P12266 Woodward RdDAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT SEPTIC TANK PERMIT i.o, of Bedrooms Date /.Z 'hi -s permit is granted to cEe2 L for the installation of a septic tank-; at the residence of cL , u''-� _ Address :3u :din, Contractor Address Septic Tank Specificati Length Width Depth_ Capacity A Gal, Manufacturer's Name Address �•.�' 1 ��., iI . of. es wi h t 'A` Total Length 5 ft X of �Ft . o, lines dt _a_ 0 1 ngt _ q. _ 'Py e, of filter material Total tons used `fi n Lr�an Y,equirements • House Trailer Tank Cap. 800 Sq. ft. line 400 • TwoTbedroom house 800 6oc three -be room house % 900+ 900 No one shall install a septic tank in Davie County without a permit from the Health Officer or his agent. Date o_'' final approval /� - , � � Signed: v Sanitarian I hereby certify that the above septic tank has been installed according to specifications: Signed:1 ti S6fptic Tank Contractor Note- Make sketbh of disposal system on back of sheet and mail to Health Center, Mocksville, t�