcs Ilnlnq strcels ni MIlrk .inn Lion', elnh. nlerla ,1111 Monrhry, 7 p.m., achmd Dec- 18 inviled, farrinrh• f:arden Vpsley, MockxY ilfu, thiN Thumxloy u[ earl, mu¢rh, cafaycrin. l.nr,e F'mul, Cbr1r[nefVs 1Svn •rhe Life h'1p1c1dn rd Jv- 7 I Uunto "P. j' gnrnaln .Chrlshews prnsrni'wrnpP¢d• °crrF". 6:3v per.. Rofleys R dmk. P.k4l. In""try G',eden p 411., situ] Rrna B,.r[xar Lluh, 3rd pr6 p,m.. Meek+vine wuiMad, Chiyw! McIM,Jisl Advaflce. .ux, Prc.rElhN by Muekav ll[e Vn1ley Civic Assoc- Chw"b-Muclvdle 17,ursakly.7:3upm., Furmin>7un ;by E M 1=one Bvrcnu wish Ongoing ti<•.rc^111-bnyAdvenrixr ['Mach. I IIIIsdsdr Sumisr Rwtti YCIA. Cnmmvn{ry C-1- "'Yo eelen. 1 , lima rut 9 Marr- &.'rhvo. xr 7 Saturday, Dec. 19 u, an] c -1Lun.nr7n.,n., lie nnndu HEE.iaS MintsVlvs, ch1i71run fern 1u X16 u Y Mommy and Ma Itnde 4•FgW Milnnp pk., MrKkav4[In- Prep Cnrksl mal ram110R. Down• yi�inge. "mvxry pmgmm Put women 'Cllr. 11r•nrunnnl,'tuursdnys.103[1- mlmixfkm- For Infra; 704871+ Iowrs MdekswH@. xilh 13.41.' bu.Ie Cn. F'rxlL•rnul OMrr xeluxllY at,vsed xs children. .Through Dec. 17 1 V :io e.m-, N. Mein $r. Ch.Feh 36TS, M[Ih+Wkxt mcmburf, R: ill p.nr. or P¢ltee l.xlRc 94, ;4m 1 -uta. hb+nrkly,, 7:30 par]-, 41 court ItBQ by "u Melbodkl of C7lnn.(AE4N. M1dn.Mnrkc- O.Ildrnn & Y mh pmarrms Wednesday, Dec- 21 .,I'e y --h.7 p.m..]tilts 9yupre. R¢nm?it 1, Mon. pk:k up ? -T P.in. FY'- odic- Gnued nrrwanl ehildnn at 1Jamrr H.plbt. F eh Snn- Un11Jny Party, l -S pn1., b,lrlr Rrxw.nuu. Petrels Reaovme 0rrnni 23- amts, 535; alumlde 55 r11S months, !fin w{1h nnirl- duy ecnnlnll. Ay[�3-I1 m S;:in; Wetinraa Cr Mer• Geirher St-, Dnrle i)Pnnwrullr I%fly. Ind nun [pRnl apppmt ymep fur 'per Ib- felt cooked. Hxsrnx• by 1i. 1-.1dnr child"¢- Bruuku, 1? -1111115:45.492.5265. Dp mown MI' rJke. H..1 l'ue,-.d cad. mu¢n,, 7 pm., 11 P Im11it111 err chlhlirrl with dk- Prn. 17. 336-998.tl 117, Icdvd PRµ -517-3019; ur Jrsf ice u1 Wuaxbn's Dho-ken Clxssm, In,rnlole, rraex. hnp,u .sett- ahililie., and 'nlenlny, i p.n1. ssugd, ry cnntxcl C11nnk rrf ;36.938•]465. Iwo clo=se% hod wLxlrly :J Ongoing Peri¢ Cu. ltapubikan Fatly, C,JI k..arn,ary kmPkWrr o1 Tlnnm Lirdngvw. Srra•iers every 7T1n_IPPY, Il J.H.no Churcb nr C],riq. Tun- auby 77mv. Ilnrin C9nn1y rC;, n,inl-1i1vs. of lnnnfi, 7 9941•,1311 r+ 4rleatioo gReli�r7llon n4n.wwn Ml, Zinnlldllnea,- RL.N1 ¢ and Wdd. 7;J0 N?CddI.IJlaras,r dayx,lllu.rn. p .InPnviC,V - hod., - Ilenleh Dept-. rl4nlc Mrua di--- 115 M{II 51., Mnck_11P.- PIP- p.. No ow f r vpnrriala. All FrrinrEl.rr.,mn pn-waikme Flar'IC, Ca. RrpEdhLk.n Men'+ Mod-441.,F8:}n p -5 pm - Wednesday, Dec. 14 fnleu, a, Iu,F wrekly. Yin.l- n¢biex- tldc-rulhln, sereno -1-M-day 1Mr1n Couruy board ¢r9�Faf '13[+rr Cl.r.rrras Srrvirr. 7 1---511 xnd dpaahn¢ts. Wnmmrnn's 11". Study. Berry F'rLa mf[cahlmpLshmrnrrn,L= of entry- rearth.nrcalirra-eling, 5erdno,4m-rueaduy-5:3Dpm. I,+».. Fin, 1•"elaylcrlarl, 261 S. very Wmlo, ,, 7 p.In-, Cnn- Wed. 5.6 pan-, tri a ]kern• near and radlle¢xy,tt-111111... este% 6 P.rn., 5ageNtlt,h, LIS 6111 N.. xt PSS. Main St-, Mncksvillr. 9pen ru 41+x.! Mrthmdkl.Cln T _ it"' R l- MNIIng k•uul ane. All wmnrn xeund T, Huy MI.p C_$L Macks.-uke-FnrknrLAI1n 8419H. r4 r kx Atlunym Avnukt pny.,nr win muy be grkving. +u NC Hut, Mu k ri11n. wek x e. lnF¢; ]51-32iu- Community Cemrr.2l21tlraw- wonw•h wnkamn. All Odd, G-CIp. Fim 0apl. akme, sink tar herr painFal es• Simply Morax prx3'rr upJ R•umm�'s Stpdy Gmup, 1'h¢5c by HI.. Yndkinriae, zP1lnr,xrd Pp,'Fe Efmmri¢ei&r^ennlry4 Church- 3911 N. M1laln Slnel iptinns wlm rhe enxson. book study group for mwu' 2.¢4113 ihliaJ wain], presnnmu by Fwaeneey leud,on L1ub- eel 5nclnly, 41N -Ilwrs-, 7 P.n,.. [upalainl.TTura.7 pm -.sun -6 Saturday Dec. 17 nF alk aEcf wish kid%of da og«, by FL1nn:Ji a Aflnior .. FMC & S{aay-NkriAm CBnla, 2nd Wed- fl -m Lihmry- pan -Drug Prabl6mY Hclpl Inc, Pluyx ••Assigrin,ent: Cwnron mrun,l Fdr�ya, 9;30-1I;3Uuan. Iwld every ,ncnuJ 541,. ed ex -h ¢f early month kJ' INo H,unune Al-Anun Fnmlty Croup, 114 3x..7%5-73.40. and Joys"Imo "Slurmy 2`4 1. durtn9fcbxa Year.C¢rncnnme mnlnh,lU-Ilam-All wcicnmr. Sa,rintyof fYa.'kCuunty,atFmri• MarLvlv¢W Mumwap imv h, M-1c,vFlle Civ[texl CInh.7 1iWy Night;' !• P.m.. Wyx C11Hsdan Chunh,NC Blll. Fico ]urn: 940.5 A9. able'pay-demnrs,ugoy[dreucv Y.C. s11[ N.. Adnlner, 5luWays P.m., 2pd He 11h MnmW).. r1 ON. Mdmodix, 3923 Wyn nhildwe-99R4160L1. Cn-N6l CaumellaR Cenlrrr. nn ldnyc,Cyq 7$1-$'-•14 n, m¢ke K pm lin rnlluwxhip hall]. }rryt ltrxbyred¢n church. Rmd, Y¢dkinrillr. WFak1y lsruyer Snn'Ire. vlt l ax F1rxl Ik Ill Church, 3941 rexcrnnlun :I d for 11r1n1L¢- Ai -Anon {a n gawp Zhu, help. Adrancr ljemprial Poa18719 Piny •A Slnr'lb¢Fnr,'Emin trMC.: f -Main St.. nnwnu,wn. N -Mum S>.. M,<kx.tllc. nfFrrs Nren Adreneed llenhhrore FmrriliL-+R. rricndxofalcnh,�[irx- Vrirnlm of R• gn Wurr. and •Iknk 1. Chnrcn, W,xWILvr. E 'ITurs=L ya,n�on-i p.In. u, wnr- Inter-drmmni nnrkmxl Lv men]- Plvnning Wnrksh ups, =rad Ceulwnser H5lmnns Clriwn I�Jies Auxil i:u-y,4tbTves.,T:30 pan. }Yalse dart", nfrrah- t""'t'- Nva aatmcwred aerY ice. Ing, Ar demirul[y rmine11, rnnw.,,fe h -NI., 18.4P m.. Club, In— 4th Theta-nr cath Priv. Let- home- FCC MBI Road• 155 Emin T mple q,r1c1 rimy CLP gray ¢rad mrIlIMM. a ;UIieJ a P,xlon. & nldnlul EMS HmWIng.tifocksvIIIe. For in-Ilk.7 p.m. Cun[ermry Fin1 P¢Hc c¢naly III TM LFIe,T ChmrlrRmd- Ph Pbvthl Id Manrkmi¢ Mum• 1"1111 Pnlrnabulals. inrn. & Inlu:'J. 7fisJ 157 est. IC�n- IWEn- rel luwshie Wdl, 2W Mer- Pm..3ed T'h.-Iny. pmndilak' Sunday, DeC. 18 `LnClu ll,g 4m. d l 13 --r.ovr uPpr-751-2[N I. FwuuFrRnds,nery'llws.. Ri-I 51.. C,xllmrm Allu m ., Lvnrxhu... 751 -SECS or y opium W ch hp ch 1 p.m. p eehonVl•n runt.% nwrning 7!1 p,n,r. [fur time d-- lad cr mvir¢J. X42-4723. CanWra FlcaYrn'e ChAd,- Agcx 12 mmmu - 5 yrs. Ca14 Ont, F3rlhlrhnm I3ruted Meth. xbnuld ;-I- M1:u31. Cwt $4 StiLrh-En.ayathenngnfrmners Cvoleemce aiemurl¢l VFW f.ove F'cnfl ieFvnlWn, C•a,l- 999-939?, Timc 9 ,1 m. rx�nn. Ages [ d rack nicht, r,pe¢ to unuples »r x Mocks n]n L16mry, aminJ }+,,.1 1119, 2nJ Sni., In x.41-. armee Me,hldise,7 p.m. 4rldshnre Iherorrry 2k Sup- 2- M.w ml',Th. Age 3 • M Z'. i 1 Call Link dlt-S?[H or Wel. nfeaq,m¢ath.7-H;15p.^. VilV lion. N.C- 41f1i. g]? 3659. Hying your punabke par Jen u^ C9r1a11, tan Lodgr Nn_ Fedvrall[9acRexFor Vetrrann, all your br.1 tiff and incl In I7F&AM, 2nd, 4.th Fridays, PAY CCI.r.r h3 bids-, 1YSH sbxrc. Info: 751 _11:3. 7:;h x p'm. , ,hr WE,. LIS)VAP CARIPEWrER's Rnl S..e,<rythinl5ar.,!?-i C¢mmuniey P¢¢¢darl¢m rN h=nrkxynle ypype Sk,. 13i.1si. p.m - Far info; 13G1Ir7-w11- 11air C¢patr Rmvrd os DI-- Tuesday. 7:3[1 p.m -ax rhr kxtgr. Free Monody PEulerles hwd lora'_"] Mu¢-, 5. C.0-in-Civ[tvn's Club Prcsen WCPWk9 1 S North D.AIr RurHnn CW1r, Meen¢R, kxt¢nd3n1Mu .cath inp, llnr Fn, ref rneh nnnnnh 1mn1d11y d4nncr meeungs.sce- 1,xmlh.Tlaan., Cia'imnl',nPrrty. iTUNDRA in 2PIe9 u1 WdM-, 9 a.m. til nnJ M[r¢- of each month, ] 601 N¢nh, Conine"". on 12 fl!ko gprursrreJ by Dari. pan.Call 7g212Tn for infrxx@d Da fi Co. Muklpk @Irmd. Lv_ Club. Inxa,idn vl'ncxr mcn6ng- Supped Groep, 2nd Mun. YldI Cla¢leeman•S 1nB Village I- Fran nr Ma CL®[r of cath month. Rpar-• ¢x ¢ew Mnsrcm. l4 ChM"h 51.. Wed. lxtur.F inrexmg, 3411 Tars. uF hnspax1.13mmvdKw1 F++Info; Nai- IDu.m.,114 pm -T orf Ww eaeryother m¢,rth ar SvnTrtiar 375.972.6C.T3- n1i]-Lbleq-oppt-[St1=8.4flifu. nn YEPLWn 411, kd.. 1130 ..m. r.E Mme a 5M SAig1dpt 8ldryelmes. or Dn.'Ir Cu. Li- Qeeawna: 751.2113. SenlOiS WVF.iT,C GLO Y E O@�i... �� hurry': Fn la.rrr-, ami%lihraay. Alnhelmrr'n Suppon Gmup• All -0 Alirs mkt pinix ar F.My ' - o n i 2nd 1LnsJay' of narh m¢nn1, H. KlPL,Irr seniorsenica-.Bund. 4 i�neetinas 6:3op.m-.xr Pu.lr5r-6230 r, Wks m4wk illd .1 Mery ne3'Sr.. ➢ DaO. 111c. EnrC 753-6238- MIH:ksvilln rx¢ler° unc�iwisc g D ^ IeMIwIu Yllk AA. clnsN P°sae Clriraa Cluh merle 4Lh ¢rued. 752-6?ll!- 111 n nwk[ng menung. m Ia.,r l'hnrs.nrr, it murnn.Fnl+--urn-. pngving Ch9reh. 3'HI N. hlnln St- TP'm-,m 13 i1wh.lr l3¢Pn.tluad.. ,y=�rinR Wnkc Up, Mand.ys, ]acro%% Truro. D.wie L3rvry 4. Hwy. ]511 -All visiron wrhvmr• H'cJaerJayr.Fdr41yr,9¢m- 1-otl% AY TBUT i165pA 'I'hlnxaaya, 7 P.m. Info; tun NAACP Cnmmunit5' A.rm"- Frnr Advnne A Ncolthit- 6OrAT U5TEnRx, T53.1 tl3N. ems Mnelknp, cvrr�• orb Man. flee I_ vk, IIxhr,p. xecnod of each month.] p-.. En Shiloh 'I p L hlnrksrille fiardrn [.duh, fir=[ ry ar snL. nu,Eh, 1 p.tn. 1 � Thut,Juy- 7 pal-- 5cp .3 ur", Bnpl. Cl,m�11 Sr. Ltsaehboa, M T.W, 11:)41 Llvfei ECA Cluh meeLa ^sJ Fc HW Fhip Loll Flax, Methndial, & Fri.. 1 i n.m.. lunch ,x•11 Chun -h 5r. He,q Wmxl- 37I, M1fanuxy o[ tach man,h, ut steed d,Mily. 1r' Mond C71n.J i] Center [imrm- BWg.. 7 Pm. QeilifnR Lt.[,. d PC n A -• .on FL Sun- P lrafr join us. ]u h.1rs- g`duP- Pienbl. Arner3rnn Veer• dny�,Sn.,r-,h'1nrc,k+nblMnra=-i- SKiPPO. Wrdrlrxdayr. 1. P.m. m,NC ani belw,r=n Harming,vn °^e C htew 75 ,nrrn nn RC, 5erapbgak3ulr.cre MTuef- 'ftow T sC E .wY 5iJf'•nnEF unJ Bermuda Run- Fur F¢miliex Monday of Huh month,] p.rn., ,�Y.•, n -m, V � � BYFpxA�6WRY P Awwt y' end rtkruds of.I-W rx, PAv building. 1958 US CJII S. Free Bided lYea°uxe �' Sus^r Ynlley C¢p¢f¢siln 3-16.571-RdJa far mum rnGf. ,+,Ke mnnl h. rat IO;iP n,m. In 5ynrdron, rucN 7'nes- 41;30- Adlnlant 1. Renfm. rnc 14 L11111- 51u-- F:3nPm.,HIM.IlanEararSugar Town Pr ClwlLa-meerimlllltR NinRFna ScaY¢rs Ch9rus, W.1liry 1'r9ltmm fur cn,kn l I?- p°`�• mea s 7M Thu". ur lhursdayx, to aan- r _ ` 191 ¢rad adulla. Far iof :1135. nrchrleonth.. CUWnrrum'fown Sctvhmr.ln.m.eruyMrulday- 97R41Hf:. I1.11.7 P.m. _ Trxxs Houl'Em-771ureJoy5, Davie Cuun[y 1'WmBngllmeW, p�orl Gruup�6rsl lhulx ¢Fes"ry 1 p.m. J th T,ws-nF each mnn,h.R pan nnth. 7 -g -3U p.m., x4 D l Sr.WnkClub,eveq d+iNllex, E'4 A ebumben, m ¢r the rnonlh, 1:3B e.n. a n'_A_ 1�C ,x ?IW aoolr1pay.eAJmin,zlmtinn Cu- puNk library 4ma11 Cun• Cnmpnler L'iusses -are ¢vvil- '{ H4Jg.. 121 S. M,Jn 51. frrcncu Rrwam. ]cru; 75 i-li7(e[I. El L-ak1 for infurrmynn. r paY1e Cndnry Bpnrt of Ad- PerEeDaHller, W¢menvAsla Anhrlxlc Exer bE dvnry•pulrr OIL1LIJe snnrnx. 3rd M-j.y •,F curb 1ptinn.lsl Wrd.arrnrh month. ty�. 1[+:30 a -m. mwrrh- 6 p.m., in crmmivinn• 12 n nn as 5nnTmx Rank. Lf¢e Ppncinn lsvel t,Thurs- n: ciwmbcn, :rad nrwr. llxrir Vo1in' Aaxk Branch 1-u.o. days. F I,-- - AJminia - It Bldg-, 123 S- ^ 11 xll 1,Wice Imnrva[N in Line Parrciag I.erel 2, h7w,- - - Mon Strecl. ¢rrwnrkC.. days. l9'cJnosdays, 9:45 a4a. I', . ftt kr Fwn, Ilon. PaYln Ca. Band Sonstrrs. yuN lmperl Arrvblcs-Yves. ArrJ,W, smanJ Ylrun. uF every munxb, "nets ]"•r T...,fad rrf .."k- & Tkpu.., 11 ,, p.m.. 4 ['- N. Morn Sl rrf ]:zn f.m. F7[ne°s Eq dpmeal knam - wnnl6nm anceearan AS- GtxrwwY WEAR IF%in1 B A t Chu.dal. Viaimn oleo Mun.=Ikon- 8 ¢.n. 131 8 Fnlyop, 7 May Hnuxr. kx _ ro weEcome.l'nfiryl our mnrc inf p.m. F¢J¢.s Ra -m. „I 5 pm. & w.duvfcA-rkrcpru.cvg Tus-wlay.7pm. 5¢t-9a-m.rit fpm. ✓' w The Arrift Gr¢u P. P¢a'ie 4 �M1 i1C err work%, TIP a -m- wu.kd umtars W¢ 9- 12 It ru a]�V4a{r rood Tuxs. w�ch "until- Counry'I.ibmr}.7p, 114,1'Yue. µ,apd�yryr. ty ed. 9-It CdI Huanie ¢199A•5274. K4 . M L•rxk Bolen, Valla Yana. W fly A- Inux T__ + t[d . Mvcks,rllr. t:rfw,akinrl C`°xrr, Cvmmuaity Pnel¢p- per, AMS T- en1- 3411 Nu¢., ] pm- ryn.r. - rrleer.Js ptswphanred M PaYie tioaTb CLoleemee and Clark dnya. 6: 15 pm. - CnrmrY ClmmberpfC;nmmeree- 5B3'er lIeeab. 4Smr-, L1'¢a!-• & ]knad Cnone3l.�nJwnlncWu}', rn.aeNJGnm- uur,t� �. Far mfv: 33[�TS-530x. \SeexinF in diff rent wv+8rr L-- _ p� Neewprl.�. 4m r - wnh pmt nom. Fioport Pav1e 4BteHne • - mumh. Lacon!]%. RLvanuJa mrm rtesra @y Hppn luonda S R_ 11.45a¢v.• I �e f, ie >lvmax3c V rde¢ri Ser- y nn pm.tien=gk- sad Raft' CsYsis Cm1rr. H�[upanlrP>del�fh¢pW J ng+rcTearalr pm9p haaud bay tlfrm �crkly srrppxn g"ap be [gtveed M new Monday W PaYk CL®bcr uFn�- frr•w.v.�-.rJ[h,rA ser m] m`pubdraxxn-xeLf511751- [7 tnf . ]51-1.L1i- nxwrn.Thermapmren '21'0 rr dxap i, b) dr off- /r�s wf Nj .Fr F _j. ra h. for jrd 5. \lam -moose }fax uF tick rrwh. ! info _ T�..evramRtnwr�'?QT ifom me on -13"IE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursday. Ihr, 15.2016 —1. Wheak.r, leader Jexka Cpun1Y Tux PercOl F•4.7, PIN: Bowd.n Sm 1411, M ,he Mon LEGAL NOTICES1. NoWAl- nzne cmanytY&VK* Tomatoes Prallah: Daces,, G.P2.2e [awnrnwn, NC 2i01�, mol br ,w- Grady 1.McCFamrwk, Jr., ne fndahrad oo edhl Eflerd Ral Mna=e m W In,mnOnw V"y dl NORTH CAROLINA P.. ---rums, PrW eprpvmuW.a ORV,E COUNTYWng c.pime ¢@morel Ihv ¢spdv CAVE COUNTY MOCKSVILLE, HC 23nn" OTIGTOCREDRORS plv any cp unix. m Mcni.. N6 Chtw FRESH PRODUCE Oleo m/u�le CAEDmpR's HOT.I. ,v __. ,nem ,. .h1, ura¢r• HAVING C`_FrED vs Ee- aigMCd.. ,beftna,nl, f0,n ddy HeWn9 gvlpinod n F -+¢cu- Imaiary 35 aces wvvd¢E antl rest Wes Exra.e of 8E0AGr °pen lend In d Nmllp over ■ r 1,l ,he E..Ib, el JESS W Moho 2017 w .his nonce ._ TT1.OTs1Y SMITH, law m DO— 40C rem Ir Wal en Oanrwr Cc.gewvry yr pro Lowy r NO % of be in Dar ¢! .hek re w• A,.E%A EA BROWN. N1 pwvded N.nn Cerpilrie ,nes Pn• Cwlry. RPad. R+mm, 9 podmwn, 1-t/2 r =w L'�m�% 303 Fnslcr AaAA, Mpckyv3pP � ark p Hao 0wio Cwnt u, nuM All a nes Vltlamed y rhe .11Y Y•n oOrai@IIRII Y IrY ell pvap ner¢p aW balk ,925 lb c k v.- ilu u a H i' nn k.t --wPn Nil in ut.v..li..�[}we 1 prwe0n%, nrmr vnd cppnraliore %Ru1a wul pivvm mvkv imme0i- wmg WeimPltgPnw..rad EaWe Wa paymer.L p¢,%vne. Nms, mod mrpvrelivnn .r lwmn�y,nh frill unRn.ehvd h !all DM., a¢ana ag.1h. pw -law easam.n. '�'� Car For DJrectlons (331x1 492-2"9 W wowln[vmat.n Dolan y,nv un- Tnle 9.h der W OOeekpm .l geld d.C&4.m ,a vanNe In.m bwt n +ase and Cul bWI014. purlOng= OPEN WEN T1M0V!GH Fitt. N00.1 -SMI AND SAT. KAAiti'100[1 daral9rmp ¢n w belere Fe V 201a .0 1n0 E.%cu., _spivs M den Herne ..a m In w.dhwO Davw e.vorod p¢rrn. 019 eo.a SPPp 24, 2017. ibeing.nma 131 n ,dh. Fera 4rwp.n, Irvm AD hne deyv. Ion EJ e1 Me E.... —1. Wheak.r, leader Jexka Cpun1Y Tux PercOl F•4.7, PIN: Bowd.n Sm 1411, M ,he Mon pubnc of lnle nmkn] dr in 1. nelk. win 110 in t,nr OI rrpl:r rpenrery. CC a Ne Old Town D11ve Advvn... NC cl... '!. OPnV/omplP. P,p� Rex 68207ge28d. tape, aaa02•A Cl...Z Revd, PH-— 524a,dba.00 noon¢° n Pers.n., nrmr +r„d cvrpvm- Prallah: Daces,, G.P2.2e [awnrnwn, NC 2i01�, mol br ,w- Grady 1.McCFamrwk, Jr., ne fndahrad oo edhl Eflerd Ral Mna=e m W In,mnOnw V"y dl NORTH CAROUHA lean MAret, f5. 2017 u MM mfko Cm.m.leefend, moa pq p¢.dvd in b.1,1,l loan r1,• .01 Sm[h kyln S.rdel t. undwrJgnod. DAV C01INTY wvry. All ria lean, dw1 elgpk=WO., N.M Carvflnv Tai¢ Inv 16tH day 1,l He,eni- bar. 20,0, NOTICE To cgeonORS HAVINO QUALIFIED as wlpelPlprin MdoW. .v rho mild 27028 enwo win piuPm maa k Kann• Telephone;(936] 751-7502 DANIEL 11619 yN Cc.gewvry yr pro Lowy r ew .,— I. by vrwoml@Heil. Faz:lao6}IS4Jp900 176 HIIICres. Cwt. Mdc"" W' NC 27'028 KATHLEEN MACDONA1Jp CACI, Imo d OPNa Cour4Y, = Thls, Ihv ,fiw day el D.— F.M: I pmeClCrll+apfri+ldwda0ef enol MARTIN A VAN HOY. Ma ALIni eYe at Lvw rs W m11ry all pawns, arrna end vv hwlrg cl'I.. ..2018. ✓ .ecN avwnvn Smiy WAliekec PNCII.h! 3e 15,22 10 CCUs 9qudw M"I'ly. Nc 27aza Puhikn' Nav-2-0 qoa. P .9 ewvavna W@vMNa Ilk. Eeralq 0leeen[ Hann Go1m P mP un°eralgnaa C March R x017 too rvVn,Ailnike Vcw —Sallie. .4enlprwrrw Erlala NOTICE OF Eubmann,TreMpdcmunxm' M, mre lel mvdne M. IImI T. olds Wbn , EN. PUBLIC HEARING Cmlr.dee Am. SRR, TRA, NORTH CAROUHA day er ""Dannon of ,lea n h) Alf! w le, rhe Ealaw ON REQUEST Nmwy nmodnlon, bids hem. ¢n d. 37Spm.. ST50 Dep¢:• DAVIE COUNTY 1"" nollce r+u be PI..aPtl In PO RPx ,Pse FOR ANNEXATION �i con 7P.t-7Pa-ssse CREOnOR'a NOTICE bn vltn.h r.cvrery. Allperavn%. aevP,ACiemrnwn Reed ;� puhile will ,oke mllcv =.d GIVE 1, ,ares zs" �GPw2tT HAVING QUALIFIED ee Ex- rrma vnd wrpelelldna 4"M CNmmwn, NO 27012 hot lRa Eanftl eF Cdkindaakon• acuhix o! Nle Es,s,a PI MARY tb Halo Ea,e,o moles mOho 310-7a,Pa0es car � pyaPv RK O H Iv moil w 1101 Puhllcn: Dec., 28 .L a of .he 7w,n PI MCC WIIPa A NE- Inl4 W Pao .nnxlphna Ppym wvbr- S.TR. Jan SRR. 26A. Nos mneh. 0-114 I'A Ceumy. 1w¢ is y n1, 1,8 pm• eyl,red. has cp.pd for a puplk Maring RAS9A 5IENT, OARAoS, NIG. IR -i, roCo ewglwwde on SW rknky i n r.r Mcrtaded. can ..a r Thietne 2nptlpy al pOCOnbur, NORTH CAROLINA n 0:00 pm on January Ord e.W . cipkna nOnlna,gI MEHey 2018. wnE CCle rT -, .he Town HAII LbmrrdeelOn- EII W �o� quo, lora iwaa0fR0r in pf le plrre.W vmngn Wg1m Vi In. 13All H"84 YSCN NONCE QUALIFIED CNEDDO l oro q M 171 d. onJ CI;m' an 1 Dolor. NMch 64 Weal HAVING CTALIFIEO as An- MoclSavine, on Ihv queer• ''..ss �•.'YY'' MI$ya,af6M. el -1. WMR F—Plono Name Mocl ak,YY 1. 20$7gmd 1, 2w� 'IfOw18 0 NO 27020 Ton CTA, 01 Dro Ewmo Ton d enpbxlrtp M. IaNPWIso RJ al"." SANTA 'eA.eM 1iV .hoer puma e.g. pd1,Je C+e tl A"pa"Ma, C D11 H urn nl tlay quilllemlan e 2ndC YENAlL M Oerld Hew.rd :.lka, Hm d O—Ibad prpperiy, eeq-.I p .h1e rinnpm w n¢Ilm ^� he Pat Wersuldg. Reed DnWe Lbpnly, 1Ne b.e Hanes, ml by po9tlan Iliad M.ank le G. vary .ergo OCgW ¢n o wry m e.vorod p¢rrn. 019 eo.a SPPp We s 1 •- o o Ida el flee¢. saR, 36R. Ri@ nom plopped In her o1 Mink wavve,V• Ad—. NO 27M pera0na..Irnm antl carpvranvre S- 100A+91� pNk, i roe rw, Allpvraplm. Ohre enlr corpora- MARTINa VAN nu OT, LLp h.µr@c,alma eyelnsteeld ERwe ExNLfn A = Indabwn IP %cu ""uec r,� A.t el kew b present wNtton dmm W Inn gEG1Nr41Np at 1,n ken W ll.e pb.ock -1 AI6; a]e C_4 Pr Ca pMueo nreko Immvdivw py men. 10 COurl 9qupr0 "60" Y"a on Mach nprmwvw Cerrwr m IM hvraln NC O,ry%Hal ger 27_=r .O in. undereltlrwd. MOck¢W4%. 21028 15. 20,7. I^W^@ 1.1 wmdle deecNpeb nen, Bald iron b01ng The, p,O ,s1 Wry of Oew. 0p P..Ish: Doe.6,, 6.22,24 nom He kDx dwm publleationvl A PO In. ,hH .m,ICd1 u Ihk 1115 a will ho leaded SV VIh a8 dap. 59 min. PAW. A Shvrl, �n� n pleaded rn par M .-_,_ mrwe,y. DQ aec IF" a9.321m, Ilam en GALL FOR In pie �+-� ED—RItel M. E.. All p.rmne, lean. anal c qm.- exr0 aCulhwa -r na eblod W mid ERov 11 Linda H. Amnon, Da 190, P9. sL7 Wynna.Prd Way Palnpet PROPOSALS Apartmenb, J1dai&A rrL' 22L1•r [loam make W—diarvprymwq 12d; 'h -c. own Angl ' ""Ib- Pubkdn Den.1,8.f5.22 SCke,l or pRvtP Co.— Iv In. weerIINnod. van Ibm $CUM Dag-' - . In, ly, Inn. heakma pPmpveal5 Th1e ihi1 161h tl.y 1,1 CmCm- 02 aec. Eder p0aelrg INau9h a at, SIpnC ni SeSv.Gil1'16•T5,•mE9 NDRTH OAROLNIA Imm pg.nd- or aani • 0..201 a. en Iwo el I$% 'aIver, ler a Im01 DAVE COUNTY Ikns MI. -lea In PrgWd.. 0e M H, aweln, Je,• . ,e3.42 lee, IO a A^Int In ,Ne R E A K CRRpITOR's NOTICE rvkp .e chlftlren blot, Ie 6 AnmrnrrrmldY, GTA nooh.-t cunnr m Ph", heroin HAVkNQ QUAe.PIFAT vs ina-J. Cwmy hem 111,20,7- oboe s11e1• dexcriNed tr%P. erW pelnp with- aPR Grd rand,, aASEMBM', Ce-Eaucuwr= M Ihv p. 8,3012018. PNpw Rnv.T er �.avrdin'•1n In Ihv rlghl ury y margln dT u3 CO.rr%rRr. CiiOm Nen i2a. SE.)6• me. HI>Cu'•xld. e. TPM1Ig0Q80.5 HAFFWD1 Tur11 N OLIZABETK pNmC Ad—.Robe— •11 Don't worry about Oee15,22.2@. Jan. 5 V'9 w,-lh ilgntlaWay m." .11 Cr°rsv^a mrMI.dFlo �.IN. WCOPsaaedwrebaMMrm —Y melgk o1 CDH 91 8 .0 06 deg. peirdmns hvvinp clolms epnlnR i1P017. 57 Nig. 94 =18W.0 sero Ea1We 1e wrlllvn NORTH CARPUNa• 57 In. 56 sec. Weal 208 TS 1 That hard -to-find p.aagm ki Inv Ca-Euawdnro. an• PuNlsh; DPP.13 mine couNrr Hark w e u lnM ken h rhe een- 1 "ho:or March NORTHCAROLINA • NOTICETOCnEWTOflS ,1,r Iq,e In Me I.W—cllCn .1 1-2017eit , 131 Ir khn Incl dray M WYicnHonOa DAVIE COUNTY ,1A IRO OVAUV.... 1 is ITHY u3 HlpTwey OOl antl SR 1307. u,rlx or an Ecww or DOROTHY IJAmoa Doom TV: 9,enee Christmas gift. ndlpel a Inns "a" will m IN THE GENERAL COURT RoarnTs COTSON, lbw m wIlh Ihv canlnr 11W. r SR 1'J07. ^ Pk d In her ql arab mp V. OF JUSTICE JaWe Coun,W Mia Ie,e nodry nN I]_ Chu�ch .ad. NPnh A• "hH ., lmm. vnd CblMp JUVENILE COU RT DIV ISION rspre. tum% 1,,10 ovrpvrauvru Gg deg. t5 mW, a8 aec We& r — iV a �1 f e f r f V them lkaa Intletgep ie Hru1d Ealaly N,a PiW Ho.18 J 19 IrgcWms epelnp. midEa,me t54-�5 .eel 11, A pvlm In the y, plea.a ka lmmodNy P% ,eCni 1101MCE OF SERVICE w praeant wrll , adm 1. I p svwkmge, pnmar w u . he e n Aorvh the e gift that t le f$ v ,ho Co•Px.cuwre. oder- dedarygned 1,n or peyre d0ecobed Vacl, and Doing Rn e, "°° flFi'R1ICESS 3, 2017,(b.aid Mee 131—the apwhenxcemeeel nlracl lvhe Tole uIn ,aI n¢y W Ovcomhor, Irvm lt,a Lrs, Opy Cr ptlblkv.wn W 1e hal -,a,$ �m8dnn"' dlaoSed Ff them know o) er D "ohne vW11 2°'0 By PUBLICATION » nr Pld- .EneuiwAR rt, TlrO Merle+ 01. A°�upooerawR�nrme`n�d `�wp^rn: rano, Doak Irnwe*+Nrnvrlana. Ina. rT. FOpmrAond AyJdM CMC, bpm liens IndoMod w saw l=ewiv North 01 d'eD. 92 min -'J9 .ac. you care every Mveknvllb, NO 27028 yyvvvm8w 13, 2002 pbnae hroke ImnnMew pPYmem EaM pai=Ing rnmtyn en von a. ae1 C.Neearsrn OF UNKNOWNLDDOR .Ctheund.ls.rad. 33.46 reel,Imoa.dalm219.25 On -ft OR A MALE CFIILp DORM Ink my Ism pay 1,l Deem- reel Iv 1M POINT ANP PLACE Cn•EfOW Week of the year. 271 9mvot Fw nr Lem ON MOVEMSM 13, 2002, bar• PUIb. DF UFGINNIND, --iii hang F WOPville. NO 2702a IN DAVIE COUNTY, NORTH DERAA LIMHDoMON, 0.700 .c . rrrvm Cr Ione, ea PUNIsh: D.C�1,P,15,22 CAROLINA. 8rr Gill, C1 MP Es1•IF a yed by Grady L. Tu...rew, A subscription TAKE NOT .GR that n plead• aDommy R *URI pole" Pwreselvnvk Lend Surveyor, 0n NORTH GAROUNA 117 PopP.r%w^^ p,., June 2Y, 20al. RIe Nn. STRD- Mg aeekln0 mppl M"M" you MttI wIlla. NO27ma DAVIE COUNTY' CRE'lm 5NOTICE b- ncflpnpnTRe oat p pl iryv P.h h; Dvc.ifi.22.29. Jan, 5 ROM 0'a HTP lrrn 1001- . to the Me.mg gESTAT ea Ease- IMICT aougld I. nes owl—: fel- margl-N US H1gHW-y MI end ler 1,1 lip ESTATE OF NINA NORTH CAROLINA CRUTCHFIELD ELY. pkv wrvvn m A`idC d year pflremeI MDde DAVID CDUth" SR 43117, IJ.Nea Church Rand, Davie C Q Un ty ere Nmo C, V.V. vrm Nara E1y,,ad vagwd,ng a mole child porn an Nonce TO CREORORS end any' WInCr ...—.Me and 01 pavb Cdkvliy, Nenn CwWr• N --U- 13, 2002. In Davie HAVING DuALIFIEP v= Exec• raplrk"na. or mcwd. IDN N 11, npMlY pu pprmne, Cuun1Y, NOr,h Coronna. W ,erlx d 1h. En W. d LOWARD P.Yfian' pec. ,6 I—. and cvrpvmnvna nwInp Qrdvr IDI Sn. by MM-- HAROLD MAYS, le[0 d V_ En terpriC e Record ! I 1 f.7 dPlmn vpepYx the eeWre W POW Ilan moves an.Pmd by IM Dlvplcl Oaunty, ,lar. Ie b npllry 1,,l pen NORTH CARbUNA dacone0tl 1O ..CAW Nmin M Ih. Conti nn N—MIDr 21, 2010.1 °O^= army ^^° v^rper^II-, OAV1E COUNTY nd. lgn.d .l 240 Twp Rv. You In. r.quuod t0 mak. lreram[WlmaOgDh_.ldEa.nN Levo. Winawn- HOrm dplvnxq IP ovcX pleading nal �P[oagnl wrnpw c,a1m y Inv PUBLIC NOTICE ` — In. Cer.Wnn 27,0x. un Iro1Pr^ later tt,an Jvnugry ,0, 2017, ord@nvd on o< p1, �' AM.mn PUBLIC SALE: MovNsvllle fAornl •..'0}7 NWicq Ie, 2017, [bewm .nrvu tlnkna n, or Iola wlll W plaadud In bar .I N.1r racpv- Held due bhin9 rony (40} pays 11oIn Ina attlay.h;.. pPmrpn v. Mini slaregvinlmds 11, eml lh0 Y from H,e Ur1i pWnclNlun d .Ns AM palsur. IntlehM I. call; Wim} w MIN mlko wIN h. c.n.eme W"' IvRowiOg unlla IyrueW vnpeltl piaaeo mneo imnwW tlo Iso. !n1, aD�avla CouMY Go A nmm�nG "'a'rn- rank ehdP-pct ori �aY^ l Dalpreo'na it CT C1a18arvkwa 01111 uvnv W a%Id E..W. nn1 41241125 KWhy ChalNn Tnia Inn 2317. Huy pr "am- Ppply W C C _tCd I.e. 2010. ^PPI, is IHC Cpurr ler .he reRel Plein. make Immvmme payment 1155 Coley Vamru $26.69 a. Irak=yp:roy,flmvurw sought. ,o,hevntlereuhk.-d. :254 Skip s,emea 8.14eo ere lyfrw CrrxeeReW Err YOU ARE NOTIFIED k1, op- Tlda InP ,Rn par ^, n^r-1,m. 74,9 Jvllrvy RODerN eM O. Blake YokkPY anerend anawee the PMRlea by hat. M.0 e2P1 Jup^ Rvy.a 291, Y Run Lam agrvlrg rite vllglnel d he DMrl.• JOYCH,ANN MAYS, 74,2 COVle,PW„ Weralm•sWom. is Pi,pt ten re6pgn6v uPan .t,0 Daulk. E1 D—Ih R`vI1e"a"._ F47a A°n1e Be—Philip.Eswly PW,IIeII: Oen.1,8.15.22 Cevnry Clen,d SuPmler COVrI, ^ In' Fg7 T- Philepa p Year Juvena. DlWelen, D.yI. Caun- .140 OLAOSTONE ROAD ,300 ".Man an—. r NORTH OAROLINA ty Hee .l Ju=.Icn, 190 SW, M.A.M. NC 2700. Plm,len: D.,.-Jen. A d426 TPrhkR brown DAVIE COUNTY Main sires,, MackcvlNe, N - .o,s,22 HrN250 Swekehn EII6pes NC"camp EDTORA 2,`CPa u+Hhln rorty (4C] dOYs AND CHEPIRI NORTH CARP NA NB2 NkhP k Wilfl d Tnn urwerslryrvd 1,wIn0 Punl- a.lvr Inv dela O1 .170 IIrs1 puh11- DAVIE COUNTY e'aT4 RPymvnd NO,ne DO ¢s HY A. d.Ne Ee,ma err 10, 20 7- nO lRyr Won January AVINQ TO CREDITORS 142T Oex,er L_ - DOROTHY .. MO 111.E , .Ser, 1C, 2017. You t.F Ill .lees eely0 HRVING QUALIFIED ¢a ,12A0 Dn lar Jaekaon DOROTHY l CALL lelAllPmp , pp•ExaeWnxre C. Ihv Earew or Fg98 Rahby Freemen bvm1an A n MWitler, vko ger• li M in. ,a 777 Mary PP,,ar n MARIE O'ATy,C.hla a W nvllw Dmle Cvunly, NuIN, t'ilPan,rP. ed belPvr. d Geri. Comi y M90a FacCIPh N'OPr ke i0 Willy an pnr=ona, lirnx. You have n rlgnl 11, hal Ido- 11 pvrs ,lime and ewpwe• 5909 Fmtlerlek Cdhrvn dY ed In IN. E loving b v .Ina. sold rfon.- yd rmma. nr^n.re hwlnp ddma redo. .andQo .I 1: ane. 1 n. nvAlnd tl.a ¢..CI' w,.Hanes In¢m case. n �u wan, en aupmRy Ea.aw w P Wr n Harm n7v aeravn,7+enerrk=na,:.pree, hod TODAY ,h. uMJe 1pnea m In, Chi- end nen , afJ.. o , Ihv N IN und..i 1,n or gewrn pURLIC SALE PATE- e.. Y, B+awvr, Anviney, Oour1 -IN appnln, A k ralneY MprM Is. 21,17. 1ppng ,^re^ 181 December 50.281E ` PO qw lab aes0 Cklnma,ra ler pop. Y% P mny contact Pre mvn.ne Irvm oro I— dw of Pus AT 1:00 P.M. Ce 1ltetbn M. 00 Rood, Cf.m -, Nu11 Iv DeVln County Clark al Suparlpr er nvace}.1101. m- 124 5alen R Mogk3Vllla ^^. 27012. bof^,o 1ne ,Ow ur'^wai W Pr9.de in b.r 3l1 nn u ['ours immedinlely tp eek fun W A,orah 2017 yr oda rw.lc. .tomo+, AR porwru, irons .ntl [5181751-24ay w l pa pAn— In per er ii, re- pourt-appahned edCmPy. TM1In eWpvaibne Indab,ed m said Ee- Puplian. Dec. S5. 22 nue aw Casa• and any Rllcr• M.0.. AidlWe .over,. mi P ... a. kWvbted t- I.O mon. Pwtrev tan P1v^sv make Ian• an, plaided" reprenenl You P%w^gn. 11, cvSx.nmrxva mayor'. payment. R, aupine, cess will ant repro- umgr=pned �.R1 Y1�, MILLER Tn:= ern daT e1 pacembPr sen. you in >hic mA uW.ss 7h1e Uta 16d, Jny W V- p1,18 dg Ceun PPOvints ,sal Persgn par 201e. IB. MiLYER Me,parpi J1, vewey pg¢In er you retain Nem. A Anlie Md. -my PuA•!rl 5�H5 4oeurw.lake Etter• espy 1,l me Petition may Mea '_ExeeulW. orrhp EMlan 336 .+o.mury A. M"f he Cbialnep *+moa :he C..rk 1,1 433 Oeadmv,I Revd. §EpJ�' TANK SFRYI6E 8y. Evw.+m Y. Rr%wer, Av°rnvy Court duru,p regwpr buainvsF rnon�rvtno, NC 27Pse PkD ger 7a6 rypyrs. J.mnller Lynn Cruu OR+DbF IGS WIIa gArd-Mpafs lilt U2e cwmmere RPad This NOpca last giwnme .a ca-Ew.eaprr erre. Erin. {336) 284-2826 Clemmvr.. NC 270,2 day of December+. Sole. 422 Hep—A."' MH4Mp �gC Tam - 751 Pr.msn'. peca,,6 as pe Holy M. Grote, Esq., M.eimene, NOP702a NC StWv Dar Nn 2$214 Pwdiet,' 1]ee.,5.22.2s-Jan. s NORTH CAROLFNA Aypxpey Mr 0a CswmY . Or23scwh MM0,51 e4 AND COME NPr10ETO CREDITORS FOR � of frCcxT,nne, NC 27829 r�evff a�a.r hssAk!.1M 1 Exsed Pheae: 3aR-711.60,2 NB S1OP Rp ur= F'upusrl: Dec t-8.11 ESTATE OF Ski S/+a'.'+ 2120 Ih5>:Ep - e.nu0' Cr CY. -- ,>an -..r. Cwwvy- - ROBERT DINNER ROA 60GEA 1-F ',r - iK.y. Ceye� rISleT rp Ie0 3'il1 GI,RO,..reA Sad DA,HNER ROAD DAVIE CO. ENTERPRISE-RECORI3 DAVIE-CLEMMONS ■Ifl 1 T� TOLL FREE l -877-751-2120 OR 704-797-42201 Mri`li��Beals & Bargains'! Beals & Bargalns Beals & Bargains I aadelbp CeDlpder kvi F." 9Rm Pun M-1, Eton C W ]n'-n°G'J&0925 ase. klrw eCMwNreerpYCmarA.; lncludae pp cope wim Pies=-intlla. robli 3890-1J},e �Ivr. gklume e.vd- 85P-Cai170-0.213.008c. Job Opportunities ¢ Pa.P4,.D,ga.s,aP. u.Rpnta.rrimr.aFi — Fusl and Wood rIMAN WE MN 31rtt .pan a Pr.1G 3425. COL --r S %HEW. M-1 pod pot -.- 05. Mi•e3M00P6. SaeSeaed Brr.wd,.rv. GM $a . S¢liln, for Sopa, 704 A ocp-.vwr,.tp oak. rrdCell Oelrl-0 Haw Hiring! 0.78-1477 M.vY&pwutwtharJapkn, ,20.4 ..n. per wO Rx 9e.59p. 1'pd•9p. ere is �R'9°o-nn^ cNInlNeaaentgnek.pe Cpmpoti - wages. beeMplPa qe I. MoNlpdea1epe, IIITrM SAFE JeWelr PP Y a oapaen,d. trop, a Hol. HggRq ed- y A 1 1 .,N/vr-daiilpR.cpm gaNp,n SPI, Cao Sae- f0-Mnpiv b N0 eAdnp� Ikd 3elil, j9; TAln DNmand sd11Wm FanGRI CMkti waeAa INrk4a!• evil- U@hvaetl. SaohiOoOpa-22d.GdYtlryvtl Lal a Llppant cd, In- k le .nh rpckP� �H LPH@ x 11T14FWI WIRI.mF Xaa11M1 Mahar ami t `O r.ty.1 color. Ieeunn 1 VNrp q 6 Hiph. 61 n. 33G -w t•te1a. VaOr.avo a Emit vnyaulpr. 1200 drrol n tomo P., n awn pow iign ' rA..lertno WFaa a me1P. hook. SAb. Cap ^'ap4e np, p.x. la pt, Garage Sales Non =k. -mar or a par ar Iw.o3o-92ee. wco99neaKnTinHh rea°�'eaa°n 9 ¢ Eerd, p me. Cull NAsa 1e Inalhm JrO rl SSJMa Inm. Gen a dy pww%m. 701-202�i1-kd 3150.00 xL dada lemherl¢rlw.in mxeilvn. 7aA•213-3109. No 6W or n DV. 1 r poo+ SOW. CMrb egNaal. do Minn. NRSCAR ontbmrdomd eeor9p.nx.. kNoaee. ' boa. ,e 6 ,I. CNN' cloak.= (— TlVoa 91oe1 hokee wNh bp[- on Lad3e070a-224AOa4 Ltr•nM N sle, tvyi r1" tNaX S vabimt. Upn,vde perk vlpo0. ,- r dmptld [erd6Y c101nvz [L a %L}, OaIY 5,00. Call sse•x . 3. tiro-gla k.r 915P. H n n. H ler. Cldkbn.P dmea.. para y S6. ]04A09.444b. 39.000 m OiHn I,.. pI ep Cm. 1,a RY ^PP,• N• p I—Fd 70a•zrl a,pv No re%1e err vane •7oNd ° CgHamr I—. VAndon mrnly%w. RHIIyaMlw fTenae ober 9 p.m., pi000v. Vlooden cabin.', mwr 313-5130. Can Ib4¢ae•vs25. 33&Bd1s1005100.00 I D1MNr men MAIN A.MNr CaeMla JH j dnaa. wke red dl narN soler u"0°' nand pri�iod Dmee.tneel Grad %lraam Chi Ior da,alb. SOS. [laartle•2 580.00 a95y3,av5v. Pam a Rsraslas onu. QNar��c :a M. M!I0 Lost & Found How. acv deame Rpa. Fkva 1sP4. Cr pa¢I emr. ewl7Paaewa„a 2 ND 511111 RAM TOM DOES OmW Cnvs.nve @N. 525. GII 5� Wra PoRnr N Lena Red Pok up 89'W,2•Wa n4•IL30-9210. 2y In vpR5+0.7w-0OSMtd BTI.sw-645•,4',7 s2ps.pP _ 20-M MNIOr RODMCIIAC,s Tln, Ca1,I. T�nW B�ovddyy M^non mitl SW Y-UND, FOlip Milan. �gy Lip �Ilade. Ab Clicla. 10a�T4-14T! Tan 25 -9 510 ipa•6oY•44,8, v Y 167 Thai. EMNwd4Y CRdlm, p�7 M1ELOyEG CMT moon. w1pr.1 ALYr FYmltme LpY4!•M R,P AN, aleck W1 I—— SIO. En— Nvwnr. fe15�50. NovRr •ol tyats, F. •Carley Ieee! Flnk aM Dllw lel. Includve lt,mw plllewf. 101-9 5 9 0 6%. v poo. 70e{,a2.1 dCINr, r.ry la11er. 7404 1-1540 5100. 70A-754•p65e_ Fere sm. sunll.p "T"D weed I" RSk. Miami aaMrnlaaa Dueller WIINN. W.ddM dreea NI lo. Cook TMnn m2 "I rPu Omen, -_1 ',m1 my orgaprmvw 0 dradohle. 40': jr. 5105 .x.11 st600. Woo vrlce NY „Allo yA'pow tuna o Hove 525 r•_u Pofeiby o, Fwd uon or CVS n u-ae esch. tan 701-5340772 3150. Call iw•ea5.7C3s�p/ 'p-14,-1eta. Rco,K +all t 12R T0¢•PI935R0 THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15, 2016 - 07 Co11 us Monday Friday 8-5 Deadline to have your classified ad in the next issue - Tuesday 2.30 P.M. Email, classacts Salis6u astcorn � rYp OR place your ad online an: Salisburypost.com and clicic'Placa Classified Ad' Didn't get a paper? Call 704-797-4213 Houses For Rend , T Cmlr.dee Am. SRR, TRA, Homes For Sala Nmwy nmodnlon, bids hem. ¢n d. 37Spm.. ST50 Dep¢:• �i con 7P.t-7Pa-ssse Oa O.tmly 1 0h"� "cal I¢rgn Ln°9e 1, ,ares zs" �GPw2tT Manutaotured car � Homes For Rant aT RIL____ OLEL- MDSr 4Au SRR. 26A. Nos mneh. 0-114 I'A 2PR a0tt. Lbu,o Nomo far Ronl- RAS9A 5IENT, OARAoS, NIG. IR -i, roCo ewglwwde on SW rknky i n r.r Mcrtaded. can ..a SnaOy.tcrax MIAs JOnn Crprca Rd. MwtuutwJlUO auppwl. Ne one vow nrinom r•,r ,ruse OR um er 03G11H8-8744 �o� quo, lora iwaa0fR0r uxan°e ''..ss �•.'YY'' MI$ya,af6M. el -1. WMR F—Plono Name 28a. fl. _ q only 'eA.eM 1iV .hoer puma e.g. pd1,Je C+e tl IWn h IVR randy mom .Me nm IoM hnek Ne vary .ergo OCgW ¢n o wry m e.vorod p¢rrn. 019 eo.a SPPp We s 1 •- o o Ida el flee¢. saR, 36R. Ri@ nom O^v�b°en• fervnco. mquimd. Aqn- pNk, i roe rw, 19Safa°s•s,B,. pb.ock -1 AI6; a]e -- ger 27_=r newtoday � � Me4cknllle. 9RR, 2HR. �+-� NiCo 9nporhpod rY r Iv[. ! SYvnvnv.. dopaM sae -w, -765u Apartmenb, Rooms For Rant fLeeMlHlla - 5y,upr renew Fp,e.. 4 6 2 OR, CeMI%i WA, I SIpnC ni SeSv.Gil1'16•T5,•mE9 newtod ay Houses For Rent Nbn-amw.er. rwn-otwmel d aPR Grd rand,, aASEMBM', . Cm 348-yeo-2+i 12 �ry 0-. Can CO.rr%rRr. CiiOm Nen i2a. SE.)6• me. HI>Cu'•xld. e. TPM1Ig0Q80.5 �- Vs, 1 •0,•+`•� 1 'Tis the season to let your customers know just how much you appreciate their support. We've mode it easy to share your thanks and best wishes for a Happy 2017, with a special Holiday - Greetings pager featuring old options in every size ` r r r%rlr efeLrrrr�r� e.Y1r and price range to fist your needs and budget! n+vli•Pc �cr7.JP'C• Free ipeg of your ad to share on Facelyook and other social media websites! 2x3" Ad., $50 2x6" Ad: S 100 Custom sizes 4x6" Ad. $200 available! Prints Christmas Day, Dec. 25! Deadline; Dec. 20, 4 PM Safisk ry PoSt Call 704.797-4420 To Order! clossads@salisburypost.com I www.solisburypost_com I solishurythemoap2ine DR -DAVIE COUNTV ETfrERPRIST RECORD. Thursday. De- 15.2016 MES Students Using Holidays To Learn Mac fila Elern. - uuk dcrzu is nudcnts jo . teaming I hour D --I,— holiday trsdi- li.- celebrated arould the world- T'hcywere aerprised of roma of rhe sial Willes and differcnc�s there w to W dirlons they celebm[e wnh their families hen: n, home. Demrttivus "I l.o sme type wId spending N. : lkh f Til, were common ibemes around the glnhe, Mrs. Collison and Mrs. My—, fin[ grade class 'lass been pnnicipating in pn a nwmicc unse titled Wiz, vdarkshop. ST dans �i used on Scveml 21.1 -a- nary economic skills inelwl- .Ing: needs at d wants; gods o 'adds reity; con - .9.— a - snlmers a�nd4pnoclae.N; onv- nnd spcnchins-, and dfui- n a! lnlwr- ABor Teaming ul the above concepts, Z1could hxnme -1,- ij Snn[n's Workshop and rasa- aur ns winter kshop ehc e3 �-x could aPrinklcs, and the Frosting. wngre far mmpin- Innn and ]aerate had n tut ur c cosigned tasks. F-.—Iky, fun ns Well' tfi y ]]ad ehc opponunily •Ilia Sctlaol celebrated Io spend their 1uWd1me6 Cnmpmer Science Educn- wngea and Iwy Fun cults Ilan W-ck by rmnicipur- for fnmily ..-be. and Ing !n the Hnur of Cndo, a friends— rtw—M-1 to e--. In writing, nlunlentr hllve introduce sl=w to the been focusing to Mon I--- 'add of rxtrntputer prrs. They ll.tcned ss. Cn1- gnmrrming- Mrs- .Smith, a lison read poems. The chi!- former computer crognnm- dren enjoy- a crcanlnc , i m ,has been -iced to— _ Am' ms ad an lead a[ud-nls In levning ra pOe ram using An Birds rYw tic poem about Christmas, lrrD11 g >�• They also enjoyed creating rollzombies. The Hour of silly allilerudan poems and Cad c hos nenclned more Than listening to Mn. Callison 1(10million students wand- . ti _rare Dead tong.. [wisten. wldc, and n11 Mrieks iIlu% Mrs- Fletchce. lhird max t "Do students par- graders nee "traveling" llcipnwd this week during i.ound j*.mjaA nhaut cOmpllt-r lab Time' Christmas in s coon- Read Aloud pJ nigha was cies-Tbo unn—kd to Vcn- a svcae %- Of, Dani. Hun- -_ .era, ci nmany, Sweden, ne°s, Mrs. Swofford and r � �• Aunmlia And Englund, Ther friends or Mocksritle They learned focus obaat rook time our to scud sraries their country such as tm- to " Mas, Thank you for ditions, ouswnls, foods, snaking This n succ-ss. decoran7ans, and what Santa is calledin each country. stud...c enjoyed mnkd ng n Chrinmas crag from each tunlry- 77,ind graders wit] o u,eawd to a F.ereicnst ony on Dec. IS by son and Linda GilasI Mrs- suricwand'sfiuh gmdan, 1. math, havedie- sected order or opennio. prtblems and idenriljcd anPressions. They Teamed ¢twat the bm.'c pe-p]c of World War II wit re hnd• oil"Pnseagc To Freedom" As writing, part of they nee workingvn rewriting the 12 days or Chrl smms In .moll SM -1w. ' Mrs. LcmmonC class has been making ging-rbrend souses in speech class-Sll1- dcllte learned Inow to maiw the house, and then ao take rnaskSecond grader Matthew Jones celebrates pro- tus ing ea for the rly, gramming his Angry Bird. Haneline www. Pa:rmtin nrg our • 7rilterinr and `EAterIM- davie . Pressure, lt+ashirey g � 338-940-8550 XOM Students and parents are aft tsars during' Read Aloud PJ Nkjhf at Mocksviila Elementary C9C11oo1. Jarrett Lugo -Mendoza and Ian GrMey enjoy making gingerbread houses. CARING FOR YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY W4 knew It's important To h— access to To schedule h—khze Fpr every munnher of your family, close an appointment, to home. That. why we see p.a—z of ar age,- call 336-753.0800, mcludlrs babies, rhlldton, and teanagam. INahfumds Espanvr7 FLU SHOTS Ar`6dell AVAILABLE! Schools superintendent, Dr. Darrin Hartnass, mads to students on PJ Night. Mrs- Wall's dans celebrates completing the Hour of Cada_ 0 Holocaust Museum merry High School Students Find Unique Way To Learn History Christmas Page B6 0/ -\.VI C GQU NTY ENTERPR11M�-,-,A'ECORD USPS 149-160 .Number 51 Thursda •Dec. 22 206 _ 24-,P ''GW2 _:- ,.7.�._;�',s,:3'" Soldiers urch Gives Away Every Student In William R- Davie Hlemen[nry, sl.- demswere surprised at Dec, 14. Gv„ry 5t udcut got a crew pair of un- der AorIOUr Thula, cnunesy of Rescue }Inusc Church. Marc than 4itP pairs ur shncl: wen given . way - The school is dose is the he:ln of Fnmili— Pnslar Iulic Miller. Miller. alongwith the Ruscuu II-- staff. has cnnrdl naled the zud is In make this c car pussibit. V "Rescue Housc has a hugt7 heart far the next genurntinn- I've ,ten the need Julie Millar of Re stun House Church and Maria Hernandez, 11rst grader Colton Beck gives the thumbs up for his new pair of shoes, courtasy at in Mrs- Marmquin's cla6 G. 1`195ClIF Hou” Church - Holiday Lights Downtown Mockaville Is all iit up with white lights for the holidays• and an easy drive Irom anywhere In Davie County - without all at the traffic in Tanglewood- While you're at It, check out the decorations on people's homes and in their yards- Check out page 14 for more images from Photographer Robin Show. Renegar Re -Elected Board Chair -retry Renegar w m -elected as choir nn a 4-1 —ti, 'y his rcl]ow• Ine,n- bcrs tIf Il,e I]«vac L'nunry Bnanl of cummi.+h h+nrrs curl ter this nmnth. tic wu nominated by John Fcrgu- _M Fcngyson -iiH electedvide chair. also an a 4-1 yore. He was nant9nated by the former vice chair- Richard Poia. dexter. Mark tones cast the only hu vDles- Dant worry abou= the disnpllen ranee of the dumc and Ix"dons of the clock tower un the top or the D—It County Courlhuu.e- 111ey when runnuvcd for rcp:lin While the eluck rwe will mn kin It soma. the old mechanism that ran the clock is Licari; repinead with a ,non mnrlern versinn- Freezi n' For A Reason Camp Manna Plunge Raises Money For Local Families sty will Murry special to the Emcrpfisc "This is "k,rnnnamnJ urns, M.,roti love Otte N+pallrr — I or.— Ioi•ed mu -lah+t 13:1?.ES1' The love of n community —cd - ed xw•o families Saturday, flee, 3 ra Ibis year -s "Freesia for n itta ll- Al Camp Manna in. C -1 ---- Th. evens h tiprd to fundraisc far the fatnz1v of Tommy Mitchell who is Rulus, frbt Ca usfn of Pastor Stan �neon ly basil Ing colon cancer. and Riddle and Camp Manna regular, the family of FJlic Rage Stales- who shows up for his monthty hath al the was div -goosed wVh Fc.•��ml� earlier in 'Polar Plunge: Nov�_ The day -Maned with plc t arts with Sante. and n pattuke breakfast bcsldt wenn and cracking fireplace- Volvn- teen helped scar breakfast, as well as a lunch df hexa -warning, uw-ard-win- ning chicken mew and a grilled cheese sandwiches. During the chilly mondns hours, participants were also able oo race through n challenging 1.3 mile obsta- cle course including rwn hill climbs. a bank c 1a a Paddle across The lake. and ueks o.xr burricn amongst ancor challenges. The day capped off with a chilly. creroania] -Malar Plunge' into the lake for those who were crazy enough To brave the cold - Camp Manna works each year In Raw This event m help benefit sever- al needs iu Thr—nununity. Through valuntecr work and Tho dcdicAlionof ro n,arny, goals of hcl ping failies in need have been met_ T bis even[ is &eared towards encouraging all individuals to calve togethrr in fellowship To prove that na manes .-here we areaT in aur lives. the cal lecd.r can mak,, a differ- cnce. T1rt Freerin' fnr a Reason conumat- we and Camp Manna w-uuid Iikc ro thank those who have wpported:his Phrase See Frrez- - page K s 2 - DAV TE COUNTY ENTERPR[SF AECOIRD, Thursday, nee. ay. YB 16 Editorial Page The Birth Of Jesus AAA,a- iuraS ppJLmzVN ik60._ L.gfiin Ta6W6� In tirosc anYS Caen. Augustux issued ndeer"- that n- -Should ba taken of ale eta in Rprrtdn world. jThls r sst[hc firs[ ccns on that took piper while Qutrintua w auv—r or Syria.[ And everyone went 1D his own mwn to So e- III ,µ--•,1t- kC.rN. •= -. $o Joseph mora WeHHI hP C the town or jJay IrGyh in • iY r+ �`^ �-L'^ � ^l Galilee to jo des, t. BnlhlullcM llro lown of Favid, be he bcloHrged to the Foto" and line oP n¢vid. HC went= '+ �. �IBSr�iltx3T[SLr W -islrr with h'my. why was pledged w be mdrrFed In 't]^Ie1^a j5 a him and war uxpe aCCg n child- r58Ytt:7. While They evert there, lna time-came for the baby to be born, nna oho gave "I rt. to her iinibeirn, to sem, She ClalxS. wmppM h!m in cloths road placed ]tiro in n manger, because Sherr mops no mom far them in the inn. And them wpm shopberds I Wing vin in the Ifalds nearby, keeping watch mer their flocks at night- An Angel of thin I.orrt aPpcmcd 10 1hem. AHM the glary of the Lard shone ti O and Utero, and they wrrc Icmified. Bol the angel sa{J _ To Inc-, "Dv not he nr.id, l bdag you good news of great `Qs joy Thai -H1 Ire fpr all The people. Tbday in 'I'a town of David A SAvkir has been Nora ni, yo ll; he Is Christ the Lord. 17rra will be a sign any —ill find a baby wrapped fn In The Mail .. • rtodm And lying In a oumgcr:' Suddenly a gnrnlcomppny of the heavenly host apv-n with Che Angel, praising God sad saying. a°'°" , °n"'n `'�'"�`� Group Home Has Proud History a vin earth peace tin ran¢ on whwn biz favor eels:' when the angels'A' ]en Ihem and Bono In heaven, rbc .b fit, said m one aWhcr."Let's go Tn n thk Ihem And To the editor. en longing our .cork staff. ec Ibis thing that has Mppened. which The Lord has laid As the executive diracfpr of env in County GIw1p Home Lster un, afreY upPlYing far and receiving N.C. I•Ivuskng Ir, rib nam- Be they h5lrried vtT And found Mary nod Joseph, Isle- who reared nrler 211 yrax.. I wish Iv Ihnnk the Davic FmnHhce Agency funds, we built anyrher four -unix apart. and 111" baby, wl"v was Iy 1ng in 1l," manger, County community for their iap{hnn in nor endcnvnrs to 'own' try Holing. One or the leadership classes of Davidson When they had seen him, I]wy spr-a IICa ward concam- change the lives or adults with developnwniaL disal iill Cps. County Cammun![y Coilegd abase u ns Ihcir pr jpce u) in who[ had been IoW Ch' about about this child, and all who Around 1972. a group of int miwd parcels mad lraeh,- N'am ish oche or these apartment John Fuller mons again our hcanJ it weer amazed ar who the shcph=els said to Nre". formal this private Ann-pryfir Argenta-clan known as On- archirvrt, We fa1-r rnmtklc, with other huikling programs But M¢ry trcasnrtd up a!I Ihcrc do wand pondered Ihem vie Cnunty Ore. Home Inc, Iv provide hent lawn cam- Chia size Across [bc slate. We race hued a lits[ place state In Ilan heart. unity Tieing for this pvpolnlien- 'Yirwp 1.1- Living" w:tnl Cur the Progrnm and building. One of our, resldenm Tl,, shnphcrds rcrumed, L;L rjfytHlg and Prtising God For was a new term at that lin=, was asked Ho glue A sp-1. In Raleigh all the Awards all the things They had heard end seen, whiclo were jnsl ria w Through ihelr plan, m "tome was hoard sad rcnovnled many Telling of her rnperience in community living- Tharp they had been Cold. vn the comer of Svmh Mnin Street and LL.irtZwn Rood in enc aInsrox immoly i(m pdoplc in mlmdnceee. On the eighth day, when it was time Ho elreumrisc him, M-Ilsville. A conlrncl for services moss arranged through w Of coupe. ran main l rix was alway. the people w he was named J Sols, the _Lore the angel had given him T'rl-Couny M=mnl Henllh. Staff +els hired arta mor ria"cd zrr.ea nl Davie County Group Homc lac. We changed before ltd bad been cnncekvcd. nc-pling maidents film Davlc Ct only And suite in%itu- the live. or Itnmelcxa ptwple, hungry people. and people Whan lha lime of Ihcir purili-jon --ru ing to the Law tions. hofs lace was our home i 10 ynan- Amwrd the crnving W Ne our of Inslhm=and in, eommunimips- we of Moses had peen cumpkled. Joseph and Mary look him eighth year' uFpur cxialcnce.n ohne f r liar" needs moms Ito- hid success leaching Ihem comnrunlhy living skills and in Iv lenualem m pmxnt Not Sri the Lord (a9 it is written In proved Iv build A naw permanent hemp- L.- wax donoted [uAL the resldena T_Sl _ All LM skills, fact, and anri- "be Law or the Lim]. "Fvery greib- main is to he rano- by ingeno l -Rand Hbmngh the afro". of Perce Muaselmvn, hales Iln[ pcvph with devdapnunlally disabilities hnvr- mated to rap Lord", and Tu offer A sncri lice in keeping with We wkale grants with the help of SCnren Snr L[h,a friend and We d-eltped vAGniettY trips for the rdidenm t W "nitro. what is said ih The Lew vFtho Lod: •'a pair of doves yr two hmud member- T ge[her we wrrc successful in acquiring They budgntod Ihcir money, planned, nal eonirlb o W young piypeana- em] grants to help pay for aur naw home -the largkyi Illesc (rips. With the help of Liur,nployens sad IDLs of wm- New thne was n man in 3-nalem wnea Simeon, who o e ,was I '550000 from Woodmen of the W Id- With muniry vplanteers, tlnr rtaiaents have evjoyed Lae bias On nghlevuz and devoal. He wns wafting far the wem- tlhe expertise of James Nance, a hoard member and hHHiW- to Disney World tw4en, a Pennay lYAnlA rear. WaxhingHon Nation of Ivrnpl, and the Hely Spirit was upon him- It I ing contractor, who vplun Md m it]reCL Our building pro- DC 1Anr, Oulcr Banks Ivor, Now York City Neer, Grncc- heen marded to him by lad Holy Spirit Chat he would not cam• we broke ground on the new local talk. Dur ]mmn was land tour A# well - trip. All mer North And South Cam - die be Coce h. had seen the Lonl's Christ. Moved by the rnmple[nd and fully Smmished with the nssislnnvc or Clyde Linn including car benches In both stales molliple times, split,. he wam info the temple ovum. When the p -at' Hendricks of Heridrkks FLm[Cure Aad KO: by Allen, ane of 1Wn residents also enjoyed riding Lin eummerclal nirlines brought in the child Josue tin do fm aim w]wl the custom of his staff. O1rr Ines) Baker Fum m'u MnnAT cptrhae plant for v1s1Ts ru 7 ins. Tennessee, end las Yegae. Y4E enjoyed Che Lew required. S4hnelm look him in his nrnss ncW Pmized logy; our usably old pieces of ftrmiture And refinished Ihem and planned Ilre wn&ling of two of our rtsiaen[s As wolf As God, say mg: rrce yr cbArgc. We bad a b¢ou14Nl harm". Mary Nell And endured And wrrc s.dd7cd by Lha dcalhx of lour, 5irn gn "Sovcrtign Lord, as yell bare promised, you now din- (_canard Janes dunaled all the lnmfscaplug fele rwr !tome to B]awihit Rack. Gana with Marth¢ Snore annually where -ss your --in in Pnaod, For my cyes hnva seen your making the outside also beaul!£ul. We Inter developed n Pcoplr from across [ho stale enure to enjoy the mouawi an. wlvnCie., which yon have pmpared 1n rhe sight or All poo- woking mail behind ihu group lh.nrp, Wlhun the new group enlertninmrnl, talent shows, nl make new frfellds. 77key ole, alight far rcmistfun to the Gentiles mrd fpr glory 10 ]hoknr war eomplele I' fly Coal: began providLng dl Inwn found iota in Chi rummuniry, were mcmbem vF [voiles your people lame::' ervices. He continued this -M Pec a. the Apn"menta were clubs, were YMCA members, and loved Specin1 City - rhe ehfld'x father And mother marveled at what was said added- To," earl ramal ly, took caro or our pmper"le fpr pies cuenl#. which Cook some or mein as regional, state. About him -'n Simeon hlcs_d nrcm a ind said k1 Mary. about 3o yoAm. Aad int-mkonal compedripns. T7"csc continue to he goat his mother. "TIHx child is dewinya T. acture the Falling And As the y"Ata went by, Clhem was n muv meal to give .ell L"u"mens for Mem. 'sing or manly 4n Irnn1, nod to he a sign that .111 he spa- rhe apvWopmen1n11y disabled ' chnncr all n IT "'I' L` Wp "Ch"'t have dune it with-, n dedicated board of ken against, so that [be drrwghla n1' many boons .111 be ti,. cwrununily Ilving cxPerienc�e wilftnal 2-t hour staff direcwrs who brought Meir tirtho, skills, knowledge, and rtvcalcd. And n sword will plume yewr own mu3 lova' xulydrvisien which provided soma 3minperfdencr. T'hp pCr- H;Ilents to this Pregrhm. Over the eanrx 6f my rem -re, alert Tlldre wns also m prophetess. Anon, the daughter of PhO- via County Commissiori- hnd Purchased p property for were people who were Inw Yom. donlists, pharincooLmA, pal, ucl, of the Crib. of Asher- Shp was very old; she had lived se by n daycare far chfidnal with developmental disnhili- onus, leachers, hunwn resource mangers, social workers, with her husband raven ycnrt after her marriage, and in- lily, When the ergnnirmlon could nut secure Che funding CPgs, business ow nod other qualified peppla, All widow until she wars eighty-four. She never left Ihd needed to mneva m the bit ild ing, we wrrc appmachcd about brought spinaCh4n . m the Cubic. We Ihnnk you fur your temple but wurxhipea night and Jay, fasting and praying, this property and its aye Por-lntlmmdnhx 1'or &c "Pmen• years of xrvicc. Coming up Ho chum n1 Ian[ very nlomcnt, she gnva "Ina ks tally disabled rtdulw. We wum given the property will" Ihn FI.011y. the dceliwltitxt tri our amazing slam tlk ughovt To God sad spoke alaou[ tau Neild In all who worn ]sinking stipulation that it would Always be used far ,.Plc with the yeses tors Iron yclxnor""enal.-1-71ey Inc- gone beyond rorwnrd 10 the retkmpnion of Semsnlam. cl-eloPmcn1.1 di-bilhles- We hired Jahn Pal kr, Ctrcbimrt, -he call yr duty to insure that the -kie rs are productive When Jpxoph and Mary lead dome everything require., by who came up whh A plan fpr four Apml-.t: amt nn o[fcc, nna happy, We are gramfal far the s ici a which They hark: Lt. Low of the 1-nrd, they mlumed " Galilw to their own Andy Hemel arnp Cwlzlnlcti i was nwnrdW Thr but. We provided Ilvoughout Ihr years - ;Own uC NpTnrelll-A nd The child grew and became wrong; wets W_4 An imernsl tree Ivan and nlwl a gPM1 lbrough Davie Cvunly Croup Homc has Mon. blessed by many h1 wns fillud with wisdom. and Che &-cof Gad wax upon the N,C, Pled MAC C-1- on G.-ri mcma, When Ina individuals, prganirations, :tad Mmsincese%. •I'hmpgb Hhere h un. Apartments wrrc finishes, Kathy Allen helped us Agnln gl flz, the residenls hnvc hcncflwd huniensely. Thay me 1n- m-trlr- 2 with furniture placement, enter schemes, and designs. We mg -red and ptbdyndve rrsidcros or Con, ie County, were on our a No vIdi xervfr 1 I d And fen 44 - b l p] Count LISP$ t "'T 171 3, MAkt 81., P.O. Box 99, htnrharille, NC irron In"I 751.21 en ,illsinad weekly by sANabary rr.w.malEn LLC SwlgnHSpsske.............. ............FAImrlPuhlfaap Rp¢ln grgtr.................................Ganwal Marwger Mika fwrMwdt--.--..- MA 91nom Editor NayTull................................. n .e..y Olrerm, adan Pial_------------- ........ S,Om Etlaer ReekaWna gMarprlM Davin Anomp-.......errnrw Jwmal 1At 6•t95a T811a-i66a tagt•laT1 PcrlWflcal, Pc-agc Fald ih ht --Frill=. NC 37M Suhsaipri-n wars single Cppy, w C_" S2Xfiv Per Year I¢ NC; S ;!_M -amid. N.C. inn-siMASTFF Seal Add,sse O,yr-g sw: W.rcC ., Entel•s_ Rmord P -v -Fac 99. M-6., di- NC'-7eC9 y e ] ng ez o more poop a an n w r ye m ux nr,m, ova oun y Gmup Home will merge with MiP ting Manor Group Rome. We Cooleemee Program A Success wish u em aomim"d xnrpe" and look f ;ward 1A the new T the editor, name which will -FI-I the combl¢nnan or both progrruns- Thank you to alk the ...h.,%.. neighbors and frienas Judy Ross, much F your eonriauing ,upFpn mid aid for the xenian Muck-ille Womns program and -.I sponsored by the Codremc , en's Civllans- picric $r w Ihat your ronlrihAlinn. Letters Welcome made the loll annual luncheon an amazing "rail. Judy Webb"hair, C lcemee Good Samaritans To The Rescue To the edil- On Wednesday. Dee. 14.1 waw driving hoax in my 1955 Ford on PVC 901 North -'['be nW Ford zlapped ranning a1 M-eadnnia Moravian Church hall Nick nml Were was nin way m gel the car completely off NC 801- Me and my old ciiIynnstranded- am Sears sad his co-worker if -gal his ewer) stopped- help one- They pullod rhe aid Ford home F me. 1 want to publicly rhaak them F goving tae and my ol, Food safely home- Ladter Cain. Adc-ace Tlhn Enmrpri- Record wrloamrs letters rn it Ift readers inn topics of local. sate, na.ond or ... zona! zona! issues -An effort .11; be made to print all lectors, provided they im, Lint Cibelvus, vulgar or in poortasle- The edriLis reserves The rigesm ht 1v will letters car gna- nlar ad for apace All leis r ahwld include the rwmc and mkccjm sof the rvriw, i"ch dip" a signmlre, A rrlrpbpnn ntmd+er, Lint Tri be published. 4 also regaennd, Phe haae haters in the Liewspapw office Lilo kirr mm 4 p -r,, - Monday of the creek to be published, Devic Crlunly Fmrerpri Rewrd PA_ Box, 99, %feek ij1le:_ OsrJke_ h- hmdroct-&-werpuiie - , DAV IE GYlUN-rV E-\TEA.PRLSE RECO RD. Thursday. Dee. 27- X16-3 Evidence Proves Police Officer Never Was Assaulted Tn the edlTvr. the gmupd. beaiiag me kepeaHedly in rhe lmck of he head- sfxe, rte- Thai oil: hr I rneounrnrd Cl rookie ponce &S- , Tlds Chriz"mac, I hour ¢tach 10 be Ilumklul !or -The false During the assa'uh 1 rexiv"d is excess uF 20 b[ow•s to ih" `rho un psoba.a was rtquaed to ride with a morn iniac chorgm Fled agaznq m on hlerch ] g h the Mocksville head at the hands of Officer Grcrne and haler s y.a-ffrv=r- %near chose his negllgcm acrrvnz just seconds nf- Iblier rte nmcnt have Fran dismissed ad evidence war than few hours in Pam m Ice his euprrvi,ing off e, walked away- My worry naw ir, Pa Tail while charge. were bcm2 Jeeided- whw if this officer, when Fl-"Iling alone as he x dvmg, hr¢ughl Forth [hat made {r abundonrly c]eaY ,tar l never I bcggnl, cussed- pray", and wind fa Inar the jail apart in pull. over my wile. and pnhrceax [n bully her for no on ce hit A polira: ufBccr ort the cv"ning nF Safnl PATrick's atlemp[s Iv get home to my family. I don't want a rax" of"he said- she said" to happen to any- DAy 20th- Grecie'r actions that night were mrkP-zz and romplencly ane- -ha nkfu fly, pan o1' the dismal sett lem"nr my anorney lite evenur daring that rveamg should never have Iwo- unnccrss... Thr officer waz nn pmbnlion moat evening and azrangcd, requ lees addia.-j vutura, to be rand umc d For Ponca And re3 Wing ohm night aver nna over has been an [his was not Fir firs probation As nn yfRcrr In [his anpan- vFrce s- O¢ had apple in a dcpnnment shonlanR min [he cyc opener for mr in se o=ral ways. Thr story a! my nneat men[. 1 wonder haw many titans something sirmt.r has whale hunch. was 1"le, aeras bona pagpa. from Pngns and racial happeard7 How many others arc _ruing wentenee, or paid Thlx inodrnt has pl-od a huge reel art me and my f - Pages and way mrn1 cerininly not fair m me Aad my Family. Pony linen due tv this officer's aceioaa7 I an Inmkhd For fly. My kid_ were furred to ser the photo and LT, an I, .1L 1 finally have the chance [y tell my story and feel irk my AurvciBamx cnmcros sad nyewitnrrxe: that helped prove aver ,cial m Iia and the rHcwsp+cper My dtrughmr atrw it rcaPonslbility to tell il, In hopes that lmi, doesn't happen Ip my Innocence, Aner hiving barn accused m "Injuring an spread out {n INe library all ]ter m1SSld - 5-1, her fmhcr's ¢there in n"y Ixxnhe town yr Mock -111.- officer in n rgh... un the from page of aur small town paper, beaten IPCe Plsxlered in plain sigh", d I while snrn,und-t by Thai mghl-sevens friends oral i cnjnyed Saler Parrirk'x clearing my name in "11r rommmm Cly is a much harrl"r tank- her ppnr.- Vn[nrmnahelY. w" are living in +r cullurr wlmm bay of a few 1.1 est- hlishmunu in anwnlown Mocks- Whn1 You sec and read in the IhAp¢n Or on social media fair rte wx and lock of ma+a In follow up, 1s rampant. Gail[ v111e. White mnlnmP]adng driving hone r nt%irdJ nAd nP- n'H otwayx vac and there arc always two or mart side. n' ar per-cuneeived guilt rens and [herr is lilt le FMCLA nn in• pmnehed two officers parked fwf,h car DFP pad windows a story. Unrortunutety, in my case, the Pte[ne of rely blooel- n -.C,- yr axe ppxslblliry r31 It. When lhuxn charges are dpwal directly across %4m. Strecl, hoping to ensure we ted face maJp It imrlleciin[e1y onm two spriaL media sfler dropped w lessened, the story is buried - w safe m Jrhe hnol- neer having eevenl drinks- I Char prnt acres[ PILOT- My bmtarcd photo was later Fhtced I'm glad it's aver. but reel Ly;.ii never will be- Ax we Irl[ meld like for fl to be know 1hm Prmtrary xn wlrnl hes been on the front page of this P. with an nacuml,anying story ur kids all the rime, whal'x Pin k,n dun lAtpmet slays Ihpre I in the c wspnper (from the police sips "mens). with re. demlly bout the rH t- No one from 11He paper jurtvc r. Thr claim Wln rover ]rare mc . lease nf0eera .vera era resPnrWing to the .C�ne of A fight- oak ,t. -d me for City side of the story, nor did A1cy re¢J I mor l m, dank all of lhnxe who supported me and At,, 7'hcy were P. 1n "hair patrol cur and I approached them all the rtpurts Fmm the scene which cvhlninpd aJaiH 4onnl family thmugli all ur this- I[ btkc. a 'Cl Page To mi sr A family for:nlvice on my Abtfity to drive home- InfuM1naliOn anJ witness details rarrobonuimg the Fac[ I did and I have a good one; yo'11 know who You are. Maybe, Ll- Pr=ima saggesu'd that 1 mould take A hrr.uthnlyrcr if I not Ihfi the officer- One officer noted [hot the 'vIa- appear_ the neo Farre wap all realm shay or serYen M.LA4 g mored to lx sure [hal I was under the legtd limit but there to show Mr. lames poll Away "'rum Oflicer GMen Mar the the reulalx •uunrax your Fazrbapk page, tris n moment Ho w:yn'1 o in the car. Officer SM, Grnc nc stated that he rear fir [he parr -I car, OBiaer Green option to strike Mr. c msider the other rode of we glory end the loll ll'a taking uukd remain Share whh is while Preston wem rn get the lames:' on the Ira[ -C n[ victim= -10X1 perhaps, that "a is falsee- Aleo-sensor- As Lf- Preston walked 1n the pal Ica department An additional messoge 1 want W #hart is tlplt pallor bru- Cauy Jamrx fur n hrtmiulyan, Officer Greene Fagan verbally insult- Wily can happen tv any person. regardless of race, sex, Maeksville Ing aad ridiculing in , gd out of his car Tv walk unmoor,, nna ulcer a qv ick nxrbange of wool., grabbed and bn- CO. hitting r a m the face. Yarn wrycilloacr shows me Le g i s t at u re's Actions Despicable harking away from him. 6n1 Grvenc fomcd me Jawn nn To the edilvr; Grew Brock, Are part of this Itavcsry, Wh Cie being one of Sheriff's Offieer Go pe%plcuWn Min: What errata be u lienor name to describe rhe rami if inted in Davie Cuanly, I hrlie.rc in vadhg fur the what has been taking place in the INC Legislature over 111. bash quaDfhe,in,Irld-l. j tan dib ppoioced In the Repoli Beyond Cali Of Duty past week ... And the lark year? Iicnn-led county arrrpting all OF Ibis- IL just further rein- Uu[guiM1g Gov, McC-y (nod tan- ] ll,;W. cot r loo fa,c) t'k C; that they care lin No about the r-mers, rather a me -lou Naz really complcled an "diode term bytbeingtpna fir the aCelludc with wb-T s r R¢leigh says. T•o the editor•. spccl�le passing last minute legi station to rtrip d1e new, Whrlhrr it is rhe HB2 debacle, iC which Rep. Howard came hump frim+ hewn In rhe hospital m find my - I. governor or many powers thmS ceA. lnndly should be P-licipated, or the charndr or new coling rales whkh like scare lxxkc 1, and I had nv icy- f wem Ho Hhe skier ff's dn- his- Unf: nahnly. we $ till are stuck motor L[. Gm. pyo m pf ch* country gal 1n hcmr aborti vn naCiynal nnwy, a pn.Fr m for help. Off car Stuart Parker followed me home. Foreslwhv beherrs amt individnnls wake up And sOddo.ly The sIckorijng lark of concern fpr yyr education, this group I•le and for h r uffi.xr worked Tor mora ihazl two Itoure decide they art LG BT, Such ignurl'a- vC voter rcprrscrttol ices in Raleigh hove -.11y- taken good uT fl" the cold. but wore unable IP open the lock. They Everything lhb legislarurc. headed by Berger aml care of She seuc- Thanks f r doing all those "grcar things-" caped a locksmith out of Winston-Sa]rm, He and Officer Movrc, has done has turned In ....... mt sec all nerd The movie rick says It f Ann and all or you - Parker worked fur more Th- an hour And badly liar ,.a To remember. Chat two 1cpAnuxix wh. are 1v work fpr the ohm Wine Isrek uF=ned. anJ I finally INCH tn%Wc- bcnenllem 11 [,sole County and NC, Julia Howard and An• Advance Tl1e emirs tfrsm Mr. Parker -y-I with me. He was kind and helpful. Wehave -They wderfuk law enf eyond rand wcg The Literary Corner - Renegade Writers Guild need to he gmleNl-'nley wen[ above And beyond what was "_pored- I thank tum - much sad win keep Ihem in my prayers, Childhood Christmas MenTaries fere."" in our nammamry- Finding n way 1n zee. -e um is Thank yea, By N.R. 7Lcker right fur each .1 of as iv 4mprntavl- WW.le snxrte folks arc bem tun= Craven Parrish As i think bock on my childhood, I -rrivn it a startling vnlh n giving spirit, them rat others who have k, c-allwgle Mocksville discovery, I monsblessed. My wonl= xpe nearer were chores ¢nanhudeOf.e •4ce- dkln'r want To dn, fartolly gnlherings I thtwglli were Far- I w'm rntsed -ilh 1lae unden[anding and value Lnslill=, ing,nnd life 1n a "moll sown whin [ longed For advenlure In lh-H as People. we hove a rezpranibli ley w help olhr. and Community Helping Cxu1 IpeaHlvns- The Ch"slmma no lea I've always colied give bsck E m n IA- where we rccogniar our own indi- fq stands out in my mind as one of my wrxrwF memoriez, vidynl blcszings, whether it be cduradon, privilege or the JustHOPE Make Like kits everywhere. I looked forward The _rile- good fortune.Fhaving heen born into A.uppanivo arta too• men[ of The season- I Fed pl;;Cl had a speaking Fa" !n ens family. Ry a young &L. I was a:puled to many strong Positive Difference school program. a onto in thchurch preumm. a Trip females, not only ."Shin my 1monediare fatal NY but oleo m n with my dad to sd]oex and chop down Hhc her, decaml• serondary e"c"ho yC woolen I refer Ho as my 'church" mrHh- 'f the *Lill -1 ing that Tree will, my mom and larolhrr, sad caroling to 14r e - Ax dixct- of Jun. Hope, Inc., I .old like Tn "_rend neighlwrhoul-Tho hlghfiglrt of She ansae caC""c when Dad rsChnrhly work was purl of my lil before 1 begun eleriz a hearrFell Theak you on behalf of Huy bawd of di. Llm,,. need on Chnnra s Eve. Every year he mad rhe bink erJe- vary xcbtsol as our neighbomupLi caroled every Christmas lief£, vblunxaers, and All those why heceivr our AssisWhce sus Crum rbc Bible and the Night Befi ve Christmas. Eve collecting d-nntianz for Fannld Bartle Day iinmc, a Hu Cho Davie Conal inns w11n made Thi, year such A anccess When Ito Fkmuhed, we kids wrrc scar ofl' la lard. syelTeY f rr 1his 5 rnolhers in Nashville. Asa drill, I looked through Ihcir generous loon, xupF, and d-aadorn- Foch I m seed the last day of schp 1 for the, a"mexmr, 1 iorword To Hhis special night m.m az much as Christroas individmml. husinrss. church) civic group. end prominent mi5_d everything, f Iom'r remember Anything until Christ- morning. During The day, uvnnmr's mother oras], drive Davie County Public charity chat hoz xupportnd 3trar NLOPE oras nlomfng- I remember thnt mwnine. my bc_ase nor over Ip a nearby chueh 1v pick up oar eamLi ng ""it - is Hruly apprecial +1. We mow de's be able lit mrlke such a Itwtherwanted ro move me r"ins my bed Ho The living arum [ns ide Ilw bag we. the ung -V,k+g uax with hymns, nam- signilicnnl impart in our community wultum you- itch w1.0e presents ever" npened, AT thal point. I Felt a_ =toga and n money hag nor duryrur,nz- A different Hcenager licrnnse of you in 2fl] 4: rid end did nor rare about prcscnxx, hm 4 did as she wished- In She npighlaorhood was the vNioirman for The cpllncrinn, • k Ig homelersld4xp]necS famfltex wrrc M.Slitpned into until that dm y morning, I aidCi r think our home wns �d airy mlalrd c•'cry 13uy Their own nomas after exlenaua slays in toast Hnomis, vc- large. but --king down rbc ha1lwtiy from my bedroom. -rile Isnnnic [1nC11d pay I;ymd's door to sear cooling hie]es. a1xc1 rampsiles. pass my hrvHber'y beJroom, And iron the Yiving mwn [u+k '^'CHs n long stand{ng tndi[ivn; the nrighlaors a0z4ripamd our • I la fnrniltes have moron r�lly rsrnained in their new fomver, Clutching my box of Kiecn- And leaning O,n n1y 71-11.- much m The children looked Forward Ho caroling . hoaxes lay be Mg imroduced to ¢_ries ofaelY-help programs mother, I moved t the co0clh where pill-,, a1al hlankcets rag their bell. nnS ar _nam az 6. front door r><gnn to Thal Coach Moloy manage mens, bene .pendina habits, sae- awaited me, On" serTled in, l closed my eyes and Iislemal open, ate ""ling began. The weather moa,. always epW, ing tarhnlques, and eoul nnMg nna Regal fivmg akin,- We W The sounds of Christmas: Chrinrmu, music on the reend µn1 the kids buml4ea up in wort roofs -iJ gloves To Bray provided smbil try by making them aware of rommun try re- player, presents unwmpptng. And happy cbalcor- Ny older +�• II mons Fenn •wIu-m ing tin sac brand smile# sprtad sourevs and s"mngthening their ability to provide for their brother w•ax 111611ed w•,dx something he go., but I didri t Across the farm of the Adults as the'As .,, , It wax paras family wIll-t depending n" vnrions forms o[ nszixrarice, p{+en my eyes [v -rep il- of me carolers. When the singing wu5 nude, all the kxigb- • Marc khan 61100 hot meals wrrc provided In indi aid,- Later. I woke nod dtxuvcr d akl the Ltewats. except 10 Cho" l children low 1odetu in cna and our mothers drove us .Is living in Ipcal mdels And campai"cs. Sometimes, Those mine. had been opened. My lonr4y prcscnkr sok uHhder The 10 Cho. chPr-h fahC Ihu[ rhucolaie amt !Crispy Icreme Olpugh- -is worn Inc Only source nF nmridon Thry rceeh 4 dor- [rte waning far ran, Ful 1 cvuldn,. om%mr up The energy w s- 1 am cert an aorto introduction m giving bock and ing me week. care, Mom cooked our lradimivnal feast of sI.B'=J na-k y, raker piping hot ru[cw helped crea to a positive al limde In- • Morc than 1 pal individnnls in need received clothing, mtwhed pompe., pea., fruit salad. And more. l knew he- "'and _"ruing my communlly- shoes, rOM"ure, lays. books, bna-hold ilem.. nod murk cauu 1 heard movement in the kilrhen- I cvuldn'1 smell a marc ak nq charge from our thrift More lhrqugh our vouci"er thing. And the [houghs of taring made my 5larnaelt Ci ghlrn. j - progrrm, We M i"C'm uta gently arra I— to those in pa- When the -, orM Morn ramlly ern via l asked to.1um A ie Commy who need them he most. my bcd. 1 seem to remember pad curried me,bul !'m not - • 1:$ Davie childran w nmlled in our Angel Tree sure. A shoe lime later, Bigmomrr brought me a rupvrlen. Prugmm And wens provided Chri.ta of gi FTs through the she grow herbs n¢d made leas Lhm were usuaiLy help£y1, - - coordination of iodividudl, bas4ness, church. and civ E, but the Ou F tired nv herbal tea. I hada'. been caring, but gmilp donors. iiig Mother M-0 ma into drinking the tea. Thal, at least. • Our fins Tmhrsilivnal Haute was domled and renova. s.led on my slomecj .ons Nava rommenpeS-This house wi]I be a stepping stone A couple or days inte, i rejoined rhe world- Plyelly able .�R} for b..cLo s+dlilA-od F ilia_ 1v say to (one family al A to eat -gain, I found drat [ could ask Corjcx about any food BEEKEEPING tGtimnl, while they masilion into are Lr own hvme.T he Incase and it showed up quickly- Noses had dor family been xex ax- wili be fully furnished and provide a tense of normalcy lent"+'e- I Jaz fe to bed nail read between xiwekx- to families going duaugh-isis.siruadons. This will aI- Happy to FcpI be- I fell disappcinlcd that I had been For Beginners Them 1y save money by nm having m pay ChouChristmas. Clio high cheated t of Chrisas. When l fell stroner. g 1 opened weekly rens as w" Mnml- my per ma which was add - the family.-Ibed me open SpedlarrdEYA441 Caany 8eehrp .AlcW.Can Be__ of you. many people who wore 10 "zs feeling presents when they had noHrc, n Tell wrlmag. Why did I bavo like failure . lesxe f==ling empowered aaS belie ring in Co to be sick and miss all the run^ could anything be worse Classes held al: Davie County Public Library hrighr"r Fume- ascan_ pr you, LILore -be ae often mer- warn+ hero&," at (:h;,.a>,as7 JANIZARY 7'x, 14' 21', 28 4 AM -12 noon looked and,lip through rhe cracks of Aur Society have their Lnvking beck "that lathe. I sow malixe my chitdhlrvd and FEBRUARY 4'" • 130 CPM -430 PM Faith r"sI when we are ¢ale to assbac rhrm- Because was blessed. Irmywvrocrarsaon- are OF.nliii-o.kne ., S45 per person of guy. mor are able to spread hope rn so many in our com- w1"h people -ring fix rne_ 1 W -as .-cry fv cc, indeed. uary. and £ Chari Fririlpge, mon nmr extlemelY grareNl, _ keglnerrNlae is s"ww 1 --`- -Ig r" Happy Holidayz w you and year raaldy- Giving Back on CIJTisanas Eve r Lincoln George Snyder, 336-"121-2350 ]Crsztal I-Lh—, mocksville, ducctar By Seephande D- -4 lbond ---`--, Pyr- L1y Hung srfwd. When yw have avd emc about peoplt wndng a blind Eleanor Fan-. Erica Tripled Host, eve tu, what plasur-+, nHlr ---C3 i. impassible- These art I / i ,__.er SlAdSoaG thmike»� fs'a� harrdredrpace Loa ecalao e s cau,e mond r -X- aZ Il . 4- DAVIE COUNTY FATMRPRLSE RECORD. Thorarl-7-D -22.7016 1 We Wish r •+.,,.r,, W „+n• n _ ROCR51gLLE:l330175, e557 fiAiEIGH; 9,9 73:1 s9oa You A 1VJCet�r-1 a6x ` 1 af„a J load � 3 N. Ikhu $ t. W Se y ChYLStmLiS aalegn, wcazso`+s9as r=rr+ay-jarar+�rlocj.nn! and a k MMk to ua on Eaceboek ei Rq1 Ju11e HeweN Safe, Happy New RANDY MILLER & SflHS SEPTIC TANK SERVICE •e5 %1111rr R -d- %I -W itle .; _ 36 284-282fr ( ] • lYe plonp SeptlC IkNo s+.r. cenrd s ycaY NOWPICKINCI-Dave F! e C4uR¢y ydra�ani E N�Tamatves Other FRESH 4ROOUCE also avaldohle o 41111MCIMEMMMM11111e, 3172 Fvxtcr livrrd, ILsnct<ti-ville it lMRAI SERVICE 11••1. Rilh�lf ltldn RSA in I,r.e,.i Ilii i= �•...w. ' .all For Directions 1339] 492-2949 Serving the communifly since 1951 o"F=r whn.,7menall FRI, N(XW-,5PM ANO sn'r. IiAhs.NuuN }:S North Main 31., MocksvilM, INC ?7024; �PMM. (336)751-2143 u ful,cmiu:rvrc• �� , ,,, _ Proud to show our E ' Da -"e InaCe APPRECIATION rot The Gavle Countyto-Uones £inanChambered Commerce. eI k rEssisJrd LiVfiIJ+, CaranrilnifJ• Lento riglit:5tc„eTal[Mn (Edward JdM - Adviswl• C.uollrtc Morar IClcmbcr Mam7.rship :ee.t.ana e,rwyu Mrn+wneroy[0,.+,,,ncr westdena- Private Ed' semi Private Rooms Steve MTalton i•Inancial Adylsor Auaiiabte www edr .rd,onea .m _ �r�sprlvare Walmer Shupping Cnb, se.�s�c - w hlocksWW,NC Edwardjorles 396-75t-0pe6 .exrno ssxas or rxvc rTn. Private rooms Colne and juin our coislrnunityso we can assist you in living. Give. us mi oppunllnity to core for you ora loved one" Davie Placa isa. 59 lued capacity adult can home with 19 beds dedicatul. to secure Memory Cure residents. Our dour is always open In olwds or excellence and continued king [rem cure for Davie County, Davic Pluee Would lova Ila oppattEtllily la acre for your loved one. Dive us a call or mme by For a Lour. There is sllwuys someone here En show you around. Forpbcemant of yyoour IOved one please call: 8erhy Payne 336+ 75I-23-75 �tt � �ro�i.d.a��• ,frrnzz toter Hoinetawn Pharmacy We will he opo„ Christmas Eve :30 uurnm--m ip CrDay yy �� Claaed I' Ncw Year's Evv to 830 Pell a:30nnt-1111„ �- New Year's Only open 1c30p.n-spm Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley RG9d • Maoksvllle (336) 751-2141 w•yrw.kendvrdrugrn,enm School Board Briefs Holiday Carr! Winners In Ih. annual huliday card art can[-., Aniya Hor- ns' design f-mring . sn.w.woman mcidiog woe chv- xhe curd. Ha 11, is . urea an xh e from of un to he T-vr e Schaal. Other winners srudenr at No"], I]nviF hliddl e,- Eumts Clio, of 5h.Jy 0m Elementary, For her design f"Mring n candle MITI gift., end Josh Healer, of tlavle High. for his Semn design. Their nn will also bk on the eitrrl" Sulmol Ievel winner% were: Mnrianu Fu-1-Rabrns, Cool -em-; Svllle Dodd. Conti. Weese Fnrim. Tb_., Mvcksvitk: 7ahn Pincbronk: Gracie Oobb1-, Willinm R. Davic; M.Ji,ull Duggins, Comm! Doric; Ann llcmandes-Lapcx, South Drr,wi Lary Hvmnr. Will in lli Elis, Mod Mskay 11 Phelps. Early Coklegc. Nest, High School Progress. Bud et Net HS llm MriorcReld, prajer, manager; told rhe board at ch. Dcc.6 meeting -11t heavy min hahM some work outside ItW new high school, but die pmjecl is still on schedule"Concrete was paumd in Ila cvunyard, hear is rupning in the clnaxrvvra building, Mrd nxd rn,%sea will soon be int. P-1. In [Ire tnaceasiIlk x[nndS. 17+- board 'coed un.ni moody IM use Leeming an- vimnmenta, In-, ro dexisn and purch.se medsi ecllmr r mitnm rrI n butt ar 3179,753J31, whlcll Is --do, the 4,.iJg-t of Slboj1W. ncccedirq{ to Michael Spillman, dbrctor or Frac 3lir les. Thc rcnnvaximi of K building• which will be used I'vr central office MOOT once rbc old high schoal closes, boa bean ch:l.ycd tb keep -1w p q -t under budget, hn1 Superimm,d-m Dr, Darrin Hnnness said he I -p- if mom Items come in under htdgcl..% div the Site test- ing and insp-riona. there will bu funds to mnovam the lntildkng. ••Our prlrnruy goal is to get the new high -hool otic.." Ire said. Fieller Alt,arded Contract The Iru..d ... Lt...- I.-.Iy to conlmct with Fulk- crAmlHt-rtureto design and me - the demolition of a- oldest buildings on ill- nrrrent Davi- KNIN campus Ice the school c4.__ The cnaw high ontract 1s f Y3F1.H06" TODAY NAI LS ; ' rrer...w�wNalloRs.rlaairrac..d. ' i„E�• NEw Slydlac ke rrelraf n vJIF■snFr,�srr sp.hudaslncrlwar,rinwa�vh1l.,nsry,lG j fl L � "•.�; GeFfCfR7iriG1lFSArMlL1SLEM"C"W "ke"S ! nPFN FARlr 10 SRL On' CER"On"I" P1 1 a:awur-arm aFs s5rz:--.;MAW ` I . t Free �lnli! CM Il r.0 buy Stec Glk Cerdflcale ya • t Free �a GFI R,eu bur X41GM CMEflcste 7 IHEE 54'1 Drina, wa7k•trn slHrar+o i tF07 Vadkinville I � Road ;33-] 751-7949 IY .. , MW -.1 / All of us at Spoof Concrete wish you the very best this Christrnosl Sheaf Concrete Co. t-r2jwft Moeksviile, NC �� MmrFrr ti.3oem-3.'Jepm - svwna y .304 D rs as y.:rt - DIAMON GOLD GALLERY v 0 4 - `Yaur Dkmond 71feadquartem since 1960 - 1•IOCICSWILI.E - 336751.9216 CC.E\1h1ON5 • 336.766 Ea0a b too rayi.•a1e 9,ad-time IW . C e DAti7E Cr3UA"1-Y EtvT :R19tL5E RECORD -Th lred=r- her. 224 21116 - 5 District Court T11c lnlion' -hal' n N�5 IV' ' rc rh:m one 11 le nr. d]Iam 5.3onhrw Smidx Tng czus wem Ju-na con , pmprr ry ulpn dis ad uF Ju f,� Dnnr o MITI one trail uunres rm m of Dy iricl Court. nl'r-.siding: d} mlrsed. ` Smpld.e 6" Mas.�ry, a ncrlcrmsumin n L bol .0 Judge Jin ury I., Myers" - Am fty' .Leath C"urlcc, min cm-ri., It rcrny, dig- pn.scngcr Mesa. din issed. rruyccuxing: l[ai1;yn tones on sdc-=,I-buiticin vin- Itis: -d: misderncanor. Tyr - Dr:Inikrn AIaII 'I'eauuc. and P.... Dram t. +Taxis- larinrt• pmbMinn lerminated tiny, atny away Cram DyHnr speeding 92 in a 70 rrdu.:ed Innt I7 As. ansate-%afnilr: ....ayh un 7'rcc Ina Ivnt h,an, cnsl. w -xcecJing sof- .pard, j. axe ❑I -,w•C.m11r . r mule aism;_x�m zrate•x 9170 .,. r� re. n- xno n rcklrxx d it . 5.a I s r in d -in h-rcansumin • un- rnntinn In cvMinve denied, s1n11 f f rn� ,n endnnar g ¢ 6 ger, ItiSmisxd" der age 21, Lor j.dg- prose¢uling wilncs. 0"im Mandela l.. Mrn[hewa. • Ryon p'ly..l Y'rursdnlc, eel tin[inueJ, nw; a' . nn own" pnssessimx of Inerijuun¢ driving bull Ile Ifcciru• r ming yl -. by person ramnanr Madn hider• one -hall' nonce In one and .rrkn3 mtt AWI. dionrisud: 19r7[l. clamlaxed, ke..ssnull, dilz-a. Ime.1121' ounce..dismiss-d; giving'cork=s LnC remnnnn CI s IN to her R. C: 7 - . 5 n Iter, tike Harold Essick scsslvn of d'u¢na rn off car S, a, caxl. ,Y P s n J a - . C'o n c L Wn pnasessia �f m.r: van u m Ircrn.tia. Y_.. cosi, n i Ikrr. open con possession I p pu p yon mk r nor cvnsw»ln nlrrihvl in [o ane -hull ounce - ev dente urdrrcd drvru ed. sskon of R pastes i y 11tanc murijaaun p-sclxgcr I-. diellit%xM; u.n. of <IMF pomph-on-11n, - Hcn inrim Shnnc Ni - panrphemutin, .inti pox- uf dor - diemiesM" s�`;r_" • "U •du V paaxessrnn p porn riv. Iwx •.N{,in .!' mlrijunne k n ur selw k 1 plurn.tin, 55(3, rust, cs'l- P.won ICIImer Gond- up to am-h¢iF aunt-, dkx- Maro llnl snh"Vn.-, di,. dere-211dit ad. hmt- LP-1Ing Irl in n7E1, m -itml=se4- - AI¢xl, Cl. Conk, dismissed; mckt.sr del'•lay is. D-pnk1 A- M.IngL, Modell 0 W:.ah,.yrnn, cenccledl-rdcelux..pend- ih endanger, 51 ,000, cost" OWI, septa need to tiff Juys. Speeding 95 in r 70, dL.- rrl r-ni gcFleAng, driving - VMranirn C. O.n-ka, a1---pendul Itl manihs, 24 mi -d; rcckkcnv+arising In while Ikeaic revoked not lowing unikcen-d persan to hours cnmoruniry xrrrl[e, dnngnr, OWE. drivingAllluwi.g IC- dri l• dismissed" mender Noun.- not aper- - MMthcw C %Vrslcy, kirk- Ill he driven wkh nv - Andrew M. CJ.r4ner. me vchrde ern[il licensed, sprx•,lknprSS, reJ„crd -gistr,Iaun. up.m1mg vc- posacasian nI murkjuann up rr<dn 1:u subsMnre x6asc to Lm11-11- catreii,rn-m. hicle with Ike Iawrio . tt, u c-hnH ounce, pusses- n SSmerallo11nw U-1- 5too, cost, dlsmiaaed; np-rl -TuLi Tree son of imrija.n. p.mph- Sent. 5106...A. • Anijah Clahricllc While, a aswnink 6eerlunfortiC,cd n,xii n, dismissed. m . l'alixly W" prTxsarEf, xinxf,le aysuuls, dixnr:+5-d. w' •oulflylCity pmp- - hcbonlh Lackey Jordan, epeeding 93 inn 717, red -cd - Is.ioh Wing H" Young, c,1ye cling J1 1n u '_5, To 1Mrceny. re- to T1 in n 7U. 315[1, case. arwti••ding 71 in. 711, rnlncnf adored w improper squib- duced to shoplkfdag, prayer - la.e Hewn kumenr. 3 to 79 In a 70. S-NI0, rnvl; mem. SLOD. ,xiµ; driving for judgment euMinued, cuunls resisting pub[ir nf- ncckkss driving to end:m- whilc license monk -d not �-t. $105 nnumcy kc. liter, diem issed1 w sum• per.,li. P sed" DWT, reduced to Failnrc - SMmli Elizuhrdi king, Ing nlcxdnd by per.rrn,nmdcr Fullum in pppenr to notify DMV u1' .ddrexx WI'_" I. sentenced tours year, ngc l9"' sante iced In Mme - Gripe Michu•1 Hul- -hnnge. suds-nd-d 13 months, 7 . n'ed, crnt, $225 nttomry Icy, pussrssitm n1 - - Ralph Crooks Ir DWI, drys ¢clirc, credit fir Yvb. fae joll foo. juana p,Irala,crx.li+r..in+plr eat -aced ,a 60 days. sow alias¢ .burr as_ than, - M.ItLrw T" Russ,N, os- posse -Iran of muthylrnr- pcnded IR maerh .,!A Irremkc-,hnuex-vxrnrns. sur l kc, wall on a rrmatem , 3 counts diu%ypyv.n leror ILnth rutnrtarity se-ka. sumn- net oW-1e v -hie,- until U-d-moin Ic .i.tmo pmlrc- rale -I dor Ile -. mil uprow ye- eenaul, 5400, cost; reckless live order riolad.. -u - Snrteny May Roy¢ll, hicle untilkfeM-1. er-dIt drly Ing to enanngrr. driving degm.11-pri-,dismissed- pnarc,ML of m 11inmphel- f nubslence .bus- us- while ti Tin.- myak-d DWI - A_, 'y Elira6crh smah, -line" -nahlllba [mnlmenl. rcvucntivn. spading 94 in o spading 65 in a 55, 510. - Rubrri h. Stanley, rri5- limited drlvkng piivll-yN 70, di%missed. est; pussexSLon uE na • denlenmrri.-riy. Felony peas -in. or - Elpidln H" µartkun,.f, )u -u np ,n nuc.h.lr uun `-, - Andr-w Iia Vcmn.n, curtrine. possession of mon- rn ii ore to slop F slop sigh passcssiv. of rnariju.n. misdrmen.nr pmbntivn" red light, rr1_1 1" Lm- romphr li.,diamissed- Grand Jury Issues Indictments •[Ire fnlMwing were 1 -s -salon ui'xrnlen y -I.- - Ti"n"y R.-dk, bTrnk- -Shannon fl+ndy Wrx,d. dieted by n Davie County - Onnielk Ann Pel ret, uge.ric-ing. I.-Cror par..- 3 r,amra dixumknarina Grand Jury 4.ring tb- D -c" ni.d-ns-n ur 1=y. two em ru krvnkiug+-nrenng. 1-70 hnrmfui 10 minors, 12 smn aF Supenor c ones inch forgery or [¢- - Leigh -Ann µnria,a disc-minadng obs_11y to a Coca- s slv,nrmcnr.noi m"Fing f.rgcd ku-011• ciosse t- of con- minnr under age 16. Lici- - Ricky Rey din{ley, 12 inslru mon t, bull -d subslMncc in phe,uJ vuiun ne ramin7 sterurory rpanxs brcmingfentering - JoReph Linn Reid, Cc. pnssexrion of heroin, _u 1 mf-- with n child cu Icy-rerrtcd m.rhinc. bre-kingl-xr-ring. Inicony bmnkinWernering, larceny i5 yc.r+ of ey -r younger, - Drinn Curtis Bowles. 2 pa-unnt to brcnkmj;1.n1cr- pure -M [n 6reakinlyealrr- mking indecent Nberti- r cu- relnlly lwsseesirn of roll- 3ng" wirlra ch Lid, male. goods, mlsd.n Lino, possession vE seal.. goads. -Ha- [Tray I, J,, sl.W..,y sr unI orf -rise of a person 13%14 or 15 yc. old, nxremplyd .emrni dr - gm- forelhle mfie" - Chermn Curry, pusses- " n with inreM,a mnni f.,"- IJre.'x-Illd-live, . ,ekud.k Il cortntll.d substari-, I"nmininp place for keel,- rLW -11Ing n cont -16d sub- stance" - slepnnnie Leyrme Dn. I.H. 2 ,wvmk 1. n ny by ployaa. - Paul. lot H.rnrvn. bre.kltlglelaalot• It rTy pursuant la hmaking/emer- ME. -JanMb- (lmht Houck, Colony 1--y, fdkony pos- KENNETH L. FOSTER & ASSOCIATES, PA - Land Surveyors • Planners • Mapping Rasideribat, Commerical, Sub-D)I,Won Plaorbao & Design ASSISI In Estate Divisions Cemetery Design & Layout OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ALL YPES OF SURTVEYS Liccvsedio North Carvfirra 8 Saudi Carolina. l slaylon R H•rpe Finat�inl AJvi%nr .,,,, $539 US Miry Isa so. 104 Warm. NC 27006 Edw'ardJolles 3964k!"150 -.-.. rs•.r ,.....,... JACOBsS TERN STORE SSS Parks Etd. Woodleaf, PIC 704-278-4973 •bre s. Fri. 10-6, Sat. 9A clog oCIL Suss. v rad raoin. 'ell Dr. Wiverar 1)ad l Trp of 9w UeeA ® U oil icicreasat now A smakl'ng buill increase your risk, Df oral Cancer but A.dn-wJ. wera you also aware that Riva heavydrjnLers are elan at a V-ryy increases! risLT R!111E z 54W� FAMILY Fa COSMETIC DENTISTRY 118 Hvspital5t- Mvck5yi11e,H[ 27028 336-7S1-6289 "Se rrirlq [7dtdrrn C- Yldrd4" aCfFPlnl¢ Masi Mason tnwk+Inri3 lu ersramllydemistry.mm ••4 143 MOhopon Rp11 - Moc :lvlllo Lag sltlYt(j name a S Southern 6wlu Co l ¢ In 150 FIR:kory diva - Mocksrl6a k.Crgn wrlypptrpst rtpR formol dm 'peen Wait ■ ! M .aege rmonoole rooms a iiia oe spoca n�nps In kir &W W, . +or born Ir`v'icl. run ❑-t covaraa Macs pxcrf itocaa pool & mu MT 44�9,5{p, rtloubl. rrn7:7i_ rca ar V^, gal ✓.id.s cii yn -a $165.006, 114 ni. Wonlwglh Dr: MOCksWtlO .nr„a Tern ro-wrnom¢ uie•a v 873 r1•_"___ Wd-Arack.rPl� rCQF_CLoSIJREFaearten t k:k .orieri FT 1n T, -r: a e m 'g`� '_� Va4eP- ��4rr/16:. x -n nocr�v �wi,nd r]'p Cr, Fp,9a fel--Ott,HOa -Mh-. No w�+X+:oe w ,va,my ane • r i�,� rn�•.-: • a'�.na-: $14'.500 �r:,yo - - -t :"eper.Y 577,500 3041IN =i■me ••4 i J 6 - 13AVLE COUNTY MN-TERPRLSE RECORD. Thundery. De 22.2046 Public Records Marriages - Heather Lauren Smith, M Karlek and Kristine M. D. Abrm thy, collection on Marvin A. "Drones, coin- of E.chfson St., MockxvH l r, tl he foowing w< _ 'nand Starry Leigh Dodo. Karlek. Collection on ac- modem.$6250.76, pEainl. school ...ad.. - law v -o- ued nvat4-&c licenses by 2g• of Moeksrilic- count, S22,321,*R, - Esrale of Juha H_ - Glenn Carn�rzer and ]alien; Karan N dkins, the DAvia Register of Deeds. - SaManthn Kristine - W.S. Badcock Corp. vs. Carver and C-1 Lynn Kam my Coriatuer vs. Alex of Willhaven Drive, Muck . - Fraatk EJwnN Crimp- J`"'3'nar, 17, of Cnnleenid=. Pww1d Sckwers, wllecttan Carver. execvlrix of [he es- Pwny nc Madden and Anne vide. school auendanca ]¢w bcl.l Jc, 4R• and Amy Kash- and Davome Lee Andujar, on Si.505 20. tate vs. MaJclitlu Carver, M¢ric Miller. eusmdy. v1C+la-ion: }I etre mcpa.iel, rye Gentry. 44, of Mncks- 2Y• v! Kannajmlla. 7gunL Cathcnn= Koren Ken- Charles Carver and ti BS - WandA R. ThvMas vs. 2A, or Wi-n St., Cor.lecnldc. villc - 11 7rx Cy Sl' driek vs. Ftn,a.n d'T1d31 Fiwndn! ScrvlccX. perk inn Ricky 0 -'chanes. absolute common low Tut,l+cry- - Emily Ca lh" Caul- sun, 36, nml Mary Virginia Podgwl. It. demesne Ar, nor Possession of an i.nkerea. divorce. Dec. 16: Michael D.A., so.. 19, and lames Adam Sneory.44, re'CoJccmce, leere plwcc[ivc order. in n sama-11y tq Pay decd- 47, of Mt- A iry, Failure to ap- Ifn.Mllardt.2f, hf Adva»ce- - Dente Slmwn ficnrgur, - Lcslcy Marls Ct.%Our- dent's ddh-s, Mocl(SVIHe Poli ce' Pcar in court; Tcaby Pclko, - Jaymu John Robinson, 211. and 114 r cy Dock ney vn. "themes Jeremy - Wi11"u-m Rmd.l Hol- The following arc firm 57• or Grey SF., Mocks - 46, uC }Iarmun y,,orM ane Noy�r, is. of St.."111le, on.1cy, J4va, " n,ntb and 5Cnl. 1'14tnc�ns Mlle, rallurc tq Peak -in Mockvpuc Valid Depart L. S.1¢tlwhy. 39, of Moodie. - FdwnN DnncEl Bao- ra Bdd a Cdrecla,24, - baric Sgc3al Srrvioce vs. Micllnel Iswc Mock and mens rcpona. Doan; S viklc. khan Jr_ 69, of Advance, vx- Gerald J. Rivers, ch,kl Michael C.1 i; Mock, minor A Jis.drbn.lcd was rc- of K—culiRa, possession S.cphcn Aq-kkmy And lane E!!cn Horinn 41, supP'n. scrtlemene• pwcd pec- 17 at o business Schedule I] controlled sub- Sm41h, 39, and Ashley or Moc _,I 1e, - f -col Nallonal Mon- - Paul E. Fos.rr vs. Bry- nn Nonl1 Main `Spree-, scan`e. possa.iork Schoduie N icofe Fulbri hl. 10, or g - Sandra Qatl share. Sg, g:.X e. A...k, vs. Mundy l.. an Th"mpsun. ndminixlratar [V con.rrrlled suhs.ance, - rebind pa eked oif Murksvilld. and Andy OxviJ Abhn[., 52, Cornmur: David K- I`ntea-; of in, estpld elf Led1a FWIIo• Cc,nrtcry Slrcc, as dem- Possessk,n Drag pamphcr- t - Sam1, R.bunsol Llltle, n1' Mnrksvi l lc. C'aroi Nonh UrI WI.31: Louis way Kluttz, rnmplal.IL nMcd, it was repuned D.:c. nal. 1. posscasion mtlrijtu-- 1g, and lance Dylan M. -e I- - Steven Lee Frwtrr, feta A. G4Wwn. nett wife Kuh- - 5yne]arony Hank vx, 15 ria pnn-pben.atfll: Mirky Ida, 10, pf MocksviRd_ nml Pnmcln Dawn Kengedy, Ire. O. GEhhols, and Merle Amnrdu Cbf Idress, collet- as "- khmehaNt, 18' of Grant - A dislurbance w - Jcnnlfer Lynn Graham, 53, holt of Mckeksvi0=. S. Al Monti, real property. tick. on account, $6,455.71. a1ed occ. i5 in p parking I'rnil, Mocksvllle, pos- 4g, and lulmny l.. Boger. - D.vic Selden :ig"lrr - 1`i-dmun- ndvaningd bt off Vnudy Rood• scsslon with lnlcnl to xdl 43, of Iiunnnny- CIV ll Lawsuits s. lohnatl¢sn P. Lixk, child CrWii L[niol vs. Miclwel _ Shoplifting wax "Flnrt• Scl.c - 11 controlled soh- - Robert Still Newman, Jhc followin kvll 14 w g c c, .uppnn. Davis, cvllectwn o. nF ere, selling Schedule 11 din Pec- 13 A. WnlMart. ° 37. and Andr¢u flichold suits were [Red with ❑1e Dn- -John Snot Gnllintla•d vs. c ant, Sn.l l k,69- cgnirilig subsumed, main• o Arrests Kmcrwy, 31 -f Mgck_j IIs. vL, cl-k of C' KArcn Elizat k.h Hamrick, - Synchrony Bonk va. - Juan ]-a Gnma An, raining v vehirk: yr dwelling e. - Lcwie Chnrlcs Favre. - Millicent Cualud Al- vehirl= ncyligencc. Amarahk Childress, w11uc- Fur a controlled substance: lundg.3n of lc Road, ante C23, Kevin excr,drin Vn".d - Onvkq Cunt Snclal non nn n.ren"nt, S6,7Ag?A. Counnay Wells, o- Dec. y ¢s charged D• 13 with o Muclea Contp1e11, 23, of Mucks- Cti Gle.i, Coollar, dt,Mcsjk vi- nit M. SrNices vs. le¢bel 1. Cello- - lvscphine Elizabeth �d=nti[y there, speeding and Chs-rquapin Ruad, Mocks• vile. oleate protective order. w430, 111 Rd support. Toler M41lcr vx, Tinny Keith vkllc, fail. - to nppaar m driving while 13Jan. fin- - pillArnUld H. tris, - l!-+ri L. Shcl.on vs. James, d3, -Amcricxn Cr coxa Bank Millar, ahgnlum dlvnroc. coon: Kelvin S' P vokcdt) } ante; Jan. l9. 49, of Mocksvilla, oxl Dch- Adnm B- shcllot, child sup- vs. Hub7.s Gale.collection- Clerk Rood. Mucluville, nif.nd CCR vs. lock- _ pu„lm Allan Dob- t s;.""I n Brown• 52, of yn port. custody. fn on nrcc."t$34361 A6, 4¢ A, Allan. cnllrerlan onfnilurc to nppdar In coon. R. h3ns, 29, of 1-uyenev S.n[esvil M. SaP,nnchp SL icy vs. - D. Clerk Jr. a count, 45. was chm�ed Dcc• 13 with Phesnssin¢ marijuanNpar¢- c ith - Rnrry Dere11 lw li i¢ms, Z hary Prcs•atea. dem-stir -Marcus D=rga Wllliamx op-nining money by 61- Phemafia. °x. David Lee Hinck, enjoin aRDC iAdLe d6, and wend •flail Caner, Y violence Prq.ective order, farucrosure IId, vs. 77na Lnuisv Car Is, eus-o. Dec. 17: Tp nen Wis- pratdnse and I{.rreny- Tri- 43,of Mocksvllle. Vick” Jackson n - L'ar,dy El3znl,e.h 'ibsCcr fly. .I ante: pec. 22 in Moore Jam, 33. of Jmnu3c¢, N.Y., s. Angcln McC.. Myers. - Randy Wayne Johnson Rnaaclnl earl forgery, pos- Hcatiur Lynn Mil- Roy Olanzu Rhymer and Cqumy, She nuemptcd [o _ Rory. ?4, pod Kt4lt lin f:kaknc Kllj-mn. Foslcr, complain. vehicle negllg-n.x, vs. Lucy D -n¢34 lol-nsa,, rc.um stelae n arel-ar-dis- session counterfeit -ns.m- - Dodd,25,ofCoolrnn-eo. 4a sununnr ydJretment. - Jc [[ Y Scot Kinscl vs. di vvrce. Mem: Spde Wynn, 1e, of r a -.1 m O'Relllys - ".It Dnle Howell, - Swphon Sm]ih rs. 7if_ Ashl'y Glir beth Kimcl. di. - PiscavM Hank vx, Auin Pans vn W■lkdrhury Npw York, N.Y., identity 21 , and Spwmu¢!t Rubhl rany smi-h, divckrce, vo Way— E, Jackson, collet- Sl- Sher,, Ynanci.l card farg- Pope, 2!, of Mockxv411e. - Candid. Truv■nn Nolle; . Cnmorina Benitez IIca on ac=gnnt, 55243.77. _ 1416 Joe Dryc, 27, or cry. p4mes lien cnuntcrfei. - Willian. H Tnt.m. Byron n. Lucia ILodri Suez Bnrlw- At.... vs, Luis I'crau.d. - Ashky M4Chdllc Hill as inanumen[; Brandon Owca- Fayclt1 w shun 69, "f OxYatd, tu1J Maggie -, dnmcsth Nnlcnce pro- Avan ion, cuslaly. vs. Cody Vance Ebright,do- l7cc. ] 3 Nn& posscnion of hY• 35, of Cancan, ..temp vjk of LeeJAmcs. 70, of CL-- -active oNcr. I..:wis C. Can- vs. rncsnc vlUlencc pn,ieCtiv= n rim." by n felon. 7"ria. to g¢fn Property by false mckns, - Synchrony hank vs. Corals R. Caner. *-lmc .,dura derv: Dec. ?'?- prctense, 1d=n.i.y [he Fl, rc- - Mandy Tma Norrj, W. Amy W:�.idoll,_11l tion on divorce. -Work social Services sisnnk an officcr, failure to and 3bsha Lynne Medina, ac unl, Sl 51711.77, c�Sn professional alva.: Larry L. Smith Ir., old kin appear 1n court. 14. or Muckx.'l lee. arms[ Brink vs. Mark Sery leas or N -C_ vx. nick . suppon: Jessica E. V -I In Arrests Dec. lB. Krlatie Wid- _ ,ell lld support; Zachary The fallowing were or- ever, 27. of Sparks Road, T',eFryc. child o pport: D, casted by the D:w4c County Advance, faIkk w appear Ad H- Kohler, chi Ld a.Pr—% Sheriff's Depnnment. in —an. _ Y Daniel E. Creogeper r, child , 13: 04igD".e Holley, D• i9: Kelly Von - H support: Rmee e- 11, 2o, of Iplues Church Rand, derhmok, 43, or Hardison childsuppon. Mnck.ville, f.jlare map- St., M—lksvila. (!]arc 1. - CACH vs. Jack U. Cnr- pear In won: Sorry Cap=, appear In covet; Andrew T H ribcr, cpllcction o1 --an-- 44� of t1S 601 S., Mocks• Vernon. 21, or []S 601 3„ ss.74xs2. villa. raflurc .q appear in Mock—H.', P-ckbamn vo- ® vs - TedfckN n Randolph mu.. Winn - kind Patricia Ann Randal ph 1)er. 14: Jerry Cop¢, 44, �rly�i vk Phoenix Rcseomtion Ser- ckf Lcxing.on, ex.radilian to Sheriff's Dept. HEATING, COOLING, RESIDENTIAL -PLUMBING s or the Carolinas, and ¢agltergtgte, Tye following arc from r� A46¢n E- WLII1.m%. hreadl pec- 1$: Jeremy Goldadr, Darla Sheriff's Depnmen. SALES, SERVICE, INSTALLATION al' vont act, Fraudulent mks- 32. of Yodkinville, failure ,ate• rrprescm.60ii. ncglipcnce, to app..r in conn; Wayne pea- 12: Flj.urbance, wo enn��� HVAC License breach of expressed and Wilkins, 30, of WiHltavcn damage .q propcny, Bunnrt Yoz� hnplmd warranty, brcacll of D j, , Mocksvill¢, school Rood, Adv..ce; domrs- SERVING DAVIYE AND ROWAN COUNTIES mp1 d tiroenn.m „f W*d nnrndanex lmw violatim; nc disrurbante. singleton faith and fair dealing, unjust Lcigh-Attn Russell, 23• or Road, Mock-ill.:assaal[. Office: 338-7.84-28Bi Mobilte. 336-3"-9207 en;ehme nt. unfair and de- oAace Hall Rob, Mocks- $ermndn ymaga cirele. Rowan: 7014.633-4777 cept]_ m.,dc lavn3cex. vine, failure to appear in sem."do Ran. - County of Davie vs, wkn; ❑enaan Etchlson.46, Dec. ]3: breaking and entering n vehicle, Reth- Inhpn, Drive, AJvonrc 13 wA /�•k/ rcpo�s1. Long—W prive A ■ I PJB �iL lI ¢mtl, Conffcr C.Inn, Wishin You „� gL(•+•4� fl rc ): rRild neglect. v Dun Linc Roaei, Mocks- �� ille: larceny, NC gni N.. Best i. Bermuda Run; reM tan ' ccny, NC SO] N-, Advance; F .: dI%t"A pncc, Chaydnac !1 w ■ i Lana. Mockxvflk: breakusg. This Holiday _ enteri.g and 1¢rcany, peck 1 --- -- Circle, Mork.vil]e; asspu l-. seasOri � :? r vetoed m cad. Mock - Season! M, linwtlw a Road. Mgrks- villa; trasPa -ing.ScxNe cNj:Lzf Coa Qza.5 earn& o,* Mode Dri e, Mockavuic: voka.- mry mmmitr.eM, Yadkh, THANKS FOR SHOPPING YOUR LOCAL WALMART. duiL w t/rE (31i7l34w4s 6wza1L.yaney-ad. Ad„anee. Dec. 14: larceny. Salis- Afl of lite Osborne Family hary Fin xl, hlvcksvil lu: ho. Open Christmas Eve Wishes to Thank You rnssingpltae cell. Hodrons until 6•QQ PM' for Your Business. P';mperagnauS en 3cpnn ho ie ■ ■ CLOSED Christmas: Era 6 Ohnialmse D -ye Ficcr, llndurpass Road, Ad- Wlff ro-opan Monday. Dec. 26 -vamp hours. OPEN 24 Hied OPEN NEW YEAR'S EVE —fit 1.00 PM. Der. 1$r larceny of IP n 1. Erwrywr ff c l Ghrbtnsu Comatzer R --d. Advance; Chrlslmaa N4flL'I: I { Q + D _ 1a.re.y. NC g01 S.. AJ - G _ Cmeing Cnnelnrea Eve ee s;pa r'u �j i e: b...vLing and c _ - ae ennaen my . � lsa-npaneay oa�asln n eaawkr mg ca vehicle. Longwood open x Hoar ear - I Drive. Ad—..t: lar;rny. -'l _ .+�t+w T'srn F.w an�Ncw Ye..a aeI L..gweod Drkl.,Advap • �' -.. - - sof t torten -. _ } sshury Ao.d. Mocksx911e t2 _'.rtsj: For All Your rim At Automotive Heeds h =mg, emermg and lar. MICHELIN, COOPER, and HERCULES DEALER -ey or th,:.a,m fenm —ro- =te. us 6a ,;Advance_ ■ 7 a83 Salisbury Road • Mocksville D fb: "o¢n„anieanng oimats uss 6D S_ ,yckcks r ■ ax iH mY n Pe a ya 1 'we, read (336) 753-8090 Bearhau k Dri.,<...a:a»a'- Shoes... Continued From Page 1 House Church pinces a in our community, and high value .n comm"ni- even the burden. it has ty outreach. and wanted placed on teiwhem to pro- to go above and beyond vide for lheir students;' tide Christmas S=usan by Miller said. "Because partnering with a local el - Clod has blessed our emcntary school, chunk beyond measure. Acontemporary we believe it should be non -dengminatipnal our response and is our church that exists for one responsihilily to ba a purpoic: 10 see lost peq- blessing to others:'pee crass rrom death to Rescue House, s life and continue taking - mulli-site church with -steps to follow Jesus. On _ campuses an Moekavllle v,erage, weekend v,mi, , and Winston-Salem. was ship experiences reach nunched in January 2010 more — ithan 70D people by Lead Pastor Matt in the Triad and mtxe - Hudson and wife Lauren through online rear messages. - 1 Hudson, with 40 people V -Sit in nnendanc¢. Rescue h-o'ch.rchArg.� �r DAV1F: Cf1T,1l`VV F1 _RPRT91Z RFTfIRnl. 9•I,...a-..� n _ ra' It Addison Connell, LI [Ile kjarnes, Merlyn Caslofena-Lopez, Audrina Sladsoe, Marin Maya -Hernandez are happy with their new footwear. Getting new shoes are Christian Puckett, Chan Anderson, Miguel Call- I barlo-Amilano. Landon F7avidson, Kaydan Allison, Samael Nemethvargo. ■a ■ WON ■a MOCKS V I LLE ' FAMILY ❑ENTI rL Y --tri Caput* D.D.S. P.A. 113 r•7ar640— d.isa •d.2a • �.. MarL.,,l., NC 2702e - t33�iJ 753-643Q Moch j-3 fw �Qrrac� THURSDAY, DEC. 22 Rb rri igiee aelziJr 2 HATCHIAMS .. . Y) One at 7:'W PM amt an&Hh at 9%00 PM lmlken are FREE and wig be alraflable starring at 6,00 PM of rhelewelry Cvun[rr. . - •2� �=: ti -accede ¢rc wen' �:f:w_R{y YFl1TER .�., __. went ■c r>�a•.,r.r rwra,,.ae ,vr �: _ � ■kikra*�vtw, arta / m�w■er _ ; E' _ - Walmart 3■lCooper CrMkLR.ktadi4 KC•13361757.12d6 • _r,.3_ . _1�`r'r.•+�$� 8_ DAVtE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thvrs.�-y. th— 22. Zeta I The "polar pl L. Hers" head for tha lake at the beg Inning of the final, chilly event; Ihan come out of Ilia wal er, some a blt more quickly than they entered. Freezin' ...,: CoMm—d From Pape I event in nny CMI 'Ktry mid.`� f 'f ` hclNd mukc it . suttees. We here been incrcd ihly hlcsucd being surrounded by such gelwmus mnllnueily, We ._ gmmly Ieok furw.rd Io steins eVe yonc al next year y ercnt. For-Jahlvnal event pictures. obsutclr course -7•` vidcn,.nd int'orm.tion co- garding .tact year ant, c rel on 17-0 0% at- "Frec W For a Rc:Isolt - Cump Mnntt:I" ar vizir Pion Sivins and other volunteers help cook Many Came early to enjoy a mom inp breakfast of pancakes In support of the Cnmp,H.rrrtn.0 R. sausage and bacon on the grill, event. Folks enjoy the pancake broakfast. Nathan West, Jake Conrad, Jacob Scarlett, and Austin Miller [bottom] make up the "Dream Team" with the fastest team time For the obstacle course. The Family and friends of Tommy Mitchell - Julie Snow, Beth Carter, Krish Martin, and Was Martin comprise "Teem Ru- dolph- for the obstacle o]ume challenge. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thorsd y. Der. 22.2016-4 Santa kicks ox the annual Freezln' For A Reason by riding a zipiine over the Camp Manna lake. of making thls "am a success- Miller and Erin Davidson, help with all aspects Jamie Spry instructs kArs obstacle course par- - ticipants on the rope swing. The polar plunge participants pose for a photo before racl ng to the chilly water - 10 - DAV1E COUNTY S.NTERP R SNE- R ECO RD. Thulsda!'. Ilrc_ '2, :016 Makay Is, Noel lo, Ballon enjoy the parry. Cooleemee Students Sent Home With Holiday Bang By KC Smith Chrixr""" coolly miner Coolccmcc Cencsponlen[ m boing thrown Im. the c vd, Iola of students had 11erore GLoleelner• BI- nil mitotane blinking noel. cowy School I r d coyly or me hall antlers on lite it release vn Friday, excite- head. mcltr, CmhuSinsm, nnrlelpo- It's foir to say, hag *mi ter lion, happincsa and e'ging we veryonn'. fnccs. eould 1x Lanni and fah In Hincipnl Cindy Slone. the gyrnnosium• leachers and staff know joss Not only were the elves how to gel Things rolling be - back, but four minion, wan fore dlelir swrlents go home tho Imcller's bed loco. Mary to begin their Christmas va- Ann Swin mad the took, wer cation. Ishe f�Ilghr Beram Merry chrl imas n+ all, Winners of the leacher race: Carmen Grub, Corl Woodring, NfcM Whiteheanr Megan Huffman. Mary Ann Slain reads a hook to students, Megan Huffman Is the determined driver of cart while Cindy Stone Prin- rs and Princl- ciple and Use Ne[ers watch the action. stone. Parker. Nicky fiemblelak, Amy Roscoe lnda Emart dress as pragente. n,ax'SE C -t A N -I -5 F: LATER PRI SE R EX -11 k 11,1hui dx., 1)— 22. 2n0n - I f Wanted: Forever Homes RRamle is a female Beagle mix. Her estimated dale of tllrlh is June 3o- Mar- cie Is cute and sweet, She E a laid hack pup. She Is spayed and up-to-date on vawlnes. Adoption fee Is 3125 for the Home for Sha HoNdays special- Nutmeg I. a S3amesa and orange Tabby mix- His estimated date or birth is Aug- 17 Nutmeg is a cuddly kMv- He would he the perfect pat to keep you warm In the winter. Nutmeg wilt be naulered and up-to-date on vaccinas before adoption. His adoption fee Is 595. If Iraerested In adopting these or other available polls from me Humana Sociaty nr Darla Countyt, fill out an adoption application at irwNCda vilenchurnani%i rg or call the adoptinn Canter at 396.751-5274. ND Ruritans Celebrate Seniors •rhe N-1, DRn•h• Ruritnn Club hdd it, 40th mmunl se- riiciliarns lunch an SamrJpy, Itinv. 2F. AppmainuneI, [K1 p�r.tx CnjaynJ Ihr food and fel hn 2rif. and ChrlxtnWs c by Dianne Arhleraon, pi -1-, In ndditivn al dour f.nms. eve ry'mrc rrrYh'eJ a fn,in.nttin and n Cllriaimax le rrNortll 17ry lu kurilan xdmrtend in 1967 in the C'fark.vi]le wmmunhy nn I will �+clehmle SU ycata of xh . Ale unity nrxl yvor r�M7 .In'm r murlge oh— in the community m join. Cnnlact Rill She lton. 13—id-, ar any member. Parts, Not Compressors Th -0-1. Business It 0-1d have ,uu�•d 111m Women's As .oiun's xr- C&D Imnspvns comfmce- ticic abwrt the nkrr hours wr Pan, for In genal l -Rand. nriwrnking prasentolion C&D. at In fv- Salisbury 1.wfing Gladys Soo 311L in- SI., is a coolly and dcliv- mecuy Inted ftlI ]Irl cry ._Ift thnlrhas born M hu.lnax%, C&D Eep— lbusine-vs fear n xm than 25 Enterprlxcr,rrl part. cmn• yrnrs, owned nrrd cif—wil pressors for Ingersoll-Rand- by Clyde 'Scall sr- CREN5 �. PAINTIN �. L paintin 336-9U9-7 D4 Pieclmvnt- FEDERAL S A V I N G 5 BAN K Elmo Ciemmorts Branch 1 336.76&OSIR1 1 37171 Clernrnero Road. Cteravn & NC 27012 t piedmontFedeml—m mlemspit FD c 02016 Fee<rmt Federal -12 - DAVTE COON -1 V EN-r1E LPR]SE A F.CORD. Th -e dyy, Der- 22.2016 Noah Drys and Sydnbye Lawson give Santa their wis it list at the Sheffield -C alahaln Fl re Dept- Christmas Parry; and Klalre Allen shows off her face painting, Sheffield-Calahaln Old -Fashioned Christmas Eve Service At Zion Chapel By Itrc„.r„ Batrcy Shcffmhl-Colnlmin Cgrrespondcnt Wishing cyerynnc a very Merry C'hriNtMae, Due to the Christmas hot- i.a . I will rteal all.ew% to ino na later than rwan o Snmrday. Dec. 2a, sorry far any in n '.rkieer. Birthday wiaber go to Nose calc6rati.g: Gracie 9ohb3e on fDec- 22; Chris 2M. and Mildred K.11cr on Dcc- 23; Ruth C. (I.hir- oas nee. 24; Phyllis Wil- li.Fr and Bdn R,,, -on Dec- 76; and Dmyvee Smith an Dec. 28. CangntuUidans t4 she following couples e.1- drrm%ng their anniversary: Wayne noel Freida Dyaan on Der, 22; At mad Wanda Sutphin on Dee- 23; and Da- vid nad Kaurtrtey Edwards. L,4 en and Becky Hill, kind Johnny and Hilda Keaton on Dec. 18- If you would like ...'e—ty sir birthday posted, ple.snut mte Iv ta11 or=” ma - This Satun,t" night, an old-f.shionedChrixlmue Eye s,lea will be held at 8 pm in the aW Zion Cha- pel Cht.rch m 1436 Shef- field Road. Come join New union f n Nporinl service, Lite linging of Christmas amts, and ..joy hot apple cider and eeald_. on Dac. 24 . A..t core will rte held tram 6-gnp.rrt- of Liberty Wesley an Church. 45"a"" i", wW perra FWday, ton. 20 al the Parra e� 11 n t Eve P,uty will be hold ❑ee- at. Rring your ravorile fin- ger fond and corn cembrute the Ncm, Year. with family and friends- DJ 1.L-. Kenne- dy will prnvlde rnuYlc die, ing in[ermisstnn. $]'s i+ at 114 7yrkcyfoot Rend. Con- tact Billy ml 336.829..1195 or t.yhn at 33&679-2274. Melissa Gmilher inrilw children 111.4] to join her for Toddler Storyti ae each Wedne"day —king from m 14:30-I1 .1 the Harratony puhHc Lltmry. n. children .log %ongs, play musicm lnetrumenea, enjely a "tory, do esnfLn std hove snaeles- 'M. peal week, lhC children e joyed song". Nmrks, rind then used om.menl and star sitckca to =_OM a their kaxe ru.ion paper chr1"Ir11- lice• , Tho library will be closed nee -23.26. Prayer ` R"I1 a rarxtnu' for Madeline fypish. J.W. Ken+an, Melvin Allred. Tom Cipor, G.H. Gofienh, Bcynn swain. len. Rcnv s, Bon Gema, Lori Dyson, Viilord Suck. Beide Stotu, Sherri Dyson, Johnny Naylor, Dat Keller. BIL.abelk Furter. Rick Swisher, pat Moore, J tmney $.iley,'faM Gtsan, Achard, Nk:b ls, Sylvia Ratledgc Williams, Joyce 13cc:k. Wellman Beck. li:t- -1 smont, Wmtdn Haic.]oc - Chof6n,Jehn W.11acc, Lena Mae Afton, •ism KcOer, Ju- - -kir Dunn, limy bnmeron, Mall Loswen, Sohn Henry rex Reaves, Tammy Koller, - Shirley Smith. Naomi Woo These folks from the Sheffield -Cala ha In Va lu nlver Fin ❑ep artmani deliver hags of good les to the children at Bran ner'S on Sunday - Garrett Loftin, Connor Lofhs, Talia Keeling, Max and Maggie Moeller, Sadle Milstead, Erle Gaither, Coia Tumor, Rylee Hardy, Kylie Robinette, Brynlee Cosh, Kaylle Robertson and Merrick Russell show off their Christmas trees made at the Harmony Library preschool storytime. County Line 0AV1F,C0tJTTYfN1 UPRISE NECORD.-1'frnrWa.. It -,_2. 2aI6-l3 Society Conducts `Live' Scenes From Life Of Jesus ay 5blrky Thorne Couray Line Corresponaeni Thif Sunday is Chm ristas Day and r ,:ommunity to— wish rhe leve olid enes pwt thn[ Holy Nig ,t in Bahlolk ma when Jessie Christ was burn_ Churrh Chrlxlmas programs xpeclal seen[- eycry yc.r- Wry rolks art ended the Smety $hr. drive-Lhnt f luring nine acmes of the birth of Jesus Christ plus [wry scenes or His dwnh .kid anion. Here's ]wping You enjoy our photos. This - week we have some m Chrstm ias piogrmgs and rvi se Cl.rkabtrry Uniled Meth- odist Clturch will have o Chriatmns pragraln of 7 p.m. Friday. Everyone is invited to the pmgmm l hawed by fnncks and fellowship plus a visit from Skint. in he fel- lowship ImB. Solum united Methodist Church will havn rhe Chrixt- mea pmgrnm ar -,F"- urn- Fri. day- Bvcryane Ix i -heel to the pwgrnnt foHowcd by xnnckx .kid fegowshtp- Churihex will be having special schedule, rvr 11 n day: Cnlvnry Baprlet, II woxhip $xtvicc only; Clnrksbu yMnfi disc. 10 orship urvioa only; Picloy Ow" AME T-ron, 9 orsttlp --i_ c en ;Y: Plensanl Yew Raplint. IQ rk.m. urr Sdny Schon .kid 11 n- m. w•nrxhip s t , Sntem Meihtvhi t. Ill a joint worship s ry lcc wit$ Cemer Merhodiar ar Salem: and 5-101Y Baptist, 11 o.hip and "n1rn11• m only_ Salem tlni 1-1 Methotlist will host a eommunily xup. per at B pm. Friday, pec- 30 In rhe 11 111 whip hail. En- joy cldckcn pl. with .1. the Irimmiage plus on array of homentadc dr%astir. Bring your Favorite coW kir hoard game rend enjoy games and fellowship with whers- The V-poin Ruritons will oat have a brcmkfasl in January -They Ibak fnrwarrl to seeing you kir their next brenkfen Smlurday, Feb. i. The Salem folks th..L everyone for their suppon or the church b -iii fist Inst Salnniay meal look 1'uraard tc xxcing you at rhe next breakfast Saturday, Jan. 31. Our communFLy '-d'xd. ger-well wishes to -Suck- ho was hos- pitalizW wish pncumonin Wednesday of Inst week and has been reruprmt- ing m homesi.em, Su,tdny. Diagnostic tests show shat Donnan Seek will nor have to have*ask surgery- Betty Wall d Gladys Onflilh remain in mfinb at Autumn Cure of M,xkayille- Pcggy Winfrey remnin. in rehab at Maple Leat Nursing Cotler of slalcsville. Jotn .e in prayer for the bed's divine healing and blessings upon BacA, Ddr- man, any, Gladys. Peggy sad other residents who Are having health proHlents. Continue to ro ember in pmya the Samir es are cled by rhe fires in our •gtrrh- wcarcm mounuun nrca am0 rimlllnbutg and the familka who have been uffrcled by HurrIc Monhewu For —my oe Ichns. f.m- s 1y Christman riun hove changed throoyh the years. When I w . a IiNc girl: we .1. %upper.1 supper ai Grandma m a GmrMpa Thomr's home Chdsrmas EI'e. breakfast at our no— Ch ristmas xnarn .kir: rtw n dinner at Gxandmo and Grandpa Gibson s home After Grandpa Thotnrs death in 1953 -Thome T . sir gaQraiog>< desrertdet3 to my dad and hi. siblings. 2- Gro deslrx.yed Grxnd- ma a>sd Gry.dpa Gi3«n's hunts in 1963- Gibson f . Roman guards at Society Bap- Just as today, the tax collector was thereto ensure The Innkeeper at Bethlehem Inn fist's live nallvity- everyone paid their taxes, was happy to have every room THed. As tlme came for Mary to give birth. JDsaph asks the Innkeeper for a mom but The angel of the Lord proclaimed good tld- is directed tD a stable behind the inn as there was no room. Ings of the birth of Jesus Christ to shsphe rds. Hark The herald angels sing, "Glory to the new-bom King." Mary and Joseph with Jesus - Wise Men of the East saw the bright star of 9ethleham from alar God so loved the world He Jesus was burled in a and made the approximately 2 -year Journey to Bethlehem to sea gave His only Son Jesus, Lomb, but arose and fives the child and give praise and treasured gifts. who lived a sinless life, today. ity g,aherings dee mended to we age, we rou6or how our logethur again in Hcavcn- my mother and her aihl ing+- la,rerlls nal g-.Wpmronts It's mm.eing haw al—l$ we Regardless of my stied- mus[ hove felt ax ft<mily Icam arhow much wiser wc ole or Iceol ion' ticrough the [mdi[ioes and celahmtions become ineuroid age. years, t always rnaringed ehanged In [heir IN— As H.W. w1s111n8 cvctynne r• spend Christmas Dny ml they nwdu new traditions, n hlesxed Christmas filled ttiy parents' here- until my w must w w do and with the -pence and Joy of marines dvadt in 2013. A. luuk ku—wail [n celebrating the 0ir[h of7e.uz Christ_' Advance Holiday Events Fill Calendar By Edith Zimmerman lbs fclluwxhlp hall sad lite The hlcth,rinr Church',, AdC-him.—Tree lighting wan Imprrsslvr Chrisfmms Cmn- mt 5:34 p.m- ms the Advance [rein was pre -m ca Sunday Chrho., os parties and Fre Depnrtntenr- during tiro worship scrvtce binhdoy >,'nies he,. fI 11e1 AVNIC pro_r'vided p- al 11:00 a,m. calendar for Ihr post tun per rnr the for.illicn or Big Brenda Zinvxennrn of weeks- The Lmoly Ncst- pnnhersl$ig Sisters on Fri- Glen Clove, Long Island, ere Sundry School class of day niFhl. pec. 16. They N.Y, arrived Ibis wee%: to Advan:�e lfnited }SeihoA- mel at Ihr First GMC in .pend the Chrisuxas ho34- Irt Church m r r'ur their Marksville ret 5 pm.. dtan 11%an days wide her mother. Edith parry last Friday night ai niat; at 6, aThr xtmmernwn_ My vi -•hots the AU%IC felfix-1hip hall Frst Baptize Charrh lase week erre Louise s- .gh 15= enjoying dee prrseated its Chrisnans pons: Rick and Leiin r - O - festi— occasion. plus good Cantata Sw,day night with Lyric of Hick— Hill. Y cd and yamrs kir hinge- I gond aU. da.- Joyce Ann Roaenvin and recipient of rwo ren- An"ce Stycrs enjoyed her young .' 'ra. The girl tm c of the delirious food wrolrrs from her rhlrteh. r gCtirismmka songs w tnc. From the party. Fiax Bmptist, ao swv.3ay We c ct kid sympathy m 'TheAdsenr F=air and Tree night- 7Tre Chikdren of the rhe f—ily of W�, ant* Bai- Lighting was last weekend. group rang tells ce accotrt- ley- Hr died ca H-picr Ibis The Ad I Fair was n parry the group- arck- Assorted Stocking Stwftr, Chocolate Candy 2for $1 urns t B ALL CHRISTMAS CARos & CHRISTMAS OwmMUM 112 PRICE! Foster Drug Co. 495 valley Road • MDcksville • 335-751-2141 www.f BsterdrLrgcMCnm RegLd9[ HWfs.• &F B'3U • Set 6;3D-1 -San 7345 l6 - DA%TF CO V VTY)=NRF R15 F-. RFC ORD -Th. -Airy. A [6 'lCenk stn ler Y., n-nly m:p,muka/rrL 4aymn Law nlaaibrtar,dmhq,.dx113tlr pe a vW p�IneE. rnsW ImnolAu peavel ora .nuda •�.r anOmri..- M.6KSHOaF..r�+�• brJ®pb".I fir MNre R fru Lard M a0E' � hmarear reset" rtaa.nosrco,"wa.w<: C><!ra mvnoy-.-fTe prrixt Ihr Ihr driver who Res awrylhhiq, Whether you're a goou 11-,-1 1 a ,,gaud student of have a homeWoeis po.eywilh 5t.te Farm,we've gal a discount wadies for you GET TO A BETTER S:rATE; CALL Arl AGE reT 01! L45!! ua CtilLInE TODAv- qft StateFarm DAVIE COISA7 V 17,1713L RISE RECORD. Tf.ursd.y, D# 3016 - VI Sports Spectacular Davie Wrestling Puts On A Show By Brian PILL Davic F•nwrprise Record DnviV'a w,rsding leans put on n sprc[ncnlnr show in the twoKlny kca D -v puala m N4dw-lon•C avrr, obI,t_kh,2 the firW LO push its record in 14-0. Even more lmrkmoive than 111chest stem it n Y.,_ Conch Hoddyl.pwery'srcrewhas oulsc ^+1 apponnnw 1 -211.242 - Two days brfcrc trnvriing ru Newtp.-Coverer. Davi¢ dumped 'Witinll: menrillin Wurid Chun -,- 7a-9, eking cern: of ktinrsx 1.222 m1es not. 711c pkm came fmm josh shore, H -I r SpilT. Nick Gilli.k, Dnvxrt Signtan. Will Alle n. Craylon wise, "d MCC!u d, Austin Stm 1. and Anthony Dlmedo. Charier honde I o er three forfaila. v In tlm $Lud D-11 Duals un D- 16_ 17, Ihr War Eogles left evaryone n ithair dint - rrcn Newton-Cun- ov Tr :hkcb 1s ranked No- 1 in 2•A. Tha nine wins: 61-1'_"ver Sanrh Crild..'ell, 72.12 ou•cr Hickory. 53- 15 uvdr Ne.v'.W r•Canrwcr. 76-6 ovcr CLurryv tile, 81-0 -r Ashbroak, 70-4 ovcr Hamer Ito", 72.12aver Al legl any, S2.1( ordr chs.: and 46.25 ovcr Pruedom. Eighteen grryr vetch a cvrnN-0 Sophornixe peylon Sherill had lour wins al Newton-Conove r. 104-22. including 9 -Il perfnmwac- r.+ fmm stniur ]esu G, erre [195 weightclass]nnd sophamare.wins jeans 01nrcdo i2•-'0) and Ariz.., nlraudu I hc4vywdlgln], Assision. conch Tmmy Allen said (',omhnt Alhlr.iex hew worked wgadurs fcr s eml Wnr !.glen. Aman gthnm is Cdrtc h. is 25-1 n the year - "Hu pill i uch L .I Camhar Arlr lefts rind lift -mi; ar nnyhady l'" u rut a 14'All.ri -id . retoo "(Thr l, i-11 because of his hard work." A Iter hitting .11c mot line Sue .o i'ao[bxll,.i. Olmcdo and !- O! cordo u nrindun with IS -Il and i4�[ mark., I. `a"`-1 dly- "Thry'rc ti trying to rush their lungs frmn rooth.W" Anrn Baia. "Amlln.ly has aurprlsrdme 1nur ixcause he looks like he's kinked down, 1n''s n ell V-kcr nevi Pic mi s n fol haver. HV'n net getting 4g1d. oil rrhtlse IieYvysvdikh.s a+ much. They're going m be special:' m Savior-Yennmv Trader went 611 m 1his erx.xd w 34 -s - "He's lough u tails;' Allan s. J. -'Mcmnlly. he trice to break Lis"ppimdn curry mamas -A fora limes he'll gal In guys' heads and jus[ _� k..ham. He eunld have preny special year-" Senior Hudtrr 5miih wept 13.1 a 13- Hr was 72d1 when he suffe rr hisfirar lass- leaner{ Hu.i Keeho - MrL-can mop, ;I emioned Smith Other than Ihol, Smith has bee ul.lunu!- He ree.mtod ft. -r pin n Iwo days and kartish n 25- Lrk. Wkdt 15= ,aid:win'. he' s rnlh on the career list. e "fMet -cent frni9hcd third las ye§r in 3-A;' All,., said- "Honer aidn't rcnlly w tette hix este He ].lint of u're.n ed to .hot guy' strung)h. He was vying la m.-1 and pu[ hiro-IFin h.d pork.iom- "Hr'n bean tough skncd W go [o D.ViV. He puts in a 10. of lam end 11 n At—gni ng g-1 were x»iur WH AIIrn(! 3R iamljuniorCrnyton Wi f IfA11 Senior D¢v id Sl gnton we 7.1 a. 132.Sunin evil httCundwn Hartsell Scoring For JV Girls Af.cr ser n. ,;T d 4,5 Js rola per gp me 1'ar S1141l, lynvke tear year, wLn wm.1d Lave prcdic.ud I h.1 F_hman (:ny1n k Inose 41 w"41r1 1..7 u 111, tipm.6l. rhe fi" n gnw- f Do ft,'s IV girls 4arl.r.Lo31 [cam" Shc I. m4lp sible for 9ne-.h lea of .he tram'. Offensive nrnpu. ohill. In rhe scent al JNM-nl Caal- rrreneeopener. k l artsell , r,amrivy Idudly and r "'' """ I• Z_ "'i'41 el lied 1- . 12-211 .32--211 vein id Rey-ILU an ore. 1 i. AI S.1 n rrnll..hey cnn.imrr.t the buv stanrT dight year.. aur ie nnyrhing but racy. Laavic tmiled 15.9 n h.+llrir.w- "At h,.lfil. w `lkrd "bout rc bol I movement and rhylhm un trfl'cnsc,"n Wjr Dehhiu l:annx slid "Wc neeaud .a dri tv .a rhe bask.," Hansell and Nrrly did .11 .hc rhlyd-quaner scoring ar Ilnvie Pill lea .idea 21-19-"Cay1n picked up the dr[cnsive intensity and had n �uupre s[e.+!..will I:ryuv"" levans sow. In the fourth, the Wnr Figle. grabbed a iwq.pojnt feed wish three ca 1cfx.Th ywdtt{nhe 130.26 hrrurr the Demons conn-Wa from aawntown.r+makr Ir 30.9. D.•'ir Dred 11tu g"ma's f oaf points and held o Nl r1y Itad. five Pr1d 1n Ihr T final added, mcluding n 3-puinmr. }{artscll had [ver. H nynnn Caklwcl l a hit two faun ihrowc-+.tuddic Tellap added o huck u- '^Ciwrmey steppW up huge it d .he second half:' Evnna said. "She n .PIF!! 3lpolp` rg F[axlsel! gni. es�w�(r�i 1�S pmnrs. Neely had a --,high nine :md s Tel lap fvr. I "The girls dW a goad p4 fid- s ishlpg seroagon both ends:' E.va +yid. Hart -11 wa.s •terrific agnin nt I, attdinsr Ringo. in Dec. 16. hot Davie evince out in the .hiN qr:tear and I4sr 411 11.1-1l poured in 12 s - t ortd-qunnrr Ml=, including n pair e of3-polmcrs, and Nealy added lour .s Pav1c used . k6 -S spurt to u4 I a 2-1-2f hnlflima fend. ^Cast. .etrled in an.i Found m her pn.uvd in the se nd quart. r;' s Evans said. -,Me girl, did a guard Y]ea..c Ser Show .Puke B3 j%_ See Yf_r It - Page 8] Reynolds, Reagan Outlast Davie Boys By hrian 170, huvle Enterprise R-crd In the i1rsl twuCdn[ml Pkudrnont Confercn gnmcs, In ZIL lehex of lmilwlily ploy fmm Dn- Vie's vanity buys baak6lhall to W, cici rthat coach [.I ikd Abshcr's team wj ll pal [ear lateo iengetr clouts. Bm i['snlxn Ir bl bigxhur Dov it is 0.? in Ihr CPC and kr hosri t seen Mr- Thbor and Wea. T..ylh yce- "Whcn 1134'. 5-11d evrry- lt_ly's f ling good, life is easy-: Absher said. 'Now' w¢'. last l ..'_ wow rc tecting read}• fo play' .kr o4 .led brat looms in Ihu sm.c 1TLbor1. we're -toreally conn. p and Rgum out o way .o gel bcnrr, "1 mill ]-. our team. i In— w'h=. aur farm is made of. We ve sot to figu.c out a way to gut benrr in some areas - Thr home doer w-1W`,ftrynoidx on Iles. 0 was n re,tri::,ic galtle- Thd bac)-and-fpnh shots 6d.w•oun the seams drew wh. rad uhha fmm the crowd- But a f rst-q a er dry' spell M. r7C 1c w a hair- and it Dula tet over rhe hump in a A.70 defrat- -wcmi. a.,onoff rrtN Piwsr See 0.H.. - P`.¢e RS Cooper Wall attenriytSa. naltCo.n shot _ . --r. Ai- _ :, r+a -:.=,r.=i. --'_ -. r;,r _ ..` d�-te*ider fcr .- . na: 82- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD.TLur6day, Dt 22,21116 Hartsell..: Varsity Gins 0-2 fn CPC Reynold. 74.Dorie3)- Emma Sfat.ach 9. Aforgan lxwis Capdalsod trrrra Page I "Thegirlsplaydhnrd.hslt Reyoohlsand Rcagan werebigger,Faller,mrxe othlauc and 8.%Iirya Tibor 6, Trinity Hayea 3, Sha'r.h Monk.¢ 3. job of &ening the ball 10 we turned the ball aver - justplaln bex[er than the via varsity gir]shaskeiball loam- Reargue $9, Davle26-Grano 5labnch 9.tiha'veh Ma s, bet, and she had some axons murk and 1p- up [m many One game after beating Kanvopol is Torics first win. Dovie B,Modison Bohonnou S.LJx Crcnxhaw2,MnlCenna Oakes 2" ogain than the rnnvrnd into _y h-kets in Irnnehiaa:' Inst 74-31 at home 10 Reynolds in the Cen-a Piedmaar V,rr�hmen I,asn To Reynolds. Reagan puin❑- Courtney stepped uF she said. Conference opener 1 Dx" 13. The Demons led 23.9 after 'il,c rjarlc freshman bays baakeiholl caro re Dined again,pnvlding us wish some Davie 32, Reynolds 29 - ene quazrer. 42 23 n1 hnlnime and 57.27 after shoe. They wmlcss at 0-5 wlrh Icsser of fA-36 ret home 1. Ray nand. on souring; Cayla Hartsell 16, G1udn¢I, employed a furious f Dcoun pnea for nearly ani 32 minules pee- 13 and 3733 at Rcngan en Dec. 16. Daviecvulddnlinle Hghl, Neely 9. Ma.ldlc 'fcl]up 5, While defeating Dovie F the i91h time in n rpxv" Davie'. lop toms& agoinsr Reyruoldswcn North Bob_ however. in the second ball, Kayona Caldwell 2. Hmroa Slabach (n1ne ped al9). Morgan Lewin (eight) and Ban 1341 paints). Jacob Allen (six), Bishop N.-. [five) Henna& -unseated 27.11. Rlagnn 411, P.A. 35 - Miyn-mbar [six] wen Davie'. n1p soarers, and Zack Smith [fivcl- Hansell hod 19, ono form Cayla Hartsell 19, Counncy haute's %hon bench gat shnr[cr al Reagan on Dec. 16 asthe lop scorers .&M-1 Reagan were Solmnnon (I I). her 1=. high. Neely had Neely 8, Maddie "fcllup 5, tlw War ]dogles' No" 2 --r. Trinity Hnycs. was sidolined Sm1th (four) and Norman tfourl, a{ghr and Te11ap five. (Clara Leel% 3- and wearing n walking bon[ ur1 her Foot. Wfnr D.A. down Io cighl player, i[ was shr.rI d 59-26. Upcoming Ganes After a 12-5 fire[ gunner,he Rsiders blow it open in 111. F- mndaunnertoleud 30.9-5labochLnine],Sha".I. Morllnea WLNneadxy. Dee. 21 Davie JV b:wkelball at Cemrpl Dir ldwn n 4:3Q15i45 (tight] and Madison Robanrwn (flue) were the lop scor-t, Davie wrestling in gnuld medal Wesl tl. xyth. Davin va. WedAasld y, Dec.28 1. -; slabnch is averaging I I points a game to P7= [h¢ Waz WP at 5:30.0 -le vs. NW Guil funi, Mvle vs. $rest Wilkep, envie vruoity bake[boll In Sam Mair Chriarmni CIas.ic 8ogles (I.6, 0.2 CPC]. Hayes [6A] Bad Mart1n¢r C61 are Thursday. Poe. 22 a1 Cn[nwWn seOntW and Third, mqp tiveiy. Davit wrestling m Slack Hnwk Dnwla at Wosl Wilkes BUCK BUNNIES BamDlue WE5 TRN BOLMQUE WeHaveMovedl Corr)e visit alar new locrrtionl 58-1 Court SgLom = M lle M6-1415MD ! ID !�t.•r.t.torn of r: ve 188lsrr ewes- F%tanv• IVteek-Aula.me Qtar.9144Rrrrr uwfen Rood -*) aC-om aulunl=Iln pepatr6Dlaq Lgt , p.e��laaenle.n WDrIr.aLWryLmea Ilam mle Kruep..n�I�wW RwrW1. N.1. N.w.r Wan • Nlpwnreea. nc m.p.eaee., a'1t..�wk..I. AfakL>rrinf lL4r N�25fn eM1 �CI'A9i'&SMar.iil..Yx 1dY'Ot 336-998-7880 �rrre Gig rr d GmLirlK , Corner COOL CAM IRBTANr Bf1A7li rebcrC-k nwdaamrnp to 3111.117a.00 I ccs caaeawaa°as mad lnvnculg arratar,.dcearraewrsanlpreawkvtadn.ea ' -rLw_ ra�fnry rar>araenarmlma.aaortnpevpco.ao I °e AIs Cntk $7,000 1n SAVINQ51l Bois L-.117- • lncdly Own.d & Op -bid FU1YUCnread & kilted 336-936-9111 I �cC�Ct�woxs �Afl9t _ _�.�.� Oee�GTa1��r wtar✓aasuprE 3Prvfesiorrd BrrrGers toes • ki. amara - s pr,: saz+innvnon (336)766-9M1 Zril Le.ovne�d� � 1 DAVYE COUNW E,YTERPRLSE RECUP13. rbl-d y. Dec. 22. 2016 - H.3 Senior Hunter Smith is 25-1 at 913. He ranks Na. 7 with t 52 career wing. At rf9ht, Junipr Austin Smith lacks up Eris opponent at 382. Spectacular ... Cun[Invud Flom Page D] av )-2 al 170. Junior Nick Gill is w" 6.2 ut I All, Junior Josh ShnM was 6.3 n1 1061 Junior Hunter Strickland returned fvmk Injury and went 5.0 m 152- Sophamore Peyton Sit- rll I w;rs 4-5 al 145. Hn's bean laking one far the tenor, be- causeas Alien said.' gylvn Is prnbrlbly a I12.Pounder and he's wreyxl ing Up two weight efnssca." JuniarJns.ph MycrS wcm 3-1 at 152, Junior Austin Smith went 3-2 of I R2"SopA- re Matthew King wont 2.2uut 183 in his First- vlhy'"orches. sophontom B111 Trader got a pin in his poly deli on. sophomore Colby SkraM went I-1 n1 126. It was als. the v;lrsily dct- for C. Shore" McCune reached a milc- stuncls"clipsing 100 - wins. Hr's 22-6on the season and 165-47 in three years in [he y:43ny ii neup. "Kyle's another one of 1has. Combnl guys;' Alien said. 'He's, a lot x[ranget• this year, Across the k -J, you cnn tell we'ma lot more physically developed. We finally get nn alder acam. Kyte came nceo,a sunt. sleds tot Ncwlon-CPCp or)" I would say rte's vv a tld the soughed guys so far:' Wise is 21.5• "He really roc. -sed un getting .trona during the offseason," AI- kn said, "Ito'. a e.-I,.bLc kid and is probably the barges(-woaking guy in the m. He has one of the best double legs mound when he sets it up." Soy hdlg Co. Gillis, wi- Enw no rsityaction the l�x t-Y-11 under-[he-ru- dmynnivr has cnrvcd [tut an eye- penin&21-6moc"Ll- "He's go, go Sto:' Allen said. -He's going to get that rim takedown -I of the most. He's freakishly strong far his s - Hc's Ii ke Ci. hnnrnur on top. He ridcs and ridcs. You could [rl1 he pp -I a liWe bit•in [he wo- ond period (of one mnrch)- 1 sold: 'Buddy, I think he's gassed.' Buddy 9W4- -W.II, h. hasn't been out of the list period all ycaz,• I wish he was a CPmbst guy" I said: 'Nick. if you would wrestle in the offs.asar, you'd be n scum cmgp next your. I melm he e Id be -111 gouJl " AlIen'x ouet[ilnP pin agninsl Newrofl-Conover one oTlh. season's high- Vghts• HP'S 21-7 vn the year. "I[ was a technique beenwarking-^Allo said of Ihe decisive move in OT. -Th, guy shontaadnubl-d Will poncukedxf,e kids to his back. He it just came nnntrat. H.'S starting tocomc into his own" He stared out sttuggling, not tindiflg his dun. rhyHr's starting ID put it all tnpelher Aad getting [salmon his F- -7 J. Shat= is -'43-7 an the v'ear. "fie didn't w'req lay 5sh tat Nom). These Lids (who heat him) ere all rutted in their re.pecdve Junior (Vick Gillis has become a force at 1210. At right, senior Will Allen went 8.1 at 138 at Hewson -Conover. divisions:' sigmonis 19.3 on the -On. 'He n had -nosed kid:'Allcn Said; •Hedcesn't Put Ill nwetF in bad f-dti011s p lot- Hc 's doing a goal }oh of finishing his takedowns and being a hammer on top. Hr's goal ret rid. rel[, wnrk'ing turns and working unlit he gets svmelhing:' A. Smith is 13-5_ Allen marveled ret the physical smngth of My.-. wlur is 1a -7 - "Joseph is the atmngest kid F' ever seen on the mat," he said. "I dam'[ know if he's cuumry boy Strang Or i f Ile 1 HYs w'eighxS- If he locks omethlur on you, yuu'rc going IP get pinned:' After missing several ma[ches with injury.Slrick- lond bootleg his prnlHe with the 3-fIshp+•ing-Nr. He's 9.1 M the year - "He' xhcanc that -s going to surpriseevcUb W y :"Allen -id. "He's like Jes-Carter - he Lived at Combat. He could PI.- Chis year (in dx enne ). 1 umvldn't Say he's in shape et -ant ream 1a9tyear tpthis ye-, his tcboiq- hm been out the moi He probably wresm tled .50-60 nuebos G lheofi n.nvxtataentivn going w Finney- He lives al Comma with tenvaer Smh S-Ctley, who w•mx 13 6. 6 n his Doric carter Clam[ 1996-02, htcluding a third- -.1 it hasn't received any- - 'sem place finish 3n the state at love From Rcun Ranking." Buy One, Get one px-n said. "Nobly'-- talking acns x rak.dwn, he ges lkdow awnm (i0i1 Craativl7T u+li ri 1111 >r s ' 1[-0Y]ehisWlnClPumens Rn. un[er6 everything. He a w v9. Lc['s just rise it itw,kan roKr) u f1e•op-dngkul.2r4 gall y`• Gemmarrs 76rr223:± Consignmtml Crafts Ftlfardvbly AartV Reenlalit 1�W PERKINS ROOFING N�>�7a oral w.d v s "Quant, work Ttxs6M0.]•$oew of reoronable prires" t�.mYan Based Pfnono: 33fi753-$3$$ G'erwn WepuM, Gn a•rw.�, n+br GHgNcdn�tru n" .�1msa:.Isu..:� ` vw,err.. erre. vvv �cC�Ct�woxs �Afl9t _ _�.�.� Oee�GTa1��r wtar✓aasuprE 3Prvfesiorrd BrrrGers toes • ki. amara - s pr,: saz+innvnon (336)766-9M1 Zril Le.ovne�d� � 1 DAVYE COUNW E,YTERPRLSE RECUP13. rbl-d y. Dec. 22. 2016 - H.3 Senior Hunter Smith is 25-1 at 913. He ranks Na. 7 with t 52 career wing. At rf9ht, Junipr Austin Smith lacks up Eris opponent at 382. Spectacular ... Cun[Invud Flom Page D] av )-2 al 170. Junior Nick Gill is w" 6.2 ut I All, Junior Josh ShnM was 6.3 n1 1061 Junior Hunter Strickland returned fvmk Injury and went 5.0 m 152- Sophamore Peyton Sit- rll I w;rs 4-5 al 145. Hn's bean laking one far the tenor, be- causeas Alien said.' gylvn Is prnbrlbly a I12.Pounder and he's wreyxl ing Up two weight efnssca." JuniarJns.ph MycrS wcm 3-1 at 152, Junior Austin Smith went 3-2 of I R2"SopA- re Matthew King wont 2.2uut 183 in his First- vlhy'"orches. sophontom B111 Trader got a pin in his poly deli on. sophomore Colby SkraM went I-1 n1 126. It was als. the v;lrsily dct- for C. Shore" McCune reached a milc- stuncls"clipsing 100 - wins. Hr's 22-6on the season and 165-47 in three years in [he y:43ny ii neup. "Kyle's another one of 1has. Combnl guys;' Alien said. 'He's, a lot x[ranget• this year, Across the k -J, you cnn tell we'ma lot more physically developed. We finally get nn alder acam. Kyte came nceo,a sunt. sleds tot Ncwlon-CPCp or)" I would say rte's vv a tld the soughed guys so far:' Wise is 21.5• "He really roc. -sed un getting .trona during the offseason," AI- kn said, "Ito'. a e.-I,.bLc kid and is probably the barges(-woaking guy in the m. He has one of the best double legs mound when he sets it up." Soy hdlg Co. Gillis, wi- Enw no rsityaction the l�x t-Y-11 under-[he-ru- dmynnivr has cnrvcd [tut an eye- penin&21-6moc"Ll- "He's go, go Sto:' Allen said. -He's going to get that rim takedown -I of the most. He's freakishly strong far his s - Hc's Ii ke Ci. hnnrnur on top. He ridcs and ridcs. You could [rl1 he pp -I a liWe bit•in [he wo- ond period (of one mnrch)- 1 sold: 'Buddy, I think he's gassed.' Buddy 9W4- -W.II, h. hasn't been out of the list period all ycaz,• I wish he was a CPmbst guy" I said: 'Nick. if you would wrestle in the offs.asar, you'd be n scum cmgp next your. I melm he e Id be -111 gouJl " AlIen'x ouet[ilnP pin agninsl Newrofl-Conover one oTlh. season's high- Vghts• HP'S 21-7 vn the year. "I[ was a technique beenwarking-^Allo said of Ihe decisive move in OT. -Th, guy shontaadnubl-d Will poncukedxf,e kids to his back. He it just came nnntrat. H.'S starting tocomc into his own" He stared out sttuggling, not tindiflg his dun. rhyHr's starting ID put it all tnpelher Aad getting [salmon his F- -7 J. Shat= is -'43-7 an the v'ear. "fie didn't w'req lay 5sh tat Nom). These Lids (who heat him) ere all rutted in their re.pecdve Junior (Vick Gillis has become a force at 1210. At right, senior Will Allen went 8.1 at 138 at Hewson -Conover. divisions:' sigmonis 19.3 on the -On. 'He n had -nosed kid:'Allcn Said; •Hedcesn't Put Ill nwetF in bad f-dti011s p lot- Hc 's doing a goal }oh of finishing his takedowns and being a hammer on top. Hr's goal ret rid. rel[, wnrk'ing turns and working unlit he gets svmelhing:' A. Smith is 13-5_ Allen marveled ret the physical smngth of My.-. wlur is 1a -7 - "Joseph is the atmngest kid F' ever seen on the mat," he said. "I dam'[ know if he's cuumry boy Strang Or i f Ile 1 HYs w'eighxS- If he locks omethlur on you, yuu'rc going IP get pinned:' After missing several ma[ches with injury.Slrick- lond bootleg his prnlHe with the 3-fIshp+•ing-Nr. He's 9.1 M the year - "He' xhcanc that -s going to surpriseevcUb W y :"Allen -id. "He's like Jes-Carter - he Lived at Combat. He could PI.- Chis year (in dx enne ). 1 umvldn't Say he's in shape et -ant ream 1a9tyear tpthis ye-, his tcboiq- hm been out the moi He probably wresm tled .50-60 nuebos G lheofi n.nvxtataentivn going w Finney- He lives al Comma with tenvaer Smh S-Ctley, who w•mx 13 6. 6 n his Doric carter Clam[ 1996-02, htcluding a third- -.1 it hasn't received any- - 'sem place finish 3n the state at love From Rcun Ranking." Buy One, Get one 133)- He contests every "We're not Alto. said. "Nobly'-- talking acns x rak.dwn, he ges lkdow and he's good on his C t, about us. But when we step II Hr's lough with legs. He on the M.L. nobody Wants 1. i un[er6 everything. He a w v9. Lc['s just rise it r `+wtFrog O f f s mint .acid. lichaique-wise. I'd (na muxivatlan) arltl swpriva s. I W�/�y/ say he's unr bra[ wreeder." lana people;' ...This i9 the r+r`"" oe�Y Pmn@An frozen Yogurt Noes: Although Dll- he9t start xinCe 2009.10, vie has reached 19.0 with when Dovie slang 3D -0"336-753-0880_j; Hiller Rin ev ran Natiorlwlde ]109 YadklLmrille Load ocksyslle. NC (336) 751- 6131 B4 - D.IVIOE COUNTY- 1-,NTE14PRISE RECORP. Thhr,ar)er• Dec. 22.2016 $011"rH ERN $fA7'FS parte F _Selvlcs, IDs tie W nqudi.r- St. Mec".1 le 1�6} 757-5027 -1'our�eul lean, scads.- andlrtm PPIY nor -saner ,9lr DAVre G+wAoe since • s,,rvicr • 1nat:dmtla„ [J u, in oil LSM •••� - nr•du fhw IS rr^,•..yes".,.•i 336.492.2888 Lwhere tats* or Le ere �dtiJcred m ether in my name, There an= I xn Me m hist of thein-" niarrstar. saga 4EPHp•$ aARg�cG� r „n,srr ,. wry [SSfi] 761-682SI Eaten Funeral Service w�itsvnnh M.In se, IIIe,NC. „nh2e M1 1332251-21t Fam9fy Care Center of Mocksville 7ohromem Perp PA -C llw tt... s Bondi•¢ 101 Wilraaa-tri Sr-• MeoavriM (336] 79.3.08fW Md This scripture message broughttoyoubythese businesses who encouragleyoutoworship at#hechurch of -your choice. l.4ia.f;le • MILLER ene sl s 2- 13,At & SuPpj v. Inc. 1Y. hr aar K.r. X11 '� + vwr. �, R^'• 336-751-2304 ue.�irn�"- n,pCKB�.dg. NC tour trey'. ear ti. M,sckerale ala-tvx-sear [� S� J L16■1fc.1 •se.m a��9 .hroatrxrs .rme:n+rxhra (ne) 909.0009 {33908-0610 ramal W�wd ixkrd Stinal Coneme Co. ; faeelrrvlhe, NC 338-7511989 Shares P[grnhing & Heating it Men Sl, st., -tavrer 140.5 fL eltleekaNlls, HC [3;pBj 7515FaXi3 OFF.[ 1 IN000IR SEATIAWO I I TSS Y+1�fled • kyrchsrASP. NC 1 I 37Ei-757 �8f10 I SPILLMAN'S HSM£ - Fuel. 4LI. '*- CAN Iddity far (atwq hfmtim} 284.2551 4L,/.M1 rO�I Gay�ie lith. hr,w-sr.-. saw L eGENTLEeathered Rs C CoilcGtiSips M J95O: r nMyr iMla china &Toot IDC. 4781-103MONITORTVEn DEIZVE NA__..- 11LC2714 Hwy.601 North Lh7tINGTPN, NC 27295ry.,wtNL. e]ert.a,Hlc,NC MockPA9*.NC27028 336.248-2913sr: Rz nfi7 a 336-4A2-5055 =9M 7I6a w„na,,.w„w Iw_m.ww�. svMn90avle[onrrcy slnmts97 - n WCs" dwls"ik ro arr,�,J01915 TOW n 5 FeTiningT9R Chad rrrlrr��•.--- G[1F�L5 Tacker Santee, Inc. FUNERAL Hc>M9 7t. it.ous KaWrrbe RolWerk Ss.iks }o - Ill "fN1eJW101l. ;resell -::_0 Jedlws i Pooa.Y oMy Tnslni �.i lv+rkeslxfraR,JfxksvID4 NC h3tyl6sYx,m 9.-Ak Wvtllr-. Nr' ®P-we-arlMlnq' .... wi'T,�• (3361751-1100 n creati o...a, Ioa3 a.laha.ne - Mr Itb '" „'": •"^� 32g -99x9.2598 - Ofr1Ce s.r w rope. ri.m..•+r' r e: g9G763 V195 w.grnt,anrrnae �na,a,a-neh 935-940.7256 - hlebl a {336j 953-B09D - 89676e 4161 �'... - IiAYWORTI-I-MII,L,ER r Wlkitneer5 New & I'1 IV i:IIAL 111.1111: s.7 �] `1S n~f� &PQl�1etone Umd ver" Stare ex ISN x:n.krn,n W'.,r �l]jll►� 1Y1Q111'11�IP.L www.pd31e1ane.com 99SYadWmllla Rd.. M-lk rifle r ,1J.,r-.:, k[-xieee �' BIHI.I]E1LS 155 helooy Fool Roed Ir„a.a t..saer.a�erNr] 336.940,5555 hlecksyl.a. f 27029 336-751-9022 : 2 , 3364"5.0908 336-492-5565 [336; 753-t3H6 FOSTF-R DRUG 161TIA 111 a leN-- sK �.'Qt� ANY elms. a,te 1 r - 330 S. Salisdary SL, Moclayile LTITLECROD CH OO SHOP raela6st„ae+�lbr••-'----(time 495 Valley Read ph[m mi�ILiOA IOYnr Q��� Mock -inti, NC 27088 336-7614538 SOD 5. Salisbury Ace 336.751-2147 ® Spenoar N[28159- T-'aTaww.IlMachanchapshop.rom _ _ - ior+i Ygfl TJTv,3f✓!{(k+,r 336-753-Dii1JG ,Nww.hewardreeltycom. 7u4-637-8777 -n �fW.n siscu shoe JD$5 • Lnfuat - 3m (Inde • behave &. rifle^ g.nml Ptep- rtllLLER :V�'��°R� dERAY'S rf McCueston Maim � ��'� L.L • fgtaee,m�1 ����R PmelslOn Leser Cutting a MEAT pnaCEs$INs Concrete Co., InL -'may Metal Fehrl4eanrt EA Cuatem hilm E �,. • aep srlisDwr Re s.ae-t•a%-Peer 335-3t:.S-39 N,oelavilW. Ac A. asy-vac �Henp� ve. is rearsy D,a:,,rss 1 ArnDClI Raw -r 336-7573712 - eea e.m o,s.� 18l DOEDCI1 BC.•,r_.,..wetrL wv,.v,Iwle.weld�iy.wm �a-4s:-saw ►dv,noaete - t 751-7118 Outlast ... CnnTinncd Brom Pap¢ B1 ,D -I, w -,s f8 us. 27 n[ the tinct, and .. matin = tial - -L- Ihat �., hadn's. Men mnking," Abihcr acid_ "I" coming In tiny cnuhh g' a hunch of nffcns{vu pulbncks.aad they kad IM in the Ilrsl hair- Ther as tough to overcame:' W_ Dav{e.l Cdwell,(3Wr9 M Womack. n 617nopho- niwho rehaunds. hrx lk) lerH shoxz and sho4hs fmin nonzide wirl, a hit a 3-po�neer ]4 sc nnJ. {nhu she 9-ine Aft- Cuoper Wall soured, W -Il ns::isted a 3 -poises. from McCennuck 1n Devin Jumped -head 8-3. 3,n rrner tory H¢{ rter's Shin. es. g+we Davic n IP -g lead, fteynnlds cloud the ci m"., +., o 12-1 tear, n in the second quarter, _To. lore down it defensive rehamd, wall iwshed she lemon and fquhKt Dy1-a Shnfnv, inthe comer. IiiS 3 cul Reynold%' iakd ho 24.25 a.nd pronspted the Do- :wll lu cull timcein, nn:nn{ma-3auio1- Ala rimmn1.77mt's Tho kinrl d night It was f-Chi'm keyn- eldr always had an 1:1swer- ltenlh 5inhoch hi[ n cor- er 3 ax OLrvic'z l0 -t run cul Rcynolds' ndvanmge to $n--49, sur the Demons got two easy tiucke t8 la """n'on eight-polnticad- Avvi,, kept coming, wrd- len'% two free Ihtows capped n 19 -ID run IIWL puiled the Wnr Eagles within 69-68. Winn Sboffrer hit n pull-up jumper earl Well a.Lxtad It McCormack 3, it was 6463 Deman s. SM rhe gnmc•s trend cominund - Rcynolds seAponded with the next Sour pound. '•We never I. it.:' Ah - =her s -II. "Wc never got the {cud (after the Indy going]. I Think if we bpd, tiros. irul, mime snrgeof energy ohm we ere 1ix*;rss r wanfd haus c oro:' 5lah"It lizhed out W w-11 f a deep, strnighmwuy 3, the shin puling in and pulling Davic within 71.68 with 66 frantic seconds m play. With 13,9 --d. len, Reynolds kfl the door open by missing two fr Ihmws. With Ilse atom 73.70, Ah%her called limeoul. an me r r end. rlelear inbuu-tied ie wa11, who push= to the right olthe key now hn.uk:d orf Ie Walmn. He had :r 1180, lvnk from 3 -point. land. hurt it wouldn't gay down. Now Reynokla i1:u1 lus seventh cenrec,i'l- win oyerDavie. III tht, previo,ts mnctg o Ing n Feb. 4.2 Davie 1-1 in ovenime- "II'x it set play:' Ahsher said. '•Wn had Iwo uplion. with Beath and Miel,aal, b_,,,Ne We felt like they would double Cooper oD the hull screen. Hey, M {ehael gal a good lank h•• Wuhan ad t.7 ytoirlm McComrrck t 15) hit double Rguxca for the f unh game DAVIE COU.%rrV F_N-r RPRISE RECIU D.ThumdIiy. Dec. 22.2016-S5 Coach Mike Alrsller huddles his varsity boys basketball to am during 8 tlmeo III againv ney nold s. Owen McCormack goes For u block. Will Shepherd drives- Michael Walton goes to the rim. - Photos by Mark Floyd inn mw- He also hit three aS D..ie's seven 3e- Wall had 11,wbik Helll,,rand Sh ffiner had eight each. Wallop t 10 of I" and NleCermack (4 ar41 wens u comhir.d 14 cr Ig Lu the line. tins. the rest of Ile Wer Eagles went 4 for9- Absher didnos. experr the Den— m hit nine 3s. -We tried the hax•atvl-ene:' he said. "Give dem cord It, OI,-.,, ysmodeshops.during It. lime. ..We've gal a good Ica. J hale title firs! hnsJ is in confcicnce heraasc 11's such u lough league And it was a1 home. Butrivw ynu •.x haw f),- e yvo bo11 ncr hack son she mad" Tim gan , at Reagan Pit Arc. ]6 was Is hiKh•Rying affair in an 4menaln ing f, t half- But Lite Rnidcrs pulled wrty, savppcd Jk+vie frac Lr W riming n _riu_comub-ck and .- 89.77. Again, Par it, gar off to it gvr,rl Start- licher swung it... Watt, who his n 3 in the r. SlubaCh'r 3 made is ",,1. W hen Walton drove basoline and laid it in. 17av ie up 1n-5 and Reagan ailed 1 uncal-. The li iickrs ripped off n 29- ] 3 mn loinken 32.2y Iced. Pa.'ie hay+vnJeJwirh an S I -D ch Mc toduse the fi.+it.'. It was ignited by Wal,o+r'%3-pointer. Walton's long Iwo-poj at Rrld goal cm Davis.'= hal rhiast, d*11I, m 44.41. Rragnn, though. c tinned 1 he entire second noir, . with Davie gets i ng no timer Ihnn eight (641-52 and 62-531- Mnl{k Flt las, 26 Points, three 3s) andDylcnd f..irldeh t2I I wed It lethal c Ilinalion- The Reit1 rs hit 11 3s t'ar Ibe game, incl nil4ag eight. In the lirsh half- Davic 15-2, 0-2 CPC) was not had. going I9 or 24 .1 the lisle and hinilLg eight ]%. "SnnLc nF it, you c n'1 defend any Ndler than aw -id. "They'- ' nW;" nhsher of as hig, out lhry'm l ike Ili,, Reaganf,- Iw }curs agc, All {Tec goys on the poor nrr u thrnel- V+c tried esuryth Ing ould delenzive ly." p,ov{c got uis 1-1ired perfama.. r m wall. a 6-2 junior palm guanl whoa m puped points with four 3 -pointers and 44-4 Dylan Shof ner attacks. At right, Heath Slab adh passes to Shotfrler fuel nheoling. II 70 pain N N.vthe lift It \IcCum,nck t.5, Cooper Nall rnth 20,T_ gum,, in hit slrnight game. 1 ] . Cory I I,,incr M. Pylon three-year-.i.y career, -0 Not -• Loa }Ler Davie Stpfhw, S, Head, Slnbnr,-h is mauled n,- rrer high. He hunk two of Three from Rw- 5, Culemnn Sell 3. Will ]Inti 28 in a ra. at Pnrkllnsl gan. Wa11 i= I,— wish . Shepherd i, n a rrczh roan. 17•p.+lrrt average- Walton iz Rcopan 89, Day1n 77 - y w.almr, wens 8 of 11 nl : reengiag 13.8, Slis It 11.8, Cooper Wn11 215, Michael she ]int rn rtinre N. Ile ha. McCdrmack t 1. Shnfl'ner Wahon 19. .at Sintiach been in dtwble fl gure every 10.3 and Heiner S-1- 8, Dvlm, s4nffner S' Cory (,vote- Slnbnch nr,d Shoffncr RS Ids 74. Davic 70 Hcincr6. Owen McCormack had right apie v nz 13-ic - hl{chnel Walton 17. Owen 5, bmmkm Iinrto" 3 - JV Boys Suffer Three Heartbreaking Losses Dav ie's J buys to-ekcL• scored I6. 8rt,ukx Jnlrnson crapping defcrt%e during rhe Both I— LhFuwn, howe.c,. :,yte- G riggs(12.7) and inti ledges d. lutea. Re id 1- 6-11 team has bustled hnnl, nailed four 3-poimers for 12 f rurdo-gv:uter coau:bnck. pissed. walohnson i 1 f l an and and third, Reagan 37, Aarfe 4.4 bull he t1of garneshastteen points. In the flnnl second , "Justice bas nor pt.. yr i Ik Faints ant4 resprctivdy. firooks Johnson IS. 'rroy ' J a 1 Fmm she ue Mss. Inc hennhreaking. Johnsen Inc much.bulh,,'so p y r 7s as. d,a sec rid sea- I fop,. f a ig IS noLds 65 Davie 63- Grl ,i 6 Laths Cheer, Rs.'Y gg i m ber- m a'It. -game !using .,Me ..id uvewon the at shu,ay, of itis. ]-3-1;'W-I- genLelazW(3riggsf [6points] Tnay Csriggs_l.Elijnh Wood. Eoin.{, Plijuh Wood 2,]ustiee xihcuk, the War F•agles have gume. Wallace I. -d dhe.IL Ince soid:•1{e -a-i rr big rci.+um why Dawe 16. tirnbke Jnhnsnr. 12, Redman 2.Arunn Wil liams 1, lost by three, ewo and III-Jvllnaan is a legit ire hrnun. He had fire .0and six Fe- were in posiliou to win- Eli- panni Willinms 5, LathWxt James Rcid I - paiahs- The hall Just didn't gn in- bounil,, Hr played about hhe jah wood• .11" 7"lle l 14 Chamberlain 4, Alet Rut - In the Central Fiedrnwr "I'll take III. t.0 out of 10 whnk Ivardt quartrr,cacc os. pviha>, stir tigh hL5 first three Conference 4pcaer a, ley-- rim-;' Wanaccsaid,-Hehad when we 1a 1 ho go offensive Jv games. wax quiet with olds on Dec. 13. the w four 3s and he hits is. man of substihhfions.lic'snprcnt kir! Iwo pints -?I. rime. Jt ju%r didn'I go in and favi as.. glad he playcvl "",rooks is good sr drib to tour, and had u ckancr to this [iu,e." well- He definitely earned tiling and hs s athletic:' whey you 8 FiEiliR.S' Gl'iiii.S7Mv'LS win at dLe buaer. Onvie fell himself suote minutn '• '1'hc W-1[ace said_ -I tinct: voce - rrDd a HAPPY hGLV rrari. May rhnrr 65-fi3. � 11,e W Eagles produced War Eagles 12.0-2 T_y Griggs scored 10 of an astonishing rally 1e a 37• CpClau,sco,ed$E-Ka 1$•5 he gets hcltrr al going to Ne rim hr.'s poing iv he a.pecial your Chriamlas be rich wish family Ifl-cam-high? I poims in rhe 44 liome loss to R -g_ on inthe lnaeh-gut after cFimb- player." love. warm with friendahlp, happy fourlh.whca Davie p, -ailed by Dec. I6- - ing whhin swo. they -missed Nates: Ac,,gan's Gfwt-7 with IsWe goOdrwm And blessed ' with 90 seconds left her .Vyerdiglinga Zt-17 herr- cwpleoreasy h..enle.. he dearly stole rbc game. rime dcReis. end soli trailing acid --We bad achaaor to uc use was a honfaGx,r-" {rc got s.wucaxll Fouls;' Wal]nce lld�1dw '� PI SeaSan• -_ -TreyW as•d.one, He42-29 after rhe third quarter. she genie7 vid-Hegot-third f-Iearky xy dri,'ing sn she rim- He Dario ek-A wid.ie roue in wallace ti -tale uhihethinlyaanerai,dpla]'ed 336-655-9649 dl-_ anted In winsob-d,-eoseh she Tarr stages- with hiso-•^+ behind by - at.aru siz minracs"__ Davie lln Wallace said- Weaacx gave high praise Davie did tour run the (flay bun itself M the tree-thro,. .� E1J,,at Wood w,sat 6 Fxto Justice Ste�•� a fresh- mteWY.l�ia1\`�F�L w -as lithe i 3. f 1- - SNhhrsoe 6 M obe rice- sr line sed nus who keyed me 1-}I 1., "Ll, CA- -gilds left. u. !i- w-hh a I4-pe1ts. avax- B6 - VAVIE CnTJNTY Er4TFIRILPRISE RF,CCIRD. Thursday lu r_ 22. ZIOJ6 students The Holocaust Museum Re -Creation Teaches Students About Hate Groups By Lynnwise )ar sr rhnl ]is[c.1 iarnmvn kmu about Special w rhe Eui.,prlsr e: I Holncnnstvictim. -td 4;1_ieicd the vierinr's tilrrd:nlrc in litax>fte Hon -life h -far, the Nnzi occupa- sr]k's wnrld hisiory clmws lion trrodgh the lirdocndsu. vished the Halncr�u.t Mux- Il nlsou 1dctn its riboul on the d.y rifler the 75[11 -whether the victim snrvi—I rsnry .1 of the hnnrhing ur diel.. ,.all Hnrhor without Students —.ived bm- n having D.A. 1•ligh rhurea 1ha1 explik"ed the tichanl's _WT-- bvp cx hihldons on IIIc Inur They lrnvrlcd to ru (dung with :t schedule an n [he m m ib.i Jeal[ [hey uadJ r nage tlrekr wkh chnnwiogienl topica [imu" Flnrtsell tsaid I%l this ranging from pm world War xrvnl m make the expert• 11 Gcrm:my and the ria or r authentic. Hl udr throug]i tic "..- - ar'1 wens info this project berg War Trin le nerd utodm , with three gams ht mikkul .Loy axe kplL, of genocide Ha1Tsell said" "My first goal rind hnlc groups. u F the s�uden s t9 .ce "l w aamggling with the r<ad the nC the Hnlncad.u. how 1 wanted 10 lcnc]i such 'I'hasc who col4ribornted, l.dons: and imptxiw- nl t-1 cmoplitid ur. were ail:ns ore :' rtnrrsdll said. "I wanted just as gull ty as the nvin this topic to —fly hit home with the toolh6msh mus- wfdl my student. to open tache. Many peeplc c, no[ them up w the very real op- evdn tool ire the 'Fin] Soku- pression thm .1411 exirux h lion' a kill n11 Jews w "Ines muilledinlc, mull4cu]- no 1lw Ilea of Hitler. Uu1n� lural societies rind the ways col lniwrntivc sokltial to the work w prevenx •jcwish problem' by Nnzi hurnrin auric{tics ilke'he- cl kex;' Ihnt oeo—d during the He- "My second goo] was Ie show thio genueiJc Joe. nm Hnnscl! modeled her happen o migln" fl starts id:ri m' the mrl%eum v with mmgly harmless the liulnrau.t Museum in -'I-n ec raekat ywrs end Wnshingmn, DC. The plan- juke -s. Discussing '011—L ning begun aver n month wish like-minded people bdfene 11w pore k opening and aHen:ning y"Mil or the museum. She hod 10 loom thou who are dificr- earoter i2lencher vainmeem eat. 1 .ami of my .1 Lid -1w willing to rnntribmc their Iw i—ognim Die early stag- clnssrooms, assist w'i1h the c. df oppression That 1c 1 lap !md nn uluk, -n 'Lo" % syslnndxic tgrpressl— Car a voin., of Ih6ir plan- vldlence and a.rn g-1, I rung periods. 'fhc media or spccilic gm ups for mcinl, eentcr+tuff and mrhauldyy elft nic 9r rellgfeu%renxen.:' departmcnl were m mu men- Henoch said. tui in planning, seting up "My (bird pant aShow w s w rind —log 111hitw, Shaw tits students Irow re After she hurl .olunteeradcognizr. that ga—kh in place. Hansell hagaa the and nyxlcmnxic _ Iltilnnm. arduwi, month-long lnsk or or specific gronps. is Mt r wlieanng tds.mn"es. rrcal• thing of the Past. it didri !ng materials and compil- bog4n and end wins ON ing exhihilinns For aitch of Halocnusr;' kiartacll xnid lhd Ree n+am% ohm wnuW "1 w tiled [hem m 1sc aWi be transfomu•D into It Ho]o- to rMa,, up for what the: ms1 Noncom. heli... is right and sprn! '•f used Du Hnlnmusl ngnirvd unndcm at—lues Museum's ic..Ie and a[u- Hnrtutl mid she eon ni dem escwrr_e- dnllnc 10 lhnt _.,:I df her ..Z. ftod artifacts and articles to haul :� working knowlrDgc iiunter Meacham reads information about death camps near a shoe pile . diapiny for my sltuknrs rind about the I leleenusl 11—gh n+ade+nuny displays onyxelf- wh:u lhey have lerimed In 'Third Reich) sa miknri- borrowcD a 1n[ of mn'cri- previous history classuv or tics m 111: rise ur Hsu ler and als ln+m rn Feer lcneh:rx who ar. n reldvixinn. Must the Nazis and o modem huvc rnllectiedis Of their .[1+.katw won su rprkmd tun[ 1wlilicnl climnie. Some :ur hn.•c vksilcd c - genocides n s[i it o - dent. puinu•J tido Muse s4nt- ion comp.:' Ilarixll ring. 11W 1d ckwrz h'.sdrng ilwitir: ns won;' Hrinsell said, dud rooms wean surpr'ueol xt -id, A. cnch stent:" preltnrcd or' nuc anbjecr matter, 'rhe s and and flurd to Mesh the n u tour, 6"ivvi•11. nx+rn6 introduced partiei- hlartsell issued+each enc of s any t-1— hosting punts [n awn: uY 1lw }knft+r! ahem an Lkoilliendun ex Al mom tare rnhe n+e of the of the Helorxust and Nazi Germany - the Nuremberg 1..nws, .arvlwr te:lhrwnils. sn3ri- nb.ut the euthnnriain plugo:rin for the physicnliy and tmumtly Nandi—ty al and the EiU.'gmpp— mo- bile kl111 ag units. "!t xlna;ex n+e how uw Nsxi —id-.. could : sk, drax rn people wlw rduld Love bean 1haL• iwighbor, •.ar t I 1Hpr+d or .cheolmnle;' Mul- _ lic Ruxvcll, IY"shmua- sold" "How did nuc ltlazi soldiers think that killing all df those - people was she right rhing at trilk;> pid. shcy not feel gull t yr The C ,?L,nhibi[ that seemed - ' • . to nvJec Flu Moll itrrptxr • ors lhril of the pile orshoes. . The tldhn AUKt Mescam has _ a displriy of shocs Ich b.- - hind by those held in cdn- - varfon cysups_ Hart" 14 ceir-w.4 this display which - .'�, _ had aro cflecr on icer sm- . -1n he Hot-- Mu- m• I ]:timed more than I rer kne 1 Ieux+ed D+ar cde. had wi a p— shoot _ shoot the shbeing h e omr uxrnas c slur Miguel Vrsoso Lckreruro kooks at a chert of Syn,,- _ harder 1aa burn than bots wom by persec:nad groups_ Ser Fr9lncaasr - PrFte 9 Sarah Phillips looks at letters written by holocaust victims Levi Beaver's grandmother. GIE helps LeviWlth.his STEM -related House challenge at Cooleemee Eli DAVIE Crj L:tiTY Fh'TERPRr5E RECORD. Th—dLay. fkc. 22- Zel6 - 117 --61lik_ 17'— _ ;! Aver tlenge and his mom Chtssline Benge work together to build Avery's gingerhmad ihelr house's speelflcallons are In place - house - lace"house. STEM For 5 Year olds? Bright Ideas Grant Making It Happen For Cooleemee Students Kindergarren studnms a' Coolecm— Elemenm- ryreamed up with Fnn+ily .} embers mtit school Iy to complete their Orx1 STEP.? project of the year. ' parents. grandfntrenlh, - and community value- lee roc bel ped students lack- a,F t■ " ouse Ir the Gingerbread How- Challengc, Thcy used edi- Chat - ble building nmterinis du - timed by pprenm to cerate t+r. .w • - eandy houses. Each huts: { ,•-• requix:d to Ito— leash four specific design Features. 9j This pmject --the first or the Engineer through - - the Year acd Wlles which engage young students STEM challenges every month. Although STEM" (which !s a cony - lar seienc:, technology, Sowen Link waits for his grandmother Cindy Tanner Taylor and his grandmother r engineering and math' Durham to apply the Icing before the walls of v1a Durham work together to meal the Kim Magallanes proudly display is as inlegrnl pun of the Bowan's house can go up. It ndergarterl STEM challenge. their finished product. academie rurciculum Cor olScr students• nut many p jeers are av aiknbir to five yours. In November, Energy United awarded Coolee- mea Snc�l kindergarten teachers a $300 Bright Ideas grant for their En- gineer through rhe Year Project. Teachers will be able to buy nwre STEM resources rill. pmvidc 'heir students with she mnleriats they need to engage the youngest chil- dren in new STEM chm- Ienges cash month For the n"l two years. The kirldergartan STEM challenge is fun for students, parents and other volunteers. Colgan Duffin IS all smlles as his Aunt Jennifer Hogue looks on. Frances McClemrocit demonstrates for Adrian Salazar how to attaoh the shingles to the mai of his house" Details, Page 2 BE - DAME C0U`?17 "WNT•F,RPR1S£ RECO RP.T r der. her- 22.2186 Dateline FundrarsgJy^� Religion S1aka ueS=coadPr.bylr NCRo1.Macksvtte,Rp.m. vonCmuvotHill-daleUMC. 5pgy-1�vvserC73nr,naWed rlmn anneal ynaih Chystmas Candle ON ire• only _ 018 us 15S, Adtm.e-5ecend of it month ley the F14nrmnc Wednesday, Jan.4 Saturday, ilea. 24 s.c pmgraFiI.L pin. All in. -it_ Cammealuu. Italy Croc. &fourth SuMaysofracltmoarh roti=h' 01 Ilarir County, af- 5anp luaeh.l l o-+n-.1:3upm.. TkPdblaaal Clu lmss Ere I& Ladner. 191} US 60] 5., a Ont. Far tofu: 998.4020- ruedubleapayneal=rsurprry f• -r 55. Eslrn.inn ofE IM S. Imervml and ceadklfglrt Lvre Fcax. Christmas Ere MoawrRlv,Y p.m. Kilo far Cin%A. ai L;b=ny car. and dry,, ZoH 73..5214 t,, Main Sr-, Muekev;llu, spraF• =s MRI' III Motown service, 6:30 p.m., galley5u •ljamra noprin service, [. p.m., UMC, til I.ib=rty Circle, make rawa'.mriannmf fnrdeivit., sated by P -CA [ilr,memvk�-rsJ, Chrrrrh. Tlkl NC 501 N„ -ill Clwrxl Mr11rx11at,Adw.ne- adult rLulr. rhlklxn's pn�gmnr M°rkrrlll e, Buell Wed- ",,30 Fere Adlak-d 11-111a nn 55. I'[mlctih. rdxsr td.n Far hire two u! 4l+.nt. anJ 7 p.m. Cuhdlilighl 5nrvlee,Cnncard "Che Lina o[ Chriumas." Pm.R.r klndergarren-Slh grade- planniuR werkshvps, Ind We. 56Sn lb- nn D- r -a. Mkknwd.a. Cherry I jil, Rd- Pr -l'tr4rs. Nn torr, j- a rim= for ploy. Tucr-,Brach manrh, l &a 1, lk, qm-f ldanen Chrklmae snacks, Bim retries, & mbair. EMS U.0"I g, Mxlu.'ige- ear Ew service. g pm-. old Zion lain: 940-7246. ;ora: 33 ,768.6137 ext- 1622. J Clwpel'clruralt, 1436 Sh=rfrld MOP3 PPTa0kssoTPraebnol- Paatk.use Prrrnda,r+eryTvex., Sheffielld- r C �} Hd.. Ma ksv;ll S;nEing nf ars). in and 3rd rN. of tr=ey 7A p.m- Ilia. lim= denten ■ eiy, Rd_b. 11D1 apple cider, co°Yic n nom duff rrmlidanol x+hnol shaddnrrivr6:3o1, Custsaa.rh Calahaln SC- , 1y:1hlcham htelltedtst two ]' r, 9;}e -!i ls:..m.. Blaix Mw.apenraly aylcynr Flnylra. Vol.fig�rr..� L {:' rrvlees, IP n m eldklma't uPpt. Clwrch, CW1Lknkal35z[µ ur972.P659- RFI e�x'-Me r- f-" xers•iee roe duaa; 9 p.m.. Awane, erery wed, =v=alnE F=drmllkenoBlsn, Vclarnw, IlMuai Cor3utHJRity1 Hew Pod &Spa Instal alien L'LrlsimM Eve Cnmllel lght Pact 6:30-5 pm. m Fogle Hrighla 1]AV Chnp1rr475bld8- 195805 Meeting G 10. ng•C1 e1Ncals Camniun;nn Snr frP. 311 Had- Chbx=h- Mr S.,-ty third SP1.. 17-1 p.m. 4 ep41[lrlg& Closing r land R I_ Ad a e- The Life dl TonIbinir oT J_ rr,r InrD: 3}0.407-5662. Monday, Jan. 2, 2Gi7 a, UFlrr Reps, in T,, t = Saturday, Dec. 31 pmxanied by Maakx.•ule Sr Free Monthly nlebetrtorJFlawal 7:OOPM kmsl lleilt/b r°r-par ]o rix by. Cnmmuney TVnlch !:etvia, rnlh-tipy Ad -rein thatch. PressurcWlk-lolernl Scr00n- lL`efras it a91,.o. [��g] rt84.4aT7 11 p.m-. Mr, Zi-- Holiness.. Man. & 'Times- nt 7 O.M., M .FFP' tau Frl. aT each month 435 Dysot Paad, W4CkGAli, U Cell: [s36] 8vaA027 1 • 115 Mill SI..L. Zi- rel=- rF . 4m MPl los Rd-. Maeksvllre- in 3cm nI K1dMnrr, 9 a.m- Ili ap d- R=v.T by Hnkrinsan 1'x°5 iWenlsnlon. For Info; 7RA- 12 nwm. Spnnw• d by 1D.'k of Sr. John AME van. k76.3665. Linn'. Club- METAI.. ongoing Chlic ron & Youth prolpm W Virll Coolnamee•s Mol VillnAe F ' . Atomavy xnd Ma Bibsc Clan! at Dumas Bepfln, L•oah Sun- Masvum, 14 0-1, Sr., wed: oAVIE CvultlTY ROOFING ntwntlFinal,TMeW 10:30- day rvrnlag. Ag=a3-11 at 3:30; Sat. til e.la. tit 4 p,a. Ti. l.o AGRkCLILTLiRAF_ a' Coverage .40+ Colors 1 ] 3U u�ri., N. Mtiln sl C0:30 12.18 °' 5:45- 492,5745- A 921165- u.'.dlulrlebyopp[-Cb111gi�iD3U. bl$TRICT IU a1WkSMsat6PoYJTY atm of Chrixr, 654 N. M°In, M9cks- women's lllsrhold Chea- Stvrylimes. nl QaAks_mai C.Ilb f.i- 40 Year Warrant. title. C 1 IownN ahildr=n J two Chases ]told weakly m h a Y: Fei-11 nl„ nnin]ihe¢ry. r uP f05m`rn1'CRpprr'Aylp.laiE n-1SmnnWs, bar w;rhaellririrs Jericho Church of Chriet.TLes. ear older rhlldr atoake, lo:3n a.m. aad wed- 730 p.m. Meetinas - 704 -278 -ion sn3.317.3ma; at Jrsairn I",-sifnrmwt Wr .All am• Ongoing MID -STATE WEALS 336-830-1463• m v1uJ- FTavidMo ler,4lin AA. cln.=d 'rho Gavle VWmxeryAgrleullucal❑Irtrlc, has bermfa. far you. Wmneu's alWe Study, =very nrxn•an.aking meeting, at tin+ Contact Na Fxlvmlm as 336.753.5100 roe more lack-aoo ee of IM Cerrenes, LLC Serr;gm every Tburrdny. ll WeJ- 3-6 pan., In n hmDe ,war anpt. Church. ]W N. Main Sr, addlri0a4knt of pracnlenfw year }aemlend. w.yly,m"`5t"ea.atalr.t»m ¢m �n9r.n, Mr. Ilan liDHmxis, 113 M3115s-,Mceksville-piffer- Milting Rxmd arca, AH women fpc� -Pa i1ac;= library). rut sp=ok=r weekly- wnlemnr-]nSo: 73]-5x29- 17tursdays, 7 p.m. Info; Jan Free coffee geed douahnuf., Ill= .% Slady grwp, Plw>r 73].1839. �r every Wecine,P]. , 7 p,m., Ciro- 3,un Bibl knl wamen,praseMed 'ltrlumph Parenting C17M, FEcdwar4:l Retired. card McmndlR. ClIveryll;IN ad- hdd every srcena sac, of each rnr{n 731-36300 e.m-,rel nt NC R01. Mm ksvirk' ma.n7a, lU•] ] All welcome. Moneyone Isn't. Nimply Mons prayer DDd nd.a _ C:nrdr. club, tad book a -V Rmi.p for metre Into: 9-10-314Y. Re,, ha h manrh, HHlsdPlr lir all ages wkb kids orad ogee, CrreA'e[ Cnu4selinR Cene=rs, Bn1Ft. Chu F0 ug f58. 1:]op-m. elFlrat RaptlsiChurrh, 390 N. Meeks IlirLkn sCinb, meets y Consolidatjng siannd Fr;dayx,93a-11;30 a.m. Mains,-,Mvckarllle,pnersln. Our, 7711_,, 9f each manrh. ment accounts to ire-0ennmininlnnN rounselin .nos makes sense, Chrirnan C[wFr[F. NC A01. Frc= y g Ch rchFMaec ,Ricst te•NivHhJrsl _Chari.,N Aeadamid.11 rudn=d, art;6eJnslorx ✓$ menial health 1111sddeSunnsnxolnry Club, ur Edward Jonas ' ` Weekly PrayOr 5errice. rirhl I.rofasslInfo- & appy. ,.'cry Thars-at7 n,m.. Beamed¢ UMC. N. Main St pawmuwa. Vflliµp. visor today. 731-xJNl- TIwFsJays,Daua-1 p,m-in sant---haalrPerrn[s MornlnR vary. NM a gr.rctu vl srrvk Oul, urddrlrm umred Med.. pn�r Ca. RepahlParty. qui=t tlmo rn pay and medi4xr. cry [hlrJ 7Lrs. off m wnrh, 7 Tmc 9 o-m.F.mn. Ay s I& pavie Com, s-ounhause. 2 pruschaal, al Mn<ectaiW h1ua1- _ ill B shuttle_ M.W a•1'. Th. Ag= 3 - M r. bavle Co. BepiFhllcaa Meu i 6n a.ra nidtiat A,da' ry.....wNMen...ew. a Optional lvion unch FnFnslii 1 pan- nF"A geek. iY=.R-Ihrn orTuur Federative, svn+und TLrsdny !! �r�--Y V� dnyx p=rw=rk. Calf -WB -6831151 . r,f e.�ery nwnM, meaVoc=r:ag, ldocksur0 pNC'2>o26� 1 L1�Yar(� j01ACS 8-r'Mmvmhs -Syr.. Coll Preschool. at Cmlcr dn1flH bpm• SogefKw]i, US 601 N., McB.odlal. n5 64 w„ MF.aks- m-lu nil=-Forinn.:4n9-9899. 33&761-5672 eunirty serves rxvcsr.n9 C. no CS Rernvet7 tk Sup. vHle- Z 1, & 4 year olds- Men- Warvrn wrlcmr.e- duy-Tlmryrmy, 9:30.11:30 a.m. Linda Owings, 751-11103. Ain AUjhteSlWy.Wvdnes- Seniors Macedonia Moravian Church duyx +¢ 7 p.m., Haps gopr;xr w H- Kaigid seniplum lit {/`�, �� F�� ¢ f�� ��'� or S -1 - Co Rea l7ouee,ad sun -cath HFdminglacnledor278Mernnry t.1hrJLf..7tmas Evil int!• t efeast TJMC- 7 p.m., °I Cam+u..cr St..Mnrlevri»=aa,es. nuu-rwiae VMC- Ctwd coffee, EPN fel- a.tM- mwah'"r p. & � meek- Ongoing &�r Sy ry7Y■py■��71�y-� p p Special l=Ven#s RTorning Woke Up, Mendayx, C[L�"�►_ lefight Service Sunday, Jan. i W do wnyn. r->,;mya.9 ate. V Resolution Wepr/3na, _ Frce AJrvnc y Heidehcerr. Pm'• rinnnlnq Workntrap, se o el 13-i= Tamil}' YMCA. 1.5 mite .1•n=yF6y FFr evcl, mon01, 1 pm. Join u s for a meta. on sawn sidewalk=, nun, Cr�' Mounteifr Pd�-rs-336-a9?-33fA. sr. 1.¢achbvx, M.y 11:30 lRelonoeaf -& rri..11 D.m-.lunch Saturday, December `24 Gifrfstmas C,i� Bnhyg i Time. 11av a t FFFaIY Quail,-dd iily- =cry MuuJoy, at4.00 p m & 7-.00 PM Se^� Baby Timerybar lgys-onal . a.m. CHRISTMAS DAY For earcglvrs nna pre_walking 5K11ran, wrdn=xduys, l pm. L t+ Vr orre. is inuirerl io jbin. its fid vue cekbrale at Ilam lu.b;=x- Scrupbooki0g,r.ery2ndTlFes- file Li rill r f alar l orrl. this Christmas Sc son.l Freecofeeidonuts rarvelemm dey, 3 pm, ^i N) NIC 115 . 8t]i N. a ad mwlary.R. 10:;10nm.rury Opp lbeea Pnrssare Cheeks, MaoedaniaMarstvianChurch All, m==. nor. =zona am w n efdny. Pc p creek vac= a momh, lit Iam am. la ;Jy�gr],4F1 Cxanmusily Cenlrr,EliONnlw- the Noulrkx. slti<. fysiaUrrxiierl tirl[y,• I85b mnrnrRFn:nrmvarwnarq ky Rd.. Yadklnru k, apo»xweq glrypn[grnlrnsCburvs,Th,Fn. 7.by Covan=y Ra Tian Chill. days, 10 P-ra ".-.bh1r, l p.m.everyMv..day- Tkxm Bold •6m -Thursdays. Ipm- 'i' - Sr. Bank CbF6,rvery dd[dTurs. FOXWO eF the momh, 130 p,m- LS.mpulr- am nvnit- e e bM,ceB fnr miaf nnolinn. Arthritic R) -L., every ad.et kayn pan, LispDom6nR Level 1, nFaa- d..ys,6 p- . .;n. Demonic Level 2, MID• day-, Wednrwayn. 9:45 uni. Low lmpau peroWee - T & uea. l@'rhFa .I nm Fllan. 6yuipmn.nom l Rb- - � oprn Mnn. ThusN n.m. dl N . 'rte r - pan. rEduyr g.t3P-, UPS,- & t!!m�!!� M. MmJvyx y nm -til 13 pan- t i�;il[I�� m 111! IIUU�t�r Wood-onq. W=d.9_I I q -m. Vell-call rnr rink- and auaivna- I - CONNTRUCiIOH IHCLUBEp n PRICING: [/ante Pang Acrobka, Tuca- _ H�yv3 D ilTrlAel Ern SulasiUEfNC7lai[+aR iepleq�Rsi IgP Pb Siy•6ifeal . __ _ pCo. bnD nor Cnwv 131, SsNce: PleleSfbnol Ser Crt rw.tloAre HJ/iG!Aslen Vrnps Perp Sim FD Silver lievllh, Mon.. wed Pkmltig 8 Fxe;uk rinekllpk le E]OVtq Sence:ldubrAnE fxlpne to 9u1,1L1a'I Srapr 9m Z14 I'm at IN: 30 u.m. .. - t'a"dan Pl°°iei�ROr °'d•a't Report Davie nateuna OME FEATURES: _ a ItBmr 6y Hoon Monday R l'ae kn•d 0ru9rrt.m. u+V Tom^ ,,.-r...:.. 01-`� upov}.cR,•rnsavwa..rolP�vor,eev •l"o`^ria.�tm"rpnOrrQs llrwarkinbe rldlabvyie narN Mu.cday. 1 tl.r publ;mtinn week. C91173 2120 or d SI ii by We °f5a. Main 511 acm.s Tani Thr -Myr-.�n���aza r�v�sx FARM FRESH PORK u ..rwr W 1 [1998-7775 uAV f F cotrYlY E.Kr"PIRLS£ RECORD. Thnrs4ey-1]ea. 3 2016 - B9 First United Methodist Church Preschool celebrate National Sweater Day by wearing their most festive holiday clothing. The Preschool made a donation to the charity Sava The Children in honor of their students- Mackenzie Heagg any looks at nuremberg I9W6. Holocaust ... Gnntle ucd Froto Page 1116 "My f n-orirn room waa er scale museum. liar eel m Iha I- rte a at.ma .hal is planning a Ir,p ro waehing- nrsh: • •r Inrr tr4nnrAr. happoning� now. i dWrl't wIn lyrccmber clad cun- frashmnn, said. know gcrlurides still hap- tors at lhr HaIM-1. Musr- The exhkhik In the lion! pened today;' Jndd 13ou- urn ha.'= prepamd boxlumla room slitm'ed how 8enceldn o-, Freshman, raid. of lnfom+ation, Ill -tum, is ati11 being perpetuated to - Next xcmcsier s students and rutifw* (" bar To bring day through hake groups, will experia- annvan lnrg- hack la Davie County, Tanner Hartness looks at hok}- Bryceson Cozart reads a quote least victim aftltacts. about genocide - � 1 ILI 1 r � 1 1 MC S-4.9 Denim C-ory wilh 21on rfJor� 977 Yad ki aril Ic .Road- `Aodsm-rlc Allo 100 N mucin 511 t.Maeks elle. OTAL M�PlIcluccr REAL ESTATE. &3&751-1223 B 10 - DAVIE CODA-ry ENTEAPRLSK RF.[ -ORIF. Th -d-, Dl 22• _o 16 Churches Obituaries Concord UMC Plans Candlelight Service Concord Drr hcd Methodist Orurch, Cherry Hill Road at NC 801. Mocksville, wilt ],old a Christmas Evc candlelight rvIcc on Dec -?4 n[ 6 pm. for any sad all who would like In be n part of III is W Way tradition. The Christ mos Day servrcc will be worship only or 19:39 a.m. Holiday Cross Sets Holiday Services Holy Crass Lutheran Church, 1913 US 601 S., Mncksvillc, will have Christmas Eve worship wllb Holy Cocnom mion on Saturday. Dec- 24 at 7 pm. Tbix Will be Acandlelight service, m beautiful way or hoar -wins the birth of our Lord And Savior, On Sun- day, Dec. 25, the worship service will be at 9 a.m., also will, Holy Communion. New year's Day worship will be at dl¢ mgulac time, 9 a -m., with Holy Communion. Christmas Eve Service Planned At Ijames Baptist ljnmes Baptist Church will hold the nim ml Clldst- maS Evc Scrvkcr nl 6 pin. Dcu. 24. T11c adult chair will present songs, and children will be f¢amred in A program, "'The Gifts of Christ- mas:, T ata will be given upon exiling. All filet Wcicnmc- New Union's Old -Fashioned Christmas Eve Service An old -fa hioned Christmas Eve service will 6 - held at 8 p.m- in the old Zion Chapel Chumh In 1436 She ffl eld Road. Mocks vi l E¢. The service will include the singing of Christmas carols, hot apple cider and cookies, Everyone is welcome. Love Feast Candlelight Service At Baileys Chapel Bailey's Chapel United Methodist Church in Advance will hvhl A Chrislmms Eva Worsh ip. I— Fent, and Can- dlelight Service: At Gc30 p.m. Dec. _4- A scion worship servle. will be held on Sunday. Dec. 25 at 10 am. Bethlehem Plans Morning, Evening Events Dec. 24 Bethlehemunlred Methodist Church, 321 Rcdlnnd Rae.F, Advance, wiu awe two Christmas Cue Servias an Saturday, Al ID a.m., a friendly Cn-n ild's Christmas EY Scr- vice fir ail children and their Families .411 be her Aa 9 p.m., there wall be n special Clarls"AF Eve Ca[dleli ]rt and Cnm mo n ion Service P S !;C446-147&ee . • Fully Insured • Free Estimates Tree W ark 6 SlamP Grinding Tree Rm eoval kat Tru • Buc ki • Trimming & ThlnnEng Servlcv (336)909-0609 (336)909-0610 $Catty Seaford Jack $vafard Is Yi I Ell i 01 sltsosmwrtg: Tank Kill: • Mulch 20, b ...............$8.25 1-.. . Gravel 100 lb _ __ • Rack _ Now t0O lb. ink • Fill DI FL1LL.....,,,$199.98• GBtO U-- 64 • Lexingtort, NC a Ope mao-sal fdrmsa Boar rata vQ p:oasm-a�30pm 36-��]� 2-11 Cozy nights and 1•oyful days are our wish for you this holidav season. Elbert Clark Ekbert Clark, 76, ar MocksviLc, `ked Dec- 111, 2016, in Rowan kcglnaat I losple 1. following A short illness. He was bora in Anson County, sari of the late Virginia Wall Clerk and Clarence Clark Sr. He graduated l Doyle County T -141"g School in 19fiO, and -liked From Finer Indtrrtrics. He was a active emh- of Boxwood Brlpiim Cho 'h, where he served as usncr. lnketec. duacan, And treasurer of the church bui tdio,; fund- He enjoyed r, nnin6. gnr- dening And spending time with hos gmnttchildre.n nrd Family. He wn Al pmeded i rknih by 2 broll.-s. Herbert and Joseph Clark. Survkva-: his .1I ,Poulenc M. Clark oFlhe home:a non. David Clark: a daughter, Jennifer Clurk: 4 bmilcm, Ch.riir (Carrie) Clark, Preston Clark, Clarence isadi¢1 Clerk, aro{ f nk Clark; ? si.rurx. Rethcr [Lyman] Parker And Bumaa Duncan; 4 gramlchild-n nnJ I gram-graldrhild. Denu1 Chuen, Karin Chuan. Saba nn Amick, Gobriel Clark and Adie Chuan: Ipolh¢r-fu-]nw, Mmgaret Mcl[on; B brothors. it: -I --z 2 slaters-in-[nw, Dxcner Clark and L.1, Clark; other relative And frlwtds, 1•I1s Funeral sure ice will he urn lrridny. lige. 23 AI 2p-. in fine chapel at Gr:thnm Funcml Hwm 1,Mocksv elle. T•ktc Rev. Gary Milnan will afiieik.[e niW burial wilt follow In Boxwood Baptist Church-niciery. The family will ro- cet vu friends at the church enc rc hour bafothe scrvice- Condol.-s! unrnr.Grrrhr m)=rrnrrrrflherrre.nrf. Charente Ilrtlee rCB'.lames Jr. Clarence Bruce "C.B:' ItAnes Jr.. 91. died At his home on Gkndgwre, Road 5um1.y, D... 1S. 20 16. He was a nstiv. of Davke County. born June 20, 1923, No the late Sallie Shock Jnmes and Clarence B- James, Sr. He was -her of "The (rMro- st [3enemtion"who bora-r- A61y -served u n Airplane Armorer during World Wor if. D.ring his Ac[ivc duly l h r ]nnuory, 1953 -August, 1945, 7'f• he ..I ion in military cam- pnigne ln'-in. Nannnndy, Nannry and southern France, ro Central Eupe, the Boikins and others. He w recipi- t cat ofkilo EAMEr Campaign Medal with 9 aronu Stars, A S]-vxtrt8uixhcd Unit Badge and A Good Conduct Medal. After the w.r, hebccanke a pointer ml had worked Nor r -Daniel FluoConanoction and naso for Weatcm Electric prior to reurernenl- He had slend- er! Dutchman Creek Baptist Chlrrch. Surviab-; his wfr of more khan 67 years, Blxke Dell Campbell lamer: a son, Ragcr Dole ]omcs (.Evelyn) of Granite Query: 3 daughters, eren in KArriker (Dennis) of M021sr311e, Norma Tenn lames of Chino Grove, sad Marga -t Sa:aaley (Jet I nP Kcrnersville; 4 brothers. Duke Jomes and Jimmy ]oyes, both of WAynarv{II., Chewer J.mns pf Winslou-Salem, and Mey Somas of Soma Core loan; n sister, C311103a Sanas .1, Wimty side-; 3 gonad - children: Rngrr JArsces Jr., Jeremy ]ones. And SON. 11n 1 and 3 geegl-grAnrlrlllldren, Nathan Daniel, Logma Ho. - and DO ... y Jamas. He was also preceded in death by 2 btathen; George and Bnlley lyes, and o. sIAcr. Mary Nell Holo.., A privme rnmily service will be held. Coad waw nlcnecs: •dour • nrernlser+lcernrx- Illarley R. Lofton Hnrlcy R. 1v1tem.23, died vs n rexuh of 0.n mae-bile Accidcot Monday, pees 19. ".016. Annngrnicros arc incomplete amt will be An[,awt-ad by D viar I n cnJ Scrvace. Condolences: avwnulav e n Irnrerafservkr�.rwaa. Sandra Rea Howard Sandi. Rea Howard. 79, died Wednesday, Dec- I4, 2016 or Aulmm� Cure of Mockwv 4l [c. 51,u was born March 5, 1937, but her place of birth is unknown. 1n ncemeanoe with herwishes, her body is beingdonot- cd to Wake R-st Baprst l$aspiwl School or Medkine. Survivors: special frienrlss. Kevin nerd A.ftn Canis earl Mary Foster, ell of Mocksvil le, And Eslcl]o $mill) of Ad- vance. Hcr frlonds plan a pN vane servEcc. Cnmdolcrrces: n -.&art Julem7srrriL ,. Annie Opal Wood Brown Annic Gpol Wood Brown died pit Maaday- Dec. 19, "615, surrounded by her fnrail Y. She was bom Get. 14. 1942, No. Bill And Willi. May Wood. Survivors: 2 sons, Donnie and Gene Allen; A daughter, Milissa Brown; 4 sisters, Linda Wood, with wham she has I Wed. Suc Hkil s, Patsy Laird. And Kathy York - In aIk[ilion to her patents, she A preceded in dead, by 2 sisters, Jean and Peggy- and her husband, Donkd Allen. Services arrangeroen. 111 110 annonnad by M.. Fu- neral Service of Mockxville. Cvrufolenccs: nAln.�as'rclwrrrntrrrricr.t-run. you ore a!n'rrvs n'effornre of F9 urea MQmodU Chlnrh 310 North Main Street HtStGrlC DON•vluwm MoKkSVIRe Lanlempmary worship alai am Tradrtiw. WarThlp 1ei5am StadaYSchoalforatldes 9�Oam Weekly r-yer Se11-i[NT.ur114 ret-l>7p p,ra scww.jlrstgmrnar•L illC_pyg T �1•^^-• 3_;G7a 1-S03 Betty Jones Cates Berry Jones Cares. 77. or Ellmlrethtown. formerly of Hammy, died on Saturday. Dec. 111, 2016. A. native of MccksvI le, she %vo )rum on Feb. 7. 1939, a daughter of the late Annie D. sad Paul G. Jones. Agminate of Davlc Hlgh School. she had been emptnycd by Bank of America in HO stu..Tsas. Survivors: 2 sons, :Stun Cates of Eii'rabelhrcwn and Brad (Shnran) Cates of PassAdc.A.'reaas; 2 grandchildren, Brnralon Rud Lou- Coles of P -ml ... ; siblings, In r. Jean Shelton of Advance. hobby jonea or MurksW.. shir[cy Rollins [Harold] of M -1 -ills, Gerald (Brenda) Jones of Smc'k bAdge, Gn, and sevearl nieces And nephews. She wax also prccaded. in death by o bMiller. lrwle Jones. and daughter-in-Inw. SIIcIIy Cores. Amemvrin[ straits will he held at Bcnr Creck Bnplisl Church al I I a -m. on Dec. 31. Momorinlz: American limn Assoc. William A. Bailey Mr. William A. Bailey. SO, died Sunday, Dec. 18, 22016 m dm Kale E. Reynolds Hospice Home. He was iletrm Ill Forsyth County on Get. 16.1936 in the late WEllinm Alex and Mnbc1 I•Innmwl Bailey- He graduated from Shady Grove High School and erred from RJ. Reynolds Tt"K- CO- nfier 34 yen-. I•Ic was A ember of the Orris S],rk- f and the /,dvnnce Masonic LuJgu. HC we. shit a member of rbc Gold Wing Road Riders As- eiAlion in which he traveled ka 4� 4k xlutas an mdutcycle trips. Surviving: his sist"' Col- lie Dailey 'r nyI nkecu, Denn FJtbfrh Tcrry: nephew, Har- ald favid 'ferry Jr- 00kinyl; d great-nieces, Kni[1in Loaner, Cnm 'terry, Bitty Tarry, slut hlhrper Terry: 3 raugh-M, Taylor Fred Bei toy. Jenny Ren, and Jeff Slagle; and -4-1.1 friend, Aon Newspmc, A Funeral xervice will be held .1 2 pun. Thursday. Dee, 22 as Advpnce united Melhodht Church with the Rev. Patrick Snow officiating- Burial will Foklow {n the church mclery wish M .... J. Rb[es. The f.mkly was to xeccWe friend. 6•S p.m. Wednesday nt Hoywonh-Mille Marten - Ch P". Memorials; Moronic Home for Childken. 600 Coltege Sr. Dxfvrd• 27565- Condolences: waravJuryYrrrrfln-nriricr yin., Mary Do"Iin Holmen Mary Doullo Holman or Mocksvihe died on Dec I4, 2DI6- She was bum in Davie County on Dec- 11. 1925 to Fish - r And Alice F. Doulin. She worked Nor many yea- at Da. le High School and an a domexrlc in pri,.tc homes. She tried to Wolter Halman. She w a fairhral mambo of ^tl. Shitoh Bnprist Church. and in _ later yearrs or Grenlx Mount j M.riah Missianary- Baptist Church. Sine was pleaded in death by her brothers, John Charles nad Waller Monucl [Huhb,ri Doulkn Survivors: her 2 th ughiz AEia D. lC]ale A-) veieen, and Donna KtSon£ord) Janes: m 3 gndchildrun. Rncshikn K. Jones, nnes Sanford B- Iunes. And Waller T- [Angie] Jones: A yet•yn.nddau hie r. J Ici bona (Z .) A >Imd[[rtorcs• a slsacr-in-low. Lib Eian DmJln: %pxinl FrienJa she cher- ished. Rebecca C. Isn.c. Bessie "Swe�liv' Newsome, An- nie fnura Du lin, Mande- G. i[hrr. and Ch 1j. R- Rivers, A memorial --Lee was l,cid un Friday. Dec, 16 or 4 It-. at Mnum M-rimh Missionary Baptksa Church in Mocksv lle. The Ruv- i An4e C hell vffic imcd and n P hurl I followed in Shiloh BaP [fist -9' Church Cenlcic Candolrncar: u -nm•. GrahrrrnF xrernlffr„nL•�+s'r. Memoriabs: Building Fend or Greater Mauer M1rl1II Misskovnrq Baptist Chureh- Nuncy Fetcra Rudy Nancy Pour: Rudy. 75, of MmUvlllc, died w1kh iter ch3ldreu by her side on Dec- S. 2616, survivwx: her slbii nga. Pntricie (Luetic) SI-Aer of Hurricane . W -Vac, Joe". Brand or Conroe. Tuxes• Ver on (Butch) pc"r and fur childr¢n. Geoff (Bath) Rudy of Clemmtlri%.Theresa t0Mg) Ricvar of Ke-vivil lc, And 9""dchild-n. Ben Rudy and Clarke Rudy, She 1s ilmi casse1l by her hasgrmlh Gugrge Herr Rudy 111. and her patents Helen Estelle Collins Peters and Cbarlcs Moban Peters. Be- Aug. 8, 1941 near Hurr[cimc, she As. the young -child of Helen .rid "Masa Peters- Shc yraJumed from Huaieane High School in 195Y. She net her husband. George. in Jacksaavllle. Ha. He was o Navy p31e, And he twple .goat lime in Bermuda. Maryland, New York And California bei scaling in Nonh Carr.lina '[n mise deeir two children, His career with fedemllstale gnrcmmenl Led them to move - AtlAM-and Washington DC, heists again morning toNoah Carolina- In the midst of moving And raisin, rhi]tlren, she lu-.d 1a school to tam her assocE- a[e drgrre from Richmaad Techaicai Coo,, auairy College in 1980 And became a registered nurse- Slse enjoyed a 30+ yror caster in a vnriery posinvm including 1V technician. m eergency room, nccupsx4nnal nursing, rl_iag home to, specmr and medicap in,ie, nursing- In rccem Yanks, as A devoted amdnerfimurd.raalhsr, she loved traveling (espe- cially to Bctmuda and Key Westl, reading, sad opeaiag her home m l5n-ds and family_ She liked ko are -Cheri, haviag a good time sad making people lw.gh. She soar fei,,. fa¢, and node friends where ever she .ecn1. ]a her f hi--. she requested A parry filed pith lave and ]sunk..; nkher rh•n a anmber r .oA ial.ervicc_ A cetebrariWt of Bre will be held in her horror ar 1 -_ neon -s Wake is Warcoso Salem on Des. 3d hope &9 pm - Obituaries PADicin Burke Wallon Mrs. P.Iricia Burke W hon, 79, of Muckavillc died Monday, knee- 12. 2016.; her berme. She was ham Fch, Ig. ]93.7 in Washington, l]C IoThom- anllCleonn Burke-She awted i RJ -Reynolds High School in Winsaon-Svlcm and 11- ouended the t]niverskty of Kcraiky waste ehc gnul- ha1e11 with I+ish honors- Shc fought school kn 17nridn where ahs met her In.rband [ ,u she as known f r her inve or dugs. Pal mise) and showed AKC Reki.rered Silky T- 3 -Far 40 ycmrs msiuding sheav- ia, Wc6l minxacI niW wax aha .' preshlenl of the Silky 'Pr rcier Club of Anlcrica ¢.r six ywrx. €lu cherished her rautily and Cr1cArls and enjoyed fishing AI the cons 1. Her greaae,a ,Iny w wakelling Iwr gnindchBdren's spurts And activities. Slrc lawn the life sire and filer family lived m Ills III— She was I, cried ill death by her parents and her hus- band, Dowld Perry Wultun- Surviving' 2 .ons. Mike Walaw, and wife plane or Ad• and Mark WAhnn aF F.miinglwt; dnughacrvi .•law. Mono WAltvn o}' Mock -I W: 6 yn.arlehi Id.,, Andic, Mi- ehar[, Sarah. Katie. Enc nM Elkenbclh; and a xisMr. Joyce Paris vF Xenia, 01du-11w 1'.m ily received frloods film 4.6 p -m, vn Sunday, Dr-. la of I»xa..n Pru4n Spurlin Funeral Home In 13-001.1.. Ky. A g. -M. service was omd-u,d or 11 a.m- Monday. Dec- 14 in HcIl" e C rnetcry in Dun- villc, Ky. Mcmar4Ns: Humane Sociely nr la Hospice, Coodnke. c s. ..... nv.•urrh-mifrrrf:rnr+. 0;%V'M Crllf\Ty ENTER1PR1SE R ECO", Th -dao, Dar. 22.. 2036 - B 1 l Maryellen Casper Perkin. hfn- Maryellen Caelxr Yerkiro of '•krinarrm-Salem diedSunday, D_ i I -'_n Eh ini n1 Trty i-lnu in Clemm[ms. She w, born lune 13, [924 in Maryland In Clumov- cy lanws and M1a.lc Rvdg.- Casper. :tlte was::--,- cd in Jcelh by lar husband. dm Rsv- Dav id ,iehcn Perkins. _ Surviv-e: n rL.uglntr, Day- nrllc Bowman and hlishand �- Jar of MidJlcmwn ho-: A sua, 'a Dr. ihwid D- Perkins and wife I.rui of Advance: .1(rnmdcnil- -�- it,-. David E. Peskin, and wife Katie, Stephen A. lecrkirts «rid Eric 4{emciI acrd wife Sar- ah: 2 brothers- Jnmrs Rodger, Cmper and William henry C:asper; :.1 ? Fre:u-i nnJcl,il- dm-n. AXon I i ci rel I and K Ins. ley pkin.- A morronol -10-• will be held err 5 p.m. TLnr%ILLI. r]ee. 22 m Hny.mh-MIHer Kinderann Chnpal by [he It - Gnry Byruhq whh n vixlruden fallow hltr tlkc• sL•ry ler• a Memrxlala:'1'ri pity Elm, A-i,.Loving, Memo, I rc kl All, 375[1 Hnrlur Rd. Cle,tlmsuls. $71112. CanJolencus� wnar.hnylawnhvrn illrrrvnu. Jane Ra. ell Moore Ms. Jane Russell MOrrre. 74. or LIS 6n1 N.. Mucks.il ic. died Wcdnesdny, Dae. 14, : iP I h at Vin-ylh Medical Cantor in W4nsarni•Salem. alis was tram Muy 27, 1942. in F.may Ja L'crmty. M, Mtxln:membcrnf t1csinpt Grove k .ucd MmhMist Ch imlk-She soar gn;m3m:d Inver unJ Inved traveling In the bereft. Ms- Monro rnjuyLY[ %pcnding.th.re with her family. e T:w,in;Iy her grand,Ids- David Kent Knight Shc w:,x preceded 1. Jcolh by her rel her, Jannis Wond- Dmvid Ke ni Kn lght. 56, of Harmony died on files. 12, w Russell - 2U16 at his hOmL' rn Yurvi.nrs: 2 son r. WcdcY 1 -1 --arc I Irnd.1 and fomes I'le w working .1 the Brian He k`d- ail nl' M1luuksv 411x; 3 gmndchildrea. Clod Iiaw- Ccnarr in Stolcsv4hc- am, Brittany ii-Ard And C'Itcryl Lnnd4s l.Mikkiel: and ? 5nrvivnn: flis pannus, Bobby final -grandsons. .1d Margaret Isalmon) Knight A funeral very hr was condos led al 11 a.un-, Suturdny or Harmony; his rail incri. Debra Dec. 17 al. CheMIIW Grave Dn 1led Moda dim Church -i' ll and limn d Jody S]scmill the kcv-v, Koh Brigp. and Darren C'rolts mHcixing-Th of I. =y Mich:nrl Knight uF ba'ly' w:rs pEuccd 4n the church 30 minnteA pelt- to Ilw ser bclrxksvllle and Brivian Knight e- Burial loill d in [Ile chtrrcft c n,tcry. Tlrc fouls and wkfb Cone, of Mncksville; rived friends Friday. Iles, 16,:rs Fwrton Funeral Hnmc his brdhe- Larry Knlghl and ..Mcnluri,ds: ClkFmut Grove UMr' Cemu[ory I§oat wife Mori. of Mi ksvklle and =812 US r.O] N. Mock- lI.. - Tnny Knigbt And fia,ut C of Lund l.srces•. wnw.•nroah u, Lrrr Cceruirrx.rnr. Cvmeliue: Si grandchildren; rued 4 meats and nephews, A memorial g.1k."Ay was held .1 Rcavls Funeral Home of I lamtnay Chope1. 3,465 HArowry Hwy., all Suturd:ty Ihr- 17 from noon -I p.m, with A 1 p.m. service Ia fvllow- John Pink 'JP' Gregory Mr. John pink "l.PUregaly, 94, or US wi South, Mocksvhl le, died Friday, Dec. 16, 201 tr, At his h[atic. He was bum Doc. 24, 11 in Davie Crnrnly to the late Melvin and llnnie cnpley Cireywy- Mr. 0"litn wan a ember of T+rrenri-g Bepiiv Church and was a rcdred brick nvneon. He was a vekemn uF 1ne U.S. Navy doling WaxW Wm lI. Mr. Gregory' Inved Ire 1""' and cnyuycd fishing. Ile w;ip also p,rceded E. dclh by hls wire, Pra.1m, JAnea Gregory; 4 sisters; And 6 bardi-s. Survivors: 2 c-hildnn, Borg Gregory IM16Le Dogrnnd- chemP] rind A! 5 s andch ildrc. Paig: Gr LarY• Greg Dull, !N kchel ie toucan [Steve 1. April BryAnr l ice ]and Nie 1e Mani.-BakertAlkkel: tr great-gmAdchildreo, Hart- n.k Dull, futon 1)1111. Cvlhy M: -in. Luke Bryant. Ruben M.n in. Aden, I. -In. Parker Brynnl oar[ VA-Aey J.ndkn: ar.d gevoni nieces and nephew. dueled nl 2 hlondu'. A funeral se scar p.rn . Y v- Fred c Ba tisk Church w'ilh It Re Dec. 19 al 'I'un.'rrrin p C[oklatt affjciating. Burial followed in khe church ccmckrry with mein -Y Ilarrvrs mmluued by the VFW Memorial Honor Gautrtl. The fAmlly Teethed friends Sunday, Deo- I a1 Eaton Funeral Horne - Memorials; L"Tie Mvan Christmas. offering, ceo Tur- pontine Boplim Church, 613 Tunenrmc Chwc11 Rmd, Mocksvillc, Condnl¢nLrs. n+. ,t .rrrN, f,nerenfse^rvdneuwA. Ada Shook Smith Mn- Ad.. Sheek Smith, Road. Moeksville. dud Tuesday. D". 13, ?O16 at Forsyth Medical Ceni- m winsr.an•tiafctn- Shr was baro 7uly ??. 1137, n Yadkin County an the lair Dclbrn and L-akse Sheek. She ma tried Bnb Ile Smith on lvsa- 'no was nisn precc+lrJ drutli try her n i,o.nd nl' 59 ywur-: and A gmaderm. 1Ivi. drew timith. j Snry{ours: 2 chug htr-. [::til Wukinsnn of Ashevlllc and 1411 WIII4om, KIM-) OF Mocks - IN m sn .BroSmilh "If �e�.' J•lnckd:klS it h (M.'I' brorn, aA�� vis, is Amr.uJa Smith IMun 1. Brandi r- Wc•Ich 0-icloic', C:huyannc Jcnrncl I. ;,IN of Much svil]c, Mitchull, Marshall nrnd Mnd t- Smhl,, u11 or Florida: 7 ureal-gmndch i lire.: nod a bnn her. Bucky Sheek Or Yadk- kanvll le - A private family service celek.rnri ng her ii re will be held. 1 -le -oriels= C -L.1 I'nnn Day Rex ax•. nrnhr rnnrc•scnr. CY11Condnlence '..vu•n•.urvrratpunrnn7rt rAfa•r4vun. Hanel Erickson Hansen Mrs. Janet C 'skean HpAteh, Ri, of Bermuda Run dins Mnndny. pec- I'- _'fllfr n[ Grnysnn kehahklliar{an and HL•nith Carter in Iadependcnce. Vin. he a. was bum Dee. Ih, 1915 In Monne w.Io Victor Em- aknnck and Sign, Lundeen Erirkwn. Mrs- H-t,was n nibcr of Augsburg I.aihcnm Church and r u" d 1'aan VS Airways abet 35 yen-- She was p.verdcd in death by her pnrcnas-and her hus- b id. Ran old Gi kava I lon%Vn. Survlvkng: 3 mals. Mk,Nu l James Il -n -o and Scutt Ramal) HatisLm; n ilnughlrr. Deborah AAnr Mlllcr lard bus. Land Charles vl' G.1- V., and ? g-cichildti-n. Cvruy and Erik Ml14er. A mc.x+rlat service was held .4 1:30 p.m. ManJay, Dcc. 19 At Augsburg I. bovai Church with the Rev. Dunid 1 Pugh alfici:tling- '111. family reccn-ed Fricndx fntlnwing khc .cryI- Memorioll:: 5.1Wn1A1n Valley Hospice. Uoridnlenr s: ,,,,na•J,nn.•n•r,r A-mefrrrrrr r, - Calvin I nark frivicetc M r. Ca3 vl n Lasts Trivetic.051. br Pinu Rwd. Duck+yips, died Frilly, Dec. 16. _tiler, at Fa.rxy[h Medi[ C-1- la Win u•SMi m. He was 1wm April 10. 1947 In Yadkin Cnamly wdK Note Fred klakcr Trivet[, ural Dnr- alhy Carse Ttkre[[r- Hr w -A, a vrkeran of the O.S. Army. Mr. Trivane had Leer• employed with t]nlquc Fumilnre Ca. in Winston and retired 'I'll HJ- kSmem eyaalds T6lwecn Co. after 30 Survivors: hi, wlfc ul' S0 L r yc:ars, \SuHanc Du1E Tri -al. of ore home; u JAug6wr, Vie- ki-frjve[le Rause-Check Or v' . Mncksvll lc; '_ gmnd%nnx. Mark Nicholas Rouse and An- fhrmy Sen. Roues: 3 sisters, -i N--, l� B '- 1 -fond IRR. R1Na"I and J Cur -liar T. Beck (N1,111,111_ Kathy T. B.mh,ll k".21 Oil f pf MrxksvHlr; scveml niCLLw and nephews: and his canine comp.nm n Sunni. , Jun. A i'trneml .ert'lrr w I onauclyd al 2 i m.. T- P. Dec.2ll ¢t Eaknn Faancml Cl,npeE with she Rrv. ArnnlJ Gos- nell oficinting. Burial followed in Wesley Chapel Vnimd Mcila.1tst Chnl Church Cre[ery w 111 millmrs mry l,nnundun- ed by he VF. Hismanal I Inane rihraro. -Il,e 1'umily received Frivn[Is Al the funeral home rnr hour prier to the een'ke- hlIkonn;rle: Washy Chapel L1 MC Cemetery' fund, clo Betty West, 353a NC 601 N-, M-1, ille- Conduh ncw:.rnavayrmr� t,x nNscrrrracrr.nr. Connor Thomas Gaddy Connor Thomas Gaddy was born Chr4slmas Day of 2015. He was a Irua gift Frank above to his paranls, Chris and Ka y. After 11 bright and bub- bly months, on lhi9 earth, Connor was called unex- pec;Wdiy hams on Dec. 10, 2015 - On May of Ihis year Connor was diagnosed with a genetic deganoral[va neummuseulaf disorder called Spinal Muscular Alrophy. SMA affects about I in 1D.000 babies and the Second largest death of Infants- It causes weakness In voluntary mus- cleS result ing in dlificulty eating, breathing, and use arms andlogs- Despite this dla9 nnai6 C n act's persvnalily blossomed. He was smart and spunky and could light up a roam with a wink or a Hash of his Hinatious grkn- He loVad animals, especially his cat Bink, who on hi m b his side or ala at Cauktl be found laying y p moment. He laved being ed b an Ivan g surround Y Yg his kitties and his "paw pal ml--" Connor also proved a lova for music by bobbing his head to the Leal el his favorite songs and play- ing wha>aVOF instrument was at hand, whether It was nIs dorm, mafacas, or piano. HIS lavarile color was red and it brought him joy during the lun limes and the rough [Imes. During one hospital shay. Connor was given a big, rad bal- loon that seamed to Nth hIS spirits until. ria was able to ride his red wagon right horse. Connor's life Was lilied with ImmanSe Love. but was not wlthovb hardship, Despite this, he was In good splrlis, talking. reaching, and laughing, in the days tielore his passing. On the Saturday of his death, Connor was happy and watching the bights on the Chrlstmas tree when he became un- rosponslve, Connark auras, Kimberly, as well as the Davie County EMS loam worked tl relessiy to bring him back, but Connor had already taken hls journey to Heaven. Connor brought love and joy to 811 who knew him and will Canlinue [o do sb. His parents made the selflessdecision to donate his carnsas and heart valves to help other babies fiva and sae, as wen as donating his body for research to help flnel a cure for $MA Connor Is survived hy- his parents, Chris Gad- dy and Kassy Waller; grandmolhers. Lorle Walter ami Arla15e Wyatt, grandfathers John Gaddy and Jesse Wafter: great-grandparants Stan and Marge Barren and Maybella Bill; as well as many aunts. uncles. and cousins. Connor's Mleflratian OF life Was n91d at Hulsdnte United Methodist Church with visilation at 1 p,fal lowed by a Service at 2 p -m. Saturday. Dec, 17 - in Eieu of nowaM his family requested all W bnno a lightweighl toy to be donated to Cure SMA go to newly dtagmse l SUA chiWen in mem,ry M Connor. SIZ-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Th.-L.T.D -22.2016 Thm .ha 1 al Darer. LEGAL NOTICES IaeAnlla�neN h�inleneeted op 4PYCB ANN HAYS, Erecurrlxpho v[[rye ALWH4874817 hlghgst bidder for tach, Ine to the Inmmal Rtvvoue Sir- 7111. 1.e 1rt nay o. pevlmbe.- wr1 en maim m the wwNra:gn.d kat no- t!C 27o2v NORTH CAROLINA property conveyed In eek deed vice and 10 W"I(n Ine [NpM of 2n1 e. or n.rvr. hror[A R. 2017, Itro- Puhllan P.r.1&22-x^v- Jan, 5 CAVIE COURW of true!, No sem. rybg and be. o.0.0 -,poll (Al rho pro. Towne. A, CAOrfhr, Imp ave° (vl mvdhs Fmm n. Milli IN THE GENERAL COURT in In rho County d D -le -0 OFJUSTHCE 51eno of N-1, Ce,olne, enc kiwo- ml rhe Mede vnlvree Ce•Extpulw Ey V10 Cowl on October ]D, f]I Fvmzor Roan dayel pubiia.umn o11nK onIN.J NORTH CRROLINA pr hIn npIIW wi:I' Yv ""dad tri DAVIE COUNTY SUPERIOR COUW DIVP&ON more parlfevWrtydesolhod os PDT9; antl [n Inc ceMrmelldn Mnaksrilb. NO 29029 Hord lnmlr,xoavey All -,Hone- NOTICE TO CREPrTbit rEe ED FILE No. 18 CVS 308 rellawe; aI IAa Hale by V1e Cmurl pun Jw Ann, mokv C. ExaNrwrr.v edRn`a em al. I UP NOTICE DF 9eing all t Let 23.1 SpAnp- .C•rR ua A m rhe pmvldmnv 1 6.5. 211 Smmvl Fe,m "n. 1p-onld Eplelryi mY pmvcq mm wlel. Heol to Ino uwle,- MARIE A. CROTTS, Iwo dor. Subdivisim °,dad In §14330.28. MoekerlAo, ,Yc 21026 pa exned. ml Omlm Cow1y, In1a Ip to noP1Y PUBLIC SALE Plotgeek S. Pogo fat, Dm F1R$Y=Ci7iZEN$SANK Cmurty Revyyry m wnlcn rarer- tZl Thep npeny is hal g Sdd putrxv : pw-1,&15.22 'ae W. Nohh.r In, penallpi• Tn1e Pkv 2- d.yd onto nb¢r, a 1 peroom, 11nhp .nil m Mor¢• pole don. I -Ing Wilma waMH told d i-RfIST COMPRNY °^v° Ia ttoreby mptle der a men ry er Ing de¢C IN P.M. Her the M,SRY NAY 013011 E¢nlly 10 ryvagnr -a"N' e.1 P&IMlill pantcWai a. Plldo. Included In VI. roar prop- underelh" Cnmmisalnnar, NORTH CAROL[NA ZN_ Any wen.nll.e or mg• DAVE CGUHTY 1]58 Hwy da wear ...he u ralleeA m or pprpm M-kavine, NC 27026 Mvnrli I0, 24t2. toeing;h tai QAYLE A. CASHAD2f, onY fa a 5994 mobile Ilam., ,setnlgllwm concamlrg Ne CREOrrOR'S NOTICE MICHELEM" mwnny Iry%"Mrat dayd pvt- FrDEII!•YNATIpNAL Tlrl_E vpdcli Identirlcellon Nudb.r propiftA IneWdlnp bur nal km• NRYIng q.Rmlod Exec- 2P2 Wos. dIte Rime Ikeor., vI .h1a mica) tF IN n¢- In troy d ComPetiY. LLC, -am. VFINC0IAA, whbh b arlibod Ilmd 10. Ilia pM1yslcAl .r emdmn• - d uta ESTATE OF erre. Adr cm SNC 29406 o w11 om pbad lnelr qn LLP All ko a end NDRIN CAROLINA DEAART- .. 1ha reel pmpafty. Tali md- hllo Homo YAII be e¢M ae a menlal ooMlder. a 1ha prop- CRUTCHFNLO ELY, alto knee wky. Fwlhen. the und.relgned ne Nlnp C. Ely, ontl Alen Ely. Iola MARTIN d VAN HCH'. crovory. pe,cmna, hlmm.yrs el Law etape,muvka Ywopeutl m aekl Es- MEN, OF 7RRN51aDR74- Pea of Ine reel penpmly na is Comllkeelener mekee IIIIq ml Om[vls �o nly. I4h Carob• 10 Could 9pun1 Poo .111 ionto q laImu tl ale iNN6rPN�ArO70fi pernGlled by IN. pmvhFlpna pl Y@NLLEB wRrran[Ine wFlh mapppl to Iho ^O I y d pere°na, Mockavllla, app 27 N,GG.S- X25.5.604. O.iand[rnra Illle to thv pmpwlY• Ilydp and p1,p[valbne M1uvinV PUbMah: tlec.e-1 E,P2-Re undt.olpnad. t51h day 01 Daum• Untlee ol PROPERTY ABDRESSAA• [][ Toa Ngneel bidder w15 cl.lme ogelrnl [hp .a1.Iv d .aw Id This too CARCLINA dor, 281 e. apt 6y vbom Iho CATION: M pv reeppndbte I.r th. paY.-I dno!Or ., .ehibx Ilam w Iho a 238 Tnwn Run RDRTH DAYIE CWNTT Anpe H.rr.S ww-yFwe+R1 pmww pf aalo ponminor Ihe' cerltn Geed al True! execu[- 223 Rlddlq Clrch uMurdpne0 or mvenuq rtampa poysbla to LMa, Wlnamn•Sllg1, Norm Car- NOTICE TO CREDI}DRS Co•H+edvFNe Nr,a Erleto ee by ROSIE 'A. ANOPASpN Advance NC 2Ta06 the Rpgraler of Decile alxf any vkel 271D1, .n w miwo Murch H. IBi,d o5 ExecY- 393 o.admPn Rood, AND DATE OF SALE: , N Ilna Court and,dr eudlnng Ives o Ta IT, a, 111, Nndto "` b° mr fwlnmo Via d "To. Mxknvllm, NC 21829 January 4, 2017 d.to Oclote debt GPlpber gH, 2000 b R- ob.. B, -WO Io rhe Clerk ql Superior Weeded In Mor pI Ihok 1i-vty. TIMOTHY SMITH, I.m o1 naNa .[ idler Lynn Crvlra Orebba. 9rpndl Oval, Teuekfe, wen,detl TIME OF SALE; Court which are aeeeeaed on Aaepvrkana IrkdmWmd manic oe• Cpunry. NOM Cwnlln., kle un- Co-Eaearbh elfrye Ea[.[e In Book 67& Pogo 110, O.yle ]0:aa A.y_ 1Nn Won bid resulting from inia t° wIII plo¢N1 mak° immodlMm dwslgmd done n.rebr WIN All 322 Header Rood, Cvudy Rvglcrry; dpl.Nk ngving LOCATION OF SAI.E� fpreclneu[e Bain. poymdnl. the stand do, d Npvim- pu,._. Nna end eppormln mooed, U. Na 2',026 m. A•nlak: Doo.IS.22.20, Jnn 5 been mpdu w payment vl Inv CAME County O"onncuA. Indobledneae 1h,reby Secured; REGGRD OWNER[S): H1 AI lha lima IN IN, sale, Thle Iho nlghki bidder will be re• a nmWg elm.. meal mwua Rne Ina ndtmvery rirdirrga to OEylo A. C P' TH TERM$ OF 7HE SALE: 0.92 YMfvy, BAxtrlx gk,ketl m make n teal in. Mt E Mlv ayNMN 4Yvlena fd Epy Nve p.raanl (59¢1 al Ina M. e lf-Arm m kma�P,Imo tt.lJNe>Cn 9�wdnn NORTH CAROLINA 3mlgk VRNeNw. [nod. Jo¢slre GAVE COUNTY E OUNTYORS Sphlina-a permit brpcw-Rd treykl9 boon [y1 Tnie to will be mntl. d 9750.00, whlcneven re greA[- O a :cry 8m¢hid, d Ino °Nim d NDnCE 'HAVING ,nada III, lyre Cavle County Su- poTlonCourtpureumltp IM o[• sub[o.t la- (e) ell prl°r Mon., .n• 2vo 1'o- Run Len° Iw. Olin Ine remnlnMg b.Vknco Wlnrndl-Seem. No27101 T. Don vycn++o. Epp., n.0. Bo. GUAIJFIEO Eh- 109,, wvao2-A clamnwm Rppd. octad el he ENem or MAHTNA der Im Oetlgramry R.11.f and cumh,edma.. eaaelonle, rlphV Judlola FLrpclpaure IN'H'n'y realrlcam LnyonoNe IN 1M EItl Ampwl m b. pad pn plAafsn; Pvc.1,9.15.22 kM ;WY 1plkwdn9lha exvkallon Clenunn115, NC .77012, on or bo• SMITH COOPER, no nl Deco w ='eh thla -1.. Coun[Y• oto noun all iChder} graoretl on fl Ydfen 10, 2016 pins, reatrlelpein d record d !ha nPPllceble len [t0] day NORTH CAROLHNA 1+.2017 or ka I. will noprepmd In Ear d rltlr re- tune, rime °M cprlwrNlone ark I m,_m Gnmber 1C, ¢019 8ffecYNg the pmppdy; M orae- ur.el bid period- oAVI1: cvurrl-1' cowry. An r n-iP, WY2. nn4 MWh0.`l.IdY agWnd sew Eor°m N. Clgrkd8trpadm Cert erly In pa and osse8:WMn for Tryla the 2510 any t NeYanl- NOTICE TO -E-Io g Mlene In-.- m taw ..Id m nen blm .m It -rpm perm! q! Orli Canty, sold On]ST If'° ypan In wllkri gIe cele e<• a, bee, 2016 AND oRENTGRS Iq o 1dA Plmee mole wnmedt• u Mr . or Monera March haying been Id Beek tura os -11 - any pilar yen- By The km l-ldood haki g geel• .,.Men. m M undeMan"d. 22, 2017, b.Ing dInto 151 mpnlne IlanR awgt nae ecl ]490, Png. 61& payla Coun- P le'. 0 i as 1'edla Poop. ka whish ro noBCe wap nal y RelimeY; Ili u P ver Ex u Goddard d Petersen. naia IIIoe. I Dp wr d 110 E.,de el D HY A HOLIO •SUM num Trucla. MCR T CR. axn, d Ilce 1 Tho 1hd 1514 da d pnam !rem 11 II.n 1 pn d Y tliy P•m ppr. 2016. loll np8re1 e, Ihlp neuro rIn pm n pro, vara U p TIll.. I. trot he elven l0 (d) Inbrr I RWn. to safe t pekllm euc.lmn 1q Lha Service; (tl] !Adoral lox Rene W 8096 Cvmpulen.,Ice, om,dhr Ann MnNumr, aka mm� M. SDS any Me11dw, tleeeeaee, kNv mI eracN sawd.n 5ml,h AN p - In bw d khee eoc.vuny. =.'-' 1Yhl.koAN pa,spna, IYm¢ id did ea,pn,e- whlth prior ndlce wee Oi'/¢n Rewlgh NC 278og Pablo Ceanry, Nprlh CRrollnv, &441 te-lo. eewden 5.113, Gems md.Wnd 1. a.w EPtnra will [91B} 756•St08 111° Fa W nndly to pormona, arm°. ••-!-Nes eee.n..nrperlon lel =4%,v.tala dlryl... E efw M die Eamm pose, nlelm Im..dmm ppymml pars I. in. Co•Elacuulxlw under• Notice /� to • In 0 0pb1 vN.vlo i e puyefe lg y pyndwo dlmq,prp pl T Cm We Jdkfl Per M U Mo Thle the 22NO day a1 Dveum- ii pope Al rliit commuMeefbn If de eu1• Edward Y- B,ewen luwm°y, RC y PO 9°x ,888 bell 2919. 1pay a deb,. T a ea en a WMW pp- 11& 3628 Cle.pnn. Reed 2802•A Cbmmmna Ret.. F7'p n AflAn Co.par, Davie County o oddavr P Ml, nnV any inion CNpv _ N v n Co,oane. median obtearod lWff En"tear rpF yyp12,•on or bo,°ro I1. 1vm any Clenmpna NG 27012 Eaeeueyr or me It".m 300-70aE08s 140 Sw ... Lane Tax Listing Thal piliandA. d M°,ch 2019 t Ihlp ndlrm -11 Pgbllph; 0 22-29 be at.. In per ar dlell iec.v- FYbFph: Pec. 1s.22.TJ:,1an.5 M-ktW o, NC 210x0 PubaPl CMC 15.22.20, Jan 5 W. AN pwsartc IndoltNtl kv Ilia nIPRTH CAROLINA -We wAI Ill.— nmko kn,n.d- NORTH CAROLINA CAME COURrr NORTH CAROLINA All on hand Jan. 1, 2017, both nAVN: Col., wa peyni-k, NOTICE M CREOrTDBS DAVIE COdkrT property real and personal, is subject to taxation regardless DF 4 CRapITGR'SNOTICE - Thl, akh Wy e1 ovewnber OLHLIFIEo re ex• 2010 HAVING OLNILIPI II eIr An. PUBLIC NOTICE mudendw, CTA, el mo Eeam arld sex of owner a.. F. WAX D .he Eala10 d MARY Marpem[ Jv maty TOPH pAMINOR. rem or C.YIo Eeewmr vl lNe ae,am d Dnvle Hew.rd SwNln. env d 0 via County. 1Ne ke w nonly all PUBLIC SALE: MoekavlFle During the rlomol listing period taxpayers must Cooney. MIe ,e m ndlly .n per- Npo,wny q, Me11CeI rsmna u Tn, and-rpnra.ana Anal 6t.r.gea dn,dol W rho hey Rst arty Vehicle that is not licensed (doesn't have pone. mm, tk empmntl.- ey; Ed-- Y. 0now.n, Alto,ner PO hgktla mad Y t.,1 Ee1a1e -tents of me 40110.ing anile a Ghent registration) or that has a permanent 11eNng w.-gdn.tasid Emma 6vx 7eB E wdtton tier 10 Iho 3628 Clemmmna Fko q lowp,eaem Ynklon clalm Iv the i , krkpt Im cald t _Paid u oralD•red on mr Moreno Mpmn ron end oppoeses; multiyear to as Of Jan 1, 2017. Other Y g property _P+, u ,woad mn w b°I°m Mwvh QdO-oo kk, NC 21912 1, 8017. [baln4 M_ 131 Pvhllah: Doc.&15-22,29 18, 2017 I-Onp uuva 11, rooms 01241125 PAIly Chpuln Irnm kite Net dm,d you must list [s a5 follows; mobile homes, boats mmdha Irnm toll Ike. daY p1 WIbllork'n d publita[Imn of 91 as onlay Verona Ira nalce[ a Itch m6Yv will by #25. aNlp Sitknoet and motors, jet skis, aircraft Farm equipment je eG p Fh1E Amdcel w tole nmdoo w111 pp NORTH CAROLI.0uNTNA .n nn, al Vol, mto cry. CAY1E cpUNrY Ali ward in ben it ukpn m -Pone. +413 Dorney notans RI1 rete a d .-Pone. a• used to produce income, tools, assets and plentl'a Ax persona, pane and w,peltr ND'nC[TO CReOrDRO preen., 4221 Jaen R Vane ad.b. b wld EAlale wM oyes supplies of a business, furnishings owned and dmn lntleblod is told Ear . T!e urglwelaned hoving qua. or.-. m.ka imlvtimo ¢eymaN vias Ra E.eedrla or the E.Ima d proem.0. Immedlala pvymmt 0412 Cowln.y Plolt la Inn ind.raltindid. raja Heti. Be--. Eelept rented by a landlord. Taxpayers should also 'p 1"e undersigned' HAZEL MAY HAUSM RIDDLE, TIYF 1h. 'I- dW d poem✓ 1197 Terpaa PhallPA report any neve buildings Or any improvements of �Oie. W Co.WMV.1 24 81nn let Cay d oarempar, N.nh -1d.1n, be, rrNf- Swire, Jell, 4x6 Tony. BrooWBkknn.n built on real estate, Or any Changes to real estate. 1u11'Irla a- sr,gaE pers.R., nems, and anpwggplm .AtlmMIAlraFw, C7A X250 Snallhn addgae 2[117 Gsttng farms will be mailed to taxpayers EEPeeeW, ad, Me Eerare :-Ing alai.. sawn. ilk. ,alae Sn7 Wynnob,tl Way t. e.IdpM Idem to 1M1e kdMer- Irav E.eire D2 Mlcdael wlgq,d W O+Wd ryowxd Swab ■474 Rnylnnrld Whho that listed oral property In 2016. IF u do ids p p YD Reiden, NC 2751n Iengo an mr "-e Inc lath day 125 Nmnne Lone #427 D_W Ly". not raCeive a listing form and need t0 list Pu.Mak: ovc1.&15,22 M M.mh 2911 or 111. nor, v wl k be pi.ae.d N ba nl trek r_v L Rd_v . NC 29006 b24O Shea,re Jerklon Fupll8h; nnc. IS,22,28. Jqn. 5 r34a Bobby Reeman pfopeRy Or fepOTi Changes id 1E31 prOp@ilj, WORTH CAROQINA . MI porpona kxlehled ..he PAWE COUNTY _lin wIe P1a-. %nyv Immo?- NTT Ueky Plow NORTH CAROLINA please contact the Tax Assessor's Office, Farms CREDtfGH•9 NOTICE .m payment. pAYIE COutm' .006 Rudtph Npyl°r are avallable online. HAVING oIJALIF1EO o. role ala e[w d Daramtr.r SAO8 ReeMhk Ctn,vn nvncErGCBEBBORS irw.apndelmms- Co-ENeeulees d 11w Ea1ew m, Y014. MARY H'InAV1ryG DUALIFIED vs Exae• onrNy Ftp PeraonM ,flee✓s aernplod. Exclusions- must be GS or Older OR totally and d isabled to apply wo OrBo via opoory,ETH 1HleFa to AW--hreof lbs E.ram nakv all pnrenna, kms mar ear- 2211 CU Town Clive ROYERTS DOTSON,OIn" V PUBLIC SALE CATry ❑-W c700ammty. 1Nls m m nwMy or pamAT 3o.2aTB permanently 1. Elderly and Disabled Dcluslon neW FlSamto W p em wr�wh RtNene.-PI Oec8,15,22,29 n6vinpalulld e� 1 "al Eemre 124 E.W. Z%A "Mnekevlll. • income must be 529,SQ0 or below timet m km c..ereslapre. lel- m enl wmmn claim la Ina tOPa] rs+•2a00, • Must be 55 or older OR totally and d.relgoad, .n d, bebop Mach NORTH CAROLINA I. 5017llboms, then 131 nwrllm UAYIE COUNTY m n n.lenoo °n on h rm eanrch R1bIkP1: Coe. 16, 22 I5, 2ciT, lbda4 the.. Lal -okine permanently disabled Ilam Iho prat AMI d publicellnn W NOTICE TO CRED"ORS tole HAVING OUJFIEP from the llrst day or pull -Inn °, u rr OF • Reductlon of $25,000 Gr 50% of value of I.. nodc.l or nmklm wlll be - Plootlad In bar .1 heir r. q pry. c. -E --Tor. or Pon Ene..1 ria nodv,l mr pais notice weI Ifo NOTICE pe -W I. ppr .1 mall aamvary. home and 1 acre of land Alk ppr.Rna. Irmo ane [brpmra• NATNLl MACDONALD A4 pammna, Pimm and ronpmr.• PUBLIC NEARING 2.DisableciVeterans Exclusion Vpm indaMed to anld Eakale aW0 CAC., ... d DeMv Cpwny. IM1Is profane. milk. Immoal.l. aIM nil Is 1n nogry N poraom, Ilrms dere Mtledvd m N.ld Ee1eb w11t BEFORE TRE MD[,'KSVILLE Wp a. mdka imenodla. pow -n TOWN BOARD FOR THE • iZO InCOfI4E 111. Cv-Ex....... r• ane cemprallo� I -Wo ,Nemo 1n urwpralpne& r•OLLMWINO CRDI NANCE rlpnad. rgnlnel sold ewdq m pkeeinl Thla the t5111 dor d1 Damm• AND ZONING AMEN OMENTS D- 20th. NOTICE k4 HEREBY GLV - D RAL e,f ff.-y, L -N. FURSUANT TO THE ,.-i+a dee ".ft REQUIREMENTS a Chnpler lew,opo il...Redi-Doraon 100A -g64 01 Ino Germinal St. 117 Papp.. NC or,- qI_ t North CAro11nn and 1.lwksvlvo. NC 27p20 Due PuhaPr. Ben.ysR2,2a, _moll 5 n11v Sa[Iwn S•3.p.7 or Ine Mot he Zonwg O,dlnC-. NORTH CRROLIRA That IM1e Tewil Bva,tl ql IPILIC ru1V1E COUNTY ARmu. IIIA hold P PUBLIC MpmCE UALWIE - REARING 1N the Tnwn H.N, FHI Ito W luku DPD Aa ARD On KiMille,T-6-didi NC, m ry 3. 2017 w d Ito Eadq p1 EO WARD on Tueadxy, JPnupry 9, 2019 MFPCLP MAYS, rte d Or to hq Ito Mll.Mng ilemo: Courtly, [his la In ndlly .11 pvr- 7.Rfllal�Mpp�mvRdinYpl Iltmm Rnd Cmperalona 711, eppre will review e ha�ing cllgma egakmt ave Ee[em Wvs1 by Phillip Fuller 1v rR m pro ml.lm to Ihd o eP Ianlllllpao3ann2.3 ec[e5 W 20117 Il balm,. on Ana 4e�... r, tnray C dreI HC W 2017, rild IMM p[ o General I,Wurtdgl GI. The liar 110 veal rya prlWwlmn or 8n. ndlca; Or Iola F%1 rg w:11 be cubJet[ prppeny Is loca[etl e[ rinaa.I In IM, d loch racmygry 988 $nlledny Road erre la lar - An pvrF kk. 11rme .nil corpora• U"' a ...ibnd as no"' Cpun- mna I,mtrNe w Hale Eu.eo ..,a Iy Tax Pwmle a_ ,. `e �ineeylmmeewe poymgnl w+sarcrulu tpvnnAs] ena inn en.lmty t JS1 So5ooay, meday Thm .ha 1 al Darer. rA• ber," IaeAnlla�neN h�inleneeted op 4PYCB ANN HAYS, Erecurrlxpho v[[rye MHy Iv h° heard In nI w In oPpnRlhon to the fnrogoing elpwvmy Rotrw[• ID.n. ehengea. Pmn I. the Woad OA. 9 GLAPSTON9 pC4p -II Ionia— Idennied they db• pare wall rn�r. aas6MFarr. �t •G�a.re^ N7r-0epPD ,I n. u� aeeiVenal Inrmrm.lkm ky�TnT 11 VV G D , P,opma.t by y[sding the �"9Upmmt s.rvipes Be• Piaruiet/Chair 800 fYCCtOr MC eYklIeNBC balwnen d'°' or by TAb• and S a0 p m Wiens a 1396] 753�S0. far Crnm Lim PC Pkmlrn: pea mz SUFE STIMP R AICIVAL SlcslGng y y .�,. �Fpr..dA ct,.�e 10 pAVIECa_ ENTERPRISE -RECORD DAVIE-CLEMMONS i -e • V TOLL FREE 1-577'751'21 20 OR 704-797-4220 [ 1 Job Opportunities Beals & Bargains Deals & Bargains I - OII,L� ANHAace tA.e'. Ju1u d Rum o nPee W stoy. ms. c p.w10 ,w eo1o.: Petri. en11 mp.51`A.P.Il 7M-fi965a 15 ]Oa•aJ¢-7099-Biro 3xx32. 525-Oo Jab OpportunItles Jppel.nee ESaeTlanae only Ho ,apply. MfUR pryer- rm.1q. T.a1ad, .na Fuel and Wood vand grive[1 license a 1uvt. Cmankd. o,e¢1 p.rdNen- 5188. Cr•s,,.,.r sapporr By deparl[Js on pxpvrldkW* Gs ®7ea-090-Saks. Flnhidaae • 3 Rli3OP Ineep, Iwai. Call Lon Tpk ¢MS Appl�A 275. PIa r_- __a ualrl•o V1 Nlring! 339.995.930.0- Whlbo l pini w.we seaeeu iliew..+ 20.4041 ra- per week, Co fllliva wages. Apply RI veunu-tlairlpS.Cpm Church Nursery Workers Needed Suri" 9;3oem-1 R:30pAT, and Olnar times waren need- ed -Must be 1By. aid -Send nae a 10 Unity Moravl- en Church, e30D Cpncpnd Church Road tawlsyflle NC 27023. ff ili 7N 17 Mi I PM Deals & Bargains A RRARO ME" QUEEN MIIIT"EES $1111 pinaUc. S1 E0. M4,L- bury. Coll fiannle BeaSae-2007 AIR CaMPRriS ' cneEamen: 3omveHrntav m oda n 20PnVAMPf220V Fw HdCE 125.88 7Pa- 86-9741 C S Aae PE 0Bl.-GocaJ3.aza Top - Teel - =d. maks d Wnrhn Polled. 1DE. cob •iw-a3o-5+1s [CrW ep170t-638-snl�lupn. 812E eddven::: o:.E.T Rrr bN., God 74a�1. Grr vnnA235.0 ppa.sa4.a772 celalari urle"Wer 3-,n-1 none.,, NUmnAllar,.k aeon, a,. sas. 740-gas-naDE. D MIl Heavy Maty o', def Dryer, Werke peoS. nAll 7v4.7ae•8741. CM1rNmkn 5p.gd 550.00 Lure. En, I',-CemAE nil to, 1111. Ei> .."mo.... nOo. a cmnd;llpn, 2100. ['.II 70a- T9E-SaeG. Mos ASH lNWI I Imo -alitai emw wpa • MatkI a• l enl ewkCl[nan. 51v. T8/d5&E 7 YOU'LL WHAT YOU SEE h. r -mo dellvory. r_,e s9e-egioa752 Y{ Domestic Pets Mannan She06erd Puvwn. ckC IVOc rend Ing, F amee. 5450. Male SSCo fab -205-3900 or 70 031•2pav - Great employers trade' a E� ng (ado • Attractive benefits area meeting pace ap oln1ment -.0 • Competitive salaries bpbu sinanunnan OmptOyn agreement •mploymai • Growth potential tluyrucceswl pragpenty .1 anS Pp 1r w fry _ Jobs Section In Print & onLine paNnar T1iURSPAY, DECEM8ER 22. 2016 - 833 Call us Monday Friday 8-5 Deadline to have your classified ad in the next issue: Tuesday 2:30 P.M. Emall: class adsosa l l sbu rypost_cpm OR place your ad online at; salislourypostcom and click 'Placa Classified Ad' Didn't get a paper? Call 704-797- 4213 Bores For Sale Apartments SRERT SEAL -MAST 3EU.!MOrtaNRr • 3unwt iomuce Rde.. SR, 2BA hrlcka v,. COUNTRY, IASYMENT. RACE. NICE. i g 3 BR..tl app!. eenlyd HCA. gq,.n nt 5'a5o pP1396-76t-msB 8R. 2pm n,c. s'ral.w:no nn : - avio bt lncMld.d- SW con .ka Houses For tient Land Far Sale pare wall rn�r. aas6MFarr. �t •G�a.re^ N7r-0epPD ma.nUps .et 7.13 ACRES READY W17 Manufactured WIHlI, Saptic, & Nawar Nm Hlgn Rae. R.ad.Pa1AN1II, Np Hames For Rent EFOIL 4000 For Prla.c ] Nn1u.N a war ort el mai Auxa.a. IeSe 5198989 ofHL 249.1180. CINv Ia AInbE F1va1Wn LAntlenLAW RaERT•Yavaq}Ta73 job =77:77_ c OnfFrre rL1DAY 20R, 184 M.A. hmdo n h -.-My T I-M4a 1 wpa ce:o m wy reeL.na`n,uha w` ed bell porr4l. Smol, ata E904 mnnul l•reP no. 151.RUI,ud. Avo11 -I3PE1'sab-a Nf.aYa.IP..9. Pfl,1. nep.�a3ava 1151511B over Soo* Jobs r• , Today •within a So mile r dlus of Salisbury, NC Chant Inade Search & Apptly: satisburypost.com/jobs Ptace an Ad: 704.797.4220 classadsCa5alisb urypo st. com satisburypost.com B 1 A - DAVIE coji yTY FSTi' W IRLSl': R FCO RD. Thor.da., rice- 22. 111 t6 PICKLES $AKIA r- ALL TAE.&COVIE9 , EkW[W AMM WRAPPtA ALL Tl� PRE5E�1ia.,. DUSTIN ODNrTCRE1ME WROMG- 1 LOVE CVdRts-fMA5, su_r ►Ts ExtAAUS- NG. wigiNT ARE qou -rALKIN) ABOU l' rM TrIE Of.]E UJNO goE-2. Apt Tr�o6E 7>{Sti1GS!� BY BRIAN CRANE ME oral. BY STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER M0THER GOOSE & GRIMM BY MICE PETERS -•- :-.rte-w_rt-: a --..-v- .. , . .._ . _ =y_.-.. _� �-� _-. -__ .. _ _ _ _ �m Thank You Happy Storehouse For Jesus Recognizes Volunteers New Year Page 10 OAVIC GvuNTY ENTERPRIIE"--��-R� ECORD USPS 149-160 Number 52 Th u rs d ay�, Dec. 29. 2016 28 PAGES Stokes Retires; Hartman New Sheriff GOP Recommends Chief Deputy When Davie Shnnfi Andy Stokes announced he was retiring at midnight tan. 3t, the job of finding his replace- ment fell an the members of the exec. utive comn9«ee of the Davie County Republican thirty. They didri t have to look Cir, Chief Deputy f.D. Hartman would have atutomntically gotten the job had the eontmlttee failed to make a —cm- mendation. But they close him, and al- though the move hos to be approved by the county c mmissione". those cnm- ssioners arc nnindatted by law ro ap- point the Committ¢e.a recommendation. sold Coo my Atl.rmy Ed Vogtcr. ❑n It+p of that anti ssfoncrs nti sir on the rxccuiive commilte0 of alae R. - publican Party - Sheriff Proud Of Department By Mike Bumht+rdl Enterprise Record Andy Stokes has seen just ahnut ev- .. '• crything in his newly 50 }•ears in law -- ettfowvn eat, Davie County Sheriff Andy Stokes [left] talks about his nearly 50 years In law onforcemant; while now Sher - He has seen drunks wielding knives, IV J. D, Heitman Is ready to tackle the lob of Davie's top law enforcement otflcer-- photos by noble Snow I'ugidves Bring guns and Prone gory scenes than he wants to remember. Aral as p:tvic County sheriff For aha past 10 Hartman: Davie Now n years, he's n -,:pooled to every type of callfi of his oenHew.as nhe sequie hdon highway p O- wnmg istm. and mast rrecently..orkng_ arWith AreaCo4nti^ s she Nothing can phase a man this tough. By Milne Barnhardt and asked why he had left the Davit w County, although several years lot- righO Fnicrprire Recon) slacriiP's depanmcni, w-hatt he thought er, he s:tid- Hc's quick io slow, u photo un his needed to he done tot akc things better- -it's a eurswm struggle to keep tip phone of grianddnugltter. Ellie ICutc I.A. Fianman is no Andy Stokes- At Iiwir next meeting. Hartman and be ptcparrcd for Whitt's crnning.- Stokex. It's him and her. his big tough Hc']I tell you that pretty quickly, ngreud IP come pack in Davie County Hartman utid. "Technology laude, hath hand holding ansa her delFCutc. 3 -year- II' you want t , wheel its first into a tri hood Stokr's criminal i rsiig:u1un ways- We can in",aixate Cimckty, old hand. They w walking along She crime seen., ride with the sheritT, nit. A Sew momhs later, Stukrs ranted "Law rat'orcc m i sprciat- Davw High Schein track a1 a [football if you wane to try to tignm out what him the chief deputy- ixed and that will centirn ec We will game, She wamcd something frtmr the happened, laid what is on the wuy on He says the transition should be rash- have Io develop policy to mere these mo exsfon stand, and he was taking crime trends, hang mkt with the Soon- c see ntless. although if pnontnt inns are changes:' her, to -be sheriff, made from one job opening_ it creates n Hnnman has been a Macksvilkr po• Wn[ring in Sine, she tells him she has Hamman said that. while he is hon- son of ripple effect- "My task as chief lice ot'Bcer, sad wurked in lredcli and to go to the bathroom- Mom and gmnd- ored Io become Davie's next sheriff on deputy is to run the operilions of the Forsyth counties, under three sheriff'% mother are clear aemss the stadium. fan. I,he let his predecessor know that Sheri B's office and to implement what and two chiefs of pas lice, Ir is cowled. He'd been in the men's it doesn't need io happen this way. lir the sheriff want :' he said. "Tlmr's what 11 W -R r ;l C:IML'f he w-mgh;. He grew reswon+, and Wasabout to talc her wus Fina with the way things arc- I've done:' up in Forsyth Cowuy, working et. his fa- in there. He couldn't just barge tole the Harman was alas nF the first pcoplc Hartman said he enjoys keeping tip iher's bait -shop in Clemmons, amd later women's restroom, either, Stokes called after first being elecicd in with new laws, and following crime also, for Budd Sec i rlt ies wind at it coir e A w•nman noticed his predicament, 2006. Hunm m was working as a deter- trends. Those tint reach bib cities even- nience store. Plutuc l:ea Stokes - Page S tivc in 1mde11 County, and stnkes eiklied mnily filter their way tp places like ba- please tier• Hartman - Page 5 Start New Year With Walk, Jog L.00king io son off 2017 with u eommiuneni to improve yourself by axcr�ising more? Thea panieipnrc in the Resolu- tion WaWJog fmm the Davie Fam- ily YMCA at 2 p.m, for a 15 miles on the sneers of Mocksville. Tin free event is open to all, and partir'pams will be eligible for door prises. 11 is an unanred event_ just for fun. To [earn more. cont=r aag—miter t>ave Salmon as 33639?.=_36n- Poole Picked As Budd's District Director Congressman -elect Ted Budd of Ad- rico opptlnunit}• and esmblishn'j; a resenultivc ancc iNC-131 hos announced the ap- constituent. service program that is sec- R i c 11 a r d poinunent of Todd Poole, former con- land to none." B u gressioaul chief of staff and executive pools is ;t --cd pulilical and C.rislilkleirt director of the N.C. Republican patty. governmental affairs varera t w[dt near- service s as his new district director. ly awn decades of experience- pooie scam for " t am excited to announce Todd Poole most recendy served os Congas-ssman six ycnrs. 1 has joined our team serving North Cur Richnnf Hudson's (19C-08) Chief of P o 0 c t. Mina's 13th District;' said Budd. "He is Staff in Washington. DC and previously earned n a pmven leader with a wealth of expert- helped secure victor" for the state Rc- master's in once and knowledge of the disuict sad pu hlican Party as its executive director, 13 us i nc s s state. His insights and experience will including electing Thom Millis to the ndminisu-a- prove invafuntile as we build a leant to U.S. Senate. ince [sing the number of lion and a provide Wp-notch constituent services:' Republican members o rs of Congress od b=beior's -2 went to thank Conte-«. -Cleel maintaining the superen jorilies in the degree in - - Budd I'm the opportunity toreiturnhome N C Cruors{ Assemhly. political and work for my hometown member of Poole served as dum ict director and Cangxess," said Poole. "It is ineredi- deputy chief of staff for Rep. Nugiaia from Ap- Todd Poole bly rewarding to help oornsriwea„ and Foxx CNC -057 for thm years before pa,lachian A bas always been my tr»e pmssion in being protected to tarn of staff for five State V= crsiry- oboe he served u public s ion- i look forward to this y- Poole also served on then -Rep- student bodv vice presidcm_03WAYHtr, Tt-(EM RF�GLhWE*!A111210 % - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thurrrday, 011e_ 3%2016 Editorial Page Stollen Bread IFTZIIMO�_ a -..111T Is No Substitute For Sugar Cake OW SALEM. Dec. 23,10 a.m. — 1 was fifth in a •'� �` � .t l line 9f 40 people waitinngg outside Winkicr's 13alccry to buy sugar calve for Christmas — ahead of me, ®,k fi- n couple From Kerrlorsvillc; behind, a couple from r, .- y ARE iNu�T Asheville, Together we agreed reverently that this was the hest sugar cake in the world, probably endorsed by ■ 1fr _ the 17th century benefactor of the struggl Ing Mohr- viun sect, Count Zinzendorf himself. Other sugar III LL�� f cake is so ... modem. pr Elimbem had given me one job — go buy sugar t +/I ; T l cake, and I had drivenRst the Dew¢Y s 'e¢nlet oper- ated by the high school band parents and n handful pftore 'standr ' g ors io In lime on rice stone walkway for the store to open. r Like the hts' 9 Flnl kn1 east far the g Y Grail ,I was dGlCrmi tied t0 ger the finest sugar cake for our brood. 1l!rll As the store opened, u tiny- stooped lady dressed - -HZ1 4 Lot 17th century cosluNike came to annaunca to our � the ba. No sugar cake- le was Ihu coming ager of �n The Mail .. ■ the bake ovens and c too hat n im a. Il wouldn't arrive for another hour. The Sine immediately shrank as people 9abandood their guests. The mand Asheville s - pets left along with Gtheiirs, Ioveduptthrdnd Recycling Changes Welcomed eFGompd stayed to boy love fe6xl buns for art at-home cel- To the adimr. North Cerollnians throw away $148 million of paper ebration with tho grandchildren -ban they arrived. S was cxcned to hoar ricin Dario cpun,y was grainy new en h year. Makin6paper from recycled paper can reduce Inside the tiny Winkler's store I also spotted an- recycling raceplucles that were la rrger ani [hot new imms air pollution by 74 prxrh.t and i, ulw requires •W percent other hem: Stollen, a Gammon fruit bread.could be recycled- We can now recycle more items and less energy. I look one. If not sugar cake, then why not srollen7 more set a time. We zhoukl all pal mere err rt into separating the racy - Know this: Stoi len is not u suitable substirom For My Slimily hat been pumhpng low -ds more recyIcing in viable materials from our waste. sugar cake. At hest, It's just okay. A little dry- Not the peat few weeks and i1 has werkrd. Every *Icer week, Notark Cron. Very sweet, Not nearly m fruity as "it cake. we lake out a NII bin of recyclable materials to ttheerood- �y Mocksrilk Nobody raised a sugar cant at Christmas would The Literary C V rn er be happy with a 1paFoF stcIlen. Refusing to fail, l stopped by the Dewey's band parent store on the way (tome for sugar take. No By Members of the Renegade Writers Guild waiting in line. I'm going to imagine That Ixawey's sugar cake was blessed by August Guttlaib Span- Chrisrmas Paxf cath one of s - Th.- h.- is never. Christmas wh*n t'don't ganhurg, the disiinguished 17th century Moravitin By Gay, Hog's think of Them and remember the bond our family built and educator and bishop who succeeded Zict eodcrf, We lived with my f-har a parents for the first six yea. grandmamcr'a sugar cooklea- Itva modernized to the Sale 17th Century, or my JI(• ray m.marlea OrCh""rens are varied nr holidays were ny ot cel*lmkwd in antraditional way. Lack Where the Heart Gmws Forider Well, not so modern that I had heard of the singer or tc laratir woe net due Io religious beliefs, l never By Kevin 1Vishvn Geprga Miclltiel, 53, who died this week. [t seems qunsdoned it, hu, it mighl lluvv c�atv,d because we wenn My Belorvd: G egoold SOIL rel. 53 alh o d ed thin coming to soy 1. M—.*s parent's homy on all Itvllday.. Sometimes we I hale Chis Ieller finda you well, l have no doubt h httanTldr1 43 course, I had hovel known ng to the wenn Illy day bereft Christ oras and *pant Christmas eve you are working tirelessly to maintain all that we hold so Y (here too. Their Ihouse w¢a .lwhryy decorated for Chris[- dear during Ices* diffjcuk limes. Tru.hfally, [envy your singer prince either. 1 In of a certain age ... and eve got presents. My grandmwher cooked a inner suength, as you stem lq handle 1, It with no's one w derjul meal, and each family Brough, a dish ar two, camplainl. Gn the other hand. I cannot may how many Finally, a farewell and . job -well-done salute to wonderful The entire family acme f Tech holiday. Mnma had times my mind bas turned Io you over Chase past few retiring Davie County Sheriff Andy Stokes whose laser bm.heas living, and, one hada family o£ his weeks. Only n call to eons Or a difneul, mak protan. my loo career in law enforcement is coming to sin end can. There were twelve of us ynndkida, end cap were mind from dwdlin [ times t N."r g g al] irly clove in age emcepl for llhe child -a pf Mamn'a would I hevc dreamed of sm.in the Fuel adoral of our with Nice New Year. "' g Stakes calve to Davie Count in the late 196Da as youngest brother who bed TB. He married Wa and had farm, or no much, the freshly laundered sheers hanging Y younger children. When 13 _,$I ngle be bought gifts for F the nlolhrwllne, but 1 do miss it. However, I miss you a State Highway Patrolman and had occasion to pail all of us each Chris.mos- The firs[ Christmas S remember rat mom. me ovor as a ]£-yeas-old driver for an awkward pass clearly was when I was four years old. i had ¢.ked Sent. Year absence makes thew Mars and IN. place . night - on VS. 195. He let me off with a .tem warning, for a gun- Sana actually mode a visit on Chrislmas Era- Iny day. un with you have bthe only times I have Far years in his early career, be and other loam- He looked surplcimraly like the non -Rt *r neighb*f my even felt Indy at ire. Yak, l know my duty Is herr, and my berg of the Highway Patrol were called when there grandparents, end I pointed Ihis *set to hint sewaml times- science would n.vrr a]law Inc to do anything etlher- Hesaid he alit no[ know he not tlwr, RayBat mai. 1 S you are [herr, awaitin I was Trouble, even trouble off rice highways- Tho r wise. Only by knowin g my re um. gave Idm the noanra of rice ch ildren more, but ]t, dddn'1 em I his to.m¢in sane in blm. mrribly s[m f Please D.Tv s. xhcriR's dcp¢nmpnt had not kepi up with rice seem to know Noun *Ill.. S- In Cold me he was net able gg e. limes. The fearless and strappingun know that once y*v hear of this cam's red, my return %hall young patrolman w 8 arra 4. gift t had ill or a[ed ax xupp- were short. be a. F t Rm God will canvey me into your w¢kipg onna, Stokes would wide into trouble while deputies fol- Ha gave me ¢ amAll model ora kitchen sorra iaalead of Nev*nhelass. as wv have dlae.% cd, should I as ft1um, lowed- Those SCpl3 on Stokes' face ore from combat the gun. If you knmv me y*u.r.n imagine how that went preps onward, and db not let my ¢baence hlnder you from with drunks nod their knives- oWr. iTimccioung may joy that may come into your Iife. He carved as a magistrate ober he retired from the When I was six years old we moved from my patemal I cannot tell you how much I bang for Ihia war.o be parrvl and hus been elected Ihmp times as sheriff grandparents Io the Mlachimnl, This waa the first Christ. oar, but I am cammhted to staying until this matter and built the dept nment. into a modem, well-trained roes in mu own horny, and 1 wanted a Chrislmm tree to t*ncluit-_ Irargive ma far not being (herein your tin.- of Pat up for us. My dad hM gotten me a bal,hrt, my idea of rnrlineca, but please knew that you and your web -being force. cr Seal gilt, I took the I!atichat and tonna a small tree about eve � r from my, mind. 1 took l rd to r*suming He has earned a pence Fal retirement and the thanks the sortie heigh, iia no managed to chap it down and pa.... ing walks together. acmms the fields and down to of a gtatc[ul county- dog Aback Io the hnnse. We srmng popcam and mad. the abeam. AT-, I am certain Ihnt the fiuwer,t you planted -Dwight Sparks Irornernada decorations. My tree was rw[hinll like my carrier (III, y—c re naw in full brom; surely, they must grandparent's Ir --Theins had electric candles that Ref- be a pleasure to behold. Althrwgh mag here is rare, it meed, but I was proud chat we h.d our own. Gn Christmas always ]pea my heart much good 10 hear any word fmm day, we wont tom mrd amnts for khe I e fames el Y 8 F erg y g Iogc1h., you, i can only hope this letter will do the some for you- Rest assured of my love for you, and pray lice, we may nal Cur famlly continued TO celabmm each year, ata we be too long in cancluding this wa, welcomed our younger cousins when they were bom- your darling derv.ed farm boy Soon we were loclebraneg marriage, And the arrirai of SO Sk10 word navels in 30 Ihe Ii., gree[- grnndchcdren. The I. days were larger See Real -tow. - Pug, 3 and happier with each arriro3- Them: acre nineteen Inhiuuy, dre guild began sigbty- andchiy led ago of My grandfv-1 when a rrw writes hod a eighty-nine. Tu rmlher lived Tube Amery -nine reit c ti ty Letters Welcome /�, p .yy had ,wv ,Ira,, great-grendch6dnn- She kept up wide all , g t -y LGL i YY��yO� / /�r ser birthdays and -.1 R card with money For each ane- r3randmmbh rand Grandpa anendel Ibic weddings of all due T'he Eng Record weIcbmes leam from its kl� grandchildren. Grandpa did miss oar bemusetopica }r re- of local. s readers oo care,ti naonal ic—n. or i quire] him Io rty, but g.ndr deer went On her first Hight danai iasura-Annoonwill be orexia to p¢ir,i alt leltera, and cl—nded the wedding. proyfded they arc out Ulaclnum, volgar or in pacrrearc, Two of rs my fit cousins played football- My grand. tray The ed =` itor^"re` it.. right m Takaf edit ta glom p.renm pike a quilt. sad beg of parched peanuts to mor aM for Space• their games. and Choy rawly missed one -They —:.. d d All Luiz should ieclude the namcaad nsy ddieof church emelt Sunday- When my gri, andparea,x vised. Nay. the writer, usdoding asignagm.Atelepbenernamber, always brought a small beg of e.. dy- TIcay eanrir.aed to hoe ro L Pabkrhed, I'+ also requested_ Plea" bare do Nis for our childrw.THey hod been married f Over lettsrlr in 1ba eewspaper office tib later Thep J puu. mimy 3'earx when my 6 indf ul—died, WhW my gr d- M ay of the 'e'eei b 6r puhl$pred. Ilayie Cougry moms died she had Lived an Chip same pnop ny since ala, F�Ierpef- Record Pd7. Box. 99. Alnclnzvillr. m1f'r. married at the age Of shrteen- My P-+ndix—Is put down hranhma�B,imcr.�,..f.s.,rom. deep. ftrre roar»- and riser cckhrered life oral rhe lives of DAVIE COUNTY FYC£icYlft4E RECORD, Thuyydny. 0— 29.2016-3 Members of the Renegade Writers Guild celebrating their Christmas par Ron Semple, Mike Thompson kind Marla Craig. '"Writers Guild Off To Successful Start By Naaey Tricker NxNuWKMo [Notional For the Eni-priae Novel Wri.ers Mmrd.J genre app s - •t i0, writing ¢ - chalks e, and w-1. two g 'lice Renrgadc Writer- SO Sk10 word navels in 30 Guild ,loved nut 21116-11 h dnyx. a e7Trl lama. party .herr Inhiuuy, dre guild began membr. pod yae.I aalhors when a rrw writes hod a cn r Ioge'lk- M veicbrnle a desire to rpnncct .4111 Other succermful Gose year. writers in are M.C. Indi- (iuild n llkem cu.eln I- vied goals were v"led. ed Nhc year with gawp and bei the desire Io impmw: per6o»crl upenmpliahmenLv- .riling skills rehnnined [he I i ivjdunk yui]d mere- driving force. Tlrr cama- brrs pub! ed sir bislorirgl raderic. rout Wnlion. and family hunk. and iwo fan- sappkrn nhcmbc. p-Aded easy novels- Flfty-six shun oar aourhvr made ate err of s.orlrs nml poems were .riling a lb,1r Ices solflnry wri[rrn and publish. in tic, unit a lot mor, r,, lona 1. Davie Country Enterprise The guild _.etre ..w. e Rec,xd. month at 1]` Davie Caunly In N*veaher. Iwo guild Publ it, Library to Improve m,mbes melded ,hc the crnfl and support each Renegade ... Uncle Harvey By Llatl k Elarneto When 1 was growing up here in M*ckwil to. our Sun- days were nlmnu always Ihr same. Mulher would —a&-- fricd chicken, g_vy- and bi ieuill for b -ml fol. It was our .pceiml meal of the week. Then we wen[ to Sunduy school and warship servd,c a. Pirrt Baptise Church, After III.L we always drove out No the eaurnry Iv rp,ru sly dad's patrols Ica luh=h with the fame ly. Afc- tuneb, car would drive my grundpom»s m so. my greadnwth-'s parents near Concord Mel hodial Church- My prem-gmndtwrcnt,, welt leunn-y prvplr. farmers, sale of the "'Th people who ITad real grown childrend p antandch lldren by the lime 1 me along, so Ihrre wear always lois of peaple .here on sprlday nf;eTnuwns. Ono Sunday L remember praying croquet 1. their franc yard when a man rnme driving up 1n a big black conven- lhlr. Everyone seemed happy b see him. and I met my dada Marie flnrv-ey rr the very firs, time. He seemed very sophisdema,d and diI tit from the odder men. Him speech was .hn[ of nn educated pansoh. and ]n.rr I f rend ala ,lull Ile studied the dictionary in order to self cdueale himself- In rear M,,. he roomed Ii ke o bandsnrrkr man with black hair and brawn eyes, perhaps about 40 years odd. lie lensed rrT . unmercifully nM col led My Linda Dar- nel] (she was a famrws movie .car alihough I had no c,a, thrnl and simply embarrassed rite m death. Aflcr Nal, drcadcd gained Iu xe shy great-grandparems berm.. I waz ufmid hr wv1 going Io he there, As I grew older, I ligured Out Na, Ile seemed to be vrrwwha[ of a bintkslier, in the family becauac he Feil hUm, and played Th, clrcnic .;.oarul n cd ub in New one,mx. I al.o renal, me mo hl wken i was in high .drool I went vil}r daddy M 13ha Cerin sna,4un in l.caington to pi=k tip lh,lc Hatrey's wife, who had ,amt for n x'is n. when we saw her, car dkln'I know what to think- I juy,w my dad urprlsed- The wife w•us a linle xhon lady w4rh dyed red hTlir, thick mokrup and appeared to br much oldrr, ill.n her ltuxbnpd- Wird was chat she wax n daa,rr in New Orleans. In any case.I remember them !godly. and. as an adult. _tiz.,d long .gra hew math courage in tank For him to Incase the form and hevc him if u It—[ ad ven.ur•!+. Picnic in Mocksville Ily Marie B,ngr Craig F use rhe dlory• Jn xirl herrn is 1912 one of my fa rorile things in the whale world is to go to the annual picnic in Mouksrille. We u,tend every year. ..rad it s-ta,k like yeas and yeas between each of,h¢ plenics- It's always on the srcoad Thursday or August, sol long before school marts -'Phis give. a g� ending Io a fun -H Ilea sunuire, I like to go feat early so that I -a see everything and enjoy ilk. day us long as pi—lble- My mother always cooks the nigh. before when it'. cooler In ,he kitchen and an that I'm act nagging her m harry So we cad leave, ALL ,he Ileaple hnng food to the covered duh lunch. It costs nary -five cents to gas in, hut the reed ricket is SI.ZS P., person e -n if you briny rp d- The Masons always sponsor mid, Rod the money made goes Ia support o-cfanl Grphaange. The children from It r orphanagr,ame to the picnk and sing at the program- n.y Irak happy, but I'm sate they wish Choy bad m ffiers and fathers m bring mem up - 1 ]ore The rides like the merry-go-round and other scar.• things. I byte ride tic"", tirrt before ca I t- oar veer. l rade Nem after a big lunch- That was a mistake- Them,err gwaes. like krhocking dawn milk Mlles with a bull, and P_ If you arse good at ,his- %tr grandfather raid that the picam. ,rad in 1877, down at the Stsomi - He wld me rhos nd. is sear Cool - e Rree-Thea 8.e years Liner. Nay surfed haxipg i, - ulhens work. Mrreingm tl'hu final Frid.y of each 4neh. - guest ca lhors- nhandr . C.-ers Cu7['cc genre app s - •t i0, writing ¢ - i n ndvnn,a.'lhis Ores g igrlmcnls, prompt, with mem hen the npprxbmity rink timed writinsz, and book sad .I>cb —d—lo m un discussions on writ Ing nudlrrwc, a 1l est f many. ski R.. Guild mcmhcrx here It.. ,mal hm Ip e'k a cup snipped u-Mide their wen- or preferred herr age and ing prey .r.. to try new Listen Cc, rell w wrircrz. genres. including el," Lidren An all -day wrilkns Irtrenl and young adult zhos[o- at41d Sn1=m'x Pour box ries, memoir, hismNral Rc- 7ka Rnom ....lice In n r3on, xe]f•h*Ip. fan.asy, ural un of chi klren's Hlori- m e. Sorer members m 6r published in 2017. urpriscd .o dium'cr T7w t.lrz I.L. place in n lley can write poetry while Iicl 101101 -summer armp In v[he _ err area .1 Tho rnn Nash C.-Ifi . write fietion. The nrwspoper prod-' hof re eneh meeting. Nice the Litrmry (:nrmr m guild ..jays o spansorcd show the Bili it's shun meal. .. slon"' memoir.. poetry. upon Mi. Nilth1 is held amt book exec rpks. Nancy Tucker and Ron Semple have a conver- sation at the parry. we Rains cmar from Winanm and slopped right by the iirin{l . sraxoned w'rilcr in 2017, and new u published Pan- More 4nf*arnatiam on .Ile lasy author. it's prr,Cy zafe guild. including overdo, fir me lir 1 rmdln real reed. time, and lucndons, is era ran expect sone V,—I -'enable a. luq,s;!/r notarial fmm the mmlx errn rgerJr•n•rifrrsRuikl,wTiM. cf Renegade WK, -Guild r+rrsr.crnx, Choral Gnwc here in Mu,kavi Ile. He add Ihat nuc year, we Rains cmar from Winanm and slopped right by the I wan al ways, once you laid me, star of your fa—Me picnic. grounds . leC hundreds or prnple off, tic ahuwed P—Plr- mean old newspaper clipping from 169 that talked ahhw, 'rha.'s nlee, but my oxiste ace =banged. naw m inyrvlly a parade N.M. ,Ae picnic. Tlterr won n bund in franc. fol- Silnplc. lu vol by 33 Mascots and 37 Confedemlc Telt ren,. II said I dorm'. envy ym,r life, over rime, I Karr quie[Iy at ipped the, the retcrnn. helped evrryhudy sing "Dixie' and then,way, weakly gave The Rrbel yell. I mpgla he back here £nr a day, but il's not where I plan Ik, I like all the Ihings chat happen at ate picnic, but my nay. favorite ix seeing friends and rurally members who come I'n Ch. day- I e joy ranmrnbering all the fun. sad 1 kxu1: forward cache neral one. TAKING rrBACK By Stephnnlc Dean Moving kin. ser has a way. ro-I-g yn,. 1n rake a Iwrk hack, And If you've been rrnnning, ren korai have only slarkrl. Gave yau'rr endured ate pain, you con grow from the less. OFsrpmntion and 1*.irC, the lift, you nrrcr innended to But time moves on, me dld I. with people we lou [ouch: Being wish you today, mode me rcmembrr just how much. Many of you, I paved deeply. but d-hTS;, changed, a life tom, tnrrved away- made new Criendx, u whole new lir was bom- fir' 4 Yam Ed ng CRENS_ PAINTING. CL?. 336-9-7042 You were .Kwl,,,d I showed up, stepping back In time NOday. Tr.. previous life. memories for longwhile. I've ]rcpt set .h M The nmrn. i enlr[ud fire roorn, in mil far f. -;l I •-' recogni, I )tinny of you. I deoply mused, much more Than ever rcati.ed. Y 're raw rcr been faraway, yr[ I cried while driving home; In real icy, you've been Iwlhing Marc. jnst a -11 away by phone. In u c ifFenem world nmr, Ihr past Misehed out and touched Vel as fm urc luurns ahc.d.l still know where i don't .not Iv be. Errrag.4n- IBuy One, Get One o 40 50%='�'. ,. ! � ;I I OFF sweetFrog I H°t'matl cafe^"- �' r+re[f]lutn frnLeh Ynpuri F 1 4 -DAVM CDLr1rTY R-NTERPRISE rir-CORD. Thursdq'. 13er- 29.2.416 District Court Tire ivIlowing ruses were Sones, assistant DAs - disposed of during ]Doric -Jac]yn n Athey.m- si Dmtrict Court, presiding: ple assaulAnt, dismissed s Judge Jimmy Myer.- p". request of pore mmi; wit_ ecudng: !Caren Biernacki, nns p- Dvugan, -J Kak-1fu Jeffrey Scent D.Hey, �' 'Mountain DES16N5 78ACF�i- Iwrldd. rFu M NC A-xw Muq WpJ7ppr.1 �n - l0om-Spm ` - Mgngw Fd �•�. 91 www.WildMouft!nArts.com Notice of Davie County Tax Listing All property on hand Jan. 1, 2017, both real and personal is subject to taxation regardless of age and sex of owner. During the normal listing perlad taxpayers must IW any vehicle that Is riot licensed [doesn't have a current reglstraticn} or that has a permanent rnU'tNear tag as Of Jan 1, 2D17. Other property you mtut list Is as fallows; mobile homes, boats and maters, jet skis, aircraft, farm equipment used to produce Income, tools, assets and supplies of a business, fumishhsgs owned and rented by it landlord Taxpayers should also report any new buildings or any Improvements built on -1 estate, or any changes to real estate. 2017 IiWrkg forms Will be mailed to taxpayers that listed personal property in 2016. IF you do not receive a listing form and need to Inst property w report changes to real property please contact the Tax Assessor's Office Forms are asiailalsle online, Excluslons - must be 65 or order OR totally and permanently disabled to apply 1. Elderly and 1315abled Exclusion • Income must be $29,500 or below • Must be 65 or older OR totally and permanenllycilsabled • Reduction of S25,000 or 5046 of value of home and 1 acre of land 2. Disabled Veterans Exclusion • No Income cap • Must be honorably discharged • Must have a 100%5ervioe related disabllfty Reduction or wr000 in value of home and 1 acre of land 3. Cirault Breaker • Income must not exceed $ 94,250 • Must he a legal Nctrth Carolina resident and have owned and occupied property as your permanent legal residence for f1veyears If You are currently recewing an exclusion you do not need to reapply. If you would like to apply you may request an application from the Tax Assessor's of Ice. Applications are also or'dlne. Place m IisCTax Assessor's Officeistron , Adminati Building, 123 South Main Street, Macksvllle NC 27028 ways to ljsg In person or by Mail. ou 8AM-SPM Mgnday-Friday LLAjggj rind- Jan. 2 - Jan. 31, 2017. Listing forms must be received by or have a US Postmark of jars 31, 2017 or before to be considered on time. Late listings are assessed a l0%penaltyt 3A- 336 753-6120 li davlecountynr-gpb then select Oep.vtrnarits.Tax Rdminnuauon and Fvmts_ Davie CauntyTax Administrator Brian S Myers imple, asxaulr. Jisnli-el, prasc'viing wi.e. failed to appear Aus'i. Cu, r, HcarJen, sning AICE9101 by Per - 19r.110. p-ycr far judo- 1r-0nn rvnlinued. cos[. - Dennis $Tion la -4-r. a ,,-dir73 in a 55, dis- -ssed par plea: driving wade lice... revoked DW I codon, -xnlen..d 1. 1211 days, s"perded IS oaths, not vpenle vehicle ,m1 i I I incased • $,A. earl. Brinn Scall Bird -.p,, misd.Mimrr pmbrnip rd.lation, prpWrllnl- e,4. Ilntmd, Cost, 5550 nllon!,y fee• !md-eanoe prubnliun vlvlalido. pmW-lion kn.l. ruled unsuccessfully, cos'. - Megan Bramley, Walt• 'heck, dismiuwd, In, suffici evWcn - Grr-man1j 71il-3-di 15.11"y obtain ing prqucny by red.. llle ".1-d w misdemearwr larce.y, u=1lg 45 drays, ore- pnded 0 year, 5425 resxirutign to N Mae, 5280.mrc tonicy c. Abel A- Cas[o11gIWY, posussh.n or arijm-no p.rnphomaha, meLerencd -Prnscru[ion, 2 W.=W, ised pmbativo, 40 hours community service, ubk-Irl .uhmagcc abuse n - %nlllre¢tr-knl, if in c - p1lmrce ch,- My bq dls- -n;sapd- - Isobul A, Cam -'driving while licca.. -waked DWI .tion,senhn, `1 to 1211 days, eUsl c du d I R months, INA W-roic vchictc u.it- nsed. $50. cos(: rnilnret11 le slop for stop .igishcd light. dl.m l.nld per plea. -0 ID -aa Coteau, second degree "capping, sse dLs-nid. mit jie'ed on re - rated offense- - John Crook. cyb-Mlk• ing, dismissed, pmgecnling witncsx f-llcd so appear. - Lunn. Kennelh Davis. mistRmaa..r Prolxnlun 'i pn,h;ntion revoked, en'em-er1 to 90 Jays, credo, i ?5 days• %os', SI IC rd- tarnvy f<c- Slkrise M- Foster, .1-11 ng 86 i n is 70, mLi.K A 1. improper".. prte» 1, 550. C.st. $50 eqb ip... t i - Cnleh Dwane Fn.. . n driving while Skene. v.-kvd DWI mvocntiun. P rayer For judgulerl c - dnneJ. .-IL u sale n v- mvlit, diamLvscd err plea- ,it lc. c - Antonio MadxW Gar- cia. driving while liceasc vokad DWI revgeadnn, semen Yd to 120 days, sus- pended 19 months, not up- erm% vchicic until II-W.d. ss11,'pxi. - "di Brook. Hnq+e. spu%ding 54 in u 75. 1". y%, fur jodgmcnl unnmled. odt. 5200 fall.m. to .ppaar Fee 7--hnry Atm, Hinkle. larceny of vvhlrl •e, dis- nni ,.ed l vegans! of I - rctning wraps., -Amy Ho ,,ult, �hnph: wk di%missed, 'prn- eeuting witness failed -u apPanr- - Angelka $inane Hooper, DWI, ,..k, need in 61) days, suspended 18 m.nlas, 34 hnnrs c m-osi ry ; irx, credit forsubs-anac Lrdaw 4-mcnVfollow trca'- Assorted Snack Size Bags LAY'S CHIPS Chei tus, Frihls, Doritos, Potato Cllips, Sun Chips 391ceacli Wast 8 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley_ Road • i4lticksvilly • 336-751-2141 w W1V.fastefdrugco.l'ADt Regular Hours: N+ 8:368- Sat amm l•Sun 1:303 eat, q, -,d- Bcenu- 525,cosi. S2225altonleyCee- n 1 opxm[e .xhisle until -Liana Kn]au� Panes, un- laeen J, limbed driving ]awfully Passing emergen- privilegc!$100 vee. Slot) rylpub]ic a vchictc, DWI Cx. SIW, cosi, $610 reduced iu eunsofe -ovvr- attorney fee- meat, 5100, viral. Jeremy Wayne Kam, - Aman David Prater, recklnx driving, reduced Folli,re to wear sera Left, to nasafe muvcment. 525. S2.S.w, roar. �nrl.21211ins'n11 fee- - Ashley Mari. Schmitz. Willie r, Lnwmnca, spueJlny riO In n GS. red uccd f ill '. w - bolt, Iv 74 in . 65, 375, cost. dismissed per rplclr; driv- •'t•mci Nkcn[e shore, Ing while license revoked DWI, sentenced to one year, DWI m -lion, sentenced suspended 16 monlhs, 7 to 120 days, suspundcd sin days ae-ive, credit for sub- akoriths, S50. Co.L. $170 al- stone% .bare rese.am%no I. -Y 11e-li Il.w Irenrmcm, sU-.d.r - Sylvia I.. Marlowe. Ottnpe. no[ apamla vehicle DW I. Sen"neitd m 60 days, until licprecd, $4CO3 cost, suspcnlud 18 months, 24 SIWY =1 Re; drivdr,g hoprs cu oily se[vice. while tieeux rvv"ed DWI 40 !wars n u0ng, crodll vocplion,casl- rcr su bstnn tiu.b--se ,-.sees- • Benjamin R SI -Lover, wenllrglloav lreglment. sur• DWI, s nlvnetad m 60 days. render "cense, nal opuraro s-n;pended [8 mpnlh x, v vchicic undl licensed, S l W, day nclive, credit for sub- : pu.m%sion of upan stance abuse -s ...eng unminrrkLnsum ing nlco- follow Ir ritment. sur-cnder hal in pnasungcr an, dis- license, nIX ope.-tc vchicic mussed per plan- uniH licensed. 5190, - Mplfesn Momlee, DWI, SIW DWI frn: OWI, scn- seglenuad to 1 ^_U day, . sus- errccd to one year, %uspend- pend.d l8 n,o uhs, d6 h.vn pd Ix 11 on 7 [Ings I- Yf v0, anily err credlt obtain-Insuam- phos% o.. rpr-subalaa" ahll%c a%Sexs- re%smenlllr[a[mcnl. - raieaur.1'aw trwou 1. sur- render !!cense, nIX Upemic der rirsom...pl opemlp vchi%je soil Iie.std, 3400, ve111cle umillkrnzed, $2W, cost, Slut DWI for; hitlrun coal. S1a1 DWI foe. $:ao fallury to scop nfl.r causing u -u -y F ; Ihi Sum co slop pmpcny d.m.ge. mcklp for red light. dhsmi"adf per drividg to endanger. open plea, nnmFncr after connrming Adolfo Starve- Mom- rd""" di.mi.sed par plea, ->Yhiving while li-so. - Tmvis W- sulterlin, 2 uk%d DWI re ocanlaln. ul dogfcaUCpnet v - ,,a, for judgment cortin- kin la n. Ii.n isxd, - ncd,cYr.l. rented; -July la personal Billy Joe 1r'elvo. Jf-. properly, dismissed, ."itCyhcrslniking. i ismi...d, .gltdertlenl. 11ms dijap wftress knifed - Paul Deutnn•I•oaey,ean- la appear: eybers1a1kdn8, Irkhuging lath% d.]inquency walunoed to 45 days, suis- of d juvenile, sentenced to p.I.J.4 36 m.mhs: rsluu-h lime -e k, pas-, A PPpaled, a female, xanlenred W 4-5 - Nichlas lemon Wat- days at es pimlion of pmrl• -."uIt an . female, n asn-anea. suslknded 36 di missed I+vr plea: a scull months, - P.," abuser -his a dead., weapon, program. $7.442-90 resutu. sentereed to 75 days, xus- 11m1 ur Wnkc Irnmsl ffniver- pcnded IR !pun -hs, obtain slty Bapt1 Med kcal Cen- waswacc abuse tor, hrrwm no con canl by any mentHrca- ill. cosi, $280 encore wish victino,nus-, alR""y l - - Deborah Elaine Oliver, - Morgnn Wining- sisn- a era1n11 misclemennor lory pin PM.0"" ,bun schedule VI -ay. dismissed, ol-Ated subs-anre, as P- - Mid,irer Bryn. O-Nval. eussiar or marijuan. para - driving while license m- phonal L-. dismissed per varied DWI mvocn.kan, rnmplkanea with deft!"d ,rnlencud .n 120 days. sus- 1 -..lion, evidence or. .ended 18 nsonths, no. op- d -I dus.ruyerl. em'c vehicle until liepn.ed, Failure t. Appear - kelvin Abreu, driving RANDY MILLER Dwl. licpusc mvaked na p SON - Nrnh Brion Bailey. G! �l{i1{�7 Saul. SEPTIC TANK SERVICE - Jos%ph S- Campheu, `94 hlnlrr Wail•i11Kl.ar[Ik felony par iri.. sehedule (336) 284-2826 11 eoWned ad mbamnee, po.- • IVa Pm.p Savile Sankt • Wssd.n of drug p.rpphernn- csturrke ou- m.anrrn_ Mlaraael L. tx cwt. sassier I failure to murk f hire ve- lreotalo"' Iticic. x4vk� .. C[nnxilo I.,..q"Flos ra. ! �„ DWI.nn Sic Sq :lyilura to mainar lane co-unl. DAY7E COON-•Iti• EX'Ei 3SE RECORD. Th w day, Ons, 29.3014 -5 Davie Sheriff Andy Stakes says the IImB is right to refire, and he's glad he recognizes that iaci. Stokes ... Cnrtln-sed Irmo Page I and a€l,,,l ,o Laic 11-11ie K:nc n- rbc bath.xrnl. The story tells two kbings about Andy sluices. It's [Ile friendliness or Ih. ppaple 'hal made him-an['o.Iny here when f, rs- 1x.igned as rookie highway pal -1-. in July of 1967. And them Is family, Wif, Jewell I$ already rerisud. El- lie Kate was dlarg-d with lu kemin last fall. sad (hey Warr rap help in any w.y Ih.y cnn- Stoker said it 1. Ilene to mire. w fxus more on fmnily while he sl it can - "They need to quer cooking 4erill-s for mc;' he said. c. n plensiam for the [a Fro able 1a do this:' lie's loving the sheriff's department, In good hand. ith J.D. Hnn-11 =a ev- ery nf4Con s[nfr. I've maid r. gaol a bunch or cops as I Cauld have:' He They kw hby i]r • Y nylie of I. anJ cher does- You p.,I IiL11- onywhpre, ➢nn' Push them ywlkrv;' he said.'•1'm 11-t. and they know, they should Is. ]ion - A. old -.meal pull'. of- ficer. Stokes is confident the depar-meri s s i tarred and L,q,ipWd to lisht modem ."I'm thank ruk forbe- ing able lu wok with sueh ga.d law enforcement of6• rs- I've left this eaunly in good .boor. J.D.(Hartrnan) will make .n excclieur sher- i€f:' ti k-' I.w cnforcenlenn raaeer.1 most didn't lwppen- CiroWing up in Vance co-ty, by age 15, he knew he wanted to be a highway patrolman. When he En[ older, by appllcd for the jab - He was r%j..Wd. He was an eighth gf an inch too short. fie didn'r glue up- and Iwag by his feet far !-ours. Irying to stretch his body, le I. -d dwl the body ar• ual fy axile. during 0,. Jay, u h. made sure his - en- try CA.- was Inn tike raorn- - photos by Robin Snow Family is Important to Andy Stakes, as the pltotogtaphs of he and hls wlte, Jewell, and other family members adorn his office- Bealuty r It dRd amild Thais -Beauty and the Beast." Slake:: wilh granddsughter Ell re (Cate; a campaign flyerrvflh his Image on the county oulfine; and Stokes and Willie Grooms as young highway patrolman In Davie County. irg- lie nude It, and entered roc 1n injury famed him then put l ing him to safely- hint a earnplimem, S-ok.' r un -y hit. given are Wl rogki. school at age 20- He into early-I.Taern Bu- is Ire xnleplbcra well the said, after he had mnde a uch. it ha. Leer my plea - had Iv wid, before Laing those years, he lamed a lot night he comforted a 7 -year- ruling in mnpisrrerr r %nun, tam 10 give back a bit. sworn In us a trooper, who about Dir ie County and its old boy at a reek scene, T11e lawyer said he was "I enjr y what 1 do every had to be 21,people. ranking sure hu didn't no'Iec Hlegally wmnk hal morelly day. 4's J-nl-a v -o wp up this Things ware going praa[, He .acv way w any 11is mother who had died, right:' dream and fisears inrther- I until he go- his'firsl assign- dvu-h. at ilia M1 or lhemily. it, he Lr Ica- •'I tried to help pegw. .till -It -he hese for Du - eat: Davie County. Cows re%ks, and then had u milk •rhere n more stories, when I coo rd:' $wk.. said. rc County. I vtill plan [o urnumbored people. 1[ a+ihelr ramilics. with ending. thin "I don't metheirt-able for be ue-ive -n my cammurl-y x 111a r1tWJle of nowllerv, As the .herifY'x depart- r .met rl-a- Ir, pay, my politiml gain:' q -a[ my rllu-'h. It', bre. nn 54gkes knew he wouldn't en' very well "lira don'. nlakc . p1an. He li'na rn. for sheriff m arra I.g joumvy- like it here. and immerl troland orxequipped in the you e 1 To an emprgency�' make rhe d"rinnep- a g1n-d "'Mi, ha. been [he mgr! Wely wenn about typing a cmly Jirys, rbc higliw,ry pit- slokcs said."po'1 try -o may .ince to w.rrk and Ig rake rewarding career. You'.e request to be Inn -re -1. tml-ri w n. .n about all calm and d. who- yon need dnrgs off the ce[.. os a pition m help people Then rhe people of Davie 0plergcncy scenes. he said. In do- It's born a nuorambte- His bjggen disappgint. when .hey desperately ue •d .laved lu grow on him- Hv He repkmbera bedny the ear, ghthauph n of his help, It. jus- tuna Ig re.re liked living here, And he firs( on the wenn of n 1-...a �aslnkes. gi v.s credir 1. his i' -k. is 1hn- law ear rcc- and I'm glad I necog.m. rix hearing war stades of frit will, fellow trooper, years as a mag istrale rani- meat work isn't seen m On " Na ho-riblp things officers Willie Grrpms. A moa was ponding his knowledge .1 a nohR pwle.sian. "€t is dose over u week ago, he in other coulnies wore deal- lmpped inside- Grooms .ora -hv low, providing more In. hvwmWe wnz h0 .;rid. .roll hadn't 'nleen a single hill with. .11.01 off n %Will -f nc. forma'l- to be ahenff than "Host cops just wont to h. -Ip item C his gffice- D.,ie Cdun'y wasn't so They won 1t with wok,, rra, n paunkman, P -Pte:' Why? He's .rill a. sher- hlck,nfternll- slykes covered h3 mself wl-h �"Yor- learn -l.ne a al- •'I'nt lwMng forward to iff- Ant) he will be until he H0 .p.01 23 years her. it ox by Cowled thrv,igh the ways neo side, Ig every .to- doing -h€W a1 my leisure, signs off for the final tisk at as a highway patrolman bo- smoke, leaking rat the rem, ry:' he said. A lawyer paid ms[ead or the many.. Thi. n idnigm on Dee- 31 . Change every year, unlike+ n plan. like Davie County where officers deal with the same ]Awbreuk-m over assd ov'et. "Solving a mystery, Caiehina u person, I re- ally enjoyed d,nt," he said, and fa-itd our in same way, that d was pretty good at it:. Like the sheriffL be is proud of the i pm••e- ments et the Davie depan- Menr. -'Now, we're .. a par w'i'lt Folks am ind u. and in some way.,%. bettcr- -We"se here to .erre the ciouns and will do the hes[ job we P-bly tan.` Ire said. -my ph3dusophy; is not much dirSertrp than sheriff go*-- 6 - DAV IE COUNTY EN-MMPRME RECCfRD. Thursda r. 13- 29,213 16 PubUc Records Land � 811 et•S C.W. Poslcr Jr_ and villc, $d I. George R. G¢uiseh and and Itutc y f Coulee- :old disMpxive; Stevan Illey, The following land Joyce H. Foster to Karen - L.rrxry Ann MeV-IWa ]eon R. Gautseh to Jim..&- ore C:rr Wash war repaned 44, of Pow.11 Rvad, Mvcks- wnsfrrs were 11}ed Wirh 111e Ane oda Fades Smith. 155 and ilavid Ty1n Grubs In Coeauldng, I vlll¢_ Farm- Der. T v11 c, f etiti d reg3slmr>an. Davi. Rcgim- of Deeds, ecres. Jason Wayne Mosley and ington. 570- - TJ Eorceay of a hlue driving while license re Its" by ponies invvlvcd, • Willi- Developmem KCIIy Ana Morley, I condo- - stamigas L`onrulling Camilla. hall cap Fmm Dol- liked, posxssirm mnrijnn- _ga, xowmhip cad deed Group w TYue Homes, 3 lol, m um Farmington, $210. In AFH Prvpeni.s, 1 villa, for General an NC 8D1 was ria paraphernalia; Janke suanpz purc}d,sed, with SL Shady Grave. $42, - 5 WAN$l Tran S.+i.s Fmm{ngfurr.570. wpr d Dec. S. Sp{Elrean, 45. of Ellg.wood r.preseating every SI J700. - Lrtm Mae Allen to Mei to grinney Reynolds Hub- - Ruben H. Dixon Jr. - A vehicle parked off Circ[.. Mork v3lle,rntsling - US Land D.vdapmenrs A. Grace, Linda A. Drye, ock, 1 Id. Mocksv111e,$130, nad Jill C. Dixon Iv7bdd A. Censer Steer Iwd been nn officer. to Joseph ]VenD Jr. mnd J]nwn and pd.v3d Robun pllrn, - J.fTrcy Lynn Parks and Mepanidl mid Vie U. Mrti acrarched, it was reporxd pec. 25: Anlhalry Steele. Nero, l tat, $390. tracts, Clnrksvilte. Kimberly A. Perks to Char- 13 -ml, l 1.1, Shady Grove. Dec. 8- 21, of junction Road. - 7"me Htmle, 1¢ ]oseplr Lena Mae AI]rh io lie1. Whiek"' azul lane HI4a- 5562. - Hnlrn Nicole Mcl7an- Merksvil k, nasnah on u f.- 5. Hassell and Arnandu N. Dnvrd Ro ort Allen, inw[s. ob¢ih Whickcr, l Ev1, Shady -3111 C. Diann to Todd A. i.l, 24, of wkin SI.. w mol.; Karla Moran, Z<I, of filmnl , l lot, Shady Grove, CE.rk.villo. Gmv..$66tl. McDankl and Vie D. Me- eharecd Dec. l5 with coon- Slntcaville, assailh. stag - ramie ts5. Juana to • KAlhcrinc P. 6>roer [o Daniel, I lot, Shady prove, a on law robbery. 13ulld' - Garrienc N. Chapman Bradley Stoll. Ovudrnnn dlld Clint D. Stnnk:y and Jessi- S40' Sit) -(W- Court dare: Dec. Sheriff's Dept. I to John W. Lang and J uya Brlxlany Spry t7oadman, 13 em R. Swnley, YA9 acres. - L. Kcrawih t]wiggins 22. $Ir. is accused off . The f Ik7wing arc fmm C. Lang, 65 acres, Mindy acres• Cnl¢h¢In, $226. Mocksv}Ile. and Betty H. DwIsSine Ing an 88-Year-od weentin Dnvic County Sheriff's 1]c- Chove, 568. - Sc¢R Austin Miss I. - John Gmdy as rxee,rlor In Kevin 1. Month-, and Iv giro her $IBB lnsd. rhe pdrimcia repvnk. -John W- Lang, exerai¢I Bono. J- Firmm�, E5 scree, of ekxare of Michael Scuta Cyndda D. Matthewx, 56.71 woman's home. Dec. 19; trdsµrssing, ofestata of ]note 5. CirapBn, Mock -111., S84. Anderson to Driit¢ H. Whirr a res, 5227. - A Cape Fwr'I'nnsport Glenview Lone. Macks- to Sohn W- lank and Foyc • Scott Ausxin Mize to dad Brian S. While, 1 IN. - Harwindor 5, tmillan vett rwck ¢home on 1]ukr cele; idcmiq illef` S -it.. C. Long, 2 Briers, Sllady Barry C -Kennedy and Mary Farrnin};tvn,$448, and Narjol K. Dhillon to L. it wds reported Dec. Church Road, Mvck,v{fl.: Greve. W2. Rose Kennedy, 24.9 ¢car, - M1ldxed F. Penninljrnn Austin McCvlxe Pinner- 16, the vex wes drivrn by assort. LS 64 W., Merck.- - Donna M. Whisplhum. Mncksvllse, 5198, td Hilbiun far Humanity of ship, I lot. Fti mirelon, Samuel Bmnavn Hawks, rips: InreeDy, Ueurgc J¢nca to Mail. Propmias, 1 lot, - Gl.nn Schenk la Gicnn Dark County, I ]al, Jornso- $440. 41, of Gawartllr, roponM Rond, Mtreksrllld: idenl{ty Mock -At., $5o. Sehcnk and Palrieia Schenk. rem. - Ralph A. Wcich Jr- and Sga. l2l-I. C. Cmnforxl. T7te tllep obinining pmprny by - its Parker Humes to 3 Ips, Jcru.a}am. - AMH Hames to Joseph Lucy S. W.lea to Sreph.n inc}dcat ix,rill under 5t, a false prrrense, Pemb-&c Reed A. Phillips and Anna - Bradley C. Vast and E. Wrsolo.ki and Ambdr D. P. Daugherty kind Kaaren tigmivn• Ridgu Court, Bemtudn p. Phillips. l Eel, Fnmring- Stacy Vest w Sean A. leek- Nesoloakt, I ,u $374. D. DnaShrny, 12.12 acres. Run: ]¢recny, Wills Rridrd, loo, $893• tion and Heather L. lockmn. - Clayton Eugene Shaver Fm niIngwn, $980. Arrests Advance; dtlmenk distur- - Fforerue B. Cody by 1 ,err, Farmington, $174, to ptarlcia Flernandcz..49 - Martha Lint— is Phi E- 711. r.howing weer kir- bance. Main Cl,..I. Road. gum dlea of .rote, Jenni• • Roy Eugene Welker acre. Jenrsalern $1'9. lip E. Fuller Jr_ mid l]arlea. ceded by rhe rp M. County Marksville. [.r Cody Murphy m A] and Margaret 6. Welker, - Cleudin Ellis and Rob- S. Puller, 7S ncres. Mocks- Sheriff -c D.panmdm. D". 20: larceny. Coun- Cprrtmuniry Snvea[mema, 2 and Stephen Wrtyne Walker eat Ellis Iv Claude EFlia. atul vilIt, 5134. Deo. 19: Kelly Van- ty Linc Road, Harmony; tracts. Mockavif le, $t711. (ate as execuwr of esrYie M Rabcrt FIRS and SherryA. . Willimn M, Bowles derbleolL43. of Hnrd4son booking and emering, - Amrrimen Homes 4 Roy Lee Walker] end Ca- Ellis, 10.72 acres, Fulton. aril Cheryl Bowles, Edward Sl.. sv Mockille, Win. to WheislnM Drive, M_ks- Rent prapenks Fire to mill, 21. walker to Bradley - Chri,r{e B. Mack as ex- lee suwles rod 3,c'k Sandy appear In court; Andrew vi11e; Peak log, entering and AMN TFC propartfes, 19 C. Vest and Stacy Vest, 1.71 ecwnr of meat. of Bmnd.5. Howler. Kay H. Caudle and Vein 21, at tJ$ 601 S., Inertly. Jom.slvwn. Do -l-, ac IOU, res P¢rming[on,i338. Barker. Sherry B. Strickuk d then Cnudtc,nod Wit Nam Mocksvill., pr tat}¢. v - Mnckaviklr; dumoz,kc dna- - ARP 2x714.1 Bona— - Brin. j. wo locy to la• and Mnvk D. Slrtekland. M. Bawls. Edward Le. olnlion: Joseph Foster. 3$, lork utec, Pearson Drive. to AMH NC roperdcs,. I mi. M.38..-. I IM.J.rusn- Randy M. $arks, Jaime W. Bowfea and K¢y B. CYlndle er Jtaa Road Moci-Ille, Moeksvi Ile; iinturbi nce; lr,- em, $178- Bark -mall Kristen L. 13- le>t, Mocksvllle. 17$17 , y represunnalives yr d9tnxe I ilum m comply with child ault, 5wiccguod Sl.. Cried- - C.W. la¢.or 1,, end - Stcph.n L. Cwovr- cr, Christie B. Mock and of Lester Moron Bawtes, support order; Defnetri• cemee- Joyce H. Faster Iv Richard a ,rid Jnmes Prnzfer lay, Nichol L. Mock, nil L. to Ronald L. Ramillon and s Cnlr, 27, of Dcpr Run Dec. 21: breaking, rnicr- I sc.vin F¢slcr aM Karen co-INalcC-% w )3nreng¢s B.rker, heirs, to M4=hoer L. Vick a B. Hamlllun, 120 Dr ve, M.cksvitle, failure ins and lorry larceny. Nr Amanda Foster staid., 3 Cmeulting, I vondomini- Mork and Christie B. Mock, a res, M-larville, $472. TO epin, in court; lames 801 S.. Cer]lecmee; toe'I.Y. oras, Yon, Farm ingxon, $340. 2,rcras, 5296. -Jay W. Lin3ier m les- H16, 26, of Bonkln Like C.Nlo Lane, Maakslrllle, - Clare¢.. W. Fearer ad - Batangas C- ulth ro - Fannie Mee m Kyl. tic Alan 1C.Ichar cad April Rvad, M-keville, f luny breaking. entering rind'nr- Joyx H. Roarer In It1ch- Mary C. Womack, 1 condo- Wanda and Cathy Wendt. ] Jolayn. Keleher, 5.44 acres, pmhssion viol tion: Jessica Cony fmm vehicle, Yb1k- aed Kevin Faster and Kar. minium, Farminyxon, $i4B, tot, F-inglvn. S7 E9. Sterner, 32, of Farmington nvi1W Road. Mmk-111a; ea A,annd. Foster Slailh, - Deuisaho Bank Nation- - Uonnn 1,. Smtrll Her- - Dagmar G. Belch and hand, Macksvllte; a mzh; a It, US Y} E.. M 14.21 acres• al Tlnest Co. to LBC Invest- man to Roger Smith. 3K Artat a. Reich to Derek Jason Ric., 42, of TS -._ vHle; domestic dlznrbl.ol. nlenl Group. ;5 rum. Mock.. a=rc, Mo=kk.'i lie, $71, t'. Ab.ndmdl alar Jordan tine Church Road, Mucks- Sucee imit. ldoeksville; Abendimlh. 1 lat. Mocks- vilic, pssouln. dimurhancd, Cl.e- Cuun. vJl., 5290- Dec. 10: Brandon Owen• Mce; s ilk:; hreaklng }trid - sv t7od conawetivn yy. 3s of cancan. paes.s- crier. -Ing, eomnwescadng f Fitness �n to Erin R. Vartdewecrd and melhnmphetamirtc, lb,cals, Swicc%ood $1.. J. Vka$466. I sp`r¢ia.esston drug pmaMeP Cavkcnuc: ar„nh an fu- Let. Fa Col, Farmington. $466. nett'; Liza Pony, 46, of male, Parmlagtan Rodd, - Y� R T1m�, - woody Workimm� to Swit'Saod St.. Covlecmw, Mvck9ville; domestic dis- poke WWDPvpenies.E fol.Ful_ askDee dent er Nn. 21: ■ Dec. Mel retia l.o Road.ce, e: - Barbara F. Beane and per. Rand, Mocksv 111x: d woe 26, of Fnrminglon Rvad, bnnce. aranrlll, Jamestowne long Benne, Albert L. Fos- Mocksvilla, posaeanian her- Rn. d.Mcekry dlr. t.r and Virginia G. buster, cin, poss.saion drug porn- Doc. 22: dimmIsmlue, Lynn Shock mad John R. phcmdiEa. Jn-9-0wne Drive, Mocks - 511 _ eek [F. o D. lurk Davis atrld o D. l Dec- 22: D7 ,Lnnl ville! 1-1y. Sntisial, Kristin 1 til,Mucks- Owenoy, 35, of Cv neo, Road. Mocksville; found Alle,$94- pn.aesslon stolen vchiclo, liwspnper rackes. Pine possession courkerfril in- RidgalBroadx;ry r kdk. Cooieemee Police alnrments; run B aunt, 26, Mocks villc; domestic dls• fol]owing arc fmm of Winstonsaletp. a oulr lurbanru. Midway Drive, Cwleem.e Police Depen- 6. female; Antonio Mobley, Markaville; dlxpan, J., merit n:ports. ?S, r,f Wlmlon.S,lem. fail.- towic Rvad, Murksvilk; -'The. larcrny of s heater m to ¢ppenr in cutin: jun- larceny, Parti Lnne, Mvcks- and mirror Tram ¢ residcnre ¢then Turkdr. 31, of Ernml- v41le; nssautt, VS 8111 S.. on Wait Strw:i, nn epparcnt ingran Rood, Macksv111e, Mock,vHlc; lowcny, idun- Fkimilyof sp c, was reported pvss.ssion heroin, posses. Ilry t3lefa, WiEls Road, Ad - M o c ks� i l l c �r• 2�• .tan drug pamphrmahn: a - A child custody di._tonic. Spillmnn, d3, of th". 23; ¢ssoub, NC $01 Pat. nl n n. iWc_ on Duke CamEim Ave. Mac sville ud pc k N.. Bcnn a Run. Stec[ was mpon W Npv. 22. aswaun.Dcc. 24: mn.piNay. as- - Tho Irucenry of a bat- D1. 23: loshaa M{11- 1-14. intimidating witness. arc of -d-11"f the ABC er, 37. of Salsbury, assn.!, Granad¢ Arive, Advance; Stow was rcponed I, ay. 26. }nllletfng snrinar. injory, ng- domestic dslurhnnca, Sun. e�� January,, 7 _ - A disturiwnce woe ra- scull wt , 1 Ic: pi.rc.. ehko, 'I'mit, Mrx:ksvitic; ` { .71'� .114 f: paned Dee. J at a rcaidrncc Ifair:l it 23. of us i a d111 5., c di.tudale;dz U5 on Rceky Tdvcksri4., ¢a.aHll era 6e1 5., Moaksv}1lc: drones• NEW MEMBERS rce'i . . " hreaking, .°`ern°> rename US 5EI, M Jodnn, 26, B dispure.uh: dMIlk Lon., s'a US 355, Mn 7csvillc, ns- ¢ Run: dislurhancc, FARM FRESH POHK Swicog 5wicegood $17.00 J v 1 n i n g Fee kir. GRA FE yD BEEF soon. Sl., C•rwlecmre. 17.c. 24: Thomas Acle. 25t asaonit Daniel, 34, f RbsuWWk f luaciion $17.00 for January a.r 'rim,•r k cMey aurin 1336) WIS-7175 ,Ik male, , Rvad. Cuun. Bermuda Run,resisa- Muck viae: oasauts. ing do afecer. inwx{ealed __ka da Drive, M¢ek,- .s 6 - plus 4 cads of food for viae; diaturbmee, sw{c.. g.. • S[., Cvoleamce; child A Storehouse For Jesus! G+.+ At PagynaA1°"`�4�°�-9 custody dispute, prittcelon V" pr tQt.�`Jr. Alkc!'d-a C -M. Adv ;t: dlsotr. 7�aaec8& �.^^_. yp f assau lienee, lt, Bridgewater Let's he1p restoCk re 3r Drive. F3ermada Ran - A Storehouse For Jesus after Chrlstntia-S We offer everything that you would need for cardio and strength training - Call for rates C� 336-753-6365 GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE AVAILABLE. Find us at: www.gym365.webs.cam and on Facebook 50 rover syerarn, Dratvrrlawn nkwx rov roe race Tr.-•• 11N know .eadn.aa el.p.ewa on � � tr-lee4 ka•wa-d tv se+rnv Jrer, H am t 1W dime kWi001R1 • 1NfJ6 -sus •salon 336.7611.9390 tb7.l�a l lIri'� r Ml.TILf l a[N!1 me e -(r 75,06` 7 FILL17GR:1919E 33FPO�l .F ao2 teapseatire of et§ - 30Y N. Sahhtry SL LmHQ w m F�mmi c kip Jain Fdad DAtrirE CouN wEN7'ERptusF RFi?DR D. 7hle-dao". Dee -29.7016-7 Woman Found Red Kettle Ringers The North Davie Ruritan Club members rang the bells for the Salvation Army again this year on the Dec. 9. Above, Lindsay Snyder and Bill Shenton ring los bell. They werejoined by fellow members Joe Childers, Steve Mason, Randy Foster and James Blakley. Tim Stewart, chair of the Salvation Army's Davie County Advisory Board, always welcomes club members to ring the bells for the Salvation Army at WalMart of Mocksville. Socia! Butterflies The Red Hatt Social Butterflies of the Triad visiting Some rsetAssisted Living on Dec. 22, include, from haft: Genny Hinkle, Betty Sue Lashmit, ,Joyce Ledbetter, Penny Hege. Shelia Stanley, Mary Strafford, Doris Slater. Dianne Stanley, Joanna Darnall and Queen Dianne Grubbs sitting on Santa's [Paul Stapf] lap. They passed out stockings to residents, got a via it lrvm Santa and sang Chrl slmas carols. FSA;fl'n4%r 1--L L Volunteers including those from House of Raeford in Mocksville da the part to help victims of wildfires in western North Carolina. Mocksville Employees Helping Victims of Mountain Wildfires This holiday House of Raeford is pan- ncring 11h more !reser IO nonptnllx and faith -based rainisknes to help their neighbvns in need, includ- ing m ih., I'(M chil- dren, familia,, home -hound se111or clllzend dmf wildfrc vicunas across the .-Pir- ny'sfoolprint. N Mm",kile. roc File of Chlrken re is giving buck to Nigh who have been Irani hit 1g• like kres In wee rn North Cnro4inu and eastern Tennessee. emplo` res del tweed Iwo 48 -four rallers filed wJ01 supplies lhey collected la Tennessee. Everything frond loud kind wm.r In blardk.m and Willing WEI] he dcliv- ered la trioseIn pcdd. Donations arc illw being _11 -led road dlreelod to the Red antra: and a local church. `Passed Out' in Wrong House COOI_EF_'sIEE - A open" and they could see Moc$; vfxlra,E w' non eep lour people .1 a taW wkh In rhe wrnnc alw'em w , dt hag of le arij lana. None of crested Ore. 15, ¢ re the suspects -.td -,IM,l W four rahrn who were in the owning rhe raerijuar n. pons+.• she grtwght she was Drake was charged w"irh 3n. resiming arrest. after repro.. A u+uple called police Idly tcf.aieg la by uffr- sayfng that -Meanc wa- rs' commoml.. ei-eilt-Ln '• passed our' Ia a bed In a nepane,l- hnnu an Wan SI Charged with Irespnss- u,ri , awrcrkc the woo- Ing. pose O' than Ickz Ro ,_ [.ynn Drake, than a half "nee of man - 24, of 1lowmdtown Road, juuan and pus -ion of par _w!w sai,1 sl,c fl-ghe ,he aphcmalln [scuksl. areae; w - mrWle else's house Samuel Robert War— e �st,n, roc rl erre. 113. 36, of Jun=,inn Rauh The n.w prub3enr! The Lat-A k.e,ick Mnyf did. lrenplr who she -41 were 'K, of Dnkr Sr., Christopher r.sp„ns{hie rnr rht house ICynn orrice. 25,of wrrnsl s the ",=Iw.,rc ant and Larry'I'Jwtn Dillard,25, r„1>fx+zed to be Ihe- eilhrr. of H.Ve Rudd, hkxksvillr. nccarriieg to in ves[igur kin Meyfle ld was olw cirarl ,-Its by OFf c.r shown M. on >, wnnnnr for Trailing 1. BieitR cr, pry chi rd supparr- Whnn plll e w Court dates were sal rrlr ilial housc . the dl+ar aflnng Jan. 26. Dale Blackwelder Elected To Farm Service Committee L. Dal. WoAwrldnr hex K coy S.awt is the nimwi- been Ole wd ton three -y- ly advisor. rdrm nn tl,r Ioc, moil- Cnunlyeoarudnccmem- Ire for the Davidson -D -le be mrelk, r-almmponenn Frnan S.sv ie. Agency, uF th. vpesation. of FSA. Blackwelder will reple- Tiley help deliver FSA farm sent LAAO, In Davie Co.., pmgmms al rhe local Ievel- ry • farms _H1, nr Ike. Bi,- Farmers and ranchers who Iy w -he"_ will sere. as serve rid rnanty cummit- lirsl mllemate. lees help wfN the decisions [klter „umlurae. Inco- accessary ry adminis[er l.he keen lnrludc Rnhin Com, progru 4n Iheir rmun W Slamn fmm D4, Cwnty. They work In make FSA and ) o fu"Z Ord" Kcal asdcolteral pragrarra sena Beck and Shone Said- the needs o£ Is l produern. YVTV Adds Local Weather Ya h,l '1'c,corm rcecady to-the-urinutc w-111.1 ro - Iaun.hcsl a W.I. we.rher dniun.. hourly f-- , channel. nvailnblc at no nd- su mise and srm,rt fins and doll ... i claargc w W id 7•V v,m.�wr..rr�... .. �� packngrs. YVTV 5 Wenther.joinz Soup Lunch 7ad,el T -V Channel YV'rV7, o offer -town 3hr Doom FCA (hnmc- 8 is 1ekvWng Yadkin- a Iwo local ehadlndlz rnakcr,t will host u soup Ville rnlher randfdaa.• coercing Fudlrl•s s lunch from I I n.m. 13p 24 -hours , day. The eb,nn.1 area of Yadkin, oavie a`nd p.na, nn Wednesday, Ian. 4 I. only nv,ilable no Y:ulrcl n4nlrern I.J.11 co -I , o -I . til the Exndnsinn hui]1Eing En TV subscribers. The ehna- Call 336.463.9022 ur visit a fle-alawn Mr kzvill m -1 pmridcs rclail location. a CARING FOR YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY We know i['s impe:rMIC to here ocecna tp To schedule healtkcdm For every merrmeT of your family, e]atic to home. That whylents of all a an appoimTneni, we see pal ages �p 335753-0800_ includmg 3aals.rs, children, and teer•.a gens. "With .0 tunny i -plc celebrating fork we-ok. . H ble EspBnar _rec��ll ilk important la. Marcia' . Ft¢lmas aC p�+rda t,_ rllnae wren have ran [dentes nYews so n uch;' mid Anno Nor- Pe sy.lra Con CrJterd uaaars. re•.+.r++r.w rwc sh¢lll Wilson, prrhlic rear- „ry., • ia- , , w,_•,w,_,r,� �_.� 55 lion. represemnxive- Y N - DAVIE Cb1JNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. That.day. D- z9, i016 TOWN OF MOCKSVILLE Can we help you? The fatim half statontfftttouSfJr strives to provide better services to our customers- PL callers ywP water hsls.mry PL dmnedi'This ppQr3we k wry Limp e. you have 1¢ d¢ 7s slap Uy tnvm Is+t. _I'.. ce corm and plwkk Vs call, a vald4d hook Yvu IG nyhtllrue is reeelw a blv.onthly Lim ihls be WIII wwm yaw "r.r,, amount Thal will lace drafted eM the data It will rya drafted- Payman[s mart rcaeh the mwn hall by Ill. 20th of the month or a the ndou use dresslM end r..lF "Maud, pe pro pI ease payment businessdays far Ilse peymentm he propessed. A don, box Is kK a beWe day fpmemd I. door If 2u As aalwemy sera . I he qqb is accept your payment al the .ownf.OIL MOCKSVILLE PUBLIC OFFICI AI S WWillI killlnd. M:gur Johnny Pryc ash S:mr rd Rob Taylor %nty Ypl.ghan•joilm Ilnnl Want F13""111 Dollardll[i:ul a lllkllllks. 0elir Staeic Du Ned f:Ixek Cpntjlunker Am I,altey Conde KOW.44e .just. Dlanghlr 7nnine @esus sS Adla Tln[enr Igen 1ld ember,(Pea3Llror,. 1k%" (chair) (Chair) "A SYlasn Prim $loan Mem Mcu-C,hal r] Cecil 11 Wo d. Inlenm Tbnge •n Ma t r 3361753-6700 7 dd foal¢}•, Fuiteo [31h'f 336.7536710 Wil, week PuhlEr W.rhs Depanmsnl 33&75t-2518 frail[ tarter, Fre chld 33&751.3782 Paris &Grounds 336-751-5505 FspatraclCd ScrcJccc ]3uiWing 1]hs7aerdoas 33&7S3-6Q5p Pk.mfng8Lmfag 33&753-6IF5Q News Update janutwy March, 207; Opffry NEW a5EP^ Mayor's Corner I would hke to take the vppdrhnr w thank the Macksrlroi Board members RalaTaylpr Jahn[tryry F[y9,la Sanca6l Amy Vmmknnr].nes and 9ieM Ward for,trek leadersthlp and wank -the Past yea r, Thelrrancern andel ivn w the success d -1 dlreaanrmourtownlseviCl ed.cal an don In the marry haus 0Fpianning and dlscYsslon spent dQlarmining our gufalmo. n s aks jhl uO are+ln% Nmr3ager, Coal W-Vor saepping in WiNfe ileus on se3rchingg for a new town manager. A special trunk yytu w our Farmer manager,OvlslipQ erdlleyflr ha yeah of sarwce and dedlwtioo to Ihetown. Thanks ro Qach amployae who works bv111nd [ha scores tie keep tour water ronn6ig.our leaves plcknd up,aw ball Reks mewed and grsbeel5 safe, The combined effort ofall oT[he elected oflklals town staff, Polies off s, pre porsorsrlel and puhflc works employees have[rea.0da comminit shat1atap10Yd to call here. In ars effort to Improve the health and wellhefng lftur beiv l and county resklents,Iam pannQang waM1 Maya Icon Rel IinpId of Bermuda Rdn, Mayo SLephe+s CPnlherdConleemee,JafaQ 5lmpsan dLM Davie Cgmnlunlry Foundation are Lary Cabome oFThe Mebane Chanrahle Fwndatlon w pfompto an rspcwrdrag tvvrlt inJanuary N117, Yha F1eallisy Owle, walhrcs%Group is excited to announce a counyaw do ehatersge that wlR tie Into your N-Yeae's resolution far improved heal,,, aM werness- mthhHphdmWakoForestBaptlstHealthalldNovontHeehn.eve 71be cpnducdrag free healthsaeeningsat vartoustocefkns. vytwlll bQ able SO K -our nunnherhkhis the llegimkl99delle pathway to good health- theIQakoutforanklesand InTolma.. as to For youmight participate in the upcoming Healthy Davie CMllange- Will Macklin Mayor Townef hWrkwille WINTER WEATHER TIPS P"Nfe Wens awwFarat vV_ etre fowwla9 pract ud- I. hrr yvu Jrrrp me artrar npwinp rhes wMrcpprr1�� gars q�rairlt apetes ani fl Pipes In cutd be rte Iha NC shvutd be wrapped wish kasulo-tkan before enld wealheranlvas. Seer occas 0lfC oReT eAnb and�Cracks.. Claw vpvnings where wince, I,wS rurnazg or water M1 a ear Fermis o roar xlTuc air vents needed b3'your proper cam tf a p ht+ts anywhara In your house, Lilo the masscr shute va ve to stop the . water supply. Tek speelel_nrereu[ions wb�, temp CtskAm..fe'•s Leevg ylnk cabfn95 dva pen sulxcn tvmperature drop- R you areaway far severe, raws, Imre the heat on In your hou,o whl[o you era away - This allows water to drain and prevenn faucat or osc from burssingg dudng a hard franca. This Is also taw fw betkflpw Pravendan as- les (IUW 3- Make safe all his era ppopgrly Imulaed m protect them f Vmevld ale. Water& Sower Emwsirncy Numbers 7AM-3:39 PM • aAM-5[09 PM 336•-!53.6700 AFTER Nou"AND WEEKENDS 336.7St-0e95 Davie County Arts Council "ROCK PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 622 North Malin Street, mgcksvllla NC 27026 ��yy+• 336.753.30139 uryvw.daagearts.org tqr , PEPFORHANCiiar all n aaun his •TheBea% in $aSurdrylrrllwry1R,10fi,7:3ppm- osfreahal.oidhls aILaLreWlauFrerm! pprrvvvv arta jennniti pM0 rs4advi conks mehamm�fyhyandf PeicrM,smWmlacre of expresslue randitlgu of Atenlrpw hos such as,uAnMpnd s 11 A d l -II remora of 6endumrid apple anY Ce W H be alogia e rapt Y.a.rs[oppe A6rametlt PLmpsran aid palgnliA And3o aGpn by Blew]cel. shvx+we erlan's qlh of deeply.ar3:ng an audencCs Feer[, ACKfTS:AdYk-SSIr$nrdrnd5mler-1]3. Th1r stole Mam4Pr - Sarwd4rs•, N6rvery a 1, 3m7,7:30pn - Tlveelprmtrkade6 r111anth of she world'smntwnosv.edvacalgpups- IIee6.Hly,elllnq Wer loo mlllbureivc4rds wnhTheT pradtn�llre Pkttvrs, and the o�lrmrs-haoe coma mgarharmcrtuht the h'. torpp Imre�lermlrpnnnx knmtr load temmclhe 7Amprndpns 13975-19a3I;lw Coleman. mrie kadskgec Tae Plater; averensmaLeGeamIburFjws(+See-JaOehand keelwM,fanrat, 1, skater IAse Orleans NwhrM48poNrsmlk A+&aadwq [1975-59Im hd.g ihN, rlch Nord W W me tots arta,harirhxiahlp w rhe Greek oleos. gr+CireT$iAdalr-C13,srudendsrrr(er-535. LRYru a1nALL5 WILDER-Serurdar /. Saerdy,F.�.ary e b 5,3017, 7dMpm-SMs g4 -z daIsI li favid by911 aIF'= wand M1er family tuvel4croisAmetlW.n sca.ch le tract 1p cell hone. Faeig obstacles wch as sradetfarer and rviglonf d.ek lan4 weirp;eneen�splrh and fanly Yvnds Oro eryN hu[raerer hrokan.Thls vpWdnq ReOplI niande Amtrc tbelaved phnhers comate life -v, this pppuUr mullet. ReaoTninrruftA FerFNsIn ggrades Fppaximtteb' I hour- 71[1rEfLeentrclAdaurdee-5aS0. nage, Dais Mrindek-SurIII Ma.ah5,2a17.3*Dpm- Insa elydl les a tn. Hou If'srhepe r ant. Walnl ihlssheLe Leer, ages end umpenen ytuTysup4rhe[tts tryw4 ala.I.rlhe pral+letn aOdswetkdrr b/ sM�[I[e guetesa wpmpow4r of a1l:lmaginatian!R¢geI [layru.--the enot k will, is aprc7etl•a sequel xe hie dPQP[Iwa[War— ar sm+ [hrNrhnaL anaca nncA'e lsarpller.lpn a[ryrspgraM m nq r bfrmI-enWbeetlllreren In theworld.AgPlrkreadlnq dingg 5W ppradmeulp l iwur. nCKF15: GenrnlAdavujan-faP fw lddsln gradesKh TM Memttrylhe Ate My Peas -Sp tYmh28, 2011,;,Y.ppm-grtsPtwrl Ennln9?p.TMarenatw'nn phraxbe•CIs apt nary ypin99neen.�R�[ kuL f yan're x�kd wan epfaerulWunwanled,,,-;_,11Yd akaEb�ased pnlhebwk by Danny Sdml kJn and illus[ntW,5ylaatr F..I..ildhT5:6eatrNAdiefrs<dv-5tt-$0. D WIleit AmQMOW FUNDRAISER 19VE NOTES-5alydrr,Frbrwry 1&3017, 6gapm-Lorre spend a1�.�..lerenbw 9ermude Run Ceunuy Clubs: W.sc Caunryhr[s Couto again tRen-pruers S1rau- We lase --traded Eels Produr.bmre peNemh ane dinrwr.TlKya.4 rNl Wwn thmaghd4 tht US For rhH g., tir9okalp¢durbenllue Nm=r ferpve Sema Ebb aalr, beeutirul wlce as she r,rres. in and w[ dnfrwtic sen9slp �m3•eae.d yaw vaktume-seax 7rOrFrs s50.aQP�p-s+dWes n.r GRFAT mea :desert r,d.M prr<prmance ktase barRwllab4l. Ike Derle County Ans,4 11 bcckbnl*r as y%arser Tcrra.r9nq PEOPLEm 0 -ARTS' Cee hued p-hm our m.�vafirr mesye4kTer 519. Manager's Corner 1{aue ytu looked at the calends! 1n[Qly; i[ h aknmtthe end P[ the year. he ChrtR4, 5eawn is YpOn us and the New Year Is qukkhr approaching- d1hQyear e1rilS We JOA hack at the year and TKW Gar Inst rrpp¢ 1urNtie5 stn lotus not for the wctesses that wa FOCI. T7he Season ofJOovy sen appropriate Anna far ifw season as there is much Io celeh.ate; friends and emllygRts and g��dullerings. Shen[ thouH9hHul rrrarrrmis andtimes of havgethe opponar yto enjoy{t to thlulle fu�ensdrwe Mile tkan each olyWl Time hrlrgs chalage5 which affect our Ilyes as the yeah Toil on It Is easy a lone lhask of the spe[lal things ,teat brought Wv to our IWes.The snrcNl maple, BMW places and 3peclal events are al[ m, eanfngFul and have added nna1 joyapd happinI:: to aur Ilves 11u[tM1ore aro 5Y71 marry special FLOMs m be l-ved In the Future. Lot us diswucr ufiar now sppeec[lel mtnnonts we Can add to our cherished memories wI W out le[tlng g0 of the speClal Wi n gs and popple that have shaped us Flo who we are-Pachday r beanew vpparturdty to e%pipre the ihngs and elren.s that present [hemseNv%for air use. Remtlmder change is a Certal[aty and how era adapt wSherchange h.s. s lees hawweg ow p ae a o sa11yand persw�lly whirh adds to [hose spode, mara0fki As the NowYOM apprcaaus9s; le[ tus amb[acc the opparlYnitks o[ the 11c=whh resaWeandmurag .Faciragthechuhgesthatrwlfror I les and usingthee perV,d from lhQpallivqulde us W1aannotogWfatal, ourdrrwnsand also Felp olhentoacldeve Wee dreams.Ahappylleu more than slm and gold:fanh and frkeradsfilps can Rr our hDaru wllh mnorth and make those spedal mornerns W at make for a wandnful IlLe.11 are biassed w give Wan to lcoehc, s I Wish for you a MerryCtulstmas and a Happy Her Yearend may ar your spec[almorrhenes kaad yygu [hMu the rheng you vdll face In the="r yamwrhaiwe may aliwark wgelherforths hencrmeaeoFwrf mlhrand COmmunYty'- Wrth east mshes Cecil E. Wood rnterlm Manager FARMER'S MARKET 2017 R.e fawn e3Morluvn]eieprvavd fo Mprvrlde. if a wen°yr'wae'�iiirieJ . ante - vkrnrcarrdhend dr ovlrr. lain us er ache prrmeN � "Eat Fresh, Healthy and Local" The Town of M¢rk-ille eltc[ed offlcinh. mwn hall staff and Cotnmunay OeveWpmenl Coordlrwtgr are comm, to s t0 cultivatingg local partrlea3hips wllh producers and the NC Cooperativo ist9nslan Agency. MOCKSVILLE FARMER'S MARKET BEGINNING APRIL 2417 EVERY WEDNESDAY L.C.1lan:lYS¢ck5Y1110 Town Hall Paid"g Let Farm ire Info eall:Tam}L ngclan or 33N•75347D0 CHRISTMAS TREE PICKUP The last Christmas Tree pickup will he JANUARY 5, 2017. Cut Trees should be placed rurbslde With ALL Lfghrs and Decorn6onts Removed. y Yard Waste Site Thewasty die will ba open the lsr& 3W 5d1U days during Iha morals. of january, F4hnwry and Maxh, rn,yardwastesite hour env tram eamlo 32 hWan. Ptaahedo not Ihrow yard =war the fui"whm 1h7 gate Is llrkad. bo not k allowc6 ro wdairi e'h�dth Gump siN. Resider., ofhhrTown of Motkwluk_ prig fee 4e .sn yard wast -I. for pnv taa=hlnw of yh.d ste {ser month. P.mhaw=Mulxh-SS�� p k_F(Sa.,,wt-s5 par. -p Limpofffuerl•load ayard walloper v th-Free Tmsklaad vlyard waste: 55 w1la11a11t tnKWypiad oriels: S3 Tralkr nocaadGlp to n.: slo NO BURNING ALLOWED INSIDE THE CITY LIMITS Burning is not permitted inside the town limits. ThtTown of Madt-life Code of0rdklarlon slates that it shall he unlawful 10 bum or set fire to or bury any garbage at any other debris. FOG Alert PAT£ OILSAND GREASE AC UM17LATmN3 CRNSLOCK YOUAPRAOUIS PLILLANNG 3f1T iiresA5w{1iAandlo sihass RS by mw lxlnt [hhe and I FOG din er en h4lppse plow Ing drergyivia, 4 g posed of hRdw]h p]uiMfing drains. Inside a ppN.1 dl, and grease chenga TO a 0ml-like canl5vtncy ate Can block the cyrauwg an wedeln of _F4ated wasliaww AI,came, you an &{poo of normal cooking M and Boase by puhNu a F sa ara.heha lner - pan of your -lid warm than th[oapl, your sell and plumbing kGnaolraMontrWiping and sc+aping pwx W ns and ether yppa111s b9aea washlrg Ibmt are If ywrLhu�s nl g ��=�_ast dixpasal. gy 1n[rneplio.a systemgtha[rwtmks elFea oro Ey- R ete.npa[q'ihal rv[ydea Twp v71s antl greareshadd 9gulary dean sur [he gmase Lied. Street Light Outages Far your ,ant can= V.Iw Ene+9y provides a 24-hour Cugpnen Seneca line I� 53.5307-Yowr. Fesidenls tory ` tepert uueel 111, for outages dlrecly w Deka Ene orgy er 3vu [racy tact the T sL+U and we wlwill!ung o'.Giga 1 h ur4ge yyoauu 753{100- When rope neteslary tvhwethe doles[ sYeet address tg xhelghl __ _ RICH PARI[ SHELTER RENTAL TO RENT A SHELTER OR BALLFIELD AT RICH PARK FIE FASECONTACT THE MOCKSVILLE TOWN HALL AT 335.753-,5700 Carla/Pino DAVIE COUNC TV Eh-(FJLPRi_SE RECORD - Th undo.'. per. 29.2016 - 9 Community Loses Two Long -Time Residents By U015 1:11=- Wen lglcn Tho-- W.Rare, Paovidrd entrsiai.FI l af- "U per, and tcli alkah +.a Cal. IPi no Cnrrrsponden[ who lived in the Clarksville xer Iha mCN- Jtac "urchetle and their son, _ vxlupity and a.lended Kathy Lind Bob Ellis al- Josaryh. all of .ldrarrca; hl The Pi- ca.nm¢nily .drool ai Fam%tnplon, died [ended the servkre al [he and Svsun Weal C ja4 and Itst n long-time resideps nn on L3rc, 21. His f nt-I Reidsville Fier Eapllsr on their children. Arny, hliary Da. 16 when Calvin f -can as hrfd as H tun's Aupera[ Ilcc. f 8. Kathy's son, Ethan and Oliver. n]k of C+xna and 'rrivrlea, 69, rynscd away- Home on Dec- :A. Many Bogor. and Irks fnmily SW ltiyvy's friend, Davi) Mi- - "'a"". [he hu%band of Mn pmpta a.wadcd his Many the Advent Wreath Progrsun eh.lski of M. 1-1 tlo; Jolu1 leve Dull"ri'IO n, had bsrn because he war Willi -known al the cbvrrh lhas Sunday, .nd RAchel Ewhisoa or Yeses with {sar..r health r¢r throughSmO Doric Cguniy. Kathy'% gromtsons, Rid sitar C•vy and'Slob family, some time bL•k'n5e his droll, John n ear mal p suangcr and Lnla Boger, also par- Chndcs and Tbnyn Elchi- _ .1 Fprsav h Medical Ltn- nna he loved to make Pao- liclparad i. a special Chit- 73.1e. and their dugi-e - - r- ]Iii funeral was Ira]d at plc laugh; baits whirh drew dun's Christmas prvgmm C...1Ene and Lxuru. of Pist'- EOtnn'F Yunpral Immo on People lu him-'tw1 peupla, Thar day. Ka.hy and f3nh Marv. and lull in and Patrice - I]'pc. 2n wi.h Pnsinr Arnold C M I;wen and Sherrill a Reid%villc again on Elchi9on L I3Wrhnm: aryl , .. Gnrurll offie kering. C:o]rin's "rinkk:y, Nsnlee nt she flenev Dec` 25 to cxle6mle Chrial• Mindy and Alelonder 5Fill- a, i1 [- Lill, y _ grandson, Mark HEchnlns A nlgng will. Iha pasty of m with Bdrnn. his wife, an ryE Y.rdki-i7le. rill, "Nick" Rove, read 0 m¢u- Boor Crack Daplis[ Chrirrh. AII-e, and thou two sons. m[[vtombene of if,. R11tnd Ing uibutc lm ked w-riticn to Dr. Ch -les Suekne - Those 'Cleo desrendan.% eN f n. nt3a Belly Wes% Frill en - his grnrnlfal her, and la oda two men pnknted n good rreu nerd Lola Etchimn en- joyad C'hrkslmae L3,.y of the' enure upd i'ai Shch.G. e;ang picmrc of John WWI.lec juycd [hp 13[ci.is.. Yamily I-- of Franca Wesr -rut- 3 3 "1've Cwt n hlansivn Iasi whP w - n frlmid 11 a Christmas ralchraskun In R.- toruw in Advance. Fsrunres C]vrr .Ire li illtnp " ARpr Jahn caul a member vC "tear IoigY of the trona: a Dill and aen•ed hM puen.ss, Betty mrvcling 1n i. long funeral Crrrk Bxplkxs and wag but- Many Elrhienn K.I"ok- n,I R91nnd West, her rhil- 7lrptrssion to Plnu. C'nlria ird in the church rumnlnry. Marry nn Yv[ned ¢ Mund- drcn, Jason and I'oy.0 Tin. l s hrnivd al [].e Wesley Moorhens vF Wesley Lias- I'U3 Yo]kWy meal l'ur Roln nd w x[W EI13uheth and Jcx John Wallace [lett] with Roland West. John and Chapel Unlled Methn.i- pr] nm] spacial gnosis. R.a,e M14 Reny Rmlli.. n weal U rchenr and her 9,Und- Roland were Irlends from their sehOvl days al I. Cvmct[ry rills nai4itary key "'a Shai%a Davis, and u and }fancy Wcst of Pima: chridren. lit 'aa Harper She old Faimingl0n Schott. riles- Ills nekght-N Fnd number 9f people. who a[- I.rnnccs SYest TSlncmw, Ja- 'r I_ and J_.ph Dur- 1Hends W'am irks wife, Mor- [end bluegna%X mrasio avant, +na and Isoge Tatlernw, sad eh.u.. her slater. Susan Cu- day al [heir parems -Mud- +peal C'hrisnlw. pay wad. Ieuc, his daughter. Y.ckl. with Bob rind Kathy Ellis, their daughters, RCcsr and ins and her htruhand, ill. and clad home, whiL'h is now the hrr. •fetor. Snr Bnlo%, in rrsid Fix grandsons, Nick and enjoyed a dpli6c,oY meal in child.., Amy, Missy. and Immo of I_ddie .rad Patty. 1". dale- sac it. h-wil. Senn. to know they have the fellowship 11411 on Dec- all,c her hhahcr, Henry Tho otdcsl tiering-411lLa P]' r ik.o mo[]ical Iv.ehlpM and their deepest synspmhy. Af• 17, prepared by Down and ed Wt s., and Mindy -IJ Alex- the 1 -go family, Dom can Inning tFetim t- Wr the Am- tit nheml%ers Dula EIII., Kalb Fills. amt ander Spillman and David Illy Marks, w1.. fs li. ing as Randy Neu-rmm is cnrn- ofWesley Cha7nlservcd.he Thni Horton. They sarvooi Mlrlmiski. delECivuF I1o11• in hl-ksvi"c. had a rine and hwTn• this weak farm '1'A -1w and aha poll fum1. wSsh it. help of Judy and day fond, time visiting wish hrr many A"_hnuiraan On sprnd time lies and ihcir friend%n meal Rick Wilson and lady Wil. Amy Cui-, n 4.1 relative%• Al- a numbe, of '.'iii, his wife, Ilinnc. aria in the frkh.u•.hip hall. o. Rick Bell, e m Camwhs Cot lege. is spend- Collette .1.6-'. includiog Fir r[anghiers. Randy i Ing Chrisunm break with Cvl leen Cnllclto and Gkends working in Ari-hsnistun s Iter parents, A] sad Sura. Collette Lurglr of Charimtc he k. training nlea dere in C jav, a[ Cena ax s her e¢jnycd the "linin lion 2ol- vtIII - mninten4nce- 'llle Sister, Mi %y, a student sl ly Fiehisnn weer went by in New -ram'% dupghl• Rayl,. Mitchell Community Ci the sFtmm�un espoc'1, ly 1.. Newsom Mnndrcll, and hrr Marty Etehison Bab- lege- see Glenda, who wa%:[ silt- husband, J -11i of Be.acer- ' cook wdS the hGStess Eddie and PoRy is 9g rtal finorld -ken ihcy Frew reek. Cablu, ate planning to + for the Etchis on Fam- ap.9rMined [heir Ltngnrls up in Coln many year. ayu- spend %cw Year'% m Picea _ and Called. Mini— at din- Rally also enjoyed see int with For paranly. The New- - Ily Christmas dinner at r at their home on Dec. 17. Cnllcon will. is now !];i and yr s daughter, Kelsey, u her home In Raleigh. 71m hilae agree %rf Cecil Lied is enjoying lh-ing Indepea- -dem of AppEochhnr sl:,te Part Of the Jahn Elchlsvn family: his wife. Rachel Her husband, Bilk was Ruby an all Cragons, E1- densly in her i.panmenl in Univac, isit also sprndiarr Ewes E1Oh9an, John, ,heir daughter, Patrice the nD51, out he Wd9 ]is. Eddie,dW. and George. ot Ci.nrloxle- Fpr Christt mas vac -..tion herr EtchkSOrl Surlesonan d her husband, Justin. not well, daeir families enjoyed hha Boyd and CJslint West with her fnmily. . au plastrc D/tile Arad rams=n ark {rs - e75 wide -nn -In p1ti mn*ainers & lids . mg plasilics d paper, newspayaM with ms®ns, funk mail cgmpular paper, 1111w P%Per• calor Paper, anveW • gift wrapping p par {without Foil bscking3 magazines, ;elephant bv9k4- paperback pock. . cardboard, gth boxaa shoe nems (flattened} . PM3. ae:eal & food bouts (no Food dobriF) . milk &lu.w oarl9ns & n.xes (mus[ h. empty] sluminum cans arce4 cane mcluding fids . aluminum I. (no food eeDnisl + glass hottles & inns [aft calom" . amply ---i cane ins paint tans" - P hallo bags, plasbc film - wrap - food & candy w Ipp¢rs .wealwoa m ndbsar6 i -lubber or rhes F - h=tdCus G waste. eleranin & pain, - glassware yr light bulbs - cl9Drin l or fabric SERVIC - Imouselvald garbage or food r sip ediaal waste (symlges] oa yaaF nW r.ex<re on -rte. e[ece OueeYwss7 G9809.032.W39 r Wa s"Mo. ria n ywn z. as raw www.e9pubtka9tvleea.a txm as tlw, aapw 1, IkMl vn �a arra Reduce: Reuse. Recycle_ Town of Mocksville Calendar of Events JA,N UARY Z 07 7 You 1 TOWNHALLCLOSED i17 Recycl Effective i ng Col lection date Oct, January 2917 Pi c k U • Sc hedu le 1 st, 2016 Sal] March 3017 Aprn 2017 Fearua_77 Dcxpbpr 3o1G Ha"'a"''OSS Deco mb- 2016 $ M T W T F S 5 M T W T F 5 5 M T W T F 5 S M T W T F S 5 M T W T F 5 5 M T W T F 5 3 M t w T F 5 L 1 2 an 5 1 B 3 1 3. 4 5 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 GIM9 6 7 a 410e1�1a12 a s 6 7 e s 111 0 91g 11 s1®34 5 6 1 6 9m11 s e r a 9M11 2 3 0 5 baa 9 10 11 12 13 16 15 13 14 aA 11 17 • ^ • 19 31 12 13 14 15 ®17 15 1fi 17 3 6 1s 0 31 I3 33 34 3s tG 17 la t -a LI a s 1s 3 7 18 9 30 11 13 13 k 15 36 17 18 19 201M n 2021 21 z3 34 3y 2G 1a 19 Id 2I M e 22 33 30 F5 26 x.. 3a 19 30 31 22 20 35 9 3¢ 2. =1 M 1s IN 17 IN n atim 21 � 23 2n 25 W 27 M 29 27 2e 39 3a e2a3a, 35 26 27 2a 29031 39 W 3L ' 36 37 38 3F 37 21 z9 9a 3% 33 2a 2S 2L 27 ?B x9 %x 1 W a y3917 1...w2017 Ju1T 3017 Augurs 20- $ep[c,nbar2017 October ml7 SOpsem Ger 2012 5 M T W T F 5 s M T W T Fy• B 5 M T W T F 5 5 an T W Y F 5 5 M T W T F 5 5 M T W T r 5 5 M T W T F 5 1 2 3 4 6 �e 1 p 3 1 3 2 3 4 5 l 2 1 2 3 4 50 7 1 i n i T B S 10 11 15 13 4 5 6 3 B9ail 2 11 0 5 6 7 9 6 7 8§ Idm 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 9 19 11 32 L4 14 1 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 1a 151011 MEOZO 111213141537 9 le 13 13 1315 1316 051637 s -a w I. - 1213 I4 IS I6 15 a6 17 IB IBM 11 ]]. 131415IBM 19 23 a3 33 24 25 2fi 27 3H 19 3A 21 22 2g 24 36 i7 18 19 3A 31 23 20 11 31: 33 24E3 37 AR 19 20 21MU 23 n 2a 29 26 37 30 ;9 ID 31 32 23 2¢ 25 28 29 W 31 ]5 16 21 2a 29m M 24 25 25 27M 29 27 3a Z9 30 31 24 35 36 27 2a 29 3 39 30 31 36 7.7 28 29 3D 30 ' I . au plastrc D/tile Arad rams=n ark {rs - e75 wide -nn -In p1ti mn*ainers & lids . mg plasilics d paper, newspayaM with ms®ns, funk mail cgmpular paper, 1111w P%Per• calor Paper, anveW • gift wrapping p par {without Foil bscking3 magazines, ;elephant bv9k4- paperback pock. . cardboard, gth boxaa shoe nems (flattened} . PM3. ae:eal & food bouts (no Food dobriF) . milk &lu.w oarl9ns & n.xes (mus[ h. empty] sluminum cans arce4 cane mcluding fids . aluminum I. (no food eeDnisl + glass hottles & inns [aft calom" . amply ---i cane ins paint tans" - P hallo bags, plasbc film - wrap - food & candy w Ipp¢rs .wealwoa m ndbsar6 i -lubber or rhes F - h=tdCus G waste. eleranin & pain, - glassware yr light bulbs - cl9Drin l or fabric SERVIC - Imouselvald garbage or food r sip ediaal waste (symlges] oa yaaF nW r.ex<re on -rte. e[ece OueeYwss7 G9809.032.W39 r Wa s"Mo. ria n ywn z. as raw www.e9pubtka9tvleea.a txm as tlw, aapw 1, IkMl vn �a arra Reduce: Reuse. Recycle_ Town of Mocksville Calendar of Events JA,N UARY Z 07 7 Jan -2 TOWNHALLCLOSED ,Z's Christmas Trev PlCklap Jan -6 Garbage Pickup Jai 7 yard Wane Ste &Noon Jan. 13 Garbage & Recycle Piduip Jail, 14 DIC Arts Ccundl Fo G 11 - Back to Bary, BDIy - & The Beatles- 7--30 pen Jan.20G-bage Pickup Ja_2_1 Yard wane She&Haan 1 -27 Garbage&Recycle Pickup FEBRUARY Fetal Garbage Pickup Feb -A Yard waste Site e-Ngon Febt4 OC Arts Ceulrdl DC Arn council - Laum Ingalls vAkWr-3190 Pmt - Feb. 5- L■ura Ingalls vdlld■r-3.'0e pun. Fel, 10Garbage & Recycle Pickup Fo G 11 DC Arts Council - This Magic Mvrnant-7.3Op.m- Feh-17Garbage Pickup Fel, 39 Yard Waste Shoe 8•Ngon Feb 18 DC Orn colundt Ata Ni Pers -3:.90 pars - - Dinner and A SJsmr Garbage Pickup -lave Notes _ R•OD p_rn. Feb.14 Garbage & P;rycle Pickup MARCH March 3 Garbage Pickup MarCh4l Yard Waste Site 8 - No --March 5 DC Arn council s Invincible - 3:00 p sn. Mardi TO Ga�r6ag$Recyd. Pickup Mardi 17 Garbage Pick Up March ,3 Yard Wane Site e -Noon Murch 24 Galbage &ilecycle Piduup March 26 DC AIMS Cauodl -The Monomer who Ata Ni Pers -3:.90 pars - Marcs 31 Garbage Pickup 10 - PAV1E CO Ij,= F--KTERPRLSE RECO RO.Th—lar- Pre• 29.2016 Healthy Residents Storehouse For Jesus Helping Those In Need A ',..he. For 3csua aar.lnm the vilnlhy of the Medi -I Mlnlstrirz rat. hcc. rma clinic I.uvcm,nr. cart ded a SI0J1W stmt They hnw bee, clFva- F m the N.C. 13a0el 11vs- ly dngnged in the ncliAtir glial Fvund arion. pmjecls and hritimlves of Dr- John McConnell, the North Car.]in. Associa- CEO of wake Forest Dnp- don of' Floc and Chnnlnhle tial Mcdtenl Cbm-, said! Clinics. The award was This Trnutdntion supports given iv highlight end cr[e- eommamity-based prop.." orate The %_[[Rice, c-npas- and aerat,ea Ilial wrk ro 'ion and canlrib,flW mode sett, rho h 114cf- heotth by 4n. Storehouse Medi -I care neNa of the papula•Mi.istrles;' f*.Jon -id- 'I v. _rued by Morih Cera- "After seeing your clinic I.- ilnn Daptlin HWpllal, a day, we'T'"Ied the te.eons mponom of Wake Forc.I why [he medical mini.lrtce DApliw Henllh, T73. Fou.- is such a Worth recipient of dalton Is ptcnscd'a ¢,mod "LS awn`}:' ils long tradition of hraling A Storehouse For .1— minialri,e'ro Davie 7_Inly Mori 'd Ml.is n- began th-0 parutership wish A carving Davi¢ Cvumy nai- Stomi+ouseFarJesus:' dents in Oc[I, Zn00; Jho Thisgr nl will be ua,d w plTanrincy became liconsed purrl+n, medirurinns Ther with ate state a.d bcgnn tool be golte. Through diapc.sing medtoa l- in rile MediTdico Aasi.M_. P.ccrnh,r 20tH. 1'rogrnm- 7, cl-lily, far the medl- A Storehouse Por Jesus cul ministries padcnts muss Medical Ministries aleb it,. In Davie County, have +rreised the N -C- Aa.bcja- ho -hold Inexvn,a Ihot Ste [inn of Frce noel Charitable bet". ^-064', of the Fed- Ciinics 2016 Sphir of Fare dmf poverty L.eve1 cold b, .inica Awa.i. The award without any type dl' mudl- way prcaePlcd to M ,"o Cul- 'I insurnpe.^e. Pati_ls n ]ins, cxenftire dircetvr and seen by appojnlmenrs. All launder of The slorehou_, s are Free, dWvgh pa - by Randy Jordon. CFO. and il n s mny ],Ave A donation Mark Sche,rcr, deputy dl• to the phnrma4y domdan rector, of rhe a ".jatiu.. box if they soca-otic• -The $torch..', Medi. The plkano sy duce nal calMinistries exemplifies fill, nor do provider% wrlte. Ill. pilin pr f clinic. and pnsatplion. For eammlled Ila free clinic movement;' s. st.nces. sc4xeser sutd- "'T'heir 4_d- In 2015, Ii+e ph - ..hip chaIncieri.0- base Miley dispn{16,d 16.511, been critical Ib ndvancing rrredicnliolla a[ a value of Il- coax of arc uninsured 52.287,4-1[1- Ther. n Nvnh Caralinn, a well 41 x010 prlienl viatl5 , s Ihcir lia-ino and deter- pha,Imey ]as[ ycar. Bob minoti.n Ibnl is needed TO R.ueh. pharmacy dlreCWr. ,-pre%xed - need for eddi- Thursday evenings; ehronle ked climes director• aimed lion.l phnr.+acfsls :,rid meS- cam clinic T11SdAy M. the aced for nddhlonx! 1m.• icadon assirr.nce it-Snm inga; women's clinic ane video, .— And dcnriats- volunteg, MoMny n mbmh; payclrinl- "gY the time pal i,nls earn, The tolal value for roc clinic (rnusl be mfetmd To u n dol of trim have xrv{eea Wfidercd in the by n Swmllr c provider] omplicnted and Medical Min Lurie% 1 0 716 111- Tuesday Innmtngs seKoas h-1.11 pmbleme:' unduplicated pmienta w -ITh; eye c3 Jule onca a Kimberly said. 52.7z3bS3- The mediml month; denlnl clinic [�- The mediurl m nislnes, ministries servea as the pr3- rraeklenx only ar lhlx tinny Ce1!i.s arid, sand .pq> maty pmvlder for their po- o month; and chin- ci-nen .. 1.abCorp, Health Ilene, trach. clinic two Thundaya Care Access, N.C- Dap- Sisler Martha Hoyle, cvvnint a month- list Hoxpilal. Davie McdJ- HN. medical clinics cWr4l- Di.bcli.1-niton class- col Cnmcr, D.vie County [talar and bend Pura,, said: w arc held T mOny mann- Mealth Deprrlr.,.l, and "The medical ministries has irkp and Thursday e - Davie Dermotalogy, rmd kr been able In gave lives and rains,, i. ecoperntion .11b the rcaid,.ls of Davie sad gr+eally improve the quality Davie Cbupry Health De. i;.-aarlinp commaniriex. of haallh ,ere and liver of PATI -MLA Storehouse Por J_a, orrr pwicnls:' Dr, Georg. Kimvolunt Kimberly. is a eer oninialry, with Th, m hoM clinic I. held medical min Lassies and mcd- All a.rvieea given f crly. The minisurl_ wilhin Stoa+e• hou.. rare distnburton,.ned- {col, evangelism, heir, legal (.last be n Doris aasidcnl, a srnr.11wad cliengpplienl who has been rdferrcd by Qac Slorehous,, be age 11 , or Icmtinnlly 111). rind out- ach m4ni-id- Icurrcrul' , Through mis'ion traps, o tivsetnut .dd Pfd, Ridge Rescrvstio. in Sma I. D.- k.Um, "1 cannot gay ,rough aboul Iho Stvrchouse vokun- ,.ra;' Coating said. "They S; dedicated, cumpas- sidn.l,, hand working and faithful .Ihey go Shove and lanyond in thetr work nod 'In' crRiee of hl i, time xnd lives:' Awuple of vwun[e,rs Imre been wilh Ille min34- try since it begnrt in J .... ry 1993 old several have been cal th Ilm Zi.2y rain.. S.p• Tambo 1995. Last year it.. storehouse heel marc man 333 vOfunmers, Ia8gin.1 1. we Ihna -345,400 hours - m •'Hew m •h The Lord I'.. blessed u whh such onderful w .rile df Thu LAM," rbc said. "W. give Grid the Eloryand pr4ix- withvut him, the Ildnistry wtlohl -A ,'aa and would not have prawn +hmughom the yens. God I- gnarly bleared slureiwusr :Lad all D+le than};, nm due to Him. It Is gn honor far each Of Its tv be serve Chow end our comTnuniry dax.ugh Storc- hvns,:' the Stareh.- !a an - di -d Annually by Catton maI Company In Winsion- Sai.m. Each year, It is re- ported thus 97-r]8% of nti incoming money is apenl on ,Iielll and patient xervic.p. IF 3nTcrraled in votun- trering in the edical min- Wrlcr, c 1 m 1 Mvnduy.Thvrs- day al 336-753-8080, Th, Swrchvusc IS aT 675 E- Lax- inptnn Iltoad, Mock"i Ic. o.lrasTrmla �.w ver cno .+qey vawinc Pr cn, rrtUS+G - ale Fv— i vcrun+ee+s a{ fh ,}1pre.ouse Ona J05L DAVE CTi1r, n- FN rFRPRItiG 3[IX11RP_'1'huewaa, D1 :9. 2[116 - 11 County Line Community Supper Friday At Salem UMC By Shlrlcy Tharnv Courtly Linc C.M.F tmdcnl Many talk.,enldyed rare Cl+risnnas lwogmms t C[orkshury ..it 4alem Ilnil- cel Melhodlrt .1-110 1-1 Friday cveni ng. Salem v 11 built a artily supper at 6 pan. Frl- day. P,,. 3n in Ihu fellow- ^ Ship hutk-,lrkiuy chickca pie plus an array of homcrnnd. it.p-r 1 b- your 1'.vnr- e coed nr 1- Ll hd m gae enjoy games rind felhrwshlp - With Oil... Inc, lining. 1i The V•Pn. jtaanlnns w111 6arhala Kaon[z reads a poem: pi ck and Sarah Daywalt sing "Peace on Earth Good Will to Man; and Pastor John and Sandy nobarn a.rt bie kIn i -ill Erwln re-enact Joseph and Mary with baby Jesus- nry. Thu next brcaklast will b- SnmOiay. Fuh, 4, 1 uprnming cainmunity - en[s include . ry y bpm and an as¢ hcountountx+ ~� . sponsored byth. s.icm- ilniied 1Nclhtrli si Men Cmm •t al 6-10 a.m, snrutday. Ja11. = l: "Grano Nlght- Iwned by Society Boplist at 6 P.m- l 541werty, Jan- 31: •5.rriur - Dingo" .po=" by da. V -Point ituriinns at 2 p.m. T I=dlay, in", 26; and "FI- $eratl Deywah. Mcxgen Cdnnpheit and Sandy Erwin portray the angels' visit with Mann; arta Erin Carkter. Brandon Koarttz. ,orybpdy'. 13 inhJny" spun. JAI Cal;ner, Wesley Sloan and Katie Koontz take part In the Salem program, s red by Piney Grote AMG Zinn aeny Wall and Gladys Gladys, Peggy. Imd 01- lJmc+he ranrili-AfI".ercd by full.% Wilk ecichmlr u'nh Iratlninn M-1 xSmh,r Iix• lsitipg ray STiend Yxle.r in GriFfilh n sch.b at rcs4Je rax won ails hpvSng aha many firer in can srruih- itt,w-wks. panic.. arae wu- ins Signer Ira Gamldy+o and cMifl m in 4grrk ami ons Aarmm� Cnrc of MockpW ilr. henllh inrrWl.ms- Remember wnrcrn mnunmM n v xnd Jilinnal fn`S1y elinncrs. Tau GrnndmO Gihnm Snd l+mk ramping n n Cnlnratln Pe6g1' Ci F y m nn4ns In in prayer the fern ily o€ Dam (iad4nburg and IheRr any ran}' ti lurntinu Nrw 11:rynwpJ :Sul Aum t-{Ikian 331 r'd- ry w'a[ah the RwS rclmtt .1 Maple trent Nurs- and Anuandd Hn.elinn; her €amih- ..1- h;.,. hccn af- Y- s Day or..'.reh f rlhall and Shel r IM Id- The men Pnrnde: after he pond we ins C-ean.r dC Steuesr llle, anther aeny 1'rnrs riled un- IeemJ by llurncnrw Star• gnmv% whereas the wvunrn FT[L went labhiu.gnirrcl nr lxlmr w .Irep but wrra Join u n prnyer for experreJly Inst work. Con- thew, fe'll's mny rank dinner maJ h.:, br[nre a-1 'Flet .�w'nk.1. w'idl the »'idi, the Lome divine 11ealing [inn, In renxall- in prayer ka w enter the year then ger l.,rrg.ia shaplaing. Jin uer- Perhaps my most rx• ahaki.g a rvThquakr And binpsings upon Betty, during Thir 11 live holiday 26ki his .vcckeml: many When I w is growing up, d.i.1,' Nen' Year's Day n'n. h.ppe ed in nr uhy ,Ltaii Me. car. y y� At Clarkst}ury Methodist; Oray Trivette admires the Chrlsmon tree; Anna Wall sings-Joylul. Joydul We Adore -thee:" Marley Ralston plays she piano: and Nathaniel Eta Korn reads the ChriSlmaS Story. The Chnsi- mas program at Clarkshury United rNelh- odist ChVrcn [natures "The Littlest Nadvlty- and the ¢church h... Il. choir - 191 U IIIr F ! m �Y��l llrri�4lr>�I 1 �� HEAT1I4Gr COOiLING. RESIUEN71AL•PLIJ9= SALES, SERVICE, 04STALLArl-3 ow- wa son .rw.0 L -axe iiia QC SERVING oAVr1E AND ROWAN COUNTIES Office: 336.284-2881 Mobile: 336-345.9207 Rowan: 704.633.4777 F�ail:a.wr�d Listiir�•ga �^os.00a :.r-�-_-. .:'sale ciao t11+ _- .=•..r_:: -r��-,. %excreta L_ �e - =`'arm _ r >.r.rr=- rrp-�sn•aw �=a..•,.�.:eiw snsoa 33US.5aEJufSl.Ifodw� � 336751.3518 leJ�J�� e'"pri ` Q; , POUR QUALITY PRINT 12- bAVrF coDNTY EN-rEkPRJ5E R£CORD.Thprsda+. Der_ x9.2816 An old-fashioned Christmas Eve celehragon at 21on Chapal on Sheffield Road draws plenty of area [eslderils through lite doors. Sheffield-Calahaln Residents Enjoy church Christmas Services By Brenda 11411-y Sheffneld.Cllahnln Currelp.adenl W sling .very."e . very Jackie Morton Jerry Thames Poltx . happy, soft and pre>spnrpuy HanelzneBEAUTIFUL larushNp home 1" Cpaleemee on Nvv. Ncw Y,ar. spurrnifd fD ENTIST R Y 21. ioi6. Paint"' Binldity wishes go to She wns pr.d.--d hy: 7ilterFer and. Ederlor • r tlmyc c.Itbr ol"A' Mutt Wil- + PressTJre `i4'asfng 336-940-8560 Wil[Lam Luther and P4ucl Me e Com Be.s.n Mouton: broth- son and TO.—Y Gvbblc on _ Hutchens WnI4a�-e, M. Wal- .. a Harold, Wall— Roben, riding rrgalnrcycles. He espc- ;L Dot- 29; 'racy D. Smith, and Cul vE". cially . J.yed spending time } Creek 6aptisl Church. Sprvl wlrs include: n dough- JoAnn C�,k_ o , Doug Y He wn also preceded in tee. K_cenunun: grand- leaching them things. He was 4, ' daughter Jeesica, grandson Eli, Kelly and Mikc 5trnttnn vn s Boles W Ilnce, In October and "Ruffin-" 2S][12: a daughter, Joyce Marie pec -'10; Anna Marie Swish. Wnllaca in 1975; 2 siders: 4 - Daniel Patrick •bonny' Geraghty Sr.bm.hpn; by hie farher.Tttp,trav Wilbert ---v n spacin and I friend, E=lk lois. Daniel Potriek "pinny' Geraghty Sr., 55, died a[ his Li Miller n 1J"_ 31; ex - Survlwrs; 2 children, Tbm- home ander the cure of liospicw on Saturday, pec- Z4, Dula puns nerd lactic _ Smoot Sl,rlt.n Sr- and Abhla Amy Wnll.ce and Crystal Kelly nn p• Ja1; Zucln 141 ior, Alat, $airy Shcliaa_ and a broiM:r- [Dougi, a sister, Pe Tall. . - ggy He was a native of Queeos, h, Spry and Will Vaughn on ` all of Mnrkyvillc: 4 ! ey N.Y., bora Ola 3, 1961, and Survivors: his mother. r, Bet• Inn. 2: and Fri, Sampson, [he van p( the Into Ran,ix Eon xtc Jet" Shd.tM Smith uF Mocksvi]le: '_ children, l7in,pu. W-tI--vr Chita Se gu. n5j.min Smith and I-b— .rid fsa6el3r MCl<men Gch He it's Sh¢m P=, of Mcdrsrllle, and Amanda "MuR" Hanclinc Wayne Wel]pee, Payton Thomas Kelly and Spencer Walk- Oln,kburn pn inn. 3. (ban¢) of Hannvny;.4 grandcldldren, Hualcr and Hayden u Kelly, all or Mocksvinv; a great-granddaughter, R.ppnn PJnine Wallace; angulations ID lire i'I,"I ng Ports, COL.ap"1 HaT1010. nad r. M. Milky, n sxeprlough- and ntnrrrcmus nieces and nephews. • A f couples eelellrnting their on- ter, L,ca Ireland or Mcekav411a: and a sister. I'.Nncin Polls ...0 service was cunducled an it am. Saturday, Doe- 24 .t Futon Funeral Chapel with Dr. Charles Buck- viyesxary: Kenny and y t Hamm of Carolina Beach. A faneml crake will be ...ducled at 3 p.m., Friday. and lite the Rcv. C1teg McCweq nrfieiadng- Burial fol- Kenton and Tommy mrd Dec 30 ane Courtney B¢ptin Church in Yadkinville with Dr- lowed in Bear Crock Bapnly. C'humh Cemse.ery.The ralllily r I '-- ��I Connie Dyson on•� Riehanl Capps end rhe Rev, Ricky Atkin& afficiatuig, Tllp lncai ttl friends at .he funeral home one hour prior to the ..•, and Chnri,s and Grvra ryrg- body µ,i6 1x plat;" In rbc church 30 minutes prior to the cervica �. Ia"d on J.". 4. If you would s=toic.. Burial will follow in .he elm.11 eerrleaery. The Memorials: year Creok Boost Cemetery Fund, 1190 - ik. nn .nnivers.ry ur birth- fnlnil 11 raceWe friends from 6.8 y wn P -m., Tllurulay, Der. 115 601 N, MocksVil[r; or •.__pfeelF'al lin[ivn CarcCrnter. _ doy p.slul, plasm do -1111 - -' 377]Ie% Ral St., Ste. 103, MD.k%v46e- P - h`si to w - Dr =marl mc- Sadie Milstead and Cole and Travis Turner et Creative wlIh Christmas cards before art ❑yang Cookies at the Hannrony lib; Shcfhe]d-CSdahaln Vlrb g' mccti"gs An, hold meta ."Ih. m rcyl and Matthewtee hodt or Mph ntla,an2 dough- Monday .kiglll at the mtio Thr I hudid Frank dneu- Anne Bowman 'Vir>:[nl>a' Pcele of ]vie; baro. both of 1.1Den nisrte;? elle S[ephly i lets, Danielle K a. 7.'Th. jiu [Lary men.ings man.ary DVD is avAllablr ' -and uoy*n, bmthcn. Kpy4n Demgh.y SDa"nY's twins and Dennis Ger. agh Y. bosh of New Y9ek; 7 gra"dchildren: and his 4 -legged are held the ce ^axul Monday evnmf PI -71 In [own In. c.mpani,nx,.lPpolloend I¢ay. lkreRda Sue COnffeli She was b9ri1 Jan. i5, 1912 in Nutty Coun[y [v Ihw lulu 7Ihmhy ercecil Ilton 1, 11 7, eluding the FPrks oT ih. Brenda. Sue Connell, 75. or Mockyvlllc, 11 Id on Frid.y. nM Annie Flippin Bcw ,m. Mrs- Prr1c e. a be; BPptist Gpmghty, and ¢niece, Chriseine G.mghry• Many folks is ,pY Wm- YWkin uFF- M 34 CW+n or Courtney Church where she was pcdve Viviwnlah will be from " p.m. Thursday. Dec- 29x She w horn in R-- puny cnjuyed rue Curl.. Square. Denalionn pre li. Davie Funeral Chapel. A nelnhenklem of life s ice will an Counlyavn lane ] 3, 1941, mat Svv sdrvl,cs al Ijamcs eeptad far 1,, DVD. Con- follow at 8 P.m. al which Nme memor"' will be Aw"'d by rhe daughter of The isle Olin andnn theold Zk1n Incl me I infonra more - family and friend'. Cmdekll s: en.ar.davlejunerab,rviceceul. Mitchell Conners null yerad. Church. Boit w Cele- lion. - Lucile. Wager Conner I. A grad. -- •;• � ;7 sista- Suevly ing: her Children. Stench (Jeel) Whiurker, Gerry bradn"nfmirSlwior'ahinh. GrassUl will "dor a a or Wovdleal High SehooL, - site was a mombcr of Trynity (Kn[hy) Pette, Rebecca (P.d"iel Gregory: grm+�hHdten. Anti- ••Apar' Wood Brawn died on Monday. Dec- 19, The All Bib] Study nT Friday, J"n. 2(1 n1[ the Farm- Denlsc Holl, James .Yhilakcr. Kayl "Kyle" Whitaker. ;p 16, surrounded by her family. Moxviltc Manufncluring Co. Ijam" Bnplist is ilcld each Ington Contmpnily Center - ■1 and S&F f tanuracturing Co- r, t unday c enkng : n 5;45, Doers open mall P.m. I'w " for some 1e years- Thr curdy is the 8npussn and ¢ale retired CNA and had worked Faith pad Me9sagc, bVBI ssatn7- Adm Lssnon is TgAM Kid. for ngaa i $6- A Jam 9css x Fuld The family weu to rreeive fiends. ftVrn 1.2 p.ne. yearn Ihm-Alk Slh grade, iu Mo.dny a ening n1 vCommu- l =s• rna.w arch sundry "t rhe ra, "i"81wn - Place, She d lyyi-1 8 - 1jatacs B1plim free" 5,- any Cenlvr at 7, Willi atm" at yr"vh, Gib- a t[a- conres- P.m., Ind thea, f7 -• 12.h grades, "Veru rix 5:45 sk,nv. •Iltrrr k a S2 charge, -bi She yva aaluvinp r arca• ne Conner] of Weasnm-S"Icm: n f reraeaxiwl and Bible Its. but "msieions 6 1 in Few•, Dr, RicMrd Capps and the Rev. John 13 town. Burled was no owls. f1J'a Mush, Hall will h— bmeber, Buck Connell (Bcvyt Yomh meetings al Lib. a Jam vaasim Friday night. Wine Corks and glue meant Christmas Crafts (Or these two at a Maker Monday at the library; While eery Wealpya" ore held each W New Yoar x Cvc [may Sage Milstead Lisa WardO, time. Wedi,uh, ;" S:30 g -m -and 4 I be k. -Id on So, kid". and grandmother, enjoy story the PmLee Tcmn practice is Bring your 1'n+'Orile Boger Donald and Jessie Roper, Phyllis Burg—, and Arcola .l 6:30. Prayer :t " +r L, f ,pd arld —me opt and cel- joining Lnrry's K.,..ka• chHdrcn TO -4l. la Tvddu'r ormn baps$, and Cmyvns and K -we, Melvin Allred.Tom rnch Sunday morning at =brut, the New Ycp; with f"on 6.9 prn, ar the Hat Slorytime each Wad— Christmas -themed pookiea C-iocr, G.H. Gnforth, Bryon 9:30• tamfly and (v ds- Dopy Diggily Diner, LLS 601 S- day momma from 10;3(1- for s nek>:. lilt two trolls Swot, Jean Rrnvis, Swt"{a Wo.hip —fens at J -C, Kennedy will provide For r,l1 you hunting , Il p[ .hc H ... Wayilubli we cut mask curler, Lori Oyieu. Vii Ned Community C:Dyannnl nn: music daring intermiaslnn. dms t'. check v .-, Library, •I'he chi Wren 'sing front a pope;¢pinta pan a Beck, Bcrtie Stour, Sherri tf.,e- 1,.W each $u "" at 10;45 BJ's is atI IG TLrkeyi 1 Krrr7-nd—axran or slings. Piety l taxied insuv- cord lbs c!I{IrLun efc,oraled Dyson. Johnny Naylor, Dol and at 6 P.m. A email Road. Cv".e1 Billy at 336• book Grn7 Gurdrmra. 'this menta, enjoy , snory, do with stickers. Koller, Mi -both Fosmr, giq¢P Bible Study ix held 829.1195 ar LyM lit 336- I. ksa muss seeTV ]kvn %arum ,tufts crud have mucks. Maker Mondays willIre kick Swisher. I•ut Moore. cath WedlicXy fmm 7.8 679.2274, of .1M g—u outdoors. par Hprnw"y's City ylrmas +Tory- closed on rhe 1pn- 2 and Simms $alley. To=ld Qlson, P.m- Do"¢ti.ns For Smrv- Sc -"I !'arm ourcal"- inFonrunkon, count., time h1eludcd Clutch..% On the 4th, mike pinacvn, Deborah Nichols, SyWka Muse For Jeeps win he cul- Mutiny show their singing jnrly®Rr+r7wrfdnora'xour, wuriea, music, two crake, a blxlferdcrs. Da tile 23rd, kanedge WIIlinrvs, Joyce len=d the lest week OF eyery Talent each Yrridny night by Mefi%sD Gnklper issyitrs gift bug inn of "ady, n cot- make CD disk snwwsnen Li=ck, Well"nn Beck , Hu- She wo also Ine`-flied in n"d on the :H ,1" make a -1 Smoot. Wand. Hede, Joe College, whet; he was en -map- w mar" br n bran, This Chaffin, John Wall-., Lena MemcriAls: T rinir Ba y prise, 2722 US 601 S-. Mor s - is . line. roe preplc n1 crc- Mac Alien. Tim Keller, Ju- !! QmoeksViilesmiles.com 1 and!cera. "Lor Dunn. Berry serval 3a d1n V.9- Army f LE04invent John Hestpn LEGo Club nu�c[s Than- Mau Lrsswcll. John Henry Cmdelencelit 2 _da•+rinnrrrrlrrrvrr:es rm, =413 enill-ity peklee• day, Jon. 26 at 4 pun, and Reevez. Tnnttny X.H.C. Reasons to 1fisit us for your child's dental carpi Salurelay, Jar1.28 y ]011111, 5hirMy Smklh, Naomi W - • dnndren got a great donlalcTvrlenca.EWry.iine-D. Don't oke Fridays an 3 p.m., then non, Shirley EdWasds, Ron- . we have 7vr F fence and haw yearso .piper ;word Fpr ih y LFrIO Clnb Frce Put niv Y- Thump,.". Charles prwldad dental care xo over SJOW chMpst elsil cur wehslte at Majeer $pturrloy in Jonv- Smith, Sorry Mcrh,niel, Parents W thoawnm roamwl.hchild. macksvillesmilvs.eom my are From 10-nnara. On Barbarn B.nlcy and Rpn• Pracdea sofa sedation ra s , tvsiimv"ads from moms. lite 7th. make snowman nkl R;rllardson. aur sinccm Wevnly use rmn•tonlc dint.] and medlramemCi planalFwhlta Flrngsand suing cheese, 141h pine- wndoMnces la dte John cony birelfc.derx. ? Id sn1 W -41w rami ly and the Kre. o-tpide emwns. M.0 .lop vfici"ing. Burial I'O1[wed in Rose Ceme.ery inwit 'ren In 1 bertde, and on the kskc Spear !'mnily • Rllyervlces under,nemrr ineklding� -., 281h Cb disk snowmen. Submit items to hrjhae- �vee Lhr allagn aa.d le vlMemoriNs; Prayer requens cvnunue fey®arse xn" w c¢ki 75i- to help offset Iin.l =ap=s=e, Dank F.nem1. GreVe, f 0o1t1..._...340.00 for Madeline Llpish. I.W. 7567 by 2 p -m - rat Sunday_ li," Wewontrom[keyrm�paielR ppyrye`v¢ntprel�r+l;h¢,'Ctaenrtr: Jackie Morton Jerry Thames Poltx �ordh��pP Jackie Mono" died al her HanelzneBEAUTIFUL larushNp home 1" Cpaleemee on Nvv. duel Saturday. Dec_ 2J, 7.U16. a. his horns. spurrnifd fD ENTIST R Y 21. ioi6. Paint"' He was bank June 14.1928. She wns pr.d.--d hy: 7ilterFer and. Ederlor • r her parents, C]'- Me"— and + PressTJre `i4'asfng 336-940-8560 DAVIE COUNTY E FERPRISE RECORD. Thursday, Der_ 29.2Y 1s - 11 Obituaries JohnThoma;• Wal Lace Jackie Morton Jerry Thames Poltx Mr. John Thomas W-"—• 88, of k46erry _t.ueh head, Jackie Mono" died al her Mr. Jerry The— Potts. 62, of Cann Road. Moeksvkne. Mocksri lie, died Weduesd.y, Doe, 21, 2[I 16. "1 Kam B, home 1" Cpaleemee on Nvv. duel Saturday. Dec_ 2J, 7.U16. a. his horns. TCeyn.3ds Hospice Home in W;nnnn.Salem- 21. ioi6. He was born 00. 2, 1954 in Iredell Cnpnry. He was He was bank June 14.1928. She wns pr.d.--d hy: ember of Co ... my 13,,lp[im Church and telired C " n L.Dac Hickory ar the Isla her parents, C]'- Me"— and I T. --].Rand efwr 43 years, Wil[Lam Luther and P4ucl Me e Com Be.s.n Mouton: broth- He I.,.d hunting, Rahing and _ Hutchens WnI4a�-e, M. Wal- .. a Harold, Wall— Roben, riding rrgalnrcycles. He espc- ;L Lace was n member rsf pear and Cul vE". cially . J.yed spending time } Creek 6aptisl Church. Sprvl wlrs include: n dough- with his goukefdtildren and Y He wn also preceded in tee. K_cenunun: grand- leaching them things. He was 4, f+ alh by his wire. Cloy— daughter Jeesica, grandson Eli, Fond of his yuppie+. W !ly and s Boles W Ilnce, In October and "Ruffin-" 2S][12: a daughter, Joyce Marie He was preceded in death Wnllaca in 1975; 2 siders: 4 - Daniel Patrick •bonny' Geraghty Sr.bm.hpn; by hie farher.Tttp,trav Wilbert ---v n spacin and I friend, E=lk lois. Daniel Potriek "pinny' Geraghty Sr., 55, died a[ his Potts; gmmlPatems. Fnenk 1eW -rays - Survlwrs; 2 children, Tbm- home ander the cure of liospicw on Saturday, pec- Z4, Dula puns nerd lactic _ Smoot Sl,rlt.n Sr- and Abhla Amy Wnll.ce and Crystal Kelly 2p14. $airy Shcliaa_ and a broiM:r- [Dougi, a sister, Pe Tall. . - ggy He was a native of Queeos, i n.law,'r r y Hvmm- ` all of Mnrkyvillc: 4 ! ey N.Y., bora Ola 3, 1961, and Survivors: his mother. r, Bet• ndchil grandchildren. James 77tomaa [he van p( the Into Ran,ix Eon xtc Jet" Shd.tM Smith uF Mocksvi]le: '_ children, l7in,pu. W-tI--vr Chita Se gu. n5j.min .rid fsa6el3r MCl<men Gch He it's Sh¢m P=, of Mcdrsrllle, and Amanda "MuR" Hanclinc Wayne Wel]pee, Payton Thomas Kelly and Spencer Walk- ag�t c- mode rare ¢ k ";Iver where h, (ban¢) of Hannvny;.4 grandcldldren, Hualcr and Hayden u Kelly, all or Mocksvinv; a great-granddaughter, R.ppnn PJnine Wallace; earned .he nickname of ••Rand Dag" Ports, COL.ap"1 HaT1010. nad r. M. Milky, n sxeprlough- and ntnrrrcmus nieces and nephews. • A f star-" iris fell— truckers. ter, L,ca Ireland or Mcekav411a: and a sister. I'.Nncin Polls ...0 service was cunducled an it am. Saturday, Doe- 24 .t Futon Funeral Chapel with Dr. Charles Buck- While living In Davie Cbun. Hamm of Carolina Beach. A faneml crake will be ...ducled at 3 p.m., Friday. and lite the Rcv. C1teg McCweq nrfieiadng- Burial fol- ly. he "trended Trinity Saptks[ Dec 30 ane Courtney B¢ptin Church in Yadkinville with Dr- lowed in Bear Crock Bapnly. C'humh Cemse.ery.The ralllily Church - Riehanl Capps end rhe Rev, Ricky Atkin& afficiatuig, Tllp lncai ttl friends at .he funeral home one hour prior to the Survivors: 6 sons. penny body µ,i6 1x plat;" In rbc church 30 minutes prior to the cervica Geneghry fP.lici.). Steven Got" ghty, Vincent Gereghly and s=toic.. Burial will follow in .he elm.11 eerrleaery. The Memorials: year Creok Boost Cemetery Fund, 1190 John Velrnla. fnlnil 11 raceWe friends from 6.8 y wn P -m., Tllurulay, Der. 115 601 N, MocksVil[r; or •.__pfeelF'al lin[ivn CarcCrnter. ala of New York, 29l Farun Fmurat Home_ 377]Ie% Ral St., Ste. 103, MD.k%v46e- P T•h.mas M.Ae [Court - Memorials: Courtney Bapnut Sunshirtc Club, }j41 rcyl and Matthewtee hodt or Mph ntla,an2 dough- Courtney Chu -11 Road. Yadki—I Lt., 37055. Anne Bowman 'Vir>:[nl>a' Pcele of ]vie; baro. both of 1.1Den nisrte;? elle S[ephly i lets, Danielle K Condolepces: ttort;-eana,Jnnrrnfsrn•r�•e,c.+m. Mn. Anne "Virgimn-' Bowen peek. 84. -F Ymlkin- -and uoy*n, bmthcn. Kpy4n Demgh.y SDa"nY's twins and Dennis Ger. agh Y. bosh of New Y9ek; 7 gra"dchildren: and his 4 -legged viae, died vn Monday, DOm.2fi, 2016 az her home- c.mpani,nx,.lPpolloend I¢ay. lkreRda Sue COnffeli She was b9ri1 Jan. i5, 1912 in Nutty Coun[y [v Ihw lulu 7Ihmhy He wvs aksv preceded in dealh by a brother, Ttmo fly Brenda. Sue Connell, 75. or Mockyvlllc, 11 Id on Frid.y. nM Annie Flippin Bcw ,m. Mrs- Prr1c e. a be; BPptist Gpmghty, and ¢niece, Chriseine G.mghry• pec. 23, 2014, at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center - or Courtney Church where she was pcdve Viviwnlah will be from " p.m. Thursday. Dec- 29x She w horn in R-- wnh the cholr and music minls.ry. Shclaving wilt, Davie Funeral Chapel. A nelnhenklem of life s ice will an Counlyavn lane ] 3, 1941, mother, g—den d.r. homemaker, and wns drrored nD her follow at 8 P.m. al which Nme memor"' will be Aw"'d by rhe daughter of The isle Olin S fly- She was also pmceded in demft by her h"blmd. Edward family and friend'. Cmdekll s: en.ar.davlejunerab,rviceceul. Mitchell Conners null yerad. Franklin Peeler on Inn. 24, 2012, aryl by 4 brokb, s and n Lucile. Wager Conner I. A grad. -- •;• � ;7 sista- Suevly ing: her Children. Stench (Jeel) Whiurker, Gerry Annie Woad '10 al' HsOwn P a or Wovdleal High SehooL, - site was a mombcr of Trynity (Kn[hy) Pette, Rebecca (P.d"iel Gregory: grm+�hHdten. Anti- ••Apar' Wood Brawn died on Monday. Dec- 19, paptis[ Church. She te[ircd .s a sn:vltspeaa, h.vhtg worked fur Denlsc Holl, James .Yhilakcr. Kayl "Kyle" Whitaker. ;p 16, surrounded by her family. Moxviltc Manufncluring Co. Latin ey Reaves. Ash„den Bead! She was baro GeV 14, 1942, w the late Edwvrel Alen and S&F f tanuracturing Co- gte gree -gran ;,Memos fidehild Blow- "Bili'• Wood and Will ruse= Witliams Wood. She wase for some 1e years- : nae: and severe! "feces and nephews- retired CNA and had worked Survivor: _ dnuguten, The family weu to rreeive fiends. ftVrn 1.2 p.ne. al punvmn Cnrc and .. Davie µ'yore CaanclL (Donn. Rvp- Wednesday at Caunney Baptist Cbuyeh, Her fu_0 scy- Place, She d lyyi-1 8 er1 Mlaefi k. and Paula vLca way [v follow nT2 pm- 1n Cuunney Bap Ni l Church by -bi She yva aaluvinp r arca• ne Conner] of Weasnm-S"Icm: n Dr, RicMrd Capps and the Rev. John 13 town. Burled was no mot eh rand grandm,.hcr- bmeber, Buck Connell (Bcvyt Follow in the church enmeleyy. Survivors: 2 sons, Donnie of Cooleemae; 2 size ens, Paule[rc Chani" fliogerl of Cool• Contdole[tres:,.1.•w.grtrtn�mrrrtl:r.+fc'e.lm++t. and Ge— Allen. and a daughter. mcrnee and Dianne WaBcr orS.]isbury; spednl friends, Melissa $mwn, all of ].rocks- Donald and Jessie Roper, Phyllis Burg—, and Arcola villy; 4 sisters, Linda Wood, Lewis; plus her 2 spr.kal e—p."ops. Penn,, I Brindle- RoLer[ Hall `Hall' Steele with whom she has lived. Sue she was also preceded in demh by: 3 sisters, Lois Nlch- - Robert Hall "Hall" S. -lc. 88. of Salisbury died Sprlday, Hicks (]--I sad Palsy Lain. via, Joanne Reeves a"d Vi ky Connell: and 3 hrmehers. Bar• Den. 25, 2(116 ane the Glenn A- Kiser linspice House. - all or Mo,ksville, nod Kathy ry,• Dewey and RJ. Connek[- Hr wa%bowl tray 28, 1926 in Sldkshury to the lane Mfr- York of Lexington: a rick:. T'hc F iiy received friends from noun- I p.m. T"esd.y. galel Hell Steric and Ruben. Lee Steele. Iic was a yraduale N.khan Williams of Leringlow Dec,27 at Devic Funeral Ch.W.'11. celehradnn of lit v1 Mi, Ult. High School Class and 6 gmnd,hildxp- ,vice was in the funeral chapel at 1 pm- with Pastor D__ of 1945 and aneeded Moa Hill She wo also Ine`-flied in tell Co. vfOMring- Burial was in Flown. Menton"[ Park. College, whet; he was en -map- death by 2 sk..rs. Jean Hill and MemcriAls: T rinir Ba y prise, 2722 US 601 S-. Mor s - min of the baaketbnll scam- He Peggy WiL'o¢, her hus6md, Donald Allen. and A grcndson, viae. serval 3a d1n V.9- Army f Chnsn Alkn. Cmdelencelit 2 _da•+rinnrrrrlrrrvrr:es rm, =413 enill-ity peklee• The Family ily tncelvnd friends fmm G8 pip, Wedarsday, w Oak Ridge. Tenn-, art" , Dec. 21 al D.vie Funeral Chnpct. A cel.bralion of life . a n[ Sandie y:,yr, A3bugnrer- seNkre was pandnned n. 2 p.m- Thurvby nt the funeral C,,,.N.M. He graduated fmm chapel w31h the Rev- Wayne Swisher and Chaplain Brenda7a- Clenu r. VnivcmIty in L951 M.0 .lop vfici"ing. Burial I'O1[wed in Rose Ceme.ery inwit AMo �,�_Tank Flll, a bachelor's degree in ng- -., ),lock -Mc- • Mulch 2P lb:..............$8.25 vlMemoriNs; to help offset Iin.l =ap=s=e, Dank F.nem1. GreVe, f 0o1t1..._...340.00 Service. 4lG Valley Road, Momit—kle- • Rock NOW 7OG IG. Tank my fraremity- lie pPool mote Criedpleice� p,.•m• r; ,rrra� r„f<�,•a,". • FII Dlh PULL -.—.5149.99 SO years In public "Mice _than 887-0 US Hwy. 64 • L.rdngtvn, NCy, to Rowan Count hile own- Flo an RathV Wlllioms oaaeepMan-saif4rnrantarnM0) S ot;Steele Fend � Seed in Ml. Herman Ralph 76, died ,%1 Tuesday. I]eC. 13, g:ppaenaBCpm 336-787-0207 Ulla and m.nnginir in for .if1 yen". It. served 12 Bonn on of his dau 2y1611 nlln hwsse of his daughmr M Mocksvi!]n, the Rowan County Board of CammlMi—c., four as chair. A memorial s nkricc will be held on Wednesday. Dec. 28, He grow up work Ing in the family busituss.a genual amore al Itant- - Kennedy Fractal Hume wish the Rey, ]assn in Ml. Sllln That his fiber .reha$sd. in early 1929. In ad- Ch rack e,flidining- dition Ta grccerics, hardware and clothing.. he snort served He wase native of Moore COunty. He worked in the Ax the post nfRcc with n barber chair in the back for shaves YC- furniture M J.xn for many yeah - 9 and haircuts. He renu The •none afar college, and in He Wes Preceded In deazh by patents; Hennas Allo" and 1953, facing co rip' ition from n jot grocery sx y, be M.ry Janc Motion Williams. son- Herman Antony Wil- Changod the fetus of Ira bllsi.oss 1. farming. He exp -til liauts- _ to Davie County is lite 1989s end owned S.celr T=oed and Survivors: daughl.n, Robin Fteemn" .f Albcnmrle,An- Seed In Mucks ii3e. During the 1970s, Steele Fpcd &Seed gie Davisand Lurie Duncan, both of Robbins, and Kim endd more than 200 dairy farms in a skx tnirny —.L sca Neely, or Mocksv111c: la gmndchildren: 12 great -grand- It is hard to After tetimnaeal, }re and his wi Fe, Rooney, who workxd In children: sister". Susan Davis and Juyec Bass; the store with him. sp—. patT of their.i"e lit their --nd the Bob Melton and Rvhen Will irons. WILD are.y. to 1 zaFi hone in Sperm sed traveled widely- L, C—,I.lences; pin"Llie 11 -,a+. go th-U9k , He as. preceded in death by 2 sismn. Mary Ida Sleelr Mathis of G-ni.e Quarry un N., 1. 2430 and bene Steele W ser on April [.22014. S—i7m- his wife. the former ka,nlind 0.1lurean or Ahoskip, whom ha horrid Dec. 27, ,952: -- sons, Reibeta Van" S.cele and wire June or Mocks Ill. and John Ridley Steele sad wife Joyce of Bear Poplar; a daughter- Mary Margaret Steel. of Wake F.ted: n sister. Frames Smc]c Ballad aF Mx- ultra: 2 gra Pndchildren, Etlxabedr Sneele Pattern. IJared) and Mangatet S1 :Tr (8ra"don Davis": 5 great-,randebild—. Helpaic Snenc, Emily vaaers.n. $e Jamin paaam s,a- Ltlyb pe Pait e,on and S—.cl Pat- terson. A enenraaial servime was co¢dacred ad 11 si"_ Weelo s day. pre -_'8 sa Th]adra Preshyxen: Church with be l2ev- SL-,- Stock offrel 09_ -Ar-gninn fe l o -ed in "be, parl.r- M a i:•• Thy.0- Preeby+rr , �-0 V: ane Road. Satisbml'. 28147; or ria the donor's rboiee- L+ r1n1...-.�- .,•ww.swro+arr xfmrrmfl+p+aerwn- Regmrfiass lvhedieryou c}roos [nT LrC.me7kon 5V4' am kxk in Otecast Single lir affordable payers[ nt pLwL CaMkor1a1,r.r edAdmux P1art lig Advrsor RL 336-7664714 Vogler & Sons Funeral Hulme MI Fcynokk Road. LYmstrrL .rde-27106 Dignity 2349N5ad1mbCfla1kCD� CloemmICIVI27012 14- DAVE COUNTY Fl�IT�tpRla'EFHCDRD,Tbanlydy', Dec".21fl1: e DAVIE COUISEW ENTERPRISE 11rc_ 29.2016 - 83 Sports Nobody's Perfect West Forsyth Hands Davie Wrestling First Loss Ry [I Man Pitts Davie Eiama nsc Accord The Davie w e..tling tenni s blissful sc, on til n speed hump at Wrst Forsyth un Dec. 2l. The War Eoglc. lost the hat lyi-d showduwra v£ onbc11Ilns, 28.2-1 1,) the Titans, and lhcrc weer: p[enly .f Amialdas and oouldns aper the War Eagles fell a win or Iwt1 si,M. But mhcr than missing their ,Lhance to win the Cen=l piedmvnl Confr[rfire'f rtgulnr-season dde fwihe 26th lime,a wiling is cool. _-E-yah-L., 1. Sue. Everything 1h. a5 on the prt:seaaon .able remain. m, the table - dre catrnder nems J¢auury. Davie 105( by six points Iv the arfrnding 4-A champion and the fa -3. 1q win Ir all syntn in 2917. Fins the learns could meet again in me paatacnson.nnd [he War F gh s comfoncd by 1]]e face Weyw¢ni I- ZT- wl[htheTtt.- %lest conch Maurice ATWt,nd is enjoying another lncrxdihle -11 I.net winter, h!s second Wco teem went«, win [be uchaol's Rest duN.tennl some .,isle, Alwvod Wnched parklnna iv eight slrnighl statnchampi-1hl pa from=007- I4" West is 26-0.hp y¢.r,ex rending its mil ming streak to 76. Pteaw see l.o - Iaapp k3 Jesus Olmedci, a sophomore at 220. earns a 5-1 decision. - photos by Crift Mackie Middle Schools Split Wrestling Matchups By nrhm Dns".. lime m-, Rewnl ILhal is whnl midd I o- of-LooI --Il Lt between enunry 11-PIL should IoNrlikr"ellis'N4 I]nvie and ~.:Truth Davin went rat Inch athcr with fury nn Dec" k6, n,a hxk fag dnwn.s[orming back wkxn rl iag n s rl.,vs de0cols and rrenling drama ILL the Ina. Whcn all Ihre1 mngniicemly ompcdlior n umhas w re in Thr books, all three trams went I -I. V"5' Heal 5oU.w9 .nh bcal 6ikix. South brat Nwlh, North honied di lx u [m-inrense Irl-meet.They wi ll do I. again Jan. 15 of VIIIi, in the final malchrs of the scowl=. "1'd like Iv ha yr gone 2.0;' South asslsrautco.veh Rua1W]1 Hit- 1on said. "We've gota.oxher shot aI 1Jon, 151.1[ wi11 be close nest lime, to." H.. rat nuY m.tclres will go down t¢ the wkc_A:h ur two ethewa r y mighl , the dkRcrencc""" 'A pin here or lhcrc and we're 2.9;' Narlh coach Jamey Hull said. But if we give ap a pin same-hcat0-2just as envy. Rc lly. NI dime lemma a- .]must evTm 1 don't think you cnuld walk way saying anybody is better [Ilan anybodycls.. tjan. 15l will be pun 11. It w'il1 cone down to who gets a It here Ur thele [r who .-Y, .If their back or w110 gess a m.jear instead ora regular decision:' E11in and South kicked lhinp. 0Th Ihl. point, Ellis' uldy yloss 66.35 In We.x Rowan. Suu1h"a n1y Ivss wxs alae w W_Rowan, 72.30., PJIL:b.t� 8-7 oda¢ in weight elms sec 10 escape wish n S 1-45 victory. h", Ly Ja-b rtny (53-PmmJ weight class), Ethan Dr and arysnn porker s[.nked the Jaguar. =an `"r 843 lead" St+µrh•gv[ on a,e 11 with Adam Smwrryk's pin u lab• Nate Whill.y II17) and M tthrw Downey 1120) deli- plhs Iv give Ellis a commanding 30.6 i dranlagc" Brian Reyes (8-6 decision at 126) and F_1114h Sm1th [pin Al 132] pulled South within 30.13. Fdlls'Jr„bun lilir rJ pinned al 138.South's Ivan Pang pinned rat 145 and EIl is' Is:Lae Welab received . f0rfrir ar 152 as lil lis held . 4�- 21 lrml. I, III a rytane knew it mics al.vu[ lakaY.c Sue 5pla - Paha 11`4 Ellis, South Dominate In Basketball Wins Thu V11 i+ Ix+y.+ lwskelLN1 ream s urrrrs out [here." Svu[h wrs Ieel byjock Reynmds Ill points In the second, mclodin} ing U, No1r Hampinn x. Beavon extended tFlr besl.tart in kb 10 -gem 1 Hnmplon (16 points), Williams [ i2 poi nn ], FIt Holleman [ IOI, u pair of 3s. as South ga inee123-I.1 Arey 7, Tale Camey 6, Joseph history with two lopsided vlaeri- I12). Camey [several and Still_ Jack Nixon [eiyhx] and Ca11b sepnrarkm nl hnitlimc. Morton 4, Shue- Hnirsmn 4, The Jagnnrs wiped Iwo heat For- [seven, with two of Helix' Four Stcrk (Si e]- J-Wilklna'cighl-lu+int[hird kept Za-H.mo M -Wk A. I•nka Stillwn syth Cmintry Day 54-7 on Dec. Y. 3 -pointers] paced the vile ase. Norah dose For most of the thka. 3. Alex Sommers 3, Camden Bcck 'EWelve guys crocked [he 5wriny Hnmplun hrr,<the No- i scoriny av- Going into she Sun+mil came 11 was 50.24 herare Svulh closed 2, kukL William. 2,Jnke Powers 2. colunrrr. Ira hy' 4- Bowling[91, go m 155. fnklbwed bywllkams ¢n Ike" 13. 1Vonh Dov w's Jan with f 'sten ight polus" In the S. Davte S5, Culvnry Z6 -Jack N- H¢mptvn(51• Bea Amy CI) rat 7.4, Coney.t 7.1 and Maddox Wilks had 61111 v aster fourth. the"figere ectendrd the run Reynolds I=. Mi Hof lemon IO, and Tare Cnmcy [S], 111 G"4, sirrak.scoring 35,39 and 30 palm. to 1()-a and left NPnh In their dust• lack Niton ft, Ca1rh Slccir 6•CPZ Tllr Jaguars moved to 7.9 when "We've gv1 1wv groups %hal nnyrcptive games to lift his Reynolds buried two 3s in rhe final Rccktenwakd 4, nwen ByN 4, ern They rolled 6"1 rat Wesleypn rM s n .Cvrc against each whey whin a lmge to 31- lir did al1 he n -d' pentad n. Soulh surged to 9-1. Crensha++" 4. Hayden Williams 3, Dec, 15. we go head to Ik-d (in pr¢cdcel:' !n the Prsl half- 13 points - m lead Beynoldc,whp ks nvemglnK 15? CNet Earnhardt Z. JT Bnmg- r r Za'liaree M.ddoa was whistled Arnold tl.id. "We ger some good the Wilti-s [v acvnd'vrtnb]r 41-23 puinis aver lhrae gomcs, finished2. far two foul. in [he Pest two ndn• rani"Our pr+[lices have been mol w er 5>rinnth" with t4. Crenshaw t.lsn h.1 14, the M, puvla 4 t. Summit 23 - utes, hat PElis is s¢ deep it barely comprtilice.hon our games sof " 1 Wilk lh: nine -point first quonrr sixth time hr'shkt th¢T mark. S. -I, lames Wilklas i3. Nny1c S "i at In sacd a b-t' rep]¢"" Mud- EII i. will be ever, deeper when resulted in a ?0.5 Nunh lead. He nrld Holleman added oven apiece- k, Davin Whitaker 6, Na,e Brooks a¢1 at the point. and Carney aria fake Hill rcxums 1v full svcngdl in averaged 17 points i r last year's ^ We Ice din ru hasp amend:' 6, l"T. Allen i, W EI Summer:; 3. II -,-n took lv ms scoring. Luke ]anunry-. He has Tern saddled by 12-2 squad, and he's looking to kfncfield said. "Thr second half tiny ier Evans 2" Williams and Luisa Shc]xun ¢esu tilt u nagglug ,ajv ry. nxaking r.rnm shatter that ralurk.. an righrhgrad- might be dte Axl hal l w� ve played b¢ekce. during n dominating first appe¢raa.- in thrcr games. er" iVahle Smlrh contributed eight, all year. N. Davie 31 -Armies % lkins 15, gn.ncr Thai ttl the lone. "Jake would have hren a srazter while Dov in Whilnker and N.I. "Whcn Jack's on the floor in a F: rlstinn Lyons 6, Ethan Wilkins 4, "7 ¢[1 and Nara weer sanying if he had been rheic since rbc 6e- Bnwk%had sea each. guard s[mr, we're a dl ffCMfit %Taro- lr ate Smnks i. Navin Whitaker as'early] H coach Tmwy Amvh1 ginning of gee seasna.'Arnold said. iNhh Is omprtitwt Wirk ""_ hr's Tnv ire Evans ^_" "i", 'Talc was drMrip ad he was - $doth Davie hit aha aecclern[vr got Thor fight m hum. Fee's not the S" Davk 50-Jac1; Reynolds 14, grning I.askcrs or aein.g fouled. Smith Aavle smothered visiting knah-hard quarterand pulled away 6- athlete. He just � oapele Vie Ben Cr, ashaw 14Xaleb 51ee11 7, (C y, Hampton, Wliiia s sad Calvary SS.?5 on Dee" 1?"The Ti. from visiting North Davie. 50-?=, jus, makes things happen" l had Ml I- --;n 7" Gage Pt,ckie_ SllLisanl got us orf w a good sten. gens carvrd our 11-3 and 24-3 ]rads on Des- 15• t.eaa hringivg him n1T the be..h. weld a. IT Bamgamer 3. iymcir Beavaa did a good job gyring aaa in the Pest Iwlf. lust think haw wide The Wddulis f3 -t] ..era cern- but he waned lthisgmmey Lewis 2" in the off ase." the -Sin wx �ld have been had pe litt+-e f¢e u while" Hrawks• J-'.V"i s Tared a gamealigt< Hnw da toirra1n has Ellis Leen? 5o h started like rw 1. 3-poinrrr and Field goals From 15 for Borth" He r ended his t las . . %VexkSyu 43 - Sate Thr 15 -point margin wrl. xhc elm• -11w wind tail we'd h�ne.rf(. �avierEvara+.J" Wilkins anal EtM. double-fi gwes 1t 1 to Ib darinp li-plon Lute Willi- lz. rsn of the saasvo" F days) because x -r didn't score Wdki-allowed Noah ao sang wiq,- w lasTycar" He is averaging _11.1 of M: Cerus -, Luke Still_ 7, Cn. "We weer up 3D meld I .x ,, n rhe T.raa Four mivalas._ coach i t 10.9 in the first quarter, tiorth"s 435 points"K2C tiara1-,ems icb B_Ij ag b, J '.lame 57addos emptying [he bea,eh,".aroold sniS" C ?.I yA.kd-id-"ARrrrb-T BelC-oLib w tidmxaee .mann . +.nthsic. 4. Shaeraaxr M .coq 4. Brawn -AadtLb.VVrsleyaa coacbl kep[his mins -SM Ste' in xhc filar quarter. He ecploded for �p]is £.t. FCD 7 _ r ' 3_ Sle, 5uramva' 82 - DAVI E COUNTY ENTURPRJSE RECORD, Thmsdsy. Dee.29-7016 West ByBrfaa. Fills Dnrie E..Trise R There w- a Di light during u deCary sneak for the Davie girl. baskexhall Itaret- plcyingalfrxsr.plo Foraydl an Dec, 211, in WarEaglns 1iee1 the ac On n Ryiw Latter three play- a deep 3-po[n Emma Slnboch utld o d layup by Cnrer. M Forsyth Adds To Davie Losing Streaks White West impmred to Re— 9-] overall and 2-0 in the Central Piedmene Caniery rker of a cc, Dari. fe11 to 1-7.0-3. [axing n Most of Davie'$ offense unity came from behiad the arc as Lix Crcoshaw,Sha'veh Mw_ c. West 'Iaax and Slabach cambiaed e. lady Ice hit six 3-pvinters. Davi. reats hi[aereO inaIl,inrludingane o -point from Cartier. ter by Carter, Martine. and Sla- nting hath had eight POcnts each 10 organ pre I7arie- Lewis'lOpg two tied rya gain, to, l2. West was loo much f Unfvnunalely for Davie. Dnvie's boys, the TitanB lherc w a lot of time .- Msine the -lone in the fres[ straining. The Tlmng Cluftd quarter cad winning 6461 the fel quarter on an I I-0 to improve m 7-1.2.0- Na, they finished the hnlfan - Tire T11ans Wracked in six a 46.3 M., and they Wattlan 3s in rile Orsi gaar[er alone, to bear Darle 68.36. rricluding four foam Cooper I�Itue,sn race m[1an;Jl-I I Iwd_The teams were earn in the seannd Ruartcr. nlH W [ Icd 43.20 at the half - IF t of a11. they had the 517!- fadvanmge], but they also have great ah-..., cutch Mike Ahsl`W0%id. "Wc tried 10 xanetherm bc,anse we felt like rllna would be our bglchanr,.bot Cwp.r-th: four 3s by the endoflb,f1m qunrler. Then we swilched [o man-rO-mon and uicJ tv guard the rlriees more than the T.".. Tho W Eagles -,.ted one ae s run. Coleman Soli's }-pointer, Cavper wall's three-point play and Se11'g 346r-21 foul shooting .her gaming hnck,d an a 3 -point OIMrapr produced a 9-2 nen that chnpp,ed Wawa lead m 5442 isthe third. 'I71m Wesa Loomed itwcr- But Davie runaed it rightback wr. We est closed ththird ilhi rsna[ghtpoints,and it" utas that. Sr was West'. seecnth straight win In the "We had the ball down 12 and had to graar play tolled;'• Ahehcrsaid- ••And it w open. If we li nish the play, iS'srmobably 10,maybe nine. and whOltaows7 We had held off on millog that play. We -11ad IT and boom - there's[ s. We just wercn'l able 1y li'mi, it cut- V&_ ul- • V& esecalcd _ally goal, eapecia3iy in the second h.]f- w tall cd o lot ufsela and got sour, good stuff." Cooper Wall csrriW Davie with 22 paints and four 3+. giving hka 50 points and eight 3r in two games. C-- Mero- ek was She only orbcr W Fogle in double 5gu[es with Il pain[.. '-Cooper is oto of those guys who cn eic_w and Create his own shay,"Ahshnr said. "He's had really goad back-Wbaek garner •• The W Eagles [5-3, 0.3 CPC) Yee aearehing I an- swers m thele losing streak grew Ip Ihme.They will try tv redigcorcrrh.irrhytLm in Jre Sam Mois,Cbristrnns Classic. ..We gaveup a lot of points, but I felt like we played much better on de- frnae." Ire _id .'•YOu hal, lu ro lose three ins w. but there's bem a good m ents- We keep playing hard- We don'tback down f any- body. We fast aced a little lime off. gerher _=4_ little bit and gel ready f the Som Mair. That will give os a chance to rcgrvup (Gtr$) W. Foraylb 68, Davie 36 - Ryl- Caner 9, Shu'reh Martin- S. Emma Slabach S. Lt. Crenshaw' 6, Morgan Lewis 4, M[yo Tnhor 2. (Buys)W. Fornytll 94, Dade 61 . Cooper Wsa 22, 0-: M.Cormect 1I,Hwth Slabacb B. Cblcrnr.n Sell 8, Cary Heiner 6, Michael W.Rost 4, Dy3on Shaffner 2. SUCEU BUNNIES BCA.MQUE W EST RN BOLMQU E We HawMovedf CorDe visit vier hely lncatiortl 58-1 Court Square Y MockmAlle AzctomVtive 18317 tasty iplaa.¢e•!Y>Inp]riV{lierNC 0 sr afb40, q.rmrngloa Rwrd ndU • Com Lia aa,e,.tWxa aapalrA�LaaeaUp a.r�vaIInatritanau..�.nrra�pmne n.l...s,rwy>..u.. nonu. fc, ktuypr �.adllal�a6t=R...ae. LLL N.w.e Can • RliaamaerR nc rnrpaeireru,'+r.xr trwyaM ,max dansrPpwfr25y.•r coed +ka'Ni565hin-F.d, fix. ba# 338-998-7880 1 �sPire � 1 �flen li ng anti C:nnlirr3[ 1 = ~ . FaCartl trap/ idr CraeR of � tb f707,A0 1 1?''x.1��IQla_s11V11�{' 1 osvrlar rant I Bob lmnwn,-*= x�totally O.rnsd R g linsf d 1 Fury Uumt ed & Inxred • NC IJcerne t 3!627 1 336-936-9111 I Mm TRAP �NIC-N[IC Gamcall Croatians 1Fa91r:,xcrj8edennwtist R.us•A.ett �! Ra-Opcdng Jan2nd,2ZI7 Clreemrn,nnss 7667233 C17FWgnfrivnl Crpitl E1:iOrdtiRf4 Party Rtsnlals V RKINSOFING"Qa dity work Tiam 9.1. prar 33&753.8355 -rtecoo-. Fan4ablaaAin ��• )esoPO- -nein p ti 3aa'fwiSbver� Awp� aH� Fledatga He Iwrtrsa faYo4f• CrT�Cu�rc�YiCC=�o- (336) 9�3awpaar.i6aJRaa,t:r�H5�AYr1.S�a1n[iF5rm . urEE /�■t vxl le.nrtweo�g� � ':k:�� DAME COf_tNTY]ENTFit mSE RECORD. Thmtsday. D- 2%.2016 - 53 Kyle McCune, a sanlor at 182, Igtflted a Gavle comeback with a 3-1 decislon. At right, Je3sa Carter was a 5-0 winner at 185. Loss .. . Continued Ilam Page 131 M17Omenr.nrwr w.rin& it .It in 30 i6, Atw 1toldthe Wi nstan-Salem Jw rank"I'l I gu ahead cunt tell you 6 Pit w- I think Ihot noxi Ira 111 lx [even) better than wlu,l w,..re this ycer" Pa,Ber this season he laid the Jalmal: "Anything -hu" of winning Ju stare chnm0,a hip is going to be a disoppoinlmcnl. We have n really "ood leant mrd we're worked ..1ly Lord to achien: Ihnl gunL AaW Ov.mll! Think Wu aro momudo, cddeisyvur than we were lost year." After DarWs b. soar, In sev.e yews 119-O) w stopped by West, t3av e. Hench Buddy I.-uwery said lire a,, wens about like fl suppawd 1v -down Iv thea "W. didn't have a bit of luck;• hexald.•"thcy -LW whnr ,hay needed us and siayad off tflmir hack. Il was onthink caching mulch, bol I don't we tuned ted up tame capnb6if its and f think oar kids fl..Thor. L• veryhody up and down the linuupcoulJ have dm. a littlelooboner, and it w 1d 1 have been nun f.nh. taking, But Ilk. I soid(Ws. I did a heck Dia job:: At 1.1 In ahc CPC and with no Ocher ].ague Iwm 1.ppaari.V .1.1sk of OP.— ling West noticsa sartelhing �Taxy hnpprns, Davit will likely gv two straiylxx year. Wiliwmt winning the CPC for the rim rinw since 1492 and 1993. Thi match stared at 126. and Dnvie coslWl hello started any worse- It doapprd 1ha firs. seven weight c1.r s to dig a 25.0 th-hot- Ilio •Ver Engles fin3shod strong, aparksd by s nicer Kylc McCunc'x 3.l edocLt n n 82. Sen3nn Sessr Carter 15-0 tt.6.iou al IW J,suphons e Jesus Olmcrht IS -]d " I'm at am) srW soph.n An- 11,.1ny Olmcda f rdrfeit at 2051 chopped me margin w 25-13. But Duvfr had Iv tui, Dine anda 3-11 loos al 106 14,,d the issue al 38 -ES s wish only Iwo matches left. Senior 11.-r smirk t9.1 rnajop decision at 1131 and junior Nick Gillis (7-2 dtcisidn at E 20) ,lased the gap as Poria eaptuled six of flit fess rota w as eight classes. "One ofthe henernmtcle wrasd.dwasnt [20lwith Oil rix]: • LOwcry said, About Mose shoulders alul couldns- Carter, I. Dlmcdo and sn,idl won but nc.Jed biggerwins. Josh Shore ].,I 2-i] at 106 when We.r dirxleed, and It+at tuns a dif- f cull one 10 swallow bemuse Lowery felt like he deserved h.ner fele. '•Wc druughl Caner wuF );omgmgc[a jororapio;• I -wary Bald -"their guy int 195) did a goad job .f not gelling inner- Some thing lar 19211- we Ihoughl leas as going 1181 est.+ rssojor ur h'. we drought ISmilh) Ou]d tial. pinned ae r 13- "3Osh wax. !lou m get- ting s 1ak.dow-n and rlpae o Bening bad points- Bea cies.doesn•x wont unlsa it's hand gxmdea- Ylae xfcml did.. -t nail it, so S don't gUCSS + hadu_lfloshw'uuld Lars wren and neroded up=5-25, f don't know how Far down rhe crheria it ww[d havcgoneto dead- who die winner wns- 11,ey had onepin, but we had One (win hy) f rrfcir-" The sf Iver li sing: T]rr Maros wuld meet again in Fehrualy. and the tyles n�ulJ be -d with emmrolrs stoker on rhe line. •'They don't know how good they tun be:' Lowery said of his Mum- -They con he ns goad as Ibey wand to be- This match slwu'ed it," It tuts a I--, am mee[ at W_u mad Dari, had e reerifc rsaponse. includmga it -2i win over a Nonhwest Grsaf rd teem IhM was l6-0 cvmfrg i= 1b. a.ghr, 13 virgoapiasfoam H_Smi[h. David Signlon amd =Allen- HimreaS+.;st t� was by techniw fail. Gmis and J.Olmedvwon decisions A. Olnwdn gar u forf.lr, It tuns the hrsi n wf Y since YWG knockcdt Da i, tOf flte 2013 pinynffs with n 34-.W decision. it was jus, th, third nxedng slate 2010• In the 3010 playofls. 13.0c kmrrked out NWO 60-i3. In Doric s. third rnatrh OF the night, the War Eagle. ITm d East Wilkes h}- Ig.Freshman Victor Pert soca pin in his 1-ily debwi- Davie also got pins f mAl- len. Peyton 5h"] I. C7nywn Wise, McCune, Mt btu king. Cisrtcraad A.Olroeda. Sapha.o Ndl Spark won by decision in bis 59y- debut- Gillis. said 3- Olmedn err-u.ed rare The rr.-cx.far. Dark wh,lm,d the field in the 0th N.w-k cluais at •text Hunter Smllh and Kyte McCune hold posters to mark milestone wins. W.Lk-. outuoriug 1h. co - petition 307-51. The w were f= over W r Iz.11, 72-6 o r Forbush, 61.9 er Bunker Hil I. 62-h quer Alexander Cettuxl and48-24 er West W i[kes- Or The 24 point margin Wes[ w another marquee win farthe War Eaples.as the Bl -k Hawksenl-ad will! an 18-1 C For rhe day- Doti, go[ 5-0 efforts F Si;rrwr. Allen and use Olmedv corms_ Tammy Tradaz- wise sad %IrCune went 40. H.timflh. Gi3t1s andlos.ph Myna weir 4-1- Caner went 3-0. Ausl in Smfthw 0-I.l.Sh0_n 4 Sherrillw na 3.2, Bryson Hunlcr. a junior a1 195 w-hv had been awning a f.Otha11 injury. -1 2-0 in has season deb.- He went 5-1 in spot d..lasrye.r-I(ing wear 1-1_ Na1es: H- Smith is 3I me u.,ynarne,d 158-x1 it, his wr,cr.tyins him f fifeh is +.ins. Michwi Waters is 6tsa w h'01 w0a f 1007-I l_ a.as.xi Haaifi,ld and Russell Itiltan h -rd 182 and 191, nspe,lively, from =002-06. Alex Gobble had 159 foam ',rOlO-l.l- ltumer Led with older brother Ryan Smith. who had 156 ,xnseon- foam :b10.13 - Caner is 30-2, 1.13o -ed by T -de, l?Ii•61. Gillis (28.7), 61cCwc(28-71.A0en r 20-81. ' 126--f). Signs f25-,-1 ve t. 'Sho1'-4-I01• A- Olalola 133-0). J. Olmcdo iM-01-A- Smith I I"I. At<xrs 11:-91 and Suiokland410,2, Adds 110.'_3 64-I3AVIECOUN17YENihitPALS RECUItl1.7hurzdey.nee.29,20f6 Davie Seizes Major Conference Awards Aber-pronng the Crn-Dnvic5cb3ar3a.EdGrigg5 HendrLs. 1382,.Al.s. 30 _ ---. Anal Piedmont Conference w med punter of the -ek]es for last . eight sackyJ. chsmpionehip outright for year ❑rte-1 hi rd of his SP s'nlvr left teekle Lake Pk - .he I'mtimes 20W, purrs pinned opponents in- alas n.ur-yrarwrsityalart- D¢vie's funlbaq loam seized side Their 20 -yard line. cy, junior ,waiver Cowper three of six major awaryf¢. pmvrricks elaimed auaNu W.II (60cafe hes for 937 and Tim Oevertcks was or the year after guiding the yards, 15 TD cut= in named CPC Coach of The War Eagles w a 5-1 remrel 12 gnmcxl mid sophomore _ • - Year. ms interim coach.lavl weak 1.k[y Hite Merrifield (six _ N - The offensive In f me iolerim In rifled ns taxer,=e •; ► _ ��r p yet o g was prions). - the y- In the CPC was a he hecumc the 11th coach uk no -h iter. Dnvte sent., school him. In golf, junior Brooke quarterback Chris Reynold" The linesman nC the year, Svntkg erode aiLcunCereaca took that nfter completing kick,rorthc ycarand special r r Davie. The player or the _ 191 of 342 pnaaes for 2,513,rano player nflticyvr Wenl year Was Narrb'c Emllcc - yards and 29 touchdowns. to Mt. Thbpr-s Dia -Vont. We nmOth. The con of He also ran for 10 TDs. ClaNi l!. N.nh Tl.vidaun's the year wax Aengirn% Joy Ho set eight tingle-xeasnn. Chvia Dunn and Tabor's All redo sknglergnnw ..dr-cr rc- Knrrbn 7cter, msrece irrdy. In Tc nnia, Davi, snrll- N + t 1 t l cords while leadiIhc'Wnr True 7 CFC x�b.als pro- . in Laura Recker wax s.iilcx to l2-2 and mnc� dA dated 35 all-confercncc F14.,- 01113. yrnr nflcr Ming Reynolds Boyle Becker qu mrfinals. pinyerm, including 5 from 24.1 and renehing Ih- 4-A bekns;ve playor or the Dtev.,9 fmm WFnrsytL, qunncranals. noel, tn-mes Fester l.b.A.. made the In vvllcybnll. I7Puvi, rte- In Cmar country. Junior year wool to Dari. ec r 6 from N. Dartdsan and Rea- Claire My.. and Jenuikr team for Dnv10- The .ffrn- n .r-I'+ylo, Walton apd ..ph- Fadly Paad'r and fr.ehma0 linebacker lamer BoylcAll gan,4 irnm'Ihh.r and Park- Ngo and xephvmP"s Sierra Air, player of [lac yore w;w mrNnrea Morgan Worcs and Emerson Erantx of pav4e's ha dId wasoat school,reads fund. and2fmm Reynolds. Footer and Amnndn Ngo Wcat's Henry Cnchmne. Thn Lauren Cir..Ots were nnopr-A girls made the alk -cont r- rortackles k. a .-a- =6y Dnvie'e all conference se made ll-cvnferener, Rea- do Ccns y, player of the year fmm Davie. R.agnR's NL M teem. ltunncrs of the and in a career [497). Cody h•Clims were $ontnr rccciv- gut :r Stoat L:usnn wnsconrh was Thhor's Kenny Gantry. 91eck was rllrycrof the ]etre. year wore RaagnIN . ]label Hendrix also bmkm thu old er Senu Bycdy iacrc. TD u11h. y.ar. C. -IN or t he -V -r wns West's Tabor's RObkn Wcascl man Limm,rmna and Ta hor's reeonlf Tnck les in aseason. ealehes), ju n for Ilncbnek,r At sneer,. senior goalie Jeffrey Wltlinms. wan conch of the year. Camewn!r�ider. South Davie Girls Improve Record to 8-2 The South Davie girls ID games, finished wish 17, ri est game to ger over wil h. Alicia All= and Onkcr had third lass in a aaw dropped bnrkerbnll Iealll bear Calan] When the -figcn roulcd 34fdng Iter leorri41iglt nvvrngc ' "soth Ill. Dirks acv really Iwo Doth. [Ire J.gs Iv 4-3. .ad North poria, unpoo-d via Nonh D.A. 53.211 to 11.7. "'[ting butt, r. Rcagun IEs- 'Gar girls playcd hnrJ, So 8.2 and in c game iT on A¢C. I5, it marked The "Olio io got in ilNc open Icrl plays Ibe Eve ad abet cspeellJ ly on defense; • FCD 22, Ellie: 19 - Dell:t cored the Inos� paints in moat polars for South in cou".4nd she's jilA ton nth- gotten :� who l0, holler. Uovrlu Tata. "Bal ws must Kite 9. Lauren Dlkve A. Bas - 15 years. than 150 gams. l.tic," M¢yfcld said. "Ona: Fowler is coming along." flnd marc ways to s icy 3avw 2, On lJec. 12 at hone, the a When rhe First half ended. she gal in the open court, For Noah (2-51. Dcsire. We missed o Ial or Inyops Tig.rs bounced back from it was Caldwell IS. Nrnsh They J m couldn't keep up." Jnhnxwrl matched nCo- and second shots. We must S, bark 34+C.Inary 24 a lose to STnrmounT with A 9. Cn[Il s team orator L. Dirks had Hoc points. son high with cighT loin x, pncriee on finishing amu ml - Olivia Tatum l2, l-0ndan 34.24 decision .ver :Alva shipped as 5auth IAd She is Third on the l¢pm whh sumer Johnson bud lire and The basket:' Dirks 9. Layla Cnlawcll ry. Lay]. Caldwell keyed a 25.9 nt inlcmnlssion. nd.l evcr¢gc. CGancl Fowler ileelyn Oakes Lour. b, Sydney Dirks 3, Chanel 1$.11 halftime 1cm1 With six Cpldwell, who hod. -red s n,xl with four. Ellis e-ndurcd a rough Inns Rn kr 2, Thylor Hilliard 2. pomt,%, After sltlk.5 Out the i2 And 13 in eadkr gnmcs. WnThe T igerx aM-nded their Toon days before fn.- a[tlsnn•n at Rrr.rylh Country fixer half, Olivia Thlum look rinlshed with 21 to bump Iler w ping streak agir4nst North Ing Spul]s, Nvnh su Fr red A nay vn Dec. 9. Summll IG, N. Puvk 15 I in the second, .wring Nog avenge l0 7.9. It was No eight, and they pm up gut -wrenching 14 -IS home The Jagunm fell behind • hxxlyn Ebnght 4, Den tree r3ghagf Nhe Ttgcn' IO paints rhe meat l+y a5oulh rlayerin rbc nx+%I palma sirMu a soy- Ivss to 59mmh. I6-1 ] in rhe Third berore Johnson 4, Somer Jan— m the third. Her .u11w 1 36 game,. Sydnee CeIlemm� en[h-grad, game in 2001- The Wildcats had won mHying is ihn fe"In bellhld 3, AH m A11" K.clyn produced a 25.15 lend, and had 23 in n 5a--23 w ml 02. Thar year, c ach Tim two straight and lhey were n pair of 3-rvintcrs from Oakes 2. South eotoled from ,here. Nanh Dnvk in 20l iN n Kenney', ream dcmnl4ehed about [o mn1.. h Ih-.. They Lauren ❑live. s,Ir they went Tatum finished with ¢ "5he was a beast:' May- Southeast 73.38 behind 211 were tied or ohcnd The cntirc 'tame whh. 32- I9 Inas A\v. N. Davie 23 - Dnsiree Ieam-high 12 points. Lon- field said. "She c slap pointy Ymm ]3ritlln4 Young, way -,Intik IIIc closing sec- strnlght defeats c e by a 3ohnsan R. S.merJph.son 5. don Dirks matched a arm. out and shoot a ] W ur 12- 12 from Gm- Didcnku AId ands. They Icd 15.14 bei cornhinrd seven PTN r,.. Kealyn Oukes 4,Alrola Allen n high with n e. With F jump shot, but she jus[ I I each f t,lurren Parker Sumr+t it hk A shot with ] I "Thml w n lnµgh oar 2. Christ In. Coo 2. Carmel. T tum vol !h rho first half docm'l lhnr much. All [hose and VA.— Did.nke. secnuMs ]c t. Ia Woe;' tooth Johnny Hill Donlrcll 2. and hfadlyah Semler (.1ck) paints she goo No the Ti-'. "We're ",ting bencr er- "IT was a nugh Ivss;' said. S. D.,k 53- Lnyln Cild- .w fur dee game, the Dirks' South kept its Fvot nn cry week:' Mayfield said, ewcb Trevor I %aid. Delta Klle find n well 21. Oli vin TLIum 17, etaten (Landon and Sydney] [hm pus In IIIc Ihlyd, n IS -2 "rey'rc xurpris tag ran. Itj - ".V4� Jul enc xllp nwwy:' pain[%. O3 ive eight and Bat- I_pndon Dirks 5, Cliknel ••suspped right in and played nun Fueled by To "s nine dr, lime game againel Lex- Jncolya Ebrighr and D. ley Snow two. Fvwlcr 4, Mnliynb Serrate, Irslly well;' couch Germain pm3nls. Tam .who flats he,. i.gt m.I wax xcnllrlriny n1y Johnson had four points EIAs woo blown out au 2, A,lolee Harris 2,'r yl0 Mayfield said. in doubt. figures in six of head. I couldn'I wail f.r4hnt a 11- 5. lahnson had III— %V sh,Ynn on Dec, 1 5, 'rhe Hilliard 2. sprit ... Dates • Conllwamd From Page Di on len. 12, 2111 G. bk, hal ave Tried la lexseu doe Noah's Sheets phuncd m I52, ♦♦ � to gck sight 1 e hkom [?ilia c rcnmalantes If our could:' S-1,. rippedaff fire stnigin always forfeits at 160, 170 Next up wax North t To remain unbemcn on six -pointers- - nnd 182. When Dc -owe ng.inst Ellis. After hold as t],e se n, North n'eduJ Tl a rot +farted with Lye,- ]n[Crim Tag LLYICd For ACrericfis Lyerly, Ashton Wis = a lead Wmugh Ibe Drat nine ha huuvywc[ghk [o step np. ]y's forfeit m 150. W€I1Lumx •I -`III prvrrieks w med intarinl tooth of pavic's and Matthew Herrin , wetghe classes, Ellis gmhhcd He did )un lkm will. user- [lib). Taylor [ lx?s, Honis (gdball scorn on Oca. 12. Ancr lent the War Eoglas lo a the frcehiw in dose woight The upper bond AI 145. Nort" and -period pin. [ 1951 and La acnn0 I?211J is 5 -IMT rd litheeonrrrcnccennmpkawhipiumilatheseine4A classes, it w.s42-39 with -gained control, then wan "Brendon ga mkeaduwn full -ort with paha, The Ti- rtunrturrn.h. h. way officially ddead coach on Dee. d uee marches 4e FT, n do -or -div bntne To 250 ra (in The limt periods;' Hall gerx had put kl vu[ of -:,eh at 20 _ luix ;9th bin hday. The turning point for El- evierge wl eh v S 1 d3 vicwry• sa irk, '•He xaayed an 1tH has, 54-39, m d they 1'.,f.iled 1. ••You hoar n lax uF pc.plo any who[ ¢ "real ,pact, he is, lir was Tyler Tilley's mit+0, Ninc of The 3 G metchcs and didn't give up nnyneinu, LoNjul uµ henvywelglu, bur lies an even batte r person:' Davie uthielm dircelor Mikc dctisjon:a 195.Ar ]Taylor went Nnn1N's way, includinS We had choice C the recvnd Lnal your. Snot h's 4ft.4[1 Abshet said. -I it look mal shumiU. (afar Ott.-- Hnln+nn ns th. herd -luck loser f rho first lhruc wl,an Lune p-Wd and we look N.p.011cu win nvcr North xn upped nsignnl) and nor }uxr loandled it. He averred m Thrive in i[:' SoudN, l -,--dorso .[h bc- 11 i11 In.* decisioncd at a3. IT. got him brof:e dawn. hu the Tigers' 12- 1.Wh kuxi.g AM-), on Dc,cricks is upcoming. ing Lied or even up by three, Gray 'niurso pinned at 90 kept ]tis wciON rat :;.d streak iv North. Naw Sour" Fre9homerk Lose At WF EIIia had n 45-39 edge. and Blake J.nkins piano rte ran o power half in tlue re, has Taken two in a mw fmm pork's fmxhmnn boys hrekeThali team k,, 60-17 at Wear "Avery had him pinned;' 9S. E11ix rexpunded with pifL Once ke goT him turned over, North. Pnrvy[h 's Dcc. 2(l. Noah Bo.,b.IJ and ,,60 Norman Hilton said. "Avery had tutor f Tyler Snydernr 10fi lord we f ]T piety good •unless "Our upper weights led pnvkc wish Your points eticll. P on his book and the rof- Whllloy.1113, North's Som be kT go.f.recyehing-enol w-1led well;' }filum xnid. slapped the mat an the Imxur Cnlikns pinned At ] 20, out we were going to [_ able tv "We've still gen a toe of wgt1, Copeland 4th In lOtl Free went ofC.Bul he waved it off. Ell h'Dow, pinned at 12'6. get a pl t. W dv with Mr L'-e'eights. Senior Wynne C.Wand of the 13 -ie buy. swim Ie. - We talked [o file Ivf and he when Noah's Sudan fed- our lower weights are xix[h planed h+u nh in the 100 -yard F eslyle in 50,23 seconds in said the buster went off. But vis planed at 02, 111¢ Wild- Hoaxed on [he rrsullxufllte and seventh gr ,!d s'for the the Robert Sawyer Invil ntianal Don D-- 16. I liked his hand before the carr bad: a aE-18 k:ad. Back fitsl two mate - A down -m- n+.+x (xln. So They'll xtilI IikLL Dilviek 3,ays and girls trnms l.nh Enlxherk 12,11 aur l,f busacC weal off. The hurycr ca me Elli%. gc[linga pin fmm rhe -wiry senlggl. hctw,cn 'babies on [be rant:' 16 rkylms- wemafra.d[henhiehandhit Bliznrd a[ 336 ad n fgrPeil North and Solan ore ail I'm "I knew wish ISout11 Tho ma[. He didn't Acraunl forw,hbai l45."Jvgunrs nevilahlc_ What but. T.miruc tooth Parry Long) having Upcoming Games l rhe reaction Ilmu kr takes w m ahead }0.25, Mraleh it wan, with Saul h n full hncop. I tlmngh[ we �] g f his hams to gel To rhe mal. s'Me [rums double forfeit- hnkng 54JS. matched up beller wish Ellis Wednesday, Dec, 211 Thasww Ihedkfll nmea in the ed at IS?. Noah's Sawyer wu South look nine weigh. than wa did with South - mud ❑aria v.reirY busker ball m 5sm Molr Clultur as CI -1, mmch right lbcm:' Sheets, Tanner pe,A% :rad .1....s. N. rtj took uigln. i[ showed: Hari said• a1 Catawba When Sllix' Robby DJ- Hal ky receired[orfeitt -Ihe Wildcnts saw Their eight- Thursday, Dec- 29 Landry planed ¢k 220, the oI IGO. 1711 and Ifs2, result- march -Inning streak. doling Nvnh ok,tised pall Sunk- Davk JV w -%Tl i ng nl Reynolds iedkiduvl loo rnanlenl Jageraus had an insurmvunl- ing in a 4630 advontagu for to last year, cones to an end. rah, 52-30, on the nrod nn D'+v'o rarxity lsnskcl hall in Sam Moir Christmas Classic able 51.39 lead. Su 11- the 'Calx, IT -ax their'liml lose since Dec. 19. South mnnhnndl,J mCatawbv Car Lsac.no pinned of Nonh was arse win from South-Guilfool 1. thea1 Frorhuxh, 66-27, on the mud FA01U'• Dec -30 296 fm The Fall margin. clinrhl.g, but Titley, who on Jnn. 9, 2016. n Orr. 2t- Nonh unmred pavic va.sity lsnskeeball in Sawn Mair Christmas Class it "i Felt like weshoutd have pi arked at 195T and Jeremy But kr wan all Nonh early the hot idny book with n ar cal. wbe won, but It wasn't our day:' Flores,Who pinned al 220. on. Pins by H[I], ThurlD and 6-I ,mord. S.alh is 5.2 end Today, Jim.3 H€Ilo. xnid- had mher ideas For rill, 4o4An Yukley pushed She Ellis 4-2. fynvir -i- basketball at home rs. N. Davidson a, "I is been a great firs[ half Now i[ was Nonh 46, Ellis Wildc¢ to nn I8-0 kead. North's top pe rnu rAe,s 607:30 To the seas..:' Ellis roach 42. with one mulch to go. For South. Saewrxyk and are Coll ivf. who is 7-0 with DaVic IV basket ball at North Dm jdsaa A[ 516:15 Justin Perry said_ " I'm sec- 'After the three forfeiks,l Seth Webb rok nlcrc11 '4113 yen pins- and Hill. w'he is Da•'ie Freshman hoays baskelhall er hymn vs. AFexaMcr ing Impmremenl i. all [he 1.14 my 195,210 and heavy- pins aT 106 aad 113. IVhen also 7-0. lour is. Arring,pn Central e, 4: TS boys. If they stay raeusued, _ighu •pal of you aux e.our Coliivs (pin al i'2111. Gavin and Logan _•.» 416. ll bl. Ellis basketball r< home w- South pavie.1430 1 beli-e Thcsre.nd will .redone win. All we need is Arrington Idccisivn at 12ti1 f.yetly u 7�3 for 5ao.h- Nanh Davit basketball at home vs. FCD al 430 be moor 1+eercr." "Ho[[ said, and Davis [pin at I]_] came Taylor is 6-1 and Poag 4A. tYedulesday, Tari 4 South's 33113 straight loss drc first tom gat pieced, I was through for Nanh, it had a 3Vebb is 6-G for Ellis. Vl Iierarstty bL..Lcball.1 hones. C. Das -id, No6l7-3G !a Ellis wa.% IN finer oil] ro Iike: 'OK. mow w roll.- 33.12 cushion. pa y. Whitley. Downey and D•+v-+'e IV hpskLa},�1I At Centra] Da idsrm -4:31 S-45 ,w Mow_Tbeprey-ia*+ameeT. need a win.' J. Young• SwthrwredMrk-!]arias Blued are S -i. Davie 4th boys hast xrlashumc .'s.T;.^W aro.-9e ing was also a b-burnrr, any aa.isi¢at coach, raked L -d planed W 138, Drug pavic xwvmrrixrg •x. T1s. Tahcrc& Rrl•aaldsat WSStj at' with Bill. prevailing 43-43 1. Bnndoa fr a] a little ger a forfeit.. 145, avd after South Doric wrexlling at L -b glo, v 4;30 DAVIE COtnqW EiVTE1 ISE RECORD•Tivar-d r -ore. 29,2016. B5 Klara Lewis (t) and Cay1a Hartsell 131 scrap for the bell, with Alexis Dulln (5) end Hallie Hutchens looking on. At right. Maddle Teilup hand€es the bail, Tellup Tallies 18 For JV Girls 'fhe Dnvic IV gids bas- TOO up came in -rag ing a with a high of I b. Her I—vi- kethnll Icku"'a 33.25 V'e-'ry modest 45. W Abu's been rx high This ycnr wns n1n,. pvervls{ting West Fc-ython axe,emely valuable in other Hartsell way ".r d with Dec. 2tl wns n to%Tamen[ No o as.5hc also brings atop of cighT points. Alexis Dalin rte -player wrecking crew IneangibleA. Har llcrgffenskve (fnurlAndKLom llew'istTUrte) earned Meddle Tellup. The produerian war th. sorry in under' out rho sear ing saphomom was tsxpnnAlble this onn as she lamed in 18 as Doric (6_2, 2-1 Ccalnll kr.".4% of Davit's points. palms. Pl-Jmant Can r-"`cJimdcd "MaddiA bus been v Six p.inlsench fmm Hnrt- a F r -game losing streak To Imder IN season. and silo xl lead'. el hop allowed Davie [Ile Tilnns. real€yfatrltd hergrv.v.0nlhe No pal Wcst too . 14-3 hole 3n "Muddit had same ug- .fFa %l end in This' game;' The fink quarter. Dnvic led by grcsm[ drives to The hnsker Doth Debbie Evans sakd. l0 AN halftime {19.9) and at andwas abler, Rnish;' Evans c Cayl. Han -11 had been The rad of the third 127-171. said. rzt. misu playcd The nnv;e's. pvinke-per-game Luse Year Tetivr rarlud po ni-guard position and Deader with a 12-7 n mgr. duuhle figures three linoes handledlhc halt ngninstlhair JV Boys Getting Back •Ila bnvi. IV boys baa- Ihut% IK : Lwow . you ket .e ok had m xtu N-1. ably shouldn't baro shoe Thar endow lassoes by Threm, and you prabuhly shouldn't Iw.6 And three pvirm, The hove made Thal: So he's n s�ngwasdiminishedhyu72- good shnvler when ]ic I— 52 boor. A.ory over West hil reel yet" Forsylhv. Dec. 20. Gnggs.whowaan m-hh ' Ir wax n serlpus baht. Ib polars. has hero equally I Dari, pulled away in imp-m-widuhisnbilkly to the founh quarte r. fn The Bra penetrate me Inn. and ellher might 'inul,Y, Ell,,I1 Wood's aeon. draw• o foul er kick i, eigln points and five From not to as open shooter. Err.okx Joh navel and Tory "You can', put just one Griggs liflcd the war lPglea guy vn'rmy;' he said. "Pie's [o nn I8-11 Iclud. gging To get kn the Ione and + Weal answered with ran rhm .pens ap brooaa. Troy i8 -I I run of in own, and it hesaR turned it over a, as lied At 29 al hAlBime- mach lately. He's bc4ng n In+ •- Dnvic inched back in from amara,,. We ask him to do sv 43-39 in the ehird. But ba- much that hs s going To Inm c dorm na[cd The fourth. it tri .-ry onrc in n whit., Threc-polmera by Lot ham Aslnng ashchnsmore assists Chamberlain, Jvhnaon amt 11.. turr v - `hots what Troy GrlggS gels foto ShF Man James helped Dor Fe I Parkland 1w•al West Forsyth groin upanrtipn.Jmk a '3-bmk Woodhadlhehotmanand and Reynolds by two. I ns- pmvidcd a 12 -point Iced And pin with 13- xnme c�'eryune is going In "hmke 'heir bark:' couch "I'hcy had a kid who was have Ihree ar Pnur laxer. in Bmcr WWI— said. GA or6-5;' he said- "We ran The confercncc" Before the fuunll ended, a court' of isolmi- plays, 1,.Vk 72, W' V."Y 4 parte had rut 29 in We scar- mad Elijah got that kid in foul 52 - Sfapka lmku ns.a l9, ing column for the period. Imublu rem F s[ and sue wms Troy Griggs l6, Elijah Wvvd 'TheysTnnedprexsingand hasic¢llyara+nfao:mrthe rear 13. Lnlham Chamberlain were breaking The press,- vF dl' ];orae. Elijah bort his 9, Aafoll Wk114ams 9, Matt he said. "Tl1ey w.a W.'1 Thumb.:,." 'r play the last Inures 3"lames R.id 3, Alex slop pressing, - " Ral led", 1. geeing l"nyupApt Da x. And they he' lm (3-i, 1-2Centm3 - foulkng.Piedmon Conrercul-) I'm This nor just in: Johnson hs ben bal."-of the season, vu hit dre 3, The I-ahmsn hit wid,Ck-lacrkai. And A= Fourmmo 3s for Ou, Third .,night Williams coniuib.1mg nhrr game l0 6nish with t9 Ne- pulnls esrh. high polnw, one thing that acnresw l- "He'sbeenhi.i.ga,leasr ]are tsecery CPC grow could Arkcanlcslyd 3 m stare'.. ame; • be a dngfigbt. One Thing `hal Waklmee said."He hit one in excnns Wallace is e.'ery CPC fmn[ .f our hcnchehol was game could be o dogfighN. Tight in the dude's face, and "I[ looks life everyone he hod one w rim in and ata, i n;' he said- "Parkland He usually hits .rte a game Andvltesgan arc at the top. n - - n de Ccnsc. tileµ playedupn Aic fly the whole "arae. 11 lying I In pmeerrl nn both ands of Ila coon;' The Wnr Eagles, .rho goo nD-rbc-heneh help fmm H014ic Hutchens, nlr,;.dy Lave Ihcir most v I.rius in In— years "Hallie did . nice job, playing hard on defense and on the swords," Evrua Yaid. D.Ae 33, W. Fvrsylll 25 - MaddfeT cllup ! S,Cny L Hort eH F. Alcs[s Dulm 4, X I.- 1--i. 3. Cayla Hartsell pushes the tall. On The Fight Track Matt James shoots a 3. Al right, Latham Ghamherlaln drives the baseline. Signs With ETSU Kelsey Brown, a senior at Forsyth Country Day School from Advance, signed her national letter of intent to play Division -1 softball at East Tennessee State University on Nov. 71. East Tennessee Slate =ach Arad Irwin said: "Kelsey is a right-handed hit- ter and strong defensive catcher. Sha can also play both infield comer positions-" From left, pictured at her signing are: front - father Kerry Brown. Kelsey and mother Lorne Brown; Standing - grandmother Glenda Brown, grandfather Dale Brown, personal trainer Laniel Crawford, grandmother Sarah Nor- man and grandfather Roger Norman. B6 - DAV1E COUNTY Ell Holidays Focus Of Lessons At MES Mrs. Yount and M.- 1 Soulhers kind.rganen W.- fV;• . d -N gr Moeksvllle Ela- A,enta,y erij yed Chri.1— - e N tie, Yon a p.uty- They o `Zed 7-11"' cef g [,enerlrnd ch=tc- nod lcemed l dz stories. They " working on payingaIWn- - slon ro deriils wltrn ll- MW - ing [o or mading p nary and •'. �' + !hen nuf-u it by remem- bertng whe[happened pt me - . rr}•. beginning, middle, and end. In malls, orad'"" arc cn o'. Danlet Catlett. Ave Gary, Balley Ta rhert and Anna Koontz play the drums for the Kawanxa song at a Moc ksvl Ile Dome ary Ing w Sa and am conlinu ing PTO program. W work on bui]ding number s e. Tiley pre even doing Third graders been p19e. value and additio... diving Fitt^ k:mning rhe vd. ..h ion ..tray pmbinm . central message of a sw. They pre looking to—. to ry wilb rubles aad holiday chrisrmria ,r -k and will It. st-Jia. They pmkipnled 6% ted to get hock se wptk i exploring lwliday it al. In the new year, riun% wirh Hnnukknh I-- �• Mn. Martin rand Miss eons from INrx. Merklin end Wanthvmlpn's flus[ RAW. Mexico U-Ifflan, with Ms. _ class enjoyed a field trip to smeh. •Noy wrapped up Y Sci-works is Winston-Sa- collum lesson% wirh Ihp Ito- -- _ lam. Slim- s explored in- nun! Love Feast Student aide rhe museum, the plane- snflreaed on their trip w bid " larlum, andwa3kedd—hJR Salem As -n as use ell or Rnimpls. Their Senses with rhe Love lv visit the en The ll --as teamed about Foist. J. mull they have o,pfcs. 77re eoMena begun to Wmp up n division . _ created girgerhrepd haus- unit using mnnipulntivca - '+ ea wirh Ilse help of pp,="L+, and word pmblpms ro buN, _ valunlmm and Hfa, gende undcrslnnding of division. artaaenw, Mne.y smldi and philnh graders huv¢ been - La,men o'c—r..smdanta baay Laming abpat WXE Lana Parsley, Sanliago Arroyo and Harmon! Alston show their best Grinch face. learned how la mekc snow- rtsil urea in loading. They men using rlcc nOd a white did some holiday %cyuenc- sock. Tho cross Iovad mak- i,Bpd compering end ing end en adorcble snow- lrasling activities. In mom, mea arn.11AMTlle Urild"n the mildanw just finished e have been crentivc and are weir pn area rand perimeter. _ .kCited alwu[ die segebn. When %pz,I W MOM in in meth, students are 7anuary, they w 11 bugle a learning tpavlve word prod_ "nit in science. iems and Adding duce digit Fitch grade 3rudenu na mbt Wgether. Wrticipatcd in %pint week, Angeline Enters .co-- -- elf day, tLcs- 0nd "r-d"counted dowry day grinch day, Wedit' Nth me lost 12 days or school. dray day. Thursday n -y rend books, penici- candy entre dray rand i,idny f ogled in ziaivili.r based on rocky S'JlNslmns sw Cr the theme of the any, and dray. Fifth gr.= topped [r had sp.clal snacks. They off. a party al Ihcend. had Chri%llo cookie dny, [Cindpcgartdn void lirst _ , mindcer day, Grinch day, grade music .rodents fn- Addyson Dillard and Ethan Diener Addie Cline, Katharine Lakey, Renma Margaret Welborn Chriermas Guns day, and cu%ed on b9aies or ehymm enJoy Grinch kebabs, and Katie Pitts dress as Cindy Lou. polar Express pay. This and piteh. Srud.ma marched Z" mm e class something pawe path and follo,i rhythms - Ib look forward iv.pch dray on percussion iaatnlmenta. Fqr Il. las1 few days t,efore Fwnh and li rah grids Ct,rlsunas brcnk. gxudcnls have been working - Tha clew paniclpar- on the concept% tis - - " edCkristmas Around and compound Wade. Tl,ny w Ill. worldIld unit whew each a joyed working on phris- � so0ond grid. class isned ing through Snmewalera 2A _ blher elaas6s w learn about Over rhe Rainbow" rand ih. i✓r+ ' t �. country. They ended the challenges of compound smdy with a Mprogram time with Ilse tune "My - whem they sang abnga from GovcmmaA 47nim--" _ turruAd lbea odd. Th. Mocksvnic Chorus ]n mnlh, the elws hos jolnad wills the Commas been Laming about mo nay. Chonrs Ana I" tmvcled They rale Isar - to muni. w MocKsvillc, C ¢lace, mi sad use coins in -t , old A.—n Care on'11es- prat•kms. day, [hc. 13. Said -le par - Tara class hod ^ S..% formes hbkday m Christrnns party chunks In w.11 as soma concert rn4sie Pa nta who donated food, eupplm. end hale, Please Sen MES - Ngu Be There's a lot of green and Ms- Etter's students enjoy Grinch Day, HILLER RINGEMAN Insurance 1 Flnanclal 1109 Yadkinville Road Mocksviile, NC 24B NC HVVY 801 North Advance, NC PI -1. 336.757..6131 Moeksvilla Elementary Spanish Inrae student EMa. Gomez with Mr9,Marvn and MS, Westin, man's first grade class rd SOMMEHN STATES Davie Farm Service.lne. iia YAikeloo.Se. M SWIIW [3361 751-6421 -tour 1ou1 kw.y p.,d.n .nd,arm suppl�,ren .Inv 195x• nwvrE C.nxwae I -I ' )(.1000 $sttvlci Stirs - Srnnce - lnsiAllatfpn a•r , M..a.i utxw:..vr terry c•.,.wY,.,.� rp..w,dr 336.492.2888 NAVIE LUMBER & Lf1GGING 137 cmbhou Fuad Mock -lac. NC 27020 336-751-9144 OzpN❑Rs�!.C'Ue — 4 -- r - .n N. el.-. N. ha•:k.. -Sl- (336)751-5330 Eaton Funeral Service Family Care Center of _ Mocksviile T-- Pixrlc Pks�-- Tri. r,url aadmnr t9lww [�3 sj is 3aeoo DAVIE C[11 XTy EN•TERMISP REr0RD,Thunda1,•tkca. 29.7016 - 87 This scripture messaige brought to youby these businesses who encourage}'outo worship atthe church of}lour choice. p:la A/EnLUER l3mtt c suppb; ].r,r. *,` :� zas+usHWY-ammvrTrn. 336-751-2304 ung' 9R pc 2.A lrwa: bol k7,sx•karSla A1,a'rea:i:4iivers flIYSo 2136-751-45M9 'servena Cl,9trm a,ldsYs• M��,rry 504od7arc Sri •cTrhiwaTa •Fix ErnulM (336)909 -cm (738) 909-0810 sear s.. 5noaf Cfl CIS. alnrk,yille, N� $$Br757-79$9 rn+ ns:roam-ax1•n Shores Plumbing &Pleating 1985 N. e�. Faln St, lnNMa, • kwrnr RleeluWlle, NC ("M 751 -SSW - oil Y cilli OFF l INDOOR SFATFOWO i I 786 y+rar Pod • kla•Jis/r/. nC i I 33�7"y7�a4d 3 SPILLIIIIANiS PIOME FY ;L OIL • nr'd',9+t fail Trig IR �1' Z s �•�S f � {41 i r--� t� arawmreK ,� iAJi141coll H GENTLE aJerryHUnt � Wea4hered Racft AntigDes E collectibles veaprPaa.�a 5 r� S10Hx, MOLCH SN0 MORi nprr(,rtizi �yf1Y5Uirr•+Mys Machine &TDUE Inc. p1R p160M93VT DRIVE ar•m,n M pRp�ytreM 3716 K -V-601 North iR10Ncri-0x,tYc 2Tzss S3�•,gg8•,aP68 nt�sv �a� r.+= vv rrc u� ear N.•a,ed<,.w.,r+c MpcksYiue, td[ 27o28 336 -?419.2591 -..err sas-'aea.ss7a X3]6%&2b77 336 -492 -SASS 1Ya11C lOh IWi�eR nc IA06 '.alwa�..••:ce1�'�.�• ouA w w :4v■IgeaYkWunsr Sinul 1997Wll ,—M." JOIE'S TdW Gz�1S Faroarditon Road �r//.CY11l,---• =— Wrecker ""—Wrecker Service. Fee. PLINFRAI. "a"c f4M-B side Rel■ack Sanies r of CilAUjLy TYl 1Ylbosbun AkKWaMy NC 635 wdYabm• fie •hlMksr9ie, ry'C Smelt kle0ium i Hrary GdY Tewlnp •Paaw ar aft °•"'r`i jw [1nm w. Jnr. -ren e.e ono. tae95xJ1. pand•M9eWNl. (336)739-11011 33fi-Boa-2sg's-DrRe9^809"0 nixes .-•-..w'.^wm•ra... :".. y2��gyp5 ww.gmhamfnnrrnn.^me-eel 3315-saa720e-Monne {336]1 7 793.8490 �87b'166pJ<i ]HAAY�aWOR77-3-MILLER j�' I•I Ih . K]1u- L Relit 11�IcD �iEL tUne us'"�`� vnriee,"r�s-coFe IRAI I ion 1:..•11:n.�.r•ri+1.y Ynnv.pellotarimcom 996Yadklmille Rds Mveksvl0e t6e.ah AaadvrAeTke dT nw..xw.J 1J•arxr, `iC ]1W4 RU11,11MV. 565T,.rMYFerro R— ;36.44Q. 5 $ SS 336.751.9022 Mocksdlle, NC z7gxai,� i 336-345-0908 336-492-5555 [336) 753-11988 FOSTER DRUG I all I all as tcno^ :w COMPANY no & Silk" SL, nodunlie LnTLE CHOO CHOO SHOP 495 Valley Hood 336-751.3538 500 S. Salisbury AvC- Mo.k%Wna, NC 27028 Spancar, NC 113159 33&7S�1 -k1A7 IJf��L�J � .q. Tu m„�pY vamnm� ,ey 17150= 7150 -3.75h^osHpp.eom13777 33753-➢33UG www.howartlroallyAOm. 764637. FIILLER��� JERRY'S McCuiston preeislon t— C. ,51 a MEAF PROCESSING concrete Co., in[. ■IMaI Fahrlaatlpn ,�,y ,s =1 rdAA3 peeress �• q6C yi,spyy ria. 9.ee1 • po pee.MAL �. iAp�- ike, NCC YT028 M 1" �� ^ � u^C4 pa•S9ttvr: in Aura 93f 751+'9712 •°, " •"' we.l�.arrdy J -men 1Pf 492-Sd96 1 Ae�NC r,.e.r'alrlg � 7 ,Tru SYrAe rap' torr. SLoaa J'11at,7 •yTrnt-7m Bt die .. • 13a}prs k F,trcSc0.•gl PrcBtwffs - pn+'eracab �peprwrtpmoe3 aie.'i -'masa. lei CvIrfl SL. All -k- ,- 751-7118 138-10AV1E C(JtN-FV FWTERPRI5 E RECORD.111—Aar, fire -39._106 Riley Shlnauit and JoAah gingerbread houses" a • 3 MaryAnn Asbury and Allne Cisnef0 are proud of their houses. Ramya wel[Ington and Dodge Dalrymple with I hel r gingerbread houses• "r. Shepherd's students dress for Tacky Sweater Day. MES... CZE Kindergartners Learn About Senses Cormatmr El—,,o-y ., a..k timu:mW di—L-CJ In eord,, They eRulyd n w "11,; Polar Exl--' while Continued PYO_ Pug° a6 1'TO meeting vn Th.— kindcrgnrt- sludcnLs store- week, sour, bitter, and salty. shapes using squ.rcs, Met- "ojnying cookies nrrd hat Jay. Dec. IS. They new el D".her wllh the Hv" Tlkey reed s"veml version. nmglrs, r)nlea. triangle. and cl,oculnle- nt oath Inca[fakk. 'I'I>L Cho- 1'mnmed holiday brays Fn1_ emacs and gingrrbmad corm. or rIK story '^fhe Ginger- 11en:,g.,ns- DW you k°ow In Lell-131etudeelx M e .lnrkll[s gat to )r"rfurm C-'hrisurws, Wan[lines, om '['hey [Wkod nl,oul how brc.d Mnn;• talked ."I you n mwkc a c.rcrpir inr holt•" been meeting n w u .ung I'mm Simgpp— as Kwanzra. swdenlw per- rhry 71st .coats pray day u, 11or. nrrd rbc beginning. C m hexagons:; fiend, ll,ry Icamrd aaaur IvcrE Its )heir favrrytc, "In- lomled in English. Frcrtrlt. ins xprn Ihq w -Id mound miJdie, and end of slnri.s. Q11 Dec- I�. student. Lady Elrpdinrrr. Mr. i+ Ihr, [e jeelimnx" fmill Scl rl C- t:kl:m, mrd Arabic. Mr. [hem, and Ihr things Ih.y and the ximiEnril its nrW di C- minted Ihmugh kindrrgar- Ess, Magic Mnn. Dppy hart." Rrrck. Caner is proud uF.11 oClhe roar", louclt. her- srrlrli. and f reri— berw..n Thr Iwvka- [en clltssrollmn and l-med U-melln. Mr. u Ihr L)ni- Sccund and had gr.dc I,.rd work sluderku h.vc hoar this rime or year- Stu- ire math, [hey worked about krollJny eustrtnrs - form Mark. and kicking `t[FWcnls P—ll-txd for the done For this semoster, dent+ also did o Inst" testing n °ddhion alori"x and sun- L.. Pvsodr nrrd Hnnukoh, as King. They h., bey° s. Student err able Lo wet ns Christmas tr,di[ims --king 0. blending lend rcpmrcnl an nddlil— sV+ry and whey[ rhry urlgiri—d, segment -g letter so,rndr wilt pictures and trunnc�rs - ❑n rbc- [;They IYW a boli- ]aro xorrdx, rl pally, rhry . wrty jwl qu eek circles 1ne- day brenkfnsi in ruck chess- worked on rhyktl4mg "Ms• �I1N.1'lrfrrnv }f -n- et xR IJd lair loo dunk room. Purknra a juyed [he Caugarn or Ihc• W-1, mdra-Trot rnrs. ihmr .1 't with Ihclr Chil• For Drremlaer nm: Snph in They hid o I-aiS Spirit drrm and the song. they per- Fleming, Sita. Spr11, and - 7 Dny ani d --.-d In —r ky rormcd. Al—wt Ihr 14tr, Cunrm Espey,Jux1L• W.nan. iA ".rukry nnerc, In the spin- .indent. h:ud a sperea! visit Summer Al -.11. —1 Roge- ,i� it of riving, )"ethers asked fromMrs• Claus- They huJ Liu Prm;, Alrhix Lvvr and sw tkmts it llmy —"led lu a pnj.ma day and watched 1-11i... Humphrey. -74 dunnie. )heir money 11— a il ! child In need. surdenls sent "^ •iT in man" -d teac]lcrs term i ,;hofrlring with the list. 5771- You erre rvhl-ur"c u•r'!r"�ur1r «r r iihoj ,1 rW ed ry s FW United Melhod9st Church tltr gins trill They would be 310 North M tin Street -4 %her ehildren. Hisinric Duemlawn A'lncksvlltc - - Snrdrnts slvdird Christ. ConsenvporaryHyrship B>45 a.m. - . anJ Dcc.mher h.1 Wny T dlkkmal WorSMpp 1855 a.m. rraJiriure. 1%ey r1-0-1 the Sunday 5dloal Nor alfages't50 am, hal Lw end rmms with tri- Weekly Dreyer serWoPlln.5.fdoon•190 pm. nnglu tm y-Imgerbmud svat•W,fir"-.lunrL•mrarltti-YiUL•.°r}+, corn and rehidrer writing. Telephone: 336.751-7.503 Colonial Times Bruce Mendoza and Riley Luffman [18$Cdba their trade during a Co- lonial Days "was rnusaum." Visitors could push the button, and the students would Sell about their trade from days gone by, - Photo by KC Smith 4 OCKSV I LLE FAMILY DENTISTRY Jason Caput. D.Q.S., PA- Trey. D. 113 M.t:kelpLsea Dr,.e, ,,,.;..r Mcck"• AI6. N C 2702$ ift.,..-.n.eck 1l.ferr,ilyder�d.ycanr [3361753-6630 DC LACROSSE SPRING 8017 NEW BOYS u-9 TEaM a0E5 7=8 Registration Now Open! Boys u -t l Team ages 4,1 o Boys LI -13 Team ages 11,12 Bdys Ll- 15Team ages 13,14 Girls Etementary Team grades 3-5 G3 rl s M idd[e Team grades 6-3 Register online a dclaxnc.com PARENT INFORMATION NIGHI JANUARY 574 7PM FIRST P110BYTERIAN UHlIRCH MOCHSVILLE Contact Rich 336-425-7124 d claxgroup@gma ii.com MX= TM WARM=1YrTMW TE WT VMM LrWM AM BATTLE old ,�.R,U+..craw „ae,w tl,.r.r meai.ervde.,ed erw4,rereaMSa...e�aW.rr sshee� nAV1E COUNTY F:NTERPRLS£ RFCORD,TLursdey, F1re.29. 2016. 114 Youth Legislature Seeks Participants Sheffield. irtpr - F` isnden+rl'thr 1.(;.[.:en- J',m Marurr" -Wr arc pn,ud n]ina"• T"ud"ors .s wrkl na', ygnfh to rnl;ag. w-nh n Calahaln t .til Ax,embly inv he Nunt, le continue rh is lung rradi- a. the 1nw-mnking prVicess" par. fnmtr Oise.. Ihr .ore vol. flit' De". C.mlema high "`h pisku. n of helpinb prepare our 5ludenc draiY- deg, and in u stmclured, prnilive_ Annuel Xew PpelRSpa htsLmslpn deals to apply rqr Ihr 47th amlc's future treaders," rrvM au mock Ierixlative youth-fncurcd enrimnmemi. Ar,onal Y uih Lcgislatire T'hr ]x gi93gtive Services Lilly -hila dgvelapittg xkats the Yl.A pmg— is upon A-7, bly IIIee6rlg Monday, Jan. 2, 2(117 L7�p11tC - 0 6 Wdlgt IYLAI. 0ifiiee, under the murth Car- m research. interviewing. to stud.nls in rtionh Camde_ ">ti nrlh C'amtnn•s Ywu, °lion Gencml Assembly, is gmup f Ltimt tum and pal i- a. who:,.. in god rtnndiny 7:OO,M 1e,err rto-;yp,rn . m.e nv, ba lrgi.lalive AssemLrly off rF nccrF. mg apprktalions fur ry -riling. As She bills ere at n public. privn[r, "barter S' -'e Fre SWAun - Xnmq; [3a5}2p4.4as7 studrnrs n unique opporlu. ISM coq Ile m t,e heti deluded- rhe Stu Mp. ger -home sel.-I- NSf)>T�R .A1P7`s'Se • Ce1r:l lOv7-4a2T oily 1. 1.- 5nt-handri—L rlarcl, 31•ApHI ., 7017. in n "honer [u praef ee Cum- Smd-L, eon nec"I SIP - She legistativc pl—.ss and R.].igh. Applie—Z wHl mun.i-9mg Ihelr idea+. phc°lion ar Mrp;lArx• - In drvrlop ]caJrrship skills he arrep[ed through Jnn. 70, loin ions .nJ rxprrir tires leg f+CrhtryrrinfrNYLI.lrrrrri. Ihrtt 1111 brio drcm sic- 20]7. in n team-bu ildiSk cnvimn- Fnr more in rr,rmnuvm-cmmit -7 !fie L e""d m [i1'c:' sail Srnnl. 'like YLA —hos high meal• Ar rhe eonclu.ien ur Vxi- -1211. IYLA tour, "-idem Pnr lkmpuro Phil .d,vo! +nxlen[s tib—. tike Ihtl three-day pmgmm. it..dknst-1 tit r Tien-guHirurrce 13 -ger ASW 111 --Speaker laws gcveminp, Nnnh C—la;rriidprkrs:,nrs lino" n better rrr:frR dtc'r ate call RIY-30 t. .Folly Ir x-od • Fie ESfimal" . Ttev ,1'IOrk 8 • Stump Grinding un[nndkng or the Ino- 1372, Troe Remora) - Buckel Truck Pinebrovk Kindergarteners making p Oce s a well ns "I w tWJ "nalumgr 'Su. spnJ Trimming a Thinning sums" -n Pkncrd .s•rinrn root) dent. [o rake adrnnrnge of Learning Teen Numbers corkimunluntionnkilL.- this great oppenunity:"sakd (336) 909-0609 (336) 908-0610 YLA pm.•ide. the rqr• Rep. J.H. C. Bowan) v1 scatty Seef—d Jac% Seaford Iren"hmr,k I_Irnu+nrafy Shp the rahrc• rA Inoney. I -11114y R., N.Aft Carrdi- M -k -illy" k_dnrguprn slnd.nrs nn 1•ounit ';-d'ceWbrnled Ien_ing Icon nunllrEra- 01-nrb"r by e,Wying like 'They are Irmrtkty r° ore- early Nunlr Carutinians. ngni;r Sl nW,rbrrs, wrilc nClnding the Mnrnrjans . h—, and cmrm gawp. til' wl,n sgtllrq in Snicm. 9'rey uLjccls tip cot 747. 0i .tri Old Satcnrs and ex - 14111 .rs 7711" akar, been plrrie ed a Moraven . Imvr 5rmclicins Whig k l Md tum h• r.nst. While 14 Old Slum. .n mrd drying .0s W' kind- we need an APP rolled ,llwy Ir:tmed ghoul g -Ter chase (A an of wee, Christm.s l raderinnn-whir" nulogwal ...longer hum), and haw Ilny slurred, In Ihrd drmili:d inr—tin. Srl ynd. has horn nbqur the Lr way of life. 1rading xhoul eenu`nkI_ MAI, grlulr rmdwn-J a_5 pr"lwring For kilo Irv1 i- From flARB. This pmgmm doy x a .- SnWents Tatra") M'Su kir[h It—l.. 1l, be and saved money In spend drug. W—hr 1. and violence yncrafts, snacks, and fn:., lhnnk you Sgk. Ah- nr"s. "I1,ey are also len_- Cidggr faro making this pus• skble. Board OKs Personnel Changes 'ale Dov is County neami Henry encode tiha , I, of $J,rcuriaa nrerkrWt,s air• lr6-, William R- Davi.: pmvrd pcnlmnrl rh.. SCnitlyn Snsmrl, EC Sea kir til their Dee-(,m.ding. .tam. Cumalan:n lank F-akphry—ov Rubvert Tigger, fnnrnci.l b°pkieerp- Pnrtrus, $C Teacher ns .- Pineb—k; Mrugvel Inns. Duv1"; Linn Ioek- C: hildn, Mulling ILLS-, vtr+dinn. Crrnlreme.: CSI-m-- Chr]stin. I4il7om, clri ld nu- .So gituwe : Nrv- Intio nssMtanl. Ccn[ml I].- L,gyhie Hal - Vie Flu uort Cenlrf: Jerry Inn=1"omo1, Lisa Nied!A.Ja, Covell, Trus drive, Davkc; Rn[herine Sims, Lisn Wig- gins, John Bull klls- Rural Grants Far r mmeli°° only I nut 11 11 onl: Available 11--ig-n-t: Janie The Rurr1 Adv.n—coil O,Lry,-- l,+rymll a1-liki. Isr+n ad -inn 1nr"_nikrnnd Lid c 1 office; Joshua - t Lillie. n teacher vNorth Luin IRAFl] its nerepling app) i- L'[ts; Greg Brooks, North rntivns !'- die Agricultural DI, _ and Eslhcr LoRrryue. HA o"allWnl Fund grant m•rjsR learner n.83s10nt. pmgmm. Cental Da,w- This 11-ignatitrn- Rub— g,nrux ru farmers aW farmer llkuml uvl ch41J nvrriti— pawps to fund inrrovrai- "rsistawcuslndian, Clwl- pm,jrels nn the roan- 11%16 rcme"; Th mnah N.f Ile, EC a ed -1 farmers can apply for I_,he, I?uvir; Idonnec ",nam or sRJ]Ig1 Ind Monro. r isiodien.rous dew. eollabom[ivr [nirncr gnmps er. Da.ic Angeln Simnmus, ea r apply For up Sar S 10,000. media s sixk.nWus drier, I_ ik • '.rrfusrru+rR1 ryonh Dave.;. nd Krl ly C.L. rr,mis rn Waco mere and u, nchool lrsyc5n,iagist" duwrdunp.n.pplirakion- Cenlnd F>o,le Edurali— ir1.nnrongthe .liai- hlc cvunnes"-Ilre lentil Je.'W- R"lirc memo 1Wu1a A]- tm.la lull. 5-20k7. Grants len, allied h-Ith science will bl• nwnrded m inter Maher. Davie, nmd !;widr. I hnn Feb. 71i, 70 17. Smith. PE ITS_ _htanl, Applicta aaro e --I ShMy Omve. ngrd to nnend to )cam °bout the Agsicullural R.invem- mem I•und I!— pmgra_ Far ram,"n end ngrwnliun. enlrrpnne_. 5ENZ MMP REMOVAL eoe.rry °.hw s eyvr+rea a�.vary, NC sogusl�- METAL. ROOFING 3' Coverage - 40 � Colors Au mteeruol icor sou RA1m 40 Year Warranty cop 1p 50P }Aft LRF9R AYAAABlE 704-278-3000 1111I0 -STATE METALS o! p,eCardu,as, LLC www.mi+,�rr-••e,-.can, a 7r. Inivem, Venal `rep of the `Week. rlL"People,who id aivifhs outside in toeom prone to Andrew,ncancer ai'zUSe a DMPprotection." FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY 11 a Hosphal5t" - Moci—isle NC 27028 336.751-6289 "Srarvinq 0Yltrtrrn &.�d�i1." par�nan hlesr Armen ]xsreu'—" Riv°rsfamiydc IistryAam �I Proud to show our APPRECIATION for the flag display provided by the Farmington Rut+tans KENNETH L. FOSTER & ASSOCIATES, PA • Land Surveyors • Planners Mapping Residential, Commerical, $UC1-Qiv+Biot! Planning s Design I Assist In Estate Divisions II Cemetery Design & Layout OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE iN ALL TYPES OF SURVEYS Lkerrseci in No rh Carolina & scull, Cffwjina. Paskient of Oa vie County. l Stere M Talton Rnanclal Advisor y....,.dr..rdj—.s.nrn 5[eymn R Herpe e. sme r.aaaclal Aduk:ar� Walman Sh plug Cntr. 3 5539 US Hwy IseKdocks,i"'•'— "" - 3 3 67 51110 0 8G ECltvard1viil $ suitiw Advance, NC 270D9 ]?dWel[ttllOL 53S•Ra03,sm . 131 - 1}AYIE CODN I -y F\TERPRltik RECORD. Tharsda}', Dee_].4. 21 ]e; Tree of Honor A Blbuts to honor and or remember (hose who serve and hove served 1D pro. lot, our Freedom IS loraled on North Mein Slleet haslda She MOCksvlRa Pollee DepanmanL The town and Historic Cavia appn,latas Everyone who panlclpatad and:va are prautl w present 5164 to Ino IaCaf vete rens Services Otica. Thank you to the Following man Arid women For their service to our Country: Name Sammy A. Allen stave Beadle Sieve Beadle Steva Beadle Doug Beauchamp AndrewBeck Andrew Beck Gunnorsmale Andrew Bach L.S. Bowden Jr. Ralph 8owdan Richard Broadway Lt, Col. James Browning LL Cod, James Browning Let B. Caner Laos Caner Robed L, Comet: Ruben L Correll Robert L. Correll Robert L Correll Robert L. Correll Robert L- Corral Alex Damsgaard Alex Dan)sgaam Kelsey Damsgaard Kelsey Damsgaard Bill Day H. Earl Douthit J,W, Jake Doulhil William W. Ferebea Harold Frank Arnold Collette Harpe Arnold C. l4arpe Kenneth Reavis Harpe Kenneth Harpe Donald S. Jones Donald S- Jonas Donald S. Jonas Clyde E. Jordan 8111 Kammer Roman Marshall Capt" Candice Naylor Meislar Capt. Candace Naylor Mekster RyanMolder Ryan Meister Joseph Mitchem Mike Morales Turner Lao Reevds James J. Rainy Allen Rdffe Dan Rumpel. Jelin, C. Sanders Branch Given by: Army Nalte Allen Army Layla smith Army Lana Johnson Army Jaxdn Sechrest Amry Linda Saugus Navy Terry & Christine Braltay Navy Nan Naylor Navy Alex & Beth Thompson Air Fame Nan Naylor Army Nan Naylor Navy Tarry & Christine Brallay Army Tarry & Christine Brallay Army Alex & Both Thompson Spacial Forces Rile Chandler Navy Terry, & Christine Brallay Army Marsha Correll Army Amelia Correll Army Caleb Cdrrall Army Sydney Ward Army Levin ward Army Liam Ward Navy {Jan Naylor Navy Alex & Bath Thompson Navy Nan Naylor Navy Ahl & Bath Thompson AirForce Jell & Susan Harpe Air Force Lfnda Saugus Alr Farce Llnda Saugus Mary Clyde & Ga11 Jordan Army Willia Hess Bennett Army Joan Harpe Army Patricia & Bill Shelton Amy Jean Harpe Amry Palrlda & Bill Shelton Army Shirley Janes Army Donald Jonas Jr. ArmyAuslin & Logan Marinas Gall Jordan Army Deborah wain Marinas Jeff & Susan }carpe Air Farce Nan Naylor AR Force Alex & Beth Thompson Army Nan Naylor Army Alex 3L Beth Thompson Army Carl R. Air Farce zile Cart R. Riffs Al Force Patricia & Bill Sha{Ion Army Pal Reilly Army Cad R. Rills Marlrles Tony & Chdstne Braldey Coast Guard Tent' & Christina Brallay OH GOD WILLYOR PLEASE HEAL Mil CHILD Thew arcs marry parents [Qday who haul children who era at the many of the medical Profeesiom, and letma say this. I thaxlk God for those who care for the Wck and the aflJictad. More Ia being• done m rhe medical rprofl aril- W haat the sick than aA Iha chuxdh world put fagathar. I not at war with the medical pxofession.8ut !hexa Domes a time when we moat real,__ that the arm of the flesh can arty go so far, and when the arm of the flesh be to cease then the hand Qf Gad is ready to move foxwsrd• The only pmblam is that we must know how to gat into Hie prasanee. Those who lived hen ]esus w.l1ced the face of the earth. had to somatintes press their way la ger into Iiia prmsance. Them axe two things {hal i uvax,! la talk about ih this article. (I). Ifnowing that God will heal your child. (Bj. Getting ixuo iiia Pmsenem. In ardor for you to lo,ow and xealim tk,at Gad will heal Yo'or clWd you muse first daretand why your child i$ nlltieK.d. Yau must e, g Haeafalotasp, eu��, and ix[rrrmltiea cams about ae suit of th cursor of Adam. It oras Adam's 811E {hal passed death upon all mArilci :d• Man rusk died spiritually. tlxen erytteally, 8idmeae, dfseasa, and mfirmftiea, is Due tool in which death itself ,s brought aboue. Taus can be proven by John !)11-3. "And as Jews �}aesod by He saw a man that was blind from hia birth. And ills d,ecfplae asked Him.Master who did sin, this marl ,his parsed-, that he s born Blind?' Josue anawBxed, neither hath this man ainnad x,o17r his gaxenls, BM THAT THE WORKS OF GOD SHOt1IM BE MAE MAIStE'7rsT 1N I'It1Yi", Do you raalir. dear Wand what jeaua just said? Ile paid that ,ilia man was tom blend ao that he Could be healed! He wan born blind SO that the w -k- of God riesling] could be made MANIFEST IN HIM. It's the eama way with our salvation, Weare born lost >m that ore grace of God could be manifeafed In cur Boos. Galatians 3:82 says, "Fut the scxipturas hath concluded ell ander min khat the promise by F. might ba given to them ilial beiveva". Thio is proof that God w,71 heal your child b.oause 4t is iiia will to da so. The mason baftxg that the will of God and the VYord of Cod are one_ [-T1s Ward can pavex change therefore Hca VAU c ax never change. paahxls I 19:" says. "Foxaver O Iced, thy Word fs sallied in heaven"" NOW that we kncar that God will abselatoly hoop Hca Word and heal all of aux chfidren that axe afB[cted, oro over'll understand how to get into itis presence• Since Jesus is no Ionger hem today in "a Imran of a man that we can pltyaicaAy aPp:,nc t, there is arils a way to gat into Iiia pseaenca" The Bible says tsi Matthey 18:20, "For where two at thaee ate gathered in my name there are, I in tit. midst of them'•- If you went to tend Jesus then go whom two or lhraa axe gathmrad in Hca nam.. Jesus was mSBrru,g eo the CHfTRCH- Tlda is where ❑ child- have been forsaken bocause the mod $n day ch,ffch Our doesn't gatlla in His nazae anymore. They Baths under the banner of denaminaponaliani jlac]oari by the asdltiaxls of men that n,III s the powe2:040 od. tl,a gets al lh,a spirie, sod the wodtisig of miracles. !t yep waztr ;!:"had healed 71xen Sod a church whore the giE� of the spirit sin ]coyT[o. VVkwm dta spirit of the Lord is presen! to ac�ornpul h His will, [leaieh 61:17. Have the elder. oI the Church to anoint the stick and afZ tad in the xwrrle of rhe Lord Qantas 5:14} and stand on God'avTgrcL 8rolher HoRnall PID -11=3 CaoL - .1%zG 87014-DD63 Jake C,Senders Coast Guard Alex & Beth Thompson Lash Sanford Air Forge Terry & Christine Brallay Clyde "con Army Tarry & Christine Brailey Billy R. Shelton NaflonalGuard Jean_ Billy R_ Shelton N.}tonal Guard Patricia she !tan L t_aonatd Shelton Nalion.l Guard Patricia & Slit Shelton wry Simpson Army Dahoeah Whitt Horner Simpson Army Deborah Whitt George SnyderMarines Army Carl R" Rine Kyle M. Sproles Army Carl R. RIII@ Freston 8tackelon Army Llnda Stockner Grady Trtveue Army Torry 6 Christine Braltsy Grady Tdvatta Army Jaxon Sachresl Grady Trivaha Army Layla Smilh Grady Trhana Army Lana Johnson Thomas E. Vogler Nary Lynne O1Neaf Dr" James G. Wall Army Tarry and Christine Braltey Robert M. Walter Array Belly Back Brack Want Navy Jell & Susan Harpa Jack 8. Ward Army Brent S, Ward Ken While Marines Tarry & Christina seal" Johnny M. Whitt Jr- Navy Deborah Whin Rick Whitt Air Force Dabprah Whin Carl Wicker Air Force Carl R. Rlffa John Fester In Memory Of Name Branch Given by: Conley M. Abbott Army Carl R" Fite John Barber Air Force Tarry & Chdstine Bra" B. Eugene Banner[ Army Willie Bess Bannon Raymond D. Bpnnelt Navy WlII Bess Benneit L.B. Bowden, Sr. Army Nan Naylor M.M.M. "Todd" Brallay Army Terry 8ralloy Bobby G. Branr,cck Army Clyde & Gall Jordan Rurua Lep Brock Army Jean Harp. Rulus L Brock Army Patricia & Bill Shelton Allis J, 'Buck" Caner Army Rha Chandler JOB Glenn Calkllta Army Willie Begs Bennett John Lasser Govt Army Joanatle Cook Lha Cozart AirForce Janie Cmaarl Lao Cnxart Air Force Nen Naylor Max E. Dillon Navy Ruth D. Hicks Tommy R. Dillon Army Rulh D. Hicks Bob Douthir Army Linda Bnugus John Foster Army Mary E -F. Miller John Fosler Army Mary W. Foster John Foster Army Judy F. Bumgardner Jain FearerArmy F'nun.uxr l'rlual.L,,rven I'.,r.., Kaltly F Hahne John Foster Army Bally S. Foster John Fester Army Brenda F. Polls Carl GamerArmy A41nI4I9-ft;,Ir.. Preston &Lfnda Stockner Joseph Huber, Harpe Army Jean Haepe Joseph H Harpe Army Patricia & Silt Shelton Hayford C. Harris Army Clsuda Tult®row Rayford C. Herds Army Patty T.hatow G- Harris Army Mary Harris RayMicro ford C. Harris Army Tony Reneger Rayrord C. Harris Army Jaka Reneger Raylord C- Harris Army Cable Ran.gar Earle A. Janes Navy Clyde & Gail Jordan James H, Jones Army Gafl J" Jordan Lsc C. Jones Army Go J. Jordan Talmadge Kimmel- Army Deborah Whitt Charles Moreland Sr. Navy Jeff & Susan Hafpe Glenn Morrow Army Nan Naylor Percy MusF.lman Army Terry & Chrisline Brallay Robah W. Nail Marines Willie Bess Bennett Benny T. PewelE Navy Clyde a Gail Jordan Fred T, pow.11 Navy Gall J. Jordan Howard Lane Reavis Army Patricia & Bill Shehon Donald R. Shouse ArmyClyde E. Jordan Wayne Slmpson Air Force Dabarah Whitt Troy Simpson Navy Deborah Whitt W. Taylor Slye Marinas Clyde & Cia{I Jordan {maul J. Snider Army Nellia Alien Nelson "Dank" Steward Army Jeff & Susan Harp@ Roger Stoclener Armyerosion & Linda Slockner Bruce Turpin Air F=orca Carl A. Rite Ronald Turplet Aar Force Cad R. Ritts Thomas Turpin Air Fvrc@ Carl R. Rlffe Fra. W" Tullerow Army GaH J Jordan Larry "Talar" T,,e Army Terry & Chrisline Brailey Charlie Whilaker Army The Jones Family W.C. Whitaker Army The Jonas Family Max Edward Whlie Air Force PrAulvn %Linn Slockner Johnny M. Whin Sr. Army Deborah Whitt Elmer D. Wooden Army Clyde E. Jordan Fred P. Woatan Army Christine Woolen Graney Dateline Fllndraisp I nI-6-Ifibl.•.I,•ric.. A n,u.,r Ink.: 'I -1[72-a Wednesday Jan" 4 Saturday, pec" 31 MGPSISr lh..rcnTP_ lnwl- Rarp -1.341 (:vmmvnl(y W.lch Nkl'h1 rrsi, 1.,1 _1 .rJ Fri " •,F I,—pm., 55, (:..rmiun •rlie.•, 1Hn Nrnarr. 11 p.m,. Nil. Z.Nr mnnll, •lurahg lmdtti.ma[ arinr,l s. Main 5r M•k,,xr41r• el•om 1i„Irneti.. ! 11 M.11 St. M,",_57".•, :'NL 13 #S n.n,...0 N,c lRi rued by RC'A IFI•rn,ra,akrna v.11e"f:ne,r xPrakn:.2.'n.m- BnP1. C'I—h. 55. YindeDr.. chrr,r ulw int int k,rUimlm • 1 SI"lr,ha Ant i, A.e,rn u'rd. r, rune w[c, SM1_Sp II.. 21•m. 1,:,111 !{ pn1 wt li.glc. l lriy". wpielk Night Senile-, la Pan« c-, Nrw lir !lel BoPl41.'1737 Its The Lik• &'1' -rills, a,rJrxux, fi(ll s. Ibc,ulx r•. ua•..wNp"1iry. Pn+e,Npl h) M-1,11111, }r, 2x4 -n -'„HI Walk- f)a) nah,•.I.I.[ ["I•..,il,. Police Seek Ongoing :Non M 11111',. :n 7 l,.rri.. aTmm�ty ul.d Mn ]ikhlc L'1 „1 4117 hrl"I ny k,l., A1..r k,. ilk Help With nl:lfl. free a.Lnkxnnl. F'••r iMnI 7113 11-3[1,I.1n., Y. M,nn tit, ['Murch X71. u,n3" Break-in r'f Ch1.v µ N. Ma.n"h1• k•- Chlkrrrn M 11hu111 Prel m, (� } e� vole" filnrrJ mwnr.l rhiLlryrl " ljanlrx INlpfhl" f uh IT At Ci'g Faso reh.hlJ •r.l lfrnwkc 1'-S1Hn.S:as r135_IFSrn'?a,; Hlk.-117-:541[x: ie,alr:. n AV4,IL", 1)[rrnsnlnn L""I. - pn arc. _J bo[wrun i}ex]R-I3Fh. .lx.r rlw„c, tum 'n�rrkl) o 430 and 5 n"a1- 0 bn•¢k- k .irns Fret}' 'rhnrxlLU•, n1vn11r, ['hnn:l. v1 1•hrnr, I,- ing and -n.rring 5wnlncd a.p1.n.Nm. Nn Clan ILL,, I.l:,lll sun. WW Ned" 7:Jn l....., m CJ'r Bnrl,¢yuc RL..:.. IUMiI]SI",Mnrk„'itlr.l rilrcI- N� L1, Nr n.nlydals. All own" m,1t al x'Ir1 5. Snlishury 31., inn xpeukeI weekly. en in, i k. Mocksvillc, Frrr mFrrr and rPoughekla RSra.en3 Blld¢ %1Nds. r, n Mocksvkllc 1'rd i� u111• -Y N'ednrs, d,.y,7 I (-nn iV'r,E, s. f, p.m ,n ,. la m.r hour eery and delc¢ti-A PrriNed C nJ medw,dkk.(7 xr. 'Plill RJ klill,np kx.J :.ren. All -r-p and old cr d tllu my'x NC" Rik P. Nil.ksv l l lc" u 111n,nL. int', r; 7<I-132'+ rSI..ply Mamx PrRl'nr a111d lana. %Sled) C:ruup.M.- mndc ¢t Ihr fon[ of the Ixrnk nmly Rmni, NN nH nn. 3.nn B.N,cal nr.n,n. prnsina•J huvhlrpx• nf,.11 ayrc, wah knit, of u1! nR.w. by 1 51111 -Il', Minlxrk.. Fr r ti Delccrlws bcll¢V•r 11n:rr ':,n'.NW I;FW.).,•1. I41-11:30a"n1.IwIIIIVL� ,rra,nd !i. 1. 4.1 r...•h Yee Iwo pusprgs - a wl1l[e d1,ri..R..da-F year, C'hmrrllunu M"Rlli, le -11 a ln. All „•cicmxe. fcrcrnle who nnrrrrd ihR C�hrixdan C7nvrh, NC'.klk. Hrc Ino•. nurl•513'/. busine :Ind all a,u,,,,rl et.tlalrgrc. "Wr-rIR[NI. L'errNel C•4lunse1111g VV.trn, driver. The dry v¢r parked an KOOkI}' Pralrr Se l-, Firs, a1 Flrsl ilrlpull Church.lvnN unidcn.iliVrl v�ldelr a. the u>,]C,1]nx•.unx'n, h1..11-14,11 1-1,,Ahmkr•IIIr.Or[rn is from of 11u business. d m I: J ,,ia lln wx.al rarm,,amg ,u:u}-. N.N ¢ •lr.w-n.rrd arnlue, Aluafemivaln In j. rrn.I,cJ Officials +In- ]epilog Fuf qui N lion• lu Pm)' ,uW n,lJlunr. n unsllNn nc Inrn[n] hr.d,n I.hy a[Idilivnal anfgrmn[ipn Ihxmrlea.N.nl hlaceJw.ia Mira• Prhrre,IJ41-1,. Inrn. R app. (o help ill Ihr invesdyulinn ,'km Ch.nrh,!, n.n1.4 i 113 r. 1 751 -MW and de.emUn¢ if.his ensu is Cryni.mul Ianc'll b-14. 1 p.m. 1• rrrhawl+lS.rral. HR oink ,ol:ltrd to any alhrr break- •tars 13 „ .n1hx - 5 ) n ('Irl! OUT. Brlhlnc�.n III, 1r.7t1 ,as 1}w[ --reed in ihr ')4%•M1lll, lr '1', . 11 n..n: IH r•r. AP•, I & If all n[r Was in th¢ GrleRknn Nrvnnrry iR Vpl>- '--11.1\'nr'1', lir.Ayr? �rra,md may Ik able tc rya.. girt Gmap. nt HdlvlW¢ UNIj:, rlWl..•SFr 3 h Pr.^Y - rb.lr nr!•.nr vile inforerataon nbov. Ills 5[11%I.IS 1"%,Adranre, tirc•aW Y�1'rr week [::JI Wa-hH3[I k }nunl.Nunduys rl rash nl.nnl. 1'mrh.wl, oe Comm "14" suspects Ix Ihr vehirlc in- 3 P..n. F, r Infaw 99%-Je��(1, Nnlhr�d[ r, I,y rr3 H•.. 41.w Ax• wlvrd, confMCI clic Flmkn- Kid, for C:hrlsl. R1 1 -11 -Ly ui11r. vtic Volt- Dcpan .,kp time', Fal l.ihcr,y -It. b.1 Criminal Irrurnligrilkk_ M, k,Tif lr. c,rch µid. 1-0dn undo zPlvc .711-DIn3 Di.Won, 336-7".6711) or P.n. RrkuNcrp:ulr 5lh,n k Awana&(liblrtilud),n-rdnex- @. Qbkrrk�mue•!u3'IIr.•ar.'-)r+n•, Nn 0•x1, J -M a nm1 for p11, •N1y,, ar 7 1,m.. Hope Rnnn•, YN NIPSOTP-[�Floor Y tt n pcwr•[>•1r - Shan,.. U. r n -e ,au,•.osT Ae r THAT a.STRA,N.Na paoEa xz; c� uon,+u ro You. rM rA,[,xxrf• nrM N Y¢ GET 1n5 OVv� �RRiNG m¢ALE5 A?SI15TEn, RNan � o-2. wMN4V E SeIST TPa.o ME ASIA T, (ass rrP x.nr T.•.W: R"n Fe Ta! TO FN¢Y.• try wF'S '6 CFcT AT IiN xfr nE'3 C•CVT A rAY6C 5 _ IN 11AN-JE CfjU%� VFtiTERPRFSF- ILFC-t 1R p. Tun.,dny, rue. Z% 20I6 -S[1 rah _I,. TPp E,PaAPFuT 1:1cE' 9NTP'S[- R F rR %Uiek,"llr e:,.rdra[ Glob- Y I•{ Ian I. ['aR Huu,e, 31h Sun. curb 1r.m.-RistHelh.a,liu1e11-Jnlr Friday, Jan_ 20 ,••n.l," 7 p m.• :n Crim, ger 1x.11. 1,1u ll S1. IA.neh ni[I. C'•rans} C'nmmi•- UMC. fnwwf 1••rl�.e"J y...lI1�I 111- 111 h F,,.,J m,..•.� p1:., by lex,r Hxmun hl .Ionto-n•.•u,. kclli.nr b} I.,a tla,rranP !rix F'_•.n h_Pe, 13r, S•dfJClaE Events Ongoing Sunday, Jan. 1 pngoing m] RNuka• uP. ufuf.. Ila Ial,k,raBr M1Sm Rr!iahn a 1A'..IW,1.'R• =nen. 7r AA" d..W.I Hi,LrcWa},.1•riduy,.antn n r ..rL.nl' . ,r.�;, Rn•, I r I -..e. lk 1 %Ir'A. 4 s .mfr nl Fn•e Adanr[.•cd !Iron bean• u;q,. CP`. l." M..ia 51 - r.r. r ,. ...f. -n .,I L, 1>•vrr Plaamh.g tYnrkzhnp, .e prJ ,,nr .. I'n.n, 1,:1. it !_.loon 1 • ,,.onlay hl .•nV•Ir Ina•n,l., •- n m tall, iml ongoing Cr, I.nnrhln.k. M: r. w, 11?n T5�•ix?x x r"1.. dAhy Ti1ue, !lurk' ('n.m... .."1'l. 11 s...... tamh Mork., Illy L.un ('1411p; "'I -hit. 1-111rnrv• RMA.11. 1„nm --dSwrl). ]Lnr,.loy. 7 p.m.. 5cpl. lauW" 1Jnkellx C'IRlo, p,x 101"1!1, rr. kind IIIc. W.dk.ng Irl h.w,hlP )urn 1 -Fra MrnwJl.r' Ib n I. I.a"l I'I'll - tit. Finn. Wxld, Lh S'KII'IKl. wrdnrwa;... I p,n FY kIruuninnur,lnn elerx¢, '171'1---'i7 5rnrplmrrkhrR.r.-r}.'nJZ'rr.- unlnliaear,,x.11h,illa.n..e.en AI-.1mw Munily,wimp. tin.,- .Lip. -1'01 unJ Yneedux: [}111. I'nn•k JaJ,"%I, m., hj:µ-.yl•.nin NIZ,,•i Vie- Bkrud Pn.s,uru Uiuclo'. l �Nnnn,nill�(""I ..11-1011.1- •."tib- WP l l Rnrn,n,r..,u ..1dr-a[ Illlll :i.rrr P. I Iol RJ , YIIJK.a,.nr, xParn'N•r1d n,.d fSrrtt,Rd.. Run. I- , ku ,d.•" [I%.Vnnnu.n sire h 1'". MIM -Y R -i Orn flub. ? a.W lnraut.,,t•dc-•I.ut.r. \inRk'¢tienfNnCnx.ru,; j1..,n %po-ri-j-CNnm. 3n,l K'.,1 Y.... Vullra C'01n p.n1lr 1Aq... uF, Vlk nu k1h by 1kW I Ngl.udr,.n. 1u111 1'.- 1?y hld 1 p it . r n Nn.Wn). nc nn.,�, tiirl}� r nrr x lop n1 . [ilio- nl,:ar.., til, rxr' E•u N Il rlrl'1•In.`cl'Irn...l:l)., I. mfl lwkp •rte 1wn,"llr Vn1y. f'r,.R.n !•ur raalrl• nru n.W J.rP.. e.',Ill 711 c�IJ,.• •.,:.krnwen..4 fl:-Itl1 nn•l „Ju1t, I.N["lal,,r,'ury ihar4 Fla• i..n and l'..r,hn.,.1, !?r...nx-St Her. en.nk: 1. in 1'''n. h= Advn vd lleal[b....• MIN IV County l7anaiak Wulrn, [=un.nuNr L'la'.ker - an• u,1nl- rmnnang wnrn,h..Pn.:m1 a1M1'1',n-,. r•1'e:u1, na•na."n P..n ,aNr .:.n lar P16 Inn., n•.... Itx-„•lu:x-h .,urn,h.l Abp....• AMrilk EM1lrrrna•-c, un .•,h1r '}"ni,J F1.nIJin}-.tibxkticilfah. F•.r llu•n'�[]n,'.��.AJni.nN„1rmi.m H'rJ. 411:}0 a-nl. int, r, 136 Ina -cif i7 a•nr. 1[r" 111dp [1? 4 N:.in - I.hh• RaWlnR 1-0 1, 1 hut.. F'nun.uxr l'rlual.L,,rven I'.,r.., D -k• U-nlY 11 -rd .% AJ- a4q,•f. 1., Inn4time dnvirn Ju• man[, !rJ M11••nJal .N r,N•h 1'ta, Amring L-A 3" �krn •]x..dJ„rti,'r ill"C-n•i V r:,r1, ,Noir. r. p .n." in .olio xx d.y., LAY dnrula, ,. I, 15o m ankh'...Iti11.• r un.plr.. n vhpks. en ulu..nlxr., 2nJ`1far.r.'ILyle l.,.w aRla.el .Srn,I.ic.,--['•rc.. f -ink 311-�2, u..r'i73-jrs,+ A41nI4I9-ft;,Ir.. Frdcrnl lienrllk. mrVu.unpll, �laan Rlna•1, Nine, Mslu ipmeDl Noma . DAV Clea, e, 179 hIJE.,145k.'ti IiuvW lfeckueprr,An eMluRdn, ,.p�., ?f.m =]l, u,r n Inn til w fA,l ti ,1.11)• [I.inl tiu[-, I l�p.n R..n. Fan lnI,,; 1.11 '.Y± RM173. ptn, I riduys ,i ;,.n,. nt SnP.m. Sir F'nr n.ln: 31C,JI/7-1[•r,'_ tiat.'1 nm Fri 1 p.m Farr M1inlndd} D[u1xk,JHlnnd -Seniors Art,NI-d Y•na n1.,d 12 Pm par klre/Lka._(Rmlk •eR• A 1 -tom- lair r lur1 ut H.+- %Y -4M1 Y111a- µT1.9 11 r Ing,, In,t I-ri nl'rarlr nr,nlil Ir) If. RnIb1.[ smear Senirr. 1'uru.r:d] lar Ja41x aaJ...•, •h Nn j + N,U ... 5A'nl\h.n. •, u.n. Irl Ilr,ilJ.nIr l.wl[Ja.[?7H Mrr..nr7 I1v.rr Purl]' ArrrJalc,, t3 n. n.n 411•111• Vd In t]a11.- til."M1hw•ka5-IIIc unlKx. r•, hi'm.v •tea �. r. is la awned. 7s1-n_ln. seTrr ll_,Ilh. M1t•n." SArJ., x V611 C-1- Hilo A'alaer Toosday, Jan. 10 Fn Arse .k, ..n. mw -Pit[- 14 C7nnu1a S4.. 5V- LKInk rnr Your Brain y 1 Report Davi. Derail— u1 a.m. nl i P.rn.-n.un alvr owls, 11 t35a m.. ,pr:arrfa m lams By No Monday „.,.kdde by apin.['nll lY->-MHu. AIe1,.Hnw•e'• .i-- RS'Vl' Iq Ilenwf rnavl.• Du[rliar,lu,WJ ti[.xy [,maw, n! n,r,r Cu l.l- fan-! Ic rrin�,ted h) n-11 4 M'rnd:.) I.I nn.n:I-ri 1 [.r. n,., n.xln kkhrurl. Tuesday, ;an. 17 11,1 P..bllcallnl. Werk C.H 751- Meelincis Winans tinein[. Itrin urn., 112 •c dn,n it h) d,c!lic Thursda . Jan. 5 ,�krr n•,. ice . P,..uud, at %+!bn S.. ;xLI10-11- 11',, -r.nrDrc.rdmRSvrdUr n,6FLT POAIUAT,Gra ptlrnr" ,I -u d gw!Jljtcr !! J n.�sv" d CDCZ i ,.wn,..ma•e.,,.eawn - Tp.,a...e.i T o*"ME . WAY, S WWTED TO 6E E - - -77 i r,W 5FR", F �IpY" YdN Y11ROW THE It I 4¢MG ,- OAC.. YOU Il V- P£ BALs, au"r¢rNC T 6AM, LISTEN, 6 you "o" o rF 5T.JR,p 114040 3114'1 YELL M1fE! - l 9erATT alirpo ayDlEYusEp i, > QTATiov RE1r[E. J oro you Subscribe to the Enterprise Only $26.69 Per Year 751-2124 au - DAVIE COUNTY FN?•s]ILPnrcc_ gr,CORID. TINa e d y. Dec. _v. 2411 r, DAVI E COL ENTER P R 15 E -R ECOR ❑ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29.2O16 - 813 IS SP 116 1122.31 feel In .n hon; M.M. pfeperty ,s sold. Any p.rwn Mtlans' Ne n Io no„ly ail �Vravna- li,., usvmq dElmsuy4eat aald Eeeere NOTICE OF Noah CB deg.. 38 Min. 22 gQ who -Plea Ino property pur- a.mg ¢11 0l Lot 23 d Swing- Pnn I.,ga1mPn¢ mg eplmE r4 _.an d In,, r- M. NOTICE Y exNdr Irwm Ens[ Tp'Jq rex m an Iran; seem w stent. agre¢rmenl nn- Q.W sphnF+{etnn es recoeeea �n ee¢Ine! d eau,a,q =IT.Ite con 1 FORECLOSURE SALE inenn. Norm 79 da ,,. 10 ml.. Iniad min r --d Pn ¢r qf• PI. Book 5, Page 141. Dario unandpn,pnatl a„Re dn.aal in. 2dir.1p.1Re 1h ee [a memos 45 este WeM 806.11 lest Ip ler Oplohar 1, 2D07, may, a11e, Cpunly Reglntry ev rmleh tool- Etl+iera r e,ewo A1I... .y PO Inco line Iwai piny d P.,,.l.n e1 NORTH CA RDLINA or this nNI loan; Won a NeCn nip, the ler-ale Ne rtgenv M sale lir• alw eau ]a4 asps Clommona Ro.f. acej C I made farampro "9 a1,y DAVIEnO COUNTY Ilnp at Laupa 3- Adoma Npr1h nJnRle 1ha tool. pgw.rdom by Pe+tloder geec,ipdvn. CleE m- no, NPr. Cgibia All P i" per o, rhos recovery. All a enfpnrfl- Ilnder vnQ pl ° 2,0,2- an a 7LI M. 19th d I! p ,len � n In d to - 74 Q0 v. 52 m . 45 wc. Wept multlln written na8oe included In to real 9 p B Pone- Power DSalo =Polak°. In,I d Macd eat] or ,h,o rwnco ani pone ar a&O I m Mid a la,p ani =¢Hain Doed al Tn+cl oxeculeQ •I, T'18 teal m an Iran; IM1ence mlralfon !o ,Re Ipndlnfd, to pu arty If ¢ ea94 ambit- name, he woadod m u01 el Woh rens• plume nwAo ImmetlleN pavm¢n1 by Rob L. B,gh1 nntl Cv,dlyn Nar,h 20 deg.. 52 nhn- 46 eM dlepeyd v0 a dao WW"n ,he Venleio 10enlRlcfllWn Npmber e,y. RII pwapn¢ Iftbod 10 un M rha,mdare,grrve. 8. BrIBn! 10 Rmodpod Generd West 26].00 loot In Rn son; rwllOa IhN p al at 10 dayp, VPNCB144, whlrH le dhs0tl ,blot. ,W etoa'¢ conk¢ Immnd,- Thi¢ the 0 h day d Deeem- Fln.e of Ann.H , n G aau thence math 05 d.q 41 min. burn¢ mare Ill- 90 days, Wrier r° We Mal P Qny- This Ma - me om p¢ynwn[. bw 2.Ia o0[s], whit, wan 0¢10tl June 27 sec. Eqo! peesl in 0, Me sato d¢W epnrdnod In Wo bile homy wIR be wM an ¢ Thly ■,h ony ¢I D..omha DEBRA LEIGH WISfIN. 12, 2a90 end recorded an Jinn "" {con til 28-01 qq m.rklrq rwllca n1 solo, Ix"vld"Q Ihg1 Wo part PI Inv tool Prapaely ua le 2010. E.eevale -.he Es. 18, moo In appy 831 s1 P, g¢ ma Soutnenet corner vi Emeal mpnga®°r ova nv1 cured me pemvtred by rhm plorlmm�; o! A+Ime-1 Pgrxay v+bvmNy Rpban. aar.vn Tp6. Oavto cas 3y R'gls,G- G- Brewer a hist ar 110.2¢ MM dalm,h n1 rhe time WE, Innen[ N.C.G,S- §25.9-88a. lr�ocrdw 1 E.leee ,11 Poppe X,. Dr, NPnh p.rdlna. m tho POINT ANp PLACE prvvftlee ,h¢ Ilca Pf la mi• PROPERTY ADDRESS iLO er OrxeNy A. MaptlP7 MockavXq. eiC 2702a Dofaull bwln9 been mpg. OF aEDVNNIND. conWlninB gen 1NCGS yi§ 45-21.TeA[bl CRTIOTi� RY Eewgrd r. Brower, Almrn'y PnIARn: ao�, 0,22,29. Jun. 5 f rho nvu [haven a"cur 12.434 oma¢, come er bee, [211. tlpv -All.. df a Mal- 233 Riddle CIrcM PD el Tae pl' d bckng'puclX 21, prW 2B on ql ugreomonL Iha Inman M Ile• RdrEnce NC 2T00' ]828 C,0mmena Rmd NOR CAROLINA uhe sold D¢otl n! Tru& nntl ,Re lhRl PAM d 1na Rqy C. Beau• bM fee rerH Quo unQor llw mm11 DATE OP SALE: Cq onwna, NC 270,2 PANE CUVNry tldradpne0. Tmklda SvMeps en.mptlplpppr[Y Y. Jury fed at)Me til p,nfat" W Iho vf- J4nuury 4, 2012 pupl,alr: D°e_e,, 8,xx.2P IgTI C! TO CAEdTOi13 0! =IN°, U.C. heAn9 boon ,gge, a = yeatl by HR■� f -Mm an'- ¢r n o t°rminellnn. TRA¢ OF SALE- I. no WAURED da A"O aubapNmd as Tmswa In Md. r19RTHC OUNT"p dile d D MAYS. M EpwARO Dae, W "'I- arrd the hdd• L""d Surroylm Campnrry end 11 Iha truelee le unPMP m 10:30 A.M. pRv1E CObNT'r HAROLD MAYS, We q Co,do e, d Ice oma -Ill- lag anal b"Ing a pcnicn M mese Iande, Cb -y ,idv Ip ME prbpehty MI LOCATION OF SALE' NOTICETD CAMTORS County. ole Fs In nw,ry ell Pon dPMW! hevlm lar.., Q Inco the d.A- bad by dead w ,c1c P {n any rosea,, Ihn GWP mdredy ¢I DAVIE County DRUM haR■e TIw undiwelOn.0 haylne We', on., 11rme and corpP,wlOrw Deed Ed Trust ho Idredlo,& d. D-dI LWA 158. Pogo 465, Do• Ice punts., M Ice -loco M RECORD OWNER(S]� 'Md 0e el-wrle d 1hq Eefnm or Idwing cbgnra eaelnel aeM ;dnrd nq undeeeigryq SnIhNI lv ylo County Re91e[ry. Mo da,oslt. Rnexnn d auto GpyJ¢ A, Ca.hlPn HA2EL NRE IM M.Ralaln, rP goe...Tdlon palm m In Ttualne WWII Mar 1w aa10 al M` Sao Dp¢d peek ,9q, Page Inab1111y 1e convoy ¢iclWe, hu! TERMS OF THE $ALE' doeoewd, Iwo d Dav1a County, urunra,gnad on or bwau Mmeh un In ..a don, N the ca.nly a85 „ nw HathOg 9P. in' I14ng W v (}} T}ds ¢qjq 0111 b¢ mode rMnin c9r01h,p• d,N M w nxlty ap la, 201Y, Pf",rW ,kms SS1 manlN pullhauav yMom IRs Tfa.l III: bal.knoPW • ParNMn Ptler M Ice aub1po11P; (a) 011 prlPrllPne, an. ,Dopy, u'"ra• amp carpambne flan rho "t day 01 puplwal,an el Pr"pO`" BEGINNING a1 an Iraq 1.1-aLbn pl IRo qpN ens fa• pyirttbre can, easements, tlghl- °1bq stamp ngeln¢t Ino ¢¢Nle MEN nollco} or 1nN nPNPo Wel ha ry 1a M.agd- or the Pavel anQ M, Nwrneael w Mm m W.F. Irrelel'mem W Ins Wen with..': ol•waye, renbaPdye cc_mfl,, q rR11,1i lrl n l0 ,n' ardor• Al..0.4 p pa or mq,r rewvory- cuel W ryMc.lMn" In".nun- BHgni, Dead Book 101, Page the knawMtlga a11M1e Inrslee. II r .4,qh rvPlrk:dnnx M scald Elation en 0r Ovlom mi, 10M Gay 11 porporb, Ilr- ad norpwa- eh¢ "else, Janlrrary 9, 20tT 213' oaarh.na[ corner PI Iha We reIlQlly pF Me cdo le eRel• alMelloq [fie pfnpeoly; lbl prop• in ppedpa n on, It. of In°u Crwoyl 0 Rae masa Immotl n10 aynnarl l a1 IQAeRM, retQ will eflll In within a0ec,pod lrecl; menta longed by lady pony, Ila pail• arty loxes cold aaaeaxmogis ter 1ba Mansel Moor Ice ce IN It '�, Brlghi line Nallh a0 dog- ... in lhelr oda T fMIWn, R ihp br In wMcn the eels vc- oly. W pelpnn" I�yQebletl w ala tq tiro NnWors Is M1.ery idlowln0 da¢orlbod properly mF, a ee Wase 148.14 Ihoy bPllaw !hp ¢halldngp Ib sus ¢a at an a pilot �ie1e wYl proesP mph. Inlmvdl• TN. In. d Ooegm- rd'r 1P rm son. Pvrwmr's1 nor- opus merit. cony regVeal Ihv 01 mora' a1^ Onym�nl- ba•, 2.+.. awered in OmAa Co.my, Nene r d Wu n, vulain eancrlb" cool m declv,e Ino sale w ba a'ler0[ lex IWno wlln reaped C Ir day of i]ocao,ber JOYCEAHNMAM Ca,.Nrw, to all; V°°I; Ihoncp NohW 00 d wltl end m n Wo de It. O ankh Me ,Deco wee n01 � Me .n Eraeun Inv EafaN Tree! t: -1 Iur One yen .: the M.nd 1 Reverale d Dgrv1 R°bm+a Pry.en GeM01NNoNLi a ra■.Sa o' m1a, 51.- a. Enol 158 leo[ Tnq JwocgaP"r wXl have n° fur• $gone¢; 1tl1 lopeml Ibx bans IP Exewahr v, Ina P.reN 1149 W_AOSTOIJE ROAD splko klCa,ffQ 3 2; degrees M2' 10 vR sonnwlhwae! comer mer ranady. welch proper note. woe germ 2r� DW Town MI- Mbck°u111o. NC 2TOM E 84.24 Mel from ,he pppr OW of We WIdenc'Mad Irac1; T ualp¢ Sd[vic¢a 1n Wv imemN Rvv0nu0 Spr• Admnep, NC 21008 Pudllpn: pec 16,22.20. Jan s male con yr Ilne InNreecllanI. Inoncv Sp,gh OS deg, 95 coin. M Cemllnq. LLC Wcp eretl m .hien the rlglu 1H Pudsen- pga:6,15,22.xe 01 sate Eva, 148-37 Mei la qn Subftdml° Pull e0tlenrp[Ivn npplles; MO fns pro- NORTH CAROLINA f 8eauchemp Reed E Doers ken, nonna¢er cnlnef °[ Ice Brook a S -R. PLLC war-, d 8m .21,1 anivrad NORTH CAROLINA DAVIB COUNTY Way arltl I,nm ouch pp:,l d eE- yilJyn daacrltrad Im y; lnenee A[Meneys hfr Tnrelep by Ips Cnur! ¢n Oelaha Ip, pAYIE COYNTY NOTCE TO CREpipaS GWNING c a6 d'gmas 04' 23• Haul, 05 deg. 02 ran, i, nnc- ._Ioaa W CprMlrw, LLC 2016: and I. 1No ca III. .n NOTICE TO CREDITO RIS HAVWNO QUALIFIEDas E292-98 qM 1n an'eiadng ken West 168 Mal m art term, r[us 5431 Ola n Cnya d lha Bale y1,o Cw15 _ HAYIIp OldAurIEO es Ca•E.W0,1xo. w nq E... o1 pin In Eqtty B. Pordue'e zquh- Odor and! Pulte d BEGINNING Sully 200 pY Pv1 C.•Bmw[aa M in. Esra[o or MARIE D'AMATO CROTrS, fpr° ,d hie ID -a- 158, Pg. spy 8 apnl to Ice proviyld,e til G.S. KATHL[■H MACDONALD M Oevin COuMy, This 1. w OQIIIV D,®. 88. pg, 1M). Morita MIME PopmlNnD .501 ac coma Pr WXmkl9t0n, No 28403 51.3391". CACI, IMP pl Vpv a•,PI1111y, Ipls a. pmeens, mime .ntl uormru- PPrW+vSt One N Oa degmen 21' leas as au,vey.d July 18, 1990 PHONE' (910) 9923088 421 Tn' properly le bvlrlg add a Io ,wiry ell porwna, Isms Marra npyhq gWnv x90 -+ret Edd 50• E 93.83 feel In en eapdrig �Y�' wall, ,egln[er¢d IerM FAX; (910}3.2.2597 •¢. le'. NdWor rine b- NcIq end =a eorw,ons h¢vmg ggirrn 8etne q lwosant yrllmn .= Ilan pin; Ihencv 3 8e daardae Rurva F1q Nv.118-08326-Pial ry P11ho flood W lmot, rqo Ice QMI Nd BRnee rn 1 10 110 untleNlpned on or but e See D'ad Book 198, Pape p-Wlsh; Doc.29,Jan,9 underuldnod Cnmmleaiwar, -Ilion WIM 10 the antler 00' 4R- E 34.8] Mel M an ex• 3g@ eipned Morn 15. Mil. (balms Prrev S3J NIMa wan pal: Mende NOS da- 7kee any wohrg,rfen oh rap• on or bpmm Malan I 201-/- {ho• mann. Ino" Inv nrei Qay d pyy grev318' a2• E 50.D41.ut Iv an Em.e and g pl any MI— ALSMES"4017re�-oulan , cenpamim Me Ina Ilion, DI mamma Imm coq "... Ilco,t¢n do Owe -Ina) a Mr. no• ae, Qeatla d reI. a s .1 pro, NORTH CARO pr rxl aFplldq Inarl pin; nonce N 86 gyAl,ppgps d reonrd. DAVIE COYHTY led in, ml,p W I al Or an- W MID re led m i an IW E,. tl e^ lrce WON .Ali 9erewm, n1nN�and tlpgreoa 26' 45' E 106,12 rapt cn PpYn w rotors, M e dew Iron pin: Itasncv 3 W Bad gropenr 1. commnnlV IN TRE GENBRAL COURT menial an", W rhe ar[Ip_ bardtn d mvovary. 111 p0rsena, ,.,Inc.cvrA"Indabtatl ,e -I" Es- dogrves 02' 54• W 5:8.9.73 lest known a dB3 Ju,ley auuu• pF JUSTICE 'rly. F'v,lher, INe unQehelgned I,f"e old corpervtlone Wngnb,vd tao w,,, pone. mnNo Immm,du iv en aylsee,g Nen p5n 1n WN• °hemp gPgtl and ,5a .Po 5•LIPEplpp Q9YRTDIV16rON Caulaeiener mpkpe n° title ,0 Buhl Ertdo will plow¢ rrrohv ynymon, to nw Co. Ersu,dwa En BrghirA noo==n Ilnp lod pwoel Nahanni 1P 483 Juney FILE NO. 1e CVS. MOR rhaNk.. Wllh hecpact In Ice Iran kxn par,00M N Iha unner• rr0etelgned. aloe c L np,AdIs Veno♦, NC NOTICE DF 1190 w Ind prepeHy. °q TN rhq 1501 Day d ❑eCam- ID,. F'a• 213}; ,hence M 83 de- Thls lh°2.0 pay o, Pncv Pco b r 2018. greea29' 88• W afy.SB foal m Srggd• nO OF by o0eponadbla IN ;heeldor 20Te- Attlee eXarfa SaafpfnY arrlEEAf ffghl Gl way Iwo M Beeuanamp e A 1 =W , ds r l 4- � t Ir�B CC SALE nr qu0nue elemp.4 Payebin 1. alA "al We, 3 S O .srnrl`.1Ma E..I. R.'tlS llrenca N 12 degeeen a4' ra patten a TRUSTCOMPANY II'a pegE.pr of pveds arrd any Mockzvll,o, NC 2y..a Mxxev111a, NC 2,029 20• w 104., q.l W the PPlnl (S�.j p me purchase Poona. yr �,� nuor11nm awry rt,tllw v 411" ease ABC31lEP WInt L Jeamrer I,- Until. O(VDLI, Batten H_dOd Rpy pWlyde � bW 10 MO Me&el Su end plea" d eEOmm NO a-- PMa parlor 202 Wael,ldpe Read Co-ErecwlrG dNe iJofaN elaon9 W 1,297 serve, nines or [Sr90.00}, whxh¢ver la grvdr• - Cmrl wlich am avapsiad PR AdrPreq NC 27W' 522 H0y1m Rood les., wd bel a , roll be redsIMd n1 Ir rima C"4YL A.rrV CA-SIION.WAL mo high bla Nau111n item leis "ARTW 6 VAN HOY, LL3' N,.mkevino, HO 2,028 tip ,qx portal. 41r d ihp eel.- Fwpowln ha ox- FYQEim'NA7lfiNAL TI'R'E g aYa m Lew puP,len: poc,15,22,29. Ja,, a a Tex Man e.1 a. yrpwn Pn g CUAYPANY. LLC, and do MN.IPsuoe aeM- - Almm EE urveY by Lent' L- Callahan PpaNm aN I ee elElarnry upoel NORI-H CARCUfW4 DEPART- 141 AI tl,e dim" til ,he aero, 10 Cnun square bltl pO,Mn, II 1ha umdnV+g thin nlghose Wilder, .111 be re I/IprlmV„q. NC 2rA a NORTH CAROLINA Sd-Ang CO. Inc.. Jqb Np. AYFNI P>= Tl9ANSPORTA- - a0p2�. dated Meed, 27, 1996 m No n k adlnlvy Quq TAW, DfyWglpN or M[77vp eulmd m moNa a .esm depoen PubWeM Oeo-s,+s,y2.29 OAVIECOOHTY eW Paling. THIRD PARTT til talo percent {5 AI 01 foe hid, "MR 10 Mit.m ORp end enllpetl •savoy Mr RPh• PURCHASERS ANST PAYTHE VENiCLES NDRTH CggqLpaA HAVINe OIJAURIED as EA - am 8 Caro" BM�"' ppyyygnla nr'j15p.gD, .1-J"n"r'r Is glen• pAYIE COpHtY °cum, w tnv EMaM til MARTHA IP whlph "'On"" le heraby RECORDING COSTS FOR Vader and by vlrluo d Me ar w,h thin rpm&Nog palarwe NOTICE TO CRBDITOpB SMITH COOPED, I— no ibawn of Ice bid am0dm IP be d on g pu.,,IMq as Eexu- Cuan m.tle. THEIR DEEB]- Power el sale cgrdalno, In Irv[ a Hnwn ty, Ira o Io nwNy ea on, Sae Deed Book 1,9, Pope catkin Deed e1 T =e axedm• the day Inflnwldg,he Dept don lar MI nip U.M. f QEOROE sone, Ilrme and MMa e25 Said mPPer[y q 4. PrN,ed ROSIE O. ANT3ERSpTl al In- applicubf0 ton (10) Gey TIMOTHY &WTN, ate el O,wra guewngckwn¢aOMn=y M'E&ale DAQUIL P.--1 l0 Midi Noucs or sale apse! Old pwlnd. Cnumy, Nunn CproWo, I un- Io prgeanl wr,Ilen eMlm 1 10 bem off-. Mr req, Ira AND GAYLE A. CASHION 1hv 9EGINNIN6 vi en INH In Ma (ar ¢rd tl¢Ipp pclpbdr 2,, 2004 rn R- Th1n the 23rd day of Nav'm- =1.1 ean Igfeby naury eu wNerplgd ar or Lwwre Morph On a pf Emee! O. (hewer poop MM,noC° RS iB emndl Deal. Traame- ,eraMriQ bm, 20,8 me, aw en,pttellPaF 22. xa,P, Ibsl,u wm VJ mcmne [ WHERE IS.- " see tip rrp- By hwirq -- p a ol-I Ice eMaty from pw lhrt day of hlMerinn el -yak 62, Paan 2533. Ihv North- ggOM80nnn d wePerXY molar• In peek 0]83 Page 110, pvvM M Bald Wmgwu b .-IbIt mum WIa rwnc°) a pya npww ZI4 be rt enmer al Ihose kntle ee- 1 b Iho Mile u Cnu ly R.gi Iry; di -ll holing aaddurd E PMeosvn, PLLO, ro 1n0 ENen,nol. Jaeaico ^.. •en pbodod „ pa °, orae ,savary. aalhad try dvatl reca[tled h e Vn I milk PMa r.Ly hwn mad° !n R.Y-EIt °l Ina Subaviulb TruPlov kvnmeMel, Ipu'h w aafoty 3898 C-Pa,.r SII.', s^'oh Whit", la4Va Jeeaka pnreone, Ilona and cdpar¢• O Dsoak 159, page 400, Ona evnQ111nrt' exlellrq In, nd, rp. pr IntlobMedese Ilrereley secu,eU; Sum T03 8oldan Smnry1, u,q ,IOWp d Ion¢ wwNbrW N Held GNiEw MI Tog IM1m,pa 8aWh ]5 g�ge- reeling Ib Iha pmpmry aekrg nntl Ihv naeefaery IIrWlllge Io T. ban Ylemde, Esq-, P.D. Hoer tem° max" n.o.. 1A 1u4Menr r 12 99 sec. Eesl 1184.10 allured I. solo- Th1e sale M P"rmn lo,e¢r¢sury heNm been RRI",gn NO 2T80g tape or 9802-ACWnrno^s R°nR In Co•Bapqumrea - Ivel to ort I,nn In HMhA' 11nv; mope b no DavisCna Su- 1019) -/55-3,00 under M- S.dh 09 deg+, ea cin. mado sue]eci w all prier Iran. Y r "f%• •-•?lits pgm.naakedon plrom AOA NO 21.012. on nr On- M. vnpein fosse, any unppld lona peeler Cpul ppnuora 1¢ me Dv tae March I5, 20,] a 1n1. ,w11m Top tea 22ND day d Decom• Sa sac• wart 15v-67 [vel In en der M Do=Iaralory payol qnQ a ,nd rPfMCWr. 7hv pwp " be pModad In pard mina re- Ger, WIS. Fon, bu=sy BPumweal enrnm; t�°`DM` .'nelw Oclw .eases• JuglcMl FPr"pvsu„ 1"Orgarn o! flus cvmmuRienNPn fs 6 -Mo. ooy.ry Al peraurR- hrm., pad Pletcher Afreq Crop.,, Jr. mono° Wim In. Ino d Cfiarl s '.. la, Ig1He [tl noises. on October ,p. 2a IG 0oct O AOL, 7i.= a5 qx anpyppr corpa¢mnc Indddatl Iv rrre en,4 r9rEea,w til Inc ERNIE Dean 9'audwm Y• tleetle of rel0aee, add arty N cnebcl , dear. nod any f,Npr- OeNle to dao awppl"anl Lono p of .I emnn ./per vn[a N -l"n or "atop• a', Iliad nr1 Ocmhor ip. 201' P1oma rn^p¢ IMinAdl• DB dpga. a0 mar. 2a x0c. W9sa [Inds ¢f wcgM� T° Ihv bear Pf wbh Ino C -ark Pl ellpee,lnr CPun 2. abtalnad wW"IJS Cler rte peyRH,R q Pw vndordgnpQ. Mo=Nayl„°, NO 27028 ,19,pa tocol In an Iron, CRarlr iho knpvnod9e Roll bolls d We of Devin C.umy, 0ltl Odder fla! purpver'p. T,da, mP t5er a., of Oeedm- ry,blran. Qae.N,W. 2e, Jaa s Oven eonu-IT So. cad hey Hg baso mcbrdod IP Bova pubpoh: Da¢,22,29 bud M,e. wndvrroAq ,the cunent avert- JE..G. (paella Surae Her; Inence yah solo 8e.u- Or[.1 f 111° pmPaiiy We,. Cor- IO3p• P'ga 818, Dave Cam- NORTH CAROLINA Word, w. NOTICE OF eNemp ■tie SP'In as done. 33 ply, aright ky Fieg[stfy: tri' uema"Md"e HANE COtAYrT a43 JerEW pgrvRve SmfN, r. a �ad� min, Da sec, E¢a T84'L491noi An Ober Mr VNE..slan d Buba8lute Tousles Wal ofNr�er NOTICE TObMTOk6 8xeelrrur°/ore Pewee PUBLIC NEARING w' mlhown apllaa {n sig ,432 [na pmpony may, be Ieamq pur• cele m Puddle tercel-, ,o IhP AND CREW -AS saw4,r w7 %La �<^r9- 6EFone THE MOCKSVILLE OM.e■y known oa'Jrarey 19oeu- cunni Ia G -S, 4b•2,.291n Moor pl0hve! OitMor Iw cash. 1. Tha .arm+WDnotl IrrryMla War, T. von Wwnhlo, Bea town BQARO FOR THE Kamp RvaS'1; IM1enna SeurR d Ina P rcnawr nntl Irrx Property eenvOYad W Bald tlep, r as Sxacr,w of the Ep1,,1n or whopray rv, Ips Eemm FOLLOWING ORDINANCE r7 dd95� 49 mM. Os sea Easr IM PPnY nr pwllea M po Den• MIN i Ne same ryng And ho• paROTHY A, MOLIDOH, pyo, PO VON Te'a RHD ZONING AMENOMENTS i69.7R feel 1p a PK ndl In 5R oleo by IRs M,k d wpe,mr Ina In Ih' Ceur4y of DRrla Rod pwodry Ann Wilde,. aha aa• 5802-A C{xrpnme Sped NOTICE 16 HEREBY DIV - 1a32 «gN always mw,cv North _m NEW county in wHCN Ilre s1MP W North QaiOane, and why M"`_ ppcwwp. 1 m d C1emm0Pe, NtC \1012 EN. Pl/RBUANr TD THE a2 doge- a6 mIN 2s enc- Wes, wa pen{culnlry deecrlba0 ns Dow. CPunry, Nprrn Car.".- aa8.706-8a95 ftaMh: Dec. I,,22.2v;,Mrie REOIIIR IMITe of CnnPOOr 188A•UA Or the Gen.r'1 alar - NORTH CAROLFry HA albs a1 Nwlr Camllna Md Pur- - �^ �• DAVIE COUant me W Sll", B-3-9-1 el mP - klocks . 2.nln • A", C TO C IFIED q9 9 Ordinance, _ XL IIA . tnrN. PI the as ... N,a1 lire Tqw° Over. Pt GLI- B minlerraa, Cry,, I rRe ESIa,e mpalnnoN will held a PUBLIC r vl VevW Hmnrd 9yeln. late a1 HEARIHa m M Tgwn Had, - -IQ C"u�y, role le r¢ n¢tpy all ModraWllo- NC, M 'Al Rm. 1 1 p4 e¢m, a anq .p pamrq q ¢n Tueedey, January S, 2017 41 ni oaa eiavne ¢p°lnsl said Ex&e to mea Ina lwlnwing dams: in in reaem -imp =wim to uh7mnXIg JEIrpJ10111Epm6Dt. 564 LtllBHuw Rd- (yjQCf[em,O■ '082 1Oel%inva Dram - AdYORca lgnaq 0m at bdam Mnrcn The BoeM will nlWew a Wel mnlnl0lne" dBRyS.sBA. Fwmpl EMJaly u130. lI, hprTrb 1& 20,1, 1pwrq sores [a1 moons Rues, qy r'nIIIN Fy■er IP m ■ . DR 1.110 tH 6 den, 1 par & Qpypeff �grig SM r10,a on gplr VgtOy IrpR pNa Oe=I pay of pymlcaebn a, aero ppP,nnlmRMly Z3 epee ► Orapbe', IO;nf.prl yklsl pre¢ all ug. geek ACrgened Hua more} er d`e not,,. wml po rePpllpne'e reTdn. Ltl. unRn. bsmf- PQiCit P,odael beckyQKl. reenter OR pleedpd 1n apt of 10.4 rocovary. from Hlghngy U -non ahm HC Hmdw.Toa flppp&Morel $925,deD wlsappro}9 girynp rcprl. $TSy,70O. Rn peravna, arms nntl ,paper,- 1. Gawm, Md.=rdgl Or. TN. aro INIabled M veld Eutaw w111 e.hJya1 prepely is In Wd M' ° mawp 4nm0,ie,¢ payment 980 Sallebury Road and in fav ■ u, the undors,gn.d mer descrlb0tl ss prole CPun- ■ haTsni'hn [stn day m DO— .ryLap9eDA00i0lponib0 AA uu• r^ +• bE, H•9wwa ✓r„ a WIDAPI0518060001. ► ■ - A C'T am,-MNreapp c5t• E4f.N !re a Jre,1 h v - ar a.r.d lsoyyrp sh.la mty I. On 1reNp ,n 1- aat bl r _ 135 Nmp,a Lane In ePPo bM ,P the f -Doing i D99 FrprRYT(liprt Rd - Mor:ksYale 5(.d }1o:)�lrnl sl, Ext- - r4aCX-ey9tl■Pup,an p>.�aa. _y.,-5 changes. Rtpr m nr. negrag. 3aRYi8A woo mpinrE a ey tvlma gn Invaslrxe a Rr;+T.rri U n n, MICRO au pe-_ ggresidtl may e , Ian Ouas. M37n & Quest BR 10 WIN Cccn w CnnwnllprlA. Ligan tax, any edd'nional infarm Ma r,0'v0 rwxlt, Giessen rjy,gp epwrL & - k, -.11, On Oil q 2 H011TM CAROuryA 0 l. , M. h+a ,erh7y,ay -r:,r. rW�rra,rx hLpa Inde Ivuntliy. rpparar OR, I� pA,nE COUNTY D ,tie prop t ySe NOTICE TQCREDROa5 avebpmwr rv,ces o- e ■ slmms/Gerrzrolor. rr4.'iRfl$$19,9pp mc■fer $4 ep1 ri rmCFgrr, §$0+ .IAo,aALIREa es ,Ac- P.M,no . no E l;Tepar Sbaor upu au NNi eErta,e W g agOTHT tela kaville, N C. beas.- aD0 RO6PrSTP OUTS,ON Ida °, em, Ondo 9,09 pen w Ly ee E, ■ ■ Dena a W, vu r. ry rwtrfy e° Parra at 838).53-0050 F4eak4- imps Era mrpereewy Prreloec pee: 2220 DAVIE-CLEMMONS Call us Monday Friday 8-5 Deadline to have your classified ad in the next issue: Tuesday 2:30 P.M. Email: ciassadsasalis6urypost.corn _ OR plata your ad online at: L s I 1s13uryp c ostomC IfIlUd a and c11ck Place Classified Ad' TOLL FREE '1'877 7511 2120 OR 704'797-4220 Didn't get a paper? � � Call 704-797-4213 1 I Deals & Bargains Deals & Bargains r; ApplNeee Task Micaba MewNq■Da Job Opportunities aw nnsw'w "• +" "tlw: Issau Lion1HS For Saie edea. now. Cao ■ r...exa.sa,6. PbP, roe-2,o-2aao. L,os't & Found Apartments 5+50.00 twmr suppwe NaolEeti Flan Fbaw BMr� ■■EET gFJLL- MSCI OUr l ■vEelllPl"dmn *m Fgll■■ - ■Fwc%d inn Mate YrXn. 58R, 261 bfkk lone,, COaHTRy'. ri81F1•e Now Hirin eoamlh. wPdd .tela ,sa¢ +e rw,lr:capx.o 5xL "tip 4xL +,1rta. , sawn�EMEHr, oannpE, H'N' g� 4ie- a5a 52.00 In 9eMeGrryl28t n, am ni"atl Mptlgdlla-3unpe, iomca Aprr.. RMA rico s�npkwnpo pn Gay VO -Ooh e, per WOOk. 61 I f uwnewuP. Cal, w m r q=N 8 eE BR. all Opal. ne-wAr BE, apix o ]9a•]aa.a as. " dad. sw ran mere ,151er1a a, sa5'rar N e vuy,.:e•i, br 51 OR uw Comp'irhre rragea, Ceam1 wBTt to B'' ,.,. ]a4-'p0ae■s NINon D]100 091,61ur13d F911FD2 rrpplee Weipl APPPJ al N'ww.dalrip R -Ila" `�� q, u dee I lapin caw nab �Ta79] MercfiandlHe w,k n■ a,- Ap m. a w.eAe dd. p Houses For Rent 0ru1 RENIa n .Ann 1"^P��.1,C.. 9iP:2-5v0-Ian � end For Sale prrY eymp a ccs, coorc, o odes Pvwmad R.cMey won cps, war and war: m„nary come- 7.03 ACRES HEADY waN corrlor aonpaq, "a"rreonl e0,• old dvoaneMe, ieerer,denvo, FPw,tl aTEanla.ep err NEMO, wen, SOPDE, & Pulver 38R °' 1A°M1' 8A9t a+r, Z,Kwnldnria mLv W Erlpjy- �' S1sa. sae-aa,.n5v- N„Inn serer 6 acid Pomo- old col• NW Win. P[Eafa WI704.71W...CpuNmy, aracd. rivorl<0-5900' Vpad tldaefr9 HcenW ■must. W nvr,q' Jnr con vlmyuo ehill 1934 q wallrm. ,OXN•Fp■ PEj/• 000[0 Logy y p1,�j yT sHM Enrcyata WI,¢e. Dud d era 2001. d {rnw.OE pay depenQs on "PlEn0r1C0 5+00 0, n,aFe aper, Roses east etc. Coag ren Score o3■ep2•erse Found Do- aaer na9mrlp 4LSr S1P0]B90NLY vi= levet, c.11 L"Ma-Yek I ms ?14�as2 m, el+mrar. P].aaa Enlf C pn In W,aarl..laftaNry%0a•e0a•nT! Manufactured a 336.898.9340- , I { yule eae.lgF6i2iR1■ � Haines For Beat FFMee4,� I78- ' 751. wkR mrtw .STS -Cell lea• 1 FOeIU g0■- ]�'9556 �! gMwnpbum aizop lvm.le-IlpM1l lflmaJ ; ylral,pe LlpM1llp lNtl r0l lFHwpk4lMaa qq, y� 1121. Cai120 •R%a�wa110�6ny Elms In AD," Fundi a i 5100- Gad mndldw,- 7w-425- .OnFC. - - 2Bd, 59A. Mobilo home nenty Oa21 •- - - FOg�00■r _ qd _h rkrw vn0t0Y el - Deets & Bargains x e cNavehwa. Frcawlln - :,xenon �� ^➢. La ga ape Mem ywep 9arawx JrllvpMl■papWEE,Yrgwn won mw cnr�o] TOXIN, er 04No S ■tlwpeslpw OunIP Ary Ilrx, Gee bre popdtl er.oye, 9 Per.. T�C C e]6JS,o evnoiy. y�Orprq�°rp°�jp°dp -k spa 1: 265/ WA le- em; Iniad. 525 qa. I:2■.00764E3e-,Dna real.- tlan0eldiM°rar'nas legalrtp. Avaa. Ca„ ]M,-sa4dn2 weep. , Oelwn rFlrfmr IeelM eft ddu -� row (S3sNas.a,pl 4.1■hwl tpIMN 7eoelrr I■xdln Lem MFRar oak.. pore Ke11 n¢bk.m am, rlP BEAUYEFDL WOODED 3.88 a veer. am- spalanWyle aening '"_" i a , wnlNbt. e.11carr Ian AD. 1N ROiPA11 C01111iY 4"r,, ewe rand Cwt ] loill . a7o7 sa�pnc;` n�9�o.le°2i. . *,:,a Gad NPad s ivillo ■ane, u"�Ipa„°,tan° eFen� rynad1d« ry :�M� [)OWN alp c1104d06.4251. arrr iae■F0p■e rllev, ddw N Rxkwea Park Ammo•The WMWIE ReNot JFper Ing. ramolo$3s0. Nave yea9in mltldMnf Meldlcapd-Hyl Son- Yp. IM Goer leap Me I Raew•"'l. aiur°re tweed wed Ih- pInar.s. 5100 Chon,0- ^a'xf .iwcor, „k Wry. LrIEH maEanp. mph nur,mr NQ. w��e+25113' s�•5ov' Cary 7OIi,1_ S, Oo.v: ❑gni was v0v •�2,�a7o e_ 9300. 70w89 2o4s q den � "mss"�� Unemployed or Need a New Job? Don't Search Everywhere. We Have Done That For You. witnin zo miles of Salisbury, " m'^• �e. pal 52 jobs were found' anan�aN..HN..•,..,. �.. a.Pr P. c-rr,wned Job match aterts Resume & profile aw rN .Mw management one click •n,d.cNmr. a...un c•.,,aMl4, 1pplication process eanru,ry. a M.11 to Wn'l Ie Job Ma10"'U7 seder, -¢.e newrED 7 a...Ia.,,,«_ krR•EMNOEn c r MoreD an ever before in one placei" Reat-Time Jot) MatchingTM eliminates time-consuming and inaccurate keyword Searching t ■ ■ ■ • - Saiisburyj*AL Vet a a 1 l sb u ry Po CLASSIFIEDS 1 11), - T71 4220 - _ _ Perrnerert wirir Rcai/I to tris � TTWrjal, vrnpn rl.• -,•.arch done on Thursday. Jury 1 S, 2013. gewhs could b' hoorah or laxer deperl■Ing .n MO Day at your search, i#�� T 1�= IHSS o �� C ii0�M._ B14 - D"IE COUN= U,MMMPB LSE REACCIRD. Th.mdar, DR- 29,2036 PICKLES VO YOO EVER TONK A60lrr YEAH, SOMeOMES, WE AFTERLIFE, EARL? 4 [3S]ESS. N A h I 4'00 MEAA} Yot]R Na,�t]5TM,� wol2LDL4' CLorHES . POSSESSIONS? -- .- DUSTIN I VOM'r UKE 'ME I DEA OF 51i0WtlJG UP W TME AFTERLIFE W TIE SUFI= � '/f BY BRIAN CRANE 1 TkIA1K MY NGGE-5'T'CE{tAS IS 114AX WE CAId"Tri41fE \ AWLIT141MG WMA Us. 1000epT TliE AFTERLIFE. 15 LOOKAMG FORWARD TO 'fFIAT E17F�1ER, BY STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER THANOGIVMG- [HRE57MA5 AND NEW YER 5 EVE ARE 9 E17 AND AL THE FEA571NGr - 'T- GEFF-GfViNG AND bxC5% �SPFTUUP, ARE J1157 MEMpREES. 0w MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMA7 BY MIKE PETERS IJT THAT M1AA.E-PATTERN 9AWNE55 15 A D9 -A6, AIN'T rf? l- 1-1 I'M Tu6T GLAD THE TEENAGE PHASE ONLY LASTS FOR ONE poG YEAR.