Tatum, Pink, B, Flossie Martin letters, surname Eaton0
Dear Miss Curry:
I have just received your material and have checked
the Eaton data against my own copy. Have made no attempt to
check the Mary Heitman material, as you had a copy of the paper
to work from.
I am not at all sure about the Coker statements.
I do not have the name of the Coker whom Amelia married and did
not know that she had any children by him, but was under the
impression that there were none.
I thank you very much for the Dutch Meeting House
records. I am coming to think that the Clements and Henckels
may have intermarried, but the records have been torn from the
Clement Bible and the family in Mocksville does not know where
ti_ey are. If they could be located, then my Catharine could be
settled, I am sure. Mary Heitman is under the impression that
these sheets were given to some cousins from the west.
If you exchange materials with fellow workers in that section,
would it be possible to go on the war path for the lost records?
My reason for thinking the above,is the statement
whish I have written you before, that Mrs. Jane Hanes, dau. of
Margaret Henckel, made to Martha Melinda Eaton, dau. of Jacob and
Mary Clement Eaton, as follow, "Mattie Eaton, if you will go look
in Aunt --- garret you will find that the old German Bible will
show how we are kin to each other." The garret to which she
referred was that of Mattis's grandfather Clement.
Very sincerely,
D'ee.r Pattie.
i. -
'' My last communication has come back to N.C. �..ccording to a card
tfrom Pink. As longX as you are in these parts, Itll send on the rest
of this material, As you may want to do a little chess playing with the
facts. These are all the facts I have been able to accumulate.
The traditions do not fit in with the facts, so far as I can see.
The material about Peter Baton or the Peter_. Latons, whicheve_
it is, needs checking again, I copied exactly from the index volumes, y
think, but am doubtful about the deeds to fit ti:ose sales from James
James to Peter Laton and wife. My eyes have been giving so much trouble
that I did not try to read the deeds much.
At present I am haveing the kinA of headaches that nothing
will stop, in fact I wonder if I woild not have been better off at camp
hard at work on zoology.
'.lama is having some sort of trouble with her eyes also, and
the not weather and getting tired seems to make them worsex, otherwise
we are about as .well as usual.
Do ho -,)e that you can get over to see us while you are here.
fhe only other checking that 1 "_:now to do in regard to the history is
on the graceyards, but that takes so long that I expect Aunt Dalie and
I will have more time than you do on a home folks seeing trip, so "some
time we ^.ill Zo araznd and investigate as fully as possible, then 1 will
send you c. co_y of our findings.
In the meantime, i.oje you are having a restful trip and if you can s are
us a little visit from all the brothers and sisters, please come.
Suddenly I be thought myself to look in the Famil. Bible which I
Brought over to have copies made of some of the pages, so I have
looked for Cokers.
ritten cat a cori.ered across one page is the following.:
Mammaduke Z of J. Coker was born May 4, 1811
Rebecca Coker born June 2Eq 1818
Sarah Susana Coker
Benjamin Eaton did not die until 1829. Amelia wws then 41 years
of age. This would eliminate the "Coker children of Amelia"
I h_:ve never been able to find any wone who ksaw the name of the
Coker that she married, where did you get the name of William?
Received b letter into Dutchman Creek Church
Y Mar. �6�, .,1774
Margaret Eaton buried at Eaton's
Died Feb. 21, 18149 aged 82
l �61�1/may- � _ LL.y� � , l � � • 4` , . - n ./n 4 - �� _1.., � L .�� � / 1 /f jy�[. %./ _�
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Edith M. Clark History Room
201 West Fisher Street
P 0 Box 4039
Salisbury, NC 28145-4039
d 22h
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Deat Pattie,
I hasten to write you not to copy all your materiw< let me send=;fou
a copy of mine that I am fixing foVtVelma,'you read an note any correction
which should be made on a slip of piper and stick in bet^reen themes,-.rc
I caught some of the mistakes I think, blit there mar e,
You nd`tice that I have very few facts about yod*-family, semi-sv Nor along
Most of the Ben„amin Eaton dates hA,ve come from Bibles,.tomb stenes,.
members of''�h �y, or other record$.wftch seem to be•autfienic.
Have you or Mrs Rartd lTed thL Rowan Co. records? I imaging..khat
Joe Rich has, but one hates to phy,hima or something that' -must be cheked to
see if it is correct.
I have a friend living among the Granville Co. Eatona'and am,tisiting
hea.something this spring. I'll do a little investigating -for us.
Mrs Crim gave me the Wisemah dates, but that is all she has•which "i's'o
value. She says that John Eaton married Joanna Clifford, a half sister to.,he'r
grandfathet. She does'nt think that they had any children, but is )got sizr--* :.
Her mother was either a Mgphet or a Gray, she thinks it was a Gray.
4 -At made h%s Nan,L
t,rh c1 C�if0N q s/
wv.0 ltISme
%Ty ivamc bias Passe�
t-Ao C4 b y alt er N a '^f
Dear Pattie.
224 S. Cherry St.
Win s t on -Sal em. it. i, .
Y �l
Some timejago'i sent you a copy of my material on hand at that.time,:
Kbpe yyou received it'®.K". Be sure and edrreet all Mistakes before returning
it " add any thing you -say have.
Yesterday Cousin Lou Baity sent me the $enjamin 'lush Eaton '_Astor7
written by a grandson. I have copied it. Are you interested?.
Mary Heitman is Davie County Historian aid as such is writing up
church history at present.
The enclosed is a copy of her latest. I kave an idea that.'the Kinks it
came from around the Dutch Meeting House. For onb thing, The Fanes`jbrbthbrs?
(John# Philip, Pleas, etc.) mother (Jane 1`.?.rch' ras a Margaret If3nke'1 born,
in 1772 and married COL. Jacob March. Cousin Blanch says that Amelia Fox ;L
and Hiss Sallie Hanes' Mother always called each'other Co^.s,in.
I am also enclosing a copy of the genealigy of May Furchds' hL
I copied it from the Adam Spach tree book. You may send it to hei.if'
thinik that she would like to have it.
There is a 1`_iss Curry in '7ashingbon who is, Sec. of the Hi.1el,,�l
She is a friend of Miss Adelaide Fries, but we have both wri.tt ni.
can get no answer. Suppose you hunt her up and try, but do'nyf�me,ti
I made a mistake above,'Jane March was -a' aau�hter of
and Jacob larch.
The familyp at last Lccount was eet'.in,; along alright :
J_^a-'_ie o.nnson is in e nos,,ital with a bad hear', which devel ed 2lfter
fl -_1 :.ristnas. ti
Velma and ;:'.e oac w-�r- a- '._ome Sunday till "lednesday. I went over Sat.
'lama is writing a history o1 .nion kcademy. Doest thou desire a copy of�'that`
S' -_e is also writing one o= T -iom.Ltsville y'emale Celle�e. =oth- of which : ukt
Ida attended, did she not.
F�illiam, son of Francis and Elizabeth Roy+, born 9th .day of
Maroh, 1812. Baptized April 19, 1912. Godfather, Tboma Haley,
bartized by G. Shober, Minister.
CLo s_1. I„ . ,. �,, : ,_ tL
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Edith M. Clark History Room
201 West fisher Street
P 0 Box 4039
Salisbury, NC 28145-4039
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s - July 27, 1ti30.
'SPIT'• s 3 -.. � � � 4,^.�':���
Dear Pattie: t 01.,
One day last week Hazel, Aunt Dalie and I spentthe day. in:,
Salisbury hunting records. Most of the day was put in on the Eatons with
the usual results. However, I shall copy it and send on to you, perhaps you
and the Eaton Association can do something with it, but I believe that it
is about hopeless.
We did some work on the Fox and Hinkle lines with the enclosed
results. I think that we got about all the records that are there, but did
not have time to read the deeds and locate the lands. Unless one knew which
name to be interested in, that would not be of much value I am thinking. -
Read the Philip Fox will and see if you agree wiht my conclusior
that he was the father of our John Fox.
Notice that his wife was named Amelia and that does not seem to have been
so common a name as Mary, Elizabeth etc., which is -one reason that I believe
I am right. Also,•a daughter married Wintel Hinkle, then the names all
appear in the children of our John Fox, and again in the Benjamin Eaton
When you have taken all that you are interested in from these
pages, wont •you turn them over to the Historian of the Hinkle family?
Call her attention to the fait that 'Wintel Hinkle married Philip FoxBa
I am at home this summer trying to cure ailing eyes, low
blood pressure, and headaches, but it does'nt seem to be a rapid recovery.
In between times we do a little family history work, but as I said progress
is'nt ray)id.
Some afternoon, I will get at the notes on the Eatons and make you a copy. at
the same time. In the meantime you might consult your Pa. friends at the
proper county seats( if you know what they are) and see if you can find the
record of a marriage between Peter Eaton and Margaret
Some tof the deeds are from Peter Eaton and wife Margaret and some of them
speak of the land being bought with good and lawful money of Pa.
ianiel and Samuel Baton were sons of Joke and Elisabeth Eaton. We found the
deed from Daniel Eaton to Isaac Esteb for the Eaton's Church land and that
is about all except that Peter Eaton mostly of Rowan County, but twice of
Surry County bought land on Dutchman, Sugar Tree, Ellis, and Cedar Creeks to
the amount of over two thousand acres.
Please do not forget to let the Hinkle Historian have the
enclosed records or a copy of, I would send her one, but do not have.her
address here.
Vada Johnston has gone on the war path and she has some differen
stories, but I have not had a chance to see her, will pass on to you if I
succseed, in collecting.
Your co -sufferer in this ancestor search.
3 ' gn' y{
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Dear Pattie,
�t does
look like some of us might- •have• gone-
to see, you this summer. But July was
too hot' to
navigate and in August same the picnic# Velma and her two
babies ( during sush a visit one only tends to ahildren and
that is all) and of course August is the canning seaeaffi.
� Mama has just about put herself in bed trying to save every
half ripe fig, peach and grape.
Aunt Dilie and I started out -to do Family history but - they --
i• discovered that my hemoglobin, blood pressure and- w! eight- 'Were
below normal and Papa put his foot down on every trip
suggested, besides her ear has bad tires and they are afraid to
get far away from town with it- and so the summer has gone.
However, in June before all this dieting# sleeping and resting
Icareer started, we did sollest two very interesting pieces of
:material whish I might have sent you sooner and I guess you
think that I might type it in better shape nowt but I don't
know just how you are arranging your material, so will just
.send the notes.
The will of Peter Eaton settles the parentage of
Benjamin I should salt. Peter was the uncle of Ben j*amin and
some time I am.g®ing to write a sketch of his career as it
appeabs according to the present information.
Sarah is the second wife who4 he married in June
1814. Margaretor the first wife is buries by his at Vat®n's.
The nephew John -died in 1840 and his will is. Dere
at Mockaville. He seems to have left no children.
ilv.G:L� •- �+:s��-ate
Edith M. Clark History Room
201 West Fisher Street
P 0 Box 4039
Salisbury, NC 28145-4039
rte. ' ... .._.. �,. ... :.y -...f
S Sefondlyg I am enclosing s copy
due to be made in the July Hencbl Records.
I rechecked by the Family Bibles, even writing Grace Clifford
for the Aunt Grace corrections.( She left William out of her
list of children)
Thirdly, I did hve the notes I made , or rather
huried copy of the will of Tobias Furehes in Salisbury, but
it seems to be lost. Am enclosing the list of his children.
The will of .John Furchesp father of Tobias is in Kent County
f. Delaware and thegawill of Stephen Lewis, step father of John
Furcheep is in Dobsom, Surry County, N.C. He lived in Delaware
but owned property in Surry and his wife married for her
L third husband Abraham Creson of Surry County.
Hope that this will sorter make up for our being
so unsooiablel for I have wanted to see yeu-very mush.
I had thought that maybe Papa could be persuaded to drive
over today but it is raining and Magma is sick from her
canning debauch# so am afraid I can't go
P.S. If we can't trace James and Grace Eaton through the
tax lists and census of 18001 I don't know what to do next.
If they came from Pa. pethaps you can get hold of the 1790
census of that state and other records and get a line on
the three brothers James, Peter and Ebenezer. There must
ha a been sisters, but so far no inkling of whome. Aloe I
shouldnt be surprised if Daniel was not aother brother.
-Val fa
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- rC i4d ano I nand Y'E C.' '" ''C--" " t _ n ed ' le : <:C r r
.-'o 3 c .ild over..her. v�i,ytt frith ,, DLit _ n, ,. l,"y Shy "bi X'tt iJ
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i.ar,y"�:•.eit.^. ncand h1 e - ''Joos _':O . ...T'. $ 'Li tJD '.11
b iToI'e' sl.e left.
- Qld?nt ybink about se i:?, r),T, :.5y1'1; ct'd .,1 par r; 1.'.oC" Ci
ua':1rse they did'nt In fact that wee': __ one
.eery sick � hiei :'noxi n,I)a and, Lester Jr �oi2 L(U see do I; hOilT o.
iss _.aisy 3amlztion, 1i fus Sanford, r... _'s -lie r Torn.
,IQ1 j
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anc >f one Donn ucse., of Co.
bic 'ayher, and
.. ran_riCr
l a_1 so s1 E_y = JLn':ol . my e,' --s o_:en..
GooL' niht.
elvia hl�'s a little Girl, nL:med by Ciarles Jr. "Ll i tl is .3 a, f'rtV.11 .. =i:.t: "�'.£t .v .
I heard'' it vea.sthe onl :.n_.me she had.
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ilia 4.e:G.e
Mn& N. H
Organized July 25, 1882 - Final Meeting 1899
Ree,h"4%ed Boston, May 4, 1932
K..b..kpm, Me.
i, Aebwau`h Rod
Rwfmd.4 Mm.
Dear Pattie,
I have given uj ever getting to ';i-^ington and doing some hunting
dbr vmjself and I have been t: -,inking that Zince school is out and the
children are older, maybe you could find some time to look for a few
items in the Congressional library, etc.
1"1"he only ancestors 1+ama shows any interest in is the Eaton line and I woulc
like to find out more abopt them if possible, so here are some things
we will have to knmw; They are related, even if they don't appear to be.
If you can have access to Senn. records search the following counties
Philadel,,hia, ;Montgomery, Bucks, Berk, Lancaster, Chester and Delaware
as they were in 1790- I don't know wh6ther the boundaries are the surae now.
The dates I shall give are merely estimated, so that you will have some
idea of where to start.
%1e need marriage bonds of
James Eaton and Grace ---- 1775-1785
Peter Eaton and Margaret---- before 1778
Cornelius Sullivan and ------ ( she and Margaret may have been sister
aunt es2,ecially in Berk County.)
''ve Clifford and ----- Eaton before 1784 ( her father, Michael Cliffor
left will in Rowan Co.then)
John olifford and Rachel Horn, also to a Miss Moffitt
Tobias Furches and Susannah Horn. both around 1780
Thomas Horn and Sarah Moffitt before 1765
If the names of parents of couples are give, copy that as well as names of
bondsmen, etc.
Thomas Horn served in the Rev.. No Thomas Horn is listed in Delaware
state, there is one in N.C., but the census of 1790 names 7 pelple by
that name as heads of families in N.C., so I on't ki ow whether he was
ours or not.
I do know that he married Sarah Moffittis s1.fl
id to have come from
Delaware to N.C.( was it Delaware County, Pen served in the Rev.,
died in Surry Coupty in 1801, leaving childrep Robin, John, Thomas,
Rachel, Ester, Susannah , Elizabeth, ;Bary and wife Sarah.
The family news is Lnexciting, I got 'home in 1day, Lester had flu for a
meek, I was ailing ;the next, then went to Duke University and spent three
weeks, came home on a Thty sdoy. and Velma and thryWohildren came on Sat.
They spent a week and left Yesterday ( Sunday). Mama gets along until
she does too much, then her side hurts, ect.
Helen spent a week and with the "lilliams in SumtJ®t-S.C. and a day or so
with Velma, Lester Took a patient to Baltimore recently, Gilma is working
in a lawyer's office at Boone for the summer. runt Dalie, Uncle Pont Hazel
and I spent a nicht there recently and did some sight seeing.
Hazel as -one D 'hapel hill today to see about a job for ne..t year.
She wants Iibr.ry -cork and such �ositiinos are r_wnercus Just at Present.
As for uavle :O--lnty news, i k n,'^ very little. 71,e -cad to Courtney
is'r_; finished, se one goes to Cana by :kidding ridge. dx. Tom Eaton died
last week, as did ;;r, J.C. 3ooe and '.'r. '"illie P:aylor.
Mrs. y.L. ^aither is very sick, had a stroke several days ago
Aunt Emma and „unt 3ettie are having great times Luilting and crocheting
bed spreads these Gays. -;:e have run uP to earmirgton several times this
winter, but the road is so Dough now ( covered :ith crushed rock) that
we have not been lately. Grace is at home on a vacation with "a friend's"
"chile I was in Durham in June I what)d to see Cousin Lucy JbLKEtt a Fasset
`._ree times. I had never been in her home before, but she must have
lots of kin folk cal-ing on her, Phoebe Laton had visited her last year,
Cousin Bet :rich stent some time there recently, Ben Teague and his wife
were down this sum -ler. She asked about each one of- the Tatum family.
Do you want some more news? "fell, come to see us and we will ;et
it all.
If you do not have time to hunt family history and .`Minnie r'rost
can't be prevailed upon to hunt up the Laton part, just leave it off.
Fa.,,a says he is considerably :core worried over what his offspring will do
an he is over his ancestors any way.
3est wishes to you all,
I tyre" �_ll the -.atop material I have accu: laateeddar_d sent it to the
:;ew _ngland Gen. Soc.. I or-anized every thing under each name, so -:re
are duly Pidgeon holed now alonE, with the rest of the =aton pop l ation.
Dear Pattie: ,
You know it might be a good plan to complete the record's of our
own generation, therefore and to that end could you be finding the time two
sit yourself down and give me the following information.
I do not intend formpt small nephews to have so few records as we
have had passed on to us.
Now dg,,.tlaugh at the things I want to know.
May I have this for all of your family.
Born( for those who died cause of death)
Student in school or college
marriage to
children of
I am asking for thW%Nbve because I think it interesting to know something
more than a person's na3m and when he was born and died.
Can you think of something else which we should have?
Recently I made a copy of the Dutchman Creek records for Miss Fries to
place in the Historical archives. Of Course Mr. Alderman has the original,
but that.is in a private collection , as is the copy which Mrs. Etchison is
so kindly lending to all us folks.
I find that the Hinkels are mentioned several.n the Diaris of the
Moravians,as running a transportation and mail carrying ststem between
here and Pa. I am on the track of that line, but you perhaps have already
been over all that ground.
Of course, I am probably duplicating the work which you and Cousin Lou
have done, though I shall certainly not start west until I have heard from
224 South Cherry St.,
Winston-Salem, N.C.
Sept. 6,
Dear Pattie:
I am getting very suspicious that you either hate Never
received all this interesting family notes I have sent you, or
you have cut me off the family tree, for no word ever comes out
of Washington to me. Whcih is it ? Then too, Miss Curry has
disappeared. What has happened to her ?
As you will notice from the address, I am back in
Winston-Salem trying the teaching job again. If my head starts to
acting like id did last winter, however, I expect I will give
up the job. Do you know of any sure cure for headache?
I have discovered since 1 sent you the last material
that Eve Eaton was the daughter of Michael Clifford,and James
James and Catherine Williams (see Peter Eaton's will) were chil
of John James,brother to a James James who came from Penn. His
wife was named Elizabeth.
saying so.
If you have'nt disowned me, please be writing and
I am still, Plossie Martin.
a3,a�7�i� � s'
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Edith K Clark History Room
201 West fisher Street
P 0 Box 4039
Salisbury, NC 28145-4039
Dear Pattie,
I certainly did appreciate your letter and especially
suggestion about the visit. It had never entered my head that I
could make any arrangement about doing research work in Washington,'
and if your children continue to fill your time, I might accept
your offer next summer. just at present I am trying to encourage
'lement Eaton along that line. A doctor in history should be
interesoeu in family history, but do not know how successful I was.
! Was so sorry about Mr. Click's daUh. I had never known
him, but the rest of the family admired him very much indeed.
The Winston papers had articles and editorials of appreciation for
him and Annie Lula Dobson, a ';,inston teacher who lives in Surry
County, said she did'nt know what Elkin would do without him, that
he was the backbmne of the town.
It seems to me that every body I know is sick or in 'cad
health and it certainly is'nt a very cheering prospect.
Do hope that your fa^_ly stays ^.yell and happy and has a nice
-- - - :mas.
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Edith M. Clark History Room
201 West Fisher Street'
P 0 Box 4039
Salisbury, NC 281454039
224 South Cherry St.,
t Winstcn -Salem, N.C.
Dear Pattie,
Have you decided by now, with me, that the family history runs
Brothers, James Eaton and wife Grace with sons Benjamin, Peter
and Ebenzer ( do you suppose that Ebenezer could have
been the "crazy brother?)
Ebenezer Eaton with sons Peter, James and Jo)tne
Peter Eaton witn wife number 1 Margaret and wife number
2 Sarah(Smith)
Daniel Eaton( I have no proof of this, but am inclined
to expect to find that the Danile Eaton who gme
land for Eaton's church in 1790 was a brother)
There must have been sisters, as Peter speaks of their
children in his will.
Row, these brothers must have come into Rowan County somewhere aron
1780 or 85. They are all in the census for 179O(in Rowan County)
except James. Here is what I wish you would do if you find the ti e
Look in Federal Census for 1790, Penn. and try to locate
If you have access to census of 1800, locate all four
If you have access to Penn. records, can you find any
Eatons who married Grace and Margaret.
I looked up as many of the people mentioned in Peter's will as I
find. IH Rowan County, I find Eve Eaton, daughter of Michael
Clifford, Catherine Williams and James James were Children of
John James and he was a nephew of James James, who had bought land
of Peter Eaton and paid for it in the"lawful coin of Phe state of
Pa." The Boudens were around Bethlehem at an early date, but I
did not find the names of those mentioned in the will. The others
rather think were in Burry County.
In other worlds all our pieces of evidence point to the fact that
our Eatons came from Penn. Perhaps Bucks County. Do you suppose
that you could possibly unscramble thses brothers from all the
other Peters, James, and Ebenezers who were probably floating arour
these regions. I don't know how many Pa. records you can get hold
of, so these are only suggestions
What has happened to Miss Curry? ROWAN PUBLIC LIBRARY
Idith M. Clack History Room
Time f o r church. Z01 West Fisher Street
P 0 Box 4039
Sail^bury, NC 28145-4039
The following notes were..given to Bessie Eaton Ferebee by her
grandmother Mrs. Elizabeth Ferebee Eaton whose husband was James
Eaton, son of Peter Eaton and Tabitha Harbin Eaton.
Bessie Eaton wrote as her grandmother talked.
"James Eaton, Zbenezer Eaton, Daniel Eaton and Peter Eaton came
from :Iaryland oto North Carolina and entered land from the
Jim Latham place to Olive Branch Church.
James Eaton, was in later years, found dead on the road back to
Maryland. He was brought back to North Carolina by Thomas Ferebee
and buried at old Timber -Ridge graveyard (near Bethlehem Methodist
Church in Davie. County; N.C.)"
Dear Pattie,
After many moons Sessie copied the above from her notes taken, as
given by her grandmother. The children had torn the papers up, so she had
to piece them together.
The remainder of the pages were the names of children and grandchilaren of
Peter Eaton and Tabitha (Harbin )Eaton.
My own deductions had led me to the conclusions that there were four
brothers, James, Peter, Ebenexer and Daniel. The will of Peter wniuh we go '
at Dobson proved the three (Daniel was not mentioned) ana now this is
another profif.
My next deduction is that the "crazy" brother was our own grearandfathe
James and I think thatessie's notes strengthens such a theory.
I had settled on Sucks County Fenn, as the original home of the Eatons,
mei,ely because Cousin "illie Click said that Uncle Peter's wife came from
there, or rather Xowned much land in that county, but I have noticed that
Aunt 1143ttie and others would always speak of the "crazy" one as traveling
back and forth between here and his old home up in"Maryland, or Penn. or
wherever it was they came from." Mrs. John Green has said the same thing.
So now I am going to send for the 1790 census of Maryland and investigate
the Maryland hatons. There were Eatons, Cliffords, and Cornells in South
�. Eastern Penn, on the Delaware River and also a colony of them in S.W. Penn
on the Alleghany River.
Please write rhe
You heard, I suppose
and is still enarying
and tell me what your opinion is by now.
that Papa broke his shoulder and wrist in September,
his arm in a sling. Otherwise, we move along about th
Nocksville, N.C.
J" ne 24, 1956
Dear rattiel
Am del_4:::ted to learn that not only Ruben., but you and
?in',c are all interested in huntin7 ancestors! I still don't trust
Y2. ar a�3i .�ir� and ion in�:t i n�_ interest too mach, for I see what grand
chit -^en do to rlelen s time. -'ut ma7bje 'ink and Ruben can keep
your :rind on the subject for periods of time.
A year or so ago, 1 gave up all hope of any cooperation from the
family, and not wanting my research to be entirely lost, I compiled
all the facts had been able to gather about the Dutchman Creek and
the Timber 'ridge i'atons, typed it out ( very badly, Play green says)
and sent _a copy to the Histori-,al Library at Doylestown, Ba.
My carbon paper was bad, so the copies turned out to be very poor.
Never -the -less, poor or not, it is better than doi�-g all that resear4
again- much of which would be hard to duplicate without considerable
effort and expendure of time and money.
Much of what I h -. ,.-e from Pa. records was sent me by a fellow selaahev.
who must be wealthy, for she paid professionals to do :her work and se`34
me photostat copies of m ch of the results.
I suspect that Ruben is' the one with the time to work on this cross
word puzzle, if so, I will send him the carbon copy of any compilativL1,
with suggestions as to the*hext points of investigations, so far as
the Latons are concerned.
T spoke of "Dutchman Creek " and Timber R; dge", Eatons.
-1.'^_e oricinal Dutchman Creek members be` inning with a John and yliz.
in 1763 and inc + udirg an Isaac, Jonathan., two or three Georges,
Jos ph, ( whose :rev. "ar pension arrlicati on says was born in
Philadelphia 'o.) Samuel, Abraham and ending with Daniel, son of
John and Eliz, who died in 1825, leaving three daughters,.., his
group arparently neionged together.
I finally got a record of the -fact that our ancestor James `.4aton,
his brother Peter and ybenezer belonged at Timber Ridge. As were
a sister and brother-in-law.
Our Baton family did not belong at yaton's til mole Peter joined
in 1814 and great grandfather 1 -=en jain 1812 ( by experience and
baptism) andhis wife Amelia in 1832.
':f the Dutchamn reek "aton, s John, the Georges and Daniel died '.n
Rowan Co., Isaac, and Abraham went to Bu} -comb Co., oamuel sold out
and left, so did Jonathan. Joseph turned up in Ky.
One veorve, died in 1603, named in will sons John and 'avid, but
have no further record of them.
So you see our-atons did not found Eaton's Church and no one seems
t:-. have ever heard of the ones who realy `a� a the land for-aton's
Church. ghat acre orifi; rally belonged to the land of John and Lliz.
and his son Daniel deeded it to church. It was part of the tract
drawn by his daughter Eary, wife of Stephen Horn, i that means
to you. Tobias F�,irches married Susannah
Of course, one must remember that o
Horn, so we have Horn relatives.
Kate Y'erebee has ,*,oined D.A.R. on the F'erebee line and has given
peY nissicn for others to lase her mate ial. Fate "end--icks was
gettir.:o papers rea$y for C,A,R, for her granddaughter, do not know
how it has t �rned out.
Of course rate l -re -ea, carrie4s the v'erebee line bask into an
-li sh line but it sounds a little in thical to me. =ow lve'r, a
~,., y b fi V .'ere bees.
4erebee book has ^een nucli s__ed, I thinks y he a.
r ad r �o r,..�.,__sh their book when t',e found out about
r _: Z i. „ '�. � � s
hey were W -,,- „ so held up
the .'somas
r*__ 7-=,-e ee who came fro.:_ �rrit �ck to swan,
then the lady died, so i don't rmow what is in t 3.s book. If they
botch thires as -adl.y as the -'atop Association does, take another
look. I merely wrote the president of the atop Association and
asked him if he, had any evidence that our Peter, James and Catherine
were chi lcren of a Peter, son of Re,17. George atop. e promptly
printed a beutiful line and there we are, ni.-ely descended from
Rqv. veorge �_aton- and we have nt the slightest proBf of that.
1' act is, there is more evidence that we came from Rev. Jos Kph, but
t!ien only, if we can find out about the descenjants of his son
David- I h_,.-,.- checked all the of :ers.
if you are interested in the next moves 1 think we must make, let
me know.
Aunt D. continues r
• •ig � ht mush of a n!,.rs1n;T problem. 4� connle to
personality change adds to the proclem. She wants- and gets -
constant attention, qliiet only when she is sleep_ .ng or eating.
y night she had a flare-up of so�•-e :ind and lhet'er swanted
the night up there* lie did not leave town mat., as
to teca� se she was ru-nning a t4My
pe'attire and he did'nt know what
that might r��Ly z)unday it was down and he and ilelen went up on
parinjalr for the day only.
�,e _� ,� eet ing alor�, as well as could '�e expe ted
_he _ ;. ,, of ,s are �,�
;Iel is all in a dither because her son codes hoV this week -end
brir. ng a ^'irl- of coarse we �-ot used to that sort of thing with
Le,s,t.-x' s bo-mTs for they brought ;iris in for week ends inper-'ect
processions and we never knew whl_ch one would be -the last ones
harle s Jr. , as you know of h s PhD in * hysics at Luke last June
and is, now in the research lab. at yell Laboratores and located in
Red ank N.J. IT.C. seems to have exported him too.
K-`tty, however, is married to a �"'owman Gray doctor and seems settled
in w. inston-''alem.
Le ter 2nd `'elen hs e just finished two fo r -roomed "gape Cod cottage
on a lot across the street' from them and both bogs are 1: -vin there.
mash has a son- no girls in the fa:�ily yet. Le=ter IGILIG is 22 and
can unlatch all doors and plug in all electric cords, Geor.re s�ilson
Or, still stays put when they lay him down, then bbween them tey
have three dogs and one old white hen. I s uspe -:t that all this
sounds familiar to you.
Once in a while I go s e e
and content at the Nursii
laundry and other jobs w]
some up for her.
k1elverine and find her seemingly normal
,�: Home wkxxdqx where she has charge of the
Len she g-�ts restless and t ey can make