1693 Hwy 64W (3)DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT SEPTIC TANK PERiMIT lF'D.: of Bedrooms Date/ - L Y - (, 2 11is permit is granted to sz;:. �, �Lr. �� for the installation of a septic tank-_ x�. the residence of Address Building Contractor �%', �_a,�.e Address P-"; (1, `;. Septic Tank Specifications: Length Width Depth Capacity G�1. Maj:ufacturerIs Name Address � 'c Ido.. of lines width !/< in. Total Length ft. No. of Sq. Ft. Tie of filter material Total tons used /3• .� v ,.4!nimtua Requirements: House Trailer Tank Cap. 800 Sq. ft. line I+00 Two-bedroom house 800 6600 - Three -bedroom Three-bedroom house 900 900 No one shall install a septic tank in Davie County wit2rou permit from the Health Officer or his agent. Date of final approval /- �7 " - �� Signed: Sanitarian 1 hereby certify that the above septic tank has been installed according )o specifications. Signed: Septic Tank Contractor :Note: Make sketbh of disposal system on back of sheet and mail to Health Center, Mocksvilleo r (77