Foster, Giles001�� dIL tains or, over to and i �2Wnia, Irer y )I a ��•r tb Meta x`' pats .ice � I Z' 3^�'ew,, t4tei the .r . r CRY ✓s rrr � {7 - i r} as B ", 0 d Lrq ;°aA'1Jt %iJ (y Onv�{' �,.�il•r%�.i e r9G ®e �•Y �•r{ I fis{J��ifao�� tG,�c�y Gd /nCA 9.n / r $br' `north off1iiilting frame Goods to be sold at, Green's old stand at Fork Cluireh, egardless of cost. It-4ic'h bargains in Goods, (riot h i ng, Ladies9 Cloaks, e*,0(1#;, �irl.illlie , yIgar a.nd Gi'()- eS, Isave clever before been offered in ie County. This, elosing out sale will i Thursday, December .111th, and i�lie, One week oiil;v. . look here.. These goods were t, to sell and not to keep. If you elieve it., give us a trial, aiid yon convinced. AXTER SHEMWELL3 Agt- rk Church, Dec. 9, x.8$4. k ✓s rrr � {7 - i r} as B ", 0 d Lrq ;°aA'1Jt %iJ (y Onv�{' �,.�il•r%�.i e r9G ®e �•Y �•r{ I fis{J��ifao�� tG,�c�y Gd /nCA 9.n / r $br' `north off1iiilting frame Goods to be sold at, Green's old stand at Fork Cluireh, egardless of cost. It-4ic'h bargains in Goods, (riot h i ng, Ladies9 Cloaks, e*,0(1#;, �irl.illlie , yIgar a.nd Gi'()- eS, Isave clever before been offered in ie County. This, elosing out sale will i Thursday, December .111th, and i�lie, One week oiil;v. . look here.. These goods were t, to sell and not to keep. If you elieve it., give us a trial, aiid yon convinced. AXTER SHEMWELL3 Agt- rk Church, Dec. 9, x.8$4. . tt Ila, Z Y ���- ,�� y 'Arm- 5�� Aow �, lacrli, a * praife of all -3•,:, t �:.site:il lie ;td's r.�cl, a people near ' The Lord pr 6e ye. / Ano ler of the faint. ^) 'r Lodi of he tv'n confcfs, ?n high his glory nii'r. 1'!cloudy Mels, olis arntie , prai . ` or larify tusn, moon, and fr"1rs; t t 'Phe higher i"pheres, he fky" I of th bj your beings are, ullclicref re famous snake ; I; 'My°Qill created.izrc, L incl lie the word but rpake. beim froru that place, ' tor Whvre f11'd you he 3 ' ii Pear 06; Ilia deem t� oia'tanraot pafs. . to Tl:, } ,fe God from earth below, �5 I1 lragom, and ye sleeps: i .1 hail, clouds, wind, and fnow, rbl,,eaom in command he keeps. Praifc ye his natne, s, Dills great and Nall, Trees tow and tali; fltafls wild and tame; a)hings that creep or fly. ( 0 As tangs, yc vulgar thrxat, .: high 113lrinces mean or ; ul :1 men attd rrirgens }coag, P`s� it _.fir •--ten "Y- �- Ljyx.r67'a and old.. E+art his name ; For much his f.une Should be extoll'd, C) let God's dune be praiS'd Above both earth and llcy . tq for he his faints hath rais'% Aird Let their htartt on high i 1rv'n thofe that be Of Ifr'el's race, Near to his grace. The Lord praife ye. PSALM CXYX. i PRAISE ye the Lord: onto hint ring a 11M, fong, and his praife' In the ai%rnbly of his fainis in i'ii"eet p{,alms do ye raiie. 2 Let Ifr'ti in his 11'kker joy, ' and to him praafes frog: Let all that Sion's children are be joyful in their King. 3 0 let them unto his great name give praifes in the dance; Let them with trmbrel and with harp in fonts his praife advance. 4 For God doth ple aftn'e take ill thofe that his own people be ; And he with his falvation the: meek will beautify, 3 And in his glory excellent let all Ilia faints rejoice : Let them to him upon their'beds aloud lift up their voice. Let t0 their moil the high praife of the Lord, And let them have in their right Ly1 a Sharp tiro -edged fivord ; 7 To execute the vengeance due u eon the Heathen all,, And. make defined puniffi xent upon the people fall. 8 11nd ev'n with chains, as pri¢'ners, t,irc their kings that them command ; Yea, and with iron fetters ftrong, the nobles of their land, 9 Oil them the judgn lent to perfom. found written in h; is rd : i This honour is to all his taunts. y, 0 do ye pmife the Lord.' PSALM Ch,. i PRAISE ye the I.orr . G �ra;ie PRAISE fanpuary raitb ; ctth:,t And to hien in the firmament Of his pow'r hire ye prAife. I Beeaufe of all 1114 mighty :1114, with praife him magnify: 0 praife him, as he doth excel. in glorious rtlajcfty. - 3 Praifc bimwithtrun:net's found: hi praird with pfaltery adranee : ,t With timbrel, harp, ftring'd inftrument:, and organs, in the dance. M S Praife hint on cymbals land; him �niik oil cymbals founding high. b Let each thing breathing praifc tliC LurL. Praifc to the Lord give ye. f THE END OF THE PSALMS. f L J 3 � EDINBURGH: ' PRINTED BY SIR J. H. BLAIR AND J. BRUCE, r Printers to the Kim's rnoft Excclicut Majelty. 31 } I8CQ. IL . , a t == r } And th.tt • „�� ' /' '� a in glory 3[',:.11 titistg 4. � ;, r4'•+'""_ that in the iA-- , i.nit in tli,: earth _ 1 " /, i Y' _ ,T-- %,-- places decll