P9169 Southwood AcresDAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT SEPTIC TANK PERMIT No of Bedrooms Date 6,9 This permit is -.granted o for the install do o eptic tank at the residence of Address��w d7 Building Contractor_ Address A-3` cP, /i✓,9rr�i� Septic Tank Specifications: Length_ Width _Depth !. Capacity_ Gal. dao Manufacturer's Name Address ' No of lines ,Z_ width_3ki . Total Length Soo ft. No. of Sq. Ft. �g00 Type of filter material Total tons used, 3. Minimum Requirements: House Tr ler Tank Cap. 800 Sq. ft. line 400 Two-bedroom house a .i 800 ; 600 Three-bedroom house X900 __ 100 No one shall install a septic tank in Davie County without a permit from the Health Officer or his agent. Date of final approval Signed: _ Sanitarian I hereby certify that the above septic tank has been installed according to specifications. Signed Septic Ta Contractor Note: Make sketch of disposal system on back of sheet and mail to Health Center, Mocksville: ;-yOCf'--1i.TTJ C' j.,o GOL gTzLoaaI c2L--PGV ou pzc OL 2P ;4c auq ✓rTT CO Hccl;'r Gs -';C' �^r � 2s�Tc ,La7r, C<.•z7�x.:-c.FOc. F;7)GGTT,TGfa'�SO7ia' I J ;LE:f)�� Ci:LLT?,i_ a'.jJ�- T'j7G GOOA^^:jG .r'vu? Pan D£ :: TIJL rfJ ']'Gq-cGo.CTI;L ro . -go �•.`. T. �.: CL Z7iJ:77 c�1T',«O.a:TI _�..—.� _.�/'0... p <.-. rii^�. �_.. , OLrTOGL u- I;Tc c•.�;.r, j,}O O;J6 aycJT TMJ' i=PjT Cr Z F;f;FTC 4' ice,' Tu r, -M "OJr:J4% J TTj70J1+ S hr;.:f7r j,LOM PPG j.T.; Iiii .000 7)(7) �r:u•.per*.*.ocm go c G00 SCO f:TOTrJ:... �; dZJ:.G.ISM ^: I10r7cc Izs: rGr. ,c;,- :. coo 8d •C Irrs p00 i7.bc oL LTT�eT. Zr,---..— Io O.T. TTz7s:;_—_ti?,".13 T;71 bOr77 P.ut:.pjJ 1F. l,,o. C,L 2j, L;, -ir -- yi:.:77rt, , fJLGL, ❑ ,t �'P7G -_�W." {_ •—....�.�__..____ uggL`g g.�__—� 2Gj;.D?c 1s 7 wbOcTLTCzTIOue: rsvVr ...:. + ..,., �,+.i~— is.T.-- — Fr ?Tq7 U' CO;J F«^G(OL 1-13 LS Tgr•i;GG OT„ _ -. ...._ C,.TgLGPc^ -- - • �. T? i:LTYAi.Cq �o G_TIn �-- T ar.0% O 5Ti TC I:?: il0 OT b^gLOGCJG D� Ff; .� DVAIE. COMLU 2rL1I0 IVIUC b7:UNTI l