Mocksville Courier 1906r- mooll4w _6? TK nopo 6t'lF1EC110N "Here Sh l tbra• Trigs the Pegple's Rights Main it, Unawcd' by Influence, Unbribed by (0ain" :ooa Year In Advance VOL, s. 1 I, - / <'�70� SVILLii, N. C., - tember 13 19A s"d to Demeeracr compromise. Ev straddling labor. I�Cbi Se t4 Atn ban• makeshift of the Mentury has f' the the • a terestC411111fj rice ods.in interest. of justice or get � N T S - R r people been repudiated U. yuet given in honor of lVilliam at the polls, and. the- only real ready to own them. H - 4MI,>k'Yj LtiUJ 4. J. $cyan udlght, John Te.-�_� CY le visto which hes, Gre of Atlat�tatyi®' one, -crowned our glodetti Dem>cr of lie 7. iSeap infant chtkiren dut th factories. -: LO N G N I A N & M A RT I N Ez he pnnparta folbwere. cy�waa n one brava s leddld 8� bitrabr -,:Se ®pellet ar•T it.....� .ARRISON F3ROS' COUn. Paints er r -r 1ard'setdponypuYalproClio suµgesWensnP'exjxalienvy. Le-, `"17ie South 9• !'aQ in stripes any - 7Oy,it"i a'nd PGJfZE PAST -raW' -' to the sentiment, hold the timid leaders and the iif_►ieliuysorbul{ies and x definite Democracy" tinte•etvingyyppjj��tlkiahs dsrul Both the an A- an ballot. are dints. Both of the above Brands, will take one gallon of O n P 11 ts: of that. th.doulMs of sown cabinet and the tidjective are and consented to be buried for +1W Go to the coun#ry innine ring rentences, and if the, conn- linseed Oil thus reducing lbe, cost of the paint to $i-25 per gallon.'All good painters know $4., oi. 6.50 to too froth lifig en led to respect. You will a tine with the brave body of me to say that to the to try does not sustain you, then in honesty that the above brands of paintis the best.- Prom 5.00 to '• lo! to 7.00. p0mit ttriR reform in order s cataclysm of two years a" its full and inevitable resurrec- there is no merit and no virtue in the people.- I carry these Brands in ALL size packages. -a andonethat -a -lac $7.50 to 5.50, y' AL1 STYI, EXTRA VALUES when this storm of the ballets pe Lion. was spent, the South was surely any man double that the Republican Rule Must Have An End. .Jap r glo.svarnish,. you can get both color and gloss in one application Y it Tabor There is but iIY all that was definite, and in fact South stands for a definite De- that was visible of any kind — — thus saves and expense. one kind of vat in which you get -color and aj: M- VVOOClrUfP & CO- all mocraof lot him read the re of Democracy. Two years ago torns our State elections just Dying From Kiss Bite. is gloss, a, that is .Jap-8-18C- THEMAN'S 6T0RE Lh••I)em9eraeywas a sectional concluded. Braxton R. Comer d fragment. By the record of tea' Ga, Sept. 4.—Mise MayBryant,a pretty girl of May I have stock of a71 kinds of Wagon, Buggy, ' Buggy T6p, Floor, Gold and Aluminum, and store t,htat save you money bas swepttbe ballots of Ala- that November day the Dem- Greniteville, S. C., is dying at all kinds of -Paints and Varnishes - WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. sciatic party was the solid ossa upon a straight Platform of reform, and in my own Geor- hos hospital hem in consequence of P having been kissed with - undue 8 If you expect to aint -an thin it will a Y p -anything. pay _ -- -- — — — -- South—with Maryland hang- gid Hoke Smith upon the clear force b her lover, Theo Bar- Y you to call and.get my Prices and Color Cards inggin by whoa -with West epi Missouri swept cot issue wt compelling the ton Dont use inferior Paints Yours for Service. • Red E d P r i C s ginia gone and yews the moorhen of talar fifty euri l eutions to do right, had a to III yews. And e�ben the South, carr in � out of counties `LS counties to di- A week age. Mian Bryant When Barton went walking, sod when I H N T proud and pathetic in its splen- lasving only vide a scattering vote among she returned her cheek was bleeding. She said that she had �' g r 1 { - On all Summer 1) rens Goods did insolation, remained loyal, four candidates of "v -definite not altogether in the compul- scratched a pimple. Blood psis - -- -- _- - - - - - 15e,- Lawns IlOt1' 12 1-2c. of conviction, but as well conviction. The South is con- but the South knows danger on developed and she was on brought here for treatment. 7 , - 1 1-`ZO. L wus, now-f0C. in the sheer stress o! what it wants and is bold to and nceessity held inline b• whatservative,to thI the girl confessed that moo` a� - B. •n. an ethnological terror—forted speak iU wighes at polls- ew wound the wound was inflicted by her „ �„ �NJ.'�". r,nar.Enmity.° x:. 10a .Lawns, now Se. Dy conditions, and solidified by How Democrats Cap Win lover while he was kissin Bh; p r� "r.'u,•i ^ ''"� :r ;IJ'flenFiuis!ti'd Suitings 15r.. tcrtanl. • the eternal shadow of a race I am just a , certaidps I am problem under which there has that T live that a bold . definitg been mn�bnlled ire most mot- platform orpopmkr rights and "Theo kissed me," said e ,,.....ay. �,e,+ vu a mi Mw Duaoil,.i,. girl, and once playfully bit my'""m" �waeos.:`s� cheek. He bit harder than he wws oron o. aieoroa. o. c. We Lave a¢ atlracti.c line of ,il.e, listens, prrcalrr. Ih•v ho , •d divergent ceuvict- public hopeety will sheep the int: nded slid caus_d the wound.' ginghams and calicos. Grcy is Miog '.cop, '"^r`' I i,a '.. r, ever, followed and ballots of 1906 into a Ilemocrat Roosevelt is the - Sermon stealeta. now than anything else and we have *hat yo,i aaut in the beat of English kiohaies in nnv shrdr Qnigh, ,oder the comprehen- is avalanche. sive banner of Democracy. only Republican who hay ahold "Sermon stealers," said al 1 ''- _ ' quality at dq cents per yon}. _ The South has been for two upon the p wiphe AB Vbat-is, Vit' about the President, is roitihit4; "ougbt to be mmf IIThey auglltfo read over sever_. - I l.�T'rDl ' lil!(111 , 3ecades the'saving remrlam good " the patty. Its faith inall I Democratic and all that is Dem at times the sermon that they I - \1't• moat have it for our bail 'boes and I„ ret it ee by its necessities has made the' ocratic in himhIs party protests defeated the He is held aloft from the lead -I steal before delivering them.Fall "I know a young mea of �- Fess Goods err going to sell w¢T IOW gllarMrcd SbOe'a al IF a tlPln rendezvous of and renaissance of imperishable prin ershipby his solemn pledge and twenty one or twenty three who , ost Other shoes to go at Imv prices. Rememher have Table Ware, Jelly Classes, Fruit Jars and ciples• The South has been the by an even more solemn piece• leaven His eonventionlhad preached a stolen sermon he not read over and on aLSISS - The showing at Ladies' we all kinds of Crockery \Vary. little leaver, that will deem. party the lump. C has held fast the would never build a platform most impressive part he found - Dress (s700t19 at 011r \J' WILLIAMS���aON 'elements which Jefferson be thntRoosevelt could honestly queathed as a sacrament to Iib- mount, and any platform ofd evasion will fall himaelfdeclaiming,'Myfrienon when I first came among you more than forty years sign, Store this Season is arty, and the blood of the South privilege or the battle axe of Bryan lthe. thin, white locks were Something more than r�at>;•rr. in the veins of the president beneath has pulsed his sympathies in and the ballots of the people. (thick and brown and this bent ordinary. - ------ - ` - I such power toward the people First and above all things the that mor than once in the grap people North and South wW back; fete. a I "Another sermon stealer, - . Our Stock w> 4rever ' 00 pie of convictions and the wren- definite Demdcracy. T t a Lie with mmopo:y the tfrarrdaon Want a platform that me reaching in a village of about) Y IPnA ".'• bei aatild'-.. ). '. "'a: obi -teeming ,, •I - mOTC- CO•iUYllete• �O *> of Archibald Bulloch, of Ceor- something. They are weary of check hi I. the have the e.9t asSOrtr- gid has seemed to tho son of platitudes and straddles Theystreets in of this great metropolis.' Mail. Colors, Shades Thomas Roosevelt of New York want a platform expressed Almost thou persuadeth me to I sentences and not in paragraphs -London " — —'- Found at Last meat of - apd Qualities We have _ l/ "'C be a Democrat" They went explicit dedaratione� too "You say yoawsatmy.danBh- Lad beforftt &.,Ichi, will account for that and they do not want marry ,�- ever _ : Q❑ all Si]nIR1Er D rESN Goods vme n amrt,.e.,os bleedin She earn lost sue pea did insolation, remained loyal, Your candidates nF 'ir defi¢ite g' - -- -- _-- - scratched a pimple. Blood pois-� •, 1 e.'Lawn tIOW 12 1-2C. Sr not altogether in the compul- conviction. The South is con- on develo and she was Bion of conviction, but Aa well Pn in danger eervative, but the South knows brought here for trratment. :� Jr 12 1-2e. Lywns, now 10e. the sheer strew of what it wants and is .bold to and necessity—held in line IT, Today the girl confessed that Hc. Y an ethnological terror—forted speak �U wishes at tIU polls. the wound was inflicted b her • TM °°`"r'"”` 10 LaWRB RO\Y $ + - by conditions, end solidified by How Democrats Cap Win lover while he war it her. eta„. In -➢wjy11 `�;"i"w p": `w.r.Pm`�e^uam. jilliS!i(!fl Suitin;'s 15e,. per t•unl• the eternal shadow, of a race I sm just as certaidpr I am "Thio kimed me," said the under which there hes thatTlive, that alral[j,-definice girl, end once platyfnlly bit my .Erg O1Et"`Li.",%="a-r"�,em"" Erg., _J.IIICII problem been ma�halled tl•e most mot- platform of popular nights and cheek. He bit harder than be www bran o .slob w Weaiava n¢ attractiic line of eit.-, linens, percale, Crcy is being vote+ m * (ley ho • .,f divergent convict- public honesty will swleep the intmdedandcauscdthewound.' ';,; 1908 into Democrat �-�-- i " gigghame and calicur- have w r i .r;x ..ver, followed and ballots of a Roosevelt is the Sermon Steafees. ` now than anything else and we what ymi in the beat quality of English 1lohairs in any sh dt p,,,gi i .nder the comprehen- ic, avalanche. sive banner of Democracy. only Republican who hof ahold "Sermaa stealers, said' l. ,. at .19 cents per yar�,d,.,,�.yr.+� The South has been for two pan the. people. A I_A)%wt is rtdS¢tell . "ought to be careful. about the Pt+eaident is They-bu Lo read over sever- p�y���I 11,I�1'rbl ' iLV V l7 i t itV V p decades the'saving remdan: good party. Its faith inspired I Democratic and all that is Dem al times a sermon that they i We ninat have it for our Fall sb<,cs and to get it we toss ,the by its necessities has made the mratic in him his party protests steal before delivering them. of defeated and the He is held aloft from the lead- "I know a young man of �y. s Goods j I Fall are going to "ll our low gtmrtcred sbxs at than l (rendezvous renaissance of imperishable prin ershipby his solemn pledge and twenty one or twenty three who oust. Other shoes go at low prices. Reb+ember ciples. The South has been the by an even more solemn prece- preached a stolen sermon, he vc Lave Table Ware, golly Classes, Fruit jars and little leaver that will leaven dent. His party convention had not read over and on a The showing 9t. Ladies' allkinds of Crockery Were. _ ,.. h" lump. It has held fast the would never build a platform most impressive part he fbund which Jefferson be that Roosevelt could hnestly himsalfdeclaiming,'Myfritads� - Dress Goods at. Our WILLIAMS & ANOERaON menm qu-thed as a sacrament to lib- mount, and any platform of when I first came among you the blood of the SouUt or evasion will fall more than forty years ago, Store this Season is arty, and privilege in the veins of the president beneath the battle axe of Bryan these thin, white tact® were something more than , ow Iow.L--'� I has pulse,) his sympathies in and the ballots of the people. thick and brown and this bent - ordinary. - -' such power toward the people First and above all things the back; yet". that mora than once in the grap people North and South w a "Another sermon stealer, of , - Our Stook whti'ever pie of convictions and the wren- definite Demotmcy. T il'e y reaching in a tillage About tle with monopoly the gravida 11 Want a platform thus- on -;SVJf aa'a1d -. moria eomoete- we ,,f Archibald Bulloeb, of Geor- something. They are weary of check himself, 'In the teeming have the best assort seemed to the son of platitudes and straddles. They streets of this great metropolis' Thomas Roosevelt of New York want a platform expressed in -London Mail. i� ImeSt Of CO3,, oral Shad08 .Almost thou pemuadeth me toaentenceyand noon paragraphs - - -- Found Lest. es we have f(0�Q Qualities l/ a Democrat." Tbeywant explicitdeclarations� at And thin will account for the and they do not want too many "You say you want mydaugh- and ever bad before. I political gnrmente which Mr. issues, but with all their hearts tor," said. She proprfetwof a { / / t)ryan missed in London, and and with all their ballots they morping'newspaper m a young like i®ves man who was sitting nervously We bought early and a later discovared upon the person would to see vital of the president of the United single shotted and central truth on the edge sf a chair and wip- paid S P Q T =Q.A �' 1l•, 1 States. made brief and clear. - ing his feverish brow with s trembling handkerchief. W,hICh insuresthe holy_ Loaone From Last Election What Tae Pearls Want „Y—yes air" At price. S Mr. Chairman, the presiden- The people want a platform - "Have you spoken to her on e tial election of 1904 was the that will embodytheirprinciplea this matter? we lyoRld be pleases: moat instructive lesson that the without useless words. If the „She—she referred me to you _ have taught to our demo- tariff is robbery, say so, and ' t0 911(yw yon an�%ItOg., times air.,, ceecy. We have always failed let it go at that. If the cnmi• olo your affection for her .}il oU' 3tU1'e aRtl more and will always fail m a partv nal trust is an iniquity, say so; drep and sincerer' of negation and a party of op- and challenge the people's bal- „sincere+" gasped the Yong -` so to sell yOu SOIDE-.. The p_sition., We failed then be- lots for vindication, If wa cant mail. "I pledge you my word I cause we were untakhful. We reg+date tfie FAifibada flag haven't slept a wink nor. earn - ted thOr(;.td3 RU i failed because we trimmed and country, then it is high lime to a mouthful for six whole weeks TCaS Frh)r Ly0 ShOUId- >Hs A O hesitated and straddled We own them Go to the hustiings for six whole weeks for think- 1 A tam i failed 'because we compromised for your elaboration rad expla- � of her." machine )t may have been Idrly with the apparently successful rutin. Sprinkle your argu- „Georg," mW the father, af- Our -priuf S - ure. right, If yon kava a sattafactory ao the past, but when you ace the V oro does yoc will be satisfied doctrines of the Republican mend in pam hlets, and reason ter looking at him a moment "I the ire rightAnd and the kind of work it with nothing else. The very finest materia) has been couetroctio¢. Hvery adjust• men in reflectively, think you, may tvparty-aid, crests and cony etiona card pato Breeds In sentences, come into my family. t deed a ;;+10th all WC lvAlEt ly IL OIT.InC.0 - usedthroughout its entire meat is perfect and it has nonan' --"a which and light fast oervi¢¢and are so near akin to our political ai+d give La a platfprm that young man of your capabilities rican volar can paste to swear to the'eirculatipn of - to Show yOil lLlr 1f"odii make it eoiselees capable of doing either the most delicate or hesviest aetisfactory mau�er. Ila arm is commonopponenlh honesty t espouse the en h had m paper." tariff. y P nlldprices. YIIII 111:1), work in the most higher than that Bay other family eewi¢¢ in the world. Thio oablea one to wally orgmiization to which they be- I. Reform the robber len;. Wefailedbevauseinour 2. Regulate the criminal The police judge at West London, had befare.Sim -. bin thejudne: machine ew quilts and ¢node of coueiderable bulk. Cali and s amine our new stock- We chat) be glad to explain Hain, . pol.tieal hunger for victory, Ore frusta the other da n s rtirqp' :son- imitated the platforms and pan- 8. EquaPize the luxation if y p° watch -FII( l' ,� (l5. ry/ajl�ty every polar iu detail. eros Voto rutty eaar"arnd. rrie., a+o. er. When the cnarge,triking dared to the powers of the op- it takes an income tax to do a woman, was mad to he HILL—HILL—STOCKTON Ut ernment.rty that held the goy- iL said to the judge, "If your object to the taxer Iat, ernmenDe the wa4 Worship will allow her htur= J. Te BAITY`-1 o The Democratic party hue upon th+people to pay band to give eviob f: will _ J not wn in fifty years a natimf. eyed stoekbf corporations. give You two fee atA hist the houre and N Y M� - - Qum 8le1'11 I upon a platform of 5. Shortn j the imitation, apology or improve lhoj 9Pr�9PndilIgs of assault," .WPM al 0. door. alit%a. better ro e pN.00q.� ..UN THE PERIL ."II .nd IWn I "I IL mE "'ad1. i rlmq Ined tour. 'Uncle! Code^• i. Ar,,atlnxrerewanerarnpamn i�{auaetiold hers.. him.__ ............ N0......... c;+`w°- ori Barham'• saki my nun •1 no, C"'_ It armed , xe I, an old Bann, a.d p`- )'yw 9 pkkr+. ICHA RD PARDON' at. mold net pro"rl. gD «nl Ie IN_ .I.EI?�5.1. A ..sly 1, a" bon �e will .be ga"ed .l me, and i et Leer. nal I telt that, I° nee mlml, ga in m nee 'nee arrl t sob pl d ❑ Ver t" Van. tkb ,ora ./ rmelhd aa. horde 1 bBl ntleeM or ��TJ - �� nl lee year µ, en the pre•Inne nicht. (�,^/�, .uy lrp14 .s BIW "ft. -Ung Bans. ere aa„e;' I ria metol noon .linen Ihl, er vVecinliy Aon Il e•m• anmrl '-'low Nnaw not bill rea-ble Idea Chlldrem f.`�,CTIM 4F CIRCUMSTAINTIAI EVIDENCE ILtn ween .,her 'lo e OUITN 'rRilE, can bo aught na I . i the Mtlm h•D- t m Lnme nnnetree-Mr. B)Nrtlo,k Aa e.cheoge bilk lho ell squarely tl tl fOlth 1peiac6.Nicol ace flhu Ilkncm'- _-_ and hale. 6oblie. the hood In rt• ranowl.d a arc w 'The e.mshmid be Nreed;' aOld Mr. o'. "The 1. .1,- y has Lraugnt To Whiten Smile. ey H- L. FARSBION. Komcek. m r . form no Ill. he el....... . be ten axe" a d mq m a I ant nit apt. 4."'. 1 said. BVL 1 porn to tEe til ere mock evd ` mIM, ,l We top af.ah "Carla! Uon •rep, w61ch I.,. berm. g ev I. bed the 1 .10 of be;ng UT we la thele mrlgfvsl whit..er, but . Iola the _Omar h It .O er for It." AAAAADAAAi]AISAA3ti6A3QIIiSAAAA Teen w .ace,"-PaN..t m We .ppUmdm.. or in. Nnowing enoal UHAI'TaU L\. mine. that ... ana. Femin, gal (het u Dro,o per[ttlly emrm`•: wash • notred In THE FIRED TYPE. m well with cold wa4a, the.. I rd.• awnB."d no 11„• mon Iv M m) near. rthld, Lea I Were .as m, t n mom an to Bar, ?mit the Ne r e t L,IJ my41f 1° morel pd pL9mcn1 m) nnovidor to the door nod Ir ed 'o Hrt"en of II,M1t-herder bona with n t4iek woote, cloth, fun Iv tar, t ba unA, la Iuy •rrrpri.e, found po III "aid Lev" Ie, sled me m torn Il, but all .1com n wad. vet an af4n adrleM to brad la a eiM phmu "rrr-leave Wet [ bad nee° sl«DI u{, fumy JrI IMi Strike Lb. In rLa fn", 1 retvnM l,,, greet enn.h. type. R'ritere woo glee each ad.lo nem -int gnlie dry, wow tLg. der brason n la o Wdrmu 1 Baltic, des,"I' if the whna far "Let •ae tin It," laid Mr. Mmtlork. always "it N mmuas what. that Banal b° brmn" oR nitb n whslgb„e ,a , Ince ny hod aeros• a) fm's' R .tyre deed ype may be. will 1. 111 o[ nna. In Ulm muiI r, to a. t d °p' rthund, iUb .noun, sea leek Ifr pot ..be all door Inger, ane broom. H .I bad, It b a •Rood was cert i M1aa enierM the room, and of wol.aoJ, xlle. Rarlle roitM bet 111is &I em•ebM Wa door In. m M at lrotaro le then . m,, the tsps .bits to choke a little co.mov rlt In a'llh.ut .ndresmvg, caw, 'Le couch mea nhyl �p all fore, fit, said thle dread "Xaa h 1 1. mit tool aIle. hu bre Ai"? la theta nn ¢ vmd- with the "Ira e,na." N.Mad at IL. bra. Sued �maeft��I�� eh,'• nod it,. law.eed ROtalle loo M at mm m aaalnur. of On .1 - W bah a We nron meen....I w _ 1 beta alrrpag vo{?" 1 nnkM, the..piu.-Id.'...... the m onfl. of his sirreth. tvl o[ In-ronsbprM.raes wreo•r°T AaaJne Tbat W U LBO. 'We We ,4ep" lata the roam, O-Pee'Ni �1 dtl.'s, w. e,1 np11M m) net ebJ. Wald, :!°Nae look? Did enc nether the role petale la tL° murn- wife, 'The oDbta ms'Ony ana Loping that my mete would leap KEEPING final BEALTt1Y. Byu per tnnw.m) uerrel} Or was It Unna war from Lla had It the vnenml Ivwuslm Img; let teem confit a cool Wince Lt has each ea faker O bI me mrd to them eatnre r roe-' y A uumereful hog raiser rya thea ty, •As My me Ibat �° and confront e4 The farm of m) s o! the erred. ace a. •u<ear la ova hour t dry. Tor them 1 read, .n[cely here ellrrwl mufti I cloud,. opo° the meat S"IshiAcanl a, ""0' , [blame.-IsrIm mT. lens e,9 ryvu LnU ace boo alar" mete wet upon the bM, e.eempa... ast he always knpu a dlah of dry detail: of lineal Imancen-7 I those :red dleh le layero:-epriaxN "Tie. To° k•,a no ham... of by Be lo, faF .Winne. We mflly d uhf acoaribte to the hoes. he Bone flew: Bud. sell.. with per. woo I...I treat) .Ith cell. Aad a IN to look..I Inc..11, took a woes ipw .t 11, and, u,mim, tor- rile teem fregvealy, ma about s my avec re,• lit, or ,t wLat llmoi^ > rent w•M, caw. �a he wee ria ,nth drat Be.... morsl.p. Will sot hnv [111. nllglrhnr, mebua" al We IeLlr. erT ten dare 61.n In their elaD anugn stook. Shake up, or stir, •e I:' said I, Mnde,ing, "rnu dm oat Berm aril .Lia morning;' HOMr-atNek, we re1ree1M; tbrn In- vtrGlf tesap,vful of eDlela oI lar- .cry mamlvg, ead let Inc wL01a •'wlh m I sow you .halm{ on in. oam,ad Biro klOrllork. mrnlly e.�wga..a ym^nrd e{.1v. m) wxe prnxnn per each hog. ThN ere end.. et°,a len dor, mite, We wt p.bal. ouch,^ ..la mT wire, leneerly, "a,, almat t attic. Ilorlle abet her nes °B y. "`^'k. le Me boctgmnua. 1 a .ore prE.U". of einkmer ana a are caeca, Tranaror 4 v. elan rmn' iowerca Bar rr ro T anile'. mann; Idea .•e Ill. you wmum m! rorr 10 to Bathe with the rine efr,mm look; keep" the each ,leek 'onking nod ro• Jar to the bottom or wble6 you hero Wed fn for If dkun bag mI." :sal. she lowered them immealetely. It err rleid cad A>M. I ranmM ooh) poet. "Tont nr.r ba,e Dern ml maitre far 1. nm Tulle well, Nr. kloribcY." 1 a..e meas his heart: it ... ,Inoa end <ruaIt ra twlwouonoa !whole nlleplce, said, and In no er". u Ione, '•what axed' I cM 9 neva Itis USE JUDGMENT IN FEEDING hod; link clndmo,, tleepin{ here,^ I slid, "1111 In wonder; bend; II w, pabklren. -0rokee mloo ell Lel al.aa •1e week., root a la e'rnge that It ehoula heca m to In. tbNk olaerwl. ?" it Pay Boll to know Joel what You closely mvned, whoa it b ready for r. ie, 11-k el.d, sold. "1 he "He Is dead[- Inr1d. the Planate,. Jac Add v Sona .•lean out of rW mica:' Y , T01r kir. Blor0ack e , 'of-"" 6lnncn are fe"1o6. Th, man who feeds ow ase "R nee ,wrvrretl Imrme, Rlchonl.'• paMou;' and Proceeded with his brnk- at me, ay Ifo _I falling 'o We his leek at- nvdom. std with v. Door attic root bruleM .ad- "'rre¢; bol tba le "neer phot of ?Bar gronud ere 1 n.Lt iter, thon{bt t[ Just what coon butes the :branded. two ounce!. tau..Ler eaw- echM al"R.altlni" '•Hn,e you arca Alto Fleen'o" Wb arm,"' faoa that be Id. reeding, la cur° to ane a amen gnavtlt r Bar It"' m'Iri.ca"Poor gen re, aur. Horne. ace. y o coal, n"ounl" tor, torn Ymw mmhm". as. Blit.. Burns. el•mr ant p,Uemaur' her me., much a mbleet of lack. The sweet rein". dried 1rrn. k11e .II mind he, bell% n rsoull> disturbed. rBThe qu"till . Ina ureeted l0 who makes o mud, of lead. .,.,bar aad put in the mea I., In al - D! sof dal It dlatreur jon." I .... I In p.ixminr, .ad m) woe a°- know.lett about what 1" %Ng tufo ..mato Igen, with Um r .tuck ^Ann Too bare had • sued oI.bt?• coed - that ane baa net ase. It.. QUAPTKB S. his •tact nee also what IL coca him, gad -a few drops of on of man and "A wopak tel night: 1 feel quite to- Then, on' more, Mlle. Rorlie baked It a.... a NI .Igbl. There was Tae food that his young stack eeM pour our the whole s quarter of B grade ;sad n, re It not Nriwhat It at me. Aud mw N her -troop gla e, n nprerlon of psi. upo, the gray, he If the on.d. end bone-I.I.N. p,at of goad wagon. Tins will Irl Ind", m , I .1amid feel Perfmil) I Bernard to detect a airmen memane a -,OT ft", tmd U the r"M ..solely, sad It be like We all saw. Ior ymore. Lhmvgh from time a time heyey:' r which ho...4d end coufuell Bar, be. truth that sly frlinp when Wen, of . the It... ran may add a little launder or a, - Now, It i, , singalnr f.It th" war re 1 rola col 1. 0e, 1 h. men nM. whom had Nllem • Moet area Anwar water, o ¢n',it" per- miutl we. .1m. plank Be to the aa°ge, Do Too wleh pamlellnrly to knoa Ir fill Hud Is"I.I elmine blow. For ROOTS FOR X.,CH COWS. fume; and r a te^ freah- wblcb threatened dA I had an reed- 1 hale lee° ninr1 miedo few m'm"* r'T"t In my arm. - Prof, ;fest, of ane Conal( .fain., rd•s Peale. -The Housekeeper. haeumr, not out, of what bad mused "u, tlr," nI. 4Nled. mien'. "I the Ineevtlble form of e,9 dor wille,I- this Imbue. of -: Cab- , h•Inee° m, cud my nolle an (be pro aa- rk1uR {,,rally. I an....I 'net uda4 and m °Iver• "Ie We Imvrmsm. I page tar September. October sad Freer,, Co." Terve. ,Irv. day, but evea sof his being 1. the he Lee mot pinenl in. ..net due- ruldn M moon me Ly the aero, I.ti- Nommhr,; lltem,n o,. hybrid to' Anplc-8.1a, Jelly Nr cold 11011. hou,e. • ou rho Id. ply." dent. But It 1, 'he rerM truth • .Ips for Dramber and yan.nm, add "Of what b Were Jmu?" 1 rid. TLI. wve • rereren" to , mark of wNl That vy .glhtlou enrnfb e. m o la for the rent of be wNmr. roue chisam Bud coo n...athreourel BIW -whit Jo yam mean'%' etfm'Un Bud m N' West— wklrb erwM ,ant r puree. My uncle Baa r oa Pu c ,chane rod crumb: and baked. " Surely ran hove Bal NUslab. In, Bamuel I'll -la all am In the Enmt W Gas Id rgprt !or r lath"e lap<�ees-Very Dan patties or eakn• 1 deal -ere had died uemea hn rum bbpp lv Omoher, trralps 1. Na ballco ea-�antnNlr. I Is 1 "be, eat mint all's rear,nciel of M1'In{ my wih gra Jangbhr. Ev- •ny Into Oa,cunov Ibe alern ,ad .e.6 ,ad m..get, end peat, the ea r I emit sui,esN, 1.. ..1, meeaM! icer mooing, aWen Iha? total deal. b rmWler dells. w'meh Balm ben "hal- rest of the wleter. Gbhsee evd HIWve-A white neap mode of abill- 'ITe arm mnJ 1 Irnrd this me,.in6 bregltl.. tlwre was a Mr Nr each or M«J at" eranpinees of moo be"" love., lnr.IP. Banal ednare be fed Immo- Oeln t• the singing of the Lira.. not le them pinenl before their "ello amM They 1%W esnpM III eenlen" be dbNly alter .Iltas to .,old talo.- ath., I° -a Balint soup, no "ager tMr .But, elan,. an; hal tide meal., "nth It the table, end be, keen tbut nplJ here "a..- ran be.. Ing 'be milk. When mao.me end Lro[Ir, ref vel r •Mug ere conrrvme, Ihelr ,Beet Vatrn and n prnnsriy Joy' ore eowe,e soma team this f.Imsm w"I, It true. mehnMr' wblapered my beet: • e fed ouch temmallone a ^Limb b "redacts" soup. to .Ienlenu". 'xaM, nope, nor. auto On ILIe mon(.{ mere Bina wlN. ally Gedl Isfl True?•• Bob :Meat c.n.V lit ¢ ellmelr- lbr) es 'Ali all( be well. Emma one. BIy wife hod noticed the owl.' •�It b e• frac Ibsi La Iv and.'• sold at v«esrm� rerM bwrv, fbet it tains ^til he beery Your bow. Ie r,ea. Biot, at had pmol I. remark one' lt; xr. Ao.flack, aelwrn his rnlb, wAAr SILAGE WILE, DO. Id. owe earn and tear at 'be ,egebt- Tbe cloud hoe paned aw,5: My 6sort p d U Illle. Roselle .Mks ,Pltefull> that he Ens Deet a traerM:' e• Ule sod a.,orinp paler it. t uv{ We woM, In amain, and I have tegrrling n, n u•lnr.i ca.m might An exelamanoe " horror hm.l from Mr. C. P. OaodHU. Iv a Doper Cpv.elon-etvaed roll% _mea . {loon ".it. N ins ill,- 1 .l sit {e":' be I.mra b: i m drenmalnme roe. m) IIe4 ora Mm the ops at my woe. read before a wrars dairy amen° g, Comomme-Clear rap or bomnon Ere. ser lepae, word, did not Flrlao" never b .... M her by such Mile. Rorer, woo, •11cm . p . dealt" scmuoi of at I.,etr baliml down till vee rich. I. r.. calr- an,hs, a the lertiUs opDrrslon which murk of eO.Idbm, In "Ply, I. bet "It I. Impossble;' I sold;'•'il carrot Ussunv aMo.. at,, pmr.m or a eamM. welshed me doaa. She fe11M m Own- rmment ,sow wife shop" said: eartat. cream Amon a mem C epee -A ,awry noel of BOL or vinn n 1ha1, .wlthN 0. •beat "lir. Fbmt.o" 1. foo been, mgmad hl''l-k here; • said Mr. Morllmck. bar of other Item, be camaluue the few(, o de wan ms into eial 4 and hour' ace snamd .m he ,bre. IMe to his duxes a", MI. wnm°e' H. .,.& do.. the bedeloWe4 and fw1lo.N.: Than w.. e.. Vahan. to the world, allbeat. home. "1 are sly" rel &II line. Samuel pohted to . Win circle mom the lead boors forty -era rw4 .a. 1. m- Cmm(,dee-FrlM form" of bread In "H.mmn:- it a.. Kunlre-a ,elm, ereson. roucerontlo. dropped. «k. mgr last wlater. and their rd. . wloce., ace ower mala oboe. nb d.. A earth, of bean .R.r breakfast, It m -He ea• been uMngiM;' sold kfr. Bot Prost .r glg.yk woo mw. •inns gnaae-A etmu . w tumns .on'ad vin )d, Inner. D.eI n¢ s . the ' a Beres tort -are per ,elan ebI1J."' ea11eJ m t "1. his •lee :' 9 e In Arar ) .l Lois et II o'clock Arlloo P "Com bele oLe. aloe g W and Station a[melL Id rot head •liege, Foadve-A light r nl n hla!" m whoa g pep wife. "she le happy end hones klllr. Bartle remrrk" final Baro wll- "Boon hero mercy opo ^• BlihaM. 1 '"I "'I talking N err trot war hoer Ibe" he y on the mutmvrrd my wire, Ie, s low, gh"dery Welr oereee era[ v Iain per sow ea rhemn nucc q.14 wlril" nrecsling moreing, anJ my wire son. Ng falter 16.67-/11.1' 1«..'• Which Aonendelee goon -.1 rice e •'If lore Is a l"old; • 1 thought. a. ,teed, but mlded Wel be must on nw "It will Lave: • rid Mr. Mortlaek, mean. that with heal or arms ¢ mmetbing Ilk, hot m'sYmnal Euvin anter" the mom, "I[ would -Out be InImi ll. Ae ala looked o mercy upon his muniem," caws, a all, will yy her delft in. Meyoamame A rich salad dreeal.g. Bat far .." But lo,e mull wort award me for e°.dra Ilhm. I mid , �-It I• rtnop;' said Mlle. Rarlle, e, .jw i of It. ace. McNrS e-8wmV an amte of egg mallad. II, n ,I- halutAefor, be, [hat he bed s1,,. nPUdt irtntetious Audi., Ler elm, "that vmb", h.s beet.. a •own. ploeu nn Lr ,elated 1. me Bud that %,, oar eh..ld p to his bedaow bee. sae of Ar. Rumpel rk.laood.'• COMPETING rl'ITB BRERDERs gfle.t. -Cold wet wormed Id. 1.11- mlve." twill be eummoned them. it wee an "No, tor• mad my all., horrland at DL the Farmer. sed 81-knreedar opo -1-. mrd d1shM 1. cheater form. "Rin the hoed. away from )mfr e,laluce or Ibe weottnM crate et m) lbs evRHaov. writer tells why the armor should nu. -Titin .... In gleet/ to vary Fath «'s he my ch1m,^ rIJ my wife• nerve that I eboviJ ["d .nnoTed h) "But,^ old B[Ile: aoWle, with pen •greed better In norm bn"Ing miek mml the ItgrMleat' for thick. '•e" mete tum amne spiv." Mile. a salla', simple orelitl n .r ml' sle'enre. "It h strange. b It ani, Ider' than the m o1 the big clad•• evNS winch once hem nmbM xu'ovgh "toll bio t'! tura I ,ciao reecho arced". "Until Le ,u,..,ad them." -1t I," I r°cebmlaauy Island; "he Ir they will paY tett..tion a quality It stout. ao0 retunln{ En.lee'• toren n11L she w„ bray with a Dlre of "I"a, Bays. be fonmd'• pe mysaw a melt eloct. Th. Aepat-A rich, 4roan chin, n1[h cold... em• which e_he we- ..king for E. ">Ieeownlle." old Mr. Mortb<k, [armee hs, an advnmiage bloat err m%uLrrma, eegembleg. etc. "Dpv'1 Lc dlWeartened. darlinR;'rIJ vl". "Una la a matter far Ibe pollee.'• me kn ,roe mares al work, m One, Pl= --A rnoce °t "e,'eral pryoro, m) wlln dowing Eunice 1d. her. Another hour pea" within cel a alp "For me poll";' I axraimnl. m ..'I their diving, Bim • bit t° acid tur amlimium. " "Your father le not 1, onelf Wle moeo- h.m my Incl,• gad. with the ],Lee.. For !he Mlles;' 71"'1" Ar. Mort "pare err it Is rarely tool lei. nv he Remmnaae-A entad drerluR tliRer- enking" ga..ei Fleetwood, I left lark. "A ^Ick" funder bee boa core. m ..gM at the big ,ad.. Ever log rear wTou.n In that him np In`I'pere le volbl.{ new. memmnT' toe bull. ane nruccMM lit ILe at - butted N your home. Do yon eepBes Bean brker In at two Bar Barn your. �re nnM Imn.1 end rubber In . comme acted F.mA , ...lama]. non of my mncn amrfama . Dollar to hob It up," old the .mare ought and may do uld, mmimal, Leena, ate, ,e "No, des, Band,^ rolled m) vita any I euI_ mT oe. had oom Na a •'No,^ I repaM. "I do not. Your In• pmetaU. la- .. in. farm. care Some -To Na. meet, eu., .,Or be -Mly vaso Ban" III.. hndkerchbg end 1 ..,.Bill so- tNvatlon b IWorlou• era oge,slm" maul or bona be mnt 1. wmlamg ern 1. n little err. "1 wni, mamma, I at I," n mored 4rved g Plre o1. thio whipcoM, the "Perhaps;' be .area, with bitter I.,ng home. The termer alwa goualr-A very pgbt, ouch \,WppM- BBrnlee, Wer inn upon Ler \mother'• ..J of wL1mL wee b"..... do.. fru. amphaal4 ant Walton. and oRensive has wholesome food at hand that up pudding or omelette. nrn,f. bennlh ora Aglow at the much .poo Its )„ hoe Owveldered mT Prervee to does col cot• when all a told, :bon • Tmb le -A sort .f pie in v mould. "w'a will p do.. row. Rich -M," which I bed slept Il obi But forlbee y- brae. to lone Ua.,! Iwo-third•-po••Ibly amt .hot. hex T'ol era .cUa Fa,um or very ilgbf re, my wife; "you will Joh o I— .,,met my atrrtlon, 1.11, wlal to- I Ah;' -I w4 "you Dewe oheer,M -ash¢, it ems at the large .tad, pea ➢a.4, made wl Ibma o ebb or ntlyr' moat¢ I,, 1 went In rarea at mesh mat" ora• far.., ours• an are Iral... d mold, a" Baled Balm me.t. err pre, 'Yes. Dre«vnyP I milled. n'oM. He . not to be fon". I "Ob, loam,`hmW mar" my on the nerals farm chnply, a,a . m,m. ern A. C.,75 Winston-Salem's Reliable Furniture Deal rs Nos. 10-12 3rd St., Rosenbachers d stand, Winston-Salem, N. Have Yotir Rase Pa i rAcd It will make it ter more attractive and the protect- ion it gives I,, buildings mak 't a pl yirg investment, Years of experience havo to ,things about the painting betsloct, fh t canearnia- - a tk.- t. 8 an- .„-y.y.-w2�,S• Bei the benefit of it. when I -d., yqur work. Remember when anybody cuts below my prices you'llgetan inferior job of work. Let me figor'e with you when you are ready. I do paper hanging and inside work .also. I carry in stock a full line of Paints, Varn- ishes, Oils, Stains, Brushes, and Wall Paper. Samples of Wall Paper sent Frec on Application. W• H. Clinard WlP4STON- SALE M, N- C: - Lest We Forget Due. Respect for our departed Loved Ones demands that we erect Artistic and Enduring MEMORIALS Our Mr. C. B. Webb has juscretugied from the Quarries of Vermont, where he purchased the largestbill of Marble ever shipped to this State which we are receiving at our ands at States- ville, Salisbury, North Wilkesllq'.�. dLexing- tor. If contemplating purehag�¢ ument, give us a call and let ushnd*iI oar stock and give you Prices. T` - Carolina Made & Granite co, Statesville, N. C- Sout&ern Raifwap Operates over 7,000 Miles of railroad QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS Nc;'th-South-East-West - Through Trains between Principal Cities and Resorts Affording First -c Accomodatlon. Eleagnt Pullman Sleeping Cels on all Through Trains. Dining, Club and Observation Cars, For Rpeed Comfort, and Court - nus Employes, travel via the SOU1lRERN RAILWAY. Rates, Schedules and other information furnished by addlessinr the O,denaia,aa. ::And Tun bare bod n foal Wilbl!' emend a., [Wt aha had not teen him. "A wnmlerl d night; I f,,, 9nlle re- I T'im'. Wn, once mon, Mlle. Monne Ibmoj! fludI and n re . not er'wna! Ie n[ me. And mw in her eannge {ledeee before We, 1 Ilmmd reel .soled I teemed M deter[ . Mdaen m aeing happy:' a .blah IrrltntM mut mof.M me, be New, It len nlmnlnr eM inn m) lee 1 mold not Metpnl It. mica wen elle a hlanIt fle to the den,l "M ren. wlw perlleuI.f, M know V .bo-,, threatened da 1 led no reel. 1 Imre men I„m T' 1 .•Yed. 1-1.0. nal .." or what had -.ed '•Nn, lir,' w. -fled. 0^1¢119. "I bdeeen me gill my ,mete on the pre we, mkike genWrr ernll). 1 I,r the; Blom day, tut .ren of b,. bell. In 'be he has mol pinewl 'be .."I flower'. I.M.. on the Wble." '•OfThot to before fon:" 1 mid TOO, 1. • refs Io. mark of `W'E, ,b yen menet" at.Hun and m'.nful atlenllln wnleb '•Mural dal here not fornllen the Wmuel t'Icetw'eed wide I^ the Aehll e,Y 1 here eel mY.f wing yen, Mu lei of Pat let my wife end dwglter. It - Wo eurceM, lore -I ..11 Werardt try mn"I", when 17, rnme down M TM1e ant wund I hoard Ibe moral-. b.enkrml, here won n Poet' for esel o[ m the eau{lug at Ill. MO.. 'feel le Ile. pleeeb lefnre their eteatomM earl, IITmw on: Inrt Into mnruin{ I.E. ct the Mlrle, end Ihe9 kve,r blot thele wweel not. Wd a pmunnrl, J,. the flow- rn e fire. Ills 1.106. rel E.nlarnnee. 'Nope, hope, Koper nut. O^ We muni., there were Ill, ea 'All will W well. Eeulm n . sly wife had Marked We artlI bv'4e PPT. Yuu. home to e.eed. .1M, bet lad made W, remark upon It: TOO Mond hen lamed away ; 11, heart Mall U I'll.. Roealle spoke npIto" ly { the wean In moon, end 1 bare reweel k. 11, . M,1MW1 r ndgbt {Iran than Y. to the nine or all gold." be found In Ile elnW.M.Me. but Fare.I%.A [teat, ward. did not Flertrrand vera honor. her b) ranch .Ilio be lerrlhle Mbit Im, wWch I ^ark of 11,¢16.1. In "Ply to her waned me Gown. NW kited to mm teen,,,[ my wile amply mid; Mia me tlxt. allLlq a few In"' "Hr. Flrutwood a ten lv.n>.nn.M hour., wr wnnEd not m Ibro'..idea In lie dull. with Hr. 1VIIme1." Ile world, nl,bout n home. "1 date my." rc,,a- Mlle. Rotolle; mm.:" It not Salim', rater, end the mm,ealle, dropped. - eulnde. A maple of boil. ever brc A-1, It •'(bene In, ager thud,"• cell. my iN,a, ",,1 .twat 1.11mel lI .•Mack, H. .he le b.pP) and hopHal, ME, Iimalle remarked that Mr. Wil- Alchale. I bare loan talk-. m bee lot wen later flan be v' on the volt• :lent)" prttr.l-g mmol." and my wife rum "If bre be wlaom," 1 6,eu{hL ea ,nM, but added [hot he m,It on an Eoui. catered the ren "It noslJ mt be dleturn.. A, nn looked' rm.t Me .Yeb. But I,e meet week toward win for rodrmathu , I mid ymlraclo e n nl0a, best -010 Dnp- Ihot W i,ad .Iran ea Put• I ImlwrHnn. en. ren ha ....red 10 it'. and mut m our ehavla g. to idle Iredroom unfit he w.mon. Ile,.. 1, wee a "Klee Ilo rloude awn) from Your e.ldMWw of the w.elrhM elided o[ m) [alb.^. err.., cM1lld:' told m) mire, neer. that I eLa.ld feel emoyM by '•.ud ..Y, lbw, egme ...I.." Mlle. Romp.•. nI.PI. reillllan of my "Lel he„ lel Ill" 1 olrare.d, nerlring 'o.0. '•"alit be eummovM "it.." .ad rclumin{ A:Md e'. w'llh gl,e not holy with a piece of embr.hl midi.. try, whirl, ale wa, .nking -r Eu - "Don't be dlebe....ed, dnrleg:' tola der. - m1 wife, drnwin{ EuvMe In her. Amlher lour orae. with., a ern "Sour miler In Dot him 11 ILie mora- foam Any Melt, and, with the laterite, at.,. of ..king' gempei Fleetwold, I left '1'bme le nolhlMg ve mnmmnr' the ladle, Ind protruded in me rill. - .Edea Sold— ...fomly.n 1^m or mJ mM.•.. 1 Menlo. 0. 1n• .ana, ear rang ^ ream. my eve. .) 1 enetta m) owe bedroom ren . 'Rel; mile. me." Imp bunakeEebWr, end I =any on• ••1 will, .amen., I w11i," m mored m M n plot. of . thio w4lpcord, the LLdn, ler Mee .an lm moth.'. end .1 whirl, we. hen.MS Jonit from brnot. bmaolh Ibe p1Jiow of (be .veil pPa. "I e will .a down now. RlebaM,` nbleh I bad dept It did trot further glen m) wife; "Tau will Jot. n. per .Bract my attwtlon, ,ml, l"ll.al re- enllJr' moa-. R, I went "I mnrrh or FI.t- "T., pr,mntl,." 1 r 11ed. Toed. fle ere of to be four.. I Th, left the room I{ tber, -kiwiq...elbnM t,.I ere roma, but not o P . loom r with them. find 1 of there had ¢ren Wm. 1 inked .-her tried fxeIn m,Y..1 tolled. It A. be bed had hit breekfeal, .W It.. a1- asea romyleled, and I look .T wateb eider lm that he bed n7[ annum ed fle. m) pce�kat to oaraeln the Irma hlm,lf nl the brtokfnet milia, and Aa 1 put Il bacY mT eunn wrouMWEE that M. ebmn.. hu, tem mmmenlwi . rl.{. 1 Mot Il ant d=, at u on. K.Oula. that be wide Millen.. lu dumb .dom.b.ent; 11 was Ibe dl.. aom ,at, br,,t dlmne,, and that .y tame elmmy uncle nae per. upon doctor lad told b. bed not ton, to bra ee,r on Ill flet ilial[ or Ll. ery tire. 1 proceeded to hie ream, olialnin. Aral. BY whet .ting. mesa. lad It that or t, bele, feadnll that he WIN" t.lhW.Iy into mT power W II,. So' Flee[woaI Tua .at I^ hl, glen' unto, ren 1I1 e bed led Lena made and I •book m9 hold Mustily aid Imps- the epnrlmen[ n n laand utility ad bled to Milk' Idy uM. arderl9 mndlllon. ni waght the he.. had net Sleet .e the ring, and I iedd b,mald whore July It wide to attend cert, lure .ken II wltWnI h" to Iho bedm roo.. and --Wed Ibut bmwl.ge. Rat, nllh or n'a I", l:. .he bad rIle.dad fle ueml In Flcet• It 1., . i Ime, an taken IL oar It 1., m, "nab, aL nd. "I ,IIA w•• foul Ltd been slept [or. [ It ! Lto my pink 47 tum l e gaud. theft Il ated. tut .t a, .. Eke -You err. ie M ibe rhambe t I,. Ihla 1. Mato my deemir rompleq. --You lee ... sou Dore ml reel URIs dd11pp 1 ,uopmt what wen Jet to bl.T' III - • er.ealdl to me ami nit fle m. -The ••I nm a re. air. I voile. Ihnl Id. .to1be rim I be,, .1-41 wm mIe 6d, M, .fated.m 1.wit In— wea n— aad could mol, nl Ibe m at pill', Thin.. maid to be lu eou- tmad. bare been u'ortb mu Ihnvdom" beentl somata lett 1 alonld I,a.e I a-er.vwito F'. ad my ...11, 1, 1 hen, nY,T of n tern, ala o[ n ante helwmn will and . uMe; ere 1 I. Paltry, nL,oYal awl merwlrW'nl In ve mI vi -I ana n rmnm^medm. der. 1 Plrtml I. rnr " min IlmI n old .hand I ,- alb the Hug' a uta ere mu..- i one.. a nidal 1 ddreJ not dew It a oar etre; me bnrul' uedO0O the had l Bas ladled; imalmt.)a .. 11 mud Iue t Ob.:k but'MIdeier i1 hod bun locked Ime am 'ill- her grille.Drmet r1nm, Ile InelUl t. ut. nd.IJs I mYit. not a. It wen, hole t,- If tw hid' bale Irl,. BT Idle elmv It woe 1 .'Out 1, mud aepttig in J 4gl,ne of w I b the I leynn to cert Yanm. 1 Fit to t, dltj ted SAINj• Lm Paul. 1 eve to n'Ifr. uml mmntM bid, gee Welly alk aq aeN m IWk ume iv land i knew n4et to marten, h+rlu. nthered k' f1a.11T of dlppin9 hem b mpl.rne Iremy n nI rnrW e. of mile t 1 1 e ibe, L. th.ntd not u nl Ill ,he dist b d Be,when .timer hoar y M Y.1 P4. , deemed than 1, m, -9tl D age end uicroue bra able.. of .IM r1eM,roM w le 4W I ll. rand to Arouse W iNa Ito IA,A ) W .-Ail at W -e01E111. My Ir. den, OPAPTER x it wn an aat.] eight. There no. n eaprn ,.I of pain upon the gray, ,pl.ened qct, fled It le <W tocnd truth be, my f.linm mere thee. or n ,lav wbMa bad elite. • ..at terrible end dT,whel.lm bill. For n few momenta, miqu'l.g Iv my ,y d int Innen.1Ed, form of meur wife; ill0. Mod m other, nos ibe Inmremion prodacM Own m LT the awful Inel- dem. But It le the sacred truth m we..at WE, m0lall. nn Deur m - M bar plain. Hl 1. n db -h. bed coed her... be ole re., Into ro.e.11 n he .ern and ru Wlem dente wnieb worm have eWt- terM the b.ppl.... f my ME -hoe.. They lad eecep. ma lenle.. he b...Auld bee Ore, ...eM upon he. "leIl tem, Allies' whloper. my wife. `My GMI Ie It true7" .'It Is oe Mile that be Ir aad;' wild Mr.51,IIwk. bnwem hie teem, •'m mot. ilea been mu.erad." An e.Mslatlo, or horror horst from my I'm .ad from twil he ups of my e. Mlle. Retail. wee .,Joel. "It b wil Impoble;' I mm; '•It mnnot be!" "Took here;' end Mr. Mor:lork. He I...ed dawn me bedeloth-, aad Purled M . use circle ..ad tee dead m ncek. 'He ... Dela .tmnnM;' wild Mr. MMilack, "In hie peep:' ••Hnreo here mercy upon elm"' meenured my wlte, 1.. law, ehadm, elle. will bele;' mid Mr. Honlark, marry apo^ hie ma...... ,It 1. lesMOE wild Mlle. Re.ur, meal.. hen m,er, "that nothing he. Dean eon of Mr. Samuel FMetwood-" "So, I.!" cried m) nice, hovlandi at the vuneatlov. •'lin.' told Mile. Retail,, with Per, aid -le. ..it to strm.e. I. it am, alit" "It la;• 1 mee"WW'.Ily lentil; .he ,out be I ... d." "Meanwhile;" told All. Mord-k. ",hl, le . ',alar fm the pollee." •'For !be pollee", me.lmM. „For the pause," repeated 5a. Man• I.A. "A .,low malar hm bean mole mItIM In Year lou.e. Do TI- MWPnm to nmh epi" " R No,. i "W"od, "I d. -It. Your In• mumu. to WI.I.as and oRwnm" •'P,bop.,'• b, retorted, with bitter emplane, "ea IWIlaue aad Isolated ME You b..e mn.idered my preeeeee 11 sour b.... 1. bele -a.- Ab;' I veld, -1p. It— obsl,ed that" I lura both.nhmbr' at,mold m] wire. 'We in thepreasma;l death. - To be .nun... RAM'S HORN BLASTS r ,HEY do who burl for a ho ked the beet 1. win. d •tet ighl Gait is good d o[ h�ving •..rod the Init (ate. Th.. a no m vthing WE . i tier religion without .mice. A gnat don That not di gel ue borne unl M he osot grinding. Th. t .ume . withonl Ihe. M.1 daily.; OMv Io. Many .egp Iom. We npuefW, for wisdom by toying to give allummum to-hb look.. " ""' jj{Ioo than miv-d drink: to make a ptbd "-igrr." 'fle half-romered lire i allay. emall in it. Eltronmfcrrp.. - Th rid t rpa, rt, mnnt w at the print of ILEM,. me It do al't take a rry bra.¢ doe to bark gt'� a b(nea Irl - iio1. Felple wa ,li for publ,M approrel II o ail to hograt. Y a r .a t 6m ann of rmh. leeum-m whet your Pen uE clouded Ed, Block ana also what It cone him. sod a tow droDt of oil or nye and The. food that III young gleet gets pope Dear the whole a quMT., s le of the m ane and bore-for.lug plot of good wlogne. TW, will laid vele., and 111 le Ilk. [hie .11 down too yeah, though from time a time the Ill.. you may add a little lavender or or- allRocirs FOR MILCH COWS. ma. dower water. o .few per- fume, end w •few treat Prof, nmL of the Cowell natlop, rem petals. -The HoaaekeeDer. aceeeae lnle ra our. of roob: cab- bmee for September. October end November; rulabarle o1. hybrid to,- nipa far Dw amWr .totem for tW'reo of the winter. I .'old Momeet roc our Iditode nbbeMe Iv Omober. turnip. 1. No- re b and mmg.le sad bene the real of the wleter. Cabbage d lervlDa mutt dwam be fed Immo- Moray after „Ild.. to .raid .let. lo{ Ile milk. When mapnla and beets are fed no. r-MMEW -1. .a er-.. WHAT SILAGE WILL DO. Mr. C. P. Guednch. I. a gaper tea before . weetem astry meeumg. gave a deelled amIu t of M. In.ee- unliov • ong fifty a Palo,,, of a n•rta1. c maty. A.M., a I,. - bar of other Rem. be mentions the following: There word are out>om b, -g forty -gra cow who Ind al- lege Iml winter. and •their a ern.. Det Most, wen 118.74 ear .w. Ther. n tony-nva .Moen bam,g 237 Orom,who dm rot tel all.ee..ad their ..ran ndt prone nal mw 15.67-•ll.11 teat" Which e that with • heti It etteee ell. will p, far Reel[ the Bret .wo. of Ie ,,. COMPETING WITH BRS.4DERS 11 the Farmer and Ift"",seder venter elle why the farm, ebould loeaeM Lefler In bona breadl., go mea of the his nag.. It the, will p, ...are of a emlflT ad wvnd.w 11 their nock. The farmer ben an ad.aoe.. ba teem be me keep the ,arto at work, w they n [bele Ilrlat. with . ben to ­o,earn 11 10 l,r,IY that this mp be aged at the bit elude. Ever amen broke 1^ at two or tore. yen old the warm ought aad mY, do. yroneble labor on the farm. Care ..at of coupe be meed Io workin. yoppg harms. The farmer nware Elm, wholevo 1, food at hand that dose not curt, when all Ie told, ¢bore leu-telae-mtolDly net -here halt -what it came at the large sled. Crime teveege, earn, all ,e pr.ueed the a term neopl, .f. treat dealt of food -that -old t Mouth], he market.'. can he fed; THE FARM BANK ACCOUNT. Men ah. are ren ¢tie ormeule benveet ley. , lr.mely co fat about the matter of kenning :hell book, thei{tt, and indeed IT, le wmpvlmry. for If they of oleo- b IWOOM would nl Ih ewce e mnddled .adipo. that It would be o Ina-lba for Lbe. tp ravel Il gut In ,:rgiMg the forma to adopt the keeplvg of b,e "at'. Ia book form or... a Frut Grower ansa: "The fa:.aey Lan bell the la.t m o to adopt the meta[ mot WE - pert or fle bvsl•,em, sod n1Y far., tbn operdtlovM eremrrled ov Mill by a method of mlmormng as u.Ik. rid r golwal way the far- mQ.IImM. what he 11 1.11.9 out hue wen rattle Id +a of Ale co- mlpte. If . IrenmMlo. gale down to a ..now margin of nwtlt o, Iom he MIm, done not know bid Tbleb aide tW real margin Ila. -.-sur farm amDIII book ah.nld he ,er]wh.. .roped, To IM. end r.r. mhbul. that are eulnolenit, adreaca to 4.. who, w roll h11h rebel Mame.." n RW iom •'lbny' in se IMImr W w.ap, elpen"d n ndarll.emeel: "How to cure Red No.n1 Per -.a.."': aEa.lull mane'; ¢Old ten .6111-n right 1,4aad eM.P...M."e ' Aam 1m, thinking their pWke- mm bwomlual, rote, aad on owl g heed rnr loot E, n mut I( M. a purple 4.. Fat d PTarad I klm, ceQof i 11 a Baton, life I b MtlYal. Bt1 t drdwa a aafroggda or Per, Frenrh c.uking Term.. AeNe-SnrM, Idly for rold di,b.. A. gratin -Dial. prepared will cheese and -.be and hated. to9oM,iI -very Ib- petite or eaten, eve Endlroun-momhrvla. . Blmae-A while soup made of ehell- dah. Bonlllan-e el., wap, egvngrr than. In." Tet not ea elrovg tfe tomolpme. wLlrl, i 112.1 " hoop. Bee -Heat cooked h, a Moeeli• verm stew -neo, w that It rrl.11s It..wv flavor aad them If the .egetn- ble Bud an'MI.. put w'Itb H. CM.M.I. -BMeed roll -d -up meat. Cbvmmme-[:lee pup ar Lm,ll�ou ba Ili Lown 1111 rerT rIeh. 1. .. em.. a. a CeogJlella-A art -'.Inca .1 6. or fowl, undo wl[L genre into wupea and tel.. L. croml.des-FrIel foams at broad M' ve ®Well, ar other .,.to noon. 6otrev--A emnu Mob moony err. bell.. ILe mar ¢w nt dimer. Fordae-A light pmp.ratlon of meth ea rbeow, it.1-dolse tete-A rlrb enact, motbleg Ilk, hot maY..Mol raM......lee-A rich aaNd ..eing. MlYWAe-aunt aad while of 1.9 b.en ..ace. Mellon- old meet w.r.. 11 rnM- wvya, end Mento in does- form. ['aide-Thl. .... le .11. to rerT Inlet evvp,, the Warallenta for flulk. evil. wLlel b,.e been rrbLvd through e title. I.bl been..m hrreoome,regetable,, It".etew, with PiOrante-A ranee of It, ..I a...re, ee- Predammothm. AE.OMMede-A ..lad demhig differ. Ing fro. may .... Im I. III.[ the tun AM bard belled end rubbed in . .eider with .1mMN, herb,, etc. Sender -TD tom meat, all., over the ere. m a little fat. - Sou®e-A 11" tight, .ueb wWPPW- .p WadW..r omelette, Timbale -A sort of pie 1. n enol.. 'vol eu Meda-r%H1,. If req light pair paele, mnde without a dleb or .aam. ala ml. win, .nl, or err, Z PA.1WAJVTff,F1f �`Iw�gs to , Feet fTO taMwberry Farlva-Cres.'Moub- er the yolk. If tour egg. fled -11 half evprul rI Jom , add a 1-1 In - III of bul lnq powder aad a teawoun- lot of ...61a. Bent the white. and add to the mixture, .hero -mg with eo-baH .mel Ir eM,a, car, with whined cram end .......a etnw_ berrlea. Bleck Currant Fool -Pict the cur- aam of the nem.. web. deals ad :Pat In I stew Pan aIle sugar to tete.. a[Ir and cook -Mul the aver to dl%o ad the e nR. Prfm through a due belrrn,z� retain to <he toumpan and cook Me - til reduced to the wlelalevcy of MOM, Leer' an the Ime mill .old. v tell a III- diel, and mete.with whim. ere m.' ..,told a- cattle. --.let eprin. ehIOkem and ort Ibe- lu the out enact. The, .ate . MM, bet er, all, each nlere Is and drop tot^ a deep kettle n[ hot tat 1111 bra- " aee thin with a. rlch .re.. mace. w114 anlehM pott(o. browned In the -o a, cud NIkaJ egg pill'. TO, 1EIe h• u�{elnble len.th wLe an . earn pec• down ,-gar 'It a hoe;. T he. 'more IVID rom he .boll. cn,mh 1 d Ja with All oed' nr,.ad a P lr n glt or lo, m he ac-g purr nRh.. IarAe t bheiod10 t e ler an! ilv ell t'k,thar, nod k "it eNd. lana Ntht17 brow li all 1p- g jjI.a.�� still. nd hatp wall, knq,)r Iit� Lest We Forget Due Respect for our departed Loved Ones demands that we erect Artistic and Enduring MEMORIALS Our Mr. C. B. Webb has just'returned from the Quarries of Vermont, where he purchased the largest bill of Marble ever shipped to this State which we are receiving at our yards at States. ville, Salisbury, North Wilkesbuilb e4d Lexing- ton. If cogtemplating purchasplg a Monument, give us a call and let. va,enaM yep our stock and give'yon Prices. �af01111 a Marble & Giaoite Col Statesville, N. C. Sout&ern Raifwaip Operates over 7,000 Miles of railroad QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS N,4,11 -South -East-West - Through Trains between Principal Cities and Resorts Affording Firstrclass Accomodatlon. Eleagnt Pullman Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains, Dining, Club and Observation Cars, For Cpeed Comfort, end Court. ous Employes, travel via the SOUS HERN RAILWAY. motes, Schedulesandother information furnished by addressing the undersigned; t L, VEMON, Tray. Pass. Agt., J. H. Wool, Dist, Pass. Agfa, Charlotte, N. C. - Asheville, N. C. 1, HARDWTEK, Pass. Tra, gr., W. H. TAYJAE, G'en'I Pass Agt. WASHINGTON, D. C. Russell Vaughn 810 Co. Winston-Salem, N. C. , Trade Street, "JONES the 4 SHOE plan" 1 J.�A.JONES with THE P LEADING SHOE e PEOPLE Russell Vaughn 810 Co. Winston-Salem, N. C. , Trade Street, 14 i.1 HAY FEVER ' NrrpaW hrtom/k, eaawrk and F.r /stir, t,. MnyraerlrM all err I•r+•L w.0 moor.. nre.w,, r •* AywDr n i, rare m'ay rf Aar A.*4 ver Arrhl/e�' IN 4 X+mid dk,y't, yl day e.., TEDOFr11R1etiv-,—faltr. Me)m All- W.YDn III .tire ev,���Le� Willem va.p!� Ws�Franrh arm> In 11.b.r oa laknMaa $�a�l�d,iltd,l�6a .G�fOW Itlto An a fAgaw`al-Nenrr 1 N.leon A. YII. 7N mew fma�pNwara leer, aMllla art ebrnad T1s Hen. Hear, Ut-Iltant Bruce, A E{ERCE AIIACK ON CITIZENS wn° .ad ".hot, la=d a Alto are wait asst NW A 111. lto are dmerlean aalrw. (deed that be eta nnitlud to wort DaLlmivp pill Attack on Jan, Bal ter the Ohio- a.r ad prey trove aktmd ns It Ivdborlrbeley p.ee /o reqs. to ID ad. to W 0i mitre. Trmq IN Iblbl Kln66.n. nd Bdwmd le Iege�Y haown ToeIdIM Clap T►rmeN.` okyrlClaa hn..Y mbleallov t► Id..n IM YUrdOrw Oom f rclae anU .ell-deulu+ art nub ql Mdekt *Y1bg or Wmrnding Beo- eW.... nraaen.gon of a vena t. -J7►1M Btreate De.etated byProtases Adouh Henoch . d A".p ""It, kfo- Bafr.vdbre 11 Dto r. --la vein be amooa the forma.. vlMt lbs Vvll" B4ln M by TToopa-Jowl PW^ evick., In ten? gumb of U,a Cern.le Iv- ---.. _.. ,torte, bi rubearr. 9i"Ite, B,nahm Poland, B Call- The terga! Wa61A gq^ a re• d m m of policy and .,Idiom ba- baa, kb"' , m Ina rte of M gen at A o'ebek Snt+ltday ,6i lbt. Im Tbm. K...eY, of wromo, who dl" endi fairo=ven Ia Yq wYile on Mn way to Burop. WL the trovli el- Sldvey 8mlm I.ee, an, cc C11" A tanked toll Jqn. Dnv Yurna lAe, knn4wa 1 U. All Sunday the 'eoldkn have at- Wa bWN) amtn Hee. 1 lbs Cah- federkta neva,Ind n¢. dgrand-phos f taked .inline, L-hrulione or Jew., De....I Robert E. Lm, velli be eD- mbhing jj marrderiuR Wem nilhocl yoloted aw;oad tleuboket In Wil ma• diwrimloatCon. Hoadmde of rlva mrp.. pp1°Opa PraleI, 6dwnrd IDrYlnt Clarte wn killed el, M.undeJ. Three atrecte the o ly .w ,o " Orl..1p o[ lbs wan de7wtatrd. Centel New Tore Imtlbtl A li ' 7; is Ked that dnmken reser- D.f Yvlae, wen IeA to mike. me Bpn :''. repo lweal, tl� t.of f.d the tl.of hie Ilte'e' iib rbrted the muaerc. voir iw kl W the tart that Herb ba' Troop hem etrrroanIf 11b eiy pamote or. deal. Ma)or-Oe.erel Bir Reglunld Pula - and mtuw iawer,m il• craw, .inn 1Yoade- of the A regibint of ir,antty hot been alfltto Wife- of Third .4 Mit from Dedia to Si"lie to _W.�,°rlaj �•a wba-atmy ewlegoeoM1ned ma- w„.v ml'L. .f LeetDly N he rho Holt '� Jena hen AR pin n-eaiI I mu..�° tF a pq� wI 1' Low• I- - nit RI>Drle en bring c'mevbted w Wni,,m ,pup uxtvwa ry item w n. . -rrie. I"'. otpkw, wan in the city. , - in. k.r i., . pyo :it�i..I at .i+h.iw i Wer.w, R; Cab^a-Te 'q+ Bab u. alwe utday evd.g hot red klllkdalwo wb A le tew 4 Vpea%ove a Ir nlmn Yo- diem {nar,NOp h government alcohol Rr t ilt U" Meetee �.Ih haiilreMviYbi' NOR at filtrate. A dWehwant of b-' wee. Nay Pe.r wnwlom, n t. ryva rant ..hed and nwd a volley eTml. Ie hw pndo e� arm 7 •P f Drca into the crowd, (tilling Iwo prom ed W ye, dt-61 Bel_LuW.e.dm,. ar bred wauoAing Iwo. So.- Sandalgid by moniiR the Itiverills m•a`ero itali- c fIALT P'OR CIReIMRA. linemen bi�An aoldrn petmling l At • evening or tot Rm•` Ponitrr st'"'I" and t nm it. triturated 'Aaaoclilbv Mr. E. •Jnar'a{too .aid: troppp�� ttwkwd the Jawiek gn.rte. "It fait Mn, Ifarrinton dlecovemd of lArd16. dkfttoyinR the hbvre end Enet the ,:halon had .,parol .mouL khhp. rr ehkkam. I had heard tome -hoe Il "molea mel ore ort hum that nen ail noWlva to boot it e. ed pe na wen killed or wended . obi etmbo, I ben the elyd mea rad than the town u b e:mee. .leu tho Makoue. m 'teat ail he --' mom. venin It ani Waraagnl> .IW �jektllan Beek Tma.m realm 1-9 Or,.. ha mold maks, W.ehingbv, 6pniil.-The Repab mJ fill every .reek end crerim nim flea. rt r lehievemenb for the bran.. He did m, and we haven't p Y -i I.nt • Aep Bann 1 tried lbs oma heir revItllry and pavlieulariy ile ca- IrInq on my boar wban me choler Red in the poralit Ceugreel eroka Int amnia mea, e 1 eve ski' mmm.dd to the vein Of the mun- I- .hot I weed a tae at tram even try in the mmpig, Wrt-beak given mad a tartan %&Md of We a'- nza of b1 the Republiwa mn—ioval ace, The bmk thi mea ivfor. FALL SMATING. miter, D pmrlleally. pvepy m Bu•IetW Teo, ter -of fltq-BtaW Era ahb at Y in W", ruformaliaa + Salt" at Depen, N. T„ rqy be d.,md. K di tiam "uff�i a lau,, proaoacl of relief b `rt'.tam, it it ded-d, arttr....I Ien archardat who arta wilnq all ato 'len of mnrern 10 Kap biiene, .boa In allow o[ thom.k epnyle{ bot it to nlald "they .. m teal of ba anldeteat" loon. The - with ppveMieal a d p grwive ides! .NW of .tanel.e trete teem be Wow end 14e m luring of Weir Idea into tau fan nrpabe with Wall., -no- Poailivt pdormwen." l r ro spm, hardler rarletba of frufl -- - Ioneann r. egwUve. a,-- aims To Oat DRrbn 400a0Y. w lir se mal. d.tnvds M mo- PhD"elphi., 6peaial.-All of the cermo. Boma at'he web. toted dir.lon of rot (bel I Ail Troe • .Ppm' to IN<Nn . abrter,ly: C pny whieh wet w ked 'T 'le of num. area daereare of tmnbae to -kid. pree'dnrl, Frank 1. EDPpI `op•ralbv e[ n etmtlre. sompu". prineipallr through h..y I.... toad: STILL wf,BAT. to Adolf Bnal, . promote. on Many toll.t11 w` Iv the fuoflte re![vtlrndt d Eale.e ppI netor notedto iii m:emm`. -[vee Iwpad b" bee delnYba nn ldi E ria �k'd� Wl.pram be welter -. lr)1¢{ to tsN. edr'en' p.vy toga et shot circnm.anm, from Dr. S. Weir Mltehell, the only "Yon of tEe, Mr. York;" 7NIcd ev.mher of the Ill 01 dirwlom mho tree olive rlI'lonay ^rho IeOp]rJ be away tram the city, e{rcato to the trot n. be able it ch.. alk !pule. D pollon that the dtnaloa n• bit let mY toll you Wnt he 4 N1V Mbete the mount aM 1 ne`upy nmpataa b root kit vwNa."-Dol• by the malar. Th. etre dL 14 el, Jn.mal• - had prylooNy erkntad b me Plea HANDICAPT'gD, (mill. Della[. For We. J. Bryan -1 ltd Of. nn hmlun teat Tfem , 0a., Spial. -Th. nm.b 'lac„lacca Mn. Honwkacp. moue onmiodtion of Hoke Smith fns rn'l .very and t'eno, of aw sea Ill, .dor. r e,ji wua Wa beri 1 mule do, mum;' en rgb rev -naw urea wNtwac '9 veto. deY moot of V61111 m J. Bryn for Pr'••i' Trlbuu. A-, It IAD%. nue the urivelval huei _O OAvft""w2it Plato MBNBini For Mie Return PRESIDENT'S WARRANT (MAILED IYt to Depattmmt Donlan to 06114 A►fMarNw W DafaollW B.ek- try 0601Ne M Bf id; !V evN Afoot - al, lid Will Either Prdatehidlt ft"W by Ertl Keohane vnni n walYot for Navel aafllpnatty IiMp UYdet. WmbingloA Spnie4�herlly Lf W, Chain I. Diene, 'nblef Ink of the alats's Worruy a ofax of fink ...ty, Illlvoie, appeared at the Stale Department ognipped with a fou wt of .lradid.. pope. whieh had been and t reng merely to . pret.tiondq r , be.- ibey will not he nwded io ell probebaity to neo the return Jn Wb munlry ., Berke el, Slmbvd, mrdor arrest at Tangier, afc.eeo. All,diffie,Jtice L111� e- IVZ vaneptin¢ Ilya yhnlfle of llnpbdn, '0., that m -' girded ail a minor msum�. The be- p4tlhdat boa duide,l fo wed by a- ble auWuriali.ri b .latent 8bW'e eltoney OI`v urea �omee Keely. CLi.po o wOil mon, lam of h m kowono'in Tengieq to bk. Stamlend hrl:,emtody end feel, him to Arearin. •lr.c eovrsn ret open, ono to plan T -hen two !.Jt rod, the third -ler, a ma aermm. When fLe Iron. hr hw migh Ike meal +e hitter. -Froin the J= "Ttwv wv” it If- ptbred a great If,,. --From the llsiun. From nying to doing it a long way -From the Iteli¢o. A g al man Intel; be happy it .tate of elererm sII i slat. Of fnednm.--(y ben. - Thc. p,lbk of pp' eoongh to FWe on empire IMipid for a Itme- rom tlm F'nneb. rhe Age of Lei.. We ire wont W !peak of na. Ir Y the "vee hf Irodr" kpd tY.re L- v 1,,, Ir ,1 lv .lrlixr.t gp - ivg, hartb a e, It. mNah' - Nernal it, taw ywyle forte. how h`lul; M.I.vol aLwWtav o that `he b . ed,l,ebDi.attou; W flet atber msbl, load. 06a, �Timmy, at Ille. Il le wt let. Ilk. r Nib, .tel, Lal it.. dbgnflulenm6 ann- (l. are .hat 6H'e It xuch . mowlnunt pl Modern nlormhbLalrnw,lifil.-on.t, ttrvlofla area, talsltira. Inst wltbal t eat talar. wuulJ ,i el "I imn,w- ntin Ind pip+, The -le. yet ehlll.be ngebt In the remold. the pray I." e[ -b Wtolula:y deHart- �o ked. revered+m trn. nmvpe avY,:' mnnoq'po b�p -ml verve m de .f rmmpwitima oIf watch lend +e the th. h.p.1 1. i lit e.p Aotli• tell Me Ana+ In tAf bramee m well u oil .haps klndi of inuchloery la whiolk "LaamlL" -11,1131. . kms: gonia, 1, ...0- In,brdduae+ what a deal ..f vwfeb.•.. teal oho form..... „p, - Then ter'. ,I! !ha most fro,. Wq PNe-Cersw Ie •fifty term ywn oro ano the uU-t- 111"118 red r6laln,eandn they the rwayr heave. I.nlos r Dntlr�-loeida b await the rti,kl at that port.of aid out -recd prc`rven tbem fro- -LABOR WORLD, tag n v i ref 'seting hip Uiankr, decay. doe bent tem -.eke on bill, way How mans or to (hank mobil. foal Th9 ifhllhta of Labor, at Amb¢, homn to New York. b, the comtorte e1 tart? Tet in. he. it. red oo plitl 1 aetivltr. Navel offno, are vevor, ..air. W beet Lome point It -blue hot ma The U",- of Nwhrllle, To 'I, ` their ship to m V, prim..., Win 1.1 eortodad by acld to v whir etrle. to enforce the WN. hot if We Stale Deprtmevt ..kat powder kvonn u 'vent.• lead." Of hover rasa too eeq orf, of mare. it will be hoa- mune• thea rove uawY 1.1 Uo¢s or The plumber and c ribere i tea Ito ddl(on a the cable author- "nYte teal :'tome of whim are told .PoN,I , Mer, been ub,alood the IrAliop, be Stab the eabeat will white Imd a" nom whicD we elgbDkovr day. seed Lv mull the Pneidentrs warrsvt .rotor be me tame of rntdT-nre- Tbi fuDurWv IIwV employ. of to Mn . Olwe a d Keely W take red Yabt vera the fenuuar I- CClerNmd' have obi.lvd an inkr.ea dlenkbnd 'Ian .valor + NLteh dbdd. tease that tbr, all `last . good" m t ow foal w boon 6 .vile te: 7: oat NI rood yam' I. The IamApd be IN."l•na Yevd ifieut me„iiee f aerie rhe- m fileda m"e of rve meal: era cewdd area voted th0ir bili Uri fn to tie and III* York tit ib- , gran.. 11 k nue nnito I.owdet and the avek b i1.6t nor mdath. -llgnl-elloru be 9obnlb Lik aiecnnrg0 :ad n u.aea ell. The hhrbvda. pg New Yvrk City by belittle mrfos. mliter with b oleo mad Iv l4e vavt- demand n Iecrewe of w nee. The The F'rnident bimwlf hie ahowe IOL of doe ell clatb, aid [or mavY union line over 1100 member, gran, h vereel to the ease, having re- b.l11 ' A, dge and I...brm Iron work- sir 1 , mn-infihna unit Parpo,- parol. m he" formed naw nnlom ta Ham• pwPle b CTir urging ha Wali dal -Sed (rad" Is Notbar Product u[ urn, ant. and vamm�.e ti. c. To I pp�p manila tad knit b what a kw4 .t government W verymrng p oaide of Ina, bcing p,du,d Uy rel k.n Tr row nLlutp-6 • w un n prompt urn f Stene- ,bunla, me metal. Rea Ind 11 me j W for that, label and ablating (gad to aid. 9'he state Depa[lIDent ram`Ite ten lbs mm1, memo. beat print kr,ewc to -prawrvn loon, him awirlpted (beat ra inst, wit h. Tree veiled Weave.' Amal{a• .;gra anrenar Davaev that the Do- Nwi or tiv, and it n•" i•rLaly' In meted Amoeagnu III held Ib mr,- apt i. rfenll ilii to fol p_ -e -P roebl mruelurns, tush on mrgov Iv union, Msec• on august part. p 9 ver R IY •tramper ,k -I..- m11b and foo all. Ment Iha sate v[ Ilivoa lhb bridges: wv gest vett be da or Ina (ler reale rho Pugttive it dellrett,I There are many Atha- produ of A v,un,tpnod of Ibvkbindem In o a In Cm3 IOhnld`: fit metal b". ..nch u IIWwg. p.aite tp t trade mere thdrdughlr id Wlllit9 and ldifir,/ to 6ha t ofkhga .mend veto tr..- ' T.alt. Sblm. _ Ching., Bpniel.-Anatmt 8bb', .wUN :, men bt the •rte Ie whMb The dew . le stere" by 11 - Altaney Barbour rotate" . mdwp. vmyear, ImegW, tint Ind -,old " ter ins ton at Rockford• Ill.b a from dwiillevt 6laW's Atbrmy 04 or toa-It vfe. lw . an e., . n with two W • `leat Tabgiery gnmtiog that the - veily, rte Ilse In ee n, of lea. vena an Dour Ivmew for lyfly 16oriliea -.t Wemingav prrmit wall n .[ Iran. Vvbn Wam to vena Introdua" gtauslond W lin 'moat w a0 o,'dl¢ere. Io ierwr civ. N. ].. fur he vnrvoi of 1ege1 dmamenttff a! HANDICAPPED. pteveuling oho empio>.. of born Tn}4 M W.e wid to tboa wBliv "Uvea wiW nae amDlee Int ail el[Igmr, roan at •R . twm• and Molter to return 't. Chieego ,gt. fret P' alamlated Mr. xo-`keep. ate' Striver Fel`r, of rho Mil- That Im't a very flood 1-1l., T1, e r .Wu EpoenaerI I.esLna b to o.�kea , i .. Fail If ora" "it nos m. beat I could o, alum;' aanl`tlon 'cal hen It., aDNkapt "I wn e1cY hear, form" i¢ New Jerwy. 1, It be folo.hor disi�atab from Secretary 1.pwaedr mom" of tM1u wcmen ra1Wr. sod fiheA, in WmhiohMn: two day. ivn.poa. Tribeen. hl.do of talon mm tap. -be Aeaielmt &eatery of B.I. mn- - --" mead .11 ,nil money, or it.riy ail. .eller the mlieitar for the Stale De- TYNER'S Dk-SPBPBIA "Ma" ! T— pa„meet neer R then the y0 do- A Onamated Cww )h , rine ;..fail by Sten. d We ... Dya"'. it 9., Neow eh PBaBffIN6 NAWB NlYf65. an or. et TangiON.er, Tor .]felt.,ta m If you lunar tram Dmnepin or In, b l for Imo e t .ah dlgnl In any form, .uW . Aeronndl a o -v cLevsurr ni . f a -,h rpr3 to law of ` belWloa, bitter tate. o¢eeet'''n ,be Wgloo of Honor. idihil W moo a esanro et moa n, Ina - CI land le to have n .lel enhool 1Daivlal queen v .Raetivg the Fnpe6 calla, eo to tel, girl, for wlfahood, hk at Tnngi.,.” red atom, da.a I,ady C,obbell-ll wife h,, ..rl nutter. t ma Brltab P"Ino , died at Mer• Tn DYhod b Death. n , Lwlrltl. tall" atter A loaL lima. N.w York, speial,-•!'oil Pief iaq, loatb", of /yl peeve or• 11 .ge From • enema` "Mut of slew m.Wlnbt igrd 60, wit Lpv4 Y,oe- T 1a the tom.eh, than le bpthlnL m fall for • womw yah ggpd ie, a helps &II en Noriea beet .- gime, I po`m .'.rpmp.hmwb• (rpm 1 InLlvg 1wAold lLropplt ail bank or kid- Amons the white rack. m.e than devktor shalt pre Broedwq aid .2nd Hey or llwr trn, fpr..-betne of nllpldh a even Wrest ked nem kUled, to woman. •Tet tbk mks run 'bin ' lila, lbw lheT will dl`pp.• in a lime. 0 ay.. Cl...land. If. of the abort if- after taking Tye.,'. D- Tormee v"I ahG wNked rep Moo.1 gppgpk by Tari 1. ]fetal Da apalrtt• veno'• Ram"Y, made .DeolNty to Wmhlvgln, N. H., rwanlD' .wl/b k curd DnDepla, Iadlaeuon and ell Beth, Nn, special.-Wililem If. part, of friend.. stomtrh Tm Wn, .vee of the Worst Wdl %Irl., be. the dletivctto„ Taft, S.-Iliq of. War, nddr,,I,d . amen. Tyne Ke Uyenepai- R.m.ay Of haleL toe oma who e. brge wdimee at Al.no . Hall hero ezpelY tLe gree tell sweelme toe dNlrOr" pewh In the Csnadbn area wss given en mlhusi„ptio greet- reseals. It cern Sick IfeadaWe. Hoek• of Paellwwl. _. _ _ ... suave„ area Coeelnatloa at .n. Rieke -'Phil MA'. rove .,.If tor; "Pins Bigrtt" taY1YLYd BJg yq It's -rainy ho- wool Ivester ofd tedY, lea -Dep Jo aP e1(�r[kR N1eYe-0h, ft9 n f A tribnlr ang� tol ydeKat+r'IvF`itM •%/Srk LN- enon d me !1 wk• iambi hen., amt No nm'p,r, npt,t� apDl a .a k -raw ai a 1.n..J W«rya wptuf „to -l. rEkN."--YkN-' mrainm a Iamb is-P1ath,delpWn Led- rdelphta 1�.. - - saw.. f Co the beach at 1w,Wlth, {Y{bkd, Hose -m a. Wo crllaron eeiolt me o[ We err: I. kFr-Eiyrew Roe. f,ll� et gra bill, Toee?eInd "ddaa be.. Mrw tbhr panpit o rn II, ° v naw veli., tea a "' le Yom& porker-th, du the ee ihnl lap hit hlLh, of seat Mw, ... lh1 n Ian behind -Nae York sun. j rnaata.-a llua< .own by ImrMnar. STOP, WOMAN ! AND CONSIDER THE �. ALL•Q1tPORTANT FACT ft ThW b "drc`IvY Neo Pltkhnm yon moloong yh. pe rate tui to nl�mav a veifroace m%eiwasiyy-an ye.n The prewvt oa PtaYb b aha rnaheer.+n-l.))w f t.ydla E. Plnhham. nod elaneaw,hev dram hen ben heel) glenn to b elafok w ­ 4!.,y *bmmqtwfraeb Deem evddrf}t along A`gni bhla+Ire lmmmEBWottddatifoil neU to I,:.yi ndemy Impel. thea' .hrlek fYpin apotivg [he,o- Ir` to the gemgona and probable aeeavWwa. W area weir t,_ phyay. It le neheenreay. wi-k mw<y or pries yon eve aaoeolt♦muve ham knowledge hero serval eaprkvve b great lin, Pinkimm's Standing Invitation t fif'E7)ml ververa Lynn. eat wdl.eirwt wre{bei,l It lilt if a I mo pmdMr rely It Piwm tN me what Fhev • medi<let de here --get A 1, rHler. .m ^-Kra W rt.tormg h<e1W r many wmetY BaurYy lrbamhat min bi DtYPD^19ueaM wboee teettmont r rawgnritl.untet Wamtryt.. D. C, yon aevnoS well.wa.vYdmaa trr n Semr,d latke. 1bv. ¢.liar. It wD11otPm II Ad yn. PWah.m:- ell 6m Ill. don't hirtab bfa t a Doo WatatMmr �/vlbwlvi.P^� ret trot adrlm, le of L'Mr, E. 79abb,�'s Ye{etabit uampvmtl to- —b --e v�ti CamponndelevWead-It H. PInY• �,mNa4that .'Den m.y Y� a-- I— v. Maw, tenep.YYN advlae- wl and wlwtla, tare Jme lm It I. are end.Iwar. bNpml. The New York -.earn ar aeri u hyo d.Otd s r ... I.--- W la'enth lea Albplmed.peiling wen.'low V .ire ave toaWm1. • AWFUL PSORIASIS 55 YEARS, Terght. . ra.aea n �Bic�l d with illhit ace f- 'W, m L >rl it veto W petit. .1, eve. I bed. t." mro mar, ret L' . to flow of Revool uR to ihvti d owl nu ro..n in s~. MwW' wit as .=k i m. al.e,,a< 6.•bike ay.h ovepM_re-4-rn I)n" ao see ' �t yep1 least to ba hair I,%,- atf.� Fever wov1E " w Rte t�ve iN tr,el. a h. Dro.w 5 DN,<1e. b m.n) n . eWdd )one loerl amyl".. see=l,otli_aaw. m�LT PoR CHOLBRA tag of tee Kansas . 1bn Po, lar 'As Mr. E. Mpr'a.].v sold .••Tata IQ Mu Iton-4 pos dletoetred 'hat be oho].ls, hd eDPM[H erne.{ hes rhIckav°. 1 bad heard so-Whtre that Ware le ao.fva G best It as • NaIY[«GL I bad the hired m dean t- assume. a <m.. as he W ,oma, wash It out th-ghl, witb rust as .trona b1le. as ha mold. mase, awl all ..... creek ....,auto witb h. bane. He dla eo d we haven't tont . hav elbu. I Wed the ... IM.. M my h.w wbe. W. th.l.rr hroxe ant "mmg them, and I .m •ab vded that t anis. . I« of .vthem ane urented . f Wo aal'�J of W. du. BALL aPRAYINI0. meletho Oro. 1st o[ thq 9.G Ps• y��p�I 8:allm, at .:'vera, relief 7.. v li J< r "t n amt ft.p•cl It suet 0 the or Iaerate. wan node spdv. ell l.p short to Dow na d One h nodia of shot .euro -.b. In t«<. in a run 'it. of eabnmire teal .atm a •sow ,atmalp tats.neap.; nithav w-an..G oyra hernia, asor Inn ,q.eane . r. off«ore .. +,Opaw w,ar an I1 a «ale hetn.Haa Y "e wroea. some set ted wa.I. Yeaed t1 lime end det.ase of ll.ubla 1. prepustem of an eaeat.e. romgavd. RTII.L AllonT. It was It- the ad hosevele ell-ki-a ^ad ,be e°0Wd ,be Ill wM trytva to .k• adr.o. ,Me at lh¢t el.'ama.'; "Nam of that al all 7NId the r,jw, vigorously. "Tba I.Opr. my em "able to "a.-- e - .ata, sin 1st .4 tall 7. thot he is,, %.W.0 n pat his ebanf."-Can• r , I. -I. - HANDICAPPED. "I IreA rvIW ere f° Ho 1,1. Is., .• ,m.laed ssd n�rrmra.'. no the Werr . nould do, m •, '1•. e Lea 1 ualnk r_­dadm eP Fblj"1 was. Iwo Rua MlnuMa*ltz Tribune, LUOB. 'I ve W...,.� unit milllbmaln,' p.e ov board," '-tar, b, p,ut" cm balm nisi to"'?, Jan... TIM. HOW MATY OF Us7 Faut to Seie<t Food Name Dem-& to wad off Anmeets. A K1. Gar. speaklns about toes. "I "I was bee -read 1. sew ell kms. .I m nrdoa as cwd,u .;'Aral I not W. 'Atter 1 hd rum doe. he musty mr attentionf wed .1.a n W weedI a. of ram. change 1 anany diet. sad t 4-11-d mf ordinary break t 4 be,t ans Orao-Nvto -L h n.d .tan of a.ream ' In .few a.y.rs my Mvdunv chane In . rem.rkabl• was, eon I base. be at,. that :bed naw Luo Iba-d o' "tare a agar of boar and s pule .' mood Wat .m.«a me. uwed.ma'n' „ew "Mr n.111 a met, of mwseauoo hadMan, Orbas.1b)hest- was and mann limn mr .poll, t l, dllrtwGa with blind spatia been ems G rush of W aa blood toe Den svt aal.lc peer In d .ht. ,aloes urn, Onpp Nun ,lope roe breakfast I..ra b"""ras froban tIm• lraobiu, neat h, [,mea wan 1 hon IMeWa h I Would l Mer foods Iv e0all n than 1 woo s" lderb l bT e pale 1- 1 the. ed shoulder bale, evd-b i. beaded We b-1. that ala trouble would roma bask, bot trbeo I neem tot to kn.w whm tEne trouble, arlglMled 1 raturued W, Orsye-Nota and ,ream and tp. .sed di -le... left n. Gu:ck- now 1. "iso. • health as uw r orpD.-%L •• Lee 10, 7Nn W.-, By C.ble-Terrorist+ Rab Ira.y seeing .hot end YIIIJA two sol - Ile. glmrding a govnr-M .I.h.l ten at Skdlet. A doleh,,,t of in. '.It,maleol up and fired . volley .to the wd, killing two gree. ,ad wnonamg two. Sunday morning the terrnrl t. mall. leelnen IZn,ioogR massae of po d widiWn pat.ltmg the averts, and t the infunted P tl-k,4 the Jewish quarter! X BlwJihe. destrovm, the house..ad Ii is reported that over one hon :-1, 11ww a were, killed or wounded nd l,et IM town is In d.mns. PlarabBea. Bask D.md, Washington, 6p.6.1. -Tho Repuh Ivan arty --it. .thkevemenG for ,.If etotllry end parlieuGrly i,. rs mad in lir present Coagmee-h mended In the .to, of theon Iry in lila amp.ign Grtdmnk give. mt by the R.p.bues. e..greesi... I mmitue Th• bankmb.as. enfor- a.tiop oe pnHleally, every .n..� tele euhaet open idea ivfor v v- m t .sy M desiR.di..lieor -matin., itt is d«Ia mull.. of .n to I. are wilem! bit it i.statedan"they ess ro leo, with he ,t,l and progress-diaelo and the maturing s4 positive gr[orlbance." To Carl Dtreeten $&000.000. Philadelphia, Spe.ial.-AII of the di -to. of the Real Eat.t. Trust Company, whwh w.. n ked by it. nieide y ideal, Frank K..BipVie, prfnelp,Ily lhrougb h.vy lo.a. diad- to Adolf Segel, .promoter, ov dimay BIlate.l, have egraved to R -1.e. erle's plan for -motiles the .w - my. H Earle nnlv.d . Glognm from Dr"i, Wdr Mltehell, the only ..mbar of the bo.rd of di.en. who le .way from the city, Mred.g to the progdllon Chet tLe direeton• MTh.� tribute the mount dee sd neeeusry hadthpnbusly runt n° the p= Ge.rabh Dadarea r. Who. J. Bryan: Ma.o, Ga., Sp«i.l.-Tho n ' mom nbmiuetion of Hoke Smith nfer'. Core- of Georgie cud Ivo -.dorm• meat or WiilGm J. Bryan for prwl- dent in ]am, Was the pdpdpef busk ""''"" .... by tat. Demoenlie Blow ro-lidod. The o-.' of. otb•' circ Modldate for n --wan a,, placed beforo the mo -Lion. Husband Imes. Wife. Newbern, N. C., Sp..W-neo. M. Cetney, . while women aged 34, was .hot by her husband, William Mo... McCdrtngy Sundry ..otos. The sir .-at..- of tho I indiesG mnr- aer, but MoC.rteey ineul. that the ,hating Ma. acrid -I He any, that he ti,ok the pistol, t'hieb was of the p�rhsulgev kinsed w keem,Its He w'fa Gvding by him be. the -!- Fee, dueh,xvd th,. bell enteric. 'gat e'e lodging in the brdq the woman -do W in two hot.. GompaetMt D.ah G Beady. Norfolk, Sgcier.-Tho vol ey or propriated by lis loot Congress to aid the Jamesnwn Ergaili'v to now ready for dtsbmrament. R«re.ry of ted T.eevey.Shbw has "meed the Fsg itnn offlowu dont Mr. Paul M.,Lan. he. Men made pati dip basts�pg f11%, of ted food and that IG until qy l vou.ben pF.iul tat loud yragrlC antMrlaei' Two Nagana Killed 1. Gambits, Row. Bruuwiek, G., Sp«iRL-As • - '"" " a gwhtl raw early Sunday A.- Lmduy end Jere; Bawtou, ran. groes, ase dead no1 two n<Rro women ar ' Dai, net, o. wi tn«.en, ad o ¢srroo M held for ipveeliptivu. 'Th, MJi" of the dead ogrow, were f.u.d In the at -t in front ur We hon« e copied umeste the .. 0.1 of the c ..feawd h as n tl n I rch at thth he am, of tlrtg. Lu1 m. deiur II rrn ,del. bgllyevu tLa Iwo deed .fast The knights of Labor, It Horton, •' ve d«md oe palltl , eot!1lT11env., The Dnue. or Nashville ma strike In enforce the elshl- o r day. The pplumber. ata ---o t putlena, Me-, have .bGlnod the dgni-hour day, The .nburbou Ila V <mylmyee of ;Iaveland neva obtained an In -se ,f nope ... t as he.n The IhlhdN bf C.P11 dd nava rased flair l.iD noon P . Q6 ad .h. dual n $I sa Da bd , TM E,alov a li New York City fe.endloosedLe . aI are. Th. .vlod bah ever 1100 memer. Blida and .auotnral ilovrk- . hive formed pew nnlou to He.- Ilto., 0.1 ,and V...ov.... B. C. Pmudv for Nd 'label sod a�nn�ns umglan I., the .ming eat -«n. Ge Assu.pWe m .11 aves' Ama..- 111 holo IG .n- entlov Iv Bulob. Mon., oo August 10. BrR." tL.e >mon oil Aaakblptw dne d. bid the oise spat tr.de mora Wareusely id Wt- Bou tbe-o Btllea. _ Tbd new .[ la ,to by I1 1 !er poor at Backford, Dl., Id Iwo-)ror .nssmevt with two vd v «ml an hour lomeaas (or IsOr. Union toamotan ave ].lrodutd ep ordlbnnro In Jareay Clt>k N. J., neprder djob,.- IW- f...of spm. r. The Uebn ayevden' League 1. Ws e ser a new oranlMuov test ell res.a ]. N•w Jenny. tt la townpaeied M In. acme. ,aline. as ,r'-" of nolo' m. tl ly woo .peva .11 the meeey, or kearl) atl. PEMiFrfRs NEWS NOTBR. Beroherdt leo - cheveller of the 1.0 on of H..... r Cleveland le to be>e o hath ..boot G trate girl for wifehood. L.dY Compbell-Bannerman, wife lentrilhd di atter°. I"' Illnsssed rt Mer• From . bu:".. 401ut a} view the. 1..010. w to.l tart *oma. to P.- as ueomDll.hmroG." Among the 1101. sew., mor. the. .ev.v-Gplha of •alis,. 1. "ad to womay. •let the men ran theta*. Mr.. Grb.er Cleveland, wife of the farmer Prssldent walked uP Mount Wwblv.... N. H., r«enlly-With a p.rt-f friend.. Led, Leiter he. the dl.teoclll u t ,bbeing •o tee an'delivered uGIn .. Hou" of P.rliemevl. For ..time time W. OF •GIWn Corncu of Ylonrl, tldu.• '"tr1 Wa 114 11 to no I.' for right of ..area* on w.mu, Russ Kate aa.born, one of the P10- beer D.bl�eA or ebandeessti f°rwa nolo.• lulls. kit hook on old-f.I- toted wen p ... to war A bs."do, to°ihis too ntry.fors ly sold lL:tto a China" P for eOMe tinleowEo�un:nato w nb.uW York.° .n ner w.y homer No. Naval oP&en a. rarer ..Ato their chips to ewu-ps,, pri"een, but f the 8[sle Uep t Will k. the ravine 1, If .tree it will bahov- ond. Pn addtita to the ,able .t ill Gollob, the BGG Depart's w will Bend Lr mull the President's wurNt to Mand, ,I, a a 8«ly to take BG stand 'tan -ion which does• to kin n L'e t ' L W. mad a.rrrN{rl' - New Y rll tp thwart t Ibgal Mort' to a«urs Lia direharga gtwel 19ereet m tmr ease, mules d vmunintioee frogq °d 1, - in Chi 9go urging {{b batik al a* errant nv 1.vylhi.9 q ihl G neuro , prompt .torn f SGm- God 1nr Dbl. Tit, 6tate Dep.rt-It bas enlieipetd toes ,equate sod her sided Ouveroor Den.n that flys Do- p"""', la grfeatly willGg G fully preset Iho Rete of IlivoG.n lata walla until tbo fugitive Is adiverbut ..mad . Loop Tlme, Jlm was ten yes' of .n and of .n ed.enlurou. ep"'t. ]..x4 of auto, W aheoL be .union out I- W - hood of ba«ovum, leavtep I 1 -tors of farewell ser his mbm•r. He sed Von pretty ter "I'd "o- be was ,,nbt In the.In. Growing. -able and tuna.', the ,mums 0 -tore Wen oro up his Ido of a ylnll.ei b.htrend t e bums .err Is . He me, "...chud. ttas neap tion The ri Y Winnd his eG[MhP� w.gper <rec Mt loop op from as, book. Evan ale -Oral did out rum M ten washer be had ..rued or tot. The not, haws,,,, not bel, ID ted .p .paver pf dteneq .ewe sed nb - Wena b. l..- .-elvnped and q ted 11, andWealn adMpu.G atG In -;m lop the epOver Mei be wort d plGtively to tel the aid [ To'r bad ebep 1 yr w?anla - Attorney Bs,bovr .eaived..drag• flow Aerial, RGto, Atto,my GI - at TbhYGr, regtle.d g that the "I,oritke t WashingGn permit 8b.2itk to lure 'Ihout writing I., the nrri,.i of I I deeun.nt. R13Th1 pri.nner wed selIlo tm willing nReee to taro to f the k Rte, a Fe1ur, P ted Mil. kea error e. nal. Back clad We followiltg ldiarprleL Frvm 3eeretary Show, in WuhGhdOn: I'Aeeltanl &.nary of But, Mm- eulted the eaMilor for We Rete D. PPP.''rtabut n., 'ug the $1, 10 da- e.il ashy Nlenal d o We F.%<h T gielbi�ul At eo:ioitar eeea no I pos :'nu to attao� the food rai.g to law and rain. n iha proeeduro nt.11IDg �didrlq .slave eaeeting the F.veh ..it at Tnmgi<r. Two Bashed to Beath. New York, Rgcl.l.-foul Pietjan, m.ahleld Med W, rad Louie Zoe frot'm�e° l.g1mv IWlfoidl 6. lbroupltreu .1 ..tor .haft on Broadway .sed ,Mod .treat add we. killed. Barak by Tan . Yawn Campaign. Both, Me., speelpl.-Witham 11. Taft, See.laq of. War, addressed e large audience el Almonds Hall how and was given en nlbusisum great. in. It we. Seantary Taft'. 0P17 .p• peanp" 1q the Ml{ce eam19: Yr, """'I .ppooate oP q,rnlary T.R us the pr2ris poor .or of Pas. idnt RMevell." Pehea YMtGlow Helvetia, B7 Cable. .-I Mon. ... l, eommeuling on the situation re- marked that "Peat will be .nausea o•'t will M imgwd." $a n l ed Le did not mea. ppee a wdold nea- Mtily be Impowd by f.- of mar blue publte opm,on,_,,I ql the r ge.a to submit km the reeeae. ' re term, hieh the vetenu n aaing ';o order to .void' farther fghtmg The Liberel ked.. ro.tmus to d.• mend far mot+ than the moderItra are willing to .'.dee I1 the ween• while hostilities to II lent. and pnrpo«e have ben eragnded o. both ,idea. ro.gd Boa In LaN. Newark, G- epemtebF,.%. q find ins of the bods" of NdUe 'ebotd end I7 and Berry Kelly, glass Worker aged 3& ill Barley. lake 1., o mysterious tragedy. Th ewple woo it la the Intro Monday f0 Ichor day holiday. That. us W leaf a"v by them .lire. There we o ids%" of a struggle preuedin the l.ndy. It u thought Wal qr heq iv the rlruggl. MW we. throw from the Mat and dtvnmd. He'.. Yonnpor at at. C. I m, o, ser t.nnr mare - for the -I-a et Ifalr:ir Yst<tbe. but Lone, paint ie oathlvR bat mo- tell, lean <omodtd by atm to n wafts powder known .e 'whfte teed." Uf rn e, thero.1e uaay'Iml.Llma of •While Ieal:' some or wbfeh ere tom a whl. teed .4 .m whl<h a od d b) the same of read, -pre - b.red )slat under the familiar I.re led that fay) b. °)pet +a snood" w wait. le. t Day :II Band pa.l b e.J. of t!•e meta , sad, .ended and ground in . me white powder and mG.d with um.ed ml Whhe lead 1. oleo need to the coat - .g Of ane all .].the .vY for Gan, narq.. beide. P -int. -Red lame" G ,%other lwpdu t or me411e lead qd le what b,k.owtl u an mime a lead, bolus prodm<ed by Laming We metal. Red ltd Ie tho beet plot kaawn Ib ordarn Iron, a«I .r On, eso 1, used InrRel) In :toting we .1 err ttur s.. '• h as k)em4er k�lel..n. III. .ad brldgM. There are ma., elh.- Prdnr.l of the .stet Iced, ..uth as 11.11. orates. belvm, am- whleb .n es- emuel : any of the arta Ill Wbkb novel !magica that le" w°utd W Wb- - the �.- sea. verily. - Ree 1, ar sae p' leeb as wets a -[ Iron. HANDICI,PPRD. 'T.Ind alto .n 'nmlller lea That is efwelmyd 4 l tfd- Y' ep. That len', • ver) gaud r«o[d." ' ^n war We boa: .nota do, mum, rnpvdm►lha aypllunt. "1 was. nlr.Y two day."-Miv_gagHa Tribunal. TYNER'S OFSPBPRIA REMEDY$ A OW -1«4 Cw 31ho J Its, - Ry. ol. sad *I"" Nob. It. 11 on suffer from Dyapmula or Ivo dlgnll.I Iv .' form, each as tut bek11.,, bitter Gate, offanelre g,ella, M I. - bad breath, al.1y sob, hurt dotter. a, outrule, l.+thlag f food, �M. Inmther ° 1*..,b book or oldq d..D-eutw Yid.' ner or lira lrm4 his. than they will dlsspmar Ill e short it= after taking Tyner. Die- Pepsl. Remedy, bid. espeeGlly to e Dyepepef., indignation and II Romero Troubles, ev or the W.- rt- Tyro,'. are. Remedy erpel°,the seas and sweeten. the broth. it ur 5111 herd the, Collo and C.......line at are. D)a,al.G er by eryres• 60 1111/ 1 bottle, Money ritual. II It Y.11. to nun. M.M.l add" and Wa.r I— by wrllG, to Ty... Remedy Co„ Ae(uel., Ca. tnaa. "1 an limo- , New: Ir taking ooL mnnovmre: Bove <n boats.° Bxl of aceton Tiger. Idea FOR •fi.N THARS. Co..,_, atkathe, Droq), and So- ra Bleddm Tnvble Feed W Hurls of Cbee.ut Bt, Seauwa Ohlo ssT.. • Faf mum• .. yM.I .sa... d from kid." dleua, Th. third fast my test and hand. ..'Id .evil led femde s°it timdedptto.amd k have b ..slot ha.b t eche. Finally I appt k bed .L.11 was Irld al In bed with .1.16 doamr. in tte.d... 1 Lb..abt .%rely mol, die. t b .... it medk:ne aA e been tang Do..,. Kidver PIII g when I was .till in bed. The rel I found wee an great the, I kept m nail'. 1 had takea about tae o,ma The tido.) aecedop. brv.w utas .ad sea )sen O,m.•1ry I ,-Vz f h.ymDtoma of .) tormM 1rou61e. unsold b) 11 deal... bozCo.. Resell d nal[ mile "', .mise. "' PhdPa ran red iht new pelmra w Ih- Genera Yooliarlimakv, deli% not the aid -f 'a"'. and h' hoe tory, gm'er,,nlzenaral dfe W done stt "I thw.11 'in his a, utI,- es nreveinalt+l. -. vol to erden tate r.mme[ LG I = -- Willa the -unset G °isbt y< p°`I _ ,P. V quroi of a dight 11 d toll yeas ego, ha has not bad. d e• e to[ In -hath a p�ntnry, tie wd `M tTmdl d1B7 fp hb d.we L Wl� _tea r� �+ ww �Y♦♦nmote. m PromPrV oo®.a, ThkY,M.L Maes. All !.tabs - "eefvd, .T"dnd a.awe.a +.amen omy, e wv°wOd• re feet) talk W bei 6y>,fIto IIItleM n e e; tall b.. bxn eeGbthhan lNe eternal wo ede¢ee betty«n Mn.Pinkb.m sad the wm"n of America watch bas nova, Inca b -- he . f Wo vast volume o} . Hence welly he He - has an dew from. It le mon Nen u�-oWble Nat Wt- bas gained ,ha my knowl.4 egintreitu�u°ezwpte�oe°a-mHnoitod her Brite has rolGre3lLovasefle sural�- . y woman, Neh nor yyo.no hrery foolleh It - - .be dao not take adeenGaa of tbla goo ,gqffo.[e.alannt.. 1.ydis D. PInY• /r hand Mdielne GI, Lynn. ho- I 1 F Ilowln(we pobllsA teoCCef. tmi bow n ,avian w snows, "Is Iv.ltvtlov. Note the Fist latGy. no New Tort -Hoare of 111 -dee has adopted . r -I.0 n to Inset} s.G Hmpltaed avallin wI W . view t' t. aw . ah.G, , AWFUL PSORIASIS 35 YEARS, ...+let. ae ... ar aedT-lW. o R was swirled with jeoriutis fm U1111, 8s. 1- 1, w". 1.f On1-hn "II ore, m) l .- d two, nest Reap. sohorn bob a bas. annaMf.l j pa �r�ee w' Yai rad.o mo.pm.6, YOU CAXNt?T After all, o woman a effort to We-' lif, hared[ G but .Ituiu rtt-Pt. I CURE - o�gLyita'1:evon,Bperyro:mDleMem Pee- ennllmY eataal LrIDYJ�Olwtlfp+a� 'm�- dlindamed,uk¢nied nod ulrrbdcoo- Q.9.a ®lo_a-lA.,p�mle�en'�v�l xenveh ul .O' tpg ai be . hor Via' d1d.n. bt Wemn[oa. membrnot.uehu Mme d '� -vM*M[ fur «me cold-bloodedpeopim_ n+ mouth or Ion:r ayes by -imply > CAIPUDtNE Bu�la.eM.s�m.rL.anro Wne tlaMny�lpt rmm.id ,.an G• Pfalftlne Tollat A WW6 desuoP Wed aMs.rsh/,A"Yp �IONBn,_ . m�[nmc<Metoq qin,. kap We •, ADEL Th*W& Courier 9U -' ON g1.o0 PiR YEAR IN ADVANCE. P.bllah.a envy Thvnd.y by 'PawettoEm P.4—hie Co NfL LtZ K. CLBNNNT, EDITOR. a. th. Port lamaaY Nabe61.. er.YB., r.w.ne etr"m„Iter. Thursday, September 1& 19011 All great movements have beet preceded by an agitation of such movements. It is either government own- er -ship of railroads or railroad owner -ship of the government. There doubtless are men as great M Bryan, but they don't redlde on oink Tt ' preeidenW chair fits Roosnalt, it will have to'be en- larged for his successor -Mr. Bryan. That noisy Cannon boom was completely drowned in the ovation tendered a private citi- zen on his homecoming. Bryan and Roosevelt think along the same lines but Roost velt is about ten years behind with his thinking. his name wit . mine and time wYwwamerd M Eeuenron.l eeaum an erretafa.maert far him R.Illee• self. I ohJeet to Aim as a pont Editor Mocksvllle Courier: ical amxiate. I suppose it would be proper for me to inform the'peeiple Rea.ahean 4.R0.es of Demo- t'hru the medium of your raper, ..Ba Eatnral,itos Answee.m of the reason that lead me Judge Adams who is Chair- call in the Educational Rallies man of the State Executiadvertised for last week. The ve reaaan was simple this: ikmlmittee of the Republican We found the people "'busy party, read ■ careful epcech at saving fodder, that the}+had no Asheville on August 26, *which time: r anything alae. Mr. wsa intended to supply the Re- Connor come to -.tithe and we publican spell -hinders of the Started out to fill the appoint- Stato with material for this menta. We spoke at Jerusalem campaign. and Fork Church, only. So JUDCH ADAMS'- CHARGE - few people met us at these Chairmen Adams ch4tgm the points, that we both thought it Democratic party with -wAste-wise to cancel the engagements fulness, extrapagance, and and postponed the Town -ship squandering of (public money, Meetings to a time when the and seeks to prove his charge people would not be so busy. by a compar•isoti of the expen- Dr. McIver and Dr. Dixon ex- ditures of the State government Pxted to be with us and they made by the Republicans in bheerfully agreed to the post - 1898 with theas made by the ponement. They asaure me Democrats in 1906. He atatea that they will be pleased to that the Republicans, being in come to Davie later and speak full control of the State govern to the people at such time as ment, in 1898 spent $1,287,641,- may The agreeable. It is new 18, while the exueneas of the thought best to have then State government under the gentlemen visit us not earlier Democrats in 1906 amounted to than the Christmas holidays, of $2,663,018.80. He states: "1t ie which due notice will be given due you to tell you where those . J. D. Hodges. $2,669,018.80 of the people's money went. It has been Scat- tered and wasted in many ways by increasing the saleries; in - What success hes attended - the administretion oY Roosevelt is the result of the execution sof measures .originally advo- rated by Bryan. 1 In thinking of Sullivan, we wonder if Mr. Bryan is going to be eo particular,.how he ex - fro the Afaa'•a dearough canvaee of Maine by Cannon aid the rest of the "big gun," the slump in in the Republican vote was something ta_rrii8c. It Indicates just ®stall bores. t• . y a,, ,jw d that ever REPUBLICAN LrxIACIE4 aeeembled in Winston-Salem, Find of all, the Republican will be there next Tuesday to Chairman failed to call the at. do honer to the biggest man tention of the people to the ex - within the borders of our coun- penditure in 1906 of $4,600.00 by or out of them for interest on State's prison bonds, which were issued to "practical politicians" what pay for the debts Incurred by the endorsement of everybody the Republican administration and every influence that con- of the State's prison. This in- trols votes. An honest states- tenet has been a continuous man doesn't want the endorse charge during all the years of ment of the influences which Democratic administration. stand in opposition to the prim- He failed, also, to call atten- ciples which he espouses. Mr, tion to the expenditure of $2, - Bryan does not want the en- 100.00, for interest on the State doreement or support of mono- farm bonds -toe bonds having ply agents and he has the roar• been issued to nay fnthe farm age to say so, even if it hits of the penitentiary which were some old hyurecrit or "proeti- contracted to.be purchased by cal politician" that attempts to the Re¢ublicana slid for which stand high up in the councils of the Democrats had to pay. party. Over in Illinois there This interest charge is almost by the multiplication of oifieesl andofficeholders; by increasing the jiud in. the judicial dis- tricts, together with the salar- ias of the judges: by employ- ment of help in almost every branch of the government, and by extravagances and waste in almost every department." Th1weonstitutea the Judge's charge, He then proceeds to discuss certain items of expen- dique for State goveremsent But before discussingthem it is we rttt while to call attention to certain items which Judge Adams thought it wise not call the attention of the people --;;7— -;;7— A Senna SUtemeM- It is claimed that our RED SEAL. Brand Flavoring Ex- tracts arethe beat on the mar- ket, prepared with utmost care fmTh beat material and are abso- lutely pare. If you will try a bottle of RED SEAL Bland Ex- tracts we are Sure you will be delighted with it, as the flavor is perfect and goes twice as far as cheap adulterated extract which you are liable to get if you don't ask your merchant, for a bottle bearing our Red Seal which is a guarantee of puritv on any package put up by Vaughn - Crutchfield Sp., Wholesale & Manufact¢tinb Druggist. Winston-Salem, N. C. 50 per pent. Discount Sale Our Entire Stock must be sold in 10 17ay5 without Reserve or Limit, as our Shoe Trade as so greatly increased that we. must give our entire attention to this one line. We, therefore, have decided to close out our entire stock, of clothing and in order to do so we will give odr trade the benefit of th,; Shoes and sell them at the same low prices as our clothing --at less than one half of wholesale value. This Sale starts without fail SATU R DAY J U LY 21, at 9:30 A. Me And will continue for 10 Deys ON Lg. Our Stock consists of Clothing; Flals, Shoes and Gent's Furnishings, etc. and tho' we have not the space to enumerate, such bargains were' never 'before offered in Winston-Salem. Investigate and see for your self the remarkable offering we are making. At the Green Banner. LIBEF2TYSHAPIRUS SAMPLE Street Store Report of the condition of the Bank of Davie Mooksville, N. C. AT THH CJ.OSS of BUSINESS aeP.reebs Kb. lana Laoe.od ei.aa.n 10S.M.. o.e.aren. vvme.r.d , aa9.31 U.um at— Bade os. h..d W0,00 And—Gond. swop proof°.°. Bond. Aa,00 ew eod Havm $I' F.rlh ..a Beane amoo a,wo,a D errata B.vkn Star lle.kwe eY.le,& reel, rte.. Nara Gold -1. i.,N,01 Suer tie l.w.d. .11 .i.a sol. twine taoa,N N:nau - It beak norm sod.met I. a. ante. 4.aoo. OL�•LOR� I�TY fjM Y.t "„n6 NOTICE North cetolli. i m aaperlw core D.rh Ooivty RnRh Cismeor, 1 Edith Olemave, Norko H.r Ola.t<, Rosh "I"" , evlai.. of .Belb e. Mlph Ciemnr, Sxpatte. Pon..., 1. s. nide, 1. rhe share.. tiled avm. ...do Ay R. O: Moret.. 0. a. C., -4 epem d be bl. No—. G. F. Femapo„ lodge, 7 war ,rel[ , coon m the-nivheet hiatln. It She Cart Htae do. iv Noeenlile, N. O, a N..A•r, No oobbm the erh: , 0f, Ibe following I..A., eitamed i. old Coaly to sire: J. T_ Poindexter & Co. SHOES GENTS' FURNISHINGS Next Noor to tho Now Piedmont Warehouse t 1 own The lot 1. the tor Mth. 111., N. O. k.owo.r the "parker Lnl•' Winston-Salem, rneet siea,mrae dh.ted t Hteer.oe aver. edjomiee he lot of w. H. Bailey evd other. Ups. thie lot ere nlveble Imlwoeo- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/aeaaaaaeeaaaaeM Gpiplettk la,aa,ae mavl,- a Rod dwem.R bo.m, . two Seryl... fnnvem, shop. with one rams, .0a Norlb Cnrolioa ¢eel.idaamale lee. tnl.ent sirenbo..e.. otvpiedbyJ.T Belly D.�e�.tt> Ctiaritberlain's The Truth In a Nut -shell o.peveei and tete paid 9.M.w rho le to of the beet reared lob in M Y ale Toeoehip Depaim eebjmt w obtrk R1.900.67 xahl+ne, eoltabie tut • dwelllnR evd C C f b - Colic, (baIH9 A DiarrheaReaedy The truth in a nutshell is c..N�.therkt ooltendioa M.49 bed.a. late. I v}xllr . .end Wm. J. Bryan is ahead of the me. w l« ken.. m Ica xo 1, +n 3. n Hot... f T,tte. tea,aYl,ae Ina at. mo. 09 the '•lobo No 1, . 'Chat e t Ieeawill take Aklet times. Much ado is being Teem, telecom. Ra .ores, mom a lata tla m e ..I,ne ie the .a 1n t d . r .. , , weeew tie :r arae or North C.rene., -coo., or thea nonan w.4ween .,.tact aIIid da Y6e.hn .r root bee. LAtd made at thin particular time I D..i., es ora. w lee kao.o .. lot No. a. h reodem o. roe loth day of Job, lens Y­ advocating his utterances advocating I T. J. Bytly, °abler of the 'hove" She diriein. of Ibe .a.e Iwde sod et- by H H Hvvt a Jmaine ar me meet nr 116 rtltdy n rtt®mded a.ea bank, do Ylamnl caner rn.t rdol.r as .n.m, moral law. Tne1 h dl- 4+. M add s for government ownership of rail- . y ndt .ba.e nexnhra .djoi. me U.eI D.A. 0..., North o,tw,aa. tar the > was At the same time the r^` "h"°e maemebt h the ro b. het I m oysel W. do, to roil pi i.le by y ream Sod kiss m e.61a Y of tar knowltl9. eod ballet. of (im F. Freller, P. w. Hot, rte B° re vs It M• acrid dole ei fellows who are howling try to T. J. Jleerl>, Coehler. ben Star a,vd anvtb 1. end ameee ono, wblah.vmmnne Ie sable he tc ,. (mm 6stdvl the d.hlto 1aW leedl.S fro. Woo al. rnm.da Jona nt ma paare.e me nN IC 6tro _. f!0pk - carry out Mr. Bryan's politics- soemdeed and .caw. barore ma, utl. ,o A.Rveta. rc.t Noekvllle, iv end Cevu,. ova iv raJLL wnh �vr��wev � Chapel Hill Ndwa, 4th. S.y Y etle.xr 1 No 4th: w lotktw. - No. a. to me of A.g.le TowIt ..'be Pblh av E. H. Hent Notary PoDlic, r AVRv.t�IODa, et II o.,lack A K. The cmroot-Aline namo nr tan ..m° le°d., edjom. Ina a.te dtt .11111 xo take nwt tn.t a h 6u dim+ u.e6e bdme "Colonel Bryan can declare z. N. A.aennn, Revd. of He batt camnt. T. s. Briley ,tare.t or .tl.ob.tt we. kdmr-1 by .`dim` Tadd 6,16— 'me la ,od lotnrn ..d We. B• em Y— in favor el government owner- o. o. s.hmra. Pe' m/d Juxnee t I he tam de> nt Jeb lace a'. vhY— .o..aed. shipof the mi way and the lee M.D°Ire. Jr. '"` m lees. Ir tl row a que— C.e milky y nM. Th. ••Homo e1a.a • or awemnR yrd.n me property of ..m-dertu.et, . ,e ro 1i.k urs lee DireetAv which wecntvibntanahie bofore t.e Seven etaza and still be She novm,.lot t.lanha9 tem, more or ,la lallae..t metl.e.op pLa.hoee ' Blfl'lT NOW. -++-+- - - las,. Thcloee de iWl b$ei. ot lot "peerless" of the untemfied" a roe me not -(Ib- Jummte, _ -,-Weakly" Tar Heel. When two strong men come No. c. td me •Home plwr^cam h`i von ..d wnere the defaodam r III.ie -- y to blowy, even if they am well ip1a a. • :hole or 1..Snare 1o.eir p., to tpueevd -.-It w deo;al In ADMINIaTR ATOR'9 NOME. Don't grow so aerial in your eh.... ' -- - - --- ---" matched, it is not a -pleasing � lbs oo.plsi.a'w leo muse de...ara FLeLR ILh Gey yodleeA m Aamivia- i fit ill; neighbor. Fw fvfldmedptio.mme.bor...va. caw be R1.ovd. g sight, b1h if the man who gets See Htk Nn. 14, p.eee las .ns. Im: i. tr.mr .wa the eet.m 09 0, D. zbrrt.. Come down tough earth and the worst of it will use DeWitts ReRmtW, oma of Darla Doe.,, N, c, Tbm tom a.y or Jmy loos. - aeeeeeea, ooute h hereby d.n au lefts talk over the matter. And Them Lode cant be •old for permiov - H H f the . „aneto olamr wem,. eplmt env de- WitehHaulSalve,hewilSort Jaum os. the Pea aee.m preettlbe.. b. .ser in the beginning let it to re- ata the bdn Y hw or W. A. team• membered that the'unterrified' better and feel better in short em, f j..d .os. cam h Ewa a e taxa• d 1h d to, pay.tt on w Webb, - tax order. Be sure you get -Da-he at el. mita., who Sona td so- /J7� �i Tom a,l J1. be, Isar, m toe eoor,� have not learned thlt dog -like Witt'a Go T.'reve hie aIr ptdhis eoI d.!tar ma p°rebem.tar- i ,U/rav[i cam D`pToth 1"yo of lode rto.m. devotion to their "lords and d I 8 T. B me rah a.y nr may, mon. aslve is need for.. Sold by C- C. This om a, of aeplemben lace , nl. „�,,,,,, ^ ,a...rr w, ee w a< T. B. Bdry, Q. a well. a • along we same lines Dur• rwuve- -11. volt is about ten years behind by increasingthe seleries; in SEAL Brand Flavoring Ex- MeoFuwllle, R. Norte ,.robs. 1 expenditures in all departments tracts are the best on the mar- AT T� w.oea of BURINssa D.de Goemy 1 sentries cosi with his thinking. XPe Perin' eepea.hw ue. taxa by the multiplication of offlcea kat, Prepared with utmost care _ - . _ amh ch.meor, SHOES What an,.;: halt attended and office -holders; by increasing from beat material and are abso- l.ro...a ales..am taaoed.w �'� ol.m.m, ° i xmmo ! Oremmfm veeseertd , ae9.81 n•1 CI„meat, m. it the administration of Roosevelt the intheudieial die- lutel If you will I” a Heen Glomeo•rlsomrebof i .cele. ]bases j Y 1»• Umrnl antes Bead. on he.d 800,80 aelph Clemebr, Bxlwrre. J is the result of the execution tricts, together with the solar- bottle of RED SEAL Bipnd Ex- Aa oihm bond. amens. Pvm... o no°mor m rhe ebur..'. ,of meaimres .originally advo- ies of the judges: by employ- tracts we aresure You will be Proml°m on Bona. s"A0 Inas..m, mad. By B. D:.ford., o. Breklvx Hoemeseirs F..tl. IGENTS'FURNISHINGS Fated by Bryan. meat of help in almost every delighted with it, as the flavor s. G., .ad .J.d,, be III sen P G. F. • -- -�-�-- branch of the government, and is perfect and goes twice as far Den •°d Belem end b n.kps,co to the his suss., [whir "lilt publicly - - g0 pe Dee ham B.vk. end bunkers 8i,}bY,81 p, Ins hippest bidder. et the Cava - 'in thinking of Sullivan, we by extravagances and waste 'in as cheap adulterated extract cob Item. 400•00 Hoe„ non. 1, Unnine new, N. o, no wonder if Mr. Bryan is going almost every department" which you are liable to get if Gold i. '•n""s Nmd,r, Nu,embm the lith; lag, me Next goof to line New Piedmooi Warehouse to bees wlar,.how he ex- surer est° msnahne •h: min°r rouoww t d devwea Ie bid co..' Parti This constitutes the Judge's you don't ask your merchant mI. m anew l•Ioo•ae lie a e• •. to get recruits frees the charge. He then proceeds to for a bottle bearing our Red xauoos hems norm . 1 mntr le w.m ` Tae int In the ""or `,'= Winston-Salem, N. C. b11eMt party discuss certain item of expert. Seal which is a guarantee of U. s, lime. 4,aW,oO •Ills, H. O, kvawp u the „Poker Lot" diWm for State government purity on any package put up Tm a�ea,ari•ee eireah,l nv H.vemmo arrow, eeioml,s After a thorough canvas of But before diecuseingthem it re by Vaughn - Crutchfield Seo L 1 A B 1 L I T I E' b' the Int of W. H. Beller nod others Maine by Cannon and the rent worth while to call attention Wholesale A Manufacturingmenu Int. toe .re 11upeRloho ImI t7o; �eaesaasaeaaaaaae Ceplpl stock 10,000,OD thelia, •Rand dwr111nR house, •two of the "big guns," the slump in to certain items which Judge Druggist, Winston-Salem, N. C. anplo. I... none so .torr .hob. with three room", •aa el "Noah Coma - in the Republican vote was Adams thought it wise not call — ,- U.diriae,1 bmau hoes ommq. drev hmm.ow o«°presby a. T. Buq De,le cmnty CtNAa11JG�ain's something terrifllc. It indicates the attention of the le The Truth In a Nut -.hell evymeel sed In— pad s om.m flim v me of m, bine loearp loin m I Hmk.rDle Towo.nlp people Demean ••bleat to area 81,808,6'! Bmk.rine, r°Iteble fm • d.ulloR eve C. M be°ford)) - ttkd-" '1 jaet: nail bores Cmbler's ebeck,-Um.alea —.19 bmleee bete I }Nodes d.vmmoma.d SKr CbalVa$D� •��'� _ The truth in a nutshell is 3 D. Holme° Ii were„& of .ueknrx. R6PUBUCAN U=ACIES Wm. J. Bryan is ahead of the -- res A for kvowb ne hes No 1. m ya Te.awt.a.ne.bo.wmmeawip tete ref "10 Ties tMwthat ever Tm•t. lea,erl,oe mo anmoe of me ^sobs clrmroe•t: f� assembled in Winston-Salem, First of all, the Republican times. Mush ado is being um m.r r theses ,a. in th, na�ro e, res rriw6le areim 4 este d HYM or Norm Cerolim, covoy d hand., aopr•iviv¢ ea •ern, mak m hem.: "O will be there next Tuesday to Chairman failed to call the at- modest this particular time Drri., es am. A Int know. se lot No. a m: i01ed "°'I"" `°"' °""'d "•.1°"t lila de yee . .e .lime bees. in�M do honer to the biggest man tention of the le to the ex- about his utterancesadvocatin I T. a. Byedy, mubwr or the .no.,. rn, dlrleln. w the nem, l.,d: ens one. reea.nr on me lath d.y of ,rest laps, y.•t� peon g .emM Mvt. do mlemnty ewwr Incl l.lole¢ OS •malt. mar" m hes.. The lets ey s. B. Nest. a„•dn or rnel'mie or Th;, wnv'dy h tR� " government ownership of rail- Dorm Danny, North c,mnon. far Ins M athirst t1.m h•,. •.id k for • within the borders of our coun- penditure in 19115 of $4,5W.00 the were w.ammoe h fess w he bene Item .bolo da.r,brd .aloes mo I.vde f ast M. see ill mho sands b, mess year •lid thaw ;b rA .. ways. At the same time the w m koowhae d baud. of oro. F. Ell. 1. P. w. Done, .ra noes ° It hes re"i ed demeeed• of try or out of them for interest on State's Prison r neo hen man ravd Romh to end emote °lir., which avmmoo, �„ re:nm.mt lilt - -�-� - bonds, which were issued to fellows who are howling try to T. J. Dterir, Oubleq the pvbhe r°W Indlvp from aook..la. fess mlalmtwa o[ the Penen •t bir oro mom• o•0?d �•Wi.• for the debts incurred b carry out Mr. Bryan's politics- s°b erlhed am .wont heron me, rale to t• ro et 11e,Jl .. in atm Comt>...o I. ll 6th bees vra®ae by Practical politicians" want Pea Y uh. ay or aebrtmbe, lose. •+wk..sle Towv.elp, on rho earn a.y wuh dl. efts ribwnl' the endorsement of everybody the Republican administration Chapel Hill Ndws, s. B. Hest N.1• y P.nuo, an. A lot kvew° se No. o, m lab, , Aosow/aoa, rf N o•nl°ck A x, rn. - p'�'• - ,rhos w tab, ..me lees., .aimne rn, ° and every influence that con- of the State's prison. This in- _ - •-'-"- d eorrew-Arwrr. - a„r °deb, will sen ink.... m.t a I' h” °� need B° �pf° - trola votes A n honest elates- terest hes been n continuous "Colonel Bryan can declare s. x. Aea,rmn. '•list of He lied ,,mase. T. ). e.noy weonoe of etm.hment w.. k,uad by `1f OOYH M.e boo° "° for in favor of government owner- c. o. sshfom. ma worm ..d mvrsekR w Warn old amu« o. me lam a.> or slily Ipaa or phy.;om earn 'd. man doesn't want the endorse- charge during all the years of m. meant. art m'n or Iw. h °"� amd a ymnc. C•° ship of the milky way and the oth. Th, ^Hem" Plena' ar awemv¢ ymlrt be prop„ty w nod-doroode°t, .., eamy m tek m mud. (m m ment of the influences which Democratic administration. thymes. b blob wm-1 I. remm•bl° indoor rte seven stela and mill be LFI. sees,. beeoml.mm¢e nam, more or w BUY IT esuNOW. stand in opposition to the pars- He failed, also, to call atten- „peerle" of the "n '.• terrified" - ��-� 1xa t ime demtlbrd berem •e hoe •Is. 7wllao, a m. um„.nn pl.ae.bm. - ciplea which he espouses. Mr. tion to the expenditure of $2,- _ -Weakly” Tar Heel. When two strong men come No. e. end the ^Mame PI•re" will lin •a I- the limes of w, _ _ Bryan does not want the en- 1W.W for interest on the State y to blows, even if the are well this... wbwe or m b.ms. ra eon earth into •.d wh.n th-e �f or --. -pelf ADMIxfaTQATOR'8 x0 fICF" Don't grow so aerial in your y aee.em. to m.pm+t+0s. dtmnr lo - dominant or support of mono- farm bbnda-tae bonds having matched, it is not a .picasing the o�mpl"m4"°r the tell., dt°u.a,d H..mp 16% dersista se Aamis, imaginary flights, neighbor. a is tau o. 14, pbeo ennra Imes well ba ¢r.nmd, st e -s ply agents and he has the tour- been issued to pay for\the farm sight, blit if the man who gala .m Bmk No. lt. veam in e0d les: m er.mr v.nv me mt.e,-lir o. D. F.rti,. r Come down tough earth and Tnn sash aw m ashy 16th. aaY�ea. Doom c, nervy ¢la. m .0 age to say sq even if it hits of the penitentiary which were the worst of it will use DeWitts atwtor, Omee of Berl, county. N. C. D s Dent lets talk over the matter. And Thore lava. win be role mr wnulon .enoa. holam¢ oleien. ever a nerd dr- some old hytrocrit or-procei- contracted to. be purchased by Witch Havel Salve, he will look 'star of ma Pete, oe.ma, 1. V-1 them to the ..der. in thebeginning let it to re- .."the nei,e.t I.w of w. A. den- ial politician•' that attempts to the Republicans slid for which better and feel better in short en4 aemoma .vd wen m.ola m. arm. wst"for pe7ro mt on he berme lbs' membered that the 'vntenified' tom day or jet,. loot, or thin anti - stand high up in the councils of the Debase, had to pay. - order. Be sure- you get Dc- b of w, moron., whh hood and .p have not learned "l dog -like w "neray r --alt P"'e"" messy. (7 %l '/ wuh be .lose m, o or ,, I r.ewerr. party. Over in Illinois there This interest charge is almost Witt'a. Good.for everything a pm• /J70'Y'v Tao. lino len a.y o, say, h.W. devotion to their "lords and Thin 0th day of aeptenbar. 18116_ appeare to be a monopoly rep- a continuous one. salve is used for. Sold by C. C. •'•"^'^^'^ � ^` •dab T. B. Duty. O. O. went, masters" as have the g?eater Sanford. T. R. BeaeF. IaYaGve tktnDo•Qdeius a vat- wary. Admi.btn.m, connotative who holds the posit- The Republican Chairman- part of North Carolina Republi- i oomml.lo0er.! '"°,�.ar mes,.r.. • e"' e""" - . ion as national committeeman by mere advertence, of coulee-. cans. rind then remember also �raraa'a'ervxvvaa'ravavxvva'sessa'sassvrrvsrskvs*rrsr*r rasa-ravrxaxata'varr trrxssann tr as of the Democmtic•party. In a failed to call the attention at that there is no danger of "Mr. speech at Chicago last week the people to the fact that in Brybn ever advocating the can - Mr. Bryan handled him in this 1905 the Auditoria report sheens troll of the milky way. In fact YOU dally I hold that no man that there were paid out the the rn a nt that rs is savoring DID Y V U K N 0 W peration connected with a eoF saes a ouch$259,Dakota on account government ownership of r-il- porstion that is seeking privi- of the South Hekom litigation; way ri false, for he only casual- - q leges ought to act an a member the history of which litigation ly suggested that he, personally of a political organisation be. will be found in the Democrat- believed that the time was tom - - cause he cannot rep"resent his is Hand -book. Senator Butler mB when that would be done. corporation and the people at then amember of the United Acriticism when governed The Handsomest and -Best Kitchen Cabinet. the same time. If • you say States Senate from North Car- by facts, is always the beat crit- o that I have no right to interfere olina, and ,Governor Russell, iciam.-Charlotte News. in the politics of this state, I Governor of North Cawbna are ever offered for sale in this town is to e reply the: I am simply applied charged with conspiring with WAS A VERY SICK SOY. universally. Ido not regard it the bondholders, and' through - — F(5u•nd at our Store. To Ladies who ap- - Iw a compliment to be endorsed Sefiator Pettigrew of South But Cured by Chamberlain's for the Presidency by a conven Dakota securing the passage Celle, Cheler. and 01 ­ tion while endorsed Mr. Sulli- of a law in that State which re- mea. Remerdy. preciate-Conveydente and Neatness corn - van. I told them in advance suited in this litigation, and "When my boy was two years that l did` not want an endorse- which compelled the State to old he had a very severe attack_ bined, it is Just exactly what they want. mcnt under such circumstances incur this expenditure. The of bowel complaint, but by the OU and I repudate it If my nomi- entire transaction isso disgrace use of Chamberlain's Cone, Come E] and Let u S SHOW V �0 \,A` / V't' .. t V t nation for office depended upon fel a blot on the fair name of Cholera and Diarrheoa Remedy - ,such an endorsement I would the State, and of its United we brought him out all right," - not accept it - Mr. Srlivan is States Senator and Governor, says Maggie Hickox, of Mid- - Bot my fried• he pre- that it is no wonder Republi- land, Mich. This remedy rhesus• n Adams failed to be depended upon in the most /� MeW tion of the people severe cases• Even cholera in- q} 1C/. A N �0I as to this expenditure fantum is cured by it. Fallow ' Am flame amount to the plain printed directions and 1� a cure l certain. For sale (continued) > C. C rttp,4lAaiaunnnsnA..aa>Lv..es.aaanxaxaaa-pea+xax�anaaxxxsanv,uts.o..upxxpnaaaitdceapaua Morrie' in Winnton, wednee- BRYAN COMING. Public Speakinehe p p Modsville Goin ief day Sept 12th 1906, Capt Thos B. Parnell of the Southern Rail "-"-- Z. Hon. Wm. ;Je. Bryan will R HON. ROBERT B. GLENN -. way to Miss (,ouise Wffes, of fl j�dl �T �7�`S that city. To the happy couple speaa at Winston-Salem on Sept. 18;. nt 11 NB GOVERNOR OF NORTH CAROLINA 'Phe Courier extends cor,gratu- o'clock a m. on the isauea of o'clock a. in. Will yddreea the eo le on P P AUTM Iatiors. this campaign. All Railroads the leaves of thio Campaign at G P. Meroney is suffering _ „_ I rom a sprained ankle. will give reduced rates for the occasion. Everybody in Davie the Court House in MockavilF, on Monday Oct. lat at 1 o'clock Paine corn Pmmauy Re- W. I, and T. F. Santa nl are li �`e°e by Cn o.,talne Peln ��Im. at home on a visit. Mr. James N. Nichols, a mer- County o,ght to go to Winston that day and hear America's most distinguished speaker. It gu' P� p M. Remember the defy, Monday Ccurtwcek, Oct Isk Every � ATTRACTIONS The brWkWem have resumed chant and postmaster at Ver, will be a treat, es Mr. Bryan of body come out and hear the woti{ on J. T. Baity'gstore. non, Conn., makes the following is the greatest Orator thisCoun great Governor of the Old - _ 1, F. Braaipf Winston-Salem statement: "A little child of ty bas prodbced in this gener- North State on the issues of - - '. is visiting relativen at Farming- Michael Stri4lss was recently ation. Everybody take a day this campaign. ,her ban.in great pain from a burn on off next Tuesday and go hear Wm. K. Clement, Rev. C- S Caehwell spa the hand,- aa. cold applica- ' tions only; the infla- Bryan --►—+-- Chin. Dem. Co. Ex. Com. "'i,7,7LLLDDD �'�-'— HE New Season is now upon Monday td Hickory on bus' - mutton, Mr. Strauss came tome wanted; To buy about ' 100 ��1 the cough, removes the threshold and life and anima - nesa. dor sometippg to stop the little Walter Call left last week ones pain.. From the marry scree - of land in S miles of Meckavlyo "Address Courier the cold, the eapegi of the cough k . That's the woe of Kennedy's ,. - > tion ill OHT Store. 'I�Te are deeply r[ } for Raleigh to enter the & M Ifnimdntafcarry in stock, I ad- Collage. him to use Chamberlain's When youhave a cold it is well to be "very careful about Laxative Honey and Tar -the to all Of 011r fi sends for vised Robert Hanes of Winston vie -1 Pal Balm, and the flrst eApl;- using anything that will origin laxative cough aprup. Contains ro opiates. Sold by grateful •, during the ited ralatives and friends here cation drew out the inflamation constipation. Be particularly C. C. Sanford. I their liberal -patronage •, last week and gave immediate relief. I careful about preparations con- - -� ��`--- -3 season and We ask for a con. - Mn Asbury Harding, of Farm have used this remedy myKIf ry ng, taming opiates. Use Kennedys Ferminaton Hews. past in n, left Tuesday for Chap- and receomend it verry often for tufa, burns, atratne and Lo"tive.Honey: and Tat, which stops the cough moves they Ps B The Baptist meeting of this P tinuance-of the same support. el Hill to attend school. Clement Lett Tuesday Mme back, and have never bowels. Sold b C. C. Sanford. y p lace started Sept: 9th, and Man,every.Boy and every'- Abram for Trinity to enter the Trin- knpwn it to diesappoint" For • sale by C. C. Sanford- _ ��-�— law. Cures.0-dent ., will lest a week or more. Good atteidance'se tar. - .]~very - _ Little Fellow can be - clothed. here ity Park School Sullivan Bone o["Walkertown G. M. Wilson of Hunting Creek was in town Wednesday Arch Earl•• spent several days in DmMoinea attending We are glad to see Mr.. J. F. and Duke Smith in our town - with the latest and best: we2frableS. spsullast week here vistman and dropped in to aea us ' We the fair. again. Some .py it makes f bright, Fall and Winter relatives and friends- re to learn that Mrn Wil- L F. Ward and sister, Mrs- things look better. - - We've ne.fii, We are Kind to see Tommy con it in very bad health. Miller and eon Besaom, visited It being the will of the Al- Clothing, Hats and Toggery, galore. >tnne on the streets again after A bath cleanses the skin and relatives at Conrad recently. mighty Mr. Allis Long is nick .. _ - is recent attack of fever. rids the pores of refuse. A. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Holman with fever. Our will continue_ to be Miss Annie Grant is in Phil-- bath makes for better fellow- Jelphia this week buying a new ship and cilizecahip. Not only attended the fair at Laurel. Ward Mr..Asbury Harding leaves Hill to -prices t - - as low as our - high standard and stock of millinery for her fall should the o�taide of the body Claud and Walter are Da - spending sometime in the Da- this week for Chapel attend school, •T1113 3�Ore trade. i be cleansed, but occasional use Miss Bertha Linville has ac-, of a laxative or cathartic opens kota's looking at land. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Martin Jim Ward eY this place has a very care hand. The pigs got quality will a110W. never has nor never Will offer its eepted the position of saleslady I the bowels and clears the syn- with the "Racket Store" in Sal- tem of effete matter. Best for - Early and children of Redaing Mina, • umvisRingrelatives and friend out one night while he was st- tending the meeting at Yadkin ng g patrons "t- is order to name. a I p isbur . •this are DeWttts Liitle y Jno. C. Sanford left last. week Riat Pleasant little pills' near laurel. Cor- Valley and when got home instead _ - . seemingly lOW piste, We're yOIITS d for Davidson College, where he do not gripe or sicken Sold by C. C. Sanford, Jan. West and George nelison have returned fmm k he got the pig back and of driving the nail with a ham- best right and satisfab :. will mairine his stue ies- Mr, and Mrs. R B Henle wool y Canada where the latter took a mer, he thought he could with for the at Mrs L vi Miller, of Cotton is have been visiting Mr. Henley's claim of Government land. his hand and the old rusty nail tory prices. " Grove, Davidaoh County vis- iting Mrs. Geo. Feseer, blew sister, Mrs. Kate Holman, for ItheVeat two months. 'left I¢stleapect Several of our Iowa people m visit the home -folks happened to go in but not in the plank town. . Mrs. C. H. Teague of Wall- Thumda 1 for their I:ome at Po- Idaho. Mr, ileolay's1thia in the Good Old North State FaIL I have been informed that the ball game between Farmington . burg, N. C. visited Mrs, Gen. Icatelol, Feaaor, at her home below town I old friends regret that he has left us so .eon, but are glad tol The farmers are sowing.w g terwheat 22 to Dinfavor of "Farmington anQ Huntsville Sept. 1st stood�4 .' I Cranford last week. iknow Wat hl -will riwt his old n�Sw" o home annuals hereaf r. Good Ma;-.,qp saw with y 1E Sim Weat lost a nice driving horse by getting cut in a bark- and also that Huntsville will meet Farmington on their dia- . 1(ri - ceunw.:.�. aOOd waw' J. luck to yod Sheriff wherever wire sometime ago. mond Saturday "evening Sept. N. C. V• DoWs,-•Moeksville, R F. D.. you A Tar Heal 15th, Farmington has the Winston-Salem, No. 3 In_- these•days of rush and _-- promise of Hie ball if they win There will be an Ice Cream i hurfy courtesy is often forget- Chambeawn'a Cough Remedy Hurrah for the game boys. Supper at the Academy ;n ten. in the mad, pell mell Acta an Nature a Plan. A good many people attended�b Farmington Saturday night I rush of our life little things are The most successful medl- the$how at Winston on Sept �- - Sept.16. Everybody cordailly None to offend that we rather cines pre those that aid nature. 3r and report a good time but A PROCLAMATION BY 7HE invited. ,remained undone. A hastily Pain's Cough Remedy muddy. GOVERNOR W. P. Etchiaon, of S. C- who I $t00.a0 Reward eaten meal and its resultant l nets on this plan. Take it when Sunday night While Mn -- -- - haus been visiting his parent-, I hhadache May cause us social you have a cold and it will allay State of North Carolina Brown and family were attend - returned last week to Columbia or financial lose. The wise the cough, relieve the lunga, ing preaching at the Baptist Execatrye department S. C. where he holds a position man or woman is the one who aid expectoration, open the se- Church someone went in his Whereas official information with the "Columbia State." I relieves little ills of this sort by cretions and aid nature in re- house and stole thirteen dollars has been received at this depart Mr. Jones, who has been eon- a little,dosa of Kodol for Dys- storing the system to a healthy ,Brown was very much hurt went that Albert M.-McClam- fined In th. County jail for Ipepain Jt.digest what you eat condition Thousvndshavetes- over it. It was thwght 'that'roch late of the Courtly of Dav- somu time, was carried by offs• ane pats your stomach back in- rifled to its superior exeellenee. a negro in this town did it re's charged with Seduct- cers tnthe Haepital at Morgan- to shape. Sold by C. C. Sen- It counteracts any tendency of Brown esye he caw a negro ion. And whereas, it appears tun lust week ford. a cold to result in pneumonia standing his house in the pub- that the said Albert M- McClain W anted; Teams, will pay 2,50 our old friend Spu,keon Price, 25 cents. Large size 50 ally road as he went to church, rock has fled the State, or so lar day. Apply to J. V. Davis, Gaither of County Line was in. cents. For sale by C. C. San- Constable Whitlock was sent conceals himself that the ordi- Mncksville R F. D. No. 3. tow Wednesday or business. ford. very nary process of law cannot be - „_,. ......• ",•...a,"v ear euro- for and made himself ve mi,a., served upon him. Now, there - Get Sour Money's Worth When you invest $1.00 stone on/teeNeets again after - •••••�•—.�••-..-----'� '--- A bath cleanses the akin and rebstives at Conrad receptly. mighty .. w•r•s ••.�--... __ _.-_,-- Mr. Allis Long is sick O 1 , , 1 is 7eeeatedtatk of fever. rid. the pores of tefuae. A Mr, and Mm. H. C. Holman with fever. Our Wlli continue_ to be Mire Annie Grant is in Phila- bath de this week' buying a new ship makes for better fellow- attended the fair at Laurel. - 8nd. r ieaahip. Not only Mr..Aebury Harding leaves .prices u low high standard and stock of millinery for Imr fall should the tsideof the body Claud and Walter Wazd are this in the Da- week for Chapel Hill to as as our• trade.bo cleansed, but occasional use spending sometime attend kota'a looking at land. school• quality will allow. 1a store Mis. Bertha Linville hie ac- of c position saleslady the a laxative or cathartic opens Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin ve bowels and clears the s9s-Y Jim Ward of this place has a sore hand. The I of pigs B - never has nor never Will Offer its the "Racket Store" in Sal- tem iph t e " o of effete matter. Beet for out and children of Redaing Minn.,Miis azevisitingrelativesand friend tendingthe one night while he was at- meeting at Yadkin - "trash" io order to name a isb rya this Jno, C. Sanford left last. week are DeWitt's Liitle Early near Laurel. Risen- Pleasant little pills Valley West George Cor- g and when he got home back in.tead patrons _ seemingly low plica. Weis yours for Davidson College, where he that his stue iem. do not gripe or sicken Jno. and he Sold by C. C. Sanford, nelison have returned from of got the pig and driving the nail with a ham - for best at right and satisfac- will resume Mn. I. F. Miller, of Cotton Mr. and Mn. R. B Henley who Canada where the latter took a mer, claim of Government land. his he thought he could with hand and the old rusty nail the Creve, Davidson County is vis- Feezor, baMw slater, have been visiting Mr. Henley's Mrs. Kate Holman, for Several our Iowa people happened to go in but not in to rices. P. iting Mrs. Geo. town. - the i pest two montlw, left laotlexpect to visit the home -folks the plank. .privilege, Frank Walker of this place, one hundred and thirty -fiat to, become it - 81111$Crlber. Mn. C. H. Teague of Wall- Thursda r for their home at Pe- in the Good Old North State I have been informed that the . . burg, N. C. visited Mn, Goa at her home below town catelol, Idaho. Mr. Ilenleyal this Fall. ball old Meads regret that la has The farmers are Bowing win22 left us so. soon, but are glad fol ter wheat. 22 game between Farmington Sept. let stood t o in to 0 th favor of �Fecmington T T � r I"� Yl r0� jJ7 �(A' Co.ast I w leaf week ., ' X11416 sap' wrth MWeb.'a know that be•will visit his old Sim West lost a nice drivingand Good, also that Huntsville will meet Farmington on their dia- . 4 V► W 7 1\yI 11 s 1� 1 Q 1 4 ' wages' J. home annually hereafjer. horse by getting cut in a bark- sometime o. lack to od Sheriff wherever ag y mond Saturday -evening Sept. ➢- g pIf.:ville, N. C. R. F. D. (wire yea go. ATazHral 15tb, Farmington has the Winston-Salem, Na 3 In theee'd promise of the ball if they win - boys. There will bean Ice Creamhugry courtesy is often forg,t- Chamtionsin'e Coupe Remedy Supper at the Academy in 'ten, In the mad, poll melt Ash on Naturo a visna Hurrah for the game A g0ed many people attended Farmington Saturday night rash of our life little things are The most sueeeayful medi- I Sept. 16. Everybody cordailly done to offend that We rather cines pgre those that aid nature. invited• A hastily Chamlkrlain's Cough Remedy the show at Winston on Sept 3rd• and report a good time but q pROCLAM ATION BY THE GOVERNOR , remained undone. W. P. Etchieon, of S. C. who eaten cement and its resultant acts on thus plan. Take it when has tx'r!n visiting his parents, hhndnche May cause ue soeisl you have a cold and it will allay returned last week to Columbia or financial lase. The wise the crmgh, relieve the lunge, muddy. $Nort0 Ft. 'd Sunday night While Mr. State ti North depaCarolrtment% Brown and family were attend- _ Get L �1 o u r Baptist Executive department is open the se- ing preaching at the Whereas official information : J S.C. when he holds a position man or woman the one who aid expectoration, with the "Columbia State." relieves little ilia of this sort by I eretions and aid nature in re- Mr. who has been con- a little dose for Dys I storing the system to a healthy Church some one went in his has been received at this depart house and stole thirteen dollars p s much hurt meat that hert McCl Money's i st w eat Thoue•mde have tea- for Jt digest what ov, Brown way very av- f u "t�i'at'�h late of the County of Dav- n- tho Ipepsia you condition. fined In the County jail some time, was carried by olit ane puts your stomach back in- lifted to its superior excellence. over it' It— thought a neg—'n this town -did it ie stands charged with Seduet- cen to tho Hospital at Morgan- to shape. Sold by C. C. San- It counteracts any tendency of Brown says he saw a negro ion. And whereas, it appears Wort the said Albert M. McClam ton last week ford. a cold to result in pneumonia Wanted; Teama, will pay 2,50 Our old friend Spurgeon Price, 25 cents. Large size 60 standing his house in the pub- that lie road as he want to church. rock has fled the State, or so fay. Apply to J. V. Davis,Gaither of Conn' Line was in cavae. For sale by C. C. San- per, ppY Y ford. conceals himself that the ordi- Constable Whitlock was sent nary. process of law cannot be - Wen you invest $1.00 himself M,a'kavWe R. F. D. Na 3. towd Wednesday on business. r. J.'Byerly Wok in the Chau This is the first time we have Ask your merchant for Sure, for and made very , much felt in the case. They served upon him. Now, there- fore, I, R. B. Glenn, Governor in a year's Subscription taugua at Charlotte this week had a sight of him since he Keep Fruit Powders," itis abso heard Sam Jones. Mr, took unto himself a wife. He lutely pure and perfectly harm- searched the house but nothing was found. We or sorry that of the State of North Carolina in l0 THE COURIER, 'y011 and Byerly was well pleaA with and Mise Maud Holman were ess, and tate to its name it in it,l is to keep." Price l0a Mr. Brown happened to such by virtue of sutherity me vested by law, do issue this my et motley's Worth "your uncle Sam" happily married at the home o2 sure P." Manufactured by bad luck when he was making your p rodametion, offering a reward g - Rev. 0. A. Keller, of Taylors- the bride's parents, Mr. and only Vat hn, Cretchffeld Co. Cana Mrs H. C. Holman, of Holman, g a step in. the right direction. - of one Hundred Dollars for ill a u to -date, newsy, The Jr. 0. U. A. M. of this delivery Alle Witt open school at Academy Monday Sept. 17th week before last. We wish Wholesale and M'f'g. Druggist the apprehension and Place will gree an Ise Cream of the said Albert M. Mecism- weekly HCWs ji1aper,'l)Ut yrs Winston-Salem, N. C. We commend Mr. Keller and them much j'oy, but BPI rgeon('� boys it is hand to forgive you for It amuses energy, develops $upper at the Academy Satur- ruck to the Sbenff of Davie day night Sept' 15th, -We . did It ever OCCUC toyou. Court -house in his school to all having and to educate. being so sly about it. and. stimulates nervous lite, County at the in want to make this as interest- Mockaville and Ido enjoin all that in its mission Of girls BAiley and Martin have the Will pay fifty quite por-bun - arouses the courage of youth tact line huggie whips ever dred� r Artme kle Signatures It makes you young again in8 as possible. They will oRlcam of the State and all - serve all kinds of refreshments good cdlzelis to assist st bring- Opppbilla tIIC tvrOeSC, and of brought to thib market AB E. EALJnt Jr. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, and lent of them. The ladies P Y ing said ct to justice. will help them. AllRaleigh,-. holdlno the right, It 'of ""?' rices from the cheapest tothe p p COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CON- Tea or Tablets. C. C., Sanford. 1.•st. whalebone. See them if VENTION of course our C Done act Citi t.'n are cordially invited to come. the 22nd day of August. 'n the becomes not. vldy your yon want a good whip. - - -- -- — �'— A convention, of the demo- xorw n.r>um ,° a°µdor co.n 'l'hoe. Farm } Come for the Ball game and yam, of our Loi)d one thousand stay for night. nine hundred and six and in the but your duty A. Brunt o4 casts of Davis County is hereby D°•te Ovum' ton, who has been at the Rao- 0.0, WON, Adm'r f) D. r.rrle 4—° 1 Nodce .privilege, Frank Walker of this place, one hundred and thirty -fiat to, become it - 81111$Crlber. called to meet at the Court 0. pita) at Morganton for some 1 ar -went to East Bend on basiress year of our American Indepen- House at Mceknville at 1 o'clock time, returned to his home last a. t., r.;n.. 0.me r s.l°. week, seemingly cured, but Ft'i P. M. Saturday September 29th traria. e. w. Boo°.r v. t g y m th. this week. dente. Put folic dollar f0 ❑s. i We are glad to state that J. (SEAL.) R. B. GLENN 1900 for the purpose of ndmi- e> `irma of .a orew masa day he was suddenly taken aza, ..uneb o.on by B. O. Koala, C, Hating candidates for the ,Leg- 9. C.1 wall cell b Idr to the hlabdt M. Smith has the position he By the Governor _ We A. H. ARV[NG'1b;J words than ever, and had to . u and all County biddw et , aooee clow in long has sought for. wish � Private Secretary. bas -d-y .1-Xwk eR and transacting such other bu- noI°.a No.a.r the Ise d.>.t oorobw be carried back to the H hal' and transacting other Dr. M. D. Kimbrough aeeompa-i, sinew as may property came tuna u,. mo<ot 1-d fl—i .d I. tb. him much success. Buster Brown. D E s C R I P T I 0 N our 1 r pied him. µnlm..d7d.mrrb°i°°d'.r u,o net before it All Democrats and I.r ..e °mwe ao.m.ma+e arra mor° - AlberE M. McClamruck has s y �y Ask an JAP" that you may all others who believe in the w Ira.• .n"ore I. nal r...tr .ad seer Y " Y Y roc me�r.oa ma.aa or..td I..d...w Ladies, read this catalogue of light sandy hair, fair akin, deep ^V� o6u blue weight about 1501 > u b 1 V n res enforcement of the law ere ear m 1 I xn. a.m I..a. arm "Why the Czar, with Been be- nestly.solicited to tome out and pier v.>ma.r at d.br. sum, in tick- °^'`° wa'' a.d •aurae- eyes, b. charms Bright eyes, glowing Y -, 6 .cheeks, rod smooth skin >4 about 5 1-2 feet high and 2s Stan of age. LC hind, had to climb a tree. aid us selecting a good rm.a.rob.w1The Yank.Cod bless the Yanks, et.mala SPI. _,ad mru u.mww without . In altort,per o}�y'� feet lyt..4br sale with,drThis Sept. 3rd 1905. i rveu► v.m Mountain ..... re a.a6la6 eery pi0 a ofHollleter's RoctyRocky bilaTea 35 cents. C.M C. C. Sanford. Ch'm Co. Dem. Ex: Com s i p u.>,.I, t' ro n n:md. 0•i Vt'd. r �ive['inmo-' r,� Lall"tP Neel In Tri fe dil M MATiNA N UITERESI r! L Ir (nm Th are t, a. a aiM,a9a ut week. The Beth G.dnina H ... te .ill ti even$. 1. the Slate dt l e isely b I1. Pwent farm. The'nrarnetbnbb am reported n Wnu 04A of the r4 t Hann., no- eamlMirr. lam A mm;... oaev d N didelw. Romig, and it f•,led thelia. .n1 bnndnd wen aged er wound". TheFnurh prclgnae n sorer, to have •Reel In giro the rarpnrali.n law . trial ad to here formed a plan of ou n. Fal her Wena, the rw Jamil god rel ane • .Mr oY F -eh arm rut. o"' m by the 1' Pq - lrepartant mane.. .m by ten 'ba. roof. an. tieing natcbml by IN as ..r. pear.[ irony YioLb�rg, Yin, rD. H. Adam., non ager of ,be er flharp Urug ie, I, Me formerly tun k w f be CitVers s) National Bank t errosled I,r canna Ween area tarn la 1 11aon envthe eb.rge of Mi Mrl I, is a.b to Ibe anuont of 14a.ItM whit. employed in oma CUisene' Net. .hit. Bank. 1 At San Freorlwo IM .,Hke of Ili. n of Ibe Uviled "Invada. whtrhban been nmpdtsly tied pp d�e Auu�l 2p, ie prset1eM11y eal- the en voting to tun to work • d Obmit the ninlion e[ .;old hone to a,bi;,v . . Tamp. Fla.. Spual-The gal ear load of Florid• onogn of this nae - an ee ahipl ed from Rlmelto Thera: day. This m tbne deft ...Iter Ihen over heron is the history of the in- durlry. The nhipavot ....im of we born. The b Svdgrd O,, Co., y tins, it uld, taken top to ogni. the ,priodpal d'stifie, plan's f the nonny. J. have' eIo- . tens, United t.bNnIy.,apmM of a asillwon,firw, is la M discharged fee the good of th"nov a et lhn ea - Oration sf rel. arm of imPrisevmmd et Porb.mdh, Va. At W..h'kw.., Pa., Ellman lkea - ^,the negro charged with on -.g Mn. Se..O Pon m anddn for Iktn hildren in Cecil bw..bi, o Joly 29, w .fold .f murder In e Brat deem ..d writa= to be hoofed. M Y. Ps., while leanl.g oral from w M1aa oar ie ob., a broken .bel •oar .head, 0 -yo, Meir, ! a 1nt ce ,reeler b the play n of 'k. "ll- f:entnl railroad. reek . tone, at." IM- tock and n instantly kind. . •At Ottawa, 0., Mn. Henry I'M. P.. of ri.-M.N, au! of the heads of Ler tae rhildre, with • bnteor, ! - e. She hod he.n in •°i ...... Tro�n tont leu w ride., rtd. m�S,end nildrcn wen, tbrov guy one 7pmd oonMlf years'' "spe.irel)'. The *u_., (lef-e cit having Ntmalend �l di ingt cldntn, back .idn,tbe Haan. Wek to Ibe C'rad Fnelee, be wtU prvlishly he yo - {need i° • menentile vowel. Al N'rk .aingtov the Jircetgr of Ibe a which wry. declined oq • remount of th` ped! bdog loo hied. The lowest of - Y , made leer 07 3-4 eared pr do. rue'. Al NnttanJ, 1't,onapill Manua from Hb(. .feet,.. •hosntf that Neleb- .r D. Prootrr,"ProeWt, Rebhan, lenad Gavemor by 15,ay0 over ,sorrel W Clement, of Rutland, In. deptldat and Demoenlle. At Median,Joh' Maaieo., Republlem, leu elaetd m fbvgtaos i. 'ha Henna D'.triet far the fill. pind I'mof Henry C. Adana, de- .ewd. stale Ilep.rlm( I oeaabb dwbn then 111 ke to Iamne'tton ray the United law.1. ca. u.l.oe the nv- AFTER Snare as of SW Kon T phi ad, on. G,. Ie1 0„ C'.miVny, (cork,) aj,"n.trd L aCmnu•lo tly ..I who], ell lenlc, wit 'erami'm.1 :n, If it, Reein with the P.Y, her that be door. of townsre r k Th. pe & ew In .vd, wi E.tale T d Well for trial. The l. wilkeses at the he Collor - by which the tett $' The me In the of treason, The. or L Sled then 000 aged e Had polvekl zff Ripple e. o W. od maid, , to Segel Many of be, eensllyy kk Alth.t h.pef.1 , em ydal Jm• o so. Many the be after the meirnl their Oct TAIL City Bell gunest Busaia P. - cal" o ,be or Mon el 3.47 e et the in n ve spa r. ' pea .41 .."Inc I an pvple m 'n w of Aiob of ebntri' At It. 1 by Mise Me Comma. damn T The m .Ade we 1panaw0 mingled The It that f I of th, t Pere . 111E DIRECTORY SDAW ON Wa BRYAN wtUl (t! NOME TIE IM, LIM hat Oomrterenar Bmta -___..._.. d- eP /h. fuaw orewU Id 1A4, ---",-- . Tar. 'lawn-; kee.pma Set,-�s(y Diaeua/ts RefadW . ow'. $I+en. S.,,B ob n tdlil Mi'dol da ad Begat Oneraw. Linnb, Nab., $Per.l. W:lliaw J. nxtl �Peril - 1f�M.000 al Time. Cast Pr:.ntlOks Bggn retuned to hu home ..it thou phis, 8priel.-To dela,- "home Wits" welcomed him with -""- regp°nelUity of the dileo- BELIEVES IN RECIPROCAL TRADE ...ry °^d... If °pp.e.1 °ad est CROP MM THAN TIM wgeked heel E.tete Y'n.t sterile.. It w neighborly wet- Bbl. flunking (*...iniafon- R-eblsa of its Itopublicav Party eame, .planned o such, end earned a nn Aft. Tire, Days' DrlhawlMa Min emu lien 7, u, Nal and And Penleent Tapfc. Dl.cm.d- ,. llama,, Nee 00� 1111. �� alarm ., trent tea A ansa{ ��: rlu donLlfnl whether Ltncolu ever Or./ Ha. an D.Indbaa VAN. and .te;ar Gold. .It regret.., aa•.-oaubnta, -_ -'- held n larger. crowd than that which mo to the city on Wedae.aey. n lL IS q ft AU � IS ff`¢'a SaWA 1t11etesM h the consent of R.nivee Satwbo,y, N. C., Hpaial.-Ser re a e he;Phon'd i¢ the oily ane ev- Phew Far la•Owt' O.tb. I rel o, o than°gh nary St.. ..[led the Snliebury eu,i err linin Prom over the Slain o Pama.m{ Minim®' On of it. negate n.a lf,bffi- mall, bun probably • lhousend rived 1°.ded dove•bringing not only ,letn„rl to rt . rveonferenee vebn Mara I,im. He oreivd on No. Nebraean people, bat many from -"'--- • Earle aftor BI, thirty =intoe late. IT, was mel fi a -by Htateq But SPrtnp, Ark., Special. diroaton of the trust coca. by the Hanford-Conet Band, and Is Tho city we handsomely deeonl- exec°ties commitlo of the So" ed a alato wlt . muuetvg he cuts it the eo,wt h— it played ad. Th ov-portiere tyre of the n Cotted Association )kit Friday .1 ,epee eon to reopen Ilia !'1Nxb." The poeitla temperament eenptm. u woe ..iced is every 'n. -surrounded to f. mem the bank and that all de- of the epw h mode the tong Paeulia'- way twnWle' Two hones before the .lime for the and cold. grvwen of the tfovlh I. durin the id Le proterlv.l. ly appsop o.l.. r"- or the ca sol de, A- edlfon avid AM In Heat' Sell. 8nntary Show 'fit in part: 000 Pneova M.Rgled fgornpoi°te f flee. at Ine'Aba. 10 Bente' ,I'mieury hest a, of Adolf "On. pelilieal npovm,b ley much Lege onvd lLe paker'e a1an1. pound. I. • resolution adopted promote{ W.. F. North, ou ns on the feel Ihel eame American �' Bryan sac°,ted to Ne stand the committee, it is shod, -that evJ M",Il G. Callingby ' m onfulurere are sola abroad elwap. Oovenor Micky from his private .peach. of welnme, Mayor Brown cr p ,s in a alma of denniorn free Wet wwo m esUmab of rout teos, •, of the Real or the° at home. • Thnl the praetien 9 dl ' and cro -alt, The neolution .I Company, look Plan P I to woo. tent ell mast ad- H.Noa inrtod.dfig Governor however, that the -!it. la e III .ere h, Id iu heavy bail pnvar gen- mit, hal that it dose rent 1 Mickey alio will .tad the greetings fled that the aro ll cot I se 1 n dean presented through. a Ily or to any econ idenble erhovt oP ilia Bble, Mr. Bryan, r, as mayor, welcome you hong; not a Oate. m the careen[ etunena. 'TM Ple e 10 Il Dtetriet Alloney aeI �¢ b easily establish". A .°.portiere man not m e Demoenl, but m the` is the minrmvm prin et note m the nslvn of a vmlory for the o gar S°g.,,irt'' North rd ihe d di..,it We mnoko, sr ddnslrfel co rerun w appointed u' ,ureal to m all, oar halon, neigh- tar.', alive ofWe u aeTh° Regal cold }tipple wreck" by Cvugrenm L9B9, which, ePtw Gnvenor '1'iakey .poke o[ the uti, roaolution adapted by the fiettee, which ie ' the the o appy, ,pending more than three years i awekevt P kh. blfe connfevn W o Fv .ddreee to Lha pvblio, follows: e Wreakers Worked. We inve ti mi.u, Ned its rt in e g tt18 and id ro n- ra.0 IneamoM es we, the cotton g aei°0 Y les it dam betimon 1902, which was published iv IB largo .- .spoke ofo' tion spoke of "hog.. forme.."one of the South, know that then !rack that both Ripple red rolumee. This reparl 1 "iva all The crowd o. mingly misinterpreting indulged Men great deterioration in the n npatedly awed.. their with the knowledge of the available .vide..on tbis Zjo,t hu Wonghk, to ones. Mu - rape a August 15, end, " v ,d ..abut t conrcr. After making ..roto[ oompUatio.a G ...or Mickey reveled, end Whereas the "nomm of epi -of this rrviraPtn ro nrrid e elhe ke,u from if. data the contain,, Geo- Mr. A .a Wen lea n tad �¢a 1and.l 'he -.'.be.enmmitb ofthe mamba. detenoron1wiae still uvb. Ov day 13fpyle at., Dellinger, of New Hamphiro, ah-. Mv. Br, g °O aPWaa. 9 dem t b k o rdnit of �' It the piridevl which atabel on the Boo oP the United f ,beg, by saying that a bis Inns° he lied Iea+eed that be Anbta Ln- eglimate aP the crop at this the h by C.,,Zw.d into a to o States S.at., in April, ifrol, thsl ap- g„ege contained 000 -orris neawIS utiefled Ilia crop will not ja- -the current eelfmate. Tipple'sto Mery paorimably $1,000,000 worth of Am. came), e 1 bet eiuce rolvniog to _ "We therefore .ml e d ,,+right Thew overdrafts a un p,anufcloc,d products m the United State, he bed wish 4h,.' !be poo all aur member and prod, end Segr at ttm • oat- B° ...fly said abroad rha.p,, the° f° Amerfae. I N_g. contain" °° throoghmrt be South not 16 ell re then $BW,000. There epmit in the beck approxi- Or own domwtis market. No one _ yy w rda meevia I [hank yon." He deelmad the happiest part of lka ltoo at a figutt law than the of ,000,000 �¢d the Isam mar@ Lee ever elbmpled to disprove Sa- long jovr.ey woo Ilia home-comfeg, production. "We ..If n °ll southern ounld to ¢5,209,,22M. Awa aloe Galltngerre n.eluvons, Waugh •led than eat into a general ileserip breed b and be maiuhoining to Ilia uriliee whieb found to he inanfflcial 1't I 1 eontimm to aur Political opp,", a lion of bis inn". Foaoning Mr. Bryev'e price w time the minimum ° le and elate of nM 1 Scroll k of tae 1' well -n' ht '.pea ane anew V epw<L. .alto. look ni Ike a ito1. P1°°° e p W. "roe the nseees,ly oL marketitlg , Iv end only an ,,.ad, weing me A woer app.,eJ pr- uuivmsVl. Thi. $4,OIm,9W north can There lea brilliant d'upl.y of are and wilhdnoing ll roltav Srvv y HIPplo. M for marc then ...noted for in ie work. as Shote hone gro..do' market "every decline." kJ fenivar Earle epPen pains Ibe bank at as .it. likely We eatlmale is too law. "The Republican fm. No Pometan Olak's Union The commftbo took up the ch, .,.list S..,..ry Rocha" Chea d y of the creditors ea- 0 double e. b his wilily lu party the time of it. birth .relit now hu pro- say.wh, Oe., Sin --c-1 °f dalivR in talon° while av o', cited the I.I lr who prod°.. for g Ibe moat .eneatol .euien Iv in kutory, the ...th ennuel nvv . sof of I,is ewer tine. APter a epi debate, bieh J. A. Brown ^epwilore leas plead money onMonday ani Tne"°y the Americo¢ market iv any for nun to mmeeivae Repub- Han f the United Association North Carolina, Ind the oppos. dueelore knew the it we PPoowfbte Ilran IediWtieu clad. Chinese le- Po.tofgce Clerk. °djo... oil There. the committee dwidN to ells.allowed to withdrew bo, primarily because the Chinaman day [bnoon no mer vat year a Perora, ID. five eeufo. la eonrder the ebe Mr. Brown they left the roe UNYSII,BD FOH"PEAOB f.- to 1we m, the America° °t.d. I'. The coli. labour is nuppular ly Merun ret hie iveaposire Provident, Frock T. Bogen, CLiea- R°' ant -vin president, Chai•M I(i+k, a me whish [fie committee w ,. e d meov=d W.t hnuhed ref DAY." habits. He ,einLvr feeds bimart, Toledo, G.; weuvd vice pnaidavt, J. TArwlow Banetl,Orinu; !hied tweet b erentin seas,. m the ter. ruthw himself nor Lome, his family fe pre.fdevt C. H. Mitchell, Port M, Brown Lae-aintafn ul it Bv.M at 8mrlsa, Noo. and I. H...r of Peace Betwe. . do Ameriasm. Living on a lower pl.uq he no of co- aQoN to rrork Inv,, Me.; acenbrv, Willhm Gib bone, Sere,lo., Pa.; tre.anr, John out the session that they shell op., and not ereeative. and Japan. cheer Ihen American, .red his ane- J. O'Brien, Pester, Mae.; aengcani. uo[h, N. 11., ',-i,L-TM once rq a "'Y".netn muchto Amerinv morals I I° America. la at..-, W. H Hent, Allsnta,, Ga. es 1t a .red lLet Ilia n betel Mom alae Co. Portamonth weh^h redo, Mr 7'o ihn axbnl Ilia` he eeentts traits. uld not berme afaH... Wahrngloo, Speiel.-After Recoil Pan d -day d he. year hispro rule entre of American wages wdh the American Fdentinn of La. a ronfen cce between Sect clad, in they sits. n ..it "red ails to contribute proprtioOlfa• her. The aseoel lion look be .loll WiWn, Dr. Melvin, chief of the in, hone today a leftist w ly to the covaupiPtive oapaelly o[ 14,. that .bile the aitilnde toward the ,.an of Animal Industry', and r to Heels the memo entry his areae. in nudeevnbll. Idantion m mostit amicable, it 40 ro taltvee of t p O AP verism 1. The day a obnned y e The' Repvblian party therefore says to him: "Vole' "not to M o eO would not be advisable 10 berme flitted with it - packing hovaes, Ilia problems , •a Day•' by the ringing f an American nueumer von shall not Jaek Sullivan of Seattle, ',Irn- have arisan over the gvntbo of I n0e of the co`v'et untie, 1 ..owt. Several kuvdrea ba an Amerinv producer. lieu shall deed v resolution for the establish. which, under Ibe Inw, meet M ,,bend at the cavy yard in be a. American iv hblh neWets or In . t f a bureau of ednmtbv and yo..... t p= oats, be,, nen ll:e ganef., .torn bvi'ill. .either.•' - publicity to eau4, in the passage of tied o the [istartle. of .11 the envoya met a yes, s,,, Th. greeter p{t of the woretery I, the rewlaenti°n bill now Mforo earned. What probably.. wee lhr appropriate exenies, el- In mel onoiveeary. peach we devoted to en intelligent dieevulo. o! the brill, O[l boa Congress. The rewlutlo¢ saw passed, -'- co°arenee held at the De oat of Agrieltu. Thursday ant go.of the ..ttoosl view. upon the -related Principle. Brele.. Ba g4 -$our Nglonr the peke. ennoun d that hblet in copper saw ..,.it- "w of r..itpon ity, rebs[., drawback., the The free from Hank. No- would proper the laheto 4y Oe 1, tho 1°w into eaee Mvgaet Edwards and ,meet Parka, ILI.&en P spneh leo. .u- atlo d Wen, oe..elm and dignified Baltimore, Speiel.-The Third if...I bank of this city last night in- when gree Throughout the dieeussr to E len Jamsa R, Edward, and e.dltew the alae attention of those be herd If ugttnlad lwentytoer hove bank`i"..RR the Roth, lacy Wilson .food for labels would tab nmtly let the Parker of Portsmouth. Pry, of whleh thou gblet 1, nosy of abeen tilt• find widely 1{roIn Lha 'law. apiea• fsellitda. It is ant book In f,W eontry to .site Lha area emdned, and thio the p. r Alloyyed with prase of J.• ad by him. dhari s. finally have .awpted. ,.it R reran orhdn a tit i might n perpetrated by Swm.hla R 4 Bmlteq, _ Wife Saw Bim Shcelda. SYMPLI'fED SPELLING Bo, eetnde. e 'pli.. rod: Wilmington. N. C„ tincial•-Tle Underlie, Special, -Homy B. Have Nom' of 825 OUDae ] '. bulldin , al the fault - g \ .leamalp Rlchmatld. 1,437 taw, Ium•. Pey.e, hid o Ptbe arm of $arty H. deal. and Protaeon Agneh heodoro Roowvelt ptovidael ! Mr laden, Gcorgatown to New Fark, Payne and Company, -.hire -.a Dw tae 300 tafosmed Words. ,td Steles, saw held the tf.e.ee betwea a.- of 6 1. distrem a few mile .onhear _.leu.._ o__ „_r._.,_ ,a._ e.___._ Poe,on.le orm,nitbd arfalde le Lha New York, al aunt _� __ �. _.._ ..._... OS�atob"ime of sH araW ter Wet Hales-ismvl ago la. 19M. Os Lie rifle kbP of tae #d km• deeeeorno. enuhl most ween NT e[ the two, it wear. heptad li the .Mere and ante.] dialyiale. 1c q- Harnett Court, 1.17 tech fail on that em day; in Aeon Corset, .rma dinnerce, w period; d a; anfn Tyrrell Canty sed eame tett M. Since then the --b- is et he, tela pleasant ..it gevenlly, d fair with A great &.1 Iesn humidity than duridg the pnwding t ooke. 1. moat -if... the ..lose baa been the ab -d..,. The ni°fall a ,,ol e ebovt "Mal, hot .0 un vel, d.. vte tot, lribd befog beat in the e.orth.et- 1eC era end norlhweater. ....lies. The hat tempiattlra a",AW short,I degree lent above normal. Tho do,. wen aeoer- per ally warm and the nigbts coal. The be bill temperature was 94 degree Uta o the Its in Wake County end the locant was 52 degree. ov the ,the day . Buncomb. County. -.1. H In, Theo. 'n• Meet fare Boot Law. we. IWThe state oupriute.de.t ofp.M. a not.inattnclio¢ . l. lending notice W [he pernrtendrnts of the city ;uch, in thca e ll notifying them that the law n plainly oupdr s the vw of the books adopted by the tort book wmmieu: r hes for the cert dee peers fn their whool., Ito' that it is their duty to obey the law anie duty to ,PCs it. Some of eLd h An sehoo]. have ill the past eefased ting touw the books edopfed. 6tad evp,tt, nd.t Joyner is of We eu ending letter W the county co - se ptrfvlendenb of school. t.sl.tiag that +„p they ea to it in eoopraliou with the un wooly boards, that. there are deposi- helr lodes for the books thro°gha°t their rest counties in tiny reach of all the pen - pc. Ale that they report to him the rat fail.. of any publisher to keep ir We a pply of the book. at any of the low- depeinorin. Antvate lista of all tet, he deportoriew to coot eomly ace the to be P tidied the able department. holm State News Nate. I e. •A displeh from }Rgh Point rays: rid What ie aid to be lM higbeet omov¢t °f in eell.reaei0d W s'hi"b evy neer in .th i thIn io temtory, t lent �wm drew° by Sebes Perry, gen. formerly oP thfa plera, but now [ n Sparer, Sor Augmt, the amount the ,-nit mile, which •En..I, an ped by the Iq hfeh "egca from $100 to cot- a>!u per manta. rug, Rreigb, Special. -E. C. Dunear, 1 be Ibrlor oP ielwogl ronnns (dr thio the aster° district announced the at. poivlmavt of Y. C. Tony eon rP- 8ve deputy to iii -d Lester F. But- to,,.brolher of the er-United Slaws Senator Buller, who ppotnled taro wee' tent postmaster of Raleigh b, Rp- Willi. O. Briggs n few day. P. bout The appnnnn of (be army leo oat in large ntt r. i° the ljrefg1, nee Lich tion e s x,me alarm movg the ,beF' .-alt leu Mon about dere r o it ,wet appeared. Put -etl,e eolond ..it terriere rel RBL .I- cigh, whole en.pmton and dumdw con- r con dad by the poeWPa lent ineWd. m ho bon dropud. incl- At Wilmirtgtan-bra de lro))ed' th d .uu •story dye hon oast the =11*1:t Way Coteau MBl. roped by tlmr ober ,lfecroe and pasnlsite, D. J, Rod, a 8.ufhe. Rrin Which flremau, of Asheville, wee shot d th h11e adng a lowienotl'. ne as ,kali Snhuville. The shot ww 8.4 in th ,.dale b, on nnknomn per-. EE. Owhiw Leh Bank In Strtap Man 'roil CoLrlotle, sacral. -W. A. Jov I thI('cufiier oP the trap MUl. 6e¢k, , fid I .branch of the Bank of FayettevW _ who very my.firlooely dlappe- a n STATE IR Rama, M a la wee n w r -O V�iam Secdleal fM MOUNTAIN TO StAiM76 1$n.r QatK^h'q of Q. Wet °d pg(ere.t W ZP $wale T.M 19 Te.v dnaY. Ohwbr! amfifin /Meant' Theal wprigo�eee nP*°°en1 Ike Prions it middlW •• .••.....3y�g0 ped mtddNuRr t:vge�..........8 7-0 Stein .... .....7 i.8 b S 1-3 Olurle in Rade la.rraa• k0 25 Chiono -+piing.......... Henq-per heaa.. .. ... ..YS Ihcka .... .... ..21 to 20 Eggs .. .. .... .. .... ..80 Rye .................. -3 to 75 Co. .. .. .. .. ......2212 Cellon snd.�. .. .. '...471-2 W 50 lo. 17 1-3 Oetea-Beed:• Be"- lydawe 74st^R Baltimore, Md., Sep410-Flom'W.kdeLL nncheng". eoutnet 09 Wheat: .0cr pot i I to 7-8 twig[; 6°uWen,a%' nsmP e• • . G6. Cam: Weak; spat 54 1-2 W 'dial 6oulfie. hole 58 to SB. O.h: Barely ready; Na.,2 mfs.d 3412 to 3 Aye: Firm; Mo.2 Weston 63 to 64. Buller:, BW.dy aWl - sang"1 femY im'Istio' W'" 21; do .ream• cry 23 W 20; 10 ladle. l8 l0 20; wrof pocked 15 b I8. Eger:Fina, 23. Cheese- drive and eurLangad, IS v to 13' 1-2. E.am- Seek. KM d at SPenaa. Sabah�J-, 01101d.1--Clidt 8a1u1 engineer othe Southern Hallway died Friday morning t [ho Wh'tte- head-Brakes Senfbrium is 6ribury from i.juri. received deet right at Spencer. Mr. &.)I. west t - of Snliebury Tb,M kl nighl on No. 40, He itngiuce. but as a peaecdgM ntended aPetWfag thh night in Salisbury d m the team slow- iotg up t that ale. bo ji-Wd og, t waiting lit the train had ebP- Pea. Then less a sM¢g or Irox sen ..in Ili on the- Me0el Irak tr-the fo lin end MR. Swine tifil it under' e O and thrown beck' der rho .Mels of No, Ings and woe 111 baymg r.Ob both loge d ono being cnsbed. }It woo brought e bock to the .b !and pored in the hnpitul. Mr. srrov' home sane or Wytheville. S. G, ned'tM body _woo .ken to tlmt pan's+ bariaL -The de....d i• a p,arrid ad is n ivd by .'hire nun several child- GEORGE GENTL$ A-PEEE MAX A {&cos abed Was aim ty Tea Pioutnmit M'.. Wi0'Lilely lilt, es Co.. Uisburv, Speciol.-lsnrge Geniis who leu o° Wednesday .quilted of n jail breaking, in conn"ti., with the lynehi.g eale, but was hold on other I eharg., was on Fridey admitted to n bail ie the eves of $$500. The bond made by Messrs. John S. Ludwick e gnd.James R. "IF"irm, both promi• d neat bmimen m.. of this city. Gen. it. l. now at liberty .,it will romhin Yan yea mon ltidtnoe is pradx.cd e Mole. nim at the cell tet- of ilia E than woo .11abla aE the ton. r atter t soune.tlmi with the jail Iamban Olid aadiga.d to Small, The n' g�rle1"n"'e, }]ear ' Oilles1c, Geo. &win, nod Dell. Din a lingua., Merged with'tba mardet of dthe hpedy f.mdy of R.aan ntmty ear a mill.natn, a to he dtarlreryrd (eco be gavel of he oc'n. el the ea- Pivatlon st hie term of ealriso ce"VI et Part.mnnllr, Y,. ..11 WuhIneton, P., Ellmer Dmi, star, the ugro chem.( with m dednti Mn. S.mnnl Pesne ,d her ane hiidnn in (!I'll township nn .July 20, as ....heal If murder in We first b.- end rcleared I. be hanged. At York, P.., while leani.g vt from a be. I., le oI.." is broken whnel hes . ser ahead, Uc.1p Mair, a frot o doctor m the ,toy of the omb.m Cenlr+l niiwed. stork . fence along lbs tack led las iatully killed. At Ousel. 0., Nen. Berry Knip- p.. of Clov.rdaN, cut If the heal» If ben toekn!hlldrohnswith »u bulelwlr Be m.V oAenda.i lRbs .hildron wore egad Ibrn and prat ry ad nos -hal[ yaen, rospallirelY. The M 77o Oq•enmevl having .rpr•sead in rmdI. that P.W O. .t..l.d, In. detaching Cldeam, book I,,oid.r0, M Wken bank f, the . poati f ly be IhJl Ililaten he well ro turned iu a merraniile rteall. At. Wuhinglu, the director of the milopsnad bid. for mi.er, .11 of hleh Vim declined m ....at of We Fair lod:w ,tat, high. The .Vint of. r made sou 07 3.4 rnW per flee At Rutland, VL, mplele 'tuna frim Rhte slaeliae show 1Lat Fleteh- ar B. Pra.r of Prieto'. napubliun, se ].rad 6annor by 111,078 over }mh I W. Cl- I' or Rutland, Ito- d.Peedant .rad Ilemeerule, At Med4on, Wia., John Median, Repablle.n, .', elated W Comgle. I. the Fiload Dsteirt far the v pfred term of Henry C. Adem!nde end. costate I aro u nment Dead». aeNert 1 coo 1.nnanelon or U.ind ..1. CLba user Ihe eon- ditl.m In As ]Nand shall be mon deepenle tFt at pro..l. Th wmim..ee of the rebellion to Cuba ..usNg pave collaborate., A fr t wroek oo Lha Bdlimon and W rilroed torr Str T k.'a ILstoe t of Merlryabmy, rnvlted h, death of Iwo m. and the proba- ble nl.l Injury of umtber. Th. U-pul.1.1 of A g+allure.I. m kiul; luoparatiom for ,horou�h v•�f..rcn,..l of Iha Pnrrdbwl L htel, Pals into resort Joan., ], noel. l%rrgunnuan gieh.rd BmIlaoldl f Earn ri, arrived a Raw YZ. tugs Earn on the meamer Kai.r Wil. llua drr (Irene. 6he .-raunem of State bat ay Pealed IeiW,0o0 inwards the food the lief or the ('hilum earth. qn.k. ofvre . yO�ne j-,= killed ad 10 or 01+M+r' R,anokthV" apeeo see trolley ear dro11.1 foto W, river. Three uncow Vim d.. in a rat . tion ith iha iv..HtiMI t Iha Rawl Reran Treat vion ay'. .list. ' PhWdelphl,. Gsr,. W. S. McCaakev, comaudia, Ih. Bouthw.ten divn.n. reed. that Ibe abolition of the Mvteen ave I'm he. 6kelad miadopaly the du- eiplfn. o[ the .ray. The Morgisn elorrch after a long `,y.ie hes w n proal rfmory r.evitar1bond. awl Balk. of the �S pI ebnellyy by Hid cl r approved par - 1 I. Receiver Earle epyeen Iej seta mmyyp 7f ii d : cellar a prem oats JonhM a to Ln ability to d. on. Many dep.ilon nLo placed money in lbs bank on Mondry .tdes after. to ddirectorsne Am, that that a sou 'nrlren( wehawed to witdnw ILeir deloeite.n . TABLBT UNVEILED FOR"PEAOB DAY." City Sells Bay It floarlu, NOV. and gmra m Honor of Paan Bar-. laamn and Japan. 1'llsoneub, N. 11., SpacieL-The tray of Porl,monOr whirb ended the rear bmwru Jet- cad Rem. liguel be. I year ago Thursday at 3AT .',I -k I. the afternoon ad at Ila all, hall today , tablet we met ad to perpiaele the memory of Wa e.enl. The day sou abou, "Pueee Day" by lbe ringi.q 1 alt the Leila [ t. ^ y et the, moo.+rad a ... I. Bave..I huodnd people vathend a{ Ike tory yya d in (bot of tl:v Itaoer,l mom bvildivg {n boob thea a yy,, muerm.r eg,, ebn:alt the flpiat nn.iver.ry.�.I At It,. flat qm. of the national .lute, • tablet in capper was, uurNl- Jemr The made 'fhe Iii-iplmn rea•1: "1. th's bl at, rim din ct Thtodoro B o�relt,Lpndde.t f I United St.[., sou held the NMilferenro .betwe&mo N.A. And Japan0. 6, 1008. at 3:47 p. m. a aimed tc brant, of Pornmoeih, whish andel the war between lLs Iwo comtde,.a' Or l.r Back. Ple" BallLgyh . Wa.h., Spuitl.-Tha' United Stele anriaer Ao.tov dampqq ed &p!ember 8 on Pea Basin., we toeed for Brem,rtan ... y yard on. der her own .teem. 'fhe dire.dial `adhe leak in the hull. It I. d! derlt bottom n l s four Yrt m,. I` of Ih. plateaVin hot and Wads I overlap, making it dire. a dt to plop Wa 60w of water. Oek- t6e �npk :ad iiiirw hat 7M4 I thand nr,lraulic ic. Tlfelraowmof _,. s u;e q ther dump, chocked that an Pur - 1 KaareJ. - Prominent Cwsaa ow,'i't oL k Id rafterntho j`y Ihed hrn oTLOva hoar found gull(, of the murder If Rlillnm Drew and rvtmrrd I. a life term:. jt-. ILc pen, baring Lren mer court. Th m Tie IU- f 30, t lead, i , ad Dr 30, leaf, mel William Ureal J Drew', ung Vin, thea, in the con J and hat the die Dron, be died. Young Drew t the limo ,hot Threlkeld m the We cud hwk cud for More lime Throlkeld Mae rot empeled to live. Onarmtne and Immlgntlon al, en t.. Race. 12. Yaebralr, 'form, Spcial.-Thr Bou Warn Q.anelfee sed LLfgnlioc Coq r14. M tont ben Nov_ 32; �19yAad lit us their .f eE Qoglher, f""� vltinit 1 choir , of 'ea b Le e d vnm.. r imeto A+,evN lel. aro� p sod. atbern Lvdmtrul Abod.N meele con m j slim wth 'G,e r tion to, la an pramlWly the .pak of the practice... well -night W-eal. This $4,000,OW worth eon befar more tla. swunlml for it is quite likely the mfimalu ie too law. "The Republican party Prom the time of its blah until m,w has pro. Wefed the Iebor6r be produces far the Am rine market i e cop ppoouuibbe for me. to Vou: ve�� Repot Ban legidation carlud. Chiuean Is. bar primarily balance the China-. .to- to live en the American .,aud- rd. TLe cella laborer is oupuprdar largely hei.rae of his inexlwneM labia. Ifs neither Mce V his Limrif, elathn hicadf or 1. eel W e n do Amerism. Idrlug nn a lower plane, Ire nn of tomes afford to work cheaper than .tmeri.m and his pres- es Iq a memo, net r mach to emerfnn moral, .. 1. Areerice. 1. bor. Te the m1ut arab he arcum ,his pro roue .Lon of America. wages rad fails lu vlrlbuti proprlhemr. 1 w y to the cnnnumplive opacity of t(tn encerit Thr Replublic,. party therein. slay. to him; "Unl�e yon wast to be an Am r bion t be on America,corn d` ee ou Yon .h II boldo Amerieu bbth rrespect. or in thea" The grouter P.A of the corms .pert Vise derated to n in.11{pe t dtrumim of iha Wdff, with h., d w Irani fhe eo;Vale d prf dples ober 'p Iv, rebate, drenbrke, Mi . `Tia apceeh Vier free Prom r .clonal abuse, Vies eelm..vd dignmd and -drove Ibe eiou ii,.0 m of lhre he hard it man of whom dif° fend widely �rom the views .plea► ad by his. Br ccoldp R be Dietra e, Wilmington, brio C., SPr.i.-The steamshipRleh umnd.l Ali raw tum: her Isdeu, Gwrg.towv to New York, ie f. distress, • few it,. .ortnut of Frying Pa. light.hip. The Such. from tl. poo, he gone to her a.- slannr. The Rietic nit ie owned by the Atlestie Cnut Lumber Company of New fork t;ty. Flight Oar Ten O.M. Grouvifle, Sposi M. Ray - be.., • young white mm, claiming Ooz"Zi Ge., m hie home, sou rr. Ivory cut m ae .Qny th Relpk , C,i' h. w V,J, Thursday. Beth men wero ddukirgr mrd the tron. his wee the onlwmo of • dispute o eco tea Venn. Reyytorr sou n 'uR • d punning Me('all, hen the Inter drew Lia "Be 1 inflicted a Heti gaaM1 ee se Aay6ornuCin k. 8a e e bellfromNorth Caroime sennl yaen ego. Reelect.'. father . a Baptist min4ler u Cadarcow., On. 17 7 14 1 nn Eprr-to' tin..are n re r-Pre.tb d byofficialdel. .pro. fu he InW.ntioml 1. renee On..¢re.e, which ipned here. The U.iled .�Wn., Argenlioe Republiq LF`W'le, Mico gnu^ J.pre toe well osa_ tial s j n in co l r lirely pp p ag the a'ngrees. ErrglenJ .rad Carmel. o u.fadelly repro- nlal. Viae C _11or I'rad...t' R'ebeer, of O:umav,-d li urr -tLt n.".1 cid I I to rhe wngrer. Two Aegron Monitored. Malan, La., 9pVial.-Ae a I-. ber of. Issue..s ramng miham. f e eb-mb -1.tire orih of Min- ded, Vim un. fired i-Ille in n the sod .t rl� nuge0 One n oat Vin aod:�sud a N tlrery wended. A'm y, Lin coo undor cont, t.'e Rmjlh en ergedrrycgtq of'is In ver ryar q �Nhroarnpmn and the Thc,V eaten brillliw.e t rdisplay `of Igo works oo the State hour gronade. No Pae.ffir (]lark'. Code.. Savanmh, Oa., Spaial.-C nclud- ' tg We mom ana the cerfvl seuier�iw rte ktay, lh m . then of the United Aroaietian of Pmtoffice Clerks .djovraed Thum day KWnwn to meat neat year I. daIII. President, Fra ok T. $ager, Cb.- gd flrat-vin preaidentCN}4a Kirk, Toledo, O.; woar nd pr.id-,f, 7. Thrlow Barrett, New Odea.; thiM 'e president, 1.: H. Yilehell, Pvrt lend, Me.I eerntary, William Gil boos, Be, ",P, r, Job. J. O'Brien, Prlov, Mese.; eergeav/- W. B. aunt, Allante, tle. .t Via a unced that the neo - ti tion would nal bemm. ClBat.d lb the Ama- erlteu Federation of I ber. The association took the .Wait that while the altitude toward the federation was elect able, '1 old not la adviuble to berme K- fllieted with ]t. Seek Bullivm of Seattle, Im. dveed resolution for 1Le estahl.h- rent fa battan en of edaoi d publicity to a is, in the pa.., of the Ne O thea hill now hot - Congress. The notation no. ward. Beltheme. IIBe 24-B;oor National Reek. Baltimore, Bpw',I.-The Third Ne - lienal book ace this city III, night ln- ummled twiny -far hear III= f,llit.s, It 1e the Ont Na bank In the -try to make the .hangs. - wife Raw won sowde. I.onuvllle, Spelel.-Hent' B. Pyne, bad o lthe firm It Harry B. Payne .ad Company, -,blue memo' NOW— committed suicide In the presence of h. wire .ad .venal oth- y rattling er his throat. He fiat laud to shoat himself. III health sou We low. Two N.R.. ExpWn all... Pittsburg, Pe., Special. -Cornelia. Coombe sad "Bud" William., a.. wows �ed orning�eriCoock sou hanged for the murder of Mn. F.II- heth Dfek r en, Frbmml & 1605. Williarm, afar killing his m.lbur-io- Ww, Mn. Maggie Qmineey rat her home,rotther-in-kr-' her.w 16, ig0.y, followed his biota the home ofc- The murder of`his mothor-.-lswwwu e t the moat rold-blooded .Rahe recorded fu lbs ..nets of Allegheny eonulr. rum shot Wdes W. Albany, Ky., Special.-4leorge Nar- As was killed II d cad three .ter dad in h" mtfag nmral m Piekme conuty, Tmn., t]rrm 'i. fcum BriduWl'e. Thaw united an: John Buck, fktelly; Orville Hoddla, tau III Pirgfl linty. Sather Clerk, Boom. lies, and d. M. vitiatime .aid In Leve den. Ila hootsrry�g[. They hece riot beau a n,t.d. T'Ae obpotinR, it w iJ, w. We n Il ft ietekI .We a !tested lo- in. ac enk.v far otkee penoar. 9hm while at Rapper. Analtrie, Gs.. Bprim' -JOl v. A, JoLnwn, • pwmleat termer of rho Inver pea f lbs. wintry, it former ratty marma.ner w,e n- sabis while sitth" at his sapper Wbn rtomeeany ha f" BR wB. chat d tnnlly kill,, W bel If bmkeh t that took dies! m AantIto 4 Jd b Th. but woe rta W q a Into in the saiwasy, urge the nsoerily of marketing elaw- ly and only on ,e advancing merkcQ and ithdra.mg ell roltca from We mark. at every der me." The committee mak up the charges ."met Becrateery Richard Cheatham of dealing In f.lmn while en oflier of the uwci tion. After . sported debate, which J. A. Brewo, of North Carolin., led (bo opposition, the committee decided to go in - retire . -1.. to toneidtr the chargee. We. Brown then left the roc which the mitres we muting end e..I.. d the, Imo had fewd lyeit I .....time Maio. on the met - "if, BI.n Ila, maintained through out the nee . Wat !key should he open and act e.ealivc. ' Label Not State Centel& Washington, Spe ii 1. Afar avm- eonteroncek between Socr ts, Wilson, Dr, Melvin, chief of the Be. u of Anfmat fudoetry, sod about 40 npresenletivee of tbd redone meet puking houses, the problem, which have ,risen '"'the gnus!.. of label, which, under the Ino, must be put upon meet produefa, Lure bee,' t. bled to the .ti,4aottan of .11 ton- comt-meat pholdb.1 the Depart- "'t epart- tont of Agr" tare .That." cad the pa ut . mrd that they old prep r the label. by OeWber 1, h for. gar i to effect. Throne b utt the di.eueday., 6ecre- Wry wl.m stood for I.be. whtVh would ebn Nyy bate p the a�lycontained, tained,sso this the packets NYMPLUMD XPRLLU(G BOARD. R.I. Name. of 825 Ouay. Prad dents and Pro[rwn Aticwing W Vee eke 500 Reformed Words, New k'ark, Specie]. -The simplified espelveIlld theaslgard �mnslet o of g�`w college presidents,proft ," imtruelon sod umrrtiy o4fieen, ambo had .gned n in far 306 sold. as far as pnclma- hle I. their ones eorrespondeuce. 111i, is ' leaf and Af mut meta It,hil, Cannan, ichigan; Miawud, Panueylvemia. Conecto t, lindiana, K..., and Md. to the order named. Want QVe m'. Daughter to Act u Bpsaor, .Secretory Bo..part., of the navy} V,irad the Newport Neave Shipbulld- Ing ADry lluek Co., al Nemwrt .ewe, Ver to wrreepud rat once with Irov- Ulenn nimire to the launching of the armored -e cialr North Cero1W. October fllh. It is the dire of Ste- nt.ry lbnaperfe to bare the Gover- e d,uehler art ea sponsor on the ca.mn of the luo rhing, Toa Earth shark. in Raw.Rm Group Honolulu, By Cable. -Two earth- qa.0 coca..te reported from Hilo, o the Joined of Batumi, bol it is staled Ihet no damage Vine done. Af- ter a of the choke hundred, of dead ash wem thrown upon the beech. APPereutly, they bac beau aoaW- .d to d War h l , sub -marine orvption: Ane the I. 'M onn nbfebr HonomluOI selected., P the pIncident, Linteawsm u Durno, United Stotr navy n. du- miwd feta Lha . DO- oe the L'nd- ed lentis. Lies. Dunn Vin atneh- ed !o thr' rrnlvfn[ chip Indopen rat to Moro Liacd (AI. () na.y '�ard, and sou ter.tlyy een..tW y amartmr of pandsiove ionium to (he andd r dr.airpd Icon of ea aider end ma- I{drY pi.e lilegeed to rt.- IWg1.- . dgccimrim.. Aceureru list. of e0 the depositories In each county are to be futri the sial, department. stall, Rewe Rotas °A diepteh Prom H{gh Point says: What is mid to Iso We high.! amount n drilla ue aid to atingle engineer nth i this lemmry, .t Ir@, Viae drew. by Bab.. Pang, formerly f fbie place, but now of Bporer, ter Anrgmt, she act In, 7 ="', ineer ore psi yhe mile, w h•h ., a fwm ,d by to 1112.5 per mouth. Beletgb, Speeiel-E. C. Uunnl, Iher I of I,,-, wenn far Wil the meter. df.trim nnnovuaed the up- poiatme I of V. C. Torry as an of- firedeputy to mr-d Leenr F. But- ler-bm,er of the eco -United Blatm Beuatur Buller; who Vico up cited m tau! petmnew of Aeleigh by Willie G. Briggs a few days un. Io l `�,sate ben inf he "I" I"' h sec tion raarmom`clean -ra- the farmer. 1t hnebeen .beat n d,rav yeTheeial ill,. -it ....I,. at Be]. 'I lith, whoa. enspeneiat and druoimel .ad by the pectoffi. firepeetr Lria dAs hew dropeed. At Wamfagten Bre deatroyed' to =a.- ddye hour of the W Cetlou I. owned by llonmd ,hoarse rad .-Islas, D. J, Used. a Southern Heilw,y furnace, of Asheville, Vin abut . the while firing locomotiva Slat...Its, The shot w.I flnd Inthe derkllcr by eu tmkaown person. Cachlr Len .Bank I. Strann M1n- 14 C'nhrlotte, Special. -W. A. Joel., nobler of the Bono Al bank, a h milh of the Bank of FayetnaWe, I who-- ley mysiorlou,l9 disappeared .den 111, ago, sou lacated Bamb, at Lowe, V., when he has taken a pa, eitiowln the I iepeteher'a offlr of the Norfolk and WeM-1 The new. come in . m age W his father,..11 pre- atonQorle m- loaete him Laving ed fatiW ID. wcuatn ere found to be straight, anin e for his strange ,k Tebr Mn OrgwLe. Dart-,. Speeiel.-The tobacco mea of the It tr the, contMl the were. A. ace. have formed o -boom Lunrd of trade, end started ofarer for Lha If 1606 and 1907. Amvge- me.te en loving made Ta handle the father produce in the l.be- line in large gtem tides, sod it good r,soq is eabeeted. - Platinum Rated. A.h,,Ule, Speciel�bcr. T. Whin I flagmen fn the employ of the Aeha- ,iae dtvuiou of Iha Southern R.U. waszieknocked or fell tom the ser Point eco roach oY hdn N.. n. ex Point Tnneal \Vednesdav .,an. 1-9 aW kind Mr. White bid been in to em soy of the railroad tomer d just ked received Lie fiagmu ' udttorOr Dfea of Warned. High 1'oiut, Spriai.--John Certer, whored, died her an the .eerilt oY s ppuumoo l .hat wad'inaicted to night hetero et n rnilronJ ramp jqm mrl- afde thea iucnGorvle iimd.s.lt .a I.mwl Wm Curter nod Jalhn 'slrp, ,leo Visci, oP I. m W he to but Sbekp, who Ul , t '. the atyF, denica a. - d h rtmm and a luug dinner Ik ,vt the dinner - Ft .- . - bilebury Tlotrod,,y night on Ya. w, out ea cugiarer but ae a peswugnn He intended cpndim, tho night in 8.1.1m, cad an the Irwin w.e slow- t lug up at tat place be jumped cif, t waiting all the lain hnd 'top- ped. There wee a umic, of boa sen . Oap ., en the parallel Irak to the main ling cud Mr. S .I. strack against this cud use thrown beck dor the wLceln of No. 40. He sou badly mu!ilated, both lege cud o being V..tied. III wan bounght bulk m this plan a J plased in the - hospital. Mr. Smica' hnmu was It WythevBle, S. C.. end the body Via token to that plan for bi L -The Seem.d I. v parried mnn id is n'rN by a'kifa nod eenri child - GEORGE GEItTLR A-rFXE MAR. A }2.800 Eond Wu Giro. by Tte1-t- Prominent Mm. Will Likely Bed Caw. SnliuLun, tih,eeiel.-Ueorge Oen • who r Wednee,my awluivad jell breaking, fu r..aertiOu with tied M lyud ii.g ere, but wea held on nth Ohm .,. w a on Y iby admitted -taffy bail id to oma of g2AW. The b..A,,, I mado'by Measure. Jobe S. Ludwiek end Jam. H, M<Keede, hath formed. nont bmtner men of this city. Gen- tle is aow at liberty and sill I mkin -jet-. rater I. tide., mis Produced WmViamt the lIe - f 'it.wtraloed Inami:c'i tthe term up nith the jaU racking ace. Ieaakae ow Remgred k stay ocean• Tho iemoinirtg Aeftelont , HimTY tlilieepio, Oco. Erwhr, old Dells Dil, Ihrgham, charged nilb it,. mnt'der of tbv Lyedy family Of Rowan mituty I- July wen m'rehnod In Rowan uperior boort an the new bills of i.- diatmevn at the Once., term,. mel tott the .�.t Vies nZ ••all I. al If commiluStiStilly -. ty On Ito grounds. ILet a fair end I.. pertml. i I'll mould ",I be Imo in R. lI'll uaus _1 .11 .11. 0 will M Iried,et the 1_LeuPert.r Mutt. "Rear Bxprne OtEoea, onErp the Rel r'Lt° Aa anrted n! 'Imad, and Mr,J, J� Cmywetkl�(orP - £lyeltn�ale, mote yeast of the Scally n Exprem Company, i, for Gil. Then m 6e. oflle M'C'I - Wi11ow Rprinµe. Icugne It. f ,rad ingtou, rtud the ser Pot .'kms Hili he fcum In4igh_ cud a to, Thu courecitnewit Len gnat e for ceople .lona LLp )in. of the Raleigh -dS,,dhport railroad' Five Ulkbt Dealer Pial G At,. GrcemMm, BpraL,E.g,r WfVa t -I On u, been imikted [or ttl(o- ll at 11 pleaded gviNy' in the Unit. Stems dtetrfm emtrl on Thare- by. The coma will mnounce the sat Im- Jemr fu Ihe_lwrm, The name of he defendaa.� ah0.0 n y.{I were: Jemr 3A Jem. Eller, Paley. Ptaley, Coe F.- , ter: IN TRE TwElrrir-rOURTEI. Mr. R. B. Radom. and Mlr. J. IL Eflrd Namlaard fr iDate Aetllr. Alk ­ i , SI -W. -TIO. »spa 'ention for it. teunfy-d• tri.(, -.d ,t ike. R. I Mr. ME A � no ran n,oHan i. mMnn amny w u wnm ee uvea the neve s mums or .ear ODE RHO 1C i1HRYo4T the reaurr Hoo n[ int kind. A lee .Iroene., neons peva. The it N W Qui -1 H. c toenaonrt t t6elre or bit LI(e ab ia.Y w4a. HM I.- the, p mhed It le the tri.. rgrlRg Fan. _ben He w. er ctnd d It. .tar t. Inn, mWd 'd bb 1._ ""t Cllr. The Par. Reuben •.".mare, they acre then. llrl t -moony, %` don !moo t A ...rrIj n W tee eelabnnd inn- prem. mer knee [u be hll.b rt tali Era 8".aq .,at" I° Ir, the narly ,bm,1h. wnlW n I rlh Amo.' are.b)hrlad f Inc Jewleh Wmren, teb.l Ra Ian- Tnme wen a are grtr Edbalb obner,omo from tba i "we"I'me v must -mutely "1 2y to the Aral der of the we edlnxe eelo.lmam Len of ice eco lar. •vym. who hu aivdld ]eve Or, Torre>'a blmol rt'a ' Tb, wry knows the b edeai thh,, qabe a Fact. tot Fhtion;' world Id I. 10 "hent' 1.Mea �{_vr, wu 1 C. tr.'s •Aa1 re l wen m tremeoduue m, ewe n ca lett .her from the deed, bannmeed toeke the Chang d '-0-- he Ant -fruit. of them hie, clod. bf tomryo - e• tp.l slant" ,I. e.M: land fail le MveL hladid. Wet sunder mornlvR we "ala that ...I tnwr-mi.. of the the nun llov of . 1. wu the , •eameet,r, They ware a'pa< mem Impvrl.at ..ant 1. hl.wy, nna tart. damorlllad Cow -de, er aaN that It Id ba prod the[ Mme l to be . ►btmrieIr tact i -t arerriDlnR fila.lY. •freeed with thae .-e vo Indyml: wh thattlf,ChrlattlenllY wae proved, a that the Id Its , fin other. h..d, ,[ ••met haA LeyD•nedt Jmoue h 1. .men Him. All tame .n ."e I'll limon rorW n t" b. ' a him rin i the .esu .tent ...- ____..._ _ _.. I ..m m.m veno teen p .tee.6'Iru,�adI.b rW that the fon. I•t :mete wepen I voluaimv i•ley. ova rm trd of .trot o-urt nneeargt..: eltr lade moth have, me wthliea -,.,ad arn n m ,-r ... witvea g It vHs.rllhPpeu •rpm wIt"o• tens bh torr wrtle.lY. wnm nech0 matte beach of l atlemDl 111 rola It that he lwll- any n .1t welsh. Ne have of =IY a wlhea, Out for, dlRart,, Illy lr detdu ahowi°g matter lab not c°ubadl bar .11`1moth lleg d the llal !vets, d moth OY'a Ivry song mute oaf arllae to tY r�nclu... lthat they story of tae Tmr wdv.l fn... Myope di-te7.4m- tea rho am.a. or vldaote n mow. wual"eh• than tee dlydt orb Raw, hem"•. It In not the hull- m �6:ethe wltrem, bat m the truth hYt emo, that lee n..h lime in the 0°.4. p thelamy that the) .re rot littleto., but feat ooe Vire vea. Iv Eh Joh.'. ata tat or Thum.' -fowl to helbv that Iep Lord had .Levi ton. what he este.homl is ch.r.le, 01 Thm eme • d tae rituar or o1 Jeeve. How r -`A er hol. le Thmmea' nmlon end's how rn.lneterinthm h m, rebukef ThomWnea the num dlvlPla tn a that then bat. wen the turd. tae __ er to bell.' and sere. "L .1 o.'I b*l- 111" 1 mm 'a. Drloh tae u"a Io HM h•nda A wee. 1:ata lM1e LHrlplItat" Whul mlm, a tat berW laabel, me m ,hlenlYn.- am.. He bite Teomo, DUI forth mm a .... ..I thrum It lot. HI. aid,. Tb erne± nal "riy .tLara ted m reed' A d ,Teo am leader e,lxe. 1 -Thom., inn...at h neve nab•, ,d beIIbut bet•v. them bulH..t en e, thou nut belittled;vl1e / blmmcd •n tho. woo lettere ae .. Ames, ddenct toot elg4t ' nes made uP' 1 - Is It • per 91 It It A• l•of Tem eL riltheyehaul afewaa tl •'Win, ry mat to ....I F.11ow ion H 'I've ehb. bad b kr td o tee .nor••. d itae. bad In Peter. "r Nor . oma rrelide., mod hen ern n dawn th. a°horn mat r.. "Fotlnw1 ale." AvA PNe., 1v lo. kiiva . hnow- beg. `. neva told :1_'eat Term h one.. what =hate hate de,•• N mat a atl 1hnm.h a. Him of Jrus, u oro. and -I" - too, oveatlomle,f Joao .a,rulall .:we eurlwllY� Peter w•°d ve ku, , e,.in,, w bumeam, W J.nI urea • We.t It that to taw! You nes incl you °bey." 1. that mW oD, tar 11 1. retail? le a . Ila. A. - M., 1a1 .•rule Pmar.1. t�'Lorea c lou ,.or n. e me v e lime: the Out rgS SUNDAY SCHOOL, CNNISTIMENUErMNOTES The Charlotte Ohsnr . "mea ho en .Ind .11 bb IIM. Frim, If m, tad Mt[erlva Plen, a.d mar yuesHon d.vire ul hylmcr a the mtlemaee oat e[ Ymw be, rt-& wet_ wmlu,.]cold. "'Id., -1 A. Tarter In.. INTERNATIONAL I.FeAON W14- atxTEENTH. tE� d.NT9 F'OR eEPTa'MHER te, , aEPTRMR[R the Lalgesf and Besl News - • d -- How Ohr1.1 Mgt Hie Enmm.a. and p fotr: 8vh,mb Far. °1. Jw. glienrw lien Pharben and eaddea.•ee, Matt aU., IR•gT TnMara., '7 - I 0p Hew We should M.1 Oun. paper I'll Nerhi GaluHaal Lvk e: aSJO: tl: yl M; firer de lu the Year, $8.00 a You, S ,or ..a- .at -Rol uemen ver«, mor. ]. A dopuhtion «thee to Clrlet zJ: as, se. 1 1 The reset actor set rote I- , over d them Tne Oada,m morin tet of 10 10 111 the Th. Iv. 19). I. "The):' Tne Peri- b Vme lhrouab ie nada[ enA as o" m our w yagn deli. and W to i u seats Bond•). cath d roes ae n whole DDobtO carnal- to )Hit i.e. for the aurae. of The CbtatH- lite otter prmo oc- 11 h-Alo. m "res teas an" ' total. Id. r I.duclit Him to .y bmmhl.a that pets. to en Mee. It dome not •eek lame. vmirmm and fmmlm Than Our ecek the ren., hang wt la rotor"Ilse cl-Ime as the Mee. mesh or that old glee brared far Him adore ie the um,llea, but It dcee tbv oe ".per North Oenliva vmon,apmr. love. _ pmdmhnu_ In lmeul.u.n. ben 1• an.-nealim.aanet govaremml Cerhin-Perneee." rebuke le Cpr1-0- is mound Ie or -TflB SONDE➢ OBSERVER The the ,1m mmo ea)'e "thelr di.clpla." Prob- all) r:., d aesloys echoun. Iry arm e detl, the Ont ve era medium, end H ChHd rnmd be sure lent Inc bnuex-ltd ee • " wI elle. ••HeraClay.;' 7,a. Hnodlenb aerea great el" Of the Jew- w . from Halve All.. with ...elle., ned.,of, f dt• Politleal party tanner len e r Ing- 1 sear-oce, data we 1-11- harem, any mHothm-u. "mere. taw Donny lone sect •'To hh Rim." Nat• thew "aye ".... . Him." A mala- ) _. "t ODs•. sent au Y OBSERVER 8 811-'968BL 0 S S Mee, wash wad hid.. neo. taws from g IL we- mel.. .o Him A" `"`v enem�tm ° le nmr t O6- Cverd: + y loved le wnmly de- wad Toadaye and Fdd•le, at p.An ms leen nota d mare Him Iv Him reit eo mar Joule cepa• HI• they leea.ev"e of me Jewleh law or tells•. IrIW, o "emy I. ie Ive.dt tw the A Cbtelhn dares hove a mr�`•r P`p" ° y m thH sealer. It OyvdeH oI8 m died t He Inv. er X.....o"de for. I.e., aro- Hlm. but Cnrlet', enemy. nor treat him ex- anent myap-, end privu all [tae "ewe of the draft « dinge stetter 11, A uaHon e ° r l.a o apt as CnriL w and Ire". The spirit me lyre to v ,e not wok -tool, aha, vailon•1 nod foreign. ate mere peen. the..I..... and too-..hlJJem th. duty e• canasta• (rete le•1T 1. ler yon m a,erlmMvg melr (mlh but -- tli ••rioter, ae know:' a Tyle was a T.Y or [..ins then, Its. Ny enemy Add- neo aloe hyp_rluml tompllmem. t In- tre.aher,,, eerie:) o In- " .e ern us ml ae Mm. T14E OBSERVER CO. hires e. by their dam "' "comm" Hiatal w .. "ie Illwaatlroa ig silre9• ao mAnv- 0 mor- roDglit ..........t. It MwtPe}" elc. C- , .u+ tame booms" to I. dghh. It rage to .et pre the haher [rood. We him,.n tb. mpyron, eed.d yrlglhanr D" w wnm we hmm . r«. U N I V E IZS I T� tor nam mnm cedar, h......r man- der of Roman Imwrlellem In IJ,a A oda of eana u Int b.ae..m g macnI... and a aniv r un tad 'fist piece m the oat ropubllc, The Prov- aloP kl.d.eee will Calroy 'I' dnhhn. OF NORTii CAROLINA g town cot emperor wee Tlheriu.. The 414- Am 1 coevertioa ....sive b aloud., 1789-1906 EPWOBTN 1E116UE IESSONS Ie a. a 11.11 tax, or 1." of • dmm- every I.P.." al, or frle"d. m see Imo? both mY lova and my Read of Slme'e Ednnllonon-I .7rhms. 'him: axlop rine pm Varna". ane Romeo .............. r IS.. Do 1 submit ee[rWa to me bagmen. Of Chrlelr - um Jodea had become . D1'mv m- The Jaw. defeated lhim taxi tat". legal- Are bosh til, Invest e?ed my nate- DEPARTMENTS Inch u-1-1tpe. m Collegiate, E.91i, rated fH' wu eupporldeby tae rodl,m.' Titluv a e so framed that nudgtia"a Graduate, Law, ,one, t 1t seamed Imyaamble far Him to me. If lou know that I" hold I"p' it, "W )ro" lah Metlleinn= Pharmacy. pale, caw;, ld. "anOwlpe thele hy_tr M1 kvowe tae hear.. Ill sward m1 -m'- trod I. -,it • kill, work 1. year 41 aBep., ae w. the me. w - Jeal.h In• dMy Jeella, w f ell men, .ave teat lees erre men stun get down sed yell nod to t Library commm, dX.M'.i.md. Nen . "mea ho en .Ind .11 bb IIM. Frim, If m, tad Mt[erlva Plen, a.d mar yuesHon d.vire ul hylmcr a the mtlemaee oat e[ Ymw be, rt-& wet_ wmlu,.]cold. "'Id., -1 A. Tarter who rduy"It•teu Jews .at s me tach o 1y . crafty "why lrmpty^ why moo )nu a to To Imo roar Lemir,r'.r. . mal va b.Jl.g q.-. Naw do[mi.' Dee° the .poor.. a.ppd n llo. lu mem reds Inc v .• adn4a a .... Mo br a a -u.. that H e . vu mor -m union Ith yo lona, gymvad.m, Y. ri, ll.md. W. !m tor. FIm11Y, H 6 t darrwlloethen the whole tble{ M uta, m for l.IbrmWon. byy to get ria In[e lroublel "Brin. Me t.luenllY, biomed H. w }PaViasn C. A. hot a, res tri PA-a- t (rend, ands daub. 1. fr.ad. Whe Id pa..y:' a d .... I., "They It" By rtr clI INO EyEL HF.B. eP 9ru Penis A cul IoW v idbelleve that Carlmholl, with ly pr.tmu of mo .ear mW hely 1R 4rovght gOlrhg term to bring Him the Iv Ao ey I b Is _luted The FW Mrm Depen le hhott A loth cul never 0,1.08, Addrem Sept.' hlaa reap u_v s Ireud end that N° my He ""'POW them to soca mc1tV• the Jewleh , ye-mee pnlnla,l. Every tub •am ° Iea. ver •party to Ill man IL their own pnmotlo"; for Huger let, "weeraoeee. the that, var1141e tame n d tam fatle Ban . Famnets P. Vysem.y., PasmranT .coca There le only eve orwrl°elon: The neeH sash or my le torrent mare !rein ave to, m be 'Pure- by w le ae lloo f Jeans Chrlet from 1- the beet fel fn the Inhabitant' mkvowldga lb•r Imd:' "Wates-im- .Vied n c t tun to [ 1ho CHAPEL HILL, N. C. " 8o or mixalcl the dud vroved had.q Then le o b tae a Ily ie•t t/vg toe their ggy.�• The an- v. probably tae er Pointed. rmevulUv. f'm m,lling t. leen- wen prang mag .t agehat If. and-% I- that n o elw vena me olid ilkone.e of the Roma" em_nr, TI- -omor. "avperrdptlov." tae r.mrdled Or arse. .1a nets. Its, SGHOOI from the dead. The 0 ea to I I I• that'he ah' of Jesus wee u.laue. berlue . the two. TTleyv .IA -C='ea ..� Thus e- nPmlme weer grow .TRINITY PAR uttleg Ptmm,.be That dl mor H D HI 1 toe end :;Or..A enarmlee k"owlmhumt that they ,. e eubmlt- n°dere the Iuhea oast A ant claw pny.n`wp dh_I. 11 qla�s��s nod It wu only to M of, tpapthe lama of that lit. tire t0 (wear a enleorlHe' "Reoder' Tha and reader rou. Cerpa.tn or gndusll Ptd larwrrucalo Soother. colleges. ew-wetted "Old 4e Imo, it H tl. •ebri. the °orlon or myn, dv[y to- for man of hr.l oma, he bu and ver Perlav-ear .vldavmm' pate cast. gyne . mama to- are OW. 'To tl�",.L" Nm.n CHDBCHL'S. 'Nal BNI�r78elaol - - �' bo wane to know the truth. u cit a Dore. pre Dwk to Co r, Thm eat. spy,- down beton the tour Owpmm hp. Dy _,req atones 1e 11 natal I.k.1 Ne repldea..lve to rna N Fecmty rsbs aMdtewh. P-nT atAll. ate mere peen. the..I..... and too-..hlJJem th. hack. amt. hay ac PIC[ Ceemr the Ec.anu of hu Rev. F: Y,AlleriPastor. L non-oul.tvg ehHtr mouwd evldeace to mate m sod elE• ben Jmolle Chdd yell- wise.. or ..venom. mar wax bmmd 10 give Bo Serviced and; -tad 4th -Sunday. Ivmd. Wen egalpW Rymm claim th-t Ir e from tam dead. am reerrAd k to irlb.I - is the Da.eat each monitr, K rt• -' rI.m. High mOod=t ud mdem e 'be tsar C %` "'aat r e, 1r Chr.1 nae eg•Intbe b e. the cl,laeo acre mann.. ba "wee It .Iles-, ora .o r° ° soE,.Whh n .1. ` N."In _Int.r a my •.em of dlvinlly. but n Rm ♦M or i Proven horn. and everrl M1ing tht` )'ou Ianmo one obdl.eM_ IR. A avetfR Eef"t.e Via' reao'l! Tkq'. an�. Ig. .... dTdlh�l al y t, m„ L.eL,lrnrl tendert. PayermeeirOge Fm aImdw m and olber Everybody cordially in- a l b•ia b� m teas.. to ." n 4 to lee Dhrlelrev •it..,hvad laser" men' �•' at aP. m. Ivf°rmvtf-, ad - he dry f the at. Is Imomr-It.. " y m.o smlhe rhea. _ H, U. NORTH. Hmdma.te, a, le moo mrard. earteuty. Immon.aly tar the Imet .aa later- ml n ale Ise. Aeh g8:91. D16THOD15T. omvA "They ase bum.- era." mu ooe Tn.y h P. Rodgers. tor. J " gem. EPWOBTN 1E116UE IESSONS cot' •s fast to snow atm sots: tea W- w. (d; .1. n and manor"« SeryRev, h a 9ervi�every Sabbath at n ¢. mg mat the m the r ^Noce• Or. tad 8:15 p, m. Sibheth Ecbool TRINITY COLLEGE _ tam w ahe -iv Dnm . z: J. 0 s. ^shonla plJo a. m. J. F. 8nperin- WNDAY, gBPTNM§RR 10, once hie wile;' ere. Tae children P)ayerm«iaHitwe denL g Wares• Foy, D.pan rent.-Colleglaty, Imi Our [mat to Inc ....$.do. of Bd'- to be t-kmoW .ITh Ie it go"- ealagy of the d-mmd brmb-r. day evening at 8:15. Everybody Ond"aM, Engineering and Law. Wmra-Hak, L 1. moo. "8eve. brmbrev." Thi... The invited to Atte_- O. Large library fwBitfn. Well I Pea dour, to meorm.v nee 9wddaceea Leet ie r eq.iPd labm.ttdd to ell dep.,4 It?q m -alts of righteem-a. Its, 1 -Ie. yes°m- moo" Intrude Inc rerl,al of the tela- HAPTI9T. eras. Wlevcm, Dymvednmfm- Tae morin Hw Ysr4 in. tris. tl.- now edmthe, a9. "u the rm. Rev. C. S. CashWelb PA tor. °lend wiwh vert opens,. E.• The Bw_I. Jnb" so. so; Luke. recast.' Wnkb or 1ne .ere. Dur nmr[ the .leer aIle. Services etery fin, N d third Paved Istr ourim e. Ale la 1-e. The, sudden.. of ie C..-. Jame- Dynes eaouh %I. 'Dt y,. rent- ear.' Ta e r LPCd•g day et i 1 o'clock 4 m., d Q. po,thy .tvemle. Lw 9. e; J. 1; e, Is 1 Tim. 9, le, 15. 9 Tim. s" to .rna- The) moo of mertr 1y - mlelake, but .bay wend., m. Strdev RelmOl every Sunday y.... me".uln-gloelWy the .pert" Whdmv mat 1. ealvetlo". 9. 15: Pro, 1. I. make "11 I" la.....I. mf 'be Heim "tea. •'YJ ahyvla inTdligeto at 9, }U a. m., Frank Foster Super--d,andD offerer by the depeee- at 8,lrllval m11111-htj HmDb e. la. know not" You err b-au.e Il) the 8trTa"., w toyer t m Inle'dent Pto a meeting Than e° of Lew iu Trinity 0ellgs. The Bible etndy feetun or the is t t... a®ren ile aocI'm': o la) the -[ 8 P' ca Every- f.rth- Lm arm warA ander the eu_rrlefov of tae First, a, .Dlrimm, Depart- _veer of Hoa, welch la eDle to .¢am end after to r -tar- do, a ening For Oelelag and d 10 attend. body aMrdiplS t.,V�i(e lnfmmetio., ddrea -tad ie FTrst Vice-Prnblevt �herctara, Wnold aD_Int • atro.a the rmemrr_tiev, rmcllyv to create • .w der tf OPPICand D. W. NEW80 , Reglanr H1M1le tIDWy m,mmAt-, ad ewdib felon In tae .eve aorta. ••Vows or CDUNT\' npRPAY, Y, 0. I rata done to t. mrtw_u- rine UW." Tae Bdble reed the doeal.a fie raen_llov op he uareiea of be 1, 3. 9haek- F>Yerir. _ Orthm .x11. A stets enyibe form. Iv a ..)'. -1 _w.r IAm- de:.; Rom. 1:1: B. O. Martie, S. Court.D W and _mm-nY It_awn 1M1omh the umesr be i. t car- s:IA1. a:. "wnm -my ".all Th. H, alter mer aay. J' a F. Moore, fisgMero[ DeedA r08K CHUPCH ACADEMY laths 0e course req ..all nle•elvg -.ming to ie "amts.. Ip It.. tom the dear -Iv the futon J, W. ElCaso., TyaRllrer. minim l,lumim f- end In nPlrIl.-1 al•_ __ _'Nor ,e slrevw ^Tale Yee ._ _-.. ....... St. C. Ij.me?, Sdtwayor. . O...L rl.nrrh. N. C.- Morigan & Cut!nrell TIN, COPPER and GALVANIZED WORK Tin, Slate and Gravel Roofing We elso sell Peck -Hammond Hot Air Furnaces. Repair Work of All Rinds. Orlon Solicled and Promptly Attended To, 110 W. 5th St. Winston-Salem, N. C. The North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College COURSES Literary, Climmercial, Classical, Scieetifiet Music, Domestic Science, Pedagogical, Manual Training [m taw ee.mr Iterate r fel _. E tedh m r11W Three Oo•1aa g •green pa .eptly, wail-egvtpd Tnhivg8ohopl [or Tewhm.BOW,Laaeiq, .pale. Ind fad for M r tut boob. em., 1140 a Tmr. Par free ttr eNdaw, • .b=* oval derby wpm dePMmbr fd, 3pOd. To a -uta lea n h Wadot Wender, ed free cattle eppIt,11mom eheald be made before Jpl 15. Coneepev- davml" aW from thud souring rbmwwvt washed cud eemyglepban. For .Mlw and mbm inhrmmirm, ad - CHARLES D. MrIVER, President ' OREEP8H080, N. 0. awwYely N•�WOROR'�wvflY�Nr1OGVOle g $65.00 s Delivered in Ylour Home Complete with Stool and Book of In - This Orals. is the very 4 imeet demgn and mmtracliov, tad js is very int otiaii, made, richly based ."teed carries• and it com- plete in every d,hil, I[ Dae a full it d use of geralre blrek wetnnt or oak, fini-Led In ebe Tatem "Dade, whb deep "atopy top, m, shelf. handles mees packs, brica.... shelf. ll. bed, wlegiog faAboerd, removable hal- lows, and is absolutely mopes proof. It contafre two full me, Cf (lad) reeds, with bees mud treble cuuplerd and vox Dumane. at 0 $66.00 Buys it Complete with stool and Book of Instructions. A Now do we 7 We bur them iu ur load Iota, l'.Ap T CASH, and *yyppolprodl-a[ishu os: Our proposittonT thiel We will shi .ipa o e to your nearest station, you can take it out and try it, and if yor find a to be .aepremnted and per• , tectly eatisfe t y very p send a- rhe money, iE nmt. read it back A Teo Ye r (. tee wflb every OrraR. We have Org... (tot .moa prat) aa,:luw as $44-`w ay R. J. BOWEN Ibr i eef WINSTON SR IM N 35 Mala Str I , Id 3 I I WINSTON MILL SUPPLY CO. I Carry in Stock all kinds ,Mill and Factorl(Supplies and are agents for Saw Mills, Boilers, Engines. Lath No- ckinesand Wood Workmil Machinery Beat prices and careful attention Given to :Mail Orders Winston-Salem, N. C. Dr. eopple's Private Sanitarium _rdi.Ily invited the public to visit that Institution, where we will "m -h-9 gleet pleasure in owfng and telling you bow toget'cumd- of Rheumati+m, how the X -R -Y, Fiaee t tight. mind Ml-- Viole I Light rates IM kinds of Skin Dideesee, each m "ii, Lupus, tt irn: u,Gaeteislban lea�eiieci ..I: {saw, nw.,,a I[ In ,e ante rMvwlulea JMne time have base len epMltM a.qqe the :!ante• a m anrr a tete tete.,, Why"temptt" \Vey do you Ise u tete, low )'our mmPer'eho suet Yno beating .yam. New mr.l Itb ) H, r deep nmpy top, Inrge mirtar, masin �01kel, not the lean- ±- hactivate. but or the truth formalov In hem rem Ina ones• rows a Me Ly que•lloY Uut LL bu4 to pleu•d rite e nu of c vino Jn iorief, gymvneiom, Y. llurd.-H. W. W >P"nloe. P°c briaetrcac shelf, bavdlea, • tRtat b wu[ht, Ons octad W. FIm11Y. If It t r flute, lien the shale iuiog h es[ Mked, ^t for Int°rmWon, Ys lot° trouble} 'Brion Mt a C. A. bnlldlvR. - caging falbowd; removable rel- �e{I here tole m Ing, end �jkkll •cow heal then�rfati.s u • O•Ud, and a eeuLanu frena. Who De°v):' LltenllY, a aevulYa . CU•1'I,tl'IO BygL NEB. aaa eT...nra t/ IN FACULTYlows, and is.1nuntely moose proof. It contain• two foil secs S humane. Ee Ooepeln p . w dvarely Istel y l be ate not dalton, Lnt IeeL Ove .lolly bellere "pal ChrleH•vltyaallh IIs DrMMu o! torniltY nA only gmrlog Id. "Th•Y 4rovsp[ IL" By them to brag HIm lto h Av gslun Ill. w tit Im I. blud4 A la.h ov ant veva! She Fal term begun Sw,. 10. IM. Addrw cf (ria) reeds, witb base god treble omplea sad fox t IloTntloo'. In Bl. J.M1o'a -net Tpomu' to bailee lbs, 11>tp[ rah Uwe • lreud end that then• au •Dern to Ity N^ mm Un ilei! Ha cam oh them to ay.wa, tmllly. o queellov: rar lee Jawlu I..d. &van ,gab •.Alv hew able d tin Mlle Q X65.00 Bins it Complete With of retool to Lord bad rlMn, ndla oath bailer• IL Tlsere le,only nae wvelu.lon: Tee nLbh ma{h/ Inst, "wherewenr the o[ •vyle enrren[, here lime v a P. VHNApIa, pgAal pnT lire• • ver FR m4 u be reDLLeed np tre.D no= oo and Book of Instructions. Sis .•u •toot line cber•eter of Thamu eed the ehanvter at Jesse. Now au lion f ]Moe Christ from mane/ me InDabll•eLL eknowled[e that when a gut loin •o t la the e CHAPEL HILL, N. C. b Stool ch•rnrt !tette la Thoma' salon sed now D terlat. LL be rebuke [ the deed 1• the but Proved tut Iv tins eaten. Thera le IY ve IV rm thele lard." "acnes-im- e,; • Tp Ima[e ache pronabV the vomer le Dolntea. e°. °y 'm hill ravllloR from cutting tL 'Iuhee will • Row, do we 7 We buy them in car load lots, for BPOT • -" .ieua! i\'nnn tna otter siert IM ixll p Thomas that llse9 hare awn the Lora. elm.{ "rgnment •R.Inet Ir, ane that Iltenau I• that o ^ alae wa .lead f lna Roman emperor. TI - perlue Gear, "8npelacrlpllop." Da remea,e0 LY time. dlnr a Iv holber tun CASH, and sun met seti.50. a.. Our pmposltim Ibis; ; We n to Ilea!<a ,talion. yon e.n tike it g ha ret•.M m be11MR ave here. •[ from lLn dud. The anew.rrto heat wait b that tna. ore of IMm nlgoe. ype name •va motto m line cola. Thna Opinions caltiv{ PromotM Crow Tlse: It TRfNITY PANK SCHOOL will Thi yanr out evd Iry It, ¢pd if�you find ;, to be es represented evd per - I a l taw• It nail / an lien mmh f ,be aMLL In IHa lenge." A wok Rio mlulon and mama end sradee They old tvawladan{ tinct IseY were sunmlt- rant tad ..a -1. A 6.1 1.. prepanlory what. eClly .nliAfecmry in every respect, Bend u- the mauey, it no[ mel U) LL er/ �••� .ad lAe dleclylM Ivcludmg •re 11 re, In- oM It woo only to to lmH id Caear • aellsorlly -a•LL C•rtr8cetn or gr•dvn,i , ec PtM a I[ hock. A Ten Ven, V a ai h ev y RTnmu, am xtnered to �alher, and .out. that the leen^ , 1pM i'* ly ••pe°aer" The ward ruder true o 600them �.11.R<r. Y 30 a 1144-ow,a ll °a,inniy nano [.Iv xe w^°la be unlvu< H �e Imp°•• Joint the oouov °I m•r•1 wnn to- ��.�re..,,�� ITyhe.......�r�� N ha.Y Org•Qs (ant' movK view) hue Th"T" yut tofu hIA Nereid for .tiro or lora Ina. bo w it C•Mnr t mush lo- OHUBCFiL^S w{A7•a sagmrar>tJ Bd�t01 t(` lbaat Il into HLL side. nd Thoma hu n:a •vY e.nnrlevu of eAdeaM. and Ooe "Tu ilr-r. • than. len nq Hy Lou .ad my Ooa ho whet• to toner lne trytn, to at he e, [be back to Caner They -t. yxMk- {1. Hlj And toe° is Introduce• tta leaden down 4erora the r.er Oap<b d 1. It 1•wf.l to elan• He retitle, nee eaAllen P I F Ity 0?opM d[ama •odd then R 1 •+e�' c� �� 11 ebuke. 'Thoma. no ou.ht to here tib flee ay. mint D) point. eaemlve back Blvca nay Dl d ie the C m [ mrts I I J UU U 1 u MIS `'�'}'gy pellevad Thom bat .MauM I.,. the.......te rod tnorov[h1e ,it the wing• of DeMar the b.n�gla of hU Rev. F. k1. L coo Al'.. ihovuad than but Leilerad; a•Idevcn, to I. were booed m [Ile Services and. elle itll 5u udaya Tell MWell egniDed Rymm; blMeed ars,n lienee an. nelleva o° tit. elvalon lieu in JMm Chrht het -1- pelkr a Jet, e° In tribal•. m glom. HI n amdard•md mwlme 0 gdnot vldanoe «I[hont ALhL" Ie ly area from tI dMd, r.eoo.aee I Imo ..Isrtnl,ee rent• the Dennnt each s meb, at • 1 a. ha ,and g..p. g qac 335 Maio Sfr¢ef W I NSTON-S�IEM NIC, � m•Ja an' b Il •oat 7I It i. lv tine mor On In. \VEAL t Il} w ee„ de of in•frvatlov. Fre t t h I E.entmn A. H CkA.t r.1 neem len a a nrmn a Y M 1 .hese- in. Suvdav Sebwl y tMhbla . Latero h Imene Iw,c,e de np then the mac who drew LA•t e . ey.vol of hew ane ob Ol,aey. e0•e�Vl< ' gl v.. m . E L G>hh SUparb"• Ba�•eo )u ng y er411 I { Lore oI Teomy wl{houl •word oI e.erl•H•vity fe rod In^Her" ea \.1 or caw' net ppevomavel noccee•. l p( aha t a I In bve rel 4omAixgm �r. a+u 1•. J► teedeob Prsyermeet-g T tmity. dodvg�d's.�'go'ds.ouo.wocv«o.oacawt�• pro f els d v,ninlne theme you Fm' nhlona Old other - - I.niAoo t. Yil to it Ttq heap m. Everybody cordially in. ularm•tiov, addrMa d 11h b yy[ht to Ile•a� m tp•tr time. l,.M �.. ltw to the L•lsnF•a[dte ° 1°M lou ) I dnoi je AN �.. ron� v.b 1 F«nf Ise Ilf. m unne..1: ; wl d >lled � B.Y o�oT� Hadmu.r WINSTON MILL SUPPLY CO. n iMo A h 'pkat I heal . rtehV• , e I. N C al itis .dot-th•Lord plied' "Then I At. HH -al MBTHODiST. "They sued I. Their gtluliIF w m I. ins to lbeei Tollas to , u rued oI acorn .,a rules.. They Rev. J. P. Rodgers, Instar, . Me." Te, "blather? bed ?111 1 t o. EPWOOTN LEAGUE 1[55015 Lounges w .... nem MMM• t-ce- servieea every 9abbnth roe 11 g. the •hen, ad June bee fou Pater I.. that the d. -l. of the raurrM• tI Petr: "a !.mine n IdaoA. And ,len as. .hard. 1Y. 'Maw• .. and 8;q P. m. Shbbalh School TRINITY G011E6E han ,m,:, a.aA it. Whore •nal Ma. tete • in nem z6.s, e. •'snmm p;dn a. m, ). b•. Hknea Snperin- Cam ire Stock all kinds ;Mill and allow Me." AnA Paler, lo[ {UNDAY, 66, a DIR Is, uta a• wife," ear The children a . . John `roiiow- a to --ad wnh Iv Inn nn- lmdm6 Payermttling weao<.• yon, Dap.rtmpa.-caneaLLm, FuctorJ Supplies and aro a.¢ents /Or W rd, yon oars uta em - on, Oea le the ZM1 ,1p et Old'. Tansy of the -,And b -in,. day ...niag .t 8:15. Everybody Dna°•., E.9munmli and Lew. tat �rr,dye te to b... what Wend -HM. I 1 wan. "maven hntill.." Teale w MO lM• dot" Noa, Feme'bat, o dmmt nn 1m.Hlnny row Tee invited [o attend_ I-. libnn fwwHM. W<p Saw,Mill$Boilers, �r nginBs.L¢tk vuW' All fkailh tb Me or JMu., u rna blenln[ of rintcomuen. res g•dducrea ueu.e t., mer erre.- - -- poipad hborerorin t° all dep•ro- { Faw:d.d In the four Oom.N. Jum, IIB. 1-1B. tun Nc1adM tin revival of foie feta- Bel' - mmUo[wimp. D inti lar. Ckin e3 and Wood WWOT%LLnQ .MaclLiner]f area evuuo.• " The ..al LLw. Mark 10. SMB. Ilam vow eiletln{ a3 "1. the a.- a mve np"rululve curlMltY. Peter wanLL a 'Tea aMML Into u. Jn Lute, rr um." Wmah or IM1e wean eve- Rev. C. S. Chabwell, P -tor- rjabM with bei ppliam. Ei- Best prices died careful attention imw a -hear eo • buaseu, ve I l bene• cease ban ma r.M ache° 9ervlcea every tot Rad third pep.M .en maa.,a. ala to Given to :Mail Orders June uye. What 11 that to that Tha {erltleva of lies CAurcb. James da. "Do yea - em' To aF m worthy etndeote. Yon .w that you obey." is that mad• se. to . ° r Load's day at 11 o'clock e. ., g p. uV, nF Il h re.11lyt Ie It a ]let Aa- _ t; 8. l: a. IS; 1 Tlm. A. 11. 16. a nose! TLn do not mora YovoH men whb,vg to etad)Lw other Illuetrauon: Iv lie• um• snap Wletlom that la Mlv.tloe. H Tim. ly mate n mlauke, fur tpey wader m. 5nadaV SCI'Igl avetY Sunday ,hall i°vmligate the .vMrIM r jean, het. Peter, LavMt learn a, 15: Pro•, L. 1. In uner.a°ce of the gerin oras. •'Ye t Frank Foster Super- y pit. Winston-Salem, N. C. Me^." these •l1mn, evd Peter u BPirliu,l qulekwme. Ileb. e. It knew not." Yen err bee...e you do ° 9%5o a. m., •drwleeea oQerer b the de a0 b• wase He Mk.a nim teal T A Bible Sildy fe•turw or me t... 111 the BcrluturM, wpleh Intendent. Prayer meeting Thum- , or Lew iv Trial, college, noeNiop etrM umM. Nouse lee•• L..na wwk I• mavF lna OupeM•lon Mlrm ml. aoctrma;- o IBI the day evening •t 8 p. m Every- mp°For geeing "°a [°rtheF - - a'.rda: Pater a- erteved ae-tl.e of be Flrat. or tturutul, Depart- power or Ood. shish b ant" to eQe<b led to .tread. Ha old min elm Ice ulyd oma, mem; .va the "nt Ve.-PnWaem, the rMonecuov, evd after ". .a,- body serdiply hnyi- uform•uen, ONTew 'Lome mon Met'• wb a. tFue, them ein.d unmet a aroas re mW . free. •new !der at D. W. NEWBUM, Reghlmr Dr. t'opple's Private Sanitarium nl•r... Jane dare DI.m- Oil. Blxdy l'omm,ou and .aedn, this to the naw Wo11d. "Power oI t:�UNT1' GPPICHR9 ntnN"C. lay. But In. turd'. th...bt want oranlw the rlaM for be pnwcu- 0^d." The Bibi" reeh the dMtriva bark Io the wort of Aa.- •ad Cal°- tion of the work A .... us be form- f the rM•nwtlov m the Maraca of 1• b... Shlk ShenB. m,dfall invitee the public to visit that institution, where We will pines. where ltfM IImM Paler Wad ed end welshed In any chapter enY stelae pow.,, (Acta 28:8; AOm. 1:4: B. 0. Needs, C. S. Court, y 1 dented Him. A. If us verntl•e had wtere. Ayrp t6onsn Ina au ger 1 car. B:Ie I. a:. '•wlsea mq Registered Deeds tike rcet leamren showing and telling you bow to get cured been e• a 'bi. word n.•6 b= the rano. be nen • b,, the shall ,lee-" That tete •Iter they nava 1' P• Met!°• ' w imt. g p how the X -Ray, Fia:n Light and Hfnaem Viole Mplqued. Hera yon r noticed Lleunlne !.•mune to the number, la Fla.° ham the dead -lo lee Nlure J. W. IjUn oa, _fORK k Church, ACADEMY Li ht contiam. e b, mor Oou•l. incl upon the mal nhmm.uon -a a nyawa +hu. "Non a naso.• u hi• hse M. O. Ijame., 5ut►ryor. ht cucea -nil kinds of Skin Diseases, such ea FA'ams, Lup-, feet ma ou Lora aehe"Th unto slink...... _111 be re.'; d (erenc. lEe Ja., c aom by ....i yrns Fork Church, N. C. Lig . brMRlne of ease, Tba�1• lnreu[e me frac Its man, «III be weigh the timate memhu" f me CP EntALllaied For Both Face Blemish.& BiMhmake, etc. 8dq'Maeg, ,;Waite, and Sup- ,eIsing ado LhrM Ureas ev n r len. benenled. (stilly aceta elven 1° morin[• b) the Beira - n.�, hYt M llsl.k at hey ma• rnThe el...mn far abut -e are 1.- 1a1�e "acre u "°eel.." TM1LL ap- W. A. Bailey, Chairmn. lets ergo.. Hair ea removed without leaving the slightest scar. He. Ili lid pet It ev - Atrikes .t . olteF .,For of th. IF rates thuka+. aee.e m m. nolle nna • P°Tia W.F. Fvrches. The FTI Fee°tnn of thin fieLool (pile5) V.,iwu VeiuI rr mminR-,m m ,m, Daly neudlu... Haea•M.r-. emi•1 or ma eah.en I. now ° Thea .aom mprthode, a dF bol wean lana, iv rhe m °ant.. 1. kf. C.iV• I1e"' Stt(etam, q ,heAs•tt •d Ilttad nP HLL Pint i. Ice Iwo. or it a""" 7A. "Boot of Mo.ee." The Bole•--�"�-+'- for more evl* end Dlrin who Varicocele, HYdrotxk, l,y,% Lg011tll �8m ,�tt ban,. endopesad Hie IID.. there w- The One Hundred and Nlvalwvth ee. has ims.i.4 to HMM • CITY GPPiC.•a wlnh I. prepare rar Ntma ..it "11 Chronic te te e , t ,res drawing mlo fns Drawall Pnhn le :r him. Iv Draw M the 1purlly evd ° w JMO. lose' o toe work; Bmint-, Tenehu"Col- Chronic Ultt,s, ,.icna Ina no ova •e Ise tibia en, word .1 cos. w.. n1d• a life: ea me eo rc m prose xl• pomet. ••m A. ht. McGI•mery, Manor.. ., N. Fite I,ok'n P. When, atter me . Ik <hwnmg On—; M wore eat M•d". ice bosh."a Bee Eiod. i:6, 16. "I W. C. P. Elcbison, Ch'f Poirtt. len' Mein., Em. Nmtd want- CondiNops Cored without Pain. w1I1Bt08-C Rmmeue. JMu. n urve0 Inavta tl- nacDm,sA, . aths {node near) of m e.. Noun mat the prewv[ ed who do not meal u work Nice large Raoma tot Pat cols rnuuHh they hsA m ranme it I. n. "1 •hal not b" aenamea" uYe row U need. He cannot be the Ood CoNMlssinNei. �'ermn tmMnnLie. For Pnala care: r. mtwun.l..em. net Isar the arts, "when I Face few- °roto r v..- lies, em-.thleneM. if ulare ° 1 n d Uhl° them a ire all her commudmeuta." - He 1• their 0od they are HI. DMDIe, P, A1. Johnson Sec. d: Trees. 1, y ulketl, iva dlmldpe tv.w Hlm. In Tee Bin. In., a M1umonllyWe II sod, oI courw. mut be In eaTeece. J. g Johentope, W.F. YEBRILL, Prl.cipa. �amd[gLtl[g tEErrOOaEOONRNa • heir yea er opued, a tendeud f morel•, A e or . d oat tot ubara.. B. Ise R. F. D. a. Mackavll., N. O. ! _ weer :w: 'u. he I°.nrn: i amid•, to {oH0 . m Our reutlem hole B.aa.neen doetrme blot. G. R. Horn. ACADEMY Loan aW MR Maqned lWnlh tMl with aaa akiVlth mbar mm. tun. sawn. site •Not ries Dna oI lie. V. li Swain, F-ARM1 NGTON- w•T." H tem • dcllont it ave m- referred . thb cue, a d mato • den." onr Lord here u•a• the word E. E moot. DI. Robert Anderson FARMtNGTON. N. O ...a the Mon of tie^ tell OoepeLL, _,Son of IL to o pagan[ fK dead Ip the eev of men e.een• :avid ha put In alt of Ihw dtr Traa.,y, We • "teed from the tvM IJn also. He 1• rn•enm[, On _ - DENIST COURSE OF STUDY feu. without nplacAtlovt It h Iv- hw;' In eo a wage, but w� dMa Il' alnlrY+atlnel, i.pp oar mavin !!edible; -d that (our nc�uld Ad w yK. The law wan preehetad to rote lir. J. W. Rodavell, >°"dI'�Par'°'"' """°°°"cam span°' 1 m I. •pwlutely uvbelle,eLle. How main forever • rule of Ilfe, a th- Ivtermedhte, p.6o per mmtb. High Bchal, ti.se M onm .n, nT e. -aa rep. i• wee oo d•rd . adnet a m. relevopebl❑. < Physician & Surgeon u ed, d mer rola M1•t may Mw m en a ant acne nv MMD the LLw 7Q BTAY-ATHOUES- oRerehia pmfee.i...I °ervic°° Goodevident. pmDa b far ,. In ane fge At 0 hmlaar ufe. �wluout lMllalne'ha sleuln teas° of evtlrelY t)nlMe I< ha fully. obeerve'I w h [e o[ ar .vtl w ve le van o the pevpio .oI block rville cool LMrd o•v b bed ,n the vlll•n M 4b °eWe par dp. acne_ they Out down, atilt .her It tends evt of eondem, ° Bp oL tare ellueintlon'. Il.mav sere lYrevMod ° p1°" lulnh Lut all ^( u• my eta Gll ov a.ddrrr PAUL H. NANGg- tte nlory of the AMurrwliov. any .num. We moat have. the nape) mew I.,,B1°rie... i:usurleee they and the sOrmupding country. Office Over Bank 01- DOVle, PRINCIPAL ehril. he nit a lee fol tial the The law .Ice taken d amvaarJ n Idea Office at residence. u„I: naekln . ford u cher of bollmin, all flet holm°.• 1° be, thoulb there has erol'an vIRi thoen MOCXSVILLE, N. C. MOCKSVILLE, N. C. Lywlte•Ift' Wno nA load burn". elminmoUt e. eat tb Jb<r t by el borne eon wnn 6 u «tete In • Vlace RtY IUe.I ear b v.h m• ansa Of OTA. welch y r bow 1 n . renMl.ne _ 1 do v know hMbel Jobn Lau the evbl°mut. Beat by nal 1 ,wM1 .Mer __BANK O F DAV I E Yoew the •,vicuna of N or Bol, but las a new -taro, sad then by to el that f lamer. THE the « h " 1[h1ee•aC. 1. H that . Indweling of name! area ted of envltl-9 IP and lea•hH neuro wotlld aalMn. It •nowad tta The Bible pinnies. Alrectione for mel! bojuM for wanks a •time, evd Blacksmith e y u J Mnaaau, t.lemphsptowr dean the [m ervmmt o[ Ilse riti'r . No eat then uvea m nmfort wa mad aunt and �'jtattg �epoeitary A the [rue, In the euprame mound system of chnrrh pouts w.• At- by n • rlmlola a6e eewnd, that wnatb- PaNRI In eemhel 8v0.000 t "• world" bbloq, coca ache n° Choat r me kn-lee. TT•t TIM ,r we Mt ihrousp Ise eumtlor cod- and generai surplui a Profit ; .•000 burn,n. nate. n e,leam, but inti far Aeieremuuoe by eui i- jnt.my'or ant depend. much more ,hat. wIIs Ise e m aesUo pee . m laoma•ncea; " . thw on our eurromdhn. We nater In wdouw. oI lLl. bank ever] ncmmmiotiv' r the 1n in tlweua, toe tete a ,1NIv .vanollY. yea. m DunclpleA for tea nuacu av ac�6° will let tea° Wood -worker I un wY,,,t eeonv{ w'•talp m, IlmkPl'�;l;i;,^vr°,gr'r'��re.aw.ae inn hems m.ingc ram ua marked of mhe me women Iv the cmmb lue A n frelrai w Veuii, ,dth .ahraM t/F� t 1+e ❑vol " Hol, Iv me •form .n tM Be. of Oa4 w USTiy nutllve11 A. of rte hot -oar her nal �uue Ae mane a a Iln<offlre end WstM lr,.nin n. I eAL paid on n w.anre a 1l ebo 1 tenllon oven paeilVllo ., g"I,r u."".,A ecmml rvh. It- Ne dace from it. nal. Ha Bowl. Of.thue prhrl".. ae kava In the mouvmive or or Ai 1l. Yonas In leu av pprevM "aorta' We aM. hear me ea.aterem.t fro. no, pe.ams.. h•a nay. .h game. A wrhee n•eu I use t process for shrinking 'pires, the I.non Yo.ar Otdal.. Mnnteee ev " Burl_ ole It saw ma room. eat mea and Uetermlaatlon to mag C•ybls AL lY ,Rpt I. m Dnicea Bl•Id Hb era . d pLAgBIFIRIt the bens a taps. alp ,era ^°° IICknoW iK'a way. J-JOrseSkOCing a 5p'daliy. 1igp.y gpa eb.if. y -Inv Y"I ONcr. til MDI hetes/ Nothi about Joy work, except the. price W, , R.'"I, as T' dlrhN 1• rlddln-What a the Mderepc• Lo- triymphuUl InNU.h We Lat J•Te aA •unpae t anti tang heck evd a etyma•' onr .err m{nn, • m if tna l8 -rt In paymeut, All work (itttrasteW I T B BAugrl Nut, Doha. visko ilou m7 k°r, Y tits t cog krLW Loaned 6AU R tog wind m[kq, thou nroudd bill vL8! t gq N[ke IrpM iN11 .. { sig-gdrper'e edlot -Rt - t f BIG WINSTON -SALEM FAIR' Octia)bcr Znd, -3rd, 4th, 10064 Biggest and Best Fair ever held in Winston-Salem. Two Bands Music. Horse Show. Home coming Week. David Castello Circus We have secured this Circus at consid- erable expense which will give a, Free daily performance in a, ring in full view. ybis alone is worth the price of admission THE FAIR WILL BE OPENED BY Governor R. B. Glenn. Senator Ben Tillman of South Carolina, and other di,.stingushcd men have been invited .to be present. Balloon Ascension We have also contracted for a grand Baloon Ascension for each day at four o'cicck. Our Free attractions this year will be the best ever seen in the County. -THICSE P.RE THE LEADING FEATURES BUT THERE WILL BE OTHERS $HE MIDWAY WILL BE GREAT DON'T LOSE THIS OPPORTUNITY N'c have already booked. A Mcrrt-Go-Round, Ferris Wheel, Razzle' To all, We say come, prepare yourself to improve in the labor you Dazzle, r1 11.g .Minstrel- Show, Electric 'Theatre, Shooting' Gallery, propose for the coming year by Spending i, fete days. mingling with Snake Show, A` Kansas Farm in -all its Glory, Moving Fieture Shows, your fellowmen at the Fair We will furnish you with lenty comfort- ` Trtin<riAniumil Show, and numerous games and many other things able seats, where you cau rest and be free from the iar(s of a busy that will amuse and interest the youn,; and,the old. IT% Invite your friends to meet. you at the Farr. SPECIAL EXGURSI®N RATES SPECIAL REDUCED RATES on all Railroads and all Lines 'of' Travel, consequently visitors from abroad are enabled to attend our Fair at, it comparatively small ..outlay. All that tends to the interest. "Intl be'lielit i,f our patrons has been carefully looked after. Remember ttte-Dates. For Further Information, Writ¢ 4- E. WE133, Winston-Salem, N. e. Maine Will Stand True to 'speaking of theMaine law and are upheld and that on this stead of being Conservative, Who Kntedamdt? "-�-- - - Prohibition. resubmission: "The liquor busi- great home question Maine is is more radical than he was in - _ -- - -" On August 21st, 1905, Her , — —� Portland, Me., August 25. In nese is under the ban of the gloriously true to her motto, "1 1896The old line cunserva- man Arndt, a farmer of Stock- - //••.� •► I JUST a spirited addresslfefom ahtrge statute and the liquor dealer is lead." "Lead. she does. and live Demonsts of the South do ridge, Was., on a - - union service of • South Port- an outlaw, I hoe the p goal lead the wi) I continue to do." not believe in government own- errand, spent the day drinking t the drinking I f Ba11C+ E Sieve $Srl- � �� ' land churches. Sunday, Mrs people of Maine will never con- — ership of railroads and they will in a licensed saloon. Attempt A VERY SICK Boy. &&�� a lSt Ot UBP1I3f06DS (if (1fi[e[ Lillian M. N. Stevens, Natia:al .tent to make the nefarious bus- WAS never support such a policy ori — " ling to drive swag fell from President of the W. C. T. U., mess lawful as, they certainly - a candidate on such a .line I ant 6hadCS and styles - that has But Cond Chamtierl•in'a platform j hie wagon, the wheel by crushing . quoted aremarkable letterfrom can never make it respectable. Cull., Caolyra_•na pier. - Mr. Bryan practically aliennat. his skull so that the brains oo- led I a ever beer, offered Ill I lie, town,. A Ex -Governor Goodell of New'. It is sometimes claimed that rnoea Remedy. all the support he had in the opening. The wed from theinformed tine Of .-and Boy's IInIS iMen'sHampshire written August 3,the prohibitory law breeds 'When boy wan South by his speech last night wife when informed went stark and and Iia 9. Call and examine Our p 1908, a which the latter said: i hypocrisy. This o charge applies old he had a very nevem attack II It will ae nearly two years be- � Six innocent children a re attack 'The license law in this state with equal force to outer lava of bowel complaint, but b the fore the next Democratic na- fatherless with an in- p y stock before you purchase else - ::,left is not working as its`frlends enacted for the mstraining of ose of .Chamberlain's Cmic, tional convention is bald and ii sane mothea where, for {VC will CCTtflinlj' S;LVC claim. On April 1st, 1902, the evil or the prohibition of crime t -bolero and Diarrheoa Remedy is now pmt certain that new last under State prohibl- itSrs. Stevens she would auk -Who murdered --Herman Arn- I yV,OU tnonC�'. A nice line -of Broad year we '•roufht him out all right;' eandidatee fo{the nomination dt? tion, them were at the Hills- all license advocates these im-',. I Maggie Hick, x, of D1id- fol President win come to the The institution for fiis ansae- i, f sloth -Bain-Proof Goods and in _ i � I.,ays - born county fhrm, 19 prisoners; portant question, "If it is right land Mich. This remedy canfront in that time. The South ation was erected by the polio.. fact evel'y't}ling that is kept Ill a for drunkeness On April 1st, to sett liquor, why are lnwe en- to depended -upon in the most i .vill not aup'port Mr. Bryan on ' eel parties of Winconsin, who f mt-class store. Always in Cont 1008, under the preeePt license acted to restrict the traffic in . =vere taus. Even cholera in- his policy of government owner had the mandate of the people I Illg f0 town inyuir� for Bailey & system, there were lob. The licensing the saloon". famum is cured b it. Foll,m• hi of rnilroads." to do IL' every y I,_'O Demo- The hands license low in New Hampshire Where. mould you loeate it, the direct -;..n. ani. •'Old tine in Ili' - r j' I 11 Martin for we certain, wills rC plain printed conservative h e- a..".:.,t, "rto"t. ce.l„"n heart.,"eJt to veer n,vn home" .vnur ..__ __,. ,-.. - . ,. , �. _ _,___ r,._ sin voter who a pal in e• ._ __ _._ __ _ t l - tante your trade.. an8-. (lo all we Da%Zle, A Illi .minstrel 611mv, Electric Theatre, Shooting Gallery, 1 ' propose for the coming�year by spending; a few days mingling with Blake Show, A• Kansas Farm in-all its Gfory, Moving FietureShows, your fellowmen at the Fair- ire will furnish you with plenty comfort- `I'raint-TAnintal y1ow, and numerous games and many other things able seats, where you can rest and be free from the carts of a busy that will nnntse and interest tho younn and, the old. lif,. Invite your friendti to meet. you it the Fate SPECIAL EX Q RSI®N RATES SPECIAL REDUCED RATES on all Railroads and all Lines of 'I'm d, consequently visitors from abroad are enabled to attend our Fair at- a comparatively umal! outlay. All that foods to the interest and bcurlit of our patrons has been eareftilly looked after. Remember the -Dates, { For Further Information, Write ' E. WE133, Winston -Salem, N. C. ! V alnP Will Stand Trueto speaking of the Maine haw and are upheld and that on this steed f being conservative, woo Ktlledlbndt? than he was in --- I Promeitron• resphmissron: 'The liquor busi- great home vest Ion Maine is is more radicalOn August 21st, 1905, Her- q - r" Portland, Me., August 25. 1n nese is under the bsn of the gloriously true to her motto, "1 189G The old Rne cuwas in man Arndt, a fanner of Stock j __ -. T JUST 'RECEIVED a spirited addreas before a large statute and the liquor dealer is lead," Lead shed eats or the South do does, and live Demo • ridge, Was., while on a business union service of South Porti a¢ outlaw. I ho the i r land churches. Sunday, Mrs people of Maine hope P P never- lead she will continue to do.' not believe in government own- end, spent the day drinking! I at Iiat Hthl'8.:it1- -- ership of railroads and they will i in a licensed saloon. Attempt- Lillian M. N. Stevens, National sent to make the nefarious bus- WAS A VERY SICK BOY. never support such a policy or P - -- - to drive he fell from Cest*.l i de of Nits1 06ons Of d*r President of the W. C. T. U., mess lawTul as. they certainly 'ing away, Sue aurae by Chamlesrlain's Is, candidate on such a platform. hie the I ant fi17adCS and Styles that baH quoted a remarkable letterfromlcan never make it respect&ble. i wagon, wheel crushing Cone, Cheters.and One Mr. Bryan practically aliennst- his skull so that the brains oo- ever been offered in Ihn town,. A Ex-Governor of New It is sometimes that .Goodell claimed rhoee Remedy. ed all the support he ha° in the Hampshire written August 3, the prohibitory law breeds i pp0 zed from the opening. The "When my boy was twoyeata South by his speech last night informed stark nice fine of Mens and Boy's Hats wife when went 1!tp8, in which the latter said: hypocrisy. This charge applies .Id he had a very severe attack It will be nearly two years, be- mad. Six innocent children 1 and (;ops. Call ant, examine our - 'The license law in this state with equal fares to other laws f Dowel complaint, but by the fore the next Demceratic ns,- are left fatherless, with an in- y `friends before purchase els is not working as ]ts enacted for the restraining of � I use of Chamberlain's Cmiq lienal convention ie heW and it motheo �%vc when ` where, for WC will Certainly Sl. wil ce - s� claim. On April tat, 1902, the evil or the prohibition of lcrime Cholera and Diarrheoa Remedy rs now pretty certain that new I last under State prohibi- Mrs Stevens she would ask Who murdered Herman Aro- ,gyon C1'. 'o lids Uf year the nomination dt? •caughthimoutall right;"^_an President t10n, there were at the flails-I sill licenv3 advocates these 'm-;nays Maggie Aiek.,x, of Mid- I int Pe•osident tvsll come to ilial The institution for his Savin- I tH Haicem-Proof I Qlptll I{ala-ProfJf GOOd6, soil I❑ and in .lwrocouirtyfarm,l9prisonerelporlant.questions. "If itis rightil� Mich. This remedy can, front in. that time. The Southationwaserectedbythapoliti- ,that is kept in a - for drunkenesa On April 1st, to sell liquor, why are laws en- - a ins of Winconsin, who be dependedapo¢ in the most'.vill not support Mr. Bryan on cal Part' fiat-class store. Always in CODt 30(18, under the Pres, license sated co restrict the traffic in , , i vera caves. Even cholrra in- his policy of government ownmr; had the mandate f the people p i Ing f0 tOn'd IngdlrC for Halley tL ,a. system, there were IOIi. The licensin the saloon? y g Ifantum is cured by it• Pallas• :hip of railroads." to de it: sT license law in New Hampshire, When would you locate h' the direct,..rs are. "Old line Drmo- The bands of every Wiscon- 11larfln for {cC CC'Ttaltll{' wlllah rC - f 7 p plain printed conservative • went info effect in June, 1903.1 next to your own home, .yau' ,.urc is certain. For m!e by ends",indeed! The place for in voter who had apart in e- gait Perthi-ipl¢ce Dtirdnese, the men ciate your trade, and d0 al we f During the yegr of of roar school-IC n Sanford. thi kirelof folks in in the RPllceting who erected l.n f0 make It t0 vour advalit;t,ge 'You - b!tion, 1902-1903, _thero wore house, your church? If not, __ -.__ _ _ these laws are red with theii -. mbliean party—a party that to house tayour "Ce__tivd• blood Herman Arndt. t0 t[ade {Vitll llfl. 111 l's f0 8i'r\'P committed the county wi,=_thea next neigh-,-The Hawsers onetices the kind of cminerva- of - of correction in Merrimack lx ral The "commercial" Democra0 t!sm" that puts a good taste ia! voters of Winconsin; dont 1Q9 "If hands in a I B a I E y. & Mart, courtly prisoners _During probibition does not re- rf the South seem to take paid( the mouths of these'old-liners.': ettade youf your pock-� the last year a derlieensethereduce the amount of liquor sold iu referring to themselves as' No need f two parties of they Don't try to an :Libi. prove have teen committed 659 Priv- and consumed why is it the tabs- "conservative" fellows. Bye - samet£ d. A distinction with- Don't try to lie out of it. ---------- ----- oners, an increase of 290 Per, tillers and brewers, the whole- yervative Way mean that Pres- out a difference stulti0ee the Doh't coil. Followingout this cam-' plead that. you were in I sale and retail liquor deweirs ent material and financial con- washer party that attempts to'sere. Agents for ss,":'-: �° Agent W- Pacifica the percentage of Prix- and all of their sympathizers ditions suit them all right If 'imitate the stronger. When That saloon is YOUR, swoon.) onem lass incressodi he Hills- am always and forever wo-king they had control f the national the Democrats advocate "con-' YOU, the 'taxpayers, get ,e�1_ 8uttarick Erectrr-°rrrt. We county 350 per cent; inagainst Prohibition, using their. administration they would feel troll' of the railroads it is steel- more of the net proceeds than Patterns Cook county 116 per cent; in time, effort and money for its happy. But there are more ing Republican thunder and . it does Harrison. - Graftonconnty 618 per cent; in defeat and overthrow? such "conservatives" in the Re- amounts to routing more than He has YOUR written cre-1 - Big DG•pertr'nent Stores Stnffordcount 244 rcent;inl Y P° 7s the saloon that it publican party and this party a feeble endorsement of the dentials to do this. Cheeehire oourity 800 1 er cent al have tea favor of any therefore hoe control. We like farcial attempt of the last last He has YOUR receipt for (Hillsboro is the Idrgeet county respectable Mian or woman? croscrvatism but when abuser- Republican eongress to'contrbl' part of Arnidt's money. I Pall Goods or every discription and the Largest in New Hampshire, Coors Is one Is there a mother anywhere vatism is construed to mean the railroads byits "rate_ bill.", YOU'authorized this crime Lis. ever shown here have arrived at the Big Store of the smaller couhties.) who can bow her head and an endorsement or spolggv for The railroads can easily control by YOUR solemn votes, and and you r incited to :til md'inapcct them. ' Contim6ng her address Mrs. thank God for what the saloon monopoly rule of a cowardly "oldline conservative", Dema YOU have got the money in bias pre -u �. Stevens said: done for her boy? catering to the class of t.� crate iud Republicans, but you YOUR puelit treasury for it. We are agents fa.ar Skinner Satins. Judge Percival Bonney, of The sw000 is a financial ex. suckers who. profit by spteial can wager. your last doll4r that Now, YOU guilty wretches, Portland, for 1pease is we think that kind these "conservativea" who was 27 years to any community; it a privileges, old will take some of the money that judge of Cumberland county l curse to any community. Its of conservatism ie unbecoming never . control the railroads. Harrison filched from Arndt fir - Warners Ru--t YrOt f COr6el S, COI- Superior Court, declared not I.seet is to cause sorrow, degm- to any man who professs to be There's no control of such mo. YOU and pay the expenses of u labia Yarns,. Sorosis Sit.Cs, ItUy long ago: '"Ihe law agninst in-,dation, min, idiocy, poverty mis- a true and loyal citizen of nopolies this side of ownership, keeping Arndt's insane wife In toxicating lienors does not ab-iery aril crime. Tht.J saloon is this republic. A New York and Mr. Bryan kntms it. I£ Mr. an asylum and of educating the Underv''ear, Phillip's Hats, Cask soluiely extireste the sante, but outlawed in Maine 2nd let m correspondent undertakes tp Bryan is too radical for these six WIdren whose father YOU - the fact that it does. not is no work and pray far such an show that the people are dis-."old-linens," the Republicans slaughtered. Hats, Rodger & Ga Ilet Toilet Arti mora mason why the law should umphat�c docislon on Sepbem-gusted with Mr. Bryan's speech party is none too radical for And then— be repeY�aci t an that aha law her 10th that the whole world at New York last we-• ' bete 'them, and it stands ready tore- Go wash your hands—not again4 oun..•r and larceny, may know that it is to stay .tiff is an extract from the report• I eeive ata own. Pile into it, gen• with soap and water, as that which doesir dl(jr _------- -- Imow; that the resubmission ars drspruntied howl: tlemen, Then-wecanhuvetwo cannotwaslrouttheguia-wash alto .cram d bn re e , rh"op is liefutad, that One member of the national big political parties that he, a them at the ballot box at �(p,� O���CS G�1411 P� oleo 31611, 1 i'mhil,Itingand,its enfnreement committee said; "Mr. Bryan, in- real difference.—Our Home, i next election.—New Yo_