159 Shoffner Ln ._.. _ .iv,.,..:,•. ,! _;"•� ':'4,. ...px,,• lt .�, � �.j'y �:�' 4.,-, y ..i. . . ... . - ., :.. . : , .. ..�s. ., . .:�-t �'��- . . . . � .,�;_.'�,- N • .iGJ . 3'Ty?c+ tt s' {. R i -.t s�.� n: !, 4 . '•., �� '.• '-�d,.: ..�`� . .� .,. .... . � y... . .''. . � — , � ' DAVIE COI�(TY I�i�.TH DEPARTMENT . '' � IM�ROVEME�lT PERMIT and OPERATIQN PERMIT t1�ROVEM�IT PERMIT +�*t�TE�� This i�prove�ent per�it DOES NOT authorize the construction or installation of a septic tank syste• or any NasteNater syste�. RN RUTF�RIZATIDN FOR NflSTEWflTER SYSTEM CDN5TRUCTI�1 wst be o6tained fro� this Depart�ent prior to the constru�tion/installatian of a syste� or the issuance of a building per�it. tIn co�pliance with Article il of 6.5. Chapter 130A, NasteNater 5yste�s, Section .1900 5ewage Treat�ent and Disposal 5yste�s) NAl� !`c' PRDPERTY ADDRESS �O`TTYLC-'_.Y'� F-1'1. '�� a a g �� �!,?n�Tif �/It� �r�' MTE LOCATION �!���� "!rr' �is1,✓/' : 5UBDIVI5ION NRME LOT MJMBER SEC./BLOCK M�1BER RESIDENTAL SPECIFICATION: BUILDING TYPE �J'/� � BEDRWMS � A BATFIS � t O(xI�ANTS , '� 6RRBA6E DISPOSAL: Yes/No r. _ CDI�RCIAL SPECIFICATIDN: FACILITY TYPE �1 PEDRLE �i PEDGLE/5HIFT � 5ERT5 INDUSTRIAL NASTE: Yes/No LOT SIZE _�>�� TYPE 41ATER SUPPI.Y _1/�� DESI6'�1 WASTEWATER FLDW {GPD> ,� t�N SITE �REPAIR SITE 5Y5TEM 5PECIFICATIDNS: TANK SIIE,�� 6RL. PL� TRNK 6AL. TRENCH WIDTH ���ROCK DEPTH „� �LINEAR FT. �,� � OTI�R REQUIi�D 5ITE MODIFICATI�IS/(�NDITIONS: *�*THIS PERMIT IS 5l1BJECT TO REVOCATION IF SITE Pt.ANS OR THE INTENDED U� CHANGE. YOUR WASTERWATER SYSTEM CONTRG�TOR p�1ST SEE THIS PEt�1IT BEFORE II�TALLIN6 THE SYSTEM. � , � � � . "`�-+,.�,. , """�,,,,,.�.,"`� j' , ..........,...�.......... �• �", IMPROVEMENT PERMIT BY /�A /I �T� �t*CONTACT A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DAVIE C�AJTY HEALTH DEPARTl�NT FOR FII�L INSPECTION � THIS SYSTEM BETNEEN " 8:30-9:30 A.M. OR 1:�-1:30 P.M. ON TF� DRY OF INSTALLATION. TELEPHONE # IS (7@4) 634-87b0. �ERATIOM PEAMIT SYSTEM INSTALLED BY ' • �0��3X��`� , _ , /'= AUTHORIZATION N0. " 7' OPERATION PERMIT BY l DATE �/� f}TF� ISSUi�NCE OF THI5 OPERATION PEi�IT SHALL INDICATE THAT THE SYSTEM DESCRIBED ABOVE F�S BEEN INSTALLED IN tX1MIPl.IRNCE WITH AATICLE 11 OF G.S. t�IflPTEA 130A, SECTION .1980 "SEWl�E TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL. SY5TEMIS°, BUT SFIpLL IN NO WAY 6E TAKEN AS A 6l1ARANTEE THAT T}� 5Y5TEM YILL Fl.N�CTION SATISFACTORILY FOR A�lY 6IVEN PERIOD � TIME. DCHD 10/95 . . � i .J f� ` �, 1 4d �d'i� -Y .�. y ,` �'r- 5 4. : � , �xa. �� � � � ---�+=�.,� � . ; ' Davie County Health �epart�ent � ,., <� ENVIR�IMENTRL HEALTN SECTION (j y �� �.����� � P.D. Box 6b5 , ,... � _ ' ....;,.: ,` ":ti Mocksville�'N.C. 27028 : ,.. , : ,. � - AUTHDRIZATION FOR I�TENpTER SYSTEM CONSTi�JCTIQ�I � _ +,. H ,,.; 7""'«y . � � � . . . . � "''�,� k ' ' lIssued in co�pliance with Article ll of , G.S. Ghapter isOA, Wastewater SySte�s) +�*+�This Authorization Fnr WasteNater,5yste� Construction �ust be issued by the Davie County Environ�ental Health 5ertion prior to isauance of any 9uilding Per�its. This F�r�/Ruthorization Nu�ber should be presented to the Davie County Building InSpectior�s Office when epplying for Building Per�it5.+�+� � / / ALRFqRIIATIDN I�ER . NRlE 4 � DATE �I����� I�a � �,i �; �. I —� NRME ON IhPROVQENT PERMIT iIf different than above) SIiE LOCATI�1 �c� �'� n�'�' G.91U � COMlE�fTS/(ANDITI�IS ON AUTHDRIZATION TD I�N5TRLICT I�ASTEWATER SYSTEM ' �NOTICE� THIS AUTHORIZATIDN FOR WA5 ATER 5YSTEM CON5TRUCTION IS Vfll.ID FQR'A f�ERIOD'QF FIVE i5).YEARS. ; � _S 'e /� avi�xtc� �a.TM a.ist na� ` � DCHD.�10/9�5 �:' :, � ��, ��� . .. � ,� k r ' .: r t Y m 4 w x �� t� ��� e .� R..r ,�`^ .�y � ��� ny .:'.'t� t ��'/ r�.a • � a u��, 'r'� ..�� 4 �. � ki � ;l t..t+..1 x r. . . - ..�.re: � ' �',.. i... :^:.:. .__h.._ _e_ _ ,. .,� .�`` '"' ^''""; __ � wS'�$. S"t+: ,H _ C-!._ia. . . a. >_,Jh . . ., .. _ . . _ ..u. �_ � _ k«. .. . .__� _. . . ` �� APPLICATION FOR SITE EVALUATION/IMPROVEMENT PE --�:,�. '�` � Davie County Health Department � � � �� � ,� ` Environmental Health Section � � P o. BoX g4g AUG 2 01�96 Mocksville, NC 27028 (704) 634-8760 ENviRor�r�Ern�l �1t�t DAVI COUt ****IMPORTANT**** THIS APPLICATION CANNOT BE PROCESSED UNLESS ALL THE REQUIRED INFORMATION IS PROVIDED. 1. Name to be Billed�nnr t� �n�nc.!' Contact Person ��hV1P� 'J ' Mailing Address,�/���ia.�►cs �f�� �d Home Phone� �D`�'� �ie1"�7�( City/State/Zip �✓ ��Y� ,tl� �"7D.� � BusinessPhone��{�o� �`�g"��, 2. Name on PermidATC if Different than Above Mailing Address City/State/Zip „_,,�. 3. Application For: �j/jSite Evaluation [ ]Improvement Permit&ATC [ ]Both 4. System to Serve: [ ] House djj�obile Home [ ]Business [ ]Industry [ ] Other 5. If Residence: #People 3 #Bedrooms�3 #Bathrooms o� [ ]Dishwasher[ ]Garbage Disposal ' �ashing Machine [ ]Basement/Plumbing [ ]Basement/No Plumbing 6. If Business/Other: Specify type #People #Sinks #Commodes : #Showers #Urinals #Water Coolers If Foodservice:#Seats Estimated W er Usage(gallons per day) 7. Type of water supply: [ ]County/City �11 [ ]Community 8. Do you anticipate additions or expansions of the facility this system is intended to serve? Yes [ ]No If yes,what type? o ��„�< <.��:d� �� sr��(� �c��� �u�'��`. PROPERTY INFORMATION REQUIRED:***IMPORTANT***A PLAT OF THE PROPERTY MUST BE . � SUBMITTED WITH TffiS APPLICATION. � 0 Property Dimensions: �.�f5 �_�C• �WRITE DIRECTIONS(from Mocksville)TO PROPERTY: Z -•- Tax Office PIN: # 5`6''O� _ �9 g - ���� . � Q j u.�c�rd5 . Yad/�.i�r�,l�. Lc�f-- oN - / � � Property Address: Road Name ��►��.,� .� �d . � � � C�u� � � City/Zip .�'�r,r�.:5 ui��c . .•►�'r � � �A .� ��n�c�l'sor� ��. �,<�� �r� �p If in Subdivision provide information,as follows: � _� �l���n r' �,�_�-� I"a��c.,�,���" �C Name: � S l` ' � �c�-' ' � � � , Section: Lot#: ; � � � J . � ' � .S � This is to certify that the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any permit(s) issued hereafter aze subject to suspension or revocation,if the site plans or intended use change,or if the information submitted in this application is falsified or changed. I, also, understand that I am responsible for all chazges incurred from this application. I, hereby, give consent to the Authorized Representative of the Davie County Health Department to enter upon above described property located in Davie County and owned by�n,� S/'tp�.Qc1' to conduct all tes 'ng pro edures n ess to etermine the site suitability. DATE �!I�l 9�o SIGNATURE Revised DCHD(06-96) • � \ 572.9 , � �., __ � �� . _ `'6 i.s5 Ac. � 3.0? �A _ , �����. , � � ' �� �' cn 157.4�3 � � � � � '� ' � � _ , . _ _ ., ,, �2� i�.o�e � � r � � :- . � - _ iio � ' ��' , 8.84 � N •�, ��1` � , � � � 45�. ` �� ` i . �d, �•�� � � � � Q� " �"�� I '� , . ��3) � _ � � _ ; ,•,�,. „i _ t . I 5 � � �� _ �, �� �� ° ��,��� 2 4.4°�A��� � ,� � �. � . {4�, _ � :� ; 3,. �� . � (5) i ,�' ,� s°e,4 . � � � ri22 ,' � �, r3' � . � _--—_ n�,� � "� $�� � 23 30 l ; � '�� is.. ,�, �'r �.- r '" tV4� �°f�� - — :� �Q , cf _,Q U +9 � � a. m � ', � �i 36 f m � � � � _ — -- � �, �. _ ,.� - �p x" N�.: R �� (�• F .j �' � ��,. e p _ � � "��� �3y�°p� � �. � � � .�� I`r'1 � . 6 � .� �:... � 9 � � 9. 44!� �s y Ci'� b�7 -" ' ^ � � > �a3, ` � � i � ;i� �y ,• • � .�j �. g� .r � � g� N �84 862 �`j,� �� �� ` I a��, 8 �f `�`3q�9 ti �. 2g6 p d� /S�, � li �'�3 � 9�, s, ,�� � – — �� � ~� 92,5A� � ti����t � , : 230 9 � 4 O '� �•`+:� �C. ` l"/ J!/ 4/8 , � € _ � � ,_ ^ � � � r,.� � t,�� �a �36,� ; ��r �=:�.p� �2.2 6) ��,�� � �i � � �, � ,�;:,_ . � � � � � � � ../ � � i r ��, � ,- ?;�- � � � � ° 33(i�2��1� 11 - r � . �' �.. K'2$7��) 82 � ,� �9�:,��_�� 25.76Ac �! - , -- .et., (1.66q � , � � ,, � _��.�� � I� ���� ,ti� �,5r o ��� -� � �,, � / I � � 9�gl 47 32� �f < �; rr� co l 2 � - � :' - � - 104 6 c�`'u.. '� Ir� �+��, ��. � �j � � '_' 29 235.46 � �� 0 � '�`��� � °� •�`� p� � � �2� °° t A � n� ��D '-,�'��-`: � ��"`x� �� � b � o � . � , i 2�2� a' v�,� � .� ��� �:-, u� . �4 72A� / � 3 �. t _ A ' � f� , , -0� �" 144 ��` , �.:. �^ � � jQ 01 � � -� _ ` � � �� � , .a = � M 4Ac f(2.8 Ac.) i 8.��� �� - o � l5.I�tic) ..� � 4 A� � � / � �: N 10.03h - � � � � / �n '!? � M 396 �, a , � � � � � � 2 ��' ` ' ,.� - r ��� 2�°`� 22�2.2 s�� '� _, `$ ,,I ^ t_ e � � > _ � � � ��.� _ �.76a.8,��>� . =�,, . n � , � � �� '."` �. -,.�- . �r.. �.�":`. '.. : . ' �,.� � _ �___ ___s_ _-_.lw.�.�._�_- _v- .________-__�_-_ .-___________. _.-.,_.-. .. . . .. _. . _ . . .. __.._ , . _ `� . �.�-�' •` DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT '�� ' Environmental Health Section � Soil/Site Evaluation NAME � 6 L 6 rl�� DATE EVALUATED O /��/�� ADDRESS PROPERTY SIZE ���� PROPOSED FACIILTY �• �� LOCATION OF SITE � ��'//1 s e -y� - Water Supply: On-Site Well j/ _ Community Public Evaluation By: AugerBoring )/ Pit Cut FACTORS 1 2 3 4 Landsca e osition � � �i Slo e R � HORIZON I DEPTH Texture rou Consistence Structure Mineralo HORIZON II DEPTH � " f � r Texture rou �� � Consistence � � Structure S -[' .s" l• / Mineralo � • /r. .' HORIZON III DEPTH Texture rou Consistence Structure Mineralo HORIZON IV DEPTH Texture rou Consistence Structure s Mineralo SOIL WETNESS RESTRICTIVE HORIZON SAPROLITE CLaSS.LFICATION LONG-TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE ' ` SITE CLASSIFICATION: EVALUATED,BY: T`,� �� LDNG-TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE: OTHER(S) PRESENT: REMARKS: LEGEND Landscape Position R-Ridge S-Shoulder L-Linear slope FS-Foot slope N-Nose slope CC-Concave slope CV-Convex slope T-Terrace FP-Flood plain H-Head slope Texturo S-Sand LS-Loamy sand SL-Sandy loam L-Loam SI-Silt SICL-Silty <;lay loam• SIL-Silty loam CL-Clay loam SCL-Sandy clay loam SC-Sandy clay SIC-Silty clay C-Clay CONSISTENCE Moist VFR-V+..-y friable FR-Friable FI-Fiirn VFI-Very firm EFI-Extremely firm Wet NS-Non sticky SS-Slightly sticky S-Sticky VS-Very Sticky NP-Non plastic SP-Slightly plastic P-Plastic VP-Very plastic 5tructure ,iC--Single grain M-Massive CR-Crumb GR-Cranular ABK-M�ular blocky SBK-Subangular blocky PL-Platy PR-Prismatic Mi nerala�► 1:1. 2:1, Mixed Notes }iorizon depth - In inches Depth of fill - In inches Restrictive horizon - Thickness and inches from land surface Saprolite - S(suitable), U(unsuitable) Soil wetness - Inches from land surface to free wate�' or inches from land surface to soil colors with chroma 2 or less Classification - S(suitable), PS(provisionally suitable), U(unsuitable) LTAR - Long-term acceptance rate - gal/day/ft2 DCHD(01-90� ■��������������������������������������� ������� �������■ ����e�■ ■����■������������■������■������■■�n��■ ■�������_���������������■ ■■���������■������■�������������������������������������������■�■ ■■���������■���������������■���� ������■ �� ■■�����■�����������■■ ■■������■�■����������������������■�������_��������■�������■�■����s ■■�■����■�■����������■■�������■���������������������������■�����■■ ■��■�■�■���■����■��■��������������������■�����■����■�������������■ ...........................................�...................... .......................................... ................s..... ................................................■... .■.■......■.. ■���������������������������������a���������■����■��������������■ ■���■�������■���■����������■���■ �����������■�������■�■���������■ ■����■■������■����■��������_�������■■���������������_■���_������■■ ■■■�������■■■�����■�������■ ��������������■���� ■��■ ■�■� �����■■■ ■���\���������������������������\�����������/� ������N���������■ ■�■���������������������■����■����������■ ��■ ■ ■ ��■ ■���o■ ■■ ■�����������■�■����������■��������/���������� �� ��������������� ■���■i������������■����■������������������e����.����■������������■ ■���������������■��������������■ ■���■����������������■ ��������■ ■�■■�������������■�����������■����■����N���■���������������■��■ ■e����oo��o�����■��■����■����■��■■���������������_���������������■ ■���������������������������������������������� ■ _��������������� ■����������������■�■����■■���■�■���■ ■H��� ��■��■ ■���■ �■�����■ ■�■s■�������■�����������■■������■■ ■������� ���u�������=e���■�■ � ■���������������������������������_�■�■���■�■n�����C��������_��_■ ■��o�■�■������■�����������������■■����■������������� �����o�� _■�■ ■����■■n��■������������������■�������N�/�����Mu������■��� ■�� ■���������■���■���������������■■ ■■��N�■ �� u��■��■��■������� ■�����/��������/��/��Nl�����������N���/���������� ����\/����� ■■�����������■��������■���/�■■�■���������■��■���� ■����� ������ � ■�■■■■■��a���■��■�����������■������■���■���������= M����C��e����� ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■o■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■���■���������■������■�����■�����������■��■s�e�■ ���i�■�������■■ .....■■..■..■.■■.■..■..■■■■..■...■■..■■■. .....■■ ..■....�........ ................................�....................... ........ ■�H������������r��������������� ����H�/���� ���N/�i�=�■������ ■����u������sH�������������������r���������■■�\���� ������■ ■���■����������������■�����1!■��� /� ���� ■ ■ �■��■������ ■���o�e�s�a■■������������i��■s����� =i i��ii��� �ii =i�■i� iiiii�iiiiiiiiisi�iiiii■�i�iir�ii:�■■i �� �� ���■ ■ ���■���_ �iiiiei�iiiiisi�iii�ii������������ �u� �����i������ ■��■������������■���r���������������■� �� � �����0l������ ...................................... 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STATEMENT -: '`�t�VIE COUNTY HEALT�I DEPARTMENT ; � . ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION 210 HOSPITAL STREET P.O.BOX 848 MOCKSVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA 27028 - (704)634-8760 Payment Due Upon Receipt of this Bill. Detach and Mail a Copy of Bill with your Check. Your cancelled check is your receipt. . �ugust 29� i996 Kenneth 5hoifner f 2I3 T�ar.ses Churr,h R�. ;focksvill�, t�C 27�28 ---------+------------------------------------------+--- - �i�-29-9b lSite� Evaluation � Aer�i�lATC ��4�3 lyl�d.�� ---------+------------------------------------------+-------- I � ---------+----- -----------------------------------+-------_ I � ' ---------+----------- -�o --- ' �-�- --------------'-------- ' ---------'-- - - ----- - 91��-- --------�---�-------- ---------+----- -�Ep �-�$-��,�. - - ------------.-------- � �' , ---------t------ - - ------------------*-------- � � -- ------+--------------------------------------- --;-------- � . � ----- ---+------------------------------------------¢--- -- � , ---------+------------------------------------------+-------- i i - ----------+---------------------------------- -----�-------- i i ---------+------------------------------------------+------__ 1 � ---------+------------------------------------------+-------- i L't�LA�CE BlJ� K�� - i�1&°9.��